nicat. ;
6 Foz to every purpole there is a time
and iudgeinent , becaule the f milerp ofian
ig great vpon him. j
7_ S02 bee knoweth not that which fall
be: for who can tell him when it Wall be?
. 8 Manis nat lord e over the {ptrit to res
teine theſpirit: neither bach be power in che
Dap of Death , noz Geliucrance in the barrell,
neither hall wickedueile deltuer the poel
fours thereof,
9 AllthishaueT (ene, and haue ginen
mine heart tocuery wozke which ts mought
vnder the Dunne, and Low a tune chat man
Fuleth ouer man to his owne * hurt,
Io Qudlikewile J law the wicked buri-
éd and they returned, and they thatcame
from the hely k place, were pet forgotten in
the citie where they bad done right ; this al
{ois vanitic. :
1 Becaule lentence againg an euil worke
is not! erccutea {pcently, therefore the heart
ofthe chilozenof men is fully (ee in them to
Doe-euitl, ;
12 Though a finner do enill an hundzeth
tins, anD God molengeth his dayes, vet J]
know thatit Halbe well with the that keare
the 1o20, and Doe reucrence befo: him.
13 Butte Hall not bee well to the wicked,
neither bal be prolong his Bayes : hee fhall be
lise a Manow, becaule bee feareth not before
14 Chere fs avanttie which is Dene Yp-
onthe earch, that there bee righteous men
to whome it conuneth according to the
™ worke of the wicked sand there be wicked
imen to whom it commeth according fo the
worke of the iult: Ithought allo that this
fs banitie, j;
Ig And J prapylen toy: foz there is no
goodies to man vnder the Dunne , faut a to
eate and to Minke and to reioyce: for thists
adtopned to his labour , the Daves of his
ue that God hath ginen hün ynder the
46 WihenZ applica ming beart to know
The ftate of goodand bad. i
wifedome , and to beholde the bulineſſe that
ds Done on earth, that neither Day nez night
the epeo of man take cepe,
17 Then J behelde the whole worke of
Ged, that man cannot find eut yworke that
ts wrought vnder the (anne: for the which
man laboureth to fecke it, and cannot finde
it: pea, and though the mile man thinke te
know it, be cannot find it.
C.H A P. TX,
1. By no outward thang can man knowe whom
God loueth or hateth, 12 No man knoweth his
end, 16 Wifdome excelleth firength.
[oe furely ginen mine beart to all thts,
and to Declare all thts, that the iuit,e the
wile,t their wogkes are inthe hand of ad: J
and Homan knoweth either loucoz hatred a Meaning, whae,
of all that is before them. > things he ọughe
2 All things come alike to all: andthe tochule or re.
fame condition is to the iut and to the wic- fuſe: or man
keD, to the good and tothe pure, and ta the knowerh not by
polluted, tro bim that facrificeth,andcehim thele outward
that (acrificeth not: as isthe good, ſo is the chings,thatis,by
tinner, be that fweareth, as be that Fearecy; profperity orade
an othe. » berfitieywhom
3 This ts enillamong all that is done God doth fauour
vnder the ſun, thattherc sone? conditton orhate: forhe
to aland allo the beart of the ſonnes of nen, {endeththem as
is fullofeuil,and madnefleisin their bearts well to the wice
whiles they liue, and after that,they goe to Kedastothe
the Dead. godly.
4 Surely whoiheuer is ioyned to all the b In outward
liuing, therẽ is hope: forit ts better toac lis things,as riches,
uing dog, then to a Deaditon. & pouerty, fick-
§ Foz the liuing know that they fjal die, nefe and health,
but the Dead know notbing at all: neither there isnodiffce,
haue they any moze areward: foz their re⸗ rence betweens
membzance ts forgotten. — A ly & che
6 Allo their lone, and their hatred, and wreked: bur the
their ennie iz now pertihed, and they yane diference is chat
no moze poztion foz euer tn all that is done f godly ate aſſu.
vnder the Dunne. asi red by faythoF
7 Socrate thy bread with toy,and Bink Gods fauour and,
thy wine with acheeretullbeart; fo: God alliance.
now daccepteth thy works. _ -¢ Henorcth the
8 At all times let thy garments bee white, Epicures& carnal
and let not oyle be lacking vpon thine head. men, which made
9 1* Reioyce with the wife whom thou their belly their,
Hatt loued all the Dayes of the life ef thy God, and had no,
banitiz, which God Hath giuen thee vnder pleafure hut ĩn
theSunne all the Dayes of thy vanit ie: kor this life, withing,
this iz the postion in the life, and in thy rather cobean
tranell wherein thou laboureſt vnder the adied,& vile per-
Hume. fonin this life thé,
lo All that thine hand Mall finde to Dog, a man of authori·
Doe tt wirch al thy power: for there ts netther ty, end fo to dyey,
wezke no? titention , no knowledge, nog: which is meant, ...
wilt dome in the graue whither thou goeſt. by the dog and
Il J returned, and F faw vnder the unne lyon,
thatthe raccis not to the Cwift,ne2thebate d They flatter
tell tothe ttrong, noz yet brean tothe wile, themfelues ta be,
noꝛ alſo riches to men of puderſtãding, nei · in Goelsfauour, 4,
ther pet kauour to men of knowledge: but becauſe they
timeandf chance coinmeth tothe all. haue allthingsia cloudes befull, they wil powe on the fea,yet is.
forth ratne vpouthe earth: and tithe træ Mallbring chee
Doe fall toward the South , 02 toward the profit.
Noꝛth in the place thatthe tree falleth,thope b Asthecloudes —
ft Wall be. thatarefull, *
e 7 3 iS
he — +5 righthand; butthebeartof afoolcisathis 4 He that obferueth the 4 wind, fyall not powrecutraine, —
well and iufily, left band. fow,and he that regardeth the cloudes,fhatl focherichehar
wuhereasthefoole 3 AND allo when the loole goeth by the not reape, Eats haue abundance, -
docththecon- Way, his heart fatleth, and he elleth vnto s Asthouknowel not whichis theway muft diftribure —
trary. allthatbheisafole. 3 ofthelpirit, nor how thebonesdoegrow in icliberally
-b Byhisdoings _ 4 Sfthe lpirit of him chat ruleth tifevp thewombe of berthatiswith chilocfotbou c Heexhotreth
he bewrayeta againt thee, leaue not thy place; foz gentle- knoweſt not the wozke of God that wor- to becliberall J
himlelfe. nele pactiicth great nnes, i kety all, j i whileweline: 10
c If thy fuperior JF ThercisancuiilthaPbaucucievu: 6 Jnthe mozning ſowe thy fede and in forafrerchereis -
beangry with Der the funmesasan “errourthatpiocecdetyy theeuening let notthinehand srel: forthou nopower
thee, be thou dif- from the face of him that rulcth. knoweſt not whether fal! profper, this op d He that fea E
fereer and not 6 —— Freat exceliencic, and the that, eꝛ whet her beth hhalbe alike god. reth ine onueni⸗
mooued. ertchtetinthelowplace. . 7 Hircly the light tsa pleaſant tings eucesswhen ne-
-à Meaningsthat 7 3i baue femne ſeruants on horſes, and anditisa good thing to theepes to fæthe cefliy requirerh,
funne. fhállreuer doe’
pinces walking as ſeruants on the ground.
S *Hethat diggeth apit, Wall fali inta
ehevae,alcrpent ſhal
_ irisaneuil thing
-when they that , )
are in aut horitie, ——
s faile, and do not DUM. %
aai. ;- 9 hee that remoueth tonces, Malt hurt
e They that ave himlelte thereby, and pe that cuttet wod,
~ sichin wifdome pall bein Danger thereby.
10 Itche pron be blunt, and one hath rot
and veriue, k i
Polg 16. Whettheenge, hee muit then put to more
proner.26.47: ‘Grangth: but the excellencie to Direct a
cools 37.265- things wifenome. —
when he isnot:
£ Withoutwifee 1I JF the ferpent bite,
dom,whatfoeuer Charmed site better ts a babbler.
amantakehin -12 The wordes of the mouth
handytumneth to man baue graces
hisownehurr. uoure himelfe.
‘g Theignorance
ofa wile
aa beafllinefe mont} is foolitnnes,and the latter end of kis’ came, ki Meaning,carnall iufts,w
j- j RO Tee te A NER
«of the wicked is mouti is wicked madnes
fuch; at they Í
koownot com- ing, Man knoweth not what wall bes and
but the livs of a fale De nities
The beginning of the worns of bis God would not call chem to pis
14 Fohefcoie multiplicth words fayso s
ie) ——— „and his duee
in them ail herefopce, pet he ſchall remeinber e be not weary
the Daves of e darkeneſſe, becauſe they are of well doing
sanp, all chat commety is vanitic. _f Thatis,stuch
9 >Retoyce, D yong man, in thy po of chy warks are -
and let thinebcart chere theeinthe Daye moft agrecable
of thy youth, and waike fa the wayes of to Gos.
thine heart, andin the fight of thineepes: g Thatis,ofat-
but know that foz cll ciele things, Gow will fiktion and `
bring ther tc ivagemicnt. eer ys = trouble.
IO ree take away / griefe ont of h He deriderh -+
bine heart, anv canfe enti «te ocpart fromy them char fer
thy ek s fo} childchood and youth are bae tbeirdelightin
— orldly ples
ſutes, as thouah
i Təwit, anger, and
reunto youthis given. ©
tt ead Pei XIR
1 Tothinke on God in yeuth,and nottodeferre
‘ Poe f ý iz Si t d. 41 Wrfee —54 l A
_ tion things, and who can tel him whartyall bealter him?» Hage. 7 The fwe rerormth to God. Ti ae
ate villo. iok ty Ehelabour of ——— a tp wthe gift af God, anito aaide aa; ‘6 is ties
Eni hie mae D Bian tor getawery NOC TO gotneothe rity.» ad keying hiarmeindememi.
Bh, we avi — LARS GAN AROAN AT x ; ats ~ Reswmbes. us — —
Te Me ae
bees. ee
: R Setemnber now thyreator inthe Dayes
: of thy youth, whiles the entil dapes
come tot, noz the eee appzoch tobere-
in thou falt lap, J baue no plealure in
em: ;
2 Mthiles the ſunne fs not darke, noe the
: light, no: the mwne, noz-the farres, noꝛ the
4 Beforethon “Clouds returneafter the raine.
-cometoacontis 3 then the > keepers of the honfe hall
miallmifery: for tremble, € the < ſtrong men Wall bow them-
when tbe clouds felucs, and the grinders (hall ceale, becauſe
remaineafter ` they are kew, and they war varke that e loke
theraineymans oUt by the windowes: s
- griefeis increas 4 Anathe! doꝛes Mhalbe Hut without bp
PE the bate found of the s grinning, and he chall
b Thehands — ttle bp at the voyce of thet bird: and all the
whichkeepe. ‘Daughters of finging chalbe abaſed.
the body. - s Allo they wall bee atratd of the * high
thing,and feate thal be in the! way, and tbe
almond tree Hall ™ flourit and the” gralle-
bopper Hall be a burden, and concupilcence
-c Thelegges.
~ d Theteeth.
ftifieth her great lite and fate Downe; and bis fruttwasfweete
-defiretoward her : puto my mouth.
husband,buther He bꝛought mee into the wine (eller,
Atrengthfailech and loue was his banker ouer me.
her, & therefore Stap me with flagons, andcomfort
fhedefirethto . me with apples; for J] am ficke offoue.
becomforced, § 6 Mis left hand isynder mine head, and
andfeltic,. his right hand Doth imbzzce me,
€ Chriftchargeth “© J charge you, D daughters of Jeru·
them which haue. falem, bp the roes and by the bindes, of the
todocinthe - ficlde, that ye titre not vp, noz waken my
Church, asit- loue, vntill tee pleate.
werebyafolene § ditisthe popce of my welbeloucd tbe»
j oath,thatthey hold, bee commeth ane by the moun
troublenotthe . taines,and (kipping by the bills. |
| igion 9
f d Thisisfpoken Hart : ioe, beee fandeth behind our wall,
fofChrift,who looking foorth of the windowes, hewing
Ptookevponhia pimfelfethzonah the farates. -
urnatureto. = 10 My welbeloucd pake and fayd vnto
ometohelpe . «me; Arile, my louc, mptatre onc, and come
bis Church. hy way.-
£ Forafmuch as. ., Tr #02 bebotd,s winter is pal; the raine
f hisdwiniticwas is changed, and is gone away.
hid vader the. sia 12 Che flowers appeare in the earth:the
telh, . hover ofthe turtle is heard in our land.
PF Sothatweean 13 he Egge tree hath brought forth ber
Pot baue full, sa pong figges: and the vines with cheir ſmall
i aiken of uo grapes haue cat a ſauour ariſe my loue,
PMM INEBI o- 955 or ?
1? ‘Thatis, finne and errour isdriuen back by thecomming of Chrift,
which is here deferibed by {pring time, when all things flourifh,
$ we
Wy welbelonedis like aroe,o2 a yong
elokeof our time of thefinging of birds ts come,and the
Chap.ij.tij.iiij. TheChurchdefirethhint. 267
my faireone, and come away.
14 My doue thou art in the *hotesoft Se H "Thou thar are
rocke, tn che (ecret places of the taires yew alhamed of thy
me thy aroni me heare they wopce: fo2 thp finnes, comeand
voyce is ſweete, and thy fight comely. fhew thy -felfe
15 Cake vs the fores , thelittlei fores, voro wee
which Dekrop the vines ; foz ont wines haue i Suppreffe the
finall grapes. 3 herctikes whiles
16. My welbeloucdis mine, and J'am his: they are yong,
he kerdeth among the lilies. that 1s, whe they
17 Gntill the day beeake, and the thar begin to thew
dowes flee away z returne my welbeloued; their malice, and
and bee like a ‘roe, 02, a yong bart bpou the defroy che vine
mountaines of Bether. of the Lord.
k the Church
defireth Chrift to bee moft readieto helpe her inaji dangers,
x The Church defireth to be toyned infeparably
to Chrift her husband, 16 Her delsuerance out of
the wilderneffe.
| #2. my bed byantake Jſought him that my 3- The Churek
{oule — $ J fought him, but Y found by night, that
im not, l
2 J willtiletherefore now, and goe about
is, introubles,
feekethto Chrift,
inthe citie, bythe ſtreets and by the open but is not incon.
places, anc will> feekehim that mp ſoule los tinently beard.
neth: J fought bim, but Jfound him net. b Sewing that
3 Shee watchmen that went about the although webe
titie, found mee ; to whome T fayd,aue pou Not heardacthe —
feene him whom my fonte loneth + firk, yet we mult
4 Uhen J had paſt alittle from them, fillcontinuein.
then J found him whom mp foule loued J prayer tillwe 1
tooke hola onbin and left bint not, tilly feelecomfore,
had brought him vnts my mothers houle, ¢ Which decla-
into the chamber ofherthat conceiued mee. reththacwee
S 47 charg you, D daughters of Jerufa⸗ muſt leeke vato _
lem, by theres and by the hindes ofthe all,ofwhome 7»
ficto, that pee Mirre not vp, no: waken my wehopetohane
lone vntill hee pleale. any fuceour, iy
6 bois fycethat commeth bp outof d ReadeChap,
the © wilderneſſe like pillars of fmoke perfus 2.7. A
med with bt sl andincenfe, and with all ¢ This isreferced
thet (pices of the merchant 7 tothe Church of
7 Behold his bed which is Salomons; Mracl, which was.
threelcoze trong men are round about it, of led by the wil-
the valiant menof Iſtael. =- derntffe fortie
8 They all handle the ſword, and are erpert yeerc,
in warrs, euctpone hath bis ſword vpon bis Ebr. powder.
thigb for the feare by night. f Bythebedis
9 King Salomon made bimlelfe al) pas meant the Tem-
lace of the trees of Lebanon, ple,which Salo-
10 He made thepillars hereof of fuer, mon made,
and the paiement thereof of golde, thehan> g Heealludeth
gings thereof of purple, whole middes was tothe watch,
paued with the lone ef the Daughters of Je- which kept the
rufalem, = Temple,
` 11 Comefoazth, pe" Daughters of Ztor, [|Or, charet.
and beholde the king Salomon with the h Allyethatare
i crotone, wherewith bis mother crowned ofthe number;
bimin the day of is marriage , and inthe: of the faithfull,
Day of the gladneſſe of bis heart. i Chrift become
man was crow-
ned bythe loueof God with the glorious crowne of bis diuinitie,
1 The praifes of the Church, 7 Shew with- a Becaufe Chrift
ont blemifhin his fight.gThe lone of Chrift toward delighterhin his
her. ? “Church; he come
Ehold, then arte faire, my loue: behold, mendcthall that
Bison art faire : thine eyes are like the is inher.
Downes + among thp pon k —— $ Chap.6. 4.
5 tkg
Thefountaine of grace.
bHe hath refpe& like the bflocke of goats which looke Downe
tothe multitude from the mountatne of Oticad. ;
ofthe faithfull, 2 @bhptecth are like a flock oftheepe in
which aremany good oder, which goe vp from the waing:
in number, which euery one bing out twuines, and
none is barren among them.
3 Thylipes are itke a threed of farict,¢
thy talkers comely ; thy templesare within
thy lockes,as a piece ofa pomegranate,
4 Thy necke is asthetowzeof Dauid
butitfozdefence ; a thouſand wieldes bang th
therein, and all the targets of the frong
e Whereinate 5 hy two c bategar as two young
knawledge,and togs that are twinnes, feeding among the
zeale, rwopreci- lilies. -o
ous iewels. 6 Untillthe day breake,t the hadowes
fice away, J will goe into che mountaine of
myrrhe and to the mountatne of tncente.
d Chriſt promi 7 Chou art ail faire, mpiouc, and there
fethbis Church {3 no ſpot in theg,
to callhis faithe 8 4 Gomz with mee From Lebanon, my
full fomallthe fpout, cucn with mee irom Lebanon, and
cornersofthe - lookefrom thetoppeof Amanab, from the
world. top of Dhentr Eipermon, from che Dennes
e Chriftcateth ofthe liong and from the monntaines of the
his Church fiter; leopards.
inrefpe@thathe Q Mpe fitter my {poute.thou hat woun:
had cakenthe ded mine heart : thou hak wounded mine
fieth of man, beart with one of thine ! cpes, aad with a
finthat he made chaine of thy necke.
his Church beau- IO Gp titer, my ſpouſe, how faire fs thy
tifullandich, loue?how much better ts thy lone then wine,
he loued bis and the ſauout of thine oyntments then alt
ilts in her. ſpices?
g Becanfeofthy If Ehyslippes, my ſpouſe, Drop as honie
cOnfeffion and : combes ; honte and milke are vnder thy
thankfviuing. © tongue, Ethe ſauour of the garments is ag
< h The Church thelanouref Ledanon. · ;
- confefleth that 12 Mp litter my (poule is as a garden in»
alherglorieand clofey, as aping hut vp, anda fountatne
beautie commeth” fealed vp.
of Chrift, whois 13 Thy plants areas an orchard of pome-
Ştruefountaine granates with ſweete fruits, as camiphire,
of all grace. ipikenar®,
i She defireth 14 kbuenſpikenard, and ſaffron, calamus.
Chriftocdfore AnD cinamom, with all the trees of incente,
her,&topowre myrrhe and aloes, with all the chicte pices.,
the gracesofhis 25 +O fanntaine of the gardens, D wel of
Spirit vponher liuing waters, and the {pangs of Lebanon,
which Spirit is 16 Arile,D i Roth, and come D Honth,
meantby the © | and blot on mp gardenthat the (pices thera
North and South of may flow onc ; (et my weibcloued come to
wind. © -
his garden, and eate dts picalant fruit,
Cc H A P, 7 V.
3 Chrift calleth bis Church to the participation
of all hw treafures. 2 Shee heareth bu voyce.
3 Shee confeffeth her wakedneffe. 10 Shee prai-
a The garden fig- feth Chrif her husband.
domeof Chri oule : Igathered mp myrrhe with mp
whereheprepa- {pice : J] ate mine honie combe with mine
reththebanket honie: F Danke mp wine with mp milke:
for his ele, eate, D friends, Minke and make you me-
-b'The fpoufefith rie, D welbeloued. $
that fhe is tron. 2 >Pilcepe, but mine heart waketh , it
bledwiththe — is the voyce of my welbeloued that knoe ·
cates of worldly keth, Gying, Dpen vnto mee, my liter, my
things whichis loug, mp doue, my vndttiled: foz nne heas
ment by ſleeping fs full of Dewe, and my lockes with ths
piheth — on comeinto imp * garden, my fitter, my.
Salomons fong.
Wicked watchmen.
Drops of the night,
3 J baue put ct my roate, howe mally ¢ Declaring the
put iton ? J bane waed mp fecte,bomw Hal long patience of
J vefle them ? the Lord toward
4 My welbeloucd put in his hand bythe finners
hole of the doore,and mine heari was affec» d The fpoufe
tioned toward btm. . confeficth her
5 Jrolerptoopento mp welbeloned,and nakedneffe, and
mine hands aid Drop Down mpzrdhe,and my F of her felfe fhe
c fingers pure myrrhe vpon the baubles of hath nothing: ~
or feeing that the
Is ONce made
cleane fhe pro-
mifeth not to dgs
file her felfed-
gaine. bA
$Eb my bowels '
“were moouedtge —
wards him.
e The fpoufe
which fhould be
anoinied of '
Chiiſt, hall pvot
find him iffhee- `
thinke to anoint |
bim with her
good workes,
t Thefeare the
falfe teachers
which woũd the
e barte. z
6 Jopened to mp welbeloued: but my
welbeloued was gone and palt: mine heart
was gone whe he did ipeake : Jſought hun,
but jj could not finde bun: 3| called pun, but
be antwered me not. ;
7 Thef watchmen that went about the
citie found me; they imore me and wounded
me: the watchmen of the walles tooke away
my batle frem me, a
8 F charge yon, D Daughters of Jeruſa⸗
lem,tt pee finde my weibelouend, that pou tell
bim that J am fickeof lone.
9 rD the fatrett among women, whatis
thy welbeloucd moze then other welbeloncd?
what ts thy welbeloued moze then another
loner,that thou doeſt lo charge vs?
Io My welbeloued ts white and ruddie,
the chietet of ten thoufana.
II ipisi peadssastine gold, his locks cure
led, and blacke as a rauen. conlſcience with
12 His eyes are like dones vpon theriners their traditions,
of waters, which are walhed with mulke,and g She asketh of
remaine by the full veftels, ; them which are
13 ibis cheeks are asa bed of (pices,andas godly (foraf-
fweetflowaes,and bis lips hkelliesmopping much asthe law
Bowne pure mpzrbe. and faluation
14 Wis handes as rings of golde fet with thould come cue”
the+chaplolite, bis belly like white yuorie of Zion & kru- |
coucred with Bapbirs. i < $ falem)that they
I5 Dis legges are as pillars of marble {et woulddira@ ” ~
bpanfockets ot fine golde: bis countenance herto Chri. |
as Lebanon,ercellent as the cedars. h-Thus fay they |
16 His mouth isashweete things, anBhee! ofiemflem.
{3 wholly Delectable: this is my weibelsutd, i She’de(ctiberh
aud this ts my louer, D Daughters of Jeru⸗· Chriftrobeof `
ſaczꝛ perfect beati `
17 *D the fairelt among women,whither and comelineffe,
ts thy welbeloued gone: whitherts thy wel- +Ebr, Tarfhip,
beloucd turned afite that wemayp leeke him k Hearing of the”
with thee? i excellencie of
CHAP. VI. l Chuh, the faithe
2 The Charch afeureth her felfe of the lowe of fulldefireto «|
Chrifti 3 The praifes ofthe Church. 8 Sheis tut knowhowto
one and undefiled, 4 > finde hi
M2 weibeloucd is gone Bowne into his
garden to the beds offpices,tofeede in 3
the gardens and to p a That is, ĩc tere
2: Jam my welbeſoue da, and mp welbelo · uerſadt here in
ued is mine, who keedeth among the lilies. earth among
<3: Chou art beautifull,my loue,as> Cire men. SE
3a), comely as Jerulatem, terrible as an at · b Which wasa
my withbanners, -` faire and trong
‘4 © Turneawap thine eyes from me; fo? citie, rKing.14.
they ouercome mee: *thine hapze is like iy. >
flocke of goates, which loske Downefran c This declareth,
Gilead. t the exceeding |
5 hyp teeth are like a flocke of theepe, loue of Chrift”
which goe vp from the wating, which euery toward bis”
one batng out twinnes, and none ts barren Church,
qunongthsm, Chap. 43s.
6 Thy
The Churches beautie.
d Meaning,that
the gifts are infi-
nite which Chrif
_giuethto his
his faithfull are
many in number,
6 Thy teniples are intthin thy locks ag a
ptece of a pomegranate.
7 There are 4theeeltore Queenes and
fourelcoze concubines, and of the pamitis
without number. -
8 Butiny Doue is alone and mp bndefled
“< Cburch:orthat fhe is theonelp daughterof ger mother, aud
fhe is deare to her that bare her: the Daughe
ters bane {eene ber and counted Her blefled :
eHethewethy euen the Queenes and the concubines, and
the beginning of they haue prayſed her,
the Church was
fimall,buc that it
grew vptoa
reat multitude.
He went down
_ into the Syna-
gogue to fee
9 Mho is Hethatlooketh forth as the
moaning, faire as the moone, pure as the
funne terrible as an armie with banners?
Io J went Downe to the! garden of nuts,
to lee the fruits ofthe vallep,to ſeeit the vine
budded, and if the pomegranates flouriſhed.
II 63 Knew nothing, my foule fet me $ as
what fruitscame the charets of my noble peepie.
of the Lawand
the Prophets,
I foid nothing
but rebellion,
b I ranas fwift
12 Returne, returne, D i Shilamite, tea
tucne : returne that wee map beholde thee.
Ahat ſhall pou fee inthe Dpulamitey tut ag
the companie of an armie:
asthe nobles of my people în their chaxets. i Oye people of Ie-
tufalem : for Ietuſalem was called Shalem, which figni
a He defcribeth
the comely beau-
ty ofthe Church of thy thighs arelike iewels: the woke of
in euery part.
whichisto be
vnderftood{pi- teth not liquour : thy bellpis as an beape of
etb peace,
1 The beautie of the Church in all her members.
10 She i affisred of Chris loue toward her,
H Dw beautifull are thy * goings with
hoes, D princes Banghter ! theiopnts
the band of a cunning workeman.
= 2 Thy nawellisas a rouna cup that wan»
ritually, wheat compafled aboup with lilies.
b Read Chap, 3 > Shp two brealfsare as two young
toesthatarctwinnes. >
@ He delighteth
te come ncere
thee,& to bein
thy company. -
4 by necke is likea tower of Juoꝛie:
thine eyes are like the fit) pooles tn Vehbon
by the gate of Bath-rabbim: thp nole is ag
the tower of Lebanon, thatlooketh toward
Damatcus. - ;
§, Thine head vpon thee is as ſkarlet, and
the buh of thine head like purple; the king
as tied ·in the | rafters.
~ 6. Dow fatreart thou, and how pleafant
art thou, my louet pleafuces!
7 bis thy lature ts like a palme tree,
and thy beeatts like clutters,
8 3in3 will go vp into the pale tree,
3 wil take bold ofper boughes: thy breaſts
_ thal now be like the clufters of the vines and
d This the fpoufe
© aoe.
te J
the Guour of thy nolelikeapples,
9 Andthe coofe of thy mouth like good
wine, which goeth ſtreight to my welbelo-
UCB, and cauleth the lips of rhe ancient to
Io 4J am my twelbecloueds , and pis de-
„fire is toward me.
IL Come, my welbeloucd, tet vs go Forth
into the field:let os remaine in the villages.
12 Let vs get vp carly co the vines, let vs
Chap. vii. viil.
Spirituallloue, 2 33
{ee ifthe ebine flourlt}, whether it hath bute e Ifthe people
Ded the ſmall grape,or whether the pomegras
nates flourifh:there wil J gine thee my H
13 Che mandzakes daue ginen a (mell,
and tn our gates are all (weet things, newe
and olde ; mp welbeloued, J haue kept thera
foz thee.
2 The Church will be taught by Christ. 3 Shee
æ upholden by him. 6 The vebement lsue where
with Chrift hueth her. 11 She i the Vine that
bringeth foorth fruite tothe fpirituall Salmon,
which i Ieſus Chriſt.
Oë a that thon wereſt ag my beother that
fucked p Dreatts of my mother: F wouly
find thee without, J woula hile chee, then
they Mould not delpties thee.
2 J will lead thee,& being thee into my
Mothers boule: there thou halt teach me,and
J will caule thee to Dutnke {ptced wine, and
new wine of the pomegranate.
3 > Dis left band halbe pnder mine head,
and bis right hand hall imbzace me.
4 © J charge pou, D daughters of Feru-
falem, that you irre not pp, no? waken my
loue, vntil fhe pleate,
§ (Aho ís this that commeth pp out o£
the wildernefie, leaning vpon her welbelos
ued? ) J railed thee bp vnder an apple trees
there thy mother coscetued tyce : there thee
6 *Set me as a leale on thine heart, & ag
a ſignet vpon thine arme: foz loue is rong
& Death : teleulic ts cruell as the graue: the
copa thereof are fievie coles, and a vehement
§ Much watercannot quench loue, neis
ther can the floods Drownett : If aman
ſhould gine all the ſubſtance of his houle foz
love, they would greatly contemmne tt.
S Ae haue a little ſiſter, and the hath no
breaſts:what Hall we Do foz our Alter when
fhe albe fpoken foz ? À
9 fJtthe bea wall, wee will build ppon
her a fluer palace : and if fhe be a Donze, we
willkeepe her in with boords of Cedar,
Io eZ am awall, and my breeaſts are ag
towers: then was J in his eyes as one that
findeth peace.
11 Salomon had a bine im Baal hamon:
Hee gaue the vineyard puta keepers: euery
one bringeth forthe fruit thereof a thouſand
pieces of filuer. Tos
12 Burmy vineyard which ts mine, is be-
fore me: to thee D Salomon, apperraineth a
thouland picces of filuer and two hundzeth to
em that keepe the fruit thereof,
_ 13 Oh thou that dwelleſt inthe igardens
the cempantons hearken vnto thp voyce:
cauſe me to heare it.
14 D my welbeloued, * tlee away, and be
{ike vnto the Roe,o2 te the young art vpon
the mountaines of ſpices.
s Iſaiah.
Cdsaaceordingto his promife,
Deut.18.15. that hee would neuer leaue his Church deſt tute of a
AZ Prophet, bath from time to time accomplithed:the fame, whofe office was not onely to declare
‘declare the
. ¥nto the people the things to come, whereof they hada fpeciall reuelation, bur alfo to interprete and —
— to, apply particularly the doGrine contained bricd — tothe a
— 2 : o
that are called
to Chrift bring
forth ang ficit,
a Yhe Church
called ofthe
Gentiles ſpea⸗
keth thus to the
Church of Ieru-
fOr, mee.
b. Reade Chap,
c Reade Chaps
d The (ponte dé-
fireth Chrif to
be ioyned in
perpetuall lone
with him,
e The Iewiſſ
Church. {peaketla
thisof} Church ~
of che Gentiles,
f Ifthe be fure
&falt,the is meet
forthe husband
to dwell in.
g The Church
promifeth fidelis
tie & conftancie,
h Thisis the
vineyard of the
Lord hired out,
i Chrift dvelleth
in his Church,
whofe voyce the
faithful keare.
k The Church _
deſireth Chrift
thatuf he depart
from them,yer
that he would
h fte to helpe
them in their
Mans yvnthankefulneffe and rebellion.
A fiiah,
profité of thofe, to whom they thought it chiefly to appertaine, and as the time and ftate of things re-
quired, And principally in the declaration of the Lawe they bad reſpect to threethings, which were
the ground of their do@rine : Firft, to the do@rine contained briefly in the two tables: fecondly , to
the promifes and threatnings of the Law 3 and thirdly, to the couenant of prace and reconciliation,
grounded vpon our Sauiour Iefus Chrift, who isthe end of che Law, Whereunto they neither added
nor dimini(hed, but faithfully expounded the fenfe and meaning thereof, And according as God gane
them ynderftanding of things, they applied the promiles particularly for the comfort of the Church
and the members thereof, and alfo denounced the menaces of theenemies againft the fme: not for
any careorregard tothe enemies, but to aflure the Church of their fafegard by the deftru@ion of
their encmies. Andas touching the do@rine of reconciliation, they haue more clearely intreatedit
then Mofes,and fet foorth mote liuely Iefus Chrift,in whom this couenant of reconciliation was made,
In all chefe things Iſaiah did excell all the Prophets, and was moft diligent to fet out the fame, with
moft vehement admonitions,reprehenfions, and confolalations; euer applying the do@rine,as he faw
that the difeafe of the people required, He declareth alfo many notable prophefies which he had recei-
ued of God,as touching the promile of the Meffiab,his office and his kingdome. Alfo of the fauot of
God toward his Church, the vocation of the Gentiles, and their vnion with thelewes, Which are
as moft principall poynts contained in this booke, and a gathering of his Sermons which he preached,
Which after certaine dayes that they had ftood vpon the Temple doore (for the maner of the Pro-
phets was to fet vp the ſamme of their doctrine for certaine dayes, that the people mightthe better
marke it,as lfa.8. 1 and Habbak.2. 2.) the Priefts tooke it downe and referued it among the regifters:
and fo by Gods prouidence theſe books were preferued asa monumentto the Church for euer. As
touching his perfon and time, he was ef the kings ftocke ( for Amos his father was brother to Azariah
King of Iudah,asthe beft writers agree ) and prophefied more then 64.yeeres, frem the time of Vz-
ziah ynto the reigne of Manaſſeb, whofe father in law he was (asthe Ebrewes write) and of whome
he was put to death. And in reading of the Prophets, this onething among other isto bee obferued.
that they (peake of things to come, asthough they were now palt, becaufe of the certaintie thereof,
and that they could net but cometo paffe, becaufe God had ordeined them in his fecret counfell, and
fo rcucaled them to his Prophets,
nieze? foz ye fall away moze and moze: the
The externall ſeruice reiected.
2 Ifciah reprouecth the Iewes of their ingratitude
and (lubbornnes, that neither for benefits mor pu-
æiſhment would amend. sı He fheweth why their
facrifices are reiected, and wherein Gods true fer-
uice (taudcth. 24 He prophefieth of the de ſtructi-
on of Jerufalem, 15 and of the reftitution therof.
yad æA + Tiition of Flatah, the onne
a That — are- :
* of Aines, which be law >con-
uclation, or pro- “4
pheſy, which was BA cerning Juda and Jerula-
one of thetwo Ce $, lem in the Bayes of e Uzziah,
meanes, whereby y Jotham. Ahaz, ard iescktah
Goddeclared Riugs of Indah.
himfelfetohis 2 Heare, D fheauens, and hearken, D
feruants in olde earth ; foz the Loꝛd bath faye, 3 baue nou»
time,asNumb. riſhed and brought vp chien, but they
12.6.and there- haug rebellepagaint me,
forethe Pro- The fore knoweth bis owner, and
hetswerecal- the alſe hts mafters cribbe, but Iſrael hath
Jed Scets,2, Sam, not penton mp people bath not vnder·
9.9 — ood·
b Haiah was 4 Ab, linkull natfon,a people laden with
chiefy fentro —~dniquitte:a s leedeof the wicked, corupt
Judaand Leruſa- children: thep haue forſaken the Lod: they
lem,butnoton- haue prouoked the holy onsof Iſtael to ane
ly: forinthis ger;theparegonebackward. | _
booke are pro § Wiherekoꝛe (hould ye bee ifinitten any
phefies concer-
ning othernationsalfo, e Calledalfo Azariah, 2, King.s 5.2. 0f
thefe Kings, read a. King. ſrom chap.14.vnto chap.21.and 2.Chron,
fromchap,25.vhto chap.33. d Becaufe men were obftinate and
infenfible, hee calleth to the dumbe creatures, which were more
prompt to obey Gods wotde,asDeut.32.1, e Heedeclareth his
great mercie toward the Lewes, forafmuch as he chofe them aboueal
other nations to be his peopleand children,as Deut.10. 15. f+ The
moft bruit and dull beafts do more acknowledge their duetytoward
their makters, then my people do toward me, of whom they haue re-
ceived benefits without comparifon. g They were not only wic-
ked, as were their fathers, but vtterly corrupt,and by theircuil exam-
ple infe&ed others, h Thatis,him that fanGifieth Ifrael, i What
auaileth it to ſeeke to. amend you by punifhment, feing the more J
sorre& you, the more ye rebell?
whole * head is ficke,and the whole heartis k By namingthe
beany. chiefe parts of
G jrrom the! [ole sf the foote vnto the the body he figa
head, there isnothing whole therein, but nifieththac there
wounds and fiwelling, and fozes full of coze was no part of
ruption ; they haue not bene wꝛapped, = no? the whole body
bound vp noz mollified with ople. of the Lewes free
y Dour lande is wake : pour cities are frem hisrods,
burnt with fire: rangers deuoure your land | Euery part of
iu your pꝛeſence, and itis Delolate like the oe the body, as well
uerthzow = of ſtrangets. ‘ the leaſt as the
8 And the Daughter of ° Zion Mall res chiefelt was pl&-
maine like a cottage in a vineyard, like a gued,
lodge in a garden of cucumers, and {thea m Their plagues
beſſeged citie. were fo grieaous
9 Except the Lom of holtesr had refers thar they were
ued pnto bs, cuen a {mall remnant, wee incurable, & yer
fhould hane heene ag a Bovome, and fhould they would not `
baue bene like nto Gomozad. repent.
10- Meare the word ofthe Lod, D * pite n Meaning,of
cesof Sodome :hearken vnto the Laweof rhem that dwel
our Gov, D people of Gomoꝛah. farre otf,which
Il Ghat baue J to Doe with the multi- becaufe they
tude of your facrifices, faith the Lo2D 29 ain lookenor for ad-
kull ofthe burnt siering oframs,anDofthe uantage of thar '
fat of fed beaſts: and J Ddeſire not the blood chat remaineth,
of bullocks,no2 of lambs,no2 of goats. defiroy allbe-
12 Uhen pe come to appeare before mee, forethem.
who required this of pour hands to treadin o That is, Ieru⸗
mip courts? ` s falem,
13 Bing. no moze oblations*in bain: in» p Becaufe thae
cenſe is an abomination tnta me: 3 cannot hee wil euer hase
fuffer your new moones, no? Sabbaths, nor a Church to call
fetemne Bayes Cit is iniquitie) oz folemue al vpon his Name.
ſemblies. q Thatis, all de
£ Yethat for your vices deferued all to be deftroyed 2 they of Soe
dom, faue that God of his mercy referued alitle number, Lamy 3.225
f Although God commanded thefe faerifices for a time asaydes and.
exercifes of their faith’; yet becaufethe people had not faith nor re-
pentance,God detefteth them, Pfalme 5o; 1 3.Tere.6,30, Amos 5.30
Mich.6.7, © Withoucfaith andrepentance. °
Mercy offered to the obedient.
u Your facrifices 14 My foule haterh pout = mew moones
offredincthenew and your appointed feattes è they area burs
moones and Den vnto me: Jam weary to bearethem.
feaftes:hecon- I5 And when pou Wall ſtretch out pour
demneth hereby Hands, J will hide mine cyes trom pou: and
hypocrites, though yon make many prayers, 3 wiil noc
whichthinketo heare: for pour hanos are full * of blood.
pleaeGodwith 16 y (lath pon, make pou cleane : take as
ceremonies,and wap the cuill of pour-wozkes from before
theythemiclues mine eves: cealetodecciitl
ave voyde of 17 Learne io Do well: ſeeke tudgement,
faith and mercy. relecucthe oppaciled : tudge the fatherlefic
x Hetheweth andDefend the widow.
that where men 18 Come now, let bs reaſon together,
begiuentoaua- faith the Lozd : though pour linnes were
rice,deceite,cru- ascrimlin, they thalibec made > white as
elticandextor- f{nowe: though they were redde like (carlet,
tion, whichis they Hall be as wooil.
meantby blood, 19 Jfpe*conientand bey, pee thall cate
there God will the good things of the land.
thew his anger, 20 But ik ye refute and be rebellions, pee
andnotaccept ſhall bee deuoured with the fwod ; fo? the
them, though month of the Loꝛd hath ſpoken it.
they f-eme ne- 21 How is the 4 faithfull citte become
uerfoholy,as an barlot ? Fit was full of indacment, and
Chap: 59.3. iuftice ledged therein, but now e they are
y Bytbisout- murtherers. ; 3
wardwafhing, 22 Thyffiluer is become droſſe:thy wine
hemeaneththe {3 mirt with water. r
fpirituall:exhor: 23 Thy pstncesare rebellions and compa
tingthelewes nious ofs theeues: enerte one loueth giftes,
torepentanda- and follotwetl after rewards:they tudge not
mend their lives. the fatherleſſe, neither doeth the widowes
£ Thiskinde of cauſe come before them.
teaſoning bythe _ 24 Theretoꝛe faith the Lod God of hols,
_ any places a-
_ gainft the hypo-
to be attributed to his owneincredulitie and difobedience.
‘is, lerufalem, whichhad promilcd fidelitieto mee , as a wife to her
fecond table, the the mighty Dne of Jiraci, Ab, J will i eale
Scripturesviein meof mineaducrlattes, and auenge me of
mine enemies,
25 Then will J turre mine hand vpon
Crites, whopre- thee,and bilrne out thy drolſe, til tt * be pure,
tend moftholic- aid take away all thy tinne,
Hits and religion 25 'And J willreftoze thy iudges asat
inworde,bute the firft,and thy countiellers as ar the begin⸗
whentheircha- ning: afterward Walt thou bee called a citie
rity andloueto- of righteouſneſſe, and a faithfull citte.
wardtheirbre- 27 Zion ſhall be redeemed in tudgement,
threnfhouldap- and they that returne in her, in tultice. —
peare, they de- i
clare that they haue neither faith nor religione a Toknowif Ido
accufe you without caule. b Left finners fhould pretend any ri-
our on Gods part he onely willeth them to be pure inheart, and
hee will forgiue all their finnes, were they neuer fo many or great,
c Hee fheweththat whatfoenet adùerfitie man endureth , it ought
d That
husband, e Giuento couetou{nefle and extortion, which he figni-
fied before by blood, verfe,15. F Whatfoeuer was pure in thee be-
fore, is now corrupt though thou haueanoutwardfhew. g That
is, they maintainethe wicked and the extottioners, and not onely
doe not punith them, but are themfelucs ſuch. h When God wil]
fhew himfelfe mercifull to bis Church, becalleth himfelfe, The ho-
ly One of Ifrael : but when he hath to do with his enemies, heis cal-
led Mighty, as again{t whom no power is able torefift. i Iwill
take vengeance of mine adueriaries the Lewes, and fo ſatisfie my de-
fire by punifhing them, Which thing yet hee doeth with erjefe, be-
caufe ofhiscouenant. k Leftthe faithfull among them thould be
overcome with this threatning, he addeth ehisconiolation 1 Iris
onelythe worke of God to purifie the heart of man, which thine he
doeth becaufe of hispromife , madeconcerning the faluation of his
‘Church. m By inftice is meant Gods faithful promife,which isthe
caule of the deliwerance ofhis Church,
Chap. i.ij.
The Gentiles called. 259
28 And the » Defruction of the tranf. n Thewicked
grefloursand of the finners Wali bee toge» shall not be par.
ther; and they that toglake the Lod, kallite takersof Gods
conſumed. promife, bſal.
29 Foz they ſhall be confounded for the 92.9
° okes, Which vec haue deſired, and yee ſhall o Thatis, the
bee aſhamed of the gardens, that pee haug trees andpleafane
choſen. places, whereye
30 Fo: pee Hall be as an oke, whole leafe commit idola-
fadeth:and as a garden that hath no water. tric, which was
31 And the trong fhail beas r towe, and ferbicden,Deur,
the maker thereof as a lparke: and thep Hal 16.22.
both burne together , and none pali quench p The falie god,
them. wherein ye put
yous confidence, fhall bee confumed as eafily, as a piece of tow,
2 The Church fhall bee refiored by Chrift, and
the Gentiles called, 6 The punifhment of the re-
bellions and obftinate.
T He woz that Iſafah thelfonneofAmos ___
fate vpon Judah and Derufatem. Micab.4.t,
2 *Jt* wall be fn the laft Bayes, that the a The decree and
meuntaincof the boule of the Lod fhatlbee ordinance of
prepared in thetop ofthe mountaines, and God, touching
b fhall be exalted aboue the htls,and all natie thercftauration
ons fhall< flow vntoit. | of the Church,
3 And many people Hall got fay, Come, which is chiefly
and let ys goe vp tothe d moeuntaine of the meant of the
Lod, tothe houſe of the God ef Jaakob, time ot Chrift,
and be will teach vs his wayes,and we wit b Inan eudent
walke in bis pathes ; * foz the Lawe fhall placeto be ſeene
goe foozth of Zion, and the word ofthe Lon and difcerned,
from Jeruſalem, :
4 Qndbee shallindge among the nati- dome of chriſt
gns, and rebuke many people : they hall fhailbe enlarged
i bueake their ſwordes allo into mattockes, by the preaching
and theitipeares into fithes: nation hal not of thedoG@rine.
lift vp afwo2d againt nation, neither Mall Here alfo isde-
they learne «to fightany moze. claredthe zeale
c When ¥ king. `
D Houte of Jaakob, come per, and let ofthe children of —
bs! walke in the light of the Lod. - God, whenthey
6 Purely thoumhatt foꝛſaken thy people, are called,
the houſe of Jaakob , becaute they are» full d Alluding to
of the Ealt maners, ant are ſorcerers asthe mount Zion,
Philiſtims, cand abound with trange chiis wherethe vifi.
DEN. ble Church then
7 Their land alfo was full ofefiluer and was.
golde, and there wasnone end of their trea Micah.4.2.
fures; and their land was full ofbogles,and e Meaning, the
thetr charets weretufinite. i whole doctrine
8 Their land alfo was full of ſdols:they of Saluation,
wozthippen the worke of their owne bands, f This was ac-
when the Gofpel was firit preached in Terufalcm , and fromthence
went through all the world. g TheLord, whichis Chrift , ſhall
have all power giuenbim. h That they may acknowledge their
finnes, andturmetohim. i Hee fheweth the fruit of the peace,
which the Gefpelfhould bring , to wit, that men fhould doe good
Oneto another, whereasbefore they wereenemies. k He ſpea-
keth not againft the vfe of weapons and lawfull warre , but ſheweth
how thehearts of the godly fhall bee affected one toward another:
which peace and louc doeth beginne and growein thislife, but fhabl
beperfited, when weare joyned with our head Chrift leſus. 1 See-
ing the Gentiles will bee fo ready, make you hafte,and fhew them the
way to worfhip God, m The Prophet feeing the {mall hope, that
the Iewes would convert, complaineth to God, as though he had yt-
terly forfakenthem for their finnes. n Full ofthe corruptions that
reigned cheifly in the Eaft parts, © They altogether giue theme
felues tothe fafhions of othernations, p The Prophet firftcon-
demned their fuperftition and idolatry, next their couctouſneſſe, and
thirdly, theit vaine truft in worldly meanes, F
k3 which
s at? : ' 2a
God threatneth the loftinefle ofmen, Ifaiah,
q Henoreth che which thetr owne fingers haue made.
nature of the 9 Andaman vowed himſelte, and a man
idolaters, which ahumbled himſeltee: therefore: iparg theni
are neuer fatif- not.
fied in their fù- 10 Enter into the rocke,and hide chee in
perititions, the duſt krom befoze the teare of the Lode,
r. Tousthe Pro- and from the glory of bis mateitte.
phet fpake, be- IL The hie looke of man Haloe humbled,
ing inflamed and thelofrineite ct men ſhall be abated and
withthezeals of the Logn ouely all be exalted in’ that Bay.
Godsglory, and 12 JF a2 the Day of the Lorde of hoftesis
tharheemight yon allrhe proud and haute, andvponall
fearethem with that ts evalted ; and tt ſhall be made low.
Godsiudgement, 13 Euwen vpon all the Cedars of Leba-
f Meaning,as non, that are hie and cxalted, and bpon all
ſoone as God hal the okes of Baham,
begin to execute 14. And vpon all the bigh t mountaines,
his iudgements. and vpon allthe hilles that are liften vp,
t By high trees I5 And vpon euery high tower, and yp-
and mountaines on cuery {rong wall, A N
are natant them 16 And vpon all» the Hips of Carhim,
thatareproud, and vpon all pleafant pictures.
and lofty, and 17 And the hantineile of men Hall bee
thinkethemfelues bꝛought lowe, and the loftineſſe ofinen Hall w
moftfirongin beabaled, and the Lord atl onely bee sral-
this world. ted in that Dap. ;
u Heconden- 18 And the Holes will he vtterly Deroy.
neth their vaine 19 Chen they hall goc* into the bolesef
confidence, which therackes, and into tie canes of the earth,
they had in from before the teare of the Lode, and from
ftrong holdes, the gloay of bts Maieſty, when be hail artic
andintheirrich toDeftrop theeartl. i
mzrchandife, 20 AtrhatDay Wall män cak away his
which brought filuer idoles, ant pis golven idoles (which
in vaine plea- · ¶ thep bad made themelues to wopthip then)
faces, wherewith x to themowwles, and ta the backes,
mens mindesbe- 21 Wo goe intothe holes of the rotkes,
came effeminate, and into the toppes of the ragged rockeg,
Hofe.1o.8.dake from before the fearzof theod, and front
` 23.30 7re0:16, theglosy or hts matelty, when he tall riſe te
16.4nd.9.6. deſtroythe earth, `
x They fhallcaf 22 Ceale pou from the man whoſeybꝛeath
them into moit tsin bis noſtrels: fo: wherein is beetobee
vileandfiltby elſteemed?
piaces,when they y
perceiue that they arenotabietohelpethem, y Caft offyour vaine
ċonfidence of man, whofelife is fo fraile, that if his nofe be flopped,
he is dead, and confider tbat ye haue to do with God,
i For the fin of the people God will take away
the wife mea & giue them fooliſp princes. 14 The
corscton/ne ffe of the gouernours, 16 The pride of
the women. bais —
Becaulſe they PEE fhe Lorde Honofhotes willtake
tufted in cheir away fron Jeruſalem and trom Judah,
abundanceand the (tap? and the ttreng th: cuen alithe tap
profperity,be ofbzeat,andallthe tapofwater, -
ieweththatthey 2 Theitrong man, ana the man of war,
fhouldberaken bthe iudge and the Prophet,the prudent and
_ ftomthem, the aged,
b Thetemporail 3 @bhecaptaine of fiftic, and the honot
gouernourand = gable, ana the counfeller, andthe cunning
the minifier. artificer and e the eloguent man.
e Bychefehe 4 And J willappoyutechildzenco betheit
meaneththit pinces, and babes thallruteouce them.
God would take § he people Hall bee « oppꝛeſſted one of
away eucry thing ;
rhat was in any eftimation,& wherein they had any occafion to yaunt
‘thémielues, di Notonell inage,but in witte maners, knowl zdge
astd flsength, ¢ For lacke of good regiment ahd order,
another, and entry one by bis neigh.
bour : the chtidzen Wall preſume againtk
ie ancient, and tye vileagainit the honou·
ta ie.
6 Cdiheneuety one ſhallftake Hold of his
brother of the houle of his father, andlay,
Chou Hak clorhing : thon Halt bee our
priuce, and tet thig fallbe vnder thine band,
7 Inthatday he Hall sfacare, Capiny,
J cannot be an yelpers fo: there ts no bycad
in mine Donie, nz clething ; therefore make
meng pinceofthe people, —
Doubtleſſe Jerulatem ts fallen, ¢ Ju-
Dap is fallen Downe, becauſe their tongue
and workes are againſt the LoD, ta pace
uoke the eves af hts glorpy.
9 Theotrialoftheir countenance teti
feth again thom, pea, they declare their
nnes as Hodome, they hide them nar. Cdtoc
be vnto their foules : foz thep haue rewars
Ded eutil vito themſelues.
10 i Hay pe, Durely tt Hall be well with
the J uit : fog they hall cate the fruit oftheir
AL Cdloc be to the wicked. it hall bee euit
with bim: fo2 the teward of pig hannes Wail
be giver him.
12 k Ehlen areertoztioners of mp peo
ble, and women haue rule ouer them: D my
people, they that leade thee, caule thee ta
cere and Deltroy the way.of thy paths.
13 Che Lozve ttandeth wp to pleads, yea,
be ſtandeth to iudge the people. —
I4 The Low Hall enter into iudgement
mith the! Ancients of his people and the
Pintes thercot : for pee hase eaten vp the
bincparde; the (pople of the pooge is in pour
15 bhat haue yee to Doe, that vee beate
my people to pieces, = and grinte tie faces
of the paoze, fith the Leld, cuen the Loꝛd of
16 Che Lard allo fayeth, Becauſe the
Daughters of Zion are hautie, ant malke
with ° ttretched out neckes, and with
P wandering epes, walking and a miting
a ther GO, and making a © tinkling wiry
theft feete,
17 Therefore Hall the Lode make the
heads of the daughters of Zion balte, anv
the Lod fall diſcouer their tecret partes.
18. Ju that day thall the 4o takeaway
the onrament of the flippers, and the calics,
and che round ters, hs NiO i
19 The twecte balles, and the baacclets,
and the bonnets, Hind ot
20 Whe tyres of the head, and the Rops,
and the headbands and tie tablets, and the
21 The rings, and themufflers,
22 Whecolilp apparrell and the vailes,
and the wimples and the criping pinaes,
23 Aud the slates, and the fine linnen,
ifhonld be mani- |
-andthe prideof women.
f Hee theweth
that this plague’
fhalbe fo hoyri-
ble, that contra⸗
tieto the coms
mon mener of
men, which by
nature areams -
bitious, noné
fhail be found
ableor willing
to be their go-
uernour. 7
g Feare hall ra-
ther caufe him
to forfweare
himfelfe, they to
take fucha dane |
gerous charge
vpon him,
b When Ged
fhall examine
their deedes,
whereuponthey -
new fet an impu-
dent face, he
(hall finde che
marke of their
impiety in thear <
i Be ye thatare
godly aſured
that God wylde-
feud you inthe
miides ofthefe
k Becaufethe ~~
wicked people
were more ade
di& to their
princes, then to
the commande-
ments of God he
(heweth that he
would giue them,
{uch princes, by
whomthey ;
fhould haue no
helpe, but thar
fift tokensofhis
wrarhy becaule |
they (hould be :
foolesandefies ⸗
minate. |
l AMcaningthat
the rulers and
deſtroyed hiß
Church, and not <
prefered it according totheisduety. m That is,vee thew all crus)
elty againftthem. mn, Hemenaceti the people,be
caufe ofthe crro-
gancie and pride of their women, which gauz themſelues to.all wan-
totnefleand diffolution, o Which declared cheizpride. p Asa
figne, thacthey were not chaſte. q Which thewed their wanton,
nefe, r They delited then inDippers that did creake, or had lide >
plates fowed vpon them, whichtinkled asthey wants: 0.670 Sue
{Inrehearfing andthe hoods, and the flames.
all theferhings 24 And in ſtead of ſweete fanone there
particularly, he ſhal be ſtinke, and ti fread of a girdle, a rent,
fhew-th the and tn itean ot dreſſing ofthe baire, baid-
lighracfe and nes, andin ſtead ofa Romacher,a girding oF
vanitieof fuch as ſacktloth, and burning in ftsad of Beautte.
cannot be con- 25 Tip men t iali fall by the lwo and
tent withcome- thy rength in the batrell.
lyappareilaccot- 26 Wien Hail hee gates mourne and la-
dingtotheir de- ment, and ihe vena deſolate Mal lic vpon rhe
gree. ground.
-¢ Meaning, that
God will noz onely punith the women, but their husbands, which haue
fuifered this diffolutenefic, and ai fo the common wealth, which hath
not remedied it,
1 The fmallremnaat of men after the deftru-
yon of lerufakm, 2 The graces of God vpon
` them that remaixe.
a WhenGod | Nd in that day alta fenen women take
fhill execute this A boive of one man, faping , Hee wiii
vengeance, there gate our owne bread, and wee will weare
fhailnotbeone ‘our owne garinents :oncly > ict vs bee cal-
manfoundto be [cD by thy nase, and take awap our € ree
f thobesd toma- poch.
ny women,and 2 Jn that day Halithe d bud of the. Lo
- they, contrary to be beautitull and gioztous, and the trritte of
; womanly thame- the eatth Haitbeerceilent and picaiance foz
fafineffe, (ball them that arecicaped of girar,
feckevntomen, 3 Then he that Malbe lekt in zion, and be
and offerthem- -that ſhal remaine in Jeruſalem, Wall be cat
| feluestoany led boty, and cucry ene fall be written a-
condition, mong the ising in Jeruſalem,
b Bethou our 4. cUiben the Lod all wath the filtht-
} husband „and Jet neſſe of the daughters of Zion and puracthe
vs be called thy blood ot Jerulalem out oft he mids thereof
wiues. by che ſpirit of siudgement,and by the ſpirtt
| c Forfothey of burning.
thought itto be § And the Lod hall create vpon eucriz
andhusband. thereof, hacloud and finoke by Day and the
d Hecomfor- hinting ofa taming fire by night: for vpon
į tethctheChurch ali the! glezy ſhall be a detence.
in this defolati- 6 And a couering halbefora ſhadow in
on, whichthall the day fo the heate, €a place of refuge, and
pres likea acoucrtfo2 the fozme* and forthe raine.
ud, fiovifyin
that oa es thould be as plentiful toward the faith{ul,as though
{bey ipianak of the earth, as Chap: 45.8. Some by the bud of the
Lord,meane Chrift, e He alludcth to the booke of lite, whercof
| reade Exod.32 32, meaning Gods fecret council, wherein his elect
are predeltinate to life eucrlafting, f That is, the cruelty. extortion,
auarice, and all wickednefle. g Whenthingsthell be redrefied that
were amifie, h Healludethtothepillarof the cloud,Fxod. 13,21.
mocaning,that Gods faucurand prote@ion fhould appeare in cucry
plece. i The faithfull are called the glory of God, becaufe bis image
„and tokens of his grace (hineinthem, k God promifeth co be the
defence of his Church againft a Itroubles and dangers, ~
1- Vader the fimiltude of the vine ,h2 defcri-
E beththe ftate ofthe pesple, 8 Of tkerr avarice.
: 1r Their drunkenneffe. 13 Of their captauitaie.
fa The Prophet Njn wili* q fing to my > beloued a ong
by this fong ofiny beloued to his vinevart,* gy bee
$ docth fet before loued Had ac vineyard fit a very kruitkuil
the peopleseyes pl, ` ‘
theiringratiende, 2 Ant he hedged it, and gathered ont the
f and Gods mercy. {tones of tt, andhe planted tt wiry the beſt
b Thatis, to
| God: Lere.2.21.atth.2¥.33. © Mecnning, that hehad planted
| his Caurch ina place molt plentifull and abundant,
withoutanhead place okmount Zion, Œ vpon the aſſen blies
plants, 4 and be built a tower inthe mids d Helpared cog
thereof and made a winepreſfſe thereimthen diligence nox
he looktd chat tt onid bung forth grapes; colt, K
but it brꝛought e forth wilt grapes. ` Inthe ſcuenth
2 etw therefore, D mhabitants of Je- verſe he decla-
rhialent, and men ot Judah, iudge, J pray Teth what they
pou,f betweene me snd my vineyard, — were.
4 Ghat could J haue done any moto F He maketh
Ip vineyard, that Jhane not Dene vnto them iudges in
it? why have J leoked that it bouid bring theit oune caufe,
foosth grapes, ant it bzingeth keorth wilde forafiuch asit
grapes? was cuident that
§ And now F will tell yon what F wil! they were the
Doc ta my vincpards Je wilitake away the caule oftheir
Hedge thereof, and tt halibe eaten bp: wil owne ruine,
breake the wall thercofand it ſhal be troden g Iwiiltakeno
Bowne: more carc fof ig:
6 And FJ tuilltay tt wafe: it ſhall not be meaning that he
cit nor Dig ged, but piers, and thornes half would take from
grew vp: 3 wutllalio command the clondes them his word
that they raine noraine bpon te. and miniflers,
7 @ Dively the vinepard ofthe Lordof andall other
beftsis tye boule of Iſracl, andthe men of ccmforts,end
Judah «re his pleatant plane, and Gee logs fend them con-
ken fozh iudgenient , but beholde eppel wary plagnes,
fon ; toz rightrouſneſte, butbeboldia ctype h Iudgrraent &
Wig. righteoufheffe aie
3 oe unto them that fopne boue to crue fraits febe
houſe, and fay field ro field, till tyere bee no Feare of God,ard
k place, that ye maybe placed bp pour felues thereforein the
in che mtos of the earth. cruel oppreffors
Q Thisis in mine! eared, fayth the Lode there is no reli-
of bots. urelp many poules hall bee de⸗ gion.
folate, cuen great, and faire without inka: i Of them that
bitant. ; : are opprefied,
10 fo: ten acres of pines (hall pezlD- one k To wit,forthe
~bath,and the ſeed ofan” homer yall pegld poore to dweil
an °ephah, in.
II @ Adoe vnto them that r rife vp early | Ihaue heard
to follow druukenneſſe, andto them that thecomplaine
continue vntill anight, allthe wine Dogin- andcry ofthe
fiame them. : poore.
12 Zud the harpe, and biole, timbel and m Which cen-
pipe, and wine are in their teaites: but they taneth about
regard not the * worke of the Lord, neither ren pottels: fo
confider the worke of his hands, . that cuery acre
13 Gherefoze mp people £ ts gone into thouldbutyeeld.
captinitp,vecaule they badtno knewtedge, one potrell.
aud the glory therecf are men kamiſhed, n Whichcone
and the multitude thercofts Dated vp with raineth an hune
thirſt. dreth poitels.
14 Therefore Hell hath enlargedit felfe; o An epbah
ant bath opened bis mouth without Mea- containethten
{ure,and their glory, Etheir multttude, and pottelsand isin
their pompe, and de that reioyceth among cry things as
them, all deſcend into it. muchas Bathis
15 And man Hall be broughe downe, and in licours.
man fhallbe humbled, cuen the epes of the p That fpareno
proud foall be humbled. paine nor dili-
_ 16 And the Lom of hols Hall beeralteD gence to follow
in tudgement,é the holy Sod Hall Ge fancti: their tufs.
fied tn iuſtice. g Which are
never weary of
theit rioting and execfitue pleaſures: but vieall meznesto prouoke
tothe fame, r They regard not the prouident care of God ouer
them,nor for what end he bath created them. f° Thatis,thall cers
taincly goe: for fo the Prophets vfe to fpeake. as thovgh the thing
which fhall come to paffe, were done already, t Becauſe they
would rot obcy the word of God. u Meaning, the graue fhall
fwallow vp them that fhall die for hunget and thirft, and yet forall
this great dejizudtion, irfhall neuer be ſatiate. ‘
k4 17 Then
Gods graces on the {mallremnant. Chap. tiij.v. Againftcouetoufnes & rioting. 200
Nomen aTe
Vtter deftruction for finne,
Iſaiah. Mans lips polluted,
x Godcomfor- 17 Then Mall che lambs feed after chetr {2 thepeete of the Death ofking Cssiah,
teththepoore manet, and the rangers Hall eatethe dela» Le J (aw allo che Lam fitting uyon ane? high a God theweth
lambesofhis = {ate places of the fat. $i throne , and lifted vp, and the lower: parts not himfelfe to
Church, which 18 C (Hac unto chem that Raw iniquity thereof filled the Temple. By man in his maic-
hadbenei{tran- withycords of vanity, and Gune, as with 2 Thei Deraphims tood vpon it:euery fie, bur accor-
gers in other = Cart ropes: i one had fire wings: with cwaine he couered dingas mans ca-
Countreys,pro- ¶ 19 pich fay,z Let him make (peede: dhisetace,and with twaine heecoucred hig pacity isableco
mifiag that they let hun haten his workethat we map feeit: £feete, and with twaine he Divs fie, comprehend himy
fhoulddwellin and let the countelof the holy Due of Ilcact 3 And one crped ta another, and ſayde, that is, by viſible
thofe placesa- draw neere and come, that we may knowe * Woly, holp, baly is the Lazu of holtes: the fignes, as Iohn
gaine,whereof it. whole: wala ts fullafhts glory. Baptift faw the
they had bene 20 MHochnto them that ſpeake goodof 4 And the lintels of the Booze cheekes holy Ghoftin
depriuedby the euill and euillof good, which put darkneſſe kmooued at the voice of him that cried, and theforme of a
facandcrucllty- ` fo? light, ¢ light for darkeneſſe, that put bite the houle wag filled with fmoke. doue.
rants. ter for cetẽ, and ſweete foz lowe.
y Which vfealt
21 Cae unto them that arewile in their
owne epes, and prudent in their owue light.
5 Then F latd,! oris mesfo2 g] am vn
Done, becaule Jama man of polluted lips,
and J Dwell in the mids of a people of pollu:
b Asaiudge
ready to giué
cafions and ex- 22 Woz vnto them that are mighty ta tedlips: for mine eyes baucleene the King c Ofhis gar-
cules toharden Dztnke wine, and to them that are trong te and Lo: of halts. ment, or of his
theirconfcience powꝛe in ſtrong minke: 6 Then flew one ofthe Seraphims bit- throne,
in finne. 23 Ahich tuitific the wicked foz a re⸗ tome with an hot cole in His hand, which d They were
z Hetheweth ward, and take away the righteoulnelle of bee had taken from the m altar with the Angels,fo called,
what are the the righteous from pun. tongs : becaufe they
words of the 24 Therefore as the flameoffire Denous 7 And he touched my month, and fayd,
wicked, when
they are mena-
ced with Gods
a Whichare not
> afhamed of fin,
nor care for ho-
nefty, but are
growen toa de-
{perate impiety.
b Which are
contemners of
all do@rine and
c Which are ne-
ner weary but
fhewe their
ftrength,& brag
in gluttony and
d Boththey and
their poſterit y, lo
that nothing
fhall be lefr.
reth the ſtubble, andasthe chafte fs conſu⸗
wied of the flame: fo theis d roote thall be ag
rattennelle, and their bud fall rile wp Itke
Dult, becaule they banz cat off the Lawe of
the Lod of halts, and comtemned the woa
of the boly Due of Iſxael.
25 Therefore isthe wrath of the Lorde
kindled agatalt his people, the hath ſtret⸗
chev out Dis e hand upon them, ¢ hath finite
ten them that the mountaines did tremble;
and their carkeiſes were torne in the ming
of the ſtreetes, and Foz all this his wath was
not turned away, but his hand was ſtret⸗
ched out till.
26 Andhewill ltt bp a lignef vnto the
nations afarre, t will bile vnto them from
the endofthe earth: and behold, they Mall
come haltily with (peed.
27 Rone Wal s faint no: fal among them:
none Hall lumber no: (leepe, neither Mall
the girdle of Hislopnes bev looſed, noz» the
latchet of hts ſhooes be broken:
28 Whole arrowes Halbe arpe, and all
his bowes bent : his hozic hooues fhall bee
thought like flint, and pis wheeles like a
Loz, this hath toucged thy lips, and thine
iniquity all be taken away, and thy finge
Wall be purged:
8 Alto J| heard the vopce sf the Low,
laying, Whom hall Iſend? and who ſhali
goe fo vs? Then 3 fain, Here am J, fend
meg. i
9 And he fain, Go,and fay vnto this peo-
ple, De Hall heare in Deed, but pe hall not
pnderttand: pe Hall plainly te,and nat per-
Io Wake the heart of this people fat,
make their cares heanyp, and hut their eyes,
left they (ce with thetveyes, and heare with
their cares, t vnderſtand with thetr hearts,
and conuert, and be heale toem.
Il Shen laid J. Lord, P how long ? And
hee anfwered, Untill the cities bee waſted
without tnbabitant,and the houſes with-
out man, and the land be utterly Delolate,
12 And the Lod baue remooned men
farre away, and therebe a great deſolatton
in che mos of the land.
wereof a fiery
colour,to fignifie
that they burnt
inthe loue of
God, or were
light as fire to
execute his will,
e Signifying,
that they were
not ableto en-
dure the brights
neffe of Gods
Whereby was
declared that _
man was not
able to fee the
of God in
g Which thing
declareth the
prompt obedi-
ence of the An-
gels to execute
Godscommandement.. h This often repetition fignifieth,that the
holy Angels cannot fatisfie'themfelues in prayfing God, to teach vs
that in all our liues we fhould giue our Rlueste the continuall praife —
of God. i His glory doeth not onely appeare in the heauenss
but through all the world, and therefore all creatures are bound to —
prayfebim, k. Whichthings were to confirmethe Prophet that _
it was not the voyce of man: and by Bpeinoke was fignified the
blindneffe that fhould come vpon the Tewes. 1 He {peaketh this
for two caufes: the one, becaute hethat was a mortall creature, and
therefore had more neede to glorifie God then the Angels, did it
not: and the other, becauſe the more neere that man approcheth
to God, the moredoth hee knowe his owne finne and corruption,
m Of the burnt offerings, where the fire neuer went out.
no This declareth that man cannotrender true obedience to Gad,
till be haue purged vs. o Whereby is declared that for the malice
of man Ged willnot immediatly take away his word,but he will caufe
it to be preached to their condemnation, whenasthey will notlearne
thereby to obey his will, and be faued : hereby he exhorteth the mi-
niftersto do their dusty, and anfwereth to the wicked murmurers,
that throughtheir owne malice their heart is hardened, Matth. 13.
14. A%,28.26.Rom.11.8. p Ashewas moued with the zeale of
Gods glory, fo was he touched witha charitable affe@tion toward the
I3 Bus
29 Wis roaring hallbe like a lion, and he
fhalroarelike lions whelps:they Wali roare
and lay boltet the pap: they hall take tt ae
way, ana none Hall Deltuer te.
tures,ifthey had 30 AnD in that Day they Hall roare vpon
benefoplagned, thent,as the roaring ofthe ſea: and ifk they
would haucbene leokeynto the earth, behold darkeneſſe, and
morcfenfible, fow and the light Halbe Darkened in their
and thereforehis + FRES,
plagues muft ; ;
continuerill they begin to feele therm. f Hewillmakethe Baby-
lonians to come againft them at his becke, andto fight vnder his
ftanderd, g They thal be prompt.and lufty to execute Gods ven-
geance. h Theenemy fhall hauc noneimpediment, i Where-
by is declared tbe cruelty ofthe enemy. K The Tewes fhall find
nofuccour, 1 Intheland offudah. /
xı Ffaiah fheweth his vocation by the vifion of
the diuine maiefty, 9 He fheweth the obſtinacie
ofthe people. 11 The deftruction of the land,
13 The remnant referned,
e Hethesveth
that God had fo
fore punithed
_ this people,that
the dumme crea-
Tfaiabcomforteth Ahaz.
q Meaing,the 13 But yet tnitthalibevatenth,and hal
tenth pit: oras returne,t Wallbe eaten bp as an elme "02 as
fome tite, it was an oke wbich bauca fubttance in then, whe
reueild to Ifaiah they cait their leaues: fo the bolp ſeed Wall bee
forth confirma- the ſubſtance thereot.
tion bis pro-
phefisthat ten kingsfhould come before their captiuity, as were from
Vzzah to Zedekiah. r For the fewnefle they (hall feemeto bee
cate vp: yet they (hall after flourith asa tree, which in winter loofegh
his fauces and feemeth to be dead, yet in fummer is frefh and greene,
1 Lerufalem befieged. 4 Lfasah comforteth the
king. 14 Chrift u promifed.
3Kinz.16.5, A AD in the Dayes of * Ahaz, the fanne of
r HOria. Jotham, the ſonne cf Uzziah king of Jus
+ To wit,thefe- pah, Rezin the king of || Aram came vp,and
sond time: forin JPekah the fonne ot Remaltay king of Jira-
thefirftbattell el, to Jerufalem tofightagainigit, butheg
Ahaz was ouer- could not ouercome tt.
tome. 2 And tt was talde the houle oft Danin,
b Meaning,the faping, Aram ts topned with: Ephraim:
kings houfe. therefoze his heart was amoued, tthe heart
c Tharis, Ifrael, of his people, asthe trees of the-fozreit are
becauſe that tribe moued by the winde.. aH
wasthegreateh, 3 @ Thenfayd the Lord vnto Iſatah, Go
Gen.48.19. forth now ta meet Aaz (thou and e Shear-
d Forfeare. iaſhub thy onne) at the ende ofthe conduite
€ That istofay, of the vpper poole, in the path ofthe fullers
the rcft thall re- fiel3,
turne : which 4 And lay onto him, Take heede, andbe
namelfaiah gaue ftiil,feare not , neither bee fapnt hearted foz
hisfonne, to fig- the two tatles of theſe finoking | firebsands,
nifie,that the relt fo? the furious wath of Resin and of Aram,
ofthepeople and of Remaliahs tonne:
fhouldreturne Becauſe Aram hath taken wicked coun
outoftheir cap- ſel againſt thee,& Cphzatin,and Remaliahs
tiuity. fonne ſaying,
f Which haue 6 Let vs gn bp againt Judah,and let vs
but alitle fmoke, waken them vp, and make a breach therein
and fhall quickly fo: vs, and feta king in the mids therotjeuen
bequenched, the foune ots Tabeal.
g Which wasan. 7 Thus ſayth the Lord Gov, Fe ſhall not
Mraelite;andas ftaud neither fall it be.
fcemeth,enemy 8 JFoathe head of AramisDamalcus,and
tothehoufeof the head of Damatcusis Resin; and within
Dauid, © flue and > theeetcoze yeere Ephraim hall bee
h Counting from deſtroyed fram being a people.
the fiue &twene o Andthe head of Ephraim is Sama
tieth yeere ofthe ria and the bead of Samaria is Rematltalys
reigne of Vzzi- fonne.Jfyebeleenenot,furely pe hall not be ,
10¶ And the Lord ſpake againe vnto A-
haz, ſaying,
-II Afkeia ſigne fo: thee ofthe Lord thy
Gon: afke it, eirher in the Depth beneath, oz
the Ifraclites inthe beightaboue. 3 i
fhouldbe led in- 12 But Abaz fayd, J willnot aike, nei-
toperpetuall cap- ther will J * tempt the Loꝛd.
tinitie, which 13, Then hee fayde, Weare vou new, D
thingcameto houlſe of Dauid, Is ita ſmall thing foz pou
ah,at what time
Amos prophe-
fied this thing,
and now Ifaiah
confirmeth that
paffewithin fo griene Imen, that ye willalo grieue my
twentieyeere af- Goan? |
ter that IGiah
did thismeffage. . i For the confirmation of this rhizg, that thine
enemies thal be deftroyed,and thou preferued, k Not to beleeue
Gods wotd without a figne ,isto tempt God : but to refufea figne
- when God offereth it for the aydeand helpe of our infirmitie, 1s to
rebellagaint him, 1 Vou thinke you haue to do with men, when
ye contemne Gods.meflengers; but it is God,againft whom youbend
your (clues.
Chap. vij. viij.
Chrift promifed. 261 E
I4 Therefor the Lom- himſelfe will m Forafmuch
giue pou a figne . Behold, the virgine all asthou art vn-
concetue and beare a ſonne, and fhe fhall call worthy, the
bis name |i Jmmany-el. Lord for his
15 9 Butterand bony fall be eate, till he owne promife
haue knowledge to retule the cutll,e to chule fake will giue a
the good. figne, which shall
16 jForafoze theo child fall haue know. be, chat Chrift
ledge to eſchew the euill,tto chufe the good, the Sauiour of
the land that thou abbozrelt,fhal be fozfaken bis Church and
of both her kings, the effec of all
17 The Lod ſhall bring bpon thee, and fignesand misa-
bpon thy people,and bpon thy fathers boule cles,(hall bere-
(the Daves that baue not come from the Day uciled.
that p Ephraim Departed from Judah )euen [Or,Gedwith vs,
theking of 1 Alchur which name cas
18 Andinthat day hallthe Lod hile foz agree to none but
the flie that isat the vttermoſt part ofthe to him, that»
floods of Egypt, and fo: the Bee which isin both God and
the land of Sffhur, ; man.
_ I9 And they Hall come and thal liaht all n Meaning,that
in the Belolate valleps.and in the holes ok the Chriftisnot one-
tockes,and vpon al thozny places,and bpon ly God but man
all buie í places. allo, becaufe he
20 Ju that Dap hall the Loꝛd Wane with thallbe nouri-
a ralo? that tg hired,euen by them beyond the thedas other
riuer bythe king of Aſchur, the head and the men, vneill the
baire of the tfcete, andit Hall confume the age ofdifcretion.
beard. o o Nor meaning
21 And ín the fame Day Halla man» non- Chrift, but any.
rif a pong kow, and two ſheepe. child : for be-
22 And fo: the abundance of milke that foreachild can
thep Hail gine, he Hall eate butter:fo2 butter come to the
and bony pall euery one eate, which is left yeeres of difere-
within the land. tion,the Kings
3 And at the fame Day euery place,wher· of Samaria and
in thathe athoufand vines,fhalbe at a thou⸗ Syria hall bee
fand pieces of ſiluer: fo it ſhalbe foz the bꝛiers deftroyed.
and foz the thoznes. p Sincethetime
24 ith arrowes and with y bow fall that the twelue
one come thither: becaule all thelan’ hall tribesrebelled
be briers and thoes. j j vnder Roboam,.
25 But owzall pmountaines,which hal q In whom
be digged with the mattocke,there hall nat thou baft put
come teitherthefeare of hiers and thornes: thy cult,
but they (hall be forthe fending out of bule r Meaning, the
lockes, and fo? the treading of fgeepe, Egyptians: for
by réafon the
countrey is hot and moyft, itis full of Flies,as Affyria is full of Bees, —
f Signifying that no place fhall be free from them, t Thatis,that
which is from the belly downward ; meaning that hee would deftroy
both great and ſmall. u He that before had a great number of cate
tell, Mallbe content with one kow and two fheepe. x The num-
ber of men (hall be fo {mail,that a Few beafts (halbe ableto nourith all
abundantly, y Astheythat goetofecke wild beafls among the
bufhes. z Themountainescontrary to their wont, (hall beetilled:
by fuch as fhall flee to them for ſuccour.
14 The captiuitie of Ifrael and Judah by the
Alfyrians. 6 The infidelitie of the Iewes. 9 The
deftruction ofthe Affyrians. 14 (brift the ftone
of fuenbiing tothe wicked,.19 The wird of Gad
mufi be inquired at. 3
Maour rbe Low (aid vato me, Take
theca? great rolland wite in itb with a That thou.
a mans pen, Dake {peed to the ſpoile: hake wayelt wricein
tothe pray. great letters, to
theinrent it may —
bemore eafilyread. b Meaning,after the common. fathion: bee
caule all men mightreade its
Z Then:
(The waters of Shiloah.
c Becaufe the
-thing was of
gteat impor-
aE ronke
i thefe two wit-
_ were of credite
* with the people,
when he fecebis
vp vpon the dore
ofthe Temple, -
albeit Vriah was
a flattering by-
poctice 2 King,
d Meaning,to
bis wife,and this
was doaeina
llOr raske Beede
to the Poile: haſt⸗
to the pray.
e Before any
child be abie to
. Speake,
f Thacis, thear-
. my of Affyria,
g which wasa
» fountaine ar the
ſoote of mount
Zion,outof the
which ran a ſmal
| Siuer through the
citie: meaning,
that they ofig-
dah diftrufting
their owne pow-
er, which was
fuch power and
{riches as they
‘| faw in Syriaand
Yh Tharis, the
Aflyrians, which
‘¥dwell beyond
JEupbrates. |
‘fa At thall be rea-
kK He (peaketh
thisto Mefliah
for Chrif, in
foited,and who
would not fuffer
} his Church tə
ine office,
| fauenohopein God.. p In
ig Vpon him in aduerficie, patiently looking for his helpe, and fea-
jing to do any thing
hichare his elc&, and reie@
ain{t whom the Iewes
4 |.Pct.2.7,8. t Though all forfake me, yet yethatare mine keepe
“fy word (urg fealed inyour hearts,
2 Their Htooke vnta mee é faithfull wit-
neies to reco2d, Cirtal the Miet Zergari
ab che onne of Jeberechiah.
3 Aiter, I came vnto the s Provbetefle,
hich concetuen and bare a ſoune. When
fayd the Lord to mee, Call bis name, ! Was
her halalhaſh baz,
4 Ffoꝛ betoꝛeẽ the chila ſhall haue know ·
ledge to cry, Ay father and iny mocher; f Ye
ai take swap toe riches of Damatcus,and
the fpoyleot Samariã, before the King of
Aur FAP '
§ E And the Lod (pake pet againe vnto
me faving, .
6 Becaule this people hath refulea the
waters ofe Shtloay char runne ſoftlp, and
Keroue wiry Resin, and the lonne of Rema»
7 How therefore beholde,the Lord bain:
geth vpwpan them the waters af the Ri
uer mightte and great, euen the Kiug orgi
fur wh all his gloz», and be hall come vp
be all thetr ringes and goe oucr all theit
anes, me he
8 And hall bake tute Judah, and wall
oust owe and pafe tbough, and hall come
bp ta rhe? neck,and the firetching out of bis
tings ali fll che bꝛeadth ot chp lane, D
k Immanuel.
9 Gather together on heaves , D pez
Mpeople,and pe ail be broken in pieces, and
hearken all ye of facve countéeys: gpd pour
ſelues, and you Mall bee bzoken in pieces?
gird pour ſeluts, and pou all bee broken in
picces. å
10 Takecounil together, yet. hall bee
brought to nought ponguncea dectee yet
Mallit not and; fo: Gad is wtth vs.
AL Foꝛ the Lord (pake thus te mec, ia ta
Ring "of mine HarD and taught mee, that g
poun noi walke tn the way of this people,
I2 Sapyee not, A -confeveracte to ati
fdan, to whom this people faith a confedera:
Cle,netther frare pod o therr feave, nozbee a:
fratd okthem.
13 P@anctifie the Lod of hoſtes, and let
bim be your keare and let him be por ReaD,
14 And he Halbe as a Hanctisary t buc
asa itumbling fone. and as arocke to fall
bpan, to bath the houſes of Jitael and ag a
fnare, and as a net to the inhabitants of ge:
I5 And many among them Gail fumble,
and Wal falt,and dail be boken,and fyall be
mared.and thall be taken.
16 "Bind vp the tettimony sleale pp the
| pedeitroyed viterly, 1 To witye thatareenemiesto the Church,
sthe Affyrians, Eg
fhould not {hrinke forthe infidelity of this people , and fo neglect
n> Confent nec
dendthip tbat this people feeke with ftrangers & idolaters. œ Mea-
ng that they (houldnut feare che thing that they feared, which
yptians,Synans,&c. m To encourage me that
yethat are godly , to rhe league and
patting your truft only in him, in cal-
contrary to his will, q He will defend you
allthe reft, whichis meant of Chrif, a-
{hould ftomblesadfall, Luk. 2.3 4.ROm.9.33,
> * —
To ſeeke at God on
Law among my diſciples. l
I7 Cheretoze j will wait vpon the Load
that bath hid hts tace from the pouf ot Jaa⸗ ENE E
kob,and 3 wili toote foz him. pace EY
IS Behold. J and thetcyitoren whom the í Meaningihe
Lord hath ginen me,are a5 tignes aswon. thar weres "
Dersin Jiraci, bp che Lord ot hokea, which to beare & oky ,
Dwellcry in mount Sta, the word of hd,
19 Ang when they igal fap bute you, Eire whoa the wi
quite attbem thar haue a lpirite ot bisina- bared,asthon
tion, gat the loothlapers, yich whiſper and they were mo
murmure, " Ayould noc a people cuguice at fers andnot
their God? from rye * lining to the uead? worthy totiue,
20 To ithe t Law, and to che teſtimonp, t This wasaco
iftheptpeake uot accopzing tro chis wezBiics folationin their
vecante there is noz light rit then _ troubies,knows
21 Tien be that re attucted and fami⸗ ing thar notbing
ihed, yali goto and fro init sand whest he coulicome vito
fal be bungep, ve Wail euen frer Humieltc, them, utby the |
b and curie Hts king aud Yre gods; and (pail. will of che Lord,
looke ppward. u Anfwere the
22nd when hee Halilooke to the earth, wicked thus, y
behold trouble,and
ftroped becanſe of the * anopnting. is
28 Deis comey to Aiath,hee ts pafled in
to Migron: at Michmalch hal he lay vp bis
29 Chey hane gone ouer the foo2d : they
lodged inthe lodging at Geba: Ramah ts a-
frain: Gibeab of Daul is fled away.
39 Lift wp thy voice, D daughterGallim,
caule Laith to beare, D poore Anatyoth.
31 Madmenah ts reinooued: the inhabi-
tants of Gebum haue gathered themſelues
together. AR l
32 Pet there isa time that he will Kay at
f20b: hee ſhall lift up bis hand towarde the
mount of the Daughter Sion, the bill of Je⸗
33. Beholde, the Lord Ged of hoſtes Mall
cutoff the hough with feare,and they of hic
| 1 Meaning,that
God is alight to
-cofort his people,
& 4 fire to burne
his enemies,
m That is,the
n To wit,body
& foule vtterly.
© When the bat--
tellis loft,and che
ftandard taken.
p This isthe end
of Gods plagues
toward his,to
bring themto
him, & to forfake
all truit in others,
g This {mall nú-
_ber, which fee-
med to be confu»
med, and yet ac-
cording to Gods
decree is faued,
thalbe fufficient
to fil al the world
with righteou(-
[f As the Bgypti-
‘ans did punih
Reade Chap,
u When the ff
raelites paffed
f through by the
{lifting vp of Mo-
{ fes rod,and the
4 enemies were
f drowned, Exod.
x Becaufeof the
f promife made to
that kingdome,
whereby Cbrilts
f king dome was
y He defcribeth
by what way the
| Affyrians fhould
‘come againft le-
tufalem,to con-
firme the faithful
whenit fhould
‘peometo palle,
that as their
| plague was come, fo fheuld they be delinered. ⁊ Feare arid deftru-
&ion fhall come vpon ludab: for the princes and the people ſhall all
| [ibe led away captiues,
A prophefie of Chrift.
ftature fhallbee cut off,and the high ſhall be
34 And he hal cut away the thick places
of tye tozveit with yon, and Lebanon iall
baue a mighty fall.
1 Chrifi borne of the root of Iſhai. 2 His vertues
and hingdom. 6 The fruits of the Gofpel. 10 The
calling cf the Gentsles,
B Cit there Wali come aa rodde fozth of the a Becaufe the
itock of JMai, and a grate fhal grow out captivity ef Ba-
of his roots. sä bylon wasa fi- ·
2 And the Hpirit of the Lorde ſhall reſt gure ofthe fpiri-
bpon bint: the Spirit of wiſedome t ynder- tual] captiuty
tanding thbeDptrit of couniel and ttrength, vnder fiane,ke
the Spirit of knowledge, and of the feare of fheweth that our
the Lord, true deliuerance
3 And Hal make him prudent in the feare mult come by
ofthe Lod: foz be hall not tudgeatter the Chrift: for as Da-
light of hts eyes, neither repzooue by the bea uid came out of
ring of his eares: I{haia man witha
4 But with rightcoufnelle thall he iudge our dignity: fo
the pooze,and with equity hal be repzoue foz Chrift (heuld
the mecke of theearty: and bee Wali» (mite come of a poore
the earth with the rodde of hts mouth, and carpenters houfe,
with the breath of bis lippes thal he flap the as out of adead
Wicked. ftocke,Cha.s 3.2.
S And tuttice hall bee the girdle of hig b All thefe pro-
lopnes, and faythfuinelle the girdle of his petties can agree
reynes. to none but onely
6 Thes Melée alſo Hall Dwell with the vnto Chriſtafor it
Lambe, and the Leopard thall lye with the
Kidde and the Calke and the Lpon,and the
fatte beat together, and a little childe halt
teade them.
7 Ana the Cow.and the Beare ſhal feed:
their pong ones Wall lye together: and the
tyon thal eate traw like the butlocke.
8 And the fucking childe Hall play vpon
the hole of the Atpe,e rhe weaned child waii
put his hana vpon the Cockatrice hole.
9 Then Hail none hurt noz deitroy in all
the mountaine of mine holines:foz theearth
ſhalbe full ef rye Knowledge of the Lord, as
“the waters that coner the fea.
IO And inthat day the roote of Jai,
which hall tande vp foz a figne vnto the
© people, the nations ſhall {ecke ynte it,and
bis! ret ſhalbe glozisus,
II Andin the fame Dap wall the Lorde
ftretch out his hand s agatne the fecond time wherein the like
to pofletic the remnant of His people (which affe@ions reignes
ſhalbe left)ot Aſſhur, and of — and of but Chrift by his
Pathos, and of Ethiopia, and of Glam,anp Spirit {hall re-
of Hhinear,and of amath, and of the ples formerhem,and
of the ea. worke in them
12 And be Hall (ct vp a figneto the nati> fuch mutual cha-
ons, and alemble the diſperſed of Iſrael. and rity,that they thal
gather the ſcattered of judab from the foure be like lambes,
cozners of the wold. fauouring and
S louing oneano-
ther,and caf off all their cruell affe ions, Chap. 65.25. d Itthatl
bee in asgreatabuncanceas the waters inthe Sea. e /Heeprophe-
ficth of the calling of the Gentiles, f Thatis, his Church which
heealfo calleth his reft, Pfal.132.14. g For God firft delinered
his people out of Egypt, and nowe promifeth to deliuerthem outof
their enemies handes, as from the Parthians, Perfians, Caldeans, and
them of Antiochia, among whome they were difperfed : and tbis is-
chiefly meant of Chrift, who calleth his people, being difpegied |
through allthe world. das * oe
f 13 The
eth the hearts of
the faithfull, and
mortifieth their
and te the wic⸗
ked he is the fa-
uour of death,
and tothem that
thall perifh : fò
that all the world |
fhal be {mitten
with this rodde,
which is his word,
c Men becaufe `
oftheir wicked’ -
affe&ions are
namedby the
names of beafts,
is heethat touche ™
A thankeſgiuing. $
h Herehede- 13 The hatred allo ok Ephraim hall de-
fcripeth the con- part,and the aduerſaries of Judah fall bee
fent that fhailbee cutoff; Ephraim fall not enuie! Judah,
inbis Chureb,& neither ſhall Judah vere Ephraim:
their victoty a- 14 But they Hall fice vpon the Hhoulders
Zainſt theit ese · ofthe Philiſtims towarde the idet; they
mics, ſhal {poile them of the Catt together: Coon
i Mcaning,acor- and {Boab Halbe the ttretching out of their
ner ofthelea handes, and thechildzen of Ammonia theit
thatentreth into obedience.
the land,&hath 15 The Loꝛd allo hal btterly deſtroy the
the forme ofa i tongue ofthe Egyptians fea, and with his
tongue, mighty winde Wall lift vp bis hande * oner
k Towit,Nilus thertuer, and fhalliimite him in bis feuen
the great riuer of ftreames,¢caule men to Walke therein with
Egypt, whichen- ſhooes.
trethintothefea 16 AnD there hallbeea path to the rem·
Chap. xii. iil.
igainft Babylon. 263
gathered together : the Lozd of hoftes nam-
beth the botte of the battell.
§ Thep come from a far countrey, from
the endeof the heauen; even the Lozo with
the e weapons of his wath to deftrop the
whole land.
6 Worwle f pou, foz the Day of the Lo: is
athand; tt thal come asa dettroper from the
7 Therefore hal al bands be weakned,
and all mens hearts Mali melt, NA
8 And they hall be afraid:anguiſh and
ſorow fhail take chem, ¢ they Yal hane paine,
as a woman that trauaileth: eucry one Hall
be amazed at his netgbbour, and their faces
thalbe like ¢ flames of fire.
9 Bebhold,the day of the Loꝛd commeth,
e Thearmie of
the Medes and
the Peſians a-
gainft Babylon,
f YeBabylo-
g The Babylo-
nians anger and
griefe fhall befo
much, that their
faces fhall burne
as fire.
h They that are
with feuen nant cf his people, which are leftofAtijur, cruci, with wrath and fierce anger totay the overcome Mall
fircames, like as it was onto F{rael in the daythat he land waſte: and he hall Deftroy the inners thinke tharall |
Came op out of the land of Egypt. out of it. the powersot
CHAP. XIL Id Foꝛ the *ftarres of heauen and the beauen and earth
Athanke[giuing of the faithful forthe mercies planets thereof hall not giue theirlight: the are againft them,
of God. funne hali be Darkened in bis going foozth, Ezekiel 32.7,
a Hee theweth epee ges a palt fap ín that Day,D Lord, andthe oone ſhall not canit yer light to iocl.3.15.
howthe Church £7} 3 will paatle thee: though thonwattan- fhine, matth,24.29.
fhall praile God, gry with me,thy wath ts turned away, and
when theyare — thou comfsteit me. i
deliuered from 2 Bebhold, God is mp? faluation : J will
theircapriuity. truft,and will not feare: foz the Loꝛd Gow is
b Ourfaluation *my ſtrength and fong: be alſo is become mp
ſtandeth onely in faluation. _
God, who giueth 3 @herefoze with ioy hal pe mam wa»
vs an afluredco- ters out ofthe wels of faluation. :
fidence, contan- 4 And pe fhal fay in that day.* Pꝛaiſe the
cieand-occafion Loꝛd:call bpon bis name; Declare bis works
topraife himfor among the peeple: make mention of them,
the fame. foz bis fame is exalted.
Exod, 15.3. s. Ding vito the Lozd, for hee bath Done
pfa 118.14. _ excellent things: this ts knowen in all the
c The gracesof Wold. s 5
God hallbeo 6 Crypout and Mout, iD inhabitant of
abundant that ye Zion: fo: great is the holy Dneof Iſrael in
may receiuetbem the mids of ther, -
in asgreat plenty,
as waters out of a fountaine that is full, s.Chron,1,58. d Ye that
are of che Church,
The Medes and Perfians jhall deftroy Babylox.
T He aburdenof Babel, which Iſaiah the
a That is, f great
calamitie, wbich & fonneof Amos DID fee, i
was prophefied 2 Lift wp a ſtandard vpon the dish
tocomeonBa- monntaine: litt vp the voice vnto then:wag
belasamoft © the>band, that thep may goe into the gates
gricuous burden, ef the nobles, -
which they were g 3 baue commanded them that F haue
notabletobeare ‘fancttfied ; and J haue called the mightte
Iniheferwelue tomp wath, and them that reiovce in mp
chapters follow- 4 glozp. —
ing,hefpeaketh 4 The novie of a multitude is in the
ofhe plagues mountaines like a great people: a tumultis
wherewithGod dus voyce of the kingdomes of the nations
would ſmite
thefe frange nations ( whome they knewe) to declare that God cha-
ftifed the Ifraelites as his children, and thefe othersashis enemies:
alfo that if God fpare not thefe that be ignorant, that they muft not
thinke ftrange if be punifhed them that haue knowledge of his Lawe th
andkeptit not. b Towit,to the Medes and the Perfians, c That
prepared and appoynted to execute my iudgements, - d Which
willlingly go about the worke whereunto Iappoynt them, but how
the wicked do this read Chap. 10,6,
II And J wil vifite the wickednefle vpon
the i wozi, and their tniquitte bpon the wic·
keD, and J will caule the arrogancte of the
* proud to ceale,and will cat Down the pride
of tyrants.
12 3 will make a ! man moze precious |
then fine goin, euena man aboue the wedge of their great
of gold of Ophir. empite.
13 Therefore J wil hake the heauen, and k Henoteth the
the earth fhall remooue out of ber place in principall viee,.
the wath of the LoD of hoſtes, inthe Day wherunto they
of bis fierce anger. were moft gi-
14 And Itt hall beas a chaſed Doe, and wen,as are all.
asa ſheepe that no man taketh vp + eucry that aboundin
man fyaliturne to his owne people, and flee wealth.
each one to bis owne land. `" = F He neteth the
15 Euery one that is feund,fhalbeftriken great flangheer
thozew : and — toyneth bimfelfe, that ue be, ſee⸗
ail fali by the two. ing the enemie
6 sei scpitozen alfo hall be bꝛoken thallneither for
inpteces befoze thet eyes ; their houles Halt gold, or filucr,
be {pople and their wines rauiſhed. fpare a mans life
17 Bebholve, J will ſtirre vp the Medes as verfe 17.
againit them, which fall not regard fluer, m Meaning, the:
noz be Defrous of gold. power of Baby»
18 lith bowes allo ſhall they deſtroy the lon with their —
chtidien, and all haue no compaffion vpon hired fouldiers,
the fruit ofthe wombe, and their eyes hall P/ad.137.9.
not (pare the children. : n This was not
19 And Babel the glory oF kingdomes, accomplithed —
the Deautieand prive of the Caldeans Wall when Cyrus
beeas the Dettruction of God in Sodome tooke Babylon, .
and Gomoꝛah. a _ but afterthe
20 Ft Hall not beinhabited fo? euer, net: death of Alexa
ther fhallit bee dwelied in from generation der the great,
to generation : neither hall the ° Arabian Gene.19.24.
pitch bis tents there, neither fyall the Heep: iere. 50.40. $
beards make their folds there- _, © Who vier
21 But p Zim thal lodge there, and their go from countr
poules halve fullof Dhim : Dkriches hall co countreyto —
atpzes fhallDaunce find pafture for
Reon —— * their beafts,but
there ſhallihey
find none, p Which were either wilde beafts,orfoules,or wicke
fpitits, whereby Satan deluded man,as by the fa ries, goblins,and fi
like fantafics. gh
22: Aud
i He compareth
Babylon tothe
whole world,
becaufe theyfo
efteemed them=
felues by reafon
LO ee
- The fall ofthe
22, And Jim hat cep in their palates, and
Diagonstn thetr pleaſant palaces $ anv tbe
time thercotis ready tacome, and the Dapes
thereot tall not be prolonged.
x The returne of the people from: captiuitie.
4. The derifion of the King of Babylon. 11 The
death of the king, 29 The deſtruction of the Phi-
z: Lftims, i
a He theweth _ pe a the Lord wilhaue compaſſion of Ia-
why God will akob, and will pet chute Jiraci, and caule
hatteto deltroy thetoreftinthetrewn iand: and the trans
his enemies: te
wit, becauſe he
wiil deliuer bis
b Meauing,that
the Gentiles thal
be ioyned with
the Church, and
worlhip God.
c Signifying,that
get bihal topne himſelfe unto them,and they
hall cleaue to the boule of Jaakob. .
2 Aud the people hall ceceine chem, and
bring them ta their own place, and the honie
of Jitraeldhal poſſeſſe them tn the land ot the
Lozd,fo2¢leruants and hanvinaides: and
they pall take them prifoners , whole cap-
tues thep were, and hane rule ouer thric op-
3 CAndin that day when the Lord hal
the lewesthould giue thee reft froni thy {ozrow, and from tip
bee ſuperiours teare, and fromthe fore bondage, wherein
to the Gen- thoi ding ferue, j
tiles,4fd that 4 Then halt thou take vp ehis pꝛouerbe
they fhould be
brought ynder
the fernice of
Cirit bythe
preaching of the
| by allare brought
to the fubieétioa
of Chrift, a.Cor.
agatnit the king of abel, ¢ fay, Pow bath
the eppreflour cealed 2 and the golde thirty
Babel reten?
§ The Lorde hath broken the ron of the
Wicked, and the (cepter of the rulers: is
a , and ruled the nations
ath; it any were perfec id
peat p were periecutgs, be Di
7 The whole worlde isate ret ahd ig
Quiet: they fing foz fey.
Aile the firce trees reiepeed of thee,
and the cedars of Lebanon, laying, Since
thon art lapus Downe, no bewer came vp ae
gaint ps. i :
9 Dell beneath is mooued fez thee to
Fineete thee at thp comming, raiftag vp the
Dead fo: thee,euen al the pincesef the earth,
and Hath railed from their thzones ali the
> kings ofthe nations, _
IO All they Hall crie, and fay vnto thee,
Art thou become weake alloas we? art thou
become like vnto vs? *
11 Thy pompe ts brought downe te the
graue, & the found. of thy viols: the worme
Has vnder Chee, and the worines coner
12 Dow art thou fallen from beauen, D
h Lucifer, fonneof the moning? and cut
Downe to the ground, which Did caſt lots
bpon the nations ¢
13 Det thoulayok in thine heart, J will
alcendinte beauen, and eralt mp thionea:
at bah e s oa iF will fit al-
d ty. £e mountof the Congregation in
pfthe wicked the lives of thei forth, ` —
which know not $
har ymma wilh their deftruétion that they mayreioyce.. g In
Bead of thy coftly carpets andcouerings. h. Thou that-though-
kelt thy felfe moft glorious, andas it were placed in the heauen : for
he morning ftarre that gocth before the funneis called Lucifer, to
Whom Nebuchadnezzar iscompared. i Meaning, terufalem,wher-
f the Temple was on the Northfide, as Pfal. 48.2.whereby he mea-
eth that tyrants fight again{t God, whenthey perfecute his Church,
ind would ſet themſelues in his place, m= ; ia,
d Thatis,he fuf-
fered all violence
and iniuries to
be done,.
fe Meaning, that
hen tyrants
reigne, there can
bee no reft aor
quietneſſe, and
nienfidle crea-
btureshaue occa-
Hion to reioyce
at their deltru-
Asthough they
ared,lelt thou
fhouldeft trou-
ble the dead,as
hou didit the
juing : and here.
ic derideth the
proud tyrannie
6 Ubich Guote the people in auger with
tyrant. Againft Paleftina.
14 J will afcend aboue the betabt of the
cloudes,and wili be like the moſt High.
Ig But thou Male beebreughte Bowne ta
the graue, to che lides of the pte.
16 They that fee thee hall *loeke bpon
thee, & conlidcr thee,faying, Js this the man
that made the carth to tremble, and that did
Make the kingdames ?
17 iQemadethe wold as a wildernefe,
and deſtroyed the cities thereof, and opened
not athe houſe of bis prifoners.
18 All the Kings of the nations , cuen
hali flecpe tn giozp: euery oneta his own
Ig But thonart m caf out of the graue
like an abominable branch : like the ray»
ment ofthoſe that ave ſlaine: and thruſt tho
row with a ſword, which goe downe to the
ofthe pit, asacarketle troden vnder
20 Thon ſhalt not be ioyned with them
in the graue, becaule thou hat deſtroyed
thincowseland, and {laine thy people: the
Hehe of the wicked ſhall not be renowmes
geler. a iad
21 sjp.epare a ſlaughter foz his children.
foz the tniquitie of their fathers: let theiũ
notrile np, noz polene the land, noz fill che
faceof the wozld with cnemics. r
22 Fo F wil rile up agati them(faity &xectre Gods
the Lozd of hoſtes) and J will cat of from Vacances. =
Babvelthe name andthe remuant, andthe |
fonne,and the nephew.tatth the Lord, À
23 Aud J wili make ita polletfion te the
Lbcdachog,and pooles of water, and Z wili
tweene tt with the belome of Detruction,
faith the Low afholtes.
-24 The Loza of hotts hath ſworne, faye
ing, Dutely like as J haue purpoled,fo tall
it come to palie, and as J Baite contulted, it -
fall tand: :
-25 °Ebhat J will bake to pieces Aſſhur
in my land, and bpon my mountaines wil J
tread him vnder koote: fo that bis poke Mal
Depart from r them, and dis burden pall be
taken of from their ſhoulder.
26 This is the countell that is conſulted
bpon the whole wela, and this is the bande
ſtretched out oùer all ths nations, ` deliuer you frons
27 Becan the Lord of holtes hath de · Babylon,-
termined it, and who (hail Difanulltt? and p Fromthe’
bis hand is ſtretched out, and who hal turn iewes.
it away? s -. .» q Read Chap,
28 EIn thye peere that King Abas died, 13.1.
WwasthisdsucDen, - ` t He willeththe
29 Reiopce not (thou whole Maleſtina) Philiftims not to
becaule the rod of bim that D beat thee, is reioycebecaule
bzoken; foz out of the ferpents reat Halcoite thelewes are die
forth a cocatricc,and the fruit thereat halbe minithedin theit
a ery flying ferpent. : power: for theig
30 Foz the f firitbozne of the poore Mall frength thallbee
be fed, and the needy Mall iie Dawne is lafe: greaterthen e
tiez and J wilt kill thy route with famine, uerit vas.
and t it haliflay thy remnant... „£ The Ifaelites,
31 Wowle,D gate ctp, D ctt: thou whole which wese
land of Paleſtiña art diſſolued, foz there broughtto moft
fvallcome from the * Mozth a finoke, none extreme miferie,
thall be * alone at bis time appoputed.
4 borir -a EAE
u Thar is, fromthe Tewesor Affyrians : for they both were Nortti
k In maruciling
at thee.
1 Tofetthem ae .
libertie : noting
his crueleie,
m Thou waft
not buried in the
fepulchre of thy
fathers, thy tye `
ranny was ſo
abhorred, |
a He calleth to
the Medes and
Perfians,and all
thofe that (houlg
4 Or torte.
o As I hase bee
gun cto deftroy
tbe Affyrians in
Saneberib,{o will
I continue & de-
ftroy them whol-
ly,when 1 thall
p t To wit my, s
fom Paleftina. x Burthey fhallbe all rcady and ioyned togéther,
| i ee
i A prophefieagainft Moab.
y Whichthal © 32 bat fhall then one anſwere y the
come to enquire meſſengers of the Genttles: That the Loa
ofthe fateorthe bath eſtabliſhed z Zion, and the pooze of his
Church, people ball truit in it.
z They thal anfwere,that the Lord doth defend his chureh,& them
« that joyne themléluer thereunto.
A prophefie againf? Moab,
a Readehap, = 2 burden of Ayob, Gurely > Ar of
BB ET) 511) Moab was dettroyed, and bronght to ti=
b The chiefeci- (encena night: ſutely Rir of Hoad was
tic, whereby che Deftroped,and brought ro filence ina night.
- whole countrey 2 ipe Mhail goe yp të the temple, and to
was meant, — Dibon tə the hte places to weepe: foz · Nebo
c The Moabites and foz Medeba thal ¢ Boab howie; vpon ail
thallfice to cheit etheit headsthalbe baidues, and euerp bearn
idoles For {uc- fyauen, i
cour ur itl 3 In their ſtreetes Hall they bee girded
too late. with ſackecloth: on tye tops of their joules,
d Which were ` and in their itreetes euery ane hall howie,
cities of Moab. and come Downe with weeping.
e Foras inthe
Welt parts the
people vfedito
Jet their haire
grow long, when
they mourned, fo
in the Balt parts
_ they cut it off.
f The Prophet
_ fpeaketh thisin
eperionof the
4 And Helſhbon thall crp and Elealeh:
their voyce ijaibe heard vnts Jahaz: there-
foze the watrtours of Moab Wall four;
tbe foule of euery one ail lament in hums
§ ine fheart Wallery fo Moab: his
fugitiues hali fec vnto Zoar, san getter of
three peerc old: foꝛthey Hal go vp with wee-
ping by the mounting vp of Lubith: and by
the way of ihoꝛenaim they Wail raile vp a
try of deſtructisn. d
Moabites,or as 6 Foꝛ the waters of Mimrim ſhalbe dry.
oncthatfeltthe ey vp: therefore the grafic is withered, the
great mdgement Hearbes conlſumed, and there was no greene
ofGod,that perbe.
Mouid comevp- 7 Therefore what eucry man hath lekt, and
-onthem. «= — theirlubitance fhal thep beare to the! bzooke:
g Meaning,that: ofthe wiliowes. ia ;
itwasacitethat. § Foꝛthe cep wentrounde about the bhor:
euer lived, in Dersi Moab and the howling thereof vnto
pleafureandne- Eglaim,and the (criking thereof unto Beer
uer felt forrow, Clim. ;
h Hedefcriveth g Becaule the waters ef Dimon albe
themiferable fnlikof blood: for 3 will. bꝛing moze vpon
Giflipationand Dimon euenions upon hin chat eſcapeth
flight ofthe Mo- of Boab and to the remnant ofthe land.
abites. -|
i Tohide themfelues & their goadsthere,= k Ofthem that areflain.
1 So that by nd meanes they {houldefcape thehand of Gods thus wil
God puntih the enemies of his Church,
j aiiai : joc2ditm CHA Pr KV
He cauſes wherefore the Moabites are deſtroyed.
“a Thatisjoffer a Gem aye alambe te thetaler of the wono
facrifice: whereby; from the rocke of the wildernes unto tije:
hederideth the mountayne of the Daughter Fion.
lengdelayywhich <2. Foꝛit halbeas a bitd that? flyech, and
would notrepent & neſt foꝛſaken:the Daughters of Moab Hal
when Lord cal- be at tie foods of Arnon.
kedthéythewing - 3 | Gather acaunlellyerechtetdgement:
them that it is· ¶ «make thp ſhadowe as the night tije mid⸗
nowtoolatefee= Days hide them that are chaſcd out: bewꝛay
ingthe vengeãce not hint that is fled.
Godisvpon: - 4 Let my baniſhed nwel with thee: Mo⸗
them, 9 abbee thou theie-couert from the face of the
b Thereishore- deſtroyer: for thceptoztioner? fhallends the
medy bur you, * 2000
muſt flee. c He ſheweth wher Moab ſhould haue done,when Iſrael
theirneighbounwas inaffliGion, to whom becauſe they vould giue
no fhadow nor-comfort,they are now left comfontleſſe. d The Af
Syrians (Rial o ppreſſe the Iſraelites but fora whiles.:
The caules of Moabs tall, 264
deſtroyer ſhalbe conſumed, and the oppzeffo
Sallceate outoftheland. fis set
And in mercy ſhall the throne be prepa ·
reD,and ehee Mail (it upon tt in ſtedtaſtnes. e Meaning,
i ibe tabernacle of Danid, mdging , and Cbrift.
lecking tudgement,and baking uifitce. f Their vaine
6 Ceke bane heard of the pride of PSaab, confidence and
(hee ts perp 20ND )cuen His pꝛide and hts ar» proud brags ſhall
rogancie and His indignation, but his flieg ceccine them,as
fhall net be fo. lere.48.2.
7 Therefore Hal Moab bowle vnto Mo· g For all your
ab: euerp one ſhall howie: (oz the fomdati- mourning,yettke
ons of Kit hareleth Wall pemourne,petthep city Hallbe de-
fhalbes ftricken, firoied,even ynte
S Foꝛ the vineyards of heſtbon are ent: the foundations, ’
Bowne, & the wine of Dibmah “the Logs h Thais, rhe
of the heathen baue bosen the principalt AGyrians, and-
bines chereot: they ate come vnioi Jaazeiz other enemies:
thep wanded in the wilderneffe: her goodly i Meaning, chat
branches ftretchev out chemfelues, and Went che country of
ouer the fea. Moab wasnow
9 Therefore wit =F weepe with the wees deflroyed,& all
bug of Jaazer, aud of the vine of Stbinah, $ precious things:
D Heſhbon and Elcateb, J will make thee therof were cart.
Dunke with mp teares, becante vpon thp ed into rhe bor-
ſummer fruites, and vpon thp baruci!a ders,ycainto o-
fhouting ts fallen, ther couptreyes,
10 gnd gladnefle is taken away,andfoy and ouer the feas
out of the plentifull fields; andin rhe vine: k He theseth
patdcs thall bee no ſinging noz houtiug for that their plague
ioy i thetreader fall not tread wine in the was fo’ grear, fit
wine prefies; F haue cauled the reioycikg to would haue mo-
ceaſe. ued any manto:
„1I Citherefore, mpm botwels ſhall founde lament with thé,
like an barpe fo: goab and mine inwarde as Pfal.rg1.5.
parts for Rer·hareſh. ] The enemies
12 And when itihal appeare that Moab are come vpon
Wait be wearyofbis die places,then Mall he thee, and hout
| come to his” templeto pray but hee Hal not for ioy,when
pꝛeuaile. ‘ they carry thy
13 This is the word that the Lorde hath commodities
{poken again ft (Boab fince that time. ' ftom thêe,as™ ’
14 Andnewthe Lod hath fpoken,fey> lere, 48.33. °° 7
ingo In thzce yeres as the peres ofan phirés m Forvery for- `
ling, € the glonyof Moab halbe contenined row and compal
in all the great muititude, and the remnant fion `
foalbc verp (mall and feebie, n They thallvfe’
F? — al meansto ſecke
helpe of their idoles & all in vaine: for Chewoꝝ their great god fhalt
not be abletohelpethem. o Hee appointed certaic time to pu-
nilh the enemiesin. p Whowil obferue iuftly rhe time,for $ which:
heis hired, and ferue no longer, but will ever long for it,
A prophefe of the defiracion Pamaſtus, and
Epbrawn. 7 (alamity mooueth ta repentance.
Te burden of> Damaſcus. Beholde, a Reade Chap,
Damaſcus is taken away from beinga 23.1.
city,foztt ſhalbe a ruinous heape. b the chiefe:
2 The cities of © Arocrthaloe foꝛſaken: cir of Syria. |
they Wall be fo? the flockes: for they Hallie c It was a coun⸗
there,and none Hatlinake them afrayd. trey of Syriaby
3 The munition allo thal ceaſe from theriuer Arson,
d Ephiiim y and thekingdome fran Da- d Irfeemeththat
maftus , and the remnant of Aram (hall the Prophet __
bee as thee glozieot the childꝛenot Iſrach would eomfort '
cthe Church in
declaring the deſtruction oſtheſe two Kings of Syria & Vtael, wher’
as they had con'pired the ousrthrowe of Iudah, e The ten tribes
gloried intheir multitade.& alliance with other nations:therefore be
faith that they Malbe brought downe,andthe Syrians alfo
f M.aning ef the
ten tribes, which
hoaſted chem-
felues of their
nobility, profpe-
rity, ſtrength an
g As theabun-
dance of curne
doth not feare
the harueft men
that fhould cur it
~downe: no more
thal the multitude
of Iftael make
the enemies to
fhrink, vkõ God
fhall appoyntto
defiroy them.
h Which valley
- was plentiful and
i Becaufe God
would haue his.
couenant ftable,
he promifethto
referue fome of
this people, and
to bring themto
k He theweth
that Gods gorte-
ions euer bring
forth forme fruit,
and caufe bis to
turne from their
finnes,& to bum-
ble themfelues
to him.
Ł As the Canga-
nites left their çi-
ties whe God did
ace the Iras-
ites there, fo the
cities of Ifrael ,
. {hall no more be
able to defend
their inhabitants,
then bufhes, whé
God thall fend
the enemie to
plague them.
faith che Lord of hoſtes
4 And in that day the glary off Jaakoh
ſhall be unvoucethed, and the facneſſe of hts
fie Halbe mane leans.
§ Audit halbeas when the haruel man
sathereth the s come, and reapeth the eares
with bis arme, andhe hall bee as bee that
gathereth the cares ut the valley of t Ree
_ 6 Veta gathering of grapes Hall ibe left
tn tt, as the paking of an Oliue tree, two or
thace berries are inthe toppe of the vtmoſt
boughes, and foure orug inthe bigh ban:
ches of the fruit thereof, iaith the Lozd God
of Iſrael. i ;
7 At that Dap Wall a man looke to hts
k maker, and bis epes hall loake ta the holy
one oft Iſrael. ;
8 Ana he hall not looke to the altars the
wozkes of bts one hands, neyther Mall hee
looke to thole things, which his own fingers
Haute made, as grones and images.
9 In that day ſhall the cities of their
frenath be as the korſaking of boughes and
bianches, which ‘they did forfake,becaufe of
th i childzen of Iſrael, and there halve Deli
fo Becaule thou hat forgotten the Gon
of thy ſaluation, and balt not remembzed
the God of thy trength, therefore Halt thor
fet pleatantplants, and falt graffe ſtrange
mote branches. ay SIU
II Juche day Halt thou make the plant
fo growwe, € inthe moming haltthou make
thy (zene to Hourtil: but the harueitfyall be
gone in the day» of poſſeſſion, and there thali
be deſperate forom.
I2 ° Ab, the multitude ofunany people,
they Wall make a found like the noyſe of:
the fea: for the nople of the people mali
mae a found like the noyſe of mighty wa-
13 The people Hal make a found likethe
nople of many waters,bur God {hall r rebuke
them, and they Walt fice fatre off, and Halbe
chaled as the chaffe of the motitatnes befoze
A a
the wind, and as a rowling thing before the:
whirlewind. — :
14. Andloe, inthe euening there is 9 trove
DeftruGion of Egypt.
euen in veſſels of > reedes vpon the waters, b Which in thofe
laying, e Ga pee ſwikt meflengers, toa natisn countreyes were
that is ſcattered abzoad, and (popled, vnto a great: infomuch
tervible d people from their beginning euen as they made
Hitherto: anation by little and tittle euen hips of chem for
trodden under foote, whole land thes floods fwiftnetfe.
baue ſpoyled. c This may be
3 All ye the inhabitants of the woꝛld ann taken that they
Dwellers in the earth hall fee when f hefet fent other to cõ⸗
teth bp a figneinthe mountatnes,and when fore the Iewes, &
he bloweth the trumpe, ve hati beare. to promife them
4 Foz the Lord fayd vnto me, J wills reſt help againft theie
and beholde in my tabernacte, as * the heate enemies, & fo the
Dying vp theratne, and as a cloud of deawe Lord didthrea- -
in the beat of harueſt. ten to take away
§ soz afore the harueſt when the floure their Arength, ¥ -
fs fintthed, and the frutce ig riping in the the lewesthould
floure.then he hall cut Downe the baanches noc truft therein:
with bookes and ſhal take away, and Cut off or that they did
the boughes. : folicite the E-
6 They hall beeleft together vnto the gyptians.& pro ·
foules of the mountaines, and to thei beafts mifed them ayde
of the earth: for the foule thal ſammer vpon to goé againtt
it,and euery beatt of the carth Hall winter Tudah. 3q
vponit. Tro witʒthe
7 Atthattine ſhall a *prelent be brought lewes, who be-
bute the Love of hoftes, (a pesple that is caule of Gods
fcattered abzoad, and fpoyled,and ofa terris plagues made all
ble people from their Beginning hitherto, a other nations a- *
nation by little and little euentroden vnder fraidof the like,’
foote, whale land the riners haue {poyled) to asGod threatned,
the place of the Mame of the Loꝛd of hoſtes, Deur.28 37,5 °°
cuen the mount ston. e Meaning, the
Affyrians,as Chas’
8,7. £ When the Lord prepareth to fight againft the Ethiopians.
g Iwill Ray awhile from punifhing the wicked,, h Whicbtwo
(eafons are moft profitable for the riping of fruites : whereby he mea-
rieth, that hee will feeme to faueurthem, and gitie them abundance
foratime, but hee will fuddenly cut them off. © Not onely men
{hall contemne them, but the bruire beaftes.. k© Meaning, that God
will pitie his Church, and recejue chat little &amnant as an offting vrè
to himfelfe,
The deftruction of the Egyptians by the A/~
rians. 18 Of thesr conuerſton tothe Lord,
Te: burden of Egypt. Beholde, the a Reade Chap.’
Lode > rideth vpon a ſwift cloude, and 13-5.
ble ; but afoze the moning tt is gone. This- hall come into Egypt, and the ivoles of E b Becaufethe’ !
is the pogtton of them that [pople vs,and the gypt hallbe mooued at his pꝛeſence, and the Egyptianstrufted
m Which are ex-
2 Ofthe enemies of the Church, 7 and of the
vocation of the Gentiles.
O? , the s lande Gadowing with wings,
: which ts beyond the riuers of Ethtopta,
thiopia, which 2 Bending amballadours by the Sea,
lyeth toward the š Í
sea, vhich was fo full of thips,that the fayles (which he compateth to
wings) (eemed to fhadow the fea,
2 He meaneth
chat part of Bs
lot of theni that robbe vs, beart of Caype'thall mele in the middes oF in the defence of
cellent,and brought out of other countreyes,’'n ‘As the Lord threat-
neth the wicked in his law, Leu.26 16. 00 The Prophet lanientech,
confidering the horrible plague that was prepared again{t: I{tael by
the Aflyrians, which were infinite in number and gathered of many
nations. p Headdeth this for the confolation of the faithfull which
were in Ifrael, q Hee compareth the enemies, the Adyrians ,toa
tempelt which riſcth oner night,and in the morning is gone,
et. +5 sT theircountréy, in
2 And F will (et the Egyptians agint the multitude of
the Egyvttans: ſo euery one Mall fight a> theiridolesjand
gainſt his brother, and euery oñe againſt his in chervaliantnes
neighbont, city agaiuſt city, and KingDome oftheinmen,the i
again kingdome. » Lorde fheweth
3 And the ſpirit ok Egypt ſhall faile ty chat he wil! come
the miadet of her, and J will deſtroy their ouer altheir mud
countel,and thepthall fecke at the foles and nitionsina fwift:
at the ſorcerers, æ at them that paue ſpirits cloudyandthat ti..
of Dinination,and at the foothfayers. cheir idoles halki
4 And will deltuerthe Egyptians in · crembleathis >
tothe band of cruell loꝛdes, anda mightie comming, &that
King thallrule ouer them, fayety the Lora mens hearts fhall
God of hotes aint: iam
{35 ! r 3 » Te As hee cauſed
the Ammonités, Moabites, and Idumeans to kill one another, hhen
they cameto deftroy the Church of God,a.Chron,20;22,and Chaps
' 49.26, d Meaning;theirpolicie,and wifedome,
S Then
AgainftGodall earthly helpes faile.
e Hethewethy = § Chenehe waters of thelea hall efaile,
the feaand Nilus and the riuer ſhalbe Died vp and waited.
theirereatriuery 6 AnD ihef riuers hall goe farre away:
wherebythey the riuers of Defence fhall bee emptied and
thoughtthem- Mied vp ; the recedes and flagges hal be cut
felues moft fure, Downe. A
Mould not bee 7 The grafic in ý riner and at the s head
abletodefend ofthe rtuers, aud al that groweth by the ri-
themfromhis wer, fhallwither, andbe opiucn away , and
anger, but that be na m1022,
he would fend 8 Che fihersallo Hallsmourne,and all
the Aſſyrians they that caft angle into che rtuer, ſhall la-
amongthem, © Ment, andtheythat{pzead their net vpon
that (hould the waters, fhalbe weakned. i
keepethemvn- 9 Moꝛeouerł, thepthatwo:ke in flare of
der as flaues. diuers ſortes, ſhalbe confounded, and they
F Eot Nilus raa that weaue nets.
into the ſea by Io Foꝛ their nets Hall bee broken, and
feuen ftreames, all they that make ponds, thall bee beanie in
asthoughthey heart.
were fo many IL Surely the princes ef iSoan are fooles:
rivets, the counteil of the wile countellers of Pha⸗
g TheRbrew © raobis become fooliſh: bow fay pee vnto
wordismouth, Phaãraoh, Jam the ſonne of che wiſe? am
whereby they the ſonne ofthe ancient kings ?
meanethefpring, 12 Mhere are now thy wile men, that
outof tbe which they may tell thee, 02 may know what the
thewatereuth. Lod of hoſtes hath determined againſt C-
eth as out of a gypt?
mouth, 13 The Wrinces of Zoan are become
h TheScrip- _— fooles: the princes of ! Noph are deceiued,
turesvferede- — thep haue decetucd Egypt, euen themcopners
fcribethede- Sfthetribesthereof.
ſtruction of a 14 The Lord hath mingled among them
countrey byta- the (pirtt» of crrours : and thep baue cauled
Kingawayof @gvptterrreineuctp worke thereof, asa
thecommodi- Dzunken man erreth in bis vomit,
ties thereof, as Is Zither halithere bee anp worke in
byvines, flech, Egypt, which the head mapo doe, no? the
fiih and fuch ` tatie, the bꝛanch no: the ruly.
ozher things, 16 Juthat dap hall Egypt bee like vnto
-wherebycoun- Women : fez it Wall bee afrai and feare be-
` treyesarcinrie taule of the mooning of tye band of p Lord
chede of oftes, which he haketh ower it.
iCalledalfo 17 And theland of Judah hall be a feare
‘Tanesafamous P pnto Egypt: cueryone that maketh men»
citi¢ vpon — tion of tt, ihalbe afratde thereat, becaule of
Nilus, the counfell of the Loꝛd of hottes, which bee
k Henoteththe Hath Determined vpon it. : r
flatterers of 18 Jn that day all fue cities in the
Pharaoh: who lanne of Œgypt q ſpeake thelanguage of
perfwadedthe Canaan, and Mail: fiveare bp the Torde
“Kingthathe — of hofkes: one Mall be called the citie of Dee
waswife,and © ftruction. -
noble,andthat ` 19 Juthat day thall the altar ofthe Loyd
- hishonfewas bee tn the misdesof the land ef Egypt,
moſt ancient,
and {o be flattered himfelfe , faying, Lam wife, } Or Memphis,
others Alexandtia, aad now cailedthe great Caira. m The prin-
cipall vpholdersthereof , are the chieteft caufe of their deftruction,
n Forthe fpirit of wiledome , hee hath made them drunke and
piddie with the {pirit of errour. o Neither che great nor the
Il, the firong nor the weake. p Confidering that through
ir otcafion the Iewes made not God their defence, but put their
Ifaiahgoeth naked. 265
— a pillar by the border thereof vnto the
20 Andit foall bee for a ſigne and fora
£ There ſhall be
evident fignes
and tokens, that
witnelic vnto the Lord of faites in the land Gods rcligion is
of Egypt: tozthep Wail crie unto the Logo, there: which
becaute of the oppꝛeſſors, and hee ſhall ſend maner of fpeech
them +a Sauiour and agreat man, € Mall istaken of the
Deltuer then.
Patriarks and
21 And the Lod hall bee knowen of the ancient times,
Cayptians, and the Egyptians all know when God had
the Lord in that Day, and Doe = facrificeand notas yet ap.
ablation, and Wali vowe vowes puto the pointed the
Lod, and perfozme them.
place, and full
22 Ho the Lord hati finite Egypt, be Hal maner bow he
{mite and beate it : for bee (halircturne pnto would be wor
the Lov, and he thall be tutreated ot them, shipped.
and hall heale them.
u- This declareth
23 Sn that day Wall there be a path from that this prophe-
Egypt to Altur and Albur hall come in- fiefhould be aca
to Egypt, and Egypt into Sihur: (othe E⸗ complithed inthe
gyptians ſyall wormtp with Aſſhur.
time of Chriſt.
24 In that Day lhall Iſrael bee the third x By thefe cere-
with Egypt and Afihur, cuen a blefling tn
the mtasof the land.
monies, he com-
prehendeth the
25 Forthe Loof hoſtes Hall bleſſe it, ſpitituall feruice
faving , Bleſſed bee my people Egypt and vnder Chrift:
Albur, the worke of mine hands,and Ilrael y By thefecwo
mine inheritance.
nations, which
were then chiefe
enemies ofthe Church , he fheweth that the Gentiles and the Tewes
fhould beioyned together in one faith and religion, and fhould be
all one fold vnder Chrift their fhepheard,
oi CHAP. XxX. ;
2 Thethreg yeres captiustie of Egypt & Ethiopia
dcfcribed by * yeres — of I faiah.
Je the peerethat a Tartan came to? gi-
Dad, (whens Sargon king of Affhur fent
bin) anD had fought againſt Ahdod, and
aken it,
2 At the fame time pake the Lozd by the
Hand of Iſaiah the ſonne of Amoz, faping,
Øo, €loote the ſackecloth from thp topnes,
and put off thy ſhooe front thy foote. And he
DiD fo, waiking naked, and barefeote.
3 And the Lon (aid, Like as myſeruant
Jiatah hath walked naked , and barefoote
thzee peeres,asa ligne and wonder bpon Ce
gypt ant Ethiopia,
4 So ſhall the king of Aſchur take away
the captinitic of Cgypt,and the captiuitie of
Ethiopia, both yong men and ola men, na-
ked and barefoote, with their buttockes vn⸗
coucred, to the ſhame of Cappe.
§ Andrhey ail feare and bee ahamen
of: Ethiopia their expectation, andof Œ-
gyptf their giog. i
6 Then hail the inhabitant of hiss ple
fay in that Day, Bebold, (uch ts our expecta⸗
a Whowasa
captaine of ae
neherib, 2 King,
b Acitieofthe
c The Ebrewes
write that Sa-
neherib was fo ~-
d Which fig-
the prophet did
lament the mie
ferie that hee
faw prepared
before the three
yeeres, that.
he wernt naked
and barefoot=
ed, j *
c inwhøfe a
they tr d .
tion, whither wee fied for helpe to be deliue F Of whom they
red from the king of Aiur, and bow ſhall
we be Delinered?
boafted and
g Meaning, Iu-
dea, which was compaffed about with their enemics, asan yie with
‘truftia them, and were therefore now punifhed, they (hall feare leaſt
| the like light vpon them. Shall make one confeffion of faith
with the people of God : by thefpeach of Canaan, meaning, the
language , whercin God was then ſerued. r Shall renounce their
fuperfticions, and proteft to ferue God aright. f Meaning,of fixe
` cities, fiue fhould ferue God,and the fixt remaine in their wickednes,
2d fo of the fixt part, there ſhould be but one loft,
t Ofthe defiruction of Batylon by the Perfians
and Medes. 15 The ruine of Idumea, 13 and of a On the ſea fide
Arabia, betweene Iudea
T% burden of * the Delert fea. As the & Caldea wasa
whirle-windes im the South HE to wildernes, where ,
pale from the wiloernefie, fo fhall it by he meancth
4 aw become Taldez,
‘The fallof Babylon.
b Thatis,theru- b come from the horrible lant:
ine of Babylon
by the Medes
and Perfians.
c The Adyrians
and Caldeans,
which had dee
firayed other
nations, hali
beoucrcome of
the Medes and
Perfians :& this
he prophelied an
hunireth yeere
before it came
to pſſe.
d By Elam hee
meaneth the
e Becaufethey
fhall fnd no
fuccor they
{hall mourne no
more, orl haue
caufed them to
ceale mourning,
whom Babylon
bad afflicted,
£ This the Pro-
the perfon of the
g He prophefi-
eth the deathof
- Belthazzar, as
Dan. 5.30.who
in the middesof
his pleafures was
bh Woiles they
are eating and
drinking, they
fhalbz comman-
ded to runne to
their weapons,
i To wit,inavi-
fion by thepisic
of propheſie.
k Meaning,
charets of men
of warre, and o-
thers that caried
the baggage,
1 Meaning, Da-
tius, which ouer⸗
came Babylon,
m. The watch.
man, whom
2 Aearicuons bion was Hewed bute
mee, Toe tranlgreſſour againt a trant
gieffonr. and the deſtroyer againft a Bee
fivoyer, Goe vp 4 Elam , belege Media:
3 baup cauſed ali tge mourning ¢ thereof ro
ceale, = i
3 TWhereforxearemyp! lopnes filled with
ſorrow: ſorrowes haue taken me as tye {02
rowes of a woman that tranatiety : J was
bowed Bowne when Jheard tt; and J was
amaſed when F aw tr.
4 SBine heart failed: kearefulnelſe trou
bled me; tye night gofmy plealures hath he
turned into feate vnto mee. :
§ Prepare thouthe table : watch tithe
Watch coe: cate, rinke:tartſe, pe panceg,
anoynt the ſhield.
6fFo thus hath the iko faid vntome,
Goz et a watchman to teil what he eth.
7 Andbheelaw a charct with two bozle-
men: *acharetof an afie, anda charet ofa
—— hee hearkned, and tocke diligent
8 Audbeecrict, A! tyon: my Loꝛd, J
tand continually npon the watch towe ut
the vay time, and J am fet in my watch eue-
ty night: :
9 Gnd bebols,thfs mans charet commeth
witty two hoplemen. And be anfwcres and
{atd,* Babel is kallen:it is fallen, andal rhe
images of Her gods Lath ye broken vnto the
ground. f
10o Damypthehing, andthe + corne of
my Rooz, Chat wirch F haue heard of the
Lod ofhoites, the God of Iſrael, haue 3
ſhewed vito pou.
1 @ She burchen oke Dumah.hHe calleth
pita mee out of p Beir, CHatchinan, what
was in the night? CAatchman, what was
in the night? :
i2 Ehewatchmar Bid, The amozning
conuneth.and allo the night. HE ye will afke,
enquite: return and come, .
13 @ Tbe burden againk Arabia. Ju the
foreſt of Arabia wall pes carte all night,euen
in tus wayes of Dedanim.
14 D inhabitants of the land of Tema,
bring footy f water to mecte the thiviite,and
penent him that fleeth with bis bead.
Iz for hey ilee from the Rawen ſwords.
euen from the dꝛawen ſword, and from the
bent bowe, anv from the grieuoulneſſe of
16 Foꝛthus bat) the Lede fapte vnto
mec, Wetaperre t according tothe yeeres
of an" pireling, and allthe glorie ot Kedar
ſhall faile.
Feafting for fafting,
17 Am the retou of thenumber of the
ſtrong archers of rye fonnes of * Kedar fal x Which wasthe
bee fem : forthe Lod God of Iſtael hath
lpoken tt, i
of Arsbia :and
by the horrible
deſtruct ion of all thefe nations, he teacherhthe Lewes thatthere is
no place for refuge or to efcape Gods wrath, but onelytotemaine
in his Church, and co lius in his feare.
1 He prophefieth of the deftriclion of Terufelem
by Nebuchad-nerzar. 15 A threatning againft
Shebna, 20 To whofeofice Elakim i preferred.
Tie burne of the a valley of pitom.
b Ajat © apieth theenow that thou art
wholly gone vp vnto theboule tops 7
2 Chouthacacttullof< nopte, a cttie
full ofbznite, atopous citte: thy Raie men
fall not bee tlaine 4 wich ſword/ nog die in
3, All thy princes Hall flee together from
the bow : they fail be bound; all that wall
be found in thee, tall be bound together,
which baue fied from f farre.
4 Therefor fayd J, Turne away from
Nice: J well wespe s bitterſy : labour not to
comfort me fo? the Deitruction of the Daugh-
ter of my people. ;
§ Foꝛit is a Day of trouble, and ofruine,
and st perplecitie by the Loꝛd God ot hoftes
lit rye valley of Difon, breaking Downe
tye clile : and a» crying vnto the moun:
6 €And Clam i bare the quiverina
mans charet with horſemen, and Bir wuce-
uered the ſhield.
a Meaning, Tue
dea, which was
compafied about
with moiitaines,
ang was called
the valley of vr-
ions, becaufeof
the Prophets
wliich were al-
whom they nae
med Seers. i
b He fpeaketh
to Jervialem,
whofe inhabi-.
tants were fled
vp to the honfe
toppes for feare
of their eng- ;
mits, o
c Which walt
wont to be full
of people and
7 And typ chiefe valleyes were full of ioy.
charcts, and the horſemen (et themſelues in
aray againi the gate.
8 And he diltouered the*csucring of Ju⸗
Dab : and thou diddeſt looke in that Day to
the armour ofthe houſe ot the fart.
9 Ann yehauelecne! the bacaches of the
citte of Dauid: for chep were niany, and ye
gathered the waters ofthe lower poole.
d But forhune
c And led into
capuuirie, is
f Which haue
fled from other —
places to. Ieru-
falem tor fuc.
10 And ye numbed tye boules mof Jeru⸗ cour.
falem, and the boutes haue ye bzoken Downe g Heefheweth
to kortifie the wall,
what isthedvea .
II And haue allo made aditch betweene tie of the godly,
the two walles, for" the waters ofthe olte whenGods .
poole; and haue not looked puto the maker plagues hang
othercof, neither bad relpect vnto pim that ouer the Church,
fozmenit of olde.
hoſtes cali vnte weeping and mourning,
ante baldneſſe and girding with facke-
cioth. 4 ji
_ 13 And bebold, toy and gladneſſe. Nay-
ing open and killing fheepe, cating fleſh and
é and fpecially of
32 And tn that day Did the Lod God of the minikers,
h .Thatis, the ,.
thoute ofthe; -4
enemieswhom ~
God hadap-
Taiah fet vp,
toldehim, who came toward Babylom & the Angel declared that
itfhould bee deftroved : all thiswasdone mavifion. Terem 51.8.
renel, 4. 8. -n Meaning, Babylon, fEbr. onne. © Which was
Acitie of the Ihmaelites, and was fo named of Dumah, Gene. 25.
14. p Amountaine ofthe Idumeans, q He deferibeth the vn-
quictneffe of the people of Dumah, who were night and day in
fcareof their enemies, and cuer ranne to aid fro cto inquire newes,
x For feare the Arabians fhall flee into the woods, and hee ap-
pointeth what way they fhall take. { Signitying that for fecre
they (hall nos tarie to eate nor drinke. t He appoinreth them refpite
for one yecreonely, andthenthey fhouldbedettroyed, u Reade
Chap 36.146
poyntedto de-
ſtroy thecitie. 1 Heputteththem in mind how God deliuered them
cnce from Sancherib, who brought the Perfians and Cyrenians
with him, thatrhey might by returning to God, aucyde tliat great,
plague which they fhould elfe futfer by Nebuchad; nezzar, k The
fecret place where the armour was * to wit, in the houfe of the,
forre(t, 1 Kings.7.2. 1 Ye fortified the minous places,which were“
negledcd in time of peace : meaning,the whole citieand the cisie of
Dauid, which was within the comp:ffe of theothcr. m Either to
pul! downg ſuch as might huit, or elfe to knowe what men they
wereableto make, n Toprouideif neede fhould bee of water.,
o To God that made Ieruſalem: that is,they trufled more inthefe,
worldly meancs then in God. 4
Shebnathreathed. Eliakim preferred. Chap. xxiij.
p In ftead of
repentance ye
minking wine, P cating and Drinking for ta
morow we Wall Dre. t
wercioyfull and 14 And it was Declared in the eares of
: made great the Loe of Holes, Surely this iniquitte
cheare, contem- Hal nor de purged fram pau, tilt ye Die, tatty
ningtheadmo- the Loꝛs God of hotes.
nitions of the 15 Thus laith the £620 God of holtes,
Prophets laying, Goe ger thee to that a treaſ Byecona,
Letvseateand the Mteward ofthe haule,and fay:
drinke : for our 16 bat hat thou to do bere 7? whome
Prophetsfay, halt thou here? that thou ſhonldeſt heere
that we fhalidic hewe thee ont a lepulchee, as hee that bew-
to morow, eth out bis ſepulchꝛe tn an bie place, 0 that
q Becaufe the, gtaucth an habitation f fo: bimizite ina
Eoiew worde recke?
doéth allo, fig- 17 Bebhold.the Lod will cary thee away
nifigonettat . with agreatcaptiutty,and willliurelp coner
doethnourith — thee,
and cheri‘h 18 M2 will ſurely roll and turne thee lite
there arcofthe abaliinalarge cowstrey : there (alc thou
learned chat Die,and there the charets of chy glory thallbe
thinke, that _,. the thameof the Lats boul.
this wicked .man 19 And Jwill driue thee trom thy Matton,
did nouri ſe· and out of chy Dwelling wiil be Deltrop thee.
crét friendthip 20 And in that dap wilg «call my ler ·
withthe Afy- want Eliakim the fonneof Hilkiah,
riansandEgyp- 21 And with thy garments will J clothe
tidns, tóbe- him, and with thy girdle will Iſtrengthen
tray the Church, bim: thypower allo will J commit into bis
andtoprouide hande, anv be (hall bee a father of the inha⸗
for himfel’e bitants of Jerufalem , and of the boule of
againft all dan- Judah.
gers: inthe 22 And thex keyof the boule of Dauid
meane ealon will Flay vpon his ſhoulder : © bhe ſhal open
hepscktcraf- andnoman Hall Huts and pe Hall Hut and
tily,anigitof naman ball open. T
the beft offices 23 And J wil faten him as a ꝛ naile ina
into his band vn- fure place, and be albe foz the throne of glo»
der Hezekiah, ry to bis fathers houle.
euer aſpiring to 24 Andehey Wall hang bpon himall the
she hieft, gloy of his fathers houle, eucnef the nes
£ Meaning, that pᷣhewes and polteritte Carmil: Fo: ir < ts Deitroyed, io that
b Yeof Cilicia, there is none hauſe: none Wall come from
tharcomethi- fthelandof 4Chittim: itis ¢reucaled onto
ther for mer- ; i
chandiſe. c` Tyrus is defttoyed by ‘Nebuchad-nezzar. d By
Chittim they meant all the yles and countreyes Weftward. from Pa-
Aching, € -All menknow of this deſttuction.
2 Be till, pe that weil in the yles: the
mertbants of Zidon, and fuch as pafi oner
the ſea, haue replentihed thee.
3 Chesleedeok Nilus growing by the az
bundance ef waters , and the haruett of the
riuer was her reuenues, anu he was a marte
ofthe nations.
4 Bearhamed, thou Zon : fo: the b fea
hath poken, cuen the ſtrength of the lea, fap:
tig, 3] Bane not i crauelled,no2 brought forth
childzen, neither nourien yong men , nor
brought yp virgines.
-§ iben the famecommeth to the Egyp⸗
fais, they Mhallbe * fop concerning the rus
mozof Crus.
6 Goe vou ouer ta! Carhih : powie, yz
that dwellin the ples. nite
7 Is not this that pour gloꝛious citie?
ber antiquitie is ofanctent Dayes ; her owne
feet pall leave her afaree off to bee a fotour:
8 Cibo hath vecreed this again Tyrus
(that = crowneth men) whofe merchants are
painces,wbhole chapnicn are the nobles of the
wolo? i
9 Che Lom of bolts hath decreed this,
to ttatne the p2tde of all glozy, and to izing
to rg all them that be gloztous in the
10 Pafe through thy land like a flood to
Pei n —— of Tarſhiſh: there ts no moze
II Hee ſtretched out his hande vpon the
fea; hee ſhooke the kingdomes ; the Lode
bath gtucn aconwnaundement concerning
the plate ef merchandiſe, to deſtroy the
power thereef.
12 Andhe layd, Thou halt no moze re-
toyce, when thou art oppreſſed: ° D virgine
P Daughter of zidon, rile vp, goe ouer vᷣnto
Chittimvet there Halt thou haue no reſt.
13 Behold the land of the Caldeans; this
was ne people: aAſſhur founded it by the ti
habitants of che wilderneſſe: they fet vp the
towers thereofrthep railed the palaces there·
Of,and her brought it to ruine.
14 Howle pee Hips of Tarſhiſh: for your
f firength ts deſtroved.
I5, AnD tu that Day thal Tyus be forgot-
ten ſeuentie peeres (according to the peeves
of anc king) at the enug oft ſcuentie peeres,
(pall Tyrus 4 fing agan harlot. í
16 Take au harpe,and go about the citic:
thou harlot that ball bene forgotten)*make
weet melodie, fing mo longs that thou may-
ei Se remembred· oy:
17 Aud at the end of (cuentic peeres Wall
the Lod vilit Cyrus, and ye ſhall returne
ta bre y wages,and (hall commit fornication
A prophefie againftTyrus, 266 $ |
f Haue haunted
thee,and enri-
ched thee.
g Meaning,the
corne of Egype,
which was fed
by the ouerflowe
ing of Nilus.
h Thatis, Tyrusy
which was the
chiefe port of the
i [haueno pen-
ple left in me,&
am asa barren
woman that née
uer bad child.
k Becaufethefe
two countreys
were loyned in
league together,
l Tyrus willeth
other Merchants
to goe to Cilicia,
andtocome ne
more there,
m Who maketh
her merchants
like Princes,
n Thy Arength
will no more
detrue thee : theres
fore flee to other
countreys for
o For Tyrus was-
neuer toached
not afflicted bee
fore, ;
p Becaufe Tyrus
was built by them
of Zidon.
q The Caldeans
which dwelt in
tentsin the wile
derneffe were
gathered by the
Affyrians into
r The people of
the Caldeans
deftroyed the Aſ-
fyrians :where=
by the Prophet
ſceing the Cal~
deans wereabie
to cuercome the
Affytians , which were fo greata nation , much more fhail thefe two
nations of Caldea and Affyria be able to overthrow Tyrus. f That isy
Tyrus,by whom ye areenriched t Tyrus (hal lie deftroyed fenentie
yeres,which he calleth the reigne ofone King,or a mans age. u Shal
vfe all craft and ſubtiltie to entife men againe toher, x Shee fhall
Jabour by all meanesto recouer her firft credite , asan harlot , when
the is long forgotten , feeketh by all meanes to entertaine ber lovers.
y Though the haue bene chaftifed of the Lord, yet the fhallreturne
to her olde wicked praGtifes, and forgaine fhal! giue her felfe to ald
mens lufts like an ha: lot. Fe
12 with
A curfe for fines. Ifaiah.
with all the kingdomtes of the earth, thacare
inthe wora.
z He theweth 18 Met her occripping and her wages hat
thatGodyetby be *holp vnto the Lordit fhal not be lato bp
the preaching of noꝛ kept in fto, but her merchandtle yall
the Gofpel will. be foz them that dwei before the Lozd, to cat
call Tyrus tore- {uilictently,and to haue durable clothing,
pentance, and í j
turne her heart from auarice and filthy gaine, vnto the true worthip-
ping of God and liberalitie toward his Saints,
Aprophefie of the curfe of God for the finnes of
the people. 13 A remnant: referued fhall prasfe
the Lord,
hold, the Lo: maketh the earth emp:
Bric, and be maketh it watte ; he turneth it
vplide Downe, and (cattereth abzoad thein
habitants thereof. 3
nedtothe Iewes 2 Ano there Halbe like people liket peie,
andother nati- anD like feruant,like malter, like matde {ike
ons,from the 13. mifttefie, like buyer, like feller, like iens
Chapter,and Der, like borrower , like giuer, like taker ta
therefore by the pfury, š
earrhhemeaneth 3 The earth Halbe cleaneemptied, and
thofe lands, veterlpfpopled: foz the Lozve hath ſpoken
which werebe- this wo2d.
fore famed. 4 Cie earth lamenteth and fadeth away:
b Becaufethis the wold is feebled and decayed: the proud
wasanameof people of the carth are weakened.
Gignitie,it was § Gye carth calle decepueth, becauſe of
alfoapplicdto the inhabitantes thereof : foz they tranſgret⸗
them which were [ed the lawes : they changed the azdinances,
notof Aarons aud brake the eucrlatting couenant.
family,&(ofig- 6 Cherfore hath the 4 curle deuoured the
nificth alfoaman earth, and the inbabitants thereof are delo.
of dignitic,asa. late. Ciberefoze the inhabitants ofthe land
© Sam.8.18, & ao. are © burned vp, and few men are left.
ag.s.chron.18 7 The wine fayleth, the vine hath no
17.and by thele might: alltbat were of mertpbeart, Dog
wordsthePro- mourne.
pher fignifieth 8 The mirth oftabeets cealeth: the noile
an horrible con- of them that retoyce, endeth: the ioy of the
luſion, where harpe cealeth. 3 i
there fhall be 9 They fhail not mink wine with mirth:
neither religion, {trong ozinke Wall bee bitter to them that
order, nor polie drinke it. RI
cie,Hofe.4.9. 10 Che cityoffyanityis broken Downe:
c Thatis,rende- euery boule ts hut vp, that no manmay
reth not Rer fruit come íin.
for the finne of
the people.
AADA A earth
deceiued of their
cauſe they de~
a This prophefie
is asa conclufion
of that which
hath bin threat-
ſtreetes: alltoy is Darkened ; the s mirth of
the world is gone away.
12 jiu the city ts left deſolation, and the
_ Sate is ſmitten with deſtruction. Í
13 @ Hurely thug Wall ít bee in the mids
ceiued Godof of the carth, among the people, * as the fhai
bis honour, king of an oline tree, & as the grapes when
d Writteninthe the vintage is ended. .
Law,as Leuic.26. I4 hep Hhalilift bp their boyce: they
14deute. 28.
16.thus the Prophets vſed to apply particularly the menaces andpro⸗
mifes,which are generall inthe Law. e With heat & drought, or els,
that they wzre confumed withthe fire of Gods wrath, £ Whichas
iewas without order, fo now fhould it bee brought to defolation and
confufion; and this was not onely meantof Lerufalem, bur of all
the other wicked cities. g Becau‘e they didnot vfe Gods benefits
aright, their pleafures fhould fayle, and they fall to mourning,
h Hee comfortech the faithfull,decloring that in this great defola-
tion the Lord will aſſemble his Chui ch, which {hall praife his Name,
as Chap, 10,22
IX There ts a crying for wine in the |
hal Houte fo: the magnificence of the Lord:
they ihall reioyce from ìi the tea, i
Ig Mherctoze prayle pee the Lord in the
vallepes,cuen the janie of the Lo: Ged of
Iſraetl in the ples of the fea.
16 From the vttermoſt part of the earth
wee baue Heard prayles, cucn glorÿ to the
k Juſt, and J fayde, ! My leanneticmptean
neie wo is me: the tranigretiors haue offen
DeD: pea, the tranlgreliogs haue gricuoudlp
17 Feare, and the prt, and the Mare are
vpon thee,D inbabttant of the earth.
18 And hee that ficeth trom che nopi of
the feare, pall fall tuto the pir: and be that
commeth bp outotthe pit, fall be taken in
the (nave; foz the m windowes from onbigh
are open, andthe foundations of che earth
Doe ake,
19 The earth ts vtterly broken Downe:
the earthis cleane diſſolued: the earth ismo:
ued exceedingly.
19 The earth Hall reele toand fro like
a Munken man, and thall bee remooued like
a tent, aud the iniquttie thereof Mall be hea-
uie vpon it: fo that it ſhall tall, and rite no
moze. :
21 @ Andin that day hal the Lord =vilit
the bofte aboue that ts on bigh,eue che kings
of the world that are vpon che earth.
22 And they thall. bee gathered together
as the patloners in the pit: and they tall bee
ibut vp inthe pion, andafter many Bayes
Wall they ber vᷣiſited.
23 P Chen the Moone hall bee abathen
and the Sunne alhamed, when the Loroe of
botes hall reigne in mount Zion and in Jee
rulaleni: and glory Mall bee before pis anci-
ent men,
will vifithim withbisrods. o Not with hisrod
ſhall becomforted, p When God fhall reftore
glory thereof (hall fo thine,and his minifters(which
cient men)that the Sunne and the Moonefhalbe dar
A thanke/giuing to God inthat that hefhewerh
himfelfe wudge of the world by pamfhing the wic
ked,and maintaining the godiy.
O Eato,thousart my Gon: Y will exalt
thee, J will pravte thy Mame : for thou
hall Done wonderful things, according to the
counſels of old, with a ttablerrurh.
2 Sor thou hak mane of a b citie an
heape, ot a trong cittea ruine? euen the pa
pep offrangers ota citie, it Hall neuer be
3 Therefore Mall the 4 mightie peopte
glue glory vnto thee; the city of the lirong
nations (hall feare thee. ke
4 Forthou bak beene a ſtrength onic
the poore, cuen a ſtrength to tar needy in
bis trouble, a refuge again thetem eft,
a ſhadowe againſt the heate:
haue bene thine enemies, c That is,aplace wher
may liue without danger,and as it were,ar cafe
corrections feare and glorifie thee,
Feare, pit and ſnare.
toz the blait alo of theleo-
ther cities, which
eas all vagabonds
anc as in a palace. d The
arrogant and prond, which before would not know chee hall by thy,
i From the ve-
moft confts of
the world, where
the Gofpel hall `
be preached,as
vele 16,
k Meaning, to
Ged,who will
publith his Go. _
{pel through all
the world,
l] lamconfumed
with care,confi.
dering the affli·
ĉion of the
Church,both by
forreine enemies
and domefticall,
Somereade,my |
fecret, my fecrets:
that is, it was ree
utiled tothe
Prophet,that the
gcod fhould be
the wicked de~
m Meaning, thag
Gods wrath and
bee oucrand vne
der them: fo thag |.
they fhould nog
efcape no more
then they did ae
Noahs flood.
n There isno
power fohigh or
mighty, but God
Aas verſe 21..bne
his Church, the
are called his ane
Ke in compariſon
a Thus the Proe
pher giuerh
thanks to God,
becjufe he will
bring vnder ſub⸗
icGion thefe nae
tions by hiscore
reGtions and |
make them of his
Church which
before were hi
enemies, |
b Not only of
Terufalem, bec
Death fhall be deftroy ed.
e The rage of
the wicked is
fu. ious,till God
breake the force
f Meaning,that
asthe heat is aba-
ted by the raine,
fo thal God bring
downethe rage
ofthe wicked,
g Asacloud
Ahadoweth from
the heate of the
{funne fo-fhall
God aflwage the
reioycing ofthe
wicked againgt
the godly,
h To wit,in Zi-
on, whereby he
meaneth his
—— mightie is like a ſtorme agaisſt che
S_ Thou Galt bring downe the noyſe of
the firangers, ' as the beate ina Bate place:
be wili bung Downe the tong of the migktte,
as é tie Seat in the avow ota cloud,
Aud in this*mountaine tyalthe Lord
of betes make vnto all prople a feait of fat
things, euin a feaſt of ſined wines, and of fat
pogs full of marrow, of wines ined and pii ·
7 And he wil pekroyin this mountaine
i the couering that coucreth ali people, and
the batle that is pead vpon ali natiens,
8 ide will dettroy Death foz euer:and the
£020 God will k wipe away the teares from
all faces, and the rebuke of his people wil he
take away out ot all the earth: foz the Loz
bath (poker tt. ;
9. Andin that day Mall men fay,Lo,this
tsour God: we haue waited fo: him, and he
wil faue us. Chis ts the Lozd, we hane wat-
Church, which ted for Him: we will retopce and be fopfull in
fhouk vader þig (aluation. — i
Cheiftbeafem- 19 Foin this mountaine Hall the hand
bled of the lewes ofthe Loꝛd reit, and ! Moab hhalbe thꝛeſhed
and the Gentiles,
and is here de-
vnder þin, euen as ſtrawe tsthrehjed in
m Madmenauh.
“feribedvaderthe IL AnD be thal ſtretch ont his hand in the
| figure of acoftly
_ banket,as Matt,
mids of them (as hee that fwunmeth, tret-
cheth them out to ſwimme) and with the
firength of his hands thall hee ding Downe
their pride.
I2 The defenceallo of the height of thy
walles hal he bring Downe,and lay low, and
cat them to the ground, euen vntothe Dutt.
i. Meaning that
_ ignorance and
—— wher-
y we are
backe ——
, Chrift, k Hee willtake away all eccafions of forrow , and fill his
with perfe@ ioy; Reuel.7.17,and 21,4. l By Moab aremeantall
the enemies of bis Church, m There were two cities of this name:
onein Judah, 1.Chron.2.49. and another in the Jang of Moab, Iere.
48.2 Which feemeth to haue beene a plentiful place of corne,
Chapter 10.31.
2 This fone was
made to com-
A [ong ofthe faithfull, wherein i declared, in
what confifteth the ſeluation of the Church, and
wherein they ought io truft.
{2 that day Hall > thts org bee fung in the
lande of Judah, Mee hare a ſtrong citie:
fort the faithfull, d faluation Mall God (çt fo walles and bul-
The reſurrection.
the feete ofthe? panze, and the Keppesofthe f God will ſet
the pooreaffli=
7 The way of the {ul is righteouſlneſſe: Ged oucrthe
thou wilt make equall the righicous path of powerofthe
the iut. ,
8 Alo we, D Lord, haue waited for thee
our {Dute isto thy Mamie, and te the remem-
bzance of thee.
9 Cith my foule haue J vefired thee in
the night, and with my ſpirite within mee
wiil 3 teeke thee tn the moning? foz teeing
thy tudgements are in the earth, the inhabi⸗
ae et the wozld thall learne t righteou&
IO Let mercy ibee ſhewed to the wicked,
yer hee will not learne righteouſneſſe: inthe
land of vpꝛightnes wil he Doz wickedly, and
will not behold the maieſtie of the Log.
Il D Low, they will not bebolae thine
high hand ; but thep (hall fee it, and bee cons
founded with * the sealeof the people, and
the fire of thine! enemies fail denoure
12 Le2d,bntovs thou wilt ordeine peace:
2 2 allo þat wꝛought all our workes
13 D Loꝛd our God, other {ods beſide
thee haue ruled vs, but wee will remember’
thee onely, and thy Mame.
14 Ther dead Wall not line, neither hall
the Dead arife, becaule thou haſt vifited and
{cattered them, and Dettreyed ali their mes
I5 Chou hak increaſed theo nation, D
Lon: thou bat increafeathe nation: thou
are made glostous: thou batt inlarged all
thz coaſts of the earth.
16 Lod, in trouble Bane theyr pinten
thee: they powꝛed sut a prayer when thy
chattening wasbponthent. — Ba:
17 Like as a woman with child, that
draweth neeretothetranatle, is tn forrót,
and ¢rieth in her patnes,fo haug wee Beene in
thy fight, D LRD. :
18 Giechaue conceiued, we pane borne in
paine, as though wee ſhould bane tought
feorth * winde : there was no helpe inthe
earth, neither DiD the inhabttants off the
woꝛld fait. -
19 & t Thy Dead men Hall liue: euen with
my body hall they rife. Awake, and fing, yee
that dwell in tuft: foz thy" Dewis as the Dew
e — and the earth ſhall cafout the
ea . F
29 Gome, my people: = enter thou into
thy chambers, and fout thy doores after
thee: hide thy felfe foz a verplitele while,
vntill the indignation pafic ouer.
g Wehaue come
{nthe way of thy e indgements: the betre of tantly abode in
the aduerfities,
wherewith thoa
haft affli@ed vsj
h Meaning,that
by affi@:ons
men fhalilearne
to feare God,
i The wicked
though God
fhew them e-
of bis grace,
fhall be neuer
the better,
k Throughen-
uie and indigna»
tion againft thy
people, :
| The fire and
wherewith thow
doeft defiroy
thine enemies,
m The Baby~
lonians, which
haue not go-
uerned accore
ding tothy
n Meaning,thae
the reprobate
euen in this life:
— haue —*
inning o
o Towit, the
companie of the
faithfull by the
calling ofthe
p Thatis, the
faithfall by thy
rods were moe-
ued to ptay-vnt@
thee for deliue=
rance. $
q To wit, inex
treme fcrrow,
r Our forrowes-
had none end,
neither did we
21 olot, the Lord tommeth ont of enioy thecom-
bis place, to vilite the tniquitie of the tnba-
bitants of the earth bpon them + and the
fort that wee
Icoked for.
f The wicked
whentheircap- warkes.
tiuitie ſhould 2 ¢Dpen pee the gates, that the righte⸗
come,afluring ous nation, which Keeperh the trueth, may
chenralfo of eliter in.
theirdeliucrance, 3 Ppanaſſured å purpole wile thou pze-
forthewhich (erue pertit peace, becaule they trufted in
they fhouldfing thee. 2
thisfong, 4 Truin the Lord for ener: for inthe
b Godsprote- 1022 Godis ſtrength foz euermoꝛe.
ion and de- 5 Fo: bee wil bring them Downe that
encefhallbee § dwellon high: e the bigh cette he will abaſe:
fufficienr for vs.
c Hee aflureth
cuen pnto the ground wiil hee cat it Downe,
and being tt vnto duſt. f
thegodlytore- 6 The foote hall treade it downe, euen
captiuitieto Lerufalem. «d Thou baft decreed fo, and thy purpofe
cannot be changed. e Thereismo power fo hie, that can let God,
when he will deliuer his. vi
and men without religion were not defiroyed, t “Heecomforteth
the faithfull in their affliGions, fhewing thern thar cuenin death they
fhall baue life: and that they thould moft certaincly rife to glorie:
the contrarie fhould come to the wicked, as verferg. u Asherbs
dead in winter, flourith againe by the raine in the {pring time :fo they
thar liein the duft , fhail rife vp to toy when they feele the dewe of
Gods grace. “x Hee exhorteth the feithfull robee patentin their
affii ions, and to waite oT Gods worke.
1 3 earth
Forfaking of idolatria
y Theearth hall earth hall diſcloſe hery blood, and hall no
vᷣomite.and caft moꝛe hide her Baine,
ourthe innocent r
bleod, whichit hath drumke , that it may criefor vengeance againft
the wicked, A l
A prophefie againſt the kengdome of Sataa, 2
and of the soy ef the Church for their deliuerance.
a At the time Je that apay the Low with bis foe and
appointed. great and mightie > fwod all viſite Le-
b That is, by his athan, that pearcing ferpent, euen Leuia⸗
mighticpower, than that crooked ferpent, ant pee thall flap
andbyhis worde -the dragon that is in the ſea.
He prophefieth 2 Jn that Day ting of the vineyard of
here otthede- red wine. 5,
ftrućtien of Sa- 3 Ithe Lon Doe keepeit: J wil water
tanandhisking- ft eucrp noment: letany afete it, J will
domevnderthe keepe it night and day.
name of Leuia 4 Anger 4 ts notin mee: who weula fet
than,Asthurand the haters and the thornes againit mee in bat ·
Egypt tell? J wouid goe thogaw them, J would
c Meaning,ef — burne them together.
the beft wine § Drill he ¢ feele my Krength, that he
whichthis vine maymake peace with meand be at one with
yard,thatishe mee? :
Church (hould 6 f Hereafter, Jaakod Hall take roote:
bring foorhas Jirael that fiourtt and grow, and the wozld
moftagreeable ~ fhallbe filicd with freit.
to the Lord. 7 Wath hee finittens him as hee ſmote
d Therefurehe fthofethat (mote him? ots bee ilaine accor
willdeflroyche ‘Ding to the fiaughter of chem that were
kingdome of Baine bp btm? s.
Sacan,becaufe $ Jneincafure in the branches thereof
he loueth his wilt thou contend wtih it, when hee bloweth
Church forhis with bis rough veinde in the day ot the Cait
ownemercies Wwinde. j A EN AAIE
—fake,andcamnot 9 By this therefore (hall theintquttic of
beangrie within, Jaakob be purged.and thes is all thei fruit,
bur witheththat fhe taking alway of bis ſinne: when be hail
hemaypowre miake all the ſtones of the altars, as chalke
hisangervpon {tones bzoken in pieces, that tye groues aud
thewickedinfi- images may not itand vp. _
dels, whom he IO Pet the X defences citie thall bee Delo-
meanethby bri- late, and the habitation hall be fozfaken, and
ersandthornes, leftitkea wilderseile. There thall the calfe
e Hemarvei- feed, and there Hail pee tre, and coulume che
leth rhat Ifrael — Manches thereat. 3 4
will nor come H Uhen the boughes of it are Deis, thep
by genrleneffe, Wall bee bꝛoken; the! women comeand fet
except God them on fire; foz it ts a people of none vn⸗
makethemto derſtanding: therefore hee that made them,
feelehis rods,and fhall not haue compaſſion of them, and hee
fobringthem that formed them, all haue no mercie on
ynto him, them. A
f Though I af- 12 And tn that day Hall the Lom threſh
Ai&anddimi- from the chaneli of them Riner, vnto the
nithmypeople rier of Egypt, and pee ſhall bee gathered
fora time, yet
frail — {pring againe and tring foorthin great abundance,
g Hee fieweth that God punifheth his in mercye, ana bis enemies in.
juftice, b Thatis, thou wilt not deftroy the roote ofthy Church,
though the branches thereof fecme to perith by the fharpe winde of
affliction. i Hcefheweththat thereis mo true repentance, nor full
reconciliation to God, till che heart be purged from all idolatiie,and
the monuments thereof deflroyed. k Norwitbftanding his fauour
that hee will hew themafter: yet Terufalem fhall bee dettroyed, and
-graffe for cattell (hall growinit. } Godthall not baue neede of
mightie enemies: for the very women fhall doe it to their great
fhame. m_ He fhalJ deftroy all from Euphratesto Nilus : for fome
fied toward Egypt, thinking to bauc eſcaped.
one by ont, D cbion cf Iſxael.
13 Ju chat Bay alſo Hall the great trumipe
Be blowin, and thep wall cowie, which pes
riſhed tx theland of Aſſhur: and thcy that
were chaled into theland of gypi and tiep
fhall worſhip the Loz in the boly mount at
Againſt the pride and drunhenneſſe of Ifrzel,
9 The vistowardneffe of them that ſhould learne
the word of God, 24 God doth all things in time
and place. l F
V yer tothecrowne of piine, the dzun ·
kards of Ephraim: for bis gloztous
beautie (hall be a — floure, which ts sp-
onthe head ofthe > vailey af them that bee
kat, and are ouercome with wine.
2 Bebold, the Lod hatha mightie and
c trong h. fte, ithe a tempett of haile, anda
whirleminde that ouerthroweth, likea teme
peh of mightie waters that ouerflow, which
throw to the gronnd nughtily.
3 Shep call be troden wader foste,enen
the crown and tye pide of rhe drꝛunkards of
Ephꝛaim. —
4 Foꝛ his glorious beautie ſhall bera fas
ding flexure, which ts vpon the head of the
valley of them that be fat,and as ° the bafiz
fruit afore (ununer, which when be that loo⸗
keth tyon tt, ſeeth tt, while it is in pis hand,
be eateth it.
§ Inthat day hall the Lom of haftes be
foz a crowne of glozie , and fora diãdeme of
beautte unto thes relidue of bis peepte,
And foz a (pirite of tudgement to him
that ſitteth tn tuagement, and fog trength
man themtbat turne away the battell to rye
7 utethephaue erred becauleofwine,
and are outofthe way by ſtrong minke: the
Pꝛieſt and the prophet baue erred by (trong
drinke, they are fwallowed vp with wine:
thep baue gone attrap theough ſtrong Dink:
they faile in viſion: thep tumble in iudge ·
8 Foz ailtheir tables are fuilaf filthy vo-
miting: no placeis cleane. : ;
9 rhom Halt hee teach knowledge?
aud whom hall hee make to vnderſtand tie
things that pee heareth? chem that are wea
nep — the milke, and drawen krom the
10 For? precept muh be vpon precept, pre»
cept vpon precept, line vnto line, line vnto
line,tbere a litti¢,and there a little.
Il Foz witha tammering * tongue, and
with a ttrange language al pe fpeake vnto
this people.
12 Tinto whom hᷣee ſaid, » This isthe
The peoples dulneffe.
vnder Chrift,
e Signifying, —
n Fn the time of
Cyrus by whom
they fhouldbe '
deliuered: bur
this was chiefly
a Meaning,the
proud kingdome |
of the Ifraelites,
whichwere -
drunken with-
worldly prope:
rtie. {
b Beeauft the
Ifraclites, for
the moft part
full valleys, he `
meaneth here- *
by the valley of
abundance of `
worldly proſpe ·
ritie,and were’
as it were crows!
ned therewith, '
as with garlands,
c He feemeth
to meane the
Aflyrians, by
whomtheten `
tribes wesc cas ?
tied away. ;
d Whichis not
of long continu-
ance, but isfeoné
ripe, and Grft
that the faith e
full, which put
not their truft
inany worldly
made Godtheir
glory, fhall be
f Hewill giue
counfellro the -
ftrength to the
captaine, to
driue the ene-
mies in at their
owne fates, g Meaning the hypocrites, which were among them, ~
and were altogether corupt in life and do@rine,which is here meant |
by drunkenncile and vomiting. h For there was none that was “
able to ynderftand any good do@rine: bur were foolith, andas vn·
meetcasyoung babes. i They muft haut one thing oftrimestolds
k Let oneteach what bee can, yet they fhallno more vnderftand
him, then he fpakeinaftrange'lengusge. L- Thaeis the Prophet,
whom God fhouldfend., m Thisis the doctrine
ought to flay andrch, —
» whereupony¢ee
a Shewro them
that are wearic
and have need
of relt, wharis_
the true reft,
o Becaufe they
will not reeeiue
the word of
_God when it is
offered, it com-
meth cf their
owne malice, if
after their Hearts
be (o hardened,
thar they care
not for it, as
before, Chap,
P They thought
they had fhifts
to auoid Gods
and that they
could efcape
though all other
perifhed. .
q Thoughthe
Prophets con-
demmned their
idoles and vaine
truſt of falle-
hood, and va-
nity, yet the
wicked thought
in themſelues
that they would
truſt in thefe
rt That is, Chrift
by whom all
the building,
muft betryed,
and vpholden.
Phl. 18.223 Mat.
"21.42.2865 4,
E1, f0M.9, 33s
i,pet 2.6.
í He thalibe
quiet, and fecke
none other re-
medies, but be
content with
» ot dn the reflitu.
tjon of his
Church, iudge-
Ment and iuſtice
fhailreione. -
u GodscorreGi-
~ ons & afflidion,
A covenant with death. .
ref: = giuereſt tehin thet ie weary: and
rbis isthe retreſhing, but thep would not
13 Therekoꝛe Hal the word of thee Lord
bee nto thei prccept vpon precept, precept
pon paceepe; une vnto line, tinevnteline,
there alittle, and there a tittle.that they may
go and falibackward, and be booken and ve
liiared and be taken.
14 Ahertore heare che wod of the Lod,
ye ſcornetul men that rule thts people, which
is at Jeruſalemn.
Is Becaule pehane (aid, Ce baue made
ar concnant with Death, and with hellare
Wee at agreenient; though atcourge runue
ouer , and patie tizengh, it Hall ret come
at bs: for wee haus mabe 9 falichoos
gur refuge, and vnder vanitie are wee
16 Zherefoe thus ſayth the Lod Gor,
Bebolve, 3 wililay in Zion a Rone, a+ tryed
fene, a piecicus cozner fione, a lure feim-
pio Ye thar beleeueth, í Hall not make
a l - -
17 Judgement alo will J lap tothe rule
and rightcouſneſte to the balance, and the
_ ehaile thall ſweepe atwap the vaine conf
Bence, andthe waters Wall oucrilow * the
fecret place. f
18. And pour couenant with death Halbe
Bifenulled, and pour agreement with Heil
foail not tand : wher a courge Hail runne
ouer and pafle thzough, then ſhal pebe trode
Downebyit. - :
10 Chen it paſſeth ouer, tt hall take you
aways foz tt hall paſe through cuety 1102s
ning in the Day and tithe night, and there
Mhaitbe ouely y feareto make you to vnder·
ftand the hearing. i
20 Foz the bed ts firait that tt cannot
fuffice, andthe coucring narrow that one
cannot weap bimietfe.
21 forthe Lod wall Land asin mount
a Perazin : be Hal be in the vallep
b of Mibcon,that be may Doe bis woke, brs
ſtrange woke and bing to pail? jis act, bis
ſtrange act.
22 Mowe therefore bee nomockers, icat
Y bonds ſncreaſe: foz F baue heard ofthe
oid of hoftes a conſumption, euen deter⸗
minc vpon the whole earth.
23 Hearken ve, and heare my boyce, hear-
ken yc, and beare my (peach.
24 Doth the plowinan plow all the Day,
to forse ? Doth hee open and Leake the clots
of bis ground? 3 3
25 dhen hec hath made tt < plaine, twill
he ust tcn (owe the fitches, and fowe cum·
min, aad caf in wheate bp meaſute, and
Chap. xxix.
the appetnted barley and rie in their place?
26 $02 bis God doch inſtruct him te have
Diicrettan,and Doth teach bint.
27 Foꝛ titches fail not be thzethed with
a thre hing inſtrument, neither alla cart
wheelt be turned about vpon the cummin:
butthe fitches ace beaten out witha tane,
and cummin with a red.
28 Bread comme when it ts threſhed, bee
Doct) not alway theelyit, newrher doeth the
wheele of bis care fullimake a nople, neither
will fe breake it with the cecth thereof,
29 This allo commeth from the Lozd of
bottes which ts wenderfulitn countarle, and
eriellent in workes.
3 A prohefic againſt leruſalem. 13 The ven-
geance of God ow thems that follow the traditions
of men,
A Da altar,altar of the citie that Dautd
dwelt in: adde peere vnto yeere ; » let
thent kill lambes.
2 But FZ wil bring the altar intodiſtreſſe,
and there ſhalbe heauineſſe, and iozrow,and
it lhall be vnto me like < an altar.
3 And J will beliege thee as a circle, and
fight againſt thee on amount, and will catt
bp ramparts againit thee,
4 oe fbalt thon be humbled, and fyalt
{peake out of the ¢ground, and thy {peach
fhatide as out of the DUR : thp voyce allo hal
bee out of rhe ground like bun that hatha
{pirit of Diutnatton, and thy talking fail
whilper out of the dus. -
§ Woreouer.the multitude of thy ¢ Frans
gers Hali belike ſmall duſt: and the mnlti-
tude of rong men Wall bee as chaffe that
paſſeth away, and it {hall bee in a moment,
cuen ſuddenip. :
6 Thou halt bee vifited of the Loꝛde of
hots witi thunder and ſhaking anda great
nople, a whixlewinde, and a tempr and a
fame of a Beuourtng tire.
7 And chef multitude of all the nations
that fight againf toe altar, fall bee asa
DAcame or vidion by night; cuen all thep chat
make the warre againit tt, and ſtrong holos
againſt it,audlav Bege vnts it,
S Andit ſhall be like as an hungry man
Dacameth,and behold. be s eateth: and when
he awaketh bis louleis empty: o2 like as a
thir ſty man dzrameth, and icr, heets dain:
king, and wien hee awaketh, behold, hee is
faint, and his ſoule longeth:lo ſhall che mule
titude of all nations bee that fight againtk
h Dtay pour ſelnes and wonder: they
Againſt Ieruſalem. 268
a The Ebrewe
word Ariel figni-
fieth the lyon of
God, and fignifi-
eth the Altar, bee
caufe the Altar
feemedto de-
uoure the facri-
fice that was
offered to God,
as Ezek.g3.
b Your vaine
confidence in
your facrifices
fhali nor laft
c Your citie
fhalt be full of
blood asan al-
tar whereon
they facrifice,.
d Thy fpeach
fhall be no morg
fo lofty, buta-
bafed and low,
as tbe very chat⸗
mers, which ate
in low places,
end whifper, fo
that their voyce
can {czrce be
e thine hired
fouldicrs in
whome thou
trufteft thall be
deſtroxed as duſt
x AffAi@ion fhail diſcouer their vaine confidence,which they kept fe-
cret to themfelues. y Terrour & deftrution fhall make 5 ou to lecrne
that which exhortations and gentleneffe could not bring you vato,
z Your affi@ion thalbe fo fore that youare not able to endure it,
a Whea Dauid overcame the Piuliltims. 2. Sam. 5. 20.1. Chr. 14.11.
- b. Where Iohuadifconifitedfiue kings of the Amorit and the vuderitanding of ther prudent
m Mczaning,that men (yall be Hid.
whereas Godis Ig (Qo? vnto fhem that = fecke deepe
not worthipped fo ide their connfell frem the Love: foz
according tohis their wozkes are tn Darkenefie, and they
word,bothma- fay, CAho teeth vs 2 and who knoweth
giftratesand mi- yg ;
nifters are but 16 Pour turning of deuices Hal it not bee
fooles and with. effeemed ° asthe potters clay? foz Mail toe
outvnderftan» worke fay of him that madcie, Hee made
ding. mee NOt? 0 the thing fonen, fap of him
— x d
n Thisisfpoken that fafhtonedit, Wee had none ynderans
ofthem which Ding ?
~ in heart defpifed
mocked atthe
admonitions, but
outwardly bare
a good face.
Carmel Halbe counted as a forett?
18 And in that day Hall tye deafe heare
the wozdes ofthebooke, and the eyes ofthe
blinde hall fee out of obſcuritie, and eut of
Darkenefle. i
_ I9 The meeke in the Loyd thall receiue
topagaine, andthe poore men pall reioyce
in the bolp one of Iſrael.
20 Fo the crucll man Hall ceafe, and the
ſcornefullchalbe conſumed: and all that bas
{ted to iniquitte hall be cut of: ;
21 Ach made a man to finne tn the
4 Word, and tooke bim in a ſnare: which ree
power to dejiuer proonedthem tn the gate, and made the tuk
to fall without cauſe.
p Shal therenot 22 Therekore thus fayth the Loo vnto
beachangeofall the Youle of Jaakob, enen hee that redzes
`- things ?and Cars nied Abraham, Jaakob Mall not now bee
mel, thatisa ~ DDA neither now Wall bis face bee
23 But when bee leeth his chilon, the
worke of mine bandes, in the mids of hia
they (all ſanttifie mp Mame, and ſanctilie
craft faich the
Lord,you can-
not beableta
efcape mine
hands no more
then theclay,
that is inthe pot-
ters hands,hath
in reſpect of that
it fhall be then,
may be taken as
a Chap; the help one ef Jaakob, and ſhali keare the D
God of Hiracl. SEN
24 Thenthep that erred in ſpirit, "Hali
bae vnderitanding , and thep that marmu-
red Wall learne doctrine.
32.8 5.and thas
hefpeaketh to
comfort the
' g They that went
about to finde faultsvith the Prophets words, and would norabide
admonitions, bur would intanele them and bring them dato danger
r Signifying that except God gine vnderitanding and knowledye,
man cannot but fill crr¢ and mucmure againft hin i
17 Js it vot vet but a little while and Le F
Godsword,and hanon tall bee ptiurnedinte Carmel? and fill
The rebellious children.
r Hereprocueth the Iewes which in their ad -
uerfitie vfed their owne counfels, 3 And fought
help of the Egyptians, 10 Defpifing the Prophets.
16 Therefore bee fhewe'l what deffruction fhalt i
come upon them, 18 But offtreth mcrcie tothe ]
repentant, J
Wie" to the rebellions chilozen, ſayth a Who contrary
the Lord, that take counfell, but net to their promile
of mec,and > couer with acouering, butnot. takenot mefor’
bp my Spirit, chat they may tay linne bpon their proreGoury,
finne: ; and coretary to
2 Ahich walke forth to goe Downe into my comman-
Egypt (and haue not alked at my month) dement feeke
to ſtrengthen themſelues with the firengti) helpeat Rrane 7
of Pharaoh , anu tenit inthe Hanow of: gers, ;
gypt. bMeyſeeke
3 But the ſtrengthof Pharaoh ſhall be thifts ro cloke
your fhame, and the teuk in the had ow of theirdoirg and |
Egypt your confufion. not godly
4 Forbis < princes were at Zoan, and meanes,
bis Ambafladours came vnto Danes. £ Tne chiefe of |
5 Chey hail bee all aſhamed ofthe peo: Irel wen into’ |
ple that cannot profiterhem, noz heipe nor Egypt in ambafly
Doe them good, Lut thallbea Hame and allo
to feeke helpe,
& rep2och. : and abode at
6 @ The ‘burdenof the beaſtes of the. thete cities,
South, m a landof trouble anv angui, d Thar is, ahes-
From whence (all come the poung and olde uie fentence or
lyon, the viper, & fiery ying ferpent again? prophefie acain
them that (hall beare thetr riches vpon the the beaftsthae
holders of the colts, and thetrtreafures caried their trea-
bpon the bunches of thecamels, toa people fures into Eeypr,
that cannot profit. by the wildere
7 SForthe Cgyppttansare vanitie, and nefe,which wag
they fhall helpe tn vaine. Therefore haue South from Iu.
crped unio eher, Their ftrength fisto fit dah: fignifying,
; that ifthe beafts
thould not bee |
{pared, the men’
thould bee pu.
nithed much
more griz-
e Towit, tole
f And not to
come to and
ſro to feeke
g Thatis, this
h That ic may be
a witne fie againſt
them for all po-
i He theweth
what was the
cauſe of their de-
fiuGion, and
bringeth allo alf
miferieto man s
to wit, becaufe
they would
not heate the
worde of God, but delighted to bee flattered and Jed in errour,
k Threaten vs not by the worde of God neither be fo rigorous, nor
talke vnto vs inthe Name of the Lord, asTerem.g 4.21. 1 Méz-
ning, in their ftnbborrineffe againſt God, and the admonitions ofbis |
Prophets. m - Signifying, that the dettru@ion of the wicked thall
be without recouery.
8 slow goe, and write e ft before them in
atable, and note it in a booke that tt may be
for the blatt Day Foz eutr and euer:
9 Ghat tt ta rebellions people, lxing
chrldzen, and childzen that would not i heare
the Law of the Lod.
19 hich fap unto the Scers, See not :
and fo the Brophets. Pꝛopheſie not vnto vs
right things : but ſpeake flattering things
vnto vs : proghelic errog,
II Depart out ofthe way: coe alire out
ofthe path: cauſe the boty One of Ulrael te
ceale from vs.
12 Therefore thus fapth the yoly One of
Ditacl, Becauſe yee jane catt off this worde,
and trut | violence an’ wickedneſſe, anð
13 Cherefoze this tuiquitte halt be unta
pou as a breach that falicth, or alwelling in
an bie wall, whale breaking commierth d=
Deniy tramoment, :
14 Gnd the bakga thereof is like the
breaking of a Watters porte, which ts
zoken without pitit, and in the bied:
king thereof ts mot founte ma heard to
take ire out of the hearth, o2 tatake wa>
To waite for the Lord.
n Oſt times by
his Prophets he
pot you in re.
membrance of
this, that you
fhould only de-
pend on hi.
o Wewiltmt `
to éfeape by our
horfes, <
p Whereasall
the trees are cut
downe faue two
or three tó mike
q He commen-
dcth the great
*mercies of God,
who with pati-
ence waiteth to
call finnersto
r Notonclyia
punithing but in
vfing moderati-
on inthe fime as
§Or, mfrúctor,
f God thaldire&
all thy vayes, and
appoint thee how
to goe either hi-
ther or thither.
t Ye thall caft a-
way your idoles
which you have
madc of gölde
and filuer with
ali that belon-
ú Shewing thar
there can be no
eftored the glo-
ter our of the pit.
15 Foz thus fam the” Lom Gon, the bolp
ODne ot Jiraci Fw ret and quietnetic Hall pe
be faued;in quietneſſe and tn contivence thal
be your frength, but pe would net.
16 Foz ye haue fapd, No, but we will flee p
away dpon o hozles. Therefore Wall pe fies,
Chee will ride vpon che ſwiktelt· Therefore
ſhall pour perſecuters be fwifter-
17 Athonland as one hali fice at there.
` Bukeof one: atthe rebuke of tine fhall pee
fice, till ye be left asa ſhippe malt vpon the
P —* ot a mountaine, and as a beacon vpon
an hill.
18 Det therefore wil the Lord waite, that
he map haue a mercte pon pou,and therfore
will he be eralted, that be map haue compat:
lion vpon vou: for the Lora is rhe Govot
riudgement. Bleſſed are all thep that waite
fox him. —
19 Surely a people Hall dwell in Zion,
and in Jernlatem: thou Walt weepe no moe:
hee will certainely haue mercie vpon thee at
tye voyce of thy cry: when he hearsth thee,
be will anſwere thee.
20 And when the Lorde bath giuen you
the bead of aduerfitte, and the water of af-
fliction,thy rayne Malbeno ioe kepr backe,
but thie eyes thall (ee the t tame.
21 And thine eares (hall heare a wozrde
behinde thee, faping, This ts the way,
walke pee in it, WHenthow turnet toche
> ht hand, and when then turncit te the
Ctl. í
22 Anhyce Wall t pollute the cowering of
the images of Glner, and the rich eꝛnament
of thine images of gald, and calt them away
as a menſtrũous tleth, aud thou ſholt fap
vntott,* Get thee hence,
23 Then fhal be gine caine vnto thy (ced,
when thon halt fowe the ground, and bean
of the increale of the earth,and ic thal be fat,
andasople :inthat day hall thpcatreli bee
ked in large paſtures.
24 Theoren allo and the yong ales,that
tilithe ground, hall eate cleane proucnder,
Which ts wWinowed wiih the Houci,and with
the faane. On aIady: 3
25 AND vpon euery bigh * monntaine,
and vpon euery bie hill hall there be riners
and ftreames of waters, inthe Dap of the
tar liaughter, when the towzes ſhall
26 Mozeoner, the liaht of the Moone
fhailbeas thelightot the? Sunnz, and the
light af the Sunne Wail ve ſeuen folte, and
like the light of uen Bayes in the Day that
the Lorde fall binde vp che breach of
bis people, and heale the Croke of their
27 Behold the Mame ofthe Lord coms
meth from farre, tits face is burniag, and
the burden thereof istieaup, bis Nppes are
frill of uBianatio’ , aud pis tongue is as a
deuouring fire.
theteo( (hall ſuen tines the brightne ie of the Sunne: for,
28 Qndbhispirite isas ariuer that o»
Heriloweth vp to the necke: it diuldeth as
funder, to fanne the nations with the fanne
of vanitic, anD there thallbes a buble to
caule them to erre in the tawes of the peo-
29 But therefhal be a fong vnto pon asin
the > night, whena folemne kealt ts kept:
ant gladnefie of heart, as be that commeth
With apipe to goo vute the mount of the
Lozd,to the mighty Die of Iſrael. ;
30 Aad tye Low Malcante bis glozious
voyce to bebeard, and thal Declare thedigh-
ting Downe ot his arme, withthe anger of
hiscountenance , and fianie of a deuouting
Ges with lcattering and tempeſt, and haile·
31 Foz with the voyceof the Lod Mall
— be deſtroyed, which mote with ibe
< rodde,
32 And inenery place that the tafe fall
paffe it iall a cleaue fat, which the Lorde
tyal lay vpon bim With rabets and hatps,
and with battels,and lifting vp of hands ſhall
Hefightfagaintin | :
33 Foz ¢ Tophet is prepared of olde: it
is enen prepared ĉo? the » Ring: bee bath
made tt i Deepe and large; the burning
thereofis fire and nuch wood : the bzeath of
the Lod, like a riuer of brimſtone, doeth
kindle tt.
Vainetruftinman. 269
a To drive them
to nothing: and
thus God coniu-
meth the wicked
by that meanes,
whereby ke clen-
feth his.
b Ye thallre-
ioyce at the dee
ftrudtion of your
enemies,as they
that fing for ioy
of the folemne
feaſt, which bee,
gan in the euc»
c Gods plague,
d It fhaidettroy,
e With ioy and
aflurance of the
f Again{tBa- .
bel : meaning
the Affyrians and
g Here it ĩs ta⸗
ken for hell,
where the wie-
ke d are tormen-
ted, reade 2.Kin,
23.10, h- So tbat their etate or degree cannot exempt the wic-
ked, i By theſe fiiguratine ſpecches hce declareth the conditionof
the wicked after this life,
1 He curfeth them that forfake Godyand fecke
fêr the helpza f mens
VV De vnto them that goe 2 Downe iit-
to Egypt forheipe, and ſtay vpon
bouts, and tratt in charets, becaule they
are many, andin bozlemen, becanle they
bee bery trong: bat theplooke not vnto
— Due of Jirachi nore ſeeke vnto the
2 Buthe petis «wiles : therefore he wil
bring tuil,and notturne backe bis word, but
be wili ariſe againit the boule ofthe wicked,
and again fhe peipe ot chem that wozke
vaniti·. ihe
3 Pow the Egyptians sre. met, and
not God, ana there yozies fle sand not fpi-
tit: and when the toe fhall firetch out
bis hand, the è helper alt tall, and hee that
= —— fyailfalt, and they ſhall altogether
aie = >
‘Ao Forthus bath the Lod poken onto
mee, ag the lon oz lions whelpe voaterh
viion fis yrape, again wiome if a mut-
ttrude of thepheards bee called bee will
riot bee afrapde at their voyce, neither will
humble himlele at their noyſe: fo ſhall
a. There were
two ſpeciall catse.
fes,why the Ifrats
lites fhould not
with the Egyp-
rians Aiea.
caufe the Lord
had commanded
them neucrto
returné thither,
Déuterono, 17e
16nd 28.68.
left they fhould
forget the binge-
fiteof hear re-
defpption : and
fecondly, left
they (houdbe
corrupted with
the {uparRision
andidolatrie of
the Egyptianc
and fo forfake
b Meaning, that they forfake the Lord, that put their truft inwworld/
Ty things: for theycanoot truftinboth.. e: Andknoweth their crafe -
tié enterprifesand will bring alktomought. d Meaning, bothahe-
Feyptians and thedfraclires..
i the:
LeSinie dnd Moone, which are two excellent creatures, hee
weth what (hallbee the’glory of the chidren'of Godisthe king”
meofChrift Z This thtevtn og isagainft the Affyriabs, the?
jefe enemies of the pedple of Gods cit cf
Ofgood Magiftrates.
e He theweth | the Lozd of hoſtes Come *Downete Right tor
the lewes, that ` mount Zisi, and for tue Hill chercof. H
ifthey would § As birds that tlic, to Mall the Lorde
pite their t: uft of hoſtes Defend Jeruſalem by detending
in bim, he is ſo and veltucring, by paing through and pre-
ablethatnone- ferning it. i
can refift his 6 D yechildren of Jirael,turne againe,
power:andfo — inasmuch as pee ate’ funken Decpe in re.
careiul! ouer bellton.
them, asa bird 7 Foꝛ in that day, euery man fail e caſt
ouerheryong, out his Woes of ũluer,aud bts idols ot gold,
whicheuerfluth which pour baudes hane made pou, cucna
about them for finne.
their defence: 8 Then hall Aſſhur fall bv che ſword,
which fimilitude not of man, nettier thall the ſword of man
the Scripture deuoure hun, the thall fiec from the ſword,
vfethis divers and hts yong men ſhall faint.
places,as Deut. 9 Anethe hall go for feare to bisi tower,
32.11. matth. and hts pinces fyallbe atcatd of the kan-
33.376 Dard, fayth tke Loz, whole * fire isin Fiom
f Hetoucheth and bts foznace in Jeruſalem.
their con{tieace
that they might earneftly fecletheie grieuous finnes, and fo truely re~
pent, foralm uch as now they are almoft drowned, and paſt recouery.
By thefe fruits your repentance fhal be knowen, as: Chap 2.18.
When your repentance appeareth. i This was accosnplithed foone
after when Sancheribs army was difcomfited, and he fled to hiscafile
its Nincueh fer fuccour, k To defiroy his enemies,
1 The conditions of good rulers and officers de-
feribed by the gouernement of Herckiah who was
the figure of Chrift.
a This prophefie J Ebolve , 2a King hall reigne in iuſtice.
is of Hezekiah, and the Pꝛinces Hall rule d tn fudge»
who was a figure ment.
of Chriĝ,and 2 And tha mas ail bee as an hiding
therfore itought place from tie winde, and as a refuge for
chieflytobere- the tempeft : as riuers of water tira Die
ferred tohim, place, and asthe ſhadow of a great rocke in
b By iudgement ¢ a teearpland.
and tuftice is 3 The cpesof 4 the feetag Hall not bee
meant an vp- fut, and the cares ofthemebat heare, Mail
rightgouerne- hearken 1 ;
ment, bothin 4 And the heart of the fooliſh Mall yn-
policeandreli-. Bertand Knowledge, and the tongue of
gion. the flutters yall bee ready to ſpeake Di»
c Wheremen ſtinctlp. g
are wearie with § Acniggard Mall noma: be called li⸗
trauciling, for berall,noꝛ the churle rich.
lacke of water, 6 But the niggard wiil ſpeake of nig»
gardneſſe, and bis heart will worke miqui-
d He promifeth
tie,and Doe Wickedly, and peake kalſely a⸗
to. giue the trie
light, whichis gaint the Lor , to make empty the hungty
the pure doGrine louie, and to caule the drinke ofthe thivitie
ofGodsword, to faile. Q
and vnderftan- 7 forthe weapons ofthe churle are twice
ding,and zeale ked : hee Deutleth wicked counſels, to vndoe
ofthe ame con- the poore with lying wawes , antte [peake
trary to the againit rhe poore in iudgement. By 231
threatnings a- 8 But the liberall man will deniie of li»
gainftthe wic- berall things, and be tatll continuchislibe-
hed,Chap,6.9. ralitie.
and 29.10. ¶ Riſe vp, pe women that are at eale:
e Vice thallno heare myvoyce, pee f carelee Daughters;
more be called
Vertue,ror vertue eſteemed by power and riches. £ He prophefieth of
fuch'calamity to come, that they wilbnot {pare the women and chil-
dyen,and therefore wille:h them to take heede and prouide,
Ifaiah. o
A faminethreatned.
hearken fo ity words. the 2
_ Io Pe women, that are careleffe, hall be
Infteares abone a peere in Bayes: * for the g Meaning,
vintage hatlfatle, and the gathering spall tha theafiidi.
come ns mee, on ſhould cons
II Dee women, thatare at eaſe, beato. tinuclong, and
nied: fearg, D pee carclefie women: puto whenone yecre |
the clothes: make bare, and gredelackeckota were paft, yee
vpon the ioynes. — they fhould
12 Men halilament foz thei teates, euen loeke tor new
fo: the pleaſant tieldes, and fog the truittull plagues.
vine. h God will
13 Upon the land ofmy people Gal grow take fromyou -
thoꝛnes and bzpers; yea, vponalithe houſes the meanes
ofloy in the citte ofrctapctng, and occafions,
I4 Becanfethe palace wall bee foꝛſaken, which made
and the} noyle of the cirie fall bee lefts the-you tocon-
tower and fortreſſe (hail bee dennes foz euer; temne him: to
and the delite of wilde afics, and a patture wit, abundance
fo: flockes, of worldly
15 Cntilithe* Spirit be povered vpon goods,
bs from aboue , and the wildernefie become 1 By the teates
a fruito llie, anD the | plentesus Rold bee he meaneththe
counted as a forrett. m ign plentituli fields,
I6 And tudgement hall Dwellinthe Be: whereby men
ſert, and tultice thall remaine tn the fruitftull arenourithed,
fein. TEH as children with
17 And the worke of tuftice Halbe peace, the teate: or
enen the wozke of tuitice and quietneſſe, and the mothers for
aſſurance foz cuer. ‘ forow and lean-
18 dnd my people Mal dwel in thetader> neſſe, mall lacke
nacle ef peace, and in tare dwellings, and in milke,
fafe reting places. ; | Or, multitude.
Ig Chen te haileth, it ali fall onthe k Thatis, when
forreft, and the = citie pall be fet inthelow che Church
place. i fhall bee re-
20 Bleſſed arepethat" few spon alltwa- Rored: thus
tets, and ° Datue thither the keete of the ore the Prophers .
and the afie. ' after they haue
‘ denounced Gods
indgements againſt the wicked , vietocomfartthe godly, left they
thould faint.. | The field which is now fruitful , {hall be butas 2
barren forreft in comparifon of that it thal bethen, as Chap.29.19
which (hall oce faifilled in Chrifts time : forthen they that were bee
fore as the barren wilderneffe, being regenerate, fhall bee fruite full,
andthey thathad fome beginning of godlineffe, (hall bring foorth
fruites in fuch abundance , that their former life thali ſee me but asa
wilderne{Te where no fruites were, m They fhall notneede co builde
itin high places for feare of the enemie: for God will defend it, and
turne away the (tormes from hurting of thcir commodities, n Thae
is, vpon fat ground and well watered, which bringeth forth ia abune
dance: or in places which before were coucred with waters, and now
made dry for your vfes. o The fieldes hall befo rancke, thatthey}j
thallfend out their cattel to eate vp the firft crop, which abundance
fhall be lignes of Gods fauourand loue towatds them. i
The defirultion of them,by whom Ged hath pie
nifhed his Church.
VV Do tothee that > ſpoyleſt, and walk a Meaning, the
not {poyled : and Doc wickedly, enemies ofthe
and they did not wickedly againtt thee: Church,as were
when thon hale > ceafe to fpople , thou the Caldcans, _
fhaltbe fpoyled: when thou Malt make ay and Affyrians: foy
but chicfly of S2e
neherib,but nor onely. b When thine appointed time thall come thathi.
God hail take away thy power, and that which thou haft wrongfully},
gotten, (hall begiuento others, as Amos 5.3 —*
Who fhall dwell on high.
e The Calde-:
ans {hall doe
_ kketo rhc Af-
| fyr:ans,asthe
> Affyrians didte
Iſracl: and the
Medesand Per-
fiansthail doe
the fame co the
d He eclareth
hereby what is
the chiefe re-
fuge of the
faithfull when
troubles come,
to pray and
fecke helpe of
God, -
pedft our fathers
fo foone as they,
called ypon
f That is,the
Affyrians fled
before the ær-
mic of the Cal-
Caldeans for
feare ofthe
Mdes and Per-
g When thou,
© Lerd,did-
ſteſt lift vp tine
arme to punifh
thine ene-
h Yetbatas
caterpillers de-
ftroyed with
your number
the whole world,
| ftrength to re-
fift your ene-
| mies the Cal-
$ deans, but fhall
| be gathered on
fan heape and de-
i Meaning,the
Medes and Per-
f fians againft the
k. Thatis, inthe
day es of Heze-
ende of Doing mickedlp;e they ſhall doe wit-
kedly againſt thee
2 $D Lone haue mercie vpon ve, wee
batie wayted foz thee: bee thou, which walt
© their arme tn the moning onr helpe allo in
time ot trouble.
3 At the nople of the tunult.the f pcaple
fled: at thines cralting, the nations were
{cattercd. 4
4 And yourfpoyle Wall be gathered like
the gathering olè caterptilers: and ie thal
gae agatnit him like the leaping of grathop:
The Lorwdiscralten: for he owelleth
on bigk: be hath filed ston with iudgement
and mitice.
6° Aud there Halt bee Cabilitie of kthy
times, itrength, ſaluation, wiledome and
knowledge : for the fearcot the Lord hall be
bis treature.
7 Weholde,' their meflengers Mall crye
without, andthe »ambatladours of peace
Fyall weepe bitterly, il
8 Che paths are wake; the wayfaring
man ceateth: he barb biokemrbe coucnant:
be bath cantenined tiecies: hee regarded
no man.
Whe earth mourneth and favureth:
Lebanon is ahamed, and bewen downe:
° Sbaren islikea wilderneile,and Bahan
is ſhaken and armet. | t
10 Row will r arife, ſayth the Lorde:
nen witi Ibe exalted, now wil F lit pp my
IL 9 Pee fhallconceiue chaffe, and bring
foozth ſtubble: the fire of your bzeath Wail
deuoure pou. i
12 And the people ſhall be as the burning
of lunes andas the thoznes tut wp, ſhall they
be burnt in tie fire.
13 Heare, vee that arer farre off, what J
haue done, and pee that are neere, knowe nip
pewer. —
14 Shel linners in Zion are afrapde: a
feare ts come. vpon the hypocrites: wio ae
mong vs hal Dwell with the Deuouring Gre?
who among bs Mall dwell with the euerla·
ſting burnings ? «gory
Is Qe chat walketh fn tuice,and (pea-
kerh righteous things . refuling gayne of
oppeffion, aking hts hands from taking
of giftes, ſtopping bis eares front bearing
of oo > aud utting bis epes from fecing
gill, E IRAE EE :
16 Dee hall dwell on thigh: bis defence
fall bee the munitions of rockes : bread
man bee gtticn him, and bts waters tball bee
1 Sent fromSaneheri>. m Whomethey of leruſalem fenttoin-
treate of peace. o hefe are the woordes of the Ambafladours,
when, they returne from Sarcheria, o Which was a plentifull
countrey,meaninghat S.ncherib would deftroy all, p` To helpe
and deliver my Church.
}who thought all wastheir owne: but hee Shewern that their enter-
4prife (hall becin vayne, and that the fire,which they had kindled for
Jorhers,fheuldconfamethem. r His vengeance (hall be fo greae,
q; This is poken agiinit the enemies,
at all the worldefhall talke thereof.: f Which doe pot beleeue
the wordes of the
Prophet, and sheaffurance of their deliuerance.
ijt. Meaning, thar God willbeea fore defence to all them that live
Jaccorcing to his woul.
17 Thine eyes Hall "fee the King in
ae glszie: they all behold the land * farre
18 Chine hearty Hall meditate feart,
There ts the Hertbe? Ahere is the re-
Ceiuer? Cdihere is jee that counted the
19: Thon halt not fee afiercepeople, a
people of a Darke (perch, that thou cant noc
percetue, and ofa ſfammering tongue, that
thou canit not vnderſtand.
20 Looke vpon Zien the citie ofour fo-
lemne feaftes + thine eyes fhali fee Fe-
rulalem a quiet habitation, a Tabernacle
that cannot bee remooued, and the tiakes
therest-can mener bee taken away, neis
fier fhali any of the codes thereot bee bzo
21 foz ſurely there the mightie Lod
will bec bute vs, zs a place z e: foods and
boad riucrs , whereby thall patie us ſhippe
with oares, neither fall great thippe paffe
thereby, 6l
22 Foꝛ the Lordis our Judge, the Lord is
out LawgiuerstheLedis our Ring, be will
fauc vs.
23 Ehycoades are looſed: they could
Not weliirengthen their mattneither could
thepipread the taile: then Mall the b pray be
diuided for a great (pore ; yea, the lame tall
fake away thepray.
24 Aud nonc injabitant Hall fap, J am
ficke: the people chardweiltherem thal bane
their iniquitiefozgiuen.
Chap.xxxiiij. GodpreferuethhisChurch. 270
u They fhajl
fee Hezekiah
delivered from
his enenyes,and
reftored te ho»
nour and glo.
x They fhallbe
no more fhutin
as they were by
Sancherib, but
goe where it
pleafeth them,
y Before that
this libertie
commceth,thou ,
fhalt thinke thas
thou artin
great dangere
for the enemie
fhall fo tharpe-
ly aflaile you,
that one fhall
crie, Whereis
the clerke thag
writeth the
names ofthem
that are taxed?
another, Where
isthe receines?
another {hall
crie for bim
that valueth the
rich houſes, but
God vill deli-
wer you from this ſeare. z Letvs bee content with this (mall riuer
of Shiloah , and not defire the great ſtreames and rivers, whereby
the enemies may iring in (hippes, and deftroy vs.
a Hee derideth
- the Affyrians and cnenmes. of the Church., declaring their deliruati-
on, as they chat perilh. by flipwrackes b Hee comforteththe
Church, and (heweththat they haU bee ensiched with all benefites
both of body and foule,
yp CHAP, XX XIII Teg).
t- Hee fheweth that;God puniſhetl the wicked
for the lowe he beareth toward hu Charch,
CE neere, pe2 nations and heare, and
bearken, pee people: let the carth heare,
and ali that is theretngthe world and al that
pꝛoctedeth thereff.
2. Foꝛthe indignation of the Led is vp·
on all nations, and his wrath vpon all thete
armies: hee hath > deltroped chemand del·
nered them to theflanghter.
3, And theft laine wall bee cat ont, and
their Atak halt come vp out of their bodies,
and the mountaines (all bee melted wiih
their bloot. pw
4 Andalithe hoſt ok heauen? ſhalbe aie
ſolued, andthe heauens halbe folden itke a
booke: and all their hoſtes ail fall as the
leafe falleth from the Cline, and as it fallerh
from the Rare tree.
s For imvfwozd Hall be a He propheſi⸗
toyce: and the waſte ground ſhalbe glad cthotthe full
e To deftroy your enemies,
f When the knowledge of Chrift is reuealed, $ They
barren and deftituteof the graces of God , fhai! haue them giuen by
Chrift. h It(ha!! bee forthe Saints of God ,' and not for the wic-
ked. i God thallleadeand guide them , alluring tothe bringin
foorth of Egypr. k Asheethreatnedto the wicked to be defroy-
ed beereby, Chapter 30.6. 1 Whom the Lord hall deliuer from
reftauf2tion of -
tiles vnder
{hall beetully
at the lait day:
albeit as yet
it iscompared:
to a deferc and
b TheChurch =
which was be-
fore compared
to a barren wile
derneffe, fhall >
by Chrift bee
plenteous and"
c Hetheweth |
that the pre- (|
fence of God,
is the caufethae
the Church
doeth bring
forth fruic aud
d Hee willeth
all to encourage
one another,
and {pecially
the minifters,
to exhort and
firengthen the
vreake,that they |
may patiently
abide the com-
that were
doĉrine afore,
both forthe
threatnings and
promifes: to
wit, that God
would fuffer his
w a aa ee ee ee S| ZS eel a
The craft ofthe wicked.
€Forhewasnow fonneok Hilkiah the « feward of the boufe,
rfteredtohis and Ohebna the 4 chancellez, and Joab the
officeasifaiah ſoune ot Afaph the recozder.
haiprophefied, 4 AnD © Rablſhakeh layde vnto them,
Chap,22.20 Gell pou Hezekiah, 3 pay pou, Thus
d This declareth
that there were
fewe godlyto be
found in j kings J fap , f Surelpl hue eloquence, but
houfe,whenhee! counſell and frength are forthe warre: on
wasdriuento Whom then Doel thou truk, that thou rebel-
fend this wicked leit againſt me?
fapeth the great Ring, the King of Afigur,
ate contidence is Chis, where thou true
e .
man in ſuch a 6 Loe, thou truſteſt in this broken Kaffe
weightymarter, Of reede, on Egypt, whereupon if aman
e Sanehenbs leane, tt will goe inte his bande, and pierce
it: fo iss Pharaoh king of Egypt, vñto all
chiefe captaine.
that trutt in him.
f-He fpeaketh
thisinthepers 7 Wutifchoufay vnto me, Cee trut in
fonofHezeki- the Lode ourGDD; Fs not thar hee
ab, falflychar- whole bye places and whole altars Heze·
ginghim, thathe kiah tooke Downe, andfayde to Judah and
puthistrutin ta Jexrulalem, Dee all worlhip beto? this
hiswitandelo. aitar?
quence whereas 8 sow therefore giue hoſtages to my lod
hisonlyconfi-' the king of Afibur, and J will give theerwo
nencewasinthe thouland jozles, tf thou bee able on thy part
Lord, to fet riders vpon then.
g Satan laboured
to pull the godly
king from one
vaine confidence
to another,to
wit,from troft in
the Egypti ins,
9 Foꝛ how cast theu l Delpile any cap»
taine of the bleaſt of my lords (eruants? and
put thp truk on Egypt foz charets and foz
IO And am J now come vp without the
Lord tothis land to deftropit ? Che Lode
fayd vnto me, i Go vp again this land,ana
wholepower deltroy it. FAN
was weake and Il Q Chen ſayd Eliakim, and Shebna,
would deceue EJoah vnto RabMhakeb, * Spcake, 3) pray
thee , to thyleruantsin the Aramites lans
guage, (foz we vnderſtand it) and talke not
with vs tn the Jewes tongue,in the audiece
of the people that areon the wall.
12 Then ſayd Rabhakeh, Vath my mas
God. fter fent mee to thymater, and tetheete
YOr,turne backe. {peake chele wozdes,and not to the nien that
h Hereprocheth fit on the wali?that thep may eat their owne
toHezekiahhis Dougue, and drinke their owne + pill? with
fmall power, you?
whichisnotable 13 So Rabhakch ſtood, and cried with a
to reſiſt one of lond boyce inthe Feweslanguage,and far,
Saneheribslealt Weare the wordes of the great Ring, of the
captaines. King of Alihur.
GThusthewice 14 Ehuslateth the King, Let not ese:
kedtodeceiue kiah Decetuc pou: foz he tyail uot be able to
vs, will pretend deliuer pou. `
_theNameofthe I5 either let Hezekiah make pou to trut
Lord,but we muft in the Logd, laying, Che Lozd wili ſurely Des
- try the fpirits, liuer be: this city all not ve ginen oner in-
whether theybe tothe band ofthe king of Aſchũr.
of God or no. 16 Mearken not to Hezekiah:for thus faith
k Theywerea- the kingof Aſſhur, Make i appoputment
frayd, leſt by his with me,and come cut tome,that every man
words, he fhould may eat of bis owne vine, and euery man of
haue ftirredthe bis owne figtree, and drinke euery man the
people againſt waterofhisewne well,
the king andalo 17 Till Icome and wing vouto a land
pretended to like pour ownelande,cuen a lande of wheate
grow tofomeap- —
poyntment withhim. Ebr. the water oftheir feet. 1 The Ebrew
worde fignifieth ble fling : whereby this wicked captaine would haue
perfwaded the people that their condition ſhould be better ynder Sa⸗
nmeherib,then vader Hezekiah,
them,to yeeld
himfe fe to the
Affytians,and fo
not tohope for
arty helpe of
Chap. xxxvij.
Thegodlylament, 271
and wine,a land of bread and vineyards,
18 Lealt Hezekiah decetuc you, laying,
the Lozde wilt deliuer vs. Hath any of the
gods of chenations Delinered his land out of
the hand of the king of Ailhur ?
19 Wiberets the god ofm Mamath, and
of ArpaB? where ts the god of Sepharua:
im? oꝛ howe haue thep deltucred Samaria
out of mine hand?
20 Thots he among all the gods of thele
lands, that bath Delivered their countrep out
of mine jand, that the Lode ponlo deliner
Jerufalem out ofinine band ?
21 Then they kept ſilence, and anfwered
Him nor a word: fo? the kings cOmandement
was laying, Anhwere him get. _ an
22 Chen came Eliakim the fonne of Hil- wicked make
kiah the ſtewarde of the houſe and SEheb⸗ Godan idole,
na thechauncellour, and Joab the (onne of becauſe they doe
Alaph the Recorder, wnto Hezekiah with not vaderitand
rent clothes, aud tolde him the woes of that God ma-
Rabivakeh, keth them his
punifheth citiesfor finne, n, Not that they did not bewe by ewt-
dent fignesthat they cid deteft his blafphemy: for they had nowe
tent tbeir clothes, but they knewe it wasin vayne to vie long reafo~
ning with this infidel, whofe rage they fhoulde baue fo much mors
m That is,of
Antiochia in
Syria, of the
which thefe
two other ch
tiesalfo were:
whereby we fee
how euery
towne had his
peculiar idole,
and howthe
2° Hezekiah asketh counſel of 1 faiah who pro-
mifeth him the victory. 10 The b/afphemy of Sa-
neherib. 16 Hezekiahs prayer. 36 The armie of
Saneherib is flaine ofthe Angel, 38 and he him-
ſelfe of his owne ſonnes.
AS * when the king Hezekiah heart it, VRANA
be a rent his cloches, æ put on fackclory, a In figne o
and canieinto the houle of the £00, gricfe and re-
2 And hee ſent Eliakim the fteward of pentance.
the houſe, andDDbebnathechanceltoz, with
the elders of the JDatettes , clothed in ſacke⸗
cioth vnto > Jlatay the Prophet, the fonne b Tohaue com-
of Amoʒz. fortof him by
3 Andthey ſayde vnto him, Thus faith the word of
Mescktah, Chis day ts a Bay of tribulation God,that bis
andof rebuke and biaſphemy: foz che chit» faithmight be:
Dien are come tothe birth, and there is no confirmed,and i
firength to bring forth. _ fo hisprayer be
A FE fo bethe Lord thy God hath + heard moréearnefti
the wosdsof Rablhakeh whome the king of teaching heres
Algur bis matter gath ſent to rapleon the by, thatin all
lining God,and to reproch him with words dangersthele
which the Lote thy God hath heard, then two are the on⸗
€ lift thou vp thy prayer foz the remnant that ly remedies, to
are left. feeke vnto God
§ So theleruants of the king hezekiah and bis mint
tame to Iſaiah· ſters.
6 And Iſaiah fayd vnto them, Thus ſay c Weare inas
pate your maſter, Thus ſayth the Lord, Be great forrew as
not afrayd-of ý wo20s that thoudatt beard, a woman that
wherwith the feruants of theking of Aſhhur trausileth of
bane blafshemed me. chnild & cannot
7 PBeholde,Jwilifend abla vpon him, be delivered,
8 d Thatis, will
declare by effe& that bee bathheard it: for when God deferretli to
punith it, it feemethto the felh , thar hee knoweth not the finne,or-
heareth notthe caule, -e Declaring that the minifters office doeth
hot onely {tand in comforting by the word, bur alfo in praying for the<
Hezekiah prayers
F Of the Egypti-
_ ans and Ethiopi-
ansthat (hal
eoineand fight
ainſt him,
& Which wasa
citie toward
Egypt, thinking
thereby to haue
ſtayed the force
of his enemies.
h Thus God
would haue him
to viter a moft
horrible blafphe-
mie before his
deftruction : as
to callthe author
ofall trueth, a
deceiuer: fome
gather hereby
that Shebna had
difclofed vnto
Sancherid the
anfwere that
Ifaiah fentto -
: the king.
i Whichwasa
citie of the
k Called alfo
_. Charreacity in
- Mefopotamia,
whence Abraham
came after his fa-
thers death,
1 He. groundeth
hisprayer on
` Godspromife,
_ who promifed
to heare them
from betweene
the Cherubims.
m Meaning, of
the ten tribes,
n Hedeclareth
fcr.what caufe
he prayed that
they might be
_ wit,that God
might be glori-
fied thereby
through all che
_ world.
o Whom God
had chofento
chafte virgine,
_and oner whom
he had a care to
referue her fro
the luftes of the
tyrant, asa father
would hauc ouer
his daughter.
p Declaring
hereby, that they
ana de ſhall heare af noyle returne to his
gwe (ande,and J wili caule him ta fall by
tye fwod tn his emi land.
8 €Ho Rabibakeh returned, and found
the king of Afibur ſighting s agatn& Libs
naj: for ge bad yeard that he was Departed
from Lachiſh.
9 Hee heard alfo men fay of Tirhakah
king of Ethiopia, Beholde, he is come out ta
fight againſt thee: and when be beard it, be
ſent other meſſengers to Hezekiah, faving,
Id Thus hal pe ſpeake to hezektah king
of Judah,ſaying, Let not thy Goth deceiue
therin whom thou trutet laying, Jeruſa·
lem ali nat bee giuen into the bande of the
king of Achur. ; *
Ii Behold, thou hak heard what ý kings
of Alijur paue Done to all landes tn deſtroy⸗
hig them and Halt thou be delinered 2
I2 Daue the gous of the nations deliue⸗
red thon which my fathers haue dettreyed ?
as Gozan, ani “Haran, and Resep), ana
the chido! Caen, which were at Te⸗
lafar? * Pii d
. 13 there fs the Ring of Damath, and
the ting of Arpan ana che king of che city of
Dephatrugim, heña, and Juah?
I4 @ Do Hezekiah receiued theletter of
the hand of the meffengers aud read tt,and
be went vp into rhe heuleofthe Lo:d, and
Hezekiah ſpread tt before the Lod,
os: And Mesckiah prayed vnia the Lord,
png, ;
16 D Lod of hots God of Iſrael, which
Ddwelleſt betweene the Cyccubims, then
act octy Gad alone ouer alithe kinadamnes
of the earth; thou bak made the heauen ana
tge earths =- ;
17 Jucline thine care, D Lozd,and heare:
open thine eyes, O Lorte,and (ee, and beare
all the words of Sancherth,whe hath ſent to
blaſpheme the lining Goa.
18 Trueth it is, D Lord, that the kings of
Alhur auc deſtroped all lands, and = their
19 And hane caf their gods inthe fire:
fo? they were no gous, but the work of mens
Hands,cuen wood o? Rone:therefoze they de:
ſtroyed them.
20 Now therefore, D Loyd our God,faue
thou ys out of pis band, that» all the kings
Dames of the earth map know, that thou oñ ·
Ip art the Low,
21 @ Chen Iſaiah the fonne of Amos ſent
vnto Yesckiah, faving, Thus iaveth the
Lorde God of Fltael, Becan thou hart
pated ynta me concerning Daneherid king
of Aſhur,
22 Chis is the word that the Lord hath
fpoken again hun. Che ovirgin,the caugh.
terofSion, hathdelpifcather, andlaughen
theetoftozne: Che daughter of Ferulaicur
hath Haken her head at chee. *
23 Uhom hat thou railed on, and blaſ⸗
phemed? and againſt whom hat thou eval-
ted thy voice, and lifted up thine eves on hie?
even againſt the r holy Dare of Jiraci.
24 By thy ſeruants bait thou rayled on
that are ene niesto Gods Church, fight again him, whofe quarell his
Church onely maintaineth.
the Lord, and ſayd, By the multitude of mp
charets 3] am come vp te the toppe of the
mountaines, to the fines sfiLebanon, and
will cut Downe the Hie cedars thereaf, and
the faire firre trees thereof, and J will gee
vp tothe beta hts of his top, and to the forrclt
of his fruitfũll places, Cigle2 3
25 Fhanedvigged cand drnuke the was
ters, and with the plancofimpteete gaue F
Dived alithe riuers cioſed in.
26 Watt thou not peard bow J hane of
olde time made ti rand paue formed it tong
agoe? anv fhould J now dying ít; thatit
fhould bee deſtroyed, and layed on tuinous
Deapes,as cities Defence, aes 38 estas)
27 Uyole inhabitants + haue finall poms
er, and are afraid and confounded? they are
like the graſſe ot the tield and greene herbe,
or graſſe on the boule tops, 02 cone blaited
fafore it be growen.
28 But J know thy swelling, and thy
t gaing out and thy comming H, and thy ku⸗
tle againſt me. 4
29 Becaule thou rageſt again me, and
thy cumuit is conte by puto mine eaves,
therefoze will Jput mine » hooke tn thy nos
ftrels, and my bridle in chylippes, and will
bring thee backe agains che fame way thou
scame i
30. Ana this palve a r figne puto thee, O
Hezekiah, Thou Hale cate this peereluch as
groweth of it (ele: and the fecond perre,
fuch things as grew without ſowing:and iu
the third peere, lowe pe and reape,and plant
vineyards, and eate the fruit thereof.
30 And a theremnane that ts elcaped of
the houſe of Juvah, hall againe take rocte
downeward, and besre fruit vpward.
32 Şo out of Jeruſalem ſhall goe a rent
nant, aud they that eſcape out of mount 3i:
= : thezealeofthe Log of hoſtes ſhall Boe
33 Therefore thus fapyeth the Lord. cons
cerning the king of Alur, Ye ihailnot en:
ter into thts citie, noz ſhoote an arrow there,
noz come before tt with Melde, noz cata
mount againg tt. STÀ
34 By tie fame wap that he came he fjall
returne, and not come into this cities ſaych
the Lord. i .
35 Foꝛ J will defend this citie to ſaue it
foz nine owne fake, and for my ſeruant o Da.
uins fake.
36 €* Then the Angel of the Lord went
out, elinote tn the campe of Aſchur anhun-
Deth,tenrelcoze and fue chenland: fe whet
they aroſe carly inthe moning, beholo, they
were all Dead corpſes.
will take himand guidehim. x ‘Thou thalelofeth
Tyrants are brideled,
q He boaſteth
of his policie in
that that he can
finde meanes to
rourith his army⸗
& ofhis power,
in tbar thathis w
army is ſo greaty
that itisableta’ >
dry vpihole ries f
ucrs,and tode- s3
ftroy the waters,
which the Lewes
had clofedin, |»
r Signifying, ua
that God made 4
nothis Church
todéftioyity sit
bur to preferue. ,
it,and therefore
he faith-thathe .
formed itof. +;
old,euenin his
eternall counfelf,
which cannot be
Ebr. are [hort
i in hand.
{ He theweth
thatthe Rate,
> and powerof. ;
moftflorifhing |
citiesendureth +
buta moment
in refpe& of the +
Church,which >
fhallremaine |
for cuer.he ·
cauſe God is
the maintainer =}
thereof- 7
t Meaning,his
counſels and en-
terprifes, s
u „Becaufe Sane-
herib (hewed
bimfelfeas a de-
uouring fifhand
furious bealt,
he vieth thefe
. teach how he
y labour. God
giueth fiencs after two forces: fome, gocbefore the things, as the
fignes hat Mofes wrought in Egypt, which were forthe confirmation
of ehetr faith: and fome goe after the thing. as the facrifice, whicli chey
were commaunded to make three dayes after their departure; and
chefe latter are to keepe the benefits of God in our remembrance, of
the which fort this hereis, z Hepromifechthat for two yeeresthe f
ground of it felfe fheuld feedethem. a They whom God hath de-
lincred out of the hands of the Affyrians, ſhall proſper: and this pros |
perly belongeth to the Church, b> For my promife fake made to
David, , 2.King.19.3§. 2-chrom. 32,21. tob, iei $e
maccab 7 41, 2maccab.d.19,
37 So
ect ls .48,22, Ke
Hezekiah refforedtohealth.giueth Chap.xxxviij-xxxix.
¢eWhich w asthe
ehicfeit citie of
the Aſſyrians
Tobat t. 21.
Or, Arminia,
d- Who wasalfo:
called Sardana-
38 So Sancherib king of Aſchur depar·
fedjand went away aud returned and dwelt
at © Nineueh. .
29. Ano as hee wasin the Canple wo?
Mipping cf Mifroch bis god, Adzametech
and Qhatezer his fomies*iicin him with tog
fwoe2d. and they eſcaped inte the land efi as
Palusinwhole — carats and Clarhaddon pis tonne reigned
daycstenne inpre ftead. X
yeeres after Sa-
neheribs death, the Caldeans ouercame the Aflyrians by Merodach
their king.
Hezekiah is ficke. 5 Heei reffered to health by
the Lord, and lineth fiftcene yecresafter. 10 He
giueththankes for hu benefites
2. Kingi 20. 1.
2 Chron. 32 24.
2 Soone after
that the Affyri=,
ans were {laine:
fo that God will
haue the exer-
cite of bis chil-
cren continuall,
that they may
_learneoncly to
punts that atime was O-scktabh ficke
Svinte the cath, and the Prophet zia
tal) fonne of Amos came vnto bim, and fayde
vnto hin, Bonsiayetythe Lo2d, Put chine
aani in amener, to? thou {halt dye, and not
we. cts i
2 Then Mesekiah> turned his face to the
wail and payed to the Lord,
3. And taid, Jl bewech thee, Lov rement
ber now how J bane walked befog thee in
trueth, and with a perfect beart, and haue
dependvpon. Done that which ts goon in thy light: and
God, and aſpite Vtzʒekiah wept ſore.
to the heauens. 4Thencame tie worde of the Lorde to
b Forhis heatt. Iſãtah taping;
wastouched, .§ Goe, and fay onto esekiah, Thus
~ with, feate of fayeth the Lord Gov of Dawa thy father, J
Gods indge- baue heard thy peayer,and ſeene chp teares:
ment,fecinghe beholde, J will adde vate thy Bayes Atteene
had appoynted
him co die fo
quickly after his
deliuerance from
ceres: ;
: 6 And J wil deliner thee! out okthe hand
ofthe king of alſhur, and this citys fo: J wit
fhalt thon haue of the
Befend thie citiz. -
7. And ¢ this ligne
É great cala- ; é i hau
miiy, asone Lord, that the Lord wil Doe this ching that
vnwoerthy to i; $e bathipoken, : F j
semaine inthar =. 8 Behold. J wil bring againe the Hadow
efate, andalfo.
forefeeing the
great change,
that hĝuld come
Ín the Church,
ſoraſmuch ashe
left nofonne to
reione after him:
for as yet Manaf-
feh was not born,
& whenhereig-:
of the Dearees( whereby it ts gone Downen
the tall of Shas by the ſimue) ten Degrees
. backward: fo the limne returned bp ten De-
grees, by the which Begrees it Was gone
9 The writing of Hezekiah king of Ju-
Dab when he had breene licke, and Was reco
uered of his ſickneſſe.
10 Fiaid inthe s cutting off of my Dates,
Fi all goe to the gates of the graue: Jam
Depriues ofthe reduc ofimy peeres.
ned,wee fee what 11. 3] fapte 3 Hhallnetice thek euen
‘atyrant hewas, the Loz in the land ofthclining: J Waller
c Hedocthnot man no moze among the fababitants of the
onely promife $ j ;
to prolong his life, but to gine him reft and quietneffe from the Affy-
rians, who might haue renucd their armieto.revenge their former dif,
cemfiure, -d For Hezekiah had asked forconfismation of his faith
afigne,as verle 22. and 2 King: 20.8,,whereunro he was mooucd by
the fingular motion of Gods Spirit, ¢ Read 2 King.a o.t o. f He
Jefe this fone of his lamentation and thank(giuing to all pofterity,asa
| monument of his owne infirmity and thank full heart for Gods bener
Fics,as Dawid did, g At whattimeit was tolde mee, that I
fhould dic.: h 1 thal! no more praifethe Lord beere in this Temple
‘among the faithfull sthus God (uffereth his deareft children to want
his confolation fora time,that his grace afterward may the more ape
peare when they feele their owne weakeneffe, aloh
thanks to theLord. 272
wold. ;
12. ine habitation is deperted, ánd is
remooued tromme, like athepheards tent:
3 bane cut oſtlike a weanee,iip life she wil
cur ince off from tie height: from Day tto
night thon wilt make an end of ne, God to take my
13. 3 reckoned tothe mowing: but he life from me.
brake atl my bones, like ation: from dayto k ‘Tharis, in one
Might wilethou make anend of me. day,orfhortly, '
14 itheacraneoratwallow, fo afd g 1 Ouer night £
meystter: J Did mourne as adone: mine thought char!
epes tuere lifit vpon high: D Log it hath fheuld tine ill `
oppreſſed me comtort me. morning, bur my
15 Chat thal 3 fay 2° foz he ath fayde p-ngs in night
it to me, and He hath Done it: J Mall walke periwaded mee
Pweakelyp ail mp peeres tn the bitterneſſe of the contrary: he
nip icule, fheweth the hore
16 QD Loz, 9 to them that ouerlnue theim, tour,thatthe
and to allthatare in them , the lifeofmy {pie faithfull hauc,
rit thall bee knowen, that thou cauſedſt meta when they appre-
z Heeve,and batt ginen life tome. nend Gods iudg=
17. Beholde, tor! felicity J had bitter ment againit
grieke, but tt was thy piealure to deliner their finne.
mp fonie frorathe plete of corruption: toa m was fo op-
the halt cat all my t linues beyinde thy prek with forow,
backe that I was not
18 302" the graue cannot confeffe thee: ableto veter my’
Death cannot pzayie thee : they that gog words,bet onely
Downe inta the pit, cannot bope foz thy to grone and
trueth, igh.
19 But the liuing, the liuing, he Halcon: n ‘To wit, forow
fefie thee, as J doethts Day sthe father tothe and griefe both
x childzen hall Declare thy trueth. of body and
20 The Loꝛd was ready to faus me:there> minde,
foe wee will fing my fong ,allthe Dales af © God hath dee
y out itie in the houſe of the Lord. clared by his
21. Chen layde JIſaiah, Lake a lumpe of Propher tbat E
Dep ſigges and: tay it vpon the bople,asd he Mall dye,and
ſhall recouer, therefore J will
22 Alfo Hezekiaha had Mid, llpat is the yeelde vnto
ligne that J hall goe vp into the boule of the him.
Lad? . p Ifhall haue so
hia — © ` releafe,but con-
tinuall forrowes- whilesI Jive.” q. They that ſhall ouerliue che men
that are now aliue,and all they that are ia thefe yeeres, (hall acknow-
Jedgethis benefite r That after that thou heddeft condemned me
to death thou reſtoredſt meeto lite, £ Whereas] thoueht to have
liued in refl and eafe,teing delivered from mineeneny, ĩ had griefe
vpon pricfe, t Heefteemeth more the remiflion of his finnes,and
Godstauour, thena thovfand jiues, u For asmuchas God hath
placed man in this worldeto glorifichim, the godl y take itas a figne
ofhiswrath when their dayes were thortened, either becaufethat they
feemed vnwerthy for their finnes to liste longer in his feruice, or for
their zeale to Gods glory, fecing thattherezre fo fewe inearth, that
doe regardit,as Pfal; 6.5.and 115.17. x All -pofterity (hall ac
knowledge, and the fathers according to their duetic towarde their
children, (hallinftraé themin thy graces and mercies towarde me,
y Heetheweth what is the vfe of the Congregation end Church: to
wit,to gine the Lord thanksfor hisbenefits, z -Reade 2, King. 203
7. a Asverfe 7,
i By my finne I
haue prouoked
Hexehiah is teprooued, becaufe hee fhewed hs =
treafures to the ambaSadours of Babylone.
Ae the fame time, > Merodach Ba» 2.
ladan , the ſonne of Baladany Ring a This was the
Mimon i firit king cf
Babylon , which overcame the Aſſyrians in thetenth yecre of his
reine, . : )
of. -
caſion ferued,
_ tomake him vn-
- ofthe wicked,
~ tefteth ambition
~ heexhorteth the 3
Of John Baptiſt.
b Partly moued of Babel, fent» letters anv a prefent to Wee
with the greacnes zekiah: -foz he hav heard that yee hap beene
ofthe miracle, ucke, and was recoucred.
partly becaulehe 2 AnD Mescktah was < glad of them, and
fhewed himfelfe ſhewed them the bante ofthe treafures, the
enemy tohisene- {liver and the golde,and the fpices, and the
mies, but chiefly, precionsopntment, and all che boule of hts
becaufehewould armour,and all that wasfoun’ in bis trea»
ioyne withthem [ires : there was nething in bis boufe noz
whom Godfa- in all his kingdome that Hezekiah Mewen
uoured,and haue them not.
theirhelpe ifoc- 3 @bhencame Flatah the Prophet vnto
king Desektah, and fayde vata him, Ahat
fapde theſe men? and from whence came
they to thee? Aud Hezekiah Gaya, They are
ponr jon afaree councrey pute mee, front
4 . Then fayd bethat haue d they feene
in thine boule? And Hezekiah anfwered, Gil
that ts in mine boule hauc they feene: there
ts nothing among my trealures that F haut
not Hewes them.
5. And Fatah fayde to Hesekiah, Meare
the word of the Lod of hoſtes.
6 Beholde,the dapes come, that all that
is in thine houle, and which thy fathers baue
layed vp in ore vntill this Dap, tall bee
c caryen te Babel : nothing Halbe left, ſaych
the Lod.
7 And of thy nnes, that Wall pro-
ceede out of thee , and which thou fhalt
beget, all they take away, and they Wall
— —— in the palace of the King of
8 £ Chen layde Hesckiah to Iſaiah, The
wod of the Loꝛde is good, which thou hat
poken : and. hee faya, Vet let there be peace
and trueth in mip Dayes.
c Reade 2 Kiag.
20 13. & 2 chro.
d Heasketh him
of the particulars
derftand the craft
which he before,
being ouercome
with their. flattes
ry,and bliaded
with ambition
could nat fee.
e By the, grie-
uoufnes of the
punifhment, is
declared howe
greatly God de-
and vaine glory,
f That is, officers
and feruants.
g Reade 2 Kings
2 Remi ffio of finnes by Chrift. 3 The comming
of Iobn Baptiſt. 18 The Prophet reprooueth the
* iaolaters and them that truſt mot inthe Lord.
Dmkoꝛt ayee, comfort ye my people, wilt
a Thisisacone
folation for the pour God fay.
Church, alluring 2 Hpeake comfoztablyto Jerufalem, any
themthatchey ctie vnto her, that her> warfare ts accom:
HMlbencuer plifhed, thather tniquitiets pardoned : fog
deftitute of Pra- fhe hath recemedofths Loꝛds hand: double
phetsywhereby. fog all her finnes, i
dA popece crveth in thee wildernefie,
f }repare ye the way af the Lome: make
firaight in the Delert apath far our God,
4 Euery valley thall be eralted, and eue:
tps mountaine and Hill Hall bee made low:
comeafterhim, and the crooked hallbeeftraight , and the
to comfort the ;
poore af fiiéted,and to affure them of che deliuerance both of body
andfoule. b Thetime of her affliction. c Meaning, fuflicient,as
Chap. 61.7, and ful correction, or double grace, whereas (he deferued
double punifhment, d To wit,ofthe Prophets. e That isjin Ba-
bylon & other places where they were kept in captiuity and mifery.
f Meaning, Cyrus & Darius which fhould deliuer Gods people out of
captivity, & make chem a ready) way to lerufalem : and this was fully
accomplifhed, when Iehn theBaptilt brought tidings of LefusChrifts
comming, who was the true deliuerer of his Church from finne and
Saran,Mat.3.3... Whatfocuer may let or binder thisdelitierance,
thalbe remooued, ving ae
true minifters of
God that then
were,aad thofe
alfo that (hould
God not tobee figured.
rough places plaine.
5 And the glozp of the Lorde hail bee “—e
reuciled , and all á flefh thall fee it toge- h This miracle
ther: foz the mouth of the Lone hath ipe» albe fo great
kenit. thatit thall be
6 Ai voice laid, Cry. And he aid, Uhat Koowen through
Mall crie? Afli isgraffe, and allte althe world,
k grace thereof is as the floure of the field. i Thevoyce of
7 The graffe withereth,the laure fadeth, God, which
becaule the! Spirit of the Lozde bloweth Make to the Pro-
wponit:{urelp the people is grafie. phet Ifaiah,
8 The graffe witherety, the floure fa» K Meaning, alf
Deth: bucthe™ word ofour God (yall tand manswifedome
foz euer. a 3i: and natural powe
9 €D 3Zion,that bꝛingeſt geod tidings, ers,lam. 1.10,
get thee up inte the hie" mountaine:D Jes s,pet1.24.
rufalem, that bringelt good tidings, liftpp 1 The Spiritof
thavopce with ſtreñgthe lift tt nota- God thall dif. ©
frayd: fap vnto the cities of Judah, Behold couer the vani-
o your God. = tie in all chat
10 Behold, the Lord God will came with fecmetohaue .
power,and r his arme Wall rule foz him; bes any excellen-
hola, hts reward is with him, and his wozke cie of them-
before him. felues,
II Hee fhallfeede bis Kocke like a hep: m Thoughcos-
Heard: hetyall gather the lambes with bis fidering the ~
arme,and carie then in his bolome, and fhall fraiity of mans
guide them with a yong. nature, many
12 Who hath mealured the waters in of che Lewes
bis rm? and counted heauen with the thould perilh,
(panne, and compꝛehended thedult ofthe andfonot be
earth in a meaſure? and weighed the moun⸗ partakers of
tapnes tna weight, andthe hilles in a bals this delinerance,
lance? : j yet Gods pro-
13 Abo bath inftructed the Spirite of mife fhould be
the Led? oz was bist counieiler, or taught fulfilled,and
bun? they that re-
14. Dfwbhomtooke he counfell, and vho mained,thou'd
inftructed him and taught bum in the way feelethe fruire
of tudgement? o taught him knowledge, thereof.
and fewe vnto him the wap of vnderſtan· n Topublith
Ding? this benefite
Is Bebolde,the nationsare asa Dop of through all the”
abucket,and are counted as the Bult of the world,
ballance : behold, be taketh away the plegas o He fheweth
alitile vut. aes atone word
16 And Lebanon is not fufficient for fire, the perfeGion *
ho the beaftes thereof fufficient foz a burnt ofall mans feli-
offering. ; _ - city, whichis ~
17 Alinationsbeforghimareastnothing, to haue Gods
they ave counted to hin iche ches nothing, prefence.
and Ganity. i p His power
1$ To whom tien" will yee liken God? thalbe fuffici-
oꝛ what fimilitude twill pee fet bp vnto en: withour `
bim? ; helpe of any
Ig The workman melteth an image, oz other and {hall
the goldeſmith beateth tt cut in golde, o2 the haue all meanes
goldſmith maketh ſiluer plates. in himfelfero
20 Doethnot * the pooꝛe chule out a tree bring his will to
q HeéeMallthewe his care and fauour ouer them that are weake :
andtendit. r Declaring that as GOD onely hath all power,
fo doeth hee vie the fame for the defence and mayntenance of his
Churchy `P He fheweth Gods infinite wifedeme for the fame ende:
and purpofe, ¢ He {peaketh all histo the intent that they fhould:
neyther feare man,nor put their truft inany, fauc onely inG OD,
u Heerehy hee armeth them againft the idolatrie wherewith’
they fhoulde bee tempted in Babylon. x Hee theweth the
rage of the idolaters, {ceing that the poore that haue not to fuffice
their owne neceffities , will defraude themftlues to ferue ther
idoles, *
- that
ot tofearch Gods fecrets,
y Haue ye not
the word of God
which plainely
idolatric ?
2 Canyounot
learne by the vi-
fable creatures
whom God hath
| made to ferue
your vfe,that you
thould not ferue
them nor wor-
thip them ¢
a so that his
power appeareth
In cuery place
wherefoeuer wee
in order the in
finite number of
the farres.
He rebuketh
God, as though
ee pleadep his
aufe with all na-
ions , requireth
ence, that he
pay be heard in
is tight.
it unk
; tupports,
Whe called
Praham( who
that will not rott, for an oblation? hee fee»
keth alo vnto bim a cunning workeman,
D parpake an image, that hali notheg moos
21 Know pensthing ? baue yenot heard
7it ? bath it not bene told you trom the be-
ginning 2 baue pe not vnderſtood it by the
z foundation of the earth 2
22 ie litteth vpon the circle ofthe earth,
and the inbabitants thereof are as grafhops
pers, be ſtretcheth out the beaueng,as a curs
taine, and ſpreadeth themout, as atent to
dwell in.
23 Hee bꝛingeth the princes to nothing,
and maketh the Judges of the earth, as nas
24 As though they were not planted, as
though they tere not lowen, as though
their ttocke tooke no roote inthe earth : toz
be Did euen ablow vpon them, and they wi»
thered, and the whirlewinds will take them
away as ttubble. >
25 Ta whom now will ye liken mee that
3| Hoult be itke him, faith the holp onc?
26 Lift pp pour eyes on high, and behold
whe hath created thele things, and bring»
eth out their armies bp number, andcal>
leth them all by names : by the greatneffe
a A pone and mightie ſtrength nothing
27 iw faye thon, D Jaakob, and
fpeaket, D Flracl, < Wy way ig hid from
the Lod, and my tudgement ts pated ouet
ofimp God? ' i
28 Browelk thou not ? or halk thon not
heard, that the cuerlating God, the Lord
bath created the 4 ends of the earthehe nei·
ther fatnteth, noz ts wearte: thercis na fear-
ching of bis € vnderſtanding.
29 But he giueth ſtrength vnto him that
fatnteth, tunto him that bath no trength,
he encrealerh power. f
30 Euen the pong men Wali faint, and
bee wearie, and the pong men Mall tumble
and fall.
31 Butthey that waite vpon the Lorde,
fhall reuew their fErength : they thallitft vp
the wings asthe eagles: they ſhall tunne, and
an RE wearie, and thep hall walke and not
f They that truft intheirowne vertue, and doe not acknowledge
bat allcommethof God,
a2) CHA Ps) XLI
2 Gods mercie i chufing his people. 6 Their
sdolatrie. 27 Deliuerance promifed to Zion,
r Eepe atitence before me, D plands,and
let thepeople> renew their ſtrength: let
thentcome neere,and let them ſpeake: let vg
come together into tudgement.
2 Who raifed vyp: iuftice from the Cat,
and called him to hts foote ? and gaue the nae
tionsbefoze him, and ſubdued the kings?
"that is gather be gaue themas Dutt to bis fwo , and as
{cattered ftubble wnto bis bow.
3 He purtucdthem, palle lately by the
ay that he had not gone with bis feete.
fas the paterneof Gods inftice in deliuering his Church) fromthe
lolatrie of the Caldeans to goe to and fro at his commaundement,
id placed himin the landot Canaan? - ; ;
Chap xlj,
4 Cibo hath wrought and done it 2 hee
that calleth the 4 generations fromthe be-
ginning, J tye Lord amthe: firt, and with
the lat J am the fame.
§ The plestaw it, and div E feare , and
thcendes of the earth were abated; Deewe
neere, ands came.
6 Cucry man helped bis neighbour,and
layde to bis bother," Be ttrong.
7 So the workeman comforted the founs
Der,and he that (mote with the hammer,him
that {mote by courte, faying, Ft is veady foz
the dering, ann he fattencd tt with natles
that it fhould net be mooned,
8 ¶ But thou, Ilrael, art mpi ſeruant,
and thou Jaakob, whom 3 haue cholen, the
feede of Abzaham mp friend.
9 For Jhauetakenthee from the ends
ofthe earth, and called thee before the chleke
thercof, and faine vnto thee, Thonart my
— 3 baur cholen thee, not cattthec
Io Feare thou not, for J am with thee:
bee not afratbe, for J am thp God : F will
ttrengthen thee, ebelpe thee, t will ſuſteine
thee with the ‘right hand of my iuſtice.
IL Beholde, all thep that prouoke thee,
Hall be athamed, and confounded; they yall
be asnothing, and thep that rine with thee
fall periſh.
12 Thou hat fecke them, and ſhalt not
find them; to wit, the men ot thy ſtrike, for
thephallbeas nothing, and the men that
Wwarreagaint thee, as a thing of nought.
I3 For Ithe Lord thy God will hold th
tight band, faying vnto thee, Feare not,
will helpe thee,
14 Feare not,thou™ woe Jaakob, and
yeemenof Iſrael: J will helpe thee, fayth
ae = and thy redeemer the boly one of
rael. :
God prouideth far his. 273
d Whoh ath
created man and
maintained his
fuccefiion ?
¢ Though the
world {ct Vp nes
ucr fo many
gods,yet th ey di~
ininifh nothing
of my glory stor
Tzmall one vn-
which haue euer
bene, and fhalbe
for ever,
t Conhderirg
mine excellent
workes among
my people,
g They aflembled
con(pired agairft
meto maintaine
h. Henoteth the
obftinacie of the
idolaters to
maintaine their
i And therefore
oughteſt not to
pollute thy felfe
with the fuper~
ftitiome f the
k Thatis, by the
force of my pra-
mile, inthe per-
formance wheres
of I will hew my
Is Bebold, J will make thee a roller,and Hle faithful and
anew thaching intrument hauing teeth: ivf.
thou halt thzelh the *mountatnes, ting 1 Becanfethey
themte powder, and haltmake the hils as Malbe deftroyed,
16 Chon Halt kanne them, and the wind
m Thus he cale
leth them be-
fhall carp them away, an’ the whitlewind caule they were
hall {catter them ; andthou ſhalt reiopcetn contemned of
the Lord, and ſhalt glozp in the holy one of all the world, &
that they con-
17 When © the pooze aud the needieleeke fidering their
water, there isnone, (their tonguefatleth owne poore
fo: thirſt: the Loꝛd mul bearethem: 3 the etate, ſhould
God of Firacl will net forlake them ;)
feeke vnto him
18 Jwillopenrinersin ptops ofthe hils, forhelpe.
and fountaines tu the mids of the valleyes: n I willmake
J will make the witdernefle as apoole of chee able to de-
water, and the watte r land as ſprings of ſtroy all thine
enemies, be they
19 J will ſet in the wilderneſſe thecedar, neuer fo mightie:
the chittah tree, and the myrrhe tree, and andtbis chiefly
the pine tree, and Jj wilt (ct in. the wilder- is referred tothe
nefle the firre tree, the elme and the bore kingdome of
tree together.
that thall bee affii@ed in the captiuitie of Babylon.
Chrif. !
o Thatis, tbey
p God will ra:
ther change the order of nature , then they fhould want any thing,
that crie ro him by true faith in their miferies :-declaring to them
hereby thatthey {hall Jacke nothing by the way, when they returne
from Babylon,
20 Theres
Whatidolesare. Chrifts
¶ Thatis, hath
appointed,and and let thein canfiter and vnderſtand to-
determined that gether, that the hand af the Lor hath Dene
itfhallcometo this, and the holy one of Iſrael bath a crea
z Hee biddeth
the idolaters to
tev tt.
21 t Stand to pour caufe, faith the Lod:
bang koorth pour ſtrong reatons, tapeth tee
prouetheitre- King of Jaakob.
ligion, and to 22 Let them bring them forth, let them
bring forththeir tell vs what Hall come : let them thew the
‘idoles, thatthey fozmer things whatthepbe, that wee map
may be tried conver them, and know the latter ende of
whetherthey them: either declare vs things fog tocome,
know all things, 23 Gbew the things that are to come
andcandoeall Hereafter, that wee may knowe that pou are
things : which if
they cannot doe,
hee concludeth
that they are no
gods, but vile
4 So that a man
cannot makean
idole, bur hee
mutt doe thar,
which God de-
Gods: pea, DOC good o2 Do eutil, that we may
Declare it, and behold it together.
24. Behold, pee are of ne value,and pour
making is of nought pman bath! choler an
abomination by them.
25 @ 3 banerailen vp t from the Moth,
and be wall come: from the Taft unne thall
u he call spon mp Name, and hall come vp⸗
on * princes as vpon clay, and asthe potter
treadeth imire vnder thefonte. :
26 Uho hath declared from the begins
teftechandab- ning that wee map knotue oꝛ before tune,
borreth:forhe thatiwe map fay, Hee ts righteous ? Surely
chufecbhis owne therets none that weweth lurely therets
zuifes and for- none that Beclareth : turelp there is none
Gaketh the Lords, that heareth y pour words. ]
t Meaning, the 27 lam the firſt tha: fayeth te Fion, Be⸗
Chaldeans. Hold, behold = them: and J will giue to Jie»
u Thatis,Cyras, rufalem ane that pail baing geod tidings.
whofhalldoal 28 But when J beheld, there was
things in my none, and when J enquired of them, there
Name,andby wasnecounfellour, and when Demaunded
mydirecion: ofthent,theyanfwered nota word.
wherebyhe meas 29 Bebolde, they are all vanitie z thetr
neth,thatboth woꝛke is of nothiug, theit images ave wind
their captiuitie, and contulion.
and deliverance
thal be ordered hy Gods prouidence and appointmest. x Bothof
the Chaldeans andothers. y Meaning, that none of —
godscan work any of theſe things. z Thatis,the Iſtaelites⸗, vhĩch
returne from thecaptiuitie. a To wit, a continual fucceflion of
Prophets and minifters. b When I looked waetherthe idols could
doe thefe things; I found that they had neither wifedome nor pow=
ertodoe any thing : therefore hee concludeth that all are wicked,
that tuft in fuch vanitie.
£ The obedience & humilitie of Chrift. 6 Why
be was fent into the world, 11 The vocation ef wapthat they knew not, and leade them by bouemee,
the Gentiles. 4
Ehelde,*mylernant : > F will tayup»
on bim : mine elect, inwhom my {onig
* Belighteth : Jhaue put my Spirit bpon
a Thatis.Chrift,
who inrefped of
his manhood is
called herefer- him: be hall bzing forth *iudgement to the
uant ThePro- Gentiles.
phets vſe to 2 We hall not ecry, nozlift op no: cauſe
make mention
of Chrift after that they haue declared any great promife, becaufe
fc isthe foundation whereupon all the promifes are made and rati-
ficd. b For lhaue cõmitted ai my power to hifn,asto a moft faith:
full Reward. Some read , I will eRablith him, to wit yin his office;
by gining himthe fulneſſe of my Spirit, c ‘Heeonely is acceptable
¥aro me, and they that come vnto me byhim : for there is no other
meanes of reconciliation, Mat.1.2.18.¢ph.1.4, d He thalldeclare
himfelfe gouernour ouer the Gentiles, and call them by hisworde,
and rule chem by his Spirit, e His coming fhal not be with pompe
and noiſe, as causbly princeso,
20 Therefore ict then fee and knowe, Hts voyce to be heard in the ſtreete.
humilitie. The Lords filence.
f Hee will not
hurt the weake
and foeble, but
ſupport & com⸗
tort them,
g Meaning, the
wick ofa lampe,
oT candle, which.
is almoſt out,
but hee will
cherith it and
fnutfe it, that
kt may fhine
b Althoughhee »
fauor the weake, «
yet will henot
ipare the wic-
Kea, but wil indge
them according
totructh ang
i Till be haue
fetall thingesin
good ordet.
K. The Gentiles”
fhalbe defirous
to receiue his
} Meaning, ynte
alawfull and
3 Afbuiled reed hal he not breake, and
theisnoblug 3 flare hall be not quench : hee
ali bring torch indgement inbtrueth.
4 idee Hail not faile noz be Difcouraged
till be baue iiet iudgement in che carth:and
the * ples Hall waite for his law.
S Thus layeth God the Lod, (hee that
created the heauens t{p2zcad them abꝛoad:
be that ſtretched foszth the earth, andthe
buddes thereof : he that giueth breath vnto
tye people vpon it, and (pirit to them that
walke therein.) s
6 J the Lod haue called therin | righ-
teouſneſſe, and wiil holde m thine hand, and
J witl keepe thee, and gine thee for an to»
ucnant of the people, and foz a light of the
7 That thou mayer open the eyes of the
blind, and bzing ent the prfeners from the
pifon: and them that fit indarkeneffe , out
ofthepationboufe. =
8 Jam the Lord, thisis mp Mame, and
mipoglozy will F not give to another nether
my pzaple te grauenimages.
9 Behold, the koꝛmet things are rrome
to paffe. and new things Doe Ji Dectare z be:
foze they come forth, 3 tell you of them,
IO @ing vnto the Lod a new fong, and
bis praypie from the end of the earth : pe that
goe Downe to the fea,andall that is therein:
the ples and the nbabitants thereof, i 1
II Letthe wildernefle the cities thereof iunt vocation,
lift vp their voice, thetownesthat ı Kedar m To afliftand
Doct) inhabite;: let theinhabitants of the guidethee.
tecks fing: tet them fhoute fromthe toppeof n Ashimby `
theniountaines. — whom the pros
I2 Let theim giue glory vnto the Lod, mile madeto a
and Declare bis prayſe tn the ylands. nations in Abrae
13 The Loyd fhall goe forth as at gyant: ham, thalbe ful- f
hee Hall irre vp bis courage like a man of filled. |
watre, be Hail tout and crp, and fyall pre· o Lwill not fab
naile againtt his enemies. fer my glori¢ ro |
14 9 baue along time holden my peace: bediminifaed: |
J have bene till and refrained mp felfe: now which I fhould
will 3 cry like a’ trauaiung woman; J will doe,if! were nol
DeRroy and Veuoure at once. j faithfull inper- | |
Is Jwill make wate mountaines and formingthe -
pilles, and Day vp all their herbes, & J will fame, & theidoe
make the floods piands , agd J will dryvp latersthereby
the posles. would extoll
16 @ Zu? Fwillbeing the blinde by a theiridoles ae
paths that they haue not knowen : J will p Asinrimes
make Darknefie light befozethem, anDeroo paft 1 haue bene}!
ked things freight. Thele things will | Do true in my pro- ||
tnte them, and not forlake tiem. mifes, fo will I bif |
I7 They ballbetuened backe: they Hall intime to come
bee greatly afvamed, that trut in grauen q Meaning,
images, and fap tothe molten images, Dee Arabians, vnder |t
are our gods. whome be coms}!
IS € Heare pee deafe: and peg blinde,re: prehenderh alll fh
gard, that pe may fec, the people of thi ¢
19 Aho is blinde but my © feruant? o? Baſt. t
| r Heefhewerh || #
the zealeof the Lorde, and bis power in the conferuation of hif?
Church. f I willbaftto execute my vengeance, which I hauft
fo long deferred, asa woman that defiteth to bee delivered, whe}!
thee isintrauaile. t ‘Foatis, my poore people which are im pea} h
plexitie and care. u To wit, Ifracl, which fhould haue moſt ligi
becauſc of my Lawa jt
‘Godsloue toward his. Chap.xliij. Godsele&tpeople. 274
x The Prieto deafe as mp tineHenger, that J eut? wha they Mall haue eyes, and the
whom ay, word is blino as the 7 perfect » and blindeas the tall a ete i ——
Op cernant? : 9 Lctallthenationsbe gathered btoges h Signifyi
which fhould 20 Peeing many things but thou keepeſt ther,and let the people be eae, moe that ihing
notonelyheare fhem not opentig the cares, but he beateth mong them can declare this hetse bs foz- can refilt him iw
whimfelfe,but not? mer things 2 let them boing forth their i wite doing this mira-
caufe others to 21 The Lorde ts willing for his rightee nefes, that they raphe mittens but let calous olka
heareit, oulneſſe fake that he maymagnilicthe Law, them *beare, and fap, Jit is trucch, nor al their idols
y Asthepriefts anderalett, Io Dow | are my witnefles, faith the areableto doe
and prophets, 22 But this people ts z robbed and fpoy- Loe2d, and my = (ernant, whom I haue cho+ the like,as Chap.
thatfhouldbe led, and {yall bz allinaredin dungeons, and fen : therefoze ye thal — eeue — *
lights to others? they ſhallbe hid in pilon houſes: they Hall and ye ſhall vnderſtand that J am :before i To proue that
z Becaufethey befor apay and none fhal deltuer; a ſpoile, me there was ne Gor formed, neither Mall the things which
willrotacknow- and none Wall fap,» Relto2e. there be after me. ate fpoken of
ledge thisbene- 23 Cdibo among pou {ball þearken fo II Jeue J am the Lord, and belive mee chem,aretruc,
fitoftheLord, this, andtakebeede, anabeare for °attere there ts no Saniour. k Shewing,thae
whoisreadyto wards? I2 J haue declared, and Fi haue ſaued, che malice of the
deliuerthem,hee 24 Ahs gaue Jaakob fora fpoyle, and and J paue ewed, when there was no wicked hinde-
fuffereththem Iſraãel to the robbers? Did not the Lord, range god amang you t therefoze pou are rerh them in the
tobe fpoyled of becaule toe haue finned againtt himfozthey my witneſſes, ſayeth the Lod, that J am Knowledge of |
their enemies would not walke in bis wapes, Nettber bea» Gov the tructh,bee |
throughtheie bedient vnto his Law. 13 Dea before the Dap was, J am, and there caule they will
owne fault and 25 Wherefore he hath poked vpon him ts none thatcan Deltuer out of mine Hand; J not ——
incredulitie. bis Gerce wrath, and the ſtrength of battcll: will doe it, and who hallletic? God fpeaketh
a There thailbe and it ſet binon fice round about, and hee 14 Thus laith the Lor pour redeemer, by his word.
nonctofuccour Knew not, and it burned him vp, vet he con⸗· the holy one of Jiracl, Fozpour fake Jhane | The Prophets
— cowill = {idered nat. {ent — and pone n Downe; thep and peopleto
enemicto | are all Cugitiues, and the Chaldeans crie in whom I haue gfe
reftorcthat, which he kathfpoyled. b Meaning Gods wrath, © the ſhips. : vor uen my a :
15 J am the Lod pour holy one, the creas m Meaning fpe-
CHAP. XLIII. tez of Iſrael your cially Chrift, and
€ The Lord comforteth bis people. Heepromi- 16 Chustaith the Lowe which maketh by him,alithe
Seth dekmerancete the Iewes. 13 There iso 8Wap ine thelea, andapathinthe mighti¢e faithfull.
God but one alone. awaters. n By Darius and
a Afcerthefe pamo thus faith the Lo:D,a that crea- 17 When be ° bzingeth out the feharet Cyrus,
threatnings,he ed thee, D Jaakob; and he that formed and hozle, the armte and che power lie toges o They thall cry
promifeth delie thee, D Jfracl, > Feare not: foz J haueres ther, and fyall not rele; they ate extinct, and when they would
-ueranceto his Deemed thee? J baue called thee by thy quenched as towe. — efcape by water,
Church, becauſe name, Thou art mine. 18 Remember ye not the former things, {ceing thatthe
hehathregenee 2 (then thou paet thorow thectwae neither regard the things of old. courfe of Eu-
rate them, adop- ters, J will be with thee, and thozowe the | 19 Behold, Jdoe a new thing : now Hall phrates istur-
tedthem, and floods, that pl Doe nat oucrflowe thee. it come forth; thallyou not know it? J wili ned another
calledthem. Uhen thou walkeit thozowe the vog fire euen make a wap in thet deſert, and flosdsin way bythe ce
b Whenthou thant fhalt not bee burnt, neither ali the the wildernelſe. nemie,
feeft dangers and flame kindle vpon thee. 20The wilde beats hall honoaurmee, p When hede-
conſpiracieon 3 ForxFamtheLod thyGod, the holy thedagons e the oſtriches, becauſe J gaue liuered lſtael
all fides, remem- sneof Jitacl,thy Sautour: J gaue Egypt water inthe delert, and floods in the wildere from Pharaoh,
berthis benefite foz thy ranfome, Ethiopia Deba foꝛ thee. nefleto gine minke ta my people , euen to Exod.14. 22,
andtheloueof 4 Becaufe thou walt precious in my mine elect, q When the
thyGod,andit fight,and thou waft honourable,and Jioued 21 This people haue J fozmed foz mp Traelites paſſed
fhallencourage thee,therefore will J giue cman foz thec,and felfe: they hall bew forth my payle. through Iordeng —
thee, people fo: thy fake. i 22 Anathon hatt not *calicd pponmee, Joth.3,17. J
cBywaterand § Feare not, foz J am with thee: Iwill D Jaakob, but thou batty wearied mee, D r Whenhede-
Grehemeaneth bring thp fecde from tye f Cat, and gather Jrael, - liuered his peoe
allkindoftrou- thee from the iiet.. 7 23 Thou zhat not bꝛought me the ſheepe ple our of E-
bles and perils, 6 J will fay tothe Morth, Giue: and to of thy burnt offerings, neither halt thou ho: gypr.
d Lturned Sane- the South, Keepe not back:being my fonnes noured mee wit thy facrilices. Jhaue not f Pharaoh and
heribspowera- ftom far, and mp Daughters frem the ends — cee nite with an offering, nor his mightic
gaint thefe ofthe carth. earied thee with incenle. armie,
-countreyes,and 7 @uerp one ſhalbe called by mpe Mames t Meaning,thae
madethemto- foz J] created hin foz mp glozp, fozmed bint theirdeliuerance outof Babylon, fhould be more famous then thae
Suffer thacaffiGi- and made him. from Egypt was, lere.23.7.hag,2. 10,2. Corinth. 5.17, reuelats zr: ge |
on which thou S J will bring forth the blind people,ana u They thall haue fuch abundance of all things as they returne ©
fhouldeft haue home, euen inthe drie and barren places, that the very beafies fhalf 7
done, and fo were as the paiment of thy ranfome, Chap.37.9. € I feelemy benefices, and fhall acknowledge them + much more men
qwillnot pare any manrather then thou fhouldeft perih : foe God ‘oughttobe thankefullfor thefame. x Thou haft not worfhipe
amore efteemeth one of his faithful), thenall the wicked in the world. ped me as tho u oughteſt tohauedone. y Becaufethow baft noe
£ Heprophefieth of their deliverance fremthe captiuitie of Baby~ willingly receiued that which I did commad thee,thou diddefi.gneue 1
Jon,and fo of the calling of the vniuerfill Church, alluding tothat me. Whereby hee theweth that his mercies were the onely cauſe of
which is written, Deut.30.3 g Meaning, chathecould notbe vne ` theirdéliuerance , forafmuch as they haddeferued theconturaty. æ f
mindfullofthem, excepthe would neglect his owne name & glory. Meaning, in true faith and obecience,
2 gm 2 24 Thou
| The fir and the laft.
a Either for the
compofition of
the fweet oint-
ment. Exod, 30,
34.0r for the
{weet incenfe,
Exod, 307s
b Thou haft
made mee to
beare an heauie
burden by thy
c If I forgetany
thing that may
make for thy iu-
me in. remem-
24 Thou boughtett mee nofweet · ſauor ching profit rand they are their owne wit:
with money, neither pat thou made mee
drunke with the fatte of thy facritices, but
thon palt mane metto feur with chy tinnes,
and wearled me with chine thiquities.
25 J], euen Jam Hee that puttech away
thine tniquittes foz mine owne fake, and wil
not remember thy finnes,
26 Putme inc remembrance : let bs bee
iudged together ; count thou that thou map»
` eft be tnetrnien.
27 Thy “firk father hath finned.and thy
e teachers haue tranigrefied againſt me.
28 Therefore J baue i prephancd the rue
lers of the Sanctuary, and haue mabe Jaa.
kob a curie and Iſrael a repoch.
brance,and fpeake for thy felfe, d Thineancefters. e Thy priefts
and thy prophets.
f That is, reieQed, abhorred, and defitoyed
them in the wilderneffe,and at other cimes.
a He created and
chofe thee from
the beginning of
his owne mercy,
and beforethou
couldeft merit
any thing,
b Whom God
accepteth as
righteous: of
which haddeſt
occafion there-
unto becaufe of
the Law,and of
thine holy vo-
c Becaufeman
_ ofhimfelfe is as
dry andbar-
Ae oe he pro-
mifeth to moy-
Ren bim with
the waters ofhis
holy Spirit,Ioel
2 28 ioh.7.33.
acts 2.17.
d That is,thy
§ The Lord promifeth comfort,and that he will
affemble hi Church of diners uations. 9 The va-
nitie of idoles. 17 The bealtlines of sdolaters.
wer now beare, D Jaakob my lerwant,
and Jlracl whom Jhaue cholen.
2 Thus laity the Lorde that made thee,
and formed è thee from the wonibe : hee wil
helpe thee. Feare not, D Jaakob, my fer-
uate and thou tightcous, > whem J haue
3 Jor FT wil powe water vpon the thit-
ſtic, and floods vpon the Dy ground ; F will
poe my Spirit vpon thy ſeede, and my
icing vpon thp buds,
4 Ana they dhail growe as among the
grafic, and asthe willowes by the riuers of
5 One hal fay, J am the Loids: another
e hallhe called by the name of Jaakob ; and
another tail ſubſcribe with bis hand unto
oe Lond, and name binikife by the name of
6 Thus layeth the Lord the King ofgi
rael, and his redeemer the Lord of volts, f J
am the ict, and Jam the lat, and without
me there is ne Gad.
7: And whois like me, that hall ¢ call,
and fhal declare — fet “it in oDer before
mee, fince F appointed the ‘ancient people?
and what is at hand, and what things are
apie zlet them het vnto them.
8 Feare yenot, neither be afraid: baue
not J told thee of old, and haue Declared it?
childrenand po- tyon are euen my witnelles, whether there
bee a God belide mee, and that there is ae,
ftericiefhall in-
creafe wonder-
fully after their
God that F know not. :
9 All they thatmakeantinage, are bao
deliuerance from nitie, ™ and their delectable thiugs ſhall no-
e Bythis
diuerfitie of fpeacb,he meaneth one thing, that is,that tbe
people fhall be holy and receiue the true religion of God , as Pfalme
£ Lam ahwayes like my felfe, that is, mercifull toward my
Church,and moft ableto maintaine it,as Chap 4.1.4, and 48.12. re-
uelat 1.17, and22 13. g And appoint themthat hall deliuerthe _
Church, h Thatis, declare vnto mec how I ought toprocecde an anfwere toall them that woneler howitis poflible that any fhould |
herein, i God calleth the Ifraclites ancient , becaufe he preferred befoblindeto commitfuch abomination, faying , thar God —
them toall other, in bis eternall election. k Meaning theit idoles. blinded their eyes, and hardened theirhearts,
Reade Chap 43.10. m Whatfocuer they beftow vpon their i- z--He isabufed as onc that would cate alhes, thinking to (atisfie bis.
doles to make themeo feem glorious. 1
nefies,” that they (ee net nor knowe: there:
foze they fhallbetanfounded,
_ 10 tbo bath made oa god,o2 molten an
image,thatis r potable fo: nothing? `
IL Behold, ail that are of thea tellowſhip
thereof fhallbe confounded : foz the twoke-
men themfelues are men: tet them all be ga-
thered together, and Hana bp, yet they thall
keare, and be confounded together.
12 The ſmith taketh an inſtrument, and
woꝛketh in the coles, and faſhloneth it with
hammers,and wozketh tt with the reugth
of bis armes : pea, he to an hangred,and bis
ſtrength fatletl ; he drinketh no water, and
ts faint.
13 Thecarpenter Kretcheth outa lineshe
fathtoneth tt with a red thzeed, be plancth it,
and Be purtreypeth tt with the compafle, and
maketh it after the figure of a man, and at-
coding to the beautts of a manthat tt map
remaine int an joule.
14. He will hewe him Downe cedars, and
take the pine tree andtheoke, aud taketh
courage ainong the trees of the toreſt: hee
— a firre tree,and the raine Doth nou⸗
riſh tt.
Ig And man burneth therof: foz be will
take thereofand * warme himfeltes hee allo
kindleth tt, and baketh bread, yet he maketh
Aged and worlhippeth its hee maketh it an
idole and boweth vnto tt. i
16 He burnech the halke thereof euen in
the fire,and vpon the halfe thereof be xeaterh
fich : He roſteth the rotte and is (attificd ; al-
ſo he warmeth buntelfe and faith, Aba, J
am warme, Ji Haue bene at the fire.
I7 And the reſidue thereof hee maketh a
god, cuen his Dole: he boweth vnto tt, and
worthippeth and prayeth vnto it, and latch,
Deltuer me; for thou art my God,
18 Thep haue not knowen, no} vnder⸗
food: Y foz God hath ſhut their eyes that
they cannot fee, and their hearts, that thep
cannot vnderſtand· ;
Ig Andnone tconfidereth tn his heart,
neither isthere knowledge noz vñnderſtan⸗
bing to fap, J bauc burnt halfe of it, euen in
the fire, and baue baked bread alto npon the
coales thereof: Jhaue rotted fict,and eaten
it, and hall FT make the reltdue thereof an
abomination? wall J bow to the Rocke ofa
20 Deefeeneth2oFathes : a ſeduted heart
hath Decetucd him, that hee cannot deltuer
his foule, no? fay, Is there not a licin my
tight band?
idolaters, which forget their owne neceffitiesto fet foorth their des
t | To ptaceitin fome-Temple,
Hee fetteth foorth the obftinacie and malice of the idolatersy.
which though they fee by dayly experience that their )
uotion towards their idoles,
The follie of —
n Thatisthe
idolaters ſeeing
their idoles
blinde, muft
necdes be wit-
nefies of their
owne blindenes,
and feeling thar
they arenot able
to helpe them, f
mult tonfeffe
that they haue
no power,
© Meaning,that
made by the
band of man,if .
itbecReemed -
as God,is moſt
p Whereby ap-
péareth their
which call imas
gesthebooks. .
of the laitie,fee=
ing thar they are —
not onely here
called vnprofi-
table, but chap,
41.24. abomina-
ble: and Ieremie
calleth them the
worke of errors,
lying teacher,
q Thatis, which
by any way cona
fent either tothe
making,or wore
r Signifying,
that the multi»
tude {hall not
then faue the
idolaters,when -`
God willtake
vengeance,ale > —
though they exe |
cufe themfelues:
therehy among
f He deferibeth
the raging affe -
Gionof the
idoles are no
better then the relt of the matter whereof they are made, yet they
refufe the onepart, and makea God of the other, as the Papifis”
makethéircake god, andthe reft of their idoles.
cither maketh a table ortrenchers,
21 *Remember
x Thatisshe
y , The Prophet giveth heere
$ Ebr.turneth.
Ai b
a Shewing chat
mans heart is
moit inclinedto
idolatrie, and .
thereforehe ware.
neth his people
by theſe exam⸗
pies, that they
to any but to the
liuing God, when’
they mould be
among the idv-
Deliuerance by Cyrus foretold.
21Kemember thek- (D Jaakob and
Mikael) toz thou art my ruant: J ki e fog-
med thee t thouartnipleruant ; D Alracl
forget ine not.
22 3 baue put away thy traulgrelſions
Tike acioun, and thy linnesas aimut ; turne
Dnia mg, fo? J haue redeemed tice.
Ry f Reioyce pe heauens: foꝛ the Log
hath Uone it: houte, pee lower parts of the
earth : bait tooth into prayles, yemomt»
taines, O fozett, and euerp tree therein ; foz
the Lord bath redeemes Jaakob,and wil be
gioritied in 3 feacl.
24. Thuslatth the Lod thy redeemer,
b Hetheweth +. and bee that formen thee from the wombe, 3)
thatthe woke am p Load that made all things,that ſpread
oftheLordte- gut the heauens alone, and ſtretched out the
ward hispeople garth by niy felfe.
Shalbefogreat, 25 J dettroy the" tokens of the foothlay-
thartheinfen-~ ers, and make them that contecture, fooles,
fible creatures and turne the wifemen backward, emake
thalbe mooucd . their knowledge kooliſhueſſe. :
therewith, 26 C lye confirnech the wo of hisdfer-
c Heearmeth ant, & performieth the counſell of hts mel:
them againſt the fengets, (aping to Jerufalem, Chou halt be
foothfayersof . inhabited; and to che cities of Judah , Dee
Babylon, which fall bce built vp, and J willeepaire tye Dee
would haue caped places thereof. .
bornethemin a ihe (atch to the Deepe, He drie, and J
handchatthey wiil azie wp the figons:
knew by the 28 Welapeth tof Cyrus, Thou art mp hep:
RastesthatGod heard: and be wall perfozme all my delire:
wouldnot deli- -faping allo to Jerufalem, Thou Walt bee
uerthem,and . batt: anu tothe Temples Thy foundation
that Babylon -— Mall bee furelplaicd,
‘fhould ftand.
d Of lfaiah & the réit of his Prophets, which did affure the Church
of Gods fauour anddeliuerance, e Hce fheweth that Gods werke
Chap. dy.
fhould be no leffe notable in thistheir deliuerance, then when hee
brought them out of Egypt through the fea, f To aflurethem of
their deliuetance , hee nameththe perfon, by whom it fhould bee,
more then a hundreth yéere before he was borne.
a Toaflurethe
Tewes of their
deliuerance a-
gainft the great
rentation rhat
they fhould a- >
bide, be nameth
the perfonand
the meanes,
b Becaufe Cyrus `
fhould execute
the office ofa
1 The deliuerance of the people by (yrus.9 God
ù iuſt in all hu workes. 20 The calling of the
Gentiles. $
Hus ſayeth the Lora nto * Cyrus his
b anopnted, whofe right band J haue
boloen“ to ſubdue nations betoze bim:theres
fore will J] weaken the loynes of Kings, and
openthe doores befoze hin, and the gates
fall not be Hut. ;
2 J will goe before thee and make the
d crooked ftraight : J will breake the beaten
doores AnD burit the praubarres.
3 Gnd J will giue thee rhe treaſures of
Darkenefir, and the things hid in ſecret plas
ces, that thou mapett « know that J am the
§ Jam the Load and thereis none other:
Godonely is the Lord. FF :
there ts no God beſide mee : J s girded thee g Lhaue giuen
though thou Haft not kuowen nie,
Chat they may know from the rifiy
of the ſunne and from the CHiett, that there
ts none belives me.J am the L020, and there
is none other,
7, Jtome the h light aud create varke-
neie: J make peace and create cuills 3 the
Lozd Dov all thetechings.
Vee heaucns lend the vewe from a:
bouc, and let the cloutes Dzoppe Downe
i righ feouineile s let the earch open, and let
faluation and witice growe tozth:ietit bring
them foti comet bers the Lod jane £ crea:
ted hiur
9 Moe bee vnto him that ſtriueth with
bis maker, the potſherd with the potherds
of the earth ; Wall the clap fap to htinchat
fathtonethit, CUhat make thou 2 02 thy
woke, = Ft hath none hands ?
10 Goe vnto him that laith to his Father,
Chat pat thou begotten ? 02 to bis morher,
that batt thou bought forth 2 ;
IL Tyus ſayeth the Lord,the Holy one of
Iſrael and his maker, Alke me ot 2 things
to come cencerning mp ſonnes, and concer»
hing the wozkes of ming hands; commaund
peu me.
12 J bane made the earth, and created
man bponit ; J, whole hands haue zean
out the heauens, Jhaue euen commaunded
all their ° armie. i f
13 J bauc rayled r him vp in righteouſ⸗
nefle, and Jj will direct all his wayes: he hal
builde my citie, and hee halllet goe mp cape
tives, not fez a price nog reward , lapeth the
Lo: of bottes.
14 Chuslaith the Loyd, Che labourtot
appt, and the merchandtie ef Erbiopta,
and of the Dabeans, mien of ature iail
come vnto thee,and they balbe! thine ; they
fhalt follow thee, and hall geg in chaines;
they ſhall fali Downe before thee, and make
fupplicatton vnto thee,faying, Qurelp, Ged
isin thee, and there is none other Gad bes
15 Cevilpy thou, D God,* hivek thy felfe,
D God, the {autour of Iſrãel.
16 Allthey haibe athamed and alfo con:
founded;thep Wali go to contution togetyer,
that are the makers of images,
17 Bur Ilrael hall beelaucd inthe Loyd,
with an euerlafting faluation : pee hall not
be ADAP ng confounded world without
18 Fo: thus layeth the Lord (that created
heaucn, GoD himiclfe.that fozned the earth,
thee ftrength,
power and au~
h I fend peace
and warte, pro-
{pcritie, and ad-
ucrfitie,as Amos,
i Hecomforteth
the lewes asif
he would fay,
yee looke to the
heauens & carth
for fuccour,ye fee
nothing now bur
fignes of Gods
wrath, yet Twill
caufe them to
bring forth moft
certaine tokens
of your deliye-
rance, and of the
performance of
my promile,
which js meant ,
by righteoufnes.
k Ihaucappoin.
ted Cyrus to this
vie and purpoſe.
} Hereby he bri-
deleth their im-
patiencie, which
in aduerfitie and
trouble murmure
againft God, and
will not tarie his
pleaſu e: williag
that manfhould
match with his
like, & not con-
tend aguinitGad,
m Thatts,it is
not perfitely
n Inftead of
hemble your
felucs, andafke
what ye will for
the confolation
my children,
d you fhall be,
{ure ofit, asye
things which are
at your cOman-
Geliucrer,God Loza which callthee by thy name, euen the
calledhimbis God et Iſrael.
anoyntedfora : : 4 JFoz Jaakob my feruants f fake, and
time,butaiteran Jlfracl mine elect; J will euen callchee by
other fort then” thy name, and namne thee, though thou palt
he called Dauid, not knowen met.
¢ Togudehim i ]
iný deliuzranceof my people. d I wiltake awayall impediments
-and lers, e Notthat Cyrus did know God to worfhip himaright,
but hee had acertaine particular knowledge, asprophane men may
haue of hispower, and fo was compelled to deliuer Godspcople, £
Nort for any thing that isin thee, or forthy worthinefl:,
dement. Some readeit withan intestogation, & make it the appli-
cation ofthe fimilitude. o` ‘fbatis,cheftarres. p To wir, Cyrus,
that I may fhew by him the faichfulnefle of my promife in deliue-
tingmy peuple. q Meaning, freely, and without- ranfome, orany
§ricuouscundition f- Thefe people were tributaries to the Pere
fians, and fo King Aztahfhafhtegaue bis money toward the buil-
ding ofthe Temple,Bzra.7.a1- f Whereas beforethey were thine
enemies. they hallow honour thee, & thou fhalt rule them: which
wasaccomplithed in the time of Chrif. t Hereby bee exhorteth
the Lewes to patience, thoughtheit delinerance bee deferred fora
time.: (hewing that they fhould not repenttheir long patience, but
the wicked and idolatets fhall be deftoyed,
$m 3 and,
~ Godbeareth his,
n Towit, o f
man,but chiefly
of his Chure f-
x As doth e falk
gods which gius
Vncertaine an-
y Al yeldolaters
which though
ou feeme to
ueneuer fo
much worldly
dignity, yet in
Gods fight you
are vile & abiect.
z Hecalleththe
idolaters to re-
penrace, willing,
them tolooke
vnto himwith
the eye of faith.
a That is, that
the thing which
I haus promifed
fhalbe taichfully
b The knowledg
ofGod, and the
true worlhipping
Malbe through al
the world, Rom,
34.1 1.Phil.2- 10
whereby he figni-
feth ý we mutt
notonely ferue
ted it notin vame : he fomen it to bee u in»
ee Jamthe Lord. and there is none
other. ; s
Ig Jhaue not ſpoken in fecret, neither x in
a place of darkeneiſe in the carth; 3 Card not
in vaine to che feen of Jaakob , Seeke you
mee: J the Low Doe (peake righteouſneſſe,
and declare righteous things,
20 Gilemble pour Celues, and come:drꝛaw
neere together, Y pecabtect of the Gentiles;
they baue no knowledge, that tet vp the
wood of their iole, and pray unto a god,
that cannot lane them.
21 Tellye and bring them, avd let them
take counteil together, who bath declared
thts froatthebegtnning 2 or hath tole tt of
olde 2? Wane not F the Lod 7 there is none
other God befide me, a iut God, anda Ha
niour : there is none befide me.
22 Loske sito me, and ye hall be faued:
allthe +» endgofthe earth Mall be ſaued: fog
Jam Gov, and there is none other.
23 J bauz vozne by my felfe : the word
is gone out ofmy mouth in è righteouſneſſe.
and fhall not returne, Ghat cuery> knee
ball botue vnto mee, anc eucry tongue Halt
fweare by me. ;
24 Hurely «he hallfay, Jn p Led hane
Irighteouſueſſe and ttrength: he Hall come
ynto him, and alichat* pꝛouoke bint, Mall
be afbamed.
25 The whole feed of Ilrael Hall be iu-
ified, and glorie in theod, `
Sodin heart, but declare the fame alſo by outward profeffion,
e Meaning, the faithfull fhallfecleandconfeflethis d All the
eontemaers.of God,
a Thef were
chiefe idoles of
_ Babylon,
b Becaufe they
were of gold and
filuer, the Medes
and Perfians ca-
ried them away.
e The Beattes.
that caried the
idoles, fel downe
vader their bur ·
d He derideth
the idoles, which
had neither faule
nor fenfe,
e He theweth
the difference
betweene the
1 The deftruétion of Babylon & of their idoles.
3 Hecalleth the Lewes tothe confideration of his
Œl is bowed Downe : a Mebotsfalicn:
their idoles were vpon the e beattes, and
bpon the cattell: they which did beare pon,
were laden with awearte burden,
2. c Thep are bowed Downe, and fallen
together : forthep could not ridde them of
tor burden, and theicifoule is gone into cap-
3 Weare pee me, D Houle of Jaakob and
al that remaine ok the boule af Jfracd which
ate e bome of mec, from the wombe, and
brought vp of me from the birti.
4 Therekore vntoolde age, J the fame,
euen J will Beare you vntilthe hoare haires:
Jhaue made you: Jvull alio beare you, and
J will carte you, f and J will deliuer vou.
s & To whom will yee make mee like, 02
make ince equall, oz compare mee, that J
ſhould be ike dim ?
‘i Haiah.
anv made it: bee hath preparedit, heecreas `
6 They draw gold out of the bagge, and
weigh fluer inthe balance, andhirea golae
{mith te make a gov of it,and they bow Down
and worlhtp tt. _
7 Thep beareit vponthe houlders:theyp
cary hun and fet him tn bis place : fo doeth
bec and, and cannot remooue from dis
place. Chough one cry vnto him, pet can he
not antwere, noz deliuer him out of bis tri»
bulation. :
_ & Remember this.and be ahamed: bing
it againe t to minde, D pe tranigreilers.
9. Remember the kormer things of olde:
foz J am Good, and there is none other Sad,
and there is nothing likeme, _
10 Mhich declare the lak thing from the
beginning: and from of olde, the things that
were not Dene, laying, My couniell Wall
and, and Jwill doc whatſoener J will.
II Jcallai bird fromthe Cait, andthe
man of my t counſell From farre : az J haue
ſpoken, fo will J bzing itto paſſe: F pane
purpoleditandZ will der it.
I2 Heare me, ye ſtubburne hearted, that
ave farre from! tuftice.
I i J bring = neere mp iuftice: it Hall not
be farre oft and my (alnation wall not tarte;
Fo: F wiil gine laluation in zion, and my
glozie vnto Hlracl.
The defiruction of Babylon, and the cauſes
—— Downe and fit in the tut, D * bir»
gine, Daughter Babel, fit on the ground;
there is not throne, D daughter of the Cal-
Deans ; foz thou ſhalt no moze bee called,
Tender and Delicate, |
2 Take the miltones,and grind meale:
looſe tby locks: dmake bare the fete: vnco
ner the legge,and paffe theough the floods.
3 Thy AUlthinelſe Wali bee diſcouered,
and thy ame Mall bee eene ¢ J rwill cake
vengeante, and J) willnot meete thee as a
e man.
4 Ff Durredeemer, the Lord of holtes is
bis Name, the holy one of Iſrael.
5 spit ſtill. and get thee into darkeneſſe:
D Daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou
— no mox be called, The Ladie of kings
6 Jwas woth with mp people: Jhane
polluted mincingcritance , and giuen them
Intochine hand ; thou diddeſt Hew them no
b marcy, bnt thon Didel lap thy very heauy
poke ao the anctent.
7 And thoulaidett,F hall bee a Lady for
gucr, fo that thon diddeſt nor fet thy minde
to theſe things neither Ding thou remember
tbe latter end thereof.
83, Therekore now beare, thon thatart
ginen to pleaſures, and dwelleſt careletſe,
She faith in her heart, J amand none elie:
Tdolaters reprooued. i.
h Become wile,
meaning that all
idolatcrs are
without wit or
fenfe, like mad
i That is, Cyrus,
which Mall come
as {wift as a bird,
and fight againft
k Him by whom
I haue appinted
to execute that,
which I haue de-
1: Whichby your
would let the
performance of
my promife.
m Hefheweth
that mans incre⸗
abolifh the pro-
mifeofGod, |
a Which halt lis
ued in wealth &
wantonnes, and
haft not yet been’
overcome by any
b Thy gouerne-.
ment fhall heta-
ken from thee.
c Thou fhalt be
brought to mof
vile fernitude :
for to turne the
mill was the of-
fice of flaues..
d The things
wherein Me fèt-
teth her greateſt
pride {hall be
ntade vile, euen
from the head
to the ſoote.
e Iwill vfeno
humanitie nor
pitie toward
f The Ifraelites .
thal! confeffe,
that the Lord
idolesand the true Gnd: for they mut be caried of other, but Gad
bimfelfe carieth hisas Deut.32.11,. f Seeing 1 haue begotten you,
Twill nouriffrand preferue you for euer. g Thepeople of God,
feeing their owacalamitie, and the flourifhing Rate of the Babylo -
nians, Mould be tempted to thinke } theit God was not fe mightie
asthe idoles of their enemies s therefore he defcribeth the originall
ofallthe idoles, to make them to be abhorred of all men ; fhewing
that che molt that canbee fpoken in their comngepdation , is but-to
proousthem vile, Bacuch 6,25
3 thall net fitas a widow, neither Hall know doeth this for
the loſſe okchildzen. his Churches
9 But theſe two things hal come tothee fake,
ſuddenly in one day, the lofe of chtldzen, g Forvery
and widowhoode, they ailt come vpon —— hide
thy felfe.
h- They abufed Gods judgements, thinking hahe. punnithedithe,
Iſtaelites, hecauſe hewould vtterly caftthemoff, and therefore i”
{tead of pitying their mifcrie, thou diddeft n it, ow
So ihat thy pu- thee in theft i perkectlon, forthe multitude of
unifhment halbe thy Diuinations, log the great abundance
ſogteat as is ofthineinchanters.
poſũble to be IO Foꝛ thou batt truſted in thy wicked:
wagined.· neie: thou bat ſayd, fone teetyine, Thy
k Thou didſt Wwiledome E chp knowledge, they hane can»
inkethatthine fed thee to rebeit, and thou halt fad im thine
bne wiſdom, & hecart, Jam, and none els,
policie would IE Therefore hali euill come vpon thee,
haue ſaued thee,- and thou alt not know the morningthere⸗
l Hederideth of: deſtruction Wall fail vpon thee, which
their vane con· thou ſhalt not be able to put awayrdeſtructt⸗
SGldence, that put· on fyalicome bpon thee uddenly, per thou
rtheir truſt in any beware. —
thing but in Gsd 12 HtanDnow among thine inchanters,
condemning alſo and in b multitude of thy fouthlaiers ( with
fuch vaine (cien- whom thou hait! wearied thy felfe from thy
ges, which ferue youth) it ſo be chou mayek haue potite, or tf
ronoviebutto tobe thoumapelt haue ftrength.
delude people, ) f
&rtobingthem thycounlels: let now the Aitrologers , the
fromidepending. ſtarre·gazers, and Pꝛsgroſticators ſtand
onelyonGod. vp, and lane thee from thele things, that hat
m ‘hey thallvt- come vpon thee.
terlyperith,and _ 14 Behold, they Hall bee as ſtubble: the
no partofthem — fire ball burne them: they hall not Deliner
semaine. their owne lines from the power of p flame:
n They fhall flee there thall be no coales™ to warme at, nor
euery one to tbat light ta fit by. i
Is Thus hal they feruc thee, with whom
plaice, which he
_thoughtby-his thou batt wearted thee, euen the merchants
fpeculationsto from thy youty:cuerpsne thal wander to pis
bemoft(ure: oWwhe® quarter: nane yall faur thee,
bur that fhali
deceiue them, CHAP. XLVIIL
u The hypocrifie of the Fewes is reproued. ut
The Lord alone will be worfhipped, 20 Of their
deliuerance out of Babylon,
a He detefteth HEr ye this; D houſe of Jaakob, which
their hypocrifie area called bythe name of Iſrael. € are
whichvaunted €Onteoutof> the waters of Judah : which
themfeluesto be fweare bythe Mame of the Lod, and make
Ifraclitesand mention of the God of Iſcael, but not in
werenotfoin trueth no: in righteouſneſſe.
deed. 2 Fortheyarecalled ofthe helvcity, and
b Meaning,the fay themſelues· vpon the Gov of Firari,
fountaineand whole nameisthe Loꝛd ot hoſtes.
ftocke. 3 Jhane declared che former thinges of
c They make a olde, and they went ont of mp mouth, and J
fhew,asthough ſhewed i them: J dB them luddenly, and
they wouldhaue they came to paſſe. ;
„none other Gode 4 Becaule J knew,that < thou art obti-
d Hefheweth nate, and thy neckeis an pon fine, and thy
thatthey could, browe bralte,
noraccuhin § Therefore J hance declared tt to thee
inanything,for- ofold: before tt came to palle, J fyewed f it
afmuchashebad thee, leſt thou ſchouldeſt ſay, Mine idole hath
serformed what- done them, and my carued tmage,t mp mol⸗
oeuerhe had = fen image bathcommandedthem.
promifed, -6 Thoubalt heard, beholde ail this, and
.e Ihauedone , twill not yeedeclarcit? Jhaue ſhewed thee
fortheemore new things, euen now, ¢ hid things, which
then I promifed, thou knewelt not. ;
that thy Rub- 7 They ave created now, and notofold,
bursnesandim- euci before this thou heardeſt them not,
ht i
Ea oa f Howthou fhouldeft be deliuered out-of
Babylon, -g Will ye not acknowledge this my beachtand declare
“i vnto others? - ,
Chap. xlviij.
13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of -
raha ſhouldeſt (ay, Behold, J »knewe
8 Det thou heardelt them not, neither
diddeſt know them, neither pee was thine
eare opened of olde: foz J knew that thou
wouldeſt grieuoully tranſgreſſe: therefore
baue camy thee a tranſgrteſſour from the
1 wombe.
9 Foꝛ my Rames fake will J Beferre my
wrath, and foz my pratfe will J refraine ut
front thee, * that J cut thee rot off.
10 Behold, J haue ned thee, hut nat
ag ſiluer: Jhaue ™cholen chee in the fornace
of affliction.
IL Foꝛ mine owne fake, for mine owne
fake will J Doe it; foz how hould my Name
abeg polluted? ° furely J] will not giue mp
gloy vnto another.
12 Heare me, D Jaakob, and Iſrael my
—— Jam, Jam the frt, and 3 am che
13 Surelymine hand hath layd the foun:
Dation of the earth, and my right band hath
{panned the heauens s when J call them,
4 they tand vp together.
14 All pou, affemble pour felues, eheare:
which among them bath declared theie
things? Che Lo20 hath loued "him: he wiil
Doe his wil in Babelsand his arme thalbe a⸗
gaintt the Caldeans. À
Iş J,cuen J haue (poken it, and J haue
called bim, J baue broughe him, aud his
wap pall pralper. h
16 Come neere vnto me :heareye this:
J hauenot ſpoken it in ſecret from the! bee
eee from the tine that the thing was,
was there and nowe the Lode God and
bis (pirit hatht fent me.
17 Thus layth the Lord thy Redeemer,
the holy one of Jiraci, J amthe Love thy
God, which teach thee” to pzotite and tean
thee by the way, that thou houldeſt gor.
18 Dh that thou haddelt hearkened to my
commandements: then bad thy prefpericie
bene as the flood, and thy righteouſneſſe as
the wanes ofthe Sea.
19 Thy feede allo had bene as the fand,
@ the fruit of thy bony like the grauell there:
of; bis * name thould not bane bene cut of
noz deſtroyed befoze me.
20 ¥ Go pe out of Babel: fee ye from the
Caldeans, with a voice of top: tell € Dectare
this + (ew it forth to the end of the earth:
fay pee, Whe Lode hath redeemed Dis ler-
uant Jaakob, 238
21 And thevz were not thirftte : hee led
them though the wilderneſſe: be cauſed the
waters to flowe ontof the rocke for them:
foz he claue the rocke, and the water guſhed
22 There is no peace, ſayeththe LoD,
pnto the wicked.
him(elfe,and to affure them of thefe things
Godtrieth hiss. 276
h Shewing that
mans arroganci¢
isthe caule why
God doeth nor
declare al} things
at once,leaft they
fhould attribute
this knowledge
to thcirowse
i From thetime
thar I broughe
thee out af E-
gypt: for that de-
liuerance was as
the birth of the
k Asitwasmy
free mercy thatl
did chufe thee :fo
is it my free mere
cy that mult faus
}- For I hadre-
{pect to thy +
weakenesand ia»
firmity : for in file
er there is fome
pureneffe, but in
vs there is no-
thing but droffe,
m Irooke thee
out of the for-
nace where thot
fhouldeft baue
bene confumed.
n Godicyneth
the faluationof
hiswith his owne
honour: fothat -
they cannot pee
rith,but his glo-
ry (hould be di-
minithed, as
Deut, 32.27.
o Reade Chap.
42.8, j
p Reade Chap,
41 she
q To obey me
and todo what:
foeucr I com-
mand them,
r Meaning,Cy=
rus, whom he
had chofen to de⸗
ftroy Babylon,
that I declared
my felfe to your
t Thusthe Pros
pher {peaketh for
u What things fhalt
dotheegood. x Thatis,theprofperouseftateoflfracl y Af-
ter thathe had forwarned them of their captiuitie,& of the cauſe ther-
of, he fheweth them the great ioy that fhal come of their deliverance.
z . He theweth that it ſhalbe as eafie to deliner them, as he did their
fathersout of Egypt, a Thushe(peakerh, thatthe wicked bypo-
crites fhould not abufe Gods promile , in whom wasneithes faith nor
repentance,aschap. 57.21.
tag casas} CHAP,
ce iat bs Wat Xk SR OS hee ey
TIMES eS. ee ae eee
~ Chriftis appointed.
a This is ſpoken
in the perfon of
Chrift,to affure
the faitbfull chat
thefe promifes
fhould come to
paffe : for they
were all made in
him,and in him
should be per-
b Thisismeant
of thetime that
Chrift thould be
manifefted to the
world, as Pfa.2,7.
c. By the {word
and Maft, hee fig-
nifieth } vertue
and-efficacie of
Chrifts docttine.
d God hath ta-
Ken me to his
protection and
defence: this
ehiefly-is meant
of Chrift, & may
alfo be-applied
to the minifters
of his word.
e By Ifraelis
meant Chrift; &
all the body of
the faithful, as
the members
and their head,
f Thus Chri
in bis members
that his labour
and preaching
take none effe,
yet beis conten-
ted that his do-
ings are appro-
ued of God,
g Though the
Tewes refule my
-~ dorine, yet
God wil approue
my minifteri¢.
£ The Lordexhorteth al nations to belecue his
promifes. 6 Chrift isthe faluation of allthat be-
leeue and will de liuer them from the tyranny of
t heir enemies.
H Tare yeme, D Illes, and hearken, pee
people from farre. Che L020 hath called
ame fromthe t wonibe, and made mention
of mp name from mp mothers belly,
2 Aud be bath made my mouth like a
fharpe< ſword: under the hadowe of his
hand hath bedh me,and made me acholen
{haft,and hid mein bis quiuer,
3 AndilapDontome, Chou art my fer-
uant © Iſrael fo: 3 will be gloꝛious in thee.
4 And J faim, J haucflabouredin vaine ¢
J baue [peint my itrength in vaine, œ foz no-
thing : but my iudgement is with the Lord,
and my worke with my God.
§ And now fayth the Lord that formed
me from the wombe to be his feruant, that
J may bring Jaakob agatne to him (chough
Iſrael be not gathered, s pet ſhall be glozi⸗
pusin the eyes of the Lo2B:and mp Gos hat
be my ftrength.) ; ”
6 And hẽ layd, Tt tsa ſmall thing that
thou twouldett be my feruant, toratle up the
tribes of Jaakab,and to reftoze the deſolati·
onsof Iſrael:J wil allo ginethee foza light aw
of the Gentiles, that chou mapet be my lal-
uation vnto the ends of the wola,
2 gZ Thus ſayth the Lod the redeemer of
Iſrael and his holy ane, to hm that ts Defpi-
fed in foule,toa nation thatisabpezred,toa
ifernant of rulers, Rings hal (ee,andkartie,
and pinces hall wo2thtp, becaule of p LoD,
that ts farthfull: and the Holp one of Ifrael,
which hath chofen thee.
12 Beholde, theſe Hatt come from farre:
and loc,thele from the North, and krom the
Gelt,and thele from the land of" Dinim. -
13 Retopce, D £ heauens: and be topfull,
D earth : burt foezth into pzaife, D moun»
taines: foz: God hath comfozted bis people,
and will haue mercy vpen bis afflicted.
14 But Zonlatd. Che Lord hath t fofas
ken me, and my Lozd hath forgotten me.
Ig Cana woman forget her child,and not
baue compaſſion on the (onneof her wombe?
though they ould tozget, yet wili J not foz-
get thee.
16 Behold, J haue qraucd thee bpon the
palme dfmine a hands; thy *wals are ener ut
mylight. .
17 Thy builders make y haſte: thy de-
ſtroyers and they that made thee watte, are
Departed from thee.
18 Lift vp thine cies round about,and bee
holde : all thele gather themfclues together
and come to thee: as ¥ itue , faith the Lod,
thou hale ſurelye put them all vpon thee as
a —— gird thy felfe with them luke
a bine.
19 Fozthy delolations, and thy wate
places:and thy land deſtroyed fal {urely be
nom narrow fo: them that Hatl Dwell in tt,
and they that did deuoure thee, thal be farre
20 TChechildren of thy barrennefle hall
fap againe in thine cares, The place is
mme foz me; gtue place to me thar 3) map
21 Then thalt thon fay in fhine heart,
Tho hath begotten me thele, ſeeing J am
barrenand defolate, a captiue and a wane
Dererto and fro? and who hath nouriſhed
them? beheld, J was left alone: whence are
8 Thus layth the Low, !Jnanaccepta: thele?
ble time bane J heard thee , andina Daypof
faluation haue J helped thee:and J wil pre-
feruethec,and wil giuemthee fora couenant
of the people, that thou mayeſt raile vp the
Searth, and obtaine the inberttance of the
deſolate heritages: i
9 Thatthou matek fap tothee prifoners,
Go forth: and to chem that arein Darkues,
Dbewe pour (elues : they Hall feede in the
twayes and their ppattures hall be inal the
tops of the hils. co
Io Chey Wall not be hungry, neither Hal
they be thiritte, neither wall the heate ſmite
themt,noz the funne:fo2 be that hath compat:
tian Ion them, Mall leade them : euen to the
{pings of waters Hall he Batue them, |
Il And J wül make all my mountaines,
asa way and my paths albe exalted.
h Yodeclare my Gofpel to the Gentiles, Chap.42.6.a&s 13. 47.
luke 2.32. i Meaning,the Ieweswhom tyrants kept in bondage,
k The benefit oftheir deliuerance halbe fo great that great & {mall
thall acknowledge it,and reverence God forit, 1 Thushe fpeaketh
of his Church,when he would thew his mercy toward it, 2 Cot.6.2.
m Meaning,Chriftalone. n Signifying,that before Chrift renew
the earth by his word, there is nothing but confufion and diforder,
© Tothemthatare inthe prifonoffinneand death, p Being in
Chrifts proteGion, they hall be fafeagainft all dangers, and free
fromthe feateoftheenemies, iq’ Meaning,thatthere fhould beno-
thing in their way from Babylon, that fhould hinder er hurt them:
bur this isaccomplithed ſpiritually.
22 Thus ſayth the Lord God, Behold, J
wilt life vp thine band to the a Genttles,ana
fet bp my ttandard to the people, and they
thal bring thy [ommes in their atines,and thy
eid ſhall bz caried vpon their Houl-
els, ~ y ;
23 And kings > MHallbee thy nuring fa-
thers, and Queenes Mall bee thy uurles:
they hall worſhip thee with their fates to-
ward theearth, andlicke bp thes duſt of
thy feete: and thou thalt knowe that 3 am
the Lord: for thep hall not be ahhamed that
waite foz me.
24 Shall the pray be d taken from the
Mightie ? oꝛ the iuſt captiuicie delinered 7
25 But thus fapth the Lod, e Euen the
captinttic of the ha yall bee taken a-
Way and the pray of the tyrant Hall be dee
liuered: for J will content with hun that
— witi thee, and J twill fave thp
26 And will feeBe them that pople thee,
with f their owne fie, and they Hall bee
Daunken with their awe blood, as with
head, and ginue him all honour. d He maketh thisasan obie@io
as though the Caldeans were ftrong,and had them in ĩuſt poffeffion,
e Thisistheanfwere to this obiection, that none is ftro
theLord, neither hath a more iuft title vnto them.
Gods great lowe.’
soul Ket
r Meaning, the :
South countrey,
fo thas Chrift
thal] deliuer his.’
frō ail the parts + |
of the world. A |
{ Read Chap, 44
t He obicð
what ¥ faithfull »
might fay in their
long affiiction, 3
and an{wereth
thereunto to
comfort them,
with a moft pro-
per fimilitude
and tul of confo=
lation, *
u: Becaufe I
would not fora o
get thec,
x Meaning,the
good order of
policie and difci»
pliné, Ps
y l hane acon-
tinuallcareto |
build thee vp ae
gaine, and tode-
{troy thine ene ·
z He ſheweth
what are the or-
naments of the
Church: to haue
many children,
which are aflem=
bled bythe `
word of God, &
gouerned by his,
a Hefheweth
that Chrift will ~
not onely gather
this great num-
ber-of the Tewes,
bur alfo of the”
b Meaning,that
Kings fhalibe | *
conuertedto the
Gofpel,and be⸗
ftow their power
and authéririe. =
for the prefeta i
uation of tke
c Being ioyned:
with —
they fhall'hum-- f
ble themfelues
to Chrift their
er then
caufethem to defroy ong another,asIudges 7.22, 2,Chron.20,22,
Chap. 19-2,
: ſweete
a Meaning,that
he had not forfa-
through her
owne occafion,as
Hofea 2,2.
b Which fhould
declare that I
haue cut her off:
they could thew
c Signi ying,that
he fold them nov’
for any debt of
pouercy, but that
they fold them-
felues to finnes to
buy their owne
luſts & ‘pleafares.
d Hecame by
his Prophets and
miniſters, but
they would not
beleeue their do-
Grine & conuert.
c Am I notas:
able tò helpe-
you, as Ihaue
holpen your fa-
when I dried vp -
the red ſea and +
killed the fil in
the rivers, and’
alſo after ward
in Iorden?
f As did inE-
pypt in token of
my dilpleaſure,
`g The Prophet
doeth reprefent
here the perfon
and charge of
them that are
iuftly called to
the minifterie of
Gods word.
h Tohimthat
is oppreſſed
made meet
Minifters encouraged.
e : ‘fweete wine sand all fic Hallknow thar J
the Lod am thy Dator Erhy Redeemer,
the mighty one of Faakob.
« The Lewes for[aken fir atime. 2 Yet the po-
wer of God ss not dimnifhed. § Chriſtes sbedunce
and vidtory. 3350
TR! fayth the Lord, Mhere is that bill
of your mothers Dinozccment, ° whom F)
haue caſt offo: who ts the creditoreto whom
3 (olde you? Bebholde,fo2 pour imquities are
ye fold,and becaute of pour tranlgreflions ts
pour nother foꝛſaken. fois ay
2 Therefore “came J, and there was no
man? J called and none anlwered nis mine
hand fo eſhortened, that tt cannot helpe? Bz
haue J no power todeltuer ? Behold, at my
rebuke J Dzie tee fear J make the tioods
deſert: their fiy rotteth foz want of water,
and dieth fo: thirſt. Goes 14
2 Y clothe the heauens with darknes, and
make af facke thew conering. © <17]
4 The Lod: 6D D yathatuensmea
tongue of rhc learned, that 3 Monit know to
mimfter a word İn time to bin that ts > wea⸗
ry t-he will raife mee vp th the morning: in
the mozning hee will waken mine care to
heave! as the learned. tf
§ The Lord Goo hath opened mine eare,
a was not rebellions ; neither turned g
6. J) gauc my backe vnto the « fintters,
and mp cheeks to the mppers : Ihid noc imp
face from fhame and (pitcing. D 3!
7 forthe Lom God will yelpe me, theres
fore hall J] not bee confounded: therefore
baue 3 (et my Face tike a flint, and Iknowe
that J Gall notbe ahamen. i
8 ie is neere that iuſtieth me: whawil
contend with mee? Let vs tand togetier
whois mine aduerlary? let him come necre
tomes i
ug Bevolde; the Lozd God will helpe nie:
> who is he-rhatcan condemne me? toe, they
Hall ware olde asa garment: the moth (hal
eate them vp.
: 1O WMiho is among you that feareth the
Wow? det him Heare the voyce of His ſer⸗
nant:be that walketh in darknelſe, and bath
no light, tet bim trut in the Mame ofthe
1020,and tay vpon bis God.
“HL Behold, alt pou kindle ma fice, and are
compaited about with ſparkes: walke in Lhe
light of your tire,and tn the (parkes that pee
daue kindled. This Hall pee haue of mine
Hand: pe Hallite Downe in fozrow. -
by affliGionand mifery. i Asthey that are taught.8¢
by him. k I did not fhrinke from God forany perfe-
cution or calamitie. Whereby he fheweth thatthe true minifters of
. Godeaw lookefor none other recompence of the wicked but after
thisfort, and alfo what istheir comfort, 1 Shewing thavitisa tare
thing that any fhould obey aright Gods true minilters, though they,
labour to bring them from hel to heauen, m You haue fought con-
folation by your owne deuiles , and hauerefufed the light and ‘con-
< falatien, which God hath offered: therefore yefhall remainein for-
(apr et become
SAGER ACD big lesa
_ a To trust in God alone by Abrahams example.
vir >
x <
7 Notte feave min, 37 The great! affliction of
leruſalem, 22 and her dehuerance, Chur
Ho me,yerthat follow after righteonſ·
nes,& pe that teeke the Lord: looke vnto
the? rocke, whence ye are Hewen, and to the’
hole of the pit whence pe are Digged.
2 Conlider Abrayam voar father; and:
Darah thatbare pousfo2 F called hum alone,
and bleſſed him, and intreaſed him.
3. Surely the Lode hall comfort 3ion ”
be Wall comfoztall her nelolations the hall
make her deſerte like Eden, and Her wilder-
nesltke he gargen of the Lord: toy q glan-
nefle hall be found therein : pratfe,and the
voyce of inging. st
4. Hearken ye onto me, my people, and
Glue care vnto mee, D my people: tor a
å Lawe fall proceede from me, and J will
bring koorth my tudgenient fo: the light of
the people. ©
S Wy rightcoulies ie neere: my fatua.
tion goeth forth,and meme armes thal hage
the people:the ples fal wait fo2 meand hat
tenit puto mine arme.
6 Litt vp pour epes tothe heauens, and
loote bpon the earth beneath : for the shea-
uens Hall vaniſh away like moke, and the
earth (hailware olde like'a garment, and
they that dwell therein, Halt peri tn like.
manersbutmp fluatton Wall be for euer,
aa my rightesuſneſſe Hall not bee aboli»
Je Å.
7 Wearken vnto ine, yé that know righe-
teonfnefle. the peopie in whele heart is my
Law. Feare pe not the repsoch of men, net-
ther be peafratd af their rebukes. $
8 Foꝛ the moth Hall eate them vp like a
garment, and the wozme Mall cate theni
itke woli: but mp righteouſneſſe ſhalbe foz
ener, and my laluation from generation to
generation. À
9 Rite vp,rifebp, and putan. frength,
D arme of the Lowy vile vp ast in the olde
time in the generations of the: world. Are
not thou the fame, that hath cutiRabab,and
wounded the * Dragon? SHY © ns
10 Art not thou the ſame which hath Mi-
ed the lea,cuen the waters of tiie great Deep,
making the depth ofthe lea a way foz theres
deemer te pafle ouer? ae ee
‘IL GCherefopre'the redeemed of the Lorde
Hall! returne,and come with ioy unta Zion,
aud euerlaſting toy halbe vpon their bead;
they hall obteine iop and gladnes: and foz»
row and mourning (hall flee away:
12 J,cuen J am he,that comfort you. The
art thon,th at thou ſhouldeſt feare a nipztail
man and thefonne ofiman , which Mall be
niade as grafie?
13 And forgettelE the Lode thp maker,
that hath ſpread ont the heavens , and layed
the foundatiotis of the earth? anv baft fea-
red continnallyall the Day, becante of the
tage ofthe opprefiour, which is ready tode-
trop? cuhere is now the rage of the oppzck
14 The captine™ haſteneth te be looſed
and that be ſhould not die in the pitno: thar
his bꝛead Houta faile.
I5 And Jam the Looe thy God that di ·
Not to feare man.
a Hecomforteth
the Churchthat
they fhould not
be difeonraged
for their (mall
. b-Thatis,to Ae
braham,of who
ye were begot-
ten, and to Sarab
of whom yee
were borne,
c As plentifull
as Paradife,Gen.
d I will rule and
gouerne my
Chureh by my
word and do-
e` The time that
I wilaccomplifh
my promife.
F My power and
ftrength. +
g Heforewar-
néth them ofthe
horrible ‘changes
and mutations of `
al things,& how
he will preferue
his Church in
the mids of all
thei dangers. -
h He putreth thé
in remembrance
of his great be-
nefir for their de-
liuerance out of
Eeypt,that there- ⸗
by they might
learne to truſt in
him conſtantly.
i MeaningjBgypt
k Towit,Pha-
raoh, Ezek 29,3
1 From Babylon, .
m Hecomfor-
teththem hy the
fhort time of
their banifhmée:
forin 70. yeeres
they were refo»:
red, & the grea=
tefl Empire of
the world dee -
-The Churches calamity,andcomfort. y Peace publifheds ’ ad
f Towit,hythe
ni Meaning of
Taiah,and of all
true miniers,
who are defen-.
ded by his pro»
tection, - i
© Thatallthings
may bee xeltored j
in heaueo snd
p Thow haftbin
iuftly punithed &
fufliciésly,as Cha:
40.2. and this pu-
nidimentin the c-
lectisby meafure,
and according as
God giueth grace
to beareit :but in
the reprobate it
isthe jult venge-
ance of God to
driue them toan
infenfibleneffe &
madnes, as Lere,
© 25.1916,
q, Whereofthe
one is outward,
as of the things
that come to the
body zas warand
famine: and the
other isinward,
and appertatneth
tothe mind :that
is,to be without
uided the Hea, when his wanes roared: the
Low of hoſtes i his name.
16 Qud J haue put mp wordes in thy
smout ans hane Defended thee in the thar
Bowe of minehande, that J may plant the
oheauens, and lay the, foundation of the
earth, and fay vnto Sion, Thon art my
siZ Amakeawake,and Land bp, D Te
tulalem, which batt Munke at the hande ok,
theLorwethe p cup ofhisinath: thew bait
drunken the deegs of the cupof trembling, i
p E togethers for they Hall ſee eye to eyes when
and whe them out.
18, hereisuone to guide ber among
Utde ſonnes, whome thee bath bought:
foorth: thercis none that taketh ber bp eve
bannak alithe fonnes that Ge hath bꝛonght
pa Tere Í f
19; Ther two a things are come: vnto
thee: wha willlament thee 2 Delolationand
Deltruction and famine, and the (words by
whom yall P comfort thee?) ope wag s
. 20 Thy ſonnes haue fainted, e tie at the
head of al the ſtreets as a wild bullina net;
and ace fullof the wath of the Lord, and res
buke of thp Goo,
21 Gherefore heare naw this, thou mife:
rable and Dunken but: not with wine.
22, Thus faith thy Lord God, cuen Gon
that pleaveth the cauſe of bis people, Bes
hold, 3 baue takenout of thine hand the cup
of tranbling,cucn the Dregs of the cup of mp
wrath: thou ſhalt drinke tt no moze.
23 But J will put tt into thetr hand that
{fpoyle thee: which baue fapde to thy foule,
Bow downe,that we may ge ouer,and thew
Hatt laps thy body a3 the ground, and as the
fireet to them that went cuer.
comfort: therefore he fayth,How fhalethou be comforted? £ But
with trouble and feare,
-al No wickedty:
fant, which fhall
ſubuert Gods
true religion, and
oppteffe the con-
b- Put eff the’
garments of for-
row & heauines,
and put onthe
apparel! ofioy
and gladnes
£ The Babylo.
nians pai¢d no-
thing tome for
you : therefore I
will rake youa-
gaine without
d When Iaakob
went thither in
time of famine
JY Aconfolation to the people of Ged. 7 Of the
wmeffengers thereof. i 7
A Rue arile: put on thy Erength,D 3ton :
putonthe garments of thy beauty, D
Jerufalem; the holy City: for hencefoorth
there Hall no aimozecome into thee the wn-
circunict(ed and the-vncleane.
2 Shake thy ſelke krom the > Duis as
rifeand ſit downe, D Ferulalem : loole the
bands of thy necke, D thou captine daugh⸗
ter, ion. i
3 Foꝛ thus faith the Lod, Pe were fold
foz ‘nought :therefoze fall pe be redeemed
without money, nau
4. Fo: thusfayth the Lorde God, Wy
people went d Downe aloretime inte Eaype
tofotourne there, Alſhur e oppreſſed chem
without caute,
5. Nowe therefore what bauz J here,
ſayth the Lorde, that my people ig taken
away foz nought, and chep chat rule ouer
them, make them to howwle ſayth the Lord?
aud mp Mame all the Day continuallp ts
e TheEgyptians might pretend fome caufeto oppreſſe my people,
becaufe they went thither & remained among them , but the Afly-
rians haue no title to excuſe their tyranny by sand therefore willd
punifh them more then did the Egy ptians,,,
fblaphemed? Fhe Mees are:
6 Therekoꝛe my people fhall knowe my
Pane: therefore, they the kgowe tn that
par that Jam he thar doe ſpeake: behold, it
is J. Yi
7 Mow e beautifull vpon the mountatnes
are thefecto ef bun that declarcth and publi.
Merh peace! that Declarety good tidings, and
pubitibery ialnation,faying vut ston, pyp
Gobreignethhs | co. ont yg! oy
+S. b Che voice ofthe watchmen hall bee
heard: they thatiutt vp their borce and ſhoute
the Logd that! bing againe Zion.
9 D pe delolate places or gerulatem, be
gladand relopre together:for the Lord hati
comfogteBhtspeopies be hath redeemed Je·
To The Lowe hath made: bare his Holp
arme in the fight ofall the Gentiles , and all
the ends ofthe earth fyailice the faluation:
of our God. i atta
KILo Depart, Depart pee + goe out from
thencc,and touch no vncleane thing: goout
ofthe mids ofber: be pe cleane, that! beare
the vefiels of the Lod. neh
12 Foꝛ ye ſhall not goe out with = hatte,
no: depart by ficeing away: but the Lorde
will go before you, and the Hod of Iſrael
will gather pou togethers
13 Behode mye fernant fall proſper:
he thali be exalted and extolled, and be bery
bigh. : à
14 As inany were aftonied at thee ( bis
hifage was fo ° Deformed of men and bis
fome of the fonnes of men ) (op Wall bee
fprtnkle many nations ; the Rings Wall
{hut thetr 1 mouthes at him $ fo2 thar which
had not bene tolde them, hall they lee, and
wicked, which
thinke that I
h. ue no power
to deliuer them,
e Signifying,
sale gai EFA
gcod tidings of
their deliver-nce
their affiction in
the meane time
more eaſie: hut
this ischicfly. -o
meant of the fpi-;
ritual foy, as Na-
YO,1§. |
h The Prophets
which are thy
watchmen,fhall s
, publith thisthy
deliverance: this 4
wasbegun vnder
Ezra and Nehe=
miah, but was
vnder Chrift.
i Asreadyto
{mite his enemies
and to deliwer
his people.
k He warneth
the faithfull not
to pollute theme .
felues with the
fuperftitions of
the Babylonians,
that which they hav not heard, all they asChap.48.20,
t pnderitand.
at hand, that the Priefis and Leuttes chiefly (and fo
2.COr 6.17.
1 For the timeis
by chem, all the
people which (hall be as Leuites in this office) (hall carie home the
Veflels ofthe Temple , which Nebuchad-nezzar had taken away.
m As your fathersdid out of Egypt, n Meaning Chrift, by whom
our (pirituall deliuerance fhould be wrought, whereoficbis wasa fi-
gure, o Inthe corrupt iudgement of man,Chrift in bis perfon was
notefteemed. p He fhall fpread his word through many nations,
q Infigne of reuerence, and as being aftonilhed at his excellenci¢.
r ` Bythepreaching of the Gofpell,
3 Of Chrift and his kingdome,whofe word few
will beleeue, 6 Allmen are inners. 11 Chriſt is j
our reghteoufnes, 1a And w dead for our finnes. te '
VV Hoa will beleene our report? and ta a The Prophet,-
whem isthe? armeof the Lord rz» thewethtbac
ueiled? very few fhall
2 Buthe hall growe vp before dim as a receive this
bianch, and as a+ roote out of a Daye theirpreachng .,
d ground she bath neither fome no2 beaus of Chrift, and
tie : when we hall {ee hun, there (hall be no; oftheir deliue ·
fome thatwe ſhould deſire him. rance by bim,
i Iohn 12.38,,16,. 5- Meaning that none can beleeue, but whofe hearts
God toucheth with the vertue of his holy Spirit, ¢ Thebeginning
of Chrifts kingdome (hall be {mall, & contemptible in the fightof..
man, but it hall grow wonderfully, & flourith before God, d Read
Chaps LEs te: Ò anole hoD ea Pat oE g
3 pe
Chriftand his office. The beautifull
fioci: o 3 He is deſpiſed and reiecteBof men the:
e Whichwas by isamanfull of fozrowes, and Hath erpett
Gods fingular
prouidencefor — faces from hin : be was Delpilen,e we eke
thecomfortof : med bim not.
Gnners Hegas 4 Surely hee hath borne our infirmities,
f Thatis,thepu- anð caried ‘our (ezrowes : pet we did iudge
nifhment ducto = Himas s plagued, and ſmitten of God, and
ourfinnes:for¥« Humbled.
which be hath 5. But dee was wounded fo2 our trani»
bothfuffered,and grefftons,hee was broken foz our tntquittes:
made ſatisfacti thebchafttfement of our peace was vpon him,
on,Matth.8.17- and with bis kripes we are healed.
a Pet. 2.24. 6 All we like eepe hane gone aftrap, we
g Weiudgede- haue turned cuery one te his owne way,and
uilthinking y be the LoD path lard ppon blin thet iniquitie
was punitbedfor gf ys ail. :
his owne fines, 7 He was opprefiedand he was afficted,
and not for ours. yet did he notropen his mouth: he ts bought
h. He waschafli- as a fyeepe tothe flaughter,and asa fheepe
fed forourrecon- before her ſheater ts Dumme, ſo yee opencth
ciliation,1,Cor.. not his mouth. °
Iron 8 Mee was taken out from prifon, and
i Meaning,the from iudgement: mand whe (hal Declare bia
punifimet of out age? fo: he was cntout of the land of the li
iniquity,andnot> ying: for tie rranf{greiiion ofiny people was
thefaulcicielfe.. geplagued. $ ‘
k But willingly 9 =» Ano he made his araue with the wie:
and patiently o- Ked,and with the tichin bis Death, though
beyed hisfathers he bag Done no zotckeDnelle, nett her was any
appointment, Deccitin bis mouth. i
Matth. 26.63. 10 Petthe Lord mould breake him, q make
aes 8.32, bim inbiect to ratirmities: when epee fhall
1From thecrofle make his loute an offering foz iin,be tall fe
egraue,afterthat his ſeed and Hall polong his Dates, tthe miit
he wascondéned. of the Loꝛd fall polper inbisijand.
m. Though he II Hc Mai lee of the etrauaile of fis ule,
cied for finne,yet and Yall be ſatiſtied: by bis knowledge. Mall
after his refurre-. my 9 xightesus ſeruant iuitifie many; foz be
Gion he (hal liue ſhall besre thetriniqnities, 3
forcnersandthis ` 12. @berefoze will J giuchim a potion
hisdeath jstore- with the great, and he fhall diuide che ſpoyle
fiotelifero his : mith the ttrang,becaufe be hath pow2ed ont
membets,Rom,» his {aule vnto death, the was counted with
6.96 the tranſgreſſours, and pe bare the inne fof
n GodtheFa- . many, and payed fo fhe treſpaſſers.
ther deliuered;-, «> ij
himinro.the hands of che wicked, & to the powersof the world to do
wiih him what tbey would, © Chrift by offering vp himfelfe thall
giuelifeto his Church, and fo canfethen to live with him for euer,
p Thatis, the fruit & effe& of his labour, which is the faluation of hs
Church, q: Chriſt (hall iuftifieby faith through his word, whereas
Mofes could notiuftifiebytheLaw. r Becaufe heebumbledhim-
felfe therefore he thalbe exalted to glory,Phil.2.7,8 £ Thatis, of
allthat-belecuein him,
1 Moe of the Gentiles ſpall beleeue the Gofpel
thew of the Lewes. 7 God leatscth hu for a timezo
a Afterthathe . whom afterward he fheweth mercie,
haddeclared the Eroyce,D 2 barren that didſt not beare:
death of Chrift,he Ritreeke foozth intaioy and retoyce , theu
fpeaketh tothe that diddeſt not tranatle with childe: foz the
Church,becaule > Defolate hath moe chitDdzem then the sare
it fhould ſeele the 1 ots be
fruit of the ſame, & calleth her barré, becaufe that inthe captiuity the
yas as a widowwithout hope to haue aay children, b TheChurch
inthis her aſſliction and captiuity {ball bring forth moec hildren then
when thee was at liberty: or this may be fpoken by admiration conſi·
dering the greatnumbery fhouldcome of her. Her deliuerance vn-
der Cyrus was as her childhood, and therefore this was accomplifhed,
when the came to ber age, whieh was ynder the Gofpcl.
4 Chap. liiij. à
ence of ¢ infirmities, wee hid as it were our:
2 < Enlarge the place of thy tents, ana
let them (pzed ont the curtaynesof thine ha⸗
bitations ; (pare not, ſtretch out thy codes,
and make Fatt thy Rakes.
Foz thou fhale incréafe on the right
band and on the left,and thy ſeede Ajall vol
ieie the Gentiles and dweil urthe Deloiate
4 Feare not: fo: thou fhalt not be aſha·
med, neither halt thoube confounded ; foz
thou fhatt not be put to ſhame:vea, thou halt
forget the fame of thy d pouth,and talt net
remember the reproch of thy: widowhoode
any more. erig
§ For be thatfmade thee,is thine hulband
(whole flame is the Lom of hoites) and thy
redeemer the holy one of Sit ael,albe called
the Gad of rhe whole s world.
6 Foꝛ the Low hath caileathee being as:
a woinanfozfaken , ‘andafiitcred in fptrite,
and asa’ yang wife when thou walk retuieD,
{ith thy God.
7 Foralittle while Thane forlaken thee,
tu with great compaflion will J gather.
8 Fora moment in mine anger Jhid my-
face from thee to? a littiefeafon, but with
euerlaſting mercie paue J had compafion
on thee,laich the Lord thy redeemer.
9 o this is vnto mee asthe i waters of
Noah: foz as Jhaueſwoꝛne that the waters
of Moah theuls no moze goe ouer the earth,
(0 haue 3 fwozne that Z would not beangry
With thee, noz rebuke thee.
10 Foꝛ the mountaines thal remoue, and
the bils pall fall Downe: but my mercy walt
not Depart from thee, neither Mail the couez
naut of my peace tall away,fapeth the Load,
that hath compafiton on thee,
10 D thouafiltctedand tofen with tems
pet, chat batt ne comfogt, beholde, J wili tap.
thy (tones with the * carvuncie, and lay thy
fouridation withlaphires,
12 And J wil make thy windows of E:
Merauds,and thy gates hinting kones, and
and ali thy borders of pleafant tones.
13 Andallthy chilen thall bee! taught
3 tbe Lozde, and mucy peace ſhall bee to thy
14 Fn righteouſneſſe halt thou be efta-
bliſhed, de bee farre trom oppzeffion; for thou
alt not feare it: anv from feare,fo2 it Hall
not come peere thee.
15 Bebhoive, the enemy hall gather bint-
felfe but without mee : whoſoeuer fall ga-
poer himlelle in thee, o againſt thee, Wali
16 Beholde, Thane created ther fnith
that blowech rhe coalesinthe fire, and dim
that baingech foorth antulirument for hts
wozke, and J bate created the deſtroyer ta
17 But all the weapons that are made
again thee, fall not proipers and eug-
rie tongue, that fali rife againt thee in
indgement, thou Wall condemne. This
ts the heritage of the Lodes {eruauntes,
God giueth power: for eing that allare his creatures,he mut needs.
gouerae aad guide them.
eſtate ofthe Church. 278
tied wife,faith the Lor: 3
c Signifying ý for
the great number
of children,that
God fhould give
her, the fhovld
feeme tolacke
roometo lodge
d Theaffi@ions
which thou ufe-
redft at the be-
e When as thou
walt teluſed for
thy finnes,Chap.
50. 1.
f That did rege.
nerate thee by
his holy (firi
g His glory hall
{hine through the
whole worlde,
which feemed
before to be fhut
vp in-Eudea,
h Asa wife which
walt forfakenin
thy youth,
i As ſure asthe
promife that I
made to Noah,
thatthe waters ~
fhouldno more
k Hereby hee
declareth the ¢x-
cellent eftate of
the Church vn-
der Chrift,
llOr, Fasper,or,
1 By the hearing
of bis werd and
inward mouing.
of his fpirit.
m In ftability
and furenefle,fo
that it fhall Rand
for euler.
n And therefore
{hall not pre-
o Meaning, the
dometticall ene-
ries of the
Caurch,as are the
p Signifying
heereby that man.
caa dee nothing ;
but fo farreas +
Grace offered freelys i> 01:
gn pei righteoulnelle is of mee, faieth the:
treed: fos netties hall grow the myerbe tree,
Blinde watchmen.
© Toft foorth
; and it mall bee ta the Lorde °fozananie,and his glory, $ »
CHAP. EV. ‘1 of fog anceuertatting r figne that Hail not bce p OF Godsdeline:
; , € An exhortation to come te Chrifi: -8u Gads) taken away. i ) u3.. rance and that he
counfels are not as mans, 12 The ioy ofthe faith; E CHA P CV 3. 2 wilneuer forlaké
| i filles oo uu i 4 An exhortation to indgemen: and iufticecio bis Charch,
a Chrif by pro- H? euery one that=thieketh,come peta! Ayan? Shepheards that deuoure thes flackes {5 ' 1 uu! ?
poling his graces the Waters, and pe that baue > no filuer, T VHus ſayth the Lod, aReepe tubgement! a God ſhewetk
and giftstohis come buy,and eate i come, $ fap, buy< wine: and doe iuſtice: foz my faluation ig at what herequi-
Church,exemp- and milke without Auer and without mo- bandrecon~, and mp >rightcoulnelle tabe rech of thé after
teththe hypo- ep, ; reuealed. i chat he hath de⸗
crites which are 2 Giberefoze Do pelapontfilucrandnot .2 Blelſed is the man that doeth this,and liueredthem,to
fuli with their foz bead. 7 dandpourtabourwitheurbeing the onneof man which layeth holde on it: wit, che works of
imagined works, fatifüed 2 Hearken diligently vnto nee and hetyat keepeth the«abbath and polluteth charity, wheréby
and the epicures, gate that which ts good, and let yonr foule tt not,aud keepeth his hand krom doing any truefaith isde- =
which are full delite ine fatnelfe, euill. Claredy 0
withtheirworld- 3 Encline vour eares, come vnto mee: 3 Andlet notthe ſonne of the ftranger, b Which I will
ly luts and fo Heare, and pour foule Haliline, and J will whichis 4 topned tathe Lode, fpeakeand declarecoward: |
thirk not after make an cuerlatting Couenant with pou,e- fap, helo: hath furelpyfeparated mefrom you,and powre a
thef¢ waters. uen the f fure mercies of Dauid. bis people: neither let the Eunuch fap, Be- into your hearts
b Signifying, 4 Behold, J gaues bim for a witneſſe to Hold, g ama dzy tree. vines by my fpiric.
that Godsbene- the people,fozapainceandaniatteroutothe 4 Foꝛ thus ſayeth the Lord unto the Gus c Voder the Sab-
firscannotbee people. f nuches,that keepe my Sabbaths, and chule bath hee compres
bought for mo- § Bebslde,thon fhaltcall anation that the thing chat plealech mee, and take bola of hendech the
ney. `’ theuknowelt not," and anationthat knew mypcouenant, 2 whole feruice of
c By waters, not thee Yal runne vito thee, becauleof the § Euen vnto them will J giue in mine God andtrue
winesmilkeand Lorꝛd thy God, and the oly one of Iſrael: © Wouleand within my walles, a placeanda religion.
bread,he mea- fo? He hath glorified thee. i fname better then of the fonnes and of the d Let none
neth all. things 6 Seeker ye the Lod whileheemapibee Daughters: J will giue themaneucrlatting thinke himſelfe
neceſſaty to the found,cali pe bpon bim while he ts negre, nanie,that hall not be put out. vnmeete to re-
[pirituaillife,as : 7 Ler the wicked k foxlakebis wayes,and 6 Allo the ſtrangers that cleaue vnto the ceiuethe graces
thefearenecefla- the vnrighteous his own imaginations, and Loꝛd, to ſexue him, ẽ to loue the Mame of the of the Lord: for
“tytothiscorpo- returne vjnto the Loꝛd, and he willbauemer · Lord, and tabe bhis ſeruants: euery one that the Lordwiil
rail lifes cy bpon bim: and to our God, fo hee is very keepeth the Sabbath, and polluteth it not, takeaway all
d He reprooueth ready to foꝛgiue. and enibeaceth my couenant, ` impediments,and
their ingratitude 8 JFor mp'thoughtsare not your thoughts, 7 hem will J bzing allo to mine Holy will forfakenone
which refufe neither are pour wayes mp wapes, ſaieth the mountatne, and make them toyfull in mine which will keepe
_ thofe things that LoD : Houle of prayer; their burnt s offerings and his tue religion
God offereth © 9 Foꝛ as the beauens are higher then their facrifices halbe accepted vpon mineal- andbelecue in
willingly, and in the earth, foare my wayes higher thenyour tar: foz mine bounte ſhalbe called an houſe of bim.
| the meane time
ſpare neither coft
- nor labor to ob-
tainethofe which
are nothing pro-
e Youthalbe fed
wayes , and my thoughts aboue pour
thoughts, a
10 Surely as the raine commeth Downe
and the fnowe frombeauen, and returneth
not thtther,but watereth theearth, and ma-
keth it tobzing foozth and bus, that tt may
gine ſeede to the (ower, and bread vnto him
prayer foz all people, }
8 Che Lord God faith which gathereth
the fcattered of Jiracl, Vet will J gather to
them thole that ave to be gathered to them.
9 Ail pee: beattes of the field, come to Bee
uoute,cucnall pe beattes of the foret.
10 Their * watchmen are all blind: they
¢ Meaning, in his
Church, :
f They Mhalbbeé
called after my
people, and be of
the fame religi-
on: yea, vader |
abundantly, that eateths baue no knowledge + they are all Dumbe Chriſt the dig ·
f The ameco- IL Sothall mym wodbe, that gocth out Dogs: they cannot barke: they lie and ſleepe nity ofthe faith-
uerant,which of my mouths It Hall not returne vnto me and deltaht in ſleeping. ful thalbegreater
through my
mercie I ratified
and confirmed
oyde, but it hall accompli that which J
— it (hal pꝛoſper in the thing whereto
J tent it.
It Gnd thele — eons can nener haue
inough: and thele Hepheards cannot vnder ·
ftand: for they all looke to their owne wap,
then $ lewes were
at thavtime.
g Hereby hee
toDasidthatit 12 @herefore pee hall goe out with iop, euery one foz his aduantage, and foz his otw meaneth the fpi-
thouldbecrer- andbee lea foorth with peace: the=moun> purpole. ; rituallferuice of
nall,2.San.7. taines and the bils ſhall bꝛeake foorth before 12 Come J will bring wine,and we will God,towhom
13. actes 13 pouintotoy,and all the trees ofthe field hal All our felues with ſtrong dinke, and te the fa'thfullof-
34 clap their hands. morrow albe as thts Day, and much maze fer continuall
g Meaning. 13 Jo: thoꝛnes, there all growe ficre abundant. thanke(giuing,
Chrift, of whom yea,themfelues
Dauid wasa figure, h Towvit,the Gentiles, which before thou did-
deit not receiuero be thy people. i Whenheoffereth himfelfe by
the preaching of his word, k Hereby he (heweth that repencance
muft beioyned with faith,and how wee cannot call vpon God aright,
except the fruits of our faith appeare. 1 Although you are not foone
reconciled one to another,and iudge me by your fclues,yet Lam molt
eafie to be reconciled, yea,1 offer my meicies to you. m_ If thefe
{mall things haue their effet, as daily experiencefheweth,much more
thall my promife which I haue made and confirmed, bring to paffe the
things which Lhaue fpokenfor yourdeliuerance. n Meade Chap.
44.23. and 49.13.
and all that they haueas a liuely & 2eceptable facrifice. h Notonly `
for the Tewes,but for all others,Mat, 24.13, i Meaning, the ene-
mi¢sof the Church,as the Babylonians, Affyrians,&¢. Thus hee ſpea-
keth to feare the hypocrites,and to aſſure the faithful, that whenthis
commeth they may know that it was told them before, k Hethew-
eth that this affliGioa (hall come through the fault of the gouctners, ,
prophets, & paftors, whofe ignorance,negligence,auarice,and obſtina⸗
cie proaoked Géds wath againitthem. 1 Weare wellyet,andto
morrow fhalbeberter: therefore let vs not feare the plagues, before
they come: thusthe wicked contemned the admonitions and exhor=
tations, which were madethem inthe Name of God,
Spirituall whoredome.
a From the
plague that ıs at
hand, and alfo
becaufe God will
punith § wicked.
db. The foule of
the rightcous
fhalbe in icy, and
their body thall
refl inthe graue
vnto the time of
the refutrection,
becaule they
walked before
the Lord.
c He threatneth
the wicked hy-
pocrites,who vn-
der the pretence
of the Name
of Gods people,
derided Gods
werde and his
promifes: boa-
fling openly that
they were the
childrenof A-
braham,but be-
eaufe they were
not faithfull and
obedient as A-
braham was,he
calleth them
baftards,anq the
children of for-
cereis, which for-
ſooke God and
fiedto wicked .
meanes for fuc-
d Reade Leuit,
18,21, 3.King,
23.10. i
e Meaning, cue-
ry place. was pol-
luted with their -
idolatrie: or.
encry faire ftone that they found, they made an idole of ir,
1 God taketh away the good that he fhould not
See the horrible plagues to come. 3 Of the wicked
adolaters, 9 And their vaine confidence,
bee righteous pertiheth,and no man cones
liderethitin heart: and mercifull men
are taken away,and no man vnderſtandeth
that the righteous is taken away trom the
euill to come,
2 > Peace Mhallcome: they Hall retin
their beds, euery one p walketh hekore bim,
3 Butyous witches Huden, come pi
ee the leede of theadultcrer, andof the
4 Du whom hance pe ieſted? bpon whom
bae yee gaped and thzutt out pour tongue ?
are not pe rebellious children, & a faile feed,
§ Inflamcd with idoles vnder euery
greene tree? and facrtficing the d children in
the valleys vnder the tops of the rockes?
6 Thy portton is in the ſmooth ſtones? of
the riuer:they, they are thy lot senento then
hatt thou powꝛed a dzinke offering: thou
pag — afacrifice. Should J delight tn
t [4 gs 1
7 Chou haſt made thy s bed bpona very
Hie mountaine: thou wentett vp thither, euen
thither wentelt thou to offer tacrifice.
8 Behinde the *deozes alfo and polies
baft thou fet bp thy remembrance: foz thou
batt diſcouered thy felfe to another then mee,
and wenteſt bp, & diden i enlarge thy bed,
and make a couenant betweene thee t them,
and loucdit their bed incucry place where
thou fawett it.
9 Thou wentelk k to the Kings with
_Ople, and diddeſt tncreate thine oyntments
and {end thy meſſengers karre off, and dint
bumble thy felfe vnto bell,
10 Chou wearredk thy felfein thy manis :
folne toumer yer ſaydſt thou not, ! There
isno hope: thõu mhal founde life by thine
Hand, therefore thou halt not grieucd.
Il And whom diddeſt thou reuerence o?
Feare, ſeeing thou haft » lyed vnto mec, and
Hak not rememb2ed mee , neither fet thy
minde thereon 2 is it not becauſe J holde my
peace,and that of long time? therefoze thou
feareft not me. ;
12 Jwt declare thy 2 righteouſneſſe anv
thp workes, ana thep hall not plot ther.
13 CGibenthou cryeſt, ict them that chon
f In
rhe facrifices which you, offering before thefe idoles, thought you
did ferue God.. g To wit, thinealtarsinan openplacelike an im-
pudent harlot, that careth not for the fight of her husband,
h In
ftead of fetting vp the word of God in the open places on the poftes
and doores to haue it inremébrance,Deu. 6.9. & 27.1, thou baft fer
vp fignes and matkes of thine idolatry ineuery place, i
is, diddeftimcteafethine idolatry more and more,
k Thon did-
deft feeke the favour of the Aflyrians by gifts and prefents, to helpe
thee againft the Eg
yptians : and, when they failed, thou foughteft to
the Babylonians,and more & more diddeft torment thy felfe. 1 Al-
though thou faweft all thy labours to be in vaine, yet wouldeft thou
neuer acknowledge thy fault and leaue off. m He derideththeir
vnprofitable diligence, which thought to baue made allfure, and
„yet were deceived, .n . Broken promife with mee,
o Meaning,
that rhe wicked abufe Gods lenitie and growto further wicKednefie.
p Thatis,thy naugbtineſſe, idolatrics and impicties which the wic.
ked call Gods fesuice s thus he derideth their obftinacie,
Chap· lxij lvij.
halk gathered together, deliuer thee: but the
wino hal 4 take them all awap:vanitic hall
pull them away: but he that truueth tn me,
Wall inherit the land, and (hall peſſeſſe mine
boly Mountatne,
14 Andhe hal fay, Cat vp.catt vp: pre:
pare the way : take vp the Rumbling blocks
out ofthe way ofmy people.
Ig fozrthus faith be, thatts high and er»
cellent, hee that tnhabtceth the cternitte,
whole Pame ts the Holy One, J well in the
bie and holy place: with him allo that is ofa
contrite and Humble (ptrit, to reuiue the lpi»
tit of the bumble, Eto gine life to them that
ave of a contrite heart.
16 ffo? J will not contend for ener, nei
ther will F) be alwayes moth, fo: the pirit
fouto fatie before me ; and 3| haue mase the
17 Foz bis wicked couetouſneſſe Jam
angrie with him, and bane {mitren him : 3]
bid me and was angrte, pet he went away,
and turned after the way of his owne heart.
13 J baue ſeene his wayes and wil: peale
hints 3 will leave him allo, and reitor come
fozt vnto him, and to thole that lament pim.
Ig Icreate the *frnit of the lippesto bee
peace: peace vnto thentthat are y far off,and
to themthat are ncere, faith the Lo2d; foz 7
will Beale him.
20 But the wicked are like the raging
fea,that can z not reft, whole waters cat pp
mire and Dirt.
21 There is no peace feith my God,to the
confcience doeth euer torment them , and therefi
haue reft Reade Chap.48,23,
3 The ofice of Godsminifters, 2 The works of
the hypocrites. 6 The faf ofthe faithfull. 13 OF
the srue Sabbath,
CRE alonDe,fpare not: lift bp thy voyce
slike a trumpet, and fhewe my people
their tranſgreſſion, and to the boule of Jaa-
kob, their finnes, ,
2 Pet they” ſeeke mee dayly, and will
Knew my wapes, euen asa nation thar DiD
rightcoutly, and had not foxfaken the fta-
tutes oftheir Gon ; they afke of me the odi
tances of iuſtice: they will Draw sere vnto
@o0,faying, ;
3 ©CUberefoze haue we fafted, and thou
feet it not? we haue puniſhed our ſelues and
tbou regardeſt it not. Behold, in the Day of
pour fatt you will ſeeke d your will, and re⸗
guire ali your Debts, :
4 Bebelv, pee falt to ftrife and Debate,
and to (mite with rhe fit of wickednefie : ye
ſhall not faſt as yee doe to Day, to make pour
voyce tobe ¢ heard aboue.
§ Is ittuch afat that J baue choten,
that a man Mould afflict bis foule foz a day,
and to bow Bowne his head like a bull ruth,
ann to lie Downe infackecloth, and afes?
wilt thou — a fafting, ozanaccepta
bieday to the 10207 > ;
6. Js not this the fafting, that 3 haue
ther faith nor religion,
preffion,your fafting and prayer fall not be keard,
Norefttothe wicked. 279
z Wer euill
ore they can neuer:
q Meaning,the
Aflyrians and
helpe they loo-
ked for,
r God thall fay
to Darius and
f I willnotyfe
my pover a ·
gaint Fraile man.
whofe liſe is but
a blaft,
t That is, forthe
vices and faults
of the pcople,
which is mesnt
here by couc-
u, Fhcugh they
were obftinare, .
yet did J not
withdraw my
mercy frö- th
x- That is. 1
frame the {peach
and wordes of
my meflengers
which fhall bring
peace. ¢
y Aswellto
that is in captiui-
tie, as to him shat
remaineth at
à pai Lord kta
fpeaketh'to the
him to vfeall di-
ligence and feue:
ritie to rebuke —
the hypocrites, ~
b They wii feem
to worfhip mey -
and kaueout-
ward helineffe,
c He fetreth
and difdaine of -~
the hypocrites,.
which grudge ~
againft Goa, if
their works be
not accepted,
d Thus he cons
uinceth the hy-
pocrizes by the
fecond table end!
by their drietie
toward their
neighbour, that
they haue nci-
e_ $e long asye vfe contention and op=
The true faft,and true Sabbath;
choſen, to looſe the bandes of wickedneſſe
to take off the Deanie burdens, and to let the
5 gae free,and that pee breake euery
7 Is it not te deale thy bread te thehun»
Sty,and that thou bring the poore that wan-
Det, vnto thine houle? when thou ſeeſt the
ae naked, that thou couer him,and bide not thy
g Foriahim — felfe fronts chine owne fieh.
pe: feeft shy m ao Ehen thal chy slight brake forth as
| felfe asina glaſſe the moning, andthine bealth wall growe
h aoa is,the {peedilp : chp i riggteoulnefie tall goe before
proſperous eftate — the glozp ot the Lorde Hall embrace
wherewith God Wee.
willbleffethee. 5 When Male thou calana the Lord all
i The teftimony anfweresthou Malt cry,aud be hal lap, Dere
of thy goodnefle J am; if thou take away from the middes of
hall appeare be- thee the poke,the putting foogth of the fin»
ger, aud wicked (peaking:
f'That you leaue
off all your ax
fore God & man.
K Whereby is Io Jf thou! powze out thy ſoule to the
meantallmannet hungry and refreſh the troubled foule + then
of iniury. tyall chy light (pring out in the = darkenefie,
1 Thatishaue ayy thy Darkenefle (halbe as the noone Day,
compaffion on Ir Andthe Lorde Mall guide thee conti-
their miſeries. nually and fatilfic thp loule in deought, and
m Thineaduct- make fat thp bones: and thou Malt belikea
fity halbeturned watered garden and like a (pring oF water,
— — whole waters faile not.
A Signitying, 12 And they hall bee of thee, that ſhall
tharofthe Tewes Bnitne the olae = wafte places: thou Malt
fhould.come raife vp the foundations for many genera»
fachas thould tions, and chou whait be callen the repayzer
build againe the of the breach ana the reltozer of che paths to
Fuines offerufae Ywein.
lemand Iudea: 13 FE thon < turne away thy foote from
burchiefly thisis the Hadbath , from Doing thy will on mine
meant of the fpi- holy dayand call the Gabbath adelight,to
ritual ferufalem, confecrate it, as glozions to the Loz, ¢ ialt
whole builders honour bim , not doing thine owne wayes,
were y Apoftles, < 110: ſeeking thine owne will, nop (peaking a
© If thou re- Laine wad,
| fraine thy felfe 14. Then Hatt thou delight in the L020,
from thy wicked ang J will canle thee to mount vpon the bye
-workes, places of the carth, and feede thee with the
Be Heritage of Jaakod thy fathecsfog the mouth
Š ofthe £020 hathſpoken it.
2 The wicked perifh through their owne iniqui-
ties. 12 The confeffion of ſinnes. 16 God alone
wili preſerue his Church, though all men faile.
Pee the Lods hand ss not ſhortened
that it cannot tae: neither ts bts eare
Fore, $28 heauy ſthat it cannot heare.
a Readcha.a. a5 2- But* pour iniquities haue ſeparated
b All men winke, hetween you and your God, and pout Annes
at the iniuties & Hane hid bis face from vou, that bee will not
oppreflions,and Heare.
nonegoc about foꝛ par hands are detiled withabloov,
to remedythem, and pour fingers with iniquity: pour lippes
c According to» haue (poker lies, and pour tongue bath murs
their wickedde- mured iniquity. y
uifes they hurt 4. #20 man calleth foz tuftice: no man
their neighbours, Scontendeth for truth : they trut in vanity,
d Whatocucr and {peake patine things: thep conceine mife
commeth from chiefe, ande btng forth iniquity.
them,is poiton,& § Thep hatch cockatrice degaes, and
bringethdeath, . weaue the (piters © webbe: he that eatcth of
e Theyarepro- ftheiregges,dieth, and that whichis tron
frabletono pur- ypon,breaketh out into a lerpente
pole, 6 Cheit webbes Mall beg ne garment,
Numb 13623.
Chap 50.2.
and wee grope as ong without'epes t wee
The iuſt is a prafe
neither Hal they coner themlelues with
their labours: for theit workes are works of i
iniquicy,aud the wozke of cruelty is in their f Thatis, Gods
hands. ; vengeance to
7 Their feet run to enill, and they make punith our ene-
haite to ſhed tunocent blood: their thoughts mics.
are wicked thoughts : deſolation and De» g Gods protecti.
ſtruction isin thetr paths. onto defend ve,
8 The wap of peace they know tot, and h We arealtoe
there is none equity in their goings:theyhaue gether deſtituto
made thein crooked paths: whoſdeuer goeth of counſell, and
therein, hall not know peace. canfind no end
9 Therforx ts fiudgement farre fronts, of our miferies,
netther Daeth e tuflice came neere Snto vs: i Weexprefleour
we wayt fo light but loe itis Darkenes ; fog forrowes by outs
brtghtnefle,but we walketnDarknefle. watd fignes,fome
IO We grope foz the wall like the "blind, more,fome lefe
[ t k, This confeffi-
tumble at the noone Day as in the twilight: onis generall to
we are in folitary places,as Dead men. the Churchto
IL Gee roave all like i beares , and. obteineremiffion
mourne like Daucs: twee looke foz equity, of finnes, andthe
but thereisnone: fog health, but itis farre Prophets didnot
from hs. exempt them-
12 Foꝛ out trefpaffes are many befoze belucs fromtke
thee,and our k finnes teſtifie againſt vs: fog fame.
our treſpaſſes are with vs, and we know our 1 To wit,againk
iniquities our neighbours.
13 In treſpaſſing and lying againſt the m There isnei-
Lom and we pane Departed away fromour cheriuftice ner
God,and haue {poker of cruelty and rebellt · vprightneſſe a-
on, conceiuing and vttering out ofthe heart mong men.
falfe'matters.- · i n The wicked
I4 Therekore = iudgement ie turned wiildeftroy him,
backeward , ana iuſtice tandeth farre off: o Meaning,to `
foz tructh is fallen in the ſtreete, and equiti¢ doe iuftice,and
cannot enter. Kh che _ toremedie the
15 Vea trueth fatleth,and he that refrat> things that were
neth krom euill, maketh biaifelfes a praye: fo farre out of
and when the Lord (aww it, it diſplealed hun, order.
that there was no tudgement. p Thatis, bis
16 Aud when hee ſaw that there was no Church; or his
man, hee wondered that none would offer armedid helpa
Huntelfe. o Cheretoze his arme Did r laue tt; it (elfe,and did
and bis righteoulkes it felfe did ſuſtaine it. not fecke ayde
17 for he put on righteouſnes, as an ha⸗ of any other,
bergion, andan abelmet of laluation vpon q. Signifying,
bis Dead. and be puton the garments of ven⸗ that God hath all
geance foz clothing and was clad with scale meanesat hand
as acloke. i __ to deliuer his
18 Asto make recompente, as torequite Chureh,and to
the furte of the adueclaries with a recom» punith their
penfe te his enemics: he wil fullyrepay the enemies.
tZlanvs. t To wit,your
19 Ho hall they feare the Mame of the enemies which
Lo20 from the (ick, and his glory from the dwellin diuers
rifting of the Dunne: foz the enemte wall places,and be-
£ come lige a flood ; but the (pirit of the L020 yond thefea.
ſhall chale him away. f Hefheweth
20 And the Redeemer Mall come vnto thar there halbe
Siow, and onto t them that turne fron ini» great affidioin
quitic in Jaakob, fayth the Lord. the Church, but
21 And J will make this my Couenaut God wileuer des
with chem, fapeth the Lode, My Spirite liuer his.
that ig upon thee, and mp we2des, which t Wherebyhe
J| baue put in thy mouth, "fall not Dee declareth that
the truedcliue-
rance from finne and Satan belongeth to none but to the children
of God,whomheiuftifieh. u Becaufethe doGrine is made profi-
table by the vertue of the Spirit, he ioyneth the one with the other,
and promifeth to giue them both to his Church oe
The inereafe of the Church.
a Thetime of
thy profperity
and felicity:
whereas ipea-
King of Baby-
lon, he comman-
ded her to goe
b Signifying,
in darkeneffe,
till God giue
them the light
of bis fpirit and
that tbis light
fhincthto none
butto thofe
that are in his
e Meaning,that
Judea thould be
as the moraing
ftarre,and that
the Gentiles
fhould receiue
light of her.
& An infinite
number from all
Chap. 490 i 8.
æ Forioy vas
the heart is-
drawen in for
f£ Meaning, that
euery one fhall
part out of thp mauth, no? out of the mouth
of thy ſeede nor out of thc mouth of the fecde
of thp ſecde faith the Lord, from henceloorth
cuen fez ener,
3 The Gen'iles fhall come to the knowledge of
the Gofpel. 8 They fhalt come ta the Churchin s-
bundance. 16 They [hal hane abundance though
they Juffer for atime,
A Rik, O lerufalem: bee bright , foz thy
A a light is come, and the glozy of the Lom
is rifen vpon thee.
2 Foꝛ bebolde,Darkenefle Hall coner the
b earth,and grolle darkeneſſe the propie: but
the Lod (yall ariſe vpon thee, and bts glory
fhalbe feene vpon thee.
3 Anathe Gentiles mball walke in thy
light, and Bings at the brightneſſe of chp
tiling bp. j
4 Likt vp thine eyes rounde about, and
beholde: all ·theſe are gathered, and come
to thee: thy fonnes Wall come from farre,
= thy Daughters hall bee nouriſhed at thy
s Shen fyalt thou fee e hine:thine heart
hall be aftonied and e enlarged , becauſe the
multitude of the (ea Hallbe conuerted vnto
thee, Œ the riches of the Gentiles hall come
vnto thee. fi
6 Thef multitude sf camels Hail couer
thee: and the dꝛomedaries of Midian and of
Epha: all they of Sheba hallcome: they
fyall bring golde aud incente,and Hew forth
the praifes of the oa
7 All the heepeof e Kear fhaibe gathe-
ted vnto thee: the rammes of Nebaioth thal
ferne thee: they fjall come vp to bee accepted
bpon mine taltar: and J wil beautifie the
poule of my giozy-
8 Tbe are chele ‘that fice likea cloude,
and as the Doues to their windowes?
9. Surely the ples pall wait fo: me, and
the hips * of Carlhith,as at the beginning,
that they may bring thy fonnes from farte,
and their filuerand their, gome with them,
pnto the nane of the Lozde thy God, and to
the holy one of Iſrael, becauſe be hath glori⸗
honourtheLord fed thee.
with that where-
with he is able:
it isno true fer-
uing of God,
except we offer
our feluesto.
1o And the fonnes of rangers Hall biuld
op thy walles,and their! kings fhail mini-
fter vnto thee : for in my wath F {mete
thee, but in ay mercie J bad compafiion on
IL Wherefore thy gates malbe epen ron-
tinually: neither Dap no2 night thal thep bee
feruchisgloty, hut, that they. map bring vito thee the tt
andalltharwe chesof the Gentiles, and that their kings
have, may be brought.. e
g That is, the
Arabians, that haue — ofcatrel, h Becavfethealtar
wasa figureof Chrift Heb.13.10. hee fheweth that nothing can be
acceptable to him which isnot offered ro him by this altar, who was
both the offring and the altar it felfe. i: Shewing what gteat nom-
ber (hal come to the Chnich,and with what great diligence & zeale,
The Gentiles that are now enemies, Mall become friends and fet-
ters foorth ofthe Church. .1 Meaning, Cyrus and his {ucceffours:
but chiefly this is accomplifhed in chem that ſerue Chrift, being con-
uerted by his Goſpel. Aniak kod siaN
IR i a3 :
Chap. lx.1xj.
-Fhe Churches glory. 280
12 forthe nationand them kingdoiie, m He theweth
that will not feruc thee,thall peri}; g thoi that God hath
nations fhalbe vtterip deſtroyed. given all power
13 The» glezy of Lebanon thal come vn⸗ and authority
tothee, thelrre tree, the elme andthe bore here inearth for
tree tagether, tobeauttie the place ot my the vie ofhis
Banctuarte : for I will glozitie the place af Church: and that
itp o feete, they which will
14 Che fonnes alfo of them that afflicted nat ferue and
thee, hall come and bowe vnts thee z andall profitethc fans,
tbey that deſpiled thee, yali fall? Downe at thall bee de-
the foles of ty fecte: and thep thal call thee, ſtroyed.
Che cite of the Loꝛd, ʒion of the bolyoucot n There isno-
Iſrael. thing fo excel-
Is Abertas thon batt bene forſaken and !ent,which Mall
hated, {6 that noman went bychee, F will nor terue the ne~
make thec an eternall glogp, and atop from ceflity of the
generation to generation, urch,
16 Chow Hat allo cke the milke of the o Signifying,
Ociitiles, and Halt fucke the obzeaites of tbat Gods mae
Rings : thou thaltknowe, that F the Lord iefty isnot in-
am thy Sauiour, and thy Redeemer, the cluded in the
mighty oue of Jaakob, | Temple, which is-
17 Foꝛ bꝛalſe will bring golde, and foz bur theplacefor
pon wiil J bring Muer and foz woed bzafie, bis feet,thar we-
and foz tones pon, J willallemakethp may learne to
gouernement peace, and thine eractours rilevpro the
righteouſnes. heauens
18 Ciolence ſhall no moze be heard of in p To worthip
thy land, neither Defolation,noz Dettruction, their head Chrift-
within thy bomers zbut thou Malt call f fal- by obeying his
uation, thy walles,and paile thy gates. deGrine,
19 Thou halt haue nomozeGunneto q Bothhieand
Wine by Day, neither ſhall the brtahtneffe of low thalbe ready-
the t Doane thine vnto thee : forthe Lowe. tohelpe andfuc-
hall be thine euerla ſting light,and thy God, cour thee,
thy glozy. r Thy governors
20 Thy funne Hal nener goe Botwne,neis thalllouethees&-
ther halt thy moone be hid:fo2 the LoD fal feckethy wealth
bee thine euerlaſting light, and the dayes of and profperity.
thy (ozrow ſhalbe ended. f Meaning nor
21 Thy people alfo malbe all righteous, atemporal felicie
they hall potlefle the land foz cuer,p ° graffe ry.bura fpiritual,.
of my planting hall bee the wozke of ming which is fulfilled.
bands,that J may be gloritied. in Chrifts king-
22 Giittle one hall become as a* thoue dome.
fand,and a (mali one as a trong nations J] ¢-Signifying,thae
the Lom will haſten it indue tine, al worldly means:
j fhall'cesfeand 2
that Chrift (halbe al mail,as Reuel-21.23,.&225; u The ebildren
ofthe Church, x- Meaning,that the Church {ould be mitaculoufly
x He proghefieth that Chrift ſhalbe anointed;
and fent to preach. xo The ioy of the faithful.
Pee Spirit of the Loꝛde Gow ise ypon Lake geark,
.£ meé,therfoze bath the Loꝛd anoynted ine: a Thisiapperteia-
he hath ſent mec te peach good tidings vn⸗ neth coall the
tothe poore, to binde bp tie dbrokeñ bears Prophets & mie-
ted, to preach liberty tothe* captines, anv. nifters of God,
to them that are boun’, thespening of the butchiefly ro
pinn, ; Chrift,of whofe -
_ 2 Fe preach the atceptable peere of the abundant graces:
Lode, andthe Day of « vengeance ef aur cuery one recei«
God,tocomiocallrhatmaucne,, = _—uetbaccording as:
eo golcvetg nas saated ta und wt a! itpleaferh hito
diftribute.. b Tarhem that arelinely touched withthe feeling of ©
their finnes, ¢ Which arein the bondage of finne- & Thetime *
when it plea fed God rothew his good fauour to man, which S: Pauly
calleth the fulneffe of time,Gal.4.4. e For when Goddeliuereth:
pis Church,he punitheth his enemics, :- ; ———
3; Ga.
‘he Churches attize.
_ 3 Toappoynt puto thent chat monrne in
Zid, & to giue vnto them beauty foz fames,
tie opie of toy foz mourning, che garment of
gladues forthe ſpirit of heautnefie, that they
night be called gtreesof righteoutnefle,the
planting of the Lode, that hee might bee
gloztfied, n a
4 Ana they hall builve the olde wafe
places, and rayſe vp tye former delolations,
and they thallrepatre the cittes that were
R elolate and waite thozome many’ genera-
tons. y
§ Gnd the rangers halli tand g feede
your Heepe, and thelonuesof the ſtrangers
foal bee pout plowinert and dzeflers of pour
6 Bit ye thal be nament the Pꝛieſts ef
the Lode, and men ſhall ſay vnto pou, The
minifters of our God: pee fhalleate the! ct-
chesof the Gentiles, and hall bee exalted
with theit glozy.
7 Foꝛ pour hame you thallreceiue > dou⸗
ble, and fo: confulton they thall retopce in
e their portion: fozinthetrlande they hall
pofivile ther Double ; euerlaſting top Hall be
vnto them,
8 for F the Lord loue iudgement & hate
qrobbery (oz burnt offering, and F will di-
recttheir woke th truech,and willmake an
enerlaſting conenant with chem.
9 And their: (ced Halbe knowen among
the Gentiles, and their buddes ameng the
people. Alt rhatlec them hall knowe them,
— are the ſeede which the Lod hath
Id íJ will greatly reioyce inthe Lozde,
and my ſoule hall be ioyfullin my God: foz
bee bath clothed mee with the garments of
faluatton, and couered mee with the robe of
righteouſneſſe: hee hath decked mee like a
bꝛãdegroome, andas a bude tyzeth herlelle
with der temels. è
Il frozas the earth bꝛingeth foosth ber
bud, and as the garden cauſeth to grow that
exrortioners,de~ which is towen nit: fo the Lorde God will
-ceiuershypo- caulſe righteouſneſſe to growe,and praylebe>
-F grites, orthat de- fore alithe heathen,
priue me of my
glory, r- Thatis,ofthe Church. f He fheweth what thalbethe
affe@tion, whenthey feele this their deliuerance.
f Which wasthe
figne of mour-
g. Trees j bring
torth good frarts
as Matth.3.8.
h Thacis,fora
Jong time,
i They hali be
ready to ferue
youinall your
k This isaccom-
pliſhed inthe
time ef Chrilt,
$ by whom all the
faithful are made
Prieſts & Kings,
4 Pet.2.9.reuel.
1,6, and 5. 10.
F Reade Chaps
mr, Abunda
n» Abunsant re-
“ compentes as is
$ wordis vied, ©
Chap. 40.2.
n Thatis,che
“o To wit, of the
+ p Whereas the
Gentilesbad do-
minion ouer the
$ Jewes in times
paſt, now they
-fhall haae double
_ sing,which are
1 The great defirethat the Prophets haue had
forChrifes comming. 6 The dilizence of the Pa-
_ fioursto preach.
a The Prophet ES R Zions fake J will not * holve my
| fayth that hewilb Dtongue, and forFeralalems fake J wil net
neuer ceafetode~ reft,wutill the righteouſneſſe thereot bꝛeake
clarevotothe tooꝛth asthe light.and faluation thereof as
peoplethe good aburninglampe. r
tidingsoftheir’ 2 AnD the Gentiles Wall lee thy righte ·
deliuerance. onife tall kings thygloxry: and thou halt
b Tiltheyhaue becalled bys aneme name which the month
fulldeliverance: > ofthe Lo fyallname. o o oo
-andthisthe Pros 3 Thou walt alſs bead crewne of glory
phet ſpeakethto· inthe hand of the Lowe, and aropall dia ·
incourageallo- Deme in the hand of tyy Gov. ;
ther minifters to
the fetting forth of Gods mercies toward his Church. c Thou fhalt
hauca more excellent fame then thou haſt had hitherto. d He fhal
elteeme thee as deare and precists,asaking doth his¢rowne, 7
` fake. 7 Gods benefits toward bis Church, — nee
+ tothe which the Lord anſwereth.
Watchmens duety.
4 Jt Hal no more bee ſayde vnto thee, f
© frolaken,nettyer Mallit hee ſaid any niore e Thou fhalt no
to thy land, Deſolate but thou Halt be called morc decontem<
i ephsibah,and thy land j Weulay: forthe ned asa woman
Lozd delighteth in chee, and thp lãnde hall forfaken ef ber
bane auf hulband. _ busband.
Fo as ayong man marrieth a virgin, [Orszy delight
fo (hail thy fonness matric thee: and as ã rhe.
bridegroome ts glad of the beine, o ſhall thy (Or, married,
God reioypce ouer thee. That it may be
6 J baue fet * watchmen bpon thy wals, replenithed with
D Jerufalem, which allthe day and all the children.
night continuaily (hail not ceales ‘pee that g Forafmuchas
are mindefull of the Lozd,keepe not litence, they confefleone
7 And atue him no rett, till bee repaire, faith and religion
and vntill he let vp Jerulatem the * prase of vith thee they
tie wolt. are inthe ſame
8 Che Lowe hath fworne by his right ond of marisge
hand and by bis trong arme: Surely J) will with thee: and
na nioge gtite thy corne to bemeate for thine they are called »
enemies, and (urely thelonnes of the ſtran · the children of
gers thall not Minke thy wine, foz the which the Church, in-
thou batt laboured. aſmuch as Chrift
9 But they that haue gatheredit, hall maketh her plen⸗
cate it, and praple the Loze, and the gathe= tifulltobring
rers thereot Wall drinke it in the courtsof foorth children -
my Banctuary, = Vatohim.
` IO Goe thorowe, goe thorow the gates: h Prophets,pa- ·
prepare youthe way foz the people: caſt wp, fours and minie
call pp the way, and gather our the tongs, fers.
and fet bp a ſtandard fez the people. i Heexhorteth |.
IL Beholde, the Lowe hath proclaymed che minifters he.
puto the ends of the wold: ™ tel the daugh · uerto cealeto
ter Zion, Beholde, thy Hauteur commeth :
beholde, his wages iswith bun, and = his
worzke is before him —
12 And they thall call them, The holy pes-
ple, Che redeemed at the Lozde,¢ thou thalt
be named, Aocity fought out.& not foꝛſaken.
liuerance of his
Church,and to
teach others to
doe the ſame.
k For the reſtau⸗
ration whereof all the world (hal praife him. “I Signifying thegtcat
number that fhould come to the Church,and what meanes hie would
prepare for the reftitution of the fame,as chap.§ 7.14. m- Ye Pro#
phete and minifters fhewshe people of this their deliuerance: which *
was chiefly meant of our faluation by Chrift, Zech, 9.9, Mat. 21.5.
n He ſhail haueall power to bring his purpofe to paffe,as chap.4 o, |
10. o Thatis,onesoner whom God hath had a fingular care to te⸗
couer her when theewasloft, = eg, t
t God {hall deftroy his enemies for his Churches
we igs this that commeth: from €-
Dome, with red garments front 103z-
rah? be ts gloꝛious in bisappacell, and wal-
keth in bis great trength. °F {peak tn righ ·
fcoulites and am mighty te faue.
2 © Ciherefoze ts thine apparell redsand
thy garments like Dim that treadeth inthe cake vengeance,
winepreBe? and is heere fet
3 J bhaue trodenthe winepreſſe alone,and forchallbloody
of all people there was none with mees foe after that he hath
> ', _ defroyed them _
a This prophefie
is again{t the Idu-
means, & enemies
whick perfecuted
the Church,on
whem God wili.
call vpon God by *
prayer for the dea |
in Bozrah,the ckiefe city ofthe Idumeans: for the(e were their greas
teftenemies,and vnder the titleofcircumcifion,and the kinred of A-
braham,claimed to themfelues the chiefe religion & bated the true
worthippers, Pfal.137.7. b` God anfwereth them that asked this
queRtion, Who is this$ &c, and faith, Ye fee now performed indeedé
the vengeance which my Prophets threatned. ¢ An other queftion
maa aati
The multitude of Gods mercies.
d Shewing, char J will tread them tn mine anger, and tread
whenGod puni- themunder foote in my wrath, and their
fheth hisene blood hall be ſpꝛinkled ppon my garments,
mies, itisforthe and J wel taine all my rayment-
profitand deli- 4 fForthe Day of vengeance is in mine
weranceofhis Hzart, andthe d yeere of the redeemed is
“Church. come.
e Godtheweth $ And F looked, and there was none to
thathehathno ` Helye, and J wondered that there was
necdeof mans nonetovpola:ticrefore mine owne ¢ arme
helpefor thede- helped mee, and my wath it felfe ſuſtained
liucrance of his, meg.
and though men 6 Therefoze J wiltread Downe the peo-
refuferodoe = ple immp wath, and make them £ munken
i in mine indignation, and will bing Downe
their ſtrength to the carth.
7 J wilis remember the mercies of the
Lom, and the pzaples ofthe Lo: accoꝛding
vnto alithat the Lom hath giuen vs, and
fo: the great goodneſſe toward the houſe of
Iſrael, which he hath giuen them accogding
to his tender loue, Eaccording to his great
8 Foꝛhe layd, Surely they are my + peo-
ple, childzen that wil not lic; fo be was their
9 In all their troubles he was ĩtroubled.
and the Angel “of his prefence laned them:
in his loue and in bis mercie Hee redeemed
them, and be bare then and carted them al-
wayes continually.
10 But they rebelled, and vered his holy
Spirit : therefore was he turned tohe their
encinic.and be fought again them. j
Chap. 59,16.
£4 wil fo aftonith
em, and make
then fo giddie,
that they (hall
not know which
jtg remember
ods benifits
in times patt, Il Then he! remembzeB che old time of
thar they maybe Moles and bts people, faving, Ahere ts hee
confirmed in that brought them vp ont of the (ea with the
\theirtronbles, ™ihephcardofits ſhecpe ? vehere ts hee that
h For I did chufe.
hem to be mine
put his holy Spirit within * hin?
12 He ien them by the right band of Wo-
fes with his owne gloztousarme , diuiding
the water belore them, to make himſelfe an
euerlaſting fame.
13 Heled them through the deepe, asan
© holen the wildernes, that they Hould not
14 As the beat gorth Downe inte the
valley, the ſpirit of tiie Lod gaue them relt:
fo diddeſt thou leane thy people, to make thy
feife a glozious Mame.
Is e Looke Downs frombeauen, andbe>
-bolte from thedwelitng place of thine helt
neffe. andoftby giorp. Cdibere is thy azeale
erredto Chit, and thy ttrength, the multitude of thymer-
ra whomebelon- ctes, and of thy compaflions ¢ they are tes
peththeoface of ftratned from "me.
Vis Hebare their
pation, 16 Doubtles thou art our father: though
That is, the Abꝛaham bee ignorant of ys, and Ilſrãel
peopleofifracl know vs not, yer thou, D LoD, art our
|beingaffiGed, Father, and our redeemer ; thy Name is
called to remem-
‘Wbrance Gods benifits, which he bad beftowed vpon their fathers in
imes pat: m’Meaning,Mofts. n Thatis,in Mofes,that he might
li gouernethe people : fome referre this giuing of the Spirit ro
fthe people. o Peaceably and gently, as anhorfe is led to hispa-
ture, Hauing declared Gods benifits hewed to their forefa-
thers. he turneth himielfe to God by prayer , defiring him to conti-
ue $ fame gracestowardthem, q Thy great affection whiehthou
bareft coward v3. r Meaning, from the whole body of the Church,
T Though Abraham would refafe vs to bee hischildren, yet thou
ilt not refufe to be our father,
~ Chap. lxiũj.
Mans righteoufneffe. 281
foz ener, ¢
17 D Lord, Whe hak€ © thou madevs to t By taking as
erre from thp wapes ? and hardened our way thy holy
beart from thy feare? Returne for thy » fer- Spirit from vs
wants take, and fez the tribesef thine infe- by who we were
ritance. gouerned and
18 The people of thine bolineffe baue fo for our ingras
poſſelſed it butalitite * while : fox our ade titudediddeft de-
uerſaries haue tronen Downe thy Banceus liver vs yp to our
arte, owne concupif-
Ig Clee haue bene asthey, ouer whom cence, & didit
theuneuer bareft rule, and bpon whsm thy punith fin by fin
Mane Was not catleg, - according to thy
à iuft judgement,
u Meaning for the cout nants fake made to Abrabam, Izhak & las- -4
kob his feruants, x ‘That is,in refpe& of the promife which is pere
petuail; albeit chey had now poſſeſſed the Jand of Canaan a thouland
and foure hundreth yecses ; and thusthey lament, to. moeue God rá-
ther to remember his couenant, then to punith theirfinnes,
2 s
1 The Prophet prayeth for thefinnes of the peo-
p'e. 6 Mass righteouſne ſſe alike a filthy clth. .
OR iba thon wouldelt 2 breake the beas a The Prophet
ens, and come Downe, and that the continuethhis c-
motintatnes might melt atthy prefence! prayer, defiring |
` 2 Asche melting fire burned, asthe fire Godtodeclare Y
cauſed è the waters to boyle, (that thou his louctoward
mighte Declare thy Mame to thp avner» his Church by
faries) the people DID tremble at thy pze» miracles, and
fence. mighty power, > |
3 Chen thou Diode terrible things, asheedid in
which wee fooked not foz, thou camett mount Sinai,
Dowie, and the mountatnes melted at thy b Meaning, the
prelence. i raine, haile, fire,
4 Foz fince the beginning of the wolde thunder, and
they baue not © heard no? vñderſtood with lightnings,
the eare, neither hath the eye ſeene another ¢ Saint Paul
Gon belde thee, which doeth lo to him that verhthefame
Datteth for him. i kindeof admira- ·
S. Thou diodeſt meete bim, dthat reioy · tion, 1 Cor 2.6,
ced in thec, and DiDinttly : thepremembzed marueiling at
thecin thy «wayes :behold,thou ast angry, Godsegrearte-
foz wee have finned : yet itt !themiscontinus nefte thewed to ©
ance, and twe ſhall be ſaued. his Church by
6 Bnt wee haueallbene as antneleane the preaching `
thing, and all our» righteouliefic is as filthy the Gofpel. `
clotites, and we all doe fade likea leafe,and d Thou ſhewedſt
our inigutties like the winde bane taken ve fauour toward ==
away, our fathers when
7 And thereis none that calleth bpon thy they tufted in
Mame, neither that Kirreth vp himleife to thee, and walked-
take boldest thee ; for thou batt hidde oy after thy com-
face from vs, and Haft confumed vsbecaule mandementss
of ouriniquities. e They confides
But now, D Low, thouartour Fa⸗ red thy great
ther: we are thei clap and thou artour pot» mercies.
ter,and we allare the wozke of thine hands. f That is, in thy
9 Bee not angry, D Lord, *abouemea- mercies; which
Ture, neither remember tniquifie fo2enerslo, hee calleth the
we befeech thee, behold, we are al thy peopie. Main ofthe: ©
ord, .
g Thou wilthaue pitie vpenvs, h We are iuftly punithed and
brought into captiuitie, becaufe wee haue prouoked thee to anger,
and though wee could excufe our felues, yet ourrighteoufneffe and
beft vertues are before thee as vile cloutes, of, (as fome reade) like
the menftruous clothesofwomen. i Albeit, O Lord, by thy iuft
judgement thou mayeft vtterly deftroy vs, as the potter may hispor,
yet we appeale ro thy mercies , whereby it hath plesſed thee to adopt:
vsto bethy children. k Fos fo the fich iudgeth when Goddorh |
not immediatly fend fucconr.
Ra rolEbine A
The Gentiles called.
1 Whichwere 10 ! Whine Holy cities lie waſte: Fton isa
dedicated to thy wildernelſe, and Jexuſalem a delert,
janestuice and to Ii The houle of our Sauctuarie and of
cali vpon thy our glory, ™ where aur fathers prapled thee,
Name. isburnt vp with fre, and all our piealant
| mWhereinwe things ate waited. AR
|” reioyced and 12 Ailt thou hold thy felfe Kill” at thele
worthippedthe things, D Lozd ? wilt chou bold thy peace
n Toatis,atthe AND afflict Ys aboue meaſure?
- contempt of
thine owne glory ? though our finnes hae deferued this, yet thou
wilt not fiuferthy glory thus to be diminifhed, esr
J 1 The vocation of the Gentiles and the reiecti-
on ofthe Lewes, 13. The isy of the elect, and the
puniſhment of the wicked.
Haue beene fought of them that 2 afken
not : J was found of them that fought
mice not: Jlayde, Behold mee, vebola
— a nation that called not vpon my
| a Menning, the
“Gentiles, which
knew not God,
fliould feeke af-
ter him when ke
hadmoucdthetr 2 Jhane>fpzead out mine hands all the
hearts,withhis . Dap vnto a rebelitous peopic, which waiked
holy Spirit, Rom. ina way that was not good, cuenatter their
~) 20.20, pwne <> uuaginations:
Ẹ ob Hee fheweth 3 Qpeople that pꝛouoked mee euer unto
the cauſeofthe mypface : that ſacriticeth in gardens, and
reieGionofthe burneth incenle vpone bzickes.
ewes, becaufe 4 Ahich remaineamong the £ graues,
tacyfhouldnot and lodge in the Delerts, which eate e wines
obey him for any fie, ano the baoth of things polluted arein
admonitionof . their veſſels.
his Prophetsby: § dich fay,» Stand apart, came nat
whomhcecal- neereto me: for J am holier then thou;thele
fedthemconti- ate a ſmoke in my wꝛath, & a five that i burs
ually, and nethalltheday.
fivecched outhis 6 Bebold,itis\waitten before me: will
handtodraw not keepe ſilence, but wull render it and re
them. compenſe it into their befome.
© Heefheweth 7 Dour iniquities and the intquities of
thattodeliccin yout fathers thalbe! together (fatty f Loyd)
; ourownefanta- which haue burnt incenſe bpon the moun-
| fics,isthedecli- taines, and blaſphemed me vpon the piles:
f ning fromGod, therefore will 3 mealire theit olde woke
andthebegin- intetheir bofome,
‘ning of allfuper- 8 Gbusflayththe Lord, Asthe wine is
Aition and, idola~ found in the clutter, and one faith, Dettrop
tie, it not, fox a™ bleffing isin it,fo wili J| Doe foz
å Whichwere, mpferuantsfakes, that J may not deſtroy
dedicate to them whole.
idoles. 9 But J will bꝛing a leede out of Jaa-
¢ Meaning, kob, and out of Judah, that hall inherite
their altars,
~ which. he thus
_ . mameth by con-
= “eempt. ©
f Toconfule
with {pirits and
ta coniure de-
_uils,which.was forbidden,Deut.18.11. g Whichwascontrary to
- Gods commandement,Leuit.11,7.deut,r4.8 h He fheweth that
_. hypoctifie is euer ioyned with pride and contempt otothers. i Their
~ punifhment{hall neuer haucende, k So that theremembrance
thereof camorbe forgotten. 1 Shall bee both punifhed together;
© _andthis declareth how the children are punifhed for their fathers
faultes < ro wit, whenthe fame faultes or like are found in them,
m Thatis, itis profitable : meaning,that God will not deftroy the
faithfull branches of his vinearde, , when hedeftroyeththe roren
ftockes, that is, the hypocrits. «n Which was a plentiful place in
Judea, to feede theepe, as Achor was forcatcell,
my mounteine: and mine elect thal inherite
if,and my fernants (hall Dwell there,
10 Ano: Aharon wail be alhecpefolde,
and the valley of Achoꝛ Wall bee a reiting
pa fo2 the cattell of my people, tharJaug
ought mee, ERT,
The ioy of the elect,
Il But yee are they that baue fozlaken
the Lod, and forgotten mine holy Poun-
taine, and have prepared a table foz the
omultitude, Eturnt the Danke offerings
vnto che number. > tude and num-
12 Therefore will F p numberyoutothe ber he meaneth ,
Cworde, and all you thall bowe Downe to the theirinnameras
flaughter, becaute J called, and pee did not bie idoles of
antwere ¢ Jatpake, aud yee beard net,but whom they
Did euil inmy ſight, and did chute that thing thought they
which J would not. _ Could neuer
3 Therefor thus ſatth the Loꝛd God, haue ynougb.
Behold, my leruants Wall: eate, and yee p Seeingyou
ſhall be hungry : devoid, my feruants Wall cannot number
Drinke. and pee (hall be thirltte: behold, mp your gods, will
leruants hall cetoyce, and pee fyall beea. umber you with
Haned.. . 6 the {word,
_ 14 Beholde. my Ceruants Mall fing fo 9 By my Pro-
ioy ofheart, and pe fhali cric fo: ſorꝛowe of phetswhom
Heart, aad thall bowie foz weration of ye wouldnor
minde. obey.
15 Gnd pee ſhall leaue pour name as a t Rythefe words,
curie vnto myſ chown : foz the Loꝛd God Eare and drinke,
ſhall lay you, and call bisferuants by tan he meanethche l
other name, bleffed life of
16 ie that hall bleſſe in the» earth fall the faichfull,
blefle bunlelfe ta the true God, and hee that whichhaucal. |
fweareth in the earth, thalllweare by the wayesconfola- |
trie God: fo? the forzmer * troubles are for- tion and fullco-
gotten, and thal ſurely pide themſelues from tencmentofall .
mine epes. z things in their
17 jrozloe, Jwillcreagte y newheaueng God, though
and a new earth : andthe former halinot fometimesthey y
beremembzed noz come into minde. — lacke thefe
18 Wut bee pou glad and reioyce foz ener corporall
in che things that 3 Mall create: foz beheld, things: y
J wilicreate Jeruſalem as aretoycing, and f Meaning, thae .
her peopleasatop, — i he would call
- 19 And J willreioyee in Jerufalem, and the Gentiles,
ioy in my people, andthe vopceot vxceping whothouldab- `
fhall be no moze heard inher, noz the voyce horre euenthe —
of crying. vety name of “©
20 Therefhallbe nomozethere achilde thelewesfor `
of peeves, no? an oldeman that hath = not theirinfidelicies <
filled his dayes: forhechatiballbeanbun> fkes —
Deth yeeres old, Mall die asa pong man:but t Thenbythe <
the ſinner being· an hundreth peeves oldihal nameofthe -~
beaccuried. Tae Lewes. s
21 And they ſhalbbuilde houſes and inha · u-By blefing,
bite them, and they Wall plant vineardes, and by fivearing
and eate the freiicof them. i ismeantthe
22 They Hhallnoc build, and another in= prayfing of god.
habite: thep thal not plant,and another cats for his benehts, ~
for a3 the dayes of the tree are theDapes of and the true
my people,and mine elect (hall intoy in ole sworthippingof
age the worke of their hands. him, which fhall
23 Chey Hall not labour in vate, noz not be onelyin §
bung fozth in fearg, fozthey are the ſeede Iudea, but
ofthe bleſſed of the Logue and theit buddes chrough all the
A world,
x Iwillno morefuffir my Church tobee deſolate as in times paſt
y- Iwill (0 alter and changethe ftate of my Ctiurch , that itthalf’
feeme to dwellin aneweworld, Meaning, inthis wonderfall
reftauration of the Churchthere fhould beno weakeneffe of youth,
norinfirmitiesof age, buc all fhould bee frefh and flourithing : and
this is accomplilhed incheheauenly Lerufalem when all finnes thall |
ceofe, andthe teares hallbe wipedaway. à Whereby he fewer
that the infideles and vnrepentant finners baue no parcof rbisbenedi«,
Qion, b. He propofeth to the faithfull the bleffings which are cons
tained in the law, and fo vader temporall things comprehendeth i
the ſpirituall promiſes.
o By the multi·
Workes without faith.
with chem.
24. Dea, before thep call, J will anhwere,
and whiles they (peake,#F will heare.
25 Tbe: wolfe and the lambe Hall Feede
together, and the lion hall cate ſtraw like
the bullocke; and to the ſerpent Dutt thall be
bis meate. Chey hall no moze hurt node-
nee in all mine poly mountaine, faperh toe
e Reade Chzp.
1 God dwelleth not in temples made with hands.
3 He defpifeth facrifices done without mercy and
faith. 5 God comforteth them that are troubled
for lus fake. 19 The vocation of the Gentales. 23
The perpetuali Sabbath, 24 The punifhmzat of
the wicked u exerlafting. — **
J Hus faith the Lame, * The a heanen
‘a My maicitic ts iS mp thong, and che earth is my toate:
fo great,that it ſtoole: where ts that boule that pee will
fillech both hea- build vnto mee? and where is that place of
wenandeath, myxeſt?
and therfore can 2 Fozall thele things hath mine hande
“notbeincluded ‘made,’ and all thele things baue bene,latth
| ina Temple like fhe Lozde : and togim wit J looge, euen to
anidole;con- Dim that is pooꝛe, and of < a contrite ſpirite
“demning hereby ano trembleth at mip woms. j
their vaine con- 3 Weg that killeth a bullocke, isas if hee
fidence, which dflewaman; he that {acrificeth a theene, as
Ptruftedinthe {fhe cutoff a togs necke the that offreth an
/Templeandfa- oblation, asif he offered ſwines blood: bee
crifices. that rementbicth incenſe, as tf he blefied an
b Secingthat idole: pea, they baue chottn their owne
Aoth the Temple tapes; and their (oule Deligyteth in their
andthethings abominations,
| therein with the 4 Therefore will e chufe out theit De-
facrifices,were luſions and Jwill being their feare vpou
‘made and done them, becauſe J called, and none would an-
| by hisappoynt- fweres J pake and they would net heare ;
ment,he theweth but they did euill it my fight, and chole the
Fthathehathno = things, which J] would not.
wneedtherof,and § Weare the word of the Lon, all ye that
thathecanbe tremble athis fimo, Wour byethenthat
without them,, and caft you out for mp names
[Palson — fake, faid, Let the Lord be gloritied: but he
fc Tohimtbat is ſhall appeare to pourtop, and they fall bee
f bumbleahdpure ahamed. å $
Pinheart, which 6 A uopce foundeth from thecitie, euen
Jreceiuetbniydo- a voyce from the Temple, the boyce of the
f Grine withreuc- Lorde , that recompenleth bis enemies
F rence and feare. fully. ae i
Fa Becaufetrhe . 7 Before Hee tranelled, Hee brought
Tewesthought foozth;: and betoze her paine came, ie was
[themfttues holy Deltuered ofa man childe. . .
by offering of 8 bo hath peard fuch a thing? who
J andin the meane feafon had neither faith ner repentance, God Mew-
eththat he doeth noleffedeteftthefe ceremonies, then he doeth the.
Htocrifices of the heathen , who offered men, dogs and {wine to their
Lidoles , which things were exprefly forbidden inthe Law, e Iwill
jf difcouer their wickednefleand hypocrifie, wherewith they thinke to
if blind mens eyes,to alltne world. 1 Hee encourageth the faithful,
F by promifing to defiroy their enemies which pretended to beeasbre-
j thrén,but were hypocrites and hated them that feared God, g The
if enemies (hall hortly heare a moreterrible voyce, cuen fire & flaugh-
iB ter, feeing they would not heare the gentle voyce of the Prophets
‘which called them to repentance, h Meaning,tharthe reſtautation
of the Church fhould be fo fudden and contray to all mens opinion,
Bas when a woman is deliuered before fee looks for it, and that with.
f out paing in travel, | ay
AEs 7.48.49.
hath kene lich things? Mall the earth bee
brought forth in one Dap ? oz foal a nation
be torne at once 2 foz afloone as Zion trauei⸗
led, fhe brought forth her chtlopei. f
9, Dhall Ix canleto trauell, ¢ not bing
forth? Mall J canfe to bring foozth and Mail
be barren,ſaith thp Gonz ;
10 Keioyte ye with Jerufalem, the glad
With ber, ali ye that toue hers retoyce foz top
With ber, ali ye thatmonrne for ber,
IL Ghatye may ſucke lant bee (atilfien
With the breatts of her confolation : that ye
map milke out and ber Delighted with the
brightneſſe of her glorp.
12 Fo: thus ſayeth the Lode, Bebolve,
J willertend » peace ouer yer likea flood,
and tye glory of the = Gentiles tike a flows
ing ſtreame: then Mail ye iucke, ye thall bee
borne upon her fides, and bee topfull vpon
her kilees, ~
_ 13-As one whom his mother comfozteth,
fo will Ji comfozt pou,and yee Haile comfo
teè in Jeruſatem
14 Gud when pe fee this, pour heart hall
Velopce, and pour? bones Wali flourt like
an herbe: and the pann of the Lord hall be
krowen among bis ſeruants, and his indig-
Nation agatnit bis enentes. y
15 Forbehold, the Lozd will come. with
fire, and bis charets thea whirclewinde,
that be map 4 recompenle bts anger with
toraths, and Dis indignation with che flame
of fire.
16 forthe Lord will iudge with feare, ¢
with histwozd all kleſh, and the llatne of the
17_ They that fanctifie' themſelucs, ant
purifie themſelues tn the gardens behinde
one tree in the middes eating © {wines
fic), and feh abomination, ceuen the
aha fhalbe confumed together, ſayth the
_ 18 Fog willvifice their works, and their
imaginations’: forit thall come that Fj will
gatherall nattans and tongues, aud thep
hallcome,and [ee my t glory. $
19 AndF wiil feta» igne among them,
and will fend thole that * efcapeof them, vn
tothe nations ofy Tarſhiſh, ul, ta Lud,
and to them that Mawe the > bowe , tos Cu:
bal, and to a Jauan, Files a farre off, that
paue not heard my fame, neither baue ſeene
inp glozy, and ¢ thep all declare mip glory
among the Gentiles.
20 Gnd they hall bring alt your f-bre: wih doetilthe
The ioy of theChurch.
i This fhal) paffe
the capacine of >=
man to fee fucha
multitude that
ſhall come vp at
once meaning,
vnder the prea-
ching of the Gof-
pel, whereof
they that came
yp out of Babys
lon,were g fi-
k Declaring
hereby, that as
by his power
and providence
woman traucl-
leth,and is deli-
uered: ſo hath he
powerto bring
forth his Church
at histime ape
1 That ye may
reioyce for all
the benefits
that God bes
Roweth vpon
his Church,
m I wilgiue her
felicity and pof-
peritie in great
n Reade Chap.
o Ye fhallbe
cherifhed, as her ©
dearly beloued
children, =
p Ye (hall haute -
new ſtrength
and new Deale
q Thisvenge-.
ance God began
to execute at the:
deftruGion of —
Babylon;and, n
haue cuer contis-
nued it again{t
the enemies of _
his Church,and_
tizen foz an offering vnto the Loꝛd out ofall lalt day, which
complifhment thereof. r Meaning, the hypocrites.
thall be the ac-
f Where —
by are meant them that did malicioutly tranfereffe the Lawe , by e2=
ting beafts forbidden, euen tothe moufe which nature abhorreth...
t .. The Gentiles Mall bee partakers of that glory which before E
fhewedto the Tewes, u Iwill marke thefe that I chufe, that they
perith not. with the reft of the Infidels, whereby heealluderh to the
matking of the poftes of his people whom hee prefered, Exodus 124.
7. x I willfeatterthe reft of the lewes which efcape deſtru⸗
Gioninto diners nations. y. Thatis,Cilicia. z Meaning Affrica,.
a To wit, Lydia, or Afia minor.. b Signifying,che Parthians. € —
Italy. d Grecia, c Meaning,the Apoftle, Diſciples and othets
which hee did firft chufe of she Tewes to preach vnto the Gentiles, £
That is,the Gentiles, which by faith hall bee. made the childten of
Abraham as you are,
Rua nations,
OE See ee t
toe n
Pes a
zí z ig-
M ia,
T a ha
gt me
LS ae a
The reſtorin g
g \Wherebyhe nations, pone hoꝛles and incharets, and
meanet that no in horſe litters, and bpon mules, and
sneceflary meanes ſwift beatts to Jernfalem mine boly moun»
thailwant when taine, fayeth the Lozo, asthe chilazenof JF
Godfhalleall rael offer in a cleane veficll inthe boule of
the Gentiles to the Loꝛd.
the Knowledge 21 Anag twilltake of them foz b puetts,
of theGofpel. and foz Leuttes,(atth the Low.
b Towit,ofthe 22 fozasthe new ‘heauens, and the new
Gentilesashe — earth which F will make, hall remaine be-
didLuke,Ti- foze me,latth the Lo2d, fo fall your feed and
mothie,and Ti- i
tus firt, and others after, to preachhisword, i Hereby hefignifi-
eth the kingdome of Chrift, wherein bis Church (hall bee renewed:
and whereas before there were appoynted feafons to factifice, in this
there (hall be one continuall Sabbath,(o that all times and ſeaſons fhal
be meete,
e@ Jeremiah.
T He Prophet Ieremiah borne inthecitie of Anathoth in the countrey of Beniamin, was the
fonne of Hilkiah,whome fome thinke to be he that found out the booke of the Law, and gaue
ittolofiah. This Prophet had excellent giftsof God, and moft euident reuelations of propheñe, ſo
that by the commandement of the Lord he began very yong to prophefie, thatis,in the thirteenth
pa ofIofiah, andcontinued eighteene yeeres vndet the fayd King, and three moneths vnder Ie-
oahax, and vnder leoiakim elenen yeeres, and three reoneths yeder Iehoiachin,and vnder Zede-
kiah eleuen yeeres : vnto the time that they were caried away into Babylon, So that this time a-
mounteth to aboue fourtie yeeres, befide the time that he prophefied after the captiuitie. In this
booke he declareth with teares and lamentation, the deſtruction of Terufalem, and the captivity of
the people for their idolatrie, couetoufnefle,fubtiltie, crueltie, exceffe, rebellion and contempt of
Gods word : and for the confolationof the Church, reuealeth the iuft time of their delinerance.
And here chiefly are to be confidered three things ` Firft the rebellion of the wicked, which waxe
more ftubburne and obftinate , when the Prophets doe admonifh them moft plainely of their de-
ſtruction. Next how the Prophets and minifters of God ought not to be di{couraged in their voca-
tion,though they be perfecuted and rigoroufly handled of the wicked for Gods caufe. Andthirdly
though God thew his iuft indgement againft the wicked, yet will he euer thew himfelfe a preferuer
of his Church, and when all meanes feeme to mans iudgement to be abolifhed, then will he declare
himfelfe victorious in preferuing his.
Cn a Pool,
i Inwhat time Ieremiah prophefied. 6 He ac-
knowledg eth his imperfection, and ù firengthened
of the Lord, 11 The Lord fheweth hiri the de-
firuttion of Ieruſalem. 17 He commandeth him
to preach bis word without feare.
a Thatis,the
fermons and Pose We a wordes of Jeremi-
prophefies, |} als the onne of >ilktah
b Whichis x one of the Pꝛieſtes that
thought to be he Se yy were at © Anathsth in
thatfoundthe ` 7 the land of Beniamin.
booke of Law Ow 2 Cowbom p 4 word
vaderkingIofi- 5 ANSA? of the Lord came in the
ah,2.King.22.8 X dapes of Joftah the onne
€ Thiswasacitie of Amon King of Judah in the thirteenth
about 3 miles di- pere of hts reigne: i
ftantfrom Icu- 3 And allo in the dayes of Jehoiakim
falem,andbelon- the € fonne of Joliah Ring of Judah, vnto
gedtothepriefts the ende of theeleuenth peere of zedekiah,
the fonnes of Aa- the fonne of Joſiah King of Judah, cuen vne
ron,lofh.2 1.18.
d This is (poken to confirme his vocation and office : forafmuch as
he did not prefume of him(elfe to preach and prophefie, but was cal-
led thereuntaby God, e Meaning,the nephew of loſiah: for Ie-
hoahaz was his father, who rejgned but three moneths, and therefore
is not mentioned,ne more is loachin that reigned no longer.
of the Church.
pour name contie.
23 And from inoneth fo moneth,and from '
Sabbath to Sabbath, ſhall all fiet, come
to worſhip before me,fatth the Lod.
24 AnD thep hall goe fooztl) and fooke
spon the k carcafes of the men that bane
tranfgrefled agatnt mee: fo their ! wenne
fall not die, neither hall their fire be quen-
ie Ea they pall be an abhorring *vnts
all tleſh.
k As he hath de-
clared the felicity
that fhal be with-
in the Church
for the comfort
of the godly, fo
doth he thew whzt horrible calamitie thal] come to the wicked, that
areout ofthe Church, | Meaning, acontinuall torment of con-
fcience, which hall euer gnaw them and neuer fuffer them to bee at
reft, Markeg.44. m This isthe iuftrecompente for the wicked,
which contemning God and his word, fhal be by Gods iuft iudement
abhorred of all bis creatures.
to the carping away of Jerufalem captine f Ofthe elenenth’
in the fft f moneth. yeeie of Zedeki-
4 Then the word of the Loyd came vn: ah,who was alfo
tome,faying, : called Mattani-
5 Before Is formed thee in the wombe, ah, and at this
J knewe chee, and before thou camet out time the Iewes
of the wembe, 3 fanctified thee, and ordei⸗ were caried a-
ned thee to bee a Prophet vnto the * natis way into Baby-
ons. : ; lon by Nebu-
6 Then laidT, ‘Db, Lod God, behold, chad-nezzar.
F cannot fpeake, foz Jam a child, g The Scripture
7 Butthe Lod fain vnto me, Hay not, yfeth this maner
Jam a childe: fo: thou ſhalt goe to all that of fpeachto de~
J hati (end thee, and whatſoeuer J com: clare that God
mand thee, ſhalt thou peake. hath appointed
8 Benot afraid of their faces + for Jam his minifiers to
with thecto deliner thee, faith the Lod. their offices
9 Then the Lord ſtretched out his hand before they
? x wereborne,
as Ifaiah 49. 1. Galatianst,15. h For Ieremiah did not onely
prophefie againft the lewes, butalf again{t the Egyptians, Baby
lonians, Moabites and other nations, i Confidering the great
iudgements of God, which according to his threatnings fhould
come vpon the world, he was mocuced with a certaine compaflion
en the one fideto pitie them that fhould thus perih , and on the
other fide by the infirmitie of mans nature , knowing how hard a
a it was to enterprife fuch a charge, as Ifaiah 6,11. Exod,3.14.
and 4.te -
° ana
k Which deela-
reth, that God
maketh thea
meet & aflureth
them, whom he
callech to fer
foorth his glorv,
giuing them all
meanes necefla-
nie for the lame,
— Å
6 o
what is theau-
i,| thoritie of Gods
tf erue minifters,
which by his
vord hauc power
to beate downe
whatfocuer lii-
teth it felfe vp
againit God :
and to plantand
affure the hum-
ble and fuch as
giue themfelues
to the obedience
of Gadsword,
jp firft buddeth, the
A feething pot.
and k touched nv mouth, and the Lord fain
vnto mee, Behold, J jane put my words ut
thy month. 3
10 Bebold, this day haue F ſet thee ouer
the | nations and oner the kingvomes, to
piucke bp, and to root out, and to deſtroy
and throw vowne, to build, and toplant.
IL After this che word ot the Lord came
vnto me, laying, Jeremiah, what leeſt thou?
aup Jlayde, Iſce amrovot an almond
12 Then laid the Lord vnto mee, Chan
baf eene aright: for J will haten mp word
to perfo:me it.
13 Againethe word of the Lord came vns
ta mee the lecond time, faying , (Ahat leet
thou? and J (aid, 3 fee a teething = pot iog:
king out ofthe 20t).
14 Then laid the Lo2d vnto mee, Dutot
the o Noith Haila plaguebe (pead bpon all
the inhabitants of the Land.
Ts Foz loc, J will caliall the families
of the kingdemes of the Mezth, ſayeth the
Lod, and they fhallcome, and euery one
Wall let bts throne in the entring of the
gates of Jeruſalem, and on all the walles
— about, and in allthe cittes of
udah. 9
16 And J wül declare vuto them my
P iudgements touching all the wicked⸗
nele of them that baue forſaken mee, and
baue burnt incenle vnts other gods, and
— the woorkes of their owne
ands. š
17 Thon therefore truſſe vp thy lopnes,
and arife, and ſpeake vnto them allthat J
command thee: be uot afraid of their faces,
leit J| 1 dettropthee before them.
18 ffoz J, behold, J| this Day haue made
thee a detenced citie, andan t pon ptllar,
and walles of bꝛaſſe agatnt the whoie land,
agatntt the kings of Judab, and againſt the
ondtree,which pinces thereof, agatnit the Diets thereof,
and agatnit the people of the land.
19 For they hall fight againit thee : but
they Hall not preuatle agatnt thee : for J]
am with thee to deliuer thee, layeth the
Chap. ij.
2 Gor, andericinthe eaves of Jeru
lem, laying, Thus iaith che Lord, Ji rememo
ber thee, with the *kindnes of thy youth,and
the lone ot thy marriage, wher thou wentett
afterme inthe wildernefie b inaland that
taas not ſowen.
3 Jael wasas a thing © hallowed unto
the Lord, and his firt fruts : all they 4 that
eate tt, halloftend : euttt Wall come vpon
them, faith the Lov.
4 Heare pee the word of the Loyd, D
boule of Jaakob, and all the families of the
houſe ot Iſraei.
5. Thus faith the Loyd, Mhat iniquitie
baue pour fathers found in methat they are
goue: far from me, and bane walked after
vanitie. and arebecome fvaine ?
6 foztheylatd not, Ahere is the Lor
that brought vs vp ont of the landeof Œ»
Sppt? that led ss thozow the wilacrnes,tho-
row a Delert and walte land , thozowa deie
land,and £ by the hadow of death, by a land
that no man paſſed thorow, and where no
man dwelt?
7 And J brought you into a plentiful
counttey, toeatethefruit thereof, and the
commodities af the fane : but when yee en-
tred, peet defied myland, and niade mine
beritage an abomination.
Che Pricits ſaid not, i Ahere is the
Lord ? and thep that would minifter the
k Lat, knew me not: the! paftours alio of
fended againſt mee, and the Pꝛophets pans
pheliedin™ Baal, and went after things that
Did not prefit.
9 CUtherefore F willpetaplead with you,
faith the Lord, and J will plead with your
chiidzens childzen.
IO Foꝛ goe yee tothe plesof ° Chittim,
and bebold, aud (end vnto Pikedar, ane take
—— eed, ana fee whether there be ſuch
- IL Hathany nation changed their gods,
which yet are no gods ? but my people haug
changed their aglozp, fo: that which doeth
not * profit. 5 .
12 D pe! heauens,be altonied at this: be
-Oni A
The vnkindneſſe ofman. 28 3
a According te
that grace and
fauour, whicht
fromthe begin«
ning, when 1 did
firit chufetheeto
be my people,
and married
theeto my elit,
Ezekieli I 6.
b When Idid
out of Eoypts
c Chofenaboue
all other roferue
the Lordonely,
and the firlt offe-
redtothe Lord
of al! other na⸗
d Whofecuer
did challenge
this people, of
elſe did anney
them, was puni-
e Thatis, fallen
to moft vile idos:
f Altogether gis
uen fo vanitie,
and are become .
blindand infene;
fible as the idols
that they feruc,
g. Where for
lack ofall things
neceflary for life,
ye could looke
for nothing cuts,
ry houre but
prefent death.
h By your ido-
n Signifying, -
chat rbe Caldeansand Affyrians thould be as a pot to feeth the Tewes
|which boyled in their pleafures and luftes. o Syria and Affyria
were Northwardinrefpea& of Ierufalem, which were the Caldeans
‘ldominion, p ‘Iwill giuethemcharge and power to execute my
engeance againft the idolaters, which haue forfaken mee for their
oles. Which declareth that Gods vengeance is prepared a-
aint them, which dare not execute their duety faithfully,cither for
eare ofman, or forany other canfe, 1.Cor.9.16. rt Signifyingon
onepatt , thatthe mare that Satan and the world rage againit
ods minifters, the more prefent will he be to helpe them, Joth, 1.4,
ebr.r3.5.and on theother part, that they were viterly vameeteto
erue Godand his Church which are afraid , and doe not refilt wic-
xednefſe, whatfoever danger depend thereon, I{a.50,7.ezek. 3.8,
a CHAPS (iT.
2 God reheavfeth his benefites dene vniothe
Lewes, 8 Againft the Priefts and falfe prophets,
12 The Lewes are defrayed, becaufe they forfake
E, man aiea Lord came vn⸗
to Me faping, 7
-a ħa eS eS
afraiae, and vtterly confounded, fatth the latrie and wicked
Low. maners, Pfal.
s Foz my people haue connnitted two 78.5.and.106,
eutls ; they hauc foztaken me * the fountaine 38.
i 1 They taught
not thepeople tofeekeafter God, k Asthe Scribes,which would
haue expounded the Lawtothe people. | Meaning, theprinces
and minifters :fignifying that all eflates werecortupt. m That iss
fpeake vainethings,and brought the people from the true worthip of
Godto ferueidoles: for by Baal, which was the chiefe idole of the ~
Moabites, are meant allidoles, n Signifying,thar he would not as
he might {traightway condemne them, but fheweththem by evident
examples their great ingratitude, that they might be afhamed & re-
pent, o Meaning, the Grecians and Italians. p Wnto Arabia.
q That is God which is their glory, and who maketh them glorious
aboueal) other people; reprouing the Tewes, that they were lefle di-
ligent to ferue the true God, then were therdolatersto honour their;
vanities. x Meaning,the idoles,which were their deftrucion,Pfal,
106.36, Í WHeetheweththat the infenfiblecreatures abhorre this
vile ingratitude, and as it were tremble for feareof Gods great iudges
mentsagainftrhe fame. ¢ Signifying,that when men forfake Gods
word, which is the fountaine of life, they reie& God himfelfe,and fo
fallto their owns inuentions, and vaine confidence, and procure to
themf{clues deftruGion, lonah,2.8.z¢ch, 10,2,
fAn3 af p oar
The peoples finne.
_ u Hauelorde-
P red chem like ler⸗
uants, and noc
like dearely be-
lowed children ?
Exod.4,22. ther-
fore it istheic
fuit onely, if
the enemy fpoyle
x The Babylo-
nians, Caldeans,
and Affyrians,
y Not one hall
be leſt to dwell
z Thatis, the
Egyptians: for
thefe were two
great cities in
@ Hauegric-
uoully vexed
thec at fundri¢
b Shwing chat
God would haue
aright, if they
would haue fol-
bowed bim,
© To feeke helpe
of mā, as though
God were nor
able cnoughto
defend thee,
which isto
drinks of) pud-
Ges, andto leaue
the fountaine,
reade Ifai3 i.e.
d To wit Eu-
e Meaning, that
the wicked are
inf nfible till rhe
puni‘hmen: for
their finne wa-
Ken them, as
veri, 36. Iſai.
oflining waters, to Dig them pits, euen bzo-
ken pits, that can hold no water.
14 Js Iſrael a “leruant, 0? i3 he boꝛne tit
the boule ? why then is he tpopled?
Ig The * lyons roared vpon Him aha
yelled, and they baue made his laud waſte:
bis cities are burut without y an inhabi⸗
16 Allo the chilozenof z Moph and Ta-
hapanes hauc broken chine bead.
17 Qat not thou procured thts vnto thy
felfe, becauie theuyalt forxlaken the Lo202
thy God, when hee > levure chee by the
wap? $
18 Aud what hat thou nots ta Doe in
the wapof < Egppt ? ta “inke the watery
of Alas ? op what makelſt thoutn the wap
of A iihi ? to deinke the water of the 4 Ri»
uer ?
19 Thine owne wickedneffe hall € cor⸗
rectthee, andrby turnings backe yall re-
proouc thee : Know tyereroze and beholde,
thatitis an euill thing ana bitter, that thou
hak korſaken the Lod thy God, and that
my teareis not in chee, faith rhe Lo: Gon
of hoftes. f
20 Fo: of soe tim? Jhaue bzokenthy
poke, and burit thy bonds, and thon ſaydeſt.
FT willua mae tranigrelle, bat lke an har⸗
lot thou runneſt avout vpon all pte hils and
vnder all grecitc trees. :
21 Det J had planted thee anoble vine,
twhoiet plants were all naturali: pow then
art thou turned vnto mee into the plants of
a trange bine? ` .
22 Though thou wah thee with s nitre,
and take thee much fope, yee thine inte
quitie ts marked befoze mee, faith the Lod
j 03.
23 How cant thou fay, Jam not pollu:
ted, neither haue J * followed Baalim? bes
hold thy wayes in the valley, know, what
thoit hat Bone: thou art like afwifti dome»
Darte, that runneth hy bis wapes: i
24 Andas awilde* affe, vied tothe wil
Bernelie , that ſnuffeth vp the winde bp ors
taon at ger pleafure : wio can turne ber
backe 2 ali they that ſeeke her, will uot wea»
ric rhemfelues, bue wiil find ber in her lmo;
25 Teepe thou thpfeete from bareneſſe,
and thy throat from third; but thou fapaeit
F When I delivered thee out of Beypt, Exod,19.8.deut.5.27.ioth.
defperatly, Ao, for Jhaue toned rangers,
and them witl Itatlow.
26 As the achietetsafjamed when heis n As athieſe wil
found, fois houſe ot Iraei afhamed, thep, not actnoviedee
thetr kings, their princes, and their prieſtes, his fault, tillhee
and thetr prophets,
27 Daying to arree, Thou art my fas
ther, aud to aftore, Choulak begotten readie to be pu-
mec ;fo2 fev haue turnen their backe wn nithed:fo they
to mee, and not theit face: but in the time willnotconfefle
of their trouble they will fap, Arile, and their idolatrie,
ie ti 3
23 But where are thy gods, that thou
bat madethec ? Lecthem actleif they can
helpe thee in che time ofthy trouble ; foz ac:
cording P to che numberof thy cities, are
thy 6033 D Judah.
29 CAyerefore will a pe pleade with me? nour : and where-.
= a baue rebelled againi mee, layeth the
30 J baue Gnitten pour chilozenin vaine,
theprecciued no correction ; pour : owne
fwod Hath deuoured pour Prophets likea
Zeſt roying lyon.
31 Degeneration, take beedto the ward
ofthe Lod : baue J beene as a £ wilder-
nefie vnto Iſraet? oꝛ a land of Darkeneffe 2
MAyerefore fayeth my peopie then , cciee
p lordes > © Wee will come no moze vnto
ze; i
32 Can a maide forget her oꝛuament, o? a
bude her attire ? pet mp people haue forgot·
ten me, Dapes without number.
8 CCibp doeſt thou prepare thy wap, to
2 fecke amitie? enen therefore will J reach
thee, that thy wayes are wickedneſſe
34 Alb m thp* wings ts found the blood
of the foules of the poozetnnocents: F baue
* found it in holes, but vpon all theſe
35 Petthou lapel, Becauſe J am guilt.
leſſe, furely bis wath Hall tarne from mee;
beholde, J will enter with chee tnto iudge
ment,becaule thou layeſt. J bane not aned.
36 Aap rannet thou about {o much to
change thy wapes ? for thou thalt bee con:
founded of Cgppt 7 as thou art confounded
of Aſſhur.
37 Fo: thou Halt gor foorth from thence,
and thine hands vpon ⁊chine dead, becauſe
the Lord hath retested thy confidence, and
thou alt noe prolper thereby,
ah, &c,
F Have I not giuenthem abundance of all thing:? t But will tru)
beetaken with -
the deede, and
till che plagues
due to the fame
light vpon them.
o Meaning, that |
idolaters fpoyle
Ged of hisho- ~
as hehath taughe
to call him the
father of al fieh;
they attribute
this title to their
i les, P .
p Thouthough-
teft thatthy gods =
of blockes and
ftones could have |
holpen thee be-
caufe they were
many in number
and prefent in
euery place ; but:
now letysfec
whether ethet
the multitude, or
their prefence
can deliver thee
from my plagues |
Chap. 11. 13.
q AsthoughI
did youininrie
in punifhing you
feeing that your `
faults are fo cuje
r Thatis, you
haue killed your
Prophets that
exhorted you to ;
repentance, as
Zechariah , [fais
24.16,¢z13, 10.12. nehe.8.6, Ebr, feede wasalltrue, g Though
thou vſe all the purification and ceremonies of the Law, thou canit
not e&ape punilhment , exceptrhouturne to me by faith and repen-
vance, h Meaning, that hypocrites deniethatthey worfhippe the
idoles, but thar they honour God intbem, and thereforethey cail
their doings Gods fernice, i He compareththe idolaters to thefe
beaftes, beciufethey neuer ceaſe running toand fro : for both val-
Jeys and billes are full of tbeir idolatrie. k Hee compareth the
idolaters to a wilde aſſe: for (hee cau ncuer be tamed, nor yer wea-
ried : for as {he runneth, fhee can take her winde at euery occafion,
bo This, when thee is with foale, and therefore the lun*crs waite
theirtime : fo though thou canſt not be turned backe nowe from
thineidolatrie , yet when chine miquitie hall be at the full, God
will meete with thee. m Hereby he warneth them thatthey Mould
not goe into ftrange countries to fecke helpe : for they fhould but
end their hour, ond hurt themſelues, which is hese meant by the
bare Foot and thisit, If, 57.10,
in ourown power & policie, u With Mrangers, x ‘The Prophets
and the faithfull are Saine in euery cornerof your countrey. y Fot
the Aflyrians had taken away the renn: tribes out of Ifrael, andde~
ftroyed luda, tuen ynto lerufalem, andthe Egyptians Lewe lofiab,
and vexed the lewes in {fundrieforts. 2 In ſigne of lamentation,
a5.2.5261.1 3,39.
God calleth ha beople to repeatance. 14 Hee
promifèth the refitution of hu Charch, 10 He re-
preseth Indah and Iſtael, comparing them toa
woman d:fstedient to her busband,
pev a fay, TF a man put away bis
wife, and hee gee krom him, and bee
come another mans, hall pee pases a
' gaiae
a According as
it is written,
yiherake fuch gaine vnto ber 7 Mall not this lanb > be pole
Chap. iiij.
Truerepentarces 28
knowledge and vnderſtanding.
ene to wife ae
Baine, ,
¢ That is, with
idoles,and with
lured? but chou batt played the harlet with
we G puera:pet d turne againe ro me, ſaich
the LoD. ;
2 Lift bp thine epes orto the pie places,
16 Moꝛcouer, when ye beincreaed, anv
multiplied in the land. in thoit Dayes, faith
the X o2d, they ſt all ſay no moc, Ohe Arke g Thisistobe
of the coucnant of the LoD: fo: ut ſhall cone yoderfivod of
Pthemwhemckou and behold, where thou halt not plaped
haft pur thy con- the harlot: thon batt tit waiting foz them
fidence in, in the wayts, as thes Arabian in the wile
dAodiuillnot Bernefle : and thou paft polluted the land
cafithee of,bue wtththp whozcBomes, and With thp ma
NO More to MIND, Nether (Lait hep remem the comming of
ber tt,netther Mall they vilt it, foz rhat fjall hift: torchen
bc no moe done. they (hall not
17 At that tune they Hall call Jerufalem, feke the Lord
rE oc thaone of the Loꝛd, and all the nations by cercmorics,
receine thee ac-
Cording te my
e Which dwel-
3 Wherefore the Howes haur bene re-
ſtreined, and the {latter raine came not and
theu hadſt a s whoecs forehead: thou wenl-
lethin tents and Bet not be atbamed.
ſhall be gathered vnto tt, cuen io the Rame anaal heures
of the Lodin Jerufalem : and tbenctlsorth hali ceate.
they fjall (ollow no neze the hardneſſe of © Meaning, the
their wicked heart.
18 Jn tkole Dayes the heuſe of Judah
Church whee
the Lord willbe
waitethfor them 4 Didi chou not ſtil crybvnto me, Chou
thatpaffebyto art my father,and the guide of my youth ?
fpoile tem. Gill be keepe his anger fo? euer? wall be
£ As Godthreat- referne tt to the end? thus haft thou ſpoken,
nedbyhislaw, yt ther Doelt cuiii, cuen moze anBmoze.
Deut,28.2 4. 6 The Loe fayt alls vnto mee, inthe
Mal walke with the houſt ot Liracland they prefent to ibe
fhall come together ont ot the lande of rhe worlds cnd, Mat
£ Mozth.into the lanD,that 3i bane giutu foz 28.20.
an tnberitance vnto pour fathers. { Wherethey
19 But J fayde, Howe Did J take thee arcnow incap-
foz childzen, and giue thee a pleafant lend, tiuitie.
B then wouldeſt Dayesof Zoliah the Ring, Yak thou ſcene
nenerbeafhamed what this rebell i Jirael path Bone 7? for fhe
ofthineadsand Bath gone bp bpon every bigh mountatne,
f repent: and this
impudencie is
common to ido-
nor giue off,
though they be
meucr fo mani-
feftly conui&ed,
b. He theweth
that the wicked
in their mifcries
will cry vnto
God & vſe out-
ward ptayer, as
the godly doe,
but becaufe they
turne not from
their euill, they
are not heard,
Ila. 58 324.
i Meaning, the
-ten tribes,
k And gaueher
vato-the hands
of the Affyrians.
1 TheEbrewe
word may either
fignifie lightnes
and wantonnes,
or noile & bruite,
m Iudah fained
for a time that
fhe cid returne,
as vnder Ioſiah
and otker good
-Kings,but thee
was ncuer truely
touched or whol-
ly reformed, as
appeated, when
eccafion was of-
and vnder cuerp greene tree, E there played
the harlot.
y7 And J farde, when Wree had Done all
laters, which will this, Turne thou puto mee: but fhee re⸗
turned not, as her rebellious fitter Judah
8 CGiben J fawe, how that by all occas
fions rebellions Iſtael haa played the har-
lot, F catt « ber away, and gaue ber abillof God
Biusrcement ; pet her rebellious ſiſter Jus
dab Was not afraide, but he went allo, and
played the harlot.
9 Ho that forthe lightnes of her whoꝛe G
Dome the hath euen deviled the land: foz fhe
hath committed fornication with tones and
ttockes. j i
Io Neuerthelelſſe fo: all this, her rebelii-
ous fiker Judah hath not returned vnto me
with = ber whole heart, bur kainedly, ſayth
the Lok.
IL Ano the Lod fad vnto me, Che re
beilious Iſrael hath r iuſtitied her (clfe roe
then the rebellions Judah.
12 Goce and cry thel words toward o the
Roth, and fay, Chou diſobedient Pract,
retucite,fatth the Lord, and J wiil not tet my
wath fall vpon pou: foz j am micecitull,
faith the Lorð, and J will not alway keepe
mine anger, vis e
13 But krowe thine iniquitie: fo: thou
baft rebelled againtt the Lozd thy God, and
hak P [cattered thy wayes to the trange
gods bunder euery gree tree, but pee woulo
not obey my voyte faith the Lord.
14 D yee dilobedient childzen turne a-
gaine, taith the Lorde, foz J am pour Lode,
and J will take pou one of a citp,and two of
a tribe, and will batng you fo Zion. ;
Is Gud JZ wil gine pou paflozs according
tomine beart, which fhail feede pou with
fered by any wicked prince, n Ifrael hath not declared her felfe fo
wicked as ludah, which yet hath had nore admonitions and exam.
les to call het to repentance. o Whereas the Ifraclitcs were now
ept in caprinity by the Affyrians,to whom he promsieth mercy, if
they will repent. p- There was no way,which thou didfi not haunt
to fecke after the idoles,and to trota pilgrimage,
cuen the gloztous berttage of the armics of © The Bbrewe
the heathen, and tayt, Chou falt call me,
word fignifieth
faying, My father , and fhalt net turne from africnd orccm-
20 Butasa woman tebelleth againg her
thu(band : fo bane percbelled againit me, D
boule of Iſraei.ſaith the Lov.
21 ° A voyce was heard vpon the bigh
places, weeping and {upplications of tbe
childzen of Iſraet: foz they haue peruerted
their wap, and forgotten the Lorde their
22 D yee difobedtent children. returne
and J| wili heale pour rebcilions. * Beholde,
we come vito thee,fo2 thou art the Lod our
23 Truely, the hope of the billeg is but
baing, nor the multitude of mountaines;
oo the Lozd cur God is the health ef Iſ⸗
24 Foꝛ confufion hath deuoured out y fa-
thers labeur, from cur youth , their eepe
and their bullockes, their lennes and their
25 e lic Downe in onr confufien, and
our fhame couereth vs; foz wee bane fine
ned againtt the Lod our God, we and our
fathers from our youth, cuen vnto rbis Bay,
and baue not obcped the voyce of the Lorde
our God. ,
not them felues,or fay that they would follow theis
panion,and here
may be t: ken for
a kuthand, asit is
vfed allo, Hofe.
3. 1. i
u Signifying that
God whom tbey
had forfakeny
would bring
their enemies
vponthem who
Mould lead them
captiue and make
them to cry arid
lement. J
x This is fpokea
in the palcn of
Iſrael to the
fhame of ludah,
which ftayed fo
lopg toturne
vnto God.
? For their ido-
ary, Gods ven-
geance hath light
vpon themand
z They iuftifie
fathers , but cone
demnetheir wicked doings, anddefire forgivenefi¢ ofthe fame,as
Ezra.9,7.P{ai.106 6. Ila. 64. 6.
CHAP. IlIh:. ¢
1 True repentance. 4 He exhortethte the cir-
cumciſien of the heart.s The defirudticn of Indah
i prophefied for the malice of their hearts. 19 The
PropLet lamenteth it.
Iſrael, if thou returne,? returne outa
7 me, fatth the Lod sand ifthou put a-
way thine abominations out of mp fight,
then alt thou not remooue.
2 And thou hale>fweare, Che Loli-
Beth, in trueth, in iudgement, and in righ:
a That is. wholly
and withoot hy-
pocrifie,loei 2,
12. not difem-
blirgto turne »
and ferye God as
they doewhich
ferue him By balfes,as Hefea 7.16, b* Thou fhalt detefi the name
of idoles, Pfal.s6.4, and fhalt with reuercree fy eare by the liuirg
God,when thine othe may ecuarce Gods glory, and profite others;
and here by {wearing he meaneth the true religion of God,
RN 4 trouſneſſe,
A prophefie againft Iudah.
teouſneſſe and the nations Hall be bleſſed in
him, and fhatt glory it him.
3 Forthuslatth the Lod te the men of
Judah, and to Jerufalem,
4 Breake vp e pour fallow ground, and
themtoplucke fow natamong the chomes: be circumtiſed
vptbeimpiety tothe Lord, and take away the forelkuines
and wicked afe- of pour bearts,ye men of fudab,and inhabi⸗
ation & worldly ‘tants of Jerufalem, leat my wath come
refpects outo) foozthtike five, and burne, that none can
theirheart,that quench it, becauſe of the wickednefle of pour
thetruefeedof inuentions.
Gods word may: ¢ 4 Declare in Judah, and Hew forthin
be fowen therin, Jerufalem, and fay, Blowe the trumpet in
Hoftrovrz.and- the land: cry; and gather taxetber, and fay,
thisistherrue Qfembie your telucs, and ict vs goe into
cicumcifionof ſtrong citits.
the heatt, Deut. 6 Set vp the ſtandard in zion: e prepare
40.16,t0m,2,29 tO flee, and flap not: for JF will bring a
col.a ar. plague fram the Noꝛth, and a great Dentru-
d Hewarneth ction.
themrofthegreay {wo20 pearcetl vnto the heart. 3
f Meaning, Ne- Ii At that time halitt be faydto this peo:
buchad nezzar pleand to Jexuſalem, A date i winde in the
king of Babylon, high places of the wilderneſſe commeth tos
3.King.agt. ward the daughter of mp people, but neither
F Thatis,the k to fanne, no to clenfe.
alfe prophets 12 Qmightic winde hall come vnto mee
which ftillpra- from thofeplaces, and now will J allo giue
phefiedpeace » fentence vpon them.
and (-curitie, 13 Bebolde, hee Hall come vp as the
h Bythe falfe Acloudes, and his charets thallbeas a tems
prophets, which, peftshts he2les arelighter then eagles.v Ao
promifed peace. vnto vs, fox we aredeltroped.
andrranquilicy: . 14 D Jerufalem, wath thine heart from
andthusthou © twickeDueife,that thou mapel be laued:how
haftpunithed — long fhall thy wicked thoughts remaine
sierr:bulious : within thee?
-ftabburnneffe by- 15 Foza voyce Declareth from » Dan,
caufingthemero and publiſheth affltccion from mounto Œ»
hearken vnto paun:
lies which would — 16. Sake ye mention of the heathen, and
notbelecuethy publityt Jerufalem, Beholde, thefkoutes
trueth, 1,King. tome from a farre countrey, and ery ovt a⸗
22.23 ezek 14, gainſt the cities of Judah
9.2. thema 15. 17 Thep baur compaſſed her about as
i Toe North, therwatchmenel tye Geld, becaute ic hath
wind; whereby,
hemeaneth Nebuchad-nezzar. k. But cary-away bothcorne and
chafte, c} Maning that Ncbuchad-n«zzar(hould come as ſu lien-
hH as a cloud chat is cirried with che wind. m This is fpoken in
theiperfon ofall the people, who in their affiGion fhould cry thus.
n- Which wasaciticinthe vtmoſt border of Iſtael Northwardto-
ward Babylon.: o Which wasinthe midway betwixt Dan and Ie-
ruſalem. p- Whichkeepethe: fruits. fo ftraitly , that nothing can
come in nor outo fhould the Babylonians compafie Iudah,
provoked mie te wrath, faith the Lord,
“18 Thy wayes ¢ thine imuentions hane
procured thee ther things, fuch ts thy wic⸗
kepnelic: therefore it albe bitter, therefore
it ball pearce vnto thine heart. j
19 9By belly, amy belly, J am pained,
event at the very heart: my heart ic troubled
within me: I cannot be tiil, foz mp foute
hath heard the found of the trumpet andthe
alarme of the battell. i:
20 Deltructton vpon delruction ts ceri-
cd, forthe whole tand is watten : ſuddenly
aremp tents deſtroyed, and my curtaines
ina moment:
21 How long Mall fee the Fandard,and
heare the found of the trumpet?
22 Foꝛ my people 3 foot : they haue
not knowen me: they are kooliſh childzen,
and bane none vnderſtanding: they are
wife to Doc euill, but to Do well they haue no
knowledge. ki:
23 J haue looked npon the earth,and Toe,
it was without fome and t rain: andto the
heauens, ant they had no light.
24 Jbeheld the mountaines and lo, thep
trembicd, and all the billes ſhooke.
25 3 beheld, and loe, there was no man,
and all-the birdes of the heauen were de⸗
parted. 5i —
26 J beyen, and loe, the fruitful place
was awildcrnefe, and all the cities thereof
were boeken Downe at the pretence of the
Lod, and by bis fierce wath.
27 Ferthnshath the Lowelayde, The
wheleland Mall be Delolate: pet wili Jenot
make a full ena. 3%
23 Therefore hal the carth mourne, and
fhe heauens abone thatbe Darkened, becaule
J paue pronounced it: F have thought tt,
and will not repent, neither will J turne
backe from tt. i l i
29 The whole city Hall fiee kor the notfe
of thehorfemen and bowemen: they hall go
into thickets,and cline bp vpon che rockes:
cuery city Mall be forfaken, and not a man
Dwell therein,
20 And when thou halt bee deſtroyed,
tubat wilt thou do? Though thou = clotheſt
thy fetfe with ſkarlet, though thou Decke
thee with oꝛuaments of gold, though thou
paintelt thpface with colours, yet Walt thou
trimme thy felfe tn paine : for thy loners wil
abborre thee, and leeke thy life..
31 For T haue heard a nople as ofa wo»
mattrauatling,o2 asone labouring of ber
firit child, cuen the voyce ofthe Daughter
Zion that figheth and ſtretcheth out hee
hands : y woe ts me now : foz my onle fain=
teth becaule of the murtherers.
rich gifts hall deliuer thee. y ‘As the Prophets were mooued to
pitie che deftrution of theirpeople,fo they declared it to the people
to moone them to repentance, I{a.22.4.chap 9,1,
CHA -Pus Ne
1 In Iudah no righteous man found neither a-
mong the people nor the v.alers. 15 Wherefore Iu-
dah 1s defbroped of the Caldeans,
Cinne toand fra by the ſtreetes of Fe-
rufalem, and beholde now, and knowe
and inquire in the open places age
The Prophet lamenteth.
q He fheweth ©
thatthetrue mi⸗
nifters are liuely
touched with the
calamities of the
Church, fo thar
all the parts of
their body feele `
the gricfe of
their hea-t,albez
with zeale to
Gods glory they“
pronouncehis `
ludgementsa~ <
gainft the people,
r Meaning, the
Cities which were
as eafily caſt
downe as a tent.
ſTheir wifedome
and policie tend
totheirewne -
pulleth them
from God,
t By thefe maner
of fpeeches hce
fheweth the hor-
rible defiruGioa
that fhould come
vpon the land, &
allo condemneth
the obftinacy’of
the people, who
repent notat the
feare of thefe ter-
rible tidings, fee=
ing tharthe in-
fenfible creature
are moued there~
withas if the or⸗
der of narure
fhould be chans
ged, 1fa.13.10.
and 14 23.ezek.
32.7.i0e].3,3 Be
and 3.15.
u But for his
mercies fake he
will referne bhim-
felfea refidvete.
be his Church,
and to praifebim
in earth, Ha.2.9,.
x Neither thy
ceremonies nor
“= = gO aso — oa
ow beet" as egau O
Sa ay ee a a
Gods plagues.
a Thatis, the
f citie.
f b Though they
pretend religion
and holinefle,yet
all is but hypo-
crifie: for vnder
this kinde of
f {wearing is con-
teined the true
f religion,
f c Doeft not thou
} louc vprightneffe
and faithfull dea-
| hing ?
d Thowhaft oft
times punifhed
them, tutall isin
f vaine,1fa.g,13.
eHe ſpeaketh
this to the re-
proch of them
which would
gouerne and
teach others, and
yet are farther
out of the way
then the fimple
f Mcaning,Ne-
and his army.
g He fheweth,
that to (weare by
any thing then by
God, is to forfake
Exek 22.11,
h He comman-
deth the Baby-
lomians and ene-
miesto deftroy
i Reade Chap,
k Becaufe they
gaue nocredite
to the words of
the Prophets, as
Ifa 28.15.
} Their words
fhalbe of none
effe& but vaine.
m Theyare not
fent of the Lord,
and therefore
that which they
threaten to vs,
fhall come vpon
n Meaning, Je-
o Towit, the
Babylonians and
Caldeans. i
p Who fall kill
many with their
ve can find a man,orifthere be any that ere»
cureth iuagement and feecketh the truth, and
J wili {pare tt. á i
2 $o though they fap, The > Lomeli:
ueth,yet Doc they ſweare tailiy.
3. D Lode, are net thine eyes vpon the
Strueth ? thou bhatt aAtricken them, but they
bate not fozowed:rhouhatt conſumed them,
bur thep haue refuled to recetue cozrection :
they bane made their taces harder chen a
ftone,and haue refuſed toreturne,
4 Therefore J fayde, Surelp they are
pooze.they are foolth, tfe? they know net the
wap of the LoD, nor (he iudgement of their
it} ° A
J willaet mee vnto thes creat men,
and will {peake vnto them: fez they baue
Rnowen the way of the Lord, and the iudge⸗
menroliheir God, but thele hane altoges
therbioken the poke,and burti the bonds:
6 Celberfore! a Lion out ofthe forrett hat
flay them,and a Miolfe ef the wildernes that
Deltroy them: a Leopard Hall watch ouer
their cities: enery one that goeth ont thence
hail be torne ta pieces, becaule their treſpaſ⸗
ier are many,and their rebellions are tnerca:
7 Mow fhould F {pare thee for this 2 thy
childzen haue foxfaken me, ands ſworne by
them that are no gods: though 3 fed them
tothe full, pet they committed adultery, and
affembled thenilelucs by companies tn the
harlots houſes.
8. Chey rot vp inthe moming like fra
hozfes:for cuerp man *neted after bis netgh<
bours wife. Bik :
9 Shall J not vifit for there things, fapth
the Lod ? Shall not my foule bee auenged
on fuch a natton as this ?
Io *Climbe vp vpon their wals, and De-
ſtroy them, but make nota full ende, i take
away their battlements, fo? they ate not
the Lods.
II fFozrthe boule of Iſrael and the boule
of Judab have grienoufly treſpaſſed againſt
me, faith the £623. 2
12 Thep banek denied the Lorde, and
fayd, Ft is Hot hee, neither hall the plague
‘come bpon bs,neither Hall we (ec ſword no?
13 Andthe Prophets Mall beas! winde,
and the word is™ notin them: thus ſhall it
tome unto them.
14 tbhercfoze thusfayeth the Lo God
ofhotts, Becauſt pe (peake fuch words, be:
bold, 3 will put my wows lute * thy mouth,
likea fire,and (his people alliée as wood,
anditHhallBenoure therm.
Is Lee, J will bing a nation vpon yon
°fromfarre,D bouit of Iſrael, ſayeth the
Lod, which is a mighty nation, and an an:
cient natton,a nation whnie language thou
knowelt not, neither vnderſtandelt what
they fay. ATAUR
16 édthofe quiner isas an p open ſepul ·
chee: they are all very trong.
17 And they hall cate thine barnet and
thy bread: they Wall Deuoure thy ſonnes,
and thy daughters :they Hall eate up thy
ſheepe and thy bullockes ; they Wall eate thy
wines and thy Rage trees: they hall deſtroy
Chap. vj.
: *
with the ſword thy fenced cities, wherein
thou dindeft truſt x
18 Neuertheleſſe at thole dayes, ſayth the
Loyd, 9 will not makea fullend of apoy,
Ig And when * pe tall fay, Cotherefoze
doti) the Lozd our God De theſe things vnto
b3? then halt’ thou anſwete then, tike as
pe bane foziaken me fernet (range goys
in pour tand, lo ſhall ye ferue ftrangers in a
land that ts net pours, she
20 Declare thts in the honfe of Jaakob,
AND pubiti it in Judabh,faying, ;
21 Heare now this, D foolith people,and
+ without vnserſtanding which haue” eyes
and fee not, which baue cares and heare nor.
22 Feare pee not me, fayth the Loyd? o?
will pe not be afraid at my prelence, which
bane placed the fand fo: the * bounds of the
fea by the perpetuall Decree, that it cannot
palit itana though the wanes thercofrage,
pet can they not preuatiethough they roate,
yer can they not patie oner tt?
23 nt thts people hath an ynfaithfull
aus rebellious heart; they are Departed and
24 Foz they fay notin their heart, Let vs
Our finnes {tay Gods bleffings. 2$5
q Herethe Lord
declaceth his vn-
fpeakeable fa-
uour coward his
Churck, as Chap,
Chap. is 10.
r Mcenirg,the
` Prophet Iere-
+ Ebr. without
F[4 6.9
matih.i 3. 14.
acts 28 27,
10526 19.
now feare the Lom onr God, that gtucth -
ratne both carly and late m Due fean i hee
reſerueth vnto bs the appointed weckes of
the barnett.
25 Yet pour iniquities Daue turned a⸗
way thefethings, and pour finnes bane bin-
dred good things from you, ù
26 Fo: amotig my people are found wic-
ked perlons , that lap waite as he that fet-
pt nares: they bane made a pit to catch
27 Asacage fs fullofbirds, fo are their
hontes full of Becette: thereby thep are be»
come great and waren rich. yaa ,
28 They are waren fat and ſhining: they
Do ouerpafle the Dects ofthe wicked; * they
erecuteno indgement, ne not the iutge: %
ment ofthe fatherlefie, yet theyt proſper,
though they execute no iudgement forthe
29 Shall J not vilite foz thele things,
faith the Lord?oꝛ Wall not my foule be anen.
ged on ſuch a nation as this?
30 Anhorribte and hlthy thing is com»
nittedinthetand. a z
31 The prophets prophetic lies, and the
picts f recetue giftsin their bands, aud ny
people Delight therein. Uhat will pee then
Doe in the end thercot ?
1 The comatng of the Aſhrians and Caldeans
16 He exhorteth the Jewestorepentarict,
O e chttBzen of- Wentamin, prepare to
ce out of the middes of Serivfatem,
and bie the et ind Tekoa: fee vp a
tandart vpon· Betb ·haccerem:for a plague
appeareth outot the Mohand great De-
f If cheret e any
ftay,that were-
ceiue not Gods
bleſſings ina·
bundanee, we
mult confider
that it is for our
owne iniquities,
ech 7 9
t They fecle not
theplague of
God for it,
u Meaning, that
there could be
nothing bur dif-
minillers were
wicked perfons
and corrupt.
j Or beare rule.
a Hefprake h ta
them chiefly, be-
cause they thould
take heede by
the example of
theis brethren,
the other hatfe
oftheir tribe, which were new caried away prifoners, b Which
wasa Citic in ludah ſixe miles from Beth.lehcm
c Reade Nehemiah 3.14.
2 Thane
5 2.Chron, 11. 6.
EP a a een ee re
Vucircumcifed eares,
d I hawe intrea-
ted her gertly,
and giuen her
abundance of all
e She thalbe fo
deRroyed that
the fheepe may
be fed in her,
£ He fpeaketh
this in tke per-
fon of the —
lonians, whic
Gomplaime that
the time faileth
them belore they
haue brought
their enterprifes
to pafle.
g He theweth
the caufe why it
fhould be de-
it commeth of
h Bewarneth
them to amend
by his correcti-
ons,and to tarne
to him by repen-
i He exhorteth
the Babylonians
tobe diligentro
Search out al and
to leauc none,
k They delight
to hceare vaine
things, and to
fhut vp their
eares to true
1 Asthe Lord
had giuen him
hiswordro be
asafire of his
burne che wic-
fohe kindlethit
now whenhe
feeth that all re-
medies arepaft.
m None fhall
be fpared,
n When the
people begar
to feare Gods
indgements, the
falfe prophets
comforted them
by flatterings,
| chewing that
God would (end
peace and not
t Ebrehe that fall.
2 J haue compared the Daughter of Sion
to a * beautifull and dainty woman.
3 The paitors with their flockes ¢ fhall
tome vnto here they Mall pitch cheirtents ther.
round about by her, and cuery one hall fecu
in bis place. 4 i
4 £ Prepare warre againk her:ariſe, and
let vs goe yp toward the Houth : wee vato
vs: foz the Dap Declineth,and the Hadows of
theeucning are ſtretched out.
§ Arile, and let ve got vp bp night, and
deſtroy her palaces, ‘
6 Foꝛ thus hath the Lord ofholtes ſayde,
cw Bowne Wood,anDd catt a mount againſt
erxuſalem: this citre mut be vilited :allop-
pꝛeſſidn is inthe mids of it.
7 As the tountaine caſteth out hir wa-
ters,fo thee catketh out ber malice: s cruelty
and fpoyle ts continuallp heard tn ber before
me with ſorow and ſtrokes.
8 Be thou inſtructed, D h Jerufalem, let
my foule Depart from thee, leit J make thee
deſolate as a lant that none mbabiteth.
9 hus layth the Lomeo! bates, Thep
hall gather as a vine, the relidue of Iſrael:
turne i backe thine Dann as the grapesathe:
rer into the bat kets.
Io Unto whom ſhall Iſpeake, and ad-
mont}, that they map heare? Bekolde,their
eares are k vncitcumciſed, and thep cannot
hearken, bebolbe, the wordeot the Lod is
vnto themasarepoch: they haue no delite
in it. .
IL berefore J am full of the wath of
theLofo: J am weary with bolding it; 13
will pome ttont pon the ™cheldzen tn the
ſtreet, and likewrée vpon the aficmbly af the
pong men: for che bulband fall euen be ta
ken with the wife, and the aged with pim
thatis full of dapes. i
I2 And their houles with their landes,
and wines alfo Wall bee turned vnto ſtran⸗
gers: for J will retch out mine hande vp-
ii sr inhabitants of the lande, ſayeth che
13 Foz fran: the leat of them,cuen vnto
the greatett of them,euery one is giuen unta
coueteulne fle, and from the prophet euen tii
tothe piret, they all deale fallly.
14 They haue sealed alſo che hurt ofthe
daughter of mp people with fwecte wordes,
sagena? Peace, peace, when there ts no
I5 Mere they ahamed when thep bad
committed abomination 2 nay, they were
not aſhamed, no neither could they haue any
fame ; therefore they Hall fall among the
t tlatne: when J Hall utfite them, they thall
be caft Doth, faith che Lom.
16 Thus Caprh the Lord, Standin the
wayes and bebolde, and afite for ° the olde
way which ts the good way, ¢ walke there»
in and pe fhall find reft foz your ſoules: but
theptayd, Te will not walke therein,
17 Allo J ſet watchmenouer pou, which
faid, Cake heed te the found of the trumpet:
o Whereinthe Patriarkes and Prophets wal-
ked, dire&ed by the word of God: fignifying, that there is nocrue
way, but that weich God preferibcth, p Prophets which thould
warac you of the dangersthat were at hand,
The rebellious Iewes.
but thep ſaid, THe will not take heed.
13 Beare therefore, pee a Gentiles, and q God taketh
thou Congregation know, what is among allthe wold to
- witneffe,and the `
19 Peare, D carth, behold, F willtaua infenfibleerċa-
plague to come vpon thts people, cuen the tures, of theine
truite oftheir owne imaginations: becaule gratitude of the
thep baue not taken beede vnto my wozdes, lewes.
uo to my law, but cait it of. ;
20 To what purpole baingelt thon nee *
rincen{e iron Qbeba, and ſweete calamus Reade Iſa.i.
from a farre countrep? Pour burnt offtings 45 and Amos $.
arenot pleaſant, nox pour lactifices fuerte z1,
vnto me,
21 Therckoꝛe thus fapth the Lord, Bes
holde, J wul fay tumbling blockes before
this people , and the fathers and the fonnes
togcther Gall fall spon themsthe neighbour
aud hts friend Wall perth.
22 Thus faith the Lord, Beholde,a peas
ple commeth from the f Qoꝛth countrep,andD l From Babylon
a great nation (yall ariſe fromthe fides ef by Dan, which
ecarth. F was North from
23 Uith bowe and ſhielde Hall thep bee lerulalem,
weaponed : thep are cructl,and will bane no
compaftion ; their voyce roareth like the fea,
and they rive vpon hozles , well appointed,
me nich of Warce agatnit thee, Daughter
i 24 (ile baue ge thetr fame, andout
ands ware feeble: (0200 ts come vpon hs,
as the ſorrow of a woman t trauatle, ———
25 Goe nor forth into the Helo,noz walke Kerk chisin the
by the way : foz the fwod of the enemy and peifon ofthe
feare is on euery ſide. Tema
26 D daughter of mp people, gtrdethee u Mesning,lee `
with fackcloty, aud wallow thy Cette in the remiah. wom
albes : make lamentation and bitter monre God had appoins
ning as fo? thine oaely ſonne: forthe Delroy: cedrotric out |
er hall ſud denly come bpon vs. the godly from
27 Jhaue lete thee tozadefenceand foꝛ the wicked, as
treie amoung mp people, that chow mayer 4 founderdoth
Know and trp thett wayes. the pure meta
28 They are all rebellious traptors,wal> fom thedroffe.
King crattilp : they are bzalie, and POR, (OEP x Al) the paine
ali are deſtroyers. tndjabour thee
29 Sye *bellowes are burnt: the leadis hath benecaken
couttatied in the fire: the founder melteth in Im them. is
vaine; fo: the wicked arc not taken away. Jo ?
30 They Hall call them reprobate filuer,
becaule the Lord bath retected them.
2 Ieremiah i scommanded to fhew vreo the peo-
plethe wordof God , whichtrufteth in the oute
ward firusce ofthe Temple. 13 The euils that fhal
come tothe Lewes for the defpifirg of thesr Pros
phets, 25 Sacrifices doth not the Lord chiefly res
quire of the Fewes , but that they ſhould obey -his
T% woꝛds that came to Jeremiah from
the Lod, laying,
2 Stanð in the gate of the Lords Woule
and cry this word there, aud fay, Meare the
word oF tie Lozd, all pe of Judah, that exter
in at thele gates to wozihip rhe Lozd.
3 Thuslaich the Loo ofholts,the God Chap.26.13.
of Iſrael, * Amend pour wayes and your
morkes, and J will let pou Dwell in this
4 Tmk
2 Beleene not the
falfe prophets,
which fay } for
the Temples fake
and the facrifices
there, the Lord
wil preferue you, `
and fo nouri h
you in your fin,
and vaine conf-
b God fheweth
on what condi-
tion he maie his
promife co this
Temple: that
they thouldbe
an holy pzople
vnto him, as he
wou'd be afaith-
ful! God to +
c Astheeues hid
in holes. and
dennes, thinke
themfelues fafe,
fowhen you are
in my Temple,
you thinke to be
couered with the
holineffe thereof,
and that I cannot
fee your wicked-
neile, Mat. 24,
d —5 they
depéded fo much
onthe Temple,
which was for
his promile that
he would be pre-
fent,and defend
them where the
Arke was: hee
fendeth them to
Gods judgements
againft Shilo,
where the Arke
had remayneda-
bout 300. yeeres,
and after was ta-
ken,the Priefles
flaine,and the i
ople miferably
— P
e Toat is, I neuer
ceafed to warne
you,as Ia 65.3.
4 TrnEnot in lying woes, ſaying.
The Temple of the LoD, the Cemple of the
Lod: thts ts the Cempleof the Loꝛd.
§ Fo: it pou amende and redreſſe pour
Wayes and your wakes : if pou execute
tudgement betweent a man and bis neigh:
our, $
6 Andopprele not the ſtraunger, the fa»
therlefic and the widows, and. Med no inno·
cent blood in this place, neither walke after
Stier gods ta pour Deitruction,
7 Chew will J let pou Dwell tn this
place in the lande chat J gaue vnto pour fas
ihers, for euer and euer.
8 Bebold, pou trut in lying woꝛds, that
cannot pꝛoſit.
9 cAill youſteale,murder.and commit:
adiltery, and ſweare falſely, and burne in ·
cenſe vnto Baal, and walke after other gods
whom ve know not, i
Io And come and Tand before me inthis
Zoulc,whercuyon my flame tscalleD, and
fay, (ec are Deiluered, though we paue Done
ali cheit abominations ?
IL Ja thts Houſe becomes a Denne of
theeues, wherciipen my frame is called be-
fore your eyes? Beholde euen 3 (ec tt, ſayeth
the Lord.
12 But gog yee nowe bnto mp place
which was tn Abila , å where J (et my
Flaine at the beginning, and behotde what
i pgo it fozthe wickednelle of mp people
13 Therefore now becaule pee haue Done
all thefe works, faicth the Lord (and F « role
sp earely and (pake vnto you ; but when J
{pake,pee would not heare me, neither when
F callen woul fye anfwere) :
14 Therefore will J doe nto this Poule,
thereupon my Mamets called, wherein al».
ſo pee trut, euen vnto the place that J gaue
ta pou and te your fathers, as Jhaue Dove
vnto Dbilo-
Is And J will cake pouout of my fight,
as J bane catt out all your bzcrbzcn, cuen the
whole {cede of Ephratm.
16 Therefore thou Malt not » pray foz
this peopie , neither lift vp crie o2 pꝛayer for
—— intreat meto: F wui nor heare
17 Seet thou not what thep Doc in the
tities ok Judah and inthe ſtreetes of Jeru»
falem ?
18 Thechudzen gather wood, and the fas
thers kindle the fire, and the women kneas
the Dough to make cakes toi the Ducene of
hraucn, and to powe out drinke offerings
bntoorher gods,that they may pꝛouoke meg
vnto anger.
19 Doce they prouoke me to anger, ſayth
Hypoctifie Prayer for fome forbidden. .Chap.vij. Obedience better then facrifice, 286
: the Lord and not theinſeluesto tye confufion
of theit owne faces?
20 Gherefore thus ſayeth the Lord God,
Bebolve, mine anger and mp wrath hall be
pow2cd bpon this place; open man and yp-
on beait,and vpon che tree of the ficloe,ann
bpon the trutt ofthe qreund, git Hall burne
and not be quenched.
21 Chus laith the Lod of hots the God
of Hlract, Wut your burnt offerings puto
pour facrifices,and eate the fief.
22 Foꝛ * J (pake not vnto pour fathers,
No? commanded them. whe J brought them
but of the land of Eappt, concerning burnt
offerings and facritices.
23 Wut thisthtngcommannded J them,
faying,Dbep my veyce, and J will bee your
God, and pe fhalbe my people : and walke ye
in all the wates which J baue commaunded
you, thattt may be well vnto pou,
24 ut they woutde notebep, nain-
cline their eare, but went atter the caun-
felsand the ſtubburneneſſe of their wicked
peann » and went backewarde and not foz-
25 Since the Dav that your fathers came
bp out ofthe land of Egypt, vnto ‘this day,
J baue cuertent vnto pou all my {eruaunts
the Pophets, ™rtling vp earip cucry Dap,
and iending them.
26 Pet would they not heare me, no: in-
cline their eare,but hardened thetr neck, and
Did worſe then-their fathers. i
27 Gherefore falt thou ſpeake all theſe
woꝛds vnto them, but thep =will noc beare
thee: thou walt allo crie vnto them, but thep
will not aniwere thee.
28 But thou ſhalt lay vnto them. This
is a nation that heareth not the voyce of the
Lordz ticir God, noz receiueth diſcipline:
tructl) is periſhed, and is cleane gone out of
their mouth.
29 Cut off thine ehatre, D Jerufalem,
and caft it away, and take bp a complaint
on the high places: foz the Lorde hath re-
iected — forſaken the generation of his
P wath.
30 Foꝛ the chilozen of Judah haue Done
eutlki mp fight, layeth the Loze: they
bane fet thew abominations in the boule,
whereupon my Name is called, to pollute
31 Andthep haue built the high place of
9 Gopheth, whichis inthe vallepof Ben.
hinnom to: burne thete ſonnes and their
Baughtersin thedire, which Jt commaun:
Bed them not, nepther came it in mine A
32 Therloꝛe behold, the daies come,faith
the Lod, that tt pali no meze be callcd To-
pheth,noz the valicy of Ben hinnom, but the
k Shewing shat
it was not his
chiefs purpofe
and intent that
they thould offer-
facrifices: but that
they fhou!d re-
gard, wherefore
they were crdeic
ned itu wit,to
be foyredto the
word, as feales &
contrraations of
remillid of fianes
in Chrift: for
withoutthe word
they were vayne
and vnprofitable,
1 Which wasa-
bout fourceene
hundred yecres.
m Read verf.13,
n Whereby he
(heweth thatthe
Paftours oughr
notto leaue thee
flockes in their
obftinacie : for
the Lord will yfe
the meanesof his.
feruants to make
the wicked more
prooue bis.
o In figne of
obs. —
p Againdt whom
he had iult occa-
icn to powre
ou: his wrath.
q Of Topheth
reade 2. King.3
ed thecontrary,
as Leuit.: 8.23,
and 20. 3.deut,
f te ſheweth whatisthe only remedy to redreffe our faults:to fuffer
God to lead vs into the way, & to obey his calling, lſ 4. g Iwil
fend youintocap iuity as] haue done Ephraim,that is,the teatribes,
b Toaffure them that God had determined with hintelfe to punith
their wickednes,he (heweth that the prayer of the godly can nothing
auaile them, while they re-raine in their objtinacy againft God, and
will not vſe the meanes that he vſeth to call them to repentance,Cha,
11.14. & 14 11. i Thatis, they ficrificero the funne,meone,and
ftarres,whichthey calledthe Queens of beauen, Chap. 44.17. 2. king.
valley of Maughter:foz they (hal burp in Te»
pheth till therebe noplace.
33 Andthe carketles of this people Wail
be meate foz the foules of the heaucn and for
thebcaltesotthecarth, and none hall frap
them away.
34 *Then will J cauſe to ceaſe from the
Cities of Judah and fram the ftreetes of
Jerufalem, the voyce of myth and the
voyce of gladueciie, the voyce of the bzive-
- grome
Exek.2 6.339
gronie and the boyce of the bzide s foy the
land Hhalbe Delolate.
a The defirudtion of the Fewes. 4 The Lord
msueth the people to amendment, 10 Heevepre-
hendesh the lying dectrine and the couctou/ne/fe
of the Prophets and Priefts, '
A @ that time layeth the Lode, they ſhall
bring ont the bones of the Kings of Jil-
Dah, and the bones of their Princes, and the
bones ofthe Pictes, andthe bones of the
Prophets,and the bones of the inhabitants
e or, DE Jexuſalem out of their? granes.
greedinesof gain: 2 And thep Wall ſpread them before the
fhallsifle your. funneand the mocne; and ait the boke of
graues, &layyou Heauen, whom they baue leucd,and whome
beforethofei- ¶ thep hatte fernen, and whom they haue follo»
doles, whichin wed, ¢ whom they baur ſought, aud whome
yourlifeyou thep baue worthipped : they Hall net bee ga-
[fec if they. can . onthe earth.
helpe you. -3 And death Halbe deliren rather then
b Becaufeofthe life,ofall the refidue that remaineth of this
ffiGions that wicked family, which remaine in ail the pla:
they (ballfeele ces where J haue (cattered them, fayeth the
through Gods » Loot hottes. |
4 Chou hale fay vnts then allo, Thus
faith the Lon, bal they: fal and not arie?
thall be turne away and not turne againe ?
s Cdlberefoze ts this people of Jerufalem
turned backe by a perpetual rebellion? thep
gauie themſelues to Deceit, and would not re-
z - ernrne.
ine 6. J hearkened and heard.but none ſpake
aright: no man repented hint of bis wicked-
neile laying, (Uhat haue J Done? euery done
turned to their race,as the horſe ruſheth inta
the battell.
a The enemy for
c. Is there no:
hope that they
willreturne 2
a They ard Sul sok
ypocrifie, and
uery one follv-
werh his owne 7 Cuen the ftorke inthe aire knoweth her
fantafie without gppoynted times, andthe Turtle, and the
anvconfideratio.: crant tthe ſwallowobſerue the time of their
e He aceufeth: > comming, but my people knoweth not the
heman chat that · iudgement ot the tow.
they aremoreig- . 8 Wow Doe pe fap, Hee are wile,and the
norantof Gods Law ! of the Lod is with us? Loe,certainly
judgements, then in baine made hee it, the pen of the Scribes
hefe birds areof igin vaine.
their appointed 9. Abe ewwtle men are ahamed: they are
ealons, to dif- ~ afratd and taken: loc,they hane reizcted the
cerne thecolde worde ofthe Lozd, and what wiſedome is in
and heate, as Iſa. pyem?
10 Therefore wil Igiue their wiues yu-
others, and their ficldes to them that fait
pofiche them: *fo2 euery one from the leatt
cenen vnto the greatett is ginen to couetont
firtohavebene © nefie, and fromthe Prophet enenvntothe
written for ought }5pteit,cucry one dealeth falſelv.
that you haue 11 Foꝛ they haue beaten the hurt of the
learned byit, Daughter of my people with weete wordes,
g Theyther * faving, *JSeace, peace, when there is no
feeme wife may - peace.
beafbamed of 12 Were theyahanied when they had
their ignorance, tommittedabomination? nay,they were net
for ali wiftdome aſhamed, neither could thep haue any ſhame:
confifteth in therefore Wall they fall among the flayne:
“Gods word, when I hall vifite them, they all bee caſt
‘Tfas6.11, chap. Downe, fatth the LoD.
535.0% 6. 13. 13 Iwill lurely confume them, fayth the
h ReadeChap. Loz: there fhallbce no grapes onthe vine,
6.14. no: ſigges on the tig tree and theleafe Mall
f The Law deth fp
not profit you,
neither needed
thered nog be buried buribalbeas duug vp· L
fade,and the things that J haue ginen them
mwali depart fromitbem. `
14 Ahy Doc mee ſtap? iaffemble pore
ftlues,and tet vs enter into the ttrong cities,
and let ps be quiet there: fo2 the Lode our
God bath put vs to lilence, and ginen vg
water with k gall to Banke, becaule we haue
finned agatntt the 10D.:
Ig *ec looked fez peace, But ne good
came , and fo? a time ot health, and beholde,
troubles. —J
16. The neping of bis hoꝛſes was heard
from ! Dan, the whole land trembled at the
nople ot the neying of bts ftrong berſes: foz
theyare come, anv haue Denoured thelande
wid allthatis in it, the citie and thole that
Dwell herem. Í ~
17 Foꝛ behold, F will fend ferpents,and
cockatrices among pou, which wil not bee
charmed: and they fhall Ring you, fayth the
18 J would haue» comforted my felfe ac
ganit (00w, but mine heart te heauy in me.
Ig Beholde, the vopceof the crpof the
daughter ot my people for feare of them of a
farte countrey, Is not the Lode in Zien? ig
not her King iher? bp ° hane thep pro-
uoked mee to anger with their grauen ima⸗
ges, and with the vanities of attrange god ?
20 Ther harnet ts patt, the lummer ts
ended, and we are nor holpen.
21 Jam afore verco foz the hurt of the
Daughter of my people: Fam heaup, and qe
ſtoniſhment bath taken ime.
22 Js there no balme rat Gilead? is
there no Phyſician there ? Aby then ts not
the — ofthe Daughter ol my people recos
q. The Prophet ſpeaketh this.
“The — of true Miniſters. l
i He fpeakethi® |
the perfon of th® |
people, who whé
the enemy com: ` |
meth, will runne
abeut to hide
themfelues, and
thavitis Guds
k That is, hath
brought vsinto
extreme alfli@i-
on, and thus they’ |
fhall not attri.
burethis plague |
to fortune,but te
Gods iuſt iudge-: |
ment,Chap.9,3 $a H
and 23.15.
Chap. 14.19%
1 Read chagi g.
m God threat- >
nethtofendthe ` |
Babyloniansa- ·
mong them, who’ |
fhall viterly de= ·
{troy them in
fuch fortas by no” |
meanés they ha |
n Read cha 4.19.
o Thus the Lord
p The people: `
wonder that they’ |
haue ſo Jong time’ |
looked for fuc- `
cour in vaine.
t Meaning,tharno mans helpe or
meanes could ſaue then: forin Gilead was precious balme, Chap. 416.
11.07 els deriding the vaine confidence of the people,who looked tor
helpe at their Priefies, who(hould hate beene the Phificians of their |
{foules and dwelt at Gilead, Hoſ. 6.8.
1 The complaint of tie Prophet for the malice of
the people. 24 Inthe knowledge of Ged ought we
only to reioice 26 The — — of the heart.
©” that mine head were full of 2 warer,
and minc epes a fountain of teares.that
J might meepe Day and night foz the layne
ofthc —— of my people.
2 Dh that ¥ had in the wildernes a beot ·
tage of wayfaring men, that miahtleaue
my people and goe from them: foz they be all
c apniterersand an affembly of rebels,
3 Aud they bend thetr tongues like their
bowes faz a lies: but thephane no courage
forthe trueth vpon the earth: fo2 they pro-
ceede trom euill to wote, and they haue not
knowen me iaith the Lord. wake
4 Leteuery dne take heede of his neigh»
bour.and truſt you not in anye brother: foz
euery brother wil vſe decett,and euery friend
will Beale Deccitfuilp.
a Te Prophet” |
(heweth the ;
great compaffion
that he had to-
ward this people,
feeing that hee
could neuer ſufſi ·
ciently lament
the deftru@tion ©
thathefawto °
hang ouer them,
Which isa fpeci-
all noteto dif-
cerne the true
paftors from the
hirelings: Reade
b Hetheweth '
“hat this were more quictneffe,and greater ſafety for him to dwe] a⸗
mong the wilde beaftes,then among this wicked
God hath enioyned him this charge.
people, faue that
c Vtterly tutned from God.
d To belie and flander their neighbours, e Meaning,that all were
corrupt and none could find an honeft man.
5 And
£ They haue ſo
practiſed deceit,
tharthey cannot:
forfake A 5
They bad ra-
i: fortuke God
then leaue their
wicked trade.
h With the fire
of affiGion,
i Signifying, y all
the places about
Terufalem ſhould
be deftroyed,
k Meaning, that
they are all with-
out fenfe and vn-
that God hath
“taken his ſpitit
from them,
J He theweth
that che chifdren
cannot excufe
_themfelues by
their fathers: for
both father and
child,ifthey be
wicked, flall
perih. =
m Reade Chap.
n Seeing you can
not !ament your
owne finnes,call
for thofe foolith
of a fuperftition
you hauc tola-
ment for the
dead, that they
by their fained
teares may pro-
voke youto
fome forrow,
o As though they
were weary of vs
becaufe of our
31.28. 20.22.
p Hederideth
the fuperftition
of the women,
which made an
art of mourning,
and taught to
weepe with fai-
ned teares,
q Signifying,that
there is no means
to deliver the
wicked fiom
Gods indge-
ments: but when
they thinke tø
be moft fure, anå
moft farre off,
Goneſt taken,
Jerufalems ouerthrow threatned.
§ And enerpone will deceiue his friend,
and mill not (peake the truth : for they ‘bane
taught their tongues to (peake lies and take
great panes to Boe wickedly. -
6 Chine habitationis in the mids of De-
ceiuers: becaule of their Deceit they refule
to know me, faith the Lord.
7 Therkoꝛe thus faith the Lord of hots,
Beholde, J will > melt them, and try them:
foz what honin F cls Doe foz the daughter of
my people?
8 Their tongue * is as an arrow MHot out,
and ſpeaketh deceite: one (peaketh peaceably
to bis netabbour with his mouth, but in bis
heart be lapeth wait for him.
9 Bhal J not vifit them foz thele things,
faith the Lord? o2 thal not my foule be angen-
ged on ſuch a nation as this?
Io Upon thei mountaynes will J take
bp aweeping anda lamentation, and upon
the fayze places of the wilderneffe a mour-
mug becaule they are burnt vp: fo that none
can paſſe through them: nepther can nien
beare the voyce of the flocke : both the foule
ofthe ayre, and the beaſt are fled away, and
Il And J will make Jerufalem an heape,
and aDen oft Dagons,¢ J wil make the cities
of Judah wate, without an inhabitant.
12 Mho ís wile to *ynderitand this7and
to whom themouthof the Lord hath {poken
euen be ſhall declare it. CUhy Doeth the land
pertfh,and is burnt vp like awildernes, that
none paffeth through?
13 And the Lord faith, Becauſe they haue
fozfaken my Lawe, which J fet before them,
and haue not obeyed my voyce, neither wal
ked thereafter,
14 Buthaue walked after the ſtubburn ·
nefie of theirown heart,and after Baalims,
which! their fathers taught them,
Is Cherfoze thus faith the L020 of hotts
the God of Hfrael, Behold, F will feede this
people with wormwood, and gtue them wa»
ters of gallo to “minke: —
16 J will fcatter them allo among the
heathen, whome neither they no? therr fas
thers haue knowen,and J will fend a ſword
after them, till J haue confinned them.
17 Thus fatth the Loz of hottes, Cake
heed, call foz the » mourning women, that
they may come, and fend fo2 (kilfull women,
that they may come.
18 And let themmake hat, and let them
take bp a lamentation foz 9s, that aur epes
map caf out teares, andour eyelids gui
out water. 3
I9 Fo: alamentable noyſe ts heard out of
Zion, Yow are we deſtroyed, and vtterly cons
founded, for we baue forxfaken the land, and
our dwellings ° haue caf vs out.
20 Therfoꝛe heare the word of the Loyd,
D pewomen, and let pour eates regard the
woꝛds of his mouth, andrteach your Daugh-
ters to mourne, aud every one ber neighbour
tolament. i
21 Foz Death ts come bp inte our awin:
Dowes,and ts entred into our palaces, to De-
trop the childzen without, and the yong
shen in the ſtreetes.
22 Hpeake, Thus ſayeth the Lord, The
Chap. x.
The true ioy
carkeifes of men Hallie euen as the dung
vpon the ficlde,and as the handfull atter the
mower and none fhall gather them, k
23 Thus faith the Lord, Let not therwiſe
man glozy in big wiſedome, nozthe trong
man glozy in his ſtrength: neither the rich
man glozy in bis riches. i
24 But let him that gloprieth, glozy in
this, that he ynderftandeth, and knoweth
me: fo: 3| am the Lord which f ew mercie,
iudgement, and righteoulnelſe in the earth:
foz in thele things J Delight, fatth the Lozd.
25 Behold, the Dates come, faith the Loz,
that J wil vilit all them, whith are tetrcum⸗
ciled, with the vnciecumciled :
26 Egypt, and Judah, and€dom, and
the childzen of Ammon, and Moab, and all
the vtmoſt cozners of them that Dwel in the
wilderneſſe: foz all there nations are yucir=
cumciled, and all the boule of Iſrael are pn-
circumciſed in the heart.
» 287
r Forafmuch as
none can fauc
himéelfe by his
owne labour or
any worldly
meanes,he Mew⸗
eth that it isin
vainc to put our
truft therein, but
that wetruft in
the Lord, andre-
ioyce in him,who
only can deliver
YS, i.Cox.i.31.
2.Cor. 10. 17.
{f Thefe three
poynts arenecef-
fary to know a-
right ; his mercy,
wherein confifteth our faluation : his iudgement, which heexecuteth
continually againft the wicked : & his iuftice, whereby he defendeth
and maintaineth the faithfnll. t Meaning both Iewes & Gentiles,
as in the next verfe he (heweth the caule,reade Chap.4.4.
t The confteltations ofthe farres are net to be
feared, 5 The weaknes oftdoles. 6 Ofthe power
of God, 21 Thesr paftors are become oruit beafts.
HEX peethe worde ef the Lord that hee
{peaketh vnto you,D boule of Frac,
2 Ghuslapth the Lord, Learne not the
way of the heathen, and be not afraid foz the
2 figites of heauen, thong) the heathen be a-
frayd of fuch.
3 SFoz the >cuffomes of the people are
vaine: foz one cutteth a tree out of the foz:
reſt ( which is the woke of the hands of the
carpenter) with the are, Í
4 AndanotherDetketh tt withe ſiluer, and
with golde: thep kaſten it with natles and
hammers,that it fall not.
§ The idole: and vp as the palme tree,
but fpeake net: they are borne becaule they
cannot gor : feare them not, for they cannet
Doc euill,ueither can they Doe good.
6 There ts none like bntothee,D Loyd:
d thou art great, and thy Mame is great in
: 7 Aho would not feare ther, D king of
nations ? for to thee appertatneth the domi-
nion: faz among all the wife men of the Gen-
tiles,andin all their kingdoms there is none
like thee.
8 But altogether they dote, and are foa»
lify: forthe Rocke is a © Doctrine of vanitie.
yfe thus plainely and fimply to fet foorth the vile
aGod forbiddeth
his people to giue
credit or feare the
conftellations &
coniunGions of
ftars and planets,
which haue no
power of them-
ſelues, hut are gos
uerned by him, &
their fecret mo-
tions and influ-
ences are not
knowento man,
& therfore there
can be no certain
of Deut. 28.9,
b. Meaning,not
onely in the obe
feruation of the
ftarres,but their
Lawes and cere-
moni¢s, whereby
they confirme -
their idolatry,
which is forbid-
den, Deut. 12.392
c The Prophets
abfurditie of the
idolaters , that men might learne to beeafhamed of that, whereunte
their corrupt nature is moft ſubiect, read 1.44.12, d Hereacheth
the people to lift vp their eyes to God, who hath all power, & there-
fore ought oncly to be feared : and hercin he fhewetHthem not only
the euil that rhey ought to efchewe, but the good whic! they ought
to follow, Reucl.15,4. e Becaufethe peoplethought to haueima-
ges, was a meane toferue God, and to bring them to the knowledge
of him, he ſheweth that nothing more difpleafeth God, nor brin-
geth maninto greater errors and ignorance of God ; and therefore
he calleth thera the doctrine of vanitic, the worke of errours, verfe
¥5 and Hab 2. 18.calleth them the teachers of liers : contrary tothat
wicked opinion that they are the books of the lay people,
; 9 Pilu
f Whereas they
foand the beit
gold, thewing
that they thought
nothing too deare
for their idoles:
fome read Ophir,
as 1 King. 9.28.
g This declareta
shat all chat hath
Scene in this
Chapter {poken
ofidoles,was to
armethe Lewes
when they ſhould
be in Caldea a-
mong the idola ·
ters, and nowe
with one fen-
tence he inftru-
~ @eththem both
how to protelt
their owne reli-
gion againft the
idolaters,& how
to anfwere them
to their (hame
which fhould ex-
hort chem to
idolatry,& theres
fore he writeth
this fentéacein
the Caldeans
tongue for a me-
allthe reft of
his writing is
h The more that
man thinketh
to doe any thing `
well by his owne
wifdome, and not
as God inftru-
eth him, the
more doeth he
prooue himſelfe
to be a vilebeaft,
i By thefe words
pordon and rod,
~ he fignifeth their
a| inheritance:mea-
ning that God
Mould be all fuf-
ficient for them,
and that their fe-
licitie confifted
in him alone,and
Tgnoraat pacts.
o Diluer plates are bꝛought from Tar-
Mim and goly ‘tram Aphaz for the woke
ofthe woKemau, and the hands of the foun»
Der: the bine Hik, and the purple is their clo»
thing: all thei things are mane by cunning
10 But the Lom is the God of trueth: he
is the lining Gon, and an cucrlalttng ting:
at his anger the earth thailtremble, and che
nations cannot abide bis wath.
II (Thus hall poulap vnto them, The
godss that gane not made the heauens and
the earth Mail perih trom the earth, irom
vnder thete heauens)
12 ie hath made the earth by bis power,
and eftabliGyed the worlde by hts wiledome,
and hath itretched out che heauen by bis Dil
cretion. i
I3 -Hee giveth by his voyce the multitude
of waters in the berauen, and be cauleth the
clouds to alcend from the ends of the earch t
heturneth lightnings to raine,and bzingeth
forth the wina out ot his trealures.
14, Guery man ig a e beallt by his owne
Knowledge: euery founder is confounded by
the grauen image: foz bis melting ts but fals
fyood, and there is no beath therein.
ls Chey are vanity,and the worke of gr-
tors: m the timc ot their vtiitation they hall
perity. PAS
16 Thei portion of Jaakob isnot like
them: foz Dee ts the maker of ail things,ana
Iſraeli⸗ the rov of his inheritances the Lod
of hoſts is his name.
17 Qk Gather bp the wares out ofthe
aida thou that Dwrilet inthe trong
18 Jo thus ſayth the Lozd, Behotoe,at
thistime J will thzowe-as with a iing the
inhabitauts of thelande, and will trouble
them, and they hall Ande it ſo.
Tg, Wis is me foz mp deſtruction, and my
grieusus plague: but $ thought, Wet itis
mp ſorrow, and F will beare tt.
- 20 mMy tabernacle ts Deitroped and all
my coards are Wokken: my chtldzen are gone
fram me, and are not:there is none to fean
one ny tent any more, And to let vp my cur»
21 Foꝛthe Paſtors n are become beaſtes,
and haue not ſought the Lord: therfore hane
they Hone vnderſtanding; and all the flocks
oftheir pattures avelcattered.
22 Behold, the nople of the byniteis come,
and A great commotion out of the ° Noꝛth
countrey to make the cities of Judah Delo:
late,and a Den oF Dagens.
23 D Log, Jknowe, that pthe way of
man is notin himkelke, neither is it in man
to walke and to direct his ſteps.
24 D Lozi correct me, but with a iudge⸗
piene notin ching anger leaſt thou bꝛing me
to nothing.
25 Powꝛe outethy wrath vpon the hea⸗
then that knoto thee not,and upon the fami-
ites that call not on thy Mame: foz they haue
eaten up Jaakob, and Deuoured Him t con
fumed him, and yaug made pis hadteation
To obey the covenant.
g Confidering f
that God had re- $
uciled vnto him
the certitude of
their captiuitic,
Chap.7.16. hee
onely prayetby
that he would
puniſh them
with mercie,
which Tfaiah callethin meafure, Chap.27.8.meaturing his roddes by
their infirmities, 1 Cor,10.13.for here by iudgment is meant noton- f
ly the punifhment, but alfo che mercifull moderation of the fame, as |
Chap. 30:11,- + Fora{much as Ged cannot onely be kKnowen and
glorified by his mercie, that he vfeth toward his Church, but alfoby
his iuftice in punifhing his cnemies, hee prayeth that his glory may
therefore they oughtto renounce all orher helpcs and fuccours,as of
idoles.8cc.Deut.22.9, Pſal. 16. 5. k The Prophet wilkth the lewes
to prepare themfelues to this captiuitic,hewing that it is now at hand,
that they fhould fecle the things whereof he had told them, 1 Itis
my iuſt plague,and therefore 1 will cake it patiently : whereby he tea-
cheth the people how to behaue themfelues toward Gad, m Hee
theweth how lerulalem (halllament. n The gouernours and mi-
nifters. o Reade Chap. 4 15. -p Heefpcaketh this, becaufe that
_ Nebuchad-nezzar purpofed to haue made war againft the Moabites
and Ammonites, but hearing of Zedekiahs rebellion, he turned his
‘power to goe againſt lerufalem, Ezek, 23,3 1, therefore the Prophet
faith that this was the Lords direĝion,
fully appeare beth in the one and the other ,Pfal.79 6,
3 Acurfe of themthat obey not the worde of
Gods couenant. so The people of Ludah following
the Steps of their fathers, worlhip france gods, 15
The Lord forbsddeth leremsab to pray for them,
Bh Wore that came to Jeremiah from
the Low,faping, f r
2 Heare pethe woms of this conenant,
and fpeake unto the men of Judah, € to the
inhabitants of Jeruſalem, 1
3 And fay thon vnto them, Thus faith
the Loa God of Jiraci, a Curied bee the
wan that Ghepeth not the wordes of this co-
iant, *
4 hich Jcommaunded unto your fa»
thers, when Jbrought them out of the land
ot Egypt, from the pron foznace, laying,
Dbey my votce,and do according to all theie
things, which 3 commaund pou: to wall pe
be my people, and J will be your Goo.
§ What J may confirme the othe that J
baue ſwoꝛne vnto pour fathers,to gine them
aland which floweth with milke and pony,
as appeareth this Day. Then antwered > 3)
ane ape beit,D Loyd.
hen the Lozd fapa vate me, Cry all R
thele wordes in the cities of Judah, and in
the ſtreetes of Jerufalem, fapina, Weave pe
the words of this couenant and Bo thim,
7 Jo: 3| baue protefted vnts pour fa»
thers, when J brought chem vp outof the
land of Egypt vnto this Bay, < riling carly
and proteiting,faying,Dbey my vopee.
8 Meucrtheles they would not obey, nor
incline their eare: but euery one walken in
the ſtubburneſſe of bis wicked sheart: ther-
fore J will izing vpon them all the ewords
of this conenant, which F commanded thens
to Doe, but they did tt not, J
9 And the Lord fayd vnto me, Attonſpi
racie is found among the men of Judah, and
among the inhabitants of Jerufalent.
10 Chey are turned backe to the iniqui⸗
ties of their forefathers, which refun to
beare mp wozdes: and they went after o-
ther gods to erue thent; thus the boule of
Iſrael, and the boule of Judah baue bro»
fe my couenant which J made with their
AI Theres
his owne fantaly,
and not asmy
word appointed
fes contained in
the Law, Leuit.
f Thatis,a genes
ral confent to ree’
bell againſt meo
a Hecalfeth the
Iewes to the
confideration of
Gods mercies
who freely chofe
them,madea co-
uenant of eternal
felicitie with
them and how he
cuer performed it
onhis behalfe, &
how they cuer
fhewed them-
felues rebellious
and ingrate tee
ward kim,and
brake it on their
art,and fo are
fabie@ to the
cuile ofthe Laws,
b This he fpea-
keth inthe per-
fon of the people
whichagreedto f
the couenant,
c Read Chap. 7% '
1 3. n \
d According to `
e Meaning,the
menaces & cure
‘The peoples idolatry.
| g Becaufethey rir hereforethus ſayeth the Lorde, Be-
wil not pray with holde, F wili being a plague bpon them,
truc faith and re- which they fall not bee able to eſcape, and
etme but though they crig vnto me, e3 will not hearg
or the [mart and them,
Zriefe which they 12 Then hallthe tities of Judah, and the
feele, Prouerb. inhabitants of Jerufalem goe, and try vnto
(1-28, ~ the gods vnto whem they offer incenſe, but
h ReadeChap. they thall not bee able to helpe them in time
2.28. oftheir trouble.
iReade Chap. 7. 13 » fozatcosding tothe number of thy
16,and 14.11. Cities were thy gons, D Judab, t according
|k My peopie of tothe number of the ftreetes of Jerufalem
„{Ifrael whomI baueye fet vp altars of confulion,euenaltars
hue hitherto ſo purnemcente vnto Baal,
1} greatly loued. 14 Therkore thou ſhalt not pray fozi this
J| Meaning that people neither lift pp a cry,oz Beater toz the :
j | they offer not in foz when they cry vuto mec in their trouble,
theTemple to J will not heave them. ee
15 Ghat Gould my*beloued tary in mine
honte feeing they haue committed abomina-
tian with many? and the bolp fiel ! gaeth
away from thee; pet when thou dock enill,
thou reioyceſt.
16 The Loꝛd called thy name, A greene
oliue tree, fayze, and of goodly fruite: bur
with n noyſe and great tumult bee hath fet
—* vpon it, and tye branches of it are bzo»
17 Foꝛ the Lode of hoſtes that plan-
ted thee, hath paoneunced a plague again
thee foz the wickedneſſe of the boule of HE
rael, and of the boule of Judah , which
thep haue Done againſt themſelnes ta pro·
uoke. mee to anger in offering incenfe ynta
18 And the Lord hath taught mee,and F
know tt, cuen then thou ſhewedſt me» their
19 But J was itke alambe,or a hullocke,
that is brought to the laughter,and 3 knew
not that they had deuiſed thus againſt mee,
faying, Let vs ° deſtroy the tree with the
fruite thereof,and cut bim outof theland of
the lining, that bisname may be no moze in
memoꝛy. iH ý
20 But D Lowe of hotes that iudgeſt
tighteonilp, t triet the reines and the Heart,
let me fee thyr vengeance on them: for ynta
theehauc 3 opened my caule.
21 The Lorde therefore fyeaketh thus of
themenof a Qnathoth, (that feeke thy life,
and fay, * Propheſie not in the nameof the
Lod, that thou die not by our bands)
22 Thus therforelaith the Lord of hots,
Behold,F wit ville them : the yong men Hat
Dic by the ſword:their fonnes t their Daugh-
ters {hall vie by famine. 7
5 23 And none of them Hallremaine: ſor J
Jeouldnotabide wil bring aplague vpõ the men of Anathotb,
to heare Godna- even the peere of thete vilitation.
med: ( for herein va; Hers rä
| they would fhew themſe lues moft holy)>ut becaafe they could nor
abide to be (harpely reprooued,and therefore defiredto be flattered,
1.30.10, and to bee maintained in their pleafures,Micah 2.1 r: and
fot to beare vicecondemned, Amos 7.12, -
CHAP XG Beil D ws
> a The Prophet maruerleth at the profperity of
the wicked,although he confeff God: o be righte-
ous. 7 The Lewes are farfaken of the Lord. 10 He
f and the idoles,
| & forcioyced in
their wickednes.
m Of the Baby-
Tonians and Cal-
n Which went
|| about priuily to
Son(pire my
| o Let ys deftroy
f the Prophet and
bis doctrine.
Some reade, Let
| | Ys corrupt his
meat with wood,
: geming po-
' n, ;
$ p Thus hefpake
| not for hatred
_| but being moo-
ued with ¥ fpirit
of God, he defi-
reth theaduance-
mét of Godsglo-~
tie and the veri-
fying of his word
which is by rhe
defiruGion of |
his enemies.
q To wit,both
| the priefis & the
reft of ý people:
forthis towne
was the Priefts,
& they dwelein
ittead Chap.. r.
r. Notthatthey
The wicked profper. 288 E
Speaketh againft paftorsand preacherssthat feduce
the people. 14 The Lord threatneth deſtruction
vato thenations that troubled Indah,
O Lode, if Jdiſpute with thee, thou are
righteous: petlet meetalke with thee a The Prophet
of thy tudgements: wherefeze Both the way confefleth God
ef the wicked > proper? why are all they in to be iuſt inall
Wealth that rebellicufly trauſgreſie⸗ his doings, al-
2 Thou halt planted them, and they though man be
baue taken roote: they growe, and bring not ableto giue
foozth fruit: thou art neere in their mouth, areafon ofall
and farre from their‘ reines. his acts.
3 But theu, Lod, knoweſt me: thou halt b This queſtioa
feene me,and tried mine beart toward thee ; hath been alway
pull them out like ſheepe from the faugh: agreat tentation
ter, and d prepare them fez the Uap ef tothe godly,ro
flaughter, fee the wicked
4 Howlong hall theland mourne, and enemies of God
the hearbs of every field wither, foꝛ the wice inprofperity,and
kednes of thein that Dwell therin? the beafts hisdeare children
are conlumed and thebirdes, becaule thep in aduerfitie,as
faid, We will not fee our lat end. Iob 21.7,pfal.
5 Jf thou hak run with thet footemen, 37.1.and 73.2,
and they haue wearied thee, then bow cant Hab, s.3.
thou match thy feife with horſes? and if c They profetle
thou thoughteſt thy (cite late in apeaceable Godin mouth,
land, What wilt thou Doe in the ſwelliug of but denichimin
Joen? heart, which is
6 for enenthybrethzen,and the houſe of here meant by
thy father cuen thep bane Dealt vufattfulip the reines, Iſa.29
with thee, they haue cryed out altogether 13.matth, 15.8,
vpon thee,butbelecuc them not, though they d The Ebrew
{peakefairetothee; ~~ 2 word is,Sanctifie
Z 3 jaue fozfakens mine houſe: Jj Haue them, meaning,
lefe mine heritage: Jhaue giuen the deate · tbat God would
ly befoucd of mp foule info the hands ot her be fanGifiedin
enemies. the deſtruction
8 Wine heritage ís vnto mee, as ab lion of thewicked,to
in the koreſt: it crieth out againſt mee, there · whom God for
foze haue J bated it. ; a while giueth
9 Dhall mine heritage bee vnto me as a prefperity that
bird iof diuers colours? are not the birdes afterward they
abouther, faying, Come, aflemble all tye thould tbe more
beatts of the field, come to cate her? feele his heauy
Io Many paſtours Haue deſtroyed my iudgement when
k binepard, and tropen my postion vnder they lacke their
foote ; of my plealant potion they haue riches,which
made a deſolate wildernes. i were afigne of ©
Ir They hauclayd tt waſte, and tt being his mercie,
wate, mourneth puto mee: andthe whsle e Abufing Gods
lande lyeth waite, becaule no man (ctteth lenitie arid his
3 promifes, they
flatttered rhemfelues asthough God would euer be mercifill,end not
vtterly defroy them: therefore they hardened themfeluesin finnes
tillat length the bealtes «nd infenfible creatures felt the punifbment
of their fiubborne rebellion againft God, f Some thinkethat God
reprooueth Jeremiah, in that that he would reafon with him, faying,
that if he were not able to match with men, that he were farre vnable
to difpute with God, Others,by chefootemen, meane them of Ana-
thoth,and by the horfemen themoflerufalem, which fhould trouble
the Prophet worfe then hisowne countrey mendid, g God willeth
the Prophet to denounce hisiudgements againft Terufalem,notwith=
ftanding that they fhall both by threatnings and ftatteries labour to
put him to filence. h Euer ramping & raging againſt mee,and my
- Prophets. i> In fead of bearing my liuery and wearing oncly my
colours,they haue change and diverfities of colours of their idols and
fuperftitions : therefore their enemies, 2sthicke asthefoulesofrhe
ayre, hal comeabeut them to deflroy thems -k He prophefiethof |
the deftrudtion of Terufalem by the captaynesof Nebuchad nezzaty
whom he calicthpaltors.
3 bis
' Thelinnen girdle. Repent
1 Becaukno man his mindon lit.
__ regardeth my 12 Toe deitroyers are come bponall the |
word,orfplagues high places in the wildernetle: fo? the fwod
that I haue ſent ofthe Lod ſhall deuoure from the one ende
vpon the land. gf the land, eiren to the other end of the land:
m Towicthe no fleih ſhall haue peace.
Prophets. 13 "Chep hane bwen wheat, and reaped
n Theylamen- — thoanes: they were aficke, and had no prolit:
tedthe finnes of and they were aſhamed of yonr * fruites, be⸗
the people. canle of the fierce wrath of the Low.
o Forinfteadof 14 Thus faiti the Lod again all mine
amendment, you eutllp neighbours, that touch the tnhert>
grewworfeand tance, which J paue caula my people Fira
worle,asGods elto inherit, Behold, J] will plucke them out
plagues ceftified. of their land,and piucke out the boule of Ju⸗
p Meaningthe Dab tram ameng them.
wicked enemies Is Andafter that J haue plucked them
of hisChurch, out J| Iwil veturne,and bane compaflion on
whichblafphe- theni,and will bring again euery man to bis
medhisname heritage, and every man topis land.
and whom hee 16 And tEthey will learne ther wayes of
would punithaf- mp people, to (weare by my Rame ( Che
terthat he hagh
Lode lincth, as they taught my peopleto
deliuercd his-»
fweare by Baal) thew hall they bee butle tin
pecple. the mids of my people. ;
g Afterthatk „17 WButif they will not obey,then will J
hauepunithed ꝓtterlyplucke vp, and deſtroy thatnation,
the Gentiles, I
wili haue mercy
vponthem, r Thetrue do&rine and maner to ferue God, f Read
_ ©hap.g 2. t They thalbe ofthe number of the faithfull, and haue
_ aplace inmy Church, £
faith the LoD.
1 The deſtruction of the Lewes i prefigured. 10
Why Ifrael was recesued to be the people of God,
and why they were forfaken. 15 Hee exhortetlh
them te repentance.
T Hus fapeth the Lord vnto mee, Goe,and
buy theea — girdle, and pirt it dpon
thplopnes,and pit it notin water.
2 So Ji bought the girdle according to
the commandement of the Lod, and put it
bpon my loynes.
3 And the worde of the Lord came vn⸗
to me the fecond time, faping,
4. Cake the girdle that thou hak bought
whichis vpon thy lepnes, and arile, goe ta»
ward 2 Perath, and hide it there tn the cleft
of the rocke, at
§ So J went, and hidit bp Perath,as
the Loꝛd had commanded me.
a Beeaufe this
riuer Perath or
Euphrates was
farre from Jern-
falem, itis eui-
dent that this
wasa vifion,
whereby was fig-
nifted that
the lewes fhould
pafe ouer Eu-
phrates tobe >
craptiues in Baby»
vnto me, Arife, go toward Perath and take
the girdie from thence, which J commanded.
thee to bide there, :
7 Then went I tolPerath, and digged,
and tooke the girdle from the place where J
had Hid tt; Ebeholde,the girdle was corupt,
and was profitable fer nothing.
8 Thenthe word ofthe Lome came vnto
lon,and there me, faving, j —
for length of 9 Thus faith the LoD, After this maner
time ſhould will J deſtroythe pride of Judah, and the
feemetoberot- great pide of Jerufalem.
ten,althoughthey 10 @bis wicked peoplehane refuled ta
were ioyned to
_ the Lord before neſſe of their owne heart, and walke after o»
as agirdl¢ about ther gods toferue them, ¢ to woꝛſhip them:
aman, therefore they halbeas this girdle, which ts
profitable to nothing.
full fiocke?
6 Andafter many dapes the Lorde fapne ua
heare my wordt walke after the ftubburn> |
betime. The blacke Moore: ,
Il Forás the girdle cleaucth to the
lopnes ot aman, fo baue 3) tyed to ince the
whole honte of Jire, and the whole houſe
of Judah, fapeth the Lobe, that they might
bee my people: that they might haue a name
ne paple,aud gloy, but thep world not
12 Therefor thou halt fay vnto them
this woꝛde, Thus taith the Lord Gon of JE
tacl,Cuery > bottle halbe filled wit) wine,
they ſhall ay vnto thee, Doe wee not know,
thateuery bottle ſhalbe tiled with wine 2
13 Then Walt thou (ay onto them, Thus
faith the Lord, Beholde, J will altali the ur
habitants of this lande, enenthe kings that helpe your felucs,,
lit vpon the throne of Daw, the Pieſtes, c icthalbeas eae
and the Pꝛophets, and all the inhabitants of. fie for me to de-
Jeruſalem with drunkenneſſe. __ firoy the greateſt
14 And J willda cians.
nelle. ; f Youthal furely
17 But if yee will not heare this,my foule be ted away caps
fhall ſfweepe iniecret foxyour patte, ¢ ming tive, and Paccor-
epe Hall weepe and Dzoppe Downe teares, ding to mine af.
becaulethe Lods flocke is catied away cap⸗ feGion toward
tiut. you,(hall weepe
18 Gay vnto thee King gto the Queene, and lament for
Humble pour telues,tit Dewne,foz the crown your ftubburn-
of pourglozy Hall come Downe fromypour nefes
heaas. re i g For Ichoiachin
19g Thectties of "the South Hallbe ſhut andhismother .
bp,and no man ſyall open them: all Judah rendred them-
ſhalbe carted away captine: itall be wholp (clues by leremis
caricd away captine. ahs counfell to
20 Liftup pourepes, and beholde them the kingof Babys
that come from the Morth: where is the lon,2, Kings 4,
i flocke that was giuen thee, euen the beauti · 12.
h Thatis,of Iu-
dah, which lyect}
Southward from `}
1 Heasketh the
king where his ©
people is be-
k By Seeking tof
rangers for
b Euerpone of
youthalbe filled
with {pirituall
drunkennefle &
be without all
knewledge to
feeke how to
21 (Ghat wilt thou fy, when he alivi»
fitethee z (fo: thou batt * taught them to
bee captaynes andas chiefe ouer thee ) tall
not fozrowe take thee as a woman mtra:
ple? a
22 And it thou ſay tn thine heart, Ahere-
fore come thefe things vpon mee? Foꝛ the
multitude ofthine intquities are thy ſkirts
diſcouered and thine heeles made bare,
23 Ganrheblack Move change his ſkin? helpe, thou haft f
oꝛ the leopard hts {pots 7 then may ye alſo do madethemskil- f
goad, that areaccuttomed towo entll. fulltofight a- `f
24 Therefore will Iſcatter thems, asthe gainf thees
ſtubble that is taken away with the Doutl 1 Thy cloke of
wind. hypocrilie Malbe
25 This is thy potion, and the part of pulledoff,and
thy meafures from mee,fayth the Lozde,be= thy thame(cene,
caule thou batt forgotten mee, and truſted in m Asthineini- |}
ies. s uities hane bene
26 Therefore J haue alfoBilcouered thy manife to all the:
ſkirts npon thy face, that chy, Hame map world: fo hall
appeate. —— thy ſhame and
27 J haue ſeene thine adulteries, and thy punithment.
a nepings,
ralſe Prophets.
-a Hecompareth 3 meoies s the filthineile of thy whozedome
idolaterstohor-. onthe billes tne the ficldes,and thine abomi ·
fesinflamedafter tations. AMoe vnto thee,D FJerufalem:wilt
ares. ~ thounotbe made cleane 2 when tall tt once
b Taewordfig- - of Jerufalem goeth wp, Sagi das
-nifieth to bee 3. And thetr nobles haue fent their inferis
made blacke,and ours ta the water, who came te theivelsand
fois here taken - found na water : they returned with their
for extremefor- . beilels emptie : they were aſhamed and conte
— ©.) , go> founded, AnD c couered their beads :: € Dragons: thetr epes Did fatle, becaule there
ture, and to goe was no graffe, Tein a e.
fecke water” 7 £2) Lod, though our iniquitics tetis
whichthey” fleagainft vs, Deale with vs accoꝛding to thy
covldnotfind. fame ; fez our rebellions are many, we fine
e Whicharefo ned againit thee. Mate
bote of nature, § D the bopecofHlracl, the ſauiout there»
ijtat they cannot of in the time of trouble. why art thouas a,
|becooled with e.ftrangerintheland, as one that paſſeth by
drinking of wa- to tarie fora night? . 3 i971 |
sbutftillgape 9 cAhy art thouas a manaffonied, and
forthe aixctore- ag a-b {trong man that-cannot belpe ? pet
‘lfreth them, thou D Lord, artinthe mids of ys. and thy
‘|fsHeefheweth’ name is called bpon 93: forlake vs not.
the oncly wayto'! IO Thus faith the Lo vnto bis people,
remedie: Gods): Thus haue they delighted to wander : they
⸗ haue not refrained thetrfeete, therefore the:
byxnfained co- Loꝛd hath no delightin them ; but hee wiil
noty remember their tniquity,and pilit thetr
11 Then faid the Lord vnto me, i Thou
fhalt not pray to Doc this people good.
Jo ogrteand when they offer burnt offering, and)
an oblation, J wilinotaccept them : but
ò | willcontume them by the ſword, andby the
| is» 9 famine and by rhe pettilence.
jde to putto 13 Then anfwered J. Ah Loyd God, bez
ishand;>' ==> 3 Hold. the t Peophets lap vnto them, Ve hat
Reade Chap. - not fee the mor, neither hall famine come
7- vVpon vou, but J wiligtueyou aſſured peace,
He pittieththe tn tits place: a
people, and accu- 14 When the Loza faid vnte me, Tbe pro-
eth thefalfepro- phets pophelieliesinmyp Rame: * F haue
bets, whichde- not ſent them, -neither did J commannde
seiued them, but “ġa p i
he Lord anfwered .*that-both tne: prophets that deceined, and the.
ople which fuffered thé elues to be (educed, thal perith, Chap.23.
and 27.8,9,and 29,8 Cha piz gia Nand 27.10, 1 5,a0d.29.9.,
Chap xiiijxv.
Thereisno bee?
acefo hie nor .
; De whereas the markes and fignes of thine idolatrie appeare net,
ate in ty oh Ofthe dearth that ſhould come. 7 The prayer
ao ces con) Of the people asking mercie of the Lad, 10 The
w -i wafaithfull people are not heard. 12 Of prayer,
RM faſtin, of falfe prophets that feduce the people
4 nol? T De word of the Lozd that came ynta
-a Which came reinialy, concerning the l dearth.
forlackof raine, 2 Judah hath mourned, and the gates
asyerle 4. thereof are Detolate, they baue bine bꝛẽught
io refrraint. to heauineſſe vnto the ground, and thecrie
x #3 aril go into the fet, bola the
£2 CGben they fall, J witl not beare their Dep
| Prayerreiected, 229
them, neither tpake J vnto then, tur th
pꝛopheſie puto you a falle vilon, anv Dine
hatton and bamttp, and Decetthulnes of theit
One heart. :
Ts Therekore thus faith the Lord, Con-
cerniug the prophets that prophetic in mp
me, whom Jhaue notlent , pct they fay,
Swoꝛd and famine pall not be in thisland,
by {word and famine hall hole prophets be
16 And the people ta whome thele po:
phets doc prophelie MHallbee calt out inthe
Urectesof Fcrufalem becaule of the famike,
and the ſword, and there hall be none tobu»
rie them,borh they and thelr wities,and theit
lonnes, anu their Daughters:fo2 Twill pote
their wickedneſſt Spon them,
I7 Theretoꝛe thou alt fay this vzord bn-
to them, Let mine eyes Drop Downe! teares
night and Dap without cealing ; forthe vir:
gine Daughter of mp people ig deſtroyed
ith a great deſtruction, and with a {oe
gricuous pl
-L The falfe pro
phets promifed
peace and affi-
rance,but lere-
miah calleth to
teares and repen-
tance for their
affii@ion, which
is at hand,as
Chap.9.1 Lam.
1.16.and 2 16,
m Both hieznd
low ſhall be led
Captines into Ba.
n Though the
Prophet knew
that Ged had cat
off the multitude
which were hy~
pocrites and bas
ftard childré, yer
he was dffured
that for his pro⸗
mife fake, he
would ftil hzc a
Church. for the
which he praieth,
ó Heteacheth
the Church a
forme of prayers,
to. humble thems
(clues to God by
true repentance,
whichis the only
meane toauoide
this famine,
which was the
Beginning of
Gods plagues.
p Meaning their
idoles, teade
Chap, 10. 15.
sine with the word:and it Jenter into the
citie, beholde them that are licke foz hunger
alle :mozcouer.the prophet allog the Pitt
goe a wandering = inte a-land that thep
know nttt
IQ; pat thou bttetly retected = Fudab, o2
ath thy (cule abkerred Zion: why halk thou
tten vs, that we cannot be healed? ie
looked fo2 peatey and there is no goon, and
fez Hoc rar at bealty, and behold trouble.
20 Me acknowledge, D Lord, our wic-
kedneſſe, and the iniguitie of our fathers; fo?
We haue finned again thee. at}
21 Dae notabhoz vs : foz thy Mames
fake caft net Downe the thzone of thp glo»
a 3 — and þzeake not thy coucnant
ith vs.
22 Are there any among thee banitits of
the Gentiles, that can giue raine? 02 can the
Deauens gine fholozeszts it not thon D Loꝛd
Bur God 7 therefore we wil waite bpon thee;
fo: thou batt mane all thele things,
1 The Lord would heare no praier forthe Lewes
3 but threataeth to deftroy the with foure plagues.
Hen {aia the Lod vnto me, Though
—F Moſes aud Samuel kood befoze me,yet
mine affectio could not be toward this peo»
ple: cat them ont of my fight, and let them
a Meaning, that
if there were any
man liuing moo-
ued with ſo great
zeale toward the
people, as were +
thefe two, yet
that he would
not graunt this
reguelt, fora
much as he had
determined the
contrary, Ezek,
2 Gund if they fap vnto thee, Whither
fat we Depart: theñ tell them, Ehus faith
the Lod, * Such as are appointed to death,
vnto death: and (uch as are fo: the ſwordeto
the ſword:and ſuch as are fez the famine, to
thefamine ; and fuch ag are fo: the captiu⸗
tiz, tọ thecaptinitiz.
3- And Jvillappoint puer them foure
kinves, {ith the LoD, the ſword to llay, and
the Doges to teate tn pieces, and the foules Zach 19.
pe the heauen,and the beaſtes of the earthid b The dogges,
Deueute,avatodcifroy. > birds and heefts
A 3 mil
fo, becaufsthey 6 Chanhatktorlaken nwe, faith the Lord,
confentedtohis and gone backward: therefoze wit Iſtretch
wickednefle, outintne band againtt thee, EDeftroy thee;
2King.21.9, for Jame wearte with vepenting.
e That is, 1 will
not call backe
7 Aid J will (cacter chen with che fan
fürthe gates ofthe carth : J baue waited,
my plagues,or and Deftrayed my people, yer thep would noe
fpare thes any returne from their wayes.
more. Their widowes's are increaled by me
f Meaning,the aboue the ſand of the feg + J baue brought
cities. vpon them, and againtt thel adembly of che
g Becaufe fhad pong men a deltroper at noone Day} Jhaue
fisinetheirhuf- cauled bhim tofullppanthent, and thecttte
bands. {uddenly, and ſpeedily.
10r, mother. 9 She that hath boine’ euen, bath bene
flOr, fearefally. made weake : her heart hath failed $ the
h Shethathad funne hath failed ber, wiles tt was Day: the
many loftallher bath bene confaunded, and aant, and tl
children. refiaue of them will J Deliner vnto Nwo
i Shee was de- befozethetr enemies faith the Lora, 22>
ftroyedinthe Io @ «tGstsme, my mother, that thou
middesofher haltbozneme,acontentions imran, amait
promenas, that ſtriueth with the whale earth: Ibare
Thefearethe neitherilent on viury,nozg men taw lentin.
Prophets words, tome on vſizry yercneryonedory cutſe me.
complaining of Il Che Lord fata, Sirett ytemnant
the obftinacieof ſhall haut wealth: merely Gwriitante thine
thepeople,and enemy toentreatthee in the tune of trouble,
that he wasrefer- and in the time ofafiiction. ae
wed to fo wicked 12 Dyallthe = pron breake the yron, and
atime: wherein the bralſt that commeth from the North?
alfo he Meweth 13 Thy lubſtance and thy trealures will
whatisthecons · Agiue tobe ſpoyled without | gatne, e that
ditionof Gods, fozall thy finnes, euen in all thy boders.
mimfters:towit, 14. And J wil make thee ta ga with thine
tehauealiche enemiesinta aland that thou knoweit not?
worldagaint foz a fire is kindled in ming anges, which
them, though ſhall burne pou.
they piue none 15 D Lord, thou knoweſt, remember me,
occafion. and vilit me, and reuengeme of mp? perſc·
1 Whichisan cuters : take niee notaway In the continue
occafionofcon- ance of thine anger: Know that toz thy fake
tentionandha- 3} Sauefuffered rebuke. À
tred, 16 Tiy wordes were found by meand J
DID p eate them, and thy word was vñto me
thé foy and retoycitig okmine heart: fos thy
pide ig called vpoñ mee, D Lod God sf
17 J fate notin the aſſembly of the moi
kers, neither did J reiopce dut fate alone
qbecauſe okthy plague ; foz thou hatt filled
m Inthisper-
plexitie the Lord
comforted mee,
and faid that my
taft dayes thould
be quier sand by
the enemie hee
meaneth here,
Nebuzar-adan the captaine of Nebuchad-nezzar , who gave Tere-
mish the choy{é either to remaine in his countrey , or to go whither
he would : or by thè enemie he meaneth thelewes, which fhould
afterward know Ieremiahs fideliticandtherefore fauourhim. n As
for the people though they feemed {trong as yron, yet fhouldthey
not be ableto refift the hard yron of Babylon , but fhould bee led
captiue, Or,ranfome. o He fpeakethnocthisfor defire of reuen-
geance, but wifhing that God would deliuer his Churchof them
whom he knewto be hardened & incorrigible. p ‘I receivedthem
withas greatioy, ashe that is affamifhed, eateth meat. q; I had
nothing to doe with the wicked contemners of thy word, butla-
mented bitterly for thy plagues : Chewing what the Faithfull (hould
dos when they fee tokens of Gods anger.
' thete fathers that beget them in this land
Godaffifteth his,
me with indignation. qant dseg aH —
18 Ahy is mine heauineſſe continual? r Anthat nor ©
and ny plague Defperate and cannot behea: affiltedti¢acy °'
led ? why art thon onto me tag a lyar andas cording to thy”!
waters that faile ? 3 ` -i promife ?whereify —
19 Therefore thus laith the Lord, Ifthou appearcthythac à |
feecurtie,then wilt J bring thee agate, and inthe Siints of ”
thou (halt and befoze mee, and ifthou take Godisimper-
away thet precions from the vile, thou Walt fection of faith,
be accozding tomp word: tet thetn returne which through
*bnto thee, but teturne not tyou vntochem impatiencie is oft
20 And J will make thee vito thts pta? times affaile d, as
plea frong braſen wall,and they Mall fight Chap. 20.9,
again thee, but they Wall not y preuaite a> f Ifthou forget
gatnt thee; foz J am with thee to faue thee thefe carnal con.”
and to Beltucr thee, faith the Lord. fiderations,aud’’
21 AndF wil deltuet thee outo€ the hand faithfully execute
ofthewicked., and J will redeeme thee out thy charge,
of the band of the tyrants. © t Tharts, fecke “
to win the good *
from the bad. “n To wit, as my mouth hath pronouiticed, cos
18 and as here followeth verfe. 20. x Conformenot thy fife to
their wickednefle, but let them follow thy godly example. y Twill
arme thee- with an inuineible frength and conftancie, fo shat al
the pers ot the world hall not ouercome thee, 2 a o
Pon AP. AUT. uoi
2 The Lord forbidding Ieremiah to marrie, Ri
Shewe:k trm what fhould beé the afflictions vpos >'E 93 rdis
Ludah. i3 The captiuctie of Babylon. 15 Thei >57: )
w ew
Gelhucrance. 19 The calling of the Gentiles, ~ oul
T W: word of the Loz came allo vnto me, a Meaning, that!
laying, —* ong » theaffiĝion unos
fhouldbe fo hore
2. Thou halt not takea thee a wife, nop Hola
Hane fonnes nop daughters in this place. © l
3 Foz thus laith the Lord coneerning the lem, thatwife «
tonnes, and concerning the Daughters that andchildren 1
are borne in this place,and concerning theiy fhouldbucin-) ·
mothers thar beare them, andconcerning ¢¢afchisforrow
f ‘ nee
4 Thep hall Bie of Deaths and ditcafes: od
they fall not be lamented, neither ſhallthey ) J
be buried, but they hall be as nung vponthe == ` J
carth, anu they Mall bee conſumed by the 4
fwo2d andbyfamine, and theit cartas o, d
fhall bee meate for the foules of the heauen, b Signitying,tha
and for the bealtes of the catty. the affliction
“g Forthugs laith the lod, © Enter not Mhouldbeefo
into the houſe ok mourning: neither goe to great, chat one
lament, no: bee mooued fo: them:toe 3 yane fhould nothaue 7
taken my peace fram this people, ſayeth the leaſure to com-
Lod, euen mercteand compaliion. _ ‘fort another,
6 Both the great and the mall hall Bie ¢ Thavis, fhould
tn this land:thep hhallnot be buried, neither. not renttheir
Hail men lament kor theni, © 02 cut thems clothesinfigne
felues, no? make themfeluesbaldfo2theim. ofmowmng.> i
7 Chey hall not ſtretch eur the bands fo? tee
them inthe mourning to comfost them foz: d For inthe.
theDead, neither fall they gine them the great extrenuciesyy
d cup of confolatia to Dainke fog tjetr father 2!iconfolation A|;
02 fo? tieit inori ] _ & comfort fhath: {|
“8 Thon alt not allo goe into the houſe be in vaines
— to ſit with them to cate and te EE
drinke. í
9 Foz thus fayeth the Lod ofhottes,the
Hod ot Jirael, Behold, J will cauſe to ceale 4)
out of this place in pout eyes, ceuen in pour
Bayes the bopceofinivth, and the voyce of
glannefie, the voyce ofthe byidegrome and:
the voyce of the baive.
10 And when thou Hale her this people
Shall man make gods?
ap.s-t9- . allthele words, and thep Hall lap vnto thee,
Ce se the “S@therefoze hath the Lorde pronounced ail
wickedarcal- Shis great plague againit vs 2 ó? what is
wwayes rebellious © our iniquitic? @ what ts our finne that we
anddiflemble haue cominittedD agatnit the Loza our God?
theirownefinnes, IL hen fjalt thou lay vnto them, Be-
and murmure a» taule your fathers pane forſaken mee, faith
gainit Gods the Lord, and haue walked after other gods,
ludgeracntsas and Haug (ered them, and wozhipped then
thoughhehad , and baue foxfaken me,and haue not Rept my
noiuftcaufero Lawe, ;
punih them,ke. 12 ("Anu pee haue Done wore then pour
fhewethbim fathers: toxbeheld, you walke euery one af»
whattoanfwere, ter the ftubboznnelle of bis wicked hearts
Chap.7.26. gad willnct beare me.) 3
Chaps23:Tor; 13 Therefore will J Daue pon out of thts
f Signifying the land ints a land that pee knowe Rot, neither
benefit oftheir pounszpourtathers, and there chall ye ſerue
deliucrace outof othet gods Day and night; fo: DZ will Heme
Babylonthould poi grace,
be fogreat,that 14 Wehold therefore, faith the Loꝛd, the
itthouldabelith Dapescome that tt Halt no moze bee fayde,
the remembdrace The Loz0 ltueth,whtch bronght bp the chile
oftheirdeliue- Dꝛen of Jlrael out of thelandof Capp ~-
rance from B- 15 But, Che Lozd lineth,thatbzowght vp
ypt: but lie hath the thildzen of Iſrael frem the lande of the
ere chiefly re- Noꝛth, andfrom all the lands where he had
fpe&torhe pi- ſcattered them, ¢3 wil bring them again ine
titualideliuce to their land that Jgaue unto their fathers.
rance vader 16 Behold laith the Lor, J wil fend out
many s tiſhers, € they wall Ath them, € after
will J fend out many hunters, and they wall
g By the Gthers
hunt then: from euery mountaine and front
and hunters are
meantthe Baby- enerp pill, and out of the caues of the rockes.
loniansand Cal- .17 Foꝛ mine efesare vpon all their wates:
deans, who they are net bid from mp face, neither ts
fhoulddeftroy their tniquitie Did from mineepegs. .
theminfach © ` 18 And fire J will recompente their ini»
“forr,chatifthey quiticand their ſinne Double, becaule thép
elcapedtheone, haue defiled mp lande, and haue filled mine
theother fhould inheritance with their Blthig b cartons and
h Thatis, their 19 £020, thou art myi force, and mp
fonnes and Grength and my refuge tu the Day of affitc-
daughters, tion; the Gentiles hall come ynto thee from
which chey offe- the ends of the worid and Mall fay, Surely
redtoMolech. ont fathers haue inherited k ties,and vanttp,
i He wondereth wherein there was no poft. h
at the grear mer- 20 Shall a man make gods vnto Hinte
ey of God,in this ſelfe, and thepare no goos?
deliuerance, 21 Beholbe, therefore P will this once
which thallnot _! teach them; J will ſhew them imine bahde
only extend to ` ahd inp power, and they halt know that inp
the Tewes, but same is the Loa,
alſo the Gentilès ei i ODRA À
k Oar fathers were moft vile idolaters, therefore it commeth onely
ef Gods mercy, thar be performeth his promife, and hath not vtterly
caſt vs off· 1 They hall once againe fecle my power,and mercy
or their deliaerance,tbat they may learne to worfhip me,
ot 3929) 01 100 1 The frewardne fe of the Femes,.5 (urfed be
: thofz that put their confidente in man, 9 Mans
Beare is witked. 19God ithe fearcher of the heart
13 The Luing waters are forfakeæ. 21 The right
Reeping ofthe Sabbath commanded. = __-
j= y nne of Judah isiwritten with a pen
Obrance oftheir £ OF yzon, and twith the popit ofa diamond,
SeontemptofGod2) 8 98 Hiu -11 EE Fooled
"cannot paffe; albeit, for atime he deferre the puniflament, for it thal
> be manifeft toimen and Angels, . Ri
>a Theremem-
HiG yi
abone all things, who can knowwit?
~ II k As the partrich gathereth the young,
that he full not into tentation, confidering che great contempt o
‘Gods wort; and the multitude that fallfrom God. o Thewicke
The fearcher of hearts. 290
and granen Spon the * table of theit Beart, b In fead of
and upon the hornes of pour < altars, the law of God,
2 SQ bey remember their altars as theit they haue writ-
chimen, with their groues bp the greene ten idolatry and
trees bpon the high hils. al abominations
3 © my mouticaine inthe field, J will intheir hear.
give thy (ubitance, and al thy treaſures tobe c Your finnes
tpotles, fo: the fin of thy bic places thꝛough · appeare in all the
ont all thy borders. altars that you
4 And thon halt reſt, fand in thee halbe haue ctectẽd to
arch from thine beritage that J gaucthee, idoles.
and J will canfe thee to ferue thine enemies d Some read,So
tn the land, which thou knoweſt not: fox pe chac iheir chil-
Hane kindled a fire tu mine anger,which Hal. dren remember
burne foz cuer. cheir altars,that
5 CChus fateh the Lord, e Curſed be the is,follow their
Man that trulteth in man, and maketh feih fathers wicked-
bisarme, and withdzaweth bis hears from nefie
the Lozd. : c Zion that was
6 Foz he halbelike the beath iu the wil my mountaine,
Bernes.¢ chal not fee when any good camieth, hall now be left
but fhall inbabite the parched placesin the asa walte ficld.
wildernes,in a falt fand, and not inhabited, £ Becaule thou
7_ Dicen be the man that truſteth in the wouldeft noe
£023,and whole hope the Lez is. gue the lande
h Foz he ſhall be asa tree that is plan · reft at ſuch
ted bp the water, which ſpꝛeadech out bee cimes,dayes,
roots by thertuer, & fall not fecle whenthe and yeercsasf
beate conunecb,bnt bericafe hall be grece, appoynted,thow
and Wall not cate foz the peere of Drought, fhalt hereatte `
neither Halt ceaſe trem veelding fruit. ~ becaried away,
i The heartis Deceit and wicked and it hall ref
forlacke ef la⸗
g The lewes
were-ciuen to
worldly polici¢s
and thought to
make themfelues
ftrong by the
friendthip of
the Egyptians,
J fa. 3n-3,and
in the meane
feafon did not
depend on God,
and therefore bee
10 Ithe Loz (earch the beart, 2nd tric
the reines euen to gine euety man according
to bis wayes, andaccozoing to the {rutte of
his workes. È 3
which fhe hath not bought tooth: @ he that
Setteth riches, and not by right, Hall leaue
them. tn the middes of his dayes, and at his
end ſhall be a foole.
Iz A5 a glozious thzone'eraltes from the
bern — isthe place of our Danctharte.
13 D £020, the hope of Iſrael, all that
forlake thee, thall be confounded : thep that
Bepartfromthee, Mall bee weitren™ th the
carth, becauie they hane foxfaken the Lord
the kountaine of liutng waters. denounceth
14 Peale mee, D Lord, and J ſhall bee Gods plagues
tohole:=faue me, and J hall be ſautd: foz againftrhem,
thouart y pavle. ` - thewing that
-IS Behl.” they lay vnto me, Ahete is they preferre
the word of the Lord ? let it come now. corruptible
* ry meas manto God,
which isimmortall, Ifa,a,22,Chap. 48.67. h Reade Phalrensr,3
i Becauſe thé wicked baue enerfome excuſe to defend their doings,
he fheweth, thar their owhe lewde imaginations decciue them, and
bring them to thefe inconueniences’: but God will examine their
deeds by the malice of theit hearts, 1.Sam.16,7.1.Cbron.28.9.Pial
a Ns 11,10.and 30,12. Reue 2..23.. k Asthepartric
dy ĉalling gathereth others, which forfake ber, when they fee that fh
isnot their damme +. fo the couetous man. is forfaken of his riches,
becauſe he commethby them falfly. 1 Shewing that the godly ought
ta glory in nothing, but in God: who doth exalt his, and hath left
figne ofhisfavourin his Temple. . m Their names (hall not be re
giftred in,thebooke of life. nm Hedeficed God to preferuc him
fay, that my prophefie Shall nor come to paffe, becaufe thou deferr
the time of thy vengeance. *
o 2 16 But
The Sabbath day. Hawt]
r e P ad ipa f 2900p een Le
plamaffuredof 16 Bute J haue tot thrutt in ap fete for
my vocation,& apaltouratter thee, neither paue J aefires
thereforeknow the Dap of mtfety, thou kndweſt; that mbich
ithacthething came out of mp lips,twas right before thee.. ~
which thou {pea- 17, Benot terrible vnto nice ; thon art
kef by me,fhall ming Dopet che Day of aduerfice,
comé to paffe, 13 Lee them be confounded that perſecute
and that Ifpeake me but let me hot Be confounded: lee chert
| not ofany woild- ‘be afraid, but let me not be afrata: being pps
ly affeGtion. on thein the Day of aduerſitie, and Deitrop
iq Howfoeuer’ them with Double Seitruction. i
| the wicked deale” 19 Thus hath che Loz layd vnto me, Go
| rigoroufly with anD ſtand in che! gate of thechildsen of the
| me,yet let me
| finde comfort
| in thee.
£ Read Chap.
{| 11.20,
f £ Whereasthy
| do&rine may be
| beft vnderſtood
f both of hie and
f c Bynaming the
f Sabbath day, he
f Comprehendeth
Ut, and by the which they goc-oul, and ita
the gates of Jeruſalem,
20 And fap Unto then, Weare the wor?
ofthe Loz. pekingsof Judah, and ali ju,
Dab, and all the inbabitants of Jerufalem,
that enter in. by thefe gates.
21 Thus lath the Lod, Cake heede to
your foules, and beare no burden th the
tHabbath dap, wos bring it in by the gates
of Jerufalem. ote
22 Neither cary foorth burthens out of
pour houſes in the Sabbath. dap: neither os
| thething thatis peany twozke, but fanctific the Sabbath, as
$ cberby fignified: Icommanded pourfathers.. eo
forif they tran: « 23 Sut they obeped ust, neither ticlined
greffedinthe ce. thelt-eares, butitade thetr necks ttie and
| remonie,they
souftneedsbe `
culpable of the
$ reft,read Exod. |
| 20, 8.and by the:
breaking of this _
one commande-
ment, he maketh
fi them rranfgref-
} fors.of the whole
| Law, forafmuch
$ asthe firftand
| fecond Table arè
{ conteined here--
Would tot heare, ita receine correction.
24 Meuerthyelede, tf ve will heart me, faith
the Lod, Anatrace no durdentheeugh the
pares ofthe cittein the Sabbath Day, but
ancrifte the Sabbath pay, fo that ye Doe ue
WOFRC TOUTE ot wees e
say De Mal toe kings and the pitices
enteri gates of tits citie and Hallit
*pyon the thzoue of Dautd,and that ride vp:
on —— AnD vpon both they and
there priitees, rhe men ef Judah, ano che in-
habitanta of Jeruſalem: and chis citie Mall
‘ei Tire Coz ener. Eh
Ri Sand they fall conte fromt tbe ertits of
Ju fie, va fram aaah — em, and
' from tee laudof Beniamt AND froin the
plaine and fram the mountaines, and fron
the South, which hall bring burnt ofriags
andfacrifices, and meate offerings, and tH
conte, and atl bring facrifice of paile inta
|. 27, Butif yewill not beare me to ſaucti ·
ie the Sabbath day, aun not to beare a bura
' then; noꝛ to go thzetigh the gates of Jeruſa·
tem in the Dabbath nay then mail g kindle a
fire in the gates thereof, and tt Halldeuoure
the palaces of Jexuſlalem, and te Wall not be
| Chap,22 4,
quenched.. sil, 6
mil Ho Akae Sa a oi hight
2 Gail fheweth by the example of a potter, that
ah. 19 His prayer againft his aduerfaries.
We word which came to Jeremiah from
the Loud, faying,
ponle, and there Hall J thew. thee my words.
3. Then J went Downe to the potters
Houle and behold, he wꝛought a work on the
people, wheredy the ‘Rings of Judah come '
iti in his power to déftroy the defpifers of his word
18 The. conspiracie of the Fewes against Lereni-
j et eae a ainft the
rife aud ee apine into the patters i
And the venl that he mabe of day,
was broken in the baud of the potter? fohec
returned and mane tt another veneti, ag tre:.
med good to the potter tomakett. ==
`S- Chen the woꝛd of the Lord came vnto
Tic tapings, . * es k 3 -
6: D houle of Piracl, tannot J Doe with
potias thts potter, faith the Lords
theclap ist the potters Hand , foare poum
mine hand, D honfe of Jira = = =
7, Jmilfpeake ſudd ple againſt anation
o agami a Renabone! ‘plucke tt bp, and
to roote it out, and to Bettropit.
8 “Bue this nation, agam whom J
haue pronounced, turne from theit micked-
nelle, J well e repent of the plague that J
thought to bring vpon them. =
9, dnd J wil (peake ſud denly concerning
a nation, and concerning a kingdome to
build it and to plant ít.
TO But if tt do cutlin my fight,and heare
not inp topee, J will repent of the goed that
J thought to Bor foz them.
. IL Dptake thon now therefore unto the
men of Judah, and to the inhabitants at Je·
rufalem, faying, Thus ſaiththe Z ord, Be-
beln, 3 prepare a plague foz you ann purpote
athing again you: returne pou ticecfoze
enery one from hts euill wapanda make vour
wapes and polit wozkes goda. pon
-I But thep laid c defperately,Durely we
will walke atter. our owne imaginations,
and poe every man akter the ubbornnelle of
his wicked heart. : i
13 Chercefore thus faith the Low, Afke
“now among the Heathen, who hath beard
fuch things 2 thenirginof Iſcraelhath done
verphithily. onir a att
14 Ulla man foxtake the itota oF Leba-
ton, which commeth from the rocke of the
ficld? ¢ 52 hall the cold flowitig waters, that
come from another plate,be fozlaken?
Ig Becante my people hath forgotten me,
and. hath burnt incepi co vanttic, & their pro-
phets haue cauto. them to ſtumble in.their
wapes from the -ancient wapes, to walke in
the paths and way that is not troden,
16 To make their land defolate and a pers
petral Derion, o thar euery one that patieth
thereby, fyali bee akontya an’ wagge bis
aD, Ppa TR
17 Jwillſcatter them with an Eaſtwind
before the enemie: I will hew than the
backe, and! not the face ti the Day of their
Deltruction. —
18 The fatd they Come, and let ns ima⸗
inefoine Dentle again Jeremiah : for the
awe e (hall not perit from. the Piet,
no: countell from the wiſe, noz the wod
` . from the Pꝛophet: come, and let vs Gmie
helpe and fuceour at firangers, and leaue God,
with them, e That is, the way of trueth, which
¶The pottets pots
42 |
a Asthe porte |
hath ate &
the clay tó make
what pot he =”
will or to breake
theim whehe d
tib made them:
fo batie power
ouér you te dog.
with you as ſee⸗
methgovdto `
mé liag 9. >
tom.9,20,3 Ie. =
b, Whenthe "~
‘Scripture attri-
buteth repen- `
tance vnto God,
itis not that he
“oth contrary to
that which he
hath ordained
inhis fecret
counfell: but
when he threat»
Neth itis acal-
ling ro repen; _
rance,and when
he giúeth maa.
Brace tote penta
(which ener
containeth a.
condition init),
takerh no place;
and this the,
repentance in
God, becauſe id
fo appeareth to,
mans iudge-
MENG ne saan)
c As men that,
had no remosie,
but werealto. .
gether bentto ;
rebellion and te
their owne felfe
d Asnoman ,
that hath thir,
refufeth frefhi;
conduit waters-
which he bath
at-home,tg gog
and feeke wa-
ters abroad to
quench bis thirft:
fo they ought
not to feeke for
which was preſent
God had taught by
his Lawyreadé Chap.6.16. £ Iwill {hew mine anger, and not my
fauourtowardthem, g Thisargument the wicked haue euer vied
urth,and therefore whofoeuet fpeaketh againſt
die’, Y King 22. 24.chapter 7.4 and 20,2. malach
feruaunts of God, The Church cannot erte:-weeare the
vs, they ought to
ia, 4 and thus the
falfe-Church perſecuteih the true Church, which ſtandeth not in
outward pompe, and in multitude, but is known by the gracesofthe.
holy Ghoft,
uillforgood. Ieremiah
hLetvsflander him withthe tongue, and letts not gine
him, and accufe eed toany of hts words.
him: forwethall 19 Mearken vnto me, D Lod, and heare
bebclecued. the boyce of themi that contend with me.
20 Hail euill be recompented foz good?
fo: they haue Digged a pit foz my ſoule: re-
member that J iteode befoze thee, to ſpeake
God for them, and te turne away thy wath
om them. EN
21 Therefore i deliuersp their children
to famine, and iet them dꝛoppe alway by the
fozce of the ſword, and let thetrwines be rob-
bed of their childzen,and bee widowes + and
let their bulban’s bee put todeath , andleg
— yong men be faine by the fws: in the
22 Let thecriebe heard from their hou⸗
fes, when thou halt bꝛing an hoſte ſuddenly
bpon them: foz they bane Digged a pitto
take me,and hid {nares foz my feete.
23 Det Lord thon knoweſt all their coun:
fell againſt metendeth to Death: fozgtue not
their iniquitie, neither put out their finne
from thy light, butlet them be onertizowen
befoze thee: veale thus with them in the time
ayeth fer their
— be-
caule hee Knew
thatit fhuldtend
to Gods glory,
and profit of bis
Church. ofthine anger.
He propheſieth the deferuttion of Ieruſælem for
the contempt and defpifing of the word of God,
cio faid the Lo2d, Soe,and buy an eats
A tyenbottel ofa potter,andtake ofthe an-
cients of the people, andof the ancients of
the Dicts,
2 And goc forth vnto the valley of Ben-
hinnom, which ts by the entrie of rhe Catt
gates and thou fjalt preach there the wo2ds,
that J fall telithee,
3 And Malt lay, Meare pe the word of the
L00,.D * Rings ef Judah, inhabitants of
Jerufalem, Thus taith the Lord of hoftes,
the Godot Iſrael, Wehold, I willbzing a
plague bpon this place,thewhich wholocucr
beateth.bis cares hall > tingle.
fOr, gate of the
a By kings here
and in other pla-
ces are meant
gouernouts of
the people: which
he called thean-
cients, verfe 1.
b Reade of this
pꝛophaned this place, and haue burnt in-
cenfe in it bute other aeds , whom neither
they, 102 thete fathers haue knowen, no: the
Rings of Judah (they bane filled this place
allo with the bleod of innocents,
5 And they haue built the bigh places of
Waal, to burne their fonnes with fire foz
burnt offerings vnto Baal, which J com-
manded not, noz{pake tf, netther came it t=
to my minde.) -
6 Therefore beholo the dayes
the 1020, that this place Wall no moze bpe
called “Zopbheth,nez the valley of Ben · hin ·
uom, but the balley of laughter.
7 And J wil being the countel of Judah
and Jerufalem to nought tn thts place, and
J will caute them to fall by the ſword before
their enemies, and by the hand of chem that
fecke their lines: and their karkciles will J
gine to be meat foz the foules of the heauen,
Medes andtothebeatts ofthe ficld.
Chap.18.16,and 8 * And J will make this titie Befolate,
49.13 50.13. andandiffing, fo that euerp one that paſſeth
thereby, Wal be aftontived and hiſſe becauſe
Deut.2r8.5 3. of atl the plagues thereof. j
dament, 4,10. 9 *Qnd ZF weil keede them with the lleſh
e Whereby is
declared, thit
whatfoeuer is not
commanded by
—— tou-
shing his ferui
isagainft his spn
d Reade Chap,
7.31. and 2.king,
23.10. ifa.30.33.
Chap. xix. xx.
4 Becanle they haue forlakenmee, and P
finitten and imprifoned, 291
of theit fonnes, and with the flefh of their
Daughters, and enerp one hall eate the fief
of Dis friend in the fiege and frattneffe,
wherewith their enemies , that lecke their
lines, Hall hold them ratt,
19 hen Hale chou bzeake the bottell in
the light of the menthat goe with thee,
II And halt fay vnto them , Thus faith
the Loud of hotts, Euen fo wil 3 bzeake this
people and this citie, os one baeaketh a‘ pot- ¢ This vifible
ters befell, thatcannotbee mabe whole a= figne was tecon-
gaine, and thep Hal buriethem in Topheth, firmethem,tou-
till there be no place to burie. ching the affi-
12 Thus will J doe ynte this place,faith tance of this
the Lozt,and te che inhabitants therof, and plague which the
J will make this titie like Topheth. Lord threatned
13 Foꝛ the houles of Jerufalem, andthe by hisPropher,
boules of the Kings of Judah ſhall bee Deft
led as the placeot Copheth, becanfe of all
thef houtes vpon wholes roofes they haue £ Henoteth the
burnt incenfe vnts allthe hoſte of heauen, great rage ofthe
and bane powꝛed out dꝛinke offerings vnto idolarers,which
other gods. 5 left no place free
14 Then came Jeremiah from Copheth, from theirabo-
where the Lo: had fent him te prophelie, minations,in fo
and be ftood in the courtofthe Loꝛds houſe, muchas they
and ſaid toall the pesple, polluted their
15. Thus faith the Lord ofhelts,theGod owne houfes
of Iſrael, Bebold,Z will batug npon this cis therewith,as we
tie,and vpon all ber townes, all the plagues fee yet among
that J haue pronounced agatnit it, becaule the Papifts.
thep haue hardned their neckes, and would, g Reade Dewt.
not beare my Woas. 22.8,
3 Feremiah is [mittes and caf? into prifon for
preaching of the word of God. 3 He propheferb
the captiustie of Babylon, 7 He complaineth that
he is a mocking Rocke forthe word of God. 9 Hee
ù compelled by the [pirit to preach the word.
VV Ven Paſhur the fonne of Jmmernthe
Hiet, which was appointed gouere
nourin the houſe of the Lozd, beard that Je·
remiabpiophefied thefethings,
Then Paſhur fmote Jeremiah the
3 l
2ophet , and put him inthe 2 tockesthat 3 Thus we fee
thatthe thing
which ——
the king, nor the
princes nor the
people darft en-
terprife againſt
the Prophet of
God, this Prief
as achiefe inſtru ·
mentof Satan
firft attempted,
reade Chap.i 8.
were in the bigh gate of Beniamin which
was by the houte of the Lord.
And on the moning, PaGur brought
Jeremiah out of the ftockes. Then laid Fe-
remiah vutobim, The Lo: hath not called
thp name Pathur.but || ago miſſabib.
4 or thus faith the Lord, Bchold. J wilt
make thee tobee atertoztothy felfe, and to
all thy friends, and they Malt fall by the
fword of ther enemies, and thine epes Wall
behold it. and J wili gtueall Judah into the
Hand of the king of Babel.and be wall carte
them captive into Babel,and Hatt flay them
with the ſword. oad
s Woxrcouer, J will Deliver all the ib-
ftanceof this cittc,and all the labours theres
of, and all the precious things thereof, and
all the trealures of the kings of Judah will
J giue into the hand of thine enemies which
fhall{poyle them , and take them away and
carie theni to Babel. :
6 AndthoujPathur, and all that dwell b Which haue
in thine boule, Wall goe into captiuitic, and. fuffered them-
thou Walt come to Babel, and there thou feluesto be abu-
fhalt Die, and Malt bee buried there, thou fed by thy falfe
and all thy? friends. to whome then Halk prophefics.
Do 3 prophe-
lOr, feare round
A burning fire. Ieremiahs impatiencies Ieremiah.
propheũed lies, 4
$ 7 D Loz, then hal deceined meand J
c Herein appea- am Deceiued: thon art ronger then J. and
reththeimpatie haſt 4 pꝛeuailed Jam indertlion dailyicue ·
enciewhichof- fy sue mocketh mie. $
tentimes ouer- 8 Foz ince Iſpake. J cried out of wong,
commeththe and pzoclaimed ¢ Delolation: therefoze the
feruants of God, woꝛð ofthe Lozd was made a repzoth vnto
whentheyfee meand in deriſion Daily,
nottheir labours o Then F faid, J willnot make mention
to profit,andalfo of jim, no? {peake any moze in bis Mame.
feeletheirowne But his word was in mine beart asa burs
weakeneffe,read ning fire hut vp inmypbones, and J was
Chap.: 5.18. weary with forzbearing,and J could notttay,
d Thou diddeft 10 Fo, J had heard thz rayling of many,
thru me forth and feareonenery lide. ! Declare, Gid they,
torhisworkea. and wee will declare it: all my familiars
gaint my will. ‘watched foz my halting, faying, Jt may bee
e Hetheweth thatheeisdecetucd: to wee hall pzeuaile ae
thachedidbis gatult bim, and wee Mall execute our penge
officeinthathe ance bpon him. í
reproouedthe II gBut the Lez is with me like a migh⸗
people oftheir tig giant: therefore my perlecuters Hall bee
vices, andthreat- ouerthzowen,and Malt not preuatleand (all
nedthemwith bee greatly confounded: foz they hane Done
Gods iudge- vnwilely, and their euerlalting hame hal nee
mems:butbe- ` uer be forgotten. A
eauſe he was 12 *But, O Lord okhoſtes, that trieſt the
derided and per-
fecuted for this,
he was difcoura-
ged and thought
to haue cealed to
righteous, and{celt the reines and the beart,
let me fee thy vengeance on them: foz vnto
thee hane Jopened my caufe.
13 Hing vnio the Lord, praiſe pe the Loꝛd:
fo: hee hath Deliuered the foule of rye poore
preach,fauethat from the handef the wicked, $
Gods ípiritdid © 14 ( Cured be the day wheret J was
force him therc- j boue: and let not the Day wherein mp mo»
unto. ther bare me,be bleſſed.
f Thus the ene- 15 Curled be the man that ſhewed my fas
mies conferred ther, faping,A man child ts bozne puto thee,
together to and comforted hint. ;
know whatthey 16 AnD let that man bee as the i cities,
hadheard him which the Lord hath ouerturned and repens
fay,that they ted not:and let bim beare the cry in the mor·
mightaccufe ning, and the Houting at noonettde,
him thereof, 17 Becaule hee hath not flame mee; even
readlfa2g.21. from the wombe, o2 that my mother might
g Herehe hew- baue beene my graug,o? her wombe a perpes
eth how his faith tuali £ conception,
did ftrue againft 18 ow tg it, that Y came foozth of the
tentation,and Wwombe, to fee labour and ow , that mp
foughttothe — Dayes fhould be conſumed with Mame?
Lord for ftrength
1. Sam 26.7. 1 chro.28 9:pfal.7.9.chap.11.20and17.10. h How
the childrenof God are ouercome inthis battell ofthe feſh and the
fp‘rit,and into what inconucniences they fall till God raife tbem vp
againe,reade lob 3.1.& chap.15.10. i Alluding to the deftruai-
enofSodom and Gomorrah , Gen, 19.25. k Meaaing, that the
fruit thereof might newer come to profit.
Hee prophefreth that Zedekiah [hall bee taken,
and the citie burned,
a Not that the i word which came pnto Jeremiah
King was tou- from the Lord, when king 3dekiah (ent
ched with repen- vnto him Pabur, tie ſonne of Malchiah,
tance of his and Zephantah, the tonne of Maaleiah the
finnes,and ſo Pict, faving,
fought to God 2 Enquire, paay thee, of the Lod foz
as did Hezekials
when he fent to Ifiah, 2. King.19. 1. Iſa. 37. 2. but becauſe the Pro-
phet might pray vnto God to take this prefent plague away , as Pha-
raoh fought vato Mofes Exod,g.28,
Life and death, |
ys(for Mebuchad-nessat king of Babel ma:
keti) warre againſt vs)iflo be that the Loa
will Deale with vs accozding to ail his wane
Derous workes, that hee may returne vp
from Bs.
3 Then ſaid Jeremiah, Thus hall you
{ay to Zedekiah,
4 Thus faith the Lod Gad of Iſrael,
Behold, will turne backe the weapons of
warre that are in vour bands, wherewith pe
fight agatnit the king of Babcl,and again
the Caldeans, which beliege pou without
the walles,and J wil allemble them into the
mids of thts citie, à -
§ Ard J my felfe will ight againt you
with an outitretcked hand, twith a mightte
arme, euen in anger and in Bath, and in
great indignation. _ ES
6 And J will finite the tnbabitants of
this citie, both man and beak; they Hall die
ofa great peltilence. :
7 And akter this, layeth the Lord, J will
Deltucr Zedekiah the King of Judah, and
hts feruants,and the people, and fuch as are
left int thts city, krom che peftilence, from the
ſword, and from the famine, tuto the hand
of Hebuchad · nezz ar King of Babel, anv
into the band of theit enemies, and tntothe
band of thole chat ſeeke their liues, and bee
hall finite them with the edge of the fwozd;
be thal not {pare them, neither haue pitie nog
compaffion. r
8 € And bnto this people thou Halt fay,
Thus layeth the Lord, Beholde, J (et be- 3
foze you thes way of life , and the wapof ¢ By yeelding
a Death. 3 your felues to
9 *ige that abiveth in thiscity,hal Die by Nebuchad-nez-
the w00, and by the Famine, and bp the pes zar :
fitlencer tut he that goeth out,and;falleth ta d By refifting
the Calveans, that beficge you, he ſhall liue, 9m.
and bis life patag vnto him foz ae pray, Chap.38. 2.
Io Foꝛ 3 baue et my kace againſt this ci· € Asathing re-
tie, for eutli,and not fo? good, faith the Loz; couered from
it hall be giuen into the hand of the King of ¢xtreame danger,
Babel,and he thallbyeneit with fire. Chap. 37.2.and
IL (And fay vnto the boule of the king of 39-18. and 45,5.
Judah, Weare ye the word ofthe Lord. Chap.32. 3.
12 D boufe of Dani, thuslaith the Lov, £ Bediligentto
* Erecute indgement! inthe moning, and dociuftice,
Deliner the oppreſſed out of the hand ofthe 8 pai re
oppzefiog, let my wath goc out ike fireand ruſalem, which
burne,that none can quench it,becaute ofthe vas builded part
wickedneſſe of pour workes. on the bill,and
13 Behold, J come againſt thee, ¢D ins Partin the valley,
habitant of the palley,& rocke of the plaine, ad was compaf-
faith the Lord, which fay, (Aho Mallcome Ed about with
Downe againſt vs? o2 who thall enter into Mountaines.
our habitations? h Thatis, inthe
14. But J will vilite you accoxding tathe houfes thereof,
fruit of vour workes, faith the Lord, and 3) wbich flood as
wil kindle a firerin the fozrett thereofanvit thickeas trees
fall Deuoure round about it. A in the forreft,
2 Hee exhorteth the king te indgement and
righteeu[ne Se. 9 Why lerufalem is brought into
captimitse. x1 The death of Shallum the fonne of
Fefiah is prophefied.
Te fatd the Lord, Gae Downe tothe
boule of the king of Judah, and ſpeake
there this thing,
2 Andy, Heare the word of the Lom
b To wit, from
your enemies to
defroy your
Í The Kings duetie and profperitie
D King of Judah, that fitten spon p throne
Chap. xxiij.
FalfePaftors. 292
Dah, They Halt! not lament him, fying, Ah, 1 For euery one
Chap CICLE T) <
a This was bis
ordinary maner
of preaching be-
fore the Kings
from lofiah vnto
was about fourtie
Chap. 7.25.
b Shewing that
there is none
greater then he
Is, Heb. 6,1 3.and
that he will moft
certainely per-
forme his othe,
c Hecompareth
Ierufalem to Gi-
lead,which was
beyond lorden,
and the beauty
of Iudea to Le-
d The Ebrew
word fignifieth
to, fanGifie,be-
caufe the Lord
doth dedicateto
his vfeand pur-
pole, fuchas he
prepareth to ex-
ecute his worke,
Ifa. 3.3.Chap 6.
4.and 12.3.
e Thy buildings -
made of Cedar
| £ Asthey ywon-
der at any thing
which they
thought would
neuer haue come
foro paffe, Dcut,
g Signifying that
they {houldlofe
their King; for `
Jehoiachin went
foorth ro meete
ar, and yeelded
himfelfeand was
Caried into Ra-
12. 6
4h Whom fome
thinke ro be Ie-
hoiachin, & that
Tofiah was his
grandfather : hut
as feemeth.this
was Jehoiakim,
as verle 18.
ʻi By bribesand
of Dautd, thou and thy ſeruants, € thy peo-
ple that entcrin by theſe gates.
3 Thus lapth the Low, *Crecnte pee gl
indgement and+ righteoutnefie, and deltuer
the oppreficd from rhe band of the oppacfioz,
and vere not the Granger,the fatherletle,noz
the widow: Doe no violence, no Hed inna-
cent bloon in this place.
4 forifpe doc thts thing, then fhall the
Rings fitting bpon the throne of Dauid en-
ter in bythe gatesefthis Doule, *and rise
bpon charets, and vpon bozles, both hee and
bis (cruants and bis peaple.
Burak pe will not heare thele woꝛds. J
b fiveare by my felfe, laiih the Lod, that this
Youle hall be wate, à
6 Foz thushath the Lom ſpoken vpon
the kings boule of Judab, Thou art Gile-
ad vnts me,& the head of Lebanon, yet fires
ip 3 will make thee a wilderneſſe, and as cis
ties not inhabtied.
7 Aud Fj witl “prepare deltropers againſt
thee, everyone with his weapons, and they
fhall cut Downe thy chicte * cedar trees,and
tal them inthe fire. _ r
8 FQno many nations hall pale by thts
titie, and they hall fay cuerp man to his
neighbour, CAberefore hath the Lord Bone
thus vnto this great citte?
9 Then Hail they antwere, Decaule thep
baue forfaken the conenant of the Loz thetr
— worlhipped other gods, and ſerued
em. s s
10 ¶ MWecpe not fo: the deav, and be not
mooued foz them, bur weepe foz bim s that
gocth out: foz be Mall returne no moze, 102
(ee bis natiue countrey. :
IL for thus fayth the Lore, as touching
h Hhallum the ſonue of Isſiah King of Ju⸗
Dab, which reigned foz Joliah bis father,
which went out of thisplace, We (hal not re-
turne thither. 5 i
12 But hee Mall diein the place, whither
they haue led him captiue, and Wall tee this
tand uo moꝛe. f <
13 €@ovnte bim that buildeth his houle
by iburighteoulnes,and his chambers with-
out equities he victh his neighbour without
wages,and giucth him not fo? his worke.
14 Me laith, J will build me a wide boule
and large chambers : fo be wil make bimfelf
large windowes,and fieling with cedar,and
pains them with vermilion.
I5 Sbalt thou reigne, becaule thou clos
felt thp felfe in cevat? Did net thy * father
gate and deinke and proſper when he execu⸗
ted iudgement and ruſtice?
16 hen bee iudged the caule ofthe af:
flicted and the poore, be preſpcred: was not
this becante he knew me, faith the Lod?
17 Butthine eyes and thine heart are but
onely for thy coueiouſnes, and fo? to Yed tne
nocent blood, and t0? oppzefiten, and fog De-
ftruction,evcn te Boe thts. à
18 Therefore thus faith the Lom againſt
Ichotanim the fonne of Johah King of Ju-
. . È yes
‘extortion, k Meaninglofiah,whowas not giuen to ambition,and
but was content witb mediocritie, and did onely delight
jn feting foorth Gods glory, and to doc iuftics to all,
my brother, 02 Ab, fiftcr : neither Wall they
mourne fo: him, faying, Ab, loid, 02 Ah, his
19 ide hall be buticd as an afie m fs burt-
td, cuen daawen and caſt footh without the
gates of Zerufalem.
_ 20 (Go vp tor Lebanon, ann crit: hout
in oBaihanand crie bythe paſſages: forall
thy loners are deſtroyed.
21 J fpake vnto thee when thou wakin
pꝛoſperity:but thou ſaydſt, J will not heare,
this bath beene thy maner from thy pouth,
that thou wouldeſt not cbey my voice,
22 The wind Hai feeve all tby paftours,
P and thy lowers pall go into captinitte: and
then halt thou be ahamed and confounded
ofalithp wickennes, j
23 Thou that dwelleſt in Lebanon, and
maket thy neit tn the a cedars , how beauti.
full Hait thou be when ſorrowes come vpon
thee,as the fozow of a woman tn trauel?
24 As J liuc faith the Lo2d,though Co:
niah the fonne of Jehoiakin king of Judah,
were the ſignet of mp right Band, pet would
J pluctke thee thence. ;
25 Gnd J will giue thee into the hand of
them that feeke thy life,and into the band of
them, whoſe face thou keareſt, euen into the
band of fAchuchad-reszar Ring of Wabel,
and intothe hand of the Caldcans,
26 And Jwill caule them to carte thee
away: and thy mother that bare theeintoan
other countrep, where pe were not Lorne and
there hall ye die.
27 Wut to theland, wheriunto they delire
to returne,thep Mall not returne thither.
28 Js not this man Coniah asa deſpiſed
and broken Idole? oꝛas a veſſel, wherin is uo
pleaſure? wherefore are theycaried alway,
hee this (cede, and cak out into aland that
they Know not?
29 D fearth,earth,carth,heare the woz
of the Lod. ;
30 Thus fayth the Lode, Write this
t man Dettituteof children, aman that Mall
not pꝛoſper in bis Dapes: foz there fhaibe no
Man ef jis feed that Mallpzofper and tit vp⸗
on the thzone of Dauid, 02 brave rule any
miozcin Judah. %
kingdome could neuer depart from him, beeaufe
fhal hauc enough
to lament for
m Nothonoe
rably among his
fathers, but as
cations are caſt
inahole becauſe
their ftinke
fhould not in-
fe, reade 2.kin,
24.9» lofephus
Antig.10,8, wri-
teth that the enc-
mie flew him in
thecitie, & come
manded him to
bee calt before
the wailes vabue
ried, looke chap.
n To calltothe
Affyrians fer
o Forthis was
the way out of
Iudea to Affyrias
wherby is meang
that all helpes
‘fhould faile: for
the Caldeans
haue fubdued
both them and
the Egyptians.
p Both chy go-
uernours & they
that fhonld helpe
thee, shall vanith
away as winde,
q Thou that are
built of the faire
Cedar treesof
r Who was cals
led Iehoiachin
or Ieconiah,
whom hecalleth
here Coniah,in
thought his
hee caine of the
ftocke of Dauid, and therefore for the promife fake could not be ta-
ken fromhis houfe ; but he abufed Gods promife, and therefore was
infly depriucd of thekingdome. f He fheweth that all pofterities
fhall be witneffes of this inft plague, asthoughit were regiftred for
perpetuall memorie, t Nor that hehad no children ( forafter hee
begate Salathiel in the captiuitie, Matth.x,12-) But that none fhould
reigne after bim as King,-
1 Againft falfe paftors. § A prophefie of the
great — Iefus Chrift.
Ween vntothẽ 2 pattors that deſtroy a Meaning,the
anbfcatter > the ſheepe of mp patute, princes, gouere
fapth the Lord. nours, and falfe
2 Therefor thus fapth the LoD Gov prophets,as
of Iſrael vnto the paltours that < feede mip Ezekiel 34.2.
b For the which
Ihaue fpeciall care, and baue prepared good paftures for theme
c Whofechargeisto feede the focke, but they cazethe fruit theres ⸗·
of, Ezekiel 34.3
94 peoples
Ofothes. Falfe Prophets.
d Thusthepros
phets euer vie to
mixe the promi-
fes with f threat-
nings,leaft the
gedly fhoutd be
too much bezten
downe, and ther-
fore he fheweth
how God will
gather bis
Church after this
e This prophefie
isofthe reftituti-
on of the Church
inthe time of
Iefus Chrift,
who isthe true
Ifa,11.1.and 45.
Deut, 33-28.
F Reade Chap.
g Meaning, the
falfe prophets
which deceiue
the people:
wherein appea-
rethhis great
loue toward his
nation, reade
*Eb.paſſed ouer,
or troubled.
h They runne
headlong to wic-
kednes,and feeke
vaine helpe.
Or,ere bypa-
i My Templeis
full of their ido-
Jatrie and fuper-
k They which
fhould haue pro.
fited by my rods
againſt Samaria,
are become
worfe then they,
l Though tothe
world they feeme
holy fathers,yet
I deteft them as
I did thefe abo.
minable cities,
m Reade Cnap,
Or, hypocrifie,
n Whichthey
haue inuented
of their owne
o Reade Chap,¢
14. and 8.18,
people, Me haue ſcattered my klocke g thant
thentout,and baue not viſited them:behold,
3J will viſite pou for che wickedneſſe of your
workes,fapth the Lord.
3 And J wil gather the d remnant of my
fyecpe out of all countreys, whither Jhad
Diuen them, and will baing them agate to
their felds,and they hall crow andincreale.
4 And J will fet vp MHepheards ouer
them, which Hal feede then, and they wall
Dead no moze nez be afratd neither hal any
of chem be lacking, faith the Lod.
§ Webold,the Dates come, laiti the Lord,
that Z wilt raple unto Dauid a righteons
ebranch, ta king ſhall retane, and peolper,
and Hali execute tudgement and iuſtice in
the earth.
6 Jn his dayes Judah Hall be ſaued, and
AIſrael hall dwelt fafelp, ano this is the
same whereby they thall call him, * Che
Load our righteouſueſſe.
7 Therefore bebolde, the dayes come,
fapth the Loyd, that they wall no moze fay,
The f Lozd liuetl , which denght vp the
children of Iſrael out of the land of Egypt,
8 But,the Lod liveth, which brought vp
and led the feed of the boule of Flrael out of
‘the Roth countrep, and from all countreps
where J had (cattered theni ant they hall
Dwell in their owne land. :
9. Wine heart breaketh witht mee, be»
caule of theg prophets, all my bones Hake
Jam tke a munken man (ant like aman
whom wine hathtouercome) fo the pretence
ofthe Loz, and foz his holy mods.
10 Foꝛ the land is full of adulterers, and
becauſe ofathes the land mournech,the plea
fant places of the wilderneſſe are Dyed vp,
and their» couricis euill, and their force ts
Not right. i
II Foꝛ both the prophet and the priek loo
wickeoly ; € their wicked neſſe haue J found
in mine : boule, fayth the LoD.
12 Citherfoze their way ſhalbe vnto them
as flipperte wayes tn the Darknes:thep balbe
Baten forth and fall therein: fo: J wilbeing
a plague vpon them, euen the peere of their
uilitation,faith the Lord,
13 And J baue teene fooliG ues in the po-
phets of Samaria, that propheties tn Baal,
and canfed niy people Ifrael toerre.
14 J haue ſeene alſo in the Prophets of
Jerufalem * ilthineſſe: they commit adulte-
rie and walke in lies; theyſtrengthen allo
the handes of the wicked that none can re
turne from his wickedneſſe: they are all vn⸗
to ! me as Sodom, tthe inhabitants there:
of as Gomoꝛah. :
I5 Cherfore thus ſaith the Lord of hoſts
concerning the prophets, Beeld, F will
feee them with = wozmewood, and make
them Minke the water of gall: foz from the
prophets of Ferufatem izi wickednes gone
fozth into all the land.
16 Thus faith the Lord of holes, Weare
Not the words ofthe prophets that prophetic
unto yon and teach pou vanttie : they fpeake
the vifion oftheir owne » heart, and not out
of the mouth of the Lod, N
17 They lay cil vnto them that deſpiſe
me, The Lord hath (td, Peoſhal hance prace
Nothing fecret to God.
and they fay onta — that walketh at `>
ter the ſtubbornneſſe of bis ownehetart, No
euill hal come vpon you.
13 foz r who hath tood inthe counfelof p Thus they did
the Loud that he hath perceived and heard deride leremiah
his word? Che hath marked his word and as though the
beard it? word of God
Ig Behold, the tempel ofthe Lord goeth were notreuealed
forth in his wꝛath, anda violent whirlewind vato him : fo alfo
fal fall downe vpon the head of the wicked. Pake Zidkiiah to
20 The anger of the Lozd thal not returne Michah, 1.Kinge
vntil he haue executed, anD till he baue pers 22.24.
formed the thoughtsotbhisheart: inthe lat» q Both that God
ter Daves pe 9 Mail vnderſtand it plainely. bath fent me, and
21 * J baue not fent thele Pzophets,faith thaemy wordes
the Lozd, petthep ran: J baue not ſpoken to Mall be true.
them,and pet they propbetiea. Chap.t4.13,14,
22 Butrl they bad ſtood in mycountel, end 27.15.
and ' had declared my words tomy people, and 29.8.9,
then they Would bane turned them from r He theweththe
their entil way, and from the wickedneſſe of difference be-
thetrinuentions. tweene the true
23 Am Ja God athand, fapth the Lode, Prophetsand the
andnota Godt farreof? falfe, betweene
24 Gan any hive himſelkin fecret places, thehireling and
that J hall not fee hint, faith the Loꝛd? Doe thetrue minie
not J Gill heauen and earth, fapth the Lord ? Rer.
25 Jhaue heard what the prophets fayd, í Doe not I fee
that prophefie lestn my game, laying, J your falfhood,
t haue Dreamed, J] hate Dreamed. > howfocuer you
26 Wow long? *Do the prophets delight clokeit, and
to prophetic lies enen pꝛopheſying the Deceit wherefocuer you
oftheir owne heart? conmit it?
27 Thinke they tocaule mp people to t Ihaue apro-
forget my Mame by their Dreames, which pheſie reuealed
they tell euery man to bis neighbor, asthetr vnto me,as
forefathers Haue forgotten mp same foz Num.12.6,
Baal? tEbr. isit in the
23 The Prophet that hath adzeame, let heart of the pro-
bim * tell a eame, he that bath mp word, phets è
iet him ſpeake my word faithfully: what ig u Hetheweth -
the chaffetothewheatefayth the Lord? that Satan raifetle
29 Js not mp woꝛd euen like a fire, fayth vp falfe prophess
the Lod? and like a hammer that bzeaketh to bring thepeoe
the fone? ple from God.
30 Therefore behold, will come againſt x Letthe falle
the prophets, ſayth the Lozd, thatz fteale my prophet declare `
1020 euery one from bis neighbour. that it is bis owne
31 Behold, J will come agaiutt the pzo- fantafic,and not
phets, fayth the Lod, which bane Tweete fander my word
tongues, and fay, De ſayth. as though it were
32 Bebold,F wil come againk them that acloke to couer
prophelic falfe dꝛeames, fayth the Loz, and hislies.
Doe tell them, and caufe mp people toerrebp y Meaning,that
their lies, and by their flatterics, and J fent itisnot fufficient
them not, noꝛ commaunded them: therefoze for Gods mini-
they dzing no pzofit vnto this people, fapth fters to abftaine
the Loo. from lies,and to
33 And when this people, oz the prophet, fpeake theword |
02 a Pꝛieſt hall atke thee, laying, (Abatis of God: bur that
the > burdenof the Lod? thou Malt then there be iudge-
ment inallesging
it, and that it may appeare to be applied tothe fame purpofe that it
was fpoken, Ezek. 3.17. 1,Corinth,3.13.and 4.2. 2. Tim.3.55, 1. Pet.
4.10,11, Z. Which fer foorthin my Name that which I haue not
commaunde!. a Towit,theLord. b The Prophets called their
threatnings Gods burden, whichthe {inners were not able tofuftaine,
therefore the wicks in deriding the woree, would aske ofthe pros
phets, What was the burden? As though they would fay , Youfecke
nothing elfe burro Jay burdens on our {houlders : and that they reig-
Ged the word of God,as a gricuous burden.
Baskets offigs.
fay unto them, Chat burden? F willeuen
fozlake pou,fapt the Loz. :
4 Anodthe prophet, oꝛ the prick, o2 the
c Becaufethis people that halt ap, The «burden of the
worde was 020, J willeuen viſite cucry uch one, and
broughttocon- bis boule.
temptardderifi- 35 Thug Mall pee fap euery one to bis
on he will teach neighbour, ecuery one te bis bꝛother, tabat
theman other ath the Lod anſwered ?and what hath the
maner offpeech, Loꝛd ſpoken?
and will caufe 36 And the burden of the Lord yall yee
this word Burden mention no moze: fozeuery mans d wold?
to ceafe, & teach fhall be his burden: foz pee haue peruerted
themtoaske the wordes of the lining God, the Lorde of
withreuerence, hoftes our God.
What fayth the 37 Thus falt thoulay to the Prophet,
Lord? tibat hath the Lod anfwered thee 7 and
d The thing what hath the Loꝛd fpoken?
which they 38 And if pou fay, The burden of the
mockeandcon- 100, @hen thuslapth the Lord, Becaute pe
temne,thalcome fap this word, The burden of the Lord, and
vpon them. J baue fent vnto you, ſaying, De hal not fay,
She burden of the Lord,
39 Wherefore behold, J, cuen J willvt ·
}Or.take you teripi forget you,and J wilt forlake pou,and
away. thetitie that 3 gaue pou, and pourfathers,
and caſt you out of Mp peelence,
Chap.o. 11s 40 And mil bꝛing *an euerlaſting reproch
bpon pou and a perpetual Hame which ſhall
neuer be forgotten.
1 The vifion ofthe baskets of figs 5 fignifieth
that part of the people ſhould bee brought agame
fromcaptiuity, 3 And that Zedekiah and the
refi of the people fhould be carted away,
A p ir ie fhewedmec, and bebolde, two
a bafgets of figges were fet before the
Temple ofthe Low, after that Mebuchade
nezsar king of Babel had cartes atwap tap.
into captiuity, & tine Jecontah the ſonne of Jehoiakim king
fo faned their of Judah, and the princes of Judah with the
life, as Cha.21.8. wozkemen, and cunning men of Jerulalem,
and the naughtie and had brought them to Babel.
figs them that 2 Dnebatket had very good figges,euen
remained, which Itke the figs that are firt ripe: and the other
were yetfubic& DBalkct had bery naughty figs, which could
to the {word, fa- Hot be eaten,they were fo euttl.
mine and pelti · 2 Shen tapd the Lord vnto mee, Uhat
hence, feelt thou Jeremiah ? And F fayd, Figs: the
good figg bery good , andthe naughty very
naughty, which cannot bee eaten, they are fo
a The good figs
fignified them
that were gone
bWherebyhe 4 Againethe woꝛd ofthe Leo tame une
approueththe tome,faytng,
5 Thustapth the Lord, the God of Jira»
el, Like thele good figges, fo will J knowe
pany,becanfe them, that are caried away captive of Jus
theyfobeyed the Dah, to be good, whom F haue fent out of
Prophetywho thigb place,intotheland of the Caldeans.
exhorted them 6 F027 wiil tet mine epes vpon theni
thereunto, foz good, and J will bring them agatneto
c Which dech- this land, and F will build rhem,and not Dee
reth that manof ftropthem, and J will plant them, and not
himfelfe can roote them out, |
know nothing, 7 And J will give them an «heart to
till God giue the knoto me,that J am the Lo22, and they hall
heart and vnder- be my* people, and J will be theit God: foz
3 they pall returne yuto me with there whole
Chap. 31:33. heart. :
—5 3 *And as the naughty figaes whith
Chap29.17, cannot beceaten, thepare focutll Caurely
yeclding of Iere-
niah & hiscom-
Chap, xxiiij. xxv.
The Prophets diligence.
thus fayth the Lod) fo will J gine zedekiah
the king of Judah and his princes , and the
relidue of Jeruſalem that remaing in this
land, and them that ¢ Dwell in thelandD of d Which fied
Cayppt: f thither før fuc»
9 J willeuen giue them fo? a terrible cour.
plague to all the kingbomes of the earth, &
foz arepzoch , and fez a proucrbe, fora coms
mon tatke,and foz acurle in al places, where
3 pall cat then.
10 And J will end the ſword, the famine
and the peftilence among them, till they bee
confumed eut of the land that J gaue vnto
them and to their kathers.
1 He prophefieth that they fhalbe in captiuity
feuentyyeeres, 1% Andthatafterthe feueny
Jeres the Babylonians fhsuld be deftroyed, 15 The
deftruction of all nations i prophefied.
Te werd that came to Jeremiah, con-
cerning all tbe people of Judah tu the
a fourth peere of Jehotakim the fonne of Jo-
fab king of Jndab,that was in the fire pere
of Nebuchad nezzar king of Babel :
“2 The which Jeremtah the Prophet
fpake vnto all the people of Judah, and to
all the inhabitants of Serufalem,faping,
3 Fromtbe thirteenth yere of Joliah the
forineof Amon king of Judah, enen vnto
>this Dap ( that isthe three and twentieth
peere) the worn of the Loꝛd hath come nto
me, and J baue ſpoken vnto pou -riling ear-
ip and (peaking, but pe would not heare.
4 And the Lod hath tent vnto you all
bis feruants the Prophets, riling early and
lending them, but pe would not heare,nez in·
tline pour eares to obey. ;
§ Chey 4 fayd, Burne againe now eue-
ty one from bis eutll way,and from the wic-
keanes of pour inventions, tye alt dwel in
the land that the Lozd bath given vnto pou,
and to your fathers fo? euer and euer,
6 And goenot after other gous to ſerue
them and to wo: Hip them, and prouoke me
not to anger with the wozkes efpour hands,
and J will not puniſh you.
7 Neuertheleſſe pe would net heare me,
ſayth the Lord, but paue pꝛouoked me to an:
ger with the wozkes of pour hands to pour
owne burt. ‘
8 Therfore thus faith the Lord of poke,
Becaule pe haue net heard my wozds, ©
9 Begol, I willlend,aud take to me all
the < famtlies of the Roath, fayth the Lorde,
and Nebuchad · nezz arthe kingof Babel my
f feruant, and will dzing them againlſt this
tand, and againtt the inhabitants thereof,
and agatntt all thefe nations ¢ round about,
and wil Deltrop them, and make them an
aſtoniſhment and an piling, and a continu:
all deſolation.
10 *Moꝛeoner J will || take from. them
the voyce of mirth, andthe voyce of glau-
nah 3.8.
e The Caldeans, and all their power. f So the wicked and Satan
himfelfe are Gods feruants, becatife hee maketh them to ſerue him by
conftraint,and turneth that which theydoe of milice,to bis honor and
glory. g As thé Philiftims,Ammonites,Egyptians and others,
ch fy 5 6.9. Or defiroy. ; P
ap 3 meile,
a That is,in the
third yeere ac-
complithed, & in
the beginning
ofthe fourth: for
though Nebu-
chad nezzar be⸗
gan to reignein
the end of the
third yeere of
reigne,yet thae
yeere is nothere
counted, becanfe
it was almoft exe
pired, Dan, 1.1,
b Which was
the fift yeere and
the ninth meneth
of Iehoiakims
c Thatis, I haue
{pared no dili-
gence or labour,
d He fheweth
that the Prophets
wholly with one
confent did Ja-
bour to pull the
people from
thofe vices, which
then reigued : to
wit, ftom idola⸗
trie,and the vainé
confidence of
men: for vader
thefe two all o-
ther were contéle
13 chap.18.13.
and 35.15.10+
| The cup of wrath.
h Meaning, that
bread &al things
that fhould (erue
vnto their fealts,
fhould be taken
i Thisrewelation
was forthecon-
firmation of his
prophefie, be-
caufe he tolde
them of che
timethat they
fhould enter and
remaincin cap.
tiuitie, 2.Chron,
36.22, CZ1a.0 A
dan 9.2.
k For fecing the
iudgement be-
gan athisowne
houfe the ene-
mies mult needes
bee punifhed
moft grieuoufly,
1 Thatiszof the
m Signifyi
the i iA
fli&ions that
God had appoin-
ted for cuery
one,as Pfal.7 5,8.
Tfa.g1.17. and
this cup which
the wicked
bitter then that
which he giueth
to his children,
for he meafureth
the one by mer-
cie, and the other
n Fornowit
beginneth and
fhal fo continue
tillit be accom-
o Readefobi.¢.
p Which were
«cities of the Phi-
q Edom ishere
taken for the
and Vz for apart
¢ As Grecia,
Jraly, andthe reft
of thofe coun-
nefſe, fhe voyte ofthe bꝛidegrome, andthe
voyte ok the bꝛide, the noyſe of the i mif
ſtones ana the light of the candle.
It And this whole land mall be delolate,
and an aftontfhment, and thele nations thail
feruie the king of Babel (cuentp peeres.
I2 Gnd when the ‘ feuenty peeres are at-
complien, I will villte * the king of Ba-
beland that nation, fayth the Lo2de, for
their iniquities, cuen the land cf the Cal⸗
? cans and will make it a perpetuali Selola>
13 And FJ will bring vpon that lande all
my words which Jhaue pronounced againtt
it, euen all that ts wetrten in thts booke.
which Jeremiah bath peophelicd again all
nations. :
F For mauy nations and great Kings
fhali euen ‘(crue thenitelues of them: thus
will J recompente them accozaimg to their
Deedes, and accosding to the workes of their
owne hands.
5 Fo: thus hath the Lozd God of Iſrael
{poken yntome, m Cake the cup of wine of
this mine indignation at mine hand, and
caufe all the nations fo tuhom J fend thee,to
deinke it.
16 And they Hall drinke, and be mooued,
and be mad, becauſe of the fwozd, that J will
fend among them,
17 Ehen tooke J the cup at the Loves
hand, ant made all people todzinke, vnto
whom the Lom bad fentme:s
18 Even Jeruſalem, and the cities cf Ju⸗
Dab, and the Kings thereof,and the Princes
thereof, to make them deſolate, an aſtonich·
— an hilling, and a curſe, ®agappeareth
is day:
19 Pharaoh aloking of Egypt. and his
Melle and bis pꝛinces, and all bis peo⸗
p g:
20 And all fotz of people, tall the kings
ofthe land e of Gs: ann all the kingsofthe
lante of the Philiſtims, and r Aihkelon,
and 433ab, and Ekron, and the remnant of
21 9€ dom, and Moab , andthe Amma:
22 Anvall the kings of Tyrus, call the
kings of Zidon, and the kings of the Dies,
that are bepond the Hea,
23 And Dedan, and Tema, and Bus,
and all that Dwell in the vttermoſt corners,
24 Qudallthe kings of Arabia, and all
the kings of Arabia that Dwellin thet de>
25 Gnd all the kings of Zimri, andail
bs ninge ofl Eiam, añd all che kffigs ofthe
26 And all the kings of the North, farre
and neereone ta another, and allthe kings
Domes of the world, which are bpen p earth,
and a king of * Shehach hall minke af-
ter them.
27 Therefore fay thou bnto them, Thus
fayth the Lon of bottes, the God ot Jiraci,
f Thefe were people of Arabia, which cameofDedan the fonne of
AbrahamandKeturah, t Forthere were twocountreys fo named,
the one called plentifnll, and the other barren, ordefert. (Or, Peri,
u Thatisyof Chap.5 1-41,
Plagues on ali
Dꝛinke and be Munken, anv {pet and fall
and vile no moze, becaufe of the ſwoꝛd, which
F will fend among yon..
28 E But ifthey refule to take the cup at
thine hand to minke, then tell them, Thug
oporbe £020 of hoſtes, Ve Tall certaiuely
29 Foꝛ loe, J begin to plague the = citie,
where my name is called vpon, and ſhould
pou goe irec ? Pe thal ust go quite; fo2 J wil
call fox a fwe: vpon ali the tnhabitantsof
the earth, fapth the Lod okhoſtes.
30 Therfore prophetic thou againk them
ail thele wos , and fay nto them, * Che
Loꝛd ſhall voare from aboue, and thant out
bts voyce from bts holy habitation: he hall
roate vpon bis habitation; and crp aloud,as
they that peffe the grapes, againt all the
tnhabitants of the earth. F
31 The found ſhalcome to the ends of the
earth: foz the Lo hath a contronerfic with
the nations, and will euter into iudgement
with all fley, and he wili gine them that are
wicked te the hwo2d,fapth the Led,
32 ¶ Thus fapth the Lod of hokes, Bee
hold, a plague fail goe fozth from nation to
nation,and a* great whirlewind ſhalbe rat-
fed vp from thecoatts of the earth,
33 And they flaine ofthe Lom Hall beat
that Day krom one end of theearth, euen vn⸗
to the other end of the earth: thep ihal not be
Mourncd, neither gathered nozburicd, but
ſhalbe as the Dung vpon the ground.
34 Wowwle, pee Hepheards, and cric,and
wallow pour feines in the athes, pe principal
of the flocke: ĉo: pour Dayes of laughter are
accomplifhed,and of pour diſperſion, and pe
iali fall like pzectous veſſels.
3§ And the > flight fall faile from the
ſhepheards, and the elcaptng from the prin-
cipallofthe fotkes
36 Avopeco€ the crie of the Hhepheards,
and an Howling of the principal of the flock
thall beheard ; foz the Lozd bath deſtroyed
their patture.
37 Andthe shee pakures are deſtroyed
—— of the wrath and indignation of the
38 He hath forfaken bis couert, as the lis
on: foz thetr landis watte, becaufle ofthe
wrath of the oppreſſsur, and becaule ofthe
wrathok hts indignation, —
2 Ieremiah mooueth the people to repere
tance. 7 Heewtaken of the falfe prophets and
priefisand brought toimdgement. 23 Prjahthe
Prophet ù killed of Tehoiahim contrary to the wik
of God.
| Nthe beginning of the reigne of Pebota-
kimthefonne of Joſſah King of Judah,
came thts wo2d from the Lord, laying,
2. Thus fayth the Lord, Stand in the
a court ofthe Loꝛds oule, and {peake vnto
all the cities of Judah, which come to two.
ſhip in the Lords Woule, all the wordes that
Icommand thee to ſpeake vnto them keepe
nott a word backe,
3 Iklo bee they will hearken, and turne
the earth.
x That is,Icru-
fatem, reade verte
Ioel 3.16,
AMOS 1.2,
y They which
areflaine atthe
Lords appointe
z Ye that are
chiefe rulers, and:
a Which are
moft eafily bros
b Icthallnot
helpethem to
feeke to flee.
4Ebr peaceable,
a Thar is, in that
place of the
Temple where-
unto the people
refort out ofall
Tudah to facrifice,
b/To the intent’,
that they fhould
pretend no igno-
rance,AG.20, 27e.
gy eg —
The Prophet accufed.
encey man frombis eulll way, that 3 may
£ repent mecotthe plague, which Jhaue De-
termined to bing wponthent, becaule of the
wickednelle oftheir workes.
4 Andtbhouthalé fay vnco then, Thus
fatth the Lod, E yee will not heare mee to
matke in my lawes, which J paue fet before
§ And to beare the words of my ſeruauts
the Prophets, whom J (cnt vnto pou, both
rifing bp early, and (ending them, and will
not obey them, FAE
6 Then wi! J make this Houle like
d Shiloy , anv will make this citte «acurle
7.12, to ail the nations of theearth.
¢Sothatwhen 7 Bo the Wuielts and the Pꝛophets, and
they would curfe althe people heard Jeremiah ſpeaking thele
any,theythall — uaads inthe boule ofthe Lord.
fay,God doe to Row when Jeremiah had made an
theeasto Ieru- endeof {peaking all that the Loz had come
falem, manden him to fpeake unto all the people,
then the Prieſts and the Pꝛophets, and all
the people toake bun, ang ſaid; Thou halt
Die the death.
9 Ahy bait thou prophelted inthe Maine
c Reade Chap,
d Reade Chap.
fBecauleof ofthe Loud, laying, This Poule Halbe like
Godspromife bila, and this citte Hall Se Delolace with:
tothe Temple, ont an inbabtrant ? and all thepeople were
Phl. 33.14. gathered aganit Jeremiah in the Houle of
that he would the 020.
forcuerremaine “19 Qnv when the Pinces of Judah
there,thehypo- heard of thele things,they came apee the
critesthought . kings houle into the Houle of the Lord, and
thisTemple > fate dobne in the entrie of thes new gate of
could neverpe- the Lors Houle.
rihh,& therefore tr Then fpake the Piets and the Pꝛo⸗
thoughticblaf- phets vnto the princes,and to all the people,
phemieto fpeake faying,+ This man ts worthie to Dies fo? he
againftit,Matt. hath prophelied again this citic,as pe haue
26.61.A@s 6. heard with pour cares.
43.notconfide- 32 Then pake Jeremiah punto all the
ringthatthis —- princes, and to all the people, faying , The
wasmeant ofthe Lod hath bent meto propbelie agatuit thts
Church where Houſe and againikt this citie all the things
God will remaine that pe bane beard. ;
for euer, 13 Therefore nowe amend yonr wayes
g Socalled,be- and pour workes, and heare the voyce of the
caufeitwaste- Lord your Gov, that the Loza may repent
paired by Toa- · him of the plague, that hee hath pronounced
tham,2, King.15- againſt pou.
35. o, 14 Astor me, behold, J amin pour hands:
+ Eby iudgement Doe with me as pee thinke good and right,
jefdeath belong . 15 But know yee for certaine, thatit pee
jethtothisman, put mec to death, yee Hall ſurely being inno:
h He both thew. cent blood bpon pour (clues, and npon this
jeththecauleof gitiesand vpon the inhabitants thereof: foz
hisdoingsplain- of a trueth the Loꝛd bath ſent mec vuto pou
ly,and alfo to peake all thele words in pour cares.
threatencth them 16 -Then laid the princes and all the pros
| thattheyfhould ple vnto the Pictes, and to the JDzophers,
{nothing auaile, This mants not woztbie ta die: to? be hath
|| though they [poken to vs in the Mame of the Lord our
i| fhould put him, God.
todeath,but 17 ¶ Then roſe vp certaine of the Œl-
heapegreater Derg oftheland, and pake toall the alfein-
xengeance vpon bly af the people, faving,
theit heads, 43 aBicbab the MWarathite * prophelier
‘\Michra.and in the Daves of Wezektay, King ot Judah,
` ann tpake to all the people of Sudab, lays
ing, Thus faith the Lo: of holtes, zion
Mali bee plowed likea ſield, and Jeruſalem
Chap. xxvij.
Vriiah murdered.
foal bee an heape and the mountaine of the
ipoule thatbe as the high places of b foet,
19 Did Hezekiah king of Juda), and all
Indah put hima to Death 2, Vid hee nat fare
tie Lode ana prayed before the Lord, and
the Lord repented bin of the * plague, that
hee had pꝛonvunced againſt them? thus
might wee procure great enill again our
20 And there was alfo aman that pro
phelicd iu the Mame of the Lod, one Cirt
tal) the ſonne of Shematah, of Rirtath-fa-
rent, wha peophelied agaiuſt this citie, and
agatult this lanm according to al the words
ot Jeremiah,
i That is, of the
Houle ofthe
Lord,to wit, Zie
on: and thefe
examples the
godiy alledged
to deliuer lere.
miah out ofthe
Prieftes hands,
whofe rave elfe
would not haue
bene fatis fed,tut
by bis death.
k So that the city
21 flow when Jehoiakim the king with was nor deftroy-
all bis men of power, and all the Peinces ed, but by miracle
Heard his wozdes , the king fought te flay was delrucred
bim. But when Cirtiah heard it he was a> out of the hands
fraid,and fled and went inte Egypt. of Sancherib ,
22 Then Jehoiakim the king lent men | Here is decla-
into Egypt, cuen Elnathan the fonne of red the fury of
Achborand certaine with him into Egypt, tyranrs,who cane
23 And they fet Ctritah one of Egppt, akd norabide to
bronghe him vnto Jebowakin the king, wha beare Gods word
flew him with che fword,and catt his dead declared,but per-
bodp into the graues of the childzenof the fecure the mini-
people. Rers thereof, and
24 But the hand of Ahlkam ” the fone yer inthe ende
of Shaphan was with Jeremiah that they they prenaile no-
ſhould not giue him into the band af the peo» thing,bur pro-
ple to put pum to Beach. uoke Gods indge
ments fo much
themore. m Asin the ftf, Hezekiahs example is to be followed,
foin this other, lehoiakims.a@ is to be abhorred:for Gods plague did
light onhim,and hishoufhold. ‘n Which declareth that nothing
could haue appealed their fury if God had not moned this noble man
to ftand valiantly in his defence,
z Ieremiah at the commandement of the Lord
fendeth bonds to the king of Judah, and tothe o-
ther kings that were neere, whereby they are mo-
nefhed to be ſubiects to Nebuchad-nexxar. 9 He
warneth the people and the kings and rulers that
they belecue not falfe prophets.
i I the beginning of the reigne of · Jeho:
takim thefonne of Jotiah king of Judah
came this woe bunto Jeremiah from the
Loyd, laying,
2 Thus iaith the Lord to me, Wake thee
b —— pokes, and put them vpon thy
3 And fend them tothe King of Crom,
and to the king of Moab aud tothe king of
the Ammonites, and to the king of Tyus,
and tothe king of Zidon by the hand of che
meflengcrs, which come to Jeruſalem vnto
Sedentay the king of Judah, 4
4 And command them to fay vnto their
matters, Z hus ſayth the Lord of hoſtes the
God of Iſrael, Thus hatlyce fay vnto pour
matters, doubts & make
5 J paue made the carth, the manm and the reading much
the bealt thatare vpon the grsund, bp my more efie.
b Byfuch fignes
the Prophets vfed fometime to confirme theit prophefies, which note
withftanding' they cculd nor do of themfelues,but in as muchas they’
hada reuelation for the fame, Ifa 20.2; and therefore the falfe pro-
phets to get more credir did yfe allo ſuch vifible ficnes,but they hak
no réuclation, 1,King,22,145
a Astouching
the difpofition of
thefe prophelies,
they that gathe- ~
redthem intog -
booke;did not
altogether obe
ferue the order
of times,but did
fet ome afore, —
which fhould be: ~
aftersand contra⸗
riwife : which if
the reader marke
well, it fhalla-
uoyd many
3 The yoke of Babel.
¢ Reade Chap.
d Meaning,
and hisfonne
e They fhall
bring him,and
his Kingdome in
great power, and by mp outſtretched arme,
ae haue giuen it vnto whome tt pleaſeth
6 Butnow Y haue giuen all theſe tands
into the band of Nebuchad nezzar the
King of Babel my < feruant, and the beatts
pr foe field bane J alfo ginen him to lerue
7 Ana allnations hall ferne him, and
bis 4 fonne, and bis fonnes fonne, vntill the
bery time of hts land come allo: then many
tations and great Rings halle ſerue them:
feluesof him.
8 Gnd the nation and kingdome which
twill not lerue the fame Mebuchad-nessar
Ring of Babel, and that will not put their
necke vnder che poke of the Ring of Babel,
the fame nation will J vilite,fatth the Lod,
with the word and with the famine, and
with the pettiience, vntill Jhaue wholly gi-
uen them into his hands.
9 Therefore beare not pour prophets noz
your (oothfapers , noz pour Dzeamers, 1102
pour enchanters , no: pour fozcerers, which
fay vnto you thus, De hal not frue the king
of Babel. :
To Foꝛ they prophelte a lie vnto pouta
cauſe pou te goe farre from ponr land, and
* fhould cak yvou out, and you ſhould
It But the nation that put their neckes
onder the pake ofthe King of Babel, and
{true dim, thoſe will J let rematne tillin
their owne land, faith the Lord, and they
hall occupie it,and dwell therein,
12 (3 pake allo to Zedekiah King of Jue
` Bab accogding to all thefe wozdes, laying,
Chap.3 4.14, and
23.21.4174 39,9,
f Which were
taken when le-
coniah was led
captiue into
g Forit was not
onely the Pro-
phets office to
fhew the word
of God,but alfo
. to. ptay for the
finnes of the
thefe could not
Put your neckes vnder the poke of theking
of Babel, and ſerue him and hispeople,that
yemap line, :
13 Aby will pee die, thou,and thy people
by thefwozd, by the famine, and by the pe-
Gilence, as the Lord hath poken againit
me ee > that will not Cerue the King of
14. Theretore beare nof the words of the
prophets, that (peake vnto pou, faying, Dee
fhallnoc ſexue the King of Babel; fo? they
prophetic alte unto pou. y
Is for J baue not* (ent chem, faith the
Lozd, pet they pꝛopheſie a lie in my Mame,
that 3 might cat you out,and that pemight
perih, both pou, and the Prophets that pro·
phefie vnto pou.
16 C AlI pake tothe Picts, andto pl
all this people,(aying, Thus faith the Loz,
Heate not the words of pour Prophets that
pophelie vonto pou,faping, Behold,* the vel
fels of the Houſe okthe Lo: ſhallnow Mozte
ly bee £ brought agatne from Babel, fo2 thep
prophetic alie puto pou. 5
17 Weare theni not, bur ferne the Ring of
Babel, that pee may liue: wherefore ſhould
thts citie be Delolate?
18 ‘But tE they bee Prophets, and ifthe
wo2d pf the Lord be with them,let them eins
doe, becaufethey treate the Lord of hoſtes, that the veſſels
badno exprefle which are leftin the houleof the Lo2d, and
word: for God
had pronounced
the contrary,
in the boule of the king of Judah, and at Jle:
rufalem,goe not to Babel. i
19 Foz thus faith the Lord of boes cons
Hananiah a falfe prophet.
cerning the *pillars, and concerning the ſea, 2, King, 25.13.
and concerning the bales, and concerning
~ relidue ofthe vellels that remaine in this
20 Mhich Mebuchad-nessarking ef Bas -
bel tooke not, when he carted “awaycaptine 2 King.24, 12,
Jeconiah the fone of Jehoiakim king of 13.
Judah from Jerufalem to Babel, with all
the nobles of Fudah and Jeruſalem
2I Fo: thus lapeth the Lord of hotes
the Gow of I(tael, concerning the veffels
that rematne inthe Youle af the Lod, and f |
in the houſe ofthe king of Judah and atges B That is, for
rufalem, the fpaceof fe- >
22 Thep Hall beebsought to Babel, and uenty yeeres till
there they tall be wnttl the Day that J vilite 1 bauecauled the
bthem, tapyeth the Lod: them will J bring Medesand Perfi-
them bp,and rekor them vnto this place,
x The falfe prophefie of Hananiah. 12 Fere-
miah reprometh Hananiah, and prophefieth.
ansto ouercome
the Caldeans,
A ND that Came peere, in the beginning
of the 2 retgne of zedekiah nigo Ju-
Dab tn the > fourth peere, and in the Atth mos
neth, Hananiah the ſonne of Azur the Pro·
phet, which was of: Gibeon, ſpake to mee in
the Doule of the Lod, in the prelence of the
patetts,and of all the people,and fain, ;
2 hus (peaketh the Lozd of hoſts, the
God ok Iſrael ſaying, Jhaue broken the poke c Thiswasa citie
of the king of Babel. in Beniamin,be-
_ 3 thin two pereg (pace J will bꝛing longingtothe —
into thts place all the belleis of the Loz0s fonnesof Aaron,
houle, that Nebuchad nezzar king of Babel lofhzr.a7,
tooke ree from thts place,and carted them teby.ewo yeeres
into Babel. — s of dayes, l
4 Ana F will izing agatne to this place
Jeconiah the onne of Jehoiakim King of
Judab. with all them that were caricd awa
capttue of Judab and went inte Babel att
the Lord; for J| will bzeake the poke of the
king of Babel. K
§. Then the Prophet Jeremiah ſaid vn · :
tu the ¢ prophet Hananiah inthe pzelenceof d He was fo é-
the Dietes , and in thepzelence of allthe ſteemed, though} |
people that ſtood tn the houſe of the Lod, he wasa falfe
6 Cuen the Pꝛophet Jeremiah am, Ho prophet.
bee it: thee Lod fo doe, the Lord confirme e Tharis, I
thy words which chou halt prophelied,tore> would with the
froze the veflets of the Lords poule, and all (me forGods °
that is carted captiuefrom abel, into this honour,and >
ace. x wealth of ay
7_ But heare thon now this word that J people, but hee
wil (peake in thine cares, and Inthe eates of bath appointed
all the people. thecontrary. f
8 he Pꝛophets that hauebeene before f Meaning, that | ¢
me and before thee in time patt,f prophelted theProphets |
againſt many countrepes,and agatntt great that did either |
kingpomes,of warre,and of plagues and of denounce warre
pettilence. i ~ or peace,were
o Andthe Prophet which prophelieth of tried cicher true
peace, when the word of the Prophet Wall or falfe by the
come to paffe, then Hall the Prophet bee fucceffe of their
knowen that the Lo hath truely tent hin, prophefies, Al-
1D ‘hen anantah the ophet tooke ber God make} ¢
the poke from the Prꝛophet Jeremiahs to cometo paste} lo
fometime that
which the falfe prophet (peaketh, to trie the * of his Deut, 13.34
a When Teremi:,
ah begarne to
beare thefebonds
and yokes, ;
b Afterthat the
land had refted, ©
as Leuit.2 5,2,
‘Hisanibitiomand rage.
E Thisdeclareth necke and e brake ite oo:
theimpudencie II And Hananiah Pake inthe preſence
ofthe wicked , of allthe people, faping, Thus fayeth the
birelings, which- 1020, Cuen to will J bzeake the poke af fig-
baueno zealé to buchad-nes3zar Wing of Babei , from che
the trueth, rat
are led witham® peered: andthe Prophet Jeremiah went bis
bition to get the Wapi
fauour of mien,” © 12 ¶ Whewthe worde of the Lord came
and therefore © buto Jeremiah the Prophets ( after that
cannet aide any Wanantab the prophet vad broken the yoke
that misht dif- Erom the necke ot the Prophet Jeremah)
creditthem, but {aping, 3 ;
burſt forth into 13 Go2,and tell Hananish, faping, Thus
rdeesjandcon- Tapih the Lord, Whou halt broken the pokes
trary*to their of wood,but thou (hall make for them pokes
| own confcience of peon. j
paffe not what 14 Foꝛ thus fateth the Lord of hoftes, the
lies they report, God of Hlracl, J haue puta yoke of yon
orhow wickedly vpon the necke of all thele nations, that
they doe fotha they may lerue sQebucyad-neszav King
they máy main- Of Babel: foz hep Mail ferue dun, andj]
taine their efti- —* giuen hun the + weattes-of the fielde
mation. = — “AUO, : s
b'Thatisahard ` 15 Then laid the Prophet Jeremiah vn-
andcruell ferui- to the prophet Yanantal, Weare now Pana-
tude, >> niab, the Lode hath not ſent thee,bur thou
i Signifying, that makeſt this people te truf ina lie.
ali thould beebis, 16 Therkoꝛe thus faith the Lord, Behold,
asDan. 2:38. FH well calt thee trom of rhe earth: thispeere
k stéing this ‘thouthalt Bie, becaule thon jat ſpoken res
thing‘waséui- belliouflpagatinit the Loꝛd. ;
dent in the eyes 17 So ipanantah the peophet * dicd the
ofthe people,& fame veere in the ſeuenth moneth.
Yet they retuned
notto the Lorde, itis manifeft, that miracles cannot moue vs,neither
the word it felfe, except God touch the heart,
> 3 Ieremiah writeth unto thom that were i cap-
"tivity in Babylon, 10 He prephefieth their returne
3 afier fewenty yeres. 16 He propheſieth the deſtru-
da ahs ‘tion of the king and of the people that remaine in
` Terufalem. 23, He threatueth the prophets that
Da s feduce thepeople) 3 ‘The death of Shemaiah ss
+ en
biust ig ft
By AON a en
| DOr, zerer N ty thele are the wordes ok the | boske
—J that Jeremiah the Prophet tent from
4 'Forfomedied Jeruſalem vnto⸗ the relidue of the Cloers
in the way, which were carped away captines, and to
the Peieſtes and to the Prophets, and to
all the people mhom sebuchad neszarv had
Halah orans
2 (After that Jeconiah the king, and the
bQucene,and the Cunuches,the *pinces of.
Judah,and of Jerufalem, and the workmen
ey —— men were Departed trom Je⸗
ruſalem gr
3 Bythehanve of Elalahthe fonne of
, chy eet a Gemartah the fonne of Yil-
I| © To efitreat of Ktah, (whom Fedekiah king of Judah < tent
“fome equall con. Drita Babel to Nebuchadenezzar Wing of
ditions, © Hoorni, ; i
am 4 Thus hath the Lord efhotts,the Gen
of Jfrael (poken vntoaltthat are carted a>
way captiues, whom F haue ¢ cauled to be
1E Meaning Jem
coniahs mother,
| Chapet,
4 d To wit, the
,| Lord, whofe
worke this was, Babel:
PON gardens and cat the Fruita oF them,
necke ot âli nations within the ipaceoftwo iy
i — ‘away captine from Jerulalem to:
$ a gi 1 í
caried away captiues from Jeruſalem vnto
§ Build pou houſes tonwellin, and plant
6 Cake: pow wits; e beget forties and
Daughters: and take wines fo Your fonnes,
and Clue pour daughters ta huſbands; that
thep map bearelonnes and Daughters, that
pe aap betncrealtD tere, and not Dimini>
7 And ſeeke the proſperity of the city,
whither Jhaue canted pou to bee carped ap
Way captiues, and © pap vnto the Lorde
fogit: tozinthe peace thereof fatl you haue
peace. stat
8 q Foz thus ſayth the Lom ofhattes the
Godot Iſraet, Lert not peur prophers e pour
{oothlayers that be among you, decciue pou,
neptber giue care to ponr d2eames y which
pou dreame.
9 Foꝛ they propbefie you a Ips in my
— : FZ bane not ſent ihem, tapety che
10 But thus layth the Loa, Chat after
ſeuentie peeres be accomplithed at abel, F
wil vilit pou,and performe my good peomtie
— vou, and canle you to returne to this
IX For Iknow the thoughts that J haue
thuught tewards pou, ſayech the Lorde, even
the thonghts of peace,and vot of tronble, to
Glue you an end,anB your hope,
12 Chen hail pou iry vnto mee, and pee
hall goe and pray vate meand J will heare
13 And you fhall ſeeke me, and finde me,
becaule pee Wall ſecke mee with allf pour
14 And 7 will be fond of pou, fateth the
Lod, and F will turne away your captiuity,
and J wiil gather you trom att the uations,
and tromall the places, whither Jhaue caſt
you laith the Lozd, and wilbzing pou again
vnto the place, whence J canid youtobee
caried away captive. I i
1g @ Becaule pee hanclain, The Lorde
bach railed vs vp s prophets in Babel,
16 Theretore. thus ſayth che Loyd of the
king, that ittero bpon the thꝛone ot Dauid,
and of allthe peoplethat well in this city,
your brꝛethren that are uot gong feozth with
pou inte ——
17 Euenthustapth the Lom of ponts, Be.
bolt, J williend vpon them the” fwod, the
famine, and the peſtilence, and willmake
them like vile i figaes, that cannot be caten,
they are fonaugity. i
18 And J wiil perkecute them with rhe
ſword, with the famine, aud with the pelti-
lence: and JZ wil make them aterrour to ail
kingdomes of the earth, and ka turie, and
aſtoniſhment and an hiſſing, anda reproch
aroe all the nations whither J paue cait
19 Becaule they haue not heard my
wordes layth the Lorde, which J tent vnto
fheirby my (eruants the Prophets, ‘riling
pp early,and fending them, but pe would not
heare, ſaith the Lord.
20 C Weare pee therefore the worn of the
Lord all ye of thecaptiuity, whom J paue
fené fiom Jerufalem to Babel,
the comparifon.Chap.24.1,2: k Reade Chap:
Chap.7.13.and 2 5.3.and 26.5.
To prophefie lies. 295
21 Thus.
¢ The Prophet
fpeaketh not
this for the af-
fection thathe
bare to the tys ©
rant,bue that
they ſhould
pray for the
common tret >
ana quittneffe,
that their trous
bles might not -
be increafed,
and that they
might with
more patience
and leſſe griefe
waite for the
time of their de=
hucrance which
God had ap-
pointed moft
certaine: for
elfe not onely
the Ifraclites,
but all the
and the inferfie
blé creatures `
Mould rciovce
when thefe ty-
rants fhould be
Ha.g 4.
f When your
oppreffion fhall
be great,and
your affiiGions.
cauſe youto
repent yourdif=
alfo when the
feuenty yeeres
of your capti⸗
uity thall bee
expired, 2.
Chron, 36.228
ELA, Teds
chap,2 5,52
dan. 9.2.
g- As Ahab,Ze-
dekiah,and She- |
h Whereby he
affureth them
rhat there fhall
be no hope of
returning before
the time appoin-
i According to
26.6, l Readet
Wicked counfell.
21 Thus laith the Lord of hoſts the Gon
of Ffcaci,of Ahab the tonne of Kolaiah, and
of zedekiah the fonte of Maaſeiah, which
propel [tes vnto pou in my name, Behold,
3 willdelucr them into she hand ol ebun.
chad-nessar king of Babel, and he hall Rap
them uctor pour eyes. i
22 And all they of checaptinutty of Judah,
that are in Babel, Hall take wp thiscurle a
ane or fay, nee oon —— "=
x edekiah and like Ahab, whom the king a
m Becaufe they Sabei burnt m in the fire.
pue Speen _ 23 Becaule they haue committed *villeny
opeot fpeedy in Firaci,aud baue committed adultery with
Pte fhele neighbours wiues,and haue ſpoken ip»
ied ree ar uig wordes in my nane, which J hane not
'dukery,and faifi- consmanded them, euen J know it, and teki-
—— word: fie it,(aith the 102d.
o F ak _ 24 C Thou Hale allo (peake to Shema ·
lor.aream:·r. iah the | Mehelamtte, laying,
25 Thus lpeaketh the Lord of hsttes,the
Hoof Jitact, laying, Becaule thou halt
ſent letters in thy name vnto all che people,
that arc at Jeruſalem, and to Zephaniah the
fonne of Maaſeiah the Pict, and ta all che
26 The Lorde hath made thee Pien, for
° Jehoiada the Piet, that pee Mould be of:
ficersin the Houſe of the Lome, fo cuery
man that caucty and maketh himiclfe a
Pꝛophet, to put him ur patlon and inthe
27 Now therefore why halk not thou ree
noma chs Mar afanan » Which p20-
, ; phecieth vnto pou?
— sg 28 Foꝛ, koꝛ this caule bee fent vnto vs in
avajatt ile word Babel, faytng, This captiuitie tg long : build
— ofthe benfeg to Dwell ia, and plant gardens, and
which hee would Satethe fruits of chem. f
haue made Iere- 29 i And Sephaniah the Pict read thts
midi Gat calling Utter in the eares of Jeremah the Prophet.
himarauer anda 20 Then came the wozd of the Lozd unto
; Feremiah,faping,
falleprophet. “2 enn to all them of the captinity, fap-
ing, Thus fapth the Lom of Shematay the
Mehelamite, Becaule that Shematah hath
propbelied vnto you,and 3 (ent him notant
Ye cauled pou to truk ina tie,
Hee and bis 32 Thereloꝛe thus faith the Lode, Be
eede thal be de- Yolde, J will vifite Shematah che Rebela»
a Shemaiah the
falle prophet
flattereth Zepha-
niah the chiefe
prieſt as though
God had giuen
him the fpirit &
zeale of Iehoiada
edforhar Mite and pta ſeede: He Hall not haue a man
— —5— P to Dwell amang this people, neither hal be
fheuldfeethe behold the good, that 3) twill Doe fe: my peo»
benefit of this — the Lord, becauſe be hath ſpoken te=
i ellioully againſt the Lod.
deliuerance. CHAP. XXX,
a The returne of the people from Babylon. 16
—* — th the enemies, 18 and comforteth the
T Me wode that came to Jeremiah front
the Loz, faying,
2 Thus ſpeakẽeth the Lord Gon of Jira-
el, faping, CHirite thee all the wordes that J]
haue pte vnto thee, inaa booke.
fhould be affu- 3 Foz loc,the dayes come, faith the Loyd,
red,& theirpo- that ¥ will bring againe the captiuitie of
Reritieconfirmed my people Iſrael and Judah, fayeth the
inthehopeof Lozde; for J will reſtoꝛe them vnto the land
ebisdeliuerance that Jgaue to their fathers, and they thall
promifed . poſſelſſe it.
4 Agalire, thele are the wordes that the
a Becaule they
Lod ſpake concerning Ifrael, and concer
Deliueraacepromifeds ©
ning Judah. Ea Ae
ç sozthus faith the Lord, tee bane
heard a> terrible uopce, of feare, and not of b He heweh;
: tbat before.
that this deliue⸗
6 Demand nowand beholde , it man
trauaile with childe. CLiberefoze Doe J ber
holde euery man with his Dandes on dis
loynes as a woman in trauatle,and all faces
are turned inte a paleneſſe!: f
7 Alas, fo: thts Ą Dayis great: monebath affi 7
been {ike ft it ts cuen the time of Jaakobs theirenemics, .
trouble,pet all bebe deliuered from it. andthar they
8 For tn that 4 dap, faith the Lord of Mould be in
hottes, FJ will bseake ¢ bis poke from oſft thp fuch perplexitie
rance fhall
deans fhould
E extreme
affli&ed by .
necke, and bzeake thy bonds, and rangers and forowasa
Mall no moze erue themſelues £ of bint. womaninher
9 But thep ſhall ſerue the Lome theirt crauaile,as Ifa.
God, and s Dauid theirt King, whom F will 13.8.
raile vp vnto them. c Meaning, `,
Io Therefore feare xot, D myſeruaunt that the time of,
Janko, laith the Lozd, neither bee afraide, their caprinitic i,
D Ficael ; foz loe, N will Deliner thee froma thould be gric·
farre countrey,and thy (ede from the land of uous,
theit captiuttic, and Jaakob thallturne a: d When I fhalt
gatne, and thalbein res and prolperitte,and viſite Babylon,
none oallmake bum afraid. e Ofthe king ,
I For Jam with thee, faith the Lod, of Babylon.
to {auc thee: though Jvtterly dettroy allthe f Towitof
nations where J paue (cattered thee, pet laakob.
will. Jonot weterly Destroy thee, but 3 will g Thats iter
cozrect thee bpindgement, and notoytterty fak, whitch. ;
cut thec off.” fhould come of
12 oz thus faith the Lord, Thy byutling the llocke of
istncurable,and i thp wound is doloꝛous.
13 Therẽ is none to iudge thy caule, orto to che fleh,and
lay aplatiter r there ate no medicines, nog Mkouldhethe
belpe fo: thee. true paflouryas
14 Gllethy*loucrs haue forgotten thee: Exekicl 34.23.
they feeke thee not.: for Jhaue itriken thee whois fet foriby
- with the wound of anenentie, and witha and hisking-
Harpe chattilemenc. foz the multitude of dome that
thine iniquities, becauſe thy ſinnes were in⸗ should he euere
createa. , FY lafting in the
Is, Ahy cryeſt thou for thine afflictton 2 perfon of Dauid,
thp ſorow fs incurable , foz the multitude Hofea 3.5.
of thine iniquities z becaule thy finnes were b Read Chap,
increaled, J hauc done thele things vnto 10.24.
thee. i Meaning, that
16 ! Therefore all they that deuoure thee, no man isable
alt bee deuoured, and ali thine enemics tofince outa
cherp one (hall goe into captinitie + and meane to deliver
they that ſpoile thee, halt bee ſpoyled, and them,bur that
all they that robbe thee, will J giue to bee it woſt be the
robbed Tarte worke of God,
17 Jor J will reto: health vnto thee, k The Aflyrians
and J will heale thee of thy wounds, faith and Egyptians
the Lord, becaule they called thee, The cait whom thou didft
away, fayiog, This ts Sion, Whom no man entertsinewirh
ſeekeih after. - __ gaftsywho left
18 Thus faith the Lord, Behold, F will thee in thine af-
bing agatn the captinitie of Jaakobs tents, flicion.
and have compalſis on bis Dwelling places: 1 Hercinis come
and the citie tall be builded vpon ber owne mended Gods _
beape, ™and the pane fhall rematne after great mércie toe
the manerthereof. ward his who
4 ft doeth not de-
ftroy them for their finnes,but corre& and chaftife them, till he haue
purged and pardoned them, and ſo burneth the roddes by the which
hee did punith them, 1(@ 33+ 34; m. Meaning that the citie and the
Temple ſhould be reftoredto their formes flate, i
@ ig And
come,the Cale
Dauid,according —
Gods cuerlaftingIoue.
n Hetheweth
how the people
fhall with praife
19 Gnd ont of then hal prececd "thanks
giuing, and the vovce of them that are toy:
ous,and Jwil multiply chem, and they hail
& thankefZiving not bee fewe: Fwillallo glorifie them,and
pce this they yall not be — —
benefit. ,
o Meaping,Ze-
subbabel , who
wastheficure o
Chiiftjin whom
this was accom-
. 20 Sheir childzen allo mall bee as afore
time, and theircongregation ſhall bee eita"
bliſhed before mec; and 3 wilt vilic allthat
vexe them.
21 Gnd their e noble ruler ſhal be of them⸗
(clues; € their goucrnour Hall proceed from
the mtdves ofthem,and F wiil caule hrm to
p Sipnifying,that Draw neere, and approck vnto me:fo2 whols
Chiift doth wil~
lingly ſubmit
bim{clfe to the
obedience of
God bis Father,
g Lech $ wicked
this that Birecteth his r heart to come vnto
in¢,fatth the Lod? ;
22 AnD ye fhalbe my people,and J wilbe
pour Gov.
23 Behold, s the tempett of the Lord go-
eth forth with wrath: tye whiclewind that
hanseth ouer, Wall light vpon the bead of
fater themfelues the wicked.
w chefe promifts,
eth what nalbe
their portion, ,
r When this >
Meffiahanddeli- `
were: is fent,
J When this RO-
le gouernour
fhall come : mea-
ning Chriſt, not
onely Iudah and
Tfrael, but the
reftofthe world
thalbe called,
b Which were
delivered from
the cruclty of
«< To wit,God,
d The people
thus teafon as
24 The fierce wrath) of the Lord thal not
returne vntill he haue Done, and vntillhee
haue performed the intents of his heart: tn
the latter Dates pe chall vnderſtand te,
3 Hee rchearfeth Gods benefits after their re-
turne frem Babylon, 23 andthe {psritual! icy of
the fusifullin the Church.
A the fame time, faith the Lord. will J
bee the God of allzbe families of Ifrael,
and they thall be my people.
2 Thus fapeth the Lorde, The people
which è elcapedthe fwo: , foundegracein
the wilderneſſe; e he walked before Iſrael te
caule him to reft,
3. The Loꝛd hath appeared vnto me 4 of
olD, fay they :¢ Dea, J Hauc loned thee with an
enerlaãſting ioue,therfoze with mercy J pane
drawen thee.
4 Againe, J wil bulls thee,and thou Hatt
bee butlded, D virgin Iſrael : thou halt ill
t be adorned with thy tymbzels.anzd mait go
forty inthe Dance of them that be toyfull,
§ . Theu: halt yet plant vines vpon the
—— he were
not ſo beneficial! mountapnes of e@amarta,and the planters
tothénow, ashe that piant them * yall make them common.
had bene of old.
6 Foꝛ the Dayes thali come that the
e ThustheLord i watchmen spon the mount of Ephꝛaim
anfwereth, that
his loue isnot
fhal ctp, Arie and let 93 g0 vp bnto* Ziom,
to the Lord cut Gov.
Forthus ſayth the Lord, Keioyce with
A Tipa fhalthaue glapneffe for Jaakob, & Hout fo: toy among
ill oecaſion to
the chieke of the ! Gentiles ;, publiſh pzayie,
reioyce: whichis anD fay, D Lozd, faue thy people, the rem-
meant by tabrets nant of Iſraei.
and dancing, 2s
8 Bebolde, F will bꝛing them from the
their cuftomwas Noꝛth countrey,and gather them front the
after notable vi- coaftes.of the wala, wich the blinde and the
2o.iud.5.2.and chap, 11.34. g Becaufe che Iffaelices, which were
the tenne tribes,neuerreturnedte Samaria, therefore this muft bee
fpititually ynderftood vnder the kingdome of Chrift, which-was the
lame amoug thet, withthe woman with
child, and her that ig Deituercdailo; agreat
company hall returne bither.
9: Thevhallcome> weeping, and with
mercy will J bing them againe: wül
tade them by the riners of» water in a
— —— algae not fumble:
ather to Iſrael, ay
o ay ae ame, ete ar |
O.@ Meare the worde of the Loꝛd D yee
Geniules, and declare in che ples afarre off
ub Gy be paar ger Bleael, will gather
l Ukeepe him as a ſheph doth
— F ——
It Fozthe Lowe hath tedeemed Jaakob;
and ranlonted him from, the bande ofr *
that was ſtronger then be.
. 12 Therefore hep thaltcome and reioyce
inthe height otz ion, e hall run to the boun-
tifulnefe of the £020, euen fo2 the a wheate,
and foz the winc,and foz the ople,and for the
tole ase are oe bullockes : and their
as a watered garden, andr
Hall yo ne pi ager - ep
3 Jen {hall the virgine retoyce in the
* Baunce,and the pong men,and the old men
together: for J will turne their mourning
uto loy, and will comfoztthem, and giue
them toy foz their fozowes,
14 And J will replenity the foute of the
Piets with í fatues, and mp people thalbe
fatificd with my goodnes, fatth the Loz,
15- Thus fath the Lord, A boyce was
beard on bie, a mourning & bitter weeping.
t Rabel weeping foz ver chtlozen,refuled to
bee comforted f0? her children, becaute thep
were nor.
16 Thus lapeth the Lord, Kekrayne thp
voyce from weeping, and thine epes froin
teares ; fo; thy woꝛke fhalbe remarked farth
the Lod, and they thall come againe from
thelandottheenemyp. _
17 Gnd therets hope inthine end, fayth
the Lo20, that thy childzen thall come againe
to thetr owne bazvers:
18 Jhaue heard e Ephraim lamenting
thus, Chou halk coꝛrected niece, and J was
chaitiled asat vntamed caife: ¥ connert
thoi meand J hali bce conuerted: faz chon
art the Lord my God.
19 Durely, after that J conuerted, J re:
pented: and after that J was tnfructed, J
ſmote vpon myz thigh: J was aſtamed. yen,
euen contounded, becauſe F dtd beare the re
poch okmy vonth.
20 Js Epara’ my deare ſonne o: plea:
fant chil 2 pet ſince J (pake vnto him ſtull
dremembred himn: therefore my bowels are
troubled foz hun: J will ſurely pane compat.
lion vpon him, faith the Lod.
21 etthee vp figues;make thee heaps;
An yntamed calfe, 296
m Thatis, la-
menting their
finnes, which had
not given eare to
the Prophets,and
there fol-
loweth that God
receined them to
mercy, Chap, 50.
4. Some take it
that they (ould
weepe for
n Where they-
found ne impe-
bundanee of all
o That is, my
desrely beloued,
asthe firltchilde
isto the fathers
p-That is,frd the
Babyloniaps and
other enemies,
q By thefe teme
porall benefits he
meaneth the ſpi⸗
situall graces
whichare inthe:
Church, & # here.
of there fhould
be ewer plenty,
1la.58.3 1y
r In the compas
ny of the farh-
full which euer
praife Ged for
his benefits,
f Meaning, the.
fpitit of wildom,
knowledge,and .
t To declare the
greatnes of Gods
mercie in celine»
ring the Lewes,he.
fhewech thé that
they were like to
the B_niamises
or Ifraelites: that
is,veterly defircis-
ed,and carted a⸗
way, infomuch
thatif Rahel che-
mother of Benia⸗
min.could haue
rifenagaine to -
feeke forher childré,the fhould hauefound noneremaining: u That
isthe people that were. Jed captive. x Which was wanton,& could
notbe fubic&tothe yoke. y Hee (hewethhow the faithfull vſe to
pray:thztis,defire God te turne there,torafmuch as they cannot turne⸗
ofthemfelues. z Infigneofrepentance, anddeteftaticn of my fin»
a. As though hee wouid fay, No: for by hisiniquiry hee did what lay
‘inhimtocaft me off. b To wit, in pitying him for my promife ſake⸗
c Marke by what way thou doeſt go into captiuity, and thou fhaltse—
ture againe by the fame, .
“reftauration of thetrue Ifrael. h That is,thall eat the frait thereof,
as Leuit. 19. 23. deut.30.6, i The miniftersofthe word. k- They
fhall exhort all to theimbracing ofthe Gofpel,asifa. 2.3. 1 Hee
theweth what Malbe the concord and loue of all vnder the Gofpel,
where none thall bec refufed for their infirmities; and cuery ong {hall
exhort oneanoth¢rtoimbrace it.
Anew coutnant.
fet thine heart toward the path € way, that
thon h att walked: turne againe, D virgine
of Jiraclsturne againe te thele thy cities.
22 Dow long wiit thou go aſtrav, D thon
__ tebellious Daughter? fozthe Loyd bath crea:
d Becaulecheir' fedd anew thing in the earthiA WOMAN
deliverance from’ {hall compaffe a man.
Babylon'wasafi- 23 Thus faith the Lord of hoſts, the God
gure oftheir delie of Iſrael, Pet hail they Cap this thing in the
uerance fromfin, land ef Judai , and tn the cities thereof,
hefhewethhow when J hall bing agatne their capttuitte,
thisfhouldbee ` The Low bleife thee, D habitation oftu-
procured,to wit, fticeanl help mountaine, — —
by leſus Chrift, 24 And Judah hall dwell init,and al the
whomawoman cities thercof tegethcr,thehulbandnyen and
fhould conceiue they that go forth with the flocke.
andbeareinher 25 Foz J haue lattatethe weary foule, e
wombė. Whichis Jhaue replenithed eueryſorowfull foute.
aftrange thingin 26 @herefore J waked, and beheld, and
earth, becaufehee my fleepe* was ſweete nto me. s
fhould bee bone © 27 Beyolae, the Daves cane, faith the
of avirgia with- Load,that g wilow the boule of Iſrael, and
ourman‘or,he > the houle of Judah with the feede of man
meaneth that Ie-; and with the ſeede of beatk,
rufalemwhich was 28 And like as J baue watched bpon
like abarrenwo- them, to plucke np and to toofe out, and to
maninhercap- throw downe, and todefroy, and to plague
tivity (hould be them, fo wil watch ouer them, te build and
fruit ful, as hethat to plant them,faith the Lord.
isioynedinma- · = 29 In thoſe dayes ſhall they fap ne moze,
riage, andwhom The fathersehaue eaten a fotoe grape,and
Goibleffehwith the childꝛens teeth are fet on edge.
children, “30 But cueryone Hall die for bis owne
© Hauing vnder· iniquities enery mai that eateth the oare
Moodthis vifion grape,bisteeth albe let onedge.
ofthe Mefliahto 31 -@ Bebhold,the dates come, faith plod,
come,inwhom that 3 will make a t new couenant with the
the cwohoutes of honſe of Plrache with the houle of Judah,
TfraclandIudah 32 MOC according tothe conenant chat J
thouldbeioyned, made with their fathers, whens! toske them
Ireioy ced. by the hand to bring them outof the land of
f I willmultiply Egypt, the which mp couenant they ‘brake,
andenrichthem although J was lan bulbande vate them,
with people aud. faith. the Lord.
eattel. 33 But this hall be the couenant that J
g Thewicked v: will make withthe beuleof Iſrael, After
fed this prouerbe, k thoſe Daves, fayth the Lod, J will put my
whenthey did Lawe in their inward parts, and wzite it in
murmure againſt theit hearts, and will be their God, and they
Gods iudgements ſhalbe my people.
pronounced by 34 And they hall! teach no moze euery
the prophets, man his neighbour, and every man his b0:
faying that their ther faving, Know the Lord, kor they hatiall
fathers had com- knowe meẽ fromthe leat of them vnto the
mitted thé fault, greateſt of them, ſayeth the Loyd: foz 3 will
and that the chil-
dren were punifhed, Eze, r8.3. h Though thecouenant ofredemp-
aionmade co the fathers,and this which was giuen after,feeme diuers,
yet they areall one,and grounded on Iefus Chrift ſaue ý thisis called
newe,becaule of rhe manifeftation of Chrift, and the abundant gra-
cesof the haly Ghoft giuen to his Church vnderthe Golpel. i And
fo were the oceafion of their owne diuorcement through their infi»
- delity, Ifa. go, 1 hOr after, Kk In the time of Chrift,my Lawthall
in Read of tables of {tone be written in their hearts by mine holy fpi-
rit ,Heb.8.8,ro. 1 Vnder the kingdome of Chrift there thal! none
be blinded with ignorance, hut will give them faith and knowledge
of God for remiflion of their finnes, & daily increafe the fame, fo that
it (hal not (ceme to come fo much by the pre:ching of my minifters,
as by the inſtruction Of my holy Spirit, 1.5 4.1 3 but the full accom’.
plhing hereof is referred to the kingdome of Chrilt, when we thal
bei oynedwith our head.
God neverforfaketh hise-
forgine their iniqnitte, and will remember
Toes us fatet tbe Lorne, which gtuetb ti
35 pus lateth the Lode, wyich giu RSiq aiing tt
© the Sunne fez a light tothe Day, and the m Ifthe Sunne, ©
courtes of the (Boone and of the.ttarres fox Mooneand ftars -
alight tothe night, which breaketh the lea, cannot but gue
when the wanes theresf roare: his Mamie is light according «
the Lowd.ofhoftes. i to mine ordis |
36 JE chele oꝛdinances depart out of my nance;fo long as
Fitael ceate from being a nation before mee, ſo thal my church
fo: enter. neuer fayle,ney-
37 Thus layeth the Lord, Jf theheauens therthall any
can be meaſured,s o2 the foundations ofthe thing hinderit:
earth bee fearched out beneath, then will J and as fure as E
cat of all the feed of Iſrael,foꝛ all that they wilhaueapeople,
paue Done, faith the Lord. ‘| fo cettayne isit”
38 Beholde, thedayes come, fapeth the that Iwill leaue
Loyd, that the o city halve buile to the Lom them’ my weed P
from the cower of Manancel, unto the gate oF for euerta go.”
the coner. uerne them with,
39 Ana thelpneof the meafure Hall goe n The one and
forth in his preſence vpon the hil@areb,and the otheris ime”?
hall compaſſe about to Saath, | poffible, >
40 And the whoie valley olthe dead bo: o ASit vas per⸗
Dies and ofthe ales, t althe fields vnto the formed,Nehém,'
bzooke of Kidzen,and vnto the corner of the 3.2. By this det%
horſegate toward the atk, Malbe holy vnto fcriptionhée ©
the Loup, neither Hallie bee plucked vp nor theweth thatthe
deſtroyed any moze foz euere citie fhould be
, è asampleand
beautifull as euer it was : but hee alludeth tothe {pitituall lerafalemn
whofe beauty fhould be incomparable, Da
ii Teremiah-i caft into prifo becaufe he prophefied
that the city fhould be taken of the king of Baby-
fon. 7 Hee fheweth that the péople fhould come
againe te their owhe poffe/tien. 38 The people of ,
God are his ferssants,and he is their Lord. š G
Te woꝛd that came vnto Jeremiah from a so that Ieremi⸗
the Lomin the tenth peereofSedekiah ah had now pro⸗
Ring of Judah, which was the eighteenth phefied ftom the
veere of Nebuchad · nezzar· thirteenth yere of
2 Foz thenthe king of Babels holkebe- Iofiah,vnto Flatt
fieged Jerufalem tand Jeremiah the Pꝛo· yeere fue one of
phet was ſhut spinthe court of the puſon, Zedekiahsreigneé,
which was in the king of Judahsheule. — which was almoft
3 For Sedektah king of Judah had Mut forty yeres.
bim bp, ſaying, C Aherfore Doet thon prophes Chap 29.16,17,
lie and lay, Thus laith the LoD,” Behold, 3] asd 34.3.
wil gine this city into the handsof the king > Till cake Zee
ef Babel,and he Hall take tt? dekiahaway by ©
4 And Fedektah the king of Judah hall death: forhe fhalt
not efcape out of rhe band ef the Caldeans, not dieby the
but Mal rely be Deliuered inte the hands of (word,as Chap,
the king of Babel,and ſhall ſpeake with bim 34.4. —
mouth to mouth, and bis eyes Hallbeholde c Whereby was
bis face. meant ,tharthe
§ Andhe fhallleade Fedektah to Babel, people thould re-
and there hall heve ntie J nitt him faith turne againe out
the Loꝛd: though pee fight with the Calde⸗ of captmity, and
ans,ye hall not profper. | enioy their pof?
6 Cand Jeremiah (aid, Che word ofthe ſeſſions & vine-
Loud came vnto me,faping, yards, as verle 15
7 Behold, Wanamecl, the forme of Shal- and 44: F
tum thine vucle,thal comevnto thee and ſay, ||Or, right to reà
© Buy vnto thee my fiele ,thatisinG@nae deme
thoth: foz the ſtitle bp kinred appertainethyn> d Becaufehe was
to thee 4 to buyit. next of the kin-
8 Bo idananicel mine vncles fone, se red,as Ruth. 4:4,
ht, layeth the Lorde, then Wall the (eed of thisworldI-iteth,
Teremiahs p
e-Ofthe poſſeſ⸗
fion ofthe Le-
uites, reade L e-
f Which moun-
tethto of our
money abour ten
fhillings fixe
ence, if this he-
el were she
common theke),
reade Gen.23.15
forthe thekel of
the Temple was
of double value,
and ten pieces of
filuce were halfe
a thekel : for
twentie made
the fhekel.
g According to
the cuftome, the
inftrament, ot
idence was
fealed vp with ¥ `
common feale,&
a copie thereof
femained, which
conteined the
polteritie, which
bynatureare ~
vnder this male-
wickedneffe, and
thatthe iniquitie
of their fathers,
whichis likewite
in them, fhall be
alfo reuenge on
theirhead. >
k Meaning, that
his miracles in
deliaesing his
peaple, fhauld
neuer bee for-
urchafe his prayer.
tome in the court of the pifon, accoꝛding to
the worde of the Lord, and ſayde ynta mee,
Buy mp: fielde, J pray thee, that isinge
natheth , whichis in the countrey of Bene
tamin: fo: the right of the polſeſſion is thine,
and the purchaſt belongech vnto thee: buy it
foz thee. Then F knew that thiswas che
wo20 ef the Loy.
9 Andz bought the field of hanameel,
mine vncles onne, that wasin Anathorh,
and weighed him the liluer, even fuen f ie-
kels, and ten piccesof filuer.
Io Aad J witte tt in the booke, and fig-
ned it, and tooke witnefles, and weighed
bim the finer inthe balances,
H SoZ tooke the booke of the poſſeſſion,
being (ealed 2 according to the Law, and cu⸗
tome, with the booke that was open,
12 And J gaue the boeke of the police
fon vnto Barũchthe ſoane of Mertah , the
fonne of (Baattiah, tu the light of Maname-
el mine uncles foone, andin the preſence of
. the witnefles, witten inthe booke of the
poflefiton, before all the Jewes that ſate in
the court of the priſon.
13 And J charged Baruch before them,
14 Thus fapeth the Lorde of hoſtes the
God of Piracl, Cake the writings,cucn this
booke of the poſſeſſion, both that ts ſealed,
and this beske that is open and put them in
an carthen t veiled, that they may continug
along tune,
15 Foꝛ the Lozd ofhofkes, the Hod of Iſ.
rael ſaith thus, Poules and fields,and vine»
yards hall be policfled againe inthis land.
I6 € Mow when Y had deliuered the
book of the poficilions vnto Barnch , the
fonne of HNeriah, 3 payed vnto the Lozde,
I7 Ab Lode God, bebolde, thou bak
Made the heauen and the earth by thy great
power, and by thy firetched outarme, and
there isnothing | hard vuto thee.
13 * Chou bewet mercie vnto thoit»
fands, and recompentett the iniquitie of the
fathers into the bolome of their childzen
afterthem : D God the great and mightie,
whole name isthe Lod of hoſts,
Ig Great incounteil, x mighty inworke,
(©: thine eyes are open vpon all the wayes
ofthe fonnes of men, to gine to cueryone
according to his wayes, and accozding ta
the fruit of bis workes)
20 Ahich batt (et tignes and wonders
in the land of Egypt vnto this k Bap, and in
Iſrael, and among all men, and haft made
theed Mame, asappeareth this Bay,
21 And haft brought thy people Iſrael
out of the iand of Egypte with lignes. and
with wonvers, and with a trong hand,
with a ſtretched ont arme , ant with great
tertour, N i F
22 And bak ginen them this lend, which
theu dideſt ſweare to their fathers to give
them, cuen g laude that foweth with milke
. and bony, f j!
23 And thepcamein, and polſeſſed it,
but they obeyed not thy boyce, neither wal-
ked inthy Law: ali that thon commandedſt
. them to Dog, they haue not Done; therefoze
Chap, xxxlj.
“thou haſt canfed this whole plague to come
vpon them.
24 Behold, the! mountes, they are come
into the citie to take tt,and the citie ts giuen
into the hand of the Caldeans, that tight a-
gaint it,by meanes of the Nwe: and of the
famine and of the peſtilence. and what thon
pon paken, ts come to palle, ¢ behoin, thou
25 And thou haſt apd vnto me, D Loyd
God, Guy vnto thee the field foz fiiucr, and
take witnefles: fo? the citie hal be giutn in-
to the band of the Caldeans.
26 @ Cohen came the wozde of the Lord
bnto Jeremiah, faving,
27 Beholde, J am the LORD GOD
abel fie); is there any thing tea bard foz
28 Therefore thus ſayth the Lord, Be
Hold, 3| will gue this citie into the hand of his worke, fo
the Galdeans, and into the band of Nebu⸗
chad-reszar king of Babel, ¢ he fhall take tt.
29 And the @aldeans fall come and
fight agatnt this city, and (ct freon this ct.
tte, and burne tt, mith the poules, spon
whole roofes they haue offered incentc vnto
Baal, and powzed drinke offerings buto g-
ther gods, to prouoke me vnto anger,
30 Forthe childzen of Jiraci, atid the
childꝛen ol Judah baue ſureiy Bene enil be-
foze me from their ẽ pouth : toz the children
of Iſrael haue furely pꝛouoked me to anger
* the workes of theit handes, fapeth che
31 Cherefore this city hath bene vnto me
as a provocation of mine anger, and of my
wath, from the dap that they built it, cuen
unto this day, that J mould remooue it out
of my light, t ;
32. Gecaule of all the ent ofthechildzen
of Pract, taf the childzenofPudab, Which
they baue Done to pouoke mec to anger,
ceuen they, their Kings, their Princes, their
Pꝛieſtes, and their Prophets, and the -
menof Juday, and the invabitants of Je-
33 And they haue turned vnto mee the
backe ¢ not the face: though Jtaught them
° rifling vp early, and initructing them, pet
they were not obentent ta receiuẽ Doctrine,
34 But they tet their abominations in
the boule. whereupon my frame was called,
35. And they built the hie r places of Ba-
al, which are inthe valley of a Ben-hinuom,
tə caule their ſonnes and theit Daughters to
r paffe though the fre puto Molech, which
3 commanded them not, neither came it iit-
tomy minde, that they would doe fuch abo
mination to caule Judah ta inue.
36 Anduow! therefore, thus bath the
Lord God of Iſrael ſpoken concerning this
citte,whercot ye ſay, It hal be Deilucred into
the hana ofthe king of Gabel by p ſword,
and by the famine, and by the peltilence,
37 * Behold, J will gather them sut of
all countrceys, wherein J haue ſcattered
them tn mine anger, and in ny wrath , and
ingreatindignation,and J mill bing them
againe buto Mer ECE » and J will caule
them todwettiatcip.
’ : Pp 38 Ana
Idolaters zeale. 297
1 The ward figs
nifieth anything
that iscaft vp, as
a mount ot ram⸗
part, andisalfo
vied for engins
of warre,which
were layd on aa
hicplace to
thoote intoa cie
tie, before that
gunnes were in
m That is, of
cucry creature: -
who as they are
doth he gouerne
and guidethem
as pleafeth him,
whereby hee
fhewsth chat as
he is the author
of this their cape
tiuitie for their
finnes, fo will he
for his mercies
be their redee-
mer to reftore
them againe to
n Fromthetime
that I brought
them out of E-
BYP ts and made
them my people,
and — š
my frh boras,
o Reade Prou,
1.24. iſa.6c 5. 2.
chap.7, 13. &.25
3 & 26.5.&29,
19.& 35.14.
p That is, the
altars which
were madé to
offer facrifice .
vpon to theit
q Reade Chap.
7.31.2 King.2%.
46. E
r Reade, 2.King
f Reade Chap
Deut. 30.3»
An euerlafting couenant. Sinnes
Chap. 30,22.
t One confent
and one religion,
as Bzek,11.19,
and, 36,27.
u Reade Chap,
x This isthe de-
claration of that
which was ſpo⸗
ken, verfe,8.
a Which wasin
the kings houfe
at Ierufalem, as
Chap. 32.1,2.
b. To wit, of fe
rufalem, who as
he made it, fo wil
he preferveir,
reade 12.37.26.
c Reade Chap,
d The lewes
thinke to ouer.
gome the Cal.
deans, bur they
ſeeke their owne
e He ſheweth
that Gods fauour
is cauſe of all
profperitie, as his
anger is of all
f Inthe mids of
his threatnings,
God remembreth
his, and comfor-
teth them.
g Declaringthar
there is no deli-
uerance nor ioy,
but whereas wee
eek remiffion
of fanes
38 And they hall bee* my people, and gi
willbe their God.
: 39 And Fwill give them t one heart and
one Way, that thep may feare me foz euer fog
the wealth ofthem,and of theit children af:
tet thei. :
40 And F willinake an» euerlaſting co.
Hemant with thear, that J wli neuer turne
away from them to Doc themi good, but å
will put mp feare in thetr hearts, chat they
{hali not depart from me.
4I Dea, J wiil delight in them to De them
goena J wul plant chem tn this iland als
uredly with my whole heart, and with all
my foule.
42 Fo thus fayeth the Lod, Like as J
baue brought all this great plague vpon
this people to will J bring upor cyemal the
g00D that J| haucpzomeledthem. —
43 Aud the elos chall be poſſeſſed in this
land, whereof pe fay, It ts Delolate without
man oꝛ beaſt, and hall bee gtuen into the
band of the Caldeans.
44 Wen pall buy « Relves foz filuer, and
Make writings, and leale them, ¢ take wit:
nefes tn the land of Gentamin, and round
about Jeruſalem, andin che cities of Judab,
and tn the citiesofthe mountaines, anoin
the cities of the plaine , and tu the cities of
the South :fo2” J will caute their captiuitie
to turne, fayeth the Lod.
1 The Prophet is monifhed ofthe Lerdto pray
for the deliuerance of the people, which the Lord
promfed. 8 God forgiueth ſinnes, for his owne
glory 15 Of the birth of Chrift. 20 The kingdeme
of Chrift ithe Church {hall neuer be ended.
Veco the wod of the Lord came
vnto Jeremiah the fecond time (while
bee was yet Wut vp in the · court ob the pris
fon) laying,
2 Thus latch the Lord, the makerdthere ·
of, the Lod that fornedit, aad eſtabliſhed
it, the Lod is bis Rame.
3 Call vntome, and 3 wil anfwere thee,
and Hew thee great and mightie things,
wich thou knoweit not.
4 fForthus faith the L020 God of Iſrael.
concerning the boules ofthis cttie, and cons
cerning the bouls ofthe Rings of Judah,
which are deſtroyed by thes mounts,and by
the ſword.
They cometo 4 fight with the Calde⸗
ang,bur it is to Ail themtelues with the Dead
bodies of men, whom J haue tlaine in mine
anger and in my wath : for J baue hit mp
e face from the citte, becaute of all their wic-
kedneſſe. eid)
6 KC Behold, J will gineit health and
amendment : fo: J will cure them, and will
reueile onto them the abundance of peace,
and tructh. et
7 And J will caule the captinitie of Ju-
Dah, and the captiuitie of Iſrael to returne,
and will build them as at the firt.
8 And J willectente them from all their
tniquitte, whereby thep haue finned againſt
mee; pea, J will pardon all their intqui ·
ties, whereby they baue finned again me,
and whereby they haue rebellen again
9 , And tt Hall be tome aname, a *ioy, a
patie, and at honour befoze all the nations
of tic earth, which Hall yeare all the goon
that J Doc vnto them; and they Mali feare,
and tremble foz all the goodnefle,and fez all
the wealth that J thew vnto this citie,
12 Thus layeth the Lod, Againe there
fhal be heard in this glace cwhich ye fay hat
be deſolate, without man, and without
bealt, euen in the cities of Judah, andin the
ſtreets of Jexuſalem, that are deldiate withe
out man, aad without inhabitant, and waith-
out beatt)
II Cie voyce of the toy andthe voyce of
gladneile , the voyce of thebstaegrome, and
the vopce sf the bride, the vopce af them that
hall lay, Pꝛaile the Le20 of hott, becante
the Lozd is goon : fo? hts mercie endureth fo:
euler, and of them that offer the facrifice of
praiſe in the boule of the Loz., for 3 will
caule toreturne the capttuttte of the land,
as at the firit, faith the Loz.
12 Thus faith the Lom of hoſtes. Agatne
in this place, which is delolate without
eae ie — — all the cities
teot there Halbe Dwelling fo: ſhepheards
to reſt their flocks. ont
13 Juthecities ofthe * mountaines, in
the cities tn the plaire, ein the cities of the
South,and in the land of Beniamin,and az
bout Jerulalem, andin the cities of Judah
hall the theepe pafleagaine, ruder the hand
ot him that telteth them, faith the Lod.
14 Beholde, the Daves came, ſayeth the
Lo. that Y will performe that geod ching.
which F paue pꝛomiſcd unto the houſe of Fie
rael, and to the houle of Judah.
Ig In thole dayes and at chat time will
J canle ! the bzanch of righteoufneſſe to
grow vp vnto Danid, and hee hall erecute
iudgement, and righteouſneſſe inthe land,
16 Ju thore Bayes hall Judah be laned,
and Jerufalem tall Dwell fafely,and he that
fall call” her, is ý Lozd onre” —
17 Foꝛ thus ſayeth the Loꝛd, Dauid all
nener want aman tolit vpon the thone of
the boule of Iſrael.
18 Neither pati the Picks and Leuites
want a man belore me to offer © barnt offe-
tings, and to offer meate offerings, and to
Doe facetiice continually
19 ¶ And the word of the Loud came bu
to Jeremiah, faping,
20 Tyus fayeth the Lord, Jf yor can
byeakempcouenant of the P Day, and my
couenant ofthe night, that there youl not
be Day, and nightin their feafon,
21 Chen may my coucnant bee bibken
with Danidmyteruant, that he Montt not
haut afonne to reigne vxon bis throne,
= with the Leuites, and Peteſtes mp mi⸗
22 As the armie of heauen cannot bee
numbzed, neither the Cand of the fea meali»
red: fo witi J multiply the feeder of Dant
mpfervant, andthe Leuites, that miniſter
vito me.
23 ¶ Woztouer, the wowe of the Loyd
came to Jeremiah, faving,
24 Conliderelt thou not whata this peo> crime for their
ple hath poken, fying, The two fami
forgiuen. A prephefieof Chrift,
h Whereby he
theweth tharche
Church, whereis
is remiffion of
— is Gods
onour & glo
fo that ——
uer is enemie to
it, laboureth to
dihonout God,
i Which was a
fong appointed
for the Leuites
to prayfe God
by, 2 Chro.16.8.
pfa 105.1. ifa t20
4. pſal. ro6.1.&
107. 1. & 118.1.
and 136.1,
k Meaning, that
all the countrey
of Iudah fhall be
inhabired againe
l Thatis, I will
fend the Meffiah
which thal come
of the houfe of
Dauid,of whom
this prophefie is
meant,as teftifie
ali the ewes, and
that which is
2 3 . 5 .
m To wit Chrif
that (hall call bis `
n That ts, Chriſt
isour Lord God,
our righteoufnesa
ſonctiſcation &
o Thisischiefly
meant of the fpi-
ritual facrifice of
which is left to
the Churchin
the timeof
Chrift, who was
the euerlaſting
Prieſt, andthe
euerlafting facrie
fice, figured by
the facrifices of
the Law.
p Reade Chap.
q. Meaning, the
Caldeans and
other infidels,
God had vtterlg
caſt off ludab
and Ifrael, or
Beniamin, be-
caufe he did cor⸗
re&them fora |
a Who com-
monly of Iere-
miah was called
zar, and ef o-
thers Nebuchad-
ner ⁊ar.
chap 29. 16, 17.
444 323 ·
b Not of any
violent death.
e The LIewes
thall lament for
theetheir Lord
and King,
d When the e-
nemie was at
hand, andthey
faw themfelues in
danger, they
would feem holy
& fo began fome
kind of reforma-
tion : but foone
after they vttered
their hypocrifie.
e According to
Rhe Law, Exo.2 1
2. Deut, 15. 12.
The trueth of Gods promife.
lies, which the Lod bath cholen, bee bath
enencait themoft? thus they bane delpiled
my people,that they fhould be no moꝛe a na
tion befoze them.
25 Thus faith the Loyd, If my covenant
be net with Dap and night, and if J haue not
appoynted the over of heauen and earth,
26 Then will J cat away the ſeede of
Jaakob and Danid my (eruant, not take
of his leeve tobe rulersouer the ſeede of A.
brabam,Jshak,and Jaakob:fo2 J will caule
thefr captinitic to returne and baue compat:
fion on theni.
2 Hee threatneth that the citie and the king
Zedekiah [halbe ginen into the hands of the king
of Babylon. 11 He rebuketh their crucltietoward
their feruants.
T P E word which came vnto Teremiah
from the Lod (when a Nebuchad· rez·
sat King of Babel, and all his bofte, and all
the kingBomes of the earth , that were vnder
the power of his hand and all people fought
againt Jerufalem, ana againt& ali che cities
thereof) faping,
2 Thus lapeth the Lod God of Firacl,
Goe, and (peake to Fedekiah king of Judah,
and tell him, Thus fapth the Lord, Behold,
* 3 will giue this citie intothe hand of the
king of Babel, and he hal burne tt with fire,
2 And thou balt not efcape out of bts
Hand, but thalt ſurely be taken, and deltue-
Fed into bts hand, and thine eyes hail bebola
the face ofthe king of Babel, and bee thall
fpeake with thee mouth to mouth , and thou
Malt goe to Babel,
4 Det heare the word of the Lod, D 3e⸗
Dekiab king of Judah: Thus faith the Lov
of thee, thon ſhait not dic by the fwod.
S Burthou fhalt die inè peace: and accor- of.
Ding to the burning foz thy kathers the foz-
nier kings which were before thec, fo tall
they burne odours fo? thee aud thep Wall la»
ment thee, @ying, Dh = Lord : foz Jhaue pro»
nounced the word , ſayth the Loza.
6 Then Jeremiah the Pophee ſpake all
thele words vnto Zedekiah king of Judah
in Jerufalem,
7 (hen the king of Babels hot fought
agatnit Jerufalem, and againſt all the cities
ef Judah thatwere left, euen again La»
Chik), and again Azekah: foz theſe ftrong
tities remained of the cities of Judah)
8 This is the word that came vnto Je⸗
remiah fromthe Lord, after that the Ring
Zedekiah had madea coucnant with all the
people which were at Jeruſalem, 4 to pꝛo⸗
clatin libertie vnto them, }
9 That euery man ſhould let his « fers
uant go free, and cucrp iman bis handmaid.
which was an Ebrew o2 an Ebrewelle, anv
that none ſhould ſerue himlelfe of them, to.
wit, of a Jew his bꝛother.
IO Now when all the princes, and all the
people which had agreed to the couenant,
heard that curry one Mould let his feruaunt
goe freg, and enery one bis haudmaide, and
thatnone thould {crue themfelues of them
any moze, thcyobeped and let them aoc,
It But afterward they $ repented, and
cauled the ſeruants and the handimatdes,
whom they had let goe free, to returne. anð
Held them in (ublection ag ſeruants ¢ bande
12 Cherefoze the word of the Lord came
vnto Jeremiah from the Lod, laying,
13 Thus faith the Lord God of Iſtacl, J
made a couenant with pourfathers, when d
bought themout oftheland of Egypt, oué
ofthe houſe of | (eruants,laping,
14 At the terme of ſeuen peeres let ye ga
cuerp man bis brother am Chrewe which
hath been (old vnto thee: and when He bath
ferued thee fire peeres, thou fpalt let bim gos
free from thee; but pour fathers sbcped mice
not, neither enclined their cares.
15 And pee were now turned, e had Bone
right in my fight tn proclatiming libertte, e-
uery man tobis neighbour, and pe had made
acouenant before me infthe ioule,where>
upon mp ame ts called.
I6 But yee repented, and polluted my
Fame: io? ye haue cauled eucrp man bis ſer⸗
uant, ¢ cuery man his handmaid, whom pee
had lec at liberty at their pleafure,to returne
and hold them in (ubtection to bee vnto pou
as (eruantsand handmaids.
17 Therefoze thus layeth the Lord, Pee
baue not obeyed me,in proclaiming freedom
euery man to dis bzether, and euery manta
bis neighbour : bebold, J| pzoclaime a libers
tie fez you, ſayeth the Lozd, to s the ſword, to
the peitilence, and to the famine, anb J will
make poua terrour to all the kingdomes of
theearth, —
18 And J will giue thoſe menthat haue
broken my couenant, and haue not kept the
wordes of the couenant, which they bad
made Lefeze ineswhen thep * cut the calfein
twaine, and paſſed betweene the parts thers
19 Thenzincesof Judah, and the prin:
cez of Jerufalem, the Eunuches, and the
Wiets and all the people of theland, which
paſſed betweene the parts of the calfe,
20 J will cuen giue them into the hande
of their enemies, and tntothe hands of them
that fecke their life : and their Dead bodies
fhalbe foz meate vnto the foules of the bea-
uen, and to the bealts of the earth.
21 And 3edekiah king of Judah, and his
pinces will J gine tuto the hand of thetr e-
nemes and tito the hand af them that feeke
their life, œ into the hand of the king of Ba⸗
bels hoke, which iare gone vp from pou.
22 Beholde, J willcommauns, faith the
Lod, and canle them te returne to this city,
and they Hall fight againt tt, and take it,
and burnett with fire : ang J will make the
aes of Judah deſolate without an inhabi-
He prepefeth the obedience of the Rechabites,
and therchy confoundeth the pride of the Lemes,
Te worde which came vnto Jeremiah
£ fromthe Lom in the Dapes 20f Jehoia⸗
kim the {anne of Jofiah king of Judah, fap-
Dp 2
Reuolting toeuill. 298
+ Eby.returned,
fOr, bondage.
Delt, 1505 ,t e
f Meaning, im
the Temple,te
declare thatit
was a moſt ſo⸗
lemne and ftraie
couenant made
in the Name of
rhe Lord,
g That is, Igiue
the {werd liber-
ty to deftroy
h Astouching
this maner of foe
lemne couenant
which che ancie
ent vied by paf-
fing between the
two partsof a
beaft,to fignifie
that the cranf-
greffor of the
fame covenant
fhould be fo dis
uided in pieces,
read Gen. s 5,40
i To fighta-
gaint the Egype
a For the difpae
fition and order
of thefe prophe-
fies,read cha.a7.&
b They cameof 2 Goe vnto thehoule ofthe Rechabites,
Hobab Mofes and fpeake vnto tiem, and bring them inta
fatherin lawe, the houfe of the Loz, into one of the cham-
who wasnolf bers, and giue them wine to drinke. i
raclite, burafter _ 3 Then tooke J| Faazantah, the ſonne of
joyned with Jeremiah che lonne of iaba3zzintah,and bis
them inthe fer- brethreu, and ail bts fonnes, andthe whole
niceofGod, bauleoftye Rechabttes,
€ Thatis,aPro- 4 And J baought chem into the Poule
phet. of the Loz , into the chamber of the ſonnes
[i Or, deore, of Hanan, the fone of Igdaltah a man of
d TheProphee 60D, thich wasby the chamber of the prin
faith notr, The eS, Which wasaboue the chamber of Maa·
Lord faiththus: (tial the tonne of Dhallum the keeper of the
j treature.
5 And F We Before the fonnes of the boule
of the Rechabites, pors full ofiwine, cups,
and ¢ (ad vnto them Orinke wines
6 Wut they fayd, tle wii Dunk no wine:
Foꝛe Jonadab tye tonne of Rechab our
tkather commaunded ys, laying, Wee fail
Dainke no wine, neither pou no? pour fonnes
foz enee. . : j ;
7 sAcither Hall you build boufe, no: fow
feede, 1102 plant vineyart, no: auc any, but
all pour Dayes yee Hall Dwell intents, that
thé king of Ifrael penay linea long tinie inthe laud Where pe
fauoured forhis be irangers.
zeale,2.king.10,° 8 Thus hatte we obepeed the voyce of Ja:
nadab tie onne ot Rechab our father, in all
that be bath charged vs, and we winke no
wine all all our daies, neither We, our wines,
for then they
ought to baue
obeyed: but hee
tendeth to ano-
ther end: that is,
to declare their
obedience to
man,feeing the
Tewes would not
obey Godkim.
e Whom Iehu
f Teaching them
- hereby to flee all
_occafionofin- OUT {ONNES NO? our Daughters.
temperancie,9 Neither buil we goules foz bs to dwel
ambition,anda- in, neither Haus we vineyard, noz feld, noz
aarice, and that (pede. j t
“ theymightknow 10 But we bhane remained intents, and
tbat they were
ftrangers in the
earth,and be rea-
haue obeyed, and Done aceozding to all that
Jonadab our father commanded vs.
IL Gut when Nebuchad⸗ nezzar Bing of
—dytodepattac’ Babel came vp into the tande, wee fayde,
alloccalions. Come, and let vs goe to Jeruſalem, from
g Whichwas the bofte ofthe Caldeans, ana irom the hott
- nowforthefpace Of Grani: fo we “Dwellat Jeruſalem.
_ of three hun- I2 Thencame the wode of the Lod yn-
to Jeremiah, faving,
drethyeres from l
13 Thus faith tye Lom ofholts, the God
Iehuto Iehoia-
kim, of Jiraci, Hoe, and teil the men of Judah,
h Which decla- and the inbabttants of Jerulalem, cAil ye
reth thatthe, not receiue Doctrine to obcy my words, faith
were notio the Lob?
bound to their 14 The commandement of Jonadab the
-yowe that it fonne of Rechab that be commaunded his
could not bee
broken for any
neccflitie : for
„where. they were
commanded to
dwell in cents,
they dwell now
at Ierufalem for
feare of the
i Whom Ihaue
fonnes, that they ould drinke ne wine, is
ſurely kept : foz vnto this Dap they drinke
none, but obey their fathers commanndbe⸗
ment; nofwithtanding J haue ſpoken puto
pou, k rifing early, tipeaking, but pee woul
not obey me.
Is Jhaue fent allo vnto yor all my fer-
uants the Dophets,rifing vp early and ien-
Bing thew, ſaying, *Returne now euery man
from pis euill way, and amend your works,
and goe not after other gens tolerue them,
chofentobemy anD pe fall Dwell inthe land which J auc
children cing gluen vnto you, and te your fathers, but yee
thefe which were Would not incline yonr eare,noz obey me.
"the children of
an heathen man, obeyed the commandement of their father. k I
haue moft diligently exhorcedand warned you beth by my felfe, and
iy Prophets, (4ap.18,11,and 25,5,
- Jeremiah. ©
to parents rewarded, q
16 Diurely, the onnes of Jonadab the
fonne of Rechab, baue kept the comimaun-
Dement ot their tather, which be gaue then, ;
but this people bath not obeyed me.
17 Cyerioze thus laith the Lord of hoſts, s
the Sovot Jiraci, Behold, J will bing vp -
on Judah, and vpon ail the inhabitants of
Jerufalem, aii tye euit that haue peonoun-
ced agatnlt them, becauſe J baue Hyoken
vnto them, but they would not heare, and J
paue called vnto them, but they woule not
18 And Jeremiah ſayde vnto the houle of
the Rechabites, Cus tapih the Love ot
hottes the God o? Ifrael, Wecaule yee hane
obeted the commandement of Jonadab pour
father, and kept ali pts preccpts, and Done
accoꝛoing vnto all that He hath commanded
19 Therfore thus faith the Lord ofhoks,
the Gov of Jirael,Jonadab the fona: of Re-
chab fali = kot want a man to Rand before
me foz euer.
i Baruch writeth , as Ieremiah enditeth , the
booke of the curſes azainfè Iudah and F{-ael, 9
He is fènt with the booke vate the people, & rea-
deth it before thm all. 14 Heis called before the
rulers, and readeth it before themalfo, 23 The
king cafteth st ia the fre. 28 There is another
written at the cowmandement of the Lord,
AS inthe fourth apeere of Jehoiakim
A the ſonne ot Sofiah king of Judah, came
rote worde vnto Feremiay from the Lode,
2 Take thee a roll or booke, and waite
therein ali the weds that Jj haue fpoken ta A
thee againſt Jirael, anv againtt Judah, and |
againit all the nattons, fromthe Day that J |
{pak vnto ther euent from the Dayes of Jolie
ai) bute this Day, :
3 “Jt may be that the poule of Judah will
beare of all the erill, whith 3 determined to
Do vnto then, thatthty may returne euerp
man from bis entil wap, that 3 may foꝛgiue
thetriniquitie and their finnes.
4 Tien Jeremiad cailed Baruch the
fone of Neriah, and Baruch wote at the
mouth of Jerennah all the wordes of the
Load, which be bad poken vnto pun, vpon
a toil, or booke,
§ And Jeremiah commaunded Baruch,
faying, J am 4 Wut vp, and cannot goe into
the boule of the Loz.
Cheretoze coe thon, andread the roll,
wherein thou hatt witten atmy mouth the
wordes ofthe Lorde, in the audtence of the proclaimed for
people inthe Lords houle npon thee taſting feare off Babys
ay: allo thou alt read them in the hearing loniansas their j
ofallfndab, that come ont of their cities, cuftome was
7_ Jt may be that they will Spray before whe they feared
the Lord, and euery one returne from his g war,or any great
ull Way, for great isthe anger, € the wath plague of God,
tel Hd Loe bath Declared againſt this f Ine, fheweth
opie. ý fafting with-
3 Ho Baruch the fonneof Meriah Did outpraier & re- ,
accoding vnto all, that Jeremiah the pentanceauailerb.
Prophet commaunded Sint, reading in nothing, butis
the booke the wordes of the Lorde y the meers hipocrifies
1 That is, by his
Prophets & mi-
niflers: which
fheweth that it
is asmuch as
though hee
ſhould fpeake to
vs himtelfe,
when he fendeth
hisminiftersto ~
{peake in his
m His pofleritie
fhall continue
and be in my fa-
uour for ewer,
a Reade Chap
b Which were
twentie & three
3.counting from
the thirteenth
yeere of Iofiahs.
c Ashe didine
d Meaning, in
prifon, throu
the malice of
the Prieſts.
e Which was
Therouleisread. Thekingsrage. Chap. xxxvij.
The fat was
then proclaimed,
and Baruch read
this roule, which
wasa litrle before
that Ierufalem
was firfttaken,
and then Tehoia-
kim and Daniel
and his compa-
nions were led
away Captiues,
h Which isthe
Eaſt gate of the
i The godly were
affraide, fecing
God fo offended,
and the wicked
were aſtonied for
the horrour of
the punifhment.
k They that were
godly among the
nces, gaue
this ccunfell by
whofe meanes it
is like that Iere-
miah was deliue-
therave ofthe
King and of the
wicked to bee
fuch, that they
could not efcape
without danger
of theiriines.
1 Which contei-
ned part of No-
wember and part
of December,
Lords honfe.
9 €& Aud tn the fift s veere of Jehoiakim
the onne of Joftay King of Judah, uthe
ninth moneth, they proclaimed a fali beteze
the Loz to all the people tn Jeruſaltin, and.
to ali the people that came froin the cities of
Juday vnio Jeruſalem.
to Then reas Baruch in the booke the
wordes of Jeremah in the Youle of the
Lod, iu the chamber of Gemariah the
ſonne of Shaphan the Hecretarte, wi the
higher court at theentrie of the "new gate
of ie Loms boul, inthe hearing of alithe
AL bhen Dichatah the fonne of Gema⸗
tiah the fonneof Shaphan had heard out of
the books ali the wotsofthe Lod,
12 Then hee went Downe to the kings
boute inte the Chancellours chamber, and
log, ati the Pinces fate there, cuen Clia-
ma the Chancellour, ard Delaiah the fonne
of Shemaiah , and Ctnathan the tonne of
Achbo2 , and Gemariah the fenne of Sha⸗
phan, and zedekiah the ſonne of Hananiah,
and all the princes. _
13 Chen Michaiah Declared vnto them
allthe words that hee bad heard when Ba-
— in the booke in the audience of the
people.» A i
14 Therefore all the princes fent Jehudi
the tonne ot NHethaniah, the fonne ot Sbe-
lemiah, the tonne of Chuthi, wnto Baruch,
faving, Cake in thine band the roule,where-
tn thou balk read in the audience of the peo-
ple,and come. Ho Baruch the loune of Res
rial, tooke the roule tn bis hand, and came
onto them, : ; ;
I5 And they ſaid vnto him, Hit towne
now, and reade it, that wee may beare. Bo
Baruch read it in their audience.
16 Row wien they had heard all the
words, they were akraide, both ene and o>
ther,and faim vnto Baruch, Ue will certifie
the king of ali theſe wots, i
17 Gnd they examiued Baruch, faying,
Teli vs now, how diddelt chou write all
thee words at bis month?
18 Then Baruch anfwered them, Pee-
pronounced ali tele wads vnto mee with
dis mouth, and 3| wote chem with pike in
the baok-, ;
19 Then lſald the (Pinces bute Baruch,
Gat, * hive thee,thou and Jeremiah, and let
Noman know where yee be.
20 (Gud they went in to the King to
the court, but they laide vp the roule tthe
chamber of Eliſhama the Chancctlour, and
e the King ali the words, that pee might
21 So the Kins ſent Jehuri to fettethe
toule, and hee toske itout of Eliſhama the
Chanccilours chamber, and Iehudi read it
in the audience of the King.and inthe andis
ence of all the Princes , which ood beline
the Kiug ·
22 Mow the King fate in the wintere
houle, in the! ninth moncth, aud there was
a fire burning Gefore hin. vith
23 And when Jehuvt had read three oz
foure ides, he cut tr with the pen knite, and
cake it into (be fire that was on the dearth,
Another roule written.
unti all the roule was conſumed in the fire,
that was on the hearth. i
24 Pet thep were not akraide, nozrent m Shewirg thae
mebeir garmenty, neither the king , nog any the wickeain
of his ſtruants that heard ail thete woms. fead of repenting
_ 25 Neuertheleſſte, Elnathan, und Dela- when they heare
ia, and Gemartah hadbetought the king, Godsiudgments,
that bee would not burne tye rouig, but hee growinto tur-
would not heare then, ther malice a-
26 Wutthe kiug commanted Jerahmeel gaintt bim and
the fonneuf iammelech , and Beraiah the his word,
ſonne of Azrichand Sbelemrah the fonne of n Thus we fee
Abdiel to take Baruch the ſcribe and Fieres the continual
miah the Prophet: but the Lerdes hid chem. care that Ged
27 A Then the word ofthe LoD came to bath euer ouer
Jeremiah (after that the king had burnt the histo preferuc
toule and the wo2Ds which Baruch wote at them trom the
the mouth of Jeremiah) laying, rage ofthe wic-
28 Take thee againe o another roule, and ked.
write in tt all the former words that were tn o Though the
the firit roule which Jehotakim the king of wicked thinke to
Judab hath burnt, hauc abelithed
29 And thou Walt fay to Jehoiakim king theword of God,
of Judah, Thus ſaith the Lord, Choubhait whenthey hane
burnt thts roule , faving , CUhy halk theu burnethe booke
witten theretn,laying that the king of Bas thereof: yet this
bel (yall certamely come ¢Deltroy this land, declareth chat
and (all take thence both manana beaft? God wilnot only
32 Aheretoze thus {arth the Loge of Je· raile it vp againe,
hotakim king of Judah, He Wal hane anong bucalOincteste
to litte vpon the throne of Dauid, and bis itin ercatera-
Dead body hall be catt our in the Day tothe bundancetotheie
Heate,and inthe night to the frot, condemnation,
31 And Jj wilt vilt himand his feed, and as verfe 32,
bis ſeruants foz their intquitie, and J will p Thefe are lcho⸗
bring vpon them, and ppon the inhabitants iakims words,
of Jeruiaicin, and bpon the men ofJuDel) q Though Teho-
all the cnilithat J baue pronounced againſt iachinhisfonne
them: but they would not heare. fucceeded him,
32 Ahen tooke Jeremiah another roulet, yet becauſe he
and gaue it Baruch the Scribe the ſonne of reigned but three
seria}, which wrote therein at the mouth of moneths, ic was
Jeremiah all the wordes of tye booke which eNecmedas no
Jehoiakim king of Judah had burnt in the reigne·
fire,and there were added belides thems mae r Reade Chap,
ny like words. 22.19,
Zedckiah fucceedeth leconiah, 3 He fendeth
vnto Feremtalh to pray for him, 12 Ieremiah go-
ing intothe land of Beniamin, wtaken. 15 Hew
beaten and put in prifon.
2. King. 24.17.
yb i * Ring Fcdekiah the fonne of Jo: 2.chron.36,10,
liah reigned foz > Koniah thelonne of chap.52.1.
Febotakim, whom Nebuchad rezzar Kiug a Who was cal-
of Babel made King tn the land of Ju- led Ichoiachin,
Dab, or leconiah,
2 But neither hee, no? his fernants, noꝛ b And called him
the people of the Laud would obey the wog Zedckiah,wheras
of the Lord, which hefpake by the + mintlte- before his name
bie of the JSzophet Jeremiah. was Mattaniah, .-
3 Gud Zedehkiah the Ring: ſent Jehucal 2 Kiog.24.17,
the onne of Shelemiah, anv Fephantay the +Ebrhand.
fonne of Maaleiah the JOzie& tothe gpro: c Becaule he was
phet Jeremiah, laying, Pꝛay now entothe afraid of che Cal-
Lod our God foz vs. deans that came
4 (Row Jeremiah d went in and out againit him,
among the peopl; 3 foꝛ they had not prt hin d That is,was
into the priſon. out ofprifop,and
” pP 3
§ Then aliberie.
= =
e To helpe the
Ebr went vp.
Or, Lift not wp
your mindes.
f Asfome thinke
to goeto An:
thoth his owne
g By the which
men wentinto
thecountrey of
Ebr. falleft,
h Becaufe it was
a vile and ftreit
tEbr. fll.
i That is, fo long
z asthere was any
bread in the citiei
thus God proti-
deth for his,that
he will caule their
enemics to pre-
ferue them to
that en], where-
unto hehyhap-
pointed them,
The Prophet is taken and beaten.
§ Then Pharaohs hat was e come ont
of Egypt: and wiz tie Caldeans that bes
fieged Jeruſalem, Heard tidings of them,
they t Departet froin Ferulalem)
6 Then came the word of the Loyd bute
the Pꝛophet Jeremtab,fapying, |
7 us faith the Low God of Iſrael,
Thus hall pe fay to the king of Judah, that
{ent you vnto me, to enquire of me, Behold,
Pharaohs bofte, which ts come foorth to
belpe pou, fall returne to Egypt into their
owne land,
8 Am the Caldeans hall come againe,
and fiche againt this citie, and take tt, and
burne tt with fire. ;
9 Thug faith the Lord, || Decetue not
pour {eiues, faping, The Caldeans thal fure-
ly Depart from bs; foz they palt not depart.
IO $o: though pee haa ſcnitten the whole
bok of the Caldeans that fight againſt pou,
and there remained but wounded men a-
mong them, yer Hould euery man rile vp in
bis tent, and berne this citie with fire.
II ¶ cAhen the bot of the Galdeans was
broken bp trom Jerulalem, becanle of Pha⸗
raobs armie, ]
12 Then Jeremiah went ont of Jerula⸗
tem to goe into the ‘land of Beniamin, fe-
— himlelke thence krom among the
people. i
13 And when hee was in the sgate of
Beniamin, there was achtefe officer, whofe
name was Jriiah, the fonne of Mhelemtah,
the fonne of lananiah, and hee tooke Jere-
miah the Prophet, laying , Chou t ficett to
the Caldeans. ;
14 Chen Laid Jeremah, Chat is falle,F
flee not to the Caldeans: but hee would not
beare him: fo Jriiah tooke Jeremtah, and
bought him to the princes. t
I5 Mherekore the princes were angrie
with Jeremiah and mote bim, and laid bim
in pion in the boule of Jehonathan the
fcribe: fo: they had made that the k pifon.
16 Then Jeremiah was entred into the
Dungeon, and into the pilons, and had re»
mained there along time,
17 Then Fevektal the king (ent, and
tooke Dim out, andthe king aiked bim fe»
cretly in his houle, and fav, Is there any
word from the Led? And Jeremiah (aid,
Pea: fo {aid he,thau halt be delinered inte
the band ofthe king of Babel, — i
18 Moꝛzeouer, Jeremiah fai vnto king
- Senektah, (Ubat baut J ofenden againit
thee, o: againk thy feruants, o2 againtt ibis
people that yee haue put mein pion?
19 *Ahere are now your prophete, which
prophelicd vnto you, taping, ‘Che king of
Babel ſhal not come agatnk pou,noz againſt
this land?
20 Therefore heare now, J pray thee, D
my lo the king : ler my prayer bec accep,
ted befoze thee, that thou caule nie not tote-
turne tothe boule of Jehonathan the icribe,
ief J die there. j
21 Chen Fedehiab the king commanded
thar they ſhould put Jeremiah tn the court
ofthe prifon, and that they ſyould giue him
Dayly a piece of bread out of the Bakers
Kreete, vntul al! the i begad inthe citie were
eaten bp. Thus Jeremtah remained inthe
court of the pation.
1 By the motion of the rulers Feremiah is put
into a dungeon, 10.At the requeft of Ebed melech
the ksng commandeth Ieremiah to be brought forth
of the dungeox. 17 Jeremiah [beweth the king
bow he might efcape death.
Den Shephatiah the fonne of Mattan,
and Gedaltah the fonne of Papur , and
Jucal the onne of Hhelemtah,and Paſhhur
the fonne of a Malchiah, heard the wordes
that Jeremiah bad ſpoken vnto all the peo:
ple,faping, 4
2 Thus ſaith the Low, Hee that remat<
neth in this cirie, yall dic by the ſword, by
the famine anc by the peitilence: but he that
goeth fozti to rhe Caldeans, ſhall line: foz he
thall haue bis life faz >a pray, and hall ltue.
3 Thus latth the Lowe, This citie tall
lutely bee ginen inte the hand of the king of
Babels arinie, which Hall take tt.
4 Cherefore the Pꝛinces ſaid vnto the
King, Aee beleech pou, let this man be put
to death: fez thus he || weakeneth the hands
of the men of warre «that remaine inthis
citie,and the bands of all the people in (pea
king (uch wordes vnto them: for this man
f: ceketh not the mealth ofthis people, but the
§ When dsedekiah the king ſaid, Behold,
bee is in your hands, forthe king candenie
“you nothing. ;
6 Then tooke they Jeremiah, and cat
him into fhe Dungeon of9Balcgiah the fonne
of Pammielech, that wasinthe court of the
pilon: and they lec Downe Jeremiah with
coudsiand tn the Dungeon there was no wa-
tet but mire: fo Jeremiah ſtacke fat inthe
7 Mow when Cbed-melech the tblåcke
Doze, one of the Cunuches, which wasin
the kings boule, heard that they had put Je
remiab in the Dungeon (then the king late
in the € gate of Bentaminee
8 And ECbed.melech went out of the
kings boule. and {pake to the king, faying,
9 My lom the king , f thele men Dane
Done enill in all that they haue Done to fiere-
mia} the Prꝛophet, whom they haue caſt into
the Dungeon, and be Dieth fe: hunger inthe
place where he ts; for there is no moze brean
inthe citte.
Io Then the Ling commanded Ebrd-
melech the blacke Gaze, taping, Cake from
hence thirticmen+ with thee, and take Jie-
— ——— Prophet out of che Dungeon bes
ore he Die,
II Go Cbet-imelech tooke the men with
Him, and went to the boule cfthe King vn⸗
Der the treaturie, and tovke there old rotten
rapges, AND olde WorKe cleutes, and let them
— by cordes into the Dungeon to Jere»
12 Gnd E€bed-melech the blacke Moze
The Prophet aceufeds
a For Zedekiah
had fentthefe to
Teremiah to en-
quite atthe Lord
for the ftate of
the countrie new
when Nebuchad-
nezzar came,as
b Reade Chap,
241.g.and 45.5,
! Or,diftouras
c Thus wee fee
how the wicked
when they can
not abideto
heare the trueth
of Gods word,
ſecke to put the
min‘{tersto death
as tranfgreflours
of policies.
d Wherein he
gncuoufly offene
ded in that that
not onely he
would not heare
the trueth fpoken
by the Prophet,
but alfo gaue
him to the Infts
of the wicked,
to be cruelly
Ebr.Culbite, or
e To beare mat-
ters,and gine
f Hereby is de-
Prophet found
more favour at’
this ſtrangers
bands,then hee | |
did by allthem. .
of his countrey,
which wasto
their great con ·
LEbr.under thize,
fata vnto Jeremiah , Put nowe rhele olde baud.
rottcmragges and woe, vnder thine arne»
bolts, betweene the codes . Aud Jeremiah
id fo,
13 So they Dwe bp Teremtah with
corꝛds, and tooke bun vp ent of che DUNE COI
Zedekiahs feare : His excuſe.
Where the
ing bad fet bim
before to be at
more libertie,as
h And yeelde
thy felfe vnto
i Which decla-
reththat he more
feared there-
proch of men,
then the threat-
pings of Ged,
k Wher Teconi.
ahand his mo-
ther with others
were cari¢d ae
way, thefe wo-
men of the kings
houfe were left :
which {hal be ta-
ken, fayth the
f Prophet,and tell
-the king of Babel
show. Zedekiah
hath been fedu-
ced by bis fami-
Jiar friends and
falfe Prophets,
which haue left
bira in the mire,
1 Herein appea-
of the Prophet,
who did diffem-
ble to fauc his
life albeit it was
not to the denial
of his do@rine,
ortothehurof king had commannded: fo they left o€
= Jeremiah remained th s the court ofthe
14 ¶ Then Fedekiah the king fent, and
tooke Jereniah the Prophet vnto hum, tnta
the third entrie that ts tn che boui of che
Lorde, and the king faid vnto Jeremiah, 7
wil alke theca thing: bidenothing from me.
15 Then Jeremiah fava to Zedekiah. JE
J declare tt vnto thee, wilt not thou flap
meg? and if J gine thee counteli, chow wilt
het heare me,
16 So the king fware ſecretly vnto Jere:
miah faying, As the Lord liueth, that made
bs thele ſoines, 3 wilt not flay thee, no? giue
ee he the bandes of thote men that leeke
by ltfe.
17 Then fayd Jeremiah unto 3edekiah,
Thus lLayth tie Lod God of poles, the
God of Fitarl, If thou wilt gor foozth vato
the king of Babels 4 princes, then thp ule
ſhall line, and this citie hail not bee burnt
a Mutt fire, and thou ſhalt lug, and chine
18 Butifthou wilt not goe foorth te the
King of Wabels pintes, then Mall this citi⸗
be giuen into the hand of the Caldeans, anv
they Hall burne it with fire, and thou halt
not efcape out of their bands.
19 And sedekiah the king fayd vnto Ze:
temtab, Zam carefull foz the Jewes that
arc fled vito the Caldeans, lett they deliuer
me into their hands, and they imocke me,
20 But Jeremiah ſayd, They wall not
deliuer thee; hearken vnto the voyce of the
Lod, F belkech thee, which Jſpeake vara
thee: {o thallit be well vñto thee, and thy
fonie Mall tine.
21 But ik thon wilt refule to goc forth,
this is the wozd that the Lord hath ſhewed
22 And behold, allthe women that are
K left in the king of Iudahs boule, tall bee
bꝛought forth tothe king of Babels princes;
and thoſe women (pail fay, Thy friends haue
perſwaded theer and hauc penciled agatnit
thee, thy feete are faltened in the mire, and
they are turned backe.
23 So they hail bring out all thy wines,
and thy children tothe Caldeans, and thou
ſhalt noteicape out of thee hands, but ſhalt
be taken by the hand of the king of abel;
and this cite hale thou canle to bee burnt
with fie. 1 Í
24 Then ain Zedekiah vnto Jeremiah,
Let no man know of thele wozds, and thou
fhalt not die. :
25 But ik the princes vnderſtand that J
baue talked with thee, and they come unta
thee, anad fap vnts thee, Declare vnta bs
now, what thou halt fayd vnto the king, Hide
it not trom vs,and we will not ilap thee: al-
fo what the king fai vnto thee,
26 Chen ſhalt thou fay vnto them, J
humbly beſought the king that bee would
not caule me to returne to Jonathaus boule
to Dic there. :
27 Then came allthe Princes vnto Je-
remiah andalked him. And hee tolde chews
according to all thee wordes that the
{peaking with bin, for the master was
Chap. xxxix.
Hiseyesputout. 300 |
not perceined.
28 Bo Jeremiah above NM in the court
ofthc pation, vntill the Bap that Jcrufalem
Was taken ; and bee was there, when Jeru⸗
falew was taken.
t Nebuchad-merxxar befiegeth Ierufalem. 4
Zedekrah feeing, u taken ofthe Ci Sich 6 Hu
[onnes are flaine. 7 Hú eyes arethruftout. 11
Jeremiah ü promded for. 15 Ebed-melech i de-
Auered from captiuitie.
] Nethe ninth peere of Zedekiah king of Ju⸗
dah, in the tenth moneth came MebuchaB-
nezzat king of Gabel and all bis hofte a»
gaint Jeruflem,and thepbelieged it.
_ 2 Andin theeleuenthyeere of Zedekiah,
in the feurth moneth, the ninth day of the
Moneth, the citie was broken? yp.
3 Andall the punces of the king of Bas
bel came tn,and fate inthe middle gate, cuen
Meregal, Mhareser, Gamgar-nebo, Darles
chin, Rab-faris, Neregal, Hhareser, Raba
mag, with all the reſidue of the princes of the
king of Babel.
4 And when 3edekiah the king of Jus
Dab fawe them, andall the men of warre,
then they fied , and went out of tge citie by
night,thaough the kings garden, and by the
b gate between the tivo walles,and be went
toward the wilderneife.
§ But the Caldcans hoft purſued after
them, and ouertooke 3eDekiay in the deſert
of Jericho: and when they hadtaken hrm,
thep brought hint to Mebuchad-teszar king
of Babel vnto < Ribiah tn the land ofa-
math, where he gaue indgement bpon him.
6 Then the king of Babel flewe the
fonnes of Sedekiah in Riblah before his eies:
allo the king of abel flew all tye nobies of
7 Woꝛeouer he put out >cdckfals epes,
iak bun in chaines, tocarp bim ta
8 And the Caldeans burnt the Kings
boule, and the houlesof the people with llOr captaine of
fire, audbzake Downe the walles of Jeru- thecuard,
{alent d Fortherich
9 Then Nebuzar adan the || chiefe ſtew· and the mighty
ard carped alway captine inta abel the which put cheit
remnant of the people, that remained in truh in their
the citie, and thole that were fled and Fallen Mifs, & meanesy
puto bun with therett ofthe peaple that re» were by Gods
mained. iuſt iudgements
Io But M2ebuszar-adan the chiefeftew-: moſt rigotouſly
ard left the 4 pooze that bad nothing, inthe handled.
land ol Judah, č gave them vinepardes and tEbr,by the
fields at the fame time, hand of.
II flow Nebuchad rezzar king of Wa: +Ebr fet thine
bel gaue charge concerning Icremiah * pn· eyes vpon him.
to Nebuzar · adan the chtete ſtewarde, faye e Thus God pre-
ing, à j _. ferued his Pro-
12 Cake him, and *looke well to him, phet by his
and Doc him no harme, but doe vnto bimee: meanesswhom
uenas he ſhall fap vnts thee. heemade the
13 So Nebuzar · adan the chiefe ſtewatd fcourge to punith
fent,and #ebnwasban,Rab-faris, and Ne⸗ the king and
egal, Dhareszcr, Rabmag, and all the king them that were
of Babels panees : bis enemies,
Pp 4 14 Gwn
2 .King.25.0.
chap. 53.4
a The gates and
walles were Bros
ken downg;
b Which wasg
pofterne doore,
reade 2. King.
e Which is cal-
Jed Antiochia ig
p —— ss CSC lhc.
TheProphet atlibertie.
£ Whom the
king of Babel
had now appoin-
ted gouernour
oucr the reft of
the Lewes that he
left behind,
g Thus God re-
compenfed his
zeale & fauour,
which he fhewed
to his Prophet in
his troubles,
a Fromthis fe-
cond verfe, vnto
chap.4 2.7. it fee-
meth to be asa
feparated matter:
and there this
ftdrie begineeth
againe,and this
vifion is declared
what it was,
b God mooued
this infidel to
fpeake this,to de-
cisrethe great
blindneffe and
obilinacie of the
Jewes which
could not feele
that which this
heathen man
Ebr. ceafe.
fl Or, at thy com-
"e Which wasa
citie of Iudah.
d Which were
fcattered abroad
for feareaf tbe
14 Cues they lent, and tooke Jeremiah
out of the court of the pꝛiſon, and committed
bim vnto f Gedaliah the ſonne of Ahikam
thefonneof Dyaphan, that hee Would cary
Hist home ; fo be Dwelt among thepeople.
Ig Now the word sf the Loz came vnto
Jeremiah, whilehe was ſhut vp tn the court
of the priton,faying,
16 Goe and prake to Ebed meleci the
blacke oze, faving Thus fayth the Loo
of holtes the God of vlrael, Behold, Iwill
bring my words vpon this city foz enill, and
not foz good, and they ſhalbe accowpliſhed it
that Day before thee. i
I7 Bute J will Deliner thee in that Day,
fapth the Lozd,t thou ſhalt not be giuen inta
the hand ofthe men whom thou fearett.
18 Fo: J will furety deltuer thee, and
thon fhalt not fall by the ſword, but thy life
yall bee for a pray vito thee, becauſe thou
e halt put thy trutt in me, ſayth the Lod. —
CH AP. .
4 Ieremiah hath cence ta goe whither he wil
6 He dwelleth with the people that remaine with
i De word which came to Jeremiah from
: the Lorde after that Qeduzar-adan the
chiefe feward had let him goe from Ra-
math, whenhehadtaken yim being bound
th chaines among ail that were carico away
captive of Jerulatem an’ Judah, which
Were caried away captiue vnto Babel.
2 24nd the chtcfe ſteward tooke Jere⸗
miah, and ſayd vnto him, Che Low thy
God Hath pꝛonounced this plague vpon this M
2 Nowe the Loꝛd hath brought tt, and
Done accowing as hehath fayd: becaule yee
baue linned againuſt the Lord, and jane not
obeyed bis voice, therfore this thing is come
vpon pou.
4 And nowe behold, J lasfe thee this
Day irom the chaines which were on thine
bands; it it pleaſe thee to come with mein:
te Babel, conic, and F wili looke well vnto
thee: but ifit pleale thee not to come wtth
mee into Babel, ttary Rul: behold, all the
lande is | befoge thee: whicher it feemerh
good, and conuentent fo2 thee to gor, tht
ther gee.
5 SForpethee was not returned : theres
fore hee fayd, Returve to Gedaliah the ſonne
of Abtkam, the fonneof Shaphan, whome
the king of Babel hath made goucrnour o»
ner all the cities of Judah, and dwell with
him among the people, o2 goe whereſdeuer
it pleaſeth thee to goe. Bo the chiefe Otew·
ard gane him vitales and a reward, and let
pim goe. on
6 Then wert Jeremiah vuta Geraltah
the fonne of Ahikam, to⸗ Opah, Edwelt
there with him among the people that were
left in the land. i
7 Rowe when all the captaines of the
pofte , diwhtch were tn the ficlds, euen they
and their men heard, that the King of Ba⸗
belhad made Genaliah the ſonne of Ahi-
kam gouernout in the land, and thathe bad
committed vnto bin monand Women, and
À confi viracie,
childzett, and ef the poope of the lande, that
were not CartcUawaycaptinets Babel, —
8 Then theycameto Gedaliah to Miz-
pab,encn © Ihhmael the ſonne of Methantap, e Who wos of
“and Johanan, and Jonathan the fonues ot tke kings blood,
Kareah,and Deratah the onne of Tanehu· andafterflew |
meth, andthe lonnes ot phat, the Meto: him,chap,
phatitte, and Jezantah the ſonne si Maa⸗
chathi, they and their men. t
9. And Gedaltay the Lonne of Abikam,
the lonne of Shapyan * ſware vuto them, 3. King.r5.24,
and to their men, laying, Feare not to ſerue
the Caldeans: dwell in theland, ana ferne
theking of Babel, and it wallbe well with
Io Asfozmee, beholde, F will dwell at
Mizpah to ſſerue the Caldeans, which will | Or, te receine
come vnto vs: but pou, gather pou wine, them,or toen-
and ſummer fruits, and ople,and put them treste therm far
in vour veffels, and Dweil in pourcities that pois
II Likewife when all the Jewes that dwedlin.
were in Moab, among the Ammonites, £ Which were
and tn Goon, and that were in all the coun⸗ fled alfo for feare
treys, heard that the king of Babel had left ofthe Caldeans,
ye bane || taken.
aremnant cf Judah, ana chat he had ſet o-
ucr then Gedaltah the ſonne of Ahtkam the
nne of Shaphan,
12 uen all the Jewes returned out of
all places where they were Minen, and came
to the land of Indah to Gedaltah vnto Miz⸗
pab and gathered wine and ſummer fruits
Dery much.
13 Dereoucr Johanan the fonne of Ka-
reay,and all the captains of the bofe, that
were in the felds, came te Gedaliah te
14 And laid vnto him, Knoweſt thou not,
that s Baalis the Ring of the Ammonites
hati lent Iſhmael the foune of Nethaniah
to flap thee ? but Gedaliah the fonne of Ahi-
kam beleeued them not.
15 Then Jeyonan the fonne of Kareah
pake to Gedaliah in Mizpah fecretly, ſay⸗
ing, Let me goe, J pray thee, and J will flap
Iſhmael the fonne st Methantah, and no
man Hall know tt. WAierefoze Hould he kill
thee, that ail the Jewes which are gathered
vnto thee, Would belcatteredD, andthe rem-
nantin Judah perth 7 A
16 But Gedaliah the fonne of Abikam
faya ynte Johanan the fonne of Kareah,
Thou hate not Doe tois thing; foz thou
ſpeakeſt taifly of yna.
2 Ijhmaelkiketh Gedaliah guilefully and ma-
ay other withhim, 11 Johanan folleweth after
At in the? ſeuenth moneth caime Iſhma⸗
elthe fonneof HNethamah, the ſonne of
Eliſhania of the ſeede ropali,and the princes
ofthe t king, and tenne men with bin vanto
Gedaliah che fone ot hikan to Mizpah,
and there thep Did eate beead cogecher in
Wispab. $
2 Thenarok Ihhmael the nne of Ne⸗
thantalh with theſe tenne men that were
daliah flaine, b ` Meaning; Zedckiagh, c They did cate together.
as familiar friends,
-r nn a ew &o Se Se ea Sr st BE} ao
g For vnder the
colour of enter-
taining of Ih-
onely to make
them to deftroy
one another.
h Thusthe gode
ly which thinke
no harme to o-
thers, are foonelt }
deceiued,and nes
uer lacke fuch as
confpire their
a The citie was
deftroyed in the
fourth moneth:
and in thefe-
uenth moneth
which conteined
Fart of Septem-
ber,and part of
OGober,was the
goucrnour Ge-
e-mé vp tothe
fean of Taberna-
cles: buthearing
of the burning
thereof inthe
sway they thewed
thefefignes of
e For his death
was kept ſecret,
anc kee fained
that he lamented
forthe deftru@i-
on of Terufalem,
and the Temple;
but after flewe
them wi en they
feemed to fuour
f AG fortified
„Mizpah for feare
of the enemie,
and caft ditches
and trenches,
E.King. £5.22.
f »
2 Which had
‘been c2praines
wader Zedekiah,
h For Baalis the
king of the Am-
monites was the
} cane ofthis
omimicteth Mamefull murther.
with him, and mote Gedaltab the fonne of
Ghikam the tonne of Shaphan with the
(word, and few him, whom the king of Wa»
bel had made the gonernour ouer the land.
3 Hhmacl allo flew ail the Fewes that
were with Gedaltab at Mizpah, and all the
Galeans that were found there, and the
men of watre.
fow the ſecond Bay that he had flaine
Gedaliah, and no man knew tt,
5 There came men from Shechem, fron
hilo and from Hamaria, cuen fourelcoze
nien,hauing their beards fhaucn, and theit
clothes rent and cat, with ¢ offrings and m-
yands to offer in the houſe of
cenie in their
the Lord. ;
- 6 And Iſhmael the ſonne of Methaniay
went foorth from Mizpah to mecte them,
weeping ashe Went: Fwhen hemietchem,
He faya vnto them, Come ta Gedaliah the
loune ot Ahikam.
7 And when they came into the mindes
ofibecitic, Jihmact the tonne ot Nethani⸗
ah flew rhent, and caft them inte the middelt
pi the pit, bee andthe mien that were with
im. *
g Butten men were found among them,
that fayo vnto Immael, Slay vs not; foz
wee haue trealuresin the ficld, of wheate,
ana otbarlzp, and ot oyiz, and of honie: io
Dee Raped, anD ſlew them not among their
o Mow the pit wherin Iſhmael had
cat the Brad bodies ofthe men (whom hee
bad flaine becaule of Gedaltab) ts tt, witch
Afathe king had f mave becanie of Baha
king of Firat, and Iſhmael the ſonne of
Perpaniah filicd it with thesi that were
I0 Then Ihmael tarien away captiue
all the refidue of the people that were m
Wispah, euen the kings Daughters, and all
the people that remained in Mizpah, whom
AQcbuzar-adan the chiefe ſteward had com.
mitted to Gedaltah the fonne of Abikam,
and Pihuracl the fonse of Methantah caried
themaway captiuc,and Departed te go ouer
tothe Ammonites.
Ei But when Johanan the lonne of Ka-
reah and all the ecaptaines of the holte that
were with him, beart of al che euil that Iſh⸗
mael the nne of Acthantah had Done,
12 Then they alltooke their men, ¢ went
toñgyt with Ichmael the ſonne of Metha
nial), and found him by the great waters
that are in Gibcon.
13 Pow when all the people whom JW-
mac cariedD away captive. law Johanan
thefonne of Kareah, and allthe captaines
of the bote, that were with bin, thep were
a 14 Go allihe people, that Ihmael han
caried away civttne from Mizpehe reint
nemand carueagaine, and went vnto foha-
nan the ſonne of Rareah.
Is ut I maetthe ſonne of Nethaniah
efcapcd from Johanan WHY eight men, and
wentrtoͤthe Anunonites.
16 Been tacke Jobanan the fonne of
Karen, and at checaptatnes of the bofe
that were with hun, all the remnant ot the
Chap. xlij.
people, whom Iſhmael the onne of Metha-
niah bad caricu away captiue from Diz
pab, (after that be pad flatue Gedaliah the
tonne of Ankam) cuen the ſtrong menot
warre, and the women, and the children,
and the eunuches, whom hee had brought
agatne from Gibeon;
17 Ano they Departed and dwelt in Ge-
ruth i Chimham: which ts by Bery-lehem,
to got and to enter inte Egypti
18 Weare of che Calveans; fo? they fea-
reù chem, becaute Jihmael the fonne ot Qe⸗
thantay had Nane Gedaliah the fonne ofA-
bikam, whom rhe king of Babel made go-
uernour athe land,
1 The captasnes aske counfel of leremiah what
they ought to doe, 7 He admonifheth the remnant
ofthe people net to goe into Egypt.
* en all the captaines ot the hofte, and
Johanan the ſonne of Rareay, and Jle-
zanah the forme of Wothaaah, and allthe
people from the lcaſt vnto the mok canie,
2 Qudiatd ynte Jeremiah the Prophet,
*Heare our prayer, toce beleech thee, and
pay tor vs vnto the Loꝛd thy God, enen fo?
all this reinnant (foz we are left outa few of
Hilary, as thine eyes Doe behold)
3 Chat the Lod thy Sov map Hew bs
the way wherein wee may walke, and the
thing chat we may Doe. F
4 Ehen Fercmiah tye Prophet ſaid vn⸗
to thein, J haue beard you: behold, 4 will
pay vnto the Lozd pour God, accoꝛdingtso
your Wo2ds, and whatloeuce thing che Loz
thallantwere pou, J wil declare it vnto ysi;
F will keepe norhiug backe trom you,
5 Typen they fayd to Jeremiad , > The
Load bee awitneke oftructh, and faith te-
tweene vs, it we Dor NOL, cuen accozding to
allthings, foz the which the Lord thy Hod
Mall (end thee to vs. i :
6 Whether ithe goad seuil, twe will o-
bey the voyce of the Lozd God, ta whom we
tend thee, that tt may be weil with vs, when
we obey the voyce of the Lod eur Goa,
@ « And lo after tenne Bayes came the
wordofthe Lord vnto Jeremiah.
8 Then called hee Johanan the loune of
Rareah, and all captatnes of the boie,
which were wtth bhim, and all the people
from the leaſt to the molt,
9 Andfaysvutathem, hus apih the
Lord Hodof Piracl, vento wham perint wie
to pactent pour prayers before. him,
10 Pf yee will Bwellin this land, then FZ
twill build pou, and not Deroy you, and 3
will plant you, and not roote youour; for J
erepent me ot the cutiithat Jane Done vn⸗
to pou.
IL fFearenot for the Bing of Babel, of
Diffembling hypocrites.
i Which place
Dauid of old had
giuento Chim-
ham the fonne of
Barzillai the Gi-
leadite,2,Sam. .
fEb.Let our praya
er fal before thees
as (hap 36.7.
a This declareth
the nature of hys -
pocrites, which
would know of
Gods word what
they fhonid doe,
but will not ole
low it, but in af-
much asit agrees:
eth with that
thing which th
hauc purpofed P4
b, There are none
more ready to
abufe the Name
ofGod and tke
it in vaine, then
the hypocrites,
which to colour ~
their fallhood,
vfeit without all
reverence , and
make it a meanes
forthemto de.
ceiue the fimple
and the godly,
c Here is decla-
redthe vifien and ~
the occafioa
Mention was
made, chap.40, Io
d Reade Chap.
18 8.
e Becanfe all
king: hearts and
wayesare in bis
hands, he can
tokom- yee are atraide: bee Rot afraid of turne them and :
yin, faveth the Lord: for Jam with pou difpofe themas
to faue pou, aud to deliuer poane from his ic plecferh him,
and therefore
12 Aad Iwill grant pou mercie, hat hee chey need not to
may haue compaſſion vpon you, and be Gall feare man, but
calite pou to | Dwell in your owne and.
onely obey God,
13 But if ye fy, Wiee wulinerdivellin Proutrb, 2n ts
this land; neither heare the voice — Or returue,
The people diffwaded from E aypt.
Lod pour God,
I4 Saying, May, but wee will goe ints
the lando? Egypt , where wee Hail fee no
warre, nol beare the found of the trumpet,
uo yar hunger of bread, and there wili we
ell. j
Is (And now therefore beare the word of
the od, pe remnant ot Judab: thus tapth
the Loz of hottes, the God of Jiraci, Jf pee
fet your faces to enter into Egypt, and goto
16 Then theſwoꝛd that pe feared, fall
take pou there in the land of Caypt, and the
famine , foz the which pee care , thali tiere
hang vpon pou in Egypt, and there (all pee
17 And all the men that fet thetr faces to
enterinto Egypt, to dwell there, thall die by
the ſword, by thefamine, and by tie pett-
lence,and none ofthem wall rematne noz ef
cape from the plague that J will batug vpon
18 Foꝛ thus Capeth the Lord of hoftes, the
Gon of Flrael, As mine anger and my
wrath hath beene powrcd foorth vpon the
f Thus God tur-
_ neththe policie
ofthe wicked to
their owne de-
— for
t thought
Aine fure
in Egypt, and
there Nebuchad-
nezzar de{troyed
them and the E-
gyptians, Chap,
46.2 5.
inhabitants of Jernlalem: fo atl mp
wrathbe powredfoorth bpon you, when pe
fyail enter into Egypt, and pee all be ade
teftation,and an attontthment,and ae curi,
Aud a reproach, and pe fall fee this piace no
19 D pe remnant of Judah the Lord hath
ſayd concerning yon, Gog not into Egypts
ee certatulp that 3 bane admontiyed pou
this Day. 3
20 Surely ye kdiſſembled in pour hearts
when yee lent mee vnto the Lorꝛd your God,
faving, Peay for. vs vnto the Loꝛd our God,
ad Declare vnto bs euen according vnto all
— LoD our God (yall fay, and we will
oc it.
21 Eherefore Y haue this day declared it
ou but pou baue not obeyed the voyce of the
0d pout Gov, noz any thing foz the which
be hath (ent me vnto you. 5
22 Mow therefore, know certainelythat
ye Yall Die by the ſword, by the famine, and
bythe peitilence, ‘inthe place whither pee
Deliye to goe and Dwell.
Iohanan carieth the remnant of the people ints
Egypt contrary tothe minde of Jeremiah, 8 Je-
remah prephefieth the deftruction of Egypt.
—J— when Jeremiah had made an ende
of {peaking vnto the whole people all
‘g Reade Chap.
26.6. & 44.123.
fhewing chat this
‘fhould come vp-
on them for their
infidelitie and
h For you were
fully minded to
oe into Egypt,
— Ged
fpake to the
i Towit, is E-
a Who was alfo
called Iezaniah,
Chap.42.8. the wo2des of the Loꝛd their Ged, tor rhe
b Thisdeclareth which the Lod their Gov Had (ent him ta
that prideisthe them, euen all theft wozdes,
caufe of rebel- 2 Then lpake* Azariah the ſonne of Ha:
lion,andcon- ſhaiah, and Johanan the tonne of Kareay,
temptof Gods and all the t poud men, — vnto Jere-
minifters, nial, < Thou ſpeakeſt faltly : the Lozo our
c When the hy- God bath d not lentthee to fay, Goe not urta
pocrifie of the Egypt to dwell there, j
wicked isdifco- j i
utred, they burft forth into open rage:`for they can abide nothing
but flatteries, reade Ifa.30 10. d He ſheweth what is the nature
ef hypocrites: to wit, to feigne that they would obcy Godand im-
brace his word, if they were aflured that his meflengers {pake the
tsucth: though indeed they be moft farre from all obedicnce.
Their difobedience threatned.
3 But Baruch the fonne of Neriah epz e Thusthe wie.
uoketh thee againſt vs, o? to Deliver ys into ked doe not ones
the handofthe Caldeans, that they might lycontemne and
Hapus, and carie vs awap captiues into burt the mefleri«
Babel. ers of God,bue :
4 Bo Johanan the ſonne of Kareah, and fander & peake
all the captatnes of the boft, and all the peo- wickedly ofall
ple obeyed nat the voyce of the Load, toDwel them that fuppore
inthe lant of Judah. or fauour the
§ But Johanan the lonne of Kareah, and the godly,
alithe captatues of the bolte tooke ailthe =
remnant of Judah,that were returned tram
ail ‘nations, whither thep bad been driuen,
to Dwell tit the land of Judah: i
6 Eucamenand women, and children,
andthe kings Daughters, and every pers
fon that Pebuzar-adan the chicfetieward
had left with Gedaliah the ſonne of Ahi-
kam the fonne of Shaphan, and Jeremiah
the £ Prophet, and Baruch the onne of g Whomthefe
Neriah. wicked led away
7 Ho fhey came into the land of Egypt: by force,
foz thep obeped not the voyce of the Led;
thus came thepto Tahpanhes.
8 CThen came che word of the Lozd ta-
to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, ſaying,
9 Take great tones tu thine hand, and
i pide them in the clap in the bzicke kill
whichis at the entrie of Pharaohs Houle
i abpanbes in the fight of the men of
12 And fay vnto them, Thus layth the
Loa afhentes the God of Iſrael, Bebolde,
J will ende and bring sQebuchad-reszae
the King of Babel, k my (eruant, and will
fet bis thaone vpon thele ſtones that J haue
bin > and hee all ſpread his pauilion ouer
II And ingen he hallcome, he hall imite
the land of Egypt; | fuch as ate appointed fog
Death, to Death, and fuch as are toz captiut-
tie, to captiuitte, anv ichas are foz the
ſword, to the (word, i
12 Gnd J wili kindlea frein the houſes
of the Hodsof Egypt, and hee Hall burne
them, and carp them away captines, ant bee
hall aray himſelfe with che land of Egypt,
asa ™ thepheard puttcth on brs garment,
and Wali Depart from thence tn peace.
13 Qee thall alio breake the images of
(1 Beth-Herielh that ts tu the laud of gyst,
and the boufesof the gods ofthe Egypti
ans all be burne with tire.
He reprooueth the people for their idolatry. 15
They that fet light by the threatning of the Lord
ave chaftened. 26 The deftiuction of Egypt, and
of the Iewes therein prephefied,
f As from the
Moabites, Afira..
monit¢s,and E<
domites, Chap.
h Aciticin E.
gypt neereto
i Which ſigniſi.
edthat Nety-
fhould come
cuen to the gates |
of Pharaoh,
where were his
bricke killes for
his buildings.
k Reade Chap,
l Euery one half |
be flaine by that
meanes that God |
hath appointed,
Chap.1 5.2.
m “Meaning,
moft eafily, and
ſuddenly {hati he |
carie the Egypti=,
ans away. | t a.a
\|Cr the houfe o
the funge, *
a Thefe were all
famous & {trong |
citics in Egypt,
where the lewes
y were fed dwelt
for their ſafetie:
T werd that came to Jeremiah con»
cerning all the Jewes, which dwellin
the land of Egypt, and rematned at Mig ·
dol and acs Cabpanhes, and at Moph, and
inthe countrey of Pathꝛos.ſaying,.
2 Ghuslapth the Lord of hoſts, the God bur the Prophet
of Iſrael, Wee hane (Lene all the cutll that I declareth y there
bane bought vpon Jerufalem, and vpon all is no hold fo
thecitics of Jidah: and behoid, this day frong,y can pre-
they are Defolate, and no man dwelleth (crue them from if
therein, Gods vengeance.
3 Be- i
~ 9—
To learne by othersexample. The Chap. xij. — rageofobftinateidolaters. 302,
fb ReadeChap.
7.25, and 25.3,
and 26.5,& 29.
B9,and 32,33.
e He ferceth be-
fore their eyes
exumple,and not
with the like
wickednes pro-
uoke the Lord:
for thenthey
fhould be double
d He theweth
that we ouzht to
lagues from the
confidering thé,
we might liuc in
his fearejand
know if he haue
not (pared our fa~
thers, yea, Kings,
princes and
tulers,and alfo
{whole countries,
and nations for
cannot looketo
efcape punifh-
ment for ours,
ff Or beaten
gainft them “that
is,purpofcly de-
firoy them,
f Reade Chap.
36.6 & 42 88,
*Ebr. Lift vp their
= Meaning, but
a few,
3 Becaule of their wickednes tebhich they
Haue comimetted, topsouoke mice to anger, in
that they went to burne incenfe, and to ferne
other gods, whom they knewe not, neither
they,nor pou,no2 pour fathers.
4 Howbeit J lent yuo you all my fer
uants the Prophets > rifling carly, and fen-
Ding them, laying, Dh de not this abomina=
ble thing that 3 bate.
§ But they would not heare noz encline
their care to turne from their wickedneſſe,
— to barne no moze incenſe vnto other
G TUherefoge < my wrath, andinine ans
ger was powres foozth, and was kindled in
the cities of Judah, and tn the ſtreetes of Je-
rufalem, and they are Defolate, and walted,
as appeareth thts Dap.
7 Theretoze now thus fapth the Lord of
hoſtes the Gov of Jiracl, Wherefore com-
mit pethis great eaill againſt pour foules, to
cut off from pou man and woman, child and
fuckliag out of Judah, and leaue you none to
8 Jn that pee pronoke mee bnto wrath
with the wakes of pour hands, burning in-
tenfe vnto other gods in thetand of Egypt
whither pebee gone te Dwell: that ye might
bring Deitructien vito pour (elues, and that
ye might be acurfeanda repzoch among all
nations of the earth. j
g Waue yeefogotten the wicked neſſe of
your fathers, and the wickedneffe of the
4 Kings of Judah, andthe wickedneſſe af
their wes, and pour owone wicke dnes, and
the wickedneſſe of pour wines, which they
haue committed in the land of Judah and in
the ttrectes of Jerufalem? :
10 They are not ſhumbled vnto this day,
neither haue they feared nor waiked tn mp
Law nozpinmy Statutes, that J (cr befor?
pou,and befoze pour fathers,
IL Gherefore thus fapeth the Lorde of
hotes the God of Jirrael, Behold,F wili fet
my face againſt pou.* to cenil, and to deſtroy
all Judah,
12 And J will take the remnant of Fr-
Dal, that haue (et their faces to gee inta
the land of Egypt there to Dwell, and they
fali all bee conſumed and fall inthe land of
Egypt : they hail even bee conſumed by the
{wo28,and by the famine: they Wali die From
the leaft unto the moft, by the ſwoꝛd, and bp
the famine, and they hall bee a deteſtation,
and anattonthment, anda fourfeand ares
f 13 FoI wilt viktt them that Dwell in the
land of Egypt, as J haue pitted Jeruſalem,
pote word, by the famine, andby the pe-
I4 So that noneof the remnant of Ja
Dah, which are gone into the land of Egypt
to Dwell there Hall efeape o remane, that
thep ſhonid returne into the land of Judah,
tothe which they thane a Delireto returne
to Dwell there: for none ſhall returne, but
g fuch as iall efcape. l
I5 Theu all the men which knewe that
their wines bav burnt tucenie vnto other
gous, ¢all the women that todd by, agreat
multitude, euen all the people that dwelt
in the land of Egypt in Pathros, anſwered
Jeremiah laying, i
16 The wod that thou hak fpoken vnto
vs in the name ofthe Lorde, we will® not
beare it of thee,
17 But we wil do whatfocuer thing go ·
eth out ofour olen motit bas to burn incenie
bato ithe Queene of heanen, aud topowe
Out drinke offerings vñnto her, as we paue
Borie, both wee and onr fathers, ovr Kings
and our inces in the cities of Hudah, and
in the ttrectes of Jerufalem: foz chen $ had
twee * plenty of vitayles, and were well and
felt none enill.
18 But lince we leftch to burneincenle
to the Queene of heauen, and topowe out
Minke offerings vnto her, wee bane had
\(cavceneffe ofall things.¢ haue bene confu»
med by the ſword and by the famine,
19 And when wee burnt incenle to the
Queene ofheanen, and powꝛed out drinke
oftrings vEtO her, DiD we make her cakes te
p make ber glad,and powee out Drinke ofe.
ringsbnto her without our huſbanos:
20 Thenlaid Itremiah vñto al the peos
ple, to themen, anù tothe women, and to
all the people which had giuen pim that ens
21 Did not the LoD remember the an:
tenle, that pce burnt in the cities of Judah,
and in the ttreetes of Jeruſalem, both you,
and pour fathers, pour kings,¢yonrr minces,
and the people of the land, and + hath be not
conlidered it?
22 Bathat the Ler could no longer for⸗
beare,becaute of the wickednelſe of your in-
uentions, and becauit of the abominations,
whici) pe haue committed: therefore ts peur
lande Defolate and an aſtoniihment, and a
h This declareth
how dangerous.a
thing it isto de-
cline once from
God,and to fol-
lowe ourowne
fantafies: for Sae
tan cuer foliciteth
fuch,and doth not-
leaue them till he
hane brought thé
to extreme impu-
deney & madness
euen to iuſtifie
their wickednefle
againft God and
his Prophets,.
i Reade Chip.
7.18. It feemeth
that the Papilts
gathered of this
place, their Salue
Regina, c Regie
gina celi letarey
calling the virgin
Marie Quecne of
heauen, and fo of
the blefled yir-
gin and mother
of our Sauiour
Chriftmade an
idole : for here
the Prophet cone
demneth their
idojatrie,: i
t Ebr. we were
curie, and without inbabitani,as appeareth fatiate with
tits Day. :
23 Becaule ye hauebuentincenle, and be-
caule peyare finned again the Loꝛd x hauc
not obeyed the voice of the Loꝛd, noꝛ walked
in his Lawe, na? in hts ſtatutes, nez in his
teſtimonies, therfore this plague is come bps
on you, as appearcth thts Day.
24 Moꝛeouer Jeremiah fayde vnto all
the people, and to all he women, Weare the
wode of the Lod, all Judah that arc in the
land-of Capt,
25. © Thus ſpeaketh the Lorde of hots,
the Gadof Fltacl, faving, Veeand yonr
wiues baue both poken with your mouthes,
aud fulfiticd with your™ bande, fying,
Clee will. perfournic our vowes that wee
baug vowed to burne incenſe to the
Mueene of heaucn, and to powe out Minke
offerings to. bers. pee wiil perfourme your
vewes, and doethe the things that pe baie
26 Therefore Heare the wowe of the
Led ail Judah thatowel inthe iand ofE-
gypt. Bebholdc, Jhaue fwozwe bymy great
Name, fapeth the Lode, that inp same
k Thisis {till the
argument of ido-
latersywhich e-
fteeme religion
by the beily an4
in ftead.ofac-
Gods workes,
who fendeth
bothplenty and -
dearth health, &
ficknefie, they at=-
tribute it to their
idoles,and fo dils -
honour Ged,
[Or (aw,
lOr want.
Or, te appeafe .
1} This teacheth
vs how great das
ger itis forthe
husbands to ꝓer⸗
mit their aviues
any thing vberof
they be notaffured by Gods word: for therby they take an occafion
to inftifie their doings,and their hustands fhall give an account ther-
of before God,read Ha 3.25. 4Ebr is it not come vp into hes heart?”
m Youhauecom cited double euillin making wicked yowes, and-
in perfornaing the ſame. :
= Hall.
Baruchs infirmitie.
n This decla-
reth an horrible
plague toward
that God will
not vouchfafe to
hatte his Name
mentiored by
fuch as haue
polluted it.
a We ‘cethere-
fore, that God
hath a perpetuall
care ouer his,
wherefoeuer they
are ſcattered: for
though they be
buttwo or three,
yet he will deli-
uer them when
he deftroyeth
his enemies.
p He theweth the
meanes where-
by they fhould
be deftroyed,to
® fhall no moze bee called bpon by the mouth
ofanp man of Judah, tu allthelande of E
gypt,faying, Che Lord Gow liueth.
27 Behold, J wil watch once them fo
enilt and not for gond, and allmen of Judah
that are in thr land of Covpt, Hail bee con-
fumed bp the ſword, and by the famine, vntil
they be vtterly Deitroped.
28 Dera (mall number that efcape the
ſword, ° Mall returne out of the land of E-
gypt inta the land of Judah: and all the
remnant of Judah that are gone into the
land of Egypt todwell there, ſhall know
whole wozds kall and mine o? theirs.
29 And this hall beca ligne puto pou,
faith the Lod, when J vilite pouin this
place,that ye map know that mp weds Hall
furely tand agatnit yon for eniti. A
30 Thus laith the Lod, Behold, J wiil
P gitte Pharaoh Hophꝛa king of Egypt into
the hand of bis enemtes, and into the hand
ofthem that fecske bts lite: as J gaue zede⸗
kiah king of Judah into the hand of Qebu⸗
chad rezzar Ring of Babel bts encmte, whe
allo ſought his life.
aſſure them of the certainetie of che plague, and yet they remaine ftill
in their obftinaci¢ till they perifh : for lofephus lib. 10 de Ant.cap rr.
writeth , that fue yeereatter the taking of Ierufalem, Nebuchad-
nezzar the yonger , hauing ouercome the Moabites and the Ammo-
nites, wentagaint Egypt, and {lewetbe king, and fo brought cheſe
Jewes, and other into Babylon,
a Which was Ie-
2 Ieremiah cosforteth Baruch aBuring him that
he fhould aot perifhin the deſtruction of lerufala’
1 V E word that Jeremiah the Prophet
ſpake wnto 2 Baruch the fanne of Meris
remiahs difciple, ab, then hee jad weitten thele > words tn a
and wrote his booke at the mouth of Jeremiah, in the
prophecies vne ſourthyeere of Jehoiakim the fonne of Joli-
der him, al King of Judah, faying,
b Whereofreade
2 Thus faith the Toꝛd God of Iſrael
Chap.3 6.10. bite ther, D Baruch, —
c Baruch moo- Chou diddeſt fay, Moe isme: now:
uedwithanin- fo? the Lod Hath layde ſorrow pnto my ior.
confiderate zeale
row : 3 c fainted in my mourning, and J
of Ieremiahsim- can nde no reft.
prifonment,but 4 Thus ſhalt thou lay vnto him, Che
chiefly forthe de- Loꝛd faith thus, Behold, Chat which J
ftru@ionofthe bane built, will sdeftrop, and that witch
people,andthe Jhaue planted will Jplucke vp , euen this
Templeymaketh whole land. i
‘this lamentation, § And feekeftethou great things fo: thy
as Plal 6.6. felte?feeke them not: foz bebold, Jwil bꝛing
d Meaning,that a plague vpon all fiefs, faith the Lord: bur
God mizhtde- thp life wil J gine thee fort a pray in all pla-
fiioythis people ces, whither thou goeſt.
becauft he had
lantedthem. e Thinkeft chou to haue honour and credit2where-
inhe fhewethhisinfirmitie, f ReadeChap,21 9.
a Thatis,ninena-
2 He prophefieth the deBruftion of Egypt, 27
Deliuerance u promifedto F{rael.
T? E wozus ef the Lod, which came to
tionsywhichare & Jeremiah the prophet againſt the gren
roundaboutthe tiles,
land of Egypr. 2 Asagaint Cappt again the army of
b Reade 3,King,
23 29.and 24,7,
and 2,Chron.
b[Dharaah Mecho Ring of Cappt, which
was by the riuer Perath tn Carchemith,
which Mebuchad-reszav Ring of Wabel
ſmote it the fourty peeve of Jehoiakim the
fonne cf Fofiah king of Jndah.
3 © ake ready buckler and ſhield, and
goe forth to batreil.
4 Wake ready the hoeles, and let the
hozltinen get vp, and and vp with your fal
lets, furti the ſpeares, and put an the bat
§ Wherefore haue 3 feenethemafraid,
and Dinen backe ? foz chete mightie men are
finitten, t are fied away, looke not backe;
for feare was round about, faith the LoD,
6 The twitt hall not flee away, uoz the
firong men eſcape: tbey hall tumbie, anv
fall toward thee oth by theriuer Perath.
7 Mho ts this, thatcommeth tp asta
flood, whole waters are mooued like the rie
8 Egypt rifeth vp like the flood, and his
Waters are mooucd ltke the rtuers, ant bee
faith. 3 will goe vp,and will couer the earth:
- will Deroy thecitte with them that dwel
9 Come dp,pee holes, and rage pee tha-
tets, and let the paliant men come foozth,
g the blacke Dores, and the Libpans that
beare the (hteid , andthe Lydtans that pans
Dle and bend the bow.
Io frorthists the day of the Lod God of
bottes, and a Day of bengeanee, that bee map
auenge him of bis enemies: foz the fwod
ſhall Deuouve,and it ſhalbe faciate, ano made
Munke with their blood : foz the Lord Hod
ofvots hath * a facrtfice in the Roth coun:
treyi bythe rtuer Perath.
II Goe vp vnto Grlead,* and take balme,
D! virgin, the daughter of Egypt: invaine
{yale thou vie many™ medicines ; for thon
Halt hane no health.
12 Chenations haue heard of thy Hame,
€ thy crie hath filed che land: fo: tye ſtrong
hath tumbled agatnt che trang, and they
ave fallen both together.
13 € Che word that the Lord fpake to
Jereinah the Pꝛophet, how Mebuckad-rez-
zat king of Babel ould come and limite the
land of Egypt.
14 Publiſh in Egypt, and declare in
Wigdol, and proclaime tn Noph, andin
Tahpanhes, and fay, Stand ttill, and ppee
pare thee: Coz che iwa hall Denoure round
about thee. :
15 thp are thy valiant men put backe?
thep could not Rand, becanfe the Lod did
Daiue them.
16 We made many to fall, tone feli vpon
another: and they ſaid, Arife, lec vs gor as
gaine to ours own penpie,andco the laad of
ont natinitic fron the ſword of the violent.
17 They did crie there, Pharaoh king of
Egypt, andofagrenc multitude? hath pat
fed the time axpointed.
18 As F liue, faith the Ring whol name
is the Lond of hotes, Surclyas Caborisin
the mountaines,and as Carinel isin the fea:
fo hall r it come.
1g D thou daughter dwelling in Egypt,
make thee geare to goe into captinitic: foz
Noph Hall be wates and deloiace, without
an inhabitant,
ment, p Towit, thatthe Egyptians fhall bee d
20 Espp
A prophecieagainftEgypt. |
c Hewarneth
the Egyptians to
prepare them-
d The Prophet
had this vifion af}
the Egyptians,
which thould be
putto flight by
the Babylonians -
at Carchemith,
e The Babyloni-
ans fhali diſcom⸗
fit ther at the
riucr Euphrates,
f Hederideth
the boaftings of
the Egyptians,
who thought by
theirriches and
power to haue
oucrcome all the
world, alluding
tothe rier Ni-
lus, which at ceg-
taine times ouer.
floweththe coune
trey of Egypt.
g For thefe pati-
onstooke part
with y Egyptians, | :
h Hee caileth
the flaughter of
Gods enemies,a
it is a thing that
doth pleafe him,
Tfa.34 6,
i Thatis,at Care
K For at Gilead
did gtowe moſt
ſoueraigne balme
for wounds.
l So called,be-
caufe Egypt had ,
not yetbeneo- .
uercome by the
m Hefheweth +»
that no ſalue ot
medicine can
prevaiie where-
as Goi giveth
the wound,
n As they that
ſhould repent
that they helped
the Egyptians.
o Hederideth
them which (hal.
impute their
oue:throw to
lacke of counfell
and policje, or
to fortuneand
not obferuing o
time: not confi«
dering that itis
Gods iui iudge
ea a a gees ce I Bi ye OE eee eee
q They haue a-
ündance of all
dient and proud,
r£ Asverte 9,
f They thal be
fcarfe ableto
fpeake for feare
ofthe Caldeans.
t Meaning, E-
ü “shatis,they
fhall flay uke great
and mighty men
of power.
x Towit,Nebu-
chad nezzars
2% Meaning, that
after the {pace of
forty yeeres,B.
gypt mould be
reftored, Ha.19,
23 erck. 29. 13.
a God comfor⸗
teth all his thar
Wete in captiuicy,
burefpecially the
fall Church of
the Tewes where-
of were Ieremi-
ak and Baruch,
which remayned '
among the E-
yptians: for the
Tord neuer for-
fakes his, Ifa,
44.3 .chap, 32% 10.
a Which wasal-
fo called Gaza,a
citie of the Phi-
: gypt like acalfe,
20 Cayptis like aq Faire calfe,bir deſt rut ·
tion commech: out of themorth it commeth.
- 21 Aife her hired men tare in the mids of
her like fat calves: they are allo turned back
aud tiende away together: they coulde not
ſtand, becaule the Bay of their deſtruction
was come vpon them, andthe time of their
22 Che vayce thercof Hall ase forth like
af ferpent s fur they Hall march with an ar:
mie, AND come againit tper with arcs, as
hewers of wood.
23 They hal cut Downe ber » foz, faith
the Lod: for chep cannoc bee counted, be-
caule they ave moze then the x graſhoppers,
aud are innumerable,
24 The Daughier of Egypt Halbe cons
kounded:he Halve deliuered into the bands
ofthe people of the Meath. |
25 d Thus faith the Lod of hoftes the
Gorof Iſrael. Behold, J wil vift the y com-
mon peapic of f2e, and Pharaoh, ¢ Eaypt,
with thete gods and thew kings, euen Pha⸗
Fao}, and ali them that trut in yim,
26 And J wil deliuer the nto the hands
of thoſe that ſeeke their lines, and inte the
hand of frcbuchad-nessar king of Babel;
and into the handes of his ſeruãnts, and af
terward ihe Hall dwell as zin the olde time,
faith the Lord.
27 Eut keare not thou, D mp fernant
Jaakob, and be not thon afvayde,D Iſxael:
foz behold, J will deſiuer thee from a farre
countrey, and thp (ced from the land of their
captiuity, and Jaakob hall returne and be
in reſt and profperity, and none hall make
Him afrayd,
28 Fearethou not, D Jaakob my feruant,
' fayth the Lord: for Fam with thee, Fi will
biterly Dettrop all the nations, whither J
Hate Batuen thee s but J well not vtterly de>
ſtroythee, vut correct > thee by tudgement,
and not vtterly cut thee of,
b Reade Chap 10.24.
The word of the Lord again the Philiſtims.
ph he esa of the Lowe that came to Je:
i remiah the prophet, agatn the Phili⸗
Tims, before that Pharaoh {mote a Assay.
2 Thus layth the L020, Bebold, waters
rife bpoutot > the Noꝛth, and hallbec asa
Cwelling foad, and fall ouerflow the tand, `
b He meanethy and all thàtis therein, and the cities with
army of the Cal-
deans, Ifa. S 7,8,
them that dwell therein: then the men pall
cry,and all the tnbabitants of the land Mall
c The greatteare POWIE,
fhall take away
their naturall
d Their heart
3 Atthe noiſe and Lamping of the hoofes
of bis trong horfes, at p notfeot his charets, |
anv at the rumbling of bis wheels: rhe fae
thers hail not-« looke back to their childzen,
fhal fo failethem. ‘fo? feeblenefle of¢ hands,
e For the Caph-
A Becaule of theday that commeth te de>
torims, which are ſtroy ail the Philiſtims, ¢ to deſtroy Cyrus
alfo called Cap-
padocians, had
and Zimon, & al the rett that take their part:
foz the LoD wiil oeftrey the Philiſtims, the
deftroyed inolde remnant of the tile of- Caphroz,
time ý Philiftims
and dwelt in their
Jand euen to Gaza, Deut, 2.23,
Chap. xlvii xlviij.
5 f Balonefieis come vpon As53h: Aſh ·
kelon is cut ppwith the reit of their valicys.
iow long wilt s thon cut thy fette?
6 D cyoufword of rhe Lome, how long
wilit be opthouccatetturne agatne into thy
icabbard,rett and be tili.
7 How can to oceafe,tecing the Lord hath
giuen ita charge againit Ahkelon, and a-
gaint the (ca banke? cuen there bath heap
popnten tt.
it is not poflible thatthe wicked ould by arly meancs efcape or flay
the Lord, when hewilltake vengeance,
The word of the Lord again/t the Moabites, 26
Becauſe of thew pride and cruelty.
Gla Woab, thus fayth the Loa
othattes,the God of Jitael, CHoe puto
a f2ebo; fo? it is waited: Kiriathaim is con-
founded and taken; Miſgab ts confounded
and afraid.
2 Moab Hall boat no moze of Heſhbon:
for they haue deuiſed euil agaimſt it.oCome,
and let vs Deftroyit.that tt beno moze a na⸗
tion; allo thou halt be Deftroped,< D Mad⸗
men, and the fwo Hall purſue thee.
3 Avoice of crying thalve from Horꝛona⸗
im with Delolation and great deſtruction.
4° -Moab is deltreyed: ber little ones
baue cauled their cry tebe heard.
§ Foratthe going vpof “Lubith, the
mourners fall qoc bp with weeping: foztn
the going Downe of ozonatm, the enenites
pane peard a crp of Deitruction. ;
6 Fflee,and faue your lives, andbeelike
vntothee beati tn thewtloerneffe,
7 For becaule thon hat truſted tn thy
wWoꝛks and in chp trealires.thou walt alio
be taken,and s Chemo Wall goe forth into
captinuitic with his pateites and bis mintes
3 Gnd the deſtroyer Hall come vponall
tities, œ no city Hall eſcape: the valiepalfo
Hall perih,and the plaine Wall be deſtroyed
as the Lozd bath ipoken.
9 Giue wings vute Moab, that tt may
flee € get away ; foz the cities thercofhathe
Delolate, without any to Dwel theren,
IO *Curfed be he that Doth the woke of
the Lod |! negliqently.and curled be he that
keepeth backe yis ſword from blood.
IL Boab hath bin at ret from bis youth,
and hee hath ſetled on bis fees,and hath not
bene i powzed from velſſell to veffelt, neither
Hath he gone into captiuttte : therefore bis
taite remapned in bun, and bis fent ts net
12. @ Therefore beholde, the Bayes come,
faith the Lod, thata wil lend vnto him fuch
as (hall cary him away and wall empty dis
veſſels, and bꝛeake their bottels.
h He fheweth that God would punith the Caldea
deftvoy the Egyprians,and that witha courage, & calleth this execu-
ting of his vengeance againft his encivies,his worke:though the Cal-
‘deansfought an other end, Ma.10.1 244)Or, decezt/uliy, Hath not
bene remoued as the lewes bane, but hath lined ac eafe,and asa wings.
13 Ana
thatfeedeth himfelfe omhis lees.
heLords ſword. 303
ns,if. they did not
f They haue pul⸗
led of their baire
for farrow and
g As the heathen
vied in their
the Lord torbad.
his people to do,
h Meaning,thar
a There werecia
tics ofthe Moa-
bites which Ne-
buchad nezzar
tooke before he
went tofight ae
gainft —
king of Egypt,
b. Thus tal the:
Babylonians in-
courage one an⸗
c Reade Ifa, 256
d Horonaim &
Luhith were two
places whereby _
the Moabites
fhould flee, Iſa.
15:5: )
e Hideyour
felues in barren
places, where the
enemy willnot
purfueafter yous
£ That isthe
idoles which are
theworks of
thine hands,
Some read,inthy |
poffcfliens:for fo.
the word may `
fignifie,as iR Sam.
25.2. 9
g Both thy great
idole,and his
maintayners fhall
hee led away cap-
tiues, ſo that they
fhallthern know.
that itisin vaine
to looke for kelpe
Moabsarrogancie,pride and vanity.
k As thecalfe of
Beth-el was not
able to deliver
the Ifraelites: no
more (hall Che-
moth deliuerthe
fEbr.gone vp, or
1 How are they
deftroyed that
put their truf ia
their &rength and
riches !
m Thus they
that fee fhallan-
i That is,his po-
wer & (trength.
o He wiliedthe
Caldeans to lay
affliGions ynow
they be like
drunken men
_ that fall downs
to their hame
and are derided
\Or,fhalbe full, or
clap his hands.
p Thou reioiceft
to heare of his
Fa. 16, 6.
q He ſhall not
execute his ma-
Kce againſt his
£ Read Lia.16.7,
-f Which city was
in the vrmoft
border of Moab:
and hereby he
fignifieth that
the whole Iznd
fhould be de-
ftroyed,and the
people caried
AWays í
- 13 And Moab Mall bee ahame of Che-
moð as the houſe of Jitael was ahamed of
k Beth-el their confidence,
I4 Haw thinke pou thus, Me are mighty
and itrong men of warre?
15 Moab ts deltreted,< his cities || burnt
vy.and bis chefen pong menare gone Down
te laughter, ſayth the Ring, whale name is,
The Lord ot hattes.
16 Che delteuction of Moab is ready to
come, and his plague haltech fat.
17 Gllpethatare about yim, mourne fog
bim, and all yee that knowe bis name lay,
awe isthe ſtrong Kafe bzaken, and che
beauttiull rod !
18 Chou daughter that doſt inhabit Di-
bou,came Downe fromehy glorp, and fitin
titrlt ; fo: the Beltreper ot goab Mall case
dlaoi thee, and pz Wall Deitrop thy trong
19 Chow that dwelleſt in Aroer, and by
the way, æ behalt: alke bim that fleech and
that e(capeth,and fay, Ahat is done?
20 ™ Moab is confounted; toz itis de-
ſtroyed: howle,and cry,tell yec itin Arnon,
that Moab ts made watte, {
21 Aud tudgement tecome vpon p plaine
countrey, bpon olan vpon Jahazah, and
dpon Mephaath,
22 And vpsnDibon, and vpon Nebo,
ana vpon the boule of Diblathaun,
23 And vpon Mirtatgatin, ¢ vpon Beth»
ganul,and vpon Beth-meon,
24 AnD vpon Kerioth, and vpon Bozrah,
and vpen ali che cities ot the land of oau
karre or negre:
25 Then horne of Maab is cut oſt, and
bis arme ts broken, faiti the LoD.
26 Make ye him o Munken: foz he mags
nifica himfelfe againſt the Lo2d: Moab hal
il wallow m His vᷣomite, and he alta halbe iit
27 Foꝛ didſt not thon deride Iſrael, as
though be had bene found among thecues?
ain thou fpeakett sf him, thou art rmos
28 Dyee that dwell in Moab, leane the
Cities, and Dwell tn the rocks,and be like the
Boucthat makech her nett in the fide of the
holes mouth.
29 * Clee haue heard the pride of Moab
Cheis exceeding proud) sis ſtotneſſe, and bis
Atrogarcy,and jis pride, and the hautineſſe
of his heart.
30 3 know his wrath, faith the Lord, abut
it hall not be fo : and hts diſſimulations, for
thepdocnotright. |
31_* Cheretoze will Y Howle for Moab,
and Y wiil crie out fozall Joab: mincheart
ſhall mourne foz the men of Kir· heres.
32 D vine of Sibmah, J will weepe foz
thee,as J| wept for Jazer: the plantes are
gore oner the (ea,thep ace come to the fea tof
Jazet: the deltroyer ts fallen vpon tye fum-
mer fruits and vpon the vintage,
33 Ana — gladnes ts taken from the
plentiful fielo g from the land of Moab:and
J|: baue cauſed wine to faile from the wine
preties none all tread with ſhouting: their
ee fhalbe no ſhowting.
34. Fram the cry of wethbon bute Eia-
Feare, pit and ſnare.
ich, and vnto Jahaz Daue they made their
noyſe: from Zoar unto horonaim, the heifer
of thzee peere old thal goe lowing: fog the wa»
ters alio of Mimrin ſhalbe waled,
35 Mozcouer,3 wil caule to ceale in gpa»
ab, faith the Lo2d, bint that offereth in the bie
places, and him that burneth incenſe to bis
6 Therekoꝛe mine heart Hall ſounde foz
oab likea. fyaume, and mine heart hall u Thér cuftome
found likea haume foz the men of Rir-hes was to play on
tes,becaule the riches that hee bath gotten, futes or inftru-
is perithed. ments aeauy and
37_ * Forencrp head Hall be | baldz, and graue tunes ar
eucrpbeard plucked: vpon all the bandeg burials & in the
fall bee cuttings,and vpon the lopneslacks time of mour-
cioth. ning, as Mat, 9.
38 And mourning ſhal bee bpon allthe 23-
boule topsof Moab and in all the ftreeteg 1/4.15.2,3-
therof: toz J| baue bꝛokenMoab likea veſtel €xe4-7- 18.
wherein ig no plealure, faith the Lord. l Or,/hamerte
39 Thep thal howle,faying, Mow is he Dee
ftroped ? ow bath Moab turned the backe
with Game? fo hall Moab be a Dertiion and
a eare to all them about bim.
40 Foꝛ tons taith the Led, Behold, * be
Mali fice as an eaglet Hal pead bts wings
ouer Moab.
ai Che cities are taken, and the trong
bolas are wonne, the mighty mens hearts
in Moab at that day Wall be as the heart of
a woman in travel.
42 Gnd Moab thalbe deſtroyed from be:
ing a people, becaule be path t vp himlelfe
agant the Lord.
43 8Keare and pit and (are halbe vpon
thee, D inhabitant of Moab, faith the Lezd.
44 He that eſcapeth from: the feare, hail
fall in the pit, x be that getteth vp outof the
pit, Halbe taken in the (nave: fo: J wil ing
vpon tt, cuen bpon Moab, the peeve of their
viſitation, faith the Lo20.
45 hep that fled, toode vnder the Has
Dow 7 of Hethbon, becauſe of the fo2ce: foz
a the fice came out of Heſhbon, and a flame
from Dijon, and Deuoured the coner of
—— » andthe toppeof the {editions chil-
46 Woe be vnto thee,D Moab: the pes-
ple ofb Chemoſy perimheth:foꝛ thy fonnes are
taken captiues, and thy daughters led into
captiutty. 3 at
47 Det will J bring againe the captiuity
of Moab in the clatter Dates. faith the Lod.
Thus farre of the iusgement of Moal.
t The worde of the Lorde againſt the Ammo-
mites, 7 Fdumea, 23 Damafius, 28 Kedar,
34 and Elam,
t Read lag.
® That is, Nebu-
chad-nezzar, as
Chap.49.2 2.
y He that efca-
peth one danger,
thall be taken of
another, Ifa 24.
z. They fled thie
ther,thinking to
haue fuccour of
the Amorites.
a The Amorites
had deftroyed the
Moabites in
times paft, and
now becaufe of
their power,the :
Moabites ſhall
{ceeke to them for
b Which vanted
themfelues of
their idole, as
though he could
haue defended
c Thatis, they
fhalbe reftored
by the Mefliale
ye the childzen of Ammon thus fapth a They wers fe-
the 20:02, ath Iſrael no ſonnes? 92 parated from the
hath he none beire? Aby then hath their Moabitesby the
b king poſſeſſed Gad ? and his people dwelt river Arnon, and
in his cittes? after that the ten
2Therekore heholde, the dayes come, tribes were cari-
fapeth the Lozde,that J will cauſe a noyſe of ed away into cap-
tiuicy,they inua-
ded thecountreyofGaj, b Towit,ofthe Ammonites, © Međe
ning of the I{raelices,
d Which was
oneof the chicfe
cities of the Am-
city called Hefh-
bon among the
e In thy plentiful
cou trey.
f Signifying that
powerand riches
cannot preuaile
when as God will
execute his
g That is, without
looking backe,&
as euery one can
finde a way to
h In the time of
Cbrift when the
Gentilcs hall be
i Which wasa
citie of Edom
calledby the
name of Teman
Eliphaz onne,
who came of
k The enemies
that fhal diffem-
ble as though
they fled away,
fhal turne backe,
and inuade your
land, and pof»
felfe it,
1 Meaning,that
God would vt-
terly deltroy
them, and not
fpare one though
the grape gathe-
refs leaue fome
grapes, & thecues
feeke but til they
hauc enough,
m Thedefirudi-
on [halbe fo great
thatthere fhal be
none left to take
care ouer the wi-
| dowes & father-
in Thavenot
{pared mine own
people,and how
fhould I pitie
o Which wasa
chiefe citic of
| Edom,
p That is,Bozral.
{Or idole.
Grape-eatherers. The childrens rod.
warre tobee beard ind Rabbah of the An
Monites,and tt hall be adelolate heape,and
her Daughters ſhall be burnt with fire: chen
Wall lrael poſſeſſe thoſe that poſſeſſed yun,
faith che Lod, yi
3 Powie, D Heſhbon, fo: Gi is waked:
crte ye daughters of Rabbah; gird pou wiih
fackeclorb; mourne and runuẽ to and tra by
toc hedges, to: their hing ſhall goe mito cap:
tity, and Hts Peleltes, ans His Peinces
4 Aherekoze glozieſt thonin thee val:
lepes? thy valley tlẽweth away, D rebellious
Daughtersike trutted in her treaſures, laying,
Uya thall come vnto me?
§ Behold, 3 wil bing af feare vpon tier,
faith the Lod Gov of polis, of all thele that
be about thee, and pe all be (cattered euery
man s right forth, and none hail gather him
that flecti. PIE ‘
6 Ano afterward J will bing againe
the caprtuity of the chuldzen of Ammon.
7 € Go dom thus layeth the Lorde of
botes, Js wiſedome na moe ti eman?
Is countell periſhed from their childzenz Is
their wiledome banifiycd ?
8 Sec, ye inhabitants of Dedan C * they
are turned backe, and baue coniuited to
Dwell) for J haue bought the deſtruction
oF Chy vpon him, and the tune of pis vili
9 Ikthe grape gathererscome tothee,
would they not leaue fome grapes:iftheeues
cone bp night, thep wil Deitroy til they bane
10 Foꝛ Jhaue diſcouered Clan: J haue
vncouered bis fecrets,and he hal not be able
to hide himmlelfe + his feed ig waited, and bis
bactheen and bis neighbours and there Hall
be none tofay, 7
Ir Leaucthp™ fatherleffe childzen, and J
twill preſerue them alius, tlet thp widowes
trui inme. ;
12 Fo: thus faith the Lord,» Behold, they
whoſt iuBgement was not ta Minke of the
cup, haue ailuredly munken, and art thou be
that hall elcape free? thou ibalt not go free,
but thou ait rely drinke of tt. j
13 Foꝛ Jhaue ſworne by mplelfe, ſaieth
the Lord, that o Bozrah Hall be waite, and
foza repioch, and a Defolation, and a cutie,
and all the ctttes thereat Mali be perpecuall
14 J haue heard a rumour fromthe Lod,
and an ambaſſador is ſent unto the Heathen,
faying, Gather you together, and come ae
gaint r her,and rife pp to the battel.
I5 Foꝛ toc, J will make thee but ſmall
among the heathen, and deſpiſed among
16 The il feave,& the pzinsof thine heart
hath deccined thee, thouthat dwelleſt m the
clefts of theracke, and keepelt the helshtaf
the bil: chougs then ſhouldeſt make typ nett
as high asthe Cagle, 3 wel bring thee Down
from thence. fatth the Lord.
17 CAI Evom hall be deſolate: euery
one that goeth by it, hall bee altonthep, and
fyall hill’ at all che plagues thereof,
183 Aginthe oucrthzowef Dodome, and
af Gomozay, and the places thereof ncere
3 <
Chap.xlix. AgaintEdom,Damafeus,&c. 304
about, ſaieth the Lorde: noman Mall dwell
taete, neythtt Mali the ſonues ot men ree
maine in it,
I9 Behold, ahe ſhall come vp tthe alton
from the Cacting of Joden varothe Grong
Dwelling place; fozi) will make Ifrael ta
retl, cuen J) whl make “pim to haſte away
trom ger, and whe isa chorn manthat 9]
Wap appoyut againd ber ? for who is like
Mite? anv who will appayne nice che time?
and who isthe f hepycare chat wil Rande
bekore nie?
20 Wherefore heare the counſell of the
Lodethat hee hath dened againt Edom,
and bis purpols that hee bath concetucd as
gainti che tubabttantes of Teman: turely
the leaſtt of the flocke hail Dzaw them out :
turciy hee “thatlmakethety habitations Dga
folate with thent.
21 The earth ismooued at the nope of
their fail; the cryot their vopce ta beara in
the rep fea.
22 Behold hee hall come vp,and fice as
the Eagle, and (pean bis wings oner Boz:
ral), and at that uap hall the heart ofrbe
iiroug men of Edom bee as the heart of a
Woman in traucil.
. 23 € Unto Damaſcus he faith, bamath
ts confounded , and Arpad, foz they bane
heard euilltidings, t they are taynt hearted
as one onthe fcavefuil ea that canner rett,
‘24 Damaltus ts Diltouraged,and curneth
herlelle to flight,z and krare hath leafed per;
angui and ſorrowes paue taken her asa
woman in trauell.
25 How is the glogiousciticnot refers
ued, the city of my top !
26 Cherfore her pong men hal fallinber
treets,and all ber men of warre Wali be cut
off in that day, faith the Lord of hoites.
— mie Fan Tane a — the —
malcus, which Hall conſume the palace
of>Ben-hapad. : bep i
28 CUntoeRedarand tothe kingdomes
of 124302, which Mebuchad-nexzar King of
Babel yall mite,thuslapth the Low, Arie,
and goe bp vnto Wedar,and deſtroy tye men
ofthe Catt.
29 Their tents and their flocks thal thep
take away: pea,thep pall take to themfelnes
their ¢ curtaines, and all. their veſſels and
tbeir camels, and they hall crpe vnto them,
Feare is on cucrp fine.
30 Flee, get pon karre off (ethey haue com>
{ulted to Divell)D vee inhabitants of ha·
302, fapeth. the Lazd; for Mebuchad-nezzat
iking of Babel hath taken countell againtt
Yelle ano bath Denied a purpole againit
31 f Arile, andget pou tp unto the weal:
thye nation, that dweller without care,
faith the Loud, which haue neither gates no
32 And their camels ſhalbe a booty, ethe
multitude ofthe cattel a (pople,and J wel
ſcatter them into all windes,¢ to the pinot
corners, aud, will bzing their deſtruction
from allthetivestheresflaith the Lov.
will dwellin your places, .f He fheweth that they
g Towit,Netu-
ter hee hatho-
ucrcome iudah
which is meant
by the (welling,
of Lorden, fhall
come ayaintt
mount deir and
r That is, the Ifa
raclres whom
the Edomites
Kept as priſoners
to halte away
from thence.
{ The capraine
and gouernour
meaning, Nebu-
t They-fhall nor
beable to reſiſt
hispetie cap-
u To wit, the:
x As Chap.48,
40. was faid of.
y Which was the:
chiefe citie of
Syria, whereby
a¢ meaneth the
whole countrey,
z When thee
heard the fwiden
comming of the
a He fpeaketh
this in the perfon
of the Kinpand:
of thenr of the-
countrey, who ‘
fee Damafeus the
chiefe cirie de=-
b Whowas king.
of Syria, ‘1.King,.
20,26.a8d had -
built thefe pala-
ces, which were-
ftjil called the-
palzces of Bens
© Meaning,the
Arzbians & their
d Becaufethey ;
vfed to dwell in
tents, -he nameth
the things that
pertaine theres
e Theenemies.
of Hazor wil flees,
to the Arabians for ſuccour, but that hall not auailethems.
33, And.
f Againtt Elahi. EùillShepheards i
g That is, Perfia,
fo calted of Elim
the fon of Shem.
h Becaufe thePer-
fians were good
archers,hee hew-
eth chat the thing
wherein they put
their truſt, fhould
not profit them,
i i wil place Ne-
buchad nezzar
there, Andin
33 And Daza: ſhalbe a dwelling fo ma:
gons, and Delolation fox euer: there fhallno
man Dwell there, noz the ſonnes otmen res
maine init, l
34 @ Thi wordes ofthe Lord that came
to Jeremiah the Prophet, concerning s E
lam in the beginning of the reigne ot Sede
kiah king of Judah laying,
35 Thus layeth the Lard of botes, Be:
Dalee, 3 will beeake the " bow of Elam, cuen
the chiete oftheir ſtrength.
36 And vpon Clam J will baring the
foure windes From the foure quarters of
thefeprophelies heauen x will (catter them towards al thele
Ieremiah pea- Windes,and there halbe no nation, whither
Kechofthofe the tugtttucs of Clam thall not came.
coiitreyes, which
fhould be fubdu-
ed vnder the firlt
ofthofe foure
of Daniel maketh
mention, <7
k This may be >
referred tothe
empire of the
Perfians & Medes
after the Calde- ;
ans,or vnto the time of Chrift, as Chap.48.47.
37 Foꝛ J wil caule Elam to be afrath be»
foze their enemies, € before them that ſeeke
their lineg t will bang vpon them a plague,
eucn the indignation of my wrath, tayth the
Lowanu J will (end the ſword after them
tll J baue conſumed them.
38. Aud FZ wilet mpi thone in Clam,
and J will Deroy both the king € the min:
ces tront thence, faith the Lod : but “in the
latter Dates J wil being againe the capttut:
tic of Clam, laith the Lod. -
3 Hee prophefieth the deſtruction of Babylon and.
the delimerance of Ifrael, which was in captiuitye
Me word that p Lord ſpake concerning
Wabel, and concerning the lande of the
Caldeans by thet miniferte of Jeremiah
the Prophet.
2 Declare among the nations, and pub⸗
{fh tt,and fet vp a andart,proclaime it and
conceale it not; fay, 2 Babelis taken, Bel is
confounded, > MPerodach ts broken Downe:
Ebr hand.
a After that God
hath vied y Ba-
byloniansferuice, per idoles are confounded, and their image
topunthh other . are burft in pieces. — *
nations,he hew- ¶ 3 Fox out of thesorth thereecommeth bp
eththattheir i. qnationagatutt ber, which Mall make her
turne thallcome lang waſte, none fhall Dwell therein: thep
tobepunithed... wali flee,and Depart, both man and beak.
b, ,Thefe were 4 Ju thole dayes,and at that time, fayth
ewoottheit. the Lord, the chilozenof Flrael Hall 4 come,
cbis idols. —— the — Judah togethers go”
o wit, mg and © weeping hall thep gee, and ſeeke
Medesandthe | the Lon their Gon. ites,
Perfians: zi; S. Chey hall alke the way to Zion, with
d When Cyius: gheir faces. thitherward, Gying, Come,and
fhalltake Babel; Yee ys cleaneto che Lodina perpetual ca»
e ReadeChaps, · uenant that tall not be forgotten.
f ‘Their gouet-
nours & minilters
by their examples
6 @ My people hath bene as tot ſheepe:
their! Mepheardes hane cauled them togog
attray, and haue turned them away tothe
mountaynes; thep haue gone krom s moun⸗
hauc provoked tayne ta Hill, and forgotten their vetting
them toidolattye place.
- g They haue 7 Allthat founde them, haue devoured
— committedido- ther, Œ their enemies (ayd, We offend nat,
Jatry in eucry becaule they haue finned againtt the Love,
place. iy hte habitation of tufttce,euen the Lord the
h Eor the Lord; pape oftheir fathers. ba” aiias
dwelt amongthéë 8i Flee from the middeſt oF Babel,and
in his Jemple
and would have maintained thent by his duſtiee againk their enemies,
i When God {hall deliuer you by Cyrus, IRAS
_ bel round about: ail ve that bend the bowe, o Hefpeakethto |
bels, cuen again t
‘bitauts* of Pekod: vetrov, and lay tt Erek. 23.23.
Deftriistion of Babel. a
Departout of theland ofthe Calbeans, and =e o
be pe as the bee goates ‘before theflocke.. K Thatis,moft f
9 Foꝛ loe,F will raile, and caule to come forward,and =
vp againſt Babela multisude of nughty na⸗ withous feare,
tions from the North country,and they Hal :
fet themſelues in aray againt her, whereby
he Hail be taken: their arrowesthalbe as of
a trong man, which is expert, for none hail
— in vatan, —
10 And Caldea Hal be a ſpoyle: all tha
ſpoyle ber, tall bee fatten, fapeth the | Shallbemade
Lod. rich thereby,
II Becaule ye were glad and reiopced in
Dekroping mine heritage,and becaule peare A f
growen fat,asthe calucs in the graile,mand m Forioy ofthe
neyed like ſtrong horles, victory ,thae ye
12 Therefore paur mother ſhall bee fore had again my
confounded, and fher that bare pou fall bee people,
ahamed : beholve,the vᷣttermoſt of the natis
one thalbe a Delert, a Dey land anda Wilder⸗
3 Becaule of the wath of the Lorde, it
fhal not be inbabitca but yall be wholly de-
folate: euery onethat goeth by Babel, albe n In figne of
aſtoniſhed, and bitte ac all her plagues, concempt and
14. ⸗Put vour ſelues in arapagaint Ba⸗ difdaine,
oote at her, pare no arrowes: for he haty the encmicsche
Pinned againttthe Led. Medesand Pers
Ig Crp again ber roundabout: thee fians,
Hath I gives ber hand: herfoundationsare p Though the '
kallen, nd ber walles are deſtroyed :fozitig Lord called the
the vengeance of the Lor : take vengeance B-bylonians bis
vpon ber: as thee bath Done, Dec vito Fruants,& cheir
her. worke, his worke
16 Dektroy the a ſower from Babel, and ia punithing bis
Dim that handleth the ſiethe m the time of people, yet be-
harueſt: becanle of theſworde of the oppreſ⸗· caute they did ic
four they Hall turne euery one te pis people, not to glorifie
and they tall flee cuerp one to bis owne God,but for their
land. oune walice, and |
17 Iſrael is like ſcattered ſheepe: the ly: toprofite them- ,
ons haue diſperſed them: firt the King raf felues,it is heere
Albur hath deuoured bim, and lat this calledſinne.
Nebuchad nezzar King of Babel hath bzo- N07 yeelded, vr,
ken! bis bones, made peace, -
18 Therefore thus layeth the Lode of q Deftroy herfo
hoſts,the Sadof Iſcael, Behold, F will vilit thar nonebe lefe
the king of Babel, and his lanor, as J haue to labourthe
vilten the king of Aſſhur. $ _ ground,ortotake
1g And Iwill bring Iſrael againe to his the fruit thereof,
Habitation : he Mall fecdeon Carmel Bas rı Meaning, Ti-
foan, ann vis loule Mall be ſatiſtied vpon the glath-Pelezar,
mount Ephraim and Gilead. __ who caried away
20 Jnthole dayes,and atthattime, faith theten tribes.
the Lorde, the iniquity of Iſrael Mall bee f He caried away
fought foz and there ſhall bee none: and the thereft,co wit,
finnes of Judah, and they Wal notbe found; Iudah,and Ben-
fo2 3] will bee mercifull vnto them. whem J iamin.
reſerue. t Thatis,Baby-
21 Goo bp againk the lande of theire. lon:tbusthe Lord
tt, and againſt the inha- raifeth vp Cyrus.
watte after them, faith the Lord,anddoeace || Or, of themthar
coding ta all that J haue commanded /hould be vifited.
u Nebuchad-
22 Actyof battell isin the lande, and of nezzarwho had
great deſtruction. {mitten downe all
23 Wowe ts theo hammiee oF the whole tbeprinces and
world deſtroyed and broken! how is Babel people of the
become velate anong the natione! world,
24 Jhang
The reward of pride?
2Ebr. fromthe
z Her princes
and mightie
y Ofthe lewes
which fhould be
deliuered by
Reue, 13,6,
z Hetheweth
that when God
executeth his
fudgements a-
gainft his ence
mies, that his
Chur ch fhal ches
haue reſt.
2Ebr. hars.
a For Cyrus did
cut cheriuer Bu
phrates,and di-
uided the courfe
thereof inte ma-
ny ftreames, fo
that it might be
paſſed ouer as
though therehad $
bene no water:
which thing he
did by the coun-
fel of two of Bel-
fhazzars cap-
saines who con-
fpired againſt
their king, be-
cauſe hee had
gelded the one
of them inde-
the ſonne of the
b Reade Ifa,
Ebr ſonnes of
the oftriches, or
Gee 19.24.
fa. 312
24 Jhaue ſnared thee, and thon art ta-
ken,D Babel, and thou walt net amare:
thou art found, ¢ allo caught, becaule thou the
halt ſtriuen againſt the LoD.
25 The Low hath opencd bis trealure,
and hath brought forth the weapons of bis
wath: foz this isthe worke of the Lord Gov
of hoſts inthe land of the Caldeans.
26 Come againk wer + from the vtmoſt
bezder : open her ſtore houles: tread on her
as on fheaucs,and deſtroy her vtterly: let nos
thing of her be left.
27 Deftroy all her * bullockes : let them
o Downe to the laughter.cQoe vnto them,
02 their Day ts come , and the tune of theit
28 The voice of then thaty flee, and els
cape out of the land of Babel to Declarcin
Zion the vengeanceat the Loꝛd our Gov,and
the vengeance of his Temple.
29 Galvp the archers againſt Babel: all
e that bend p bowe,beliege tt round about:
et none thereofetcape: * recompente her ace
Coding to her work, and accozding to al that
the hath Done,do vnto ber : fo? We hath bene
pꝛoud againt the Lezd,cuenagatnkt the ho⸗
ly one ot Iſrael j
30 Therefore Hall her yong men fall in
the ſtreetes, and all ber men of warre ſhalbe
Beltropedin that day, layth the Lod. -
31 Beholde, Jcome vnto thee, D proude
man,fapth the Lorde God efheltes : for thy
— come, euen the time that J will vifite
32 And the proud hall fumble and fall,
and none Hal raiſe him vp ; and F will kin-
ble a five in bis cities, and it Hal Deuoure all
round Let pem the Loz of bottes, Th
33 usfayeth the Lod of hoftes, The
childzen of Ffrael,and the childzen of Judah
were opprelies together + and all that tooke
peed captines.held them, and would not let
34 But their trong Redeemer, whole
Name isthe Lord of holtes, he wall mayne
tayne their caule, that bee may gtue reſt to
—— and diſquiet the inhabitants of
35 ã ſword is vpon the Caldeans, ſayeth
the Lord, and npon the inhabitants of Ba-
eland vpon ber pinces and vpon bermi
36 A fend is spari the +foathlayers,and
thep (hall Bote: a ſwoꝛde is vpoñ ber ſtrong
men, and they Halbe afrai.
37 Alwo2d is vpon their horſes, and vp-
on theircharets, and vpon all the multitude
that are in the midds of her, and they fhall
belike women : afwo: is bpon ber trea⸗
fures, and they halbe ſpoyled.
38 G2 Brought i: opon her waters, and
Fanners againft Babel. 305
fapth the Lord: © gall no man Dwell there,
— hall the ſonne of man remaine
4I C Beholde, apeople hall come from
the orth, and a great nation, and many
kings fhall be railed wp from the < coaftes of c Meaning, that
the earth. the Perfians
42 They fall hold the bowe and the
buckler : they are cruell and wnmercifull:
their voice fall roare like the fea, and they
ſhall ride vpon box(es, and be put in aray like
mento the battell againk thee, D Daughter
of Babel.
43 She king of Babel hath heard the ree
post of them, and bis handes wares feeble:
{620w tame vpon him euen {0200 as of a wo⸗
man tn trauaile.
44 Bebolse, ke *hall come bp like a lyon
from the ſwelling of Jorden vnto the trong
habitation: foz J will make Ifrael to ref ang
J will make them to hatte away trom bert
and who is a cholen man that J may ap»
point againt her 2 fo: who is like mee, and
who will appoint mee the time ? and who ts
thee thepheard that will and before me?
45 Therefore heare the countell of the
Loz that hee hath deuiſed again Babel,
and bis putpofe that bee hath conceiued ae
gaint the land of the CalBeans; ſurely the
icatt ef the flocke wall maw them out : fure»
iy Dee ſhall make ther habitation delolate
with them.
46 St the noyle of the winning of Bae
bei che earth is moued, and the cry ts beara
among the nations.
6 Why Babylon is deftroyed. 41 The vaine cona
fhould gather
their armie of
many nations,
d Which is
meant of Bele
thazzar, Dan.
5: 6.
Chap. 49.19.
e ReadeChap.
49. Ipi
fidence of the Babylonians, 43 The vanitie of ido-
laters. 59 Ieremiah giueth hu booketo Sheraiah. |\Or, of the land
Te” fayth the Lord, Behold, will raile thatrifeth vp.
A bp agatnit Babel,and againit the inha: a The Medes &
bitants || that lift vp their heart againſt me, Perfians thar thal
a Deftroying a winde, deftroy them as
2 And will fend vnto Babel fanners that the winde doeth
hall fanne her, and hall emptie her land; che chaffe,
foz in the Day cf trouble they Hall be againf b Though they
her on enery fide. were forfakéfor
3 Alto to the bender that bendeth hig atime, yerthey
bewe, andte him that ltfteth himfelfe vp in were not vtterly
bts brigadine, will I fay, Spare not her yong caft offasthough
mien, but deſtroy all her holi, ` their huſband
4 Thus theflaine thalt fallin theland of were dead.
the Galdeans, and thep that are thu cHethewerhz
through in ber ſtreetes. i there remaineth
5 soz Ilrael hath bene no twidew, noz nothing for thene
Judah from his God, from the Loe of char abide in Bae
hoftes, though theirlanse was Glled with bylon, but de-
finne agatnt the ijoly one of Iſrael.· ftru@ion, Chap,
6 C: Flee out ofthe mdsof Babel, and 17.6, and 48.6
Deliuer euery man bis loule : be not deſtroy · d By whom the
ed inber intquitic ; foz this ts the time of the: Lord powred out
they thalibee Dzied bp: foritisthelandof Lops vengeance: bee will render vnto her the drinke ofhis
es pel images- and they Dote vpon their
39 Therefore the > Ziims with the Fims,
Mall Dwell there, and the t oftriches hall
Dwell therein : for tt thatlbe no moze inhabits
ted, neither thall tt be ingabited frem genea
-tation vito generation.
40 AsGoadektroped * Dodom and Gos
maah with. the places thereof neere about,
a recompente. — vengeance to
Z, ‘Babel hath bene as agoloencup inthe whom it pleaſed
“Los hand, that made alltheearth Mun- him, -
ken: the nations haue Drunken of ber winie, e Forthe great
therefore Doe thenations e rake, affli&ions ý they
8 *Babel ts ſuddenly fallen, and de- haue feltby the
{roped : howle fo: her, being balme foz ber Babylonians,
{o2e, if he may be healed. 1fa.21,9.
-Q Te woud haue cured Babel, but thee remel14.B
Da cout
“The worke ofertours.
f Thusthepeo- could not be healen : foꝛſake ber, and let fos
plc ot Godex- goe eueryone into bis owne countrey ; foz
hort oneasother Her iudgement is come vp bute Heaven, and
togoeto Zion is lifted up to the clawuaes.
and praife God, Io The Loa hath brought foorth our
g Inapproving erighteouſneſſe: come and let vs Declare in
our caufe and Zion the warkeofthe Lord our Gov.
punithing our IL Make bright the arrowessigather the
enemies. ſhields: the Lord hath raiſed wp the ſpirit of
Or,6llormul- the king of the Medes: fo: his purpole is as
tipiy. gaint Gabel to Deitroy tt, becaule it isthe
h Forthe wrong
done to his peo-
le, and to his
emple, Chap.
b yengeance of the Lozd, and the vengeance
ofhis Temple.
I2 Det vp the ſtanderd vpon the walles
of Babel make the watch trong : fet vp the
watchmen ; prepare the {koutes : foz the
Lord hath both deuiled, ang Done that
antes bee (pake againtt the inbabttants of
13 D thon that dwelleſt vpon manyiiwa-
ters, abundant in trealures, thine ende ts
come, cuen theſ ende ef thy couetoutneffe.
14 The Lord of Hotes hath ſworne by
3 For the land of
Caldea was full
of riuers which
tanne into Et-
phrates. + him * (elfe, faying, Surely J will All thee
WOr.meafure. with men,as with caterpillers and they fjal
$Ebr.hs ſoule. evie and hout againſt thee. ‘
Ames 6.8, Ig * Mehath made the earth by bis pow·
Suap ILR er, and eſltabuͤched the worlde by bis wile
Dome, and hath ſtretched owt the beaucn by
pis diſcretion.
16 Wee giueth by his voyce the multitude
of waters in the heauen, and hee cauſeth the
cloudes to alcende front the endes of the
garth : he turnethlightnings to ratne, and
— koorth the winde out of bis trea»
ures. 7 g
17 Guety man ts a beat by his owne
kknowledage: euery fonnder is confounded
k ReadeChap. by the grauen image ; fo: hts melting ts but
ae faxlo8d, and there is no breath therein.
18 Chey are vanitic, and the wozke ofer -
?WhenGod xours:in the thue oftheir | vilitation they
fhallexecutehis hall perilh. ; P
vengeance. 19 The = portion of Jaakob isnot like
m Thatis,the them: for be is the maker of allthings, ano
trueGodotif. _Ifraelis the rod of bis inhexitance ; the Loꝛd
of hoftes is his fame.
20 @bhouart mine "hammer, and wea ·
rael is not like to
thefe idoles: for
heecanhelpe ponsofwarre : fo: with chee will Jbꝛeake
whenallthings thenations, and with thee will J deſtroy
arc deſperate. kingdomes,
n Hemeaneth 21 And by thee will F breake horſe and
theMedesand hoazleman,andby thee will J bzeake the cha
Perfians.ashe bet andbhimthatrincth therein.
did before call 22 Bpthee allo will J byeake man and
the Babylonians woman, and by thee will J baeake olde and
his hammer, yong, and by thee will J breake the yeng,
Chap. 50.236 man and the maide-
23 J will allo barake by thee the Hep-
Heard and bis flocke , and by thee will J
breake the bulbandman. and hts poke of
oren, and by thee will J bake the dukes
and princes.
24 And J willrendervuto Babel, and
fo all the inhabitants of the Caldeans all
theireull, that they hane Done in Zion, cuca
in pour fight, faith the Lord.
2 Behold, J come wnto thee, D deſtroy⸗
ing o mountatne, fayth the Lo2d, which dee
ftropeR allthe earth; and J will ſtretch out
mine band byowthes, and rolle thee Downe
®. Not that Bae
bylon ftood on
amountaine, but
becaufe it was
Rrong, and fee-
wed Haincible,
Babylons harueft.
P from the tocks, and wil make theea burnt p Fromthy
mountayne. ftrong holdes
26 Chey Gall nottake ofthe a ſtone foz and foucretless
@cogner, noꝛ a itene fo: foundations, but
woy, fhalt bee deſtroyed toz euer , ſayeth the
27 Det bpa ſtandard in the lande:blow
the trumpets among the nations: prepare
the nations againtt her: catlyp che king
domes ofa Ararat, Winni, and Alychenas q By thefe three
againt her: appoint the prtnceagainit her: nations he mea-
caule hoꝛſes te come bp ag the rong caters nerh Armenia
pitfers. thehier,and Are
28 Peepare egaink her the nations with menia thelowes,
the kings of the Medes, the dukes thereaf, ane Scythia ; for
and the princes thereof, and all the land af Cyrus had gathe-
bis Beminion. red an armie of
29 And the land Hall tremble and ſorow: diuers nation
foz the deuite of the Lord Wall be performed
agatn® Babel. tomakethe land of Babel
watte without an inhabitant.
30 Che trong men of Babel hane ceaten
to fight, they haue remained in their holdes:
their ſtrength bath failed, and they were like
women they baue burnt her Dwelling plas
ces, and her barresare broken, |
31 & pofte (hall runne to meete the pofte, r By turning the |
and a mefenger to meete the meflenger, ta courfeoftherie
Wew the king of Babel, that his citte ts tae uer one fide was
ken on ar fide thercof, made open, and |
32 And that the paſſages are ſtopped, and the reedes that
the reedes bürnt with fire, and the men of did grow inthe
we pieces i i water, were d@-
33 Fo: thus fa he Lo: of hoſtes the ftroyed, which
God of Hftael , The Daughter of Babel is Cyrus didby the
Hke a threſhing foozesthe time of her thz- counfellof Goe
ing iscome: peta litle while, and the timeof bria, & Gabba-
her harueſt chal come. tha Belfhazzara
34 Nebuchad·nezzat the king of Babel captaines.
bath: deuoured me, and Deltroped mee: he f When the fhald
bath made me anemptte veſſel: he fallow: becutvp and
ed me vp likea magan, and filed bis belly threfhed.
with mp Delicates, and hath caſt me out. t This is poken-
§ Che pople of me, and that which wag inthe perlon of
leftofmee, isbroughtynto Babel, thallthe the Tewes, be-
inbabitant of Zion ſay: ano my blood bnto wailing their
the inhabitants of Caldea, Mall Jeruſalem ftare and the cree
fay. eltieof the Bae
36 Cherefore thustapeth the Lod, Be- bylonians.
hold, J will maintaine thy caule and take u Thus the Lord!
vengeance foz thee, and Jwill deie vpthe eſteemeth the
fea, and Beate vp her mings, iniurie done to
37 And Babel Hallbe as heapes. a dwel· his Charchas
ling place fo? Dagens, au aitenifment, doneto bimielfes.
and an hiſſing, without ar inhabitant. becaufe their
38 Thep hall roare together like lyons, cauleis his.
and pellas the lyons whelpes, x When they are
3g Ja their * heate J) will make them inflamed with
feates and J willinake them Daunken,that iurferingand
they map retopce, and fleepe a perpetuall drinking, I will
cepe and not wake, fayth the Lon. feaft with chem,
40 J wiil bing theni Downe like lambes alluding to Bels
to the flaughter, and like rammes and thazzarsban-
goates. A ket, Dan. 5.29
40 Pow isy Sjehach taken! asd how y Meaning, Bas
is the glory of the whole earth taken ! how bel,as Chap.2 5e
is Babel become an aſtonihment among 26.
the nations! z The great ar-
42 The z fea is come vp — Babel; my ofthe Medes
fhee is coucred with the mulsitude of the and Perfians,
waues thereof,
43 Wes
Bels vomite, Ioy for Babels fall. The
43 Der cities are Delolate:the land ts Day
and awilderneffe, aland wherein no man
Dwelleth, neither doeth the ſonne of man
patle thereby. i
44 J will alfo vilit Belin Babel, and J
will bung eut of his mouth, that which *be
bath Cwatlomed vp,and the nations hatrun
iy ei oy him, and the wall of Wabel
all fall.
45 My people, goe out of the mids of Fer
and Deltucr pe enery man bis ſoule from the
fierce wrath of the LoD,
46 Let pour heart euen faint, pee feare
the rumoz that thalbe beard in the land : the
rumo? pal come this pere, € after that in the
other pere (hall come a rumo2, and cruelty ut
theland, and ruler againſt ruler.
47. Therefore beholde, che dayes come,
that J will vifite the images of Babel , and
the whole land hall be confounded , and all
ber laine foal! fatl in the mids of ber.
48 Then the heauen and thes earth, and
all that iz therein, ſhall retopce foz Babel: fog
the Deftropers thali come vnto ber from the
Moꝛth, Cath the Lord.
49 As Babeicaulenthe ¢ Raine of Iſrael
` R by Babel the fatne of all the carch
i k
50 Pe that e hane eltaped the fword, goe
away tand not (ill; remember the Lord ae
ae of, and let Jerufalem come into pour
sı Ce are f confounded becaule we baue
heard repzoch: Mame hath couered our fas
ceg to: rangers arecome into rhe Sanctu.
aries of the Cords houſe.
52 Mherekore behold, the Bapescome,
fapth the Load, that J will vific bee grauen
images, and through all ber land the woun:
Ded hall grong.
thouland gentle- §3 Though Babel Hould mount bp to
menbefidesthe g heauen, and though hee fhould befend her
common people. ſtrength on bigh, yet from mee Wall ber De-
c Allcreaturesin ſtroyers come,fapth the Lov.
heauen andearth 54 A toundof a trycommeth from Ba
fhallreioyce and bel, and great Deftruction from the lande of
praife God for the Caldeans,
the deftru@ion ss Becaule the Lord hath layed Babel
ofBabylonthe watte, ¢ Deltroped trom her the great voice,
greatenemyof and her wauesthall raare like great waters,
bis Church. and a ſgund was made by their noiſe:
d Babylondid 56 Wecaule tie deltroper is come bpon
not only defroy þer, euen vpon Babel, and ber rong men
Ifrael, but many ate taken, their bowes are broken: foz the
other nations. L020 God that recompenteth, hall ſurely re»
e Yeethatare coempente.
nowcapuues in = §7 And J will b make drunke ber princes,
Babylon. and her wile men, ber Dukes and her nobles
f He theweth — and her ſtrong men: and they (hall feepea
bow they should perpetuall fleepe, and not wake, fayth the
rememberlerufa- Ring, whole name is the Lod of hoſtes.
lem by lamenting ` 58 Thus ſayth the Lord of hoſtes, The
the miferable af- ‘thicke wall of Babel halbe broke, and ber
AiGionthereof, High gates Hall be burnt with fire , and the
g Forthewals people chall labour in vaine, and the folketn
weretwohun- the fire,fozthcp Hall be weary. |
dreth foothigh. §9 The wo2d which Jeremiah the Pꝛo⸗
h Iwillfoafto- phet commaunded Sheraiah thelonof co
nih them by af-
MiGions that they (hall nor know which way to turnethems i The
shickneffe of the wall was fifty foote thicke.
“a That is,his gifts
& prefents which
he had receiued
as parc ofthe
fpoyle of other
Nations, & which
the idolaters
| brought vnto
bim from alk
b Meaning that
Babylon (hould
not be deftroyed
all at once,but by
‘little and little
fhuld be brought
to nothing: for
$ firft yere came
the tidings, the
next yeere the
fiege, and in the
third yere it was
taken: yet this is
not chat horrible
deltru&tió which
the Prophets
threatned fn ma-
ny places: for
chat was after
this,when they
rebelled, and Da-
rius overcame
them by thc po⸗
licy of Zopyrus
& hanged three
Chap.lij. booke drowned. The eaptiuitie. 306
titab,the fonne of Maalelah, when hee went
with Zedekiah the king of Judah inte Ba-
bel, tn che x fourth peereofhisreigne; and k Thiswas nov
this Sheraiah was a peaceable pance. in the time of hit
60 So Jeremtal wote ina booke all the captiuitie, but fe-
tuill that Hould come vpon Babel: cuen all wen yeres before,
thele things that arewpitten againſt Babel, whenhe went cic
61 And Ieremiah fayde to Sberatah, therco gratulate
Mhen thou commet ynco Babel, and walt Nebuchad-nez-
{ee,and Walt read all thele words, zar, or to intreat
62 Then Halt thou fay,D Lord, thou a offome matters,
{poken againtt this place, to Deftroy it, that 1. ohn in his
none werld remaine init, neither manag Reuelation allus
beatt, but that it woul be deſolate foz euer, deth to this
63 And when thou hal made an ende af place; whenhe
reading this booke , thou ſhalt bind a) one faith that f An-
to it, and catt it inthe miditef Euphrates, gel tooke amile
64 And halt fay, Thus hall abel bce ftone and caſt ic
Downed and fhal not rile from the eutl,that. into the fea, figs
J will bring wpon ber, € they Hall m be weae nifying thereby
tic. Thus tarre are the wozdes of Jeremiah, the deftrudion
of Babylon, Reue
18.34 m They fhall net be able to refift bur hall labour in vainc,
4 Terusfalem is taken. 10 Zedekiahs fonnes ave
killed before bis face,and his eyes put out. 13 The
csty is burned, 31 Iehoiachin is brought forth of
prifon, and fed Like a king.
Z Cocktah * was one and twentie peere old 2-King-34.1%.
when be began toreigne,and he reigned 26870436, 8E
elcucn peres tn Jerulalem, and bis mothers
name was Damutal,the Daughter of Jeremie
2 And be did euil in the eyes of the Lord,
atcozding tealthat Jehoiakim bad Done.
3 2 Doubricife becaule che weath of rhe 2 Sothe Lord
Lod was again Jerufatem and Judah, punihed finne
till hee had caitthem out from bis prefence, by finne, & pane
therefore Zedekiah rebelled againſt the king bin vp to his ree
of Babel. bellious heart, till
4 *Butinthe ninth yeere of his reigne, he badbrought
in the tenth moneth, the tenth day of the ma» the enemic vpon
neth came Nebuchad nezzar king of Babel, him to lead him
bee and all his holte againſt Jerutalem, and away and his
pitched againt it,and built fortes againſt it people.
round about, — 2.King.25.160°
§ Dothecity was beſieged vnto the eles hap. 39.46
uenth yere ofthe king Zedekiah. :
6 srowinthe fourth moneth , the ninth
day of the moneth,che famine was foze in the
citie, fo that there was no moze bead fog the
peopleotthe land.
7 hen tie citie was broken by and all
the men of warre fled, ¢ went out of the citie
by night, by the > mayo the gate betweene
the two wals, which was by the kings gar-
Den: (now the Caldeans were by the citie
round about) and they went by the way of
the wildernes.
8 But the army of the Caldeans purſued
after the king, and tooke Zedekiah in the Des
fert of Jericho, and ail pis bolt was ſcatte⸗
red from him. N
9 Then theptooke the king and caryed
him vp to the king of Babel to Kiblah h the
land of Damat, where he gauetudgement c Read 2. Kinga
vpon him. : 25 6. and Chap,
id And the king of Babel fle the onnes 39 5,
ef Scdckiab, before bis syes: he lew alio ail
the minces of Judah in Riblab.
U Thenhe put ont the eves of ScBckiah,
Ra 2 ng
b Read Chap,
39:4» j
The Temple burnt and {poyled.
Aln the 2.King.
25.8. it is called
the ſeuenth diy,
becauſe the fire
began then, and
ſo continued to
€ That is,which
was his feruant
as 2. King.2 5.8.
f Of thefe pillars,
read 1.king. 7,15
g Which were
| allo made of
braſſe, as 1. King.
and the king of Babel bound him in chatnes
and caried hun to Babel.and put him tn pat-
fon till the Bay of his death.
{2 Now in the fiftmoneth in the 4tenth
day of themoneth (which was the ninteenth
peere of the king Nebuchad· nezzar king of
Babel) came Nebuzar· adan chiete ſteward
which e {teod befoze the king of Babel in ge-
13 And burnt the houſe of the Lord, the
| kings boule,and al the boules of Jerufalem,
and ali the great boules burnt hee with fire.
14 And ali the armie of the Calocans that
were with the cbiefe ſteward, brake downe
all the walles of Jerufalem round about.
1g Chen frebuzar-adan the chiefe ſtew⸗
ard caried away captine cercaineot the poaze
of the people, € the refinue of the people that
remained in the citie, and thole that were
fed, and fallen to the king of Babel, with
therett of the multitude. i
16 But facbusar-adan the chiefe ſteward
lett certaine of the posze of theland, to Delle
the vines, and to till rhe land.
17. Gilo the € pillars of bzafle that were
in the boule of the Lozd,and the bales, ethe
baten (ea that was in the houſe of the Lod,
tie Caldeans brake, and caried all the braſſe
of them to abel.
18 The pots allo and thes beſoms, and the
intruments of mulicke,¢ the balins,and the
tneenle diſhes, and all the veflels of bzaffe
wherewith they miniſtred, tooke thep away.
19 And the bowles, and the alhpans, ano
the balins, and the pots, ¢ the candleftickes,
and the tncenledifhes , and the cups, and ail
that was of gold, erhat was of fluer, tooke
the chiete ſteward away,
20 (ith the two pitlars, one Hea, and
thocine beaten buls, that were vnder the ba-
fes,which king Salomon had made in the
werelike unto thele, 8
23 And there were ninetic ¢ fire rome
granates on a iderand ail the pomegranates
unon p net woke were ian huudreeth ronnt
atout: i :
24 AnD ý chick ſteward tooke Sheraiah
the chiefe Pꝛieſt, and 3ephantab ‘the ſecond
Pꝛieſt, and the theee keepers ofthe Dooe.
25 He tooke alſo out ot the city an eunuch
which jad the ouerlight ef themen of warre
and ! teuen men that were in the kings pze:
fence which were found in the citie and So:
pher captaine of the hoite wha muttered the
people of the land , and thzeeſcore men of the
people of the land, that were found inthe
mids of the citie. j
26 Mebuzar adan the chiefe Teward took
then, and brought them to the king of Ba.
bel to Riblah.
27 And the king of Babel ſmote them,
and flew themin Riblab,tn the land of Wa-
math: thus Judah was caricd away captine
out of his owne lana.
28 This ts the people, whome Mebue th
chaD-ne33ar caricd away captiue, in them fe-
uenth peere , cuen thzee thoniand Jewes and
thaceand twenty.
29 Jun the” eighteenth pere of Mebuchad-
nezzar he caried away captine from Jeruſa⸗
lem eight hundzeth thirtie ¢ two + perfeny.
30 3n the thee and twentieth yeere of
Nebuchad· nezzar, FAcbuzar-adan the chiefe
ſteward caried away captine of the Jewes
ſeuen hundzeth fortie and fiue perfons: all
a iga wese foure thoufand and fig huns
2eth. ? d
31 Andin the feuenand thirtieth yeere of
The éapéiues numbred.
iBut becauſe of
tke roundnefle ~
no more could
be feene but nine
tie and fixe,
k Which {erued ©
in the hie Prieſtes
ftead,ifhe had ~
any neceflary `
1 Inthe 2, king,
35-19. is read tut
of fiue, thofe
were the moft
excellent & the `
ether two, which
were not fono- ©
ble,are not there
mentioned with
m Which was -
the jatrer end of
the &uenth yeere
of his reigne, and
the beginning of
the eight.
n Inthe J.tter
end alfo of that
yeere,and the bee
ginning of the
{Ebr foules,
o That is reflo⸗
the captinitieof Jehoaichin king of Judah, red him to libers
inthe twelft moneth, inthe fiue and twen= tyand honour,
tieth day of the moneth, Cuil- merodach king p And gaue him
of Babelin the frf pere of his reigne, olifted princely apparel,
Í boule of the LoD : the braſſe ot all t heſe veſ⸗
{h Tt wasfo much ſels was without h weight. :
I| i» gnantitie, 21 And concerning the pillars, the height
3 of one pillar was cighteene cubttes, and a
th2ecd of twelue cubites did compaſſe tt, and
the thickenes thereof was fourg fingerssit was
pollow, ;
22 And a chapiter of braffe was bpon it,
und the beightot one chapiter was fue cu-
bites with networke and pomegranates up»
onthe chapiters round about,-all of braſſe:
the fecond pillar allo and the pomegranatts
2 The Prophet bewaileth the miferable eftate of
Rerufalem, 5 And fheweth that they are plagued
becauſe of their finnes, The ſrſt & fecond chapter
begin euery verſe according to the letters of the
Ebrew Alphabet. The third hath three verfes
for extery lester, andthe fourth is asthe ſiſt
a The Prophet i
wondereth atthe Pw dothꝰ the city remaine folita-
| great iudgement § ty that was fnllof people! the is as
a widow, hee that was great a>
of God,eeing We,
was fo Rrong aud fo full of people, to be mow deftroyed & defolate.
Yerufalem, which
vp the head of Jehoaichin king of Juda, and
heought bim ort of palon,
32 And ſpake kindly vnto him, Eſet hrs
throne aboue the throne of the kinges, that
were with bim on Babel.
33 And changed his pilon r garments,
and he Did continually cate bread before him
ailthe Bayes of bis tite.
34 Wis postion was a acontinuall postion
giuen Hin of theking of Babel, eucrp Day
— > all the dapes of his life, vntillhe
tg e
ees Lamentations.
mong the nations and b princeffe among the
poutnces is made tributary.
2 She weepeth continually in the· night,
and berteares rundowne by her cheekes: ax
mong all her Aouers, ſhee bath nene to com-
fet ber: all ber fttendes baue Delt vnfaith⸗
fully with her, and are her enemies.
3. Judah is caried away captive, becaule
e of affliction,and becaule of great feruitude:
fhe Dwelleth among the heathen and findeth
no ug 3 all Der perlecuters topke ber inthe
A The wapres of sion lament, becaute
q That is, be had
allowance in the
Court,and thus
atlengthhee had.
telt and quiet-
nefie, becaufe hee
obeyed Jeremiah
the Prophet,
whereas the other
were cruelly or-
desed,that would
net obcy him,
b Which had
chiefly rule ouer
many prouinces
and countreys.
c So that the ta»
keth no refte
d Meaning the
Egyptians and
Aflyrians which
promifed help..
e For her cruelty
toward ý poore
& oppreflion of
feruats,iet,3 4.5.0.
to ceme vp with
„to That is,haue
rule ouer her,
ait mee
si e him elles
aah ee
deth chat the
Ammonites and
Moabites fhould
enter into the z
congregation o
the Pas and
wnderthem he
all enemies,Deut,
n Thus Ierufalem
Jamenteth, moo-
ting others to
pitie her and
to learne by her
o This declareth
for remedie.
5 Mine heauie
nnes ave conti-
nually before his
eyesjas he that
tietha thing to
bis band for a re·
He hath tro-
n them vnder
foot,as they that
tread grapes in
the winepreffe.
Fere rig chap.
The yoke of finnes.
Ho man commeth fto the ſolemne feafts : all
ber gates are Delolate: ber Prieltes ſigh:
her virgins are diſcomlited, and hee isin
theautnefic. -
§ ier aducelarieszare the chiefe,and her
enemies profper ; foz the Lord bath afflicted
ber, foz che multicudeof her tranſgreſſious,
and ber childzen are gone inte captinitie bes
foze the enemie. 3
6 And from the Daughter of Zion all her
beautte ts Departed 3 her pinces are be-
come ‘like Harts that finde no paiture, and
they are gone without ſtrength before the
7 Jerufalem remembzed the dayes of
Chap. ij.
about him 3 Jerufalem is: as a menttruous
woman in the mids of them.
18 Che Lod is righteous: foz J haue re-
belied againt his + commandement: heare,
J| p2ay pon, all people, and behold my lozow:
My virgins AND my pong men are goneints
19 3 called foz? my loners, but they Decet-
ued mee: my Prieſts and mine Elders peri-
Wedin the city, while thep fought their meat
to refreſh their ſoules.
20 Behold, D Lod, bow J aut trons
blen: my bowels fwell: mine heart is ture
ned within mee, foz Y am full ef heauineſſe:
tbe ſword (poyleth abzoad, as Death doeth at
ber afflictton,and ofberrcbellion,andaliher om
plealant things, that thee bad in times paft,
when her people‘ fel inta the hand of the
enemie, and none vid helpe her: the aduers
ane faw ber, and DIB mocke at her * Habs
8 Jeruſalem bath grieuonfly finned,
theretoze the ts i in Dertfion: all that honou⸗
red her, defptic ber, becaule they hane ſeene
ber Glehineli¢: yea ſhee ligheth and turneth
backward. i
9 ‘Her filthinefieisin herſkirts: ſhee re-
memben not ber lalt ende, therefore Hee
came Downe Wonderfully : Hee had no com:
forter : D Lozd, bebola mine affliction: foz
the enemie is poud. i
Io The enemte bath ſtretched out bis
hand spon all ber pleafaunt things : foz
fhee hath ſeene the Heathen enter into ber
Danctuarie , whom = thou diddeſt com>
maunde, that thep Hould not enter into thy
II All her people figh ¢ feeke their bread:
they bane giuen their pleafant things foz
meate to refreſh the foule: fee, D Lod, and
conlider: foz J] am become vile.
12 Haue ye no regard, all pe that paſſe by
this wap? bebola, and fee, ifthere be any 4 fo-
row like vnto my row, which ts done vn⸗
to me,wijerewith the Loud hath aftlicted me
in the Day of his fierce wath. 4
13 Fromaboue bath ° be lent fire into my
bones, which preuatieth againk them: bee
Hath {pread a net for my feet, ard turned nie
backe: he bath made mee Delolate, and daily
in beautneffe. f
14 The r poke of my tranfarefltons ts
bound vpon his hand: they are weapped,
and come bp vpon my necke : be hath niade
: my ſtrength to fail: the Lord bath deliuered
— into their handes, neither am J abieto
riſe vp.
Is She Lord hath troden vnder tote all
my valiant men in the mids of me ; bee hath
callea an aflembly againſt me to Deftrep my
poung men: the Lord bath troven athe
— vpon the virgine the daughter of
udah. ii Ay. ckup
- 16 *Fo2 theſe things I weepe: minecye,
euen mine eye cafteth ont water, becauſe the
comforter that ſhould refre my lonle, ts
farre from me: my children are Belolate, be⸗
cauſe the enemte prenailed. ja
17 Zion Kretehes out her handes, erd
there is none to comfozt ber y the Lord hath
appointed the enemies of Jaakob- round
21 Thep ane heard that J mourne , but
there is none ta comfozt mee: all mineenee
Nites Hane heard of mytrouble,aad are glad,
that thou halk Done tt: thou wilt being the
Day that thou haft pronounced,and they Hal
be like bntonie.
22 ‘Let ali their wickednes come befoze
thee; || Doc unte them,as thou haft donevn-
to mesio all my tranſgreſſions: fo? mp fighs
ave many and mine beart ts heauie.
I 4 Ow hath the Lod Darkned the vaugh-
ter of Zion tit bis wath? and hath calt
Downe from > heauen vnto the earth the
beautic of Iſrael, and remembzed not bis
* foatitoole in the Day of his weath!
2 Whe Lord hath dettroyed all the habi-
tations of Jaakob, and not (pared: be bath
thaowen Dewne it bis wrath the trong
holds of the Daughter of Judah: be hath catt
them Downe to the ground: he bath polluted
the kingdome and the princes thereof,
3 ec hath cut of tn his fierce wath all
‘the i hozne of Iſrael: hee hath dꝛawen backe
his * right band from before the enemie, and
there was kindled tn Jaakob itke a flame of
fire, which Denonred ronnd about.
4. ince f hath bent bis bowe like an ene-
mite! his right hand was ſtretched vp as an
aducriaric,and lew al that was plealant to
the epein the Cabernacte of the Daughter of
Zion: he polw2ed out his wrath itke Bre.
§ Che Lord was as an enemic: he hath
Denoured Iſrael, and conſumed ail hig pala-
ces: be hath Deftroped bis ſtrong bolds,and
Hath increated in the Daughterot Judah la
6 Forbhee hath deltroyed his Taberna-
tle, asa garden, hee hath deſtroyed bis con-
gtegation : the Lod hath cauled the feattes
and Sabbaths to bee forgotten in Fion, and
hath delpiledin the indignation of hiswrath
the King and the iet. ’
7 Che Low hath forlaken dis altar : be
hath abhorred bis Hanctuarte : hee hath gt-
uen into the hand of the enemite the walies
of her palaces: theyhaue made az noyſe in
the houle of the Lod, ag tn the Day of foleme
8- The Lo: hath determined to deſtroy
the wall ot toe Daughter of Zion: hee ſtret⸗
ched out aline: he ath nop withdzawen his
Hand from deſtroying: therefore hee mave
Dg 3 the
Gods wrath.
r Which be-
caufe of her pol-
lution was fepa-
tated from her.
husband,Leuie, 7
15.19.and was &
abhorred for the
f Thatis,they
died for hunger .
t Ofdefiring `
vengeance a-
gainit the ene-
mie,reade Ter, 14
20.and 18.24,
hOr.gather thers
Like grapes.
a That is,
brought her frora
profperitieto `
b Hath giuen hee
a moft fore fall,
c Alluding to
the Temple,or
tothe Arkeof
the couenant,
which was called
the footftoole
of the Lord,be-
caufe they fhould
not fet their
minds fo lowe,
but lift vp their
hearts toward
the heauens.
d Meaning,the
glory & firength,
as 1.9am,2.1.
e That is,his fues
cour whichhe
was wont: tofend
vs,when out eng-
mies opprefied vs
F Shewing that
thereis no remes
die but deſtructi-
on,where God
is the enemie.
g As thepeople
were accuftomed
to praife God in
the folemne
feaſts with a loud
voyce: fo now
the enemies blaſ⸗
pheme him with,
fhowting and
Flattering Prophets.
h Thisisafgu: the rampart ® amd the teal! to laments: they
ratiuefpeech,as were deſtroyed together.
that was, when o Mer gates are imke to the crounds he.
he Gid the wayes Hath deſtroyed and broke: her barres: her
did lament,Chap. iing and ber Pinces are among the Gen⸗
s.4.meaning that tiles; che lame is no more, neither canter
thisforrowwas Prophets || receive any vilion from the
fo great,thatthe £020. s
inícnfible things 10 The Elders okthe Daughters of ston
had their part fit vpon the ground; and Keeps Glences they
thereof, Daug call vp duit vpon iheir beads : they
fOr, finde. Hane girded themiclues with lackcloth: the
virgins of Jerufalem hang Dawne their
heads to the ground.
It Mine eyes doe faile with teares: my
bowels Cruclis my lineris powred vponthe
earth, foz the deſtruction of the Daughterof
my peapie, becaule the children g ſucklings
_ qhusone in the ſtreetes of the citie.
12 They baue fayse to their mothers,
$Ebr. wheat and Where is + bread and Minke ? wen they
wine. ſwooned, as the wounded in the ſtreetes of
4Ebr.pawred emt the citie, and wien they + gaue bp the gholt
the fiule, tn theit mothers bolome. ts
i Meaning,that 13 i€Gthat ching hall J take to witneſſe
her calamitie was foz thee?
Secrs,astheo- way thy captinitie, but haue loosed ont for
ther were called, thee Ealle || prophecies, and cauſes ofbantih-
therefore hee ment. i ;
fheweth, that Ig Ali that pafe by the way, clappe their
they faw amife, bandes atthec: they hiſſe and wagge their
becauſe they did Head vpon the daughter Derufalem, fying,
notreprocuethe Js thisthe citicchat men call, Che pectecti-
Or, fiint.
pedples faults, on of beantie, and the top of the whole
butHartered them earth? j ;
in their finnes, 16 Gil thine enemies haue opened their
which wasthe mouth aqatnit thee? they hiſſe and gnaſh the
caute of their tecth;faping , Let vs deuoure tt; certatnely
defiruGien. this is the Day that we looked fo ; wee paue
tOAburden. found and feene it,
Leust 26.15;25. (17 * Che Low hathdone that which hee
deut. 81525. had purpoledehe hath fulfilled bis word that
bee had determined of otne time: be hath
throwen Downe, and not ſpared: hee hath
cauſed thine enemie to reioyce ouer thee,and
ſct up the ome of thine aduerſaries.
erect 4. t75chap. 18, Their beart” crien unto the loa; D
3686.) i wall ofthe Daughter Zion, let teares runne
170 Bowie like a riwer, Day and night: take
ce no rett, neither let the apple of thine epe
-ji ID Arile, cricinthe night: in the begins
bow +19 ning of the watches pomae out thine beart
X like water before. the faceoftheLord: lft
vp thine hands toward him fog tieli ofthe
> -poung chttdzen, chat fatne for hunger in the
Coiners of all the ftreetes. i TR
9 20 Bebotd, D Lord, g confiter to whom
< “pool 2:! thou batt vone thus: (hall the women cate
LOr.broughtop) their fruit, andchrldzen of a (panne long?
$n their owne fyall the Piielt and che Prophet be faine in
the Banctuarw of the Lozd? ET
hands. : J U ij bua 3
53 2CThe ponugthe old tie onthe ground
in the Areetes: my binging and mp young
~ Lamentation.
men are fallen by the ſworde thon bant laine
them inthe Day of thy wrach:thou haſt kiuled
and not ſpated.
22 Whowdak calicd asin a ſolemne Day
my | terroursround abvout, fo that in the day
of the Lors wath none eſtaped no? remai⸗
ned: thote chat J hauz nouriched thought
bp, bach mine enenite conſumed.
jam the man that hath ſeene *afiliction tit
tye rod of his indignation. 3
2 He hath led me, and bought mee inta
Darknetic,but not to light.
3 Surely bee ts turneD againt mee: hee
turneth his hand againit me ail the Day.
4 Wyte and my Chin bath hee cauſed
to ware oland he hath bzoken mp bones.
§ iDechath>butltcd again mee, and
compaſſed me with galland labour.
6 ide hath fet me in Darke places,as they
that be dead fo cuer.
7 Wee hath bedgcd.aboutmec, that J
— get outs bec hath made mp chaines
8 Allo when Ferte and Hout, hee Huts
teth out my € prayer. s
9 Hee hath ſtopped np my wayes with
hewen ſtone, and turned away mp paths.
IO © pee was vnto me asabeare lying in
tuaifandasgiton tn ſecret places.
If Hechathſtopped my wapes, and pul-
ied me ti pieces : he hath made me delolate.
12 ice hath bent his bowe, and made me
a marke for the arrow. OHM
13 He cauſed tthe arrowes of his quiuer
to enter into my reines.
14 Jiwasa deriſion to all my people, and
their fong ali the bap.’ a
15 Üe hath Gilen me wrth bitterneffe, and
made me Diunken with f wormewood.
16 Wee bach alio bzoken mp teeth with
fones,and hath coucred me with athes.
17 Thus my loule was farre off from
peace: J forgate paolperttte, + sil
18 And 3| fait 9 My ſtrength and mine
hope s ts pertfhen from the Lod,
19 Remembsing mine affliction, and my
mourning, the woꝛmewood and the gail.
20 By dule hath them in remembzance,
and is humbled h inme, _
21 J conlider this in mine heart: therfore
Hae F Hope. E, i
2% Jtistye Log imercics that we are
not conſumed, becauſe bis compattions faite
23 Theyaretenucd*tuery morning:grea
is thy fatrhtulucite.
The Lords mercies.
pitie on me.
(Or, enemies,
whom J feared,
a The Prophet f
complaineth of
the punifhments
and afflictions -
that heendured `
by thefalfe pros"
phets and hypo |
crites,;when he ~
declareth the des
ftru@ion of Ieru⸗
faleni,as ler.20, 2)
b Hee fpeaketh
thisas one that "|
felt Gods hea-
which hee greatly)
feared and there-
fore ferterb them
out with tbisdi-
uerfitie of words,
c Thisisa great
tentation tothe
godly, when they,
fee not the fruit
of their praiers,
and caufeth them |
to thinkethat
they arenor
heard,which ==
thing God vieth=
to-doe,that they
might pray more
earnefily and the,
d: And Keepeth
me in holdjasa
prifoner. > i
e Hehath no
f With great an⸗
guith.and foros
he hath made me.
to lofemy, ſenſe.⸗
= Thus with Nga}
zine he was dri»
ucen to and fro bes!
tweene hope ard f
24 Lhe Lom is my! postion, ſaith my the, ¢ |
foule: therefore wild! Sepeindinys
SIs The Lord te goon vito them that irni
fot hone other sabctipance,as Phal, 16.5.
i POUT the Spirit getteth
thavitorie stu hy Heethenprhthat Göd thus vferh
the intenr,thct hereby they may knowthemfelues.a
cies. i Confidering the wickedneffe of man,itis maruaile thar any
remaineth aliae + hut onely that God forhisorwne mercies fake, and
for his promife willeacr h. ue his Cherchto remaine, thetighthey be
neuer fir fewe inmumben, far r39: kr We feele thy benefaces daylyy
1 The goly pec their wholes onfidence in God and therlo re looke
godly off times,» |
areyetinthe end |
to excecife histo |
nd.feele his mer·
m He fheweth.
that we can ne-
uer begin too
tiraely tobe ex- `
ercifed vnderthe
the affliGions
gtowe greater,
our patience alfo
by experience
may be ftronger.
n Hemurmureth
not againſt Ged,
butis patient,
o He hunibleth
himfelfe as they
thar fall downe
with their face
toe the ground,
‘and ſo withpa- `
tience waiteth
for fucceur.
p. Hetakethno
pleaſure in it,
bu: doth it of
neccffitie for
out amendes-
ment,when he
fuffereth the wic-
delight therein.
r He fheweth
that nothing is
donë without- `
Gods prouis
f That is aduer-
fity,and profpe-,
Hic Amos 3 6.
t When God -
aff cteh him,
u Thatis, both.
hearts & hands:
for elfeto lift vp
the hands is but
come with fore
weeping forall
my people,
y Reade Ierem,
37.1 hee
z Meaning,the
caule wherefore
his life wasin
The yokein youth.
croffe. that when `
tn bim,and to the fontethat ſeeketh bin. ·
26 Jtts good beth to truſt and to waite
fo? the faluation of the #020.
27 It is good foz a man that de beare the
poke in pism youth.
28 He litteth alone,» and keepeth ſilence,
becauſe he hath borne itvpen him.
29 Pee putteth pis © month tu the duk, if
there may be bepe.
30 He gineth bis checke to him that frit
teth him ; be ts filled full with reproches.
31 Foꝛ the Lo: will not fezfake foz euer.
32 But though be fend will
Be haue compaſſion according to the multt-
tude of bts mercies. 49
3 Foꝛ bee doeth net P pinih t willingly,
noz afflict the chilen of men,
34 Jn Ramping vnder bis fecte all the
patianers of the carrh, EEY,
35 In ouerthro wing the right of aman
before the face of the mot Vigh,
26 In ſubuerting aman tx hts caule; the
Lord 9 ferth it not.
-37 Whois be then that fayth,and tt com»
meth to patie, and the Loza * commandeth tt
not ?
38 Dut of the mouth of the moft igh
proceedety nor! euill and good?
39 Wherekore then 13 the ltuing man tio-
rowfull ? man (uffereth for his inne.
40 Let vs ſearch and trie onr wayes, and
turne againe vnto the LoD,
40 Tet vslift vp Your hearts with our
hands vnto Hod in the heauens.
42 We haue finned, and paue rebelled,
, therefore thou haſt not (pared.
43 Chou hak coucred vs with wrath,
and perſecuted ys; thou bait Mame and not
44 Thou halk coucred thy felfe with a
cloude, that. our prayer Should not pale
though. ?
45 Thou hak mave vs as the * ofſcouring
and refule th rhe mids ofthe peopte. ;
46 All our. enemies haue opened their
mouth agaiud vs, ay
47 Fedre, anda {mare ts come vpon vs
witn Delolattion and deſtruction.
43 Spine eve caiteth out riuers of water,
foz the deſtruction of the Daughter of mp
people. + "Ue Pe :
49 Wine eye doppeth without ay and
cealeth not,
50 Cillthe Lom looke Downe, and be
oto from heauen. Sach cor be J
51 Mine eye * byeakety mine heart bea
taule ofall the daughtcrsofimycitic.
§2 Mine enemies chaled nice ſore likea
biro withoutcaule. .. aa
53 Shey haue Mut dp my lifevinthe dun:
geoon ano catt atone vpon inc. ——
54 Caters flowed ouer mine head, then
thought JI amDellroped. —
55 called vpon thy Maire, D Lozd,eut
ofthbelow dungeon. i
~ g6 Thou haſt heard my vopce: ſtopnot
thine care froin my Agh and from my crie.
57 Thou neiwet neere in fhe Pay thar
‘called vpon thee: thou fivdet. Feare wot.
589 D Low, thou Halt maintained the
taule ofimy foule,& bat redeemed my life,
Chap. iiij.
Horrible famine,
_ §9 DEOD, thou bait ſeene my wong,
indge thou my catie.
60 Thou halt ſeene all their vengeance,
and all their deuiſes againſt me.
61 Thou Hak heard their repꝛoch, D
Lozd,and ali their imaginations againit mes
62 The lips alſo otthol that roie againtt
i their whifpering agatnit mee contis
nually. ; :
63 Behold their fitting downe and their
tiling vp,how J am their tong,
64. * Hive them a reconipenſe, D LoD, P/al.28.4.
acceding to the worke of their hands.
65 Giue them | (row of heart, cuen thy Oryan obſtixaie
curſe to them. : ; hearts |
„66 Perfecute with wrath and Deltroy
them from under the heauen,D Loy.
ye is the golde beceme {ol Dinune! a Bythegolde
the mot tine golde is changed, andthe he meancththe
tones ofthe Sanctuarp are ſcattered inthe Princes,asby.. ,
corner ot eueryſſtereete. the ſtones hee
2 Tbe noble | men of zion comparable vnderlandetũ
to fine geld, howare they eltcemedas ears the Prielts.
then > pitchers euen the wozke ofthe bands fOr,h:d.
ofthe potter! \|Or, fonnese
3 Euen the Diagons « Dawe out the b Whichareof
breaſts, and gine fucke te their pong, bur the (mallcfimation,
Daughicrot my people isbecome cruell like and have none.
the d oftrichesin the wildernelſee ~ . honours... ¢,
4 Thc tongue of the ſucking childe clea: c Thoughthe _
ueth to therooteet his mouth foz chirſt: the dragons becruel,
yong chilozen alke bꝛrad, but no sian bacae yer they pitie
keth it vnto them. their yong and,
§ Thep that aid feede delicately, peri nowrifhthem, -,
fn the ftreetes: thep that were brought bp tt which thing le
(carlet,embzace the Dung. ~~ rufalerh daeth
Fo: the iniqutty of the daughter of not, NT
my people is become greater then the finne d The women, _
of Hovome, that was *veltroped as ina foslake their
Moment, and || None pitched campes againſt children asthe
er. Oftrich doth her
7 Wer * Maszarites were purer thenthe egs,lob 39.17.
fiiowe, and whiter then the milke: thep Gex.19.255°°
Were moze ruddym body, then the red pre» jOrn firength
tious Rones; they were like politheD fa- was againft her.
phir. 7 : - , Numb 6.2,
8 Nowe their e bifage is blacker thena-e They chat were
cole : thep cannot know them in the ſtreets before moftin
tbeir fkinne cleaucth to thete bones: titis tvi Gods fauourare-
thered like a tocke, © ll » © now in greateſt
9 Chey that be faine with the ſword, are abomination
better then they that are billed with hunger: vato him.
fozthep fade aways thep were ttricken
through for tye fruits ofthe field. ~ f Forlackeof
Io @hehands ofthe pitiu women hane foode they pine
ſodden hete own childzen, which were thetr away and cons
meatein the Deftruction of the Daughter of fame,
my people. ae ;
Tt Che Lord hath occompliſhed his it
Dienation? Hee hath pow2ed ont pis eree
mathi, behath kindled alice in Sion, which
Hath deuoured the foundations thereof.
12 he Kings ofthe earthandalltheins -
habitanrsof che weld would nor haue be⸗ g Heemeaneth.
leeued that rhe abucriaty the enemy hold that thele things
Have entred into the catcsofFernfalem:; are cometo pafe
HR Foꝛ the linnes of her pophets, and the therefore.con-
intquiticcof ber pres, that bane hed the. trary to all mens-
blood oF the cult in the midi of e her. expectation,
Qu 4 14 They
Zion io more in captiuitie.
h Some referre
this tothe blind
men, which as
they went, ftum-
bled on ý blood,
whereof the citie
was full.
i Meaning,the
heathen which
eame to deftroy
them, could not
Or, face.
I Thatis, the
i He fheweth
two principal
caufes of their
deſtruction: their
cruelty and heir
vaine confidence
in man: fot they
trufted in ‘the
helpe ofthe E=
m Our king Io-
fiah,in whome
ftood our hope
of Gods fauour,
and on whom
depended our
ftace and life,was
flaine,whom hee
calleth anointed,
becaufe he was a
figure of Chrift,
n Thisis ſpoken
by derifion,
14 They haue wandzed as blind men h in
the ttrectes, and they were polluted with
blood, fo that ‘they would not touch their
15 Bur they cried onto them, Depart yee
polluted, Depart Depart, touch not ; therefore
they den away, and wandered: they haue
faid among the heathen, Chey Hall no moze
Dwell there.
16 The || anger of the Lord hath ſcattered
them, hee will no moze regard them: * thep
renerencen not the face of the Peieſts, noz
bad compaſſion of the Elmers.
17 Ahiles we waited foz ote paine Help,
onr epes failed; for in our waiting wee togs
keo foz! a nation that could not faue vs.
18 Chey bunt our teps that we cannot
goe in our ſtreetes: our ende is necte, our
Bayes are fulfilled, foz our end ts come.
I9 Dur perlecuters are (worfter then the
eagles of the heauen; they purſued vs npon
the mountaines, and lato waite fo: bs in the
20 The m breath of our noſtrels, the An⸗
ointed of the Lord was taken m theit nets,
of wham wee favne, Cinder hts thadowe
wee Wall be preſerued aline among the bea-
21 Refoyte and be glad,” D daughter €-
Don, that dwelleſt in the land of Cz, the cnp
allo hall paſſe thꝛough unto thee: thou ſhalt
be Beunken and vomit. í
22 Thy punithment is atcomplithed, D
Daughter Stow: beee willno moze cary thee
away into captiuitie, bur hee will vilite thine
iniquttic,D daughter Goom, bee will diſco ·
wer thy finnes:
lOr, [hew thy wakedneffe. o Hecomforteth the Church by that af-
terieucnty yeeres
their forowes fhalt haue an end, whereas the wic-
ked ſhould be tormented for euer.
a. This prayer as
The prayer of Feremiah.
Ree D Lord, whatis come bp:
on bs: *confider, and behold our re»
gers our boules to the aliants.
Tec are fatherleffe, euen without fas
ther,and our mothers are ag widowes,
4 Ae have dunken our > water foz mo
ney,and our wood is ſold vnto vs,
$ Dur necks are onder perlecution: we
are weary, and haue norek.
6 Ae baue ginen our: Hands to the ©
ayptians, and to Ajur, to bee ſatiſtied with
rca . *
7 Dur kathers haue finned, andare not,
ann we baue borne their 4 tnignities.
8 Seruants baue ruled oner ng, none
would deliuer vs out of their hands.
The peoples miſerie.
b Meaning,
their extreme
feruitude and
e Weareioye
ned in league
and amity with
them,or haue
fubmitted our
felucs vnto
Mec gate our bread with the perill of d As our fa-
out lines, becauſe of the ſwoꝛde of tye wil thers haue bees
Dernefie, `
10 Durfkin was blacke tike ag an ouen,
becaute of the texrible famine.
IX Thep dellen the women in Zion, and
the maides in the cities of Judah. \
12 The princes are hanged Vp bp ‘their
hand: the Cacesof the Ciders were not hav
in honour.
13 Chey tooke the poug men to grinde,
and the childzen fell under s the wood.
14 Che Elders hane ceaſed from p gate,
and the vong men from their ſongs.
Ig The top of our heart is gone,our Dance
fs turned into mourning. à
16 The crowne of our head ts Fallen: wo
now buto bs that we haue finned.
17 Therefore our heart is beauy fo? thele
things,‘ our epes are dimme.
18 Becaufe ot the mountaine of Zion
which is deſolate: the fores run vpon it.
19 But thou, D Love, remainelt foz * e-
ner : thy throne is from generation to gene-
20 Mherelore doeſt thou forget vg for e+
uer, and forfake vs fo long time ?
21 ! Curnethou bs vnto thee, D Lorde,
sha hall beturned: renew our Dayes as
of olde.
22 But thou hak vtterly reiected vs: thou
art exceedingly angry againſt vs.
unifhed for
their fiunes, {fo
wethat are cule
pable of the
fame finnts,are
e Becauſe of the)
enemie that
carac fromthe
would not fuffer
vsto poeand
fecke our ne-
ceffary ſoode. |
f Thatis, by
the enemies
g Their flauery
was fo great,
that they were
not abletoa-
bide it.
h There were
no more lawes
nor fourme
i „With wee-
k Kod there-
fore thy coue»
à — —
—— — —— a
— —
is thought, was petb. > ç
madewhenfome 2 QDurinberitanceisturned tothe rane
of the people
were cariedaway captiue, others, as the pooreft,remained, and fome
_ went into Egypt and other places forfuccour : albeit it feemeth that
nant and mercjescan neuer faile, 1 Whereby is declared that it is
not in mans power to turne to God, butis onely his worke to con⸗
the Prophet forefecing their miferi¢s to come, thus prayed,
ees Ezekiel,
— that Iehoiachin by the counfellof Ieremiah and Ezekiel had yeelded himſelſe to Nebuchad-
nezzar,and fo went into captiuity with his mother and diuers of his princes and of the people,cer-
teine began to repent and murmure that they had obeyed the Prophets counfell , as though the thin
which they had prophefied ſhould not come to paffe,and therefore their eftate fhould bec fill mifera-
ble vnder the Caldeans, By reafon whereof hee confirmeth his former prophefies, declaring by new
vilions and reuelations fhewed vnto him, that the citie fhould moft certainely be deftroyed, andthe
people grieuoufly tormented by Gods plagues, infomuch that they that remained, Mould be brought
into cruellbondage, And leftthe godly thould de(paire in thefe great troubles, hee affureth them that
God wil deliuer his Church at his time appointed,and alfo deftroy their enemies which either afflided
them,or reioycedin their miferies, The effect of the oneand the other fhould chiefly be pertormed
vader Chrilt,of whom in this Rooke are many motable promiles, and in whom the glory of the new
Temple fhould perfectly bercftored. He prophefied there thingsin Caldea , at the fame time that Ie-
r¢miab propheficd in Iudab, and there began ip the fift yeere of Ichoiachins captiuitie.
wert vs , and thus God wosketh invs , before wee can tutne to him,
Terem.3 1,18,
_part of Eupbra-
The vifion.
1 The time wherein Exekiel prophefied and in
what place. 3 His kinred, 5 The viſion ofthe
foure beafis, 26 The-vifion of the throne,
a After thatthe SA Tcametopalic inthe⸗ thir»
booke of the tieth yeere in the fourth mo-
law was found, AAS neth, and in the fft day ofthe
which was the sað Inoneth(as 3 was among the
eightenth yecre í 4 captiues bp the riuer > The⸗
of the reigne of i * bar) that the heauens were
lofiah,fothat — gpened,and J {aw vifians of: Gov.
fiue and twenty 2 Jntbe fift day of the moneth ( which
eeresafter this was the fift peere of king Jotachms capti»
oke was uttie)
found, Ieconiah 3 The word ofthe Lord came bute E»
was led away zekfelthe Peteſt, the onne of Bust, inthe
captiue with zand of the Caldeans, by the riuer Chebar,
Ezckicl(and where the 4 bande of the Loꝛde was vpon
many ofthe im.
people)whothe 4 Gnd J looked, and behold, ac whirle-
firft yeereafter winde came ont of the Flozth,a great clonde
[aw thefe vifions. and afire wiapped about it, anda bight»
b Whichwasa neſſe wasaboutit, and inthe mids thereof,
to wit, in the mids of the fire came our as the
likenelſe of § amber.
tes, fo called. .
Allo out of the mids thereof came the
c Thatis,nota-
bleand excellent likeneſſe of foure ‘beattes, and this was
vifions,fothatit theit foꝛme: they bad the appearance ofa
mightbeknow- · man.
en it was no na 6 And euery one bad foure faces, ande.
turall dreame, uery one had fourewings.
but came of 7_ And their keete were ſtraight keete, and
God. the fole of their feete waslike the fole of a
d Thatis,the calues foste, and they ſparkled like the ap:
Spirit of prophe- pearance of bzight bzafie.
fic,as Chap.3. 8 And the bands of amancame out from
22.and 37-1. vnder their wings in the foure parts of
e Bythisdiuer- them, and thep foure bad thew faces, and
fiticofwordshe their wings. ——
fignifieth the 9 Thep mere giopned by their wings
fearefulliudges oneta another, and when thep went foo2th,
mea: of God, they returned not, but euerp one went
andthegreat ſtraight fozward.
afflictions that Io Gnd the ſimilitude of their faces wes as
fhould come vp- 5 the face of man: and thep foure bad the
enleruGlem, facesfalionontheright fide,and they foure
flOr,paleyeHow. ad the face of a bullocke on the lett fide;
£ Whichwere they foure allo had the face ofan eagle.
the foure Che- Il Thus were their faces: but their
rubimsthatres wings were ſpꝛead out aboue; two wings of
ptefented the every one were ioyned oneto another, and
glory ofGod,as two coucred theirbodies. $
Chap. 3.23. 12 And cuerp one went ftraight foz»
g Thewingof ward: they went whither their + ſpirit led
theone touched them, and they returned not when thep went
the wing of the fooꝛth.
other, 13 The fimtlitude alfo of the beats, and
h Euery Cheru- theirt appearance was like burning coales of
bimhadfoure fire,and like the appearance of lampes; for
faces, the ſace the fireranne among the beaftes,and rhe fire
ofamanand gaue a gliſter, aud outof the fire tiere went
ofa liononthe — lightuing. j
right fide,and 14 Anothe beats ranne, andi returned
the face of a like puto lightning.
bullockeandof 15 @ Mow as J beheld the beaſtes, be-
aneagleenthe olde, awheele appeared vpon the earth by
lefefide, the beafts, hauing foure faces.
4Ebr.whither 16 The kaſhion of the wheeles and their
their ſpirit, x
will wastogoe. 1 That is; when they hadexccuted Gods will: for
afore they returned not, tit] God bad changed the Rat: of things,
The vifion. 309
wozke was like vnto a * chapfolite: and they k The Ebrew
fonre bad one Se, and their faſhion, and word is Tarthith,
their worke was as ong- wheele in another meaning, that
wieele. ; the colour was
17 Ahen they went, they went vpon like the Cilician
their foure fides,and they returned not when fea, ora precious
they went, f j fone {o called,
13 They had ere tings, and height, and HOr,the tres
Wwerefearefull te behold and their rings werg
fullof roe about them foure.
Ig Aud when the bealtes went, the
wheeles went with them: g when the beats
were life vp from the earth, the wheeles
were lift vp. j
20 @Abither their fpirit len them. they
went, & thither Did the ſpirit of the wheeles
leane them, and the wheeles were lifted yp
belives them; fo2 the ſpirit of the beaſts was
in the wheels.
21 Uhen tie beats went, thep went, and
when they ſtood, they food, and when they
were lifted bp from the earth, the wheeles
were lifted wp belides them : foz the (pirtt of
the beats was in the wheeles.
22 And the imilituBeof the firmament
bpon the heads of the beaftes was wonders
full, like vnto chzpiall, (pread ouer theit
beads abou.
23 And ynder the firmament were their
wings ſtreight, theone toward the other:
euery one had tws, which conered them,
—— one had two which couered their
24. And when they went koorth, F heard
the nople of their ‘wings, lke the nople of [ Which decla-
great waters, and as the vopceof the Als redthe fwiftnes,
mighty, cuce the voyte of ſpeach, as the notfe andthe feareful-
of an hofte: and when they RoD, they miet nefic of Gode -
Downe their wings. iudgements.
25 And there wasa voyte fromthe firs m Which fienifi-
mament that wasouet thee heads, when fied thar they
they ſtood, and had let Downe their wings. hadno power
26 And aboue the firmamentthat was ofthemfeluss,
ouer their heads, was the faſhion of ã throne bur onely waited
like puto a ſaphite tone, and ppon the fimi- to execute Gods
litude of the chrone was by appearance, as commandement,
the fimtlitude of a man aboue vpon ít.
27 And F lawe as the appearance of
amber, and as the fimilitude of fire’ round a Whereby was-
about within itta looketo, euen from bts fignified aterri.
lopnes ppiwarde : and to looke tõ, euen dle iudgement
from bhis loynes Downewarde, I fawe as towardthe earth,
bestia offire, and biightneffe round a-
out ic.
28 As the likeneſſe of the bowe,that ts in
the cloudein the Day of raine, ſo was the ap»
pearance of the light round about. s ;
29 Thiswas the appearance of the fimi- © ——
litude of the glozp of the Lord: ana when J the Maieftieo
faw it, J fell -npon my face, and J peard a Gofand the
F eakenefleof
voyce of one that fpake felh,
The Prophet ù fent to call the pesple fromtbheir
A fAD* he fayd butome,> Honneof man, a That is the
itaun bp vpon thy feet,and J wil {peake Lord, _
vnto thee. b Meaning many-
ams whichis bur
earth and ahes, which was to humble him, and cauſe bim to confides
his owne fiate and Gods grace,
2 «AnD
c Sothat hee
could not abide
Gods prefence
till Gods spirit
did enter into
tEb.hard of face:
d Thisdeclareth
on the one part
Gods great affe-
ion toward
his people,that
their rebellion,
yethe will fend
his Prophets a-
mong them,and
admoni(heth his
minifters on the
other part that
they ceafé not to
doe their duety,
though the peo-
plebe neuer fo
obſtinate: for
the word of God
Mall be'either to
their faluation or
greater condem-
e Readeler.1,
| 37. he ſheweth
that for none af-
flictions they
fhould ceafe to
doe their dueties.
£-Heedoeth not
Onely exhort
him to his due- -i
cute it. 8
a Whereby is
‘meant that none
is meete to be
Gods meffenger
before he haue
receiued the
-word of Gad in
his heart, as
verle ro, and.
haue a zeale
delight therein, .
as lere.1 5 16,
Ebr ,deepe lips.
viens children and ftiffe hearted.
2 ¢Qndthefpirit entred into me, when
je had ſpoken vñto mz, and ſet me von my
— fa that J| beara him that ſpake puto
3 And he laid onto me Sonne of man, F
fend theero the chtlozen of Hiracl, toa rebel.
lons nation, that hath rebeticd again® mey
for they and their fathers haue rebelled a
gaint me, cuendntsthisherpDay. = 5
4 Foꝛ they are + impudent chtideen, and
ithe hearted; J vo fend thee vnto them,and
theuthal: fap vuta them; Thus ſayeth the
1020 God.
_ 5 But lurelp they will not heare,neither
indeede willthey ceaſe: fo: they area rebet»
lious boule: pet hall chep know thats there
bath becn a Prophet amongthem.
6 Andthoutonne of man, ⸗ feare thew
not, netther bee afraid of theirwozdes, al:
though rebels, and thornes bee with thee,
and thou remaineit with {cozpions: Eeare
not their wordes, noz be afrayd at theit
leokes,fo2 they area rebellions houſe. i
7 Cheretore chou halt peake my wong
vnto them: bur ſurely they wiil not heare,
neither will chep indeede ceale; for they are
rebellious. ’
8 But thon fonne of man, heare what J
fap vnto chee: bee not thou rebcilious, tike
this rebelliaus joules open thy mouth, and
featethat J gine thee. .
9 And when Jlooked vp , beholde, an
hand was fent vnto me, and log, aroule ofa
booke was theret:
10 And he ſpread it before me,and it was
witten witht and without, and there was
witten theretn,s Lamentations, and mour:
UMG AND woe. i
tie,buealfo giueth him the meanes wherewith he may be able to exe-
Hee (heweth what were the contents of this booke: to
-wit Gods iudgements againft the wicked,
u The Prophet being fed with the werd of God,
and with the conftant boldneffe of the Spirit; 1s
fent unta the people that were im captiusie. 17
The office of true miniſters.
@Daeouer he fayd vnto mee, Honne of b
tan, cate that thou findeſt: a eate this
— and gor, and ſpeake vnto the boule of
trael, —J
2 Ho Jopened my mouth,and hee
me this roule to eate.
3. And he ſayd vnto me, Sonne of man,
cauſe thy bellpto cate, and Gll thy bowels
. with thisroule that J gine thee. Then din
Jeateit, and it was tu my month as ſweete
as bony.
4, Awhe ayd onto me, Goune ofan,
go and enter inte the houſe of Iſrael, and de-
clave them my words.
§ Foꝛ thou art not fent toa people of an
*vnknowen tongue,o2 of an hard language,
bur to the Houle of Ifracl:
6 j2ottemany people of an vnknowen
tongue,o2 ofan hard language wbhoſewords
thon cant not vnderitand: vetit J Gould
fend thee to them, they would obey thee.
7 Butthe boule of Iſxacl will not obey
thee: for they will not obey mee: pea, ali
the houle of Ilrael are impudent and tiie
8 Behold, Jhaue made thy face rong
againtt their faces, ans thy torebead bara
again their foreheads.
9 Ihaue made thy forehead as the ada:
mant, and harder then the fine: feare them
not thercfoze, neither bee afrapd at theit
lookes: :.fo2 they are a rebellions boule.
IO ide fayd mortoner vnto me; Bonne of
nail, receiue tn thine heart allmy wordes
that Jſpeakevnto thee, and heare chem with
thine cares,
II And goe and enter to them that are led
amay captiucs, vnto the childzen of hp peo:
leyand ipeake vnto them, ¢ ceil them, Thus.
apth the Lord God: bur (urelp they will not,
beare neither will hep tnaecde ceaſe.
11 Then the (pire tooke me vp, andJ
heard behind me a noyſe of a great ruſhing,
faying,.4 Bleſſed be the glogp ot the Lord out,
of bis-place.
~ 13 theard allo the noyſe of the wings of
the beaties, that touched one anothtr and,
the ratling of tye wheels that were by them,
cuen a nople of a great ruhing.
14 So the Hpicit itt me vp, and tooke
Me away, and J weit in bitterneſſe, and in⸗
Dignation of mp fpirit, but the hand ofthe
Lod was krong vponine.
Ig hen J came tothem that were lea
away captiues to € Tel-abib, that dwelt by
the riuer Chebar, and J (ate where they
fate, and remained there aftoniſhed among
them e ſeuen dayes.
16 And at the ende offenen dayes, the
woꝛde of the Lord came againe vnto miee,
faving, ,
17 Soine of man, J bane mane thee a
h watchman vnto the houſe ot Iſrael: there-
foreheare the wo: at mpmouth, and gtue
them warning krom me. ad aoe ih
18 (Gben J] Wall fap bute the wicked,
Thou ſhalt fureip dic, and thou glueſt not
bim warning, nog peake to admonily the
wicked of his wicked way, that ye map line,
the faime wicked man Hail Ore in his iniqui
tte Oi bis blood will J require at thine
19 Wet iEchou warne the wicked, and he
turne not foi bis wickednes, no: from hts
wicked Way, he Hall dre in hisiniquttte, but.
thou bhatt deliuered thy ſoule. * the Tewes wère
20 Likewile ika i righteous man tune
from his righteouſnes, and commit iniqui⸗
tte, J wul laya k ſtumbling blocke before
bint, and he all die, becaute thou batt not
gimn hint warning: be Mal dic in his finne,
aad His lxightedus deedes, which hee path
done, Hall nat be remembred : but his blood
wiit J require ac thine Hand. Hag
21 sQenertheleffe, tf thou admoniſh that
tighteous mam that the righteeus tinne not,
and tijat he Dacch not Rune, be Mall true be.
cauſe be is ammoniihed : allio thou batt veli-
uered thy foule.
22 Andthem hand ofthe Lord was there
bpon mee ,. and he ſayd unto me, Srtfe,and
The Prophets charge.
b Ged promis
(eth his affiftance
to bis minifters,
and that he will
give them bold. ,
neile and con⸗
ftancie in their
7. Terem.1.1 8.
c Hetheweth’
what is meantby
the eating of the
booke, which is,
that the minifters
of God may
fpeake nothin
asof themfelues,
butthat oncly ~-
which they haue
receiued of che
d Whereby he
fignifierh, that
Gods glory
fhould not be
diminifhed, al-
though he depars
ted outofhis `
Temple ; for this `
declared that the
citie and Temple
fhould bede-
e This fheweth
thar there is euer
an infirmitie of
the fleth which
can neuer be rege
dy to render full
obedience to
God,andalfo _
Gods grace, who `
euer allifteth his,
and overcome
meth their rebele.
lious affe tions,
f Which wasa
place by Eu-
phrates,where |”
g, Declaring `
hereby, that
“ Gods minifters
mult with adu'fe- |
ment atid delibee |
ration Veter his’?
h Of thisréade’ |
Chap.3 3.2.
i Ifbethat hath '
been inftrugted `
in the right wa
turge baka Si .
k Iwil gue him
vp into a repro.
bate minde,Rom,4.28. l Which kemed to haye hecne donein
faithand werenot. m That is, the pirit of prophefie,
Thefinnes ofthe people.
gocinte thel fiede, ant 3 will there talke
with thee.. '
23 So when F hadrifen sp, and gone
n Meaning,the forth into the field. behoſd, the” glorie ofthe
vifion of the Lod ſtood there; as tge glote which 3 faw
Cherubims,and by the riuer Chebar, and 3 (cil Dowie opon
the wheeies, inp face.
o ReadeChap. . 24 Then the {pirit entred into me, which
2.2 o fet mee yp vpon my feste, and ipake vnts
p Signifyine,that mie anD at to me Come, and Put thy eifg
not onlyhethuld within thine boule- `
not profit, buc 25 ut thou, D nne of man, begold,
they fhould grie- they fhall pur bandes vpon thee, and hall
nonflytrouble dinde thee with them, and chou halt not goe
andaffidhim. out among them,
g Which dec= `- 26 Awd J willmake thp tongue acleaue
reththererrible’ to the roote ef thy mouth. thãt thou halt
plague of jLord, bee dumbe, and hale not bee rothen as a
when Gos Hop- man that rebubeth : for they area rebeitions
peththe mouthe boule.
of bis minifters, 27 But when J| hall haue poken vnto
andthatallfuch thee, J will open thy mouth, and thou halt
aretherodsof fap Buta themi, hus faith the Lord Gor, ve
his vengeance that beareth,let hun beare,and hee that lea-
that doe it, ueth of, * let him leaue: foz chep are a rebel:
lious houſe.
x The beficg ing of the citie of Ierufalem i fig-
nifi-d. 9 The long continuance of thecaptiuitie
of Ifraeli 16 Anhunger is prupheſied to come.
— alſo ſonne ot man,take thee a brick.
Chap. iis}, v.
and lay it beforethee, and purtray vpon
a Which fignifie tt the cttie,cuen Jerufalem,
edthe flubburn-
nesand hardneffe
of their heart.
b Hereby here-
prefentdd the ido-
Jatrie and finne
-of the ten tribes’
{for Samaria was
on his left hard
from Babylon),
and howthey bad
remained therein
three hundred `
and ninetie yeeres
e Which decla:
_ red Iudah, who
¢ The people
fhould ©! ‘ftraitly `
bebeficged, that
they fhould hot
be able roturne
thani rhel
f Meaning, that
whe famine” osit
9 Liou halt allo take vnto thee wheat,
and make thee bead thereof according to the
namber ofthe dapes , that thon ſhalt ileepe
poi thy ibe: euen sthace hundreth and nine
tic dayes halt thou eate thereof.
19 And the meate, whereof thou bait
gate, Mhail bee by Weight, euen® tiventte hes
kels adap: and from time to time thalt thou
vate thereof. =~
Il Thou halt deinke alſo water by mea:
furz, cuen the fire part ofan iin from time
to time fhalt thou oztnke.
I2 And thon ait eate itas barlep cakes,
and thou ali bake tt tin the tung that
commeth out ofman, in their fight.
13 And the Loz fain , Ho thall the chil-
Den of Jiracl eat their vellen bread among
the Genttles whithee F wii caſt them.
I4 Then laid 3, Ab, Lo2d God, behold,
my ſoule bath not Beene polinced: fo2 from
my youth vp, euen vata this boure, 3 baug
not eaten ot a thing Dead, 02 toznein pieces,
— came there any wucleane tich in my
1s Then hee laid putosice, Loe, Jhaue
gingen thee bullocks = Dung fo mans Dung,
aud thou ſhait prepare thy bread therewith.
16 GBozcouer, hee faid bnto mee, Sonne
The figne ofthe haire.
Which were
oulteene mo=
neths that the
citie was befie-
ged,and this was
as many cayes
as lirael finned
h Which make
i Reade Exod.
k Signifying
hereby the great
fearcine of juell
and matterto
1 Muchleffe fuch
vile ceiruption,
m Tobeas fire .
to bake thy bread
of man, bebola, 3] wilibzeake =the ſtaffe of n That isthe
bread in Jerufalem, that thep (ali cat bead
by weight, and with care, and they falt
Drinke water by meafure,and with aſtoniſh ·
ment, teas hiuj ; *
17 Becauſe that bꝛead and water Wall
fatle, they fhaibe aſtonied ote with another,
and (hall conſume awap fo? their iniquitie.
The figne of the haires, where ys fra ed the
defrutionn of the peoples A —
A Nd thou fonne of man, take thee afhary
knife, or take thee a birboursvafozand
caule it ate paſſe vpon thine head,and ppon
thy beard:then take thee balances to wcigh,
and diuide the baire., }
2 Thou thalt burne with Bre the third
patt inthe middes of > thecttie, when the
dayes of the ſiege are fuiflet and thou Malt
take the other third pare, and finite about
it with a knife, and the laft third part thou
fhalt (catter inthe wine, and J will drawe
out a ſword after thent..
3- Chou ſhalt alſo take thereof a fewe in
number, and binde them in thy < lap.
4 When take of them againe, aur caſt
them inte the mibiesofthefire, andburne
them inthe ire: dios thereof walla fire come
fo2th inte ail the honfe of Iſtael.
<2 § Thus faith the Lod God , This is
Jeruſalen: A hauelet tt mthe mids of the
ations and countiepes , that are raund a=
put her.
6 And fhe hath changed my iudgenieuts
forceand ſtrength
fhould nourifh, -
17 and 14.13.
a To ſhaue thine
head and thy
b Towit of thaz.
citie which hee
had purtrayed
vpon the bricke, -
Chap.4:1. By
the fire and pes -
ftilence he meas *
neththe famine,
wherewith one
part peri(hed, due.
ring the fiege of
Nebuchid nez-
zar. By thefword
thofe that were
fhine when Ze-
dekiah fled and
thofethat were
cari¢d away Cape.
tine. And by the
{cattered into the winde , thofe that fled: into Egypt and into other
-parts after tbecitie wastaken, ¢
Meaning, that a very few fhould -
hee lett,sshich the Lord would pref-rue among all thife flormes,bue
not without troubles , atid trial.
d Out of that fire which how,
ab barley,and bea es, and lentils, and rit · -kindlel, fhaa fire come, whiol shall fignifie the deAru@ion of Iſta⸗
ct and fiches, and put them in oñe veſſell, eL € My word and law inte idolatrie and {uperfitions, ..
f Betaufe your
idoles are in
reater num-
er, and your fü-
then among the
profefled idola-
ters,reade lai.
65. 1 1. ot he con⸗
demneth their
ingratitude in
reſpect of his
Leuit, 26.29.
deut.a8.5 36
ment. 4. 10.
g Thatis,I will
not be pacified
till I be reuen-
ged lla.i.24.
_ HOr dangeron,
la Which were
_ the grafhoppers,
mildewe, and
whatfoever were
occaſions of
| famine.
The arrowes of famine.
into wickednefle moze then the nations, and
my (tatutes moze then the countrepes that
are round about bers foz they haue refuten
my tudgements and my atutes, and they
Have nor walked in chem.
7 Cherefore thus faith the Lod God,
Becaule pour fmuletendets greater then the
nations that ave round about pou, and yee
haue not walked in mp ftatutes, neither
baue ye kept my indgements: no,ye baue not
Done according to the tudgements of the nas
tions that are roundabout you,
8 Ghberefore thus laith the Lo20 God,
Behold, J, euen come againk thee, and
will execute indgement in the mids of thee,
efen in the fight of the nations.
9 And J willdocinthee, that J never
DiD before, neither will De any moze the like,
becaule of all thine abominations.
IO Foꝛ in the midsof thee, the fathers
* mall eate their (onnes, and the fonnes Mall
eate their fathers, and J will erecute iunge»
mentin thee, and the wholeremnant ofthee
wiil 3| (catter into all the winds.
IL Ciberefore, as Jliue, faith the Lod
God, Surelp, becaule thon batt defiled my
Hanctuarie with all thy filthines, and wiih
all thine abominations, therefore will J allo
Dettroy thee,netther Mal nune eye (pare thee,
neither will J baue any pitie.
12 The third part of thee hall dte with
the pefttlence, and with famine ſhall they be
conſumed in the mids of thee: and another
third part hall fal by the fwo: round about
thee: and J will (carter the lak third part in-
to all winds, and J will Draw outa ſwoꝛd
after them. :
13 Thus hall mine anger bee accompli-
Hed, and F will caule mp wath to ceale in
them, and J will bee ecamfozted + and they
hall know, that J the Lozd haue ſpoken it
in my zeale, when J haue accompliſhed my
math in them.
14 Mozeouer, J will make thee wake,
and abhorred among the nations, that are
peel about thee , and in the fight ofall that
15 Sothou halt be a repꝛoch and Hame,
a chaſtiſement and an aſtoniſhmentvnto the
nations, that are round about thee, when J
Wail erecute wdgements inthee, tn anger
and in wath, ano in harpe rebukes: J the
Loza haue (pokenit.
16 Aben J thall (end vpon them the
feutll barrowes of famine, which hall bee
forthe Deitruction , and which J wili fena
to deſtroy pou: and F will increale the fae
pri ipa you, and will beake pour tafe
ef bead.
17 *Sowil F (end npon you famine,and
enill beats, and they Wall ſpoyle thee, and
pettilence,and blood chall paffe thorow thee,
and F will bring the fwod vpon thee: J the
Lod Hane fpoken tt.
1 He fheweth that lerufalem {hall be deftroy-
ed for their idolatrie. 8 He prophefieth the repen-
tance of the remnant of the people, and their deli-
Gaine the wo of the Lod came vnto
me, faving, .
2 Honneofman, tet thy face towardes
the* mountaines of Iſxael, and propyelie a»
gainſt them, f
3 And fay, Dee mountaines of Iſrael,
heare the word of the Loꝛd God : thus faith
the Lozd God to themountatnes and to the
billes, tothe riuers and to the valleys, Be-
Hold, J, cuen J will baing a fwod vpon you,
and J will deſtroy pour hie places;
4 And pour altars Wall be deſolate, and
pour images of the > funne tall bee broken:
and Jwill cat Downe pour laine men be-
foze pour idoles. j
§ And J will lap the dead carkeiiesof
the chitdzen of Iſrael before their = idoles,
and J will (catter pour bones round about
pour altars. i
6 Jnall pour dwelling places the cities
tall be Defolate, and the bigh places pali be
laide watte.lo that your altars Hall be made
waite and delolate, and your idoles Hall bee
boken, and ceale, and your images of the
funne Wall be cut in picces,and pour wozkes
fhall be aboliſhed· ; }
7 : And the faine Hall fall in the mids of
you, and pe Wall know that Ji am the Lod.
8 Mec will Jleaue a remnant, d that pou
map baue fome that thall efcape the ſword a-
niong the nations, when pou Hall be ſcatte ·
red thorow the countreps.
9 And they that elcape of pou ſhall re·
member me among the nattons, where they
tall bee in captiuttic, becaule J am grieued
fo: their whozth hearts, which haue Depar-
tedfrom me, and foz their eyes , which baue
gone a whazing after their voles, and they
efhalbe diſpleaſed tn themſelues foz the euils
which they hane committed in all their abo-
Io And they Hall know that J am the
Loꝛrd, and that J haue not faid in vaine,that
3 would doe this eutll onto them. 4
Il Thus faith the Loo God, ‘Smite
With thine hand, and itretch forth with thy
foot and fay, Alas forall the wicked abomt>
nations of the houle of Plrael : for they tall
fall by the ſwoꝛd, by the famine, and by the
pettilence. :
12 ie that is farre off, hall nie of the pe-
ttilence, and he that is neere, Hall fall by the
fwod, and hee that remaineth and is befice
ged, hall die by the famine: thus will J ac-
compli} inv wath vpon them.
3 Then s yee hall know, that J am the
LoD, when their Uaine men Hall be among
therr Boles round about their altars, vpon
euery bie pillin all the toppes of the moune
taines, and vnder euery greene tree, and
vnder euery thicke oke, which is the place
ae thep Did offer fect ſauour to alltheit
14 Bo will J * fretch mine hand tyon
them, and make the land watte,and deſolate
h from the wilderneſſe vnto Drblath in all
their habitations, and they hall krow, that
J am the Lord.
The ende
ly come,
— 2 ile
Sword, famine and peftilence.
ofall the land of F(racl fhall fudden- `
Meane the word of the Loꝛd came vn⸗
Chap. 36.1.
a Hefpeaketh |
toall the places
where the I frae-
lites accuftomed
te commit their
idolatries, threate
ning themde-
b Reade 2,King,
2 3 sile ?
c Incontempt
of their power
and force, which
thall neither be
able to deliuer
you nor them-
d Hee fheweth
that in all dan-
gers God will
preferue afew,
which (hall be
as the feede of
his Church,and
call vpon his
Name, —
e They thall be
athamed to fee,
that theis hope å
in idoles was but
vaine,and fo hall
f by th fe fi
By thefe ſi
he would —
the Prophet
fhould fignifie, ;
the great deftras
ion to come,
g Thatis,all
ye shall fee my
Cha SiT go-
h —* reade,
more defolate ..
then the wilders,
neſſe of Diblath,
which was in Sy-
ria, and bordered
vponIfrael, os
from'the wilder-
neie, whichwas
South ynto Bibs
lath, which was
the whole :coun-
cre ee — — —
e ae a DEAS
B aza.” Zp E” e ee. —
a Twill punifh
thee as thou haft
deferued tor
thine idolatrie,
llOr, behold, guili
commeth after
watch to deftroy
y fiñners , which
he delayech till
here be no more
ope of repen-
c The beginning
əf his punith-
ments is alreadie
voyceof ioy and
e ibe ſcourge ĩs
in a readineſſe.
Thatis, the
roud tyrant Ne-
ie fhallbee a
Forhe fhall
ofe nothing.
] Inthe yeere of
he Iubile, mea-
ing that none
hould enioy the
riuiledge of the
aw,Leui.2 5.1 3+
The buyer and fellere
2 Allo thou ſonne of man, thus faith the
Lod God, Au end is come vuto theland of
Jiraci: whe ent to come vpon the foure cor⸗
ners of the land.
3 Mow is the endcome pponthee, and J
will ient my wath vpon thee,and wil indar
thee accozding to thy wayes, and will lay vp-
on thee all? tyine abeminanons. 5
4 either hail mine eye (pare thee, nei-
ther will J baur pitie; vut J| will lay thy
Wayes vpon thee? and thine abomimatton
Halbe tn the mids of thee, and pe hall know
thar 9 am the Lod.
§ Tyus ſayth the Lod Gos, | Beholve,
one gurii, cuen oxe cutllis come. — :
6 Gn endisconie, the endiscome, tt
> watcijed foz thee: behold, it ts come.
7 The: moning ts come vnto thee, that
Dweilett inthe land: the timets come, the
Dapoftroubiersneeec, E not the ſounding
agatne of the mountaines,
8 Now 3 wiil hortiy powe out my
wéiath vpon thee, and tuihll mine anger vp-
sn thee: Jwili iudge thee actording to tyy
wapes, and wiil lay spor chee all thine abo-
minations. j
9 Neither Hall mine eye fparethee, nei:
ther will J paue pitie, bur 3j will lap bpon
thee accogding to thp wayes, and thine abo-
minations thallbee m the mids of thee, and
pee fall know that J am the LoD that fmi-
is teth
Io Behold, the day,behold,it is come: the
Morning ts gone forth, the © red flourtiheth ;
F pide bath dudded. ; :
11 e Cruelty isrifen vp into aron of wic⸗
kedneſſe: none of them fhallremaine, no? of
their riches no: of anp of theirs,neither Mail
there be» lamentation to: them.
12 Che time is come, the Day Draweth
neere, let not the buyer! refoyce , no? let hun
that felicth,: mourne ; fo? the wrath is vpon
ailthe multitude thereof,
13 Forder that telleth, Hall not returne
to that which ts fold, although they were pet
altue: foz the ™ vifion was nto ali the mii-
titude thereof,& thep returned not," neither
Doeth any encourage himlelfe tn the puniſh ·
ment of bis life.
I4. ° Thephaueblowen the trumpet, and
pepared all, but none goeth ta the barteils
A my Wrath is vpon ali the multitude ther-
15 Thefwom is without, and the peki-
lence and the famine within: pee that isin
the field, Hail Dic with the ſword, and He that
viij, A vilon, 371
Thame fhallbee Hyon all fates, and baldneſſe
dpon their heads, ; Bet
19 Thep valica theirfiluer in y Treetes,
and thew golt all bee calt farreoft: their
* fluer and theté gole cannot deliuer them Pre.rt.g.
in the Day of the Wrath of the Lord:they Mal reph-r.1 8e
not latiliic rhetr foules,ucither fil cher bows clas 5.8.
eis: foz this ruine ts fo2 thetr iniguttie,
20 We had ali ſet the beauty of his? 02
nament in maiettte: but thep made images
of their abominations, and of their tdoles
ae : therefore bane J fet tt farre from
21 Quod J will gine it into the handes of
the 9 rangers to tie (poiled, and to the wic-
ked of theearth tebe robbed, and they mall
pollute it.
22 Ry face will J turne allo from them,
and they Hall pollute my + {ecret place : foz
the Dettropers Mall enter into tt, defie it.
23 ¶ Make a ſchaine: fo: the land is full
ot che tiudgement of blood, and the citicts
full of cruelty. NNS j
24 Giberefore 3 witbing the matt wic-
Kedofthe heathen, tthep Mall potlefle their
boues; J will alfo make the pompe of the
mighty to ceale, and there ” polyp places hail
be Detiled. :
25 hen DeFruction commeth, they Hal
ſeeke peace, and hall not haue tt. 3
26 Galaniitie hall come vpon calamitie,
and rumour ſhalbe ppon rumour ; then Mall
they fecke a bilion ef the Pophet: but the
Raw Hall perii from the Piek, and coun-
fell trom the Ancient. ;
27 The king Hal mourne and the prince
ſhalbe clothed with deſolation, @ the handes
of the people in the land ſhalbe troubled: J
will do vnto them accozding to their waxes
and accorꝛding to their idgements will J
iudge them, and they all know that Jam
the Lod.
y An appearauce of the fimilitude of God. 3 E-
qekielis brought to lerufalem in the Spirit. 6 The:
Lord fheweth the Prophet she idolatrses of the.
honfe of J fraech
A FAD inthe firtpere, in thet firt moneth, a Ofthe captini--
and tn the fife day of the moneth, as J ticofleconiah,
fate in mine houle,and the Eiders of Judah b Which conrei-
fate befoze me, the hand ofthe Lozd Gor fell ned part of Au-
there vpon mee, guſt, and pait of
2 Then J beheld, and loc , there wasalike> Scprember,
nefe, as the appearance of © fire to looke to, ¢AsChap.1. 27.
p Meaning the
g. Thatis, of the:
r Which fignifi-
etb the moitholy
none might enter ~
but the hie Prieft,
{Signifying that
they fheuld be
bourd and led
away captives,
t Thatis, of
finnes that de.
ferne death,
u Which was the:
Temple that was-
divided into
three parts, Pſal
ts inthe citie, famine and peſtilence Hall ne-
ueure bim,
fignified thatall 16 ut they that fiee atway from them,
ould be caried fhallelcape , and hallbe inthe mountatues,
away,anduone TiketheBoucs of the valleys: all they Halt
mourne euery one fo his inignitie.
17 *All hands Mall bee weake, and all
No man for all Knees fall fallaway as water.
his ewdeuoureth 18 *@ bey Wali allio gird themelues with
bimſelf, orraketh fackecloth , and feare ſhall couer them, and
or hiseuill life. Somercad, for none fhall be flrengthened in his ini-
quitie of bis life:meaning , that they fhould gaine nothing by flatte-
zing themfcluesin cuill. o The Iftaclites made abragge , but theit
hearts failed them, 1/4.13,7. ieres6:24, 14153.1676. 48.370
from bis loynes Downeward, and from his
loynes ppward,as theappearance of bright⸗
neſſe, and like vnto amber.
3 And bee ſtretched out the likeneſſe of an
hand.¢ tooke mee by an hairte locke ofintne
head, and the Spirit lift mee vpbetweene
the earth,and the heauen, and beoughtimec
+by a Diuine 4 vilon to Jerufalem , into
the entricof the inner sgate that lieth to-
Ward the 202th , whererematnesd the tole
of findignation, which proucked indigna-
4 And bebold, the glory of the Gon of
ay was T —— to the vilion, that
Jam s inthe fist,
5. Then
Ebra in the vifi-
ons of God,
d Meaning, thar
he was thus cari-
edin (pirit, and
not in body.
e Which was the
porch or ý court,
where the people
f So called, be-
caufeit prousked
Gods indignati-
on,which wasthe
idole of Beal.
gRead cha 3 229,
The vile idolatries of Ifrael.
h That is, inthe
court wherethe
people had made
analcar to Baal,
ĩ For God will
not be where
idoles are.
k Which were
forbidden in the
Law, Leuit. I 1.4.
-l Thusthat they
i S a tyr
fhould haue kept
ali the reft in the
feare & true Rer-
uice of God,
were the ring lea-
dersteal abomi-
mation, & by theic
example pulled
others i God.
m lt was in fuch
n Fer befides
- their common
idolatry, they
had particular
- feruice,which
they had in fe-
geret chambers.
O The lewes
write that this
S Then laid he vnto me, Sonne of man,
lift bp thtae epes now tewacd the Moth.
Ho J itt by mine eyes toward the North,
ant bebola, frorthward atthe gateof the
h altar, this Dole of indignation was inthe
6 He layd furtherinoze vnto me, Sonne
of man eek thou not what thep do? euen the
great abominations that the boule of Iſrael
committeth bere to caule me to depart from
imp Dauctuarie? but vet turne thee & rhow
palt (ee greater abominations. 2
7 And he cauied me to center at the gafe
Of the court: and when Jj looked, behold, an
Hole was tn the wall.
8 Then laid he vnto me,Honne ofan,
Dig nowinthe wall. Ana when J had digs
gea inthe mall. bebelB,there was a doore,
9 And be layd vnto mee, Soe in,and be-
poe the wicked abominations that they Boe
Io DoJ went in, and faw, and bebolde,
there was euery fimtlitude of creeping things
and k abominable beafts , and all the idoſes
ef che houſe of Iſrael painted vpon the wall
round about.
IL Gud there ſtood before them ſeuentie
1 cit ofthe Ancients of the houſe of Dirac,
and in the mids of them food Jaasantab,
the fonne of Mhapkan, with euctymanbts pit
cenler tn bis hand,ana the vapour of che in:
cenſe went vp like ™ a cloud.
12 Theu lard he vnto me, Donne of man,
bat thou feene what the Ancients of rhe
boule of Iſrael = doe inthe Darke, eucrpone
in the chamber of His imagery ? fo: thep fay,
Che Lozdleeth vs not, the Lord hath fola.
ken the earth. :
13 Againe hee fait alfo ball mee, Turne
thee agatne, & thou alt (ee greater aboni-
nations that thep Doe, j
14 Ano he cauled me to enter inte theren-
try of the gate of the Lords boule, which was
toward the oth: and beholde , there fate
Women mourning foge Tammuz. í
Is Then fain be vnto me, Wait thou eeng
this, D fonge of man? Turne thee againe,
and thou alt (ce greater abominations then
wasa prophetof thefe.
theidoles, who
after his death
was once a yeere
mourned for in
she night.
16 And he cauled mete enter into the in⸗
ner court of the Lozds goute,t behold, at the
Dooe of the Temple ofthe Lod, betweene
the porch and the altar were about fiue and
twentte men with their backes toward the
Temple of the Lad, and their faces toward Y
the Cat, and thep wozthipped the funne to»
p Declaring that
the cenfings and
feruice of the
idolaters are but
infeGion & vil-
lany bsfore God.
CHCA 3.4.
ward the Caf.
17 Then he faid vnto me, Mak thou ſeene
this, D fonne sf man? Jls ita fmall thing to
the houle of Judah to commit theſe abomt.
nations which they Dae here ? for thep haue
filled the land with cruelty, and hauc recurs
ned to prouoke me; and lo,thep bane caſt ont
P tinke before their noles.
18 Therekoze wil J allo erecute my wrath:
mine eye Wall not (pare them, neither wul J
haue pitiz, and * though thepcrp in mine
cates With aloud bopce, yee will Jnot heare
a The duuction ofthe city. & They that {hall
be (aned, are marked, 8 A complzint of the Pro-
phet forthe deſtructiox of the people.
HE cryed alfo with a laud opte in mine
eares, laying, The vittatfons ef! the ci
tie Daw neere, ANd euery man hath a weage
pon in dis band to deſtropy tt.
2 And beboid, fire > men came by the
way ofthe bie gate, which lieth toward the
© forth , and every man a weapon-in hts
band to Delroy tt: and ene man among
them was clothed with linnen , with a wis
ters å inkbozne by bis lide, and thep went in
and toon beline the bzaten altar.
3 Gnd the gloy of the Ged of Iſtael
twas ° gone by from the Cherub, whereup-
On hee was, and ftoode on the |i DGoe sf che
Houle, and be called to the man ciothe with
linnen, which had the wetters inkehorne by
bts fide. j
4 And the Lom fayd vnto him, Goe
through the mids of the citie, cuen through
the mids of Jeculatem,and Hiet a marke vp:
on the forebeads of them that £ mourne, and
crie fo: all the abominations that be done in
the mias thereof. i
§ And to che other he fapt, that T might
heare, Go pe after hun through the citie, and
tinite ; ict pour eps pare none, neither paue
O Dekroy vtterly the old, and the young,
and the maids,and the chtidzen, and the wo»
men, but touch no man vpon whom isthe
e marke,and begin at mp @anctuary. Chen
they began atthe *Anctent men, which were Th
befoze the boufe. 3
7 And he fatd vnto them , Defile p houte
and Allthecourts with the faine , then gog
— and they weni out, and fens chemin
e citie.
8 sow when they had faine them, and
J hadelcaped, J fell Downe vpon mp face,
and cryed, faying,' Ah £020 God, wilt thou
Dettrop al the relisue of Iſrael, in powꝛing
out thy wath vpon Jerufalem? ꝰ?
9 Then fai hee vnto me, The iniquitte
of the boule of Iſrael, and Judab is ercee-
Ding great,fo that the land ts full kof blood,
and the citie full of coꝛrupt tudgement : fog
they fay , The Loz hath toxlaken the carth,
and the Lord feeth vs not. ‘
Io Qs touching me alfo, mine eve Mall
not (pare them, neither will J] haue pitie, but
toill recompenfe their wayes vpon their
It And behold, the man clothed with lin-
nen which bad the inkehorne by bis fide,
made repost and faid, Lord , Jhaue Done as
thou batt commanded me,
h Which were the chiefe occafion of all chefe euils , as Chap. 8. 326
i This declareth, thatthe feruants of Ged haue a compaffion, when
they fee hisiudgements executed, k Thacis, withallkind of wice
kedneſſe, reade Ifa, 4.1.
t Ofthesman that tooke hote burning coales out
of the middle of the wheeles of the Cherubims, 8 A
rebearfall of the vifion of the wheeles , of the
beafts,and of the Cherubims. gun
The marked efcape vntouched.
a The time to
take vengeance, |
b Which were
Angels inthe fi-
militude of men,
c Signifying,
that the Babylo⸗
nians fhould
come from the
North to deRrog |:
the citie and the
d Tomarkethé -
that fhouldbe
e Which decla- |
red, that he was
not bound theres
would remaine
any longer,then
there was hope
that they would
returne from
their wickednes, |
and worlhip bim,
tOr, ehrcfhold..
JOr,merke with
f He theweth q
whatis ý maner
of Gods childré,
whom he mar-
keth to faluation:
to wit,to mourne
& cry out againit
the wickedneffe |
which they fee
committed a<
gainft Gods
g Thus inal) his
plagues the Lord
preferueth his
{mali number,
which he mar-
keth,as Exod.t 3.
22.rcue.7. 3, but
the chicfe marke
isthe Spititof
adoption, vhere⸗
with the heart is
fealed vp ro life
Chap.1.2%. A (AB as J looked, beholde,in the * firma-
ment that was abone the heade ot the
a Whichinthe *@berubtms, there appeared vpon them
firft chap. verks. like vate the ſimilttude of athzone, as it
heecaliedthe were a Saphir ſtone.
foure beats. 2 And hee lpake vnto the man clothed
with linnen, and fayd, Goe tn betweene the
wheeles, cuen vnder the Cherub, Ali thine
hands with ceales of fire from betwene the
b This figrified Cherubins,and ſcatter chem ouerbthe city.
that the city And he went in in my tight.
fhouldbeburnt, 3 Nowe the Cherubims tood vpon the
tight lideof the bout when the man went
in and the cloud tilled the inner Court,
Le Meaning, thar 4 Then the glopof the Lord «went vp
‘the glory of God from the Cherub, & food puer tie Dose of
‘fhoulddepart the Houle, and tke boule was filled with the
fromtheTeme cloud, tthe court was filled with the bight-
neſſe of the Loꝛds glory.
§ And thefound of theCherubimswings
twas heard into the vtter court, as the voice
ofthe Almighty Hod when be ſpeaketh.
And when hee had commaunded the
man clothed with linnen, ſaving, Take fre
from betweene the wheelies, and from be»
tweenthe Cherubims, then he went tn and
ftood bene the wheele. í
7 And one Cherub fretched foorth his
hande from betweene the Cherubims vnto
the fire, that was betweenethe Cherubime,
and tooke thereof, and put tt into the hands
of him that was clothed with linnen: who
tooke it and went out. — ý
8 And there appeared in the Cherubime,
as likeneſſe of a mans hande vnder their
9 And when J looked bp, beholde foure
twheeles were benide the Cherubims, ene
wheele by one Cherub, another wheel by
another Cherub,and the appearance of the
suet was as the colour of ae Chaplelice
Io And their appearance (for they were
al foure of one fatyton) was as if one wheele
had bene in another wheeie.
Il Gen thep went fozth,they went vpon
their Foure fides, and they returned notas
they went: but to the place whither the firit
fVntil they had went,they went after tf,and thepfrurncd not
ecuted Gods asthep went. ‘ste
12 And their whole body, & their ! rings,
and their bandes and their wings, anu che
wheeles were full of epes round about, cuen
in the fame foure wheeles.
13 Ant theCherub cried to theſe wheeles
in mine hearing, laying, D iwheele.
14 And euery dealt han foure faces; the
firt face was the face ofa@herub,and the ſe ·
cond face was the face of a man, ethe third
thefaceofalpon,and the fourth the face of
an Cagle.. ; f
I5 And the Cherubims were lifted vp:
*this isthe beatt that J fawe at the river
d Reade Chap,
€ Reade Chap,
Chap. 1.a
wheeles went bp then: and when the Che-
rubims lift bp their wings to mount bp
fromtbeearth.the fame wheeles alfo turned
not from befide them.
17 cAhen the Cherubims fteod, they food:
aus when they were lifted vp, they titted
Coales of fire.Cherubims and Wheeles. Chap.x.xj.
pels Gnd when the Cherubims went, the.
The mockers punifhed. 312
themſelues bp allo; fax theefpivit ofthe beat g There was one
wasin them.. confent between
18 "Zhen thegiery of the Lo Departed the Cherubims
from aboue the Booze of the houſe, aud food and the wheeles,
vpon the Cherubims. h Reade Chap,
Ig And the Ehernbims lift vp their 9.3
Wings, ¢ mounted vp fromthe earth in my
light; when they went out, the wheelies allo
were belides them: anDeuery onc Rood at the
entry at the gateof the Lordes boufe at the
Catt Koc,and the giozy of the Gon of Iſtael
was vpon them on bigh.
20 * This is the beat that J fawe bu-
Der the God of Iſrael by the riuer Chebar,
ane Iknewe that they were the Cherus
21 Guery one had foure faces, and encry
one foure wings, and the likeneſſe of mans
Hands was vnder their wings.
22 And the likeneile of their faces was:
the felfe lame faces, which J faw by the rts
uer Chebar,and the appearance of the Che-
tubins was the felfe fame, & thep went euery
One itraight forward.
—— — ——
1 Who they were that feduced the pesple of If-
rael. 5 Agasn{i thee he prophefteth, oven the
how they [halbe difperfed abroad, 19 The renews
ing of the beart cometh of God. 21 He threatneth
them that leane unto their owne coun fels.
M2erouer tie Spirit lift meevp, any
brought me vunta the Eaſt gate of the
Lo:ds boule, which Iyeth Ealtward, and
bebolde, attheentrp of the gate were fine
and twenty men: among whome J fawe
Jaazantah the ſonne of Azur, and Pelati-
ab the ſenne of Benatah, the princes of the 2 Thusthewies -
people. Ked derided the
2 Then layd He vnto me,Sonne of man, Prophets, as
thel ave themen chat imagine mifchiefe, though they
and denile wicked counteil tn this city. preached bur-€r=~
3 Forthepfay, 2 Ft is not neere, let vs rors, & therefore
build houſes: thiscitiets the > caldzon, and gavetheméelues
we be the flet. 2 Ril totheir plea
4 Tierefore prophefie againk them, fon fares.
of maz,pzopbefie.
§ And the Spirit ofthe Lode feli spon
meand fayd yntome, Speake, Thus ſayth leruſelem, tiſthe
the Lozd.D pe houſe of Firael, this haue pee boure of our
fayde,and F knowe that which riſeth pp ef death come, as
pour mindes. the fieſh isnot
6 Many hane ye murthered inthiscity, raken out of the
and pe haue filled the Rrectes thereof with caldron till it bee
the Haine, fed,
7 Therefor thus fapththe Lorde Ged, c Contaary to
They that ye haue faine, and hane layed in their vaine confi-
the middes of it, they are c the few, and this dence he hewerh
city is the caldzon,butZ will bag you fozth inwhar fenfe this
of the mids ofit. citie js the cal-
8 Dee haue feared the ſword, and J wilt dron: tharis,be-
bring a ſword vpon you, ſaith the Loꝛð Gap, caule of the dead
9. And J will bang you out ef the mids bodies that haue
thercof,anud deliuer pou into the 4 hands of bene murdred
ftrangers, and will crecute. indgements a⸗ therein, end fo
WONG pow: ; lie as flefh inthe
10 Dee Hall fall by the huozde,and J will caldron,
indge pou in the border of: Iſrael, and pee d Thais, ofthe
hall know that J am the Lord. Caldeans.
11 This citie fvallnot bee your caldo, e Thatis, in
neither thal pe be b flety in the mite therof, Ri lab, Reade
but J willindgs yon in thg border ae 2, King, 25» $-
Chap 1.15-
i Thatis,the
whole body of
the fonre beafiss-
ot Chesubims.
be pulled out of-
An heart of fleth,
f Te feemeth thar
this noble man
died of fome ter-
rible death,and
Prophet feared
fome ftrange
iudgemét of God
toward the reſt
of thepeople,
g They that re-
mained [till at le-
rufalem,thus re-
proched them
that were gone
into captivity,as
though they were
caft off,and for-
faken of God.
h They fhall be
fhewing that the
Lord will euer
baue fome to call
vpon his Name,
who he will pre-
ferue and reftore,
though they be
for atime affii-
Iere. 32.39.
chap. 36.26.
1 Meaning, the
heart, whereunto
nothing can en-
ter, and regene-.
tatethem anew,
fo that their heart
may be foft,and
ready toreceiue
my graces,
k When Teco-
niah was led a-
way captiue.
12 And ye Hal know that am she Lord:
fo? pee baue not walked in mip ſtatutes, net»
ther erecuted my tudgemets, but haue done
after themaners of the heathen, that are
round about poit. :
13 (And when J prophelied, Pelatiah
the fonne of £ Benaiah died: thenkell J
Downe npon my face,and ceryed with a lont
voyce, and fapde, Ah Lorde God, wilt thou
cies veterly deſtroy all the remnant of Jl
waste 95
14 Againe the word of the Loꝛd came bre
to me laying,
Is onne ofman thy ebrethren, euen thy
brethren, the men of thy kinted, and all the
Houle of Iſrael, wholly are they unta whom
the inhabitantes of Jerufalem haue layare,
Depart pe farre fram the Lezd; for the lana
is giuen vsin poſſeſſton
16 Therefore fay, Thus ſayeth the Lard
God, Although J haue cat them farre off as
mong the heathen, x although J haue ſcatte·
bed them among the countries pet will F be
to them asaltttle® Sanctuary in the coun-
tryes where they Hall come.
17 Therefor fay, Thus layth the Lon
God, J wil eather you agate from the peo;
ple, andailemble you aut of the countrepes
where ye haue bin (cattered, and J wil gtue
pou thelandefFlracl. $
18 And they thall conte thither, and they
Wali take away al the tveles thercof,and all
the abominattons thereof from thence.
_ 19 And J will gine chem one heart, and
J wil puta new (pirit within fheir bowels :
and J wil take the: ony beart out of their
bodies, and J will giue them an beart of
20 That they may walke in my ſtatutes,
and keepe my tudgements, € evecute them ;
and they Mall bee mp people, and 3 will bee
their God, oF
21 But bpon them whole heart is to»
ward their doles, ẽ whole affection goeth
after their abominations, J will tap their
i vpon theirotwne heads, tapth the Lord
22 C Then did the Cherubims lift vp
their wings, and the wheeles belides them,
ano the glozyof the Gov of Iſrael was vpon
them on hye.
23 And chegloryof the Lorde went hp
front the mids of the citie, and tood vpon
the mountayne which tstowarde the Cak
fide of the city. fr
24 Afterward the Spirit tooke mee by,
and brought me ina viſion by the Spirit of
God into Caldea to them that were led a»
tuay captives: fo the vilion thata had eeng,
went bp fron me.
25 Then J declared onto them that were
led away captines, all the things that the
Lod had Hewed me.
Cc H A P. X I I,
i Theparable ofthe captiuity. 18 Another
parable wherety the diftreffe of hunger and thing
ú figuified,
Te mow ofthe Lozd allo came punto me,
2 Sonne of man,thoudwelleft in ý mids
ofa rebellious boule, which bane eyes to fee,
- Ezekiel.
The little number.
ai (ee mot:they haue eares to heare,ebeare a That is,they
not: fa: they ate a rebellious boule. receiue not the
3 Therefore thou ſonne of man, tepare fruice of char
thy tuffe to go into captiuity, t go foosth by which they fee
Day in their light: and thou Halt palle front and heare,
thy place to another place in their fight,tf tt t Ebr. make thee
be poſſiblethat they map confideritstoz they vegel to goe into
are a rebellious boule. captauity.
4 Chen Hale theu bring forth thy ufe
by Day tn their light as the tuffe of him that
gocth mto captiuttp: and thou halt go forth
at cucu in their ſight, as they that gee foorch
tito captintty. i $
§ Digge thou thzough the wallin thete
fight,and carey out thereby. i
6 Jn their light ſhalt thou beare tt vpon
thy ſhoulders, & carp it foozth in the Darke:
thou halt couer thy face that thou lee not
the earth : foz haue (et theeasa® ligne py- P That asthou
to the boule of Hivacl. docft,(o thall
7 And as 3J was comanded,foF brought they doc,and
forth my tufe by Day,as p ftuffe otone that therefore in chee)
goeth into captinitp: and by night Jdigged they həll fee
thozow the wall with mine hand,ebzought their owne
it foorth in the Darke, and J bare tt vpon my Plague and pu-
Houlder in their ight. nithment,
8 And in the moning cane the word of
the Lezd vnto me laying,
9 Horne ofman, hath not the boule of
Plcacl, the rebellious boule, fayd onto chee,
Chat: Doet thou? c Doenot they
IO Butfaythoubnto them, Thus ſayeth deride thy do-
the Loꝛd God, This burden concernerh the ings?
chtete in Ferulalem, and all the houle of Iſ- llOr,prophefie,
racl,that ave among them.
IL Hay, J am pour ligne: like as J haue
Done, fo thatl it be Done vñts them, they hall
go inte bondage and captiuttic.
12 And the chicfelt that is among then,
ſhall beare vpon his ſhoulder in the Darke
and hall gotorthe theyſhall dig through the
wall, to carrie out thereby: bee hall couer
bis face, that be fee not the ground with his
tyes. > $
13 My netallo will J pead vpondhim, d When the king |
and he hall be takenin my net, and J will fall thinke to
bang him to Babelto theland of the Calde· eſcape by fleeing.
ans,pet fall he not ſee it, though he ſhall die 1 will take him
there. in my net,as
14. And J wil (catter toward euery wind Chap. 17.a0. and
all that ave about htm to helpe bim, andall 32.3.
Hts garifons,and J will draw out che ſwoꝛd
after themi.
Is And they hall knowe that J am the
Lod, when J wall (catter them among the
nations,and diſperſe them in the countries,
16 But J twill leane a little numberof e which ſhould
them fromthe ſword, from thefamine,and bearehis name
fromthe peftilence, that they may Declare and thould be
all thefe abominatiens among the heathen, his Church,reade
where they come, and thep Mall know, that Chap.ı 1,16.
J am the Lord.
17 C Worcouer, the word of the Lorde
came pntomee,faping,
18 Sonne of man, cate thy bread with
trembling,and Minke thy water with trous
ble,and with carefulneffe,
19 And lay vnto the people ot the land,
Thus fayeth the Loze God of the inha⸗
bitants of Jerufalem, and of the land of
Iſrael, They Hall gate their bzead —
€ Becaufe they
did not imedis
atly fee the pro-
phefied accom-
temned them,
as though they
fhould neuer be
fOr, take none
@ Thatis,ic hall
Mot com to paffe
dn our dayes,and
therefore we care
not for it $ thus
the wicked euer
abule Gods pae
tience and be-
Chap. 14.9,
After their
pwne Fantafie,
and not as ha-
b Watching to
defttoy the vine-
He fpeaketh
to the gouernors
fand true mini-
[people and now
Je ſce their de-
ftrution. inthar
tis manifelt
hat ye are falfe
Faife prophets like foxes:
carefulnefic, and dtnke their water with
Belolation: fo? the land thal be Delolate from
ber abounBance, becauſe of the crueltte of
them that dwell therein. A
20 And the cities that are inhabited, hall
beleft vopde, and the land fall be Delolate,
and pe Hall know that J am the Lod.
21 @ And the word of the Lord came vn⸗
tome ,faping, i
22 Sonneofman, whatis that pꝛouerbe
that pou haue in the land of Iſrael laying,
rera E are prolonged, andali vilions
23 Tell them therefore, Thus layth the
LoD G00, J will make this prouerbe ta
ceale, and they ſhall no moze vie itas a pza»
uerbe in Tirael : but fay vnto them, Che
paves ate at hand, and the effect of eucry vi-
24 Foꝛ no vifion wall bee any meze in
baine netther hall therebe any flattering De-
uination within the ponte af Iſrael
25 Fez Jamthe Lod : J wiil {peake,
and that thing that J ball (peak, hall come
to palie : tt all be no moze prolonged :fo2 in
pour Bayes, D rebelitous boule, will J fay
the ching, Ewill perkorme it, faith che Lord
26 Agatne the word of the Lod came vn⸗
to me, taping,
27 Bonne of man, bebolde, they ofthe
beuk of Jiraci lap, The vilon that he teeth
is foz e many Dayesto come, and be propbelt>
eth of the times that are farte off.
28 Therefozetapunte them, Thus ſayth
the Lord God, Alimy words hallnolonger
bee delayed, but that thing which J baue
{poken, hall be Done, fatth the Lod God,
2 The word of the Lord againft falfe prophets,
which teach the peoplethe counfels of their owne
AL the wo2d ofthe Lod came bnto me,
2 Honneofman , pꝛopheſie again the
prophets of * Jael, that prophefic, and fay
thouvnto them, that pꝛopheſie out of ther
⸗ owne hearts, Heare the word ofthe Lon.
3_ Thus layth the Lord God, Coe vnto
the foolt} prophets that follow their owne
(pirit and hane feene nothing. —
4 O Jitael, thy Pophets are like che
Fores > inthe watte places. — ;
ucr man of bim-
{elfe fetteth forth
vnder the autho⸗
ritie of Gods
i Thefe fuperfti-
tious women for
lucre would pree
phefie and tell
euery man his
them pillowes te
leane vpon, and
kerchiefes to coa
uer their heads,
to the intẽt they
might the more
allure them and
bewitch them.
k Willyemake
my word to ferue
your bellies ?
1 Thefe forcerers
made the people
could preferue
life ordeftroy it,
& tharitfhould
come to cuery
one according as
they prophefiecs
m That is, to
caufe them to
périth,and that
n By threatning them that
God doth difco- and commeth to thes
Idolsin the hearts
haue not made ſadde, and ſtrengthened the
hands of the wicked, thar he hould not re ·
turne from his wicked way, by promiſing
Hun life, Í
23 Thertfeze ve Hhatl (ee no meze banitie,
noz diuine Diuinations: foz J) wil deliuer my
peopic ont of your hand, and pee ſhall know
that Jamthe Lod.
4 The Lord fendeth falfe prophets for the îns
gratitude of the pesple, 22 He referueth a {mall
portion for hi Church.
Hen came certaine of the Civersof Je
rael vnto me, and (ate before nie.
a Hee theweth
the hypocrifie l
of cheldolaters, me, faying,
who wili diem. 3 @oimeofman, thelemenbauetet sp
blerohearethe their Moles in their e heart, and put the
Prophets ofGod fumbling blocke of their iniquitie before
though incheir
heart they follow them?
nothing leffe 4 Therefor ſpeake vntothem, ant fap
thentheiradmo- vnto them, Thus ſayth the Lord God, Eue⸗
nitions, and alfo ty man ofthe boule of Ilcael that ſetteth op
howebyone bis tualesinbis heart, Eputtech the fume
meanes or other, bling blacke of his iniquitie before his face,
rophet, F the Lod
ucr them, will anſwere him that commeth, according
b. Theyarenot to the multitude dof bis idoles,
onely idolaters § That eJ may take the houle of Iſrael
inheare, but alſo tn their owne beart, becaule they are all ae-
worfhip theirs parten from me theough their oles.
filthic idoles 6 Therefor fay vuto the houle of Iſrael,
openly, which Thus layeth the Loa Gov, Returne, and
Yeadechemin Wthdraw pout ſelues, and turne pour faces
blindnefle,and from your tdoles, and turne pour faces fram
caufethemro all your absminations.
fumble, and 7 Sox eucryone of the boule of Hrael.oz
catthemourof of the ranger that’ varneth in Frael,
Godsfauour, fo which departeth from me, and ſetteth vp bis
thathewillnot {oles in bisheart, and putteth the tum-
heare them when bling blecke of his iniquitie befoze bts face,
sheyeallvnto and comuineth to a Pꝛzovhet, fo to enquire of
niwm, reade Iere. biasfor mee, J the Lord wilianhwere bint
$0. 15,
ifor my ſelfe.
z Toinquireof § And J will let my face againlt chat
thingswhichthe man, and will make btm anerample € poe
Lordhathap- ¶ uerbe, and J will cut him off from the mtag
pointedrocome of my people, and pee ſhall hnow that jam
to paſſe. the Lord. | 5
d Ashisabomi- 9 Anaiftheprophetbe fdeceiued, when
mationhathde- he hath ſpoken a thing, 3 the Lot haue de⸗
ſerued: that is, he ceiued that prophet, and J wilt ftretch ont-
fhalbeledwith mine baud bpon him, and will deſtroy bin
lies: according from the ming ofmy people of Iſrael.
ashedelichted 10 AnD they bal beare their punihment:
therein,a The, thepunifhment of the propdet ſhall bee euen
3.10, - asthe punichment of him that aſketh,
¢ Thatis, cod- IE That the houle of e Iſrael map go no
wincethemby imiozealtrapframe, neither be polluted any
` aheirowne con moꝛe with all their tranſgreſſioñs, but that
ſcience. they may be my people. and Jmay be their
fOr, dy my felfe. O90, faith the Lord Gov.
£The Prophet 12 E The woo of the Lom came againe
declar eth that
Gad for mansingratitude raifeth vp. falfe prophets to feduce them
ehar delight in lies racherthenin thetruethof God, & thas he pu-
mifberh finne by finne, 1 King, 22. 20, 22. and deftroyech afwell
ehofe prophetsasthat people. g Thus Godsiudgements againſt the
wisked are admonitions to the godly to cleaue vato the Lord, and’
ast to defie themſelues with ike abominations.
2 Andehe word ofthe Lozd came vnto b
their face; Hould J, being required, aniwere f
Noah, Daniel, Tob. Ofthe vine,
onto nie, faying,
13 Bonne of man, when the land finneth s
agatnt mee by committing a treſpaſſe, then
will J tretch out mine hand vpon tt, sand b Reade Chap.
wil dzeakethe ttaffe of the beeavthereofand 4. 10.and 5. 17.
tilien famine vpon it, and J wilineitroy 10.3.1.
man and bealt forth of it .
14 Though theiethzee men, i Moab, Dae
nicl, and Job twere among them, they houla
deltuer but their owne outes by their rtgh
teoutnefle, Guth the Lord Gov. ; their time were
15 JfF bring noplome beafkes into the moft godly men,
land, and they pople it, ſo that it be velate, ( forae cthistime }
that no man may pafe thorowe, becaule of Daniel was ia
cakes, ; captiuitie with
I6 Though thefe three men were in the Ezekiel) andfo
mids thereof, As J liue faith the Lozd God, thefe three toge-
thep thal ſaue neither fonnes no? Daughters; ther fhail pray
they onely thall bee DelinereD , But the laid for rhis wicked
allbewatte. _ k people,yet would.
17 Dit J bing a ſword vpon this land, Inot heare them
and fay, word, goe thorow the land, lothat reade Tere. 15.14,
Jdeſtroy man and beat out of it, k Meaning, ya
18 Though thele thzee men were in the very few (which
middes thereof, As Fltue , faith the Lozna hee calleth the
God, thep Hall Deliner neitherfonnes noz remnant,ver,23)
Baughters, but theponelp ſhall bee deliuered Mould efcape )
themielucs. ee? 3 thefe plagues
Ig D2if3 lend a peftilëce into this land, whom God bathif
and poweout my wꝛath vpon it tibleod,te fan@ifiedand f
Delroy out of ttmanand beat, made righteous,
20 Anvthough f2oah, Daniel and Job fo that thisrighe
were fn the middes ot it, As J tiuclatththe reoufneffeis a
Lod God, they Mall Delmer neither ſonne figne thatthey
no? Daughter z they ſhall but deliuer their are the Church
owne ſoñles by their righteouſneſſe. of God, whom`-
21 ffo thus fatty the Loꝛd God, Powe he wold pre-
much moze when J) fenne my * foure foze fere forhisownes}
iudgements vpõ Jeruſalem,euen the two, fake.
and famine, and the noyſome beaſt, and pe: Chap.5.17.
ſtilence, to deſtroy man and beaſt out ofit?
22 Pet hehotd, therin halbe lett a Irem ) Reade Chap,
nant of them that hall be carped away both 5.3. l
fonnes and daughters: beholde, thep all
tome faoth vnto pou, and pe Hall fee therm
wap, and their enterpztles sand yee hall beg-
comfozted, concerning the euill that g paue
bought upon Jeruſaſem, euen concerning -
all that J baue brought vpon it,
23 And they Halt comfort pou. when pee
fee their way and their entcrpaties, and pee
fhaltknow, that 3i baue net done without
caule ail that J Hane Done in it, ſayth the
LRI God.
As the uuprofttable wood of the vine treet
cafe intothe fire, fo Ieruſalem fhalbe burnt,
Ae the wod of the Lozd came vate
me, faping,
2 Honneofman, what commeth of the
vinetree aboue all other trees ? and of the
vine branch, which is among the = trees of -
the fozrett?
2 ball wood be taken thereof to doe a-
ny woke 202 will men take a pinne of tt to
bang any veifell thereon? 5
4 Behold, itis cat inthe freto beton-
fumed : the fire conſumeth both the ends of
it, and the midves of it is burnt. Jls it meete
fo, any woke? : z
5. Behold, when it was whole, a
i Though Noah
& lob were now
aliue, which in
a Which brin-
geth foorth ne
fruit, no more
then the other
trees of the foreft |
doe : meaning,
that if Ierufzlem,
which bare the
name ofhis
Church, did noe
bring forth ſcuit
it Mould be vt-
terly deftroyeds
Gods benefits‘on Ierufalem.
- meete for no worke: bow much tele fallit
he meet foz anp woke, when che Gre bath
conſumed it,and it ts Larne?
6 Therefore thus faith the Lord God,
As the vine tree that is among the trees of
the fozett, tubich J baue given to pare tebe
confumed , fo wil J giue the tnbabitants of
7 Ana J will (et my face again them:
they all goe out from onet fire , and another
fire all confume them? and yee fall know,
that Jam the Lozd, when Iſet my face ae
gaint them,
8 And when J make the land wafe , bes
caule they haue greatly offended, fayth the
L928 Goad,
The Prophet declarcth the benefits of God toward
Ierufalem, 15 Their unkindnes. 46 He iuftifieth
the wickednes of other people in comparifon of the
Ginnes of lerufalem. 49 The caufe of the abomina~
trons into which the Sodomites fell. 60 Mercie ss
Promifdto the repentant.
Ae the woꝛd of the Lod came pnta
2 Sonne of man, cauſe Jeruſalem ta
aThouboaftek knew ber abominations,
tobeofthefeede 3 And lay, Thus faith the Lo2d God vrs
i| of Abraham, but to Ferufalem, Chine habitation Erby kine
thouart dégene- redig of the land · of Ganaan: thy father
rated & followeft twas an Amoꝛite, and thy mother an Hittite.
theabominations 4 And tn thy natinitie when thou watt
of the wicked bborne, thy nanill was not cut: thou wat
Canaanites,as not waſhed in water to ſokten thee: thou
children doe the waft not falted with fale, noz ſwadled in
manersof their cloutes. -~
|fathers,lfa.r.g, g- Mone epepitied thee to Do any of thele
unto thee, fo: to baue compaflion vpon thee,
but thou walt caf out into the open field,to
brought thee out thecantempt of thy perlon in the Day that
of Egypt, and = thou waft bone.
planted theein 6 And when J pales by thee, J awe
thislandtobe thee poiluted in thine owne blood, and Jl
my Church. fafu bnto thee, when thou waſt in thy blood,
eBeingthusin hou fhaltitue: eum when thou watt in thy
thy filchinefle blond, 7 fait vnto thee, Chon fhalt line.
andforfakenof 7 J haue cauſed theeta multiplie, as the
allmen,icooke budofthe field, and thou bat tncreales and
theeandgaue waren great, and thou hak gotten excellent
theclife , where- ornaments: thy breaſts ave fathioned, thine
byismeantthat hatre is growen, whereas thou walt naked
before God wath and bare,
hisChurch,and 3 Mow when J paſſed by thee, and logs
giue life, thereis ked bpon thee, beholde, thy time wasas the
nothing bur fil- time of loue, and J] ſpread my thivts puer
thineffe and thee, and couered ê thy filthinefle: pea, J
death. fware vnto thee, and entred into a coucnant
Thefewords with < thee, faity the Lozd God, and thou bee
as hlood,pollu- :
b Though they
— ———— dag-
)} ger,yet another
| Beall take them.
cameſt mine.
tion,nakednefle, 9 Then walked J thee with f warer: yea,
and filthines,are J waed away thp blood from thee, and
f oftentimesre- SAhotnted thee with ople.
eated,to beat 10 J clothed thee allo with broydered
owne their tuzke, and {hod thee with badgers tkinne,
4 Ipride,and to and Jgirded thee about with ane lümen,
‘leaufethemto and 3| couered thee with filke.
nfider what
! [they were before God receiued them to mercy, fauoured them,& co-
ered cheir hame, e That thou thouldeft bea chaft wife yaco mee,
nd that I fhould maintaine thee & endue thee withall-graces. £I
thed away-thy finnes, g 1 fan@ified thee with mine holy fpiric,
11 J] Decked thee allo with ornaments,
and J put bracelets vpon thine bandes, and
a chaine on thp necke.
12 And J put a frontlet vpon thy face,
and earerings tn thine cares , and abcautte
full "crowne npon thine bead. _
13 Thus waf thou deckt with gold and
fluer, and thy rayment was of fine linnen
and fitke and bꝛoidred wozke: thou diddeit
cate fine foure, and hony and oile, and thon
watt very beautifull,and thou diddeſt grow
bp inte a kingdome.
14 And thy name was (pread among the
beathen foz thy beautp: foz it was perfect
theough my i beauty which J bad (et vpon
thee, faith the Lord God.
Is Now thou dine * trut in thine otwne
beautp, and pᷣlayedit the harlot, becaule of
thy renowme, and batt powꝛed ont! thy for»
nications on euery one that paſſed by, tby
defire was to him.
16 And thou diddeſt take thy garments,
and Deckedk thine high places with diuers
colours mand plapedit the harlot thereupon:
the like things Mallnot come, neither path
any Bone fo, WA
17 Thou halk allo taken thp faire iewels
made ofaip gold and of my filuer, which F
Had giuen thee,and "mandett to thy ſelfe ima-
ges af men,and diddeſt commit whoredome
with them,
13 And tookeſt thy broidred garments,
and coucredit thent: and thou balk fet mine
oyle and my perfume before them.
19 Gy meate allo which J gaue thee, as
fine Roure , vile and hony wherewith J| fedne
thee, thou baft cuen fet tt befoze them foz a
fweet favour: thus it wag laith p L00 Good.
20 Wozcouet, thou hak taken thy ſonnes
aud thy daughters, whome thou batt bone
vnto Ale, and thele hatt thon ſacrificed vnto
them , toc bee Dewoured: fis this thy whoze-
Dome a {mall matter? [
21 That chou hatt ſſain mychildren, and
Delivered them to cauſe them to paſſe thorow
fire fog them, RIE
22 Gud in all thine abominations and
whoredomes, thou hat not remembzed the
Dayes of thy youth , when thon watt naked,
aud bare, and watt polluted tn thy bloon.
23 And belide all thy wickedneffe, (wae,
woe vnto chee, fapth the Lord God.)
24 Chou pati alfo built vnto thee an die
place, and halt made thee an hie place in ga
nery treet. ; f
25 Thou baf built thine hie placeat eue·
ty i cogner of the way, thali made thy bean-
tytobe abhorred: thou bak opened thy feete
to euery one that patted by, and multiplied
thy whozedome. 4 a Sad
26 Chou fat al committed fornication
Wwith ther Egyptians thy neighbours which
baue great members . and att increaſed thy
whoꝛedome to prciskeme.
27 Beholde, therefore I din ſtretchout
mine hand ouer thee,and wil diminiſh thine
odinarie, and deliuer thee puto the toill of
them that bate thee, euen to the | Daughters
ofthe Philiſtims, which arcathames ofthy
wicked way. Y i
28 Thouhalk paved the whore alſo with
Rr 2 the
lOr, caties, °
Herynkindnes,andidolatrie. 314
h Hereby hee
Mheweth how heé
ſaued his eburch,
entichedit and
gaue it power
and dominion
to reigne,
i He declareth
whereinthe dig⸗
nitic of Ierufa-
lem ſtood, to
wit, in that that
the Lord gaue
thé of his beauty
and excellency.
k Inabufing my
gilts , and in puts
ting thy confi-
dence in thine
owne wifedome€
and dignitie,
which were the
occafions of
thine idolatry.
Í There was none
idolatry fo vile,
— thew
didit not pollute
thy felfe.
m This declaseth
how the idola-
ters put chest
chiefe delight im
thofe things,
which pleafe the
eyes and out=
ward ſenſes.
n Thou haft cons
uerted my vefiels
aod inftruments,
which I gaue
thee to ſetue me
with,to the vſe
of thine idoles.
o Meaning,by
fire,read Leuit
18.21, 2,King.
lOr, bead.
p He noteth the
greatimpicty o
this people, who
firt falling from
Godte fteke
helpe at ſtrange
nations, did alfo
at length ime
brace theiz ido.
latrie, thinking
thereby to make
their amity more
ae /
Ieruſalems iudgement for her whoredome. Ezekiel. Sodom more righteous then Terufale
8 8 m.
the Apiang, becauſt thou watt inſatiable:
pea, thou haſt played the harlot with chem,
and pet couldett notbelatiffied, = =
29 Thou hak moꝛeouer multiplied thy
famitation from thetand of Ganaan vnto
—— yet thou watt not lathes here»
30. ow weake fs thine heart, fayth the
Lod Gos, ſeeing thou Dock al theſe things,
cuen the wozke of a | prefumptions whoriſh
woman? —
31 Ju that thou buildeſt thine hte place
in tye cogner of euery way, and makeſt thine
bie place in euery rect, and halt not beene
HOr that wilt
beare rule.
q Meaning,that as an harlot a that deſpiſeth a reward,
fomeharlots 32 But as a wike that playeth the harlot,
contemnefmall and taketh others foz ber huſhand:
rewards,but no 33 Thep gtue gifts to all otherwheres,
louers gaue a re- but thog giuelt gitts vnto all thy louers,and
ward to Ifrael,
but they gaue to thee on eiery Aue fo: chp forntcation.
allothers:figni- 34 And the contrary is in thee from o-
Fyingthatthe — ther women in thy fozntcations, neither the
idolatess beftow like foꝛnication hall bee after thee: foz in
oftheirfubftance that thou gine a reward,and no reward is
whichthey re- giuen vnto theg, therefore thou art contra:
ceiue of God for pie,
hisglory,toftrue 35 Aherekoꝛe, D harlot, beare the wod
their vileabomi- of tye Loz.
nations. 36 Tius fapth the Lod Gov, Becaule
[Or nether parts. thy | fame twas powt out, and thp fl-
: thinetle ditcoucred thiongh thy foznications
wWith thy louers, and with ail the iDoles of
thine abominations, and by the blood of
thr chilazen, which thou diddeſt offer unto
37 Beholde, therefore J will gather all
z Egyptians, AG rtiylouers, with whome thou batt taken
fyriansand Cal- pieaſure, and all them that thon haſt loued,
deans,whom = With all them that thou haſt hated: J will
thoutookeftro euen gather them round aboutagaint thee,
bethyloucrs, and will diſcouer thy filthineffe vnto them,
fhallcomeand = that they may fee all thy lilthineſſe.
deftroy thee, 38 And J williudge thee after the maner
Chap-23.9. ofthem thatare! hartots, andofthem that
È Iwill judge Hedblood, and will gine thee the bleed of
theetodeath,as Wath and ícioufie. = = ~
the adulterers 39 FJ wtil alle give thee inte their hands,
gad mutherers, and they fhalldettrop thine bie places: they
fall beeake Downe thine bie places : thev
thal trippe thee alib out ofthy clothes, and
Wall take thy faire iewels and leaue thee nas
keD and bare. 2 ;
i 40 They hall allo bring vp a companie
a again thee, and they hall tone thee with
— >and thuk thee theough with their
4, King. a5 190 41 And they * hal burne bp thine honſes
with fire, and erecutetudgements vpon thee
tu the fight of many women; ¢ F willcaute
thee to ceafe from playing the harlot, and
thou ſhalt gine ne reward any moze.
42 Go will J make my wath toward
thee to reſt, and my t icloulie hall depart
from theg, and 3| wiliceale and bee no moze
43 Becauſe thou bat not remembꝛed
nih- the Bayes of thy pouth, but batt pꝛouoked
mee with all thele things, beholde, there-
fore Jj allo baue * brought thy wap vpon
thing head, Gypcth the Lora God; yet halt
2 I willvtterly
deftroy thee, and
fo my ieloufie
Gull ceaſe.
u Ihave pu
ed thy faults, but
thou wouldeſt
motrepent. |
rewardeſt thent, that tcp may come vnto w
not thon bad confideration of all thine abp
minations. :
44 Behold, allthat yfe pronerbes, Halt
bie this pꝛouerbe agatntt thee , faying, As is
the mother, *ſo is her Daughter. x Aswerethe
45 Chou art thy mothers Daughter, that Canaanites and
Hath catt off her husband and her children, the Hittitesand
and chou art the fitter of thy y filters, which others your pre-
fostooke their husbands and theirchitdzen: decefors,fo
pour mother is an iptttite, and your father are you their fuc-
an Amopite, — ceflours,
46 And thine elder fikeris Samaria, y Thacis.of
and ber z daughters, that Dwell at thyleft Samaria and Sos
hand, and thytponger nter that dwelleth at dom,
thy right hand, is Sodom, ther Daughters. z That is, her
47 Dethalt thon + not walked after their cities.
Wayes, noꝛ done after their abominations : + Ebr.thy Mer
butasit had beene a verplittlething , thou Jonger then thou.
walt cozrupteD moze then they in all thp a But done farre
A worfe,
48 AsJ line, faith the Lod Gen, Hoe b He alleadger
Dom thy litter hath nor done, neither fje nor theſe foure vie
Her Daughters, as thou halt Done aud thy ccs,pride,ex-
Daughters. : felon ae cefie,idlenefle,
49 Beheld, this was the iniquitte ofthy and contempt
iter Sodom,” (Dide, fulnefie ot bꝛead, and of the pocre,as
abundance of idleneſſe was in her, and in hee foure principali
Daughters: neither did Hee ſtrengthen the cavfes of fuch
hand of the pooze and needte. __ abomination,
50 But they were hauty, and committed whereforschey
abomination befoze me: therefore Jtooke were © horribly
them away,as picatedime. punifhed,Gen.
ST either < hath Hamaria committed 19.24. -
balfe sf thy finnes, but thou halk exceeded e Whichwore
them tn thine abominations,and haſtaiuſti · thipped the
fied thy fiters in all thine abominations , caluesin Bethe
which thou balk Bone. “pe el and Dan.
§2 Thertore thou which haft iuſtified thy d Thou art ſo
ſiſters, beare thtne olwne Manwe fo: thy fis, wicked,that in
that thou bait committed moze abominable refpea of thee,
then thep which are moze righteous then Sodomand Sa-
thouart: betheu therefeze contounded allo, maria were iufts |
and beare thy hame, esing that tho halt e This he peas. |
intified thy lifters. — ; __ kethin compa-
53 Therefore J will bring againe ¢ theirt rilon faying,
captiuttie with che captintticofA@odem,ant tharbe would |
her Daughters, and with the captinitte of reſtore Ierula-
Hamariaand her Daughters: euen the cap» icem when Soe
tiuttte of thy captinesin the mids ofthem, dom houle be
54 That thou mayeſt beare thine ene reftored,thatis,
fhame, and mayeitbe confounded tr all that neuer: and this
ot halt done, in that thon ball £ comtoꝛted ismeant of the
em. greateft part of
§5 And thy lifter Sovom and her Daugh- the lewes.
ters ſhall returne te thew former tate: Da- f In that thou.
maria alſs and ber Danghters thallreturne halt thewed thy
to their fozmerttate, s when thou and thp felfe worle them’
Baughters Hall returne to pour former chey,and yer
ftate. thoughteft to eſ⸗
56 For thy lifter Sodomsinas not Heard cape punithment,
of} by thy report in the Day of thy pride, g Meanine,that
§7 Wefoze thy wickednefle wasi Difco: it Mould neuer
ered, as in that fame time of tbe reproch of cometo paffe,
the Daughters of Aram,and ofal the daugh⸗ + Ebr.was net &
ters of the Philiſtims round about * her rumeurin tha
which detpife thee on all fides. mouth.
h Thou woal-
deft not cail her punifhment to mind when thou waft aloft , to learne
by her examplero feare my iudgements, ĩ Thais, till thou waft’
brought vnder by the Syrians & Philiftims, 2.Chro,28,1 9. k Whieh.
ioyned with the Sysians,or compaſſed about lerufalem,
$8 Thon.
_— de mee aa m m’ aga aee Taa Gma MMe =. -
When thou
akeft the coue-
nant,which was
made betweene
thee and me,as
iver fe 8.
m That is, of
mercy and love I
wil pity chee, and
fo Rand ro my
thou haft defer-
fheweth that a-
[mong the moft
wicked he bad
eucr fome [eed
of bis chureh,
which he would
in due time:and
who hath great
power, riches, 8¢
come to Jerufa-
lem,and take
away leconiah
the king,as verfe
b Meaning,to
© Thatis,Zede-
kiah, who was
ofthe Kings
blood,and was ~
and made king
in ftead of le-
¢oniab, 2.King.
34.59 Lere.3 7.8
d This was Zede-
kiahs kingdome.
e That icmight
not hane: power
to rebellagainſi
verfe 4.
f Meaning,the
king of Egypt,
of whom Zede-
kiab feught fc=
The two Eagles.
many countreyes ]
vade him, hall carted tt inte the landbofmerchants,& fet it
couragsinkt Ne-
<8 Thou hak borne therefor thy wicked-
nefie,and thine abomination, faith the Lord.
<9 Fo: thus kith the Loꝛd 60d, J miaht
euzn Beale with thee, as thon balt Done,
wen thon didſt Depil the oath , in bea-
king the coucnant. Y
60 Menertheleffe.F will™ remember mp
couenatit made with thee in the dayes of thp
youth, end J wiliconfirme vnto thee an e»
uerlaſting coucnant. Á
6! Thn thon ihalt remember thp wairs,
and bec ahamed, whey thou Malt reccwe
a thy filters, beth toy eider and thy yenger,
and F witi give them vnto thee fez Baugh-
. ters, butrot? bp thy couenant.
62 Ano F wili etabli mp couenant
with thee, and thon halt knowe that Jam
the Lord.
63 That thou mays remember,and bee
Pafhamed , and neuer open thp mouth anp
moze: becaule ct thy Hame when J am pact:
fed tomard thee, for allthat thou bag Done,
eaufe to frucdifie faith the Lod God.
heere he declareth how he will call the Gentiles. © Butof my free
mercy. p ‘his declareth what fruits Gods mercies woke in his, to
wit, forow,aad repentance fer their former life,
The parable si thetwo Eagles,
A = the woof the Lozd came bntome,
2 ates of mar, put forth a parable,and
ſpeake a prouerbe vñto the bonte of Iſrael.
3 And lay, Thus faith the Lord God, Che
a Thatis, Nebus great : Cagle with great wings, and long
wings,and ful of feathers, which bad Diners
colours,came vnto Lebanon, and topke the
higheſt baanch ofthe cedar,
4 Ano brake off the top of his twigae,and
ina city of merchants.
5 ic tooke allo of theefeed of the land, and
planted it ina fruitful ground: be placed it
by great waters and fet tt as a willow tree.
ê Agd it bunded bp, ¢ was 4 itke a ſprea·
Bing wine of : lowe kature, whoſe branches
turned tawardtt,and the rosts thereof were
vnder tt: (eit became a vine. and it brought
forth branches,ann thot forth buds.
7 Shere was alfof another great Cagle
cat Wings, and many leathers, ¢ bes
gt f
leſt at leru@lem, hold,thisvinc Bid turne ber roots toward it,
and (pecan feth her bꝛauchestoward it.that
hee might water it by the trenches of der
8 Jt was planted in a good ſoyle by
Great é waters, that it Mouldẽ bring foorth
ee and beave fruite, and be an erect
mt bine.
9 Bay thou, Thus ſayeth the Lord Ged,
Shall it profper 2 Hhall he not pull vp the
rootes thereof, aud Deity the fruite there-
of,and canfe them tedpzie? alt the leaues of
het but fhall wither without great power,
prolper? thal! it aot be dped bp,and wither?
‘when the Cal winde thall touch tt, tt Hall
wither inthetrenches whereit grew.
11 Mozeouer the wode of the Lad came
puto me, faping,
12 Gay nowe to thts rebellious boufe,
Brow pee not what thele things meane? rell
them, Bebolde, the king of Babel ts come to
Jerufalem, ant hath taken * the king there-
of,and the paincestherof, and led them with
bim te Babel, x *
13 And hath taken one of the kings ſeed,
and made a conenant with him,and hath ta»
ken an! oath of him: be bath alio taken the
princes of the land, s
14 That the tingdomie might bein {ub-
fection, and not litt tt felfe wp, but keepe their
coucnant,and fad tote,
Ag_ Buthe rebelled again€ himand fent
bis Ginbaflavours into Egppe , that they
mist giue him horſes, and much people t
hal be prolper? thal he elcape, that Doth fuch
things? o2 thall bee bzeake the coucnant,anv
be Beliucren 2 j
16 Qs GJ liue faith the Lod Ged.he hal
Die in the mins af Babel, in the placeof the
King.that had made him King, whole oath
he deſpiſed, and whole couenant made with
him, he brake. ;
17 Neither hal Pharaoh with his mighe
tp bofte, ¢ great multitude of people, mayne
taine bim in the war, when they hauecalk vp
mounts, and builded ramparts to deſtroy
many perfons.
18 Fo: he hath deſpiſed the oath and bzo:
ken the couenant: (pet lo,behad giuen= bis
band) becauſe be bath Done all thele things,
be hall not efcape.
19 Therefore thus faith the Lod God,
As J line, 3 wil furelp bring mine oath that
bee hath delpifes,and my couenant that bee
bath broken, vpon bis owne head.
20 * And J wil ſpꝛread my net vpon him
and hee thall bee taken tn my net, and g will
bring bim to Babel, t will enter into tudge:
ment with him there to: bis treſpaſſe that be
bath committed againft me,
2I Andall that fice from him with all bis
bofte, fhall fail by the ſworde, and they that
remayne, fhall bee ſcattered towarde all the
windes; and pee Hall know that J the Lo:
haue poken it.
22 Thus faith the Lod Ged, Jwill alſo
take off the top * af this bigh cedar and will
{et it,and cut off the ° top of the tender plant
thereof, and J will plant it vpon an high
mountaine and great.
23 Buen in the high monntatne of Iſrael
wil J plant it:and it hal being forth boughs
and beare fruite, and bee an excelleunt cedar,
and vnder it fail remaine all birdes, and e»
uery r foule ſhall Dwell in the Hatot of the
branches thereof.
24. Andall thea trees ofthe ficlde hail
know that J the Lord have bought Downe
Periury punifhed. 315
i By this drie
winde he mea-
neth the Babylo-
k That is,Iece-
nish,2.King 24,
I For his ſubie⸗
Qion and obe⸗
m Becanfe he
tooke the Name
of God in vaine,
and brake his
oth which he had
confirmed bygi-
uing his band,
therefore the
Prophet decla-
reth that God
would not{iffer —
fuch periury and
infidelity to ef-
cape Funifhment.
Chap. 12,13,
and 32, 3.
n This promife
is made to the
Church which
fhalbe as a nall
remnant and as
the top of a tree.
o I will trimme
and drefle ie,
p Bath the Tewes
and Gentiles thal
be gathered into
q All the world
fhali know that
I haue plucke
o? many propietophicke it bp bythe rootes the hye tree and exalted the low tree: that y downe theproud
of. >
IO Bebhold,it was planted: but ſhall it
g They thought tobee moyftened by the waters
ofNilus. h ShallnotNebuchád:hgzzar deflroy it ꝰ
Have Draped vp the greene tree, aud made the
Drie tree tofleurify ; J the Low haue ſpoken
it and haue Done it,
2 He ſhewerhthat enery man [hal beare bi own
Rr3 finne,
enemics and fet
vp my Church
which was low
and contcmned,
4 *
Sowtegrapes. How finne
ſenne. 21 To himthat amendeth, is faluation pro-
mifed: 24 Death is prophofied to ehe righteous,
which turneth backe fromthe right way.
De word of the Lozd came vntomee as
gaine aping, ;
2 Ahat meane vee that yee fpeake this
pꝛouerbe, concerning the land of Iſcael faye
a Thepeople tga The fathers bane eaten lowe grapes,
raurmured atthe andthe childrens teeth ate (et on edge?
chaftifings ofthe 3 As J liue, faith the Lod God, pe Hall
Lord,andthere- pfe this pꝛouerbe no moge in Iſrael.
fore vſed this 4 Behold, allfeulesare mine, both the
proucrbe,mea- fouleot the father, and allo the ſoule of the
ningthactheir fonne are mine; the feule that tinneth,tt Hal
fathers had fin- Ble. i
ned,& theirchil- § Butif a man bee iuſt, and doe that
drenwere puni- which is lawfull and right,
thed for their 6 And bath noteaten > bpon the moun-
tranfgreflions, taines, neither hathlift vp his eyes to the i»
read lere. 31.29. Doles of the houſe of Iſraei,neither hath de-
b Ifhe hathnot filed his neighbours wife, neither hathtlyen
eaten ofthe fieh with a · menſtruous woman,
that hath bere 7 Neither hath oppꝛeſſed any, but hath
efferedvpto teltored the pledge to his debtour: bee that
idoles to honour bath fpoyled none by btolence, * but hath gt-
them thereby, Uen his bead te the hungry, and bath coue»
Leuit.i8.20. eed thenakedD with a garment,
{ Eb.comeneere, $ AnD hath not giuen forth * bpon viit
Leait.20.18, rie, neither hath taken any increale, but hath
Iſæ 538.7. withdrawen his hand from iniquitie, and
mat.2 5.35. bath executed true tudgement between man
Exod 22.25, and man,
leuit.25. 37- 9 And hath walked in my ſtatutes, and
deut.23. ĩ 9. bath kept iny iudgements to Deale truely,§. he is iuſt, he thalliurely line, faith the Lozd
4 oo.
LOracruchman 10 QFFve beget alonne,that isa thicke,
: or a ſhed der of blood, if he Do anp onc of theſe
things, ; £
vin Though he doe not all thele things, but
either bath eaten vpon themountaines, o2
Delet his neighbours wife,
12 Or hath oppreffed the poo: and nees
Die, or hath ſpoyled by violence, or hathnot
reſtored the pledge, o2 hath lift yp bts epes
vnto the oles, or hath committed abomi»
13 Orbathgiuen foozth pon vſurie, 02
bati taken increale, wall be ltue? be fhal not
liue: ſeeing be bath Done all theſe abomina:
tiong, © be hall Die the Death, and bis blood
c Hefheweth gail be vpon bim.
how the fonne 14 ¶ But ithe beget afonne,that teeth al
fspunithedfor pis fathers finnes, which be hach Dene, and
his fathers fault: foargth, neither Doth {uch (tke,
thacis,if hebe 15 That hath not eaten — the moun-
wicked, as his fa taines, neither hath liftyp his eyes tothe
ther was, & doth ingles of the boufe of Jitacl, no? bath defiled
motrepent,he his neixbbsurs wife,
fhalibs punithed ` 16 factther hath oppeeſſed anp, nor hath
ashis father was, tpitholden the pledge, neither hath tpoylca
or elſe nor. by violence, but hath giuen bis beead to the
hungry, and bath couered the naked with a
garment, i
17 Ncrher hath withdzawen his bande
froin the afflicted, 10? receined viurte nog
fucreafe, buchath executed my iudgements,
and hath walked in my ttatures, be Hall not
Die in the iniquitie of bis father, bur hee ſhall
furely liue. WO
IS Apis father, becante he crutlly oppecls
E zekiel.
“his rightcoutnefle, and commit tniquttte,
ispunifhed. Anewheart.
fed and ſpoyled bis bother by violence, ana
bath not Bone good among bis people, loz,
euen he dieth in his thiquitie. Deut.24. 1 6.
19 Pet fay yee, CAverefoze ſhall not the 2-keng.14.6.
fonne beare the iniquitie of thefather ? bes 2chron.25.4,
caule the onne hath erecuted iudgment and d Heioynech
iuttice, and bath kept all my ſtatutes, and the obferuation
Done them, be hall (urelp tine. of the comman-
20 * The lame toule chat finneth, Wall dements with res |
Bie: the onne Wail not beare the iniquũtie pentance: for
ofthe father, neither ſhall the father beare none can repent
the tnignitie of the fonne, bur the righteouſ· indeede,excepe
nelle of the righteous Mall be upon him, and helabourto
the wickedneſſe of the wicked hall bee vpon keepe the law.
himſelfe. llOr, not laide eo
21 But if the wicked will returne from hi charge.
all bis finnes that hee hath committed, and ¢ Thatis,inthe
keepe all my d ftatutes , and Doe that which fuites of his
is lawfull and right, be Mall ſurely ltuc,and faith which dee
fall not die. clare that God
22 Ail bis tranfgreffions that hee hath doth accept him,
commmitted,they all not be mentioned vne f Hefpeaketh |
to btm, burtn bis e righteouines that he bath thisto commend |
Done, he Hallltue. Gods mercie to
23 € Daue J any dDelire that the wicked poore finners,
ſhonld die, faith the Lord God? |] 02 hallhee who rather is
not liue, ikhe returne from his wayes? ready to pardon
24 But ifthe righteous turne away from then to punifb,
as his long ſutfe⸗
ting declareth,
Chap 33. 11.
Albeit God m his
and Doe accozding to all the abominations,
that the wicked man Doeth, fall bee lie?
ail his s righteouſneſte that bee hath Done,
fall not bee mentioned : but in his tranf» eternal) counfell
greffion that hee hath committed, and in bis appointed the
tinne that bee bath tinned, in chem ſhall hee death anddam- —
Bie. _ mation of theres
- 25 Det pee fap, The way ofthe Lodis probate, yer che
not Sequall: beare now, D boule of Iſcael. endof bis coun.
Js not my wap cqual? or are not your wayes feil wasnortheix
bnequall? death onely,bur.
26 For when arighteons man turneth a · chiefly his owne
way from hts righteoulnefle , anD commit · glory. Andalfo
teth intquitie, he Hall euen Die foz thefame, becaulehedoth 9
be fhaill cuen die fo? bis iniquitie that ye hath not approoue
Done. 3 finne; therefore is
27 Againe, when the wicked turneth a · is here faid chat
way from bis wicke dneſſe that he hath come he would haue
mitted,and Doeth that which is lawfull and chemrotume as
right, he wall faue bis pule aline. way from it,that
28 Wecaulehee conlidereth, and turneth they might live,
away from ail bis tran(greflions that hee |'Or,vather thae
hath committed, he Wall (urelplinugand hall he way returne
not die. z from hù wayes
29 Det faith the houle of Firael, The way and liue,
of the Loz is not equal. D houſe ot Ifrael, g That isthe
are not my wayes equall? or arenot pour falfe opinion tbat
wayes brequait? : the hypocrites |
30 Therekoꝛe J will iudge pou, D Houle haue of their
of jivacl, enerp one accozding to his wapes, riphteoufnelfe,
faith the Lord God: returne therfore canfe h Inpunithing
othersto titne away from al your tranfgrel> the farherwith
fious:fo iniquit y Halnot be pour deſtruction the children.
31 Catt away trom you al pour tranſgreſ⸗ i He theweth
fions, whereby pee haue tranſgreſſed, and that man cannot:
make i poua new heart and a new ſpirit:for forfake his wie-
why will pee Dies D houle of Iſrael: kedneffe, till his
32 Sor J delire not the Death of him that’ heart be changed,
Diety, fateh the Loꝛd Gov: canletherefore whichis only che
one another fo returne,and linc peg. worke of God,
& The captinity of the kings of Indah fiznified PA
haz,and Iehoiae
kim Totiahs
fonnes,who ſor
their pride and
b -Toit Ieho.
haz mother,og
| e By Pharaoh
Necho,king of
Egypt, s.King.
d Waich was
| Prophets, and
them thatfeared
God, & rauifhed
their wiues.
atray,which was
gathered of di-
Uers nations,
E He ſpeaketh
this in ¥ reproch
ofthis wicked
King in whofe
bloed, that isin
zhe race of his
predeceffors Ies
ruſalem ſhould.
hauc been blef
flourifhed asa
_ fruitfull vine,
T a That is Tebo-
cruelty are come
pared vnto lions.
e He flewofthe
f Nebucbad nez-
war with his great
Thetwolions. The wicked not heard. Chap.xix.xx.
the lions whelps, aud by the lion, 10 The prospe-
ritie of the citie of Jeruſalem that paft,and the
muferse thereof that u prefent, 5
THa allo, take vp a lamentation foz the
a minces of Iſrael,
2 And ſay, Ciherefore lay thy > mother
as à lioneſſe among the ltons ? foe nouriſhed
ber pong ones among the tons whelpes. .
3 And the brought yp one of her whelpes
and it became alison, ano it learned to catch
the pzay.and it Deuoured men. i
4 Che nations alio heard of him, & be
was taken ín their nettes, and they broughe
him in chaines vnto the land of Caypt.
5. Row when ſhee law that he had wais
ted, and her hope was lox, He toore anocher
of her? whelpes, and made bim alton.
6 (Ahich went ameng the tions, and be⸗
caine alion, tlearned to catch the pray, and
be denounced emen,
And he knew their widowes, and hee
deſtroyed their citics,and the land was wa»
ted, and allthat was therein by the note of
his roaring. ¢ E
8 Thn the ‘nations fet againſt bim on
every tine of ihe countreys, and lapa their
nets for bint, io be was taken ín their pit,
9 And they put him in pilon, and in
chaines anD brought him tothe king of Ba»
beland they put him in holds, that bis voyce
fhould no moze bee heard spon the moune
taines of Iſcael.
Io @by ¢ another is like a vine in thy ne
blood, plantcd by the waters; ſhee bꝛought
— and branches by the abundant
11 And thee had trong rods foz the {cep-
ters of them that beare rule, and ber itature
fed, accordngto was eralted among the branches , and ibee
Gods promife,& appeared in ber height with the multitude
of ber branches. è
I2 But He was plucke vp in wath: Hee
h Meaning, that was caſt Down to the ground, and the Eat
the Caldeans
. fhould deftroy
them as the Baft
windedoeth the
fruit ofthe vine.
i Deftru@ionis
winde Died vp ber fruit: herbranches were
broken and withered: as forthe rod ofher
itrength.the Bre conſumed it. *
13 And now fhe is planted inthe wilders»
neſſe in adzgieand thirty ground.
14 Am fire is gone out of a rod of ber
come by Zedeki- branches, which hath deuoured her fruit, fo
ah, who wastbe thatthe hath no ſtroug rod to be a ſtepter to
occafion ofthis: rul isisa lamentation, and fhall be fog
rebellion, alamentation.
a Oftheeapti-
uitie of leco»
i + ‘The Lord demseth that be will anfwere them
when they pray,becau[e of thew unkindnefe, 33
Hee prom:feth that hs people fhall returne from
captimity. 46 By the forcft that ſpould be burnt,
ú fignufied the burning of lerufalem.
#20 in thea feuenth peere, in the fift mo-
Å heh » the tenth day of the nioneth, came
certaine of the Elders ef Jiraci to enquire
of the Loꝛd, and fate before me.
2 Then came the wozdotthe Lorm vnto
me,faving, 4
3 Houncofinan, Speake vnto the El-
Ders of Iſrael, and fay vate then, Thug
wilt thou iudge them? caufe > them to vnder ·
ſtand the abominations of their fathers,
5 And lay vnto them, Thus fapth the
Lod God, Fn tye Bay when F chofe Firael,
anbd and brought them into the wilder ·
I1 And J gaue them my ſtatutes, and de ·
clared myivdgements vntothem, * which
ifa man Doe, he fall line in them.
i2 Moꝛebuet, J
baths tabe a ſigne betweene mee and them,
that they might know that Tam the Lod,
that fanctifie them.
13 But the boule of Iſrael rebelled againſt
mee in the wilderneſſe: thep walked not in
mp ſtatutes, and they caſt away my iud ge·
ments, wyich ika man Boe, hee ſhail liue in
them, and my Sabbaths haue theygreatly
polluted: then 3 thought to powe out mine
indignation pon them * in the wildernefle
to contume themy
_ 14 But J ban refpect tomy Rame, that
it Houle not be polluted belaze the eheathen,
Inwbot fight J bioughe them out.
Ig Pet nenerthelewle Fi lift vpmine hand
vnts theminthe wilderneife , that 3 would
uot bring theni intotbelana , which J pan
given them, flowing with wilke and onic,
which was pleafant abone all lands,
16 Becauſe they cat away mp indge⸗
ments, and walacd not insp Latutes, but
baue polluted my h Sabbarhs ; foz their
beart went after their idoles.
17 Neuertheieſſe mine eye (pared them,
that J would noc Dettroy the,netther would
FZ confine them in che wildernes.
13 But J fayd yaro their children inthe
wiidernede, alke pe notin the ordinauces
gaue them alio mp Bab»:
bidden themto
make mention of
the idoles,exod.
23.1 3.,plal.16.45
e Which this
declareth § wice
kedneffe of mans
hearr, which
indge Gods fer-
uice by their eyes -
and outward fen-
f God had euer
this reſpect to
his glory that he
would not haue
his name euill
ipoken of ameng
the Gentiles for
the punifhment
‘that his people
deferued, incon=
fidence whereof
the godly ewer
prayed,as Exod,
32.12 Numb,
Leuit.18, 5, rom,
10.5 .¢al.3.12,
Exod.20.8. and
31.233. deut. Sa
Num, 14.128,29
g Who might
thereby takean occafion to blafpheme my Name, andfuaceufe mee. _
fayt the Lom God, Are pe come to enquire
of me?as Jliue, ſayth the Lod Sod, when J
am aſked J wilt not anfwere you.
4 Gut thou iudge them, fonne olman,
of lacke of abilitie, or els that! had fought a meanesto deftroy them
more commodiouſſy. h Thatis,my crus religion, which I bad com-
mand-dthem, and gauethemiclues to ſerue mee according to their
owne fancafies, |
Rr4 of
a. -. N
Children offered.
iWhereby the
holy Ghoft con-
futeth them that
fay that they will
folow the religi.
on and example
of their fathers,
and not meafure
their doings by
Gods word,
whether they be
thereby or no.
of potiri fathers, neither obferne their ma
ners, Noy Delile potirtelnes with herr idolts.
19 Jam the Low your God: walke in
mp ſtatutes, and kecpe my indgements and
Coe them, l
20 And fanctifie ny Sabbaths, and thep
Mali be a ligne betweene me and pou,that pe
niap know that Jam the Lor your Goa.
21 fotwithitanding the Gilden rebel-
led ag att mee: they walked not fn myta»
tutes, noꝛ kept my Mdgements to Doe them,
whichif aman Boer he Wall live them, ber
thep polluted my Dabbaths:then 3 thought
to powꝛe out mineindigitation bpon them,
and to accompliſh mp wrath agatnt chem in
k Meaning, that
they fet their de-
light vpon therm,
1 Becatife they
would not obey
my lawes, T gaue
then) vp to thems
fhould obey their
owned fantafies,as
vate 39. Rom 1,
mi I condeiined
thoféthings, ard
counted'thé asa
bominable which’
they thought had
been excellent, &
to haue declared
molt zeale,
Luke1 6.15, for
that which’ God
required as moft
excellent, that
gaue they to
their idoles,
n Noronely in
the wilderneffe,
when t brought
them out of Be
gypt, but fince F
placed them: in
this land: which
prompt mans
heartis to idola⸗
trie, leeing that
by no admoni-
tions he can be
drawen backe.
the wildernelle. ; k
22 Neuertheles J withdrew mine hand
and had refpect comp Qame, hat it Gont
not be polluted before the beathen., in whole
fight J bought them forth. :
23 Deeqiifthp mine Hand onto them in
the muldernefle , that F would [carter them
among the heathen, Cdtiherle them thorow
the countreps,
24 Becaule they had nok executed my
tuBgemnents, but had calt away my ſtatutes,
and hadpolluted mp Habbatys, and their
eyes wereatter * their fathers ols.
25 CAihertore J | gaue thenvalio ſtatutes.
that were Not goad and iudgements where»
in they ſhould not ttire. i
26 Any P polluted them tv their owne
m gian that they cauled to paffe by the fire
all that ar opencth che wainb, that I might
deſtroy then, to! he enve that they might
knots that Jam the Lo.
27 Wherefore ſonne of man peake vnto
the houſe orgeat and fay vnto them, Thus
ſayth the Lord God, Mer twehis pour father's
baue blaſphemed me, though sep hav before
grienoully tranigretles againtt me,
29 e For when J had Brought them into
the land, for p which’ I tifred yp mine hand
to gine itte them, then they Caw euery high
jill and all the thicke trees, and they offered
theve their (acrifices, and theve they prons
ted theit offering of provocation: there alfo
they made their fweete (aueut, and powred
ont there their drinke offrings, —
29 Then J ſayd vnto them, Ahat fs the
High place whereunto po goe? And the name
thereof was called Bamah vnto this day.
20 CAberefore fay vnto the boule of Fira.
el, Thus fayth the Lozd' Gon, Are pe nor pol·
luted fatter the manet of your fathers zana
commit pe not vohoredom alter their abomi ·
nations ? :
31 Foz when pou offer pour gifts, emake
your onnes to palle through the fire, pou
pollute pour (clues with all pour idoles vnto
this day: ſhall antwere pou when J am
alken, D honle of Praet? As FH line, ſayth
the Lord Gov, r J will nob aniwere you.
when Jamalſked.
e Which figsifieth an high place, declaring that they vanted them-
félues of cheir idolatry , and were not aſhamed thereof, though God
had commanded themcxpreſſy thactheyfhould hane novalrar lifted
| vpowhie by flaires,Bxod,20.26, P€tr.mthe way, p Hee'fheweth
_ thatthe ingratitude of the people deferucth that God fhould cut chem
off, and that they fhou'd not haue the comfort of his word,
as the heathen, and as the families of rhe
couutreps, and ferue wood and a tone.
33 As J line, fapth the Lord Gov, F will
furely rule you witha mighty hande, and
with a ſtretched out arme , and in my wrath
powꝛed out, f l
34 And veill bꝛing yon feom the people,
and will gather pou out of the countreps,
whertn pe are ſcattered with a mighty band
and » ith a ſtretched out arme, and timy
Wrath powred out.
35 And Jwilbring yowintothe r wilder-
nes of the people, Etheve wilt FZ plead with
pot face coface.
36 Likeas FT pleaded with yont fathers
inthe wilderneſſe ofthetand of Eaypr, fo
will J pleade with you, hiyi the Lod Gov.
37 Andy will caule you to paffe vnder
the rod, and will bang pou into the bond of
the couenant.
38 And J wil ‘chalcone from among pou
the rebels,ana them that tranlgreſſe aga iuſt
Hic: Jwill bangthem out okthe land where
they Dwoll, and they Hall not enter tuto He
pec ae and pou ſhal knew that Jam
¢ Led. aie
39 Asfoxyon, D houſe of Yael, Thus
layth the Lord God, * Hoe pou, and erue e-
uery one — that pe wil not obey
me, And pollute mine boly Rame no moze
With pane gifts and with vont Doles,
40 Fo in mine holy mountaine, even in
the hie monntaine of Iira, fapeh the Lod
Gov , there ſhall all the boufe of Fidel, and
allinthe land, ſerue nie: there will Jarcept
them, and there wil J require pour cogs
and the firt fruites of poureblations y wit
all pour holy things.
a J wel accept pour ſweete ſauour, when
J bring you from the people, and gather pou
out of the couatreys, wherein pe have beer
ſcattered that J may be ſanctitled in you be ·
foze the heathen,
42 And pe hat know that Jamthe Lad,
whet 3 Hall being pou into thetand of Je
rael, into thelaid, fo: the which Jlifted yp
mine hand to giue it to pour fathers.
43 And there Halt pee remember your
Wayes, and all pour works wherein pe have
been Deliled, mape” Hall iunge your ſelnes
worthy to be cut off, foz all pour enils, that pe
haue coninitted.
44 Gud pe hal know that J ant the Lod,
when F have reſpect vnto pou fe: mpnames
fake, & not after pour wicked wayes, norat:
cording to your corupt works > D pe boufe
of Iſrãel, ſayth the Loꝛd Goo. .
45 CIBorcouee, the worse of the Love
came vnto me ſaying,
32 Neither Mall that be done that com ·
merh into pone minde fo: pe ſay, Ce wit be
q Hedeelarecls
that manof nav
ture is wholy e⸗
nemre vito God
and to his owne
therefore God
ealleth him to
the righe way,
partly by'chatlie
fing, but chiefly
by his mercie inn
forgiving his res
bellion and wits
r I wil bring you
among ftrange
nations,as inte a
wilderneſſe, and
there will vilite
you,and ſo call
tace and then
bring the godly
home againe,
Ifa. 65.9
f SiBnifying that
hewill'nor burne
the eorne with
the chaffe hut
chuſe out the
wiekedto púnifh
—* when he
will fparehis,
t This i fpoker
tothe hypo
u Your owne
cenfciences hati
conui& you after
that you baue
felt my mercies,
46 Houneel man, (et thy face toward
the wap of Geman, @ drop thy word toward
x the Houth ane prophet: towardithe fozett
of the field of the South,
47 And fay to the. fore of the South,
eave the wordoetrhe Lor: chus ſayth rye
Loꝛd God,. Weholve, F wilhkinale arem
thee, it fhatl deuonr all tic? greene wood
in thee, andallthe dꝛie Weods the continu⸗
all flame Haus bee quenched, awd epey
x For Iudah
ftood South
from Babylon,
y Both ftrong
and weakcinle-
The fword drawen, fharpe andfurbifhed. Chap- xx}.
z The people faid
thatthe Prophet
{pake daskely :
therefore he defi-
reth the Lord to
xiue them a
plaine declarati-
on hereof,
a Speake fenfi-
bly,that all may
b Theris,fuch
which feemeé to
baue an outward
fhew of righte-
oufne fle by ob-
feruation of the
ceremonies of
the Law.
c Meaning,
through all the
d As though
rhow wert in ex-
treme anguiſh.
e Becauleof che
great neyfe of
the armie of the
f And fe caule a
g Megning,the
fcepret ; fhew-
ing that it will
not fpare the
king, who fheuld
beas the Sonne
of God Andin
his place,
face fromthe Bent} tothe Morth Mall bee
burnt theren.
48 Andall fih halllee that Hebe Lod
baur kindled it and it Hall not be quenched.
Then fayd J. ap Lord God, they tap ef nie,
Docth net he peake + parables?
3 He threatneth the ford, and deſtruction tó
Terufalem, 25 Hee fheweth the fal of king Ze-
drkiah, 28 Hes commanded to propheſie the de-
ſtruction of the children of Ammon. 30 Thé Lord
threatnethto deftroy Nebachad-nexrar,
Ties werd of the Loꝛd caine te me agate,
2Sounne of man let thy Face towery Je-
rnfalenr, and drop thy word toward the hos
4 a and prophelie gatit the and of
3 And fay to the land of Jacl, Thus
ſayth the Lord Behoid,F come againk fher,
dnd wal Draw iny fworde out of hts ear,
and cut of from thee both the ® righteous
andthe wicked. ——
4Seeing then that Jwill cut oſt eon
thee bock rherightcons are wicked, therfore
all mylword gor out of hrs Heath agatn
all ficth from the South to thee Noeth
5. That all fleſh may know that Ithe
Laid haue drzawen my fwod out of bis
Meath and tt hale returne dny more.
6 Doure therefore thon fonne of many
asinthe pame of thy Sreines, and nourne
7 ik they tay vnts thee, Aherefore
mourneſt thou? ther anfwere, Becaute ¢ of
* butte; forit commeth, and every heart
all melt. and alt hands fhalbe weake, and
ail minds (hall faint, and all knees patt fall
away as water: be ofp, tt'commeth, and fall
be Done, layth the Lore Gan.
8 . EAgaine, the word of the Lope caine
tnte me, taping,
9 Sonne of man, prophefie, tiap, hus
fayth the Lord Gods fay, A (word, a ſword
h Tharis,thereft both tharpe and furbiſhed.
of the people.
i Towit, vnto
the armic of the
k Reade Iere.
Exekiel moo-
ued with com-
paffion, thus
TO Jt is fharpened to make a fore ſſaugh ·
ter, and it ts furbiſhed that tt may falitter:
how Malt we retopce ? ſoꝛ it contemneth the
Proy of miy forine,as h alt orher tree's.
IF And he paty giuen it to be furbites,
that he may handle it: this ſoord ts ſharpe
and ts kurbiſt ed, that he may gure tt into the
Dand of the Aaver. |
12 Cryp,and powle,fenne of man : for this
complaineth,fca- Mal comte to my people,snd it ſhal come vnto
ring che deftru-
@ion of ¥ ring-
dom,which God
had confirmed
atl the Peinces of Iſtael: the terrozs of the
ford thalbe vpon my people, smite theres
foze vpon thy thigh. ý yan
12 Foꝛ irisatriall, and what Hak this
= made bright, ë it ts dzeſſed for the ſlaugh ·
16 Get thee ꝛalone: goto the right hand,
or get thy lelfe to the lett hand, whitherloe
uerthytaceturneth. |
17 J wil allo Gnite minehands together,
and ati caufe my wrath toceale. 3) tie Logo
haue (ard it. \
18 @ Whe woof thé Low cane vnto
me Semar kayma, uå
19 Alf thowlonne of man, appoint thee
c fiw wayes, that tht ſword of the ihe of
Babel map come; both twaine Hall come
out of one land, and chile a place, and chule
it tn the comer of the way of the citie. .
20 Appoint away, that the ſwaꝛd map
come to Rabbath of tye Ammonites and eto
Judah in Jeruſglem tHe ſtrong citie.
21 AND the Hmngof Babet Koos atthe
q patting of rhe way y at thebeadof chet we
wayes, canfulting by diuination, and made
bis grrowes bright: he conſulted with idols,
andlookeaintherituer. oe
22 At bis right hand was the diuination
fo: Jeruſalem to appoint captatnes, to open
their mouth fn the laughter, and to lift vp
Æ cheit voyce with fhouting , to lay engines of
warre againſt the gatis tocit a mount and
to build á fortreſſe
23 Andit fall bee vnto them f as a kalſe
diumation in their light for the othes made
vnto them : puthe taut call to remembrance
ro iniquitie, tothe iutent they
24 Thetefore thus fayththe Lod Gov;
‘Becaule yee pane made pour thiquty to be
tememb2ed , in Bilcoucring pour rebellion;
that in all your works pourlinnes might aps
peare: becaufe.I fay, that pe ave come torres
membrante ye Halbe taken wrth the hans,
25 And thou Pꝛince of Iſrael polluted
and wicked, whoſe day is come, when ints
quitie thal haue an eud
26 Thus layeththe Lox God, Iwiil
take alway the *Diademe , and take off the
crowne; this Mail bee nomozethefame: J
will exait the humble, and wilt abate pint
that is hie.
_ 27 J wilouerturneouerturne ouerturne
if; and tt hall bee ne moze vntill hey come
whole right it is, aud J will giut to him.
28 ¶ And thon formeofman, ꝓꝛopheſie
and fap, Thus ſayeth the Lod God tothe
chien of Anuaow, and to thetr blafphe-
mic: fay thou, J fay, The Cwordes the
toag is Drawer foorth, and furbiſhed to
the flaughter to conſume; becauſe of the
glittering: paint ;
29 CApiles they fee = vanitie vnto thee
j >
" dekiah,
The diademetaken away. 317
n Prouide for
thy felfe : for
thou fhalt fee
Gods plague on
all parts of this
o This waspo-
ken becaufe thag
when Netu-
chad. nezzar
came againft
Iudah,his pur-
pofe was alfo to
goe againft the
Ammonites: but
doubting in the
way, which en-
terprife to vn⸗
dertake firft ke
confulted with
his foothfayers,
and fo went a2-
gaint ludah,
p That is, tothe
tribe of Iudah,
that Keepe them:
feluesin leruſa⸗
jem, . í
q To know whe-
ther he fhould go
againtt the Am-
monite, or them
of Heruſalem.
r_ He vſed comte
ring and {orcerye
{ Becauife there
wasa league be-
tweene the Lewes
and the Babylo-
nians, they of le⸗
rufalem fhall
thinke nothing
leſſe then that
thisthing, thould <
cometo paſſe.
t That is, Nebu-
chad-nezzat wil
remember the
rebellion of Ze⸗
dekiah, and fo.
comevpor them,
u Meaning,Ze-
who pra⸗
Gifed with the
Egyptians to
to Dauid, and his be, ikthke ſword contemne euen the rod? It
pofterity by pro- {Hall be no more, ſayth the Lod God.
mſe which pro- I4 @houtheretore,fonne of man, prophe-
mife God perfor- fie,and finite hand to hand, let the ſword
medaithougs be ] J: yt
heréitfeemeth returnethe third time: it ifthe ſvrord ofthe
toraanseyethat Great flang ter entring into thett pitiy
irfhould vererly chambers.
paih. — e foi
m Thitis,iocon- into all their gates to make their Heart
ragethefword, to faintyandto multiply theireumes, Qh tt
ubled: let the ſword that hath killed, |
T baue brought the feare of the ſword
make himfelfe hie, anda le to reliſt ihe Babylontans, x Somere-
ferre this to the Prieftes attire: for Ichodadekthe Prieft went into
captiuitie with the King. .y That is, voto, che comming of
Mefliahz forthoughthe Iswes had iome figneof gouersement af-
rérward vnderthePérfiaris, GreeKes, and Romanes, yet this reftiru-
tión Wá not tilIChriſs comming, andatlength fhould be accom-
plified; as was promiléd, Geneſis 49.xo. 2 Though the lewes
and Ammonites woul not‘beleeuey tharrhon, to wit, the fworde, -
fhouldeft come vpon them,and fayd that the Prophets,whieh threat-
ned, (pake lyes, yet thow flult as furely come , as though thoe wereh::
already vpon their neckes,
The finnes offerufalem.
a Artthouready
to execute thy
charge, which
IT commit vnto
thee againg leru-
falem that mur-
dereth the Pro-
phets and them
that are godly?
b Thatis the
time of her de
€ To herowne
d Whofevery
mame all men
€ He meancth
hereby that there
was no kind of
which was not
committed in Ie-
rufalem, & there.
fore the plagues
` of God thould
fpeedily come
vpon her.
Leuit. 20,11, 18,
Ierc. 5. 8.
f Intoken of
my wrathand
and propbelicd a liz vnto thee to bing thee
vpon the necks of the wicked that are Haine,
whole Day is come when their iniquitie thal
haue an end. $ : :
30 Shall J caule it to returne into bis
heath ? F will iudge thee in the place where
thou wali created, euen in the land ofthing
habitation. MAE
31 And F will powe ont mine indigsa-
tion vpon thee, and will blow agait rhee
in the fre of mp wath, and Deluier thee tn-
to the band of beattlp men,and (kilfull to De»
32 Thou halt he in the fire tobe Deuone
reà: thy blood ſhall bee in the mids of the
lanD, and thou halt be no moze remembꝛed:
fo? J the Loz haue (poken te.
1 Terufalem ù reproued for crucity. 35 Ofthe
wicked doctrine of the falfe prophets and priefis,
and of their unfatiable couctoufneff?. 27 The
tyranny if ther rulers, 29 The wickedueſſe of
Nat the wode of the Lorde came
ntome,faping, :
2 Row thou fonne of man. wile thou
2iudg/e, wilt thou indge this bloody cttic?
mult thou mew ber all ber abominations?
3 Chenlay, Thus lapth the Lod God,
Abe citte Hheadeth blood inthe mins of it,
that ber > time map come,anB maketh idols
© agatntt ber felfe to pollute ber felfe.
4 Thou batt offended tn thy blood, that
thou batt hed, and batt polluted thy teife in
thine wWols, which thou hat made,and thou
batt cauled thy dayes to Draw necre and art
come vnto thy terme: therfeze bane J made
thee arepzoch tothcheathen,and a mocking
to all countreps.
§ Thoſe that be neere, and thoſe that be
farrefrom thee, ſhall mocke thee, whichart
vile iné name, ano foze tn affliction,
6 Beholde, the princes of Iſrael euery
a in thee twas ready to his power to ſhed
7 In thee haue they delpited fatherand
mother: inthe mids of thee € haue they ops
prefed the ttranger : in thee hance thep vexed
the katherleſle and the widow. ;
8 Thou hak deſpiſed mine Holy things,
and batt pollated my Sabbaths.
9 Jn thecarementhat carp tales to hed
blood; ts thee arethey that eate bpon the
mountaines: inthe mins of thee thep come
mit abomination.
Io * Jn thee haue they diſcouered thetr
fathers fame: in thee baue they vered der
that was polluted inher floures.
II And euery oue* hath committed abo»
mination with bis netabbours wife, and
cuerpone hath wickedly Befilcd his daugh ·
ter inlaw, and tn thee hath enerp man toz=
ced his ovne filter, even bis fathers daugh ·
ter. s ;
12 In thee bane they taken gifts to hen
blood thou baft taken vſury ttheincreale,
anh thou halt defrauded thy neighbours by
ertortton,and hat fozgottenmnee, fayth the
Lai Gad. $
13 Beholde, therefore J baue ſſmitten
mine handa vpon thy coteteulnes, that thou
hat vied, and npon the blood, tobich hath
been in the mids of thee.
14 Gan thine heart endure, ozcan thine
hands sbe ftrong inthe dayes that J {hall
baue to Doe with thee ? Jj the Lord haue ſpo ·
ken it, and wili Dorit,
15 And J will fcatter thee among the
beathen, and diſperſe thee in the countreps,
an wilicaufe chp e Althinelle to ceale from
_16 Anathon fhalt take thine i inberitance
in thy lelfe in the ight ofthe heathen, thou
fhalt kow that J am the Lod.
17 CAND the word of the Lozd came vn»
to me faying,
_ 18 Sonne of man, Che houle of Jiract
is vnto mee as * droſſe: all they are bzafie,
and tinne, and pon, and leabinthe mids
the tornace: thep are cuen the Dzofie of
19 Therefore thus ſayth the Lod God,
Becaulſe pee are all as dzoſſe, beholde, theree
fone 3 will gather pou m the mids of Jeru⸗
ent. ;
20 As they gather filuer and bꝛaſſe, any
pion, and lead, ann tinne into the mids of
the foznace, to blowthefire vpon isto melt
it, ſo will J gather pou mmine anger anv
and wrath, and will put pou tbere lant
21 Jwill gather you, F fap, and blow the
fire of mp wath vpon pou, and you fall bee
melted in the mids thereof.
22 Asfiluer ts melted in the mids oF the
foznace, fo ſhall yee bee melted in the mins
thereof, and pee hall know that Jthe Loy
haue powred out my wath vpon pou.
23 And the word of the Lod came vnto
me taping,
24 Sonne of man, fay vnto ber, Thon
att the land thatis wucleane, ™ and not rat-
ned vpon in the day of w2ath.
_ 25 Thereisa confpiracie = oEber prophets
in the mids thereot like a roaring iton raue»
Ring the pzap: they haue deuouted ſoules:
tbey haue taken the riches and pzectous
things: thep haue ntade ber many widowes
inthe mids thereof.
26 ier prelts haue moken niy Lato, and
baue detiled mine boly things: thep haue put
no Difference betweene the holy t prophane,
neither Difcerned betweene the vneleane,
and theclean,and haue hid their | eyes from
ee Babbaths,and J am pophaned amon
27 Her pincesin the * mids thereof, are
like wolues, rauening the pray to ſhed bloog,
ane to deſtroy foules foz their owne couctous
28 And here prophets haue dawbed them
with vntempered morter, ſeeing vantties,
and Diuining lies vnto them, faptng, Thus
rind the Lord God, when the Lod pad not
29 The people oftheland baue violent»
ly oppreſſed by poyling and robbing, and
baue vered the poore and the needy: pea.
they hane oppaefled the ranger agatnit
Iſrael as droſſe.
g Thatis,able te
defend thy felte
h Iwillehus take
away the occafie
on of thy wice
i Thou fhalt be
no more the in⸗
heritance of the
k Whichbefore
was moft precic
1 Meaning heron
by that the gode
ly ſhould be try-
ed,and the wic-
m Thou art Ifke
a barren land
which the Lord
plagueth with
n The falfe pre-
phets baue con-
fpired together
to make their
do@rine more
o They haue
= 3. 11.
Notes hich
fhould haue re=
procued them,
flattered them in
theis vices, and
couered their dos
ings with lies,
Chap. 13.10.
q Which weuld
fhew bim(felfe
zealous in my
caule by refitting `
vice, }fa-5 9016.
and 63,5. andal-
fo pray vnto me
to withhold my
30 And J fought fora man among them plagues,Pfal.
that Houl s make vp thebedge, and Ran
The horrible filehineffe of Aholah
in the gappe before mec fo: theland, that J
Should net deſtroy it but J found nene.
31 Therefore bane J powzcd out mine
indignation vpon rhem,and conſumed them
with the fire ot my wath: their owne wares
baue Jrendred vpon their heads, faith the
Loꝛd Gov.
Ofthe idolatrie of Samaria and Ieruſalem, vn-
der the names of Aholah and Aholibah,
a Meaning Ifrael He word of the Lod camcagaine vnts
and ludah,which me,faping, —~
€ame both out 2 Sonne of man, there were two wo-
ofose family, Men, the @aughters ofone è mother.
b Theybecame - 3 And thep committes fornication > in
idolatersafter Egypt, they committed fornication in their
themanerofthe youth: there were their breaſtes preſſed,
Egyptians. and there they beuled the teates ef their vir»
c Aholahfigni- ginitte.
fieth a manfion 4 And the names of «them were Aholah
ordwellingin tbe elver, and Aholibah her lifer = and thep
herfeifeymeaning Were mine and they bare [onnes and daugh⸗
Samariawhich ters: thus were their names: Damattais A.
bolah end Jeruſalem Aholibah.
§ Aud Aholab played the harlot when
4 the was mine, and the was fer on fire with
ber loners, to wit, with the Afipztans hes
6 buch were clothed with blewe filke,
both captatnes and princes : thep were all
pleatant pong inen, and horſemen riding vpe
on betes.
7 Thus hhecommitted her whozredome
with them, euen with all them that were the
chofen men of Alfhur,and with allon whom
—* doted, and Defiled her felfe wich all their
idoles, : ;
8 Neither left hee her kornication, lear-
was the royall ci-
tie of Ifrael : And
Aholibah fignifi-
eth my manfion
in her, whereby is
meant lerufalem
where Gods
Temple was,
IEbr. vnder me,
d When thelf
saclites were na-
med the people
of God,they bee
came idolaters,
and forfooke
God,and put ned of the Egyptians ; for in ber youth they
their truit inthe elap with ber,and they bzutied the breatts of
Affyrians. ber virginitie, and powzed their whoꝛedome
e The holyGhoft bpon ber. j
weth thefe 9 captancs vnder
Ding vpon hoeſes TER Nebuchad nez-
24 Cuen theſe Hall come agatni thee zar.
with charets, wagons, and whecles, and
with a multituBe of people, which hall fet
againt thee, buckler and wield, and helmet
round abont: and $ J wull leane the puniſh· F£br. I will gss
ment vntothem, and they ſhal iudge thee ace sdgemens be-
coding to their udgements. Sore them,
25 And J wil lay mine indignation bpon |Or,/awes.
thee, and thep hall veale cruelly with thee:
they all cut off thyi nofe and thine gareg, i They fhall de-
and tby remnant fhal fall by the fwo2d they ſtroy the princes
fall carie away thp fannes and thy Daugh= and priefts with
ters, ana thprefioue halbe Denoured by the the S ofthy
26 They hall allo ſtrippe thee out of thy
clothes,and take away thy faire tewels. ;
27 Thus will J make thy wickeDnefle ta l
ceale from thee, and thp fornication out of
thelandef Egypt: fo that thou wait not
lift bp thine eyes vnto them, no: remember
Egypt any moze..
28 Foꝛ thus faith the Loꝛd God, Behold,
Jwilldeliner thee into the hand of them, k Allchy treas
whom thou hateſt: evcn into the hands of ſures asd riches
them from whom thine heart isDeparted, which thou haft
29 And they thalbandle thee dDelpitefuliy, gotten by labor.
and fyaltake away allthy*tabour,aud tall 1 All the world
leane thee naked and bare, and the ſhame of shall fe thy
thy foznications! mall bce Difconered y both thamefull forfa-
thy wickednefle and thy whoredome. king of God to
32 Jwill doe theſe things vnto thee, bes feruc idoles,
canle thou bat gone.a whoring after the m Iwill execute
heathen, andbecauethouart polluted with the fare indge-
ur 9) F RH en - mentsand ven-
31: Thos hat walked in the way ofthy geance againn }
fitters theretoze will I gine herm cup into thee, & that with-
ine hand. gteatetleueritie.
32 Thug-
Aholah and Aholibah oldin adulteries.
n Meaning,that
the affidions
theuld be fo
great that they
fhould caufe
chem to lofe their
feufes and reafon.
© That is,tobe
facrifices to their
idoles, reade
Chap.1 6.20.
p They fent into
other countreys
to haue fuch as
fhould teach the
feruice of their
q He meaneth
the altar,that
was prepared for
the idoles,
rt Which fhould
Sraa the maner
of worfhipping
their gods, 7
{That is,worthy
death, reade
Chap, 6:38,
ether gities,and
` 32 Thus faith the Lod Gon, Thou Halt
Bunke of thy lifters cup, Deepe and large:
thou halt bee laughed to {con aud havin
Berifion,becaule tt contetneth much.
33 Thou ſhalt bee filled with r dzunken ·
ucte and fozrowe , euen with the cup of De.
gruction, and deflation, with tye cup ofthp
fiter Samaria. : )
34 Thou ſhalt even deinkeit, and wꝛing
it out to the dregges, anD thou thalt bꝛeake
the iheardes thereof, and teare thine owne
— koꝛ J baue ſpoken it, faith the Lap
35 Aherefore thus faith the Lom God, fA
Becauſe thou halt forgotten mec, and caſt
mee bebinde thp backe, therefore thou fhale
alfo beare thy wickedneſſe and thp wheze-
36 ¶ The Lom {aid mozeouer vnto mer,
Sonne of man, wile chou imge Abolab,and
Abolibal ? and wilt thou declare te them
their aboininations?
37 Fo: they haue played the whores, and
bloodis in their banas, and with their oles
bane they committed adulteric,and haue at-
fo cauſed their fonnes, whom they bare vnto
mz,to paffe by the firetabe their omeate.
38 Moꝛeouer. thus haue thep done vnto
mei thep haue Defiled mp Sanctuarie in the
pers > and hauc peephanc® mp Dab-
39 Forwhen they had faine their chil-
Dzen to their idoles, they came the fame Dap
into my Sanctuarie to delile it : and to,thus
haue they Done in the middes of mine boule.
40 Sad howe much moze ist that they
fent for men to come frome far, vnto whom
a meſſenger was lent, andloc, they came?
fo: whom thou diddeſt wath thy felfe, anv
paintedit thine eyes, and deckedſt thee with
onaments, $
4i And fatet spon a coftly bed, and
a table prepared hefo2eit, whereupon thou
bat ſet mine incenſe and minc oyle. —
4a And a boyce of a multitude being at
gafe, was with ber: and with the men to
make the company great were brought men
ofr Saba from the wilderneffe , which put
bracelets vpon their hands, and beautitull
crownes vpon their heads.
43 Then J (aid vnto hee that was old in
adnitertes, ow Hall Hee and her foznicatt-
ons come to an enD.
44 Gnd thep went in onto ber as they got
toa common harlot : fo went they to Aholah
aud Aholibah the wicked women, =
45 And the righteous men they. hall
iud ge them, akter the maner of harlots and
after the mauer of murtherers: for they are
harlots, and blood is tu their hands.
46 Mherefore thus ſaith the L020 Goo,
F wil bkg d multitude bpon them.and wil
giue them vnto the tumult. and to the {poile,
47 And the multitude Hall Tone them
with tones and cut themwith theit fwozds:
they (hall May their formes, and their daugh ·
ters, aud burne ap their houles with fire. ”
8 Thus will J caule wickedues to ceale
out OF the lad, that all e women may bee
taught, not te doc attet theit wickedneſſe.
49 And thep Hall lay pour wickedneſlſe
A parable of the feething pot.
vpon pou, and pee Wall beare the finnes of
pour Meis, and pe Hall know that J am the
Lo? Sod.
1 Hee fhewet! the deſtraction of Ieru[alem by
a parable of a feething pot. 16 The parable of E-
nekse/s wife besng dead.
A maine inthe a ninth peere, inthe tenth
mioneth , in the tenth day of the > mo.
neth came the word of the Lort vato mice
2 Henne ofman, write thee the name of
the Day, euen of this fame Day: for ts King
e — fet himlelle agatnu Jeruſlalem this
ame Bay.
3 Therefore ſpeake a parable vnto the
rebellfous boule, and fay puto them, Thůs
faith the Loꝛd God, Pꝛepare as pot,prepare
itana alio powꝛe water into it.
4 Gather the4pieces thereoftnto it euen
euery good piece, asthe thigh and the ſhoul ·
Der,and fill it with the chiete bones,
§ Cake one ofthe bet theepe,and butne
alla the e bones vnder it, and make tt boyle
well,and (ecth the bones of ft therein,
6 Becaule the Lom Gon faith tyus, Toe
to the bloody citie, cuen to the pot, f whole
fkumme is therein, and whole (kunme ts
net gone ont of it: bring tt outs piece by
piece: let no ^ lot fall bpon it.
7, Foz ker blood is tn the middes of her:
fbe fet it bpon an bigh i rocke, and powzed it
not vpon the ground ta coner tt with Bulk,
8 Chat it might caufe math to arife,
and take vengeance + cuen X hate fer her
blood vpon an highrocke that it ſhould not
be couered.
o Cherefore thus faith the Lorn Gon,
* loe to the bloody citte, for F will make
f the burning great.
IO eape om much wood: $ kindle the
fire, confume the fled, and calt in (pice, and
tet ths benes be burnt.
IL Then fet it emptte vpon the coales
thereof that | the brafle of it may be hot, and
map bucne, and thatthe fithinefie of te may
bee molten irit, ans that the ſtumme of tt
maybe confumed,
12 he bath wearicd her felfe with ties,
and ber great ſtumme went not ont of ber:
iee fkumme hall bee confumed with
13 Thouremaineft in thp filthines and wic-
kednefie: becaule J would’ o paue purged
thee, and thou walt not purged, thou alt
notbe purged from thy ſilthineſſe. til J baug
cauld my wrath to light vpon thee.
14 D the Low hane ſpoken it: tt hal come
to palle, and Rwilldocic: F will not goe
backe; neither wilt hare, neither will J
repent; actording to thy wayes, ana accoz:
Duig to thp Workes Mal they iudge cee,
faith the Lord God. hi
a Of feconiahs
Captiuitie,and of
the reigneof Zee
35. I.
b Called Te:
beth, which con-
teineth part of
December and
part of lanua-
rie: in the
which monethe
and day Nebu-
chad» nezzar
befieged lerus
c Whereby was
meant Icrufales:.
d Thatis, the ci.
tizens, and the
chiefe men
{ Or, hecpe,
c Meaning, of
the innocents,
whem they had
flaine,who were
e ae = the
7 Beholde, therefore J will tretch out
mine hand bponthee, and will deliuer thee
to be ſpoyled of the heathen, and J will roote
thee out from the people, and J will cauſe
thee to be deſtroxed our et the countryes, and
J will deltrop thee, aud théu Halt know
that J am the Lob.
3 Thus layth the Loyd God, Becauſe
that Moab and Seir doe lay, Bebold, the
boule of Judabislike vnto all the heathen,
O TCherefoze, behold, 3 will open the ine
of Moab, euen of the ecittes of bis cities, I
fay, tn bis frontiers wit) the pleafant come
trep, Beth-tehimorh, Baal-mcon, and Ri-
1O Iwillcall he men of the Cant agalnſt
the Ammonites; and will giue them in pole
ſeſſion, fo that the Ammonites Wall no moze
be remembied among the nations,
II And J will erecute tudgements vpon
— > and they hall know that Zam the
12 € Thus faith the Lo God, Becauſe
that Coom hath Done cuill by taking ven⸗
geance bpon the houſe of Judah, hath com>
mitted great offence, and renenged bimlette
bpon them, —
a Therefore thus ſayth the Lod God. J
will alfo ftretch out mine band bpon C-
Dom, and deſtroy man and beat out of it,
and J wilimake it Deflate fron Teman,
and they of Dedan Hall fall by theſword.
14 And J will erecute my vengeance vp⸗
on Edom by thehandof my people Iſrael.
and they Hal Do in Cdom accozding to mine
anger, andaccording to mine indignation.
aa aber Mall know my vengeance taith the
020 Gov,
1s Thus ſayth the LoD God, Becaule
the Philiſtims Yane erecuted bengeance,
and. revenged themſelues with a deſpitetull
heart,to deſtroy it for the old hatred,
16 Therefore thus ſayth the Lo God,
Behold , J will ſtretch out mine hand vpon
the Philiſtims, and J wiil cut oF the ‘Chee ¢ whichwere
rethimig, and Delroy theremnant ofthe (ta certaine garrifo
aut, _ of Philiftims,
17 And J will evecute great vengeance whereby they oft
bpon them with rebukes of mine indigna» crimes molefted
tion, and they Wall know that J am the the lewes.ofth
Lod, when J all lay my vengeance VHON Cherethims Da-
them. uid alſo bad a
guard, 2. Sam.
e Sothatno poa
a Heprephefieth that Tyrus fhalbe ouerthrow-
falem. 15 The wondring and aStonifhmens of the-
merchants for she deStragtion of Tyr.
Why Tyrus was deftroyed. :
A Nd inthe a elenenth yere, inthe firſt day
of the moneth, the wodol the Lode
came vnto me,faying,
reigneof Zedes 2 Donne of man, becaule that Tyus
Kiah. hach fam againſt Ferulalem, Aha, the > gate
b Thatis,thefa- ofthe propie ts broken: itis turned unio me;
mouscitieleru- for [teing thee ts Delolate, J Mail be < veples
falem, whereunco niſhed, A
allpeople refor- 3 Therefore thus faith the Lorde God,
ted. Beholde, J come agatnt thee, D Cyrus,
c Myrichesand and J will wing vp many nations again
fame hall in- thee , asthe lea mouncteth bp with his
creafe: thusthe wanes.
wicked reioyce 4 And they (hall deſtroy the walles of
attheic fallby Tyus, and breake towne ber towers: F
whom they may will allo ſcrape ber Dut from her, and make
baue any profit her like the top ofa rocke.
oraduantage, _ § Thou ſhalt be foz the (preading of nets
inthe mids of che (ea: fo: J haue (poken tt,
fayth che Lord God, and it Hall bec alpoyle
tathe nations. , i
6 And der d Daughters which are in the
field, thall bee flaine by the ſword, and they
fhall know that Jam the Lod.
7 _ Foz thus ſayth the Lord God, Behold,
I will dzing upon Tyrus Mebuchad-nezsat
king of Babel, a king of kings, from the
Noꝛth, with bozles and with charets, and
iro poalen » With a multitude and much
cop a
8 ide thal flap with the fword the daugh ·
fers in the held, and bee Hall make a fozt ae
Bain thee, and cak a mount againk chee,
and likt vp the buckler againſt thee,
9 Mee ſhall fet engines of warre before
bim againk thp walles, and with his wea:
pons breake Bowne thy towers.
lo The Dut of hrs hoztes hal coner thee,
fo: their multitude: thy wailes thall hake at
the nople of the horſemen, and of the
wheeles and ofthe charets, when hee hall
enter into thy gates, as inte the entryof a
tity that is boken Downe. —
II Cith the hootes of bis hozfes fhall hee
tread Downe ali thy treets : he hall flay thy
e For Tyrus was people by the ſword; and thee pillars of thp
muchbuiltby Trength Mall fall dswue to the ground.
jart,and by labour ` 12 QndthepMallrobbe thy riches, and
ofmenwaswon ſpoile thy merchandile, and they Mall breake
outofthefea. Dowie thy walles ; and deltroy thy plealant
Somereferrethis houſes, and they fall cat thy ttones and thy
vorotheimages timberand thy Dutt into the middes of the
of the noble mater. -
men, which they ` 13 * Thus twill J caule the found of thy
adere@tedvp fongs to-ceale,and the found ofthine harpes
ortheirglory fhailbe no moze beara.
and renoume, 14 J will lay thee like the top of a rocke:
ere 7.34. Sthou balt be foz a (preading of nets: thou
Iwilmakethee fhaltbce built no more; foz I the Lord baug
fo bare,that thou ſpoken it.ſaith the Lom Gon.
alr haue no- Is Thus Gyth the Lod Ged to Tpzus,
a Eitherof the
captiuitie of Ie-
coniah,or of the
d 'Thetownes
that belonged
vnto ber.
hingto couse Shall not the ples tremble-at the found of
hee, thy fall , and at the crie of the wounded,
>» The gouernors when they ſhall bee faine and murthered in
fndrolersofo- the middes of thee?
her countreys 16 Then all theppineesof the efea fhall
hatdwel by the come Downe from their thzonest they fall
¢a:wherebyhee lap away their robes , and put off. their
ignideth that i
er deflrudion fhould be fo horrible that all the world ſhould heare
exeof,and be afraid,
> Ezekiel. 3
Theriches and
bropdzed garment⸗e, and Malt cloth them-
felues with akenthment: they Mall fit vpon
the ground, and bee aſtouiſhed at cucry mae
ment and be amaled at chee. :
17 Gud they hail cake vp alamentation
foz thee, and fay tothee, Wow art thou dgs
firoped, that wak inhabited * ef the fea men,
the renowmed citie which was ſtrong in the
ica, both ſhee and her inbabitants, which
ait ia fcare to bee on all that haunt
erein! ;
18 Mow fhall the ples be altoniſhed in the Mereale her
Day of thy fall: pca, the ples that arein the Posts
(ca, ſhalbe troubled at thy Departure.
19 Foꝛ thus ſayth the Lod Goa, Ahen
3 Mal make thee a deſolate citie , like the ct»
ties that are not inbabited and when J hall
bring the Deepe vpon thee,and great waters
fail couer thee, e
20 Uhen F Wall cak thee downe with
them that deſcend inte the ptt, with the peo» . Which
ple‘ ofoli time, and Hall fet thee tn the low 4 ——
partsof the earth, like theolderuines, with dcad long agoe,
them, I fay, which goe Downe to the pit, fo
that thou fjalt not betnhabited, and I Hall
few my glozp tn the land of che * liuing,
21 J wil) being thee to nothing,and thou
Walt be no more: though thou be ſought foz,
yet Hatt thou neuer bee found againe, faith
the Loud God,
The Prophet bewaileth the defolation of Tyrus;
ewing what were the riches , power and anthos
ritte thereof intime paſt.
Te wod ef the Lord came againe vnts
me,fapyitg, —
r — of man, take vp a lamentatton
3 And fp vnto Typus, that is lituateat 4
the entry of the lea, which is themart * of aWhich ferueft,
the people of many. ples, Thus ſaieth the althe world with
Low Had, D Cyprus, thou halt fapa, J am thy merchandife,
ofpertic beauty. Y
4 Chpborwders are inthe + mids of the-tEbrheart,
fa, and thy builders haue made thee of pertit
eauty- :
5 Chey hate madealithy tip boards of :
ficte trees of e Sbenir; thep bane brought b This moun.
cedars from Lebanon, to make maltes fog taine was called
thee. j Hermon, but the
© Dftheokesof Bahan haue they made Amoritescalied
thie ores: the company of the Afipsians it Sbenir,Deur,
baue made thy bankes of puoste, brought ont 3-9.
ofthe ples of Chittim. c Which is ta-
7 Fine linnen with braydered Woke, Ken for Grecia
brought from Egypt, was ſpꝛead ouer thee and Iealy.
to be thy faple,biuc lilke and purple, brought |Or,/hipmafers,
from the ples of Gitihah, was thy ceug- d Meaning,cthat
ring. $ they built the
8The inhabitants of ꝛidon and Aruad walles of the ci-
were thy mariners , D Tyzus: thp wile tie, which is here
men that were th thee, they were thp || pi» meant by the
lots, fhip: and of thefe
9 Theancients of Gebal, andthe wile werethe builders
men thereof were in thee thy dcalkers all of Salomons,
the Mippes of the fea with their mariners Temple, 1,King,
were in thee to occupte thy merchandile. gaba '
10 Theypot Peria g of Lud,and of but,
b Meaning, meg-
chants , whichby
their traffique
did inrich her
wonderfully and
k Meaning in
ludea, when it
thalbe reftored,
Or, make thea
@ terrour.
power of Tyrus.
were tn thine arimle: thy men of warre thep
Hanged the Hield and helmet in thee: they
fet forth thy beautp. y
II @hemenof Aruad with thine army
were upon thy wallesrounde about , and
the < Gammadims were in thy towers:
they hanged their wieldes vpon thy walles
—— about; they haue made thy beautie
pert. :
12 They of Tarhih were thy merchants
faz the multitude of al riches, tor ſilner, iron,
—— lead, which they brought to thy
aires. :
13 TheyokfJauan, Cubal and Meſhech
mere thy merchants, ¢ concerning the liues
of men, and chey brought veſſelsot braſſe fog
thy merchannile.
14 They ofthe boule of 5 Tomarmay
brought ta thy Fayecs bozles, aud boztemen,
and mules.
Is The men of Dedan were thy mer»
chants: ane the merchandile of many ples
were in thine hands; they brought thee fe? a
prelent,' boneg, teeth and peacocks. `
16. Theyaf Aeau were thy merchants.
foz ý multitude ef thyſwares: they occupted
e Thatis,they of
Cappadocia, or
Pigineyes and
were fo called,
becaufe ghat out
of the hie tawers:
they feemed litle.
f Of Grecia, itas
ly,and Cappado~
g By Glling
h Which are
taken for a ped-
ple of Afia mi-
i. Meaning Vni-
cornes hornes
and Elephants
teeth, in thy fayzes with j emeraudes, purple,and
Or, works. brꝛoydred woke an t fing linnen, and cezal,
§Or,carbancle. and pearle.
§Or, filkes 17 They of Judahand of thelande of
Iſrael were thy merchants; they brought
kWhere the beft f02 thy merchandile wheate of * Minnith,
wheate growed, aud, Pannag , and honie, and ople, and
tarpenti E:
Wr, tarpemines * 1S They of Damalcus were thy mer-
thantsin the multitude of thy wares fozthe
multitude of all riches, as in the wing of
Pelton ana white wooil.
19 Chey of Dan alio and of Jauan,go·
ing tu.and fro, occupied inthy fapzes: won.
woke calia and talamus were ameng thp
20. Chey of Dedan were thymerchants
in precious clothes foz the charets. —
21. Thep of Arabia and at the princes of
LOr,were mer- Redar ſoccupied with thee inlambes,and
chants,whoft | rammes and goates tin thele mere they thy
merchandife pal merchants,
fed thorow thine. 22 The merchants of Sheba,and Raa-
hands, mab were thy merchants: thep occupied in
thy fayzes with the chiefe ofall pices, and
with all precious ones and gold.
23 Thep of Maram and Canneh, and E⸗
Den, the merchants of Sheba, Aſhur and-
Chilman were thy merchants.
24 hele were thy merchants in all
forts of things, tneapment of blue ilke, ani
Of bzoydered woke, and in coliers for-
therich appareil, which were bound with
cant chapnes aifo were among thy mer-
25 The hips of Carhihilwere thy chieke
intpp merchandtfe, and thou watt repleni⸗
—— made very glorious inthe midget
Or, rowers. 26 Thylrobbers haue brought thee into
JThatis Nebu- Great waters; the! Cal winde hath woken.
chad-nezzar, thee inthe minsofthefea.
27 Thy riches and thy faires, thy mer-
chandife,thy marriners and pilots, thy cal-
kera aud the occupera of thy merchandiſe,
` fOr, camein come.
pany toward thee-
Chap. xxviije
3.2 3.15
‘Again the King of Tyrus.
e Like the reft
ofthe heathen
and mfidels,
_wh'chare Gods
d He derideth
the vaine opini-
on & confidence
_ that the Tyrians
_ bad in their ri-
ches ftrength
and pleafures.
fOr, laSer.
Or, carbuncle,
e He meaneth
_ the royail ftate
_ of Tyrus,which
_ for the excellen-
cie and glory
thereof he copa-
reth to the Che-
rubims, which
" couered. the
Arke: and by this
word Anoynted,
he fignificth the
fame, >
f I did theethis
honour to make
_thee one of the
builders of my
_ Temple, which
was when Hi-
ramfent vnto
neceſſary for the
g To wit, among
my people Ifrael,
which fhined as
ee ous ſtones.
Which was
when I firft called
thee to this digni ·
| tie,
i Thou fhalt
haue no part
among my pco-
5 k Thatis, the
| honour; where-
unto I called
J them.
f] Or; brought to
| sothing.
|} By executing
$ my judgements
j againit thy wic-
j kedneffe,
$ m That is, Nebu-
asaini the beauty of thy wifdome,and t
tall defile thy Ara À ae
& They thall catt thee Downe te the pit,
and thou (haltdte the veach af them, that are
faine in the mint of the fea.
9 Milt thou fay chen befo him that ais
ety thee, amagon? but thou fhaltbeea
man and ne God, tn the hands of him that
Hapeth thee. ~
10 Thou fhalt die the Death of thee vn⸗
circumciſed by the hands of ttrangers:fo2 Ji
bane (pokenit,faich the Loo Gon.
I ¶ Moeouer the wed of the Lon came
vnto me, laying,
12 Bonneofiman,take bp a lamentation
bpon the king of Typus, and fay vnto bim,
hus ſayth the Lou Gon, hou fealett vp
the ſumme; and arc full of wiledome and
pert in beauty,
13 Thou baŭ bene in Coen the garden of
God: cuerp precious tone was in thy gare
ment, the ruby, the topase tthe || Diamond,
the chrilolite, the onix, and the talper,the fa»
phit,iemeraud,and the carbuncle and gold:
theworkmanthtp of thy tymbzels,and of thp
pipes was prepared in thee tithe Day that
thou wait created,
I4 Chau arte the anointed Cherub, that’
couereth, ¢ Jhaue (et thee £in honour; thou
watt vpon the holy mountayne of God:thou
par walken in the middes of thee Hones of
15 Thou walt perfect in thy waies from
the day that thou walt + created, tiliniquity
was found in thee. i
16 By the multitude of thy merchandile,
they baue fillen the nuds of thee with cruel»
ty,aud thou batt finned: therefor J will
cait thee as prophane out of che imountatne
of Hed, aud FJ well Deltroy thee, D couering
Cherub, fromthe manes of the ones ot
17 Thine heart was liften pp, becaule of
thy beauty,and chou bat coꝛrupted thy wile
Dome by reafon of thy brightnctesH mwil cat
thee top ground: 3 wil laythee betorckings,
that they map bevold thee. `
13 Chou pak defilen thy t fanctification
by the multitude of thinetniquities, and bp
tbe iniquity of thy merchandile ; therefore
will 3 bring forth a fire from the mindes of
thee, which hal deuoure thee: ¢ J wil being
thee to aſhes vpon the earth, in the light of
all them that behold thee.
Ig Allthey that knowe thee among the
people, Hail be aſtoniſhed at thee: chou ait
be al terrour, and newer Walt thou be anp
20 €Againe,the word of the Loꝛd came
vnto me,faying,
21 Sonne of man, fet — againlt Zt
don, and prophelie againtttt,
22 Andlay, Thus ſayth the Lord Gon,
Beholse,Jcomeagatilt thee, D Fiwon ann
J willbe’! glortfied inthe midsot thee: and
they ball know that Jam the Lord, when
3 hal haue executed wdgementsinber,and
fhalbe ſanctified in her. ;
23 Fo J wil fend into her peſtilence, and
blood ince her ttreets,and the Naine Mal Fal
in Che mids of her; m the cnemie fhallcome qs
+ 26 And they hall nwellafelp therin,and
Egypta ſtaffe of reede,
paint her with the ſword on cuery fine, ana
they Hall know that Fam the Lod. ;
24 And they hall be na moze a picking
thozne onto the bouie of Jlfraelnor any grice
uous thone of all that are round about thé,
and deſpiſed them,and they hall know chat
3J am the Lod God.
25 Thus ſayth the Lod God, Then F
fhall baue gathered the boule of Pirae! from
the people where they are (cattered and wal
bealanctificd in them in the light af the hea⸗
then,then hall so Dwel in the land, that J
baue giuen to my feruant Jaakob.
n He theweck
for what caufe
God wil affemble
bis Church,and
preſerue it {till
though hee de-
ftroy his enemies,
thal build boules and plant vinepards ; pea, tO wit,that they
they Mall owel fafelp, when Thaueececutea fhould praiſe
{udgements vpon al round about them that biow· and giue
Delptie chem, and thep (al know that J am thanks for his
the Loz their God, Great mercies.
He prophefieth againft Pharaoh and Egypt. 13
The Lord promifeth that hee willreftoreEgypt afa
ter fourtyyeres. 18 Egyptisthe reward of King
Nebuchad-nerzar for the labour which he tooke
againft Tyrus.
Je theatenth pere,and in the tenth moneth, 2 To wit, ofthe
in the ttuelfti day of the moneth, the twon Captivity of Ie-
of the Loꝛd came vnto me, laying, coniah or of the
2 Sonneofman, fet thy face againſt eigne of Zede-
Pharaoh the king of Caypt, and prophelie Kizh, Of the ore
againt bhim, and agatnit all Egypt. der of thefe pro-
3 Speake,and lap, Thus latch the Lord ph: fies,and how
Hod, Beho, J come againtt thee, Pharaoh the former fome-
king of Egypt, the great pete alae lieth time fandeth af-
in the middes of his riucrs, which hath faid, ter thelatcer,read
The river is minge and J haue mane tt fog Iere.27.1.
mip felfe. f b Hecompareth
4 But F will put hoskeg in thy iawes, Pharaohtoa
and J will caule the fith-of thy riuers to dragon, which |
ſtickẽ vnto thy ſcales, and J will Dawe hideth himfelfein
thec out of the middes of thy ttuers, ana the riuer Nilus,
all the iM of thp riuers hall tticke unto thy as Ifa 51.9.
{cales. c lwilfend ene-
§ And F willleane thee in the wildernes, mics againft thee
beth thee and all the BW of chy rivers ; thou which thal pluck
halt fal vpon $ open ficld: thou Walt not be thee,and thy peo-
brought together,noz gathered; for Jhaue ple,which truſt in
giuenthee toz meat tothe bealts of the field, thee, out of chy
and to the foules of the heauen, fure places.
6 And all the inbabitants of Egypt Hal d Read 2.K ing.
knowe that Fant the Lode, becaulethey 1 323 11a,36.6,
bauc beene aitaffe of ·reede tothe boule of |\'0r, bake.
Iſrael. ` © When they
7 Ahen they tooke holde of thee with felt their hurts
their band, thou diddeſt breake, and rent all: they would ftay
their hauler: and when they leaned vpon no more vpon
thee,thou bꝛakeſt and madelt al their loines thee,but Rood
to ſtand evpright. vpon their feete
S Aherfore thus laith the L020 God, Be· and put their
Hold, J wil bring a fwon pon thee,and De- truftin others. _
{troy man and beat out of thee, f Thus God cane
9 And the land of Egypt ſhalbe defolate, not fuffer that
and waite, and they hall knowe that J am man thouldarro~
the Lora: becaule he hath faid, £ Che riuer gate any thing to
is mine,and J baue madeit, himfelfe, or put
Io Bebolde,therefore J come vpon thee, his truſt in any
and bpon thyriuers, ana FZ well make the ching ſaue inbim
land of Egypt vtterly waite and vive alone,
ebuchad-nezzars wages.
from the tomer of Benench, euen vnto the
t£br.Chufh,or borders ol the tblacke Wores.
Ethiopia. No footeofman Mall paſſe by ft, no:
foote of beak ſhall paſſe by it, neither fyatlat
be inhabited fourtie peeres.
12 And J will make the land of Egypt
Delolate tn themiddes of the countreps that
are deſolate , and ber cities fall be deſolate
among the cities that are Defolate, foz fourty
peeres ; and F taill (catter the Egyptians
among the nations , and will diſperle them
thozow the countreps,
13 Pet thus ſayeth the Lord God, * At
the end of fourty peeres will J gather the Ce
ptians from the people, where thep were
cattered, att
14 And J will Pip io Bir captinttic
of Egypt, and wil caule them to returne inta
the land of Pathros, into the land oftheir
habitation, and chep Hal bethere a sfmall
ingdome. a
Is Jt thalbe the ſmalleſt ofthe kingdoms,
g Meaning, that
they fhould not
the nations : fo: J will diminiſh them, that
they fall no moze rule the nations.
16 Andit ſhall be no moze the confizence
ofthe boule of Iſrael, to bring their » iniquis
tie to remembance by looking after them,
fo Hall they know, that J am tke Lod Gov,
17, € Gn the i ſeuen and twentieth peere
alfo in the firit moneth, and in the firft day of
the moneth,came the word of the Loꝛd vnto
F . me, laying
Phenol. 18 Sonne of man, Mebchad-nessar
punith their Ring of Babel cauſed his armie toleruea
hts: great k ferutceagain Cyrus + eucrp head
was madebalde, and every ſhoulder was
made bare: pet bad hee no wages, ! no: his
armicfo: Tyrus, foz the (eruice that helers
ued againt it.
19 Cherefore thus faith the L020 Gov,
Behold, J will giue the land of Egypt unta
Nebuchad· nezzat the king of Babel, ana
he fhalltake her multitude, and {poyle her
{pople and take her prape and it ſhallbe the
wages ofbisarmic. —
20 J baue giuen him the land of Egypt
foz bis labour, that be ferued || againé it, bes
ou thep wrought |i fez me, fapeth the Lod
21 In that day will J caule the hone of
the boule of Iſrael to grow, ant J will gine
thee an open mouth in the miades of them,
and they Hall know that J am the Lord.
The deſtruction of Egypt, and the cities thereof.
He word ofthe Lod came agatne vnto
me, faying. :
2 Bonne of man, pophefie, and fap,
Thus layeth the Loꝛd GoD, Woule and crie;
Moe be pnto this Dap,
3 Fozrthe dap is neere, and the dayof
Counting from
the captiuitic of
k Hetooke -
eat paines at
=A rai of Ty-
rus and his armie
TS handled,
Signifying tbat
zar had more
paines then pro.
t, by the taking
of Tyrus,
IOr, in it.
llOr, enik againft
the Lozd is at hand, acloudie day, and it hali fay
be the time ofthe beathen.
4 And the ſword thall come bpon Egypt,
and feare wall bee in Ethiopia, when the
Haine hall fall in Egypt, when they hall
a ByPhutand . takeaway ber multitude, ¢when her foun-
Lud aremeant . Dations Hali bc broken downe.
Aphricaand § a €thkiopia,and Phut ann Lud, and all
Libya, <: the common people, and Cub, and the men,
-Ofthe countreys that are Defolate, and her
neither hall tt exalt it felfe any moze aboue Bab
Pharaohs arme broken. 321
of the land, that is in league, Wall fall mith
them by thefmozd.
6 Abus layeth the Lod, Chepallothat
maintaine Egypt, halt tall, and the pride
of ber power thall come Downe : from the
the towerof> Seueneh hall they falibp the
ſword, fapth the Lord Ged. 7
7 And they fhal be delolate in the middes
b Which was
a {trong citie of
Egy pty clap. 29
cities fhallbee (nthe mig ofthe cities that “°
ate waited.
8 Andthep hall knowe that J am the
Lozd, when F haue (et a firein Egypt, and
when all ber helpers ſhalbe Defkroped.
9 In that day hall their meflengers goe
foorth trom me in fptips , to make the tate-
leſſe Moꝛes afrai, and feare hall come vp ·
on them asin the Day of Egypt ; ſor loe, b
Io Thus faith the Leme Gov, F wit
allo make the multitude of Egypt to ceaſe
by ed band of #ebuchad-nessar King of
II Fo: bee and his people with him, cuen
the terrible nations wall bee brought to Des
froptheland ; and they Hall Daw theter
fwozdes again Egypt, and All the lanu
with the faine. ee
12 And J will make the rtuers By, and
fell the land into the hands of the wicked,
and J willimake the land watte,and alithat
therein ts, by the bands of ſtrangers: 3 the
Lozd haue ſpoken it. :
13 Thus lapth the Lo: God, J will alfo
Deftrop the idoles, and J will caule their
{Doles to ceale out ofl Moph, and there wall fOr, A emphë y
bee no moze a Prince ofthe land of Egypt, or, Alhaira.
and J wil fenda fearcinthelandef€appt, -
14 And J will make Pathꝛos defolate, :
and will {et fire in Zoan, and J wil executẽ lOr, Tani
iudgement tn Ro-
Ig And J will powe my wath bpon
|| Btn, whichis the Krengthof Egypt:and F 10r, Pelufium.
will Deftroy the multitude of | Ma. Or, Alexandrite
16 Am J willetfirein Egypt: Sin hal
baue great (020w: and #20 ſhalbe deſtroyed,
and Noph Wall hauelozowesBaylp. -
17 The vong men ofi Auen, Cof Phi · 0r, Heliopolis.
beſeth hall fall by the ſword, and thele cities Or Pubaſum.
fhall go into capttuttie,
18 At Tehaphnehes the day < ſhall re»
ffraine his light, when J Wall bzeake there
the ‘batresof Egypt: and when the pomp
of her power thall ceale tn ber, the cloud Malil
couer her, and ber Daughters hall gor into
19 Thus will J erecute iudgements in
SEVP, and they hall knowe, that 3 am the
2 .
20 E And in the- eleuenth peere,in the
firft moneth, and tn the ſeuenth day ef the mo-
neth, the word ofthe Loz came vnto mee,
21 Senneof man, € J haue broken the
arme of Pharaoh king of Caypt : and loe,
ít (hall not be bound vy to be healed, neither
all they put a rolle to bind tt, and fo make
it trong, to hold thefwo2d.
22 Gherefore thus fapth the Lord God,
Behold, J come againt Pharaoh kingof g His force and
Caypt, and wii breake £ bisarme, that power,
Sf was
c Meaning, that
there fhall be
great forow and
d That is, the
ſtrength and
e Of the capti-
uity of Jeconiah,
or of Zedekiahs
£ For Nebuchad-
nezzar deftroyed
Pharaoh Necho
at Carchemifh,
” Asfhurs profperities
was ffrong, butis broken, and J wiltcauie
the woz ta fall out of bis hand.
= 23 And Fwiit acter the Egyptians a»
mong the nations, and will Deiperte then
through the countrcys.
24 And J will ſtrengthen the arme of
the king of Babel, and put my fwad in bis
ban’, but J wilibzeake Pharaohs armes,
ana be hail cat out fighings,as the fighings
ef him tharis wounded betoze bint.
25 But J wil ſtrengthen the armes of the
h Whereby we “Sing of Babel, and toearmes of Pharaoh
fhall fall Downe,and they Wall know that J
Eea Ie am the Lord, * when I tball put mp lua:
ofthem(clues, intothe hand ofthe king of Babel, ana hee
nethercandoe Mall ftretch tt out vponthe lant of Egypt.
any more harme 26 And 3 will ſcatter the Cayptians a-
thenGodap- Mong the nations, and Difperfecyent among
pointeth,and tUe countreys,andrbep Mall knowe, that 3
whenhewill, am the Loz.
2 Acomparifon of the proſperitie of Pharaoh
with the profperitie ofthe Affyrians. ia He pro~
phefieth alike deſtruction to them both.
a Of Zedekishs Am inthe 2 eleventh peere, in the third
- seione,or of Le- monceth, & in the firit day of the maneth,
— capti- the Word of the Lord came vnto me, faping,
mitic, 2 Sonne of man, peake vnto Pharaoh
king of Egyvpt, and topis multitude, Ahom
art thou è itke tn thy greatneſſe? :
3 Behold, Alchur was like a cedar in Le-
banon wit) faire branches, and with thicke
thadowing boughs and Hot vp very hie, and
his top was among the thicke boughs.
4 he waters nourihed hini, and the
Deepe exalted bimen high mith her riuers
running round about bts plants, and fent
c Manyother Slit ber liftle rtucrs vato all the trees of the
nationswere yn- § fel. :
dertheirdomi- . 5 Therefore bis height was eraltcd a-
nion, beug all che trees of the feld,and bts boughs
$Or,countrey, Were multiplied, and bis branches were
long, becaule of the multitude of p waters,
which the deepe {ent ont.
6 Alithe foulesof theheauen made their
nets in bis boughs, and vnder bis branches
Mud ail the beaits of the ficld bring foorth
their pong. and vnder bis Matowe dwelt all
mightie nations.
Thus was he fairein his greatneife,
ardin tye length of his bzanthes ; foz big
root Was neere great waters,
8 The cedars tu the garden $ of God
could not bide him : no frre tree wasitke
his branches, and the cheffennt trees were
not like his boughs sall the trees inthe gars
Den of God were not like vnto him in his
beautie. ib: ale d
9 3 mande him faire by the multitude of
his bzanches : fo that allthe trees of Coen,
that were in the garden of God, enwten
fOr, thoww2f? Ym.
if vp. Io Therefore thus fapeth the Lord God,
c Thatis, of Ne. Becaute (lhe ts lift vpon high, and hath hor
bychad-nezzar, bp his top among the thicke boughes, ann
who ckerward, his heart is lift vp in bis heicht
wasthe monarch, IL 3) haue therefore Deltucred bim into
andonelyruler the Sandes of the c mightie among the
ofthe world, beaten: be Hallhandle bun, for J haug caf
b. Meaning, that
he was not like
in ſtrength to
the king of the
the Babylonians
a Signifying,
that chere was
no greater power
inthe world then
his was,
His fall.
Dim atay fo: bis wickedneTe. .
- 12 And the itrangershauc dekroted him, `
euen the terrible nations, and tiep dane leit
bim vpon the mountames, and ta all che
valleys his: branches are failen, and bis
boughs are € broken by all the rivers of tye
land: and allthe people of tye carti are te:
— trom pts ſhadow, and haue flaken
13 pon bhis ruine thall ati the foutes of
the heauen remaine and all the beaſts of the
field Halbe vpon pts beanches,
41 So that none of ali thetrees by the
Waters Hall be exalted by their height, nei-
toer tball Moore Yp their toppe among the
thick boughs, neither thal therr leaues tand
vp in their height which vinkelo much wa-
ter; fortheparealt deliuered vnto Death in
the nether parts of che earth in the middes J
of the chilozen okmen among them that goe g. The deepe wae
Downe tothe pir. tersthatcaufed .
Iş Thus fapeth the Lord Ged, Jn the Day himto mount fo
when he went Downe to bel, 3 cauled them high (meaning
to mourne,and J e ceuered the Decpe for him. his great aboun⸗
and Jdid reftraine the floods thereof, the dance & pompe)
great waters were itaped : J canlen Leba: ‘hall now lameng
nonto mourne fox him, and atl che trees ot asthoughthey
the fica fainted. ) were couered
16 3 made the nations to Make at the with fackcloth.
found of bts fall, when F cat him towne h To cawe this
to bell, with than that Belcend to rhe pit, deftrudion of
andali the erceltent trees of Eoen, andthe the king of Af-
beft of Lebanon; cuen all that are nourihed {ria to feeme
with waters, Hali bee comtorted tn the nee More horrible,
ther parts ofthe earth. _ __ hefetteth forth
17 They allo went downe to hell with other kings and
hini vno them that be llaine with thefwoz, Princes, which
and his arme and they that dwelt ynder his are dead, as
fhadow in the mids ofthe heathen. though they re-
18 To whom i art thou thus like in glo, ioyced at the fall
rp and in greatnefle among thetrees of. offuch atyrant, |
Ben.? pet thou halt becalt Downe with the i Meaning, thar |
trees of Eden vnto the nether parts of the Pharaohs power |
eerti : thon Wale lieepe in the mids ofthe vasmothing ſo
kynciccumetied, with themtbatbe flatnebp great as his was.
the fino: this is Phataoh and ail pis nwl, K Reade Chep.
titude, faith the Lozd Gov, 28. 10,
2 The Prophet ù commanded to bewaile Pha-
rash King of Egypt. 12 He prophefieth that de-
ſtruction fhal come unto Egypt througn the King
of Babylow.
A Din thea twelfth yeere in the thaclfrh
meneth, & inthe fir dav of the mone
the two: of the Loꝛd came vnto me, faying,
2 Sonne ofinan,take bp a lamentation
for Pharaoh King of Egypt, and fap vnto
him, Thou art ſike a>tyonof thenations,
aud art asaſdzagon tn the fea: thou caſtedſt
out thy riuers < and troubled it the waters
with thy feet, and ſtampedſt in their riuers.
3 Ehbuslatth the Lode God, * J will
therefore ſpꝛead mp nette ouer thee witha
great multitude of people, and they Wall oucrcome.
inake thee come bp into my net, HOr whale.
4 Then wil! J leaue thee vpon theland, c Thouprepare ”
and J will cat thee vpon the open fielde, redft greatar-
and J} will caule all the foules of the Heas mies,
uen to remaine vpon thee, and F will All chap.r2.13.
All and.17.20_
f Hereby is fige
nified the deftrue
ion of tne
power of the Afe
a Whichwasthé
firft yeere ofthe
general captiuity
ynder Zedekiah;
b Thus the fcripe
tyrants to cruell
and huge beafts,
which deuoure
althat be weaker
then they, and
fuch as they may
haraohs fall. The
all the beaſtes of the ficid with thee.
§ And J will lay tyy fleſh spor the maun-
taines, Ell the valleys 4 with chine height.
6. 3 will alla water with thy blood tie
ofthine armie. land wherein thou ¢ fwtinmelt, euen to the
Je AsNilusouer- mountatiies, and the riuers ſhall bee fullot
foiveth Egypt, thee. s
fo will I mike 7 And when J Hall! put thee out, y will
theblood of couer the heauen, and make the itarres
thine hofteco thereot Darke: * J will couer the funne with
ouerfow it. a cloude, ana the noone hall not giue ber
f The word fg- light. À
nifiethto be put 8 All the lights of heanen will J make
out as a candie is Darke fo: yee, aud bring s darkenelle vpon
put out. thy land, ſayth the Lord Gud.
Ife.13.10.ż0el12. 9 J will alſo trouble the hearts of many
31. 3.15. people, when J thall bring thp deſtruction
matth.24.29. among the nations,and vpon the countrepes
g Bythismaner which thou ball not kkowen.
fof {pecchisment 10 Dea, J wul make many people anta»
the great forrow zed at thee, and their kings chalbe altontijed
that (hallbefor with feare foz thee, when J hall make my
the flaughterof fwod to glitter againit therr facez,and they
the king and bis {all be atraid at euerp moment: eueryman
people, fo: his owne life in the Day of thy fall.
i Il for thus fatth the Lord God, The
— of the king of Babel hall come vpon
12 Bp thefwordes of the mightie will J
caule thy multitude to fall: they all hall bee
terrible nations, and thep hall Deroy the
h pompeot Egypt, and all che multitude
thereot yall be contained.
‘of the carkeifes
h Thiscame to
paffe in lefe then
foureyeeresafier 13 Jwill deſtroy alſo all the beaſts there-
thisprophefie. of from the great water fines, neither Wall
j the foote of man tronubic them anp moze, no?
the ip EETA an o hin
i To.wit, I4 en will J make i thetr waters
3 To wit, ofthe > cepe,aith caule their rtucrs to cu like ople,
fhallquictlyen- | IS, Chen J hal make the land of Egypt
joy all thy com- deſslate, and tye countrey with all that ts
moditics. therein, thallbelaped wate : when J thall
fintte all thein,which dweltherein, then ſhall
thcy know that 3| am the Lod. À
16 This is the mourning wherwith they
fhalilament her: the Daughters of the natt-
ons ſhalllament her: thep fall tament foz
Egypt, and for aller multitude, ſayth the
Lod Gon. :
17 € Inthe twelkth peere allo, inthe fif
teenth day of the moneth, came the wd of
the Lord vnto me, faying, }
18 Sonne ofmat, lament foz the multi-
tuae of Egypt, and k caft them Bowne, cuen
them andthe Daughters of the mightte nati-
k That is,pro-
phefie, thatthey
thall be caft
downe: thus the
Lord giueth his
Prophets power
both to plant &
to deftroy by his
word,reade Iere,
1.410. ons vnto the necher parts of the earth, with
Haue not other them that gae Downe inte the pit.
Kingdomes more 19 Ahom doelt thou pafle in beauty? go
beautifullthen = Downe and ficepe with the vncircumciſed.
thou,perithed? 20Thepy thal fallin the mids of them that
m That is, are ilaine by the fmozd: m We is deliuered to
Egypt theſword: Daw ber Downe, aud al her nwl-
n To makethe
matter more fen-
fible, he bzingerh
21 The mot mighty and ſtrong Mall
f th ſpeake to "pim out ofthe mids of bell with
inPharsoh,who them that helpe her: they are gone Downe
the dead (hall > and fleepe with the vncircumciled that bee
meete & maruell {laine by the wod. :
athim, readelfa, 22 Afihur is there and all his company?
&4.9, their graues arg aout Him + all thep are
Chap. xxxilj.
‘The word of the Lord againft the mockers of the
endof tyrants. 322 <>
fizine and fallen by the ſword.
23 tbo graues are mane in the Roe of
the pit, and bts multitude are round avout
bis grauc; all they are Gaine ad fallen by
the ſword, which cauled fearg to bie in the
land ef tye liuing. j
24 There is o Clam and all bis multitude o Meaniag the
round about bis graue: al they are flaincand Perfians. |
fallen bp the ſwoꝛd, which are gone Downe
with v vncircumciſed into the nether parts
of the earth, which cauled themſelues to bee
feared tn the land of the r living, pet haue p Whom ia thie
they borne their Mamie with then that are life all the werid
gone Downe to fhe pit. 3 feared, |
25 Thep baue made dis bed inthe mids |
of heflatne w al his multitude. their granes |
are round about him:all thete vncircumciſed |
are laine by the ſword: thongh they baug |
cauled their feare inthe land of the ituing, |
pethaue they borne their Hame with then
that goe Downe tothe pit: they are laped in
the mids ef them that be Haine. ;
26 Thercisa Methech, Tubal, and all q Thatis,the
their multitude: theit graues are round a- Cappadecians &
bout them: all theſe vncircumciſed werg Italians,or Spa-
flatneby che lword, though they cauled their niards, as lofe-
feare tobe intheland of the ltutng. _ pitts wrirech.
27 And they Hall not lie with the paliant
t ofthe vncircumcilſed, that are alien, which
ate gone Down te the graue, with their wea-
pons of warre, and baue layd their ſwordes
vader their heads, but thety miquitie ſhall
bec vpon their bones: becauſe they were the
teare of the mighty in the land of the liuing.
28 Dea, thou ſhalt bee broken inthe mids
of the vncitcumciſed: ard tte with them that
ateflaincbythefwod. i
29 There is Edom, bis kings and all his
princes, which with their ſtrength arelaped
by them that were flaine by the ſword: thep
thall ſſeepe with the vncircumcifed, € with
them that gecdowne to the pit.
30 There be al the prtrices of the Morth, f The kings of
with al the ʒidonians, which are gone Down Babylon.
with the laine, with their feare: chep are ae
ſhamed ot thetr ſtrength, and the vncircum·
ciſed leepe with them that bee Naine by the
ſword, and beare their pame with them that
goe Downe to the pit.
31 Pharaoh Hall ſee them, and hee ſhalbe
t comforted oner all bis multitude; Pharaoh
and all his armie thali be {laine by the ſword,
faith the Lo: Goo. i
32 J023 hauecauled my « feare tobein
tie land of rhe liuing: t he halbe tai in the
mids of the vncircumciſed with them that
ace {laine by the fwo cuen Pharaoh and al
bis multitude, laith the Lod God.
r Which died
not by cruell
death, but by the
courfe ofnacurc, _
and are honcu-
rably buried with
their coat ar-
monr & fignes
of honour.
t Asthe wicked |
reioyce when
they fee others
partakers of
their miferies,
u I will make the
Egyptians afraide
of me,as they
caufed others te
feare them.
2 The office of the couernours and minifters.
14 Hee ftrengtheneth them that defpaire, and
boldeneth them withthe promife of mercie. 30
— the word of the Loꝛd came bute
2 ounce ok man, ſpeake to the childern
ofthy people, and E pan them, ae
— —
fOr, oftheir
a He fheweth
that the people
ought to haue
continually go-
uerncurs and
teachers which
may haue a care
ouer them, and
to warne them
ewer of the dan-
gers whieh areat
b Signifying that
the wicked fhail
not efcape pu-
nilhmenct though
the watchman be
negligent; butif
che warchman
blow the trum-
pet, and then hee
will not obey, he
fhal deferue dou-
ble punifhment,
Cbap. 3. 17.
c Whichtea-
cheth that bee
that receiueth
nothis charge at
the Lords mouth,
isafpy, and nota
true watchman.
d The watchman
muft anfwere for
the blood of ail
that perifh
through his neg-
e Thus the wic-
ked when they
_ heare Gods
_ mdgement for
their finnes, de-
fpaire of his mer-
Cies,and mus-
-f Read Chap.
g Readof this
Chap,18.2 1, 24.
h Hereby hee
. condemneth all
them of hypo-
crifie, which pre-
tend to forfake
wickedneffe, and
yetdeclare not
themfclues fuch
> by theirfruites,
thar is,im obey-
ing Gods com-
mandeménts and
by godly life,
J bring the ſword bpon a land, if the people
ef the land take a man || from among them,
and make him their 2 watchman,
3 PE wher he (eeth the ſword come vpon
the land, dee blow the trumpet, and warne
the people,
4 Then he that heareth the found of the
trumpet,and wil not be warned, if the ſword
coine,and take bun away, hts blood Hall bee.
bpon bis owne head.
§ Fez he heard the found of the trumpet.
and would not be admoniſhed: therefore hts
blood ſhalbe vpon Him: but he chat receiueth
warning, fhail faue bis life.
6 But rf the watchman fee the fwod
come, and blowe not the trumpet, andthe
people bee not warned: if the {word come,
and take any perfor from among them, bee
is taken awap foz bis Stniquitte, but bts
tae will J] require at the watchmans
7 *othou, Ofonneof man, J haue
made thee a watchman vnto the boule of Te
rael: therefore thou halt heare the wo2d at
my c mouth, and admoniſh them from me.
3 Giben J hall {ay vuto the wicked, D
wicked man thou Walt die the Death, if thou
Doeft not (peake , and admoniſh the wicked
of his way, that wicked man fhall Die foz hts
iniquitie: but his blood wilt 3| 4 require at
thine hand. : j
+ 9 Freuertheleffe, if thou warne the wic-
Red af his way, to turne from it, if he dee not
turne from his wap , hee Walt Dic foz his ini-
quitte,but thou galt deliuered thy foule.
10 Therefore, D thor fon of man, (peake
vnto the houleot Ffrael, Thus yee ſpeake
and fay, JE our tranſgreſſions € our uͤnnes
be vpon vs, and we are conſumed becaule of
them, «how onld we then line?
H Bay onto them, As Fz tine, Cayeth the
Lord Goo, £ 3 delire net the Death of rhe
wicked , but that the wicked turne from his
way tlie: turne pou, turne you froni pour
tuill wayes, fez why will pe Bie, D pee Boule
of Iſrael: >
12 Therekore thou osne ofman, fap tn»
tothe chiluzen of thy people, The s rightes
oulnefie of the righteous Wall not Deltner
him int the Day ef bis tranſgreſſion, noz the
wickedneſſe of the wicked fhall caufe him to
fal thereti,inthe Day that he returneth from
his wickeDuelle, neither Hall the righteous
lite for his righteoufnefle in the Bay that bee
finneth. Í
13 Chen J ſhall fap vnto the righteous,
that he Mall Qurclyline,if he truf tobis ows
righteouſneſſe, and commit tntqurty, all bis
righteouſneſſe hall bee no moze remembred,
but foz his iniquitte that he hath committed,
he ſhall die for the fame. :
14 Againe, when J thal fay vuto the wic-
kev, Chou Malt die the veath, ithee turne
from hts finne,and De that which ts lawfull
andi right,
Is To wit, ifthe wicked reſtore the pledge,
and giueagaine that be had robbed, & walke
in the ftacutes of life, without conunitting
intquttte, he Wall ſurely liue,and not Bie.”
16 fone of his Annes that hee hath com»
mitted Mall be mentioned vnto hint, becauſe
he all ſurely line.
17 Pet the childꝛen oF thy people fap Lhe
tay of theLozdets notcquali: but their
owne way ts vnequall. ;
-18 Chen the righteous turneth from his
righteoulnes,and committeth iniquity, bee
Mall euen Die thereby. à
19 ‘But tf the wicked returne from bis
wickedneſſe, and Doe that which islawthil
and riabtbe wall line thereby. s
20 Det pe fay, the way of theLo2d isnot
equal. D ye houſe of Piraci, J wil iudge pou
every one after his wayes.
21 Allein the twelfth peere of ourcap> i Vhenthe Pro⸗
tintty,in the tenth moneth, and tn the fift day
of the moneth, onethat had eſcaped out of
Jerufalem, came vute me,and (ald, The cis
tie is (mitten. ;
22 Now the * hand of the Lord had bene
bpon me tn the euening afore be that had ef-
caped,came,and had opened my month, yn g
tilihe came to mein the mozning:and when
be pan opened my! mouth, J was no moze
23 Againe the word of the Loꝛd came vn⸗
tome,and (ard,
24 Sonne ofman,thele that dwell in the
Defolate places ofthe land of Iſrael, talke
andfay," Abraham was but one, and he pot
feffen the land: but we are manp,therfore the
land fhalbe gtuen vein poſſeſſion. :
25 Therefore fay vnto them, Thus faith
the Lode God, Pee eate with the "blood,
and lift vp your eyes toward your idoles,
ripe theo blood: Hould peethen poſſeſſe the
26 Peeleane vpon your o ſworꝛdes;: pee
worke abomination,and pe defile euery one
bis prisons wife: Gould ye then poſſeſſe
£ and *
27 Bay thus onto them, Thus faith the
LoD God, As J line, fo ſurely they that are
in the Befolate places, fhal fall by the ſword:
and him that is tnthe open eld, will J grue
vnto the beattsto be deuoured:and they rhat
be in the forts and tn thecaues, all dye of
28 FFoꝛ J will lay the tand deſolate and
watte,and the * pampe of ber ftrength ſhall
ceate,and the mountaines of Iſrae yall be
Defolate,and none hall paſſe thorow.
29 Then ſhall they know that Jam the
Lod, when J haue layd the land deſolate
and wate, becanfe of all thetr abominations
that they haue committed..
“30 Qifo thou nne ofman,the childzen of
thy people thatrralk of thee by the wals and
in the Dozes of boules, ¢ ſpeake one to ana-
ther,erery one tobis brother, faping,Come,
3| pray you,and beare what ts the word that
commeth from the Loo.
31 Foꝛ they come vnto thee,as the people
vfeth to come: and mp people fit befoze thee,
anD hearethy wordes, but they will not tog
them: foz with their mouthes they make
q teftes, and their heart goeth after their co-
32 And loc, thou art nto them,as a lie-
fting fong sfone that hath a pleafant voice,
ang can ling well fa: they beare thy —
Hypocrites boafting. A iefting fong,
be hath done that which is lawfull ¢ rigdt,
Chap. Li g, 2$:
phet was leda-
way captive with
k I was indued
with the fpirit of
1 Whereby is fig-
nified that the
minifters of God
cennot {peake till
God giue them
courage & open
their mouthes,
Cha,24 27.& 29
21. ephe. 6.19.
m Thus the wic-
ked thinke them-
felucs more wor~
thy to inioy Gods
promife then the
- Saints of God, to
whom they were
made: and would
bind Godto be
fabieé& to them,
though they
would net be
bound tohim,
n Contraryto
the Law, Levit,
o Asthey thae
are ready ftillto
fhed blood,
Chap.7.24.G 248
25.0% 30.657.
p In derifion.
q This declareth
that we oughtto
heare Gods word
with fuch zeale
and affeGien,that
wefhould ina
poynts obey it,
els we abufe the
word to our own,
and make of his
minifters as
though they
were ieftes to
ferue mens foo=
lith fantafies,
| Or,pleefantyand
loue fong,
heards he mea-
neth the king,
the Magiftrates,
Priefts and Pro-
b Ye feeke toin-
rich your felues
li fhepheards.
but they Boe them not.
33 Aud when this cemmeth to paffe (for
foc, tt will nag then Wall thep know that
a ophet bath beene among them,
2 Againfi the ſpepheardes that defpifed the
flocke of Chrift and (eeke their owne gaise. 7 The
Lord ſacth that he will vifite bis difperfed flocke, -
aad gatherthem together, 23 Hee proms/(eth the
true fhepheard Chrift, ard with him peace,
AS the word ef the LoD came vnto me,
ping, ` k
2 —— ofinan, prophelle againſt the
pheards of Iſrael propiefic and fay vnts
them, Thus faith the Lod God bito the
fhepbheards, * oe be vnto the a Hepheards
of Piracl, that feede themſelues: ſhould not
the Wephearns feede the flockes?
3 Peeate ther fat,and pe cloth por with
the wool: pee kill them that are fed, but yee
feede not the ſheepe.
4 The < weake baue pee not ftrengthe-
ned: fhe fick haue ye not healed neither bane
peebound vp the broken, nor brought againe
Chap. xxztiij.
The gaod fhephieard.
folne and in fat pafture thal they feede vpon
the mountaines of Iſrael. à
I5 J will feede my cheepe, and bring thent
to their rett,faith the Lod Gov.
16 3J will ſeeke that which was lok, and
bring agatne that which was driuen away,
and will binde yp that which was bokem
5 $
and will ſtrengthen the weake, but 3 wili
arrer the fat and the £ ftrong, and 3i will g Meaning, fuch
cede them with * tndgement. as life vp them-
17 Alioyou mp ſheẽpe, Thus fayeth the (clues aboue
£010 Sod, Behold, Jindge betweene Heepe their brethren,
and fheepe, betweene the rammes and the ancthinke they
goates. é : haue no neede
18 Seemeth it a {mall thing vnto yon to tobegouerned
baue caten vp the good i pature,but pe muft by me.
treade Downe with pour fzete the reſidue of h Thatic,by fut-
pour patturezand to haue Drunk of the Deepe ting ditfererce
waters,but pe mutt trouble the relidue with betweene the
pour feete? f ~~ good an the
19 And my theepe eat that which ye haue bad,and fo give
troden with pour keete, EDunke that which. co either as they
pee bane troubled with pour feete. deferue.
20 Therefore thus fatth the Loꝛd God i By good pa-
vnto them, Behold, J,cuen Y wilt iudge be⸗ Rure and decpe
bytheir commo- that which was Diuen away, neither hane
dities.& fo fpoyle - pe fought that which was tot, but with crus
tweene the fat Heepe and the leane ſheepe.
21 Becaute pee bane thruſt with fide and
waters ismeant
the pure word of
their riches and
c Hee deferibeth
the office and
duetie of a good
Paftour, who
ought to loue
and ſuccoar his
flocke and not
to be cruell to-
ward them,
d For lacke of
good goucrne-
ment & dofrine
they perifhed,
e By defiroying
the couetous
hirelings, andre-
toring true thep-
heards: whereof
we hauea figne,
fo oft as God
fendeth true
both by doGrine
and life labour
to feed/his fheepe
in the pleaſant
eltie, and with rigour haue pee rules them.
§ And they were (catteredD without a
with ſhoulder, and puthe all the weake with. God, andthe ad-
your hornes, tillpee bane (cattered thema-
fhepheard ¢ and when they were difpericd, broad
Haid were 4Denoured of all the beatts of the
6 My ſheepe wandered thorow all the
Mountathes,and npon euery high bill: yea,
my flock was fcattered thezow ali the carth,
and none did ſeeke oz {earch after them. -
7 CGherefore pee Hephearas, beare the
wed of the Lo20.
8 As Jliue faith the Lore God, lurely be⸗
caule my flocke was ſpoyled, and my ſhcepe
were deuoured of all the beattes of the Held,
hauing no thepheard, neither DD my fep-
beards feeke my eepe, but the Hepheardes
fed themſelues, and fed not my foerpe,
22 Therefore will I elpe my fheepe,and
minifration of
uſtice, which
they did not di -
they thatl no moze bee {popled, and J will Aribute to the
iudge betweene ſheepe and repe,
23 And FZ will fet vp a ſhepheard oner
them,ann he tyal feed them,cuen my fernant
k Danis, hee thalt feede them,and he Hall be
thetr feepbeard. ih.
24 ånd J the Lom willbe their Sod,and
iy leruant Dania thall be the prince among
them, J the Lom haue fpoken tt,
25 And J wiil make with chem a cone<
nant of peace, and twill caule the enitl beatts
to ceaſe out ofthe fand:and thep ſhall dwell
ſakely in the wildernelſe, and fleepetuthe
9 Gherefore beare yee the word okthe woods
Loꝛd.O pee ſhepheards.
10 Thus fatth the Lod God, Behold, J
come againſt the thepheardes , and will res
quite my fheepe at their hands, and canfe
them to ceate trom feening the fheepe: nets
ther (hall the thepheards feede themſelues
any moze: foz T will deliuer my MHecpe from
e thE MERES and they Hall no moze De-
uoure them.
IE $0 thus fatth the Lo: God, Behold,
J wilt (earch my fheepe, and fecke them out.
12 Asa ſhepheard tearcheth ont his flock,
then hee hath beene among his heepe that
ave {cattered , fo will J feeke ont my fheepe,
and wil Deliver them out ofal places, where
they bane bene tattered tn £ the cloudie and
Darke Day. ;
13 nd J will bring them out from the
word. people,and gather them from the countries,
f Inthedavof and will izing them fe their owne land and
their affiGion feede them bpon the mountaines of Iſrael.
andmiftrie-and ¶ by the riners,and all the inhabited places of
this promifeis’’ the countrey * i mi
tocomfortthe ~~ “14 J will fede them ia good paſture.
Churchinall ` anD bgonthe bic mountatnes of Fitact Mall
dangers. their kolde bees there thall they lic ina good
26 And J will (et theim,as a bleſſing, euen
round abont my monntaine:and F wti taule
ratne to conte Down in Due ſealon, and there
ſhall be raine —7
27 Andthe tree of che field Hatt pias
ber frutte,and the carth Mail giue her frnire,
and they hail be tafe fn their ſand, and hall
know that Jam the Loz, when F baue b20-
ken the coardes of their poke, and deliuered
them out of the bands of thole that ſerued
themſelues of them.
28 Aud they hall no moze bee fpoyted of
the heathen, neither wall the beattes of the
land deuoure thent.but they Hati Dwell fafe-
ly, and nonce all make them afaaid.
29 And J twill ratte vp forthem a" plant
of renowine, and they ſhalbe nomee confit
med with bunger in the land, neither beare
thereproch of the heathen any moze.
30 Thus ſhall they vndetſtand, that J
the Loz their God am with chem, and that
they, even the boule of Jiraci, are my people,
faith the Lord God. * Spia
31 And ye my Heepe, the Heepe of mypa⸗
ftureare men, and Jam pour Goo, faith the
Lod God.
6632 CHAP.
pooretill they
had corrupted it,
k Meaning i.
Chrift of whom
Dauid wasa fie ~~
gure, Iere. 30.9.
hofe 3.5.
‘1 Thisdeclareth
that ynder Sig l
the flocke fhould.
be truely deliues `
red from finne,
and he and o
bee (afely pre=
ferued inthe
Church wkere
they fhauld ne-
uer perilh, *
m The fruicsof
Gods egracesfall
appeare in great
a Biar his
n Thatis,the
rod that fha'l
come out of the
roote of Ifhai,
i The enemie punifhed.
a Wherethe I-
dumcans dwelt,
b When by their
punifhment I cal-
led chem from
their iniquitie.
c Except thou,
repent thy for-
mer crueltic,
d To wit,to their
former eftate,
€ Meaning, Ifrael
and Judah,
f And fo by
fighting againft
Gods people,
they fhould go
about to put him
out of his owne
g As thon haft
done ciuelly,fo.
fhale thou be
cruelly handled.
h Shewing,that
when God puni-
fheth the enee
mies, the godly
ought to confi-
derthat he hatha
care ouer them,
and fo praife his
‘Name: and alfo
that the wicked
rage as though
there wereno
God, tili they
feele his hand to
sheir deſtruction.
2 The deſtruction that [ball come on mounte
Seir becauſe they troubled the people of the Lard.
Mee the wod ot the Loꝛd came vn⸗
2 Bonne of man, fet thp kace againſt
mount? Heir,and prophelie againſt it,
And fay butott, Thus faith the Lo:
0d, Behold, D mount Heir, J| come as
gainſt thee,and J wil ſtretch out mine hand
againft thee, and Jwill make thee defolate
and watte, a
4 Jwilllay thy tities wae, and thon
fhalt be Defolate,and thou Walt know that J
am the Lod.
5 Becawle thou hat had a perpetual ba-
tred and haft put the childzen of Iſraelto
flight by the force of the liwo: in the time of
tbeir calamitie, when their > triquitte fad an
ende, $
6 Therefore as J liuc, faith the Loa
God, J will peepare thee vnto blood, and
blood Mall purlue thee: except thou: bate
btood,euen blood hall purſue thee.
7 hus will J make mount Heit Delo.
fate, and watte, and cut of from tt hint that
paileth out,and him that returnech.
Ans F will fill his mountaines with
his Maine men: in thine hils, and in thy vals
leys, and in all thy riuers fall they fall, chat
are flaine with the lword. i
9 J wilimake thee perpetuall defolati-
ons and thy cities ſhall not returne, and pe
fhall know that J ain the Lod.
Io Becaule thouhalt aro, < Theſe two
nations, and thel: two countreyes Hall bee
mine, ant wee will poſſeſſe them Cleeing the
Lord wast there.)
Il Cherfore as J liuc faith the Lord God,
J wit euen Doe according tothy s weath,and
according to thine tndignation which thou
baft vlen in thine hatred againſt them : and
J will make my felfe knowen among them
when J hare tudged thee.
12 Andthouhaltknow, that J the Loa
Hane heard all thy blafphemies which thou
haſt ſpoken againſt the mountaines of Iſra·
el, faping, Chey lic wake, they are gluen bs
to be Deuoured.
3 Thus with your mouthes pee haue
boafted againſt mee, and haue multiplied
yout woes again mee : J baue beara
14 Thus faith the LoD Gov, So hall
all the wala retepce, when J Hail make thee
Defelate. 6
15 As thou diddeſt reioyce at the inheri«
tance of the boule of Glrael, becaule it was
deſolatc, fo wilt J Doe unto thee : thou hate
be defolate,D mount Heir, and all Idumea
wholly, and they- ſhall know, that J am the
8 He promifethes deliuer Ffrael fromthe Gen-
tiles, 22 The benefits done vato the Fewes, are to
bce afcribedtethemercie of God, and not vato
their defernings. 26 God renemeth ony hearts,
that we may walke in his commandement s,
Lio thon fonneof man, prophetic vnto
A the * mountainecs of Iſrael and fay. ee
mountainigs oF Iſxael, hearethe werd ofthe Call any. moze, faith the Lozd ye Ew
2 Ehusfayeththe Lord Sod, Wecanle
thea enemte bath {aid agant pou, Apa euen
at hie places of the woꝛld are ours in pol
3. Therefor prophelie,¢ fay, Thus fatth
the Lord God, Becauſe that they haue made
you Defolate, andfwallowed you vp on euery
lide, that yee might bee a polleifion puto the
refidue of the heathen, and ye are came unto
the lips and c tongues of men, and vito the
repzoch of the people,
4 Aberefoze yee mountatnes of Iſrael.
Cóm Ifrael.
a Thatis,the
b Thatis Jeru.
falem, which for
Gods promifes
was the chiefcft
of all the world,
c Yeare madea
matter of talke
and derifion to
beare the wo: of the Lord Gov, Thus faith all che world,
the Lo2d God to the mountatnes and to the
ils, te the riuers,and to the valleyes, and to
the waite and deſolate places, and tothe ci-
ties that are forſaken: which are {popled and
had in Derilion of rhe refidne of che heathen
thatareroundabout. _. -
5 Therefor thus faith the Loꝛd Gov,
Surely in the fire of mine indignation haug
J poken again the relidue ofthe heather,
and againit all Idumea which 4 haue taken
my land foe their poflellion, with the iopo < 7
all their heart, and with Delpightfuilnundes LEs to baue ir,
to caft it out foz a pray. and therefore
6 rophelie therefore vpon thelandof came with Ne-
Firael, and fay vnto the mountaines,andte buchacnezzar a
the bilies, to tye riuers, and tothe vallepes, Zeinſt lerufslem
Tius lapeth the Lord God, Behold, F hae for this purpofe,
fpokenin imine indignation, tin my wath,
becaule pee haue fultered the < hame ofthe e Becaule you
Heathen, s haue beene a
7 Therefore thus faith the Lord God, laughing ftocke
J bane f liften bp mine hand, farelpthe varothem,
Heathen that are about you, hall beare thei f Bymakinga
hame. folemne oath,
8 But you,D mountaines af Ifrael, pee reade Chap.20 §
{hall soote foozth your byanches,and baing g God declareth
foozth pour fruit tomy people of Iſrael: fog his mercies and
they ate readiete come, goodneſſe towaid
9. For behold, J come vnto you, and J his Church,who
will tutne vnto pou, aud pe ſhalbe tilled and fill preferuech
ſowen. his,cuen when
10 And Jwil matey the men bpon pou, he deftroyech bis
euen all the boule of Iſrael wholly, andthe enemies,
cities fall bee tnbabited, anv the Delolate
places fall be huilded.
11 And J wil multiply bpon pou man and
beaſt, and they hall tncreateand bzing Fruit,
and F will tauſe pou to Dwell after yaur old
eftate, and J will beſtow benefits vpon pou h Which waeac-
moze thenbat the firit,and pe Wal know that complifhedvnder
Jam the Lor. Chrift,to whom
12 Vea, J will caule men towalke bpon allthefe tempo-
ipon, cuen mp people Iſtael, and they fhall rall deliuerances
poſſeſſe you, and pe Halbe their inheritance, did direct them.
and pe thal no moze henceforth depriue theni i That is,vpor:
ofmen. A y the mountaines
13 Thus faith the Lod God. Becauſe oflerufalem,
thep fay vnto pou, Thon * land deuonreſt bp fOr,thee.
men, and bhatt beene a walker of thypeople, k Thische ene-
14 Cherefoze thor Walt deuoure men nO miesimputed as
moze, nether matte thy people hencefoozth, rhe reprochof
faith the Led Go, the land, which
15 Neither will J caule mento heare in God did for che
thee the Hame of thebeathen any moꝛe, neie finnes of the
ther Halt than beare the reproch ef the pro: people aceor-
leany moze, neither Malt cauſe thp fotke to dingo his iuſt
d They appoin-
ted withthem-
| The fonie heart.
i And therefore
would not fuffer
my Name to be
had in contempt,
as the heathen
wouid haue re-
proched me,if I
had fuffered my
Church to perifh,
m This exclu.
deth from man
- all dignitie,and
meane to deferuc
any thing by, fee-
ing that God re-
ferreth the whole
that onely for the
glory of bis holy
IOr, your.
n Thatis, his
fpirit whereby he
reformeth the
heart,and rege-
16 ¶ Moꝛeduet, the wode of the Lode
came vate me, faving
17 Some efma, when the houſe of FE
ratl dwelt inthetrowneland, they defiled p
it by their owne wayes,and by thetr Deedes:
their Way was befog meg as the tilthineſſe of
the menſtruous. f
13 Mherekore J powed my wath vpon
then, foz the blood that thep had thed in che
land, aud fea their Doles, wherewith they had
paliuted it,
19 Gund J fcattered them among the
heathen, and thep were diſperled thozowe
the countreps:for accozbing to their wayes,
* according to thetr Deedes, F udged
20 *And when they entred vnto the hea.
then, whither they went, they polluted my
holy flame, when they ſayd of them, Theie
ate the people of the Loꝛo, and are gone out
of hts lant. j
21 But J fauoured mine holy ! Mame,
which the houle of Iſrael had polluted a»
mong the heathen. whither they went.
22 Gherfoze fay vnto the houle of Iſrael.
Thus laith the Lod God,F Doe not this foz
yaur fakes, D houle of Iſrael, but for mine
mbolysames fake, which ye polluted among
the heathen, whither pe went.
23 Gud 3 will fanctifle my great Mame,
which was polluted among the heathen, a⸗
mong whom yeu haue polluredit, and the
beathen thal know that 3 am the Lord, farth
the Lot God, when F thal! bee ſanctitied in
you before || their eyes.
24 Fo J will take you from among the
heathen, aud gather pou out fal countreps,
and wall bing you into your owne land.
25 Then wil J powe cleane» water bp-
on pouant ye ſhall bee cleane; yea, from all
your lilthineſſe, and from all pour toles wil
J ckan you. . í
26 *4 new heart allo will J gine pon, and
anew [pirit will J put within you, and J
will take away the tonie heartout of your
bodtz,and J wili gine you a heart of fief),
nerateth his, 27 Gnd F will put my pirit within pou,
Iſa.44 3. and caule you to walke in my ſtatutes, and
Fere. 32 29 pe ſhall keepe my iudgements and Doe them.
Chap. 1.39»
@ Vader the a-
bundance oftem-
porall benefits,
be concludeth
28 And yee ſhal Dwelin the land, that J
gaue to your fathers, and ye (hall be mp peo»
pic,and J wili be pour God.
29 3] willalfo Delmer you from all your
filthinefle, and J wit call foz ° cozne,and wil
tucreafett, and lay no famine bpon pou.
30 Foꝛ J wil multiplie the frutt of the
trees, andthe increale of the ficld,that pee
ties and the Befolate places fhalbe builded.
34 Aud the defolate land thall bee tilted,
—— it lay watte in the fight of all that
a ẹ Ip.
35 For they ſayd, Chis wae land was
lite the garden of den, andthele waite
and delolate and ruinous cities were trong,
and were inhabited.
36 Then the relinue of the heathen that
are left raund abont you, thal knotu that J
the Lord build the rutnons places, and plant
the delolate places ; J the Lord haue poken
if,and wil Doe tt. z
37 Thus fayth the Lod Go , F wil pet
foz this bee fought of the boule of Firari, ts
perfozme it vnto them ; Jwil increale them
with men like a flocke.
33 Asthe holy Hocke, as the flocke of Je-
rulalem in their ſolemne feattes , fo fal the
Delolate cities be filled wtth flockes of men,
and they Hall know, that J am the Lozd.
t Hee prophefieth the bringing againe of the
people being in captiuitie. 16 Hee y Tans the
unon of the ten tribes with thetwo,
A Bes hand of the Loꝛd was vpon me, and
caried mice ont in the ſpirit of the Lez,
and {et me downe tx the mids of the |! fielae,
which was full of bones,
2 Gnd heledinee round about by them,
and behold there were very many in theopens
field, and lee.they were verp Date.
3 And hee layd vnto me, Sonne of man,
can thele bones line? And J anfwered, D
Lord God, thou knoweſt.
4 GAgatne hee ſayd vnto mee, Pꝛopheſie
vpon thele bones, and fay vnto them, D pee
Mie bones, heare the wo2d of the Lod.
§ Thus layth the Loꝛd God vntothele
Drie bones.
q He declarech
that it ought not
to be referrred te
thefoyle or plez-
tifulneffe of the
earth that any
countrcy isrick
and abundant,
but onely to
Gods mercies, as
his plagues and
curfes declare
when kee ma-
Kethit barren.
a He fheweth by
a greater miracle,
that God hath
power,and alſo
will deliuer his
people from theic
captiuitie, inas
much as heisa-
ble to giue lifeto
the dead bones
and bodies,and
bones, Behold, J wiicaule bzeath to enter taiſe them vpa-
tuto pou.and pe ſhalliue.
And J williap Gnewes vpon yon, and
make fich grow bponyou, and cour pou
with lkin aud put beath in you,that pe map
line,and pe (hall knew that J am the Lod,
7 DoJ prophelicd as J was commaun⸗
Ded; and as J prophelied, there was a noile,
and behold, there was a Making, ethe bones
came together, bone to bis bene.
8 And when J bebeld, loe, the fisewes,
and the fetharew vponthem,and aboue the
n couered them, but there was no bzeath
9 Then fayd be vnto me, Weopbente bits
to the winde: a sem lp ot man, ana
fay to the winde, Thus fapth the Lord God,
Some from the foure > windes, D breath, b Signifying ali
fhall beare no moze the repzoch of famine a-
mong the heathen.
31 Then hall pce remember pour owne
wickeD Wayes, and pour Beedes that were
net goed, and ſhall iudge your (clues worthy
tohaucbeen r Deltroped for pour iniquities,
and fo: pour aboininations.
the fpirituall
p Ye thall come
to tie repen-
tance,and thinke 32 eit knowen vnto pou that J Coe not
yourfeluesvn- this fozyour fakes, faith the £020 God: ther-
worthytobeof fore, D ye houle of Iſrael, bee aſhamed and
thenumber of confounded fez your otune mapes.
Gods creatures 33 Thus fayth the Lord Gov, hat
for youringrati- time as J ſhal haue clenſed you from ai pour
tude againit him, intquittes, J wil caule you to dwell in the ct
and byeathe vpon thel laine, that thep may parts, whereas
liuc. the Iffaclites
10 SeF prophelied as hehad comman- vere ſcattered⸗
Ded me: and the breath cameinto them, and chatis,the faith-
thev lyued, and food bp vpontheir feete,an full thall bee
erceeDing great armte. brought tothe
I1 Then he ſayd vnto me Sonne of man, fame vnity of
thele bones are the whole boule of Flracl, fpirit,and do-
Behold, they fap, Dur bones ate died, and rine, wherefoe-
our hope ts gone,and we are cleane cut off. wer they are feat-
12 Therekore prophelic,t fay vnto them, tered thorow the
Thus fayth the Lome Gon, Beholde, my world,
people, 3] willopenyour graues, and cauſe
Of 4 pou.
The vaitieof all the tribes.
e That is, when
I haue brought
you out of thofe
places & townes
where you are
you to come out of pour ſepulchresand ming
pou into the land of Zirael,
13 Quad pe Hat know that J am the Log,
ewhen J paue openc’ pour graues, D nip
people,and brought pou vp out ef pour fepul=
chres, is
14 Gnd fall put my ſpirit in pou, and
pee ibali line, and F Mall place you tn pour
owne land: then wall pee know that Ithe
Lozd haue (poken tt, and performed tt, layth
* the Logo.
d Which fignifi-
eththe ioyning
together of the
two houfes of If-
- raelandIudah,
€ That is, the
houfe of Iſtael.
Is ¶ Thewom of the Lord came againe
to me, ſaving.
16 Moꝛeẽouer, thou ſonne of man, take
thee a picce of wood, and waite bpon it, Un-
to Judah. and to the chtlozen of Iſrael his
companions: then take 4 another piece of
wood, and Write vpon it, Auto Joteph the
treeof Ephꝛaim, andto all che honfe of J&
rael his companions. í
17 And thou fhalt toyne them one to ano:
ther inta ane tree,and they Mall be as one in
thine band. ;
13 And when the children of thy people
ſhall ipeake ynte thee, taping, Ailt thou not
Hew vs what thou meaneitbpthee?
© 19 Thon halt anſwere them, Thus faith
the Lod God, Behold, A will take the tree
e of Joleps, which is in the hand of Ephra⸗
im, and the tribes of Iſrael his fellowes.and
wil put them with hint, euen with the tree of
Judah, and make them one tree, and they
fhalbe one tu mine band.
20 And the piccesof wood whereon thou
wattelt, thalbe in chine hand in their fight.
21 And ſay vnto than, Thus fayth the
' Lod God, Behold, J will take the children
of Iſrael from among the heathen whither
- they be gone, and will gather them on euery
Jahn 10.166
I fa.40. is,
Bove. 23.5.
chap, 34.2 3-
f Meaning, that
the eics by
Chrift hall awell
inthe heavenly
leruſalem, which
is meant by the -
Jand of Canaan.
Pfa),.09 4s
and 116.2:
fide,and bring them into thetrowne land.
22 And J will make them one people in
the tande bpon the mountatnes of Iſrael,
randone king Halbe king to them all: and
they Mall bee no. moze two peoples, neither
bee oinen any moze bencefoosth tia twa
23 Meither fhall they bee potlutes any
moze wrth theiridoles, noz with their abo»
minations , no? with any of their trauſgreſ·
fions : but J wilt fane them our of all their
Dwelling places, wherein they haue finned,
and will cleanlethem: fo ſhall they bee mp
people and J) will be their Goo. ;
24 And Dauid my* (cruant hall be king
puer them, and thep Hail ati have one Wep-
heard: thep Wail allo walke in my tudge-
— and oblerue my ſtatutes, and Doe
then. : t
25 And they Hat Dwell tr thef land, tha
J have ginen vnto Jaakod my ſexuãt, where
your fathers hane dwelt, andthep Hal Dwel
therein, cuen thep and their onnes and their
(onnes onnes foz ener, and myferuant Da»
uid (balbe thetr pince for ener.
26 WBorcouer, J will make * acoucnant
of peace withthe: it ſhalbe an euerlaſting
coucnant with them, and J will place them,
and multiplie chem, and wil fet mp ſauctua⸗
rp among them foreuermore.
27 Gy Tabernacle allo Hall bee with
thent; pea, Awiltbee their God, and they
albe my peop'e.
28 This the heathen pall know, thet J
the Lozd bo tanctifie Iſrael, when ny Dane
ctuary ſhyalbe among them toz enermoze.
2 Hee prophefieth that Gog and Magog [ha
fight with great power againf the people of God.
21 Their deft. uction.
A pose woz0 of the Lozd came vito me,
pug, '
2 Bonne of man, fetthy face againtt
2 Gog , and again the land of Magog, the
chiefe paince of Meſhech and Tubal, and
prophetic againt them,
3 And fap, Thus tayth the Lord God,
Bekold, J come againſt thee, D Gog the
cbtete prince ef Meſhech and Tubal.
_ 4 AnD J wil Deltroyp thee,and pnt hookes
in thy tawes, and J will bring thee koorth
and all thine hofte, both hozies, and bezie-
men,all clethed with all ſorts of armour, euen
a te muitttude with bucklers g Hteldes,
allt handling ſwords.
§ They of < Paras, of Cub, and Phut
pe ee , cuen all they that beare ſhield and
6 4Gomerand all his bandes, and the
bonito? Cogarmah ofthe orth quarters,
— bandes, and much people with
. 7 Prepare thptelfe,and « make thee reas
Dy, both thou,and ali thy multitude, that are
—— unto thee, and bee thon their ſafe·
gard. $
3 After many dayes thou fhalt bee vifi-
ted: forin the latter yeeres thou ſhalt come
into the land, that hath been Destroyed with
the ſwoꝛd, and is gathered out of many peo.
pie vꝑon tbe mountaines of ¥irael , which
baue long lien waſte: yet lj they hane beene
brought ont of the people, and they hal dwel
all fate.
Chou Halt alcend and come vp likea
tempeſt, and fhalt be tthe a cloud to couer the
land,beth thou and alt thy bands, and many
people with thee. ;
19, Thus lapth the Lod God, Euen at
the fame time thall many things come into
thy minde, and thou Walt thinke f emil
II And thou halt fav; J wil gee vp tothe
tande that hath no walled towers: s J will
goe to them that are at reſt, and awell in.
tafetp, which dwell all without walles, and
bane neither barres no: gates,
12 Thinking to ſpoyle the pay, € to take a
bootie to turne thine hand vpon the deflate
places that ace now fnubabtted, and bpon the
people, that are gathered ont of the nations
wich haue gotten cattell andgoots, and
Dwelin the middes of the tant.
13 @beba aud Devan, and the mer-
chants of arhit mithatl the lyons there:
of Gall ſay vnto thec, » Are thoucome to
Of Gogand Magog.
a Which wasa
people that came
of Magog the
fonne of lapher,
Gen.19.2, Mas
gog alfo heere
fignifieth a cere
taine countrey,
ſo that by thefe
two comntreys,
which had the
gouernment of
Greciaand Ita»
lie be meaneth
the principati
Church, Reuel,
b He fheweth
that the enemies
fhould bende
gainft the
Charch,bue it
fhoutd be to
their ownede-
c The Perfians,
menof Africa,
d Gomer was
laphets fonne,
and Tegarmah
the fonne of
Gomer, and are
thought to bee
they tharinhae
bite Afia minor,
e Signifying,
that all the peo.
ple ofthe world
ſhould affemble
themfelues a-
gainft theChurch
and Chrift their
[Orit : meaning
the land of I frael
f Thae is, to mo»
left and deftroy
the Church,
g Meaning, If
rael, which had
new beenede-
Rroyed, and was not yet buileagaine : declaring hereby the fimph-
citie of the godly , whofeekenot fomuch to fertific themfelues by
outward force, asto depend on the prouidence and goodneffe ef
Gad, h Oneenemi
thinke to haue the ſpoyle ofthe Charch,
Wenuie another , becaule every one fhall
The Church defended.
fpoyle the pray? hak thou gathered thy ninl
tituBe to take a bootie? to carp away fluer
aud goloe, to take away cattcil and goads,
and tofpoylea great pray?
i Shalt notthou 14 @yerefare fonne of man, prophelie,
fpie thine accafi- and fay vnto Geg, Thus ſayth rhe Lose
oustocomea Got, Hu that dap when my people of Iſrael
gaint my Church iDwelieth lafe, halt thou not know tt,
when they fu- 15 And come from thy place out of the
fpctnothing? Forth parts, thoil and much people with
k Meaning, in thee? alt hall ride vpon horſes, cuena great
the laſt age and multitude anda mighty army. .
from the com- 16 And thou alt come vp again mp
mingofChrit peopleof P&acl,as a cloud to couer theland:
vntotheende thoi Halt bein thet latter dayes, and J will
bring thee upon mytand, that the heathen
may know me; when 3i | halbe lanctilied tn
thee. Gog, before thelr eyes.
17 Thus faptbthe Lod God, Art not
thou be, af whom 3 paue ſaoken tn old time,
"by the hand of my feruants the Prophets
of Firael, which prophefted in thole dayes
“i pecres , that J would bung thee bpon
18 At the fame time alfo when Gog Mall
come again the land of Hftaellatth p Loa
none afliĝion Gov ny wrath Hall arile it mine anger.
cancemetothe © 19 Foꝛ in mine indignation and in the fire
Cherch, whereof Of my wath baug I {poker tt: furely at that
they haue noc ttme there Halbe agreat Waking inthe land
beenaduertifed of Iſrael.
aforetime, to 20 So that the Ries of the fea, and the
tecch thems to foules of thebeauen, and the beaſtes of tive
endure all thines feld, and all that mooue and creepe vpon
with morepati- theearth, and all rhe men that are upon the
ence, whentkey eatth (hall tremble at my peefence, andthe
krowthatGod mowntatnes Mall be ouerthrowen, and the
hath fo ordained. ® fatres fhall fall, and euery wali Mai fall to
n Allmeanes fhe ground. ab
whereby man 21 Sor twil call fe: a ſwoꝛd againſt him
of the world.
} Signifying, that
God willbe fan-
&ified by main-
taining his
Church,and de-
firoying his ene-
mics,asChap.3 6,
23.and 27.28.
m Hereby hee
deciareth that
fhouldthinketo °tizoughoutali mp mountaines, layth the
fauehimfelice, Lod God: cnerp mans word thalbe againit
fhal! faile, theaf- His bgorher. ` 4
fli&ionin thofe 22. And Fwillpleade againk him with
dayesthalbefo —_pefttlence,and with blood, and J will canle
great,andthe — to ratne vpon him and vpon bis bands, and
enemicsdetru- · vpon the great people, thatare with him,
Gion thalbefo . a fone raine, and haileſtones, fire, and brim-
terrible. ftone.
© Againft the 22 Thus wil J be * magnefied, and lan⸗
people ofGog = tified, and knowen in the epes of many na:
and Magog, tions, ana they hail knowe that J am the
Chap.36.23. Loyd.
42d 37.28. - CHAP, XXXIX
` a Hee fheweth the defruétion of Gog and
Magog. 11 The graues of Gog and his hoft. 17
They {hall bee dewcured of birds and beafs. 23
Wherefore the houfe of Iſtael i captiue. 24
Their bringing agesne from captiuitie is pro-
7 ierefore thou ſonne of man, prophelie a
gaint Gog andy, Thus fath the Lord
Gov, dzio, Jcomeagarnit thee, D Gog,
the chtefe Zince af Jz Vech and Tabal.
a Or,deftroy 2 Aud g will DeStoy thee and ieaue but
theewithfixe the iirt patt of thec, aud will canle thee to
plagues,aschap, come sp froni the Qoꝛch parts, @ wil ming
38.22, thee upon the mountaines of Frael;
: 7 ana J wilt finite thy bowe out of thy
left hand, and J wil cauſe thine arrowes te
fallout of thy right haud.
4 Thott > Malt fall vpon the mountaines
of Uiract,and all the bands, and the people,
that tg with thee: forg well gine thee virto
the birds, and to euerp festhered foule and
beart of the field tobe Devonred,
§ Thou hale fall spon the open ficld;foz
J bane (poken tt laith theLodGod, _
6 And J willlend a tire on Magog. and
among them that dwell ſafely tn the s Tics,
and they Hall know that J am the Los.
7 So wii J make mine Holy Mame
knowen in the mites of mp people Iſrael,
and J will not fitter them to pollute mine
merg TEA ee a —
Gogs deftruétion. 325
b Meaning that
by the vertue of
Gods wordthe '
enemy ſhalbe
ceftroyed wheres
focuer he affay-
l.thbis Church,
c Thatis,among
all nations where
the enemies. of
my people dwell,
feeme they nctice
fo farre feparate,
boly Rame any moze, and the heathen hall d Thart is, this
brow that J am the Loethe holy One of plague is fully
determined in
8 Webolde,ditts come, and itis Done, my counſell, and
Carth the Lord God: this is the Day whereof oppor bee chan⸗
J bauc poken. y x
9 And they that Dwellin the cities ol Iß
reel, iall e coe forth, and thal! burne and let
tire upon the weapons, ton the thieldes, and
bucklers,upon thebowes, and vpon the ar-
rows,and vpon the ſtauesin their hands, and
vpon the ſpeares, and thep Wall burne them
with kire ſenen yeeres.
10 So that they Hall bring no woos out
ofthe field, neither cut rowne any ont ofthe
korreſts: foꝛ they fhallburne the weapons
with fice.aud they hel vobbe thole that rob-
bed them and fpotic thole that potied them,
fapth tbe Lord God.
Il And at the lame time wil J gine vn ·
to Gog! a place there fozburiallin Iſracl,
cuen the valley wherebymen go toward the
Ealt part of the fea: andit hall caufe then
thatpaficby, to Roppe their snos, and
there hall they bury Gog with ail bis mul- f Which decla-
titude : ane thepthall call tt the valley of reth chat che ene-
} Pamon-gog.
12 nd tenen monethstong Hal the houſe
of Flracibe burying of them, that thep may
tleanfe the land,
13 Dea, allthe people of theland hat bu-
ry them and they hall hane a name when J
halbe qloziticd faith the Led Goo,
14 And they thalchule out men to ga con-
tinualip thozow the i land W them that tra»
uatle, to buty thole that remane vpon the
graund,te cleante it : thep Mail earch te the
end offenen moneths.
Is And thetranellers that pafe thossw
the iandaf any (ee a mans bone, them foal be
{ct up afigne by tt,tillehe burters baue burt
edtt,inthe valley of Hamon geg.
16 Ano alio the name of the citicthall bee
{Wamonah: thus hall they cleanfe rhe tand.
17 And thou fonne of man, thus faith che
Lorde God, Hveake vnto euery feathered
fome, and to ali the beaftesof the felt, St
femble pour eines and come : * gather pour
{elties en cucryp five tomp ſacriſice, foz J roe
facrifice a great facvifice for pou vpon the
Mountapnes of Iſrael,that pe map cate fieh
and Dinie blood.
18 Dee (ati cate the fich of the valiaxt,
and diiuke the blood of the Piinces of the
earth of the weathers, ofthe tambes,and of
the goates,an! of bullockes, euen of all faite
beattes of Bahai.
1g Aud ye fall cate katte till pee be mk
plifhment of ©
h Mearing,3
e After this de-
firuGion the
Church fhal have
great peaceand -~
tranquility, and
burne all their
weapens, becauſe
they fall no
mere ftare the }
enemy :and this
is chiefly meant
ef theaccom-
Chriftes king-
dome,when by
their hcad Chri
all enemies fhall
be cuercome.
mies fhall have
an horrible fall.
g For the ftinke.
of rhe carkeifes.
Or, the multa-
ude ef Gog,
long time.
i Partly that the
Holy land M
not be polluted
and partly for
the compailicn
that the children
of God haue e⸗
uenon their
enemies. d
|| Orgmukitmde,.
k Whereby he
horrible deftru-
ction that Mould
come vpon the
enemies of his.
An Angel with a meaſure.
and Minke blood, til ye be drunken of mp fa:
crifice, which J haue faccificed foz pou.
20 Thus pou hall be Allen at my table
with boztesand chariote,with valiant mes,
anv with all men of ware, fapth the Love
21 And J will fet my glow among the
heathen, anvall the heathen mall fee mpy
tudgement,that J haue evecuted, and mine
hand, which J haue layd vpon them.
22 Ho the houſe of Dirael Hall knowe,
that Aam the Lozd their Sod from that Dap
and {o forth.
23 And thebeather Hhall Kuo, that te
houte of Iſrael went ints captiuity for there
intquity,becaule they treſpaſſed againſt me:
they ouercame therfoze hid J my face from thent,and gang
not my people them into the handofthetrenemntes: tofeil
by their ltrength, hep all bp the ſword.
neither yet by 24 According to their vncleannes,and at-
theweakeneffe of coding to thett tranfqreflions haue J Done
minearme,bue vito them, and bid my face ferem them.
chat this was ſor 2§ Thereloꝛe thus lapth the Lord God.
my peoples Mowe will J bung againe the captiuity of
` finnes, Jaakob, ¢ haue compaſſion pon the whole
houſe of JiracLanDd will be iealoua fo: mine
boly Rame, ——
26 After that they haue borne their pame,
and all their tran(greffion, whereby they
bane tranſgreſſed againſt mee, whenthey
— intheirland,and without fearg
27 Ahen J bane brought them agatne
from the peopic,esathered them ont of their
enemies lands, and am* fanctifiedin them
in thelight of many nations,
28 Then ſhall they know, that Fant the
Lord their God, which cauled them to bee
ledde into captiuitie among the heathen:
burt F haue gathered them ynta theirowne
ae and haue left none of them any moze
ere, :
29 either wil J hide my Face any moze
from them: foz J haue powzed out mp Dpi-
Ds hren the honfe of Iſrael, fayth the Loꝛd
E H A P. x Le
The refloring of the (itie and the Temple.
Tew ue and twentiethyeere ol our bes
a Thelewes ingin captiuitie, in the + beginning of the
counted thebe- Petre, in the tenth day of the moneth, in the
ginning of the tourcteenth yeere after that the citie was
ycere after two ſmitten, tn thelelfe fame Day, the band of
fons -ribat — vpon mee, and brought mee
cafts they be- ither.
—* te — in . 2 Jntothe lana of Iſrael brought be me
March.andfor BP |] a diuine bilion, and fet me vpon a very
their other af- bYe Mtountayne,whereupon was as the buil-
faires in Septem. Ding ofa citie toward the Bout).
ber:fothatchisis .3 AnD Gebsoughe me thither, ¢ bebold,
tebe vnderftoog there wasa t man, whole fimilitude was to
of September. looke to,like baaſſe, with a linnen thread in
POrvifionsof Hishand,andareed to meaſure with + and
God. ` be ftood at the gate.
b Whichwasan 4 Anathe man fayd onto me, Sonne of
Angel informe mau, behold with thine cpes,and heare with
ofamanthae cthine eares,andlet thine heart bpon al chat
came to meafure J ſhall thew thee: foz to the intent that they
out this building, Might bee chewed thee, art thou brought bt.
ther:declare althat thou ſeeſt vnto the boule
of React,
J The heathen
fhall know that
Chap. 36.236
§ Gnd behotd, I fawa wall on the out⸗
fide of the boule round about: andin che
mans band was a reede to mealure with, of
fire cubites long, bp the cubite, and an bana
breadth: ſo hee meaſured rhe bacadth of the
building with ene reed, and the height with
one recede. ;
6 Then came he vnto the gate, whith
looketh towards the Cat, and went hy the
aires thereof, anid meaſured tye [polte of
the gate,which was one recde broad, and || the
— poſte of the gate, whichwas ene reede
7 And every chamber was one reed long,
ana one reed bꝛoad, and bet weene the chame
bers were flue cubites: andthe pofte of she
gate be the pozch of the gate within was one
8 Hemealured alla the porch of the gate
within with onereede.
9 Then mealuresd hee the porch of the
gate of eight cubits, and the lipota thereof,
ottwo cubites,and the porch of the gate was
Io And the chambers of the gate Cafte
ward, were three on this fiae, and three on
that Gide: thepthzec were ofone mealure,and
the potts bad one mealure on this fine, and
one on that fide.
II And hee mealured the breadth of the
entrie okthe gateten cubites, and the height
ofthe gate thirteene cubites.
12 Che (pace allo before the chambers
was one cubite on this fide, and the {pace was
one cubite on that fide, and the chambers
were fire cubites on this fide, and fire cubits
on that five. t
13 Hee mealured then the gate fromthe
toofeof a chamber to the top of thegate: the
bzeadth was flue and twentp cubttes , Dooe
again Booze.
14 Hee made allo poſtes of threeſcore cya
bites, and the poſtes of the court, and of the
Gate had one meafureround about.
15 And vpon the forefront of the entry of
the gate vntotheforefront of the porch of the
gate within were fitttccubites,
16 Zud there were narrowe windoweg
inthechambers, and in their poits within
the gate roundabout, and likewile to the
arches: and the winBowes went round as
——— and vpon the poſts were palme
17 € Then brought He mee into the out⸗
ward court, and loe, there were chainbers,
and a pauement made foz the court round
about, and thirtie chambers were upon the
18 Aud the panement was bp the five of
the gates ouer again ý length of the gates,
and the pauement wasbeneath,
Ig Then hee mealured the breateh from
the toxefront of the lower gate without, vn⸗
to the fozefront oi the court within, an punes
dreth cubites Eaſtward and Moth ward.
20 And the gate ofthe outward court,
that looked fowardthe Forth , meaſured be
after thelength and breadth thereof.
21 And the chambers thereof were, three
on this five, and theee on that five, and
the poles thereof and the arches pere
The Temple meafured,
fOr, threfhold,
hOr, vpper pofle,
with allthe buildings thereof Chambers Chap. xij.
pf were afterthe meaſure of the firft gate:
the length thereof was fiſtie cubites, and the
bredth fine aud twentie cubites.
22 And their windowes and their arches
with their palme trees, were after the meas
fure of the gate that looketh toward p Eat,
and the going vp vuto it had fenen teps,
and the arches thercof were before them.
23 And che gate of the nner court Roode
ouer again the gate toward the Morth, aw
toward the Eaſt, and he meatier 0 trom gate
to gate an hunnecty cũbites.
A Aiter that, he bought me toward the
Doth, and loc, there was a gate toward the
South, andhe mealured the poites thereof,
and the arches thereof accozding to thele
smealures. i ;
25 AND there were windowes in it,and tn
the arches thereof round about like thoſe
wintowes: the height was fiftie cnbites, and
the bedth Eue and twentie cubites.
26 And there were ſeuen teps to gee bp
toit, Ethearchesthercot were befoze them:
and it hav palme trees, one on this ſide and
another on chat fide vpon the pott thercot.
27 CAND there was a gate in theinner
court toward the South, and hee meaſured
from gate to. gate toward the South an
hundzed cubites. 3
28 And hee brought mee into. the inner
court by the South gate, t hee mealured the
South gate according to thele meaſures,
29 And the chambers thereof, and the
polites thereof, andthe arches thereof accoz«
Ding to thele mealures, and there were yume -
Dowes in it and inthe arches thereof round.
about, it was fiftie cubites long, and flue and
twentie cnbites broad.
30 And the arches round about were fiue
and pomt cubites long , and fue cubites
31 And the arches thereof were toward
the vtter court, and palne trees were vpon
the — thereof, and the going vp to tt had
eight eps. — l
32 ¶ Againe bee brought me into the in»
ner court toward the Eaſt. and he mealured
the gate accozding te thele meaſures.
33 Andthe chambers thereof <¢ the pots
thereof, and the arches thereofwere accoze.
Bing ta theſe meaſures, andebere were wins
Dowes thercin,and the arches thereofround:
aboitt, it was fiftie cubites long, and fine and
twentie cubites byoad.
34 And the arches thereof were toward
the vtter court, and paline trees were vpon
the poſtes thereof, on this fide and on that
fide,and the going bp toit had eight Reps.
35 ¶ Atter, hee brought me tothe Morth
gate, and meafured it, accosding to thele
36 The chambers thereof, the potes
thereof, and the arches thereof, and there
were windowes thereta round about: the T
eight wasfiftte cubites, ann the bacdth fine
aud cwentie cubites.
37 And the poſts thereof were toward the
beter court, and paime tices were vpon the
pottes thereofon this fide, anton that fine,
aad the going vp te tt had cight ſteps.
33 And merie chamber, and the entrie
thereof was bnder the poſtes of the gates:
there they wathed the burncofferiug.
30 And inthe porch of the gate food twa
tables on this tide, and twotables outhat
fide, vpon the which they lew the burnt of-
fering, and the finne offering , and the tref
paile offering.
40 Andat the fide beyond the eps, at
the entey of CheMozth gate Rood tino tables,
€On the other lide , wiu was at the perch
of the gate, were two tables.
4I Foure tables were on this fide, and
foure tables on that fide by the fide of the
Gate, euen eight tables whereupon they Hem
42 Gnd the foure tables were of hewen
ftone Foz the burnt offting, of acubtt andan
balfelong, and a cubite and an halfe broad,
and one cubit bhie: whereupon alfo they laide
the infruments wherewith thep iewe the
burnt offering and thelacrifice.
43 And within were bozbers an hand
b20ad,faitned round about,and bpon the tae
bles lay the fleth of the ofring.
44 And without the inner gate, were the
chambers of the fingers tu the inner court,
which was at the fide of the Moth gate:anð
their prolpect. was toward the Aouth, and
oine was at the fide of the Cait gate, hauing.
the pzolpect toward the moth..
45. Andhee {aid bunto. me, Chis chamber
whofe pofpectis toward the South, is fog
ae (pretis that haue charge to keepe the
ou AN N
46 And the chamber whofe prefpect is
toward the Moth , is fo: the Puentes that
baue the charge to keepe the altar: theſe are
the onnes of Zadok among the fonnesof Lee
ut, which map come neere tothe Lord tomis -
Ritter write him. |
47 So hee mealured the conet an hundet
cubites long,and an bundzen cubites broad,
cuen foure {quare: likewiſe the altar that was
befoze the houle.
48 And he breught me to the porch of the
Houle, andinealured the poltes of the pazch,
fiue cubites on this ide, and fiue cubites en.
that Gide: and the breawth of the gate was
three cubites on this fide, and three cubites
on that ide,
49 Thelength of the porch was twentie
cubttes,and the breadth eleuew cubites, and
hebroughte me by the ſteps wherby they went
vp to it, anBthere were pillars by the pontes,
one on this fide and another on that ſide.
3 The difpofition aud order of the building of -
the Temple asd the other things therto belongix g.
A Fterward, bee bꝛought me to the Teme
pie and meafured the poies, fixe cubites
bacad on the one fine, and fire cubites broad
DN the other fide, which was the beath ofthe
2 Aud the breadth of the entrte was tere
cubites, and the fines of the entrie were fing
cubites sn the one fide, and fue cubttes on,
theother lide, and hee mealured the length
thereof forticcubites , and the bꝛedthtwen⸗
tic cubites,
3 Then went heein, and mealured the
forSingersandPriefts. 326
— —
“The buildings and
pates of the entrie two cubites, and the ens
trie fire cubttes,and the bzeadth of che entrp
fesen cubites.
4 Babee mealured the length thereof
twentie cubites,and the breadth cwentie cu
bites before the Temple. And hee fai vnto
me, This ts tae mot holp place.
> After, bee meatured the wall of the
Houtes ee cubites. and the breadth) ot enery
chamber foure cubits rouna about the boule
on euety ſide.
6 And the chambers were chamber vpon
chamber , thꝛee and thirtie koote high, and
they centred into the wal made fo? the chame
bers which was round about the boule, that
the pots might be faſtned therein, and not be
fattned in the wallof the houſe.
And ít was large, and went round
mounting bpward to the chambers : for the
ftaire of the boule was mounting ypward
round about the boule: therefore the boule
was larger vpward: fo thep went vp from
the lowett chamber te the bighett bp the mids
3 Flaw allo the boule hie round about:
the foundations of the chambers werea full
reede of fire great cubites, j
9 The thicknelle of the wall which was
Foz the chamber without, was Aue cubits, and
that which remained, was the place of the
chambers that were within.
10 And bettweene the chambers was the
wideneſſe of twentie cubits round about the
boule on enery fide.
II And che pones of the chambers were
toward the place that remained , one Dooe
toward the forth, and another dooꝛe to⸗
ward the South, aud the breadth of the
—— remained, was fue cubites round
12 Row the building that was before the
feparate place toward the adeft corner, was
feucntic cubites broad , and the wall of the
building was fue cubites thicke, round a-
bout, and the length ninetie cubites.
13 Ho be meatures the houfean hundred
cubites long and the feparate place, and the
building with the wals thereof were an pun-
dreth cubites long.
J Alto the bꝛeadth of the forefront sf the
boule, and of the (eparate place toward the
Gall, was an hundꝛeth cubites,
ts And hee mealured the length of the
building, ouer againſt the feparate place,
which was bebinde it, and the chambers on
the onefide,and on the other fide an bunden
cubites with the temple within, and the ar⸗
ches of the court.
16 The pots and the narrow windowes,
anD the chambers round about, on theee
{des ouer againſt the potes, feled with ce-
dar Wood round about,and from the ground
bp to the windowes, and the windowes
were fieled.
17 And from abone the doore vnto the in ·
uer boule and without, and by all the wall
round about within and without it was fie-
led according tothe meaſute.
18 And tt was made with Cherubims
and palme trees, fo that a palme tree was bes
tweene a Cherub anda Cherub: and cuery
Cherub ad two faces,
Ig So thatehe face ofa man was toward
the paline tree on the one fide, and the face
ofa lion toward the palme tree on the other
lide: thus was tt made chozow all the boule
round about,
20 From che ground vnto aboue the Dooze
were Cherubims and palme trees made as
in the wall ofthe Temple.
21 Tie pottes of the Temple were fqua-
ELu,end thus to looke vnto was the ſimilitude
and forme ot iYe Saanctyarie.
22 The altar of wogo was thzee cubites
bie, ans the length thereof two cubticz, and
the comers thereof, and the length thereat,
and the fides thereof were of woed. Ano hee
faid buto me, This is che table that hall be
hefoze the Lord.
23 And the Temple and the Sanctuarie
bad two Doo2es. :
24. Aud the doores had two wickets, euen
two turning wickets, two wickets kor one
doore, and two wickets for another Dooze.
25 And vpon the domes of the Temple
there were made Cherubims, and palme
trees, like as was made bpon the wals, ana
there were thicke plankes vpon the fozefront
of the pozch without. f ,
26 AnD there were narrow windowes and
palme trees onthe ene fide, and on the other
lide, by the fides of the porch, andvpen the
fides of the boule,and thicke plankes,
Of the chambers of the Temple forthe Priefer,
andthe holy things.
TR bzought bee me to the btter court
by the wap toward the Morth , and hee
brought me mito the chamber that was ouer
againtt the ſepatate place, and which was
before the building toward the Mozth.
2. Before the length of an hundreth cu-
bites, wasthe Morti Dooze, and it was ſiftie
tubites broad.
3 Duer againſt the twentie cubits which
were for the inner court, and ouer againſt
the pauement, which was foz the veter:
court, was chamber agatnit chamber tx
three rowes.
4 And before the chambers was a gallerie
of teinne cubites wide, and within was a wap
ted cubice, and their Doozes toward the
* 2 I
§ Mow the chambers aboue were nars
tower : foz thole chambers feemed te eate bp
thele, to wit, the lower, and thole that were
iu the mids of the building.
6 Foꝛ they werein chee rowes, but kad
not pillars as the pitlarsofthe court: theres’
foze there was a Difference from them bee
neath and from the middlemoſt, eucn from
the ground.
7. Gnd thewall that was without ouer
againſt the chambers, toward the vtter
court on the forefront of the chambers, was
fiftie cubites tong.
8 Fo: the length of the chambers that
were tn the vtter court, wasfftie cubites:
and lor, before the Temple were an hundred
9 And
the chambers.
. [ofthe Temple.
9 Bnd vnder chele chambers was the ene
trie,on the Eaſtſide, as one goeth into them
from the outward court.
10 The chambers werein the thicknes of
the wall of the court toward the Cafi , oner
agami the ſcparate place, and ouer again
the building.
It And the way before them was after the
maner of the chambers, which were toward
the sRozth, as long as they ,and as bꝛoade as
they: and ail their entries were like, both ac:
cording to their faſhions, and accozbing to
I2 And atcording te the doozes of the
chambers that were toward the Mouth, was
a Booze tn the coner of the way,cuen the wap
Dircctiy before the wall toward the Call, as
13 Then faid hee vnto mee, The Morh
chambers and the South chambers which
are befoze the (eparate place, they bee holy
chambers, wherein the Piets that appꝛoch
vnto the Lozde, Wall cate the moit yolp
thinges: there Wall they lap the moſt holy
things, and the meat offering, and the finne
offering , and the trelpalle offering + foz the
place is Holy. ‘ s
14. Cdiven the Piefts enter therein, they
fall not goz out of the holp place into the
Btter court, but there they Mal lay theit sar»
ments wherein they minifter: toz thep are
Holy, and (hall put on other garments, and fo
aes appaacl to thole things thich are fog
e people.
15 Mow when they had made an end of
mealuring the tiner boufe, hee brought mee
forth toward the gate whole pealpect ts to-
wars the Catt, tmealured itround about.
16 Hee mealured the Eak lide with the
mealuring rod, flue bundzeth tecDes, even
teith the mealuring reed round about.
17 iMeemeaturedalfo the Northlide, flue
hundzeth reeves, cuen with the mealuring
reed round about.
18 Andhe mealured the South f fide, fue
hundzeth reeds with the meaſuring reed.
I9 He turned about alla to the dick line,
and meafuredD fine hundzeth verdes with the
mealuring reed. ;
20 We meaſured it by the Foure fides : it
had a wall round abeut fue hundzeth reedes
tong , and fue hundzethbjead te make a fes
— neme the Sanctuary and the
ane place.
2 He feeththe glory of Ged going iste the Tem
ple, from whence it had before departed. 7 Hee
mentisnerh the sdolatry of the children of Ffrael
forthe which they were confumed and bronghtto
nought, 9 Hess commanded tocall them againne
te repentance.
A Fterward hee brought inee to the gate,
| Onwinde,
eucn the gate that turneth toward the
2 And behold, the $
bbap.9.3. Irael came from out of the Ealt, whole
a When I pro- ‘opre was like a noyſe of great waters, ano
phefied thede- the earth was madelight with bis glory.
firu@ionof the 3 Andthevilion which F fats was* Itke
citie bythe Cal- the bilion, even ag the tifon that Iſawe
seans -a AHEM T came to deſtroy the citie: and the
Chap. xliij.
loof the God of the
el ae
vilans werelike tye vifion that Jſaw by the
biter Chebar: and Ji tell vpon my face.
4 Gud the > glozp of the Lord came inte
the houle by the way of the gate , whole pro»
ſpect ts toward the Cait.
Ho the Spirit (ooke me bp, E bꝛought
me into theinner court,and behold the giegy.
of the Loz flle the houſe.
6 Aub heard one peaking vnto me out
of che boule: and there ood aman by me,
7 C&bichfayd vnto me, Senne of man,
thisplacets my throne, and the place of the
foles of mp feet, whereas Jwil dwel among
the childzen of Iſrael foz euer, and the houſe
of Iſrael hail no more © defile mine boly
Nome, neither they, no: their kings by their
fornication, no? by the cavketles of d their
kings in their bie places.
8 Albeit they let thetr threeſholds by mp
thaeholas,ana their poſtes by my poltes( for
therewas but a wall between meand them)
pet baue they Defile mine holy ame with
their abominations, that thep baur commits
—— FZ have conſumed them in mp
9 Mow therefore let them put alway their
foznicatton,and the carkeiles of therr Rings
pont from me, and J wii Dwelameng them
oꝛ euer.
10. @ Thou ſonne ofman,ſhew this Houle
to the boule of Iſrael that they may be aſha⸗
medot their wickednes , and let them mea⸗
(ure the paterne.
IL And if they be ahamed of all that they
baue done, ew them the forme of rhe boule,
and thepaterne thereof, and the going out
thercof,and the comming in thereof, and:
the whole fafhion thereof, and all the ordi·
nances thereof, andall thefigures thereof, -
and all tye lawes thereof: and wite tt in
their fight, that they may keepe the whole
fafjion thereofand all the oꝛdinances theres
of, and Doe them, $
12 Thisis the+delcription ofthe houle,
Icthallbeeppon the top ef the mount ; all
the limits thereof round about ſhall be moſt
boly. Behold, this isthe deltriptionoftye -
houle. :
13 And thefeare the mealares of the Als
tar, after the cubits ; the cubite isa cubite
and an hand bꝛeadth, cuen the bottome hall-
be acubtte, andthe breadth acubtt, and the
boder thereofby the edge thereof, round a>
bout thalbe a ſpan:and this halbe the height
of ealtar. k
14 And from the botteme which roucherh
theground tothe lower piece halbe two cu⸗
bites, and the breadth one cubite, and from
the littieptece to the great piece thalbe foure
cubites,and the breadth one cubite.
Is Sothealtarthalbefoure cubites, anb
from the altar vpward thalbe foure hoznes.
16 And the altar thallbee twelve cubites -
8 and twelue broad, and foire ſquare in
oure corners thereof,
17 And the frame thall bee fourteene cm
biteslong , and fenrteene broad tn the foure
ſquare cozners thereof, and the border about
it thall bee halfe acubite, and the bottome
- thereof thallbee a cubite about, and the ſteys
: halbe turned toward the Calf, .
thergofthalbe turned toward th 18 @ Gud
eturneth. The Altar.
b Which was
departed afore,
Chap. 10.4, ind
c By their idola- —
d Healludeth to.
Amon and Ma-
nafich, who were
buried in their
gardens necre the
Temple, and
there had erected
to. theis idoles: o
{Ebr law-
Eb, fil his hand.
a Meaning, from
}the comen peo-
tnot from
the Prince,rcade
Chap, 46.896
Pbr. fet thine
| Ordinances of the Altar.
18 (Aud he iaid vnto me, Sonne of man,
thus ſayth the Lod Gov, Thelſe are the oz-
Dinalces ot che altarin the day when they
thai make it to offer the burnt ofring there,
on, and fo ſprinckle blood thereon.
Ig And chou Malt giue to che Pꝛieſts, and
to tie Leuites, that be of the leed of Zadok,
which appzoch vnto me, to miniſter vnto me
fapth the Loꝛd God, a young bullocke fog a
tinne ofering.
20 And thou Walt take of the blood there-
of, and put it on the foure hoꝛnes ofttand on
the foure corners of the frame, and vpon the
border round about: thus Hatt chou cleanie
it, and reconcile tt.
21 hou halt take the bullocke alfo of
the finneoitring, tburne tt ta the appointen
place of the Douie without the Sanctuary.
22 But the lecond Day thou (hale offer an
hee goat without blunt fe: a inne offting,
ann they ball cleanfe the altar, as thep dw
cleante it with the bullocke.
23 Ahen thou hat made an end of cleane
fing tt.chou (halt offer a pong bullocke with:
out blemiſh, and atanune out of the flocke
without blemiſh.
24 And thon halt offer them befoze the
Lod, t the Piels hail cak ialt vpon them,
and thep fyallo@er chem loza burnt ofring
vnto the Lord.
25 Druen dayes Halt thou prepare euery
Day an hee goat fez a {tine offring: they Hall
allo prepare a young bullocke anda ramme
gut of the flocke without blemith. j
26 Thus thall they (cuen Dayes purifie
the altar and cleanle tt, and + coꝛſecrate it.
27 And when thele Bayes are expired,
vpon the eight Bay and fo foorth, the Prieſts
all make pourburnt offtings tyon the al-
tar, and pour peace offerings, and Fj willace
cept pou, tapti the Loꝛd Gon.
He reproueth the people for their offence. 7 The
vncircumciſed in heart and inthe felh. 9 Who
«veto be admitted to the feru:ce of the Templeyand
whoto be refufed,
yam bee brought me toward the gate of
the outward Sanctuary, which turneth
toward the Eaſt, and it was ſhut.
2 Then laid the Lom vnto me, This gate
WHaibe *ihut,& hall net be opened, Eno man
ſhall enter by it, becaulethe Loꝛd God of Fl
racl hath entred by it, and it ali be hut.
3: Itappertaineth tote pꝛince: the prince
Himielfe Wall fit initto cate bread before the
Loz: be (hall enter by the way of the porch
of that gate, and thall goe out by the wap of
the fame.
4 € Then bꝛought hee mee toward the
Noꝛth gate before the boule: twhen g loos
ked, behold, the glozvof the Lord fillea tie
boule of the Lozd,and F fell spon my Face.
§ Andthe Lod fapa vnto me, Sonne of
man, +marke well, and behold with chine
epes, ank heare with chine cares, all that J
ſay vnto thee, concerning all the o2dinau-
ces of the Dour of the Rod, and all the
lawes thereof, and marke weil the entring
inet the Wouk with cucry going koorth of
the Gant fuarie, i
6 Gnd thou balt fay to the rebellions,
euen ta the boule of AIlxael: Thus ſayeth the
Loo God,D bouie of Jirael,pe haue enough
of all pour abominations, ji
7. Meetng that pe haue brought into mp
Hanctuarp > ſtrangers, vncircumciſed in
heart, and vncircumciſed in fleſh, to be tn mp
Danctuary/ te pollute mine eule, when ye
offer mp bꝛead,cuen fat,and blood : and they
baue broken my coucnant,becaule of all pour
abominations. :
8 Foꝛ vee haue not kept the ¢ ordinances
of mince bolp thinges: but pou peur felues
baue fet other to take the charge of my fanc»
9 Thus ſayththe Lord God, Ro frana
ger vncircumciſed in beart, nor vncircumci·
ted in fleſh, hall enter into my Banctuaric,
ofanyp ſtranger that is among the chiuldzen
of Iſtael.
IO Meither pet the 4 Leuites that are
gone backe trom mee, when Iſrael wenta-
ſtray, whtch went aftrap from mee after
their idoles: but they Wall beare their iniqut-
IL And they thall terue in my Sanctua ·
tp, and keepe the gates of the Woule, and
mtnifter in the Houle : they wall Hap the
burnt offering and the ſacritice foz the peo-
ie and they wall tand before them to Cerne
12 Becaule they (erucd before chetr idols,
and caufa the houk of Iſrael to fal tuto in⸗
iquitte: therefore haue 3 lift vp mine yand
The Leuites depofed, The `
b For they haf
brought idola⸗
ters, which were
of other coun-
treys, to teach
them their idola-
tty, Chap. 23.40%
c Ye haue not
offered vnto mee
according te my
d The Leuites
which had com-
mitted idolatry,
were put from
their dignity,and
could not be re-.
Ceiued into che
Prieftsofice, al-
though- they had
been of the houle
of Aaron, but
nuh ferve inthe
inferior offices, as
to watch and
againt them, faith the Loꝛd God, and they to keepe the
fyall beare their tniquitie,
13 And they Hall not come neere buto me
to de the office of the Pꝛieſt vnto me, neithet
thall thep conte neere vnto any of mine help
things inthe moft holy place , but they thall
- beare their ame and their abominations,
which they baue committed.
14 Gnd J will make them keepers of the
watch of the Doule, fez all the (cruice there=
of, aud foz all that Mallbe Done therein.
Is Butthe Peieltes ot the Leuites, the
fonnesof Zadok, that ¢ kept the charge of my
Panctuary , when the chilopen of Iſrael
went afftrap from mee; they ſhall come neere
to me to ſerue me, and they wall ttand before
ite to offer mee the fat and the blood, ſayth
the God.
16 They hall enter into my Sanctuary
and fhaltcome nere tomy table to ſerue me,
and they fhallkeepemypcharge.
17-420 when they Hall enter in at the
gates of the inner court, they hall be clothed
with linnen garments, and no wooll fail
come vpon them while they (true in p gates
ofthe inner court, and within.
18 Thep hall haue linnen bonets vpon
their beads, and Wallhaue linnen breeches
vpon their loynes: thep hall not gird them»
ſelues inthe fweating places,
19 But when they goe koorth into the vt»
ter court, cuen to the btter court te the
people, they fyall put off their garments,
wherein they miniſtred, an’ lay them in
the bolp chambers, and they fhall put on
other garments + for they fall not Bi
e Which obfer-
uedthe Law of
God,and feli not
to idolatry.
Priefts office. The
f As did the in-
fidels and hea-
Lewin 21.1,2, 0%
g They may be
attheir buriall,
which wasa defi-
Deut.1 9,1.
#16, 18,20
Exod, 13.2.
and 22, 29,
and 34.19.:
BUM, 3.13.
Exod.22, 31.
iuit. aa b.
a- Of alithe tand
"of Mrael cheLord
onely requireth
this portion for
the Temple and
for the Priefts,
for the citie and
forthe Prince.
tific the pesple with their garments,
Chap, xiy.
4 The holy portion of the land ſhalbe the
20 Chey hal not alf iyere theit heads, preites, which miniter ia the Ganctuarte,
no: utter thew lacks to grote iong, but rond
their heads. pets i
21 * facither Hal any Wate mink wine
when thep enter into the inner court.
22 Nepther fall they take foz their
Wwiues a widowe,oꝛ ber that ts diuorced:
but they hal take mayaens ot the ſeed of rhe
houſe of Zirael, oꝛ a puidowe that bath beng
tye widow of a Pꝛielt. t
23 And they hall teach my people the cif-
ference betweene the holy and propyane,ano
caule the ta diſcerne betweene tye vncleane
and the cieane,
24 Audincontrovertie they ſhall tande
to iudge, and tyep Hal tudge tt acceding ta
my iudgements: and tyep ſhallkeepe my
lawes and nip ftatutes m all mune aliem-
bies ann they fall fanctifie mp @abbaths.
25 * And they all come at no Dead pers
fon to defile themſelues, ercept at chcir fae
therjez mother, oz fenne, 02 Daughter, bo:
therez filter, that bath bad pet none huf
band: in thele map they bee Beled.
26. And when he ts clenled, they Hal rec>
kon vnto him ſeuen dayes.
27 And wheuhe goeth into the Sanctu-
arp vᷣnto the inner court te miuiſter in the
Sanctuary, he Hall offer his inne otfering,
layth the L020 Good. ef
28 * AnD the Priefthood ſhall be their in-
heritance,y ea, J am their inberttances theres
fore Hall pe giue thein no pofleltionin Jira:
tl,for J am their poſſeſſion. on)
29 Thep fhall cate the meate offering,
and the linne offering and thetvelpace offe·
real pan euery Bedicate thing in Ilrael, hal
e theirs.
30 * And all the firit of all the Bra bone,
and euery oblation, cuen ail of euery toate of
pour oblations thall be the Piets. De Hall
alio giue vuto the teftes the fick of pour
Dough, that pe may cauſe the bleſſing to geit
in chine Houle, 20
31 The Plets hal not cat ol any ching,
that is * bead, 02 toine, whether ir bes toute
oꝛ beaſt.
1 Out of the baud of prora fe are there {eperate
Joure pertiasof which the firfi % giuẽo the prieſis
and tothe Temple, the fecond: tothe Leustes, the
therd tothe city, the fourth to theprince. 9 An
exhortation unto the heads of ffrael. 10 Of iuft
weights and meafures. 13 Ofthe firft fruits ti
Menma when yee Wali diuude rhe tand
foz inheritance; ye thal offer an oblation
tute the Lord an -poly portion of the iant,
Gucand twenty thouſand reeds long, E fen »
thoufan’ broad this fhallbe holy iñ ailipe
borders theresfrounD about. .—
2. Dé thts there Mall be fo: the Ganctu-
arp fuehundzeth ialength, with Bue pun:
Deth in breadth, alt(quare round about, and
fifty cubites rounde about. forthe ſuburbs
therené. ;
3 And of this mealure fhalt thou mea ·
fure the iengthof fue and twenty thoufand,
‘and the breath of tenne thouſand: andin
itthalibe the anetuary; and the moſt holp -
ꝝlace. a
which come netre to ſerne the Lom; and it
ſhall be a place ſor their houſcs, and an holy
piace forthe Sanctuary.
5 And in the fiue and twenty thonfand of
length and the ten thoutand of breadth, hat
the Lewites that mintiter tn the boul, haue
their poſſeſſion foz twenty chambers.
6 Allo pee Wall appoynt che poſſeſſion of
the city Ruz thonfand b2020,¢ Rucandrwene
tp thouſand long oueragatnit tye sblation
of the holy postion s it all be fo the whole
boule of Ilrael.
7 And a portion thalve fe the prince on the
Che fide, Eo chat tide ofthe shlation of the
holy portion and ofthe pollefion of the city,
cuen befaze the oblation of the boly portion,
and befoze the poſſeſſton of the city trom the
tet comer CUeſtward, and from the Eaſt
comer Eaſtward.and the length Mhal bee by
pne of the portions from the cAeit border
burto the Cat bower. : |
8 In this land hall bee his poſſeſſion in
Iſrael: and mp princes Hail no more ops
prefie my people,and thereft of the land halt
they gine to the houle of Iſrael atcording ta
their tribes, :
9 Thus layth the Lod God. Lerit b ffs
fice youn, D princes of Jack: leaue off eruet.
tp Copprcflion, anD erecute tudgement and
iuftice ; take ateay pour eractions frem my
peopie laith the Lo: Geo.
Io. De hal haue tuk balancesand a true
¢ Ephay,anda true Bath. -
Il She Ephay andthe Bath hall bee
gual: a Bath allcentayne the tenth part
ofan bomer,and an Ephah the tenth part
ofan pomer : the equality thereof halbe ag
ter the emer.
-i 12. * Ann the thekel shalbe twenty gerabs,
and twenty ſhekels, andé fine and tens
tie ſhekels and fifteene ſhekels ſhall be pour
Baned . Us 2G |
13 € Chisisthe oblation that pe Mal of
fer, the ſixt part ofan Ephah of anigomer of
wheate, and ye ball ginue the ſixt part of an
Ephah ofan womerof barley.
14 Concerning the ozdinance of the apie,
euen of the Bath of apie, yee thall offer the
teuth part of a Bath out of the Cop. (ten
Bathsare an Homer: for ten Baths Aian
pemer). F
Ig Andone iambe of two hundred ſheepe
out of the fat patturesof Iſrael foz a meate
ofring, ¢fo2 a burntoffering, and foz peace
offerings, ta make reconciliation fog rhe,
farti the Lore God. ji
16 All the people ofthe land Mal give this
oblation forthe prince in Iſrael.
17 And it thalbe the princes part to gine
burnt offtings, and meatóffringe,t dinke
offerings in che ſoiemne featts, inthe new + .
moones,andin the Mabbaths, andin all rife
high feats of thehoule of Fact: he thal pre»
pare the finne oſtring, and themeatofiring, .
and the burnt offering, and the peace offe-
rings to make reconciliation forthe houſe
of H{racl. aher a iI;
18 ¶ Thus fatth the Langon np firſt
moneth, in the Arh day of¢ AAEE AN
land dinided. Ofoffrings.
b -The Praphee
fheweth that the -
heads muft be
firft reformed,
afore any geod
order can be c-
ftablithed. a-
mong the peo=
ple ~
c Ephah and
Bath were both
of one quantitie,
faue that Ephah
contained in drye
things that
which Bath did
in liquor, Leuit.
5.11.8.King 5,
Exod, 30.1 3.
leuie. 27. 25.
num.. 47.
à That is, threes-
fcore thekels
mske a waight
called Mina: for
he ioyneth thefe ~>
three parts to a: ~
e Which was
partiof.March &i
part of April,
Ofofferings. Of che Prince,
H Or, Court,
letit. 2 3°Se
fReade Exod.
à Thatis,as
much as he will.
“b Meaning, as
he fhail thinke
ſhall takt ayang Bullocke without blemich,
and cleanſe the Sanctuary.
19 Ana the Piet Mali take of the bloon
ofthe ſinne offering, & put it vpon the pots
of the boufe, and upon the foure leozners of
the trame of the altar, and spon the polts of
the gateof the inner court.
20 And fo halt chow Boe the feuenth day
ofthe moneth, tog euerp one that hath erred,
and fo: him that ts deceiued: lo hall you re-
concile the boule. {
21 * Jnthefirk monethinthe fourteenth
Bay of the moneth, pee hall haue the Panes
Oucr,a Feat of leuen dayes, and pee yall eate
vnleauened bread. °
22 And vpon that say, Wall the Pince
prepare foz himſelte, and foz all the people of
the land, a bullocke fo2 a inne offering.
23 And inthe ſeuen Bayes of the featk, he
fall make a burnt offering to the Lord, euen
of ſeuen bullockes,and feuen rammes withe
out blem, daily for fenen Dates, and an hee
goate dayly fo: a finne offting.
24 And he hall prepare a meat offering
ofan Ephah fo: a bullocke, an Ephah fo: a
tamme andan ‘Hin of ople foz an Ephah.
25 Juche ſeuenth moneth in the fitteenth
Day of the moneth, Hall he doc the ltke inthe
fealt fo: leuen Dayes, according to the finne
offering, according te the burnt offring,and
according to the meate offering, and accor ·
Ding tothe opie.
3% The facrifices of the Sabbath and of the newe
moones. 8 Thorow which doores they muft goe in,
or come ent ofthe Templet.
ipuslapetlhthe Lorde God, The gate of
toe inner court,that turneth toward the
atk, hall bee Wut the fire woking dayes:
but on the Sabbath it hall bee opened, and
‘ - —* Day of the newe moone it hall bee o-
_2 And theppince Mall enter by the wa
of the porch of that gate without, and tha
and by the pot of the gate, and the prietts
tyall make dis burnt offering, and bts peace
offerings, and hee Hall wozihip at the thee-
Hold of the gate: after he Hall goe forth,
` but the gate hall not bee ut till the eues
3. Likewile the people of che lande hall
wozlhip at the entry of this gate before the
Lorde onthe abbathes, and inthe newe
moones. (ite
4 Andthe burnt offering that the prince
Mal offer vnto the Loꝛd on the Sabbath day
thallbee ficelambes without blemiſh, anda
ramme without blemiſh.
§ And the meat offring halbe an Ephah
fog a ramme; and the meate offering fo: the
lambes* a gift of bis hande, andan Win of
syle to an Ephah.
6 Andin theday of the newe moone it
fhalbe a pong bullocke without blemi, and
fire lambes and a ramme: they halbe withe
out blemiſh. rng, ;
7 And be hall prepare ameate ofring,
euen an Ephah for abullock,and an Ephãh
fo: a ramme,and fox the lambes > according
as bis hand hall bang, and an hin of ople
to an Ephah.
8 And when the prince hal enter,he halt
goe tn by the way ot the pozch of that gate,
and be thall go Forth by the wap thereat.
9 Bur when the peopleok the land Hall
come before the Lod tn the lemne feattes,
hee that entreth in by the way of the Moth
gate to worſtip, tall goe out bp the way
of the South gate: and hee that entreth by
the way of the South gate, ſhall goe footy
by the way ofthe fRozth gate: hee hall not
returne by the way of thegate whereby hee
— but thep Hall goe foozth ouet ae
gaint it. è
10 And the pince ſhall be in the mids of
them : be hall goe tn when they gos in, and
—— they goe korth, they Wali goe forthto
—— *
II And in the keaſts, ¢ in the ſolemnities
the meat offering Halbe an Ephah to a bule
locke,and an Ephah toa ramme, and to the
lambes,the gtftof bis hande, and an Hin of
ople to an Ephah. j
12 Row when the prince (hal make a free
burnt ofring o: peace offerings frecly vnto
the Lozde,one hall then open him the gate,
that tucneth toward the Calt,and bee hall
make bis burnt offting,¢ bis peace offtings
a6 he did onthe Sabbath day: after he Malt
o forth, and when he ts gone forth,one that
ut the gate.
13 Thou halt dayly make a burnt offee
ring vnto the Lozde of a lambe of one peere
without bicmith ; thou tale Dee it euerp
14 Gnd thou halt prepare a meate offe-
ring forit euery morning,the firt part ofan
Ephah,and the third part ofan itn ofoile,
to mingle with the fine floure: this meate of⸗
fering fal be continually by a perpetual oge
Dinance wnto the Lod.
15 hus hal they prepare the lambe,and
the meate offering, and the oyle euery mos
qs tee acontinuall burnt offering.
16 € Chuslayeth the Loa Gon, JE the
prince ginea gift of his inheritance vnto a·
ny of hts ſonnes, it hall bee bis fonnes,and it
halbe their poſſeſſion by inheritance.
17 But ik be giue a gift of bis inheritance
to one of his feruants, then it ſhall be his to
the c pere oflibertie: after, it hall returne
tothe prince, but his inberitance Wall re-
mayne to his fonnesforthent. ~
18 MPozreouer, the prince Hall not 4 take
of the peoples inheritance, no: thui them
outof their poſſeſſion: but he hali canfe his
ſonnes totnberitof bis owne poſſeſſion, that
my people be. not ſcattered euery man from
bis poſſeſſton.
19 (After, he brought me thozow the ern-
try, which was at the lide of the gate, into
the holy chambers of the JOzieltes , which
food foward the Morth: and beholde,there
twas a place at the (Heft ſide ofthem.
20 Then fayd he vnto mee, Chis ts the
place where the prieſts hall (eethe the trel
pae offering,and the finne offering, where
they fall bake the meate offering,that they
ould not beare them into the utter court,
e to ſanttifie the people.
21 When he brought me forth into the tt-
ter const, and canted me to soe by pn
and his offerings,
c Which was at
the Iubile, Leuit,
d But becon-
tent witb that
portion that Ged
hath affigned |
him,as Chap. A
e That the pee-
ple {hould not
haueto doe with
thofe things, ,
which appertaine
to the Lord,and
thinke it lawfull
for them to eate
The vifion of waters. The
comers of the court: and behold, in enerp
coner of the court, there was a court.
22 Jn the foure cozners ofthe court there
were courtes ioyned of forrtie cubits long,
and thirtie baoad; thele fourecogners werg
of one meafure.
23 And there went a wal about them,enen
about thole foure, and kitchins were made
binder the walles round about. As
24 Then latd he vnto mee, This is the
Kitchin where the mintiters of che houle
hall ſeethe the facrifice of the people,
‘3 The vifion aft be waters, that came out of the
Temple. 13 The coaftes of the land oſpromiſe, &
the diuifion thereof by tribes,
A Fcerward ye brought me vnto the Dooe
L Sof the Houle : and behold, * waters
iſſued out from vader the threſholde of the
boule Eaftward : for the forefront of the
boule Roode towarde the Cat, and the
waters ranne Downe from vnder the tight
= of the boule, atthe South ide of the
2. Thenbzrought he mec out toward the
Noꝛth gate, and len mee about by the way
Without vnio the vtter gate, by the way that
turneth Catiward: and behold, there came
forth waters on the right five. i
3 And wher the man that bad the line
in bis band, went koorth Caltwatd,be mea ·
fured a thoufand cubits, and be bꝛought me
though the waters ; the waters were te the
neles. ;
4 Againe hee mealured a thouſand, and
brought me through the waters : the waters
were fo p knees: agatne be meafured a thou ·
fano, and brought me through: the waters
wereto the loynes PEN
§ Afterward kee meafured a thoulanap
and it was a b riucr that 3 coula not pafic o=
uer : foz the waters were rilen, andthe wa-
ters Did flow , as a riuet that could not bee
6 Andhe lain ynte me, Sonne of mats
baft thon ſeene this? Chen he brought me,
& cauleo me toretuene to tie bzinke of the
7. Mow when F returned, behold, at the
brinke of the riuer were bery many < trees on
the one fide, and onthe other.
8 Then laid hevnteme, Chele waters
ifue out toward the Catt ceuntrey, and
rune Downe inte the plane, and hall goe
intooze “fea they mall runne into another
(ca, and thee waters hatoer wholſeme.
9 And euerp thing thatlineth, whith
‘ moueth, whereſoeuer the ttucrs fyatl come,
Whichwere fallltue, and there thall be a verp great
Citiesatthecor- multitude of Ah, becawerhele waters Hatt
come thither : fox they ſhall bee wholrfomic,
and cuerp thing hall line whether the river
— yt? $-F2 2 E ete
10 And then thet fhers thall fand byot
it, & from En gedi euen vntes Cu-eglaim,
they Mati ſyred out their nits ; for their hth
fhalbe accozving to their kinds, as the ſiſh of
+ the maine feaerceeding many. _ Š
2 _ 11 Butt the mypte places thereof, and the
i Thatis,the Wice mariſes thereof fall norbe wholelome:thep
ked& reprobate. Walibemadelaleptts, ~ ~~ a
a Whereby are
meant the (pirt-
ynder the King-
dome e —
$ graces of God
fhould neuerde-
teafe , but cuer
bound inhis
refrefhed by the
irituall waters.
d Shewing that
the abundance
of thefe graces
fhould be fo
great, that all the
orlde thould be
Chap.xlvij.xlviij. borders ofthétribes. 329
— oe
12 And by this riuer bpon the bzinke
thereof, on this lide, and on that lise hall
grote all | fruittulltrecs, whole leafe Hall [|Or, tree far
not fade, neither fhallthe fruit rhereetfatle: meats,
it fhall bring forth new fruit accozding to
bis moneths, becauſe their waters run one
s J —— ‘hele oe bere MaS
ali be meate, andthe leate thereof ſhalbe
foz EmeDictne, ; NS lOr, for bruifas
13 € Chuslaith Loi God, This wall 4 re.
be the border, whereby yee Hail inherit the
land according to the tiweiue tribes * of Tf
rael > Joſeph thal hauctwo portions
14 Andye hhatlinherit it, one as wellas
an ether ; * concerning the which F lft vp
mine hand to gine tt vnto your fathers, ane
thts land fhal fall onto you foz inheritance,
Ig And thts Hallbee the border * of the
land toward the Hoꝛthſide, from the maine
fea toward Hhethlon as men goe to Zedadah:
16 Hamath. Berothah, Sibzatm, which
is betweene the border of Damalcus, and
the border of Hamath, and Hazar,Yatticon,
which is by the coaft of Hauran.
_17 And the bower from the fea Hall bee
azar, Enan, and the border of Damatcus,
and the refidue of the Morth, Ao2thward,
an be teal of Damath ; (ethallbee the
oth part. ;
13 Butthe Cat fide fhall yee meaſure
from hauran, and frem Damaſcus, and
from Gilead, and from the tand of Iſraelb
Jorden, and from the boꝛder onto the Ea
fea : and {o ball bee the Eaſt part.
Ig And the Senthfine thall bee toward
Teman from Tamar to the waters of
Meriboth in Kade, and the river to the
maine fea: {o thalbe the South part toward
Teman, ©
nae The Aet part alfo thall be the great
from the bozder, till aman cam
gain Hamath : this ſhalbe the
21 So fhall pe diuide this land vnto you;
according to the tribes of Iſrael.
22 Gud you fhall diuide itby lot fozan 1 Meaning, thae
inheritance vnto you, and to theftrangers inthis {pincuall
that Dwell among you, which thall beget kingdomethere
childzenamong yeu, and they hall be vñto Mould be no gife
you as borne tn the countrey among the ference betweene
children of Iſrael, ĩ they Hall part inhjert- Iewnor Gentile
tance with you tn themids of the tribesof but thar al Mould
Iſrael. bepartakers of
23 Andin what tribe the ranger dwel · this inheritance
leth, there hall ye giue him hts inheritante, in their head
faith the Lo2d Gen. : Chrif;
1 The lots of the'tribes. 9 The parts of the pof=
fi lfion of the Priefts, of the Temple yof the Leuttesy
of the citie, and of the Prince are rehearfed.
Na thee are the names of thee tribes:
Fromthe Mozthfide, to the coaft to:
ward Hethlon, as one gorth to Hamarh,
azar, Enan. and che border of Damatens
Noꝛthward the coak of Hamath. ctten from
oe oat fide tothe CCictt fall bee a portion
Dan o, ;
2 And by y border of Dan from the Eaſt
fide te the the dett itoe, a portion for Aier:
2 Andby theborderof Aber fram the
Eat part euen vnto the Celt part,a portion
Et 4 Ana
Gen. 2.7.1 3
26.4-deut. 34.46
k Bythelandof
promifehe figni- |
fieth the fpiritual
land , whereof
this was afiguce,
lOr, firifes
a Thetrites,after
that they entred
into the Jand vn=
cer loftiua, diui-
ded the land
fomewhar othere
wife then is here
fet foorth by l
tbis vifion,
| The portion of the tribes.
-4 And bp the borer of Naphtali from
the Talt quarter vnto the cAeit tide, a porti-
on fo} Maãnaſſeh. :
= -§ Andby the border of Manalſeh from
the Eat five vñnto the (Uet We, a poition
fo ae . Elieat
6 And by the border of Ephraim, from
the Cat part enen vnto the CUeſt patt, 4
portion foꝛ Reuben.
7 And by the bader of Reuben, from the
Eaſt quarter vnto the ick quarter, apor-
` tion f0? Judah. wn cel
8 And bp the border ol Judah, from che.
b Tharis,che Ca part wnto the (ett part! Mall dee the
poitionofthe’ ~ offering which they Mall offer of hue and
ground, which’ twentie thoufand reeds bꝛoad, and of length
they ball fepa- ¶ as one ofthe other parts, from tye Cat lide
rateand appoint Vito the CCick fide, and the Sanctuaric ſhal
to the Lord, be infbeanids of it, j
which hatibe 99 Theoblation that pee ſhalloffer vnto
dividedinto: = fhe Lod thallbee of five and twentte thou⸗
three paccsz for Cand long,and of ten thouſand tye bꝛedth
the Pricfts, for* LO anv foz them, cuen foz the Piieſts,
the Prince, and halbe this holp oblation, toward the NMorth
for the citic. fine and twentie thauſand long, and toward
the (Getttenthouiand bead, and toward
the Cait tes thouſand broad, and tovard
the South fue aud twentie thoulaud tong,
and the Sanctuarte of she 1020 hall bee
thenuds thereef. IA OTL
AI Icthallbee fo: the Pieſts,that are ant⸗
tilted of the ſonnes of * Zavok, which haue
Kept my charge, which went not atiray,
when the children of Iſrãel went aſtray, as
toe Lenites went atrap.
- 12. Cherefozerhis sbjatiool the land that
igoffered, halle theirs, asa thing mok holy
by the bora of the Leuitan, i
13 And duer agatnit the bower of. the
Meng th Dall be fue and twentte thou-
D andthebzeadthtenthbouland. -
f I4 And they hal not (lot tt, neither
cova | Changeatt,, to abalienate the fith fruitsot
ccthe laud nfo? itisholy vnto the Lord...
saiam iou IS AnG the Guetboulandtbat arelettin
Ji Coa: fhebzeauth oucr againk the Bue Etwentp
— IA thouſand, allbe a prophane place fo: the
Citic, oz houſing, and foz itiburbes and the
citie halbe in the mins thereof,
| 16 And thele hall bethe mealures there-
, OF, the Moth part Aue hundreth and foure
e Meanines thie thöuſand, andthe South part ¢ five bun-
it thould bee. 2 Deeth ald foure thoufande, andthe Cat
fquare. part aue hundreth and foure thouland, anu
ee aide part Rue bundaeth and foure thou·
17 Gnd the fuburbsof the citie hall bee
- . toward the North Ovo. jundzeth and fiftie,
aud towatd the South two Hundzeth anv
titic, and towardibe Cak two hundreth
and fifties and foward the Ciel two hun:
ba Deth and ſaiftie. — cr
£2 18 Anathereioue in length oner agatuſt
. the oblation ofthe holy portion hall bee ter:
n thouland Cakward, and tenne thoufand
Weſtward, and it ſhall be ouer againſt the
oblation of the holp portion, andthe increale
thereof thal be foz faod bute chem that ſerue
tarbecitie, soidact
Prieſte the Lenttes hall have fueg twen·
w thouwfani tong, and ten thouland pian a
ai se
Jite Ezekiel.
` cuen from é@laniar voto the waters of Je- taken for Idu-
The gates ofthe citie.
Ig And they that ſerue in thecitie, thall
bec of alithe tribes ot Hiracl tyac Gall erue.
thereit. gigi
20 All the ablation that! beffite and twen⸗
flue and twentie thous d Euery way it
tte thouland with- fy
rates : you tal efter this oblatis foureiquare, (hall be fiueand |
ve anetar ies aud foz the poſſellion of twentiethous
' i i Pine . fand,
21 And the relidue hall bee fo: the prince $
onthe one ide and on the other ok the oblas
tion ol the Sanctuat ie ana of che poffefton:
of the citte, oner,ayauntt the fine and cwent⸗
thoufand of tye ablation toward ‘the Cat
bomer ano Meſtward oucragatnit the fiue
Edlwentie chouland toward tye (Celt vor⸗
Der ouer againit thalbe fo: the postion sf the,
peice : cots albe the holy oblation,and tye
moult of the Sanctuarie thalbe in the mids
ered. :
22 nodu
gate of Dan.
33 And ât the South lige, fiue hundreth 4
and foure thouland mealures, @ three ports — hon ha
one gate of Simeon, ove gatcotIdachar, i
and oie gate of Zebulun.. +, A YR cee
34 At the Meſt fide flue hundeeth ana —
foure thouland , with their. thee gates, one
gate of Gad, one gate of Aiher,and one gate
of Naphtali.
35 Itwas roundabout eighteene thoufand +Ebr. Tehouah
meafures, and the name of the citie krom that ſbamvnab
Day hall be, GULOD bs there, Daniel, SIRTNI DD
: Yong men chofen to ferue the King.
X The captiuitie of Iehoiakim king of Ludah,
4The king chufeth certaine yong men of the Lewes
to learne his law. 5 They hawe the kings ordina-
rie appointed, 8 Butthey abſteine from st.
(a §2 the a thitd yere of the raigne
fa & Of Ichoiakim King of Judah,
Bees came s2ebuchad-nessar king
POA! Ug Of Babel onto Jeruſalem, and
2d Cone belicged it.
— 2 And the Lord gane Jeho.
fakim king of Judab tato bis bande, with
a Reade 2.King,
24.1, and Iere,
| 25.8.
5 Which was a
| plaine by Baby-
| Jon,where was
the Templeof partof the veflelsof the boule of God, which
their great god, he carted into thelandef > Shinar, tothe
| andis here taken Houle of his god, and he brought the veſſels
for Babylon, into his gods trealurie.
€ Who was as 3 And the king fpake bnto e Aſhpenaz
mafterofthe the matter of bis a Cunuches, that hee
wards, ſhould bring certaine of the childzen of Iſ⸗
d Hee calleh rael, of the e Kings ſeede, ana of the pin-
themeunuches cest
whomtheKing 4 hilzen in whom was no blemiſh.
nourifhedand _ but wel £ fauoured,and inftructed in all wit
brought vp tobe Dome, and well ene in knowledge, and a-
rulersofother ble ta vtter knowledge, and {uch as were
countreyesafter- able te tand inthekings palace, and whom
ward, they might teach the s learning, and the
tongue of the Caldeans,
§ And the king appointed them pronifion
euery Day of a h portion of the kings meste,
and of the wine which he danke, ſo nouri-
€ His purpofe
‘was to keepe
them as hofta-
ges, and that
he might thew
himfelfe victorious, and alfo by their good intreatie and Iearning of
his religion,they might fauour rather him then the Iewes,and fo to be
able to fetue kim as gouernours in their lands morcouer by this
meanes the [ewes might be betcer kept in ſubiection, fearing other-
wifeto procure hurt to thefenable men, £ The King required three
things , that they fhould be of noble birth, that they (hould be witty
and learned, & that they fhould be ofa ftrong and comely naturé,that
they might do him betterfernice : this he did for hisowne commodi-
tie, therefore it is not to prayfe his liberalitie: yetin this he is worthy
sof praife, that he efteemed learning, and knewe that it was a neceffarie
meaneto goucrne by. g That they might forget their owne religion
and country fathions, to {erue him the better to his purpofe : yetitis
not to beethought that Daniel did learne any knowledge that was
not godly;in all points he refufed the abufe of things and fuperftition,
infomuch that hee would not eate the meate which the King appoin-
ted him , but was content to learne the knowledge of naturall things.
b Thatby their good entertainement,they might learne to forgetthe
wmediocritic of their owne people, © Ri F
Their names are changed, 3370!
mo vie og daniel,
THE Waele on wenn
Sars great prouidence of God, and his fingular mercie toward his Church are moft liuely here fet
forth, who neuer leaueth his deftjture, but now in their'greateft miferies and afflictions giueth
_ them Prophets, as Ezekiel, and Daniel, whom he adorned with {uch graces of his holy Spirit, that
. Daniel aboue all other had moft fpeciall reuelations of fuch things as fhould come to the.Church,
enen from the time that they were in captiuitie, to the laft end of the world, and to the generall re-
17 furrection, ás of the foure monarchies and empires of all the world,to wit, ofthe Babylonians,Per-
k fians, Grecians and Romans, Alfo of thecertaine number of the timeseuenvato Chrift, when all
ceremonies and factifices fhould ceafe,becaufe he thould be the accomplifhment thereof : moreover
he theweth Chrifts office & the caufe of his death, which was by his facrifice to take away fins,and
to bring euerlafting life. And as from the beginning God euer-exercifed his people ynder the crofle,
fo he teacheth here,that after that Chrift is oftered,he will {till leaue this exercile to his Church vn-
till the dead rife againe, and Chrift gather his into his kingdome in the heavens,
Shing them itheee pere,that at theend theres i To the intent
ot they might tand * befozethe king. that in this time
6 Now among thele werecertaine of the they might
cbildzen of Judah, Dantel,Wananta), i= both learne the
machann Ssarial. ; mannersof the
7 Unts whom the chieke of the ennuches’ Caldeans, & al-
1 gaug other names : foz be called Daniel, otheirrongue.
Belteſhazzar, and’ Panantah, Sbadzach, k As well to
and Miſhael, Meſhach, and Azariah, Abed ſerue at the ta·
nego. ble, as in other
8 (But Danlel had Determined in his offees.
heart, that hee would not = defile himſelfe 1 That they
with the postion of the kings meat, noz with might altoge ·
the wine which be Danke : therefore be ree ther forget their
quired the chicfe of the Cunuches that heg religion: for
Might not deiile himielfe. the Tewes gaue
9 (Row God had bꝛought Daniel into their children
fauour, and tender loug with the chiefe of names, which
the Eunuches) might euer put
Io And the chicke of the Cunuches ſayd them in remem⸗
vnto Danicl, » J feare mp lode the king, brance of fome
tuho hath appointed yoyr meate and your point ofreligi-
Minke: therefoze if hee (ee paur faces wole on,thercfore this
liking then the other chilmen, which are of wasa great ten-
pour fot, then all pee make mee lole mine tationanda
bean vnto theking. figne of ſeruitude
Il Then faid Daniel to Melzar, whom which they were
the chiefe of the Cunuches had fet ouer not able to reſiſt.
Danicl, Hananiah , Mihael and Azas m Nor that he
riah, thought any rea
12 Pꝛooue thy fernants, F beleech thee, ligionto bein
etenDapes, and let them giung vs r pulleto rhe meatc or
eate and water to Minke. drinke (for af-
13 Then let our countenances belooked terward he did
boon before thee: and the countenances cate) burt be-
of the cyildpen that cate of the postion of caufethe king
fhould not cn-
tice him by this fweete poyfon , to forget his religion and accuftomed
fobrietie, and that in his meate and drinke he might dayly remember
of what people hee was: and Daniel bringeth this in to fhewe howe
God from the beginning affifted him with his Spirit, and at length
called himto be a Prophet. n He ſuppoſed they did this for their
religion, which was contrary tothe Babylonians: and therefore herein
hereprefenteth them which are of no religion: for neither hee would
condemne theirs,nor maintaine hisowne. o Meaning, that within
this fpace hee might hauethe triall, and that no man (hould be able
to diſcerne it: and thushe fpake, being moved by the Spirit of God.
p Not that it was a thing abominable to eat daintiemeates andto
drinke wine,as both before and after they did, but if they ſhould have
hereby beene wonneto the King , and haue refufed their owne relie
gion, that meat and drinke had beene accurfed,
Et2 the
ee ae
Daniels knowledge: i
g This bare fee-
ding, & that alfo
of Mofes, when
he fled from the
court of Egypt,
declareth that we
muft live in {uch
fobriety asGod
doth cal vs vnto,
feeing hee will
make it more
profitable vnto
vs, then all dain-
ties: for his blef
fing onely ufi -
Se Ceplasy iret]
+ Ebr. fatter in
T Meaning,in the
liberali fciences,
and naturall
knowledge and
notin the magi-
call arts which
are forbidden,
{So thathe only
the kings meatiand as thon ferm, Deale with
thp (eruants. a, Dia IAA
14 Gobeconfentedto them tu this mate
ter, and prooncd them ten Dapes. i
Ig Aud at thecndot tenne Dapes , their
qcountenances appeared fatrer,and int bet
ter liktug then all the childrens , which dia
gate the portion of rye kings meate. ;
16: Thus Melzar tooke away the portion
of their meate, ano the wine that they hould
Dzinke, and giue them pulle,
17 Asto: thel foure children, God gaue
them knowletae , and vnderitanding in
alllearning t and wiſedome;: alio hee gaue
Daniel vnderltanding of all l villons and
Dames. i :
18 fow when the time wast expired,
that the king bad appointed to being them
in, the chiete of the Gunuches brought them
bekore Nebuchad· nezz av.
19 And the king communed with thems
and among them all was fonnd none like
Daniel, Hananiah, Miſhael, and Azariah:
therefore toon they befo the King.
20 4nd in all matters of wifedome, and
vnderſtanding that the king enquired of
them, bee kound them ten times better then
all che inchanters & aſtrologians, that were
in all bis reaime.
21 And Dantel was vito = the Rri peere
of Ring prus.
wasa Prophet and none of theother:for by dreames and vifions God
appeared to his Prophets, Numb.12.6, t Of the ihree yeres aboue
mentioned verf 5, u Thatis, he wasefteemed in Babylon asia Pro-
pher fo long as that common wealth flood,
1 The dreame of Nebuchadnezzar: ¥3 The king
commaundeth ali the wife men of Babylon to bee
laine becaufe they could not interpret ha dreame.
16 Daniel requireth time to felute the queftion
24 Daniel h brought unto the king, and fheweth
| bım his dreame andthe interpresatson thereof, 44
a. The fathers and
the fonne were
both called by
this name, fo that
this is meant of
the fonne, when
he reignedalone;
for he reigned
alfo after a fort
with his father,
b Not ý he bad
many dreames,
but becaufe ma-
My matters were:
contained in this
Of the euerlafting kingdome of Chrift.
A’? in the ſecond peereof the refgue of
a Acbuchad-nezsar, fAcbuchad-nessar
Deamed >Dzeames wherwith his pirit wag
e troubled, and his 4 fleepe was vpon im.
2 Ahenthe king commanded to call the-
inchanters,and thealtrologians & the force-
rers, andthe < Galttans foz to Wewe the
Ring his dreames; fo thep came and ſtoede
befoze the Ring.
3 Andehe King faya vnto then, 3 haue
dreamed a Deane, and my ipirit was trous
bled te know the decane. iM
4 Then ipake the Caldeans tothe King
inthe ‘Aramites language, Dking line foz
euer: thew thy ſeruants thy Dreame, and we
Po P
ſhall Hew the interpretation.
5 And the Ring anfwercd,and {aid tothe
‘The kings furie.
Caldcans, Che thing is gone from mee. FE
pe will nefmake me vvnderſtand the Dreame
with the taterpeetation thereof, pee halbee
—D tn pleces,¢ pour poules halbe made
6 Wut if yee Declare the Deeame, and the
interpretation therea:,pe ſhall receiue of mee
gifts and rewards,and great honoursthere=
toze hew me the Deame an’ the interpreta·
tion of tt.
7 Theyanlwered againe, and fayd, Let
the King thewe his ſeruants the Beeame,
aud we wil Declare the interpretation theres
8 Thenthe King anfwered and ſayd, J
know certatnelp that pee + would gane the
tine, becaule pec tee the thing is gone from
9 But if pee will not declare mee the
Dreame there ts butone iudgement for you;
foz pe haue prepared lptng @ corupt words,
to ſpeake betoze me till the ttine be changed;
therefore tellmec the dreame, that J may
know, it yee can Declare mee theinterpzeta-
tion rhereof, i
1O: Then the Caldeans anfwered before
the King,and layde, Cherets no man vpon
earth, thatcan Declare the Rings matter:
pea, there ts neither king nor prince nollor
that afked meh things at amuichanter 02 a-
firologtan,o2 Caldean.
11 Foꝛ it is a rare thing that the king re⸗
Quiveth, and there ts none other that can de⸗
ciare tt before the Ring, ercept the gods
whole Dwelling ts not with tew.
12- Jfoz this caule the King was angric
and in great furie, and commanded to Bes
ſtroy ali the wile menof Babel.
I 3 E And whenlentence was ginen, the
wile men were llaine, and they i fought Das
nicl and his fellowes to be put to death.
14 Chen Daniel anfwered with counſell
and wiſedome to Artoch the Kings ſchiele
fieward , which was gone foozth to put te
Death the wie mien of abet. $
15 Yea,he anfwered and lain vnto Arioch
the Kings captaine, Ciby is thelentence W
bafite from the king? Chen Arioch declared
the thing to Daniel, p
16 So Daniel wentand deſtred the king
that be would giur ptm leaſute. and that hee
ee the iing the tuterpzetation
t erco ent p
17 Then Dantel went to his boule and
Hewed the matter ta Vananiah, Miſhael.
and Azariah bts compantons,
18 Chat thep ould belecch the God of
heaucn fo gracetn this fecret that Daniel
and his fellowes ould not pert with the
rettof the wife men of Babel.
g Thisisa iuft
reward of their
airogacy ( which
vanted of them-
ſelues that they
had the kno w-
ledge of all
things )that they
fhouia be proued
fooles,and that
to their perpetual
thameand cone
h Herein appea.
red their igno- :
rance, that note
their | rags,yet
were they not
ableto tellthe
Acame, except
he cntred them
into the matter,
and therefore
they would pre.
tend knowledge.
where was bur
mere ignorance,
& fo as deluders
of the people,
they were worthy
to die.
*Ebr. redeeme the
i Which decla⸗
reth that God
would not-haue.
his fervant ioy-
nedinthe come
pany of thefe fore
cerersand aſtro⸗
arts were wic-
ked and there-
fore iuſtly ought
to die,though
the King did
it vpona rage,
and no zeale,
| Or,the captaing
ofthe guard,
‘dreame, c Becaufeit was forare and ſtrange a dreame that he had
naot had the like.d He was fokeauy with fleepe,that he began to fleep
againe. Some read, and his [eepe was broken from him. e For all
thefe aftrologers and forcerers called themfelues by this name of ho-
nour as though all the wifedome and knowledge of the countrey de-
pended vpon them, and that all other countreys were voide of the
fame, f That is, inthe Syrjan tongue which differed not much from
the Caldeans, faue it feeméd to be more eloquent, and therefore the
Jearned vſc to fpeake itxas the lewill writers doc to this day.
19 Then was the fecret renealed vnto
Daniclina vilion by night :theretose Dae
niel patted the God of heauen.
20 And Daniclaulwered andad, The P/al.rr3. 24
Name ot God be praten Foz euer audeuers and s15,1%,.
foz wiſedome and ſtrength are his.
21 And bee changeth the times and {eae
fons: her taketh away kings: hee ſetteth ny
kings: bee stucth wiledome vnto the wit,
E and
Thekings dreame, and Chap.ij,
EHetheweth and vnderſtanding to thofe th at vnderſtãd.
that man hath 22 Hee diſcouereth thedeepe and iecret
acitherwifedome things: he knoweth what ts in the Darknes,
norknowledge, and the * light Dwelleth with bun.
but very datke 23 Jthanke thee and patle thee, D thon
blindnesandig- Ged ot my 'fathers,that thou batt giuen me
norancecfhim- tweredomeand™ Hrengt), and halt Hewed
felfe;foritcom- mee nowe the ching that we Beliced of thee:
methonelyof : fozthou halt declãted Dato vs the Bings
God,thatman matter. `
vndcrítandeth 24 € Therefore Daniel went vnto Ari-
any thing, och , whome the King bad ozdeined to des
1 Towhomthou roy the wile men of babel ; hee went and
madeltthypro- fapt thus vnto him, Deſtroy not” the wile
mife,and who > men of Babel, bur being me betore the king,
livéainthy feare: and J will declare vuto the king the intere
whereby heex- pretation,
cludeth all other
m Mening,
power to integ-
pret it.
a Whereby ap-
peareth tbat: ma-
ny were flaine,
as verfe,1 zand
25 Chen Ariock brought Daniel before
the king in all haſte, aud faid thus yato him,
J have found aman of the chitdzen of Judah
that were brought captiues,that wil Declare
unto the king the interpzctation. í
26 Thenanfwered the kina and faid bu-
toDanicl, whole name was Belteſhazzar,
Art chou able to Mew me the Breamne which
J Hane ſeene, and the interpretation there-
withont hauts, which ſmote the image vp⸗
on bts feete, that were of yꝛon and clay, anB
brake them to pieces, :
35 Then was the pron, the clay,the baffe,
the fluer and the goid boken altogether,
and became like the chafte of the Summer
flowers, andthe wind carricd them away,
that ne place was found fog thems and the
fton: that (mote the image, became a great
mountaine, ant filled the whole earth.
36 This is the Dreame, and wee will de·
per ei the king the interpectation
37 CD king, thou arta king ofkings:foz
the Gon of heauen bath giuen thee a king-
Dome, power, ſtrength, and gioie»
38 And in all places where the childzen oF
men Dwell, the beaftes ofthe ficlde, and the
foules of the beaten bath be siuen tito thine
band, and hath made thee ruler ouer then
all : thou art" this head of gota. j
39 Ana alter thee Hall ric another king-
Bome, ftnferiour to thee, ot filuct,and another
t third kingdome thailbe of bzafic, which hal
beare rule duer all the earth.
40 And the fourth kingdome Mall bee
ſtrong as pron : for as yzon bꝛeaketh tn pies
ces, andlubsueth all things, andas yon
bruiſeth all theſe things, fo Wall tt bꝛeake in
u pieces, and baniicall. ~
41 CCkereas thou fawelk the feete and
toes, patt of potters clay, and partof pen:
the kingdome hall be = diuided: but there
Mall be tn it the ſtrength of the pron, as
sodu laweit the pon mirt with the clay, and
42 And as the toes of the feet were part of
2013, and part of clap, fo fhail the kingdome
e partlyſtrong, and partly broken. ji
43 And wyereasihou lawet pron mirt
With clay and earth, they Hall mingle them·
felucs with py {cede of men: but thep Hall
Net topne one With another, as pon cannot
be migt with clay. à
44 And inthe dayes of theſe kings, ſhall
the God of heauen fet bp a kingdome, which
= fall neuer be Defroped : and this kings
Dome hall not be giuen to another people,
bur ft ſhall bꝛeake and De ftrop all thele king:
Domes, and tt hall tand foz ener.
4 CUbereas thon fawett that the? tone
Was cut ofthe mountatne without handes,
theinterpretation rhereof.. 332 ~
t Daniel leaueth
outthe kingdom
of the Affyrians,
which was betore
the Babylonian,
both becaufe ir
was not a Mo-
nurchie and gene-
rall Empire, and-
alfo becaufe be
would declare
the things that
were to come,
to the comming
of Chrift, for the
comfort of the `
elea among thefe
wonderfull altes
rations : and he
calleth rhe Babys
lonian king-
dome the golden
head, becaule `
in reſpect of tke
other three, ic was
the bef, and yer
was of it felfe
wicked and
f Meaning, the
Perfians, which
were not inferie
Our in dignitie,
power, and ti-
ches, but were
worle , touching
ambition, cruel-
ty, and all kind
of vice: fhewing, ©
thatthe world
fhould grow
worle and worfe,
tillit was refto-
red by Chrift.
t Thatis, ofthe
the teſt at Dani. of?
els offer were 27 Daniel anfwered in the prefence of
preferucd on the Ring, andfayd, Che fecret which the
‘condition: not’ king bath Demaunded, can neither ihe wile,
that Daniclfa- the aftrologtans, the inchanters, nor the
uoured their ſoothſayers declare vnto the king.
wicked proſeſſſ· 28 But there is a Godin heauen that
on, but that he xeueileth (ecrets, and ſheweth the king fe:
hadrepe&to >buchad-nezzar what Mall beein the tatter
equitic, becaufe dayes. Thy Dreame, and the things which
the king procee- thou batt (cence tn thine heas vpon typ bed, is
dedaccording this. : 7
to his wickedaf- 29 D king, when thou walkin thybed,
fe&ionandnot thoughtscametntothy minde, what ſhoulũ
confideringif come topafle hereafter, and hee that reuct>
their fcience teth fecrets,telleth thee what hall come.
were lawfull 30 As foz e me, thisfecretis ner thet:
ot no. ed mee foz any wifetome that Jhaue, moze
© Heaffirmeth then any otheriining , but onciy to hewe
thatinanbyrea- the King the tnterpsetation , and that
fon&arteisnor thou mighteſt knowe the thoughts of thine
abletoattaine heart. i
to the caufeof 31 D king, thou fawelk,and behold,there
Gods fecrets,but was a great Image: thts great image whole
thevnderftan- glozte wasfoercetlent, food before thee, and
ding only there. the forme thereof was terrible. ;
ofmuftcomeof 32 This images head was of fines gold,
God: whereby isbzeitand bis s of filuer, bts belly
hee fmitethrhe and bis thighesof bralte,_
King with acer- 33 is iegs ot yzon,and Hts keete were part
tainefeareand of pron, and partofclay. —
reuerence of 34 Chou beheldeſt it till a Tone was cut
God, that hee 4 Pod — ad
might be the mor€ apt to receiue the bigh myfteries that thould be
reuciled. p Becaufehe had faid that God oncly muft reucile the
nifications of his dreame, the king might haue alked, why Daniel
did enterprife to interpret it.and therfore he fheweth that he was byt
Gods minifter,and had no gifts, but fuch asGod had giuen him to fet
foorthhisglotie. q By gold, filuer,braffe,and yron,are meant,the
Caldeans,Perfians, Macedonian and Romane kindome which fhonld
fucceffiuely rule all the world till Chrift ( which heere is called the
ftone ) come himſelfe and deftroy the laft ; and this was to aſiure the
Teves, that their afflictions Should not end withthe Empire ofthe
Caldeans,but that they ſhould patiently abide the comming of Mefe
fiah, which ſnould be at the cnd of this fourth Monarchie,
is lile eternal, Rom.8. 10,
andthat tt breake in pieces the yzon, the Macedonians
braſte theclap, the fluer andthe gold ; fo thallbe ofbraffe,
not alluding to
the hardneſſe thereof, but the vileneffe in refpe@ of filuer, u That
is, the Romanz empire fhal! Gibduethe fe other aforenamed, whic
after Alexander were diuided into the Macedonians, Grecians, Sy-
rians, and Egyptians, x They fhalhaue ciuil warres,and continue
aldifcordsamongthemfelues, y They thal! by marrioges and af-
finitses, thinke to make themfelues firong, yet fhall they neuer bee
ioynedinhearts. z His purpole isto hew thatali che kingdomes
of the worldare tranfitorie , and thatthe kingdomeof Chrift fhall
onely remaine for euer, a Meaning Chrift, who was fent of God,
and not fet vp by man, whofe kingdome at the beginning (ould be
fmall and without beauti¢ to mans iucgement, but hounid at length
growe and fil the whole earch which he callech a gccat mountaine,as
verfe,35.And this kingdome which ts not oncly referred to the per-
fonof Chriſt, bur alfo to the whole body of his Ciiurch, and to cute
ry membertherecf, (lial: Seeternall ; forthe {piritthatisinthem
The golden image fet yp.
the great God bath Hewed the King what
fall come to pale hereafter and the dꝛeame
isfrie and the interpretation thereofis ſure.
46 @ Thenthe king Mebuchad-nessar
fellupon bis face, and > bowed himlelle Un:
toDanicl,and commanded chat they Hould
offer meat offcrings, aud (weet odours vito
im. y
47 Alfo the king anfwered vnto Daniel,
b Though this
bumbling of the
king (eemed to
deferuc com:
mendation, yet
becaufehcioys ¶ and fayt, I know ofa trueth that pours God
nedGodsho- {34a God ofgods,and the Lod of kings,and
nourwitbthe therenealeroflecrets,fectng thou couideit o»
Prophets,itisto, pen this fecret. 3
bereproued and 48 Ho the king made Daniel a great
Daniclhercin, man, and gaue hin many and great 4 gifts.
ered ifheefuffe- ipe made him gouernour ouct the whole pros
redit:butizis . ulnceof Babeland chiefe of the rulers, and
eredible that aboue allthe wife men of Babel.
Danicladmoni- 49 Then Dantele made requetl to the
fhedhim ofhis king, and bee (et Shadzach, Meſhach, and
fault,anddid Qbednegoouer the charge of the proutuce of
not fuffer it. Babel: but Dantel late inthe! gate of the
© Thisconfefli-. king, ;
on was buta fud-
denmotion, asit was alſo in Pharaoh, Exod.9.27, 28. but his heart
wasnot touched, as appeared foone afterward. d Not chat the
Prophet was defirous of gifts or honour, but becaufe by this meanes
he might relicue his poore brethren which were grieuoufly eppre fled
in this their captiuity,and alio he réceiued them, left he thould offend
this cruzi king, which willingly gauethem, e Hee did not this for
their privat profit, but chat che whole Caurch which wasthen there
in affliction, might baue fome releafeand eafe by this benefit. f Meas
ning, that either he was a Tudge, or that hee had the whole authoritie,,
fo that none could be admitted to the kings prefence,but by him»
—— “EFT:
t The king fettethup a golden image, & Cep-
tame are accaſed becanfethey defpifed the kings
commandement, and are putizto a * ouan.
25 By belefein God they are deliuere ——
fire. 26 Nebuchad-nexxar confeff-ththe pawer
of God after the fight of the miracle.
a Vader pretence
Ebuchad⸗ nezzar the king made a ân i.
of religion and
uiage ot golde, whole height was threce
holincifein ma- feoze cubites, andthe beoth thereof lire cu⸗
king an imageto bites: bee ſet it yp tin the platne of Dura , in
hisidole Bél he . the promince of Babet,
fouchthisowne 2 Ehen Nebuchad⸗· nezzar the king fent
ambition & vainc foorth ta gather together the Nobles, the
glorysandthis. JD2ncegand the Dukes, the Pudges,the re
eciareth,that he cetuers, the countelicrs. the officers and all
was not touched the gouernours of the pponnces, thatrheyp
with thetrue feare Hon De cometo the > Bedication of thei-
ofGodbefore, mage, which Nebuchad · nezz ar the © king
butthathecon- HAD ſet vp. eis.
feffed him ona 3 Bothe nobles, princes and dukes, the
fuldden motion,
as the wicked'y-avhen they are overcome with the ereatnefleof his
workes. The Greckeinterpreters write that this was done eightecne
yecresafterthe dreame , and asmay appeare , the king feared leat
the Tewes by their religion fhould haue altered the fate of his com-
mon wealth, and therefore he meant to bring all to one kinde of re
Lęẽion, and fo rather fought his owne quierneffe then. Gods glory.
be Shewing that the idoleis not knowen for an idole fo long as he is
withthe workeman : but when the ceremonies and cuftomes are re-
eitedand vied and theconfent of the people is there,then ofa blocke fi
theythinke they hauemase agod. ¢ This wasfufficient with the
wickedat 3H times to approu: theirreligion, ifthe kings authoritie
were alledged for the eflaHiIiment thereof, notconfidering, in the
-snbansfeafon.what Gods word.did permits.
: image, that Qebuchad· nezzar the king bad
ftrumentsofmulicks, (ofal optune and t
bip tpi image, which TF bate ma
Shadrach, Mcfhach, and Abednego T
tudges, the receiuers,the counſellers thech ovo
ficers, and all the gouernours df the pouin⸗ snem 3
ces were aifembled, vnto the dedicating gf
the image, that Qebuchad· nezzar theking <9 > A108
had et vps and they Rood before che tinage,
which Mebuchad-nessar had let vp. -
4 Thenan herald cried alouve, Berit
knowen topou; D people,’ nations, and
languages, iy Sutshad: Rad 4
“§ Ghat when pe heare the ſound of the
tonet; trumpet, harpe fackbut’, plaltecie,
Duicimer, anv alluskruments of mulicke,pe
fali Downe and wozhip the golden image
that Nebuchad· nezzat the king bath ſet vp
> And wholocuer falleth not Downe and
worſhippeth. hallthe fame benre be call in⸗ and the cruelty
tothe miz afan hote üerie fornace. 1 of the punith~
7 Therefor aſſoone as all the people ment:for though
card the found of cye cornet, trumpet, harp, fom: feared. God
atkbut , plalteric, and all intruments of yerthe mulcitude -
mulilickealithe people, nations, and langua- which confent!
gés fell Downe, and worſhipped the golden to the wicked-
neffe, aftonied: :
' à c} them: and here
8. Ty realan whereof atthat fame. toe king requi-
thie cane menof the Caldcans, and grie- red not anin-
uoufiy accuſed the Jewes. = = waid confent,
9. Forthep fpake and fayde to the king bur an outward
Nebuchade nezz ar, Dking, line for cuer, geliuce, that the
io Thou, dD king, balk madea Decree, Tewes might by
that euerx man that pali heare tye Cound off litle and little
the cornet, trumpet, harpe- fackebut,pialte> leame to torget
tic, aud dulcimer, and all inſtruments of theirt true reli- w
mificke, fall fall dawne and worſhip the gion. J
golden image, c Itfeemeth that:
It Aud wholoener falleth net downe, and theynamed rot
worſhippeth· that hee ould be calf into the Daniely becauſe
mids of an hote ferie fernace. he was grearly
12 There ave cectaine Jewes wham thou inthe kingsta-
halt let ouer the charge of the prouince of vourythinking
Babel, e DOhadrach, Meſhach, and Abedne · ifthefe threc had,
go : thele men, D king, haue not regarded bene deftroyedy
thy commaunDemient, neptyce wil they lerue they might haue
thy gods,no2 wozibip the golden image that: had beter occas
thou batt (ct pp. ` lioa toaccufgi o
3. € Then Mebuchadtenegar in his: an· Daniel: ard his
ger and wath commandent ; declarcth that >}
ining Spadrach, (Heihach, an ithispolicie of |. s
fo theſe men were brought betsze th ereQing thisi-
I4 And Qebuchad nezzar, ipak mage, was in c
bntothem, Ghãt vilder? will uent ed by the
Phadiah, rach, and Qb malicious Battes.
mygod, nozwerhip rhe go rers, which
ghane er bp? - fought nothing»
15 f ow cherefore are pe ready whew pe, burrchedefructi-.
eee aa e counce.tennapet, i onof the lewes,
fackebut. pralterte, and dulcimer and whom they ac-
cufed of rebelli-
i made? f021F on andingrati«
powerhhip itnotye halt be caf immediatlv rude,
into the middes of an bote erie foruace fol f signifving,thae-
whats that Gab that can Deltuer.pou out of he uld receive!
mite bands ? i them to grace, if
16 Shadrach, Mehach, and Abednego they would now
anfwered , and ayde te the king. O Hebil⸗ ac che lengtho-
chad· n zzar, wee s are uot carefull to atic bey his decrec.
d- The arethe
two dangerous
weapons wheres’
with Satan vfeth
to fight againft
the children of
God, the confene
ofthe mulzitude,
nd fata
were thee in this matter. noe ir Ig For they
I7 Webolde, our God whom wee ſerue,is thouldhaue .
done iniuty toy
God if they thould haue doubted in this holy cate, and therctore
they fay, that they ate xeiolued to die arog ea y LER
i k able
deliuered out of the fire...
Chap. iiij.
b Theyground bh abletodrtiner vs fromthe hote ferie for» any blahbemle again the Gov of Shas
Of two points,
firft onthe power
and pronidence®
ot God oaer
them, and fe- x
condly on their
caule p which was
Gods glory,and
the teftifying of
his true religion:
with their blood,
& fo make open
conteflion, that
they will notfo
much as out-
to idolattie.
li This declateth
thaty more that
tytants rage, and:
the more wittie
theysdhew them·
felues in inuen i}
ting flsangeand s:
crucil puniſh·
mentsjthe morel:
İs God gloiified
by his feruants
to whom he gi⸗
neth patience &;, -
confiancie tga
bide theiciueltyo:
of their punith-. .
Ment : for either,
hee deliuereih ,,
them from death,
or els forthis life;
Biuech thema +»;
bertcr. e
k For the An-
gels were calicd
the fonnes of.
God becauſe of
their excellency *
therefore the, |
King called this
Angell, whom,
God fent to
comfort his in
thefe great tor-
ments, the fonne
of God, *
1 This commen ·
deth their obe-
dience vnto God,
that they would
not forany feare
depart out of thie
fornace, till the
time appointed,
as Noah remai-
nedinthe Arke
tillthe Lord
called him
m Hewas moo-
: Nace, and he will deliuer vs aut of thine.
~ fourimeo
13 Butt vot, be tt kuowen to thee, D
King, that we wii not erue thy gods, no
ong the golden image, WHicy chou pak
et bp.
t9 ¶ Then was Mebuchat-nessav full
ofrage, and the fourme of pts vuage Wass
changed agatuſt sbhadrach, Meſhach; and
Abeowego; cherefors he charged anv come
manden (gat they fhowld heate the nace
at once Lencii times moze (hen te was wont
to be beat.
20 And becharged themoft valiant men
0f warre thar were in bis army; to bindes
: Phamach welbach, and Abednego, and to
Cale Chem into the hor terte foznace, ©)
21 Bethele mes were bound it their
, Coates, their hoſen, and thetrcigkes , with
theteorher garments, aud cal inte theming
ofthe bore ierptognace.;
22) Thevlorcbecauk the kings conunan:
demeat was ſtraite, thaptyaiozuace froulo
be excreding hote, the fame of the fie fewe
thoyettientyat bꝛought foogel, Dhadzach,
Meſhach and Abedntgo.
23 And thele three meir Dhawah, We:
Mach and Abednegotell Downe bound into
the mids of che beteficrie foruace.
24 E Ehen Mebuchab-nesszar the Ring
, Was-altonted ana role yp tn balte,ana{pake,
andlapa vate pis: canisters, Dw not wee
, Cait tee men bound ito the middes of che
lire &Cihs aulwered,and (aid vnto the king,
It ia true; D king.
. 25 And beeaniwered, and fayd, Loe, J
fee foure men loote , walking tx the mipaes
of che fire, and they haue us hurt, andthe
the fourely is like the* Bonne of
» DOB: ans GA Ona. j Í
-26 Then the King Mebuchad-nessav
came Necre to the mouth ofthe hote ery toz
nace, and ſpake and fayd, Dbadzach, Me⸗
Hach, and Abeonego, the leruants of the
. Digh Gad; goe foorth and come hither sto
, Diadwach, Wwe
kwoorth of the minesi the five.
eiar and Abednego came!
27 Ahen the unbles ꝓꝓꝛainces, and dukes,
andthe kings counteilers came together to
fec thele men, becauie the fire hadne power
ouer their bodies: fo: notan baire of tieit
head was burnt, neither were their coates
—— noz any nell of five came pyon
tia, f f j
- 28, Wherfore fdebuchad: nezzar (pake and:
fay m Birra bee the Godot Dhanzach,
Heſhach, and Adbeduega, who hath fent
bis Angell, and deliuered his iccuantg,
that put their truſt in him, and have cyans
Hed the Kings commaundement, anv veel:
eD their bodies rather then they would
ariig o2 Woly ip any God, tauetyeic owne
o tun
29 Therlore Jmake a veetee, thacererp
people, nation, aud language, which Peake
ucd by the greatneffe of the miracle to praife God, but his heart was
not touched. And here we {Ce that miracles are not fuflicicnt to con-
rt then to God, but thardoGrine muſt chiefiy be adioyned,with-
Guit'the which there can be no faith, ; $
: Whois ſtate ĩs profitable formankind,
Dach, Weſhach, and Abednego, Mail beg
drawen th pieces, and their houles tailbe
madea takes, becauſe there tano God that
can Deliver atter thts (opt.
30 Chen the kine promotes Shavzach,
Weſhach, and Abeduego, inthe ponie of
Babel :
31 Hebuchad nezzar Bing vnto all peo:
pie narions and languages, that Del in alt
tye o world, race be multipued vnto yous
32 Ichought ti good to Beclaretbhe ſignes
ann wonders, that the high God aih
wronght toward me. `
33 Vow great are his ſignes, and howe
mightie are hts wonders! p hiskingdonieis
an euerlaſting kingdome ane his dominion
; isfrom gentrationto generation,
ter, fo they foffer double funithment,. o Mean
dominion extended, p ReideChap.2.44,
2 Another dreame of Nebuchad nexrar, which
Danie! declkareth, 290 be Prophet declareth hyw
of a prond king he ſhould become as abeaf?)’3%
After he confeffeth the power of God, and is re-
> flored to his former diguitie, ;
I Nebuchas· nezzar being atret in mine
boule and flouriſhing inimy palace,
2 Dawe a> dreame, which made mea-
fraid, and the thoughts vpon my bed, and
the vilions of mine head troubled me.
3 Gicrefore made J avecree, that they
ſhould baing ail the wile men of abel be⸗
foze me, that they might declare vnto ime the
interpretation of the Dyeame.
4 Ho came the tnchanters,the aſtrologi·
ans, the DalBeans and the (cothiayers, to
when J cold the Dreame, but «they could
nor ibew me the interpretation thereof,
'§ Gilacthe lat Daniel came befoze me, ’
(whole name was 4 Geltethaszar, according’
tothe name of mp God. which hath the pirit
of theboly gods ur him) and before bin I
told the Dreame, {aying,
6 D Beitethassar,¢ chiefe of the incha
ters, becauſe J knolwethat the ſpirit ofthe.
holy gods ts im thee, and no fecret tron-
bleth ther, tellme the bilions of mp dreame,
that 9 baue feene, andthe interpretation
thereof, ;
7 Thus were the hifons ofinine head in
my bed. And behold, ZF faweaf tree in the
mtodes of the earth and the height thereof
wasmreaty o,
3 Qgreatiree and trong and the height
thereat reached bato heauen, and the fight
thertotterheents ofall the catth. |
9 he voughes thereof were faire, and
the fruue thereof much, andin tt was
Meare foz ali: ifmade a Hadowe vnder
te for sje beaties ot the telve, and the
1d) Thisno doubt wasa great ericfeto Daniel not
The Kings decree. 332 |
n Ifchisheathen _
King moou ed bi
Gos Ipirit would”
“not fee tlafphe.
my vnpuniined, ~
and feta punicũ ·
mento fuch
much more
cnpitall they `
that profefle ree’ ;
ligion, to rake `
order thatfuch
impictic reigne
not; left accor
_ding’as their |
knowledge and
chargeis grede `
ul Boo
a Therewas fio “3
trouble that
might caufe me
to dreame, and w
therefore ic came?
onelyof God, ~i
ib This wassnos >
ther dreame bes?
‘fidesthat which `
bec faw of the
foure empires:
for Danielboth
| declared what! d
that dreame wasg’
and what it :
meant:and here’:
he onely expoun⸗
deththe dreamee
c Inthatthat
hefentabroad’ °°
to others whofe”
times paft he had’
and left Daniel: ©
which was euer
ready at hand,ie
declare hihe
nature ofthe-
vngodly, which
nener feeke to
the ſeruents o f
God,but for vee
ry necc Mty , and
then they fpare
no Ratterings: 2°
only to have his
mane changed) buc to be called bythe name ofa vileidole, which”
thing Nebuchadnezzar did, to make hint forgerthe true religion of
Wici ato wasa creat grieſe to the Prepher, to be núms
bredamcng theforceter yand men whofe'practifes were wicked and
contrery to Gods word, t Bythetree, is fignified the dignitie ofa
king,whem Godiordeieth to beia defence for all kindof men, and
t 4
ing, to farre as his `
SE ee aA ee ait
The dreame expounded,
foules ofthe heanen dwelt in the boughes
tyereot,and all eh fen afit.
10: Iſawinthe villous of mine head, vp ·
pon my bed, and behold, a s watchman, and
eatcthnorflee- anholyone came Downe from heauen,
peth,butiscoce If And cried aloud, and faya chus, Dem
ready todoGods Dewite the tree, and beate off pts branches:
will,andisnot ſhake off bis teaucs, Ind ſcatter pis krait, chat
infededwith thebeats map Hee from vnder it, and the
manscorruption, foules from bis branches.
butisewerholy: 12 Nꝛeuertheleſſe leaue the ſtumpe of his
& in that that ke rootes in the earth, aud with a band efiron
commandeth to and bzafie bin deit among the graffe af the
cutdownethis ficld, andlet it be wet with the dewot heã⸗
tree, he Knew jit uen,and let his portion be with the bzaitsa-
fhold nor be cut mong the grafle of the fielo,
downebyman, 13 *Lethis heart be changed from mangs
but by God, _ nature, andletabeatts beart be giuen vnte
h Hereby hee him, and let leuen times be paſſed ouer him,
meaneththatNe- 14 i @bhelentenceisaccording to the doce
buchad-nezzar cree of the watchinen, and accosding ta the
fhouldnot onely woꝛd of the holp ones : the Demand was an-
foratimelofe fwered, te the intent that living men map
g Meaning,the
Angel of God,
which neither-
kis kingdom, but know, that the molt Vigh bath power onet:
be likea beak,
ereed this iudge- abiect among men.
ment, and the 15 This ts the Deeame, that J King e.
wholearmy of buchad· nezzar bane ſeene: therefore thou,D
heauenhaueasic Belteſhazzar, declare the tnterpretatton
were fubfcribed therafs foz all the wile men af mp kingdome
vatoirlike asal- arc not able to ew me the tnterpeetatton ?
. fotheydefirethe but thou art able, foz the ſpirit of the holy
exccutionofhis gods is in thee.
16 ¶ Then Danlel(whoſe name was Bels
teſhazzar) helu his* peace bp the (pace ofone
boure, and his thoughts troubled hint, and
the king ſpake and faid , Beltethassar, tet
neither the Dieame, nozthe interpretation
thereof trouble thee. Weltethassar anſwe⸗
ted, and fat, My tod, the Dacamebe ta them
that bate thee, and the tnterpactation theres
of te thine enemies.
17 The tree that thoufawelk, which was
great and mighty, whole height reached vn
to the heauen, and the light thereof through
ail the world, 4
18 Wihofe leanes were Faire and the kruit
thereofmuch,and th it was meate fogal, yns
Der the which the beattes of the field dwelt,
and vpon whole branches the foules of the
heauen dia ft, i
Ig Jtisthau,D king, that art great and
mightte : for chp greatnefe ts growen, and
reacheth vnto heauen, and thy Dominion te
the ends ofthe earth.
20 Whereas the king fat a watchman,
and an bolp one that came Downe from hea:
UH, AND LAID , ewe Downe the tree, and
deſtroy tt, pet leauc the ſtumpe ofthe rootes
decree againftall
them thaclife vp
themfelues a-
gaint God,
k Hewas trou-
bled forthe great
iudgement of
God which hee
faw ordained a-
gaint the King:
and fo.the Pro-
phets vfedon the
one part to de-
nounceGo ds
judgements for
the zeale they
bare to his¢lory,
and onthe other
part to haue com-
pailion vponmã,
and alfo tocon-
fider that they
thould be fubie&
to Gods judges
ments, if he did
not regard them
with pitie, thereof inthe carth, and with a band of
1Wherebyhe ypzonand baafle bindit among the graffe of
meancth along, the field, ann let it bee wet with the vewe
. Space, as feven
yecres. Some in-
terpre: feucn
moneths , and
others fuen
weekes : burit
feemeth he ment
of yeercs,
of heaven, andlet his portion bee with the
beatles ofthe Held, ! til ſeuen times palſe os
21 This is the interpretation, D king,
and itis thedecree ofthe mot Vigh, which
is come vpon my lorꝛd the King,
22 Chat they hall mine thee from neir
and thy dwelling Hail be with the beatts of
thekingdom ofmen,and giucthtt to whon fie?
i Godhathde- ſoeuer he wil,and appointethouer it the moſt
The Kings pride and fall.
the fic ld: thev hall make thee te cate graſſe
asthe moren, and they wall wet thee with m Notthathis
the dewe of heaven: and fenentimes Wali hape or forme
paffe ouer thee, till thow know, that a the waschanged ine
mot igh beareth rule ouer the kingdonie to a bealt, but —
of men,and giueth it to wbomfoener he will, that he was ci- ·
23 CUbereas they laid, that one foulo ther friken mad,
leaue the ſtumpe of tye tree raotes,the king» and fo auoided
Dome thall remaine vnto thee: after that, manscompany,
thou Walt know thatthe heauens baue the or wascalt our
rule, or his tyranny,
24 Mherekoze, D king, let my counfell and fo wandred
be acceptable unto thee, and o bzeake of thy among ý bealts,
fines by rightcoutnes,and thine iniquities and ate herbes,
by mercie toward the poore: loe, let there be and grafie,
an r healing of thine errour, n Daniel íh ewa
25 All thele things hall come vpon the cththecaufe
Ring fa coann HEE why God thus
26 Q At the end ot twelue amoneths, he punithed him,
walked in the ropall palace of Babel. o Ceafe from
27 Andthe king pake and fayd, Is not proucking God
this great Babel, that J baue built foz toanger any
the houl ofthe kingdome by the might of longer by thy
my power, and for the honour of mp maig- finnes, that he
ie * may mitigate his
puniſhment, if!
thou hew by
thine vpright
lifethat thou
baft true faith.
and repentance, `
p Suffer the er- `
toursofthy for.
mer life to be re-
28 Ahile the wawe was in the Kings
mouth, a vopce came Downe from heauen,
fying, D king Mebuchad-neszar, to thee be
i (pokes, Thy kingdome is Departed from
29 Andthey Hall deine thee from men,
and thy Dwelling hall be with the beattes
of the felo + thep Mall make thee to eate
grake as theoren, and feuen times Wall
paſſe ouer thee, vntill thou knowet y that
the mot igh beareth rule oner the kings
Dome of men, and giueth it vnto whomfoce
uer he will, ;
O The bery lame boure was this thing
kullilled upon Mebuchad-neszar, and hee
Was Driven from men, and DID cate grafe
as the oren, and bis bodice was wet with the
Dew of heauen, till his hatres were grower
a Egles feathers, and his napleslike birds
31 And at the end of thefe r Dapes F Me-
buchad-nessar life bp minceyes brte eas
uen, and mine vnderikanding was reſtorta moouvehimro
vnto me, and I gaue thankes vnto the molt repent. | .
High, and J pated and honoured him that r When the
liveth for ener, * whole power is an cuerla> cerme of thefe
ting power, and hts kingvome is from wee feuen yceres was
Heration to generation. | accomphihed,
32 Andall the inhabitants of the earth chzp.7.14,
are reputed as nothing : g accordingto His micah 4.7.
will he worketh in the army of heanem and dyke 1.33.
in the inhabitants of the carth: none can f Ge confefeth
tay bis hand, noz fap vnto bim, tjat dock Gods willto be
thon? : the rule of all ius.
33 At the fame time was mine vnder · fice, anda moft
ſtanding reſtored vnto me, and Lreturned tO perfit law where-
tbe bonourof nip kingdome: my glory ann by he gouerneth
my beauty was reitored vnta mee, AND mY both manand
countellers * and my minces. (ought tnia Angels.and des
me and J was etabli in imp king- uils, fo chatnone
Dome, And my giotie was augmented tos oughr to mure
wardme. mure or askea’
34 Mowerthercfore, J Nebuchad· nezzar realon ofhis doe.
z eats ings,butonely
to ftand content therewith, and give him the glory, t By whom it
nie} had decla-
thishis pride des
clareth tharitis
not in man to
coniert to God’
except his Spirit
mooue him fec=
ing thatthefe 4
terrible threat-
nihgs could not
4, 1
feemeth that he had bene put from bis kings ome Kéfore,
g_Aftes that Dae ⸗
redthis vifion: & -
The writing on the wall.
u Hedoethnot “4 praple and extol and magnifié the king of
oncly praife God
for his deliue-
rance, but alfo
confefieth his
heauen,whoſe wozkes are all tructh,and bts
wayes iudgement, and thok that walke in
pride, he ts able to abate.
fault, that God may only hauc the glory and man the fname, and that
be may be exalted and man caft downe.
a Daniel reciteth
this hiftory of
king Balhhazzar
fonne, to thew `
5 Belſpaxgar King of Babylon feeth an hand
writing onthe wal, 3 The froth fayers called of
the king cannot expound the writing. 15 Damel
readeth tand interpreteth it alfo. 30 The king
% flaine. 31 “Darius iniopeth the kingdome.
Ki ng? Belfhassar made a great feak toa
thoufand of hts princes and Danke wine
b befoze the thoufand.
2 And Beithassar |! tehiles hee talked the
wine, commaunded to bring him the golden
Gods iudgeméts and fluer veffels , which bis < father ebu-
againtt the wic-
ked, for the deli-
ucrance of his
Church, and how
the’ prophefie of
Ieremiah was
erue,that they
fhould-be deliue-
sed after ſeuenty
The kings of
the Bait parts `
chen vied tofit
and difdained
that any fhould
fitin their com-
any: and now to
frev his power,
and tiow lirtle he
fer’ by his enemy,
which then be-
fieged Babylon,
he made a f0-
lemne banquet,
and vied exceffe
in their compa-
ny, which is
meant here by
drinking wine:
thus the wicked
are moft diffo-
lute and negli-
gent when their
deftruGion is at
llOr ouercome
wit hvine.
c Meaning,his
d Incontempt
ofthe true God they praifedtheir idoles, not thatthey thougbt
chad-nessar bad beonght from the Temple
ĉn Ferulatem, that the king anv bis princes,
wines, and hts concubines might minke
3 Then were bionght the golden velſels,
that were taken out of the Temple of the
Lods poule at Jeruſalem, and the king and
bis princes, bis wines, and pis concubines
Danke in them, i
4 Thep Danke wine and praylen the
4 gods of gold and of filuer,of branie oE pon,
of wood and ofitone. =
§ At the tame houre appeared fingers of
amans hand, which wrote ouer eagaint the
candleiticke bpon the plaplter of the wall af
the kings palace, € the king ſawe the palme
of the hand that wote.
6 Then the Kings countenannce was
changed, aud bis thoughts troubled hun, fo
that the toynts of bts lopnes were loofed,and
bis f knees (mote one againſt another.
7 Wherefore the King cryed aloude, that
they honide being ethe Aitrolegians, the
Caldeans anv the ſoothlayers. And che king
fpake and ſayde tothe wile men of Babel,
Aholoeuer can reade this writtug, andde-
clare me the interpretation thereof, fhall bee
clothed with purple, and hall bauc a chatne
of golde about His necke, and, ſhall be the
third ruler in the kingdome.
8 Then came all the kings wile men but
they couto neither reave the witing, noz
fyew che king the interpretation.
9 Then was king Belſhazzar greatly
troubled, and bts countenance was changed
in. him and bis princes were aftenied.
10 Now tye > Dueene by rean of the,
talke of the Ring and his printes, came in⸗
to the banket houle, and the Durene pake,
and iapa, D king, kiue foz euer: let not thp
the gold ot filuerivere'gods, bur that there was a certaine veituean i
power inthem to do them good, which is allo the opinion of allido-
laters, e ‘Thatit mightthe hetterbefeene $ So he that before
contemned God, was mooued by this fight to tremble for feare of
Godsiudgements, g Thus the wicked in theirtroublesfeeke ma-
ny meanes, who draw them from God,becaufe they feeke notte lim
who is tbe onely comfostinallaffigions. h Towit,hisgrandmo-
ther Nebuchadnezzarswife, which torher #Z¢ wasinut before at the
feaft,but came thitber when the heard of the ſe ſlrange ncues,
thoughts teouble thee, no: Tet thp counte»
nance bechanged, : ;
It There tsaman in thy kingdome, in
whom ta the ſpirit of the holy gods, and in
the Dapes ofthp father light and vnderltan ·
Ding and wifedome like the wiſedome of the
gods, was found inbim: whom the king
Nebuchad nezzat thy father the king, | fay,
thy father, made chiele ef thei Inchanters,
Altrolegtans,@alacans, and Booth fayers,
12 Becaule a moze erceilent fpirit, and
knowledge, and vnderſtanding ( forije DID
expound Dreames, and declare hard (enten-
ces, and diſſolued Doubts ) were found in
bim, even in Daniel, whom the king named
Belteſhazzar now let Daniel be catled,and
be will Declare the interpretation.
13 E Chen was Daniel brought befoze
the king, and the king (pake, and fapa wuto
Daniel, Act thou that Daniel, which art of
the childzen of the captinitte of Judah,
had my father the Ring bronghe out of
tle? |
4 flow F haue heard of thee that * the
ſpirit ofthe balp rods isin thee, aud that
ight and vnderitanding and ercellent wil
dome is found in thee.
15 Now therekore, wile men, and Altro⸗
logians haue bene brought before me, that
they ſhould reade thts witing , and mewe
mee the interpretation thereof: but they
iere not Declare the interpeetation ofthe
g. p .
16 Then heard F of thee, that thou tonl
Dek Mewe interpretations, and diſſolue
Doubts now if thou cant read the writing,
and Hew me the tuterpeetatien therof thou
halt be clothed with purple, and fhalt haue a
chaine oF gold about thy necke, and malt be
the third ruler tn the kite dame.
17 Then Darielantwered,and (apd bee
foze the king , Keepe thyremartes to chy
felfe , and atue thy gifts to anotycr: pet F
will reade the Writing vnto tye king, and
fer him the interppetation.
18 D King; heare chou, the mot igh
God gatie Yhiol sAebuchad-nessar thy Cas
thera kingdome, and naicitic,and botour
and gloz’.
19 And forthe maic that be cane him,
all people, nattons,and languages trenibled,
and feared vefore hin: hee put te Death
whom he would : he ſmote whom be would:,
whom ye would je tet vp, and wham hee
Would he put Towne. if
ZO Gut wyer bis heart was pult vp and
bis mind hardened in pride, he was Depo-
{ed from bts kingly thone, and they tooke
bis honour from him.
21 Andhe was Diuen from theſonnes af
Men, ehis brart was made itke the beaſts,
and hisPmetiing was withthe wild anes:
they tD n with stalls tke oxen, aud
bis bagy mas tuct wiht he dew of the hear,
uen, if ye Enets that the mot Ligh Goa:
buretr eouer the kingdome of men, and
that e apea itech ouer tt, whomloeucr bee
pica.cip. s i te P
‘22 Ant thon bis onnes D Belfhaszar,
Hatt not Humbled thine pearl, thongy thou
knewet allthele things, ~
23 But
i Reade Chap, g:
6. and this dec a⸗
reththat borb
thisname was o⸗
dious vnto him,
and alfo that he
didnot vie thefe
vile pra&ifes;be-
caule he was mot
among them
when all were.
k For the ido-
laters thought,
that the Angels
had power as
God, and there~
fore had them in
like eftimation,as
they had God, -+
thinking-thar the
fpirit of propbee
ie, and vnder-
ftanding came.
of them,
Like father, hike fonne. 333 ~
I Before he read -
the writing. he
declareth to the
king his great in⸗
gratitude toward: —
not be mooued
togiue him the: »
plery;confidé- o
ring his-wonder= _
ful worke toward `
his grandfarher,
and fo fheweth
thar he doth noe:
finne of igno-
ranse, but of o2
The hand witing declared.
cauſoeche graces· tye (Pit
Riis tbonsbe ta (et. bim guer. ede. whole
23. Bint batklitt thy (elfeopageint the
L020 of heaucn,t they Haug dronght the vel
dels of bis houle betore thee,and chouand thy
pinces tüy wines and thy concubines bane
Bunke wine in them, and chou batt praiſed
the gods of filuer and golde; of bzaile, you,
Wood, AnD ione, which neither ſee, nether
hearc, noe vnd erſtand andthe G ov in whole
“bande thp becath is and all thy wayes; yun
e of the bande
Joi Dak thourot glsꝛified.
m Afterthat > 24Then was the paler
God bad fo long ſent from yine bath wattten this waiting.!
timedeferredbis 25- Qndrhisis rhe witing that heevath
anger;atd pati-» written, 9. MENE, MENE, TEKEL
ently watedfor V PHARSIN,. Hy ia Aii
thine amend- — 26 his is the tuterpzetation of the
ment.iosig -07 thihg,MENE,@on hath numbped ehp kige
mThiswordis> Deinie,and Hath niied it. S:
twife written for. 27 TEKE L,thou art weighed in the bal
thecertainty of Jance and att tound | toolight, Wise:
thething: bew» 28 PERES, tüp kligt ome is dinided,
ing that God and giuen tothe Medes aud Perlians,.
had moft furely - 29° @henat the contmandement al Bel⸗
counted; fignify- fhaszar.y. they clashed Dantet with purple,
ingalfothatGod ann put a chayne of gote about his necks,
hathappoynted’ anid made a proclamation concerning him,
atermefor all | that he Houla be the third ruler in the kinge
nine eae come, ... ,, l : 2i
thatamiferable 30 he fante night was Belthassar the
endfballcome king ofthe Calneansflaines ... —
on all that taiſe 31 Atin Datius ofthe Medes tooke the
themlues Kinapame hens Y ROER LOSS LOR
— — J——
IOF wanting: lo Cyrus his ſonne in lawe gaue him this tĩtle otho-
nour,alchough Cyrusin effe& had tte dominion, - E
EADS ee ah
1 Daniel is maderul y omer.the gouernours, §
Daniels conftancye .
idayd thus puto him, Hing Darius; ltue fez so. 2008
BRR s Tee Ning boo isi
7 Allthe rulers ofthy kingvome, the of
ficers and goucrnonrs, the counlellers, and
Dukes haus coluitca together tomake ades
cree fo the king, and to cltabluo a. Ratute,
that whoſoeuer {hall aike a petition of any.
God o2 man fo, thirtie dayes tane of thee, D
king, be ihall becaſtinto the Der of liens.
+. 8 MowH@. ling, confirme the Gecree, and
aftale the waiting, that tt be not chatiged, ace
cording fa the taw of the Mcoes and Perſi⸗
ans, which altereth not
9 .CGberefore king
' Dartas (taled tie d Herein is con-
waitingand the Decree. ri emned thie wie,
LO. @ s20w when Dantel vnderſtoode kedneſte of che: »
that he bad leale the — went in⸗ kingswbo would,
tohts houle, and hiss window Heng open beſec vp asa st
duis chamber toward Jerufalem, he knet· god and peſſed
det upon bis kneesthece tines a Dap, and not what wicked
pꝛayed and praiſed his Ged,as he did afore· lawes he appros :
AMEs-e vid Gea oni este ued for the main’
Ak Chenrthele men allembled and found tenance ofthe».
Dantelpraping, ano making lnpplication lames ns oud
vnto his Gͤn. noo e SeBscenlehee: d3
(12, Bothep came, and (pake nto the would nocby hig
King concerning the Kings decree, Walt ſilence fhew that
thou net ſealed the decree, that enery man heconfenredta,
that Hall makectquett to any God 02 man this wicked des}
Within thirty Daves, laug: to thees Bing, cree, he ſet open
albe cali into the tenne ot tons? Epe hişwindowes: d
titg anfwered. ano lapa, Che suina is trůe, toward le tuſa⸗
Accoadingto the Lawe of the Medes and lem vben kee
Perlans, which alteret not. s=. ain prayedabothto i
e 13. Then avlwercd they, and ſapde vnto Lirrevp himfelée
theking, Chis Daniel whieh to ofthe chil with che, remem ·
Den of the captturtic of Mudah,, tegardeth brance of Gods
northern D-Ring nor the decree, that thou promilesto hisss
“oe ws w
An actagaiſt Daniel, 16 Heu put inte aden of balk lealed, but, naktth Dis petition thaee people, whéithey,
ons by the Covmmandemcnt of the King. 23 Hets
deluered by faith in God. 24 Danselsaccufers
are Put unto the kons. 25 Darins bya decree mag-
nifiech the God of Damel, a: 5
T pleat Darius ta {et ouer the king:
a ReadeEfther ADomeaan bundzeth and twentie goner»
Chap.r.u. DUES, Which hould be ouer the whole kings
fornido 1 DUN ria ita GOD ALL RTE
trembled yin 913 2 And otter thek thee tulers Cofiwhany
beThisheathén © Daniel was ouc) that the goucrnozs might
King preferred » glie atcompts pute them, aud the Ring
Daniebaftranger, Honto Yaue no Damage.
toallhisnubles > 3 Mow this Daniel > was preferred. as
and familiardbex boue the tulers ang gonernours, becaule
it was xxcellent in bun, and the
of God: were
mofeexcellénar!: t , T
ivhimzhenin 4 @ Ciberefore the rulers and gouer
others; naturs: ught an occafion again Daniel
c Thusthe wic-: concerning the kingdome: but they could
ked cannot abide⸗ find: none occafian.nos fault: fo2 he was lo
the gracesofonvu! fait hkull that thert was no blame no: faule
Gostinarbersyas.: fontin hin a.
-but fecke byalke: “5 Chen lapa thet mei, aiee ſhall not
occoſions to de- EL ath ata Agatutthis Dantel, except
facethem:there- WERNA TE agai din toncerning the Law
fore again fuch OEDD, *
aflaultschereis “O Eh eloꝛe the riners and theſe gouere
nobererreme. nours went tegetherto the Wing, and
dythento walke “odj iioo gadai donut, 36
vprightly in the fearé cttesdhanes Baie a gags confei¢nec,
$a $s
times a dar. etpup oc igi) should pray toan-
“14 Uhen the Ring heard thele worbes, ward that Teme--3
he was toze diſpleaſed with himlelke, and ſet plé, andalfothae.
_ bis beart on Daniel, to deliuer buns and he; other might fcc,
> laboured till che Sunne Went Downe Co Des) that hewould.
tiwebin. i _.) neither confert....
Then thele, men allembled unto the in heatt notr deed
king; and ſayd vnto toe king, Cinderltand,, for thele, fewe. ni
D king, that the Latue of the Medes and. dayesto angia oa
Perhangs is y that uo dectte nog atute ching that.was......
which the king confivineth, maybe t alte: constary to Gade,
TED. icp ory, euda
16 € Thenthe king commaunded, and —— a4:
they booughs Daniel, aud cas bim tnta the ked maincaine....;
henneat Hone snow the king (pake,and ſaid euilldawesby -a
; búta Daniel, Tiy God, whom thou alway, conftancieand >
Crne, cuen he will deliuer thee.aurthoritie, which
17 -AnD a llone was bꝛought, and layd is oſt times either
vpon the mouth of the Dente, ano the Ring lightneile,or
tealedtt with bis otwne ignet,. and with. ftobbornnefe,
the fignetof hts princes , that the puryale when as rhe ine
might not bee changed, concerning Da⸗ nocents:hereby i
mels curg ; slobi viagi h Unto ypeheeudtherce,
18, Then the king went ynta hts palace, -tore governours i,
and remained falting, neither were the in⸗ nei: her ougheto, -
ſtruments of muſicke brought beſfore Hun, fewenorbealhaa
and bis ſleepe went from him „med cobreake
19 @ hene king aroſe early inthe fuch, TAF
r —A— went in all halle vnto the den s
' offrans, won 3 idle dimo yia irw
c 20, Aa when pe came to she Beye, bee
i Orpen With a lamgntableppice viros Mi se. nodi
Aiuftrecompence. ? -iT
Acua 4) am the king ſpake, and ſatd to Danit O
aronga o nsd Daniel tht levwant of the Wing God is not
p Thie declareth thy Gad (whome thou alway ferut) e able
thanDatius was: to Ddeltucrtheefromethbeltons? 6
mottouchel wich ` 21 Zhen fayd Danicl vnto the king, D
thetiwe Know: fing line for euer.
ledge ofGod,bee 22 Wy Gsahath{ent bis Angell, and
caufehedoubted harh ſhut ryclpons mouthes, that they haug
ofhispowers > net bisrtwes fo my iuſtice was found ent
h My iuſt eauſe befoze hin: and vito thee, D King D pane
andvprightnclle; yonennithurts) i ii 9 weni ouank OS
in this thing, 23 Chen was the Ming eveeeding glad
wherein I was | far him, and commaunded chat they ould
charged, isappre- take Danisloutofthetex: fo Danicl was
nedofGod. oo bacughtoutof thedenj,andno manerof burt
i Forhedid dif-. twas found upon bim,becaule per k beleeucd
obey che kings... tn his God. Tails . Sie? TS
wicked comian: (24 And bythe commaundement.of the
dementsto obeys king, thele men which had accuſed Daniel,
God,and fodid mere bꝛought, and were !calt tito the den of
no iniury to the: liong, cuce they, thety children, E ther wiucs:
King,whoought anD the lions bad the makery ofthem, and
to command no- bake ailthete bones in pieces, iol euer they
thing,whereby . çame atthe ground of the den.
God thould be 25 (Afterward king Darius mote, Un ·
difhonoured..... to all people, nationgiand languages, that
k.Becaufehe dweil in all the werid: Peace be mmntiplied
committed him· vnto poi.
felfe akolly vnto 26 3 make adecree, that in allthe tomi-
God,whofecaufe nionefiny kingdome, men tremble & feare
he diddefend, he mbefome the God of Dantel: koꝛ he ts the rit-
Wasaflures that. uing God; andremaineth fo: curr: and bis
nothingbur good kingdome fhallnotperith,aud his dominion
could come ynto fhalbeeueriafting. 2 1. On
bim: wherein we - -27 e reſcueth eDdeltucreth,and be twoi:
feethepowerof, keth fignesand wonders in heauen and in
faith,as Heb.r1. earth: who bath deliuered Danteltron the
k povwer of thelpous. l }
This isaterrix 28 Go this Daniel prolpered in the
ble example... teigneot Darius, and in the reigne oẽ Cy ·
againftall the ..; rusof Perſia. FEMT” roe
wicked, which aiio iB S
do againit their confcience make cruell lawesto deſtroy the children
of God and.alfo admoniſheth Princes haw to punifh{uch,when their
wickednefic is come to light:though not in euery poynt,or withlike
Circumfances,yetto. cxecutetrue.iuftice vponthem, m A hisprov-
ueth not that Darius did worlhip God aright , ior els was.conuerted :
for then he would have.defroyed all fuperftition and idolatry, & not
only given God the.chicfe place, bur sifo haue ft hin vp,end cauled
him to be honoured according to his word: bur this wasaccrtayne
confeflion of Gods.powes ,wherunto be was compctled by this won-
derfull miracle n Whichhath noronely life in himfelfe,but is the
only fountayne of life,and guickeneth all things,{o that without him»
there isoo life... 4 ioh —*
ves Ste ai or tE MAB io V ER 37
3A vibion of faure baaftes u fhemed unto Da-
wiel. 8 The ten hornes ofthe uth beast. 27 Of
the eucrlafting kingdome of Chrift.
rege Fe the Gre vere of Belhazsar king of Bas:
a. Whereas the bel. Daniel farsa Became, aud there were:
people of Ifrael viflons in his head, vpon bis beds. then be:
Jooked for acon- ra , j !
tinuall quictneffe after shele ſeuenty had declared, :
he fheweth chat this ret! fhail not bea deliuerance fromall trcudles,
but. a beginning,and therefore encovsg ti them to looke for acon-
tinuall afa iSion tillche Mefliah be vttetd andreuealed, by whome
they (houldhane a fpirizual dcijneraace,and all the promifes fulfiiled:
whereof they fhould haus a certayne token in the deſcuction of the
Babylonica!l kingdoms.. 3
Chap» vij.
not quietly inioyin other coitries,they woule giue it to otherkings
and rulers thatiail times whea they would, they right take it a⸗
3 gaine:which liberality is here called the ftamping of the reft vader
Foure beaſts. 334
wrote the dzeame, & Declared the ſumme of:
the matteret H — A PRES Ka a
2 Daniel fpakejand fayde, Jlawe in my.
vifion by night, and beholde, the foure’
be bes de the heauen troue vponbthe great.
3_ Andfonve great beats came bp from `
the fea,one diners from another.
4 Coe irk wisasa lion and had egles
wings: J beheld, til the wings thereof were
pluckt of, q it was lifted bp from tyeeatth,
and fet vpon bis Feete ag a man, and amang
beart was ginen him.
§_ And beholde, another beaft which was
the fecond was likea ¢beare, and food op.
othe < one Eye; and bee bad thzes ribbes in
Maf mouti betweche bis terth , sand they
— thus vnto pun Ariſe and deuoute much
eh: fag 115333
G Sfter this, beheld, and loe there was
another like a > leopard, which had vpon hrs
backe! foure wing sof a ko ule: the bratt hap
Ete foüre beads and « Dominion was giuen
uit. j IN hsi é J
7 After this, F fawe in the vifiors by:
night, ana brhölde, ee!-fourth teat was
fearefull’y and territie, and pery rong:
It had great ™ pron teeth: tt deusured,and
brake in pieces, and ſtamped = the reae
wider hisfecte; and it was vnlike to the
beans thar wore befozett : favit hav otenne
b ‘Which figni-
fied that there
fhould be borri«
ble troubles and
affl:Gions in the
world,in all cor-
ners of the world,
and at (undry
c Meaning,the
Affyrianand Cale
dean Empire,
which was moft
firong and fierce
in power and
moht feone come
to their authori- —
ty, as though
they had had
wingsto fly: yee:
their wings were —
pulled by the
Perfians,and they
wenton their
feete,and were
made likeother `
men, which is
hornes als ' here meant by-
8 61 conlidered the hornes, beholde, mansheart.
there came Hp among chem andther little d Meaning the
Phone, Ufor whem there mere athret of Perfians,which
-< ) were barbarous
and cruel. e They were final inthe bepinning,and were fhut vp
in.theis mountaines and had no bruit, £ That is,deftroyed many
kingdomes\& wasitiftiable, g To wit,the Ange!s by Gods com-
maund-ment, who by this meanes punithed the ingratitude of the
world; Ih’ Meaning; Alexanderthe king of Macedonia, i That
is his fourẽ chiefecaptaines which had'the empire among thé after.
his death Seleucus had Afia the great, Antigonus f lefle,Caflander,
and after him Antipater was king of Macedony,and Ptolemeus had
Egypt. -k It wasnot of himle fe,nor of hisowne power,that hee
gate althefe countries : for his army Conteined but thirty thoufand
men, and hè ouércdme in one batte! Darius, which hadtenne hune
dred thoufand, when he was fo heauy with fleepe,that his eyes were
fcarce open, as the flories report: therefore this power was given
hinvofGod. 1- Thatis,the Romane Empire,which was asp mon⸗
Rer, and could net be compared toany beaft , becaufe the nature
ofnone was able to expreffeit m Signifying the tyranny and
gree dineffe of the Romanes- n Thar which the Romanes could
thefeete,: o »Vhatis, fundry & diuers prouinces, which were go-
uerned by the Deput ies and Procontuls,wherof euery one might be
comparedtoa Kings p Which ismeant of Iulius Cefan, Augu-
ftus, Tiberius, Caligula Claudius. and Nero, &¢. who were as Kings
in eſtect, but becanfe they could not rule, bur by che confent of the -
Senate)their comparedto alittle ho. oe: For Mahomet:
caménor of the Romane Empire,and she Pope hath no vocation of
gouernment therefore this cannot bee applitd vnto them, And
alfoimthis prophefiethe Prophets putpofe iscchi¢fly to comfort the
Tewes vnto ths revelation of Chrift- Some take ir for the whole boe-
dy of Antichrift. q Meaning, a certaine portion of the tenne
hornes: thacis,a part. from the whole eftate was plackt away. Fo
Auguftus tooketrom the Senate the hbertie of chu tng the Deputies:
todend ito the prou‘nces , and tooke the government of certaing
countreys to himfe!fe,.
hrifts dominion.
the iri hornes plucktawap: and beholde,
T ThefeRomene in thts hozneweres epes like the eves of
Mperorsatthe man, and a mounth (peaking pꝛeſumptnous
iritviedacer- things.
g beheld, till che thænes were let vp,
and be "Ancient of Daics did fit, whole gar-
ment was white as Row, and the hatreof
his head like che pure weolls bis thzone was
likethe erp flame, and bis tobecles as bur⸗
ning fire. f
1O @fierp ſtreame iſſued, and came
foorth krom before hun: theuflande thou-
fades mintitred vnto him, and tenne thon:
fande* thoulandes Roode before Him: the
indaciment was fet, and the bookes ope:
ions and coun- 12D,
It Then J bebeloe, becauſe of the voyct
of the pꝛeſumptuous words, which the horne
ſpake: Jbehelde, euen till the beat was
Uayne, and bis body Deltreyed, and ginen te
the burning fire. _
12 Asz concerning the other beatts,chep
had taken away their Dominion: yet their
unes were prolonged fo: a certaine time and
13 ¶ As Jbeheld in vifiensby night, bes
hold,2 ene like the fonne of man came in the
clondes of heauen, and > appzocked vnto the
PA of Dayes, and they bzought him be-
oe him, s 4
. 14 Ano be gaue him dominion, ana be»
Kour ta kingdome, that all people,nations,
ana languages Mould (crue him: his Domi»
nion is an euerlaiting Daminion, which Halt
tener be taken away:and bis kingdome thal
neuer be deſtroyed.
beginne at the Is C J Daniel was d troubled in my
i {pirtte tn the middes of mp body, and
brift. the vifions of mine heade made mee ae
16 Therefore J came vuto e one of
them. that ſtoode by , and alked bin the
trueth of all this: fo hee tolde mee, and
i mee the interpretation of thele
things. j
17 Theſe great bealtes which arc foure,
are ane Kings, which Wall arile out of the
at others,as
he Confuls and
Senate (hould
jother Senators :
yet againſt their
enemie; & thoſe
that would reſiſt
them, they were
| { Meaning, the
places where
bed as mans na-
ure is ableto
bis glory.
Thatis,an in⸗
nite number of Angels, which were ready to execute his commaun-
dement. x Thists meant of the fir comming of Chri(t, when as
he will of God was plainly reuealed by hisGofpell. y Meaning,
hat hee was aftonyed when hee faw thefe Emperouts in fach dignity
and pride, and fo ſuddenly deftroyed at rhe comming of Chrift, when
his fourth Monarchy was fubie& co men ofother nations, z As
he three former Monarchies had anende, atthetime that Godap-
poynted, although they flourifhed fora time, fo fhall this fourth haue,
and they that patiently abide Godsappoyntment , {ball enioy the
promifes. a Whichis meant of Chrift,who bad not yet taken vp-
on hindthans nature, neither wasthe fonneof Dauid according to
hefleth, ashce wasafterward : but appeared theninaficure, and
hatin che cloudes: thatis, being feparate from the common fort
of men by manifeft fignes of bis divinity. -b To wit , when
he a(cendedinto the heauens, and his divine Maiefty appeared, that
allpower was given vato h'minreipe@ of that chat he was our Me-
diatour. c Thisis meant of the beginning of Chrilts kingdome,
bhen God the Fatber gaue vnto him all dominion , as tothe Media-
ftour, to theintent that hee fhould gouerne here his Church in earth
IFoncinuslly , -tili the time that hee brought them to sternal life.
il Through the ftrangeneffe ofthe vifion, e Meaning, ofthe An-
| belsyas verle 10,
The Saints confumed.
18 And they halltake the! kingvomeof f Becavfe Abra-
the Datnts of thes mot igh, whieh all bam was appoyn-
poſſeſſe the kingdome foz cuer, cuen fozeuer iedheire ofall 5
and euer. f f the world,Rom.
19 @ After this J would know the trueth 4.13. and inhim
of thc fourth bealt, which wasto» vnliketo all che faithfull,
ali p others, very fearefull, whole teeth were thereforethe
of pon and bis natles of baalic;which deuou⸗ kingdome theres
red, bake in pieces,and amped the'relidue of ts theirs by
vnder its feete. right, which
20 Aliotoknow of the tennehoines that thefe foure beafs
were in his bead, Eokthe ether which came or tyrants hod
vp befoze whom thee fell, anb of tic horne invade, andv-
that þad epes, andot the mouth that ſpake furpevnullthe -
prelumptucus things, whole « looke wag world were re-
moze tout then bis fellowes. ftored by Chrift:
21 Ibehelde, and the fame! home made andthis was to
battel againtt the Saints, pea, and pꝛeuay⸗· confirme chem |
led agam̃ſt chem, that were in
22 Cintill= che Ancient of dayes came, troubles,that
and iudgement was giuen to the Saints of their afflictions
the matt High: and the time approche, that thould baucan
the Saints poflefled rhe kingdome. endatlength. `
23 Then he fayd, Che fourth seat ſhalbe g Thatis,of the
the fourtl kingdome in the carth,which hal moft hie things,
be vnlike to ali the kingdomes,and (hall Des becaufe God
uoure the whole earth, hal tread tt Downe hath chefen chem
and beeake it in pisces. out of this world
24 And the ter bornes out ofthis kings that they ſhould
Dome areien Kings that Wall rile: another lookevp tothe
fall rife after them,and be thatl be vnitke to -heauens, where-
the firlt, and be Hall fubdue=thece kings, ` onalltheir hope
ae And fyall (peake words againſto the dependeth,
mot Vigh and hall conlunie the Saints ef h For the other
the mot igh, €thinketbat he map rchange three monarchies
times and lawes, and they hall be ginen (n> weregouerned
to bis hand, vntill a q tinte, and times, and by aking,and the
the Dintding of time. Romane Empire
26 Butcher tudgement Hal fit,and they by confuls:the
fhaltake away hisdomiuion,te conſume aud Romans changed
Dellroy tt vnto the end. $ their gouernours
27 Andehe kingdome, and dominion, yeérely,and the |
other monarchies
reteined them for terme of life: alfo the Romans were the ftrongeft
of all the other,and were neuer quiet among themfelues. i Reade
verſe 7. k hisismeant ofthe fourth beaft, which was more tere
riblethenthe other, 1. Meaning,the Romane Emperors, who'were
moft cruel! againft the Church of God both of the lewes and of the
~ Gentiles, m ‘Till God fhewed his power in the perfon of Chrilt, &
by the preaching of the Gofpel gaue vnto bis fome reft,and fo obtei-
neda famous name in the world,and were called the Church of God,
or the kingdome of God, n Reade the expofition hereof verfe 8,
o That is,fhal make wicked decrees and proclamations againft Gods
word,and (tnd thorowout all their dominion, to deftroy all thar did-
profeffeit, -p Theſe Emperours fhall not confider that they haue
their power of God, but thinke it is in their owne power to change
Gods lawesand mans, and asit were the orderofnature, as appea-
reth by OQauius, Tiberius,Caligula,Nero,Domitianus,&c, q God
fhall ſutfer them thus to rageagair ft his Saints for along time,which
is meant by the time and times, but at length hee wili affwage thefe
troubles, and fhorten the times for his elects fake , Matth.24,22.
which is here meant by the — oftime, s God by hispower
thallreftore things that were out of order, and fo deftroy this little
horne that itfhall neuer nifa vp againe. f Hee fheweth wherefore
the beaft thould be deftroyed,to wit, tbat his Church might haue reſt
and quietneffe, which although they doe not fully inioy here,yetthey
haue itin hope,and by the preaching of the Gofgel enioy the begin-
ning thereof,which is meant by thele words, Vader the heavens: and
therefore hee here {peaketh of the beginning of Chrifts kingcomein
this world,which kingdom the faithful baue by the participation that
they haue with Chrift their head, 4
Th e ramme andthe goate.
t Thatis,fome andthe greatnes ofthe kingdome vnder the
of euery fort that whole heauen Hail be giuen te the help prg
beare rule. pic ofthe mot Vigh, whole kingdome is an
u Though hee euerlaſting kißgdeme, and allt powers Sai
had many moti- {erue and obey bun.
opsin his heart 28 Euen this is theende of the matter, J
which moued = Dantel had many “cogitations which trou
himtoandfroto bied mee, and my countenance changed in
fecke out this me ibut Jkept the matter in my heart.
matter curioufly:
yet hee was content with that which God reucaled, and kept it in
memoty,and wrote it for the vie of the church,
s A vifion of a battell bet weene aramme and
agoate, 20 The underftanding of the vifion.
{2 the third vere of che retgue ot king Bels
azzar, a biñon appeared vnto mee, euen
vnto me Daniel, a after that which appeared
vnto me at the tirſt.
2And J fawina viſion, and when J faw
it, Jwas in the palace of Shuan, which ts
tn che proutnce of Ciam,and tu a vifion me
thought 3) was by the viner of Gilat.
3 Then J looked vp and ſaw, and behold
there ſtood before the riuer a ramme, which
hadtwo pones: and theie two bones were
bie: but one was d higher then another, and
the higheſt came vp iat,
4 Jlaw the rainme puſhing againt the
CHeltiandacainkthe Moth, and again
the South : ta that no bealtes might and
before bim, xoz coulde deliuer out of bis
hand, but he DiD what hee liked, and became
And as F conlidered,bebold, fa goate
came from the Catet ouer the whole carth,
“and touched not the ground: and this goate
hadan shozne that appeared betweene bis
6 And he came vnto the ramme that had
the two bones, whom 3 bad ſeene tanding
by thertuer, and ran vnto him inbis fierce
7 And Iſaw him come vnto the ramme,
and being moued againſt him, be ® finore the
ramme, and brake his two horues:and there
wasne power inthe ramme to ſtand againſt
hun, but he caf yim Downe to the ground,
and amped vpon him,and there was none
that caulde Deltuer the ramme out of his po-
8 Therefore the goate wared exceeding
great.and when he was at the trongelt,his
of all Grecia, yer great ĩ home was bꝛoren: and for tt came
hebarethernle bp foure that appeared cowarde the foure
anddignityofthe winds of the heauen.
generalcaptaine, 9 And out ofone of then came forth alli
fo that theltrégth t
was attributed to bim which is meant by thishorne. h Alexander o-
wercame Dariusin two fundry hattels, & fo had the two kingdomesof
the Medes and Perfians. i Alexanders great power was broken: for
whé he had overcomealthe Baft, he thought toreturne toward Gre-
gia, to fubdue them that there had rebelled, and fo dyed by the way,
k ‘fhatis,which were famous: for almoft in the (pace of fifteene vere,
there were fifteen diuers ſneceſſors before this monarchy was divided
to thefe foure, wherof Caffander hadMacedonia.Seleucus Syria, An-
tigonus Afia the leffe,& Ptolemeus Egypt, 1 Which was Antiochus
Epiphanes, who was ofa feruileand flattering nature,and alfo there.
were other betweene him and thekingdome, and therfore is here cal-
Jed§ little horne,becaule ncither princely conditions, nor any other
thing wasin him,why be fhould obtaine this kingdome,, -
a Afterthe ge»
nerall vifion he
commeth tocer-
vifionssastou- .
ching the deitiu-
Gion ofthe mo-
patchy of the
Perfians and Ma-
cedonians:for the
ruine of the Ba-
bylonians was at
band, andalfohe
had fufficiently
fpoken thereof,
b Thatis, of
c. Which repre-
ſented the king-
dome of the Per-
fians and Medes -
which were ioy⸗
ned together,
d Meaning, Cy»
rus, which after
. grew greater in
power then Da.
rius his vncle &
father in law.
e Thatis,no
kings ornations.
f Meaning, Alex-
ander that came
frö Grecia with
great (peed and
g Though hee
came in ý name
Chap. viij.
The meaning ofthe vifion, 335
t'e hone, which wared very great towarde
them Sonth,and toward the» Call, and to· m:Thatis, toe
ward the ° pleafant land, ward Fgupt.
10 Pea it grewe vp pato the r hote of m Whereby he
Heauen, and tt cat Downe lome of the hoſte, meaneth Prole.
and of the ſtarres to the grounde, and trade mais.
vpon them, } ? o That is, Iudea.
li And extolled himſelfe againſt vᷣ apꝛince p Antiochus ra-
of the botte Erom whom ther daily ſceriſice ged againft the
was taken awap, tthe place of his ſanctua⸗ clect of God,and
ty was calt Downe. trode his preci-
12 And‘ atime thall bee ginen bim ouer ous ftarres vnder
the Daily Gcrifice fo the iniquity: anv it fhall feet, which are ſo
'calt Dawne the tructh tothe ground,ethus called beeaufe
ſhall tt Doe, and profper. they are ſeparated
13 Then J heard one of the = Saints fromthe world.
{peaking, and one of the Saints ſpake vuto q That is,God
a certaine one, faying, owlong thall endure who gouerneth
the vifion ot the Datlpfactifice, Œ the iniquity andmaintaineth
ofthe x defolation tatread both the Sanc: his Church.
tary and the y army vnder fonte ? r He laboured to
14 Anahezanlwercd me, Unto the 2enes abolith all reli-
Ning,and the moning, two thoufand € thace gion,and there-
hundzeth: chen Mall the Sanctuarie bee forecaft Gods
cicanted. feruice out of his -
As @ Mow when J Daniel had ſeene the Temple, which
vifion, and fought for the meaning, behold, God had chofen
there ttood betoze wie > like the ſimilitude of as a little corner
aman. from atl the reft
16 And J| heard amans boyce betweene of the world to
the bankes of Glai, which called and ſayd, haue his Name
Gabziel, ¢ make this man to vnderſtand tye there truely cal-
viton, led vpon,
17 Sobhecame where F ood: and when f He theweth
became, J was afratd, & tell vpon my face; that their finnes
but he ſaid vatome, Anderſtand, D onne are the cauſe of
of man: foz din the lalt time halbe the vifion. theſe horrible afe -
18 Mow as hewas (peaking vnto me, J fliGions: and
being alicepe fell on my face te the ground, yetcomforteth
but ġe touched meet fet mevpin my place. them,in thathe
19 And be fayd, Behold, J will ſhew thee appoinreth this
what hall be inthe laſt © wrath: fozinthe tyranta time,
end ofthe time appointed it thall come, whom he would
20 The ramme which thou fawelt Ha» not ſuffer veterly
uing two hoanes,arethe kings ofthe MPcoes to abolillibis
and Perſians. religion, ` :
21 Anathe goatistheking of Grecia,anD e This horne ſhal
the great boone that is betweene bis eyes, ts abolith foratime »
the Gri king. thetruedo@tine, .
22 And that that is broken, and foure and fo corrupt
ftood bp foz tt, are foure kiugdomes, which Gods ſeruice.
ſhal tand vp f ofthatnation,but not etabis u Meaning, that
ftrength. A he heard-one of
23 Gnd in the ende of their kingdome, the Angelsasking -
when the rebellious fhalbe confurned,a king thisqueftionof
of fierce countenance, and vnderſtanding Chrilt, whomhe
calletha certaine ©
one, orafecretone, or amaruejlousone, x Thatis, the Iewes -
finnes,which were cauſe of this deſtruction. y. Toat is, which fup-
prefieth Godsteligion,andhis people. z- Chrift anfwered mefor
thecomforrofthe Church, .a « Thatis,votil fo many natural dayes -
bepaft, which make fixe yeeres, three moncths andan halfe: forfo —
long vnder Antiochus was the Templeprophaned. b Which was
Chnſt, who inthis maner declaredhimfelte to the-olde fathers how
he would be God manifefted in fieh, ¢ - This power to command
the Angel declared that he was God, d The etfe@ of this vifion +
fhallnot yetappeate, buta long timeafter, e Meaning that great ~
rage, which Antiochus fhould thew againft the Church. f Thatisy -
outof Grecia, g They fhall not haue like power as had Alexander, —
h Noting that this Antiochus wasimpudent, and crucll, and alow
craftie,that he could not be deceiued. —
Daniel maketh his
i That isnot Darkefententes Mall and vp, _
like Alexanders 24 Ant bis power hall bee mighty, but
ftrengch, notin bisi ftrength: and hee hall dettroy
k BoththeGen- mondecfully,and hail pꝛoſpet an’ practife,
tilesthatdweil and fall deſtroythek mighty, and the holy
about himjand people. : 5 eat
alfo the Lewes. 5 And though his 'poticte allo, be Hall
1 Whatfoeuerhe taule craftto protper in bis band, ¢ bee iail
gocthabourby ertoll himlelfe in bis heart.e bpa peace fall
is craſt. he ſhal deſtroy many: be all allo ttand vp againſt
_ bring it to pafe. the» ince of princes buthe Hal be bꝛoken
m Taatis, vader Downe o without hand. ;
pretence of 26 And the vilion of thereuening and the
peace,orasic moꝛniug, which ts Declared, is true : there»
wercin (port. fore feale thon vp the vtiton,toz tt (aalbeatter
n. Meaning,a- many Daves. i 3
gaint God, 27 And J Daniel was ſtricken and ſicke
o: For God a certaine dayts: but when F rot vy, g Did
would defroy - the Rings bulinefic,and 3| was aſtoniſhed at
him witha no-
table plague,aud
fo comfort his Church,z,Mac.9.9, p Reade verfe 14. q For
feare andaftonifhment.
the vifion, but none vnderſtood it.
3 Daniel defireth to haue that perfearmed of
God,wluch he had promi fed concerning the return
of the people from their baniſhment in Babylon,
§ A trueconfelfirz, 20 Daniels prayer is heard.
21 Gabriel the Angel expoudeth unre him the vi-
fron of the feuenty weekes. 24 The anointing of
Chrift. 25 The building againe of lerufalem. 26
The death of Chrift. 2
z [2 the frit peere of Darius the fonne of
a -Whowas alfo 1+ Qhathuerofy , of the ſeede of the edes,
Called Aftyages. which wasmade King ouer the? realine of
+b ForCyrusied the Caideans, d
with ambition, 2 Euen in the firft veere of bts reigne, J
went abeut wars Daniel yndDeriteon by our prayers.
rulatemt chine Holy mountatne t foz becaule n Declarine,that
of our finnes, ann fo? the tniquitics ofour fa- the godly flee
thers, Jerufalem g thy people are arepzoch only vnto Gods
to alithat are abaut bs. mercies and re-
17 Now therefore, D ourGod, heare nounce their
the prayer of thy ſeruant. and bis fapplicati- owne workes
ons, and caulethy face to ſhine vpon thy when they fecke
@aictuaryp chat lucth iwake for the ™ Lords for remifionof
fake. 3 i their finnes. 3
18 D my Gad, incline thineeare, and o Thushecould
beare: open thine eyes, and beholde our norcontent kim⸗
Belolations, and the citie whercupan thy (elfe withany
Name is called: for wee Doe not preſent vehemencie of +
cur fapplications befoze thee foz our owne wordes:'forhe
a righteouſues, but faz thy great tender sier wasfo led with
ties. ; i a feruent zeale *
19 D Lord heare: D Lord forgine,D Lord cSfidering Gods
oconlider,and Boe it: Beferre not, fo? thine promife, made
one fake, D my God; foz thy Mame ts cal⸗ tothe citiein
{eB vpon thy city,and vpon thy peopie. refpe@ of his
20 ¶ And whiles J| was lpeaking AND Church,and foe:
praping, anBconfelling my finne, andthe the aduance-
linne ot mp people Jiraci, and did prent ment ofGods ©!
my fupplicarion befoze the Lord my — glory, cis
d ‘His prayeris heard.
Chap.8.16. the holy mountaine ok my God
p Healludethto 21 Vea, while J was peaking itt prayer.
lercnuahspio- · ` guen the man * Gabgtel meme, ¥ pad ſeene
phéfic,whopro- befoze in the vindu, came fying, and tou
pbefied that their ched me abour the time ot the euening obla⸗
captinity (hould tigi.
be ſeuenty yeres:
burnow Gods mec and ſayde, D Danict, J am nowe come
merey fhould fe- forth to gine thee knowledgt and vnderſtan⸗
uen Jold excecde Ding, ‘ 63 E
his iudgement 23 At the beginning of thy (applications
which {houid bee ‘the comumauudement caine (oozth,chd J aint
fouiehundred & ‘Comete few thee , for thou att greatly belo-
ninety yeres,cuen wed: therefore ynderitand the matter and
tothecomming coniiderthe vtiion. t
ofChriftandio 24 GacuentpP weeks are Determined vp-
thenitthould on athy people, and vpon thine bolp citie to
cotinue for cuer, Finththe wickedines,¢ to feale vptherſinnes,
q Meaning, Da- and to reconcile the iniquity, and tabing in
niels nation ouer enerlating righicontizs,and to leale vp the
whom heewas vilſion aid propheue, and te anoynt the moſt
carcfull, Healy, *
rfothewmercy, 25 Know therefore and vnderſtand, that
& co put fin out é
ofremembrance, to bring againe the people, and to butid Jerr
f Thatis,from . falem bato Meſſiah the prince, thal be [tugi
the time y Cyrus t weeks, and "thzee(coze and two weeks, and
gauethem leaue the treete Halbe built agatne, and the wail
to depate. gueni a t troublous tinie.
t Thefeweekes 26 Aud afier threeſcore and two »weeks,
make 49.yecres, fhall $Beftah bec Haine, aud Wall y haue no»
whereof 46.are thing, Ethe prople of z the prince that wall
referredtothe ¢Onie,thal Delray the citie and the actus
time of the buil- aryp,€ the cud therof halbe with a flood: and
ding ofthe Tem. onto the end of thebattel it chal be deſtroyed
ple,and 3.tothe ` bp Defolations. ` ]
laying of the 27 And he hails confirme the couenant
foundation, with many kor one weeke: and inthe mids
u Counting from ofthe weeke be Hall canle the lacrtlice € che
thehxt yeercof ablation tot ceale,« & fo: the ouct heating
Datius whogaue oftheabominations, ee ſhall make it tefo:
- thefecondcom- late, euen vntill rhe conſlummation determi⸗
mandementfor ned ſhalbe powwzed vpon the deſolate.
the building of : :
the Temple,are 63.weekes,which make 434. yeeres,which compre.
hend the time fromthe building of the Temple,vnto the baprilme of
Chrif. PEbr. in fresghts of time, x In this laſt weeke of the feuen-
ty, ſhall Chrift come and preach and fuffer death, y He fhallfeeme
to haue no beauty,nor robe of any eflimation,as Ifa. 53.2. 2 Mea-
Ning, Titus, Vefpafians fonne, who fhould come and deftroy both the
Temple andthepeople without all hope ofrecouery. a By the prea-
ehing ofthe Gofpel h¢ confirmed his promife, firft to the lewes, & af-
tertotheGentiles, b Chriftaccompiifhed this by hisdeath and re-
furre@ion, c. Meaning that Ierufalem and the fanctuary fhould bee
viterly deftroyed fortheir rebellion againft God, and their idolatry:
or as fome read, that the plaguesthalbe ſo great, that they thall all bee
altomed at. them,
There appeareth unto Daniela man clethed in
linnen, x1 which ſpeweth him wherfore he is fent,
a Hénoteththis 7 (2 thea third peere of Cyusking of Jorr:
third yerebecanfe Afia, a thing was reuealed onto Daniel
atthistime che. (tehofe name was callen Belteſhazzar and
buildingofthe the wozDewastrue, bur the tune appeynted
Temple beganto was b long, and he vnderſtood the thing, and
behindered by Had vndetrſtauding of the viie
Cambyfes Cyrus ; s A à
fonne,when the father made war in Afia minoragainfi the Seythians,
which wasa difcouraging tothe godly, and a great feareto Daniel,
b Which isto declare that the godly fhould not haltegtoo much,but
patiently to abide the iffuc of Gods promife,
Chap. x. -Avifion, 236 q
2 Sethe fame time, DJ Daniel was in c Called Abib
22 And heinformed me,and talked with -
fram the gaing f fozth ofthe conunandenrce `
hranine fie for chꝛee weekes of Dayer.
3 Zateno plealant bread, neither came
part of March, &
ilet, nol wine thanpsnouth, neither did FZ part of April.
dayes were fulfilled.
which cotaineth |
‘anoyntmplelfe at all, till the weekes of d Being caned
by the. {piric of
4. And inthe foure and twentieth Day of prophetic ro haue
the < felt moneth,as J) ¢ wasbhy the ude of
that great einer, cuen Hiddekel,
5. And J lift bp minecyes, and looked,
and behold, there wasaman eclothed in lin:
hen, whole loynes were girded with fine
gold of* Cipbas, :
6 its body alfo wasitke the Chzplolite,
and bis face (ta looke vpon) like the lights
hing, and jis eyes as lampes of fire, and bis
armes and his tecte were Itke tn colour to po
UScd blaſſe, and the voyce of his words was
luke the vopce of a multitude.
7 And J Daniel alone faw the vinon: for
themen that were with me ſaw nor the vifi-
on; but a great feare fell vpon them, fo that
they fled away and gid themfelues.
8 Therekore I was left alone,c faw this
great viſiõ, and there remained uo frength
in met: fo2 my ſtrength was turned in m̃ee
into cozruption,and Jreteined no power.
9 Detheard F the voyce of his words,
and wien J heard the voyee of his mozds,F
tizpt on my facesand mp face was toward the
- ground.
Io. Gnd behold, anhand gs touched mee
which (et mee vp vpon my knees and vpon
the palines cmp hands, ;
Il And he laid vnto me, D Daniela man
greatly beloued. wnderitand the woros that
Iſpeake vito thee, and and in thy place:
foz vnto thee ani 3 now fent. And wien hee
eat fain this word vnts mee, 3 tood trem:
ing. -
12 Then (ait he vnto me, Feare not Da-
niel : fo: from the fir day that thou vedet
fet thine beart to vnderſtand. aud to humble
thyletie before thy God, thy wateg were
Heard, and Jam come fo: thy words,
13 Wut the » pitnce of the kingdome of
Perta withſtood me sneand twenty dayes:
butiog, i ichari one of the chick: princes,
came to belye me, and J remained there by.
the kings af Peria
14. frowe J am come to Hew thee what
hail come tothpproplein the latter dapes:
for vet the * Dinon is foz many dayts.
Ig Snd when bee fpakerhele words puto
wer, J fet my face toward the ground, and
Heid my tongue. ke i
I6 And bebold,'one like the ſimilitude of
the fonnes of man touched mp lips: theng
Opened my wisuth,and ſpake, and aide ynta
him that ood beforꝛe mez, D ny Lord, o hy
the vifion my ſorrowes are returned vpon
ing ana J) have reteined no ſtreugch.
17 Foz bow can the ſernant of this my
Lory talke Loyd being ſuch a one?
foz as foz. mice, Kraightway there remained
no ſtreugth in mee, netther is there bath
left tit nie.
for thecomfort of hischureb, 1 This was the fame Angel that (pak
with hin beforein the fimilituleofaman, m 1 was ouercome witht
18 Then.
feare and forrow,whén Iaw the vifion,
neſſe or beauty,
could by one Ane-
the fight of this
riuer Tygris,
e This was the
which was feat
to afiure Daniel- `
in this prophe fic
that followeth, .
Tere, 10:9.
f The word alfo
fignifieth comeli-
fothat for feare
he was like a
dead man for de-
g Which decla-
reth that when
weare firicken
downe with the
maieſty of God, -
we cannot rife,
exeepthe alfo
lift vs vp with his -
band, which is-his
byfes, who reig»
ned in his fathers
abfencejand did
not onely for this
{pace binder the
building of the
Téple,but would: -
haue further ra=- `
ged, iFGod had >
not fentme to
refit him,and
therefore baue
I flayed forthe
profireof the
Church, p
i Though God
gel deſtroy althe -
wosld,yetto aſ⸗
furehis children -
of bisloue, hee
fendeth foorth
double power, -
cuen Michael,
thatis, Chiitt Eee.
fusthe bead of
k For though thes
Prepher Daniel
fhouldend and
ceafe,yet bis doe =
Gtine fhould... ~
continue tillthe >
coming of Chriſt
A mighty king, The
i Hedeclareth 18 Then there came againe and touched
ereby that God me one like the appearance ofa man, and be
would be merci- ſtrengthened ine,
fulvnothepto- Ig AnD fayde, D man,greatly beloned,
ple of Iſrael. feare not: n peace be pnto thee: bee trong
o Which decla- and of good courage. And when hee bad
reth when Ged fpoken vnto me, ° $i was ftrengthened,and
fmiteth down his fatde, Let my Loꝛde ſpeake: foz thou batt
children, he doch ſtrengthened me. :
notimmediatly 20 Then laid he, Knoweſt thou wherfore
life thé vp at once J] ant come vnto thee? but now twil 3| return
(fornow the An- fo fight with the prince of Perſia: and when
gelbadtouched Jam gone foozth, loc, the r paince of Grecia
himtwife) but by fhalicome. 2
little and jitele, 21 But J will hewe thee that which ts
p Meaning,y hee Decreed inthe Scriprure of trueth: sand
would not onely there ts none that holdeth with mee inthele
himfelfe bridle things but Michael pour prince.,
therageof Came .
bys,but alfo the other kingsof Perfia by Alexander the king of Ma-
cedonia, q Forthis Angel was appointed for the defence ofthe
Ghureh vader Chrift, who isthe head thereof,
3 A prophefie of the kingdoms which fhould be
enemies to the Church of God,as of Perfia, 3 Of
Greece, 5 Of Eoypt, 28 Of Syria, 36 Aad of the
Lio J, in the firt peere of Darins ofthe
Medes, cuen FJ a ood te encourage and
to frenathen him.
-a The Angel affu-
reth Daniel that
God hath giuen
him powerte
_performe thefe
things, fecing hee
appointed him to
aſſiſt Darius when
hee ouercame the
byſes that now
Behold, there Wal and vy yet thee kings
in Perſia, and the fourth Halbe farre richer
then they all: and bp bis ſtrength, and by bis
riches he Hal Rir bp * all agatntt the realme
of Grecia. k i
3 Butai mighty Ging Hall tande vp,
that hall rule with great dominion, and doe
j accoding to his pleature.
_scignedwasthe 4 And when pe thal tand vp, bis king-
firithefeeond Dome thalbe bzoken, f and (halbe Diuided to»
— Smerdes,ythird ward thes foure windes of heauen: Enot to
Dariusthe fonof hisspofterity,noz accozding to ihis Domini,
Hyftaþpisandthe which hee ruled : foz bis kingdome hall be
-fourth Xerxes, pluckt vp, eut to be foꝛ thers beſides *thole,
_whichallweree- § AnD the King of the South all bee
_ memiesto Fpeo- mighty, tone of" hts princes, and Hall pes
pleof God,and atle againſt him,and beare rule: hts Demis
- ftood againſt thé. nien thaibe a great Dominion.
c For heraiedvp. 6 Andin the end of peres they Halbe foye
tries to fight a~
-gainft the Grecians: and albeit he had in bis army nine hundred thou-
fand men, yet in foure battels hee was difcomfited and fled away with
ihame. d Toatis,Alexanderthe great. e For whenhiseftate was
moft floutifhing he ouercame himfelfe with drinke, and fo fell into a
difeafe:or as ome write, was poifoned byCaffander, f Forhis twelue
chiefe princes firft divided hiskingdom among themſelues. g After
this his monarchy was diuided into foure: for Seleucus had Syria, An-
tigonus Afia minor,Caflander the kingdome of Macedonia, & Pto-
lemeus Egypt. h Thus God reuengedAlcxanders ambition & cru-
_elty,in cau‘ing his pofterityto be murthered,partly of § fathers chiefe
- friends,and partly one of another. t None of thefe foure fhalbe able
to be compared to the power of Al er. k Thatis,hispofterity
hauing no part therof. 1 To wit,Prolemeus king of Egypt, m That
is, Antiochus the fonne of Seleucus,& one of Alexanders princes fhall
‘be more mighty: for hee fhould haue both Afiaand Syria. n That
is, Berenicecthe daughter of Prolemeus Philadelphus fhal bee giuen in
mariage to Antiochus Theos, thinking by this affinity that Syria and
Egypt ſhould hauc a continual peace together,
2 And now will TJ Hewethee thetrueth. Y
all the Baft coun- ned together; fo: thekings Daughterofthe f
kings ofthe North andSouth,
South hal come to the king of the Mozth ta
make anagrecinent but te ſhall not ceteine
the power of the *arine,nctther hal Phe com> o That force
tinue, nor his arme ‘but ibe thali be Deliut» and ftrength
red todeath, € they that bꝛsught herana Hie Mall not conti-
that begate her,and pe that comfozted nue: for feone
thele times. «=~ = “after, Berenice.
7 But out of the buddeof berf reotes and her yong
ſhall one tande vp in bis tead, *which fonneatter her
fall come with an armpe, anv ihall enter busbands death,
into the feztreffe of the king of the Noꝛth. was llaine of her
and Doe with themasheclift, and fall pze- ftepfonne Selen-
uaile, cus Calinicusthe
8 And Hall allo cary captines into Œ- fonne of Laodice,
gypt their geds with their moulten images, che lawfull wife
and with therr pzecious veſſels of fituer and of Antiochus,but
of gelde,and he fhall continue emoe. yeeres putaway ferthis
then the king of the Roth. womans fake,
9 Ho theking of the South ſhall come p Neither Pto⸗
into his king domẽ, and (hall returne into his lemeus,nor Ane
owneland. - : tiochus,
IO Aherelore his * fonnes ſhalbe ſtirred q Somereade
vp, and fhall aſſemble a mighty great army: feede,meaning
and oney fhall come and oucrflow,and paffe thechildebe- `
thozow : then balz hereturne,and be ſtirred gotten of Bere-
bp at bts foztrefie. - nice.
II And the King of the South hall bee r Some reade,
angry, and fyell come foosth, and fight with thee that begare
bim, even with the Ring of the Nozth: her,and thereby
for hee Wall fet foorth a greata multitude, vnderftand her
and the mulcitude Hallbee giuen into bis nurle, which
and, 3 broug ht her vps
12 Then the multitude Hallbeepzonde, fo thacall they
and their heart Hall bee lifted vp : foz hee rhat were occa»
fhall cat Downe thoulands: but hee thal not fion of this ma-
Rill preuatte, riage,were de-
13 forthe Ringof the Morth t hall res ſtroyed.
turne, € fyall fet foo2th a greater multitude f Meaning,that
thenafoze, and Mall come toozth (after ters Prolemens E-
taine peres) with a mighty armie and great uergeres after
riches. ; the death of his
14 And at the fame time there Hall: ma- faher Philadele
ny tand vp againſt the king of the South? phus, thould
allo the rebellious childzen. of thy “people fucceedeinthe
fhall exalt themſelues to tabli the vifion, kingdome, being
but they ſhall fatl. of the fame
Is o the King of the Noꝛth hall Rocke thar Bere-
come, and cat bp a mount, andtake the nice was.
{trong citie : and the armes of the South t To reuenge his
fall e not relit, neither bis cholen people, fitters death-
neither hall therebee anp ftrength to with⸗ againft Antios _
and. chus Calinicus.
16 But hee that ſhall come, ſhall doe vn» king of Syra...
to him as bee lit, and none Hall and a> u Forthis Ptos..
lemeus reigned
fixe and fourtie yeeres. x- Meaning, Seleucus and Antiochus the
great, the fonnesotCalinicus (halj make warre againft Prolemeus
Philopater the {onne of Philadelphus. y For his elder brother Se-
leucus died or was flaine whiles the warres were preparing. z That
is, Philopater when hee fliall fee Antiochus to take great dominions
from him ia Syria, and alfo ready to inuade Egypt. a, For An-
tiochus had fixe thoufande borfemen, ahd threefcore thouſande
footemen, b After the death of Prolemeus Philopater, wholeft
Ptolemeus Epiphaneshis heyte. ¢ Fornot onely Antiochus came
againft him, but alfo Philip King of Macedonia, and thefe two
brought great power withthem, d For vrderOnias which falfly
alledged that place of Iſaiah 1.9.1 9.certayne of the Jewes retired with
him into Egypt to ful Gill this prophefic : alfo the Angel fhe weth thag
all theſe troubles which are in the Church, ate by the prauidence and
counfell ofGod. e ‘The Egyptians were not able to refilt Stopas
Antiochus captaine. ‘ ata
The Northren king ouerthrowen.
“F Hee theweth - again him: and be hall ftand fn the !pleas
oncly afflict the
Egyptians, but
alſo the Iewes,
and fhall enter
_ into their coun-
trey, whereof
he admoniſheth
them before,thar
_ they may know
_ thatalithefe
17 Againe be fyali & fet his face to enter
with the power of bis whole kingdome, and
bis confederates with bun:thus Malle do,
and he yall gine him thes daugbterefwo-
men, to beltroy i her:but ‘the Hall not Rand
on his fide, neither be forbine ·
18: After thisthali be turne bis face vnto
the! ples,and fall take many; but a pzinee
m {palf caule bis fhame to light vpon dim,
thingscome by beſide that he wall caule bis owne fame te
Gods proui- turne dpon ° bimfelfe.
dence. Ig Foꝛ be ſhall turne bis face toward the
g Thiswasthe foztesofhtse owne land: but he ſhalbe ouer·
fecondbattell thzowen and fall, and be ne moze P fonnd.
that Antiochus 20 9 Then hall tand vp mhis place in
foughtagant the glozy of the kingdome, one that mall
Prolemeus Epi- taiſe tares : butatter few dayes bee Gall
phanes. bee deſtroyed, neither in = wath, noin
21 And in his place hall Land bp a fvile
perfon,towbom they wall nor giue the ho-
nour efthe kingtome-; but be wali come in
peaceably, Eodteine the kingdome by flat:
22 And the tarmes Wall be onerthzowen
with a flood befoze bim, and Mall be bzoken;
and allo the punce of a the couenant.
23 Andafter x the league made with him,
be thall worke decettfullp : fo2 be yall come
bp, and ouercome with ay finall people.
24 He hal enter into che quict and plen:
tifull pꝛouince, and he fall Doe that which
his fathers z haue not Done, noz his fathers
husband, asher fathers: fall diuide among them the pray
ductie reguireth, and the ſpoyle, and the ſubſtance,vea, and he
and not feekehis fhall foꝛecaſt bis deuices again the trong
deftrudion. holdes, cuen foz aatime,
I Thatis coward- 25 Alio be yall ftir vp bis power and his
Afia, Grecia; and Courage againtt the king ofthe South with
thofe yles which a gteatatimy, and ý king of the South hall
are inthe feacal- bee ftitred vp to battcli with a serp great
Icd Mediterrane- and mighticarmte : but be Hall net bſtand:
um : for 9 Lewes |
called all countries yles, which were diuided from them by fea.
m For whereas Antiochus was woont to contemne the Romanes,
& put their ambaffadours to fhame inall places, Actilius the Con-
ful, or Lucius Scipio put himto flight, & caufed his (hame to turne
ən his ownehead. n By his wicked lite, and obeying of fooliſh
counfel. o Forfeare of the Romanes he Mall fice to his holdes,
p For when as vader the pretence ofpouertie he would haue rob-
bed the Temple of lupiter Dodonzus , the countrey men flew him,
q Thatis, Seleucus hall fucceed bis father Antiochus, r Not by
fofteine enemies, or battellybut by treafon. f Which was Antio~
chus Epiphanes , who as isthought, wasthe occafion of Seleucus
his brothers death, and was ofa vile, crucli,and flattering nature,&
defrauded his brothers fonneof the kingdome, and vfurped the
Kingdome without the confent ofthepeople. t Hee fheweth that
gteat forraine powers ſhall come to helpe the yong fonne of Se-
leucus againft-hisyncle Antiochus , and yet fhall be ouerthtowen,
-u` Meaning Ptolemeus Philometor Philopaters fonne, who was
-b- To wit,a beau-
tifall woman
which was Cleo-
pata Antiochus
i Forheregar-
ded not the life
of his daughter,
inrefpe ofthe
Kingdome of
Eg; pt.
ke che thall noe
agreeto his wic-
kéd counfell, but
fhall Joue her
ehis childes coufin germane, andis here called the prince of the
couenant, becaufehec was the chiefe, andallother followed his
condu&; x: For afterthe batte), Philometor and bis vncle An-
tiochus made a league, 9° For heeamevpon him at vnawares,
‘and when be fufpe&ed his vncle Antiochus nothing. z Mramne,
in Egypt.
atime ,, but euer labourby ‘craftto attane tothe chiefeft» bo Hee
Malbe oucrcomewithtreafon. =" | Plan) bed bog
Chap. xj.
that he thall not oge lanas which by his hand ſhall becone b
_ famed.
ao Hee will content himfelfe with the fnall holdes for!
and ought to lookefor ane perfecution after another ; for God bata
appointed the time: thereforewe muſt obev. 1
Me Alittlehelpe. 33
fopi they ſhall foꝛecaſt and pꝛactiſe again
29 Pea theythat feede of the potion of
e bts meate fall Deftroy bim;and bis armte c Signifying his
4 fall ouerflow ;and many pall fatl and be princes and the
laine. chiefe about
27 Andboththele kings hearts thallbee him.
te Doe emilchiefe..and they fall talke of d Declarirg that
Decette at one table; but it Hall not auatle: his fouldersthall
foz í pet the ende thallbe at the time ap⸗ buf out and
pointes. E i venturetheirliues
28 Then hall hee returne into his lande to flay and tobe
with great £ (ubltance: fo? hts heart hall be fine forthe
agatnit the boly couenant slo fall he Do and fategard of their
returne to bisowne land. ~ i prince,
29 At the time appointed be Hal tit, e Thevncle and.
and come toward the Gouth ; butthe late che nephew hall
fhalinotbeasthefirt. take truce, and
30 Foꝛ the Hips * of Chittim ſhall come banket cogether,
agatntt him s therefoze be ſhalbe ſoꝛy and re» yee in theis bearts
turne. and Fret againtt the boly coucnant:{o they thal imagine
fhall bee Doe, he Wall euen retutne and haue mifchicteonea~
intelligence with them that fozfake the holy gainſt another,
covenant. ; 7 f Signifyingthat
31 Andarmes * fall fand on His part, it Nandech netin
and they Hall pollute the Harctuarie | of the counfell of
frength , and hall take away the Daplpfa- men to bring
crifice , and thep ſhall ſet vp the abemtuable things co paffe,
Belolation. utin the pro-
32 And fuch as wickedly = bzeake the to- uidence of God
tenant, wall be cauteto finne by flatterie: whoruleththe
but the people that Do know theit Ged, hall. kings by a fecret
preuatie and prolper. bridle,that they
33 And they that vnderſtand among*the cannot doe what
people, ſhall inſtruct many: vet they Hall they Jit tbem-
tallby {wozd,and by flame, by captinitpand feiues,
bp tpople, many dapes. YVhich hee
34 Now when they Mall fall, they Gall fhalltake of the
be bolpen with ap ittle helpesbut manp Wall Lewes in ſpoy.
cleaue bute them < fainedly. ling Ierufalem
35 Andiomeofthem “ofynderkanding and the Temple, ~
fhail falltotrie them, and to purge, andto and thisistoide
make them white, tell the time bee out; foz thembefore, te
there isa time appointed. mooue them te
patience, know-
ing yall things are done by Gads prouidence. h That is, the Roe
mane power (hall come againſt him ¿for P. Popilius the ambaflador
appointed him to depart inthe Re mans name ; to which thing hee
obeyed, although with griefe , and to reuenge his rage, hee came
againft the people of God the fecond time. i With the lewes
which fhal forfake the coucnant of the Lord : for firft he was çal-
led againft the Iewes by lafonthe hie Prieft, and this fecord time
by Menelaus, k A great faction of the wicked Iewes thall holde
with Antiochus. 1 So cailed becaufe the power of God was no-
thing diminifhed,alchough this tyrant fet vp inthe Templethe image
of lupiter Olympius, & fo began to. corrupt the pure ferniceaf God
m Mazaning, fuch as bare the nime of Lewes, butin deede were no~
thing leffe: for they fold their foules and betrayed their brethren
for gaine. n ‘they that remaine conflant among the people , fhall
teach others by their example, and edifie many inthe true religion,
œ Whereby hee exhorteth the godly to conftancie, although they
fhould perith athoufand times, and though their miferies endure
neuer fò long. p As Godwill not leaue his € hurch deftitute, yet
wilkhe not deliver: it all at once, but fo helpeasthey may ftill feeme ~
tofightvnderthe crofle , ashee didin the time ot the Maccabees,
whereof heehere prophefieth gq, Thatis, there fhall bee euen of
this'{mall number, many hypocrites. -r To wit, of them thatfeare
God; and will lofe their life for the defence of true religion, figni-
fying alfo, that the Church muftrconrinually be tried and purged,
ay 36 And
1 heKings impieticand-might.
36 Aud the kiny hall Boe what him REE:
he Wall egalt bimieltz,and magme himtelfe
ayain all, char is God, and thal lpeate mate
wholecourfeof ueilous things againſt the Gou of gods ain
the perfecutions fhall pꝛoſper rill rye wath tbe accompiiſhed:
ofthelewesvnto forthe determiuation is made.
. Ë Becaufe the
_ Angels purpoſe
$ isto fhew the
thecommingof 37 sReither fall hee regard the “God of
Chrift, henow his fathers, no: the uelires * of women, nor
— fpeakethofthe care foranp gon + faz be hall magnitie pini-
Monarchieo the {elfe aboue all. i
Romanes, which 38 But in his place Hall Hee honour the:
henoteth by the y god Mauz zim and the god whom bis fa-
name ofakiog, thers knew not tall hee honour with gold
whowerewith- and with iluer, and with peectous Rones,
out all religion, and pleaſant things. i
and contemned 39 Thus hall hee doe inthe a hotdes af
the true God, pom
t Solongthety- acknowledge: be thaliencreale his gliv and
rantsfhallpre- - ſhall cauſe them to rule oner many, and Hall
uaile as God hath diuide the land for gaine.
appoimed to pu- 40 And at the eñde ol time hall the king
= mtthhispeople: ofthe > South puſh at him, andthe king
butheetheweth — of the Mozth Hall come againit hun tikea
that it is but ſor whtrlewinde, with charets and with bore
atime. mon and with many hippes , and hee hall
u The Romans
fhallobferueno and pafe thozot. À
= certaineformeof 4I ipee thalleuter alfointo ths: pleafant
feligionasother Land, anu many countreys fhaibe ouet hꝛow⸗
; nations, but hall ens but thele halleſcape out of his hande,
chage their gods euen Eventi and (Hoab,and the chicteat the’
atthtirpleafures, childzen of Animon,
they (hould be
without all bu-
manitie:forthe pale. Ki
loveofwomenis) 44 Butthe tinings out ofthe Fant and
taken for fingu- the North Wail a croudle him : therefore hee
larorgreatloue, Rall goc forth * with great wath to Deltrcp
as2Sam.1.26 and roote out many.
y-Toatisthegod’ 45 Andhe hall plant the tabernacles! of
precious things of Eappt, and of the Libr-
ches ; they (hall
eltceme their
‘J Owne power a- ©
Due all cheit godsand worthipit, xz Vader pretence áf worfhip-
ingthegods , they thallinrich their:citie with the moit precious
sewels Of all the world becanft that herby all men fhould haue them
in admiration for theinpower& riches. a Although in their hearts
they had noreligion, yec they did.acknowledge the gods, and wor-
fhipped them im tlieir temples, lcftthey should haue bene defpifed as
Atheifts :butthis wasto mcreafetheir fameandriches : and when
they gate any countrey, they fo made others the rulers thereof, that
theprofitc euer came to the Romances. b- Thatis,both the Egypti-
ansand the Sysiansifhallat length fight againft the Ronanes, but
they (halbeoucrcome.* c: The Angel forewarneth the Fewes, chat
when they (hould feethe Romans inuade chem, and thatthe wicked
- fhould cfeape their hands, that then they(hould not thinke but that
alb chis was done by Gods prouidence, forafmuch as he warned them
‘~of ic fo'long afore,& therforehe woul, (til preferuethem,' d: Hea-
ring’ chat Craſſus was flaine , and Antonius difcomfited. ¢ For
Auguftus ouercamethe | Parthians, and recovered thar which. Ans
" goniushad lof, £ the Romanesafter thisreigned quietly through
alf countreyes , and from fea to fea,and in ludea: but at length for
cheir crutlty God hal deftcoy them. TERET
y i ETT, EOGHA; Pa XEL j i
— x Ofthe deliuerance of she churchhy Chris.
and ¥olpmbuntaine, pet he ſhall come Co his
gende, and none ſhali helpehim.
Daniele `
auzim with a Krange god whom he Hai
enter inte the countreys, and ſhallouerflow
yea, contemne 42 We hall ttretch foeth bis hands alto:
them, & preferte Byon the countreps, and the land ot Egypt
themfelves to fall not efcape.
their gods, 43 Wut he hall haue power ouer the trea:
x Signifying that furesof golde and ofiiiuer, and ouer all the:
ais, andof theblacke Moꝛes where he mal-
ende of the time.
ofpower andrie his palace betweene the leas in the glorious
Si: The getierall refurtedtion.
As at thats time thal Bichart tand bp, a The Anzel
the great prince, whtch itanderh fort
here noterhtwo '
children of coy people, and there fall yega things’: firit that“
tune ef trouble, tuch as neuer was ince.
there beganne to be a nation vnto that iame
time ; and at that time thy people Malbe vr-
liuered, euery one that Halbe found witten
in ehebosice.. i i Bi *
2 And many of them} lleepe in the Duk
of the carth, hall awake, fome to euertalting
life, æ ometo ame Eperpetuall contemp.
3 Andth-y that he < wife, hall Hine, as
the berghtneile of the fismament sand they
thatdturne many to righteonſneſſe hali shine
as tic ttarres, fo: cuer and euer.
4 Butthou, D Daniel, e hut vp the
wordes, and Teale the booke f till rhe ende of
the time: many ſhail runne to and tro , ana
Knowledge Hall be intrealed.
5 € Chen J Dantei looked, and behold,
there tteov other two, the onc on this tine of
the bunks ottheertuer, Ethe other on that
lide of the brinke of the riucr.
6 And onefaid untothe man clothed in
linen, which was vpon the waters of the rt.
uer Ahen thal be the end of theſe wonders?
7 Bud J beard the man clothed in tinnen,
which was upon the waters of the riuer,
when bee held vp bis righthand e bis left
hand bato heauen; efwareby him that ti-
neth ſoz euer, that it fhali tary fo2 a i time, tego
times and en balfe: and when he ſhall haue
accompliſhed * to ſcatter the power of the:
holy people, all thele things ſhalbe ſniched:
8 Then J heard tt, but J vnderſtood it
not: then fapa J, D mp Load, what Mail be
the end of thefe things? j
<0 And he laid, Goe thy way, Daniel: foz :
the wozdes are cloſed yp, and fealed, tili the
1o Many hall be purified, made witte
and tried sbutthe wicked Hall Boe wicked:
lp, and none ofthe wicked thall haue vnder⸗
itanding: but the wife hall vndetttand.
Il Aud from the time thatthe | Daply fa-
crifice Halbe taken away, andthe abominar
ble deſotation feryp, there thallbe a thone
fand two hundeeth and ninetiedayes.
12 Bleſſed ishee-that waiteth and com⸗
meth to the thoufand thee hundreth and
-m fiueand thirtte dayes.
13 But goc thou thy way tilltheend be:
foz thon Walt ret and Mand vp in thy lot, as
the end of the dayes. —
the Thurch hall
be in great affli =
Gieni and trouble:
at Chrifts com-
ming, 8 next that
God will fend his”
Angelto delintr `
it, whom bère he
calleth Michael,
meaning Chrift,
which is publi-
{hed by f preache
ing of the Gofpels
b Meaning all |
Malriſs at the
general reſurrec⸗
tion, shich thing `
he herenameth,
becaufe the faithe
full ſhould haue
ever theis reſpect
ito that: forin the
‘earth there halbe
no furecomfort,
c W ho baue
Kept the true
feareof God and
hisreligione nid
id Heechicly,. 9%
meaneth thems
niftcrs of Gods
word, & nextall |
$ faithfullwhich ^
inſtruct ignorat
anébring them: >
tothe trueknows=
ledge of God.
e Yhoughthe T Í
“moft pattdeſpiſe
thisprophefie, yet:
keepe thow it fure:
candeflteemeitas. `
a treaſure.
$ Tilkthetimeii >
thanGod hath: +=
appointed forthe:
ullreuclation of;
then many thal. +
run toand froto
fearch the knowe
ledge of theſe
myferies, whichthings they obteine now bytae light ofthe Golpel. ?
g- Which was Tigris.
h Which 'was asic were adouble otie and o
» that be fhould depart this lifes and riſe aga ine with the elect
> God had fufficiently humbled and purged his Chuuch.
didthe moreconfirmethe thing. i Meaning,along time;a longes
time, and at length a {hort time : fignifying that their troubles fhould:
hauean end. k When the Churchthalbefcattered anddiminithe |
ed in uch fort asic thallfeemeto haueno power, 1. Fromthetime »
that Chrift by his ficrifice ſhalltake away: the faerifice and ceremoe, |
niesofthelaw. :m -Signifying that the time Malbe lone of Chrifts.,
fecondcomming ,'anid yetthe, children of God oughtnotto be diſ⸗
couraged,though it be deferred, ny Inthis number headdetha mos halfetu the former number, fignifying that .it isnobin ,
manto appoine the time of Chnifts-comming,but that theyareblefe.
fed that patiently abidehis appearing. !.o» The Angel warnerhthe
Prophet patiently to abide, til) the (ime appaynted cames Femi
> wyi f
Hofeas wifey. 2.
-@t Hofea.
Frer thatthe ten tribes had fallen away from God by the wicked and fubtil counſe of [eroboam
Athe fonne of Nebat,and in fead of his true feruice commaunded by his word worfhipped him ac-
cording to their owhe fantalies and traditions of mën, giuing themſelues to muft vile idolatric and fu-
perftition,the Lord from time to time {ent them Prophets to call them to repentance: but they grewe
cuer worfe and worfe, and ftill abufed Gods benefits,
Thereforenow, whentheir profperity was at
thehigheft vnder Ieroboam the fonne of loath, God fent Hofca and Amosto the Iſraelites (as he did
at the fame time | ſaiah and Michaiah to them of Judah) to condemnethem of their ingratitude : and
whereas they thought themfelues to be greatly in the fauour of God, and to be his peopie,the Prophet
calleth them bafiards and children botnein adulterie; and therefore fheweth them that God would
take away the kingdome, and giue them to the Aflyriansto be led away captives. Thus Hofea faiths
aint. fully executed his office for the fpace of feuenty yeeres , though they remained ftill in their vices and
ex ' -wickedneffe, and derided the Prophets,and contemned Godsiudgements. And becaufe they fhould
neither be difcouraged with threatnings onely, noryet flatter themfelues bythe {weetenefle of Gods
promifes,befetteth before them the two principall parts of the Law, which are the pronuje of faluati-
_on,and the do@rine of life : for the firlt part hee directeth the faithfull co Meffiahy by whome one-
Ay they fhould baue true deliuerance : and for the fecond, he vfeth chreatningsand menaces to bring
them fromtheir wicked maners and vices, and thisis the chiefe {cope of all the Prophets, either by
Pe ap yee ha CHAP N Med
; The time wherein Hefeaprophefied. 2 The
idolatry of the people. 10 The calling of the Gen-
tales. 11 Christ a the head of all people.
Ebodwe of the Lorde that
; Ni) cante vate Dolta the ſonne of
a Calledalfo A- N Be WBeeri,inthe dayes of @ Uzzi.
zariah, who be- mA abs Jothain, Abas, and eze:
ingaleper,was ge (Ah kia kings of Judab,andin
depofed from his oP") the daies ol Zeroboam the lon
kingdome. OF Joal king of Jlrael.
bSothatitmay . 2 Qtthe beginning the Love ſpake by
besatheredby Hoſea, and the Lord layo vnto Dolca, Got,
thercigneof —-_- Fake Unto thee a wife < of fornications , ana
thefefoure kings, children of forntcations : for the lande hath
that hepreached committed great whozeDome, departing from
aboue three the Lord.
fcore yecres. 3 Hohe went, and tooke 4 Gomer the
cThatisone Daughter ot Diblaim, which concciued and
that oflong bare jim a onne.
timehath accu- 4 And the Lon ſayd unto him, Call his
ftomedtoplay name e Jsreel: for pet a litle, and J will bi-
the harlot: not fite the blood of JIrecl vpon the boule ofge-
that the Prophet Hu, and will cauſe to cgale the kingdome of
didthisthingin thehoufeofJtacl. -a -
effet, but he § And at that.sday will J allo breake
dawthisinavi- the bow of Iſrael in the valicp of Izreel.
‘fion,or els was Die conceiued yctagaine, and bare a
commandedby Daughter, and God fayn vnto him, Call ber
God to fet forth
¥nder this parable or figure the idolatry. ofthe Synagogue,and of the
peopleherchildren. d Gomer fignifieth aconfumption or cor-
ruption, and Diblaimclufters of figges, declaring that they wereall
corrupt like rotten figges ¢ | Meaning,that they (hould be no
more called Ifraelites,of the which name they boafted, becaufe Ifta-
“el did preaaile with God: bur that they wereasbaflards, and there-
“fore fhould be called Izreelices, that is, {cattered people, alluding to
Tzreel, which was the chiefe citie of the ten tribes vnder Ahab, where
Iehu fhed fo much blood, 2.Kings10.8,11, £ I vill beereuenged
*ypon tehu for the blood that hee fhed in Izreel : for albeit God ftir
ted himp to execute his iudgements, yet heedid them for his owne |
-you.encourage one.anotherto embrace the fame, confidering rhat
ye are my people on whom I will haue mercie,
ambition,and not for the glory of God, as the end declared : for hee
built yp that Idolatry which he had.deftroyed, g -YWhenth®imea.
fure of their iniquitie is full,and'T Mall take vengeance and deftroy
all their policie and force. * ;
, yGods promifes to allure them to be godly, orels by threatningsot his iudgementsto tearethem from
4 Wite: aadalbeit thatthe whole Lawecontaine theſe two poynts, yet the Prophets moreouer Rote pe-
taa adic Salliarly,both the time of Gods ĩudgements and the mancr,
name> Lo ruhamah: foz J] will no moe
Daue pitie vpon che boule of Track; but yz
Will vtterly itake them away.
7 Vet will haue mercie vpon the houle
bE Judah. and will k fane them by the Lorde
their Gov, and will not faue them by bowe,
no: by ſword, noe by Latteli,bp hories nor by
8 Mow when Hee had weined Lo ruha⸗
mah, lye concetued and bare a lonne.
9 Then ſayd God, Cali bis name Lo-
ammi; fo ye are not nip people + therefore
will J not be pours.
IO Petthe numberof them childzen of
Iſrael thatl be. asthe tand of rhe fea, which
cannot bee meaſured noz tolde tand inthe
place where it twas fayd vnto them, Wee are
not my people, te Wall be fata vnto them, Ye
are the onnes of the lining Gon.
11 Chen hall the chitdzen of Judah, and
the childzen of Iſrãelbe agathered together,
and appopnt themfelucs one head, and thep
hall come bp out ofthe land; for great is the
‘o Day oF Jizreel.
cept he had preferuedthem, hee deelareth that though they were de= t
{troyed, yet the true Iſraelites, which arethe fonnes of the promile, —
sand children. 3 33.
Ezta, T.I:
h That is dot
obteining mercy:
whereby he figs
nificth, that Gods
fauor was depar ·
ted from them.
i-Forthelfface ~
lites neuer retus-
ned, after that
they werecaken ~
captiues by the
k Forafter their _
Captinitieheres Ú
ftored them mi⸗
raculoufly by tbe
meanes of Cyrus, _
1 Thatis,noe
my people,
m Becaufe they
thoughtthat = J
Godcould not: $
hane bene tugan
his promife ex-
fhould be without sumber, which ftand bathof thelewes, andthe @
Gentiles, Rom 9.26.
n- Towit, afterthe captiuitie of Bebylom
when the Iewes were reftored: but chiefly this is referred to the time
of Chrift, who fhould be the head both of the Tewes and Gentiles, <0.
The calamitie and deliru&ion of Izreel (hall be fo great, that to re-
ftore them fhall be asa miracle, `
oi & Fh Ar? ah
1 The people ú called to repentance. 5 He ſhew-
eth their idelatrie and threatueth them except they
repent. pits
S Ay vnto ponr bzethzen, Ammi, andto a Seeing thar I
your fifters, Rubamiah, haue promifed
2 Pleave with your > mothers pleave you deliverance, —
it remaineth that
b God fheweth
that the faulc was not in him but-in their Synagogue, andtheirides |
Tatries,that hee forfooke them, Ifa 50,15 3 J
u2 with,
; Spirituall whoredome.
è Meaning that
was ſo great that
they were not a-
fhamed, but boa-
fied of ir, Ezek.
d For though
this people were
as an harlot for
their idolatries,
yethe bath left
them with their
apparel & dowry
& certaine fignes
of his fauour, but
ifthey continued
fill bee would
vecerly delltoy
ce When I
brought ber
out of Egypt,
Ezek. 16.4.
f Thatis,ba-
flards,& begot-
ten in adultery.
g Meaning, the
“idoles which
they ferued aad
by whom they
thought they had
wealth and abun- —
A Ewill punifh
thee, that chen
thou mayelt try
whether thine
idoles can helpe
thee, and bring
thee into ſuch
ſtieitneſſe, rhat
thow thalt haue
no luft to play
the wanton,
i This he {pea-
keth of the faith⸗
full which are
truely conuerted,
and alfo thewcerh
-the vfeand
prolit of Gods
with her: fo} fhe ( not my wife neither am J
bee hulband: but let ber take awap per foz-
ications out of her fight,and ber adultertes
c from vetwene ber barats,
3 4Leſt F ltrip her naked, and fet her as
in the Day that the was · borne and make ber
asa wilderneſſe, and leaue ber like arze
land, and tay ber fogehtrit.
Ano Y will haue no pitie bpon her
chimin ; foz they bethe f children of foris
cations. ‘
§ Fortheir mother hath played the har-
lot: Wee that conceiued them, hath dane
hamefistlyp; for thee lard , F will gog after my
the Bayes of her youth, ¢asin the day when
ſhe came bp out of che land of Egypt.
16 Aud at that day, faith the Logd, thou
Male call me f Iſhi aud ſhalt cail me nv moze
t Baali j
17 Fo I will take away the names of
Baalim out of jer mouth, and they Hall vee
no moze remembꝛeo by their names,
18 Aud tn that Day wilt J make a cone-
Nant for chem, with the * wildebeattes, and
with the foules ot theheanen, and with that
that creepeth vpon the earth,t T wil breake
the bow and ibe ſword and rhe battell out
of tbe earth, and will make themto flerpe
g loners that give ime my becad and my wae fafet
ter, my wooll and my fare, mine oyle and
mip drinke. ;
6 Therefore behold, J will ttoppe thy
way with thornes, and make an hedge, that
fhe yall not find her paths.
7 Though thee tollow after her loners,
pet thallijee not come at chem: though tee
ſeeke them, pet Wall fhe not find them: then
Hail thee fay, i N will gee and returne to my
firt hulband: fog at chat time was J better
then now. i
8 slow ſhee did not know that J * gaue
ber cozne,and wine, and ople,and multiplies
ber filuer and gold , which they bettowed yp-
pon Baal. A
9 Therekoꝛe I will returne,etake away
) my Cerne in the time thereof, and my wine
inthe kaion thereof, and well recouer my
wooll and iny flare lent to coner ber fhame.
10 And now will Jdiſcouer her m leud
neſſe uithe taht of her louers, and no man
wail deliuer her out of mine hand.
IL Jwillalto canfe all per mirth toceafe,
Her feat dayes, her new moones, and ber
Pabbaths, and all her lolenine frats,
12 Andy will deitroy her vines, and her
fig trees, whereof hee bath fayd, Theſe are
my rewards that my loners have ginen me:
and ji will make themas a foret, and the
wilde beatts hall eate them.
13 And F will vilit vpon her che dates » of
Baalim, wherein the burnt incenleto them:
and lie Decked Hertelfe with her ° earerings
and Her iewels, and fe followed ber iouers,
and forgate me, faith the Lord.
14 Cherefore, behold, J wille allure her,
and bring her inte the wildernelle, eipeake
friendly vnto her, :
15 And J will gine her her vineyardes
from thence, and che wailep aof Acho: to: the
k This dcclareth Dogge of hope, and the all" ling there as tn
that idolaters de-
ü e y. .
19 And J will matty thee puto mee fo:
cuert: pea, J wellinarry thee unto meetin
righteouſneſſe, and in indgement, and w
mercie andin compaſſion. i
20 J will euen marry thee ynto mee in
y faichtulnes, and thou Walt know the Loz,
21 Audin that day J wil heare ſaith the
Lod, J will cuen Heare2 the Heancns, ana
they Gall heare the earth,
22 And the earth Malt heate the cone,
and the wine, and the oyle, and they tball
beare Jizreel i
23 And J will fow her vnto mee inthe
earth, and J wiit hanemercp vpon her, that
. Was net pitted, tH will fay unto them which
were notmyp people, * Chou art miy people,
‘AnD they (yall fay, Thouarciny God, —
1 The Fewes [hall be caft off for their idolatry,
5. Afterward they [hall returue tothe Lord,
-Ven fatd the LoD to me, * Goepet, and
1 loue a woman (beloued of her Hulbana,
and was an harlot) accordingto the loue gf
the LoD toward the children of Iſrael: pee
they looked to other gods, and > lened the
wine bottels, a
2 So FJbonght her to mee foz fifteene
pieces of Aluer, Œ foz au homer of barley and
an balte homer ef barley. A
3 And J fam vnto her, Chow halt abide
wich dme many dayes: thon ſhalt not play
the Harlot , and thou falt bee tanong other
man, and J will be fo vate chee. ;
4 Foꝛ the childzen of Iſrael thal ¢remaine
Many dayes without aking, and withort a
f pince and without au offering, and with-
Out an tinage, and withoutan Ephod, and
without Teraphim. si F
§ Afterward Mallthe childzen of Iſtael
conuert. and ſeeke the Loz’ theit God; and
e Dauid their King, and thal fare the Loan,
Spirituall mariage,
f That ismine
husband, know=
ing that} am
ioyned to thee
by an inniolable
t That is,my Mae
iter: which name
was applyed to
their idoles,
u No idolatry
{hall once come
into their mouth
bu: they thali
{erue me purely
according to my
x Meaning, that
he will fo blefle
them „that all
creatures (hall
faucur them,
y Witha coug-
nant that neuer
fhalbe broken,
2 Then thalithe
heauen defire
raine for ĵ carth
which (hal brine
forth for the vſe
of man,
ROM 9.250.
I. pete2, 1e,
a Herein the
Prophet repres
fenteth the per-
fon of God,
which loued his
Church before
hee called hér,
anddid not _
withdraw the”
fame when the
gaut herſelſe to
ideles, -
b Thar is, gaue
themfelues whee
ly to pleafures,
and could net
take vp, as they
that are givent
c Yet J loued
her,and payed a,
{mall portion
fraud God of hishonour , whenthey attribute his benefites to their
idoles, 1 Signifying that God wil take away his benefits when man
by his ingratitude doethabufethem, m- That is,all her (eruice,ce-
remonies,and inuentions, whereby (he worfhippedheridoles, n I
will punifh her for her idolatry. o By fhewing how harlosstrimme
them{clucs to pleafe others, hee declarethhow the fuperftitious ido-
laters fet a great part of their religion in decking themfelues on their
holy dayes. p By my benefits in offering her grace & mercy , enen
in that phee where (he fhall thinke herfelfe deflituce of all helpeand
comfort. q Which wasa plentifull valley , and wherein they had
great comfort when they came outof the wildernefle jas Toth 7.36,
and is called the doore of hope, becauft it was a departing frö death,
* -andanentry into life, r She thallthen praile God as he did when
the was delinered out of Egypt,
and ts goodnelie tn the latter dayes.
a : for ber,left the
perceiving the greatneffe of my loue, ſhould haue abulid mee and
not been vader duetie: for fifteene pieces of filuer were but halfe the
price ofa flaue, Exod, 25.32, d I willtriethee a long timeasin
thy widowhood whether thou wiltbemineorno, e Meaning,nor
onely all the time of their captiuiti¢e , but alfo vnro Chik, f That
is , they fhould neither haue policie nor Religion > and their idoles.
alfo wherein they put their confidence, (hould be deftroyed, g ‘this
is meant of Chrifts kingdome, which was promifed veto Dauidto be
eternall, Pfalme 2.17.
A complaint again
of Ifrael ganf
the people and the prieſto
Theland fhall meuriie. Chap.
Hen the word ofthe Lod, yee childzen
of Firacl: for the Lo2d * bath acontro-
uerile with the inbabitants of the land, be-
cauſe there is no truth,noz mercie, no kaow ·
ledge of Ged inthe land. | ES,
2 Wy Cwearing and lying, and killing,
anv (tealing, and whoring, they bzeake out,
a Becaufe the
people would
not obey thead-
monitions of the
Fropher, heci-
teth them before
theiudgement’ = anD> bleod toucheth biced.
{eat of Gada- 3 Wherefore wallthe land mourne, aud
gainft whom euerpone that Dweller) therein, hall be cut
they chiefly of. oft, with the beats of the Meld, and with he
fended, ia,7.03, foules ofthe beanen,and alle the tif}es ofthe
Micah.e.1,3. {ea ſhalbe taken away.
Zech. 2.10.
b In euery place
4 Petiet none rebuke, no? reprouean ·
other: foz thy people are as they that rebuke
appearethali- the iiet.
bertie to moſt § Wherefore halt thou fall inthe 4 day,
heinousviceso andthe Pꝛophet Wall fall with thee inthe
that one follow- wight, and J wall Deroy thy- mother.
eth in thenecke 6 App people are deſtroyed foz lacke of
of another. knowledge : becaule f thou batt refuted
c Asthoughhe knowledge, Jwill allo refule thee, thatthou
would ſay, that halt be no Wiek to mec: and ſeeing e thou
itwercinvaine aft fogotten the Late of thy od, J will -
to rebuke them:
for no mancan
abide it: yea,
they will (peake
again{t the Pro-
phets and Priefts
whofe effice it is
chiefly to rebuke
d Ye thall perith
one, beeaife he
would notobey,
and the other be-
cauſe he would
not admonith,
e That is,the Sy-
gogue whercin
alto forget thy chilen,
7 Asthep were » increales, fo they fin-
ned againũ ine;therefore will J change their
glory into ſhame.
8 They eate vp the finnes okmy people,
ana life vp their minds tn their intquitic. |
9 And there hall bee like people, like
x Wielt: for J will vilite their wayes bpon
thein,and reward them their deeds.
10 Foz they Hall eatz, and not haue e-
nongh: they Wall! commit adulterie, ¢ Hall
not tncreale, becauſe they haug left offto
take heed tothe Lod. :
It ™@Giforedome, and wine, and newe
wine, take away their heart, :
12 y” people alke counfell at their
ſtockes, and their ſtaſte teacheththeim: 2
theo {pirit of fornications hath cauled them
thouboaftelt, tocrre, and they haue gone a whoring from
f That is, the vnder their God.
Priefts (hall be 13 Theylacrifice vpon the toppes ofthe
caftoff, becauſe mountaines,and burne incente vpon the pils
that for Jacke vnder the okes, and the poplar tree, anv the
ofknowledge, eime, becanfe the hatewe chercof ts good:
theyarenoreble therefore your Daughters (hall be P harlots,
toexeeutetheir and your fpenles hall be whores.
charge, andin- 14 J will not a vifite pour Daughters
Rug others, when they are harlots , no? peur ſpouſes
when they ave whoꝛes: for they themſelues
are {rparated with hatlots, and facrifice
with whozes: therefore the people that
Deut 33.3.Mal.
g Meaning, the
whole body of :
the people which were weary with hearing the word of God, h The
more I wesbencficiall vntothem. i To wit, the Pricfies fecke to
eate the peoples cfferings, and fatter thom in their ſinncs. k Sig-
nifying thar as they hauc finred rogether , fo fhail they be punithed
together, 1 Shewing that their wickedne fie (balbe punifhed on all
forts:for though they thinke by the multitude of wines to haue ma-
ny children, yet thcy thal be deceiued oftheirtope. m In giving
themfelues to p'eafures, they become like bruit beaſts. n Thus bee
fpeaketh by derifion incallirg them his people, which now for their
finnes they were not: for they fought helpe of ſtockes and ftickes,
o They are caried awaywitha rage. p_ Beccufe they take away
Gods honour,and giue it to idoles, there fore he wiil give them vp to
their luftes, that they th.ll difhonour their owne bodies, Rom, 1.28,
I will not corte& your fhame to bring you to amendement, but
kt you run headlong to your owne damnation,
iiij. ve The fpirit of fornication. i
Doth not bnderkand fall fall. *
15 Though thou, Jitrael, play the harlot, r Ged ecmplai-
yet t let not {udah tune ; come not pee vnia neththat ludah
! Gilgal, netiber goe yebp tot Weth-auen, isivfeted, ard
nozieeare, The Lod linet. willeth them to
16 Foꝛ Iſrael isrebelitous as an vnxuly Jearneby their
hetfer. Mow the Lord will teede therasa cxarpletore-
a lambe in a large place. turneintime, '
17 Cph is topned totvoles: let hint í For albeit the
alone. Lord had hono-
18 Their drunkenneſſe ſtintketh: they redthisplace in
have conimitted whorzerome: theit rulers times palt by bis
{owe to fay with Mame, * Bring ye. Frefence yette-
19 The winde hath y bound them vpiin canfeit was abus
der winges, and thep ſhallbee alkamedD of fed by their idos ⸗
their factifices, latrie, hee would
not that his peos
ple ſhould reſort thither. t Heecalleth Beth.e}, that is ,thehoufe
of God, Beth- auen, tharis, the boule of iniquitie , becaule of their
abominations fetvp there, fignifying that ro place is holy, where
God is not purely worfkipped. u God will fo dilperfe them , that
they fhall not remaine inany certaine place. x They are fo impu-
dent in receiuing bribes, that they will con: mand men to bring them
vito them. y To cary them ſuddenly away.
1 Azainfi the Pricites and rulers of Ffrael.
13 The helpe of manis mvaine, ;
OX Prtetts,heare this, and bearken ype,
D houle ot Flrael,and giue pee eare, D
boule of the King : fo iudgẽment is toward ;
pou,becaute ye haue beene a2 mare on giz: a The Prielts
pab, and a net (ppead vpon Tabo. and Princes cat-
2 Pet they were pzofound, todeclineto chedthepoore
b flaughter, though J haug bene as rebuker people in their
of them ail. ~ = tnares, asthe fou-
2 Jknow4s Ephraim, and Firal trat lessdid the birds,
hid from me: fog now, D Ephraim, thotrare intheferwe hie
become an jarlotjand Ilrael is Detlev. mowntaines.
4 They will not give their mindes to. b NotwithRan-
turne pute their God; fo? the ipirit of fozni» ding they feemed
Cation isin the mids of them, and thep hatig giuen alto-
not knowen the Lord. gether to holines, ~
5 Andthee pꝛide of Iſrael toth teRifie and trerifices,
tobis face: therefore hall Jiraci Ephraim which Merehe _
fail into thetriniquitie Zutah allo mali fail calleth ſſaughtet
with chem. : L in contempt.
6 They Kall goe with their eepe, and ¢ Thought bad —
with theirbullockesto iteke the toD: but admorithedthem—
they (hall not find bint: fer gee bath with: continually by ~
Drawen huntelte from then. i my Prophets. ~~
7 They hance trauſgreſſed again the d` They boakted ©
Load : foz they haue begotten range chil themfelues noe
den; nowe hail s amoncth deuoure them onely to be Ira-
with their portions. ‘ clites, but alſo
8 Blow ye thetrumpet in Eibeah, and Ephraimites,be- :
the hawme in Ramah : crye out at Deth- caule their kirg `
auen, after thee, D e Bentamtn. lerotoam tame —
9 Ephraim Mall be deſolate tn the Bay of ofthat tribe.
rebube ; among the tribes of Iſrael baut J e Meaning their
CauleDto know theitrueth. contemnirg. of `
Io The pinces of Judah were like them all admonitions, —
that * remooue the bound; therefore wilt] f That is their
potuze out my wath vpon them like water. children are de-
Il Ephꝛaim ts oppeceD, and beoken in generate, fo that
there is no
hopeinihem. g TheirdeftiuGion isrot farre cff, oh Thatis
alj Ifrael comprehended vnder thispart y fignif, ing thet the Lord
plagues fhould purſue them frem piace to place , tũl ihey were dex
flroyed. i By the ficee@ethey shall know that ] haue furely de
termined this, k They have turned yj fide downe all political
ordcr, and all maner of religion,
Ch 3 iudgement,
The Lord woundeth and healeth.
a He fheweth the
- b Though hee
naue a certaine
holineſſe, andre. fo? pour goodneſſe is as a moꝛning cloude,
~ word was not
iudgement, becaule he willingly walked af-
I Towit,after ter the! comandement.
kingleroboams 12 Therekoꝛe will J be vnto Cpheaim ag
commandement, amoth, and to the boule of Judah as arot-
anddidnotra- tennefle. 4
ther follow God, 13 hen Ephꝛaim faw dis ficknelle,and
; Zuday his wound, then went Ephraim v-
m In Read of fee- to™ Qtivur, and lent unto king » Jareb: pet
king farremedy could hee mot heale pou, noz cure pou of pour
at Gods hand. wound. k
n: Who was king 14 Foꝛ Jwill bee vnto Ephraim as alp:
ofthe Affysians, on, and as a lyons whelpe to the houle of Jus
Dah; J, euen J will (povie, and gocaway: J
willrake away, and none ſhall relcue it.
Is J will gog, and returne tomy place,
till they acknowledge their fault, and leeke
me: in their afilictton thep will leeke me di ·
1 Affliction caufeth a mantoturnete God. 9
The wickedneffe of the Prieſts.
Dine, and let vs reiutne tothe Lord:
people how they X foz hee hath (povled , and hee will beate
ought to turneto 93: be hath wounded vs, and bee will binde
the Lordthathe yg pp.
might call backe. 2 After two dapes wille hee reuine vs,
his plagues, and tn the third Dap bez willratle vs vp, and
we (hail line in bis light.
corre vs rom 3 Ehen thallwee baue knowledge, and
timeto time,yet indeuour onr ſelues to know the Lozo: bis
hishelpe will not going forth ts prepared as the moꝛning, and
be farre off, ifwe he thall come vnto vs as the vatie,and as the
returnetohim. latter raine unto the carth.
c Youfeemeto 4 D Ephꝛaim, what Hall F doe vito
thee? D Judah, how ſhall J entreate thee?
pentance, butitis and as the moming deaw it gorth away.
Ypon thefudden, § Therefor haue J dcut Downe by the
andas amorning Eopbets id haue laine them by the words
cloud. of mip mouth , ande thy iudgements were as
d Ihaueftillla~ the light that goeth forth.
boured by my 6 Soi vetived f mercie, and not ſacri·
Prophetsandas fice, and the knowledge of God moze thers
itwereframed btirut offerings.
youtobringyou 7 But they like smen haue tranſgreſſed
toamendment: fhe couenant: there yauc they treſpaſſed a>
butallwasin gaint me. —
vaine: formy 8 4@ileadisa citie of them that workt
iniquitic,and is polluted with blood.
meate to fecde 9 Aiud as thecues wait toz amat, f the
them, but afword companie of Pꝛieſtes murder tnthe way by
to flaythem. , confent: for they woꝛke milchicfe.
© My do@rine 10 J haue feene villanie in the boule of
which Iraught Iſrael: thereis the whordome of Ephraim:
thee, wasmolt Iſrael is defiled.
IL Dea, Judah hath feta i plant foz thee,
f Hee (heweh wyhiles J wonld returne the captiuitic of my
to what {cone his people.
doGrine tended,
thar they fhould ioyne the obedience of God , and the louc of their
neighbour with outward facrifice. g Thatis,like lightand weake
perfons. h Which was the place where the Pricftes dwelt, and
which ſhould hauc becne beft inſtructed inmy word. i Thatis,
doth imitate thine idolatric, and hathtaken gratfes of thy trees,
x Of the vices and wanjonnefi of the people.
x2 Of their punfbment.
Vy 7Hen J would Haue bealed Jlrael,
> V V then the miquitie of Ephꝛatm was
diſcouered, and the wickedneſſe of Da-
A cake not turned.
marta: fo: they hate dealt fallelp: andthe a Meaning,that
a thicfe commeth in, and the robber ſpoyleth there was nor
without. 4
2 And they conlider not in their hearts,
that J remember all their wickedneffe : now
tbeir owne inuentions haue belet them a
boue: they are tn my fight.
3 They make the? king glad wtth their
wickednefle,and the princes with their lies,
4 Theyare all adulterers, and aga ve⸗
ty < ouen heated by the baker, which cealeth
krom railing vp,&from kneading the Dough
vntill it be leauened.
§ Thisis the 4 Day okour king | the pin:
ces haue made btm ticke withy flagons of
wine:be ſtretcheth out his hand to ſcorners.
6 For they haue made ready their heart
like an onen whiles they lie in watts their
baker fleepety all the night: tn the mozning
it burneth aga flame of fire,
7 They areall hare as anouen, and Hane
deuoured their Judges: all their kings are
fallen: there is none among them that cal:
leth vnto me. KETY F
8 Epraim hath € mirt himſelke among
the people. Ephzaim ts as a cake on the
hearth not turned. ]
9 Strangers haue denoured his Trength,
and hee knoweth it not : pea, £ grap haires
a here ann there vpon him, yet pee knows
eth not.
1o nd the pide of Iſrael tekifeth to his
face, and thep Doe not returne to the Lord
their God, noꝛ ſeeke bim foz att this.
11 Ephꝛaim allo íg like a Done deceiued,
without heart: they call ta Egypt: they goe
to Aſchur.
12 But whenthey Hall goe, Jwill pean
my net vpon them,and Daw them Downe as
the foules of the heauen: Jwil chattile them
as their icongregation hath heard.
13 Moe vnto then: fo: they haue fled a-
may from me ; Deltruction thalbe vnto them,
becaule thep baue tranſgrefſed againſt mee;
though J banek redeemed then, pet they
baue (poken lies again me.
14 Gnd thephaue not cried vnto me with
their hearts, i when thep howled vpon their
bess: T they allemble themſelues foz carne
and wine,and they rebell agatnit me.
I5 Though J hane bound,and ſtrengthe ·
ned their arime, yet Doe they imagint mil
chiefe againſt mz.
16 Thep returne, bur not to the mof
bigh : thev are like adeceitfullbow: their
princes all Falibp the (word , fo the rage
"oftheir tongues: this ſhallbee their veriti-
onin the land of Egypt.
one kinde of vice
among them, but
that they were
fubie& to all wice
kedneffe, both
fecretand open,
b- They efteeme
their wicked
king Leroboam
aboue God,and
feeke bur how to
flatterand pleafe
c Hecompareth
the rage of the
people to a bur-
ning ouen which
the baker heateth
Rill tili his dough ~
beleauened and
d They vſed all
ryotand exceſſo
in their feaſts and
by their king
was ouercome
with furfeit,and
brought into
di‘eafes,and de-
lighted in flatte-
e By their occa-
fion God hath
deprived them of
all good rulers,
f That is, he coun-
terfeiteth the reli-
gion of the Gen-
tiles,yet is but as
acake baked off
the one fide,and
rawon the other:
that is,neither
through het nor
through colde,
but partly a lew,
and partly a
Gentile, ~
g Whicharea
token of his ma-
nifold affliGi-
b That is withe
as they that
cannot tell whe-
ther it is betterto cleauegnely to God, or to feeke the helpeof man,
i Accordingto my curfes made to the whole congregationof I-
rael. k Thatis, diuers times redeemed them, and deliuered them
from death, 1 When they were in afiGion, and cried out for
paine,they fought not vnto me forhelpe. m They only feeke their
owne commoditie and wealth, and paffe nor for mee their God.
n Becsufe they boalt of their owne frength, and paffe not what they
{peake againft me and my feruants, Pfal,7 3.9,
CoA —
1 The deftrucison of Indah and I/racl,becanfe
of their idolatrie.
The calfe of Samaria.
a God encoura-
gethche Pro-
phet to fignifie
the [peedy com-
ming of the ene-
mic againit Ifra-
el, which was
once the people
of God,
b They hall
crie like hypo-
cates, tut not
from the heat,
as their deeds:
¢ That is, Iero-
bozm by whom
they fought their
owne liberty,aad
notte obey my
d That is, Yp-
right iudgement
and godly life,
e Meaning, the
calfe was inuen ·
ted by them-
felues, and of
their fathers in
the wilderneffe.
£ Shewing that
their religion
hath buta hew,
and init felfe is
but vanitie,
g They neucr
ceafe, butruu to
and fro to feeke
h Thatis, for the
tribute which
the king nnd the
princes (hall lay
vpon them:
which meanes
the Lord vfeth
to bring them to
i Thustheido-
laters count the
SE che trumpet to thyamouth the thall come
ès an alc againſt the boule of the Lozv,
becauſe thep)aue tranſgreſſed my coue>
nant, and trelpaflev agatnit my Law.
2 Girael hall’ cry vnto me, My God,
we know thee. SSE eae
3 Iſraei bath cak off the thing that ts
Seed: che enemy ſhall purlue him.
4 Thep haue tet vp a ¢ king, but not by
me: they bane made princes, and J knew tt
nor: af their Auer and thew gold bane thep
made thein Doles ; thertoze Wall they be De-
itroped. y
§ Thy calfe, D Hamaria, hath cal thee
of? mine anger is kindled aganit then:
How iong wti they be without tnnocercie!
6 ¢ Fo? tt came euen from Iſrael: the
woskeman madeit, therefore tits Not God :
but the caife of Hamaria (hall bee broken iig
pieces. q
7 Sor they haue ffomen the wind, ¢ they
fhal reape the whirlewind; it hath no ſtalke:
the bud ſhail bꝛing forth no meate + it fo bee
tt bring forth, the ttrangers fall deuoure it,
~ 8 Jitaelts Deuoured, now hal they be a-
mong the Gentiles asa veſſell wherein is no
Q fo they are gone by to Affhur: they
areas a £ wild alle alone by himlelle: Cphza-
im bath bired louers.
Io Detthough they baue hired among
the nations, now will J gather them,-and
they ibali fezrow a little, fo? the t burthen of
the king,andthe princes,
I Becanle Ephraim hath made many
altars to finne, his altars (hall beta finne.
12 3 bane written to them che great
things ofimp Law ibut they were counted
asa: tkrange thing —
— lacrilice fle fo: the ſacrifices
of mine oftrings, and eate it: but * the Lozd
accepteth them not ; now will he remember
their iniquity, and vifite thete finnes: thep
fpali returne to Egypt. i
14 Foꝛ Ilſrael hath forgotten bis maker,
and buildeth temples, and Judah bath tne
creafed trang tities : but J wul ſend a tire
vpon His cites, anv it Hal deuoure tye pala:
ces thereof,
word of God is ſtrange in reſpect of their owne inuentions, k Say-
ing thar they offer it to the Lord, buz he accepteth no {eruice, which
he himfelfe hath not appointed.
a For although
all other people
fhould efcape,
yet thou ſhalt
be punithed,
b Thou haft
committed ido=
latry in hope of
teward,and to
haue thy barnes
filled, Ter 44.17.
as an harlot that
Of the hunger and captiustie of Efrael.
Re not,D Piracl, foz top, + ag other
people: foz thou valk gone a whorꝛiug
Froni tip God — batt loued b a reward
vpon euery corne fiooze.
— flooze,t the winepreſſe Hall not
feed them, q the new wine Wall faile in der.
3 Ciep wil not dwell in the Lords land,
but Ephraim will returne to Egypt, and
they will eate wucicane things tn dihur.
4 Thep Kall not offer? winets the L020,
had ratherJiue by playing the whore, then to bee
entertained of her owne husband. ¢ Theie outward things chat
thoufeckeft, fhall be taken from thee. d- Ahtheir doings both
touching policie and religion, {hall be reiected as things polluted,
Chap. viij. ix.
neither foall their facvifices be pleaſant vn ·
to hint: bucthey fhallbee unto them as the
bꝛeeade of mourners; alltiat eate thereof,
hall be polluted; fo2 their bread «foz their
— {hall not come into the houte of the
020. *
§ AMhat wil pe Doe ſthen in the felemne
Day, and in the Day of the teatt of rhe Lod?
6 Foz loe,they are gone from 2 deſtructi⸗
on: but Egypt hal gather them vp t Dema
phts Wail bury them: tye nettle that poſſeſſe
the pleaiant places of their ſiluer, andthe
thoane hail bein their tabernacles.
7 The Dayesofvifitation are come:the
Dayes of recompenſe are come: Jiraci Hall
know tt: bthe prophet isa fogle : theipirt-
tuatl man is mad, foz the multitude of thine
tniquitte: therefore the hatred ts great.
The watchman of Ephzaimi thould
bewith my God: bur the prophetis the Mace
ofafouter in all his wapes,and hatred in the
boule of bis Gov.
9 They* are deepely fet: they are coz
ruptasin the Dapes of Gibeab:thercfore hee
wil remember their intquitte, be will viũte
theit finnes. ;
Io J found Iſrael like l grapes ür the
wildernes : J faw pour fathers as the frit
ripe inthe figtree at ber firit ame; buc they
went to Baal-peoz, and ſeparated theme
felues vnto that fame , and their abomina:
tions were according tom their loners.
It ẸŒphzaim their glozy hall flee away
like a bird: fromthe birth “and from the
wombe, and from the conception.
12 Though they bring vp their childzen,
pet will F Depziue them from betug men;
pea, woe to them, when J depart from them.
13 €pheatin, as J (awe, isasatreeoin
Tyꝛus plantedina cottage: but Ephraim
fhall brꝛing forth His chilazen to the murthe-
14 D Lowe, gine them: what wilt thou
gine them? giue chem a Pbarren wombeand
deie bꝛeaſts.
Ig Alltheir wickednelle isin 1 Gilgal: foz
there doe Jhate chem:for the wickednelſe of
their tnuentions, J will caft them out of
mine houle: J will loue them no moze: ail
their princes ave rebels,
16 Ephzatin ts lanttten, their reote ts Dzi-
ed Up: Chey can being no fruit: pea though
thep bring foorth, pet will F flay cucun the
deareſt of their body.
17 My God will cak them away,becaule
they diù not obey him: and they fhall wan-
Der among the nations,
Jourrstheidols, n Signifying, that God would defiroy theirchil-
eren by thefe fundry meanes, and fo confume them by little & litele. -
o. Asthey kept tender plants in their houfes in Tyrus, to preferue
them from the colda'te of the fea ,fo was Ephraim at the firft vate
me,but now will! give him tothe flaugbter. p
ing the great plagues of God toward Ephraim, prayeth to Godto |
makethem barren, tather thenthat this great flaughter fhould come
vpontheirchildren, q The chiefecaufe of their deſtruction is, that
tney commitidolatry, and corrupt my religion in Gilgls 4
1 Againft Ifraeland his idoles, 14 His de-
ſtruction for the ſame.
Gt Frast
¢ The merte
offering which
they oftered tor
f Wher the
Lord thall take
away all the oc-
cafions of fer-
uing bim,which
thall be the mol
ylicuons peint
of your captiui=
ty, when you
thall fee your
felucs cut off
from God.
g Thoughthey _
thinke to efcape
by flying the des
firuGion that is
at hand, yet half
they bedeftroye
edinthe place
whitherthey flee _
fer fuccour, :
h Then they
fhall know that
they were delu -·
ded by them who —
chalenged to j
themfeluesto be
theirProphets .
& {pirituali meas
i The Prophets
duetie is to bring
men to God,and
no: to beaf{nare
topull them
from God,
k This people
is fo rooted in
their wickedness —
that Gibeah
which was liac
to Sodome was
neuer more Core
rupt, ludg.i 9.
l Meaning, that
hefo eftcemed
them and delited —
m They were ag
abominable vne
tome ,astheir
The Prophet fee
er ate eee
The calfe of Ifrael.
aWherof though
the grapes were
gathered, yet
cuer asit ga.
thered newe
ſtrength, it en-
crealed new wic-
kednefle, fo that
the correction
‘which fhould
haue brought
them to obe-
dience, did bue
vecer their Rub-
b Asthey were
sichiand had
c To wit, from
d The day thall
come that God
thall take away
their king, and
then they (hall
feelethe fruit of
their finnes and
how they tra-
fted in him in
e Inpromsfing
tobe faichfull
toward God,
f Thus their
integrity aad
fidelity wbich
they pretended,
-wasnothing but
bitterneffe and
g When the
calfe {hall be
caried away.
h Chemarims
were certain i-
dojatrous prieks
which did weare
| blacke apparel
în their factifices
| andcriedwitha
| loulevoyce:
which fuperfiri-
on Eliizh deri-
ded, 1.King. 18.
_ 27.teade 2, Kin,
i This he ſpea⸗
re is atta emptie vine, yer Dath tt
brought forth fruit vnto it felfe, and accozs
Ding to the multitude ofthe frait thereofiee
hath increaſed tye altars; according ta the
b goodirelle of their land they paue made
fatvetinages. ——
2 Theit heart is c diuided:now hal they
be found faulty : he Mill bꝛeake dowñne their
altars: be Yall deſtroy their images,
3 Foꝛ now thep hall fap, CUee haue no
d king becaule we Feared not the Lod sand
what Dosla a king Do te vs? 3
4 Thep baue poken waves, fwearing
fallly in making a e couenant : thus findge-
ment growth as wormewood in the fut-
rowzsofthe felo. È
§ The tujabttants of Samaria ſhall
g keare becaulcof the calie of Beth auen: foz
the people thercof (hall mouvive ouer tt, and
the Cyemarims thereof that retepced on
i forche glory thereof becaule tt ts departed
rom it.
6 Fe hall be allo brought to Aſchur, for
a pꝛeſent vnto king Jared: Ephraim thal re»
ceine Haire, t Iſrael ſhalbe ahamed of his
owne counſell.
7 Di Damaria, the king thereofis dee
roped as the fome vpan the water.
8 Che hie places atioofi Quen ſhalbe de⸗
(roped, cuen the tinne of Iſrael: the thome
and the chittle hall grow vpon theirt altars,
and they (hal lay to the mountaines,*Coucr
vs, and to the ptis, Fall vpon vs.
9 D Jfrael, thou hatt t tinned from the
Daves of Gibeah : there they! ttood: the bats
tellin Gibeah againtt the chilozen of iniqui-
tte DID not m touch them.
IO Jit is mp delire” that T hould chatife
them. and che people hali uee gathered a
gaint them, when thep ſhall gather them⸗
ſelues in their two °furrowes.
Il And Ephzaim is asan beifer vied tade.
light? in thiehing: but 3 will paffe by her
q faire necke: will make Ephzain torte :
Judah Hall plowe, and Jaakob thall breake
bis clods. f
12 Hewe to pour ſelues in righteouſneſſe:
reape after the meature of mercy: breake
bp pour Failow ground: foz ic istime to ſeeke
the Lod, tilibe come and raine righteoulſ⸗
nefe ppon yoi. f
I3 But you hane plowed wickedneſſe: pe
bauc reaped iniquity: pou haue eaten p fruit
of lies:hecauſe thon didſt trut in thine own
Wates,& in the multitude of thy rong men,
14 Therefore Hail a tumvit arie among
thy people, and all tby munitions thall bce
deſtroyed, as! Dhalman deſtroyed Beth⸗
God did beare Iſrael.
arbel in the Day of battell.the mother with
the childꝛen was daſhed in pieces,
15 Ba (hall Beth el do vnto pou, becauſe
of your malicious wickednes: in a moning
hail the king of Iſrael be deſtroyed·
1 The benefi:s of the Lorde toward Ffrael. 5
Their ingrati ude againſt him.
Vi wen Jivaciawasachilde, then Flo.
h se hun, and called iny lonng ont of
2 Thep callen them,buc > they went thus
from them:they lacetficed vnto Baalim, anu
burnt incenle to images.
3 Iled Ephraim allo, as one ſhould beare
them in bis armes: but they knew mot that
J bealed them,
4 J led them with cords © of a man,cuen
With Lands of loue, and J waste them, as
be that taketh offthe poke fram ther iawes,
and J lapa the meãt vnto thei.
§ He thall no moze returne into the land
of Egypt: but Aſhur Hall be his ¢ king, bee
caule thep refuled ta conuert.
6 And thelwezd hall kall on his cities,
and hall conſume his barves , and Deusure
“them vecanle of their owne counſels.
7 And mp people are bent to rebellion a⸗
gaint me: choughechey called them to the
mot High,yet none at all would erait hm,
8 f ow hall] gine thee vp, Ephraim ?
how Matt J Deltucr thee, Ilracl? bow hall 3)
make thee,ass Admah? bow Hall J (ct thee
as Zeboim?mine heart is turned within mes
h map repentings are rolled together.
9 J will net evecute the ierceneſſe of my
Wath: J will not returne to deſtrop Cphra-
tn, foz J am God, and not man, the holie
one in the mids of thee,and J will not enter
into the city.
10 They Hall walke after the Lord ; hee
fall roare tike a lyon : whew he wall roare,
then the childzen of the Celt ſhall feare
IL k Thep hall feare as a (parrow out af
Caypt,and as a boue out ofthe land of AE
thur,and J will place them in their houſes,
fatth the Lod. , I
12 Eph aim compalleth me about with
lies,and the heute of Iſrael with Deceit: but
Indah pet rulech ! with Gad, and is faithe
fall with the Saints.
a Whiles the Iſ⸗
raclites were in
Egyptand did
not provoke my
wrath by their
malice and ins
b They rebelled
and went a con.
trary way when
the Prophets
called them to
c Thatis friend»
ly and notasa
bealts or ſlaues.
d Seeing they
contemne all this
kindneffe, they
fhallbeled cap-
tiuc isto Adria.
e Towit, the
f Godconfide-
reth with hime
felfe, and that
with acertaine
griefe, how to
punith them.
g Whichwere
two of the cities
that were de-
ftroyed wirh
Sodom, Dent,
h Meaning,that
his loue where-
with he fir los
ued them, made
him betweene
doubt and affiz.
range whazto
do:and herein
appeareth his
fatherly affeQion, that his mercy toward his hall ouercome his
iudgements,as hedeclarethinthenext verfe, i Toconfume thee,
but will caufethceto yeeld and fo receive thee to mercy : and chisis
meant of the {mall number who hall walke after the Lord k The
Egyptians and Affyrians fhal beeafraide when the Lord maintaineth
bispeople. 1 Goagrneth their cftate according to Gods word,iud
keth incontempt
of Beth-cl,reade Chap.4.1 5.1/4 2.19./4k.33.30. renel 6.16. and 9,
| 6. k Inthofe dayeswaft thou as wicked as the Gibeonites, as God
there partly decl red : for thy zealecould not be good in executing
Gods indgements, fecing thincowne deeds wore as wicked as theirs,
l- To witsto fight, orthe Mraclires remained in their ſtubbornneſſe
fromthat tine, m ‘The Ifraclices were not mooued by their cx-
ample to ceaſe fiom theirfinnes. n Becaufe they are fo desecrate,
Iwi delits to deſtroy them. o Thatis, when they haue gathered
alltheir lirength together. p Wherein is pleafure, as in plowing is
iabour and paine. q I will laye my yoke vpon her far necke,
r Read lerem.. € Thatis,Shalmanazzar in the deflru@ion
of that citie {pared neither kind nor age.
doth notdezenerate.
He admonifheth by Iaakobs example to truſt in
God and not in man, ,
E Pheaim is fed? with the wint, and fol-
loweth after the Catt wind: he fucrea-
(eth Daply ltes and deſtruction, and they Boe
make a couenant with afur and tople ts
carte into Egypt.
2 The Lowe hath allo a controucrite
with « Judah, and wel! vifit Jaakob, artoz
Bing te his wapes: according to his wogkes
will He veconipente hun,
3 De
a Thar is flirte.
ret hindelf with
vain conficence,
b Meaning, pre-
ents te ger frẽd ·
c Which in thefe
points was like
to Ephraim,bat
not in idelatries,
Hope fillin God.
3° Hee tooke bis breather bythe beele in
t the wombe , and by his ſtrength bee bad
d Seeing that 4 power with God,
God did thus 4 And bade power ouer the Angel,and
preferrelaakob = pꝓꝛeuatled: he wept aud prayed vnto him:
their father, Ia- fhe found hun inBeth-el,and there he pake
dahsingratitude pith vs.
was the more to § Prea, thye Lom Gad of hokes, the Lov
be abhorred. is himnſelke his memoꝛiall.
c Reade Gen, 6 Therefore turne thou ta thy Gad:
32.38. keepe mercie and iudgement, and hope fill
f God found Ia- in thy Gad. ' :
akob as he lay 7 Heisg Canaan: the balances of veccit
fleeping inBeth- are in bis hant, he loueth to eppreiie,
el.Gen 28.12. 8 And Ephꝛaim (aid, Notwithſtanding
and fo fpake with J am rich, Jhaue found me ent riches inal
bimthere,thac my labours : they Hall finde none iniqutcte
thefruitofthac in me, bthat were wickedneff.
{peech appertai- 9 Thougi Jam the £o: thy God from
nedtothe whole thelandof Egypt, yet wiil Imake thee to
bodieofthepeo- Dwell inthe tabernacles as tithe Dayes of
ple,whereofwe the lolemne feate.
are, 10, 3 haue fpoken alfaby the Prophets,
g AsforEphra- and Phane multiplied vitons,evico limilt
im,beismore tudes by the miiniterte ofthe Pzophets.
like the wicked Il Jstherek iniqutrie in Gilead? ſurely
Canaanites,thea they are vanitie: they (acrifice bullockesin ©
godly Abrabam- Gilgal and thet altars are as heapes in the
or laakob. furrotocs ofthe lield.
h Thusthewice 12 And Jaaxob tled into the coantrey of
ked mezure @ram,and3itael ferued fo. a wife,and fora
Gods fauour by . wife ye kept theepe.
outward prof- 13 Andby a™ Pophet the Lord brought
peritie,andlike Jltael ont of Egypt, and by a Pꝛophet was
hypocrites can- bereferued. eit
not abide that 14 But Ephraim pronoked him with hte
anyfhouldre- places: theretozethall bts blood bec powꝛed
proue their vpon bun, and bis repzoch hall his LoD re-
doings. ward him.
i Secingthou ; i
wilt not acknowledge my benefits, 1 will bring thee againe to dwel
intents asin the fealt of the Tabernacles, which thou doeſt nowe
cortemne, k The peoplethought that no man durft baue fpoken
againſt Gilead thatholy place, and yet the Propher faith, thar all
theirreligion was but vanitie, 1 If youboaft ofyourriches and
nobilitiz,yce feeme to reproch your father who was a poore fugitiue
andferuant. m Meaning Mofes, whereby appearcth, that whatfo-
euer they haue, it commeth of Gods free goodneſſe.
1 The ab-minatian of Ffiael, 9 And caufe of
their deſtructun.
wR Ephraim pake there wasttrem:=
-biung hederalted himſeltke Jiraci,
but he hath Anned tn Baal, and is dead.
2 And nowe they fime moze and moze,
a He fheweth
the excellencie
and authoritie
thtrhis tribe
hadaboucall and haue made hem moltentumages of thelr
the reſt. filuer, and idoles accozding to thetromne
b Heemadea wbnderitantiug they were ail the woke of
king ofhistribe the craftefinen : they fay onc to andther
whiles they facrifice ad man, Let them kiſſe
the calues. E
3 Sherefore they ſhall be az the moning
cloude ,and asthe morning Dewe that pai
feth away, as the chai: that is Minem wtih
awhirlewinde out ofthe floe, and as the
fnoke that gozth out of the chimney.
c The Ephrai-
mites are not
farre from de-
ſtruction, and
haue loft their
d Thefalfe pro-
phets perfwaced
the idolatersto offer their children after the example of Ab:zham,
and hee (heweth how they would exhort one another to the fame,
and to kifle and worlisip thefe calues which were their idoles,
Calues of the lips. | 341
e Hecalleeh
them to repen~
tance, and repre-
ueth their ingra-
ſThy deſtructi⸗
on is certaine, &
my benefits to-
ward thee declare
that it commeth
not of me: there.
fore thineowne
malice, idolatrie
and vaine eonfi-
dence in men
muk needes be
the caufe thereof,
g lam all one,
James 1.17.
h Itisfarely laid
vp to be punih-
ed, as Iere. 17. 1.
i But would
comeoutofthe °
wombe, that is,
Out of this dan-
gcr,whereinhe -
is,and not tarie
tobe ftifeled,
kM eaning,that
no power fhal re-
fi God. whea he
will deliver his,
4 Pet Jamthe Lorde thy Gode from
the laude of Cgypt, aud thon (halt know no
God but meesfoz there is no Dauiout belive
s JD know thee tuthe wilderneffe, in
the land ofdzoughe.
As tn their pattures, fo were they fil-
led: they were filled and their heart was er-
alted; therefore bauc they forgotten mes,
And F wil be vnto them as a very lp»
on and as a leopard in the wap of Aſſhur.
8 FZ rwill meete them as a Beare that is
robbed of ger whelps, and J will beeake the
kall of their heart, and there will J deuoure
en like alpon ; the wilde brat (hall teare
t em.
0 O Iſraehone hath veKroped thee, but
in meisthy helpe.
Io ‘fJ amiwhere is thy king.that ould
helpe thee in all thy cittzs? and thy Judges
of whom thou laydelt, Giue mea king,and
painces? vai hrs, n aei
II J gaue thee a king in ming anger,and
3 tooke bim away in my math,
12 The iniquitie of Cphzaimis* bound
bp; hts linne is hid.
13 The ſorrowes ofa trauailing woman
Wall come vpon him: be isan vnwiſe fonie,
elſe would he not Mand ſtill at the time, euen
at tiei breaking forth of the children.
14 Iwillredeeme them from the power
of the graue: J wildeliuer them fromBeath;
D * death, 3 wil bee thy death: D graue, 3)
will be thy Deltruction;! repentance is Hid burcuenindeath —
from mine eyes. vill he giue ihem
15 Though hee grow vp among his bꝛe⸗ life, Ar
threit,an Catt winde fhalt come, cuen the 1 Becaufethey
winde of the Loe hallcome vp from the willnot cumeto
wilderneſſe, cSRate vp his peine, and his me, willnor
fountaine Wall bee dryed vp: he fall pople change my pure
the treaſure of all pleaſant veffcls. pote,
a The defiruGionof Samaria 2 Heexhoreeth
Maeltoturne to God, whe requireth prayfe and
S Amaria hall be deſdlate:ſor fhe hath re»
~) belied againſt her God: they wall fall by
the (wo2d: their infants Mall bee Dated in
pieces and their women with chide hall be
2 DFfrael,* returne vnto the Loz thy
God:foz thou haft talen by thine iniquitie.
3. Cake vnto pou wordes, and turne to
the £ ond, and fay unto bin, Cake away all
tuiquitie, and receiue vs gractonflp: (o will
we render the caluesofour slips.
4 Albur Hal ‘not lane vs: neither will
tuee ribe vpon horſes: neither will wee fay
any more to the worke ofour hands, Vece are
out 6303 foz in chee toe katherleſſe Anderh
© F will heale their rebellion: J will
lone them freely; foz mine angcristarned
away from him.
a Heexhorteth
them to repen-
tance,to auoide
all thefe plagues,
willing them to
declare by words —
their obedience `
b Hetheweth
them,how they
ought to confeffe
their finnes,
c Declaring,that
this is the true ſa⸗
crifice that the
6 Furwillbee as the deaw vnto Pirats faithiwilcanof- |
hee Wall growe as the lillie, and faſten bis fer, euen thankes
and praife Heb.
13.15. d Wewillleaue off all vaine confidence snd pride, e Hee
declareth how ready God is to receiue thenithat doc repent,
ioyne themfelues
to this people,
fhall be blefied,
a Signifying,
the Princes, the
Priefts, and the
b Hecalleth the
Iewes to thecon-
fidcration of-
Gods iudgemcn:s
who had now
plagued the
fruites ofthe
ground forthe
{pace of foure
yeeres, which was
fortheir finnes,
and to call them
to repentance.
c Meuning,that
the occafion of
their excefleand
was taken away,
d This was an
other plague
wherewith God
bad punifhed
tbem, whenhe
ftirred vp the AÑ-
fyrians againtt
e Mourne gric-
noufly as a wo-
man which hath
loft her husband,
to whom (hee
hath bene marri-
ed in her youth.
F Thetokens
of Gods wrath
didappearein his
— drought. Gods
rostes as the trees of Lebanon. t
7 His beanches Whati pead, and bis
beautie Waite as the oltue trecand his {mel
as Lebanon. j
8 Thep that Dwell ynder his f Madow
Mall returne :thep Wall reutue asthe cone,
and flouri as the vine : the fent chereot
thalbeas the wine of Lebanon.
9 Ephzatin hall fy, «ras Ie woe of the Lome that
eame 1p Joel the fonne of Pe⸗
SN 2 Heare pee this, D* Cle
i Core Gy ders, and hearken, allpee in⸗
= habitants of the land, whe-
thert fuch a thing bath bene in pour Daypes,
o2 pet in the Dapes of pour fathers.
3 Tell pou pour childzen of tt, and let
pour chtlozen fhewe ta their childzen, and
their childzente another generation.
4 Ghat which ts left of the palmer
wozme, bath che grafhopper eaten , and the
reſdue of the gralbopper bath the canker
worme eaten, and the retur of the canker
wozme hath the caterpular eaten.
§ Awake pee Day of Darkenelfe, and of blacke hand, except
neffe,a Day of cloudes,and obfcuritie, as tie theyrepent.
moming ſpread vpon the mountaines fois b Ofaffi&ion
fyere ac great people.and a mightie: there and trouble.
mae panes from 7 — nti: c Meaning, the
cany moze alterit, vnto the peres Afyrians,
of many generations, j : ae as
3 4
h He ſhewech
that the onely
meanesto auoid
Gods wrath,and
to haue sll things
reftored,is vnfei«
ned repentance,
Torentthe heart.
3 AfireBeusureth before him, and behind
him a flame burneth vp: the landeisas the
d The enemy garden of d Enenbefoze him, tbebind hima
deſtroyeth our Delolate wilderneſſe, fo that nothing fall
plentifullcoun- efcape bint.
trey,wherefocucr 4 The beholding of him islike the fight
hecomme:h, of Holes, g like the hoꝛſmen, fo (hal they run.
§ Like the notle of charets in the toppes
of the mountapnes Mall they leave, like the
noyſe of a flameof fice that deuoureth the
ttubble, andaga mighty people prepared ta
the battell.
; 6 Before his face Mal the people tremble:
e They thall bee all faces ¢ Hall gather blackuefte.
paleand blake 7 They ſhalrun like ſtrong men,and goe
forfeare,asNa- bp ta the waillike men ofwarre, and curry
um 2.10, man Hall go fezward tn his waies,and they
f Fernonefhall fall not fay tn their paths. :
beable torefit 8 Meither Wall oe! thut another, but
them, euery one (hal walkein Dis path: and when
g Readeverfes they fall upon the ſworde, they Wall not bee
2.3randifa.rz. wounded, j ;
10. ezek. 32.7. 9 Thep ſhall runne to and fro in the city:
chap. 3.05.mat. they Wall runne vpon the wall: they thalj
24.29. clime Dp vpon the houſes and enter mat the
h TheLordthall windowes like the theefe. J
ftirre vp the Af- Io The earth hall tremble before him,
fytians toexes -the heanens Hall hake, thes ſunne andthe
cute hisiudge- moone thallbeeDarke, and the ftarres Wall
ments. Withdraw their ſhining.
ID And the £020 hall * vtter bis veice be-
fore his hofte : foz his bote is verpareat: Foz
i Mortificyour heis {trong that Dota his word: *fo2 tije Day
affe&ions and of the Loꝛde is great and verp terrible, and
ferue God with wwhocanabtocit? J
purenesof heart, 12 Therekoꝛe alſo now the Lorde ſayeth,
and not withce- Turne youn vnto me with all pour heart, and
remonies, with failing, and with weeping, and with
k He fpeaketh monrning.
this to fiirre vp 13 Anñd irent pour heart, and not pour
their fouthful- clothes an turne unto the L020 pour God,
nes,andnotthae foꝛ bets gracious and merciful, law to an=
hedoubted of. get.andofareat kindnes, and repenteth him
Godsmercies,if ofthe euil. ; i
they did repent. 14 Cio knoweth, ihe will treturne and
How Godrepen- repent and leave a bleſſing behind him, euen
-tethreadeler, a meate offering, and a inke offering vnto
18.8. the Lom pour Goa? Ye
l Thatas alhaue 15 ‘Blow the trumptt in Zion, ſanctiſfie a
finned, fo all may Faft,calla folcinneaflembly.
fhewforth fignes I6 Gather the people: fanctific the Con:
oftheir repen- gregation gather the Elders: affeinble the
tance,thatmen 'chtldzen. € thole that ſucke the bacattes: tet
Ier. 30 7 amos $.
W8.zepiy. Tig.
feeingthechil- thebzidegraine go forth of hts chamber, and
drenwhichare- the mide ont of her bane chamber.
notfreeftoGods 17 Let the Pꝛieſtes the miniſters of the
wrath, might be Loz weepe betweene the porch and the al-
themoreliuely tar, and let theim fap, Spare thp people, D
touched withthe Lepe, and giue not thine heritage into res
confideration of pꝛoch that the heathẽ Gould rule ouer then,
their owne finnes. Aherefoꝛe ſhould they fay among the pros
Pfal 79.10. plenere ts thety God 7 f
m Ifchey repent, 13 Then wull the Lord bre ™ iealous oner
he fheweth that bis land, and [pare bis people.
Godwillpreferue 19 Dea,the Lozd will aniwere, ¢ fap vnto
and defend them his peopie, Seyoly, F wil (cud pou corne and
withamoftsr. wiue, aud oyle ant pou Wal be (atiifed thers
dent sfeGion, with; and wil no more make pou a repuoch
n Thatisthe among the heather.
Affyrians your 20 But J will remone farre off from pou
encmics, the» fopehzrewarmie, aud J wil Dine hun
Chap. iij.
pillars of ſmoke.
and in Jerulatem,thalbe Deliucrance, as the
o Called the falt
fea, or Perfian
fea: meaning,that
though hisarmie
were lo greer, that
it filled all from
this fea to the fea
called Mediter-
raneum, yet he
would {catter
p: That is, fuchas
fhould come by
iuft meaſure, and
as Was Woont to
e fent when
God was recon-
ciled with them,
Leuit.36-4. deut
q That isin grea-
ter abundance, &
more generally
then in time paft;
The day ofthe Lord.
into a lande, batren and deſolate, with bis
face toward the o Eaſt fea, and bis enbe to
the vtmoſt feg, and bis tinke Mall come vp,
and his cogruption hall afcend, becaule hee
hath exalted bimlelfe to Doe this. à
_ 21 Feare not, land,but be glad and re-
topce : fo? the Lord will dee great things.
22 Bee not atratd,pee beatts of the fielo:
fo: the pattures of the wildernes are greene;
foz the tree beareth herfrnit: the figge tree
and the vine Doe gine their force.
33 Be glad then ye chilen of sien, and
reioyce inthe Loud pour Gods Foz hee hath
giuen pou theraine ofr righteoulies, * and
he wil caule to come Down foz pou the raine,
cuen the frh ratne, and the latter raine tn
the frit moneth.
24 And the barnes Ahall be ful of wheate,
and the peeffes hal abound with wine & oile.
25 And J will render pou the peeres that
the grafhopper hath eaten, the canker worn
and the caterpiller, and the palmer wouie,
my great hoite which J fent amang vou.
26 Hoyou Yall cate and be latife, and
praile the fame of the Lod pour God, that
hath Dealt maruetlouily with pou; andany & chiswas fu'fil-
people Wall neuer be ahamen. < led vnder Chrift,
27 Pee ſhall alſo knowe that J am in the when as Gods
mids of Iſrael, and that Jam the Lord pour gracesandhis _
God, and none other, and my people hall Spirit vnder the
neuer be ahamed, Gofpel was abune
28 Andafterward wil J powze out amy dantly giuen to
Spirit vpon all fie: and pour tonnes and the Church, Ifa, '
pour daughters (hal prophelte: pour ala men 44.3. a&2.17,
Mail Deane Breames 5 and pour yong meh ohn 7.38,39.
fhall (ee vifions. r As they had vi.
29 Aud alfo vpon the feruants,and upon fions & dreames
the mayves in thole dayes will F powe my inoldetime, fo
Spirit. fhall they now
30 And J wil Hew wonders inthe Hea. baue clearer re-
ucis and in the earth: blood and fire, and uclations.
{ He warneththe
faithfull what
terrible things
thould come,to
the iritent that
they fhould not
looke for conti-
Loꝛrd hath favd,and in the svemnant, whom nuall quietneffe
the Low ihalltall. in this world,and
troubles he would preferuethem. t Theorderof nature thal feeme |
to be changed for the horible affliGions that ſhall bee inthe world,
Ifa. 13.10, ezek. 33.7. chap.3.15, marth,24,29, uw Gods judge-
ments are for the de ftruction of the infidels, and to mooue the god-
ly co call vpon the Name of God, who will gine them faluation.
x Meaning hereby the Gentiles, Rom. 10.13.
C HACA Po kis
Of the iudzement of God againſt the enemies of
his people, š
pe behold, in thoi Bayes, and —5 — a When Tfhall’
time, when F hall being againethe tap. deliver my
tiuitie of Judah and Jerufalem, << Church,which
2e J| will alfo gather all nations, and ftandeth ofthe
will bing them Downe into the byattey Of Tewes and of
the Gentiles,
b It appeareth that heealludeth torhat great viGorie of Iehofha-
phat, when as God without mans helpe deftroyed the erensics, 2
Chron.20.26. alfo hee hath refpe@ to this word Iehofhaphat , which
fignifiech pleading, or.iudgement, becaufe Gad wold indge the ¢>
nemies of bis Church as he did there, ‘a
ZL The ¢ (anne Halbe turned into Darke:
neſſe, and the moone into blood, before the
great and terrible Day of the Lod come.
32 But wholoeuer ſhal calinon the fame
of the Loud, albe ſaued: for in mount Zion
iat a ——
Againſt the enemies of the Church.
« That whichthe Jehoſhaphat,
enemie gate for
the fale of my
- ‘people, he be-
{towed vpon kart-
lots and drinke.
d He taketh the
caufe of his
Church in hand
againit the ene-
mi¢,as though
the iniurie were
doneto himfelfs,
e Haue ldone
you wrong that
yee will render
me the like?
f For afterward
God fold them
‘by Nebuchad-
nezzar, and A-
lexander the
great forthe louc
he bare to bis
_ people, and ther-
by they were .
comforted as
though the price’
had bene theirs,
g When I {hall
execute my iudg-
meats againit
mine enemis, t
will caufecucry
one robe ready,
and to prepare
their weapons to round about:
deftray onc an-
other for my
Charct. fake,
a Which was a
sswnefixe milcs
from lerufalem
and will please with them
there'toz my people, and fo: mtueheritage
Iſtael, whom they pane teattereD among the
nations anD parted nip land. ©
3 Audrhephanecat lorsfozmy people,
€hatie gtuenthechilac< Toz theharlor, g told
tie girſe fo: wine, that they might drinke⸗
4 Pea, and? what bane you to Doe with
me, D Tprus and Hidon,and all the coatts
of Paleltina? well pee render me © a recom-
pen(e? andifpecrecompente ime, Mwiftlyand
tpeedilp will J render pour recompenie vp-
‘on pout head.
5 dio: vee gaue taken my ſiluer and my
goide and have carted inte pour teniples mip
goodly and pleaſant things.
6 The childzen allo of Judah andthe
childzen of Jerutalem haue pou ſolde vnto
the Srectans, that ye might fend them farre
from their border.
7 WebolwW, F twi raie them ont ofthe
place where ye haue (old them, and will ren⸗
Der pour reward vpon your owne head.
8 And J will (cll pour fonnes and your
Daughters into the hand of the childsenot
Judah, aud they Matt el them to the Babes
ae, toa prople farre off; Tozthe Lozo bath
okentt. 3
jt Publiſh this among the Gentiles: pre
pare warre,wake bp the mightpmentet all
the menof warre Daw neere and come vp.
108 Beake pour plowfyares into ſwords,
and pout thes mto ſpeares: Ter the weake
fay.J an trong.
11 Attemble pane felines, any comeail pee
heathen, and gather your felues together
there thal the Lod cat owne
thy mightie men.
Iz Let the heathen bee wakened, and
coine vp to the valley of Ichoſhaphat: fz
arean Y lit to indge al the heathen reund
our. i
13 Put inyourh fityeg, forthe haruek ts
tipe: conie, get you Downe , for thewine-
preile ts full: pea, the wine paciles runneo-
uer, for their wickeonefie is great.
14 D mukiti D multitude, come into
the valley of theming: foz the Dapofthe
Lordis neere inthe vallepotihehing.
15 The ſunne g moone falve Darkeng,
AND the ſtarres Hall withdraw their light.
16 The Loyd alto thallroare out of Zion,
‘AND Biter his voice from Ferulalent,and the
heauens andthe earth Wall hake, but the
‘LoD willbe the hope! of his people, andthe
ſtrength of the chtldzen of Iſtael.
17 So hail pee know that F am the Lord
pour®od dwelling tn Fron, mine holy moun:
taine: then Wali Zerulatem bee holp, and
there (hall no ſtrangers go thorow her any
18 Andin that day Hall the mountaines
1 Drop Dowie new wine, and the hilles Hall
flow with milke, and ali the riuers of Judah
ſhall run with waters, and afountaine Hail
come forth of the bouleof the Lod, and ſhall
‘Water thevalley of Hbhittim.
Ig = Egypt hail bee wake, and Edom
ſhalbe a delolate wilderneſſe, for the tnturies
of the childzenof Judah , becaule they paue
ſhed innocent blood in theirland.
20 But Judah Hatt dwell fo: ener, and
Jeruſalem from generation toa generation.
21 For J will » clenſe their blood, that J
haue not cleanſed, and the Lozd will dwell
in zZion. 4
The harueſtripe. Damaſcus,
h Thushe hah
encourage the
their vicke neſe
is full tipe, to
deſtroy one am
other, which he’
calleth the yal-
ley of Gods
i God aflureth
his againft all
troubles bat
vhen hee de·
Rroyeth hisenes
mies, bis chil-
dren fhall be
k The firangers
(hall no more de-
ftroy his Church:
which if they doef
it isthe people
which by their
finnes make the
breach forthe —
1 Hepromifeth
to his Church
abundance of
Ezekiel 47.1.
which fhould
watet and come
fort the moſt
barren places,
Amos 9.13.
m The malicious enemies ſhall haueno part ofthis grace. n He
had ſuffered his Church hitherto to Jie intheir filthineffe, but nowe
promifeth to clenſe them and to make them pure ynto him,
@£ Amos.
Mong many other Prophets that God raifed va to admonith the Ifteelites of bis plagues for their
PA wiiekednetie-nd idolurie,he ftitred yp Amos, who was an herdmanor ſhepherd of a pooretowne,
and gaue him borh knowledge and conftanci¢ to reprooue al Jeroboam the
prophefiedin fonne of Joa king of Ilxael, two pere be-
Iftacl. foge thes earthquake.
b Inhisdayes 2 Aud hela, The Lord Gali roare from
the kingdome of 3i0n, and vtter bis voyce from Jeruſalem.
Ifracl did molt _ and the Dwelling places of the hepheardes
flouri(h. > ; }
e Which,as loſephus writeth, was when Vzziah would haue vfur-
ped the Priefts office, and therefore was fmitten with the leproſie.
finnes: which are
meant by three md foure which make feuen, becaufe the [fraclites
fhould the more deepely confider Gods iudgements toward them,
£ Ifthe Syrians fhall not bee {pared for committing this crueltiea-
gainitone citie, it is not poffible that Ifrael thoufd efcape punith-
ment, wbich hathcommitted fo many and gricuous finnes againft ,
Godandman, g Theantiquitieof their buildings (hall not avoid
my judgements, reade lerem,49.27. 7
Azzah,Tyrus,Edom Ammon, Moab, Chap. ijliij. Tudah and Ifraelare threatned. 343
J will breake alfo the barres of Da-
males, and cut df the inhabitant of Wike> wal
wt ath⸗ anen: and him that holdeth the Cepter
ont cf Beth-eden, and the people of Aram
h Tiglath Pile- fall goe tnto captiuitie vito > Kir, faith the
ferledtheSyri-” £020. t
anscaptive,and -6 Thusfapth the Lod, Foz three trant
brought themto greffions of A332), and top foure, 3) wilt nor
Cyrine,which be Tarne Colt, becaute thep ‘carted away piilo:
callethhere Kir, mers the whole captiuitie to Wut them up in
i They ioyned = Von.
themfelueswth 7 @herefore J will fend a fire vpon the
the Edomites walles-of Azzah, and tt bail deuoure the pas
their enemies, taces thereof.
which caried 8 Snd Iwill ent offthe inhabitant from
themaway cap- Aihdot, and Hin thar holdeth the (cepter
tines, © ' from Atkelon,and turne mine hand to Ek-
ron and the remnant of rhe Philiſtims Hall
Perth, laity rhe L620 God.
9 €Cbus faiti the Lord, Fu: theec tranſ⸗
k ForEfaw (of greſſtons of Cy2us, and foz foure, V writ not
whomcamethe turne toit, becante thep ut the whole cap>
Edomites) and fiilitte tn Edom, and haue not remembred
Jaakob were ` thek brotherly couenant.
b ethren: there- 10 Therelore will 3 fend a fee vpon the
forcthey ought walles of Tyꝛus, and tt Mat deuoure thepa-
tohaue admoni- lates thereof, _
fhedthé of their 11 Chus laith the Lord, Foz thee tranf-
brotherly friend- greſſions of Etom, and foz foure, J will not
fhip,andnotto tarne to it, becanle he did purſue its brother
haueprouoked with thelword; and did + calt off all pitie,
themtchatred. and his anger ſpoyled him cuermoze, and
PEbr. corrupt his His wrath watched biin 'altway.
compalfions. 12 Cherefore will J fenda fire vpon Te»
} Hewasacone man, and it ſhall Dewoure the palaces of
tinuall enemie Bo3rah. i
vito him. 13 € Thus fayeth the Lord, Fo: thece
m'He noreth the tranigteflions ot the childzen of Ammon,
grear crucltie of and foz foure, J will notturne to tc, becaute
the Ammonites, they m baue ript vp the women with child
tharfparednot ‘Of Gilead, that they might enlarge their
thewomen,but Dolder. s : i;
mof tyrannoufly 14 Gherefore will J kindi: a fire in the
tormented them, Wall of Rabbah, aud it hall deuoure the pa-
andyettheAm. laces thereof, with fhouting in the day of
monires came of batteli, and with atempett inthe Day of the
Lot, who was of whirlewind. a
thehoutholdof I5 And theit Ring hall goe inte captini-
Abraham, tie, hee and bis pinces together, faptij the
£00. —
Azainft Moab, Judah, and Ifrael.
THs (arth the 1020, Foꝛ three tranfgrel=
tions of Woab.and foz foure, Jwiſt not
a Forthe Moa- tt
bires were fo cru- King of Edom into lune. |
el againft the 2 Theretoze wil J fend afre vpon Po-
King of Edom, ab, and tt fhailDensure the palaces of Bitri-
that theyburnt oth, and Woab Wall Bie with tumult ; with
hisbonesafter fhowttug, and with the found ofa trumpet,
that he wasdeads 3 AndJ twill cut off the Judge out of the
which declared mtos thereof, and will flay alb tye princes
theirbarbarous thereof with him, ſaith the Lord. *
ragefecingthey 4Thus laith the Lord, Foz thzee trant:
would rcuenge grefftons of Judah; and koꝛ koure, > J will
themfeluesof | notturnetatt, becanſe they haue caſt away
the dead, ; the Law of the Lod, and hane not kept his
b Scengthe -| commandements, and their lies cauled chem
Gentilesthat — Latte
had not fo, farre knowledge, were thus punithed, Tudah,which was {o
fully inſtructed of the Lords will might not thinketo clcape.
turne ta tt,becanfe tt burnt thee bones ofthe.
to oaa after the which theter fathers bane
ake :
§ Cheree wiltfenda fire vpon Ju-
Day, and 1éhall deuoure the palaces of Jee
6 € Thus fayeth the Lord, Foz three
tranfarefions of¢ Piraci: and fe2fourr, J
will not turne to it, becauie they told the
righteous foz filner, @ the poore fez 4 fysoes,
É Thep gape ouer the bead of the poore
in the © uit of the earth, and peruert the
wayesofthemecke: anda mat ant hts fa-
ther wili goe in to a maid to diſhonour mine
boly frame.
8 Andtheplicdowne vpon clothes layd
to pledge! by enery attar ; and they 2 drinke
the wine of the condemned in rhe boule of
thett Gov. s :
9 Perdeftroyed J the * Amite before
them, whole bright twas like the height of
the cedats, and he was flrong as the okes +
noetwithitanding J Dettroped pts fruit from
aboue, and bis roote from beneath.
-Io lio J brought pou vp from theland
of Egypt, andes you fourtie peeres thozow
the wildernefie, to poſſeſſe the land of the
Amozite. $
II 2nd 3 railed vp of pour fonnes foz
TPophets,and ‘of pour yong men foz Naza⸗
tite. Jls it not euen thus, D pe chilozen of
Iſrael. yth the Lomm? `
12 But yee gaue the Mazarites wine to
Minke, and commanded the Prophets, lap:
ing, Pꝛophelie not,
13 Behold, J am * prefed vnder you, as
& Cart ts pꝛeſſed that ts full of ſheaues.
14 Therefore the flight hall perth from
the twit, andthe trong fhatl not ftreng-
pe force, neither Hallthe mighty faur
te life, yy
Is Mog heethat Handleth the bowe, hall
ftand , and hee that ts fiwtft of foore , Wail
not eſcape, netther Hail be that ridech the
porle, faue his life.
16 And be thatisofa mighty courage a:
mong the trong men, hall Aee away naked
in that dap, laity the Loz8.
any meanes,
He reproucth the houfe of Ifrael of ingratitude, .
11 forthe which God will pumfhthem, - _
HEr: this woꝛd that the Lord pronoun
ceth againſt you, D childzen of Flracl,
euen againtt the whole familie which J
bought vp from theland of Eayyt , faying,,
2. Pou 2 onely haue J knewen of ail the
kamilies of the earth: therefoze Jwill viute
pou foz all pour intquities.
3 Can two walke together erceptthep
be’ agreed? ; ; ;
4. llas lion roare in the forret, when
be bath no pray? 02 willa lyons whelpe cep Prophet fignih=
eth rbatue ſpea⸗
keth noto! hima
felfe but as God guideth and moouethhim,whichiscalled the - greed
c Will God threaten By
his Prophets,except thete be fome great occafion? ~
outofbis den ik he bane taken nothing:
ment betweene God andhis Prophets,
5 9 Gan
toward him, .,
i Yeecontemned my benefits, and abufed my graces, and craftily
went about co ftoppe the mouthes of my Propbers, K You haue
wearied me with your finnes, [fa.1.14. 1 None ſhall be delivered by
c fhe ſpare not
ludah vnto
wkom Fis pro-
miles were made
much more he
vall not fpare
this degenerate
d They «ftee-
med moft vile
bribesmore then
mens lives,
e Whenthey
hate fpoyled him-
and throwen him |
to the ground,
they gape for hit
f Thinking by-
thefe ceremonies,
that is, by facri-
ficing, and being
necré mine altar,
they may excule
all their other
g They fpoyle
others and offer
therof ynto- God.
thinking that hee
willdiufpenfe with
them, when hee is E
made partaker of
their iniquitie.
h The: deſu ucti⸗
on of their ene⸗
mies, & his mere
cietowardthem, |
fhould haue cau-
fed their hearts
to melt for loué
a Ihaveoncly @
chofen you to hen
mingamong ail —
other people andi
yet you haue forsi
faken me
b Hereby the
Airaels tranfgreflions.. .
d Canany thing , 4 Gan abiri fall ina {rare spon the
comewithout tarth where no fouler is 2 02 will de cake vp
Of drought andfamine, »
4 Come tod Bethel, and tranlgreſle: d Helpeakerh
toGilgal, and nuiltiplietrantgreffion, and this in contempt —
Gods proui- theefaare fromthe catty, and haug taken
dence? nothing at ali? i 4
e Shall his 6° D? ffpall a trumpet bee blowen in the .
threatningsbe Citit ana the people be notaftaide ? o? Mall
invaine? ~ - theres beeenili u a citie, ana the Lost path
f Shallthe Pro- Hot done it yip '
phetsthreaten,; 7 Butely the Lorde. God vill Doe no-
Godsiudg:-, , thing, buthe" renetleth bis. ſecret vnto dis
ments and the,
people not be
g Doeth dny
aducrhitie come
without Gods
_ appoyntment?
Ia.4 s: Feil 2;
h ad dealeth,
not with the If
raelites as hee
-doeth with other
. people : for he
- euer warneth
them.before of,
his plagues,by .
his Prophets,
i Becaufe the
‘people euer
murmured a-
Zainſt the Pro-
" phets,he (hew.
eththat Gods
Spirit mooued ©
phem fo to {peak
asthey did.
k Hecalleth the
ftrangers, as the
Phililtims aaa
Egyptians tebe
Eini of,
Gods iudgments
again{t the Irae-
-Ittes fortheir
f crueltie and op-
| gota
{eruants the Prophets. 2
8 Shetpon bach coared.: who will not
be afraid 2 Che Lord God hath ſpoken:who
tanbueipophelice = Vii
9 Pꝛoclaime in the k Aſhdod,
And in the palaces tu the land of Egypt, anð
fap, Ailembie pour ſelues Spon che mouii
, tatnes oF Samaria io behold the great tue
mults inthe mids thereof, and the oppreſſed
in the mits thereot. )
Io fozrthey kuow not todo right, faiti
the Lod; they toze vp violence, and robbe-
Tee? Ut hett palaces: «sage cic cue. suotls
Il Gherefare thus faith the Loyd Gad,
@n adurrfarte hal come ceuen found. about
thecountrey, and fail bing downe thy
ſtrength krom thee, and chp palaces halibe
{poyled. - siny ——
12 Thus lateth che Lorde, As the mep»
Heard taketh ~ aut ofthe mouth sf the Lyon
two leages.c2 a piece of an care: fo Hall the
childeen of Irael bee taken out that dwell
in Samariat the corner ok a bed, anv in
s Damalcus,as in a couth.
13 Weare audte life in the paue of Jaa
kob,fatth the 10210 Gon, the Gas of holies.
14 Surelxin the day that J Gall vitte
the traulgreſſions of Iſraet vpon him, F
Wi alto vilite the altars of Beth-el, andthe
hornes of the altar halbe boken off,and fall
to the ground. Ji ;
15. And F wil mite the winter boule with
thelammer beufe, and the boules of puozie
thalt perii, and the great boules thalbecon-
fumen, faith the Lod.
The fruit of their crueltie & theft appeareth by their great riches,
f which they hauein their houfes. m` When'the Lion hath’ fatiate
T his hunger,the thepheard findeth a legge,or a tip of an care,to ſhewe
{ thar the fheepe hauebene woried. n Where they thoughtto haue
a Thus he cal-
leththe princes
nd gouernours,
which being o-
with the great
abundance of
Gods benefits,
forate God,
and therefore
ve calleth them
y the name of
ealts and not
of men,
had a ſure hold, and to haue bene in fafety.
~Azainft the couernours of Samaria,
Her this wowe pee * Kine of Bahan,
that ate inthe motmtaine of Gamarta,
which opprelic the poore, & Deltrop the nee:
Dic, and thep fay te their maters Bring,
anD letug minke :
2 Che Lord God hath ſworne by his ho-
lineffe, that toe the Dapes hall come vpon
pou, that bee will rake you away with
c thoes and your pofterttic with fichhooks.
3 And pee hall goc our at the beaches,
enery kowe foꝛward: and pee ſhall caſt pour
lelues out of the palace faith the Lord.
They encourage fuch as haue authoritie ouerthe people,to powle |
them fo that they may haue profiteby it. ¢ Heealludethto fithers
hich catch fith by bookes and thornes,
bing pour factifices nthe moaning, & your
tithes alter thaccs yeceres. i
§. Andofter a thanketgiuing foficanen,
publi} and pzoctatme the tree offerings sfo?
this slikethyou, D pee childzen of Jiraci
faith the Lord Good. *
6. And therefore haue Jgiuen pourclean-
neſſe af tceth in all potir cities, and ſcarce·
nche of bead in all your places, pet haue pe
noc- returned vnto me, laiththe Lod.
7, Andallo J baue withhoiven the raine
fróni pou, when there were pet thee imo-
neths tothe harueſt, and Icauſed ĩt te raine
vpon oue cifte, and baue not cauſed it to
raine bpon auother citie: onepicce was rat
Ned vpon, and the piece whereupon tf rained
notwithered. o
> 8, DHatwoorthzee cities wandered vnto
One titie,te dinke Water, but they were not
fatuied : pet haue pe not returned vuta mi,
faith the Lord, a y 7 abs This
~o 3 hatte mitten pou with blatting,and
AnilDews pour great gardens. and pour pines
parna, and pout figge trees, and your oliue
tees did the paliner worme deuoure;: pet
hate yo not returned vnto me, laith the Lo:
Io Peſtilence haue J fent among. pou,
after the manerof ! Egypt your poug men
aue J] flaine with the two2d, and batie ta-
kent away your bolts: and haue mabe the
{tinke of paur tents to come bp euen tito
pout noſtrels: pet haue ye not returned vnto
me faith the Low, EA
IL J haue ouerthro wen port, as God o-
nerthzew Sonome- and Gomozah: ahd yee
‘pereasa™ tirebꝛand pluckt out ot the bur-
ntug, yet bane ye not returned vuto me, laith
the Loo, 7 ——
. 12 Therefore thus will J Doe pnto thee,
OHltact : and becaule Jwill doe this vnto
thee,prepareto meet thy Gon, D FIiracl.
3 Foz t,he that foumerh the monnfains,
and createth the winde, and Declareth onto
man whatis his thought: which maketh the
moming darkeneſſe, aud walketh vpon the
bigh places ofthecarth, the Loꝛde God of
$oitesis jis Mane. A
n y Cc H P, V.
A lamentation for the captiuitie of Ifrael.
H Care pe thts word, whith J litt vp vp»
on yon, cucn a lamentation of the boule
of Jiad 7 Rite
2 Che virgine Iſrael is fallen,and hal
nomozerife ; ſhe is left vpon her hand, and
there is none to raile her vp.
3. Forhus taith the Lord God, The ci-
te which went out by a thouſand, Hatt leaut
ant hundreth and that which went koorth
byanhuntzeth, Wall leaue ten to the houſe
of Iſtael.
4 Fortine faith the Lord unto the houle
of Iſrael Seeke ve me, and pe ſhallliue.
5 Wutfeeke not Bech el, nor enter into
eStleal,and gag not to Beer ſhebat for Gib
gal hall go into captinitic,and Beth el chall
come to nought.
6 Seckethe Lod, and pe malline tet he
hout of God : thereforehe faith that thefe
. We. betake
cf them which
referted to thefe
places, thinking ,
that their. great
deuotió & good
bene fufficient ~
to hauc bound —
God vnte them.
e Reade Deut,
EEA ue thors As
f AsLenit.7. 13.
g You onely de-
lite in thefe outs
ward ectemonies
and have none ~
other refpect.
h Thatis, lacke
ofbread and
Meite En rodys
iT ftayed § raine
til the fruits of ~
the earth were
deftroyed with
drouth,and yet
you would not
confides it To ree
turnetomeby | *
k They could re
not finde water £
ynough where `
they had heard *
fay ithad rained,
1 AsI plagued ©
the Egyptians,
Exod 9,10, |
m You were al-
moftall coniu- .
med,and a few of
you wonderfully
n Turne to him
by repentance. —
a Hefo calleth -
them, becauſe
they boated
of therafelues, or
becaufe they
were piuen to ;
wautonneffe and
daintinefie,, °
b Meaning, tbat
the rcnth part |
fhould fcarcely `
c Inthefe places
they worfhipped
new idoles which
aforetime ferued
for the true bos
fhall not faue them.
| Lolieshe-ghewts sniene biewereil Chapi vier. J yd Nerie lamenteth Iofeph., 344
s e
if) boOeolL i boeake oꝛt like fretnthebonohFoatcph, fpourgodewhtelh ye made toyour felues,
d dn Read-of >) anadenoureityand tyerebenonetagquencl) °.27 Cherefore will D caute von toga int
iudgementands. ìt in Berbek i o isengo uty beyond Damalcus faith the Lord
equity, they exe- 107 They turne 4tudgement to wone whoſe Mamisis the God ot bolts, i
Cute crucity and wood, st leaue ofſfrighteoũſnes tn the earth. — iene in
oppreilion, - 8 Des maketh Pleiades and Oꝛion, and . CB A PoV- ei —
e! He-ecferibeth’ He turneththe Hanow of death intathe moze Mainſt the proaces of Lfrachtming inpleaſure.
the powerof . ning,andije makcelithe Bay Vark as ntght: y J Derteathemthatareat caſe in Zien, 2 The Prophet
God lobe. be calieth thewatersof the tca,and powꝛeth V and truf in the monntaine of Gas threatnethtne
E Theyhatethe. them dut vpon the oponearth: the Logdess Maria, > which were famous at the begin. wealthy,which
Prophetsywhich. pts name, rd J. Ning ofthe nations ; and the joule of irae, T garded not
reprouctiemin <0 iefrengtheneththederopcragain® came to them . RENES Gods plaguesnor
the open aſſem⸗ the mighty: andthe deſtroyer watl come a o2 Soe von vnte Caluch, and ſee: and Menacesdy bis
blics. i gaint the forene. Tala! from thence goe ponte Yamath the great; Prophets.
g Yetakeboth 10 Chephauchateahim,f thatrebuked then gocdowie fo Gath of the Philutims b Thefe twoci-
hismoneyand inthe gate: and they abhorred pim that bee ethep beater chen thelekingdomes ? g} ties were firmous
alfo bis foode peakcih vprighti ce hodder ot chetrlands greareethenyour by their fa
wherewith he i. Foradunchthen as pour treading is babit, : ' habitants thé
fhould liue. bpon the pome, and s ye take from Dimburs - 3 Deethat putfarre awarthe deuil dap, naanitcs:and ſec⸗
b God wil fo Dens of wheat, ye bauebullthoules offewen and appzoch tothe Latofiniquity? ing before time
plague them, ſtonẽ biit ye hall not dwell in them: ye haue = 4 Thep lye vpon beds of puozy; g ſtretch they did nothing ~
that they hall not planted plealant vincparas, but petall nor themſelues vpon their beddes, aud eate rhe auaile them that
futferthegodly derinke wine otfthem. IR dai caD lambesof the flocke, and the calucs out of were there borne,’
oucetoopen > -I2 for’ knoweyousananifolve tran] (efail. ; staot doai i why fhould'you *
their mouthes to⸗ —— finnessthepafe 5They ing fo the foundof the viole: Jooke chatthey ©’
admoniththem’ fitcethe tuit they rake rewards,and they op · they inuentto themleines inftrumentes of: (houldRucyou '
oftheir faults, ppꝛeſſe the peore tn the gate. : mulicke like Dani which were j
i Sothatallde- 13 Eherefore the prudent Haltheepe fit , 6 Chey minke winein bowles,eanovnt brought into ~
grees thallhaue lencein that time, fo: it is an euill time. theinſelues with the chiefe oyntments, but dweliinocher 9 _
matteriof lamen⸗ 14 Secke good and not enil, that ye may noman is! fo forthe aftliction of Jofeph. mens pollen i j
tation for ther ‘lines andthe £02 Gow of hots fhaibe with 7 Wherctorenow hall theygoecavtiue ons. 2» E
greacplapués. pomas you baue ſpken. VVitth the firk that gopcaptineande thefog~ic ifGodhaue >
kK. Thoshec fpew 15 Ware the cute louc the goon and eſta· row of them that ſtretched themlelues, is at deftroyedithefe. t —
keth becaufe the biH iudgement in the gatertcmayberbat band. Fiian a- excélenteities >
wicked & hypo- the Lazd Gad of hoſts will bewceciiuivuta: 8 » The Lod Gon hath ſworne by him · in cthreediticrs
critesfaydthey’: the remnant of Jofeph. felfe faith the Lord God of hoites, Jj abjoare kingdomesas —
werecontentto 16 Cherefore the Lozd.Govofhoftes,the: i the excellencis of Jaakob.and hate his, par it Babylon,Sy- | f
avideGods iudg~ Lezd ſayeth thug: Mourning thoHbeinall, laces: therefore will J veliuer vp the citie riaandofthe =|
mentswherezs >` ityeetes: and they {hall fayinall.thebigh with el that is therein © © Pbibftimsjand 17
the godly-treny«' wayes, Alas alas; Etbevibalcalithe bul —9 Avi these remaine fen men in oue bach brought ~~
ble and feare, © 2 bandman tolamtentation, and uch as can; houle, they Maitdte, ; “yy jtheit-wide bors) 2 |
Tere. 30.7: ioel.ꝛ. mourne to mouxning. 10 And his yncle * Haltake him bp and ders intoageeas >
2,suzephe,- . 17, Andinallebevines halbe lamenta⸗ burhe hiin to carry out the bones out ot the cer ſiraitneũ
gE Ss tion > for F will palle thozow thee; fapth tbe; bouie s aud chaltſfay vnto him that is by the thenyoursare 1 J
Eecauſe ye haue Loꝛdꝛ2ö. oar a, l Aego theboul, Is there pet any with yet, thinkeyous Af
cormpsed my) 13 Coc vnto pou,that* delivethe day of, thee? And he alap fane. Chen thall bento beberter, or | L
——— the Loyd; what haue vouto doe with it · che fay,~ V810 thy tongue doe wee may not re· to eſccpeeee
rem meobſtinate Bay of the Lo di⸗ Darknelle and not ight... member theame ofthe LoD. d Yerbarconti-> H
in your vices,If@, 19 As it a man did flee Froma iyon and, “11 Forbehotld,the Lord commandeth, and nde fillin yours? M
n ieremg: o -A bearemet himo went into the houſe, and be will inite the great poule with bracyess:wickednefieandar ~
Iovio odor. 5 kanedhishanvon the wali, anda ſerpent and tjel flé Houle with clefts. Str thinketthar'Gods| `
m Doe .yourdu- bit Dim. POR 503 Fg < “12° AYM hoꝛſes a tuhne pon the rocke 2 plagnesarenot |
tieto God andto: 20Shall not the day of the Lerde bce, op willanue plowethercruith oren ¢ foz pee athand,jburgive |
youtnéighbour, > Barmera age Mabe cgubnpar hues and’ alte turned u dzement dite gall, ana che yeur feluestoall’ 1
afi 0ye Gall·no light int E AA AN aA anid ionn suht iydleneffejwanton=s M
feele his grace; 21 I hate & abhorre yaur feat aics,and, nele and syot.. e Ashe caufeddiuers kindes of iniruments rabe-
plenufully, ifyou: J] willsiot Gunell tn pour folemiucaiiciblics,. madetoferbe Gods glory, forhele did contend torinuentias: manyto W
fhewyoprabuny, .22 Though vouoffer me burnt offerings feme their wenton ali Gions-and lultessy f; ‘They pitied not their 4
dant affeGions,.. and meat offcings,! J wil Hot accept them; brethren,wheteof now mahy wereflayne, and caryed away captiue. Ii
aceardingto. .., neither will $ regara the piatt oſterings of g., Somereade, the ioy-of them that ftierch themfelues(halldepart.”
Godsward.,, pout fat beats· Fonnes ondi gam B Reade lerem sida, ida; Thatis,therichesand pompeo k: The: |
n Lhgtidole..... “23, ze thon ay y Feoth nesthe multt. deſtruct on fhalbe fo gréat,that none almoft thal beetelt tò buryrhes
which you cnee tide thy [engs Ç 02 3 will Not beare the. dead : .andtberefore theythall bucnetkem athon-e, tocary cutthe>
mediasyour,. .mclodyofthpytols.). ey burnratheswith moreeafe: ; 1 Thavis,co Somencighbour thatdwel~) ©
King,and caried. 24 AnvBlet iudgement runne downe as lcthrounde abont: m They fhall be © aftoniea at this deiuucci
aow asyoudid s ™ waters, g righteduſnes a3 aunghty riter on hat they thall nomor boal of thenameof Goi,andehst they:
Chiun, inthe: is 25 Wane ye sired vnto me facrtfices ann: are hispeople.s-turthey thalbedumbe when they heare Geds Names) Hi
vajan inane a ORerings in the wildernec forthe verres. O and abhoste. it, p as they-that aredefperate or reprobate, -h. Hees |
you thoug thas, DONE DF IARU S e A E i g poapoa tockes whereupon j¢isin vayne to beat
therewaracce 26 . paubaneb ne Fe Row labous s. th
caine duuincy. king eCytun your tmanerand the karrg oE, ems o ~
eming at, Godsbenelits can haud no placeamong.
Petia’ D Diy E T
if he Prophet accufed. Amaziahscounfell: Amos.
o ReadeChap. fruit of righteouſneſſe into ° wormewood.
p That ts, power
and glory.
q From one cor.
ner of the coun-
trey. to another.
aTo deuoure the
land: and heallu-
deth co the inua-
` ding of the ene-
b-After the pub-
like commande-
ment for mowing
was giuen: or as
the Kings fheepe
were horne,
c Thatis, {tayed
this plague at my
-d Mzaning, that
Gods indignatio
_ Was inflamed a-
ainft the ftub-
urnneffe of this
€ Signifying,that
_ thisthouldbeche {inge taith a line in bis band.
daft meafuring of
the people,and what
thar he would
'déferre his iudge-
ment no longer,
-f Toatis,when
` Amos had pro-
pheſied that the
_ King thould be
deftroyed: for
thiswicked pricft
more for hatred
he bare to the
Prophet, then for
loue towatd the
king, thought this
acculation fufii
cient to condemn
him, wheras none
other couldcake
g. When this in-
{trument of Satan
was norable to
compaſſe his pur-
pol: by the king,
he affayed by a-
nother pra@ife:
that was,to teare
£ I3 De retopcee ina thing of nought: pee
fay, Haue we not gotten vg P hones bp ous
owne (trength? i 4
14 But beholde, J will raile vp againſt
you a nation, D houle of Firael,laveth the
LozdGud of hoite;and they Hat aftlict pats
from the entring inof Mamath unto the
ruer of the veilderneſſe. -
God fheweth certame viftons, whereby hee fig-
sifieth the deſtruction of the pesple of Ifrael, 10
The falfe accufation of Amarsah. 123 His craf-
ty counfell.
T, Vus hath the Looe God MHewed vnto
Hie, and behold, he formed a graſhoppers
inthe beginning of the hooting vp ofthe
latter growth: and loe, it wasin the latter
growth v after the kings mowing.
2 And when they pad made an ende of
eating the graſſe of the land, then J fapa, D
Lod God, ipare, I belcech thee: who hall
raile bp Jaakob ? foz he is ſmall.
3 Sothe Lorde repented for this. Jie wal
not ve faith the Loo, ~
4 ¶ Thus allo hath the Loyd God Hew’
ed vnto me,and behold, the LordGod cailed
to iudgement by fire: 4 and tt Deuoured the
great Deepe,and did cate vp a part:
S henlayd J, D Love God, ceale, J
beleech thees who tall ratie vy Jaakob? foz
be is tinall. ;
6 So the Lozd repented fo: this. This al-
fo hall not be,taith the Lod Goa.
7 © Thus againe hee Hewed me, and bee
bolde, the Lord Rood vpon a wall made by
8 And the Lord fide vnto mee, Amos;
fect thou? And J lavd, a liue Chen
{apne the Lord, Beholde, F will (ct aline in
the mids of my people Iſrael, and wili yaffe
by them no maze. rs
9 Ana the hie places of Jhak Halbe De-
folate,t the temples of Iſrael thalbe deftrots
ed; and F wil rite agatnit the houſe of Jero·
boam with thefwozd,
Io Qf Then Amasziah p Priel of Bethel,
fent to Jeroboam king of {rael,faying, A»
mos hath colpired againit chee nthe mids
of the boule of Jirael: the lande ts not able
to beare all bis woms. ee
AL fox thus Amos faith, Jeroboam thal
Diebp the ſword, and Iſtael thalbe ted away
captiue out of their owne land.
12 Ailoe Amasziah fayd vnto Amos, D'
thou the Deer, goe, flee thou away into the
iland of Judah and there vate thy bead and
prophefie there.
13 Dut prꝛopheſie no mere at Beth-el: foz
itis the kings chappel, and tris the kings
14 Then anlwered Amos,and {aid to g-
maziah. J] was no Pꝛophet, neither was
J a Prophets fonne, but J was an heard.
Man, and a gatheret of wild figs.
the Prophet, that hee might depart and not reprooue their idolatri¢
there op uly, and fo hindey his profit. h! Thushe tleweth bv bis ex-.
trao:dinarie vocation, that God bath giuen him a charge which hee
muft needs execute,
1s And the Lord tooke meas J followed
the flocke,and the Lom fayb. vnto me, Boe,
pꝛophelie vnto my people Iſrael.
16 ow therefore heare thou the two of
the Lod. Chon fait, Propbhelicnot against
by —— ſpeak nothing againit rhe boule
17 Therefore thus fayth the Lord, Thy
wike hall be an harlot in the citie, and thy
tonnes and thy Daughters fhall ‘fall by the
ſword, and tby land thall be diuided by line:
and thou halt dye in a polluted lande, and
Iſraei thal ſurely gog into captinity toozty
of his land.
rı Againft the rulers of Ifrael 9 The Lord
[weareth. 15 The famine of the word of God.
Tos hath the Lorde God ſhewed vnto
me,€ bebold,a baſket of ſummer frutt,
2 And bee lapo, Amos, what eeft thau ?
And J layde, Abalket of ummer⸗ fenit.
hen layd the Lorde vncome, Che enve is
come Upon my people of Jirael, J will paſſe
by them no moze.
3 And the fongs ofthe Cemple hall be
bowlings in that Day,fapeth the Lod God;
Many Dead bodies halb: in every placesthep
hall cat chem fozth with tilence.
‘4 Peate this, D pe chat fwatlow vp the
pooze, that yee map make the needy ot the.
lana to fayle, ;
S Daping, CAhen will the 4 new moneth
be gone, that wee may ilellcoane? and the
DHabbath, that we may (et forth wheat, and
makecthe€phah ſmal, and che hekel great,
and faltifie the waights by Deceit?
6 Chat we may buy tye pooꝛe faz fluer,
and the needy for ſhooes: pea,and fell the
retule of the wheat?
7 The Lom hath ſworne by the excellen·
cte of Jaakob Surely 3) wel neuer forget a⸗
uy of their works. y
8 Sbal noc cheland tremble foz this? and
cuctpone mourne, that Diwelleth therein 2
andit ball rife pp wWholtp as a flood, and it
— caſt out,and downed as by the floed
ot Egypt.
9 Andin that day, fayeth the Lord God,
Jwil euen caule the sunne to goe Dowue at
noone; and JZ wil darken the earth in the
cleare Day. f
10 Gnd J will turne your feaftes into: —
mourning, ¢ allpour fongs into lamentatiõ:
and J will bꝛing fackeclorh vpon atilopacs,
and baldneſſe bpon euery head: and J twill
make it as the mourning of an onely ſonne
and the end thereofas a bitter day.
11 Behold, the Dates come, faith the Lord:
God that J will fend a famine in chelanve,
nota tamine of bread, 102 a
but of hearing the word of the Lod. -
12 And they Hal wander from (ea te fea,
and from themerth euen vnto the Catt thal
they rnnto and fro to ſeeke the *wozd of the
Loꝛd, and hall not find it.
13 Ju that day hal the faire virgins and.
thal not only perifhin body, but alfo in foule
they |
word,which isthe foodthereof,
thitit foz water, -
His reward. Famine of the word.
i Thus God vfeg
to approuethe ©
authority of his
Prophets by his
plagues & iudgee
ments againfi thé
which were malis
cious enemies,’
lera8.12. & 29,
2152 this day
he doeth ag⸗ inſt
them that perfe-
cute'the minifters
of his Gofpel,
a Which fignifie
ed the ripeneffe
oftheir bnnes, &
the readinefle of
Gods iudgmentss
b There thalbe
none Icft to
mourne for
i thems, i
c By ſtay ing the :
faleot food and.
neceflacy things |
which you haue
gotten into your
ownehands, & fo
caufethe poore <
to {pend quickly
that litle that
they haue, and at
length tor necefs'
fitie to become
your flaues.
d When the
dearth was once >
come,cthey were
fo greedyof ©:
gaine, thar they
thought che holy
day to be an hinə
derance vnto
them, j
e Thatisshe et
the price great, *
.f That is, the in-
habitants of the
Jand fhall bee
drowned,as Ni-
lus drownieth
many vᷣhen it o `
g In the mids of
their profperity
I will fend great
h Whereby hen
fheweththar :
for lacke of Gods*
Gods mightie powers
the yong men prtifh- fog thirst.
maria and that fay, Thy God, D Dan, li⸗
ucth, and * themanecot Beeriheba liuech,
euen they Mal falland nener rile bp agatne.
herche calleth
their finne,as the Papiſis yet do by theirs, k That is,the common
maner of worfhipping, and the feruice or region there vied,
1 Threatuings againft the Temple, 2 anda-
gainft Ifrael, 1s The vefporing of the Church.
] Haw the Lord tanding vpon the altar,
and he faio, Smite the lintell of rhe Dooze,
that the potes may hake : and cut them in
theidolatrous pieces, euen the bheads of them all, anv 3
places of lſraeſ. will flay the latt of them with the ſword: be
bBoththe chiefe that fleeth of them, thatlnot tlee away: the
oftkemand alfo that elcapeth of them, Mall not be deliuered.
thecommon , .2 hough they dig into the dell, thence
people. | hall mine bande take them ; though they
— climbe bp to beaten, thence wil 3 bung
o He fheweth ý thent Downe. y i
God will declare 3 AnD though they hide themfetues in
himfelfe enemie the toppe of Carmel, J will earch and take
vntotheminall them ont thence : and though they bee pin
places, arid that . from me DEA: in the bottome of the Bea,
hiselementsand thence will J commaund the: ferpent, and
alicteaturesthall be ſhall bite them. eS hae *
be enemiesto dee 4 And though they goe into captinitic
ftvoy them. before their enemies , thence wilt J com:
d He declareth mand the ſwoꝛd, and it Gall Aay them; and
bythe wonder- 3) will fet mtue eyes vpon them foz euill, and
full power of not fo2 good.
God ,bythema- ...§, And the Lod God of hots Hall touch
king of thehea- the land,and it Mall melt away, and all that
uens,andtheele- Dwell therein, {hall monrne, and it Mall rile
ments,thatitis 9p wholly itkea flood, and hall be Drowned
notpoflible for agbyp the flood. of Egypt. gs
mantoefcapehis 6 Wee butldeth his ‘{pheres in the pea-
iudgementswhen uen, ¢ hath layd the foundation of his globe
he punifhech, of elements in the earth: he calleth the was
e AmI more tersofthe fea, and powzeth then out vxpon
bound to you theopenearth: the Lord is hts Mame,
then tothe Ethie 7 Are pee not asthe Cthtoptans« onto
iFor the idola-
ters did vfeto
fweare by their
idoles, which
a Which was at
— Jerufalem: for he
- appeared not in
opians or blacke
Moores? yet haue x beftowed vpon you greater benefits,
q Obadiah.
He Tdumeans which came of Efau , were mortall enemies alwayes to the Ifraelites , which came of
Jaakob: and therfore did not onely vexe them continually with fundry kinds of crueltie, but alfo
flirred vp others to fight againft them, Therefore when they were now in their greateft profperitie,
snd did moft triumph againft Ifrael , which was in great affli&ion and mifery , God railed vp his Pro-
pher to comfortthe ifraelites , forafmuch as God had now determined to deftroy their aduerfaries,
which did fo fore vexe them,and to fend them fuch as fhould deliuer them, and fet vp the kingdome of
Meffiah, hwich he bad promifed,
= He vifion of Obadiah. Thus
fayeth the Lode God againit
2 God hath dom, 2 Wee haue heard a
certainely reuea- rumour from the Lod, and an
led to his Pro- ambaſſadour is fent among the
phets that hee Heathen: avife, and > tet ys rile
willraife vpthe bp againſt her to battell.
heathen to de: 2 Bebholde, J haue made thee mall
ftroy the Edo- among the heathen: thou art vtterly Dg=
mites, whereof ſpiſed.
the rumor is
nowpublifhed,tere.49. 14, b Thusthe heathen encoprage them-
ſclues to sife againit Edom. ; ?
Chap. IXa
They that fweare by the fime io gis. Ei
Of Egypt? and the Philiſtims frem f Caph»
Ofthe Meffiah. 345
mee, D childzen of Iſrael, ſayeth the Lorne
baue not Jbronght pp Wlrael out ef the land —
f Read lerem,
toand Aram from Kir?
8 Bebholve, the epes of the L020 God are
vpon the linfullkingdome, and J will Des
{troy it cleane ont of the earth, Neuerthe;
leſſe J] twill not vtterly g deſtroy the boule of
Jaakob, fayth the Lord.
9 Folo g will commaund, and J will
fift the houſe of Fltael among all nations,
Itke as corne is lifted ina tiete: pet Hall not
the > leat ttone fall vpon the carth.
IO But ailthe linners of my people Mall
Dic by the ſword, which fay, Che euit Mal
not come,noz balten fo? vs.
IL In that Day will 3 raile vp thei taber-
nacleot Dauid, that is fallen Downe, and
cloſe vp thebzeaches thereof,and 3 wil raile
bp hts ruines, and J will build it, asin the
Dayes of old,
I2 That they may poſſeſſe the remnant of
k €dom, and of all the heathen, becaule mp
ame ts called bpon them, ſayth the Loz,
that doeth this.
13 Beholde, the dayes come, fayeth the
Lode, that the plowman Wall ! touch. the
mower, and the treaver of grapes bim that
foweth feeder : and the mountaines hall
m mop pe ſweet wine, and all the billes fhalti
14 And ]J will bung againe the capti-
nitie of my people of Jlrael ; and they thall
build the wattectties , and inbabite them,
and they Hall plant vinepardes, and Danke
the wine thereof, thep hall allo make gar:
Dens,and cate the fruits of them.
Is And "J will plant them pon their of all things, fo
land, and thep Mall no moze bee pulled bp a> that when one
gaine ont of their land, which J| baue giuen -kindof fruiris
them, fayth the Lord thy God, ripe, another.
; ý fhould follow, & ~
tuery one in courfe, Leuit, 26.5. m Read Ioel 3, 18, n Theac-
complifhment hereof is vnder Chrift, when theyare planted in his
Church, out of the which they can neuer bee pulled , after they are
once grafied therein,
g Though hede-
ltroy the rebellis
ous multitude,
yet he wil ener re-
feruc the remmant.
his Church tocall
vpon his Name,
h Meaning, that
none, of his
fhould perith im
his wrath,
i I will ferd the
Méffiah promi-
{ed,and reftore
by him the fpiri-
tual] Ifrae},
AGesIs. 16.
k Meaning,tha
the very enemies,
aswerethe Edo- ⸗·
mites and others, _
thould be toyned
with the Iewes ©
in one focierie &
body, whereof
Chrift fhould be
thehead, |
1 Signifying,
that there {hatl
begreatplentic _
3 The pine of thine heart hath decet- ¢Which delpiert
ued thee: thou that Diwellett in the clefts of all other inre-
the rockes whole habitation is hie,that faith {pect ofthy felfe, `
inbisheart, Who hall being me Downe to & yetareburan —
the ground? handfull in com- —
4 Though thou exalt thy (elfe as theegle, parifon of others, —
and make thy net among the ftarres thence and art (hut vp
will J bing thee Downe, taith the 1020, — among thebils
5 ‘Game theeues ta thee.oz robbers by, as feparace from
thereft of the
world, d God will fe deftroy them that he will leaue none, though —
theeues when they come, take but til) they haue enough , and they ©
thar gather grapes,euer leaue fome behindethem, lerem. 49.96
Ef night?
Edoins crueltie.
night? how waft thot brought to Blence?
would they not haue Toller, tilithep had e⸗
nough? it the gtapegatherers came to thee,
would they not ieaug fome grapes?
6 Howe are the things of Clau fought
bpp and bis treafures ſearchede
s 7 Allthe mencf thy coufederacte e haue
€ Theyin whom ppinen thee to the bozders : the men that
thou didſt truſt, were at peace with thee, baue deceiued thee,
far to haue helpe and pꝛeuailed agaiuſt thee: they that eate thy
and friendthip of fban, paue lata a wound vnder thee: there
them,thallbe įg nonevADeranding In him. ;
thine enemies 8 Shal not F in that day, laith the Lod,
and defroy thee. euen Dettroy the wile imen out of Edom, anð
£ Thatis, thy fa- vnderſtanding fromthe mount of Clau?
miliarfriendes®& g And thy firong men, D Teman, hall
ghefts haueby be aftapd, becaule every one of the mount of
fecret practifes Elau {hall be cutoff bp laughter,
deftroyed thee. IO. Foꝛ thy crucitie agamſt thy e brother
g Hefheweth Jaakob, ſhame hal couer thee and thou ihalt
the caufe why the be cut off fo: euer,
Edomites were IL Chen thou ſtoodeſt +» on the other fide,
fo tharpely puni-
fhed: to wit, be-
~» caule they were
enemies to his
in the Day that the ttrangers carted away
Hislubltance, and flrangers entred into his
gates, and caſt lots vpon Jeruſaltin, euen
thou waf as one of them.
Church,whom ` I2 But thou ſhouldeſt not haue bebol-
nowheecomfor- pen the Day of thy brother, inthe day that
teth by punifhing He was made ia ltranger, neither houldett
their enemies, thou baue refopced ouer the childzen of Fu-
h When Nabu- Dah, in the Dayof their Deftruction : thou
çhad-nezzar ſhouldeſt not haue (poken proudly tu the Dap
cameagainftle- of affitction.
rufalem, thou 3 Chou ſhouldeſt not Haue entred inta
ioyned with the gate of my people tn the Day of their de⸗
him, andhaddf ſtruction, neither ſhouldeſt thon hauc once
partofthefpoile, lsoked on thetr affliction in the Day of their
and fo diddeftre- Deftruction, no: hauelayDehandes on their
joyce, whenmy {iybitance inthe Day of their deſtruction.
people, that is, 14 Neither ſhouldeſt thou haue Roode in
- thy brovher,were
affli@ed , whereas thou fhouldeft haue pittied & holpen thy brother,
i When the Lorde depriued them of their former dignitie , & gaue
them to be caried into captiuitie. Ji
Fire, flame, and Rubble.
e troſſe wayes to cut off them, that heul
eicape, neither ſhouldeſt thou haue tutte
= the remnant thereof tn the Day of af:
k When hee wili-
fummon all the
heathen, & fend
them to ‘deftroy
1 That is,reioy«
ced and trium-
phed. x
I5 Forthe day * of the Lozdis neere vpon
all the heather: as thon hakt Done, tt hall be
Done to thee : thy reward Hall returne vpon
thine bead, i
I6 Jar as pe hane ldꝛunke vpon mine ha-
ly mountatne, fo hall all the heathen dzinke.
continually.: pea,they all Batnke and ſwal·
low bp, and they fhallbee = as though they ;
pan not bene, m The Edomites
I7 But vpon mount zion ſhall be deliue⸗ fall bee vererly
rance,and it hall bee hoiy, and the boule of deltroyed, and’
Jaakob hall poſſeſſe theit poſſeſſions. yetin defpight of
18 AnD the houle of Jaakob Mall bee a all the enemies, I
"fire, anù the houle of Joleph a flame, and willreferue my
tye boule of Elau as ftubble , and they ſhall Church, andre-
kindle in them and deuoure them:and there ſtore it.
Hall be no remnant of the houſe of Clau; fog n God attribu-
the Lozd hath fpoken it. teth this power
Ig And they Wall pofiefle the South ivg toconfume his
of the o mount of Eſau and the platne of the enemies to his
Philiſtims: and they Walt poſſeſſe the fields Church, which
of phain and the fields of amaria, and poweris onely
Wentamin fhall haue Gilead. proper to kim-
20 Andthecaptinttiec of this hoſte of the felfe,as,
childzen of Iſraei, which were among the 17-deur.4. 24.
P Canaanites, hall poſſeſſe vnto Zarephath, hebr. 12. 29.
and the capttuitic of Jerufalem, which tg o He defcribeth
in Sepharad, Wall poſſeſſe the cities of the how the Courc’s
Hoiith. - thalt be enlarged `
21 And they 1 that ſhallſaue,ſhal come vp and haue great `
to mount Sion to iudge the mount of Clau, poffefions,but
and the kingdome thallbe the Lords. this chiefly is
vnder Chrift , when asthe faithfull are made heires and lordes of ali
things by him whichistheirhead. p By che Canaanites, the lewes
meane the Dutch men, and by Zarephath, France, and by Sepharad,
Spain¢. q Meaning that God will raife vp in his Church fitch as
fhal Mile and gonerne for the defence of the fame , and deſtruction
ofbis enemies vnder Mefliah, whom the Prophet calleth here the
Lord and head of this kingdome. ;
Sp tonah.
Vv Tonah had long prophefied in Ifrael, & had little profited,God gaue him expreffe charge
to goe & denounce his iudgements againſt Nineueh the chiefe citie of the Affyrians , becanfe
heehad appointed, that they which were of the heathen, fhould conuert by the mighty power of his
word, and that within three dayes preaching, that Ifrael might fee how horribly they bad prouoked
Gods wrath, which forthe {pace of fo many yeeres , had not conyerted tothe Lord for ſo many Proe
phets,and fo diligent preaching, He prophefied vnder loath & Ieroboam,as 2, Kings 14 25.
3 Ionah fled when he was fent to preach. 4A
tempeſt arifeth , and he is cafè into the (ea for his
0 € word of the Lorde came alſo
unto Jonah the fonne of Amittai,
faping, >
racl; and fo Eze- Arile , and goe tat Mineneh
kiel,after thatfor -` , :
atime he had prophefied in Judah,he had vifions in Babylon, Ezek. r.
3. -b` Forfecing the great obftination of the lſrae lites, hee fent his
Prophet tothe Gentiles, thatthey might prouoke them to repens
_ tance, oꝛ at the leat make cheminexcufable; for Nincuch was the
chiefecinie of thg Aflyrians,
: pny
a Afterthathee
had preached a
Jong time in. If-
that e great citie,and cry againt it: for theit c For as authours
wickeanefie is come wp betore me. write, itcontei-
3. But Jonah rok vpta ¢ flee into Tars ned in circuit a-
Mih from the pretence of the Lorde, and bouteight and
went. Downe toe Japho : and bee founda fourtie mile, and
hippe going to Tarſhiſh: fo bee payed the hada thoufand
and fiue hundred
towers,and at this time there were an hundreth andtwentie thouſand
children therein, Chap.4.13. d Whereby he declared his weake-
neſſe, that would not promptly follow the Lordes calling, but gaue
place to his owne realon , which perfwaded him that hee fhould no-
thing at all profit there, fecing he haddene fo {mall good among his
owne people, Chap. 4.2, e Whichwasthe hauen and part ta.
take fhippieg thither, called alfo Joppe,
Cafting of lots.
f From that vo»
cation whereun-
to God had cal-
Jed him, and
wherein hee
would haue af-
fited him,
£ As one that
would haue caſt
off this care and
folicitude by fee-
King reit and
h As they had
called ontheir .
. idoles: which de-
clareth that ido-
laters haue no
{tay nor certain-
tie, but in their
troubles feeke
they cannot tell
to whom.
i Which decla-
reth that the
matter wasin
great extremitie
‘and doubt,which
thing was Gods
motion inthem
for thetriall
of the caule; and
this may not be
done but in mat-
ters of great im-
This declareth
that yvery wicked
in their neceſſi.
ties flee vnto
Ged for {uccour,
and alfo that
they are touched
with a certaine
feare to fhead
mans blood,
whereas they
know no mani-
felt figne of wic-
l They were
, touched with a
tance ef their
life paft, and
began to wor-
fhip the true
God by whom
they faw them-
Fare thereofand went downe into it,that be
might goe with them vnto Carhih, from
the f peelence of the Lo2d. i
4 But the Lom fent ont a great winde
into the Hea,and there was a mighty tenta
pet inthe fea, that the hip was like to
e boken, À f
§ When the mariners were akraide, and
tryed euery man vuto his God, andcatt the
wares that weretnthe hip, into the lea to
lighten it of them: but Jonah wag gone
Downe sinto the fides of the Wip, and he lay
Downe, and was fait alleepe. i
6 Hothe Shipmaſter came to him,and
faid onto him, (Ahat meanet thou, D tices
per: Ariſe, call vpon thy t God, if fo be that
@od wil thinke vpon ns, that we peri nor,
7 And thep aid euery one to His fellow,
Come, andletvscaftilors, that we map
knowe , for whale caufe this eutll is npon
a eg thep catt lots, and theloc fell upon
8 Shen fayd they puto him, Tell vs foz
whole caule thiseutlt is vpon bs? whatis
thineoccupation? whence conunelt thou ?
which is thy countrey? and of what people
art thou?
9 Andheeanlwered them, Taman C-
brew, and F feare the Loꝛd God of heauen,
which bath made the fea,and the Dev land,
Io Then were the men erceedinglp a-
frain, and ſayd vnto him, Why halt chou
Done this 7 (foz the men knewe, that be fled
fromthe paelence of the Loꝛd, becaule hee
þad tolo them) . f
Ir Then latd they vnto him, ahat hall
we Doe unto thee, that the (ea map be calme
vnto vs? (forthe Dea wrought and was
12 Gnd he fain vnto them, Cake me, and
catt me into the fea : fo hall the fex becalme
vnto pou ; foz F know , that foz mp fake this
great tempeft is ponpon-
13 Neuertheleſſe, the men rowed to
being tt to the land, but they could not + for
po (ea wꝛought and was troublous againſt
14. Wherekore they crped vnto the Lo20,
and fain, * Ue beleech thee, D LoD, we be-
feech thee; let vs not perit foz this mans
life,and lay not vpon vs innocent blood ; fog
thou,D Lord, batt Done, as it pleated thee.
Ig Dothep toske vp Jonah, and cat hun
into the lea,ethefea ceaten from ber raging.
16 SThenthe men ! feared the Love ers
ceedingiy, and offered a facrifice vnto the
1020,and made bowes.
17 Mowe the Lod had prepared a great
fi to {wallow vp Jonah: and Jonah was
in —— ofthe fifth thee Dates and thzee
felues (o wonderfully deliuered : but this was done for feare , and not
of a pure heart and affe&ion , neither according te Gods word,
m` Thus the Lord would chaftife his Prophet with a moft terrible
fpetacle of death , and hereby alfo confirmed him of his fauour an
fupport in this his charge which was enioyned him. ;
1 Ionah is in the ſiſhes belly, 2 Hu prayer, 10
He ý delinereds
men Jonah prayed vnto the Love his
God? out of the fies bellp, K
2 Anodfaide, J cryed in mine affliction
vnto the Lord, and be heard me ; out of the
pelly b of hell cryed J, and thou heardeſt mp
opte, -
3 Foz thou hadſt cat me into the bottome
inthe mids ofthe fea, and the floods com:
paffea me about : all thy furges, and alt thy
waues paled ouer ime.
4 hen FZ fayi, Iam: taft away out of
thy fights pet will J looke againe towarde
thine polyp Temple. Ei
§_Ghe waters companied me about bnto
the foule ; the Depth clofed me round about,
ane rpe weedes Were weapt about ming
6 Jwent downe to the botteme of the
mountaines ; the earth with fer Barres
twas about mee for euer, pet batt thou
busught vp my 4 life fromthe pit, D Lode
mp God.
7 Ahen my foule fainted within mee, A
remembꝛed the LoD, and my praper came
vnto thee,tnto thine holp Tempie.
3 Shey that wait vpon lying < vantties
korſake their owne! mercie.
9 Bue FJ wiil facrifice vnto thee with the
voyce of thank{gining , and will pay that
that J baue bowed: faluation is of the Lod.
_ Io And the Lom ſpake vutothe ih, and
it cat out Jonah vpon the Dey land.
' Tonahs prayer.
a Ecing now
fwallowed vp of
death, and ſceing
no remedy to
efcape,his faith
braft out vato
the Lord, knows
ing that out of
the very hellhe
was able to de-
liuer him,
b Fos he was
now in the fifhes
belly as ina
graue or place of
c This declared
what his prayer
was,and how he
laboured be-
tweene hope and
delpaire,confides ,
ring the neglect
of his vocation,
and Gods iudge-"”
ments for the
fame; but yee
in the end faith
gate the victory.
d Thou halt de-
Iiuered me from
thebelly of the
filb, and all thefe dangers, asit were railing mee from death to life,
e€ They that depend vponany thing faue on God
alone. F They
refule their owne felicitie , and that goodneffe which they fhould elfe
recejue of God.
1 Jonah i fent againeto Nineueh. 5 There-
pentance of the King of Nineueh.
A FAD the word of the Lord came vntoe Io·
nab the fecond time,faying,
2 Arile goe vnto Nineueh that great ct»
tie and preach vnto it the preaching , which
Jl bid thee.
3 Ho Jonah arole and went to Mineneh
according to the word of the Loꝛd:now MRi-
neuel was a è great and excellent citie of
three dayes tourney. u
4 And Jonah began to enter into the ci-
tie a © dayes tourney, and be crped, and fain,
Det fourtie dayes, and Mineneh Wall be o-
So the people of Nineueh 4 beleeued
God, and pꝛoclaimed a faſt, and put on fack-
cloth from the greateſt of them euen to the
leat of them.
Foz woz came vnto the King of Ni⸗
neuch,and be arole from his thzone ann hee
layed bis robe frombim, and couered hun
with fackclotiy,and fate inathes.
7 Andde proclaimed and faid through
Nineueh,(by the counlel of the king and his
nobles) faping, Let neither man, noze beatt,
bullecke no? fheepe talte any thing , neither
feede no: drinke water.
8 But letman and beak put on facke-
had finned or could repent, but that by their example man might ba;
aflonithed, confidering tbat for his finne the anger of God hanged o⸗
ucr all creatures,
Xp a
a Thisisa great
declaration of
Gods mercy, that
he receineth hing
againe & fendeth
him forth as bis
had before ſhew⸗
ed fo great infira
b Reade Chap,
1 ete
c He went for-
ward one day in
preached, and fo
he continued tilf
the citie was
red that he wasa
Prophet tent to
them from God
to denounce his”
iudgements a-
gain{t them,
e Notthat the
dumbe beaftes.
d For hedecla- —
Gods greatkindeneffe and mercie.
FHewilled, cloth, anv cry mightily vnto God: pea, Tet
that the men eueryman turne from pis eutll way, ana
fhouldearnefly from the wickedueſſe that is in thete hands.
call vanto God o scQhocan tetlif God will turne , anu
for mercie, repent € turne alway front hts Merce wath,
For partly by that we perth not? ;
Hie — ye a And Gow fatwe their h tworkes that
the Prophet,and they turnen from their eutll iwayes : € Gov
partly by the repented of the nill that be had ſaid, that he
motionofhis - Would Doe vnto them, and He Di it not.
owne conſcience Ba :
he doubted whether God would hew them mercy. · ¶ h- Thatis,
the fruits of their repsneanee, which did proceed of faith, which God
had planted by th¢ miniftery ofhis Prophet. 1 Reade Iere.18.8.
oO: Aw “Pe BLT,
The great geodneffe of God toward his crea-
ap Berto it diſpleaſed 2 Jonah extee⸗
Dingly,and he was angry.
2 And he praicd vnto the Lord, and ſaid,
FZ pray thee, D Lon, was not this my fap-
a Becaule here-
by hefhould be
taken asa falfe
prophet,and fo
the Name of ing , when J was pet in my countreyp?
God which therefoze J pzcucnted it to flee ynta? Tar-
‘he preached — fit: foes knew that thouart a gracious
fhouldbeblaf GoD, ana mercifull, lowe to anger, and of
phemed. great kindneſſe, and repentett thee of the
b ReadeChap. euill.
1.3. i Therefore now, D Lowe, take, J be-
e Thushe prayed feech thee, my tife < from me; fog itis better
ofgriefe,fea- -foz me to Die then to liue.
finglet Gods 4 Ehen lat the Loyd, Dort thou well
Name by this to bed angry ? ;
_ forgiuencife
_ might bee bla(phemed, as though hee fent his Prophets foorth to de.
“nouncehisiudgementsin vaine. d Wiltthou be iudge whtn Ido
things fag my glory,and when Idoc not è
~ Micah.
Tonahs infirmitie. ~
S. Do Jonah went out of he citie, ¢ fate
‘on the Cait te of the city, and there made
bim a boothe, and fate vnder it in the tha
Bowe tilt he might fee what Would be Dong
tithe citie. :
6 Anu the Lord God prepared af gourd,
and made tt to come vp ouer Jona), that tt
might be a ſhadowe oner his head, and delt⸗
uer him front hts griefe. Go Jonah was eg-
ceeding gladot the gonrd. . fourtie dayes he
7 Dut Gon prepareda woꝛme when the departed out of
moning rofethe nert Day: and it finote the thectity, loo-
gourd that tt withered. king what iffue
8 And when the Sunne did ariſe, God God would .
prepared allo afernent Catt windesand the fend.
-Gumine beat vpon the head of Jonah, that f Which wasa
hee kainted, and wifhed tn hts heart to Die, furthermeanes,
and faid, It is better foz mee to Die, then tõ to couer him
line. ; from the heat
9 And God faid vnto Jonah, Doeſt thou ofthe Sunne, as
wet to be angty for the gourd? And he ſaid, heremainedin
J Doe well to bes angry unto the death. his boothe.
Io Chen laid the Lod, Chau bat had g This declarech
pitie onthe gourd for the which thou balt the greatincon-
not-laboured , neither madeſt tt growe, ucniences where-
which came vp tna night, and -pertijed ina into Godsfer-
night, uantsdoe fall `
II And Wonde» not J {pare Mtuetich whenthey give
that great citie wherein are fire (Cope thone placeto their
fand perfons, that i cannot Dilcerne be- owneaffeaions,
tweene their right hand and their left band, and doenorin all
and alfo much cattetl 2 things willingly “
fubmit them-
feluestoGod, h Thus God mercifully reproueth him which would:
pitie himfelfe and this gourd , and yet would refiraine God to thew
hiscompaflionto fo many thowfand people, i, Meaning,tharthey
were children and infants,
€ Forhedoub⸗
ted as yet whe-
ther God would
fhew them mer-
cie or no: and
¢ Micah.
feah theProphet of the tribe of Iudah, ſerued inthe worke ofthe Lotd,.concerning Iudah and 16 ~
—“ the leaſt thirtie yeeres,at what time Harah prophéfied. He declareth the deſtuction, firſt
af the one kingdome and then of the other, becaufe of their manifold wiekednes, but chiefly for their
dolatty. And to this end he noteth the wickednefle ofthe people, the cruelty of the princes and go-
uetnours, and the permiffion of the falfe prophets and the delighting inthem. Then he fetreth foorth
thecomming of Chrift, hiskingdome, and the felicitie'thereof. This Prophet was not that Micak,
which vefifted Ahab, and all his falfe prophets,as 1.King,22.8, but anotherof thefame name.
CILA pate
1 The deſtruction of Fudah and Ifrael becaufe
of ther idolatry.
recs 1) E wod of the Low, that
È came unto Micah the + Mo-
ó raite in the Dayes of Jo⸗
a tham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah
ep Rings of Judah, which hee
s fae concerning Samaria
aud Jerufalem,
2 Weare, all pee people: hearken thou,
D earth, and all that therein ts, and let the
Lod Hod be witnelle aganit pou, euen the
Lod front his holy Temple.
3 Forbeholde, the Lorde commeth out
Gods Iudge- = of his place,and wil conie « Down, and tread
ments, taking vpon the hie places of the earth.
all creatures and
God himfelfe to witneffe , that the preaching of his Prophets, which
they have abufed fhalbereuenged- c Meaning hereby, that God
vill come to iudgement againit the trong citi¢s and holds,
-@ Borre in Mae
refhab a citi¢ of
ab Becaule of the
malice and ob»
ftinacie of the
people whom he
bad fo oft ex-
horted to repen-
tance, he fummo-
ned themto
4 And the mountaines hall melt vnder
bin Clo hall the valleys cleaue) as ware be-
Foxe the fire,andas the waters that are pow-
red downeward.
5 Foz the wickedneſſe of Jaakob is atl
this,and fo? the linnes of the Houle of gira»
el; what is the wickeDnefle of Jaakob? Js
not4+Damartarand which are the hiet pla- d Samaria which
tes of uwah? Is not Jerufatem ? thould hane bene
6 Therefore I will make Samaria ag an example to all
an heape of the fielde, and for the planting Ifrael oftrue te⸗
ofa vinexard, and Jwill cauſe the ſtones ligion and iu-
thereof to tumble Downe into the bailey, fice, was the
and J will diſcouer the foundations there: puddle and
of. i ftewes of all ido-
7 And all rran rey Sig thereof Hat latry and corrup-
be broker, and allthe ! gtftsthereof Mallbe tion, and boalted :
Pay jd themfelues of
their father lIaakoh. e Thatis,the idolatrie & infeGion. f Which:
they gathered by euill practiſes, and thought that their idoles had eu~-
siched them therewith for their ſeruice — thêm,
; urnt
Tudahs plagues.
burnt with the fire, and allthe idols thereof
witli J deſtroy: foz the gathered it of the hire
g Thegainethar ofan harlot, ann they all returne s to the
camebytheie = wages ot an harlot.
idolshalbecon- 8 Therefore will J mourne and hotele:
fumed asathing J will goe without clothes, and naket : J
ofnought : for as wil make lamentation like the Dragons,and
thewogesorri- mourning as the oltriches.
ches of harlots 9 foz ber plagues are gricuous : foz it
are wickedly is come into Judah: the enemie ts come vnto
gotten, foare the gate of my people, pnto Jerufalem.
they vilely and 10 Declare yee it not att Gath, neither
fpeedily fpent. werpe pe: forthe boule ofi Aphꝛah roule thp
h LeltthePhili- felfe inthe wut. :
fimsourenemics 11 Thou that dwelleſt at * Shaphir, gee
reioyceatour together naked with thame: the thar twel-
deftru@ion. leth at Zaanan, wall not come foozth in the
i Whichwasa i mourntng of Beth· czel: che enemie (hall! res
citieneere to Le- ceiue of pou fo? bis tanding.
rufalem, Ioſ 12 Foꝛ the inbabitart of Marxoth watted
23.therecailed -foz good, but euill came from the Loꝛd visto
Ophrab, & figni- the ™ gate of Jerufalem. :
fiethdult:there- 13 D thou inhabitant of Lachiſh, binde
forehewilleth the charet to thebealtes » of price: fe o1s the
themto mourne; beginning of the finne to the Daughter of
androulethem- Zion: forthe tranſgreſſions of Iſrael were
feluesin the duft, found in thee. j
for their duftie 14 Therefore halt thon giue prefents to
citie. Moꝛeſheih r Gath : the houles of Achzib
k Thefe were ci- thalbe as a lie to the kings of Iſrael.
ties whereby the 15 Pet will J bring ans Heire vnto thee,
wenemicefhould D inhabitant ot Mareſhah, hee hall come
pafleashecame nto Aduilam, ‘the glozy of Ilrael.
to Iudah.. - 16 Mabe thee baide: and fhaue thee for
LHefhallnoe thy Delicate childzen: enlarge thy baldneſſe
departbeforehe a3 the egle : foz thep are gone into captiuitie
hathouercome from theg.
you, and fo you t
thal] pay for his tarying. m For Rabfhakeh had fhut vp Terufa-
lem, that they could not fend to fuccour them. n Te fl-e away:
from Saneherib laide fiege firt to that citie, and remained therein
when he fent his captaines and armie angainft ierufalem. o ‘Thou
fir receiued{t the idolatrie of Ieroboam and fo diddeft infe@ Ieru-
falem, Thou fhelt br:be the Philiftims thy neighbours, but they
[hall decejue thee, 2s well as they of Ierufalem, q Heprophefieth
againft his owne citie, and becaufe it fignified an heritage , hee faith
that God would fend an heire to poffeffe it, “r° For fo they thought
themfelues for the ftrength of their citte.
1 Threatnings egzinft the wanten and dain-
tie people, 6 They would teach the Prophetste
preach. i 3 f
——— them that imagine iniquity,
ana werke witkednehe vpon rhetr
a Affooneasthey beddes: a when the morning is ſight they
rife, they execute ppactife tt, becanle rhetr hand t hath power.
their wickedde- · 2 AnD they cout iclds, anv take them
uicesof the night by wiolence, a douſes. aud rake them away:
andaccording {o they appie amsn and bis boule, cuen
totheirpower mau ANT His bevtirge.
hurt other, 3 Therefore thus faveth the Low, Bee
Ebru iv power. Holde, againit this Famtite bane J Beith a
plaque, woereout yee Bait not pliicke yeux
b Thusthe Iewes necks,and pe (al not goe © proudly, faz this
lament,andfay, time ig enill.
thatthercisno- 4 In that Day Hall they take vp a paras
hope ofrefiiru- ble againit pou, and lament with a dolefull
tion,feeing their Lameutztion,and fay Aec bee weteriy was
poffefionsare feed: he hato shangxcd the portion ofmyppeo-
diuidedamong ple: Gow Hath hee taker tt away to reſtore it
the enemies, vate wie? ie katy tinae ourficlds,
they baue vone wickedly in their works.
ij. iij. Pleaſant Prophets. 347
§ Therefore thon ſhalt haue rone that
fhall cali a cod by lot, in thes congregation c Ye thallhaue
of the Lord. no more lands to
6 4 Chepthat prophelied, Propheſie ye divide,asyou bad
not, © They all not pophecie torhem,net: intimes paftand
ther ſhall they take hame. as you vied to
7. D thon that art named the boule of meafure them in
Jaakob, ts the Spirit of the Lo: thoztned? thelubile.
fare thefe his wozkes 7 are not my wozkes’ d Thus the peo⸗
good vnto pune that watketh vpzightly? — ple warne f-Pro.
8 But heethat was » petierDay sip peo: phetstharthey
ple, is riſen vp ou the other fide, as againſt {pcaketo them
an enemic : they {poeple the ‘beantifull gar- no more: for they
ment front then that paffe by peaceablp, ag cannot abide
though they returned trom the warre, their threat.
9 The women of mp people haue ve caſt nings:
ont from their pleafant heuteg, 2nd from e God faith that
their chilen haue petaken away k miy glos they thall not
tp continuallp prophefienor re-
to Arife and Depart, forthisisnotyour ceiue no more
Iret: becauſt itis poiluted, tt chall deſtroy oftheir rebukes
you,cuen with a ſoꝛe deſtruction. hor thunts,
Il Jfaman™ walke inthe Dopirit, and f Arechefeyour
would tie falfelp, fying, » J will pasphefie workesaccor-, > `
vnto thee ef wine, and of rong Dike, hee dingte hislaw?
thalleuen be the Prophet of this people. g Doenotthe -
12 F will furetygather ° thee wholly, D godly finde my
Jaakob: J will furcly gather the remnant words comfor⸗
of Iſrael: J will put them together asthe table?
fheepe of Bozrah, cuen asthe flockein the b Thatis,aforee
middes ofthetr folde; the cities {pall bee full time.
efbzutt of the men. A . i The poorecan —
13 The r breaker vp Mall come befoꝛe havenocommo- —
them: they hall bzeake out and pafleby the diticbythem,bue —
Sate, and goe out by it, and theirking ſhall they fpeylechem
goe beforetheni,and the Loꝛd thall be 4 bpon as thoughthey
their beads, were enemies.
k Thatis,their
fubBance and lining, which is Gods bleffing , and asit were part of
hisglorie. | Lerufalem {hall not be your fafegard, but the caufeof
your dcftru@ion, m That is, fhew himfelfe to bee a Prophet,
n Hee fheweth what Prophetsthcy delight in: that is, in flarterers,
which tell them pleafant tales, and fpeake of their commodities,
ə To deflroy thee, p The cnemie thall breake their gates and
walles, and leade them intoCaldea, q To driuethem forward,
and te helpe their enemies.
3 Against she tyrannie of princes and falfe
prophets. } $
A ADF (aid, Weare, Ipap you, D heads
of Jaakob , aud pee princes of the houle
of Jitael ; Hhould not peeknowe 2 widgee
2 Ber thep hate the good, and loue the
eviil : they plucke off tbeir (kins from them,
and their fle froni their tones. t 7
3 And they eate alo the > fleſh of my peo· alfo to difcharge d
ple, and flavyoft their (Rinne from them,and yourownecon- 9
they breake their bones, and choppe them in ſeience?
— foz the pot, and as fiefy within the b The Prophet
Ehen Hall they crie puto the Loy,
but hee mill not beare them: Hee will enen
hide bis face from them at that time,becaute
— —
a Thatthing
which s iuft and
lawfull, bothto
gouerne my peoe
ple aright,and
wicked gouer- |
hours not oncly $
of couctonfneffe,
thefcand murs <
ther, but cem-
pareththem to wolves, Hons; and moft cruell heaſtes. c>- That i
when I (ball vifice their wickecretle : forthouch I heare the godi
before they crie,ifa.o5 24. yet I willnot peare thcfe though they exit
Ifa,a.45.¢25k.8,, v2, —
xx3 S Thus
Falſe Prophets and vnrighteous Iudges. Micah.
they werebut
_ falfe prophets
§ Thustaith the Low, Concerning the
d They deuoure mophets that decememy people, and d bite
all their fub- them with their teeth, and crie Peace buc if
fiance,and then gman put not inte their mouthes, they pre
flatter them, pro. pare warre againt hin,
mifing that ail 6 Aheretore night Halbe vito you for
fhail goe wel-bue a viſion, aud Darkeueife hall be vnto you foz
ifonereftraine a Diutnation, and the unne (hall goe Downe
from theirbel- ouer the Wrophets,and the Bay Halbe Darke
lies, then they © ouer them. 7
invent all wayes 7 Then hall the Geers be ahamed, and
to miichiefe, the ſoothlayers confounded: pea, they yall
c As you haue ail concer f tieit {ippes, fog they bane none
louedto walke antwereof God. ,
indarkneffeand 8 Pet notwithtanding , J amfulle of
to prophedic lies, power by the Spirit of the Lod, andof
foGodthalise- > iudgement, anD of ſtrength te Declare tito
wardyouwith ` Jaakob bistranigreifion, and to Iſrael his
grofleblindneffe finne.
and ignorance, fo
that when all o-
thers (hall fee the
bright beames of
Gods graces,
ye thallas blinde
men prope es in
the night.
f When God thal
difcouer them to
boule of Jaakob, and princes of the houſe of
Hltael: they abhorre indgement, and peruect
altl equities i i
TO Cheybuild vy zion with) bloon and
Jerufalem with mniquitic.
I. The heads thereot iudge fo rewards
and the Bꝛieſtes thereotteaci fo2 hire, and
the Prophets therset prophetic foz money:
pet willthey leane vpon tie Lord, and fay,
theworld,they Is not tye Lo: among vs? no cuill can
fhalbe afraidto, come bpon ds, Hela
fpeakerforall i 12 Gherefoze Hatt Zion fo: pour fake bee
thall know that) Iecplowedasa felm ann Jeruſalem ſhalbe an
Heape, and the mountatie or the Houle, as
the hie places of the fori.
and did beliethe - t
_wordofGod, g The Prophet being affured ofhis vocationby the
| Spiricef God, fetceth himfelfe alone againft all the wicked, fhewing
how God both gaue him giftes , abilicie and knowledge to difcerne
_betweenegood and euill, and alſo conftancie to reprooue the finnes
_ ofthe people,and not to flatter them. h They build themhoufes
fhall come,and
_ the Temple fhalt
-b Reade Ifa,
by briberie,which he callech blood andiniquicie, i They will fay,
that they are the people of God, and abufe his aame, asa pretence to
cloke theis hypecrifie, k Reade Iere,26,18,
1 Of she kingdome of (hrift and felcitie of bis
Church. :
pe in the lat Dayes it Gal come co
patie, that the meuntaine ofthe Youle of
the Lozd Halbz prepared in the toppe of the
nieuntaines, AND it halbe exalted aboue the
b pils,and people pall flow vnto it,
a When Chri
be deftroyed.
3:2, 2 Peamany nations fall cone and fay,
e@Heheweth Come, ana iet vs ga vpto the mountaine of
-thacckereisno > theLo20,and to the houle of the God of Jaa⸗
true Church,bae kob, and dee wile teach vs his wayes, and
} whicharein the
twee will walke in bis paths; faz che Law
{hall goe foorth of Sion, and the wozd of the
Lord from Jeruſaleni.
And hee Hall indge aniaug many peas
whereas the peo-
ple are taught by
Gods pure word,
asByhiseorre- · 3
tions & threat-
nings, he sill
bring che people
into fubie Bion,
and they Mall breake their words into mat:
tackes, and their ipeares intoe lithes natis
on ſhall not lift yp a two again nation,
neither Mall they f learne to fight any moze,
yemoft corners 4 But they Hall tit eucrpmanvnder dis
ofthewogld, —- bine, and vnder his igge trez,and none Hal
e they al abe
ftainefeom all euill doing, and exercife themſelues in godlinde and
in well doingto others, @ Reade Ifa, 2.4.
9. Hearethts,3 pray pou,pe beads ofthe fat
ple,and d rebuke mighty nations afarre otf, J
God will gather his. Of
make them afraid: for fhe mouth of the Lom
ofboltes hath pokenit,
S. Forall people will walkes enery one
in the ame of hts gov, and we will walke
tithe ame of the Lozd out God, forener
and euer.
6 At the lame day, faith the Low, wil J
gather ber that haltech , and J will cater
berthatiscatt out, and her that J] banc ats (hould give them:
flicted. 1 $ ſelucs to theix iu⸗
7 And Jwill make her that balten, ha perliitionand
remnant, and her that wascatt farre off, a idolatiie.
mightie nation: and the Lord hail raigne h Iwill cauſe that
ouer then in mount Sion, from henceloorth ifrael, which is
cuen foz ener. f now as one lame
8 And tho, D itowerof tie flocke, the and haiting,and
firong hold ot the Daughter Zion, vnto thee (o almoft de-
fhailit come, enen * the firtt Sominton, and froyed,thall line
Ringdome hall come to the Daughter Jerit againe, and grow
into a great pco-
i Meaning leru-
falem,where the
Lords flocke was
gathered. o
k The flourtth-
ing ftate ofthe
Kingdome,as it
was vnder- David
and Salomon,
which thing was
g Hee theweth
that the people,
of God ought tø
remaine con(tant
in their religion,
albeit all $ world
9 Mew why doeſt thou rrie out with la·
mentation? is! there no king in thee? is thy
countelice pertihen ? foz ſorrow hath taken
thee,as a woman in trauaile.
10 Hozrow mourne, D Daughter dion,
Ikea woman in tranaile:foz now alt thon
goe foozth of the citic, and Dwell in the fie,
and thalt goe into Babel, bu: there Halt thou
bec Deliuered: there the Lord ball reveeme
thee krom the hand of thine enemies.
IL Row aio many nations are gathered
againit thee,laping,Zion halbe condemned, accomplithed to
and our epe halllooke vpon Zion. the Chutch by
12 But thcy™ knowe not che thoughts of the comming of
the Lord : they vnderſtand not his countell, Chrift,
for be hall gatherthem as the ſheaues inthe 1 Inthemeane
barne. feafon he thew-
13 Arife, and thee," D daughter Zion: eth thatthey
fox § will make thine horne pron, and F) thould endure
twill make thine hoones braſte, and thon greattroubles
Halt beeake in pieces many people t and J and rencarions,
will conlecrate their riches wnto the LoD, when they faw.
and there {ubitance vnto the ruler of the themfcluesnei-
whole wol. therto haue king
m He ſheweththat the faithfull eught not to meaſure Gods iudge=
ments by the bragg es and threatnings ofthe wicked, but thereby are
admonilhed to lift vp their hearts to God to call for delintrances
n God giveth his Church viGorie, fo oft as hee ouercommeth
their enemies: but the accomplishment heercof {hall bee at the laf
comming ct Chrilt.
t The deſtructon of Jerufalem: 2 The excel-
dencze of Beth-Lehem.
A [Dw ademble thy gariſons, datighter a He forewar-..
L Neofgatiions : be bath lava ſege againtt neththemof the
95: they Mal imite the ndge of Iraci wiry dangers that thal
a rod vpon the cheeke. come, heforethey
2 And thou Beth-lehem Ephrathab, enivy theſe com
art little to bee among the thowfands of forts, heving
dah, yor ont of thee Mall hee come thar. forafmuch
foogth onto mer, that hall bee the ruler in as lerufatem was
acesftomed with
her gartifons to trouble others, the Lord would now caufe other ga~s
rifons to vexe her, and that her tiers thould bee (mitten on the face
mott comtempruoufly, b For fo the [ewes divided their countrey,
that for cucry thoufind there was a chiefe captaine: andbecaule
Beth-Ichem was nor able to make a thoufand, hecallethit little, but”
yet God will raife vp his captaineand gouermourth:rein sand thusat
isnot the leaft by reafon of this bengfite, 2s Matth: 2.6, iy
che Meffiahs
cHetheweththat Iſracl: whole ¢ goings forth baue bene fron
the comming of rhe beginning and from euctlatting.
_ Chnifiandaibis 3 Ciherefore wril he give them vp, vntill
wayeswereap- ` the time that i he which that heare,tyal trà-
pointed of God uatle: then the remnant of thet betzen
from al etermeic. {yall returne vato tye chuon of Jtrael.
dHecompaeth 4 Qndbecthailitand, and keede inthe
the lewesto wo- ſtrength otthe LoD, andin the mateitic of
men mith child, the Hame ot thei ove His Gov, aud thep
who for atime ſhail dweil itt: foz now Wall hebe magni-
fhould baue tied vnto the ends of the wozld.
great forrowes, § And be f thalbe our peace when Aſſhut
but at length fall come ints one landswhen be Wall trean
they fhould haue inour palaces, then tall wee raile agcin&t
acomfortable him teucn (yephearBs, and eight pzinctpail
deliuerance, men.
John 16.214. 6 And they Gall deſtroy s Alhur with
e That is,Chriſts the ſword, and the land of Munron with
kingdome (halbe their words; thus Mall he deliuer vs from
Rabicand euer- Alſhur, when heecommeth into our land,
lating, andhis and when hee Hall tread within our boz⸗
pecpic,afwellthe Ders, y
Gentiles, as the 7 And the ‘remnant of Jaakob Hall bee
lewes (hall dwell Among many people, as a Dewe fromthe
infafety. Lod, asa as the Mowers bpon the grafe,
f ThisMeffiah that waiteth not foz man, noz bopeth in the
fhalne a futhcien: [onnes of Adam.
fafegard forvs,% 8 And the remnant of Jaakob Hall be å-
though rhe ene- mong the Gentiles, in the middes of many
mie iouade vs for people, as the tyon among the bealts of the
atime, yet ſhall foret , and ag the lyons whetpe among the
-Godftir vp many flocks of yeepe,who when L> goety thozow,
whichthalbea- treadeth Downe and ttareth in pieces, ano
ble to deliver vs, none can deliuer. : ;
Thefe whom 9 Thine hand Hallbe lift op vpon thine
God fhalraifevp aduerſaries, and all thine enemies hall be
for fdeliucrance cutoff, ;
ofhisChurch, : ., JO Audit ſhall come to paie in that day»
fhalldctiroy all, faith the Lozd,that I will cut of thine * hor⸗
the enemies ther- fes out ofthe middes of thee, and J wiil de⸗
of,whichare.. {roy thp charets.
meant here by IL And J wilcutoff the cities of thy land,
the Affytiaas and and ouerthrew all thy ſtrong holds,
Babylonians 12 And J will cut off thine inchanters
which werethe . put gf thine band sana thou Walt paue no
chiefeat thar. miozefoothfayers.
time... 13 Thine woles allo wilt F cut off, and
hBy thefegouer- thine tmagesout of the middes of thee : and
nors wil God de- Ela ae no mozg worlbip the wozke of
i henthe thine bands.
na praba 14 And J will plucke bp the groues out
into ourland. ofthe mids ot thee: fo will J deſtroy chine
i Thi tae gnemicgedy ;
—— 15 Ana J wilerccutea vengeance tn my
God (hai deliver, Wath and indignation vpon the heathen,
thal only depend | which they baue not heard.
set haps the graffe of the field. and not on the hope of
„k Iwill defiroy all things whercio thou putteft thy confi-
anes as — confidence and idolatry, and fo will helpe thee.
1 It hall be fo terrible, that the like hath not bene heard of.
An exhortation tothe dum creatures to heare
the iudgemen againſt Ifrael being unkind, 6
What maner of {rcrificesdopleafe God
vy Earken pe now what the Loz faith, 9-
a He taketh rite thou,and contend b. fore the ⸗· oun⸗
the high moun- - taines,andict the hils beare thy vopce.
tainesandhard «<5
sockes co witneſſe againſi the obftinacic of bis people.
“ing, that Godhath prefcribed themro dothis, h Meaning, thae
TheLordsquarrcll. 348
2 Heare pee, D mountaines, the Lots
guarrell,and ye mightie foundations ct tye
carth : fog the Loo bath a quarrel againit
his people, and he will plead wit) Jiraci. -
3 D niy people, what haue F rone vato
thee: o2 wherein haue JIgrieued chee? telis
ie ageintt me.
4 Surelp Ib brought thee wp out of the
land ot Cgppt,anbcepeemed thee out ofthe
houſe of fecuants,and Jhaueſent belor thee
Moles, Aaron, and Mitiam.
§ D mp people , remember nowe what
Balak king of Moab had deutlev, and what
Balaam the fonne of Beor anfivered Hun,
from < bitin vnto Giigal, that pee may
know the 4 rightcouinefic of the Loz0.
6 (Uberewith « hall Z come before the
Lo20,and bow my felfe betoze the hie Goo?
Shall J come before him with burnt ofte-
tings,and with calues of a peere olo?
7 Will the Lozd be pleated with thou:
{ands of ramunes, og with ten thoufand ri-
crs of opic? Hall 3 giue mp: tirit boene foz
my tranigrefiton,cuen the frutte of mp bony
fo? the nne of my foule?
8 He hath bewend thee,D man, what is
$000, and what the Lord requireth of thee:
g furclp to Doe intip, and to loue mercie,
an to humble thy felfe, to walke with thy
0 aly aw
9 The Lods voyce crieth vntothe hii
tle, and the man of wiſedomne fhall fee thy
name:oeare the redant who bath appoin-
£ t .
_ IO Areyet the trealures of wickedneſſe
inthe boule of the wicked, and the fcant
meaſure that is abominable ?
II Shall Jiuſtiũe the wicked balances,
and the bag of deceicfull weights 2
12 fozthe rich meni thereof are full of
crueltte, and the inhabitants thereof bane
fpoken lies, and their tongue is Deceitfull t
their mouth,
. 13 Therefore alle wiil 3 make thee ficke.
in lmiting thee,andin making thee Belolate,
becaule of thy ſinnes. 20
14 Chon thalteate and not be fatiffen,
and * thy cafting Downe thall be in the mids
of thee, and thou! thalt take hold, but mait
not Deliver: and that which thou deliueret
will J gtue vp to the fwod.
- I5- Chou fhalt lowe, but not reape: thon
falt tread the oliues,but thou Yalt not an-
noint thee with ovle : and make fivecte wine,
but alt not Minke wine.
16 Foꝛ the™ Katutes of Omri are kept,
b Thæue not hurt
thee, but beliow-
cdinfinre bene-
fits vpon thee,
c That is,remem-
ber my benefits
from che begin»
nig hows dace ~
liuered you from
Balaams curls,
and aifo fpared
youlrom Shite. .
tim, which svas
in the plaine of
Moab, tih I
broughtyou into
§land promifed,
d, That is, the
tructh of his pro-
mile, and his ma⸗
nifold benefits.
toward you,
e Thus the peos
ple by hypocri⸗
i¢ aske how tò-
pleafe God,and..
arecontenttoof. —
fer facrifices,but-
will not change
F: There isne
thing fo deareto
man, hut the hye
pocrites will of-.
fer itvnto God, »
if they thinke
thereby to auoid
his angers but
they will neuer
be brought to
mortifie their j
owne alfections,
&to give theme:
felues willingly
to ferue God as
he commandeths
g TheProphee. -
in fewe words
calleththem to
the obferuation
of the fecond rable, to know if they will obey God aright or no, fay
when God fpeakethto any city ornation,the godly wil acknowledge
his Maieſtie, & confider not the mortal man that bringeth the threat ·
niny,but God that fendethit. i Thatis, of Ierufalem, k Thou
ſhalt be confumed with inward griefe and euils. 1 Meaning, that
the citie fhou!d goe ahout to faue her men, as they thatlay hold on _
that which ‘bey would preferue. m You haue receiued all the
corruption and idolatrie, wherewith the tentribes were infeed vne
der Omriand Ahab hisfonne: and to excufe your doings , you ale
ledge the kings surhcritie by bis ffatutes end alfe-wifedome and po-
licie in fo doing, but you thal not efcape punifhment , but as I haue
fhewed you great fauour , and eaken you for my people, ſo fhall your `
plagues beaccordingly,Luk, 12.47.
Perilous times.
and all the manner of the boule of Abab,and
vee walke in their counleis, that J Monld
make thee waſte, and the tubabttants there-
ofan hiſſing: therefore pe (hail beare tye ree
peoch of my people.
x A complaint for the [mall number of the righ.
teous, 4 The wickednef? of thofe times. 14 The
pro[peritie of the Church,
a The Prophet De ts me, for J am as: the Summer
taketh vpon him VV Gatherings, and as the grapes of the
the perfon ot the pintage : there is no cluſter to eate; my Pule
earth, which delſired the frt ripe frnits.
complaiaeththat 2 Whe good man is periſhed ont of the
allherfruitsare garth, and there is none righteous among
gone, fotha = men: > they alllte in waite foz blood: euery
noneis lefe:that man hunteth his brother with a net. ‘
is, that there is 3 Go make goad toz the eutll of their
nogodlyman and3, the prince aſked, sud the Judge iudg-
remaining:for eth fo? a reward i therefoze the- great man
allaregiuento he ſpeaketh out the coruption of pts foule:
emelti¢andde- fo ‘they wrap it pp. : i
eeit, fo that none 4 The beſtokthemis as eabier, and the
fparethhisowne moſt righteous of them is tharper then a
brother. thoznehedaesthe Day of f thy watchmen and
b Hetheweth thp viſitation commeth: then thall be their
thatthe Prince, confufion. i; “i
theiudge} and 5. Trut ve not in a friend, neither put ye
therich manare conſidence iwa counſeller: keepe the doores
linked together, ofthy mouthfrom her that lieth in thy boe
allto do cuill -= fome. © ;
and tocloke the 6 Foꝛ the ſonne reuileth the father : the
doingsoneof, Daughter rileth vp agaiuſt her mother : the
anothers o's Daughter in law againit her mother inlaw,
€ Thatis,thé and a mans enemics are the menof his owne
gichmanthatis boult. í .
abletogiuemo- 7 @herefore sF wil looke vnto the Loꝛd:
mey,abfteineth J will wate fox oD my Bautour : my Gor
ſrom no wicked- will heare me. f
8 Retopce not again me, D mine enes
d Thefemen mp:though J fall, J wall arik : when J
agreeamong fall fit in darkeneſſe, the Loza thalbe a light
themfelues,and vnto me.
confpire with 9 J will beare the wath of the Lowe,
oneconfentto: becatiſe J] haue fumed agatnit bim, vntill be
doe euill. plead my caule, and erecute iudgẽment fog
e Theythatare me: then will he being me Furth to the lige,
of moft chtimati- and J hall fee his righteouſneſte.
on,& are coun 10 Then ſhee that ts mine enemy, hail
zed mof honeit : : i
among them,are but thornes and briers to pticke. f Meaning,of
the Prophetsand gouernouss, g The Prophet fheweth thar the
onely remedy for the godly in defperate euils, isto flee vato God
forfuccour, h This is fpoken inthe perfon of the Church, whick
éalleth the malignant Church her enemy,
nefie, nor iniurie,
Gods mercy toward his Church.
looke bponit, and ſhame Mall couer Her,
which Mid vnto me, bere is the Lord thy
Gov? mine epes Wail bebold ger: now fall
ſhee bee troden Bowne as the mire of the
If Thisisi the Day that thy walles ſhalbe
onu this Bap Hall dgiue farre away * the
12 Ju this day alfo they hall come vnto
thee from! Alibur,and from the trong cities
and from the trong holds cuen vnto che ris
uer and froin {ea to fea, and from mountatne
to mountaine. i ó
13 Notwithſtanding, the land Halbe de-
folate becauie of them that dwell therin, and
foz the fruits of ™ thetr tanentions.
14 = feed thy people with thy rodde, the
flocke of thine heritage ( which Dwell oli-
tary inthe wood) asin the midsof Carmel :
let them keede in Bahan and Gilead, asin
Is °Accowing tothe Davesot thy com:
ming out of the land of Egypt will J hewe
vnto htm marueilous things.
16 The nattons hall (ce,and be conkoun ·
Ded for all tbeir power : they hall r lay their
hand vpon their mouth ; athete cares (hall
be Deate. i
17 Chey Hall" licke the duſt like a (ere
pent : they Hall moue aut oftheir holes like
wormes: thep balbe aftata ofthe Lord our
God, and ſhall feare becaute of thee.
18 (Ubo is a Godlike vitto thee, that tas
keth away iniquttie, and f paffeth by the
tran(greffion of the remnant of bis heritage!
We retaineth not hts wrath foz euer, becaule
mercy plealeth him. ‘
I9 He will turne againe, and hane coms
paſſion vpon vs: he wili lubdue our iniqui
ties and catt all t their ſinnes into the Vot:
tome ofthe fea, ;
20 Thou wilt perfozme thy = tructh to
Jaakob, and mercie to Abraham , as thou
halt ſworne vnto our fathers in old tine. ;
i To wit when
God thall fhew
himſelfe a deli-
uerer of his
Church, anda
deftroyer of his
cruell empire of
the Babyloni-
l When the
Church thal:be
reſtored, they
that were ene-
miesafore , fhall
come out ofall
the corners of
thé world vnto
her, fo that nei-
ther holds, rivers,
feas,nor moun-
taines fhall be a-
blero let chem,
m Afore this
grace appeare,
he fhewech how
grieuouſly the
hypocrites rhem-
felues thal] be
punithed, feeing
that the earthit
felfe, which can-
not finne, thal be
madc wafte be-
caufe of their
n Toe Prophet
prayethto Góa“
to be merciful
vnto his Church, when they should be feattered abroadas in folitary
places in Babylon, and to be beneficial vnto them, as intime pafi.
o God promifeth to be fauourable to his people, as he had bene a-
foretime, p They thall beas dumme men,and dare brag no more,
They ſhalbe aftonifhed, and afraid to heare men ſpeake, left they
thould heare of their deſtruction. r They fhal! fall fat on the
ground forfeare, f Asthoughhe would not fee it, but winke at
It. t Meaning ofhisele&, u TheChurch is affured , that God
will declare in effe& the trueth of bis merc ifill promife , which hee
had made of old to Abraham, and to all that fhould apprehend the
promife by faith.
Sp Nahum.
f A S they of Nineuch Mhewed themfelues prompt and ready to receiue the word.of God at Ionahs
l Lord by repentance : fo after a certaine time rather piving theme
feluesto worldly meancs to increafe their dominion
and trade wherein they had begun, they calt off the
and prouoked Gods iuft iudgement again{t them ina
wch was deftroyed, and Meroch-baladan King of Ba
preaching,and fo turned to the
r ~
» then fecking to continuc in the feareof God,
care of Religion, & (o returned to their vomite,
FAicting bis people. Therefore their citie Nine-
bel ( oras fome chinke Nebuchad nezzar ) en-
ioyed the Empire of the Affyrians, But becaufe God hath a continuall care of his Church, he ftir-
reth vp his Prophet to comfort the godly, thewing that the defru@ion of their enemies fhopld be for
their confolation.And as it feemethhe prophecied about the time of Hezekiab,and not inthe time of
Manalich his fonne, as the Iewes write,
Our {trong hold. Chap. j. ij.
C'H -AIP NE thy tame be ° fowen: ont of the honfe of thy
Of the defrultion of the Affyrians, andofthe gods will] cut off the grauen and che mel:
deluerance of Ifrael: ; ten image: F wil make t thy graue foz chee,
a Reade Ifa, wears E 2 burden of Mineuch. fo: thouart vite,
b Thevifion
or revelation
which God com-
b Whe baoke of the vifion of
Nahum thes Ctkelhite.
AZ 2 Gadis4ielous, and the
Lod reuengeth : the Lod re»
manded Nahum * uengeth: enenthe Lorde of
to write concer- anger, the Loꝛd will take vengeance on bis
ningtheNine- aduerfarics, and he reſerueth wrath fog his
uites. enemies.
€ Thatis,borne 3 hef Loz is flow to anger, buthecis
inapoorevil- great in power, and will aot ſurely cleare
— inthe tribe thewicked; the Lorde hath his way in the
of Simeon, whirlewind, and in the tome, and the
d Meaning,of cloudes arethe Dutt of his fecte.
his gloty. 4 Werebuketh the tea, and drieth tt,and
e With hishe is
but angry fora
time, but hisan-
ger neuer al-
fwageth toward
he drieth vp all thertuers: Balhan ts wa-
fted and Carmel, and the floure of Lebanen
ts waited. i
5. Themountatneg tremble fo: him,and
thebilies melt, and the earth ts burnt at
thercprobate, bis fight, pea, the world and all that Dwell
though fora therein. `
timehedeferre 6 gho can ſtand before bis wath?
f Thus the wic-
or who can abide in the fierceceneHe of bts
wrath? bis wath ts pow2ed out like fire,
ked would - and the rockes are broken by bint.
make Gods 7 The Loꝛd is good, b and asa rong
mercy anoccae holdin the Dayot trouble, and hee knoweth
fion to finne, them that truſt in hin.
but the Prophet § But palſing ouer as with a fieod, bee
willeth them to will vtterly deſtroy the i place thereof, and
confiderhis force Darkenede Hall purine his enemies.
and iuftice. 9 bat do yee k imagine againt the
g Ifall creas Lordehe wil make an ytter Oeftruction: af
tures becat fliction Hali not rife vp the fecond time.
Godsceinman- ` IO Foꝛ he ſhall come as pnto ! thoznes fols
dement;and ~~ Denonethancther, and as vnto Daunkards
noneisableto® tn their Dzunkennefle : they Halbe deuoured
refitthiswrath, ag Rubble fully dated.
thall man flatrer herencommmeth one out of thee that
him felfe and imagineth euil againſt the Lo20,cuen a wte-
thinkebyany ked counfellour.
meanzsto eftape I2 Thus ſayth the Lod $ Though thep
whenhe provo- bea guret, and alio many, pet thus hall they
kethhisGodto becutofwhen bee Mali paſſe by : though J
anger? baue afflicted thee, J will afflict thee no
h Leftthefaich- moze. ‘
full fhould bee 13 For now J will breake his yoke from
difcouragedby thee, and will burſt thy bends in funder.
hearing the 14 And the Lod hath giuen comman-
powerofGod, Dementconcerning thee, that no moze of
hee fheweth
I5 * Behold, vpouthe mountaines the
Feece of him that Declareth and publiſheth
P peace: D Judah, keepe thy ſolemne feats,
perfome thy vowes: foz the wicked fall no
moze patle through thee:he ts vtterly cut of.
Deftruction of Nineuch. 3.49
© Meaning,Sa-
acherib, who
fhould haueno
mere children,
but be flainein
the houfe of his
gods, 2.King,
19.36, 37.
YOM,19,1 5.
p Which peace the Iewes ſhould enioy by the death of Sancherib.
He defcribeth the victories of the Caldeans a-
ganftthe Afyrians.
T ige*Beiiroper ts come before thy face:
keepe the munition : looke to the wap:
— loines ſtrõg: increaſe thy ſtrength
2Foꝛ the Lo: bath > turned away the
glozy of Jaakob, as the glory of 3ifrael ; foz
the emptters bane emptied them out, and
© marred their vine branches, i
3 Che hicia ofhis mightie men is made
redid the valiant men arein ſcarlet: the cha-
rets fhallbe asin the fire and flames in the
Day of bis preparatton,and ¢ the firre trees
hall trembie, ke thallthey cries but none thall looke
at £. x
9 h DSpoyle ye the ſiluer, ſpoyle the golde:
foz there is none end ofthe Lore, and glozp
of all the pleatant veffels,
IO ‘She isemptte and vorde,and wate,
and the heart metteth, and the kuces faute
together and row ts tn ali lopnes,and the
faces * of them all gather biackenefle.
Ir aere ts the welling of the lyons.
and the pafture ofthe tyons whelpes?wbere
the lyons and tHeiponefle walker, and the ly»
ith the enemics
by whem hee
fcourged them:
reade lfa. 10, 12s
c Signifyi
char ie seats
lites were vtterly
defiroyed,. -
d Bothto feare
the enemie, and
alfothat they
thould notfe
foone efpie
blood one ofan-
other to difcou-
rage them,
e Meaning, their
fpeares thould
thake andcrath
f Then the Affy-
rians ſhall feeke
by all meanes to
gather their
them that his mercies appertaine vnto them, and that he hath care o-
werthem. i Signifying, that God will fuddenly defroy Nincueh,
and the Affyrians, in fachfort, as they fhali lie ia perpetual] darke-
neffe, and neuer recouer their ftrenothagaine, k He theweththar
the enterprifes of the Affyrians agsinft Judsh andthe Church, were
apainft God, and thetéforehe would fo deftroy them at once, that
he fhould not ncedeto rerurne the fecond time. 1 Though the
Affytians thinke themfelues like thornes that pricke on ail fides, yer
the Lord will fet freon them, and as drunken men are not able to
fland ↄginſt any force, fo they fhall-be nothisg atle to refit him,
m Which may be vnderftood cither of Sancherib, or of the whole
body of the people Of Nineneh, n. Though they thinke them-
feluesin moht faferie, and of ‘greareft firength , yet when God fhali
patie by be will deftroy them: notwithftanding hez comforteth his
Church, and promifeth to make an end of punifhing them by the
Affyriaas, > P
ons wyelpe, and none made them akraid.
12 The Iyon did teate in pieces ynongh
foz bis whelpes, and woꝛied fo; bis lyonetie,
and Alledsbis holes with praye, and bis
Dennes with Hoyle, will fatter them- $
felues and fay
that Nineuch is fo ancient that it can neuer perilh, andis as a fith«
poole,whofe waters they that walke on the bankes cannot touch: -~
but they (hall be fcattered, and fhall not looke backe though men |
would cell them. h God commandeth the enemics tofpoileNi- J
neuch, and promifeth them: infinite richesand treafures, i That §
is, Nineueh and the men thereci fhall be after this fort, k Reade
Toel 2.6. 1 Meaning Nineuch, whofe inbabitanrs were crucll like —
lions, and given to all oppreffion, and {pared no violence or tyranny —
to prouide for their wiues and children.
13 Behold,
power, butall
things {hall faile
g The Affyrians
A prophefie
rn That is, a 13 “Behold; J come vnto thees ſaith the
fooneasmy!> Lod of halts; and J well burne ber charets
wrath begianeth in the ™finoke, and the ſword Hall Beuoure
to kindle. the pong lyons, and J will cutoff tip ipoite
nSignifyingthe front che earth,anD tye voice of chp meth
heralds, which gers Shall normoze be beara.
were accuſtomed :
to prociaime warre, Somerteade, of chy gumme teeth, wherewith
Wincueb was wontto hruiſe the bones of thepoore, __ ‘
1 Of the fal of Ninench, 8-No power can'efcape
the hand of God. f :
Bloovie citie, itis all full of lies , and
a It acuer cea~ robberies a the pꝛay departeth not;
feth ro fposie 2 The noilt ot a whip and the noiſe of
and'fobve.: themooning of the whecies,and thebegting
b Hetheweth ofthe bozles andthe leaping ofthe charets.
howtheCalde= 3 be herleman lifteth pp both che bright
ans fhali hafe, ſword, and rhe glittering ſpeare, and a nitil-
andhowcoura= titude is ſlaine, and the Dead bodies are mas
gioustheir horfes ny :thereisnoneend ot their copies: they
thalbe inbeating ttumble vpon their copies, i-
4 Becaule ot the multituBeofrhe foni:
and there was none end: Put and Lubin
were Her helpers vo. Ay Mehta
_ 10 Vet wasthee caried away, and went
into captiuttte ; her yong childzcn allo were
Dalved tu pieces at the beat oF ail y ttreetes:
and they caſt lots foz her noble men, and all
ber mightte men were bound tn chames,
AL Bilo thou thalebe Drunken: chou hale
Hide thp ielte,and halt ſeekt helper, becanie
ot tie enemy. ; i
12 Gil thy areng cities Mallbe like figge
trees with the frit ripe fiages : fer if they be
Haken, they fallinto the mouth of rhe eater.
13 Webolde, thp people within thee are
women ; the gates of thy land halbt openen
vnto thine enemies, and the fire hal deuoure
thy bartes.
14 Draw thee waters foz the ſiege: tore
tific typ trong holds: go inio the clay, and
temper the mogter : make ttrong baicke.
Is There Mallthe fre Deuoure thee : the
(wod hall cnt chee off: it hail eate thee vp
like the € locuits, chough thou be muitiplied
like the locuits,and mulsiplicd like the gral
the ground, when
theycome a- © gçationsofthes harlot chatis beautifull, and
gainftthe Ady. is amiltecfle of witchcraft, and felleth the Hopp
rians. zoo people through ber whoꝛedome, and theta.
c Hecompateth tions thzough ber witcbcrafts. 3
Nineuchto an Beholder, J come vpon thee, faith the
harlot,which by Lozefholtes, and will erlcouer thy {kitts
ber beautieand) ppan thy faceand wil chew the nations thy
fu>ulrie entiſeth flityiuefie,and the kiugdomes thy panre.
youngmenand: 6 ANDI will cat fith vpon thee, emake
bringechthem thee vitesand wilit theeas.a galing ſtocke.
todeftruaion ! 7 Anditiballcometo pafie,that all they
os. Loot thatlooke vpon thee, hal tice fron thee, and
k » fap, faineneh is Dettroped, who will haue pi:
mS FEE ————— fall Jſerke comfozters
| “a Meaame ASi fez thee? 3 Er
oes & rt thon betterthen 4 Qo, which was
lexandria,which i ;
wasin leat full of people, that Tayin the riuers, and had
fen tony > the waters roundabout it, whole ditch was
rations, and yet’ the lea, and er wall was froin the fea?
warnowde. 9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her rength,
er. i
: 16 Thouhat multiplied thy merchants
aboue the arres of heauen: the locut ipot
leth and flieth away.
17 Thppinces areas the graſhoppers.
and thy captaines as the great grafhoppers
which remaine in the hedges ut the coing
Day $ bur when the ſunne artieth, they fier a-
wan anD their place is not knowen where
bey are.
13 Thy f Hepheards do Mcepe, D kin
of Alſhur thy trong men he Downe: the
proplets (Catered bpon the mduntaing,ano
HOMangathirethbthem. i
19. There is no healing of thy wound:
thp plague is grienous: all that beare the
butt ot thee Mallclapthe hands suer thee:
fo: bpon s wham bath not thy malice paleo
continuallp? i
~~ $a Habakkuk.
He Prophet complaineth vnto God, confidering the great felicitie of the wicked, and the miferae
„Å ble oppreſſion of the godly, which endure all king ofaffliGion and cruelty, and yet can fee none
end. Therefore he had this revelation thewed him of God, that the Caldeans fhould come and take
them away captives, fo that they could looke forrone ende oftheir troubles as yet, becaule of their
i ſtu bhurnneſſe aad rebellion againft the Lord, And left the godly hould delpaire, feeing this horrible
i confufien, be comforteth them by this, that God will punith the Caldeans their enemics , when their
| | pride and cruelty fhalbeat height:wherelore he exhorteih the faith full to patience by his owne cxam-
ple, and fheweththema formeof prayer, wherewiththcy fhould comtort themſeluẽs.
CHAP. L; -
2 A complaint againft the wicked that perfe-
! cute the iuſt.
| a'TheProphet ; * ng De burden which Habakkuk
| complaine:b yn- Ni} the Ae haya e
to God, and be- E> 2 DiLod bowlong hai J
| Wailsththata- ě ¢ ios cep and thouwilt not heare |
| mong the lewes eué cry out vnto thee fo: vio.
is left none equi- KS lence,and thou wilt not help!
tienor brotherly
2 IdhpDoek tjom therm me uriquity, ana
lone:bu: in ftead
cauſe me to behold ſorrowe for (poping and
hereofreigncth — pfolenceare before me: and there ace that
cruelty thele,co-. gaffe pp ſtrife and conteution. i
tention & frife. 4 Therefore tye Lawe ts dilfolucd, and
iudgement doth neuer go forth : fo2 the wice
ked aeth > compaffe about the righteous;
therefore meng iudgement proceedeth. ~
5 Beholde among the heathen, and re⸗
gard, anð wonder, and macucile + foz 3 wil
woke a worke in pour dayes: ¢peewillaoc
betreut it, though itbe told you. J
6 Fer loc. graik pp the Galdeans nth
bittet anv furtous nation, which Wall, ga:
vpon the bacadth of bslandso polleie the
Dwelling placcs, charare not theits.s, tnc s
‘tefintongias ds vers
palt you would not béleene Gods. 34, fo (hall ye
the ſitange placues esse Madem Salohiy
7 Thir
i Or thine,
eSignitying that
Godsiudgements _
fheuld suddenly >
deftroy the Afly=
rians, as thefe
vermineare with
raine or change’
of weather, :
f Thy princes )
and counfellers, .
8 Meaning, that
there wasno...,
peopleto whona
the Affysians :
bad not done
er EN
b To fupprefie ~
him ifany fhould
thew himí Ife
zealolis of Gods
caule,, - s
c Recaufethe
iidgeswhich -~
thouldredreffe —
this exceffe,are as
Suill as the teſt.
d Asin times a
enotnow beléeug
. more then God
Offoerin gtothe net.
e They them 7 Theyare terrible and fearefullsethetr
felues ſhalbe your iubgement and theis aignitie Wall proceede
Judgesinthis ot themſelue. D-O]
cłuieand none 8 Their hoꝛles alſo are ſwikter then the
fhall taue autho- leopards, tare moge tierce then the wolues
rity ouer them, to Íx fhe * cuening:and their horſemen are ma-
controll them. ny? and their ſorſemen hall come fromm far:
Zoph. 3-3. they Mail tlie as the eagiedaiting to meate,
£ For the Iewes 9 Avey come ail to ipoyle: before their
mok feared this: faces thali be an £ Eat winde, and thep all
winde,becaufeic: gather the captinitie s as che tand.
detiroyed their - 10 And thep ſhall mocke the kings, and
ſruites. the P2tucesthall tea ſcorne vuto them: they
g They fhal be fo
many ia number,
b They thali cait
Vp mounts a=
gainlt it.
i The Prophet
comforteth the
faithful chat God
will alfo deftroy
the Babylonians,
becaufe they thall
abufe this vidory
& become proud
and infolent,at-
sributing the
praile hereof to
ihew idoles.
k He affureth the
godly ofGods :
protection, fhew-
ing that the enc-
mie candoeno
Hall deride every trong hold; for they thal
gather® duſt, and take tt.
H Then ait they ‘take a courage, and
tranſgreſſe and doe Wickedip, imputing thts
their polwer onto their god. 10)
12 Art not thon ofolde,D Lord my God,
mine bolp one? we Hail knordie: D Lop,
thou haſt oatetned them for iudaemencj,e D
God, thou hatk eitablihed th fez cozrectton.
13 Thou art of pure eyes t canſt not lee enti:
thou cant not behald wickcdaes:wierefoze
Doet thou looks vpon the tranſgreſſors, and
holdeſt thy tongue, when the Wicked Denon
teth the man thatis moze righteous then he?
14 And maket mei as the! fitiies of the
fea, and as the crecping things that haue ng
ruler oder them? R
Is Gheprake vp all with theangle: they
catch ic in their net, and gacherit in their
parne, whereof they reioyce and ave glan.
> yet, and burne iucenſe vnto their pacne,
becaule by them their portionis fatte; and
their meate plenteoits.
17 Sdaltheyp therfore retch out their net
‘t nor (pare continually to Hap “tye nations?
hath appointed,
& alfo that their
fianes required
fuch afharperod. n
so that the great deuoureth the ſmal and the Caldeansdeltroy all
the world. Meannug,that ¥ enemies flatter themflues,& glorie
in their own force,power,& wit, n- Meaning,thatthey fhould rot.
CHA Peet
à 2 A vifion 5 againſt pride, couetouſneſſe,
Sig Arunhenn Je, and idolatrize
alswillrenounce : p CCL ſtand upon mpa watch, and et mee
mineowneiudg- Lvpon the towe, and wiil looke ð lee what
ment, and onely hee would fay vnto me, and what J Mall an
dependon God. ſwere to him that rebukethime.
tobeinfiru@ed 2 Qndthe Lozd aniwered mee and fait,
what I thallan- ¶Axrite the. viñan , and make it plaine bygn
fwerethem that ftables.thathe may tunne> thatreadeth tt
abufemy preach- 3. Foꝛ the vilat is yet foz an appointed
ing, andto bear- thue, butai che laf it mall {peake and not
medagainitail lie; though ít tarie, waite: foz it ball urep
tentations, . comgand Hall net fay. :
b Write it in 4 Behold, + beethat litteth op sinklfe,
preat letters, thar His mind isnot vpꝛight in bint, but the iuſt
he that runnetb, ſhall liue by his faith,
may reade ite 5 Dea, in deede the proud manis as? hee
c Whichcontei-
nedrhe deftructionof the enemic, and the comfort of the Church:
which thing thovgh God execute, not according tomanshaftie af-
feGtions,yet the ifue of both is ccrtaine at histime appointed. d To
truftin himfelfe or inany worldly thing, is neuer to be quiet.: forthe
oncly teftis to {tay vpon God by faith, Rom 1.17. gal.3.4 shed. 10.
38. e He compareththe proud and couetous wan to a drunkard . hee t
gods could nothing auailerhem: for they were but blocks and ftenesy
that is witheut reafonand lenfe, whom Gad wil punith,and make bin
a laughing ftocke to all the world; and chis he lpeaketh forthe csm-
fort of the godly, and againſt the Caldcans, *
Chap. ij.
16 Gheretore tyey faceifice vnto their
them by his rage,& fo in the end brought themto (hame. n Where-
The ftones fhall crie.
that tranfgreficth bp mine:therefore hall he
not endure, becaule be hath enlarged his Dee
fitcas the hell, and is as death, and cannot
be ſatiſfied but gathereth vnto him all nati⸗
ons, and heapety vnto him all people.
Shall not allthele take pp a parable
againet ilu, a taunting preverbe againt
bim, andiav, Ho, hee that increalech that
which is not hte?’ howlona? and be that ta- pea
deth himſeife with rhicke clay? _ £ Signifying that
tay BHAWS they norrife vp noveny, that Vche woud thall
fal! bite thee? andawake, that tall firre YED tke celtra-
thee? and thou wait be their prap? s: Gion of tyrants,
8 Wecauie thon pat fpoued many nati- 24 that by iheir
ons, all the remuant of the people sail RXptellion & co-
ipoile thee, becauſe of mens blood, and foe UCtoulneffe, they
the wong donein the land, inthe citte,ang o¢ePs >t vpon
vnto au hat dwell therein. Jo themiclucs more
9 iDo,be that couctech an euill couctouG ¢aurcburdens:
nefe to bis heute, that he may let his neton ft the more they
high, to efcape from the sowerofeuill. get, the more are
IO Thou » hait confniced tame to thine ‘ey troubled,
owne boule by deſtroyving many pesple, and S thar is,the
bat tinned agalntt thine ownefoule.: Medesayd Per-
1: TI poz the iitone ball erp ontot che tall, bans, thar should
and the became out of the timber ali ane Stroy the
(were tt. * a Babylonians?
12 (Hoe onto him that duildeth a towne b Signifying, that
with bleod, and evecteth a citie by inignis the couctous man
tze. is the rune of his
_ 13. tt not ofthe r Loꝛd of hoſts, oyne bout,
that ople Wali labonr in the verp fire? whenas hee
che people Wait enuey wearie themfelnesfog thiakerh toene;
Derp Yanie: - Somi aa i? eto nich itbyeruetie —
I4 Sromtbe earth Halibee ñlled With the and oppreſſon,
knowledge of the glory of the Lom , az the T ones of -
waters couer the fea. ~ the horf
15. se vnto him that giueth bis neigh· crie,and fay that,
bour” D inhenthgaiamer tiine Heate,and they arebult of
makett him drunken alia, that cheu mayveſt blood, and the
ice thetr prtutiiees <=>. ap) woed thal an=
16 Who art Hiled with Mame » fol glo- fvere and fay the
rie: vinke thon allo, and be mabe saked:the fameof it felfe.
cup ot the Loꝛds right band Rall be turned k Meaning,that
vntothee, and ſhamefull ſpuing hall bee b: God will not”
thy glazy. deferrebis vens
17 soz the o crueltit of Lebanon fhall gcance lonptut
couer thee: (6 Hhallthe fpoyle of the bealies, willcomeand \ a
which made them afraive , becaufe of mens deftroyalltheir |.
blood, and foz the wrong done in the land, in labors, asthough \
the citte,an’ vito al that dwell therein. they were confu-
18 CGibat profiteth the r image? foz the med with fire,
maker therof hath made itan image, anda 1 Inthe defiru
teacher of lies, though be that made tt, truſt Gicn cfthe Ba-
therin when he maketh dumbe idoles bylonians kis
19 Moe vnto bin that faith to the wood, glory hali ap-
Awake, and tothe dumbe one, Bile vp, pearethorawall
tt Hail. teach thee ; Abehside, it is layde theworld,
$ m Hereproch-
eth thus che king of Babylon, who as hee was drunken with ecuctou&
neſſe and crueltie, fo hee prouoked otherste the fame, and inflamed
asthou thoughtelt to haue glory of thefethy doincs, they (hall turne
to thy fhame: for thou (halt drinke of thé fame cup with others in th
turne, o Becaufethe Babylonians were cruel, not onely againit -
other nations, but alſo againſt the people of God. which is meant by
Lebanon,and the beafts thercin, he fheweth that rhe like cruelty ‘hall
bee executed againftthem. p., Hee theweth thatthe Babylonians
read {, 13 Therefore their goods Halbe ſpoyled,
pedas Ezek, and their houles watte ; * they Wall alfo
20 39.1. King. build Routes, but not inhabite chem,and they
38.24 ,2,King,
17. 33. wine thereof,
d'Meaning,the < l I i
- conrtiers, which did imitate the ftrange apparell ofothernationsto
winne their fauour thereby, and to appeare glorious inthe eyes ofalt
other, ReadeEzek.23.14, € ‘Heemeaneththe feruantsofthe ru-
lers which inuade other mens houfes, and teioyce and leape forioy
when they can get any pray to pleafe their mafters withall.. F Sig-
nifying, that all the corners of thé Citieof Icrufalem ſhould bee full:
oftrouble, g e Thisismeant of the ftreet of the Merchants, which
was lower then the reft @fthe placeabout ir.. hh So that nothing:
thallefcapeme. i By their profperitie they ase hardened in thein
wickedneſſe. Derst,28,30.amos 5,519.
and an howling from the fecond gare, anda V
fhall plant binepards, but not minke rhe.
Chap.j.B. Repentbeforedeftruction, 3-91
T4 The great day of the Loris neere: it
Is neere and haſteth greatly, euen the vopce
of the Day of the LoD; * the trong man thal
cry there bitterly,
Ig * That Day isa day of uath, a day
oftrouble and heautnelle,a Dav of Deftructi=
on and deſolation, a Dap of obſcuritie and
Darkenefie, a Day of cloudes and blacknefle, God
16 & Day of the trumpet and alarme a=
gaint the trong cities, and againſt the ie
towers. kaei te ot
17 And J will bing diſtreſſe vpon men,
that thep hall walke like blind men becaule
they haue tinned againſt the Lod, and their
blood Hall be powꝛed out as Duik, and their
fle as the dung.
18 * Metther their Auer no? their golde
able to deliuer them in the day of the
ords wath, but the * whole land thall bee
Deuoured by the fire of his ielouſie: for hee
ſhal make euen a ſpeedyriddance ofall them
that Dwell inthe land,
He maoueth to returne to God, § prophefying :
destruction against the Philsftsms,Moabites and
Ather a your Celues, enen gather you, D
nation not wozthy to be loued,
2 Wefoze the decree come forth, and yebe
as chaffe that paffeth in a Day, and before the
fierce wrath of the Loꝛd come vpon you, and
befoze the Day of the Lods anger come vps
on pou. .
3 Beeke pe the Lozd all the mecke of the
earth, which baue > mpought bis tndge-
ment: fecke righteoutnelfe, fecke lowltncife,
if fo be that yee may be hid in the Day oF the
Los wath.
4 Joz < A334) Halbe foꝛſaken, and Af
kelon Delolate: they ball driue out Ahood
at the noone Day, and Ekron hall be rooted
p. y f i
5 Wiec vnto the inhabitants of the (ca
e coal: the nation of the Cherethims, the
woꝛd of the Lozd is againſt yow D Canaan,
the land of the Philiſtims, J] will euen de⸗
ſtroy thee without an inhabitant. _
6 And the feacoatt albe dwellings and
cottages for Hhepheards and (heepefolds.
7 And thar coat thall bee for the rems
nant of the boule of Judah. to teede there:
upon: ththe houles of Achkelon Mall they
lodge toward night : foz the Lord their Gon
font vilite them, and turne away their cap>
tuttie. ` ;
8 J hane heard the reproch af Moab,
and the rebukes of the childzen of Ammon,
‘whereby they vpbrapded myp-people, ana
i magnified themlelues againſt their boz-
9 Thereforeas Jliue, fayth the Lowe
SE holes, the God of Jiraci, Surely E Hoab
leth them Canaanites whome the Lorde-appointed tobee faine, W
e He fheweth why God would deftroy theit enemies, becauſe theirr}
countrey might bee arefting place for his Church,
tions prefumed to take fromthe Lewes thatcountrey which the Lore 9
Malbe a
had giuenthemo
therefore he calea i
-E Vin | lee
k They thar
trafted in their
owne ſtrength
and contemned
the Prophets of
ioel 2.1 1e
amos 5.186
Chap,3 8.
a Heexhorteth:
them to repen-
tance, and wil--
leththem to
defeend into
themfelues,and `
gather them-
felues together; -
left they bee
fcattered like:
b- Thatis; which:
haue lived vp- ·
rightly and gode-
he preferibeth by»
his word,’ a
c Hecomforteth 7
the faithfullin,
that,that God +,
would change `,
his punifhments~
fromthem vnro>
the Philiftims
their enemies - |
and other nati<-
d Thatis, Gae-
lilea by thefe
nationshemeas |
neththe people —
thatdwele neeres ©
tothe Jewes, ©
and in ftead oF f
friend{bip.weré= 7
their encmies: J
Thele na
The careleſſe citie.
Mabak. 1.8.
b They are ſo
chus boafted that
fhalibe a8 Sodom, and che children of Am-
mon as Gomoꝛah, euen the bꝛeeding of net-
tles and falt pits, and a perpetuall deſolati·
on: the relloue okmy folke fhall (potle them,
a the remnant of my people Wall poſſeſſe
Ilo This Hall they haue for their pine,
becauſe thep baue reproched, and magnificd
themflelues againt the Lord of hoſts people,
IL The Lern willbee terrible vnto chem,
g foz he wil conſume atthe gods ofthe earth,
and enery man Hall worthty bin from pig
g When he fall
deliuer his peo ·
ple and deſtroy plate,euen alt the ples of the heathen.
cheirencmiesand 12 Ve Moꝛtans allo (hall be flatne by my
idoles hisglory {woz with them. ;
Mall hine 13 And hee will Kretch out bis hand a
throughout afl gaink the Moth, and derop Afhur, and
ehe world, wit make Nineueh delolate,and mafte like a
wilderneffe. RI .
14 Gnd flockes Mall lie in the middes of
het, and all thé beaftes ofthe nations, and
thet pelicane, and the } ovwle pall abine in
the vpper polites of it: the voyce of birdes
ſhall fing in the windDowes , and Delolations
fhallbe upon the poſtes: for the cedars are
h Reade Iſay
[Or bedgehogge.
i Meaning, Ni-
feuch,whichre- vncouered. 4 N ND
oycing ſo wuch - Ig Ghisis the iretopcing citie that dwelt
ofberftrength careleffe, that fayd in berheart, Jam, ana
and profperitie here is none belitesme: how ts hee made
fhouldbethus wate and the ſodging ofthe beattes! euery
madewalte,and one that paſſeth by ber ſhal hife and wagge
Gods people de- bis hand.
4 Against the gowernours of Terufalem. 8 Of
the calling of al the Gentiles. 13 A comfort te
the refidue of Ifrael,
pe VW De toher that isfilthy and polluted,
a That is, Ieru-· fo the robbing a city. !
ſalem. - 2 She heard not the veyce: He receiued
Exch, 22.25 ,27-
not correction: fhe truſted notin the Lozd;
micah 3. 11.
fhe drew not neere to her Gud.
3 Mer prtnces within her are as roaring
*Ipons: Her Judges are as * wolues in the
evening, which b leane not the bones tillthe
4 Her prophets are light,& wicked per»
fons: her pelts haus polluted the fanctuas
rie; they haue weiten the Law.
§ The ciut Lord isin the mids thereof;
be willdoe none iniquitic: euery moning
Doeth he bring bis tudgement to light, hee
faileth not : butthe wicked will not learne
to be ahamen.
6 J baue d cut of the nations: their
towers are Defolate: J| haue made their
ſtreetes watte,that none Hall paffe by: their
cities ave Deftroped without man and witi»
ont inhabitant.
7 J faid, Surely thou wilt feare me: thou
wilt recetue taftractton : fo their Dwelling
tinually to call ſhould not be Deftroped, howſoeuer J viſited
tance,but he profited nothing. d By the deftrudtion of other na-
greedy that they
gate vp bones
c Thewicked
God was euer
among them, but
the Prophet an-
{wereth that that
cannot excufe
their wickednes:
for God will not
beare with their
finnes : yet that
he did patiently
abide and fent his
tions, he fheweth that the Igwes fhould haue learned to feare God,
The Church comforted.
them, but e they role early and coꝛrupted all e They were
their works K : eepis al moft pa and
8 Therefore f wait ye vpon me, faith the ready to do wic-
Lorde, vntill the day that 3 rife pp to the kedly.
pape : foz Y ant Determined to gather the f Seeing ye will
nations, and that J will alemble the kings notrepent,you
Domes to pawe bpon them mine indignati- thall looke for
gn, euen all my fierce wrath : foz all the earth my vengeance
thal be Dewoured with the fireofmytetoufie, afwell asother
9 Burelys chen will J turne tothe peo: nations,
ple a pure language, that thep map all call g Left any
vpon the fame of the Lorde, to ſerue him thould thinke
+ with one confent. i then that Gods
IO From beyond the tiuers of Ethiopia, glory ſhould
the * Daughter of my diſperſed, paying vnto baue perithed
me, fall baing me an offering. when Iudah was
IL Ju chat Dap Halt thou not be ahamen deftroyed, he
foziall thy workes,w herein thou batt tranf: theweth that he
greſſed again me: for then I will takea- will publifh his
way out ofthe mids of thee them that re- gracethrough all
ioyce of chy pride, and thou ſhalt no moze be the world,
poud of ming holy mountaine. $ Ebr. nsth one
12 Then will Jleaucinthe mids ofthee fhoulder, as
an humble and pooze people: and thep ſhall Ho/2.6.9.
tru tn the Mame of the Lod. h That is,the
_ 13 The remnant of Iſrael Halldoe none Lewes thall come
tniquitic, no: (peake lies: neither Mall a De- aswell as the
ceitfull tongue be found in their mouth: foz Gentiles: which
thep Halbe fed and lie Downe, and none fal is to be vnder-
make them afraid. i ftood vnderthe
14 Ketopce, D Daughter Zion: be ye ioy · time ofthe
full, D Iſtael: be glad and reioyce with all Gofpel.
thine heart, D daughter Jerufalem. i For they thall
Is The Lowe hath taken away thy haue full remif-
kiudgements: be hath cat out thine ienga fion of their
mie: the King of Flrael, euen the Lordis finnes and the
inthe mids of" thee; thou falt (ee ne moze hypocrites which
cuill. i oafted of the
16 In that Day it Hall be fayd ta Jeruſa · Temple, which
iem, Feare thou not, D 3íon; let not thing was alfo thy
hands be faint, pride in time
17 The Lord thy God inthe middes af paft, halbe taken
thee is mightie: be will (aue, be will retopce from thee.
ouer thee with toy: he twill quiet himfelfein k Thatis tbe
sbislouc: bee will reioyce ouer thee with —
toy. thy finne. i
18 After a certaine time will J gather 1 Asthe Affyris
theafflicted that were of thecsand them that ans, Caldeans,
bare the reproch fez ° it. , 3 Egyptians , and
Ig Behold, at that time J will bzuife all other nations.
that afflict thee, and J will r fane ber that ma Todefend
halteth , and gather ber that was caft out, thee,asby thy
and F will wet them prayle and fame in all finnes thou haf
the alandsof their bame., put him away
20 At that time will J bring pau againe, and left chy felfe
and then will J gather pou: fo: J will giue naked, as Exod.
pou a name and peayle among all people of 32.25.
the earth, when 3 turne backe pour captiui⸗ n Signifying,
tie before pour eves, layth the Lord. that God deligh-
teth to thew his
loueand great affe&ion toward his Church. © 'Thatis, them that
were had in hatred and reuiled for the Church , and becaufe of their
religion, p Iwill deliuer the Church which is now affli@ed,as
Micah. 4.6. q Asamong the Affyrians and Caldeans which did
mochłke them,and put them to fhame,
q Haggai.
a Who was the
- by their enemies:
andifthefe two .
notable men had
needtobe ſtirred
vp and admoni-
fhed of their due-
ties, what (hall we
thinke of other
whofe deingsare
either againit
God,or very cold
in his caufe? -
c Notthat they
condemned the
building thereof,
but they prefer.
red policie,and
priuate profitto
religion, being.
content with
fmall begin-
d Shewing that
‘they fought not
onely their ne-
ceffities , but
their very pleas
fures before
Gods honour.
e Confider the
plagues of God
vpon youfor pre-
Ferring your policie to his religion,and becauſe ye feeke not him firft -
Plagues for contempt of religion.
will Anih the worke that hee bath begun , and fend Chrift whom hce had
they (houldattaine to perfect ioy and glory,
1 The time of the Prophefie of Haggai, 8 An
exhortation to build the Temple agane,
2 fr the feconde peere of
z Kig Darius, in the
fonneof Hyſta- © 7 FO firt moneth;-the Grit day
‘{pis,and the third MG of the moneth, came the
king of the Perfi- . word of the Lozd (by the
ans, as fome miniferie of the 920-
thinke, phet Wagaat) unto» 3e-
b Becaufe the IS fren viibbabel the fonne of
buildingofthe Shealtiel, a prince of Judah, and to Jeho»
Temple beganto pus the lenne of Jehezadak, the hie ziet,
ceafebyreafon - TAPMIR
thatha people ~ 2 Thus ſpeaketh the Loyd of hotes ſay⸗
were difcouraged ing, This ptople fay, The time is not pet
come, © that the Lodes poule Mould bee
3 Then came the wordof the Lord by the
minifterte of the JDzophet Haggai, ſaying,
4 Js ittimetoz pour felues to Dwell in
pour d fieled boules, this boule tte watte?
5 Now therefore thus ſaith the Lord of
oftes , Conlider pour owne wayes in pour
hearts. —
6 eVPee haue ſowen much, and bzing tn
little: pee eate, but pee haue not enough :yce >
Derinke, but pee are not filled: p ee clothe yau,
but pee are not warme: and hee that earneth
wages puttet) the wages intoa ———
7 Thus laith the Lord of hoſtes, Canh-
Det pour owne wayes in pour hearts.
8 Goe lop to the mountaine , and baing -
$000, and build this howe, and e 3) will bee
favourable init, and J will * bee gioid,
faith the Lod.
9 Pee looked for much,and loc,iecame to-
little : and when pee brought it home, J di
blowei vpon it. And why, lath the Lord of
hoſtes? becaule of mine boufe that ts wate,
— runne euery man vnto bis owne
Io Wherefore the heauen oner pou faved
it felfe from Beat, and the carth Tayed.Her. “O
fruit, ;
II Anè J called fora drought vpon the
land , and: vpon the mountaines, and vpon
the cong, and bpon the wine, and vpon the
Exhortation to build the Temple. 352
Se Hageai.
Hen the time of the ſeuentie yeres captiuitie, prophefied by Ieremiah,was expired,God raifed
VV. Haggai, Zechariah , and Malachi to comfort’ the Iewes , and to exhort them co the buil-
ding of the Temple,which wasa figure of the (pirituall Temple and Church of God, whofe perfection
and excellencie {tood in Chrift, And becaufe that all were giuen to their owne pleafures and commo-
dities , hee declareth that that plague of famine , which God fent among them , wasa iuſt rewarde of
their ingratitude, in that they contemned Gods honour,who had deliaered them, Yet he comforteth
them, if they will returne to the Lord , with the promile of greater felicitie , forafmuch as the Lorde
promifed, and by whome
Dile vpon all that the ground bringeth forth:
both upon menand bpon cattell, and spon
ali the labour of the bands.
12, When Zerubbabel the ſonne of She⸗
alttel, and Febothua the fonne of Jehoza⸗
Bak thedigh Pict with all the remnant of
the propie, beard the * poyce of the Lode
their God, and the wozdes of the Prophet
Haggai (as p Loan their God had fent hun)
then che people did feare before the Loz,
33. Chen ake Waggat the Lords meen:
ger in the Lones meflage vnto the people,
laying, J am with yon faith the LoD..
14 And the Lord ſtirred vp the | (pirit of
Zerubbabel, the nne of Hheattiel a prince
of Judah, and the (pirtt of Jehoſhůa the
forine of Jehozadak the hie Prieũ, and the
fpirit of all the remnant ofthe people, and
they came, and did tie worke in the Houle of
the Logie of bolts thetr:@on,
4 C HAD LY. ;
He ſpeweth that the glory ofthe fecond Tempie-
fhall — the firft. — fi
k. This declared
that God was the
authour of the
do&rine,and that:
he was bur the
minifter, as Exod.
14. 31. Iud. 7,20,
Ads 15,28.
1 Which decla-
reth that men are
vnapt and dullro -`
ferue the Lord, .
neither can they:
obey his word or⸗
his meſſengers
before God re-
forme their
hearts , and give,
them new {pmitss ,
lohn 6.44.
j #2 the foure and twentieth day of the firt..
moneth,in the fecond pere of king Darius,
2 In the leuenth moneth, in theone and:
twentieth day of the moneth, came the word
ofthe Lod by the mintiterp of the Prophet:
Daggat,fayine, :
, Speake now to Fernbbabel the foune
of Hlyeaitiel prince of Judah, and to Jeho⸗
hua the fonne of Jehozadak the bic Prieſt,
and tothe rclidue ofthe people laying,
4. tho is left among pou, that ſaw this
Houle in der frt glory, and how doe pou
fee tt now? Is it not in your cyes,in compas
rion ofitas nothing?
§. Pet now bee of good courage, D 3e-
rubbabel, fapeth the Lode, andbe of goon
comfort, D Jehoſhua, onne of. Jehozadak
the bigh Pꝛieſt: and be trong all pe people
of the land, faith the Lord,and° noe tt; for J
am with pou, faith the Loꝛd of hotties,
According to the wozd that Jcouenau⸗
ted with pou, when pee came out af Egypt:
fo my (pitts Yall remaine, feare
ye net.
7 Sor thus fayeth the Lome of hoftes,
< Peta litle while, and J will hake the hea⸗
uens and the garth, and the ſea, and the Dey |
a Forthe people:
according as Ifas-
32.11. and Ezek,.
41. 1, had pro-
phefied,thoughs «
this Temple
fhould hane bene=_
more excellent
then Salamons -
Temple, which”
was deſtroyed by”
the Babylonians,»
but the Prophets
meantthe [piri- 4
tual] Temple the =
Church of Chrift. -
b Fhat 15, go fore
ward in buildings
the Temple,
c He exhorteth >
them te paticnce., though they fee not as yet this Temple fo glorious
_asthe Prophets had declared: for this Mould bee accomplithed ima
Chrift, by whom all things fhould —
ofall: f Meaning, that they ſhould leaueofftheirownecommo- lanp:
dities ,and goe forward in the building of Gods Temple, and in the
fetting forth of his religion, g Thatis, I will heare your pray-
exs according tomy promile, 1, King. 8, 21,29, h .Thatis,m
glory fhall be ſet fort by you, i And fo bring it to nothing,
g >
Two queftions asked.
- d Meaning
Chrift, whom all
ought to looke
for and defires
or by defite,hee
may fignifie ail
precious things,
as riches and
fuch like.
e Therfore when
his time cOmeth,
he can make all
the treafures of
the world to
ferue his purpofe:
but the glory of
this fecond Tem-
ple doeth not
ftand in materiall
things , neither
can be built.
f Meaning , all
fpirituall blef-
fings and felicitie
‘purchafed by
Cheit, Phil.4.7-
Tharis, the
eth of the facri-
fices: whereby he
fignifieth that
that ching, which
-of it felfis good,
cannot makean
- .other thing fo:
— goodand godly. h Confider how God did
and therfore they
8 And F will moue allnations,andé the
Delire of all nations fhallcome, and J will
Be poi boule with slozy, ſayeth the Lord of
9 Thee filucris mine, and the golve is
mine layeth the Lord of hottes.
10 The glory of this lat Youle Wall bee
greater chen the firt, fapeth the Lode of
hoſts: and tn this place will J gine peace,
fapth the Loza sf hoftes. ;
II @ In the foure and of
the ninth moneth, in the fecond peere of Da-
tius, came the word of the Lod unto the
Pꝛophet Haggai, faving,
12 Thus fayeth the Lod of hotes, Alke
not the picts concerning the Law, and fay,
13 JF one beare z holy fleth in the ſkirt of
his garment, and with bis fkirt Doe touch
the bead, o: the pottaye,o2 the wine, oꝛ oyle,
0? any meat, hall tt be holy? and the Pꝛieſts
anfwered,and fayd, Ro.
14 Chen fam Haggai, Ifa polluted per-
fon touch any of thele, hall it bee vncleane?
And the Piets anſwered, and aid, It hall
be vncleãne.
_ 15 Shen anlwered Haggai, and fain, Sho
is thts people, and fo ts this nation before
me,fatth the Lord: and fo are all the wozkes
of their hands, and that which they offer
here ts pncleane. i
16 And now, J pzap pou, confiner in
your mindes : from this > Dap, and afoze, c-
uen afore a ſtone was layed vpon a one in
the Temple of the Lor;
_ ougbtnotto iuftifie themfelues by their facrifices and ceremonies:
but contrary, hee that is vncleane'and not pureofheart, daeth cor-
rupt thofe things,and make them deteftable vnto God, which elfeare
plague you with famine
afore you began to buildche Temple. i
17 ‘Before thele things were, when one
caine to an beape of twentie mealures , there
twere but tenne : when one came to the wine
pꝛeſſe foz to Daw out fiftie veſſels ont of the
pefe, there were but twentic.
18 J (mote pou with blafting , and with
mildew, and with paite, in all thelabsurs of
moe pams; yet pou turned net to mee, faith
e Lod,
19 Gonlider J pray you, in pour mindeg,
from — Day, aud afore from the foure
and twentieth Dap of the ninth moneth, euen
from the Day that the foundation of tie
Loꝛds Temple was laid; conteer it in pour
mindes, j
20 Is the!feed pet inthe barne? asyet
‘the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegra-
nate, andthe oliue tree hath not brought
fooatlh ; from this day will Jbleſſe you.
21 And agatne the word of the Lom came
bite Daggat tn the foure and twentieth day
of the moneth,faying, i
22 Hpeake to Zerubbabel the prince af
Judah, and fay, J = will Hake the heauens
and the earth,
23 Aud J will ouerthzowe the throne of
Ringdomes, and J will defroy the ſtrength
ofthe "kingdomes of the Heathen, and J
will ouerthzowe the charets, and thole that
ride in them, and the hozle and the rivers
Mall come Downe, euery one by the ſword of
Hts bother. j
24 Jn that day, faith the Lord of hottes,
will J take thee, D Serubbabel my feruant
the nne of Dbhealticl, faith the Lorde, and
wil make theeas a ° fignet: for J haue cho:
Gods fignet "|
i That is, before
the building was
k From the time
they began to
build the Tem-
ple, he promifeth
that God would
bleffe them: and
albeit as yet the
fruit was not
come forth, yet
in the gathering
they fhould haue
1 He exhorreth
them to patience
and to abide till
theharueft came,
and then they
fhould fee Gods
m I will makea
change, andre-
new all thingsin
Chrift of whom
Zerubbabel here
isa figure,
n Hereby hee
theweth that
there fhalbe no
let or hinderance
when God will
make this won⸗
derfull reftitu-
tion of his
fen thee, faith the Lod of hoſtes.
o Signifying,
this bis dignitie fhould be moft excellent, which thing was accom
plifhed in Chrift,
¢ Zechariah.
Wo moneths afterthat Haggai had begun to prophefie, Zechariah was alfo fent of the Lord to
helpe him in the labour , and to confirme the fame doctrine. Firft therefore he putteth them in
remembrance for what caufe God had fo fore punithed their fathers + and yet comforteth them , if
‘they will repent vnfainedly, and not abuſe this great benefit of God in their del'uerance,which was a
figure of that true deliuerance,that all the faithfull ſhould haue,from death and finne, by Chrift. But
becaufe they ftill remained in their wickedneffe and col dneffe to fet forth Gods glory and were not
yet made better by their long banifhment, he rebuketh them moft fharpely: yet for the comfort of the
tepentant, he cuer mixeth the promifé of grace, that they might by this meaues be prepared to receiue
Chrift, in whom all fhould be fan@ified tothe Lord,
a Who was the
fonne of Hyftaf-
This was not
that Zechariah,
2 Hee exhorteth the peopleto returne tothe
Lord, and to efchew the wickedneffe of their fa-
thers. 16 He 5 the reſtitution of Ieru-
falem andthe Temple.
ic. the eight moneth of the fecond
peere of 2 Darius came the worde
of the Lode vnto > Zechariah the
7S ſonne of Berechtah , the onne of
Jodo, the ophet, laying,
2 STheLorwde hath bene «fore dilpleaten
with your fathers.
2 Therefore ſay thou onto them, This
fapeth the Lozve of hoſtes, ¢ Turune pee
nto mee, fapeth the Lorde okhoſtes, and
i — turne vnto pou, ſayeth the Lorde of
4 Be ye not as pout fathers, nto whom
c He fpeaketh
this to feare
them with Gods
iudgements, that
they fhouldnor
prouoke him,
as their fathers
had done,whom
hee fo grieuoufly
whereof is men- .
tion, 2, Chro, 24.20. but bad the fame name,and is called the fonne
“of Berechtah,as hee was, becauſe he came of thofe progenitors , asof
Joiada or Berechiah and Iddo,
punithed, d Let your fruites declare,that you are Gods people,and
that he hath wrought in you by his Spirit, and mortified you: for els
man hath no power to returne to God, but God mult conuert him, as
Terem.31, 18. Lament. 5,24, Ialah at. i7 h 6.and 45. 21.
ka A H
| The reftoring ofthe Church `
Tere.3 t2.exek,
18.30. hofe.t4
2 oel? 12
e Though your
- fathers be dead,
- yet Gods iudge- .
ments in punith-
ing them ought
itil tobe betore
your eyes ,and
though the pro-
phets be dead,yet
their do@rinére-
maineth for euer
f Seeingye faw
the force of my
doGrine in pu-
nifhing your la⸗
thers, why doe
notyefearethe .
threatnings con-
teined iny fame, `.
and declared by
my Prophets?
g Asmenafto-
nifhed with my
judgements, and
not that they
were touched
with true repen-
tance. . U
h Which contei-
neth part of la-
nuarie and part
of Februaries
i Thisvifien fig-
nifieth the re-
ftauration ofthe
Church, butas
yet it ſhould not
appeare to mans
eyes, which is
here ment by
the night,by the
Dottome and by
the myrrhe trees,
which are blacke
‘and giue a darke
thadow ; yethe
compareth God
toa kirg, who
hath his poftes
and meffengers
abroad, by
whom he fiil
woorketh his
purpofe, and
the *fozmer Pꝛophets haue cryed; faving,
Thus tayeth the Lo of bottes, Turne
you nowe from your enill wayes, and
from your wicked wozkes : but they would
Bat beare > nE hearken vnto me, ſayeth the
§__ Donr fathers where care theyzand Do
the Prophets liue for suer?
But dw not my wordes and my ta-
tutes, which J commanded by my fer-
uants the Prophets, take bolaz of t yent
fathers? Ande thepreturned, and fain, as
the iod of hoſtes hath Determined to doe
uuta bs, According toourowue wayes, anv
according to our workes, fo bath bee Dealt
with vs. ;
Upon the foure and twentieth day of
the eleucnth moncth , whichis the moneth
k Dhebar, in thelecond peereot Darius,
came the word of the Lod vnto Zechariah
the (ounest Berechiah, the tonne of Iddo
the Pꝛophet, faving,
| Flaw by night, and beholde ka man
riding vpon a red horſe and he tood among
the myrrhe trees that were in a bottome, anõ
behinde him were there 'red hogles ſpeckled
and white
9. Chen aid J, D my Lod, Chat are
thele ? And the Angelthat talked with mee,
fatdento mee, J will ther thee what there
IO Gndtheman that toode among the
myerbhe tres, anfwered and fain, Theſe are
thepwhomthe Lozd bath lent to gothozow
the wozid.
11 And they anlwered the Angel of the
Lod, that toode among the myrche trees,
and fata, Clee haue gone thorow the wold
am — alithe world ſitteth fill, andis
at reſt.
12 Chen the ™ Angel ofthe Lod anſwe·
red, and fain, D Lodothoſtes, how long
, wilt thou be vnmercikull to Jerufalem, ano
to the cities of Judah, with whom thou halt
bene diſpleaſed now theſe threeſcore and ten
13 And the Lord anſwered the Angel that
talked with me, with good words and com:
fortable wads,
14 So the Angel that communed with
mee, ſaid yuto mee, Criethou, and ſpeake,
Thus ſayeth the Lord of hats, Jam » ie-
lous ouct Jexuſalem and Zion with agreat
i5 And am greatly angrie againk the
caveletie heathen fo: J wasangric buto a
little, and they helped forward the attlictton.
Chap. ij:
lt vAN N
is promifed. A wall offres 353
16 Therefore thus faith the Lord, J will
returne vnto Jeruſalem with tender mercy;
mine houle ſhall bee builded in it, ſayeth the
Lord ot hoſtes, and a line r hall be ſtretched
vpon Jerufalem.
17 Crie yet, and peake, Chus layth the
Lod of hoftes, Mycities Mall pet bee dz-
ken with plentie: the Loud Maliyet comtort
Zion. and thall pet chule Jeruſalem.
13 hen litt Jvpantue eyes, and fawr,
and beboid, t foure hoznes.
19. And F laid unto the Angel that talked
With me, hat be thele ? And be anſwered
me, Thele are the hommes which haue ſcatte⸗
red Judah, Jiraci and Jeruſalem.
20 And the Lod thewed mee fourel car-
21 Then lato F, CAbat come thele to doe:
And hecanhwered, aad layd, Chele are the
boznes, which haue ſcattered Jupad, fo that
a man durſt not lift vp his head: but hele
are come toftap them, and to cat outthe
bornes of the Gentiles, which itt vp ther
bone ouer the land of Judah to teatterit,
p Tomeafure
out the buil-
q Theabun-
dance fhall be fo
great, that the
places of flore
thallnot be able
tocontaine theſe
bleffings, chat ;
Ged wii fend,
but (hall euen
breake for tul-
r Which figni-
fied all tke enes
mies ofthe
Church, Eaſt,
Weft, North,
£ Thefe carpen⸗
ters or {mithes
are Gods inſtruments, which with their mallets and hammers break
thefe hard and ftrong hornes., which would ouerthrow the Church,
and declare that none enemies horne is fo trong, but God hath an
hammer to breake it ia pieces,
The reftoring of lerufalem and Ludah,
| Litt vp mine eyes agatne and looked, and
behold, aaman with a mealuring linetn
ğis hand. f Mens
2 Chen ſaid J, CUbither goet thousand
heeſaid vnto mee, Comeaiure Jerufalem,
that Jl may (ce what is the bzedth thereof,
and what is the length thereof.
3 And beholde, the Angel that taiked
With mee, went foozth + and auother Angel
went out te meet Him,
4 And fatd unto bhim, Runie, ſpeake to
this > yong man,and lay, ¢ Jerufalem Halbe
inhabited without wales, fo: the multitude
ofmen and cattelitherctn.
§ Foz J ith the Lozd. twill be vnta her
a Wall of ¢ fre round about, and wite be the
glozpin the mids of her.
6 io, )o,! come foorch, and fice From the
land of the North, faith che Lord; foz J bane
ſcattered pou inte the foure s windes of the
heauen, faith the Lod.
7 Haucrthy kli D ston, that dwelleſt
with the daughter of Babei.
8 Foꝛ thus ſaith thes 02d ef hots, after
this i glory hath befent me ynta the nations,
wich ſpoyled pou > foz Hee that toucheth
a Thatis, the
Angel, who was
Chrift : forinres
{pet of his office
he isofttimes ~
called an Angel,
but in reſpect of
his eternall ef=
fence is God,and
fo called, i
b. Meaning,him=
felfe Zechariah. -
c Signifying the
ſpirituall lerufa=
lemand Church
vnder Chrift,
which fhould be
extended hy the
Gofpel thorow
all the world,and
ſhould neede so
materiall walles,
nor truftin any
worldly firengthy
burfhould be ` >
fafely preferued,
bringeth his matters to pafe, k Who was the chiefe among the
re(tof thehorfémen. | Thefle fiznified the diuers offices of Gods
Angels, byswhom God fomtime punifheth and fomtime comfor~
teth, and bringeth foorth his workes in diuers forts, m Thatis,
Chrift the Mediatourprayed for the faluation of his Church , which
was nowtroubled when 41} the countreys about them were at reft,
n Though for atime God deferre his helpe and comfort from his
Church, yecthis declareth that hee loueth them fill moft dearely,
asa moft mercifull fatherhis children , or anhusbarid his wife, and
when it is expedient for them » his helpeis euer ready. o In de-
Rroying thereprobate, I(hewed my felfe but alittle angrie toward
my Church, but the enemie would haue deftroyed them alfo, and
oalidered not the end of my chaltifements.
and dwe) inpeace
among all theirenemies. d Todefendmy Church, to feare the e-
nemies , and to deftroy them ifthey approch neere. e lnme they |
fhall haue their full felicitie and glory. f Hee calleth co them,
which partly for feare, and partly for their owne cafe remained fill
incaptiuitic, and fo preferred their owne private commodities to
the benefits of God promifédin hisChurch, g As itwasithat{cat~ ·
tered you, fo haue l powertoreltere you, h By fleeing from Ba⸗
bylon, and comming totheChurch, 1 Seeing that Ged hath begun
to fhew his grace among you by deljuering you, heecontinueththe |
fame ftilltoward you,and cherefore fendeth mee his Angel and his
Chrift to defend you from your enemies thatthey (hall not hurt yous
neither by the way nor at home.
Dy you,
Satans tentation.
pon, foucheth the «apple of hts eye. —
k Yeeare fo
deare vnto God,
that he can no
more fuffer your
enemies to hurt
9 forbebslo, I will att vp mine band
1 ppon theni; and thep™ fhall bee a ſpoyle to
thoferhacterucd them, and pee hall know,
that the Lo20 of hottes hath ° fent me.
youhenaman IO Retoyce, and bee glad, O Daughter
canabidetobe Zion: fozloe, Icome, and will dwell in the
thruftin theeye, mids of thee, faith the Lov. }
Phl 17.8. Il Gnvmany nations fall bee ioyned to
}Vponthehea- tye Lord in that day, and ſhall be mp people:
thenyourene- and J will Dwellin tye middes of thee, and
mies, thon taltknow that the Lom of hoſtes hath
m They fhall be fent me vnto thee.
your feruants, as
you haue bene
I2 And the Lod hall inbertt Judah bts
portion inthe balp land, and Mall chute Je-
w theirs. ruſalem againe. ;
n Thismuftne- 13 Letall kleſh be {till befoze the Lozd ; foz
ceffarilybevn- peis railed vp out of bis bolp place.
derftoo d of
gine thee place among k thele that and by.
8 Heate now, D. Ichoſhua che bigh
Piet, chou and thy fellawes that fit beterc
thee : for they! are monſtrous perlons : but
behold. 3 will baing foorh thea Branch my
9 Forloe, the fone that Jhaue layde
betoze Jehoſhua: vpon one ftone thalt-be le-
ueneyes: behold, J will cut out thee gra-
ubig thereof, faith the Lord of boites, and J
a — eaway the iniquity of this {and in
IO Jn that day, faith the Lord of hoftes,
ſhall pe call curry
thea bine, an’ vider the figge tree.
m That is, Chrift, who did fo humb!e himfilfe,
The golden Candlefticke,
k That is, the
Angels who ree
prefented the
whole number
of the faithful :
fignifying, that
all the godly
fhould willingly
receiue him. `
1} Becaufethey `
folow my word,
they are contem-
ned in the world,
man His neighbour vnder aad efecmedas
Tf, 8, 18.
that not onely kee
became the feruant of God, but alfo the feruantof men: and there-
Chrift, who being God equall with his Father , was fentas he was
Mediatour to dwell in his Chureh,and to gouerne them,
A prophecie of Lhrift, and of his kingdome.
A= hee betwen mee Jehoſhua the high
a He prayed to Parek, afanding before the Angel of
Chrift the Medi- the Lozd, and > Satan ſtoode at his right
ator forthe ftate hand to reſiſt him.
of che Church. 2 Anathe: Lod faid bute Satan, The
b Whichdecla- Lordreprooue thee, D Hata: euen che
fore in him they fhould haue comfort, although in the world they
were contemned, Iſa. 11. 1. iere.2 3 5.and.33.14,15.. n He thew-
eth that the minifters cannot build, before God lay the firit tone,
which is Chrift, who is ful ofeyes, both becaufe he giveth light vn-
toallothers, and that all oughtro feeke jight at him, Chap, 4.10;
o Thatis,1 wil makeit perfed in all points, asa thing wrought by
the hand of God. p Though I haue punithed this land fora time,
yet I willeuen now bee pacified, and vifite their finnesno more,
q Yeefhallthen live in peace and quietnefle, thatis, intheking-
domeof Chrift, 1f2.2.2,micah 4.4,hag.2.10,
The viſton of the golden candleftiche , andthe
expofition therecf.
reth thatthe
faithfull haue
notonely warre
with Ach and
blood, but with
and fpirituall
Epheí, 6.12,
c Thatis, Chriſt
fpeaketh to God
asthe Mediator
ofhis Church,
that he would re-
buke Satan ; and
here he (heweth
him{cife to be
the continual
preferuer of his
d Meaning, that
Ichofhua was
wonderfully pree
Lo20 that hath choſen Jeruſalem, reprooue
— Is not this a d bꝛand taken out of the
3 ow Jehoſhua was clothed with fil-
thie garments, and food before the Angel.
4 Andbe anſwered and tpake vnto rhole
that ſtoode betoze him, faying, Take away
thee filtbie garments frombiun. And vnto
bim pee faim, Behold, J paue! saula thine
intquitie to depart from thee, and 3 will
clothet thee with changeotratment.
§ And Iſaid, Lec theme feta faire Dias
Deine vpon his head. Ba they fet a faire
Diademe vpon his bead, and cloched him
with garments, and the Angelokthe Lod
ſtood by. y
6 And the Angel of the Lod teftified
tngo Fevothua, laying,
7 Thus laith the Lo ofholtes Ifthou L
wilt walke tn mp wayes, and Kecpe mp
watch, thouthalcalio > tudge mine Poukk,
and ſhalt ailo keepe mpicourts, and J will
ferued in the captiuitie , and now Satan fought to afflict and trouble
him, whenheewas doing bisoffice, e Inrefpe& ofthe slorious
garments, and We precious ſtones thatthe Priefts did weare before
thecaptiuitie: and by this contemptible ftatethe Prophet fignifeth
that thefe fmal beginnings Mould be made exceliét when Chrift (hal
make the ful reftitutid of his Church. f He fhewetb of what apparel
he {peaketh, which is,when our filthic finnes are taken away,and we
areclad with Gods mercies, which is meant of the fpirituall reftituti-
on. g The Prophet prayeth, thatbefidestheraimen:, the Prieit
might alfo haue tyre for his head accordingly, that is,that the dignitie
of the Prieſthood might bee perfe& : and thts was fulfilled in Chnilt,
who was both Prieft and King: and here all fuch are condemned that
can content themfelues with aay meane reformation in religion, fee-
ing the Propheticfirech the perfeG@ion,andobtaineth it. h That is,
haue rule and government in my Church, as thy predeceffours haue
bəd. i Whereby hee meane:h,co haue the whole charge and mini-
fiery of the Church.
NRD the Angel that talken with mee,
came againe and waked Mee, as aman
that is raiſed ont of hie ſſcepe,
2 Amlan vnta mee, Mat ſeeſt thon?
and J fin, Jhauctooked, and beholde, a
candleſticke ail of gold, with a bowle vpon
thetepofit, and bis ſeuen lampes therein,
andienen? pipes to the lampes, witch were
vpon the top thereof.
3 And twooliue trees ouverte, one vpon
the right ſide okthe bowie, and the other vps
onthe left ide thereof.
4 BoZanfwered, and ſpake to the An⸗
gei that talked with mee, faping, (bat are
thefe, my Lod? d
§ Then the Angel that talked with me,
antivered and fatd vnto me, Kuoveect thou
not what theie bee ? And Jſayd, Ro, mp
6 Then he anlwered and ſpake vnto me,
faving, This is the werd of the Lord vnto
c Serubbabel, faving, Metther byd anarmie
no ſtrength, but by mp Spirit, ſayth the
Lod ofhaites. i
7 cAbo art thou, D e great mountaine,
befoze Zerubbabel ? thouthaltbee a piatne,
a Which was
euer in the mids
ofthe Temple,
fignifying that
the grace of
fhould fhine
there in moft'a-
bundance, and
in all perfection,
b Which con-
utyed the oyle
that dropped
from the trees in⸗
ro the lampes, fo
thatthe light nee
uer failed : and
this vifion was
to confirme the
faithful, yGod
had fufficient
power in him-
felfeto continue
his gr2ces, and to
bring his promife
to pafle, though
kee had no helpe:
and t hee Hall bring koorth the Head fone à
of man,
c Who wasa figure of Chrift,and therefore this do@rine was directed
to all the Chureh who are his body and members. d Hee (heweth
that Gods poweronely isfùficient to preſerue his Church , though
hee vfe not manshelpe thereunto, e Hee compareth the power of
the aduerfariestoa great mountaine, who thought the Iewes noa
thing in refpe of them, and would haue hindered Zerubtabel,who
reprefentedChrift, whom theenemies dayly labour to let inthe buil-
ding of bis {pirituall Temple, butallin vaine. f Thoughthe enes
mies thinke to Ray this building, yet Zerubbabel (hall Jay the higheft
ftonetbereof, and bring it to perfeGion, fo thatalithegodly fhallre=
ioyce, and pray vnto God that hee would continue his grace and
fauour toward the Temple, .
The flying booke.
thercof, with outings, crying, Grate, grace
vnto it.
g Meaning, the
Prophet , that I
8 MWoꝛeouer the wozd ofthe Lord caine
vntome, laying,
amChrift,fentof g The handes of Zerubbabel hane laya
my Father for
the building and
preferuation of
my {pirituall
h Signifying,
that all were dif-
couraged at the
{mall and poore
beginnings of the
i Whereby he
fignifieth the
plummet & line,
that is, that Ze-
rubbabel which
Chrifl,fhould go
forward with his
building te the
the foundation of this houſe:his hands ipali
allo finth tt, and ethou Walt know that tye
Load ot hottes hath ſent me bunta pou.
IO Foz who hath delpiſed tye vap of the
himall things? butthep fall retoyce, and
fall fee the fone ofi tinne in the hana of
Zerubbabel: x thele euen ave the epes of
m oe > Which gog thozow tye whole
D ‘
IL Then anfwered Hand fayd vnto hin,
Mhat are thele two oline trees vpon the
right and vpon the left ine chercof?
12 And J Spake mozcouer , and fayt vate
him, Uhat bee thele two clive beauches,
which thozow the two golen pipes emptit
themilelues into the golive ? ’
13 Gnd he anhwered meand (aid, Know⸗
e& thou not what chele be? and J fad, Mo
mp Lod,
14 Chen laid hee, Theſe are the two! o.
Chap. v. vje
faid mozeouer, This tg the {light of them,
thozow ali the earth.
7 And beholde , there waslift bpa stas
lent of cad: and thisis ah woman that tit
teth inthe midsot rhe Cphah.
8 And he ſlayd, Chis ts i wickeanesjand
he call itinte the mid s of the Gphay, and
hee cali the watght of lead vpon the month
thereof. é Í
2, Then likt J vp mine eyes and looked:
and behold, there cameouttworwomen aud
the wind was in their wings ( fozthephan
wings itke the winges ofa Hozke) and they
lift sp the Ephah betweene the earth anv
the heauen.
Io Then {aid F tothe Angel that talked
ae mee, Whither Dee theie beare the E⸗
a +
IL Aud hee faid nto mee, ! Co build it
an boule in theland of Shinar, and te all
ape eſtabliſhed and (ct there vpon ber owne
Wickedneffe {hut yp. 354
f That is, allthe
wickednefe of
the vogodly is in
Gods fight,
which he keepeth
ina meafure,and
can ſaut it, or o⸗
pen itat his pleas
g Tocouerthe
h Which repre-
fenteth iniquitie,
as in the next
i Signifying thas
Satan fhould not
hauc fuch power
again{t the lewes
to tempt them,as
be had in time
paft, but that
God would {hue
ioy and comfort line branches, that ſtand with che rules of
of thegodly, the whole earth.
though ý wort
beagain{thim , and though his for a while bee difcouraged , becauſe
they fee noc things pleafant tothe eye, k Thatis, God hath ſeuen
eyes: meaning a Continuall prouidence, fo that neither Satan nor any
power in the world can goe about or bring any phing to paffe to hin-
der his worke,Chap.3.9. 1 Which were cuer greene and full of oyle,
fo that Rill they powred forth oyleinto the lampes : Signifying , that
God will continually maintaine aad preferue bis Church, and endue
it Rill with abundance and perfeGion of graces,
i The vifion of the flying booke, fignifying the
curfe oftheeues y and uch as abufethe Name of
God. 6 Bythe vifion of the meafure is ſigniſied
the bringing of Iudahs af fictions into Babylon,
J Iturned mee, and likted bp mine
ii — and looked, and behold, a ying
vp iniquity in a meaſure asin a prifon. k Which declared that God
would exccute his iudgements by the meanes of weake and infirme
meanes, ] Toremoue the iniquitie and affliGions that came forthe
a Becaufe the
Tewes had pro-
uoked Gods
plagues by con-
temning bis
2, And he fapa vnto me Mhat (eek thouz
And J anlwercd, J tec a flying booke : the
length thereof is twentie cubltes, and the
byeadth thereof ten cubites. En
3. Then laid heevnrowee, This is the
word, de cating curſe that goeth foorth ouer the whole earth:
off all iadgement foz cnetyone tiat > ſtealeth, Mall be cut cit
andequitie,he aſwell on thig Ąc fide,ason that: and euery one
fheweth y Gods that 4 ſweareth hall be cut off, alwell on thig
curfeswrittenin Ude, as on that.
this booke had 4. J will bring tt foorty , Taith the Lord of
iuftlylight both hoftes ann it fhallenter into the house ot the
on them, & their theefe, and tuto tie houle of him that fallly
fathers: but now ſweareth by my Mame: and it Hail rename
if they would re- in the middes of his houk, and fal confiune
pent, God would
fame from Iudah, to place it for cuer in Babylos.
By the foure charets he defcribeth the foure mos
narchies. x
AS J turned and lift pp mine eves,
and looked: beholo, there came foure
acharets out from betweene > tiwo moun:
taines, & Che monntatnes were mountaines
of bzatie.
2 Ju the firk charet were e red holes,
andin the fecond charet 4blacke hozles,
3 And in the third charet e white hoz-
ſes, and tn the fourth charet, hozlesef £ Di-
hers colours,and reddich. :
Then J anſwered, and laid vnto the
Angel that talked with me, CUbat are thele
mp Lod?
§ And the Angel anfwered,and faid bne
to inee, Theſe are the s foure ſpirits of the
heaven, witch gee forth from tanding with
the Loud of all the earth.
6 Chat with the blacks bole went forth
into thelandof the Moth, and the white
went dut after them, and they of Diners co-
lours went forth toward the * South couns
trey. :
7 And theireddih went out, and regut-
rea to gor, and paſſe thezow the weld. And
he faid, 6o pafle thorow the world. An they
went thozowout the weld. er
8 Thencryed he vponme,and pake ynto
mee, ſaying, Behold, thele that aoe toward
a By charets
here,as by borfes
afore,he mea-
neth the {wilt
meffengers of
God to execute |
and declare his
b By the brafen
mounraines he
meaneth the e=
ternal] counfell
and prouidence
of Ged, whereby
he hath from be~-
fore all eternitie
decreed what
fhali come to
paſſe, and that
which neither
Satan nor all the
world can alter.
c Which fignifi-
ed the great cru-
elty and perfecu- ·
tions that the
Church had en-
fend the fame
`- among the Cal-
deans their for-
mer enemies.
Pee the timber thereof, and kanes there»
§ Then the Angel thattalked with me,
went foorth and {aid vnto mee, Lift up now
thine eyes, and fee whatis thts that goeth
b Thatis,vferh fooꝛth.
any iniury toward
his neighbour.
c Meaning,
6 And J faim hatis it? And hee fain,
Chists ane Ephah that goeth foorth. Wee
wherefoeuer hee bein the world. d Hee that tran(reffeth the firft
table,and ferueth not God aright, but abufeth Gods name, e Which
was a nieafurein dry things, conteining about ten pottels,
dured vider diuers enemies. d Signifying that they had endured
great affliGions ynder the Babylonians, e Thefe reprefenced their
ftare vnder the Perfians which refloredthem tolibertie, £ Which —
fignified that God would fomerime giue his Church reft , and powre —
bis plagues vpon their enemies, as he did in deftroying Nine uch and
Babylon,and othertheirenemies. g Meaning, all theafions& moe
tions of Gods fpirit, which according to his vnchongeable counfell
hee caufeth to appeare thorow all the world, h That is, toward
Egypt, and other countreyes thereabout,- i That is , they of diuers
colours,which aske leaue, to fignifie that Satan hath no power to
bust or affict cill God gine ithim, Iob, 1.13.
Dy 2 te
“The Branch.
k- By punifhing
the Caldeans,
mine anger cea-
fed , & you were
h To receiueof
t imandthe o»
her three,mo-
ney to make the
twocrownes. .
which were men
_ of great authori-
tie among che
es & doubred
ofthe reſtitution
of the kingdame
and of the prielt-
hood, and hart
others by their
m Becaufe this
could nor be at=
_ tributed ro any
one according to
the Law,there -
» fore ir followeth
- that lehofhua
mult reprefent
the Mefliah, who
was both Prieft
and King.
n Meaning,
hrift, ofwhome
the North countrey, Hane pacified my k ſpirit
tithe Roth countrep. -
9 And the word of the Lod came vnto
ime, faving, Er
10 Cake ol them ofthe captiuitic, euen of
elvat,and of Cobtiah,and Jedatab, which
are come from Babel, and tome thou the
fame Day,and go vnto the houte! of Joſhiah,
the ſonne of Fephantal.
In Take cues liluer and gelde, and make
crownes, and fet them vpon the ™ head of
ene the fonneet Jehozadak the high
eleil, ; i
12 And ſptake vnto bim, faying, Thus
fpeaketh the Lor of boites , aud fayth, Be⸗
hold che man whoſe name is the » Branch,
and ee hail grow ° vp out of bis place, and
he hall r buit the Tempie of che Logt.
12 Euen he Hall build the Cempie of the
Lozd,and be Mall beare the agloꝛy, aud wall
tit and rule vpon His theone, and hee Wall be
a Piet upon hts theone, and the countell of
peace Halve betweene r themboth.
14 And the crowne hall bee to © Veiem,
and to Cobitah , and to Jedatah, toc den
the foutic af Sephaniah , fora * memoziailin
the Temple of the Lo,
I5 And they that are farre of, hall come
and butlde tn the Temple of the Lod, and
pee hail know thatthe Lod of paltes hath
fent meg vnto pou. And this fhail come to
to paſſe, tf pee will y obey the voyce of the
1920 pour Ooo.
Tehofhua was the figure : for in GreeKe they were
th called Ieſus. o Thatis, of himfelfe, without the helpe of man.
p Which declareth that none could build this Temple,whercof Hag -
_ gai (peaketh but onely Chrift; andtherefore it was fpirituall , and not
` materiall , Haggai, 2.10. q Whereot Iehoſhua had búta fhadow.
-r The two offices of thekingdomeand prieſthood thall be fo ioyned
together, thatchey {halbe no more difieucred. C Who was alfo cal!
led Keldai. t Hee was alfo called Tofhiah. u That they may ac-
knowledge theirinfirmitie, which looked thar all things fhould-haue
beene reftored incontinently : and of this their infidelitie thefe two
crownesthall remaine astokens,AGtes r. 6. x That is, the Gentiles
bythe preaching of the Gofpel (hall help toward the building of this
fpiriuallcemple, y If yee will belecue and remainein the obedi-
ence of faith.
5 Thetrue fafting. 11 The rebellion of the peom
ple is the AG tha affiitiion. igi
A Nd in the fourth peere of King Darius,
à the word of tke Lod came pute 3echa⸗
riah in the fourth day of the ninth moneth,
enen ina Chiflen,
z Joze they had fent vnto the houſe of
a Which con-
tained part of
November and
part of Decein-
b Thatis, the
reſt of the people
that remained yet
In Caldea, fent
God Sharezer, and Regem-melech, and
their men ts pray before the Lord, :
3 And to Peake vnto the Prieſts, which
were in the boule ofthe Lord okhoſtes, and
tothe Prophets, laying, Should F: weepe
tothe Church at. tn the Aft moneth,and 4 ſeparate my felfe as
Leruſalem, forthe 3 haue tone theſe fo manye peeres ?
|| refolurion of 4. Then came the word of the Lorde of
ctheſe queftions,
beeaufe thele fealtes were confented vpon by theagreement of the
whole Church,the one in the moneth that che Temple was deftroied,
I| andthe other when Gedaliah was flaine, Ier.4.2. © By weeping and
- mourning appeare what exercifes they vfedin their fafting. d Tharis,
prepare my felfe with all deuotion to this fat, e Which was sow
fince thetime the Temple was deftroyed,
hoſtes tuto me, aping,
Speake ynte ali the people ofthe land
and tothe f Pꝛteſts, œ fap, When pee fatted,
and mourned tu tye Git and ſeuenth month,
euen thele (cuentte yeres, Didye falt wuto me?
8 Doe J approue ir?
6 And when pe did cat, and when pe bin
Dinke Did pee not cate Cozpour lelucs, and
Bainke foz pour telues? Shed
HioulB yee not hearethe words which
the Lord ‘hath cryed by the minifterte of the
fozmer Prophets when Jerulaiem was in-
habifed., and tr proſperitie; and the cities
thereof round about yer, when the South
and the plaine was inhabited?
8 Andthe word of the Lord came vnto
Zechariah, faving, d
0 Thus (peaketh the Lord of hottes ſay ·
ing, * @reeutetrucindgemenc, and thew
oe and campaflion, enerp man to bis
Io And oppꝛelſe not the widow , noz the
fatherlefle, the ranger, noz the pooze , and
let none of you imagine cutll agatntt bis bzo:
ther tn pour heart.
II ‘But they refuled to hearken, and !pul>
led away the fyoulder, and ſtopped cheit
cares, that they would not beare.
12 Pea, tcp made their hearts as an g-
Damant ſtone, te they Mouin beare the law
and the words which the L020 of hoiies ent
in bis ™ {pirit by the miniſtery of the fozmer
Pꝛophets: therefore came a gteat wrath
trom the Lord of Yokes.
13 Therefore tris come to paſſe, that as
he crycd, and they would not heare, fo they
cried, and J would not heare, faith the Lord
of hoſtes.
14 But J (cattered them among all che
nattens, whome they knew not: thus the
land was Delolate after them, that no matt
paled thoꝛow noz returned: fo2 they layed
the pleatant land ° watte.
Hypoctites fafting,
f For there were
both of the peoe
ple, and of the
» Priefies which *
doubted as tou⸗
ching this con-
troucrfie , befices
them which as
yet remained in
Caldea,and rea-
foned of ityas of
one of the chiefe
points of their
g For they
thought they had
defcrued toward
God, becaufe of
this faft, which
they inuented of
them({clues: and
though fafiing of
it felte bee good,
yet becatife they
thought it a fer-
uice coward
Gad, and trufted
therein, itis here
h Did you. not
eate and drinke
foryour owne
commoditie and
neceffitic?. and
fo hkewife ye did
abfteine accore
ding to your
own fantafies, 8
not after the pre-
fcript of my law,
i Hereby he con-
demneth their
hypoctifie, which thought by their falting to pleafe God , and by fuch
things as they inuented,and in the meane featon would not ferue him.
as he had commannded, k He (heweth that they did not falt with
a fincere heart, but for hypocrifie, and that ır was not done of apure
religion, becaufe they lacked thefe oflices of charitie, which Mould
haue declared tbat they were godly, Matth. 23,23,
1 And weuld
not cary the Lordes burden, which was fweetand eafie: but would
beare their owne, which was hetuie and grievous to the Ach, think-
ing to meric thereby: which fimilitude is taken of oxen,which fhrinke
at the yoke, Nehem. 9.29, m © Which declarcth that they rebel-
Jed not only again{tthe Prophets, but againft the Spirit of God that
fpakeinthem. n Thatis, after they werecatiedcaptiue. o By
their finnes whereby they proucked Gods anger.
2 Of the returne of the people unto Ternfrlem,
and of the mercy of Ged toward them, 16 Of good
workes. 20 The calling of the Gentiles.
A Haine the word of the Lod of hoſtes
tame to me, ſaying,
2 . Thus layth the Lord ofhoeltes , J was
a I loued. my cis
tie with a fingu-
lar loue, fo that l
could not abide
afclous foz Zion with great ieloufie , and J) chatany fkould
was telous foz her with great wath.
3 Thus fayrh the 10:0, F will returne
doherany iniury.
b. Becaufe fhe
vnto zion, and will dwell in the middes of thall bec faithfull
Jerufalem sand Jeruſalem Hall bee called a & loyall toward
' citie okftrueth, andthe Mountaine of the me her husband.
| Reftoring ofthe Iewes.
€ Though their
enemies did
greatly moleh
and trouble
ahem, yet God
would come aad
them, and fo
preferuc them fo
Jong as nature
would futfer
them to liue, and
increafe their
gbildren in great
d Hefheweth
wherein our
faith ftandeth,
zhat is,to be-
eeue that God
can performe
that which he
hath promifed,
though it fecme
neues fo vnpof
fitle toman,
@ So that their
returne fhall not
bein vaine: for
God will accom-
plith his pro-
mife,and their
proſperitie fhal
efure and
f Let neither re-
Spec of your pri-
uate comno.
dities, neither
countell ofo-
thers, nor feare
of enemies dif-
Courage you in
the going for-
ward with the
building of the
Temple, tut be
Confiane and
obey the Pros
phets,which in-
courage you
For God cur-
Bd your worke,
ſo that neither
man nor be:t
had profit of
their labours,
b Reade Erek.
i Which decla-
reth that man
cannot turne
to Godtill hee
change mans
Loꝛd of hoftes,the holy mountaine.
4 Thus faith che Lod of hoſtes, There
ſhall pee < olde men and old women Dwell in
the ſtreetes of Jerufalem , and euery man
With bis tafe in bis hand for verp age.
§ And the treets of the cite Wall be ful
id — and girles, plaping in the ttreetes
6 Thus faith the Lord of hats, Though
it be 4 vnpoſſible in the epes of the remnant
of this people itt thele dayes, Mould ít theres
mi impollible in mp light, laith the Lord
of baits?
7 Thus faith the Lord of hoftes, Bes
boive, J will Deliuer my people from the
Catt countrey 2 and from the (Heit coun»
trep. j
3 And] will baing them, and they hall
e Dwel! in the mids of Jerufalem , and thep
fhall be my people, and J wtll bee their Gov
in trueth and in righteoumeſſe.
9 Thus faith the Lord of hoftes, Let
your f hands be trong, ye that heare in thele
Dapes thele words bythe mouth of the 1929s
phets, which were tn the day that the tonne
Dation of the Ponle ef the Lozd of hoſtes
mag taide, that the Temple might bee buil-
10 Foꝛ befoze thele dayes there was no
Hire foz s man. no? any hire for beat , nei-
ther was there any peace to him that went
out, of camie in becaute of the affliction : fog
fet all men, cuerp one againſt bis neigh-
IL But now F wil not intreate the reſidue
rit es aaa as afozetime, faith the Lord of
I2 Foꝛ the ſeede hall bee pꝛoſperous: the
bine tall giue her fruite, andthe ground
fhall gine der increale, and the heauens
hall gine their Dewe, and J will cante the
— ef this people to poflefic all theſe
13 Andit hall come to paffe, that as pee
were acurle among the heathen, D boult of
Judah, and boute of Firacl, fo will J deliuer
you and pe ſhall be a bleffing: feare not, but
let pour bands be trong.
14 Forthus faith the Lod of boftes, As
3 thought to punt; tyon, when pour fathers
prouoked mee vnto wath, faith the Led of
pofts.and repented not, ‘raya
15 So againe baue J determined in thele
Dapes ito Doc well vate Jernfalem, and to
the bouleof fudah: feare ye noc.
16 Giele are the things that pe wall doe.
‘Speake yee euery man the trueth vnto bis
neighbour : execute iudgement truely and
Dprghiipin your gates, PINONA PA
17 And ler nong of pou imagine euill in
pour bearts againſt bis netghbour,and loue
no Falfe oath: toz al thefe are the things that
J bate, laith the Lod.
18 And the word of the Lod sf hoſtes
caine puto nie, faping,
19 Thus fatth the Lost of hoſtes, The
‘falt ofthe fourth monech, andthe fatt of the
fift, and the fatt of the ſcuenth, and the fat
heart by his Spirit, and fo begin to dog well, which is to pardon his
finnes andto giue bim his graces, i
Chap. ix.
Thecalling ofthe Gentiles. 345
of the * tenth Mal bee to the houle of Juday k Which fae
top and gladnes, and profperous bighteatts: was appointed
theretoze loue the tructh and peace. when the citie
20 Thus faith the Lord of hoes, Chat was hefieved, and
there hall per come | people,and the inbabte wasthe frit fan
tants of great cittes, of thefe fourc:
21 Ano they that Dwell in one citie, hall and here the Pro.
goe fo Another, (aying,* Up, let vs gee and phet theweth
pray betorethe Lord, and lecke the Lozvof thar ifthe Tewes
botes: 3 wili goe alſo. will repent and
22 Vea great people and mightie nations turne wholly to
fhail come to fecke the Lord of hottest Jes Ged, they fhalt
rulalem,and to pray before the Load. haue no more —
23 Thus faith the Lord of hotts, In thole occafion to falt,
Bayes fall tenmen take hold out ofall lan» or to thew fignce
guants ofthe nations, cuen take hold ef the ofheauinefle: ~
kirt of him that is a Few, and fap, (Ae will for God wil ferd -
goe with pou; for wee bane heard that God themioy and
ts with pou, gladneffe,
1. Hedeclarcth
the great zeale that God fhould giue the Gentiles to cometohie
Church , and to joyne with the lewes in his true religion, which
thould beinthekingdome of Chrift, 1/a.3,2. micah,4. E.
3 The threatning of the Gentiles, 9 The com
ming of Chrife.
T He burden of the word ofthe Lord inthe
land ofa Hadrach: and Damatcus thall
bee hist reit; when the « eyes of mann, euen
a a the tribes of Iſrael hall be toward the
2 Gnd Hamath allo hall border 4 there-
by: Cyrus alfo and Zidon, though they bee
«perp wile. ;
3 For Tprus did build her ſelfe a trong
hold, and heaped vp filuer asthe Dutt, and
gold as the mire of the ſtreetes
4 Behold, the Lod will {poyte her, and
be will (mite her power in the Sea, and the
fhalbe Denoured with fire.
Aſhkelon Hhaltec it, and feare,and 43>
zah allo hall be verp ſoꝛo wtull, and Ekron;
toz ber countenance ſhalbe athamed,and the
king Hall peri from Azzah, and Aſhkelon
fhall not be inhabited.
6 And thee ranger hall dwell in Afije
fen and J will cur oF the pride of the Dhi:
a Whereby he-
meaneth Syria,
b Godsanger
allabidevypon _
their chicfe citie,
and net fpare fo
much as that.
c When the
Tewes fhall con-
uert and repent,
then God will
deltroy their
d That is, by
Damatcus: mea:
ning that Hae
mathor Antio=
chia {hould be’
vnderthe fame
rod and plague,
e He fecretly
7 Andy willtake away his blood out of ſheweth the
his month , and his abominations from bes
tweene his * teeth : but hee that remaineth,
guen be thallbe fo2 our God, and hee Mall be
as a pꝛince in Judah, but i Ekron thallbe as
a Zcbutite. i
8 And J will campe about £ mine boule
againt the armie, again him that pal
{eth by, and againg him that returneth,
caule oftheir
caufe they de-
ceiued all others
by their craft
and fubtiltie,
which they clos
ked with this
name of Wife-
dome. f Though they of Tyrus thinke themfelues invincible by”
reafon of the Séa that compzfleth them reund about , yet they {hall $
‘not ¢fcape Gods iudgements, g Meaning,thatall fhould bee dee I
ftroycd faue a very few , that fhould remaine as rangers. h Hee yf
promiteth to deliuer the lewes when he fhall take vengeance on their”
enc mies fcr thei: crueltie, and wrongs dornetothem. i As thelee if
bufites had beene deſtroyed, fo fhould Ekron and allthe Philifims, 1
k` Hetheweth that God: poweronely fall bee fufficient to defend i
his Church aga'nft all aduer(aries, bee they newer lo crucll, or aficrm= d
ble their power neuer fo often, 4 —
Py 3 and
— a
Prifoners ofhope..
and no opyreTony hall come spon them
IThatis,God any moze; fo: now! hane J Gene with mine
hathnowfeene, eyes. ‘ey
thegr-at iniurics Q Reioyce areatly, D Daughter Sion:
and athi@iens
wherewith they
haue beene af-
fied oy their
fhaut foz top, D Danghter Jerufalem : be ·
hald, thy King commeth unto thee: © yee is
tt, and aued hinifelfe, poore, and riding
vpon an e alfe, and vpon acoit the foale of
enemies. an afie.
m Thatis, hee 10 And F will cut off the ° charets from
hathrighteou Ephraim, and che haze trom Jerulatem:
nefleandialua- the bowe of the battell Wati bce broken,
tioninhimielfe and hee thall ſpeake peace vnto the bea-
for the vfe and
commode of
then, and pis Dominion thallbce frome ita
vnto (ea, and trom the ariuer to the cnde of
this Church. tbe land.
n Which decla- I * houn alfoMhaltbec faued thrꝛough the
reth tbat they blood of the Coucnant, J) hauetooied thy
thou!d not looke
for {uch a king as
fhould be glori-
ousin the eyesof
man,but fhould
be poore, and yet
in himfelfe haue
all power to de-
fyrttoners out of the pit whites no wa-
12 Turne you tothe t rong holde, vee
u piloners ot hope: enen to Day Doe J De-
clare, that J wiii render the * double vnto
13 Foz Judah baue J y bent as a bow for.
mec: Ephzatins hand bane F flied , anda
Jiuer bis: and this Dane railed uP thplonnes, D dion, agatnit
is meant of tby omes, D Grecia, and baue made thee
Chriftas Matt. as a gyants lword.
21.5. 14 And the Lozd thal be ſeene ouer then,
o Nopowerof and his arrow ball goe foosth as the light-
manorcteature ning:and the Lo: God Wal blow the trum-
Mmalbe able to
let this kingdome
of Chrift,and he
*fhall peaceably
gouerne them
_ by his word.
p, That is, from
the red fea to the
pet,t Hall come forty with the whirlewinds
ofthe South.
Is Che Lord of holts hall defend them,
and thep tall Denoure them, zand ſubdue
them with fling tones, and they Mal drinke,
and make a nople as thiough wine, and they
fhall be filled like bowles, and asthe yoznes
of the altar.
fea called Syria. — 16 And the Loyd their God hall deliuer
cum; and by them in that Day as the Hocke of bis people:
thefepiaces _ fozthey fhall bee as the? {tones of the crowne
whichtheIewes lifted bp vpon his land.
knew,hemeant I7 fFoꝛ bow great ts dis goodneffe/ and
aninfinice(pace How great ispis beautie! cozne fhallinake
andcompafle the pong mencheerefult, and new wine the
ouerthe whole imnatoes,
Thatis, from Euphrates. r Meaning, Ierufalem,or the Church
which is faued by the blood of Chrift, whereof the blood of the facti-
fices was a figure , and is heere called the couenant of the Church,
becaufe God made ic with bis Church, and left it with them, for the
Jouethat heebare vnto them.
f God ſheweth that he will deliuer
his Church out of all dangers, feeme they neuer fo great. t That
is, intothe holy land, where the citie and the Temple are, where
God willdefendyou, u Meaning, the faitbfull, which feemed to
beein danger of their enemies on cuery fide, amd yet liucdin hope
that God would reftorethem to liberte,
x Tkisis, double bene-
2 Th: vanstie of sdotatrie. 3 The Lord promi-
fithto viſitè and comfort the houfe of F frael.
py he pou of the? Lord raine tn the tine
“AoE the fatter rame: fo hall the Lod
The corner,naile,and bowe.
a The Prophet i
reprooucih the »
make white clonds, and giur pou ihew2es of Iewes, becanle
raine, and to euety one grafie in the clo. |
_2 Surely che > Doles haue ſpoken vante
tig, and the ſoothſayers haue ſeene a ite and
the Dreamers haue told a vame thing: hep
confort in vaine: therefore ‘they ment away
as ſhecpe: they were troubled, becaule there
was no fhepheard. : *
Wy wath was kindled againſt the
epheards, and J Din vrit thed goates: but
the Lod of hoſtes will vtitte bis flocke the
boule of Judah, and will make them asehis
beautitulthorſe in the barrell.
4 Dut fof pim fall the coner come
foozti: out of kun the naile, out of hun the
bow of battelf,and out of him euery sappoin-
ter of tribute allo. ‘
5. And they lhall be as themightte men,
which tread dovne cheit enemies t; the mire
ofthe ſtreetes in the battell, and they thal
fight, becaule tye Loz? is with them and the
riders and bozies hall be confounded.
6 And wil frengthen che houle of Ju⸗
Day, and Jf will pacierue the houle" ot Zo-
feph, and J wall bzing them againe, €02 F
pitie them, and they ſhalbe as though had
not caſt them off: foz Tam the Lord cheit
@o00,and will heare theni.
7 And they of Ephꝛaim lhall be as agy-
anit, and their heart hall retopee as through
wine: pea, their chilen Mall {ee it, and
pd Sige sand their heart hall retopce tu the
8 J twil i hife for them and gather them;
fo2 J baue redeemed them: and they palin-
crealt,as they haue increaſed.
9 And F will * fowe them among the
people, and they ſhall remeniber me in tarre
countreyes: and they Mall liue with their
chilozen,and' turneagaine. _
Io J wul bring them agatne allo out of
the lana of Egypt, and gather them out of
Shur: and J will bring theminto the land
of Giiead and Lebanon, and place (hail not
be found fo? them. f :
IL And heem Hall goe into the Hea with
affliction, and fhail limite the waues inthe
fea, and ali the deprhs of the riner fhalldzte
bp: and the pride of Albur hail bee cat
Downe, and the ſcepter of Egypt hall Dege
partaway. p
12 And J will ſtrengthen them inthe
Lord, and they Mall walke in. bis Mame,
faith the Loz.
by their owne
put backe Gods
races promife
K fo famine n
came by Gods
iuft iudgement:
therefore to a⸗
uoid this plague,
he willech chem»
to turne to God,
andto pray in:
faith to him and
fo he will giue
them abundance,
b He callethro
remembrance >
Gods punih-
ments in times
P: R, becanferhey
trufted not in
him butan the ir
idols and forces
rers,who euer
deceiucd them.
e: That is, the
lewes went into
d Meaning,the
crue! gouernours
which did op-
prefie the poore
theepe, Ezek, +
e He willbe
mercifullto his -`
Church, and
cherifh them
as a King or
Prince doeth
his beft horfe,
which (hall bee
for his owne vie
inthe warre,
f Ourof tudaly
thall the chiefe
ceed, who thal
be asa corner...
to vphold the
building and as -`
a naile to fatten
it together.
fites and profperitie, in refpe@ of chat, which your fathcrs enioyed
from Dauids time to the captiuitie, y 1 will make Iudah and E-
phraim , thatas, my whole Church, viGerious againſt all cnemies,
whichhee heere meaneth by the Grecians. z Heepromifeth chat
L the Lewes (hall deftroy their encmies , and haue abundance and ex-
© cefe of all things , as there is avuadance on the altar when the facri-
fice is offered: which things are net to mooue them to intemperancie,
but io ſobrietie, and athankfull remembrance of Gods great Jibera-
jitie. a‘ The faithſull (halbe preferued, and reucrenced of all, that
the very enemies (hall be compelled to efteeme them: for Gods glory
| fhall thine in chem, as lofephus declarcth of Alexander the great,
| when be met Iadi che high Pricft.
; , g Ouer their
enemies. b That is,the ten tribes,which fhould be gathered ynder
Chrift to thereft ofthe Church, i Wherby hedeclareththe power
of God,who needeth no great preparation when hee will deliuer his
for with a beckeor hiffe hee can cali them from all places fuddenly.
k Though they hall yet befcatrered,and feeme to be loft,yerit thal
bee profitable vnto them: for there they hall cometo the knowledge
of my Name, which was accomplifhed wnder the Goipel, among
whom it was firſt preached, 1 Nor that they ſhould returne into
their countrey, but begathered and ioyned in one faith by the dot-
rincof the Gofpel, m Healludethto the deliuerance of the peos
ple out of Egypt whereas the Angel ime ae floodsand rivers
Sheep eof flaughter. Two ftaues.
1 The deftruction of the Tewiple. 4 The care
ofthe fasthfull u commutted to Chrif, 7 A grie-
uous vifion again? Terufalemand Iudah.
a Becaufethe Or the domes, D+ Lebanon, andthe
lewesthought. ttre (hall Beuoure the ceBars. y
themfelues{o 2 Hovwle, >ficre trees: for the cedaris
ftrong by reafon fallen tecaule allthe mighty are deſtroyedt
ofthismoun- > owleye, D okesof Balhan, for thes Befen=
tainthatno ene- ced foreitiscut Downe.
mie couldcome 3 @bereis the voice of the howling of the
tohurtthem, the fhepbeards:to2 their d — ts deſtroxed:the
Prophettheweth voice of the roaring ef lions whelps: foz the
tha:when God pꝛide ot Jorden is deſtroyed.
ſendeth tbe ene: 4 Thus layth the Lord my God, Feede
mies, it thal hew the ſhecpe of thee flaugbter.
it ſelte ready-to § Thep that pollefle chem, flay them,
receiucthem, ` f anD finne not; and they that ſell them, fay,
b Shewing,thar £ Bleg bee tht Lord: fozZ am rich, and
ifthe firong men. their owne hepheards {pare them not.
were deftroyed, 6 Burelp J wilno moze ſpare thoſe that
the weaker were dwell ithe land, fapth the Lozd: but ice,
not able to reſiſt. + J will deliuer the men euery one into his
© Seeing thar neighbours band, andintothe hand of hts
Lebanonwas iking: and they thatimite the land, and out
deſtroyed,xhich of their ands J wiil not deliuer them.
wastheiirongelt 7 Jorg Fed the eepe of flanghter,cuen
munition, the the: pooze of the flocke, and J tooke vnto
. weaker places mice! tivattanes: the oneg called Beauty,
could no: thinke and the other Jcalled Bands, and J fed che
to hold 6ur, Heepe.
d Toatis, the 8 = Theee hepheards alfo F cut of in
senoum¢ofiu-. one moneth, and my foule loathed = them,
dahand ifrael and thcir foule abhoured me.
fhou!d perit. 9 Then laid J.J wel noc teede you: that
e- Which being that dtethlecit Bic: and thar that pertiherh,
nowd:ftinate Let tt pertih: and let che remnant cate, cuery
to bee fliine, one the fic of bis neighbour.
weredeliueredas IO And Itooke my ttatfe, cuca Beanty,
outoftheLjons ani brakett, that Imight diſanull my to-
_ mouths ' nenart which J bad mace with ali people.
f Their gouer- 11 And it was boken tn that Day: and fo
nours deitroy the ° pooze of the fheepe that waited vpon
themavthout © nie,knew thatit was the wo ofthe Loz.
arly remorfe of 12 And J (avd vnto them, FE pe chinks tt
confience or | good ginue meer my Wages: and it no, leaue
yerthinkine © Of; Lo thep weighed foz inp Wages thirtie
that theydoe + piece: of filer. i
enills 13 And the Loz faid vntome, Cat it
g Helmoteththe butothes potters a goodly price,that J was
hypocritesjwhich DalucDat of them. And Jtookeche thirtie
euer bavethe + i 313 AN? 2318 i
name of God in their mouthes, thoughintheir life and doings they
deny Godatirivuring their gaine to Gods blefling, which commeth
of the fpoyleoftheir brethren, h 1 will caufe one todeftroy ano.
ther. i Their gouernours thi} execute cruelty ower them. k That
isjthefmali remnant, whom he thought worthy to fhew mercy vnto.
1 God: fhewetl his great benefits toward his people to conuince
them ofigreateringratitude, whichsweuld neither be ruled by his molt
beautifull orderof goucrneient , neither continue in-che bands of
brotherly vnity, and therefore hee breaketh both che one and theo-
‘ther, Somereade, for Bands deftroyers, but in the 4.verſe the firft
readingisconfirmed, m- Whereby -heetheweth his careand dili⸗
pence thathee would fufft r them to haue no cuill rulers,becaufe they
thouldconfiderhisgreatloue. n. Meaning the people, becaufe they
would nor acknowledge thefe great heneſit· ot Godu 0 Ho thew.
eth tharthe leaft part cucr proite by Gods iucgements. · Beſides
their ingratitude Gad accufeth them of malice and wickedne ywhieli
did not onely forget his benefits, but eftecmed them as things of
Bought, gq Shewingtharit wastoo little to pay hiswages, which |
could fearce fuffice to make a feweilestortu couer the Temples >
Yaj. The idole fhepheard,'3 56 7
pieces of filuer, and cat them to the potter in
the boufe of the Lod,
14 Chin byake J mine other ſtaſte, euen
the Bandes, that J might diſſolue the bros
therhood betweent Puvah aud Firat.
14 And the Led fain vnto mee, Cake to
bet "tpe indruments ot a foolity Wep.
16 Foꝛ loe, Jwill raiſe vp a hepheard in
the land, wbich thail not looke for rhe thing
that fs loft, no ſeeke the tender lambes, uo?
heale chat thatis burt, no: feede that that
f tandeth vp: but he thaleate the lel of the
fat,and teare thetr clawes in pieces. -
17 D idole wepheard that leaneth the
Focke: che ſword thall bee vpon his tarme,
and bpon bis right eye. His arme fhall bee
r Signif, iap,that
they thould have
a certaine kinde
of regiment, and
cutward thew of
burin effect it
fhould be nos >
thing ; for they
fhould be wolues
and devouring ©’
cleane Dzied bp, and Hisright cpe ſhalbe vt» bealtsinftead
terip Darkened, of thepheards,
f Andis in health
endfound. t Bythearme he fienifieth ſtrength, ashe doeth wile-
dome and ‘wdgement by the eye, taat is, the pl gue of God fhall take
away both thy (trength and iudgement,
Of the defiruttion and buslding againe of Lee
T ipe burden of the word of the LoD vpon a Thatis,theten
a Jiracl, ſayth the Loꝛd, which ſpread trices which
the heauens, and layd the foundation of the negle&edGods
earth, and foamed the ſpirit of man within benefit in deliue=
pini. ting their bre-
2 Bebold,F wilmake Jerufalem abcup thren;& hadra-
of popon vnto all the people round abont; therremainein
and allo with Judah will hee be, in the ficge capuuitie,then
againſt Jeruſalem. to returne home,
3 Audin chat dap will J make Jerufae when God cal⸗
leman Heatiy tohe foz ail people: ailthat led tchen.
lft itvp,thailbe tomne,though all thepeople b Tervfalem fhalt
of the earth be gathered togethcragatnitit. be defended a- ©
4 In that day, ſayth the Lorde, J will gainftall herene-:
finite cuerp horſe with ttontibment , and is mies:fo thal God
rider with madnefle, and J wül open mine defend all Tuda
epes vpon the boule of Judah, and willinite alfo and Mall des
cucrp borie of the people with blindneſſe. itroy théenemics’
§ And the pinces of Judah: Malt (ay ta c Eusry captaine
therrbearts, The «inhabitants of Fertilas chat had mony:
icm thall be my ſtrength in the Lezd ot hoſts vnder him afore
their God. fhallnow thinke» —
6 Ju that vay will J makethe princes thar the (mall |
of Judah tke coles of fre among the wood, power of Ieruſ⸗ ·
and like a firebzand in the ſheafe, and they lem halbe uffi-
theright band and on the left: and Jeruſa. chem againft all
lem tail bee inhabited againe tn Ger owne encmicsb caule
placeeuen tu Ficrufatem. the Lordisas ©
7. Che Lor aliohal preferuethestentgs mong shim.
of Judab, as alezetune: therefore the glop d the people
of rhe houſe of Danid Hall not boaſt, uo tye which arenow
glory of the inhabitauts of Icruſalein a= asit were dilper-"
gaint Judah. fed ythe fieldsy ©
8 Ja that Bay hall rhe Low defend the and lieopento
inhabitants of Jeruſalem and be thatts fee: theit encmies.
ble among them, in that Day Galibe as Da- Mall he no ief?
uid: and the houle-of Dauidthalbeas Gods preſtrued by my
honfe andasthe Angel of the Lede before power thenif
them. fi J „$ they were vnder
9 And in that day will Iſeeke to deſtroy theirkirgs,
alithe nations that come agatnit Jeruſa⸗ (whichis meane!
em. hyche ouſe ot:
10 And J will powe vpon the houſe of Baui· Hot in their
Dy 4 GUED, defenced cities.
fhall Deucure ailthe people roundDabentom cient todefend `
The fountaine opened.
Dauid, and vpon the inhabitants of Fern-
e Theyfhathaue falem the Spirit of ¢ grace and of compatit-
the feeling ofmy omand they thall looke bpon me, Whom they
grace by faith, haue f pierced, and they Hall lament foz
andknowthatl ghim, a3 one mourneth foz bisonelpfonne,
haue compaffion and belozp foz him as onets torp fez kis firit
onthem. borne.
É Thatiswhom II Jn that vay Mall there bee a great
theyhaueconti- mourning it Jeruſalem, as the! mourning
nually vexedw ofi lhadadeimmon in the valley of egt-
their obftinacie, Dou. >
and gtieued my I2 AnD the k land ſhall bewaile euery fa»
fpirie,tobn 19.. mily! apart, the family of the m boufe of Da-
37-whereisre- uid apart, and their wiues apart ; the fami»
fcrredto Carifts. {te of the boule of Mathan apart, and their
body, whichhere wines apart: _ i
isreferred tothe. 13 @he family ofthe boule of Leui apart
theſe *weundsin thine hands ? Then bee
tail anſwere, Thus was J wounded in the
houle of my friends. :
7 €Artle,D ſword, vpon my i hepheard,
and bpon the man chat is my fellow, faith the
Loꝛd ot hoſts: ſmite the hepheard, and the
fheepe hall bee ſcattered, and J will turne
mine hand bpon the little ones.
8 Amd inallthelande, fapth the Loyd,
k two parts therein tall bee cut off, and Die,
but the third ſhall be teft therein.
9 Andz will bring that third part tho»
row the fire, ana will tine them asthe finer
is fined, and will try them as gold is tryed;
they thal call on my Mame,and J will heare
God fineth and ttieth his.
h Hereby hee
fheweth that
thoughtheirpas ·
rents and friends
dealt more gently
with them,aad
put them notte
death,yee they
would fo punifh
their children,
that became falfe
prophets, that >
the markes and
fignes fhould rës
maine for ever,
SpiricofGod, and their wiues apart: the family of = Dhe-
g They hall metapartand theter wiues apart.
türneto Godby 14 Qilthe families that o remaine, euery
truerepentanee, family apart,and thetr wiues apart.
whom before
they had fo grieuoufly offended by theiringratitude. h They thall
lament and repent exceedingly for their offences againſt God,
i Which was thename of a towne and place neere to Megiddo
where Iofiah was (laine, 2.Cliron.35.23. k Thatis, inall places
where the lewesthallremaine,. 1 Signifying, that this mourning
or repentance (hould not bee a vaine ceremony: but cuery one tou-
them: J will fap, Jt ts my people, and thep i The Prophet
fhall fap, Che Lod is my God. e —
Tewes,that be-
fore this great comfort ſhould come vnder Chrif , chere fhould bee
an horrible diffipation among the people: for their gouernoursand
paftours fhould bee deftroyed, and the people fhould bee as feattered
theepe: ard the Euangelift applieth this to Chrift, becaufe he was the
head of all paftours, Matth.26.32, k Thegreateft past hall haue
no portion of thefe bleflings, and yet they that thall enioy them, thall
bce tried with great afflictions, fo that it fhali bee knowen that onely
Gods power and his mercies doe preferucthem. Ra.
ched with his owne griefe thall lament, m Vnder theſe certaine fa-
milies he containeth ail the tribes , and (heweth that both the Kings
and the Priefts had by their finnes pierced Chrifte
n Calledaifo
Simeon, o To wit,which wereele& by grace, and preferued from
. she commor deftru@ion, .
a Of the fountaine of grace. 2 Of the cleane
viddance of sdolatry. 3 The zeale of the godly
azainft falfe prophets.
a He theeeth j §2 that Day there 4 hall bee a fountaine o-
what(halbethe 4 pened tothe houle of Dauld, and tothe in-
fruite of their habitants of Jerulalem, fo: ſinne and for vn⸗
tepentance,to _— Cleanneffe.
wit,remiffion of
finnes by the
blood of Chrift,
which fhall be a
continuall run-
ning fountaine,
and purge them
fromall vnclean-
b Hepromifech
itbat God will al-
2 Andin that day, ſayeth the Love of
bolts: J wil cut off che > names of the woles
out ofthe land: and they hal na meze be res
membed: and J will caule thec prophets,
= the vncleane ſpirit to Depart ont of the
3 And wher any hall pet 4 prophelie,bis
father and his mother that begate pim, hall
fay vnto bint, Thou Walt net line: foz thou
(peake lies in the Mameofthe Lod: and
his kather and his mother that begate him,
8 Of the doctrine that ſball proceede out of the
Church and of tle reſtauration thereof.
Pammor Day of the Lozd conimeth, an’
frie pople ſhall bee + diuided in the mids
of thee.
2 Foꝛ ]J willgatherall nations againſt
Jerufalem to battell, and the citie thalbe ta-
ken, ana the boules {popled, and the women
defied, andbhalfe ofthe citie hall goe into
captiuitie. and the reſidue of the people Hall
not be cut offfrom the citie.
3 Then thal the Lord go forth and fight
againt thole nations, aswhen> he fought
in the Dap of batteil. f
4 And bts feete hall ſtande in that dap
bpon the « mount of oliues, which is before
Jeruſalem on the Eaſt fide, and the mount
‘of oliues (hall cleaucin the middes thereof:
toward the Caſt andtoward the Aeſt there
fhallbee a very great 4 valley, and halfe of
the mountaine fhall remooue towarde the
Noꝛth, and halfe of the mountaine toward
tbe South. .
And pee fhall flee vnto the e valley of
the monntatnes : fo: the valley of the moun-
taines thal reach vnto Azal: pea, pe thal flee
like as pee fled from the‘ carthquake in the
dayes of Uzziah Ming of Judal): and the
* amy God hall come, and all the faints
ith thee.
6 And in that Dap Hal there beno cleere
light but Darke.
7 Aud there Halbe a DayCit is knowen to
a Hearmeththe
godly againft the
great tentarions
that fhould come
before they ene
ioyed this pree
fperous Rate
promifed vnder
Chrift that whes
thefe dangers
fhould come,
they might
know that they
were warned of
them afore.
b As your fa-
thers and you
haue had expe-
rience bothat
theréd fea and
at all other
c€ By this maner
of {peach the
Prophet fhewerls
Gods power and
care ouer his
Church, and how
hewill as it were
by miracle
ſaue it.
ſo ethem -e Mall tuk him thꝛough, when he prophe:
fromal fuper- eth.
Rition,and that 4 Andinthat vay thal the prophets f be
their religion ahamed euery one of bis vilion, when hee
thalbe pure. hath propbeited: neither hall they weare a
e Meaning,the rough garmentto Decetue,
falfe prophets § Wut he thallfay, Jamnas Prophet:
andteachers, Jam an huſlbandman: foz man taught mee
whoarethecor- tobe an beroman from mp pouth yp.
ruptets of all 6 Andone hall lay onto him, hat are
the Prophet herecalleth vncleane (pirits. d That is, when they
ſall prophefic lies,and male God , which is the-authour ef trueth,a
icloke thereunto. e He fheweth what zeale the godly hall haue vn-
der the kingdome of Chrift, Deut,13.6,9. f£ God thall make them
‘afhamed of their errors and lies, and bring them to repentance, and
they thallno more weare Prophets apparell to make their doGrine
feememore holy. g They thal confeffe their former ignorance,and
bbs coment to lavour for their living.
d So that oue of all the partsof the world they thall fee lerufalem,
which was before hid with this mountainet and thishee meaneth of
the fpirituall Ierufalem the Church, e Hee fpeaketh of the hypo-
crites, which could not — * Gods preſence, but fhould Aec into ali
places,where they mighthide them among the mountains. f Reade
Amos r.r. g Becaufe they did not creditethe Prophets words, he
turneth to God, and comfortetb himfelfe in that that hee knew that
thefe things fhould come,and fayth, Thou, O God,with thine Angels
wilt come to pesforme this great thing. k :
Waters of life.
b Signifying,that
` there (hould be
_ greattroubles in
the Church,and
that Frime here-
_ of is inthe Lords
handes, yet at
fengeh(which is
here meast by
the eucning)God
would fend com-
i That is,the fpi-
ritual graces of
BGod, which
fhould euer con-
tinue in moft ae
k Allidolatry &
fuperfticion {hall
beaboliflied, and
there fhalbe one
God, one faith,
and one religion,
} This new Ic-
rufalem hall be
feene through
all the worlde,
and-fhall excell
the firft in excel-
lencie, wealth
and greatne ſſe.
m God willnot
onely rayfe vp
war without, but
_ fedition at home
totrie them.
n To burt and
oppteſſe bin,
a Reade Ma,
EPT ae
b Which decla-
reth their great
ingratitud ¢ that
did not acknow-
ledge this loue,
which was fo e-
uident in that he
chofe Abrahins
A complaint againft
the Lord) * neither Dap no? pve but about
the enening timett ſhall be light.
8 Andin that day Kall here! waters of
life goe out from Jerufalem , halfe of them
toward the Ealt tea, and halfe of them to-
ward the vᷣttermoſt fta, and ſhall be both in
fummer and winter, :
9 And the Low thall be king ouer all the
earth: in that Dap ſhall there be one * £o,
and bis Mame thalibe one.
10 All the land Halbe turned! as a plaine
from Geba to Rimmon, toward the South
of Jerufalem, and it ſhalbe lifted vp,and in-
habited in ber place: from Bentamins gate
vnto the place of the firk gate, vnto the co?»
nergate, and fromthe tomer of Hananiel,
wntothekings wineprefies,
11 Andmen Wall Dwell init, and there
fhall be no moze Deftruction , but Jerufalem
ſhalbe fafely inhabited. 1
12 And ihis Halbe the plague wherewith
the Lord fall fintte all people, that baue
fought againſt Jerufalem: their fie yall
coniume away,though thep tand vpon their
feete, and their epes Hall confume in their
— their tongue thal conſume in their
I3 But in that day m a great tumult of
the Lozd halbe among them, and cucty one
Mall take the "hand of his neighbour, and
bie en mal rife vp againlt the hand ef bis
14 Qnd Judah wal fight allo againſt Je·
rulalem,and the arme ef all he heathen ſhal
Chap. j.
bee gathered roundabout, with ° golde and
fluer and great abundance of apparell.
Ig Pet this Kalbe the plague ot the hozle,
of the mule, of the camel,and of the afie, and
of ali the beaſts that bein thele tents as this
P plague.
16 But tt halcome to pofle that cucry one
that ts left of all the nations, which came á-
gaint Jernfalem, hall goe bp trom peere to
peereto worſhip the King the Lozd of bolts,
and to keepe the feat of Tabernacles.
17 And who fo will not come vp of all the
families ofthe earth vnto Jerufalem to woz ·
fhip the king the Lord of hoſtes, euen vpon
them fhall come no raine.
18 Andik the family of 3 Egypt goe not
bp,and come not, it hal not raine bpon them.
This (hall be the plague wherewith the Los
woul ſmite all the heathen, that come not vp
to keepe the ieat of Tabernacles.
19 This thall bee the puniſhment of Œ-
Gype, and the puniment of ali the natrons,
that come not vp to keeps the teaſt of Ta-
bernacles. 3
20 Jn that day Hall there be written bpa
onthe bridles of the holes, The holineſſe
vnto the Lord, and the f pots inthe Loos
Houle ſhalbe like the bowies befoze the altar.
21 Vea, euery pot in Jerufalem and Jn-
Dab fhalbe holy vnto the Lord of hotes and
allthey that facrifice, thal come and take of
them, and ſeethe therein: and tn that Dap
there thal be no moze the t Canaanite inthe
Woule of the Lozd of hoſtes.
: & Malachi.
Tee Prophet was one of thethree , which G
captiuitie , and after him there was no more vntill lohn
ken of Gods wrath,or an admonition that they fhould with more feru
inzofMefliabh. He confirmeth the fame do@rine that the two former doe,but chicfly he reproucth
for their couetoufneffe, and for that they ferued God after their owne fantafies, and not ac-
eth certaine peculiar finnes, which were then among
rourmurings againft God, impatience and fuch like,
hee declareth that God would not forget his promife
the Priefts
cording to the prefcript of his word, He alfo not
them,as marrying of idolatrous and many wiues,
Notwithftanding, for the comfort of the godly,
made vnto their fathers,but would fend Chrift bis meffenger , t
Id be tersible to the wicked, and bring all confolation and ioy vn-
complifhed, whofe comming fhou
to the godly.
Ifrael & chiefly the Priefts.
Pao Yea burden of the wozde of
aN) the Loz to Iſrael by the mi-
be miery of Malachi.
2 J baue loued you, fayth
f inhattthou loucd bs 2CHas
not Glau Jaakobs bzother, fapth the Lord?
pet J loued Jaakob,
3 And J < hated Clan, and made bis
from ont of all the worlde, and next chofe Iaakob the yonger bto-
ther of whom they came, ond left Bfutheclder. € For befides
that the fignes of mine hatred appeared cuen when hee was made fer-
uant vnto his yenger brothe
afterward in that he was put
t, being j ét in his mothers belly, and alfo
from bis birthright , yet eucn now before
your eyes thefigneshereof are cuident, in that that his countrey lieth
wafte,and bee (hall neuer returne to inhabite it,whereas ye my people,
whomtheenemie hated more'then them, are by my grace and lone
howard you deliucred,reade Rom: 9,13. ;
~ the Loz: yet ye lay, bcClhere ·
od raifed vp for the comfort of his Church after the
Baptift was (ent, which was cithera to-
ent defires looke for the cons-
in whomthe Couenant fhould beeac-
mountaines walte, and bis heritage a wuy-
Dernefle fo: Dragons. ;
4 hough Enom fay, We are tmpoues
ribed, but wee will returne, and butlde the
Defolate places yet fapth the Lozd of holtes,
hey Hatt buil, but J) will Deltroy it, and d Befides the rek ,
they Hall call them , The boder of wicked
nefle, and the people with whom the Lozde
is angry for cuer.
And your eyes Mall feeit, and yc hall
fay, The Lord will be magnified vpon the
border of Iſrael.
6 Afonne honoureth his father, €a fer-
nant dis matter. PE then F be a father, where
is mine honour? And if J) be amatter,where
is my teare, layth the Lod of bolts unto you,
a D Pꝛieſts that deſpiſe mp Mane? and pee
fay, (herein haue we Delpiled thy Mame? their example te l
greater euils. |
e He noteth their groſſe hypocrifie,which would not fee their faultay ff)
but moftimpudently coucredthem,and fo were blinde guides,
7 Pe
Holineffe in all. 357
o The enemies
are rich, and
therefore fhall
not ceme fora
pray, but tode-
ftroy and (hed
p As the men
fheuld be de-
ſiroyed, verſ.i a.
q By the Egyp- '
tians, which were
greatest enemies
to true religio
he meaneth Aa
the Gensiles,
t Signifying, thae
to what ferusce
they were put
now ( whether te
labour, or to
ferne in warre)
they were now
holy, becaufe the
Lord had fan@ie
ficd them,
f Asprecious the
onc as the other,
becaufe they haf
be fan@ified,
t Butall thalbe
pureand cleane,.
and there (hall
neither be hypes —
crite, not any
that hal corrupt
the true feruice.
ef God,
of the people he
condemreththe. 7
Pricts chiefly,
becaufe they
fhould hauere- ` |
proucd others for® |
their hypoeriſie, i
and obftinacieas fi
againft God, and $j}
not haug harde-
néd them by
The Prieſts and the people reprooued.
f Yereceiue all
maner cfferings
for your owne
dee notexamine
whether they be
according to my
Law or no,
g Northat they
fayd thus, but by
their doings they
declared no leſſe.
h :-Youmake it
no fault : where-
by hecondem. +
thinke it fufiici-
ent to ferus God
partly 2she hath’
and partly after
“mans fantafie,
and fo come not
tothat purene ſſe
ofreligion, which
he requireth, and
there fore in re-
proch he fheweth
_ them that a mor-
‘tall man would
not be content
. to be ſo ſerued.
i He deridcth
the Pricfts who
7 Pee offer fyncleane bread vpon mine
altat,and pou fay, Wherein hane we poliu-
ted thee? In that pelap, he table of the
Lord ts not s tobe regarded. $
8 And if pee offer the blinde foz facri-
fice, it is hnot cuill; and if yee offer the
lame ann ficke, tris net enti: affer it nowe
vnto thy Prince: will hee bee content: with
ie o? accept thp perton, ſavth the Led of
9 And nowe, J prayyou, ‘pray before
God, that hee map haur mercie vpon ys:
this hath beene by pour meanes: will Hee
— k pour perſons, ſayth the Lode of
19. MAho is there enen among you, ' that
Would Mut the Doores , and kindle not fire
ow inthe altar tn saine? J baue no plea-
{ure in pou, ſaxeth the Lome of bates,
eae will J accept an offering at your
Ir Sfo: from the rifing of the Gunne wn-
tothe going Downe of the lame, my fame
tsm great ainong the Gentiles, andinenes
ty place incenfe fhaill bee offered puto mp
Name, Auda pure offering: toz: my Mame
is great among the heathen, fapeth the Lod
of hoſtes. $
12 , Wut pe hane polluted it, in that pe fay,
Che table of the Lozd ts" poliuted, and the
fruit thereof, eues his meate ts not tobe res
garded. a a tg
13 Pee ſayd alſo, Behold, itis ao weari»
The Priefts charge. v.
ra ye noto, D ye a Diete, thes comman- a Hefpeakerh
Dement is fo? you. vnto them chiefs
2 Jipe wil not heare it, nor confiver itin ly, but vndee
yourheart, to giue è gloꝛp unto mp s2ame, them he contei-
layth the Lord ot hoſtes, A will euen fend a neththe people
curſe vpon pou, will cutie yours blefltnas: alfo.
yea, Jhaue curſed them alrtady, becaulepee b Toferueme |
DOC not contider it in your heart. according to mp
2 Behold, 3 will corrupt d pour (eed,anB word,
catt Dung vpun peur faces, cuenthec Dung c Thatis,theas
of paur folemmne featts,and pou Gall bce itke burdance of
vnto te. Gods benefits.
4 And ye ſhall know, that hae! fent d Your (cede
this commandement vnto pou, that my to⸗ Cowen thalcome
uenant which J made with Leni, might to no piofir,
tand, ſayth the Lozd of hoſtes. _ € You boaft of.
§ p ecournant was with him of life yourholinefie, .
and peace, ana J » gaue him feace, and bee facrifices,and |
feared mee, and was atraid befoze + mp feafts,bur they
Mame. J fall turne tø:
6 Thelawofktrueth wasin his mouth, your hame,and
and there was no intquitte found in hts beasavileas,.s
lippes: bee walked with mee in peace and dung, oo no |
equitis,and did turne many away fromini: f The Pricksobe.
quitte, ‘ " iced againft
7 Foꝛ the Dꝛieſtes: lips Houl preferue the Prophet,
knowledge, and tiep hould teeke the Lawe. thathee could
at bis mouth: for beets the ™ metlenger of notrepreoue:,. -
the Loz of hotes, thems, hut hee
8 But pee are gone out of the way: pee multipeake as, -
Daue canted many to fall by the Lawe: pee. gainftthe Price.’
bane broken the coutnantof Leui fayrh the hood, and thes z:
Loꝛd of bolts: office eRtablithed
nes and pe bane ſnuffed at tt, fapth the Lod
of hoſtes, and yee offered that which was
torne, and che lame, and the ficke: thus ye of:
fered an offering: thould J accept this of
pour hand, fapth the Lod?
I4 But curled bee che deceiuer; which
hath fn bis flocke pa male, and voweth,
and facriticeth vnto the Lode a coprupt
are the people
n hand, that
they prayed for
them,and (hew-
| eththat they
~ were the occafi-
| -on,that thefe
| euilscamevpon thing: foz J am a great King.laith the Lox
| the people, st hoſtes, and nip Manie ts terrible ameng
|k Will Go the beathen. ?
| Sonfider your
office and ftate, feeing ye are fo couetous and wicked? 1. Becaufe
the Leuites who kept the doores, did not trie whether the facrifices
that came in, were according to the Lawe , God witheth that they
‘would rather fhut thedoores, then to receiue fuch as were not per-
fe. m God ſhewech that their ingrati:ude,and neglect of bis true
feruice,thalbe the caule of thecalling of the Gentiles: and here the
El ofthepeople, and bythe altar and facrifice he meancth the fpirituall
| feruice of God , whichfhould be vnderthe Goſpel, when an ende
1} fhould be made to all thele legal! ceremonies by Chrifts onely fa-
| crifice, n Both the Prieftes, and the people were infeed with
| thiserrowr, that they pafled not what waseffered: for they thought
| | that God wasas wellcontent with the leane as withthe fatre: but in
-| the meane feafon they fhewed not that obedience to God which hee
| required , and fo committed hath impictic, andallo ewed their
"| coatemptofGod, and couctoulnefie. o The Priefts and people
1| were hoth weary with feruing God, and psffed not what manner of
faerifice and fernice they gauero God: for that which wasleaft pro-
$ fitable, wasthought good enough for theLerd, p Thatis, hath
abilitie to feruethe Lord according to. bis word, and yet wilifque
_ Pimaccording to kis couctous minde,
} CHAP, 11
A Thraaenings againfe the Prieſts, being feducers
| i athe people,
Prophet that was vnder the Lawe, framed his wordes to the capacitie-
9 Therekore haue J allo mane vouto be.
Deipifed, and vile before all the people, be-
cauſe pee kept not mip wayes, but haue been
patttailin the Law
IO Haue we not all onc » Fatherzbath not
one Goomade vs? why Doe wee tranigretie
cuctp one agatult his brochcr,anv bacake the
couenant of ° our fathers?
LL Judah hathtranſgreſſed, anv anabo.
mination ts committed in Dirael and in
Jerulalem : foz Judab hath dctued the holt-
neſſe of tye Loꝛd, which be loued, and hath
marriedthe P Baughcer ofa flrange gov.
12 The Lod will cut of the man that
Doeth this: both the matter and the leruant
out of the Tabernacle of Jaakob, and him
oe doereth an offering vnto the Lord of
fa] ez ?
43 And. this haue pee done againe, and
of Godby prorsns
mife, bugheto ygs
ſhewethinet the ·
office ig nothing. »
flanderedwhen g
theſe villaines
and dung are
called by their
owne names.
g Hetheweth
what were the
two conditions
ofthe couenant
mode withthe
tribe of Leui on
Gods part,thac
he would giue
them long life
and felicitieyand
fo that they {cemero faerifice in vaine,
couered the altar ofthe Loyd with teares,
: ta] l ES» on tharpart,that
with weeping, and with mourning: becaute
they fhould ©...
faithfully ferue
him according to bisworde, hI preferibed Leni 2 certaine Lawe
toferveme. i He ferucd meand fet foorth my glory with all hus
militi¢ and (ubmiflion. -_k He theweththarehe Prieſt ought to
baue knowledge to infirud others inthe word of the Lord, . |. He
is as the treafure houle of Gods word , and Oughtro ,
according to their. neceflicic, andnotto referue it for him(elfe.
m Shewing, that whalocuce doerh not declare Goads willis not.
his meflenger and Prieſt. n The Prophet aecu eththe ingratitude
of the Iewes toward God and man: for(ecing they were all borne
ofone father Abraham, and Ged had ele&cdthemro be his holy
people, they ougte neit er to offend God, nor their brechren,
0 Whereb, they.bad bound rhem(elucsto Godta be anholy peo-
ple. p -They haue ioyned thenafeluesis marrige with shem thar ©
are ofanother religion, q That is, the Priefies. © Yecaufe the.
popleto lament, hecauſe that God doeel not regard their (acrifices, .
Iohn and Chriſt.
{ This is another
fault whereof hee;
accufeth them,
that isjthat they
brake the lawes
of marrage.
t As the onehalfe
of thy felfe.
u She that was
the offering fs no moꝛe regarded, neither re
ceiued acceptably at your hands.
14 Wet yee lay, cciherein? Becaule the
Lod bath bene witneſſe betweene thee and
the wifeof chy youth, agatnit whome thou
bail tranſgreſſed: petibe is thp ‘companion,
and the wife of rijp * cournant.
Ig And did not * he make onezyct had be
(y abundance of ipirit: and wherefore one?
ioyned to thee by becaule hee ſought agetlp z feene : therefore
afolemne couce-
nant,and by the
jnuocation of .
keepe your ſeluẽs ti poursipicit,and ict none
treſpaſſe againit the wite of bis youth. |
16 Pichon hateſt her,opur her away, laith
Gods Name, the Lod G30 of Jirael, pet he concreti: the
x DidnotGod iniurie ynder bis garment iaith the Laa of
make wman and. hoſtes: therefore keepe pour ſelues in pour
womanasone ſyirit, and tranſgrefſfe nat.
fleſh and not 17 De haue wearied the Lord with pour
many? woꝛds: pet pe
p Aherein bane we weari⸗
e fap, Euery one that «doth
bt ofthe Lod, and he
A where ts the Goo of
y By hispower & ed htm? dithen
vettue he could enill, ts good in thet
haue made many delighteth in them.
women fot one ftuDgement?
man. z Suchasfhould be borne in lawfull and moderate mariage
wherein is no excefle oflufts, a Conteine your {clues within your
bounds, and be (ober in mind, & bridle your afieGions.. b Notthat
he coth allow diuorcement, but of the two fau'ts,hee fheweth which
istheleffe. c He thinketh it fufficiert to keepe his wfe ftil,elbeit
he cake others,and fo as it were couereth his fault, d Yemtsmared
againft God,becaufe he heard you notaffooneasyee called, ¢ In
thinking that God fauoured the wicked, and hath no refpectto them
thatferuehim, f -Tousthey blaſphemed God in condemning his
power andiuftice,becaufe he iuéged not according to their fan aſies.
a This is meant
of Iohn baptiſt.
as Chriſt expoun-
dethit,Luke 7.27
b Meaning, Mel-
fias as Phal 40:5,
7.dan.9 17:25-
© That isyChrift
by who: he coue-
nant was made &
ratified,who is
called the Angel
or mefienger of
the couenant,be-
caufe he reconci-
Jeth vs to his Fae
ther:and is Lord
or King,becaufe
he hath the go-
uernment ofhis
d He theweth
that the hypocrits
which wilh fo
much for ý Lords
comming, wil not
abide when hee
draweth neere:
for he will con-
1 Ofthe menger ofthe Lord Johs Baptis,
and of Chiifts ofice. >
B hold, J will end my > meflenger, and
be (yall prepare the way before mee : and
the Lod whom pe ſeeke, hall ſpeedily come
to his Geinple? eventhe © meſſenger ofthe
coucnant whom yee defire : bebott, hee hall
come, fairy the Lo2dofhaits. :
2 Gut who map 4 abive the Day of his
comming? and who hall endureswhen hee
appeareth? fo2 hee tslike a purging fire, and
like fullers ope. TE
3 Andbe hall fit downe to trie and fine
the filuer: Hee wall ehen finethe ſonnes of
e Lent, and purifie than as gold and Gilucr,
that they may bring offerings vnto the Loz
in righteouſneſſe.
4 hen hall the offrings of Judah and
Jerufalem bee acceptable vñto the Lod, as
inolBtime,andinthepeeres afore. <
5 And J wil come necreto pou to iudge-
ment, and J will be afwitt witnelle again
the foothfayers, and againſt the adulterers,
and againtt falle ſwearers, and againſt thole
that wꝛongkully keepe backe the hirelings
wages, and vexe the widow and the Fathers
lefe and oppreffe the tranger,and feare not
me laith the Lord of hoftes.
6 Foꝛ Jamthe Lord: Ichange not.and
yee ſonnes of Jaakob fare not conſumed.
7 From the dayes vf pour fathers, pee
are gone away from mine oxdinances, and
Hane not kept them : ereturne vnto mee, and
3] will returne vnto yon, faith the Lo20 of
hoſtes: bur pee ſaid, cherein ſhall wee res
8 Cilla tman (pople hisgods? pet kaue
pe ſpopled mes but pe fay, Cdiberein haug we
ipopled thee? Jn i tithes and offerings.
9 Pearecaried with a curſe: for pe haue
{popled me euen thts whole natten.
Io Bing pecall the tithes into the Fores
youle that theremay be meat in mene bouie,
and posne menow herewith faith the Lora
of bates, if J wilinot open the windowes of
peauen bute you, and powe vou out a bleſ⸗
ngt without meaſure. :
11 And J will rebuke the! deuonrer fo)
„pour lakes, and be hall not Deftroy the frut
of pour ground, neither Wali your vine bee
barren in the field (arth the Loz ef hottes.
12 And all nations hhaticall you bis fico;
foz ye Hail bea pleatant land, taith the Log
of hoſtes.
3: Dour words. bauc bene tout m again
nig, ſatththe Load: yet pee fap, Ebat pane
we ſpoken againt thee? —
14 Dee haue fatt, It is in paine to ſerue
God:and what profit is it that we hane Rept
his comnraundement, aud that wee walked
humbly before the Lod of hotts?
Ig Therefore we count the proud bleſſed:
eucn they that woke wicked neſſe, are (ct bp,
ae they that tept Ood, pea, thepare De.
16°° Then ſpake they that feared the
Lod, everyone tobis netshbour, and the
LoD hearkened and peard it and ar booke
ofremembzance was written before him foz
them that feared the Lord, and that thought
vpon bis janie. `
17 And they Hall be to me, faith the Lod
of hoaſts, in that day athar J thal Doe this, fo?
a ftocke, and J will (pare them, asa man
{pareth bis owne fonne that lerueth hint,
18 Then Kall you returne, and ditcerne
betweene the righteous and wicked : bes
tweene him that feructh God, and him that
lerueth bim not.
Chap. iij. iiije Abookeofremembrance, 3 58
g Reade Zech,
b. J0
h There athenfo
ofthe hea that
barbarous, theit
willdefiaud hos
gods of theit
nour, or deale
deccitfully with
i Whereby the
fervice of God
fhould hauc bene
maintained, and
the Prielis, and
the poore relie=
ved, ms,
k Not having re.
fpe& how much
yee ncede, but I
will giue you in
all abundance,
fo that yee ſhall
Jacke place to
put my blef-
1 Meaning, the-
whatfocuer de-
ftroycth corne
and fruits.
m Tke Prophet-
them of double -
blafphemie a-
gainit God: firtt
in tha; they faid
that God had no-
r fpe&to them
that ferucd him, . .
and next that
the wicked were-
morc in his fae
uourthen the.
n They are noe
onely preferred to honour, but alfo deliuered from dangers. o Afe-
tes thefe admonitions of the Prophet fome were lively touched, and ~
encouraged others to feare God. p Both becaufethe ching was
ftrange that fom ed to Ged in that great and vniuerfall corrup-
tion, and alfo that chis might bee an example of Gods mercies, to all
penitent finners, q When I fhal] reftore my Church accordingto
my promiſe, they thalbe as mineowne proper goods, £ Thatis, ,
forgiue their finnes, and gouerne them with my ſpitit.
b i the Lord, before the which Eliiah
0 ome. . —
F behold, the Day commeth, that hall
a burne as an ouen, and all the poud yea,
and ali that Do wickedly, balbe ſtubble and
a He prophe-
fieth of Gods
fume them, and purge his,and make them cleane, e Hebeginneth.
at the Priefis,that they migbt be lights & ſhine vnto others, f They
murinered againft God, becaufe they faw not his help euer prefent to
defend them:and therfore he accufeth them of ingratitude,ard fhew-
eth that in rhat they are not daily confumed,jit is a token that he doth
fill defend them,and fo bis mercy toward them neuer changeth,
the vay that commeth, Hall burne then wp, iadgements a. |
faith the Lord of hotes and ſhall leaue them gaintt che wic-
neither roote no? baanch. ked,who would
2 But vnto pou that feare my mame, ſhal not receiue
Chrift, when
as God fhould fend him for the reftauration of his Church, .
Sunne of righteoufneffe.
b Meaning therfunne of righteouſneſſe arie sna health
Chrift,who with ‘hall be pander hts wings , and pee Hall < goe
his wings or fazth,and grow ty as tat calues. ;
beames of his 3 And yee ſhall tread Downe the wicked:
grace [hould for they (hall bee Dut under the foles of your
lighten and keete in the dap that F Hall Doc chis, faith the
comfort his Loꝛd of hoſts.
Church,Ephef. 4 ¿Remember the Lawe of Moles my
5.14.and he is
called the Sunne of righteoufneffe , becauſe in himfelfe hee hath all
erfection, and allo the iultice of che Father dwelieth in him: where-
By hee regeneraceth vs into righteoufneffe, clenfeth vs from the filth
of this world, and reformeth vs to the imageofGod. e Yethalbe
fet at libertieand increafein the ioy ofthe Spirit,z.Cor.3.17. d Be-
cauſe therime was come, that the lewes fhould be deftieute of Pro-
phets vntill che time of Chrift, becaufe they fhould with more feruent
mindes defire his comming, the Prophet exhorteth them to exercile
ehemfclues diligently in ftudying the Lawe of Mofes in the meane
Geafon, whereby they might continue io the true religion,and alfo be
med acain[ all centations.
Elijah the Prophee.
feruant, which J commanded onto him its
Hozeb tor all Iſrael with the ſtatutes and
tudgements. 4
§ Behold, F willfend yon e Eliiah the e This Chriſt
Prophet before the comming of the great expoundeth of
and £ fearefull day of the Lod. John Baptift,
6 Aud hee all e turne the heartofthe,14
Fathers to the childꝛen, and the beartoftbhe who both tor
chuldzen to theit fathers, leſt J come * and hiszeale,and
ſmite the earth with curing. ” seftoring ofre-
ligion ıs aptl
compared to Elijah. f Which as it ĩs true forthe wicked, fo doeth
it waken che ʒodly, and call them to repentance. g Hee (heweth
wherein [ohns office lhould Rand : in the turning of mento God,
and toyning the father and children in one vnitie of faith: fo that
the father (hali turne co thereligion of bis fonne which is converted
to Chrift , andthe fonne hall embrace the faith of ‘the tus fathers
Abraham, Izhak and laakob. h The iécond point of his office,
was to denounce Gods iudgemenis againft them that would not rè-
ceiue Chrift.
The end of the Prophets.
3.Chron. 35. 1.
lOr, Jehiel.
hOr, Hafabias,
HOr, Jehiel,
Jar, Chorahas and || Cytelus, ano Iozam captaties gaug 23 The wozkes pf Jolas were ———
BIS rb
ae bookes that follow in order after che Prophets vnto thenew Teftament, arecalled APO-
CRY PHA, that is, bookeswhich were not receiued by a common content to bee read and ex-
pounded publikely in the Church , neither yet ferued to proue any point of Chriftian religion, faue in
as muchas they had theconfent of the orher Scriptures called Canonieall to confirme the fame, or ra-
ther whereon they were grounded: but as bookes proceeding from godly men, were receined to bee
read for the aduancement and furtherance of ihe knowledge of the hiftorie, and for the infru@ion of
godly maners: which bookes declare that at all times God had an efpeciall care of his Church, and left
them not veterly deftirute of teachers and meanes to confirme them in the hope of the promifed Mef-
fiab, and alfo witneffe that thofe calamities that God fent to his Church , were according to his proui-
dence,who had both ſo threatned by his Prophets, & fo brought it to paſſe for the defiru@ion of their
enemies,and forthe triall of his chitdren.
Tis nvEe§ DRITA S
3 Tofias appointeth Prieftes , and keepeth the
Paffeouer. 7 Offrings for the Priefés & the people.
11 The order of the Leuttes. 23 The upright life
‘ef lofas. 25 His death and the occafion thereof,
-and the lamentation for him, 34 Teachax appoix-
ted king. 53 The deftruction of Ferufalem.
— f2D Joitas kepr the al
x ouer re his Losin fert-
S falem, and ofred the Pal⸗
A Ouer in the fourteenth Day
of the firt moneth,
J 2 And appointed the
Piieſts according to their
Hayly courfes, being tlo-
then mith tong garments in the Temple of
the Lez. i
3 And hee pake tothe Leuites the Doly
minifters of F irael that they Would fanctrfte
themlelues tothe 102d , to fet the bolp Arke
pf ie Low in the boufe, which Salomon
the lonneof king Danid had but,
4 And fayd, Dee hall no moze beare the
Arke hpo pour thouloers: now therfore ſerũe
the Low your God , andtake the charge of
bis people of Iſrael, and pꝛepare accozding
toyonr families and tribes, —
5. Atter the wattingof Danin king of Jf-
raci, and accozding to the matelty of Salo-
mon bis fonne,and tand in the Cemple(ac-
Lcozding tothe oder of the Dignitie of pour
fathersthe Lenttes ) which were appointed
befoze pour brethren che children of Iſrael
6 Dikertn order the Wafleouer, emake
ready the facrifices fo: pour brethzen, and
keepe the Paſſeouer after the Lurdes come
Mmanveinent given to Woles.
7 And Jolias gaue to the people that was
pcut , thirtie thoufand lanives and kins
with thiee thouſand calues. f
8 Thef were giuen ot the kings poe
fons according tothe pzomife, tothe people, P
and to the Prieſts, and tothe Leuites: Tien © 4
Offer ſuch a Paſſeouer as DID Jodas, and
gane Melktas and Sachariasand || Dpeius
tothe Lenites foz the Paſſeouer fue thou⸗
fana fheepe,and ſeuen hundzeth calues.
10 And when thele things were Done, the
Pꝛieſts Ethe Lenites Koo in oder, baning
bnleauened bread according to the tribes, —
It And after the oder of the Dignitie of
their fathers, before the people to offer to the
Lod, astt is written in the bookes of Mop⸗
fes: and thus they did in the mozning,
I2 And they rofed the Paſſeoũer with
fire as * appertained,and they (od their offe=
rings with perfumes in caldons and pots,
13 And fet tt before all them that were of
the people, and afterward they pzepared toz
themltines, and foz the Pꝛieſtes their bes
tizen the fonnes of Aaron,
14 forthe Pꝛieſts offered the fatte vnto
theeuentng , and the Leuites did make rea»
Dic foz themifelues , and for the Prieſts thetr
brethren the onnes of Jarom ->
15 And the boly fingers the fonnes of As
faph, were m their orders, atcording to the
appointed ordinances of Danin, to wir, g-
taph and Azarias, and) Codima which |CrsZedurbawe —
wasof thekings appointment,
16 And the porters were at every gate fo
that ft was not lawtullthat any Mould pafe
bis o2dinary watch ifo? their bzethzn the
Leuites made ready fo: terns i
17 Ano in that day thole things which
appertained to thefacrtfice ef the Lezd, were
accompliſhed that they might otter the Wal-
oner, J j
18 And ofter lactifices vpon the altar of
the Lod, accogding to the commaundement
ofking Jofias. — N R
19 Bothe children of Iſrael, which were
patient at that time, Kept the Paſſeouer, and
the feat of vnleauened bread fener Bayes.
1D there was not ſuth a Paſſeouer
Fiat ince the time of Samuel the
oper, :
21 And all the kinges of Iſrael did vet
the gouernours ofthe Temple, to the pꝛieſts the Pꝛieſts and the Lemtes,and the Jewes,
fo: the Paſſeouer two thouſand ſix hundzeth and all Iſrael which were found to temaine
fheepe,and three hundreth calues
9° Furthermore, Jechontas, t Damatas
and Mathanacl his baeth2e1, and || Dabtas,
> fa gerulalem.
22 Jn the eighteenth yeere of the reigne
of zonas was this Paſſeouer kept.
Exod. 1 2.88
Or, by worfhip-
ping fenlible
Creatures: ;
2C hron: 35:20
2King. 23 30.
NEIN. 36. 1.
— —
hefoze his Lord with a heart full ofgodiines.
-24 And concerning the thinges which
came to paſſe in his tine, thep are witten
before, to wit, oft hoſe that tinned and din
wickedly againſt the Lod, aboue euery na:
tion and kingdome, and grieued bim with
ifentible things, ſo that the wordes ot the
Lord itsod bp again Iſrael.
25 CRW after alithele acts of Joſias.
it came to paffe that when Pharaoh king of
Capptcanie te moue war at Carchãmis vp-
ou Cuphrates,Jolias went out again him
26 Gut the bing of Egypt fent to him,
faying , Chat hate J to doe with thee, D
king of Judea?
27 Jam not lentof the Loyd Ged againſt
thee; but mp warre ts vpon Euphzates, and
now the Lod ts with mec, and the Lozd bas
fteneth nie forward: Depart from me, and be
not again the Lod,
28 But Jolias would not turne backehis
chariot frein him, but prepared himictte to
fight with him, not regarding the words of
Jeremias the Prophet, by the mouth of the
29 But heelet himletfe in battell aray as
gank hin in che field of Megiddo, andthe
Punces came Downe toking Jolas.
30 And the King law to bis ſeruants,
Conuey me out of the battell, foz J am very
weake. And by and by hts ſeruants brought
him out ofthe battell,
31 Bo dee gate vp on his ſecond chariot, ¢
being come agate to Jerufalem he changed
Dis ite, € was buried ti bis fathers graue.
32 And in all Judea was Jolas beway-
LD, pea, Jeremias the Prophet Din lament
fo: Jotias , and the gouernours, and their
wiues BID lament Him vnto thisdayt and
this was ordeined tu all the kinred of Iſra·
el,to be Done continualiy.
33 Wut thele things are mitten in the
booke ofthe toriesof the kings of Judea, &
eucry one of the acts.that Joltas Bid,and his
glory, and his knowledge in the law of the
Lord, and the things which bee did befoze,
aud the thinges now rehearfed are regiftred
inthe booke of the kings of Jacl ¢Zunea.
34 Then thevof the nation toske * Jaa.
thas che onne of Jolias,and made him king
in ſtead ofhts father Jotas, when vec was
thzce and twenty yeere old. i
35 And he reigned in Judea and in Jeru-
faem three moneths: foz the king of appt
Depoled him from reigning in Jerufalem,
36 Hee tared allo the peopie of an bun-
Dzet) talents of filucr, tone talent of gold.
37 And the king of Egypt made Joacim
dis brother king of Judea and Jeruſalem.
33 Ana hee bound Joachas and his ga.
uernours: but when hee had taken Zaraces
His brother, he lev him away into appt.
39 Twenty and fue yeere old was Joa
tin when be reigned in Judea and Jerula-
leit, and He did cwlllin the fight of the Laz,
40 Mherekore againt him came vp a>
duchodonoſor king of Babylon, whowhen
He had bound him with a chaine of bꝛaſſe len
him away into Babylon.
41 Then Mabuchovenoloz tooke of the
oly veficis of the Lode, and caried them
away , € {et them in bistemple at Babylon.
42 Butall hts actes,and his pꝛophanati⸗
on, anv bts rep2och,are wꝛitten in the boeke
ofthe Cipenicies ofthe kings, _
43 Aud Joacim hts fone reigned for
binm: and when he was made king, bee wag
eighteene veere old.
44 Gnd hee reigned theee moneths and
ten dayes in Jerufalem and gee DID cuill in
the fight of the Lod.
45 Soa veere after Nabuchodouoſo⸗
ſent and brought him to Babyion withtye
46 And he made Sedecias king of Judea
and Jerulalem, when be was one and twen⸗
tp peere old, and je reigned eleuenpeeres.
47 And bee did eull! in the fight ofte
Lord, neither did be feare the words ſpoken
*by Jerenas the Prophet from che mouth
ef the Lord.
48 Foꝛ after that he was ſworne to king
Nabuchodonoſoꝛ, gee forzlware himſelfe by
the name of the Lozd,ana fel away, and hat-
Dened his necke and Hisheart, ¢ tranfaret
(eB the lawes ofthe Lord Gov ot Iſraei.
49 Allo the goucrnoursof the people,and
the Piets committed many things agains
the Lawes, and paffed all the poilutions of
ainatiens, and polluted the Tempie of the
Lod, which was ſanctilied in Jeruſalem.
SO Neuertheleſſe the God of their fathers
feit his mefengers to cal him backe,becaule
he (pared them,and bis owne Tabernacle.
_ SF Bue they derided his meſſengers, and
Inthe Day, that rhe Lod ſpake vnto them,
they mocked bis Prophets,
§2 Bothat hee, being moonet to anger
again& His peeple foz thee great wicked-
Nes, cõmanded the kings of the Chaldeans
to inuade them.
53 Thele killed their young men with the
ſword round about their bolp Temple, neis
ther Did they (pare young man, no: mayden,
neither old manno: chid among them.
§4 But hee deltuered them ali into their
bandes, and allthe boly veſſels of the Log,
both great and miall, with the vellels of the
Arke oek God: and they tooke and caryed a>
way the kings treaſures into Babylon
§§ Aud they (ct fire in the Doule of the
Lod, and brake Dawne the walles of Jeru-
falem,anz burnt their towers with fre.
§6 They confiumed allo all the poccions
things thereofand brought them to nought,
and rhole that were left by the ſword, bee cas
ried away into Babylon. i
57 And they were ſeruants to him, and
to bts childzen tiilthe Perſians retgned, to
fulfil the wod of the Lord bp the mouth of
*Jleremtas, i ’
58 And that the land might entoy bee
Sabbaths alithe time, that it wae delolate,
till ſeuenty peeves were accompliſhed.
CHAP. ; l
E Cyrus gaue leaue tothe Fewes to returne. 1o
Hee fint the holy veffels. 13 The names of them
that returned. 16 Their aduerſaries did let their
building, andthe Kings letters for the fame,
{2 *the tirſt peece of the reigne of Cyzus
the Lord by the morith of Ieremias.
Qe Lord by th h 2 The
Tere. 38.21.
Tere.25 11 ana
2. (hron36, 22.
king of the Perligns, to fulftit the woz0 of exa i, 1.
fOr, Shafh-bafar,
er, Sanabaffar.
Chap. ij.iij.
2 Tie Lord raiſed vp the mirit of Cyrus
Hing of the Perſians, and he made procla-
mation throughout all his kingdome, cuen
by exprefieletters, i
3 Daving, Thus fayeth Cprus King of
the JPcruuany, The Lord of Fivacl,euen the
molt hte Lozd, hath made me King oner the
whole world, NI $F
4. And he hath commanded me to build hin
an boule in Jeruſalem which is in Juves.
§ ¥ttherebeany therefore of you of his
people, let the Loꝛd euen hts Lom bee with
Him, andlet hin goe vpto Jerulalem, which
ts in Judea,and build the houſe of the Low
of Iſrael: beis tye Lom which owellecy tu
6 All they then that Dwell tn the places
round about, thole, liay that are tn hisplace,
letthembelpe him with golve and tiluer,
7 Aity giftes with horſes and cartel,
and other things, which thal be⸗
cording to the vowes, tuto the temple of the
Lord. which ts in Jerufalem, H
8 CThenarole the chick ofthe families
of Judea and of the tribe of Beniamin, and
the Pꝛieſts and Leuits, and all whole mind
the Lod had moued to govp,and build arn
houſe tothe Lom in Jerũſalem.
9 And thole that were about them, bel-
ped them in all things with ſiluer and gold,
boles , ana cattell, and with diuers vowes
of many whole minds were ſtirred vp.
Io Altoking Crus brought out the holy
veffels of the Lard, which s2abuchodonoioz
had caried out of Jerulatem,and had confe-
crated them ty the temple of his oles,
Il Now when Cyrus King ofthe Perſi⸗
ans had brought them out, he Deliucred the
to Mitchꝛidates histrealurer,
12. By whom they were given toll Abate
far the gouernour of Judea.
13 CUiherof this was the number: a thous
fand gelden cups, & athouland filuer cups,
‘balins of filuzr foz the facrtfices, nine and
Eya 46.
i Or,Shim{bi,
twenty, viols of gold thirty, æ of fluer two.
thoufand foure hundreth and tenne, anda
thoufand other veffels.
14 So all the veſſcls of golde and fiker,
which they carted away, were fine thouſand
fouredunszeth,thaceltore and nine,
15 hep were brought by Sanabafiar
with them of che captiuitie of Babylon ta
Jerufalem. ;
16 QBut*in the time of Artarerres king
of che Perſians, Belemus,t Mithꝛidates,
and Tabellius, and Rathumus, and Beel-
tethmus, and |\@emellius the ſecretaty, and
others which were ioyned to theſe, dwel⸗
ling in Samaria and tn other places, wote
puto him this Epiſtle bere folowing against
them that dwelt in Judea and Jerufalem,
17 Ahyleruante, Rathumus the writer
ef things that come to pafle,and Semellius
the fecretary, and the reſt of their counceil,
mp the Judgeswhich are tnCoelolpzta and
18 Bee it now therefore knswen fo our
Loz the King, that the Jewes which came
bp from pou, ate come to ug into Jerulas
lem , that rebellions and wicked citie, and
build the market places, and make vp the
Jats thereof, and lap the foundations of the
Temple. f
19 Therekoꝛe if this citie bee built, ana
the walles be fintthed , they will not onely
nei endure to paptribute but alio wilirede
20 Aub becaulethe things pertaining ta
the Temple goe forware, we thought tt woe
meete te paſſe oner fucha thing,
21 But to declare it to our loz the King,
that ik it bee chy pleafire, it map bee fought
out in the bookes ot thy fathers,
22 Ane’ thou halt find nthe Chronicles
the wattings concerning thele things, ana
Wait know chat this city DiD alwayes rebel,
and did trouble both kings and cities,
23 And that the Jewesare rebellious tais
fing alwayes warres therein: fo: the whicy
cauſe alfa this city was madedelolate.
24 grow therefore, D loz the King, wee
Declare tt,thatit this citte bee built, and the
wals therofrepaired, poutbal haue ne moze
paſſage into Coeloſyria, noe Phenice.
25 ¶ Then the king wote againe to Rac
thumus,that wote the thiftas that came te
palle and to Beeltethmus, and to Semelli>
us tie ſecretary, and tothe ref of thoſe that
Were taped with tiem, and to the Dwellers
of Samaria, Apia Phenice, thele things
that follow. i
26 3 haue read the Epiſtle, which ye ſent
to me: therfore J commanded, that it chould
be fought out, ¢ it was found,tbat this city
bath alwapres practiled againit kings,
27 And that the men thereof were giuen
to rebellion and wars, and how that migh⸗
ty kings and ferce hane reigned in Jerulae
— tooke tribute of Coeloſyria, ant
28 Now therefore J baue commanded to
forbid thele men to burld vp the city, € that:
it be taken Heed that no moze be done,
29 And that thole wicked things which:
Moula molek the king, ganot forward.
30 Then when Rathumus, and Demel-
tius the (etretarp,ethe reſt, which were top» .
ned with them, had read the things, which
King Artarerres had witten, thep mooued
theic tents with ſpeede to Jerufalem with
horſes and men in aray, i
31 And began tolet them which built, ſo
that the building of the Temple in Jerula- -
lent cealed vnto the feconn yere of the reigne
of Darius king of the Perſians.
1 The feaft of Darizs.26 The three wife fentecesy
Ow when Darins reigned, he madea
great feat toalt bis ſubiects, and te all
thofe of bis owne houle,and to all the Pꝛin⸗
ces of Media and (Deria, -
2 Gudtoall the gouernors ecaptaines,
and lieutenants that were with him, front
India vnto € thropia ofan hundreth and fee
uen and twentyprouinces.
3 And whenthey had eaten and munke,
and were latiſtied they Departed and King
Darius went into bis chamber, and Uept tH
be wakened againe.
A Gin the meane time there sk aici
lOr pounds.
y Š I. Efdras.
the guard, keepers ofthe kings body, ſayde
pueta another,
5 Let cucryoncef vs (peake a lentence,
and je that Mal ouercome,¢ whole fentence
fall appearewiler then the others,Darins
the King Mail giue bunt great gifts,¢ great
things tn token of ntctasy, - a
6 Gs to weare purple, and to Minke in
golde,and tofiecpe m golde, and a chariot
with bioles of gold,an bead tire of finclins
nen and a chaine about his necke.
7 Ant hẽ thal lit neve to Darius for bis
wildome, and Halbe called Darius coufin.
8 Then euery man wrote hts ſentence,
and fealed tt, and put it vader the piilow of
king Darius,
9 Aud lapor, when the King role, they
would gine bim the waiting, € whole fen-
tence the king and the thace princes af Per⸗
fia ſhould iuBge to be wiſeſt, to him ould
the victorybe giuen as it was appointed.
lo Due wrore, Che wine ts trongeſt.
II Che other wete, Che king ts ſtrogeſt.
12 Gbe other wrote, omen are trons
gett but tructhouercominety all things.
13 @ And when tie king role, they tooke
the wattings and gaue them to bia, and be
read them,
I4 And fent and called all the noble men
Of Perſia and of Media, and the gouernozs
and the captatues, and lieutenants, and the
15 And late him downe in the Councell,
and the weiting was read before them.
16 Chen he lain, Call the pong men that
they map Declare their owrie lentences, Ho
they called them,and they came in.
17 Chen helatd vnto them Declare vn-
to vs the wꝛitings. Do che firt bega, which
bad [poken of the ttrenath ofwine,
18 And fayd on this maner, D ye men,
howe ſtrong ts wine! it Decewuety all men
that minke tt, f
Ig It maketh the minde of the king and
of the fatherleſſe both one,of the bonde man
and ofthe free man,of the pooze man and of
the rich man,
20 Jt turneth allo euery thought into ioy
and gladueſſe, ſo that one remembzctl ne
maner of ſoꝛow no? Debt.
21It maketh every beart rich,fo that one
remembreth neither king no: gouerno2, and
caufeth to ſpeake all things by |\talents.
22 Aben men haue drunke, they bane no
minde to leue either friends e? bꝛethren, and
a little after they Draw out ſwoꝛds.
23 But when they are fromthe wine, they
Do not remember what they baue Bone.
24 D ye men, is not wine trongett, which
compelleth to doe fuch things? and he peld
His peace when be bad thus ſpoken.
Of the firength ef aking. 13 Of the flrengtho
women. 34 Of the real of Tee foe es
tence approued, 47 and his petition granted.
T en the econo which had ſpoken of the
ſtrength ofthe king began to fay,
2D ye men,are not men ſtrongeit, which
Qeare ruleby land and by fea, and ouer all
things which are in them?
3 But the king ts pet greater:kor $e ruleth
all chings,and ig Lod of them, fo that they
Boe all things wbich be conumandech them.
4 Jf he vid them make war one againtt
another, they Doc it: if be lend them out a=
gatnt the enemies, they go tbzeake Downe
mountaines, and wailes,and towers.
-S They kul ¢ are killed,and de not paſſe
the commandement of the kingtit they overs
come, they being all to the king, as weil the
{povles as all other things,
6 And thole allo which go nat to warre
and battell,but till theearth : for when they
baue ſowen it again, they reape tt, tiing tt
tothe king,and compell one another to pay
tribute to the king. : ADRE
7 Pethe is but one man: if he bid, Kul,
they kill; ik he ſay, Spare, they fpare. ]
8 Ihe bid, Amite, they imtte: if bee bia
them, Bake delolate,they make Delolate: it
be bid, Suild, they build. —8
9 I hebtd, Cut off, they cut off: if he bia,
Plant,they plant. ; q
Io $0 all hts people,and ali his armies
obey one man: in the meane whtic he fittech
Down, he eateth and dunketh,and tieeperh,
II Foꝛ thele eepe Him round about;nets
thercan anyone go œ Do bts owne bulinetie,
neither are thep Difobedient vnto him,
12 D pe men, pow fhould not the king be
Trongett,{ecing hers thus obeyed? Se hee
held bis tongue. _— }
. 13 @ Chen the third which had fpoken of
women ¢ of the truth (this was Fozobabei)
beganto (peake, | jig
14 D pee men, nether the mighty King,
no: many men noz wine is ſtrongeſt: wha
then ruleth them o: bath Dominion ouce
them? are they not women? À
Ig Momen haue bose the king, tall the
people which beare rule by ica and by land,
16 Cuenof them were they borne, and
thepnourihed them which planted p vines
of which the wine is mate.
17 They allo make mens garments and.
make men honourable, neither can men bee
without women,
18 And ik they bane gathered together
gold and lilucr,o2 any goodly thing.vo they
not lone a faire and beantrfullwoman ?
19 Da they not leane all hole things and
giue themfclues wholly unte ber, and gape,
and gaze vpon her, ati men delire her more
then gold o: fluer, o2 any precious thing?
204 man teaueth bis owne father which
Hath nourthed him,and his owne countrey,
and ig ioyned with his wife. a
21 And faz the woman he teopardeth his
life,and neither remembzcth father no? mo-
ther nor countrey.
22 Therekore bythispe may know that
the women beare rule ouer pout Doe pe not
labonr and trauel, and giue and being all te
the women ? 3 i
23 Pea, a man taketh bis ſword and go ·
eth fozth to kiland to ſteale, and to ſayle bp”
ou the fea, and vpon triuers
24 And he ſeeth a Lion € goeth in Dark-
nes, and when he hath tolen, rauiſhed and
{poyled, he batngeth tt te bis loue.. j
25 AA as aman pet bis owne wife
moze thentather oz mothe
t 2 26 Dea,
26 Pea, many hae run mad forwomen and
haue bene ſeruants foz them. ;
27_ Many allo Hane periſhed and haue erred
and finned fo women.
28 owe therefore Doe pou not beleeuc mee ?
ts not the King great in bis power? Doe not all
regions feare to couch bim? A
29 Yet J faw bimand Apame, the kings cone
tubing, the Daughter of the famous Bartacus,
fitting on the right hand ofthe King, 5
30 And thee tooke the crowue sit the Kings
beade, and put it vpon ber owne, and Krooke the
King with ber left hand. i
31 Pet in the meane feafon the King gapen
ano gazed on her : and if the laughed at bim, hee
laughed s ann if ſhee were angrie with him, hee
Did flatter her-that hee might be reconciled with
32 eww then,D ye men, are not women moze
ſtrong fecing they doe thus? —
33 C Then the King and the inces looked
ae spon an other, and He began to (peake of the
34 D pe menare not women ſtronger? great
is the earth, and the heauen ts high, and the oun
is ſwifkt in pis courte: foz he turnech round about
Heauen in one Day, and runneth agatue into bis
owne place. r
35 Is not he great that maketh thele things ?
— the trueth is greater znd ſtronger then p
36 Allthe earth calleth foz tructh, and the
Heauen blefleth tt: and all things ave haken and
Eror > neither is there any vniuſt thing with
37 The wine is wicked , the Ring is wicked,
women are wicked, and all the childzen of men
are wicked, and all their wicked works are fuch,
and there is no truck in them, and they perti in
thetr iniquitie. ‘
38 Buͤt trueth doeth abive, andis rong fog
eller, and liveth and reigneth foreuer and euer.
39 With her there is ne recetuing of perfons
no: Difference;but fhe Docth the things which are
tut t abiteineth Erom vniuſt and wicked things,
and all men fauour her workes. :
40 Neither is there any vnluſt thing inher
indgement, and fhe ts the ftrength and the king:
Dome andthe power, and matelie of allages.
Bleſſed be the Goo of truth. :
41 Bo hee ceaſed to peake, and then alt the
people cried and fab, Truethis great and rene
et » *
42 Then the King laid vnto him, Alke what
thou wilt beſides that whichis appointed, and
wee will gine tt thee, becauſe thou art found the
wikt, and thou ſhalt ha ertie to ſit bymee;
and ſhalt be callen mpy contun
43 € Then be {apd tothe King, Remember
the vowe that thou batt powen to buttoe Jeruſa⸗
lem in the Day that thou tookett the kingdome,
44. And to fend again all the veflels that were
taken out of Jerufalem, which Cyans fet apart
when hee made a vow to cutoff Babylon, and
bowed to ſendthem thither.
45 Thou aliohak vowed to build the Tem-
ple, which the Joumeans burnt when Judea
was deſtroyed by the Chaldeans. my
46 And now, D lorde the king, thists that
which J delire and require of thee, and this ig
themagnificeuce, which Irequire of thee ; Ires
‘quire therfore that thou wouldett accomplith the
vowe which thou hat bowed with thine owne
mouth to De to the Bing of heaucn. j
47 Then king Dartus riling vp, kiſſed him,
and wote him letters to all the lewards, and
lieutenants, and captains.¢ gouetiours, that
they thould bring on the way both him, and all
that were with bun, which went wp to build Je⸗
48 And hee wote leters to all the Lieute⸗
nants in Coelolyata, and Phenice, and to them
that were in Libanus, that they Woulo bzing ce⸗
Dat wood from Libanus to Jeruſalem, and buy
the citie with him. 3
4.9 And hee wote foz ali the Jewes, which
went vp outofhts kingdome vnto Judea, coit-
cerning their libertic,that no prince noꝛ Licute>
nant, no: goucrio2 no? ſteward Hould enter tite
their doozes,
§O And thatallthe region which they kept,
MHoutd pay no tribute , and that the Joumeans
oon A gog the villages of che Jewes which
SI And that euery peere there Gould be giuen
fo: thebuilding of the Temple twentie talents,
vntill it mere built, —
§2 And to maintaine the burnt offerings vp⸗
on the altar euery Day(as they had a commande
ment to offer leuenteene) other ten talents euery
§3 Aud that all they which went from Baby⸗
lon to build the citée,Hould hauc libertte, as well
thepas their poiteritic, and all the Pꝛieſts that
went away. :
54. ee wrote allo touching the charges, ana
o Pictes garment, wherein they Hoult mie
nitter. ?
55 And hee wote thatthep Hould gine the
Leuttes their charges vntili the boule were finie
ſhed, and Jerufalem built.
56 Allo hee wꝛote that they Would gine penie
ons and wages Co them that kept the citie.
57 And he Cent away all the velfels which Cys
rus badiet apart out of Babylon, and whatloee
uer Cyrus had commanded to doe, bee allo come
manded to Doe it, and to fend to Jerulalem,
$8 And when the || young man was gone
foo2th, hee lift pp bis face to heaucn towardes
Jeruſalem, and gaue thankesto the King of hea:
59 Daying, DE thee isthe victorye and of thee
i; lOO and of thee ts gloy, anb J am thp
60 Bleſſed be thou which hak giuen me wits
Dome ; fo: vnto thee T acknowledge it, D Love
of our fathers.
61 @ So hee tooke theletters, and went out
and came to Babylon,and tolv all bis brethzen.
62 And they bleſſed the Gad oftheir fathers,
berate hee had giuenthem treedome and liber⸗
63 To goe vp and to buile Jeruſalem. and
the Temple, where bis Name is renowned, and
they reioyced with intruments of mulicke anu
iop feurn Dapes.
1 The number of them that returne from the capti-
uitie. 42 Their vowes and facrifices. 54 The Temple
ù begunne to be built, 66 Their enemies would crafts=
Ly ioyne with therm,
3% . After
(Or, Zoroa
lOr, Zoroba-
fOr, Saraia.
fOr, 4reb.
| Or, Bibai.
lOr, Axgad.
}}Or, Aier.
ſonnes of A-
nania an
fonnes of A-
rom onme,the
J ens of Bea
[ai three
- bundreth
twentie and
Jor, Bethle-
flor, Neto-
lOr, Ana-
Or, Kariatſ-
ljOr, Pirah.
Arter thet things, the chiefe of the houles of
their fathers, were chofen after their tribes,
and their wines and their fonnes, their Daughs
ters, and their ſeruants, and their mayors, and
their cattelt. :
2 Gnd Darius fent with them a thouland
Hozlemen,ttil they were reſtored te Jerulalem tn
ſafetie, and with muticall intruments; with ta⸗
beets and flutes.
2 diy a lttheir bacthzen played: thus be cau
fed them to gorup together with them,
4 (Ans theleare the names ot che men that
went up alter thete families, by their tribes, and
after the order ot their dignitie.
§ The Pieks. The tonnes of Phinees, the
fore of davon, Jeſus fonse of Joledec, fonne of
Daraias, and Joacim the ſonne of Zorobabel, the
fonne of Salathiel ct the houſe of Dautd, of the
kinred ot Phares, of the tribe of Juda,
6 ||CAbho tpake wile wozdes to Darius the
hing of the Werltans in the ſecond yeere of hrs
— in the moneth Ritan, which ts the firit
7 CAnd thele are they of Iudea, which came
but of the capttuitic, wijere they Bwelt , whome
jQabuchovonolo, King of Babylon had caried
away into Babylon,
8 And returned vnto Jeruſalem, and fo the
ret of Judca,euery one into his own city which
came with Fozababel, and Fetus, Qeemias,
l Zacharias, Reefatas, Cnenius, Mardocheus,
Weellasus, Alpharatus, Reelius, Koimns, and
Baanatheir guides, i
9 The number sf them of the nation and
their goucrnours : Whe lonnes of Phares two
thoufand an bundgeth, ſeuentie aad two, the
fennes ot Daphat, foure hundreth, ſeuentie anv
10 The lonnes of) Ares, feuen hundeeth, fiftte
and tire.
Il Thr founcs of haath Moab, twa thou:
{and eight hundreth and twelue.
12 The fonnes of Elam,a thouſand, two hun
Deth, fiftie and foure: the tonnes of Sathni,nime
hundzeth fourtic and fine: the (onnes of Cobe,
{etien hundreth and fine; the ſonnes of Want, lire
Hundzethfourtic and eight.
13 The ſonnes of | Bibe, fire hundzeth, tweens
tic ad three: the fonnes of Havas, three thous
fand, two hundrzeth twentypand two.
14 one es of Adontkam, fire hundzeth,
firtiz and ſeuen: the fonnesof Bagoi, two thous
fann, firtie and lire: the fonnes of Adinu, foure
hundzeth Mitte andfoure, — —
15. Whe onnes ofl Ateriſtas,ninette and two:
the ſonnes of Ceilan and Azotus. fictie and fe-
uen : the fonnes of Azucan, koure hundzeth, thir⸗
tie and two.
16 || Che ſonnes okAnanias, an hundrethand
one s the ſonnes of Arom, @ the ſonnes ot atta,
three bundacrh twentte and theee: the fonnes of
Arfiphurtth,an bundreth and tiwo,
17 Ghelounes of Meterus , three thoufand
and ue: the fonnesoly Bethlomon,an pundzeth
twentp and thee. >
18 They ofi Metophas , fiftieand fue : they
of || Anaborh, an hundzech Hftic and eight ; they
of Bethſamos fourtic and two.
19 hey of |Cartathtartus,twentie and Ruc:
they of Caphiras and Beroth, ſeuen hundzeth,
fourty and theg: they ofſ Piras, ſeuen hundzeth.
Y.Efdras. f
20 Chey of Chadtas and Immidiof, fine
hundzeth, twenticand two; thepot | Ctrama |\Or,4rae
and Gabdes, fire hundzeth, twentieandoug mah.
21 Chey ot || WMacalonan hunVeety twentie |\Or,Macas
and tiwo : cheyof | Betoltus, fiftic and two; mos.
fee tonnes of || Mephis, anhundzech , fittte and eter A
A ` LOr, Nebss,
22 The founes of Calamolalus and Drius, fe-
uen hundreth, cwentte ànd Gue : the fonnes of ;
Jerechus threc hundzeth, fourtic and fine, :
23 Che tonnes ofotiannaas, three thouland, 10r, Sanaab
thee hunderth and thirtie.
24. Che Pꝛieltes, the onnes of Jeddu, the
fonnes of Hels, which are counted among the
founes of Danatib, nine hundzeth, ſeuentie and
two : the ſonnes of Merůth, arhouland, Afrig
and two,
25 The ſonnes of’ Phalſſaron, athoufand,
fourty and (enen: the fones of 1 Carme, a thou»
{and and feucnteenc.
26 € The Levtts. The ſonnes of Jeflue,Cate
miel, Banu, and Hutu, ſeuentie and foure.
27 @ The ſonnes which were holp fingers.
The ſonnes ofAiaph, an hundreth fourticand
hOr, Phaſbur
hOr, Charity
28 q The posters. The fonnes of Salum,
the ſonnes of Jatal, the tonnes ef || Colman,
thelonnesofDacobi, the ſonnes of Geta, the
nues of Dami;al! were an hundreth, thirtx and Hor, Ceros:
° à Or, Suia.
29 The minikers of the Temple. The fennes |07, Haga-
of (au, thefonnes of Aiipha, the fonnes st Ta- ba,
barath, the ſonnes of Ceras, thelonnes of un, |Or,4cub.
the onnes of Phaleinthe tonnes of Labana, the Or, ta.
ſonnes of | Agraba, hOr, Agab.
30 Theſonnes of | Acrua, the fonnes of Or, Sre.
l Duta, the fonnes of Cetab,the onnes of | A= | Or, Cedar.
gaba, the tonnes ofl Sundal, thelonnes ofA. (Or, Raa.
nan, the lonnes of Cathua, che founes of || Ged» 10r, N eroda
Dur, ; Or, Gazema
31 The ſonnes of | Airus, ths fonnes of Dats |/0r, Bate.
fan,the fonnes ofi fRoeba, the onnes of Chale- Or, Meunim
ba, the ſonnes of || Gazera, the ſonnes of Azias, |\Or,Naphifo
the lonnes of Phinees, the ſonnes of Alara, the lOr, Bacu-
fonnes of | Balthat, the fonnesof Alana, the bab,
founes of} (Beant, thetonnes of || Raphi, the Or, Acupha
fonnes ofi) Acub, the onnes of || Atipha, the yor, Affur.
fonnes of f Alur , the fonnesof Pharacim/ the ||0r,Baroloth
tonnes of |) Balaloch. hOr, Mehida,
32 Wie fonnes of Meeda,the fonnes of Cous || Or, (hare/-
tha, the fonnes of || Corea, the fonnesof|) Chars cha.
cus, the onnes of Alerar, the fonnes of | Tho- Or, Barcus
Fee the onnes ef Rath, the ſonnes of Ati» —
Dil. lOr, Naſib.
33 The Onnes ofthe ſeruants ofHalomon, llOr, Haro-
Loe onnes of) Afaphton, the ſonnes of | pa» phoreth.
rita, the fonnes of Jeeli, the fomes of Logon, [Or,Poarude
the fonnes of Iſdael the nnes of |BSapbeth, Or, eelah.
34 The lonnes of Agia, the ſonnes ok Phach⸗ ||Or,Staphe-
thet, the fonnes of || Gabie, the Ennes of “a.
@Harothie, the fonnes of Malas, the onnes: Or, Phaca-
ofGar, the fonnes sf} Addus, the nnes of reth,
l Bubas , the (onnes of Apherra, che fonnesof yOr, Sabin
Eee fonnes of Habart, the ſonnes of Ql: |07, —
om. Or, A te
35 All the minifters ofthe Temple, andthe or, Subah.
fonnes of the feruaunts of Balomon, were thace ||Or,Thelme-
hundzeth, fcuentic and two. lal, & Thel-
36 Ahele came vp from} Chermeleth, and harfa, Cara-
Thelerias ; Caraathalat and Aalar leading’ thasar, and
them, 1323 Alar.
37 Metther
lOr, Talmon
27 Neither could they Mew their Families
Chap. ve 362
53 ¶ And al” they which hab made anp vow. Eve 3.6
fOr, Dalaias lonnes of |i Ladan the fonue of || Ban, the üirlt day of the feucnth moneth, although the
Or Tubia fonnesof Necodan, fire Hundzeth Afris and temple of God was not yet built.
|Or,Necoda, two. . ; §4 They gaue alfo money to the mafons and
38 And of the Hꝛieſts thoſe which exerciſed to the workemen, and meate and Dzinke with
the office ofthe Pꝛeſts, anð were not found the gladneffe,
fOr,Hobie, ſonnes of Dbdtatsetonucs ofl Accos,the ſons -S5 And charets tothe Sidontans, eto thoſe
FOr,Hacox, Of Addus, * which had taken fo: wife Augia, of Cyzus to being Cedar wood our of Libanus,
Exya2,6%. one of thedaughters ofi Berzelatus, which Hould bee brought by flotes to the hauez
YOr,Barre- 39 And was called after his name and when ot Joppe, accozding to the commandeinent gie |
Kis the defcrtption of the kinred of theſe men had uen vnto them bp Cyzus king of Perka,
beene foughtintheregifter, and coula not bee S6 And in the fecond yeere and (econd mo⸗
found , thep were fet apart from the office of meth came tuto the Cemple of God tn Ferula.
Piets. : ‘ tem, 3030babel the ſonne of Salathiel, and Jee
POr,Nebe- 40 For Neemias and Attharias ſayd to fus the lonne of Joſedec, and their brethren, and
mias and A- them, that they Would not bee partakers of the the Pꝛieſts and Leuttes, and all they that came
tharsas. boly thinges , till there arole an bie Diek clos out of captiuitie into Jerufalem,
thed with Doctrine and tructh, §7, And *layd the foundation of the houle of Ecelus 49,
41 Go all they of Frael, fram them of Godin the firit dap ofthe fecond monety of the 12,
flOr fourtie
three hune-
dreth asd
Ho} the: ſtocke bow coe were ot Iſrael, the
twelue peere olde, and little childzen, were ifor
tic thouland, befidesmen feruants and wemen
feruants, two thouſand thzeg hundzeth and fip-
42 Their leruants and handmaides were ſe⸗
nen thouſand, thee hundacth foztte and ſeuen:
the inging men and women, twa huadzeth, fog:
tie and Gue: Y
43 Camels, foure hu ittieand fiue:
and horics,fcucn bunde" eet fire: mules,
two bundzeth kortie and fue: |i beats that bare
the yoke, fue thouſand, Hue hundzeth , twentie
and fine.
44 And there were of the gouernours after
their families, which when they were come to
the Temple in Jeruſalem, vowsd to build the
Or, of z9ht
1 —
pound and
of —
lOr, quar-
Exra 3.1,
Lehi. 23.34
honfe ingis owne place accozding to their pos
45 And to giue to the treaſute of the works,
aj cyoufand pound in gold, and Aue thouſand
poundintiluer, and an hundzeth pareitip gars
46 And the Hꝛieſts and the Lenites and the
geople dwelt in Jeruſalem, and in the conntrep,
and the holy fingers andthe paters, and ail git
razl intheir |i villages.
47 € But *whenthe (cucuth monety was
neere, and when the children of Iſraclwere euz»
ry one at home , they wereall gathered together
with one accord into the open place of che frit
gatz which is toward the Cali.
43 Then Felis the ſonne of Joſedec and hrs
bꝛethren the icts. with Forobabel the onne
of Salathiel and his brethren. rifng vp, made
readythe altar obthe God of Iſrach.
49 Go offer burnt oſterings vpon it accoꝛ⸗
Ding as ít is written in the beoke of Moſes the
man of God. y
50 TAbither alfathere were gathered againſt
therm ot all nations oftheland: but they dreſſed
the altar in his owne place, although all the na».
tions of theland were their enemies and vered
them,and they offred facrifices accozding to the
feafon, and burnt offrings to the Lozd,mozning
and evening.
_ 5I Shep keptallo the feat oftabernactes,as
it i3 * orꝛdeined inthe Law, and offredfacrifices
§2 And afterward , the continual oblations
anv offtings ofthe Habbaths, and of the new
moneths and of all holy fealls.
to God, began to ofter facrifice vnto Godin the
fecond yeere, after their teturne into Judea and
58 And they appointed the Lenites from
fiwenty peere old ouer the workes of the Lov,
and Jefus and hts fonne and bic brethzen, and
bis Wether Cadmicl,and the fonnes of adia-
bon with the fonnes of Joda, the fonne of Welta-
Dun with their lonnes and brethzen, cuen all the
Leuites with one accogd did follow after the
Werke, calling bpon the wozkes in the boule of
God: thus tie wozkemen built the Temple of
the Loz. s
S9 And the Hꝛieſts ſtood clothed with their
long garments with muficallinfiruments, and
trumpets , anD the Leuttes the fonnesof Alaph
with cymbales,
60 Pinging and bleng the Lord, according
to the oꝛdinance ot Dautd king of Jlrael.
GI Andthep hing with lowa veyce fongs te
the prayſe of the Lo: , becaule his mercie and
glozy is foz enertn all Iſrael.
62 Then ail the people blew trumpets, and
crped with loud voyce, prapling the Lozd fo the
rapiing vp of the boufe af the Lob.
63 Allo fome of the Pꝛieſts and Leuites, and
chtete men, to wit, the Ancients which had leene
the tomer heui,
64 Came to fee the building of this with wegs
ping E great crying , ahd many with trumpets
and toy cried with ſowd voyce,
65 Do that the people could not heare the
trumpets, becaule of the weeping of the people:
pet there was agreatinultitude p bicw trum-
pets, ſo that they were heard farre off,
6 CGiberefore when the enemies of the
tribes of Juda and Bentamin heard it, they
came to know what noile of Heche it was,
67 And they knew that they of the captiuitie
built the Temple to the Lom Gow of Firacl.
68 Mherelore they comming to 3020babel,
and Jeſus, and the chtefe ofthe families, fayt
vnto them Let vs build alfo wtth you. >
69 Foꝛ wee obey pour Lozd as poudot, and
facrifice unto him tince the Daves of || Aafa-
rerh king ofthe Allyrians, which brought vs pt
1) .
70 Chen orobabel,and Jefus and the chicfe
ofthefemilies of Firael ſayd to them, Jt deeth
not appertaine tovs, and te pou to builde an
houſe to the LodourGsd.
71 Foꝛ wee alone wilt mn it to the Los oor
lOr, Afia-
ZATet y or A-
Egrag 3
Exras. i,
me he. I.I.
I. Efdras.
oF Ilrael as it berommeth b¢,and a8 Cyꝛus the
king of the Herlans bad bs.
72 Howbeit the people sf rhe land made them
Auggiſh that were in Judea, and letted thent
to butin the woke, and by their ambuſhments
and (editions and confptractes binden the Ani-
Hing of the building, i
73 AU the time of king Cyrus life s fothat
thep were let from the building two yeere, vntill
the reigne of Darius,
1 Of Aggeus and Zacharias. 2 The building of the
Temple, 3 Sifianes would let them. 7 His Epifile to
Darius, 23 The Kings anfwere tothe contrary.
Cit *inche fecond peeve of theretancotDa- |
rius,Aggeus and Zacharias the ſonne of Ad⸗
Do the Prophets prophelied to the Jewes, euin
ynto them that were in Judea and Jerulalem,
in the Pame of the Lod Gon of Flrael, which
tGreeke vp- they called bpon.
en them,
n King. b. 2.
2 Then 3020babel ſonne of Dalathiel, and
Jeſus the onne of Joledec toon vp, andbegan
to build the houſe of the Lord, which ts in Jeru.
falem, the Pꝛophets of the Low being with
them,and helping them.
3 Cin chat time Siltnnes the gonernour of
Hpria and Phenice, and Sathrabouzanes with
his compantons came vura then,
4 And fayi vnto them, By whole comman
Dement build pou this houſe and this building,
andenterprile alltheic other thinges ¢ and whe
are the builders that enterpzile fuch things?
§. But the anctents of the Jewes had grace
ofthe Lod atter that hee bad vtuted the capti-
tities ' —
6 That they were not letted to build, vntill
it was lignified vnto Darius ofthels matters,
and an aniwere was recciued. ? ;
7 CEbvecopteofthe Cpittte, which hee did
trite and (ent to arts: S1SINN ES gouers
nour of Syprta and of Phenice, and Bath abou
zanes and their compantons. prelidents in Sp-
ria and Phenice ſalute king Darius. ‘
It may pleale the king our matter plaine:
ly to vnderſtand, that when wee came to the
countrey of Judea, and entred tuto the citte of
Jeruſalem, wee found in rhe citie of Jerutalem
the ancients of the Jewes that were of the caps
tluttie, .
9 Building an boule to the Lord great and
‘cw, of hewen ttoues,and ofareat price,and the
timber already lapd bpon the walles.
Io And thele wozkes are Done with areat
Teed, pea, and the works hath good ficceife in
theirhandes, fo that it will bee hnihed with all
glory and Diligence. à f
U Chen we alsen their ancients, ſaying, By
whole commandement build you this ponie And
lay the foundation ofthelewozkes?
12 Chee alked them thefe things to the intent
to notifiethem to thee, and to tuptte to thee the
men that gouerned tt: therefore wee Demanded
the namesof thegouernonrs in wating.
13 But they anfimered faving, Are arethe
a nants ot the Loa, which bath created the
heauen and the earth. ppt
14. And *this houle was burlt sp many yeres
agoe by aking of Jiracl greatand frong, and
was fintthen. ; ‘
1s; Wutinhen our fathers, pousking GOD
to wrath, finned again the Lord of Firael,
which is iñ hea uen, bre Deltucred them inte the
Hands of J2abuchodoncloz King of Babylon of
the Chaldcans,
16 Whobzake Downe thehoule, andburnt it,
and carted the people captine to Babylon.
17 Putin the irk peere of the reigue of Cy⸗
rhe duer the countrey of Babylon, king Cys
wrote that tyts houſe onto be built vp,
I8 AnD the holy veſſels of gain and of fil
ter, which Mabuchodonolo2 had caried out o€
the boufe ot Jerulatem, and had Dedicated them
in bis owne Temple , Cyrus the king tooke
out of the Tempie at Babylon, and they were
ginuen to 3I020babel, and to || Oanaballartis rus
19 And acommaundement was ginen vnto
bim, that he ould carp away thoie veſſels, ana
put them in the Tempie at Jeruſalem, and that
Sd Temple of the Lod ould bee built in thig
20 Then the fame. Hanabaflarus, being
conte Dither , lappe the foundations of the
boule of the Lord at Jerufalem, and ſince that
fat till now, it is in buitding, and isnot Enie
eo. —
21 Moto therefore if tt pleaſe the king, letit
h (ought vp in the kings libzaries concerning
pus. Bie EN
22 Ann iFit be found thatthe builving of the
Houle of the Lozd at Jeruſalem hath beene Done
by the confent of king Cyzus, and tf tt feeme.
Sood to the loꝛd our king , let him make vs an-
ſwere concerning thele things.
23 Then king Darius commaunded ta
fearch in the kings libraries that were in Bas
bylon, and there was found in Ecbatane,
which ts a tower tn the regtonof Media , a
place where lich things were lato vp foz mema-
rie. ? ?
24. Inthe fick peereok the reigne of Cpg,
Ring Cyrus commaunded the boule ofthe Lore
at Jeruſalem to be builded, where they Did ſacri⸗
fice with the continuall fire.
25 Df rhe which the height Mhould be of theee⸗
{coze cubites, the bzeanth of thaceicoze cubites,
with thire rowes of, hewen ttones, and one
row ofnerwo wood of that.countrey, and that the
coftes Mould bee payed out of the Houle of king
26 And that the boly vellels of the houſe of
the Lord, as wel thole of golo as of filuer,twhich.
jaabuchovonoloz had carried out of the houſe
in Jerufalem, and bought into Babylon,
fhonid bee reſtored to the boule which is in Je-
Piyu and (etin the place Where they werg
27 Allo hee commaunded that Difinnes goe.
uernourof Syria and Phenice, and Hathras
boliganes,and their companions, Œ thole which
‘were conttitute captaines in Syzia € yenice,
hould take heed te refratne from that place,
and to Mier zZorobabel the feruant of the Lov,
and gonernour of Judea, and the Elders of the
Fewes to. build that houſe of the Lord in that
place. i ; BE
28 And F alfo haue commaunded to build tt
cleanen — — Aus that re bec Diligent to
helpe then ofthe capttuitie ofthe Jewes,til
houle of the Lord befinithen. — nae oeta
29 Ana that lame part ofthe tribute of Toes
3 Kisgagi
lOr, Shafhe
lofpia and Phentee Hhould be diligently giuen to
thele men fo? facrtiice vnto che Loꝛd, and to 50-
—— the gouernour, fo: bulles, rammes, and
30 Allo corne, and falt,and wine, and oile con-
tinually every yeere without faile, as the Picts
which are in Jerufalem fhatitettifie to bee ipent
euery Day, i
31 That offerings may be madeto the hie Gov
fo: the king and bis chilbzen, and that they map
pzay fo: thetrliues.
32. SFurthermoze be commanded that wholoe-
ucr ſhould tranſgreſſe any thing afore Lpoken oz
weitten, oꝛ Dersgate any thing thereof, that a tree
honid be taken out of bis poficilion, and gee bee
pare thereon, and that bis goods thould be the
ings. E
33. And therefore let the Lord whole name is
there called vpon, deſtroy eucrp kig and nati»
on, which retcheth out his hand to hinder or
— — to that boule of the Lozd which ts inge-
4 IJDarius the King haue ordeined that
eit be Diligently executed accozding to theſe
i C'H A P; VII.
i Siſinnes and hi companions follow the Kings com-
mandement , and helpe the Fewes to build the Temple,
5 The time that it was buit, 16 They keepe the Pafe-
ower, h,
T Siſinnes the* gouernour of Coeloſyꝛia Pꝛieſt
and Phenice, and Sathꝛabouzanes, and their
ar kete obeying King Darius commande-
2 Aſſiſted diligently the holy works, working
with fe ancients € gouernoꝛs of the Sanctuary
3 And the holy wozkes proſpered by Agge-
—— Zacharias the Prophets which prophe-
4 Do they finifhed all things by the comman»
Dement of the Loꝛd God of Jlracl, and with the
content of Cyrus and Darius , and Artarerres
Kings ofthe Perſians.
5 Thus the holy houle was finithed in the
| thiee an’ twentieth day of the moneth Avarin
the firt yeere of Darins king of the Pertians.
6 And the childzen of Iſrael, and the
Pꝛieſtes and the Leuites, and theret, which
were ofthe captinitie, and hav any charge, dtd
proome to the things written in the booke of
And thep offeren foz the dedication of the
emple of the Lord, an bundzeth bulles, two
hundzeth rammes, foure hundrzeth lambes,
8 And twelue geates foz the inne of all Iſra·
el, according to the number of the chiete of the
tribes of Iſrãel. s
9 Ani the Hꝛieſts andthe Leuites ſtood ace
cording to their kinreds, clothed with long robes
in the workes of the Lord Gon of Pirael, accoz-
Ding to the beoke of Popkes and alio the porters
in euery gate.
Io And the children of Iſrael offred the Pale:
Duer together with them ef the captiuitie, inthe
fourteenth day ef the fir& meneth, after that the
Pꝛiefts and Leuttes were fanctified. -
IL Butailthe chilozen of the captinitie were
hot fanctified together, but all the Leuites were
fanctified together. 4
Chap. vijs viij,
12 And thep offered the Paſſtouer foz all the
children of the captinttte, and foz their brethren
the Prieſts, and fo: themſelues.
13 Then all the chtlozen ef Iſrael which were
ofthe captiuutie Did gate, euenall they that bas
(cparated themſelues from the abominations of
the pesple ot the land and fought the Lov.
14. And thep kept the frat ot vnleauened bread
ſcuen Dapes,retoycing befeze the Lod,
Ig Becanle hee had turned the counfell of the
King of the Afipians towards tyem to ſtreng ·
rurar Hands im toe wozkes of the Lod God
1 Efdras commeth from Babylon to Yerufalem, 10
The copie ef the commuiffion ginen by Artaxerxes, 29
Efdras giueth thankeste the Lord. 32 The number of
the heads of the people that came withhim. 76 His
prayer and confe(fion,
AZ» after thele things when Artarerres
King of the Perſians reigned, Eas the
fonne of || Saratas, the fonne of Tʒerias, the fonne O⸗, Axarias
of Melctas,the fonne of Salum,
2 The fonne of Havoc, thefonneof Achitob,
the fonne of Qinatiag, the fonne of f Ezag, the lOr, Azarias
fonne of {| QBemieroth , the fonne of |] Saraias, llOr, Mera-
the fonne of Sautas, the fonne of Borccas, #27-
the fonne of Abtſum, the fonne of PObinees, the Or Same.
fonne of Eleazar, the fonne of Aaron was the hie 107-224
3 Chis Clos went out of Babylon, and
wasa fcribe well taught in the Law of Movies,
given by the Lord Godorf Iirael.
4 Alfo the King gane him great honour,
and iby found grace tn bis fight in all bisres
5 CGith bim allo there departed fome ofthe
children of Iſrael, and of the Pꝛieſtes anv Les
uites,and of the boly fingers,and of the Porters
an ofthe miniſters of the Temple vñto Jeru⸗
6 Ju the feuenth yeere of the reigne of
Qrtarerree, and in the fift moneth + this was
the ſeuenth yeere of the King ( fo: they went
ar Babylon tu the frt day of the Grit moe
7 And came to Jerufalem according as the
Lod gaue them ſpeede in their tourney.)
8 Fo: Eſdꝛas had gotten great knowledec,
fe that hee would let nothing paffe that was in
the Lae of the Lord, and in the commanunde-
ments. and bee taught all Iſrael all the ordinan⸗
cesand {udgements.
9 Eo the Commiffion witten by Ring Ar-
tarerres was ginen Eſdras the ziet, andrea:
* ma the Law of the Lozd: the copie thereof fel-
Io King Artaxerxes to Clizas the Pꝛieſt, and
reader of the Law of the Lom, Salutation.
IL Foꝛ as muchas 3 confider things with pi-
tie, Jhaue commaunded that they that will ana
Delite of the nation of the Jewes,¢ of the Prets
and Leuites, which are in ourkingdome, Gould
goe with thee bute Iſrael.
12 Therefore as many as be willing, let them
Depart together, as tt hath feemed good to mee
aud my lenen friends the counteiiers,
13° That they may os * things that are
Apoer ypha.
Exa, 3.3.
in Judea and Ferulaiem diligently, as it is ton ·
tained in the Law of the Lo20,
14 Aud carie the gifts to the Lord of Iſrael in
Jeruſalem, which Jand mp friends haue vow-
£D: al al the gold and fluer which ſhalbe found
in the countrep of Babylon appertaining to the
302:0 in Jerufalem, =
15. Mith that which ts ginuen of the people to
the Temple ofthe Lozd their God, chat it might
be brought to Jerufaiem, as well iiluer as goldc,
fo: bulles and ramunes, and lambes, and things
thereunto pertaining, . :
16 Chat they may offer facrifices to the Loz
bponthe altar of the Loꝛd their God, which ts in
17 And whatloeuer thou and thy brethren will
Doe with the goilde o? ſtluer, accompliſh te accore
Ding to the wiilofthy God. f
18 AnD the bolp veſſels ofthe Loꝛd, which are
ginuen thee foz the vle of the Temple of thy Gor,
which ís in Jerufalem , thou ſhalt fer before thy
Godin Jeruſalem. i
19: And whar other things feener thou ſhalt
remember fo: the vie of the Temple sf thy 60D,
thou ſhalt giue tt out of the kings treaſue.
20 Gnd J allo Ring Artarerres haue come
maunded the treaſures of Syzia and Phenice.
that wharloeucr Clozas , the Prick and reas
Der of the Lawe of the highelt Cod, fall fend
foz , they Hoult gine it him with all ſpecde,
euen to the fumme of an bundzeth talents vf fil
21 And likewile vnto an Hundzeth cores of
torne, and an hundzeth pieces of wine and other
thingsin abundance. i
22 Letal things be done to the higheſt God,
According to theLaw of Gon with diligence, that
to2ath come not vpon the kingdome of the king
and of his ſouncs.
23 Alld to pou it is commaunded, that of none
of the Prieſts o: Lcuites, o: holy fingers,o2 Poꝛ⸗
ters, 02 miniſters of the Temple, 02 of the wok-
men of this Temple, no tribute noz tare bee tas
Ken,noz that any Hane power to tare them tn anp
24 Thon alo, Eas accoꝛding to the wifes
Dome of God, ordeine tudges and gouernours,
that thep map thdge in all Spataand Phenice
ali thole which are well inftructed ia the Lawe
of thy God, and teach thele, which are not in-
Tructed. y
25 AnD let all thom which thall tranfgreffe
the Law of God and the King, bee diligently
punithed, either with death, o2 other puniſh⸗
ment, either with penalete of money, 02 baniſh ·
26 ¶ Then Eſdras the Scribe, faid, Bleſſed
be theonely Lod Hod of mp fathers, which hath
ut thisin the heart of the ing to glozifie bis
ouſe which is is Jeruſalem, .
27 And hath honoured mee before the King,
ane the counftiiers, and all his friends and go:
28 € * Therefore F was incouraged by the
heſpe ofthe Low niv God, and gathered men of
Biracl to goe vp with nie. A }
29 Tice are thequides after their families
AND ober ofBignites, thich came vp withinee
sur of Babylon in the retgue ot Artaxtrxes the
Hing, ‘
a Okthe founes oſ Phinces, Gerfom, of the
I. Efdras.
founes of Ithamar, Samael, okthe onnes of Da
uid, | Lettus. i
31 Ot the lonnes of Secheniaz, of the ſonnes
sf (bares. Zacharias, and with him were cout:
ted anbdundzeth and tifere men,
32 Di Salomon, Abelliacntas fOr, Paharh
thefonne af Zacharias, and with bun rwo huu⸗ Moab, Ele
Deth mien. -~ enai.
23 DE thefounes of Sathoc, Sechenias the
fonne of || Jezolus, and with him three hundzeth | Or, lexiel.
men : of the fennes of Adin, | Dbeth forne of fOr, Obed,
Jonathas, and with him two hundꝛeth and Afric
34 DE the ſomes of Clam Jeſias ſonne of por, Fe/eies.
Gothoitas,and with im fcuentte wien.
35. Dt the fonnes of Saphatias, Zarias, fonne
of Mac hãel, and with bim ſeuentie men. Or, Michaes
36 Okthe ſonnes ot Joab, || Badtasfonne of fOr, Obadiah
Jezelus, and with him two bundscthaudtwelue fonne cf Le-
men. chie .
37. DE the fonnes of | Banid,G Malimoth fonne HOr, Baniah,
of Jolaphtas, and with him an Gundzeth and E/lowith.
thicefcozemen. `
38 DE the fonnes of Babi, Fackartasfonne
of Bebi, and with bim twentie and eight
39 DE the fonnes of | Aſtath, Johannes tor, Afad,
forne of Acatan, and with bin an hundreth and Iohcanan,
tenne. fonre of Et-
40 Df the onnes ef Adonicam the lal: and cethan.
thefe are the names of them, Eliphalat, | Feouel Or, Fehel.
and Maias and with themſeuentie men: of the pOr, Semaia
ſonnes ofl Bagoutht onne of Iſtacourus, and HOr, Bagoi,
with bhim (cuentte men. Vri fonne of
41@ Aad J gathered them together tothe flood acuri.
called *Lheras,and pitched out rents theretheee Brra.8.15.
Dayes,and numbredthem. :
42 But when J had found there none of the
Pꝛieſts no, Leuites,
43 J fent to Eleazar, and behold, there came
| Paaiman, and Ainathan, and @amatan, and (Or, Mafana,
Joꝛibon, and Mathan, Ennatan, Zachari> Aathan.
an, and Molollamon the chiefe, and beſt leare lOr, Forsd,
ned. Enathæan,
44 And J bade them to goe to Daddeus the Zacharie;
captaine which was in the place of the treaties As/ollam,
rie, , ;
45 ith charge te bid Daddeus and bis bres
thren, and the treafurers that were there,to fend
to $3 thent, which mould offer facrifice tn the
houſe of cur Loꝛd. "
46 And they bought vnto vs by the mightit
Dano of our Lozd learned men of the founes of
Holi, the fonne of Leni, thetonne of Iſ wit,
Siſebebran and bis fonnes,and bis bꝛethien bee O⸗ Serediæ.
tng eighteene. i
47 And Alebia, and | Annon, and Dian Bis por, som,
brethzen of the ſonnes of | Canatnens, with their Tefas.
ſonnes,twentie perfons, | lOr, Canas-
48 Annofthe minitergofthe temple, which sien.
Dauid gaue, and thole which were rulers ouer
the worke of the Leuttes, co wit, miniſters of rhe
Temple, two hundzcrh and twentiz,cfwhowm all
the names were regiſtted.
49 ¶ And* there J proclaimed a fat for the
young men befo the Lo to afse of him a
good fournsp both for Ws , and for them that
eae with bs, foz our childzen, and foz our cate
70 For F was aſhamed to afke the King
looteinen 62 herſemen, 01 conduct fo2 batts
Or, Hanus,
gard againit our enemies,
51 Becante we had fatt tothe king. that the
ower of our ors whould bee with thew hat
vught him, to Direct them in all things.
52 Aherekore we prayed our £020 againe ac-
coming to thele things , whan we found faugn=
53 Then F chofe from amang the chtefe of
the tribes and of the Pꝛielſts, tweſne men, to wit,
fOr, Sevebiar | Elſehrias and Alamas, and with them tenneof
fOr Mari-
moth the
Sonne of la-
rie of Urie,
BOr, No⸗dia,
[onnes lonnè
their berken.
$4 nd J weighed them the Gluer and the
golde, and che baly veſſels of the Houle ofour
Lode, which the King and bis counlellers, and
his pinces and all Iſrael had ginuen,
§§ Aud J weighed them, fire hundreth ann
` fiftte talents of filuer, and fluer veflels ofan
bender talents, and an hundreth talents of
S6 And twenty golden baſins, and twelue
beticls of bafe of fine bꝛaſſe Mining itke gold.
57 And J layd to them, youare alle boly ta
the Lozd, and the veficls are boly, and the golde,
ob the tilueris a bowe to the Lezde of our fas
§8 Gatch, and keepethem, till that you gine
them ta the beats of the families of the tets,
and Leuttes,and captatnes of the families of Jf
rael in Jeruſalem inthe chambers of the boule of
Ont Gov. `
59 Ho the Pꝛieſts and Leuites tooke the fl-
uer and the goilde, anv the veficls, and caried
them to Jeruiatem ta the Temple of che Lord.
60 And wee Departed fron the ood Thera,
fn the twelfth day of the tirſt moneth, and
came to Jeruſalem, according to the mighty
power of our Lorde with vs : and the Love
deltuered vs from the beginning of our tours
= from allenemies, So wee came to Jeru⸗
61 And three dayes being pat there, inthe
fourth Day the fluer that was weighed, and
the golde was deliuered in the Doule of our
hag Marmoth the Pꝛieſt, the ſonne of
62 And with him to Eleazar the tonne of
Phinees: and there were wity them, Joſabad
the ſonne of Jeſus, and Moeth fonne of Habba-
nus, Leuites: all was dcliuered them by number
and weight.
63 Andall the weight of them was written
that fame hourz.
64 Afterwards thole that were come ont of
the capiiuitie, offered ſacrifices to the Lod Goo
“of Iſxael, euen twelue bulles fo all Jiracl, rams
fourefcoze and firteenc,
65 Lambes tineefcore and twelue, twelve
goates fo: faluation,atl in faccifice to the Lod.
66 And they prelented the commiandements
of the King toibe Rings Rewards, and tothe
gouernonrs of Coclolpria an’ Phenice, whe hoe
noured the people, and the Tempie of Hon.
67 ¶ NMhentheſe things were Done, coe go
ucrnours came tome, laying, The people of. b
rael, the Pinces and the Ppizites, andthe Lee
uites haue not feparated tromthem the ſtrauge
people oftheland, j
68 x the pollutions of the Gentiles, to wir,
ofthe Canaanites, and Chetites, and Phere⸗
fites, and Jebuſites and Moabites, and Egyp-
tians And Idumeans.
Chap. viij.
69 Sor they haue dwelt with their daugh ·
ters boti) they and tgeir ſonnes, and theboly (eed
is mixed wita the ſtrange peopie of the land, and
the gouernours and rulers baue been partakers
et this wickednetle from the beginning of the
70 And ag fosne as J had heard thele
things, Jrent my clothes, and the bolp gars
ment, and J pulled the haire oFmine head and
2 my hips and late me Downe fopowiill, and
erplad, .
71 Chen allo all hey that were moucd with
the wozd ofthe Lod God of Iſrael came to mee
whiles J wept for the iniquitig , but J fate very
fad tillthe exentng lacrifice. }
72 Then J rofe from the fat with my clothes
fone, and the bolp garment, and bowed mp
— and itretched koorth mine Hands to the
73 And fayo , O Loyd, Jam ahamed, and Exvaga;
contoundes beforethy tace-
74 Fo: our finnes are increaſed aboue our
heads , and our ignozances are lifted vp ta hea⸗
75 Vea, eunen from the time ef our fathers we
arsin great linne vnto this Dap,
76 jforour ſinnes therefoze,and our fathers,
twe təfth our bzethzen, with our Kings ¢ Piets
haue been gtuen bp tothe Rings of the earth,to
the wod and to captiuitie, and for apzay with
all Mame vnto this day.
77 And vow how great hath thy mercy been,
D Lod, that chere ſhould be left vsa ropte and
name in the place of thp holineſſe!
78 And that thou Hhsuldett reueale to boa
lightin the houſe of the Loꝛd our God, and giue
hs meate tn the timeof onr ſexuitude!
79 Foz When we were in bondage, we were
noticft ef our God, but he gaue vs fauour betoze
the Rings of che Perllans, that they Hould giue
bs meate,
80. And that they ſhould konour the Tens
pic ofent Loꝛd, and raile vp Dion that fs Delos
ate > anD giue vs aſſurance In Judea and Jeru⸗
81 And nowe; D Lod, what Hall wee fay,
bauning thele things? foz wee haue tranſgreſſeð
thy Commandements, which thou haſt giuen
bp the bandes of thy (eruants the Pꝛophets
82 * Becanle the land which pee goe toinkes Deuty, s
tite. is a lande polluted by che pollutions ofthe
ftrangers of the land, which haue filled ft wih
their tilthineffe, j
83 Therefore nowe pee Hall not ioyne their
Daughters with youclonnes, neither giue pour
Daughters to their onnes, `
84. either Hal pou Delire to haue peace with
thems kor ener, that pee may be nave trong, and
eate the gaod things of theland, and leaue tt fog
an tnberitance to pour chilozen foz euer.:
85 Wherefore ali that is come to pale, wag
Done for our wicked wozkes, and forour great
linnes: pet, Lode, thou halt foebozne our
86 And haſt giuen vs fth arootes bur twe a⸗
gaine haue tucned backe to tranſgreſſethy Law,
andto mire vs with the vncleanneſſe of the peas
pleofticland. a
87 Wighte thou not bee augrie with bs
to deltrop vs, ſo that thou ſhoũldeſt neither
33 4 leaut
Ezra lof.
lOr, Jetel,
leaue bs roote,no2 feede no, name?
88 Bac, D Lod of Firael, thou art true: foz
there is a roote left euen vnto this Day.
_ 89 Behold, we are now before thee with onr
iniquities, neither can we endure belorze thee foz
thete things.
90 ¶ And *as Elmas prayed and tonfefen
and wept, and lay bpon tie ground beioze the
Temple, avery great multitude was gathered
tunto him out of Jerufalem, of men and women,
and pong childzen: for there was great lamens
tation among the multitude.
91 Then Jechontas the fonne of Jeeloft the
fonnes of Iſrael, crying out, fayd,D Eſdꝛas, we
baue finned againſt the LoD God: we bate ta-
ani hala range women okthe nations of
the lana.
92 And now all Iſrael is Doubtful : therfore
let va make an othe concerning thts tothe Lord
to put away all our wiues, Which are ſtrangers,
with their childern.
93 Ifittceme good tothee, andto ail them
that obey thelaw ofthe Lord, rile vpand put it
in execution.
94 Foꝛ to thee Doth it appertaine, and we are
with thee to make thee ſtrong.
95 Then Elſdzas arole,and mane all the chiefe
of the famltes of rhe icts and Leuites of all
Iſrael to weave, that they would doc thus ; ana
they liwate,
7 After Efdras had read the lawe far the ſtrange
waues, 10 they promifed to put them away,
T Re Elas rote from the courcofthe Tem-
ple, and went to the chamber of Joannan the
fonne of Gliatib,
2 And being lodged there, hee did eate no
bꝛead, no: Danke water, but mourned fo: the
great iniguities ofthe multitude.
3 Ano there waza proclamationin all Ju-
dea and Jerufalem, toall them that were of the
— that they ſhould be gathered to Jere:
4 Andthat all they which ſhould not mecte
there within twe a: three Dapes, according to
the ordinanceof the Elders, which bare rule, -
ſhould Haue their cattell conti(cate tothe Tem- A
ple,and he caſt out from among them of the cap.
s Thenall they tohich were of the tribe of
Juda, € Beniamin came together within three
Bayes into Jerufalem; this was the ninth ma-
neth, and twentieth day of the moneth.
6 Andall the multitude fate m the bꝛoade
placcofthe Temple aking , becauſe of the er,
treme winter,
7 Chen Elmas arok and faydto them, Wee
Daue finned: foz ye haue married trange wines,
fo that ye hatte augmented the fires of Iſrael.
8 Aowe therefore contefle and glozifie the
Lod God of our fathers,
9 And doe hts will and (cparate pour ſclues
Sea the people of the land, ttrom the irani.
10 Then all rhe multitude cried out ann furn,
piss a loune voice, Aee will Doe as thou hat
ay . :
Ir But becanfe the multitude isgreat, and
the tune is winter, ſo that wee cannot tande
without, aud the woke is not of one Dap noz
IL. Efdras. Bay
of two, feeing that many of be haue Anned ty
this matter,
12 Lettiechiefe men of the multitude, and al
they which haue ſtrange wines of our families,
13 And let the Pict and Judges come out
of ail places at the Day appointed, till they haue
appeated the wath of the Lozd agatnit vs foz
this matter,
14 Chen Jonathas Gaels fonne, andy Eze:
tías fonne of || Checan were appointed concer»
ning thele things,and Molollaw and Babbate-
us DID helpe them, i ee
“1g And they which were of the captiuitie, pin
after all thele things, }
16 Eloras the jzick allo chole bim certaine
men, chiete of their families, all by name; and
they fate togetherin the firit day of the tenth moe
neth to eramine this matter. j
I7 And thep made an ende ok the things pere
taining to them that had marivd ttrange Mines
inthe firit day okthe ftrmonecty.
18 And there were found of the [ates which
had married trange wiues,
Ig DF thelounes of Jelg, thefonne of Joſe⸗
Dec, and ofhishacthren, Mathelas, and Eleazar,
and Jozibus,and || Jonadan.
20 Aho aie gaue their hands to cat out
their wiues,and offered a ranime fog their recon:
citation tn their pnrgation,
21 Gnd of the fonzes of Emmer, Ananias,
and Zabdeus, and Canes, and Sameius, and
Vircel,and Azarias. i
22 And ofthe fonnes of | Phail, Ellionas,
Mafias, Elinaclus,and Mathanael, andj Det>
Delus,and Callas, —
23 And of the Lenites,| Jorabadns, ant De-
mis,and Colius.who was called Calitas, and
Patheas,and Doudas, and Jonas.
bat Othe bolp fingers , | Cliazurus, Bart
25 Df the porters, | Salluniis,¢ Colbanes,
26 Dé themof Iſtael, of the tonnes of Pho⸗
rus, |] termas, t Eddias, and Melchias, and
MWaclus,and Eleazar t Alibias,and fBanatas.
27 Dé the fonnes of || Cla, Matthanias, 3a-
— and Hierielas, and l iteremorh, and
28 And of the ſonnes of | Zamoth, Eliadas,
Cltlimus,D thonias, Jarunoth,and || abacus,
and Bardeus. i
29 Okthe fonnes of || Bebai; Joannes, and
Ananias and t Jofabad and Ematheas.
30 Dfthe fonnes of | Want, Dlamus, Ma⸗
— Jedaias, Jaſubus, Jalacl, and Jere-
31 And of the onnes of || Addi, Paathus,
(Voolias, Laccunus.and Matdus.¢ MWathantas,
and || Helcyel,and Balnuus, and Manalſſeas.
32 And of the fonnes of Annas, Elionas, and
Aleas, and WVelchtac,t Gabbens,and Dimon a
33 Andof the fonnesof | Afom, Slraneus,
And | $Batthias,and Bannatag, Clipyalat,and
Banatles,andSemet, \ ;
34 And of the onnes ofp Maani, Jeremias,
Momdis, Dmatrns, Inel, amat, and Pac⸗
lias, and Amos, Carabalion, and Cuatibus
and Mamnimataänatus, Cliftalis , Usmus,
Elltali, Damis , Selemias, Nathanias, and
ofthe lonnes of Dinas, Delis, Ciril, Azailus,
fOr, Iaha |
fOr, Thecua,
\Or, Maafias
llOr, Ledatiah
Or, Anani,
and Zabiah,
affias, fef-
Or, Okidel,
and Alafa.
Or, lofabads
hOr, Galias,
Pathias, Jo-
10r, Eliafibs
and Bacur,
|07, Sallam,
\|Or, Remias.
flor, Baxadias
Or, Elam.
Or, Iehiel.
lor, Iere moth
and Helias,
HOr, Salad,
and Sardas,
llOr, Bebe.
lOr, Tofabat,
and Emah,
Olam,M al-
luch, Iedaia,
Wor, Addin,
Naaters, Lace
cum, Bana-
llOr, Bexelel,
llOr. 3 Ha fa Ais
l'Or, Math-
mas, Matas
||Or, Ban, Yee
remias, Mos
adi, Euiram,
fOr, Mati-
fOr Pedaias.
Hanaras,Dambis,Joliphus. .
35 Ando the onnes of Ethna, Mazitias,
zabadias, Ethes, Inel Banaiags.
36 Allthele married ſtrange wines, and put
them away with theirebilaeen.
37 And the Piets and the Lenites dwelt in
Jerufalem, andintyecountrey, the firit Day of
theleventh moneth,and the chuldzen af Iſrael in
their otune houles.
338 ¶ Then all the multitude aſſembled to-
gether with one conlent into the broad place Ut-
foze the gate of the Temple toward the Cait,
39 And {pake to Eſdras the Prick, anv reas
Der, that he thould bzing the Lawe of Moyles,
which bad bin ginen by the Loyd Gon of Firacl.
40 Then brought Eldras the chiele Prieſt
the Law to all the multitude, both man and wo-
man, to all the Picts , thatthey might heare
the Lat the tirit day of the feuenth moncth,
41 And be read in the fir broad place of the
gateol the Temple, from moning to middav,
before the men and the women, and all the mul-
titude hearkencd to the Lawe.
42 Ho Eldꝛas the Pꝛiett and reader ofthe
Lam, ttood vpon a Pulpit of wood that was
prepared. 7
43 Aud there food by him Matgathias,
Sammus, Anantas, Azarias, Durias, Czectas,
Balaſamus at hts right band, 3
44 Andat bis left hand Phaldaius, and
Hail, Melchias Aothaſaphus, Nabarias.
FR Then Eſdras tooke the booke of the Law
betore the multitude (fo? be fate honourably be-
& II. Efdras.
- CHAP. I,
T The people isreproowed for their unfaithfulneffe,
30 God will hane ano:ber people, if the fe will net bee
He fecond booke of the Pꝛophet
i * Elozas, the fon of Davatas, the
fonne ot Azarias, the fon of Wel-
‘2: eye cias, the fonne of Hadantas, the
— fon of Hadoc, the ton of Achitob,
2 Thelonne of Achaias, the
fon ot Phinees, the fon of Weli, the fon of Ama»
riag the fonne of Afe, the onne of Marimoth.
the Conne of Arua, the fonne of Dzias, theinne
of Bouith, thefonne of Abilet, the lonne of jhi-
nees,thetonne of Eleazar.
2 Cheloune of Aaron (of the tribe of Len)
which Efdras was priloner in the land of Medes,
iu the reigneof Qrtarerres king of Pertta.
4 *AuB the word ofthe Lod came vnto me,
faving, P :
s Soe and mew my people their ſinnes, and
their chilen thetrwickednes, which thep bane
committed againſt mee, that they map tell their
childꝛeus chiidh,
6 "Fo? the linnes of their fathers are increas
_ fen mthem.becaufe they hane forgotten me, and
pane ofercd vnto ſtrange gods.
7 Waye not Jbzought them out of the land
of appt from the ponte of bondage? but they
Hane provoked me vito wath, anddefpiled mp-
couniels. i 7
§ Pullthon off thenthe baire of thine head,
andcatt all euil vpon them: fo? they bane not
beene obedient vato myLawe, but thepare a
Chap, j.
- fore them all
46 And they all ſtoed vpright when bee ers
pounded the Law, and Eſdras dlefed the Lod
the mot high Gad, the mot mightie Gon ol
47 Aud the whole multitude cryed. Amen.
43 Then Fetus, and || Anus, and Satabias, 10r, Ban:
and Adimus,and Jacobus, Habatatas,Autant-
as, Maianias, and Calitas, Azarias, and Joa-
3abDus and Ananias, & Biatasthe Leuites lift
pp their bands , and fell Bewne on the ground,
and worlhtpped the Lord,
49 Andtaught the Lawe ofthe Lorde, and
Rood allo carneitly vpon the reading.
50 Chen fayd | Aththarates to Cfdras the 0r, N ekes ·
chicfe Piet and Meader, and tothe Lenttes, mias, |
that taught the muititude tn all things, Chis
Day is holy vnto the Low, and all haue wept in-
hearing of the Law.
5I Ose therefore andeate the fatte meates
aud panke the weete dzinkes, and fend preſents
to them that haue not.
§2 Fo2 this Day is holy tothe Lozd,andbe not
{ozy ; toz the Lod God will glozifie you. l
53 Ho the Leuttes commaunded all thele
things to the people, laying, Chis Day ts holp to
the Lo + be not iad.
54 Chen thep departed all to cat and Minke,
and to relopee, and to giue prelents tothem that
had not, aud fo make good cheere.
55 Foꝛ they were yet filled with the wordes
wherwith they were inſtructed, when they were.
afſeinbled together.
rebellious people.
9 iow long Mall J foꝛbeare them, bato
whom 3i baue done fo much good? ‘
Io “Dany kings baue I deſtroyed for their Exod.14.28.
fakes : JOarao with his ſeruants and all hts ar»
mie haue 3 mitten Downe.
II Al! the nations haue 3 Dekroyped before
them: * J haue netroyen the Cat, the people Nwv.21.24,
ofthe two countreys Tyzus and Sidon, and sefh.8.12.
have ſlaine all their enemies.
12 Speake thou therefore vnto thems, faying,
Thus fapth the L020,
13 *3 baue len pou thorow the Sea,and haue Exod. 14,29:
ginen pou a fure ſ way, fincethe beginning :* J 0r, freete.
aueyou Moyles foz agutde, and Aaron fora Exod 3.10.
2teft. i and4. t4.
14 * J gangponlight inapillarofiire, ARD Exo.i 3.21.
great wonders haue J Done among pou: pet
haue pe forgotten me, ſayth the Lozd.
I5 Thus fapth the Almighty Lorde, Che
quattes * were a token vnto pou: J! Gane pow &xrd.1 6.1 35.
tents for fafegard. wherein ye murmured: pſal.ioa 40
16 And yc triumphed notin my Name for the
een of pour enemies, but pe yet murmure
17 Uihereare the benefits that Jhaue Done
for pou? when ye were hungry in the wilvernes,
* DID pe uot crie puto ine,
18 Saying, Chy-hafk thou brought hs inta
this wiloerneffe, to Kilius? It had been berter
for b3 to haue ruc tye Egyptians then topig
inthis wilderneſſe.
19 3 bad pitie vpon your mornings , and
gang you (Danna to cate s * fo yee op Wifái 62e.
Num. 14.36
A poctypha.
wid. UA
Fxa 15. 23.
Exo.} 2,8,
Hat. 23.37
Angels foode. }
20 * Athen ye were thirſtie, did not cleaue
the one, and waters did flowe out to ſatiſtie
pou? from the beate $ coucred you wiriy che
icaues of the trees,
20 And J gaucyou fatcountreys: F cat out
the Danaanites, the Phereſttes, and Philtiſtims
— you; * Wivat hal J Doe moze fez you laith
the Lod?
22 Thus fapth the Almighty Lord, * Ayen
ye were tthe wilderneſſe at the bitter waters,
being athirſt, and blaphenitng my ame
23 J gaue pou not fire foz che blaſphemies,
we cait a tree into the water, and made Che riuer
24 Aathat ſhall J doz ynte thee, D Jacob?
thou * Juda wouldeit not obey: J wull turne me
te other nations, and vato thoſe will Jgiue my
Name, that they may keepe nip lawes.
25 Seeinx pe haue forſaken me, J will alfo
foziake you: wien pe atke mercte of mice, g will
tot haue pitie vpon pou.
26 *(Ghen vee call vpon mee, F will not
beare yous for pe baue defiled your handes with
blosd , and pour feeteare ſwift to commit mur».
27 Although yee haue not foplaken mec, but
pour owne telues, faith the Lord.
23 Thius ſayth the Almighty Lod, haue J
nct prayed you, asa father histones, andas a
— her daughters, and as a nurſe her pong
29 That pee wonld bee mp people, as Jam
out Gand that pe would be nip children, ag
am pout father?
30 *F gathered pou together as an heave gas
thereth hee chickens vnder ber wings : but now
what hall J doz vnto you? A wali caf yon out
from my fight.
31 * Ahen xrou bring gifts tute tice, Iwill
turne my face from pou: fozpour ſolemne feat
Dayes.pour new moones,and pour circumctfions
paue F fozlaken.
ie 3 fent vnto you my feruants the Pꝛophets
whom ye bane taken and faine, and torne their
bodies in pieces, whale blood J will reucnge,
fayth the Lod.
33. Thus fayth the Almighty Lobe, Pour
boule hall be Deloiate: 3 wi cat pou out as the
winde Bocth the tubble. }
3t Pour childzen Hall not hane geucration :
fo? they bane Delptied mycommaundement,and
bone the thing that J hate,befoze me.
35 Pour houſes wth J gine vato a peopicto
come, who hall belecue mee though they heare
ince nol, and they vnto whom Jneuer hewed
miracle, halldoe the things that 3 commaund
36 Though they (ce no Prophets, yet hall
they bate thete iniquities. i
37 CJ will declare the grace that J will doe
fo: the people to come, whole childzen tetoyce ut
gladnetic, and though they bauc not feenc mee
with bodily eyes, yet in beart they beleeue the
things that F fap.
38 Mew therefore brother, bebola what qreat
glozy,t fee the people that come fromthe Catt.
39 _ Tinto whan J wil gine fo: leaders, Abꝛa ·
hain, giac, Jacob, Dieas, Amos, Micheas, Joel,
Abdias, Jonas, —
40 Mmm, Abac Sophonias, Aggius,
II. Efdras.
Sachariag,and Malachias (which ie called alto
tie * meſſenger of the Logo.)
The Synagogue fiadeth feule with her ewne chil-
dren: 18 Toe Gentiles are called.
Tes faith the Lod, F brought this peeple
out ot bondage: J them alſo my com-
maundements Sp my ſeruants the Mophets,
whome they would vat heave, but delpiied my
countels. 4 ERT
2 Ghemether thathare them,- fayth vnto
them, Hoe pou away, wW cien: for Gg ana
widow and forfaken,
3 Ibꝛrought pou wp with gladneſſe, but with
fozolv and heaninelie haue 3 lott pou : for pe ane
Hinicd againſt the Loud pour GoD, and done the
thing that difpleateth bim.
4 But what Hall nowe doe vnto you? F
ant a widow and korſaken: goe pee, D mp chile
Deen, and aike mercie of che tord,
§ Andthee, D Father J call fora witnelle
forthe mother of thei chilazen, which weuld
not keene my couenant,
6 That thou bring chem to confufion, and
their mother ta a ſpoyle, that their kinred be net
7 Let their names bee ſcattered among the
heathen: let them be put out of che carth,toz thep
baue deſpiſed mp couctant,
8 WMoe vnto thee, Aſſur: for thou hideſt the
vnrighteous in thee: D wicked people, remem·⸗
ber * what J Did vuia Sodome and Goiozah,
9 Akole faith ts miren with clouds of pitch
and beapes of aies: ſo will J doc vnto then,
that beare me not laity tbe Almighty Lord.
Io € Thus ſayth the Lord vnto Eas, Tel
inp people , that Y witi gine them the kingoome
ot — > which 3 would haue ginen vito
It And J tutil get me.glozy by ches, and cine
them tye euerlatting tabernactes, which J bap
pepared faz thoſe.
12 They Gal haue at will che tree of life ſmel⸗
ting oFointment ; they hal nether labour nagzbe
13 Goe ye, and pe Hal receiue it: pray that the
tine whichislong, may be ſhortned: the king⸗
Donic ts already peepared fo: you: watch).
14 Take heanenaud carth to witueſſe: for J
have aboltſhed the cuill, andcreatedthe goods
for J liue, fayth the Lord. ;
I5 Mother, embrace thy children, and bin
them vp with gladneſſe: make theirt ferte as fa
a Spee FOZ baue choleu thee, ſayth the
16 And thole that be dead wil F raile vp frons
their places, and bing them out of the graues:
foz J baue knowen mip name in Jiraci.
I7 Feare not thou mother of the chtlozen 3 fog
FZ paue choles ther fayty the Load.
13 J wil lend thee my (ecnants Eral and Fes
remie to helpe whole counti Jhaue fau»
ctifiedD and prepared foz thee twelue trees laden
with diuers Crufts,
19 Audas many fountatnes, flowing with
Melre, $ ü
milke and honie, and ſeuen mighty mountaines,
whereupon there grow roles and lilies, whereby
J will AU chy chiſdren with ioy. t
20 Crecate iuttice foz the widow: iudge the
cauleof the fatherleſſe: gtue to the poore: defend
the fatherlefie clothe the naket,
aI Healt
} Apocrypha.
21 Healethe weounded, and acke: laugh nota
Tame nian to ſcorne: Defend the creeple, and let
the blind come mito the light of my clearenefic.
22 Keepe the old and the yong that are with:
in thy wals.
23 *Mhereloeuer thou Anvet the Bead, take
themand buric them, andJ wil gine thee the firit
place in my refurrection.
24 Abide ſtill, D my people, and reſt: for thy
quietneſſe hallcome. y
-25 Nouriſh tby chilozen, D thou good nurſe:
Rablik their tecte, ‘
26 fone of the feruants that J bane ginen
thee, Mall periſh: to: Jwill ſceke rhein from ae
Mong he number.
27 Henot wearte: ſor when the Day of trouble
and heauineſſe commet) , ether hall weeps and
be ſorrowfull, but they hate be merrie, and hauc
abundante i í
23 The heathen Mailennie thee,and thall dee
nothing agaiuſt thee faith the Lod.
29 $Wine hands lyallcouer tyce, fo that thp
childzen Mall not fee hell. ;
30 Bee topfull,D thou mother, with thy chil
Den: for J wili deliver thee, fath the Lord
31 Remember thy childzen thar licepe : f
willing them out of the ides ot the earth, ana
will fbe mercie vnto them; for gam mercifuli,
faith the Lom Alintg tie.
32 Embzacc thy children, vntill J come and
Hew mercie vnto them:fo2 my fountaines runne
ouer and my grace Rall not faile.
3 J Eas receiued a-charge of the Lord
bpon the mount Gored, that J Would gac vnto
themot Iſrael, but when J came to them, they
calit me off, and delpiled the commaundement of
the LoD. ©
- 34 Aud therefoze J lay vnto you, D pee bea-
then, that beare and vnderſtand, (Haite to: pour
fhepheard, who wall giue you cuerlatting rett-toz
he to neere at had, that hall come inthe ende of
the world. ?
35 Bee ready to the reward ofthe kingdome:
forthe cuerlatting light fall hine vpon you toz
euermoze. l i k
36 Flee the Menowe of this worid: receine
the i of pour gloic: Iteſtifie mp Santon o-
penty. ; ;
37 Receiue the gift that is ginen pou, and bee
glad, gining thankes vnto bin that bath called
pou to the heauenly kingdome.
33 Arife and fand vp, and behold the number
ofthoſe that are ſealed for the feat of the Lord,
39 CGbich are Departed from the hadowe of
the world, and haue receiued glozious garments
of the LoD.
40 Dake thy number, D Sion, and ut bp
them that are clothed in white, which bane fui-
filled. toe Law of the Leom.
41 Gbhenumnber of thy children whome then
longeſt fo}, is fulfilled : befeech the power ofthe
Hoo, that the people which hauz beene called
from the beginning map be fanctised.
42-7 J Emas law vpon mount Sion a great
people whom F could rot number, andtyep ail
pratien the Lozd with ſongs.
43 And in che mids of (hemthere was apong
mat bigher tn tature then themall, and vpon
euern atte of their, beads hee fet crotmes,and
was higher then the others, which J mich nar
Chap: iij.
44 HoF alkedrije Angel, and (atB, Ciho are
theſe niy Lord? weit
45 Cayo anſwered and {aid vnto mee, hele
be they ihat Gane put ott the septal clorhing.and -
bane put ontye inisnezctall,and bane contelico rke
Mame of Ged: now ere they crowned, anv ree
ceiue the palmes,
46 Then faw J unto the Angel, Chat young
manis tt that Certeth crownes on thes, and gts
ueth themthe palmes in thetr bands?
47 And he anlwered, and lain vnto me, Ft ts
the Senne of God, whom they haue contelled in
the wold. hen began F greatly to commend
oem: that bad ftocd lo ſtrengly foz the Mame of
H4 mü.
48 Chen the Angel ſaid vnto mee, Gor thy
Way, and tell my people, what, and bow great
wonders of the Lord God thou hak ſecne.
4 The wenderous workes which God did for the pesa
ple, are recited. 31 Efdras maruesleth that Ged [uffe-
reth the Balylonsans to hane rule oner his peapleswhich
yet are ſinners alſo.
|2 the thirtieth yeere aftes the fallof the citie,
as Fives at Babyion, J lay troubled vpon mp
bed, ard my thoughts came bp to mine heart,
2 Becanle J tam the Belolation of Sion, and
the wealth of them that dwelt at abylon.
3 Bo mp Mirit was ſoꝛe mooues, fo that J
eels ipeak feareful words to the mot igh,
1D fard,
4 Dimu, Lom, thou (paket at the begin ⸗
ning whtnthon alone plantet the earth , and
gaueſt commandement vnto the people,
* Ans a body vnto Adam without ſoule,
who was alfo the workniansytp of thine hands,
and bafi breathed in him the breath of tife fo that
helined Ucfore thee, .
6 Ano idk him into Paradtle, which thy
right hana hadplanted, oꝛ evict the earthyosoug he |07: we
feozth, ſrward.
7 Euen then thon gaueſt him conimaunde;
meẽnt to loue chy way: but be tranſgreſſed it, anv
immediatly thou gappointedſt death te himana
his generation, of whom caine nations, tribes,
people and kinreds out of number. i
8. >And euerypeople walked after their owne
twill, and Did wonderfull things befoze thee, and
deſpiſed thy commandements.
9 .* Butat the time appointed thou bꝛough · Gene. 7 tes’
teft the food upon tholethat dwelt in the wold,
and Deftropedit them,
Io _ @o that by the flood, that came to euery
one of them, which came by death vnto Adam. |
11 Pet thoulekteſt one, cucn* foe, with his
houſtold ot whoꝝi came all rightzous men. .
12 And whenthey that dwelt vpon the earth,
began to multiplie, and the nnmber of the rhil-
Den, people, and many nations were increaiedD,
they began to be moze wngodlpthen the iri.
13 Pow wen they ituen wickedly before ther,
* thon diw chale thee a man from among them,
whai name was* Abraham
14 Cibo thoulonedtt-and ynte whom oncly
thow ſhewedſt thy weit; w :
15 Gnd madeſt an eucrlafting tennant with
bim, promifing bin that thouwouldeſt neutr for
Gene. 2. y⸗
Gene. bT
1,Pet.3 Qo.
Gene, 32,16
Gene.t7.5. i
Gen, 21 2,3
Gene.25.25) i
fake hts leede. 26 |
16 * And vnts himthou gaueſt Iſgac* pnto Mal 1.2,3, 0
Alaac allo. they gangi Jacob and —— a y018.9.130 - il
Gene, 3.6.
1. Fam 16.
2. Sam 5.1.
and 7. 5, 13.
DDE chuſe Jacob, aud cat of Ciau, and o Ja ·
cob became a great multitude.
17 And when thou leak his feed out of Egypt,
* thon broughteſt them vp to mount Dina,
18 And inclineds the beaucns, and bowed
Downe the earth, and Dine mooue the ground,
and caule the depths to hake, and didſt atoni
the wort.
I9 And the gloic went thorow fonregatesof th
fire, with earthquakes, wind and cold, that thou
mighteſt giue the Law onto the ſeede of Jaceb,
and that which the generation of Iſrael Henta
Diltgentlp obferue,
20 Det tooket thou not away From them the
wicked beart, thatthp Law might bang koorth
Fruit in toem. í ;
20 Fo *Adam firt hauing a wicked heart,
Was ouercome and vanquilhed, and all thep that
are bone of dim, — $ ]
22 Thus remained weakneſſe ioyned with
the Law in the hearts of the people, mith che
wickednefle of the roote : fo that the good depar⸗
ted away, and the euill above fil.
23 Ho the tines paled away, ana the peeres
tuere brought to an end, * til thou DDt raile thee
bp aferuant called Danid, —
24 “Uhan thou commandedſt to build a ti-
tie unto thy Name, to call vpon thee therein with
incenle and ſacriũce.
25 MAhen this was Dene many peeres, the in·
habitants forſooke thee, 3
26 Following the wayes of Adam and all his
generation: fo: they had aiio a wicked heart.
27 Therefore thou gaueſt the citie cuer into
the bands ofthine enemies.
28 But doe they that dwell at Babylon , any
Ders that they fhould hane the Dominion of
29 Fortohen J came thither, and fawe their
Wicked Deedes without number Cfo: this ts the
— pert that F (ce many trefpafiing) 7 was
30 F03 lam, boto thon ſufferedſt them that
finne, and {parent the wicked Doers, where:
as thou bat deſtroyed thine owne people, and
ee thine enemies and thou batt not ſhew⸗
ed it.
31 J cannot perceiue howe this commeth to
paſſe. Are the deeds of Babylon better chen they
ef Dion?
32 Dz ts there anyother people that knoweth
thee bendes Iſrael? o: what generation hath ſo
beleeucd thy Teſtimonies as Jacob?
32 And yet thete reward appeareti not, and
their labour bath no fruit: for J baue gone beere
€ there thorowout the heathen: J fee them flou-
rif}, and thinke not vpon the commandements.
_ 34 eigh thou therefore sur wickedness now
intheballance, and theirs alio that Dwell inthe
world, and nomention of thee (hall be found but
tn Iſrael.
35 D2whenis it that they that dwell on the
earth bane not finnen in thy fight 2 o: what peo-
ple baue fo kept thy commandements?
36 Thou halt ſurely And that Iſrael by name
bath kept thy precepts, but not the heathen.
2 The Angel repromzth Efdras,becau/e hee ſeemed
be ater into the profepud iudgemewts of Goa,
A= the Angel that was feit tnta me, whet
name was GricLantwered,
2 Ano lad, Chine heart hath taken too much
bpon it in this wold, and thou thinket tocon-
prchend the waves of the bighet.
3 Then famn J,Dea,myp Lowy. And He anſwe⸗
red mee, and fain, Jam lent to thewe thee theee
waves and to fet tooth thace ſimilitudes betoze
4 Abhereof if thou cant declare mee one, J
wail etw thee allo the way that thou Defirce ta
ſee, and J will them thee from whente the wicked
Heart commeth.
§ And I laid, Tellon, my Lod. Chen fain
he unto me, Goe thy way, weigh mee the weight
of the fire, o? meafure me the blatt of the wind, oz
calline agatne the Day that is pat.
6 Then anhwered F,and laid, Ahat man ts
bozne, that cau Do that which thou requiret me,
concerning thele things? i
7 And helai vnts me, JEJ Hould alke thee
bow Deepe Dwellings are in the mids ofthe fea,
02 bow great ſprings are in thebeginning ofthe .
Depth, e2 bow great fprings are in the ſtretchin
out of the heauen, o: which are the boꝛders o
8 Daraduenture thou wouldeſt fay vnto me,
J neuer went Downe to the Deepe, noz yet to the
bell,neither Did F cuer clime bp to heaven.
9 Butnow haue J afked thee but of fire and
Winde, and of the day, whereby thou hak paed,
and from the which things thou cantt not bee fes -
arated, and pet canit thou giue mee none an=
were okthem i ;
10 Hee laid moꝛeouer vnto mee, Chine ore
things, and fuch as are growen vy with thee,
tanit thou not know:
Il How thould thy befell then bee able ta
comprehend the wapes of the Higheſt, and
now outwardly tn the corupt world, to vn⸗
eae the coruption, that ts euident in my
12 Chen laid F vnto him, Fe were better that
twee were not at all, then that wee ſhould line in
tmickeones, aun to luier and not to know wheres
13 And hee anlwered mee, and (aid,* F cante
t a forg tithe plaine where the trees belda
14 Gna faid, Come, let vs goe fightagaink
the lea, that tt may gtue place to bs,and that we
may make ys moze woods.
Is Likewile the floods of the [ea tooke cours
fell, and faid, Come, let va goe vp and fight a-
gaint the trees of the wood, thatwe map get ane
other countrey fo: vs. }
16 But the purpole of the woed was vaine:
kor the fire came and conſumed it.
ly Likewile allo the purpoſe of the floods of
the fea : foz the fand ftood yp aid Mopped them.
18 Jf thou wert iudge betweene thele two,
whom wouldett thou tultitic? oz whom wouldeſt
thou condemne? :
19 Jauſwered, and fain, Verily it isa fogs
li purpote, that they both baue Dentlen ; foz the
ground is appointed for the wood, and the Sea
bath hts place to beare his floods.
20 Thenanfweredhee me, and faid, Chon
hak giucn right tudgement; but toby iudgeſt
thoi iiot thy felfe alfa? ; -
21 Foꝛ like as the ground is appointed a
Tudg 9.8.
| F/a055.8, 9. the wood, aun the fea tor the foods,(o “they that
Soha 3. 315
Dwell vpon earth, can vnderſtand nothing, but
‘.cor.2.13. that which tsivpon earth: and they that are tr
the beaneng the things that are aboue p height
ofthe heauens. ; '
22. Thenanſwered J, and ſayd, J berech
thee, D Lord, let vnderſtanding be giuen me:
23 Foꝛ 3 did not purpole to enquire of chine
bigh thinges, but of fuch as wee dayly mendie
mithall, namely, wherefore Iſrael is made are:
p2och to the heathen,and fo: what cauſe tye peos
ple whom thou hail loued , ts giuen ouer to wic⸗
Red nations ,and why thelawo€ our fathers is
aboliſhed, and the weitten cerentontes are come
to none effect, Se 7
24 Ahy we are toled to and fro thzough the
world as the grathoppers , and our like is a very
feare, and we are uot thought worthy to obtaine
25 But what will he doe ta bis Mame.which
is called upon ouer vs? Df thete things haue J
aiked the queſtion. a
26 Chenantwered heme, t laid, The more
thou fcarcheit,che moze chon Matt maruaile s foz
the wo: yatteth fait to pafle away, |
27 And cannot compeehend thethinges that
Are promiſed tothe cighteous in time to come:
fox this mould is full of vnrighteouſneſſe and
weakeneſſe. Wg eek,
28 But to Beclare thee the thinges whereof
thou alke, the eniti ts (omen, but the Dettructt:
on thercof ts not pet come.
29 Jt the euill now that ts ſowen, be not tur-
ned vpſide dawne, ifthe place where che euill
ts owen, paffe not away, then cannot the thing
come, that is ſowen with good.
30 Foꝛ the corne of cal Leen hath bin fowen
inthe beart of Adam from the beginning, and
bow much yugodlines hath De brought pp vnto
thts time? And how much ſhall hee ting tonti
wnitill the hariek rome?
31 {Ponder with thy cite, how much fruite
a ice a cone Of entl iced bringer
-32 And when the ſtalkes ſhall be cut downe
which are without number, how great an har⸗
melt mutt be prepared. Satie
` 33 Chen FT anfwered ,and fayd, bow and
when ſhall thele things come to paſſe: wherefore
are our peeres few and enill? -
34 AnD he anfwered me, faying, Hak not to
bee aboue the mot High: foz thou labouret in
paine to bee aboue him, though thou endeuour
neuer fo muuch. i
5. Did not thefoutles alfo of the righteous
afse quettion of thelethingsin their chambers,
faving, How long hail 3| thus hepe? and when
coimmeth the fruite of mp barne and our wa-
£8? ;
8 36 And bpon this Jeremiel the Archangel
anfwered , and fayd , caben the number of the
feeds is filled in yous for bee hath weighed the
wolo in the ballance. pants
37 The mealure of the thes is mealured;
the ages are counted by number , and they hall
‘not be mooued op Haken, till the mealure there»
of be fulfiilea. EA
38 Chen anlwered J and fain, D LoD, Lozd,
Weare alleuen full of inne,
29 And foz our fake peraduenture the harueſt
a$ the righteous is not fulati, becaule of the
finne of themthat dwell vpon earth.
40 Ho he anfwered mec and fayn , Goer and
alke woman with child. when thee hath fulfils
icd her nine moneths, tf ber wombe may keepe
the birth any longer within per.
41 Then iat 3:20,10, tye cannot, And
he laid onto me Ju the grans the places of fouls:
ave like the wombe,
42 fozas hee that is with chile, hafteth to.
efcape the neceffitte of the trauell, fo doe thele
places batt to deliuer tkole things that are come
mitted vnto them.
43 Chat which thou Defirest to lee, Hail bee
fhewed thee from the beginning. «=.
44. Then anſwered 3, and fap, JET bane
found grace tn thy ftight,and itit be poſſible, and
tf J be meet therefore,
45 Sbew me whether there be moze to come
sien ts pat, o2 moze things pal, then are ta
46 Ahat is pat, J kuow, but what ista
come, gi know not. Sa
47 And he fatd ynto me, Stand on the right
fioe and J will erpaund thee thts byerample.
48 07 food, and behold, a bete burning
ouen paſſed before me: and when the flame was
ao bpi See bebold, the moke had the.
pper Hand, . , Ned dene
49 After this there paſſed before mea watery
cloud, fent Downe much taine with a itorzmes
and when che ſtormpraine was paſt, the Drops
came after. ;
50 Then fats he wntame,Conkder with thy.
feltc,as the ratnets mozethen the Drops, and a
fire exvceedeth the finoke, fo the portion that is
palt,bath the vpper yand,and the drops and, the s
{mone were much. f.
SL. CienF prayed, and fayd, Way Jlitie,
thinkeitthou, vntill chat time? D2 what hall.
come to pafle in thote Dayes? `
52. pe anfwered mie and fait, Dfthe tokens
twhereot thou afset mee ad tan telltheea parts
but J am not tent to fhew thee oF thy lites foq
Doe not know tt.
C H-A P. V.
s, In the latter times trueth ſhalbe hid. 1o Vurigh-
téoufnes and all wickedne ffe fhallreigne tn the world,
23 Jfraelis reveéted , and Goll deliuereth them, 35.
God doeth allthings in feafon.
N Enerthelefle concerning the tokens behold;
the times fall come, that they which dwell
vpon earth, ſhallbee taken ina great number,
and py way of the trurth hall bee hid, and the
land Mail be barren from fatth,
2 And* iniquitte Halbe increaſed moze then
thou bat feene now,o2 halt heard in time patt:
-3 Andit halt come to paite that one halliet
in foste; and thou talt ice the land deſolate,
which now reigneth.
4 Dea, if God araunt thee to liue thou malt
Ave after the third trumpet, that the funne hall
{uddenly Hine againe tn thenight, the moone
thee times a Day.
§ Blood hall nop out ofthe wood, andthe
ftonc fhall gine his voyce, and the peopte fhatl be
moaned. ee th s
~O Anahe mall rule, oftwhome they hopenot
Hie Dingell pon carth, Ethe foules Hail change
7 Aus
Mat.24. 123 }
| Apocrypha.
7 And the lca of Sodom Mall cat outiv,
and make a nopitin the night, which many all
* IA but thep Malt all beare the voyce
8 Where thalbe aconfulion in manp places,
andthe fire Mail ott beake foozth, and the wild
teates fhall change their places , and mentrus
pug women Mall beare montters, a
9 And ialt waters albe found in the fweet,
and all tricnds hall ight one againſt another:
then Hall wit hide it felfe, and vnderſtanding
Depart into his fecret chamber.
Io Ft ſhail be longht of many, and pet not be
found: then Wall vñcightesuſnes and voluptu·
ouſneſſe baue the vpper hand vpon earth.
It Dne land allo Wall alke another, and fay,
Is tighteous tultice gone thozow thee? Andie
fall fay,f20, ;
12, Qt the fame time Hali men hope, but not
obtaine: they thal! labour, but their enterpetics
fhallnuot proſper.
13 Go Wew thee ch tokens J hane leaue,
and if thou wilt pray agatne, and weep as now,
and fait ſeuen Dapes , thou shalt heare pet areas
ter things then thefe.
14 @ Chen Jawaked, and a kearekulneſſe
Wwent thorow ali my body, and mp nunde was
feeble and fainted.
Ig But the Angel that was come totalke
With me, held me, comforted me, and {et mee vp
dpon mp feet.
16 Andin the feconn night, Dalathiel the
captaine of thepeoplecame vitto mee, laying,
Ahere halt thou been? and whyisthy countes
nance fa heaup?
17 Knowelt thou not that Fltael is com:
— vnto thee in the land of their capti:
18 Up then and eate, and forlake vs not, as
the ſhepherd that leaueth bis flock in the bands
efthecrucllwolucs.. — ->
19 Then faya F vnto him, Goe thy wapes
froi me, and come not neere me: and when hee
Heard if, he went from me. ;
20 And J| fated lenen dayes, mourning,and
weeping, as Uriel the Angel bad commaunded
21. AnD after fruen dapes the thoughts of
ming Heart were verie grieuous vnto mee a
22 And F had a delire to realon againe,
aud J began te talke with the mot Vigh ax
23 And faid, D Lod, Lod ; of euery foreſt of
the earth, andof allthe trees thercof thou bat
cholen tize one onely vineyard.
24 Aud ofall landes of the wold thou Hatt
choſen thee one pit, and of all the flowers of the
ground thau haſt chofen thee one itilie,
25 Andof all the Depths of the fea thou hak
filled thee one riner,and of al builded cities thou
Hak Canctificd Dion vnto thy lel fe.
26 And ofalthe foules that arecreated,thou
hak named thee one Bore, and of all the cattell
— made, thou Hak appomted thee one
27 And among all the multitude of people,
thou hatt gotten thee one people, and vnto this
people whome thou loucdit , thou gaucit alaw,
that is porcu of all.
28 Zna now, D Lord, why bak thou giuen
II. Efdras.
this.ene people ouer into many? and vpon ane
roste thon batt {et others, Eyalt ſcattered thine
onely people among many.
29 Thep treade chen downe, which haue
withſtood chp promiles , and belecuc Rot thy tee
30 And ikthou diddeſt Co much hate thy peos
ple, they Mould bane beene puniſched with thine
owne hands.
31 € Row when J had poken thele wordes,
the Angel that came to me the night afoze, was
{ent ynto me,
32 And aD vnto me, Meare mee, and J will
ee thee,and heacken that jj map inſtruct thee
-33 Ana Flayd,Speake on, mp Lod. Then
fayd be puto me, Chow art ſore vercd and trou-
led fo: Iſraels fake. Louet thou them better
then he Doth that made them?
34 And Flayd, No, Lod; but of very ſorow
baue J (poken: foz mp retues paine mee cuccy
boure white J labour to comprehend the way of
the moſt pigh, €toleeke ont part of his iudge·
35 Gnd hee ſayd vnto mec, Thou cant not.
Gnd J (apd, Ciberefozre, Lord, wherefore was J
borne? o2 why was not mp mothers wembe
then my graue? Oban 3 not ſeene the treuble
——— > and the griekt ok the Rocke of Tl
36 And he fayd vnto me, Number vsto mee
he things that are not pet come, 0: gather meg
tie Dops that are (cattereD, 62 mlake me the wre
thered flowers greene againe.
37 Dprume che places that are cloſed, anu
sing ince fooztl the windes that are hut bp
thertin:ſhew mee the tmageofa vopce,and thers
will J Declare thee the thing, that thou alkeit
and labonreſt to know.
38 And J laid, D LoD, Lod, who can know
thei things, but bec that bath not his dwelling
withincn 2 y
39 But J that am tgnozant , pow tan J
ſprake of theſe thinges, whercot thou alkeit
40 Then faia he vnto me, Like as thon cant
Doc none ofthele things , that J haue poken of,
fo cantt tyou not finde out my iudgement, nop
the h aft benefice, that Jhaue proniſed vnto mp
41 Then J fayd, Bebold, D Loyd, the laſt
things are prelent vnto thee, and what ſhalthey
Doc that haue bin befoze mee,o2 we that be now,
o? theythat Hallcome aftervs? _
42 And gee layd bute mec, F will compare
Kip iudgement vnto ating: as there ts no
— of che laſt, (o there is ne ſwiftueſſe of
the firtt.
43 Then’ J anfwered, aud fayd, Corildeſt
thou not make at once thole that baue beene,
thole thatarenow, and thofe that ball come,
that thou mightelt thew thy iudgement theſoo ·
44. Then anfwered hee mee, The creature,
faid be,cannot prevent the Creato2, neither can
the world bold them at once,that Halbe created
-45 And J fayde, As thou bat taught thy
feruant, that thon which ginet ſtreugth co all,
halt gtuen life at once to all the wozke creas
ted by thee, and hak ſuſtained it, ſo might *
now alfa conteitie all met at once.
46 And hee layd vnto me, Alke the wombe of
a woman, and ſayvnto her, CAhy mutt thou haug
time befkore thou brꝛingeſt toorth? require peria
bring fozth ten at once. ;
47 And J fayd, Surely he cannot but bydi-
Rance oftime. $7
48 Lien laid he vnto me, So haue g diuided
the numberof the earth by times when ſcede is
fowen pon it, 2
49 Fezras a pong chtld begetteth not that that
betonageth tothe aged, ſo Hane Jordeynedthe
time which Jhaue creates. Wy
50 @ J alken againe ant ſard, Seeing than
hait now hewed meeige way, J] will mord to
ipeake before thee: fozour mother, whom thou
‘Halt tolde megis pouna,Dzawety ihe neere vnia
age? -
* 1 He anſwered meand Maid, Aſke woman
that traueileth, and fhe wail tcli chee.
§2 Day vnto her, Chereiore are not they ued
whome thou hait nowt bꝛought foorth,like thaie
that were betore thee,buticiie of ature?
53 And thee thali antwere thee, Some were
borne in the Roure of pouth,others were boznein
the time of age, wien tye waombe fatted.
s4 Conder now thy teii; how that ye are
th of ſtature thenthole that were betok you.
55 Ans ioare theythat come after pou, lefe
then pee, as theereatures wich now begin to
bee olde, and haue palicd oner the ſtrengch of
youth. i
56. Then ſayd 3, Lod, J beitech thee, it J
baue found fausurtmebyiight, Wewe thy ſer ·
uant, bp whom Dorii thou gouerne thy worke⸗
God hath fore feene all things in his fecret counfell,
and isaathour thereef y and hath createdthem far bss
children. 25 The felacity ofthe age tocome.
AD hee fayd onto mee, Jn the beginning
A when the rounDe worlde was made, any
befo2e the bowers of the worlde were fet,
and before the windes blewe one againtt ang-
ther; r
=. 2. Before the novle of thunders founted,be-
fo2e the barght lightning did fine foogrh, betoze
the foundations of Paradtie were layd:
3 Before the faire fioures BID appeare, be»
foze tie mooueable powers were eftabitljed,be-
fore the innumerabie arinies of Angels were gas
4 Before the heightes of the avze were lf-
ted bp , befoze the meafures of the beauens
were named ; before the chusintes in Dton were
5 Wefor the prefent yceres were ought
cüt, aud befoze tee affections of them chat
nowe finne; were turned away, and they that
ae lapeD vp the treature of tayth, were ſea⸗
2D, - í
6 THhendid J purpole thele things,and they
mere made by mee along, and bp none other:
2 mec alla they thalibec ended, and by none o ·
Cts. ;
7 Thenanlwered J, andlayd, TAbat hal
he the Buitlion of tunes? og when fjall bee the
snd of the Brit, anv tye beginning of it that to
‘Chap. vi.
loweth 2 i
S -And hee fayde puto mer, From Abrahem
vuto Ilaac, when Jacob and Elau were borne
= ae, Jacobs hand held firt che Heele of Ge
9 For Cian isthe end of this wold,and Ja»
cob ts the beginning of te chat follower.
_ tO Che hande of manis hetwirt the hele
a the Band. Dither thing, Eſldras alke thou
H € Janſwered then, t aia, D Lod, Loz,
AES paue found kauour in thy fight,
12 J beieech thee, make an enù to fhe we tip
ſetuant thy tokens, whereet chow Mewt me
part the laſt niche,
13 So he anlwered me, and ſaid, Stand vp:
— feste, and heare a mightie founding
I4 There hall come as an earthquake, but
the place where thau ſtandeſt tall not bee moge
is Gnd therefore when be fpeaketh, bee not
aftayd: foz of the end fhall bee the wode, and
— foundation of the earth tall tt bee ndere
16 Therefore while one (peaketh of them, te
ttemblerh andis mooued: fo. it knoweth that it
mutt bechaneed at the end.
17 EuD when F had heard it, 3 food yp vpon
my keete, and hearkened, t behoide.there was a.
notte that ipake,and the found of it was like the
tound of many waters:
13. Andit layd, Behold, the Daves come, that
J will come and inquire of them that dwell vp»
“on thecarth, J
19 And when F beginne to enquire of them,
who bytheir vnrighteouſneſſe hane burt others,
an’ when the affliction ok Aron fall be fulfil
20 And the mola that hal vanih away, hal
be fealed, then wil J Mew theſe lignes: the bocks
fyalbe opened before the beauen,and they shat (ce
alt it together, ;
21 And the chien ofa peereold Hatipeake
with their voyces: the women with chide thal.
bing foorth vntimely childzen of theee oz foure
monẽths olde, and they thail line that are rayku
ype. ; Í
22 Then ſuddenly Hall the fower places ap-
péare as the vnſowen, and the full ſtorchouſes
wall ſuddenlybe found empty,
23 nd the trumpet Hall (ound, andall they
that beare it, hall be tuddenly afrayo.
24. Ae that time Wall Eriendes fight with
friendes, as wih enemies >. and the earth hall
fzare with them: the ſprings of the welles hail
tand Ril, and in thee poutres they ſhallnot
25 Mhoſoeuer remaineth from al thefe things
that J haueteld thee,hallbee faucd anv fee my
faluation,and the end of pour world.
26 And the men-that are receiued, tall
fee it: they that baue not tafted Drath from
their birth, and thebeart of the intabitants
Hallbe changed, and turned to-anether meas
27 Foꝛ euill Hailbe putent and deceit Halbe
quenched. ~ e
28. Bur faith Mall flourit: corruption ſhalbe
ouercome, and the truth which bath bene ſo tong
without frutt,mall come foztiy,
29 CA:
Gen.25. 26.
Gem UT a
‘Gen, ¥,¥40
Gent 14
| ‘Apocrypha.
15. detti.
Gen, 1,20.
| Or, Enoch,
29 E And when hee talked with rne behold,
Fl token a little bppon bim befoxewhome J
30 Ano thele words (aya he vnto mee, Jam
come ta ew thee the time of the night to come.
31 JE thouwilt pray againe, and falt fener
Dapes moze, Jl will cel thee moze things, t grea-
ter then thele, which Jhaue heard in the day.
.. 32. Fo: thy voyce ts heard before the Higheſt:
futely the Wighty hath Ceene thy righteous Dea-
lings be hath ſeene alle thy chattity, which thou
batt kept lince thp youth.
33, Wherefore math be fent me cto thew thee all
theſe things and telap vnto thee, Bee of good
coitfort,and feare not, nue gq
34- And haſte notin the vaine confideration
times. i I
35, And atter this J meptagaine, and faken
ſeuen Dates in like maner,that J night fulfil che
thee weekes which he had appointed me, ,
- 36 Qudin the eight night was mine heart
bered Within me againe, and J began tofpeake
before the mot High,
37 Foꝛ my (preit was greatly (et on fire, and
ny (oule was in diſtreſſe.
38 And J iay, D Loan, thou ſpakeſt exprefip
‘Inthe Ack creation Ceuen the fir&aay)
mandedſt that the heanen tthe earth Moula be
made, and the twoke followed thy wozd.
39 And then was there the ſpirit, and the
Darknefle was on euery de with lilence: there
was HO mans voyte as pet created of thee.
40 Then commanded thou a bright light to
conte foorth out of thy trealures, thatit might
gtuelightto thy worke
4I- Upon the lecond day thon createdſt the
heauenlyaire, and commandedſt it, that going
betweene, it hould make a diuiſton between the
waters, that the one part might remaine aboue,
and the other beneath,
42 Upon the third day thoucommaundef,
that the waters houldbe gathered together in
the ſeuenth partoftheearth: fire pares diddeſt
thou Daye, € kept them to the intent that of theſe
there Gould be that Hould ſerue thee, being ows
en ok Hod and tilled,
43 Aflooneas thy word went forth, the worke
was incontinently made, BIRD S
44 Jo: immediatly great andinnumerable
Truitt did (pring vp,emanypdDinecs plea(ures foz
the tatte, tfloures of vnchangeabie colour, and
odours ofa moft wonderfull inel, theſe things
Were created tye third Day.
_45 *Cipon the fourth day thon createdk the
light ofthe inme and of the moonc, and the 02
Dev of the Latres,
46 And gaueſt them acharge, todo* ſeruice
euen vnto man that was fo: ta be made.
47 And vpon the fift day thou ſaidſt vnto the
ſeuenth part * where the waters were gathered,
that it would being forth beatts, as foules and f-
Wes: and it was{fo.
48 SForthe Bumbe waters, and twithout life,
brought forth lining things at the commaunde-
ment of God, that the nations might praiſe thy
wonderous works. j
49 Then diddelk thou prepare two lining
things: the one thou calent Behemoth, and
theother thou called Leutathan,
50 And DDE ſeparate theone trom the other:
IT-Efdras. ndlqy
fo: the ſeuenth part reiia was gathe ·
ted could not hold then.
sı Unto Behemoth thou gaueſt one part,
„which was Died vp the third Day, that be outa.
ss in the fame part, wyerein area thenlanv
§2 But vnto Leuiathan than gaueſt the ſe⸗
uenth part, that is wet, and halt prepared him te
deuoure what thou wiltana wer thon wilt.
§3 pon the firt say thou gauek commande-
ment Vato the earth, that betoze thee it houlde
bring forth beatts,cattell,and creeping things.
§4. And belides this Avam; whome thou mae
Delt lord ouer atl the works which thou baft eres
cated of htm conte toc all, Ethe people alio whos
‘thou batt choſen.
Sch times, no make bake to the latter
55. All this bane. J Goken before thee, D
—— thou haſt created the world fo: our
56 As forthe other people, which alſo come
of Adam, thou batt Declared them that they are
nothing before thee, but be like vnto ſpettle, and
batt compared their riches vnto a Dop that fal⸗
leth from a beffel.
57: And now, D Lord, behold,thele heathen
which baucbene reputed asnothing, bane begun
to be lords ouer vs, and to deuoure ys.
58 Aud we thy peoplecwhom thou hak called
the firt borne, the only begotten, and thy feruent
loucr)are giuen into thetr hands.
59° HE the wolde then bee created fo: our
fakes, whpbane wee not the inheritance theres
ofin poſſeſſion? oz how long Mall we Mer thele
things 2 METH IU int OHS
5 Without tribulation none can come to felicitie.
12 God aduertifeth allintime. 28 The comming and
Meath of Chrift. 3% The reſurrection and lajt iudge-
ment, 43 after the which all corruption {hall ceafe.
48 All fell in Adam. 59. The true life. 62 The
mercies and goodneffe of God.
A MD when Iban made an ende of thele
woꝛdes, there was fent vnto mee an Angel,
ae had beene fent Downe to mec the nights
afoze. Erir
2 And he fain unto me, Up, Eſdras, ¢ beare
the words that Jamcome to tell thee.
3 And Iſayde, Speake on, my Gon. Chen
{apd bevntome, Che teats ter ina wide place,
that tt might be deepe and great.
4 But pzeluppole that the entrance thereof
Were narrow, and like the rigers, i
§ cAho could gâ into the fea to laoke vpon it,
and to rule it?if be went not thoꝛow the narrow,
bow could become into the broad? = ——
6 Theretsalloanother thing: a citie is buile
Ded, and fet vpon aboad field, andisfullofall
good things: j i
7 Che entrance thereofis narrow, tinanane
gerous place to fall,that thereis fire at the right
hand,and adeepe water at theleft,
8 Andthereis but one path betwirt ther,
euen betwirt the fire and the water,fo that there
could go but one man there.
9 JF this citie were giuen vnto a man foz an
inbevitance, tf hee neuer went thozots the pe⸗
vill befoze it, Hom could He veceiue bis ingeri
10 And
_ Apocrypha.
Deut.8. I,
ciin a a a - er
10 And F iapa, It is ſo, Loꝛd. Chen laid hee,
{ois the portiomof ſrael.
II Datelp foz their fakes haue J made the
worlde ; andwhen Adam tranlarefled my Ras
tutes,then came this thing to patie.
12 Then were the entrances of the worlde
mauve narrow, fullofiozrom and trauaile: they -
ate but few an’ enill, and full of perils, and ve⸗
ry painefuit.
13 Forcheentrances of the fore wom were
wide and lure,and brought immoꝛtall fruit.
14 Ff then they thatareliuing, labour not te
enter bythe ſtrait and brittle things, they can
net ataine te thole things that arc hiv. s
Is “Aby then diſquieteſt thou they (elfe,fecing
thouart cozruptible sand why art thon miooucd,
ſeeiug thou arc moztall 7 j
16 Andwhy bat thou not confidercd in thy
minde the things to come, rather then them that
are preſent? f
17 Then favd F, D Low, Lozd,* feeing thou
Halk ozdeined in thy Lawe, that the righteous
Houldinbertt thele things, and that che vngod·
ly bonn perth, l s
18. Skou the righteous (uffer ſtraitneſſe in
boptng foz large things?yet they that haue liued
sngodlyand ſũttered Traitneſſe, Mal not (ee the
large things. J
Ig Then he fayd puto mec, There is no iudge
moze iuſt then God, and there is none moze wile
thenthemokiigh. _ i l
20 Foꝛ many perih tn this life, becaule they
deſpiſe the Ramof God that is appointed.
21 fo: God Hath diligently admoniſhed ſuch
as came, topfit as they came, what they fhould
Doz to hane life, and what they onto obſerue to
ausyd puniſhment. i mot
22 Neuertheleſſe, they were not obedient vn⸗
tobim, but ſpake agatnit bim, andimagined
vaine things, — hel
23 And decciucd themelues by their wickea
Deedes, and denied the power otthe mak Wigh,
aud regarded Rot hts wayes. i
24 But they Delptted bis lay.and refulen pis
promiles : they haue vnfatthtullpbzoken hts 02>
Dances and haue not performed dis works,-
25 Anatherefore, Emas, vnto the emptie
are emptie things, and to che full, full things.
-26 Beholo, the time thall come, that thele
tokens which J| baue tolde thee, Wall come to
paſſe, andthe bꝛide ſhall appeare, and thee walt
sa foorth, and be ſeene tyatnow is vnderthe
ear . í
-27 And wholoeur fhall eſcape thele euils, hee
foall (ee mp wonders. t
28 for my fonne Fells hall appeare with
thote that be wits him, and they that remaing
ſhall retoyce within foure hundreth peeres.
29 Atter thele fame veeres Wall my onne
Chu die,and all men that hauc life. <
30 Andthe world thalbe turned tnto thea
Blence foꝛſeuen dayes,as in the fozetudgements,
fo that no man Mallremaine, =; nad Fag
31 But akter ſeuen dapes, the wozlde thatis
pet afleepe, hall be rapled vp: and that hall Die,
that ts coꝛrupt. Hesk SN
22. Then fhe earth Hall retor thole, that:
paue leptin her, and fo thaittheDu& thoſe chat inte
Bivell therein in Hente; and the fecret places
—— ſoules that were committed vn⸗
Em: sH x J R
7 r. 1
Chap vif”
33 andthe mek High hall appeare bpo
the leate of tudgement, and mtfertes Halt vas
zih away, and iong fuffering fall baue an
34 Juſtice onely Wall continue : the trueth
Sali remaine, and fateh all be ſtroug.
35 The worke hall follow, and the rewerde
fhalbe fhetwed : the good deeds Wall be of force,
and vᷣnrighteouſneſſe thali beare ne moze rule.
36 Then (apd J, * Abraham prayed firit fog
the Sovdomites, any * Moyles fozthe fathers
that innedinthewilderncile: :
- 37 Aud theythat came after him, foz Iſrael
in the time of Achazand Samuel, _
38 And * Daud fo: the deſtruction, * and
—— fo: them that came into rhe Ganctus
39 * And Clias forthole that receiued raine,
and forthedcadthatbemightline, HIA
40 And* Ezechias fo: the people in the tine
of Sennachertb.and Diners others foz many.
4I €uen fo now, ſeeing bice tsincrealed.and
wickeDnefle abounDeth, and the righteous haue
prayed fo: the vngodly, wherefore Hall not the
fame effect follow alfo now 2 f
42 Then heanfwered mee, and layd, This
prelentlifeis not the end, oft times bonouris
— init; therelore haue they pꝛayed tor the
ta g. ; “20
43 But the day of tudgement fhallbe the env
of this world, and the beginning of the im-
— to come, wherein all cozruption att
ceale. iE i
~ A4 Jntemperancie ſhall paſſe away: inſideli·
tte pall be cutoff: xrighteouſneſſe hall grow vp;
and the veritic hall (pring wp. ray eo at
45. Then wall no man beeable to ſaue him
that ts Deitroped,noz oppreſſe him that hath gots
ten the victozte. l B35
46 Janlweredthen, and fayd, This is mp
frit and lat faving, that it had bene better not
tobaue giuen che. earth vnto pam, oz when it
was ginen hím, to haue kept hun that hed youtu
not pane finned. cyt
47 Foꝛ what profitis tt fox men in this pres
fent life to be in heauineſſe, andvafter Death ta
keare punihhment? — ct. 2
43 Dadam, whathak thoudone 2 * forin
that that thou bat finned, thou art not fallen as.
lone, but the fall alle redoundeth vnto ve that
comeofthee; oan o n spon y
-42 For what pofitis it vnto v3, ikchere be
promtfed an immoꝛtalllife, when mee. Boe the
works thathiing Death? =; Tier Fs
50And that an euerlafting hope chould bee
pesintled vs, {eeing that wee betide our ielues ta
Qeadlppanitiers: ecto. clon tad? Hom shui
sI AnD that there hould bee appointed be
—— of health and ſaftie it we habe lines
eDiuy? assipi
52 And that) the glory of the mot High
fhouldbee kept to defend them which haue ied ag
—— life, ikwee haue walked in the wicktd
ayes?“ RIRA ? rt t = Pr > a
§3 Am that an eternall Paradile ſhouid bee
themed, whole fenit remaineth-ineoztuptibie,
—— ts laketie and health, il we willnot enter
54 (For we haue bene conuerſant in vnplea·
faut placca) Ai I0 iR anion ArtId
s5. Auathatthefacesofithemm: whiri haue
Aaa. abſteined
1 Kingiz
21 and 18
2 King 19.
Rom 5.38.
abtteined, Hond Hite mor then ſtarres, ifour
faces be blackerthen darkeneſſe?
56 Foꝛ while we ltued, we did not.remember
tuben twe DID vnrighteouily, that we Hold fuf
fer after Death. S
57 Then anlwered henw,and fayd, This is
the maner of the battell, which man,that ts bozne
in the earth Hall fight,
58 Chat tf he be overcome, he ſhould (user as
thou batt fayn, but tf he get che victory, he ſhould
receiue the thing that J tayo.
$9 Foz this ts the life whereof Mopſes fpake
into the peaple, while be lined, faying, * Chute
thee life that chou mayſt liue. : 3
60 Nfeuertheleſſe they beleened him not, net
ther the Pꝛophets after him, no: me alfo which
haue fayd vnto them, i
61 ThatheauineNe Hould not ſo bee to their
Defkruction, astop Mould come vata them, to
© whome faluationts perſwaded.
62 J anſwered then and iain, J know, Lord,
that the mot High ts called mercifull, in that be
bath mercy opon thei, which are not pet come
to that wol, 9
G6s Ana that he hath pitie on thole that walke
in bis Law, 3 >
64 Aundthat hee is patient : for be tong uf:
fereth thole that bane finned as bts creatures,
65 Andthat beisliberall: fohe will giue as
much as needeth, ,
66 Aud that hetsof great mercie: foꝛ he ouer·
commeth in mercie thole thatare peent, and
that are paft, and them which are to come.
-67 Foꝛ it hee were not abundantin bis mers
cies, the world could not continue, noz thep that
haue the pofſeſſion thexreof.
68 We pardoneth allo: for ifhe gaue not of bis
goodneſſe that thep which haue done euill might
be relecued from their wickcdnelie,the ten thous
Eana part of men ſhould not remaine aline.
69 And ifbe, being iudge, forgane not thoſe
that he healed with biswozde, and tooke away
themultitude of finies,
70 Chere thould peraduenture bee perp Frise
lekt in an vnnumerable multitude,
©] es OCH: A P; VIII,
z The number ofthe godly i fmall. 6 The workes
of God éré. excellent. 20 Efaras prayer for him and
for his people, 39 The promife of [aluatson to the iuf.
55 The defirutiion of the vniuſi.
A Nd he anfwered me, faying, The moft high
made this wozld for many, but the wold to
cone for few. —
2 J willtell thee a fimititude,D Cas. As
when the afkett the earth, it Hail fap vnto thee
that ft giueth much earthy matter te make pots,
but litle Dut that goln commietd of, fo is it with
the wozke of this wa:i.
3 * Therebe many created, but feto Hall bee
4 Gen anlwered J, and fapt; Chen fwal-
low bp the wit, D my foule, awd Deuoure vnder·
anding. - j Í
§ Forthou hat premiled to beare, and thon
wilt prophefie s for thou ba no longer {pace,
6 D Load, ikthou lufter not thy ſeruant, that
twe map entreat thee, that thou mayeſt gine feed
vnto our heart, and preparé ourbideritanding,
that there map come fruit of ft, whereby euery
one which is corrunt, may line, Who san fet pim
felfe & neers a
7 Jfoz thou art aloe, Ewe all are one worke
my ef thy handes as thou bat fayd. is
8 Foz when the body is fahioned now in the
wombe, as thon baft gtuen it members,thy creas
ture ts preltrucd bp fire æ water, and the woke
created by thee, Doeth ſuffer ning moneths the
creature.which ts fattened in it, ;
9 But the thing thatcontemneth, and that
witch is conteined, thal both be preferued, and
when timè is come, the wambe,bemng pzelerucd,
delinereth the things that grew init.
TO Fo: thou palt commanded the members,
euen the breaits, to cine milke vnto the fruit ap⸗
potnted to the beeatis, i
II That the thing, which is created, may be
—— for a time, teli thou diſpolſeſt it to thy
12 Thou beꝛingeſt it vp with thy righteout
nefie, nurturett tein thy latwe, and refome it
With thy indgcment.
13 Chou llayelt tt ag thy creature, and giueſt
itlife as thy wo2ke.
14 Seeing then that thon deſtropeſt him,
which with fo great labours is kaſhioned, tt ts
an eafic thing to appoint by thy commande-
ment, that the thing allo whichis made. might
be pzeferued,
Ig sowetherefore, D Low, Jwill ſpeake
(as touching menin generali thou Walt rather
poutde) but concerning thy people, foz whoſe
take Jam fop, -—
I6 And fez thine inheritance, for whole:
tanle 2 mourne : for Iſrael, foz whome T am
— and fo: Jacob, foz whole fake Fam
eue . .
17 Foꝛ them will J pray before thee, aſwell
fox mp felfe as foi theni: toz J ſee our faults that
dwell in theland.
18 € But J haue heard the ſudden comming
of the iudge, which ts to come.
19 Therefore beare my voice, and snderLand
ny words which J wililpeake before thee. Che
—— of the words of Eſdras, before he was
20 WLorde, that liuelt foz euer, which be⸗
bp from abone that which is aboue, and in
he AYE, .
21 Chole throne is ineſtimable, and bis glo»
rte incompzebentidle, before whome the bolt of
the Angeistandwithtrembling,
22 @Uhefe keeping ts turned in winde and-
fire, wolfe worde is true, and ſayings Renfalt,
whofe commandement is Rrong, and goucrnes
ment terrible,
23 Whole looke drieth bp the depthes, and-
wꝛrath maketh the mountaines ta melt away as-
the thing beareth witnetie,
“24 Weare the paper of thy ſeruant, and re:
teiue tuto thine eares the petition of thy creae
25 Fo, while Pline, J willfpeake,and felong
as} bane nveritanntag,&toillantwoere,
26 Lookenotvpon the Unnes of thy people,
rather then thp faithtull teruants.
a7 Haue not repect vnto the wieked Deedes
ofmen, rather then to then that haue thy tetis
monies tnafflictions.
23 Tomir not vpon thofe that haue walked
faincdly befoze thees but remember them that
reuerencethy will, G e
29 Let
r. Xiuc. 8.
46. 3.chrex.
Get. 4.4.
29 Let ft not bee thy will te werop them,
which haue liuen like beaftes , but looke vpon
tyem that bane clearelp taught thy Law.
30 Take not difplealure with than, which
appeare wozle fhen beatts , but ioue them, that
— put their truſt in thy righteoulneſſe ana
31 Foꝛ we and our fathers hane all the fame
fickenes,but becanle of vs that arc ſinners, thou
att be called mercifull, ;
32 Jf cherefoze thou wilt haue mercie vpon
Vs , thou Wait bee called mercifull towardes vs
which haue no wozkes of righteoutneffe.
33 Foz the righteous, which haue laid bp mae
Hy good workes, let them receiue the reward of
thetr ewe Deeds.
34 But what is man that thou ſhouldeſt take
Dilpleature at bint? oz what ts this moꝛtall gee
—— that thou ſhouideſt bee fo grieued to»
ards tt?
35 _ “Sor berelp therets no man among them
that be borne. but bee hath Done wickedly , naz
any. fat Both confelle thee, which bath net Bone
36 Forinthis, D Loyd, thy righteouſueſſe
aud thy goodneſſe Halbe pzaiſed, if thou be mera
ciful vnto them, which haue net the ſubſtance of
geod workes.
37 ¶ Then anſwered he me, and (ald, Dome
things halt thou ſpoken aright, and atcording pert
to thy woꝛos tt fhall be.
38 for J willnot verclpconfider the works
of them, before the Death, before the tudgement,
before the deftruction:
39 But *F will reioyte in the wayes of the
righteous and J wil remember the pilgrimage,
the faluation,t the reward that they wall haue.
40 Like as Y haue (poken now , fo Wall it
conte ts pafe.
4I Foz as the bulbandman ſoweth much feed
upon the ground, and planteth many trees, and
pet alway the tying that tsfowen, commeth not
bpin time, neither pet Doeth all that ts planted,
take roote : fo neither tall tbep all that are
bought into the world , be ſaued.
42 Jantwercd then ¢ fata , IfI baue found
grace,let me (peake. j
43 Like as the bulbandmans (cede peri-
foeth, if it come not vp, anBreceiue net raine in
am —— oꝛ tftt bee deſtroyed with too much
44 Do periheth man whichis created with
thine bands,and thou art called his paterne be-
caule be is created to thine image,fo2 whofe fake
thou halt made al things.and ſikened bim vnto
the huſlbandmans (ced.
45 Bee nor moth with vs, D Low, but
{pare thy people, and haue mercy vpon thine ine
heritance: foz thou wilt be mercitull vnto thy
46 Ghenanhwered he metai, Che things
pzelent ave foz the prelent , e the things to come
toz ftch as be to come.
47 Foꝛ thou art farre off, that thou chouldeſt
ioue my creature aboue me:but F haue oft times
Beawennecce vnts thee aud vnto it, but neuer
to the vnrighteous.
rata this alloart thon marueiloug before the
ghe -
49 In that thou hat humbled thy felfe, as it
becammeththee, anv bak not iudged thp felfe
Chap. ix» -
wostby to boat thy fire greatly among the
auar to ae ? * TA
o Formany mileries ¢ calamities remaing
fo? them , that thail line in the fatter time, Bes
caule thep hail walke in great pie.
§1 Bat learne thou toz thy ſeite and ſeeke ont
the glozie foz (uch as be like vnto thee.
§2 Foz onto pou is patadiſe opened: the tree
of life is planted: the tuneto comets prepared,
picnteoultes made ready : the citie is builded:
andrel is prepared, perfect goodnes and abe
lute wiledome. a
53 The root ofenil is ſealed bp from pourthe
weakenes and moth is Dettroped from pou, ant
into Yell fleeth cozruption tobe fozgotten,
54 Soꝛrowes are vanthed away, and in the
end ts ſhewed the treaſure of tnmoztalitie.
S5 Therfoze atketheu no moze quettions cane
cerning the multitude of them that perth:
SO JFo: when thep bad libertie, thep Delia
the moft High : thep contemned bis Law, anu
fozfooke bis waprs. %
57 Wereouce, they pane tronen Downe bis
58 *Saping in their heart, that there was no
God, thougy thep knew that hep ould Die, —
59 fozas the thing that J baue (pokes of, is
made ready fog pou; tots thirſt © pame prepa-
red fog the ; fo2 God wouid not that mar Moum
60 But they, after that they were created,
hane defiled the name of him that made them,
and are vnthanketull vnto him, whieh prepa:
red life for chem.
61 Therfoze my iudgement is now at haud.
62 Tbeſe things haue J not hewed vnto ali
mci, but vnto thee, and toa few like thee: then 3
3 anlwered, and tapt, >
63 Behold now, D Lord: thonhak ſhewed
me the many wonders, which thou art Detcre
mined to Doe in thelat time, but in what time,
thou balk not ſhewed me.
5 Allthings in this world haue a beginning asd
an end. 10 Torments for the wicked after this hfe.
15 The number of the wickedis more then ofthe good.
29 The Lewes ingratitude, 36 Therefore they peri[h.
38 The vifion of a woman lamenting.
H E anſwered me then,and fain, Wealſure the
time with it felfe, and when thon {eel that
one partof the tokens come topaile , which F
haue told thee befoze, 7
.2 Then Halt thou vnderſtand, that ít ig the
time wherein the mott High wiil begin to vtſite
the world which he mane.
3 Therekoꝛe when there ſhall bee feene an
$ —— in the wold, and an vpzoze of the
4 Then halt thou vnderſtand thatthe moſt
Vigh pake of thole things, from the dayes that
were before thee, euen from the beginning.
§ Foꝛ as all that is made in the world, hath
& beginning and an end, ¢ the end ts manikeſt?
6 Sothetimes ato ofthe mot igh haue
plaine beginnings in wonders and fignes , and
end in effect and miracles.
7 And euery one that (Hal eſcape fafe,e hall
= — — — and by the faith
wherein pe haue beleeued, 35
gaanz 8 Shall
Pfal, 4.6 |
482 Szota
Mat, 24 Fo
matth: 20%
. and 24.3.
Exod.19. 9. 29
3 Shalb aelerned Front the Tain perils ana
Mall fee my faluationin my land, and within
my borders} foxppane kept mee Holy from the
wald. 4 i pf
9 Chew hall they hane pitic of themſelues,
which now baue abuleD my wayes: and they
that gaue cak them out Delpiictully, hail dwell
in paines. EPET O, ; :
10. FFoz ſuch as in their life banc receiued be:
nefits ana baue not knowen me,
IL But haue abhorred mp law, while they
were pet in libertic, and when thep had pet lea-
fure of amendment, and would not vnder tana
but deſpiſed it, l }
12 Thep muk be taught it after death by
13. And therefoze be thou no moze carefull, to
knota bow the vngodly Hallbe puntijed,buc in-
quire how the righteous hall be ſaued, t whole
she wots and for whontit igand when. -
cE hen anlwered 4, ann fayt,
15 3 bane afoze layo that which J fay now
and willipcakeit hereafter, that there be many
ao Hi them which perth then of them that Wal
16 As the flood is greater then a drop.
17 And heanhweredinetaying , As the field
is, {vis alſo the ſeed: as the tiawers be, foare
the colours alſo: (uch as the workeman ts,
fuchisthe woke: and as the hulbandman ts,
fo ts bis hulbandry: fog it was the time of the
F :
world. 5
18 Surely when F prepared the world, which
was not pet made foz them to Dwel in that now
liue,no man pake againſt me.
19 sorthencuery one obeped, but now the
maners of themthatarc created in thts world, |
that is made,are corrupted by a perpetuall feed,
andbyalaw , whereout they cannoc rid them⸗
29. Ho F confidercd the world, and behold,
there was perill, becanle of the deuiſes, that
were ſprung vp into it. i
21 Pet when J fawtt ; J {pared it gteatty,
and have keptingone grapsof the clulter, anda
plantout ofa great people, c ’
22 Let therefore che muititude periſh, which
ate bone iũ vaine: and let my grape bee kept,
a niy plant , which J paue deters with great
- 23 Cérenerthelefic, iE thou wile ceale ſeuen
Dayes moe (but thouſhalt not fat in thers,
-24 But thale goe into afaire field , wherens
Houle ts builded, and halt cat onely of the flow
ers of the ficid,and eat no tief no: dꝛinke wine,
but the flowers oncly, i j
25 And pray vnto the moſt Pigh continually)
then wil J come and talke withthee. +
26 So 3 twent my way, ashe bad commans
Ded mie, into the field , which is called Ardath,
and there J fate among the floures, and Did cat
at cheberbes of the field, andthe meate of the
fame fatilfien me, ay
27 And akter ſeuen dayes as Ji fate vpon thé
sinana my heart Was vexed within mec, as
28 Jopened my month, andbegan to tatke
before the moſt High, and to fay,
D Lod, when thon wouldeſt thew thy
lelfe vnto vs, *thou detlaredſt thy felfe unto
dent4.t2, dur fathers in the wildernelie, ura place where
II. Efdras.
no man dwelleth, in a barren places wher thep
came out of Egypt,
30 AnD erpretlp (paket vnto them, ſaxing,
Heare me, D Firacl,andimarke my words, thou
feed of Jacob. h
31 Foꝛ behold , J] fow my law wt you, that
it may baing forth fruit in you, and that pe máp
be honoured by tt fo2 cuer.
32 Wucour fathers which receiued the Law,
keptit not, netther oblerucd chine opdinances,
nether Dib the trutt ofthe Law appeare, neither
could it foit was thine. E
33, * sor they that receiued it, periſhed bes
Sap they kept not che thing that was ſowen
tn them.
34 And lee, it is a cuftome when the ground
recciueth ſeed o the ica a thtp, ora veleli meate
and Danke, itk that perth wherein a thing is
fowen,o2 wherein any thing ts piut: t
35 Hikewile the thing that is ſowen or is put
therein, and the thnigs that are recctued, mult
pert}: fothe things that are receiued, Doe not
— with vᷣs but in vs it commeth not lo
o paſſe. i
36 Foꝛ wee that yane receiued the Law , pe-
rif intinne, tour heart alio which receined tt?
37 But the Law periſheth noi, but remat-
neth tn bis foce. BI HSE BUY
38 Gand whenZ ſpake theſe things in mine
heart, J looked about mee, aud npon therigkt
lide * J faw a woman which mourned (meand
lamented with a lond voyce, ann was grieued
in heart, and rent her clothes,anv the had aſhes
vpon per bead. :
39 Then g left mp thoughts, wherinT was
occupied,and turned me vnto her,
Chap,10. 44
40 And fayn vnto ber, CAherefore weepert |
thou? why art thou ſo ſoryin mind?
41 And the BD vnto mec, Gi, let mealone,
that Jj way bewatle my felte, and increafe foz-
* ford am ſore vered inmy mind, Ebzonght
trp ow. ~
‘ qa Then J fayd tnta her, Chat aileth thee?
elme: l
43 And ſhe ſayd tomee, J thy ſeruant hane
bencbarren , ane hauc had no child, hauing an
huſband thirtie peeres.
44 Andeneryhoure e every vap thel thirty
peeres J pray tothe mott Wigk Day and night.
45 And after thirtie peeves God heard mee
thine handmayd, and looked vpon my miferp,
contidered wy tronbic,and gaue mea fonne,ang
Iwas gladofhim: fo was mine bulband alie,
aud allthey ol my countrey, and we gaue great
honour vntotheAimighty. =
46 And J nouriſhẽed him with great trauert
47 Howlhen hee crew wp, and cant to take
a wife, J) made a feat. the k
CHAP: o Xi. ;
Efdras and the woman that appeareth vnto him,
pa when my fonte wentinto his chamber,
he fell downe, and Died. i —J
2Then vwoe all ouerthꝛew the lights, and alt
my neighbours roſe vp to comfort mee (0 F ree
ſted vntill the fecond Day at night.
3 And when they had all left off to com»
fort mee, that J thoulo be quiet, then J rofe yp.
by uight,.and fledde, and am come into wo.
~ ç j
Ap ocrypha.
Geld as thou tect, n
4 And amnot purpoled to returne into the
titie, but to remaine bere, and neither to eate no
Dinke but continually to mourne and fat, vntill
ç Then left F my purpole wherein J was,
ana [pake to ber angerly,and faid,
6 Chou foolth woman abouc all other, feet
oe het our heauineſſe, and what commeth vn-
7 Fo: Sionour mother ts al wofull, andis
fore aftlicted and mourneth extremely.
8 Seeing wee bee all now in heaninefe, an’
make our mone(fo2 we be all (oprowfull) ast thou
forie for one fonne?
9 Demaundthe earth, and Hee halt tell thee
that it is thee which ought to mourne fon the fall
of fo manp that grow npon bee.
IO Fozfrom the beginning , all men are bone
oF ber, and other thall come, and behold, they
walke almoft allinto Deftruction, and the multi
tude of them ſhalbe deſtroyed.
Il Abo ſhould thenrather mourne , Hee that
bath lof lo great a multitude , oꝛ thou which art
foz8e but (oz onc?
12 But if thou weuldef fay vnto mec, Mp
mourning ts not like the mourning of the carth
foz J| haue loft the fruite of mp wombe, which ã
—— forth with heauineſſe, and bare with ſor⸗
Chap. x.
24 And therfore hake off thy great heauineſſe
and put away the multitude of larowes, that che
Alinightte map bee mercifull vnto thee and that
the mot High may giue thee ret and eale from
thy labour. f
25 And when J was talking with ker,her face
and beautte Hined ſuddeniy, and her countenance
was bright, (0 that I was afraid af her, and mte
fed what it migbtbe. :
26 And behold immediatly He caſt out a great
voice, very fearefull,ie that the earth ſhooke at the
noyſt of the woman.
27 And J looked, and behold, the woman ape
pare vnto mice no moze: but there was a citie
ufldcB aud a place was ſhewed from the ground
AnD foundation. Chen was F afraide, and cried
With a lowde voice and (aid, i
28 is Uriel the Angel” which came
to me at the firi? foz bee hath cauled mee to come
{nto many and deepe confiderations, and mine
end is turned into cosruption , ano my paper to
29 Gad as J was peaking theſe words, bes
hold. be came vite me,and looked vpon me.
30 And loe, Flap as one dead, and mine vn⸗
DerLanding was altered, and he tooke me by the
tighe band and comforted mee, and ſet mee vpon
yp frete and (aid vnto me, :
St Wiat aileth thee? and why is thine vnder ·
anding vered? and the vnderitanding ofthine
13 But the earth is accopding tothe manero€ heart? aud wherefoze artthou foie?
the earth, and the prelent multitude returncth
into her as it came)
14 Then lay J vutothee. As thou haſt borne
With trauell, fo the earth alio from the beginning
eth ber fruite butoman, euento bimtbatla> yp
ured ber.
t5 How therefore withhold thy row in thy
feite. 7 gen beare conttantly chat which commerh
16 Foꝛ it thou alloweſt Gods purpoſe. and re-
ceiueſt His counſell intime thou thalt be commen:
Bed therein. ; i
17 Goe thy way then into the citie to thine
utband. :
18 ¶ Then he laid vnto me, J will not, J will
Mot goe inco the citie,but here will J dre. —
19 — continued to ſpeake moze with ber,
and ſaid.
20 Doe not lo, but be counfelied : fo: How mae
ny falles hath Sion? Be of geod comfostbecaule
ofthe (row of Jerufalem,
21 Foꝛ thou ſeeſt that our Hanctuarie is laide
walte: our altar is boken Bowne: sur Temple
is Deftroysd. r
22 Dur Pfalterion kainteth, and the fong
ceaſeth, and our mirth is vaniſhed away, and
thelight of ons candleRicke ts quenched, and the
Arke of ous Couenantis taken away, and our
bely-things are DefilcD, and the Ramz that is
Calicd upon ouer bs, is almok Bifhonoured, and
eur children are put to fame, ang our Pꝛrieſtes
ate burnt, and our Lenites are caries into captis
Uitte, aud eur virgins are Defiled, and our wines
raniſhed, and our rightcaue men (poyled, and
Sur chilen deſtroyed, and our young men are
Drought in bondage, and our trong men are bee
comeweake, i; x
_ 23 And, which isthe greateſt ofall, Hion the
feale hath loft her wozthip: fo} thee is Delinered
into the hands of chem that hate ps:
32 And Fj (aid, Becanle thou hak forſaken
mee, and F haue Done * accosding wnto thy chep.s,30.
wordes: J went into the fielde, and there h
—— things, and lee that J am notable toere
33 Then faid bee onto me, Stand bp manly,
and J will giue thee erhoztation.
34 Then faid J, Speake vnto mee, my Lozd,
aud forlake me not, lett J Die thaough raſhneſſe.
35 Fo: J baue ſeene that J knew not, and
beare that F Doe not know.
36 D2 ts mine vnderſtanding deceiued, o2
doeth my minde being hautie,erre?
37 sow therefore, I belecch thee, that thou
twilt pew thy (cruant of this wonder.
38 Then he anfwered meand fam, Heare me,
and J wilienforme thee , and cell thee wherefore
thou art afratze : foz the mot High hath reueiled
many lecret things unto thee.
39 Wee hath ſeene thy good purpoſe, that thou
art foie continually fot thy people, and makeit
gteatlamentation fo: Ston- E
49 This therefore is the vnderſtanding of
the vifion, which appeared onto thee a litle while
41 Thouſaweit a tweman mourning, and thou
begannett to comfozt her,
42 But now (cet thou the likeneſſe ef the wo ·
— A moze but there appeared onto thee a citie
43 And whereas thee told thee of the death of
ber fonne,thts is the folutton, i
44 This woman, which thou ſaweſt, thee is
Pion: and whereas betol thee Ceuen fhe which
thou eft now a citie builded) .
45 And as teuching that thee faid nto thee,
that (he was barren thirtie peeres, this was rons
cerning that there was cuen thirtte peres where-
in there was no offering offered tn ber. i
46 But atter thirtie yeeres, Salomon built
Aaa 3 the
the citie and offered offerings: then bare the bars
rena fanne.
47 Aud whereas hee told thee,that the nouri-
ſhed hin with labour, that was the inhabiting of
48 But whereas thee told thee that her lonne,
as bis chance was, Died when (hee came into her
thamber , that ts the fall that ts come to Jeruſa⸗
49 And when thou ſaweſt her like one that
meurnen foz her ſonne, thou begannelt to comfort
ber: of thele things which bane chanced, thele are
to be opened vnto thee. i
50 Fo: nowe the mot High fecth, that thou
art logic tn thy mind, x becauſe thou ſuffereſt with
all thine beart fo ber, bee ewen thee the cleare-
nefic of her glory and the kairenelſe of her beautie.
I And therefore J bade thee remaine in the
feld where no houle was built. — = 177
§2 FoI knew that the moit High would Hew
theke things vntothee. .
§3 Chertoze J commanded thee to go into the
field, where no foundation no: building ts.
54. Fo: the woke of mans building cannot |
ftand in that place where the Citic of the mot
Vigh Mould be Hewes. Wu, 2353
55 Aud therefore feare not, neithertet thine
heart be aftata,but goe in, and lee the beautie and
pE of the building as much as thon act a-
le to fee with thine eves.
56 And after this Halt thou heare as much as m
thine cares may compzebend.
§7 sor thouart bleſſed aboue many, andart not
called with the mot High among the kew.
58 But tomorow at night chou halt remaine
dere, ;
59. AND the mol High thall ſhew thee vifions
of high things, which the mot High will Boe vn-
tothem that well vpon earth, inthelat dayes.
Ho Illept the tame night andanother,as be bad
Commanded me..
1 Thevifionof an. Eagle comming foorth of the fea,
and of her feathers, 37 Of a Lion comming out of the
ferret. -©
Tee faw J a dreame, and behold, there came
vp from the eaan Cagle, which had twelue
feathered wings,and thee heads, i
2 And J faw,and behold, ie (pread her wings
ouer all the earth, and all the windes of the apze
bic on her, and gathered themſelues.
3 And J beheld, andout of her feathers grew
out other contrartefeathers, and they became lit-
tle feathers and mall. ——
4 But her heads remained Kil, and the head
in the mids was greater then the ether heads, pet
vetted tt with them. j
Worcouer, J faw that the eagle flew with
his feathers, and reigned pponcarth, and oner
them that dwelltherein. í
6 Anoy (awe that all things vnder heauen
were lubiect onto ber, and noman ſpake againuſt
her, no not one cxeature vpon earth.
7 Flaw allothat the cagle ſtood vp vpon her
clawes,and paketo her feathers, fying, | :
8 Catch not all together: ecpe eueryone in
bis owne place and watch by courte.
9 Wutlet the heads be prelerued for the lak.
10 Neuertheleſſe, Jſaw that the voyte went
out ot her heads/ but fram the middes of bev
Ir Then I numbꝛed her contrarie feathers,
and behold, there were eight okthem.
12 And Flosked, and behold, vpon the right
r tere arofe ane feather, and retgnedoucr alt
13 And when it had reigned, the ende of it
tame , and the place thereof appeared no more.
Ho the nert ſtood vp, and reigned; tt continued
a lang time, ka $
14 And when tt had reigned, the ende of it
came alio, and as the firt, fo tt appeared no
Ig Then there came a voice vnto it, and faid,
16 Heare thouthat halt kept the earth fo long:
this J tay vnto thee, before thou beginneit to ap>
peare no moze.
17 Chere ſyal none after thee attaine nto thy
time,neither to the halfe thereof.
18 Chen arole the third, andretaned as the
other afoze,and ic appeared no moze alfo.
I9 Ho came it to all the others one after ano⸗
ther, fo that euery one reigned, and then appeared
no mo?e. *
20 Then Jlooked, and behold, in prꝛoceſſe of
time the feathers that followed , tood vp on the
tight five, that they might rule atfo, and fome of
them ruled, but within a while they appeared no
21 Foz lome of them were fet vp, but ruled
22 Giter this J looked, and behold, the twelue
feathers appeared ne mozemo: the two wings.
23 And there was no moze vpon the eagles boe
Dic but two heads that reſted, and fire wings.
24 Then faw J alio, that two wings diuided
themlelues from the fire, and remained vnder the
head that was vpon the right lide: foz the foure
continued in their place. s
25 Do Y% looked, and behold, the vnderwings
thought to {et by themfelues, and to haue the
yu ĉo oe om
26 Then was thereone let bp, but thogtly ft
appeared no moze. ;
f 37 And thefecond twere fooner gone then the
28 Then J beheld and lo, the two that renat:
ned, thought alfo in themlelucs to reigne.
29 And when they lo thought, bebot, there
atwaked one of the beads that were atret, which
= inthe mids; foz that was greater then the
t 0.
30 And then Jſawe that the two heads were
ioyned therewith, :
31 And behold, the head was turned with
them, that twere with tt, and dtd eate vp the two
vnderwings that would baue reigned.
32 But this head pur the whole earth infeare,
and bare rule in tt, ouer all thole that Dwele vp⸗
on carth, with much labour, andit had the gouer⸗
nance of the wold, muzetbenall the wings that
33 Aiter this Jlooked, andbebold , the bead
that was tn the mtos,fuddenly appeared no moze,
as did the wings, ©- erse o X
34 But thgtwa heads remained, which atl
ruled tikewtie bpon earth, and oner thole that
dwelt therein.
35 And Jbeheld, and loe; the head es ee
Apocrypha. |
right fide Denoured it that was vpon the left
36 CThenFT heard a hopce which fayd onto
mee, Looke betoze thee, and conliber the ching
that thou teek,
37 HoT law, and beholde, as it were a lyon
` that roareth, running haſtily out of the wood :
and J {aw that bee fent out a mang voyce unto
the Cagle,and{pake,andlays, ~
38 Weare thou, J wili talke with thee, and the
molt Vigh fall fap vnto thee,
39 Art not thou that, that of the foure beats
temainct whom F made to reigne tir inp world,
that by them the ende of times might come,
40 And the fourth is come, and hath ouer⸗
conte alltbe beaftes that were paft, and bhath
power ouer the wold with great fearefulnefie,
and cuer the whole compafie of the earth with
mot wicked oppreſſion, and that Dwelleth fo
long time in all che world with Deceit? i
M! ie then batt not iudged the wold with
42 eeing thou hatt troubled the mecke,thou
Hatt hurt the peaceable, and thou baft loued ly⸗
ers, aud deitroyed the Dwellings of them that
brought foozth fruit, and halt cat Downe the
WallcsofluchasDidtheenoharme, __
43 Therelore is thy weongfull Dealing come
vp the mok High, and thy pide vnto the
45The moſt Vigh allo hath looked vpon the
proud times, anBocholde, they are enrded, and
their abominations are fuifitied.
45 Therefore appeare nomoz, thou Cagle,
nozthine Gorrible wings, nozthp wicked tras
thers,noz thy malicious heads, and thy wicked
clawes, no: all thy vaine body,
46 Chat all the earth maybe refrehed , and
come againe, as one Beliucred from thy violence,
and that wee imay hope foz the tudgement aud
mercie of him that made ber.
The declaration of the farmer vifions.
AS when the Lion tpake theſe words tothe
Eagle, 3 faw,
2 Andbehelde, the head that had the upper
hand appeared no moze, netther Did the foure
wings appeareany moze, thatcametett, anu
{et vp themſelues to reigne, whole kingdome
twas linall and full of vpꝛores.
3 And fawe, and behold, they appeared
HO moe, and the whole body ot the Gagie was
burnt, fe that the earth was in great feare. Then
FJ awaked out of the trouble and trance of inp
minde, and from the great feart, and fayd vnto
my (pirit, i
4 Loe, this haſt thou done vnto me in that
thou fearchett out the wapes of the mek igh.
§ Loc,petam F weary in mp mind, and very
` weake in my (pirit, and little trength t3 there in
me, forthe great keare that J recetucd this night.
6. Therefore now , will J berech the mot
Digh,that be will comfort me bnto the end.
7 And J fayd, D Loyd, Led, if J] baue found
gracebefore thy fight, and if J am initied with
theebefore manpother, and ifmy payer in Beebe
be coine bp before thy face,
3 Gomfpt me, and theme thy feruant the
interpietation and Bifference of this bozribie p
fight, that chou mayek perfectly comlort mp
fhev me the tatt times.
lo ¶ Then he fayd vnto me, This is the ins
terpactation of this vifion,
11 The Gagie whom thou ſaweſt come bp
from the fea, is the * kingdame which was feeng
in sor piam y thy baother Dantel.
ut ir Was not erpounded onto him:there
force now J Declare it vt thee. —
.13 Behold, the dayes come, that there hall
rile vp a kingdome vpon the earth, anb it hall
A feanen abone all kingdDomes that were be-
14. Jnit hall twelue kin í
Pls E ſh gs reigne one after
15.MAhereokthe fecond ſhall begin to reign
age Ly tary foen the twelue. ri
O AnD thts Doe the twelue wings fign
which thou lawet. eae
17 As fo? the voyce thatthou heardeſt peake,
and that thoufawett not ge out from the heads,
but from the mins ofthe body thereof, this is the
IS That after the time of that kingdome,
there thall ariſe great Mrife, and it walbe m Dans
ger to fall, butte Wall not then fall, but Hallbee
reſtored againe to bis beginning.
Ig Concerning the eight vnderwings, which
thou fawelt hang vnto ber wings, this ts ther
terp2etation, wil i
20 Inhun hal arile eight kings, whole time
Wall be but finall, and their yeeres wife, and
two of them ſhall perth. i rule
21I But when the mid time commeth, there
fall be foure kept a time, whtles his time begin-
neth to come, that it may be ended, but two that
be kept unto theend, —
22 And whereas chou lawen thzee heads res
fing, this ts the interpperation.
23 Fn bis lak dayes hall the mott High raile
bp thzee kingdDomes,and ball call agatne many
things into them, and they hall have the Domt
non of earth,
24 And of thofe that awell therein, with
much griefe about all thoſe that were before
pan ; thevefoze are they called the heads of the
25 Fo they hall accomplit bis wickedneſſe
and (hall finifo bis laft end.
26 And whereas thou ſaweſt that the great
headappeared no moze, it lignifieth that one
of ee {hall Die vpon bis bedde, and pet with
27. Fo: the tno that remaine, the ford ſhall
Beuoure them,
28 forthe ſword ofthe one hall denoure the
pr ent at thelat mall bee fall by the ſwoꝛde
29 And wheras thon lawen two bnderwings,
that went offtoward the head, which was on the
right fide,this ts the interp2etation,
30 Theke are they whom the mot High hath
preferued for thetrende, whole kingdome is lite
tle,and fuil of trouble as thou ſaweſt.
31 And the Lion whom thou: awet riling op
out of tie Wook androaring, and (peaking vnto
the Cagle, and rebuking ber ſor her vnrighte-
duſneſſe wiih all the modes that thou halt
32 This ig the winde which the mot High
gaa 4 path
9 Dein thon batt inged mee worthy to-
372 .
th kept fo: theim, and fo2 their wickedneſſe vn⸗
ep ende and be ſhall teprooue them, and tat
before them their {poyles. /
33 Foz bee Mali fetthem altug inthe iudge⸗
ment,and Hall rebuke them and coprect them.
34 JSfor he will deliuer the relldue of my peo-
lo by affliction, which are preferued ppon my
bonets ant he Hal make them topfull,wntilt the
comming of the dayof iudgement, whereot jj
haue fpoken vnto thee from the beginning,
3§ ‘Chis is the dzeame that thoulawek , and
thele ace the tnterpzetations. i
36 Thou onelp hak been meete to know this
fecret of the mot High. x
37 Therefore wate all thele things that thou
hat ſeene in a booke,and hide them.
38. And teach them the wile of the people,
whole hearts thou knowelt mapcompzehend and
keepe thete (ecrets.
39. But waite thou here pet ſeuen Dayes moe,
thatit nay bee thewed thee whatfoeuer tt pleas
feth the moft Miah to declare vntothee: E with $
that he went bis way. KT I
40 And when all the people perceiued, that
the ſeuen dayes were pat, and J not come a
gaine into the citie, they gathered them altegee
ther, fromthe leat vnto the moft, and came vn⸗
to meand (pake vnto me,faping, i
41 (Uhat hane we offended thee/o2 what enil
baue we Done againſt thee, that thou forſakeſt
bs, and fitted in this place ?
42 fo2 ofall the people thouonely art left vs
as a grape of the nine and as a candle in a Darke
—— as a hauen o? ſhip pꝛeſerued from the m
e e
g Arenot the enils which are come puto bs,
Cufticient ?
HE thou then foꝛſake vs, how much better
abit been foz vs, that we had been burnt allo as
Bion was burnt?
45 Foꝛ we areno better then they that dyed
there: and they wept with aloude nopee. Chen
anfwered J them,and (apd,
46 Beof good comfort, D rael andbe not
heaup thou houle of Jacob.
47 Soz the mot Vigh bath you in remem-
bance,aud the Almighty hath not forgetten you
in temptation. i
A8 As fo me J baue not forſaken von neither
am J Departed from pou, but am come into this
place to pray fo2 the Defolation of Sion, that J
ight eeke mercie foz the lowe eſtate of your
49 AnD now goe pour way home euery man,
and after thele Dayes will Z comevnto you. ——
50 Do the people went their way into the ci⸗
tic as J commanded them:
4I But J remained Millin the fielde tugi
Dayes,as behad copimanded mee, and dide
onely of the flowers of the felve, and bad mp
meate of the hearbes in thoſe dayes.
a The vißon of a winde comming foorth ofthe fea,
3 Which became aman, § His propertieand power
againfi his enemies, 21 The declaration of this vifion.
A= after the ſeuẽ Dates Y Dreamed a Deeame
by night
2 Andbebald, there arole a wind from ehe fea,
anD it moued all the wanes thereof,
IY. Efdras.
3 And J looked, and beholde, there was a
mighty man with the thouſands of heaueu: and
wher he turned hts countenance to looke, all the
things trembted that werelecne vnder hint.
4 AnD when the voice went out of his mouth,
all they burned that heard bis voyce,as the earth
fatleth when ít fecteth the fire.
5 After thelethings J law,and bebolD, there
Was gathered togethera multitude ef men out
of number, fró the foure windes of the heauen,te
fight ganing the man that came out from the fea.
6 And J looked, and behold he graued hime
felte a great mountatne,and flew vpon it.
7 Butz weuld haue ſeene the countrey oz
ioe whercout the billwas grauen,and 3 couid
8 Fiawe after thele things, and behold, all
they which came to light aganit him were lore as
fraid and pet they Durt fight.
9 Neuerthelelle, when be faw the fierceneffe
of the multitude that cane, he lifted not vp his
hand ; fo; he hela no ſworzde no: any inftrument
of warre.
IO Gut onely, as J (awe, hee fent out of bis
month, as ft had been a blatt office, and out ot
bis lips the minde of the flame, and out of bis
tongue be caft out fparkes and ſtormes. ,
IL And thep were all mixt together, euen thig
blatt of fire, the wind of the flame, and the great
ſtorme, feli with violence vpon the multitude
which was prepared to fight,and burnt them vp
all, fo that of the innumerable muttitude there
was nothing keene, but encly Dut and finell of
oke, Ahen J law this, was afrata,
12 (Atterward fawe Ithe fame man come
Downe from the mountaine, and calling unto
bim another peaceable multitude. ‘
I And there came many vnto him fome ri
fopfull countenance, ano lome with fads fome
them were bound, and fome bought of then
that were offred ; and J was licke through great
feare,and awaked,and fayd,
14 Thon haft thewed thy feruant thele won ·
ders from the beginning, and hau counted mee
worthy to receive my prayer. é
5 Shew me now sheretoze the interpretation
ef this Deame. dinky
I6 Foz thus J confiner in mine vnderſtan⸗
Bing , Coe bnto theni that fhal be teft in thole
Dayes, and much moze woe unto them that are
not left behind.
enn Foz they that were not left, were in heaui⸗
18 Mowe vnderltand F the things that are
lapD vy in the latter Dates, which hall come both
vnto them, and to thole that are left bebind.
19 Therefore are they come into great perils,
and many necellities, as thefe Dreames Declare,
20 orn ttcaller, that he that is în danger
Woulo fall into theſe, and fozefee the things to
come hereafter , then to pate atway as a cloude
outof the world.
21 @ Then anſwered heme, and fayd, The
interpzetation of the vifion will J thewe thee,
pid 3 ah open te thee the ching that thou bait
22 AWAhereas thon baft (poken of them that
aveleft bebine thia the interprzetarion.
23 Se riat thal beate the danger inthat time,
hee hall keepe himielfe. hey that bee fallen
tuto Banger, are fuch as bane workes any
A t
faith toward the mot mighty. "
24 Know therefore , that thep which bee left
bebind,are moze bleſſed then they that be Dead.
25 Thele are the meanings of the vifion,
MAheteas thou fawef aman comming bp from
the mids of the fea, 7
26 The fame is he whom the moft High kath
taareatfeafon, who by his owne felfe hall
cr bis creature,and he ihall onder them that
are left bebinde.
27 @ And whereas thou ſaweſt, that ont of
—— there came asa blat with fre and
28 And that hee neither held ſword noz wea-
pon, but that bp bis fierceneffe be deſtroyed the
whole multitude that came to ight againt him,
- this isthe interpzctation,
29 Bebolde, the Dayes come that the mot
ae begin to deltuer them that are vpon
e earth:
30 And hee hall aſtoniſh the hearts ef them
that dwell npon the earth: ¢
31 And one Hall prepare to fight againt an-
other, citie againſt citie, an’ place agaimi place,
rami nation again nation, and realme againſt
32 tben this commeth to pafle, then hall
the tokens come, that J fhewed thee before, and
then hal my fenne be rencaleD, whom thou faw»
eft goe bp as aman, s
33 And when all the people beare bis voyce.
enery man Wallin theirowne land leane the bats
tell that thep haue one againt another,
34 Andan innumerable multitude Halbe ga-
theren as ene, as they that be willing to come, ¢
to fight againſt him.
i But be hall Land vpon the top of mount
36 And Sion hall come, and malbe ſhewed
toall,bcing prepared and buildcd,as thouſaweſt
the bill grauen foozth without any bands. —
37 And this mp fonne Hall rebuke the wicked
innentions of thole nations, which foz their wic-
ked itfe are fallen into the tempeit,
38 Andinto tozments like to flame, whereby
they (hall be toxmented; and without any labour
wili he Deftropihem euen by the Law, which is
— vuto the fire.
36 And whereas thou fawek that he gathe·
red another peaceable people unto him,
40 hole are the ten tribes which were ca-
ried away captines out of their owne land Yin
the time of Dieas the king, whom Salmanalar
the king ofthe Aſſyrians tooke captiue, andra-
ried them beyond che riuer:ſo were they brought
into another land. q
4I But they tooke this countel to themfelues,
that they wouldleaue the multitude of the hea-
then, and goe foozthinto a further countrey,
where nener mankind dwelt,
42 That they might there keepe their fta-
puree > which thep neuer kept in their owne
43 And thepentred in at the narrow paflages
of the riner Euphrates.
44 Foz the mot High then ſhewed them
fignes, *and ſtayed the ings of the flood till
they were paffed ouer-
45 Foꝛ thoꝛow the countrey there was a great
fournep,cuen of a yeere anda halfe and the lame
regon is called || Arlareth.
46 Then dwelt they there vntill the latter
time : and when they come foozth —5 —
47 The moſt High Wall hold Ni the ſpꝛings
of the riuer againe, that they map goe thoꝛow:
therefoze ſaweſt thou the multitude peaceable.
48 But they that be left behinde of thy peo⸗
ple,are thofe that be found within mp bozders.
49 Now when hee deftropeth the multitude
of thenations that are gathered together, he hal
befend the people that remaine.
è 5 > And then all be ſhew great wonders vn⸗
o them.
5I Then ſayd J, D Lod, Lord. hew me this,
therefore haue J feene the man comming vp
from the mtus of the fea?
§2_ And heelayd vnto me, As then cant net-
ther ſeeke ont, no: know thele things, that are in
the deepe of the (ea, can no man bpon earth fee
mp fonne, 02 thole that bee with him , but inthe
es tse roe interpzctation vf the D
§3 This is theinterp n of the dꝛeame
fc thon lawet , anb whereby thou onely art
§4 Fo: thon hat fozfaken thine owne lawe,
= applied thy diligence puto mine,and fought
S5 Thy like haſt thou oꝛdered in wiſedome
and hak called vnderſtanding thy mother.
S6 Therefore haue J themes thee the re-
wards with the mot Digh:and after thee other -
Dayes J will{peake other things vnto thee. ans
to — vnto thee gteat and wonderous
57 Then went J forth vnto the field, gtozifp=
ing and pꝛayſing the molt High foz the wonders
en F — tuie, mainh
58 WAbich be gouerneth,¢ fuch things as come
in their fealons ; and there 3 fate thece Dayes.
3 How God appeared to Mofes inthe bufh. 10 AR -
things decline toage, 15 The latter times worfe thers -
the former. 29 The ingratitude of F[rach 35 The-
reſurrection and sudgeinent. ;
4 yeu the third Day J fate vnder an oke,
and bebold, there came foozth a voyce vue
— ae outefthe bug, and fapa, Cias, EL
S. .
2 And J]J ſayd, Here am g, Low,and Toon
bp — — + Jn the buth I
3 en layd be bnteme,* dint res
uealed my feife, and [pake pute Moyles, when
mp people feruedin€gypt.
4 And J lenthim, and led my people out of
Egypt and bꝛought kim vpon the mount Hinai
and J beld him with mea long ſeaPlon,
5 And Itold him many wonders, Herwen
bit the (ecretsofthe timesand the ende, and
commanded ——
& a i oa igalt thou Declare, andthele
jou bide.
7 And now J fay vnto thee, that thoulay bp
in thine heart the ignes that J haue fhewed,anB
the dreames that thou hat leene, and the tnters
pretation: which thou halt heard.
8 Foz thou thalt be taken away from all, and -
thon fhalt rematne henceforth with my couuſell,
and with (uch as be like thee, bntutthe times be.
9 Forthe world hath lok his youth, andthe -
times. `
f- A as
Poerypha. ILEfdras,
times begin to ware old. among yor. -
Io Jroz tbe woꝛld is diuided into twelucparts, 34 Therefore tffo be that ye will ſubdue your
í and ten partsstit are gone already, and halte ok owne vnderſtanding, and refome pour heart,ye
thetenth part. ſyalbe Rept altue, and after Death pe ſhall obtaine
11 And there remaineth that which ts after
| the balte of the tenth part. i
12 Gherefore (et chine houle in oder, and re-
fome thy people, and comfozt tuch of thent as be
in trouble,and now renounce the cozruption.
13 Let goe from thee moztall thoughts: catt
atway from thee theburBens of men, andputot
now the weake ature, :
14 And fetalne thy mot grieuous thoughts,
aud halle thee to Depart from theſe times.
1g Forgreater euils then thole, which thou
haſt ſeene now, Hallthep commit.
~- 16 Foz the weaker thar the wolo is by rea:
fon of age, the moze Hall the eutls bee increaſed
bpon them that Dwell therein. . :
+ 17 forthe tructhts fled farre away, and liez
that thou batt (ene.
18 @ Then anlwered Y, and fapd before thee,
Ig Behold, D Loyd, J wili goe as thou bat
commanded me, andreforzme the people, which
areprelent: but they that hall bee bozne after-
ward, who Hall admoniſh them?
20 GChus the world ts let in Darkenefle, and
they that Dwell therein are without light.
21 Foz thy Lawis burnt, therefore noman
knoweth the things that arc Done of thee, o2 the
works that ſhalbe done.
22 But if J. haue found grace before thee,
ſend the holy Ghoſt into mee, ana J wil ware
- all that bath been Done in the wo: fincethe be-
ginning, which was writtenin chy Law, that
men May Hid the path, andthatthcp which wiil
live in the latter Dayes,may liue.
23 And heanhwered me, laying. Goe and ga-
ther the people, and fay vnto them, that thep
feeke thee not foz forty dayes,
24 But prepare thee many bore tables, and
take with thee thele Buc, Sarea, Dabzia, Seles
eee are ready to wite
25 And ceme hither, and J twill light a cane
Ole of vnderſtanding it thine heart, which Hall
not be put out til the things be perfomed which
thou halt begin to wate. ae
26 And then talt thou declare fome things
openly bute the perfect men, and fome things
fhalt thou ſhew fecretly vnto the wiſe:to moꝛrow
- thts boure hait thou begin to wite.
27 Chew went J foorth. az bee commanded
me, and gathered al the people together,and faid,
23 Weare theſe words, Hlrael.
29*Durfathers at the beginning were trans
gers in Egypt, frem whence thep were deliue⸗
red, i ‘
i 30 Andrecetucd the Law oflife, * which they
á Kept not, which pee allo haue tranſgreſſed after
them :
31 Then wag the land enen the land of Hion
parted among pou bp iot: but your fathers and
j pee alfo bauc done vnrighteouſſy, and haue not
kept the wayes, which the moſt Vigh comman-
DEB pou.
32 And for fo much as he fs a righteous funge,
; he tooke from pou in time the thing thathe had
' giuen pou. í
33 And now are pebere, and your becthzen
ate at hand: foz now haſteth the viſion to come, f
35 Foꝛ aktet neath Mall the iudgement come,
when wee ſhall liue againe: and then falt the
names of the righteous bee manikeſt, and the
woꝛkes ofthe pugodty Halbe declared.
36, Let no man therefore come now vnto mee,
no? leeke me thele fortic Dayes.
37 S0 J tooke the fiue men, ashe comman ⸗
Ded me; and we wentinto che field, and remat>
ned there.
38 Abe nert dap , beheld, a voyce called me,
faving, Eizas, open thy mouth,and dzinke that
J gtue thee to drinke.
39. Thengpened J my mouth, and beholde,
be reached mee a full cup, which was full asit
were with water: butthe colour of it was likg
40 And F toske tt, anddzanke, and when J
had drunke tt, mine heart bad wnderitanding,
and wiſedome grew tt mpbzealt : foz my ſpirit
twas ttrengthened tn memozy.
4I And mp mouth was opened, and fhut no
42 The mot High gaue onderitanding tnta
thefiue men, that they wrote the high things of
the night, which they vnderſtood not.
43 But in the night they did eate bread but
J. ae by Dap, and pele not mp tongue by
44. Jn fortiedayes, they wote two hundred
and foure bookes. A
45 Andwhen the fortie Bayes were fulfilled,
the mott High ſpake, faping, Lhe frit chat thou
bat weitten publiſh openly, that the worthy and
vnwoꝛrthy map reade tt.
46 But keep the ſeuenty tat that thou mayeſt
giue them tothe wileamong thy people.
47 Foꝛ in them ts the veiñe of ynderftanding,
and the fountaine of wiſedome, and the riuer of
knowledge sand J Did fo.
u The prophecie of Efdras ú certaine. 5 The euils
that [hall come onthe world, 9 The Lord will auenge
the innocent blood. 12 Egypt {hall lament. 16 Sedi-
tion 20 and punifhment upon the kings of the earth.
24 Curfed are they that fin. 29 Troubles aad warres _
upon the whole earth, $3 God i the reuenger of his
elect, A :
Eholde, ſpeake thonin the cares ofmy peos
plethe modes of prophecie, which 7 will put
in thy mouth,fayth the fo:
2 Andcaufethemto betwitten ina letter:
foz they are faithfull and true. ;
3 Feare not the imaginations againk thee:
ict not the vnfaithfulnetie of the (peakers trouble
thee,that ſpake agaiuſt thee. ao. PHG
4 Foz every pnfaithfull hall die in his bu-
faichtulneffe. Maar À
§ Bebold,fayth the Loꝛd. J wilbzing plagues
vpon all the wot, the lword, famine, Death and
Detruction: Ao
6 Becaufethat iniquity hath fully polluted
all the earth, t their wicked workes ate fulfilled.
7 Therefore, fayth the Lo2d,7F will holde mp
tongue no moze fo? thetr wickednefle, (they Doe
bngodly)neither will Jſufterthem tn the things
that they Doe wickedly.
8 Behold,
Ezek. 3.20
and 19,2,
Or, Wafi.
$ Behold, * the innocent and tightens blood
crieth vnto me, and the ſoules of the mf crie con-
9 FJwill lurely auenge them, faith the Loz,
and recetue vnto me all the innocent biosd from
among them, i
Io Beboin, mp people ts ted asa flocke tothe
flaughter > J will not tuffer then: now to dwell in
the landof€eyrr, : pes a
11 But J wil bing them out witha mightie
hand, and a ttretched out arme, and {mite it with
pagues as afore, ana will Deroy all theland
12 Egypt Hall mourne , and the faundations
thereof hall bee mitten with the plague and pus
niſhment, that God Hall bring vpon it.
13 Theplowmen that till the ground, Hall
mourne: foz their ſeedes Wall faile thaough the
blaſting and haile, and by an hezrtble ftarre.
WA Clor ta the wold, and ta them that awell
Is Fa: the ſword, and their veftruction
DMaweth neere, and one people fhall tand vp
p fight agatn another with ſwordes in their
ands. ;
I6 for there fhall bee ledition among men, and
Dne hall tnuave another? they fhall not regarde
their King, and the pinces thall mealure their
Doings by thett power., .
17 Aman hall Defire to goe intoacitie, and
fait not be abie. ja :
18 Becaule of their pride the citics fhall bee
rouble > the boules thalibce aframe, men hall
Ig Aman hallhaue no pitie vpon his neigh·
bour, but (hal deftroy their houſes with the huod,
and their goods fhall be ſpoyled foz lacke of bzead,
and becaute of great trouble. 93 AD
29 Behold, faith God, J call together all the
Rings of the earth to reuerence mee, which are
from the || Eat, and from the South, from the
Eat, and from Libanus, to turne bpon thein
Lag repay the things that they haug Done to
thein. $
21 As they dor pet this Day vnto my chofen, ſe
will J Doe allo, and recompente them in their ve-
fome: thus laith the Lord God,
22 Wy right hand hall not (pare thefinners,
neither Mall the ſword ceafe ftom them, that wen
innocent blood bpon earth. 238 3600) OF Oi
23 The freis gone ont fron his wrath, and
hath conſumed the foundations of the earth, and
the finnersitke the ftraw thatis kindtes. j3
24 Woe to theni that finne, and keepe not my
commandements, faith the Lo2d. 3
25 Twill net fparethem +s depart, D childzen,
froin the power! defile not my Sanctuarie
26 forthe Lox kuowtth all chem thas ſinne
again him, and therefoze Delinereth hee them
vnto Death an’ deſtruction. IC Ni
27 Fo now are the plagues come vpon the
‘WoD, and pe Hall remaine in them: fo2 God will
aie Deliner pou, Becaule pee hauc finned again
im. i prog? susug)
-28 Behold an horrible vinon commeth from
ithe Catt, VIII & ue ee in EEEIEE
29 Where generations of dragens vf Aradia
dhall Come out with many charets and thermul-
Aitude otthem Mail bee carted as thewthd bpon
‘the earth, that all they Which heare tient, map
Eare and trembles -
‘fromthe tie. |
© 39 And fromthe Cat hall winds arie, and
Chap. xv.
30 Euen the Carmanians ta in wath,
fhail gee foo:th as the boares of the foꝛreſt, and
hali come with great power, and ſtand againſt
them in battell, and wall Deitroy a postion of the
land of the Alſyrians. :
31 But after thts ſhall the dragons haue the
bopper Hand, and remember their nature, and
ſhall turne about, andconfpire to conſume them
with a great power,
32 Chen thele hall bee troubled, and keepe fi:
lence by their power,and Wall fice.
33 From the land of the Aflpzians Wall the e«
nemie befiege them, and contume fame of then,
and in their hoſte ſhalbe feare and Dead, and
frife among their kings.
34 Behold clouds trem the Cak, and froin tbe
Moxzty vnto the Houth,and they are very horrible
to looke tyon, full of wꝛath and tome.
35 They tball {mite one vpon another : and
they fail (mite Downe a great multitude of
ſtarres vpon the earth, euen their owne tarre,
ano the blood all bee from the ſword vnto the
ae, And the Dung of man vnto the Camels
t. 5i
37. Gnd there Malbe great fearefulneife and
trembling vpon earth, and thep that fee the
wath, ſhalbe afraide. and a trembling Hall come
bpon them, ae
38 And then there Walt come great ſtormes
from the South, and fram the North, and part -
hail open ít with the cloud, whieh hee rated vp
in wath, and the tarre, ratled to feare the Cask
and Meit wind, Halbe deſtroyed ale
40 And the great and mightic clouds hallbe
lift np fullof weath,and the ſtarres that they ma
makealltheearth afraide, and them that Dwell
‘therein, and that they map power out over cues
re bish place, and likted vp , an hozrible contel-
ation, BGS SIES] ————
4h Se fire and baile , and flying woms, arin
many waters, that all fields map bee full, and...
= tiuers with the abundance of great wae
ers, oR. J
42 And they hal bꝛeake Downe the cities, and
wals and euntatnes, and hils, andthe trees of
the wood, and the graſſe ok the medowes, and
cheie cene —
43 And they Mall goe with a ttraight contte
msrp ienis e | CE BNE S
44 They hailcome to her and beſiege her, and
Mati pawre foogth the confteliation , andali the
Apeathagaint her: then Mall the dult and tinoke
goe bp DRathe heanen, andall they that be about
Her hjatlberwaile jips oon oS
WAG And (hep that temaine vnder her, hall Doe
ferutce vnts them that haue put her nifeare.’- -
246 And thow Alla’ that art partakee of ©
vas hope ef Babelon, and the glozie of her -
perfon, a⸗ ⸗0
47 Woe vntothee, D wretch, becaule thoy
halt made thy elf like vnto her and haſt deckt
niet Me itr YohapeBortie y That thep might
pi Ad. glorie in chy lovers, : whith haut
alway deſred to “committe whoredeme with
Ki 48 bou had fonen her’ thae is hated in
— E A her innentions therefore
30d GOTT Pes tw! ? 7
Ug Dad, +:
* 49 J wil
WY, goctypha.
— —
he -
440 ] J will fend plagues vpon thee, wiew»
pood, pouectic, and famine, andthe fwod , and
—— watte thine houſes with deitruction
ano Death.
50 Andtheglopicof thy power Hall bee Died
bp, as s flowze when che heate rileth, thart ts fent
pyon thee. : f i
i I hou halt bee ficke as a peore wife that is
plagued and beaten of women, fo thatthe mig-
ticand the loners hallnot be able to recetue thee.
§2 CHould J thus hate thee, faith the Lord,
$3 Itthou dadſt not alway faine my choſen,
eralting the ſtroke of thine hands, and ſaid ouet
their death, when chou walt drunken,
§4 Det foosth the beautie of chy countenance?
§6 Therewardof thy wheredome hall bec in
thy Bolome: therefoze Wait chou receinea reward.
<6 Gs thou batt done vnts my chelen, faith the
Lod, ſo will God Dec pute thee, and will Beltuce
thee onto the plague.
$7 And thy childzen Mall die of hunger, and
thou ſhalt fall by the ſword, and thy cities Wall be
broken Downe, and all the men pall fall by the
finga in the ficid. ;
<8 And thep that bee inthe mountaines, -fall
Die of hunger,anb eat their owne flem and Rinke
— owne blood foz wart of brꝛeas and thirſt of
§9 And thon, as vnhappit, halt come thazow
the Sea and ceceiue plagues againe.
. 60 Fn the palage thep Mall caſt Downe the
Maine citie, and Walt roote out one par of thy
4and, ana conſume the portion of thy glo:
hallrecucne to ber thatiwas deltreped.
61 When thon halt be cat Downe, chou Hale
bee to them as
62 Gud they Hall deſtroy thee, and thp cic
siesti land and thp mountaines : all thy woods
and all thp fruitful trees {hall they burne with
63, Eby childzen thall they carte away captine,
and tail (popie: thy fubfance, aud nase the
beantic of thy face.
, & Againft Babylon, Afia,Ezypt and Syria 18.38,
Of the aA that [hall come —— world.with admo⸗
ition how to gouerne themſelues sm aſflictiont, 54 To
acknowledge their finnes yand totor thews/ecees to
the Lord, 55 whofe. mightie: proyidence and iuftice te
to be reuerenced.
WÈ tothee, Babylon,and Alia: woe tothe, v
Egvpt and Syria,
2 Glird pout {clues with lacke and baireclath,
SND mourne your childsen, and bee foxes for your -thi
Delkruction isat band, - 3318119)
3 3 A wod is tent onto pou,and who wil turne
asi a rgis fentamong you, and who will
4 Plagues ave nt vnto yon, and who tan
driue them away? f
-s -Dap any man Dine away anbu
in the west? 0: quench the fire in le when
gaine the arrow. that is hot ofa trong archer? :
6 The mightie Lord ſendeth the —
who can Piue them awap? the fire ts gone foorth
in bis wath and whocanquencbitg = =.
« 21 The
Lion : 25 @o in thoſe
l fouce left bp them that earch their boules with
it bath once begunne te burne ? mayeoncturneas thelwmd, -saa ee — ¢
| 26 Anu cheearth Hall bee left wate, andthe
fields thereof ſhall ware side, and her wayes and
7 Hee hall caſt lightnings, and whe hall not
ne ‘pee Mall thunder, and who halt not be a-
8 Che Lord hall thecaten, and who ſhall net
vtterly bee broken in pieces at bis prelence? the
carth quaket® , and the foundation thereot : the
fea articty vp with waucs from the Deepe, and
the waues thereof are troubled, and the Athes
— before the Lord and the gloate of his
9 Foz rong is his right hand, that bendeth
the bow: Dis arrawes that ge (hooteth,are harpe
and hall not miffe, when thep begin to be Hot tae
tothe ends ofthe world.
Io Beboid, the pingues ace ent, and (all not
turne agate tiil they come bpen the earth.
{I The freis kindled ana (hall not be put sut
tillit confaime the foundations of che earth.
12 Qsanarrow which ts ſhotte of a mightte
archer, returneth not backward, fo the plagues
ee ibali bee fent bpon earth, hall uot turne ae
13 acis me,woe is me: who will deliuer me
in tholeDapes? =
14 The beginning ef ſorrowes and great
mourning : the beginning of famine, and great
Death: the beginning ot wartes, and the powers.
all feare : the beginning of eutls , andall hall
tremble. Ahat fall J doc in chelethings, when
the plagues come?
Ig Behold, famine, and plague, and trouble,
aud anguilg ave (ent as ſcotirges fog amendes
nig, and ment.
16 But for all theſe things they will net turne
from their wickedneſſe ai alway mindful of
bole, and they hall be to chet as theſco
utges. i
17 Behold, vitailes Halbe (6 good cheape bp-
on earth ai thep hall thinke themiblues to ee
in good cafes but then fall the cuils bud footy
bpon care cuen the fwod, the famine,and great
18 Fo: many of them that dwell vpon earth,
iall pert with fanunc,and the other that elcape
the famine, bali the oon derop.
19 And the dead ſhall be cattout as bevy and
there hail bee no manto comfort thems for the
— hall bee waſted, and the cities wall be cat
20 Where Gali be no man lett to till the carth,
‘and to fowe it: the trees hall quse fruit, but whe
Wall gather them? —
( rapes balbe ripe, but whe ſhall tezad
them? for all places wali bee deſolate, fo that one
man Mall delice to (ce another, of to beare bis
22 Sor of one citie there hall bee ten left, aud
two of che field which (hall hive themelues in the
che woobs,and in the cloftsofreckes.
~- 2343 when there remaine three o foure olives
in tbe place where olines growe, 02 among other
24 D1 as when a binepard is gathered, there
5 ao tt fe dayes there Mall bee three 02
all ber pathes ball grow full of thoes, becaut
no man (hall trauaile therethongh. 35 ithe
Luke16.16 © 46 Behold, the Lord knoweth al the works
of inen their magiations , their thoughtz any
theit hearts. ee:
Genetti 47 *fozafloone as bee laid, Let the earth be
27 The hirgins hall monrne, haning no
brꝛidegromes: the women tail make lamenta-
tion hauing no huſbands: their Daughters tall
Mourne pauing ñe helpers. k
28 In the warres hall their bridegromes be
— and their hulbands hall perih with
29 But yee fernants of the Lord, heare theſe
things and marke them. 3
30 Behold the wozn of the Lord, receiue it;
beleeue not the govs of whome the Lor ipea:
keth: behold, the plagues Daw neere, ant arg
net facke.
31 And asa trauatling woman which inthe
ninth moneth bringeth teach her onne, when
the houre ot birthiscome, two o? three houres
afoze the paines come vpon her bony auð when
tar apua commeth to birth, thep tarie nota
. 32 So Hal not the plagues be flacke tocome
vpon the carty,and the wold Mall mourne and
fozowes Hall come vpon it on euery fide,
33 D my people, heare my word: make pou
ready te the battell, and in che troubics be euen
as ſtrangers vpon earth.
bie We thatlelleth, iet him beas he that fleeth
35 Mho fo occupieth merchanvife ashe that
winnethnot: anv jee that buildeth, as hee that
fhall not Dwell therein:
36 ie that ſoweth, agone that hal not reape:
He that cutteth che ving, as be that hall not gas
ther the grapes:
37 Chey that marry, as they that hall get no
—— and they that marry not,fo asthe wi
8 Therefore they that labour, labour in
39 For ſtrangers Wall reape their fruites,
ano ſpoyle their goodes 5 and oucrthzow their
houſes, and rake their children captine: forin
Peron and famine hall they get their chil⸗
ei. p
40 Amd theythat occupie their merchandile
with conetoulnefic,the moze they decke their ct
neal their poilefttons, etheir owne
41 So much more will J bee angry agant
them fo theter ſinnes, ſaith the Lod.
42 Asa whore cnutcth an ponei and vertu⸗
ous woman. ——
43 So Hall vighteouſnes hate iniguitie when
fyt Decketh heviclfe, and hail accule her openly,
when he hall come that Mall bridle the authour
afail inne vpon earth.
44 And therefore be ye not Itke thereunto,noz
tothe wozrkes thereof; foz: o2 cuer tt be long, ini-
guitie hall be taken away out ofthe earth, and
righteouſneſſe hall reigne among pou.
As Vet not the Anner fay that he hath not fin-
ned: fop Contes of fire hallburne npon his head,
which faith , Jhaue not tinned defoze the Lorö
God and his glory.
Mads, it was made: let the heauen be made, and
ay, and Hee that buyeth; as one chat wel,
Chap. xvj.
it twas created.
48 By his wow were the farres eſtabliſhed,
and je *knolweth the number of them,
49 We teaccheth the depth, and the treaſures
thercots be hath meatured the lea, and what it
50 He hath wut the fea inthe middes of the
Waters, and with his word bath hee hanged the
earth vpon the waters. .
51 ie lpreaveth out the heauen like a vault:
vpon the waters Hath he founded it.
§2 Jn the deſert hath he made ſprings ef wae
ter,and peoles vpon the top of the niountaines,
topowe onc tloods froni the high tocks to was
ter theearth. n
53 Weemademan, and put hte heart in the
modes of the Body, and gaue him beeath, lite,
and buderitanding. ‘
$4 And the ſpirit of the almighty God, which
made all things, and hath ſearched all the pdg
things in theſecrets of the earth,
55 Ver knoweth peur tnuentions, and what
peunagine in pour beart when ye tinne g woula
hide pour finnes.
56 Cherefore hath the Low fearched and
fought oucall your wozkes, and will put pou all
te thame.
§7 And when pour finnes are brought foorth
before men, yee fall be confounded , and your
owni finnes hall Hand as ponr acculers tn tpat
§8 Mhat will yee doe, o2 bow will you hide
pour finnes before God and bis Angels?
§9 Bebolde , God hinielfeis the Judge:
feare bim: ceafe from pour linnes, and forget
your tniquittes, € meddle nomoze from bente-
fovath with chem: fo (yall God lead you faoth,
and deltuer pou from all trouble.
_ OO Forbehold, the heat of a great multitude
is kindied againſt pou, and they Mali take away
certaine of you, and Hall flay you for meate to»
the idoles. S
61 And theythat content vnto them, ſhall be
had in Derilion , and in repoch, and tronen vne
Der foate, ‘
62 Fo in euery placee citiesthat are neere,
there (pall bee great inlirrection againſt thele
that feate the LoD.,
63 They all bee like mad men: they Mall
{pare none: they ſhall ſpoyle, and watte fuch ag
yet feare the Lo20.
64 Fozthepthen Hal walke and (poyle theit
gooðs, and cak them out of their poules.
65 Then thal the triall of mp chefen appeare,
as the gold is tryed bythe fire.
-66 Weare ,D ye mp beloved, faith the Lend,
Behold, the dayes of trouble are at hand, but J
will deliuer poufrom thems be not pee afraid, - :
Doubt not fo: Gad is pour captaine.
07 Whs fo keepeth mp commandements and
precepts, faith the Lord God, let not your linnes
weigh pon Bowne , and let Hot pour miguities
litt rhemfelues yp. ‘
68 Woevnto them that are bound with their
finnes, and couered with thett inquities, asa
fieldis hedged in with buſhes, tthe path there:
of coneredD with thopies, wherebp no man map:
trauell ic is Mut pp, and is appointed to bee de⸗
uoured wiih Are,
Tobit. of
375 y
P fal. 147:4
f poctypha.
E „E Tobitspaventage. 3 His godlineffe, 6 His egui-
f tie. 8 His charity and property. 19 Hee igi
⸗ his goods are conſiſt ate, 22 And afier reftored,
Tobiasbe- he booke of the woꝛdes of Tobit
— ingcapriue WSS] RAW the foune cf Cobiel, the fonne of
amongthe SS [eee Anancel, thefonne of Gaucl, the
| Aflyrians, O D ke ss fonne of Gabael, ofthe feed of Ae
id” sine K2 ee, (acl ant okthe tribeof Nephtha⸗
lezue the lint,
way of 2 Mho tn che time of | Enemeflar Ring of
- trueth, the Aifpstans was ledde away captive ont of
llOr, Saima- Childe, which ts at the right hand of that citie,
nafar. whichis called properly Nephthalim, in Galile
2-King, 17, About Aler.
; 3 3J Tobit haue walked all my life long in
- Tobiaswas | the vaay of trueth and Juitice , and J Bid many
merciful, things liberally ta the brethren, which mere of
my nation , aud came with mee to Nineue into
And wien F was in mine owne countrep
in theland of Iſrael. being but young, all the
tribe of Hephthalim my father fell trom the
boule of Jerufalem, which was cholen out of all
thetribesof Iſtaei, that all the tribes bouta
factifice there, where the Teinpleot the Taber»
nacle of the moſt igh was conlecrated, and
built vp for all ages. j
g Now all the tribes which fell from Gos,
ped, and my father Mephebalims houle offered
tothe ge called Bash a
6 ButzT ( astt wasordeined to all Iſrael
by an euerlaſting decree ) ment alone often to
Jeruſalem, at the feattes, * bringing the fir
fruits and the tenths of beatts, with that which
teas firit fhozne,and offered them at the altar to
the PBeieſts the children of Aaron,
7. Che lick tenth part 3 gaue to the Pꝛieſts
tic fonnes of Maron, which miniſtred in Jeru-
falem : theether tenthpart J olde, and came
$ and beſtowed it euery peereat Jerufalem.
! 8 The third tenth part J gauc unto them to
i whontit was mecete, as Deboza mp fathers moe
ther bad conimaunded me,foz mp father left me
as a pupill.
| 9 C Furthermore „when F was come tothe
| _ . agcofaman, $ married Anna of * mine owne
{ Hee marieth kinred, and of ber J begate Tobias,
to wife, An- 10 @ But when J was ledcaptiue to Mine»
na,which ye, ally brethren, ans thole which were of my
beareth to kinted, DID eat of the * bread of the Gentiles,
ma ———
a Krag. 12.
$ 39.
| He fled from
| Exod.22.29
bim Tobias II But J kept my felfe from eating, 5
Num. 36.7. 12 Becauſe J remembsed God with all mine
Gen. 43.3%» Heart.
| Hefound 13 Wherefore the moft high gaue mee grace
| pae in the and fanour betore Cucmeliar,(e that 7 was his
\ fight of Sal- purueioꝛ. r
/ manalar. 14 And J went into enia, and F deliue-
lOr ſonne. ted tenne talents of Aluer to Gabari , thei bzo.
| gr saRages ther of Gabzias p in the land of Media.
a city of Ig But when Cuemeflar was dead, Senna.
Í Media, cherib bis fonne reigned in bis fread: whole
; ate becaule it was troubled, J could net go me
to Media.
Or, Salma- 16 CBut in the time of Enemelſar. J gaue
(nafar, many aimes to my biethzen, and gaue my bread
I The charitie tothem which were hungry, )
of Tobias, 17 And mp clethesto thenaked; anvif Z
- Aty, when be* was come and Aed from Judea,
- a T obit.
fawe anp of my Kinred Dead, ez caſt about the
waltes of Qiueue, J buried bim.
18 And if the Bing Sennacherib had laine
3. King. 093
35 36 4ſ.
ecclus 48,
MAC 7. 411.
2 mac.8. 19.
Tobit flectch
from the
face of Sene
nacherib, _
2. Ring. 19.
37-2, Chrome
J buried them pztuilp (foz in bis wath be killed
many ) but the bodies were not found when
they were ſought fo of the king.
Ig, Gheretore —* a certaine NMineuite bad
acculeD mee to ing, becaule J din burie
them, J to my (elfe? awd becaule J knew that
a * — to bellalne, Jwithdrew mp feite
20 Then all my goods were ſpoiled, neither.
was there anp thing lett mee belides mp wife
Aima ano my (onne Cobias.
21 Meucrtieles * within Rue and Afip Dapes
two of his ſonnes killed him, and thep fled into
the mountaines of Ararath, and Sarchedonus
bis fonne reigned in bis tean, whoappointed
ouer his fathers accounts, and euer all his do»
melticall affaires, Achiacharus my brother
Anaets fonne. ;
22 And when Achiacharus had made ares
quer foz mee , J came againe to Nineue: now
chiacharns was cupbearer aud keeper of the
fignet,an’ feward , andouerlaw the accounts:
Ho Harchedonus appointed him nert unta
bin and be was mp brothers louie.
2 Tobitcalleththe fasthfulltohiseable. 3 Hee
leaueth the feaf to burte the dead, 10 How he became
blind. 13 His wife Laboureth for her luing. 14 Shee
reprocherh hira bitterly.
Na» when Jwas come home againe, anv
mp wife Auna was retord vnto mee with
mypfonne Tobias, in the feat of Pentecost,
which ts the holy leaſtgk che feuen weekes, there
Was a great Dinner pApared metn the which J
fate Downe to cate. 7
2 Ana when J faw abundance of meate, J Tobit doth
ſayd to mp fonne, Goe, and bzang what poore bid to din-
man foener thou Walt finde of our bzeihren, ner thole
which doth remember God, and loe, J will tas which feare
rig foz thee. God.
3 But heeameagatne,andlayd, Father,one
of our nation is ſtrangled, and iscat outin the
market place,
4 Chenbefore Jhad tated any meate, J Tobit lea-
ſtart vp, and brought him intomine boule pntill uing his
the going Downe of the Gunne, f efts, ta-
§ Then J returned and wathed, and ate my Kethvp the
meat inbeauinefie, dead bodie
6 Remembsng that prophelle of * Amos into his
which had fayd , Pour folemne feattes ſhall bee houfe to bu-
turned into mourning, and pour ioyes into Wai- rie it,
ling. Amos 8,100
7 Therefore Jwept, and after the going 1.mac.s.214.
Downe ofthe Dunne J went and mave a graue
and buried bint.
3 But mp neighbours mocked me,and faid,
Doeth hee not feare to die foz thts caule, whe
* fled away y and yet log, Hee buricth the Dean
9 The fame night alfo when J returned
from the buriall, and flept at the wallof mine
boule, becaule J was polluted, and hauing mp
face vncouered.
10 And
Tobit retute
Tobit is re-
buked of his
Chap, 4-29:
Heismade 10 And Jknew not that (parrowes were in
blizdefor the wail,andDas mine epes were open, the fpar-
anexample xowes cat Downe warme dung inte mine epes
ofpatience and a whiteneſſe came in mine eyes, and J went
to his pofte- tothe Pbilictans,but thep helved me not. Moꝛre·
into Heſimais. A
Thewifeof It Ano my wife Auna vid take womens
Tobit labo- Wozkes to Doe.
rethfor her 12 Qndwhen He had fent them home to the
living. — they payed the wages, and gauea
13 bich when it was at mine houſe, and
degan to bleat, J ſayd vnto ber, From whence
fs this kidde? ts it not ſtolſen? render it tothe
owners ;* foz tt tg not lawfull to eate any thing
that is tollen. i
14 But he ſaid, Fe was gtuen foz a gif moze
then the mages: but J did not belecue,and bade
berte render it tothe owners, and J aid bint
becauſe efber. Furthermoze thee fayd,* Chere
are thine almeg,and thy righteouſneſſe? behold,
thep all now apprare in thee.
3 The prayer of Tobit. 7 Sarra Raguels daughe
ter,and the things that came vato her. 12 Her praier
beard. 19 The Angel Raphael fens. :
— 3 being fSprowfll, DID werpe, E in my
ſorrow pated, laying,
2 D Lopd,thou art wi,and-all-thp workes,
and all chy waies are mercy and truth,and thou
fudgett trulp and iuttip fs: cuer. 3
3 Remember me, and looke on mee,nepther
puni me according tomy finnes op mine igno-
— my fathers, which baue tinned bekore
4 For thep haue not obeyed thy commande:
snents: wherefore thou bak deliuered vs * foz a
{pople,and duto captiuity,t to Death, and fo: a
Pronerbe ofa reproch to all them among whem
we are Bifpertes, and now jthou hall manyand
tuk caules, Í
§ To doe with mee according. te my finnes,
and mp fathers, becaufe wee haue not kept thp
commaundements, nepther baue walked tn
trueth before thee.
6 Mow therefore deale with me asfeemeth
beft onto thee, and commaund my ſpirit to bee
taken frem methat J may be diſſolued, and be-
tome cartis foz itis better foz me to dte then to
line, becante F baue heard fallerepzoches, and
am very forrowtull: commaund therfore that J
map be diſſolued out of thts Diitrefic,and go inta
ae eucrlatting place: turne not thy face away
C It came to paſſe thelame Day that in
Ecbatane a citie of Aedia, Harra the vaugh=
ter — Raguel was allo repꝛoched bp her fathers
mapdes, x
8 Becanle hee had beene marryed to ſeuen
pulbands, where Aiinodeus the eniti {pirtt paa
Rilled before that thephad ipen with ber.. Doeſt
thou not know, fayd they, that thou batt tran:
led thine bufeandes ? thou batt had now leuen
— ing watt thon namen after any of
. em.
9 Mherefore voet thou f beat bs fo: them?
Ormen fhe if thep bee Dead , goe thy wayes hence to them,
beat them for that. wee may neuerfecof thee eyther nne o}
their faults, Daughter. 3 :
they fayd 10. Athen thee Heard thele things, hee was
The inno-
cencie of
Deut 2 2. 1.
Fab 2.9
| Or,thy
are many
> andtrne,
shecked of
her fathers
Chap. jij. iij. 3 378 `
euer Achiacharus did nouriſt me, vntili went -
very ſorrowful, fo that he theught te baue rā
gled herſelte. And ſhe ſaid, amrbeonly daugh⸗
ter ol my kather, and if J do this, 3 hail lander
es gp hall bꝛing his age te the graue weh
II Then the prated toward the window, and
faid, Bleflea art thon, D Lord my God. and
thine holy and glorious name is blefied, and ho:
—— foz cuers let ali thp workes praile thee
02 ener.
12 And now, D Lod, J] fet mine eyes, and
inp face toward thee,
13 And fay, Take me out of the earth, that J
may heare no moze any repzoch,
14 Thou knowett,D Led, that am pure
from all finne with man,
15 And that J haue neuer polluted my name,
noz the name of my fatherin the land of mp rapa
tivity: Jam the only Daughter ofimy father, nei ⸗
ther bath he any man child to bee bis beire, neps
ther anp ł neere kinſman o child bozne of hint,
to wham J may keepe my felfe foz a wife: my fe-
uen husbands are now Dead, @ whp ſhould 3 liue?
But if it pleale not thee that J fjould diecoma
mand to loske en me, œ to pitie me, that 3 do no
moe heare rep2och.
16 So the papers of them both were peard
befoze the maieſty of rhe — Sod.
17 AnD Raphael was fent to heale themboth,
thatis,to take alway the whitenes of obits cics,
and to gtue Darra the Daughterof Ragnel toa
pik to Tobias the fonne of Tobit, and to bind
finodeus p enill(pirit.becaule ye belonged to
Tobias by right, Che letfefame time came Coe
bit bome, and centred into bis boule, and Darra
ie et of Raguel came Downe from ger
Sarta praieth
and faftech,
that fhe may
be delivered
from mames
The innos s;
cencie of
Sarra., Her
chaftity. .
1 Greek.mere
br other.
The prayers) 1
— and |
Sarra are í
heard both
ata time,
Precepts and exbortations of Tobit to his fonne,
Je that Dap Tobit remembzed * the fituer,
which be had Deltuered te Gabael in Ragesa
city of Media,
2 And fayde with himlelfe, J bare withen
fo Death: wherefore Doe J not call foz my [enne
—— that J map admoniſh him betore J
3 And when he hand called him, be fap, Gs
forne,after that Jj am dead, bury meand deſpiſe
not thy mother, but* honour her allthe Dayes of
thy life,and Be that which hall pleale ber, and
auger ber not.
4. Remember my fonne, fol many dangers
fhe fudteined, when thou wat in ber womie,
§ And when the dteth, burpher bp mee m the
fame graue.
6 Wy forme,fet onr 2020 God alwayes be-
fore thine eyes, andiet notthy will bee fet to
finne, o2 to tranfgeeile the commandements of
God. Doe vpꝛightlyall thplife long. and fol-
iow not the wapes of vnrighteculnelic 3 Fo if
thou Beale tructp, thy Doings wall profperont
lp — to thee, and to all them which lie
7 Giue*almes of thy ſubſtance: and when Almes,
thou giueſt almes,let not thine epe bee emutons, Prouer. 3.92.
neyther turne thp face from anppooge; leit that eccles g. is |
God turne bis face from thee. ; C™ 14.130
8 *Oltie aimes according to thp ſubſtance: if lake 14. 1360,
thou haue but alittle, be not afraid to gine alit- Ecclus. 35s. M
tie aimes. 10, 4
Tobits ex:
“hortation te: |
wher hee
thought he
fhould die:
The mother
1s to be reue⸗
God muft hét
imour hearts}
9. Foz than laieſt vp a good froze fog thy iiie,
againit the papot neceifity. ‘
10 *Becauſe that almes Doeth deliver from
; Death, and likereth not to come into darkueſſe.
; Ir jforaintes is a goon gift before the mot
| High to ail then wbich vle et.
Eccla 29. 13
Adultery. 2 Bewareot all* whoredome, myfonne,
4, Thefi4.3+ and chiefly take a wife of the leede of thy fa-
thets, ana take nota Arange woman to wile,
l whichis not of thy fathers ttocke: foz we are the
children of the Pzophets + moe, Abraham, Ji-
faac and Jacob ave aur fathers from the begins
ning. Remember, my onne, that hep marryed
wiues oftheir owe kinred, and were dle fled in
pa childzen, and their ſeede Hall inherit the
3 Mow therkore my onne loue thy beethzen
anv Delpite noc tn thine heart thy berien, the
ſonnes and Daughters of thy people, innat ta»
f king a wife of them foz in pide is deſtruction,
and much trouble, andin ſierceneſſe is ſcarcity
and grcat poucrty; fozi ſiercenelle is the mother
of famine, ;
14 Let notthe* wages ok any man, which
Hath Wrought foztier, taty with thee, but giue
Dim it out of hand : foz thou ferne God,he wil
alfa pay thee: bee circmmipect, my tonne, in all
things that thou doelt, anð be well inſtructed in
all thy contteriation.
Ig * Doe thatto no man which thou hate:
inke not wine ta make thee drunken, neither
es let drunkenneſſe goe with thee in chy tourney.
uke 14:13 16 *Giucof thy bread tothe hungry, and of
| * hungry. thy garmeuts te then “that ave naked, and * of
Jta.o1, althineabundance gtue almes and let not chine
Be epe be ennious when thou giueit aimes.
_ 17 Poxwꝛe suc thp bread on the burtaliofthe
init, bus gine nothing to the wicked ;
18 Alxe counteltatwayof the wilt, enelpiz
not any counfell that ts profitable.
19 Bleſſe thy Loz Gon alway, and defire of
hint that thy wayes may be made ftreight,¢ that
ail thy purpoles æ countels may profper: fog eue-
ry nation bach not counſell: but the Lord giueth
— alt good thingg he jumblecy whem be wl, as
a: he wili: now therefore, nip fonne,remeuiber my
commandements, neither let them at any time
be put out obthy ming. REEE
20 * Furthermoꝛe, 3| fignifp this ta thee,that
Ideliuered tenne talents to Gabacl the (anne of
@abrias at Rages in Media.
21 Aus feare not, my onne foraſmuch as we
are mave poore: for thou bak many things, if
thou keare Gad, and flee Crom all linne,t de chat
thing which is acceptable vnto him.
1 Tobias fent to Razes, 4 Hee meeteth with the
Ansel Raphael which did conduct him.
“fOr, vuprof-
Wages otan
Aired fer-
Leuit. 19.13
deut. 3414y
Mat. 7.12,
bake 6.346
Orbe Lobes
“yall to the
stuft, euen to
“sheir death.
-Godis to be
Chap, 1.14.
¥ Pouertywith
Ho as feare of
Dbias then anlwered,and fayde, Father, J
i | Tobias fent T pitta all things which thou hatt comman-
by his father pen
2 me.
{i toRagsslee- 2 But how can J receine the filuer fecing J
4. Kerb acom: know him not? :
© pantonand 3 Cen he gaue him the hand witing, and
į meetethwith. ſayd vato bim, Decke thee aman which may
At Raphael, goe with thee, whiles 3 yet line, and 3 will giue
if whomhee ` pin wages,aud.goanderecetucthemoney. .
J bringethto "4 -Cherefore when hee was cone taleckea
i histarhere magbe found Rapyacl (be Auge
Tobit e
s Buthe knew not, and lald vnko him, May
J goe with thee into the land of edia? anv
kuowell chou thie places well?
6 - To whom the Angel fayd, F will go with
thee: fo: Jhãue reinained with our bꝛother Ga ⸗
_7_ Then Tobias tain to him, Cary faz mee,
till J tell mp father. i
8 Chen he laid vnto him, Go,and tary notè
fo be Went in and fain to bis father, Webold, J
baue found one, which will gee with me. Then
he ſaid Lall pim vnto mee, that J map know of
what tribe he is, and whether hee be katthtull to
go with thee. 1 f
9 Boe catled him, and he came in, and thep
faluted one another. )
lo Then Cobre laid onto hin, Bother, ſhew
me of whattribe and kamily tho are.
IL Co when he laid, Dort thou ſeeke a tock
o2 family, 92 an hired man to go with thy onne?
Then Tobit lain vnto him, 3 would know, koe
ther, thy kinred and thy uame.
12 Chen be fain, J am of the kinred of Aze
an? Ananias the great, and of thy biga
2 Shen Tobit falde, |! Chow art welcome,
brother: benot now angry withinee, becaule
Jhaue enquired io know thy kinred and thy
family; to: thou art mp berber of an bonet
and goon ſtocke: for TZ know Ananias and Jo-
nathas, fonnes of that creat amaias: for we
went together to Jeruſalein to worthip, and of
fered the firti born, and the tenths of the fruits,
and they were not deceyned with the errour
or ae brethren: my bother.thou art ofa great
ocke. i
14 But tell me, what wages ſhall Igiue thee?
wilc thou a groat a Dap, ¢ things neceſary, asto
mine owne ſonne? £
Is Wea,mozeouce,if pe returne lafe g wil ade
ſomething tothe wages. . i i
16 @athepagrecd. Chen latd he ta Tobie
as. Pꝛepare thyſelfe for the tournep,and goe you
on gods name. Aud when his ſonne had prepa-
red all things foz thetourncy, bts father faym,
Ga thou with this man, t God which dwelleth
in heauen, proſper your tourney, and the Angelof
God keepe poucompany. Go they went foozth
both and Departed, andthe Bog of the yong man
with thent. 5
17 But* Anna his mother wept, and fapd to
obit, (ayy batt thou fent away our ſonne? ts
he not the ttaffeof cur band to miniſter vnto vse
18 ould to Sod wee had not layd money
vpon money, but thatit bad berne cali away in
re(pect of our fonne. ;
Ig Foz that which God hath ginen vs to live
with doth Mevs,
20 Then layd Tobit, Be not carefull, my fi»
at hall returnein lafty, and chine epes hall
ec him.
21 Fo: the ood Angel Dosh keepe him com⸗
pany,and hts tourney hall be prolperous, and he
wali returne fafe.
22 Chen he made an end of weeping,
2 Tobias delinered fromthe ſiſt. 7 Raphael fhew-
(| Or, thoss
commeſt hap-
Tobias goeth
Angel kee-
petk him
Chap. 10.4.
His mother
eth him certaine medicines. 19 He condutteth hime :
toward Sarrae T? Gead
é Yá
Az as thep went on their lournep,t
Tobias in-
filh , is deli-
ucred by the
Num 17.8,
aud 36.8,
at night to the tigon Tigris, and there a-
2 Gnd when the young man went to wath
himlelke, a fify leaped out of the riuer, and would
baue Deuoured him. ;
3 Chen the Angel layd onto him, Cake the
Gf. And the young man tooke the Amand ozer
it to land.
4 To whom the Angel ſard, Cut the Ah,
and take the heart . and the liver, and the gall,
and put them vy ſurely.
§ So the yoimg man did as the Angel com-
manded bim: and when they had rotted the ih,
they ate tt: thenthep bath went on their way, till
thep came to Ecbatane.
C Then the young man fayd tothe Angel,
Brother Azarias, what auaileth the heart, and
the liner and gall ofthe ih?
7 And he fayd onto him, Touching the heart
and the liver, ifa Deutll oz an euill pirit trouble
any man,we mnit make a perfume of this before
~ — or the woman, and bee hall be no moze
8 As foꝛ thegall,annointa man that bath
whiteneſſe tn bis eyes, and he ſhalbe healed.
9 @ And when thep were come neere to Ra-
10 Che Angel fayd to the poung man, %20»
ther, to Day we thall lodge with Raguel, who ig
thy coufin ; be allo bath one onelp Daughter nas
med Darra: ZF will (peake foz her thar iyere may
be giuen thee foz awtfe.
Il fozto thee Death the *right of her pertatne,
ſeeing shou alone art the remnant of ber kinrev,
12 And the maide is faire and wile: nowe
therefore beare me, and F will (peake to her fas
ther, that we may make the marriage when we
are returned from Rages : for J know that Ra-
guel cannot martic ber to another, acco ding to
the Law of (Boles; els he wontn deſertie death,
becaule the right doth rather appertaine to thee
thento any otherinan.
13 Then the yong man arflwered the Aneel,
' Dhane heard, brother Azarias, that thts mapde
bath benegiuen to ſeuen men, who all Died in
the marriage chamber.
14 And Jam the onelp begotten fonne of mp
father, and J] am afraid leat 3 goin to er, ana -
Die asthe other before: foj a wicked ſpirit loueth
ber, which hurteth no body, but thole which
come tn to her: wherfore F alfo feare let J die,
and bring my fathers and my mothers Ife be»
caule of mee to the graue with ſorow: foz they
haue noother ſonne to bory them,
Is Then the Angetlayd vnto him Doeſt thou.
not remember the precepts which thy father
gue thee, that thou fhoulocit marry a wife of
thinestone kinred? wherefore, heare me, D mp
brother: foz the fhall be thy wife, neither be thou
carefull of the cuill (pirit: for this fame night
Mell fhe be giuen thee in marriage.
16 And when thou ſhalt go into the mattiage
chamber, thou yalt take of the hote coales toz
perfinnes,and makea perfume ef the heart, and
ofthe ttuer ofthe Ath, :
17 @ibteh if the fpirit do nell, be will fice a-
wap and neuer come againe any more:but wher
thou ‘halt conic to her, rile vp both of pou. 4 pꝛay
to Gow which-is mercifnll, who will haue pitiie
Bit pou, and faur pou ; fearg not fo. ſhe ts appotn-
t t cares, i 3
Chap''vj. vij.
ted vnto thee from the beginning and then halt
keepe ber, and hee ſhall goe with thee: papin
J fuppole that the ſhali beare thee chilozen : new
when Tobias had heard theke things, bec loucd
bet,and hts beart was effectually toyned to yer.
Tobias marrieth Sarra Raguels daughter,
A #20 when they were come to Ecbatane, they
came to the houſe of Raguel, ¢ Sarra met
them, and after they hav falutcD one anether, he
brought them into the boufe.
2 Chen fad Raguel to Cana his wife, How
like is this ponng man to Gebtt my coulin?
3 And Raguel afked , CAhence are you, mp
beethzen ? Zo whom they lapd, that thp wereof
the tribe of Mephthalim, and of the captiues
that Dwelt at f2ineue.
4 Then be laid to them, Doz pe know Tobit
our kinfeman? And thepfayd, (Aee know hints
Then layd he, Js be in good health?
§ And theplatd, He ts beth aliue,and in good
health: and Tobias fayd, He is mp father.
6 Then Raguelleaped, ¢ killed him, = wepe,
7 And bleed him, and fayd vnto him, Lbou
art thefonne ofan honeſt g good man: but when
be had beard that Tobit was blinde, ye was (02s
rowfull and wept. — <0
8 And itkewile Cana his wife, and Satra
Dis Daughter wept. Worcouer, they recetued
tbem with a readie mind , after that they had
killed arammeofthe flocks, they {etmuchmeat:
b Tobias af
keh Rapua
els daughter-
9 Sobecommuntcated the matter with Ra"? "e
onthe table. Then faya Coblas to Raphael
Brother Azarias, put foorth thole things wher=
of thou {paket in the wap, thatrhis butineffe
may bedilpatched. ; ;
guel, and Raguel fayde to Tobias , Cate, ana
Dzinke, and make merry. <
IO fotit is meete that thou ſhouldeſt marry.
my Daughter: neuerthelcile, J Declare vnto
theethe trueth. —
IL Fhauegiuen my daughter in marriage to
ſeuen men, who died that night which thep came
tn onto her:nencethelefic, be thou ofa good cous
rage and mery. But Tobias fayd,F wil eate ng-
ous here, vntil pe bring ber hither, and betroth
er to me,
I2 Raguel fayd then, Warry her then accor⸗
Ding to the cuſtome: foz thou art ber coulin, and
eis thine, God which is merciful, make this
p2ofperous to pou in all good things.
13 Chen be called his daughter Sarra,
ſhee came tober father, at
band, and gaue her foz wife to Tobias, faving,
Beholde, take ber after the * Law of Doyle
Raphael and
Tobias come
to Ragu,
eae oe oe a
and betookeber bythe ueth his
and Raguel gis» ;
oles, s
and leade her away to thy father ; andhe blefed —
I4 And called his wife Edna, and he tooke
a booke, and wote acontract, and ſealed tt,
AS, Then they began to eate.
a Hg E called bis wti Erna, and
ayd onte ber Silter prepare anot her chamber
and bring ber tn thither. * k
17 hici when fice bad done, as hehad bids
Den her, fhe brought ber thither:then Sarawept,
and her mother wiped away her Daughters
13 And layde bnto ber, Wee of good comfort, ©
my daughter: the — heauen and earth
» , 4,
Nam 36.6
gug .
Tobias fol-
Joweth Ra-
fell, as Chap.
fOr, vpo.
68,2 Z.
A Raguet pray-
| §eth God for
Racuel pi-
stue fee ion Fo, fle cop founoinn teetceed cem omisaced | curry GeBe Peat. *
eet, Mp daughter. Faiths -Raphael leadeth Gabael to Tobias mariage,
; ; — Tobias called Raphael, and lays vnto
CHAP, VIII. pim, ti :
Tobias drineth away the euill [pirit. He prayeth to
God with his wif2, 11 Raguel prepareth a graue for
he [onne in law, 16 Raguel ble ffeth the Lord,
Vs k 8 ait s
A? D when they had fuppen, they brought
Tobias in vito her.
2 And ashe went, he remembren the words
of Raphael, and tooke coales foz perfumes, and
put the heart and liver of the AH thereupon and
made a perfume. ———
3.The which ſinell when the euill ſpirit han
ſmelled/ he flen into the ſvtmoſt parts ot Egypt,
whom the Angel bound.
4 Andattec that they were both Hutin, Ta-
bias rofe ont of the bed, q ſayd, Diter arife and
let bs pray, that God would haue pitic on vs.
§ Then beganne Tobias to fay, Wlelied art
thou, D God of our fathers, and bleſſed ts thine
Holy and glorꝛious Mame for cuer:let che heauens
bleffe thee, and all thy creatures. 5
6 Thou madek Qvam, and gauck him* Eua
Dis wife foz an belpe, and flap: of fhem came
mankind: thou bat fayd, It is not good, thata
man (ould be alone: let vs make yuto pinan
apde like vntohinteife. :
7 And new, D Lov, J take not this my fis
fter foz fornication but vpꝛightly:therfore grant
me mercy, that we may become aged together.
8 And ihe favn with him, Amen,
9 Sorhey flepe both that night, and Ragu:
elarofe, and ment and made a qraue,
Io Saying ,Isnothedeavalfo? _ 2
a But when Ragut was conte into his
> Bou
hy De fayd to bis wife Cona, Send one of
the matves, and tet them (ce whether he be a>
lue: if not, that 3 map bury Him, and nang
know it. k . i
>13 Bo the maide opened the dooze,and went,
in, and found them both aficepe,
oo — came foosth, and tolde them that bee
as alte. j
Ig Then Raguel praifen God, ¢ faid, D GoD,
thou art woꝛthy tobe praticd with all pure and
bolp prailes therefore letthy Saints prapfe thee
with ali thy creatures, anDict all thine Angels
and thine elect maile thee fo ever.
16 Whowart tobe pated, D Lord: for thow
hat made me iopfull, and that is not come tame
which J fufpected: but chou hak dealt with vs
according to great mercy.
17 Thou art to be praiſed, becauſe thon hak’
had mercy of twothat were the onely begotten’
children of their fathers: grant them mercy, D
Lod, and fini their life mn health with toy and
18 When Raguel bade his feruants to fill the
graue. an
4 19 And he kept the wedding feat fouretcenc
20 For Ragnel had ſavd onto him by an oth,
| weth halfe of that be fhould not depart before that the foure-
| his goodstoe
riage of his
daughter to
teene Daies of the marriage were expired,
21 Aud then hee wom take the halfe of his
goods, and returne in (afette to his father, and
pa hauc the reſt, when hee and his wike were
ga 635°
` tarp there. Then
2 Brother Azarias , take with thee a fernant
and two camels ant goto Rages of the Medes
to Gabael, aud bing nice tie money; and baing ©:
Himtothe wedding... i i
3 fo Raguel bath ſworne that J Mall not
4 But my kather counteth the dayes: and ff
J tarp long, he will be ſory.
s So Rap$acl went out, and came to Gaba:
gland gane bim the hand witing, who brought
pauto bags which were ſealed vp, and gaue them
ô bim, }
6. Sud in the morning they went foorth boih
together,and came tothe wending. Sud Tobi-
as begate bis wife with chtide.
1 Tobias andhis wife thinke long for their fonne,
to Raguel fendeth away Tobias and Sarva.
NE w Tobit his father counted cucry day, &
when the Dapes of the iourney were expired,
and they came sot,
2 Tobit (aid, Are they not mocked? or is not
Gabael dead, and there is noman to gtwe him
themoneyp ?
3 Aherefore he was very {0p
4 Then dis wife fayd to him, My fonne is
Dead, lecing he tatieth: and He beganne to * be-
waylebim,andlayd, __
§ Mow care for nothing, my fonne, fince J
haue lot thee the ight of mtue cyes.
To whome Tobit fayd , olde thy peace s
be not carefull, fo: he ts fe. ;
7 Wut thee ard, Hold thy peace, and deceive
me not, my ſonne is Dead: and fhe went out enes
ty Day, by the way which they went, neither did
ihe eate meate on the Day time and Did confine
whole nights in bemavling her ſonne Tobias,
vntill the foureteene Dapes of the wedding were
erptred, which Raguel had ſworn, that he would
obtas fapde to Raguel, Let
mee goe: foz mv father and my mother locke no
moe tolee mee.
8 But his father in lato fatd vnto him, Tatry
with mc, and FZ will end to thy father, and they
fhatldeclare him thine afitres. bp pita
ú foyi Tobias ſaid, Mo, but let me goto my-
Jo Then Kaguel arol and gaue him Barra,
his wife, ant halfe his goods, as ſeruants, and
cartell, and money.
It And he bleſſed them, and fent themamay,
faving, Che God of heanen make pou, my chul-
12 Andhe fay to his Daughter, Donour thy
father ant thy mother inlaw, which are now
thp parents , that J] map heare good report of
thee: and be kiſſed them. Cana allo fayd to Tos
bias, Che Lord of heauenreſtore thee, my deate
bother, and graunt that F may (ee the chudren
of mp Daughter Marra, that FH may retoyce be»
foze the Loꝛd. Beholdenow, F commic to thee
my Daughter, asa pledge: doet not entreatt her.
1 The returne of Tobias to his father. 9 How hee.
was receined, 10 His father had his fight reſtored,
and pray(eth the Lord.
"i Aites
D7en, to profper before J die.
shi ot a
Tobits care
for hisfon.
The Angell
goeth on
Tobias mef-
The father
and mother
arc in heani-
nefie for Toe
bias tarrying.
Raguel gis
ueth Tobias
and his wife
lesue to de-
Sarra ine
finGed by.
her parents
The Angels
counfellto t$
thinges Tsbias went bis way,
fe Fer.
ate that bee bad given him a pꝛo·
ſperous tourney , anv btelled Raguel and Cona
bis wife,and went on bis wap tuU be drew nere
te Nineue.
2 Chen Raphael apd to Cobias, Thou
Kknoweſt bithe , How thou didit leaue thy fa.
3. Let vs halte before thy wife, and prepare
the boule, —
4 And take in thine band the gallof the fh.
So thep went theit wap, and the Dog followen
§ sow Anna fate in the way lesking foꝛ her
nne ‘
6, Abom when he [aw comming, thee fayd
to bis father, Behold, thy ſonne commech,and
the man that went with bin. d
7 Then faid Raphael, J know, Tobias that
thy father hall recetue bis fight.
: & Sherclore anopnt vis eves with the gall,
and being pricked therewith, pe Hail rubbe. and
mas the whitenelſſe totali away, and hall ice
ce. }
9 ¶ Then Anna ranne forth,and fell on the
necke of er fonne, and {apd vnto bim, Seeing
F baue ſeene chee, my ſonne, from bencefoozth J
am content to Die,and they wept beth.
10 Tobit aiio went forth coward the Booze,
and (tumbled , but bis fonne raune vnto bint,
IL And teoke hola of bis father, and (pzinck-
led of the gallon bis fathers epes, laying; Be of
good bope,imy father. f
12 Aud when his eyes began to: priche, bee
rubbed then . puji l
13 And the whitenelle pilled away from the
comers of bis eyes, and when he law his lonne,
be fell opon bis ecke..
14 And bee wept, and ſayd, Bleſſed art thou
D £020, and blelied be thy flame foz euer , and
bleſſed be all thine holy Angels.
15 Foz thou hat (courged.mec, and hatt gan
pitie on me: for Behold F ice my onne Tobias:
and his onne being glad, went in, and told his
father the great thinges that bad cometo palle
in Dedia. ? :
10 hen Tobit went eut to meet his Daugh-
ter iniaw, retopcing and pzapling God te the
gate of Nineue and they which faw. him gor,
marueiled, becaule be had recetued bis tight.
17 But Cobiecettifed before them all, that
God had had pitie on bim: And when he came
Neete to Sarra his daughter inlaw, hee bleien
her, ſaxing, Chou art welcome, daughter: God
bé bicifed, which hath brought thee puto vs and
bleſſed bec. thp father: and there was great ioy
among all his bꝛethren, which were at Nineue.
18 And Achtacharus and albas bis azo-
therstounecame. =. -
19 And Tobias marriage twas kept euen
Bayes wiry great fop.
ye EAP, XI —
2 Tobiasdeclarethto his father the pleaſure that
Ra⸗bael bad done him, 5 The which he would recom-
“9 penfe. 11. 15 Raphacldeclareth that be pan Ane,
` gelfent from Goda oo agp)
So, theman, which went. with thee, and thou
, biit J DID neither eate nog Dainke , but pou faw
mitetuebimmeie AES
2. And hee layd onto hint, D father, tt han
Hot griene me to giue him halfe of thole things
which 3 bane bought.
3 For he kath brought meeagaine to thee in |
fatetic,and hath mate whole my wife.and paty F
bought me the moneyjand hath ltkewue heales
t ee ` - f - paths
iA Then theolaman yd, Jt is Bue tnta
§ So becalled the Angel and fayd vnto him,
Cake halfe of all that pe daue bought, and gog
awapinfafetie.: E:n < SpE *
6 But hee tooke them both apart, and fayt
vnto then, Pꝛayſe God, and toufeſſe Him, anu
glue bim the glorp, and praiſe him fa: the things
which be bath Bone vnto pou befer al them that
uue.. Itis good to pratfe God, and to exalt his
Name, ano to thew foozth bis euident wozkes
ee therefoze be net weary to confelie
nt, 49 g
7 Zt ts good tokeepe cist the ferrets of a
King, but it ts honourable to reucale the works
ef God: Doe that which ts good, and xo cuill
fali touch pou. i
8 Prayer is good with faking, and almes
and righteoulheile. @ tittle wich rightesu
neſſe is better then much with vnrighteoul⸗
= $ itis better to giucalmes 5 then to lay vp
9 Foꝛ almes doth deliver from Death, ana
Doth purge al inne. Choke which erercile almis
and righteouſneſte, hallbeAllea mich iite.
10 But they that linne; are enemies to theit
owne life. > - SHINA
CI @urely J will keepe cloſe nothing from
you; neuertheleſſe, Jſayd it was good to keepe
cloſe the fecret of a King, but that tt was honge
rable to reuetle the wogksof Gon. :
12 Now therefore when thou didſt pray, and
Darra thy Daughter in law, F D bring tomes
morie yout prayer before the boly Ones Ana
when tyou diddelt bury the dead, J was wich
thee itkewwtic. ji
13 And when thou waf not grienen to rife
bp,andicauethy Dinner to bury thedead , thp
gee Hee was net biù from mee: but Z was:
ith thee. Neo Rervoitant t
14 Andnow God hath (ent me to heale thee;
and Darra thp daughter inlaw. f
15 3 am Raphael, one of the ſeuen holy An⸗
gels, which pꝛelent the pzayers of the Saintes,
and which goe fozth befoze his holy Maieſtic.
16 Then they were both troubled, and fel ype
on thew face: for they Feared. f
-17 (But he layd vnto them, Feare not, foz it
Hall goe well with pou: prayle Gon therefore. |
18 Foꝛ 3 came notof mine own pleafire,but
by the gost will of pour Gov: wherefore papie |
bim m allages. i
19,* All cheſe payes 3] did appeare vnto pat, Gene. 18,8,
land 19.3.
sudges Be
He that vill
be acceptas `
ble to God,
muft be pro-
ued with tē-
it nuilion. h
20 Mow therefore giue God thankes: for J
goe bp tobim that lent me: but waite alt things
which aredone,tnabooke. _. }
21 And when thep role, thep aw hin no
— more
Tobit called his ſonne obiag ‘and 3
Tin — — — ae wa ess Derfullwozkes ot Goo, and how the Angel of
-22 Chen they contelled the great and won-
LoD had appeared to them,
the Lom h pamate fh —
p ocryphae
Deue 32.39
1. fam. 2.6.
wifd, 16,13.
yOr, Souphir
Or pra:fè
ye the Lords
A thankjgiming of Tobit, who exhorteth allto praife
the Lord, HSN
Ven Tobit wote a prayer of reioyxcing, aud
A pei Blefled bee God that liueth for cuer,
ana bleſſed be his kingdome· A
2, *fFoztje Doeth icourgeand bath pitie s bee
leadéth to pell,and bringeth vp, neither is there
any that can auoyde his hand. 8
3 Contele hun betor the Gentiles yee chil
Pann of Jiraci: for be bath ſcattered you among
them. '
4 here declare his areatnefie, and extoll
him before all the tining: foz hetsour Lod aud
our God, AND our father foꝛr e uer.
5 Wee hath ſtourged vs. for our iniquities,
and will haue mercy agatne, and will gather vs
aut ofall nations, ameng whom we are catte-
6 JE you tucne to him with your whole
Heart, and with pour whole minde , and Deale
Pprightly before him, then will heetucne vnto
pou, and will not hide its face from pou, but
pee thaillee what bec will Doc with yous theres
foze confeile him with your whole month, aud tp
prayle the Lord ofrighteouſneſfſe, andertoll the
cuerlatting King. Jwil confeſſe hin in the land
of my caprtuitie, and wel Declare his power,
and greãtneſſe to a ſinfull nation. pe finners,
turne and Doe tuitice before him: who can teltif
be will receiue pouto mercie, and haue ptiteon
ou? J
7.] will extoll myGod, and my ſoule thall
prayſe the Ring of heauen, and hal reioyce tit his
greatneſſe. S SUR
8 Let all men ſpeake, and let all praple him
foz hig righteouſneſſe. ‘ HNS
9 D Jerufalem the holy citie, he wil ſcourge
thee foz thy chiliens workes , but hee wil
baue pitticagatne on the ſonnes of righteous
men: Ee i
kD Sine prayſe tothe Lord duely, and praiſe
the euerlaſting King that his Tabernacle map
be builded in thee againe with foy; and let him
make topfull there in thee thole that are cap:
taines and loue in chee foz ener thole that be mi»
ferable, ; i
Il Many nationg fhall come from farre to
the Mame ofthe Lod God, with gifts tn their
handes, even gifts tothe King ot heauen: all
— wall pꝛayſe thee, and giue ſignes
of toy.
12 Curled are all they which hate thee: but
bleffen are they foz euer which loue thee.
_ 13 Retopce,and be glad forthe children of the
inf: for they thalbe gathered, and (hall bleſſe the
Lod of the iut. j
14 Blefled are they which loue thee: fo: thep
fhal reioyce in thy peace. Bleſſed are they which
baue been forowtull foz all thp (courges:foz they
all retopce for thee, when thep Hall tee all thy
glory, and ſhall teiupce for euer.
15 Let my loule blefle God the great Ring.
16 Fo: Jerufalem Hall be built vp with Ha
phires, and Emeraudes, and thp walles with
precious Tones, andthy towres, and thy bul-
warkes with pure gala,
17 And the ttreets of Jeruſalem thall be pa-
ned with BeralLand Carbuncle , and tones of
|] Dphir.
18 And all her ſtreets Hall fay , Halleluiah,
auſalem and the Temp
obit. +X
and they hall prayſe him, ſaying, Bleſſed be Hod
Which hath extolled Iie for ener.
3 Leffons of Tobit to his fanne. 4 He prophecieth
the defen Nine 7 And the r: fering of Ie-
tufale - 13 The death of Tobst,and
his wife, 14 Tobias age and death,
ç? Tobit made anendof prayſing God.
2 And he was eight and tittic veere olde,
when belot his light, which was reſtored to
bim after cight yeere and hee gaue almes and
Hee continued to feate the Lod God, and to
papie bint, }
3 And when he was verpaged,he called his
fonne,and fireof his fonnes tonnes, and {apd to
bim, My fonne, take thy children C for behold,
ite) aged and am ready co Depart out of this
ife. Re
4 Goe into Mediam fonne: for J rely
beleeue thole things which Jonas the Mophet
ake of fineuc, that te Mall be Deltropcd , and
for a time peace thali rather be in Media, and
thatour bacthzen ſhall be ſcattered in the earth
from that goad landano Jeruſalem hall be de>
iolate and the boute of Goo mnie thal be burned,
and Yali be Delolate for a time. enon
§ Wet againe Goo* wil haue pitie on them,
and bang themagatnetnto the land where tbey
Wall buin a Temple, but not like to the firt,
vntullthe tines ot that age bee fulftlled , which
beeing finihed , thep Wall returne from cuerp
place out of captiuttie , and build vp Jeruſalem
gloriouſly, and the boulz of Hod Wall be built in.
it fo: euer with a gloꝛious building, as the Pꝛo⸗
phets baue (poken thereof.
6 Am all nations hall turne, and feare the
L025 God truelpjand hall bury their idoles.
7 Ho fhallailnations paile the Lord, and
bis people Hall coufefle God, and the Lord hall
ih )
š 1
[That is, Feo
ru ——
Exra 3. 8.
and 6.140.
eralt bis people, €all thole which louethe Lora —
in trueth and iultice, hall retoyce,and thore alfo
which Hew mercy to our brethren. :
8 And now mp fonne, Depart out of Minene,
becaule that thole thinges which the Prophet
Jonas (pake,fhaltfirelp come to palle..
9 But keepe thou the Law, and the contre
mandements, and Hew thy ſelfe mercilull and
withat it may goe well with thee.
To And burte mee honeitlpy, and thy mother
with mee: but tarte nolonger at Minene. Re-
member my onne , bow Aman handled Archia-
charus that brought bin vp, bomeut of light
hee bought him into darkenelle, and how hee
rewarded hin againe : pet Achiacharus hee
went Downe into Darkenefle. Manaſſes gaug
alines, andeftaped the ſnare of Death , which.
they bad (ct foz hun, but Anian fet into the mare
anD periſhed. APAA f:
I Wberefoge now, myfonne, confiner what
ales Doeth, and how righteouſneſſe Doeth Dee
liver. CAhen be ban fayd chele things, he gane fOr his fanke.
vp the ghoſt in the bed , being an hundzech and failed ben.
nourably, . SO aa ai OA ETAR
12 And when Anna was dean, hee buried
ber with bis father: bnt Tobias west with
his wife and childzen to Ecbatane to *
eight and fiftte peere old, and be buried hum ho’ zy the beda
guel bis father în tatt.
13 Where he became olde with honour, and be
buried * father and mother inlaw —
ae he inbertred their ſubſtance and Tobits h
I4 And bee Died at Ccbatane in Media, bes
Chap. jij e :
` ing an hundzeth and Quen and twentle peere
15 But before he died, he heard of the deſtruc⸗
tionof Mincue, which was taken by Mabuchoe
donoſor and Aluerus, and betoze his death hee
reioyced for Qineue.
4# Iudeth.
2 The bailding of Ecbatane, 5 Nabuchodonofor
meade warre againft Arphaxad, and ouercame him, 12
He threatneth them that would not helpe hima,
E M the twelfth yeere of the
23 tetgne ef ~abuchodonoloz,
AY who reigned in Kineue the
FSAA great citie (in the Dapes of
Arphaxad, which reigned o
uer the Medes in Ecbatanc,
2 Andbuilt in Ecbatane,
the wais round about of hery-
eat ſtone, thzee cubits bꝛoad, and tive cubits long,
and made rhe height of the wall ſeuentie cubites
and the beadth thereof fiftie cubits,
3 And made the towres thereof in the gates
oftrofan hundzeth cubits,and the breadth there-
of in the foundation thzeelcoze cubits,
4 And made the gates therof euen gates that
were likted vp on bigh, (enentie cubites , and the
breadth of them foztie cubites, fo: the going forth
ofthis mightie armies, and foz the letting in aray
ef his footinen)
§ Euen in thole dayes, king Mabuchedono-
2 mane warre With King Arpharad tn the
great Relde, which isthe fictde in the coaſtes of
Ragau. —
6 Then came vnto bi ater that dwelt in
the mountaines, and alltiat dwelt by Cuphza-
tes, and Tygris,and Hydalpes, and the countrie
he ttweoot the Cipmeans, and verp
ations aficinbied themſelues to the batteil
fonnes of Chelod · ee K
7 And Mabuchodvonole: King of the Aſſyzi⸗
ent vnto all that dwelt in Perſia, andto all
that dwelt in the Met, and tothole that dwelt
in Ciltcia, an’ Damaſcus, and Libanus, and
ae > and to all that dwelt vpon the fea
tea 9 j : 3
8 And tothe people that arcin Carmel, and
Galaad, and the higher Galtle,and the great feln
of Eforclam, i ;
-o And toall that were in Samaria, and the
cities thereof, and beyond Jorden vnto Jeruſa⸗
iem, and Betane, and Chelius, and Canes, and
the riucrof Egypt, and Capynes, and Ramefle,
“Io Untill one come to Tanis and Wemphis,
and toall che inhabitants of Egypt, and till one
come fo the mountaines of Ethiopia.
II But all the inhabitants of this countrep
did not paſſe for the commandement of a=
buchodonoſor King of the Alpatans, neither
would they come with hint to the battell: foz
thep nin not feare him : pea, hee was before them
as one man; therefore they (ent away bis am-
bailadours from them without eftect, and wirh
I2 Therefor Mabuchodonolor was very ane
gry with al this countrey, and ſware by his throne
and Ringvome, that he would ſurely bee cuengen
bpon allthole coaits of Cilicia and Damatcus,
and Syria,and that he wouid flay with the lwo
all the inhabitants of the land of $Boab , and the
childzenof Ammon, and al! Judea, end all that
were in Egypt, till one conic to the borders of the
two feas,
13 Chen bee marched in battell aray with his
power again King Srpharadin the euenteenth
peere, and he pꝛeuailed tn his battell ; foz he ouer-
threw all the power of Arpharad, and all bis
hozfemen, and aii bis charets.
14 And hee wanne hiscitics, and came vnto
€cbatane, arid tooke the towers, and ſpoyled the
— thercof, and turned the beautie thereof
nto hame.
I5 He tooke allo Arphaxad in the mountaines
of Ragau, and ſmote him ihoꝛow with bis Varts,
and Deltroyed him vtterly that Dap. __
16 Hobe returned afterward to Nineue, both
hee, andall bis companie with a Bery great mul-
titude of men of warte, and there hee paſſed the
time, and banquetted, both he and bisarmic, an
hundzeth and cwentte dapes,
5 Nabuchodonofor commaunded prefumptuon
that all people fhould bee brought sto (ees aA
and to deftroy thofe that dsfobeyed him, 15 The pre~
paration of Olofernes armie, 23 The conquest ofhi
A@ in the eighteenth yere the two and twette
£ A fteth day ofthe firt moneth, there was talke
in the houle of Nabuchodonoſoꝛ King of the ithe
rians, that bee ſhould anenge hüunlelfe on all the
earth, as he had ſpkken.
2 Bo be called vnto him all bis Dfficers and
all his Mobles, and communicated with them his
fecret counfell,ana (et before them with bis owne
mouth all the matice of the earth.
3 Chen they Deereed to deſtroy all fich,
pa ae not obeyed the commaundement of his
mouth. :
4 And when heehad ended his countell, Ma-
buchodonoloz King of the Affyzians called Olo·
fernesbhis chicte captain and which was nert vn⸗
to him, and ſaid vonto pim,
Thus faith the great King, the lord of the
twhote earth, Behold, thou halt goe foozth from
my prefence, and take with thee men thattrutt in
their owne ſtrength, of footmen,an hundzeth ano
twentie thonfand, and the number of hozles with
their riders,tiwelnethoufand,
6 And thou falt goz againſt all the Ciel
countrey, becaule they Difobeyed mp commaune.
Bbb 3 7 And
ee eS
————————— ae —<—<— Oe
ne a
7 nd the halt Declare vnto them, that thep
prepare for mee theland and the water: for J wil
goz foot) in wy wath againit them, an’ wit co-
uct the whole face of the earth with tie feete of
mine arnip, and J will giue them as a ipoyle vn⸗
to thrin,
k So that their wounded Wall fill their val:
ieves, and their riers , and the floods thall oucee
flow.being filled with their Dead.
g And will bring their captiuitte to the vt⸗
moſt parts ot all the earth.
IO Chou therefore halt Depart hence, anv
take vp foz meall their countrie: and tf they peelo
puto thee, thou balt reieruc them foz mee vntill
the Day that 3 rebuke then,
IL Ent concerning them that rebell, let not
thine eye ipare them, but put them to Beath, and
ſpoyle theni wherelocuer thou goek, ;
I2 jo as J iius, and the pawer of my king-
Dome, wharlocuer J baue (poser, that will J doe
by mine band.
13 And take thon heede that thou tranſgreſſe
not any of the commiaundements of thy 1020 , but
accompliſh them fully, as J baue conunaunded
thee,and dekerre not to Doe them.
14 (Then Diofernes went foorth from the
pꝛeſence of his loꝛd, and called all the gouernezs,
and captaines, and officers of the army of aflur,
Is And he muſtred the cholen men foz the bate
tell, as his loꝛd had commiaunded him, vnto an
Hundzed and twentie thouſand, and twelue thous
fand archers on horſebãcke. 9
16 And bee fet them in aray accoꝛding to the
manerof ſetting a great army in aray. f
17 And bee tooke camels and alles toztheir
burdens, a bery great number, and ſheepe, and
peed and goates without number fog their pro-
18 And vitaile foz euery man of the army, and
—* much golde and fluer out of the Kings
Ig Ghen hee went forth and all his power, to
oe before inthe nopage of king Nabuchodono⸗
02, and to couer all the face of the earth et-
ward, withtheir charets and horſemen, and cho-
fen footemen. ; i
20 4 great multitude alfo of ſundzie fortes
came with them like grafhoppers, and like the
graucloftheearth; fez che multitude was with⸗
one number. 7
21 Aun thep went foorth of Mineue three dayes
tourney toward the countrey of Wectileth, and his
pitched from Bectileth necre the mountatne
which ison the left hand of the vpper Cilicia.
22 Chen hee tooke ail his armie, bis foatemen
and horlemen,and charets, and went from thence
into the mountatincs,
23 Snd he deſtroyed Phud and Lud,and ſpoy⸗
ten all the childzen of Rates , and the chtlazen of
Iſmael whic were toward the wildernefle at the
South of the Chelians.
24. Then he went ouer Cupheates, and went
thozow Meſopotamia, and Beltroved all the high
Cities that were bpon the river of Arbonat, vntill
one come to the fea. :
25 And hee tookethe borders of Cilicia, and
Beftroped all that reſiſted bim, and came tothe
boers of Japheth, which were toward the
Houth, and ouer againſt Arabta.
26 Hee compaſſed allo all the chilozen of gpa»
Dian, and burnt bp their tabernacles, and ſpop·
led their lodges.
27 Chen hee went downe into the countrey of
Dainalcus, ttt the tine of wheate harucit, and
burnt bp al their Belts and deſtroyed their fiocks
and the beards: hee rebben their cities, and {pope
ted their countrey, and mote all their young men
with che edge of the ſword.
28 Therefore feare and trembling fell vpon all
the inhabitants of the Gea ceat, which were ur
Zidon and Trus, and them that dwelt in Snr
and Deina, and all that dwelt in Jemnaan: and
thep — Dwelt in Azotus and Aſcalon feared hun
C HyAsP; 11k .
The people ſubiect to Olofernes. 8 Hee deftroyed
their gods , that Nabuchodonofar might onely bee wore
S2 they fent ambafladours to him with melſa ·
ges ofpeace taping, ®
2 Behold, weeare the feruants of Mabucho-
Donoloz the great King: we lie Downe before thee:
pie vs as fall be good in thy fiche,
3 Behold, our houfes and all our places, and
all onr Geldsofwheate, and our flockes and oug
beards ant allour lodges and tabernacles ite bes
foze thy face: vie them as tt plealeth thee.
4 Behold, euen our cities aud the inhabitants
thereof are thy ſeruants: come, and take them, as
ſeemeth good to thee.
§ €Dothe men came to Dlofernes, and de>
tlared vnto them after cyts maner,
6 Then cane heDowne toward the fea coatk,
both he and dis army, and let gariions tn the hie
— and tooke out oftbemcholen men kor the
7 So thevanvall the countrey round about
receiued them wih crownes, and Dances, and
with timbzels. :
8 Det hee brake Bowne all their borders, and
cut Downe their woods: foz tt wasintopned hint
to Deltroy all the gods of the land, that all natis
ons bouid worship Mabuchodonolozonely, anB~
a pil tongues and tribes ſhould cail vpon him
as Gov.
9 Ailobe came againk Eſdꝛaelon neere vnto
Judea ouer againk the great trait ef Judea.
19 And heẽ pitched betiweene Geba, anda ck
tie of the Scythtans, and there bee tarien amoe
— He bee might allemble all the baggage of
The F{raelites were afraid and defended their couse
trey. 6 Joacim the Priefi writeth to Bethulsa,that they:
fhould fortifie them{zlues. 9 They cried te the Lordy
and humbled them{elues before hem.
Nee the childꝛen of Iſrael that dwelt in
Judea, heard all that Olofernes the chiefe:
captaineof Mabuchovonoloz King of the Aſſyꝛi⸗
ans had Done to the nations, and how bee hav
_ {poyled all their temples, and bought them to-
2 Therekoꝛe they feared greatly is pelen
and were troubled fer Jerufalem, and foz the
Temple of the Load their Gov.
3 Foz they. were newly returned from
the captinitic, and of late all the people was
ui affembled in Judea and the veſſels and the altar
f a — bad been fanceified becauſe of the
s ollution.
, 4 Therefor they (ent into all the coaftes of
Samaria, and the villages, and to Bethoꝛa, and
Belmen, and Jericho, and to Choba, and Go-
ra, and to the valley of Salem, :
S And tooke al the topsef the hic mountains,
And walled the pillages that werein them, and
putin witatles fo: the peoutfion of war: foz their
felts were of late reaped. i j
6 GifoJoactin the bie Piet which was in
thofe dayes in Jerufalem, wrote to them that
Dweit in Bethulta and Betomeitham, which ts
ouer againſt Clozaclon, toward the open coutne
trey neereto Dothaim.
7 €rbhosting them to keepe the paflages of
the mountatues; for by them therewas an entry
{nto Judea, and tt was calie to let them that
would come vp, becaule the patlage was ſtraite
foz two men at the moft. j
8 And the chilozen of Iſrael dis as Joacim
the Ligh Piet jad commanded them with the
ancientsot all the people of Iſrael which dwelt
at Jerufalem.
9 Chen cryed euery manaf Iſrael te God
With great feruency, and their foules with great
affection, pot -
10 Both they,and their wines, and their chil-
Den and their cattell, and euery ranger, and
hireling, ant their bought teruants put facke-
cloth upon their loines. >
I Thus eueryman ant woman, and the chil-
Den,and the inhabitants of Jerufalem fel befoze
e Tempie, and (pirtkledD ahes vpon their
beads, and {pred out their fackcloth before the
a Á the LoD: allo thep put ſackcloth about
12 And cried onto the God of Iſrael, all with
one confent moft earncitlp, that be would not
gine their childzen foz a pꝛay, and their wiurs foz
a fpople,ann the cities oftheir inheritance to de·
ftruction, and rhe fanctuarpto pollution and res
= peoch,and vnto deriſion vnto the heathen,
13 So God heard their prayers, and looked
bpon ther affliction : foz the people fated many
Dapes in all Judea and Jerufalem before the
Sanctuary of the Lod Alinighty.
I4 And Joacim the high Piet, andall the
Putelts that food before the Lov, andmint-
itred vnto the Lod , had their loynes girt with
fackecloth,¢ oſtered the continual burnt offing,
with pzapers and the free gifts of the people,
15 And had alhes ontheir miters, and cryed
bnto the Lord with all thcir power foz grace,
an * bee would looke vpon all the houle ot
Achior the Ammonite doeth declare to Olofernes of
the maner of the Ifraelites,
— ae wasit Declared to Diofernes the chiefe
captaine ofthe armieof Aflur, that the chil-
Dien of Jirael had prepared for warre, and pad
fout the paflageso: the mountames, and bad
walled all the tops of the hte bils and bad layd
impediments tn the champion conntrey.
2 CAherewith be was very angry,ann called
all the Pꝛinces of Moab, and che captaines of
Ammon, and all the gouernours of the {ea coaſt.
3 And bhelapd vnto them, Shew me, D pee
{tonnes of Chanaan, Cho is this people that
Dincileth in the mountaines? and what are the
tities that they inhabite? and what ts the mule
titude of their armie? and wherein ts their
firength and their power? and what King
oꝛ captaine is rapid among them ouer their are
mie? 3
4 And why baue they Determined not ta
tomie to merete me, moze then ail the inbabttants
ofthe Cates? i
5 ECbhen*aid Achioz the captaine of all the
fonnesof Ammon, Let my tozd beare the wode
of the mouth of his truant , and J will declare
vnto thee the trueth concerning this people, that
Dwell in theſe mountaines, neere where thou res
maincit; and there Wall no lie come out of tye
mouth of thy feruant.
6 Chis people come of the fotke of the
Chaldeans. k
7 And* they Dweltbefore in Meſopotamia, Gex.i .ʒi.
becaule they would not followe the gods of
—— fathers, which were in the land of Chale
8 But thep went out of the way of their
anceſters, and wozihipped the God of heauen,
the God whom they kuewe: fo they caf them
out from the Face of their gods, and they ficd
— Meſopotamta, and ſdiourned there many
9 Then*theirGodcommanvedthemto de> Gesa. 13. 8.
part from the place where thep fotourned,and to
gointo the land of Chanaan, where they dwelt,
and were incteaſed with golde and fluer, and
With very much cattell.
Io But when a famine couered all the lanB
ef Chanaan, thep went Downe into Egypt, and
Divelt there ttil they returned , and became there
a great multitude, fo that one could net number
their linage. : :
It * Cherefoze the King of Egypt role upas Ex⸗d.i.ꝰ.
gaini them, and bled Decettagaini them, and
brought them low with labouring in bzicke,and
made them flanes. :
12 Thenthep cried vnto their God, and Hee
ſmote all the land of Egypt with incurable
ere othe Egyptians catt them out of their
gut. A
t B And* God dzyed the redde fea in theit prꝛe⸗ od. 1421,
14 Qnd* byoughe them into mount Sina any £04 39-46
Cades Barnea, and cak forth all that dwelt in
thewiloernefle. —
15 Ho they dwelt in the land ef the Amozites,
and they deſtroyed by their ſtrength all them of
Cichou,aud palling ouer Jowdan, they inhertted
aonje M foot bef : j
16 And they *cak foorth before them the
Chanaanites, andthe Phereſites and the Je- Joha a8,
bulites, and themofStchem, and all the Ger⸗
arias and they dwelt tn that countrey many
17 And whiles they firmed not befoze their
God, they prolpered, becaule the Gad that hated
iniquity was with them.
18 But * when they Departed from the Fudg. 2.01,
wap which Hee appointed theni , thep were ard 3.8.
deſtroyed in many battels after a wonderfull
fort, * and were ledde captiues into a lande 2.King.25,
that was not thes: and the Temple of nin,
Bob 4 their
i Apocrypha.
Fyre t,1,3-
their God was cat tothe ground, and their ci-
ties were taken bp the enemies. ;
19 Gut * now they are turned to their God,
and are come bp from the {cattcring wherein
they were ſcattered, and baug poſſeſſed Hieru⸗
falem, where their Temple is, and dwell in the
mountaines which were deſolate.
20 How therefore, my lord and gouernour,
it there be any fault in this people, ſo that they
Haue ſinned againſt their God, let vs confider
that this ſhall bee their ruine, and let ys goe vp,
and we fhallouercometbem,
21 But tf there bee none iniquitic in this peo»
ple, let my loꝛd paſſe by „leatt their Loꝛd Detenu
them,and their God be fo: them,and we become
areprochbefozeallthe woad. ——
22 CAnd when Achioz had finimen thele fay-
ings, all che people, tanding round about the
tent, murmured : and the chtefe men of Diofer-
nes, tali that Diwelt by the {ea Hde,and in Moab,
{pake that he ſhould kill him.
23 Joz, fay they, wee feare not fo meete the
ebildzen of Jlvael: foz toe, itis a people that
haue no firength no: power againit a mighty
24 Let vs therefor go bp, D toed Dlorernez,
and they Halbe meat foz thy whole armie.
Olofernes blasphemeth God whom Achior confefred.
34 Achior is delivered into the hands of themefBe-
chulia, 18 The Bethulians crie vatothe Lord,
AZ when the tumult of the men that were as
About the counteli was cated, Dlofernes the
chiefe captatne of the armieof Aflur, ſayd vnto
Schio: before ali the people of the ſtrangers, and
bekore all the childzen of SPoab,and ofthem that
were hired of Ephraim,
2 Becaule thou hatt pꝛopheſied among vs to
Day, and hak fayd thatthe people of Jerufalem
ts able to fight , * becaule their God will defend
them; and who is god but Mabuchedonolo2?
3 ie will fend bis power, and will deſtroy
them from the faccof thecarth, and their God
fhallnot Deliuer them: but we bis eruants will
deſtroy them as one man; foz they are not able
to fufteine the power of our hoꝛſes. i
4 Foꝛ we will treadethem vnder feete with
them, and their mountaines (hall bee dꝛunken
with their blood, and their fields Mall bee Ailen
with their Dead bodies, and their footteps Hall to,
not beable to Rand betore vs; but they hall yt»
§ The king Mabuchdonolez 102d of all the
earth hath faya, cuen be bath fayd, Mone of my
woꝛds ſhalbe in vaine. ;
6 And thou Achioz an dircling of Ammon,
becaule thou hat (poken thele wo2ds, tn the day
of thine tniquitie, thon falt fee my face no moze
from this Day, vntill J take vengeance ofthat
people that is come out of Egypt. =
7 Gud then fhallthe pen ofmine armieand
the multitude of the that ſerue me paſſe through
thy fides, and thou ſhalt fail among their Haine,
when F (hall put them to flight. :
8 Gnd mp feruants hall carie thee into the
mountaines , and they {hall leaue theeat one of
the bie cities : but thou halt not perth, till thou
be Deftroped with them. . ;
9 Aud ifkthou pverhwade thy ſelle in thy miD,
that they Hall not be taken, Iet not thy counte·
nance fall: J haue fpoken it, and none of mp
wo2zds fali bein vaine.
10 Then commaunded Dlofernes them ton-
cerning Achior that they Would bring him to Be»
thulta,and deliney pim into the bands ofthe chila
Dzen of Iſrael. j
Il Sobis feruants toske bim , and bzought
bim out of thecampe into the plaine; and they
went out from the mids of the plaine into the
mountaines, and came vnto the fountaines that
were vnder Bethulia. ný
I2 And when themen of the citie ſawe them
from the top of the mountaine, they tooke their
arimour,and went kooꝛth ef the citie vnto the top
ef the mountatne, cuen all the thaowers with
flings, and kept them from comming vp, by cas
ting ttones agatnit them.
13 Wut they went patuily vnder the hill, and
bound Achioz, and lẽft him lying at the foote of
the bill,and returned to their lord. .
14 Chen the Ifraclites came Down from their
citie, and ftosd about him, and tooled bin and
brought him into Betbulta,and prelented him to
the gouernours af their citte, i
Is bich were in thole dayes Dias the
fonne of Micha, ofthe tribe of Suneon, ¢ Chas
bzis the ſonne of Gothonicl, and Charmis the
foune of Melchiel. f
16 And they called together all the ancients of
the city, and all their youth ran together, œ their
women to the affembly;and they fet Achtoz m the
muds of all their people. Then Dias alken him
of that which was Done.
17 And bee anfwered and declared onto them
the words ef the counlell of Diofernes, and all
the wordes that hee bad (poken tn the middes of
the princes of Aſſur, and whatfoeuer Dlefere
* ſpoken proudly agaiuit the boule of Iſ⸗
18 Then the people fell Downe, and wehiy:
ped Gov, anD cryed vntoGod, laying, —
I9 D Loyd Sod of heauen,bebhold their pride,
and baue mercte on the baſeneſſe of our people,
and bebold this dap the face of thole that are
fanctified vnto thee.
20 hen they comforted Achioz, and pꝛayſed
him greatly. 3
_ 21 And Dztas tooke bim out of the affembly
inte bishoule, and made a fealt tothe Elders,
¢ he — on the Gon of Irak all thatuight
1 Olofernes doth befiege Bethulia, 8 The counfeR
ofthe Fdumeans and other againftthe Fſraelites. 23
The Bethulans murmura agaixfe their gowernours for
lacke of water. 3
T% nert Day Diofernes commanded all his
armie and âll bis people, which were come
to take hts part, thatthep ould remooue their
campsagatnt Bethuita, and that they ſhould
take all the ſtreits of the bill,and te make warre
againit the childzen of Iſrael. ;
2 Then their ſtrong men remooucd their
campes tn that Day, andthe armie of the men
of warre was an bundreth thoufand and fea
uentie footmen, and twelue thoufand hozfe-
Men, belive the baggage and other men p
= afoote among them, a verygreat multi-
3 Andthep camped inthe plaine neere vnto
Bethulia, bp the fountaine, and thep ſpread a. pl
boan toward Dothaim vnto Belbaim, and in
length from Bethulia vnto Cramon, which ts o⸗
uer aganit Eſdraelon.
4 Mow the chtlozen of Iſrael, when they
faw the multitude, were greatly troubled, and
fapD every one to his neighbour, sow will chep
Mut pp ailthe whole earth: foz neither the bie
mountaines, noꝛ the valleys, no: the bilieg are
able toabide ther burden.
5 Then euery one tooke bis weapons of
warre, and burning fires in thetrtowers, they
remained and watched all that night.
But inthe fecond dap Dlofernes brought
forth all bis horſemen in the fight of the chilon
of Jitael,which were in Bethulia, Y
7 And viewed the paflages vp to their citic,
and came to the fountaines of their waters, and
tookethent, and fet garifonsof menof warre
ouer them, and removed toward his people.
8 Then came vnto him all the chiefe ofthe
children of Eſau, and all the gouernours ofthe
people of Woah, andall the captaines of the fea
9 Letourcaptainenow heare a woꝛde, leſt
an inconuenience come in thine armie.
IO Foꝛ this people ofthe childꝛen of Iſrael
Dee not truſt in their ſpeares, but inthe height of
the mountaines, wherein they Dwell, becaule it
p- h ealie to come bp tothe tops oftheir moune
It Now therefore my lod, Haht not again
them inbattellaray, and there Hall not fo much
as one man af thy people perifh.
12 Remainetn thp campe, and keepe allthe
menof thine armie, and lec thy men keepe till
the water of the countrey, that comnieth foozth
atthe foote of the mountatne. À
I3 Foz all the inhabitants of Bethulia haue
their water thercof : fo wall chir kill them, and
thep Wall giue vp their citie: and wee and our
people will goe bp to the toppes of the moune
taines that are neere, and will campe vpon
— and watch that none goe out of the
14 So they and their wines, and their
children ſhail bee conſumed with famine, and
before the ſword comeagaink them, thep halt
pi Lith iad in the ſtreetes where they
Iş Thus falt then render them an enill re-
wart, becaule they rebelled and obeyed not thy
perfon peaceably. -
16 And thele wos plealed Diofernes and
el ea th he appointed to doe as they
ad (poker.
17 Hothecampe of the children of Ammon
Departed, and with chem fiue thouland of the
Afipians , and they prtched in the valicy, and
tooke the waters , and the fountaines ofthe wa-
ters ofthe children of Ilrael. i
18 Then the children of Chu went vp with
the childzen of Ammon, and camped tn the
monntaines ouer again Dothaim, and they
fent fome of themielues toward the South,
and toward the Galt, ouer agatn® Rebel,
which ts neere vnto Chul, that is upon theri-
uer Mochmur: and che ret of the armie of
the Affrians camped in the field, and cones
red the whole lande: fo: their tents and their
baggage were pitched in a wonderfull great
19 Then the childzen of Iſrael cried vnto the
LoD their God, becaule their heart failed foz
all tbeir enemies had compafied them about,and
= was no wap to efcape out trom among
20 Thus all the company ot Aſſur remained
about them, both their footmen, chariots ant
horſemen, foure and thirty dayes: lo that euen
all the places oftheir waters failed all the inha⸗
bitants of Bethulia.
21 AnD the citernes were emptie, and thep
Had not water enough te drinke foz one day: fog
they gaug them to Minke bp mealure.
22 Aherefore their childzen ſwooned, and
their wiues and pong men Failed fozthirt, anv
fell Downe in the ſtreetes of the citie, and bp the
—— of the gates, and there was no ſtreugth
23 Then all the people aſſembled to Dsias,
and to the chtefe of the citie, both yong men and
Women, and chilon, and crped with a loude
voyce, and ſayd hetoze all the Ciders,
24. Che* Lorde bee tudge betweene ve and
pou; foz pou hane Done bs great inturie,in that
aa not required peace of the childzen of
25 Fo? now twee haue no helper ; but Gow
hath loe vsinto their hands, that we houla be
theolwen Downe before them with third æ great
26 Mow therefore call them together and dee
liner the whole citie for a ſpoyle tõ the people of
Olokernes, andto all his armie.
27 Foꝛ it is better fo: vs te be made a ſpoyle
vnto them, then te Die fo: thir; for wee willbe
bis fernants, that wee map live, and not fee the
Death of our infants befoze our epes, no? ous
wiues, nor our childzen te die.
28 We take te witneſſe againſt pou, the hea⸗
uen and the earth, and our Hed and lozd of our
fathers, which puniſheth bs accogding to our
finnes,and the innes of out fathers, that he lap
not theſe things to ourcharge. EA
29 Then there was a great cricofall with
one conlent inthe middes of the afemblie , and
fey cryed punto the Lod God with a loude
30 Then layd Dias to them, Bꝛethren, be of
good conrage: let vs waite pet fiue dapes, tn the
which (pace the Lowe our God may turne his
— toward bs; foz he will not forlake vs in
theens. s,
21 And ifthele — and there come
not helpe vnto vs, J wil
32 So he ſeparated the people, cuery one vi»
to their charge, and they went vnto the walles
and towꝛes of their citie, and lent their wines
and theit childzen into their boules, and they.
were very lowe brought in the citie,
The parentage, life and conuerfation of Fudeth xE
Shee rebuketh the faintneffe of the gouernowrs, 12
She fheweth that they fhould not tempt God, but waite
upon him for ſuccour. 33 Her enterprife againſi the
DOE according te pour
Ne at that time, Judeth beatd thereof,
which was the Daughter of Merari, the
fonneofDr, the fonne of Jofeph, the fonne of
Dziel, the ſonne of Cicia the fonn: of Ananias,
the ſonne of Gedeon, the fonne ot Raphaim , the
tonne of Acito, the fonneof Eliu , thefonne of
Eliab , the ſonne of Mathanacl, the fonne of
— the ſonne of Salafadat, the ſonne of
2 And Manalſes was ber Hulband, of ber
— kinred, who Dred nthe barley hare
3 For as hee was Diligent ouer them that
bound fheaucs in the felv, the heate came vpon
bis head, and he fell vpon his bed, and died in
the citicot Bethulia, and thep buried him with
bis fathers in the field betweene Dothaim and
4 So Judeth was in her houſe a widow thꝛee
peeres and foure moneths.
§ And ſhee made her atent bpon her houſe,
and put on fackcloth on ber loines,and ware her
widowes appareil, ;
6 And the fated all the Dayes of ber widow:
hood, faue the Day before the Sabbath, and the
Sabbaths, and the Day before the neva moones
= Ls * kealts and lemne dayes of the bong
of tract.
7 Abee was alfo of a godly countenance,
ano st Lore to bebold: and jer huſband
Manafles had left her gold and filuer, and men
feruants, and mayd ſeruants, and cattell, and
poſſeſſions where fhe remained. s
8 Andthere was none that could bring an
euillrepozt ofher : foz he feared God greatly.
9 Mow when the heard the euill wozdes of
thepeople agatnt the goucrnour , becaute they
fainted foz laske of waters ( foz Judeth bad
beard ali the wordes that D3tas had poken vit-
tothem , and that be had *fworne vnto them to
— the citie vnto the Aſſyꝛians within fine
10 Then Hee ſent her mayd that had the go-
uernement of all things that {hee bad, to call D-
zs ana Chabsis and Charmis the ancients of
e citie.
IL And they tame vnto her, and the fayd vn⸗
to them, Weare mee, D yee gouernours of the
inbabttants of Bethulia: for your wows that
yee haue poken before the people this Day, are
Not right, touching this othe which pee made
and ponsunced betweene God and you, and
haue promiſed to Deliner the citie to the enemies,
— within theſe dayes the Lord turne to
elpe you.
12 And now who are pou that haue tempted
God this vay, and fet pour felues tu the placcof
GoD among the childzenof men? p
“13 Sonowpeelecke tije Lord Almighty, but
pou hali nener know any thing.
14 Foz youcannot finde out the depth of the
heart of man,netther can pee percetue the things
that bee thinketh : bow then can pou earch out
God, that hath made alt thele things, andDknow
bis minde, 02 compzehend bis pucpole? fay my
brethren, pꝛouoke not the Lode our God to
is Foxit hee will notheipe bs within thele
flue dayes, he hath power to Defend vs when hee
— Dap, orꝛto deſtroy vs before our
16 Doe not yon therefore bind the counfels of
the Lod our God: fez God ts not as man that
he may be thaeatned neither as the fonne of matt
tobe brought to iudgement. ;
17 Therefore tet vs wait for faluation ofhim.
and call vpon bint to helpe vs, and He will heare
ORF voyce it it pleate him. ; }
13 soz there appeareth none in our age, nete
ther is there any nowe in thele dayes, neither
tribe noz faintly, noz people, noz citie among vs,
which wozthtp the geds made with handes, as
hath been afozetime. i
19 Foz * the which caufe our fathers tugre gi»
uen to rhe ſword, and foz a fpoyle, thad agreat
fail before our enemies,
20 Butwe know noncother God: therefore
we trut that hee will not delpile ys, noz any of
our linage.
21 Mither when we hall be taken, fhall Jue
Dea bee fo famous : foz our Sanctuary fall bee
{povied, and bee will require the propbanation
thereofat our mouth,
22 And the feare of out brethren, and the cape
tiuitie of the countrey, and the defolation of our
indecitance wil be turne vpon our beads among
the Gentiles.whereloeuer we Halbe tn bondage,
and we Mall bee an offence and a repzoch to alt
them that pofleffe vs.
23 Foꝛ our feruitude Mall not bee Directed by
fauour, but the Lozd our God Hall turne itta
24 Now therefore, D bzethzen, let vs ſhewe
an eramule toour Drethren, becauſe their hearts
Depend vpon vs, and the Sanctuary, and the
Poule and the Altar reft vpon bs,
25. Wozconer,let vs giue thankes to the Lord
F God, which trieth vs euen as hee Did our fas
26 Remember what things he did to * Abꝛa⸗
ham, and bow hee tryed Hlaac, and all that
hee BID ta * Jacob in Meſopotamia of Syria
pes Hee kept the theepe of Laban hts mothers
27 For hee hath not tryed vs as hee did them
tothe examination oftheir Hearts, neither doeth
hee take vengeance on b3, but the Lorde pus
nif}eth fo: inſtruction them that-come neere to
28 Q Thenlayd D3ias tober, All that thou
hait fpoken, balk thou fpoken with a goon
wam and therets none that ts able to refit thy
29 Foz it is not to Day that thy wiſedome ts
kuowen, but from the beqtnning of thylife all
the people bane knowen chy wiſedome: fozthe
Denice of thine heart ts «ood,
20 Wut the people were very thirftie, etom-
pelled vs to Doe vnto them as wee hang {poken,
and 4.16
and 6.8.
and haue brought ys to an othe, which wee may
not tranfqreffe.
3I Therefore now prayfor bs, becaufetbou
artan holy woman, that the Loꝛd may lend vs
raine to Gill our ciſternes, and that we may faint
no moze,
32 Then layde Fudeth vnto them, Weare
me, and J will Boe a thing which hall be decla-
ha in all generations, tothe childzen ofour nas
33 Pou Hall Cand this night in the gate,
and J will goc foorth with mine handinaidez
and within the dayes that yee haug pꝛomiſen
to deliver the citie te our enemies, the Lord will
viit Jiraci by mine Hand, à t
34 Wut enquive not pouof mine acte: for J wil
not Declare tt vnto pou, till the things be finiſhed
that Idoe. ) t f
35 Then laid Ozias and the princes vnto per,
Goce in peace, and the Lord God be befoze chee, to
take vengeance on our enemics.
36 Do they returned from the tent, and went
to their wards.
C._H_A,P, ) 1X.
z Fudeth humbleth her feife before the Lord, and
maketh her prayers for the deliuerance of her people.
- 9 Againſt the pride of the Aſſyri ans. 1% Gods the
belpe of the humbles
E Pas Judeth fell bpon ber face, and put aes
L vpon per head, tpuc off the ſackcloth where-
with thee was clothed . And about the time that
the incenle of that cucning was offered tn Jetu⸗
falem in the houſe ofthe Loz’, Judeth cried with
a lowde boiceann (10, $
2 D Lord Gop of my father * Simeon , to
whom thou gaueſt a ſworo to take vengeance of
the irangers which opened the wombe of che
maide, and defiled her, and diſcouered thethigh
with ſhame, and polluted the wombe to reproch
pe thou hadſt commaunded that it ould not
3 Det they dw things for the which thou gas
ueſt their princes to the laughter, for thep were
Decetiied and walked their beds with blood) and
hak ſtricken the feruants with the gouernours,
and the goucrnonrs vpon their thoncs,
4 And hak giuen their wiues fora pray, and
thetr Daughters to bee captiuess and ail their
{poples foz a bootie to the chitdzen that thou tos
uedſt: which were mooued with thy zeale, and
abhozred the pollution of theit blood, and called
vpon thee fo: ayde, D God, D my God, heare me
aillo a widow.
§ Foꝛ thou hak wrought the things afeze,and
thefe, and the things that tail be after, and thou
confiderch thethiugs that are preſent, and the
things that are to come. —
6 Foz thethings which thou doeſt purpole,
are prefent, and fap, Behold, we are here : foz all
thp wapes are readie, and thy iudgements ave
7 Behold, the Aſſyrzians arc multiplied by
their power: thephaue eralted themſelues with
horſes and hezlemen: they glozie in the ttrength
of their footemen, theptrutt in fhteld, ſpeate, and
bowe, and fling, ann Doe not know that thou art
the Lord that bꝛeakeſt the battels: the LoD is thy
8 Beakethon their Trength by thy power,
and breake their force by thy wrath; foz they baue
purpoled to defile thy Danctuaric, and to pollute
the Tabernacle where thp glorious frame te-
Geth and tocak Downe with weapons the hoꝛnes
ofthe ditare
9 Behold their pine, and ſend thy wath vp⸗
on their heads: give into mine band which am a
Fudg.4.2te Widorw,the ſtrenẽth that J paue coiucetued,
oF 5.26.
IO * Smite by the Decetteot myplips, the fers:
uant with the prince, and the prince with the
a.chron.14, leruant: abate their height by the hand of awo-
11. & 16.8. man ,
and 20.6.
II * Fozthp power ſtandeth not inthe multi-
‘Chap. ix. x.
tude, no? thy might in ſtrong men: but thon, D
Lod, art the helpe of the humble and little anes.
the Defender of the weake, and the pistectour of
tiem thatare foxlaken , and the tautour of thun
that are without hope.
12 Surip, lurely thou art the God of my father
and the God of the inheritance of Iſtael, the
Lod sf heauen andearth, the Creato? of the wae
the Kiag of all creatures: heate thou mp
13 And graunt mee wordes and craft, anda
wound, and a ſtroke againſt them that enter
dite crauell things againſt thy Couenant, and as
gaint thine boly Houle, and againtt the toppe of
Dion, and againit the boule of the poſſeſſion of
thy childzen.
14 Shew eindently among all thy people, and
all the tribes, that thep map know that thou art
the Gon of all power and firenath, and that there
5 gone other thas Defendeth the people of Iſrael
ut thou. f
1 -Iudeth decketh her ſelſe, and goeth fcorth of the cia
tie. ait She utakew ofthe watch of the Afjrians, and
brought to Oloferney
NZ after he had cealedtocrie pntothe Gon
eine Ilſrael, and had made anende ofall hele
2 She role where hee had Fallen Downe, anv
called her maide, and went Downe into the heule
tn the which hee abodein the Sabbath dapes,
and tx the featt dapes.
3. And putting away the fackcloth wheres
with the was clad, and putting off the garments
of ber widowhood, Mee waſhed ber body with
watet, and anoynted it with much oyntment, and
Drefled the haire offer head, and put attire vpon
if, and put on ber garments of gladneſſt, wheres
with thee was clad, During the life of Manaſſes
her hufband.
4- And thee put ſlippers onder feete, and put
on bracelets, and ficeues, and rings, and eare>
rings, and all ber oxnaments,and wee Decked her
felfe bꝛauely, to allure the eyes of all menthat
ſhould fee ber. 3
5- Then hee gaue her maide a bottle of wine,
and a pot of oyle, and filled a {crip with Rowe,
and with Drie figges, and with fine bead, fo Mee
ane bp all thele rhings together, and laid them
pon ber. ;
6 hus they went foorth to the gateoF the
citie of Berhulia, and found tanding there Dzis
a3, and the Aucients of the citie, Chabzis ana
7 Andwhentheplaw her, that ber face was
changed, and that ber garment was changed,
they maruciled greatly at her wonderfull beauty,
and ſaid onto Her,- ?
3 The God, the God of oir fathers giue thee
faucur, and accompli} thine enterpattes tothe
-glogp ofthe chiidzenof Wlracland to the eraltati⸗
on of Jeruſalem. Chen thep worhipped God.
9 -And Hee fatd vnto them, Command the
gates of the citit to bce opened vnto mer, that J
már- gor feosth ta accompith the things which
ysn Baue poken to mee. Ho thep coimmauns
Ded she yong mento open vnto her, as ſhee had
Io Anè
Io And when they had done le. Judeth went
out, fee, and her maide with her, and the men of
the citie looked after her, untill hee was gone
Downe the mountaine, and till Hee had paſſed the
valley, and could fee her no moe, S-
It CHusthep wert ſtraight foorthin the val-
iey ann the felt watch of the Aſſyrians met ber,
12 Qudteoke ber, and afked her, OF what
people art thou? and whence commeſt thou?
and whither goet thou? And thee fapde, Jam
a woman of the Hebremes, and am fied from
Cem a for thep tall bee giuen pou to bee con⸗
13 And J come before Dlofernes the chiefe
faptaine of pour armie, to Declare him true
things, and J will meme before him the wap
whereby hee thall goe and winne all themoun-
taines without loſing the body o: life of any of his
14 Row when the men heard her words, and
bebeld hercountenance, they wondzed greatly at
þer beautie, and faid vnto her.
15 Thou hak ſaued thy life, in that thou baft
Hated to come Downe to the prcfence of our lozd:
now therefore come to his tent, and ſome of vs
Hall conduct thee vntill they haue deliuered thee
into bis hands. D 4
16 And when thon ſtandeſt befo him, bee
notafratde tn thine beart, but wewe tnta him
poste as thou batt to ſay, and hee will entreat
e well.
17 Then they chole out of them an hundzeth
men, and prepared a charet foz her and her
eat; and brought ber to the tent of Olo⸗
18 Then there was a running to and kro tho⸗
rowout the campe: fo: her comming was batted
sent the tents: and they came and ſtood round
about her: foz thee ood without the tent of Dlo-
—— nee they had Declared vnto hint concer:
19 Ana they maruciled at her beautie, and
wondered at the childzen of Jlcael,becaule of her,
and euery one faia vnto bis neighbour, Aho
would Deipile this people, that haue among them
tuch wemen? ſurely itis not geod that one man sf
them be left: foz ikthey Hould remaine, they might
deceiue the mole earth.
c20 Then VDioternes gard went ont, and all
bis feruants,and they brought her into the tent.
21 Nowe Diofernes reited vpon hisbed vn⸗
Det a canepie, which was wouen with purt»
ie ant golog and emeraudes, and pzectous
22 Dothey ſhewed him of her, and hee came
foo:th into rhe entry of his tent, and they carien
lampes of filucr befoze him.
23 And when Judeth was come before him
and his feruants, they all marwetled at the beau⸗
tic of her countenance, and thee fell Downe vpon
her face, and Did renerence vnto him, and bis (er=
uants tooke ber bp. i
1 Olofernes comforteth Iudeth, 3 and asketh the
itt) of her comming, § She decesweth bia by her faire
words. :
te fain Olofernes vnto ber, Homan bee
Of good comfort: fearg notin chine hearts foz
JT neuer hurt any that would (true Mabuchoya-
nolo: the king ofall the earth, v
_ 2 grow therefoze if thy people that dwelleth
in the mountaines, had not delpilen mee, $
would not bane lifted vp my ſpeare againũ
them è but thep haue procured thele things te
3 But now tell mee wherefore thon art aed
from them, and art come bute vs: foz thon are
come foz ſafegard: be of geod comfort, thou ſhalt
liue from this night and hereafter.
4 Fozꝛ none hall hurt thee, butintreate thee
weil,as they Doe the feruants of Ring Mabuche-
donolor my loz. di
S Then Judeth id onto him, Recetue the
wozds of thy ſeruant, and (ufer thine handmaide
to {peake in thy pzefence, and J wili Declare no lie
to my (020 this night.
6 Andifthou wilt follow the words of thine
bandmatde, God will bang the thing perfectly
to paffeby thee , and my lod allnot faile of his
purpofe. }
_7 As Nabuchodonoſoꝛ Hing of all the earth
liueth, and as bis power is of foce, who
bath fent thee to refozme all perlons, notonee
ip men Wall bee made fubtect to Him by thee,
but alfo the beaftes of the feldes, and thecat.
tell, and the foules of the heauen fhalt liue bp
be — vnder Nabuchodonoſoꝛ and all bis
8 Fez wee haue heard of thy wiſedome and
of thy pzudent (pirit, and it is Declared though
the whole earth , that thou onely art ercel>
lent in all the kingDome , and of a wonderfull
— a AnD in keates of warre maruei⸗
9 Now as concerning the matter which F-
thio: did (peake in thy countell,we haue heard his
words: fo? the men of Bethulia dtd take him, and
K — vnto them all that hee had ſpoken vn⸗
o thee.
Io Therekore, D lone and gonernour, tes -
tect not bis wezd, but fet itin thine heart, foz
it is true : foz there ts no puniſhment againt
our people , neither can the fwozde preuaile
againſt them, except they finne againſt their
> II Row therefore leſt my loꝛd ſhould bee fru·
ſtrate, and beide of his purpoſe, and that death
may fall vpon them, and that thep map bee taken
in their finne whiles they prouske their God to
anger, whichis lo off times as they Doe that which
ig not beleeming, É
12 (Foꝛ becaule their vitailes faile , and all
their water is wafted, they haue Determined ta
take theircattell, and bane pur poſed to conſume
all things that God had fozbwWden themto cate
by bis Lawes:
13 Dea, they haue purpofed to conſume the
firt fruites of the wheate, and the tithes ofthe
wine, and of the oyle which they Had referuca
and fanctifien for the Prieſtes that ſerue in Pery-
falem befoze the face of our Gov: the which things
i n latwfukfoz any of the people to touch with
heir hands.
14 Moꝛeouer, they bante fent to Jerufalem,
becaule they. allo that Bwell there. haue done the
like, fuch as fhoula bing them licence from the
@Menate) - *- P
Is Mow when they Hall ring them word,
they will Doe tt, and th ep Hall pee giuen thee y
HOr, hath
done well,
Gem. 435 33%
dan, 1. 8.
tobit, Ee BIs
be deſtroyed the fame day. |
16 Wiberefore J thine handmayd, knowing
all this , am fied from their prelence, and God
hath (ent me to worke a thing with thee, where»
all the earth (hal wonder, and wholeencr hal
eare it,
17 Foꝛ thy ſeruant feareth God, and woꝛſhip ·
peth the God of heauen Day and night,and now
tet me remaine with thee, my tozd, antier thy
leruant goe out tn the night into che valley, and
J wiil pꝛay puto God , that he may reueile vnto
me when they Mall commit their finnes,
~ I8 AndZ will come and thew tt vnto thee :
then thou talt goe foorth with all thine armie,
ch there Yall be none of them that Mall refit
19 And J willlead thee through the mindes
of Judea, vntillthou come before Jeruſalem,
and FZ wili fee thy tizone in the mids th: rof,and
thou hait Dame them as. fheepe that baue no
epheard, anda dogge haltnot barke with his V
mouth againt thee ; toz thele things haue beene
{poke vnto me; and declared bnto mee acto-
Ding tomy foreknowledge , and J am (ent to
fhew thee.
29 C Then her wozdes plealed Dlofernes,
and alt his (eruants , and they maruciled at her
wifedome,and fayd,
21 There ts not fiith a woman in all the
J—— foz beautte of face, and wiſedome of
ods. :
22. Likewile Diofernes fayd vnto her, God
bath Done this, tolendthee befoze the people,
that ttrength might be in our hands, ¢ deſtruc·
tion vpon them that deſpiſe mp lod.
23 And now thon art both beantifull in thy
countenance, and wittie in thy weds : furelpif
Shou Doc as thou halk (poken , thy God hall bee
my God , and thou palt dwell tn the boule of
sRabuchodonoloz, t Hale be renowned thaough ·
gut the whole earth,
CHA Ba ott.
2 Fudeth would not pollute herfelfe with the meat
ofthe Gentiles. 5 Shemaketh ber requeft that fhee
might goe out by night to pray. 11 Olofernes caufeth
Ber to come to the banquet. i
Ay iene t S tobzing her in where
bis Creates werelayd , and bade that thep
Hould prepare foz her of his owne meates , and
that fhe hould danke of his owne wine.
2 But Zudeth fAyd, * J may uot eate of
them, left there fhould bee an offence, but J
nin ies mp felfe with the things that J haue
3 Then Diofernes fayd vnto her, JF. the
things that thou bhatt, fouid faile, how wowa
we gine thee the like ? fo2 there is none with vs
of thy nation. :
‘4 Chenlayd Judeth vnto him. Asthy ſoule
liueth, my 1020, thine handmaid hall not {pend
thole things that 3 baue, vefoze the Lord worke
by — hand the things that be hath determi⸗
ne q
§ Then theleruants of Dlofernes bought
her into the tent, and the Nipt vntill midnight,
and arofe at the moming watch,
6. Qudfent toDioferncs, laying, Let m
pao command that thy handmaid map go fost
7 Chen Olofernes commanded His garde
that they henla not tay hers thuz thee abode
inthe campe thzee Dayes , and weilt out into the
nightinto che valley of Bethulia, and wafhed
Ne felfe ina tountaine, euen in the water bp the
8 And when the came ont, Hee prayed onta
the Lord God of Firael , that Yee would direct
Her way tothe exaltation ef the chitdzen of her
9 Ho thereturned,and remained pure in the
tent, vntill fhe ate her meat at euening.
Io @Andin the fourth day Dlofernes made
afrat to hisowne leruantsonclp, and called
none of them tothe banguet, that bad the at>
faires in band.
Il Chenfatdheto Bagoas the eunuch who
ad charge over allthat bec jad , Hoe anv pere
Wade this Hebrew woman, which ts with chee,
that fhe come vnto vs and cate and Dginke with
12 Foꝛ it were a Game fo: ts, if we houtd let
fuch a waman alone, and not talke with ber,
and tf we Doe not allure her, the will mocke vs,
3 Then went Bagoas fram the peelence of
Dlofcrnes,and came to ber, aud fais, Lee net
this fatrematde make Difficulty to goe in to mp
lord, and tebe honoured in bis peefence, and ta-
Dinke wine with vs topfuily, and te bee intrea-
ted as one of the Baughters of the chilazen of
ct edhe rematue tn the boule of Nabucho⸗
14 Chen {aid Judeth onto him , Cibo am J
now, that J Houtd gaine ſay my loꝛd? Gurely
whatloeuer plealeth bim, J wiil do ſpeedily and-
tt hall be my top vñto the Day of my Death.
15 Ho Hee aroſe and trimmed her with gare
ments, and with all the oxnaments of women,
and bermat went, and ſpread foorth Her (kins
an the ground oucragainit Ziofernes, which
thee had receiued of Bagoas foz ber dayly vie,
that the might fit and eate vpon them,
16 . Mowe when Judeth camie and fate
Downe, Diofernes Heart was rauiſhed with
ber, and ber (pirtt was mooued, and hee deſired
greatly her company: fo hee had’ waited foz the
time to deceiue ber fromthe Dap that hee had
17 Then laid Diskcrnes gnto her, Deinke
now atid be merp with vs.
18 So Judeth fatd, J Dinke now, my loꝛd,
becaule my ſtate ts exalted this day more then
euer tt was ſince J was bane
19 Then the tooke,¢ ate, and manke before
him the things.that ber maid had prepared.
20 And Diofernes retopced becaule of her,
and Dank much moze wine then he had Munke-
at anp time in one Dap fince he was bozne,
* Iudeth prayeth for ſtrength. 8 She ſimitethoſ
Olofernes neche. 10 Shereturnethto Bethulia and
resoyceth her peoples
N2» tohen the enening wae-come , his fera
i Nuants made halte to Depart . and Bagoas
hut his tent without, and difinifled thole that
were peefent, from the pzelence of bis led; and
they went to their beds; for they were all weary
becaule the feat had beene long, Mig
f Apocrypha.
Ecclus 34.
20, 25.
2 And Tudeth was lekt alone in the tent,and
Dilofernes was ttretched along vpon his bed:
for We Was filled mich * wine.
How Judeth bad commaunded ber
maya to tand without hee chamber, and to
wait for ber comming foorth as thee nia daply:
fo: fhe fapd, the would goe faorth te her prayers,
ou ue {pake ta Bagoas acceding to the fame
4 So all went foorth inbher prelence, and
fone was lettin the chamber neither little nor
great: then Judech ſtanding by his bed, fain in
ber beart, D Lord Gon of allpomer, behold at
this pzelent the works of mine hands forthe exe
altation of Jerufalem, PLS IAA
"S ‘$02 now ts thetime to helpe thine inbe»
ritaace, and toerecute mine enterpatles, tothe
— of the enenfies which are riſen a-
nit vs,
6 Then Khe cameto the po of the hen, which
Anas at Diefernes head, and teoke Downe bis
fauchin fromtgence, :
- 7. Any approcied to the bed, and tooke Hold
of thebatre of bis head , and lapa , Strengthen
me, D Lord Gov of Hlrael chis day. i
And he mote twile vpon bis necke with
a ber might,and the teoke away bis bead front
9 And rollen his bony Downe from the bed,
and pulled Downe the canopfefrom the pillars,
and anon after He went koorth, and gaue Dlo»
fernes head to her mato.
10 And fhe put it inber ſcrippe of meate: fo
hep twatne went together accozding to their
cuſtome vnto paper, and preafling through the
tents, went about by that valley , and went up
the mountatie of Bethulia, and came to the
Sates thereof. ;
-H O Chen fayd Judeth a farre of to the
watchmen at the gates, Dpen now the gate:
God, cuen our God is with vs to ſhew his power
petin Jerufalem, and bis force againit his eng:
niles as he hath euen done this day. _
12 Mow when che men of her citie heard
Hervoyce, they made hatte to goe Downe fo the
ont thetr citie, and they called the Ciders of
e city.
13 And they ranne altogether both fal ana
reat: fo it was aboue their expectation, that
eihoula come: So theyopencd the gate eres.
ceiued ber, and made a fire fo: alight,and Roon
round about them twaine. j j
14 Then Khe fayd to them with aloud voice,
Hꝛapyſe God,pratle God: foz hee hath not taiten
away his mercy from the boule of Iſrael, but
bath —— our enemies by mine bands thig
I5 Ho ſhee tooke the head out of the fcripye,
ano ſhewed it, and ſayd vnto them, Beholde
the head of Oloternes, the chiefe captatne of
the armie of Aflur, and bebaide the canopie,
wherein he did le in his Dzynkennelie , and the
Lod hath ſmitten him by the hand of a wo.
16 Gs the Lord liueth, who hath kept mee in
my way that F went, my countenance hath De-
ceiued bim to his deſtruction, and hee hath not
committed inae withinee by any pollution pz
17 When althe people were wonderfully aſto⸗
MHD, and bowed themſelues, and workip>
ped Goh, and ſayd with oneaccad, Bleſſed hee
thou, D our God, which hat this dap beng he
to ye — thé enemies of thy people.
18 Chen fain Dias vnto ber, D daughter,
bleſſed art how ot the molt high God aboue all
the women of the earth,and biefled be the Lord
God , which hath created the heauensand the
varth, which bath directed thee tothe cutting of
ofthe bead of the chiefe of our enemies.
Ig Ducelp this thine bape fhall neuer Bepart
out ofthe hearts ofimen: Fo: thep Halt rememe
ber the power of God foz euer:
“20 And God tutne theſe things to thee fs: a
perpetual! peaple, and vilite chee with good
things, becaule thou hat not (pared thp lite, bee
cauſt of the affliction of our nation, but thou
bat holpenour cutne , walking a tratght wap
e in God. Aud ali the people (apd, Go bs
yD Be it.
s Ludethcaufethto hang vp the head of Olofer=
nex. 10 Achior ioyneth himſelfe tothe people of Gods
11 The Iſtaelites goe out cgainft the Afyrians.
T Hen ſayd Judeth vnto them. Meare me alle
my brethren,and * take thts bead, and bang
it vpon che bighett place ef pour walles.
2 And to fone. as the moning thal aps
peare,and the Quine Hall come forth vpon the
earth, take poucuety one bis weapons, and
goe koorth euery valiant iman outol the cities
and ſet pou a captaine ouer them, as though
you would goz downe into theficloe, toward:
we watch of the Aſſyrians, but -goe not
odone. 3
3 Then thep Hall cake their armour, e Halk:
go into their campe, aud raile vp the captaines
ofthe armie of A Rur, and they hall runue to the
tent of Diofernes, but Hail not inde him: ther:
feare Wall fall vpon them, and they Wall tice bee
fore pour face. - CAH
4 Ho vou and all thatinhabite the coaſts of
Plcael Hall purſue them, and ouerthzow then
ae they gal. i
§ But before you Doe thele things, call mee
chio: the Ammonite that hee map (ee, t knew
hin that deſpiſeth the boule of Iſxacl, and that
lent him ro vs as to Death.
6 Then they called Achiozout of the houſe
of D3tas, and when hee was comeand faw the
head of Dlofernes tu a certaine mans hand in
the afernbly of the people, bee fell downe on bis
face,and his {pirtt fatled.
7 Bucwhen thep had taken hint bp, hee fell.
at Judeths feete, aud reucrenced yer, and ſayd,
Bleſſed art thouinall the Tabernacle of Juda,
and tr all nations, which bearing thy name,
ſhalbe afontihed.
8 Mow therefore tefl mee all the thinges,
that thou bat Bone in theſe dayes. Then Hus)
Deth Declared vnto hun in the mids of the pros
ple, all that the bad Done fromthe Day that thee
ee » ontil thathoure thee Pake vnto
them. * J
: 9 Andwhen ſhee had left oe (peaking, the,
people reioyced with a great voyce, AND made a;
nople of gladneſſe through thetr citie
Io And Achtoz, ſeems all things that Gen;
GoD vntai-,
; legued f
y Done fo: Iſcael, belet edie
2. Mat. 15.
nevly,and circumtiſed the forcfkin of bia fet,
and was topned vnts the houle of Iſrael puto
this Bay. 2
H @ Affoone as the moꝛning arefe, they han»
ged the bead of Diofernes out at the wall. and
enerp man toske his weapons, and they went
forth by bands vnto the traits of the montatine.
12 But when the Aflyztans fawe theni, they
fent to their captatnes, which went to the go»
— and chiefe captaines, and to all their
13 So they came to Dlofernes tent,and aid
to bun that had the charge of al bts things, aa-
ken our Lod: for the fanes haue bene bolne to
tome Dawne againit bs to battel, that they map
be deſtroyed Foz euer., -
14 Then went in Bagoas, and knocked at
the doore of the tent ; for he thought that be ban
Rept with Judeth. 3
Is But becauſe none anfwered, he opened it,
and weint into the chamber, and found him cat
bpon the flooze,t his bead was taken from him.
16 Cherefoze he cried with aloud voice, with
weeping and mourning, and a mightte cric,and
rent bis garments. '
17 After,he wet into the tent of Judeth where
fhe bieo to rematuc,and found ber not ; then be
leaped out tothe people, and cried,
18 Thef: aues haue committed wickednes:
one woman of thetpcbzews hath brought ame
spon the boule of Ring Mabuchodonolo2 : foz
bebolde,Dlofernes lierta vpon the ground with.
out an head.
19 Chen the captaines ofthe Aſſyrians are
mie heard thele words, they rent their coats,and
their heart was wonderfullptroubled,and there
Was a crie and avery great noiſe thozowout the
€H A&P. XV,
1 The Affyrians are afraidvand flee. The Ffraelites
purfsethem. 8 Isaciathe hie Prieft commeths9 Be-
thulato fee Iudeth and to prai fe God for her,
A2 D when they that were in the tents,
Hears, tiep were aſtoniſhed at thething that
twas Done. i
2 And feare and trembling fel ppon them, fo
that-there was noman that Burt abide in the
fight of bis neighbour : but altogether amazed,
they fled bp encry way of the plapne and of the
snountaines, _
3 Thep allo that had camped inthe meun-
tains round about Bethulia, were put to flight;
then the chiidzen of Iſrael, ceuery one that wasa
warriour ameng them, ruled ont vpon them.
4 Then ſent Duas to Bethomaſthem, and
te Scbat,and Chobai, and Chola.and to all the
coaſts of Iſrael luchas Gould declare vntothem
the things that were Done, ¢ that all ould rut) i
fo2th vpon their enemies to deſtroy them:
5 Mowe when the children of Jltact heard
it, they all fell vpon them together vnto Choba
Lkewiie allo they that came fro Jerufalem, and
from all the mountatnes: for men bad telathem
tobat things were Done in the campe of their e⸗
nemies , andthey that wercin Galaad, and in
Galile chalked them with a great ſaughter, vn⸗
fill oe came to Damaſcus, and to the coaftes
Chap.xv. XVI.
6 Andtherelone thar dwelt at Bethulia felt
Spon the camp! of Aiur, and {poplea them, and
Were greattp enriched.
And the childrenok Iſrael thatreturnen
from the Aaughter,bad theret, and che villages
and the cities that werein the mountaines ana
tn the plaine, bada great bootie, foz the abun⸗
Dance was bery great.
8 Chen Foactm the hte Piet, and the ancis
entsof the chitdzen of Iſrael that draelt in Zee
rulaicm, came to confirme the benctits that Gen
had ſhewed to Iſrael, and to (ce Judeth, and to
lalute her.
9 And when they came vnto her, they bleſſed
ber with one accozd,and ſaid tnta her, Thou art
the ecaltationot Jerufalem; thon art the great
glorvof Jiracl; thowart the great retopcing of
our nation.
lo ‘Chou hak done all thele things by thine
hand: thon batt Done much good to Jiraci, ana.
God is pleafed therewith; bleed be thou of the
almighty Lord foz cucrmoze; and all the people
ſayd, So be it,
II Qnothe people ſpoyled the campe the (pace
of thirtteDapes,and thep gaue nto Judeth Dios
fernes tent, and all Dis liluer, and beds, and bas
lins,and all his ſtuffe, and ſhee tooke it, and layd
it on her mules and made ready ber charets.and
layd them thereon.
12 Then all the women of Iſrael came toges
ther to fee ber and bleſſed her and made a Dance
among them fo} her, and fye tooke byanches tn
her hand, and gaue all tothe women thar were
With bey,
3 Eit alfo crowned her with oltues.and her
that was with ber,and He went befoze thepeople
in che dance, leading all the women: and all the
men of Iſrael followed tn their armour, with.
crownes,ond with ſongs in their mouthes.
Iudeth praifeth God with a fang. 19 She offretheo
the Lord Olofernes fluffe. 23 Her continencie,ife and
death, 25 AL Jfrael lamenteth ber.
Hen Indeth began this confeffionin all Iſra·
el, and allrhe propie fang this long witha
loude noice.
2 Sno Judeth apd, Beginne ynta my God
with tymbzeis: fing to ny £020 wiih cymbals: -
tune vutobima Pſalme: cralt his paile, ana
call spon bts Ma
3 Sor God breaketh the battels, and pitched-
hiscampeltn the mids vf bts people, and deliue⸗
red me out of the band of the periecuters.
4 Qflur came from tie mountaines foort
of rhe Mozsth: bee came with thouſands tn his
atmie, *whofe multitude bath Gut vp the rí-
uers, and their horlemen haue conered the val⸗
§ Hee ſayd that hee wou burne ty mybo:
Ders, and kill mp pong men with the ſword, and
Dah the fucking chilozen againt the ground, .
and make mine infants as e. pay, and sip vir⸗
gins atpoyie.
6 But the almighty Lord bath bꝛought thens .
to en bp the Hand of a woman,
0} the mightie didnot fall-bythe poung.
men, neither DiD the fonnes of Gitan {mite .
bim, noz the bish Giants innade —
© pfl 33.9»
Judeth the Daughter of Merari Lid difcemtit
bim by the beautte ofher countenance.
Fo: the putoffthe garment of her witow:
hoon, foz the exaltation of thole that were op-
pelea tn Iſraet, and anopnted ber face with
ointment, and bound vp ber haire in a cotfe,and
tooke a linnen garment to Deceine him,
9 Wer (tppers rauiſhed his eyes: her beauty
tooke bis mind petloner, and the fauchin paſſed
thozew bis necke. 1
To Che Perlians were aſtoniſhed at her bold-
peman theyBenes were troubled with ber hare
_ Ii Butmingafficted reiopced, and my feeble
Dnes outed; then thep feared, thepiiftea vp
their voice, and turned Dacke,
12 The chtldzen of mains pearced them, and
wounded theim as they fled away like children:
thep periſhed by the batteliof the Lod,
13 3 will fing unto the Lord a (ong and paile,
D Loz, thou art great € glosious, marucilous
and inutncible in power. l
14 Wetalithp creatures ſerue thee: * foz thou
ait (poken,and they were made : thon halt {ent
thy Wirit, and Hee made them bp: and therets
none that cancel thy voice.
I5 Foꝛ the mountaynes leape bp from their
foundations with the waters: therocks meltat feg. ae
24 And * the honfe of Iſrael lamented ber ſe· Gem soa.
thy prelence like ware: vet thou art mercifull ta
themthatfeare thee. — i
16 Foz allfacrifice is too little for a ſweet ſa⸗
uour.and all the fat ts too little foz thy burnt of
fering: but be that feareth the Lod, ts great at
all times, :
17 io tothenations that rile yp againſt mp
kinred: the Lord Almighty will take vengeance
of therm inthe vay of indacuittit, in fending fire
and wormes vpon therr iem, and they Hall feeie
them and weepe foz euer. à
18 @ Akter when thep went vnto Jerufalem,
they worſhipped the Lord, and as foone as the
eaple were purified, they offered their burne of-
erings, and their free offerings, and their —
Ig Judeth allo ofred all the kuke of Dloter-
nes, which the people bad giuen ber, and gaug
the canopie which he bad taken of dis bed, fog
an oblation tothe Lozd. ;
20 So the people reioyced in Jerufatem by
the Sanctuary fo: the {pace of thaee moneths,
and Judeth rematned with chem. ’
21 After this time, euery one returned to bie
ownetiberttance,t JuBeth went te Berhulta,
and remayned in her owne pofleflion, ¢ was foz
bet time honourable in all the countrep.
22 And many Delired her, but none had hee
company allthe Dates of her life,after that Pa-
natles her buiband was Dead, and was gathered
toll bis people. $
23 But iheeincreated moze and moze in ho:
Nout, and wared olde in her hulbands houle,be-
ing anbundzeth ant fine peereolde, and made.
her mayd frees (o he Dyed in Wechulia,andebey
buried ber in the graue of ber bulband Manal⸗
uen Dayes, and before (he Died, fhe Did diſtribute
ber goods to al chem that were neereft of kinrea
to Manalſes her hulband, € to them that were
the neerett of her kinred.
25 Gnd there was none that made the chil
Or, hera 2 e⸗
le. o
Menot Iſrael any mae aftayd in the dayes cf
Judeth, no: along timg after per death.
Certaine portions of the ftorie of Efther, which are
foundin fome Greeke and Latine tranflations:
which follow the tenth Chapter.
4 Den Wardocheus (aid, God
l} bath Done thele things.
a § Foꝛ 3 remeber a peame,
3 which J law cocerning thele
<} Matters , and there was no-
OA. thing thereof omitted.
—Sbecame a flood, and wasa
light,and as the funne, and as much water, this
ood was Cither whom the King marricd,and
made Mueenc.
7 And the two Dzagons are J and Aman.
3 And the people are thev that ave aſſembled
to Deftrop the name of the Jewes.
9 And my people ts Iſrael. which tried to
God, and are faued : for the Lo2d hath ſaued bis
people, and the Low hath delivered vs from all
theſe euils, and Ged hath wroughe lignes and
great wonders, which haug not bene Done a=
mong the Gentiles.
10 Cherefore hath he made two lats, one fo
the people of God g another fo: all the Gentiles,
IL And thele two lots came before Gon foz
all nations atthe boure and tune appointed , €
án the Day ov iudgement.
© A little fountaine which.
12 So Godremembzed his owne people, ans
tuftified his inheritance.
13 Therefore thole Dayes ſhalbe onto themin
the moneth Adar the fourcteenth and fifteenth
Day of the fame moneth , withan aſſembly ana
ioy, and with gladnefle before God, according te
the generations foz euer amang bis people.
Je the fourth yeere of the retane of [Ptoleniens
and Cleopatra Dolitheus, who ſaid he was a
Priel Leuite, and Ptolemeus his fonne that
brought the former letters oft Phꝛurai, which y Or, lors.
the faine Lpfiniachus the fonne of Ptolomeus
which wasat Ferulalem, interpreted,
2 Jn the lecond peere of the reigne of great
Artaverres,in the fir day of the moneth Ris
fan, Wardocheus the foune of Jarus, the tonne
Heniet, the fonneofCisok the tribe of Benia»
min had adzeames 3
3 AIcw dwelling in the citie of Gufis, a
noble man, that bare office in the kings court.
4 ce was allo one of the captiuitte which:
Nabuchodonoſoꝛ the king of Babylon arr
Efther 2.25.
and 6.2.
Zofeph an-
tig. bA 1,
i Cap.6,
from Jernfatem with Jechonias.
5 MAnBthts was hisdeame, Bebeld, a noyle
of a tempett with thunders € carthquakes, and
bpe in the land.
Behode two great Deacons come loorth
teady to fight one againſt another.
7 Thete crte was great, whereby all the hea⸗
ene ERE ready to fightagaint the rightcous
8 Andthe fame day was full of darkenefſe
and obſcuritie, and trowble, and gnguilh : pea,
——— and great afilittion was vpon the
carte. : j h : !
9 #02 then the righteous fearing their afflic>
tions, were amazed, and being ready te Die, cited
pnto God. 1] f
Io Aud while they were crying, the litle mel
grew into agreatriner, and flowed ouer mith
great waters.
It The light ¢ the ſunne role pand the low-
iy wereeralted and deuoured the glogious,
12 Row when Mardocheus yaa ſeene thts
Dreame, hee awoke and role vp, and thought in
bis beart vntill the might, what God would Dog,
gud (a he Delivecd te know all the matter
: A T thelame time dwelt Mardochens inthe
Kings Court with Bagathas and Chara,
the Kings eunuches and keepers of the palace.
2 * But when he heard thee purpole, € their
imaginations, bee percetucd that they went a-
bout telay their bands bpon p king Artaxerxes,
and ſo hecertifies the king thereot.
3 Chencauled the King to examine the two
eunuches with tozments,and whenthey bad con
felled tt, they were putto death, f
4. This the King caufed to be put in the
Cortes WPardocheus allo wote the ſame
thing. ;
s So the king commanded that Mardoche·
us ould remaine inthe Court. and tozthe ad
wertifinent be gane hima reward, i
6 But’'Ainan the fonue of Amadathus the
Agagite, which mas in great honour aud repu»
tation wrth the Ring, went about to hurt Mars
Docheusany his peaple. becauleot the twa gua
nuches ot the king thatwere put to death.
1 Thecopie ofthe leters of Artaxerxes againft
the-lewet, 8 The prayer of Mardocheus.
T ine copie of the Letters was this, Whe great
King Artarecres wꝛiteth thele thingesto the
princes & gouernours that are vnder him from
Judia vnto Ethiopia inan hundreth and ſeuen
and twentie ppoouinces.
2 MAhen J was made lorde ouer many peo-
ple, and had ſubdued the whole earth vntõ my
dominion, J would not egalt my felfe byche
reafowofmy potwer , but purpoſed with equitie
alway, and gentlenefie, to gouerne my fubtects,
and vꝛholy to fet them in a peaccable tife, and,
thereby to bring my kingdome vnto tranquillte
tie, that men might fafely go thorow on cuerp
fide, and torenew peateagainc, whtchalimen
Delve —* S ags!
ow when. Falken my connbellers howe,
Chap. xij. xifj.,
thek thimes might be brought to paſſe, one that
was Conucelant with vs of excellent wiledenre,
and conſtant in good will, and thewed himlelfe
tobe of (urefidglitic, which had the fecond place
in the kingdome, euen Amen,
4 Detlared vuto vs, that in all nations
there was ſcattered avroade a rebellious peos
pie, that haa lawes contrary to all people,
and haue alway defiled the conunaundements
of Kings, andiothat this general Empire, that
we gane begunne, cannot bee goucrned without
ence. :
5 Seeing nowe twee perciue that this peos
ple alone are altogether contrary vnto cuerp
man, viing trange and other maner of lawes.
and Haning an euill opinion of our Doinges,
and goz about to kablih wicked matters,
that our kingdome ſhould not come to goon
es f
6 - Therefore baue wee commaunded thae
ali they that are appoynted tn waiting unta pou
by Aman (which ts ordeined duer the affaires,
ai isas ourlecond father) Wall all with cheit
wues and children bee deſtroyed and rootea
out with the Cworde ef their enemics without
all mercie, and that none bee (pared the fourc⸗
teenth Day of the tweltth moneth Adar of thts
peere, :
7: Chat they which ok old, and now allo baue
euer beene rebellious, may mone Day with bios
ience be thauft Downe into the hell, tothe intent
that afterthis tune our affaires may be torthout
troubles and wellgonerned in all points,
Chen Mardocheus thought vpon all the
wobe of Cie Lord, and made His prayer unte
hum, t pig
9 Bayiie,D Low, Lord, the king almigh·
tle (fezail things aretnthypower) and if thou
pall appointed to faue Iſrael, there is no man
that can withftand thee.
Io Fo thou bait made heauen aud earth, and
ali the wondzous things vnder the heauen.
IL Chon art Lopdofalithings, and thereig
no man that can reſiſt thee, which art the Loza,
12 Thou knowelt ali things, and thou kion
eft, Lode, that it was neither of nialice, ne?
prefumiption ; noz fog any delire of gtorp that
4 DiD this, aun not bow Downe ta ponde
mat. ;
13 Fo J would hane beene content with
good will foz che faluation of Iſxael to haue
Kilſed the (ole of bis feete.
14 Bue J did it, becaule J would not prefer
the honour of aman aboue the glory of Good,
and would net worſhip any but onely thee, mp
Lozd, and this haue Jl not Done of pide.
Ig And therefore, D Lod Goo and King,
haue mercy vpon thy people: for thepiimagine
howe they may bring vs to nought, pea, thep
Would deſtroy the inheritance, that haty bene
thine fron: the beginning. —J
I6 Delpile not the partion which thou haſt
deltuered out of Gaypt for thine owue felfe.
9 Heare my. prayer, and bee mercifull vn·
to thy portion : turne our {o2r0m into toy,
that wee may line, D
O20, and patie thy
Name ; Hut not the mouthes ofthe that paie
thee. RS
18 All Iſrael in like maner cried moſt cave
neip vito the Lod, becaule hat death was bee
fore their eyes. ‘a $4 sis
| f Apocrypha.
The prayer of Efher for the deliuerance of her,
and her yeeple, s
Cleene Either alfo, being in Danger of
2— reſorted vnto the Lod,
2 And layd away her gloztens apparell, and
put on the garments of lighing, and mourning.
‘An the ead of precious oyntnient, (hee ſcattered
alhes and Dung vpon her head:and he humbled
Her body greatly with faking,and all the places
e. er — Hiled the with che baire that He pluc⸗
eD off. :
3 And thee prayed vnto the Lord God of Iſ⸗
racl, laying, D my Lo2d,thou onelp act our king:
belp me Delolate woman, which haue no helper
ut thee.
4 Foꝛ my danger is at hand. i
§ From my pouth vp J yaue heard tn the kin-
red of my father, that thou, D Lod, tookeſt Iſ⸗
ratl from among all people, and cur fathers
from their predeteſſors for a verpetuall ingert-
tance, and thou hat performed that whish thou
dideſt promile then.
6 Mowe Lorde, wee haue finned before thee:
therefore bak thou given vs into the handes of
our enemies, $ è
7 Becauie twee worhipped their gans: D
£020, thou art righteous.
8 Meuertheletie, it latilfies them not, that
wee are in bitter captiuitie: but they hane tros
ken hands with thetr idoles, Uy
9 Abat they willabolth the thing that thou
With thy mouth hat ordered, and deLroyp thine
inheritance, to ſhut vp the mouth ofthem that
pratfe thee, and to quench the glozp of the Tem-
ple, and of thine altar,
IO And toopenthe mouthes of the heathen,
that they may pratle the power oftie idoles ana
to magnifie a fiethly king fo? ewer.
Ir DiLowwe, gtue not thy Cepter vnto them
that be nothing, teat they laugh vs to ſcoꝛne in
our milerte : but turne their deuile vpon thent>
flues, ana make himan example, that bath bee
gun the fame agaimi vs.
12 Thinke vpon ns, D Lorde, and Hew thy
- felfe vnto vs in the time of our diſtreſſe, and
—— me, D king of gods, and Lode of all
. 13 Giueme an eloquent {peech in my mouch
befoze the Lion : turne bis beart te hate our enga
sic, to deſtroy him, and all fuch as cönlent vnto
14 But deliuer vs with thine hand, and helpe
sme at am folttary, which haue no Defence but
onely thee.
15 Chou knotoett all things, D Lode; thou
knowelt, that J bate the glory ofthe vnrighte-
ous, and that J abjozre the bed of the vncirtum ·
ced, and ofallthe heathen.
16 Chouknowett my neceflitic: for J hate
this token of mp preeminence, which J beare
ponm bead, whattimeas J mutt ſhewe mp
fclf, and that J abbezre it as a meniſtruous cloth,
and that J weare tt not when Zam alone bp mp
17 Andthat J thine handmalſd hene not ea»
senat Amans table, and that J bane bad no
pleafure in the kings feat, noz Munke the wine
of the drinke offerings, P
18 Andthat FZ thine handmaide haue no io
Hace the Dap that 7 was bꝛought hither vnt
this day, but in thee, D Lord God af Abꝛaham.
19 D than nightie Gon aboue all, beare the
boyce of them that haue none other hope,and dee
liner vs out of the hand of the wicked, and elie
uer me out of ity feare.
1 Mardocheus maoueth Efther te goe into the king,
and make interceffion for her people, 9 And fhe per-
formeth ins requeſi.
Manro alfo bade Ether to goe in bnto
the Ring, and pray foz Her peoplt, and fog
ber conntrey,
2 Remember, fapth hee,the dayes of thy low
eftate, howe thon walt nourtihhed vnder mine
hand : foz Aman which is next vnto the King,
bath ginen fentence of neath againt vs.
3 Galthou therefore upon the Lord, x ſpeaka
fo? vs unto the king, and Deliuer vs from Beathe
4 Qndvponthe third Day when ee had ens
Ded Her prayer, Helayd away the mourning gare
Ments,and put on Her glorious appareil,
§ And decked her felfe goodly, after that fhe
had called vpon God, which ts the beholder and
peer of all things, tteoke twe handmaids
tth ber.
6 Gporthe ene thee leaned her ſelfe, as one
that was tender.
7 And the other followed her, and bare the
traine offer veture.
8 The ſhine ok her beautie made her face roſe
coloured; and ber face was cheercfull t amiable
but ber heart was ſoꝛrowtuli foz great feare.
9 Then Hee went in thozow all the doores,
and ood before the King, and the Ring fate np»
on Hts ropall thone, € twas clothed in bis goed
aray, all glittering with gold ¢ precious kones,
and he was yery terrible.
10 Chen hee life vp his face that Hone with
maieſtie, and looked fiercely vpon ber: therefoze
the Queene fell Bowne, and was pale and faint,
and leaned herfetfe vpon the bead of the mapde
that went with ber. i
II Qeuertheles, God turned the kings minde
that bee was gentle, wo being carefull, leaped
ont of bis thzone,and tooke ber in bis armes, tiil
fhe came to herielfe againe: and comforted hes
With louing words, and (aid,
12 Elther, what isthe matter? J am thy bro»
ther,be of good cheere,
13 Thou ait not die: foronrcommaundes
ment toucheth the commons, enot ther. Cone
14 And fohe held vy his golden ſcepter, and
lapo it vpon bet necke, 3
15 And kiſſed her, and faid, Talke with me,
16 Then faid thee, J faw thee , D lozd,as an
angel of God, and mine heart was troubled fog
feare of thy maieſtie.
17 Fer wonderfullact thou, D lod, and thp
face is fullof grace.
18 And as thee was thus (peaking vato hint,
fhe fell Downe againe foz faintneffe. i
19 Then the King was troubled, and all his
ſeruants comtoꝛted ber. -
The copie of the letters of Artaxerxes, whereby hee
rewoketh thofe which be Grft fent forth,
Tafeph. Ane.
ifa. 56.1.
Deut 4.2
op beset Ring Artaxerres, which reigneth
rem Jndta vnte Ethiopia, ouer an bun»
Dieth and ſeuen and twenty proutnces, fendeth
onto the pinces anbrulers that bane the charge
of our affatres, Salutation.
2 There be many that through the goobnes
of Pꝛintes and Honour giuen vnto chem, btcome
bery proud,
3 Andendeauour not onely to hurt our fub-
tects,but not content to liue fn wealth, Boe allo
imaging deſtruction againſt thole that do them
4 And take not onelp all thankefulnes away
from men,but in pride and prelumption,as the
that be pumindful of benefits, they thinke to ef»
cape the vengeance of Gon, that ieerh al things,
and is contrary to euih,
§ Andoftentimes many, which be (et tn of
fice, and vnto tuhom their friendes caules are
committed, by Saine intifements doc waappe
tbem in calamities, that cannot bee remedied :
e thep make them partakers of innocent
6And deceitkully abnie the fimplicity anv
gentleneſſe of princes with tying tales.
ay Chis may bee prooned not onelp bp olde
bittoztes , but allo bp thole things that are be-
fore our eyes, and are wickedip committed of
pa peftilences as are not wezthie to beare
8 Wherfare we munt take heen hereafter that
wee may make the kingvome peaceable foz all th
men, what change euer Hall come,
9 And Bilcerne the things that are before our
eyes, to twiihitand them with gentlenes.
Io fo Aman, å Macedonian, the fone of
Amadathus, being indeed a Lranger from che
Perfians blood, and farce fram our goodnelic,
twas tecetued of vs, . ;
Ir And hath pooued the friendſhip that wee
beare toward all nations, lo that bee was callen
our father, was honoured ofcucry man, as the
nert peron vnto the king. s A
12 But Hee could not vhe himſelfe foberly in
this great Dignity, but went about te Depziue bs
ofthe kingdome, and of onr life.
13 City manifold deceit allo hath he deliren
Chap. j.
to deſtroy Mardocheus pees » which
hath Done vs good in alithings, and innocent
chet partaker of onr kingdome, with al
r nation.
14 Foz his minde was (when bee had taker
theim out of the wap) to lap wait fez vs,¢ by thts
meanes to tranflate the kingbome of the Periie
ans vnto them of Macedonia.
Ig But we find that che Jewes (which were
acculedof this molt wicked ma that thep might
es —— no enil Boers, but vſe moſt wit
16 Aub that they be the children of the molt
Dish and Almightie and euerliuing God, by
wyame the kiugdome hath bene preſerued vnto
vs, and ont progenitors in bery good ower.
_ 17 Cabertoze ye hall do weli, if pe De not put
inerecution thofe letters that Aman the ſoñ of
Amavathus did write vnto pou.
13 for bee that tauented them, bangeth at
Sulis before the gates wich all his familie»
and God ( which bath all things in bts pow⸗
er ) bath ipcedtly remarded him after his Defers
uing. j
19 Wherefore pe ſhallpubliſh the copy of this
letter tn ali places, that the Fewesniay freely
ltuc after their owne lawes.
20 And pee thall apde chem, that vpon the
thirteenth Bay of the cmweifth moneth ABar,
thep map bee auenged of than, which in the
time of their trouble would bane oppefica
21 Foz Almighty Gow hath tarned to toy the
la the cholen propie Houls haue perte .
22 Moꝛeoner, among other ſolemne dayes,
pe ſhall keepe this Dap wity all gladnefe,
23 That both now and in time to come , this
Day may bee a remembance of Delinerance tog
vs and al (uch as leue the proſperity of the ere
fians, but a remembzance of deſtruction te thoe
that be leditious ynte vs. g
24. Therefore all cities and countreyes that
Doe nor this, hall horribly bee deſtroyed with
{word and fire, and thal not onely not bee inha⸗
bitco of men, but hee abhorred allo of the wilde
beats and foules foz cuer.
The Wifedome of Salomon.
a Plow we ought to fearch and enquire after God.
a Who bethe thofethat find him. 5 The holy Ghoft.
8 r1 We ough: to flee from backebiting and murmu-
ving. 12 Whereof death commeth. 15 Righteou/-
nefe and unrighteoufnefe.
spo Due” righteonmeRe , pee that be
Ve) Judges of the carth : chinke res
m uerentlp ofthe Lo2d , and ſeeke
¢ imix fimplicitte ofheart,
h) 2 *Fozrbe wil be found of them
® that tempt him not, and appea-
ch as be not wnfaithfull onto him.
3 For wicked thoughts ſeparate from God:
and his power when it ts tryed, reproucth the
4 Becaule wiſedome cannot enter into a
wicked heart, nor dwell in the bodie that is fube
tect vato finne. ;
his iniquitics,
5 Fo: the holy * Spirit of difcipline fleeth
from Deceit, aud withdraweth himſelte froni
the thoughts that are without vnderſtanding,
and is rebuked wher wickednefle commeth,
6 Fozrthe ſpirit of witedome * ts loning,and
will not ablolue him, that blafphemeth with bis
lips : foz God ts a witnelle of his reines , anda
oe ofhis heart, and an bearer of the
ongue. j
7 Jo the (pirit of the Loz filleth all the
world: ethe fame that maintaineth all chings
hath knowledge of the voyce. ;
8 Therefore hee that (peaketh pnrighteous
things, cannot bee hid: neither hall the tudge-
ment of repzoch let him eſcape.
9 Sor tnquilition Wali bes made foz the
thoughts of the vugedly , aut the found ot his
woꝛds Hall cane vnto God foz the cozrection of
Cert 2 10 foz
Lere.4.2 By
Deut. 4.23,
Ezek. 18.23,
And 33. 11.
a To wit,
asd 14:1.
ECO, 15,32
thap. 5.9.
Ifa. 22.23.
4nd 56.12.
3,607415. 32
Uapyeth the foule.
righteouſnes baingeth Death. —
TO Foꝛ the cave ot telouſie heareth alithings,
and the noyſe of ye grudgings ſhall not be hid.
IL Therefore beware ot murmuring, which
profitety nothing , erefratne pour tongue from
‘Lander: kor there ts no wow fb ſecret, that Mall
ot for nought, € the mouth that (peakety lies,
12 Hecke not Deathin the errour of pour life:
*Deltroy nat your (elives thzougy the daorkes ot
“pour owne hangs -` Age :
13 *For God hath not made Death s neither
bath be plealure in the deſtruction otthelnung.
ffohe created all chugs, that they might
Baue thelr bring: and the gentrations of the
Fiod are preſerued, and there is no potion of
Deitructloñ in chen; and the kingdome of Hell
isuotvpon earth.
-iş Forrighteouſnes is
immoꝛtall, büt vi
16 And che vugovlp cali sit vnto thei both
with hands and wordes: and wile they thinke
to hane a fricnd of tty they come tos nought i for
they are confederate with ws thereloze ave (hep
Wostpy to be partakers thereot.
Tey GULA pod? apply lis ui 398
_ The imazination and defires ofthe wicked,and their
Counfell again{ithe fasth fille’ ° rh
pate vngodly fay, as they kalſely imagine
with themieiues, * Durisfe is ſhort anu tevi-
DHS: AND in tie deathot aman there ts no reco;·
uery, Neither was anp kuowen that hath retur⸗
ned krom che graue Hn big
2 Fo wee.areboyne at alladuenture ; and .
the Hail be hereafter, as though we had nener
besne fo tye breath isa mokrim ont noftris,
na the wozdes as a parke rayled ont of our
3 Which being ertingui}en, the body is
urned into alfes, and the (pirit ramihety as
TAT CO Rano ee yg ieee
~ §_ Duritte hall paſſe awap asthe trace of a
Cond , and come to woughe asthe mitſt that ts
Biter away wich the beames of the ſunne, ang
talt Bowie with the heat ehereot,. Dur name
alio Gall be korgottenin time sand no man ſhatl
haue our workesin remembrance,
§ *Foꝛ cur time is as a thadow.that paſſeth
away and alter dar end there is no tetarning
fo: ít ts fat lealed, fo that na man commeth å
L RINE tiina
© *Uometherio: and let vs enioy the plea
{ures that ave pactent. and let vs cherefully pie
the creatutesasinpouth. _ l
7 Act vshill our tines with cotlp wine and
oyntments, aud let not the flouce of life paſſe by
v3, F i
8 Let vs crowne our ſelues with role buds
afore thep be withered, -ditat
9: Let vs all bee partakers of onr wanten-
neſſe: let vs isaue (ome token of our pleafure in
sierp place: To: that ts our portion, and this is
our lot. =-
IO Let vs oppꝛeſſe the poore that is righte·
us; let ys not [pare the wigow, nog reuerence
the white haires of the aged, that haue lines mao
Hy pectes. UU ais teats gous
LL Let our ſtreugth be the law of pnvighte-
airtnemes fos the thing that ts feeble, ts reppoued
as vnprotitabi..
Wifedome of Salomon. ;
12 Therefore tet vs deltand che righteous, Ahi a
for ye ts not tog euep andbheissentrarpta
9 hep that truſt in him Gal onore Rana
the trueth and the faithfull Wall rematne with
a in love n foꝛgrace and mercyisamong bis
ints, AND — ig electes aiut
*i5nt the bngonly pall bee puniſhed ac⸗ Mat.25.42.
cording ta their tmagmations ; fo? ne *
Sohn 9.9.
opheſ. 5. 13.
Ifa. 53.3.
matt.27. 630 |, 19,
Gent. 27s
and 2 7.
and §. 4.
Gen. 3.5 526
Sene. . 24.
beb.· 1.5.
deſpiſed the righteous and foꝛſaken the Loy.
11 bo fe — ſedome and diſcipline,
ts milerable, and their hoye is vaine, and their
labours are feolt{),€ their woꝛkes vnprofitable.
12 Their wines are vndtlcrect,and their chil
dren wicked: thetrofferingiscuckD.
13 Therekoꝛe the barren is bleſſed which is
bndefiled, and kneweth not the finfull bea:*he
fhall haut fruit in the vifitation of the foules.
14 And the Cunuch, which with his hands
hath not wꝛought intquitie, no: imagined wit ·
kedthings agatntt God : fog vnto him Wall bee
giuen the (pectall gift of faith, and an accepta.
bie portion tn the Temple of the Loz.
15 Foꝛ gloꝛious tsthe fruit of goon labours,
and the roote of wiſdome Hall neuer fade alway.
16 But the ore of adulterers Hall net be
partakers of the bolp things,and the ſeede of the
wicked bed ſhalbe rooted out.
17 And thongh thep line long , pet Hall they
be nothing regarded, and their laſt age hall bee
without honour. i
18 Jf they nie haſtily, they baue no hope,net>
ther comfoge in the Day of triall.
19 Foꝛ hoꝛrible isthe end of the wicked ge-
Of vertue and the commoditie thereof. 10 The
death of the righteous and the condemnation of the
B Etter isharrenneMe with vertue; fo: the mes
moꝛialltherot is immoꝛtall: foz it ts knowen
with God and with men.
2 Uhen it ts prefent, men take example
thereat, and if tt goe away, yee they detire it: it
is alway crowned and triumpheth andwinneth
the battell and the pndefiled rewards. i
3 But the multitude of the vngodly which
abound in children is vnprolitable ; andthe ba-
ſtard plants Wall take no deepe roste, or lay a=
np fatt foundation, :
4 ‘For though they bud foozth in the bran ·
thes fo2 a time,*pet they hall be Haken with the
tinde ; foz thev and not kaſt, and through the
bebemencte of the wind they halbe rooted cut.
-§ Foꝛ the vnperfect branches fhaibe boken,
and their fruit ſhall dee vnprofitable and ſowꝛe
to cate,and meete for nothing.
G6 foal thechtldzen that are bome of the
wicked bed, ſhall be witneffe of the wicke dneſſe
againt their parents when thep be afken,
7 Butthough the righteous bee pꝛeuented
With neath yet Hall he be in reſt. ‘
8 forthe honourable age is not that which
is oflong time, neither that which ismealured
by the number of peeres. be
9 But wiledemeis the gray haire, and an
bndefiled life is the old age. í
1o He plealed Ged and was beloued ofhim,
= nyd wheras he lined among inners, he trant
ated bin.
II ber was taken away, let mickedneffe
Homes soy his vnderſtanding, ordecett beguile
ig minde.
12 Foz wickedneſſe by bewitching obſcureth
the things that are good and the vnſtedfaſtnes
`- pfconcupifcence peruerteth the fimple ming.
13 Though hee was ſoone dead, vet fulalten
be much time, fee
Chap. iiij. ve
14 Foz hts foule pleaſed God: therefor par -
fed he to take him awap from wickednefie.
Iş Det the people fee and vnderſtand it net,
and confider no fuch things tn their hearts, how
that grace and mercy ts vpon bis faints,and hig
pꝛouidence ouer the elect. :
16 Thus the righteous thatis Dead,condeme
neth the bngodlp which are lining: Ethe youth `
that is foone brought to an enoe, the long life of
the vnrighteous. :
17 Foz they (ee the endof the wiſe but they vne
derſtand hot what God hath Deurlen foz him, g
wherfoze the Lord hath preferued him in fafety,
18 Chey fee him and delpile him, but the
1020 will laugh them to ſcorne.
19 So that they mhall fall hereafter without
honour, and hall haue a hame among the dead
foz euermoze: foz without any voice thal be burſt
them,and ca them Down, and hake them from
the foundations, ſo that they al be vtterly was
ed, and thep Halbe in ſorow, and their memozte
all thall perith,
20 Ho they being akraide, Hhallremember
their finneg , and their owne wickedneſſe Hall
come befoze them to conuince them.
« The conftastneffe of the righteous before the
perfecutors. 14 The hope of the unfatthfull zs vaine.
3 5 The bleffedneffé of the Saints and godly.
Toa Hall the righteous tand in great bolts
neffe befoze the tace of fuch as baue tomen»
ted him, and taken away bis labours.
2 Uhen they (ee him, they hall bee vexed
with bozrible feare, and fall bee amaſed foz hts
wonderfull Deliuerance, :
3 And hall change their minds,and figh foz
griefeof mind and fay within themlelues, Chis
is be whom we fometime had in Derifion,and in
a parable of repzach. i
4 “Ue fooles rhought hts life madneſſe, and
Dis end without honour, -
5 Wowishecounted among the children of
God, and his portionis among the Maints !
6 Therefore we haue erred front the way of
tructh, and the light of righteouſneſſe hath not
Mined vnto bs, and the imne of vnderſtanding
role not vpon vs.
7_ Ce bane wearied our ſelues in the way of.
wickedneſſe and deſtruction, and we hane gone
through Dangerous wayes: but wee bane not
knowen the way of the Lord.
8 tahat hath pride profited vs:oꝛ what pre
fit hath the pompe of riches bought ys? =
9 All thofe things are* paſſed away like a
fhadow,and ag a poſte that paſſeth by:
10 Asa fhippe that pafleth duet the waues of
the water, which when it is gone by, thetrace
thereof cannot be found neither the path of tt in
the loons: t i
Il D2*as a bird that flicth thorow inthe
ayre, tuo ntan can fee any token ef her paflage,
but onely heare the noyſe of her wings, beating
thelight wind,pariing the ayze through the ve»
hemencie of her gaing and flieth on, haking ber
wings, whereas afterward no token of der wap
can be found; ea
12 D2as when an arrow is hot at amarke,
it parteth the apꝛe, which imunedtatlp come
meth together againe, fo that a man cannot
"Eee 3 know
15chap. 2.5.
Prou.ʒ 0,19:
l Apocrypha.
know where it ment thoro,
-~ T3 ucwle we,akusue as we were bone. we
beganto Baw to cur end, and hane themed no
token ot vertue, Lui are conilinied in our owie:
wickedneſſe EE
I4 Foz* the hope of the ungodly isitke the:
Duk that ig blowen away with the winds, and
like a chinne fame thatis {cattered abzoad with:
the tonne ann asthe finoake which is diſperled
with tye winde,and as che remembzance of him
paſſech that tarrieth but for adap.
iş But the righteous Wall line toz euer: their
reward alfois with the Lom, &:the moit High
Dath care of them. ean i
16 Therefore Hall they recetue a glorious
kingdonie, anda beauttful cromne of the Lems
Haid : foz with his right hand thall hee cauer
theit,and with his arme hall he Defend them.
17 He hall take bis teloulte foz armour, and
ſhall arme the creatures to bee reuenged of tye,
citemies. j
‘18 ie Mall puton righteouſneſſe foz a breaſt ·
Iob 8.9. bſa.
2.4. & 143 .
4pr0. 10 25.
Cr ut.7 bam.
plate and take true indgement iniicadofan God
Helmet. aee? f
Ig He wil take holines foz an inuincible piela
20 Hee will Harpen his flerce weath foz a
ſword and theworld thal ight with hun agatnt
the vnwile. *
21 Then ſhall the thunderbolts goe ſtraight
out ot the lightnings,and fhall fite to the marke
as out ofthe bent baw of the clonds, and out of
hts anger that chaoweth toneg, ſhalthicke haile
ecatt, and the waters of thelea Hall be woth
againtt them, and the floods Wali mightily o-
uerflow. ; i
72 Auda mighty wind Hall ſtand bp againſt
them, and like a ſtorme Mall(catter tbem a>
broad. Thus iniquitie Hall bzing all the earth
to a wilderneſſe, and wickednes fall ouertheow
the thzonesofthe mightie.
i "The calling of Kings, Princes, and Iudges, which
are alfo exhorted to fearch wifedome, ae
Het therefore, D pee Kings, and vnder⸗
ftand slearne pe that be Judges ofthe ends
of the earth. P
2 Ginecare,pe that rule the multitudes,and
giszictn the multitude of people.
2. Foz, therutetis giuen you of the Loꝛd, and
power by the mot High, which will trie pour
qwozrkes, aud (earch out your imaginations.
4 Betaule chat pe being officers ofhis king:
Dome baue not iudged aright, no: kept che law,
no: walked after the will of God, sacl 28
: § Wogribly and ſuddainely will dee appeare-
vnco pou: fo2 an bard iudgement hall they baue
` that bearerute. :
G Forhethatis mof worthy mercie,
but the mightte Hall bee mightily tozmented.
7 For he that ts Ło: ouer all, wili (pare no
Dentso.s7e * perlon neither thal he feare any greatneſſe: foz
2.chro.19.7. be bath made the fmal and great,and careth fog
30b.34.19, all Ale. Sart $
a Ae 2, 8 But forthe mighty abideth the fozer triall,
16.aéest1o. 9 Cntopouthertore,D tyrants,do J (peake,
3 cthaãt ye may learne wiftomie,and not go amife,
gal.2.6.epbh, IO Foz they that keepe holtneffe holilp, tall
6.9,colof-3, bee boly, and they that arelearned there, Wall Ende a defence.
17a IL COtherfoze fet your Delight bpon my Wards
Rom. 23.2
Wifedome of Salomon.
andDelire them,and ye ſhalbe inſtructed.
12 WMiſdome thincth and muer fadeth away,
and is eaſily ſeent ofthem that lone yer, found
ot fuch as {eeke ber. »
43. Hie prenenceth them that efire her, that
fhe may firtt Hew ber (elfe puto them:
14. Aho fo awakety vnto her betimes halt
haue no great trauatics for be pell finde er fits
ting atiis Poasa o esh nun Lach
15 Co thinke vpon her then is perfit puder-
Landing: and who lo watcheth foz her, hall bee
fone without care.
16 Fo: bee gocth about, eking ſuch as are
meete foz her, and ſhewech ber felfe cheerefuity:
vnto them in the wayes, and mecteth them in
euery thought, 03}
17 fo the moft true Delive of Difciplinets her
beginning ; and the care of diſcipline is loue?
18 And loue ts the keeping of her lames: and
the Keeping of the lawes ts the aflurance of ims
moptalitie: -oo i
Ig And tminogtalitie maketh bs neere vnto
20 Therefore the delire of wiledome leadeth
to the kingoome. i
21 Jfpəurdelight bee then tn thrones, and
{cepters, D kings ofthe gere: honour wile
Dome,that pe map reigne fog ener. —
22 How J will tell pou what wiledome is,
and whence it commeth; and will not hide the
myſteries from pou, but will feeke ber out from-
the beginning of ber natinitie, and batng the
kuowledge of her into light, and wiil not keepe
backe the trueth. Hi
23 Meither will J baue to doe with confit-
ming ennte; fo2 fuch aman fhall not be partaker
of wilsdome. , Ri
24 But the multitude of the wile is the pres
feruation of the wozld, anda wile King isthe
tay of the people. — 43
25 WBetherefore inftructen by my words, and
pee ſhall haue pzofit. — eth i
Wfedome ought to be preferred aboue all things.
] Wy ſelke am ali moztall and a man like all oe:
ther, and am come of him that was fick made
ofthe earth. J ish —
2 Andin my mothers wombe was J fafhios,
ned to be fleth inten moneths:F was* bought os. 10,
together into blood of the ſeede of man, and by zr,
the pleafure that commeth with fleepe. '
3 And when J was bo2ne, F receiued the
common apte, and fell vpon the earth, which is’
of like nature, crying and weeping at the irk
as all other Doe. 5 ‘90. <3}
4 Jwasnourijedin ſwadling clothes,and:
with cares. ; ;
5 Foztherets no king that han any other:
beginning ofbirth. 5
6 Gli*men then bane no entrance vnto lifes
and alike going out. ) i
7 Wibherefoze 3 prayed, and vnderſtanding
was given me: J called, and the ſpirit of wifes
Dome came puto me.
8 FZ preferred her to {repters thrones, and
counted riches nothing tn compariſon other.
9 *fAcither did J compare precious tones
bnto ber; fo: all golde is but a little grauell
in reſpect of ber, and ſiluer Mall bee Peers
Tob.28 18s
| Apocrypha.
| math. 6.33.
Hebr.3 3. ,
but clay before ber, ;
10 Jloued her aboue health and beauty, and
purpoledto take ber foz my light: foz ber light
cannot be quenched.
II Qll* good things therefore came tome to»
gether with ber,and innumerable riches thozow
her hands. ; i
12 DoJ was glan in all: foz wiledome was
theauthour therof,and J knew not that the was
the motheret theſethings.
13 And J learned onfainedly, and commu-
—— without enuie, and J Doe noc hide her
riches. :
14 For thecisan infinite treafure vnto men,
which who fo vie, become partakers of theloue
a God, and are accepted to: che gilts of know⸗
to my mind, and to iudge worthily of the things
that are ginen me: foz be is the leader vnto wiſe⸗
Dome, and the directer of the wife.
16 Jozin bis bande are both wee and our
wozBes,anz all wiſedome, and the knowledge of
the workes.
Fozhe hath giuen me the true knowledge
ofthe things that ãre, fo that J know bow the
sou Was made, and the powers of the ele-
ments, i
18 The beginning and the end,and the mids
of the times: how the times alter, Ethe change
of the {eafons,
19 Che courte of the yere, the fituation of the
artes, j S
20 Che natureofliuing things and the furi»
oulnes ofbeatts , the power of the windes, and
the timaginattons of men, the diuerſities of
plants, and the vertues of rootes.
21 And all things both ſecret and knowen do
J know: for wiledome the woꝛker of all things
hath taught me it. ray f
22 Forin her is the ſpirit of vnderſtanding.
which ts holy, the oneiy begotten, manitolde, fub»
til,moucable,cleare,vndefiled,cuident, not hurt ·
full,louing the good, Harpe, which cannot be let»
ted, doing good, ;
23 Courteous, table, fure, without care, ha-
uing all power, circumſpect in allthings, and
parus thzongh all inteilectuall pure and ſubtill
pirits. 4
24 Foꝛ wiledome is nimbler thenall nimble
things: thee corp thozow and attaineth to all
things becaufe of her pureneſſe.
25 Foz Whe ts the breath of the power of God,
and a pure influence that floweth from the glory
ofthe Almighty: therefore can no Defiled thing
come vnto her. JOUN
26 JFoz* thee ts the brightneſſe of the enerla>
fting light,the pndefiled microur ofthe Maieſty
of God, and the image of his goodnelle.
27 Andbeing one, fhe can doc all things, and
remaining in ber felfe, renueth all, ant accoz=
Ding to the ages fhe entreth mto the holy fontes,
ano maketh them the friends of God and Pꝛo⸗
ets. j i
$ 238 Foꝛ God loucth none, Fhe Dwell not with
29 soz the is moꝛe beautiful then the Sunne,
and is aboue all the order of the ſtarres, and the
light iz not to be compared vnto her.
20 Foꝛ night commeth vpon it; but Wiikey.
nele cannot ouercome wiledome.
Is Godhath granted me to ſpeake according
CHAP. yT Ties
The effects of wifedeme. -
CBee alfo reacheth from one end to another
cee and comely Doeth thee oder all
2 J haucloued her, and fought her fromm
youth: J defived to marrte ber, ſuch loue had
onto ber beauty.
3 Inthat he is conuerſant with God, it conr
mendeth ber nobiltty; pea,the Lozo of all things
loucth ber. i
4 Foꝛ thee is the Schoolemiltreffe of the
— of God, andthe chooſer out of hi⸗
S Ikriches bee a polſeſſion to bee deſired in
this lite, what is richer then wiledome,that woze
keth all things ? cos
6 Foꝛ tf prudence wozketh, what is it among
all things that wozketh better then the 2
7 Jtaman loue righteouſneſſe, her labours
ate vertuons: fozfhee teacheth ſoberneſſe and
pudencte,righteoutnes,and ſtrength, which are
ie Aids peolttable things that men can haue ir
8 Jfamandelire great experience, thee can
tell the things that are paſt, and diſcerne things
tocome: thee knoweth the ſubtilties of wordes
€ thelolutions of Darke fentences : thee foreſcech
the lignesand wonders, o? ever they come to
paffe,and the ſucceſſe offeafons and times.
9 Therefore F purpoled to take her vuto
my company, knowing that wee would counſell
me — things, and comkoꝛt mec in cares and
griefes. ra ;
10 Foꝛ her fake ſhall J haue glory among the
— € honour among the Elders though
II_ J (hall be foundof ſharpe iudgement, fe
fhar IMallbee marucilous in the fight of great
12 Chen Jholde my tongue, they Wall abide
myleafiire: when J (peake, they mall beare Dilis
gently, and if 3 talke much, they pall lap theis
hands vpon their mouth.
I3 Morcouer, by her J hall obteine immota»
litice and leaue an euerlating memoziall among
them that urie after * kanot I
14 ail gouerne the people, and the nations
thalibe ſubdued vnto me.
15 Hoꝛrible tyrants hall be afraid when thep
heare me: among the multitude J Mall be cours
ted good, and mighty in batteil.
16 When Icome bome J thall ret with her:
foz ber company bath nobitternefie, and her tel»
lowibip hath no tediouſneſſe, but mirth any
17 Nowe when J confidered thele things by
my felfe, and pondered them in mine beart, boug
fdiabto bee iopned vnto wiledome is ummoyztalt:
18 And great plealure is in her kriendchip,
and that in the wozkes of ber hands arc infinire
riches, and thapin the excrctle of tatking with
ber is prudencteaud glory by communing with
ber, 3 went abont feeking how J might take her
nto me,
19 For Jwas awittie childe, and wasofa
good (ptrir.
20 Pea, ratherbeing goed, Jcame to an bne
Defiled body. 3
21 Neuertheleſſe, when J perceined that J
Ece 4 could
agi er
0 .King-3 9:
Pſa. 116. 16
2 chro.i.ↄ.
sobs 1.8 ,35
| Ffa.40:%3.
| FOMI} 4,
| Apocrypha.
could not entoy her, except God gaue hee (and
that was a poiut of wiſedome alin, to knowe
whole gifti was) J went vnto the Loyd, ano
belong hc him, and with my whole Heart 3 fain,
A prayer of Salomontoolbraine Wifedome. —
O Had of Fathers and Lord of mercte, which
baft made all things with thy wo2d,
2 Andowained man theough thy wiledome,
that be ſhould haue dominion ouer the creatures
which thou hat made, } A
3 And gouerne the world according to equi:
tte and righteouſneſſe, and execute iudgement
with an vpright heart:
4 Giueme* that wiledome, which fitteth by
ae and put me not out from among thy
§ FoI * thy ſeruant, and the ſonne of thine
handmayde, am a feeble perlon, and ofa ſhort
time and pet leſſe in the vnderſtanding of iudge⸗
ment and the lames.
6 And though aman bee neuer foperlecta fi
mong the children of men,yet if thy wiſe dome be
not with him, he halbe nothing regarded.
7 * Chou hak chofen me to be a King of thy
pape; and the tudge of thy ſonnes and daugh ·
3 Thouhat commaunded mee to builde a
Temple vpon thine holy mount, andanaltarin hid
thecitic, wherein thou Diwelleit, a likeneſſe af
thine boly A
from the beginning, i
9 And thy*wiledome with thee, which know-
eth thy workes, which allo was when thon ma»
ueh the world, and which knew what was at:
ceptable in thy fight, and right in thy commans
Io Mend her out of thine holy heauens, and
fena ber from the throne of thy Maieltie, that
fhee may be with mee, and labour, that J may
know what ts acceptable in thy fight.
II Foz thee knoweth and vnderſtandeth all
things, t fhe hallleade me ſoberlyin my works,
aud prelerue me by ber glory.
. 12 o hall mp wozkes bee acceptable, and
then hall J gouerne chy people rightzonfly, and
be meet for my fathers throne.
13 JFoz* what man is hee that can know the
countel of God, oz whocan thinke what the will
of Godis?
14 Foz the thoughts of moztal men are feare=
fuli,and our forecaũs are vncertaine.
15 Becauleacozruptible body is heauy vnto th
the ſoule, the earthly manlion keepeth Downe
the minde that is fullof cares:
16 And hardly can wee diſcerne the things
that are vpon the earth, ¢ with great labour find
we out the things which ave befor bs: whe can
then fecke out the things that are in heauen:
17 MWhocan know thy countell, except tho
iue him wiſedome, and fende thy bolp Spirit
rom aboue ?
18 jfo2lo-the waves of them which are vpon
earth are reforzmed , and men are taught the
things that are pleafant vnto thee, and are pre-
feruza though wilkedome,
The deliverance of the righteous,and the deſtruction
sfthe enemues conameth through wifedome,
Wifedoine of Salomon.
Tabernacle, which thou hat prepared
gue preteruen the fe father of the worlde,
that was fozmed, and kept him when be was
— alone, and brought bim out hte of»
ence, :
2 Qnd* gauchim power to rule all things: Gen,s.20.
3 *But the vnrighteous in his wath depar · Geng, 3
ted from ber and periihed bp kuling pis brother
in bis furie.
4 Foꝛ whole canle the* earth was ouerflo · Gex,7.21.
wen but wile dom preferucd it agãine, gouerning
the iut man bya little wood.
_ § Moꝛeouer,*when the nations were ioyned Ge⸗.rv.i,
in their malicious confederactes, the knew the 3i,and 12.8
righteous, œ prelerned him faultleſſe unto God,
and || kept him fure, becaule fee loned himtens |Or,kept bine ı
Derlyas a fonne. 7 ſtrong in his
6 Shee pꝛeſerued the righteous, * when the ‘tender loue
vngodly perithed, when he fled from che fire that toward his
fell Downe vpon the hue cities. fone.
7. Ot whole wickeanelle the waſte land that Ges.19.16.
{moketh,yet gineth teltimonic,and the treesthat —
beare fruit that never commeth to ripeneffesand
02 a remembzanceof the vnfaithfull ule, there
ſtandeth a pillar of falt,
8 Foꝛ ail {uch as regarded not wiſedome, had
not onely this hurt, that they knew not ÿ things
which were good, but allo lett bedinde them vn-
to men a memopial of their fooliſhneſſe, fo that in
the things wherein thep linned, thep cannot lie
g But wiledome deliuered them ý ſerned her.
Io *Ahen the righteous fled becaule of bis Gen, 28.5.
brothers wath, the led him pright wap, hewmen
him the kingdome of God, gaue him knowledge
of holy things, made him rich tn his labours ang
made bis paines profitable.
IL Againtk the couetouſnes of (uch as defrau⸗
Ded hin, fhe ſtood by him and made hem rich.
12 Bhre faved him from the enemies, and vee
fended hun from them that lap in waite, and the
gaue him the price ina mighty battell, that be
might know that the feare of God ts ſtronger
then all things, _
13 *Ahen the righteous was (olde, Wee for ·
fooke him not but deũuered biim from finne; he
ment Downe with him into the Dungeon, —
14 And failed him not in the bands, till hee
Had brought him the ſcepter ofthe Realme, and
power agatnit thole that opprefled him,andthem
that had accuſed hint thee declared to bee lpars,
and gaue him perpetuall glory.
15 *@be delivered the righteouspeople and Exod.r.10.
kaultleſſe ſeede from the nations that oppꝛeſſed asd 12,42.
Gen. 37.28.
and 39.7.
acis 7:10.
16 Dhe entred into the ſoule ofthe ſeruant of
the Lozd , and oone* by him in wonders and
lignes againt the terrible kings.
17 She gauethe Haints the rewardof their
labours, and ledthem foozth a marueilous way g
on the day time thee wasa fhadow vnto them,
and alight of ſtarres fn the night. ,
18. * Hhee brought them though the red fea, Exod.14.21,
and carted them thaough the great water, 22.p/al.78.
I9 But thee Downed their enemies, and 13.
bought them out of the bottome of the deepe.
20 Ho the righteous tooke the ſpoyles of the
vngodly, * and prayled thy boly frame, D Exod,1 505,
Lo2d,and magnified thy victoztous hande , with
one accord.
21 for wifedome opencth the month of the
Dumbe,g maketh the tongues of babes —
sa oe
Exod, Şi BS
| Apocrypha.
10, 11.
Nam. 20. 11.
` Chap. 12.24,
Pom, 1,23,
ier.8.16, 17.
chap.i o.i.
t The miracles done for Jfrael. 13 The vengeance
of finners, 21 Tho great power and mercie of God,
3 pe Peper their works in the bands of thine
olp Dzophet. - H
2 *Theywent though the wildernefle that
Was not inhabited, and pitched their tents in
places where there lay no wap.
3 * Chey tam again their enemies, and
Were aucnged of their aduerſaries.
4 *Ahen they were thirftie they calles vp⸗
on thee, and water was giuen them out of the
bigh rocke, and their thirſt was quenched out of
the bard fone. J í
§ Forby the things whereby their enemies
were punithed, by the lame were the Iſraelites
beipen in their neede. Í
Foꝛ in ſtead of a fountaine of running wa-
ter, the ences were troubled at the corupt
blood, which was to rebuke the commandement
of the killing of the childzen, but thou gaueſt
ane thine owne abundance of water vnlooked
7 Declaring by the thirſt that was at that
time, * how thou gad puntihed thine aduerfa».
8 Foz when they were tried and chattifen
with mercp, they knew how the vngodly were
iudged and puntihedin wath.
9 Foꝛ theſe hat thou erbozted as a father,
and poued them: but thou hat condemned the
other as a righteous King, when thou DDM eras
mine them. i
10 CAhether thep were ablent o2 preſent, theit
Koruen u altke ; fog their griefe was dou⸗
le with mourning, and the remembzance of
Il fo when they perceiucd that though
thew tozments good came vnto them, thep felt
e L020,
12 Anofceing the things that came to paffe,
at the la thepwondzed at him, whom afore
thep bad caftout, Denied and derided; foz they
Dad another thirſt then the iut. s
13 Becaule of the foolthh deuices of their wic-
kedneſſe wherewith they were Deceiued, and
worhhipped * ferpents, that bad not the vie of
realon , and vile beaftes, thou ſendedſt a multi-
tude of vureafonable beats vpon them fo: a
bengeance, that they might know, that where-
with a mat fnneth , by the fame allo hall he bee
14 Foꝛ vnto thine almighty band, that made
the would of * nought, it was not vnpoſſible to
fend among them a multitude of * Beares, o2
fierce Lions,
15 D2 furtousbeaftes netwly created and pn-
knowen, which woulo breathe out blattes of
fire, and caft out ſmoke as a tempeit, 92 ſhoote
horrible (parkes like lightnings out of their
Pie Ahich might not onely deſtroy them with
purring, bur alfo kill them with their horrible
17 Dea, without theſe might they bane been
ca Downe with one winde, being perſecu⸗
ted by thy vengeance, and {cattered abzoap
through the power of thy Spirite; but thou
halt odered all things in meafure, number, and
18 Forthou hak ence had great ſtrength and
Might, and who can withtand the power of
thine arme? ;
19 Foꝛ as the mall thing that the baliance
weigheth, fo isthe world before thee, and as a
drop of the morning Dewe that Falleth Downe
pyon the earth. j
20 But thou bal mercie upon all; foz thou
bat power of allthings, and maket as though
thou ſaweſt notthe finnesofmen, becaule thep
ould amend. f
21 fo thou lonek all the things that are, ana
datek none of them whom thou batt made : foz
thou wouldeſt haug created nothing that thou
hadſt hated. : $H
22 And bow might any thing endure, ifit
twere not thy will? or how could any thing bee
prelerued,erceptit were called of thee?
23 But thou paret all: foz thepare thine, D
Lod, which art the loner of foules,
2 The mercie of God toward finuers. 14 The works
of God are vnreproueable. 19 God giusth leaſure to
r epe nt,
fF? thine incorruptible Spirite ig in all
2 Wherefore thou chaſteneſt them meaſura⸗
bly thatgoe wong, and warneſt them by pute
ting them inremembpance of the things wheres
in they haue offended, that leauing wickeddeſſe,
they may beleeue in thee, D Lord.
3 *As for thok olde inhabitants of the holy
land, thon dint bate them.
4 Foꝛ thepcommitted abominable wozkes,
a3 lozcerics and wicked facrifices,
§ And llaying of their owne children with:
out mercie, and eating of the bowels of mang
Deut.9,3- :
and 32.31,
and 13,9552
fiey inbanketting, where the raging pich ted.
abominable bloon.
6 Andthe fathers were the chiefe murthe>
ters of the foules, Dettitute of all helpe, whom
hed woule deſtroy bythe andes of our fa-
7 That the land which thouloned aboue alt
—— be amecte dwelling foz the childzen
S *Meuertheleffe, thoulparedt them allo,
as men, and endent the forerunners of thine
ale euen bognets to deſtroy them by little and
o Not that thou watt vnable to ſubdue the
bngodly wnto the rightcousinbattell, o2 with
trucll beats, 02 with one rough wo to Deltrep
them together. r :
10 Butin punithing them by little and little,
thou gaueſt them fpaceto repent, knowing wel
that it was an vnrighteous nation, and wickes
— and that their thought could neuer be
Il Foz it was a curſed {eede from the begin-
ning : p haft thou not Mared them when thep
finned, becaufe thou feared it any man.
12 Fo: whe dare fap, Uthat hatt thou Done ?
or who Dare tand agatnt thy wdgement? o?
who dare accule thee fo: the nations that perii,
whome thou hat maae? 62 who Dare and ae
Saintt thee to reuenge the wicked men?
I3 Foz there is nonz other God but thou,
* that caret foz allthings, that thou mapelt de·
clare how that thy udgement ie not vnright.
14 Shere
Exod.33.3, |
1, Pet. 5. Fo
Tob 10,2, 3.
| Apocrypha.
14 There Dare neither king na: tyrant in thy
fight, require accompts of them whom theu bat
punen. ig ‘
15 fFoz fe much then as thou art righteous
thy ielfc, thou ordereſt all things righteoutly,
* thinking tt not agreeable to thy power to con-
Demne hints that hath noc Delcrued tobe puni»
fed: sg aH i
16 Fo:thypowet ts the beginning of righte-
outtiefle,and becauſe thou art Low ofall things,
it canfech thee to (pare all things.
17 Cibeninen thinke theenot tobe ofa per⸗
fit power, thou declaret thy power; and repo-
uck the boldnefic of the wile. i
18 Butthouruling the power, iudgeſt with
equitte, and gouerneſt vs with great fauour:
— 4 mapelt them thy power when thou
19 By fuch workes now halk thou taught
thy people, thata man ſhould be iut and loutna,
and halt made thy chilBzen to be of a good hope:
foz thou giueſt repentance to tinners.
20 Sfoztf thoubhalt punimen the enemies of
thy childzen that had Delerued death with fo
great conſideration, and requefting vntothem,
gluing them time and place that they might
Changefromtheirwickednefle, =.
21 With how great circumfpection wilt thou
punih chincownechildzen , vñto whole fathers
thou batt ſworne and made coucnants of good
22 So when thou doeſt chaftenvs, thon pu-
niſheſt our enemies a thouland times moze, to
the intent that when wee tudae, we ould Dili-
gently conliderthy goodneſſe, and when we are
tudged, we Would hope foz mercy. :
- 23 Udibertfoze thou halk tomented the wic-
ked that bane tinued a diſſolute life bp their owne
Chap.ix.13e 24 * For they went aftrap very farre inthe
FOM, 16230
Rom.i. 19.
Deut.4. 19-
aNd 17.3.
wayes of erronr, and eſteemed the beats, which
their enemies Befpifed, for gods, being abuſed
after the manerot childzen, that haue none vn»
Derflanding. S y
25 Therefore batt thou fent this puniment
that they Mould bein deriſion as childzen with-
put realon.
26 Wut they that will not bee reformed bp
thoſe ſcoꝛnefull rebukes, fat feele the woꝛthy pu-
niſhment sf Ges. __
27 Foin thole things when they ufred, they
diſdained: but mn theſe whom they counted god-
ly, when they ſaw themfelues puniſhed by them,
they all acknowledged the true God, whom a-
fore they had Denied to know: therefoze came
extreme Damnation vpon them.
thep haue knowwen how much moze excellent hee
is that made them: foz the firit authoz of beauty
hath created thele things.
4 Dzifthep marueiled at the power, and o»
peration of them, pet thould they haue perceiued
—— much be that made theſe things, is
5 Foꝛ by the greatuelſe of their beautp, and
of thecreatures, the Creator being compared
with them,may be confidered.
6- Butyet the blame is leſſe in thele, that
fecke God and would Ande him, andpet perans
uenture Doe etre. X
7 Fothey * goe about by his works to feeke
him, and ave perfwaded by che light, becaule the
things are beautifull that are ene.
Howbeit thep are riot to be erculed.
a Foz if they can know fo much,that they can
Dilcerne the world, why doc thep not rather Hunde
out the Loꝛd thereof?
Io Hut milerable are they, and among the
Dead is their hope, that call them gods, which
are the wezkes of mens hands , gold, and filuer,
and the thing that ts inuented byarte, and the
fimilitude of beats, oz any vaine fone that bath
been made by the hand of antiquity.
If *D2as when a carpenter cutteth dotonea
tree meete fog the wozke, and pareth off all the
barke thereof cunningly. and by arte maketh a
veffelt profitable foz the vie of lite. t
12 Qnd the things that are cutoff from bis
woinc bee beltowety to dreſſe his meate to All
untelfe, .
13 And that which ts left of thele things,
which tz profitable foz nothing (forit is a crog»
ken piece of wood, and fullof knobs ) he carueth
it diligently at bis leaſute, and according as hee
ís expert in cunning, hee gtucth it apropogtion,
and kaſhioneth it atter the ſimilitude ofa man, `
14 Dz maketh it Itke fome vile beat, and
fraketh it ouer with red, and patnteth it, and
conereth eucty {pot that is init. f
15 And when he hath made a conuenient tas
bernacle fo: ſetteth it ina wall,and maketh
it fat with pron, 4
16 Pꝛouiding fo foz it left it fall ; foz he knows
eth that it cannot helpe it felfe, becaule itis an
image, which hath necde of helpe.
17 Chen he prayeth for his goods, and foz his
matiage,and foz children: bee is not aamen ta
{peake vnto it that hath nolife,
18 Hee calleth on him that ts weake, foz
health: be prapeth vnto him that ts Dead, foz lifer
be — bin of help, that bath no experience
at all, :
Ig And foz his iourney, him thatis notable
to goe,and for gaine, and wozke, and ſucceſſe of
bis affaires ,- hee requireth furtherance of hin
1 Allthings be vaine, except the knowledge of that hath no maner of power,
God, 10 Idolaters and idoles are mocked,
S Urely all men are vaine by nature,and are igs
nozant of God,* and could not know him that
is, by the good things that are feen, neither con-
fider by the wozkes,the workematter.
2 * But theythought the fire o2 the winde,oz
the fwitt ayze, 02 the courte ofthe ſtarres, 02 the
raging water, o2 the lights of heaucn to be go»
nernours of tie world and gods. i 3
3 Though they had fuch pleaſure in their
beautie thatthey thought them gods , pst ſhould
CEA hs, Sant
1. The deteftatson and abomination of images. 8 A
curfe of them,and of bim that maketh them, 14 Wheree
of idolatry proceeded. 23 What euils come of sdolatry,
A Gaine, another man purpoling to faile, and
inteding to paſſe thozow the raging waues,
calleth vpon a ſtocke moze rotten then the Hippe
that carier bim. ag
Rows, 1.34,
Ifa 44.13,
iere 10. z.
2 For as foz it couetouſneſſe of money’ [Or,the fhipe
hath found it out, and the craftinan made E
Exod. 14.22
Pfal 115.8.
bæruche 6.3.
babac. 2:18,
hyrumiings ot nd sd inci pifi aga rds
3 But chp prouidence,D Father, gouerneth
iti *foz thon batt mavea way, euen in thetea,
and a fure path among the waues,
4 Declaring thereby that thou hak power
to helpe in ali things yea thongh aman went to
thefea without meanes.. hee
$ #onerchelefic, thou wondelt not that tht-
wozkes of thy wiſedome Would bee vaine and
therefore Doe men commte their liues toa ſmall
piece of wood, and pafe ouer the fozmicleaina
fhiy and are ſaued.
6 *Foxin the cide time allo when the pour
giants perifhes, the hope of the world went into
albip which was goucrned by thineband, and
fo left feede of generation vnto the wola.
7 SForbleKedisthe tree whereby righteoul
neffe commeth. S {
8 But that ts curled that is made with hands,
*botbit,and he that mane it:be,becaute be made
it, andit being a cozruptible thing, becante it
was called god. Sie)
9 *fFoz the vngodly and bis vngodlineſſe are
both altke bated of God:ſs truely the worke and
be that made it Haibe puniſhed together.
10 Therefore thal there be a vilitation fez the
ideles of the nations:foz of tbe creatures of God
they are become abomination, * and tumbling
blockes vnto the loules of men, and afnare foz
the feete of the vnwiſe. j
II Foz the inuenting of idoles was thebe»
ginning of whozedome, and the finding of them
is the cozruption of life. sey Ce
12 oz they were not from fhe beginning. net-
ther hall they continue foz euer.
13 Che vaine gloy of men brought them in-
to the — therefore fall they come ſhortly to
an end.
14 Uhen a father mourned grieuoully foz
bis {onne that.was taken away {uddenly, bee
made an unage for him that was once Dead,
whom now pe worihippeth as a god, and ordei·
ned to his ſeruants ceremontes and facrifices,
Is Thus by pꝛocelſe of time this wicked cu-
ſtome pꝛeuailed, aud was keptasalawe, and
iDoles were wozlhippeD by the commandement
of tyzants. j ; )
16 As foz thole that were fo farreoff,thatimen
Might notworhhip them pzelentlp.they did coun⸗
terkeit the vilage that was farre off,and madea
gorgeousimage ofa king, whom they would ho:
nour, that they might by all meanes flatter bim
that was abſent, as though be had bene prefent.
17 Againe, the ambition of the crattciman
thant forward the ignozant to increaſe rhe fit
erſtition. T
18 fez hee peraduenture willing to pleaſe a
noble man, laboured with all his cunning to
make the image ofthe beſt fafbion.
19 ãnd ſo though the beautie of the worke
the multitude was alluted , and fe tooke him
nowe foz a god, Which a little afore was but he-
noured asa mat. Stir t
20 And this was the deceiving of mans life,
when men, being tn ſeruitude thꝛough calamitie
and tyraunie. afcribed vnto itenes and fockes
the name, which ought nor to bec communicate
vite anp. 2 7 i
21 Worconer, this was not enough fo: them
that thep erred in the knowledge of God: but
whereas they liued th great wars of ignozance,
tholſe ſo great plagues called they peace.
“522. Fezeither* thepiiew theit owne children
in facrifice, 02 nied fecret ceremonies, 02 raging
diſſoluteneſſe by trange rites,
23 And fo kept neither life noz marriage
cleane: but either one flew another by treaton,
oꝛ elſe vexed him by adulterie;·.
24. Ho were all mirt together, blsod and
Haughter,chett and Deceit, coruption, vnfaith⸗
25 Diſquieting of good men, vnthankefut-
nene ocfling of foules, changing of birth, Dii»
der in marriage, adulterie and vncleanneſſe.
26: Fox the wo2rhipping of Doles,that ought
not tabenamed,ts the beginning and the caule,
and the end of alleutll.
390. |
Deut. 18.10.
27 Foz cither they be mad when they be mer⸗
ric.o2 pꝛopheſie ties ozliue vngodly, oꝛ cls light.
ly korſweare themfelues, : re
28 Foꝛ in fo much as their trut isin the
idoles, which haneno life, though they ſweare
faltiv,pet they thinke to haue no bure, i
29 Therefore foz two caules hail they intip
be puniſhed, becauſe thep haue an euillopinion
of God, addicting themielues into tdoles, and
becaute they ſweare vniuſtly to deceiue, and de⸗
{pile holineſſe.
30. Sop it is not the power of them by whom
they fweare, but the vengeance of them that
finne, which ʒuniſheth alwapes the offence of
the vngodly.
`The voyce of the faithfull y praifing the mercie of
God,by whofe grace they ferue net sdoles,
B Cit thon, D our God, art gracious and true,
— luffering, and gouerneſt all things bp
reie, :
2 Though we finne yet are we thine: fo: we
Know thy polwer ; but wee ſinne not, knowing
that we are counted thine.
3 Foꝛr to know thee, is perfect righteoul⸗
nefie,and to know thy pewer,ts the roote of inte
4 Fo neither bath the wicked inuentiono€ .
Men Decetued HS, no the vnpzotitable tabour oF
tie — no: an image ſpotted with diuers
5 WMhoſe ſight ſtirreth vp the deſire
ignoꝛant:ſo that be coueteth the foꝛmethat hi
no life,ofa dead image. isd: '
6 They that loue fuch wicked. things, are
worthy to hauefuch things to trut to, and thep
that make them, and thep that delire them, and
they that worſhip them.
li The potter allo tempzeth (oft earth,and
fafhioneth enery veſſell with labour toour vie;
but of the fame clay bee maketh bath the vefleis
that ferue to cleane bigs, and the contrary likes
wile:but whereto euery veſſel (erueth,the potter
8 Do by dis wicked labour bee maketha
baine god of the fame clap: euen he, which is lite
tle afoze was made of earth himſelfe, and with:
in a little while after goeth thither- againe
whence be was taken,* when he pali make ac-
compt fo? the lone of bis life.
9 SRR a ines eares nn tar snc Ta
Luke 13.205 ©
bour he taketh, no: that bis life ts ſhort, but
bee ſtriueth with the goloſmithes, and fluere
finithes, and countertetteth the copperimithes,
an taketh tt fo? an honour to make Decetuecable
hings. )
to Disheartisahes, and bis hope is moze
bile then earth, and bis life is tele worthy ef ho·
hour then clay.
IL Foꝛ he knoweth not hts owne maker,that
gaue him his foule,that has power and bꝛeuthed
in bint the breath oflife. :
12 But they count ont life to be but a patie,
and sur conuerſation asa market, where there
is gaine: foz they fay we ought to bee getting on
euerp fide,thoughitbebyentlimeanes. —
13 otw hee that ef earth maketh fraile vets
fels and images, knoweth himielfe to offend a-
14 Gil the enemies of thppeople, that hold
them in fubiection, are moſt vnwiſt, and moze
miterable then the very fooles. Í
Ts Foꝛ they tudge all the iBoles of the nati
Ong to bee gods, which neither haue epe light to
ſee, nor noles to {mell,noz eares to heare,no2 fin ·
gers of bands to grope, and.their feete are low
16 Fo: manmade them,and he that hath but
abozowed Hitit, fathioncd them: but no man $
can make a gon like tobimictte. — au
17 Fo: teeing be is but moztall himſelke, it is
but moztall that hee maketh with vnrighteous
bands : be himlclfe ts better then they whom he
woꝛſhippeth: foz be ued, but they neuer lined.
18 Dea, they worſhipped beaſtes alfo, which
are their mot enemtes,and which are the wort,
if thep bee compared. vnto others , becaule they
haue none vnderſtanding. à
Ig Neither haue they anp beautie to be Belis
red in reſpect okother beats, fo: thep ave Delti-
tute of Gods paile and of ies bleſſing.
The punifhment of idolaters. 20 The benefits done
wntethe farhfult.
Deretoze by fuch things they are worthily
punted and * tormented by che multitude
a dn teave of the which priithment th
2 Ju ſteade of the which punifpment thou
batt beene fanourable to thy people, and to fas
tilfle their appetite, batt prepared a meate ofa
range tafte, euen *quailes,
3 Cothe intent that thep that defire neate,
by the things which were Hewed ¢ lentamong
them, might turne away their neceflarte deftre,
and that they, which had {uffered penuric fo: a
fpace,fhoula alto feele anew tafte.
4 Foꝛ it was requilite, that they which vſed
tyrannte, ould fall inte ertreame pouertie ann
that to thefe onely it hould be Hewed, bow their
enemies weve tozmented.
5 *Foz when the cruell fierceneffe of the
beattes came vpon them, they were hurt with
the tings ofcruell erpents,
Shy wrath endured not perpetually, but
they were troubled foz alittle feafon, that they
[The fgneof might bee reformed, hauing all * figne of faluae
thebrafen tion to remember the commaundement of thy
Serpent. aw.
Namb20.9. 7 Forhe that turned toward it, was not bea
Nam.i 1.31.
a.cor. 10,9.
Wiſedome of Salomon.
ied by the thing that be law, but by thee, D Sas
uiour of all.
8 Ho in this thou ſhewedſt our enemies,that
it ts thou, which deliuereſt from all euill.
9 * Forthebiting of grahoppers and flies
killed them, and there was no remedy found for
eaten 3 foz they were worthy tobee puniſhed
Io But the teeth of the venemous dragons
could not oucrcome thy childzen: forthp mercp
came to helpe them,and bealed them.
Ir Foꝛ they were pricked, becaule they chould
temember thp woes, and were ſpeedily heas
led, left they pouta fall into fo deepe forgetful-
Hat ph they could notbee called backe bp thp
12 Foꝛ neither herbe no: plaiſter healed
oema thy wod, D Lozd, which healeth all
13 Foꝛ thou haſt the power of life and death,
* and leadeft Downe vnto the gates of hell, anv
bringeſt vp agatne.
14.4 man indeede bp bis wickednes may flap
another: but when the ſpirit is gone forth, it ture
neth notagatne, neither can bee callagatne the
foule that is taken aap.
J But it is not poſſible to eſcape thine
16 * For the vngodly that would not knowe
thee, were punthed by the ſtrength of thine
arme , with ttrangeraine and with paile, and
were purſued with tempeit, that they could not
auoid, ana were conſumed with fire.
17 Foꝛ tt was a wonderous thing that fire
might Doe more then water, which quencheth
all things: but the woz is the auenger of the
18 jFozfometime was the fire fo tame, that the
bealtes , which were (ent agatnit the vngodly,
burut not: and that,becaule they Hoult eand
knowe, that they were perſecuted with the pue
nifbment of Gon. j
I9 Aud ſometime burnt the fire fn the mids oF
the water,aboue the power of fre that tt might
deſtroythe generation of che vniuſt land.
20 * In the tead whereof thon batt fed thine
owne people with Angels foode, and fent them
bead ready from heauen without their labour,
which had abundance of all pleafuresin it, anv
twas meete foz all taſtes.
21 Foz thy (uftenance declared thy ſweetneſſe
vnto thy cheldzen , which ferued to the appetite
efbim that tooke it, and was mecte to that that
euery man would.
22 Mozeouer,the*nowand pce abode the fire
and melted not, that thepnight know, that the
fire burning tn the Haile, and ſparckling in
raine,dettroped the fruit of the enemies.
23 Agatne it korgate his owne ſtrength, that
the righteous might be nouriſhed: :
24 Foꝛ thecreature that ferueth thee which
art the maker,ts fierce in punifhing the bnrigh-
teous:but it ts ealic to Dee good vntoſuch as put
their trut in thee. È
25 Therfoze wasit changed at the fame time
vnto all fathions to lerne thy grace, which noue
riſheth all things,accozding to the delire of them
that hauc neede thereof,
26 That thy childzen whom thou loueſt, D
Lod, might knowe, * that tt isnot the increale
of fruites that feedeth men, but thatit *
and 10.4.
Deut. 33,39.
tobi 3.25
Exod. 16.14
numb, 11.7.
pfal. 78.25.
schn 6 3%.
Exod, 9.23,
UThat is, the
mighty vi-
Exod, 7.12.
word. which preſerneth them that trult in thee.
227 doz that which could not bee deſtroyed
witi the tire, being onely warmed a little with
the finite beames, melted,
123 That it unght be knowen thatwe ought
to preuent the Minne riling to giue thanks vuto
thec, and te falute thee betope the Day (pring.
29 Jo the hope of the vnthankkuii waſmelt
As the winter pre, and flow away as vnprota·
ble waters.
Theiudgement of God-azainft the wicked,
pe thy uidaements are great, and cannet be
erpaciten : therefore men Doe erre; that will
not be refogincd. j
2 for when the vnrighteons thought to haue
shine holy peopte in ſubiection, they were bound
with the bands.of darknes, ann lang night,and
“cape the euerlaſting providence.
3 And while they thought te be Hid in their
Barke finnes , they were ſcattered abzoad inthe
Darke coutting of forgetfulnes, fearing horribly
and troubled with villons.
‘A For the Denne that hid them, kept them
= mot fom feare: but the tounds that were about
them troubled them,and terrible vinons and {0+
roweluil hahts Did appeare.
§ so power of the fire might gine light,nci-
ther might the ciecre flames ot the ttarres ligi-
ten the horrible night.
6 Foz there appeared vnto them only a fub-
Den fire, verpDzcadfull: fo that being afraid of
‘this vilion, |i which they could not fee, they
—— the thinges which they faw to bee
a2 bea
7 * And theillufions of the Wagicall artes
and 8.7, 19. were brousht Downe , and tt was a moit mame»
fal reproch fer the boatting oftheir Knowledge.
S Foꝛ theythat pꝛomiſed to Drive away frare
and trouble from the cke perfon,were itke fo?
feare, and wozthytobelangbedat.
5g Andthough no fearefull thine pid keare
them, pet were they afraid at the beaites which
paſſed bythem, and at the piling of the fer-
pents 3 fa that they died fo? feare , and (ard thep
—— the ayre, which by no meanes can bee a-
uoyded. —
io Foꝛ it is a fearefull thing when malice ts
condenned by herowne telitmony: and acon-
— that ts touched, Doeth euer fezecatt cruell
NES , 3
11 Foꝛ feare ts nothing elle., buta betraying
of the ſuccours, wbich realonoffereth.
12 And the leſſe that the hopeis within , the
moe Both he clicewmic the ignorance of the ching,
that tormentech hin, great, i
13 But thep that DiD endure the night that
iwas Intolerable, and that came outotthe Dun
acon of bell, which is inſupportable, ept the
fame ficepe,
14 Aub ſometimes were troubled with mon-
ſtrous vifigns , and ſometime they fwooned, as
though their stone foule Mould betray them:
fo: a tudwen frare notiookes foz, cane vpon
them, -
15 Ana thus wholoener fell mowne, bee was
‘Kept, and Hutin peilon, but without chaines.
16 Foꝛ whether he was an bulbanduran, c?
a hepheard ozone that was (et te woꝛke alone,
Woe were taken, bee mutt (utes this neccſlitic,
Chap. xvij.xviij.
that he could not anette ? i
17 ( For with onecheingof darkeneſſe were
ther aii bound whether it were an tiling wins
oꝛ a ſweete long ofthe birdes ameng the chicke
brauches of the trees,o2 the vehemencypol halkie
running water,
18 D2 a great nople of the falling Downe of
ſtanes, o2 the running of fkipping beats, that
couid not be feene, sithe nopieot cencil dcalis,
that roared.oz the ſſonnd that antwersthagaine
in the Hollow niountaines; thele fearchil ings
made them te wone, x
Ig srop all (he worid Hined with clearclight,
and no man was hindered in his labour.
20 Duely vpon them there kel an heauy night
andimege of that Darkenefle that was to come
tyon them : pea, they were vnto themlclics
| and D “moze grieuous then darkenes.
bring fut vp vnder the roste, did lie chere toe =.
3 The fiery pillar that the Ihaelites had in Egypt.
8 The delmerance of the fasthful.1@ The Lord fmote
the Scyptraus. 20 The finne of the people in the wil-
derne (2,21 Aaron ſtood beiweene the liuing andthe
dead wath his cenfer.
B Ct thy faints hada very great “light whale Excd.r0, 33
vopee becaute |! thep beard. and taw not the Or tbe
becauſe Egyptians,
figure of rhem,thep thought the biefen,
they alſo hav not fuitered the like. ,
2 Aud becaute they did not hurt them, which
Did pure them afoze,thep thanked them, and ae
ked pardon fo? thetr enmitic. i
3 Thereloꝛe thou gaue thema burning
pillarofiirete lead them inthe vnknowen way,
and madeit the ſunne that tt hurren net them in
their honourabie tourney. Prius
4 But they were worthy to bee depriued of
the light ,and to bee kept in Darkenefle, which
had kept thy children Hut vp, by whom thein.
cornue light ot the law ould bee ginen tothe
§ *Cihereas they thought ta Rap the babes
of rhe Satnts, by one child that was raf out,
and prelerucd to reprooue them, thou batt takin
away the multitudeot their chimen, and de⸗
ſtroyed them altogether in the mighty water.
6 OF that nigit were our fathers certified
afere; thatthey, kuowing te what oathes thep
had giuencréptte , might be of good cheere.
7 hus thy *people recetued the health of Zxod. 14 24
the tighteots, but the enemies were deſtroyed.
8 sodas thon bak pumed the enemies, fo
bak thou gioritied vs whomthou bak calles.
o sorthe righteous chiidzen ofthe goon nien
offered (ecretlp,ahd mane a law ofrightesuſnes
by one confent, that the Paints ſhould recetne
good Ecnill in like maner, and tbat the fathers
Mould fir ft ſing prayles.
10 Buta Dilagrecing cry was heard of the
enemies, and there was a lamentable noyſe foz
the children that were bewailed.
‘IL. Foz the *matter and the ſeruant Were pu· in
niſhed withlike puniifment, and the couistion p64 5329,
people luffered alike with the king.
12 Gothep altogether had tnaiunerable that
Died Withone kind af Death: neither. were the
lining (uffictent to burp them: fo2 in the twinck·
31 So they that could belecue noting» bee
ling of an epe the nobleſt otſpring of then was
||Or, Ecko
Exod, 13.28
and 14.24.
pfal. 78.14.
and 105.39,
Exod. 1.163
PX pocryp i
Num, 26.46
2 That isthe
children of
Iſtael whom
ghey before
T| had defired
I! andprayed
to goe their
caule of the enchantments, confelfen this people
tobe the chileno God, in the deſtruction of
the Grit bonne; i
i4 Fo while all chings were in quiet ſilence,
and ee niges Was tn the middes of per ſwilt
Iq Thine almighty word leapt downe from
beaten out of thy coyall thone, asa fierce man
— in the middes of the land that was De»
to J
16 And brought chine vnkained commandes
mentas a Harpe ſword, and ſtood vp, and filled
all things with death, ant being come Downe
tothe earth, it reached vnto the heauens.
17 Theũ the fight of che fearetull dꝛeames
berca then hiodenlp,and fearefulues came vp
on them vnawares.
18 Then lay there one here, another there
Dalte Deas.and ſhewed the caule of his death.
19 Fo: the vilions that vered them, ſhewed
them theſe things afoze: fo that they were not
ignorant,toherefore thep periſhed.
20 fW tentatton of Death toncked therigh-
trons aifo,andD*ainong the multitude in the wils
derneſſe there was a plague, but the wath ene
Eured not long.
21 Foz the blamelefe manmade bake, and
Defended them, and teoke the weaponsof hts
miniftration,cucn pꝛaiet, and the reconciliation
by the perfume, and fet himſelke againt the
wath, € fo brought the miſery to ancnd Teclas
fing that be was chy ſeruant. } }
22 fer hee oucrcame net the multitude with
bodily power, no? with force of weapons, but
With the word hee fubdued him chat punithed,
alleaging the othes and couenant made unto
the fathers.
23 Fo: when the Dead were fallen Downe by
Heapes one vpon another, hee ſtood in the mids,
and cut ot the wrath, and parted ic from conte
-ming tothe lining.,
24 * Foꝛ in thẽ long garment was all theo:
nament, and in the toure rowes of the foncs
was the glory of the fathers grauen mity thy
maieſty inthe diademe et his bead.
25 Cito thelethe dettroper ganeplace, and
was afraid of them , foz tt was tufficient, that
they bad tated the wath.
1 The death of the Egyptians, and the great ioy of
the Hebrewes, 11 The meat that was giuen atthe dee
fire of the pecple. 17 AK theelements ſirue to the
will of God.
A2 fo2 the vngodly, the twzath came vpon pafi
them without mercy vnto the end: foz bee
knew what would come vnto them,
2 That they(when chep had confented to tet
them go, and had (ent them out with Diligence)
would repent and purſue them.
3 Foꝛ white pet ſoꝛow was before theim.and
they lamented bp the graues of the dead, they
Dentled another foolichneſſe. fo that they perfe»
cuted the in their fleeing, whom they had 3 cat
out afore with prayer.
4 forthe Bettinie whereef they were wor:
thy. brought them to this end , and caufen thent
to forget the things that had come to pafe, that
thep mightaccomplthy the puntigment, which
Wifedome of Salomon.
§ Both chatehp people might try a maruet·
loug palaso t that hele might finde a Grange
© Foꝛ euery creature in his kiud twas fabi»
oned anc, and ſerued in theit owne offtces ene
topned them, that thp childzen might bee kept
without burt.
7 Fo} the cloud onerhavowed their tents,
and the Dzie carth appeared, where afore was
water: fo that in the ren Dea there was a wap -
withont impedunent, and the great Deepe ber
caine a greene felt,
8 hough the tobich all the people went
that were Defended wich thine hand , (ceing thy
wonderous marueiles.
9 Foz theylueycd like hoples,and leapedlike "Or, were
lambes,peapling thee, B Lord, which hadit De» feh
liuered them.
Io frog they were pet mindfull of thole
things which were Done tn the land where thep
Dwweit, how the ground brought koorth flies in
ſtead of cattell,and how the riner ſcrauled with
the multitude of frogs tn fead of Ebes, |
_It *ut at the laſt thepfawanew generas Exod.16.13
tion of birds, when thep were intiled with luſt, #71 1.58.
and Defired Delicate meates. .
12 * Fo the quatles came Forth of the fea tn-
to the foz comfozt , but punifyments came vpon ;
the ſunners nat without fignes that were ginen "Or, Egypti-
by great thunDzings : fog they {uttered worthily 485.
according to their wickednefle, becaule thep
thetwcd a crucli batted toward rangers.
I3 Fo2the one i:t would not receive them
when thep were pzclent, becaule they knew them
not: the ether ſort brought the rangers tuto
bondage that had Dene them good.
I4 Belibe alltheie thinges fome would rot
fuffer, that any regard ihola be hav of them: fog
they handled the ttrangers Delpitetutlp.
15 Others that hav receiued them with great
banquetting , and admitted them to bee parta.
kers of the (ame lawes, did afflict them with
great labours. s r
16 Therefore they were Kriken with blind.
nefle, as in oldt ime certaine were at the doores
ofthe* righteous, lo that euery one being come
a with Darkenefle, ſought the entrances of
is Booze.
17 Thus therlements agreed among theme
lelues in this change,as when one tune ts chan⸗
ged bpon an intrument of muficke,and the mee
lodie ttilirematneth, which may eafily be percei»
ued by the light of the thinges thatare cometo
Chap.x 6.24
Gen.39. 380
_ 18 Foꝛ thethings of the earth were changed
into things of the water,and the thing that Dip
fwimme,went vpon the ground.
Ig Whe fire had power in the water contrarp
vnto bis owne bertuc,and the water forgate bis
owne kind to quench.
20 Agaiue, che lames did not hurt the fch
of theconruptible beats that walked therin, rei
ther melted they that which fecmed tober pce, b Hemea-
and was of a naturethat would melt, and pet neth Man,
Was an immoꝛtall meat. looke Exod.
21 Forin all things, D Loꝛd, thou hat mage 16.14, 15
tified and glozified thp people , and hak not Dg- and numb,
ſpiled co alte them in euery timeand places 11,7.
1. Xng. 3. 9. F y
and 419.
That which
i: marked
with thefe
two markes,
[ Jisreadin
the Latine
copies, and
not inthe
Rom. Te 34>
q Thewifdome of Ieſus the fonne of Si-
rach, called &cclefiaflicus.
This argument was found ina certaine Greeke copie.
His Ieſus was the fonne of Sirach, and Siraehs father was alfo called Iefus, and he liued inthe latter times
after the people had bene led away captiue , and brought home againe, and almoft afcerali che Prophets,
Now his grandfather,as he himfelfe witnefleth,was aman of great diligence,ar.d wifedom among the Hebrewes,
who did not onely gather the graue fentencesof wife men that hac bene beforehim,but he himfelfe alfo ſpake
many full of great knowledge and wifedome. Sø this firt Iefus died, and left this which hee had gathered, and
Sirach afterwerd leftit to Ieſus his fonne , who tocke it and put it in order in a booke,and called it W4fdome,
intitling it both by his owne name,his tathers name, and his erandfathers : thinking by this title of Wi/edcme,to
allure the Reader to read this booke with more great defirc, andto confider tt more diligently. Therefore
this booke containeth wife fayings , and darke fentences,and fimilitudes , with certaine dinine hiftories which
arenotableand anciest, euen of menthat wereapproued of God, and certaine prayers and fongs of the author
him(eife : moreouer, what benefits the Lord bad beftowed vpon his people,and what pl. gues he had heaped vpe
ontheirenemies, This Iefus did imitate Salomon , and was no leffe famous in wiledome and do@rine, who
was therefore called a man of great knowledge,as he was indeed,
The Prologue of the wifdome of Iefus the fonne of Sirach.
NAP many and great things bane bene ginen bs by the Law and the Pzophets, andbp
others that haue followed them, (foz the which things Iſrael ought to be commended by the
realon ofdoctrine and riledome, whereby the readers ought not onetp to become learned them
felues, but allo may bee ableby the diligent ſtudy thereof to bee profitable puto ttrangers, both bp.
{peaking and writing) after-that my grandfather Delis had ginen himſelſe to the reading of the
Law and the Prophets, and other books of our fathers, and had gotten therein ſufficient wdgee
ment, he purpoled allo to waite fonie thing pertaining to learning and wiſedom, to the intent that
they which were deſtrous to learne, and woul’ giue themſelues to theſe things, might profit much.
moꝛe in ltutng according tothe Law. Ciberefoze,F erhozt pou to recetue tt lovingly, and to reade
it with Diltgentcc,and to take tt in good wozth, though we ſeeme to fome in (ome things not able to
attaine to the interpretati of fuch words asare hard to be erprefled: forthe things that are (poke.
inthe tebzetw tongue,haue another force in theleines then wher thep are tranflated into another
tongue: and not only thel things but other things alio,as the Law tt (elfe,and the Pyophets,and
other bookes baue no (inall Brerence wher thep are ſpoken in their owne language. Cherefoze in
the eight and thirtieth pere, when J came into Egypt vnder king Cuergetes,and continued there,
J found a copy full of great learning and J thought it necefſary to beftow my diligence and trauel
to interpzet this booke. So foz a certaine time with great watching e ftudp J gaue my (etfe to the
finiſhing of thts booke,that tt mght be publiſhed, that they which remaine in baniſhment, and are.
deſirous to tearne, might apply chemſclues bnto good maners, and itue accozding tethe Law.
1 Wifedome commeth of God, 11 A pra:fè ofthe
feare of God, 29 The meanes to come by Wifedcme.
tors LI twiledonte * commeth of the
se Lod, [ andbath bene euer with
him] and is with bim foz euer.
) 2 Rhocan number the land of
LJN the fea, and the Diopsof the raine,
an " andthe Dapes ofthe world: [ who
can mealure J the height of beaten, the breadth
of the earth and the depth ?
3. Aho can finde the milerome E of Gon
which hath bene before all things? J
4 Miſedome hath bene created before all
things, Ethe vnderitanding of prudence from
H [Ebe word of God mot high is the foun-
taine of wiſedome, and the euerlaſting Com-
mandements are theentrance onto Her.)
6 * nto whom hath the roote of wileDome
bene declared? 0 whe bath knowen her wile
couniels 7 —
{ Unto whom bath the daetrine of wifes
pome bene diſcouered e Mewen ? and who hath
vnderſtood the manifold entrance vnto her?T
8 There ts onc wile, Leuen the mot High
Cecatour of all things, the Almighty, the King
of power J and herp terrible, which ſitteth bpon
his Thone. ;
9 wWersthe Low thathath created her [tho-
row the boty Ghoſt:J he bath ſeene her, numbed
her, [and meatnred her.)
10 idee bach powzed her out vpon all hig-
workes, and spon all flety, accozding to bis gift,
po gtaet þer aboundantly vunte them that
11 The feare of the Lord ts gloy , and glad⸗
nefle,and reioycing, and a topfull crowne.
12 The feare of the Lod maketh a merry
heart, and giueth gladneficand top, long life.
_ 13 Cho foteareth the Lo, it hall goe well
wtth him at the latt, and he fjall inde fauonr in
the Dap of his Beath. ‘
14 [ Whe tone of God is honourable wife-
Dome, and vnto whom it appeareth ina vifion,
they lone tt faz the viſon, and forthe kuowleage
ofthe great workes thereof. T j
15 * Tbe feare of the Lozd ts the beginning
of wifedome,and was made with the faithful tit
the wombe: E ihe gorp ee thecholen women,
aitd is knowen with the righteous and faithful.
16 The feare of the Lod is an holy know⸗
17 Howlinele Hall pzelerne, and inttifie the
heart, and ginech mirth anv gladneſſe.
18 he
Pfa. ti nI.
prou: 9. 10».
10b 28. 28 p
Or, wiſe⸗
wi fa. 206.
P6117 63s
F Apocrypha.
i TE
19 Mho ſo kegreth the Lord, Hall profper,
no tn the day of his end hohattbeblefier.] «
19 She hath built her enerlaſting found ati⸗
ons with men, tts giuen to be with their ſeed.
20 To frare God ts fhe kulnelſe of witedome,
ane Meth men with ber fruits.
21 She Hiileth their whole houle with [atl]
things deliveable,ethe garners with the things
that thee bringeth foorth, and both twatne are
gifts ot Gav. z
22- Thefeare of the Lord ts the crowne of
vnſedome, and atueth peace and perfect health;
he hath ſeene her, and numbed her. j
23 || Spe raineth Downe knowledge,and vn-
derſtanding of wilevome,and path brought vn
to honour them that poſſeſſed per.
24 Whe feare of the Lois the root of wifes
pome and her branches are {ong itfe,
25 [3n thetrealures of wiſe dome is vnder⸗
Kanding, and holy knowledge, but wile dome igs
abhorred of inners. J
26 Whe feare of the Lord driueth out finne,
and when the is preſent, he driueth away anger:
27 @ Fa wicked anger cannot bee tultifen;
or bis ratynefik in his auger Malbe bis deſtruc⸗
28 A patient man will fuffer for atime, and
then chall he haue the reward ofioy,
29 Hee will hide his warmes for a time , and
many miens lips Hall ſpeake of his wiledome.
30 Ju the treafures of wtledome are the fe-
crets ofknowledge, but the finner abhorreth the
Woribip of Gad, —
31 Jethou deſire wiledome, keepe the Cont-
mandements , and the Lod hall giue her vnto w
thee, land will ill Her trealures j
32 Foꝛ the feare of the Lod ts wiſedom dil
cipline: be hath pleafure tu faith and meckenes.
33 Be not diſobedient to the feare of the Lod,
and come not vnto him with a double heart.
34. q Bee not an hypocrite that men outa
— Fpeake of thee, but take heed whar thoufpeakert,
3 i Crale not thy felfe tet thon fall and being
thy foule todifonsur, and fo Goo diſtouer thy
fecvets, and cat theedowne in the mids ofthe
congregation. becawle thou wouldeſt not receine
the ttur fearcofGod, and thine heart ts full of
x Hee exhorteth the feruants of God to righteouf:
se Ge, louc, vaderflanding and patience, 11 Totruft
nthe Lord. 13 A curfe vpon them that are faist
hearted and impatient,
M2 fonne,ifthou wilt come into the ſeruice of
God L Land fak in righteoulnes and fearg;
and ] prepare thy ule totentation.
2 Settle thine heart, and ve patient: [ bots
Downe thine care, Ereccine the words of vnder⸗
ſtandiug ] and Minke not away when thon are
affatled, [but watt vpon God patiently.
3 Foyne thy felfe vnto him, and depart nota-
wap, that thou mayit be increaled at thy latt end,
4 Cihatheuer.commeth vnto theesreceine tt
paticntly, and beepatient in the change of thine
affliction. reps if :
§ * Foras gold Land filucr are J tried in. the
fire, eunen fo ave meñ acceptable in the fornace of
Eccleſiaſticus. —
6 Beleeue in Gad, and hee will helpe thee:
oder thy way aright, and tenft in bim; C poine `
-falt his teare ann grow ola therein] /
7 We that feare the Lozd, tuait fo: hig mer-
ty : inke not away from him that pe fali not.
8 Dee that teare the Lorm, beleeue him, anu
port reward Mali not farle. i
9 Dypee that feare the Lord, trut in goon
things and in the enerlatting topand mercy. «
10 (Me that teare the LoD, loue him, œ pour
hearts halbelightened.) )
IL Contlider the olde generations ſof men ye
chiin, Imarke them well; * was there euer
any confounded that put histrutt inthe Lord?
O2 Who hath continued in his deare. and was fos
faken? o2 whom did hee euer Delpile, that called
bpon þin? 3
12 Foꝛ God is gracious and mercifull, foz-
giueth finnes, and ſaueth in the tine oftroubie,
Cand iga Defender fo: atlthem that leeke him in
the tructh.]
13 Coe vnto them that Bane a f kearekull
heart, Cand tothe wicked lips J and te the fart
namie ann tothe finner thar goeth two* mancr
of wayes. bythe
14. (oe vnto him that ts faint hearted : fo
be belecueth not; wereſore Mall he not be defen
Is ioe vnto pou that Dane lof patience,
Cand baue forfaken the right wayes, and are tuts
ned backe into the froward wayes: J fo: what
will ve Doe when the Lozd thal vilite pou?
16 They that teare the Lom, wilt not diſobey
his word; and they that." loue hut, wil keepe bis
17. Thep thatfeare the Lod, will ſeeke out
the things that areplealant onto bim: and they
that loue him, Wall be filftiled with his Law.
18 Chey that feare the Lod, wil prepare their
hearts and humble their foules tu brs light.
19 [They that feare the Lard, keep bis Com
ManBements, and wilbe patient til he fee them,
20 Gaying,ifwe Do not repent] we hal fall
Pfal, 37.250 |
Or, doubts
1. Kinz.08,
Fohn 14.
into the hands of the Lod, nat inta the bands -
ef miei: : ——
21 Petas his greatnelle ts, (ois his mercy.
2 To cur father and mother ought we t0 gine dou
ble honour. 10 Of the bleffing and carfe of the father
and mother.22 No mas ought omer curiouſſy to fearch
owt the fecrets of God.
C J He childzen of wiledome are the Church of
the righteous, and their ofipzing ts obedte
ence andloue.] r E
2 Weave your fathers tudgement, D chil-
Den, and Do thereafter, that pe may belafe >
3 Forthe Lod will haue the father honou⸗
red of the childzen, and hath confirmed the au-
thoritie of the mother ouer thechildzen. —
4 Cibolo honourcth bis father, bis finneg
fhal be forgiven him, Cand be ſhall abfteine front
them, and bail haue bis Daily delires.J
5 And hethat honoureth his mother ts like
one that gathereth treafure.
6 CAbolohovoureth his father, Mall jane
foy of his owne childzen , and when hee maketh
his paayer,be hhallbe heard. `
7 Weethat hononreth his father yall Wee t
iong life,and hee that ts obedient vnto the Loz,
fhalico fori his mother, à
8 Hee that feareth the Low, honoureth his
parents, and gorth ſeruice vnto bis parents, as
vnto lords.
PRL. *Honour thp father and mother in Deede
X0R.2O T2 andin worde, (and inall patience] that thou
miapelſt hauei Gods blefling, [and that his blei
` fing mayabidewiththeetntheend.J
10 Foꝛ the bleſſing of the father eſtabliſheth
fing ofmem sooteth out the foundations.
Ii Retopcenot at the diſhonour of thy father:
fo: it ts not honour vnto thee, but pame,
fathers boneur, and the reprocy of the mother ts
diſhonour to the childzen. g
13 Wy fonne, helpe thy father in his age, and
grieue bim not as long as he linet. i
14 And ifhis vadecitanding faile, hane pati-
ence with him, and deſpiſe him not when thou
art in chy fuil ſtreugth.
Is Foz che good intreatic of thy father ſhall
not be forgotten, but it halibea foztreffe tor thee
againit ſunes, [and foz thy mothers offence
thou (halt be recompenled with good, and tt Hall
be founded foz chee tn righteouſũñeſſe.)
16 And inthe day of trouble thou halt be re-
membred: thy finnes allo hall melt away as the
pce in ihe faire weather. ©
17 He that teslaketh his father, tall come to
pa hast de that angreth bis motger,is curſed
of Gov.
13 @ Dyfonne, performe thy Doings with
meekenetic, fo Halt tyoube beloucd ofthem that
ate approned.
19 Ghe* greater theu arf, the moze humble
thy telfe Lin ali chings J and thew Walt find fa-
uour before the Lob.
20 Wany arcercellent and of renotwne: but
the ſecrets are renciled vnto the mecke.
2I forthe power ofthe E02 isgreat, and
he is honoured ofthe lowly. —
22 *Secke not out the things that are toc
hard fo? thee, neither (earch the things rafly
which are too mightie foz thee.
23 [But] what [Gor] hath commaunded
thee, thinkt vpon that with renceence, [and be
not curious in many of his werkes:] for it is net
needful fo: thee to fee with thine spes the things
thatarefecrer. — :
24 Be not curiousin ſuperfluous things : fo?
many things are (hewed vite thee aboue theca»
pacitte of men. = SH j
25 The medling with fuch hatebequiled ma»
np, and an eutll opinton bath decciued their
tuBgenecnt. .
26 Thou canſt not (ec without eyes: prefeſſe
not the knowledge therefoze thar thou halt nat.
27 A ttubburne heart hal fare euillatthe laſt:
and be thatlouech Danger, Hall peri: therein.
28 Anbeart that goeth two wares, thal! not
poper: an? hee that ts froward of heart, hall
umble therein. oe -t
29 Anobftinate beart Hall be laden with ſor⸗
rowes : and the wicked man {hail yeape tinne
' Spon finne. vei
30 The perfwafion of the pꝛoude is without
remedy. and his ſteps Halb: pluck:d np . for rhe
plant of finne hath taken roote in him, Lanvyee ©
tall not be eſtcemed. J *
PMa. 3.
rem. 12.3.
Chap. iiij.
the houtes ofthe chtldzen, and the mothers curle
31 The heart of him that hath buverian-
Ding, fall perceiue ſecret things, and an attene
tiuceareisthedelireofawt{erman. =
32 [An heart thatts wife and vnderſtanding.
willabfaine froin finne, and thail pzoſper inthe
33 ater quencheth burning Gre,
almes taketh away linnes. ?
34 Ant heethat rewardeth good deeds, will
remember it afterward , andin the timg ofthe
fail,bee Hall ind a Kay,
1 Almes muft bee dose with gentlene ff.
-12 The
12 Seeing that mans glozy conumeth by hig Sudie ofwifzdome and ber fruite. 210 An exhortas
tion toefthew enill, and to doe good,
M2 foune, Befraud not the * pooze of his li-
in Hing, and make not the needie epes to waite
2 QDakerot abungriefoute ſorowfull, net
ther bere a manin his neceliitie.
3 Crouble not the heart that is grieued,and
Deferre not the giftofthencesp. =~
4. Refule not the prayer of oncthat is in trous
ble; * turne not away thy face From the pooꝛe.
§ Turne not chine epes alinelin anger} from
the pooze, an’ giue him none eccalion to ſpeake
culll of thee. y
6 Foꝛ it hee curle thee tn the bitterneſſe ofhis
me bis payer pall be heard of him that made
7 Be courteous vnto the company Cof poore
and humble chy foule vnto the Einer, I and bow
Bowie thy head-te aman of woꝛſpip. ;
8 Letitnot grieucthee to bow Downe thine
gare vnto the pooze, [but pay thy Debty and giue
bima friendly anfwere.
9 € Deliuer pim that fuffereth tong, from >
the hand of the opprefied, aud be notfatnt hear ·
ted || when thou tudgelt. fOr, to des
Io Be as a father vnto the fatherlefle,and as fesd hin,
an bulband vnto their mother : fe fhalt thou bee
asthefonne ofthe moſt High: andhe ſhall loue
thee moze then thy mother Doeth. -~
Il Miſedome eralteth her childzen, andres
teiucth them that ſeeke ber, Cand will goe before
them in the way of righteoulneſſe..
12 Hee that loueth her, loucth life, and they
that tecke life in the mozning, all haue great
13 De that keepeth her, hall inherit glory:
fo buto whom fheeentreth, bim the Lod will
14 They that honour ber, kalbe the ſeruants
a ak boly One, and them thatioue her, the Lod
octi ioue. i
Is Che fo giueth eare vnto ber , Mall iuage
the nations, and hee that goeth vnto ber, mall
Dwellfately, —_’
16 {ee that ts fatthfullpnto her, thall haue
ra p> poſſeſſion, and bis generation fall pol
effe her. ;
17 Foꝛ firt hee witl walke with him by croo⸗
keD wapes, and bring him vnto feare and Dead,
and torment him wih Ser difcipitne vntili hee
haue tryed his ſoule, and haue prooued pim by
her iudgements.
-I8 Chen wall Hee returne the ſtraight way
vnto him, and comfort hint, anv thewe bim der
ſecrets, Cand beape — the ad eh
Tobit.4. 7-
Deut. 5:Fe
* aNd Days og
a To bee a⸗
fhamed to
confefle thy
God. thy
faith,to tee
ftifie the
truth, and
to reproue
finne, doth
bring finne
-ynto thee:
the contrary
ſhame brin.
geth wors
- fhip.
19,20 chap,
11.18, 19. 2.
Erek 19.
of — and vnderltanding ofrighteoni
nelie J . i
19 But ik he goe wong, the wil forlake him:
and ging hin ouse mto the hands of bts deſtruc⸗
tion- eft
20 [aW oane, I maketh much of time and
* elchem thething that ts euill,
21 Andbe not ahamed Cro fap thetruthg foz
thp life: foz there is a2 Hame that bringeth tane,
and athame that bringeth worſhip and fauour.
22 Accept no perfon agatnil thine owne cone
{cience, that thou be not confounded to thine
ownebecay, Land forbeare not thy neighbour
in Hts fault-J :
23 Aud keepe not backe counſell when it may
Do good, neither hide thy wiſedone when tt may
be famous. —
24. Foꝛ by the talke is wiſedome knowen, and
learning by the words of the tongue, Cand comta
(cll, witedome and learning by the talking of the
wile, and ſtedkaſtneſſe in the workes of righte>
25 3u no wile ſpeake againſt the worde of
truth, but be ahamed of the lies of thine owne
26 Be not aſhamed to conkeſſe thy ſinnes, and
relit not the courte ofthe riuer.
27 Submit nat chy ſelfe vnto a kooliſh man,
neither accept the perſon of the mightte.
28 Striue foz the truth vnto death, Cand De-
fend iultice for thy life, and the Lord God Wall
fight fo: thee Cagaint thine enemies ]
29 Benot baitie in th tongueneicherilacke _
and negligent in thy works.
30 Be not asa lyon in thine owne poule, nei-
ther beate thy feruants foz thy fantaiie, Cuo? op⸗
prefie them that are vnder thee·
3I * Let not thine banu be ſtretched ont to ree
ceiue, and hut wen chou Houldek gine, `
1 Inriches may we not put any confidence, 7 The
vengeance of God ought to bee feared, and repentance
may not be deferred, }
Taug not vuta thp * riches, andfaynot, J
A haue enough foz my life: Cfo: it hall not belpe
in the tune of vengeance ant indignation.J
2 Fotlowe not thine owne minde and thp
fErength to walke in the wayes ofthine heart:
3 Mepther fay thou, C Howe have J bad
frength 27 0: who will bing mee vnder fo: nip
maks 7 Foꝛ God the auenace will reuenge the
wong Done by thee. ,
4 And fap not, g haue finned, and what euill
bath come vnto meg? for the Almightie ts a pas
Se — he will not leaue thee vnpu⸗
5.Becanle thy ſinne is korgiuen, be not with⸗
out feare, to heape inne vpon inne.
6 Au lay not, Che merrie of God ts great;
Hee will forginemp manifold finnes : for mercie
and wath come from him, and hisindignation
ronuneth Downe vpon inners. 3
7 Wake no tarying to tutne bnto the Lor,
and put net offfrom Day ta Dap : for ſuddenly
ſhall the math of the Loꝛd breake foorth, and in
thy fecuritte thou fhalt be Deftroped, and thou
Halt perithin time of vengeance,
3 Trufl notin wicked riches : foz they Hall
not beipe thecin the Day of puniſhment Cand
vengeance- ;
9 Benotcaricd abant with enery wind, anv
goe not into eaery wap : foz fo doeth the inner
that hath a Doubierongue.
10 Stand fait in thy lure vnderſtand ing Land
in the way and knowledge of the Lordgand haue
Lint oie maner of woz, Cand follow tye word of
peace aud righteouſneſſe.
IL De bumble to heare the word of God , that
thou mayeit vaderitandtt, aud makea true an>
fwere with wridome.]
12 * Beelwit to yeare good things, and let Fames 1.1 |
thy life be pure and giue a patient auſwere.
13 Itthou bak vnderſtanding, anfwere thy
neighbous: it not, lay thine bande vpon thp
mouth, Cleft thou bee trapped in an vndtlereet
word, anD io be blamed _
14 Honour and ſhame is in the tatke, and the
tongue ofa man cauſeth bim to fali. ;
. Iş Benorcounteta*talebearers andlienot revjerp.sé
tn wait with thy tongue : foz Hame Cand ecpen=
tance] follow the thiefe, ant an cul condemna-
tton is ouer bin that ts Doubled tongued: Cout he
that is abackbicer ſhalbe hated, euũted and con⸗
founded. . ;
16 Doe net rathlyncither in hnali things nog
in gteat,
©.H)A)P.: Wil: |
1 Tt the propertie of a finner to be enill tongued. |
6 Of friend{hip. 33 Defire tobetaught. ‘ '
Be not ofa friend Cthy neighbours] * enemy ;
foz fuch fall haue an enill name, hame and
reproch,and be hall be in infamie asthe wicked
that bath a double tongue.
2 Bee not proudinthe Denice of thine owne
minde lek thy {oule rent thee as a> bull,
3 Andeate vp thy icaues, and Beitrop thy
fruit, and i thou beleftas amig tree Cen the
wildernefic.J _ ;
4 Foz awicked ule deſtroyeth him that
hath it, and maketh him to bec laughed to ſcorne
of hts enemies. Cana batngeth Him to the portion
of thevngodly.j Th j
5 A lweete talke multiplieth the friends pand
pacifieth them that be at variance.) and afwees
tongue tncreafeth much good talke.
6 Wold friendship with many, neuertheleſſe
haue butenecountellerofathboutand :
7 HFthou gettet afriend, pegue him firſt,
andbee nothatttetocredithim. . caufe of thy
3 fforfome man ts a friend fo2 bis owue ocs wi chypowe
cafon, ¢ will not abide in the Dapotthy trouble. eror riches,
9 And there ts fome friend that turneth to moulden
enmitic, and taketh partagainf thee, and in defroy thy
contention hee wili declare thy wame. $
10 Againe, fome* friend is but acampanion
at the table, and in the Bay of thine affliction he
continucth not. $
II Butin thy proſperity he wibe asthenthy
felfe,and will vie libertie ouer thy ſeruants.
12 Ifthou be bꝛought lowe, be willbe againſt
thee and will hide himletfe from thy face.
13 Depart from thine enemies, and beware
ofthpiviendDes, n
14 A faithfull friend ts a ſtrong Defence, and
be that findeth {uch a one, findeth a treature.
15 Afaithfullfriend ought notto be changed
foz any thing, and the weight [of golde and fil-
uer] is not ta bee compared to rhe goodneſſe Laf
dis taith.] 16 &
a For thatis |
againft the )
rule of cha-
rity, which
loueth all, &
hateth no⸗
thing but
oncly finne.
b Asabull
teareth in
piecesa yong
tree with dis
hornes, fo
thou trufting
in thine ows
wifdome , &
ftanding in
thine owne
Chap, 37.5.
16 Q Faithfull friend fs the medicine of life
Land immoztalitie] Ethep that teare the Lod,
Hall Gud bin. $ $
17 Ubo lo feareththe Lod, Mall direct his
friendihip aright, and as his owne felfe, fo ſhall
bis friend be. i s
18 Wy nne, receiue Doctrine from thy
youth yp: ſo {halt thou find wiſedome C which
‘Shall endure ] tillthine old age.
flor, earnefi=
Pfal. i. 253.
I9 Goe to her as one that ploweth , and fow-
eth, and wait foz her good fruits: fo: thou ſhalt
haue butlitle labour in ber wozke. but thou halt
gat ot her fruita right ioone.
20 ow exceeding arpe is Hee tothe vite
learned ! pe that ts without iudgement, wil nog
remaine with per. j
21 Unto fuch one ſhee is as a fine touchſtone,
and he calteth her from him without welay.;
22 Foꝛ they baue the name ofwifedome 5 but
there be but few that haue p knowledge of her.
23 C fo with them that know her, hes able
Deth vuto the appearing of God.j i
24 Gute carg, my fonne: receiue my Doctrine,
aud refuſe not my countel, l
25 And put thy keete into her linkes, aud thy
necke into jer chatne.
26 Bow downe thy Moulder unta ber, and
beare her, and be not weary of ber bands.
27 Game vnto her with thy whole heart, and
keepe ber wayes with all thy power.
28 Seeke akter her, and ſearch ber, and hee
Kall be ſhewed thee: and when tyou bali gotten
per forlake her not. ;
29 Fozat-the lak thou halt Gnd rek inper
and chat halbe turned to thy top.
30 Then hall herfetters bea ſtrang defence
fo? thee, Land a fre foundation] ther chaines
a gloꝛious ratment.
31 Fo there is a golden oꝛnament in her,and
der bands are the laces of purple colour.
32 Shou falt put ber on as a robe of hos
nour,and Halt put ber vpon thee as acrowne of
toy. ;
33 My lſonne, if thou wilt, thou Malt bee
taught, and if thou wiit apply thp minde, thou
Walt be wittie.
34 Ff thou loue ta beare, thou Halt receiue
Kalt be wile. 3
35 HDtand withthe multitude of the elders,
which are wik, and ioyne with him that is twit.
36 * Detre to heare ali godly talike , and let
uot the graue (entences of Kuowiedge eſcape
thee. ;
37 Andif thou keeta man of vnder Landing,
get thee foone vnto him, and let thy foot weare
the fteps of his doores. ;
38 Let thy mind bee bpon the ordinances of
the Lod , and be || continually * sccupted in bis
commandements: fo Mall hee eftablith thine
beart, and gine thee wiſedome at thine swng
Delive, ;
; GWAR. oir
2 Wee mult forfcke euill, and yet not iustifie our
ſelues. 23 The behauiour of the wiſe toward his wife,
his fiend his chaldren , hus ſeruants, his father and
Di no cuill: fo hall no harme come vnto
ti pe
and it thou Delightin hearing, thou go
Chap. viij.
2 Depart from the thing thatis wicked, a
finite fhatlturne away from thee, S
3 Wy lonne, ſowe not vpon the furrowes of
——— s leah that thou reape them ſe⸗
4 Alkenot ofthe Lord preeminence, ieiti
ofthe King the eatot Honour, ist
§ * stalitiie not thy feife before the Lord: [fo
be knsweth chine heact,] ¢ toat not thy wik.
dsme in the preſence of the king.
6 Becke not tobe mane a Judge leat thou
bee not abie to takeaway iniguitie, andicatt
thou, tearing the perlon af the mightie fouls
— an oftence againſt thine vpꝛight⸗
_7 Offend not Annina beat a a Cis
tic anacak not thy felfe among tke people.
3 Wind not two finnes together; fo2 inone
ſinne ſhalt thou not be vnpunisen.
Hay not, God will looke vpon the multis
tude of mine oblations, and when 3 offer to the
niot high God,he will accept tt.
Io Be not fatnt hearted, wher thau makes
thy prayer, neither ſlacke in giuing of aimes.
II Laugh no man to (cone in the heauineſſe
of his foule; foz [Ged which feethall chingesy
a SA that can izing Downe, and fet vp
I2 Dow not a lie againſt thy bother, nese
thet Doe the fame againtt thy friend.
13 Ule not to make any maner of lie: foz the
cuſtome thereofts net goon,
14. Wake uot many words when thon art a>
mon the elders, netther * repeate a thing in thy
Is Yate notlabozions *wozke,neither the pul
bandy which the mo High hath cre A :
16 Number not chy felfe in the multitude of
the wicked, but remember that vengeance will
not tlacke. ;
17 umble thy mind greatly: foz the verte
geance of the wickedis fire and wormes.
18 Glue uot otter thy friend fo: any good, nog
thy true brother foz the gold of Dphir.
Ig Depart not froma wile and good wos
man, Ctbat ts fallen vntothee fo: thy portion
in — ofthe LoD: J foz bergrace ts aboue
20 © Mhereas thy feruant worketh trueiy,
intreate him not enill , nozthe bireling that be⸗
ttowsth himſelke wholly fo thee.
21 Lee thy foule loue a good ſeruant, and dee
fraud him not of libertie, Cucitherieauc bim a
pooꝛe ma.)
22 Ikthou hane cattell, looke well te them,
ire they bee fo: thy profit, keepe them with
23 * Jf thon haue fonnes , inſtruct them, and
Hold their necke from their youth. i
24 Ikthou haue Baughters, keepe their bos
me and fbein not thy face cheerefull toward
em. *
25. Waty thy daughter,and fo Malt thou per»
fore a weigity matters but gine her to a man
ofouderitanding. S
26 Jf theu haue a wife after thy minde , foz»
fite Her uot, but cõmit not thy felfe to the hate⸗
utile 4
27 * Donor thp father from thy whole
heart, and forget not the ſorrowes of thy me-
Ddd2 28 Ree
eccles 7.180
lake 18. la
L Sam. 35 Fe
Mat.6. 5, 7
Rom. 12. 11.
Lewit.19.1 3
chap.3 3. 29.
and 34:23.
tobit 4. 3a
Deut. 2
18, 19.
Lewit.2. 3.
_ Or, Aberali-
and 4. 17.
— Rowmr2.15.
d Mat,2 5 36,
ee ee ee, ae es) ee! eel! CU
_ Maths. 24.
©) Chape33.6.
Gal, 6.1.
Leuit,t9. 32
28 Remember that thon waT borne of chen,
€ bow can’ thourecomponce then týr things
that they haue Done fo2 thee?
29 @ Fave the Lod with all chy ule, and
honour his miniſters.
20 Lone him that made thee, with all thy
ſtreugth, *and forlake not histeruants, `
31 Feare the Lord with ail thy foule, and bo-
uour the Duets, * and gue them their poztton,
as itis conmaunded tive, the Uri fruts, Cand
purtications] and facrifices fo} tin, anu the ote .
Frings of the ihoulders,¢ the facrifices of fancti-
fication ano the Ari fruits of the boly things.
32 Stretch chine hand vuto the poore, chat
thy | bleffing, Land reconciliations may tee ace
complied. wa
33 Libevalttic pleateth all mentining, and
* from the dead reſtraine tt not. :
34 * Let not them that weepe, bee without
[tomfogt :] but mourne with ſuch as mourne.
25 *Bee not low to vilite the licke: Foz that
fali make thee to be beloued.
36 Mhatſoeuer thou taket tn hand, rementa
ber the cud, and thou tale neuer Doe amiſſe.
We muft take heed with whom we hane to doe.
— — with a mighty man, leatt thou fall
Sino bis hands:
2 *9Dake not variance with artch man; let
Hee on theother ſide weigh nowne thy weight:
* foz goldland ſaluer hach Deltroped many, and
hath ſubuerted the hearts of kings.
3 HAtriue not withaman that ts ful of words,
and lap no ſticks vpon his fire.
4 Pilay not with a man that is vntaught,
leatt thy kindred be diſhonoured. :
§ *Delptle not aman that trirueth himlelfe
away from finne, noz call him notin the teeth
al » butremenber that wee are all wozthie
6 *Dihonournoetamanin bis oldage : for
they were as we which are not old. h
7 Bee not glad of the Death of thine enemie,
butremember that we mut ali dic, Land ſo en⸗
ter into toy 7 ;
8 *Delprle not the exhoꝛtation of the [ El
Ders] that be wiit, hutacquaint thy teite with
their milelentences : for of the thou halt learne
wiloome, [nd the doctrine of vnderſtanding,
om to ſerue great men [ without come
plaint. 3
o Goe not from the doctrine of the Elders:
fo: they haue learned it of their fathers, and of
them thon ſhait learne vnderſtanding; and to
make anlwere uit the time of need.
10 Kindle uet the coatesoflinners, [when
theurebukett them, ]leatt thou be burnt in the
ficrte flames [of thetr ünnes.]
11 Rik not vp againk hun that Doth wrong,
that he lay not wait as alpte for thy mouth.
12 * Lend not tobim that ts mightter ther
oy lelfe . foz if thoa lendeſt him, count tt but
12 Wee not tuertte aboue thy power: koꝛ il
thoube ſuertie, thinke topaytt. .
14 Goenortolaw with the iudge: fo) they
` twill gine ſentence according to bis owne Yo-
I5 * Trancilenot by the way with bin that Gen,4, 8.
is ram leat ye noe theeinnivics fox hefoliowerh
bis owne wifuinche, aud le halt thou perii
through bistolly.
16 *Dtrine nor with him thatts angry, and
goe not with hun into the wilderneflesfo2 blood
ts as nothing in his lightand where there is na
heipe he will oucrthzom thee,
17 Take no counivilat a foole : for he cannot
keepe a thing clot.
18 Doe xo ieccet thing before a ſtranger: fog
thou tani noc tell what he goech about.
19 Open not thine heart vnto euery man, leſt
bebe vñnthankelull vnto thee, Land put thee te
repzoote.} Si
Ofieloufie, 12 An old friend ù to be preferred bea
ve anew. 18 Righteous men ſhould be bidden to thy
t abit.
pe not itlous ouer thy wife of thy befome,net=
ther a reach her by thy meanes an eutl leſſon aLether not
2 Glue not thy lifevnts a woman , leat He haue rule o-
ouertome thy ürength Cand lo thou be contoun· uer thee, for
Prou,22 240
ped.) thenwillfhe `
3 MWeetenot an harlot, leak thon falinta be contrarie |
her mares. vnto thee,
4 Ule not thecompany ofa womanthatis takeaway |
a finger, Cand a Dancer, netther beare her, lett thy beart &
thou be taken by her craftinelfe. ſtrength, and
§ *Gazeuot on a maid, that thou fall not by bring theeto
that that is precious in her, contufion as
6 *Catnot thy mind vpon harlots Cittanp mongthine |
maner of thing, J leat thou deſtroy [both tip enemics,as —
felfe ane] thine beritage. did Heuh |
7 Goenot about gazing in the €reets ofthe to Adam,
titie, neither Wander thou in the ſecret places Delilah to
thereof. é S$ mſon, and
8 *Turne away thine epe from a beautifull ſtrange wo-
woman, and looke not bpenothers beautie: fog men to Sa-
many * have perithed by the beautic of women; lomon,
foz through tt loune ts kindled asa fire. Gen.6.1, 2.
9 CEnerp woman that is an harlot, ſhall ber asd 34.2
tronen vnder foot as doung, okenery one that Prew 5. 2.
goeth bythe warꝛ. AMatth.g. 28
10 Many wondering at the beautie of a Gen.3 4.1,2
ftrange woman, haue bin cat out:foꝛr ber words 2 fumat. 2.
buineas a- ſire. __ imdet,10.17,
II Sit not at all with another mans Wife, 19.and 13.
Cnetiher lie with ber vpon the bed, nozbanket 16,20,
with der: leit thine heartincline vnto her, and
forhzough thy deſire tall into detiruction.
12 @ Foke not an old friend + forthe new
ſhall not bee like bim: aneis friend ts as new
wine: when itisold, thou ſhalt Dine it wich
plealtire. - Ai Dh
13 *Defirenot the honour Cand richesg of a
mag fo2 thou knoweſt not what Hall bee bis
er e F
14 Delight not inthe thing that the vngod·
ly haue plealurein,but cemvember that they Hat
not be found iuſt vnto theit graue.
Keepe thee from the man that hath power
to flay: fo Halt thon not doubt the feare af Death:
and ikthou come vnto hut, make no fault, teaik
he take away thy life: remember that thou goeſt
inthe middes of fares, anv that thou waſkeſt chap. 6 34,
npon the towers of the citie, © 38.and 8.3
16 Cry thy neighbour as neere as thou cant, and 37.22.
*andalkecountellofthe wile, - Deut.6.9.
17 Let ehy tale be with the wile,and all thy and 12.19,
Fedg.9. 3s
24 {Am 1 501d
workman a.
praifed ac-
cording to
the morke,
1. Kig. 2.
1.313, 14.
communttation in the Law of the moſt High.
E 18 Lebuilbimen cat and dinke with thee and
let thy — beinthe feare ot the Lord.
10 In ſſthe hands of the craktelmen wall the
workes bee commented, and the wii piace of
peopic by bis wore, Cant the word bp rye wele=
Dome ac the Siders.) :
20 @ man fulbof words ts Dangerous in the
* and be thatis.raty tn his talking, ſhali bee
© Of Kingsand Judges. 7 Pride and couetouf:
teft areto be abhorrcd. 28 Labeur ss praifed.
A Miſe Judge will infruct his people with
L diſcretion:the gouernance ofa pudent man
is weli oeren. ;
2. As the kage of the people is bimfelfe, fo
are his officers, and what manerof man the rie
ler ofthe citie ts, ich arg all they thatdweil
therein. thes | j
3 * An onwile King deſtroyeth bis people,
but where they that bee in authsritie, are men
of vnderſtanding there the citie proſpereth.
4 The gouernment of the earth ts i the
Hand ofthe Lob, Cand ail tniquitte of tie nati-
ons is to bee abhorred, J and when time is, bee
Wwillet pp a proftrable ruleroncr it.
§ Inthe han’ ef God ts the profperitte of
` Man, and. vpou the Scribes wiil he lay his ho»
Leni. 19.19.
Iere 27.6.
Aæni. 4. 14.
Luke 1.53,
14 11.
and 18. 14
nour. © 6
6 *Beenot angric for any wrong, with thp
neighbour, doe nothing by tuturions pzactties.
7 Pꝛide ishatetuibefore God and man, and
by bot) Doth one commit iniquitie.
Becaule of vnrightrous Dealing, and
Wiongs, aud riches gotten by Decett, the king⸗
Dome ts trantlated from one people to another.
9 Chere ts nothing wole then a couetous
man: [why art thou proud, D earth and aſhes?
there is not a moꝛe wicked thing , then to loue
money ;] fo: fuch one wonld even feli bis foule,
and fo2 his life euery one ts compelled ro pul out
bisowne bowels. :
10 [AU tyzannie is of finallindurance, and
the diſeaſe that is hard to beaie ; is grieuous te
the jPoviician.
Il The Phyfictan cutteth ofthe fore diſeaſe.
and he that is to Day a moꝛow ts Dead,
12 Alpis earth and aves proud, ſecing that
when a man dieth/ beets the petre of ferpents,
beafts,and wormes? Diet
13 The beginning of mans p2tde, ts to fall
away from God, and to turne away hi⸗sheart
from his maker. :
14 Foꝛ prive is the oꝛiginall of fine, and hee
that hath it Wall powe out abomination tilat
tat he be ouerthzotwen: therefore the Lord brin⸗
geth the perfwafions [ofthe wicked] to diſho⸗
nour and deſtroyeth them inthe cud.
15 Che Low hath*calt downe the thrones of
thel proud princes, and fet vp the mecke th theit
16 The Lom plucketh vp the tootes of the
— nations, anv planteth the lowly with
glory among them.
The Low ouerthꝛoweth the lands of the
gia Seater: and deſtroyeth them vnto the founta.
` tions of the earth: bee cauleth them to wither a⸗
Chap. x. xj.
way, and deſtroyeth them and maketh thelr mes
wmozrtailtecealeontotthecarth. >:
18 [God Deitvopeth the memopiall of the
pronde, and leaueth the remembzance of the
ig Jonne was not createdin men, neither
wath in the generation ef women.
20 Chere tsa (eeneof man, whichis anha»
nonrable (ced; the honourable {eed are they that
feare the Lord: there ts a teed of man, which ig
Without honour: the feed without honour, are
they that trantgrefic the conimandements of the
Lord: it ts a ees that rematneth, which feareth
tije Lord, and a Faive plant, that loue him: but
they are a (ced without honour, that defpile the
law, and a deceiueable (eed chat breake the ton-
mandements. —————
21 Hee thatts the chiefe among brethren, is
——— fo are they that feare the Lozd in
22 The feare of the Low cauleth that the
kingdome failerh not, but the kingdome ts loſt
bycruelticandD pape. — ;
23 The feare of the Lord ts the glory as wel
Bf tye rich and the noble,as ofthe poorer.
24 Ft ts not meete to deſpiſe the poze man
that hath ynvderitanding, neither ts tt conuente
cnt to magnifie the rich thatis a wickedman.
25 The great man and the indge, andthe
man of authozitte, are honourable, petis.there
one of them greater then bee that trareth the
o ;
26 * Cintathe feruant that is wile Mall they
that are free, Doe ferutce : * he that bath know-
ledge, will not grudge when beets refozmed,
(and the iqnozant fhalinot come te honour.) `
27 Peeke not ercules when thou houldeſt Ba
thy wozke, neither beafhamend thereof though
pride in the time of aduerſitie. Jedd Ba
28 *Betterishee that laboureth, and hath
plenteouſneſſe ofall things, then be that is gor
geous, and wanteth bead. *
29 Wy loune, get thy felfe prai by merke.
neffe.and efteeme thy felfe as thou Deleruett.
Pro, 17: Be
2.94, 1 2.
Prota gt
30 Cho will count him iut that finneth as -
gaintt himſelfe? oz honour him that diſhonou⸗
reth bis ovone mule? — —
31 Che poore is honoured fo? his knowledge
[and bis feare,7 but the rich ts had in reputati⸗
onbecante of hts goons. 7 j
32 Hee that is honourable in pouertie, how
much moze Hall be be when be is rich? and hee
that is vnhoneſt being rich, bow much moze will
he befo when he ts tn powertte?
C HAP ee
1 The praiſe of bumiltie, z After the outward
appearance ought wee mot toiudge. 7 Of rafhimdze-
ment. 14 Allthings come of God, 29 Allmen are
not to be brought intothine houſe.
V Yy sito *lifteth bp the bead of him that
is lowe, and maketh him to tit among
greatmen. vpra
2 Commend not aman fo: hts beantic, nei:
ther deſpiſe a man fn bis btter appearance.
3 The Beets but mall — the fouless
yet Doth her fruit paſſe in ſweetneſſe.
4 Bernot proud of clothing ant raiment,
Gen. 41. 40.
dan.6 2
*and xxalt not thy felfe in the day of honour: for 44.12 27,
. fhe workes of the Lod are monderfull cand
foxous J fecret, Cand vnknowen g are dis
— Daa 3 wakes
mores among men.
şs anp tyrants hane fitte downe vpon the
carth,” andthe vnlikely bath worne che crows.
6 Many mighty men haue bene bought to
Dihonour,and the honourable haue bene delice
tedintoe other mens hands
7 @ * Blame no [man] before thou halt en
quired the matter: puderitand firſt, and then te
fone (eiahteoutly. |
8 * fentence before thou ha heard
the caule, neither interrupt men in the mids or
their tales.
9 Striue not for matter that thou hatt not
to doe with, and fit net in the iudgement ol tin
10 My tonne, meddle not with many mat»
ters; * forit chou gaine much, thon Mait not bee
blameleſſe, and if thou follew after tt, pet falt
thou not attayue tt, neyther ſhalt thou eicape,
though thou fice froin tt.
If * There is lomeman that laboureth and
taketh payne, and the moze be haſteth, the moze
De wanteth. j 1 )
12 Againe thereis fone that is ſlonthfull, and
* Hath neede of Helpe: for be wanteth ſtrength
and hath great poucety, pet the cye of the Lord
looketh vpon bim to good, and ſetteth him vp
frombis low etate,
13 And belifteth vp his head: fo that many
gn — at him, Cand giii honour vate
14 *Dolperity and aduerlity,ltfe and death,
pouertpandriches comeofthbeLlod. + o-
15 Milſedome and knowledge, ¢ vnderltan⸗
Ding of the Law are of the Lol: lont aud good
~ works come of him. f
I6 Exrour and Darknefle are appointed for
finners, and they that eralt themfclucs in enill,
ware old in euill. :
17 The gikt of the Lord remaineth for the god ·
lp, and bis good will giueth pofpertty Foz ener,-
18 @ ome manis rich by hts care and nig-
gardſhip, and this is the postion of his wages,
19 Ju that hee (aith.* J baue gotten reſt, and
now wili F cate continually of mp goods, pet he
confidercrh riot thatthe time draweth nere.that
hee mult leaue all hele things vnto other men,
BRD Die himielfe. ~.
20. Stand chou in thy Tate, and exerciſe thy
{elfe therein, and cemapne in thy wozke vnto
thine age. .
21 Maruaile not at the works of inners, but
truſt in the Loꝛd and abide in thp labour ; kor tt
taan ealp thing tithe fight of the Loz ſudden·
iptoimakeapooremanrich. — —
22 Theblefingof the Lo is in the wages
of —* gonly, and he makech bis prolperitp foone
to figurii.
_ 23 (Say not, hat poft and pleaſure Hall
J Danes and what good things ſyal J yaus here
after 2
24 Againe, fay not, F baue enough, and pol
feffc many tyngs and what cutt can come to me
25 * Jn thy good ſtate remember aduertiite,
and inaducriity fozgetnot profpcrity.
26 Foꝛit is ancatie thing vata the Lod in
the Day of Death toreward a mas according co
pis wayes. y i
27 Theaduerſityof an houre maketh one ta
` Saget pleatse: and in amang end, his workers
3 Sam. 15.
23. efler 6.
and 17. 4,6,
iofh.7 22.
Pre. 18. 13.
1,4,6, Ge
Pro. 10.3.
76.42. 10.
Iob. 1. 21.
exch, 38 4
Luke 12.19,
ave diſcouered.
28 Judge none bleed before hts death: foz a
man thalbeknowen by hts children.
29 Brung sot euery man into thine houle: foz
the deceitfũll haue many tratnes, Cand are like
omackes that belch Finkingly.]
30 Asa partridge is taken vider a batket,
Cand the binde ts taken in the (rare ,) fois the
beart of the proud man, which lke a ipie ate
cheth to: thy fall. i í
31 Fo: he lieth in waite, and turneth good vn⸗
to cuill, and in chings wozthy pratic be will find
fome fault.
32 MPkoue tittle ſparke is made a great fire,
[and of one Deceithul! mants blood increaſed:ꝗ
fo: a linfull man layeth watt for blood.
33 Deware ofa wicked man: fo2 hee iniagi-
Neth wickeD things to bring thee intoa perpe
tuail ame.
34 Lodge a ftranger, and hee will deſtroy
thee with vnquietneſſe, and driue thee front
thine owne.
t Yate whom we eught to dee good. 10 Enemies
ought wot to be trufted.
VW Den thou wilt doe geod, know te whom
thou doelt tt, (0 at thou be thanked fos
thy benefits. ?
2. *Doc good vnto the righteous, and thou
Malt finds [great] reward, though not of hint,
vet okthe mok Nigh.
3 Hee cannot haue good that continueth in
eull, and giueth no almes: [foz the molt Wigh
bateti che fimiers, and hath mercie bpon them
that repent J
4 Giueunteluchasfeare God, andreceing -
nota ſinner. rr
5 Doce well vnto himthatts lowly, but gine
not to the vngodly: hold backe thy brean, ana
glue it not puto hin, let heouerconie theethere
by: elie chouthalt recetuc twiſe as much eutli tog
all the good that thou doeſt ynto him.
6 For themalt Wigh hatcth the wicked, and
will repay vengeance vuto the ungodly, kees
peth chem aganit the Day ofhouble vengeance:
— vnto the good, and receiue not the
8 Afriend cannot bee knowen inprolperte
tie, neither can an enemic bee vnknowen in ade
9 Chen aman is in wealth, it grieueth his
enemies, butin heauaeſſe and trouble a mang
verp friend will depart from him,
Io Truſt nenerthineenenie : fo: like as an
pacii ruſteth, ſo doeth hts wickedneſſe.
IT And though he make much crouching and
kneeling, yet aduiſe thy felfe ana beware —
and thou thalt bee to him, as hee that wipeth ã
glaffe,and thon Walt know that all bis ruſt hath
nat beene well wiped away-
12 Set him uot by thee, let bee deſtroy thee,
and ſtand in thy place.
13 Neither let him at thy right band, let
hee feeke thy roame,and thou at the laſt remem⸗
pe ay words, and bee pricked with my lays
14. Winde not ttso finues together; for there ebaz...
all not one be vnpuniſytd. à i i ——
Ts Cho
Galat. 6.10.
I tim.5. b.
; I5 AMho will hauc pitie on the charmer, chat
is ſtinged ofthe ſerpent? op of all dich as come
neere the brats? to is it with pun that keepeth
fompany with a wicked man, and wrappeth
Hintelfe tn bis Gunes. ARTA vf
i 16. For ateatan willbe vide with thee; but tt
thou ftumibie,be tarteth not.) oo
17 *An enemizis weete in his lips: be can
make many good words, aud peake niany good
things: pea, hee can weepe with his eyes, but in
bts heart hee imagineth bow cochow thee into
the pit ; and tf he may finde oppoztunity. be will
not be ſatiſtied with blood.
18 Jfaduerlitic come vpon chee, thou fhalt
finde him there frit, and though bec pretend to
velpe thee, pet Hall he pndermmine thee: be wilt
ake hts head, and claphis hands, and wil make
Many Words, and Dilgurl(e his countenance.
x Thecompanies of the proud and of the rich are to
becefchewed, 15 The lowe of God, 17 Like doe
company with their likes
He * that toncheth pitch, ſhall be defiled with
it: and hee that ts familiar with the proud,
ſhalbe like vato hint.
2 Burthen net thy felfe abone thy power,
whileſt thou linet, and company not with one
thacismtghtter, and richer then chy leife ; fog
howe agree the kettie and the earthen pos toge=
ther 2 foz tf theone Le {mitten agaiuſt tyeother,
tt fhaibe broken. i
3 Therich dealeth vnrighteoully, theat
neth withall: but the poeze being oppzeiled mut
intreat : if the rtch bane Done wrong, be mult yet
— > bur * * Bone pang Done tt, hee
thall ſtraightwayes be cheeatned.
"4 Ikthou be fo: hrs profite, be wleth thee; but
if chou haue nothing be wil fozlake thee.
5 Fftbouhaueanp thing, bee wili liue with
thee: rae will maketiec a bare man, and will
not cate for it. ‘
6 PF he haue neede of thee, hee willdcfraude
thee,an® willaugh arthec.and put thee in bape,
and giue thee ali good words, and lap, Chat
wantelt thou? E $al
7: Thus will he frame thee in his meate, vñ ·
til be bath pt thee vp cleane twile oz thztiz,and
atthe tait he willlangh chee to ſcorne:afterward
when hetecrh chee,he willfozlake thee, and hake
pis head at thee. ;
S [Submitthy lelfe vnto Gob, and waite vp:
on bis band.2 when ue
o Beware that thou be not deceiued in thine
owu conceit, and broughtdowne by thy timple
nelle: Che not too humbie in thy wiiedome J
lo @ Ifthou bẽ called of a mightie max, abs
Tent thy felfe : Co thall be call chee the moze ote.
{I Wreatenot thouvnte him, thatthou be nat
fhut out, but gee not thou farre off,tett he forget
ee. :
I2 Withdraw not thy felfe from his (peach,
but beleeue not bis many words : foz with much
communication willbe tempt thee, and laugh·
- ingly willbe grope thee.
13 Deets vnmercifull, and keepeth not po»
mile: hee will not (pare to Doe Chee hurt, and to
| put thee in pilon.
14 Beware, and take good heede y fo? thou
Walkel inper of thine onerthꝛowing: wye
Chap, xiij-xiilj.
thou hearett this, awake in thy eepe.
Is Loue the Lozdallthy life, and call vpon
btm foz thy faiuation. |
16 CEuery beatt loueth his like, and euerle
nian loneth his ncighbour.
17 Ail fle mill veioze to thetrtike, and euety
man wil keepe conipany with hich ashe is him⸗
18 How can the wolfe agree with the lambe?
no moze can the ungodly with fhe rightcous.
19 Chat fellowihip hath | hyena with a dog:
anp what peace ts betweene the rich and the
20 asthe wilde afle isthe Lions papin the
Teainergil ſo are poore men the meateot the
21 Asthe proude hate humility, fo do the rich
abhezre the pooze. ;
22 Jfarich man fall, bis friends ſet him vp
agane : but when the pooze fallech, bis triends
Date him awayp..
23 Jfa rich manoffend, hee hath many pel-
pers : he Weaketh prsud wordes, and pet men
tuttthe bim ; butita pooze man falle, theprebuke
him, and chough bee Peake wilelp, pet canit
haue no place. j
24 CUben the rich man (peaketh , euery man
holdeth his tongue: and looke what hee taith,
tbey pratleit vñto the cloudes: bur ifthe poe
man (peake,thep lay, Cdibat fellow ts this? and
ik he Doc amiflethey will dctrop him. 7 ;
25 Riches are good vnto Him that hath ng
finne Cin bis confctence.J and ponertie ts cutll in
the mouth ofthe vugoaly. ‘
26 Theheart ofa manchangeth his countes
hance, whether it be in good a2 enill,
27 A cheerfull countenance is a token ofa
goed cart; foz it is an hard thing to know the
lecrets of the thought.
1 The offence ofthetongue. 17 Man i but avaine
thing, 24 Happy is he that contisueth in wiſedom.
Bree isthe man *that bath not fallen by
[the med of ] bis mouth, and ts not tormen·
ted with the forrow of finne.
2 Bleſſed ts he that is not condemned in his
Sp apy dar is not fallen from bis bape in the
O20. ¢ A i
3 Riches are not comelp foz a niggard, ann
What ſhould an enuious man Doe with monep? -+
4 We that gathereth together from bis owne
foule,heapeth together for others, that wil make
good cheere with bis goods,
5 Wethatts wicked vnto himfelfe, to whom
wil he be good? fo? fch one can baug no pleafire
of hts goods.
6 Chere is nothing wole, then when one
enuieth himſelfe: and this tsa rewarde ofhis
7 And ik hee doeany good, hee doeth it not
Knowing thereof, and agaiuſt his wil, and at the
lait he Declareth his wicke dneſſe.
8 The enuious man hath a wicked looke: he
turneth away bdisface, and deſpiſeth men.
9 Acaticcous mans epe hath neuer enough
of a poꝛtion, and his wicked malice withereth
his owne foule. x
I0 A* wicked epe ennieth the bread, and there
is ſcarceneſſe vpon bis table,
DID 4 II (By
Which is a
wilde beaſt
that coune
men,and ſo
entifeth them
out of their
houles and
16.iam. 3. 2.
It Wy fone, Do gaod to thy lelfe of that thon
haſt, and give che Lo: his due offrings.
12 Remember that death tarieth notant hat
—* couenant of the graue is not Merwen ynta
13 *Do0 good bito thy friend before thou dic,
and according ts thine abiliti¢c ſtretch out thine
hand, and giue him,
14 Defraud not thy felfe of the good Day,and
Iet not the postion of the goon deſſtes ouerpaſſe
Iş Shalt then not teaue thy tranatles wirta
another , and thp labours foz the diuiding ofthe
16 Giue andtake, anv (ancrifie’ thy (oule:
Cworke thou righteouſneſſe before thy cath: J
foz in the hell there is no meate te finde.
Ifa 40.6. 17 Q* Allie wareth olac, asa garment,, and this ís the condition ofall times, Chou tale
iames 1.10s. DIE the death.
13 As the greene leaues on a thicke tree, ſome
fall, and tome grow, fo ts the generatienot iei
and blood ; onze commeth toan eho ano another
is bonz. ; :
19 Allcouptible things hall faile, andthe
Worker thereof Hall goe withall.
20 [ Guerpercetlent worke mall be inſtified,
— he that worketh it, Hail haue hanour there:
21 * BleMedts the man that doeth meditate
honet things bp wifedome,Cand exerciſeth him⸗
ſelfe in tulttcc,] and hee that reaioneth of holp
things dy his underkanding,
22 hich contiveceth in his heart her wayes,
and vnderitandeth her ſecrets. s
23 Gocthouafterher as ane that leeketh her
out, and lie in waite in her wayes.
24 We Halllooke in at her windowes, and
hearken at her doores.
25 We hall abide belive her houe, and falten
a take tn per walles: bee Hall pitch his tent be⸗
fides her. :
26 Aud hee Hhallrematne tthe ladgiug of
. Hood Men, and Hal fet his chtlozen vnder prs co⸗
nering and Hail Dwell vnder her branches.
17 Byher he Hall be coucred fromeye peate,
and in ber glozp hall he dwell.
1 The gosdnefee that followeth him which feareth
God. 3 Godresetteth and cafteth off the ſianar. 51
God ú not the author ofeusll, ;
HE thatfeareth the Lord, will Boe good: and
he that hath the knoboledge ofthe Law, will
keepe it ſure.
2 gs an (honourable J mother tall hee
a Asapure meete him, and (hee, eas hts wite married ofa
virgine new- virgin wili receiue hin.
Iy maritd, 3 4Gith the bcavlof lifejand vnderſtanding
doth friendly Mall Hee feee hin, and gine himehe * water of
invreather Cwholefonie}wiferome to Minke.
husband:fo 4 Meehall alure vim leife in ber, anu hall
fhaliiullice not bemooucd, and ſhall holde puslelfe fat by
pureand her, and Mali not be confounded.
yndefiled 5 Dhe hal cralt hum abone his neighbours,
gently enter- andin che middes of the congregation thall hee
tcine her = pet His month: £ wits the (pict of wiledome,
Jouets, and vnderſtanding Vall he fillhtm, and clorhe
John 4.10. him with the garment ofgtozy.]
6 D|hethalcaule him to inherite ioy, and the
trown of gladneſſe, and an cugrlaking namg-
r Thatis,
the day of
J gob 4.7 ·
kake 14,03.
- Ecclefiafticus,
7 Wutloolih nen twil not take holde vpon
her: (out ſuch as hane vaveritanding will meet
bev: ] the tuners Wali not fee her. ;
8 for He ts farre from pride Cand Decette,]
and men coat lie cannot remember ber: [but
men of tructh {hall banat ber, and tall profper
euen vnto the beholding of God.J
o Piim ts not ſeemely ta the mouth of the
finner : for shat isnot ſent of the Loz.
Io But ik praiſe come of wiledome, Cand bee
plenteous in a faithiull mouth J then the Lode
will protper it. s!
IL Gay vot thou, It is through the Lord that
Iturne backe: fo2-cv0u onghteſt not to doe the
things that be hatech. 8d 9390 sui
12 Day nat tion, He hath cauſed meto eyes
for be bath no neede ofthe Ginfull man.
13 The Loꝛd hateth all abomination Cofers
rour] and they that keare Gon, loue tt not.
I4 * He made man fromthe beginning, and
left himin the hana of his countell, Ee gane pim
His conmandements and precepts F
I5 Ikthou wiit, thou Wali obferue the com⸗
Mandements.and tete thy good will.
16 Debat fet water and fice before thees
firetch out thy jand vnto which thou wiit.
I7 *Before man is life and Death, goos and
euill: J whathimitkety Hall ve giuen him.
18 Foꝛ the wiledome of the Loz ts great, and
he is mighty in power,and beholdeth all things
Ceantinualtp J .
Ig “And the eyes lokthe Loare bpon them
that feare bini, and ye knoweth all the works of
20 Hee hath commanded no man to doe vnñ·
govlp, neither bath hee ginen anp nian licence to
tnne: (for hee Geliveth not a multitude of infis
Dels, and vupeoltable childzen]
t Of vahappy and wickedchildren, 17 Noman
canhide himfzlfe fromGod. 14 An exhortation te
the receruing of in/truction,
Cire not tye multitude of haprofitable chil-
Den, neither Delightin vngodly children;
though they be many, reioice notin them, ercept
thefearcofthe Lord be with them.
2 Trult not thon to their life, neither reſt
vpon their multitude.
3 Foꝛ one that is tuſt, is better then a thon⸗
fand uch, and better tt is to die withsut chil⸗
mut, then to leaue bebinde Hum vngodly chil⸗
dei. fi u ME.
4 Fozby onc that hath vnderſtanding, hall
the citie be tnbabtred : but the ftocke of the wic-
ked Hall be waited incontinentip. 19 He
§ Many ich things haue J Rene with mine
eves, and mine cave hath beard greatcr things
then theſe. H, }
‘6° * Qu the congregation of the npani fall
afirebekinaled, and among vntaithtull people
Hall the wath be ſet on fire.
7 * Heſpaeed not the old giants which werr
rebeilisus.trulting to thetr one tirength.
8 either (pared hee whereas. Lor Dwell,
thofe whon be abhorred fog their pride.
a peyan no pitic vpon the people that were
Biitroped,and puiked vp in thetr fines. Hi
Io * Gnd fo bee preſcrued the fire hundreth
thouſand footenten, that were gathered inthe
hardnelle of their heart, in attlicting roue
Fere. 33.8
16.hel 4.
lo. ,
a5. %
Num, 14.183
mong the peopie, it ts marueile i he eſcape vn-
punilbed; tor mercie and wiati are with dun:
bets mighty te forgiue,and to powe our diſplea ·
ture, Ni
112 * As hts mercie isareat, fo ts his puniſh⸗
ier alfo's Hee iudgeth aman accopBing cope
“13 Whe vngodly Mall not efcape with his
—— the patience of the godly Mall not be
14. Weill giue place to all good Deedes, and
every one Walt finde according to bis works,
Cand aftey the puderifanding af bts pilgri-
mage.) PERE ie; Ot
15 Whe Low barrenen Pharao, that hee
(held wot knowe bim, and that his wozkes
fhould bee Knowen bpon the carth vnder the
16 Wis mercie te knowen toall creatures? he
bath icparated bis ight from the Darkenes with!
anradamant |
17 Say notthou, J wilt hide my felfe from:
the Lo: : for who will thinke vpon me from a-
boue ? J thal not be knowen in fo great an heape
ofpeopie: for whatis my foule among fuch an
iniinire number of creatures ?
13 Beholde, the heanen, andthe heauen ol
heanens, which are fox Sod, the depth, and the
earth, and all cthat therein ts, fhallbce mooned
“19 Qlithe world which is created and made
by bis wili the mountatnes alfo and the founda:
tions of the earth wall Hake fo; fare, whenthe
Lezdlooketh uyon them H F
20 Thele things Borth no Heart vnder⸗
feat worthily, Cbut pe vnderſtandeth euery
Par i ; i
21 And who vnderſtandeth his wayes ? and
the tome that no man can lee? for the moſt pare
of bis works are bid.
22 Aho can declare the warkes of his righ-
teouſneſſe? o2: whe can abide them ? foz Hs od
Bogs is far off, and the trying out of all things
at cth. s 4
23 idee that is humble of heart, willconſider
theſe things: but an vnwiſe and erronious man
caftcth his minde vpon foolth things.
24 My une, hearken vnto mer, andlearne
knowledge, and marke my wordes with chine
beart. l as j i
25 Jwill Declare thee weighty Doctrine, any
J will iuſtruct theecractlyinknowledge, <
26 The Lord hath (et hts workes in good 0z-
Derfrem the beginning , and part of them hath
bee aoaea froin the other when bee firit made
t AALA ; g E j
27 Dre hath garnited his wozkes for cuer,
and thetrbeginning ſo tong as thep Hal cnduve,
they are not hungry nor wearted in their la⸗
bours,n62 ceale from their offides. of
28- Hone of then hindereth another, nei⸗
ther twas any of them dilobedient unto bis
words LSO?
29 After this the Lord looken vpon the earthy
and filled if with bis good things.
30 @Gith ail maner of lining bealts hath hee h
coñeredthe Face thercof, and they returns into it
again, = HUIS S
and pitying them; in ſmitin xthem and healing
‘ them, with niercie and wiry chatalement. 37310)
II Ghevefore tf there bee one itteneckeda⸗
1 The creation of man and the goodneffe shat Gid-
hath done unto tim, 20 Of aimes, 22. and repes-
T pe "Lord hath created man of the carth,and
turned hun wntottagaine.
2: We gaue him the number of daies and cer-
taing tines, and gauc bimpower of the things
thatare vpemearty. ~
=3 oddee clothed them with ſtrength, as they
Had neede, and made chem accozoing to his
image, 9
4 Hee made ali fle tofeare him, fo that hee
Had the dominion ouer the beafts,and toules,
Sse L* We cevared ontgtbunanbelpertike yn Cew-2.22. ,
tobimfelie;] and: gauge: them diſcretion any TEPI
and 5.2,
and 7.1,6.
1.cor,3 1.70
| tongue, and epes,eares, and an heart to vnder·
itand, and tirtlp bee gaue thema ſpirit, and ſe⸗
uenthly hee gaue them {peach to Declare bis
wozkes. Í
6. Andhe filled them with knowledge of yna
derſtanding. and hewed them good andeuill.
7 He ſet his eyes vpon their hearts,veclaring
bato them his noble worka oo oo ;
8 And gane then occatien to retoice perpetie
ally inbisimtracies, that they Mould prudenti
Declare his works,¢ that the clect Hoult prayle
hts holy same together. i
9 Belide this, hee gaue them knowledge,
and gaue: thent the Law of ife foz an heritage,
pe they might now know that they were mor·
at, ] j OGM THES Ro S
10 Hee made anenerlatting conenant with
them,and Hewed them bis iudgenents.
Il Their epesfaw the matettic of his gloze
2 Througts
their owne
and their eares heard bis glozious noice.
12 And hee ſayd vnto them, Beware of all
vnrighteous things. “idee gane. enerp man
aoe a commandement concerning bis neigh-
out. t ; Eo Ma mhias si
13 Their wapes are enet before im, and are
not hid fram bis eyeg, h
14 Cuery man from his pouth is giuen to
entil, and their Fonie: Hearts cannot become
b flety. t PET fagite è b Thatis,
15 Wee appointed a ruler vpon eijery peos foft & gen.
ple, when he dunded the nations ofthe whole tle, forthe
earth, f eid vad itis (agoned gig holy Ghoft
16 * Andee nid chute Iſrael, asa peculiat to write his
people to bimieife, whom hee nouritheth wit
Difcipline as his tirk borne, and giueth him mo
louing tight.and Doth not forlake dim.
17 All their wozkes are as the Dunnebefope
bi; ae bis eyes are continually vpon thete
ayegi Hy Os nid gaue shapes gdussy Seen |
18 Mone of their vnrighteonſnelſe ts higne
ama him, but all their nnes are befoze the
020. toh
Ig Andas he is mercifull, and knoweth his
woke, he Doth not leaue them nog ſorꝛlake chem,
butipareth them. : Aup
20 * Che abnes of a man ts as a thing
ſealed vp before brat, and hee keepeth the goon
Deedes of manas the apple of the cyt, andagi
ueth repentance to their ſonnes and daugh⸗
ters, dtir 3 ; 53
21 *Qtthe lak ſhall hee ariſe, and reward Aoe.23. 39,
t a and thallrepaythete cowardypon their og
angin i TEN 13 99
22 *But vnto them that will repent; hee 44s 3,19,
giueth them grace ta returne, and spone
17. and 23s
lawes in.
Deut. 4.205:
and 10,1 >
| Apocrypha.
Ter. 3,12.
nal *
i 4,3 Su $,
Pfal. ↄ0. 10.
ceertaine knowledge of his Death.
rious Ring forenet]
the pozttonof the veritie
23 *Returnechen vnto the Lord, and forfake
thy finnes: make thy praper before hts face, and
take away che offence. i
24 Turne againe vnto the moſt Dinh: fo2 he
will hisg thee trom darkneſſe vnto wholefome
fuch as Faite, with ree Cand fendeth them
light :fortake thine vnrightesuſmeſſe, and bate:
s iss Sbeatly allabemination, = %7 J
25 [Know the righteoulnes and iudgements
of Goa: ſtand in the postion that és fet farrh foz:
thze, and tn the payer of the molt hte Gov, and:
goe in the parts of the Holp wolu wich fuch as
, be titring and confeſſe Ged. í
26 * Aho can praile the mot High in the bel, flocke
as Doe all they that {tue and confeffe him?
27 { Abide not thou tt tye errour of the vn⸗
godly, bur praiſe the Low before death.) 7121
28 Thaãnkekulneſſe pettiheth from the dead,
as though he were not; but thelining , and hee
that ts ound of heart pratleth the Lozd, Cand ve-
foycech tn his mercie.] HUEN ;
29 dow greatis the lowing kindneſſe of the
L020 our God, and hts compatiion unto luch as
turne vito him in holineſſe i
30 Fo: all things cannot bee in men, bes
taule the ſonne of man ts nortmmoztall, [and
ae ae plealure ine che vanttte of wicked»
31 Abat is moze cleave then the Sunne? pet
fallit faite. foit iy (
32, Do fie and blood that thinketh euil(hat
be cepooued.J ) et
33 ie teerl the powerofthe high heau and
all men are but earth and aies:
CE The marucilons workes of God. 6. 7 Themi(e-
rie and wretchedneffz of man. 9 Againfi Godwee
ofzit not te complaine. zi The perfor ming of vewes.
fae — for ever, * made all things to-
I Lgether:the Lord who onely ts tuft, and there
is none other but he, [ and be remaineth a victo⸗
2 Dee osdereth the world with the power of
pis hand and all things obey bis will: foz he go⸗
uerneth all things by his power, and dinideth
the holy things from the pzophane.
3 Cowhem hath be stucn power to erpzeſſe
bis wozkes 7 who wel lecke out rhe ground of
bis noble actes? }
nA Bho Hhalldeclare the power of bis qreat=
neſſe? o2 who willtake vpon him co tell our his
mercie? —
s As fö: the woonderous woꝛkes of the
Zod, there may nothing be takenfrom them, p
neither can any thing bee put vnto them,
netther map the ground of them bee found
. Out.
6 Butwhen aman hath done his beft, hee
inut begin againe, and when bee thinketh ta
ast toanende, bee mull goe agatne to bis la⸗
Ours. - :
7 Chat isman? whereto feructh hee?
what good o2 entllcan he Doe?
8 *Ffthe number of a mans Dapes bee an
buydzeth veeres, itis much: and no man hath
9 As Dropsof raine are vntothe Seca, and
Ecclefiafticus. code
as a grauell fone is in comparifon of the ſanbe
fo are a *thouland yeeres to the Dapes cuccla: :2,Pet.3.8.
10 Therefore ts { God J patient with them,
and power) out his mercie vᷣpon then,
Il Hee fawand percetued, that (the arro·
gancie ef their beart, and their rume was ee
utll:theretoze heaped hee vp his mercie vpon
12 The mercte that aman hath, reacheth te
his neighbour: but the mercie of the £020 is
vpon all feiss he chaiteneth,and nurturety,and
teacheth,and being ctl backe,as a tbepheard bts
13 e hath mercic on chem that receine diſci⸗
pling, and that diligently ſeeke after bis idge:
14 € Dy fonne, when thou deel good, res
pꝛooue noc: and wiatlocuer chen giueit, sieno
diſcomfortable words.
I5 Shall noc the deaw aſſwage the beate? fo
fs a woꝛd better then a gift.
16 Lo, is nora werd better then a good gift?
buta gracious man gtueth chem both.
17 @ foole wili reproch churlifily, anda gilt
of tic enutous putter ont the eyes.
13 [Get thee righteoulnetle before thon come
totudgement: learnebetoze thonſpeake, and vig
Phylicke opener thou be ſicke. are
Ig * Cramine thy (elte before thou be iudged.
andin the Dayof the vititation thou Halt finde
20 Humble thy felfe before thou be ficke,aud
—— thou mapett pet liime, ewe thy conuer·
_21 Let nothing let thee to pap thy towe in
time, and deferve notinta Beatl to bee refor⸗
mend; [fog the rewarde of God endureth foz
ener-] ,
22 Before thou pravelt.prepare thy lfe, and
be notas one that tempteth che Lod.
23 Thinke bpon the * wath that Mall be at
theende,aud the houre of vengeance, when dee 3
Mall turneaway hts faces s i
-24° Uhen then halt enough, remember the
time of bdunger: andwhen chou art rich, thinke
vpon pouertie and neede i.
(25 From the moning vntillthe euening, the
time is changed: and all fuch things are ibong
Done before the Lom. i ;
20; A wile man feareth inall things, and im
theDayes ot tranſgreſſion hee keepech himſelte
from unne: but the foole doeth not obſerue the
27 C Euery wile man knoweth wifedome,
and knowledge, and prayſeth bint that lindeth
23 Thep that baue vnderſtanding, deale
wilely in wordes: Lthep vuderitand tie trneth
andrighteou(nefle,j and powe out with moder.
tie grauclentences{for»mansiife, o i.
29 Che chtefeauthozity of peaking is of the
Lord alone: ta a mꝑrtall man hath buta dead
heart. 33
30, €* Folga not thy tutes, butturne thee
front thi ppetites. : eY
31 Foꝛ it thons iuelt thy foule per defires, it
ſhall make thine enemies that enute thee, to
laugh thee toicorae. 29)
32 Take not thp plealure in great poluptue
| thems and themed chem the wap ot righteoub⸗
Chap. a 1. 25.
Rom 6%.
andi 3.84.
| Apocrypha.
Gene, 19.33
1. king. th.
EAT 6009
Lofhy 22st,
1 Ze
ouſneſſe; and fatangle not thp ſelfe with ſuch
compante. t )
33 Become not a begger by making bankets
of that that thou batt Gorrawed,and fo leane na-
thing in thy purte: els thon thouldett tanner
ouſly lie in wait foz thine one life.
2 Wine and whoredome bring men to pouertie. 6
In thy words v fè diſtretionm. 23 The difference of the
wafedsme of God and mas. 27 Whereby thou mayeft
knew what iin man.
Lahenring manthat ts given te Dunken=
neles Maſt not be rich; ana be that conten;
neth ſmail things, (hatltali by tittle and tittle.
9 2 * Cine and womenleade wile men out of
the way, Cand put men of vnderſtandingto re>
preofe.} ” j
3 Aud he that companieth adulterers, Gall
become impudent: rottenneſſe and wormes hal
baue him to heritage; and bee that ts too bald,
Wall — awap and be made a publike er-
ample. ORENS
4 Me that is haſtie to gine credite, ts light
Minded, andhe chat erreth, ſinneth againſt his
owne foule. i '
$n Cte fa retoyceth in wickeanefle, hallbee
~ punifhed: Cpe that hateth to be retozmed, his ite
with a troubleſlome man, and hee that hateth
Chaß. 22. 22
and 27.17.
wate, 18,55.
Tames 3.2,
fhalbe ſhortned, and be that abhorrech babbling
of wows, quencher wickednelle :} buthethac
reſiſteth pleafures,crowneth his owne Hule..
6 Weethat refrainetl histongue, may itue
babbling, hail pane leſſe enill: cant
7 Redearic not to another that which is told
vnto thee: fo chalt thou not be hindꝛed.
8 8 Declare not other mens maners, neither
te friend na foes and ikthe ſinne appertaiue not
vnto thee reueale it not.
6 Foꝛ he wilihearken vnto thee, and marke
thee, and wyen he findeth oppozcunitte, hee will
hate thee.
IO. HIEthouhak heard a wom tagain thy .
neighbour, Ilet it die with thee, and bee fire, it
Wili not buck thee. i ESN A
I1 A fooletranaileth when hee hath heard a
thing,as a woman that is about tobing foosth
12. As an arrow that Cicketh in ones thigh,
lo is a woꝛd in a fooles heart.
xix XX.
obev him, hall receiut the fruit ofimmoꝛtalitie.
22 The keare okthe Lord is ail wiltome,and
the performing of the Law is perfect wiledoime,
and the knowiedge ofins almightie power. _
21 HE a feruant fay vnto his matter, J will
not Boe as ttpleafeth thee, though afterward. he
Dait,be Hail diſpleaſe him that nourifheth bint
22 Che knowledge of wickeduefic isnot wiis
Dome, neither is there pandence whereas the
counlell ot inners is: but itis cuen execrable
malice: and the foole ts vote of wilepome.
23 Weethat hath ſmall vnderſtanding, and
Fearetl God, is better chen one that hath muc
Uti pome,atua tan {geen ALE Law ofthe nok
Agh. pii: ine SIIHG 30 01 BLING
24 There is acertaine (ubtittie thatis fine,
but itis burizhtcous: and therets that weeſteth
the open and manifest law : pet there is that is
wile,and iudgeth righteoutly. Qi
2§ There is fome; that being about wicked
purpoles , Dec bow Downe themfclues, and are
(ad, whoie inward parts burnealtogether with
Deceit she looketh Downe with bis faceandfat-
neth himſelke Deafe:-pet betone thouperceine,bee
will be vpon thee to hurt the.
26 And though He be fo weake,thathe can de
thee no harme,pet when he may find opportunt·
tebe wiiidoecuill, +- er t
27 €Aman may bee knowen by his looke;
4nd one that bath nnderanding, TREER
ceiued by the marking of bis countenanter. »;
393. ;
28 A mans garment, ebiserceltinelaugh- C242. 2t
ter and going Declare what perſon he is.
Ocorrectios and repentance. 6 To fpeake and
kecpe filence in time, 17 The fall ofthe wicked. 23
Of lying. 24 The thiefeand the murtherer, 28 Gifts
blinde the eyes of the Wifes eo oy De
Were is ſome rebuke that is not comely: ae
g Saints fomeman holdeth bis tongue,and he
S t A = St? he ta
2. It is much better ta reprouethentobeare
enill wili, and bethat acknowledgeth dis faulty
ſhalbe pꝛeſerued from, burt. eae Jind
3 > As-* waen -a gelded man through tit Che?.30.20,
toould dele a maide,lois he that vleth violence
in iudgement. —— res
4 Mow good a thing is it. when thou att res
proocd, to ew repentance! forla Malt thou ce
13 *Reprsouc a friend, let he doe euill, and tf ſcape wilfwitfinne. ....
he have Done it,that be Doc it no moze. 4
14 Wepzooue a friend, that he may keepe-his
tongue: and if be haue (poken, that hee fap tt no
moze. ‘
14 Tel thy friend his fault: foz oft times a
—— railed, and giugno credence ty euery
word katia gg i
16 A manfalleth with bis tongue , but not
with bis wul: *and who ts He, thar bath noto
kended in his tongut?
17 Reprocucthy neighbor before thou threas
ten bin, and being without anger, giue place
vnto the Law of the molt High.
18 The feare of the Lord ts the frit degree
to bee recetucd of htm, and wiledome obtaineth
bis tone,
cclo Theknowledge of the commandements
of the Lord is the Doctrine of ftte, and they that
5. Home man keepeth Miente andis fount °
toile , and ine by much babbling becommeth
batefull. arip}
6 Homemanholdeth his touguebecaulehe
hath notte anſwere: and fome keepeth litence,
waiting a conuentent” time. y
7 * A wile man will hola his tangue till hee
fee opportunities but a tritfler and a foole wilrge
gard no time. Ari A seers
8 He that vleth many words halibe abhor
red, and bee (hat taketl authoritie te himſelfe,
Halt be hated. Sime h sags |
9 Panic mat hath oft times profperitic is
wicked things, and fometime a thing that ig
found bringesd loſſe. afte
Io. There ts {ome gift that is not. profitable
— there ts fone gilt, whole ewar is
It Home’
, 20,33,
Erclf 3 -
Cisap.3 24»
O 2
and 28.19.
deit. 16.19%
- EL Sports man humbleth hinleife for gioztes
on , and (ine By humbleneſſe lifteth up the
ead. 7 t33 A 4 . y :
12 Home man bupeth much for alittle price:
forthe which be paveth ſeuen times moze,
< 13: *4 wile man with his words maketh him:
(cife'te ber toued, but the merrie tales of fooles
fhall be powred ont.’ 20
£4 Che qiftreceiued ofa foole Gall doe thee
— neviber pet of the ennious for bis impo-
clitittie: foz he looketh to receiue many things
foi onethe gtucth litle,and he vpbraideth much;
be opencth bts mouth like a tatone crier : today
he lendeth, is morow alketh he againe, and ich
one is to be bated of Gov and man, -310
15 “Uhe koole tatti A have no friend: F håne
no thanke fo2 all thy geod Deedes and they that
- cat my bꝛead ſpeake mil otme |”
16 ow oft, aid of how many fhallhecbee bi
Laughed to ſcorne? for be compꝛehendeth notby
tight tudgement that which hee bath ; auditts
all one as though he had tt not, Jii
Ey Ehe fatl — is very ſudden: ſo
wall the fallofthe wicked come baittly. >
18 Ainan without grace ts as å kooliſh tale
which is oft told by the mouth of the ignorant.
49 A wife fentente lofeth grace when it coms
meth out of a fooles mouth; to: hee peaketh not
in due aon. bys
“720° Home man finneth rot becaule of pouer ·
y Hany poit noaren when he is alone.
€ owne foule, becane hee ts afhamed and forthe
me man there is that deſtroyeth bis
regard of perſons toleth it,
22 Some mah pꝛomiſeth vnto bis friend
SA Mame, anp getteth au enemie of pim foz
123 t A litiga wicked Game tn aman: yeris
if oft ithe mouthofthepnweie. >S S=.
24 A thiefe ts better theta man that ts acer:
ſtomed to tte; but they both hall baue deſtructi⸗
on tö heritage. ~
25 The conditions oflyars are bnvone#, and
their fhameis euer with them,
-'26'4 wile man hall bring bimfelfe to honour
With his words and hee ehathath vnderſtan⸗
bing, {hall pleate great men. $
27 “e that tilleth bis laño yat inckeale his
heape: Chethat worketh righteouſneſſe Hail bee
cralted,] and hre that pleateth great mein; hall
baue pardon ofhisintquitic. | i
28 = Rewards and gifts blind the eyes of the
wile, and make them Dumbe, that thepcaznot ~
reproue faults.’ |
29 Wiledome thatishid, and trealure that
is boarded vp, what profit is tr them both?
- eth
Hare 65.22,
30 Better ts hee that keepeth his ignorance
fecret,then a man that hidech bis wiledome.
31. Che necelarte patience of him that folow·
) the Lord, ts better then bec that gouerneth
bis like withoat the Lozd.
r. Notto continue in ſinne. § The prayer of the af-
Acdcted. 6 Tohatete be reproued. 17 The mou h ofthe
wife man. 26 The thought of the fooler
‘DY (onne, Dat chou fied? doe fo namo,
“but pray for the fozrelinnes Ltyat thex niay
be forgiuen thee.) r
Eecleſiaſticus. sri
2 | Flee feom fine, as from a ferpent fortt
thou commreit foo neere tt, tt will bite thee: the
teeth therot are asthe teeth of a ipon, to fay the
fontes of mem. i
3 All iniquitie is as a two edged ſwoꝛd, the
wounds whereof cannot be healed.
4Strife and inturies waſte riches: ſo the
poule of the pooudethalbe deſolate.
§ * Aheprayer of the poore going out ofthe
mouth, commeth vnto the earesoftheLord, an’
luftice te Done Him incontiuentlp. mH
6 Cha fo bateth tobee refonned , isin the
way of linners: but bee chat feareth the Lod
conuctteth in beart. b
7 An eloquent talker is knowen afarce off:
but he that is wile, percetueth when ge kalleth.
8 Catho fo buitdetl his houſe with other mens
money, is like one that gatherech ſtones to make
s graue. i
9 *The congregation of the wicked is like
towe wrapped together; their ende is a flame of
fire toDeltroy them. © 0 pets 945000.
10 he way af inners ts made plaine with
Tones, butat the end thereotis hell, darkeneſſe
and paines.] ibe NUNS
IE de that keepeth the Lawofthe Lord, fru⸗
leth bis own affections thereby:and the tncreate
of wiledome ig the end of the feare of Gos t
12 We thatisnot wile, will not ifer himſelke
tebe taught: büt there ts lome wit that increa;
(eth bitterneſſe. ié,Gouiied! solad
13. The knowledge of the wiſe ſhall absund
like water that runneth ouer and his counlellts
like @ pure fountatue of life.
14 * Che inner parts of a foele are like a bró.
ken aea : bee can keepe no knowledge whiles
inetga o — y): i
Is CGhen a man of vnderſtanding heareth a
wile word, Here will commend if; and increaleth
iti but ikas ignoꝛaut man heare it bee will dife
allow it, and caſt tt behind his backhe.
16 The talking of a koole ts like a burden in
the wap, but there is comelinelſe in the talke of
awii man, bi US a — J
17 Thep tiquife at the mouth of the wile
manin the Congregation, and they Hall pore
Der bis words in their heart. RG VOTE Te
18 Azis ax houle that is deltroped, fois wil-
Dome ynta a feoleand the knowledge ofthe vn
wife is as words without oder.
© 19 Doctrine vnto fooles ts as fetters onthe
feete,and Itkemanicles vpon the righthand.
20:* A foblelifteth np bis voyce with laughs
ter, but a wife man doth (carce nile ſeccetly
© 2i Learning is vnto a wile mana tewell of
gold and like a beacelet vpon fis right arme.
22 Afooliſh mans foot ts foone tn hisſ neigh ·
bours houſe: but aman oferpertencets afya.
nied to looke in. : j
23 A foole will peepe in at the Dooe into the
Exed,.3 v.
and 22.23.
Chap. 16,6.
HOr; keepeth
rs vxder⸗
27,28. .
houſe: but hee that is well nourtured, will ſtaud
withont: hoes 2204
24 It is the point ofa foolt) man to hearken
at the Dooze; for hee that ts wile, willbe grieued
with fuch diſhonour.
25 Tie lippes oftalkers wil be telling ith
things as perteine not vnto them,buttoe wort
of fuch as haue vnderſtanding, are Weighed tr
thebaltance. — +
26 The heart. of fooles is in their month:but
the mouth ofthe wile ts in their Heart.
27 Ahen
27 Ahen the vngodly curity Satan, be cut-
tets hts owne ule. |
28 *A backbiter Defilerh bis owne oute, and
ts bated wicrefocuer be is:Cbut he that krepeth
bis — and is diſcreete, Hail come to ġo-
1 Ofthe fluggard, 12 Notto fpeake much toa
foole, 16 A good conference feareth nst,
} A Hlauthfull man is like aa filthie tone,
a.b That is, which euerie man mocketh at foz bis Wanie.
like as the 2 A llouthtfuli manis tobe compared tothe
idle tore b Dung of oren aud euery one that taketh it vp,
gathereth WiU ſhake it out of his hand.
moſſe and 3 An eull nurtured tonne is the dichonour ef
filth, fodoth the fathers and che daughter is leak to be eſtee·
the flothfull mep.
both ficknes 4 A wife Daughter is an herttage vuto her
ofbody and Hutband: butthee chat listh diſhoneſtly, isher
corruption fathers beautneiie.
of mind. -5 Dyce thatis bold, dihonoureth both her
Andaseuery father and her huiband.Cand ts not infertony te
man doth the vugodly) bur they both Hal deſpiſe her.
auoya the ó A talzout of tunets as muficke in monr-
filthines of ning: vut wiſedome knoweth the ſealons ot coz
dung,and rection and Doctrine.
fhaketh it 7 ho to teacheth afoole, is as one that
off: fodoth glewet) a potiheard together, and as hee that
heauoid the Wakerh one chat ticeperhy,from a ſaund ſſeepe.
company of . 8 Iktchildren liue honeltly, and haue where⸗
idieloite- ith, they tall put away the hame of their pas
rers, lethe tents. t
bee accoun- Q ut if chilen be poude, with hautineſſe
ted like vn- and kooliſhneſſe they velie the nobilitie of their
to thème kinred.
Io Mho fo telleth a foole of wifeaome,isas
aman wbich ſpeaketh to one that is atleepe:
when he hath told hts tale, he taith, CUhat is the
Chap. 38:16 - IL Xdeepe fo: the Dead, for hee hath loft the
v light: fo weepe fo: the foole, for bee wanteth vite
Derſtanding: make ſmall weeping fer the dead,
foz be ts at ret: but tye life af the fooie ts wore
b-i then the deach.
:3 _ 12 Denen Dayes Bo men mourne forbin that
is dead: but the lamentation forthe foole ano
ee uld endures all the Dayes of their
m lite. P
13 Talke not much with a foole, and goe not
Chag.i 2.12. fo him that hath no vuderitanding, beware of
' bun leſt it turne the e to paine, and ict thou bee
Dehied when he ſhaketh dinlle. Depart from
him, and thou Malt tind reit, and fjalt not res
ceiue ſorrow by bts fosliſhneſſe.
I4 Mhat ts heauier cthen iead? and what o⸗
ther name would a foole baue?
I5 “and and (alc, anda lumpe of yisn ig ea-
fier to beare, then an vnwiſe ſ tooliſh ¢ ungodly
Prou 277.36
16 As a frame of wood ioyned togetherina.
building cannot be igoke wtth (batiag, tothe
Heart that is ſtablihed by aduiſed countell, Hall
teare at notime. : i
17 The heart thatis confirmed by diſcreete
* — > tsas a faire plaiſtering ona platne
all. MOVES Hae. Os
18 As reedes that are ſet vp on high, cannot
abide the wind, fo the fearefull
lilh imagination can endure no feare.
att with fog. *
Chap. xxij. xxiij.
19 Hee that hurteth the eye bringeth koorth
teares, and hee that burteth the heatt, baingeth
torth the actection.
20 Aho facatteth a fone at the birds, fray⸗
eth them away: and bee that vpbraideih big
friend, bꝛeaketh kriend hip
21 Chough thou tewe a ſworde at thy
friend, pet dipaire not: foz there may be areture
ning to favour.
22 3f thou haue opencd thy month againk
thy krieud. fearg not: foꝛ there may be a teconci⸗
liatton, fo that pphzaiding,o2 pride, 62 diſcloſing
otfecrets,o2 a traiterous Wound Doe not let: fog
by thele things euery friend will Depart.
23 Be taithtull vnto thy friend in his pouers
tie , that thou mapet reiopce in bis pzoſperitie.
Abide kedtak vnto him in the time of hrs trou-
ble, that thon mayett bee betre witty him in bts
heritage : oz pouertie ts not alwayes to be cons
temaed, no. the rich that is fooliſh, tobee had in
24 ‘As thevapour and finoke of the chimney
goeth befoze the relo cutl mods [rebukes and
threatnings goe before bloobijedoing.
25 Jwulnoc be ahamed to defend a friend?
neitger will J Hide my ſelfe trom Him, though be
ſhould Dome harme; wholvener heareth it, Mall
beware of bin.
26 Cbs thal fet * a watch befozemy mouth,
and a feaic of wilevonie vpon mp lips that J fal
not tbdenly by them, and that nip tongue De:
ſtroy me not?
1 A prayer ofthe author. 13 Of othes,blafpbemie
and vnnife communication. 16 Of three kindes of
finnes. 33 Many finnes proceed ofadultery. 27 Of
the feare of God. host
Lo2d, father and gouernour of alany whole
life, ieaue me notte therr counietl, and ter
mice not fall by | them. -
2 Cibo willcorrect my thought,and put the
Doctrine of wiloome in mine heart, that they
tay not ſpare me in mine ignorance, neither let
j thetc faults pafe? ,
3 Leaik nithe ignozances tneveale, and my
finnes abound ta my deſtruction, aud teat 3
fail befoze mine aduerfatte, and mine enemics
retopce ouet mee, whale hope ts farre front chp
mercy. i ——
4 D Lond, father and God of my life, [ieaug
me notin their imaginations Ineither gine me a
pꝛoud looke , but turne away trom thy leruants
a ſtout mind.
§ Cake from me vaine hope, and concupiſ⸗
cence, retaine him in obeBtence, that Delivery.
continually to ſerue thee.
6. Lerno: the greedineſſe of the belly, norz luſt
oF the few hola me, and giue notme thyſeruant
ouer into an impudent mine. — i;
; GiHeare, D vechilden, the iuſtruction of
amouth that hall peake truccy:who fo beepeth
it Han not perii; thzough pis lips, [102 be hurt
by wicked wozks. J Pais i
8 The iner thail be taken by hrs owne lips:
for the enill (peaker andthe proud Dee oſtend by
-g- *Qceuftome not thy mouth to ſwearing:
[ fozin it there are many failes 5 neither toke
bp toz a cultome the naming ef the Doiie
PLalagy. 36
Or, wey lipra +
[| Thatis, of
the tonge:
and lipse
chap. 27. 19.
maith. $335»
HOr inordi-
nate [ivea-
2. Sams 16.7.
Lfz.29, 15.
deut.22. 22.
Exod 30, 14
pur : Cfo thou ſhalt not be vnpuniſhed io fuch
things.2 PL ANAT f
10 Fo as a feruant which is oft puniſhed,
cannot be without lomelkarre, fo he thatiwea-
reth, and nameth Goo continually , Hall not be
II Qman that vfeth much wearing , hall be
filled with wickcdies,and the plague hal neuer
goe from his boule: when yee hall ofend, bis
fault Hail be vpon him, and if be knowledge not
bis finne,be maketh a Double offence; and it hee
fweare tii vatte, he Mall not be innocent, but bis
Houle ſhall be fullof plagues. _ :
12 Chere is a word which ts clothed with
Death: God grannt that it bee not found inthe
heritage of Jacob: but they chat fcare God , e6
chew ailluch, and are not wrappea in finne.
13 Ue not thy mouth to || ignogantraijnes :
for therein ts the occafion of ſinne.
14 €E Remember thy father and thy mother -
when thou ave {et among great men, leat thou
bee forgotten ia their tight, and fo thꝛough thy
cultome become a foole, and wih that thou
hadſt not berite borne, and curle the Bay of thy
nattuitte. I
IS * Che man that is accuſtomed to oppzo>
zious wordes, will neuer bee retogmed all the
Bayes of pis life.
_ 16 There are two forts [otmen] that abound
in ünne; and the third bungeth wath Cand Re-
firuction:] a minde hote as Gre shat cannot bee
qhenched,til it be cenſumed:an adulterous man
— giueth bis bodie no ref, tilbe pane kindled
a tire. =
17 (AU badis ſweet to a whozemonger :
pe wili not leaue off till he perih.)
18 A manthat bꝛeaketh wedlocke, and thin-
Reth thus in bis heart, * Ihe lecth ine? J am
compatled about with darkeneſſe: the walles
couer mee: no bodte ſeeth mee: whom̃e necd J
= feare? the moſt Pigh will not remember my
19 Duc) a man only feareth the eyes of men,
and knoweth not that the eyes of the Lord are
ten thoufand times Righter then the inne, be⸗
holding all the wates ot men, Cand the ground
ofthe Decpe,] and conlidereth the molt fecret
: 20 Hee knew all things o2 euer they twere
made, and after they be bꝛought to paffe alla, he
looketh vpon them all.
21 * The tame man ſhall be puniſhed in the
ſtreetes of the city, Cand Wall bee chaled likea
poung lole foale, ] and when hee thinketh not
bpon t,he ſhall be taken: L thus thall hee be put
to pame of euery nan,becaule he would not yn-
Bertand thefeare of the Low.) _
22 Gnd thus thall tt goe alio with euery wife
thatleaneth ber hulband, and getteth inheri⸗
tance by another.
23 * Foz firil hee bath difobeped the Law of
the mot High ,andlecondly the hath treſpaſſed
agatntt ber owne huſband, and thirdly He bath
played the whore in adultery, and gotten her
chtldzen bp another man. ;
24 Dde hall bee brought out into the Con»
gregario and cramination Malbe made of her
children. i
25 Wer childzen Hall not take roote, and her
branches Hall bring forth no fruit.
26 A hamefuil repose hall hee leaut, ans
ber repzoch Hall not be put ont.
27 And thep that remaine, Hall know that
there ts nothing better then p fearcof the Lop,
and that there is nothing (wecter then torake
beca vnto the conmanDements of the Loz.
28 Jt is great glozy to follow che Loza , and
ta be recetued ot bunts long life.
1 A prayleof wiſedome proceeding foorth of the
mouth of sk 6 Of her works and Wes where he re-
feth. 20 Sheis gsuen to the children of God.
V X7 Schone thal praife Her felfe land be hos
noured in God, Jand retopce tu the mids
of ber people. j i
2 Inthe congregationof the moſt igh hal
He open her mouth, and triumph before his
3. [3n the mide of ber people hall he be eve
altcD,anD wondeed atin the holy affembly, —
ot i cet ol w wih he halbe
mmended, and among fuch as be bleed , tye
palit praled,and tal on] ——
§ Jam come out of the mouth of the moſt
High, [Art bone befozeall creatures, :
_ O ¥cauled the light that faileth not,to ariſe
F oe heauen, J and coucred the earth ag a
7 Gy dwelling is abone tn the height, ang
snp theoncis tn the pillar of the ——
3 J alone haue gene round about the come
paſſe of heauen, and baue walked inthe bottome
ofthe Depth. , - Prou 8,23.
9 JF ꝓoſſeſſed the wanes of the fea, andall Exod. 31. 2,
the earth,and all people,and nations.[and with P/2l.132.8.
my power haue J troben Dotwne the Hearts of Orin (ades
all,both high and iow.) a Terebinth
10 Jnallthele things J) fought rek, anda is a bard
Dwelling tn fome tnberitance. tree fpread
Il So thecreatour of all things gane mee a abroad with
commandement, and be that made mee appotir long boughs
ted me a tabernacle, and (atd, Let thy Dwelling whereour
bein Jacob, and take thine inheritance ty Iſrãe runneth the
cl, and roote chy felfe among my chofen. * gumme cal-
I2 He created mee trom the beginning, and leda pure
befoze the wozld,and J Mall neuer fatle:“ In the turpentine,
bolp habitation J bane feruea J fa which clen-
was Jitabliſhed in SPion. feth the fto-
13 *3in the weibeloued citte he gaue mee reft, macke of
and in Jerulalem was my power. < putrified hue
14. J toske ropte inan honourable people, mours, and
euen in the portion of the Loꝛos inheritance. purifieth the
is Jam ſet vp on hie like a cedar in Libanus, cares: ſo the
and as a Cypꝛus tree vpon the mountaines of wiledome of
Hermon. God decla-
16 Jam exalted likea palme treg about tye red in bĩs
banks, and as arole plant in Jericho, as afaire Scriptures,
oliue trecina plelant field, and ameratted aga ſpreadetha⸗
piane tree bythe water. - brod her
17 3| finelled as the cinamon, and asa bagge manifold
of tpices: J] gauc a ſweete edeur as the beit branchgsof
mpzrhe,as Galbanum,and onir, andfweet ftos knowledge
rar and perfume of incenſe in an boule. and vnder.
18 As thee Cerebinth ,haue Jſtretched out Landing , to
my branches, and my beancgesarethe baanches purge the
of honour and grace. i __ inward eares
19 *Asthevine haue J bꝛought forth [freit] and corrup-
of ſweet fauenr sand my flowers are the fruit of tion ofthe
Honour ant riches. À foule,
20 J amthe mocher of beautifull loue, ana Iohn 15. ùe
and 24:3.
dent. 4. 1.
and 29.9.
Gen.2. 11
chap· 33.16.
of feare,and of knowledge ann of Holy hove, J
giue eternall things to alliny chilen to whom
od hath commanded. f
21 [(In me is all grace of life and trueth: in
meisall hopoof life and vertue] i
22 Come vute meal! ye that bee deſtrous of
me, and fill pour lelues with my fruits.
23 * For the remembzance of me ts faceter
then bony,and mine ingertcance (Cmecter] then
the bony combe: [the remembeance of nic indus
teth fo: euermoꝛe.] *
24 They that eate mee, Hall Hane the moze
hunger, ann thep that Minke me, Hall thivit the
25 Ciba fo hearkeneth vnto me, hal nat come
to cõufuũon, and thep that twoke by me, hai not
offend: (they that make me to bce knowen, ſhail
paue cucrlaiting life.]
26 All thet things ave the beoke(oflifeqand
the coucnant of the mof high God, [ ano the
knowledge of the truth and the Law yý Molſes
Lin the precepts of rightesuines] commanded
fozan heritage vnto the boule of facob, Candthe
promiles perteining to (cael. ] : :
27. Be nat weary to behaue pour ſelues nali»
antiy with the Lord, that hee may allo confirme
pou: cleauc vnto him: fo the Lord Aiinighty is
but one God, Ebelioe him there is none other
Ganor, i
28 [Dut of Dautd bis (eruant he ordeined to
raiſe vp a mot mighty King that ſhould lic in
the thzoncof honcur forzeucrmoze-]
29 Me hilecy all things with Hts wifename,
as * Phyſon, and as Cygris in the time of the
new trutts. : "a
30 He maketh bis vnderſtanding toabound
{tke Euphrates, and as * Jorden inthe ture of
the baruett. $
31 He maketh the doctrine of knowledge to
appeare as the light, and ouerfowerh as Geon
in the time ofthe vintage.
32 The firk man hath not knowen her per-
fectly; no moze hall the iatt ſeeke ber out.
33 Foz her couliderations are moze abundant
then the (ca,and her countelits prefounder then
the great deepe.
34. J wtiedome [haue cat out feads:) Jam
as ant arme of the riuer: 3 runnemte Paradiſe
as a water conduit. ;
35 Alayd J will water my Faire garden and
will water my plealant ground: ‘and lec, my
Ditch became a fiood, and my flood became a
36 Foꝛ J make doctrine to Hine asthe light
ofthe mozning,and J tighten it foz cuer.
37 [3 will pearce- thozowe all the lower
Patis ofthe earth: 3 will looke vpon ail fuch as
pean lighten all them that trutt inthe
~ 38 J will pet powe ont Doctrine, as pmophe-
fie,and leaue tt vñnto allages foz ener.
39 *Bebolde that J baue not laboured. foz
——— but foz all them that leeke toile
I Of three things which pleafe God, and of three
which he hateth, 7 Of nine things that bee notto bee
Eſpecied. 14 Ofthe malice of a woman,
T Wace things reioyce mee,and bythanam J
beautified befaꝛe God and men ;* the vnity Gen.13.2,5.
of brethꝛen, the loue of neighbours, man and a vom,12.10.
wite that agree together.
2 ¶ Chace zts of men my fente hateth, and
J vtterly abbogrethe lite ef them: apooze mar
that ts pzoud,a rich man that isa liar, andan
olde adulterer that Doteth, 3
3 (Fl thou bak gathercd nothing in thp
youth, what canſt chou finde tu thine age?
4 €D how pleatant a thing ts it mien grav
Headed men winiſter indgcment, and when the
Eiders can give goon counfell!
§ Db, how comely a thing is wifetome vnto
Aged men, and vnderſtanding and prudence ta
men of honour!
6 Checrowne ofald men,ts to baue much eve
periciicc,anD the feare of God ts their glory;
7 € There beninethings, which J haue iud⸗
Ged imine heart to be happy, tthe tenth wil J
ponounce WIth my tongue: aman that while be
lineth, bath ioy of his chudger, and (eeth the fall
of bis enemies. |
$ diGellis him that dwelleth with a wife of
buderitanding, * and that bath not fallen with Chap.r4.2,
dis tongue, and that hath not ſerued {uch agave and1g9.16,
unworthy of him. iawmes 3520
9 (Geil ts hun that lindeth pendency, and be
that (peaketh in b cares of them that wilbeare,
Io € Db, bow great is he that tindeth wifes
Donte! petis there Rone aboue hum chat feareth
the Lav, k
II Thefeareofthe Lom paſſeth all things in
12 [Bleed is the man vnto wham it is gran·
ted to hane the feareof God. Unta whom Hall
bebeltkencd that hathattainedDit? —
13 The feare of the Loz is the beginning of
bis loue, and fatth is the beginning to be topnew
unto him.
14 LE Chegreateke heauine ſſe is the heaui⸗
nefe ot the heart, and the greateſt malice isthe
malice of a woman.)
Is Giue me anyplague,faue onely the plague
of the heart, and any malice, (auc the malice ofa
16 Mꝛ any aſſault, fauc the aſſanlt of them that
parao any Bengeace, ſaue the vengeance of tiyg
17 There is not a moꝛe wicked head then the
head of theferpent,and there is no wꝛath aboue
the math ofan|jeucmp, ;
48 *3 bad rather Dwell with a lion and Da- hOr, wove
gon, then to keepe boule with.a micked wife. Prou.ꝛ21. 19.
Ig The wickedneſſe ofa woman changeth
‘her face, and maketh ber countenance blacke ag
lia facke.
20 Wer hulbandis fitting among his neigh»
— becauſe of ber bee ſigheth (oze 02 bee be
are. S
21 All wickedneſſe is but littie to the wicked⸗
nei of a woman: let the postion of the finner
fall vpon her.
22 Asthecliming sp ofafandy way is to ths
feete of the agen, fo ts a wits fullof words te a
quiet man.. ;
23 *Stumble not at the beauty ofa twoman, Chap.42 12
and Delire her not fos thy plealure. 2 fam. AN. Be
24. Jfa woman nourity her bulband, Hee ts and 13.2.
Angry and impudent and fuli of reproch.
25 A wicker wife maketh a lop heart, an *
|| Orya besre:
hulband in hegutneſſe
Gen. 3-6. 26 DE the * woman came the beginning of
idem 2.54, finne,and through Her we all Die, ;
27 Giur the water no pallage, [ no not a lit⸗
tle, Jneither gine a wicked Woman liberty ta go
28 JF Mewalke not in thineobedience, [hee
fhall confound thee inp fight ofvpine enemies.)
a To withe Gut her of then from thp Ae: Giur her,anv
‘billof di- folate bev.
ES 3
x The praife ofa good woman. § Of the feare of
three things,and of the fourth, 6 Of thecealous and
drunken woman, 29 Of two things that cauſe for-
row,and of the third which moueth wrath.
Leſſed is the man that hath a vertuous wifes
Fo? the number of bis prercs hall be Double.
2 An bonek woman retopceth her hufoand,
and thee halt itl the perts of hts life with peace.
A 3 A verttious woman is a geod portion,
gs poet halbe giuen foz a gift unto luch as frare
— the Lov.
; 4 Uibether aman be rich oꝛ poore, be bath a
good heart toward the Lord, and they fail at at
times hane acherefullcountenance.
§ E There beethecethings that mine heart
feareth,and my face ts afraid ofthe foutrhitrea-
ſon in a citte,che aſſembly of the people,ann falig
acculation: all theleare beauterthen Death.
6 C But the lorow and gcicte of the heart is
& woman that ts iealous over an other: and fhe
that continuneth with all, is a (courge of the
7 An enill wife ts as a yoke of oren that
DW Diuers wayes: hee that hath her, ts as
though be held alcozpion. ;
3 Aodunken woman, and ſuch as cannot be
tamed,ts a great plague:foz the cannot couer her
owne wame.
> g The whoredome of a wontan may be kno-
wen inthe pride of ber epes and epe lids.
10 @* jf thy daughter be not thamefak,hold
her ſtraitly, leatt the abule ber ſelfe thaough once
much liberty. i
Il Take heede ofher that hath an vname-
aa epe.and marueile not it he treſpaſſe againſt
12 As one that gorth by the way, and ts thir:
fty,(o foatl ihe open ben mouth, zdzinke of cuery
a Chap 4% 11
and open her quiuer againd enerp arrow.
13 The grace of a wite reioyceth her hulband,
and fecdeth bis bones with her vnderſtanding.
‘isagiftofthe Lezd.ethere ts nothing ſo much
worth asa woman well inſtructed
15 A thamefait and fatthtull woman is a dou⸗
ble grace,and there ts nowaight tobe compared
vnto hercontinentminde. |
16 As the ſunne when it arifeth in the high
places of the Loꝛde. fots the beauty of a goon
wife theaznament of her boufe.
17 Aschecicarelightis vpon the holy can
peutie to is the beauty of the kace in a ripe
ge. l
18 Ag tije gulben pillars ave vpon the ſockets
j * att ' 5
— pha. Eccleſiaſticus.
CRE- ute countenanceand s wounded minde, weake of ſiluer: fo are fayre keete with a conſtant
hands and feeble knees, and cannot comfort her
nert water shy euery hedge ſhall hee ficdowne,. ali
14. A peaceable woman,and ofa good heart, -
19 CjDerpetuall are the foundations that bee
layd vpon a ttrong rocke: fo are the cominaun⸗
pemi of ODD inthe heart of an holy woe
man. ;
20 Wy ane, keepe the ſtrength of chine age
ſtable, and gtue not thy ſtrengthto ſtrangers
21 Uhen thou bat getten a kruitkull poſſeſſi·
on through althe fields, owe it with thine owue
{ecd,trulting in thy nobility. :
22 Ho thy Locke that thal line after thee hal
aaa trutiing inthe great liberality of their
23 An harlot iscompared toa ſowe: but the
wite that ts married, is counted as a tower as
gaink Death to her bulband.
24 A wicked woman is ginenas a reward ta
a wicked ear ae woman ts giuen to
bim that fearcth the Lod.
25 Ahamelelle woman contemneth hames
nb a ſhamefaſt weman wiil reuerence ber hut
26 A hameteMe woman is compared to a-
is ne: but he chat ts tamefak,reuerenceth the
27 @ moman thethonoureth ber huſband,
ſhall be indged wile of alt: But (he chat Belpiierh
Hui, athe diazet for her pride.
28 A leud crying woman, a babbler tet ber
bee ſeught vout to ttusaway the encnues: the
mind oi cueryntan chat liueth wi h luch hall be
conuerſe at among the troubles otwarte
29 Chere bee two things that grieue mine
heatt, and the third makcik meangry: aman of
warte thar fitcreth poverty: and men of vnder⸗
ianding that are not ſet bp: ¢ when ae Depar=
teth from righteouines vnto tinncs fhe Lord ap»
pointesh fuch to the fecozd. ;
30 [ There Le two things which me thinkes
to bee Hard and periilous, Jamerchane cannot
lightly keepe him from wongand a vittailer ts
net without finne.
1 Ofthe poore that would berich. 5 The probation
of the man that feareth God, 13 The vaconflantnege
ofa foole, 16 The feercts of friends are not to be vt-
tered, 26 The wicked imamagineth ewillwhich turneth
upon himſelfe.
Ecauſe of ponerty haue many finned: and
* pee that feeketh to be rich, turneth bis epes
ne et ihe we v i
2 Asanatle tnthe wall ficketh fax betweene
the idynts of the ftones, fo voeth finne ftickebes
tweene thelelling and the buying.
3 JE tee Hold him nor diligently inthe fare
of the Lozde, bis boule Mall ſoone bee ouers
thrower, pi .
4 As when one ſikteth the filthineie remap»
neth it the fiue, lo the fitth of man remainech in
his thought.
5 The fornace proneth the potters velcl: *fo P/o.27.21.
Doth{remptation] try mens thoughts.
6 * Thefrnitdeclarech tf che tree haue bene Mat.7.57.
trimmen : fo the worde (declareth} what man
Hath im bis heart. -
-7 Wait no manercept thouhaue heard his
talke; fo thists the trtall of men. $ Ca
1 tt 6.9.
8 QFE thou foilowet righteouſneſſe, thou
fhalt get her,and put ker on as a faite garmrnt,
{and halt dwell with ber, andthe Mai nefend
thee fez euer: and in the Day Of knowledge thou
fjalt find ſtedtaſtneſſe. ‘
9 Che birds relort wnto their like : fo daeth
i tructh turne vnto them that ave practt(ed in
Io As the lion watteth fo? the beat , fo doeth
Finne vpon them that voe enill, i
IL Whe talking of him that fearcth Gov, ts
HA wiledome: as to: a toole, hee changeth as the
12 Fehon be among the vndiſcreet, obſerue
the — haunt til the allembly okthem that
ace wite,
13 The talking of fostes iz grienous theit
{pert is in the pleafureof finne.
14 *The talke of him ò ſweareth much, ma»
keth the batre to and bp ; and to rine with
fuch toppeth the earcs.
Is The Arife of the proudeis blodſhedding,
and theirt ſcoldings ace grieuous to peate.
Chap.19.10 ` 16 *Ahoſo Dilcouereth ſecrets, loſeth bis
and 22. 22, Credit, and findeth no friend after bis will.
17 Lone thy friend ann be faithful onto him;
bnt ikthou beweayert his ſecrets thou Walt not
get him againe.
18 Jorasa man deſtroyeth his enemy,(o doeſt
thou deſtroy te friend hip of thy neighbsur,
19 Gs one that letteth a birde goe ont of his
hand, fo ifthou ginet euer chp friend thou cant
not get him againe.
20 Follow after him no moze, foz bee is too
farre ott: beis asa roe eſcaped owt of the ſnare:
Coz dis (cule is wounded.J
21 As fo: wounds, they may bee bound vp as
gaing: and an enill word maybe reconciled:but
po [o bewzayety the ſetrets of a friend , bath
loft all bis credit. ness
22 Hee that winketh with the eyes, imagi-
nerh enill: and bethat knoweth him, wil let him
e alone.
23 CHihenthon art prelent,he wil fpeak ſweet⸗
ly, and praiſe chp words: but atthe laſt hee will
turne hts tale,and Lander thy ying. ‘
24 Many things baue J hated, but nothing
fo enill as fuch one:fo2 the Loꝛd allo hateth bime
25 Aho lo caſteth a oncon bigh , cattert tt
bpon bisowne head; and he that inuteth with
guile, maketh a great wound. :
P/al7. 45. 26 iha ſo* diggeth a ptt, Hall fall therein,
prow.26,27, [and bee that layeth a {tone tn his neighbours
eccles.ko, 8 Way. Mal Rumble thereon, Jand he that laveth a
* {nare foz another , Galbe raken in tt bimbel.
27 He that werketh euill, Halbe wrapped in
euill, and thal noc know from whence they come
vnto him.
28 Mochkerie and reproch follow the proud,
and vengeance lurketh fo: them as a lvon.
29 They that reioyce at the kall ol the righs
teous, (hall bee taken tn the (hare , and angut
hati conſume them betoze they die. ;
30 Delpite tanger are abominable things,
and the finfullimants fubiect to them bath.
1 We ought not to defire vengeance,bnt to forgiue
the offence, 13 Ofthe vices of the tongue, and of the
- dangers thereof, | - s
Chap. xxviij.
Œ * that (ceketh vengeance, hatl find bene Dew, 32.35°
* gane ofthe Le:5, and pe will ſurely kecpe rom 12,19
2 tFo2gine thy neighbour the burt that bee Man ougkt
Hath Done to thee, fo hall thy Annes be fozgiuen not to ſceke
theeallo when thou prayeſt. vengeance.
3 Should aman beare hatred againE man,
and * delire forgiueneſſe of the Lordẽ
4 Wewill Hew no mercy toa man, which is
Tike himlelte: and will Yee alke foartuenciie of
bis owne finnes ?
5 Athe that is but Heh, nouriſh hatred, cant
ae of Gov, ) wha will intreat foz hrs
6 Remember the end, and let enmitic pafe:
imagine hot Death an’ Beltruction to another
throne anger, but perſeuere in the commande-
7 Remember theconmiandements : fo hale
thou not bee rigozous againſt thyneighbour:
Ceonhder diligently] the Conenant of the mof
Wigh and forgine his tgnozarce.
8 * Deware of ürte, and thou Malt make
oy — fewer: foz an angry man kindleth
9 Gud the finfullman diſquieteth friends,
aud beingeth in faile acculations among thent
that be ar peace.
IO * As the matter of the fire f¢,foitburneth,
and mans anger is accogding te his power:and
acceding te bis riches bis anger increaleth, &
the moze vehement the anger tg, the moze ts hee
inflamed. —
It An batie bꝛawling kindleth a fire,and an
Hattte lighting thendeth blood: [a tongue that
beareth falle witneſſe, baingethdcath] f
I2 Ifthou blow the parke, tt Mali burne : if
thou foit vpon it, tt Hall be quenched, and both
thele come out of the mouth.
13 + * Abborre the flanderer and Double ton:
ie a i uch haue deſtroyed many that were
14 The double tongue hath difquieted niae
nyg Diuen them from nation to nation: trong
Cities hath it bzokenDowne, and ouerthꝛo weñ
the houſes of great men: [ the ftrength of the
people barh it brought Downe, and beene the Be=
capotmighty nations]
15 Che venbie tongue hath cat outmany
— Women, and rebbed theni oftheir la-
16 Who fo hearkeneth vnto it, Mall neuer
find ret, and neuer Dwell quietly.
17 The ſtroke of the roo maketh markes in
the fleil), but the troke of the tongue breaker
the bones.
18 Chere be many that haue periſhed by the
edge ofthe ſword, but not ſo many as haug fal-
len bp the tongue. $ :
19 Uell is him that is kept fromanentt `
tongue , and commeth not iutheangerthercot, _
which hath net drewen in that poke, neithee
bath beene bound tn the bands thereof.
20 Foꝛ the yoke thereof is a poke of yzon, and
the bands of tt are bands of bzafle.
21The death thereofts an cull Death : Hell
twere better thenfuch ene.
22 Ft hal not haue rule oner them that frare
gron ither Hall they bee burnt with the flame
23 Such asforlake the Lord, hall fall cherin:
Cee ang
é 6, 14;
Chap.3. Fo
Pros, 26,25
a Thatis,
the tongue
which faith,
and vofaith,
or fpeaketh
one thing, 8
Or, tongue
which ſpea⸗
keth neither
our of the
new orolde
but of theie
own braing,
f Apocrypha.
aud it hatl burne thent, and no man halbe able
to quench it: it Hal fall opon them asa liom and
Deuonre them as a ieopard.
24 edge thy pofleflion with thornes, and
` wake Doozes and barres to: thy mouth.
+ Ofweldo-
Dern, 5.78
WAS. 426
bake 6 35.
Dan. 4.24.
Beke 11, Ate
and 12.336
|. atts to, 4.
2, tim, 6.18,
HOr, gine
thine almes
t Of ferti-
a Ashe isa
foole that is
fuertie for c-
uery man: fo
is he vngodly
that inno
wife will be
fuertie for
any man.
25 Binde vp thy liluer and gold, and weigh
shy words in a Balance, and make a Done and
a barye, Land a fure beidle) foz thy mouth.
26 Beware that thou five not by it andfo
fall befoge him that lieth tn wart, Cand thy fal be
incurable,cuen vato Death, J
1 Doe lend money and doe almes. 15 Of a faithfull
man anfwering for his friend,24 The poore mans life.
H Œre that will hew mercy, t lendeth to his
Ancighbour: and bee that bath power ouer
bimlelfe, keepeth the commandements.
2 * Lend to thy neighbour in tune of bis
— and pap thou thy neighbour againe in due
3 Reepe thy word , and deale faithfully with
him, and chou halt alway finde the thing thatis
necellary fo: thee.
4 Wany whena thing was lent them, rece
Konedit tobe found and sricucd them thathad G
Helped thes. ; ——
§ Cillcheyreceine, they kife his hands, and
fo: thcir netghbours goods thep bumble their
voyce: but when they Would pay agatne, they
prolong the terme, and ginea careleſſe auſwere,
and make ercufes by realon of the time.
6 And though Hebe adle,pee giueth he ſcarce
she halfe again, reckoneth the other as a thing
found: els bee Decetueth hun ofbis money, and
maketh bim an enemy without a cauſe:he paicth
pim with curling and rebuke, and guieth bin
eutll words fo} bis good Deed.
7. There bee many which refule to lend bee
caufe of this inconuentence, fearing to bee De»
franded without cauſe. h
3 Det haue thou patience with bim that hem-
bieti himſelle, and deferre not mercy feom bim,
9 Welpe the pooze foz the commandements
AREAN turne bint net awap, becanle of bis po»
Boetie. e
10 Lolethymoney fo: the brothers € neigh:
bours fake tlet it not ruft vnder a Tone to thy
I *Beftow the treaſure afier the commande.
ment of the moft High, and it Hall being thee
moze profit then gold. :
12 Lay bp thine* almes in thy ſectet cham ·
bers,and tt Hall keepe thee from all affliction.
13 CA mans almesis as apurfe with him, and
fhall keepe a mans fauour as the aple of the eye,
and afterward Mall tt ari and pay enerp man
his reward vpon bis head.) s
14 It Hall fight for thee agatn& thineene-
mics, better then the chield of a ſtrong man, o}
fpeare ofthe mightic. — B p
Is An bonek man is * luerty for his neighe
bour : buthe thatisimpudcat,fortaketh him.
16 Forges not the friend ſhip of the ſuerty:for
be hath layd dis life foz thee.
Bis tu Che a wicked delpileth the gaod Deed of
s ſuerty.
18 The wicked will not become ſuertie: and
bee that is of an vnthanketull ninde, ſforſaketh
pint that deliuered him,
19 [Home man premileth for his neighbonre
ap eae hath lott his honeltte,bee will foz-
20 Huertiffip bath deſtroyed many a rich
man, and remoueth them as the wates of the
fea: mighty men hath tt driuen away from their
boules, and cauled them to wander among
ſtrange nations,
21 A Wicked man tranſgreſſing the commans
Dements of the Lod, Wall fall into ſuertiſhip:
and he that medleth much with ether mens bus
fines,ts intangled incontronerites.
22 @ Delve thy neighbour acceding ta thy
power, and beware that thou thy feite fati not.
23 * Che chiefe thing oflife ts water, and
bitan and clothing, and iodging to couer thp
hame. a shee
24 t The poore mane life in bis owne lodge,
isbetter then delicate fare tn another mans.
25 Bettlittle oz much , hold thee contented,
that the houſe (peake not euill of thee.
26 Foꝛ it is a miferable life to ge from Houle
to boule: foz where thou art a ranger thou Da
ret nat open thy month.
27 Chou fhalt lodge and feed vnthankefull
men, and after fhalthaue bitter words foz the
ame, faying,
28 Come, thou ranger, and prepare the
table,and feed me of that thou batt ready,
29 @ine place, thou ranger, to an honou⸗
rable man: my bother commeth tobee lodged,
and J] baue need of mine boule.
30 Thele things are heauy toa man that hath
vnderſtanding the vpbzaiaing of the boule,ana
the reproch of the lender.
1 Of the correction of children, 14 Of the com-
moditie of health. 17 Death is better then a forow-
full life, 22 Of the ioy and forow of the heart.
H € that loueth bis fonne,*canferh him oft to
Il feele the rod, that bee map haue top of him
intheend. i
2 Heethat chaffileth bis fonne, hall haue
ioy in bim, and Mall retopce of him ameng bis
acquaintance. j
3 Hethat*teacheth yis ſonne, grieueth the
enemie, and befoze bis friends He Hal reioyce of
4 Though bis father dic, yet is he as though
hee were net Bead: foz hee hath lett one behint
Dim thatistkebtm. è
5 Jubis lfe he ſaw him, and had fop in hint,
and was not (oy in bis Death, [neither was hee
ahamed before his enemies. ]
6 Helleft behind him an auengeragaink his
enemies, and one that Mould Mew faũour vata
is friends. :
7 Hethat flattereth his fonne,bindeth vp bis
wounds , and dis heart ts grieucd at euery cry.
8 An bntamed hoꝛſe will be Rubbozne, and a
wanton child willbe wilkull. f ;
9 Jfthoubzing vp thy lonne delicately, hee
hall make thee afratoe: and if thou play with
him,be ſhall bꝛing thee to heauineſſe.
10 Laugh not with bim, leait thou bee ſory
* bim, and let thou gna the teeth inthe
+ Sober lie
Prou.i 3.245
and 33:13
Deu. 6, Fe
U * Gine him no libertie in hisponth, and Chey.7-23.
winke not at his follp.
; j 12 Bow
+ The praife
of health,
a Likeas
meat that
is fetvpon
12 Bowe Downe bis necke while beis yong,
anb beate bim onthe fines whiles Hee tsa chid,
leſthe ware Rubbone, anv be diſobedient guto
thee,and fo bzing ſortow te thine beart.
B Ciattile thy childe, and be diligent there»
in leaſt bis hame grieue thee.
I4 @t Better is the poore being whole and
— then a rich man that ts allicted in bis
2D .
Ig Wealth and ſtrength is aboue all gald, and
& whole body aboue infinite treafure.
16 There ts no riches aboue a {ound body,
and neiop aboue the toy of the heart.
17 Death isbetter then a bitter lite, [t leng
reft] then continuall ſickeneſſe.
18 a Ehe goodthings that are pow2ed ona
mouth hut vp, areas meaſſes of meate let vpon
a graue.
Chap, xxxj. xxxij.
It Therefore Hall his goods bee ſtabliſhed,
andthe congregation Wall Declare his almes.
12 It thou ſit at a coſtly table, t open not thy
mouth wide vpon it, and lay not, Behold much
meate, *
13 Remember that anenilleic ts a hꝛew:and
what thing created is wozle thena wicked epe?
foz tt weepeth foz every caule. ;
14 Dtretch not thine hande whereſoeuer it
locketh,and thautt it not with it into she Bik.
15 Confider by thy felfe him that isty thee,
and marke eneryp thing. —
16 Eate modektly that which is fet before
thee,and deuoure not leit thou be dated.,
17 Leane thou off firt fo: nurturesfake, and
be not ynfatiable, leatt thou offend.
18 Ahen thou fittest among many, teach nos
thine band out firt of all.
19 * How little ia fufficent foz a man well
thegraucsof - io Ahat good doeth the ofering vnto an
dead menis izole? foz he can neither eate, noz (mell: ſo is be
vnpiofitable that is pertecuted of the Lord, Land bearech che
fot that they
a m Chap-37.29,
taught?and thereby de Beicheth not in his cham⸗
ber, [no feeleth any paine.]
20 Awholefome Acepe commeth of a tempe:
eat it not; e-
uen foknows
ledge inhim fi
rewardotiniquity.] — 3
20 Heeleeth with bis eyes, and groneth like
* as — man, that lieth with a virgine and
that ope· 21 * @iuenot ouer thy minde to heauineſſe,
neth notbis any verenot thy felfe in thine owne countell,
mouthtovt- 22 The toy of the beart ís the life of manana
terit,isvn- g mans gladneffe ts the prolonging of bis Dayes.
profitable, 23 Loue thine owne feule, and comfort thine
Chap,41.14. Heart ; Deiue lozrome farre from thee : fo? for
Chap.20.3. row hath flaine many, and there isna protite
Prow.t2.25. therein.
andt5.13- 24 Enuy and wath Hozten the life,and care ·
and.t7,32. fuinelle baingech age before the time.
25 Gnoble and good heart will haue confide-
ration of bis meate and Bier.
x Of couetou[nes. 2 Of themthat take paine to gather
riches, 8 The praife of a rich man without a fault. 13
We ought to fize diunkenne [fe and follow ſoberneſſe.
| XK 7 Akingt aftec* riches, pineth a way the
pea) W body, and the care thercofaztucth away
: eepe.
———— 2 This waking care breaketh the ſſeepe, as
> & great fickenefic bꝛeaketh the fleepe. f
3 The rich hath great labour in gathering
riches together, andin his ret pee istiiled with
pleatures. af cP
4 he poorelaboureth intiuing pooꝛely, and
kuben he leaueth oft heis fttllpoore. —
şs Hethat loueth golde, hall notbeinkifier,
ana hee that folieweth cozruption, Hall haug
enough thereof.
Chap8.2, 6 * anpare deltroyed by the reafoncf gold,
and baue found thetr Beftruction before them.
7 It is asa ſtumbling blocke vnto them that
ſacrifice bntoit, and cuerp foole is taken thers-
with. i ros n
Luke.6.34. g Bleficuis the ‘rich which ts found without
blemiſh, and bath not gone after gold, [noz ho⸗
pein money and treafures.] | mg
9 pots hee, anv wee will commend him?
fo: — things hath bre Done among bis
peop vs =
10 Aho hath bene tried thereby, and found
perfect 2 lec hist bee anerample of glory, who
might offend,and hath not ofeuded,02 Doc guili,
AnD hath not Done tt.
ratebelly hee riſeth yp inthe mozning, and is
well ət cale in bimfelfe ; but paine in watching
and cholericke diſeaſes, and panges of the belly
are wih an vnlatiable man. i
21 Jfthonpatbene forced to eate, arife, woe
feozth,2 vomite and then take thy reft ;[ fo thou
fjalt dzing no fickenefle vnto thy bady. J
22 My losne, heare mee, and Delpile me not,
and at thelat thou fhalt Ande as J haue tolde
thee : in all thy wozkes bee quicke, {0 thall there
no lickeneſſe come vito thee.
23 *CUiboiots t tiberall in hts meate,men hall
blefie him: and the teltimony of bis honeſty
fyall be beleened. 3 j i
24 But againſt him that is a niggard of bis
meate, the whole city Hall murmure: the teltis
monies of fis niggardneffe Mall be fure.
25 Dhewe net thy valtantneite tn wine : foz
*wine hath Deltroyed many. :
26 Che fornace proucth the edge in the tem ·
pering : {o dath wine the hearts of the proud by
27 *CGine ſoberly drunken, is profitable foz
the life of man: what ts bislife that is oucrcome
with wine? ric. l
28 Aine was made [fromthebeginning] to
make man glad, [æ not foz Dunkennefe.] Aine
mealurabiy Duunker and in time, bringeth glad⸗
neile and cherekullneſſe of the minde.
29 Gutwine Diunken with ercefie, maketh
bitterneffe of mind with bzawlings a ſtoldings.
30 Dꝛrunkennelſe increaleth the courage of a.
foole, till he offend : diminiſheth his ſtrength
and maketh wounds.
31 * Rebuke not thy neighbour at tye wine,
and defpile him not in bis mirty ; giue bim na
Delpitetull wo2ds, and pꝛeſſe not vpon him with
contrary words.
I . An exhortation to madefty, 3 Letthe ancient
[peake. 14 To gine thankes afterthe repaſt. 15 Ofthe
feare, faith and confidence in God,
Fa thou be made the matter ofthe feaft, + liftnet +Humble-
thy [elfe pp, but bee among them, as one of nefie
—— y take Diligent careto: them, and ſo fit
fa] ne. i m
2 Ant when thou haſt pone all thyduty, ae
Eee 2 Domne,
a This coun:
fel only con-
cetmningthe —
helthofthe |
body,isbere —
alledged, ra-
therfor ares
belpe dige- —
fion vntoa
weake fto-
for an inſtre⸗
Gion to to-=
lerateintem= |
perancie : for
furfetting is -
forbiddé vs,
Luke 21,34.
f Liberality.
Tudeth 13.
ꝑPro.z3 1.4,50
Chas ao.i.
Downe that thou mayeſt bee merry with them,
and receive acrowue fog thy good behaniour.
3 Dpeake chou that art the elver : foritbe-
commeth thee, but with ound iudgement, and
binder not muticke. i
4 Powe not out wordes, where thercisns
aNDicuce, * and Wer not feozth wiledome out of
i She conlent of muſicians at abanketis as
a lignet of carbunele (ct in gold.
6 Qudasthe fignet of an Emmerald well
trimmed with gold, fo ts the melody of mulicke
“ra pieafant banquet, 3
[@iue eare, and be fill, and foz thy good
bebantour thou halt be beloved.) ©
8 Thou that artyong, lpeake ifneedbe, and
pet ſcarcely when thou act twiſe alked. i
9 Compzeehend much in feta wodeg : [in
many things be as one that ts ignezant : 9 bec
as one that vnderſtandeth, and pet hold thp
1 PE thou be among * great men, compare
not thy felfe vnto them: and when an elder ſpea⸗
keth, babbie not much. AP SS
II ‘Before the thunder goeth lightning, and
before a ſchamefaſt man goethfauour.
T2 Htand vp betines,and be not thelat, but
get thee hone without delay.
13 And there take thy paſtime, and dee what
thou wilt, fe that thou doc none eutl, 02 vie proud
words. ;
14 But aboue all things giue thanks onto
Him that bath made thee, and repleniſhed thee
with his goods. k `
If @ cAholſo feareth the Lorde, will receive
ule Doctrine,and they that rile earely, ſhall tinde
16 Hee that ſeeketh the Law, hall bee fitled
Pert : but thebppoctite Rall bee offended
17 ‘Chev that fearethe Lorne, Hall finde that
— is righteous, and ſhall kindle iuſtice as a
. _ I8 An vngodly man will not be rekormed; but
findeth out ercules according tobis will.
19 @ man of vnderſtanding Delpifeth not
counſeil: but alend and pꝛoud mai ts not tou⸗
ched mith keare, euen when he hath done rathly.
20 [Mylonne ] Boe nothing without aduiſe⸗
ment : fo ſhall it not repent thee after the deede.
21 Goe not in the wise Anil thou malet tall,
Roz where thom mayeſt ttumble among p Rones,
neither trult thou inthe way that ts plaine.
22 Anv beware ofthine owne children, Cand
fae a of them, that vee shine owne boufe»
23 In euery good tomke, be of a faithfull
heart : foathisis the keeping of the comman
Demenis. port se
24 Aho fo helecucth infithe Lowe, keeperh
the commandements: and hee that truſteth in
rhe Lod hall take no burt,
1 The deliucrance of him that feareth God. 4 The
anfiwere ofthe wife. 12 Man is in the hand of God,as
the clay is inthe hand ofthe potter, 23 Oj emili fers
Tet hall no euill come vnto him that + fea
reth the Lowa : but when he ts in tentation,
be wil Delingr him againe.
2. A wiſe man hateth not the Law : bue hee
—— an hypocrite therein, is as a ſulp ina
3, Aman of vnderſtanding walketh Faithe
pes s the Law, and the Rawe is faithiull vn⸗
4 i F. j
4 Asthe quettion is made, prepare the ane
ſwer, and fo walt chou be heard + be lure ofthe
wMattsr.and fo anſwere.
§ Che heart ofthe * kosliſh is like a cart
labore and bis thoughisare like a roling arels
ree. s
6 As awild hore neyech vnder euery one that
fitteth vpon him. to is a ſcoruefull friend.
7 iby doeth one Day ercell another, ſeeing
thatthe light of the dayes of the peere come of
the funne?
8 Cheknowlerge of the Lome hath partes
them aſunder, and he bath by them Bilpalen the
tintes and foleinne frats.
9 Dome ol thembath be cholen and fancti»
fed, and feme of them hath be put among the
Bayes to number.
Io And all men are of the * ground, and Qe
Dam was createdout of thecarth ; but the Lord
hath diuided them by great knowledge, and
Made thet waves diuers.·
Il Game ofthem hath he bleſſed and exalted,
and fone of them hath he fanctified, and appro⸗
piate to himielfe : butfome of them hath hee.
turiet, and bought them low, and put them out
oftheir citate. < l
Iz * As the clay izin the potters hand, too-
Der it at his pleative, ave mes alfo in the hand
of heir Creatog, fa that he may reward themas
likerh Him bett, l
_ 13 Againk euil is good, and againſt neath
islite: {ots the godly againſt the finner, and tye
vngodly againſt the faithfull.
14 Do in allthe woke of the mek High thou
mayeſt ſee chat there are cuer two, ont againit
15 E Jam awaked vp tat ofall, as one that
gathereth after them in the vintage, In the ble
ting of the Lod Jam increaſed, and banc filled
my winepii like a grape gatherer.
16 * Behold, how Jhaue not laboured onely
fp my felfe, but foz al! theni that ſeeke Knows
17 Heare me, D pee great men of the peopte,
and hearken with pour cares, pee rulers of the
congregation, MERTI
18 Giue not thy fonne and wife, top brother
and Friender, power ouer thee while thou lined,
and giue not away thp fabitance to another,
left it repent thec, and chou intreate for the fame
againc. :
Io As tong as thou liueſt, and bhatt breath, J
a give not thy felte ouer so any perfon. Thei
20 Foꝛ better itts that thy childrꝛen ſtoulde 3 tnat,
pray onto thee, then that thou thoulvestlooke bp Jet ——
tothe hands othychildren. ky —
21 An all thy workes be excellent, that thp "S a i
honour be neuer tained. wh en théu
22 Gt the time when thou fale ende thy halt comme.
Daves,and finih thy life, Bikeivute chine vabert = . hed
tance. 3
23 C The fourer; the whip, and the burden bis hand.
belong vnts the aſſe: and meate, cozvection and
werke vnto thy ſeruant.
24 Ithon (et thy ſeruant to inbors he
Y 1
Gent. 27
aad 2.7.
Mi.4 5. 9.
rom 9.20, 21
{halt finde reſt:but ikthon let him go idle, be hal
ſceke libertte.
25 The poke and the whippe bow Downe the
Hard necke; fo tame thine eutil ruant withthe
Whips and correction. ð )
26 Send him to labour,that be goe not idles
fo: idleueſſe baingeth much euill.
27 Het hin to worke, f9? that belongeth vne
to brm; if he be nor obedient, t put on moze hea·
uie fetters.
28 But be not exceſſiue toward any, and with
out Bilcretion Doc naching. ;
29 * Ji thou hane a faithfull ſeruaut. let him be
hnto thee as thine owne foule; fo2in blood batt
fyon gotten him JE chou haue a ſexuant, entreat
bim as thy brother: foz thou batt need of him, as
of thy felfe. It thou entreat hun cuill,and be run
Away, wilt thou feke hun?
t How flaues
were orde-
red in olde
Of dreames, 13 The praife of them that fare God.
18 The offerings of the wicked. 2% The bread of the
meedie. 27 God doth not akow the workes of an vis-
futhfall man.
Te hope of a fooliſh man is paine and falle,
t and dreames make fooles to bane wings.
2 Cho reqardeth dreames, is like Dins
ag — hold ofa ſhadow, and fellow after
e wind,
3 Enen lols it theappearings of Deeames,
as the likeneſſe of a face ts before another face.
4 hocan bee cleanfes by the vncleane? 02
what trueth can be ſpoken of a liar?
S Soothlavmgs, wtichcraft and dreaming,
is but vanity, and a mind that ts occupied with
kantalies, is as a woman that trauaileth.
6 Mbheras mch vitions come not of rhe moſt
Digh totrie thee, fet not thine heart vpon them.
7 Fo: Deeames haue Deceiued many, and they
hane fatted that put their trait therein
8. The law ſhalbe Aled without lies, ang
wildome ts fufficient to a fathi month: Cwhat
knowlege baty he that is notttied:
A man chat is inſtructed, vnderſtandeth
much, and hee that bath good crperience, can
talke of wiſebomẽ. 4
IO He that hati no experience knoweth litle,
and he that eereth,is fullofcraft-
IL Uhen J wandered to and fro, 3 fatu ma-
npthinas , and mine vnderſtanding ts greater
then Z can expꝛreſſe.
12 J was oitttinesin danger of Death, pet T
twas Delinered by theſe things.
13 @Ghe ſpirit of thole that feare the Loyd,
fall line: fo their hope is in him that can helpe
14 Mho fotfeateth the Lod, feareth uo man,
neither ts afraid: for he is his hope.
I5 Elenen is tye foitte of him that feareth the
Lod: in whom putteth be bis trut? mho ts pis
16 * Jro? the cpesof the Lord haue reſyect vn⸗
tothem that loue him : he ts their * mightte po-
tection, avd trong ground, a Defence from the
Heate. and a hanot fo: the noone Day,a firccour
from ftumbling,and an belpe from falling.
17 ie fettety vp the foule,and lighteneth the
eyes: he giueth health, lite,andbiciling.
Prowzt.ay 18 Ce that giveth anakering of vnrigh
The feare
of the Lord,
Pal; 3.18.
Chap. xxxiiij. xxv.
teous goons, offereth a mocking facrifice, and
the gitts ofthe vnrighteous pleãſe not him.
19 CiBut the Lud ts theirs ouely, that patie
entip abide Dim in the way of truth and righte ·
20 The moft High doeth not allow the t offe. The offe-
rings of the wicked , * neither ts hee pacified foz rings of the
finne by the multitude of facrifice, wicked and
21 ibo fo bꝛingeth an offering of the goods their prayer,
of the pooe, Dorth as one that tacrificeth the Prew.1 5.8.
fonnebefore the fathers epes, :
22 The bacad of the needkull is the lite of the
pooꝛe: bee that defraudeth him thereof, ts a
23 De that taketh away his neighbors lining,
Hlapeth him, * and he thacdefrandeth the labons Dewt.r4.14,
ter of his bite,ts abloodſhedder. ¥5.chag.7.
24 @cdiben one buflaeth,¢ another breaketh zo.
Downe, what profit haue thep then but labour?
25 hen one prayeth, and another cuclerh,
whofe voice will the Lozd heare? :
26 *iee that watheth himlelle betauſe ofa,
Dead body, and toucheth ttagaine, what auate 11,12,
leth his walking?
27 * Soisit with aman that fatketh forbis 2. Pet.s.20,
finnes, and committeth them againe : who will 21,22,
Mere bis prayer? oꝛ what Deth bis fatting belpe
f 7 ee P. apes fa
1 Oftrue facrifices,14 The prayer of the fatherles
and ofthe widow,and him that humbleth himſelſe. I
V yr fo keepeth the Lawe,” bringeth ones 1. Sane r Se
tings enow:hethat holdeth faf the com.
mandements, foftereth an offering oflaluation. 5,6,7.
2 Hee that ts thankefull to them that haue + Truc ſacri⸗
well delerued, offereth Aine flowee:* and bethat fices,
giveth almes,(acrificeth pzaiſe. Phil.g.18.
3 To depart framentti ts a thankfull thing
to the Lord, and to forſake vnrighteouſneſſe is a
reconciling puto bim. }
4 *Ghou Walt not appeare emptie before Exed,23.15
the Loz. f and 34.20,
s Foꝛ all thele things are done becaule of the dew: 16.16.
6 *Cheokting of the righteous maketh the
— rb * the ſmell thereot ts ſwecte before
emo .
7 he lacrtfice of the righteous tsaccepta:
a il the remenibzance thercof fall neuer be
8 Giue the Loza his honour with a gom anu
liberall epe, and diminiſh not ihe Gr fruites of
thine hands. i
9 *In all thy giftes thew a foyfullcaunte: 2,C0r.p,7.
nance, and Bedicate thy tithes with gladneſſe.
IO Giue bnto the mot High according as he
bath enriched thee, *and looke what thine hand
is able.gtue with a cheercfull epe. —
TI Foꝛ the Lo: recompenſeth, and will gine
thee feuen times ag much.
12 *Diminih nothing of thine offering : foz
De will not receive it and abltcine from wong.
full facrifices: foz the Lod is the Judge and re»
gardeth no*mans perfor.
13 Wee accepteth not the perfon of the peoe,
but be heareth the praper of the oppreſſed.
14 tee delpileth not the delire ofthe father:
leſſe noz the widow, wher {hee powreth out her
Cee 3 15 Doth
Gene 44,50
Leuit 22.28
22. dent. 15.
= l.
Dent, 10.17.
wif 6.7. ath.
10 34. rom 2
ephe.6 9. cod,
22.ere. 7.3g
+Againft the
| wicked,
tA prayer
for the god-
theerkoe there is none other God
Is Doth not the teares runne downe the wis
Dowes cheekes? and her cry ts agatnit bin that
cautcd them: Cfo? from ber cheekes Doe they goe
pp bute heauen, and the Lord which heareth
them,doth accept them. J
16 He that ferueth the Loza hhallbe accepted
paid fauour, and bis paper tall reach veto the
elouds. 3 :
17 The prayer of him that humbleth himlelke,
goeth chozow the clowns, and cealeth not till it
come neere, & wili not Depart till the mot High
haue ectpect thereunto totudgerightcoully,and G
tO execute iudgement.
18 And the Lord wil not be ſlacke, nor the Al-
mightie mill tarie long from then, till hee hath
finttten in finder the ſoynes of the vnmercifuli,
and auengedbimielfe of the beathert,till he haue
taken away the multitude of che cruel, g broken
the (cepter of the unrighteous, till he gue euery
man after bis workes, and reward them atter
their Denices,tili he Hane iudged the cauſe of his
people,andcomfozted them with bis mercy.
19 Db, bow fatre a thing ts mercy in the time
ofauguifh g trouble! Jets like a cloud of raine,
that commeth in the time of a dꝛought.
1 A prayer to God inthe perfon of all faithful mex,
againft thofe that perfecute his Church. 22 The praife
of a good woman.
He mercie bpon bs, D Lod God ofall
things, and behold ns, and [Mewe vs the
light of thp mercics,]
2 GAndlend thy feare t among the nations,
which lecke not after thee, lthat they may know
that there is no@od but chou,and that they map
ſhew thy wondereus workes.}
3 Likt vp thine *hand vpon the ſtrange na⸗
tiong that they may lec thy power,
4 Asthouastfanctified tn vs befo2e them,
fo be thou magnified among them before vs,
§ That thepmapknow thee, as twee know
but onelp thou,
D Lozd.
6 Renew the fignes, and change the won:
Ders, ſhewe the glorie of thine hand, and thy
tight arme,that thep may Weto foozth thy won
Berousacts, se
7 Katte vp thine indignation and pote out
— take away the aduerſarie, and (nite the
8 Wake the time ſhort:remember thine oath,
that thy wondcrous wozkes map be prat(ed.
9 Let the wath of the fire conſume them
that apean let them periſh that oppzeffe the
10 Amite in hinder the heads ofthe Pꝛinces
that bee our enemies, and fap, There is none o-
ther but we.
IL t Gather all the tribes of Jacob together,
{that thepmay know that there is none ocher M
Sod but onely thou,and that they may hem thy
woenDdDerous Workes, Jand inbertte thou them as
from the beginning.
12 D Load, haue mercy vpon the people that
is called by thy Pame ana bpon Flrael,* whom
thou haſt likened to a firt borne fonne.
13 Db,be mercifullynto Jerufalem the citie
of thy Sanctuarie,the citie of thy ret.
14 Fili Bion, that it map magnifie chine ozas
cles ana Gil thy people with tip glopp.
15 Gine witnes unto thok that thou haſtpolſ·
fefied trom the begtnning, and.ratle vp the proe
phectes that baue beene thewed in thy flame.
16 Reward them that waite fo: thee,that thy
HPꝛophets may be found faithfull `
17 D Log, heare the prayer of thy ſeruants.
according to the*blefling of daron oucr thy peo⸗
ple, Cand guide thou vstu the way of righteouſ⸗
nefe] that all they which Dwell vpon the earth,
map knowethat thou art the Loz the eternali
18 (Tbe belly deuoureth all meates , pet is
one meatebetterthenanother.
Ig Asthethoate taſteth venifon, ſo doeth a
wile minde difcerne falfe wos.
_ 20 Afroward heart beingeth griefe, buta
man of erpericnce will rete tt.
_ 21 woman iş apt to receiue euery man: pet
is one Daughter betterthen another.
22 The beautte of a woman cheareth the face,
and a man loueth nothing better.
23 Jf there be tn her tongue gentlenes, meek-
nefe, and wholefeme talke, then ts not per puf
band like other men.
24 Wee that hath t gotten a pertuousꝭ wo
man, bath beguune to get a poſſeſſion: fhe ts an
helpe like vnto bimtclfe,¢a pillar toret vpon.
25 There no hedge ts,there the poffetlion ts
{poyled: and be that hath no wife wandereth te
and fro,miourning. —
26 ho will truſt a thiefe that is alway reas
Ble, and wandereth from towne to towne? and
likewife him, that bath no ref, and lodgeth
wbherelocnerthe night taketh him?
1 How aman fhould know friends and counfellerse
12 Tokeepe hu companse that feareth Ged.
E Clery friend faith, t3 am a friend vnto him
alfo: but there is feme friend, which is onely
a friend in name, à
2 Remaineth there not heauines vnto death.
—— and kriend is turned to an
3 D wicked preſumption, from whence art
thou {prung vp ta couer the carth with decett?
4 *Gbere is fome companion which in pꝛo⸗
{peritie reioyceth with bis friend: but in the
time oftrouble he is againſt bim. }
§ There ts fome companion that helpeth his
friend foz the bellies fake, and taketh vp the
buckleragaintttheenemic. i
6 Fogetnotthy friend in thy minde, and
thinke spos him in thy tiches,
Seeke t no countell at him oftwhom thou
act ſuſpected, and diſcloſe net thy counfell vnts
fuch as hate thee. ;
8 *Guery countellerpratleth his owne couns
fil: but there ts ſome that counſelleth foz him-
9 Beware ofthe counſeller, and be aduiſed
alorelwherto thou wilt ule himfoꝛ be wti coutne
feit for himſelke lett he caſt the lot vpon thee,
10 Gnd fap vnto thee, Thy way ts good, and
afterward be tand agatnt thee, and looke what
fpatl become of thee. ah
_ It (Alte nocountell fo, religion of him that
îs without religion, nozo€ tuttice, ofbim that
bath no iuſtice,J nor ef a woman touco
Num 6.23.
+The praife
of a good
Of friend-
we ſhould
take counſel
and 915,
Or, what
need he hath
ching her oftyhom hriz felons, to. ofa coward
in matters of warre, nor ofa merchant concer-
ning exchange, noz of a buyer fo? the fale,noz of
an enuious man touching thankefulneſſe, noz of
the viunercifull touching kindneſſe, C uozofan
vnhoneſt mat of honettic) noꝛ of the ſlouthfull
£o: any labonr no: of an hireling to: the finthing
ofaworke, nor ot an tole Ceruant foz much buli-
neſſe: hearken not vnto theſe tn any matter of
counfi, ‘
12 But bee continuall with a godly man
whom thou knowelt to keepe the commaunde-
ments of the Lode , whole minde ts according
tothy iminde, and is fozp foz thee when thou
ſtunbleſt. i
13 Take caunkll of thine owne beart: foz
there ts no man moze faithfull onto thee, then it.
14 Foramans mind ts fometimes moze accu:
ftomed to fhew moze then ſeuen watchmen that
fit aboue in an bie tower.
Is And aboue all this pray tothe moft High,
that be will Direct thy way in tructh.
16 Let reaſon goe betoze euery enterpziſe, and
countell befoze enerp action. ;
17 € Che (changing) of thecountenance is
| a ligne of the changing ot the beart: foure things
appeare, good and cull, life and Death, but the
— hath euermore the gouernement ouge
18 € Some man ts witty, and hath inſtruc⸗
~ ted many,and pet iz unprofitable vate hinilelfe.
Or, wifes
Chap. 31.195
7 OF Phyfi-
sians and
Ig Some man will be wite in words, andis
Hated, yea he is deſtitute of all ffoove, |
20 Becaule grace ty not gtuen him of the
1020 ; fo? he ts deſtitute of all wifedome.
21 Another is witle foz himicife, and the
es of vnderſtanding are fatchfull in his
22 A wife man infrncteth bis peopie,and the
fruits of his wiſedome faile not.
» 23 wile man thal be plenteoufly bleffen,and
all they that fee him, fhall thinke him bleffen.
“24 The life of man ſtandeth in the number
—— but the dayes of Iſrael are innume⸗
25 A wife man hall obteine credit among bis
people,and bis name hall be perpetuall,
26 My mime, pꝛooue thy foule in thy life and
fee what is eutli foz it,and permit it not to doit.
27 Fo: ail things are not paofttable foz all
men, neither hath cucry loule pleature in euery
thing. TRE Í
28 Be not t greedy inalldelights,and be not
too batty vpon all meates. i
29 * fFoꝛ ercefleofmeates bringeth fickneffe,
‘and gluttonie commeth into cholericke difeates,
30 By furfeit baue many perthea; but he that
PDieteth himlctfe,pzolongeth yis life.
1 A Phyfician is commendable. 16 To bury the
dead. 24. The wifedome of him that is learned,
prp the + Dbyfician with that honour
IAthatisaue vnto bun, becaule of neceſſitie:
fo? the Loꝛd bath created him. ;
2Foꝛ of themott iigh commeth healing,
and be hall receiue gifts of the king: tereta
3 The knowledge of the POdplician lifteth
bp his head, andinthe aght ot great men hee bullo
‘Chap, xxxviij.
‘Way andremember the laſt end.
ſhalbe in admiration.,
4 The Lod hathereated medicines of the
al and bee thatts mile, will not abbozre
§ Mas not the water made ſweete with
— that men might knowe the vertue theres
6 Hohe hath ginen men knowledge, that
a ae bee glozified in bis wonderous
7 Uith lich Doth he heale men, and taketh
away their paines.
8 Déluch doth the Apothecary makea com
fection, & pet be cannot finit bis owne workes
fozofthe Lod commeth peolperiticand wealth
overall the earth.
ip: $By fonne, fatle not in chp fickeneffe, but
— vnto the Loꝛd, and hee will make thee
Io Leaue oſft from finne, ¢ order thine bands
ree > and clenle thine heart from all wicked⸗
I Dier Cweete incente, and fine floure foz a
remembzance: make the offering fat, for thou
are not the tart giuer. i
12 Then gtue place tothe Phyſician: foz: the
Lod hath created him: ict bim not goe front
thee, fo2 thou batt neede of him. {
13 Che houre map come, that their enterpzi·
{es may baue goon ſucceſſe.
14 Jo thep allo thall pray vnto the Lode, to (uch vies
that hee would protper that, which ts giuen askeeap-
fos cafe, and their phylicke foz the prolonging of pointeth,
Ig We that ſinneth before his maker, let him
fall into the bands of the Phylician
16 My tonne, * powe toozth tearesoucrthe ¢hap.22.11,
Dead, + and begin to mourne, as ikthou handelt + Ofmour-
fuffcredD grearharme thy (elfe,and then coucr bis ning,
body according to bis lappointment,andneglect HOr the crs
nothis burtall. t
17 Wake a gtteuouslamentation,and be ears
nett in mourning, and vſe lamentation as beets
worthy, and that a Day o2 tiwo, leatt rhoube euiũ
{poken of, and then comfozt thy felfe toz thing
— cherninen
I 02 of heauineſſe commeth death, and the Prone. rg
heauinelſe of the beart bꝛeaketh toe ftrenath. and —
19 Df the affectionof the heart canmech ſor·
rowe, and the life of im that is afflicted, ts. ace
cozding to bis hearts CHE
20 Take no heauineſſe to heart; driue it as
Iſa. 38. 2,5.
t God be⸗
ftoweth firt
his benefits,
and we muſt
rendera pors
tion thereof, —
21 Forget it not: foz there is no turning a=
aye thou fhatt do him no good , but hurt thy
22 Remember his iudgement: shine allo that
pe igh vnto mec pelterdap , and unto thee
ap i ; j ,
23 *Deeing the dead is at ret let his temem: 3.82.32.
bzance reft, and comfozt thy lelfeagaine fo: him, 3%
when bis (pirit is Departed Frombim,
24 € The wiledome of a learned man cont
meth by bling well his vacant time 3 and be that
cealeth from bis owne matters andlabour, map
come bp wifedome.
- 25 owcan bee get wiſedome that holseth
the plough, and hee that hath pleaſure in the
goade and in driuing oxen, and ts occupied in
he ade and talketh but ot the bacede of
Eee 4 26 Dè x
26 ipee gineth his minde tomake furrowes,
and is Diligent to give the kine fonder.
27 Sots tt of euerp carpenter, and worke-
matter that laboureth night and day: and they
that cut and graue feales, and make ſundry Di»
nerlities, and giue themſelues to counterfeit
fmagery,and watch toperfozmethe woke.
28 The Smith ts like maner abideth by bis
anal, ana Bocth his Diligence to labour the
zon: the vapour of the fire drzieth his fle}, and
e muſt fight with the heate of the furnace; the
noyle of the hamnier iz ener in bis eares, and his
syes looke till vpon the thing that bee makech:
bee ſetteth his minde to make bp bis workes:
therefore he watcheth to polit it perfectly.
29 So Doreth the potter fit by his wozke : bee
turneth the wheele about with hisfecte: beets
caretullalway at bis woke, and maketh bts
worke by number. Tey
30 ie fathtoneth theclay with bis arme, and
with bis feetehe tempereth the hardneſſe there-
of: bis beart imagineth howe to couer tt with
lead and bts Diltgence ts to cleante the ouen.
31 All thele hope in their hands, and euery
one beſtoweth his wiſedome in pis work.
32 Wit hout theſe cannot the cities bee main»
tained,noz inhabited, noꝛ occupted. ;
33 And yet they are not alked their iunge.
mentin the countellof the people, neither are
they hizin the cangregation, netther fit they vps
onthe iudgment feates, no: vnderſtand the or·
Der of tultice : they cannot Declare matters , ace
coꝛding tothe forme of the Lawe, and thep are
not meete for hard matters.
: 34 But they mamtatne the Cate of the woꝛſd,
and their detire ts concerning thetr wogke and
t Awifeman, 16 The workes of God, 24 Wuto
the goc, good things profite, but wutothe ensk, etsen
good things are ewik,
Peony thatapplicth his minde to che Lato
of the mot High, and is occupied in theme-
ditation thercof, feeketh out the ! wifedeme of
alt * ancient and exercileth hunleifetn the pros
peles, i
: 2 Wee keepeth the layings of famons men,
and entreth in alſo to the ſecrets of Darke ten-
3 He ſeeketh out the myſtery of graue ienten:
tes and exerciſeth himſelfe indarke parables.
4 He thall ſerue among great men, andap»
peare before the prince : he thal trauaile through
Trange countreys: for hee Hath tried the good
ane the cuill amonganen.
§ Hewwill gtue bis heart to reſort early vnto
the Lord that made him,; and topray before the
wmaolt high. and will open bis mouth in prayer,
and pzayfoz bis finnes.
6 Uhen the great Lord will, be Hail befil-
fed with the Hpirit of vnderſtanding, that bee
niay powe out wifelentences, and giue thankes
vnto the Low tn his prayer. - oe
7 idee Hall direct his counſell and know ·
legg: fo hall he meditate in his ſecrets.
S8 Hee ihal Hew koorth his ſcience and lear⸗
— ag reioyte in the Lameand couenant of
. Ecclefiafticus.
9 Many Hall commend his vnderſtanding.
and his memozy ali neuer be put out, no? dee
pact away: but his name ſhall continue from ge»
neration to generation,
10 * Che congregation Gal veclare his wife»
Tome, AnD Hew it
IL Though he be dead, he Haul leane agred»
ter fame then a thoulana: and tf he liue tiii, pe
ſhall get the tame.
12 Det wiil J peake of moe things ; foz J am
full as the moone.
13 Hearken wnto mee, pee holy chilnzen,and
bring foorth fruttas the role thatis planted bp
the brookes of the fictd,
14 And giue pea ſweet ſinell as || incenfe and
bing foogth floures ag che ittie: giue a faell,
and fing a fong ef pꝛayſe: bleſſe the Lozd in all
bis workes, j i
Is Oiue honour vnto his Mame, aud ſhewe
foozth bis prayle with the fongs sf your lippes,
oe with harpes, and pee all fay after thts
16 *All the wozkes cf the Lord are erceeding
good, and ail his commandements are done ta
Due feafon. h
17 And none may fay, Ahat is this, whert-
foe is that? toꝛ at time connenrentsthep fjall all
be fought out: at bts commandement the water
ſtood as an heape, andat the wo: of his mouth
the waters gathered themſelues.
18 His whole fauour appeared bp his comman⸗
rh > AND nouecan Buninith that which yee
ill fane.
19 The works of all fleth are befoze bim, and
nothing can be hid front bts epes.
20 Hee ſeeth from eucrlatting to cuerlaſting,
and there is nothing wonderfullyntobim.
21 A man neede not to ſay, Abat is this?
wherefore ts that 2 fox hee hath made all things
fo? their owne fe.
22 His bleſſing ſhallbrun ouer as the reame,
and maiten the earth ike a flood.
23 As hee hath turned the waters into falte
neie fo thal the heathen feele bis wrath.
24 As his wayes ate plaine and right vnto
the ste fo are they Runibling blockes tothe
25 € Soz the good are good things created
—* the beginning, and euill things foz the
ers, j x
26 * The pincipaltthings fo: the whele pie
of mans life is water, fire,and pron and falt, and
nieale,twheate and bony, and milke, the blood of
the grape and opte and clothing.
27 All thele things are for good to the ped
lp z but to the linners they ave turned nto
euill, ge OF
28 Cherebe tpiries thatare created for vette
Seance, Which in their rigo? lap on {ure ſtrokes:
in the time ok deſttuction thep Hew foorth their
power, and accomplit the wath of pim that
madefhem = DWAT he t
29 * Fire, and haile and famine,and Death:
all theſt ave created foz vengeance. i
30 The teeth of wild beaks, ethe ſcoꝛpions,
and the derpents, andthe ſworde execute venge.
ance fo: the deſtructionofkthe wicked. i
31 Chey chall ibe glad to doe his commandes
ments; and when necdoissthey halbe readyvp ·
Bn earth sand when theit boureis caig, they
fpallavot ouerpaile theconunandement. ©
32 Theres
llOr Libanus
Gene.t. 38.
WAT .7 37s
Chap, 29.235
Sen.i. 31.
t The mife-
tics of nians
Gen. 3 19.
Phil.ꝓ. 2.
b stih, 6.6.
32 Therefore hanc Jtaken a good courage
bito me femu the beginning , and haue thought
on thele things and baue put them in waiting.
33 *Allihe wozkes ofthe Lo: are good , and
hee giuro eucty one in due ſeaſon, and when
ucene is:
34, Sothat aman neede not to lay ; Chis is
wozle then that: fo2 tu Due ſeaſon they are all
worthy prayle. 4 i :
35 And thereforepraile the Lord with whele
beart and mouth, and bletle the FRamie ef the
ı Manymiferies inmans lift. 14 Ofthe blefingef
the righteous and prerogatiue of the feare of God.
Git t traucttzs created foz all men, and
an heauie poke bpon the fonnes of Adam
fromthe Day that they goe outofsbeir mothers
wombe, tillithe Daptyatthep returne to the mo·
ther ofal! things,
2 Namely their thoughts, and feare of the
Beart, and their imagination of the things they
waite foz,and the Day ofDeath,
3 From him. that fitteth vpon the glortous
— to himthae is beneath tthe earthand
4 From him that is clothed in blue ſilke, and
wearetha crownejenen vnts him that is clothed
infimpletinnen. ;
§ hatha eante,trouble,and ynquictnes,
and fearcef Death, aud rigour, aud itrife, and tn
the time of reſt, the Aeepe inthe night vpon his
bed, change bis knowledge.
(6 Gittle oꝛ nothing is his reſt, and afterward
in fleeping beets asa watch towze in the day:
beeistroubled with the viſons of bis heart, iag
one that runnethoutefa battell.
And wheu all ıs lafe he awaketh, and mar⸗
` wellethithat the feare was nothing.
8 Sich things come vntoalltich,both man
ano beatt,but feuenfetdtethevngodlp: <
10i; (Boxcoucr, *death and blood, andttrife,
ania ſworde, oppeeſſion, taniine, deſtruction, and
puntipnient. i ;
10 Thele IDES are all created fo the mics
Ked, anv foz their fakes came the * flood allo.
IL *Qilehings that arc of the earth. hatlturne
to earth againe: and they thatareofthe * was
ters, hall returne into the tea.
: 32 All bꝛibes and uxrighteouineile Mall bt
put away; but taithtulneſſe Mali endure fog
uer. a NERI
15 The ſubſtance ofthe vngodly halbe drzied
bp likea riuer, and they ſhall make a ſound like
a great thunder in the raine.
14 When he openeth his hand, be reioyceth:
but all the tranſgreſſors hall. come to nought.
15 Dbechilazenofithe vngodly ſhall not ob ·
taine many vbranthes: forthe. vucleane xootes
are as vpon the hie rockes. O0
16 Their tender talke by whatwaterfoener:
it be epwater banke, itfjalibe pulled vpucfore
all other berbes.
17 QFtiendlinefic ts as a moſt plentiful gar:
den of pleaſure, and mercie endureth foreuer·
18 *Qetabour and to be content with that a
man hath, is alweerelife: but he chat tindech a
treafuretsiabone thein beth cine:
Fg GQhiiorery and the building okthe city ma
keth a perpetuail name: Ontan honeſt woman.
is counted aboue them bot. ee
Chap. xl. xlj.·
20 Wine and ninficke reloyee tie heart; but
the louc of wiſedome is abone them both.
21. The pipe and ibe pialtcrion make a
ſweete voile ; but a pleaſaut tengue is aboue
them both.
22 Chine eye Befireth favour and beauty:
but agreene {cede time rather then them both,
23 A friend and companion come togetherat
opportunity: butabone them beth isa wile wih
het hul band. i
24 Friends and helpe are good in the time of
— : but almes thall deliuer moze then them
25 Gold and filuer fatten the keete; but couns
fell is:ecteemed aboue themboth.
26 Riches and ſtrength lilt vp the miud; but
thefeare of the Lod ts abouethem both: there
is nowant inthe feare ofthe Lod, and it nee⸗
Deth no helpe. ak
27 The keare of the Lonis a plealant ware
nemor blelling, and there ts nothing fobeaucitull
28 CMy fonne, leade not a beggars tife fog
betrerit were to Die then to beg.
29 Che life of him that Dependeth on ange
ther manstable, tsnotto be counted tora lifes
for bee tormenteth himſelfe after other meng
meate: but a wiſe man and well nourtured will
beware thereof, j 5
30 Begging ta ſweet in the mouthof then.
Hhamefat, and in bis belly there burncth afire,
1 Ofthe remembrance of death. 3, Death inat to
be feared, 8. A.curfevponshemtbat forfake the Law
of God, 42 Good name aud fume. 44 An exherta--
tron to gine heede unto wifedome, 37 Oj wharthings
aman cught tobe afhamed. :
t Death, how bitter is the remembꝛance of tof death,
AA thee toaman that liueth at reſt inbispol-
feffions, vnto the manthat bath nothing to vere
bim,and that bath prolperity in all things: pea,
vnto him that yet is able to recetue meate !
2 OD dDeath how acceptablots. thy in dgement
bntothencedfill, and vnto him whole itrength
kaileth, and that ts now fn the laſt age, andis
vered with all things, and to bun that deſpap ·
teth, and path loft pattence !
‘3 Fearonot the indgement ofdeath.remem
dber them that haue been before thee, and that
—— the ordinante ofthe Lozdoner
è bF 4 - 4 į J ges
4 And why mouldelh thou bee againſt the
pleaſure ofthe molt Wigh? whether tibetenne,
Daw hundreth, or a thouland peeres; there is no
Defence for life again tye graue.
5° C Thechitdren of the vugodly areabomt
nable childꝛen and fo arethep shat koene couipa=.
np with the vngodhc..
6 Abe inheritauceokpngenlpchiingen Hall
Perit, anD Ehin aniar tates aie BEN At
Nessie vd ani ARIE y
«7 The child ꝛen tomplaine ofan vᷣngodly fa·
therzbccaule they ave repzoched fo biokake.
8WMo be vnto pou ve vngodly which have
—— — Steaua Hig om sio
ough von increaſe· vet ſpgall ye periic.
ezne, pe fall be borne to curian
tye die,theicutle mati beyour vc
Petter. o a;
voir allepac sot ape sarto tat owela cap —
$A good
| $Offhame.
fafinefic, ©
HOr, table,
{In whae
things we
ought not
to be afha-
| fOr, kafe
| Eret watchte
againe’sfo the vngodly gos From the curſe to de
“LI Though men mourne foz their body, pet the
wicked name of the vngodly Hall be put out.
12 Wane regara to thy name: for chat fail
— with thec aboue a thouſand treaſutes
8 gs . .
-13 A goon life hath the Dayes numbed : but
at good name endureth forever.
14 MWy childzen,keepe wiledom in peace:* fox
wile dome that ts hid, and a trealure that is not
feene what profit isin them beth ¢ è
Is A man that hideth his fooliHneNe, is bet-
ter thena man that hideth bis wiſedome.
16 Therfozebeare reverence vnto my WaS:
“Foz itis not good inall things to bee t alhamed:
neither are allthings allowed as farchfull in all
17 Beeathamed of whozedome before father
And mother: be athamed of lies before the prince
and mein oF authozitie ;
18 Df finne before the fudge and ruler: of of:
fence before the congregation and people: of Yue
righteoutnefle before a companion and friend,
19 And ofthefthefore the place where thou
Dwellek, andbefore the tructh of God and hts
Couenant, and to leane with chine elbowes sp-
—— ſbread, ozto bee repzooucs foꝛ giuing 02
20 And of filence vnto them that falute thee,
and to looke vpon an harlot,
21 Andto tirne away thy face from thykinl
- man ; o: to take away a portion o? a gift, 02 to be
Suillminded toward another mans wite,
22 Dztofolicite any mans mayd, 02 to Land
hs Pee » 02 ta repzoch thy friendes with
ordes, s ; 5
23 D2 to vpbraid when thou giueſt anything,
p? to repoꝛt a matter that thou hal heard, 02 to
rcuealefecret words.
24 Thus mapet thou wellbe Hamefalk, and
Walt find favour with all men.
2 The Law of God muft bee taugln. 9 A datgh-
ter. 14 A woman. 18 God knoweth alithings,yea,
een the fecrets of thine heart.
Of thefethings be not thou t afjamed. nei-
AA ther hane regard te oftend for any perfor:
2 Dé the Law ofthe molt igh and bis Co-
uenant, and ofiungement toinitite the godly:
3. Df thecaule of thy companion , cof ſtran·
gers, 02 OF diſtxibuting the heritage among
4 Tao be diligent to keepe true balance, and
weight, whether thou haue much ozlittler:
5 Eo ERR par,
and to correct thp chudrendiligently, gto beate
an euill ſeruant tothe bloods 98 Sii id ni:
6 Ho feta good locke where an euillwile is,
‘and to locke wheveinany hands are: i
7. Ikthou gine any thing by number, and
weight, toputatlin witing, both chat that is
giuen ont, and that thatts recetued againe:
8 To teach the vnlearned, andthe vnwile,
and theaged,. that contend againt the young?
thus halt thou be wellittructedjand apppoucd
ofalimenttuing., TAC Ge eros o
9 & The daughter | maketh the father to
Hari fecretly; and the carcfalnedle that hee
hath foz ber, taketh away bis fleepe tn the youth,
leſt pee fyould pade the flower ofherage: and:
when fyer bath an hulband, lek hee houla be
baten: — per
10 In her virginitie, let he ſhould be dei
led, oꝛ gotten with childe in her fathers hone,
and, when fye is with her bulband, teit hee mil
bebaue ber (cife: and wien hers married, Wek
fhe continue vnfruittuil.
I1 * Ikthy Daughter bee vnſhamefaſt, keepe
ber ſtraitly, lett he cauſe thine enemies colaugh
thee to ſcoꝛne, and make thee a common talke ta
the citie, and Defame thee among the people, and
being thee te publique wame. i
12 * Beholde not euery bodies beauty, an
company not among women.
13 Foz as the məti commeth out of gare
ments; * fo doeth wickedneſſe of the woman.
I4 Che wickednelle of a manis betcer then
the good tntreatic of a woman, ta wit, ofa woe:
man that ts in fhame and epoch. ,
Is € J willremember the works of the Lord,
and Declare the thing that F haue ſeene: by the
wozd of the Lezd are bis works. -
16 The Dunne that thinech,looketh upon all
things, and all the worke thereof ts fullofthe.
glory of the Loz.
17 Hath not the Loe appointed that his
Saints Mboulo declare ail his wonderous
works, which the Almighty Lord hath ſtabliſhed
te confirme all things by in bis Maieſtie?
18 We feeketh out the depth, and the heart,
and hee knoweth there practifes : foz the Low.
knoweth allfcicuce, and be beholdeth the fignes
ofthe world.
Ig. He declareth the things that ave pat, ang
foz tocome, and Bilclolery the paths ofthings
thatare ſccret.
20 * Mo thought may efcape him, neither 705 41.4.
iſa.2921 50
map any word be bid from Him,
21 He hath garnimen the excellent workes of
bis wiledom,and he is from euerlaſting to euer:
lafting, and foz euer: unto him may. nothing be
anded, neither can he be diminiſhed : he hath ng
needeofanptountelier.. cos) ys
22 Db, how delectable are all his works, and
to be conſidered euen vnto the ſparkes of fire!
23 Thep live all and endure foz euer: and
twhenfocucr necde is they are all obedient.
| 24 They are all Double one againſt another:
be bath made nothing that bath anp fault
25 The one | commendeth the gaodnefie of —J— a
theother, and who can bee ſatiſtied with behol heth.
Ding Gods glop?
The fumme of the creation of the workes of Gad.
— high ornament t the cleere firmament,
hold, PPRS finaga
2 The unne alſo, a marueilous inſtrument
when it appeareth, declareth at bis going out,
the worke of the mot Pigh- —*
3 €t noone tthurneth the countrey, and who
` mapabide foz the heate thereof?
4) Che Sunneburneth the mountains thace
times more then be that keepeth a furnace with:
continual jeate : it caſteth ont the fiery papours,
ans with thehininebeames blindeth the eyes.
6 Great is the Loꝛd that mvdeit, and by his
commandement be cauleth it to runne Va
Gen.3 6,
$ The wone
` Chap. 25.33
derful works
the beantie of the beauen fo glorious tobee: CaS |
— —-
Gen. 1.16.
Gem. 9.13;
6 *Themosne allo hath he made to appeare
acceding to her (eafon,that tt ould bea deca»
tation of the time,and a figne fo: the wad.
7 *Cbe feaks are appoinced by the moone:
the light thereof diminiſheth unto the end.
8 Che moneth ts called after the same thers
of, and grometh wonderoully in ber changing.
9 It is a campe pitched on bigh, fhining in
the firmament of beauen: the beanttc of beaten
ave the gioztous Harres, and the oꝛnament that
Hineth in the bigh places of the Lo.
10 By the commaunvement of the Woly one
{bey pontang inthetrozder, g faile notin their
atch. j
At C * Leoke vpon the rainebow, and pꝛayſe
bim that made tt; verp beautifull ts icin the
buightnefle thereof.
12 *Ztcompafieth the heauen about witha
glozious circle, and tije hands of the mok Ligh
haue bended it.
13 ¶ Through bis commaundement hee ma ·
keth the mowe to hate, and ſendeth ſwittly the
lightning of his iudgement.
14 Tierciore be openeth bis treaſures, and
the clouds fite forth as the foules.
Is In his power hath hee ſtrengthened the
clouds,and broken the haileſtones.
16 Che mountaines icape at the light of kim:
_ the South wind bloweth accozdurg to his will,
17 The fonnd of his thunder beateth the
earth : ſo doeth the Rozme of the 202th , the
wwhirlewind aife,as birds thatfite,(cattereth the
{now , aid the falling Downe thereof is as the
graheppers that light Downe.
13 The eye marueileth at the brautic ofthe
twhitencile thereof, and the heart is aſtoniſhed
a Tg per allo powwreth ont the fret bpon th
9 Wee powꝛeth eut the frot vpon the
earth like falt, and when it ts froſen, tt ticketh
On the tops of pales. r
20 Uhen the colne Mozthwind bloweth, ar
peers frofenof the water,tt abldeth ppon all the
Gatherings togerber of water, and clocherh the
waters as withabzcttplate.
2I It deuoureth the mountaines , and bur-
Heth the wildernefic,and deltreyeth that that is
gtecne,like fire.
22 The remedie oF all thele ts when a cloude
commeth haſtily, and when a dew commeth wp-
on the rekreſheth it. i
23 [By bis worn be ſtulleth the wind:] by his
countell bee appeateth the Deepe , and planteth
Ilands therin.
24 They that [aile oner the Dea, teil of the
perils thercof, and when wee heare it with eur
cates, we maruailcthereat.
25 Joz there bee trange, and wonderous
wozkes, Diuers maner of bealts, and the creatt-
on of Ahales. eee
25 Though him are all things directeᷣto a
good end,and are ſtabliſhed by bis word.
27 Ard when we haue ſpoken much, we can
not attaine pnto theni; but this is che ſumme of
all, That he is all.
28 (Uhat power haue wee to paik him 2 foz
beis abone all bis workes.
29 The Loz is terrible, and very great, and
marueilous is his power.
30 HPꝛailſe the Lod, and magnific him as
Much as ps can, pet Doeth He farre erceede: crait
pim with all pour power and bg wot wearie, pes
. Chap. xliiij.
cau yenotattaine bute it.
31 * Cho hath leene bint, that he might tell Lobe 1.18.
bs? and Whe can magnitic bim as heis? pfalicé,te
32 fo there are bid pet greater things then
theie bet we bane ſeene but a few of bis works,
33 For the Loꝛd bath made al things, and gie
uen wiledome to fuch as feare Gov.
The praife of certaine holy men, Exoch,Noe,Abra-
ham, 7 [zac and lacob. '
Be bs now commend the famous men, and an
our fathers, of whom me ave begotten, 7
2 The Lom hath gotten great glozie by⸗ a.
them, and that thaought bis great power front:
the beginning. i À ;
3 Thep haue borne rule in their kingdomes,
ana mere renowmed fo: therr power, and were
wile inceuntell,and detlared prophelies.
4 * They goucrned the people by counfel,ang Exod. 18,25
by the knowledge oflearning mecte for the pegs
plein whole doctrine tuere wile (entences,
§ Chey tnucnted the melody of muſicke, and
erpounded the verſes that were wittes.
. 6 Thep were rich and mightie m power ane
tiucd quietly at bore.
7 AU thefe were honourable men tn theie
— and were well reported of in theis-
8 Chere are of them that bane left a name
peung them, fo that their praile ſhall bee ſpo⸗
9 There are fome allo which hauena mes
moziall, *andare periſhed as though thep bad
neuer beene, and are become as though they
os neucrbeene borne, and their childzen after.
_1o But the formes were merciful men, whole -
tighteoutneffe haty not beene forgotten,
Ii Foꝛ whele polterttic a good Inkeritancz is
— ane theirfeed is conteined tn the coue<
~ 12 Their totke ts conteined ts the couenant, -
aud their poltcritteafter them, isy
13 Their (eed thal remaine forenerand their -`
praile thalt neuer be taken away.
14 Their bodies are burted in peace,buttheit
name lineth fo: euermoze,
Gen. Faze
15 * Che people (peake of their wifdome.and Chap. 3910s.
the congregation tatke of their praiſe.
16 +*€uoch pleated the L028 God: therefore + Enoch,
twas he tranflated foranenfampleofrepentance Gen. 5.24. `
to the generations. heb. 15.
17 f*Noe was found perfit, and in the time tNoe.
of wrath hee had a reward: therefore was hee
left as aremnant vnto the earth, when the flood
13 Aneuerlafing couenant was maar with f
pin fe all fleſh Won * perth nó moꝛe by the Ger. gir -
19 t Abraham was a * great father of many
people: tn glezp was there none like patobun.
7.1 beb. it
+Abraham. `
Gêndari. g
20 Hee kept the Law ofthe moſt igh, and 15.5.17, -
was in comenant with him, and he fet the toug-
santin bis feh and tntentation be was foun’ Gen. 21-4-
aith c
21 Therefor hee affurcd bimby an* oath,
that bee wonld biefie the nattons in hts legde,
aus chat dee would multiply pin as heoi 3-85.
Gen. 6. 9. Ge -
Gen:23. 163 -
17,18: galap.
F Apocrypha.
ofthe catty, and eralt his feed as the Lars, and
caute them to inherit fram ſea to ſea, and from
the riuer vnto the endof the wato. = = — -
22 *Aith t Iſaac viv hee confirme likewiſe
fo: Abrahani his fathers fake, the bleſſing of afl
menant the couenant,
23 And cauled ít toreh opon the head oft Ja⸗
cob, andj made bimlelfe knowen by * bis blef
fings, and gane bim an heritage and diuided
bts portions, * and parted them among the
tweluetribes. A
24 AnD bee brought outofbimat meccifull
Man, Which found fauour in the fight of al ek,
The praifé of M2fes, Aaron and Phinees.
NAD t Moyles the * beloucd of God and
Hi ee he forth, whole remembrance ts
2 We made him like ta the glorious Saints,
and magnified hin by the feare of his enemtes.
3. By bis words hee cauſed the wonders to
ceafe,and he made bint * gloꝛious ithe fight of
Kings, and gaue him commandements toz his
people, and ewed him bis glozte.
4 *Helanctiften hin with faithkulneſſe, and
meekenelſe, and chofe hun out of all mien.
$ Wee canfed hinttoheare bis voyce, and
brought him intothe Darke cloud,*and there he
gaue him the commandements Lefoze bis face,
cuenthe Law of lifeand knowledge, that hee
might teach Jacob the couenaut, and Hiracl bis
6 ie exalted faron an holy man like vnto
him, euen bts * bother of the tribe of Leui.
7 An eteclatting couenant made hee with
Hut, and gaue him the Mptekhood among the
aple and made hun bicien through pis come-
onament, and clothed Hun with the garment
of honour. 7 ;
8 Wee put perfect top upon hin, and girded
bim with ornaments of ſtrength, as with biec-
ches, and a tunicie,and an ephod.
O Het compaſſed hint about with belles of
golde, and with many bels roundabout, * that
when he went tn, the found might be heard, ans
might makea notle in the Sanctuarie, fo2 a re
memb zance to the childzen of Fltact bis people,
Io Aud with an bely garment, with gold ale
fo, aud blue ſilke, and purple, and diuers kinds
of Works,and with a bꝛeſtlap of iudgement, and
with the t lignes of tructh,
It And with woke of ſcarlet cunningly
wrought, ana with prectous Tones granen ſike
feales, and fet in golde by goldſiniths woke foz
a inemoziall, with a wnting grauen after the
number of the tribes of Iſrael,
12 And with acrewne of gold vpon the mi-
ter, bearing the foume and marke of holineſſe, an
ornament of Bonour , a noble woꝛke garniſhed,
and pleafant to looke vpon. >
13 Wefore him werethere no fuch faire orna ·
ments: there might no ftranger put them on,
but onely bis childzen: and bis chuldzens chil-
Deen perpetually.
14 Their Cacrifices tuere wholly confumed,
» gery Day twife continually.
1g SBolestilied + his handg, * and anoyntcd
Him with Holy ople: thts was avpainted ynte
him by an euerlaſting couenant, and to bts ſeede
fo long as the heauens Monti rematnue, that hee
fhoutd inintiter before him, and alla to erecute
the aice of the Pꝛieſthood, and bleie hts pow:
plein bis name. is ?
16 Wefore all men lining the Led choſe him
that he ſhould peelent offerings betoze bun, ana
alweete laueur for a rementozance to make tgs
conctitation foz his people.
17 * Hee gaue hun allo hts commandements
and authoꝛitie accoꝛding to the Lawes appoin ·
ted, that be ſbould reach Jacob the teſtimonies,
and giue light vnto Ilrael by bis Law.
18 *Dtrangers ſtood bp againſt pun, and ene
uted him inthe wilderneſſe, euen the meu that
tooke Dathans ¢ Qbtrams part, and the com⸗
panyet Torin turpandrage. f
19 This the Lo ſaw, am̃ it diſpleaſed hin,
and in hts tathinl indignation were they con⸗
fumed: hee did wonders vpon them, and conlu
med them with the fiery flame. `
20 * But hzemade Aaron moze Yenonrable,
and gaue hint an heritage , aud parted chefirtt
fruits of the firit borne pute him: vnto hin (pes
cially he appointed bzead in abundance.
21 Foꝛ the Pricits Did eat of the ſacriſices of the
Loud, which he gaue yuto hin and to pts (eed.
22 * Gls had he none heritage in the land of Det. 12.12
bis prople, neither bad bee any postion among
fhe Peoplerfoz the Lord is the postion of bis tubes
23 Che third in glory is t Phinees the onne
Of Eleazar, becauſe hee had zeale in the feare of
thet o2d,¢ ftood pp with good courage ofheart,
when the people were turned backe , and made
teconciliatton toz Iſrael. i
24 Therefore was there aconenant of peace
Made with him, that hee Houl bee thechrete ofl
the Sanctuary and of hts people, and that bee
and his poſterity ſhould baue the Dignity of the
patetthood foz euer, i
25 And according tothe conenant made with
Dautd, thatthe inheritanceef the kingdome
ould remaiueto his ſonne of che tribe of Judar
fo the heritage of Garon thould bee te the onely
tonne of bis faite, and to his Red. Sod giue vs
wiledome in our heart to Midge his people in
righteouſneſſe, that the good things that they
haue, be not aboliſhed, and that theit gloꝛy Map
endure foz their polterity.
The praife of Iofise,Caleb,and Samsel
jens t* the [onne sf aue was valiant in the
wars, twas the fucceflour of PBoyles in po-
phelics, who accoding vnto his name was a
great lauisur of the elect of God,to take venge»
anceoftheencemies that cole vp againg then,
and tofet Iſraelin their inheritance.
2 * Chat glory gate he, when hee lift vp bis
hand, t Drew out his ſword ag aint the cites!
3 Cho was there before bin like to him? faz
he fought the battels of the Lor.
4* Stood not the Sunne Ril by His meanes
and one Day Was as long as two?
s He called yutothe mok high Gouernour.
when the enemies preaſſed vpon him on euery
fide, and the mighty Lorde heard him with the
baile Tones,and with mighty power.
6 Wee ruled tn vpon the nation inbattell,
and in the * aing Downe of Bethordn he Bee
E —
roped the aduerfarics, that they might knowe
fOr,tharthe his weapons, and that he fought hin tye fight of
Lord fauou- the Lord: for he \follomed the Atinigity.
red his bat. 7 *Inthe time of Moylſes allo he DD a good
tel. woꝛkse: Hee and Caleb the ſonne of Jephune
POr,porfued ſtood againſt the enemy and withheld the peo⸗
the mgbty pletrom finne, and appealed the wicked mur»
men. muring.
Naum.i 4.8s5. 8 .* Qndof fige hundred thenfand people of
1 mac. 2.55, Foote, they two were preſerued to bring then in⸗
56. tothe Heritage, euen tute the land that floweth
t Caleb. with milke and honp. :
Num.26.65 9 *The Lord gane itrength alfopnto Caleb,
dew.1 35,36 Which remained with him vnto hts olde age, ia
Iofh.i4.iy that be went vp into the bye placesof the land,
aud his feed obtained tt for an peritage,
Io Ghat all the chitBzenof Jitael might fee,
that it is good to follow the Loz.
11 Concerning the t Judges, euery one by
name, whole heart went nota whooꝛing, no?
Departed froni the Lod, their memozy be blef-
t Iudges,
12 Let * their bones filmih aut oftheir place,
and their names by ſuccelſion remaine to them
that are molt fameus oftheir childzen,
13 {+ Samuel the Prophet of the Lord, belo⸗
ued of hts Lou, * ordained kings, and anointed
the princes oner bis people.
14 By the Late of the Lozde be fudged the
=e eet > and the Lod had refpece onta
&cob. |
15 Chis Prophet was appzoucd foz his Faith-
fulnes t be was knowen faithfull in pis wod,
and pikans.
IG Me called vpon the Lord Almighty, when
His enemies prealed vpon bint on encrp line,
when heoffered the fucking lambe.
17 And the Lozd thundzed from heauen,and
made his vopce to be heard with agreat noyſe.
18 Ho je dilcaiifited the pinces of the Tp
rians: and ali the rulers of the Philiſtims.
19 *Gnd befo hts tong ſleepe hee made pro⸗
teſtation inthe fight of the Love, and bts an⸗
novnted, that be tooke no ſubſtance of any man,
no not fo nuch asa ſhooe, and no man could ac:
ciichtm a
20 “After bis fleepe alfo be told of the kings
Death and trom the earthitit hee vp bis voyce,
and prophelied thatthe wickednes of the people
ſhould perth,
The praife of Nathan,Dauid,and Salomon,
Freer him rofe * Mathan to prꝛophelie in
A the time — s!
2 Fozras the fat is taken atwap from the peace
oftting, fo was Dauit choin out of the chil
Dienofjitacl. nuit
3. ine piaped with the Liens, as with kids,
and with bearcs,as with lambes.
4. * Siew be vot a giant wher he wasyet but
yong ane tooke aay tie rebuke from the peo⸗
ple, when hee lift vp bts pand with che ſtone in
the fling. to beat Goune the pride ot Holiah ?
§ Foꝛ hee calien vpon the moſt High Lod,
which gane him ſtrength in bis risht hand, ta
flay that mighty warrioz aud that he might fet
\Orwih vp the horue ot his peaple. 4 :
bleffings of , © * Baie gaue him the pali of ten thous
she Lord, AND, and honour him wich | areas praxles,
1.Sam 19.1,
and 16 83
a. Fam.7.9,
< ROl.
a. Sam. 12.3
1. Sam. 28.
18, 9
2. Sam. 121
t Dauid.
1.Sam 7
a. Sam, 18.97
fl Or,the peoa
Chap. xlvij,xlviij. —
Gud rane hina crowne of glory.
_7 *Forbee deſtroyed the enemies on euerie
fioe, And rooted out the Philiſtims his aduer⸗
— brake their perne in lunder vnto this
S In all his wopkes he praiſed the ely one,
and the mot high with honourable wods, anv
with bis whale heart be iung longs, € loued him
that made bira.
9 *iee tet fingersalfo hefoze the altar, and
actording fo thete tune Hee made fineete fongs,
en they might peatle God dayly with ther
10 ie ordeined to keepe the feat dayes cone-
ly, and appointed the times perfectly, that thep
might prayle the holy Mame of God, and make
the Temple to lound in the morning.
Il * Ahe Lord tooke away hts nnes and ers
alten bis bone fo2 euer: bee gane bim the coue⸗
nan or the kingdome, and the theone of glozy in
12 After him role vp a wile fonne, who by hins
Dwelt in a large poſſeſſion.
13 { *Salomon reigned in apeaceable time,
and Was glozisus:fo2 Ged made ail quiet round
abont,that he — build an houſe in bis name,
and prepare the Sanctuary foz guer.
14. *ipow wile walk thonin thy youth wak
Aled with vnderſtauding as with a ficen !
15 Thy mind coucredD the whoicearth,e hath
fillen ut with graue and Darke fentences.
16 by name went abroad tn the ples, ang
fo? thy peace than watt beloued.
17 * Che countreys marueiled at thee fo: thy
fe RESUS pronerbs, and limilitudes, and titer:
18 Bythe Mameof the Lorde Ged, witch
ís called the Goo of Hrael,thon halt *gatbhered
gone aS tinne, and bat as much filner as
19 *Thon did deſt bow thy loynes to women,
and wait ouertome bptby body. ;
20, Chou diddeſt Kaine thine hoxour, and
batt defiled thy palterittc, tbat bought wrath
vem thy childzen, and hatt felt .fozrow foz thy
_ 21* So the kingdome was diniver, e Ephra
im began to bea rebeliiens kingdome.
22 “s2encrthelefle the Led teft not off hig
mercy nepther was he deſtroyed fo? his wozkes:
neither DID he aboltfH the pottecity of his elect,
10} tooke away the ſeede of bim thatioucd him,
but he left a remnant unio Jacob,and a voote of
hin vnto Daui,
23 Thus reked Halomon with his fathers
and of his leed be left behind him t Robsam, e+
uen ithe feolithucs of the people, € onc that had
no vnderſtanding, who turned away the people
through his counſell, and t Jeroboam the inae
of ebat, "which cauſed Iſrael to finne, Hew-
ed Ephraim the way of finne, í
24 Ho that their finnes were fo much increas
fed, that they were Diuen out okthe land
25 Foꝛ they ſcught out all wickedneile, til the
vengtance caine Yon them.
The prai fe of Elras;Elizens, Ezekias and J faias,
ge Aoode vp t* Elias the Pꝛophet as a
fire,and his woad burnt like a lampe. zi
2.540. 5.77
Ciro. 16.4
i. Neng.a-
1. Ki# 2.4.
1. Kixg. io.
1.King.32s |
© 2.54.73 $ >
fOr, a mof
euident foole
+ Ieroboam.
s King 12o
+ Elias. )
1 King.17A |
2 ee brought a famine vpon thent,and bp
bis zeale be dimniſhed them: [ for they might
NG oe With the commaundements of the
(57 .
3 By the worde of the Lord be ſhut the hea⸗
+ King. 8. nen, and tyece times bronght he the fire from 2.0m hennen. gece times bꝛought he th
Pe 4 D Elias, how honourable art thou by thy
poron deeds! who mav make his boat to be
ike thee!
Kirga. 5 *Cbich bat railed vp the Dead from Death,
3 .
and ty the worde ef the mot High ont ofthe
grane: >
6 Mhich hak brought Kings vnto deſtructi⸗
on, aud the honourable from their feat:
7 Cibich heardelt the rebuke of the Lorde in
Bina, * and in Horeb the iud gement of the ven:
a. Kinga.
a5. geance:
PAPEIS 8 * Thich Didde anoynt Kings that they
+ The wie. might recampente,and Pꝛophets to de thy luce
7 ceſſors:
anges 9 *MAhich wastaken vp in a whirlewind of
Tezabel fire,and ina charet of fiery horſes: i
A Kin hat oak Cdibich was appoynted *to repzooue in
Ma As due lcalon,and to paciñe the wath of the Loms
4S: iuagement bekore tt kindled , and to turne the
Hearts of the kathersvnto the chudzen,and tc ict
bp the tribes of Jacob.
That i IT Bleſſed were they that fam thes, and flept
a ri 1S9 tnloues foz 2 we wall liue. ;
i Pi thacare 12 -* ddihen Elias was couercd with the
— ftozne, t Elizeus was lien wiih bis ſpirite:
2-King-2+ while he lined, be was not monen fox any pinte,
TEN 5: neither could anp bing him into (ubiection.
—— 13 Nothing couid ouercome him, * and after
2-King-t3+ his Death Dis boop prophelied.
par 14 Werin wonders in bis life, and in Death
were bis workes marueilous. i
; * 15 Foz allthis the people repented not,neither Departed they from their linnes: * till thep were
45,12. carryed away prifoners out of their lana, anu
| twere (cattered thzough al the earth, lo that there
renamed Guta very te people mith the prince
UntatheboufeefDauia, —
16 Howbeit fome of them Did right, and fome
| heaped np fines. ;
Erebias. 17 7 Eʒekias mate his city ſtrong, and con-
2Xing. is.a UUED water into the mids thereof: hee digged
thozow the rocke with pron, ¢ made fountaines
fo waters,
18 *In histime came Sennacherio vp, and
fent Rabiaces, t lift vp his hand agaiuſt Sion,
and boaſted proudly.
19 Then trembled their hearts and hands, ſo
that they ſeꝛrowed likea woman in trauaile.
20 But they called upon the Lord, which is
mercikull, and lift np their bands unto him, and
immediatly the Moly one heard them out of heage
2t [Hee thought no more vpon their finneg,
no? gaue Chen ouer to their enemies, ] but Delis
uered them by the hand of Elai. a.
22 * Demote toc hoſte of the Aſſyrians, any
2/2 37.36, his Angel deſtroyed them. 3 £
€0b.1.18, 23 Fo: Ezektas han done the thing that pica.
E mac.7.4te (ed the Lorde, and remained tteatatlpin the
2.mec,8.19. twayes of Dautd bis father, as t Slai the great
tifaias, JO:0phet ¢ faithfull in his bilon bad comman-
| 2 Kiag.20. ded him.
£o,tr, 24 * Jn bis time the ſunne went bacward,
{4.38.3 and he lengthened the kings life,
2. Xing. i 8.
2.Rix. 19. 35
25 He ſaw by an excellent pirit what Houta
come to palle at the iat, anv he comforted them
that were (oprowfull tn Dron.
26 e thewend what Heuld come to pafe fog
chert fecret things,oz euer thep came ta palie:
Of loftas, Hexekiah,Dauid, Ieremie, Exekiel, Zorae
babel, Ieſus, Nehemias, Ensch Ioſeph, Sem and Seth,
Te remembrance of ¢ * Jolias ts lke the + loſias.
compofition of the perfume thatismate by 2. Xiug.22.1
thearteofthe Apothecary: it is ſweete as honp axd 23.2,
saan mouthes and as muſicke at a banquet of 2,chro. 24.3
2 Hee behaued himlelke vprightly in the re-
formation ofthe people, and tooke away all abg»
minations ot iniquitie. J
3 He* Directed his heart vnto the Lom, ein 2. Xinc. 234
the time of the vngodly be eſtabliched religion.
4 Allercept Dauid and Ezekias and Fofas,
committed wickednefle ; for euen the Bings of
auna forfecke the Law of the molt High, and
ailen. t
§ Therfoze he gaue theirphoame unto other,
and their honourtoa ſtrange nation.
6 ie burutthe elect citte of the Sanctuary,
* and deſtroyed the ſtreets thereat accozding to
the} pophetieoftFeremtas. ‘
7 Foꝛ they intreated bim enil, which nener:
theleſſe was a Pꝛophet, * fanctified from bis
mothers wombe, that be might root out and af>
flict,and deſtroy, and that hee might allo build
vp aud piant.
8 t *Ezeklel ſaw the glorious vinon, which
ya ſhewed him vpon the chareto? the Cherie
9 * For he made mention of the enemies bre
Der the figure of the raine, and Directed them that
went right.
Or, power,
llOr, hand.
t Ieremias.,
ere. 38.6.
Teresi. 5.
¢ Ezechiel.
Exe. E. 3515
Exek.5 3-9. .
Ch 38.41,16
10 € * Aud let the bones ok the twelue Hꝛo · cosa * Me
phets flourtihont of their placeant ler thetrmes 9.2" 3 2,
mozy be blefied : fox they comfozted Jacob, and + Zorobabel
Deliucred them by aflured hope. GE pelus.
II @ * Yow Mall we praile fFozobabel,whith 72,3, r
was as aring on theright hand! ——
12 So was t*Felus allo ihe onne of Joſedec: 5 ¥*
theie men in their time butivedthe houle,and fet |
up ý Sanctuarpofthe Loz agatne, which was Nehe.y, 1
prepared foz an euerlaſt ing wozthip. — ig ae
13 (*Anv among the elect was Nehemias + Enoch.
tobom renowne ts great, which let bp forvsthe Geny ag.
walles that werefallen, t fet bp thegates and cy 29 4416
thebars,and lato the founpations efourhoules. 75,74 5,
14 € But bpon thecateh was no man ceea- + rofepp,
ted ie Cnoch: foz ye was taken dp krom tHe Ger.4t.44
earth. !
15 Meitherwastherealike man vnto tyo 47 fis:
feph che gowernour of his bꝛethren, and the Yp- +Sem.
bolder of his people whole bones were kept. Genii
16t* emand t Heth were in pane wil Bibs
among men: and fo was tAvam aboue euery li· serh,
ving thing tn the creation. + Adam
1 Of Simon the [onne of Onias, 22 An exhortation
to praifè the Lord, 27 The authour of this booke,
t S dimen the fonne of Dnias the hye Piet, t Simon.
_ Dwhich in bistre let vp the houle againe, ans > Mac. 3-%
in bis Dapes eſtabliſhed thei Temple, ane \Or,peoples
| a Which
| made, Kin,
I 7:23 °
2 Under him was the foundation of the don⸗
ble height layed, and the high walles that cont
paffeth the Tempie.
3 Jn bis dayes the places to receine water,
that were Decayed , were reflored , and the bale
was about tn mealure at the lea.
Hee tooke care for hts people, that thep
— not fall,and fortified the citie agatult the
lege, : :
§ Howhononrable was his conuerfation a-
mong the people, and when be came out of the
houle coucred with the batle!
6 i)e was as the moning ſtarre in the mids
ofa cloud,and asthe moone when it ts full,
7 And as the funne fining vpon the temple
ofthe met Pigh , and asthe rainebow thatts
bright in the fatre clouds, . .
8And as the flower of the roles in the ſpeing
of the peere,and asitilies by the pangs of wa-
ters, and as the braunches of the frankincente
treein the time of Summer,
9 As afireand ticenfe in the cenfer, and as
a veſſell of maſſie gold, ſet with all maner of pze-
cious tones, eager —
Io And as akaire oliue tree that is fruitfull,
po is a cppreffe tree, which groweth vp to the
11 When hee put on the garment of honour,
and was clothed mith all beautie, be went vp to
the holy altar, and made the garment of holines
honourable. 3
12 Chen hee tooke the portions out of the
Hꝛieſts hands, hee himſelfe ood by the hearth
of the altar, compatled with bts bꝛethꝛen round
about, as the bꝛanches Doe the cedar tree tu Lis
banus, ana they compaſſed him as the baanches
ofthe palme trees. å
13 -Ho were all the onnes of Aaronin their
glozy , and the oblations of the Lod in thew
hands,before all the congregation of Iſrael.
14 And that hee might accompli hts mint-
ſterie bpon the altar,and garnifh the offering of
the molt Dich and Almightte, f
Ig ipe itretched out bis hand to the Mink of
fering, €potwzen of the bleobd of the grape, and
hee vowed atthe footeof the altar a perfume
ef good fauour vnts the moft high King ofall.
16 Then houted the ſonnes of Garon, and
blowed with bralen trumpets, and made a great
al A be heard, fo: a remembꝛante befoze the
#9 tay .
17 Then all the people together haſted, and
feil Downe to the earth vpon their faces to wors
Hip their Lord God Almighty, and moft High.
18 The fingers alfo fang with their vorces,{o
that the found was great, and the melodyſweeẽt.
Ig Aud the people prayed vnto the Lard mott
bigh , with prayer before bim that ts merciful,
till the honour of the Lozd were perfomed, anv
they had accompltthed bis feruice.
20 Then went hee Downe, and ſtretched out
bis bands ouer the whole Congregation of the
childzen of Iſraei, that they would gine pꝛayſe
ep eed lips vnto the Loꝛd, and retopceein
21 be paan againe to worſhip, that be might
receiue the blefling of the moft Vigh,
22. How therefoze giue prayſe al pe vnto God,
that wozketh great things euctp where, which
hath increafed our Dapes fromthe wombe, an
Dealt with vs according to bis mercy,
Chap. 1j.
23 Thathe would gine bs toyfulnes of heart,
and peace ineur Dayes in Iſrael, as in ald time,
24. That he would con firme pis mercy with
vs, and deliuer vs at his tine.
25 @ Therebe two maner of pesple, that my
heart abhozreth,and the third ts no peuple:
26 Cieptiat lit vpon the mountaine of Ha»
marta, the Philiſtins, and the foolifh pcople
that Dwel in | Sicinus.
27 € ems the foune of Hirach , the fonne of
Eleazarus of Jerufalem , hath witten the Dos
ctrine of vnderſtanding and knowledge m thig
eee gd bath powzed put the witedome ot bis
28 Blefledis he that exercileth himfelfe ther⸗
in: ue be that layeth pp thele in bts beart Halt:
29 Foꝛ ik he do thele things, he ſhalbe ſtrong
in all things: foz he fetter bis ſteps in the light
of the LoD, which gineth wiſedome to the god·
phe Lozd be prayſed foz suerinoze. Bo be tt,
A praier of Jefus the fonne of Sirach.
I CUI confefle thee, D Lord e King, and praile
thee,D God my Hauteur ; I wil gine thanks
bnto thy Rame.
2 Foꝛ thou art my defender and Helper,and
bai preferucd my body from Beitructton,t front
the mare of the flanderons tongue , € from the
lips that are occupied with lies : thou balk hols
pen me againt mineaduerfarics,
3 And haft Deltuered mee according tothe
multitude of thy merep,and fo: thy names (ake,
49 8
Or, Stic bem
from the roaring of them that were ready ta. -
deuoure mee, andoutofthebandes of (ach as
fought after mylife, and from the mantfold af
flictions which 3 had,
4 And from the fire that choaked me round
ee from rhe mins of the fire that J bur»
s And from thebotteme of the belly of hell,
from an vucleane tongue, from tying wo2des,
from falle accuſation to the King , and from the
Rander of an unrighteous tongue.
© [ Wp foule hall pꝛayſe the Lord vnto
Death: J foz my toule Dew neere vnto Death: my
life was neere tothe hell beneath.
7 Chey campafled me on euery Ade, ¢ there
was no man to helpe mees F looked foz the fute
cour of men, but there was nang.
8 Then thought J vuon thy mercy, D Lez,
and vpon thine acts ofola, how thou deliuereſt
{uch as wait foz thee, and fanet them out of the
Hands ofthellenemies. 6
9 Then likted FT vp my peayer from p earth,
and prayed fo Deituerance from Death,
10 J calied vpon the Lothe father of my
Lord, that he would not leane me in the Day of
my trouble, and in thetime ofthe proud , withe
out helpe.
It J will
wil fing paile with thanklgiuing: and my pate
er was heard. J
12 Thou lauedſt me from deſtruction, and Des:
lineredft mefrom the eutll time: therfore will I
glue thanks, and pzaple thee , thiefle che name
D ofthe Lord.
13 Chen F was yet young, oꝛ euer F went
Or, nations
zayle thy Name continually, and
abroad, J Dered wiſedome openty in my paier.
I4 J prayed for Der before the Cempigg and
fought atter her vnto farre countreps,¢ he was
ás ã grape that wareth vipe out ot the flower.
15 Due heart reiopced in her: my toote wal-
ked inthe right way, and trom my pout) vp
vught J after der. :
16 J bowed fomewhat Downe mine eare,and
receiued bzr and gate me much wiſevome:
17 And J profited by bers therefore will J
alcribe the giorie vnto pun, that giucty me wil
Dome. ; :
13 Fo am aduiled to dee thereatter:F wil
be iealous of chat that is good: {o ſhall J net be
confounded. J
19 Wy Pule hath wꝛaſtled with her, anda J
haue eramined mpy workes: F lifted bp ming
Handes on bigh: and conlivered the iqnozane
ces thereof.
20 J directed my ſoule vnto her,and J found
ber in pureneſſe: J baue bad mine heart ioyned
with ber from thc beginning: therefore hall
not be fozfaken.
21 My bowels are tronbled in ſeeking bees
therefore baue F gotten a good poffeftion.
22 The Led hath giuen mea tongue for my
reward, wherewith J wil praile him.
23 Daw neere vnto me, yee vnlearned, and
Dwell in the boule of learning.
24 Wibhcrefore ave pee flow 2 and what fay
ri a thete things, (ccing your ſoules are verie
25 J opened my mouth, and fayd, * Guy her
foz you without nioney.
26 Bowe downe pour necke vnder the poke,
and your fonle Hall receiue inftruction: ihee ts
ready that pe may Gnd ker.
27 Beholde with pour eyes, * bow that J
haue bad butlittie labour, and haue gotten una
tome much ret.
28 Get learning with a great mme of mo⸗
ney: for by Her pe thal poſſeſſe much gold.
F [4.55.00
Chap,6. 18
29 Let pour toule retopce in the mercy of the —
Lord, and be not athamnedofbisprayle.
30 Doe pour duetie betimes, and he will gine
poua reward at his time
& Baruch.
T Baruch wrote a booke during the captiuity of Ba-
bylon which he read before Techoniah and ali the peo-
ple. 19 The Lewes fent the booke with money unto Le-
— the people, and caried them to Baby⸗
Io And they faid, Bebold, we hane fert yon
money, wherewirh pee (all buy burnt offerings
rufalem tothe other brethren, tothe intent that they
fhowld pray for them,
> FAD hele are the words ofthe
boske, which Baruch the fou
foz finne, andincenle jant prepare al] meate of (0r, Mansa,
fering, and ofer vpon theaitar ofthe Loa our for Menbah,
od, f which was
IL Gnd pay foz the lifeof MRabuchodonolor che eue ning
king of Gabplon,and fo? the life ot Baltaſar his end morning
| f0r,Sodi, -
| VOOr Siban.
of fRertas, the onne of Ma⸗
va afas, the ſonne of Hedectas,
the ferne ofi Afadias,the fon
A > of loelcias wrote in at Baby-
P low,
Neen 2 Jin the Aft peere, and
the feuenth day of the moneth, what time asthe
Ehaldeane tooke Jeruſalem, and buent it with
3 And Baruch did read the wordes of this
book, that Jechonias the ſonne ok Jaatim king
of Buda might heare, ¢ allthe people that were
come to heare the boeke, .
4 And in the audience of the gouernour, and
et the kings ſonnes, and before the Eiders , and
Before the mboleprople, from the lowe vnto n
the higheſt. before all them that dwelt at Baby·
lon. by the viner | Gud, >
§ Mytch when theyheard it, wept. faked, and
madeprayersbntothe Lod.
6 hey made a collection alioof moncy,ace
cording to every mans power, A
7 Anolent ittoPerulalem vnto Joacim the
fonne of Helcias thefonne of Halom Pꝛrieſt, and
Nuto the other prieſts, tto all the people, which
were with him at Jeruſalem,
8 Then hee had receined the veſſels of the
emple of the Lord, that were taken alway ont
ot the Cemple, tobsing them againe into the
land of Juda, the teth Day ofthe monerh| Divan,
to wit, fluer veſſels, which Sedecias the ſonne
of Joias king ef Jusahas made,
9 Afterthat Mabuchodonoloz King of Ga-
bylon bad leade away FJechonias from Jeruta-
lem, an’ bis Peinces and his Mebles, prilo⸗
lonne,that their dayes map be vpon earth asthe
Dayes of heauen, 3 ;
I2 And that God would giure vs rength
andlighten our etes,that we may line vnder rhe
thadow of Mabuchedonoles King of Babylon,
and vnder the Hhadow of Baltalar bis fonne,.
that we map long doe them (crutce, and Gud fae
uour in their fight.
13 Pꝛay fo vs allo vnto the Loꝛd our God,
(for we baue ſinned againſt the Loꝛd our God,
and buto thts Day the furie of ye Lozd, and bis
wath isnot turd from ys.)
I4 And read this booke (which wee have
fent to pou to be rehearled inthe Tempie ot the
Loꝛd) bpon the feat Bayes, and at time conues
15 Thus hall veſay, *To the Lord our God
belongech righteouſneſſe, but vnto vs the confu
Fon of surfaces, as itis come to pafie thts day
vnto them of Juda, and tothe inhabitants of
16 And toour Rings and to our pinces and
= r pꝛieſts, and to our peopheis, and to our
is Becaule we have *finucd before the Lor
our How, í
18 And haue not obeyed him, neitherhearkes
ned unto the boyce of the Lod our God, ta
pale in the commandeinents that hee gaug vs
19 Fromtheday that the Lozd bought our
fathers out of the land of Egypt, enen vnto this
Day, We baue bin Difobedient vnto the Lord our
God, and wee bane been negligent te heare his
voyce j
f 20 Mhere⸗
hap. 2.5.
Dax. 905.
Chab, 135.
Dér, 9.15-
» 200 * Mherekoꝛe thele plagues are come vpon
ps, andthe cure which the Lord appointed by
Mofes his lexuant at the time that hee brought
our Fathers out of the land of Egypt to gtue vs
aland that flowery with milke and hony, asap-
peareth this Day.
21 Neuertheleſſe, we haue not hearkued vnto
the voyce of the Lord our God, —— to all
the woms of the prophets, wham he lent vnto vs.
22 But euery one of vs followed the wicked
imagination of bisowne heart, to ferue irange
— and to Doe euill in the fight of the Lord our
/. CHAP.
i The Lewes confeffe that they (uffer iuftly for their
nnes. The true confelfion of the (hriftiaws, 11 The
Lewes defire to haue the wrath of God turned from them.
32 He promifeth that he will call againe the pesple
from captiuitie, and gine them anew and euerlaſting
—— the Lú: our God hath performed
his word, which he pronounced agaiuſt vs,
and again our Judges that governed Zlrael,
and againſt cut Kings, and againt our Join-
ces, and againt the men of Pltacland Juda,
2 Tobing bpon vs great plagues, fuchas
neuer came to patie vnder the whole heauen. as
they that were vone in Jerufalem, according to
things, that were witten in the law of Moyles,
3. That fome among vs hould * eat the fieh
ot his owne fonne, and ſome the fich of bis one
Daughter. j i
<4 WMoꝛeouer, he hath deliuered them to bein
fubiection to all the kingdoms that are round a-
bout vs, to be as a repꝛoch and Defolatton amon
all the people round about where the Lom Dat
{cattered them.
§ Thusthey are brought beneath, and nota-
boue, becaule wee haue finned again the Loo
our Gov, and haue not heard his voice,
6 *To the Lord our Gud appertaineth righ-
teoulnefie, but butovsand to our fathers open
fame, as appeareth thts Day.
7 Fo? all thefe plagues are come bpon bg,
which the Lod hath pronounced agatnibus.
c 8 Pet haue wee not prayed before the Lord
that we might turneeuery one from the imagt-
nations of his awne wicked heart.
9 Bothe Loꝛd hath watcher ouer the plagues,
and the Lord Hath brought them npon Vs : fazthe
Lo: is righteous in ail his workes, which he
‘Hath commanded vs. * — —
IO Vet we hane not hearkened vnto bis poite,
to walke in the commaundements of the Lode
that he hath giuen puto bs,
II * And now, D Lod God of Firal, that
Hatt brought thy people out of the land of Egypt
with a mighty hand, and an hie arme, and with
fignes, and with wonders ann with greatpow-
vous bak gotten thy felfe a fame, as appeareth
this dap,
Iz D Lomour Gov, we baue finned, we haue
Done wickedly: we haue offendDeDin all thine or⸗ fel
13 Let thy wrathturne from vs: forme are
but afew left among the heathen, where thou
Hak ſcattered vs.
I4 Were our prayers, D Lord, and our peti»
é =
Chiap. if.
tions, and Deliuer bs for thine owne fake, € glue
= —— the light of them, which have led
b tes:
15 That allthe earth may know that thou art
the Lord out God, and that thy amets called
vpon Iſrael, and upon their potteriry.
16 Therefore locke Downe from thine Holy
Cemple,and thinke vpon vs incline thine care,
D Lora, and heare vs.
17 * Open thincepes, and beheld : fo: the dead
that.are in the graues, and whole foules are out
of their bodies, * giue vnto the Low, neither
i pzaife noz righteoũſneiſe.
18 But the foule thatis vered foz the great.
neficoffinne, and hee that goeth crookediy, and
meake, andthe epes that faie, and the hungry
pe will gtuethee paie and rightcoulnef{e, D
19 Foz we do notrequire mercie in thy fight,
D Lod our God, fez rhe rightcouineſſe of our fa
thers,o2 of out Kings,
20 -But becaute thon haſt fent outthy wath
and indignation upon vs, as thou haft ſpoken by
thy | feruants the Peophets ing fOr, by the
21 * Thus faith the Lo2d, Bow downe your 44 ofthy
fhoulders, and eruethe king of Babylon : fo thal 2744"*5-
ve remaing in the land, that Jgaue vnto pourfas 2¢re-27-¥s
22 ut tf yee will not beare the voyce of
the Lord, to ferue the king of Babriene f
23 J wil caule ta ceaſe tn the cities of Ju⸗
Da, andin Jerufalem, 3 will cante to ceale the
vopce of mirth, and the voyce of foy, and the
hayce of the bꝛidgrome, and the boyce of the
— —— the land ial bee delolatẽ of inha⸗
24 But wee would not hearken vnto
boyce, to ferue the King of Babylon : wen
the wordes that thou
iſa 63. 15.
and 115.199
bor, glery.
nor praiſe
of righteous
fore balt thou perfourmed
{paket by thy feruants the Wzopbhets, name-
ly, that the bones of our Kings, and the bones
er o fathers ſhould be caryed out of their plae
25 Gndloe, thep are caſt out to theheat of
Dap, aud to the colve of the night, and ie Bead te
great milery with famine, and with the (w00,
and — ae
2 the Temple wherein thy Rame was
called vpon, thou halt brought to the fate, as ape
pearcth this Bay, foz the wickednefle of the boule
of Iſrael, and the houle of Juda
27 OLow our Gov, thou hakentreated bs
according ta cquitte, and accozdDing to all thp
great mercie,
_ 28 Asthou ſpakeſt by thp fernant Moyfes,
tn the Day when thou diddeſt commaund him to
imite thy Law before the chilozen of Iſraei, lape
29 * ZF pee will not abide my voyce, then hall
this gteat ſwarme and multitude be turned into
tak — among the nations where J willicat:
30 Fo J know that they will not heare me:
foz it is a ftifnecked people : but tn the lande
of their captinitic they hall. remember thyem-
— And knoto that Jam the Lord their Gon:
en will J gine them an beartto vaderftand, ann
32 And they Hall beare, and prarſe mee in
tag land of their captinitie , and thinke vpon
FEL my
Leuit26 tg
my Rame. f
33 Then Khall they turne them from theit hard
backes,anb from their euill workes : fo? they ſhall
remember the way of theit fathers, which tuned
before the hod. iia:
34 And J will zing them againe into the
land, which Ji pꝛomiſed with an othe vuto thetr
fathers, Abꝛaham, Jlaac, and Jacob, and they
Hall be lords of te ; and J wilt increale them, and
they ball not be diminiſhed. j
35 And JF wil make an euerlaſting couenant
With them, that J will bee their Gad, and they
Mall be my people : and J will no moze driue my
poopie of Iſrael out ofthe land that J haue given
1 The people continueth in their prayer begun for
their deliuerance. 9 He praiſeth wifdom unto the peo-
ple, fhewing that fà great aduerſities came vato them
forthe defpifing thereof. 36 Onely God was the finder
of wifedome. 37 Ofthe incarnation of Chrift.
Oem Almighty, D God ok Iſrael, the ſoule
that ts in trouble, and the ſpirit that is vege
ed, crieth vnto thez.
2 Heare, D Lod, and haue mercie: fo: thon
art mercifuli,and haue pity vpon vs, becaule we
haue finned before thee.
on thou endureft foz euer, and we vtterly
perii. iow
4 DLovAlmightic, the God of Iſrael, heare
now the praverof the Dead Iſraelites, and of thetr
chtldzen, which haue ſinned before thee, and not
bearkencd vnto the voyce of thee their Goa,
whereforethele plagues hang bpon vs.
§ Remember not the wickconefle of our fae
thers, but thinke vpon thy power and thy ame
atthis time.
6 Forthou artthe Loꝛd our God, and thee
D Loꝛd, will wee praiſe.
7 And koꝛ this caule haſt thon put thy keare in
out hearts, that we ould cail vpon thp Mame,
and pratfe thee in our captinity: for we haue con-
fidered in our mindes all the wickedneſſe of cur
fathers, that finned before thee.
8 Behold, we are pet thts day in our captiui-
tie, where thou bat (cattered vs, tobee a reproch
aud acurie, and ſubiect to payments, acceDing
to ali the tniquities of our fathers, which are de⸗
parted from the Lord their God.
9 OIlrael, beare the commandements of
life: beacken vnto them, that chou mayth tearne
Io hatis the cauſe, D Iſrael, that thou art
in thing enemies land, and art waren old in a
11 And art defiled with the Dead, and art
counted With them, that gog Downe to the
12 Thon haſt foꝛſaken the fountaine of wifes
g dome: $
13 Forif thou haddeſt walked in the wap af
God, thou ſhouldeſt haue remained fafe foz g>
14 WLearne where is wiledome, where is
frength, whereis vnderſtanding, that thou
mayelt knows allo from whence commeth long
- Baruch.
continuance, and life, and where theliaht ofthe
eves and peace ts.
I5 Aho hath found out her place? o2 who hath
come into her treaſures?
16 CAyercare the pances ofthe heathen, and
fuch as ruled the beats vpon the earth?
17 Giey that had their pattinie with the
foules ofthe heauen, that hoarded bp ſiluer and
gold, wherein men trut and made nove end of
their gathering?
I8 Foꝛ they that coined filuer, and were fo
carefulloftheir wozke, and wholeinurntion bay
none end,
Ig Ate come ta nought, and gone Downe
n e; and other men are come vp tn theie
20 Ahen they were veong, they fame the
light, and dwelt vpon the earth ; but they vue
Deritood rot the way of knowledge,
2I Neither perceincd the paths thereof, net
ther haur their childzenreceined it; but thep were
farce off from that way.
22 Ft hath not beene heard ofin the land of
Canaan, nerther bath tt beene {rene in Chee
23 Ho the Agarines that fought after
wiledoine vpon the earth, noz the merchants
ef ~erran, and of Theman, no? the erpoune
Derg of fables, noz the fearchers out ot wifes
Dome baue Knowen the way of wiledeme,
da Doe they thinke bpon the pathes there»
24 D Iſrael, howe greate ts the houſe of
gon, and howe large ts the place of bts poſſeſ⸗
25 It is great, and hath none end, it is high,
and vnmeaſurable.
26 There were the gyants, famous from the
beginning ; that were of fo great kature, and ſo
expertin watte.
27. Thole vid not the Lord chule, neither
gaue he the way of knowledge puto them.
28 But thep were deſtroyed, becaule thep
Had no wiledome, and persed through their
owne fooliſhneſſe. ;
20 AWho hath goue bp into beanen to
take bet, and brought her Downe from the
cloudes ?
30 CQbobath gone ouer the fea to finde her,
and path brought ber rather then fine gold ?
31 sAloman knoweth her wayes, neither cone
fideretty ber paths. :
32 But he that knoweth all things, knoweth
her, and be hath foundher out with bis nder»
ftanbding : thts fame ts hee which hath pacpared
the earth fo: euermoze, and bath filled it with
foure footed beats. :
33 Aben hee fendeth out the light, tt goetbe
ana when hee calleth ttagaine it obepeth bins
with fearg.
4 And the arres Wine in their watch, and
relopee, When be calleth then, they fay, dere
we be: and lo with cheerefuinelle they Mew light
pute him chat made them, f
35 This ts our God, and there hall none ga
ther be compared vito bim,
36 Wee hath found out all the way of knots
ledge, and hath giuen ít vnto Jacob his (eruant,
and to Iſrael hts beloued.
37 Afterwarn he was lene vpon earth, and
Dweltanong men
| Apocrypha.
3 The reward of them that keepe the Law, andthe
row the euerlaſting, and toy is come vpon mee
fromthe boly Dne. becaule of the mercy which `
puniſhme ut of thera that defpife it, 12 A comfortsng of hall quickly come vnto pou from our euerlaſting
the people berug tn captiustse, 19 A complaint of Les
rufalemtand under the figure therof the Church. 25 A
confolation and comforting of the fame.
aran ts the beoke of the commandements of
GoD, and the Law that endureth foz euer: all
thep that keepe it, ſhall come to like: bu: luch as
fozlake it, ſhall die.
2 Turne thee, D Jacob, and take holdeof I
¿walike by this brightnes before the light there
3 Giue not thine honour to another, no? the
—5 that are pzottable vnto thee, toa ſtrauge
4 D Frael wee are bleſſed: for the thinges
— ave acceptable vnto God , are Declared vnto
§ Beeok goon comfo:t, D my people, which
act the memoziall of Iſrael.
ô De arvell tothe nations , not Fo: pour De-
Truction: but becaule pe pouokẽd God to wath
pe Were deliuered vnto the enemies.
7 Forpehauedifpleated hin that made you,
offering ynta Deutis,and not to God.
8 Pee haue forgotten him chat created pou,
geuen the eucrlatting God, and pee haue grieued
Jerufalem, that nourtthed pou. i
9 Ahen thee faw the wath comming vpon
p from Gov, ſhe laid, Hearken, pe that Dwell a-
out Sion: foz God hath brought mee into great
10 J fet the captiuitie of my ſonues q daugh ·
ere » which the cucrlatting will bing vpor
IL Mith ioy did J noncih them, but J mut
tcaue them with weeping and mourning,
12 Let no manretopee ouer me a widow, and
fozfaken of many, which fo: the finnes of my chil
Men am Delblate,becauie they Departed from the
Law of Gov. us iy
13 They would not know his righteoriſueſſe,
Moz walke in the wapes of his commandements:
neither DiD they enter intoche paths of diicipline,
though bis righteouſneſſe. j
14 Come, pee that Dwell about Sion, and call
to rcinembeance the captiuitie of nip onnes and
Dayghters, which the cuerlaſting hath brought
bpon them.
I}, Foz hee hath brought bponthem a nation
— an impudent nation , and of a range
16 CGbich neitherrencrence rhe aged , no2pi-
tiethe yong: thele baue caricd away the Dearg
beloncy ofthe widsowes , leauing me alone, and
deſtitute of my Daughters.
17 But mwyat can helpe you ?
18 Surely he that path brought thefe plaques
bpon you,can Deliucr pou from the hands of pour
encmtes. >
19 Goe your way, D childpen, goe your way,
foz Jam left Delolate. -
20 J haue put off theclothine of peace, and
put vpou methe ſackcloth of prayer, and folong
as JKue, Jwill cal uyon the cucrlatting.
21 Bee of goon comfort, D childzen: cry vnto
Gov, and he will deliuer pou from the power,and
Hand of the enemtes. i
22 for J haug hope of your ſaluation thg-
Parour, i i '
23 Foz J fent youaway with weeping, and
Mourning: but with ioy and perpetual qladnes
will God bring youagatne vnto me.
24 Like as now the neighbours of Ston fata
es capttuitic, fo hall they allo fee ſhortly peur
aluation from God, which Hali come vnto pou
— great glorie, and baightues from the Guer⸗
lug. i
25 My childzew, luffer patiently the wath
that is come vpon poufrom Gon : fo? thine ence
mie hath perlecuted thee, but ſhortly thou halt
ro i Deltruction, and hall treade vpon his
26 My darlings haue gone by rough wapes,
AnD we are led away az a flecke that ts ſcattered
bp the enemies.
27 Bee of good comfort, my chilozen, and cry
vnto God: fo: hee that led you away, bath you in
remembzance. i ‘
28 And asit cameinto pour minde to goc de
frap from pour God: fo endeuour pour telues
* times moze , toturne againe and to ſeeke
im. >
29 Forbethathathbzougbt thele plagues tps
on pou, will bing pou eucrlalting toy agatne,
with your faluation, f
30 Cake a good heart, Dipicrulatem: foz he
which gaue thee that name, will caintoze thee.
31 Chepare miferable that atflict thee, and
fuch ag retoyce at thy fall. $3
32 Che cities are miſerable whome thy chile
tes ferue > miſerable ts thee that bath taken thy
33 Foꝛ as ſhe reioyced at thy Decay, and was
glad of thy fall, fo ali thee be ſory toz her owne
34. Fo: I will take away the reiopcing of bes `
great multitude , and her toy hall be turned into
mourning. ;
35 Foa fire hall come vpon her fromthe Ce
uerlaſting, long to endure, and the Halbe inhabi⸗
ted of diuels foz a great ealon,
36 D Jerufalem looke toward the Cat, and
ie the top thatcommety vnto thee fronithp
37 Loe,thyfonnes (whome thou batt let goe)
come gathered together fromthe Call nto the
Heft, retopcing inthe wozd of the holy Dne une
to the honour et Gov.
1 Jerufalem is moued vnto gladneffe for the returne
of her people and under the ſigure thereof the Churche
P Cit of thy mentning clothes, D Hieruſalem,
E andthine affliction, and Decke thee with the
wo2Gip thonour , that commeth vnto thee front
God, kor euermoze.
2 Hut on the garment of righteouſneſſe,
that commeth from. GD D, and tet acrowne
vpon thine heade ef the glozie of the euerla⸗
2 For God wil declare thy brightneſſe to ence
ry countreyvnder the heaven. 4
4 And God wili name thee by this name
fouer Dye peaceok righteoutneke, and the
SEE 2 glop
the glory ofthe worſhip of God, yi
beet aie D —* „ann ſtand bg on bie,
and looke about theg toward the Call, ann be-
polae thy children gathered fromthe Ealt vnto
the CGelt by the word ot the holp Due, reioycing
in the remembzance of God. is
6 fez they Departed from thee on foote, and
were ted away from their enemies; but God will
bring them againe vnto thee, exalted tn giozy, as
cotidzen of the kingdome. j
' 7 _ Fo Gad hath Determined tobing Downe
euery bigh mountaine, and the long enduring
rocks,and to fil(the valletes,to make the ground
plaine, that Iſraei map walke lately vnto the ho⸗
nour of God. :
8 The woodes and all weete finelling trees
pe ouerſhadow Iſrael at the commandement
of Gov. PE
o: For God Mall bring Iſrael with ioy inthe
light of his maiettie, with the mercie aud rishte
ouefe tharcommeth of him.
: Jeremias fent vnto them that were ted away
captiues into Babylon bythe King of the Ba⸗
byiontans , to cercitie them of the thing that
iwas commanded hin of God, —
nn this chap⸗ —— the finnes, that yee haue committed
terare the againtt God, pe Hal be led away captines vn⸗
makersand to Wabplon, bp Mabuchodonoloz , King of the
mainteiners Babylonians. Say
of images § 2 Howhenpe become inte Babylon, pe ſhall
mightily rematne there many peeres, and a long featon,
confuted, Cuen a feuen generations, and after that will J
a-Thatis, bing pouatway peaceably from thence.
feuentie 3 * How Mall yee ſee tn Babylon gods of fil
yecres. uer,and of gold, and of wood, bozne bpon mens
2/244.8,9, feulders,to caulethe peopie totcare: —
10.0 46.5, 4 Beware therefor that ye inno wile belike
yplalixs. the frangers,nettherbe peatratd of them, when
awifd.rz. Veefee the multitude betoze them and bebinde
Ae then woꝛſhipping them.
§_ Butlap pee in your heatts, D Le2d, wee
mult worſhig thee. f
6 Jo: mine Angel Halbe with von: and fhall
care foz pour foules.
7 Gs for their tongue, tt is poliſhed by the
carpenter, and they themfelues are atited , and
layd ouer with ſtluer: pet are thep bucipes , and
cannot ſpeake.
3 Andastheptake gold fora mayde thatlo-
uct to bedekt,
9 So make they crownes fo: the beades of
their gods; foinetimes allo the Prieſtes thenie
felues conucy away the gold and fluer from their
xods, and beſtow it vpon themfelues,
10 Dea, theygiue of the fame vnto the har ·
lots.that are in their boules: agatne, they Decke
thefe gods of filuer, and gods of gelde, and of
wood, with garments like men,
II MDetcannot ther be peelerued from rut and
12 Though they haue couered them with clos
thing of purple, and wtpe their faces becaule of
oe pug ofthe Gemple, whereof there is much
pon them.
13 One holdeth alcepter, as though ee were
a certaine Judge of the countrey: pet can heenot
Kap ſuch as offend him. Ws
34 Gu other bath a dagger o an axe in his
Baruch. niay
right hand: pethee fe not able to dekend hiniſelke
frombatteil no: from cyceues: fothenttis cute
Dent that they be no gods.
Is Gherctore feare them not: fozas avenell
— am vſeth, isneching woorth when itis
4 i i
. 16 Such are their gods: when they be fet pp
in their temples, their eyes be full of Dutt by rea»
(on of the feet of thofe that cowie in.
17 And as the (gates are (hut in round about
bpon bim that hath offended the king: or as one
that ſhould be led to ie put to Death, top prieſtes
keepe their temples with doores, € with tockes,
and with barres , leaſt theit gods ijould be ſpoy⸗
ied by robbers.
18 They light pp candles before them: pea,
moze then toz chentleiues, whereof they cannot
ria ee foz they are but as one af the poſts of the
A t
19 They confeffe, that euen their hearts are
gnawen vpon: but when the things that crecpe
but of the earth cate them and thew clothes, thep
feeleit nor,
20 Their faces are blacke theough the fmoke
that is in the @emnic. ; j
21 The owies, fwallowes ebirdes flie vpors
their bodies, and vpon their heads, pea, and tye
cats ato. '
22 Bythis pee maybe fure, that thep are net
gods: therefore feare them not.
23 Matwithitanding the golde that is about
them to make them beautifull, except one wipe
Oi the rult,they cannot Mine: neither when thep
were molten, Di tisy feele ft. — ($
24 The thinges wherein is no bieath, are
bought foz a moft bigh peice.
25 *Thepare bome vpon mens fhoulders, be-
taule they haue no feet, whereby they declare vn⸗
to men,that thep be nothing worth, pea, and thep
that wozfhtp them, are ahamed. ;
26 Foꝛ it they fallito the ground at any time,
thep cannot rife bp agatne of themſelues, neither
if one fet them vpꝛight, can they mooue of thems
ſelues, neither if they bee bowed Downe can they
make them(cluesitraight: but they ict gifts bes
foze them ,as vnto Bead men.
27 Gs foz the thinges that are offred vnto
them, their Prieſtes (eli them, andabule them:
likewile alfothe womem lay vpof the fame: but
vnto the pooze and ficke they giue nothing.
28 The menſtruous women, and they that
are inchiidbev , touch their ſacrifices: by thele
things pe map Know that thep are no gods : feare
them not, i
29 From whence commeth it then, that thep
ave called gods? becaule the women bing giftes
to the gods of Gluer,and gold, and wood.
30 And their Pꝛieſtes fit in thetr temples, hae
ning their clothes rent,whole heads and beardes
are thauen,and being bare beaded,
3: Aheproareand cry before their gods, as
nien do at the feat ofene thatts Dead.
32 Che Heieſts allo take away of their gare
ments, and cloth their wines and childzer.
33 6Whether it bee cuill that one doeth vnto
them, oz good , they. ate not able to recompenſe
L they san neither ſet vpa Bing, no: put him
34. In like manet theycan neither gine riches
no? money: though a man make a vowe vnto
them, and keepe it not, they wili not requive tt
35 Chev
llOr courts,
HOr, branne,
Pfal. 115.4%
wid, 13,30,
35 They can fane no man from Death neither
Beitucr the weake front the mighte. -
36 Thep cannot rektore ablinde man tehis
fight,nozbelpeanymanatitsnecde, _
37 Shey can ew no mercie tothe widow,
no: Doe good to the katherlelſe.
38 Their gods of wood, gold, and ſiluer, are
as itones that bee hewen out ef the monntaine,
andthep that worſhip them , fail bec confoun⸗
39 Mow Mould a man then thinke o2 fay, that
they are goes? i
40 Wocouer the Chaldeans themſelnes dil
Honour them: fo: when thep ite a Dumbe man,
that cannot (peake.they peent him te Bel,
41 Auna delire that hee would make him to
Peake, as though bee had any Feeling : pet thep
that vnderitand thele things, cannot ieaug
them; fozthepaliohanenotence. _ 3
- 42 Furthermore, the women, girded with
coarda, fit inthe ftreetes, and burne || ſtraw.
43 And ifone of them bee Deawen away,and
ite with fuch ag come by, thee cafteth her neigh-
bour in the teeth, becanle thee was not ſo Wwoꝛ⸗
thily reputed, no: her coard bzoken. i
44. Ahatloeuer ts Done among them,ts ties:
bon map tt chen be thought oz (aid, that thep are
gods? 7
45 Carpenters and goldſmiths make them,
neither bee they any other thing, but enen what
the workman will make them.
46 Dea, they that make them, are ofnolong
continuance: bow Moula then the things that
are mane of them, be gods?
Chap. vj.
55 Thep cannot with tand any King o: enes
mics: how can it then bee thought o: {aid that
they be gons?
56 GHoreouer, thele gods of wood, of solve,
and offiluer can nettherdefend thenilciues from
theeues no: robbers.
§7 Foz they that are ſtrongeſt, take away their
Gold and filucr,andappareli, wherewith they be
Clothed: and when they haue it, they get them ae
Way? pet can they not helpe themſelues.
58 ‘Cherefore it is better to be a King. and &
to thet bis power,o2 elie a profitable veſſel in an
boule, whereby he that oweth it might haue pro⸗
fit, then fuch falle gots: o: to bee a doore inan
` Houle, to kecpe tuch things lafe as bee therein,
then fuch falie gads: 02 a pillar of wood in a pes
lace, then fuch ale gous.
§9 Fo: the Suine, and the (Boone, and the
ſtarres that thine, when they are lent Downe faz
necefarieules obey. ~
60 Likewile allo the lightning, when it Mi-
neth, it is cuiBent? and the wind bloweth tn cue.
61 And when God commaundeth the clouds
to goe about tie whale wold , they Docas they
are bidden.
62 Wiben the fireis fent downe from aboue
to deſtroy hils and woods, it Doth that which ts
commanded ; bur thefeare notlike any of thele
things neither in foune noz powen.
- 63 CUbherefoze men Mould not thinke, nor ſay
that they bee goods, ſeeing they can neither giue
fentence in indgement, no? Dor men good.
64 Foꝛſomũch now as pee are fire, that they
47 Therefore they leaue tics, and Hame for” be no gods, feare them not.
their pofteritie.
48 Foꝛ when there commeth any warre, 02
plague vpon them, the Pꝛieſtes imagine with
themfelues, where they map bie themſelues
with chem. i
49 ow then can men not perceiue,thatthep
be no gods, which can xeitherdefendthemlelucs
from warre,no2 from plagues?
so Foz *leeing they be but of wood,and of fil-
her and of golde,men Mall know hereafter that
they are but ites,and tt halbe manifett to al na⸗
tions and Rings, that they bee no gods, but the
workes ofinens hands, ¢ that there ts no worke
of GoD in then.
51 Wherebyit map be knowen, that thepare
no gods. ee A
§2 They cay let by no Ring in the land, no?
give raine vntdmen. f
§3 Thep can gine no Centence ofa matter,nei-
ther prꝛeſerue from iniurie: they haue no power,
but uy ascrowes betweene the beauen and che
-54 hen there kalleth a fire vpon the boufe
of hole gods of wood, and of fluer and of gold,
the Pzictts will efcape and fane themſelues, but
they burne as the balkes therein.
* Bs Foz they can neither curle , noz bleſſe
66 Neither can. they Hewer. igues in the
Sonun among the heathen, neither Mine as the
oone. *
67 The beaſts are better then they: for thep
can get them vnder a coucrt,and do themlelues
good. i 9
68 Hoyee may be certified that by no maner
ofimeanes they are gods: therefore feare thein
69 Forasalcarcrow in agarden of cucurts
bers keepeth nothing, fo are their gods of wood,
and of filuer,and of gold:
70 Anaiikewrle their gods of wood, anv
gold, and tilucr, are like toa white thone inan
achacd, that eüery bird fitteth vpon, and asa
Bead body that is caſt inthe Darke. i
71 Bpthe purple ali and bꝛightneſſe which
fadeth upon then, pe map vnderſtand, that they
be no gots : pea, they themftlues ſhall be conlu⸗
med at the lait, and they hall bee a hame to the
countrey. :
72 etter therefore is the int man, that
bath Lig wWoles; foz hee atl bee farce fram ree
SUADA pepe
¶ The ſong ofthe three holy children,which
followeth in the third Chapter of Daniel after this
place, They fell downe bound intothe middes
of rhe hore herie fornace.
25 The prayer of Azarias. 46 The crueltie of the
king. a8 The flame deuourcth the Chaldzans. 49 The
Angelof the Lord was in the fornace. 51 The three
ciuldren pratfe the Lord, and prowcke all creatures
tothe fame.
Cag Mo they walked in the mids
ay J n Ot the flame, praiſingGod, and
"> ROA WA magniticd the Loz.
25 2% Then Azarias tood bp,and
2 pae
P payed on this manner , and
: PS opening His mouth in the
mindes of the tire, faid,
26 Elend bee tjou, D Lod God of our faa
thers: thy Name is wa:thy to bee praiſed and
honoured foz euermoꝛe. ay
27 Foz thouart righteous inailthe things,
that thou batt Donevnto vg, and all thy works
are true, and thy wayes areright, and all chp
tuDecinents cerrame.
28 In all thethtugs that thou hal brought
dpon vs, and vpon Seruiatem, the Holy citie of
èist fathers thou bali erecuted trae iudgments:
foz by right æ equity thou bak hꝛought allthele
things vgon vs becauſe of our finnes.
29 Foꝛ wee haue tinned and Done wickedly,
Bepacttng from thee; in all things haue we tref
30 And not obeied thy commandements,noz
kept them, neither vancas theu habit comma.
ped vs, thar we might pefper.
31 Mibertoze tn atl thatthou paft brought up-
Dn tg, andin everp thing that chou halt dence ca
us thou bat Done them in true tudgement;:
32 Asin Dellugritg vo into the hays of our
dvicked enemies ann mok hatefull traitors, and
to an vnrighteous king,and the mot wicked in
all che world.
23 And now we may not opti our mouthes:
toce are become a fame ana repoofe unto thp
fernants ann te them that wo2thip thee.
34 Wer for thy Mames fake we beicech thee,
gine yg not ppfozeucr, neither bꝛeake thy Co⸗
25 Meither take away thy mercy from ts, fo:
thy beloucd Abrahams fake, and foz thy ſeruant
Blaacs are and fo thy holy Iſraels (ake.
36 Go whom thou halt poken and promifen,
that thou wouldeſt multtply their ſeede as the
ftarres of heauen, andas the fand, that is vpon
the tea More.
27 Sor we,D Low, are become lefi then any
nation, and bee kept vnder this day in all the
wain becaule of our ſinnes: i
38 Sothat now we haue neither Wrince,noz
Pꝛophet, no: geuernonr, nor burnt ottering,naz
acriāce no: oblatton, nog incenſe, no? place to
offerthe Beit fruits bekore thee, that we might
Bud mercy.
39 Neuertheleſſe, tn a contrite heart and an
Hindle ph it let vs be reccined. A
40 Asin che burnt offering of rammes and
Guliscks,ane agin tem theuſand of fat lambes,
fo let our offering be in thy Rgds this Dap, that
icmay pleafe thee: foz there is no confiufion vnto
rhem,thart put their reut tn thee.
41 And now we folow thee with all our heart,
and teare thee,and ſeeke thy face. x
42 Dut vs uot to Hame, but Deale with vs afe
terthpicning kindneſſe, aud accoding to the
multitude otthy mercies.
43 Deliuer vs alto by thy miracles, and otue
thy Rame the glory,D Lozd,
44 Thatall they that doe thy ſeruants enilf,
May be confounded: even lee ehem bee confoun⸗
Ded by thy great force and power, and let their
ttrengti be broken,
45 That thep may know, that thou onely art
the Lod God, gloztous auer the whole world,
46 (Mow the Wings ſeruants that had tait
themin, cead not to make che ouen bote with
a naphtha, and with pitch, and with towe, and
with fagots,
47 Do that the flame went out of the foznace
fourtic and nine cubits.
48 And itbzake fozth and burnt thole Chal ·
Drang,that tt found by the fornace,
49 But the Angelot the Lord went Downe
inta the fornace with them that were with azas
tias, ana ſinote the flaneofthe fire out of rhe
fonnace, i
5o And made in the middes of the fornace
like a moyſt hiling wind, fe that the fire teus
ched them not at all, neither grieued noz trous
bied them.
51 Then thefe three Cas ont of one mouth)
patted, and glorilzed, and bleſſed God th the for-
nace, fying, ;
52 Bleſſed bee thou, D Lod God of sur fae
thers, and praifed, and cralted aboue all things
fo: ener, and bleſſed bee thy glorious and holp
Mame, and pzailed abone all things, and mag:
nitied foz ener,
§3 Blelſed be thou inthe Temple of thine hae
ly glory, and pzaiſled abone ali things, and exal⸗
ted foz eure.
§4 Blen be thou that beholdeſt the Depths,
and fitteii vpon the Ckerubims, and praited ae
bone atl things and exalted fo ener.
55 Bleſſed bee thou in the glozions thasne of
thy kiugdome, and praiſed abdue all things, and
exalted fo2 ener.
96 Bienen bee thonin the Armament of heae
uct and pratled aboue all things, and gloritied
02 cuter.
57 Allyee workes of the Lord, dlefe pee the
— him, and exalt him aboue all things
plener. :
$93 D”beawens, blee pe the Loꝛd:prꝛaiſe him,
ano egalt Digi atour ali things foz ener.
59 D Angels ofthe Lod, blee pee the Loyd,
parte him, exalt him aboue ail things for euer,
60 Gil pee waters that be aboue the heauen,
bleie pee the Loi, praiſt him, and crate hima
bone all thts fo2 cucr.
61 All pec yowers ofthe Lord, blete pee the
Lord; pavi pim y and exalt him abone ail
a Which is
a certaine
Kind of fac
and chalkie
clay,as Pli-
nius wriceh,
chap, 10$:
Pfal 148.4.
fOr, calde,
Jor, fofis.
things fo: ener.
62 D Hunne and Moone, bleLe ve the É 020;
praife him and exalt bim abauc all things to:
paee" ii
63 D Starres of heauen, bleſſe yee the Lod:
pꝓꝛaiſe him, and exalt hun atone all things fo
64 Suery kowe and dewe, blefle pee the
Low; paile him and exalt hum abour all things
fo: euet.
65 All yee windes.blefie pee the Loꝛd: paile
pim and exalt btm aboue allthings fo: euer.
66 D fire and heate,biefie pe rhe Lord: paile
bim,and eraithtin aboue all things foz euer.
67 Dipcewinter and fimmer, bleſſe pe the
—— paatle him, and crait him aboue all things
O2 euer.
63 O dewes andj temes of (now, bleſſe yee
the Loꝛd: praile pim, and erate him aboue all
things foj euer.
69 D frok and cold, bleffe pe the Loyd : paie
þin and exalt him abone all things for cucr.
70 Dyce and {nowe, biene pee the Lorde:
paile him, and eralt hiny aboue alleyings for
71 DOntahtsand dayes, bleſſe pee the Lord:
_ paaifebun, and erat him aboue all things fez
72 D light and darkeneſſe, bleſſe ye tht Lo2d:
pate bun, and cralt bim aboue all things foz
tur. f
73 D lightnings and clouscs, blee ye the
—— : pꝛaiſe him, and crait hin aboue all things
74 Letthe earth bleffe the Lo: : let it payit
pim, and exalt him aboue all things foz euer.
75 D mountaines and hilies, biclle pee the
re : peatle him, and exalt his aboue all things
02 euler.
76 All things that growe on the carth, blefic
perhe Loyd: pratle him, and erate hin aboueall
tbisgs foz euer- ;
77 D fountaines, blefie pre the Lord: praile
pim and eralt him aboue all things fos ener.
78 D fea and floods, blefle ye rye Lod: pate
bin, and exalt him aboue all thuigs fog euer,
79 D whales, and allthat mooue in the wae
ters blefle pe the Loon: patie him, and eralt bun
aboue all things foz cur.
So All pee foules of heauen, bleffe pee the
ie : peatle him, and exalt him aboue all things
02 euer.
3I All pee beaſts and cattell, blee pee the
oe : patie hun, and erale pirm aboue ail chings
82 D chiloren of wien, bieſſe vee the Lord:
pꝛayſe hin, and erate him aboue all things foz
85 Let Ilrael bleſſe the Lord, paile hinana
exalt hum aboneall things foz euer,
84 D Pꝛrielts of che Loꝛd bleſſe ve theo:
paile him, and exalt him aboue ali things iog
85_D feruantsofthe Lot bleſſe ye the Xor:
pratle him, anderale him aboue all things for
86 D fpirits and foules of the richteons,
blefie pee the Lod: pratie hum, and erait hin a⸗
bouc all things tog euer.
87 D Gaints and humble of heart, bleffe pe
the Lod: prayſe him, and cpalt pin abou all
things fo euer. : ;
88 D Ananias, Azarias and Miſael, bleſſe
pethe Lord: praiſe him, and etait him aboue
all things foz ener: foz bee bath Deliucred
vs from the bell, and (aucd vs from the
hand of Death, and delzucred bs out of the
iniddes of the foznace,and buraang flame : euen
out of the middes of the Gre ath hee deliutred
vs. Lrg ; i
89 Conkeſſe vnto the Lord, that hee ts graci«
ous ; foz his mercie endureth fo2 euer. :
90 All pee that worthip the Lod, bleſſe the
God of gods; pratle hin, and acknowledge
bim; foz bis mercie endureth world without
ENDE. 3 x
@ The hiftorie of || Sufanna,which loe
ioyne to the end of Daniel, and make
it thethirteenth Chapter.
8 The two gourrncurs are taken with the lene of
Saſenna. 39 They take ber aluncinthe ga den. 20
They {Leite berto wichedneſſe 23 She chufethra-
ther to obey God, though st be to the danzer of her ufe,
34 Shes accufed. 45 Danicl doth diliuer ber. 62
Lhe goucrnsurs are put to death,
p zoga {ere dwelt a man in Babylon cal>
icd Ioacim. À
2 Gndbetookea wife, whole
SJ name was Gulanna,the daughter
g, of helcias, a bery faire woman, ¢
=~ one that fearcd God.
er father and her mother allo were god-
Ip pnp and taught their Daughter accordiug
to the Law of Boles. *
4 Mow Joaciai was a great rich max, anv
had a fatre garden ioyning vnto bis heute, and
to him referred tie Jewes, becaule be was moze
honourable then all others. —
S. The ſame pere were appointed twa of the
ancients of the people to be Judges, fuch as the
Lodipeaketh of, that the tniquitie came fron
Babylon, and froin the ancient Judges, which
ſeemed torule the people.
6 haunted Joaciins boufe, and alt ſuch
as had eny thing to Doe tu the Law, came thither
vintothem `
7 slow when the people Departed awayat
noone, Sulanna went into herhuͤſbands garten
to walke.
8 And the two elders faw ber that Ge went
in dayly and walked, io that theit lut wasinia-
med toward ber.
9 Therefore they turned away theirs mind,
and tat Downe theit epes, that. they monto
not fee heauen, nog remember iyli iudge⸗
miats, pai
s Lo And albeit thep were both wounded with
3 #4 her
a To wit,
frem God,
her loue, pet durſt not one ſhewe another his
= l Fartgep were ahamed to Berlare their lik,
that thcy belied to haue to Coe with her.
12 Pert they watched diligently from Day ta
Dap toice her.
137 Aud the one {ald to the other, Let vs go?
now home, fol itis dinner tinie.
14 So thep went their way, and Departed
one front another p pet they returued agatne,
and caine into the fame place, and after that
they han afked onc another’ thecaule, thepac-
, kaowledged their ink ; then appointed they a
tine both together when they might fade per
` I5 Row whew they had ſpied aut a conue·
nient time, that ee went in, as her manse
Was, With two maydes onely, and thought to
wat * ſelfe in the garden, (kor tt was an hotte
16°And there was ue body there, ſaue the two
Eoo that bad hid themſelues, and watcyea
vier: i
17 -Dbhe Mide tober maydes , Bing meoyle
anD lope, and ſhut the gargen Boozes, that J
may walh me. ;
13 And they did as Hee bade than , and Hut
the garden doores, and went out themſelues at a
backe doorze, to fet the thing that Me pad con
manded theme but they iaw not the Evers, be⸗
cauſe they were ptd:
Ig Row when the mames were gone foorth,
` the two Eders role vp and ranne vuto ver, laya
mg, :
20 Beholde, the garden Doores are Hhut,that
no man can ſee vs, and we burne in loue with
thee therefore confent unto vs. and ite with bs.
21 Itthou wilt not; wee will beare witnefie
againſt thee, thata yong man was with thee,
and therefore thou didſt ſende away thy maydes
from thee. x y
22 Then Sulanna ſighed, and faid, J amin
trouble on euery fide: fo: tf J Doe this thing,itts
Death vnto me : ara if J Doe it not, I cannot els
cape your bands. , —
23 Itis better forme to fallints pour hands,
7“ a doe it, thentoetinne in the light of the
24 With that Sulanna cryed with a loune
voyce, and the two elders cried out againit Her.
25 Then ranne the one, and opened the gar-
Den Deore.
1 26 ¶ So when the fruanesof the boule heard
the cry in the garden, thep ruſhed tit at the backe
Dooze, to fee what was Bone vnto her. $
27 Bat when the Elders had declared their
matter , the ſernants mere greatly ahamed:
m there was neuer fuch arepogtmade of Sue
28 Oni the morrowafter, came the people to
Joacun her huſband, and the two Elders came
«alio, fill of miſchicuous unagination againtt
Hulanna, toput her toreth,
29 And laid before the people,aoend fo2 Suz
fanna the Daughter of Helcias Joacims wife,
Aud immediaculythey fent.
30 So He came with her father and mother,
þer children, and all her kiared. ; ;
31 Now Qulanna was very tender, and faire
32 And thek wicked men commaunded to
vncouer her force, (for He was conered) that thep
might be fatiftien with hee beauty.
È Cherefore they that were about her, and
all chat knew ber, wept.
34 Then the two Elders ſtood vp tr the mide
ee the people, and laid thete panda vpon her
35 Ghici wept, and looked bp toward hea
uen;: for ber heart truiteDinthe Lod. -
36 And the Ciders fayde , As wee walked in
the garden alone, hhee came in with two maides,
won ihe (ent away from ber, and (hut che gars
Den Doors.
37 Chen a pong man, which there was hiv,
caine vito herann lap with yer.
38 Chen wee which ſtosde ma corner of the
garden, ſeeing this wickedneſſe, ran vito them,
and we faw them as they were together.
39 Wut wee could not hol him: fo2 he was
— then we, and opened the dooze ann lea⸗
40 s2oW when wee Hadtaken this woman.
tee alked ber what pong man this was, but thee
tout not tell ys: of thee things are wee wit>
4I Then theaflenibly beleeued them, as thole
that were the Elders and toges of the peopic:
fo they condemned her to death.
42 Then Bulanna cepes ont with a loude
boyce,and (apd, D enerlatting Gad, that Knows
ett the lecrets, and knoweth all things afozethep
tome to patie, ;
43 Thon knowelt, that they haue bone falfe
witnelſe again mee , and bebelde, J muk tie
whereas J neuer did fuch thingsas thele men
paue malictoufly inuented againtt me,
44 And the Lod heard her voyce.
45 @ Cicrefore when thee was led to bee put
to Death, the Lod ratied vp the holp ſpirit ef a
pong child whofe name was Dantel,
46 cAho cryed with a loude voyce, J am
cleane from the bloat of this woman.
47 Then all the people turned them toward
him, and (ava, Calyat meane thele woes, that
thou paf (poken?
43 Then Daniel ſtoode in the mindes of,
them, and fayd , Are pee fuch fooles, D Ittae> |
lites, that without eramination , 02 knowledge
a ae tructh,pee haue condemned a Daughter of
t ;
49 Returne againe to iudgement: for ¢
bane bone fallewitnefleagatntt her. —
SO Ciherefore the peopie turned againe in all |
hatte, and the Elders fapa vnto him, Come, fit
Dowie among vs, andhewitus, ſeeing Gow
bath ginen thee the office of an Elder.
SI Chen fayd Daniel vnto them, Put thele
two alite,one farre from another, aud J willers
amine them. i
52 Do when they were put altinder one from
another, heecalled onc of them and ſayde vuto-
hun, D thou thatart of tna wicked lite, nawe
thy finnes which thon pat committed afozetine
ave come to light.
53 Jor thou haf pronounced falfe indgee
ments, aad Halk condemmedthe innocent, and
bat let the quiltte gog free, albeit the Lowe
fayih, * Chetanocentand righteous tale thou eyg; "a
not flay.
§4 Mow then, thou hat (cene her, tell ace,
Cinder What tree wek thou them con-
* a
anying together? Aho anſwered, Under a
enticke trer, é
ss Ghenlayd Daniel, Cerelp thou hak lyed
agami thine owne head: for loc, the Angelot
Hod Haty recciued the ſentence of God, tarut
thee ta two, )
§6 Soputhee binaline, and conunaunded
to bing the other, and layd vnto bim, D thou
ſeede of Chanaan, and not of Juda, beautie
rhe deceiued thee, and iuh hath tubucrted chine
57 Thus haue ye dealt with the daughters of
Tirael, and they for feare companicd with pou:
bur theBaughter of fuda would nor abide pour
58 Now therefore teltme ; Cinder what tree
diðdeſt thou take then companying together?
Tho anfwered, Untera | prime trer,
s9 Then ſaid Danicl vnto him, Cerely thou
Haitallo ited againſt thine head, for the Angel of
Gon waiteth with the ſword to cut thee wi two,
$Or, life,
| Or mirtle
nð Mine when Ring Atpages was
“AY layed with his fathers, pns the
Aka erhan receiued His kingdome.
at? 2 AndDanieldid cate atthe
(tA D) kings tabie,and was honoured a
as acd A boue all his friends.
3 Row the Babylonians had an tole, called
Bel, and there were {pent pon him eucryDay
twelue a great meaftires of fine floure, and four»
tie eenean lire greate pots of wine,
4 And the King worthtpped it, and went
Bayly to honour it: but Daniel worſhipped dts
owne God. And the King layd vnto him, CUhy
morethen doeſt not thou woꝛeſhip Bel? i
ninegallonsy 5. Abo anfwercd, and faya, Weeaule J map
which make not wozfhtp oles made with handes,but the ii-
inallanhun. BNF God which hath created tie heaven and
dreh aad the carth,andbhathpowervponalt fem.
eight gallons ‘Chen fayd the King vnto him, Chinkek
atthe leat, thounotthatBelisaliung God? Bett thou
b Called not how much hee eateth and Dainketh euery
Metreta,and Day? ; J
eucry oneof : 7. Then Daniel ſmiled and ſayd, D
thefemea- NOL Decetued: foz this is but clay within, ¢ braſſe
ſures contei- withont,and did neuer eate any thing. S
ned about 8 Bothe king was woth, and called foz his
tengallons, Pies, and fayd unto them, Jf pee teil mee not
which inall 2 Be this ig that eateth vp torie expenſes, pe Hall
fmakethreee DES q
hare. pare 9 But ik yee can certifieme that Beleateth
‘them, then Daniel pail die fer bee hath fpo-
ken blalphemie againſt Bel And Danel
Erpat the king, Let it bee according to thy
or: ra )
10 (Row the Wriells of Wel were threeſtore
H Tay and ten, belide their wines ann hilen: ) and
i tle King went with Daniel into the temple of
g > Å
Bel. )
P. Sos) AT Horels prictts ſayd, Weboty , tuce will
e OUT, AND ſet thou the meats there, DEAD
a Called Ar.
ofenery one
Belandthe Dragon.
and fo to deſtroy pow beth. >” BERD
60 Eirth that all rhe whole allembly cryed
with aloud vopce, and pzayicd God, which fa»
ueth them rhat trut in bini.
61 And they arole againſt the two Elorg,
(foz Daniel had conuctẽd them of faile witneſſe
by thett owne mouth: ) i
62: * And. accoming tothe Lawe of Moples
they Realt with them, as they Dealt wickedly
again their neighbour, and put them to death.
— the unocent bisot was ſaued the fame
63 Therefore eltias and bis wife prayfen
Sod fo their daughter Qulanna, with Joacim
her bulvand, and all the kinred, that there was
no Difhonettie foundin her. Bien need
64. From that day foorzth was Daniel had in
great teputationtn thefightofthe people,
65 And King Altiages was laped with bis
— and Gpus ot Perſia reigned in his
q The hiftorie of Bel and ofthe Dragon,
which is the fourteenth Chapter of
Daniel after the Latine,
and lct the wine bee filled? then Hut the dooze
fatt, and teale tt with thine owne fignet.
12 Andto mozrow when thou comme én, if
thou findet not that Bel hath eaten vp all, wee
Mi pe Death,o2 els Daniel that hath led vp
on bs.
13 Now they thought themſelues fire enough:
foz vnder the table thep had made a priute en=
trance,and there went they in ener, and tooke a>
way the things.
I4 So wien they were gone koorth, the King
fet cates befoze Bel. fom Daniel had come
maunded his feruants to bring aſhes, and thet.
they ftrowed throughout allthe Cemple, inthe
prelence of the Ging alone :-thenthep went ont,
and fhut the doore, and ſealed it with the Kiangs
fignet,and fo Departed. xt
Ig Now inthe niaht came the Wicks with
their wiues and childzen, (ag thep were wontto -
Doe) and did eate and danke vpall,
16 In the morning betuncs , the King aroſe
and Daniel with hin,
Deut. 19. 19.
17 Ano the King fayd, Daniel, ave theleales .
whole ? Gho anlwered, Vea, D king, they bee
18 And afoone as heehad opened the dooge, .
the king looked vpon the table, and cryc with
aloud voyte, Great art thou, D wel, ana with
thee is no Deceit. ie
19 Chen laughed Daniel, and bet the king
that he ould nor goe in, andfayd, Behold nom -
the pauement, and marke well whole kootſteps
ave thee.
20 And the king ayd, F fee the footeſteps of -
Men, women, AND children: therefore the king
Was angty, ; —
21 Andtooke the Picke, with tyeir wines,
AND Chtidzen, and they Hewed him che priuie
Doo2es, where they came in, and conſumeð fuch
things as were vpon the table, í
22 There ·
red Bel into Daniels power, who deſtroyed pim
and his temple.
23 0Moꝛeouer tn that fame place there was
A great Dragon, which the Babplantans wo»
ippen. j
24 And the King fayd vnto Daniel, Hayek
thouthatthisisot bꝛaſſe alſo? loe, bee tineti,
and eateth and drinketh, fo that thou canit not
fap that he is no liuing God? therefoze woꝛſhip
Din. i
25 Then ſayd Daniel onto the King, J will
—— the Lord my God: for perts the liuing
26 But giue me teane,D King, and J will
flay this Dragon without fwod o Katte. And
the Ring fayo, 3 giue thee leaue.
27. Then Daniel tooke pitch, andfatte,
and bape, and DiD ſeethe them together, and
Made lumpes thereof; this hee put ĩn the Dra
gons mouth, and fo the Dragon burt in ſun⸗
Ber. And Daniel (apd , Behold, whom pe woz:
28 Chen the Babylonians heard it, chev
were Wonderfullwzoth, and gathered them to⸗
gerber againſt the Ring, faping, Che King ts
ecome a Jew: fo: hee hath Deitroped Bel, and
oE Arnh the Dragon, and put the Pieckes to
(29 Bothep came tothe King, and (apd, De:
liuer bs Danicl o: elie wee will deſtroy thee and
thine boute.
30 Mowe when the Ring awe, that thep
pzcaſſed foze Dppon hun, and that neceffirte
oe. bint, hee deltuered Danicl vute
31 ho caſt Im iuto the Lions dew, where
he was fire Dates. ?
32 Jn the denne there were ſeuen Lions,
I. Maccabees.
22 Therefore the King lew them,aud deliue · and they
fan giuen them euery day thn bodies
and two theepe, which then were uot given
them, to the intent that they might Deusure
Daniel. f I
33 @ Mow there wasin Aewsiea ophet
cailedD Abbacnc, which had made potrage,and
broken beead in a bowle,and was going into the
field, fo2 to bring tt to the reapers.
34 ut the Angel of the Lod fapd vnts Ap-
bacuc, Oae, carpthemeate that thou patiinte
— vnto Daniel, which ts in the Lyang
35 And Abhacuct fayd, Lord, J neuer ſaw
—— neyther Boe J know where the denne
36 Then the Angel tooke him by the crowne
ef the head, ¢ bare bun by the batre of the head,
anh throng a mighty wind iet him in Babplon
vpon the denne. ie
37. And Abbacuc cryed, faving, D Daniel,
ci take the Dinner that God hath ſent
38 Then ſayd Dantel, D God, thou bak
thought vpoirme, aud thou neuer fapleit them
that leeke chee and lone thee.
39 Bo Daniel aroi, and oid eat and the An-
geloof the Lord tet Abbacuc in his owne place a-
gaine immediatly⸗
40 Gponthe ſeuenth Day the Ring went to
bewatle Dantel: and when he came tothe den,
be looked in, and behold, Daniel fate inthe mids
of the Lions. e ' ;
41 Then cried the Ring with a lond voyce.
faying, Great art thou, D Lets Gov of Daniel,
and there is none other beides thee.
42 And he drew him out of the den, and cat
them that were the cauſe of his deſtruction into
the Benne. aw they were deuoured ira moment
before bis face.
Sy The frtBoike Beda
8 The deathof Alexexander the king of Macedonia.
zi Antiochus takeththe kingd-me, 12 Many of the
a ~ children of Ifrael make couenant with the Gentiles.
21 Antiochus fubducth Egypt and Ferufaiem vnto
his dominion. 50 Antiochus [etteth up idols.
Ftec that Alexander the Ma⸗
ceDontan,the ſonne of Philip,
wet forth ofthe land ot Chere
tiin, and a flew Darius Ring
of the JPerlians and Beves,
3 and reigned for him, as Ye had
# before in Oreria,
2 i)e tooke great wartes
ftrong holds, and ficw the
a The frit
battell with
ginenfes was © NNa
foughtatthis in hand, and wanne
time, Kings of the earth.
3 Go went hee thorow tothe entesef the
wold, and tooke ſpoyles of many nations, tu
fomucy that the wolde ſtoode in awe of puit;
b The be- therefore bis beart was puted vp and was
ginning of hautp.
the king- 4 > Maw when hee had gathered a mighty
domeof Trong hott. re
5 Andhadreignedouce testons, nations,
am kingdomes, thepbecame tributarics vata
© Akter theſe things hee fell ſicke, and knew
that be ſhould die. f
7 Then hee called foz the chicfe of his (cre
uants, which hat beene brought vp with him of
children, and parted bis kingdom among then,
8 Do Alcxander had reigned twelve yeeres
when he died.
9 And his ſeruants raigned every one in his
10 Aud they all cauſed themſelues to be crows
nevafterhisdeath, € fo din theirchitozen after
them many peres, and much wicked neſie increas
fen ín the mond.
II Foꝛout of thele came the wicked root euen
Antiochus Epiphanes, the ſonne of king gnti-
othus which had beenean hoſtage at Ronie,and
dee reigned in the hundreth and ſeuen and thir:
tleth peere of the kingdome of the Greeks.
racl wicked men , which intiſed many, fap-
ing, Let vs goe and make a couenant with
e The be.
gisning of
the king-
dome of Sy-
|| Or,woble,
d the be»
ginning of
the king-
dome of the
-q Parthians,
12 ¢ Jin thofe Dapes went there ont of Bl
Tofeph Art.
e The wic-
ked fal nead-
long into
f B y draw-
ing the skin
ouer Î part
that was cir-
25. Epiph. pon-
derit Us &
@ The ſecõd
barrell with
the Cartha-
h The bat-
tell of Ma-
. cedonia.
the heathen that are round abont bs: fog fince
tee Departed from them, we baue had much (02+
13 Bs this denice pleated them well.
14 And certaine of the people were readie,
and went to the Ring, which gaue chem it
enpe to Dog after the odinances of the hea⸗
15 ¢ Then fet they vy a placcof everctie at
Jenya acceding tothe falhions ofthe heas
16 And made themſelues £ vntircumciſed,
and korſooke the holy Couenant, and ioyned
theinſelues ta the heathen, and were fold to doe
17 Ho when Antiochus kingdome was (et
in oder, Hee went about torctane cuer Egypt,
that hee might bane the Dominion of twa
18 Therefore hee entredinto Egypt with a
nightie companie, with Charets, anv Eire-
phants, and with boꝛſemen, and with a great
19 3 And mooned warre againſt Ptolemeus
King ot Cappt: but jprolenieus was afraide
ae > and fled, and many were Wounded ro
20 Thus Antioshus wanne many rong cis
tics inthe land of Egypt and tooke away the
ſpoyles of the land of Egypt. ;
21 And after that Antiochus han ſmitten E-
gypt. hee turned agatne in the bunder) fourtie
and three peere,
22 And went bp toward Ilrael and Jerulſa⸗
iem with a mightie people,
23 AnD entred proudly inte the Sanctuas
rig, and tooke away the golden Altar, and
the Camleſticke fo the ight, anv aii thein-
ftruments therecl, and the Cable ofthe thew:
Dead , and the powsing veſſels, and the
Bowles, and the golden bafens, andthe paile,
and the crownes, and the golden appareli,
which was before the Cemple, and brake all in
24 Wee tooke allo the filuer ant golde, and
the precious tewels, and hee tooke the fecret
trealures that bee found, and when dee had
taken away all, bee Departed into bis owne
25 Afterhee had murthered many men, aud
{poken very prondly.
26 Therefore tere was a great lamentation
incuery place of Piraci.
27 Foz the Princes andthe Elders moir:
nev: the young women, and the pong men were
made feeble, and the beautie of the women was
changes, :
28 Guerp hitdeqrome toske him to mour:
ning, and fhe that fate in the marriage chamber
was in heauinelſſe.
29 The laund alſo was mooued fo? the inhabt⸗
tants thereof: foz all the houſe of Jacob was co-
uered with conkuſion. . ;
30h After twa peeres the king (ent his chtete
taſkemaiter into the cities of Juda, witch came
to Jerulalem with a great multitude, i
31 (Cibo {pake peaceable woms pute them in
Decelt,and they gave credit vnto hiz.
32 Then he Feit ſuddenly vpon the citte, and
finote tt wrth a * plagut, € Detroyed much
people of Iſrat
Chap. j»
33 And when hee had Moyled the citie, he fet
fire on tt, cating Downe the joules thereof,and
wals thercof on euery fide.
34 The women and their childeen toeke they
captiue,and led away the cattell.
35 Then forties they the city of Dawid with
a great Ethicke wall,and with mightie towers,
ant made tt a rong Hold fo: them.
36 Mozeouer , tep fet wicked people there,
ee vngodiy perfons, and ſoztified theinſelues
37 And thep ſtored it with weapons and pie
tatles,and gathered the ſpoyle of Jerulalem ann
laide it vp there.
38 Thus became they a fore mare, and were
in ammbuibment fo: the Banctuarie, and were
wicked enemies cuermor vnto Iſcael.
39 Foz they Wedde innocent blood on euery
ye ofthe Sanctuarie, and seflicd the Dance
40 Inſomuch that the citisengof Jeruſalem
fled away becaule of them, and it became an has
bitation of ftrangers, bring Delolate of theny
poen He had bone; fo2 her owne childzen dia
eaue her.
4! ier Hanctuarte was left wate asa wile
Dernelle; her holy dayes were turned inte moute
ning, ber Sabbaths ints repꝛoch, and her hono⸗
brought to nought.
42 Gs ber glozy had beene great, fo washer .
ae ng Ur, and her ercellencie was turned into
43 Alſo the king wote vnto all bis kina dont,
that alithe people ould bee as onc, and thate-
uerp man ould leaue his lawes.
44 And all the heathen agreed to thecom:
niandement sf the king.’
Fofeph. Ate
5 2.cap.6.-
OT -
45 Pea, manypof the Iſraelites contented ta -
bis religion, offering vnto idoles, anddeAlung
tie Dabbath,
46 Ho theking fent letters by the meſſen⸗
gers bute Jerufalem, and to the cittes of Juda,
that thep Would follow the range lawes of the
countrey, s ; i
47 And that they fhould forbid the burnt of
ferings and facrifices,and the offerings in the
PBanctiarte, E
48 And that they thould defile the Sabbaths
and the feaits, ;
49 And pollute the Hanctuarie and the holp
FO And to fet vp altars and groues,and chaps
pels of doles, and offer vp fwities Aeh, and vñ⸗
cleane beatts,
§1 Gnd that they ſhould leane their chimen
vncircumciſcd, and defile their fules with vn⸗
cleanneſſe, and pollute themelues, that they
might forget the Law, aud change all the ozdt-
52 And that whoſoeuer would not Doe accor.
Ding tothe commanvdenient of the king, fhould
fier Death.
§3 In like manner weote hee thozowout
all- his kingdomes, and fet onerfeers oner
all the people, for to.compell them to doe the
tnings. s
54 And he commanded the cities of Juda to
Boe facriftce,cttie by citie.
llOr drinks
ss Chen went many of the people vnto them
bp heaves, cucry one that forſooke the Law, and
6 AWD-
fo they committed enti inthe land.
56 And they dione the Itraelited into ſecret
places, euen whereldeuer they couta fiee foz ſuc·
57 Thelifteenth day of Callen , inthe hune
drẽth and Hue and fortieth peere, they ler bp the
`. abomination of Delolation vpon the altar, and
i It isa. ma-
nifeft note
of the ene-
mies ofGod,
to burne the
books of the
ecclef, lib,8.
Cap ‘2e
Or, rage.
Fofeph. Ant.
flOr, Ana-
they builded altars thozowout the cities of Ju-
Daon cuery five. i
53 And before the doores of the houles,and in
the tireetes they burnt incenſe.
§9 And the bookes of theLaw, which ther g
found, they i burnt in the fir), and cut in pieces.
60 (Ubofeeuce had a booke of the Ceftament
found by bim, o2 wholoener conſented puto the
Law,the kings commandement was, that thep
ſhould put hin fo Death by their authozitie.
6I And they erecuted hele things enery mo:
neth vpon the people of Iſrael that were founa
in the cities,
62 Andin the fine and twentieth day ofthe
moneth, they did lacrifice bpon the altar, which
was in the fread of the altars of factifices.
63 And according to the commaundement,
they put certaine women to Death, whicy had
cauted their chtldzen to be circumciled. ¥
64 And they hanged bp the childzen at their
neckes, and they ſpoyled their houſes, and ſlewe
the circumcifersof them. 4
65 Vet were there manp in Blrael, which
were of courage,and Determined tn themfelucs,
that they would not eat vncleane things,
66 But thole rather to luſter Death, then to
bee defiled with tholg meates: fo becante thep
would not breake the holy couenant, thep were
putto eath. bart jer
67 And thisiityzannte was very ſore pon
the peopic of Iſxael.
` a The mourning of Mattathias and his [onnes for
the deſtruction of the holy citie. 19 They refufe to doe
Sacrifice unto idoles. 24 The xeale of Mattathias for
the law of God. 33 They are flaine, and will not fight
againe becaufe of the Sabbath day. 49 Mattatkias
dying commaundeth his fonnesto ſuicke by the word of
God, after the example of the fathers.
12 thole Dayes {toad bp Mattathias the pief,
thefonne of Joamttes, thefonne of Simeon, of
t: 5 of Joarib of Jexuſalem, and dwelt in
%2 And ee had fue fonnes , Joanan called
Gaddis, r
3 Simon called Chali,
4 Judas which ts called Waccabeus,
§ Eleazar called | Abaron, aud Jonathan,
whole name was Apphus. -
Mow he law the blaſphemies, which were
committed tn Juda and Jerufalem:
7 Andheelatd, Coe ts me: wherefore was
J bo2ne,tolce this Deftruction of my people,and
the deſtruction of the bolp citie, and thus to fit
Bit è itis deliuered inta the bands of the enc.
8 And the Hanctuarie is tr the hands of
rangers: their Temple is aga man that bath
no renoume.
9 Her gloꝛious veels are caried away into
captinttie: her infants are Maine in che ſtreetes,
and ber poung men are fallen by the ſword of
‘the enemies.
è -
- Io Ahat people fs it.that hath not fome pof
ſeſſion tn her kingDonte,o2 hath not gotten of per
{peyles? f
It All her glory is taken away $ of a free two
man, (bee is become an bandmatde.
12 Behold, our Sanctuary,and our beautie,
ana honour is deſolate, and the Gentiles baug
Defiled tt. t
13 Ahat helpeth it vs then toliue anyton-
n And Mattathias rent his clothes, he, and
Hts tonnes, and put fackecloth Upon them, and
mourned very ſore.
As ¶ Then came men from the King tothe
citie of Modin,to compell them to forſake God,
and to facrifice.
16 So many of the Iſraelites confented puto
om p utMattathias and bis ſonnes aſſembled
17 Then fpake the commiffioners of the king,
and {aid vnto Mattathias, Chou are the chiefe
and an honourable man, and great th this citie,
and halt many childzen and brethren.
18 Wome thou therefore firt, anv fulfill the
Rings commandement, agall the heathen pane
Bone, and alio the men of Juda, and ſuch as res
maine at Jerulatem: ſo Malt thou and thy famis
lic becin the Rings fauour: and thou and thy
childzen Halt be enriched with finer and gold,
and with many rewards. deen
19 Then (Battathtas anhwered gaid with
alowde voice, Though all nations that are pre
Der the kings Dominton,obey him.and tai away
euery man from the reltgton of their fathers,
and confent to bis commandements,
20 Pet will Jand mp fonnes, and my bye:
then walke tu the conenant of out fathers.
` 21 God be mercifull vnto ve,that we forlake
Not the law and the odtnances, K
22 ee will not hearken vnto the Rings
wots to trauſgreſſeour religion neither on the
right fte,no2 on the left. à
23 And when hee ban lett of ſpeaking thete
twous, there came one of the Newes, in the fight
of atl, to facrifice vxon the altar which was at
Modin, according to the kings comandentent,
24 Row when PBattathtas (aw it, be wasio
bintamed with seale,that his reines Hooke, and
his wath was kindled according to the ordi⸗
nauccofthelaw: therefore hee ranne vito hin,
ana killed him by the altar:
25 And atthe fame time hee flew the Kings
conuniiioner, that compelled him to Dee ſacri⸗
fice,and Ocfroy thealtar.
26 Chusbare hea seale to the Law of God,
sone a3 Phinees did vnto Zambzi the onse of
27 ¶ Then cried Mattathias with a lowde
vopte in the citie, Gying, Ahoſoeuer ts zealous
ofthe Law, and will tann by the coucnant, iet
Dün come forth after me. 4
28. Ho he,and hts onnes fled into the moun·
taines, and left all that they bad in the citie.
29 Then many that || longht after tuttice and
iudgement, ;
30 Went Downe into the wildernes to dwell
there, both they, and their children, and theirt
wiues aud theit cattell: for the afflictions tre
created [022 bpon them. -
31 Ew when it was told onto the kings
a The father
pro mifeth
for Fis chile
dr en, hat
they (hall
ferue Gad:
fo doeth Io-
fhua for his
lofh, 24.15.
b Tetisa
griefe to the
godly to fee
the people
|Or,that lte
wed 1uflly &
Apocrypha. i J
feruants, and to the garifons , which were in Jee
rulalem in the cttie of Dauid, that men Had
broken the Kings commaundement, and were
sone Dowie inte the fecret piacesin the wiler-
32 Then many purſued afterthem : æ yaning
olicctaken them tiep camped againſt them and
H she battell in aray againſt them on tye Daba
ath Dap, '
33 And ſard vntothem, Let this now bee fif-
ficient: come foozth and Do according to the come
mandement of the King, and ye hall liue.
34 But they aulwered Lace wili not goe fozth,
neither will we doe the kings commauntement,
to defle the Habbath day.
25 Then ther gaue them the battell.
36 But the other anfwered them nothing,
neither ca any one ſtone at them, oz topped
the piwie places, — a0) 34
37 But laid, e will die all tn our innocency:
the heaucn and earth fhail teftific for vs, that
ye Delroy bs wrongfully.
38 Thus they gaue them the battell vpon the
Sabbath, and ficw both men and cattell, their
wiues ¢ their chiidzen to the number of a tyo»
fanv people. ] ie
39 ¶ Ahen WMattathtas and his friends ni-
Deritood this, they mourned foz them greatly,
40 Aud (aid oneto another, Jt we all doc as
our brethren baue Done, and fight net again
the heathen foz our lines, and foz our lawes,
ae i they incontinentlp deſtroy vs out of
e earth.
41 Therefore they concluded at the fame
time, faying , CAheotoeuer -Wall come to make
battelt with vs bpon the Dabbath Day, wee will
fight againit bim , that wee Dienotall, as our
bretheen that were murtheredin the fecret pla-
42 Thencame vnto them the aflembly of the
Ahdeans , which were of the ſtrongeſt men of
atar, all fuch as were welimindgd toward the
_ 43 Andall they that were fled foz perfecution,
foyned themiclues vnto them, aud were an beipe
vnto them, i
44 So they gathered a power, and ſmote the
wicked menin their math, and the vngodly in
their anger, but che ret fled vnto the heathen,
and eſcaped.
45 Chen Mattathias and his kriendes went
about and Deltroped the altars,
46 And circunicties the childzen by force that
were vncircumciled, as many ag they found
Within the cosits ef Ifrael,
47 Aud they purtucd after the pꝛoude men:
ånd this act pꝛoſpered in thetr bands,
43 Ho they teccnered the Law out of the
and of the Gentiles, and out of the hand of
ings, and gaue not place to the wicked.
49 Rom when the time dꝛewe neere, that
Mattathias Houta die, hee ſayd vnto hts fonnes,
Now ie vive and perlecution tucrealed, and the
son of Dettruction, and che wath of indigna-
so Row therefore, my ſonnes, be pe scalous of
the Law, and giue pour liues foz the couenant of with bistw
our fathers.
§1 Gali to remembzance what actezour fas
thers din in their tine: fo ſhall yee receiue great
Honour and an cuerlaſting name.
‘Chap. iij.
§2 *Mas not Abꝛaham found faithfull in ten»
fation,and it was imputed vnto him fo: rights:
53 Joſcph in the time of his trouble kept
i Priam coal was made the £023 of
54 Phinehes our kather, becauſe he mas zeas
lous and feruent, obteined the coutnant of the:
euerlaſting Peieſthood.
55 * Jeius fo? fnifilling the wod, was made
the gouernour of Iſrael. ]
56 *Galeb , becaufe he bare witnes before the
cougregation,recetued the heritage ef theland.
57 *Dautd,becaule of his mercy, obtained the
throne of the kingdome foz euermoze.
58 * Elias , becaule hee was zealous and fer-
uent tithe Law, was taken bp euen vnto pras
59 Ananias, Azarias , and Milael bp their
fait) were deliuerev outof the flame.
60 * Daniel , becaule of his innocencie, was
Beliuered from the mouth of the Lions.
61 And thus yee may confider thozowout all
ages, that wholoener put their trut in him, hall
not want ſtrength.
62 *Feare not peethen the wordes of afintull
man: fo: bis gloꝛy is but Doung aud wormes.
63 Co Dayis he fet yp, and to morrow he ſhall
*not be found: foz be is turned into pis Bult , and
his purpofe pertiheth.
64 CAbercfoze myſonnes, take good hearts,
anu thew your felues mer foz the Law; foz by
it hall you obraine glogy. f
Os And behold. 3 know that pour brother Ste
mon is amanof counfell: giue eare vnto him als
Way: he Mali be a father vnto pou. ;
66 And Judas Maccabens hath beene migh>
tie and ſtrong, euen from bis youth vprlet him be
pour Captain, and fight you the battel fo2 the peo»
67 Thus hall pe bring vnto pou all thofe that
obſerue the Law,and fhall auenge the iniuries of
your people. f
68 Recompenfe fully the heathen; and giue
pout ſelues to thecommandement ofthe Law.
: 69 Ho be bleſſed thent,and was laid with hig
70 And diedin the hundreth, fortie and firt
peere, and bts (onnes buried bim in bis tathers
tepulchze at Worin, andall Jirar made great
lamentation foz him. pi
1 -Iudasis made ruler omer the Tewes: 14 Hee kil-
leth Apollonius and Seron the princes of Syria- 44 The
confidence of ludastoward God, 55 Fudas determie
neth te fight againft Ly(as,whom Antiochus had made:
captaine ouer his hoft,
T Hen Judas his fonne,called Maccabeus, rolg
vp in bis place. to
2 Andall bts bꝛethꝛen helped bim,and altheyp
that held with bts father and kought with cous
rage thebattell of Iſrael.
3 Dobe gate hts people great honour: he put
ona bet plate as a gyant, and armed bimitife,
and fet the — in aray, € Defended the campe
4 Fu bisactes hee was like a Lyon, and asa
Lions whelperoaring after the prap.
Foz hee puruen the wicked, fought them
putand burnt vp thole that vexed bis ie ae
10.70". 4-30
Gen4t. 40.”
ecclus 45%
Fofo. 1. M
Num 14.65
Das. 6.2% 26,
28,3 Lifa.
40.6,7. Ù
Fam 1.10.
Ipet, 1.230
ecclus 14.
6 So that the wicked fled for feare of hint,
aud al che workers of turquitte were put to troue
ble: and faluation pꝛoſpered in bts hand. -
7 And hee grieued diuers Kinges, but Jacob
— by bis acts, and bis memoꝛiall is bleſſed
8 Hee went alfo thorow the cictes of Juva,
and Deltroped the wicked out of them , and tur-
ned away the wath from Iſrael. ;
G So washe renowm:d vnto the ends of the
earth, and he aſſembled together thoſe that were
ready to pertih. $ f
10 @but? Apollonius gathered the Gentiles,
and a great hoſte out of Samaria, to ght a>
gaint Iſrael. i
TI hiy when Judas percetued, hee went
koorth to meetehim, and ſmote him, and rw
pot, lo that many fell Downe Haine, and the reſt
12 Ho Judas tooke their ſpoiles, and tooke
ach psa fwod, and fougyt with it all bis
ife long. s Á
13 Cow when Heron a prince of the armie
of Syria, heard that Judas had gathered vnto
him che congregation, and Church of rhe faith-
full,and went forth to che warre, f
14 He latd, J will get me a name,and will be
loztous in the realme: Fo: J wili goe tight with
udas, and them that are with hun , which haug
Belpiled the kings commandement,
15 Hohe mave hin ready to ge vp, and there
went with him a mighty hoite ot the ungodly to
belp him, and to be auenged of the childzenof Iſ⸗
16 And when bee cameneere to the going vp
ot Seth horn, Judas went foozth to mecte him
with a {mall company. : P
17 But when chey (atv the armic comming a-
gainſt them, they ſaid to Judas, Yow are wee
able, being ſo few, to fight againſt ſo greata
multitude, and (0 trong, teeing wee be fo wearin
and pane fated all thig day? PANED
18 Then laid Judas, Jrisaneafie thing foz
many ta bee tht vp in the bandes of few, and
there is no Difference before the God of Heauen,to
deliuer by a great multitude, oꝛby a {mali come
panic. 3
_ Ig Fozrthe victorie of the battell ſtandeth not
inthe multttude of the hote, but the ttrength
commeth from heauen. j
20 Thep come againt vs with a cruell and
poude multitude to deſtroy vg, andour wiues,
and our childzen, and to robbe vs,
z 21 But we doe fight fez ourliues , and foz our
22 And Gonhimlelfe will deſtroy them before
pur face: therefore be not yee afraid of them.
23 And when be hadleft of (peaking. he leapt
fuddenly bpon them:(o was Heron aud his holt
DelEroped before him.
24 And they purſned them from the going
Downe of Beth-horon vnto the plaine : where
there were flaine eight hundzeth men of them, €
the rvelidue tied intothe land of the Philiſtims.
T Thyen the feare and terrour of Judas and
pis bretheen fell vpou the nations round about,
26 Do that his fame came vnto the king: fog
aiithe Gentiles could tell of the wartes of Ju-
27 CButwhen king Antiochus heard there
tidiages, bee was angry in bis minde: where
J. Maccabees.
fore he fent koorth, and gathered all the power of
his Kealme, a very rong army,
28 Gnd opened his treafure, and gaue bis
hotte a yeeres wages tn Hand, commanving them
to be readp fo a yeere oz alloccafions, _
29 Neuertheleſſe, when hee faw that the moe
uey of his trealures failed , and that the tributes
in the countrey were nall, becaple of the niten-
fion, and plagues that hee had brought vpon the
land, tn taking away the Lawes which bad bene
of old cime,
30 We feared leat he moulo not haue now at
the fecond time, asat the frit , for the charges
and gifts that he had ginen with aliverall hand
afore: for in liberalitie hee farre pafen the other
kings that were before him, $
31 CGherefoze hee was heauie in his minde,
and thought to goe into Perſia, for to take trie
butes of the countrepes, and to gather much moe
32 So be left Lylias a noble man, and of the
Kings biosu to ouerſee the kings buſineſſe, from
the riuer of Euphrates, vnto tke borders ok E⸗
33 Andto being bp his ſonne Antiochus, till
he came againe.
34. Wozeouer hee gaue him halfe of his hofte.
and Elephants, and gaue him the charge of alt
things that be would bane Done, ;
35 Andeoncerning chole which Dlt in Ju-
ba and Jerufalem, that hee chould lend an arnie
against then, to Deroy and roete out the power
of Iſrael and the remnantof Jeruſalem, andto
put out their memoꝛiall from that place , :
36 And ta tet trangers fo? to inbabite al their
quarters, and part their land among thes.
37 Aud tye king tooke the halfeof the hott that
temained, and Departed trom Auttochia hts roy-
All citie, inthe yeere an Hundzeth fourtie and ies
nen, and pafled the riuer Cuphzates, and went
thozow che bie countrepes. \
38 Then Lyfias chole Ptolomeus the fonne
of Dominus, and Micanozrand Gorgias mighty
men and the kings friends,
39 And fent with them kourtie thoufann foot.
men, ann ſeuen thoufand horſemen, to goe into
the land of Juda, andtodeltroy tt, as the Ring
comimaunded. à i í
40 Do they went foorth with all their power
and came & pitched bp t Emmaus inthe plaing
41 Pew when the merchants of the countrey
beara the rumour of them, they tooke very much
fuer and gold, and feruants , and came into the
campe to bupthe childzenot Alcact fo: flaucs,
and the ſtrength of Syzia and of ſtrange nati⸗
ons topned with them. j
42 CMow when judas and bis brethren faw
that trouble encreafed , and that the bofte Detve
neere nto their bozders , comlidering the kinges
words, whereby he had conunanndedto deſttoy
the people, and vtterly abolt) them,
43 They fayd one to another, Let vs remene
the Decay of ourpeople, ano ilet vs Aght fozour
people,and foz our anctuary,
44 Then the congregation were foone ready
gathered to tight, and to peay,and to Delire mercy
and compafiton. ' j ;
45 As for Jerufalem , it was not inhabited,
but was as a wilderneſſe. There went none
that was bone in it, in o2 out at it, and the
Deut, 20.5.
E7 3e
sfeph. bsb.
2.chap. i6:
Santtuary was troden Bowne, ant the ſtran⸗
gers kept the fortreſſe, and it was the habitation
ofiheheatyen; and the mirth of Jacob was tas
kei away: the pipe and the barpe ceafed.
46 So they gathered thenrines together,
and caine to Malpha befeze Jerufalem : fo? in
Malpha was the place wherethey prayed atore-
timein Iſrael.
47 And they kaſted that Dap, and put lackt⸗
tloth bpon them , and caſt aches bpon their beads
and rent their clothes,
_ 48 And opened the booke of the Law, wheres
in the heathen fought to paint the itkenelic of
their tacics, 2
49 Aud brought the Pieftes garments, and
the frt fruits, andthe tithes, and fet there the
Naꝛzarites,which accomplifhed their dapes.
and offered tacrifices of Delinerance ans
57 Anddecked the forefront of the Temple
with crownes of gold and ſhieldes, and Dedicated
the gates and chambers ,and banged Doezes vp⸗
onthem. so
58 Thus there was pery great gladneſſe ae
mong the people, and the repzoch of the heathen
was put away. : —
59 So Judas and dis brethzen with the
whole Congregation of Iſrael oxdeined that the
Bayes of Dedication of the Altar Mould bee kept
in their lealon from peereto peree, bp the {pace
of eight Dapes, fromthe fue and twentieth Dap
of ie moneth Chatleu, with mirth and glad-
60 Gud at the fame time builded they vp
mount Ston with bie walles and ſtrong tewzes
round about, lealt the Gentiles Hould come and
tread tt Downe, as they had Done afore.
6I Therefore they (et a gariſon there to keepe
it, and fozttficd Beth-fura to keepe it, that the
people might haue a defence again Idunea.
CHA P.: -V
3 Judasvanguifhed the heathen that goe about to
destroy Ifrael, and i helped of his brethren Simon and
Ionathan, 50 He ouerthroweth the city of Ephron, be-
caufe they denied him paffaze thorowit,
NeR when the nations round abont beard,
that the Altar was builded , and the Hanc.
tuary renewed as afoze, thep were ſore grieued.
2 Therefore thep thought to Deftroy the gee
neration of Jacob that was among them,and be»
gan to flay and Deftrey the people.
3 Chen Judas fought again the children of
Ciau tn Idumea at |i Arabathene, betanle they
belieged the Iſraelites, and he mote them witha
great plague, and Douie them to ſtraites, and
toske thew ſpoyles. ;
4. Wethought alfo vpon the malice ofthe chils
Dien of Bean, which had bene a ſnare and an dine
Derance ynto the people, when they lay in watte
fo: themin the high way.
s Hberefazre hee ſhut them vp in tomzes, and
Iofiph libs
I 3. ap.· Ide
lOr, Araka
ee en
beſieged them, and Deroved them vtterly, and
hurne cheir towers with Are, with all that were
in them. A
6 Afterward, went hee againk the children
of Ammon, where hee found a mightie power,
and a great multitude with Timotheus their
captaine. f i
7 Bo hee had many battels with them, but
they were deltroied befor yun, andio be Ditcoms
fited them,
- 8 Ano tooke Gazer, withthe townes thereof,
and fo turned againe into Judea.
9 d Ahentheheathen that were in galaan,
gathered them together again the Iſtaelites
that were tn their quarters, to flay theni; but
they fien to the caftle of Datheman, j
Io And fentletters to Judas, and to bis byes
then, ſaxing, The heathen that are about v3 ,
ate gathered againſt vs, to deſtroy vs.
“IL And thep make them ready fo: to come, and
to take the fortreſſe, whereunto wee are Hed, and
Aimotheusiscaptaine of thetr bolte.
12 Come now therefore, and deliuer vs out of
thete hands: foz many of vs ave flaine: i
13 And ail our beetheen that were at Tubin,
ateflaine , and they hanetaken away fhett wiues
and sheir childzen,and their goods, and deſtroyed
there almot a thoufand men. į
14 bue chele letters were pet a reading, be-
Hola, there came other meflengers from Galile,
with their clothes rent, which tolde the fame ti-
Is Andfaide that they of Ptolemais y and of
ys, and of Hidon, andot all Galile ofthe
—— were gathered againſt them to deſtroy
16 Ahen Judas and the people heard thele
wordes, agreat Congregation cametogethcr,
to conflit what they might Doe fot their bre⸗
ae that were in trouble, and whome they be-
r7 Then laide Judas to Simon his brother,
Chule theeout men, and goant deltuer thy bze-
tinenin Gaie, and 3 and my dzother Jonathan
wil! goe into the countreyof@alaad.
© 18 E Bo hee left Joſephus the ſonne oF zi-
chartas , and Agartas to bee captaines ot the
prope > and to keepe the remnant of the hofte m
udea, :
19 And commanded them faving, Cake the
ouctiigdt of this people, and make nowarre a-
gaint theheathen, vntill we come againe.
© 20 And pnto Simon were giuen thee thous
fand men, to coe tuto Galile, and to Judas eight
thoufand men fo? the countrev of Galaad.
21 Shen went Simon into Galile, and gaue
Diners bartels tothe heathen, and the heathen
were difcomfited by him.
22 Aud hee purlued themynto the gates of
Ptolemais ; and there were laine of the heathen
nn theee thouland mew: fo bee tooke their
potles. j
i 23. Thus thep reſcued them that were in Ga⸗
lile and in Arbattis with their wiues, and their
chtidzen,andallthat they had, and brought them
into Judea with great toy.
Chap. v.
thing that was Done vnto thele brethren in the
counctres of Galaad,
26 And how thatimany ofthem were befieged
in Dolora, and Boldz , in Alemts, || Uhalbon,
—— oe Carnaim (al thele cities are rong
27 And chat they were kept in other cities of
Galaad, and to mozrow they are appointed to
bring thetr bofte vnto thele fortes , and to take
them, and ta deſtroy them allin one Day
28 Ho Judas € his hoſte turned in all hatte
by the way of the wtiverncile towarde Boſoera.
and wanne the cttte, anv lew ati the males with
the edge ofthe ſworð, and tooke ail their fpoile,
and fet fire pon the citie, =
29 And in the night he remoned From thence,
AND Went toward the kortreſſe. ane
30 And betimes in the making when they
looked bp, beholde, there was an innumera·
ble people beating ladders, aud inſtruments
—— to take the forte, and had aſſaulted
31 Then Judas fawe that the battel was be»
Gun, and that the cep of the citte went bp to heae
uen With trumpets, anda great lound,
32 Then be layd vnto the armie, Fight this
Day foz pour bzetizen,
33 Bo he went forth behinde them with thee
companies, and they blew che trumpets anvcrte
ed with prayer.
_ 34 Cohen the hote of Cimothens knew, that
it was Maccabeus, and they fled from him, and
bee (mote them with a great Laughter, to that
there was killed of thein the fame day, almolt
yii ——— men.
5 Hen Departed Judas vnto Wal
and layde liege vnto it, and wanit, and fla al
a — thereot, and ſpoiled tt, ann fet fire vpe
36 From thence went hee and tooke Chal
op ae and Bolo, and the other cities us
37 After thele things gathered Timotheus
another holte,and he camped before Raphonñ bee
yond tie flood.,
38 f2ow Judas had fent toelpte the hoſte, and
theybrought him worde againe , laying, All the
Heathen that bee roundabout bs, are gatherep
vnto him, and the bolte ts verpgreat,
39 And Hee hath htred the Arabians to helpe
them, and they baue pitched their tents beponn
the flood , and are ready to come q fight againtt
pi — Perekat n mee ene
49 Chen Timotheus fatd onto the captains
of bis hoke, Ahen Judas and hts bofte come
nere the flood, thee pafle ouer firit vnto vs, we
ſhall not be able te with and him: fo: he will be
too ftrong foz ps. $
4I Butithe be afrai and campe beyond the
flosd, we will goe ouer vnto Him, and (hall pace
uatle agaimſt him.
42 Mow when Judas came neere to the flood,
he canfed the gouernors of the people to remaing
by the flood, and commanded thentfaping, Dut
fer none to pitch a tent, but let euery man come
to the battell.
24 Q Judas Waccabrus aio, and his brother © 43 Ho hee went firſt ouer toward them, an
Jonathan went ouer Forse ,andtranatledtheee allehe people after him: and al the yeathen were
Daies tourney in the wilderneſſe,
- 25 Where they met with the Mabathiter,
who receiued them louingly, € tolde them euery
difcombitch before bim, and caſt away their weae
pons; and fled into the temple that was at Car⸗
naim, i
Oss 44 Ahich
ll Or, Cha-
| Apocrypha.
44 Which citie: Judas wanne, and burnt
the Tempie with all chat were in it: fo was
ECEarnaim (ubduedy and might net withſtand
45 ¶ Then Judas gathered al the Iſraelites
that were in the countrey of Galaad, from the
leat puto the moft, with their wiues and their
chilazen,and their baggage, avery great hofte,
to come into che land of Juda. j
46 BSothey came vnto Cphron, which was
a great citie by the way, and itrongly defenced :
thepcould not paffe neither at che right ban’
norat che left but mutt go thozow tt.
47 Wut they chat were in thecitte, hut theme
felucs in, and ttopped vp the gates with Tones:
Judas Cent vnto them with peaceable wezds,
43 Letys pale thozow pour land, that we
May goe into our owne countrep, and none mhall
purt pou: we wiil but onely goe thozow on foot s
but they would not open unto him.
49 CUiherefore Judas commanded a procla-
mation to be made thoꝛowout the bote, that e+
uerg man Would aflault it according to his tans
55 Ho the valiant men (et vpon it, and afaule
ted thecttie, all that Day, and all that night,and
thecttte was giuen ouer into his hands ;
51 Cbollew all the males with the edge of
the fwod, and deſtroyed it, and tooke the {porte
therof,and went thozow the city ouer them that
were Haine.
52 Then went they outs Jorden into the
great pee before Bethſan.
§3 And Judas gathered together thole that
were behind, and gaue the people good erhozta>
tion all the way thozow, till they were come into
the land of Juda. “34
54 Thus they went vp with ioy and gladnes
vnto mount Hion, where they offered burnt ofe-
rings, becaule there were none of them flatne,
but came pome agatne tn fafetp.
§5 € Mow wiiles Judas ¢ Jonathan were
in the land of Galaad.and Simon their brother
fn Galile before Ptolemais,
56 Joleph the ſonne of Zacharias and Asatte
As thecaptaines, hearing of the valiant acts,and
battels which they had atchicued,faid,
Let bs get bs a name alſo, and got fight
asaini the heathen that are round about vs.
588a they gaue their hot a commandement,
AND Went toward Jamnia.
59 But Gorgtas and his men came out of the
tity to ſaght againſt them.
60 And Zoltph æ Azarias were put to flight,
@ purlucd vñnto the borders of Judea : and there
were flaine that dap of the people of Iſrael as
bout two thoufand men: fo that there wasa
great ouerthzow among the people of Ifrael,
61 Becaule thep were not obedient vnto Jue
Das and Hts bacthacn,but thought to do fome vas
liant thing.
62 Alfo they came not of the ſtocke of thele
mem by Hole hands deliuerance was given to
6z3 But the man Judas, and his brethren
Were greatly commended in the fight ofall jG
racl, and of all the heathen, whereſoeuer their
name was beard of.
64 And the people came vnto them, bidding
them welcome i
J. Maccabees.
65 Afterward went Judas koorth with bis
brethren, x kought againit the childzen of Eſau
in the land toward the South, where he wanne 2,
Meb2on, and the townes therofandhedeltroped chaz.
the caſtell thereot, and burnt thetomers thereof
round about. i
66 Then remooued he to go inte the land of,
the || rangers and went thorow Samaria.
67 Acthe fame time were the Perieſts of the:
city faine in the hattell, whtch would hem
their valiantnes, and went forth to battell with
out counſell: and when Judas came to Azotus
in the rangers land, be bzake Downe their al-
tars, andburne with five the images of their
gods, and tooke away the ſpoiles ef the cities,
and came agatne into the land of Juda,
t Antiochus willing totake the citie of Elimatsy t
driuen away ofthe citizens. 8 He falleth intoficknes,
and dicth, 17 Hu fonne Antiochus ismade hing. 34
The maney to prouske elephants to fight. 43 Eleaxarus
valiant atk. 48 The fiege of Sion.
—J— when king Antiochus trauailed tho⸗
‘row the high countrics, he beard that Eli⸗
mais in the countrep ot Perſia, was a city great»
ly renowned fo? riches, filucr,and gold,
2 And that there was init avery rich Cente
ple, whereas were couerings of golde, coat ars
mours, and harneffe, which Alerander King of
Wacedonia the fenne ot Philip (that reigned
firt in Grecia) had left there.
3 Cdibereforche went about to take the city,
and to ſpoile tt,but be was not able; fo: the citte
zens were Warned of the matter,
4 Androle vp agatnit him inbattell,and he
fied and Departed thence with great heauineſſe,
and came againe into Babylon.
-§ Moxreouer, there came one which brought
him tidings in the councreyof Perlia, thatthe
armies that were againſt the land of Juda, were
Duiuenawayp, -
6 And that Lylias, which went kooꝛth fir
witha great power, was Diuen away of the
Fewes, and that they were made rong by the
armour, and power, and Diners fpotles which
they bad gotten of the armies whom they had
7 And that they had pulled down the abomie
nation, which he had (et pp vpon thealtar at Jee
rufalem, and fenled the Sanctuarte with high
walles,as it was atoze,and Beth fura his citie.
S So when the King had heard tiele words,
he was aftonifhed,and (oze mooued:therefore he
aid bim Downe vpon his bed, and fell ficke fog
very ſorrow, becauſe it was not came to paſſe as
he bad thought. :
9 And there continued he many dayes:for his
riefe was ener moze and moze, fothat be faw
be mutt needes Die.
10 Gherefoze he fent forall his friends, ana
fato vnto them, The fleepe is gone from mine
epes,and mine heart failetih foz bery care.
: IL AndJ thinke with mp felfe, Into what
aducrfitte am J come ? andinte what flosds of
méferteam J fallen now, where as afozetime I
was in profperitte, and greatly ſet by, byreafon
ofmy power ?
I ofeph Ant
107, Phili⸗
Iofeph. An
12 cap: TZ.
12 Aud now doe J remember the euils tbat
J haue dene at Jeruſalem: for J toske all the
Isfeph. Ant.
22.chaf, 14
veſſels of gold and ſiluer that were in it, and
fent to Deltropthe tababitants of Juda without
13 J know that thele tronbles are come spon
me kor the fame cauſe, and behold, J mini die
With great ſorow ina trange land. í
`- I4 Then called hee fo: Philip, one of hig
friends, whom be made ruler of all his Realme,
Ig And gaue bun the crowne, and hts robe,
and the ring, that bee Mould inſtruct bis fonne
Antiochus, and being him vp, tiil bee might
reigne himlelke. :
16 Boking Antiochus died therein the pun-
Deeth fourty and ninth yeere.
17 @@iben Lyplias knew that the king was
bead, bee ordeined Antiochus his fonne (whom
hee had brought bp) to retane iin bis tathers
ſtead.and calied bim Cupatoz.
13 Mow thep that were in the caftle at Ieru.
falem, kept in the Iſraelites round about the
Hanctuary,and ſought alwayes their hurt, and
the ttrengtientng of the heathen.
19 Dherfore Judas thought ta deftroy them,
e- called all the people together to beliege
20 So they came together,and belieged them
in the hundreth and fittie perc,and madetnttry-
ments to boote ,and other engines of warre,
21 But cectatne of them that were belieged,
gate forth, (vnto whom fome vngodly men of
(cael topned themelues.)
22 Ana thep went vato the king, (aping, Vow
tong wilt thou ceafe fromerecuting indgement,
and avenge our bzethzen?
23 ee haue beene ready toferue thp father,
and to goe forward in thole things,that bee ap»
» pointed, and to obey his commandements,
24 Therefoe they of our nation fell from vs
foz this caule, and whereloeuer they found any
— > thep ew them , and ſpoyled our inhert·
25 And they haue not enely layd hand vpon
babut vpon all about their borders.
26 And behold, this Day are they beſieging
thecattleat Jerufalem to take it , and paue foz=
tified the Danctuarp, and Beth-fura.
27 Audit thou dock not preuent them quick.
ty, they will doe greater things then thele , and
thou ſhalt not be able to ouercome them.
28 Ciiben the king heard this, bee was berp
angty, and called all his friends, the captaines th
of bis armic,and dis hozfemen,
20 And bandes that were hired , came vnto
bim from che kings, that were conkederate, and
from the J fies of the fea. :
» 30 Be the number of his armie was an imit-
beth thoufand footmen, and twenty thouland
ozlemien,and two and thirtie Clephants exet ·
tiled tn battell.
31 Thelecame theough Toumea, and drewe
neereto Beth · ſura, andbelieged italong feas
font, and made engines of warre ibut they came
peta burnt them with fire, and fought palie
- 32 Then departed Judas from the cattle,
andremoucdthe botte toward Beth-zacarias,
sner againſt the Kings campe. i
33 Sethe king aroſe verp eariy and brought
the arniy and Hts power toward tije wap ef
Beth-sacarias , where the armic (et themlelucs
| ging and foughta long fealon.
Chap. vj.
in arap to the battell, and bleto thet
34 And to prouoke the Clephants foz to fight,
D ſhewed them the blood of grapes and mül-
35 And they let the beatles accopding to the
ranges: fo that by euery Elephant there ſtood
a thonfand mew armed with coats of maile anv
belmets of braffe vpon thew beades, and vnte
euerybeaſt were orꝛdeined fue hundreth horſe·
men of the bef,
.. 36~ — —
so The king tooke Beth ſura; and ſet thers’
a gariſon to keepe it. ima
SI Anobelieged the Sanctuary many daies,
and madeinfrumentsto Monte, andother en⸗
gins ofwatre, and intruments to cat ire and
ttones,and pieces tocat Dartsandilings..
>52 Thep allo made engins agane their en-
53 But tu the garners there wereno vitatles,.
for tt was the ſeuenth peeve, anv then they that
were in Judea, and were deliuered front che
Ogg2 Gentilts.
fOr, Saura.
a This ex-
ample is not
to be fol-
lowed, be-
caufe itis
contrary to
the cõman⸗
ag emcee we aaa
fi Or, gine
Tofeph. Am,
Sentiles, had eaten bp the refine of the ioes
iA Ho that m the Sanctuary were few men
{eft forthe famine came ſo vpon thenathat they
were (cattercd euery man fo his owne place.
55 CMow when Lyfias heard that Piip,
Cobo Antiochus the ing, whiles hee lued,
my — wing =) Gutiochus bis fenue,
shat he might be king.
-56 dGascome againe out of Perka, tMr-
Dia andthe Kings holte with pum aud thought
te take vnto him the rule of things,
57 Weandhis hafted, ¢ were ſtirred forward
bptheminthecattieto goe and tell the King,
‘and the captaines of the hoſte, and to others,
faying, dUe BecrealeDayly and our vitatles are
bucfmallk: ana the place that wee lay flege unto,
is trong, andthe affairesof the realme Depend
vpon vs. 5
KS Mow therefore tet bs | agree with thele
men, and take truce with them, and with all
their nation, j i
§9 And graunt them to line after their Law,
as thep Did atore: forthepbe grieued, ana doe
p thele things, becaule wee paue broken their
69 Dathe King and the Princes were ton-
tent,and tent vntothem to make peace,and they
receiued it. $ )
GI Mien the king and the pꝛinces had made
an othe vnto thent, they came vpon this out of
the kortreſſe. í
62 Gnd the king went bp to mount Sions
but when hee ſaw that the place was weilde-
fenced, be baake bis othe that he had made, and
—— to bzcake Downe the wall round
about. i
63 Then departed he in all hafe, and reture
8 Then the king thole Bacchines a friend of
Dis, which wasa mene man in the Kealme,ana
ruled beyond the flood, and was faithfull ynta
the king, and tent hinn
9 And that wicked Alcimus, whom he made
hie Prieſt, aud commaunded hin tobe auenged
ofthe chtidzenof Iſrael.
19 So they Departed, and came with agreat
bok vnto the land of Juda, and tent meiiengers
fo Judas and bis brethren, deceitfullp witiy
peaceable words. + y
H But they belecued not their faping:forthip
faw that they were come with a great potte.
12 Chena company ot the gouecnours afem-
bled vnto Alcimusand Bacchides to intreat of
reafonable points..
n 13 Audi che || Aldeans were the fick that re
Ghired peaceamong the children of Firaet.
14 Foꝛ ſayd thep, He thatis a Piet ofthe
feed of Aaron, is come with this armie: there
foze He wili not burt vs.
ig hen he ake unta them peaceably, and
ſwore vito thent,and feyd., (Cie will Bocpou na
harme,neither pour Friens:
16 And they beleened hint: bút hee tooke of
them thꝛeeſcore men, and few them in one Day,
according totke words that were witten, -
17* Thep haue calt the bodies ot thy Saints,
anD their blood round about Ferulalem,é there
Was noman that would burte them, §
18 Po there came a feare and atrembling as
mong ail the people: foz they fata, There is net
ther tructh nor righteouſneſſe in them: fo2 they
paue broken the appotutment and oth that chep
19 Then Bacchides remooucd from Jeru
Glem, € pitched hts tent ath Beth-secha, where
ned vnto Antiochia, where be found Philip hae He li
uing Dominion of he citie ſo he fought againſt
him, and tooke che citie by force,
2 Demetrius reigned after hze had killed Antio-
hus & Lyfias. § He troubleth the children of Ifrael
through. the counſell of certaine wicked perfons.
37 The prayer of the Prie/ts againſt Nicanor. 41 It-
dás killeth Nicanor, after he bad made bis prayers
i 42 the hundaeth, and one and fftiesy yeere dee
parted Demetrius the fonof Dcteucus from
Rome andcame vy with afew men vnto a city
of the ſea coaſt and retgned there. ;
2 And when hee came tuto the poſſeſſion of.
bis fathers king dome), his ſouldiers tooke Qu-
tiochus and Lyuas tbronght them vnto him.
3 Sut wien it was told him he ſaid, Shew
menot their faces.
4 So thep put tbem to death. Mow wher
—— was fet vpõ the thꝛone of bis kings
ome; ; 3
§ Therecametnto him alithe wicked and
vngodly men of Sik acl whole captatne was A-
timus, that would haue beenethe hta Briet,
6 Theile men acculed the people vuto the
king. faytng, Judas thts brethren haue faine
it thpfrienDes , and Dziuen vs out four olwne
7 Therefor fend now fome man, whome
thou trultett, that he may goe aud ſee all the de ·
truction , which hee hath Done vnto vs ð to the
kings laud, and let himi puniſh them with all
thew partakers. IHE «
c lent forth q tookemanpof the men that had
korſaken him and certaine of the people whome
be ſlew and caſt into the great pit.
20 Then committed hee the countrey tnta
Aicimus,and left men of war with him tohelpe
bim: ſo Bacehides went to the king.
21 Thus Aicimus ſtroue fo? the Pieſthood.
22 Gnd ali fuch ag troubled the people ree
fogted vnto bin : inſomuch rhat they obtate
ned ve landat Juda, and did much purt ingis
bae i í
23 Mow when Judas ſawe all the miſchieke
that Alcimus € bis company had Done among
tive Iſraelites moze then the heather,
24 idee went foorth round about all the bors
Ders of Judea, and punted thole that were fale
lemaway, fo that tiep came nomoze abroad in
the conutrey. A
25 But when Alcimus faw that Judas and
bis people had gotten the vpper hand, and knew
that be was not able to abite them, hee went ae
mone tothe Ring and accuſed them of wicked
pings, ; i
26 Thenthe King Cent Micano? one of His Tofeph Anr.
chiete Pꝛinces which bateo Iſrael deadly, and 12 chap,i6a
or a H bim that bee Hontu deltrop the
27 € Ho Micano2 came to Jexulalem with
agreat hote, and (ent vnto Dudas, and his
beethzen Deccttfullp with lriendly wordes, {aye
ing, i i
28 Let there be no warre betweene mee, and
pou, J will come Xith Fer miento (ee bow ye Des.
23 Go
Or, Hafia
Pfal.79. 30
ſOr, Bertha
feth,or Be-
jr, Caphar-
fOr, Adeærſa
elus.48 12.
249 Go be came vnto Judas, and they ſaluted
one another peaceably: but the enemies were
prepared to take away Judas,
30 Neuertheleſſe, it was told JuBas,that he
came vnto him ynder Deceit: therfore he feared
him, and would (ee bis face no more.
31 Chen Nicanoꝛ perceiued that his countel
was bewrayed, he went out to Ag yt again Ju⸗
bas, belide || Carpkafalama, :
32 Where there were Naine of Micanozs hoſt
about fine thoufand men: fo they fied vnto the
citie of Dauid. ;
33 After this came Micano2 vp bnte mount
Dion, and Come of the Pꝛieſts with the Elders
of the people went foozth of the Ganctuarte to
falute him peaccably,and to thew him theburnt
offering that was offered for the King.
34 But hee laughed at them, an’ mocked
— and counted them pꝛophane, and ſpake
ouDlp, í :
35 Andlwoe in bis wrath, faving, If Judas
and bis hoſte bee not deltuered now inte mine
hands, fence J come againe tn fafetie, J will
burne vp this boule. Cath that, went be out tn
a great anger.
36 Then the prieſts came in, and ſtood befoze
the altar in the Temple weeping, and taping,
37 Foꝛſomuch as thou, O Lord, hak chofen
this Doule, that thy Mame might be called vp»
on therin,and that tt would be an boule of prap.
erand petition fo: thp people,
38 Bee auenged of this man and his bofte,
and let them bee Maine by the ſword: remember
fesa blaſphemies, and tuker them not to cons
39 Chen Nicanoꝛ was gone from Ferula.
lem , hee pitched bis tent at Beth-poron, and
there an boite met bimoeutofSpzta.
40 And Judas pitched in || Adala, with thee
thoufand men, where Judas prayed, laying,
41 OLord, *becaute the meflengers of King
Hennacherib — thee, thine Angel
went foorth , and Uew an bundzeth, fourefcoze
and fiue thouland ofthem·
42 @o deſtroy tyou this hofte before bs ta
Day, that ailother map know that bee hath fpo»
ken wickedly againt thy Sanctuarie, and pur
nih him accoꝛdiug to hts malice,
43 So the arimtestopnes together in battell,
the thirteenth Dap of toe moneth Adar: but is
canozs hofte was diſcomtited, and bee himſelfe
was fick llaine in the battell. f
44 Mow when bis armie fawe that Mica»
no * llaine, they caſt away their weapons,
and fied,
45 But they purlucd after them a dayes tours
ney from Adala vnto Galera, blowing anae
larme with the trumpets after them.
46 So they came foorth of all the townes of
Judea round about, andruhed vpon them, and
thacto them from one to another.{o that they all
bee by the fwod, and there wasnot one of them
47 When they tooke the (poiles,and the pray,
and Gnote off Qicanoꝛs head, and bts right
band, which he held vp ſo proudly, and bꝛought
AA with them, and hanged them Bp afoze Jerus
48 Ho the people retoveed greatly, and kept
that = ag a Day of great gladneffe.
49 Aud they ordeined to keepe peerelpthat
Chap. viije
Day on the thirteenth day of the moneth Adar.
white Thus the land ord b
1 Judas confidering the power and policie of the
Romanes, maketh peace with them. 223 The comditsons
of mutuali frsendjhip [ènt to the Lewes.
uda was in eek alittle
] Uvas heard allo the fame of theRomans,that Jofeph. An,
they were mighty,and valiant, and agreeable 4 3.cap.18,
to all things that were required of them, and
mabe giace with all that came vntothem,
2 And that they weremen of great power,
and they told them of their battels, and their
wezthy acts, which they did among the || Galas
tians whom they Gad conquered, and made to
Pay tribute,
3. And what they had dence in the conntrep
of Spaine t how that they had wonne there the
mines of filucr and gold,
4 Gnd that by their counfeland gentle beha⸗
ntour thep were rulers tweuerpplace, though
the place was farre from thems, and that they
bad difcomfited and giuen great onerthewes
to the ings that came againt them, from the
bttermoft part ofthe earth, ¢ that others gaue
them tributeeuerp yeere,
S _ Wow they bap alla difcomfited by battell
Philip and wer
and others that rofeagatntt thenl,and how thep
overcame them, :
6 And how great Antiochus king of Alia,
that came agami them th battell, haning an
bundzeth and twentie Elephants, with kezle-
men and charets,and a very great armie, was
Difcomfited by them, Saye
7 And how they tooke himaliue, and ordet⸗
wed bint with fuch as hould reigne after him, tò
pay a great tribute, and te giue holtages,and a
teparate portion, :
8 Cuen the countrey of Jndia, and Media,
and Lydia, andof his beſt countreyes , which
tory tooke ofhim, and gaue them to King Cue
9 Againe when ft was told them that the
Grecians were comming to deltroy them,
Io Chey lentagaink them a captaine, which
gaue them battell, and flew many of them, and
tooke many priloners with their wines, and
childzen, and fpoyled them, and conquered
their land, and deſtroyed their trong holdes,
= Me them to bee their bondmen vnto
is Day:
11 Moꝛeouer, how thep deſtroyed throught
into{ubtection other kingdomes and Jiles, who-
focuer bad withſtood them: i)
12 But thepthat kept amity with their owne
friends and thole that ſtaied vpon them:tinallp,
that they conquered kingdomes, both farre and
neere, infomuch that whofocucr beard of their
renoteme was afratd of them. j
13 For whom they would helpe to their kinge
Domes, thole reigned , and whom thep would,
thep put Downe: thus were thep in mot high
14 Det foz all this that none ofthem ware a
crowne, neither was clothed in purple, to bee
magnified therzby,
Ig But that they hav ordeined themſelues
a counil, wherein thee hundred and twentie
Ggg 3 men
llOr Freuch-
shingsoftheliMRarenontang. HOr, Cirius,
Apocrypha. re I. Maccabees.
men confulted Daply, AnD prouided forthe come fasten with the palfie, and dieth, 687 Hee'commeth
mon affaires, to gonerne them well,
16 And that they committed their gouerne⸗
ment to anc man every peere, Who did rule ouer
all their countrey,to whom every man was obea
dient: and there was neither hatred no: enuie
17 $ Chen Judas chole Eupolemus the ſonne
pf John,the ſonne of Accus, and Jalon the ſonne
of Eleazar, and lent them vnto Rome, to make
kriend hip and mutuail fellow hip with then,
18 That they might cake from them the poke
(for they (aw that the kingdome of the Greci»
ans wouls keepe Iſrael in bondage.)
Ig So they went vnto Rome, which was a
fOr,comncel Dery great tourney, and came into the | Senate
there thepfpakeanDlato,
20 Judas Maccabeus with his brethren, and
the peopleof the Dewes hath lent vs vnto you,
to make a bond of friendthip and peace with
pomana ye to regiſter bs as pour partakers and.
tends. = ,
21 Qnodthematterpleafeathem.
22 And this is thecupte of the Epiſtle that
they wote in tables of bzaffe, and (ent to Jeru⸗
Talem, thatchep might baue by them a memoꝛi⸗
allof the peace, and mutuall fellowfhtp.
23 Good luccefle be tothe Romanes, and to
‘the people of the Jewes, by fea, and by land foz
pener and the fwo, and enemie be from them.
24 Jf there come firt any warre vpon the
Romanes,o2 any of their friends thoughout all
their Dominion; i
25 The people of the Jewes Wall helpe then,
as the time hall bee appointed, with all their
; heart. i i
HOr the Ro- 26 All they Wall giue nothing te them that
manes, tome to fight foz:thenr; nor lerne chem with
wwheate no: weapans, no: money, noꝛ Hips, as
` lOr,the it pleaſeth the Romanes, but H hey thall keepe
Jewese e couenants without taking anp thing ef
them. A
27 Likemile allo, ikwarre come firt againſt
the nation ofthe Jewes the Romanes thal helpe
theim with a goed will, accogding as the tune
Hall be appointed them. i
23 either Hali wheate be giuen vnto then,
that cake their part, no? weapons , noz money,
no? hips.asit plealeth the Romanes, who will
keepe thele coucnants without Deceit,
29 According to thee articles the Remanes
made the bond with the people ot the Jewes.
30 Je akter thele points the one partie, o2the
other wiil ande o diminiſh, they may doe it at
their pleafitres, and whatſoeuer they hail adde
ot takeaway, ſhalbe ratified. | ge
31 And as touching the enill that Demetrius.
hath Done vntothe Jewes, we haue witten une
tobim, ſaying, CAhere kore layeſt thou thine bea:
OR vpon our friends,anB confederates the
ewes? i i
32 Jf therefore they complaine any more a⸗
gainlt thee, wee will Doe them wuitice, and fight
woth chee by (ea and by land. :
1 After the death of Nicanor, Demetrius fendeth.
has amie againft Judas, 18 Fudasu flaine. 34 Io-.
nathan is perin the ftead of bis brother, 47 The battel
’ betmecne Jonathan and Bacchides. 55. Alcimus u:
upon Jonathan by the counfell of certaine wicked
perfons , and ú ouercome. 7o The truce of Ionathen
with Bacchides,
{2 the meane ſeaſon, when Demetrius had
Heard how Micanoz and His pofte had giuen
the battell, hee fent Bacchides, and Alcimus a-
oF inte Judea, and hts || chicke trength with
2 Ho they went foozth by the way that ts to»
ward Galgala, and pitched their tents before
Welaloth whichis in Arbelis, and wan it, and
flew much veople.
3 Andin the tirit moneth of the bundzech,
fiftie and two pere, theplatde their liege againſt
Jerwen., >- i
4 But they railed their campe, and came to
Berea with twentie thouland foote mew, and
two thoufand horſemen. 3
§ Mow Judas had pitched his tentat ||Ele»
aza, AND thee thouland choſen nen with him.
6 And when they faw that the multitude of
the armie was great,thep were fore afraide, and
many conueped themitlues out ofthe bofte , fo
that there abede no moe of them, but eight pun-
Deth men. ;
-7 Cben Judas fawe that bis hotte failed
Hin, and that he mu needes fight, hee was ſore
troubled in mind that hee had notune ta gather
them together,and was Difcouraged.
8 pdeucreheletle, hee ſaid vnto them that ree
mained, Let vs riſe, and goe bp againſt our ene»
mics, ik peraduenture we map Bee able to fight
wit) them. Si i
9 Dut they would hane taved him, laying,
Me are not able: but let vs rather ane our
liues: turne backe now, ſeeing ourbzethzen are
Departed: for Hall wee fight agatnt them, that
are fo few? :
10 Then Judas (aid, - God fobio, that wee
Mould doc this thing, to flee fom them: tfour
time bee come, let us Die manfully foz our bze»
then and iet vs not taine our bonour.
II Then the hoſte remooued out of the tents,
and ood againk them, who had divided thetr
hozlemen into two traupes,and they that thzem
with flings, and the archers marched inthe
fozeward, and they that tought in the foward
were all valiant men. i
12 And Bacchines was in the right wing:
Ho the armydrew neere on both ſides and bitw
the trumpets. 4 :
13 hey ot Judas lide blew the trumpets al»
fo, and theearth thooke at the noyſe of the ar=
nites A oe the battell continued from moming
14 Aun when Judas ſawe that Bacchides
and the ſtrength of his armie was on the right
fite.he tooke with btm all the hardiemen,
Is And brake theright wing, and followed
vpon them vnto mount Azotus.
16 Row when: they which were of the left
wing. faw that the right wing was diſcomſited,
they followed Judas bebinde, and them that
were with hin hard at the heelcs.
17 Then was therea fore battell: foz many
were flaine of both the parties.
13 Judas alto hinictte was killed, and the
remnant, fled. ORE
19 So Jonathan and Simon tooke Judaz:
thefe bother, and buried Din in his fathers
Tofeph. Ane,
1 2.cap,18,
lOr the right
lOr l afa.
a He that
was wont
to pray and
when he tris
fteth in his
pray Cre
Tofeph. Ant,
and 3.
fepulehze is the citte of Modin. ?
20 And allthe Iſraelites wept fo hin, and
mourned greatly foz him, and iamented mauy
Dayes,faying, i
21 Wow ts the valiant man fallen which de⸗
liuered Ifrael!
22 Concerning the other things of Judas,
both the battels and the vattant acts that he pid,
and of his wozthineile, they ave not waitten:; fog
they were very many. i
23 (Mow alter-the death of Judas, wic-
ked men came bp in all the coats. ct Iſrael, and
sbort arole all luch as gaug themiciues to tnt-
. £4 Fnthole dayes was therea very great fas
mince in the land, and all che countrey gaue ouct
themlelues with them. i
25 And Bacchides did chule wickedmen, and
made them lords tn the lang.
26 Thek loughtout,and made (earch for Fur
` Bas friends, and brought them vnto Bacchides,
Or againſt
the enemies
of our nati=
bOr, lambri.
BOr Nad g- -
te auenged himſeſte vpon them,and mocked
» 37 Anv there came fo great trouble in Ifrael,
as was not fince the time that no Prophet was
ſeene among them.
. 28 Then came all Judas friends together,
aud fayd vnto Jonathan, ’
29 Deering thy brother Judas ts Bead, and
therets none like bi to goe foogth againſt our
enemies, even againſt Bacchides, and || agatnit
them ofour nation that are enemies vnto vs,
- 30 Therloꝛe this day we chulecthee that thou
mayek be our Pince and captaine in bts place
to order our battell,
31 SoJonathan tooke the goucrnance bpon
him at the fame time, andruled in ſtead of his
brother Jubas. >ei pirn
32 But when Bacchides knew it, be fought
£02 to flay bun. !
~ 33 Shen Jonathan and Simon Hts bother
percetuing that, fied mto the wildernes of The
cua with all their company, and pitched their
tents by the water poole of Aſphar.
34. CUbich when Bacckives vnderltood, hee
came ouer Jorden with alibis pofte vpon the
Sabbath Dap. :
.. 35 CAow had Jonathan lent his brother lobn
a Captatne of the people, to pray bis friends the
Habachites, that they woul keepe thew bags
gage which was much. :
36 But the chilezen of | Ambi came out of
(Hedaba,andtooke¥John and al chat he bad, and
when thep had taken it, went their way.
37 After this came word vnto Jonathan and
to Simon his brother, that the chilozenofAm-
bzi madea great mariage,and bought the bride
from Medaba with great ponpe : foz the was
—— to one of the nobleſt Pꝛeinces of Ca»
33 Therkoꝛe they remembzed Jobn theit bꝛo · p
ther, and went vp and hid themelues vnder the
couert of the meuntame.
39 Ho they litt vp their eyes, and looked, anv
behold there was a great noiſe, and much prepa.
gation; then the bꝛide groome came forth,and bts
kriendes and his bacthzen met them with time
bls and inſtruments of muficke, and many
weapons, > :
_ 40 Then Jonathans men that lap in ante
bulh,role bp againit shem, ¢ Aer many of them,
and the remnant tied into the mountains, fo that
thep tooke all their (poiles,
41 Thus the marriage was turned to moute
ks andthe noile of their melodie into lamen ·
42 And fo when they had auenged the blood
o their bꝛother, thepturned againe unto Jor⸗
43 Aben Bacchibes beard this,be came vn⸗
to kk ot Joꝛden with agreat power vpon
the Sabbath day.) ; ;
44 Eben Jonathan faid vnto bis company,
Let vs rile now, and fight agatntt ous enemies z
fo: it ts not to Dap as in tyne pat.
45 Behold the battel ts betoze ve and behind
vs, and the water ef Jorden on this Herand that
{ide,and the marile and foreſt, ſo that there is no
place to2 vs to turne aſide.
46 Miberefore crie now vnto heaven, that pee
may be Deltuercd from the power of your ence
mies ; (o they ioyned battell,
47 Then Jonathan ſtretched out his hand to
finite BacchwWes ; but he turned afine from htm
and reculed.
48 Then Jonathan and they that were with
him lept into Joden, and ſwimmed over puta
the further banke: but the other would not paſie
through Jezden after them,
49 Hoin that Dap were Maine of Bacchines
fiae about a thoufand men,
50 Then he turned againeto Jerufalem, and
butit bp che ſtrong cittes in Inda as the caſtie of
Jericho, and Emmaus ,and Bethhoron, anv.
| 420
Bethel, and Thamnatha, || Pbarathont, and |jOr, Pharas
| Cepho, with hie wales, with gates, and with yor, Thope.
barres, j
SI And ſet gartlons in them; that they mi
bfe therr malice vpon Ffrae. z
§2 ide fortified allo the citie Beth-fura, and
Hazara,and the cattle, anv ſet a gariſon in them
with prontlion of victuals,
§3 ie tooke allothe chiefelt mens fonnesin
the countrey for bottages, and putthemin the
cattle at Jexuſalem to be kept. i ;
54 C Afterward in the hundzeth Afefe and
thee peere,in the fecond moneth, Alcimus come
manded that the walles of the inner court of the
Sanctuary Would bee deſtroyed, and hee pullet
Downe the monuments of the Prophets, and bee.
gan to dettroy them, y
s5 But at the fame time Atcimus was pla-
gucd,and bis enterpziles were hindered, and his
mouth was topped; foz ke was ſmitten witha
pallie,and could no moze ſpeake, noz gine oder
concerning bis boule. '
56 Thus nied Alcimus with great tment
atthe fame time. j
57 And when Bacchides faw that Alci⸗
mus Was Dead, bee turned agatne tothe King,
and fo the lande of Juda was in rek twe
58 Then all the ungodly men belda countell,
faying, Behold, Jonathan and his company
Dwellateale, and without care: wherefore vt
vs bꝛing Bacchides hither, and bee will take
themallin one night.
§9 Hothey went andconlultea with him. .
- 60 Abo arole andcame witha great hotte,
and (ent letters pzinily to bisadbecents, which
were in Fluder, to take Jonathan, and thole
that were mith him: but they could not, fos
Oss 4 theit
llOr, Jona-
HOr, Bethe
fOr, Odares.
b Wicked
counfel fal-
lethon the
ofe. Ant.
their countell was knowen vnto then,
‘61 And | they tooke fittte men ofthe countrey,
which were the chtefe wozkers of this wicked⸗
nefe and ſlew then, i j }
62 ¶ Then Jonathan and Simon with thee
company Departed vnto || Beth-batin which is
in the wildernefle,and repaired the Decay theres
of, and made tt trong.
63. Chen Bacchwes knew this, he gathered
= jis bofte, and Lent wa: to theni that were of
64 Then came he and laid fiege to Beth ba ·
fin.and tought againſt it along teafon, € made
inftruments of warre. :
65 But Jonathan had left his brother Simon
inthe citie, and went foozth into the countrey,
and came with accrtaine number, —
66 And flew || Ddomeras and his brethreu.
and the childzen of Phaliron in their tents: fo
he began to flay,and tncreafed in power.
67 Simon allo and his company went out of
the citie and burnt vp the initruments of warre,
63 And fought again Bacchides , and dil-
comfited him, and vered him foze, fo that his
countell and tourney wasin vaine.
69 Wherefore he was verp woth at the tvit-
kedmen, >that gaue him countell to come into
the countrey,aud Aew many of them,and purpo-
fed to returne inte his owne countrey.
70 Cibherofwhen Jonathan had knowledge,
he ſent ambaſſadours unto hin, te increate of
peace with him, and that the priloners ould be
71 hich ching be accepted, ¢ Did according
to bis Delice, and made anothe, thathee would
neuer Do him harme all the Dayes of bis tife.
72 Dobe reod vnto him the patloners that
be bad taken afozetime out of the land of Juda,
and fo returned and went into hts owne land,
neither did he come any moze into their boers.
73 Thus the ſword cealed from Iſrael, and
Jonathan dwelt at Pachmas,and began there
to gouerne the people, and deſtroyed the vngod·
Ip men out of Iſraẽl.
& Demetriu deſireth to haue peace with Ionathaw:
38 Alexander alfo defireth peace with the Fewes. 48
Alexander maketh warre againſt Demetrins.“g0 De-
metrins ú flaine. 51 The frsendfhip of Prolemens and
12 the hundzeth and threeltore yeere came A⸗
lexander the omne of Antiochus Epiphanes
and tooke Ptolemais, and thep receiued him,
and there be reigned. ;
2 Now when Demetrius the king heardit,
he gathered anerceeding great hote, and went
forth agatut bun to fight.
3 Alo Demetrius tent letters vnto Jona:
shan with louing words, asthough bee would
peeferre him.
4 Foz hee layd, Aee will fir make peace
saram, before bee iopne with Alexander a⸗
gaint vs,
§ Cis he veill remember all the euill chat we
pauc done again hun, and againſt pis brethaen
Any kis nation,
6 And lo he gaue Jonathan leaue to gather
an hoſte, andto prepare weapons, and to bee
confederate with bim, and commanded the ho:
ſtages that were in the cattle, to-beedelinered
I.M accabees.
vnto him.
7 Then came Jonathan to Jerufalem.and
read the letters in the anbienceof all the people,
and of them that were in the cattle.
3 Therekoꝛe they were lore afraide, becauſe
they beard that the king bad giuen him licence
to gather an armie. .
9 So they that wereof the cattle, delivered
the hoſtages vnto Jonathan, who reftozed them
to their parents.
10 Jonathan alſo dwelt at Jerufalem, and
began to build and repaire the citie.
Il And hee commanded the workemen to
build the walles, and the mount Sion round
E with bewen tone to kortilie tt: ana lo they
12 Then the flrangers that were in the cae
(es which Bacchides had made, fied,
_ 13. Bothat enery man teft his place, went
into bis owne countrep. i
14 Onely at Beth-fura remained certaine
which bad korſaken the Law and the comman:
dements; foz it was their refuge. j
Ig (Mow when King Alexander had peara
of rhe promiles that Demetrius had made vnto
Jonathan : and when it was told him of rhe
battels and noble actes, which hee and his bze»
tizen had Done, and of the panes that they hav
endured, i
16 elayd, Wight wee finde fuch a man?
now therefore we wilt make hint our friend and
confederate, s
17 Upon this hee wrotea letter, and fentit
vnto him with hele words, faying,
I8 KING ALEXANDER fo his brother
Jonathan fendeth ſalutation. '
Ig Ce haue beard of ehee, that thou arta vee
ry valiant man,and worthy to be our friend.
ments, which are added theccunto,as ot Damas
ria and of Oaltle, from this Day forth foz cuer>
moze. i
31. Jerufalem allo with all things belonging
thereto, Mall bee holy and free fromthe cenths
and tributes,
32 Alio J releale the power ofthe caftle which
is at Jerufalem, and giuc it ynta the bie Pꝛieſt,
chat be may (et m it fuch men, as be Hall chile to
eepe it.
33 Woꝛeouer F freely delier enery one of the
wes that were taken away patfoners ont of
theland of Juda thoughout allsny Reatine,and
euery one of them (halbe free from tributes, pea,
euen their cattell.
34 Audall the feats , an’ Gabbaths, and
New moones , and the Dayes appointed, and the
three Dayes before the feat, and the three Dapes
after the featt, atl be Bayes of freedome ana lie
bertie foz all the Sewes m my Reale,
3§, Sothat inthemno man hall bate power
to doe any thing, 02 to vere anp of them in any
maner af cante.
36 Allo thirty thoufand of the Jewes Mall
Be written vp in the Kings holte,and hane their
Wages payed them as appertatnech to alt them
that areot the Rings armie: and of them thall
me Meda certaine tokecpe the kings trong
0 Be.
37 Aud fone of them ſhall bee fet ouer the
kings molt (ecret affattes and their gouernours
and their pinces fhall be ofthemſelues, and they
foal line after thetr omit lawes, as the king hath
commanded in theland of Juba.
38. And the three qouernments that are added
bnto Judea from the countrey of Samaria, hall
be fopned vnto Judea , and chev Hall bee as un
tt di obeynone Other power, but the high
30 Ana J gine Ptolemais and the borders
thereof unto the Ganctuary at Jerwialem, fo?
the neceſſary expences of the holy things.
40 JBorcouier, 3 will giue eneryyeere fifteene
thoufand icles of filuer ef the kings renenucs,
gut ofthe places appertaining bnto me.
41 Andall the oucrplus which they haue not
payed forthe things Due, as thep Dinin the foz»
mer peeres, from henceforth they Wall give it to-
ward the works of the peta
42 Anodbelides this, the nue choufand fictes
Of luer which theprecetncdD peercly of the ace
compt appointed for the entertainement of the
Sanctuary, thele peeres pafied, euen thefe
things Kall be relealen, becauſe thepappertaine
to the Dichs that miniſter.
43 Atem whoſoeuer they be that flee vnto the
Temple at Jeruſalem, o2 within the liberties
thereofand are thocbred to the bing for anp mas
et of thing, they hall be pardoned, andall that
thep baue in my Realme.
44 Jor the building alfo and repairing of rhe
workes of the Ganctuarie, erpences hall be gis
uen ofthe kings reuennes. ;
45 And foz the making ofthe walles of Jeru⸗
faleni,and foztifping it round about, thatthe
poldes in Judea may bee built op, Hall atio the
colts be ginen out of the kings renenues,
46 @ But when Jenathau and the people
heard thele wads, they gaue no credite puto
them, neither receiued them: fo? they remembꝛed
the great wickednefle that he had Done in Firas
eland bow ſore he had vered them,
47 CUbercfoze they agreed vnto Alexander:
for bee was thefirlt that hadintreated of true
ae mi them, and fo were confederate with
48 Then gathered King Alevander a great’
Hoite,and camped ouer again he: dor
49 So the two kings topned battell: but Des
metrins bolte fien, and Alerander purſued hun,
and prenailed agatnit them.
so Ho that fo battell continued till the
Sunwe went Downe, and Demetrins was fan
the fame Day.
SI C Chen Aleranver fent Ambafladours
bute Ptolemens the king of Egypt, with chele
Wwozds, laying, } i
<2 Foz fo muchas Jam come againe to my
Realme, and am (et in che thzone of my Fathers,
and haue gotten the Dominion, and hatte dettrete
ed Demekrius, and enioy my countrey,
. §3, Acetng that I baue even giuen bim the
battell, and hee and bis armie ts Difcomfredbyp
meand J fit inthe thzone of his kingdome,
$4 Let vs now make friendihip togetber,and
gine me now thp Daughter to wife : fo Rall J be
thp fonne in law and gtuc thee rewards,and vn⸗
to ber things accogding to thpdignitie.
55 Chen Ptolemens theking gaue antwere,
faying, Pappie bee the Day, whereinthou art
come agame vnto the land of thy fathers, and
littett in the thaoncof their kingdome,
56 Mow therefore will J fulfill chy witing s
but meete me at Ptolemais that we may fee one
another, andthat J map make thee my fone in
P pE thy detire.
s7 Do Į leit went out of Egypt
With bis Danghter Cleopatra, and came vnto
— in the hundzeth threelcore and twa
58 Mhere king Alerander met him, and hee
gane onto him hts Daughter Cleopatra, anv
married themat Prelemats with great glorie
as themaner of kings ig,
59 € Chen wrote King Alerander vnto Jos
nathan, that be ſhould come and meete him.
60 So he went honourably vnto Ptolemais, .
and there be met the two kings and gaue them -
teat prelents of filuer and golde, and tothety
ticnds,and found fauour in their light.
61 And there alembled certaine peſtilent Fels
lowes of I(racland wicked men to accule hints :
but the king wonld not heare them.
62 Andtheking comanded that they ſhould
take offthe garments of Jenathan, and clothe -
bim in purple,and fo they 01D; anD the king ape -
pointed him to fit by him,
63 Andlayd vnto his Pꝛinces, Goe with hini :
into the mids ofthe citie, and make a proclama·
tion, that no man complaiue againt bint of anp
matters and that. no man trouble hint fo2 any
maner of caufe. f
64 So when hisaccufers faw bis honour arz
cording as it was pꝛoclained, and that he wag
clothed in purple they ficd all away.
65 Andthe king preferred bim to vies Hn 3
wrote bint among his chice friends, and made
him a Duke and pattakerof his Dominion.
66 Thus Jonathan returned te Jeruſalem
with peace and gladnefle. i
67 ¶ In the hundzcth,theeeicore and flue yere
came Demetrius the fonnesf Demetrius, from
Ereta onto his fathers land.
68 MAhereok when king Alexandet heard, he
was verp pand returned vnto Antiochta.
69 Then Demetrius appointed Appoliontus
the gouernour of Cocloſyria, who gathereva
great bolt, and camped tn Jamnia, and ſent vn ·
to Jonathan the bie ziet laying,
70 Darefkthou, being but alone, lift bp thy
ſelfe againſt vs 2 and J am laughed at, andre
proched,becaute of thee: now therfore why doeſt
thou vaunt thp (clfe againit vs in the moun
taines? f EU
7I Row then if thou trut in thine owne.
` ftrengthcome Downe to vs into tie plaine field,
and there let vs trie the matter together t fg
haue the ſtrength of cities.
72 Alke and learne who F am, and thep Hall
take my part ; and they hall tell thee that pour
foote is notable to tand before our face: fo? thy
ae paue beene twice chaled in their owne
73 And now how wilt thou bee able to abide
fo great an hot of hozlemen and kootmen in the
plaine, whereis neither Fone, noꝛ rocke, noz
place te flee yuto?
74 hen Jonathan heard the wordes of A-
pollontus,be was moued in bis mind: wherefore
ee chole tenne thonland men, and went out of
erulalem, and oimen bis brother met him fog
fo helpe him. j
75 And hee pitched bis its at Joppe: but
they hut him out of the cities fo2 Apollonius ga:
tifon was in Joppe. wet
76 Then they fought again it,and they that
were in the citie, foz verp teare let him in: fo Jos
nathanwan Joppe. _
77 Apollonius hearing ot this, tooke thzee
thowfand boslemen with a great bofte of foote
men, and went toward Azetus, as though be
would goe fozward, and came immediatly into
the plain feld, becauſe he bad fo many hoꝛſemen.
and put bis trut in then.
78 Ho Jonathan followed vpon him to Azo⸗
pe y and the armie (hirmilhed with bis ariere
79 Fo: Apollonius had left a thoufand hoꝛſe ·
men bebind them in ambuſh.
80 And Jonathan knew that there was an
ambuſhment behind bimg and though they had
compaſſed in bis holte *and thot Darts at the
people from the moning to the eucning,
SI Pet the people food il,as Jonathan had
commanded them, till theit hoꝛſes were weary.
$2 Then brought Simon forth his hott, and
fet them againſt the band: but the bozles were
weary, and he Difcomfited them,and they fled; ſo
the hoiſemen were (cattered inthe field,
83 And they fled to Asotus,andcame into the
semple of Dagon their wole, that they might
there ſaue chemlelues.
84 But Jonathan fet fire vpon Azotus and
all the cities round about it, and tooke their
fpoiles and burnt with fire the temple of Dagon
mith all them that were fled into it.
85 Thus were Hlatne and burnt about eight
j I.Maccabees.
thouſand men.
* t :
86 So Tonathan remosned the hoffe from
thence, and camped by Aſtalon, where the men”
of the citie came feszth, aud inet him with great
honour. |:
87 After this went Jonathan an’ bis poate
agatne to Jerucalen with great ſpoyles. s
83 And when King Airrander hearathefe
things, he began to doe Jonathan moze yonowr,
89 And lent bim acollar of golde, as the nle’
isto bee ginen vate duch as ave of the Kings
blood; he cane hin allo Accaron, with che bogs
ders theveottu poſſeſſion.
oC HA PL XT, ;
€ The diſſention betweene Ptolemeus end Alexane `
det hu [onne in law. 17 The death of Alexander, 19,
Demetraus reigneth after the deathof Ptolemens. 22°
Sion ú befieged of Jonathan. 42 Demetrius fecsng that.
no man re(ifted him, fendeth his armie agane, 54 Try
phon moueth Antiochus againft Demetris,
A $20 the king of Egypt gathered a great
Aboite, like the fand that ſyeth vponthe fea
fhoze, and many Hips, and went about through
Deceit to obtaine the kingdome of Alexander,
and to topne tt vnto his owne Reatine. og
2 Upon thts he went into Syria with friends
lywords, and was let into the cities, and men
caine foo2th to mete bim : fo: king Alexander
had commanded them to meete jim, becaule hee
was bis father in law. i
3 Mowe when Hee entred into the citie of.
— he leftbands and gartlons tn euerp
titiz. i :
4 And when became neere to Aotus, they
fhewed them the temple of Dagon that was
burnt,and Azotus, and the fuburbs thereof that
were deſtroyed, and the bodies caf abroad, and
them thatbe bad burnt tn the battelifo2 they had
made beapes of toem by the wap where peg
ould pafie. ‘
§ And they tolde the King what Jonathan
had Bone, to the intent they might get hun cuill
will: but the king held bis peace.
6 And Jonathan met the Ring with great
honour at Joppz, where they falutes onc ano
ther,and lay there. $
7 Ho when Jonathan had gone with the
King wnto the water that was called Cleuchee
rus, be turned againe to Jerufalem.,
8 Ho king Ptolemeus gate the dominion,
of the cities by the fea buto Seleucia vpon the
a * imagining wicked counlſels againſt gs
erander, ‘
9 € Ana lent ambaſſadours vnto king Dee
metrius,faying. Come, let bs make a league bee
tweent vs, andj will giue thee my Daughter,
which Alevander bath, and thou ſhalt reigue in
thy Fathers kingdome.
Io Foy repent that J gaue Alerander mp
Daughter ; fo2 he goeth about to flay me,
IL Thus he flandered Alexander, as one that
fhould delire his Realme. f '
12 And be tooke his daughter from bim, and,
gaue ber nto Demetrius, ano fozlooke Alexan·
Der, fo thattheir hatred was openly knowen.
13 Then Ptolemeus came to Antiochia,
where he (et two crownes vpon his owne bead,
of Sfia,and of Egypt. S
y Inthe meane feafon was Ring Aleratre
Der in Cilicta: for they that dwelt in thoſe plae
cos bad rebelled againſt him: .
15: But
‘Tofeph. Arte
Is But when Alexander heard it, he came to
toarre againit him, and Ptolemeus drought
Forth bis holt, and met dim witha mighty pow
erand put bini to flight.
16 Zhen fled Alexander into Arabia, there `
to be Defended: fo Ptolemeus was exalted.
17 And Fabdiel the Arabian {more of Aler-
anders head, and (ent it vnto Ptolemeus.
18 But the third day akter, Ring Ptolemeus
died,; anD they that were inthe holdes, were
faine one of another.
Ig And Demetrius reigned in the hundzeth,
thꝛeeſchore and feuenthycere.
20 © At the ſame time gathered Jonathan
them that were in Judea, to lay fiegevnto the
calle which was at Jerufalem, and they made
Many tnitruments of warre againi it.
` 21 Shen went there certaine vngodly per-
ſons(which hated their owne peopic)vnto king
Demetrius ana told him that Jonathan belieged
22 So when hee heard it, he was angric,and
immediatly came vnto Ptolemais, and vszore
vnto Jonathan, that he Heula lay no moze lege
vntoit,but that he ſhould meete him, and (peake
with him at Ptolemais in all haſte.
23 Neuertheleſſe, when Jonathan heard this,
‘Hee commanded to beſiege tt: hee chole allo cers
taine ofthe Elders of Flracl, and the Picts,
and put himſelke tn Danger,
24. Gad tooke with him filuer and gold, and
apparetljand Diners pzelents,and went te Pto·
lemats nto the Ring, and found fauour tn bis
25 And though certaine vngodly men of bis
pune nation had made complaints spon him,
26 Wet the King tntreated him as bis pedes
ceſſors had Done,and promoted hiin in the ight
of alibisfetends, ~—
27 And confirmed him inthe hte Prieſthood
with ali the honourable things, thathee hav as
fo2e,and made bim bis chtefe friend,
23 Jonathan allo oefired the Ring, that hee
would make Judea free with the three govern:
ments, andthe countrey of Samaria, ana lona·
than promtied him thzee hundred talents.
29 CAibereunto the king confented, and gatie
aaa waiting of the (ame, conteining hele
t 2 KING DEMETRIVS vnto pis bzo»
ther Jonathan, and tothe nation of the Jewes
{endeth greeting. :
31 GGee fend you heere a copie ofthe letter,
which wee dia write vnto our coufin Laſthenes
concerning yon that pe ſhould fe it. i
-32 Ring Demetrius vnto Laſthenes his fa-
ther fendeth greeting. ;
«33 ‘for the fatthfulnelle that our friends the
nation of the Jewes keepe vnto vs,and top thetr
good will toward hs, we are Determined to Boe
them good.
"24 berefore wee aſſigne to them the coatts
of Judea, with the three couerwnents, Aphere-
‘maand Lydda, and Ramathe( which are added -
pntosudea, from rhe countrepot Qo marta and
all thar appertaineth to all them that ſacrifice
in Jerufatem: borb toncerning the payments
which the Ring tooke veersly aforetime,both for
the fruttes of the earth, and fo: the fruits of the
trees: - - EGF: iw)
35 As fox the other things appertaining vnto
Chap. x}. -
hs of the tenthes and tributes, which were Due
vnto vs, and the cuftemesoffalt, and crowne
tares, which were paped vnto vs, we diſcharge
them of ail from henceforth.
36 And nothing hereok thal be reckonea from
this time fosth and foꝛ cuer.
37 Cherefore lee that pe make a copte of thele
things, and Deliner it vnto Jonathan, that it
* bee let vp vpon the bolp mount in an open
38 After his, when Demetrins the king faw
that bis land was in rett, and that no refittance
Was made agatnit him, hee ſent away all his
bofte, enery man te bis owne place, except tere
taine bands of ftrangers, whome hee bought
from the yles of the heathen: wherefeze all bis
fathers hoſte bated him,
39 Mow was there one Tryphon, that hav
bene of Alexanders part afoze, which when bee
fat that al the bolte murmured againſt Deme ·
‘1 tgaaA
tring, be went te || Simalcue the Arabian, that lOr, Emal
brought vy Antiochus the fonneof Alerander,
40 And lay foze bpon Yim, to Deliner him
this poung Antiochus, that he might reigne in
bis fathers ſtead: hee told hin allo what great
eutll Demetrius had Done, and how hts men of
fe hated him, and he remained there a tong
41 Alſo Jonathan fent vnto King Demetris
Us to Batue them out which were inthe caſtle at
Jeruſalem, and thote that were tn the fortrefless
fo they fought again Jirael.
_ 42 So Demetrius lent vnto Jonathan, fap»
ing , J will not onely Doe thele things foz thee
and thy nation.but tf oppoztunitic ferne, Iwill
honour thee and thy nation, ;
43 Mow therefam chou ſhalt doe me a pleae.-
fiire, if thou wilt (end me mento helpe mee: fog:
alimine armyis gone from me. —
44 Sa Jonathan tent him three theufand :
trong men unto Antiochta,and they came snte
the Ring: wherefore the King was very glad at
their comming. 2
45. (Butthey that were of the citie, enenan
hundzeth and tweutie thoufand men, gathered
theni together in the mids ofthe citit, would
baue datae theRings
46 But the Ring fled into the palace,and the -
— kept the ſtreetes of the citie, and began
to Ught.
47 Then the King called to the Jewes foz
helpe, which came fo him altogether, and went .
abzoad thezow the citte,
48 And fiew the fame Dayan hundzeth thous
fand,and (ct Bre vpoitthe citie, and tooke many
(pòples in that Day and deliuered the King,
49 Ho when the citizens fat that the Jewes
hav gotten the vpper hand sf the citie, and that
they themelues werentlappointes oftheir pure
ponas made their (uxpplication vnto the kiug
50 Grant bs peace,and let the Jewes ceale §Or,gise aè
from vering bs and the citte.
peace.andthe Jewes were greatly honoured bg»
foie the King , and befoze all that were in his
realme, and they came againe to Jexulalem with
great ppap· — >
§2 Then Ring Demetrius late inthe throne:
of his kingDome,and bad peace in his land.
53 Neuertheleshe diſſcinbled inal —
the right
§1 So they cat away thettweapons,e made haad.
hee ſpakt, and) withdrew biinfelfe from Jona.
i that neither DIB hee reward bun according to
the benefites which bee bad Done for pim, but
troubled him verp (oze.
54 CAfter this returned Tryphon with the
pong a Antiochus, which reigned, and was
owned. ;
§ Then there gathered vnto him all the men
of warre, whom Demetrius had (cattered, and
ad — againſt him, who fled, and turned
56 Do Tryphon tooke thei beaſts, and wan
57 And-poung Antiochus wote vnto Jona-
than, faping, J] appoint thee to bee the chiete
Wiet gmake thee ruler oner the foure goucrn-
ments, that thou matiek be a friend of the kings.
58 Upon this be fent him golden veffels tobe
fertied th,and gaue him leaue to Minke in gold,
and to weare purple,¢ to haue a collar of gold.
§9 ide made his brother Simon allo captatne
from the coattes of Tyrus vnto the bozders of
60 Then Jonathan went koorth, and paſſed
thozow the cities beyond the flood, and all the
men of warre of Syria gathered vnto him foz to
helpe him: ſo he came buto Aſcalon, and they vf
the citte recetued him honourably.
61 And from thence went he vnts Gaza: but
they of Gaza Wut hin out: wherefoze bes laide
Rege vnto tt,¢burned the ſuburbs thereof with
eand (popled them. rly
62 Then thev of Gaza made ſupplication bns
to Jonathan, and be mane peace with them,and
tooke of the fonnes of the chiefe men foz hota.
Ses, and lent them te Jerulalem,and went tho:
row the countrey vnto Damalcus.
63 And when Jonathan beard that Deme ·
trins Pzinces were come into Cades, which ts
in Gaitte, with a great hoſte, purpoſing to Dine
dim ont of the countrey,
64 De came agatnit them, and left Simon
bis brother in the countrey.
65 And Simon belieged Beth · ſura, fought
againſt it a long (ealonjandhurityp,
6 Bo theydefired to haue peace with bim,
which hee granted them, ¢ afterward put them
out from thence, and tooke the city, and (et a gas
riſon in tt. f
67 Then Jonathan with his hofte, came to
the water of Genelar, and betimes tn themoz>
ning caine tothe plaine of 2302.
68 Andbebhold, the bottes of the i ftrangers
met him inthe platne, ehadlatvambuments ſt
foz bim in the mountatnes.
69 So that when they came agatne them,
tbe ambuchments rofe out of their piaces and
70 Ho that all that were of Jonathans fide,
fled : and there was not one of them left, except
Wattathtas the onne of | Abfalomus, and Jue
batt * fonne of Calphi the Captaines ofthe
71 Then Jonathan rent his clothes,and caſt
earth bpon bis bead and prayed,
72 And turned againe to tyem to fight, and
put them to thatthep fled away.
73 Mow when his owne men that were fled,
faw this;they turned againe vnto bim, and bel-
ped Bim to follow after all vnto their tents at
Cades,and there shey. camped,
I. Maccabees.
74 Ho there were flaine of the rangers the i
fame Dap about thzee thouland men, and Jona.
than turned againe to Jerufalem,
1 Ionathan [endeth ambaffadours to Rome, zand
tothe people of Sparta, to renew their couenant of
Sriend[hip. 34 Ionathan puteeth to flight the Princes
of Demetris. 40 Tryphon taketh Lonathan by deceit,
Duaan now ſeeing thatthetime was meete Lofepb.due.
foz bim, chole certaine men, and ſent them vn· 13 cap.8,
to Rome, to ſtabliſh aud renew che friendſhip
with them,
2 Welentlettersalle vnto the] Sparttans fOr, Lecedee
and to other places, fo: the fame purpoie.
3. Do they went ynta Rome, and entred ins
to the Senate ana faid, Jonathan the hie priet
and the nation of the Jewes ient vs vnto pou,
foz to renewe frienDihippe with pou, andthe
bond of loue, as in times paſt.
4 Bothe Romanesgauc them free paſports,
that men hhouldleade them heme inte the lan’
of Juda peaceably.
CAND THISis thecopte ofthe letters
that Jonathan wote vnto the Sparttans,
6 Jonathan the hie Piet wich the Cloers
of the nation, and the prietts, and the reft of the
people of the Jewes, fend greeting vuto the
Hpattians their beethzen.
7 Wererotoze were letters fent vnto Onias
the bie Dzie &.from Arius, which chen reigned
the copte hereunder witten ſpecitieth.
8 And Dnias entreated the Ambaffadour
honourably, and receiued the letters: wherein
there was mention made of the bondefloucand
friendibip. AT
9 Butas for vs, we neede no fuch witings:
foz wee hane the boly bookes inour handes fog
comfozt. ‘
IO Neuertheleſſe, we thoughtit good to fend,
vnto you, forthe renewing of the brotherhood
and friendihtp, lek wee Mould bee trange vuto
pou : fo2 tt ts long fince the time that ve ſent pne
te bs.
Il CGtherefoze we remember pou at al ſeaſons
continually, and in the feats and other dayes
appointed, when we offer faccifices and palets,
as it is meet and conuentent to thinke vpon our
12 And wee reioyce at pour prolperous ee
13 And though we haue bene enuironed with
great troublesand watres, fo that the Rings
round about bs haue fought again vs,
14 Pet would we not be grieuous vnto port,
no: to ether of our confederates and friends itt
thele warres.
15 Foꝛ we hane had helpe from heanen, that
hath fuccoured Bs, and wee are Deliuered From
our enemies, and our enemies are fubdued.
16 Pet haue we cholen Qumenius che nne
of Antiochus, and Antipater che fonne of Jalon,
and (ent them vnto the Romanes, fo: to renew
the former friendihip with them, and league.
I7 lee commaunded them allo to gog vnto
pou s anD to falute pou, and to deliuer vou our
— concerning the renewing of our bothers
18 And
Ioſeph. Ant.
among pou, that pou would be our bretheen, as HOr, Dariwe
Apocrypha. |
18 And now ye Mall doe vs a plealure to gine
vs an anlwere of thele things.
19 @ And thts was the copy of the letters,
which Arius the king of Sparta lent vnto D=
20 THE KING ofthe Spartians vnto Ds
nias the high Peieſt (endeth greeting.
21 Ft is found tn witing that the Mpartians
and Jewes are byethzen,and come out ofthe ge-
neration of Abꝛaham. f
22 Gud now fo: fo much as this is come ta
our knowledge , pee hall Doe well to wite vnto
bg of pout prolperitic. f
23 As for vs we haue witten vnto pou, that
pour caticll and goods are ours, and ours are
ours: thele things baue we commaunded tob
hewed vnto pou.
24 ¶ Now when Jonathan heard that De-
metrius Peinces were come to fight agant
Him, with a greater hoſte then aloe,
_ 25 He went from Jerulalem, and met them
in the land ofiPamath : for hee gaue them not
{pace to come tntobis owne countrey. $
. 20 And be fent (pies unto there tents which
came againe and told him, that they were aps
pointed to come vpon bunin the night.
27 Wherefore, when the Sunne was gone
Downe , Jonathan commaunded his men ta
thatch, and to beetn armes readie te fight all
sA night, and (ent watch men round about the
-28 But when the aduerfaries heard that Jas
Nathan was readie with his men to che battell,
they feared , and trembled in their hearts, ana
kindled fires intheir tents,and fled away,
_ 29 Meuerthelefle Jonathanand his compa»
ny knew tt not tilithe moming: fo: they law the
fires burning.
30 Then Jonathan followed bpon them.but
be could not ouertake them ; toz thep were gong
ouer the flood Eleutherus. oY
31 So Jonathan turned to the Arabians,
which were. called Zabedei, and Hew them, and
tocke their {potle.
32 ipee proceeded further allo, and came yus
A amalcus, and went thezow all the coun»
33 But Simon his bother went foorth,and
tanie to Afcalon and to the nert holdes, depar ·
ting vnto Joppe, and wanne it.
34. Foz he beard that they would Deliner the
hold to them that tooke Demetrius part; where
. fore he fet a gariſon there to keepe it.
35 C Sfter thiscame Jonathan home, and
called the Elders oF the people tagether,and De:
a m them foz to butla vp the ſtroñg holds
in Judea,
36 And to make the walles of Jeruſalem
Sabet ane to make agreat mount bet wire the
cattle and-the cite, fo2 to ſeparate tt from the ct
tie, that tt might be alone, and that men ſhould
neither buy,no2 ſell tir it.
37 Do they came together to build hyp the ci»
tie: foz part of the wali vpon the bzooke of the
Cat ſide was fallen Downe and thep repaired
it, and called it Caphenatha.
33 Simon alfo (er vp Adida in Sephela, and
Made tt Grong with gates and barres.
39 CIuthemecane time Tryphon purpoſed
Tofeph Ant. to reigne in alia and to bee croned tobentbee
13. chap.9. had flaingthe king Antiochus. 1953 YI
40 But he was afraid that Fonathan would
not (uir him but fightagaing him: wherefore
be went about to take Jonathan, eto kill him;
tobe Departed and came vnto Bethfam
41 Thra went Jonathan forth againſt him
to the battell wich fourtie thouſand cholen men,
and came vnto Bethfan. .
42 But vhen Tryphon faw that Jonathan
caine with (o great an boſte, bee durſt not lap
band wpon pim, i F
43 But receiued him honourably, and tome
mended bint vnto all his friends,and gaue bint
rewards, and commanded his menet warre to
be as obedient vnto him, as to bunfelfe,
44 And fad vnte Jonathan, tby batt thon
cauſed this people to take (uch traueile , ſeeing
therets no warre betweene vs? i
45 Therefore now fendthem home againe,
and chule cectatne men to waite vpon thee, and
come thou with mee to Ptolemais: Foz J wilt
giue it thee, with the other trong holds, and the
other garifons, @ all them that haue the charge
of the common affaires : fo will J returne, and
Depart: fo this is the cauſe of my comming:
46 Jonathan beleened him, and did as hee
fayd,and fent away bts hotte , which went into
theland of Juda, i
47 And tetained but thee thouſand with
him, whereofhe fent twothouland into Galiley
andonethoufand went with bimielfe.
48 Mow aflooneas Jonathan entred into:
Prolemais, they of Ptolemais Wut the gates,
and tooke him, and Uewe all them with the
fiwo2d, that came in with bim.
49 Then lent Tryphon an bofte of footmen
and hozlemen into Galtle, and inta the great:
plaine, te Deftroy all Jonathans company.
50 But when they knew that Jonathan was:
taken,and flaine,and thoſe thar were with hint
they encouraged oueanother , and came foorth
againſt themready to the battell. '
§1 But when thep which folowed vpon thent,
fame thatit wasa matter of life, they turned
backe againe. i
§2 By this meanes al they came inte the lang
of Juda peaceably,and bewailed Jonathan,and
them that were with him , andfeared greatiy,
and all Iſrael made great lamentation.
53 Foz al the heathen that were round about
them, foughttodeftroy them. :
54 Fo: they faid, Mow haue they no captaine,.
nor any man to help them : therefozelet ys now:
fight again them, and root out theiy memos
rie from among mieh, í
T After Tonathan was taken , Simon is chofencap-
taime: 17 Triphon.taking his children and money for
the redemption of Tonathan , kslleth him and his chil-
dren. 31 Tryphon killeth Antiochus, and poſſe ſſeth
the realme,.36 Demetrius taketh truce with Simon.43
Simon winneth Gara. şo Hee poſſeſſeth the towre of:
Siow. 53 He maketh his ſonne lobe captaine.
woe when Simon heard that Tryphon ta.
iNthered a great hofteto come into the land
of Iuda and to deſtroy it,
2 Ano ſawe that the people was in great:
trembling and feare,hee came vp to Jeruſalem,
ant gathered the propletogether,
3, And gaue thew exhortation ſaying ; 3 ss
Tofeph A
313.chap. 9o
s a J
know what great thinges J, and my brethren,
and my fathers boule bane dene for the Law,
and theDanctuaryp, and the battels, and troue
bies that we baue ſeene.
4 By realon whereof all my brethren are
Haine foz Iſraels fake and Jam left alone.
§ sow therefore God forbiv, that Jſhould
—— mine owne life im any time ef trouble: fog
3 Am uot better then mybrethren.
6 Dut FZ will avenge mp nation, and the
Sanctuarie, andour wiues and our children:
fo: all the heathen are gathered together to De-
ſtroy vs of very malice.
7 In hearing thele words the hearts of the
people were kindied,
3 Sothat they cryed with a loud vorce,fap>
ing, Thou halt be our captaine in ead of Jue
Das and Jonathan vod riser a
9 Fight thouourbattels, and whatloeuer
thou commandett vs, we will dee it.
10 €Ha hee gathered all the men of warre,
making batt to finifi the walles of Jerufalem,
and forties it round about.
IL Then lent he Jonathan the fonne of Ab:
falomus with a great hoſte vnto Joppe, which
Doue them out that were therin, and remained
there bialelfe.
12 Tryphon allo remeoued fram Ptole ·
mats With a great armie, to come into the land
Dis bpon theopenplatne.
14 But when Tryphon knew that Simon
ſtood bp in Keadof his brother Jonathan, and
that be would fight againit him he lent meflen-
gers vnto bin, laying,
Ig Mhereas we haue kept Jonathan thp bro·
cher, it is foz inony that he is owing in the kings
— concerning the buſmeſſe chat be hadin
16 Wherefoꝛe ſend now an hundzeth talents
afiiluer,and brs two fonnes fo? boftages , that
when he is letten forth hee will not turne from
ds and we will lend Him againe.
17 Hꝛuertheleſſe Simon knew that hee dil-
fembled in his words pet commaunded dee the
money and chtldzen to bee Belinered vnto him,
—— — in greater hatred of tye people
of Rirael:
18 Cho might haue fapt , Becauſe hee ſent
bim not the monep and the childzen,therefozeis
Sonathandead. : `
19 So hee fent the childenand an bnndvzeth
talents: but beediffembled , and would not let
Jonathan goes ` - i ;
20 (Afterward came Tryphon into the land
to deſtroy tf,and went round about by the way,
thatleadeth bute Adoza : but whereloeucr they
went, thither went Dimon and bis botte.
21 Row they that were in the caftle (ent mele
fengers bute Crpphon,.that-hee ſhould make
13 And Simon ditched his tents ath Addi ·
dalte ta come bp the wildernefic, and to (end J
them vitailes. i
22 Ho Tryphon made ready all his hozle-
men: but the fame night fell avery great fnew,
f that be came not,becaufe of the (now : but be
¢emoued € wentinto the countrey of Galaad.
23 And when he came neere to Balcama, he
Hew Jonathan,and he was busted there,
24. Se Tryphon returned, and went into
of Juda, and Jonathan was with himas patio» p
llr, Adda, Sa
I. Maccabees.
hfs owne Tand.
25 € Tien lent Dimon to take the bones of
Jonathan his brother, and they buried him in
Modin his fathers citie.
26 And all Iſrael bewatled him with great
lamentation, and mourned for Him very isng.
27 An Simon made vpon the lepulchze ef
bis father and his bꝛethren, a building bigh ta
looke vnto of bewen fone behind and before,
28 And fet vpfeuen pillars bponit, one as
ainſt another, to? bis father, his mother, anv
oure haethzen,
29, And fet great pillars round abeut them,
and (et armes bpon the piliars fo a perperuall
memozic, and carucd Wips beſide the ares,
— might bee ſeene of men ſayling in the
30 This fepulchre which he made at Movin,
ſtandeth pet vᷣnto this day. x
31 CRowas Cryphen went foorth with
the pong King Antiochus, he Mew bin traite-
32 And reigned in his ſteade, and crowned
himlelfe Ring of Afia, thzought a great plaque
vpon the land.
33 Simon allobuilt vp the caſtles of Judea,
and compaſſed them about with bigh towzes,
and great walles,euen with towꝛes, and gates,
a bartes, and layd bp vitalesin the ttrung
LOS. i
34. Wozeouer Dimon chole certaine mew
and fent them to Ring Demetrius, that bee
would diſcharge the land; fozalt Crpphons Ño-
ings turre robberies. ;
35 Mihereupon Demetrius the king anſpe
ted him and wote vnto him after this maner,
36 DEMETR IVS the King vnto Simon
the bie Pꝛieſt, and the friend of Kings, aud te
the Elders, and the nation of the Tewes, ſen⸗
Deth greeting. i
37 The golden crowne, and}! precious one
that pe fent vnto bs haue we rectined, and are
teady to make a ſtedtaſt peace with pou, and to
wite vnto the officers to reteate yeu of the
things wherein wee made vou free,
38 Ho the things that we paue granted yeu,
hall be table : the ſtrong holds which yee haue
builded. hail be pourotone.
39 Allo we forgiue the ouerlights.and faults
committed vnto this Day: and the crowne
tare that peought hs, and whereas was anp
— tributein Jerufalem, it hall bee now no
tribute. s
42 Andthey that are meeteamong yon tobe
weitten with our men, let them bee waitten up,
that there may be peace betweene be.
41 Thus the poke of the heathen was takers
from Iſrael in the hundzeth and ſeuentie yeere.
42 Andthe people of Iſrael began to write
in their letters and publique inſtrũments, 1N
THE FIRST peere of Simon, the hie and
chicfe Peieſt, gouernour and Prince of the
43 Jn tholedayes Himen camped again
Gaza, and belieged it round about, where Hee fet
bp an engine of warre, and approached neere th
citie, and beat atower,and tooke tt. we
44 So they that were inthe engine, lept inte
the city,and there was great trouble tn the city,
45 Julomuch chat the peopleofthe city rest ©
thew clothes and climed vp vpon the ie
fofeph. Ane.
13,chap. 19.
Or, e⸗ Har er
in Greeke
Bainen, oF
fOr, Gara.
with their wines,and children, and etped with a
toud voice , beleeching Dimon so graunt them
peace, faving, f i :
46 Deale not with vs accoꝛding to our wic>
kednelle, but according to thy mercie.
47 Chen Simon prtried them,z would fight
no moꝛe againſt them, but put them outoë the
titte, and cleanled the houles, wherein the oles
were, and fo entered thereunto with Plalmes
and thankigining. fi
48 Sowhenbebhad caftall the ſilthines out,
he let tuch men in itas kept the Law, and foztt»
no — builded there a Dwelling place foz
49 Mow, when they inthe caftleat Jeruſa⸗
lent were kepe, that they could not come foorth
no: goe into the conntrey, neither buy nop Cell,
they were very hungry, and many of them were
famiſhed to death, j t
so Jn io much that they belought Simon to
make peace with them; which be granted them,
and put them our from thence, and cleanſed the
caitle from filthineſſe. j
SI And vpon the three and twentie Day of the
fecond moneth;in the hund2eth ſeuentie and one
peere they centred into tt with chanklgiuing, and
branches of palme trees , and with harpes, and
with cymbals, and with violes, ¢ with plalines
and ongs , becaulethe great enemic of Iſrael
was ouercome.
§2 Anodheordeined that the fame Bay Mould
be kept curry yeere with gladneſſe.
§3 And he fozttficy the mount of the Temple
that was beſides the cattle where he Dwele hime
felfe with bis company. À
s4 Simon alfo keeing that John his fonne
* was now a man,be made bim captaine ofall the
Dotes and cauled bim to dwell in Gazartis.
2 Dersetrius ù ouercome of Arfaces, 10 Simon be-
ing captaine there i great quiet nes in Ifrael. 18 The
couenant of friendfhip with the Romanes & withthe
people of Sparta wrenued.
12 the hundzeth,feuentie and two pere, gathes
red King Demetrius his hofte, and departe
oe Menia to gethun helpe fo: to fight again
2 ‘But when Arlaces the king of Perſia and
Mediga heard, that Demetrius was entred with-
i bte npara; be tent onc of bis princes to take
m aline.
3 So he went and overcame the army of De"
metrius and tooke him, and brought him to See
faces which kept him inward.
4 Thus all thelandof.uda was in reft long
as Dimon lined ; fot He fought the wealth of hia
nation: therefore tuere they glad to baue him fog
their ruler, and to Da him wozihip alway.
s HSimonalio wanne the city of Jappe to his
great honour tobe an bauen towne,and made it
an entrance vnto the ples of the ſea.
6 cenlarged allo the borders of his people,
and conquered the countrepes. —
7 be —— vp many of theft people that
toere prilfoners, and be had the Dominion of Ga⸗
zarts,and Beth-lura, and thecatite, which hee
clen(ed from liſthineſſe, and there was no man
that refitted him. $
8 Oo that cucey man tilled bis ground in
Chap. xiiij.. í
peace, and the and gaue her fruits, ethe trees
gaue thetr fruit.
9. The Elders fate inthe open places anv:
confulted all together for the Common wealth,
and sl yong men were honcurably clothed ans
10 He pouien hitatles foz the cities, and all
kind of munition, ſo that his glorious fame was
renowned yntothe end of the wid,
_ II ee made peace thorowout the land, any
Iſrael had perfit mirth and top.
12 JF euery man fate vnder his vine, and the
figtrecs and there was noman to fray them.
13 Chere wasnoncin pland to fight againk
them; for chen the Bings were ouercome.
14 He Helped all thole that were tu aduerfitie |
among bis people: hee was Diligent to fee the.
ph and bee tooke away the vngodly, and
15 He beautified the Sanctuary and increa⸗
fed the veflelsofthe Temple.
16 Wbenthe Romans heard, and the Space
tians bad knowledge that Jonathan was dead.
thep were very (ory.
17 But when they heard that Simon bts.
bother was made high Pꝛieſt in his ead, and
bets be bad Won the land againe with the cites
in tt,
18 They wrote vnto him in tables of bealkc,
to renew the friendſhipand bond of loue, which:
thep þan made with Judas and Jonathan vis
brethren. i
19 CUibich wtings were read before the cons
gregationat Jerufalem, and this isthe copy of
the letters that the Mpartians tent,
20 THE SENAT OR Sand titir of Spars
ta onto Dimon che great Piet, ann to the Cis
Ders ,and to the Ppteltes, and to the refloue of
the people of the Jewes their breeches ſend
greeting. ;
21 Uhen your ambaſſadours that were fent
nto our people, certified vs of your glozp and
honour, we were glad of their comming,
22 And haue regiſtred their ambaflage iu the-
publike records in thismancr, NVMENIVS,
the fonne of Antiochus, and Antipater the fonne
af Jalon the Jewes ambafladours came vnte
vs, ta renew amitie with ys.
23 And tt pleatedthe people, that the men
fhouid bee honourably intreated, and that the
copie of thetr ambaflage ſhould bee regiftred in
the publike recoros, that it might bee fo: a mee
moziall vnto the people of Sparta: and a cee
Me the. fame was lent to Simon the chicfe
24 After this, Simon fent Mumenius ta:
Rome, with a great (held of gold of a thonſand
oe weight te confirme the friendiip with:
25 AMhich when the peopit vnderſtood, thep
fayn, (abet thanks thallwe recompente againe
bnteSunon and bis children?
26 For heandhishzethzen, andthe houte of
bis father baue ſtabliched Iſrael, and onercome
therr enemies, and haue confirmed the. ltbertie
thereof : therefore they wote this in tables of:
bale. and fet it vpon pilars in mount Sior.
27 The copie of the writing ts this, Jun che:
eight and twentie Dayof the moneth h Etut, a
the hundzeeh ſeuentie and tino peere the third
weere of inion the high Peielt. 3 tn
| Augo.
Or, leruſa-
HOr, Gara, or
A ocrypha.
28 Fn) Saramel inthe great congregation
ofthe Riets, and ofthe peopic, and of tie go-
uernours of the nation, and of che elders of the
countreyp, twee would fignifie vnto you, that ma⸗
np battels baue bene fought in ourcountrey. -
29 Aherein Sinton the onne of Mattathias
(come ofthe childzen of Jariv) and his bacthzen
put thenfeluesin Danger , and reliited the ene-
mies of their nation, that their Sanctuarte,and
Law might be maintained, and did their nation
great honour. j $
-30 Joz Jonathan gathered his nation togt-
ther, and became theit hie Pꝛieſt, ann is lapse
with his people. i
31 After chat would their enemies hane inna-
Ded their countrey, and deſtroied thetrland,and
lap their banns on theit Sanctuary.
32 Then Dimon reliſted them, and fought foz
bis nation ,¢ ſpent much ofhis owne ubkance,
aud armed the valiant men of bis nation, and
gaue them wages. 33
33 Me forttied alle the cities of Judea, and
Bethlura that lieth upon the bomers of Judea,
Cwhere the ordinance of therr enemies tap ſome⸗
time) and fet there a garriſon of the Jewes.
34 And he fortifica Joppe , which lieth vpon
the fea, and || Gazara that boxdereth vpon Azo-
tus (where the enemtes dwelt afore) and there
he placed Fewes, furniſhed them with things
neceſſaryfor the reparation thereof,
+35 Zowe when the people Caw the faithful-
nefie of Dimon, and to what glory hee thought
tobing bis nation vnta thep mate bint their
gouernalir, and the chicke piet, becauſe he han
Doneall thele things, and fo: the vprightneife,
and fidelitte that bee had kept to Hts nation,
and =< fought by all meanes to exalt bis
people. }
36 Forin bis time they prolpered wel by him,
fo that the heathen were taken out ofthetr touna
trey, and they alo which were tn the citie ok Da-
uid at Jeruſalem, where they had made them a
cafle,out ofthe whtch they went, and defiled.all
things that were about the Manctuarte,and div
gteat hurt vnto Religion.
37 And he fet Jewes init, and fortified it, foz
che aſſurance of the land and citic,and raiſed vp
the walies of Jeruſalem.
38 And King Demetrins confirmed hint in
His hte Prieſthood for thele cauſes,
39 And made him one of his frtends,and gaue
yim great honour.
40 Fez it was reported that the Romaneg
called the Jewes therr friends and cofederates,
ana that thep honourably recetuecdODimons ant:
41 And that the Jewes and Piets conſen ·
ted that Dimon ſhould be their pince, and high
— —— till God raiſed vp the true
42 And that be Hauld be their captaine and
Bauethe charge of the Sanctuarie , and (o ſet
men duer the warkes, and ouer the Countrey,
and ouer the weapons, and ouer the fo2trefies,
an ee fhoulde make prouttion foz the holp
43 Aud that he Mould be obeted of euery man,
and that all che writings in the countrep ſhould
bemade in His name, and that he ſhould be cle.
thed fn purple, and weare gota,
44 Aud that it Mould not be lawit fox any
Is Maccabees.
of the people, 2 Pꝛieſts to bꝛeake any of there
things, 02 to withitand his words, o2 to call any
congregation in the countrep without him, oꝛ be
clothed in purple, oꝛ weare a collar of golde :
45 And ik any bid contrary to thele rhings,og
bzake any ot them, bee pouin be puntſhed.
46 Doit pleated all the people to agree that
it Goult be Done toDtinon accoꝛding vntothele BH
47 Dimon allo accepted it, and was content
tobe the hit Piet, and the captaine, andthe
Punce ofthe ewes and of the Prieſtes, and ta
be thechtefe of all.
48 And thep commanded to fet np this wi-
ting in tables of braſſe, and to falten it to the
me that compafled the Sanctuary in an open
place, X
-40 And that a copy of the fame Mould be layu
bp tn the treafurte , that Dimon and bis onnes
might baue tt.
r Antiochus maketh a couenant of firendfhip with
Simon. 11 Tryphon is purfised. 35 The Romans write
letters vato Kingsand nations inthe defence of the
Jewes, 27 Antiochus refufing the helpe that Simon
fènt him, breaketh his cowenant.
Py Decontt. King Antiochus the ſonne of Dee
metrius fentletters from the ples of the tea,
vnto Simon the prielt,and patnee of the Jewes.
and to all the nation,
2 Conteining thelewords,AN TIOCHVS
the King vnto Simon the great Peieſt, andte
the nation of the Jewes, tendeth greeting. i
3 Fo: fo much ag certaine peftilent men
haue vlurped the kingdome of our Fathers; J
am purpoled to chatienge the reaime againe,
and toreftoze tt to the olde etate s wherefore J
me gathered a great bolte, and prepared Hips
of warre,
4 What J may goe through thecountrey,and
be auenged of them, witch bane deſtroyed our
countrey and walten many cittesin che realme.
-g Mow therctoze J do confirme vito thee all
we liberties, whercof all the Rings my progenie
O26 have diſcharged thee.and allche payments,
‘whereof they haue releaſed thee.
6 And 3 gue thee leaue to cofne money of
thine owne ttampe within chy countrey,
7 And that Jerufalem and the Sanctuary
be free, and that all the weapons that thou batt
prepared, and the forenes, which thou balk
— and keepeſt ix chine handes, fall bre
8 Andallthat is due vnto the King, and all
that hal be Due wnto the king, J fozgiue tt thee,
from this time forth foz euermoꝛe.
9 And when we haue obteined our kingdom.
tue wil gine theeand thy nation,and the temple
great honour, fo that peur pono: Halbe knower -
thoꝛowout the woztd.
10 3n the hund zeth, feuenty ¢ foureypeere, Lofeph. Ant.
went Autiochustnts his fathers land, andali 13.chap.its
the bandes cametogether vnto him, fo that fera
were teft with Tryphon. *
It Sothe King Antiochus putlued him, Bue
He fied and came ta Doza, which lieth bp thelea
fide. Ta
12 Foꝛ hee fat that troubles were ci
lOr, Samp-
ROr, Delo,
{|Or, Mido,
or, Mydissy
i Apocrypha.
bim, and that the armie had forfaken bim,
13 Thencamped Antiochus agent Do
with an bundzeth and twenty thouland fighting
men, and eight chonfand horſmen.
14 Hobe compatlen the citie about, and the
Kips came by the lea. Thus they peeled the city
by tande, and by fea, inlomuch that thep ſuſtered
no man to go inno? out.
Ig Jn the meanefeafoncame Mumenius, and
bis company from Rome,bauing letters witten
‘puto the kings and countries, wherin were con:
teined thele words, ‘
IGLVCIVS the Contul of Rome vnto king
Ptolemeus ſendeth greeting.
17 he ambafladours of the Jewes are conse
vnto vs as our friends and confederates froni
Simon the bigh Piet, anv from the people of
the Jewes, to renew friendihip,and the bond of
toue, j
18 tho haue bought a hicld of golde weighs
ing a thoufand pound. ; }
19 Aherefore we thought it good to wite vn⸗
to the Rings and countrics, that they Would not
go about to hurt them,no2 to fight againſt them,
no: their cities, no? their countrep, neither to
anaintaine their enemies againt them.
20 Gnd we were content to receiue of them
the piela. f
21 Iftherekore there be any peftilent felowes
fled from their countrey onto pou, deliuer them
~ pnto Simon the bie Pꝛieſt, chat hee map puniſh
them accozDing to their ownelaw.
22 The lame things were witten to Deme»
trius the King, and to Attalus, and to Arathes,
and to Arfaces, 4
23 And to all the countreys,asdDamplames,
and to them of Sparta, and to Delus, and to
Mindus, t to Sycion, and toCaria,and topa-
mos, and to Pamphylia, and te Lycia, and to
ialicarnaflus,and to Rhodus, Pbhaleles,
and to Coos, and to Hiden, and to Loztyna,and
to Gnidon and to Cypzus and toCyzene.
bet ape Cent a copy ofthem to Dimon the
igh Piet. :
25 CHo Antiochus the king camped again
Dora the fecond time euer ready totakeit, anu
made Diners engines of warre, and kept Try»
phon tn, that he could neither go tn no: ont.
26 Chen Simon fent him two thoufand cha»
fermen to help him with ſiluer and golde, and
much furniture. AN S
27 Neuertheleſſe, he would not receine them,
but bake all the Couenant, which be bad made
with him afoze, and withdzewe hinielte from
jim, “ yi
28 And fent onto him Athenobius one of his
friends,tocommune with him, laying, Ve with⸗
hold Joppe, and Gazara, with the caſtle that ts
at Ferulalem, the city of mp Realme.
29 thole borders pee hauc Deltroped & Done
great hurt in the land, and baue the goucrn:
mentofmany places of mp kingdome.
30 Ciherefore now deliuer the cities, which ye
haue taken, with the tributesof the places,that
pe haue rule ouer without the borders of Judea,
, 31 Drelle gine me for them fue hundeth ta-
Lents of filuer, and foz the harme that pee baue
Done, and foz the tributes of the places other Rue
epams zifnot,we will come,and fight
again pou. : —
-32 Sa Athenobius the kings kriende came to
Jerulalem, and when be faw the honour of Die
Mon, and the cupboozd of gold and filuer plate,
and fo great preparation,be was attonifees,and
tolde hin the kings meflage.
33 Then anfwered Simon, and ſayde puto
bim, We haue neither taken other mens lands,
no? withbolden that which appertaineth toga
thers : but our fathers heritage, which our enge
mer bad vnrightcoullyin poſſeſſion acertaime
34 But when we bad occafion, we recovered
the tuberitance of our fathers.
35 And whereas thou | requiret Joppe and
Gazara, they did great harme to
Or, cote
ont people,and plzine/? com
thozow our countrey , pet will wee gine an burt cerning,
Beth talents fog them. But Athenobius antwee
red him not one word, ;
36 But turned againe angry onto the King,
and cold him allthele wozdes, € the Dignttie of
Binion, wit} all that he had (ene; and the king
was berpangry.
37 T Inthe meane time fled Tryphon by hip
vnto Detholias.
38 Then the king mabe Cendebeus captaine
of the lea coait,and gaue him bandes of foounen
and bozfemen,
39 And commanded him to remooue the hote
toward Indea, and to builde bp Cedjon, and to
fozttfie the gates, and to warre againtt the peoe
ple :but the King purſued Tryphon,
40 So Cendedeus came vnto Jamnia, anv
began to vere the people, and to inuave Judea,
and to take the people patloners, Œ to May them,
41 And be built pp Cedzon, where he fer horf
Men and garifons, that they might make oute
rodes by the wayes of Judea, asthe King had
commanded Him.
1 (emdebeusthe captaine of Antiochus hof is put
to flight by the [onnes of Simon.11Ptolemeus the [banse
of Abubus killeth Simon & his twe fonnes at a banket,
25 Iohn kalleth them that lie in wast for his life,
T Hen came John bp from Gaszara,t tola Di
mon bis father, what Cendebeus had done,
2 Ho Dimon called two of his elvet onnes,
Judas and Johu,and faid vnto them, J| ana mp
brethren, and my fathers houte, haue ener from
our pouth vnto this Day fought againt the ene»
nies of Iſrael, andthe matters hauchad goon
fucceffe vnder our hands, and we hane Deliucred
3 But J am now olde, and yee by Gods mercy
are of a fufficient age:bee petherefor in ſtead ot
me, and my bꝛother, t goe forth and fight fo: our
nation,and the helpe of heauen be with por.
4 So be chole twenty thonfand fighting mer
of the countrep with the horſemen, which went
forth againſt Cendebceus, and reten at Movin.
§ Fn the moming they arofe, and went into
the platne field: and bebold,a mighty great hatte
came again them both of feotemen,aud horſe·
men: but there was artucrbetwirt them.
6 Gnd John ranged hts armie oner againk
him, and when heefawe that the people was ae
krayde to goe ouer the riuer, bee went ouer firtk
bimlelfe,and the menſeeing him, patter thozowe
* after bint,
7 Then he deuided his men,and (et the horſe·
Ioſeph, Anz
13. ,
(Apocrypha: i
, erof Neemias,
men in the mids of the footmen.
S Fo2 their enemies horſemen were very mas
ny: but wien they blew the trumpets Cendebe⸗
us fled with bis bait, whereof many were flaine,
and the remnant gate them to the fortreſſe.
9 Then was Judas Johns nother woun-
Ded: but John followed after them, tui hee came
to Cedron, which Cendebens had built.
10 Allo they fled vnto the towers, that were
tn the fields of Azotus and thofe did Iohn burne
with fire: thus were there Hane two thoufande
men ofthem : lobe returned peaccablp mto the
land of Juda. j
IK @ f2ow in the fielde of Jericho was Ptole:
meus the fonneof Abubus made captaine, and
he had abundance of ſiluer and gold.
I2 (Foꝛ hee had married the Daughter of the
Die Piet) D
13 Eherefore hee wared pond in his minde,
aud thought to rule the lande, @ thought to flap
Simon and bis ſonnes by deceit.
14 owas Button went about thorowe the
tities of the countrey, and ſtudied carefullp fog
them, hee came Downe to Jericho with Patta-
thias,and Judas bis Cannes in the hundreth, fe-
uentie and (even yeere, in the eleuenth nioneth,
which ts the moneth Sabat.
Is Then the onne of Abubus reteiued them
by trealon inte a litle hold, calleoDochus, which
He bad built, where be made che a great banket,
and had hid men there.
16 Ho when Simon this fonnes had mare
gool checre, Ptolemeus Rood vp with bis men
and tooketyeir Weapons, and entred into Sis
mon in the banker houle,and fewe him with his .
two ſonnes and certaine ot hgtervant.
17 hereby hee committed a great willenic,
and recompenſed end fo good. -
18 Chen weote Ptolemeus thele things and
fent fo the ting, chat He might fend bim an hotte
tobelpe bim, and lo would deliuer him the coun
trey with the cities.
I9 Ye lent other men allo vnto Gazara, to take
Jobn, Elent letters vato the captaiues to come
to bim, and he would give them filuer, and
gold and rewards.
20 And to Jerufalem be fent other to take it,
and the mountaine of the Temple,
21 Hut one ran before, and tolte Jobn in Ga-
zara, that bis father, t his brother were fiainc,
and that Peolemeus had lent to flay him.
22 Uhen hee heard thts, hee was ſore aftonts
{hed and layd bands on them that were come to
flay him, and few then; foz bee knew that they
went about to kill hin.
23 Concerning other things of John, both of
bis warres,andot bis noble acts( wherein he bes
haued himlelfe manfully) of p butlding of walg
which be made,and other of bis Deeds,
24 Beholde, they are witten inthe Chroni⸗
cles of his Peieſthood, from the time that he was
made high Piek after bis father.
ets The fecond Booke ofthe
1 An Epiftle of the Lewes that dwelt at Iernfalem,
fent unto them that dwelt in Egypt, wherein they ex-
hort them to giwethankes for the death of Antiochus.
19 Ofthe frethat was hid in the pitte, 24 The pray-
2 DE bzethzen the Jewes which
Spy be at Jerufalem, and they that are
Z in the countrep of Judea, vnto
cop the brethzen the Jewes thatare
Fp thorowout Egypt, fend ſalutati⸗
vo" — —
wie on, and prolperitic.
2 Godbhegracious vnts you, and remember
dis coucnant made with Abraham, and Iſaac,
and Jacob bis faithfull ſeruants, —
3And giue you allan heart to worſhip hin,
And to Doc his will with a whole heart and with
a willing minde, hiny
4 And open pour hearts in his Lawe & come
mandements, and fend pou peace, ;
And heare pour pravers, and bee reconciled
with pou, ¢ nener forlake yonin time oftreuble,
6 Thusnow we pay here fo? you.
7 CAbenDemetrius reigned inthe hundreth
thecelcore and ninth pere, we Jewes wote vnto
vou in the trouble and biolence that came vnto
vᷣs int hoſe peeres,after that Jalon anv bis come
pany Departed outofthe holplande aud king-
8 And burnt the porth, t ſhed innocent bloon.
the lampes and (et forth the bread.
9 Nowe therefore keepe pee the dayes of the
feat of the tabernacles in the moneth Chaſleu.
10 @ Fu the hundeth, koureſcore and eight
peeresthe people that was at Jerulatem,tin gus
Dea, and che countell,and Judas, vnto Atiſtobu⸗
lus king Ptolemeus matter, which ts of che
ftocke ofthe anointed Peieſts, and to the Jewes
that are in Egypt, ſendeth greeting and health,
11 Inſomuch as God hath oeliuered vs from
great perils, we thanke him highly, asthough
we bad overcome the Ring.
I2 For he bought them into Perſia by heaps
that foughtagaintt the holpcitic.
13 Fozalbett the captaine and the army that
was with bim, leemed inuincible, pet they were
{laincin the Cemipicof anem by the Decette of
Naneas prietts.
a Foz Antiochus 2s though he would dwelt
with ber, camethither,heeand hts friends with
him to receine money vnder the title of a nowy,
15 But when the prieſts of Manea had lain it
forth, and he was entred with a ſmall company
within the temple, they Hut the temple, when
Antiochus was come in.
16 QnBby opening ajpziuy Dooze af the vant,
they catt ſtones, as tt were thunder, vpon the cap
taine and his, and hauing batuled them in pieces,
they cut off their beads,and thee them to thoſe
that were without. j ’
17 Good be blefled in all things, which hath dee
Then wee prayed vnto the Lord, @ were heard; Aiuered vp the wicked.
we offered facrificcs ant tine floure,and lighten
18 Cbereas wee are now purpolen wis ~
and 0.3,
and 16.12.
3 Thatisto
fay, a fhi-
hing,itisal- ces.
fo called
Nephi, or
which is a
the purification of the temple bpon the flue and
twenty Dap of the moneth Chatieu, me thought
it neceflary to certitic pou thereof, that pee allo
might keepe the feat of the Tabernacles , and
of the fire which was given vs when Neemias pf-
fren facrifice, after that he had butit che Teme
ple and the altar.
-19 Foꝛ when as our fathers were led away
bnto Perſia, the Diets , which fought the bo»
neur of God, tooke the * fire of the altar prtutly,
ana hid it in a hollow pit, which was dsp in the
bottome , and therein they kept it, fo that the
place was vnknowen snto euery man.
20 Mow after many peeres when it pleas
fed God that Neemias oulu be fent from tye
king ot Perſia, hee fent of the pofteritic af thole
Pres, which had hiv it, to fetch che fire, and
ae they told vs, they found notre, but chicke
21 Then commaunded hee them to draw it
Dp, and to bring it: and when the things ap:
pertaining te the facrifices were brought, Nee⸗
mias Commanded the Pꝛieſts to fpzinkle the
ee > ARD Che things layd thereupon with wa-
22 ben this was Done, and thetimecame ©
that the Dunne (hone , which afore was bid in
the cloud, there was a great fre kindled, lo that
euetp man marueiled. i
23 Mow the Pꝛieſts, andall prayed , while
the facrifice was confuming: Jouathan began,
and the other anfwered thereunto.
24 Aud the payet of Neemias was after
this manner, D Lod, 10:8 God maker of all
things, which art fearefull t ſtrong, and righ:
teons,and merciful, and the onip and gracious
ng. —
25 Duelpliberall, onely iuſt and Almightie ſh
And euerlaſting, thou that deltuereſt Iſrael frå
al trouble, and hat choſen the fathers, and fanc»
tified them, :
26 Receine the (acrifice for thy whole people
of Jfracl,and prclerue thine owne pozrion, and
fanctific it.
27 Gather thole together, thatare (cattered
frombs : Deliner the chat ſerue among the Dea-
then: look vpon them that are deſpiſed, and ab-
hozred, thatthe heathen map know that thou
art our God.
28 Pumm them that oppreſſe vs, and with
pꝛide doe vs wung.
29 Plant chy people againe in thine polie
place, *as Moyſes hath Poken.
30 And the Diefts fang Plalmes therunto,
31 Row when the (acrifice was conſumed,
Neemias commaunaed the great tones to bee.
fprinkled with therefinucof the water.
32 Mhich when tt was done,there was kinds
led a flame, which was confumed by the light,
that ſhined from the altar.
33 @€ Ho wien this matter was knowen,
it was told the king OF Perta that in the place
where the Peieits, which were led away, baa
bid five, thereappearco water, wherewith free»
mias arid His companie had purthes the ſacriſi ·
34 The klug tried out the ching, and cloſed
the place about, and made it holp.
35 And to them that the king kauoured, hee
gaue and beftowed many gifts,
36 Anv eemias catica y fame place a Eph»
Chap. ij.
thar, which is to fay,purificationbut manymen
tallit Qephthar·
4 How Feremie hidthe Tabernacle,the Arke and
the Altar inthe hsll, 23 Of the fiue bookes of Iaſon
conteined in one, es ý
] Cis found allo in the writings of Teremiag
the Pꝛophet, that he commanded them which
were caries away,to take fire,as was Declared,
and as the Prophet comanded them that were
led into captiuitic,
2 BSiuing thenra law , that they Mould not
forget the commandements of the Lod, & that
they Mould not erretuchcir minds, woen they
faw images of gold and ſiluer, with their orua⸗
3 Thele and uch other things commanded
he them,and exhorted them that they ould net
let the Law gor out of their hearts.
4 Jt is written allo, how the Pꝛophet, by
anozacle that he had, charged thein te take the
Tabernacle and the Arke,and follow him: ana
when hee came vp into the monntaine where
—5 went vp, *and fate the heritage of
§ Jeremias went foo:th , and found an hols
low caue wherein belayd the Cabernacle, ana
the Arke, and the altar ofincente, and fo tops
ped the Dooe. i
6 Andthere came certaine of thole that fol-
lowed hint, to marke the place: but they conta
not find it, 5
7 Ahich when Jeremias perceiued, hee re-
prooued them, laying, As foz that place, it Hall
be vnknowen, vntill the time that God gather
bis peeple together againe, and that merciebe
8 Chen hal the Lord Hew them thele Wings,
and the matettieof the Loꝛd Mall appeare and
the cloud allo, as tt was hewed vnder Moyles,
and as* when Salomon Delired, that the place
might be honourably lancttfied. :
9 Foꝛ tt fs manileſt rhat hee, being a wile
mnan , offered the * facrtfice of Dedication, and
conlecratton of the Temple,
Io * And as when Doyles paved vnto the
Lo2b, the fire came Down froin heauen,and con
{fumed the lacrifice; fe when Salomon prayed,
* the fire camieDowne from heauen, and coulis
med the burnt offering.
IL And Wopies fain, becaule the finne offe·
was not eaten, therefore it ts confined.
12 Ho Dalomion kept thole eight dayes.
13 Thele things allo are Declared in the twi»
tings and regilters of | Neemias/ and how hee
made alibzarie, and bow be gathered the acts
ofthe Kings, and the Prophets, and the acts of
Daud, and theepitties of the Kinges concers
ning the holy gifts. :
14 uen fo Judas allo gathered ali thinges
that came to palie by the warres that were a>
mong Vs, which things we haue.
Ig. GAberefeze tf yee baue need thereof, (end
fome to fetch them vnto yon.
16 Ciihereas wee then are about to celebzate
the purification, we baue wꝛitten vnto yon, and
pe hall Doc well,if pee Keepe the fame trapes.
17 Mee hope allo that the God which deli-
eucred all bis people , and gauean heritage to
them all and the kingdome, and the Plieſc⸗
HY 2 hood,
Deut.3 4. bo
LKing Be +:
14:2 3, 30,
2.chro.6, 21
1.Ki#.8.62, ©
65-2.chroy )
and 10,16,
[Some read
I er emie.
ood, and the Sanckuary,
` 18 * Ashe promiled in the Law, will ſhortly
haue mercy npon vs, and gather bs together
from vnder the heauen into bis bolp place : foz
bee hath laued vs from great perils, and bath
cleanſed the place. Í
Ig As concerning Judas Mactabeus his
bzethzen, the purification of the great Temple,
and the Dedication of the altar, A
20 And the warres againſt Antiochus Cpi»
phanes,and Eupatoꝛ his tonne,
21 Aud the mantfett fignes that came from
heaven vnto thole, which manfully toon foz the
Jewes religion: (fo: though they were but few,
yet they ran thoow whole countreypes, and pure
ed the barbarous armies,
22 Andrepayzed the Temple that was re»
nowmed thoꝛowout al the world, and deliuered
the ctties,and eſtabliſhes the Lawes, that were
like tobe abolifjed , becaule the Lozd was mer-
ctfull unto them with all lenitie.)
23 Cece willaffap to abange in one volume
thole things that Jalon the Cyzentan hath De.
clared in Rue bookes.
24 Fez conldering the wonderfull number,
and the Difficultie that they haue that would be
occupied in the rebearfall of ſtories, becauſe of
the Diueriitte of the matters,
25 CUr haue endenoured,that they that would
read, might haue pleatire , and that they which
are ftudious, might ealily keepe them it memo-
rie, — that whoſoeuer read them, might haue
profit. d
26 Wherefore to vs that haue taken tn hand
II. Maccabees.
the bigh Piet, and hatred of wickedneſſe,
lg en — cuen the Kings din
1 2 aud garntfyed i
With great gifts. Aik i
of bis J les — that —— Ring of ana
2 uate all the coits bel
the ſeruice of the facrifices. i Hate
4 Butone Simon of the tribe of Beniamin
being appointed ruler of the Temple, conten
Ded With the hie Patel concerning || che miqui>
tle Conunttted in the citie.
§ And when he could not oucrcome Dnias,
hee gate bim to Apollonius the fonne of Ghzae
teas, which then was goucrnouref Cecloipzia,
and Phenice.
6 Aud told him that the treafuric in Jeruſa⸗
lem was full of innumerable maney , which DID
not belong to the pzouttion of the facritices, and
that it were polltble that thele thinges might
come into the kings hands.
7 Mow when Apollonius came to the king,
Chad themed him ofthe money, as it was toin
hint, the king chole out Heliodorus hts treaſu⸗
rer, and (ent him with a commaundement, ta
zing hun the fozelayd money. i
8 JImmediatly heliodorus tooke his ionrney
as though he would vilite the cities of Coeiolp.
plat A a aes a in effect to fulfill the kings
9 So when hee came to Jerufalem, twas
coutteoutip recciued of the hte Peieſt into rhe
titie, hee Declared what was Determined cone
terning the money, and fhewed the caule of his
—— and alked tf thele things were ſo tite
this great labour,it was no ealie thing to make Dee
this abstogenient, but required both ſweat and
27_Likeas he that maketh afeat, efecketh
other mens conumoditie, bath no ſmall labour:
fo wee allo foz many mens fakes are verp well
contentto vndertake this great labour.
28 Leauing to the anthoz the exact Diligence
ofeuery particular, twee willtabour to goe foz:
ward acceding to the peelcript orꝛder of an as
bridgement . fee
29 Fo as hee that will build a new boufe,
muſt poude forthe whole building, but be that
fetteth out the plat, 02 goeth about to act It,
eda bp onely what ts comely foz the Decks
ing thereof: f i
30 Euen fo 3 thinke fo: bs,that it appertai⸗
neth tothe firi wetter ofa ſtoꝛie to enter deepe ·
iy into it,and to make mention of al things, and
tobecurioustneucrppart: ;
31 Butit ts permitted to him that will Ho2-
tenit,to vie few words , Ete auoid thole things
that are curious therein,
32 Were then will we begin the topy, adding
thus much to our foꝛmer moades, that itisbuta
foolith tying to abound in words before the Ro- bek
tic and te be fhort in the Rozig.
CHAP. ‘Ill.
2 Of the honor done tothe Temple bythe kings of
the Gentiles, 6 Simon vttereth what treafure 1s im
the Temple. 7 Heliodorus ss fènt totake them away.
Io Shen the hie Peteſt told Him that there
were peo things lapen vp by the widowes g fa-
e, i
II And that acertaine of it belonged vnto
Hircanus thefonne ot Tobias a noble man, and
not as that wicked Simon had reported, and
thatin all, there were but foure hundreth tae
lents of filuer,and two hundzeth of gold,
I2 And that it were altogether impoſſible to
Do this wong to them that had committed it of
truf to the holineſſe of the place and Temple
whichis honoured through the whele wold fog
Holineffe and integrity. k
13 But ipelionozus becaule of the kings come
mandement ginen him, fain that in any wile it
mut be bought into the kings treaſurie.
14 Doe heappotnted a day, ¢ went in te take
oDer fez thele things: then there was no ſmall
griefe thoughout the whole citie.
_ I5 Foꝛthe Pꝛieſts fel downe befoze the altar
in ths Prieſts garments, ¢ called vnto heaven
vpon pim which had made a Law concerning
things giuento be kept,that they ſhould be ſafe⸗
ly paeferued fo? fuch as had committed theni to
16 Then thep that looked the bie Piek iss
the face, were wounded in their heart: fo2 bis
countenance, and the changing of bis colour Des
clared the foprom of his minde.
17 The man was (o wrapped in feare and
trembling ofthebodp, that it was manifett ta
26 He is Broken of Ged, and healed atthe prayer of them that looked vpon him, what fozrow be bad
oO 7 .
Vv time as the holy city was inhabited
with al peace, and mhen the lawes were
very weli kept,uecante of the goblines of Dag
in bis bearr.
18 Others allo came out of their bouis bp
heapes unto the common payer, becauſe the
place was like to come vnto me ann
[lOr the ſtate
& prouifion.
| Apocrypha.
a In work-
ing fome
trecherie or
forcerie a-
gainft him,
19 Audthe women, girt with fackectoth one
Der their bretts,filied the ſtreets.and thevirgins
that were kept in, ranne fomete the gates, and
fome to the walles, and others looked out of the
20 And all held hp their bands toward peas
uen, and made prayer, A
21 It was a lamentable thing to fee the mul-
titnde that tell Bowne of all ſortẽ, and the expec⸗
tation of the hic Paieſt being in fuch angutip.
22 Cherfoze they called pon the Aimightie
Lord, that he would keepe fate fure the things,
a were layed pp foz thote that had oclive-
red them.
23 Neuertheleſſe, the thing that Heliodorus
Was Determined to Dor that did he performe.
24 And as hee and His touldters were now
there preſent by the treaſurte, he that is the Lord
of theiprrits, and ofall power, firmed a great
biton, fo that all chey which preiumed to come
with him, were aſtonihed at the power of God,
aud fell into feare and trembling.
25 Foa there appeared vnto them an Fogle
with a terrible man fitring ppon hun, mok rith-
ly barbed, ana be ran fiercely and {mote at Weli-
odo2Us with his forefecte, and it ſeemed that he
that fate upon the borie, had harneſſe of gold.
26 Moꝛeouer, there appeared two yong men,
notable in ttrength, exceilent in beautie, and
comely tn apparel which toon by hint on either
fide, and fcourged himcontinually, and gaug
dun many foe ttripes.
27 And Heliodorus fell ſuddenly vnto the
Kround,and was couered with great Darknefie:
but they that were with bun, tooke Hin vp, and
put Dini ina litter. 3
28 Tbus he that came with fo great compa.
nic,and many foulaters into the atd treafurte,
was borne ont ; toz Hee could not helpe himlelfe
with bis weapons.
29 Ho thép did Know the power of God ma-
nikeltly, but hee was dunibe by the power of
God, and lay deilttute of all hope and health.
30 And they pratled the Lord that bad honou⸗
ted bis owne place:for the Temple which a litle
afore was fuiloffeareand trouble, when the Al-
mightie Lod appeared, was Aled with ioy and
glaoneffe. i ; ee
31 When Kratgttway certaine of Weliono-
rus friends, peayeo Dnias, that hee would call
vpon the molt igh to grant him bis Kfe which
lay reap to gtue vp the ahot. i
32 Ho the high Pict, confidering that the
Ging might fiulpect that the Jewes had done
Heliodorus fome enrll, he offered a ſacrifice foz
the health ofthe man.
33 Pow when tee high [rick had made his
payer, the fame pong menin the fame clothing
appeared, and ſtood belide Weliodozus, faving,
Gine Onias the bigh Piet great thankes:
ffos pis fake Hath the Lozd graunte thee thy
324 And ſeeing that thou hatt beene ſcourged
from heauen, declare vnto all men the mightie
powrrof God: and when they had ſpoken thele
words, they appeared no moe.
35 Ho heliodorus offered vnto the Lord fa»
crifice, and made great vowes vnto bim which
had craunted him bis life and thanked Dntas,
and went agatie with his boite to the king.
36 Then tetifien hee unto euery man of the
Chap. iiij
great workes of God that he had feene with his
37 And when the king afked Heliodozus, wha
were meet tobe lent pet once agatne to Jeruſa⸗
iem,be fat, ;
38 Fe thou batt any encmy, o2 traitour, fenu
him thither se thon fjalt receiue Him well ſcour⸗
ged, tf hee eicape with brs life: for tn that place,
no doubt therets alpectal power of GoD.
39 Fozhee that dwelleth in heanen hath his
eye on that place, and detendeth tt, and be bege
teth and deſtroyeth them rhat come to burt tt,
40 @his came to pate concerning Heliods·
rhs, and the keeping of the trealurie,
t Simon reporteth euill of Onias.7 Iaſon obtaineth
the office of the his Prieſt by corrupting the King, 27
and was by Menelaus di frauded by like bribing.340-
nias w flaine traiteroully hy Andronicus,
T Dis Dimon now,of whom wee pake afore, `
being a bewzayer of the money, and ofhis
owne natural counteey,reported enill of Dutag,
as though he bad mooued Heliodorus vnto this,
and had beene the tnuenter ofthe enill.
2 Thus was heboldto call pim a traitour,
that was fo beneficial to the city, and a Defender
of hts nation and [o zealous of the Lawes.
3 But when his malice increaled fo far that
through ene that belonged to Dimon, murders
Were committed
4 Dnias confivering the Danger of thts cone
tention, and rhat Apollonius, as bee that was
the gouernour of Coeloſyria and Phenice, did
rage,and intreaſed Cunons malice,
§ Hee went to the King not agan acculer of
the citizens , but as one that intended the cone
mon wealth both pamately and publikely.
6 Foz hee {aw tt was not poittble,ercept the
Bing tooke o2Ber, to quiet the matters and that
Himon would not leaue off hts folly.
7 But after the death ofSeleucus, when Arne
ttochus called Cpiphanes,tooke the kingdonre,
Jalon the brother of Dnias labouren by ynlawe
full meanes tobe high Piet.
8 Foꝛ he came vnto the King, and promilen
Him thaec hundgeth and threeſcore talents of fil»
uer, and of another rent fourelcoze talents.
9 Beldes this he promiled hun an hundred
and fiftie, ifhee might haue licence to ſet bp a
place fo: exerciſe, and a place fo: the youth, and
that they would i name them of Jerulalem, An⸗
tlochians. i
19 The which thing when the king had gran-
ted, and Hee had gotten the fuperiozitie, hee be-
gan immediatly to Daw his kimen tothe cu-
omegofthe Gentiles,
IL Aud aboliſhed the friendly priuiledges of
the kings, that the Jewes ban fet vy by John
the father of Eupolemus, which was lent am⸗
baffadour vnto Rome, to become friends and
confeveratesshe put Downe their lawes and po⸗
licies, and brought vp new Katutes, and cane
trarie to the Law.
12 Foz hee preſumed ta build a place of erer-
cile under the caſtle, and brꝛought the chtefe
yong men onder hts ſuübiection, and made then
Leave || hatg
Noy 3 13 Go
|Or,that he
would write
the Antis-
chians that
were at Fee
rufalem a-
mong them.
lOr buskins, ~
in token of
wantonne ffe
asthe Gen=
teles did,
Pa soccyphiane
a This game
was to trie
firengch by
cafting a
ftone that
had an hole
inthe mids,
ora piece of
fOr, Olympi-
an [portes,
sphich were
games kept
euery fift
| Jeeree
Or, e⸗m⸗
wrahdeme rats
13 So there beganne a great delire to follow
the manere ofthe Gentiles, and they tooke vp
tie fathions ot ſtrange nations by the exceeding
wickedneſſe of Jalon, not the hie reki but the
vngodly perfon, 7
14 Bo that the Pꝛieſtes were now no more
Diligent about the ſeruice of the altar but deſpi·
fed tie Temple, anv regarded not the facrift-
ceg, but made hatte tobee partakers vf the wic:
ne erpentes at the piap, after the catting of the
15 Fo they did not let by the honour of their
fathers, but liked the glozy of the Gentiles belt
of ail.
16 Byrealon whereof great calamitte came
vponthem: for they had them to bee their eng-
mies and puniſhers, whale cultome they follow-
ed fo earneſtly, and delived to be like them in all
* For itis notalight thing to tranſgreſſe a-
gaint che Lawes of God, but the time follow
ing Hall Declare thele things.
18 ¶ Mow when the | games that were olen
every fit peere, mere played at Trus the King
being petent,
19 Chis wicked Valon fent from Jeruſalem
men to looke wpon them, as though they had
beene Antiochtans, whtcl*brought theee hue
dreth drachnies of filuer foz a acritice to Wer-
cules; albeit they that carted them, Delired the
might not be beltowed on the facrifice, becaule
it was not comely) but to bee beſtowed toꝛ other
20 Ho hee that ent them, {ent them koꝛ the
facrifice of Hercules: but becauſe of thale that
piougot them, they were giuen to the making of
21 (Mow Appollonius the ſonne of Meneſt⸗ D
bens was ient into Egypt becante of the cazo:
nation of King Ptolemeus Philometor: vut
when Antiochus percciued that he was entli af-
kectioned toward his affaires he ſought his own
aſſurance, and Departed from thence to Joppe,
and lo caine to Jerulalem, i
22 Ahere hee was honourably receined of
Jaſon, and ofthe cttie,and was bzought in with
torchlight, and with great houtings, and fo be
went with his pofte nto Phenice.
23 Thee peere afterward Jalon Cent Mene:
taus, the fozelata Simons beother, to beare the
money onto the Ling, and to bang to paſſe cer
taine necefarte affaires, whereofhe had givers
Him a niemogtall.
24. But hee, betag commended to the King,
magnified him foz the appearance of bis power,
and turned the Pꝛieſthood vnto himfette: for he
pon three hundzeth talents of liluer moze then
25 So he gate the Kings | letters patents, al⸗
ett be had nothing in hinlelte worthy of che hte
Prieſt hood but bare the ſtomacke of a cruelity=
rantana the wrath ofa wilde beat, '
26 Then Jaton which hav Decetued his
owne brother, being deceiued by gnother, was
compelled to fice inta the countrey ef the Aine
monites. “On
27 Ho Wenelaus qatethe dominion; but as
for the moncy that bee had peronuſed virto the
king, he tooke nove order fo: it,albeit@altratus
the ruler ofthe cattle required it.
28 Foz vnto him appertaiued the gathering
II. Maccabees.
ofthe cuſtomes: wherefore they were both cat
led bekore the Ring.
29 Mow WDenelans left his brother Lylima⸗
chus in bis ſtead tu the ztethood , t attra:
tus lett Crates whitch was gouernour of the
b Cyprians. pig ‘
30 Q hiies thele things were in Doing, the
Tharfans, and they ef Mallot made infurree-
tton,becante they were giuen to the Rings cone
cubine callen Antiochis.
31 Then came the king in all hate to appeaſe
the bufineffe, icaning AnBontcus a man of aus
thoritie to be bis lieutenant.
32 Mow Menelaus, tuppofing that hee haa
gotten aconuentent tune, tole certaine veſſels
of gold out of the Temple, and gaue certaine of
theni to Andronicus: and fome hee (old at Ty-
rus ana tithe cities thereby.
33 bich wher Dnias knew of a fuertie he
reprooued Him, and withdzew hunlelte inta a
Panctiarte at Daphne by Antiochia.
34 hereto Menelaus, taking Androni⸗
Cus apart, prayed him to flay Dnias: fo when
hee came toDntas, bee counfelled him craftily,
giuing him bis right band with an oath; (hows
beit bee fulpect him, and pervaded bim to
come out of the Sanctuarte)io hee flew him in-
Sune Without any regard of righteoul=
35 Foz the which cauſe not onely the Fewes,
but many other nations allo were grieued,and
tooke it beautly foz the vurightcous Death of
thts man, : ; A
36 And when the King was come againe
front the places about Ciltcta, the Jewes that
werein the citie, and certaine of the Greekes
that abbogred the fact allo, ae ate becaule
nias was flaine without caule. y
37 Therefore Anttochus was forte in his
mind, and he had compafiion, and wept becanfe
ofthe modeſtie and great diſcretion of him that
was Bead, ;
38 Uberefoe being kindled with anger, hee
tooke away Andzonicũs garment of purple and
rent ts clothes, and commanded him te be lew
thozowont the citic,and inthe fame place where
hee had committed the wickedneſſe againit O⸗
nias, hee was Raine asa murtherer. Thus the
LoD rewarded pim hts puniſhment, as bee had
39 ¶ Row when Lyfimachus had done man
wicked Deedes in the cirie thaaugh the counfell
of Menelaus, and the bzute was ead abzoad,
the multitude gathered them together agetnt
Lyfimachus: foz bee bad carried out now much
velſell of gold.
40 And when the people arofe,and were full
ofanger, Lylimachius armed about thace thous
fand, and began to vſe ynlawfull power, a cere
taine tyrant being their captaine, who was na
leſſe decayed th wit then in age.
41 But when they vnderſtood the purpoſe
of Lylimachus, fome gate ftonzs, fome great
clubs, ann fome cat handfuls of Dutt which lay
by, ppon Lylimachus men, and thok that inna.
Ded then.
42 Whereby many of them were wounded,
fone were ſlaine and all the other chaito away:
but the wicked Churchrobber himéeife they kile
led befides the trealurte,
43 Foz theſe caules an acculation was taine
b That is, of
them that
meafured the
againt Wenelans,
44 And when the Kine came to Tyrus, three
Sa une fromthe Senate picaded the caule be⸗
ore him. }
45 But Wenelaus being nota conuinced, pza:
miled to Ptolemeus the fon of Doꝛimenes much
money,tihe would perfmadethe king.
46 Ho Ptolemeus went te the King intoa
tourt, whereas he was to ceole himitife, and tuta
nen the kings minte, : $
47 Inſomuch that hee dilcharged Menelaus
from the acculation (notwithſtañding heewas
the cante ofall milchtcte) and condemned thole
poor men to Death, which ifthey had told therr
cau, yea, before the Scytbians, they ſhould
haue been heard as innocent,
48. Tius were they oone puniſhed vniuſtly,
which kollowed upon the matter fo: the citie, and
foz the people,and fo2 the boly vefieis. ‘
49 Ciherefoze they of Tyrus hated that wic>
Deduelle, and miniſtred all things liberally foz
their buriall.
ço And fo through the couetoulneſſe of them
that were in power, Meunelaus remained tn au⸗
thozitic, increafing tn malice, and Declared bine
{cite a great tratto to the citizens,
a eo ah
2 Of the fignes and tokens feen in Terufalem. 6 OF
theend and wickednes of Jafon. 11 The purfuit of
Antischus againftthe Fewes. 15 The fpoyling of the
Temple. 27 Maccabcus fleeth into the wildernefse.
Ano the fame time Antiochus vndertooke
his ſecond vepage into Egypt.
2 And then were there feene thorowout all
the citie of Ierufalem fourty Dapestong.borlemen
running in the atrc, with robes of Golde, and as place
bands of ſpearemen, r
3 And as troupes of horſemen (ct in arap in ·
countring and courfing one againſt another
with haking of hields and multitnBe ot darts,
and Drawing of fwowWs and hooting of arrows.
and the — of the golden armour feenc,
and barneffe of all forts.
4 Therefor cucrp manpzayen,that tholeto- fak
Kens might turne to goon.
-s FAowe whenthere was gone foozth a fate
tumour, asthough Antiochus had beene Dead,
Jalon tooke at the teak a thouſand men, and
caine ſuddenly Byon the city, and they that were
-bpon the walles, being pur backs, and tye citte
atlength taken, :
6 MWBenclaus fied into the cattle, but Javon
flew bis owne citizens without mercie, net con-
fidering, that to baue the aduantage agatntt bis
kinſemen i3 greateſt Delabuantage, but thought
that hee had gotten the bictozic of His enemies,
āno not of bis owne nation, ——
7 Wet hee gate not the ſuperioritie, but at the
daft recciued Mame foz the reward of bts treaſon,
and went againe like a vagabond into the coun-
trey of the Ammonites. BAH
-8 Finaliphe bad tkis endofhts wicked con-
fOr,fiutvp . uerlatton,that he twas || acculed before Areta the
king ofthe Arabians, and fled from titie to city,
"Being purſued of euery man,and hated as a foz-
faker of the Lawes and was tu abomination, as
‘an enemie of his countecy and citizens, and was
Drinen into Egept.
~ o Thus he that had chaſed many out of their
owne countrey, periſhed as a baniſhed man, af
ter that bee was gone tothe Lacedemontans,
thinking there to haue gotten fuccour by reana
of kinred.
IO Gnd hee that had cae many out vnbu⸗
ricd , was thꝛowne out hiniclfe, no man moura
ning foz bint, noz putting bim in bts graues
neither was bee partaker ot his fathers ſepul⸗
Ir @ Now when thele things that were Done,
were Declared tothe king, hee theught that Ju⸗
Dea would baue fallen from Him : wherefore hee
came with a furious minde outef Egypt, anu
toske the citie by violence.
I2 ie commanded his men of warre allo, that
they ould kill and not {pare fuch as they met,
and to flay luch as went into their houſes.
13 Thus was there a Tamahcer of yong mem,
and ADe men, and a deſtruction of menand was
men and childzen, and virgins and infants were
murthered : t
14 Bo that within three dayes were flaing
foureicoze thoufand, and fourtte thonfand taken
pate and there were as many (old as were
I5 Wet was Hee not content teith this, but
Durft goe into the moſt holy Temple of all the
wold, hauing Menelaus that traitour to the
Lawes,and to his own countrey,to be bis gutde,
16 And with his wicked hands tooke the ho⸗
ly vefieis, which other kings had giuen fo2 the
garniſting, glory, and hondur of that place, and
bandied them with his wicked hands.
17 Ho hauty in bis minde was Antiochus,
that he conſidered not that Gov was nota little
w20th foz the finnes of them that Dweltin the cis
ty, forthe which ſuch contempt came vpon that
18 Foꝛ ik they had not been wzapped in many
finnes,bee,alloene as he had come, bad fuddenly
been puniſhed, and put backe from bis pzefump-
tion, as Heliedozus was, whom Seleucus the
king fent to view the trealurte.
19 But God hath not chofen the nation foz
the placea fake, but the place foz the nationg
20 And therfore ts the place become partaker
ofthe peopiestrouble, butafterward fhall tt bee
partaker of the benefits of the Lozd, and as tt is
now korſaken in the wrath ofthe Almighty, fo
when the great Lord Mall be reconciled, tt hall
belet vpin great worſhip againe.
21 Q So when Antiochus had taken eigh
tecnebundzed talents outofthe Temple, hee
gate him to Antiochia in all haſte, thinking in
bis pꝛide to make men faile vpon the deie lande,
om id walke vpon the teas tuch an high minde
22 But he left deputies to pere the people: at
Jerufalem Philip a Phꝛygian by birth, in ma⸗
ners moze cruell then he that fer him there:
23 And at Garizin Andzontcus, and with
them enclaus, which was moze grieuous ta
the citizens then the other, and was delpitefull
againfi the Jewes dis citizens.
24 Hee (ent allo Apotiontus a cruell prince,
with an army of two and twenty thoufand,
whom he commanded te flay thole that were to=
wars mans age, and tofell the women andthe
ponser ſort.
25 Bo when he came to Jerulalem, he fainen
Dpp 4 PEACE,
peace, and kept bim ſtill wntillthe holy nay of
Dabbath: and chen finding the ewes keeping
the featt, hee commanved bts men to take ther
26 Gnd fo hee flewe all them that were gone
foazth ta the Hewe , and running thozow tie ci-
tie with his men atmed/ hee murthered a great
27 But Jidas Maccabeuns, being as tt were
_the centh, flen into the wildernes, and liued there
inthe mountatnes with bis company among the
beastes, and Dwelling there, and cating graflik,
teh they (aula be partakers of the ftilthineſſe.
1 The Lewes are compelled to leaue the Law of God,
4 The Temple i defiled, 10 The women cruelly pis-
æiſhed. 28 The grieuvus paine of Eleaxarus.
fOr Amie Nns after this fent the Ring anota man
of |Athens,foz to compel the Hewes to trani
grefe the lawes of the fathers,and not tobe go>
nerned bp the Law of God,
2 Andto defile the Temple that was at Je-
rufalem, and tocallit the Temple of Jupiter
Dipmptus, € that of Garizin, according as they
Did that Dwelt at that place, Jupiter chat kee-
peth hoſpitality.
3 This wicked gouernement was fore and
grieuous vnto the people. i ;
4 Foꝛ the temple was full of diſſolution, and
gluttony of the Gentiles, which dallied with har⸗
lots,and had to Dee with women within the cir-
cite of the Doly places, and brought in fuch
things as were not lawful. ‘
§ The altar alfo was full of {uch things, as
Were abominable and forbinden by the Law.
6 Neither was tt lawfullto keepe the Sab-
baths, noz to obferue thetr ancient feattes , no?
plainciy to confetic himéelfeto be a Jew.
7 Jutheday of the Rings birth they were
gticuoufiy compelled perforce eucrp moneth to
banquet, andwhen the feat of Bacchus was
kept, they were conftrained to goe in tije pocek
ton of Bacchus with garlands of yuie.
$ Moꝛebuer, through the counſell of Ptole⸗
meus, there went out a commandement vnto
the nert cities of the heathen againt the Jewes,
ZOreatingof thatthelike cuſtome, and | banqueting Mould be
| the fle[bthat
was ſacriſi-
And who fo would not confozme them-
felues to the manersof the Gentiles, ould bee
. put to Death : then might aman haue leene the
pꝛeſent miſerie.
IO Foꝛ there were two women brought forth
WA had circumciſed their fonnes , whom wheit
they had led round about the citp(the babes han-
ging at their breatts) they cat them down heat:
long ouer the walles,
II Soie that were runne together into
Dennes to keepe the Gabbath vap (ecretip,
were diſcouered vnto Philip, and were burnt
together, becaufethat forthe reuerence of the
alas a Day they were alraide to helpe theni-
12 € Moto J veleech thole which reade this
booke, that they be not diſcouraged fozthefe ca»
lamitics, but that they indge thele afflictions
not tobe foz Deftruction, but foxachattening of
ply nation.
13 Fa it ts a token of his great goodneſſe,
I ——
not to fufter finners long to tõtinue, but ſtraight
wapes to puniſh the. -
14 Foz the Lozd doth not long wait foz vs,as
foz other nations, whom de puntigcrh when they
ate come to the fulnelic of their ſinnes. -
15 But thus hee dealeth with vs, that our
finnes ſhould not be heaped by to the full, fo that
afterward he ſhould puniſh vs.
16 And therefore hee neuer withdzaweth his
mercie from ys; and though bee puniſh with ad⸗
uerlitie, pet Doeth he neuer forſake his people.
17 But let thts bee ſpoken now fo: a warning
trto bs: and naw will we come to thedeclasing .
ofthe matter in fewe woes.
18 Eleazar then dne of p principal Scribes,
an aged man,and of a wel favoured countenance
Was contirainedto open his mouth, and to cate
fwines teth. d é
19 But hee deliring rather to die gloriouſſy
then to liue with hatred, offred himielfe willing=
ly to che tozment,and (pte tt out: ;
20 As they ought to goe to death which ſuffer
puniſhment foꝛ fuch things , asitis not tawtilt
totattcoffortheveliretoling, i
21 Butchey that had the charge of this wics
Eed banket, foz that olde kriendſhipof the man,
tooke bim afine pziuily, and prayed him that hee
would take fuch fieh, as was lawtull foz bum to
bie, andas yee would prepare foz himſelfe, and
Blilembie as though bee hadeatenof the things
AVROMED by the King, enen the fieh ofthe fa>
crifice, p i $ i
22 That infodoing hee might be deliuered
froin Death, and that foz the olde kriendſhip that
was among them, he would receine this fauour.
23 But he began to confer diſcreetly, and as
became His age,aud the ercellency of his ancient
peeves,and the honeut of hts gray hatres,wheres
unto he was come, and his moit honeſt conucr>
fatton from bis childhoode, but chiefiy the holp
Law made and giuen by God: therefore hee an·
fwered conſequently, and willed them Kratght-
waves to fend bim tothe grate.
24 Foꝛ it becommeth uot our age, faydhe, to
Diflemble, wiyeveby many yong perlons might
thinke that Eleazar being koureſcore peeres old
and ten, were now gaire Co || Another religion,
25 And fo through mine hipocrtite ( foz a litle
time of a trantitony life)they might bee deceiued
by meand 3 ould proctive malediction and re
xzoch to niine olde age. ;
26 Foz though 4 were now Delinered from
fhe tozments of men, pet could J not efcape the
hand of the Almightp neither altue no? Bead,
27_CGibercioze J will nowe change this life
manfully, and will hewe my felfe tach as mine
age requireth,
28 And fowill leane a notable example foz
{uch as be young to Bic willingly, and couragi·
onily foz the Honourable and bolp Lawes. And
when bead fayd thele wozdes, immediatlp he
Went to torment. j
29 Mow they that led hin, changed the loue
which they bare him before, into hatred, becaulk
ef the wards that he baa poken: fog they thought
it had been a tage. ;
30 Anr as he was ready to gine the gholt be-
canfeof the trakez, he fighed and faps, The
Lozo that hath the bolp knowledge, knoweth
manifeitty, that whereas might baue beene
deliuered from Beath, Jam ſcoutged, and ms
Or, to age-
ther maner
of life.
| Apocrypha.
Deut, 32,36.
thele ſore paines of my body; but in mymind J
fuffer them gladiy fo hts religion.” we
31 Euen now after this maner ended hee bis
lite, leaning his Death to: an example of a noble
courage, and amemoziallof vertue , not onely
buto pong men, but vute all jis nation.
The punifhmens of the fener brethren and of their
mother. ;
T came to paffe alfo that euen brethren, with
thetr mother, were taken to bee compelled by
the king againſt the Lawe to taftefwines fich,
and were tozmented with (courges and whips.
2 Butene of them which tpake firt, ſayde
thus, Ghat ſeekeſt thou 7 and what wouldeſt
thouknow of vs? weeare ready to Die rather
then to tranſgreſſe the lawes of our fathers.
3 Then was theking angry, and commane
Bed to beate pans and cauldzons, which were tt
continently made hote. ‘
4 Aud be commanded the tongue ofbim that
{hake frt to bee cut out, and to flay him, and to
cut offthe vtmoſt parts of bis body in the tight
of bts other bꝛethꝛen and his mother. j
S5 Mow when bee was thus mangled in all
bis members, he commanded him to be bought
altuetothe fire and to frie Dim inthe pan; and
while the (moke foz a long time ſmoked gut of
thepan, the other brethren wtth their mother er-
horted one another to Die couragtoutly, faving in
this maner, j
6 Che Lord God doth regard bs, tin deede
taketh pleafurein vs, as Doyles * Declared in
the fong wherein bee teſtiticd openly, faying,
That God wili take pleaſure in his ſeruants.
€ So wher the firk was dead after this
maner, they brought the fecond to make him a
mocking ttocke: and when they had pulled the
fkinne with the haire ouer his head, they alked
pim if hee would cate, o2 he were puntived tn all
the members of thebodp,
8 But heeanlwered in his owne language,
and fayd , No. CAderefore hee was tormented
forthwith like the firt.
9 Andiwhen hee was at the lat breath, bee
fayd, Thou murtherer takett this preſent life
from us, but the King of the world wil raife ys
vp, which Die tor the Lawes, in the velurrection
of cucrlatiing life, ; i $
Io ¶ After him was the third had in derifi-
pn, and when they Demaunded his tongue, bee
ut it out incontinently, and ſtretched fo2th his
ants boldly,
Il And fpake manfully, Whele pane 3 had
fromthe heanen, but now fo: the Lawe ot Gon
J deſpiſe them, and truſt that J Mall vecetue
themof himagaine. = ty
12 Inſomuch that the King and they which
were with him, maruciled at the yong mans
courage, agat one that nothing regarden the
paines. \
13 CMow when he was Dead allo,chey vexed
and tormented thefourthinkkemaner.
14 And when bee was now ready to die, hee
fayd thus, Ft is better that wee Woulo change
this which we might hope to: of men, and waite
for our bope fram God, that wee may be railed
wp againe by him : as fog thee,thou ſhalt haue no
refucrection to life. =
15 @Afterward thep brought the fife allo and
tormented bim,
16 Tho looked bpon the King, and ſayd,
Thou batt power among men, and though
thoubee a mortall man, thon doeſt what thou
ie >but thinke not that God bath korſaken our
17 But abide awhile, and thon Hatt (ce bis
guar power, how he wili tement chee and thp
18 Akter him allo they bꝛought the firt, whe
being at the point of Death fain. Deceme not thy
felfe foslifyly ; foz wee fuer thele things, which
are worthy to be wounded at for our odwue fakes,
becanfe we hane offended our God.
19 Wut thinke not thou, which vndertakeſt
x fgbt again God, that thou thalt bee vnpu⸗
20 But the mother was marueilous abone all
other, and worthy of honourable memoꝛie: foz
when fhe faw her ſeuen ſonnes Naine within the
{pace of onc day, fhe fuffered tt with a good will,
becauſe of the hope that {he hab tn the Loyd,
21 Wea,the exhorted euery one of them in her
owne language, and being full of courage and
wiledomẽ, ſtirred bp her womanly affections,
with amanly tomacke,aud fayd vnto them,
22 J cannot tell howe pee came tuto mp
wombe: for J neither gaue you beeath nop life s
pe not J that (ct in oDer the membersof pour
23 But doubtleſſe the Creato: of the wonde,
which fozmed the birth of man, and foundont
the beginning of all things, will alfo of his owne
mercie glue yeu breath, and life agatne, asypee
now regard not pour owne felues, foz bis lawe⸗
24. Pow Antiochus thinking bhimlclfe deſpi⸗
fen, and conſidering the iniurious wozdes, while
the pongett was yet altue , he DD exhort hun not
oncly with wordes, but fware allo vnto him bp
an othe that hewould make bim rich and weal-
thy, ikhe would korſake the lawes of bis fathers,
and thathee would take bim ag a friend, egiue
hun offices.
25 But when the yong man would in no cale
hearken vntobim, the King called bis mother,
ane exhorted that thee would countell the poung
man to faue ia life. i
26 And when he haderhorted her with many
wozds, fhe pꝛomiſed him that hee would countell
Ger nne. i
27 Ho thee turned her vnto him, laughing
the cruell tyzant to ſcorne, and (pake in ber owne |
language, D my foune, bane pitie vpon mee,
thatbare thee nine moneths tn my wonbe, and
gaue theelucke thee peeres,and nouriſhed thee,
ae toot cate for thee unto thisage, ¢ brought
28 Jbeleech thee, mylonne, looke vpon the
heauen and theearth, and all thatistheretn,and
conlider that God made them of things that
were not and fo was mankinde made likewiſe.
29 Feare not thts hangman, but few thy
felfe worthy fuch brethren by ſüffering Death,
tbat J may recetue thee inmercig with thy bzg-
30 Mhile he was yet {peaking thele mods,
the young man ſayd, (bom waite pe for? J will
not obeÿ the kings commandement: but 3 wel
obey the commandement of the Law that was
giuen vnto our fathers by (Doyles, —
31 And thouthat imaginet all miſchiece a-
gaint the Hebrewes, Hatt not eſcape the hand of
i 32 Foꝛ wee ſuffer thele things becauſe of our
33 But though the living Lorm be angry with
vs a little while čo: our chattening and corecti-
pn, pet weil be be reconciled with bis own ier-
34 But thou, D man without religion and
moſt wicked of ali men, lift not thy felfe vp it
bathe, which art puted vp with wncertatne
hope, and likteſt thine handes againſt the ſer⸗
wants of Gov, i
35 JFozthou haſt not yet eſcaped the indge-
ment of Almighty Ged, which ſeeth alt things.
36 Wy breth2en that haue ſufkered a ltttie
paine, arenow vnder the diuine Couenant of
euerlaſting life : but thou through the tudgment
of Go, halt ufer tuk puntipments foz thy
7 Therefore J, as my bꝛethꝛen haue done,
offer my body and life foz the Lawes of our fa-
thers,belteching God, that he wiil toone be mer-
cifullpnto our nation, and that thou by toꝛment
and puniſhment mapet confefle, that he ts tye
onely 60D,
38 And thatinme and my bzethzen the wrath
ofthe Alinighty, which is righteouilptaiicn vps
onali our nation, mayceale.
39 Then the king being kindled with anger,
raged moze cruelly againſt him then the others,
and tooke it gricuoutiy that he was mocked.
40 Ho be allo died holily, and put his whole
truttin the Lod.
4I Lattof allafter the fonnes, was the mo-
ther put to Death.
42 Let this now bee enough ſpoken conter-
ning the bankets, and extreme cruelties.
Iı Fades zathereth together his hofte, 9 Nicanor i
` fentagainft Iudas. 16 Judas exhorteth his fouldiers
ta confiancie, 20 Nicanor & ouercome. 27 The Lewes
giue thanks after they haue put their enemies to flight,
diuiding part of the ſpoiles unto the fatherleffe & un-
tothe widewes. 30 Timotheus and Bacchides are diſ⸗
comfted. 35 Nicanor fleeth vato Antiochus.
Toa Waccabeus, and they that were
with him, went pziutly into the townes, and
called their kinftolkes and friends together,
and teoke vnto them all fuch as continucd tn the
Jewes religions ana aflembled fire thouland
2 Hothey called bpon the Lord, that hee
would haue an eye vute bis people, which was
pered of euerp man, and baue pitie vpon the
Temple that was defiled by wicked men,
And that bee would haue compaffion vpon
the citic that was deſtroyed, and almott brought
tothe ground, and that he would heare the voice
of the blood that cried bonto hun, À
4 Andthat he woutd remember the wicked
laughter of the innocent children, and the bial
phemics committed againſt his frame, ano that
He would thew bishatredagaintt the wicked. —
Now when MBaccabeus had gathered this
mnltitude, he could not be withitood by the hea⸗
then: fo: the wath of the Lod was turned into
mebrctꝑ ·
II. Maccabees.
6 Cherefore he came at bvnawares, and burnt
bp the totnes and cities; pet be tooke the moſt
— places, anv flew many of the enga
mics, ,
7 Wut ſpetially hee vied the nights to make
ſuch aflanits, in fo much that the bznite of bis
mantinefic was {pead encty where.
3 €So when Philip fam that this man inə
created by litle and title, and that things proſpe⸗
red with him fo: tpe mot part, bee wote vñts
Ptolemeus the gouernour of Coclolyia and
Phenice to helpe him tn the kings bulineſſe.
9 Then lent he {peedilp Nicanoꝛ the fonne cf
Patroclus, a{pectall friend ot his,and gaue Hine .
of all nations of the heathen no lefle then twenty
thoufand men, to roote out the whole generatt=
on of the Frwes, and toyned with him Gorgias
a captaine, which in matters of warre bad great
experience. Á ' ee
IO Nicanoꝛ o2deined alfo a tribute fo: pking
of two thoufand talents, which the Romanes
fhould haue, tobe taken of the Jewes that were
taken priſoners. —
Il Therekoze immedtatlyhe fent to the cities
onthe tea coat, prouoking them to buy Jewes
tobe their ſeruants, pronititng to feil fourefcoze
and ten foz one talent: but be confidercd not che
bengeanceot Almighty Ged, that hould come
vpon bun. j
12 CGihen Judas then knewe of Hricanos
coinming, be tolde them that were with him, of
the comining of the armte-
13 Mow were there ome of them fearefull,
which truſted not vnto the rightcon{nes of Gov,
but fled away,and abode not tn that place,
14 But the otherfolve all chat they had left,
and befenght the Lord together to deliuer then
from that wicked MRicanoz which had fold them,
p} euer he came neere them.
Iş And though hee would not Doe ft fo2 their
fakes, pet for the conenant made with their fae
thers,and becaute they called vpon bis holy and
glorious flame.
16 And fo Maccabeus called his men toge⸗
ther, about fire chouſand, erbozting them not to
bee afratde of their enemies, neither to feare the
great multitude of the Gentiles, which came ae
gaint them vnrighteoully, but to ight manly,
17 Hctting bekore their eyes the iniury that
they had vniukly Done to the Holy place, and
the cruelty done tothe citie bp Xerilion , and the
— of the orders eſtabliſhed by their fa
18 forthe, id bee, truſt it their weapons
and boldneſſe: butour confidence ts inthe Al.
mightie Sod, which ata becke can both deſtroy
them that come againit vs, and all the world.
19 GHoreauer, Hee admoniſhed them of the
helpethat God ſhewed wnto their fathers, as
when there perithed an hundgeth and koureſcore
and fue thoufand nder * Senuacherib,
2. Xing. 19.
20 Gnd of the battell that they bad in Babys 3537.
lou againſt the Galatians, how they came in all 36.t0b,1.18
to the battell jetghtthoufand, withfoure thous ecclus.48.22
fand Macedontans: and when the Macedoni- 1 w2c.7.41,
ans were aſtoniſhed, the eight thouſand flew an [Sone reade
bundet) and twenty thoufand theough the help Axe thoise
that was giuen them from heanen, whereby (aud,
thev had recciued many benefttes.
21 Thus when hee had made them bold with
theie Wozdes, and reabp to Dic foz the a
Næum. 31. 27.
¥. {47.30.24
hOr, God
their defn-
and the countrey, be dined bis army into foure
k 22 “and made his owne bretheencaptaines
ouer the army,to wit, Simon, and Joleph, ¢ Jo-
nathan, giuing ech one liftecne hundreth men.
23 And when Cleasarus had read the poly
booke, and giuen thema token of the belpe of
od, ludas which led the fozeward, toyed with
24 And becauſe the Amightie helped them,
they flew aboue nine thouſand men, and woun:
Ded and maimed the molt pare of Micanozs
bot, and fo put allto flight,
25 AnD tooke the money from thole that
tame to buy theni, and purines chem farre ; but
lacking time,they returned.
26 Foꝛ tt was the Bay befoze the Sabbath,
and therfore they would no longer puriue them,
27 So they tooke their weapons, anv ſpoy⸗
led the enemies, and kept the Sabbath, gining
thankes, and pratling the Lod wonderfully,
which had delinered them that day, and powred
bpon them the beginning okhis mercy.
28 And after the Dabbath, they diſtributed
the (poples to the ticke,and tothe fatherleſſe, and
to the widowes,and Divided the relung among
themleines and their children.
29 Mhen this was Done, and they all had
maðe a generall prayer, they befought the mere
citull Lod to bee reconciled at the length with
big {eruants. i
30 Afterward with one confent they fell tp-
on Timotheus and Bacchides, and flew aboue
twenty thouſand, and wan bigh t trong holds,
AND diuided great ſpoyles, and gaue an cquall
portion ynta the ficke,and to the fatherleſſe ana
to the widowes,and to aged perfonsaifo. -
31 Moꝛeouer, they gathered their weapons
together,and laide them pp diligently tt conne-
nient places, and brought the remnant of the
ſpoyles to Jerufalent.
A They Mew allo Philarches a moft wicked
Pon which was with Timotheus, and had
Vered the Jewes many wayes. i
_ 33 Andwhen they kept the feat of Aictorie
in their countrey, they burnt Caltithenes that
had (et fire vpon the boly gates, which was fied
into a little boule: fo he receiued a reward meet
fo? bis wickedneffe = :
~ 34 And that mok wicked Micano2, which
a a thouſand merchants to buy the
ewes, LAS
35 Dee was through the helpe of the Lorn
brought Down? ofthem whom he thought as ne-
thing,tnfomuch tat be put of bis gloztous rai-
ment, and fled ouerthwart tie — r
fugitine ruant, and came alone to Auptochia,
With great dichonour throigh the Deitrucrion
ot his bofte.
36 Thus hee that promtled to pay tribute to
the Romanes, by meanes of the parioners of Jes
rufalem, biought newes, that the Jewes had a
foefender,and foz thts caule none could hurt the
Jewes, becaule they followed the Lames aps
potted by pim,
C H A'P TX. ; :
a Antiochus willing to fpoyle Perfepolss, i put to
fight. 5 As he perfecuteth the Lewes, he i fircken of
the Lord. 13 The fained repentance of Antiochus, 2b
He dieth msiferably, |
Chap. iXe
Ag the fame time came Antiochus againe
D with diſhonour, out of the countrey of
2 Foꝛ when hee came to Perſepolis, ana
went about to robbe the Cemple,and to fibduc
the cttic,the peopie ran ina rage to defend them
ſelues with their weapons, and put them to
flight, and Antiochus was put to flight by the
tnvabirants,and returned with mame,
Now when he came to Ccbatane, hee bne
Derflood the things that had come bnta Mita-
no: and Timotheus, WH
4 And then being chaked in bis fume, Dee
thought to impute to the Jewes their fault,
which had put him to flight, and therefore com>
aunded His charetman to Dztue continuallp,
and to Di{patch the tournep:fo2 Gods wdgment
compelled him: foz he hadian thus in hts prise,
3 wil make Jernlalem a commonburying place
af the Jewes, when J come thither.
S. But the Lom Alinightie, and Gon of Jl
rael, Gnote bim with an incurable and inuifie
ble plague: foz alfoone as hee had ſpoken the ie
words, a paine of the bowels that was remedis
tefle, came vpon him, and loze torments of the
inner parts, s
6 And that mof iuſtly: foz he had tormen⸗
My — mens bowels with diners and ſtrange
7 Howbeit hee would in no wile ceaſe from
bis arrogantie, but twelled the moze with
pune, beeathing ont fire in bis rage againtt the
Jewes, and commaunded to hatte the tourney:
but it came to pafle that he fellDowne fromthe
charet that ranne fwiftly, ſo that attche mem=—
pg of bis body were buien with the great
8. And thus he that a litle afore thought bee
might commaund the flosds of the Sea (fo
pꝛond was be beyond the condition ofinan)and
to weigh the high mountaines in the balance,
twas now cation the ground, and caried inan
horfelitter,veclaring unto all che mantic pow-
eroi Goo.
Dy of this wicked man in abundance ; ¢ whiles
De was altue, bis feth fell off to? paine and toze
— and all bis armie was grieued at his
ji metl.
Io Thug no man coula beare becanle of his
finke, bim that a little afoze thought be might
reach tothe ſtarres of heauen.
Il Abende began to leane offhis great pite,
and (elfewill mhen hee was plagued, and came
to the knowledge of himicite by the [courge of
Gov, asd by his paine which increaled cuerp
moment. RS
12 Ana when he himlelfe might not abive his
owne Rinke, hee fad thele words, It ts mecte ta
bee {ubicct ute Sod, and that amanwhich ts
moztail, wonin not thinke pinilelfe equall vñto
God through pie.
13 Chis mtcken perfon prayed allo vnto the
— who would nowe haug no mercie on
yun, ‘
14 And laid thus, that he would fet at liber-
tie the bety cicie unto the which hee made hatte
to Deltroy cano fo makeit a burying place.
Is Andastouching the Jewes (whom hee
had iudged not waathte to bee buried, but
wonlde hang cae them out with their Aun
* Bo that the wormes came ont of the bo⸗
Act.i2 23
lOr rortez=
Den tobe deuoured of the foules ¢ wild beats)
bee would make them alllike the citizens of A⸗
thens. —
16 And wheras he had ſpoiled the holy Tem-
ple afoze, hee would garnil it with great gifts,
and increale the bolp velfels, and of bis owne
eens beare the charges belonging to the facris
17 Dea.and that he would alfobecome a gew
bimielfe ann goe thorow all the would that was
nihabited,and peach the power of Sed.
18 But foz ali this his paines would not ceale:
fo: theinit iudgement of God was come vpon
bim: therefore Delpairtng of hts health he wrote
vnto the Fewes this lecter vnder witten , con-
teining the fome ofa tupplication. i
19 @THE KING, and pince Antiochus
vnto the Jewes his loutng citizens, wiſheth
much top,and health and prolperttic. j
20 Ff pee and pour childzen farewell, and if
all things goe after pour minde, J| gtue great
thankes puto God haning hope in the heauen.
21 Though J lie ficke, pet am Jmindkull of
pour bonour, and good will faz the loue J beare
you: theretoze when F rerurned from the coun:
trey of lOerfia t fell into a toze Dileale, J thought
it care fo2 the common fatetie of al,
22 Not Diltruiting mine health, but hauing
gteat hope toelcape this ſickneſſe.
23 Therefoze conlidering that when my fae
ther led an hoſte againſt the high countreps, be
appointed wha ſhould ſucceede him:
24 That ik any controuerſie happened con⸗
trarie to his expectation, oꝛ itf that any tidings
were brought that were grieuous, they in the
land might knowe fo whom the affatres were
committed, that they ould not be troubied.
25 Agatne, when J ponder how that the go-
uernours, that are borderers and neighbours
buto my kingdome, waite fo: all occafions, and
looke but foz oppoztunitie, J baue ordeined that
my inne Antiochus ſhallbe King, whom J oft
commended Ecommitted to many of pou, when
F went into the high proutnces, and haur wit:
ten vuto him as followeth hereafter. —
26 Cheretoze,J pray you,and require pou to
remember the benetites that J] haue done vnto
you generally, and particularly, and that euery
man will be faithfull to me and tomy tonne.
27 Foꝛ J trut that he wil be gentle andlo-
Ling vnto you according unto my mind.
| 28 @ Chus the murtherer eblafphemer mE-
fered molt grieuoully, and as bee bad intreated
other men, fo hee died a miſcrable Death ina
itrange countrey among the mountatnes.
29 And Philip that was brought vp with
Hint, catricd away his body, who fearing the
- fonneof Antiochus, went mta Egypt to JOtole-
mens Philometoz,
x Judas Maccabeus taketh the citie and the Tem-
ple. 10 The acts of Eupator. 16 The Fewes fight a-
gaint the Idumeans. 24 Timotheus inuadeth Indea,
with whom Iudas ioyncth battell. 29 Fime men ap-
peare in the aireto the helpe of the Iewes. 37 Timo-
tleus ý flame.
Arccabeus now and his companie, through
the helpe okthe Lod, wanns the Cemple
TJ. Maccabees.
and the citie agatne,
2 And Deitroped thealtars, echappels that
the heathen bad butlded in theopen places,
3 Andcleanled the’ made ano⸗
ther altar, and burned ones, and tooke fire of
them, and offered facrtfices , and intenſe two
peeres,and lire moneths after,and lec koorth the
lampes and the ſhewbeead.
4 Uhen that was done, they fell downe flat
bpon the ground, andbelought tye Lod , that
they might come no moze tuto fuch troubles:but
tfthey tinned any moze againſt bun,that ge hirn
felfe would chatten them with mercy, and that
they might not be deltuered to the blalphemous,
and barbarous nations.
§ Mow vpon thelame Day, that the fran-
gers polluted the temple, on the verp fame Day
tt was cleanled againe, euen the fiue and twen⸗
tieth Dav of the fame moneth wbich is||hatieu. 0r, Nouen-
6 They kept eight dayes with gladneſſe ag ber.
in the featt of the Tabernacles, remembzing,
that not long afoze they held the feattot the Cas
bernacles when they liued in the mountaines
and dennes ltke beaſts.
7 And foz the fame caule thep bare greene
boughes, and faire bzanches and palines , and
fang Plalmes vnto bim that had ginen them
goon ſucceſſe in clenting bis place.
Chey ordeined alio by a common ſtatute
and Decree,that euery yere thole dapes ſhould be
kept of the whole nation of the Jewes.
9 And this was the end of Antiochus called
10 €Mow will wee declare the acts of An⸗
tiochus Eupatoꝛ, which was the fonne of thig
wicked man gathering batefly the calamities of |
the warres that follower. ‘
11 for when he had taken the kingdome,hee
mane one Lyfias , which had beene captaine of
the botte tn Phenice and Coclolpata, ruler ouer
the affaires of the Realmes.
I2 Fo Ptolomeus that war called Ma⸗
cron, purpoled to Boe iuſtice puto the Jewes foz
the wrong that had beene Dane pnto them, and
ri fae to bebaue Hunlelfe peaceably with
I3 For the which caule, hee was acculed of
bis kriendes before Cupatez, and was cailed
oft times traitour, becaufe hee bad left Cyprus
that Philometorꝛ had committed vnto bin,
and came to Antiochus Epiphanes : theres
fore ſeeing that bee was no moze in eftimation,
be uge diſcouraged, ant poyloned himſelfe, and
14 (But when Gorgias was gouernour of
the fameplaces, he entertatned itrangers, and
made Warre oft times againtt the Jewes.
I5 Mozeouer, the Joumeans that held the
ſtrong holds which were meete foz their purs
pote,troubled the Jewes,and by recetuing them
that were driuen from Ferulalem,tookein hand
to continue warre. i
16 Then they that were with Maccabeus,
made prayers, and belought Hod that he would
bee their belper,and fo they fell vpon the trong
holds of the Joameans,
17 And aflaulted chem foz, that they wanne
the places.and ticw althat fought againſt them
on the wall, and killed all that they met with,
and flew no leffe then twentie thouſand.
13 And Secaule certaine (which were m
. Apocrypha.
aA drachme
is the eight
part of an
which is a-
bout three
pe nce.
Exod.23. 20
ROr,the fine
and twen⸗
then nine thouſand) were fied into two ſtrong
caitcls, bauing allmaner of things conuentent
to ſuſtaine the tiege,
19 GWaccabeus left Simon, and Toph,
aud Zaccheus allo, and thole that were with
them, which were enow to beliege them, and de⸗
paru te thoſe places which were moze necele
ary. *
20 Now they that were with Simon, being
Ted with couctoulnes, were intreated for montp
(through certaine of thole that were in p caftic)
and tooke feuentp thouſand 2 drachmes and let
fome of them eſcape.
21 But when it was told Maccabeus what
was done, hee called the gouernours of the peo
letogether, ¢ acculea thole men, that they bad
old their brethren foz money , and let their ene»
mies got. i
22 Ho he fiew them when they were conuict
of — and immediatly wanne the two
23 And haning good fuccefle, asinall the
warres that hetooke in band, he ſſew in the two
cattles moe then twenty thoufand.
24 Row Timotheus whome the Jewes had
ouercome afore, gathered an armite ef ftran-
gers of all iots , and brought a great troupe of
— out of Sila , to winne Jewrie by
tength. -
25 But when he Drew neere, Maccabeus, and
they that were with him, turned to pray vnto
God, and ſprinkled earth vpon their heads, and
girdea their reines with fackcloth,
26 And fell Downe at the footeof the altar,
and belought the Lord to bee mercifull to them,
and to be an enemie to their enemies, and to be
an aduerlary to their aducrfaries,* asthe law
Declareth. 7 :
27 Doafter their prayer they took their wea-
pons, and went on further from the citie, and
when they came neere to the enemies,they tooke
Heed to themſelues.
28 And when the morning appeared, they
both topned together:the one part had the Lord
fo: their refuge, and pledge of proſperitie, and
noble victozie, and the other toske courage asa
guide of the warre.
29 But when the battel wared ſtrong, there
appeared bunto the enemies trom heauen fiue
comely men vpon hoꝛſes with bridles of golde,
and two of them led the Iewes.
30 And tooke Maccabens betwirt them, and
couered dim on euery ſide with their weapons,
and kept him ſake, but Hot darts lightnings
againt the enemies, fo that thep mere confoun-
Ded with blindneſſe, and beaten Downe ans full
of trouble.
31 There were Haine of foore men twentie
thoufand and fiue bundzed, and fice hundscd
emen., -
32 As for Timotheus himlkife , hee fled pnto
Gazara, which was called a verp Krong holde,
wherein Chereas was captatne.
33 But Maccabeus and his company layde
fiege agatnit the foztrefles with courage foz-
foure dayes. —
34 And thepthat were within truſting tothe
beight ofthe place blatphemes exceedingly, and
{pake horrible woros. i
35 Heuertheleſſe, vpon the || fith vay in the
moning, twentie poung men of Maccabeus
Chap. xj.
company tohoi hearts were enflamed, becaule
oftheblaiphemtes , camevnto the wall, twiti
bold flovacks {mote Downe thole that they mer.
36 Othersalio thar climed vy vpon the en=
gines of warre againi them that were within,
iet fire bpon the towers, and burnt thofe blai
phemers quicke with the fires that they bad
made,and others brake vp the gates, and recete
ued the rel of the armie, and tooke the citie.
37 And hauing found Cimotheus, that was
crept into a caue, they killed bim, and Chereas
his brother with Apoliophanes.
38 CGben this was Done, they prayed the
Lod with Pfalmes and thankelgiuing, which
had Done le great things toz Iſrael, and giucn
them che victorie.
1 Lyfias gocth about to ouercome the Tewes.8 Suc-
cour is ent from heauen untothe Fewes.16 The letter
of Lyfias unto the Lewes. 20 The letter of king Anti-
ochus unto Lyfias, 27 A letter of the fame unto the
Iewes. 34 A letter of the Romanes tothe Tewes.
V Cry fbortly after this, Lyfias the Ringes
fteward, and akintiman of bis, which bad
the gouernance of the affaires, took loze difplea-
{fure foz the things that were Done.
2 And when he had gathered about fourefcoze .
thouland, with al the horſemen, be same againtt.
tye Jcwes, thinking to make the citie an habi-
tatton of the Gentiles, i
3 andthe Temple would he haue to met mos
ney by, like the other temples sfthe heathen: fog
he would fell the Prieſts office cuery yeere,
4 And thus being puffed vp in his minde,-
becaule of the great number of footemen , and
— of horſemen, and tn bis koutelcore €-
5 —— into Judea, and Drew neere to
Beth-fura, which was a caltte of Defence , Rue
2 furlongs from Jerufalem, and layed foze fiege
vnto it.
6 Butwhen Maccabeus and bhis company
knew that hee belieged the holds, they, and all
the people made pꝛayers with Weeping, tteares
befoze the Lo , that he would fend a good Ane
gel to Deliner Iſrãel.
7 And Maccabeus himlelfe firt of all toske-
weapons, exhorting the other. that they would
teopatd themfelues together with Him to helpe
their bzethzen: lo they went foorth together with -
a couragtous mind. z
3 Andas they were there befides Jeruſalem,
there appeared befoze them npon hozlebacke a-
man in white clothing , paking bis barnefic of
Be) Chen they prapley the merciful Gov all
together,and tooke heart, infomuch that they
were ready, nor only to fight with men,but with
e mof cruel beaſts, aud tobzeake Down wals
10 Thus theymarched forward in aray.ha-
uing anbelper from heauen: foz the Lom was
metctfuil unto them. 5 3
Il And runninghpon their enemies like ly⸗
ens, they few elenen thoutand footemen, and
— hundrethhorſemen, and put althe other
12 Dany of them allo being wounded, elca-
ped naked , t Lplias himlelfe fin away —
a Whereof
cight make
a mile,
f Apocrypha.
fully and fe eſcaped. f
13 Ciboas de was a man ofnndertanding,
confdering what loſſe he bad Had and knowing
that the ipebrewee could not bee overcome be-
ae the Almighty God helped them, fent puto
14 Aud promifen that hee would confent to
all things which were reafonable,and perſwade
the king to be their friend.
Ig Maccabeus agreed to Lylias requeftes,
hauing reſpect in alt thinges to the common-
wealth, and whatleeucr Maccabeus wote vn ·
Samu concerning the Fewes,the king gran-
16 Foꝛ there were letters witten vnto the
Jevwes from Lyltas contapning thele wo2des,
don,or Ab-
lOr April,
fome reade
and fome
LYSIASynto the people of the Jewes ſendeth
17 John and 4 Abeflatom, which were fent
from pou, deliuered me the things that pou De-
mand by witing, and required me to fulfil the
things that thep had Declared.
13 Therekore what things ſoeuer were meet
to bee reported to the king himſelte, J banene:
caren them, and be grantes that that was pol
19 Therekoꝛe if pyre behaue your ſelues as
friends toward bis affaires, yerafter alfo J will
endeucur my felfe ta Doe you good. 5
20 As concerning thele things, 3J haue ginen
commandement to thel men, Eto thole who
F lent vntopou, to commune with pou o€ the
fame particularip. f
21 fave yee well, the hundzed and eight and
fortie yeere , the foure and twentieth Dap of the
moneth Dielcozinthius. i
22 ¶ Mow the Kings letter conteined thele
words, ING ANTLOCHVS pnto bis bzo-
ther Lplias ſendeth greeting.
23 Mince our father is tranflated vnto the
oos » our willis, that they whichare tn our
ealine,liue quietly, that euerp man map applie
bis owne affaires.
24 Me vnderſtand alfo that the Jewes would
not content to our Father, fo? to be brought vnto
thecultomeof the Genttles, but would keepe
Chetrowne maner of liuing: foz the which caule
they require of vs, that we would ufer them to
line after their owne lawes.
25 Ciibercfoze our mindets that this nation
, f th
fhall bee in ret, and haue Determined to reſtore
them their Cemple, that they may be gouerned
accorwing to the cultome of their fathers.
26 Thou alt Doe well therefore ta fend vn-
to them, and grant them peace, that when they
are certified of our minde , thep may be of good
comfozt, and cheerefullp goe about their owne
affaires. f
27 And this was the Kings letter vnto the
nation, KING ANTIOCHVS pntothe El.
Ders of the Jewes, and to the reſt of the Jewes
fendeth greeting.
28 Sf ye fare well we haue our delire: we are
alio in good health.
29 Menelaus declared vnto vs that pour de>
fire Was to returne home, Eto apply pour owne
30 Mherekoꝛe, thoſe that will depart, we giue
them kree libertie, vnto the thirty Day of the mo-
neth of || Panthicus, ‘
31 That che Jewes may v& their owne ma:
II. Maccabees.
ner of lining ant lawes, ifke as afore, and none
of them by anp manner of wayes to baur harme
foz things Done by ignorance. .
32 J baue kent alio Menelaus to comfoszt pou.
33 Fare pre weil: the hundzeth and cight anv
marire » the fifteenth Dap of the moneth of
34. ¶ The Romanes alfo fenta letter contet
ning thele mods, QVINTVS MEMMIVS
and Titus i Panilius ambafladours of the, lOr, Mar-
Romanes, vito the people of the Jewes ſend ™ +.
35 Whe things that Lpfias the kings kinfes
man hath granted pou, we grant the fame aile.
36 But concerning that which be thal repsrt
vnto the king fend hither fome with (peed, whe
pee haue contidered the matter diligently, thae
tee may contult thereupon, as Hall bee belt foz
you: foz we mult goe vnto Antiochia.
37 And therefore make hatte and fend ſome
men, that we may know your mind.
38 Farewell; this hundzeth and eight anv
fortie peere, the fifteenth Day of the moneth of
2 Timotheus troubleth the Lewes. 3 The wicked deed
of them of Loppe againfe the Lewes. 6 \Fudas ts auen-
gedofthem. 9 He fetteth fire inthe hauen of fama
nia, 20 The purfust ofthe Iewes againft Timothe se
24 Twmotheus is taken and let goe unhurt. 32 fu-
das purſueth Gorgias,
Vy yan thele couenants were made, Lphas
went vnto the king, and the Jewes til-
led their ground.
2 But the gouernours ofthe places, as Ti-
motheus,and Apollonius the foune of Genneus.
and Jeronpmus , and alfo Demophon, and be-
fizes them Nicanoꝛ the goucrnour of Cyprus,
would nat iet them liue in ret and peace.
3 € They of Foppeallo did fuch a vile acts
they prayed the Jewes thatdwelt among them,
to goe with their wiues and chtldzcu into the
ſhips, which they had prepared as though they
had ought them none eutll will, a
4 Anulo by the common aduice of the citie,
they obeped them , and fiulpected nothing : but
when they were gone foozth tutu the Deepe,
they drowned no ieffe then two hundeth of
§ Mow when Judas knew of this crueltie
mewe againtt his natton,be commanded thoſe
men that were with him, to make them ready.
6 And hauing called ppon God the righte⸗
ous Judge, be went foorth againſt the murthe·
rers of hts bꝛethren, and fet fire in the hauen by
night, and burnt the ſhips, and thoſe that fea
thence,be flew. gi
7 € And when the citie was Hut vp, hee de»
parted as though hee would come againe, and
roote out all them of the citte of Joppe.
S But when he perceiued that the Jamnites
{were minded to Doe tn like manner vnto the
Jewes, which dwelt among them,
o Wecame vpon the Jamuttes by night and
fet fire inthe hauen with the nauic, to that the
light of the fire was feene at Jeruſalem, vpon a
two hundrerh and fortie furlongs.
10 Mow when they were gone from thence
nine furfonges, tn theiriournep toward Ti-
motheus , about Aug thonfand men of —*
a So called,
becaule they
were [hepe
ſOr, battell
Iofh, 6.20.
and fine hundzeth horſemen of the Arabians fet
bpon yin. }
Il So thebattel was Harpe, but it profpered
with Judas cheough the helpe of Gow; the · No·
mades of Arabta, being onercome,befought Ju-
Das to make peace wis then, and promiled ro
giue him certaine ſcattell, and to belpe him in
other things. mets i
12 Ant Judas thinking that they ſhould in
Deede bee profitable concerning many things,
granted them peace : whereupon they Hooke
bands, and fo they Departed to thetr tents.
13 @ Judas allo aſſaulteda citie called Cal-
pis, which was trong by reafon of a bꝛidge, and
fenced round about with walles, and ad diuers
Kinds ofpeople dwelling therein.
_ 14 Bo they that were within it put fuch trutt
inthe ſtrength of the walles and tn ſtore of vic-
tuals,that they were the flacker in their Doings,
reutling them that were with Judas, and re-
ploching them: pea, theyblafphemed and ſpake
{uch words as were not lawful.
Ig But Maccabeus (ouidters , calling vpon
the great prince of the wozld ( which without a=
ny |inftruments,o2 engines of warre, DID *calt
Downe the walles of Jericho, inthe tune of Je-
fus) gaue a fierce aſſault againſt the walles,
16 And tooke the city by the willofGad,and
made anerceeding great laughter, tnfomuch
that a take of two furlongs broad, which lap
thereby, (cemed to flow with blood.
17 Then departed they from thence, ſeuen
hundzeth and fiftie furlongs , and caine to
poe aad the Fewes, that are called Tu-
18 But thep found net Timotheus there:
fo: be was Departed from thence,and had Dong
ee had left a garriſon ina pery treng
19 But Dolitheus,t Solipater, which were
captaines with Maccabeus, went foerth,¢ flew
thoſe that Timotheus had leftin the fortreffe,
moze then ten thoufand men. ;
20 Aud Maccabeus prepared, ranged his
army by bands, and went couragtoutly againtt
Timotheus, which bad with bim an hundzeth
and twentp thouland men of feot,and two thous
fand and Rue hundreth horſemen
21 Ahen Ermocheus bad knowledge of Ju»
Das comming, be lent che women, and childzen,
andthe other baggage afoze vnto a foptrefit cal-
ted Carnion(foz tt was hard to beliege, and vn-
ons 5 come vnto becaule ofthe ſtraights on all
22 But when Judas firt band came infight,
the enemies were finitten with feare, ¢ a trem⸗
bling was amang them theough the prelence of
him that feeth ali things, inſomuch that they
fleeing one bere, another there, were oft times
hurtby their owne people, and wounded with
the points of thetrowne ſwoꝛds.
23 But Judas was very carnet inpurluing,
and iew thole wicked men ; pea, bee Aew chirtie
thouſand menofthem, i ;
24 Timotheus alfo himlelke fel! into the
bands of Dofitheus,and Dolipater, whom hee
befought with much craft to let him go with bis
life, becaute he had many of the Jewes parents,
and the brethzen of iome ofthem, which, ikthey
put bim to death, houla be deſpiſed.
25 Sowhen he had aſured them with many
words, and promiled that he would reſtore them
without burt, thep let hun goe fo? the healch of
theit bretzen.
26 Then went Maccabeus toward Cars
nion, and Artagation, and fiet fine and twenty
thoulant perons,
27 And after that hee had chaled awayand
faine them , Judas remooned the holte toward
Ephꝛon a trong city, wherein was Lyliasand
& great multitnde of all nations, and the ſtrong
yong men kept the walles , Defending them
migirily: there was allo great pecparation of
engins of warre, and Darts.
28 But when they had called vpon the Lord,
which with bis power breaketh the ſtrength of
the enemies, they wanne the citie, and Uewe
— twentte theuland of them that were
29 € From thence went they to Scythopo⸗
wita ipeth lire hundzed furlongs from Je⸗
30 But when the Tewes that dwelt there,te-
ftified that the | Scythopolitans dealt louingiy
with them, and tntreated them kindely in the
time of their aduerfitte,
31 Chey gaue hem thankes, Beliring them
tobe friendly tiil vnto them, and fo they came
. Jerulalem, as the featt of the weekes appro⸗
32 € And after the feat called Pentecoſt,
they went forth again Gozgias the gonernour
of Idumea: t
33 Cho came out with thzee thoufand men
of foote and foure hundeth horſemen.
34. Ana whenthey ispned together, afew of
the Jewes were faine, TRE
35 And Doſitheus one of the Baccenozs,
which was on hoꝛſebacke and a mighty man,
tooke Gorgias , and layd holdeofhis garment,
and Dew hun by korce, becaule bee would have
taken the wicked man altue: but an hezfeman of
Thꝛacia fell vpon hun, and (mote off his fouls
Der fo that Gozgias fled into) Partia.
36 And when they that were | with Clerin,
had fonghten tong, and were wearp , Juvas
called spon the Lord , that bee would hem pim-
an to bee their Helper, ano Captaine of the
t .
37 And then he began in bis one language,
and fung Pſalmes with alowd voyce, inſomuch
that ſtraightwayes be made them that were aa
bout Gorgias, to take their Might.
_ 38 C20 Judas gathered his holke,and came
into the citie of Odolla. And when the ſeuenth
Day came, theycleanted themſelues (as the cns
— was) and kept the Sabbath in the fame
39. And bpon the Bay following, as neceilitie
required , Judas and his company came to take
bp the bodies of them that were flame, and to
burprhem with their kinfemen tn their fathers
40 Mow onder the coates of euery one that
was fatne,they found tewels that had bene con-
fecrateto the idoles ofthe*Jamnites, which
thing ts korbidden the Jewesby the Law. Chen
euery man (awe that this was the caule where
02e they were faine,
41 And fo euery man gauc thankes vnto the
Load, the righteous Judge, Which had opened
the oaiae hid, fo ais
) Or, Scythi-
|| Or, Morea
ſa, or, Maa
re fa.
llOr, with
Deut. 7.253
iofh. 7.1,
_ Apocrypha.
42 And they gauethemlelues to prayer, and
belought bim,that thep Mould not vtterly be De.
ſtrayed f9: the fault committed. Welives that,
noble Judas erhozted the people to keepe thems
{clues from finne, korlomuch as they ſawe before
their eves the things which came to palie by the
finne of theſe that were laine,
43 And hauing made a gathering thozow the
company,lent to Jerufalem about two thouſand
Diachmes of liluer, to offer a finne offering, Do-
Ang very wel and honeſtly, that be thought of the
44 Foꝛ it bee bad not hoped that they which
were Laine, ould rile againe,tt had bene fuper-
a Fromthis fluous,and baine,to *pray foz the dead.
verle to the §=4§ Anv therefore he perceiued that there was
endofthis gteatfanoutlaped vp for thole that dicd godly.
chapterthe (Jt was an bolp ¢ good thought.) So he made
Greekerext Areconciliation fo: the Dead chat they might bee
is corrupt,fo Deliuered from inng, .
that nogood É
fenfe, much leffe certaine doGrine can be gatheredthereby. Alfo, it
is cuident,that this place was mot written by the holy Ghoft, both bee
caule itdifentech fromthe reft of che holy Scriptures, and alo the
authour of this booke acknowledging his owne infirmitie, defireth
pardon, if hee haue not attained to that hee fhould. And it feemeth
thatchis lafon the Cyrenian,eut of whom he tooke this abridgement,
is Iofeph Ben-gorion , who hath written in Ebrew fiue bookes of
thefe matters , and intreating thisplace, maketh no mention of this
prayer for the dead, Lib. 3.cap a9. Foritis contrary to the cuftome
of the Lewes, euen to this day „to pray for thedead. And though Iu-
dashad fo done, yet this particular example is not fufficient to elta-
blih a do@rine, no morethen Zipporahs was to prooue that women
might minifter the Sactaments,Exodus 4. 25. or the example of Ra-
zis, that one may kill himfelfe, whom this authour fo much com-
mendeth,Chap.14 41.
8 The comming of AR inte Judea. 4 The death
of Menelaus. 10 Maccabeus going to fight againft En-
pator, moueth his fouldsers unto prayer. 15 He killeth
folarteene thoufand men in the tents of Antiochus, 21
Rhbodocus the betrayer ofthe Lewes is taken.
#2 the hundeth fourty and nine yeere, it was
tolde Judas that Antiochus Eupatez: was
comming with a great power inte Judea,
2 AnD ilylias the ſteward and ruler ofbis
affaires with bin, hauing both in theit army an
hund2eth and tenne thouſand men of foot of the
@recians,and fue thoulard horſemen, and two
and twenty Clephants,and theee hundieth chas
rets fet with bookes. 9
3 Wenelaus allo ioyned himlelfe with them,
and with great Deceit encouraged Antiochus,
not foz the ſafegard ofthe countrey, but becaule
he thought to haue bene made the gouernour.
4 But the King of kings mouet Antiochus
minde again this wicked man, and Lyſias in⸗
fomen the king that this man was the caule of
all milchtefe, fo that the Bing commaunded ta
being bim to Berea to put hun vnto death ag
the maner was in that place,
5Nowe there mas in that place a tower of
fiftie cubits high, fullofathes, and ithad an in-
itrument that turned round, and on euery fide it
rouled Downe into the aſhes:
6 Anochere wholoeuer was condemned of
lacriledge, orof any other grieuous crime, was
att of all mento the Death. EITRI
7 And lſo it came to pate that this wicked
Fle Maccatiees x
man ſhould die fuch a death, and it twas a mot
int thing that Menelaus Houla want buriail,
8 Foꝛ vecante He had committed many finneg
by the altar, whole fire and aſhes were holp: bee
himlelfe alfo Died in the ahhes.
9 ¶ Mow the king raged in his minde, and
came to Mew himſelte moze crucl vnto the Jewes
then bis father. i
10 @Ubich things men Judas perceiued,be
commaunded the people to call bpon the Lod
night and Day, that tener bee had holpen them,
he would now helpe them, when thep Mould be
put from their Law, trom their countrep, and
from the boly Temple:
IL: And that hee would not fuffes the people
which a little afoze began to recouer, to bee (ubs
duet vnto the blafphemous nations.
12 So when they bad done this altogether,
and belought the Lord foz: mercy with weeping
and fating, and falling Downe thzee Dayes to»
gether, Judas exhorted them to make them-
telucs ready, id
13 And be being apart with the Elders, tooke
couaſell te goe foezth,afoze the king brought his
hoſte into Judea, and Would take the city, and
commit che matter to the helpe of the Lod.
14 So committing the charge to the Loz of
the world, bee erbozted bis fouldiers to fight
manfullp, euen vnto Death foz the Lawes, the
Temple, the city, their conntrey , and che come
mon wealth,and camped by Modin.
Is And lo gtuing bis fenldters foz a match»
wo, Chektctorp of God, hee picked out the
manlieſt yong men, and went by night into the
kings campe, and ſſewe of the bote fourteene
thoufand met, and che greateſt Elephant with
all that fate vpon bin.
16 Thus when they had brought a great
feare, and troublein the campe, andall things
went peolperoufly with them,they Departed.
17 Chis was done in the bzeake of the Day,
— the protection of the Loꝛd DD helpe
them, 7 j
13 @ Mowe when the Bing had tated the
mantineffe of the ewes, hee went about to take
the holds by policie, ;
Ig And marches toward Beth-fura, which
was a ſtrong holde of the Jewes: but bee was
chaled away, burt and loft of his men.
20 Foꝛ Judas had fent vnto them that were
in tt,fuch things as were neceffary.
21 But Rhodocus which was in the Jewes
hoſte, diſclsſed the {ecrets to the enemies : theres
fore be was fought out, and when they bad gote
ten him, they put him tn patton. ;
22 After this did the King commune with
them that were in Beth-fura, and | tooke truce
with them, Departed, and iopned battell with
Judas, who oucrcame him. 412
23 But when hee vnderitood, that Philip
(whom be had left to be ouerleer of hts bulinefle
at Anttochta ) did rebell again him, hee was
aſtoniſhed, fo that hee veelded binilelfe to the
Tewes, and made them an oth to doe all things
that were right, and was appealed toward
them, and offered Dacrifice and adorned the
—_ = c
fOr, gaue
andtook the
right hand,
Temple, and MHewed great gentleneſſe to the
24. And embzaced Maccabeus, ¥ made hint
captaine and goucrnour from Ptolemais vnto
the Gerreneane
be Gerrencans, 25 Neuertheleſſe
25 Neuertheleſſe when hee same to Ptole-
mais, the people of the citte were not content
with this agreement : and becaule they were
grieued, they would that he ould bzeake che
26 Then went Lyfias op into the iudgement
feate, and erculed thefact alwell as pe could,and
perfwaded them, and pactiied them, and made
them well aticctioned , and came agate vnto
Antiochia. This is the matter concerning the
Kings tourney, and his returne.
1 Demetrius mooued by Alcsmus fendeth Nicanor to
‘Rillthe Iewes. 18 Nicanor maketh a compact with the
Zewes,29 which he yet breaketh through the motion of
‘the King. 37 Nicanor commandeth Raxis to be taken,
who flayeth himſelfe-
A Fier three peeres was Judas informed that
Demetrius the fonne ofHelcucus was come
* with a great power and nauy by the hauen
of Tripolis,
2 Aben heehad wonne the ceuntrep, and
Maine Antiochus and bis lieutenant 2 ylias.
3 Nowe Alcimus, which hadbeene the high
WPertett,and wilfully Befiled hiinſelfe in the time
that all things were confounded, ſeeing that by
no meanes he could ſaue himſelfe, noz paue any
“moze entrance to the boly Altars,
4 Wee came to King Demetrius in the hun⸗
Dzeth Aftie and one peere, peelenting vnto hima
crowne of golde, ¢ a palme, and of the boughes
which were vied folemnelyin the Tempie, and
that Day be bela bis tongue. PE t
5 But when be had egoin opportunitic, and
occafion foz bis rage, Demetrius called hin to
countell,and afked Bim what deuiſes oz counſels
the Jewes leaned vnto.
6 Cothe which heanlwered, Che Jewes
that be callea Atineans, whole captaine ts Judas
MWaccabeus,matntaine warres,and makeinſur⸗
rections, and will not ler theRealme bein peace.
7 Therefore J, being depeiued of my fathers g
Honour (3) meane the hte Prieſthood) am now
tome hither, $
8 Partly becauſe 3 was well affectioned vn⸗
tothe Kings affaires , and ſecondly becaule J
fought the profitof mine owne citizens : foz all
-Our people, thaough their raſhneſſe, are not a lit
tletrondled, i i
9 CUbercfore, D Kine, feeing thou knoweſt
all thele chings,make pzouifon foz the countrey,
and our nation which ts abut, according to
— humanitie, that is readie to helpe
10 Fozaslong as Judas liveth, itis not pol
fible that the matter ſhould be well.
IL Ghen he had fpoken thele words, other
friends alfo hauing cuill will at Judas, tet Dea
metrius on tire.
12 Aho immediately called for Micanoz the
ruler ofthe Elephants , and made him captaine
ouer Judea,
| 13 And fent him forth , commanding him to
lay Judas, and to (catter them that were with
pn tomake Alcimus bie petett of the great
14 Chen the Heathen which fed ont of Ju-
Deafrom Judas , came to Micanopz by flockes,
thinking the harme and calamitics of the Jewes
to be their welfare, —
31But the other percetuing that
E Ji
Chap. xiiij.
Ig Mow when the Tewes bearde of Mita
nozs comming, and the gathering together
of the Weathen , they ſprinckled themieines
with earth, and payed vnto bim which hav
appointed himlelfe a people fo2 ever, and Did al-
— eg Defend bis owne postion with euident to-
16 0 at the commandement of the captaine,
thep remooued ftreightwayes from thence, an’
came to the towne of Defan, ‘
17 Abere Simon Judas brother had ioy-
ned battell with Nicanor, and was ſomewhat
aſtoniſhed thaough the Giden ſilence ofthe ene·
18 Neuertheleſſe Nicanoꝛ heating the man-
linelle of them that were with Judas, andthe
bolne fomackes that they bad foz their coun
meh Durk not prooue the matter with blood⸗
ending. ;
Ig Aherefore he fent Poſſidonfus. | Theodo
fius,and || Matchias before to make peace.
20 Go when they had taken long adutlement
thereupon, and the captatne Mewes it vnto rhe
multitude, they were agrecDinone minde, any
contented ta the couenants.
2I And they appopntedD a dap when they
fhoulte particularly come together : fo wher
es Bay was come, thep fet for euerp man his
22 Meuertheleke Judas commiaunded cers
tatne men ofarmes to waite in conuentent plas
ces: deat there ould ſuddenly ariſe any emil
thacugh the enemies ; and fo they communed
—— the things whercupsn they had a-
23 Nicanoꝛ, while be abode at Jeruſalem, did
none hurt, but fent away the people that were
gathered together. iges
nick not loued Judas, and fauoured bim in
is heart.
25 Ve pꝛayed him alo to take awife, and to
— chilozen : (be married, and thep lived to-
ether. ;
26 But Alcimus perceining the lone that
was betweene them, aud ynderitanding the co»
uenants that were made, came to Demetrius,
and tolde him, that Micano2 had taken range
matters in hand, and ordeyned Judas a trattoz
to the Realme,tobe his ſucceſſor
27 Chen the King was dilpleaten, and by
the reports of this wicked man, bee wote te
Micanoz, laying, that be was verp angry foz
the couenants, commanding him that hethonlde
on Maccabeus in all hak pꝛiſoner vnto Anti⸗
ochla. ny,
28 Aben thele things came to Micanoz, hee
was aſtoniſhed and loze arieued, that be hould
breake the things wherein they had agreed, fees
ing tbat that man bad committed no wickede
29 But becaule it was not commodious to
him towithtand the King, he fought crattily te
accommpliſh it.
30 Notwithſtanding when Maccabeus pera
cetucd that Micano: beganne to be rough wuts
bim, and that hee intreated hint maze rudely
then be was wort, he petceiued that fuch rigour
came not of good, and therefore bee gathered a
fet of His Men, and withdzewe himleike front
he was
lOr, Theedes
[Or Matta.
I Ov had Ineo
das before
his eyes. “
preneited by Maccabeus woꝛthie policie, cate ine
to.the gteat and holy Temple, and commanded
the Pũeſts, which were offering their vluall fae
trifices, to Deliner pun the man.
32 Aud wen they ware that they could not
tell whereche man was, which ye forghe,
33 He Kretched out hisright band toward the
Wemple, and made an othe in this maner, Jf ype
will not deliuer mee Judas as å prtfoncr, 3) will
make this Temple ot Goda plaine ficla, twill
Hreake Downe the altar, and will erect a notable
temple vite Bacchus. i
34 After chele woes he Departed: then the
Piets life vp their hands toward heauen, and
hefonaht him that was ener the defender of their
nation, faying in this maner, i
35 Thon, D Lord ofall things, which bat
need of nothing, wouldeſt that the Temple of
thine habitation chould be among vs.
36. Therefor now, D mot holp Lord, keepe
this houle euer vndetiled, which lately was clen⸗
fed, and koppe all the mouthes of the vnrigh·
37 Mowe was there acculed puta Micanoy,
Razis one of the Elders of Herulalem, a louer of
thecitie, and a manof yery good repost, which
foz bts loue was called afatherot the ewes.
38 Forthis man afozctimes when the Jewes
were minded to keepe themſelues vndchled anv
pure, bring acculed to bee of the Religion ofthe
Hewes, Did offer to (pend his body and life with p
all coiitancte fo: the Religtonof che Jewes.
39 Ho Ricano: willing to Declare the hatred
that he bare tothe Jewes , ſent about tiut hun⸗
Deeth men of warre to take him.
40 Forhee thought by taking him to doe the
Jewes much hurt. ;
.. , . 4I But when this companie woulde bane ta-
a Asthispris ten his catie, and would baue bookenthe gates
uacexam-: hy ptolence, € commanded to bring fire toburne
“pleought the gates , fo that bee was readie to be taken on
nottobee < -gnerpfide,hetcll on bis Two,
followedof 42 Gitiling rather to bie manfully, then to
thegodly giue himlelke into the handes of wicked men,
_ becaule itis” and to Mier veproch vnworthie fog bis noble
* contrary to ſtocke. ;
thewords 43 Hotwithltanding what time as he mifen
ofGod,al- of his reke tor haſte, and the multitude rues
—thoughthe in violently betweendthe Doozes,be ranne boldly
authour tg the wall, andcatt himielte Downe mantuilp
, feemehereto among the multitudes.
approoue it: : 44 WAhich conucped themlelues lightly a>
fo that place way, aud gane place, ſo that be feil vgon pts
-astouching bellie.
praicr,Chap. 45 saeucethelelle while there was pet bzeath
13.446 in hun, being kindled in his minde, be roie vp,
though Iudas @ though his blood gued ontiike a fountaine,
hadappoin- and he wag very loze wounded, pet he ranne tho:
tedit,yet row the mids of the people,
were it not 46 And gate him tothe toppe ofan hie rocke:
fufficientto fp when his blood was vtterly gone, he tooke out H
prooucado- His owne bowels with both his hands, ethrew
rine, be- them vpon thepeople, calling spon the Loo of
cauſe it is life and Spitite, that he would reſtoꝛe them a=
onely a pat · gaine vnto him, and thus be died.
ticular ex-
ample CHAP XV
3 Nicanor goeth aboutto come upon Iudas on the
Sabbath day, 5 The blafphemie of Nicanor, 14 Mac-
cabeus expounding unto the Lewes the viſion encoura-
II. Maccabees.
geth them. s1 The prayer he eaten 30 Matese
beus commandeth Nicanors head ¢» handstobe cut off,
and his tongue to be giuen vnto the foules 39 The aus
thowr excuſeth himſelfe. oy
Dia when Nicanor knewe that Judas and
bis company were in the countrey of Ba
marin he thought with all aſſurance to come vpe
on them, vpon the Sabbath day,
2 sreuerthelefle the Jewes that were conte
pelled to goe with him, fayd, D kill not ſo cru⸗
cilpand barbaroufiy , but honour anv fanctifie
— tharis appoynted bp Dim that ſeeth all
3 But this met wicked perfon demaunded,
Fs there a Loin heauen, that commanded the
Pabbath day to be kept? :
4 Andwhenthey layne, There is a liuing
Lod, which ruleth in the heauen, whe conunan=
Ded theleucuth bay tobe kept,
§ Then he faydo, And Fam mightie spon
earth to commaund them fo: toarme themſeiues
and to performe the Rings bulinefie. ot with»
ttanbing be contd not accomplith bis wicked ena
6 Foꝛ Micanoz lifted bp with great paride,
purpoled to (ct bp a memogtall of the victoꝛie ob-
tained of allthem that were with Judas.
7 But Maccabeus had ener fire confidence
ax a perfect bope that the Loꝛd would helpe
$ Anderhorted his people not to beafrapde
atthe camming of the heathen, but alway to
remember the belpe thathad beene hewed vn⸗
to them fram heauen, and to teut nowe alla
—— ſhoulde haue the victorie by the Al⸗
9 Chus he encouraged them by the law and
Prophets, putting them tn remembsance of the
battels that they gad wonne afore, and fo made
them moze willing, MEAS
Io And Rirred vp their hearts, and he wed
them allo the decetttullnefle of the heathen, and
How thep bad broken their othes.
It Thus hee armed euery one of them, rot
with the alurance of tteldes and {peares, but
with wholefome words and erhoztations, and
ſhewed them a neame woozthy tobcebeleeucd,
and reioxced them greatly,
12 And this was his vilion, De thought that
he ſaw Dnias, (which had bene the high Miet,
a vertuous and agood man .veierentin behanie
our, aud of ſober connerfatton, weil poken and
one that had bene exerciſed in all points of godli·
nelle from a childe) bolding bs hts hands to»
ward heauen, and praying fo: the whole people
of the Jewes. $
© 13 E Afterthis there appeared vnto him an⸗
other man whith wasaged, Honourable, ang
of a wonderfull dignitie, and excellency aboug
14 And Ontas (pake and fayn , This ís a lo⸗
uer of the bzethzn, who prayeth much foz the
people, and for the holp cittc, towit , Jexemias
the Prophet of God. ;
15 toe thought lf that Jeremias held out his
right hand, € gaue vnto Judas a ſwordof golur
and as he gauẽ it, he ſpake thus, Blo
16 Gakethis holy fwod a gift from Gov;
wherewith thou Walt woundẽ the aduerla⸗
rl j)
ge 17 And
" Apocryp
fOr, Ele.
phant s,
1. King. 19.
Ifa 37.36.
tob. 1. 18.
ecclus 48,
A fo being comforted by the wordes of
a aBhich were verp fwecrand able io firre
theim vp to valiantnes fo encourage the hearts
ofthe ponng men, they Determined to pitch no
campe , but couragioutly to fet vpon them, and
mantully to allaile them , and to trp the matter
haud to hand, becaule the citie ant the Sanctu⸗
arte and the Temple were in danger.
18. As fo: their wines and childzen, and bree
thren, and kinlefolkes, they fet telle by their Dan»
ger: but their qreateit and paincipall fare was
foz the boly Temple. j :
19 Againe they that were inthe citie, were
carefull toz the armie that was abꝛoad.
20 frowwhtles they allwatted fo the tryall
ofthe matter, and the enemies now met with
them, and the bolte was let tn avay,e the lbeatts
twere (eparated into conuentent places ,and the
horſemen were placed in the wings ; :
21 Maccabeus conlidering the comming of
the multitude, and the diuers preparations of
weapons, and che ſierceneſſe of the bealts , held
vp bis hands toward beauen, calling bpon the
Lod that doeth wonders, Œ that lookedwpon
them, knowing that the victorie commeth not
by the weapons, but that hee gineth the victorie
p them that are worthy, as (eemetl good vnto
22 Therefore in his prayer he fayd after this
manei D Lord," thou that didſt fendthine An-
gel inthe timeof Ezekias king of Judea, who
in the botte of Sennacherib, Uew an hundzeth
fourefcore and fue thouland,
23 Hend now allo thy good Angel before ve,
D Lord of heauens, foꝛ a feare and dzead vnto
24. And let them be diſcomlited by ý ſtrength
of thine arme, which come againit thine boly
people to blaſphheme. Thus with hele wordes
he made an enD,
25 Then Micanoz and they that were with
yom, Drew necre with trumpets and outings
02 toy. : : ;
26 But Judas and his companie peaytng
and calling vpon God, encountred wirp the e-
27 So that with their andes they fought, .
but with their hearts they payed vnto God,
and flew no leſſe then Rue and thirtie thoufand
micas for though the peelence of God thep were
Chap. xv.
wondzroully comforted. ay
23 Now when they lett aff, and were turning
againe with iop , they vnderſtood that fRtcanoz
huntelfe was laine fo? all his armour.
29 Ahenthepmadea great Hout and acry,
prapling the Qimighttein thetrowne language,
30 Wherefore ludas which was ener che chiefe.
Defender of hts citizens both in bodp and mind,
aud which bare euer good affection towardes
them of his natton,comimanden toimite off Mis
tanos head, with his hand and ſhoulder, and ta
bing it to Jerufalem.
31 And when he came there, be called althem
of bis nation, and tet the Pzteltes vy the altar,
aud lent fozthem ofthe cattle,
32 Andihewes them wicked Micanozs head,
and the hand af that blaiphemer, which hee had
holden vp agatuit the hoip Temple of the Ale
mightic, with proud brags.
33 idee cauledthe tongue alſo of wicked Ni⸗
cano? to be cut in litle pleces,and to be cat vnto
the foules , and that the rewards of big madnes
fhonid be hanged vp before the Temple.
34 So cuery man pꝛayſed toward the heauen
the glozions Lod , faptng , Bleſſed be bee, that-
hath Rept bis place vndefiled.
35 Hee hanged allo Hicanors Head vpouthe
High cakle, toz an euident and plaine token vnto
all of the belp of Gon.
36 And io they eftablithed altogether by a.
common Decree that thep would in no cat fuf-
fer this Day without keeping tt holy:
37 And that the fealt Mould be the thirteenth.
Day of the twelfth nisneth, which ts called Adar.
inthe Spartans language , the Day before Mare -
Bocheus Pay. 4 E
33 Thus farre as concerning Micanozs mat»
ters, and from that time the ebpewes had the-
citie in poſſeſſisn. And here will 3 alle make.
an end. ;
39 JE J hauc done well, and as the Rozie ree
quited, itis the thing that Jj Detired: butif F.
Ie ſpoken flenderlp and Barely, it is that 3
40 Forasit is hurtfull to dzinke wine alone,..
and then againe water: andas wine tempered.
with water ts pleafant and Delighterh the tattes -
fo the fetting out of the matter Delighteth the.
cares of them that read the Rozie, And. heere
fhall be theend.
The end of the Apocrypha,
—— ſ 4
Us ag
sit aad
| Ç The fumme of the whole Scripture
ofthe Bookes of the Old and New
HE bookes of the olde Teftamentdoe teach vs , that the fame God, whom
Adam, Nos, Abraham, Ifaac, Iacob, Danid , and the other fathers did worthip,
is * the onely true God , and that hee the fame is Almighty and? euerlafting: # Gene.21.3}.
who of his meere goodneffe hath created by his Word ®heauenand earth, and , 049 7-9-
all that isinthem: From whom all things doe come : without whom there is b Gene.3.2,
nothing at all: And that he is ‘iuft and mereifull: who alfo 4 worketh all in all, ifa.45.18.
b e after nis owne will : f To whom it isnot lawfullto fay , whereforedoth he thus © Exod.9.27.
9 orthus? pf.9.7,8.ifa.g.
Va 2 1,€K0,22,27.
d 1.Cor.12.6,
— \ A Oreouer,thefé Bookes teach vs, that this very God Almighty , after he created all things, fhope £ lere.18.8,
—— ere; alfo Adamthe firit man, £to the image and fpirituall fimilitude of himfelfe , and that he did ene f Iaiab 45.5.
—— ſtitute him Lord ouer all things that he had created in earch. Which Adam by the enuie and frande of „ 70:9-20-
the deuil] , tranfgreffing the precept of his Creator , "by thishis finne brought in fuch and fo great 2 —— —
finne into the worlde , that we which be {prong from him by the fleth , ibee in nature thechildrer of h J — ee
wrath, and thercuponiwe be made fabie@ and thrall to death, to damnation, to the yoke andtyranny ; ¢ — IRE
of the deuill. k aa ah >
, : 1 Gene.13.3,
- : ; “y > m Geént.26,4,
Chrift promifed. F Vrthermore, weare taught by thefeexcellent bookes, that God promifed to k Adam, 1! Abrabam, Gene 28
m Ifaac, ® Iacob, ° Dauid , andto other Fathers of the olde time, that he would fendethatblefled o F Sam ae
feede, his fonne Ieſus Chrift our Sauiour, which fhoulddeliuer all thole from finne, and from the P ty- plal.s ne a
rannie of the deuill which by aliuely and werking faith fhould beleeue this promife, and put theirtruft p Heb. : i
GOD. * Ifaiah 45.14
in Iefus Chrift,hoping that of him and by him,they ſhould obtaine this deliuerance. a Bias a5 9.
l — rT -Rom.3.20.
TheL — f Gal.3.19.
cham. A Lio they giue vs tovnderfiand , thatin the meanefeafon, while thofe Fathers the Iftaelites loo- ¢ Heb, g. 18..
ked for the faluation,and delinetance promifed (for tbat the nature of manis fuch, foproudand and 10.1.
fo corrupt;that thofe would not willingly acknowledge themſelues to bee finners,which had neede of u Iohn r 1296
the Sauiour promifed) God the Creator gauc by Mofes his 4 Lawe written in two Tables of ſtone: * Rom 9,5,
that by it,finne & the malice of mans heart being *knewen,men might morevehemently thirftforthe a Lukes, 33.
fcomming of Iefus Chrift , who fhould redeeme and deliuer them from dinne : which thing, neither b Gal,4; 4,5.
the Lawe,nor yet the faerifices anid oblations ofthe Law did t pertorme, -For they werefbadowesand — ephe.t TO.
figures of the trueoblation ofthe body of Chrift: by which oblation all" fianefhould be blotted out, e Rom.s.8,
and quite put away. : d Ep.2.9.tit.3.5,
. e Rom.15.8.
f Ephef2.7.
Thrift God our B Y thebookes of the new Teftament we be taught, that Chrift fo afore promifed (* which is God g Titus 3,5,
aboueall things moft bleffed for euer)cuenhe, | fay,was (hadowed inthe bookes of the olde Tefta- h Iaiah 53.7,
Sauiour came, : , i
ment, and in facrifices figured, that hee wasa fent at the laft from the Father , the felfefametime which i Iohn 1.29, sẹ-
the Father did conftirute within himfelfe : 1 ſay, at that time when all wickednefle abounded in the k Ephe 5. 2,
world,then hee was fent : And this Lefus our Saniour being borne inthe fleth, ¢fuffered death,androfe _heb.9 26,
againe fromthe dead, Which aces of his were not done by him in refpe@ of the 4 good workes of 1 A@s 3.19.
any man (for wewereallfinners) but thar this God our Fatherfhould © appeare true, in exhibiting the m Ep. 2.14,15.
abundant f riches of his grace which he promifed,and that g through his mercie hee mightbring vs to n Reuel.t 5,
faluation. o Hebr.2.54,
Whereupon itis enidently fhewed in the k Newe Teftament, that Iefus Chrift, being the true p Ga.4 5.ep.t.5.
A Lambe. . *
A facrifice, i Lambe,the true & facrifice of the worlde, 1 putting away thefinnes of men,cameinto this worlde to q Rom.8.17.
Peace, purchafe grace and © p-ace for vs with the Father, » wafhing vs from our finnes in his owne bioud, r Ephe 3.5.16
Adoption, and o fhould deliuer vs from the bondage of the deuill,whom by finne we did ferue: And fowe fhould 8.15 gal hen
be P adopted by him to be the fonnesof God, made dheires with him ofthat moft excellent and euer- f Ephe.t.1.
laQtingkingdome. — gal. 5.23.
Now that we (hould acknowledge this fingularand excellent benefitof God towards vs, almighty t Ep. 1.130& 4.3
God + giveth vs his holy Spirit :the f fruit and_gifett of which, is faith in God, and in his Chrifte For u 1.Cor.12.3.
The holy Ghoft, without the holy Ghoft,by which we arein{jeméted and ¢ fealed, neither can we belecue that God the x Rom.8.16
Faith, Father fent Meflias, nor yet that Iefus is Ciſt For " no man (faith Paul) can fay that Iefusis the y Rom 5.5.
Spitit witneffeth to our fpirit,that we are thechildrenofGod,. 1.cor. 13.4.
Charitie, Y and powreth into our bowels that haritie which Panldefcribeth to the Corinthions, Furthermore, z Ephef 1.14.
Hope, that holy Spirit doth giue vs hope,svhichas a lure looking for eterpall life, whereofhe himfelfe is the * Gal.s.22,
certaine 2 tokenand pledge. Alfo he giueth vs other * fpirituall gifts, of the which Paul writethto the a Gal.5.6.
Galatians. Therefore the bcnéhroffaith is not to be defpifed or fie tobeferby, Forby the means of b Ephef.5.2.
Tuftificationand this truft & 2 faith in Chriflswhich > worketh by charity, & fhewethit felfefoorthbytheworksofcha- heb.13-21.
fanGification, rity, mouing mantherevo,we are tiuftified and fan Gifted ; that is to fay,God and the Father of our Lord c Rom. 3.3¢.and ,
— 4 ii. Idin 4.2,galea.8 6. _
. Lord,but by the holy Ghoft, The x fame
Good workes,
Chrift our mae
fter and teacher.
ô ay
Medi our.
" ‘Yedgement.
Beernall life,
Bernall Gre.
; To what intent
the Scriptures
were writes.
Chrift the onely.
The fumme ofthe holy Seripture.
Tefas Chrift (which is made our ¢ Father alfo by him, being our € brother) doth aceompt vsto bee inft
and holy through his grace,and through the merite of his Sonne Iefus Chuift,nor f imputing our finnes
to vs, fo farre forth,thac we thould fuffer the paines of hell for them.
Finally, Chrift himfelfe g came into the world , to the intent that we through him being fan@ified
and cleanfed from our finnes, following his will in good workes, (hould denie the things pertaining to
the fleſh, and freely h ferue him in righteoufneffe and holineffe all the daycs of our life ; and that i by
good work es (which God hath prepared for vs to walke in) we fheuld k {hew our felues to bee called
to his grace and gift of faith: which good works who fo hath not,doth thew himfelfe notto hauc ſuch a
faith in Chriftas is required in vs.
_ To Chrift mut wecome, and! follow him with a cheerefull minde, that he may teach vs: For hee
is m our mafter, 2 lowly and humble of heart: he is to vs an © cxample,whereby we mutt learne the rule
to liue well.
Moreouer, heeis our Biſhop, and our 4 high Prieft , which did himfelfe offer vp for vs bis owne
blood, being the onely r mediatour betweene God and men: Who now fitteth atthe right hand of
God the Father , being made eur f aduocate, making prayer and interceflion for ys: who doutleffe
fhail obteine for vs t whatfoeuer we fhall defire, either of him,or elfe of his Father in his Name, if{o be
that we thus deſit ing, ſhall beleene that he will fo doe : for thushath he promifed. Therefore let vs not
donbr, if we finne at any time , to come with * repentance (to the which hee doeth inuite and ftirre vs
at the very beginning of his preaching ) and with fure truft to the x throne of his grace , with this be-
liefe, that wee ſhall obteine mercie, For therefore y hec came into the werld , that hee might fue fin-
acts by his grace.
His is verily Chrift Ieſus, which fhall come at a 2 certaine time appointed by his Father, and hall
T frin great maieſtie to? iudge all men, and to render to euery man b the workes of his body ac-
cording to that he hath done, whether it be good or euill: And hee fhall fay to them which fhall be on
the right fide, which in this world did looke for the good things to come (that i> to fay , life cuerla-
fting:) c Come yee bleffed of my Father, enioy the kingdome that hath beene prepared for you from
the beginning of the world: but to them which fhall bee on the left fide , hee thall Gy , Depart from
me yee curfed into euerlafting fire prepared for the denill and his Angels, And then fhalltheendbe, &
when Chrif hawing vtterly yanquithed all maner of enemics , fhall deliuer vp the Kingdemete God
the Father,
Otheintentrhat wee might wnderftand thefe things, the ¢ facred Bookes of the Bible were deli.
uered to vs by the goodnefle ef God through hisholy Spirit , with the preaching of that do@rine
which is conteined in them, and with his Sacraments , by which the trueth of his do@rine is feal-d vp
to vs: that wef might vaderftand , I fay, and beleeue that there is one onely true God, and one Saui-
our Iefus Chrift, whom (as he had promifed) he hath fent: g andthatwe belecuing: might baue in his
Name life euerlaſting. `
Efides this h foundation, no man can lay any other in the Church of Chrift :and vpon this foundati-
Bon the Church doeth ftand fure and ftedfaft. And Paul willeth him to bee iaccurfed which fhall
— any other faith and ſaluation, thea by Iefus Chriſt, yea, although hee were an Angel from
Fork of him, through him , and forhim , areall things: Te whom with the Father and the holy
Shoft,be all honour and glory, world without end, Amen,
¢ Certaine
d Matth.s.48,
and 23 9.
e Heb.2, 1I
f 3.Cor.5.196
g Titus 2.11,
h Luke 167 he
i Epheſ. 2. 10.
k 2.Pct.1.10,
JEpheſ. z. a.
m Mat.a 3.8.
n Matt.11.29,
olohn £3.15.
1.pêt.2.20;2 1.
q Heb.4.14.
ti. Tim.2.5.
f1,Iobn 3.1, 2.
t Iohni 4.13.
and 16 23.
marke 14.24,
u Matth,4,17.
x Heb. 416.
y a. Tim 1. 15.
z Matth, 25.53.
b 2. Cor.5. 10,
cMatth.a 5.34.
d 1.Cof, 15.245
flohn 17.3.
g Iohn 20,31.
h 1. Cor. 3. 1e
k, 36
¢ Certaine queftions and anfweres tou-
ching the doctrine of Predeftination, the vie
of Gods word and Sacraments. .
Becaule all haue
not the like sneafure
of knowledge, neither
F Do all beleene the Go-
+2 {pel ek Chꝛilt.
Wihatigthe realon thereof?
Becaulſe they onely beleeue the Golpel and
Doctrine of Chzitt, which are oꝛdained vnto
eternall life. “
Qu s
Are not all ordained vnto eternal life?
Anfwere, r;
Pome are vellels of wath ordained vnto
~Deftruction, as others are veſſels of mercie
prepared toglozy.
Queftion. ah ate
i How Tandeth it with Gods iuftice that
\ fme are appointed pnto Damnation ?
NA Anfwere.
Terp well: becaufe all men haue in thems
felues linne , which deſeructh no leffe: and
prepared fo: themi to be oceupted in, to their
owne comfozt, tay and affurance, and to bis
But how Hall J know my felfe to bee one
ofthole whom God hath ordained to life ea
By the motions of (pirituatllife, which
belong onely to the chilozen of God: by the
which that life ig perceiued, cucu as the life
ofthis body is diſcerned by the fence and
Motions thereof,
eh Queftion. 6
at meane you by the motions of ipitie
tuali life? — p
3 meane remoꝛſe of conlcience, ioyned
with the lothing of finne, and ioue of richte⸗
oufes the band of faith reaching vnto life
eternallin Chik, the conſcience comfozten
in Diftrefie, and ratlea yp to confidencein
God by the wozkeof his Sptrit : a thankee
full remembzance of Gods benefits recet-
ued and the vling of all aduerfities ag occa:
fions of amendement fent from God.
Cannot fuch perth as at fome time o? o-
A therefore the mercy of God ts wonvertullin ther feele thele motions within themfelues? :
Bo enable an ekorre eaa a A Y
NETRA race, and tobzing themi tothe f were. -
à f sae It is not pollible that they ſhould: for as
~ ofthe trucch, 1
8X a b Gods purpole is not changeable, ſo hee rea
~) Queftion, _-penteth not of the gifts and graces of his a= `
JE Gods owinance and determination doption: neither doth he cak of thole wham
muk of neceflitic take effect,then what need he hath once receiued,
any man to care? foz bee that liueth well,
~ mutt needesbe Damned, if be be thereunte Queftion,
o2Batned ; and he that liueth ll mult needes
be faued if be be thereunto appointed.
Mot lo: for itis not pollible, that either
the elect hould alwayes be without care to
Doe well, o2that the repzobate hould baue
any willthereunto, Foꝛ tohaue cither good
wii 02 good worke, it is a teſtimony ofthe
Hpivit of God , which ts giuen to the elect
onely, whereby faith ts fo wought in chem,
| that.being graft in Chriſt, thep grow tn bos
linee to-that glory, whercunto thep are
appointed. either are they fo baine as
once to thinke that they map Doe ag they lit
themfetucs, becaufe they are pzeneltinate
tuto faluation ; but rather they endeuour
to walke in fuch good wozkes as God in
Chꝛiſt Jeſus hath dedained them bato, and
Ahy then Gould we pray by the example
of Dauid, that be cat vs not from pis face,
= that heetake not bis poly Spirit from
In fo praying we make protettation of the
weakenefie of fle, which mooueth vs to
Doubt z pet Hould not we haue courage to. :
alke, if wee were not alſured that God will. -
giue according to his purpole and prone -
that which we require.
Do the chiloen of God feele the motions
aforelayBalwayesalike? /
è Aniwere, .
No truely: foz Gon ſometime to prooue
his, feemeth to leaue them in fuch 0t, that
the fle ouermatcheth the fpirit, whereof
arifeth trouble of contcience fo: the times
Queftions and anfweres
pet the (pirttofadoption fs neuer taken from
them, that haue once receiued it : effe might
they perth. Butas in many dileates of the
body, the powers of bonity tife ave letted:
Horn (ome afanta theie motions ofſpiritu⸗
al fife ave not perceined,becaule theptte hid ·
Benin our manifoln nifirmittes, as thetire
. coner’d with aes. Wetas after fickneile
commeth bealth, and after clouds the lunne
ſhineth cleave ; fo the powers of the fpiritu-
all life wil moze o2 leſſe be felt and perceiued
in the chilozen of Gov.
Queftion. j $
MAhat i J neuer feele thele motions in
my telte hall J deſpaire, and thinke my felfe
Anfwere. :
God forbid: for God caileth bis at what
time De feeth good; & che inſtruments wher-
by de vſually calleth, baue not the ltke effect
at all times, pet itis not good ‘to neglect the
meanes whereby God hath Determined to
woke the faluationof bis. Foras ware is
not melted without heat, no? clay hardened
but by meanes thereof: ſo God vſeth meanes
both to draw thoſe vnto hinilelfe, whom he
hath appointed vnto faluation, and alſo to
bewray the wickedneſſe of them whom hee
intip condemneth.
Queftion, l
By what meanes vieth God to Maw nen
to himlelfe that hep may be faucd?
q By the preaching of his word and the mi
age bis Dacraments thereunto an-
. Qu ; ;
CCihat meane pou by the word of God ?
$ Anfwere.
3 meane the Doctrine of the Prophets and
Apottles which they receined of the pirit of
God, and hane left weitten in that Bouke
whitch we conmionty call the Did and ew
Wow may J be afiured that it ts the woz
of Ged, which that Booke conteineth:
By the mateſtie of Gov appearing in that
plaine and {imple Doctrine : by the prenes,
bprightnelle and holines thereof: by the cers
taintte ok euery thing therein affirmed bp
the ſucceſſe of all things according tolt; by
perpetual content whichis to beleenctre> · w
tery part thereof: by the excetlencie of the
matters vttered: Wut elpectally by the te»
ſtimony of Gods Hpirit, whereby it was
witten, who mooueth the hearts of thole in
wom it reiteth, to coulent pute the mode,
and reuerently to imbrace tt.
How Doth thts word of Gon ſerue to dꝛaw
men vnto him?
Then itis fo preached and heard, that
men may vnderſtand and learne what Goo
teacheth: acceptand receiue thankfully that
which is thereby giuen, promien aſſured:
and bemooued with Delire and Diligence ta
Doe that which ic commandeth.
er the Sacraments alto ſerue to this
: Anfwere,
Peaherelp: that by fight, talte and feg»
lingas wellas by bearing, we might be in⸗
firucted aflured,and bought to obedience.
Dow Doth our Baptiſme ſerue hereunto?
Jt teacheth vs to put on Chꝛiſt, that with
his righteouinefle our finfulnes may be huz-
Deit: it atureth vs that we are fo graft into
Thit, that all our finnes by him are wa-
Hed away +itchargeth vs to die to finne, to
continue tn the profeſſion of Chit, and to
lone each other.
Math the Lords fupper allo this vſe?
Mea doubtleſſe: foz it teacheth, that the
body and blood of Cheiſt crucitiea , ts the
only food of the new bome chilozen of God :
it aMureth that Chait ts whollp theirs to
giue and to continue life ſpirituall and bea»
uerly to body and foule, to nouriſh, irenge
then,vefreth, Œ to make cheerefullthe hearts
of the elect: it requiveth thankfull remem>
bzance of the Death of Cipift, vnitie among
thole that doe pmofeffe him with a free cone
keſſion of bis trueth.
MAhy is not this vle of the Sacraments
commonly kowen ?
Becaule they are abulen for forme, foz fae
fhion,foz cuftome and company, without re-
gard onto the word, whereunta they are fo
annered, that thep ought not vpon any ne»
ceflitte, by any perfon bee ſeuered from tt,
which teacheth the right vſe of euery thing,
J perceiue that nothing is more neceſſary
then the word of Hod: therefore J pray pow
em me how F may attaine tafome know-
ledge and profit thereby,
By diligent hearing of fuch as preach it,
bp continuall and orderly exertiſe of reading
and praying. é
Mhat osderly evercife thinke pou mof
conuentens to be vſed berein? un
E ok
of Predeftination, &a
What as euery Dap, twie at the leaſt, wee
mot commonly recetuefoode to the nouriſh·
ment ofthis cogpozail life: fo no Day bee let
pafie without feme reading, in fuch fort that
occaſion thereby map bee taken to ſpeake a+
gaine vnto God by prayer, as he in his word
ipsaketh pntobs: So that at the leat two
Chapters would bee orderly and adutfedly
read enery Day, all other bulineſſe, impedi-
ments and lets tet apart.
~~ Queftion.
This ſeemeth very ealie tobe Dones what
thinke you elferequtlite? ~
That ſome elpeciall places of Scripture
be fo committed to memozie, that the minde
may euer be furnifhed with feme good mat-
ter agatuſt all temptations. To which ende
F note thele Scrtptures bute pou, whereun ·
to you may topne other at pour owne choile:
Plates 139.37.50.€.§3, Joh.17.Rom.
8.1. Tim.4.
But the Scriptures are hard,and not cae
fie to vnderiſtand.
Diſcourage not pour felfe heretwith : foz
God maketh them ealie to fuch asin humi⸗
litte fecke him; and that hardneſſe that you
finde, feructh to mooue you to the moze Dti-
gence, and to make inquirie offuch as haue
knowledge, when any Doubt artleth. That
which pou perceiue not at onetime, God
fhall reueile at another: Do that you alt
haue pour growing ingrace, knowledge and
gonlineffe. to Gods glozie and pour swue
comfort in Chart, whole ame foz euer bee
patted. Amen, ;
oe The names and order ofall the Bookes ofthe Old OSN
Ac j
BEKO and New Testament with the number oftheir Chapters. S
Gates Genefis hath Chapters 50 Prouerbs hath Chapters 3r CaS
Exodus $ 40. Eccleſiaſtes 13 (8S 3008 ,
Leuiticus 27 The fong of Salomon ———
Numbers 36 lſaiah 66 ed }
5) Deuteronomie 34 Ieremiah $3 6s
J loſhua 24 Lamentations é
9 ludges ` o ar Ezekiel eer eS —
X Ruth 4 Daniel 12 Eire d
x Samuel 31 Hofea r4 Es7ted
‘oy 2 Samuel | 24 Ioel 3 |
t.Kings 22 Amos 9 :
2 Kings EN 25 Obadiah 1
1.Chronicles . 29 Tonah 4
z.Chronicies 36 Micah 7
The prayer of Manaffch,Apocryphe. Nahum > $ |
Ezra ` 1o Habakkuk 3 j
Nehemiah 13 Zephaniah 3 |
Efer. to Haggai 2 :
Iob 42 Zechariah 14
Pſalmes 150 Malachi 4
9 Baruchwiththe Epiftle of Ieremiah 6
2. Eſdras 16 The Song of the three children
Tobit 14 The ftory of Sufanna
Iudeth — 16 Theidole Bel and the Dragon .
The reft of Ether | 6 1, Maccabees 16 BG
es CR * G The Bookes called Apocrypha.
Be, 1.Efdras
f i Wifedome 39 2. Maccabees — 15
as Eccleſiaſticus 51
g The Bookes of the New T Sameer:
CES Manhew ° 28 1.Timotheus 6 Geks9
Marke : 16 2,Timotheus ; 4 À
Luke 24 Titus ; 3
Iohn 2 21 Philemon che |
The Actes 28 Tothe Hebrewes 13 eure
The Epiftle to the Romans 16 The Epiftle of lame 5
1, Corinthians 16 1.Peter 3 a) SKS
2, Corinthians 13 2.Peter , 3 ØR
N Galatians 6 1.Iohn A 6A
CKS Ephefans . 6 2. lohn i CS9
Philippians 4 3.10hn I :
GKSA Coloffians 4 Iude I CENSI
63} 1. Theffalonians 5 Reuelation 22 ED
59 2. Thieflalonians 3 CoS)
Zlo :
| $ F NEN
The generation
2 This word fig-
nifieth good ty⸗
dings, and is ta-
kemhere forthe
ſtory which cons
teineth theioy-
fall meffage of
the comming of
the fonne of God
promifed fiom
the beginning.
b That is,writ-
ten and taught
by Mathew,
Chap. j.
E E EEEE USS ise eri esi E
Nees em I SH Tr e I e eE I J9 i ex» ml > Il ” oo
to bean Apoftle. Marke is thought to haue beene Peters difciple,andto baue planted the frk Chtirchazs —
Alexandria, where hedied the eight yeere of thercigne of Nere. Luke wasa Phyfition of Antiocbiayand
became P..uls difciple,and fellow in all his traualles: he liued fourefcore and foure yeeres,and wasbu-
tied at Conftantinople. Lohn wasthat Apoftle whom the Lord loued, the fonneofZcbedeus,and broa
sher of lames: ze died threefcore yeere after Chrift, and was buried neete to the citie of Ephefus, © < —
1 The genealogie of Chrift, that is, The Meffias
promifed to the Fathers, 18 Who was conceiued
by the holy Ghoſt, and borne of the Virgine Mary,
when fb was betrothed unto Fofeph. 20 The An-
y -gel fatishieth Tofephs mind. 21 Why hee i called
: Tefiz.and wherefore Emmanuel.
Luke 3.2}. P VE *« Booke of the
c Thisis the generation ofl E svs
reheariailof the Curis T the 4fonne
progenie, where- of Dauid, ¢ the ſonne
of Ieſus Chrift is ef Abrahant.
fprung according 2 * Ababa be»
to the feh, “ware Iſaac. And FJ-
d Sa called, for. faac begate Jaakob.
thathecameof ú D vie And *Faakob begate
the ftocke of Judas and pig beethen.
Dauid. 3Amd judas vegate Phares, an’ zae
e Thefetwoare tafof Thamar. And * Phares begate CF
fisitrchearfed, ron And irom bi gate Aram.
ecaufe Chrift and Grain begate Aminadab, Gnd
wasefpecially Aminadab begate Raon. Quo Aaation
promifed to : i
come of them and their ſeede, and thercfore Chrift commonly was
called the fonne of Dauid , becauf the promile wasmore euidently
confirmed vato him. Gene.21.2. Geze.25 34. Gene.29.35. Gere,
8:27. f By incefiuous adulterie, the w hich thame fettcth foorth
fe great humilitie, who made himfelfe of no reputation, bur became
a feruant for our fakes: yea, aworme and no man, thereproch of
_ men, andcontemptof thie people, and at length fuffered the accur-
fed death of the crofle, .(hre,2.5. ruth.4 18g
cim begate Jechonias and his bꝛethren a mazia, Azaria,
begate Salmon. i / a i B Rachaband
And Salmon begate Boos ofe Ra Ruth being Gens |
chab. And Booz begat Obed of Rurh- Any “Hes,fignifie thar
Sbed begate Jete © r Chrifteamenos ©
6 And* Jefe begate Dauid the King. ;
And * Dawid the King begate Salomon of ewes, and
her that mas tbe wife of Grias: =< .— them; buralfo
7 And*Dalomon begate Robsam. Any ofthe Gentiles, —
Roboam begate Abia. And Abia begat Ala. andFortheir fal-
8 Gnd Ala begate Jolaphat. AnD Jo- wation, `
— begate Foam. ARD Joam begate Rard gar,
q 3 A he BL $ » — <>
9 And Dias begateè Joatham, And msd i752, |
Foatham begate Achaz, And Achaz begate 2 Samt224.
Ezekias. — Base
-10 Gnd* Ezekias begate Manaſſes And tchro.3.10, .
Manalles begate Amon. And Amon begate h Hee hath o-
Joitas. ; — mwitted three
Il And * Joſias begate Jacim And FJa- Kings, Ioas, A-
baut the tune they were carled away to a- abridging the
bylon. number, to
12 Andafter they werecaricd away into makethetimes —
Babylon, *Icchonias begate iDatatplel. foureceene gence My
© rations, — ;
2. Neng. 20. 2 1. and 21,18, 1 chron.3 0353415. 2,King.23.34, and
24.1,6.2.chron. 36 4.9.1.Chrom. 3.36. 1 After the captinitie, the
title royall was appointed vnto him; fo that- notwithftanding that |
they were as flaues for the fpace of feuentie yeeres, yet by the proui<—
dence of God the goucrnement remained in the family of Dawid
where it continued till the comming of Chriſt. :
ae BE *And
The birth of Chrift.
1.Chro. 317,19. *And Salathiel bagate Zorobabel.
E72 3.2.48 5.2. -
k Albeit the ©
Tewes number
their kinred by
the malekinde;
yetthis linage of
Mary is com-
prehended vn-
der the fame,
becaufe (he was
married to a
-man ofher owne
ftocke and tribe.
] Who isthe truce
Kine,Prieft and
Prophet anoyn-
ted of Godto
accomplifh the
office of there-
Luket 27.
m Befurehee.
rooke her home
-n As the Angel
~ afterivard decla-
red to lofeph. |
-o Vptight and
fearing God, and
~ therefore fulpe-
~ Ging that thee
~ had committed
- fornication, be-
-~ fore fhe was be-
trethed, would
~ neither retaine
13 And 500babel begate biud. Aud
Abiud begate Ekacun. Any Eliacim bea
gate Aso.
14. nb A302 begate Sadoc. And Sadot
‘begate Achim. And Achim berate Eliud.
Is And Eliud begate Eleazar. And E⸗
leazar begate Matthan. And Matthan de=
gate Jacob.
16 And Jacob begate Joleph, the bul
hand ot Marie, Kof whan was bere Zie-
lus that is cailed! Chart. ee igs
17 Go all the generations from Abza-
Ham toDauid , are foureteene generations:
and frem Dunt vntill they were carpen a
way into Babylon, feureteene generations:
and after they werecaried away into Babp⸗
lon, vnttll Chꝛiſt, foureteene generations.
18 ¶ Now che birch of Jeſus Chꝛiſt was
thus: chn as bis mother Mary mas *he-
trothed to Joleph, ~ befoze they came toge-
ther, thee was found "with chila sf the poly
19 Then Joſeph her hulband being a
oiuttimatt, and not willing ta* make her a
publike crample, was minded to put her as
waytecretly. ;
20 But whiles hee thought thel things,
behold, the Angelotthe Lod appears yuto
pim ina r meam ſaying. Jofeph rhe a ſonne
of Dauid, feare not totake Marie for thy
twtfe : foz that which is concemmsDin er, is
of the haly Ghot. 3
21 Gnd wer Mall being forth a forne, and
thon Yalt *call his name r Felus: im hz all
* faune bis people From tbeir finnes.
22 Gnd all this was none thatit might
her, which by the bee fulfilled, which was{poken of the Lord
Law (hould be
martied to an
by the Prophet, layi
a : i
23 * Bebon, a Cirgine Hall bee with
S. Matthew.
other, neitherby chtld,and Wall beare a tonne,andiithep Wall
— herput cal his name Emmanuel, which iz by inter-
herco thame for
$ : her kact.
Dert 24.1.
pꝛetation, God twh vs.
24 C Chen Joleph being raien from
Teepe, DID asthe Anaelofthe Lod had n>
p Thisdreame ~topned dint, and tooke his wife.
is witneficd by
the holy Ghoft,
25 Wut heeknewe her nar, till Hee had
bzongbt forth ber firt borne ſonne, and hee
andisakindeof called his naue IE sS VS.,
euelation, Nun,
4 a q * This name putteth him in remembrance of Gods promile
to Dauid. Løke 1.31. r Thatis, a Sauiour. Altes 4-11, philp.2.
to, Ffaie7 14. Orthos. £ God is ioyned with vs by the meanes
oficis Chrif, who isboth Ged and man, t Chriftishere calied
the firt borne, becaufe thee had neuer any before, and notin reſpect
of any the had after. Neither yet doth this word ( till) import alwayes
atime foliowing wherein the contrary may be affirmed, as our Saui-
our, faying that he wiil be prefent with his difciples till the end of the
werld,mcaneth nor thatafter tnis world he will net be with them,
1 The time and place of Chrifs birth 11 The
wife men offer their prefcats.14 Chrift ſleeth in-
to Egypt. 16 The yong children are faine 23
Luke. 6. Ioftph turneth into Galilee.
a Forthereis `
another Beth le-
hemin the uibe
of Zcbulun.
VV * Felis was then bone at
VBeth lehem in⸗Indea in the daycs
ol Vxxode the Ming, behold, thire came
bimen from the Eaſt to Jerufalem,
2 Saying, Where is the Ring of the
Jewes charts bone? for wee haue feens hts
— inthe Eat, and are comete 3wa-
3 Uhen king Herode heard this he was
troubled.and all Jerufalem with hii.
4 And gathering together ail the chrefe
Wichs and Scribes of the people, pe alkid
ot them where Chit hould be barre.
§ © And they fayse onto him, At Beth⸗
lehen in Judea: fo2 to itis weitten by che
Pꝛophet, f
6 *And thon Beth lehem in the land of
Juda, are not thz izat among the princes
of Juda: for out of thee hall came che goner-
nour that Hail feede my peopte Ifrael.
7 Cher Merodet pamilp called rhe wiles
men, and Diltgentiy inquired of them the
time of the ttarre that appeared,
8 And lene them to Bety-lehem,.fayine,
Goe, and ſearch diligently for the babe ana
when yee hane found hint, Ming mee word
— that J mapcome alſo, and wozhip
G CHowhen they hadheard the King,
they Departed ; and loe, thes ftarre which
thep had (cene in the Eaſt. went before them,
tillit came, and ſtoode ouer the place where
the babe was.
IO And when they fawe the arre, they
reioyced with an ercecdingareat top,
Il And went tuto the boule, and |j found
the babe with Gary is mother and fell
Downe , and worshipped Him, anv ope-
ned their trealures, and pzelnted tuto
him giftes, euen h gone, and incenle and
_ 12 And after they were warned of God
in a Decame, that thep wouid norco agatne
“fo Herode, they returned intotheit coimtrey
another way.
3 After their departure, beholde, the
Augel ef the Lozd appeareth to Joſeph in
a peame, laying , Arie, ana take the babe
anv bis mother, and flee inte appt, and
bee there till 3 bzing thee wozd: foz erode
willfeeke the babe,todeftrop him,
14 Sobecacole, and tooke the babe and
his mother by night, and departed into gE-
And was there vnto the Death of Mee
rove, kthat it might be fulfilled, mhich was
(poken of the Lord by the * prophet,
Thewifemen. Herods crueltie.
b Wifemen, or
Magi, in the Pere.
fians and Chalde-
ans tongu fie.
nfie Philofa ig
yhers, Frieſts, or
and are here the
firlt truites ofthe
Geant les thar
came to wor hip
€ Anextraordie
naric figne to fec
torth that Kings
honour whome
the world did. -~
not efteeme,
d Which wasa
declaration ot
that reverence,
which the Gen-
tiles dheuld
beare vnto -
e They could
welltell of Chrig
in generall. bur
wher they (hould
profeie his
name, and g‘ue
him hbisdue has
nour, they waxe
cold and fhrinke
f An cuill con-
(ciesce is a byre
ning fire,
g Theftarre Yas
nifhed away be-
fore, to the in-
tentthey ſhould
tarieat Ierufa-
lem,and there ine
quire of the thin
to the conſuſon
of the Tewes,
lOr faw,
h Toe Perſians
“maner was not
to ſalute Kings
witheut apre-
faying , Dut of Caypt hane J called imp (cnr, and there-
16 €' Chen Yerode, ſeeing that he was
mocked of the wile men, was exceeding
woti, and fent koorth, and flew all the male
childzen that were ta Beth lehem, and in
ail the coaſtes thereof, from tio veere olde
and under, according to the time witch
hee had diligently arched ont of tye wiles
inert. ;
17 Then was that failed which was
eae of histrnethishindcred : or elfe
fore they broughe
of that which l
was moft preci-
ous in their
countiey, wheres
of enery one of
them offered, .
i Promufe ought
not to be kept
where Gods kho-
3 nour and prea-
it ought not to bee brokes,
That which was prefigured by the deliuerance of the lffaelices
out of Egypt, which were Chrifts Church:
ind hisbody, isnowe vea
rified , and accomplifhed in thebead Chrift. Hof rsr, 1 Waha
in a certeint time aner, -
John Baptift,
eve, 31.1 5.
rh Herod re-
newed the ſorow
which the Ben-
iamites had ſuffe·
red long before:
yet for all hiscru-
eltie he could not
bring to paffe,
ý Chrift thould
not reigne,
n That is,they
were Killed and
dead. t
o Thus the faith-
fall may fee how
Ged hath infinite
meanes to pre-
ſetue them from
Şsage cf tyrants,
HOr therefore.
ſOr, f Nazaret.
p Whichis boly
and confecrated
to God : alluding
vnto thofe that
were Nazarites
in the old Law,
— t
(poken by the Prophet Jeremias, fap-
Ng, *
18 * Ju m Rama was a voyce heard,
mourning, and weeping, and great lamen=
tatton: Rachel. weeping for jer children,
aud weuld not bee comforted, becauſe they
2 were not,
19 And when Herod was dead, behold,
an Angel of the Los appeareth in avame
to Joleph in Egypt.
20 Haying Arik, anv take the babe anb
bis mother, and goe into che lanveof Jif
rael : foz thep ave o Dead which lougyt the
babes life.
21 Thenhearole yp, and tooke the babe
zk We mother, and came tito the laude of
22 But when hee heard that Irchelaus
Did reigne in Judea in lead of hfs father
erode, hee was afrai to goe thither:
lyet after Bee was warned of God in a
parane, ‘hee turned alide into the parts of
23 Aud went and dwelt in a citie called
fazareth, that it might bee fulflied which
was (poken by the Pz0phets,whi-h was, that
he fhould be called || ar Nazarite.
which were a figure of that holineffe which fhould bee manifefted in
Chriff,as was Samfon, lofeph, &ey
a Inthe 15. vere
of the reigne of
Tiberius, after
Chrif had long
time remained
in Nazaret,and
was now about ©
30. yecrealds
luke 3.1423.
b Socalledin
refpe& ofthe
plaine count rey
and fertile val-
lies: and not be-
cauſe it was not
Or, be fory for
pour faults pafi,
and ‘amend.
c Whichis, that
God willreigne
Duer vs, gather vs
ynto him, pardon
our finnes, and
adopt vs by the
prezching of the
'Golpel. ¥/2.40 3.
with haire, as grofie baire
as nature brought forth without
vitre. 22. Mar.r
there is no repentance
1 The offsce,doétrine, and ife of Jobs. g The
Pharifes are vepreoued. 8 The fruits of repen-
tance, 13 Chrifts baptized in Jordan, 37 And
authorized by God his Father. ;
A A2QB* in athole Dayes, Jobn the Baptiſt
peo and prꝛeached tn the > wilderneſſe
of Judea, ;
2 Autumnin, | Repent: fo: thes kingdom
of beauents at band, s '
3 Fothisis heof whom itis fpoken by
the Propher Eſaias, faving, * The voice of
Him chat crieth inthe wildernelic, is, Pꝛe⸗
pare ve tie way of the Lom: make bis paths
ftraight. ; iN
4 *Qnnthis John had bis 4 garinent of
camels haire and a giedie of a fkin about bis
loynes: bts meate was allele locus and
wilde hony. :
5 * Then went out to him Icruſalem
and all Judea, and all the region round a-
bout Jordan. —
6 And they were baptized ofhim in Jor ·
Dân, confeſſing their finnes.
7 How vhen he aw many of the Pha⸗
rifes and ofthe Hadduces come to bis tap-
tiime, he fapa bnto them, * D |! generations
af vipers, who hath forewarned you to fice
From the anger to come? :
- 8 Bring forth therefore s fruits worthy
amendement of life. ‘
war.t.3 lak padohee 1,23-Mar.3.16, d Wouen |
haire cloth, #Or,grafhoppers. e Such meates
mans labour or diligence : reade Le-
15.luke3 7. £ Acknowledge their faults: for
without confeflion. Chap.12.34 Or, broodes.
Hee menaceth thole venimousand malicious Péarifes with the
iudgement of Godyexcept they (hewe before men fuch workes as are
agreeable to the profeffion of the godly, whom Iai callech the trees
of righteouſnelſe Chap.6 14 3.
Chap.iij. iiij.
q. And thinke not to fay with your felues,
* (diz haue Abraham to our father : foz J fay
unto pou, that God ts able of thel ſtones ta
raile vp childzen vnto Abꝛaham.
~IO And now allo the rare is put tothe
roote of the trees; * therefore euery tree
which bringeth not foorth good fruit, i3
bewen Downe and caſt into the fire.
II * Jndeede F baptize you with water
to ainendinent ofitte, but bee that commeth
aficrine,ts mightier then J, whole hooes F
am HOt wosthp toe beare: he will baptize you
with the holy Ohot,and witli tre.
12 bich hath hts * fanne tn bis hand,
&nd will make cleane bis fleoze, and gather
bis wheate mtobis garner, but willburne
by the chaffe with vnquenchable fire.
13 @* Chen came Jefus from Galile ta
Jadan vnto Joln,to be baptized of him.
14 But John put him backe, aping, J
Daue neede to be baptised of thee, an’ cont
inet thouto nie? Be
Is Then Felus antwering, fayd tobim,
Let bee now: foz thus it becommeth vs to
d — all righteouſneſſe. So hee ſuffered
16 And Jeſus when hee was baptized
came ſtraight out okthe water. And loe, the
heauens were opened vnto hint, and lohn
law the Sptrit of God Deltending like a
m poul and lighting vpon him.
17 Andloe, avoyce came from heanen,
faving, * This is my *beioued Ponne, in
whom F am weil pleaſed.
der perfit obedience to God in all things, which he:
Chriftbaptized. 442
John 8.29,
adts 13.26,
h The iudge-
ment of Ged is
at hand to de-
{troy fuch asate
hot mecté to be
of bis Church,
— lak. 3°
16 i0),1,26.acts
1.5 2.4.08, -
17.484 19.4,56
i When Ged
baptifeth inward-
ly with the ver-
tue of bisfpirit,
he burneth and
confumeth the.
vices,and inflae
meth the hearts
with loue toe-
k Which isthe
preaching of the
Gofpel, whereby
he gathereth the
faith{fullas good
corne,and {cattes
reth the infidels
Marke 1.9%
luke 3zi
1 Wemuttren-
hath ordayned,
lowlinefle. Chap.17.5, 2 pet.1.17. n- Thefauour of God refteth
m, To fhewthe ftate ofhis kingdome , which isinall meekenes and |
on Jefus Chrift,that from him it might be powred ón vs, which dë-
ferue of onr felues bis wrath and ind:gaation, Colof,s,13-
1 Chrift fafteth and is tempted. 15 The An-
gels miniſter to him. 17 He beginnethtopreach.
18 He calleth Peter, Andrew, lames and John,
and healeth ail the ficke,
T en * was Jelus len alive 0f the Spt-
rit into the wilderneſſe, tobe > tempted
of the denili.
2 Gnd wheit he ban falten fourtiedayes
and fourtic nigyts, bee wag afterward pun-
grie. l
3 Then came to him the tempter, and
ſayd, Jfthou be the Hanne of Haw, cont-
mand that thele tones be made bꝛead.
4 Gut hee anſwering, fayd, Fe istit-
ten, * Man hall not liue by bread onely, but
byenery worde that proceedeth out of the
mouth of Gob. ; R
S. Then the Denil tooke him vp into tije
e holy Citie, and (ct himona l pinacleofcye
6 And layde vnto him, Ikthonbee the
Hone of Gon, caſt thyſelfe dowhne: faz tt
te written, *thathee will gine gis Angels
charge euer thee, and with their hands they
atl lift thee wp, leat at any time thou
e Towit,lerufalem. |!Or,vane which fheweth
fttod. Pfalgi.1t,12. £ Hcealleagsthhalfethe ſentenoe to de-
cloke his csaftre purpofe, :
ceiue thercby che rather, aad
> BRR 2
Marke 3,12,
a By theholy
Ghoft, "a
b Torheende
that ke quercom-
ining theſe tenta⸗
tions might get
vdctory for-vs, -
c Satan would
haue Chrift to
diftruft God, and
his word, and fol.
low otherftrange
and vnlawfuil
d Hemeancth
the order thar
God hath ortzia
ned to waintaine
his creatures by.
wherethe minde
| Chrifts preaching.
Dem. A
g We wmuſt nor
Jeane fuch lawful
-meanesas God
hath appointed, «
to feeke others
after our owne
fantafie, =
b Ina vifion,
Deut.6. 13.
and 10.20,
Marke PEE T
7; e ‘t 3.
i he word of
God isthe ſword
of the Spitit,
wherewith Satan
isouerconie, ©
k Tocomfort
bim, /
Marke 1.14.
lube 4. 14.
ohn 4 4 3 . z
-1 And caf inpri-
~ fon by Herod,
> m For {@-they
$ called the lake of
> Gennezareth.
-preached now
` almoft'a yerein
- Tudea,& Sama- ~
= ria,& after went
-to preach inthe
_ Vpperniolt Gali-
le, which was out
of the borders of
+ Paleftina, ~~...
0 Which was
vithout comfort
hath receiued
AMarhe 1.15.
Aarkei. 16.
p Godbathcho.
~ fentheweake .
_ things of the
world to con-
found ý mighty,
1.Cor, 1.27.
q To drawthem
out of thefea of
this worlde,
wherein they are
it We ought to
be mok ready ro
-follow Chiſt
when he calleth.
~ Jebuingal world-
jy refpeG@é apart.
f Yharis, f ble
fed tidings of
forgiaencs of fins
and reconciliati
< onwith God,
t So that by héea- ; à
ling incurable difeafes Chris diuinitie appeared,
wire mad ar ſicke
ſhouldeſt dah) thy foote againſt a ſtone.
7 Jels fayd vnto him, Fitis witten a
e * Chau Walt not stempe che Low
thy Gov.
8 Againe the deuil tooke him vp bnto
an exceeding bigh mountatire, and t themed
bim all the kingdomes of the wozld,and the
glory of thent, : i
9 And layd to him, All there will J gine
thee ifthou wilt fal Dowae and woꝛſhip me.
io Then fai Jeſus puto him, Auopre
Hatan: forit ts witten, * Chou Halt wos
fhip the Lod thy God, and htm onely Halt
thon feruz. VER
IL * Chen the deuill left him: and be⸗
ee Augels* came and mintitred vnto
12 ¶ * And when Jefus had heard that
oun was ! Deliuered vp, hee returucdinte
_ 13 And leaning Mazareth, wente diwelt
in Capernaum, which ts neere the “Lea, in
the borders of Zabulon aud Nephthalim,
I4 That it might be fulflied which was
fpoken by Elatas the Prophet, faving,
. 15-* Whe land of sabulon,and the tand of
Nephthalim by the wapot thetea, beyond
Jordan," Galtie of the Gentiles:
16 The peaple which fare m e Darkeneffe,
faw great light: and ta them which fate ta
he region and ſhadow of Death, tight igri-
ch bp.
17 * from that time Jelus began to
peach ana ta fap, amend yaur lines : fo2 the
kingdome of heauen is at hand.
18 @* Ano Jelus walking by the ſea of
Galile, faw two bꝛethꝛen, Simon, which
was called Jeter, and Andrew bis bzo-
ther cating a netintathe fa (for they were
P flijers.)
- Ig And he ſayd vnto them, Follow me,
and Jwill make por tiſhers apf men,
20 And they ſtraightway icauig the
nets, followed pim. >
21 Auu when hee was gone koorth fram
thence, bee ſaw other twa betzen, James
thefonne gfZcbedeus, and Jenu dis brother bo
in a ſhip with Zebedeus their father, men»
Ding their nets, and he called them.
22 Aud they without tarying, leaning
the Gip and their father followed rm.
23 So Jeſus went about all Galile, tea-
ching in their Synagogues, and preaching
the Sofpel ofthe f kingdome, aud healing
Pada andecuery diſeale among the
24 And his fare ſpread abroad thiongh
all Spria: and thep brought vnto him all
ficke people, that wers taken with diners
Diterles and gripinas, and themthat were
pote ied with t deuns, and choſe which were
u lunatike and thoie that had che palficsand
he heated them. Ne
25 Ano there followed btm great mule
titudes out of Galile, and *Decapolis, ana
Jerufalem, and Zudea, aud from beyond
u They that
ata certaine time ofthe moone., x Itwasacoun-
sey wherein wereten citigempthe word fignificth,
; hee
JE }
S. Matthew.
3 Chrift teacheth who are bleſſed. 13 The falt
ofthe earth.c light of the world 16 Good works,
17 Chri? came to fulfill the Law. 21 What ù
meant by kiting. 23 Reconciliation. 27 Adul-
terie, 29 Offences. 31 Ditsorcement. 33 Not
to ſweare. 39 To fuffer wrong. 44 To lowe our
enemies. 48 Perfection. -
A Nd when he law the multitude, he went
bp into a mountaine: and when he was
fet, his diſciples came to him.
2 And he opened his month ana taught
them, ſaying, aa
3. “Bleed are the 2 pooze in fpirit : foz
theirs ts the kingDome of beaten.
* Bleiled are they that e mourne: foz
they Hall be comfpated.
5 “Blelled are the«meeke: fo: thep Hal
inherite the earth. $
6 Bleed are they which d hunger and
thirſt fo: righteoumes: foz thep aitte Alley.
7 Bleſſed are the merciful ; foz they Hail
obteine mercie. i
S Bleſſed are the * pure in heart; for they
fhail fee Gov. a Si
Bleſſed arethe peacemakers ; for they
ſhalbe called thee childzen of Gov.
10 Blefled are they which * luffer perfe-
cution foꝛ righteouſneſſe take : fo theirs ts
the kingdome of heauen. ?
U * Bleed are pe when men reuiie pout,
and perſecute you, and fay all maner of cull
againit ygu fo} mypfake,falfly —
I2 Reiopce and be glad, fo: great is your
eward it heauen: fez fo perſecũted thep the
Prophets which were before pou. ;
13, * Pec ate thet falt of the earth: but if
the falt jaue lot bis fauour wherewith chall
itbelalten? it ts thencefoorti good fo? no-
thing but to be caſt out, and to be tronen vn⸗
Ber footeofmen. 3
I4 Pee are the light of the world. A citie
that is fet on an hilſ can tot be hid.
I5 * (Aether Doe nen light a candle, and
put tt vnder a buel, but ona candlefticke,
and ft giueth light vnto all that areintbe
16 *Lets pour light fo thine before men,
that thep may fee your goad works, and glo-
rifiz pour father which ts in heauen.
17 Gbinke not chat J ain come to de>
ftroy the Lawe, oꝛ the [Dzophers. » J am not
caime to deſtroy them, but to fulfill thent.
I8 *Foꝛ truely J fay onte you, Cill hea:
uen and carth perith, one tote, o2 one title of
the Law Hall notelcape, till iall things be
fulfilled. iy
19 Aholoeuer therefore hall bzeake
one of *thefeleatt commaundements , and
teach mento, hee Mail Ge ealled the leatt in
the kingdome of beaucn : but wholdeuer
Wall oblerue and teach them , the fame
pal bee called great in the kingdome of
peaucn. 5
20 F03 fay pnto yon, except your righ»
The bleffed.
Luke 6.20,
a That feele
themfelues voide
of ail righteouf-
neffe,thut they
may onely ſeeke
itin Chrift;
If4.6% 2,3,7:
And 65.33,190
luke 6,2 I.
b Which feele
their owne mife»
rie, andfeeke ~.
their comfort
in God,
PſæL37. t3.
PRII rathet:t
would ſuffer all’
iniuries,then they
would reuenge
d Beinginne-
ceflitie,defire no-
thing but that
which is vpright
and godly,
e Forheiscal«
led the God of
peace, 1,Cor.14,
1.Pet.4.3 4,
acts 5 41,
Marke 9 §0.
luke 14.34.
f Your office is
tofeafon men :
with the fak of
the heauenly
Marke 4 21.
luke 8.16 and
g Becaufeyon
F ſeene
off, giue good
example of life,
h The Gofpelis
the Rahlihing
and actomplike
ing of the law.
Like 16.17.
i ThedoGrine
ofthe Jaw con-
teoulneſſe *exceede the righteoufhefle ot the teinerh nothing
fuperfluous, Fames 2 10o. k Whofocuerthalle
vnprofitable er
ranfgreffe the leat
of the Ten commandements in word and example, he thall bee caft
out of the kingdome of God , exceptit be par
Like 11.39, The
oned himin Chrif.
The Law expounded.
I Which neither
expound the law
truely nor ob=
férue it well.
m He theweth
how thefe wor-
t rs haue
_ falfly glofed this
lOr, ſubiect to
[| Or, mithorst
u For God
Knowing hisfe-
cret malice will
punih him,
© Which figni-
fieth in Ẹ Syrians
tongue,an idle
braine andis
fpoken incon-
p Like iudge-
“ment almoft the
Romanes obfer-
ued : for Trium-
uiri had the exa-
mination of fraal
matters, ý coun-
fel of 2 3. of grea-
ter eaufesjand fi-
nally great mat-
ters ofimportace
were decided by
the Senate of 71,
here iscompared
to the indgement
of God, or to be
. punifhed with
hell fire, -
q For that thou
haft offended
him, or he hath
offended thee:
for God prefer-
seth brotherly
to factifice,
Exod 10,14.
VOM 3.9,
f Chaftitieis re-
_ guited both in
body and mind.
f —— ſo
precious which
ought notto be
reieted in re⸗
ſpect of the glo-
ry of God.
IOr. and not that.
1 Scribes and (haries pe hal nat enter in-
tothe kingdome of heauen. :
21 = Dehaue heard that it was ſaid buto
them of the olde time,“ Thou Walt not kill :
fe itleth , f culpableef An ~ = epe foz an eye, and a tooth toza tooth.
nee tas Halen CHI 39 Butz fay pnto pou, * Reſitt notſeuill
iuogement. Bc
22 But J fay vnto you,tahofoener is an=
gry with his brother | wnavutlenly,watl be
culpable of indgement. And whalocuer faith
vnto bis brother, Raca, Hall be worthy to
be punifged by ther Counſell. Aud wholoe-
uct fhalitay, Foole, Hali be wogthy to be pus
niſhed with hell fire. :
23 Ikthen thou bring thy gikt to the al⸗
tar , and there remembeeſt that thy bother
hath ought againtt thee, ;
24 Leaue there thine offering befoze the
altar, and goe thy way : fir bea reconciled
eo tbe brother, and thenceme and ofer thy
25 * Agree with thine aduerfarie quick:
ly, whiles thou are in the way with him, teft
thine aduerlarte deliuer thee tothe Indge,
and the Judge Delmer thee to the ſergeant
and thou becak into ption.
26 Gerely J fap vnto chee, thou halt not
come out thence, tilithou bat payed thetta
moi farthing. :
27 Q Dee haue heard thatit was fayd to
them of olde time,* Chou halt not commit
28 Brit fay vnto you, that whoſoener
looketh on a woman to luit after ber, bath
conmittede adulterte with her alreadie in
bis heart. $ ;
29 * Ctherforc tfthy right! eye caule thee
to offend, pluche tt out, and cat tt from thee:
fo? better tt is foz thee, that one of thy mem⸗
bers periſh, then that thy whale bod ſhould
becaitinto bell.
30 Alio it thy right band make thee to of:
fend, cut it off, aud calk te from thee : foz bets
ter it ts foz thee that one of thy members pe»
eatery that thy whole body ſhould bee caſt
into bell.
31 Ft hath bene (aid allo, * Cheloencr
fal put away dis wife, let hiin giue her ates
ſtimoniall of diuorcement.
32 But FZ fay vnto you, Ahoſoeuer Hall
put away bis tutfe (except it be fo: foznicatt=
on)ccauſeth Her to commit adultery: t who-
(ocuer thal martte ber that ts Diuosced,conts
mitteth adultery. k ;
33 Agajne,ve haue heard thatit wag faid
to them otolde tine, * Thou Watt not fozs
fmeare thy felfe, but Male perkorme thine h
othes to the Lod.
34. But J fay vntoyou, « Dweaw not at
a — byheauen, foz tt is the thaone of
2 t
35 Noꝛ pet by the earth : foz itis bis feots
ftoole : neither by Jeruſalem: foz tt is the ct»
tieoftie great King.
36 mither Matt thou ſweare bp thine
bead, becaule thou cant not make one haire
white o2 blacke. ;
Chap 19.7, deut.24.1.mar.10.4.(4k.16.18.8,cor.7,10, t Inth
piueth her leaue to.marry another by that teftimonial, ‘Exod, 2
fet. 9.02.deut.§.01, u All fuperfluous othes are vtterly debarred,
whetkerthe Name of God be therein mentioned, or ather wile, |
37 *Butlet pourjcommunication bexDea,
pea: Map nay. For whatlocucr ismoze then
thel commeth ofy enti,
38 ¶ Pe hanr heard that it hath bene fata,
but wholoener a ſhall imite thec on the right
checke.turne to him the other allo.
40 Andifany man will fue thee at the
Law,and take away thy coate, let him bane
thy cloke allo. s
41 And whofseucr wil compell thee togo
a milego with him twaine. i
42 * Øiue to him that alketh, and from
bim that would bozow of tyee , turne not a=
43 Dee haue heard thatit hath bene faid,
* Thou halt lone thy neighbour, and> hate
thine enemie.
44 But J fay onto you, * Lone your ene-
mies: blefte them that curie pou; Do good to
them that hate pou, * ¢peap fo: them which
ll Hurt you, and perlecute pou.
45 * Chat pemay be the chilozen of your
Father that is in heanen ¢ fez he makety bts
funne to arife on the euill, andthe good and
(endeth raine on the iuſt and vmutte”
46 * Fo: tf you loue them which loue pou,
What reward wall pou haue + Doe not che
© Publicanes enenthe fame?
47 And ifye belfriendly to yonr bzethzen
onely, what lingular thing doe pee Doe nat
cuen the ublicanes likewile? RARA
48 De thall therefore be 4 perfite,as pour
Father which isin heauen. is perait.
by the falfe expofitorsthe Pharifes, Luke 6.277, 35.
7.60.1.cor.4.13. || Or, rufh invponyou. Luke 6.35. Luke 6.3
¢ Thele did take to farmethe,taxes,tolles, and other payments, an
therefore were in'great difdaine withall men. (Or imbrace, d
muft labour to attaine to the perfeGion of God,who of his free
rality doeth good to them that ate vnworthy.
1 Of almes, § prayer, 14 forgiuing one ano-
thtr, 16 fasting. 19 Hee forbiddeth the cardfult
Seeking of worldly shings, and willeth men to put
their wheletruft in bim,
F Ake heede that you gine rot your almes
before men. to be ſeene of them,oz els yee
Wall hauc no reward of your Father which
ts in heauen.
2 Tberekore when thou ginet thine
alines, thou alt not make a trumpet to be
blowen before thee, as the + hypocrites doe
in the Synagogues and tn the ttreetes,to be
praiſed ofmen. Cerely J fay vnto you, thep
bane > thetrreward, ;
3 Bute when thou doeſt thine almes s let
notthp < left hand knowe what thy right
hand doeth,
4 That thine almes maybe in fecret and
thy Father that leeth in fecret, hee will res
ward thee d openly,
§ Andwhen thou prayekl, benotas the
hypocrites : foz they lone to and, and pray
An the Spnagogues, and in the caznersof
» thettrects , becaufe they wanld be ſeene of
men. Gerely J fay vate pou, they bane their
reward. È
BRE 3 But
Ofloue,almes and prayer. 443
James 5.12.
x Let fimplicit
and truth bein ©
your words,and
then ye fhall no’
be fo light and
ready to {weare,
y Whena man
{peaketh others
wife then hee
thinketh in heart,
it commeth of
an enill conſci |
ence,and of the ©
deuill. j
Exod, 21.24,
ledit. 24. 20.
deut. Ig. 25,
z Albeit this was
fpokenfor the |
iudges,yet euery f
man appliedit
to reuenge his
private quare#.
Like 6,29.
Vcore Guge N
— OF, iniury,
a Rather —
double wrong,
thenreuenge <
thine owne
griefes, `.
Deut. 15.8.
Leuit. 19.18.,
b This was adde
Luke 23.34.46
Rom, 12, $,
a Whofe works
proceed not of
ight faith,bue ©
are done for ~
Vaineglory. J
b Inthacthey J
arepraifed and I
commended of @
c It is fufficient’
that Godap- _ S
prouc our worki
dInthatday S
when all things: i
thalbe reucaled i
l e Withdraw thy
|O,babble not
f He comman-
_ ofmuch bab-
i Ving and {up er-
J fluous repeates ·
Who isnot
perlwaded by e⸗
` laquent (peach,
| and longtalke,
| asmenare.
| themnotto the
Í wosdes,but to
the fenfe,and
i Gods glory firft
‘ and aboueall
L things.
| k Reigne thou
ceuer aland let
vs rend er vato
Luke 14.2
dience,as thine
Angels doc.
To beouer-
Chap. 1 3.19
on excluderh
‘mans merirs
and teacheth vs
_ toground ont
prayers onely
$ Le
Maks their fa-
| cestofeeme of
an orher fort
| ghenthey were
wont to doe,
1o Whereby is
“commanded to
uoid all vaine
\ Lake. 12.33.
[Laket 1.34
Py p ifthine eye
ki difpofed to
liberalicie, Prou,
iq Ifthine affe-
‘tion be corrupt,
land giuen to co-
| uetoufnefle,
| Deut. 15.9.
— —
— —
ir Ifthe concu-
pifeence & wick-
| kediaffcGtions
.puercome rea-
fon, wemuft noe
maruelithongh men be blinded, and be like vnto beafts, Luke 16. ft
(Chrifts doctrine.
| deth vs to beware
| h Chrift bindeth
forme of prayer.
i We muſt eeke
i thee perfec obe-
This concluft-
6 Butwhenthoupravet, © enter into
| &lferatheraparc. thy chamber : and when thou haſt ſhut thy
Door’, pray vnto thy Father which isin ſe⸗
cret, and thy Father which teeth in lecret,
tall reward thee openly. >
7 Allo when ye pray, || {ble no baine res
pelittonsas the heathen + for thep thinke to
be heard foz theit mich babbling.
8 Beye notlike them theretoze for pour
e Father knoweth whereof pee haue necte,
betore pe athe of him.
9 After this maner therefore prap pee,
*Dur Father which art in beauen.bailowea
be thy + Rame. `
10 Thy kkingdome come. Chp will be
Bone euen th carth, asit is in heauen.
Is Gine vs this day our dayly bread.
12 And forgiue vs ourdebis, as we allo
fo:giicourdebters. :
IZ Andleadevs not! intotentation , but
Beltuct vs * from emit : foz = thine ts che
kingdome, ant the power, and the glozte foz
euer, Amen. i
14 * for it yee doe forgtue men their tret-
paſſes, vour heauenly Father will alto foz-
giue you,
15 Butifyee doe not korgiue men thete
trelpaſſes, no moze will your Father foz
gtue you your trefpaties,
16 Moroner, when yer fat, looke not
fowze.asthe hypocettes : for thy = Biffigure
their faces, that they might feeme vnto mew
to falt. Aerely 3 fay vuto pom that they paue
their reward, A
17 But when thou fatet, o anoint thine
head, and wath thy face,
18 That thoufecme not bnto men to fait,
but vnto thy Father which is in feeret, and
thy JFather which teeth in fecret, will res
ward thee openly,
19 @ Lay not vp treafures fop pour felneg
bpon the earth] where the moch and canker
ose where theeues Dig thrꝛough, and
20 *Butlay bp trealure fez pour felues
in heauen, where neither the math no: cana
ker corrupteth, and where theeues neither
Dig through, no? feale, oe
21. Foꝛ where pour treature is, there weil
paur heart be alfo. J t
22 Thre light of the body is the epe if
then thine eye bee r fingie , thy whole body
ſhail bee light.
23 Butt thine epe bee 4 wicked, then all
thy body all bec parke. TAberefoze tf the
‘light that isin thee, bee darkeneſſe, bow
great is that Barknefle?
24 * o man can lerue two maters: for p
either, bee fhall hate the one, ann toue the
other. 02 elie hee hall leane to the one, ana
pe theother, Me cannot (rue God anv
25 * Dherefore J fay vnto pou, Bee not
f carefull for pour tife what yee fall cate, or
what pe WailldDzinke $ no: pet for ponr bodie,
what yee Hal put on. Isnot th e life morg
woorth then meate 7 and the bedie then
3. P/al.s 5.22. luke. 12.22. phil 4.6.1. t27.6,8.1.92t.5.7. { Maas
rauailc quaileth nothing where God giuerh nor increales
$. Matthew.
26 Behold tye foules af the heaven : fer
they owe not, neither reape, no: catric into
the barns : pet pour heauenly Father feevery
them. Are pe not muci better then they?
27 Mhich of you by taking care, ts able
to adde one cubit vnto his Eature?
28 And whpcare pefo: raiment? Learne
how the lilies of the fielde Doe growe: they
u [abour not, neither ſpin:
29 Vet F lay vito pou, that euen Dolo:
monin all his glory was notaraved Uke one
of theie. j i
20 CUiherefoze if Sed fo clathe the grafie
ef the fiela which is to vap, and to mozow is
cat inte the ouen,thall be not do much moze
vra pou, D veotlittle faith?
31 Cherefore take no thought, laying,
That wall we eat, oꝛwhat Hall we minke ?
0? wherewith hall me be ciethed?
32 (Foz after alirhelechings * fezke the
Gentiles) foz your heauenly Pather knows
eth that pe bane need ofall thele things,
33 But ſeeke ye firſt che kingdom of Gor,
and bis y righteouineffe,and alithele things
falb miniſtred unto you.
34 Gare not then for the imow s fo: the
mozow fall cave foti it +felfe : the Day hath
enough with vis cone gricfe.
a Chrift forbiddeth rafhiudgement, 6 Not te
caft holy things to dogs. 7Toaske, feeke, or knock.
12 The [cope ofthe Scripture. 13 The Braiteand
wide gate. 15 Of Falfe prophets. 16 The good tree
and enill. 22 Falfe miracles, 24 The houſe on the
rocke; or upon the fand, i
Udgeanot. thatpebenatiunged. —
] 2 Forwith what *tuagement petutse,
ye ſhallbee iudged, and with what * nga-
fire pe mete; it all be meaſured to pou a-
3 And why feet thouthe mote ehat ts in
thy brothers epe, € perceiuel not the beame
thatts in thine owne epe?
4 * D2 how favet thou to thy brother,
Huer mee tocak out the mote out of thine
eve » aud bebold, a beame is in thine owne
eye? i
5. Hypocrite, irt cat ont the beame ont
of thine owne eye, and then hait thon fee
clearelp to caft out the mote owt of thy dzo-
thers eyz. f
6 €>Ginepenot that which tg help, to
dogges, neither cait pee pour pearles be-
foze the twine, left they treade thempnder
their fect. and turning againe, all to rent
7 €*Atke,and it albe ginen pou.: leeke
and pe ſhall finde : knock, andit albe ope-
ned ynta pou. 4
8 fFoꝛ wholoener alketh, reeciueths and
bee that ſeeketh, finderh and to him that
knocketh, is halbe opened.
9 F52 what man is there among pou,
which if his nne afke him bread, would
gine pim a tene? SLAS ?
10 Deitbeeatke fith, willbe giue hima
erpent? A ;
H It pee then, which are euill, tangine
to pour chudzen good. gifts, bom much mone
Gods prouidence.
t The goodneffe
of god euentos
ward the herbes
of the feild farre
affeth all things
thatman canco
paſſe by bispows
erandlabour, `
u Thewordfigs
nifieth ,they weas
rie not théfelues, -
x Witheare and
y That is, to bee
regenerate, & a-
mend your liues.
llOr, hk owne
z God will pros
uide for every
day that that fhal
be neceflary, ~
though we do
not inereafe the
prefenteriefe by
the cat eſulneſſe
how to liue in
timeto come,
a Heecommane
dethnot to be
curious or malis
cious to try ont,
and condemné
our neighbours
faults: for hypo⸗
crites hide theit
owne faults,and
feeke not toa-
mend them, but
are curious: to
reproouc other
Luke 6.37. 70m.
2.1, 1.05.4. 3.
Mar. 4.24dake
Luke 6.43. >
b Declare not
the Gofpel to
thewicked cons -
temners of God
whom thou feeft
Jef to chemſelues
and forfaken,
mar A162 4s
luke 11 9, sobns
34:13. 16.2 25
24, 7AN28S 3559
Thefiraite gate.Falfe prophets.
"Like 6.315
- bob.g.t 5
c The whole law
& the Scriptures
fet forth vnto vs,
and commend
Luke 03.34.
d We muit o-
uercome and
mortific our af-
fe ions, if wee
will be true difci-
ples of Chrift.
e Forthe mok
part of men ſeeke
their owne liber-
tie,and runne
headlong to euil,
Luke 6.43544
Or, rotten,
Cbap. ʒ. 10.
f He meaneth
hirelings and Ify-
poetites, who ra-
ther ferue God
with their lippes
then with their
Rova.2, 3 3.
iames 1:21.
g Bythy vertus,
authority and
{\Gr, Miracles,
hI neuer accep-
ted you to be my
true minifters
and difciples,
Luke 13.27.
Plame 6.8,
Lake 6, 47.
‘Marke 1.22.
. Fake. 4, 32.
~-i- The mighti¢
power of Gods
Spirit appeared
4inhim, whereby
he declared him-
felfeto be God
„and caufed o~
thers to beleeue
in him,
Marke 1.40.
“Fuke 5.42.
fhall pour Father which isin heaven, gine
goad things ro them that alke him?
£2 * Therefor whatfoener pe would that
Men ould do to pou, tuen fo Do pe to ther:
13 G *h Enter in at the ſtratt gate, foz it
isthe wide gate, aud buoades way that leas
Deth to Deltructios è and many there bee
Which goe tn thereat. f ;
14 Becaule the gate ts freit, and the wap
narrow that leadeih vnto trte mid few there
be that find it. 3
Ig @ Beware of falle prophets , which
tome to you tu ſheeps clothing, but inward-
ly they are rauening wolues. —
16 Pee Hall know them by their fruites.
Do men gather grapes of thoznes? o: figs
of thiſtles⸗ y
17 Da euery geod tree bringeth foorth
good fruit and a coarupt tree bꝛiugeth forth
enill fenit. t »
_18 A good treecannot ing Foozth cuill
fruit , netther cait a coꝛrupt tree bring forth
good fruit.
19 *Euery tree that baingeth not koorth
on frutt, ishewendowne, and call inte
the Gre.
20 Wherefore by their fruites vec Hall
know then.
21 € fot enerpone that fayth vnto mee,
FL o2d, Lod, ſhall enter inte the kingdome
ofkeauen, * but hee that Daeth my Fathers
will which is in heauen.
22 anp wil fay tome in that Day, LoD,
Lod haue wee not shy thy fame propheſi⸗
ed? and by thy ame cal out Deuils,and by
thy same Done many |igreat workes?
23 Andthen twill 3 peofeile to them, bꝛ F
neuer knew pou: *Depart fromme pee that
worke iniquttte. 3
24. CAholocuer then hearcth of me thele
woes, * and Doeth che fame, J will liken
bim to a wife man, which bath builded bis
houſe on a rocke:
25 Gnd the caine fell, the floods came,
and the windes bicw, and beate vpon that
Houle, andit fell not; forit was grounded
On a rocke.
26 But wholoeuer heareth thele my
W205, and Doeth them vot, Hallbe tikened
vita a foolih man, which hath builded hts
honfe ppon the fand:
27 Anatheratue Cl, tthe flouds came,
and the windesblew’, and beare upon that
poule, tit felland the fall therof was great.
23 @*Anditcame to pafle when Jeſus
had endedthele wornes , the people were a⸗
ſtonied at his Doctrine. à
29 For bee taught them as one haning
authoritie, and not as the Scribes.
2 Lhrift healeth the Leper. 5 The Captaines
Jaith. i s The vocation of the Gentiles, 14 Peters
mother inlaw. +9 TheScribe that would follow
Chrif, 20 Chrifts pouerty. 24 Hee ſtilleth the fea
andthe winde, 3 And driucththe deuils out of
the poſſeſſed into the fwine.
N22 when bee was come Downe from
the mountaine, great multitudes fol-
lowed bim.
2 *And loc, there came aleper and woa
Chap.viij. The Centurion,Chrifts pouertie. 444 \
ippen bint ,faying, Waker, ifthon wilt
thon cantt make ime cleane,
3 And Felis putting forth hts hand, ton-
chet piri fayitie,F wiil,be thou cleane: and
immediatly bts a ieprotic was cleanſed.
if Then Jefus tad vnto hin, ee thou
tellt no man, but goe, and them thy felfe tn:
to thec Pꝛieſt, and offer the gift rhat* Mo⸗
fes commanded, foz 4 a witueſſe to thei.
5- Cahen Jeſus was entren into Ca⸗
pernaum, there came vnto pimai Centu
trion beleeching him, i ;
6 Ani tid, Malter, my [eruant licth fick
at home of the pallie.¢ is grienoufiy pained.
7 And Jelus ſaid vate bun, ji will come
and heale him. f ,
8 But the Centurion anſwered, faving,
Mater, F ani not wo:thy that thou Hol.
Delt come vnder mp roote : but ſpeake the
woꝛd onely, and my (eruant galbe healed.
9 Sor Jam a man alia vnder the autho-
tity of another,and haur ſouldters vnder me;
and J {ap vnto onc, Hoc, and hee goeth: and
to auarher, Come, and he commeth: and to
my feruant.Doe this, and be Doeth it.
I0 When Jefus heard thar, he maruciled,
and {aid to them that foilewedhim, Cerelp
J fay unto pou, J) hane not found fo great
kaith, euen in Ilrãclk.
IL ButF fap vata yor, that e many hall
come from the Caf and Wet, and hall Gc
Dowie with Abraham, and Dlaac, and Ja-
cob tithe kingdome of heauen.
12 And the chilen of the kingdome Hal
be cat out into £ utter darkenes ; there hall
be weeping and gnafhing of teeth. ;
13 Then Jefus faid wuto the Centurien,
Goe thy way, and as theu batt beleucd. fo
be tt unto thee. And bis ſeruant was beaten
the fame boure. 14
14 ("Wid when Telus came to Peters
bouie, be faw his wines mather law towne,
and ficke of a fever.
I5 And he touched her hand, € the fener
left her: fo the arole g miniſtred ynte them.
16 * Ahen the cuen was come, they
brought puto bim many that were poſſeſſed
with Deuils; and he caſt ont the ſpirits with
his wogd,and healed all that were ficke,
17 Chatit might be fulfilled which was
ſpoken by *Elatas the Wzophet laying: We
tooke our infirmities bare our ſickneſſes
18 And when Jeſus faw great multi:
tudes of pcople about Dim, he commaunded
therm to gor ouer the water, ‘ )
19 * Then came there a certaine Arribe,
and faid vnto bim , Malter, » J] will follow
thee whitherfoener thou goeſt.
20 But Jeſns {aid vnto him, Che fores
baue boles , and the birdes of heautn bane
neits but the Sonne of man hath net wher-
on to ret his heap. — ieee
21 €Andi another of his diſciples ſayd
vnto hint, Water, ufer me firk togec,and
k bury inp father. í
-him that hee is farre wide from that hee looked for: for in Ceado
worldly wealth there is but pouerty in Chrift, i Luke maketh mengi
tion of three, which were hindred by worldly reſpects from coms®
ming to Chrift. k To fuccour and help him in his old age till be deg
and then L will follow thee wholly.
BAK 4. "22 But
altwasnot like —
is NOW, bur was
akiad thereof
which was incus
table. !
b He wonld not
yet be throughly
knowes but had
his time & hourg
c Our Saviour
would not con- —
temne that which
was ordeined by ©
the Law, feeing —
asyet f ceremo-
nies therof were
not aboliflicd.
Leuit. 14.4.
d Tocondemne }
them: of ingrati-
tude when the
thall {ee thee
Or, a captaine
ouer a hundreds
fOr ſonne.
e Which are
{trange people |
and the Gentiles
to whom the co-f
uenantefGod $
did not properly#
appestaine, f
f For there is rog
thing but meere
darkenes outof $
thekingdome $
of heaven.
Chap.22. 130.
Marat. 29,
luke 4.33.
Mar 2% 2.
luke 4. 40. E
Ifa, 53.4.1. pera
2.24- 4
Ta ie
foules, which Ies
fus Chrift hath.
borne: thereforg
he fetteth his
great mercy andil
our eyes by heas if
ling the body. J
Luke 9. 57.
h Thoughtby J
this meanesto
curry f.uor with
the world: but |
Tefus theweth
Encredulitie reprooued. Sinnes
i No ductie or
22 But Felis ſayd vnto bim, Follow
loucisto be pre- meand izt the ‘Bead bury their dear.
ferred to Gods
calling: therefore
Tefus calleth
them dead which
fare hindred by
any worldly
thing to follow
Marke 4.35.
luke 8,22.
Marke 5.5.
puke 3.26.
m The wicked
‘would euer de-
fetretheir pu-
niſhment think-
ing all correéti-
onto come too
n The denill de- -
fireth euer to do
harme, burt hee
candoeno more
then God doeth
o Meaning, the
Jake of Genefa-
-p Thefe Gerge-
ſenes eſteemed
more theirhogs
5 leſus Chrift,
ji A
` Marke 2.3.
lake 5 18,
‘a Andalfo his
“we hauc faith,
| our finnes can-
ner be forgiuen
the principall
caule of all our
e Becaufe they
23 ¶ Aud when hee was entren into the
Kip, bts diſtiples followed him.
24 Aud behold, therearole a great tent-
pelt ti the Sea,fothat the tip was coucren
with waues but he wasafieepe.
25 Then his dilctples came and awoke
bin, faving, Waſter.ſaue vs; we perii.
26 Andihefad vnto them,
2 Aud behoe, certatne of the Scribes
fapa Wico aA » This man blalphe-
4 ‘But when Felis ſaw their thoughts,
miferics, whichis hee fayd, CCivercfore thinke pee euill things
© tit pour Hearts?
did malicioufly refuſe Chrift, who offered himfelfe vnto them,
S. Matthew.
§ Sor whether is it a eafier to fay, Thy
finnes are forgiven thee, o? te fap, Arie and
6 Aud that pe may know that the Senne
of man bati authoritte incarth to forguue
finnes, (then ſaide hee vnto the licke ef the-
palfie,) dri, take vp thy bed, and gee ta
thine louie. ‘
ral And he arole,and Departed to his own
Ong. i
8 Sotwhenthe multitude faw it, they
marueiled, and glorilied God, which had gt
uen fuch authority to men.
¶ * And as Jelug palſed foorth from
thence, bee law aman ſitting at the receite
of cuftome, named Matthew, and fats to
‘eh Follow me. Andhe arole and folowes
im. ' ;
Io Andit came to paffe, as Jeſus fate at
meate in bis poule, heholde, many Publi⸗
canes and finners, that came thither, late
edad atthe table with Jeſus and dis dih
IL And when the Phariſes ſaw that, they
faid to hts Diſciples clhy eateth pour Wa:
fter with JDublicanes ana Kuners?
12 ow when Jeius heard ithe fard yht
to thein, The © whole need nota phpiician,
-biit they that are ficke,
13 Hutgoe' pee and learne what thists,
Is s willhaue mercy, and not latritice: foz
Jam not come to call the righreons, but the
*linners to repentance. — ;
14 @ *Chen came the diſciples of Johu
to him faying, CCiby Dee we and the Phari·
teg fait oft, and thy Ditciples fatt not?
15 And Jeſus ſayd vnto then, Can the
kchildren ot themartage chamber mourne,
as long as the batdegreme ts with them?
ut the Dayes will come when the bine:
grome Hall be taken from them, and then
tail they fatt. k ‘
16 Moꝛeouer, tro man picceth an ‘old gar»
iment with a piece of | newecloth: foz chat
that ould fiil it yp, taketh away from the
garment, and the breach ts woe.
17 Neither deethepput new wine into
kolo f veſſels: foz then the veffels wonld
becake, and the wine would bee ilt, and
the veſſels Mould perth: but they put new
toine into new veffels, aud fo are both pe-
18 Q* Ahile hee thus ſpake vnto them,
behold, there came a cettaine tulcr,and woz:
ivipped hint, faying, My daughter is now
deceaſed, but come ¢ lap thine band on her
and He Halt tiue.
19 And Jelus aroſe, and followed him
with his diſtiples. :
20 (And behold, a woman which was
diſeaſed with an ifue of blood twelue pereg,
came behinde him , and touched she hemme
of his garment,
21 ffo: thee ſayd in her felfe, JFF map
tout but bis garment onely, J] hall bee
22 Then Jelus turned him about, and
fecing Her Did lay, Daughter, beeof goon
fant wine of the goſpel. Or, botte/s or baesafle
pardoned. Matthew called,
d Chrift pea-
keth according
to their capaci-
ty: for they more
cheemei out-
ward miracles,
then the veitue
and powcr of
lefus Chrif,
whetedy their —
fines might be
Marke 2.14.
luke 5.27.
e He reprooueth
the vain perſwa⸗
fion of them;
whichthought |
thefelucs whole,
and contemned
the poore ficke
finners, which
fought Ieſus
Chrif to be their
f Whicharé puf⸗
fed vp with vaine
confidence of
your owne righ-
Hoſe. 6.6.
g God requireth
not ceremonies.
but brotherly
loue of one-to=
wards another,
ITIM.. $a
Marke 2,18.
luke 5, 33«
h. Chrifl would.
Spare his diſci⸗
plesawhile, not
burdening them
too. much, leaſt
he thonld diſ⸗
courage them.
i Chritt compas
reth his dilciples
fox their infirmi-
tie,to old gar⸗
ments,and old
veflels, which are
not ableas yer
to beare the per-
fe&ion of: bis
dogtrine, which
he meaneth by
new cloth and
new wine.
Or, raw and vne
k Theminde
whichis infeed
with the dregges
of fuperftitious
ceremonies, is
not meetto re-
ceive the plea-
r or skin, wherga
an wine was Carried on afes or camels, darke 5.22 luke 8.41,
] Players vpon
flutes or pipes,
or otber inftiu-
ments which in
thofe dayes they
vſed at burials,
m He would
proue whether
they bare him
that reverence
which was dus to
Luke 11.14,
Chap. 12.24.
marke 3.32.
luke 11. 15.
n This biafphe-
mie proceedeth
of extreme 1m-
pietie, feeing all
the people con-
feffed the con-
Marke 6.6,
luhe 13. 22.
o Whereby God
gathereth his peo
he may. reigue
ouer them.
Marke 6.34,
Luke10. 2
40h 4235536.
p Hemeanech
the people are
ripe,and ready to
receiucthe Gol-
pel comparing
shepumber of
theele&to a
plentiful harveft.
HOr thruf foorth.
Marke 3.13.
Lake 9. Is `
coinfost: thy faith hath made thee whole.
Fit i woman was made whole at that
23 ow when Telis came ints the Rue
ters houle, and faw the | minttrels aud tye
multitude making nople,
24 He laid vnto them, Get you hence: foz
the mais not dead, but lleepeth Aud they
laughed bin to ſcorne. i :
25 And when the multitude were put
forth, be went in and toske ber bp the band,
and the maid arefe. iiih
26 And this bruitewent thꝛoughout all
that iano.
27 Aud as Fens Departed thence, two
blind men followed him, crving,and laying,
D — of Dauid, haue mercy vpon vs.
28 And when bee was come into the
Houle, the blind came tobini, and Jelus
layd buto them, ™ Welecue yee thats ant
able to Doc this? Aud thep (aid suto bun,
Dea, Loyd. 3 :
29 Then touched hee their eves, ſaymg,
According to pour faith be it vnto you.
30 Anb their eyes were opened, and Je⸗
fus charged then, laying, Dre that no man
31 But when they were departed. they
Corea, abroad hts fame thꝛoughout all that
and. p3
32 ¶ And as they went out,bebold, they
brought to hima dunme man poſſeſſed with
a deuill.
33 And when the deuill was caſt out, the
dunime ſpake: thenthe multitude maruei·
wa ; faving > The itke, was neuer ſeene tu
34 But the Phariles fata, “Weer catketh
ont deuils theough the pꝛince of Dentls, —
35 C And * Jeſus went about all cities
and townes teaching in their Qpnagogurs,
and preaching the Golpel of the -kingdeme,
and Healing euery ſickneſſe aad euery bie
gaie among the pcople. e :
36 * But when he atv he multituse.bee
had compafiton vpon thent, becaute tiep
ere diſperſed, and ſcattered abzoad , as
eepe hauing no chepheard.
37 Then fait he to his arlciples, * Sure»
28 (Qherefoze pray the Lor of the hata
uef, that he would ient forth labourers in
to bis barnett.
5 Chrifi fendeth out his Apoftles to preach in
Fudea. 7 He gimeth them charge seaching them,
and comforting thes agarnft per fecation. 20 The
holy Ghoft fpeaketh by his minifters. 28 Whom we
ought to feare. 30 Our hasres ave counted. 32 To
confeffe Chrift. 37 Not to lowe our parents more
then (brift. 38 To take up our croffe, 39° To
fane or loſe the life. 4o To receiue the preachers.
* he called his a ae
tobim and gaue- them power againt
pneieane pirit, rocalt thet ont. and to
peale cucry ticackelfe, and ettety dta ET
2 Rew the naines. of the twelue
ate thet. MRG
aud Audzew his brothers James
Chap. x.
harueſt is great, but tht labourers are
apo Spall canle them to die
ae fonne of Zebedcus, and John his bro⸗
3 Whilipand Bartlemew: Thomas and
Matthew the Pablicene: Paines ve fonne
of Aiphens, and Lebbeus wyer ſurname
was Thaddeus: x
4 Simani the Cauanite. and Judas
Iſcariot who alio betrayed hun.
$ Thele twelue did Jens lend forth, and
commandéd them, faping, Soe not inte che
wap of the Gentties, and into the cities of
the Samartitanes enterye not: '
6 But woekather* a the lok ſheepe of
the houleor Fira. NEURI
7 *Qndas pe goe, preach, faye, The
kingdome of heauenis at band.
8 Heale the ficke: clenſe the lepers: raiſe
bp the dead: calf ont the Devils. freely pee
Jane receined, freely ging:
9 * Poſſeſſe not golde, nop filuer,noz
money in pour||'girBles, —
10 {202 a (crip foz the tourney, neither to
toates, neither {joos no? aitatte: * for the
Wozkeman ts worthy of his meate,
If *And into whatſoeuer citie o2 towne
pee fhalicome, enquire whois worthy in fe,
and there abive ttil pe go thence, :
-12 Gnd when peeconie into an bome, fa-
tite the-tantie, 2+" 4 Racan
13 AnD if the honle bee worthy, tet pour
peace come vpon it; but ifit be not worthy,
tef pour peace retärneto you. = =~
14 * And wholoeuer WHat not receine yot
nol Beare your words, whenyr Depart out of
that houfe,o2 that citte,* dMaktof the duſt
Otpont TEREE RE PUN UE ee ee
15. Truely 3 fay onto pott it ſhallbee ca:
fict for then of the lande of © Dopomeé and
Gomozrha tn the dayof iudgement, then for
that cite, it s
16 -€ Behold, 3 fend you as Heepein the
mids of molues: beyetherefore wile as ler-
pents,and |f innocent as Bones. i
“iry But bewate ofmen.fez thep will delt·
uct yau vp tothe Connes, and willcourge
yeu m theirypnagogues/ G- i oo
18 Andyce halt be brought tothe goner·
nours and Kings for my take, in e tottnelfe
to them and to she Gentiles.
19 *Butwhertbhep delier you bp, take
Rg thought paw oL what ye Hati{peake : for
tt haltbe ginen yout that houre,what yee
Shalt fay: —— — PE
20 Foz itisnot yee that (peake, Sat the
Hpirit of pour father whicy ſpeaketh ta you.
21 Gnd the * bother halt betray the bza-
ther to death, and the father the fenne, and
the children fhatt rife again their parents,
Ano ve haltbe* Hated of all men f
My Mame: *but He that endureth to the env,
„be ſhall be ſaued.
23 And when chey perleente fou in this
tity, eer inta another: fo: verily Jay tie
topom pee Hall nor fintth all thecettes of Iſ⸗
racttilthe + Donne of man be cone.
Luke 2ur6. Lukes, 17, ‘Mart 3.13. luke21.19. b To profiti
+ “Bhd todoe goad, and not to beeidle. i And will comfort you 2%
THe irki Dimon, called “gine manifett cuideisce of his prefence: snd he fpeaketh not of th
fill fending but of the Whole time of their Apon letbige
i 24 PES >
The Apoſtles fent out. 445
men for
fOr, the xealsus.
4451346. _
a For the kinge ~
dome of Géd
muft firft bee
preached vnto
Chrift was efpe- +
cially promifed ©
Luke 10,9.
D. He coniman-
deththemto ofe
erthemfelues |
Lords worke
without refpce&: $
of gaine or lucre. §
Marke 6. 8.
luke 9.3.
Orspromsde not 1
c Beeaulehee * W
fendeth them nog
ford long-time, F
but onely for ondi
journey, ‘he de= ff
fendeth the ;
things that mighay
letthena: neithe
ment, 3
\Or,purfes. Q
luke tog.
Luke 10 8,
Marké6. 146.
luke 9.5«
As I 3. 5.
and 18.6:
d To Genife tha
therrland is pol.
luted, & that yo
confent notto $
their wickednes,
e Who were nom
Luke 10. 3e.
hOr ſimple. ;
f Notreuenging
rong, much] fig
ing wrong.
to make che
inexcufable. - N
Marke 13.11 om
luke i? ri.
Fo take thecte Te.
Luke.6 40.
zoba i 2.16,
and t5. 20.
k It was the
name of an idole
which } fignified
thegoi of flics,
gnd in defpice
Peo! was at-
ributed to the
deuil, tead 2.
King »5.2. and
the wicked cal- ~
Jed Chrift by
this name.
Mar. 4.22,luke
8.17 and 13,2.
J Which in thofe
‘countryes are
fo made chat men
may walke vpon
2.Sam. 14. 11.
alts 27.34.
Marke 8 3 8,
Lake 9. 26.
and 12,8.
m And acknow;
ledge me. his oR-
ly Sauiour,
Luke 2.5%,
in He giueth vs
inward peace in -
ut outwardly we
muĝ haue watre
with wicked
° Which -thing
24 * Che dilciple ts not about his mas
ſter, no: the ſeruant aboue bis ioo.
25 Sits prough forthe diſctpieto bee as
his maiter is, and the ſcruant ashte Lov.
Afthey haur called the maer ot che boule
k Beeischud, gow much moze them of bis
bouioto? ò
26 Feare them not therefore: “fer there
ts nothing coucreD, that thallnat beenilcto»
ſed no hid, chat Hall net be knowen.
27 Wibat Fte pou in darkeneſſe; that
Meake pe tn light: and what pee heare nthe
care, that preach ye onthe houtes.
28 And frare pe not them which kell the
body, burare notabile ta kit the foule but va
therteare hun, which ts able to Deroy both
foule and body in hell.
29 Are not two ſparrowes (oid fe: a fat-
thing , and one of them thal net fall onthe
ground michout pour Father?
30 * Dea, and all the haires of pour head
ave thumbed. l j
31 Feare vee net therefore, pe are of moꝛe
palue chenmany (parrowes.
32. *CGihaloener therefore (hail confeſſe
me before men, bin will 3j confefic aiio bes
fore my father, which isin heauen
933 ut wholoruet Hall dente mee before
men, him wil F alls denie Vefore mp Fatyery
whichis in heauen. ra )
34 * Thinke not that Jam come to fend
z peace into tle earth : 3 came net te fend
peace, but the ſword. :
35 Fo Zam come to ſet a man at o Dari-
auce againſt his father, and the Daughter as
gatini her mother, and the daughter in law
agatuſt her mother in law
36 *And a mans enemies Mallbe they of
his owne houſhoſd.
37 He that loueth Father og mother moze
then mee, ts not worthy of me, And hee that
commerhnot ot joucth onne o} Daughter moze then ace, ts
the propertie of not wozthy of ime. -
hrilt, but pro=
‘ceedeth of the
malice of men,
which louc not
arkenefic, and
are offended
with the word of
{ Micah.7.6.
| Luke 14.26.
Chap. 16.244
jenarke 18.34.
plake 9.23.
Cand 14.29,
38 "Ano he that taketh not his trone, ahd
P followerh after meis not worthy of me.
39 He that will faucbes alite, hall lore.
bane be that loſeth is life foz mp Cake, thal
we tt,
40 Dee thatreceiueth pou, receiueth mes
and he chat receineth me receiueth hun that h
hath ſent me. etn
4E * ethatrecetueth at Pꝛophet tn the
name of a Prophet thal receita PDrephers
xeward: and he that recetucth arighteous fi
man, in the nante ofa tighteotis matn, ſhall
receluethe reward of a tightcous mait,
42 * And wholoeuer Wall giue vnto one
ef thele iitrie ones to dꝛinke a cuv aof colde
fp Alfo they that water onely , in the nameofa Diiciple , vee
inuentany other rely J fapwntopon, bee ali not lole pis ree `
f way to honour. ward.
pGod,then that .
hee hath perfcribed by his word, follownot Chriſt, but goe befote
im. q Hethat doeth preferre his life before may glory. Leke ro.
$16.20b4 13.20. r We mult renerence Chrift in his feruants, and re-
ceiue them as fent from him, and honour them for their office fake.
Aar.ↄ 41.
LŠ a
E Chrift preacheth, 2 Iohn Baptift fendeth bis
adifciples unto him. 7 Chrafts teſtimnie concer-
ning Chrif and Foha. 20 Chri upbraideth the
vasthankefullcsties. 25 The Gofpels reueiled to
the fimple, 28 They that labour, and are laden.
29 Chrafts yoke-
A AD itame topate, that then Jels
bad made an end of commaunding bis
twelue difciples. he Departed chence to teach
and fo preach in their cities. y
2 ¶ And when Zohn heard in the pmi
fon the workesof Chꝛiſt, hea fent tive of bis
diſciples, and fard vito him,
3 Arethouhee that hould come, e? Mall
we tooke fozanother? iy
4 And Jelusaniwering Bid vnto them,
Goe, and thew John whatthings pee haue
heard and (cence.
$ The blinde recetue ſight, and the batt
goe: thelepers are cleanfed,and the Deafe
heave: the dead ave railed vp, * € thel poo
receiue the Gaipel,
6 Gud blefledis hee that Hall not be® of:
fended in me.
7 And as they departed, Telus beganto
ſpeake vnto the mniticude of John, hat
went pee outinto the wilderneſſe tofe? A
creche ſhaken with the winde?
8 But whatwent peceutte fee? Aman
clothed in ſoft raiment? Beholde, they that
weare (oft clothing, are in kings joules.
9 But what went pee our tolee? A Pꝛo
phet? Mca, jj fap onto pou, and 4 moze then a
Poppet. laid 04 3.
19 Foꝛ this ts hee ef whom ft is witten,
* Bebolve, J fendany meſſenger before thy
tag > which Wall prepare. thy way before
-IL Gerily 3 fap vnto you, among them
whichare+ begotten of women, arole there
Not a greater chen John Baptiſt: notwith·
fianding hee that isthe f leat inthe king ·
Domeatheauentsgreaterthethe. `
- 12 Ano from * the tine of Zohn Baptilt
Hitherto,the kingdome ofheanes e ſuſtereth
plolerice,and the stolent take tt by foice.
=- IzZ~ For all the Pꝛophets andthe Lawe
bpopbheliedbnto opn.
14 Audif pc wiilveceine‘tt,this ts*Cit-
as, which was te come.
Is € ie that hath cares to beare,let him
16 * Büt whereunto Gall g liken thts
Generation? Jt is like vnto little chilen
which fit in the markets,and call usto their
17 And fap, lUe hane piped vnto you,and
pe haue not Danced, we haue mourned vato
pou and pe baue not lamented.
IS.. jFoz Jobn came neither cating no?
drinking, and they lay, De beth a deuul.
§.Matthew. OflohnBaptift. Wifedome inftified.
Luke 7.18 19.
a Notbccaufe
John was igno-
rantof Chrif,
but y he mighe
teach his difci-
ples that his ofe
fice was to lead
them to Chait,
I fz. 61.4,
liskeg 18.
Or, the Gofpel is
preached to the *
b That take na
occafion by
Chriſt to be hin-
dred from the
c A manincon.
For the Pro-
phets declared
Chrift long be⸗
fore he came,but
Tohn as it were
pointed him with
his finger, y
Malach, 3-1,
luke 7.27,28.
e Which were
begotter and
borne by the
meanes of man,
and after the
common courſe
of nature: for
Chritt was con-
cejued by the
holy Ghoft.
f The leaft of
them that fhall
preach the Gof-
pel in the new
ehate of Chrifts
Charch, (hall
aue more cleare
knowledge then
Iohn,and their
meflage fhall bee
more excellent,
Luke 16, 16.
wing lohn. 18 The opinion ofthe people conce-
19. Che fonne of man came eating auB g Mens zeales
drinking, tthey fay, Behold, a glutton and are inflamed with
a diinker of wine,a friend vnto Publicanes defireto receive
and ſinners: but * rotledome is wiftified of Gods mercies
Her chilen. offered andare
20 ¶ Thenbegan he ta vpbꝛayd the ci» mot greedy to
Wet Ai b : hease the word,
b They propheciéd thingsto come, which now we fee prefent , end
“more cleare, 1 Meaning his teftimony concerning Iohn. Mal. 4.5.
Luke 7.31532. || Or, fang mourninely, k They thatare wile in-
deed, acknowle ge fy wifedome of God in him , whome the Pha-
tles contemne,tead Luke g.29, Luke 1033.
Chritts yokeis eaſie.
1 Cities of great
merchandife full
of difolution
and wantonnes,
|! Or,therefore,
Luke 10,20.
m Faith cometh
not of maas will
or power,but by
the fecret illumi-
nation of God,
which is the de-
claration of bis
eternall counſcll.
I * 3.3 $
ohn 6.46.
7 Which feele
the weight and
grefe of your
finnes and mife»
o Tobee gouer-
wed by the (pirit,
andto mortifie
your affections.
Tere 6.16.
2.John 5. 3.
Mar.2,2 3. luke
6.3 .deut.23.250
1. Sam. 2 1.6.
a Neceſſity ma»
keth that lawful,
+ which is prohibi-
ted fora certaine
reſpect, in things
appertaining to”
denit.8 ,31. and
Namb. 28.9.
b Not thar the
Priefis brake the
Sabbath in doing
that which was
commanded by
the Law, burhe
Ipeaketh thus to
ties wherein moſt ofhis great woꝛkes were
Done, becaule they vepented not,
21 oebe to thee, Choꝛazin: Aoe bee ta
thee, Bethlaida;: fertt the great wezkes,
tebich were Done in pou, had beene done in
IG pus and Hiton they had repented iong
agone ustackcloth and aſhes.
22 || But J fay unto pou, it Hall be cafter
for: Cyzus and Biden at the Day of iudge-
sient, then foz pou. : :
23 Ana thou, Capernaum, which art lif
ted vp unto heauen.halt be brought Downe
to bell: tor ifthe agreat workes which bate
bene tone in thee, bad beene Done among
themof Sodom, thep had remained ta thts
24 But? fay vnto yon that it Hal be ea·
fier toz them: of the land of Sodome in the
Day of tudgcment,then fo? thee.
25 * St that time gelus anfwered, and
lapo, J ginc thee thankes,® Father, Loa
of heauen and carti, becauſe thou haſt pw
theit things fromthe wiſe and men of vn⸗
He Abpea 5 aNd Hak opened them vnte
a ES. 3y D $
26 Jtislo,D Father, becauſe thy good
m plealure was tic).
27 NAul things are giuen vnto mee okmy
Father; and*no man knoweth the Sonne,
but the Father: netther knoweth any man
the Fatyer bnt theHoune,g he to whom che
Homne wil reneaiehim,
28 Cone vnto nie, all pe that are wea.
ry and laden; and J will eale pou,
29 Take mp poke on peu, and tearne of
Hie, thatZ am meeke and towwly in heart, and
pe hall Bua * reft vnto pour ules. ;
i 30. * for my poke is calicsand my burden
3 Chrift excufeth ha difciples which pluck the
ares of corse. no He healeth the dried hand, 22
Helpeth the poffefed that was blind & dumbe. 31
Blafbhemy,, 34 The generation of vipers, 35 Of
good hae 36 Ofidle words, 38 Hee rebuketh
the vafarthfull that would necdes bane tokens,
ave blameleſſe?
6 But Iſap vuto you, that heere is one
greater then the empir,
7 herelez tf ypeknow what this ís,” J
twill haue mercy,and nat facrifice,yes would
not haue condemned the annocents,
8 Foꝛ the Sanne of man ig < Lod, euen
of she Sabbath.
9 *Anv bee departed thence, and went
into their Synagogue.
10 And beholde, there mas aman which
had his pande dated vp. And thep afac
in, ſaping, Js itiawfullro heale vpon a
— Dap? that they might accule
Ik And be ſayd vnto them, pat man
fali there bee among you, that Wali haue a
fheepe, and if tt fall ona Sabbath Dap
—— will hee net take tt and lifter
ont ? ;
I2 ow much moze thenis amanbetter
then a ſheepe? therefore it is lawtullto Dog
wellona@abbath dap. —.
13 Then layde hee tothe man, Stretch
foosch thine hand. And be ſtretched tt forh,
and ttwas made whole as theother. t
14 Then the Phariſes went ont, con⸗
pe againſt him How theymight deſtroy
15. But when Jefus knew tt. he departed
thence, and great siultitubes tollowed Gm,
and he healed them all,
16. And charged them that thep ſhould
not make hint knowen, iG
17 Chat it might be fulfilled, which was
{poken by Cfatas the Wrophet.faying,
18 * Beholde my teruant whom J haue
choien, mp beloued in whom my {ouie de⸗
lighteth: “J will put my ſpirite on binn
anoe all ews iudgement te the Gen·
19 We ſhall not € rine, no? erp, ueyther
ſhalany man beare bts voice in the ſtreets.
20 A! blen reede Mali ve not breake,
And finoaking flare Wall hee not quench,
tillber bing foeth iudgement s vnto yic-
49 And [heweth whois his: brother, fifier, and toig
A Tthat time Jeſus went on a Sabbath trut
Day through the corne, and his Dtictpies `
were an hungres, aud began to plucke the
cares of coꝛnẽ and to eate. $
2 And when the Pharifes ſawe it, they
fayd vnto him, Bebolo,thy diſciples Do tyst
ui isnotlawfull to doc vpon the Gab-
3 But hee layd vnto them, *2 Haue pe
not read what Dawud. vin when bee was
an dungred , and they thatewere with
4 Wow he entred into the houleof Good,
and ate the ewe bread, which was not
lawfull for him to cate, nepther fo2 rhen
which mere with bun, but onely foz the
5 D2 baue pee not read in the Lawe how
that on the Sabbath dayes the Priettes in
the empie *> bake the Sabbath, and
confute the errour of the people, who thought therSabbath broken
if any aceeſſary worke were done that day,
21 Andindis Mame Hall the Gentiles
22 ¶* Then was brought tobimone pof
fefled with a Bertil, torb blinde ant dDumbe,
and he healed bim, ſo that be which was blind
and Dumbe, both ſpake and faw.
23 Andailthe people were amazed, and
Spd, Js not this the onne of Dauid?
24 Wut when the Phariſes heariit.they
RD, Chis man caſtẽth the deutls no other⸗
wie dut, but though Beelsebub the prince
of deuils.
25 But Jelus knew theirtheughts, and
faydtothem, Cury kingtome dinite? a:
gaik it ſeife, balbe (brought to naught: and
zuerycitie oꝛ boule diuided agatnit it felfe,
Mall nat and, j —
26 otf Satan taſt out Datan, beis di»
uided againſt himlelte: Home allthen his
kingdome endure?
27 Allott Ithrough Beelzebub eat out
Dents, bp whome doe pour children caſt
them out? Therefor they Ball bee pour
One blindeand dumbe. 446 '
Hofe 6, 6.
chap. 9.3%.
c ‘Chrilt hath
power to excmpe
his -from Keeping
of the Sabbath,
feeing the feruice
required in the
Temple, wasable
to exculethem:
that labouredin-
lake 6, G:
Ifa. 43.13
d Theright tradety
of gonernment,
not onely to thei
Tewesjbut alfo $
to Rrange nati. 7
ons. ie
e He hall not
make great
noyfe,nor feeke:
cutward pompei
and glory. j
f Hewillbeares
with them that
be inſume and-
weake. i
g Chrift thalle
uercome all iets
which-hinder the
courfe of theGoy,
fpel,& then fha
give fentence as. i
a conqutrour a4]
gainftall bis eneff
mics, * pi
Luke tt:14o. ¥
Chap.9. 346 i
mar, 3,225
Name, albeit iti
was -exprefly a- $
F idle words. S, Matthew.
1 Hedeclareth 28 Gut fF cak out deuils by the Spirit
othe Pharis of Gad, thennis the kingdome of God come
thar chey werein vuto pou.
two fortshisenes 29 Els how can aman enter intoa ſtrong
mies, noronely manshoulz and ſpoile bis goods, except hee
becaule they cid, firt Dindtheitrong man,and then (potle pis
45 Then he goeth, and taketh vnto hin
f euen other t(pteites wore then biméelfe,
and they enter trand dwell there :* andthe
end of that man ic woꝛſe the the beginning,
—— © fall tt be with this wicked genera»
g .
forfakehim,but,. Houle? oa. i ; ` 46 @ * Ahile bee pet ſpake to the multi-
aifomakeopea 30 {9e ithat is notwith mee, tsagain&{ tude beholde, bis mother, and bis abrethren
pate againſt me:and he that gathererh notwith me lcate Moos withont,deliring tolpeake with hin.
im, tereth. 47 Then one laid vnto him, Bebold, thy
Mar 3.28, 29- 31 * Where J fay vnto you, euery fin, mother and thy brethren and without, Be-
lake 12.10, and blalfpbemp thallbe korgiuen vnts men: firing to ſpeake with thee.
1 john 5.16. but the blaſphemp againk the holy Ghoſt thal
k Thatis,hethat not be foꝛc,uen unto men.
ſtriueth again’. 32 And wholoeuer ball peake a word as
thetructh, which gaint the Sanne of mam, ithal be korgiuen
heknowcth, and bim; but whoſoeuer Hall ſpeake agami the
againit bisowne kholy Ghalt, tt hall noc bee forgiuen him,
conitience,can- nepther in this world, ng in the worlde to
“not returne to come, 2
Epther make the tree good, and his
48 But be anfwered and faid to him that
told him, Cho ig my mother? and who are
my brethren?
49 And hee ſtretched koorth his hand to-
ward is diſciples, ¢ apd, Bedold my * mo-
therand my bꝛethꝛen. i
§O Foz whoſoeuer hal Do my fathers wil
which isin heauen, the Caine ts mp bother
and lifter and mather.
fepentance:for -133
he fianctha- femit goods 02 elfe make the treet euill, and
‘geinktheholy his trutt enill: fo? the tree is knowen by the
Ghok.. , fruit; E 4 dad
‘YOr,corrupt, . 34. Di generationsef vipers, how can 3 The fate ofthe kingdome of God fet forth by
‘fOr broods. you ſpeake good things, when vee are cuill’? the parable ofthe feeds 24 Of thetares, 3» Of
‘Luke 6.45. Joz of the ꝛabundãce of the heart the mouth the maſtard feed. 33 Ofthe leanen. 43 Of the
‘1 Muchmore ſpeaketh. ? treafure hid inthe Feld. 45 Of the pearles, 47
ey (hal giue ac- goad man out ofthe good trealure of Aad of the wet. 57 The Prophet is contemned in
“fount oftheir art baingeth foorth good things: anv his owne cosntrey,
' blafphemics. anant man out ok an eutl creative baingeth
ee * fame Dap went Felis out of the
boule ana fate by the fea fide.
2 And great miltitudes reſorted onto
him, fo that hee went into a thtppe,and fate
— and the whole multitude ſtoed on
t [4 012. tp 3
3 Then he ſpake many things to them in
parables (apifay® chols,efolper went korth
to (owe. 3 À 3
- 4 And as he ſowed, ſome fel by the mapes
tide and the foulescame and deuoured them
s 39 But he anlwered ann faid io them, An Yp. i
to refifthis do~ euiliand e adulterous generation feekety a - 5 And fome fel vpon tony ground, where
@ine -~ figne.butno figne ſhall be giuen vnto it faug they bad not much carth, anon they peung
© Theywerebe the fiane of the Prophet Jonas. vp, becaufe they had no depth of earth.
mebattards& 40 * for as Jonas was theee dayes and 6 And when the lunne roſe vp,they were
degenerate from thee nightsin the whalesbellp: fo fhallthe parched, and fozlacke ef rooting withered
them holy ance- Donneof man bee three P dayes andeheee away.
fiers. nights m the heart of the earth. 7 Gnd fome fell among thoznes, and the
WL17.0210 Ai Chemenof Minene thal rele in iudge⸗ thoznes {prung vp and choked them.
Hetaketh part ment with this generation ,andcontemne “8 Homeagatnefelltn good ground, and
of the day for- it: foz thep*repented at the preaching of brought forth fruite, onecorne sis hundreth
hewholeday. Jonas: and behold, a greaterthen Jonas folve, (ome ietie lolde and another thirtie
Their vicked forth enillthings. <
words hall bea 36 Gut Flap vite pou, that of enerp! i»
fuficient proofe dle woꝛde that men-fhall ſpeake, thep thail
to condemne the giue account thereof at the Dap of tudges
wngodly ,ifchere ment.
- 37 Forby thy words thou halt bee iu-
ſtified, and by thp words thou Malt bee con-
hapr6.1deke demned. :
4.29.0.cor8.22 38 C * Then anlwered certaine of-the
n- Thiswasto, DHcribes and of the bariles,faying, Pa
findfomencw > fter," we wouldfeeatigneofthee. `
fhift orpretext
were no.other
things -i
Ionas 3 is here. kolde
1g Whowaa i 42 The Queene ofthe South hatiri 9 hee that bhath eares to heare, let him
„poore ſtranger, in iudgement with this generation and Hal heare. Ai bd
and yet théle = z condemincit:fo2 He camefrom the vermof— © Io C AH theaifciples came, and faya
Knownorthe — partes of the earth to heare the wiſdome of to him, (iby ſpeakeſt thou to thera in para⸗
Aeſſias which ` - Solomon; and behold,a greater then So· bles ?
fwas promiſed to lomon ishere, Ir And he anlwered and ſaid vnto then
betheirking. 43 @ * Aotwe when the vncleane ſpirit Bee ít is giuen vnto pou to know the ſe ·
5* ro.e isgoncontofa man, bee walketh though trets of the kingoom of heauen, butto them
2chrong.t- DHE § Daye places ſeeking reſt, and findeth itisnot iuen.
Fincomming to mine honfe, frem whence Icame:and when Toner h tirom bim, Hall bee taken a-
fee Salomon,and Hee is come, hee findeth it empty, wept and
; way, enen that he hath.
nother perlon: - garnifged, Ys i hath
13. Therefore eake Tto them in para»
bles, bet auſe they eing; Dac not fee: ehea
Gi Aian es
14 @o
a} ‘
The parable of the feed fowen.
fMeaning,anine _
finite number,
t IfSatan becat
out,we muft
watch RAI that
he enter not a-
gaine: for fince
hee was once
mans old gueft,
he knoweth eue-
ry hele & corner
of our houfe,
6.4 and 10.26.
Marke 3°3 Te
luke 8.20.
u This word ig
f Scriptures fig-
nifieth oft times,
euery kinſman.
x Chrift prefer=
reth thefpirituall
kinred tothe
Marke 4e Te
buke 8.4.5. ;
a All defired to
heare his do-
Grine, but thete
was not like afe~
&ion inall,
b- He theweth
thatall men cams
. not vadesiiand ,
thefe myftcries, }
and alfo maketh
his diſciples
more attentie,
c The Gofpel is
hid tothem that
d. Chrilt increa-
feth in his.chil-
dren his graces,
e Euen that
which he fec-
methto bauc.
The parable expounded.
a 2, luk .3. 10.
ioh, i 2.40. acts
f That which the
proptiet referreth
to the ſecret
courfell of God,
is hereattributed
tothe hard flub-
bornneffeof the
people: forthe
one cannot bec
feparated from
the other.
g Towir, the
glory of the
fonne of God,to
him their Saui-
Luke £0.24,
Marke 4 15.
y dake 8.1 le
Or, was [owen
h Heteacheth
thae the good &
the bad hall be
mixt togethr in
the Church, to
the endthat the
faithfull may
arme themfelues
with patience
and contancie,
i Chrift mesacth
onely that che
Church fhal! ne-
ner be without
feme vicked
men, although
they bec neuer ſo
fhatply punifhed
by fuch meanes
as he hath left to
purge bis Church
I So in them iz fulfilled the prophetic
of Cistas, which propkefiefapth, * By heas
ting, pe fall heare, and Mál notunderitand,
any teeing yee Hall fee, and hall not per»
15 £ Foz this peoples heart is wared fat,
and their cates are Dul of hearing, and with
their eyes Dane they winked, leat they
Houldice with their epes, and heare with
tbeir cates, and thould vnderſtand with
theie hearts, and Would returne, that J
might heale then.
16 But bleſſed ore pour eyes, foz they s fees
and pour cares, to? they hearg,
I7 *Foꝛ verely 3) fay onto you, that mae
hy Prophets and righteous men bang def
red to lee thole things which pee fez, and
Daue not ſeene them, and to beare thole
things which pe heare, and haue net beard
18 Q * eave pee therefore the parable of
the ſower.
19 Cibhenforuce aman beareth the word
ofthe kingsome, and vnderſtandeth tt not,
the euill one commeth, and catcheth away
that which was fowen in hts heart:and this
ishee which || hath receiued the ſeede by the
way fide. : :
20 And hee that recetued ſeede in the
ſtonie ground, ts hee which heareth the
Wwozde, and incontinently with toy recei=
ueth it. A
21 Vet hath he no roote in himlelfe, and
Bureth but a ſealon: fozas foone as tribula-
tion o2 perfecution commerh beeaule of the
word by and by He ts oftended.
22 And he that recetucth the {eed among
thoznes,is hee, that heareth the woe: bur
the care ofthis wod, and the deceitkulneſſe
oftiches choke the wove, and be ts made
23 But he that receiueth the leede inthe
good ground, is he that heareth the word, ¢
vnderltandethit, which allo beareth fruite,
and biingeth foorth fome an hundzeth fold,
fome firtte fold,and fome thirtte folde,
24. @ Another parable put he forth vnto
them, faping, Che kingdome of heauen ts
ute o aman whitch ſowed good ſeede in
ts field.
25. £ But while men lept there came his
enemic, and (owed tares among the wheat,
and wenthis way.
. 26 Andwhenthe blade was pums vp,
and brought foosth fruit, chew appeared the
tares alfo.
27 Thentame the feruantsof the houle:
holder, and ſayd vnto him, Datter, ſowedſt
thou not good leen in thy fieldr fron whence
then hathit tares? AG,
28 Ano hee faydto them, Whe envious
man bath done thie. Chen the ſeruants ſaid
vnto him, cAilt chou then that we goe and
gather them pp? —F
29 ‘But hee dayd, May, let while yee goe
aboutte gather the tares, pee plucke bp alia
with them the wheat...
30 ilet both grow together vntill rhe
harnet, andin time of harucit J will fap
to the reapers, Gather yee frit he tares,
and bind chews it ſheaues to burne then;
` Parables. 447 À
but gather the heate into inp barne. J
31 &*Anether parabie hee put foorth une Marke 4.30,31.
tothem, laying, The kingdome of heauett lake 13,19.
ig like puto a graine of muftarD ſeede, |
ma a man taketh and fowerh in bts 3
32 Cbhich indeed is the * leat of allfeets; k Thisteachech
but then it is growen it isthe greateſt a: vsnottobeaftos |
mong berbes, and ittsatree, fo thatthe nifhed at the — `
bicos of heautn come and build in the bzan» ſmall beginnings
thes thereof, of the Gofpel,
33 @* Anotherparable ſpake he to them, Loker 3.21.
The kingdoime of heauents like vnto lea·
nen, which a woman taketh and hideth
in ane peckes of meale, ! till all bee lea»
34 Q * All theſe things ſpake Jeſus vnto
the multitude in parables, and without
parablesipakebe not vntothem,
35 Chat tt might be fulfilled, which was
fpoken by the Prophet, laping,* 3 willopen
my mouthin e parables, and willvtter the
things which haue becn kept lecret from the
foundation of the world. + and fententions
36 Then lent Jels the multitude a- proucrbes,rothe
way, and went into the boule. And bis endthat the dos
diciples came vnto bim, faytng, Declare Grine might
bunto vs the parable of the tares of the hauethe more
ficla. maieſtie, and the
37 Then anſwered he, and ſayd to thew, wicked mighe
De that ſoweth the good iced, is the Oonne cherebybecon- |
ofman, i founded. 4
38 And the fielde is the wolde, andthe l i
good (cede, they are the chulbzen of the king>
Dome, andthe taresare the childzen of tye
wicked, : —
39 And the enemie that ſoweth then, is
the Bemil,*and the haruelt ts theend of the Lee 3. 13.
wold and the reapers be the Angels: TEIA ISi
40 As then the tares are gathered and
burned inthe fire: fe Hall tt be the ende of
this world. i
41 The Sonne of man Hall lend koorth
bis Angels,and they fall gather ont of bis
Ringdome allthings that» offend, and thet n The wicked
which doe tniquitie, x which hurt o-
42 And Hallcatt them into afoznace of thers by their
an eine fhall bee wailing and gnaſhing euill cuamples,
of teeth.
43 * Chen bali the tut men Hire asthe Day,12.3.
Sunne in the kingdome of theit Father. wifdsz.7,
ue that bath gares to heave, let hun
44 @ Asaine, the kingdome of heauen is
like unto a treaſutre hin inthe field, which
win a man bath found, hee hideth it, and-
foz ioy thereof departeth, and ſelleth all that
he hath,and buyeth that Acid,
45 CAgaine, the kingdome of heauen
is 2 amerchant man that {ecketh good.
pearies, ..
46 (Aho having found a pearle of great:
pice, — and folne all that dec had, and:
ought it. =-
47 @Againe,the kingdome efheauenis ; c- @
like° pnto a Draw net catt inte the (ea, that rechin allthings S
gathereth ofall kinds of things, thatcomein the Si
48 Cbich, whenitisfall, men dꝛaw to w
land, and fit æ gather the goedinto velſels, p
and catt ther 629 away. word fignifierh. A
49 So malice at the end ric ae a rottenthing®.
l By this he ad»
monifheth them
to waite tillthe
fruit ofthe Goe
pel oes
arke 4
Phista i
m This word
fignifieth graue
o Itisakindof @
nchthat gathe-
ay. |
The Grecke H
| q Becaufethe
| wastoexpeund
the Scriptures he there albe wailing And gnahing of teeth.
< malt haue ftore
|. of fundry & am-
ple inſtructions.
<- f Mencommon- ;
) lynegle&them, not his mother called Bary, * aud his | bses
- whom they haue- them James and
` Knowen of chil-
~ fo-lesofthem
A Prophet withouthonour,
The Angels hall goe foorth, and ſeuer the
bad from the iut,
+ FO And thal cat thé into a fornact of fires
Scribes office
meanech him 51 € Jcfus fayd vate them. Gnderitany
thatdocphintere pee all thele things? They fayd vnto him,
i prer them aighe, Vea Loꝛd.
L anda
: 52 Then fayt hee unto thein, Cherefore
the ſpirit. euery IDeribe which ts taughe vnia the
r the preachers kingdome of heauen, islike vuto an boule
of Gods word holder, which bringetlh foozth out of bts
© treafure things bori new and oid.
53 ¶ And iẽ came to pafe that when Fe
Mar.6.1, luke 4. thence,
16, 54 *Qnd came into bts owne countrep,
John6.42, and taught chem in thelr Synagogue, to
hOr coufins, that they were altonica , and (apd, Gibeuce
| Mar.6.4. luke 4. commeth this wiledome and great wozkes
34.t0.4.42,44- vnto this man?
55 Is not this the carpenters ſonne? is
Joes, aww Dimon anv
Judas? *
dren:alſo they dlo 56 And are not bis ſiſters all mith ts?
ja emie themofthe CQijence then bath he ali thete things?
» famecountrey:&
ſuch ts their in⸗
Gratitude, jthey: without ponour, flaue tn his own countrey,
§7 And they were offended with hinn
Then Jefus faid to thein,” A prophet is net
` take lightocca- and in his owne bouke.
fiontocontemne §8 Andhec did not many great workes
the gracesof. thẽre, foz their vabrlicfes lake,
God in others, CHAP. XIII.
, 2 Herods opinion concerning Chrift. 10 Toba x
whi beheaded, 19 Chrift feedeth fine thsufand men
with fue loaues & two fjhes, 23 He prates inthe
msuataine. 25 He appeareth by night vato his
asfcspl:s upon the fea, 31 And faucth Peter. 33
They confefe him to be the ſonne of God. 36 He
healeth all that touched the hem of ha garment,
_ Marke 6.144 SCrthat tune Herod the Cetrarch hear
luke 9.7. - A ofthe fame of Jeius,
a Hefpake after 2 And laid vnto his ſeruants, This is
thecommonet- John Baptita bets ru againe froin rhe
rour:forthey cad, therfore greate wozkes are wroughe
shonghtthatthe by him.
3 * For Hered had taken John ge bound
that were depar-- hint, Eput him tit pation for Merovias fake,
ted,entaedinto his bꝛother Phillis wie. 4
another body, 4 Fo: Zohn fayd vnto him, Jt ts wet
b To approuchis * £ iawwfull fo? thee to hane Her. :
refurretion, and 5 And when hee wonld haue pit himto
toget him grea- Death, he feared the multitude, becauſe they
ter authoritie, counted himasa* Pꝛophet.
Marke 6.19, G But when Herods birth vay was kept,
luke 3.19, the Daughter of ierodias BaunceD before
Leustr8.1¢6, them, and plealed Herod.
and 20.21. Giherefore he ¢ promited wrth an oth,
© Alwel becaufe thathe would atue her whatloeuer (He would
fature abhorreth afke. ; '
fuch horrible 8 And he being before inſtructed of her
inceft, as alfo mother, ſayd, Giue mee bere John Baptiſts
that hee had bead ina platter.
taken herby And the king was y: neuertheleffe
forcefromhis hecauleoftheothe, and them that ſate with
brother. him at the table, bee conmunanded it to be gi-
Chap.2%,26. uen her, —
d The promiſe Io And ſent, and beheaded John in the
was wicked:but pꝛiſon.
yet it was more the
vileto beobfRinate in the fame,thathe might feeme conflant,
fus had ended thele parables, bee Deparced -
Ii And his head was brought ina plate
fer,and ginen ts the maa, and he brought
it unto her mother.
12 Andbisdilciples came, and toske yp
bis Lanes butied it, and went, and tolde
Jeſus. *
13 * Gnd when Jelus heard it, hee depar⸗
ted thence by hip into a eDeiert place apart.
And when the miutitude had heard it, chep
followed bin afecte outef the cities.
14 And Felis went fomth and fame a
Great multitude,and was sioued with cont
pain toward them, aud bee healed iheir
ly Gand when euen was come,* bis Di
ciples caine ta him, laping, Chis is adelert
piace, and the boure ts already pat: let the
multitude depart, that thep may gatate the
Cowes, and buy them victuals.
16 Gut Jeſus fayde to them, Shey
haue po fneeBeto goe away: gine pee chem
to eate.
17 Thes fayd they vonto bini, Ae haue
here but fine loaues and tina fiches.
18 Gade aid, Being them hither to me.
19 And becommanded the muitituae to
fit Downe on the gralle, and tooke the fine
loaues and the twa Aies, and looked up to
heaucn and] bleſſed, and brake.and gaue the
loaues to bis diſciples, and the dilciples to
the multitude.
20 And they did all eate, and were ifs
cenana they toske uy of the fraginents ipat
remained, tovrlut baſkets full,
21 And thep that had eaten, were about
fiue thouſand men, beſide women and littie
22 CA ſtraightway Feuz eg compel⸗
ten His diſciples to ater into amip ,-and to
goe ouct befoze him, while he lent the multi
tude away.
23 Ano alfoone as bee had lent the mul-
titade away, gee Wet vp inte a mounraine
aicise to pay: * and wheiitheeucning was
come, be was there alone.
24 And che ip was now in the middes
oftheſea, and was toſſed with waues: tor it
Was A coutrarywind.
25 And in the b fourth watch of the
nighn, Felis went vnts them, walking on
the fea.
26 And when his diſciples faw him wal:
king on the fea, they were troublien, laying,
Jets a ſpirit, and cryed ont for feare.
27 ut itraighiway Jels hake onto
them, faving, i Be vf yoon comfort, Feis 3:
be not afratd.
28 Chen Peter anfwered Hin, and fayd,
Malter, tfit bee tiou, * bio mee come vñto
thee on the water.
29 And he faid Come. And when Veter
Was come Downe out ofthe ip, he walken
on the water,to goe to Jefus. 3
30 But wheñ he ſaw amtabty wind, hee
was afraid : and as be beqanne to finke, be
cried, faying, Datei laue me.
31 Hotumedtatty Telus Kretched forth
his hand, andtaughehim,and fapa to dint
uD thoi ot little taith, wherefore didde
_ thon doubt?
32 And agong as they were come wo
Flue thoufand fed,
| Or,earKeit.
Marke 6.33,
luke 9.10.
e Totheintent <-
that his difciples
now after their
ambaflaze might
fomewhat reft
them,or els chat
he might inftrag
them to greater
Marke 6.3 5.
luke 94 2e
ohn 6.5.
f Chriltleaweth
them not defti.
tute of bodily
which feeke che
foode of the
Or, prayed and
gaus thanks te
g The difciples
vere loth to «lee
* from Chriſti
but yet they
fhewed their
Mar.6. 46,47.
10h 6. 16,57,18.
h Thenight was
divided into
foure watches,
whereof cuery
one contcined
three houres.
i The prefence
of Chriſt ma-
keth his bold.
k His zeale was
great,buthe had
not fafficjently
confidered the
meafure of his
faith, .
1 His enrerprife
tyas [co great,
and therefore he
mult needs fall
into danger,
when his faith
m Chrift core
recteth bis fault,
and alfo giueth
remedy beth a
| ig FO
Marke 6.54:
nit feemech they
* wereled witha
certaine ſuperſti⸗
tion, notwith-
_. flanding our Sa-
~~ wiour would not
"quench theimo-
King flaxe, and
therefore did
beare with thefe
{nall beginnings.
Marke 7.145.
a Menare more
rigorous to ob⸗
feruetheir owne
traditions then
Gods comman-
d:ment, ©
fOr yneate.
ELxA, 20. 12. deu.
5. 16 ephe ſos. a.
leit. 20 9.
prou.20 20.
b TheScrives
difpenfed with
them that did
not their dueti¢s
to their owne
p ‘rents, fo that
they would re-
sompente y fame
to their profit by
their offerings.
Ifa 29.1}.
c God wii} not
cording to mans
fantafie, but de-
tefteth all good
ded on his word.
Chap. xv.
the tip, the winde ceard.
art the fonneot Gov. ]
34 €* And when they were comeoner,
they came into the land of Gennelaret.
35 And when the men of that place knew
bim, they fent out into ail that countrey
round about, and beaught unto pim all hat
were liche, t 4
36 Andbefought hin, that they might
touch the bemmie cf bise garment oncip:
and as many as touched tl, were wave
3 Chriexcufeth his aiſtaples, asd rebuketh
| the Scribes and Pharifes , fortran/[greffiag Gods
commandment bytheir owne traditions, ¥3 The
plant that ſhalbe rooted cut. 18 Vhat things de-
file aman. 32 He deliyereth the wean of Casa-
nees daughter, 26 The bread of the children. 30
He healctl) the ficke, 36 And feedzth foure thou-
fand mea,hefides women and children,
Tn cameto Jeſus the Sctibes and
6 Phartles, which were at Ferulalem,
Tapp doe thy diftiples tranſgreſſe the
tradition of tye Elders? for thepa wally not
their hands when they eate || bread.
2 But he anfwered and fad onto them,
CGhy doe ye allo tranſgrefſe the commande:
ment of Sut by pour traditton? ;
4 * for Hod hath commaund¢d faving,
Honour thy father and mother: * and hee
stat penen father o2 motheriet him Die the
cath. :
§ But pe fap, holener ſhall fay tofa-
thero: morier, > Wythe gift chat is effered
by me thou mayek bane pofiit, -
Though hee honour nor his father, o2
his mother, fhal be free: thus baug pee maze
the commandementof God of no authoeitie
by pout tradition, A
7 D hypocrites, Claias prophecied well
ot you ſaying,
8 * Chis people maweti neert vnto me
With their mouti, and hondureth mec with
thelippes, buttheir heart ts favre oſttrom
Butetn vatne they worſhip mee, teas
ching for Doctrines meus precepts.
Faith obraineth. 438
x 17 Percelue pee not pet.that whatiocuer.
33 Chen they that were inthe hip, came entreth into the mouth goeth inte the belipgs
and wozivipped him, laying Ofatrurhthou and te cat into the Deaught?
18 But hole thinges which proceed ont
ofthe month conic from the heart, and thep
Driiic the man,
ig Fo out of the heart * come enill
thoughts, murthers, abultertes, fognicatt>
ons thetta falie teſtimonits, finders.
20 hele ave the things which defile the
man; but to cat with vnwaſhen handes, de⸗
fileth not the man.
21 *And Jens went thence, and Depar:
feb into the coaits of Tyzus and Didon.
22 And beholde, woman a Canaanite
came ont of the fame coattes, and cryed fapa
ing pnto hin, Paue mercy on mee, D Lod,
the ſonne of Dawid: my Daughter is mite»
rablp vereco with a deuil.
_ 23 But hee aniwered her not a worde.
Then came to him hes diſciples, ¢ befought
bunstaying, e Seno her away, for he crveth
atrer bs.
24. But he anſwered, and fayd, J am not
eee vnto the * loi ſheepe ot the boule of
25 Wet Hee came, and worshipped him,
faping, Ema helpe me. :
26 And beanhwered, and (aid, Jott not
Sood to take the childzens bead and to cat
itohwbhelpes, —
27 But he faid, Crueth, Low: pet in
Deed the whelpes eat of the crununes, which
fail fron their matters table.
28 Then Jelus antwered,and {aid vnto
Her, D woman, great is thy i faith be it to
thee, as thou delirelt. And ber Daughter
Was mad? whole atthat hour,
29 ¶ So Jems *went away fromthence,
andcameneere unto thelea of Galile, and
faa i a mountaine and fate Domne
30 And great multitudes came buto
Hin, * baning with them halte, blinte
Dumbe, maimed, and many other, and cate
rob ARE atFclusfecte, and ee healed’
31 Inſomuch that the multitude monte.
reo, to ſee the dumbe {peake, the maimed
whole, the halt to gor, and the blinde to lee:
and theyglorified the God of Iſxael.
32 * Chen Fels called hts diſciples vnto
G *
aes Z
f All vices pros
cecde of the cor-
rupt afte@ion of
the heart,
Marke 7.24,
g The difciples
were offended |
at her imports
h Chrifteaileth -
them dogges,or -
w: elpes, which
were ſtrangers
from the houfe -
of God. ;
i Chrift granted
her petiton, for-
her faiths fake, ,
and not at the
requett of his
Marke 7.3%.
Iſa. 35. ,6.
Marke 8.7,
10 * Thenheecalicdthe multitude vnto Him, and (aid, * 7 hauecompaonon this k Chrilt cannot
itand. :
Il That which goeth into the mouthoe-
Marke 7. 14,15, leth not the mat, but that which commeth
Tohn 15.2,
d Ail they which
are not grafted
out of the mourh,that defilech the man.
12 Q When came his diſciples, and laid
vnto him, erceiued thou nat.that the Pha⸗
mlcfas Thriſt by. tiles are offended tx hearing this faying?
and euery do-
&.ine thatis not
eftablithed by
Gods word.
e They are not
worthy to be qi-
red for.
Luke 6.39. -
Marke Fe.
13 Wut hecanfwcred and kato, * d Cuerp
plant which mine heauenly Father bath not
planted, halbe racted up. j
14 ¢ Let them alons: they be the *blinve
leadersof the blinde: anu if the blinde leade
the blnde, both Haiti fall into the ditch.
15 ¶ Then anſwered Peter, and ſaid
tobim, Declare vats us this parable.
16 ben laid Felis, Ave vee vet witout
ime already three dayes, and bane nothing to
eate:and J will not let thom Depart faking,
left they faintin the way.
33 Aud His dilſciples ſayde vnto him,
intentions, which bim, and (aid site them, Weare and vnder⸗ multitude becanſe thephanecontinued with forger thofe that-
are not groun⸗
follow bim.
‘Thence Houta we geto much bread in the
eo Ele i Hoult fufitce to great asul-
34. And Teis ſald vnto them, How mae
uplaakes haue yer? andthep ta, Deuce
and a fewlittieRhes. :
35 Then he commanded the multitude to
fit Bowne on the ground,
36 And tooke the ſeuen waues, andthe’
fiſhes, and gaue thanks,and brake them,and
gane ta bis diſciples, and the diſciples to the .
37 And they Did alieate, and eye He |
The Pharifes leauen.
| (Or, Megadan.
Chap. 12. 38.
marke 8. 11.
luke 12.54.
a Although they
did not agree
they ioyned to-
gether to fight
againſt the tructh
b Mentempt
God either by
their increduli-
tie,or curiofitie.
e Which apper-
taine to the hea-
uenly, and ſpiti⸗
tuall life,
d Chrilt (halbe
to them asa
Jonasraifed vp
- fm death,
Ionas 1,17.
and 2%.
Marke 8.14.
duke tzi
` with themfelues.
e Atokenof
Chrifts diuinitie,
të knowe mens
iohy 6.9.
Chap. 15 34»
f We may bold-
ly by Chrifts ad-
monition reic&
and contemne
ced:and they tooke bp of the fragments that
remained, leuen baſkets full.
33 And they thathaa eaten, were foure
—— men, betine women, and litle chils
zen. Ae
39 Ther Iets Cent away the multitude,
ana cooke ſhippe, and came tate the parts of
1 The Pharifes require a token. 6 Ieſus war-
neth his difciples of the Pharifes dockrine.t6 The
confelfion of Peter, 19 The kepes of heauen. 24
The fasthGll mufi bearethe croffe, 25 To winne
or the fe. 27 Chrifts comming-
“pe “came the Phariſes and Saddu⸗
E c2s,and did tempt him, vekting hin ta
Her them a ane from heauen.
2 But he anfwered,andfatd vnto them,
WAhen itts euening, vee lay, Faire weather:
foz theſkie is redne.
3 Aud inthemomingye ay, To day Mall
bee a tempelt: fo: the feieis redde and low⸗
ring. D hypocrites, ye can diſcerne the face
of thefkie, & canpee not difcerne the « lignes
ofthetunes? — :
4 * The wicked generation, and adulte⸗
rous fecketh a figne,and there Wall na ligne
bee giuen it, but the 4 ligne of the Prophet
* Jonas: fo he left them and oeparred.
s ¶ Andwhen his diſciples were come
tothe other lide, they had * forgotten to take
bread with them.
6 Then Jefus aid unto them, Cake
heede and beware of the teanc of the Pha⸗
rifes and Sadduces. i
7 And they || thought in tbemfelues,
[oying > It is becaule wee paue brought na
8 But Melus knowing it, fayde puto
them, D peeoflittle faith, why thinke pou
thusin pour felues.becaule pee yane brought
no bean? t
9 Dee pee not yet perceiue, neither res
member the fue leaves, when there were
* fine thoufand men, and how many balkets
tooke yee up?
IO Neither the fuen loaues when there
were * foure thoufand men, and howe many
batkets tooke pee yp?
II Ahy percetue pee not, that faid not
buto pou concerning bread, that pee ſhould
beware of the leauen of the Phariſes and
12 Chen vnderſtoode they that hee had
not fain, that they ſhould beware ofthe leas
ucn of bread but of thefvoctrine ofthe Pha⸗
tilts, and Hadduces.
13 ¶ Mow when Jene came into the
coatles of Celarea Philippi, bee alked his
ail erroniousdo- diſctples, laytitg, CAhome Doe men fay that
&rine and mans,
ought onely to
cleauetothe ©
wotd of God.
Marke 8.27.
luke 9.18.
John 6.69.
the Sonne of man am?
” 14 Gua thepfato, Dome fay, John Bay»
tit: and fome, Citas: and others, Jeremi⸗
&3, 0 one ofthe Pꝛophets.
Is Wee ſaid vnto them, Wut whom fap
pee that FJ am?
16 Then Simon Weter anfwercd, and
fin, * Thou art the Chriſt, the Sonne of
the liuing Gov. n i 9
17 And Ichis auſwered, and ſaid to Yik,
Bleſſed art thon, Simon the fonne of Jo:
nas; fore fleſh and blood hath not reuetled
it vnto thee, but mp Father which isin hea:
18 And F fay allo vnto thee,that thon art
Peter, and bpanh this rocke J will buila
mpy Church: and the gates of hell Hall not
ouerceme it. f
19 k Anu J *will gine vnto thee the kepes
ofthe kingdome af heauen, an’ whatloeucr
thou Malt! bindevpon earth, Mall be bound
in heauen: and whatfoeugr thou Wale i loole
on earth albe looted in heauen.
20 Then hee charged hts ailcivles, that
tbey ould m cell no man that be was Jeſus
the Omit.
21 €" From that time foorth Jeſus be:
ganto ew vnto his diſciples, chat he mutt
go vnto Jeruſalem, and (afer many things
of the Civers, and ofthe hte Peieſtes and
DHeribes, and be Maine, and rile againe the
third Bay. j
22 Then Beter tooke yim aſide, and be-
ganto rebuke bim ſaying, Datter, pitie thy
telfe: this hall not be vnto chee.
23 Thenbee tuened backe and ſaid vnto
Peter, Set thee behind me,° Hatan: thou
art an offence vnto me, becauſe thou vnder⸗
andet not the things that are ok God, but
thethings that areof men.
24 Jefus then faiu vito hts diſciples,
* FE any man woul follow mee, let him foz
oer himlſelte, and take bp his crofe and fols
sw me. ;
25 For*mwhoruer wil p fane piztife hal
lofe tt:and whoſoeuer ſhal lole hts life formy
fake wall indit:
26 * Fo what Hallit profit aman though
He ſhould win the whole world, tf be loſe hig
owne foule? oz what Hall a man giur foz ree
coimpente of his foule?
27 For the Sonne of man (hall come in
the glory of hts Father with his Angels, and
* thei Wall hee giue to euery man according
to his deedes.
23 * Aertly J fay vnto yon, there be fome
of then that and here, which thal not taſte
of Death. a till they Daue ſeene the Gone ol
man come in his kingdome.
of God, either of malice, as did Iudas,or of rafline
g He meaner&
any thing thar
isin man, fn
John 1.42.
h Vpon that
faith whereby
thou laft con.
fefled and ac-
knowledged met
foritis groun.
ded vponanin«
fallible trueth,
i The power of
Satan which
ftandeth in craft
and violenges —
k The ie '
of the Gofpel
open the gates
of heauen wich
the word of
God, which is
the night key: fo
that where this’
Wordis not
purely taughe,
there is neither
Key nor authori-
Ich 20,23.
1] Condemne by
Gods worde
hOr ab folur,
m Becaute hee
would yet ins |
{tru@ them and
not prevent his
n He would
plucke out of
their hearts that
falfe opinion,
which they had
of histemporall
o Which word
fignifieth an ad ·
uérfarie who re-
fifteth the will
fleand arrogancic,
as Peter did.Chapter 10.38.marke 8.34 luRe 9.2 3.añd 14 27.( hap.
16.39. marke 8,35. luke 9.24. and 1733. p
That is, whofoener
thinketh to faue himfelfe by *orlaking Iefus Chrift. Marke 8.36.
luke 9,25-20h2 12.25, Pfalme 62.12 rom,2.6. Marke 9.1. lukeg. |
27, q This was fulfilled in his reftrreGion, which was as an entry
into hi, Kingdome,and wasalfo confirmed by fending the holy Gheft
whcreby he wrought fo great and fundrie miracles.
2 The transfiguration of Chrift upon the mortn~"
taine of Thabor. 5 Chrift ought to be heard. 11.13
Of Elias and Iohn Baptiſt. 15 He healeth the lø-
natiche. 20 The power of faith, 21 Prayer and
Sifting. 22 Chrift telleth them before of his paſſion.
27 He payeth tribute. A
—— —
A jou * after fire Dayes Jeſus tooke He-
Marke 932, r
ter, aud James, and John piz bother lake 9.28
and baought them bp into an hie mountaine |Or;the fixt day
2 Quo
The force of faith.
a Chrift fhewed
them his glory,
that they might
not thinke that `
hee futfered
through infirmi-
tie, bur that he
offered vp him-
elfe wiilingly
to dic,
b Bythefetwo
witnefles are re-
prefented the
Jaw and the Pro:
phets, which
lead vsto Chriſt,
c After Moles
and Elias depar-
ture, Petrer fea-
ring he (hould
` Fote that ioy full
fight, fpeaketh as
a man diftraG,
and would haue
lodged them ir
earthly boufes,
which were recei-
ued in glory.
2 pet.1.17.
d We arerecon-
ciled to God by
Chrift onely,
e Chrift is our
chicfe and only
f And fo wor-
fhipped Chrift.
g For men would
not haue belee-
ued them,before
that Chrift had
made his glory «
more manifelt by
hisrefurre ion.
Marke 9.11.
malac 4.5»
Mar.9. 14,17.
luke 9.38.
b Hefpeaketh —
chiefely to the
Scribes, who be-
gan to brag,asif
they hadnow —
gotten the viĝo-
rie ouer Chrift,
becaufe his dif-
ciples were not
able zo doe this
nle 17.6,
i By thismaner
of {peach he fig-
nifiethahat rhey
fhoul ie things
by theinfarh,chat
fhould feeme impofiible-
weake faith, is prayer, which ha
2 And wase tranffigured bekore them:
and his face did fine as cheDunne,and bis
clothes were as white asthe light.
3 And Behold, there apycared > vnto
them Woles and Elias, talkingwith him.
4 Ehen anlwered Peter, and faid to
Jeſus, Datter, tt is < good foz vs to be here:
if chou wilt, let vs make ere thee taberna⸗
cles, one fo thee, and one fo: Moles, and
one for Elias.
§ huie bee yet pake, behold, a bright
cloud chadowed them: and belold, there
came a voice out of the cloud, faying, * This
is my beloucd Sonne,’ in whome J am wel
pleaſed:· heare him.
6 And when diſciples heard that, they
£ fell on their kaces, and were loze afraid.
7 Then Fetus came and touched then,
and fata, Grile,andbe not afraide.
8 Aud when chey lifted vp thetrepes,
they faw no man ſaue Jeſus onely.
9 ¶ And as they came Downe fromthe
mountaine, Jefus charged them, faving,
Dhewe the bilion to no man, evntillthe
Horne of man rile againe from the Dead.
_ to * And bis difctples aſked bim, laying,
Cliby then lay the Dcribes that* Citas mut
frit come? ;
I: And Jefus anſwered, and faid vnto
them, Gertainely Elias muk firt come,and
reſtore allthings.
12 But FZ fay vnto you, that Elias is
come already, and they knew bin not, but
baue Done yato him whatſoeuer they would;
lkewife pall allo the Sonne of man lifter
of them. i.
13 Then the diſciples perceined that hee
(pake vnto them of Jon Baptit.
14 C* And when they were come tothe
multitude there came to him acertain man
and kuceled Downeto bust,
15 And id, atter, haue pitie on my
foune : foz beets lunatike, and is ſore vexed:
foz oft times bee falleth into the fire, and ott
times intothe water.
16 And J brought hin tothp diſciples,
and they could notheale him.
17 Chen Jeſus anhwered and aid, e D
generation faithicile and crooked how long
new thal J be with pourhow long now ſhaũ
3 Ker you? bring hun hither to me.
18 And Jefus rebuked the deutll, and he
went out of hun, aud the child was bealea
atthathoure. —
19 Then came ý difciples to Jeſus apart,
ane (aid, Ahy could not we tat hintoni?
20 And Jeus {aid nro thew, Becauſe
of pour vnbelicfe: fo: *veriiy 3 day tuto you,
ff yec hane faiti 2s much agis a graine of mu⸗
ſtard (eede,ye Wall fay vnto this mountaine, hands 02 twa fecte, to bee calt into euerlaſt⸗
i Remooue hence to yonder place,and tt Hal
remoouc: and nothing malbe vnpoſſible vn-
to you. —J —
21 Howheit this kind goeth not out, but
by k prayer and falling. —
22 Amd as || they abode* in Galile, Je-
k -The beft remedie to ftrenethent
afting added toit , 2s an helpë ro
thefame, |\Or,were conuerfant, or, returned inta Galile, Chap. 20.
sginarke 9,31 luke 9.44.4nd 24-7.
Chap. xviije Tribute. Little children... 449
fus fata vnto them, The fonne of man Hall
be delivered into the hands of men, 1 The Greeke
23. And they Hall kill hum, but the third word is (didrach-
Day ſhall he rile agatne; and they were verp ma) which was
Ril. ? of value about
24 (and when thep were come to Ca- ten pence ofolde
pernaum, thep that recetued ! polle money, fterling money,
came to PBeter, and ſayde, Doeth not your and the I fraelices
Water pay tribute? paide it orce by
_ 25 Yelatd, Yes. And when he was come the law,Exod, 30
nto the boule, Jefus prenented him,laying, 13.and at this
Ahat thuukeſt. pon Simon? Dt whom Boe time they: paide ie
the kings of hẽ earth take tribute. o2 polle to cheRomanes,
money? pf thew chuldzen,o2 of rangers? m Of gineocca-
6 {Octet laid vnto him, Of ttrangers. fion to forfake
Chen laid Jelus vnto hin, Chenare te the riere
chilozen free. n Thewor
27 Neuertheleſſe, let wefyoula™ offend (Starera).
them,go te the ſea, and cat inanangle, and contei
take the irt ffo that commeth vp, t when didrach
thou haopened bis mouth, thou ſhalt finde isvale
a" piece oftwentte pence: that take, gine fiueg
tt vnto them foz me and khee. ſt
1 The greate/t inthe king dome of heauen:3 He
teacheth his diftiples to be humble & harwelefre,
6 To auosde occafions of cusl, 10 Notto contemne
the little ones, 11 Why Chrift came. 35 Ofbro-
therly correction. 19 Of the authoritie of the
Church, 19 The commendation of prayer and god-
Ly affembties. 2x Of brotherly forgiuene ff.
1 Ve* ſame time the diſciples came vnto
Jeſus, laying, 2 Abe is the greateſt in
the kingdome of heauen? t
2 And Jefus called a little chile vnto thereward be-
him, aud (er him inthe mids of them, fore they hane “
3 Aud fatd, Gerily J fay vnto pou, ex⸗ taken any paine:
cept pee be* conuerted, and become as litti¢ and whereasthey
b chtldzen, pee ſhall not enter ifto the kings ould haue hol-
Dome of heauen. a psnand reueren ⸗·
4 Ahoſoerner therefore ſhal humble him· ced one another,
felte as thts little child,the fame is the grea- they were embi ·
tet in the kingdowie of heauen. tious, & defpifers
§ < And wholocuer Wall receiue luth a li⸗ oftheir brethten,
tle child in my nanie,receinety me. Chap.rigige %
* But wholocuer hall offend one of ¥-cor.14.20. A
theft little ones which beleene inme, tt were b Notin lackeof —
Mark o zgi
luke 9.46.
a They ftriue for
better foz bum, that acmtlitone were hanged diſcretion, bur
about bis necke, and that be twere Downed that they benot
in the Depth of the fea. vaine glorious,
«Cloe be vnto the world becauſe of of: feeking to ad-
fences: toz it muftneenes bee that offences vance themſelues
hall come, but woe be to that man by whom to worldly ho-
the offence commeth. ~ A -pours
8 WMAherekore, ikthine hand o: thy foote c Hecalleth
taule thee tooffcnd , cutthem off, and caſt them little chif-
them from thee: it isbetter foz thee to enter drennow, which
into life, halt, o2 maimed, then bauning tiwo bumble them-
felues with al] hu⸗
militie and fub-
Marke 9.43.
luke i7. i
d Theword fig
nifieth a great
' milftoné which
an affe turneth: and it is [poken in re(pe of that whichis turned with
mans hand which isleffe, e Chrift warneth his to take heedg that
they fhrinke not backe from him for any euill example or offence
that man can gius . Chap, 5.39 marke 9.45.
Lh io
Dee y
ing fire.
9 And ik thine eye caule thee tooffend,
plucke it out, and tat it from thee: it is
better foz thee to enter into life with one
eet ie hauing two eyes, to bee caſt into
ell fire.
The loft fheepe. The debt.
AChrift roucheth
the caufe of this
offence, which is
pride & difdaine
of our inferiours.
P fal.34.7-
Seeks God
hath comimaun-
ded his Angels to
take the eharge
of his children,
tke wicked may
be affured that if
they defpifethem,
God will reuenge
their caufe.
Luke 19.10,
h We may net
lofe by our of-
fencethat which
God hath fo
dearely bought.
Luke 15-4.
Leuit.9 17.
ecclu.t9 13.
bskei.35 ^
iames 5.196
i Wherewith
thou mayeltbe
ottended: hee
{peaketh of fe-
cret or particular
10 t Hee that pee delpife not one of thele
litle owes : for J fay bute pousthat in heauen
their * s Angels alwayes behold the tace of
my Father which ts in heauen.
IL Fo” the Sonne of man is cometa
biang that which was lott.
12 Wow thinke pee 2 * Jfa man haue an
Hundreth cheepe, and one of them bee gone
aftray, Doth hee not leaue ninetic and nine,
and gog inte the mountaines, and ſeeke that
whichis gone attrap? PAPAS $
13 Andi lobe that he find it,verily J fay
vnto you, hee reioyceth moze of tat ſheepe;
si ofthe ninetie and nine which went net
14 So it is not the will of pour Father
which is in heauen, that one of thele little
ones ſhould peri), —— >
15 ¶ *Moꝛeouer, if thy brother treſpaſſe
S. Matthew.
28 But when the feruant was departed,
hee found one of his fellowes, which ought
binan hundreth o pence,and be laide hands
on him, and tooke him by che theoate,taping,
Pay me that thot owel, ‘
29 Chen his Fellow fell down at his feet,
and belought bim (aping, Appeale thine an-
‘ger toward meand J will pay thee ail.
_ 32 Vet hee would not, but went and cat
dtm into pation, till he boul pay the Debt.
31 And when hrs other fellowes law what
was Done, they were very foie, and came,
a Declared onto their matter ail that was
32 Then his maker called him, and fad
to him, D euill leruant, J forgaue thee ail
that debt, becauſe thou pꝛayedit me.
33 Oughtelt not thou alio to haue hav pi-
fi on thy tellowe, euen as J han pitie on
agatnttithee, goe andi tell him bis fault thee
betweene thee and himalone: if hee heare
thee,thou bat wonne thy brother. f
16 But ikhe heare thee not, take pet with
thec one o2 two, that by the * meuth sftwo
02 Ene witneſſes cuery word map be confir:
17 Andif hee will not vonchlate to heare
tbem, tellit vnto the * Church: andifbec
refule to heare che Church allo, let htm bee
vnto thee asan heathen man, and a Publi⸗
cane. i
18 Clerily T fay vnto you,* CAhatloeuer
finnes and not of pee l binde on earth, Wall ber bound in bea-
open or knowen
to others,
lOr reproze him,
Deut 19. 15.
sohn 8.17.
k He meaneth
according to the
order that wasa-
mongt'se Tewes,
who had their
cient and expert
men, to reforme
maners, and exc-
cute diſcipline.
This aflembly
reprefenred the
Church, which
had appointed
them to this
1 (or.§ 4
2.thef.3 t4
J Inthe to.chap.
49. he meant this
ef doGrineand
here ot ecclefia.
ſticall difcipline,
which dependeth
ofthe doGrine,
John 20.23.
Or done to.
Luke 174.
uen: and* whatiocuer pee loole on earth,
Mall be loofed in heauen.
19 Againe, Cerily J fay vnto you, that
iftwo of pou Hall agree in earth vpon anp
thing, whacloener they Halldelire , te ſhall
wee ſcginen them ok mp Farber which isin
20 Foz where two o: three are gathered
together in my Mame, there am 3 inthe
mids of then. :
21 Cen came Peter to bim, and fayde,
Waiter, howe oft Hali my brother finne a-
gainit mee, and J hall forgiue him? *vnto
fruen times? — ;
22 Jeſus faid buto him, J lay not to thee,
Unto leuen times, but pnto ™ ſeuentie times
feucntimes. i
23 Therefore is the kingdome of heauen
likened vnto a certame King, which would
take acount of bis ſeruants. $
24 And when bee had begun te reckon,
pne was brought wnto bim, which ought
him ten thoufand talents,
25 And beceante hee had nothing to pay,
His matter commanded him te be folde, and
his wife and bis childꝛen, and all that hee
had. ant the debt to be paide.
26 The ſernant therefore felldowne, and
befought him, faping Walter, appeaſe thine
anger towarde mee, and J will pay thee
27 Then that Ceruants matter had com
paml, and looſed him, and forgane him thg
m Wee muftbee continually ready to, forgiue and bee forgiuen.
n Acommontalent was valued at threcfecre poundsic me alfo were
greater, and fome leſſe.
34 Sobis matter was woth, and Deli-
Uered Him to the iaplers till be ould pay all
that was due vnto him. —
35 Do likewile tall mine heauenly Fa-
ther Doe vnto pou, except pee forgiue r from
your hearts, each one to bis brother their
3 Chrift ſheweth for what caufe a woman may
be diuorced. 11 Continenciewa gift of God. 14
Hee recelueth little childrens 16 To obtain: Life
euerlaſting. 24 That rich men can fcarfily bee
faued, a8 He promifeth them which have left all
tu follow him,hfe euerlafting.
AS * it came to patie, that when Jeſus
had finiſhed thole fayings, bee Departed
from Galtle,and came into the coatts of Jus
Deg beyond Jordan. —
2 And great multituses followed him,
and be healed them there. —
@ Then came vnto him the Phariſes
tempting hun, and laying co him, Js tt law-
an ma man to put away his wife fo? cuerp
4 And he anſwered and faid vnto them,
Haue pee not read, *that hee which made
peas * the beginning, made them male and
emale, ;
5 And fid, *Fo: this canle, wall a man
leaue father and mother, and cleaue vnto
We ae > AND they * twaine ſhall bee one
[4 $
Us :
6 Cberefore they are nomoz twaine,
but one fley. Wee not man therefore put a-
eee that, which God hath coupled toges
7 They laid to bim, Aby did then*ABoe
fes commannd to give a bil of Dinezcement,
and to put her away?
8 Hee laid vnto them, Woles, becault of
the > harduelfe of pour beart, ſuffered you to
put away paur wines ; but < from the begin:
ning tt was not fo.
9 3 fay therefore onto vou,* that whoſo⸗
euer fall put away bis wite, ercept it bec for
whozedome, and marrie another, commit·
teth adulterie: and whefocuce marrieth
per which is Diuozced, doeth commit adul-
IQ Then {aid his Dilciples to him, JE the
o Which amoun-
teth of our mo-
ney to the fumme
of 25 .fhillings,
or very neere,and
wasnothing in
reſpect ofthe
his mafter for-
gaue him,
p God efteemeth
onely the heart
and affe@ion.
llOr cauſe.
Ene.. 27.
Gen.224 1.00
6.1. 6.cphef-7. 32,
a They that a-
fore were as two
fhallbe now as
one perfon,
lOr. per for,
Deut. 24.1o
b It was to a-
uoide the cruel-·
tiethat men.
would haue vfed
towards their
wiues, if they
had beene forced
to retaine them
in their difpleae
fure, furie, and
e Thatis,at the
beginning, and
by Geds ordi-
Chap. 9. 32.
marke tO: 1.
lake 16,18.
3.607.7 He
d For this band
cannot be broken
at mans pleafure,
e Somebyna- matterbee fo betweene man and wife, ttis
tureare vnable not good te marrie.
to marri¢,and IL But he fayd vnto them, Allmen can
fome by arte. not receiuc this ching , faue thep to whom it
f The word fige ts gtuen. ;
nifieth(gelded,) I2 for there are ¢ fome fchafe, which
and they were ſo
made, tecaufe
they fhould keep
were fo bone of their mothers beliy: and
there be fome chalte, which bee made chatte
by men: and there bee (ome chaſte, e which
theehambers of Daue made themlelues chaite foz the kings
uoblewomen, Bemeofheancn. iet that is able to receiue
forthey were this, let him receine it.
iudged chrtte. 13 @* Then were brought to him little
g Whichhaue childzen, that hee ſhould put his andes ou
thegiftofcon- them,¢pray : ¢ the diſciples rebuked chem.
tinence,and vie 14 But Jelus fayd, Duffer the little chil-
ittoferueGod Dzen, and forbid them not to come tome ; fo?
withmorefree of lich ts the kingtome of heauen.
liberty. Ig And when bee had put hishanbdes on
h This gift s not
common for all
men,but is very
rare,andgiuen all 3 Doe, that F may haue cternalt life?
tofew: therefore 17 And bec fayd vñto him, -cdiby calle y
men maynot thou me good? there is none good but one,
rathly abftaine eüen God: but tfrhou wilt enter into life,
from mariage. * keepe the commandements.
Chap.18 3. 18 He ſayd to him· Ahich? And Jeſus 3. fatd,* Thele, Chou halt not kil; Chou halt
luke 18.15. net commit adultery: Chou fhalt not Teale:
Aarhe is 13. Thou Walt not beare falle witneſſe.
luke 18.18. Ig Monour thy fathrrand mether: and,
i Becaufe this
yong man knew
them, be Departed thence.
16 € * And behold, onecame, and faya
buto hun, Good mafter, what good thing
Thou halt loue thy neighbour as thy fife.
20 * The yvong man fat vnto him, J haue
nothingin leſus Jobferned allthele things from my pout):
Chriftbuthis what lacke Iyet?
manhood, hee 21 Itſus ſaid vnto him, Ff thon wilt bee
leadethhimto periect,goc,™ (ll that chou halk, and giuc tt
higherthings,to to the pooꝛe, and thou palt hane treature in
theintentthat heauen, and come and follow me.
bis doGrine 22 Gud when the yong man heard that
might better faping he went away fozrowwlull; for be had
take placts great a poſſeſſions.
k Hefpakethis
learne the know
Exo 2013 dett.
5 19 rom 12.9.
Marke 10.25.
1 He boaftech
yet he knew not
m Chrift hereby
difcouered his
23 Chen Iclus fayd onto his diſciples,
Clerely 3 fay vnto you, that a rich man pall
hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen.
24 And againe J fap vnto you, Fit is ea-
fier foza \\ camelto gee thorowe the eye of a
needle, the for a rich man to cuter into the
RingdomeofGov. ;
25 And when his dilciples heard it, they
Were ercecdingly amazed, laying, CAho then
cant be ſaued?
26 And Jeſus beheld them, and layd pn-
ta then, Cith men this is vkpoſſible, but
with God allthings are poſſible.
hypocrifieand 27 @*@benanlwered Orter and faid to
caufed himto - him, Bebold, we baue foztaken all, and fol-
feelehisowne lowen tiec: what Mali we baur ? f
weakenefle,not 28 Gnd Jeſus ſaid vntothem, Uerely J
generally com-
manding allto
doe the like,
n What hinde-
faptoyou, that when the Sonne of man
fhali fit in the throne of bis Maieſtie, pee
which followed mee Pin the regeneration,
Thepenie. 450
* hall itato bpon twelue thrones, giunge Luke 22.30.
the twelue tribes of Iſtael. : —
29 And wholſoeuct thal korſake houſes, oꝛ ſcience which
Drcthzcn, oꝛ ſiſters, oꝛ father, o2 mother, 02 Gods children
wife, 02 childzen, 02 lands, toz my Rames feele euentn
fake, bee Hall recetue an a hundreth folve their afAi@ions,
moze,and ſhall inherite cuerlaiting life. is a thoufand
30 * But many chat are firt, hall belat, fold more worth
and che lak Malbe firt. then all worldly
CHAPA Xe ‘ Ch2z.20.16 mer.
1 Chrift teacheth by a ſimilitude, thatGods io. 31. lek. 3-30
debter unto no man, & how he alway calleth men
toh labour, 18 He admonifbeth ther of hes paf-
fion. 20 Hee teacheth bas to fice embitisn, 28
Chrifi papeth our ranfome. 30 Hee giucth two
bind men thes (ght,
F2: the kingdomof heauen is like vnto a
certaine houſhoulder, whtch went out at
the Dawning of the Day to hire labourers n=
rance men haue by riches. [Or.cable rope. o Who can frame mens
hearts fo, that they hall notfet their minds on their riches. Marke
~ 30.28.luke1838. p Inthisworke whereby theworld ischanged,
renued and regenerate: ortoioyne this word with the fentence fol-
lowing,and fo take régeneravion for the day of ludgement,when the
ele& fhall in foule and body enioy their inheritance, to the end that
they might know that it isnot ſuſſic ent to haue begun orce,
tobts vineyard.
2 And hee agreed with the labourers foz
&* penie a Day, and (ent them inte bis vince-
ard. ;
3 And hee went out about the > thirde
boure, and fawe other tanding idle in the
market place, 5
4 And fapd onto them, Goe pee allo into
my vineyard, and whatloeuer is right, J wil
Site pon: and thep went their way.
S Againe he went out about the firt and
ninth boure and Did likewile,
6 Aud bee went abont the clenenth
hours, and found other tanding wile, and
{aid vnto them, CAby tand yee Here all the
Day tole? oe:
7 They fayd onto him, Becauſe no man
hath hired vs. We faydtothem, Goe ye allo
into my vineyard, and whatlocuer is right,
that Mall ye receiue.
8 € And wher cuen was come, the Ma⸗
{ter ofthe vineyard fayd vnto hts eward,
Cail the labourers, and gine them their
at the laſt, tilf thoucometo
the firſt.
9 Aud they which were hired about the e-
leuenth boure,came and receiued euery man
a penie.
10 Wow when the kirk came, they firppe-
fed that they would receiue moze, but thep
likewile receined cueryman a peny.
II Qnd when they hadrecetucd it, they
murmured againſt the maſter of the houle,
12 Daying, Chelc lat haue wrought but
one houre, and thou bak made them cquall
bnto vs, which haue bozne the burthen, and
beate of the Day.
13 And he anhwered one of them, faving;
i Friend,F Boe thee no wong : diddeſt thou
irot agree with me foz a peny?
14 Gakethat which ts thine owne, ant
goe thy way: J will gine wnto this lat as
much as to thee.
15 Jsit netlawful for me to Do âs F will
Wit) mineowne ? Fs thine epe < euil becauſe
3 ain good?
16 *Ho the lat ſhalbe firft.and the firk
taf ; * for many arecalled, but few choſen.
17 “And Jefus went vp to Ferulalem,and
tooke the twelue diltiples apartinthe way,
and fapt bute thea,
Lii2 18 Bes
a Which was
called denaritzy”
and was of value
about foure
pence halfepeny
of olde money,
and was coms
moaly a worke-
mans hire, :
b They diuided
theday into
twelve houres,
fo that the third
wasthe fourth
part ofthe days
fixe of the clocke
was noone,nine
was three of che
clocke after din-
ner,and thecle~’
uenth heure was
an houre before
the Sunne fet,
c Or, ermions
becaufe of my
liberalitic? Deut,
Chap.19 30.
marke 10.318,
ake 13.39.
d therefcre eue-
ry man in his vo-
cation, as he is
called firft,ought
to goe forward,
and encourage
others ,feeing the
hire is indifferent
Marke 10.330
luke 18,38.
To flee ambition,
Fob 18.32.
Marke 10.35.
e He ferteth the
croſſe before
their eyesto
draw them from
ambiticn, calling
it a cup,to figai-
fethe meafure
ofthe aff Gions,
which God hath
ordeined for
euery man: the
which thing alfo
he calleth bap-
F God my father
hathnot given
me charge to be-
ftow offices of
bonour here: but
to bean example
of humilitic vn-
to all,
Marke 10.41."
luhe 22.25.
Phal. 7.
Marke 19.46,
luke 18.35.
13 Behold, we roe hp to Jerufalem, and
the Bonne of man walbe deltuered vnto the
chiefe Pꝛieſts, and vnto the Acribes , anv
they thailcondenine him to Beat, .
19 And * hal Deliver bim ta the Gentiles
to mocks and to ſcourge, and to criicitic him :
but the third Day be tall riſe againe.
20 * Then came to him the mother of
Zebedeus childzen with Her ſonnes, woz-
tipping him, and Dering a certaine thing
of hint. }
2 I And he fayd vnto her, Ahat wouldeſt
thou ? Shee layd to bin, Graunt that theſe
my two ſonnes may üt, the one at thy right fi
band and theother at thy left hand in thy
22 And Jels anfwered, and ſayd, Wee
knowe not what pee afke. Are pee able ro
Brinke ofthe + cup that J thal vinke of, and
tobe baptized with the baptifme that J hall
be bapitscd with? Thep laya to him, iee
are able. d s
23 And he laid onto them, Pe pal minke
indeedeofinycuppe, and Hail bee baptized
with the baptiime that J am baptized with,
butte fitat my right hand, andat my left
hand,is not f mine to gine: but it fhall be gi-
nento them , foz whom it is prepared of my
24 * And when the other ten heard this,
they Dildained at the twa bzethzen.
25 Gherefore Pettis called them pnto h
him,and fayd, Pe know that the lords of the
Gentiles haue Domination ouerthem, and
on that aregreat, erercile authezity ouer
26 But it hal not bee fo among you: but
whofoencr witlbe great among you, let him
be your ſeruant, '
27 AnD wholoeucr willbe chicfe among
you,let him be pour feruant,
23 *€uenas the Sonne of man came not
to be fcrued, but to ſerue, and to gine bis like
foz the ranfomeofmany. :
29 € Aud asthcp Departed from Jeri-
cho,a great multitude followed him. —
30 And behold, two blinde men fitting
by the way fide, when they heard that Jeſus
pallen by, crted, faying, D Lord, the Donne
ofDautd, haue mercie bpon vs.
31 And the multitude rebuked them, be-
cauſe they Mould hold their peace: but they
Cried the moze, ſaying, D Lod, the Sonne
of Dauid, haue mercie vpon vs.
32 Chen Fetus tood Milt, and called
them, and layd, Chat will pec that FI] houta
Doe to you? $
33 They (apd to him, Lord, that our epes
may be opened.
34 And Jelus moored with compafion
touched their epes, and immentatly their
epes receiued fight,and thep followed pim.
7 Chrift rideth into Ferufalem on an afe. 12
The buyers and fillersare chafed out of the Tem-
ple. 15 The children wilh prosperity unto Chrif?,
19 The figtree withereth. 22 Faith requifite in
prayer. 25 Folns baptifme. 28 The two finnes.
33 The parable of the husbandmen. 42 The core
ner fione reiected. 43 The Fewes reiected, and
the Gentiles receiueds
8. Matthew.
A {2 * when they dense neeve to Jeruſa⸗
lem, and were cone to Bethphage, buto
the mount of the Ditues, then fent Jeſus
two diſciples, ;
2 -Daring tothem, Gee into the towne
that is oner againt you, and anon pe fhalt
find an a aTe bound, and a colt with per:
looig them, and bring them vnto me.
3 And ik any man fay ought vnte you, fap
pec, thatthe Lord hath needeof them, and
fttraightway be wiil let them gor.
All this was Done, that it might bee
fultilled which was ſpoken by the Prophet,
5 @ *Tellpe thet Daughter of Sion, Be-
hold, thy king commeth vuto thee, mecke,
and fitting bpon an affe and a‘ colt,the foate
ofan affe vied to the poke. i
Ho the diſciples went, and did as Je⸗
ius had commanded them,
7 And brought the alſe tthe coit,and put
on 4 them their cloches,and fet hum thereon.
S Anda great multitude ſpred their gar-
ments inthe way; tother cut Downe bran⸗
ches from the trees, and trawed them inthe
9 SBoreouer, ‘the people that went be-
foze, and they allo that followed, cryed, fay-
ing, e Hoſanna the fonue of Dauit : bleſſed
bee hee that commieth inthe Mameof the
Loꝛd, Hoſanna thou whinh art tn the f higheſt
Io *And when he was come into Jerula-
ee ail the citie mas mooued, faying, taho
ts tits?
II And the people (aid, Chis ts Jeſus the
Prophet of Masarethin@altle. `
12 (And Felis went inta the Temple
of God, and catt out all them that {olde and
bought in the e Tewple, and ouerthzew the
tables ofthe maney changers, and the feats
of them that fold dones, ; :
13 And fatd to them, Fit is witten, Mine
boufe halbe called the houle of prayer: ® but
*pe haue made tt a Denne of theenes.
14 Chen the blind and the alt cameto
bun tn the Temple, and he heated them.
15 But wher the *chiefe Pꝛieſtes and
Sctibes faw the marueiles that he Bd, and
the childzen crying ta the Temple, and fay-
ing, Dotanna the Sonne of Dauid, they dif-
16 And laid vnto him, heareſt thou what
thelt fay? And Fetus fayd vnto them, Pea:
“read pee neuer, * Bpy the imouth of babes
and pre Sead thoubat *mave perfite the
patie ?
17 Do be left them, and went ent of the
titie vuto Berhania and lodged there.
18. And * tn the moꝛning as be returned
into the citie,be was hungry.
Ig And ſeeing a figge tree in the way, he
came toit, and found nothing thereon, but
leauesonelp, and iayd to it, euer fruite
grow on thee henceforwards. And anon the
figge tree withered.
20 And when his dilciples faw it , they
marueiled, faving, Pow looneis the figge
tree withered !
21 And Jelus anſwered, (aid pntochem,
* Gerelpy 3 fap vnto pou, if pee bane —
A denne of theeues.
Marke 11,1.
luke 19 29.
a By this entrie
Chrift would
thew the ftate and
condition of his
Kingdome, which
is farce contrary
to the pompe and
glary of ¥ world,
Jfa 62,18. zech.
9.9 sohn 12.15,
b That is,the
citie Sion or
c Itis a maner
of fpeach called
whereby two are
taken for one,
d Heridonthe
foale, and the
dam went hy,
e Which js to
fay,Saue] pra
Ged toprofper
and fend good
fuccefie to the
f Eot God which
is ir heauen, muſt
onely faue,
Mar.11.1 1 luke
19:45 .50h.2.13,
g Intkeporch
or entrie into
the Temple.
Ifa, 56.7. .
h Vnderthe pre-
tence of religion
hypocrites feeke
their owne gaine
& fpoile God of
his true worthip,
Tere 7.11.
Mar. i 1.17.
luke 19.46.
Marke 11,18.
i IfGod reueale
his glory and
might by babes
ý cannot as yet
fpeake, is it maf-
uel] if they that
can fpeake, doe
fet forth & mage
nifiethe fame?
k In Ebrewiris,
boft ordained or
eroundad the
ftreneth : which
isallro one pur-
pofe, becaufe
God is then mo
praifed when his
ftrengthis beft
Mar.i 1. 12, 1 3
The vineyard let our
and Doubt not, pee fhatl net onely doe that
which Ihase done tothe figge treejbat alio it
WWhich thing pe fay vnto this mountains, ! Cake thy (etie
feemethtobe awap and cait thp felfe into the fea, it halbe
impoſible. done.
Chap.7.7.iche 22 * And whatloener ye Gall alke in pray
15.7.1,sobhs 3. ebjifpebciecucspehallrecetucit. _
22 23 C * Andwhen be was come into the
Mark.t1.27,28 Tempie, the chieke tets. and the Elders
duke 20.8524 ofthe people came Dnto him, as hee was ted-
ching, and layne, By wyat authozitie Dock
J thoutheſe things ? and who gaue thee this
authozitte ¢
24 Then Telus anlwered and {ayn vu-
to them, Jallo will afke of pois a certaine
thing, which tf pou tellince, Jlikewiſe wiil
rar pou bp what authozttie J Boe thele
25 The WaptiGne of John, whence was
hOr of God, ft? || feom heaucn,oz of nen? Chen thep reae
foned among thenifelucs,(aping, Ff we ſhall
fay, From heauen,be will ſay vnito vs, thy
did pe not then beleene him?
m The hypo- 26 Andifk we fay, OF men, we feare the
critesfeareman people: *fozall heit John as a ophet.
morethenGod, 27 Then thepanfwered Jelus, and fayd,
and malice neuer CCicecannottell. Aud hee ſayd vnto them,
iuftifieth che Neither tell J pouby what authszitic J Dos
trueth, theſethings.
Chap. i4.5. 28 @ But wbatthinke pe? A certaine man
mar. .20, had twa ſonnes, and caine to the elder, and
fayd, Sonne, goe, and woke to Dap in mp
29 But he anlwered and ſayd. J will nots
ee bee repented bimielfe, and
30 Then came he to the ſecond, and fayd
likewile. And he anfwered, and (ato, J wil,
liv: pet be ment net.
n So far itis ime
poflible for them
to repent and be
faued, that ftand
in theirowne - 31 Mhether of them twaine did the will
conceit, thatthe ofthefather ¢ They ſayd vntahim, She
preateftfinners fri. Jeluslaid vnto thein, Gerely J fay sn»
that are, fhall to pou, that the Joublicanes and the harlots
more fuone hall gas befoze you inte the Kingdome of
cometoreptn- 00. h
tance. 32 Fo: Johu came vnto you in thee way
oftighteoulnefle, and pee belecued bim nor:
o God taught by
but the Publicans, and the barlots beleeued
Tohn the way of
tighteoufnefie, bint, and ye though pe fat ít, were not moos
whofelifewas ued With repentance afterward, that pee
vpright and might beleewe hin.
perfic, 33 Q Weare another parable, There was
& certaine honſholder,* which planted a
LT fa§ tter.2.21. 8 Ci
Philteparde, and a bengen it round about,
vaarke 12.1.
lake 20.9. and || made a wineprefle therein, and built
p Thevineyard a tovoꝛe, and let itout to hulbandmen, and
isthe people, tuent inte a range connttey. s
whom he had 34 And when the time of the fruit ewe
ele@ed.: necre, he lent bisternants to" the huſhand⸗
Q Viedall means men to receine the fruits thereof.
topreferueit,& 35 Ano the bulbandmentooke bis f fere
tomakeitfruiz- Kants,andbeat one and killed another, and
full, ſtoned another.
lOr, digged. 36 Againe hee ſent other ſeruauts, moe
r Which were then the fir ; and they did the itke vnto
the Prieftsand them. À
rulers, 27 But laft ofall hee fent vnto them his
{The Prophets. pipnetfonne, laying, Thep will reucrence
t Leſus Chriſt. my lonne.
Chap.26 44nd 38 But whenthe huſbandmen ſawe the
a7.· ĩ aehn. ii.5 3 fonne, they layd among themlelues,* Thig
Chap, xxij.
Bidden to the mariage. aga
isthe beire: ceme let vs kill bin, and let vs
take y —
39 Bo they tooke him, and caſt him out
the vtnevard, and flew pini. ; e :
40 Uhen therefore the Lord of the vines
yard fhallcomte, what will be Dato thoi hule
— fansite
41 Thep fayd buto him, De wil cruelly dee
ſtroy thole wicked men, and willict ont bis
vinepard vnto other bulbandinen, which
thall deliuer him the fruites in their (cafous.
42 Fels {aid onto them, Read pee neuer
in the Scriptures, * Che Fone which the t
butlocrserctuica,the fame is mavetherpean. PAL 18.32.
ofthe corner ? This was the Lozdes doing, 27 41 1.rom
and itis mərneilous tn our epes. 2-33 peti2.7
43 Therefore Tap vnto yon, the kings ¥ As ror mece
— of God ſhall be taken fron you, and — their
ball be gtuen toa nation, which hall bin ding.
fozth the fruites thereof. Meat biti x To falten and
44.*Aud wholoeuer thal fal on this ſtone, Vne the buil-
Hee thallbze zoken : but on whomloener it “ig together,
ihall kall, it wii grind him to powder. and to vphold
45 And when the chiefe Ppictes and the whole.
Pypariles had heard his parables, thep pers 1fa.8.t¢,
ceined that he ſpake of them.
46 And thepieeking to lay bandes on
him, feared the people, becaule thep taoke
him as a Prophet.
2 The parabl: of the mariage. 9 The vocation
of the Gentiles. 11 The marriage garment. 19 Of Í
paying of tribute. 25 Ofthe refurrection, 36 The
Scribes queftion, 44 Chrift diuinstie,
Ten" Jeius antwered, and ſpake vnto Luke x4. ıs,
them agatne in parables, faying, reel, 19.9.
2 The kingdome of heaven is tke bute a Chrif repro.
acertaine Ring which marien his fone, cherhthe leweg
3 And 2 lent forth bts feruants to call of their ingrati-
them that were bidden to the wedding, but tudeand obfti-
they would not come, nate malice, in
4. Againe he fent forth other feruants, thar they réieged
faving, Tell then which are bidden. Wer the grace of God
hold, J baue prepared my Dinnersiminesren which was fo
and my fatlings arckilled,and al things are plentifully ofred:
ready : come vnto the mariage. vnto. them.
§ Butthey made light of tt, and went b God punithech
thetr wates,one to his farme ann another ae extremely ſuch
bout hts merchandile. s Ree ingratitude.
6 Andthe remnant tooke his ſeruants, c The ingratitude
and intreated them Warply.and flew them. of them which
7 But when the King heardit, heewas arebid cannot
wroth,and lent forth bis warrtozs,and *Be- cauleGods|libes
ean tholt murtherers, and burnt yp their rality & bisho-
. fe atst =
acini urtea pir ipa — ie
ewedding is prepared : but thep whic à
Were bidden, were not worthy. gi fs aaa
9. Go pethercfoze ont tuto the hie waies,
and as many as pe tinde,bid them tothe ma
1o Ho¢ thole fernants went ont into the
bie wayes, and gathered together all thate»
uer they found, both ¢ good and bad; ſo the pure affection
wedding was kurniſhed with gheſts. & vpright cone
II Chenthe Ring came tn, to fee the (cence, which
gheſts, and law there a man which bad not proceeded of
on a wedding garment. $ faith, POA
I2 And hcelaid vnto him, Friend, how — -
1113 Scanic
for his.
d Inthe Church
the hypocrites
are mixed with
the godly.
e Hehadnota
‘TheSadduces queftion,
f ThoughGod
fuffer for a time
hypocrites inthe
Church yet he
knoweth how to
trie them,and
fanne them ont.
(ba. 8.12. & 13.
42. 35.30.
g By theour-
ward and gene-
rall calling.
luke 20.20,
h Thefe were
certaine flatte-
rersofthe court,
which euer main-
tained chat reli-
gion which King
Herod beft ap-
proued: and
though they were
enemies to the
Pharifes,yet in
this thing they
confented, thin-
King to entangle
Chrif, and fo
-either to accufe
_himof treafon,or
fo bring, bim in-
tothe hatred of
all his people,
i As touching
the outward
qualitie,as whee
ther aman bg
rich or poore.
[Or, the coine of
the tribute.
f cameft thoni hither, aud Balk not ona
wedding garment? and he was ſpeechleſſe.
13 Chen ſayde the King to the eruants,
Binde bim hand and foste ; take hint away,
and catt him into vtter darkeneſſe: * there
thalbe weeping and gnafhing of teeth .
14 * Fo: many arescalled, but few chofen.
15 @* Chen went ý Pharis took coun⸗
feli How they might tangle htm in calke.
16 Ana they lent vuta him their diſciples,
with the + erodtansg, faying, Batter, wee
Krow that thou art trug, Eteacheſt the way
of God truely neither carett for any manfo
_ thou contineret not thet perfon of men.
17 Gell vstherefore-how thinkeſt thou?
Js it lawkull to gine tribute unto Celat, 0?
18 But Telus perceiued their wickednes,
and fain, (hp tempt pe meye hypocrites?
19. Dbhew mee thr |l tribute nioncp, And
they brought hint a * penp. te
20 And be faid vnto them, ddthole ts this
image and tupericrtption ?
21 Chey laid vnto him, Celars. Chen
fatd He puto them, "Owe theretoze to Cefar;
the things which are Celars, and giue vnto
God, thoitthings which are Hads. 3
22 And when they heard te, they maruet
led, and left him, and went thete way.
23 €* Whe lame day the Sadduces came
to him (which fay that there is no reſurecti⸗
on) and afed him, .
24. Daping, Waker, * Moles faid, Ffa
man Die, hauing ſnochildren, let his brother
at biswite, and raile yp (eed vnto his
zother. see
25 Mow there were with bs ſeuen bze»
thzen, and thefirst married a wife.and de⸗
ccad: and hauing no inue teft pis wife vite
to bis brother. £
26 Likewile alſo the fecond, and the third,
yntothefeuenth. *
k Which was of 27 Sno latofallthe woman died atio.
value about
foure pence
halfe peny,
Rom, 13.97 mar.
32.07.10. 20.25
‘Mar.12.18 uke
20.27.aG#s 23.8,
YOr, fonnes.
1 Bythetitle of
alliance: andhere DeaD,hane pee not read vohat is ſpoken vnto
by brother he
fecaneth thenext
lawfully might
mirry her.
28 Gherefore in the celurection, whole
wite wati we be of the ſeuen? for atl had ber.
29 Then Jelus aniwered, and laid vito
them, De ™ areDecctued, not knowing the
Pcripiures,noz the power of Hod. er
30 Foin the reſurtection they neither
marrie wites, 102 wines are beltowed in
——— are asthe Angels of Gon tn
21 And concerning therefurrection ofthe
pou of God, laying,
22* J amtie God of Abraham, and the
Gon of Fiaac, andthe God of Jacob? Goa
is not the Govofthe Dead, but of the iming,
23 Gnd when the people Heard it, thep
m Where Gods were aftonied at his Doctrine.
word is not prea ·
thed and vnder⸗
ſtood,there muft
needsreione ~
blindnes and
n Forafmuch as
they (hall be ex-
empted from the
infirmities of
thisprelentlife, &xod.3.6. Marke 12,28, -Deat.6, 5. tuke 10.27,
24 ¶ * But when the Phariles had beard
thar he had put the Sadsuces to filence,
they aflembied together. ;
35 AnD one of thei, which was an ers
pounder ofthe Law, alked him aquettion,
tempting kim, ant faying,
36 Matter, which ts the great comman-
Dementinthe Law? . —J
37 Jelus fato topim, Thou ſhalt loue
all thy foule,and with ail thy mind.
38 Chis ts the lirſt and the great Come
mandement. '
39 And the feconde fs like pnto this,
* Chou halt lone chp neighbour as thy felfe.
40 Duchele twa Commandements har
geth the whole Law ana the Prophets.
4I @ *Ahile the Phariles were gathe
rev together, Jeſus aſktð chem,
42 Daytng, Chat thinke pee of Chait 2
— is hee? Chey lays vnto him,
Hee layd vnto them, Wow then doeth
Daut tn p Mirit cali him Loz, laying, |
44* The Lom favt tomy Lord, Dit at
my aright band, "till J make thine enemies
thy foot ttoole ? :
4s JtDams then call him © Lom, how
is he hts tonne ?
46 And none could anfwere him a wod,
neither Durit any from that Bay koorth alke
bim any moe queftions.
+» Ofambition,
the Lond thy God with all thine Beart, with
13.9 gals. 44,
Tames 2.8.
luke 20.41,
o Of what flock
of family.
p By the fpirit of
prophecie, fea.
king of the kings
dome of Chrift,
Pfalito.r, *
q By theright
hand is fignified
the authority &
power, which
God giueth his
Sonne Chriftin
making him his
lieutenant & gouernour cner his Church, r Not that his kingdome
fhal! then end: but the office of bis humenity hall ceafe,and be with
the Father and the holy Ghoft fhall reigne tor ewer as one God allia
concerning his Godhead.
3 Chrift condemneth the ambition, coucteufnes,
and hyporsfee of the Scribes & Pharifes. 33 Their
perfecutions againft the feruants of God. 37 He
prophefieth the deftrudiion of lerufalem,
fe Make Jeſus tethe multitude, and
to bis diſciples. :
2 Bawing, Che*Acribes and the Pha⸗
tiles afit in ofeg feat.
3 Alithercfore whatlocner they bid yon
obſcrue, thatbobſerue and Do:but after their
wozks Bo not ; for they lay,and do not.
4 * Faz they binde beany burdens, and
geum to be bone, and lay them onmens
jonldDers but they themfelues wil not moue
them with one of their Angers,
5 Alltheirworkes they Do fo: to be ſeene
ofmen ; for theymake their < phplacteries
broad, and makelong the * fringes of their
6 And loue the chiefe place at keaſts, and
ta baue the chiefe leates inthe allemblies,
7 And grectings in the markets, and to
be called of men, Rabbi Rabbi.
_ 8 * Butbe net ye called 4 Rabbi: for one
18 pout || Dactoz,to wit, Chait, and all pe are
9. And*callnoman pour father byon the
earth:foz therets butong ponr Father which
ts in heauen.
10 Be not called «Doctors; foz one is pour
Doctor, euen Chaitt.
Ir But hee that is greateſt among pou,
let him be pour ſeruant.
f Chrift is Davids ſonne touching his manhood, and his Lord
Nehem, 8.4.
a And teach
that which Mes
fes hith,
b According to
Mofes whom
they reade,bue
not that which
they teach of
Luke 11.46.
aces 15. 10.
c They were
fkroles of parchs
ment,wherin the
were written >
and tothis day
the lewes vie the
fame, and clofe
them in apiece |
of leather, ¿nd fa
binde them to
their brow and
left arme, to the
intét they might
haue continual]
remembrence of
the Law, Nam. r5. 3 8. deu 22.12 Mar.12 38 lake 11.43 20 46
lOr wafer. Iam.3.1.. d Chrift forbidderh nor to giueinft honour
to magiftrates & malters,butcondemneth ambition & ſuperiority o⸗
vet our brothers faith, whieh office appertaineth toChriftalone, Or
teachers. Mal.1.6, ~e The Pharifes werecalled Maftars or fathers,
and the Scribes Doors, F The tient dignity inche Church, is not
Lordſhip or dominion,but miniftery and ſeruce. K
_ J2 * Fog.
Fhenature‘of hypoctites,
Luke 14.1 te I2 * Foz wholoeuer will exalt himielfe,
end 68.140 fhalt bee brought iow: andwholocucr will
< bumble bimietre, pall be exalted.
13 ¶ Moe therefozebe Ynte pou Scribes
g Yekeepe and Pbariles,bppocrites: becaule pee ethut ©
backethe pure vp tie — of heauen befoze men: foz
religion and yeg pour felues goe notin, nether tufter pee
knowledge of them that mould enter, to come in.
Godwhenmen 14 *@loe be ynte pou Deribes and Pha⸗
arereadytoim- riſes, hypocrites: fo2 pee Denoure widowes
brace it. houſes euen vnder a colour of long prayers:
h Which baue tuperefoze pe hall recetue the greater Bart
now their foote
I5 (Globe bnto pou Scribes and Phart-
Marke 12.40. ſes, hypocrites: foz pe compafte i fea eiand
luke 20. 47. to mak¢ one of pour pꝛofeſſion: and when be
i They foughtall is mane, pe make him two fola moze ý child
meanes that they gf Heil, then pou your felucs.
couldinuentto 16 Cee be vnto pou blind gnides which
makeofaGen- fay , Cibofecucr fwearerh by the Cempie,tt
tile a lew, is nothing: but wholocucr fweareth by the
hOr, is a debter. gold of the Tempie, be |i ofendeth.
17 De fooles and blind, whether is grea⸗
k And maketh ter the goid oe the Temple that * fanctifteth
itto be taken as the gold?
an holy thing 18 And wholocuer fweareth by the altar,
becadeofthe it is nothing : but wholocuer (weareth by
vie: and hereby — ¢heoffring thatis vpon it, oftendeth.
Chrift theweth 19 Pe toolesand blind, whether is grea»
thatmansdo- ter the offring,oz the altar which ſanctitieth
ctrine doth not the otfring t
ọnly obfcure the 20 Cdihofecuer cherefeze ſweateth by the
word of God, gitar, ſweareth byit, and by all things ther-
butis contrary to on,
it, 21 *And wholoeuer ſweareth by p Tem-
t.King.8 13. pleyftweareth by tt,and bp bim that dwelleth
within the dores,
2.chra6.26 therein.
Chap. 5. 34 22 And hee that ſweareth by heauen,
ſweareth by the thzoueof God, and by bint
that litteth thereon. t
Luke 11.42. 23 ¶ Moe be to pon, Scribes, t Phari⸗
ſes hypocrites: foz ye tithe nunt, and anile,
and cummin, and leaue the weightier mate
tersofthe Law, as iudgement and mercie,
and fidelttic, Chele ought peto hane Done,
1 Yeeftayatthat and netto haue lett the other. eg
whiehis nothing - 24 De blind guides, which iſtraine outa
and let paflethat gnat, and fwatlowa camel. t
whichisof grea- 25 EUo be to yon, Scribes ¢ Phariles,
ter importance, hypocrites: m foꝛ vee make cleane the vtter
m Yefeckehow {ide ofthe cup and ofthe platter, but within
toger eflimation they are full of betberp, and || ercefle.
with men, and 26 *Thoublind Pharile clenle firt the
palle notwhe- inſide ofthe cup and platter,that the outude
therye haue pfthemimapbe cleane allo, *. i.
good confcience 27 (Mabe to you Hcribes € JOhariles, hy ·
or no. pocrites:fozye arelike vnta iwhited tombs,
\\Or, istemperan- Which appeatebeautifull outward, butare
Cit. within full of Dead mens bones, and of all
Luke 13.39 tilthineſſe.
lOr, painted. 28 Hoare yeeal(o: for outward pee ap-
- cı Peare righteous vnto men,but within ye are
full of hypocriſie and iniquitie.
: 20 EWioabe onto pou, Scribes t Pharis
~ feg hypocrites: toz pe build the tombs of che
nForaremem- =JSzophetss and garniſh the fepulchzes of
brance of them, fhe righteous, Sha
and inthe meane © 30° Anv tap, Jf we had been tthe Dayes
feafon they pa- pfourfathers, we would not hauebin part-
fed not fortheir ners with them in the blood of p Prophets
do Grine,
Chap. xxiiij.
3k athen vee be witnelſes vate pour
Falfe Chrifts, 452
felues,that ye eave the chitazen of them that o Icisnor now
murdered the Prophets. onely that your
32 Fulfill ye allo the mealure of your fa» nation hath be-
thers, gun tobe cruell
33 D ferpents the generation ofbipers, againit the fer-
bow oulu pe efcape the Damnation ot hel? vants of God, &
34 Cberefoze behoid, J fend vnto you thereforcicis no
PJSzophets,and wile men,and Dcribes,and maruell though
of them pe Hall kill e crucifie: and of them the children of
hall pefcourge in pour Synagogues, € per- fuch murderers
fecute front city tocity, handle roughly ~
35 That vpon 9 pou may come all the theProphets,
tighteous blood that was ſhed vpow the p To conuinoe
earth *from the blood of Abel the righteous, you of greatee
taro the blood oft Zachartas, the ſonne of ingtaticude,
Barachias , whome yee ews betweene the q Chrift mea-
Temple and the altar. neth chat al thew
36 Gerily 3 fay bute you, Al thele things sace thalbe punis
fhall come vpon this generation. — fhed,fo that the
37 *Herulatem, Jerufalem, which kille iniquitie of the
the Prophets, and ſtoneſt them which are fathers thall be
fent to thee, how often would J hauegathe: powred into the
red thy childzen together, * as the henne gar. bofome of the
thereth ber chickins vnder ber wings, and children, which
pe would not! refemble their
38 Behold, your habitation Halbe left tn> fathers,
to pou Ddefolate, Gerng.8, heb. 1t.
39 SForZ fap vnto pou, pe ſhal not ſee me 4.
f henceforth , till that pe lay, Blelled ishee + Read 2, Chron,
that conuneth inthe name of the Lozd. 24 23.
Luke 13.34
2.E/d,1.30. f He will returne no more to themas ateachertutasa
Iudge, when as they hall be compelled to confeſſe ( although toe
Jate) that he is the very Sonne of God,
2 Chrif fhemeth his difciples the deſtruction of
the Temple. 5. 24 The falfe Lhrifts. s3 Toper-
fenere. 14 The preaching ofthe Gospel. 6.29 The
ficnes ofthe end ofthe werid. 42 He warmeth thé
to wake. 44 The fudden comming of (brift.
Ax * Jefus went out ,¢Departed from Marke 13.2,
the Temple, and his diſciples cameto /ske 21.5.
him, to ſhew him the + bnilding ofthe Tem- a Whole excel-
lencie appeareth
in that that He-
rod forthe {pace
of 8. yeeres Kept
tenne theufand
men in workes
the ftones were
15. cubites long,
in height 12, in
bredth 8, as Io⸗
fephus writeth,
Like 19.44.
b They thoughe |
theworld ſhould
be atanend,
when leruſalem
were deftroyed.
Ephef.s.6.ol 2s
7 Foꝛ nation thal riſe againſt nationand 18,
reaime againſt realme, and there (hall Be pe⸗ c He anſwereth
filence,and famine and earthquakesin Dis them not accor
uers places. - PHN ding to their
S Qlithele are but the a beginning of (+ minds, but ad-
rowes. Ex : o monifheth chem
. of that which is
neceflary for them to know, d Greatand cruell wartes bate enſu·
ed ſince amongtheheathen, for the contempt of the Golpel,and in=
crcafe more and more.
9 “Zpen y
2. And Jefus (aid vnto them,Hee ye not
allthele thinges? Gerily J fay vnto yon,
*there hall not bee bere left a tone bpona
ftone, that hall not be catt Downe.
3 And ashe fate vpon the mount of D-
ites, bis Difciples came nto him apart,
faving, Tellus when thele things Hall be,
and what fignethalbe of thy comming,’ and
ofthe end of the world. aah
4 And Jefus anhwered.¢ (aid onto them,
*e@ake heed that no man Decetue you. ;
_ § _ Fopmany Hall came tn my name, fap-
ing, 3 am Ciit, and hall deceiue many.
6 And pe Mall Heare of warres, and rue
moursof warres : fee that yee be not trou ·
bled: foz all thefe things müt come to palle
but theend is not pet,
of great afflictions.
Chap.r0.27. luke
21. 12.4008 15,
20.474 16.2,
€ Asifyou were
the caufe of thete
f Many will keep
backe their cha-
they areyn-
thankfull and
evil vpon whome
they (hould be-
faw it.
2 he f-3- 13.
g When y Tem-
ple thalde pollu.
ted, it hall be a
figne of extreme
defolation: the
facrifices (hail
end and neuer be
Marke 13. 146
duke 11.20.
h The horrible
deſtruction of
the Temple, and
the corruption of
Gods pure reli-
Dan.9. 27.
Actai. 12.
to God prouideth
‘for hischildren
inthe mids of
Marke 13. 21.
luke 1723, |
k Whither the
falfe-Chrifts, and
deceiners leade f
people, hiding
holes, asif they
were alhamed of
their profeflion.
Luke 17:37.
1 An depite of
Saran the fiith-
full fhallbee gas
theredand ioy-
ned with Chrift,
asthe Egles al-
fembl:to a dead
Marke 13.24.
like 21.255
ifa. 13.10. exeks
B34 3.155
m When God
hath made an
end of ¥ troubles
ef his church.
u He meaneth
o “Then Hallthep deliuer you vp tobe
afflicted , aun iall Killpou, and pee wall
ne e fates of all nations foz mp Mames
10 And thei Hall many be offended, and
fhall betray one another, ano fyall pate one
another. a 3
11 And many falle prophets hall arife,
and pail Decetuemanyp. · i
12 And becaule f iniquitie Hall be increa⸗
‘fen, the ioue of many hall be coin.
13 *But he that endurech to the end, hee
fhailbe ſaued.
14 And this Golpel of the kingdome Hal
bee preached though the whole world fol a
witueſſe vnto all nations, and then walleye
end come,
15 € Ahen spee* cherefore hail fee the
4 abomination of Deiolatton tpoken of by
* Daniel the Sopher, tanding in the holy
place, (let himthatreadeth, contier tt.)
16 Chen lec them which ve in Gudea, thee
{nto the mountaines. : b
17 Let hin which ts an the houſe top, not
gon Dowie ta fetch anp thing out of pts
boule. AR j
18 And bethat isin the ſield, let him not
returne backe to fetch pis clothes.
Ig And wor thalbe to them that are with
chiioe, and te them that gine ſucke in thoſe
Dapes: s
20 But pray that pour flight be not in the
winter, neither onthe*A@abbathday. —
21 Fothen Halbe great tribulation,fucy
a3 was not from the beginning of the world
to thts time, no? fhalbe.
22 And except thoe dayes ſhonld bee
Mortencd, there thouid no || Heh bee ſaued:
but for the elects lake, thole dayes ſhall bee
:23 * Then ik any hall fap vnto pou, Loe,
bere is Chito: there,belceue tt not.
24 Foz there Hall arte fale Chriſts ana
falie prophets, and balt Mew great lignes
and Wonders, i2 that tfi toere poſſible they
ſonld deceiue the veryelect.
25 Behold. Jhaue told pau before.
26 Wherekfoꝛe rf they Wali fap vnto pot,
Behold,hetsin the *Delert, goe not fosrthe fon? j ;
46 Bleſſed i that eruant whom his mas
Hehel hee is inthe ſecret places, beleeue
it not.
27 F0} as the lightning commeth out
of the Cak, and hinety tntothe Meſt, fo
fali allo the comming of the Donne ofiman
28 Foꝛ wherelocuera dead! carkeisis,
thither wiil tye Eagles retort. ‘
29 *And tnunedtatly after the ™ tribulas
tionsoftholevayes, Hatithe Quune > bee
Darkened and the Boone hall not gtue her
light, and the ſtarres Hall fall from heauen,
and the powers of heauen hallig Hakem
30 *And then allappeare the ligne of
the Sonne of man in heauensand then hall
all the kinreds of the earth mourne, and
thep-(hatt (ee the Sonne of man come inthe
kreni of heaucn with power avd great
an horrible trembling of the world., and asit were an alteration of
the order of nature, Daa, 7.13, reue.i. Zo
S. Matthew.
31 *And hee Hall lend his Angels with a
great found ofa Crumpet ana they hal ga
ther together bis elect fra the foure windes,
e from the one end of the heanen to the as
32 Row learne the parable of thefigge
tree: when her bough is pet tender, andit
buangeti forty leanes ye know that ſammer
33 So likewile vee, whenype fee all thers
things, know that the kingdome ot God tg
neere, euen at the Zoores.
34 Gertiy J| (ay vnto you, this ° gene-
— hall nor pafe, till all theſe things be
35 *eauen ann earth Wall paſſe away:
but my wots thall not patie away.
36 Buto€ tyat day and houre knoweth
no man, no not the angels of heauen, but mp
Father only. ;
37_ But as the dayes of Moe were,fo like⸗
wife Hai the comming of the Donne of man
38. Foꝛ asin the Nayes before the flood,
they Did eat and drinke, marrie, and giue in
marriages vnto the day that Moe entted in⸗
ta the Arke, E H
39 And r knew nothing till the flood
came,and toake them all away: io fall alle
the conuning of the nne ot man be.
40 *a@hen two men Halbe tthe fields,
the one halbe received, and the other all
be refuſtd. ae
4I Two wane hall be grinding at the
mill: the one wali be receiued, andthe other
ſhall be refuſed. i
42 *CGake therefore: foz pee know not
what houre pour matter twit come.
. 43 DE* thts be fure, thatifthe geodman
ofthe boule kuewat what watch. che thiefe
would come, be would ſurely watch,and not
fafcr bis Houle to be digged thozow-
44 Cherefore be pe alto ready : fo in the
boure that ve thinke not, will the Bouse of
Mamcome oriy inos TaN
45 “Who thenis a faithful ſeruant ana
wile, whom his mater path made ruler os
uer ‘bts houſhold, to gine them meat tiga:
fter when he commeth, Wall find (0 doing.
47 Certly 3 fay unto pou,bee Hall make
pim ruler ouer all bis goons. ü.
48 Dut if that euni ſeruant Halt fap in
bis yeart, My makter Doth Dettere his coms
ming, ;
49 And begin to linite his fellowes, and
to eat, and to Brink with the Dannie,
so Chat leruants matter mil come tha
Day, when be lookech not for hun, and in ait
boure that peis notware cf) + 8
sI: Aaw will cur hun off, and giue him
bis portion with bppocrites.: *there hall be G
weeping and gualurg of teeth.
2 By the imilitade ofthe virgins Tefus tezcheth `.
every manto watch, 14 And by the talentsto be
The day ofthe Lord, To watch. -
1.COP.US § 20 U
rthefigitó |
o For within fif-
tie yeeresaftcr
icrufalen was ~
deftroyed ; the
godly were pere
fecured, falfe
the people, reli-
gion was pollu. ·
ted, fo thatthe
world feemed to
beatanend, `
Mar.t3. 34.
luke 17.16. 20
p yt? ule of
their incredulis ·
tie. meals)
Luke 17.34) 35+
1 théf'4.17 POS
q This teacheth
euery man to
walke warily, ©
not reſpecting
his companion,
although be be
neuer fo deare
vnto him. i
Marke 13. 350
Luke 12.39.
I thef5.2.
yerel 16.35.
Lake ttig da |
lOr, feparare bha
hap. ĩ 3.43 and
s 25.30,
diligent. 31 The lafl iudgements 32 The ſheepæ
and the goats. 35 The workes of the faithful.
The wiſe virgins.
a This ſimilitude
teacheth vs, that
itis not fufficient
to haue once gi-
nen our felues to
follow Chrift,
but that we mult
db: To doe him
honour,as the |
mNanet Wass
e Many feeke
that which they
haue contemned,
but it is too late,
Hor, quenched,
d; This was fpo-
ken in reproch,
beeauſe they
made not prouifi-
eLwill not open
“ to you becaule
ou haue failed
1n toe midway.
Chap.240425 44
marke 13,3 3435-
Lahe 19,12.
£. This fimilitude
teacherl: how we
oughtto conti-
nue inthe Know-
ledgeof God,
and doe good.
with thofe gra»
ces that God
hath ginen vs...
g Buerytaient,
commonly made
pound, read
chap, 18,24.
Or, made `
152 ri
. other tue talents.
Menthe skingdomne of heauen Hatthee
Alikened bntaten virgins, which toske
their lampes, and weucte >meete the bride ·
grome, i
: at an fiue of them were wile, and fiue
3. The foolity tooke their lampes, but
tuoke noncople mith them. BANA
- 4 But tye wite tooke ople in thete veſtels
with theirlampes.
Mow while the baivegrome tarped
long, all tlumbred and flepe.
Aud at midnight there mas a cry
Made , Behold, the bridegrome cominety :
goe out to meet him.
7 Then al thole virgins arole and trim-
mea their lampes. 3
8 andthe kooliſh fatd to the wile, Hing
vs ot pour ople; fo2 our lampes are || out.
9- Butthe wileantwered, laying, Wee
fearelefE there wih not beenough for vs and
pou; but? gove rather to chem thar ſell and
bup for pour (eles. <. pie
10 Gnd while ‘they went to buy , the
bꝛidegrome came sand they that were reas
Die, Went th with hint ta the wedding , and
the gate was Gut,- i
AL Afterwards came alfothe other vir:
ging ſaping, Lord, Lozd,opentoys. _
12 Bur beanlwered,anvfayo, Gerily J
fap vnto you, °F Know pou nat. ;
R . Gatch tyerefore: foz pee know net
ther the naynov: the boure when the Soung
of man will come. l
I4 *Foꝛ the kingdome of heauenis as a
man that going into a ſtrange countrey,cals
led big (eruants, andDelinered to thembis
goo Bay) { Í ti) 7 18
Ig Any vnto one he: gane flue e talents,
and to another two, and to another onc; ta
chery man after hts ows ability ,t ſtraight⸗
wap went from home. beat nia
16 “hein he that had receined the fue ta
ients tent toccupicd with them, and hgai⸗
ned other tiue talent..
17 Likewtlealto, he that received two, he
allo gained ethertwo. ws
13 But hee that rectiued thatones went
and Dig gedit inthe earth, and hid his ma
itersmonep. y - oi Gat
19 But after tone lea dn, the malter of
thoſe ſeruants cang, and reckoned with
them. nrg of
. 20 Then came he that had recetued fue
talents,and brought other fine talents, faye
tig, Waker, thoudelineredit vnto me fue
talcuts: uchold, J bane gained with them
21 Then his matter fatd vuto hin, Itis
well Done good feruant and faithful, Chou
Jb’ The manterte-
“teinech bim into
his houfe to giue
him part of bis:
!poods.and com-
modis, 15
t H”
idid Bonega teruant and farthfull, hou hatt
/ iiy iio?
Daa oda f det ouer muchzenter in into thy maſters top,
: Ayo othertas
Dak been kaithlull uptitee, 7 wilamberber
ruler ouer muchi enter in into thy makes
io. + ware ; an
_ 22, Allo he that haa receiued.ttwo-talenta,
came and laid, Datter,rpou deliueredſt yn-
to mee twotalents: bejon, Jhaue gained
20 Ot dente with th,en..
23 is matter fatd vñto him, at íg well
been, taithiuilintictle, J- willinakethee ru⸗
Chap. xxv.
Thelatiidgement: 453
24 Then he which had receiued the owe `
talent, canw and fayt, Manter; F knew that
thon wat an bara man , which reape
where thou ſowedſt not g gathereſt where
thoudtramedit not :
25 J was therefore afratd.ane wem ana
bid thy talent in the earth: behold, thou bat
thine owae.
26 Ana his maſter anfwered, and ſayd
bute hin, Thou tuili ſeruant and ſtothtutt,
thoukneweſt that Jreape, wheres (owes
Not, and gather where I ſtrawed nos.
27 Thou oughtetk therefore te haue put
my money to the exchangers, Ether at my
courting ſhould Thane recciued mine own
With vantage. J
28 Take therefore the talent trom bint,
€ phic tt onto bun which hath ten talents,
29 *Foꝛ vnto eucrp man that hath, it Hal
be ginen , and be hall haue abundance, and
‘from bun chat hath nor, euen that he hath,
Hall be taken away. feb Ni
30 Calt cheretore that pnppofitable fers
nant inte tter * Barkencs : there Mall beg
weeping aud quafhing of tect. f
31 GAnd whenthe Sonne of marcom-
meth int hts glozte, and all the Angels with
bum, then hall he fic vpon the throne ot bis
giorte. é d
32 And before him all be gathered all
Bations,and he thalfeparate thenrone trom
another. as a thepherd feparateth the ſheepe
froin the goats, A
33 And he Hal ſet the Heepe on his righe:
hand, aad the goats onthe tere,
34 Then Hall the King fay to them on
bis left hand, Come vee k biefied of mp Fas
ther: inberite pethe kingdome peeparen foz
poufrom the | foundations of the world.
35 *JFoz™ ZF was an hungred tyec gaue
menean Jthirſted.and pe gaut me drinke:
J was attrangerjand pelodgen me;
36 Iwas naked, and ye clothed me: was
*jicke,and pee vinted me: J was in prilon,
and pee came vnto we. i
37 Chen wall the righteous anfwere
Him, laying, Lod s when law wee thee ait
hung red, and fed theedog a thistt ,and gave
thee dꝛainke? p sotto ——
32 And wyen ſaw we thee a ſtranger, and
lodged thee? az naked, aud clorhed chee?
39 Dewhen faw we thee licke,o2 in pet
ſoñ, and came vntothee:
40 And the Ring ſhall anſwere and ſay
vnto thrm; Aerilp I fep vnto you, In as
much as pe haue Done it wnteoncofthe teak
of chele miy brechren;ye haue Done tt to me.
l Ahewmthatt hee fap ynta them ou rhe
left hand Depatt frem me ye curled, into
tuerlaſting Ards maiu is ppeparedo foz the
Denlitanahigiangeige®) Gin) Loy ol
42) Forsmagion yngres, and yce gaue
oy al hirſted aud ve gaue nice nd
inks A were Cis Sikiod se 0136
Ad Jwas a ranger, and peling dimeet
not: was naked, and veeclothed mice st}
ficke,and tn pꝛiſon annd pe wiliteD me not
44 Theu ihallthey alſo anſwere hinm, fap»
ing, Lord, when ſaw we thre an hungrenjo2
athiri attranger, o2 naked, o2 ficke, ozin
Milan and BID nog mintſter vnto thee?
45 Then
fOr liugerer-
Chap. 3. 122.Iuhe
8.18.and F9,26,
marke. 4,25. |
God fhall be ta-
en away from
him that doeth
not beftow them
to Gods gloris, ;
i The graces of
and his neigh=
bours profit.
Chap. 8. ra.
ad 23,13.
k For our falue>.
tidncommeth ef
the bleffing and
fanout of God, | _
l Hereby God
declareth the
certaintie of our —
whereby weearé |
fanedjbecaufe we —
were chofen in
Chrift be ſore the
foundations of | `
theworld, Eph.’
m Chrift mea-
neth not that our
faluatio depend=
eth on our works
or merits, but
teacheth what it
isto live iufily
acédrdidg to’ ~~
godlinés 8 tha-
rity, & that God
recompenfeth his
ofthis free mercy, |
likewife ashee
dorhele@ them,
Ecclas 7.3 5e
PYal.6 8, chap.7.
23. luhe 43027.
/ Oyntment powred on Chrift.
i 45 Then Hall he anfwerethem ,andtay,
Gerily J fap onto pou, tras muck ag pe DID
which Godre- 46 *Andthele» hall gotnto euerlaſting
quireth of vs, and paine,and the righteous tntolifeeternall.
not follow mens CHAP, XxVL
foolith fantafies. 3 Con[piracie of the Pricfts agaimft Chrif. 10
S. Matthew.
The Lords Supper.
22 And they were exceeding fozrowfull, P/A 41.9,
ano began euery one of them te fap vnto g ee that is aca
bim, Js tt J, Water? ~ caflomed to eare.
23 And he anlwered,and (aid, Hee that with me dayly ar
e Dippeth bis hand with mec in the Dii, hee the table, Plai,
{hall betrap me. Co
24 Surely the Donne of man goeth his h Totheincent
way, + ag tt is witten of him: but woe be to bis difciples
Hee excufeth Magdalene. 26 The inpiitutson of thatman,by whomthe Monne of man isbre might know that
the Lords Supper. 31 The difciples weaheue ſſe⸗
48 The treafon of Iudas, 6% The fword. 64 Be- Y
5+ 196 í l
n We mult ther- it net toone of the lealt of thele,pe did tt not
fore only do that
cauſe Chrijt calleth himſelfe the Sonne of Ged,he
traped: tt bad beene good foz that man, if he all this wasap-
ad neuer beene done. pointed by 7 pros
25 Then Judas which betrayed him, an- uidence of God,
is iudged worthy to dre, 69 Peter denicth andre- ered, and laya, Is tt J, Water? We fayd +-Cor.11.24.
Marke i4.t. + ARD * it came to pafe when Jelus har
hehe 22.4, A finthed al theſe ſayings, he laid vnto bis
Dilciples, í
2 De know that within twe dayes ts the
Paficoner, and the Sonne of max ſhall bee
* Delivered fo be crucified. :
Fobwxt, gJ. 3 * Chen allembles together the chiefe
1 zieſts, and the Scribes and the Ciderso
Piets and the Scrib Dthe Ci f
4 the peopte tute che balot the bie Piet rcal-
Be led Cataphas; Ai’ :
4 Ana confulted how they might take
Jeſus by ſubtiltie, and kilthim.
§ But they laid, Not on the feakk day, leſt
any vprore be among the people.
Mar.14 ziishe 6 @* And when Jefus wasin Bethanis,
11.202.3. in the boule of Simon the leper, :
$i 7 There came vnto him a woman, which
a Hefheweth aba bore of verte coftly opntment,t pow-
what occafion
Iudas tooke to
commit his trea-
red iton his head,as be fateat the cable.
8 And when bis dilctples faw it, thep
Had è indignation taping , Chat needed
fon. this watte?
b. his. was - 9 Foz this opntment might haue beene
through Iudas, - {old foz much, and beene ginen to the pooze.
motion to whom
Jo And Jeſus knowing it, fayd vnto
them; CCihp trouble pethe woman? fo2 Hee
hath wroughta good worke spon me.
II * Foz peehaue the pooze alwayes with
pou,but mee hall pe nots haue alwayes.
12 Foꝛ in that the powzed this oyntment
on my body, He dtd tt to4 burypme. -
13 eril Iſay vnto yon, Ahereſoener
this Gofpel Hall bee preached thozowout all
the world, there hallaliochis that he patij
Donebe ſpoken offo: a menioziall of her:
14 @*Chenone of the twelue called Jue
Das Iſcariot, went vnto the chiefe atetts,
15 And layd, that will pe gine me, and
J will deltuer him vate pon? and they aps
pointed vnto hun thirty c pieces of: flucr,
16 Ana fromthat time he ſought bppor⸗
tunitte to betray him. X
17 ¶ Now on the firk day of the feaft of
vnleauened bꝛead, the Difciples caine to Jle»
fus, faying unto bun; there Witt thou that
we penr fozthee to eate the Paſſeouer?
18 Gnd he laid, Goe tite the cittets ſuch
aman, and fapta bhim; The maſter yth,
£ Qy time isat hanpi wit keep the Paſſe⸗
ouer at Chine houle with my difciples.
Ig Aud the difttples did as Jefus: had
they gaue credit,
Deut, 1 5. 11.
c This fact was
neither was it left
as an example to
be followed: alfo
Chriftis not pre-
fent with vs bo-
dily or to be ho-
noured with any
outward pompe,
d Tohonour my
buriall withall.
Marke 14.10
lake rrote
e Euery onein
value was about
foure pence half-
eny of old fter-
Marke 14. 12.
luke 22 7.
f Hee maketh
haftcto amore
worthy facrifice,
towit,tothat giuen them charge, and made readie the
whieh the Paffe- Paſſeouer. $ i NECHASINI
ouer fignified, 20 *Do when the cuen was come,hefate
Mar.14, 18.luke Bowne with che twelue J
22.14406. 13 21. 21And as they atd eat hee ſaid, Cerily J
fay suta pou,that oneofyou ſhallbetray me,
a a LK lO eel
vnto him, Chou hat ſayd tt.
is very
i That is, a true
26 €*And as they did eate, Jeſus tooke ſigne and telti-
the bread: and when He badginenthankes, monie that my
be brake it, and gaucit to the diſciples, ang bodie ismade
fapt, Cake, cate: ‘thisis my body. yours, and by me
27 Ailo he tooke the cup,and when he had. your toules are
tuen thankes, bee gaue it them, ſaxing, nourithed,
ainke pe all o£ tt. k The wine fig-
28. Foz thists mp k blood of the new te- nifieth thatour
ament,that ts hed foz many,foz the reimt foules are refre-
lion of ſinnes. fhed and ſatisſied
29 J lap sntoyon, that! J wil not minke withthe blood of
henceforth of this frnit ofthe dine vntil that Chrift fpiritually
Dap, when F ſhall drinke it new with pou tn receiued , fo that
my Fathers kingdome. without him we
30 And tahen thep had fung a Pſalme, haueno nourith-
they went outinte themountef Ditues, — menr. |
31 €* Chen layd Jefus vnto them, Ail 1 You thalino” ,
pe fhalbe™ offended by me this night; fozit more enicy my
ts weitten, J| will* finite the Hepheard, ang bodily prefence
the theepe of the flocke Halbe ſcattered till we meet toge-
32 Butt after Jam rilenagaine, J will getherinheaucn.
goe before you into Galilee. Mayr 14. 27. iohn
33 But Peter anſwered, and fayd bnto 16 32. amd 18.8,
btm, "hough that all men ould be offen- m Shall curne’
Bed by thee, per will J neuer beotkended. — backeand bee
34 NJelſus laid vnto bin, Gerily, J fap diſcouraged.
onto thee, that this hight, before the cocke Zech 13 7.
crow, thou halt Dente me thetle. Marke 14.28
35 Peter (atid wato him, Though J Would ads. 7.
Bie withthee,pet wil J not denie thee.Like- a. This declareth
mitt allo fain all the diſciples. _ what danger it is
36 ¶Then went Jeius with therm into to trufttoo much
a place which is called Gethlemane, and toour owne =.
{aid vnto his difciples, Hit pe here, while J frengrh,
goe and pray ponder. - Ichn 13.38.
27 And hetooke Peter, tthetwofennes Marke v4.32,
of Sebedeus, and began te ware forrowfnil, Make 12.39.
Sand gricuouflytroubled, ; o He feared not
38 Then faid Jelus unto them, My fonle death of it felfe,
Heatiy, euen vnto the P Death: tary pe but trembled for
pereand watch with mes -= > feare of Gods an-
© 39 Hohe went alittle further, felon his ger toward finne,
face,t prayed laying, D my Father, it it be che burden wher-
poflible,let this cup * paffe from me:neucr> ofhee bare for
theleffe, not as J wibbutasthow wilt. | our fakes,
40 fter,he tame vnto the diſciples and p For he faw
found them afleepe, æ faid to Deter, that? Godsanger kin-
‘could pe nor watch with hie onehorre? dled towards vs.
4I Aatch, and pray. that pe enter not ini- q. Thatis,thean-
to tentation: the (pitt in Deed ts ready, but ger of God for
the flehis’ weake o > e mans finnes, © ><
“42 — 6 r — ane
and pa artig , D my Father 5 what his Fathet
430 g Pe ir bath nee RESCH 28 had determined
andtlereſore was ready to dobby t but he prayeth as the faithful! doe
ih their troubles | withoit relpec of the erernall ccunfell of God.
f Andtherefate wee niulbcontinunlly fightagainit the fleth.
a a
Falfe witneffes,
e Hefpeaketh cùp cannot pate awax froin mee, but that I
thisin acontraty mutt Drinke it thy willbe Done.
fenfe,maaning 43 And be came,and found them alleepe
they fhouldanon againe: foz their eyes Were heauy.
be welwakened, 44 Qo bee left them, and went away a-
u Chrift died aine, and prayed the third time, faping the
willingly and ame Words. Be BUN |
therefore prefen- Ag Then came hee to his difciples, and
tcdhimfeifeto ſayd vnto themi; t Sleepe henceforth take
his enemics, your vek: behold, the honte ts at band, and
Mar.14.43. the Sonne of man ts giuen into the panteg
luke 22 47. of finners. F.
iohn 18.3.” 46 © Rife, let vs goe, beholde, hee is at
llOr, Harle Rabbi Hand that betraveth me.
x Herebuketh . 47 * Ano while he pet ſpake, loe, Judas,
bis vnkindnefle one of the twelue came, ¢ with dim agreat
vnder thecloke — multitude with fwo2ds and ſtaues, from the
of ptetenſed bie Wiets and €loersofthe people. —
friendthip. 48 Mow he that betrated hun, had giuen
|Or,fheathes them a token, ſaving, CUbonifocner 3 wall
Gen.9 6a kiffe that is be, lap hold on him.
reuel. 13.10. 49 And korthwith he came to Jeſus, and
y Theexercifing fata, Godſaue thee, Maſter, and kiſſed him,
of the fword is sO Then Fetus fayd buto him,” Friend,
forbid topriuate Wherefore art thou come? Then came they,
perons, Alfo he and lain hands on Jeſus, and tooke htm.
would haue hin- 51 And bebolde,enc of them which were
dered by his vn- with Fels, {tretched out bis hand, aud drew
difereerzeale y his fworde,and ſtrooke a ſeruant of the hye
worke of God, Pꝛieſt and lmote oſt his eare.
z Euerylegion 52 Then layd Jelus vnto him, Put vy
contain¢dcom= thy ſwoꝛd into hfs place: *fo2 all that Y take
monly 6000. the fwod, all periſh with the ſword.
foatemen, and 53 Eyther thinkeſt thou, that J cannot
732. horſemen, now pzay te mp Father and he will give mie
whereby here he moze then twelue? legions of Angels?
meaneth anini- ¢4 Vow then ould the* Scriptures be
nitcenumber, tritilled, which fay, that it muſt be fo?
1fz.5}.10. s5. The fame houre laid Fetus to the mul-
Lamen.4, 20 titude, Deebe come outas it were againſt a
Verfezi. thiefe with fords and taties,to take me:3]
Marke 1453. tateDaylpteaching tn the Tempie among
luke 2254. you, and pe teoke me not.
joha 18.43, 24
Marke 14.55-
a He declareth
how I¢fus was
56 But al this was Done, that the*Scrip>
tuces of the Prophets might bee fulfilled.
Then all the diſtiples foxlooke him,¢ fied.
57 € * Aud they tooke Jeſus, and led him
wrongfully accu- to Gatapyas the hie Prieſt, where pScribes
fedgtotheend and the Elders were aſſembled.
53 And Weter followed him afarre of
bute the hie Picts hall, and went ing fate
with the ſerũants tofeethe end.
pe a owe * the chiefe Prieesand the
Ders anD all the whole Council > fought
bee pein agatnit Felis, to put hun to
60 But thep fonnd none, and though
many falle witneffes came, pet found they
b mone : butat thelat came two falfe wit-
61 And fayd, This man fapt,* J can de-
ftrop the temple ofGod, and butlo itin thzee
apes. i
iscufe burto ` 62 Then the chieke Wiet arole,and fain
fatfercondemna- tobim, AInſwereſt thou nothing ? Ghat ts
the matter thatrhele men witneile againſt
d Or,adiusethee thee? _ aer
bythinealleagi- 63 But Fes eheld his peace Then the
ancetowards . thicfe [Ozieit anfwered. and fayd to him, J
~ 8ehargethee by the ting God, that thou
tel waif thon be thechrutzthe onne ofGen,
} we may know
his innocency, &
not that he lufe-
rdfor himfelfe,
but for vs.
b Which could
milly witneffe
againft him.
Iohn3 19+
c Chrift did neg-
kâ their falfe re
ports, and more-
ouer he was not
thereto defend —
Chap, xxvii.
“the smdge,cy yet is condemned.e> crucified among
Peters deniall. 454
64 * Fetus Haid tohin, Thou hak aid chap.r6. 27.
it: nenerthelefie J fay vnto pou, hereafter rom.14.10.
fail yete the Donne of man Kiting at the 1thef 4. 14.
riche band ofthe power of God,and cometut e Chrift confef-
the clouds of the heguen. feth that he isthe
65 Chen the hie fhich rent his fclothes, Sonne of God.
faping.e shath blatyhemedD:what baue we fThis was oneof
any moze need of witnetics ? behold, now pe their owne tradi-
haue heard bis blafphemy. tions,if they had
66 Ahat thinke ye? They anfwered, beard any Ifae-
and (apd, He ts worthy to die. lites blafpheme,
67 * Chen (pat they in his face,and buf- g The enemies
fetted him; and other ſmote pim with their of God cala
tods, j í true confefficn
68 Dayina, i Prophelic to vs.O Chit, blafphemy.
CUiba ts he that ſmote thee 2 Jfa. 506-
69 ("Peter fate without in the hall: and h The officers
a maid came te him, laying, Chou alio walk fmice Chrift with
with Jefusof Galile. their rods or litle-
70 But he Denied before them all,faying, ftaues,
J wot not what thou ſayeſt. i They mocked
71 And when he went out into the porch, him after this
another mayd fate him, and ſayd ynte them fort,that hee
that were there, This man was alte with might not feeme
JelusofMazaret. - to beea Prophet,
72 And * againe he Denied with anothe, and fo would
faying-3 knew not the man. turne the peoples
72 Soafter awhile, came vnto bhim they minds from him..
that ſtood by, and faid vnto Peter, Surcly, Marke 14.66,
thon art alfo one of them; fozenen thp (peach luke 22.55.
bewzayeth thee. iohn 18. 25,
74 Then began he to curſe himfelle, and k An example of
to (wearer laying, I kuow not the man And ourinfirmiry,
immediatly the cock crew. * that we may
75 Then Peter remembꝛed the wos of karne to depend
Jes, which had ſaid onto him, Before the vponGod,and
cocke crow, thou Halt Deny me thle, So he nor put our truth:
went out,and wept bitterly. in our ſelues.
fireth histo perith vtterly, though for a time they fall,to the intent
thcy may feele their own weakness, & acknowledge his greatmersy,
< g -
= 2 [brif i deliuered unto Pilate. § Tudas han-
getbhumfelfe.r4 Chriſt à pronsunced innocent by
theeues. 46 He prayeth vponthe croffe. 51` The
vaile isrent.§2 The dead bodies arife. 57 Fofeph
buricth Chrift» 64 Watchmen keepe the graue.
wie * the moning was come, allthe Mart s.t luk za»
chiefe Pꝛieſtes, and the Elders ofthe 66.sohn 18.28.
people tooke counſell againſt Jelug, to put aForthey had no -
Dintedeath, - authority to con-
2 Gnd led him away bound, ·deliuered demnehim,or to
Him tnte Pontius Pilate thegouernonr, put any to death,
3 ¶ Then when Judas which betrayed b Ouerlare re-
him, fatu that he was condemned, > bee rea pentance Ering-
pented himfelfe, t bene tae the thirty eth defperaion.
pieces of fituer to pchtefe Diets Elders, c Although he
4 Saying, baut: finned betraying the abhorhis finnes,
innocent blood But they ſaid, Uhat ts that yer is he nor dif-
to ba? d fee thouto ft.
pieces in the Temple he Departed, and went, Gods mercies, &
*and hanged bimielfe. feeketh his owne
6 Ana the chieke Peieſts tooke the ſiluer defruction.
pieces, and fayd, Jit ts note lawfullfoz vs d ‘Thefe hypo-
= crites lay § whole-
fault vpon Tudas. Ags 1.18, e The hypocrites are full of coa⸗
ience in a matter of nothing, but to fhed innoccnt blood they make:
nothing atit. : ‘ ax
touched with repentonce by the motion of Gods fpirit, who never —
pleafed therwithy
§ And when he had cat downethe fluer burdefpairech in
— Barabbas quit.
or, Corbana.
il f For the Lewes
| great offenceto
| beburied ia che
SPH Orquitte.
= g Itwasa tradi-
ſoner Eaſter.
te put Chest into the ſtreaſute, becauſe itis
the paice of blood.
7 AnD they toske countell, ant bought
with thema potters field, foz the burpaliof
f firaugers.
S Aherekore that field is called, * Che
ficta of bioen Yatili this Day.
9 ( Chen was fulfilled rhat which was
{poker bp Jeremias the (oper, taping,
* And thep tooke thirty ſiluer pteces,the price
of bun that was valued, whome they of the
childpen of Iſrael batuen.
10 And thep gaue them foz the potters
Reld,as the Lord appnintcd me )
Il @*Anod jelus ſtood befaze the goncrs
nour, and the Gouernour aſtzed him, laying,
Art thouthe king of the Jewes? Jetus {apa
vnto bim, Chau lapek it:
12 And when de was acculedok the chiele
HPꝛieſts and Elders.he anfwered nothing.
13 Then ſaid uate onto bim, Heareſt
fas not jew many things they lap againſt
_14 Gut he anhwered him not to one tued,
infomuch that che Gouernour marueyleð
greatly. 2 o
Ig Now at the feat thegonernour was
bone tolſdeliuer unta the people sa priloner,
whom they would, i
16 Ant tbey hadthena notable mifner
calied Barabbas.
17 Ahen thepwerethen gathered toge»
Cher, Pilate fayd vnto them, AUhether will
yee that 3i let loofe puto pou Barabbas, o?
thought ita
fame place that
the firangers
were buried.
AGEs 8.198
Zach. U1.43s
“Mars 5. 2o
luke 23.3:
isha {3.33
tion of the Tewes
to deliuer a pri-
h This was to
the greater con- efus which is called Chatlt ?
—— 13 (soz he knew well, that fog enuy they
i hi dad deliuered him.
cc P doe. 19 Aio whem he was fee downe vpow the
a dtc BF or Wbgenentleat,bis wie lent ro pim laving,
cou aaf tet hipauc thonnothing to doe with that wilt
sont À pe zk man: fo: J] baue {uitered many things this.
to deren À UMS Yapin a meame by rean of him.)
inpocency. 20 * Bue the chiefe Prieſts and the El⸗
— $ Bers had perfwaded the people that thep
lake 23.18. fhoula alke Barabbas, aud would deſtroy
gohn 18.40. Jeſus. —
acts 3.0 4. 21 Chen the gouernour anfwerrd,¢ fain
bnto them, Ahether of the twapne will pee
that J let loole puto pou? And they fayde,
i Barabbas.
22 Pilate fayd onto them, Ahat HallZ
Doe then with Jelus which is called Chait?
‘Chey all faid to him, Let him be crucified.
23 Then layd the gouernour, But what
euil bath be Done? Chen they cried the maze,
faping, Let him be crucified. i
24. COiben Pilate faw that he auailed no-
thing, but that moze tumult was made, hee
tooke water ¢ waſhed hishands before the
multitude, faping, J] am tnnocent of b blood
of this iut k man; looke pou to it.
25 When anlwered all che people, fayd,
i The multitude
referrethe wic-
ecto the righ-
k Pilat beareth
witneffe that he
is innocent be-
fore he con-
1 Ifhisdeathbee
not lawfull, lec
the punifhment
fall on our heads
& Our childrens,
Andastheywi- Mis blond be on vs, and on oür childzen.
thed,fothiscarfe 26 Thug bee let Barabbas loole puto
takethplaceto them, and ſcourged Jelus,anddefucred bun
this day, to be cencified.
Marke 15.16. 27 €* Cien the ſouldiers of the gouer⸗
oha 19.2. nour tooke Jeſus into the common ball,and
m To deridehim gathered about him the whole band.
becaufehecalled 28 And chey tripped hur, and put bpon
himtlfea King. Him a ™ ſcarlet robe,
S. Matthewe `
Chrift cuuciſied.
29 Gud platted a crowne of thornes, and
put tt vpon his head, and a reed in bis right
hand, e bowed their knees betoze him, anv
— burt faring Gon faue ther, King of
se 4
30 Ano (pitted npon him, ð tooke arced, Marke 15.21.
and finote hint on the bead, luke 33.26.
31 Thus when they had mocked him, they Marke is. 22.
tooke therobe from bin, and put bisomne $2419.87. _
tapnienton bim, aud ica bim away tecruct: 9, It wasa kinde,
fie him. i ~ @fdrinke to o⸗ i
32 * Andaz thep came out, they fount a pen the veines,
man of Cyzene, named Simon: him thep and ſo to baſten
compelled to-beare bts croffe. his death, wbicka
33 * And wheit thep came vnto the place was Auen bim
tailed Golgotha, (that ts to fay, the place of Pon the croſſe.
dead mens (kulles.) Pfal.r248,
34 Chey gaue him vineger ta Minke marke 15 24.
mingles with gall: And wyen he har called o The mance
thereof, he wouid not minke. then wasto (et
35 @ And when thephadcructhea hin, YP a writing te
thep parted his garments and DiD catt lors, Sgvifie wherc-
that tt might be kullilled, which was ſpoken torea man was
by tbe Bropoets * Een DiIntdeD my gat- BEAN but
ments among them, an : ere God gouer-
DiD caſt HER — DPR my nekie ned Pilates hand
36 Aub they fate and watched him there, to write other-
37 E€ They ſet vp allo oner his brad hig wile chen he
caulewattter, oTHIS IS IESVS THE thoughr.
38 ¶ And there were two theeues crucifi P/2l228.
ed with bim, onsontheright hand,and ano» 71/4-2.18.
ther on che left. p This was a
39 Ana they that paſſed by, reniles him, Beat tentaron,
wagging their beads, to goc about to
40 And laying, * Chon that Defbropert tke from him
the Gemple,and builactl itin thece Dapes, his trult in God,
faue thy (cite: tf thou be the Sonne of Gav, and foto bring
cone Downe from the Cree, bim to deſpaite.
41Likewile alſo the bie iets mocking q Mecaning, by
bim with the @cribes,t Clders, and Pha- His Syncedoche
ries laid, the one of the
42 Weelanedothers,tuchee cannot ſaue thecues.
bimnfelfe: if he be the King of Plracl,lec hun t That was from
now come Downe fromthe croile,€ we wili Boone till three
belceue hun. of the clocke.
43 * We P truten in God let him deliuer £ Of lewry, and
him now, tf hee will Gaue him: fo2 pe fat, 3) the country there
aim che fone of Hod. about,
44 That fame allo the atheenes which P/2422.2.
were cructiied with him, cain htsteeth, t Notwithftan-
45 Rowfromtherürt boure was there ding that he fee-
Darkuclic ouer all the (land, vito the niuth leth bimfetfe as it
houre. were wounded
46 Ann about the ninth houre Jeſus cricd with Gods wrath
with aloud borce laying, * Cli, Cit, lamina and forfaken for
fabachthani? that is, *SBy God, my God, our finnes, yer he
why hat thou fozlaken me ? ceafeth not to
47 And fome of them that food there, put hisconf-
then thep heard it fayo, Thig man calleth dence in God
u lias. " ss and call vpon `
48 Gud fraightway oncof them rante, bim: whichis
and tooke*a {ponge,and Alled tt with vine⸗ written toteach
ger, and put it on ã | reeDe,and gaue him to vsin allaffiai- ·
* minke. onstotroft fill ©
9 Dther,{aia,Let be : let vsfee,{f Elias in God, be the
will come and ſaue him. affaultsnenerfo
so Then Jebus cried againe with a loud Pinon to the
u They mocked at Chrifts praier,as ifit had beng ia vaine. obn 19
29, Or, byfope flatke. Pfal.69.23,
Chrifts burial,
’ x Voluntarily
after he had o-
heyed kis father
inall things.
2.Chron.3 14.
y Which fignifi-
edan end of all
the ceremonies
of the Law,
Pr, Ieruſalem.
z This iudge-
ment of an hea-
then man was
fuflicient to con-
demne the groffe
malice ofthe
-= lewes.
* Marke 85.42.43
luke 23.50,5¢-
job 19 38.
a Who was fo
much the mcre
in danger by de-
claring bimfelfe
tobe leſus dif-
b Chrittsbory-
ing doth ſo much
re verifie his
deathaad refire ·
e Which was the
day before the
d Morewill fol-
low his do@trine,
then did afore he
was put to death,
e Thatis, men
appointed for
the keeping of
the Temple.
f The morethat
_ men goeabout
to ſubdue Chrifts
power, the more
they thew their
owne malicesand
procure to them-
felues the greater
foras much as
Gods glory the
more appeareth
payee, And yecldet wp the · ghoſt.
51 And bebelo, *ige y vaũe of the temple
twas rent in twaine, from the top to the bot-
tom, and the earth DID quake, and the ones
were clouen,
§2 And the graucs Didopes themfeiues,
aai bodies of the Sainta which Rept,
§3 And came ont of the graues after his
relurrection, and went into tie | holy Witte,
and appeared puto many.
§4 Chen the Centurion, and they that
were with hini watching Felus , fawe the
earthquake, and tie things that were done,
they feared greatly, faying, Truely z this
was the Sonncof God. ©
55. € Andinany women were there, bee
holding him afarre of, which had followed
Jelus from Galile, miniſtring vnto him.
56 Among whom was Gary Magda⸗
lene, and Wary the Mother of James and
Joles and the mother of Zebedeus ſonnes.
57 €* Aud when the euen was come,
therecamea rich manof Arimathea, mas
med Jofeph, who had allo himſelfe been Je⸗
firs Difcipie. i
58 ewent to Pilate, and alken the bo-
dy of Jeſus. Chen Pilate commanded the
body to be Deltuercd.
§9 Be Joſeph tooke the body, and wap-
ped it ina cleanelinnen cioth, “
6o And putitin his new b tombe, which
hee had bewen out ina rocke, and rolicd a
- great ftone to the Dooge of the fepulchze, and
6I And there was Warp Magdalene,
and the other Mary fitting cuer agint the
62 € Mowe the nert Day that followed
the ¢«JDzeparation of the Sabbath, the high
Pꝛieſts and Phatiſes aſſembled to Pilate,
63 And fatd,Dir,we remember that that
Decetuce ſayd, while he was pet aline, Aith⸗
in thee Dayes J will rif.
64 Commaund therefor that the ſepul⸗
chrebe made fure vntill the third Dap, let
bis Diltiples come by night, and feale btm
away, and fay vnto the people, Wee is riſen
from the dead: fo Hall the laſt ¢ errourbee
wore thyen therm.
65 Then Pilate faid ynta them. Me haue
€a watch: go, and make it fire as pe know.
66 And thepwent, and made the ſepul⸗
chae! ture mith the watch, and(caled the
6 The refisrre ion of Chreft. 10 The brethren.
of Chrift 12 The hie Priefts bribe the fouldiers.
37 Chrift appeareth to his diſtuples, and fendeth
them fith to preach and to baptize, 20. Promia
fing to thera continuall afifianse,
Chap. xxviii}.
we fin theeude ot the a Sabbath,
when the Frit day ofthe werke began
to Dawne, (ary Magdalene. and the other
Mary came to fee the lepuichee.
2 And behold, Merewasa great earth⸗
quake: faz the> Angelot the Lod deſcended
trom beanen,and came and rolled backe the
Rone from the doore, and fate vpon tt,
3 And his countenance was like lighte-
ning, and bis ratment white as now,
4 And foz feare of him the kecpers were
aitonied, and became ás Dead men.
s Butthe Angelantwered, and ſayd to
the women, Feare pe not: for J] know that
ye feeke Jelus which was crucified:
6 Hee is not here, for hee is riſen, as hee
fayd: Come, fee the place where the Lorde
was layd. : à
7 And goe quickly, and tell his diſciples
that bets riien trom the Dead: anu behold,
hee goeth before pou into Galilee: there pee
Mall fee htm, veile at it,as a
b20ad throughout ail che region bordering new and ftrange
on Galile. thing and doe
29 €*Qnd affoone as thep were come not confider the
out of the Synagogue, they entred into the power of Chrift,
houſe of Simon and Ander, with James “hodsthe au-
and John. thour-of theone
30 And Simons wiues mother lay ficke and of theother,
ofafeter,and anon they tolo bim ether. Matth. 8.14.
31 And he came € toake her bythe hand, ke 433.
and lift ber vp, and the keuer korſooke her by oe
and by, and ſhe miniſtred unto them.
32 And when cuen was come, andthe
Hine was Downe, they brought to himall
that were diſealed, and them that were pol
felled with deuils,
33 And the whole citie wag gathered to-
getyer at the Dooze.
34 And hee healed many that were ficke
of diuers diſeaſes: and he ca out many Bes
uils,ande luffered not the Devils to fay that
thep kuet piu. {
35 Anum the morning very early, Ibe-
foze Day, Tefus arofe and weit out into a foli» teſtiſe ofbim,
tarie place,and there prayed. AĜs 16.18,
36 And Giman and they that were with 0r being yet
Hin, followed atterbim. 7 night,
37 Ano
luke 4.32.
1 Whofe do»
&rine was dead,
and nothing fa-
uoured ofthe
o Chrift would
not haue fuch
witnefles to
preach him and
his Gofpel, So
Paul was offen.
ded thatthe Pye
thoneffe fhould
Tefus caine to preach.
Matth 8.2.
boke 5,12.
p Forbidding
bim to tel] any
man, becauie as
yet his time was
not come to be
q Itbelonged
to the Prieft to
know ifa man
werchealed of
the leprofie.
Leuit 14.4.
r Totakeall ma-
ner ofexcule
from them,and
to condemne
them of ingra-
Luke 5 15.
{The preale was
fo great,that he
fhould haue bene
luke 5.18.
a Where he was
wont to remaine.
b Bythefe words
Chrift fhewed
that he was fent
of his Father with
authority to take
away our finnes,
Tobt4 4.
iſa.43 25.
af Chrift Geaketh
according to
their capacitie,
who were fo
blind that they
would beleeue
nothing but that
which they faw
with their eyes,
and therefore
fheweth his au-
thoritie ouer the
37 And then they had found gun, thep
faid vnto him, All men feeke foz thee,
38 Then he laid vnto them, Letts goe
into the nerttownes, that JI map preach
there allo: foz J came out foz that purpoſe.
39 And hee preached tn their Spna⸗
gogues, thrꝛoughout all Galilee, and caſt the
deuils out,
40 C * And there came a leper tobim,
belecching him, and kneeled Downe vnto
bim , and (aid to him, HE chon wiir, chou
tant make me cleane.
4I And Jefus had compaffion, and put
foorth bis hand, and touched btm, and fara
to hint, J will: be thoucleane. ;
42 Gnd afloone as hee bad ſpoken, imme⸗
Biately the lepzofie Departed from pim, and
he was made cieane. j i
43 And after hee had giuen him a ſtrait
si —— be fent him away koorth⸗
44 And fayd vnto hun, Hee thou fap no-
thing to anp iman, but get thee bence, and
Hew thy lelte to athe * Pꝛieſt, and offer foz
thy cleanting thof things, which Boles
commanded te: a+ tefitinontall onto them.
45 But when hee was Beparted,* hee be-
gan to tell many things, and te publiſh the
matter : lo that Felis ‘could no moze open»
Ipenter into the citie, but was without in
Zeſert places: and they came to him from
cuery quarter,
3 He healeththe man ofthe palfiy. 5 He för-
gineth finnes, 14 Hecalleth Leuithe cuftomer,
16 Heeateth with finners. 18 Hee excuf:th his
diftiples, as tsuching fafling , and keeping the
Sabbath day. ;
Fter* afew Dapes, he entred into Taper-
Å kaum againe, and it was noyled that he
was in the + honte. j
2 Andanon many gathered together, in
fo much that the places about the Boome
could not receiue any moꝛe: and be preached
the word vuto them, 3
3 And there came vnto him, that bzought
one licke of the palfie,bozne of foure men.
4 Andbecaule they could not conte necre
vnto hin of the multitude, they vncouered
the roofe of the boule where be was: and
tohen they had broken tt open, they tee
—— the bed wherein the licke of the pal:
£ a +
5 "ow when Jefus faw their faith, hee
fam to the ficke of the palfie, Sonne, tip
» finnes ave korgiuen thee. 5
6 And there were certain of the Scribes
fitting there, and reaſoning in therr hearts,
7 TAhy Doeth this man peake ſuch blaſ⸗
— wyo can fozgtue lunes, but God
8 And immediatly when Jeſus percei»
ued in his pirit that thus they thought with
themſelues, hee (apd vnto them, cCAhy realon
pe thele things in pour hearts?
o cTihether is it eauer to fay to the ficke
of the palſie, Thy fimes are forgtuen thee?
ortofap, Zrile, and take vp thybed, and
foute bythepow- {walke ?
€r which he hath
ouer tbe body,
Io And that yee map knowe, that the
Sonne of man path authoritie in garth to
_ Chap. ij.
Who neede the Phifitian. 456
fo:giue finnes, (hee lain vnto the ficke of the
IL J lay onto thee, Arife and take wp thy
bed, t get thee hence into thine owxe bonte.
12 And byand by he arole , and tooke vp
bts bed, and went forth befoze them all, intas
much that they wereall amazed asd glo. .
ed Sod, laying, dle nener faw fuch aching. 4 Their owne
13 @ hen hee went againe toward the conſciences caufe
fea,and allthe people refozted unto gumana teem to confeffe
be taughe them. the trueth,
14 *Qndas Jelus paſſed by, he ſaw Lent atth.9 9.
the fonne of Alphens lit at the receit of cue ‘ke 5-27.
tome, and fard vnto him, Foliow mec. Aud
he role and followed him.
15 C And ıt cameto paffe, as Jefus fate
at table in bis boule, many Publicanes and
finners fate at cable allo with Jeſus, and his
Bip ees foz there were many that followed
16 And when the Scribes and Phariſes
faw him eate with the JOubltcanesand fins
ners,thep layd unto hts diſciples, Yow is it,
that lee eateth and drinketh with Publi-
canes and finners? i
17 29W when Jeſus heard it, pee ſayd 1.Tim. ug.
vnto them, The whole haue nonecde ofthe ¢ He ſpeaketh of
Whptictan, but the licke,* J came not to call fuch as perfwade
the *righteaus, but p inners to repentance. themfeluesto
18 * And the dilciples of John and the be iuſt, although
Phariles vid fatt, came and {ald bunto bim,
Cdiby Doe the orlctples of Jobn andof the
Phariles fatt and thy diltiples fat not?
19 And Jelus ſayd ynte therm, Can the
fchtidzen of the marriage chamber fatt,
wities the bꝛidegrome ts with them? as
long as thep bane the baidegrome with
theim, they cannot falt.
20 But the dapes will come, when the
bridegrome {hall be taken from them, and
then thall they fait tn thole Daves.
21 Alfonoman ioweth a piece s of newe
cloth in anolde garment : foz elle the newe
piece taketh away the filling vp fromthe old,
and the breach ts wozie.
22 Likewiſe, noman putteth new wine
into olde velela : for els the new wine bꝛea⸗
keth the veſſels, and the wine runneth out,
and the vefftls are lott; but nets wine muſt
be put inte new veffels.
23 ¶ * And tt came to paſſe ashe went
thorow the cone on the Sabbath Day, that
bis diſciples, as they Went en theit way, be⸗
gan te plucke the eares of ce2ne.
24 And the Phariles fatd vnto him, Be-
hold, why Boe they onthe Sabbath Day that
whichis not lam full?
25 And bee faid ro them, Dane pee never
read what” Danin did wyen he bad neesi,
and was an hungred, both he, and they that
were with him?
_ 26 How hee went into the houſe of God,
inthe Dapeg of bAbtathar the hie Peieſt, and
Did eat the hewbrean, which were not law:
fuil ta eat but fer the* Pꝛieſts, and ganz al
fo to themthat were with him? `
27 And hee taid tothem, The Sabbath
was imade fo2 man, and not man forthe
Sabbath. i
that he will {pare
his, and not bur-
denthem before
ic be neceffarie,
g Theword pro~
perly fignifeth `
new cloth, which
as yet hath not
pafled the hands
of the fuller.
Matth, 12.1.
luke 6.1%.
1.52.21 ,6.
h He wasalfo
called Achimce
lech,as his father
was,fo that beth
the fatherand
the fonne were
called by both
t Chron.24 6.
2 [am.3. 17 and
15 29, king,
Lewitt 8. 31.
ands 49+
i SecingcheSab= -
bath wag made
for mays vie, it
was not meet it
fhould be vied ro
his kinderance
andincommo> -
dite. -
Conſpiracie againft Chrift.
luke 6.6.
a They held their
tongues of ma-
lice: for they
would neither
confeffe nor de-
b Chrift is in
fuch fort angrie
with man,that
he pitieth him
and feekethto
winne him,
e Although they
hated one ano-
ther deadly, yet
this hindreth
them not to
joyne their ma-
liceto reſiſt
HOr fconrges
meaning difeafes
Chap.6 7.matt.
Bc. duke 9.5.
bOr, Lebbeus or
d Thedifciples
were now con.
uerſant with
Chriff, both at
CHAP. Itt.
t Hehealeththe man with the dried hand. 14
He chuſeth hu apoftles. 21 Chrift w thought of the
worldlings to be befides hmfelfe. z2 He caſteth out
the uncleane ſpirit, which the Pharsfes aſcribe un-
to the dewil.29 Blaſphemie againft the holy Ghoft.
35 The brother, fifier, and mother of Chrift.
4 PAD* he eñtred againe into the Dyna-
A ogue, and there Was a man which pad
a withered hand. i
2 Aad they watched him whether hee
Would heale Hun on the Sabbath day, that
they might accale bim. á
3 Shen he fatd vnto the man which had
eA CR OREO. Arife; land foorth in the
4 And hee laid to them, Is it lawfull to
doe A good deede onthe Sabbath Day, o? to
Boe euilleto ſaue the ltfe,o? to kili? But they
a Held their peace.
§ Then He losked round abont on them
dangerly, mourning alio fo: the hardneſſe
oftheir hearts, and fai to the man, Dtretch
foosth chine hand: And hee ſtretched it out:
aD his hand was reſtored as whole as tie
6 @ And the Pharis departed, and
ſtraightway gathered a Council with the
eerodians agami him, thatthcy might
Deltroyp hint. : cr
7 But Jelus auoyded with his sifciples
tothe fea: and a great multitude foliowed
him fram Galile,and from Judea,
8 And from Jeruſalem, and from Idu⸗
Mea, and beyond Joan, € thep thar dwel⸗
led about Cyrus and Sidon, when they had
Heard what great things he Did, came unta
him in great number.
9 Andhe commanded his dilciples that
a athippe bouto waite foz him, becaule of the
multitude, lett they would throng him,
10 fo: hee had healed many; wlomuch
that they pelko npon bim, te touch bim, az
many as had || plagues.
H nd when the vucleane fpirits ſawe
bim, they fell Downe befoze him, and cried,
faving, Thou art the ſonne of Gov.
12 And he ſharpely rebuked them, to the
end they thould not vtter his. f
13 @* Chen he went vp inte a mountatt,
and called vnto him whome hee would,and
they came vnts him.
14 And hee appointed twelue that they
Mould be with him, and that bee might end
them to preach,
n And that they miaht bane power to
heale ficknefies,and to catt out deuils.
16 And the firt was Simon, and hee ta-
ned Sinon, Deter,
17 Then anes the fonne of Febederis,
and Jobn, James brother, (and named
Ma i >» which ts, the ſonnes of
18 And Andzew, and Philip, ana Bar»
tleniem, and SDatthew, and Thomas, and
James the fonne of Alpheus, and || Thade»
uz, and Dimon thel Cananite,
Ig And Judas Iſcariot who allo betrap»
ed Him, and they came 4 home.
20 Andthe multitude aſſembled agatine,
homeandabroad ſo that thep could not fo much as cate bpeau.
S. Marke.
21 And when | bis kinliolks heard of it,
they went out to lay bold ou him: foz thep
thought be had beene betine himleife.
22 @* Ano the Scribes which came from
Hieruſalem, (ard, ee bath Beelzebub, and
through the prince of Deuiis hee caſteth out
23 But hecatled them vnto him, and fain
pnts theni tt parables, ow can Datan
Detucout Hatan?
_ 24 Foꝛ tha kingdome be diuided againk
it (cife,that kingdome cannot tand,
25 D2 ifa honte be Dinided againtt it {ei f,
that boule cannot continue.
26 So if Satan make infurrection as
mart himſelke, aud bee diuided, hee cannot
27 No man can enter into a rong mans
boult, and take away bis goods, except hee
Gra binde that trong man, and then ſpoyle
his houſe. ]
28 q * Uerily J fap unto pon, all finnes
' Halbe forgiuen vnto the chilen ofmen, ¢
blaiphemies, wherewith they blafpheme :
29 But bethat ' blafphemeth againſt the
Holy Shot hail neuer haue forgiucnefle,but
ts culpable ofeternall Damnation,
: ‘Akbar es 3 {atd, We had an vncleane
31 C* Then came his h bꝛethren and mo»
therand ſtood without, and fent vnto bin,
and called him. f
32 Gud the people fate about hun, and
they {aid vnto him, Behold, thy mother and
thy brethren leeke foz thee without.
33 But heeantwered them, ſaying, Cibo
ts mp mother and my brethren?
34 And hee looked round about on them,
flOr,they thar
were aboxt lam.
e His kinstolkes
would haue fhut
him within dores
left any harme
fhuld haue come
vnto them, if any
tumult had beene
made: for fome
would haue made
him 2 king,and
the Pharifes with
other fought his
life : fothat here-
by they might
haue procured
the hatred of Hee
rode, and of the
Pharifes and of
the Romanes.
aad 12.24.
luke ¥ 4,55.
Matth,12 34.
luke 12.10.
1 ohasa.
f Which is,whea
a man fighteth
againſt his owne
ftriueth again{t
the trueth which
is reuealed vnto
him: for ſuch
one isin a repros
bate fenfeand
cannot come to
which fate in conipatte about him, and faid, repentance,
Behold my mother and my byethzen.
35 Foz wholoener Doeth the will of Goo,
he ts my brother and my ſiſter, and mother.
2 Bythe parables of the feede,and the muftard
corne, (hrift fheweth the fate ofthe kingdome of
God. 11 A fpeciall gift of Gad te know the myſte-
ries Of bes kingdeme. 37 He firileth the tempeft of
the fea,which obeyed ham. `
—— *hee beganne againe to teach by the
ded fea (ide, and there gathered vnto bun a
great multitude ſo that he entred into a thip
and fate in the fea, and all the people was by
the fea ide on the lann.
2 Andbee taught chem many things in
parables, and fatt vnto thent\ ina bis doc
P Wearken? Beholde, there went out a
fower to ſow. g
AnD tt came to patie as he ſowed, that
{bythe way tide, and che foules of
en came and deuoured tt yp.
Matth.» 2,45.
leke 8.19,
[Or couſins.
Matth.t3 te
luke 8.9.
lOr. as he taught,
a Itiscalled
Chrifts doctrine.
either for that he
was accultomed .
to fpeake vnto
them by fimili- *
_ § And fome fell on kony ground, where tudes: or elfebes
it had not much earth, and by and by ſprang caufe ithad that
pp, becaule tt had not Depth of carth.
6° But afoane as the funne was vp, it
caught beate, and becaute it had no reote, it
withered away.
7 Ana fome fell among the thornes, an’
the thames grew vp and choked it, ſo that it
gaue no fruite — 2
8 Some againe felin good ground, nb
vertue and maie-
ftie,that men
could not denie
but it came from.
heauen, -
—" =
The candle lighted.
b For God doth yeelde fenit that aung bp, and ares, and
not openall it brought fozeh (ome thirete fold, (ome firtte
mensheartsto fold, and fone an hundzeth fold.
wndertiand his 9 Then he fad vnto them, Hethat hath
myfteries. b cares to heare let him heare.
c Which are led
by the Spirit of
d And arenot of
the number of
the faithfull nci-
ther attaine to
the pith and fub-
flance,but onely
19 And when yee wasalone, they that
were about him with the twelne, atkey bin
ofthe parable, >
II And he laid vnto them, Toc youtt is
giuen to know the mypitery of che kingoome
of God:but vnte them that are“withour, all
things be Done in parables,
I2 _* That chey lectng, may fee, and not
diſterne: and they hearing may båre, and
fiayintheout- rot vnderſtand, lett at any rime they ſhould
watdrindeand turne, and their finneg thould bee forgiuen
barke. them. ~ AVe
1f2.6.9. 13 Againe hee ſaid vnto them, Perceine
matt. 13.14. penotthtsparable? how then ſhould ve bn-
luke 8.10. Derftand allother parables?
iohs 12.40. 14 The ſower ſoweth the word.
acts 23.26, 15 And thele ave they that receiue the feed
romar. 8. by the wayes fide, in whome the word is
1. Tim.c. 17. ſowen: but when they haue heardit, Das
Matt.5. 15- tan commeth immediatly, and taketh a-
luke 8.16. way the word that was fowen in their
and 01.33. beacts.
e Chrilt fetteth
beforetheir eyes
-16 Andiikewile they that receine the ſeed
in ſtony ground, arethey, which when thep
thetruepaterne Hane heard the word, ſtraightwayes receiue
ofa Chriltian life it with gladneſſe. à
lOr brought, 17 Det hae they no roote in themelues
Mat.10.26. andendure but a tine: for when troubleand
luke 8.17, perlecution arilech foz the woz, immediatty
and 13.3. they be offended. "i
f We maynot ~ 18 Alfo they that reccine the fede among
takeoccafionto the theanes,are fuch as heare the wed:
doeuilvnderco- I9 But thecaresof this wolo, andthe
lour tohide our * Decettfulucte of riches , and the luſtes of
doings: forall other things enter in, and choke the word,
thallbedifclofed and ttis pnfruitfult.
at the length. 20 But they that haue recetued (rede tn
Mait.7.2. good ground, are they that beare the word,
luke-6.38. aud receive tt, and bring foorth frutte, one
g Ifyoudoyour corne thirtie,anotber ſixty, and fome an hun-
endevour faith- Deeth. É
fully,yethalbere 21 @ Alo bee laid vnto them , * Is e the
comper.fediugly, candle || lighten to be put vnder a buteli, oz
Matt.13.12, vnder the table, and not tobe put on a catis
and25.29, dleſticke: — x
luke 8.18. 22 *F Foz there is nothing bid. that Hatt
and 19.26. nat be opened: nether ts there alecrete, biit
h Thatwhich thatit hall come to light.
hethinkethhim 23 Jf any man hauc cares to beare , let
felfe to haue, pim heare. ]
i Thefetwofi- 24 And hee laid vnto them, Cakeheede
militudesfollow- what pee beare. * With e what meathre
ing,proue,that yee mete, tt hall bee mealured vnto pour
althoughthe anduntopoutbat heare, Wall moze bergi-
kingdomeof uen. 5 *
God feemethto ~ 25 * Forbutobhim that hath, ſhallichee
haue very linle giuen, and from him thar bath not, ſhall bee
appearance or fakenaway, *euenthathebath. ·
beginning, yet 26 € Alle hee laid, Sois the kingdome
Goddothin. — of God, ag if a man Mould caf *{eene in the
creafeitaboue ground, á
mansreafon, 27 And bonlo ficepe, and rife vp night
k Ifthe mini- and Day, and the feede Mould (pring ano
flersdoetheir grow bp, he nor knowing How.
dustie,Godwill 28 Sroz the earth bringeth foogth ftuit of
giue the increale. her telte, frit the blade, then the cares, after
Chap. v. The wind and fea obey Chrift, 457
that full corne in the eares. À
29 Andafloone as the fruite ſheweth it
felfe, anon hee putteth inthe tickle, becanle
the baruett istome,
39 gripe ſaid mopeoner,CAhereunito hal Matth.r3. 35
Wee liken the kingdome of God? oz with luke 13 ig.
what conipartfon fall we compare it? —
31 ke is like a graine of muttard ſeede,
which when ttislowentn thecarth, ts the
leait of all (eedes that be tn the carth :
32 But after that tt ts (owen, tt groweth
bp, and fs greatett ofall herbes and beareth
great branches, ſo that the Toules ofheauen
map build vnder the hadow of tt.
33 And *with many (uch parables hee ate,
preached the word wntothem, as they were
able to heare it.
34 And without parables ſpake bee no⸗
thing onto them, but he erpaunded al things
to bts Diftiples apart.
35 €* Mow the lame dap when euen was Matth 8.23.
come, Dee laid vnto them, Lets paſſe ouer 8.22,
vnto the other five.
36 And they left the multitude anditooke 1 And fet for-
bim as bee wasin the ip: and there were ward,
alfo with him other hips. ;
37 And there arole a great forme of
wind, ann the wanes daſhed into the hip, fo
that it was now full.
38 And he was in the terne m aflcepe en
a pillow : and thep awoke bin, and fat to
— Malter, caret thou not that wee pe⸗
. 1%
39 And bee arofe bp, and rebuked the
wind, and faia vnte the fea, Peace, and bee
Gill Ho the wind cealed, and it wasa great
40 Then he laid vnto them, Ahyare pe
i bow ts tt that pze haue no jor,
Al And thep feared erceedinglp, and fain
one to another, bots thts, that beth the
winde and the fea obey Him?
8 Jef cafteth the deuils out of the man and
Suffererh them to enter inte the ſwine. 25 Hee
healeth a woman from the bloody iffse, 41 And
raifeth the captaines daughter. ;
Az: thepcame ouer tothesther ſide of szanh 8.23,
2 ror fca into the countrepof the SaDa. Juke 8.26,
tenes. s
2 And when hee was come out of the
Khippe , there met Him tncontinentlp ont of
ie ar aman, which had an vncleane
3 Aho had his abiding among the
granes, and no man could binde bim, no not-
with chatnes,
4 Becaule that when he was often bound
with fetters and chaines, hee plucked the
chaines afunder, and brake the fettersin
pieces, neit her could any man tame him. Sa
5_ Andalwayes both night and day hee a The deuil is
tryed in the mountaines, and in tye graues, conftrained to
and troke binlelfe with tones. confeſſe Iefus
6 4nd when be faw Jelus afarre eff, hee Chrift,anc yer
ranne, and woꝛſhipped him, ceafeth not to
7 Andcryed with aloud boyce, and (ayd,. refilt him.
ahat hae J to Doe with thee, Tels, the |\Or.adiurethee
' Sonne of themotk high God? Fi charae to fweare by Gods
Mmm thee
m Chrif feaueth
vs oftentimes tø
our felues,both
as well that we
may learneto
know ourowne.
weakenefle,as his
mightie power,
haue you ne
yet faith?
Chri defiredto depart.
b Heabufith the
Name of God, to.
maintaine his ty-
c A Legion con-
teined aboue
6000, in number
read Mat, 26.53.
(Or ranne with
violence head-
fOr in the lake.
d Marke how
loue of riches
and worldly re-
ſpects hisder men
to receine’Chrilt,
e The woildlings
more efteeme
their fwine,then
they doe Tefus
Ff We muk de-
clare vato others
the berefites
which God
fheweth toward
¥s,that thereby
they may giue
him praifeéand
lOr, iñ the coun-
trey of the tenze
duke 8,41.
g Ber faith
brought her to
Chrilt, and moo-
ned her to ap-
toch neere vnto
himan nota
ſuperſtitious opi~
nion, to attribute
any vertu to his
theeby > oa, that thou torment me nat,
8 (or bee laid vnto hun, Come out of
the man, thon vncleane ſpirit)
9 Aud bealked hin, lhat is thy nante?
and be anfwered,faping, My name is· Legi⸗
on: fo: we gre many.
10 And hee prayed hin inilantly, that he
would not (end them away out of the coui-
trep. i
IL Row there was there in the mon
taines a great beard of fine, feeding.
12 Anv allthe deuils beſought him, fap-
ing, Send vs into the ſwine, that wee may
enter inte them.
13 And incontinently Jeſus gaue them
leaue. When the vncleane ſpirits went out,
and entred into the fwine, and the herdijcan
headlong from the high banke into the fea,
Cand there were about two thouſand (wine)
and they tere Downed in the | fea.
_ 14 And thelwineheards dledde, and told
it in the citie, and in the countrep, and they
pel out to fee what it was that was
15 And they came to Jeſus, and (aw bim
that haa beene poſſeſſed with the deuill, and
had the legion, lit both clothed, and in dis
right minde: and they were afraid.
16 And tey that law it,tolde them what
was doncta hin that was poſſeſſed with the
Deuil and concerning the lwine.
I7 Chen itheybegante pray hun, that
he would « depart from their coaſts. ;
18 And when hee was come into the hip,
hee that had beene poſſeſſed with the denill,
prayed bim thathe might be with bim.
Ig Howbeit Felus would not {afer him,
Hut fata onto him, Goe thp way homie to thy
kriends, and f thew then what great things
the Lod hath Dene vnto thee, and how hee
bath bad compalſſion on thee.
-20 So hee departed, and began topub-
lif in! Decapolis, what great things Jes
fus Had Done vnto him: and all men Did
21 @ And when Jefus was come onera:
gaine by Hippe vato the other Hoc, agreat
multitude gathered to Dim, and bee was
neere bntoihe lea,
22 * And behold, there came onc of the
rulers of the Spragogue, whole name was
Jairus: and when He Caw Fim, he fell downe
at bts feete,
23 And befonght hint inftantly, faping,
By little daughter lyeth at paint of deaths.
F pray thee thar thon wonldett cone and lap
thine hands on ber, that thee may bee healed
and liue. ——
24 Cher he went with Din, and a great
mning followed him, and thronged
him. t
25 (And there was a certaine woman,
which was vealed with an illue ofbloon
tiweine peeres, 3
26 And had ſuffered many things of ma-
ny phylictans,and had (pent al chat he had,
and it availed ber nothing, but thee became
much work. ` ;
27 ben hee had heard of gelus , thee
came inthe peale behind, ands touched pts
S. Marke.
28 Foz hee fat, FEZ may but touch his
clothes, 3 ali be whule,
29 And ttraightway || the courte of her
blood was Dried vp, and Wee | felt in herbo-
Dy, that he was healed ofthat || plague. _
30 And immediatly when Jeſus div
know imn himlelke the bertue that west out
of bint, hee turned him round about in the
paR > anD fayde , CGho hath touched my
31 And bis diſciples fain vnto him, Thou
ſeelt the multitude throng thee, and (ayelt
thou,cCibo did touch me?
32 Aud he looked round about, to lec her
that had Done that.
Tairus daughter reftored to life.
[Or Auntaine.
Or, knew.
llOr [t ourge.
33 And the waman Feared and trembled: l
foz ibe knew what was done in her, and hee
caine and fellDowne before pim, and tolde
bun the whole trueth. :
34 And he (aid to her, Daughter, thy faith
hath made the whole: goe tn peace, and bee
whole of chp || plague.)
35. here hee petipake, there came from
thr fame ruler of the Synagogues houſe
certaine which fat, Thy Daughter ts Dead:
— thou the Watter anp fire
36 Aſſoone as Jems Heard that_ word
ſpoken, bee iaid vnto the culer of the Oyna⸗
gogue, Be not atraid: onelpbeleene.
37 And he fuffered no man to follow hint,
faue Peter and Jamies, and John the bro⸗
ther of James.
33 Ho he came vnto the boufe ofthe ruler
of the Synagogue, and law the tumult,and
them that wept and wailed Beatle
39 And be went in, and fata bute them,
Ahy make pee this trouble, and weepe? the
child ts neth Dead, but —
40 And they i laughes bim ta ſcorne:but
he put them alout,and tooke the father, and
the mother ofthe child, ¢* them that were
with him, and entred in where tye child lay,
4I And tooke the childe by the band,ana
faid vnto ber, Talitha cumt,whtch ts by in-
terpectation, Barden, J lap bnto chee, Arife.
42 Aud tivataheway the mayden arole
anu walked: foz {he was of the age of twelue
meee + and they were altonted out okmea⸗
43 And he charged them ſtraitly that ne
man Would know ofit, and commanded ta
gine Der meate,
4 How lA prist and his are receined in their’
owne countrey. 7 The Apostles commiſſion. 3$.
Sundry opinions of Chrif? 25 Iohn is put to death
and buried. 31 Coriſt gineth reft to his difciplese
. 38 The fiue loanes and two fifhes. 48 Chriſt wal-
keth on the water. 55 He healeth many.
HOr, ſcourge.
h He meant, thee
was not deadto
remaine fo, be=
caule the fhould
incontinently be
reftored againe
to life,
i For they had
no hope to fee .
k Thatis, his
three difciples,
Fterward * hee Departed thence, And Matth.13.54.
£ came into bis owne countrey, and his luke 4.16,
diſciples followed hin.
2 Bnd when the Habbath was come, he
beganne to teach. iu. the @pnagoquc, And.. a Chilis neg-
many that heard him were atonic, and JeGed of his
fayde , 2 from wiene Fath hee thele owne friends
thugs? and what wiledome is this that and kinsfolkes..
is 4
The Apoftles commiffion.
f|Or, miracles.
lOr, ccuſin.
b That which
ought to moue
them to come to
themto goe
backe from him,
of theirowne
Matth 13.57.
luke 4 24.
tohn 4.44.
c Thatis, bee
would not,
d Lackeof faith
maketh vs vna-
ble to receiue
Gods benefits,
Matth, 4.23.
— Lake 13.42
lake 9.1.
e Chrift onely
to carie any
thing,which _
might be burde-
nous, or hinder
their meſſage.
Or. purfes.
Afs 4.2 8.
f Which were
akind of light
thoes tied to the
feete with [trings.
g Hee forbid-
deth curioſitie in
changing their
lodgings,in this
their fpeedy mef-
luheg 5.
h Intoken of
execration,& of
the horrible ven-
geance of God
which thall light
vpon them.
AGs 43.5t.and
i 8.6.
‘ames 5,14.
rece te was
a figne of this
miraculous wor-
king, and nota
mcdicine to
heale difeafes:
fo that the gift
of miracles cea-
- fing theceremo-
nies is to no vſe.
£" thake o
is giuen vnto hin, that euen fuch H great
Wozkes are Done by his hands !
3 Js not this the Carpenter , Daries
fenne, the || brother of Jaimes and Foles,and
of Juda and Simon? and are not his Afters
e with vs? And they were offended in
4 Then Jelus ſayd vnto them, 4 * Prox
phet is net without honour, but tnbts owne
countrey, aud among pis owne kinted, and
in bis owne boufe,
5. Ana: bee could there d doe no great
wozkes , fauce thar hee layd bis hands vpon
a few ficke kolke, and healed them. J
6 And hee maructled at their vnbelieke,
and went abont by the tones on euery
fide, teaching.
7 €*dund he called the twelue, and began
to ſend them two and two, and gaue them
power ouer vncleane ſpitits,
8 And commaunded them, that thep
ſhouid take nothing fo? their tourney, laue a
ttaffe onely: neither eicrip, neither bead,
neither money in their gievies, k
9 Butthat they ſhould bee ſhodde with
*£ fandales, and that they ould not put oñ
two coates.
Io And be fayd vnto them , @Aherefee
uer pe fhallenterintoanhoule, there abide
till ye Depart & thence.
Il *And wholdeuer wall not receiue pou,
noz beare you, when pee Depart thence,
ff the Duft that ts vnder your
feete, for awitnefie vnto them. Gerelp J
fay vnto you, Ft Hall be zalier fox Sodom,
02 Gomoꝛrha at the Day ob iudgement, then
fo: that cite.
12 C And they wentout, and preached,
that men ſhould amend therr liues.
13 And they cat out manp deuils: and
they *annoetntcd many that were licke, with
ople, and healed them, 1
14 €* Then king Herode heard ofhim
(foz his name was ſpꝛead abꝛoad) and fayd,
ohn Baptitis rien againe from the Dead,
and therefore great workes are Wrought by
15 Other fayd, It is Elias: and fome
fayde, It is a Prophet, oz asone * ofthe
16 * So when Herod heart it, he fayd,
Jt is John whom 3| beheaded, he ts Irika
from tbe Dead.
17 Fo Werod himfelfe had fent forth, and
had taken John and bound him in pifon foz
Herodias fake, which was his bꝛother Phi⸗
lips wife,becaute he had martedD her. :
13 jFor John fayd bunto ierove ».* Ft is
not™lawfull foz thee to baue thy brothers
19 Therefor Derodias had a quarell
againſt bim and world baue killed bun, but -
fye could net.
20 Foꝛ Herode feared John, knowing
Matth.14.t.luke 97 K Meaning, oftheolde Prophets.. Luke 3,
39. 1 They had then this common errour , that they thoughtthe
foules being departed out of one body, went ftraight into another,
Lenit.18, 30.21, m Theliberty that lohnvſed to reproue
vice without exception of perlon, declareth how the truc miniſtets
ought to behaucthemfclues,
Chap.vj. The inconuenience of dancing. 458
that hee was a tuft man and an boly, andres -
nerenced him, and when he heard him, hee
BD many things,and = heard pim gtadly,
21 Wut the time being conuentent, when
Herod on his birth Vay made abanket to
hts prices and captaines,and chicte eftates
of Galle:
22 And the Daughter of the fame Yerodi:
ascametnand°dDaunced, and pleaicd He⸗
rode and them that fateat table together, the
king faya ynte the mayd , Alke ef me what
thau wiit,and J wül gine it thee.
23 And heelware ynto her, Whatioenet
thou wa't aike of me, J will gine it thee,cuen
buto the balfe of mp Kingtome.
24 *o thee went foozth, and fayd to her
mother Ubat Hal J afke? Ara we fapa,
Sohn Baptiſts head.
25 Then the came in ſtraightway with
bafle pnto the king.€ afked faving, J weuld
that thou Gouldelt gine mee euen now ina
charger the bead of Zohn Baptiſt.
26 Chenthe king was very lory: yet foz
His othes (ake,¢ fo: their fakes whicy fate at
table with bimbe would not refute Ger.
27 And immediately the king (ene the
hangman, and gaue charge that his head
fyould be brought. So bee went and bebeas
Dea him ín the p2tfon,
28 And brought his head in a chatger,
and gaucittathermapde, and the mayde
gaue ít to her mother.
29 And when hts diſciples heard ít, they
— and tooke bp bis] bodp, and putina
32 E *And the Apoſtles gathered them:
ſelues together to Fetus, and a tolde him ail
thinge, both what they haue Done, and what
they had taught.
31 And he laid vnto them, Come pe apart
into the wilderneſſe,t and reſt a while: foz
there were many commers and goers, that
they had not leaſure to eat.
_ 32 *BDothey went by Hip out ofthe way
into aDelert place.
33 Butthepeople fawe them when they
Departed, and many knew him, and ran a=
footc thither out of ail cities, and came thi-
ther before them and afiembled vnto dim.
34 * Chen Jelus went out, and lawe a
great multitude t bad compailion on them,
becanle they were like! theepe, which bad no
Hepheard:*andhe began te teach them ma
tip things.
35 *And when the dap was nawe fatre
(pent, bis diſciples came vnto him, faving,
This is adelert place,and now the day ts
farre pafen.
36 Letthemdepart that they may go into
the villages ttownes about, and buy them
bead; fo? they haue nothing to eat.
37 But beeanfwered and fayde vnto
them, Giue yethem to eate. And they ſayd
unto him, Shall we goe and buy © two Huns
Deto pentwoath of bꝛead and giur them to
38 *Then he ſayd vntothem, ow ma-
ny loaues haue pee? goe and looke. And
when they knew it, they ſayd, Fine, and
two liſhes. r
39 Hohe commanded them ta make them
Wmm 2 all
n Suchisthe
nature of Godz
word, that it
compellcth the
very tyrants te
Tcuerence it; as
no deubt the
kiag had fome
good motions,
tut the feed fell
in ſtonie places,
znd fo tooke no
o Mhat incon⸗
uenience com-
meth by wanton
p Tofephus cal-
leth her pame
Salomen, the
daughter of Phi-
lip and Heredias,
g The Apoftles
— account
of their mefiac
which is to den
clare their fideli-
tie & obedience.
t Cbrift beareth
with f infirmity
of his feruants, &
bringeth. them to
quietnes,that be
may inftruG thé,
and make them
firong againft
Mautht4.tze _
luke 9.10.
and 14. 14.
{ This declareth
that thete is an
horrible diforder
among that peo-
ple, where the
true preaching of
Gods word wan=
Matthi 15,
t -Which is a-
bour fue pound
Afat.2 10.1 7./uke
9.13.40h% 6.9.
Te” ee eee
ees a E
| Chriſt walketh onthe fea.
S. Marke.
fOr, by tables fal: all Git Downe by i copanies bponthe greene (that isto fay bn wathen ) they coniplained,
for in euery rank
were as manyasa
table could hold.
u The Grecke
word fignifieth
fuch beddes as
aremade ina
garden, fo that
the company
which were
there (et, might
feemeas rowesy
or borders of
beddes ina gar-
` zoh 6,15,
x Which wasa-
bout two or
three houres
before day.
y Chrift affireth
his and maketh
them bold,both
by his word,
and mighty
z They had for-
_ got the miracle
which was
wrought with
the fue loaues.
Matth.t 4.34
fOr, markets,
a Not for any
fuch vertue that
was in his gar-
ment,but for the
confidence which
they badinhim,
Math, 15 2.
fOr fitiy.
a Tne Pharifes
wonld not eate
with vnwalhen
hands, becaufe
— 40 Then they fate Downe by a rowes, by
bundaeths anv by Gfties. s:
4I Aad hee tooke the fiue loaues and the j
two fifhes, and looked vp to heauen, and
gaue thankes, and brake the loaues, and
gaue them to his Dilciples to let before
them, and the twe fies be diuided among
them all. :
42 Ho they did all eate, were ſatiſſied,
43 And they tooke vp twelue bafkets full
of the fragments and ot the tiſhes.
44 And they that bad eaten, were about
five thaufand men. T
45 Cand ttraightway be canlen bis dil-
ciples to goe into the ip, and te goe betoze
vnto the other tide onto Bethlataa, while ve
fent away the people. :
46 Thenñ alſoone ashe had lent them a+
way, be Departed into a mountatne to pray.
47 * And when cuen was come, the hip
was in tbe middes of the fea,and be alone on
eland, ;
48 Aud he fay them troubled in rowing,
(forthe winde was contrary puto them )
and about the fourth * watch of the night,be
caine vnto them, walking vpon the fea, and
would bane pafles by them. 5
49 And when they faw him walking vp-
on the (ca, they ſuppoſed tt had bene a ſpirit,
and cryed out.
50 Foꝛ they all law him, and were foze
afraid ; butanon be talked with them, and
ſayd puto them, ey of goed comisze; tt ts
3, be not afraid.
51 Chen he went vp vuto them into the
hip, andthe winds cealed, and thep were
fore amazed in themlelues beyond mealure,
and marueiled.
§2 z Foꝛ they had not confidercd the mat-
terofthe loaues, becaule their hearts were
hardened. í ;
53 C And they came ouer,and went inte
the iande of Geneſaret, and arriued.
54 Bo wen they were come out of the
Hip, ſtraightway they knew him,
55 And ranne about throughout all that
regio roundabout, and began to carie hi⸗
ther and thither in beds allthat were ficke,
where they Heard that he was,
§6 And whitherfocucr hee entred into
townes, 92 cities,o2 villag’s, they layd their
ficke in the i treeces, and prayed him that
they might touch at the leat the⸗ edge of his
garment. Gnd as many as touched him,
Were made whole.
2 The di:fciples eate with vnwafhen hands. 8
The commandemét of God utranfgreffed by mans
traditions, 20 What d:fileth maz. 24 Of the wo-
man of Syropheniffa. 32 The healing ofthe dumbe,
37 The people praiſe Chrift.
T Wen* gathered vnto him the Phariſes,
and certaine of the Dceibes which came
from Jeruſalem.
2 And when thep fawe fone of his dit
ciples cate meate with common *bandes,
shey thought that the common handling of things defiled them , fo
that they made holĩaeſſe and religion to deperdin hands wathing,
3 (forthe Whartles andali the Hewes,
except they wath their hands > oft, eate not,
hoiding the tradition of the Elders.
4. Ano when they come from the market,
except they wath, they eate not; and many
other things there bec , which thep baue ta-
ken vpon them to obferuc, as the wathing of
—— pots, and of brafen veſſels, and of
ables. 3
S Ghenalked bim the Phartiſes and
Acribes, Kiby walke not hyp dilciples ac-
cording tothe tradition of the Elders, but
tate || meate with vnwaſhen hands?
Then hee anfwered æ fayd vnto them,
Durelp * Clay hath prophelied well of pou
bypoctytes,as itis witten, This people ho ·
noureth me with their lips, but their heart
isfarreawayfrom me.
7 But they woribhip niecinbaine, tea
ching for Doctrines the « commaundements
of mein.
8 Fozyelay the commandement of God
apart, andobierue the tradition of men, as
the waing of pots and of cups, and many
other fuch like things pee Doe.
9 And he laid vnto them, ell,pe retect
the commaddement ef God, that pe may ob-
feruc pour owne tradition.
10 fo Moles fayt, * Honour thy father
and thy mother : and,*CCiheloener thal curſe
father o? mother, let bim ‘die the Death.
iL Bur yeefay, Jfa man fap to father or
mother, Cozban, that is, By the gift that is
— by me,thou mayeſt haue pzofit,he ſhall
etree, r
i2 Hoye fuffer him no moze to Doe any
thing foz hts farber, o2 his mother,
13 Making the word of Sod ef none au»
thoꝛity, by pour tradition which pe haue oz-
Deinen : and ype Doe many fich like things.
I4 * Chen be called the whole multitude
vito him. and fayd vnto them, earken pou
all onto me,and vnderſtand.
Is There sis nothing without a man,
that can Defile fim, when ttentreth into
bun: but the things which proceede ont of
him, are they which defilerbe man.
16 3f anphaue cares tobcare, let him
17 And when he came inte an houſe away
from the people,bis diſciples aſkes him con-
cerning the parabic.
18 And bee apn unto them, That ? are
pe without vnderſtanding allo ? Doe pe not
Mens precepts.
b Or,contenti-
oufly,ftriving to
wath beft.
c Little pots,
fomewhat more
in quantitiethen
a wine pinte,
fOr, bread.
d: With an out-
ward fhew,
e Whofoeuer
do@tine bur
Gods word, isa
falfe worthipper,
and a feducer ef
his dodirine nes
uer fo probable
to the indgement
of man.
deut 5.16.
epkef 6.2.
Exod. 21.17,
leuat. 20.9.
prou 20.20.
f That is,with-
out any hope of
Matth. 15.10,
g There isno
outward or cot⸗
porall thing,
which entreth
into man,that
can defile him:
meaning chiefy-
of meates, which ~
ifthey be taken
excefliue ly, it
commeth of the
knowe that whatſoeuer thing from without inordinate hah of
entreth into aman,cannot defile bim,
19 Becaule it entreth not into bis heart,
but into the beliy, and goeth out into the
Draught which ts the purging ofall meats?
20 Then de lapd, That which commeth
out of man, that defileth man.
21 * Foz from within, cuen ont of the
Heart af men, proceede eutll thoughts, adul-
teries fonications murders,
22 Thekts, touetouſneſſe,wickedneſſe, de ·
teit, || vncleanneflk, |a wicked eye, backbi⸗
ting pide, foolihue ie.
23 All thel eutil things come from with-
in and Defile a man,
24 ¶ And from thence be role and *
the heart,and fo
the luft is cuill,
and 8. 21.
Or, wantonne Seo
[Or enuie.
The dhitdrens bread.
h Meaning the
Tewes, ro whom
were firft made,
i Thelewes |
tooke ftrangers
no better then
the dogges, and
therefore Chrift
fpeaketh accor-
ding to theiro-
She afketh
-but the poore
_crumbes, and
fot the childrens
bread, wherein
the declareth
her faith aud
1 Declaring by
this figne the
hee hath vpon
mans miferi¢s,
Gen.t.33, ecclus
m Asif they
would fay, Be-
fides al the mira-
clesthat he hath
done, euenthis
now declareth
that what(Geuer
he doeth, is very
Matthrs z346
a Chrif proni-
deth for bis, whë
they feemeto'be
deftirateand® |
fOr; whence.
b lf bréad were
fohardto come’
vipoffible to >”
méat, 9-1
into the bsꝛders of Tyrus and Sidon, and
entred into an houſe, and would that no
— — haue knowen: but bee cauld not
e bid. >
25 Foꝛ acertatne woman, whole little
Chap. viij.
fit doton on the ground: and he tooke the ſe⸗
uenloaues, and gauethankes, brake them,
and gaue to bis Dilciples to (et befozethem,
and they Did fet them before the people,
7 Shey had allo a few mall fites . and
Daughter had an vncleane (pirit, beardol when he bad giuen thankes, he commandea
bim,and came, and fellat bts feet.
- 26 (Ann the woman was aGreeke, a
Spropbhenifitan by nation) anv fhe beloughe
them alfoto be fet befozethem.
8 Bo thepdidcat,and were ſufficed, and
they tooke bp ofthe bꝛoken meate that was
bim that hee would caſt out rhe deuill out of left, ſeuen baſkets full,
ber daughter. 3
27 But Jelug fade onto her, Let the
k childzen firtt be fed : foz it ts not good to
- r childzens bread, and tocaſt it vnto
28 Chen He anſwered, and faid vnto him,
Trueth, Lord: vet indeed the whelps eate
vnder the table of the childzens * crumbes.
29 Chen he laid vnto her, Foz this laying
goe thy wap ; thedenill is gone outofthp
30 And when ee was come home to her
boule, fe found the Deuill Departed, and her
Daughter lying on the hed. `
31 € And hee Departed againe from the
coats sf Tyrus and Didon, and came onto
the lea of Galile, through the middes of the
coafts of Decapolis. i
32 And they brought vnto him one that
wasdeafe,and fambzedin bis (peech, and
prayed him to put bis hand bpon him.
33 Then he tooke him alide fromthe muls
titude, and put his fingers in bis cares, and
Did Ipit and touched his tongue.
34 And looking ty to heauen, He! fighed
and vnto hia, Ephphata, thatis, Be o-
pened. i
35 And ſtraightway dis cares were ope.
ned and the Ering of his tongue was looted,
and be pake piaine.
36 And hee commanded them that they
ſhould tell no man ; but bow much focuer he
forbade them, the moze a great Deale thep
publi hedit,
37 And were beyond mealure aftonted,
fayina, *™ Ye hath Done all things well ; be
maketh boty the neate to heare,t the Dumbe
to ſpeake.
Caer. VILL oes
2 The miracle of the f-uen loaues. 11 The Pha-
vifes ashe a figne. 15 The leanen of the Pharifes.
22 The bind receineth ha fight.2 9 He was know-
en of his difciples. 33 He reproueth Peter, 34 and
fhemeth how neceffavie perfecution a,
12 *thole dayes, when there was a very
great multitude, and had nothing to eate,
` Jefus called his diſciples to him, and laide `
vnto them, be
2. J- bane compaſſion on the multitude,
becaulethey Hane now continued with mee
three dayes and haue nothing tocar.
3. And if J fend them away fafting to
theit owne boules, they would faint bythe
way : foz fomeof them came from farre,
4 Then his difciples anfwered him,
{Vow can aman fatine hele > mith bread
here ese ena , Di ~ * *
ind he aft ent, Bow many loaues
Palee ATN —A w
6 Tye ge commanded the multitude to
9 (And they that bad eaten, were about
foure thoufand) fo petent them atway.
Io @ *And anon bee entred intoa hip
with bis dilciples, and cane into the parts
of: Dalmanutha.
II And the Phariſes came forth,and be-
= to Dilpute with him, leeking ofbima
igne from geaucn,and tempting him.
12 Then he lighed deeply in his {pirit,
and fayd, (iby doth this e generation (eke
a ligne? verily J fay vnto pou iif a figne tall
not be giuen wnto this generation.
13 (Go be lett them, and went into the
Hipagame,and departed to the other five.
— eet ve bad — to take
neither had they in the thip with them
but one loafe. r ghia hah
Is And hecharged them, faying, Take
Heed, and beware of the sleauen of the Pha
riles, and of the leanen of Deron,
16 And they thought among themelues,
ſaying, itis, becaute we baue no bread.
17 And when Jetus knew tt, he ſayd vn⸗
fothem, Cbp realon you thus becauſe pee
baue no bread ? perceiue pee not pet, neither
pest ke ai 7 haue pee pour hearts pet hars
18 Haue yee eyes and fee not? and haue
vee eares and heare not? and Doe pee not re
19 * bhen J beake the fiue loaues a-
mong fiue thouſand, how many bafkets full
ofizoken meat tooke pee bp 7 they faid vnto
bim, Cwelue.
20. AnD wher T brake ſeuen among foure
thouland,bow many batkets of the leanings
—— meat tooke pee vp ? and they fayd,
21 Chen hee fayd vnto them, * Howisi
that pe vnderftand not ? Y
22 (And became to Bethſaida, and they
brought a blinde man vnto him and Delired
hum to touch bin. ; es
23 Wien he tooke theblinde bythe band,
and led him out okthe towne,and (pet tn his
eyes,and pir bis hands vpon him, and alked
— * —2 pee
24 Andhe looked by.andlatd,F fee men:
foz Site them walking like trees.
25 Gfterthat, bee put his handes againe
bpon hts eyes, and made bimlooke agate.
Gnd bee was reſtored to His fight, and faw
euery man afarre eff clearely.
26 And bee fent him hometo his honfe,
faying, Neither goe into the towne, no? tell
tt toanyin thetownge :
27 @* And Fels went ont, and his dil
‘tiples, inta the to of Crfarea bilip.
p And by the waphee alked his duciples,
aping, vnto them, Uhom doe men fay that
3 i Pumm 3 28 And
The Pharifes leauen: 459
“areas yet vpon
c Whichwas
neere to Beth.
the Jake of Gen-
nezaret and
mount Thabor,
d Oh the income
prehenfible love
ofour Chrift !
how long fhall
we atulehis
great mercies ?
e Chriftgoeth
about by fharp-
nes of {peechto
faue them from
wilfull deſtru⸗
Or, Fa ſegne be
wen, ~
Asif he would
fay, If I fhew
them any figne,
let me bea liar
and decciuer, ~°
Matth.16. 5a
g Hewilleth
them to beware
of contagious
doGrine,& fuch
fubtill practiſes
as the aduerfa-
ries vfed to fupe
prefle his Go-
Tohn 6. 11.
h Chrift repro’
ueth them be-
caule their minds -
the materiall
ftanding they
had proued by
diners miracles
thathe gaue
them'their daily.
lake 9. 18.
í Hethat is the
Peters confeffion.
28 And they anfwered, Some fay, John
Baptiſt: and iome, Elias andlome, one of
the Prophets.
29 And he fayd vnte them, But whom p
anointed of God fay peethat J am 2 Then Peter anſwered
& fulfilled with
all gracetor
mans fa!uation.
k Deferring it
to a more com-
Jeft fudden haſte
fhould rather ©.
hinder then fur-
and (aid vnto bim, Chou art thei Chit.
30 Aud beetharply k charged them that
concerning him they ſhould telina man.
31 Then he began to teach them that the
Henie of man muft ſuffer many things and
fhould be repoucd of the Elders, and of the
bigh Pieks ana of the Scribes, tbe flat,
and within three Dayes rife againe.
32 And he ſpake that ching platuly. Chen
therthe myfterje Deter tooke him aide, and began to rebuke
ofhiscommiog. bum.
1. Thiswordfig- 33 Then he turned backe, and looked on
nifieth aduerfary, His Dileiples,-and rebuked Peter, faytng,
orencmie:and, Ott thee behinde me, Hatan : for thou un-
he calieth him
fo, becaufehee
did as much as
in him lay, to
pull him from
obeying God,, 38,
and 16.24 luke
Deritandelt not the things that are of Gad,
but the things that are ot men, ]
34 & And he called the propie vnto him,
with bis Dilciples, and fayde vnto them,
MMAhoſoeuer will fellommee., let him foz-
fake himſelle and take vp his croſſe, and fol
low me. jsi
35 Fo: Whoſoeuer will * ſaue his life Hall
9:23. and 14,27. loleit: but whoſoeuer ſhal lole hrs tife, for my
Matth. 1039n
gud 16,25.luké
9: 24 ANE tT, 33.
sehn 12.25.
m For mortality
and corruption,
he [hall receiue
fake and the Golpels,he Mall” Cane tt.
36 Foz what thall it profit a man though
he Mould winne the whole wold, tye loſe
bis foule?.
37 Dı what hall a man gtuc fo2 recon
penk of bis ionle 2
38 * For wholoeuer Mall bee aſhamed af
immortality and mee, and of mp wordes srhong this adultes
Matth. 10,33.
luke 9. 26, and
rous and ſintull gencration, of bim thall the
Sonne ofan bee athamed ailo, when bee
commicth in the glozp of bis Father with tbe
poly Angels:
C.H)-A P, ILX. Tit
2 The transfguration. 7 Chrift is to be heard,
26 The dumbe fpirit is calt cut. 29 The farce of
| prayer and faftsng. 31 Of the death & refurretts-
Math. —
on of Chrift. 33 The diſputa ion who ſhould be the
greatest, 38 Not to hinder the courfe of the Gof-
“pel. 42 Offences are forbidden.
A fAD *Heefayd vnto them, Clerelp Ilay
luke 9.27» vito pou, that there belune of thau that
ſtand here, which hail not atte of death till
a The preaching they haue ſcene the⸗·kingdome of God came
ofthe Goſpel re· With power,
cciuedandin- 2 * AndfireDayes after, Jeſus tooke Pe·
creafed:he fpake ter and James,and John, and brought thet
thistocomforre, vp into an bigh mountaine out of rhe way a=
them, andthat. lonc,and de was teanffigured before them.,
theyfhouldnot. .. 3, And hig raiment Din > fuine, end was
thinkethey tra- Dery white as from, lo white as no Fulicr can
uclledinvaine, make vpon the earth,
atthis -4 And there appeared vnto thim Tli-
€9,28. as mith Moſes, and thep were talking with
b Chriftthew- Jetus. ; AACE
ethhismaiefie - § Chen Peter anlwered, and faln to Fe>
fo farreastheir fus, Walter.itis qood fotus tobee Here: let
isfirmitiewas vs make alfo thote @abernacles, one foz
ableco.compre- thee, for Doles, and one a Clas.
heid ir, 6 «Pet hee knew not what beclayd; foz
c Perermeafu- they were atraid.
ged this vifion
according to his owne capacitic not confidering the end thereof,
7 Andthere twas a cloude that ſhadow·
eB them, and a voice came outoftheclous,
faying,* This ta mp beloued Bonne, dhecare
im. <
8 And luddenly they looked round about,
and {awe no moze anp man faue Jefus onelp
with chem.
9 * And as they came Downe from the
mountaine, He charged them that they mouin
teitno man what they baa feene, taue vohen
the Sonuc of man were rilen from the dead
Io So thep kept that matter to them-
felues,t Demanded one of another, what the
rifing from the Dead agatne ſhould meane.
II ifo they atked brn, faping, Cathy
fay the Scribes, Chat * Elias muf frit
12 And he anſwered, and ſaid vnto them,
Elias vertly ſhall Gr come, and reſtore ail
things ; and * as it is witten of the Sonne
of man, be mutt ufer many things,and be
fet at nought.
13 But, J fay pnto yon, that £ Elias fs
come, (and thep haue Done vñto him what-
focuer they would) as tris weittenof hen.
14 ¶ * And when hee came to his g difti>
ples, bee faw a great multitude about them,
and the Scribes Ditputing with them.
Ig Ans ftratghtway all he people, when
they bebeld bim, were amaſed, and ranne to
hiw, and faluted him, f
16 Then hee alken the Scribes, Ahat
Dilpute pou lameng pour felucs?
17, And oncof the companie enfwered,
and (ait, (Batter, J hauz brought my fonne
vnto thee, which hath a Dumbe ipirit: ©
18 And whereloeuer hee taketh him, hee
teareth him,and bee fometh, and guafheth
bis teeth, and pineth away : and Iſpake to
thy diftiples, that they Mould cat pim oeut,
and they could not.
19 Gbhen be anlwered him, and fayd, iD
faithlefie generation , how long now thall J
bee with pou! Paw long now ſhall J ufer
pou Bing him vnto ime. F
20 So they brought bim vnto him: and
aſſoone as the ſpirit faw bim, bee tare pin,
and be fel Bowe on the ground, wallowing
and foming. ;
21 Then hee afken his father, How long
The vertue of faith. -
AMatth. 3.17. and
17.5.(uke 3.2303
Chap.3.¥ i.
d Chrift onely
muft be ý chiefe
teacher and in-
ſtructerol all
them whicb pros
feſſe themfelues
to behis mem-
bets, ſeeing that
God the Father
giueth him this
authoritfe, and
commandeth vs
this obedience,
e Their falfe o
pision was, that
either Elias
(hould rife again
from thedead,
or that his {oule
ſhould enter into
fome other body.
Ifa 53.4: ,
t That is, lohn
Matth.17 14
luke 9.37538.
g Tothenine,
which he left
the day before,
Or againſt theme
h Whenthe fpi-
ritcommeth vp@
him,he teareth
him with inward
forew and pangs
as inacolike a
man feeleth-fuch
gricfe,as if his
bowels were
rent aſunder.
i It feemeth
that this mam °
ceferued nor fo +
fharp an anfwert
but Chrift fpea-
time is tt ince be bath bene chus ? And be kethinhisper-
fayd. Dfa childe.
22 Andofitimes he caſteth him tnto the
fire, anD tuto the water, toDettroyp him: but
ifthoucani doe any thing, helpe vs, and
paue compafiion vpon bs.
23 And Jeſus fayde vnto hint, JE* thon
canit beleene tt, all things are! pofltble to
him that beleeucth.
24 Ana — the kather of the
childe crying with teares, fayo, Lord. J be-
lecue: helpe mpa vnbelieke. $e:
25 (Ahen Felis ſaw that the people came
fon to the Pharti-
fes which were
k The Lord is
euer ready to
helpe vs, fo that
we pur him not s
backe throughs 5
out incredulity.
1 Allthings that,
are agreeable to}
running together, bee rebuked the vncleane the walloiGod,
{pirit, faptng vnto him, Chou dumbe and
deafe (pirtt, I charge thee,come out of pin,
And enternomozetnto buy,
that is contrary to ‘his Will, or that is nat. reneal
Shall be granted
to him that be= +
leeueth: faith y
feeketh nothing-
ed in his wordy
m Thatis, the ſeebleneſſe and imperfection of my faith, s+
k HURN G 3 26" Then =
Toauoide offences.
= 26 Then the ſpirit crped, E rent him fore
a Meaning,the and came out, and = he was as one Bead, in
childe, fo much chat manyſaid, He ts Dead,
(27 But Jelus toake bis band, and lift
bim vp, and pe role. }
28 Aud when be was come into the boult,
Bis diſciples aſked him lecretly, hp couls
not tee cat him out ? i
29 Andhe lain onto them, This kinde
, can by no other meanes come tooth, but by
o Meaning thae © prayer and faſting.
prayer whichis 30 @*Andthey Departed thence, and
furely grounded went through Galiic,and be would not that
vpon faith and anp ſhould haue knowen it,
hath fafting ioy- 31 Foꝛ he taught bis diſciples, and faine
nedyntoitasa butothem, The tonne of man hall be deli-
profitable aide. uered inte the bands of men , and they wall
Matth.i7.22. kili bim,butatter that he is killed, bee hall
luke 9.23. tile Againe the third Day. F
p Becaufethey 32 Butr they vnderſtood not that ſaying,
imagined thas and Wwercafraid to afke him.
Chrift fhouid 33 *After hee came to Capernaum: and
Teigne temporal- when he was nthe boule, hee afked them,
ly,this matter of hat wasit shat pee diſputed among pou
hisdeathwasfo bythe way?
ftrange,thatthey 34 Aud they heln their peace: for by the
couldperceiue wap they reaſoned among themſelues, who
nothing. fhould be the chtefeit.
Matth, 18.2. 35 And bee fate Downe, and called the
luke 9.46. twelue,and fapa to them, Jt any man oelirg
tobe firit, the fams ſhall be laft of all, and
ſeruant yuto all. t í
36 And he tooke alittle child,and fet him
in the middes of thein. and tooke bim in bis
ates and laid unto them, —
37 CAboloeuer Mall recetue oneof fuch
littiz chtidzen in imp Rame, recetucth mee:
and whofocuer recetueth mee, recetucth not
qme, but him that ient me. :
8 &* Then John anlwered him, laying,
after, wee law one cating out Deutls bp
tip Rame, which followed not bs, and
G To wit,onely
as man,but as
him in whome is
all perfeGion and
fulnes of all gra-
ces and benefits,
Luke 9.49. wee forbade hin, becaule pee followeth vs
3.Cor, 12,3. Hot. 3
HOr, any great 39 * But Felis ſayde, Forbid him not
warke. fo? theretsno man that can Doe a || miracte
z Although he
fhew not him-
felfero bee mine,
yetin that he
to my name itis
ynough for vs.
Matth. 10.42.
Aatth. 18.6.
by my ame, thatcan lightly fpeake enill
oi me.
40 Fo2rwholocueris not againſt bs, ts
onour part. :
4I * And wholoeuer wall giue pou acup
of water to Banke fo} my Mames lake , be-
caule ve belong to iit ,verely 3 fap vnto
youn, he ſhall nor tole bts reward.
42 *Aud wholocier Wall offend one of
luke i7.1,2, thele little ones,thatbelcenc tn mec, it were
Matth.5. 30. better foz him rather, that a milftone were
andx8.8, Hanged about his necke, and that hee were
f Itisamaner calt into the lea.
offpecch,which 3 ciherekore, ikthine f hand caule thee
tooficnd.cut it off: itis better for thee to en⸗
fignifieth, that
ter tnto life mapmed , then hauing two
we fhould cur
off allthisgs, hands,to go into hel, into the fire that neuer
whicbhinder vs hall be quenched, à
to ferue Chrift. 44 *Ahere their worme Dieth not, and
Fla-66.34. the fire neuer goeth out.
t Thefe fimili- 45 Likewtie, it thy foot caufe thee te of-
tudes declare the fend,cut tt off: itis better fo: thee te go balt
paincs,andeter- inta life, then bauning two be cafttne
nall torments of to hell, into the fire that neuer Mall be quen·
she damned, ched, à
Chap. x.
46 Where their wozme dieth not,and the a
fire neuer goeth out.
Of diuorcement. 460
He teacherh
at it is better
47 And ikthine eye canle thee te offend, to be fenficed
plucke tt ont: tt ts better foz thee to gee into to God by fale
the kingdome of God with ofe eye. then ha · and fire, thar is,
uing two epes,to be cait into bell Gre,
to be purged and
48 Wiberethete worme dieth not, andthe lanGified,then.
fire neuer goeth out.
to befent inte
49 Foxeuery man fhall be * ſalted with hell fire.
fire: and* euery ſacrifice tall be ſalted with Lewit.2.13.
Math.s5. I 3 .
50 * Haltis goon: but ifthe xfalt bebi- uke 14.34.
fauery, wherewith pallit be feafonee2aue x They which
falt in pour {elues, and haue peace one with
deftroy the grace
thar they haue
receiued of God,
are as falt,which hath loft his Guour, and are worle chen infidels:
2 Ofdisorcement. 17 The rich man guefite-
seth with Chriſt. 30 Their reward that are per-
fecuted, 35 Ofthe ſonnes of Zebedeus, 46 Bar-
tameus bath his eyes opened,
A f2d*he arefe from thence,and went in-
to the coaſtes gf Judea by the Earre Ave
of Jodan and the people refogced Dura hire
againe, œ as hee was wont, he taught chews
2 Chen the Phariles came and aſked
him, ik it were lawful foz a man to put awap
his wife, and tempted him.
3 And be anſwered, and faid vnto them,
Uhat did * Meles commaund vou?
4 And they lain, Moles tuffered to wite
abtilof Druozcement, and to put ber away.
§ Then Felus antwered, and faid unto
them, Jo: the hardneſſe of pour heart hee
mote this precept vnto you.
6 But at the 2 beginning of the creation,
God made them male and female. f
7 *Foꝛ this cauſe hall man leane bis
farger and mother , and cleaue vnto bis
8 And theytwaine ſhall bee one I fle:
fathar they ate na moze twaing, but one
9 *Therefore, what God hath coupled
together, let no man feparate.
to And in the boule bis diſciples alked
him againe of that matter.
IL And hee fain vnto them, WMhoſoeuer
fhall put away bis wite and marrie another,
dcommitteth adultery againſt her.
12 Qnd tf a woman put away ber bul
band, and be married to another , ſhee con
mitteth adultery,
13 ¶ * Chen they brought little chilon
to him, that hee ould touch them: and pig
Dilciples rebuked thoit thar brought them.
14 But when Jelus faw it, bee was
Difplealed, and fayt tethem , Suffer the
little childzen to come to mee, and kor⸗
bid them not: foz of ſuch is the kingdome
of Gov.
Is Verely J fay unto pou, hoſoeuer
fhall not receitie the kingdome of God as: a
little chilo, he fall not enter therein.
16 And hee teoke than vp in bis aries,
am put his handes bpon them, and 4 vᷣleſſed
17 ¶ And when hee was gone out on the
PMA way,
— —
a Thetrue way
to amend abules,
is to returne to
the inſtitution o
things, and to try
them by Gods
Gen.1. 27,
Matth. 15.40
Gem2. 24. 1.0r.
\|Or.per fon.
1. (07.710.
Mat.§.32.e 19.
9.luke 16. 18.
1 .C0r.F- 10.
b Forthe fecond
isnot his wife,
but his harlot,
c Wemulftbe
regenerate and
voyd of al pride,
& concupifcences
d It was vfuall
with the lerves
that the greater
fhould bleffe the
inferior, Heb.7.7
therefore Cluiſt
being head of his
Church, did by a
folemne kind of
prayer offer vp,
& corfecrare the
bes to Ged,
“Ofriches.Thereward ofthe perfecuted. §.Marke.
Hke 13.08.
way, therecame one * running, and knee:
ling to him, and alken bim, Good Mater,
what ſhall J doe,that J may poſſeſſe eterual
18 Jeius ſaid to bim, (iby calle& thou
e Chrift would me goad? there ts none egoon but one, cuen
thew that his God.
Zoodneſſe was 19 Thou knoweſt the commandements,
farreotherwife *@ijou alt not commit adultery. Chou
thenthe good- fhalt not kill, Chou fjalt not ſteale. Chou
nefe which is at- {Yalt not beare falie witneile. Thou ſhalt
tributed to men, Hurt no man. Honour thy father and mo-
which is fullof ther,
vanitie and hy- 20 Then hee aulwered, and fayd to him,
pocrifie. Water, all thele thinges J haue oblerucd
Exod.20.13, from my youth. :
4Thatis,heeap- 22 And Jelusbehelde him, and! loued
proued certaine Him, and ſayd vnto hua, Dne thing ts lacs
good feed that king ynto thee, Goe and stellalithat thou
was in him, baf, and giue to the pooze, and thou Malt
whichgauchim ane treafurein beauen, andcome, follow
alittle motion. meand take vp the crofle. ‘
g He toucheth 22 Buthewas (ad at that laying, and
his maladieand went away fozowfull : for he bad great pols
fore , which be- feffions.
forehefeltnot. 23 Ano Jelus looked round about, and
faid vnto bis diſciples, Vow hardly Doe they
that haue riches enter intu the kingdome of
- Gom?
hor, cable rope. 24 And his diſtiples were aſtonied at bis
h Whichpucceth twozos . But Jeſus anfwered againe, and
nis truſt in riches. ſaid vnto them, Childeen, how bard ts it fog
i Forhecangiue them that truſt in riches, to euter into the
gtace tothe rich kingdome of God!
to caufe himto 25 Jtiseafier foz a camel to go thoꝛow
enioy his riches the eye ofa needle, then fo? a’ rich man ta
„asif he had them enter inte the kingdome of GoD.
not. 26 And they were much moze aftonied,
Matth.19.27. laying with themelues, CCiberhen can be
luke 18.28. ſauedẽ
k We muſt not = 27 But Iclus looked vpon them, and
meafurethefe ſaid, cith men it is impoſſible, but not
ptomiſes by our with God; foz with Godiali thinges are
pliſhment to
fecutionsand af-
owne couctous pofltbie.
defires, but re 28 0 * Then Peter began to fay vnto
ferre the accom- Him, Log, we bane tozfaken all,and bane fol-
lowed tyee. 5
Gods will,who — 29 Jefus anſwered, and fayd , Gerily J)
euen in our per- fap vᷣnto pou, there is noman that bath foz-
faken boule,oz bꝛethren, or fitters , o: father,
02 mother, o2 wife, o2 childzen, oꝛ landes fog
my fake and the Golpels,
30 But he hallreceiue an hundreth folt
now at this prelent: houles, and brethren.
thereforelearne and filters,and mothers, and children, and
tohaueenough lands with * perfecutions,and inthe world
andto want, that to came eternall life.
fliGions perfor-
meth the fame fo
farre as they bee
expedient, Let vs
being tried,wee 1 But many thacare! fir, Halbe lak,
mayenioyour aio the lat firit. :
treafuresinhea- 32 ¶ * And they were inthe wap going
uen. bp to Jerufalem, and Jeſus went before
Matth.19.30. them, and they were amazed, and as they
luke 13.30. followed, thep twere afraide, and Jefus
1 Hefaith this tooke the twelue againe, and heganne to
becaufethey that fell them what thinges fyould come ynta
are firk called, him,
fhould goe ftill 33 Saying, Behold, wee goe bp to Jerufa>
forward ani noe lem, and the Sonne of man mall be delings
difdaine others, red bnto the hie Peieſts, e tothe Scribes,
Matth.2017, — and they tall condemne punto Beath, and
luke 18.31. Hall deliner him to the Gentiles, 4
34 Gnd they Hal morke hint,and ſcourge
him, and tpit vpon him,and kil him: but the
third Dav, he Hail rile againe.
5 C Then James and John the fonnes
of zebedeus came vnto hun, laying, Waiter,
we would that thou eulet Do to ds that
that we delre. in
36 And he faid vnto them, hat would
ye J ould Doe for your
37 And they fai vuto him, Graunt vnto
bs, that wee may lit one at thy tight hand,
and the other at thy left hand in chp atopy.
38 But Jelus (aid vato them, Dec know
not what pee alike, Can yee m minkeof the M Canyoube
cup that 3 hall minke of, and be daptized Partakersof my
with the baptilme that J| Mall beebaprises crofle and af-
Matth,20. Tae
39 And they fayd onto him, Ae can. But
Jelus fai vnto them, Wee Hall drinke in
Deed of the cup that J Mali dzinke of,and be
baptized with the baptiſme wherewith J
talbe baptized. a
40 Dut to litat my righthand , and at
my left,is not» mine to gtue,butitthalbegi- n I haue not this
uen to them foz whom tt ts prepared. commiflion for
41 And wien the ren heard that,thep be- this time.
gan to diſdaine at James and John.
42 But Jeius calicd them vnto him, and
fayd torbem, *Dee know that they which Lakes2,25.
Belightto beare cule among the Gentiles,
Have domination ouei ther, and they that
be great among them, exerciſe authority gs
43 Butit walle not bee fo among yout o Chrift would
but wholocuer will be greatamong pou, Wal not thar his dif.
be pour ſecuaut : : ciples and minj-
44 And whoſoeuer will be chiefe of pou, fers thould
ſhalbe the (eruant of all. beare rule as
45 Foꝛ euenthe Sonne of mancame not worldly gouer⸗
to be ſerued, but to ſexrue, and to giut bis life mours doce
fo: the ranfomeof many.
46 ¶ * Then they came to Jericho: ana Matth,20.29.
as hee went out of Jericho with bis Diltie Ake 13.35.
ples, anda great multitude, P Bartimeus p The other
the fonne of Timeus, a blinde man, fate by Euangelilts men-
the way floc begging. tion two, but
47 And when hee beard that it was Je- Marke nameth
fus of Hazaret, beebeqantocry and tofay, him that was
Jeſus the Sonne of Dautd , haue mercpon mok knowem
48 And many rebuked him, becauſe hee
fhould hold his peace : but hee 9 cryedD much q The more that
moze, D Donne of Dauid haue merce on Satan refifieth
mee. vs,the mofc our
49 Then Felis food Till,and comman · faith ought to
Ded him te bee called: and they called the increale.
blinde, ſaying vnto him, Bee of good com- l
fozt: arife, hecallerh ther.
50 Soave thw awap his cloke,and roſe,
and came to Jeſus.
§1 And Felusanfwered, and fayd onto
him, (Ghat wit thou that J] Doe vnto thee?
And the blind fayd vnto him, Lord, that J
mayp-receine light. .
§2 Chen Jeſns fayd vnto him, Goethp
wap: thy faith hath ſaued thee. And by and
by bee recetued his light ant followed Jeſus
in the wap,
11 Chrift rideth to Yerufalem. 13 The fiz tree
aryeth vp. 35 The buyers and sellers are cafè we
The figge tree.
ofthe Temple. 24 Hee declareth the vertue of
fath,and how we fhould pray, 24 The Pharifes
quefiion with Chrif.
Matth.21.ts RD * when they came neere to Jeruſa⸗
luke 19:29. A lem, to Bethphageand Bethanta vnto
the mount of Ditues, bee fent foorth two of
i bis viltipies,
aChrifttheweth - 2 Ana ſayd nto them, Gae pour wayes
by thé pooreen- intothat towne that ts ouer againſt you,
trythe eftate of and aſſoone as yee {hall enter into it, pe Hall
hiskingdome, finDe a colt bound, wherzon neuer man lates
andit is not like looſe him,and bzing him.
to the great 3 And if any man fay vnto pou, thy
magnificence of Dog pee this? Day that the Lord path neede
this world, of ae s AND ſtraightwapy hee will (end him
4 And chey went their way, and found
a colt tyed bp the doore without, tn a place
ma two waves mette, and they looſed
S Chen certaine of themthat ocd there,
faye vnto then, That Dee pee tooling the
co Be %
6 And they ſaid vnto them as Jets had
commanded them. Ho they let hem gog.
Sohn 12,14. 7 (*And they brought the colt to selus,
and cai thew garments on him, and he fate
bpon bun. i
b: Euery one 8 And omany pead their garments in
fhewed fome the wap: other cut Lownebsanches of the
figne ofhonour trees, and ſtrawed them in the way.
and reuerence, 9 And they that wentbefore, and they
llOr, fawe J pray that followed, crycd, laying, || Wolanna,
thee. Bleſſed be he that commeth m the Mame of
the Lod. ;
10 Bieffed bee the kingdome that coms
meth in thec Mame of the Loyd of our fa-
ther d Dauid : Hoſanna, O thou which art in
e Many camein
their own name,
but Chriftcame the higheſt heavens,
inthe Nameof 11 co Jeſus entred into Jeruſalem, and
the Lord, inte the Temple : and when hee had looked
d Becaufe the about on all thinges, and now tt was cues
promife was ning, be went torch vnto Bethania with che
madetohim. twelue.
Matth.2 1.10. 12 * Andon the morrow when they were
duke 19.45. come out trom Bethania, hee was «buns
Matth.21,196 Ups
e‘ Chrift was 13 Andleeing a fig tree a farre off, that
fubieCtto our © had leaues, be went co fee if hee might inde
inſirnuties. anything thereon; but when hee came vnto
it, be found nothing but leaues: foz the time
of figs was not pec. :
14 Then Jeius anſwered, and ſayd to it,
f Thiswastode- f euer man eate fruite of thee hereafter
clare bow much while the world tandeth; and bis diſciples
they difpleafe heard ít,
God, whichhaue 15 QAndtheycame to Jernfatem, and
` butanoutward Jefus wentinte the Tempie, and began to
fhew and appea- caſt out them that (olde and bought in the
rance without @emple, and ouerthzew the Cablesof t
fruit, Money changers, and the feats of them that
fold Dones.
16 pArcither would he fuffer that any man
1/2.56.7, fhould cary a veflell thorow the Temple.
Jerew.7 11, 17 Anu beetanghr, laying vnto chem,
“Bine boule hall bee
g Forneither Js tt not — — Mtl Rate
payer vnto all nati-
could they fuffer called the boufe o
Feprehenfion, ons? * but you baue mane it a Denne of
nor that their theeues. *
po thouldbce 18 And the Scribes hie Peieits heard
dered, it, and fought how to s deltroy him; foz
they feared bim, becanle the whole multi⸗
tude was allonted at his Doctrine.
{9 But when euen was come, Ilus went
ont of the city, i
20 Andin the morning as they paſſed
by, they lat the figge tree Dyed vp from the
21 Chen Peter remembsed, and (aid vn⸗
to pim, Malter, behold, the ſigge tree which
thou curfedſt, is withered.
22 Ana Jelue anfwered, and fayd vnto
them, aue b faith in Gov.
23 jroz vertly Jſay vnto yon, that who»
foener thall fap vnto this mountaine, Take
thy felfe awap, and cam thp felfe into the
fea, and fhall not wauer in bis Heart , but
Wal beleeue rhatthole things which he faith
balt come to pafle,whatlocuce ye laity, Hall
be doneto him. j; >
24. *Therekoꝛe J lap vnto you, i whatlo-
ener pe Delire when pe pray, belecue that pee
hail haue tt,and it Hall be done vnto poti.
25. * But when pee Wall tand, and pay,
forgiue, tf yee baue any thing again any
man, that pour Father alio which is in hea⸗
nen, may fozgiue you pour treſpaſſes.
26 Foꝛ it you will not fozgtue , pour Fae
ther which ts in heauen wil not pardon you
your treſpaſſes. }
27 @* Chen theycame againe to Jeru-
falem; qas ye walked in the Temple, there
came to bim the bie Prieſts, € the Dcribes,
and the Ciders,
28 And ſayd vnto him, By what authori⸗
tie doeit thou thele things ? and who gaue
thee this authopteie, that thon ſhouldeſt dog
thele things? r i
29 Then Jelusantwered,and fayd vnto
theni , J will alfo afke of pou a certame
thing, and anſwere 4 meand F wilitel you
by what authoritie J doe thele things.
30 The t baptilme of John, was tt from
heauen oꝛ of men? anfwere me,
31 AnD they thought with themlſelues,
faying, Ff wee ſhall lay, From heaucn, hee
will tay, CUiby then Did ye notbeleeue hini?
32 But it wee fap, Of men, wee feare the
people; fozallmen counted John, that dee
had Beene a very Prophet. :
33 Thenthep anſwered g {apd vnto Je-
fus, Mice cannot tell. And Jeſus anfmwered
and fayd vntothem, | Metther wilt J tell
pou by what authority J doe theſe things.
t The vineyard is let out. 14 Obedience and
tribute due te princes. 25 The reſurrrection of
the dead, 28 The fumme of the Law. 35 (hrift
the [onse of Dau:d. 33 Hypocrites mufi bee ef-
he chewed, 41 The offering of the poore widow.
A Nd he — to ſpeak pnto them it pas
4 rables, A certaine man planted a vine·
yard, and companen it withabedge, and
Digged a pit foz thea winepzeſſe, and built a
towetn ity and let tt out to bufbandnien,
and Went into a range countrep.
2 Andata time, hee lent vnto the but
bandmen a feruant,that he might veceiue of
Me uſvandmen of the kruitẽ pf the ping:
3 But
The Phariſes entangled. 461
h Chrif taketh
occafion toins
ſtruct them of
of the vertue of
Matih. Fe
luke x a 9.
i Heteacketh vs
not hereby to
aske whatfoeuer
feemeth good in
our fantafies ; for
our prayer muft
be grounded oa
faith,and our
faith vpon the
word of God.
inke 20.852»
k He compre-
hendeth his
whole office and
1 They came ef
malice,and not
to learne : there»
fore Chrift
thought them
vnworthy to be
Ifa. §.1. 707.2. 2%
mat.2 1.3 3. lake
a The Greeke
word fignifieth
the veflell or far,
whith ftandech
vnderthe wine-
preffe to receiue
the inyce or li-
Obedienceto Princes.
3 Wut they tooke him and beat him, and
fent him away empty.
4 And againe,he tent vnto them another
feruant, and at him they cait ttones, and
brake bis hea’, and tent him away Mane.
fully handled.
§ Gud againe, bee fent another,and him
they Hew and manpother, beating ome,
and killing tome.
6 Pet had he one ſonne, bis deare bela:
ued: bim allo be lent the laft vato them, ſay⸗ F
ing, Chey will reuerence mp ſonne.
7 But the hulbandmen ſapde among
themſelues, This is the heire: come, let vs
kill him, and the inheritance ſhalbe ours.
Ho they tooke biar, and killed him,
aud cak hun ont of the vinepard.
9 Ghat hall then the Lord of the vines
b He theweth Pard Doe? Weet will come aud deſtroy thele
the plague that Dutbandmen, and gine the vinepard tose
(hall befall chefe thers. :
ambitious and 10 Haue yee not read fo much as thts
couctoustulers, {ctipture? «Che tone which cde butlers
whofe hearts are DLO reiule,is made the head otthe coner?
hardened againt 11 This: wasdone ofthe Lad, and it
Curiſt. ts marueilous tn our eyes.
Pfala8.23. 12, Then they weitt about tatake him,
#/4.23.16, matt, but theptcared the people: foz they percet
21.42.05 4.11, Wed that be pake that parable againſt the:
rom.9.33-1,pet. therefore they lett bin,and went their way.
2. 7,8. 13 ¶ And they (ent vnto him certaine
c Itisthe ordi. Of the Phariles, and of the iPerodians, that
nanceof God thep nilgottake him in histalke. —
thatit fhould be _ 14 Aud when they came, thep (aid vnto
fo, whichmot bim, Paker wee knew thatthouarc crue,
commonlyis > &ND carek foz no man t foz thou contineret
contrary to mans Not the 4 perlon of men, but teachelt che
-weafon:andthus ‘© WapofOodtruely. Jsitlawfuil to gtue
that whichwas tribute to Gelar, o} not?
fpoken figurae - IŞ Dhouldwegiue it, oꝛ ſhould weenot
tiuely of Dauid, Stuctt? ut hee kaew their hypocriue, and
isfulfilled in’ ` fayd yuto them, f cahy tempt pe me? Bing
Chriĝ read me a peny, that 3 may (ce it. I
Mareh.22.36. 16 So they bꝛought it, and be fait vnto
Alatth.a22. 35; them, Whoſe is this image and ſuperſcrip·
luke 20.20. tion? and they faid vnts him,Celars.
d Asthequali- - I7 Chen Jelusaniweres,and faid vnto
' eiesof the minde them, * Giue to Celar the chinges that are
orbody,orof ` Cefars, aud ta Gad, thole that are Gods:
outwatd things. and they maruetled at him.
e Asgodlyman- 18 ¶ * Then came the Hadduces vnto
-ners agreeable to Dim, (which fap there ts no refurrection)¢
Gods law. they alcged bim, faving,
fHegauethem I9 Dakter, "Dois wꝛote vnto vs, JE
tovnderttand any mans brother die, and leaue his wife,
that hee Knew
their malicious
and leaue no childzen, thate bis brother
Mould take his wife, and raile vp Fed vñto
bis brother.
20 There were enen betin tthe fick
tooke a wife, and traben he vied, left no ifue,
21 Thenthelecond tooke her, and bee
Dyed, neither did he pet leaue iſſue⸗ and the
g Thiswasapo- third likewile. hts
litkelawgiuen 22 Dolencirhadher, aud left no iſſue:
foratime forthe lait ofatlthe wife died allo.
preferuation of _ 23 Jntherelurrectionthen, when they
families,read halt rife agatne , whole wife hall {ye bee of
| Maith,23 aq. fhem? foz euen had her to wife.
om. 13.
Matth.22. 23.
luke 20. 27.
Deut.25 25.
; 24 Then Felts anlwered,and fap vnto
them, Ate pee nat therefore deceiued, bes
j cauſe pee know not the Scriptures, neither
S; Marke
the dead, netther men marry, noz wines are
The Sadduces confounded. if
h Not astou-
ching the (piritee
all nacure,bur
concerning the
{tate of incor.
ruption , and im-
the power of Gad?
25 Foꝛ when they hall rife againe from
married, but are* as the Angels which are
in heauen.
26 AnD as touching the Dead, that they
fail rife againe, haue yee not read in the mortality,fo that
booke of Molts, how in the buh God ſpake then there thalt
vnto him, faving, J* ain the Gov of Aba- need no more
ham,and the God of Flaac, andthe God of mariage.
‘aceb? Exod. 3, 6.matth,
27 Weis not the God of the dead, but the 22-32. `
God of the iliutng. Pe are therefor greatly i Toenit follow.
Deceiued. eth that they
23 € * Then came one of the Scribes, liuc, although
that bad beard them diſputing together,and they be deceafed
percetuing that he bad anliwered them wel, out of this life,
be alked bin, Aich ts the frt commandes Matth.s2.35.
ment of ail? : Exod.20. 2e
29 Jelusanlwered him, The firſt ofall Zeut. 6.4.
the comimandementsis, "Weare, Iſrael, the fOr,choxghe,
1028 our God ts the onely Lord. That is,depen«
30 Shou Halt tyerfoze loue the Loꝛd thy deth om the firt,
God with ail thine heart, and with alithy & preceedeth of
foule, with all thy || min’, and with all thp the loue of God,
firength: tyis isthe firk commandement. Leu.t9.18.mee.
31 Anu che ſecond is tike,thatts,*Chou 22-39.r0m.13 9.
Halt lone thy neighbour as thy felfe. There gel 5.14.sam.2.8
is none other conunandement greater then | He meanethall
thefe. ji f ceremonies of
32 Then the Scribe faid vnto him, Cell the Law, whereia
Watter thou hatt aid the tructh,that there the hypocrites
is one Mod, and that there is nonebuthe, put great holiness
33 And to loue him with al the heart, and m Becaufe hee
with all the vnderltanding, and with al the thewed himielfe
foule, and with all che ſtrength, and to loue willing tobe
hisneighbeur as bimlelfe, is moze then all taughr,and well
burnt) offerings and lacrifices. perceiued the
34 Then, when Jefus faw that hee ame difference be-
fwered difcreetly, he ſayd vnto kim, Chou twixe our oùt-
mare not farre fromthe kingdeme of God. ward profeffion,
Aud no man after that Durk afke htm any andy which God
queition. 3 doth principally
35 dAn Jefus anſwered and [ayd tea» requireof vs,
ching in the Temple, ow fay the Dertbes Matth.2 244e
that Chatit ts the founs of Dauid: luke 20. 41.
36 Fo Dautd hinifelfe lain by ther help Anfpired by
Gyott,* Lye Lod faid tomy Lo2d, Bit at the holy Ghoft
my right hand, till J make thine enemies and by the ſpirit
thy kootſteole. : ~ of ptophefie,
37 Then Dauid himſelke talleth him PAICi.
L020: by what meanests hethen his ſonne? Matth. 2 3. 6. luhe
and much people heard bin gladly. _ 14.43. 20.46.
38 *Woꝛeouer he fayd vnto thenrin|| hts lOr,2shetaughe,
Doctrine, Wewarecf the Scribes. which o He condem-
loue to goetnlong ° robes, and loue faluta» neth not their
tions in the markets, : apparel, buctheir
29 Andthe chiefe eats in the Spnago= vaine oftentari-
gues, and the frt roomes at feats, on,and outward
40 Which * Deuonre widowes houſes, thew of holines,
fleuen unter a colour of long pꝛayers Theſe whereby they
fhall receine the greater Damnation. deceiued the fime
41*And as Jeſus fate ouer againſt the p'epeople.
trealurte,be beeld How the people call mo⸗ Matth.23.14.
ney into the treafurie, and many rich men leke 20.47.
calt in much, ; __ lOr;and vader
42 And there came a certaine poore Wi- pretece pray long.
Dow, and thee thzewintwomttes, which Luter >
make a r guanin. ; _. P Which is”
43 Then_hee called vnto him his Dili- adourhalfea
ples, and ſayde vntothem, Sered g farthing, i
Endure to the end.
q OurSauiour nto pou. that this poore widowe hath cat
efteemethour ‘Ginozein, then all they which hauz cait tito
gifts, by ouraf= the treafury.
— and rca- 44 Foꝛ they all did caſt in oftheir ſuper⸗
— that the had, cuen att Her lining.
2 The deftruction of Jerufalem. 10 The Go-
Pel fhalbe preached toatl. 9.23 The perfecution,
and falfe prophets which {hall be before the com~
ming of (brift,whcfe houre is vncertaine. 33 He
exhortcth euery one to watch,
A fad *as He went out of the Temple, one
of his diictipies (aid vnto him, Matter,
fee what tones, t what buildings arc here. `
Luke 19.93, 44, 2 Z Then Telus anfwered and faid onto
lakeai. 5.
Mall not be lett one itone vpona one, that
{hall not be thzowen Downe.
3 Audashelateon the mountofoltues,
ouer againſt the Temple, Serer, eZames,
and John, and Andzew alked him ſecretly,
4 Tell vs, when thal thele things be,and
what thallbe the ligne when all thele things
ſhall be fulfillen?
§ And Felis anlwered them, t began to
2, thena. z ·
a Hedoethan-
{were them of
thingscthat were
moreneceflary Tay, *? Take heed felt any man Deceine you,
for them to 6 Foꝛ many thal came in my ame, ſay⸗
know,thenthe fng, Je am Chrift,and mall Decetuc many.
thingsthacthey - 7 Furthermoꝛe, when pee Mall heare of
demanded, warres, and rumours of warres, bee pe not
b Viurpingthe troubled ; foz fuch things mutt needs be ; but
authoritie of the end (hall not be yet. j
Chriſt. . Foꝛ nation thalrife againſt nation,and
c That they way kingdome againſt kingdome, and there ſhal
beinexcufable,. be earthquakes in Diners quarters; € there
ſhalbe famine and troubles; theſe are the bes
ginnings of ſorrowes.
9 But take yee heed to your ſelues: foz
they ſhal deliuer pou vp to the Counctle,and
to the Dpnagogues;: ye ſhall be beaten,and
bought before culers and kings fo? my lake,
foz å< teſtimonial vnto chen.
Lo And theGolpel mutt firt be publihed
among all nations.
II *But when thepleade you and deliuer
pou bp, take peed no thought afore, neither
Lemeditate “what pee iball iay : but what:
deuer is ginen pou at tije ſame time, that
fpeake ; fog itis not pee that prabe but the
12 Pea, aud the brother Hall Deliver rhe
biorber to Death, and the father che onne,
and the chitozenthall rife againſt their pas
rents and hall cauſe them to dre.
. 13 Gnd pe Hall beharedof all men foz mp
Hamez fakes: but wholecucr Kall endure
vnto the end. be Halbe ſaued.
I4 * Wozeouet. when ye Hall (ce the abe-
mination of Delolation (ipoken of by * Da
niel the JOzophet) tanding where tt eught
not, (let gun that readeth, confider ti) *iyen
let them that bee in Judea, fice tito she
emountainess. ci
“Is And let him that is yon the henke, not
come Domne into the baule, neither enter
Luke 24.20, 20, therett,to fetch any thing out of his boule.
g Beculerhe , 2:16. Andlet him that is in the Acide , not
deftiudion fhall turne backe agate vuta the things which
be moft extreme be left behinde hiin, to take bis clothes: |
and gsucl, 17, Then wo halte to them that are with
Matth 10-19.
duke 1201s
and 21.14.
d He oncly for-
biddeth that care
which commeth
of diſtruſt.
e This is not to
make them neg-
ligent, butto.
eflure them that
be wil aflift them
& inflrwét them,
feficiently with
anfweres,fo that
they may hereby
perceiue that
their defence
fRandeth not in
their owne wile-
dome,or elo-
Dan: 27-7
{f Thisi meant ;
ofthat time that
the Romanes
fhould prophane
_ the Temple.
Chap. xiij.xiiij.
fluttic: but eof her pouettie did caſt in all
him, Seeſt thou thele great buildings?there
The dayofthe Lord. 462
h childe, anid to themi that giue ſutke in thole h Forthey thall
Dayes, ,
18Pꝛap therefore that pour flight bee
not in the winter. (
Ig jFozihere wall bee in thoſe dayes ſuch
tribulation, as was not from the beginning
pf the creation which God created vnte this
tuge neither Hall be.
20 Gnd evceptrhat the Lord had worte-
ned thole tapes , no (fle Mould bee ſaued:
but fo: the elects fake, which he hath chofen,
he Hath ſhertencd thor dapes.
_ 21L Then ikany man fap to vou, Loe.bere
ts Cipstit,o2, Loc,he is there,belectic it net.
22 Foꝛ talle Chꝛiſts thailartic, and faile
prophets,and fal thew lignes and wonders
to Deceiue,ifit were k pofitble,the verp elect.
23 But take pe heed: beholv, J bane ew:
ed you all things 'befoze. i
24 (Mozcouce*in thole daies, after that
tribulation, the Hnnne Wal ware Darke,and
the Moone Wali not gme der light,
25 And the aſtarres of heauen thal fall: ¢
the powers which are in beapen, hall hake.
26 And then hall they fee the Sonne of
man comming itt the cloudes, with great
power and glorpy.
27 *And bee hall then fend his Angels,
aud fall gather together hts elect from the
foure winds, and from the vtmoft part of the.
carth,fo the vtmolt part of peauen.
28 grow learne a parable of the fig tree.
iben her bough ts pet cender,and it bung-
eth koorth leaues, pee Know that Sommer is
29 So in like maners when pee fee thele
things come to paffe, know that the kingdom
of God {g necre,cucn atthe Doozes.
30 Grrily J fay vnto pou , that this» ge-
perpin yall not pafe, tillailthele things
¢ Done,
31 Heauen and earth hal paficawap.but
Hy words yall not pafle away.
32 But of that o Day thoure knoweth no
man, no, not the Angels which are in heaue,
neither the r Son huntkife.faue the Father.
33 * Dake heede: warteh,and pray ; forye
know not when the time ts, » TERG
34 For the Sonneofmanisad aman geing
into afirange sountrey, @leaueth bis honfe,
and giusth authorttre to bis feruants,zud to
euery man bis woke, and commandech the
porter to watch. 3
-35 aMatch therefore. (for pee knota not
when ths Datter ef the boule will come, at
CUE, OPAL MIDHight at the Cocke crowing,
0224 the Dawnin
g) ;
26 es f he come ſuddenly, hee fhould h
finde pou fleeping. .
27 And thole things that F fap vnto pou,
Iſay vuto all men, Gatch.
1 The Priefts confpire againfiChrift. 3 Mary
Magdalene anointeth Chrifle 12 The Pageoucr
iscaten. 18 He telleth afore of the treafon of Iu-
das.22 The Lords fupper is infistuted. 46Chrif?
is tahen. 67 Peter demieth-him.
AD * two dDapes after followed the
A feat of the Paſſcouer, and of mi-
leaucned bread : and the high Prieſtes,
and Scribts ſought owe. they ba
nat be able to
i That you have
no letto hinder
you when you
fhould eſcape.
HOr, Max.
luke 21,8.
k The ele& mag
wawer and bee
treubled, bue
they cannot vte
terly be deceiued
and overcome.
1 Wherefore he
that fuffereth
himfelfe now to
befeduced hath
none excufe,
Iſa.i 3. 10.
joel 2.10s.
and 3.15.
m Thisteacherh
that there fhalbe
a change ofthe
whole order of
n The word fig~
nifieth the pace
ofa rco,yecres;
albeit this came
to paffe before
fiftie yeeres.
o Whenthe de-
ftru@ion of Ieru-
falem, the perfe-
fions fhall come: |
bur chiefly thefe
arevnderftood of |
the fecond com-
ming of Chrift,
p In that heis
man and Medias
q Forofthe
comming we are
moft afured ; bus
of tite.time,the
yeere,the day or <
ouye, We are igo-
norant, & therc-
fore muft watch >
Marth. 26.2;
lake 22. 2.
fe > af
_ The precious oyntment.
Matth. 26,66
$0 12.5,
fOr,of pure nard,
and faithfully
a As Iudaswho
caufed this mur-
b. Which arein
value about fixe
pound fterling.
c To wit,Iudas:
`- who was offen-
ded therewith,
and therefore
made a buſiueſſe.
Muatth.26 14.
luke 22.4.
d He tooke oc-
cañon by this
oyntment as ofa
thing euil done.
lake 2 49385
-the P
take him by craft,and put him to Death.
2 But thep (aid, Mot in the keaſt day, leſt
there be any trimult among the people.
3 “An when he was in Bethania inthe
boule of Dimon the leper,as he fate at cable,
there came a woman hauing a boxe of oynt=
ment oF | (pikenard very coitly, € he brake
the bore, and powzed it on his head. j
4 Therefor a fome difame amang
themſelues, and faid, To what ende is this
Waite of oyntment?
§ Foꝛ it might haue bene ſolde foz moze
thenbthree bundacth pence, bene given vn-
to the poore, cand thep grudged agi ber.
6 But Fetus faine, Let her atone swiy
trouble peeber? thee hath wrought a goon
wozkeon me, }
7 Fo2 pe hae the pooze with you alwaics,
and when ye will pe map do them good, but
me pe ſhall not haue alwayes.
8 Die hath done that the could: Khe came
afozehand to anotnt my body to the burying.
9 Gerily Flap onto you, Cherelacuer
this Gotpel albe pzeached throughout the
whole world, this alfothat thee bath done,
fhall be ſpoken ofin remembpance of her.
10 @* Chen Judas Iſcariot one of the
twelue,4 went away vnto the hie Pieks to
betray him vntothem.
IT Aud when they heardit,thep were glad,
and promtled that they weuld gine Yim nmo.
nep: therefore be fought pow he might cons
uentently betray bin.
12 Q Now the fir Day of vnleauened
bread, when they ſacriticed the Pafleoner,
bis diſcipies fait üntohün Abere wut thou
that we go and prepare, that thou maieſt eat
13 Then he fent forth two of his diſciples,
and laid vnto them, Go ye into the city, and
there halla man meetyou,bearing a pitcher
of water: follow hin.
I4 And whitherfocuer he goeth in ſay yë
tothe goodman of the boule, The Watter
fatth, Cihercts the lodging where J fyall
eat the Pafſeouer with my diſcipies?
Is Aud he will Hew you an vpper tham-
n ber which is large, trimmed and prepared;
Matth.26. io.
lake 22.34.
fohn 13.2%,
ce Todippethe
hand, is as much
to fay,as he that
is accultomed to
eate with me,
tohn 13.18.
acts, t.16.
€ This declareth
that nothing can
| bedone without
Gods prouidéce,
Matth 26.26.
there make tt ready forns.
16 Sovhisdilciples went forth, and came
to the city, and found as hee had aid ynta
them,and made trady the Paſſeouer.
17 CAnd at euen he came th the twelve.
18 *Andasthey fateat table and did cat,
Felius (ard, Ueriiyp I fay vnto pou, that one
of you hall betray mee, which cateth with
mee. S ,
19 Then theypbegan tobe lesrowfult,and
to fap to bim one by one, 3s tt J Zand ano-
thee, Jsith? ey ga
20 And he anfiwered and faid vnto them,
It is one of tie twelue that «* Dipperh with
mein the platter: X
21 * Truely the Sonne of man worth his
way,as itis fwrttrenof hün; bur woe bee to
that man,by whomthe Sonne of man fs be-
trapen: it had bene good fo: that man, tihe
had neuer bene borne.
22 * Andas thep did cate, Jeſuse tooke
| g Reade Match, thebzead, and when he had gtuen tankes,
| chap. 26.26,
be bake tt and. gaug to them, and (ayo;
- thatthois™ wilt; be done,
The Lords Supper. <
Take eate this temp bovy.
23 llo he tooke the cup,and when he had
b giuen thanks, gaue itto thet: and they all h TheGrecke
dranke ofit. word is to bleffe,
24 And he apd bntothem, Chis ig my which is bereta-
blood of the new Celtament, which is fhed ken onely to giue
foz many. | __ _ thanks,asS,Luke
- 25 Uerily J fay bntopon, Jwill drinke and S. Paulinter-
no moze of the fruit of the Gine, vntill that pret it,and Saine
—— Ideinke it new inthe kingdome of Marke alfo {peas
Fe) .
: king of the cup.
26 Gnd when they had fung a jplalme,
they went out to the mount of Diines. 7
27 €* Chen Felus fai vnto them, AU Fohwr6.32,
pe shall be ioftended by me thisnight:foztt i Thais, turned
is witten, * J wili {mite the Sbepheard,,becaufe
and the theepe Hall be (tattered. of the perfecu.
28 Butafterthat Jam riſen; FZ will goe tion,
inta * Galile befoꝛe you.
29 Ano Peter fayd vnto him, Although
an fhould bee offended, yet would
30 Then Jelus ſayd vnto him, Cerily J
fay vnto thee, this Day,cuenin this night, be⸗
fore the cocke crow title, thou chalt deny me
31 But bee ſayd moze eatneſtiy, TZ
Moula die with chee, I willnotaenp chee:
likewiſe allo ſayd theyat. `>
32 @* After, they came inte a place na-
med Gethlemane: then ke fayd to bis diſct·
ples, Att perhere, tili 3 bane prayed. :
33 Andee tooke with pim Peter, and k Hisdiuinitie
James, x John, and be began * te be alraid, was asit were ~
anBingreatheauinete, hid) andhis hu.
34 And fappyntothem, Wy louleis ues maniciethewed
ns — euen vnto the Death: tarp bereand jc felfe fully,
35 Ho hee went forward a little, and fell
Downe on the ground, and prayed, that tE -
hi en poflible; that youre might pafe from
murais i DFILES ci r :
36 And he aiD Abba Father,all things 1 45 in Ebrew >
ave poſſible unto thee stake away this cup and Abbainthe
from me: Neuerthelefſe, not that J wiil but Syrian tongue,
fignifieth father.
m He ftandeth
not fo to bis own
wil,burthat wile
lingly he offe- `
reth himfelfe to `
obey God,
Zech. 13 7.
Matth. 26.36,
luke 22.39..
37. Then he came- found them fleeping,
ana ſayd to Peter, Qunow, fleepelk tyon?
touldeſt not thou watch ane toure?
38 € Match pe, and prap, that pe enter
not into tentation: the ſpirit in Deed is reas
Dy, but the flet is weake. 5
39 And againe he went away, and pray⸗
eD and fpake the fame words. ; D
40 And hee returned, and faund theae ·
Aiccpe awatne: foꝛtheir epegiwere heauy: neis >)
Hid knew they what they thould aniwere
inte tb
41 Andhe came the third time, and ſayd
unto them, »DSleepe Hencefoorth, and take
pour ret zit ispneugh: thehoure ts comes
bebola, the Sonne of man is deliuered into
the hands of linners. ai
42. Rile pp: let vs goe;
eth me is at hand. i3 ¢
43 *Gudimmediatly, while he vet ſpake; math 2647,
came Judas that was one ofthe tweluc,and uke 22.47.
with hin ia great multitude With fundes sop rgo
and Raues from the hie Pieckes t Hevibes, en nci
and Elorg, S PAi clAnt STG arnaga
CA Aud hethat betraped him , had a
n Hemeaneth \
thatthe houte |
wilcome when ©
9 0) 5). theythalbe kept?
loe,hethat betray: fromieeping. ©
Iudas liſſe.
o It was the fa-
fhion then to
greete with kif-
fing at their
meetings , and
alfo at their de-
p Herepeateth
it twife,as if hee
had teen moo.
wed with acer-
taine pitie in
taking his laft
To wit,Peter,
r Called Mal-
f Which decla-
reth that no man
can do any thing
cõtrary to Gods
t Meaning,all
the difciples.
Matt 26 57.
` Luke 22.54.
zohn 18.24.
u That is,they
which had chie-
felt authoritie a-
mong the Priefts,
x Which fignifi-
ed thathis hote
zeale began now
to be abated,
Matth.26. 56.
Or, were not like
y Thefe two
witneffes diffen»
ted, in that the
one reported
that Chrift fayd,
he could defroy
the Temple, (as
Matthew wrie
teth) and the o-
ther fayd that he
heard him fay,
that hee would
doe it,asis here
z Thatis, of
God, whois
worthy all praife:
the which word
in their language,
the Iewes when
they fpeakeof
monly in their
writings euen to
this day.
Matth 24 30.
a Whom they
now contemned
them a token, faving, Chomfoener oF Hall
mee itis; take bun, and lead bint away
45 And affoone as he was come, he went
firaightwap to hint, and ſayd, r Walter,
Watter,andkifled him.
46 Then they layd their hands on him,
and toake him.
47 And one of them that ood by mew
out a fwod, and finote a + ſeruant of the bie
Piet and cut et his eate.
48 And Jems anfwered and fayd vnto
them, Pe be come out as ynta a thicte with
(words and with tauestotakeme.
49 J was daply with you teaching in the
Temple, and yee tooke me not: butthisis
done that the Acriptures ſhould be fulftlizo,
50 Then they tall korſooke him, and fled.
51 And there followed him a certane
yong man, clothed in linnen vpon dis bare
bodie and the pong men caught him.
§2 But heleft his innen cloth, and fled
from them naket.
53 * Bo they led Jeſus away to the high
Pꝛieſt, and to him came all the "pie Prieſts,
and the Elders, and tye Aerides. i
§4 And Peter followed hun * afarre off,
euen inte thehallof the bigh Prie, and
fate with the ſeruants, and warmed himfelte
atthellfite, > }
55 And the *high Peieſtes and all the
Council fought tar witucile againit Jefus,
to put them to Death, butfoundnone.
‘56 Foz many bare falfe witneſſe againk
him, but their witneſſe || agrecd not toges
57 Chen there arole certaine, and bare
falfe witneffe againtt bim, faving,
§8 Uee heard him fay, * 3)’ will deſtroy
this Temple made with hands, and wichin
thee dayes 3) wil build another, made with-
out hands. —
tj But their witnelle yet agreed not to:
60 Then the hie Prick toon bp amongk
them, and alked Jelus, faving, Anſwereſt
thou nothing ? Mhat ts the matter that
theſe beare witnelle again thee ¢
6I But hee held bispeace, and anfwered
nothing. Againe thebie Wiet alked him,
and ſayd vuto him, Art thou Chik the
Donne of thez Bleſſed?
62 And Jeſus fayd, Jam hee, * and pee
ſhall fee the »Donne of man fitat theright
hand of the power of God, and comein the
clouds of heaucn. i
63 Then the bigh Pꝛieſt rent his clothes,
and fayn, Ahat bane wee any moze neede of
64 De haue Heard the blatphemyp: what
thinke pee? and thep all condemded him to
be worthy of death, 3
65 And lomebeganto {pit at him andto
couer bis face, andto beate htm with fits,
andto fap vnto him, Pzophefie. And the
b fergeants (mote hint with cheirrods,.
in this bafe eftate aey fhould feeappearethe Inftday with maicftie
andglory. b
sdeclareth the wickednefle and infolencie ofthe
gowernours, and rulers, fecing their officers contrary to all ufice,
thus raged and cormented him that was innocent,
66 * And as Peter was beneath in the
ball, sipe came one of the matdsol the bhigh
Dief, i
67 And when thee faw Peter warming
himſelfe, ġe looked on bim. t atd, Thou watt
allo with Jelus of Mazarct.
68 But hee dented tt, faving, J knewe
Him not, neither wote Jwhat thou lapelt.
Chen went he out mito tye |j “porch, andthe
tocke eret, = f ;
69 * Then a maid faw bim againe, and
beganto fap to them that teon by, This is
one of them, dG ;
70 Buthee Denied it againe: and anon
after they that ſtood bp, fatd againe to Pe⸗
ter, Surely thou art oneofthem; foz thou
art of Dalile and thy {peach isitke.
_ 71 And he began to curie and ſweare, fay-
Dg R) knowe not this man of whome pee
72 * Then the fecond time thé tocke
trew, and Peter remembzen the word that
Jelug had fayd vnto him, Betoze the cocke
crow twile, thou halt venie me thie, ang
|| weighing that with himlelke, he wept.
r” Fe (us ù led to Pilate. 15 He is condersned,
reuiled er put to death, 46 & i buried bp Iofeph.
AR * anon in the Daning, the igh
Peielts held aacouncell with p Eiders,
and the Scribes, and the whole councell,
and bound Felis, and led him away, and
Delinered him to Pilate.
2 Then Pllate atked hun, Art thou the
king of the Jewes? And be anlwered, and
fata vnto him, Thou ſayelt it.
3 Andthe high Piets acculed him of
many things. i ;
4 * Aherekoꝛe Pilate alked him againe,
ſaping, Anfwerelt thou nothing 2 bebolde
— many things they witneſſe againſt
§ But Felis anfwered > nomozeatall,
fo that Pilate marueciled·
6 Mowat the kealt Pilate did Deliner a
—— vnto them, whomſoeuer they would
7 Then there wasone named Barab
bas. which was bound with pts fellowes,
that had made tniurrection, whs in the inə
furrection had committed murder.
8 And the people cryedaioud, and bes
ganto Defire that he would dogs he hade ener
Done vnto them. `
-9 Then Pilate anfwered them, efayd,
Cill pee that 4 let loole vnto you the King
ofthe Fewes ? i
IO Foꝛ he knew that the hie Picts han
deliuered him of enni.
Il Batthe high Peielts had mooned the
people to defre that he would rather Deliner
Barabbas vuto chen.
12. And Pilate anfwered, and ſayde as
gaine vnto them, (Ahat will pe then that J
Doe withhim, whom yee call the Hing of the
Jewes? —
13 And they criedagaine, Crucifie him.
-I4 Then Pilate fayd vnto chem, But
tubat enill hath be none? And they cried the
moze Fernently,Crocific him.
Is Bo Pilate à willing ta content the
Petersdeniall, 463
luke 2255,
iohn 18,25,
c Weought so
cOfider our owne
we may Jearne
onely to trnftin
God,and notin
our owne
llOr, entries
d Peter prepa.
reth himfelfete
flee,if hee were
further layd
Matth,26 71.
luke 23.58,
iohn 18,25.
Matth, 26.75»
sohn 13.38.
|Or,rufhed ont of
the doores, and
Maith.27.1, 20
luke 22.66,
iohn 18.28.
a Forthe Ro-
mans gaue them
no authority to
put any manto >
luke 23.30
icha 18.35.
b He would net-
defend his caufe, -
but prefented
himfelfe willing-
ly to becondem=_
c The people ala-
although they be-
worth nothing, -
d When aiudge -
hath reſpect to
men, hee quite
forge:teth its
i Chrift crucified.
hOr, Pretorie,
fOr, falke.
Mattli, 27.82.
luke 23.26.
e Itwasthecu-
fome to make
him that was
carie his croffe,
- but Tefus was
~ not able fer
luke 23.33.
- bni..
~ f Which wasto
haiten his death:
but he would not
drinke ir, becaule
he would waite
for the houre
that bis Father
had appointed,
that he might
render vnto him
erfit obedience:
-È The Iewes die
_ uided their day
} into foure parts,
- fothar bythe
~ third houre is
- here meant the
- third parth of the
- day which was
-from fix a clocke
_ fo nine,at what
time Matthew
faith he was cru-
r cified.
= h Meaning,the
one of them that
- $verecrucified,
~~ ¥ Becaufe this
darkeneffe was
onely oner the
- Jand of Canaan,
sben the reft of
the world was
light, the mira-
-Cic isthe greater,
k Which was
the third part of
the day,anda-
bout three of
the clocke after
Pfatm.r 2.1.
1 This was ipo-
ken mokingly,
people, looſed them Barabbas.and aclinered
Jeſus when hee had ſcourged him, that hee
might be crucified.
16 Chen the fouldicrsted him awayinto
the halt, which ts the} common pallana cals
led together the whole band,
17 And clad him with pursle, and plat-
ted a crowing of thoznes, and put it about
I8 Qnd began to falute him, fying Daile,
King of the Jlewes, ]
Ig And they Gnote him on the head with
â reeDe,and ſpat ppon bim, and bowed the
kners ond DID him reuerente. )
20 And when they bad mocked him,
thep toake the purple of him, and pnt his
owne clothes on htin,and led bum out to ctu ·
cife him.
21 * And they © compelled one that pal
fed dy, called Simon of Wyzene (whiri came
out ot the countrey, and was father of Qler-
ander and Rufus) to beare his croſſe.
22 And they draught bun to a place naz
imed Golgotya , which ts by interpretation,
23 Aud they gaue him to mink wine min ·
gled £ with myrrhe : but he receined it nat.
24 Ana when they had crucified him, they
parted hts garments, cating lets foz them,
what euerp man ſhonld haue.
25 Aud it was s the third houre when
they crucilied hin.
26 And the title okhis cauſe was written
27 They crucificd alfo with him twa
theeues,theoncon therighf band, and the
other on bis left. :
28 Thus the Scripture waz fulfilled,
which layth, "Aud $e Was counted among
the wicked,
29 And they that went by, railed on him,
wagging their beads and laptng,* ep chou
that deſtroyeſt the Temple, and burldelt it
in three Dapes,
30 Saur thy ſelke, and come Downe From
thecrofle. : 2
31 Likewife alo even the bigh Dicts
imptking , ſayd anong chemfelucs with the
Hiribes, Mee ſaued other men, hinlelfe hee
cannot ſaue. j if
32 Lee Cift the Ring of Iſrael nowe
come Downe from the crofle, that wee may
ſee, and beleeue. » Chey allo that were cru»
cified with him, rentied bim,
33 E€ Mow when che firt youre was come,
Darkenefie aroſe ouer iall. the tand vntillthe
ninth boure. ©
34 Andat the «ninth houre Jels cryed
with a loune voyce, faping , * Eigi, Clot,
lamma-fabachthant ? which ts by interpze-
tation, My God, my God, why bat thar foz»
faken me?
35 And fone oF them that food by when
ne heard it, fapd, ! Beholde, hee calleth
36 And oneran and Gled * a ſponge full
ot vineger, and put iton areedDet gaue him
_ to Diinke, laying, Let bim alone ; let vs (eek
Elias will come and take him Downe.
37 And Jeſus cried with aloude voyce,
and gaue bp the gholt. .
38 € And the baile of the Temple was
reut in twaine, from thetop to the bottome.
39 ow when them Centurion, which
ftood suer againit him, ſaw that be thuscrp:
ing gaue vp the ghoſt, he layd. Truely this
man was the tonne of God.
40 © Shere were alla women, which be-
belde afarre of, among Whom was Marie
Magdalene, Marie the nother of James
the ieffe and of Joles and Sateme,
4r Ahich alia when Bee was inGalile,
“followed jün and miniitred bite pin, and
many other women which came bp with
Him unto Jerulalem. .
42 €* Gnd now when night was come,
(becauſe tt was the Dap of the preparation,
that is betoze the Dabbath)
43 Joſeph of Arismathea,an "honourable
Counleliour,whrch allo looked fo: the kings
Dome of Hoy, came and went in obeldly vn
to Plate aud afked the body of Jeſus.
-44 And Pilate marueiled tf be were al-
ready Dead, € called vnto bim the Centuri⸗
on and aſked of hun whether pee had beene
any while Bead.
45 dnd when bee knew thetructh of the gaue the body ta Joleph,
46 Tbo bought a linnen cloth,an’ tooke
Hint Downe, and wrapped him tn the linen
cloth , and layde bim tn a toinbe that was
hewen out ofarock, and rolled g Kone vate
the Deoze of the ſepulchre. ;
47 And Wary Magdalene, and Marie
Jaits mother behela where he ould ve laid.
1 The women come tothe grano. 9 Chrifi being
rifen azaine appeareth to Magdalene, 14 alfoto
the euen and reprometh thesr vabelefe. 16 He
commmtteth the preaching of the Goſpel & the mi»
niſtrauon of baptifime vato them.
A j2d* when the Habbath day was pakk,
Mary Waadalene , and Wary the mo-
therof Janes, and Salome, bought tweete
otatments, that they night come, and ems
baulme him.
The Sepulchre.
m Who had
charge ouer an
Luke 8.253,
luke 23.5055 1»
ishn 19.38.
n A graue man
and of great au»
o This man
thewed his faith
boldly when the
danger (eemed
to be moft pe-
Luke 24. 1.
iohn 20,1.
2 Therekore early in the morning, the. -
frt Day of the weeke,thep came vate the ie
pulchee,when the un was per | riſing.
3 And they layde one ta another, cage
ſhall volie vs away the {tone from the Booze
ofthe Levulchze?
4 Andwhen they looked, they faw that
the fone was rellen awap (forte was avery
5 * Ho they went into the ſepulchee, and
. fae? a vonug man fitting at the right fide,
dpa ina long white robe; and they were
afrayd. >
6 But he ſaid vnto then, Benotafrapd:
pee ſeeke Jeſus of Masarcr,which hath bene
crucified: be ts rilen: he is not heres behold
the place where they put hin. ae
‘But goe pour way, and tell his ditis
ples,and > [Deter,that be will goe befoze you
into Galile; there hal ye (ee hun,* as pe (aid
vnto pou. :
8 And they went out quickly, and flea
fram the (epulchze for theptrembled,t were
aimaled : neprher (apd they any thing ta any
mait: fo2 they were afraid.
9 {aay
“fOr, ot rifes.
Matth 28.1.
ishn 2012.
a The Angel of
God inthe like-
nefle of ayong
b He fpecially
maketh mention
of Peter, to com-
fort him, becaufe
hehad fallen into
greater danget
then the reft,
Matth 26.314
chap. 1428.»
Chriftreproueth his difciples, Chap. j. BelicfeandBaptifine. 464
90 EC And when Felis was rifenagaine,
in the morew(which was the frt day of the
weeke)be appeared firit to Marte Magda⸗
Toh 20.16. lene, * out of whom ge had catt lenen ventis.
~- luke 8.2, 10 And He went and teid them that had
Beene with bun, which mouract and wept.
1i And wien they beard that hee was
c They hadfoone aliue, ane bao appeared to her, thep< leicce
forgotrenthat, ued it uot.
that Chriſt had 12 @*dfter that, hee appeared vnto two
foretold them of of them in another fome, as they walked
hisrefurreGion, and Went inte tye countri.
Luke 24.13,15- 13 And they went and told it tothe rem⸗
naut but they beleeued them noc.
Luke 24.36. 14. q * Finally, be appeared vnto the relee
s9bn 20,19. uenas they ¿fate together, and reprooued
d Mourning and them oftheir vnbelicke ehardnefie of heart,
praying, becaule they Seleened not them wyich had
ſeene him,bzing rifen vp agate,
Matt),28.1 9, Is Gnd he ſaid vntsthem, * Goeyeeinto
all the wold, and preach the Gafel to
q Theholy Gofpel of fefus Chrift,
according to Luke.
5 Of Zacharias,and Elifabet, 13 The Angel
fheweth hrn of the natiuattie of John Baptist, 20
His incredulitieis pumfhed. 28 The talke of the
Angel and Mary. 46 Her fong. 57 The birthcir-
cumcifion, and graces of Lohn, 68 Zacharias gi-
ueth thankesto God,and prophefieth.
gawa Dralinuch as many hans taken
in hand to ſet koorth the tose
of thole things whereof wee
Apoſtles with 2 aQsthey bane deliuered
whom hee was them pute vs, which from the
conuerfant, beginning lawe them their ſelues, and were
bOrofthething: minifers of the > W00,
and it may bee 3 Fe {eemed good allo ta me (mot noble
referred eitherto Theophilus) aſſoone as Jhad ſearched out
Chriftortothe perkecily all things from the beginning, ta
Gofpel: and write vñto thee thereof from potnt to point,
herebyismeant, 4 @hatrhoumightet acknowledge the
thattheywere certaintie of thole things, whereot thou galt
theminiftersof Geene inftructed.
Chrift, who is § 1fAthe time of: Herove King of Jue
called the word: [nea,there was a certaine pꝛieſt named
orminiftersof Zacharias, of the 4 courte of Abia: and hts
the word,thatis wifewas of the ¢ Daughters of Aaron, ana
to fay,of the Gof- her name was Elifabet.
pel:andthiscom- 6 ‘Both were! iut before God, and twal:
mendeththe au- ked in all the commaundements and 8 020i
thoritieofhis nances ofthe Loꝛd, without repzoofe.
do Grins, feeing 7 And they bad nochtlde, becaufe that
hereceiseditof Eiiſabet was barren; and both were weil
theApofties. —ftrickenin age. £
c Thefonneof 8 And it came to pafle,as he erecuted the
- Antipater, Waielts office bekoꝛeGod, as his courte came
d Reades.Chio. in order, st a8)
24.10. 9 According to the cuſtome of p Wiets
e Byher father: office, bis lor was tot burne incens, when
forby her mo- . : : i
thers line the was ofthe hovfeof Dauid. £ Thisperfecticn or iu-
flice isiudgedty the fruits and outward appearance; and not bythe
a Meaning, the
caufe: which onely commeth of Gods free mercie through Chrift.
The Grecke word fignifierh, iaftifications, whereby is meant the
outward obferustion of the ceremonies commanded by,God, h That
is, the eueping and morning facrifice, according tothe Law.
and many hail ectopce at hts birty. rum, into the.
© enery creature. < c As well--Gen-
16 ie that hall beleene and bee baptiſed, tileas Iewe,
fall be faued :* but he that will not beleeue, Iohz 12.48.
fyalbe Damned. f This gift was
17 And theleftokens Gal follow them that but fora time,co
beleetic, “£n my name they pall calt out De- cauſe men the
niis, and fhall* fpeake with s rew tongues, more willingly -
18 * And fall rake away (erpents,anDdif to receme the
they Mall Dink: any deadiy thing, tt all Golpel,which as
nothurt them: * they hal lay their bands en yet was noc eui.
the licks,and they Hall receucr. dently Knowen,
16 * Soaftce the Lom bad fpoken pnto es 16.18.
them, be was rectiued into heauen, and late 44.2.4 ct10.46
at the right band of God. g Withother. —
20 And they went foorth, and preached anddiuers,as
euery where. And the* Lord wrought with Luke faith,
them,and confirmen the wod With h figneg Acte⸗28.5.
that followed, Amen, Actes 28.8.
Luke 24.5%,
He.2.4, b The miracles & fignes follow ¥ doGrine,as ceftain fealeg
fo that ifthe doctrin be falfe the miracles can be no better. Dea. 13.3
be went into thei Temple of the Low, i The Temple
10 And the whole multitude ot the peos was diuided into
ple were without in paper, * while chem: three parts: -
cenfe was burning. the firit wastke
Il Gen appeared vnto himan Angelof bodyofthe _
the Lord Handing at the right ideofthe Ale Temple called
tar of incenie, } Atrium, where
12 Gnd when Zacharias faw him, he was the people was:
tranbled,and feare fell bpon pim. the cond called
13 Bůt the Angel (aid vnto hint, Feare SanQum,where -
not, Zacharias : fo: thy prayer ig beard, anD the Priefis and
thy wite Clifabet Mall beare theealonne, Levites weres
and thou Walt call bis name * Jobn, end thethird -
14 And thou Hatt dane iep and gladues, Sanum Sanos
ig forbhe Halibe great in the lightefthe which the hie
1020, ¢ thal netther Minke wine,noz! rong Prieft entred
Duinke: and Dee thall bec filled with the holy onceayecreto-
Ghot, euen from Fis niothers wombe. facrifice, 7
16 *Qndinany of the children of Iſrael Exod, 3075,
yall heturne to their 1023 od. lenit 16. 17.
-I7 *Forhee Wall goe m before him in Of k Which gni-
{pirtte aud power of Elias, fo turne the feththegraceof
hearts ofthe = fathers tothe childzen, and the Lord.
the diſobedient to the wiſedome of theinf 1 The word fig-
men, to make ready a people peepared fog nificthall maner
the Lan. ’ $ ofdrinke which ~
18 Chen Zacharias (aid vnto the Angel, makethmen
CAbereby Hall kuow-this 2 sor 9 aman drunken.
old man,and my wife is ofa great age. Balach, 4.5 6a-
29 And the Angelanlwered,and{aid vn⸗ Matth 11.140.
to him, 3 amo Gabriel that kana in the pres m Asa King
fence of God, and am fentto fpeake vnto in his royaltie i
thee, and to hew thee theſe good iidings. bath one to goe⸗
20 And behold, thou fhalt be dumbe, and before him
net bee able to ſpeake, vntill ther Day that who fignifigth
thek things bee Done, becaule thon belees the King to be
uedit not my words, which hall bse fuiGlled ac hand,
in their ſeaſon. a When Chrift
faihhecame — $
te fet the father againſt the fonne, &c. he meaneth the fucceffe which °
,commeth of the Gofpel, thropgh the malice of men: but here hee
fpeaketh of thetrue endeand profpericieofthe Goſpel. o Whick
fignifieth, the ftrenech or foucraignticofGod. p Wee mult not -
mealure Gods promile by ous weake fences.
» The Angel fent to Mary.
Fa While their
courfe endured
to facrifice they
might notlie `
wich their wiues,
nor drinke any
make one drunke
r For the barren
women enioyed
not the promife
which God made
tothem that
were married to
baueiffue :but
principally they gami was fent from God vnto a citie of
21 How the people waited fo: Fachart-
as, and marueiled that hee taricd fo long in
the Temple.
22 And when bee came ott hee could not
{peake vnto them: then they perceiued that
he had ſeene a vilon in the Temple : fo: hee
— lignes vnto them, and remained
23 gud it came to paſſe, when the dapes
- licour that might of pis office were fulfilled, that hee Departed
ato bis owite houſe. —
24 And after thoſe dapes his wife Eliſa⸗
— bid ber fette ue months,
24 Thus hath the Lord dealt with mee,
in the Daves wherein hee looked on mee , ta
take froni mer my rebuke among men.
26 (Andinthe fictmoneth, the Angel
were deprivedof Galile namen fasaret,
that promife
which God made
to. Abraham, that
bee would en-
creafe his ſeede.
[lOr gladne (fe bee
to thee.,
llOr,receined into
f Not for her
“merits but onely
through Gods
~ free mexcy,who
loued vs when
we were finners,
that whofoever
treioyceth fhould
27 Go a virgin affianced fo aman whole
name was Joleph, of the boufe of Dauid, and
the virgins namie was Marie.
28 And the Angel went in vnto ber, and
faid, | Daile thou chat artijfreely beloved : che
on E with thee: bleiſed art thou among
29 And when the faw him, Hee was tron.
bled at his faytug, and thought what manet
of falutation that ould be.
30 Chen the Angel (aid vnto her, Feare
not, arie; for thou f haft found fauour
with God. J
31 * Foz loe, thou Malt conceiue in thy
wombe, and beare a fonne,and alt call bis
32 ee hall be great, and hall bee callen
seioyceinthe the Sonne ofthe molt igh, and the Lord
Lord. God Hal gtue vnto him the thone of bis fa-
Ifa.7.14. ther Daud
piat.t,2%. 33 *And he ſhall reigne ouer the boule of
chap,2.31. Jacob foz euer and of his kingdome Wail be
the true Sonne 34 Then faye
of God begotten * How Wall this bec, ſeeing F knowe not
from before all man? ;
beginning, and 35 And the Angel anfwered,and [aid vn⸗
—— in tse her. The holy Shoſt hal come vpon thee,
Mat the de· and thepowerof the molt Vigh Hall * ouere
terminacetime, ſhadow thee: therefore allo that y boly thing
Dan.7.14. which halt be bone of thee, ſhall bee called
micah. 4.7. the Sonne of Gon. 7
uShewouldbe 36 And behol, thy + tonfin Eliſabet, Hee
refoluedofall hath allo conceiued a tonne in her olde age;
doubts,tothe andthisisherlirtmoncth, which was cals-
endethatthee [cdbarren. — i
might more 37 Fo with God Hall nothing be vnpol⸗
furely embrace fible, J
the promife of 38 Then Warie aid, Behold the ſeruant
_ God, of the Lozd: beit nto me accozding to thy
x It ſhall beafe- word. Ho the AngelDeparted from her.
cretoperationof 39 @ Gnd Warie arole m thole dayes
theholy Ghot. and went inte the hillcountrey with hatte to |
y Heemuft be
t Becaufe he is
none onde.
Harie vnto the Aneel,
S. Luke.
a a citie of Juda.
40 Andentred into the houle of Sacha:
riag,and Caluted Eliſabet.
41 And tt came to pafe, as Elilabet
Heard the falutatton of Marie, the babe
b (prang inber belly, ana Clifabet was Alled
witb the holy Ghot. -
42 And the cried with a lowde votce, and
fatd, Wlelled art thou among women, be⸗
caule ¢ the fruite ofthy wombe is bleſſeð.
43 And whence commeth this to me, that
the mother of my Loa ſhoulde come to
44 fro: loe, alfoone as the voice of thy ta-
Iutation founded in mine eaves, the babe
{pang in my belly fo? top.
45 And bleſſed is fee that beleeued: foz
thole things hall be perfomed, which were
told ber 4 fromthe Loo. }
46 Then Warie laid, Dy foule magni-
fieth the LoD, : í
47 Gud my (pirit reiopceth in God my
48 Foꝛ hee hath looked on thet poore de-
gree of bisferuant ; foz behold, from bence-
forth thall all ages call! me bleien.
49 Becaule pethatts mightte, bath done
fez ne great things,and holy is his Mame.
so And his e mercy is from generation to
gencrationonthemthatfearchim., —
SI *Heehath foewed trength with bis
armè: * hee hath ſcattered the peoude tn the
h imagination ofthetrhearts, ==
§2 Hee hath put downethe nightie from
their (eates, and eralted thent of low Degree.
53 * He bath filted the hungrie with goon
things and fent away the,rich emptte.
§4 *He hath vpholden Iſrael bis ruant,
being mindkull ofhis mercy.
s5 (As bee bath ſpoken to our fathers,
to wit,to Abrabam, and bis | (eed) fog euer.
56 E And Warie abode with her about
three moneths : after, thee returned to ber
owne houſe. PHE
§7 € Row Clifabets time was fulfilled,
that the Gould be Deliuered, and he brought
foha nne: 5
8 jer neighbours, €coulins heard
tell LoD had hewed hts great’
—* her, and thep reioyced with
59 And it was fo thaton theetabt day
they came to circumciſe the babe, and called
him Zacharias, after the name of his father,
60 But his mother anfwersd, and (ard,
Not ſo but he hall be called John.
61 And they faid vnto her, Chere is none
of thy kinred, thatis named with this name.
62 Then they made lignes to his father,
bop be would bane btm called.
63 Bo hee alked fo: writing tables, and
wrote, taping, Wis name is John: and they
marueiled ail.
Maries fong.
a Which was”
alfo called Kiri-
ath-arba,or He.
bron,lof14,1 Se
and 24.40,
6 This mouing
was ¢xtraordina-
ry ånd not na-
turall, which wag
to commend the
c Shee ſheweth
the caufe why
Mary was bieffed
d By the meflage
ofthe Angel.
e The foule and
the Pirit fignifie
the yndes{tan-
ding & atfectio
whichare the
two principal’
parts of the foule,
9 low eftate,
This fauour
that God hath
thewed me, thalf
befpoken of for
g According to
the promife
made to Abra-
bam,that he
would be his
God,and the
God of his feede
for cuer,
Ifa.5 1:9,
PAl 33.10.
[4.29.1 5.
Hh The wicked
Jay fates for
they themfelues `
are taken..
i Fam 11536,7.
a oasa;
gand 545»
iere. 32.3, 20.
and 22.17.
fal. 132.11.
lOr pofterities
r as
pure and without finne,which muft take away the finnes ofthé world
Í z Notwith(tanding thar Blifabet was married to one of thettibe of
Leui, yet thee was Maries coufin, which was of the ftocke of Dauid.
Forthe Lawe which forbade marriage out of their ownetribe , tas
onely thatthe tribes fhould not bee mixt and confounded, which
could not bee in marrying with the Leuites: for they bad no portion
affigned vnto them, +
64 And his mouth was opened immedi: i Notonely for —
atly, and bis tongue loofed , and hee pake his benefit in
and pzatled God. pardoning his
65 Then feare came on all them that fault,buralforo `
Dwelt neere vnto them, and all theſe woms thew chat he was
were noyſed abroad throughout all the bill iuftly punithed ©
countrey of Judea, * for his inere-
66 And all they that heard them, — dulitie.
4 tuem F-
Zacharias prophecicth. Chap. ij. The birth of Chrift 465
~ .., thembpinthete hearts laying, hat maner. Bethlehem, Checanle hee was of the honte
k Themightie childe tball this bec! and the*andof the and linage of Dauid,) £ 3
powcrofGod Xod was with him. i § Cobetarcy mth Wary that was gi
and his graces 67 Then bis father sachartas was fil- uen hten to wifewhich was with child,
which declared > Aed With the bolp Ghot, and prophecied, -6 -A Andi it was,that while they were
that hee thould -faying, theres the Dapes were accompltijen tiat the
bee an excellent 68 Blefled bee the Loyd God of Iſrael, Would be deltuered. FF
erfons · becaufehe bath vilited · andredeemedhis 7 And MHebroughe forth her efivitbegote | Reade Matth,
Indeclaring people, ten Sonne, and weapped him infwadling: 125.
himſelfe mind · : 69 And hath raid bp the m homeo clothes, and lapde him in a ecratch, Becaule € Whereby ap-
full of his people fatuation vnto va,in the houle of bis ſeruant there was no roome for them inthe Inne.) peared hispo- ·
and thereforeis - Dauit, | ¶ And there were inthe ſame coumrey vertie and their
comcfromhea- 70 he ſpake by the mouth ok his holx Mepdcards abiding in the field,and keeping: crue cie which
uen to viſite and Piophets, which were fincethe worid de⸗ watch by night becaufcoftheit flocke, ~ — ould nor pitie
redeemethem, gatt,faying, 9 And loe, the Angel of the Lo d came Neka voman in
Matth. 1.21. 7I Thathewonld fend vs Deliuerance from vponthem, and the glorie of the 102d fone fucha cafes
chap 2 30 dur enemies, and trom the hands of all that about them,andthep were fore afraioe. ~
Pfal. 132.17,18 Bate vs, 10 Chen the Angel fain vnto them, Bee
|m Whenthe 72 Chat he would thew mercy towards not afraide: fez behold, J bang pou tidings
promifesof God out fathers, and remember his bolp Coue⸗· Of great toy,that tail be to aliche people: +~
feeme to bane nant, — TAUB bp That A ated etek teh add seat b.
ailed, and the 73 *And the oath which hee ſware to our be citie o and, a Mautour, which is 1c YAS
fate of tfraelto - father Abraham: Chutk the Low. s) ab. Beth-Iehemn,”
haue perifhed, 74. Which was,thathe wond graunt bnto 12 Ande this halbes figne to pon, We thal g Becaule they
then ſent he his Ls, that we being Deltuered out ofthebandg find the child ſwadled, andlapdina cratch. thould notbe
Chnft,whoby ofour enemies, poulu: ſerue him without _ 13 And ſtraightway there was with the offended with
hisinuincible + feare f “iouis Qugel a múltitude of beaucnly fouloiers, Chriftspoore >
Rrength,aswith Satine of our life; in holineſſe pꝛayſing God,and fayingss sC uin oo eftate, the Angell
aftronghoine > and rightconthetie pbefoze hum. Be ‘14 Gio bee toGod in the High heavens, preventeth this ~
overthrew his 76 And thou, babe ſhalt bee calledthe and peace tn earth and to wards men goon dou'it; andthew-
enemies, Pꝛiophet ofthe mot High: fozthou walt gog will. RR JUSRW ICU eth in whatfort ”
Jere:23.6: befoze the face of the Loꝛd, to prepare bis ` 15 Andit tame to paſſe when the Angels they hould fnd -
and 30.10. wapes, were gone away from them into heauen, him, 9 =
n He declareth 77 And to gine knowledge of faluation thatthe hepheards ſaid one to another, Let h The free merey
thecaufeand «| ynto His people, bp the vremiffion oftheir VS goe then vnts Beth lehem and ſee this and pood will of
fountaineof our » finnes, OME 20 oS thing that fs come te pafle, which che Lora God; whichis.
redewption. 78 Through the tender. mercie of our Hath ewed vonto vs. 6 C53 Ln Ai] the fotintaine of
Gene.22.16,17. GOD, whereby *the * Day (pring from an ` 16'Sethevcame with halte and found our peace and fe-
gerem.3t.33. ` High, hath vifited vs, both Mary and Jolephand the babe layd in licicie, andis `
bebr.6.13. ogue light to themthat fitin dark: thecratch. — —— chiefly declared
© Thisisthe) nefle,and tn the hadow of Death tto guide 17 And when they had ſeene it they pub · cotheeka, `
endeofourse- © ourfeeteints the way of peace. lied abzoad the thing; which mas tolde
demption. 80 And the childe grew, Ewared tong them ofthat chidde Sapte
x.Pet.1.15. © > infpirit, and was int the wilderneffe;tilrhe — 18 “And all that heard if, wondered at the
‘To whom no Day Came, that he ould Mew himlelfe ynta things which were tolde them of the heps ` j
ypocrifiecan > Fftael. beatas. ` pd heat ——
“be acceptables- 19 But ary kept all thoſe ſayings, and
which is the principall part of the Gofpel. Zech. z8. and L : 20 And the thepheatdsreturned, gloriũ·
4:2, t Orbranch of a tree meaning the Meffias, who i e ig and prapling God, foj all that they hav
of righteoufheffe, which fhineth from heaven. Thatis, ofallfe- heard g (een, as it was ſpoken bnto them.” Gene:i7. t3.
licitie; ‘e ‘He meaneth that part of Iudes which wasleaftinbabited, 21 ¶ · And when Ay eight dayes were ac⸗· euit. iꝛ. ©
where alſo the groffe andtude pe ople dwelled, =o complied, that thepMould circumciſe the shs grz
J CHAP, CIR? childe, his name was then calleD*1 ESV S, Marth’r, aT
ii 7 The birth and circumciſion of Chrif. 23 He which was named vf the Angel, before hee chap. 1.31.
was receitsedintothe Temple. 28 Simeon & An- Was conceiued inthe wombe,. ‘ese Leuit, E 2.6.
= maprophecse of him 46 He was found among the) 22 *And When the dayes offiher purificas. ¶o/ thes.
doctors, “5i Ha obedience to father and mother, tion after the Law of Moles were accom- Exod. 13.2.
| ‘ Am it came topaffe. ini thole vayes; thar plied, they — Himto Jerufalem; to sumg. ie.
| | HM ethere came a commandement from Aue. prelent bim tothe Lon; = < Cei Or, that ú firf
a Sømuchas' ` gnitus Celar,that all the wosld Menlo bee “23 (Asit te Written in the Lawe of the borne.
He theweth that our faluation confifteth in the x fins, Pandered them in her heart. DRAN
s 2h i
wasfubiehto ſtaxed : — Load, *Euery man chal that arftopenetit’ Lease. 12.6,
tic Komanes. 2 “(This firt ttaring wae made when. the wembe, fhalbe called holp to the Lozd:) i Which ofring
ii putin wri- Cyꝛenius was gouernsucofSyzta.) 24 And to giue an oblation, *as itis was appointed
T iad \ 3 Therefore went alltobe taged, enery commanded inthe Lawofthe Lom, ia paire to them wbich
ob Wherebythe man tohisawrecitie. $7 no o _, SEturtle Doues, oztwopong pigeons. — were io poore
people were >) <4 And prophecie,
26 and
—— ee a a
WeRimonies of ChiAarid
26 And arcuelation was ginen bin of the
holy Ghoſt, that bee hould not ſee death, bee
Or, Mefa. fore He bad ſeene the Logos || Chut
{Greekewathe 27 Aud dee came t by the motion ofthe.
“firit, | Hpirit mts the Temple, and when the pas
rents brought in the childe gelus; to Doe top
him after the cuitome of the Law,
28 Then hee tooke him in his aͤrmes, and
paed Hod, and (atv,
29 Lod, | iow lettett thou thy ſernant
depart in peaccsaccosding to thy word:
$ Simeon decla-
reth himfelfeto
diewillingly; 30 Foz mine cyes yauc ſeent thy m falua-
fince hehath o's? tion.. S :
fcenctharMeffias 31 (bich thon hat prepared before the
which waspro- face ofall people: ;
mifed, 32 A light i to be reucilen ta the Gentiles,
m Themeane and thg glory of thy people Aſrael.
aad fubftanceof 33 And Foleph and his mother maruet-
Wo at thole things, which were ipoken tou⸗
fOr, för the reue~ ching him.
lation of. 34 AndHimneon *blefied them,and fain
n Thatis prayed pute Wary his mother, Behold, this childe
ta God forthem, is appointed fo: the o* fatland riling againe
~~ and for the prol- of many in Iſrael and foz a ligne which hal
eriticof Chrills befpoken agatutt,
————— (Dea and ar lwow fhall pearce tho:
o Tobethefall ) row thy fouls) that theathoughts of manp A
ofthe reprobate. Dearts may be opened
which petith 36 And there wasa: Propheteſſe, ont dit-
throughtheir -^ nathe Daughterof{banuel, of the tribe of
ownedefaults |. Alert, which was ofa great age, and han It
andraifing vpof ued with an huſband fuen peeves fram her
che elect to virgiuitie.
whom God gi- 27 And (hee was window about fourelcore
ucth faith, and fonte verres, andwent! not out of the
F(a8.14:r008.95 Temple, but ſeriied God with fattings and
32. Lepet.2.8,. > Payers, NEHE AND DAYS oo ou Hous
p Thatis,for- o «38 Gbhethemoomming at the lame inſtant
gowes (hould ppouthen,} contelicd{ikewile the Lord, and
pearce her heare- {pake of him to all that looked fo: redempti.
as a [word onin Jerufalem: i
q This chiefly 39 And when they had perfourmed alt
appearethwhen things acco.ding to the Lawe of the £020,
the crofle islaide they returned inta Galile to tocit owne citie
vpon vsswhereby Nazaret. ; j i
menshearts are 40 And the child grew and warcd rong
tried, inipirit,and was filled with wiledome, and
r Shewasfevuen the grace of Hod was with bim.
yeeres married, 4I C Mow his parents went to Jeruſa⸗
{She wasconci- lem tuery peere, * at the feat of the Paſſe⸗ the ouer. fot Bait 43 eb x
‘Temple, 42, And when hee was twelue peere olde,
[Or,praifed, and they. were come Lp to Jeruſalem alter
Dest Gole the cutteme ef the fealt,
43 And had finihed the Dayes thereof, as
they returned, the chilve Nelus remainent in
— and Joleph kucwe net noz his
mother, ana ; Be
44. But they fuppoling thathe hadbeene
fa the company, wenta dayes iourney and
fought him among their kinſe folke, and ac ·
quãatutance. Or :
-4s Andwheuthep found himnot, they
turned backe to Jerufalem, and fought him.
46, And itcame to palle thzec dapes after
that they found himin the Tempie, fitting,
lOr Jearnedmen, inthe middes of thellRectours, both heaving
them and alzing thamquetions, o-
47 And all that heard him were aſtonied
atbisunderitanding andanhwercs,.
48 Go when thep law bust, thep were
§. Luke.
Iohns preaching.
amafi, and his mother fayde vnto him,
Sonne, why halk thou thus dealt with vs?
beboloe, thy father and J haue ſought thee
with heanie bearts. J
49 Then laid hee vnto thent, Yowisit t Ourdutieco
that pe ſought mert knew pe not that J mult God isto be pre.
goc about my fathers buſineſſe? ferred before fa-
50 But they» vnderſtood not the word cher and mother,
that be ſpake to them. i u For his voca-
51 Then he went dawne with thes, and tion was not yet
i came to Nazaret, and twag ſubiect totheni: manifeRly
rie bis mother kept all chele fayings inber knowen,
heart. ?
§2 And Jelusincrealed in wilsome,and
fature an in kauour with God and men,
i CHAP, III. 4
3 The preaching, baptifree, and prifonment e
Johne 5 He ts thought se Chriſt. 24 Cote
baptized. 23 Hu age, and genealogie.
Dw in che teenth veere of the reigne
of Tiberius Ceſar, Pontius Pilate bes
tng gouernour of Judea and⸗ Herode being called the grear,
Tetrarch of Galile, and his brother Philip Akes 4.6,
Cetrarch of Fturea, and ofthe countreyof b There could be
Crachonitis,and Lylanias the Cetrarch of by Godslaw but
bilene, one facrificer ar
2 (Chen Annas and Cataphas were. once: bur becaufe
the > hie Patetts) the worn of God came vne of the troubles
to Jobn, the fonneofSacharias; in the wil: that chenreigned,
derneſſe the office wasfo
3 * And hee came inta all the coaſtes ae mangled by rea.
bout Joden. preaching the baptifineofree fon of ambition -
pentance forthe remiſſion of finnes, ^ and bribierie,thar
. 4 As itis watten tn the booke of the fay» both Caiaphas
ings of Gfatas the Prophet, whichlatth, and Annas his
The voice of hun that criethinthe wiler: fatherinlawhad
Nes is. Peepare pe the way of the Lomake it divided be-
bis paths iratght. tweene them, >
~§ Cueryp ‘valley Hall be ſilled and cuery Mateh. 3.2.
Mountaine,and Hill Hal be brought low,and marke 1.4.
trooked things thalbe made ftraight, and E/z.40,3.
therough twayesthall be made finooth. iohn iagi noa
6 Anviall fleh ſhall tee thes taluation c All impedi·
of Gan. suit ments fhall be tae:
7 Then latd hee tothe people that were ken away,which
cone out to be baptized of hiim,*D |] geneva» thouldhinder
tions of pipers, who bath fopewarned pou ta the way of God,
flee from the wath to come? or of Gluation.{o
8 -Bing foorth therefore fruites worthy aharthe way fhall
anendment of life, and beginne not to {ay bee plaine by:
with pour (clues, Wee. baue Abra ham te Chriltroleade
our father: fo? J fay vnto pon, that God is vs vnto God.
able of hele tones toratie vp chilozen ynto ||Or,every man,
Abraham. aiid d Thatis, the
-Q0 Rowe allo is thee are aide vnto the Meffias'thalbe
roote of the trees; therefoze enery tree which reuciled tothe
bringeth net forth goon fruite,Malbe hewen world.
Downe, and caſt into the fire.
a Thiswas the
fonre of Herode
: t t & Matth.3.9
10 @ Chen the people alked him ſaving, hOr vipers brood,
dibar thal we Dec then? —— —
“AT And heanfwercd, and ſaid vnto chem, of Godisachand
*ipef that hath two coats,let him part with Tames a 15,
Dim that bath noue:and be that bath meate, 1 ioheza7.
letim Doc likewile, ; ; f Hewillethtrhag
12 Then came there s Publicanes alfo to che rich helpe rhe
bee baptized and ſaid onto bin, Maſter, pooreaccording
what all we Bee? ., :) T to theirnedeffitie
13 And pee ath antostbem » Require ne g Whofe office ~
moze tben that which tsappetnicd vnto pou was toreceiuethe
14 The ſouldiers likewiſe —— OF tribute aad tolles
Chriftisbaptized. His Chap
im, laying, And what hall wedoe 2 And he
apd vnto them, Doe violence to no man,
neither accule any falfly, and bee content
with pour wages. f
15 43 the people waited, and all men
muted in their hearts ot John, il he were not
the Cizift,
Matth.3.12, 16 John anſwered, and fayd to themall,
marke 1.8. Indeede J r baptize pou withwater, but
john t26.a%, one ſtronger then 3 conuneth, whole koors
i. 5.and 2.4. — latchet J am not worthy to vnloole: he will
si 11,16. baptize pou with the holy Gyo, and i with
and 19.4, £
h Thevertueand. 17 *Mlhole fanne isin pis hand, andhe
force of buptifme wiltmakecleane bis floore, and wtil gather
ftandethin lefus the wheate into bis garner, but the chatte
Chriftand ohn Will he burne bp with Are that nener thal be
| wastutthemi. quenched. ie
nilter thereof, 18 Thus then exhorting with many other
i Thatis,witha things,be preached vito the people.
mighty and vee Ig * But wher * inerode the Cetrarch
hement pirits as rebuked of him foz — —— hts bio»
whofe propertie ther Philips wife, efor all the euils which
istoconlume,& erode had Done, this
purge our filth 20 eadded pet this aboue all, that hee
asfisedoechthe futyp Jobu in pꝛiſon. a
mettalls, 21 * fQow te came to pale as all the peo-
Matth 3,12 ple were baptised,¢ that Jeſus was baptized
Matth.14 3 and Did pray, that the beauen was opened:
marke6,17,,., 2% And the holy Ghat came downe in
k Named Ane, abodily Hape tike a Doue vpon him, and
tipas. there wasa voice from heaugfaping, Chou
Mateh3.13.,. art mp beloued Bonne; in thee Zam well
marke 3.9. leafed.
tohn a . 32 23 ¶ And Jelus himſelke began to beea»
Luobke aſcendeth bout thisticpeercs of age, being as men y=
from the lakt fa- . poled the ſonne of | Joſeph, which was the
ther tothe firt, fonne of Git, i
and Matthew de 1244The fonne of Matthat, the fonne of Les
fcendeth frothe Uf, the fonne of Melchi,the fonne of Janna,the
firtrothe lat. ſonne of Jolepb, j
Matthewexten- 4.25 The fonne of MPattathias., the fonne of
deth not his re- Amos, the ſonne of Maum, the fonne of Chi,
hearfall further -the fonse of Magee,
thé to Abraham, _. 26. The fonne of SBaath,the fonne of Mat ⸗
whichisforthe tathias,the ſonne of Oemei, che fonne of || Jlo-
affuranceofthe feph,che fonne of Juda,- ait tau
promife fos the 27 The onne of Jaanna, the fonne ok Rhe»
fa,the fonne of Zozobabel, she fonne of Salas
ferréth it euen to fhtel,thefonnc of fetis] o pe à
Adam, whereby 28 The fonne ofsBelchi, the fonne nf Addi.
the Gentilesalfo the fonneof Cofamy the fonne of Elmodam,
are affured of the the [onne of Er, i.
promife,becaufe 26 The fonnenF | Jofe,the fonne of Elieser,
they cameofiAs thefonne of Joaiin,the fonnesf|| (Patthatsche
dam,and arere-, fonne of Leut, , i Beste
floredinthefe. . 30 The fime of Simeon, theforne of Ju-
cond Adam:... Da,thefoone of Joſeph the ſonne of Jonan,the
Matthewcoun-. fonnedf Gliacint, ide
tech by theleoall 31 The fonneof (Pelea,thefonne of | Iai»
defcent,& Luke ttan,thefonneof Mattatha, the fonne of Ras
by the naturall: fHat,thefonne of Dauid,
finallybothtwo 32 The fonne of Fefiz , the fonne of Dhed,
fpeakingofthe. the fonne nf 903, the (onne of Qalmon, the
fame perions ap- fonne of Naaſſon. ] c .
ply vocothem 33 The fonne of Aintiadab,the ſopne of A⸗
disersnames, . Fain,the fonne af E fromthe (onne of JOhares,
Jacob, the fonne of faat;
llOr, Fofech. . the fanne pf Juda, »
llOr, Ieſis. 34 the fonneot
ain,the fonnegs Ehara,the
ewes, Luke re-
HOr, Martia, thetonne of Abzah
lOr Menna, ſonne of fRachoz, 5
‘be the SonneofGod, command this tone
iij⸗ genealogie. He is tempted. 466
35 The ſonne of Daruch, thefonne of Ra ·
gan, the ſonne of palec, the ſonne ot Eber,
the fonne af Hala, f $
36. Thefonne of Cainan, thefonnes€St»
pharau, thefonneof em, the fonne of oe,
the fonne of Lamech, i>
17 Theſonne of Mathuſala; the ſonne of
Enoch, thefonne of Jared, the ſunne gf Md-
ieleel,cne ſonne of Cainan, A
38 The fonneof@nos, thefonneof Seth,
the (onne of Apam, the fonne™ pf Gow,
3 Lefus i led into the wildernefe to be tempted, 1%
13 He cusercommeth the deuil. 14 He goethinto
Galile; 16 Preachethat Nazaret, and (apernaa
um, az The Lewes despife him. 38 He commeth :
sto Peters howe, and bealeth hu mother in larre.
48 Thedcusls acknowledge Chrift, 43 He prea-
cheth thorew the cities,
A #2D Jelug full of the holy Ghoſt reture
ned from Jovan, and was ted by the
ſpirit into the wildernefie, x
2 * And waschere fortie dayes tempted
ofthe deuill, and in thole dapes? he did eare
notbing : but when they were ended, he at ·
terward was hungty.
Chen the dewil Mid vnto him, If thou
m Northat As.
dam was $Sonn¢
of God by gene-
ration, but by
creation, inthe
which fence God
alfo callech bime
felfe Father, Dew,
32.618, 19.
marke Tarzi
a This faſt was
miraculus, to
confirme the ©
Gofpel,& oughe
no more of men
to be followed
then theorher \
miracles that!
Chrift did.
Deus. Bozo.
thatit be made bread. bk 8 USt
4 But Jelus anhwered him, taping, Jt
ts witten * Chat man Malt noc itue: by
bꝛead oncly,but by eucrp > woꝛd of God.
§ Thenthe deutll tookehimvpintoan marth. 4:4.
high mountatne, aud Mewen him all the b Thatis, by the
kingdomes of the wodt in thetwinckling ordinance, and
of an epe. ? _ prouidence of
6. Andthedeuill Gyo onto him, AUthis Gods © >
power will J] giue thee, and theglozpof |Grecke, in aniis
thole kingdomes: fog thatis DelthereD tome: meat oftinies
and to, whomſoeuer J wilt, F giue tt: ¢ Satan promis
7 Ifthou theretoge wile || wogthipmer, eh that which `
they (hall be all thine. f he cannot gine,
8 But Jelus antwered him, and ſayd, thinking thereby
+ ence fromme, Satan: forit is wꝛitten, chat he might
* Chou ſhalt woꝛſhip the Lorde thp4 Gov, decciiethe more
and him onelp walt thouſerue craftily for he is
9), Cher he brought him toe Jerufalem, but prince ofthe
and fet hin ona pinacle of the Temple, anB world by permif
faid vate bim, It thou be the Donne of God, fion and bath
catt thy ſelle Downe fram hence, his po wer limi-
Jo Jorit ig witten, * Chat he willatue ced.
bis Angels charge ouer theetokeepethee, Onfall downe
IL And with their bandes thep Walt lft before me,
thee by, leſt atanptime thou chouldeſt Day +Greeke poe bea
thy foot agginſt a ftone. 3 hind me, `
12 Aad Jelus anſwered, and fayd vnto Dess6,13.
bim; Jtiotayd,* Chou ſhãlt not tempt the and 10:20"
Lo: thp God. i wie.) d Chrittthewe
13, And whenthe deuill had ended allthe eththatall creas
tentation,be Departed frõ Hin f foz a ſeaſon. tures oughtones
14 (and Jels retnrned by the power lycoworthip &
ofthe Spirit into Galle: and tere went ferveGod..\ s
a fame of him thꝛoughout ail the region e Thisdeclareth
Yount aborts coraco oiir CHUN Se howhardit isto!
3G SH SOR — di eit refift.che tenta·
tions of Satan: for heegiueth not ouer forstwife or thii putting
backe.,12. Deut.6.16,°F ivisnetenough,twiceor
thriſe to refit Satan: for he neaercesleth to tempts of ifhee relenv®
little;it isto the end that he may ren¢whisforce, andaflaile vs mene.
fharpe lya- 4 ;
Runz Iş Foz
> are
Chrift pteacheth« SEL sopies
Matth.13.5 4.
marke 6.4.
‘fohn 4143+
ri is,endu-
ed with graces,
h He alludethto
the yere of lubi-
le,which is men-
tioned in the law,
whereby this
great delinerance
was figured,
i They approued
and commended
k.Beltow thy. .,
benefits .vpon
pettaine more
ynto thee.
Ohi. hae»
goes inkideli-
tieftayed Chrift
from working
T. King 17.9.
james 5.17.
m He fheweth
by examples, that
God oft times
preferceth the
ftrangers to them
ofthe houfhold,
2.Kings $! 46
n Becaufe they
perceined that
the grace of God
fhould be taken
fromthemand, |
givenco others,
© Andefcaped ;
of their hands ;
for his houre was
not yet come,
Matth.4<3 36
marke 1.3%:
Matth 7.294
marken 22s
p Fullof digni-
ticand maieltie,
which touched
the heart of the
auditours, and
cauſedthem to
beare reverence
to his. words.
q! Thatis,the:
motion of the
deuil,orthat was
tormented with
avery deuill,
— 3
-niis Foꝛ hee taught in their Synagogues
gnd was honoured of all men.
16 * Aud he came to f2asaret, where hee
Had been brought yp, and ( as bis cutome
was) went tuto the Gpnagogue on the
Sabbath Day,and ood vp torcade.
17 And there was deliuered vnto him the
bookeof the Prophet Eſaias: and when he
opened the booke, he found the place, where
{twas written, _ :
18 * Whe Spirit of the Lorwdis vpon me,
becaule he hath s anomted me,that 3 Monin
peach the Goſpel to the pooze : bee hath fent
inee,that J Hoult heale the broken hearted,
that J ould preach Deliuerance tothe cap-
tives, and recoucring of fight to the blind,
that J houtd ſet at livertic- them that are
19 And that J- Mould preach the» accep.
table yeere of the Loz.
20 And Hee clofen the booke,and gaue it
againeto the mintier,and fate Downes and
e epes ofall that were inthe Synagogue
were faitened on him, > >
21: Then heebeqanne to fay unto them,
> -This Dapit this Gcripture fulfilled in yatir
22 And all bare him witneſſe, and won:
Dered at the gracious wordes, which proceg=
> Devout of his mouth, and fayd, Js not this
Joſephs onne? on: ‘i |
23 Then he laid vnto them We will fure-
ly ſay vnto inee this prouerbe, Phyſician,
k heate thyſelte: CAhatſloeuer we haue heard
Done in Capernaum Doe it here likewiſe in
thine owne countrey·
24 And hee fayd, Uerely F fay unto you,
* jaa ! Prophet is accepted in hts owne
countrey· —J
25 But J tell you of a trueth, many ti-
dowes were in racit the Daves of * E-
lias, when heauen was Wut thace peercs
and tre moneths , when great tainine was
thoughout allthe land.
26 But vnto none of them was Elias
fent:faue into Darepta,a citie of Stdon, Vn-
to ma certaine WIDOW, i o EE
27 Alf many lepers were in Firal tn
the tune of * Eliſeus the Prophet? pet none
ofthem was made cleane, fautng s2aaman
the Syrian, J
28 Then all chat were in the Spnagogue,
when thep heard tt,were filed swith wath,
29 And role vp, and thank him out of the
citie; and lea him vnto the edge of the Hill,
whereon their citie was built, to calt hun
Downe headlong. i
30) Burhee palled through the mids of
them and went his way,
31 @* And came downe inte Caperna-
um a citie ot Galile, and there tavaht them
on the Sabbath dayes. ;
32 “And they were affonied at his Do»
Ctrine: foz His word was e with authoritie.
33 And in the Synagogue there wasa
manwhich had a a ſpirit of an vncleane Dea
ulll, which cryed with aloud voice,
34 Daying, Dh, what haue wee to doe
: with thee, thou Fetus of Qazaret? art thou
come to Delroy ws? J know WHO thou art,
cucn the holy Due of Ged.
-ail they that had licke folkesof Diners diſea⸗
The deuils Acknowledge Chrift. -
35 And Jelus rebuked him, ſaying, Hold
thppeace, and come out of bun. Chen the
Deutlitheowing him inthe middes of them, .
came out of him, and hurt him not,
36 @oteare came on thematl, and thep
fpake among themſelues, faying, Chat
thing is this? fo: with authority and power
de commandety the foule pitits, and thep
come out. dpi Ms
37 And the fame of him ſpread abioan
thoughout all the places of the countrep
round about.
38 d * And beerole bp, and came out of
the Spnagogue, and entred into Mtinens
boufe, and Dimens wiues mother was ta-
ken with a great fener, and theprequiren
hun kor her · an
39 Then he tood ouer her, andrebuken
thefence, and ttleft her: and immediatly
fye roie ano miniſtred bito them, -
40 Mew when the Hunne was Towne,
„marke 1.30%
ſes brolig ht them vnto him, and he layd his
—— on euery one of them, and healed
41 * Ano deuils alfo tame out of many,
crying, andfaying ,* Chou art the Chait,
the Sonne of God : but pee rebuked them,
and fered them not to fay that thep knew
him to be the Chik. =- Í
'42: AnD when it was Dap, hee Departed,
ana went forth into a delert place, and the
people'fonght him , and came to him; and
pu dd Lae that hee ould noc Depart from
43 But bee fayd nto thein, Surety F
mutt allo preach the kingdome of God to o»
ther cities : foz therefore am J tent.
pes — He preached in the Synagogues `
g 7
C H A P. V.
1 Chrifi preacheth out of the fhip. 6 The great
draught of fib vo Certaine difciples are called.
13 He clenferhthe Leper. 18 He healeth the man
ofthe palfie. 19 He calleth Matthew the cuſto-
mer, 30 Eateth with finwers, 34 And excufe:h
his, as touching ſaſting. i
“ripen *it came to pafle, as the people
peallen vpon him to beare the worde
of Son » that bee Roode by thelakeof Gene
nelaret, aly
2 Andlawe two thips fand by the lake
fide, but the fermen were gone out of
them, and were wating their nets. i
3 And *beeentred into oncofthe hips a To che intent
which was Dimons, and ag ont i that chat he might
bee would theuſt off alittle trom the land; not bethronged
and he fate Down, and taught the people out of the preafie,
of the whip. Et ae, + andalfo thathee
4. @ Pow when hee had left (peaking, might the bettet
bee fayd vnto Simon, Lanch out intotbe bebeard,
Deepe and let Downe pour nets to make a
5: Chen Dimon anſwered, and faid vnto b The word fig-
Marke 1.34. |
rt Thedeuilsare
confeffe Chrift
to be the Sonne
of God.and yet
it doth nothing
auaile then, be-
caule it commeth
nor of faith,
Mattha.i d.
marke 1,166
him̃,b Satter, we bane trauelled all night, nifieth him that
and baug taken nothing: neuertheleſſe at is wade ruler o⸗
thy· woad Jwill let downe thenet, ' | uersiny ihing, `
6 And when they had Done, they in· c He thewerh’
tloſed a great multitude of tiſhes, ſo that his prompt obe-
their netbrake. ` dience to Cbrifts
7 And they beckened te their partnere commandement,
Fifhersofmen. Sinnes forgiuen.
which were in the other Wippe, that they
fhonld come and help them, who came then,
“eit both the fhippes, that thep did
8 Mow when Dimon Peter lawe it , hee
feli Downe at Jeius knees, laying, Loo, goe
from me; foz J am a finfull man.
9 Foz Ye: was vtterly altonied, and all
oe yer sorb Si the Draught of tibes
ich thep tooke.
Io ane fo was alfo James and John the
fonnes of Zebedeus , which were copantons
d They were fo
Jaden that they
almoft funke,
e The feeling of
Gods prefence
siaketh afraid,
with Dimon. Chen Jefus fayd vnto Dis Ht
mon, Feare not:fromẽ henceforth thou Male
Catch men,
f He appointeth
It And when they had brought the hips
him to the office
ofan Apoftle. to land „they forfooke all and followed him,
I2 ¶ Now it came to palle, as hee was
Matth.82- ina certaine citie , beholde, there was a man
marke 1.4% — fullof lepiofie, and when hee fawe Fetus,
hee fellon bis face and belought him , fap-
ing £020, ikthou wilt, thou cant make me
cleane. :
13 So be ftretched foorth bis hand, and
touched him, laying, J will , be thou cleane.
ris immediatly the leproſte Departed from
14 And Hee commaunded him that bee
Would tell it no man: bur goe, fayeth hee,and
È Herebyhe Wew thy (clfe te thee] Ppiett,and offer for thy
fhewedthem clenfing,as* Woles hath commanded, fo a
thathe would . Wttnefle pnto then.
not tranfgrefle I5 But fo nuch moze went there a fame
the law, and char abzoad of him, and great multitudes came
theyfhouldbe together to heare, and tobe healed of him of
inexcufable their tnfirmitics, f .
who feeing Aen 16 But he kept himlelke apart in the wil-
iracl oht, Dernefle,and prayed. i
zs ii 17 Cano tt came to paffe on acertaine
* Day,as hee was teaching, that the Phariſes
leeue Chri. >
Leuit.14. “i and Doctours of the Lawe, fate bp, which
Were come out ofeuerp towne of Galite, and
Judea, and Jerufalem, and the power of the
4 £020 wasin himto heale them.
Matth.9.2, 19 * Chen beholden brought a man ly
marke 2.3. ing tn a bed, which was taken with a palfie,
and they ſought meanes to being him in, and
te lap him before him.
Ig And when they could not find by what
Way they might bzing him in , becauſe of the
reafie, they went vp on the houte, and let
pint Dowie through the tiling bed and all,
tu the middes before Jeſiis. y
20. And when he faw thefr faith, he ſayd
hChrifttone Ute him, Wan, thp b finuez are korgiuen
cheth the princi- “27 yon the Scribes and the Whariles
palicanfeofall heran — faping, Tbo ts this that
sour cus, {peaket) blafphemies ? Cabo can torglue
finnes but God onely? — 7 *
22 But when Jels perceiued their
thoughts, be anſwered, and lapu vnto them,
a Forafmuchas Cibatthinkeyoutnpourdeatts?
his diuinitiewas 23 CUherheriseafier to ſay, Chyi finneg
fufficiently hew- are fozgtuen thee,oz talay, Riſe and walke?
ed by this mira- 24 Wut that ye may know thatthe Son
cle, he gauethem of man bath authoviticto fozgiue ſinnes in
hereby to vnder- earth, (he fait onto the ficke of che pallte) J
fiandthar he hed fay yntochee, Artie: take bp thy bed, and ga
powercoforgiue to thine boute.. A ?
finnes, 25 And immediatly bee role bp befor
Matthewcalled. 467
them, and tooke bp his bed hereon hee lay,
oo Departed to bis owne Houle, peapling
26 And they were alamad, and pray-
{ed Gov, and were filled with feare, faving,
Doubtletle wee haue ſeene ſtrange things
to Bay.
27 Q *And after that he went koorth and O⸗ ab⸗ue our
faw a Hublicane named fLeni,litting at the expectation.
receit of Cuttome, ana fayd vnto him, Fol» Matth 9.9,
low me. wiarke 2.14.
28 And hee lekt all,role vp, andfollowed Or Matthew.
29 Then Lent made him a great feat in
bis owne houle, where there was a great
company of Publicanes, andof other that
fate at table with them.
30 Butthey that were Scribes ¢ Bha- 1.Tm.r.15.
rifles among them, murmured againit hts k Which feeme
Dilciples, ſaving, Chy eate pe and dzinke ye tobe righteous,
with Publicanes and finners? and yet are but
31 Chen Jeius anhwered, and fayd vnto hypocrites,
them, Chey that are whole, neede not the Matth.g.14.
JObplician, but they that are fitke. marhe 2.18.
32 *J came not to cal the * righteous but t Greekemake
finners to repentance. prayers,
33 Q * Chen they latd onto him, hyna 1 The friends
the nilciples of John fak often, and + pray, and familiarsof
and the difciples of the Pharilſes alio > but Carift: and here-
thine eat and drinke? by Ieſus Chrift
34 And he favd vnto them, Can pemake declareth that he
the! chitdz¢ of the wedding chamber to fait, willnot burden
as long as thebstdegrome ts with them? . his, before that
35 Wut the Dates wil come euen when the he hath made
budegrome fhall be taken away from them; them ableto
then (yall they fait in thole Dayes. beare.
36 Againe be ſpake allo vntothema pa: m Reade Matt,
rable, {20 manputteth a piece ofa new gar- 9,17-
ment into an olde velture ; foz then the new n He admonifh«
renteth ie,t the piece taken out of the netas eth them notto
greeth not with the old. i truft too much
37 "Allo no man powzeth new wineinto to their owne
old veſſels: fo: then the new wine wil bzeake (enfe or iudge-
the veffels , and it will runne out, and the ment :nor,be-
veſſels willperith. cauule they hauc
38 But new wine mult bee powt intg accuftomed
new vefiels: fo both are preferned. themfelues to
39 Alfo no man that "Dinketh old wine, one thing,to co-
ſtraightway delireth new, to: hee lait), be demne another
old is better, whichis better.
3 Chrift ſtandeth in his difciples defence aud
his owne,.as touching the breach of the Sabbath. os
12 After watching and prayer he decteth his Ae Sa
poftles. 18 Hee healeth and teacheth the people, —
20 Hee fheweth who are bleffzd. 27 To loue our
eaemies. 37 Not to indge rafhly, 41 Andtoa- .
uoya hypocreffe. Matt 22.1.
marke 2.23.
Apoi came to paffe on thefecondeGab: a Thofe feafts
bath, after the firft, that he went thozow which conteined
the corne feldes, and bis dilciples plucked many dayes, as
the cares of cozne,and Did cat,and rub them the Paffconer d
in their hands. the feaft of Tae
2 Ann certatue ofthe Phariles fin yi bernacles, had
to them, Ahy Doe pe that whichis notlayy- two Sabbaths:
full to Doe on the Sabbath vayes? ` ~ the firft day of
3 Chern Jelus anſwered them, and fain, the fealt,andthe
* Haue pee not read this , that Dauid did hh.
mien bee himſlelte was an hungred, and 1.S212,21.65
Run 3 they
Exod.29 33.
deuit 8.31. and
b Haying power
to difpence with,
and qualifie the
keeping ofthe
Sabbath and o-
ther cerimones.
Matthe 12. 9.
lOr, a perfon.
mar. 3.13 06. 7.
c According to
the fimilitude
of cle twelue
Patriarkes, of
whom the
Church of God
is ſprung.
d Ambaffadows
or meflengers
whom he had
elected before,
but now enioy-
neth them their
| fOr, Champion.
e They that are
humble and fub-
mic themfelues
willingly to'o-
bev God.
Fl2.65.1 36
Fiz 61 30
Aatth. g. 11.
f Hemeapeth
tion, which alfo
he calleth put-
ting outtheir
names: S Iohn
calleth ic calling
out of theSyna-
gogue, S Paul,
deliuering to Sa-
tan, which pu-
niihment as it is
when it isiuftly
executed, fo izis
comſortable to
the godly when
they arecaft ove
_ of wicked mens
eompany asthe
Prophet decla-
seth, Phal, 1. g-
g The word figs
nifieth to leape
thew mirch by
outward geflure,
“Who are bleffe d.
they which were with bint,
4 Mow Hee went into the houle ofGon,
and Cooke, and ate the bew bread, and gauge
alio to them that were with him, which
mar not lawfull to eate, but fo? the * Pꝛieits
§ Am he laid vnto them, Whe Bonne of
manis > Lord allo of the Sabbath day.
6 €* Jt came to paffe allo on another
Pabbath, that hee entred inte the Dynes
gogue anv taught, and there was aman
whole right hanv was mied vp.
7 Andthe Scribes and Phariſes wat>
ched bint, wheter hee would deale on the
Sabbath day, that they might Hinde an accus
fation again him.,
8 But hee knew their thoughts and (ata
to tht man which bad rhe withered pand, A
rife, and ttand vp in the mids. Aud He aroſe
and ſtood by.
9 hen fayd Telus vnto them, J wilt
alke pou a queſtion, Ahether tt ts lawfulon
the Sabbath dapes to Do go0d,02 to Bo euil?
to ſaue A life, oꝛ to Deftroy it?
10 And hee beheld them all in compafle,
and faid pnto the man, Stretch foozth thine
hand. And he did ſo, and bis hand was reltos
red againe as whole asthe other.
Il Chen they were illen ful of madneffe,
and communedone with another, what they
might De to Jefus.
12 (Audit caine to palie in thofe Bayes,
that hee went into a mounteine topzap, ant
{pent the night in paper to God.
13 * And wen it was day, hee called his
Difciples, ahd of chem hee chole: twelue,
which allo he called dApokkles. -
14, (Simon whom he named allo Peter,
and Andrew bisbzother, James and John,
Philip and Bartlemew:
Is Matthewe, and Thomas : James
m fonne of Alpheus, and Simen called
loug s
16 Judas James brother, and Judas Ji-
cariot, which alfo was the trattonr.)
17 Then ye caine Downe with them, and
ſtood in aplaine place, with the company
of his diſciples, ta great multitude of pros
pleout ofal Judea and Jeruſalem, and from
the ſea coaſt of Tyzus and Didou, which
came te heare fim, and tobe healed af their
18 Aud they thatwrre vered with foule
fpiritg ann thep were healed.
Ig And the whole multitune fought to
tonc him: fo: there went vertue out of bint,
and healed them all.
20 @ And be lifted vp bis eves bpon big-
diſciples. and faid, Blefſed be ye « poore: foz
pours is the kingdome of God.
21 * Blefled are pe that hunger notne : for
ye Malbe(atifien Bieled are pe that * weepe
now: fo? pe (halllangh.
22 *Bicfled are pee when mew hate pou,
and when! theplcparate part,and reuile you,
and put out pour name as euil forthe Donne
of mans fake.
23 Reioyte peinthat Day and be e glad:
for behold, pour reward is great in heãuen:
faz after this maner their fathers DiD to the
24 * But woe be to yon thatare h rich: foz
pe baue recciucd your confolatton.
25 * Sing bee to you that are full: for pee
ſhall hunger. Cla be to pou thar nowilaugh:
fo: pe bali waile anD eepe.
26 Mor be to pou When all men * fpeake
wel of pou, for lo did their fathers to the falle
prophets. i
27 @* But F fap vnto you which heare,
— yonr enemics, Doe wellio then which
ate port.
28 Bleffe them that curfe you, and pay
foz them which hurt you. ;
29 *And vnto hin that | ſmiteth theron
the onechecke,oiter alfo the other: * and him
that taketh away thpcloake, fozbta notto
takethy coat alſo.
30 Giue to cuery manthat alketh of thee:
and of him that taketh away thy goods,malke
them not againe.
31 * Gund asye would that men Gould do
te pou, fo Bo ye to them likewile.
32 * foz if pee loue them which lone pou,
what thanks thall pe Have? Foz euen the » fin-
ners toue thofe whtch loue them.
33 And ifyou to good fo them which do
good foz you, what thanke hali yee hanezfoz
cuen the inners Doe the fame.
34 * And it yee lend tochem of whom pee
hope to recewuc, what thanke fall pee haue?
foz cuit the ſuners lend to linners, te
receiuethe tike. j
35 Wibercfozeloue pe pour enemies, x do
good, lend, ° looking fo: nothing agatne,
and pour reward ſhallbe great ant pe ſhall
be the childzen of the moit High : foz bets
kinde pute the vnkinde, and fo the enil.
26 Be pethercfore mercifull, as pour Fa⸗
ther allo ts mercifuil. ;
37 E* Fudge not, and pe fhal not be twdg-
ed: condemne not, and pee fall not bee con-
Demned: fozgine and ye albe forginer.
38 Gue and it Halbe giuen vnto pou: * a
good mealere, preſſed Downe, taken toges
ther,trunning ouer Wat men gine into; cur
bofome:fo2 with what mealure pe mete, with
the fame fhall men mete to pou agatne.
39 And hee ipake a parable vnto them,
* Cait the blinde leade the blinde? Hall tyep
not both fall into the Ditch? i;
40 * The diſciple ts not abone his Wa-
fter : but wholorucr vill bee a erfit diſciple,
ſhalbe as big maſter.
41 G *And whyeſceſt thon a mote in thy
brothers epe, and confiderek sot the beame
that is in thine owne cys ?
42 Either how tankt thou fap to thy bro ·
ther, Brother, let mee pull out the mote that
is in thine epe, whe thon feet wot the beame
that isin thine owne eye? Vypoctite, cat
out the beame out of chine own epe firt, ana
then thalt thou fee perfectly, to puil out the
mote that isin thy brothers eve. .
3 € Foꝛ it is nota good tree that bain:
geth foozth enill fruit: neither an euill tree,
that bringeth foorth good fruit. j
44 * Fo euery tree is knowen bp bis
owne fruit s” fo neither of thoes gather
Rath iudgement.
Amos 6.8.
ecclus.33 8,
h That putyoue
truſt in your
niches,and forpee
the life to come,
ify 5:1 3514
1 Signifying
them thet liue
at eafe,and after
the pleaftres of
the flefh.
k Heereproueth
ambition and
vaine glory, when
asmen goe atout
by all meanes
to get fauour
and vo idly
Matth 5.39.
1] Rather endure
more injury ther
rcuenge ycur
1. Cor. 6. 7.
m Be not focare-
fuil for the Joffe
of thy goods, that
thou fhouldcft
be difcouraged
to ferue God.
tob 415.
Matth 5.46.
n Theyere come
monly called fin-
ners, which are
ofa wicked lift,
and without ali
feare of God,
Matth. 5-420
o Not onely not
hoping for pro~
fic, butro lofe-
the {tocke and
much as Chnift
bindeth him-
felfe to repay
the whole with
a moft liberal
marke 4.2 4»
„Matth 15.540
tohn 13.36.
and 15 20
Masth, 7 3o.
p Hereproo-
ueth the hypos
crifie of fuch as
winke at thetr
owne horrible
fanits , and yet are too curious to {py ont the leaft fault in their broes
ther, Matth,7.17- Matth.13.33.
Matth 9,
i al el
The Centurions faith.
4 The name and
title are nothing
worth te prooue
that a man is {ere
of God, except in
effec he fhew
the fame.
FIMES 1.2 2.
r tHe fpeakech
not oncly to the
fale prophets,
but to all falfe
paftors, hirelings
aad hy peerites,
~ Meereh.8.5.—
a It migkt be
chat this captaine
did lie with his
garifon in Ca-
b Inbuilding
thema Temple
for their afem-
blies he fhewed
his zeale to vards
the true fernice
of God,
c The friendes
fpeakero Iefus
in the captaines
d Or,command
by a word onely
men figs, nor of buſhes gather they grapes.
45 À 1 good man out of the good treature
of his heart bringeth forth good and an euil
man out of the eutll trealure of bts beart
bringeth forth eutll: foz of the abundance of
the heart bts month ſpeaketh.
46 @* Gut why call pee mee : Da-
—* — and doe not the things that J
47 alholoener tommeth to me, and hes ·
reth mp words, and Doeth tye fame, F will
fhew pou to wham be islike.
48 He tg like a man which built an houſr
and Digged Teepe, and iaid the foundarion
ou a rocke: and when the waters arale, the
flood beat vpon that boufe, and could not
foake tt : for it was gronnded vpona rocke.
49 But be tkat heareth and torth not, ts
likea man, that built an boule vpon the
tarth without foundation. again which
the flood Did beat,and it fell by aud by ; and
the fall ofthat boule was great,
2 He healeth the captaines feruant. 11 Hee
rayſeth up the widowes fonne froma death te life.
19 He anfwereththe difciples whom Lohn Bap-
t/t fent unto him 24 He commendeth Fohn, 31
And reprooweth the Lewes for their unfaithful-
wes. 36 Hee cateth with the Pharife. 37 The
woman wafbeth kis feet wih her teares and hee
forgineth her finnes.
Vye hee ban ended all his fayings
¥ tn the audience of the people, beens
tred into Capernaum.
2 Andacertaine a Centurions ſexuant
was lick and ready to Dic, which was Beare
vnto bim.
3 Aud when be heard of Jefus, hee fent
buto him the Eiders of the Zewes, beleech>
11 And it came to paſſe the Day after, that
de went inte a city called! Matn,and many
of bis diſciples went with hus, and a great
12 flow when he came utere tothe gate
of he city,behold,there was a Dead mat cae
tied out, who was the onely begotten fonne of
bis mother, which was a widow, and much
people of the city was with ber.
13 And when the Lord law her, Hee bau
TE oiher and laid vnto ber, Aeen
14 And be went and tonched the i cofin,
Cand they that bare him, itood Miil) and hee
{atd, ¢ Pong man, J fay vnto thee, Arile.
Is And hee that was dead, tate vp , aud
a te (peake and he deliuered Hun to bis
16 Then there came a feare on them all.
aud they glesfaed God, ſaving, A great J320-
phetis raiſed vp among bs, and Ged bath
h pifited bts people.
I7 Andthiscumonrof hint went foorth
thaougbout all Judea, and thronghout ail
the region round about.
18 C And the dtieiplesof John Hewes
bim of all theſe things.
19 B0 John called vnto him two certaine
men of bis Diiciples,and fent them to Fetus,
faping Art thou ihe that ould come, oꝛ Hal
we wait fo? another?
20 And when the men were come bute
bim, they fia, John Bape hath fent ts
bnto thee, faying, Art thou hee that thoula
come,o2 Wall we waite foz another?
21 And at that time he curco many of
their fickeneffes and plagues, and of enill
—— > and vnto many blind men Hee gaug
git. j
22 And Jefus anfwered and fayt onto
them, Goe your wates ¢ Wew John * what
things pe haue feene t heard: that the blind
ing him that hee would come and heale his ſee, the balt goe,the Lepets are cleanted,the
4 Sothep came to Jelus, and beſought
hun initantly , ſaying that bee was worthy
that be ſhould doe this fo: him.
§ Foꝛ he loweth,faid they our nation,and
he bath butltvsa © Spnagogue. —
6 Then Zelus went with them: but
when be was now not farre from the boule,
the Centurion fent friends to htm , < faping
bite him, Lo20,trouble ner thy felfe: for F
amnot werthy that thou ſhouldeit enter
vnder my rocte.
7 Cabercfore, J thought not my felfe
worthy to come vnto thee: but fay p4 word,
and imp ſeruant (hall be whole.
3 Foꝛ J am ltkewile a man fet vnder
authority,and baue vnder ine fouldiers,and
J fay vutoone, Gee, and he goeth:and toa:
nother,@ome,and he couuneth: and to my
fernant, Doe this,and he docthit.
9 CAyenTclus heard theſe things, hee
maruciled at bim and turned him, and Gin
e Hecemmen- tothe people that followed hiur, F fay vnto
deththishestsen pou, Jhaue not fonnd (oe great faith,no not
captaine becaufe in Iſtael.
he aflurcthhim- 10 And when they that were ſent, turaed
Deaf? heare, the dead rife againe, and ‘the
|) pooze receiue the Gofpel.
23 And blefledis he that hal not be ™ of:
ferdcd inme,
24 Gud when the meffengers of John
tuere Departed, hee began te (peake vnto the
peopleof John, Ihat went yee out into the
wilderncfic tolee? A rees Haken with the
25 But what went you out to fee? A man
ciorhed in ſoft raiment? Behold, they which
are gorgcoufly apparreled, and live Belicate-
ly, are in kings courts.
26 But what went ye forth to ſee? A Pꝛo⸗
— fay vuto pou, and greater tien a
ophet. í
-27 Ghisic hee of whome it is witten,
:* Behold, 3 (end my |imefienger before thy
— which thall prepare thy way betore
thee f
e .
28 Forz Cay vnto pou, there is no grea
ter Pꝛophet then John, among éen chat.
are | begotten of women: neuertheleſſe, bee
thatis the teat in the kingdome of God, ts
greater then be. i i
29 Then all the people that heard, and
Johns difciples. 468
f Which wasa
towne of Galile
in the tribe of
Jffachar, not far
from Tiberias.
fOr birre.
gE Chrif calleth
thofe things that
are rot, as if they
were,and gineth
life to them that
be dead,
h That is,to
eftablith and rg-
ftore them,
i To wit,the
Meſſias and re-
k He declareth
by the vertues &
power that were
in him, that he
was the Chri
1 Such as feele
their owne mifee
ries and wrete
Or, the Goſbel
ù preached tothe
m That hall per-
fenere and AR
fhrinke backe for
any things that
can come ynto
n Read Matth,
3 i 7-
Or, Angel,
HOr, borne.
o They prayfed
him as iuſt, faith⸗
full, good and
merciful], fo that
the fret of their
baptiſme appea-
redin them.
p Thisword :
comprehendeth: =
thewho!e do-
felfe vpon Chrifts backeto the boule, thep found the
word alonc,
that was ficke, whole.
the Hublicanes °iuttilizd God, being bap» Grine that Iokn
tized with ther bapeilnectFopa, == taughe,
Run 4 32 wut
Wiſedome inſtſied. Vho louethmuch, S. Luke. The parableof the ſeede,
À 30. But the Phariles and the erpouns ¶ 49 Aud they thatfate attable with hi
G deis ot he LawDepien thecounfelotGou began to fay unt in a nA eae te
~ q Meaningsto ~ sagatnit cyemielues, ARD were not baptized
~theirownecon-, of int. ;
demnation,oras 3E “AnD the Lod fain, tUbercunto Wall
fome read, with. J liken che men ofthis generation; & what
themfluesbe- -thing ave thep like vnto? ; $
caufethey durt , 32. Theyare like vnto chilDen fitting
not openly (peak inthe market place, and crping one to ang-
againftlohns — ther, and faying, "tUe bane piped vnto pou,
do@rine:for they and pe haug not Danced : we have mourned
fearedthepeo- to voii, and ye haue not wept.
pleMat.21 46. 33 Foz John Baptilt came, neither eating
Matth. i1.16. bzead,to2 Drinking wines and yee ſay, Hee
r The ſongs of ath the deuill. 3 i
litle childrenare 34 The Donne of man is come,and fea.
fuficienttocon- tethand deinketh:and pe ſay, Behold, a man
demnethePha- which isa glutton, and a Dunker of wine, a
rifes & fuchlike. friend of jpubitcanes and ſinners.
f Liueth accorse 35 Bur wiledome ist tuiteticd of all ber
dingtothefa- children.
' fhion of other 36 Andone of the Phariles delired
men, him thathee would eat with pint: and bee
t Hefheweth Went into the Phariles boule, titate cowne
thatthewicked at table. ) 49
although they 37 And bebolde, awomanin the citie,
which wasalinner, when thee knew that
Jelus fare at table m the Pyariles boule, ye
broughta bore ofopntment. ;
38 “Anu we ttood at bis feetebebind him
weeping, and began to waly histeete with
teares, and DID wipe them with che haires
of her head, and killed his fect and anointed
them with the opntiment. ;
39 Mow When the Pharile which bade
Hint, faw tt, hee ſpake within himſelfe, fay-
ing, FFthis man were a Pꝛophet, he would
furely hane knowen who, and what mance
of woman this is which teucheth bim; fog
fhe ts a inner.
40 Ana Ielusantwered , and layd vnto
him, Sunon, F haue lomewhat to tay vnto
thee. And he tad, Matter, fay on. 1
41 There was a certatnelender which
Dad twodebrers: the one ought hue hun⸗
Dyed pence, and the other fiftie.
42 then they pad nothing topay, bee
forgauc them both. Ahichof chem there-
foze,tellme, will loue him mot?
43 Dimon anfwered, and fayd, J) up»
ole that hee to whome hee forgaue molt.
i uu be (aid vnto him, Thou patt truely
g 2
44 Chew hee turued tothe woman, and
{aid vnte Minion, Deelt thou this woman?
Jentred into thine boule, and thou gaueſt
me no water to my Feet: but he hath waed
my feet with teares, and wiped them with
the hatres of her bead.
45° Thou ganet me no kifle:but the fince
turne from God,
fhal nothing bin-
der the electro
continue in the
faith of the
Mar.i 4.3«
3oha i 2-
the tune J came im, hath noc ceaſed to kiſſe
my feet.\ ’
46 Wine head with oyle thou didſt not
f anoint: But he hath anointed my feete with
v This greatidue ointment.
isafigne thatthe 47 therefore F fay vnto thee: Many
felt hex felfe finnes ave forgiuen Her:foz eeloued much.
much bound vn- To whom alittleis forgiven, be doeth lone
to Chri who atittle,
had'forgiuen her 48. And he fain vnto her, Thy unes are
fo many finnes, forgiuen thee.
this that euen fopqiuerh nnes? big = The peace of
50 ARD be {aid tothe woman, Thy faith conicience coms
hath faucd tiee gue tn * peace. meth onely of `
Cbriſt with his Apostles goe from towne to
towne and preach. 3 The women minifter vato
them of their goods § Hee fheweth tle parable of
the feed. 2% He telleth wha is kes mother and his
brother, 24 He fiilleth the raging of the lake. 27
Hee dehuereth the poffeffed. 33 The deusls enter’
into the herde of ſwine. 41 He healeth the ficke
woman, and Jarus daughter.
A Nd it came to palle afterward, that hee
bimieife went thaough euery citte and
towne, preaching, and publubing the kings
Dame ot God, ann the tuciue were with him,
2 Andeertaine women which were hea⸗
lcd of euill ſpirits, and inſirmities as Bary, Mar.16,9
which was called Magdalene, dut of whom
went leuen deuils,
3. And Joanna the wife of Chuza, Wes
robs iteward, and Qulanna, andinany gs
thermbtch miniſtred vate him of their a Whereby they
{ubitance. ‘acknowledged
4 *fRow when much people were gathe> the benefit which
red togethers and were come to him ot of they had recei-
all cities, be Hpake by aparable. ‘ued of him, and
S Atower went out to low his {eed,and alfo thewed theit
ås be fowed, fome fell by the way fide, andit perfencrance,
was troden vnder feete, and the foules of which prooued ~.
heauen deuoured it yp. their knowledge
6 And lome fellonthe Eones,and when to be of God,
it was pung vp, tt withered awap.becauſe Or, to tbem.
it lacken moyſtneſſe. i Maitha3iza 0°
7 And fome fell among thoꝛnes, and the mar.g.1,26
thornes ſprung bp with tt, and choked tt.
8 And lome kell on good ground, and
ſpꝛang vp and bare fruit, an hunden fold.
And as bee ſayd thefe things, be crped, Wee-
that bath cares to heare det bim heare. b That isto wn-
9 Then his dilciples atked him, deman derttand, andbe-
Ding what parable that was. leeuethefe
10 And hee laid, Unto you itis giuen to things,
know the fecretsof the kingdome of God,
but toothertn< parables, that when* they c which word
fee,thep hounid not ſee and when they Heare, ishere taken for
they ſhould net vnderſtand. 3 an obfcureor
IL The parable is this, the leede isthe darke faying.
word of God. Tfa.6.9.matt.1 ze?
12 And they that are belidethe way, are y4mar, 4.12,
thep that beare: afterward commeth the ihz 12.40,
Deutll, and taketh away the woz out of 2¢.28.26.r0mm
their hearts, leit they ſhould beleeue, and be 11.3,
ſaued. Matth.r 3. i8.
13 But theythatare onthe fones, are mar 4.5,
they which when they haue heard, recetue
the word with toy: but they haue no rootes,
which fo: awhile d beleewe, but in thatimẽ d Tharis,ac-
of tentation goe away. knowledge , and
14. Aud that which fell among thones, confent tothe
ate they which haue heard, ande after thett word , andalfo. °
Departure are choked with-cares, and with reverence it.
riches , and voluptuorns lining, and being e When they -
fozth no finit. returne hometo -
15 But that which felan good ground,are their affaires,
they which with an ponch and goon blink
hrifts mother andbrethren, The
Chap.11.33.mat. heare the word, and keep it, and bring korth
5: 15. mar. 4. 21.
Chriſt war-
neth bis to doe
good with their
- light, which they
haue receiued,
and to fet it forth
before al] mens
Chap.12. 2. mat.
10. 26. mær. 4. 22.
Mat.13. 12. and
25.29. MAr 4. 25.
chap. i9. 24, 26.
g Bothto him-
felfe and to o-
_ thers,
Matth. 13.46.:
mar, 3.31.
lOr hinſe folhes.
h The ſpirituall
Kinred tsto bee
preferred tothe
carnali and na-
turall, forafmuch
- astheredy of
many, Wwe are
made one,con-
fefling together
one God, one
faith,and one
baptifme, lovning
God aboué all
things,and our
neighbours as
out felues,
Mat.8.23 mar,
i ate word fig-
niffeth a deepe
or found fleepe.
Mat.8 28 mar,-
k- Satan is.tor=
mented. where
Ghrift is prefent,
POr,many a day
1 The word fig-
nifieth to be in-
forced with vio-
lence, as an-horfe
when hee is fpur-
m A legion,as
wrieth Vegeti-
us, conteined
6000 footmen,
and 732. horfe-
men: but here it
is taken for an
vncertaine & in-
n That is,fo to
depart that they
could doe nor
word Chap. 16.23.
fruit with pattence. k |
16 CRo f man when belighteth atan:
dle,couereth it onder a veflell, neither put»
teth it vnder the table, but letteth it on a
candlefticke, that they that enter in may ſee
the light. 72.025
17 Foꝛ nothing ts fecret that hal not be
euident: neither any thing hid, that hhal not
be knowen,and come to light.
13 Cake reve therefore how pee heare:
* For whoſoeuer hath , to him fall be ginen:
and wholocuer hath not ,from him hati be
saken euen that which siticemeth that bee
at > J
Ig €*Tben cameto han bis mother and
his bzetheen, and could iot come neere to
him toz: the preate. i .
20 And tt was told hint by certaine which
fayd, Thymsther and thy | bretizen ſtand
without,and would ice thee.
21 But pe antwered,and faid vnto them,
Spy mother, and my brethzen are > chele
which beare the wom of Gad, and Dorit,
22 Andit came to pafe ona certaine
Dap, that he went into a hippe with his at
ciples, and hee fayd vnto them, Let vs goe
ouer vnto the other Geof the lake. And
they lauched forth.
23 Andas they lailed, he feli afleepe,aud
there came Downe a ſtorne of winde on the
lake, and they were filles with water, and
Were in ieopardy.
24 Then they went to him, and awoke
bim laying, Watter, Matter , wee periſh.
Aud he arole , and rebuked the winde , and
the wanes of water: and they ceaſed, and it
wascalme. j
25 Then hee faid vnto then, Where is
your faith? and thep feared , and wondzed
among themfelucs,laping, Taho ts thts that
commaundeth borh the winds g water, and
they obey him? 3
26 CHo they failed nto the region of
o Gadarenes, whichis oneragatnk Ga-
27 Gnd as hee went out to land, there
Mette bim- a cettaine man ent of the citte,
which hada Deutitlong time, and bee ware
noclothes, neither abode in houle, but inthe
28 And when he faw Felus, he cryed out,
and fell Downe before him, and with a tous
vayce fayd, Ahat haue J to doe with thee,
Jeſus the fonne of God,the niet high? J be⸗
feech thee tazment mee nort. pi
29 Fohe commanded the foule pirit te
come out ot the man: (fo2|| oft tunes he han
caught bim: therefore hee was bound with
chaines and keptin fetters:but he brake the
bandes,- and was) carted of the deuill inte
wilgernefies.) i ;
30 Then Jelug alked him, faving Ahat
is thy name? Ana he laid, = Legion,becaufe
many Deuils were entred into Hint.
31 And they befought him, that be would
not command the to go owt into the» Deepe.
32 And there was-thereby, an perne of
iscalled hell , where the deuileare chained in the
ebfcuritic of darkeneffe, 2.Pet.2,4.
Chap.Viij. Gadarens fwine.Faith faueth. |
many twine, feeding on an hil, and the devils
beſought him, that he would ſuffer them ta
enter inte them. Bo he fuffered thim. :
BW Chen wert the Devils out of the man,
aud entre inte the fwinerand che herd was
carried with violence from a fteepe Downe
place into the lake, and was choked.
34 Apen the herdemen faw what was
Done, they firo and whenthcp were Depar=
= > they told tt in thetitic annin the coun=
35 Then they cameout to fee what was
Done, and came to Jelus, and found the
man, out of whome the deuils were Dee
parted, fitting at the feete of Telus , cle -
gs in bis right minde, and they were
36 They alſo which ſaw it, told them by
what meanes he that was poſſeſſed with the
Deutll was healed. :
37 Then the whole multitude of the coun-
trep about the Gadarenes, beſought pim,
that bee would Depart from them: foz they
` were taken with a greatteare: and he went
into the Dip and returnen.
38 Chet che mar out of whome the de⸗
nits Were Departed, beſonght him that hee
might be with him: but Jelus ſent him as-
wap laying, `
39 Rekurne into thine owne houe, and
Wew what great hinges God hath Done to
thee. Ho he went his way, E preached tpo-
rowoutalithe pcitie, what great thinges
Jelushad Dene vnto him.
40 € And tt came to pafle when Jefus
was come againe, that the people receiued
him: foz they all waited foz him.
4I @*Anbd bebold , there came a nan
named Jairus, and he was the ruler of the
a Synarogne, who fel Downe at Jeſus feet,
and befought him that he would come inta
bis houſe.
42 Foꝛ hee had but a daughter onelp, a>
bout twelue peeresof age, and fyelap a dy⸗
ins. (And as hee went the people thzonged
43 Anda woman haning an ifue of blood,
twelue peeres long, which had (pent ail her
fubitance vpon phylttians, andcould nat be
healed ofany: . 2
4A Miben the came behind hie, he tous
ched the hemme ct bis garment, and im⸗
medtatly her ifue of blood fanched.
45 Then Frins laid, igo isit that hath
touched mee? Ahen euery man Denyed,
Peter fapd and they thar were with him,
Pater the multitude thruſt thee and tread
on chee, and fayelt thou, Cie hath touched
46 And Jeſus ſayd, Dome one hath tou·
ched me: foz Jperceiue that vertue is gone
out of me.
47 (Ghen the woman fato that hee was
Hot Hidde, fhee came trembling, and feli
Downe befoze him, and tolde him betoze ail
the people , for what cauſe thee had touched
him, and how the was healed immediatly,
"48 And he layd bite her, Daughter, bee
of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee
‘Whole: goeimpeace.)
“49 (Ahile her yet ſpake, there —
o Chriſt knew
that he fhould
better ferue him
being abfent,
thën with him.
p This was his
owne City called
Gadaris, which
was in the coune
trey of Décapo-
lis, and therefore
Luke diffenteth
not from Marke,
who writeth thas -
he preached in
marke 5.22,
qg Ofthe cone
gregatiou of tbe
r, Being cffuréd
ofthe vertue & |
power of Tefus .
Chuft,and nor
attrit uting any -,
vertue to the
{Chrift doth noe
impure vnto vs
the weakenefle
of our faith, but
doth aceept itas
though it were
Cbhriſt ſendeth out the twelue.
from the ruler of the Gynagogues bonlo
which fayo to hit, Thy Daughter ts ead;
Dileale not the matter.
50 Chen Jeius heard it, hee anfwered
t him, laping, JFeare not: belceuc onclp, and
fhe Wall be made whole.
SI And when he went into the boule, hee
{uttered no man to goin with bim, laue Pe·
tenana James ,and John, and the father
and mother of the maid.
§2 Aud ail wept and ſorowed fo? hersbut
u Although the be tatd,(Qcepe not: fo? Meis not * Dead, but
e Meaning che
ruler of the Sy»
frago gus
was vcrily dead: Ueepeth. |
yet to Chritic §3 Andtheplanghe him to ſcorne, know ·
wasmorceafie ing that ſhe was dead.
toretore her to 54 Doge thut chem al out.¢tooke her
life, chen it is for Dy the hand, and cryed, ſaying, Dalbe ariſe.
onemantowake ṣẹ And her ſpirit came againe, and pes
another ourof tole ſtraightway: and bee commaunded ito
his fleepe. giue het mcat.
x Hemeaneth 56 Then her parents were affontea:but
thofewhichhe Hecommaunded them that they Gould telt
found in the no man what was Done,
houle. CHA Pia bike
2 Hee fendeth out the twelue Apoftles te
preach, 9 Herod beareth tell of him 12 He fee»
deth fue thouſand men with fiue lowes , and two
filhes. 19 Diners epinions of Chrifi. 28 He tranf-
Ecgureth himſelfe upon the munt. 42 He deliue-
reth the poff-(Jed, 47 and teacheth his diſciples
tobe lowly, 54 They deſire vengeance, biit hee
reprooueth them.
Wen * called hee the twelue dilctples ta:
A gether, and rane them power ¢ autho:
ritic ouer all Deutls, and to peale diſeaſes.
2 “And be lent them to preach the kinge
a Totheende Dome of Ged, and to cure the icke.
3 Sud helaydtothem, a Cake nothing
Meætao ¥. MAr.
3-13 and 6,7.
ssarke 6.7.
they might doe 3
theirchargewith to yout iournep neither y taues no: ſcrippe
greater diligence neither bigad no: ſaluer, neither baue twe
whentheyhad coates.
nothing to let 4 And twhatlocuer honle pee enter into,
them. there abtde,and > thence depart.
{lOr,rods. And wholoener will not receine yen,
b Hewilleth whetipe goe out ofthat citie, * fhake off the
them nottotary herp * Dult from pour feete for a teſtimonie
long, butto again them.
preach from - 6 And they sent ont, and went thozets
towne totowne euery towne preaching the Oolpel,anad hea-
AGEs 13.5%. ling cnerp where. |
| chapio. 7 ¶ Now Herod the Tetrarch beard of
- c Which wasa qli that was Done by him: and hee Doubted,
figne of derefta- becaufe that tt was lapa of tome, that John
wonandofthe was rtlenagaine from the bead;
vengeancewhich 8 AnD oftome,that Clias had appeared:
was prepared for andoffome, that one ofthe olde Pꝛophets
fuch contemners was xiſen againe.
of Gods benefits
whicharevn- Ded: wha then is thts of whom J heare uch
worthythatone things? And be befred to fee him,
fhould receiue 10 And when the Apoitles returned,
any thiug at their thep told him what great thinges chey had
hands. Done. Then he toeke thcin,and went alive
Matthee intoafolitarp place, ncere to the citie caltea
wiarke 6.14. Bechlaida.
Marke 6. 30. IX But when the people knew it, they fol-
Math.14.03- lowed him: and he receiued them,and ſpake
marke6.3% vutothemokthe kiugdome of God, and peaa
ted them that bad neca ta be healed.
| Mat.1415 mar, 12 *Andwhentihe dap began ta weare
| 6.35.10h06,5, away,the twelue cane, and {ays vato hint,
9 Then Werod (aid, Jobn haue J behea- G
The fiueloaues.
Bend the people away, that thep may go ins
tathetownes t villages round about, and
lodge and get meat: foz we are here inanes.
fert place.
13 Wut hee fayd unto them, 4 Gine yee
them to eate. And thepfapd, Clee haue no
moe but Rueloanes and two files, except
wee “ee gocand buy meate foz all. this
14 Foꝛ they were about fue thoufans
men. Then he layd to His Dilciples, Cauſe
thesmto fit Downe by fifties ina companie.
15 and they did ſo, and cauſed all to lit
16 Chen he tooke the Rueleanes,and the
two fithzs,¢ looked vp te heaucn, and ¢blet
ſed them, and bake, Œ gane tu the dilciples,
to fet befoze the peopie.
17 Po they did ali eate, and were latifi-
ed: and there was taken bp of that remate
ned to then , twelue baſkets full of broken
18 @* ans it came to paſſe ashe was a
lone praying , bis Diftiples were with him,
aud heealked them,faping , CAhome fay the
people that J am?
19 They anlwered, and fayde, Fohr
Baptiſt: and ethers lap, Elias: and ſome
fap, that one of the eld Piophets is rtien ae
20 And be fayd pnto them, But whome
fap ye that J ameter anfwered,and faid,
The Chꝛiſt of Gon.
21 AnD he warned, € cammanded them,
that they Mould tell that to no man,
22 Having, * Che onne of man muit
fuffer many things, and be reprooued of the
Elders, and of the hie Pzieits g Scribes,
and be laine, and the third day rile againe.
24 €* aud he laid co them all, Ik any man
will come atter mee, let him Dente himielfe,
and take vp his croſſes dayly, and follow
24 *Foꝛ whoſoener will faue bts life. tall
lofe it; and whoſoeuer talilofe bis life foz
mp fake,the fame Mall fanz tt.
- 25 Fo what aduantageth itaman,ifhee
win the whole wozld,: and deſtroyhiniſcife,
bz lore himſelfe? -
26 *jFoz wholfocuer balbe ahamen of me,
d Chrif forfae
keth not them
that follow him,
but fendech them
foflacient relicfe,
e Fohn fayth hee
gaue thanks,
John 6 bt.
Math.t6.¥ 36
marke &. 27-
f Fot he knew
beft bis conuem·
ent time which
was appointed
forbim to bee
manife {ted in,
marke 8.32,
Chap. 14.27. mat.
10.38.06 16346
marke 8. 34.
g Foras oneday
fo lioweth ano-
ther,(o doth one’
croffe follow in
the necke of an
and of my wozds, of him Wall the Sonne of other.
man be ahamed when he Hall come tn bis
glory, and in the glory ofthe Father, and of
the boly Angels.
17 *Anv j tell pou ofa {uertte, there bee
fone fanding here, which hall not tate of
Beath eil they bane ſeene the® kingdome of
28 * Audit came to paffe about an eight
Dayes after thole wordes, that he tooke Pe·
ter and John, and James,and went vp into
a mountaine to prap.
29 Andas he prayed, the faſhion of hts
countenance was changed, E his garment
was white and gliſtered. }
30 Andbehoive, two men talked with
pin, which were Moles and Elias,
31 Cbich appeared in glory, and told of
His iDeparture,which bee Hould accomplit
at Slerulalem.~. 056) >.
32 Bnut Peter and they that were ait
Chap.17. 33. mat.
10.39. & 16.35.
marke 8.35-
Matth. 10.33.
chap. 13.9.
marke 8.33.
2., 2.12,
marke g 1.
h Eitablifhed
and enlarged by
the preaching of
the Gofpel.
Matth.t Feza
marke 9. 2.
i Thatis,what o
iduehe Mould
baue,and how ~
he should dics
transfiguration. Theleaftis greateft. | Chap.x.
k Forother-
wayes they had
not beneable to
comprehend his
great Maieſtie.
AMatth. 3. 17.
marke 1. 11.
1 They conceas
Jed it till Chrifts
Matth. 17.14.
marke 9. 17
m Vnderthe co-
Jour that his dif-
ciples could not
heale the ficke
man,he repro =
neth them which
would haue di-
m'nifked his zu-
t Greeke, pret
the fe words snto
your eares.
n They were fo
blinded with this
opinion that
Chrift fhould
haue a temporall
they would not
vnderftand when
he fpake of bis
death. -
Matth.18 1.
Marke 9 38-
© Forafmuch 2s
him, were heanic with Neeper, and when they
awoke, they fato his glory, and the two men
fanding with bun.
32 And it came to pafe as they Departed
frombun, Weter laid vnto Telus, Malter,
itis good fo? vs to bee heres let vs therefore
make three Tabernacles, one fo: thee, and
one to Moles, and one fog Clias, and wit
not what he ſaid.
34 Cibile hee thus tpake, there came a
cloud, and k ouerthadowed them, they teas
red when they were entring into the cloud.
35 * And there came a boyce out of the
cloud, faying, This is mp beloucd Bonne,
heare him. y
36 And when the voyce was pak, Jeſus
was found alone: and thep kept tt clole, and
tolde no-man in thole | Dayes any of thoie
things which they had ſeene.
< 37 And it came to paſſe on the nert Day,
as they came Downe from the mountaine,
much people met him.
38 * And beholde, amanofthe company
cried out,faying, Watter, J belech thee,bes
hold my fonne; foz be is all that 3l baue.
39 And loe, a pirit taketh pim, qiudDden:
ly be cryeth, and be teareth him,that be foo»
meth, and with much paine Departeth from
dim, wben be bath bante yin
40 flow J haue befought thy diſciples to
cae him out, but thcp could not.
4l Then Jelus anſwered, and ſaid, O
generarton faithleſſe and crooked, how long
now hal Jbe with you,and lifter pou bing
thy fonne hither. ;
42 And whiles he was pet comming, the
Deuil rent him, and tare him: and Jeſus ve»
buked tie vncleane pirit, and healed the
childe, and deliuered Hun te bis father,
43 C Ano thcp were all amaſed at the
mighty power of God: and while thep all
wondered at ali things, which Jelus did, he
fayo vnto bis dilctples, ;
44. t Darke thele wordes diligently : fog
tt fhali come to palle,that the Sonne ot man
fgall be Delinered into the ands of mem.
45 But they vnderſtoed net » that wed:
fozit was Hid from them, (o that they could
. not perceiue it: and they feared toalke pim
of that wog. ;
46 @* Then there arole a difputation
among es > which ofthem ſhould bee the
47 hen Jeſus ſaw the thoughts of their
praris he tooke alittle chilo and fet him by
48 And laid vnto them, Cathofoeuer res
teineth this little childe in imp ame , recti⸗
ueth me: and whoſoeuer wall receiue meres
cetueth him that ſent me: fo2 he that is leak
among you, be halbe great.
49 @* And John anfwered , and fayd,
Dater, we {aw one caiting ourdeuils in thy
janie, and we fozbad him, becaule hee fols
he letteth vs not, lowetl thee not with vs.
~ and Godis glo-
tified by his oc-
p Ofhbis death,
whereby he was
So Then Felus ſayd vnto him, Fobia
panon to? be that is not againf vg,° ig
ith vs.
si @ And ít came to pale, when the
P dayes were accompliſhed, that bee ſhould
be receiued by, be ſetled him̃ſelle fully co gog
to Jerufalem,
52 And tent meſſengers before him: and
thrp Went and entered inte a towne of the
PHamaritanes,to prepare him lodging,
53 Wut they would not cecetue hun, bes
cauſe bis 4 behaniour was, as though bee
would qoc to Jerulalem.
§4 And when bis Dittiplee, James and
Jobu faw it they ſaid, Logo, wile thou that
wee command that fire come Downe from
bi en, and conſume then, euen as* Clias
l .
55 But Jems turned about.and rebuked
then and ſaid, Ve know not of what: ipirit
pe are.
S6 Foz the Honne of man ts not cometa
Deroy mens lines,butrofaucthen. Chen
they ment to another towne.
57 ¶ And it came to paffe that as they
went in the way, * a certaine man layd vnto
bim, J will follow chee, Lod, whitherfoeuer
thou goeſt.
§8 And Jeſus (ald vnto him, Thef fores
haue holes, and rhe birds ofthe hesuen haue
nets, but the Sonne ofman hath net wher⸗
on to lay bis head,
59 But he Hid vnto another, Follow me.
And che fame fain, Loyd, fitter me firt to go
and t burp my father,
60 And Jeſus ſayd vnto him, "Let the
Bead bury their Dead + but goe thou peach
the kingdome of God.
61 Shen anorher (aid, J will follow thee,
Lod: but iet me Orit go bid them farcweul,
which are at mine houte. i
6i And Jeſus ſayd vnto him, No man
that purteth bis band to the plough, and
dooier backe, is apt to the kingtome of
The harueftis greate 470
q Or,faceor
apporell: for they
Knewhewasa |
Tew,and as tone
ching the Samz-
ritanes opinion
of the Temple, `
reade Tob, 4, 205
alfo they hated
the lewes be-
caufethey diffe=
red from them:
in religion.
r Hereprooverl
their rath and
which were not
Ied.with Elias
ſpit it.
ſWe wuſt not
ſollow Chriſt ſot
riches and com-
modities,but pre-
pare our felues to
pouertie,and to
the croffe,by bis
t Thatis, till he
be dead, and {:
haue done my |
duety to him im
burying him.
u We may not
fotlow what fees.
meth beft to vs,
but onely Gods
calling: and here
by dead he meaneth thofe that are vnprofitable to ſerue God. x.To
be hindered,or entangled with reſpect of any worldly commodity 0%:
Rayed to goe forward for any paine or trouble,
1 He fendeth the fcuenty before him to preach,
and greta them a charge how to behaue thems:
felues, 13 Hethreatneth the obſtinate. 21 Hee
gineth thanks tohi heaue nly Father. 25 He ane
fæereth the Scribes that tempted him, 33 and bp
the example of the Samavitane foeweth who ia
mans neighbor. 38 Martharecerueth the Lord
into her houfs. 40 Mary u ferment ix hearing his
Fter *thelethings, the Lod appointed
other ſcuentie allo, and lent them, two
and two before bim into cuery city ¢place,.
whither be biarfelfe ſhould corae.
2 And hee faid vnto them, ** The hars
nett is grzat,but the? labourersare feve:pzay
therefore the. Lozd of the harueſt to (ende
foorth labourers into bis harueſt.
3 Goevonur wayes: behoin, * ZF lend pou
4 ‘Beare no bagge , neither (trip, nop
fhooes,* and d (alute no man by the way.
§ *Andintowhatlscucr boule pce enter,
Maith, 10. t>
Matih: 9.37.
a Meaniig,a'
great number of
people, which
are ready to be
browght vnto
b Thatis,the
Matih.10. 16.
c Not that they fhould hurt you, butthat youhal! be preferued by
my providence. 2.King.4. 29.
d Hee willeth that they fhould
dilpatch this iourney with diligence, not occupying themfelues ab ous
other ducti¢s, Matth, 10.12. marke 6,10.
| Wiwin prayer.
e lt was their
fict ſay, Peace be to this bouie
` maneroffaluta- 6. AnD ifthe § Sonneof peace be there,
tid,whereby they pour peace ſhall reſt vpon him; if nor, te hal
wilhed health turne to pauagatne.
and felicitie, 7 Andin that houle tary ſtil, eating and
. £ Whiehloucth Minking fch things as by them shall be fer
thedoGrineof . before you : * fo? the labourer is wozthy of bis
peaceandthe wages Goe not trome boule to houle.
_ Golpel. 8 Butintowhatloeuer citie pe hall en:
DSeut. 24.14,15, tet, if they recetue pou, » catefuch things as
hattha 10.10, are fet befoze pou,
tii, 5.18. 9 And heale the ficke that are there,and
_ g- He wouldnot ſay vnto them, Che kingdome of God is
thatthey (hould come neere pnto pou, i
-tarylonginone 10 But into whatloeuer city pe halenter,
towne. neither tE they will notreceiueyon, gog pout wayes
yetbe carefull guttnto the ſtreetes of the fame,and fay,
tochangethcic . II Quen the verp * ank, which cleaueth
- Jodging, on ys of our citie; we wipe off againit you:
h Doubtnotto notwithitanding know this thatthe i king
receiuenourith. Dome of God was come neere vnto pou.
_ mentofthem, I2 Foꝛ 3 faytoyou, thatit hall be eaſier
forwhomyou — in that Day foz them of Sodome, then foz
trauell, that citie. t i
Matth, 10; 14.
chap 9.5.4 13.
4 God did pre-
fent himfelfe va-
co you by his
-meffengers, and
. would haue reig-
> Math, 1.28. .
k Which were
the fignes of r¢-
_] The mo bene-
» festhat God be ·
ftoweth vpon
13 * (Glog beta thee, Choꝛazin: woe bee
tothee, Bethlaiva : for ifthe miracles haa
beene Done in Tyrus and Bidon, which
haue bin done tnyou, they had a great while
— repented, fitting * infackeclot and
14 Thereloꝛe it hall be eaſier for Wpis,
and Sidon at the iudgement, then for pou.
I5 And thou Capernaum, which art er-
ae to Heauen, fhalt be thut Downe to
Yei í
“16 @* he that heareth you, heareth ne :
and he that deſpiſeth pou, defptiety me ; and
Bee that deſpiſeth mice, delpileth him that
nt ime.
17 (And the ſeuenty turned againe with
any people,the - Top ſayimg, Lo: euen the dDenils are fubdued
moredoththeir -
ingratittide de-
ſerueto bepu.
< nifhed,
` Matth, 10,40.
oha 13.20.
te bs theough thy name.
18 And he layd vnto them, J law" Dae
tan tike lightning, fall Downe from heauen.
19 Beholde, J giue vnto you power eo
tread on ferpents, and (cozpions, and ouer
all the power ofthe encmyp, and nothing thal
m Thepowerof Dirt pou.
+ Satan is beaten
downe by the
preaching of
the Gofpel.
(lOr sin his minde.
n Heateributeth
itto the freeele-
ctiõ of God, that
$ wile & world-
lings know
nosthe Gofpel,
& yer the poore
| bafe people vn-
derftand it.
į o Chriftis our
_onely meangto
$ rectiue Gods
mercy by,
-pP Therefore we
l himes the Fa-
-~ 20 Meuerthelelle,in this reioyce not, that
the ſpirits are lubdued ynto you : but rather
perit becaule your names are weitten in
21 @ That fame boure reioyced Jeſus
jin the tpivit, and fain; J confefle vnto chee,
Father, Lod of heauen and earth, that
thou batt pia thele things from the = wife
And learned and hat veuepled them te
vants euen lo, Father, becaute it ſo pleaſed
22 Then hee turned to his diſciples, and
faya, Atl things are o ginen mee of my ffa⸗
thersand Pita man knoweth whe the Sonne
is, but the Father: neither who the Father
ts, fauctheaDoune, ans hee to whom the
Borne miit reueyle hin,
23. And he returned tobis diſciples, and
fayd fecretly, Pleſſed are the epes which (ce
thers Voyce hath taught vs, and not according to. reans fudgement,
g: vhom veke Cod, as ighis liuelyimage· Matthit3, 16.
24 Fo tell you that many Pꝛophets
and Kings haue efren talee thole things
which pelee,and haue not (eenethem:and to
heave thole things, which pe beare, and haue
not beard them, ,
25 C* Chen behold, a certaine exponn⸗
Derofthe Lawe ſtood vp, and tempted him,
faving, Matter, what Hall J Doe to inberte
eternall life ? .
26 And de fayd unto hint, Uhat is weit-
ten in the Law ? bow readeſt thou?
27 And be antwered,¢ fayd, Thoun halt
loue thy Lon God withall thine heart, and
with ail thy foule,and with all thy trength,
and with all thy thought, * and thy neigh⸗
bour as thy felfe. J
-28 Chen hee fayd vnto him, Thou hak
gic tight ; this Dec, and thou ſhalt
29 But hee willing tolinitifie himſelke,
ir puto Jefus, Who" is then my neigh:
our 7
30 And Jefus anfwered, and fayd, cer-
tatne man went Downe from Jerufalem
to Jericho, and fell among theenes, and
they robbed him of his raiment, and woun-
pnh and departed, leaning him halfe
eau, :
31 And byl chance there came downe a
certaine: Biet that fame way, and when
be (aw him,be paſſed bp ou the other five.
32. Anolikewile alfo a Leutte, when hee
was come neere to the place, went and toos
ked onium, and paſſed bp on the other fide.
_ 33 Then a certaine » Damarttane, as he
iourneyed, came neere vnto him, and wher
be ſaw bim, be had compaſſion on him,
34 And went to hini, andbeund vp his
wounds, and powzed in oyle and Wine, and
put hin on bisowne beat and brought hun
toan inne, and made proutfion foz hunt.
35 AnBon the mow when hedeparted,
hee tooke out * tivo pence, and ganeg them
tothe bolte, and faya vntohun, Cake care
of him, and whatloeuer thou ſpendeſt moze,
— J come againe, J will recompente
Dee. į
36 Mhich now of thefe thzee, thinkett
thou, was neighbour vate him that fell a>
mong the thecues ? $
37 Aud delayd, he that hewed mercy on
bim, Then fayd Fels vnto Him, Gs, y and
Deethoutikewmife. . —
38 Novw it came to patle as they went,
that De entred into a certaing towne, anda
certame woman named Martha, recetued
him into ber boule. hie ;
39 Aud Hee had alite called Warie,
which allo fate at Jefus feete, and heard bis
preaching. :
40 But Martha was combrcd abont
much ferning, and came tobim, and layu,
Halter, doeſt thon nor care that mp filter
hath left mee to ſerue alonezbid her therefore
that fhe helpe me.
Al And Jefus anſwered, and fayd vnto
her, Mariha, Martha, thou cavett and are
z tronbled about many thiigs :
42 Butone thing is needtill, Wary bath
choſen the good part, which all not be ta-
ken away from her. CHES
Whois our neighbour.
Matth.22.3 5.
marke 12,28,
Lewit.19 28.
lOr to approue
himfeffe as iuſt.
r Før they eoun-
ted no man their
neighbour, but
their friend,
{For fo it fee-
med to mans
iudegement, al-
though this was
foappoinnted by
Gods caunfell
and prouidence,
t He priuily no-
teth the great
cruelty, which
was among this
„people, & chiefly
the gouernours,
u This nation
was odious to
the Tewes, .
x Which was a-
bout nine pence
of kerling mo-
y Helpehim that
bath neede of
thee, although
thou know him
z For fbe forgat
the principall,
which was to
heare Gods
a Itwasnot
meet that fhe
fhould haue bere
drawen from fo
profitable a
thing, whereunto
fhe could notale
wayes hou ops
Aske, feeke,and knocke.
a Or,euery day,
or as much as ts
fufficient for this
fOr, pardon.
b By this fimili-
tude he teacheth
vs thatwe ought
not to be. difcou-
raged, if wee ob-
taine not incon.
tinently that
which wee de-
BOr,s% paling by
the way. 3
Matth.4.7.and :
25.22. marke We
24.80), 14130
16,23 iames 1.56
e The chiefeſt
thing that we
can deſire oſ
MAr. 3 24350
2 He teacheth his ds[ciples to pray. t4 He dri»
weth out a deus, ig And rebuketh the blafphe-
mous Pharsfes, 28 Hee preferreth the ſpiritu all
coufinage. 29 They require fignes and tokens,
37 He eateth with the Pharife,and reproueth the
bypocrifie of the Pharifes,Scrsbes and hypocrites.
(20 fo it was, thatas hee was praying
A ina certaine place , when be ceated, one
of bis dilciples fayn vnto bini, Matter,
ie pray, as John alio taught bis
2 *And be faid bute them, Chen pe pray,
fay, Dur Father, which art in heauen, ha-
lowed be thy Mame: Thy kingdome come:
thy will bee Dene cuen in earth as it is in
canens E ERR
3. Dur dayly beead giue vs + foꝛ the day:
4 And \fozginevs our linnes: foz enen
ine forgiue enerp man that ts indebted to vs:
Andicade vs not into temptation: but Delt
uet vs from enill.
5 ¶ Moꝛeouer he laid onto than, bcabich
of pou Hall bane a friend, and hal go tohun
at midnight,ans fap vnto Hun, Friend lend
mie three loanes? P
6 Foza friend of mine is come || out of
tbr aap tome, and J baue nothing to ſet be·
one hint:
7 And he within Wond anfwere and fay,
Trouble me not: the Dooe ts now Mhut,and
my children are with mec in bed ; 3] cannot
tile and gine them to thee.
“8 Play onte you, Though be would not
arife, and giue bim, becaule he ts bis friend,
pet doubtleſſe becante of his limpoꝛtunitie.
be onin rile, and giue him as many aghe
9. * And J fay vnto you, Alke ana it mhall
be ginen pou; feckesand ye thal ind; knocke,
and tt hati be opened vnto you. —
Io Foꝛ euery one that alketh, recefurth:
and be that tecketh,findeth: and to im that
~ “Rnocketh, it balbe openen.
It * HF atonne all afke bread of any of
pou that is a tather, voil be gtue bim a ftone ?
02 ff he aske a fiiy » willbe foz a tiM gtue bun
12. Dz tfheatke an cane, will be giue him
atcozpton? ··⸗⸗
13 Jt yee then which are cuill, can gine
good gifts vnto pour chilon, bow much
moze Wall pour heauenly Father gine c the
boly Ghott to them,that delire hin?
14 (Then he cat out a venil which was
Burabe : and when the deuill was gene
oyi a the Dumbe (pake, anv the people won·
ted, f
Is But fomeokthem fayte, Dee catteth
ops uenia theough Beelzebub the chiefe of
¢ deuils.
16 And others tempted him, fecking of
him a figne from heauen.
17 But he knew their thoughts and {aid
vnto them, * Euery kingdome Dine ay
gaint it felfe, hall be Defeiatc, and an heute
dinided agaiuſt an boule, falleth. li
13 Soif Satanallobe diuided againk
bimlclfe, how Mall his kingdome tarn, be-
caule pe? fay that J cait out deuils though
Beelzebub z
Whoisblefled. 472
19 JED through Beetzebub cate out "i, o]
uils, by whome Doe pour chiideen cat d Thatisto fay, |
them out? Therefore Mall they bee pour yourconiurers...
iudges. © Thefinger of
20 But if J bythe ¢ finger of God caſt Godistakcnfor —
out dentis, Doubtieile the kingdome of God the vertue and
ts come vnto pou. power of Gods
21 Aben a trong man armed keepeth Andthevercue
pis f palace, the things that be pollefierh are ee
ini peace. $
22 But when a ſtronger then he commeth theholy Ghs
Spon bim, and ouercommeti dim, beg tee for fo Matt
keth frombim all dis armour wherein bee dorh interpres
trulted, and diuideth his fpoytes.= SS thisplaces 1
23 Wee that is not swith mee, is again f Thewordfige <
mee: and bee that gathercth not with miee, viftethanentie
fcattereth. H or poreh before
24 “Ahen the vncleane ſpirit is gone out amhoufe. ©. |
ofa man, hee walketh thꝛough Die places, lOr fareti =
fecking » ret: and when hetindeth none, he § Theythatdoe |
fapth, J] will returne buto m yhouſe whence sotwholy applic
J came out. themfeluestode- ·
25 And when hee commeth, he ſindeth tt —— As
-domeof ty
ſwet and garniihed.
26 Then goeth hee, and taketh to him cannotbe coun
1 feuen other (pirits worlethenbimlelfer and ted to bee om
thep enterin and Dwell theres *To the late Chrittsfidebue
ſtate of that man is wozle then the firt, -aré his aduerla-
27 C Anditcame topaile, ag hee layD ries:how much
thele things, a certaine woman of the coms moreisheea-
panie, liften vp her vopce,and fain vnto him, gainkthim,thas
Blefien is the wombe that bate thee,and the —— me os
paps which thou hat fucked. warrewithhim
28 But he layd, m Vea, rather bleſſed are asSatandoth?
thepathat beare the worde of God, and
keepett. - h Totheinrent —
29 (*audwhenthe people were gathe- thatheemighe |
ren thicke together, bee began to lay, Chis ——
isa wicked generation: they ſeeke a figne, t6 his malicious |
and there Hall nofigne be giuenthem, but. —
the figne of * Jonas the Pꝛophet. heat apt tO Tes-
30 Foꝛr as Jonas was a figne to the Ni ·
neuttes , fo thaltalfo the ſonne of man be to
this generation.
31 * Che Dueene of the South hall rife
in tudgement with the men of thts genera:
tion,and Mall condemne them ; for the came
from the vtmoſt parts of the earth to heare
the wifedome of Salomon, and beholde, a
greater then Halomonis here,
32 The menok Nineue thal rife in indge-
ment with this generation, and fhall con:
demne it; foz they * repented at the prea-
power ouer vs
then he had bes
ore -T
1 Hee meaneth
an infinite nume
ber. fi
ching of Jenas: and behold, a greater then
Jonas is here.
33 ¶ No man lighteth a candle,and put-
tethit trapeiupplace, netther vnder a bu-
hell: but on a candleiticke, that they which
come in may fee the light. g
34 *) Che light of the body is the "epe:
therefore when thine eye is ° fingir, then is
thy whole body light: but ifthine eye be enib
then thy body is Darke. ;
35 Cake heede cherefore, that the light
Which ts in thee, be not Darkenefle,
Hebr.6.4,6,, 2.20
m Chrilt gaue
her a priuy taunt
for that fhe o-
mitted the chiefe -
praife which was
due vnto him:
that was,that
they are bleffed
indeed to whom >
he' communica.
36 Jf therefoge the whole body thallbee teth himfelfe by
light, hauing no part Darke, then Hallall bis word, |
Matth i 2.38,39 + jj
Ionas 0.87, 1. XNing. 10. 1. 2 chrom.g,3.Lonas 3.5. Chap.6 16.matthe |
5 w5.marke 4.21, Matth.6.32 || Or,candle. n Becaulvicthould -i
guide and lead¢ the body, ~ o — or Vice,
|. brance theexes
| Thekey ofknowledge.
Matth.23.25. belight, euen as whenna candle doth light
p Chrift herere- thee with the bꝛightneſſe. :
f quireth two 37 UAudashe ſpake, acertaine JBha
_ things: firk, that rile befoug et him to dine with him: and he
wecometrucly went in, and fate Downe at table,
_ byourmeateani 38 And when the harik fatwe ft, hee
drinke:and next maruetled that hee bad not fri wathed be-
that we diltribute foge Dinner.
parttothepoore: 39 * And the Lorm fain to bir, Indeede
| for chase isthe ye Phariſes make cleane the outlive of the
| perfection ofthe cupandofthe platter: but the inward part
| Law is fuil o rauening and wickednefe.
fiOr,efthatthat 40 Peefooles, Did not he that made thá:
youhaue. which ts without, make that which is with-
Or, that which in alſo?
winfandnghe, 4I Cherforer gtue almes of || thole things
| gq Be would nor Which are within,and behold, allthings Wal
breakethevery ‘becleanz to pou. Bnd
leaftcommande. 42 But woe bee to pou Phariſes: foz yee
mentbeforeall tithe the minte, and the rewe, and all maner
thingswereae- herbes, and paffe aueri tudgement andthe
complilhedsbut loue of God: theleought pee to haue Done,
taughtthemto and anot to haue left che other vndone.
ſticke to the chie 43 * Toe be to pou Phaxiſes:toꝛ ye loue
_ feft,and notpre- the vppermoſt feates tn the Synagogues,
ferre theinferi. and greetings in the markets. '
our ceremonies 44 Wotetspou Scribes and Phariſes
_ which muſt Hppocrites ; foz pe areas graues which ap-
- quicklybeabo- peare not, tthe men that walkeouer them,
lithed, percetue noc.
Chap.20.46mat. 45 C Then anlweredoneofthe exrponn-
-:23.6.mer.12.38. ders of the Law, and (aid vnto him, Datter,
x£ Whofeftinke Thus faping thon puttet vste rebuke allo.
andinfeGion ap · 46 And belam, Uor be to pou alle pein-
peare not fud- terpzetersof the awe: fot pee “lademen God
denly. With burdens grieusus to be borne, and yee
«AGS 15.10. pourielues touch notthe burdens wit) ene
fWherebyyou ofyour fingers. ;
keepeinremems ` 47 Cla beto port: fog pe f build the fepul-
chies ofthe Pꝛophets, aud your fathers kile
ble deedes of led ther. a i
| your fathers. 48 * Ceuelp ye beare witnelſe, and allow
| e Youfhewyour the Deedes of pout fathers: for they killed
Seluesasgreat ¶ them,and ye “build their (epulchzes.
hypocrites as 49 Therefore ſayd the weledome of Go,
were yourfa. · JWill fend them Prophets and Apolties,
thers,making — and of them they Wall flap and | perlecute,
menbeleeueye şo Chat the bloodof all the Prophets,
honourGod, {hed from the foundation of the wozld, map
when yediho- berequired of this generation,
nour him, I From the blooB.of *Abel unto the bloon
u They were 9 gunana, which was faine betweene
morecuriousto the Altar,and the Temple: verelp 3 fap vute
build their pomit hall be required of * this generation.
graues then to §2 Milo be to pou,tnterpzetersofrhe Lam:
follow their for pee hauey taken awapthe key of know:
do€trine, ledge: pe entren not in yout (clues, Ethem
|Or.cruellyex- that came tu,pefozbade.
pellthem. 53 Anuas be laid chele things bute them,
Gene 48. the Scribes and Phariſes began to mage
bim loze , and to prouoke bim to fpeake of
many things,
2. Chron. 24. 21.
x Recauſe they
wereculpableof 74 Laying waite for him, andlecking to
thefame faule catchſome thingof his mouth, whereby chep
— ance- might actule him.
ers were.
y They bid and tooke away the puredoGrine, and che true ynder-
ftanding of the Scripiures,
$. Luke:
ce e ET aS S ET
Whom we ought to feare.
Name. 10 Blafphemy againft the Spirit. 14 Nor
to paffe owr vocation, 15 Notto giue aur felues to
couetous care of this life, 33 butto rightesufneffes
almes,watching patience,wifedom,and concord.
12 *themeanetime, there gathered toges
thee ait innumerable multitude of people,
{o that thep trode one another: and he began
ta fay vnto bis diltiplesticit, Cake heede to
pour {clues of che leauen of the Phatites
Which tshypoceilie.
2 ° Foz there is nothing coucred,that Hal
not be reuealed: neither hid, that hallnot
be knowen.
3 Wherefore whatiocuer ye haue ſpoken
in Darkenefle . it (hall be heard in che light:
and that which pee haue ſpoken in che eare,
infecret places, tall bee preached on the
«bonies. a Openly that’
4 * And fay vnto you, my friends, Bee all men may
not afraid of them that kill the body, and af> heare,
tet that are not able ta Doe any moze. Matth. 10.38.
§ Wut F will foꝛewarne yon, whom pee
ſhall keare: feare bim which after bee hath
killed, bath power to cat into hell: pea, la⸗
vnto pou, hth fare.
6 Are not finelparrowes bought fortiwa Chap.9.26. ware.
farthings, and pet not one ok them is foꝛgot · 10.32. mar.8,3$
ten before Gos? ; 3:67.30 2
7 Dea,and all the haires of pour head are b He chat thall
numbed ; feare not therefore ; pee are moze refiltagainft the
of value then many ſpartrowes. word of God
8 * Alto J fay vnto pou, wholocuer Mall purpofely,andas
confeffc me befeze men, Him Mall the foune gaint his confcis
ofman confefle allo befog the Angels of ence.
ou. Matth.16.196
9 But he that haldenteme before men, marke 13.12,
hall be denied before the Angels of God. c Bee not ſo
10 And wholecuer Wall (peake a worde doubrfull that
again the Donne of man, it (hall bee forgi· you ſhould bee
uen him: but vnto bum, that’ thall bial dicouraged er
pheme the Holy Ghot, tt thall uot bee for⸗ diftruft.
given. ; llOr, moment.
II *And when they Hall biing poubate d Chriftchiefly
the Synagozues, Yuto the rulers ptn» cameto beiudge
ces,take no thought how, o: whatthing pe ed, and notto
fhailantwere,o2 what pe fallfpeake. . iudge:motwithe ©
12 Foz the holy Oyot Mall teach you itt Randing hee wile
the lame || boure, what pe ought to fay. - leth the Chrifti-
13 Gnd one of the companie ſayde ynta ans to beiudges
Hun, Balter, bid my bother Diuive the inbe> and decide cone
titance with me. ©, ` trouerfies be-
14 And hee ſayd vnto him, Wat, whe twixt theit bree
made me a d tunge, or a diuider ouer pou? cthren,i.Cor.s.i.
15 Ciiherefozebee apd vuto them, Take e Chriftcondeme
heede and beware of -couctoufnefle: ¢ fog neththe arros ©
though a man haue abundance, yethislife gancieofrherich
Tandeth nottu bis riches. worldlings,who !
16 And he put fotha parable wnto them, asthough they <
laying, The i ground ofacertaine rich man had God locked
bought feorth fruits plentconfly. Vp in their coffers
17 Cherefore hee thought with bimfelfe, and barnes, fer
ſaving, Aiat hall J dee,becaute J gauc ne theirwholefeli-
roume where J may lay vp my fruits. citie in their
18 Aud hee ſayd, Chis will J doe, F will goods, not confi-
pniicowne my barnes , and build greater, dering char God
and therein will3] gather all my frutts, and gaue him lifes)
my goons. and alfo can takes
Iy And J will fay to my foule, Haute, ic away whenbe
*chouyait much goods layed vp for manp will,
marke Bel 4p
marke 4.23,
a Chrifi comandethtoanoid bypocrifie.4 That ycercs, line at cale,cate, dꝛinke, aud take thy {|Or,countrey.
we fhould not rare man but God, 5 Te caſt ſe ha PARIME
20 But
eb LED
Gods prowidence.
20 But God ſaid onto him, D foale, this
night will they fetch away thy foule from
thee: then whole hall thole things be which
thou bait peoutded? è. í
21 Bois bethat gatherety riches tohime
felte,and is not rich in! Goo.
22 And he (pake vnto bis diſciples, Ther,
Foze J fay punto pou, * Cake no thought fog
your life, what pe (hall eate; neither fo2 pour
F To depend on-
ly on hisproui-
dence, knowing
that bee hath
enoushforall, body, what pe fhall put on.
Matth 6.25 23 Cheliteis more then meate: and che
3.Pet5.7- body more then the raiment.
pfals 5.23. 24 eConlider the raucns: fo thepnets
g Hecxhorteth ther fowe noz reape : which neither bane
vs to calt our ſtorehouſe noz barne, anv yet God keedeth
€are onGod,and them: how much moꝛe are pee better then
tofubmicour foules? i ihe
fcluestobispro- : 25 And wiich of yon iw taking thought,
uidence, cCanaddeto bis ſtatute one cubtte?
26 Ffycetbhen be notable te doc the leat
thing » why take pee thought foz the rem⸗
27 *Conſider tie lilies how they grower
fhe labour not, neither ſpinne they : pet
J fay vnto you, that Salomen himfelte in
all aie yopaltic was not clothed like one of
28 Jf then God lo clothe the graffe which
is to day in the fielde, and tomorow is catt
h The liberalitie
of God, wbich
fhinethin the
herbs and floures,
furmounteth all
that man can doe
by his riches or
force. {nto the ouen, bow much meze will hee clothe
you, D ye of little faith?
29 Therekoꝛe alke not what pe hal eate,
flOr,maked.f- orwhatyce Hall Minke, neither || tand in
courfesinthe © Doubt,
ares . - 30> For all {uch things tos people ofthe
woꝛld ſeeke foz: and pour Father knoweth
that ye haue neede of thele things. f
31 But rather feeke pre after the king»
i Which are bue Dome of God, ‘and all thel things hall bee
acccffuics,and miniſtred yntopon, i
ate çommon as 32 JFeare not, little flocke: foz itis pour.
welkfo the wic- fathers plealisre,to gine pou the Kingdome.
ked menasto 33: @ *Gell that pe haue,and give almes:
the godly, make pou bags, which ware not old, a trea»
k Whichisthe furetbat can neuer faile in heaien, where
chiefeftching no thecke commeth, neither mothe coꝛrup·
thatcanbe piven, teth. ;
andtherforeyou 34 Foꝛ where pour trealureis, there will
canpot want, pour heatts be allo. 2
- thofe things 35. €* Letypour loynes be! girded about,
which areofleffe and your lights burning,
- importance, 36 And pe pour ſelues like vnto men that
Matth6.2.0. waãite kor their malter, when be will returne
1.Pet.1,13. fromthe wedding , that when bee commer)
l Beinareadis and knocketh, they may open vnto him ini»
neſſe to execute mediatly.
thecharge which 37 Blelſed are thai (eruants. whom the
iscommitted. Le: when be comincth, Hall inde waking:
Wato you. Derelp J (ay suto you, bee will = girde him:
m Becaulethey felfenbout , and sake them te fit Downe at
did vielong gar- table,and wiil come forth, and ferue thera.
ments,themancr 38 Andif heecomein the (cond watch,
wasto gidor pp comeinthe third watch, and fall finde
trnflethemvp them (o,bleficd are thoſe feruants. i
“whentheywent 39. * Rowe vuderitand thts, thatifthe
bout any bufi- moos man of the houle had knowen at bat
hele, boure the thiefe would haue come, he would
Matth 24.43.. Hane watched, ard woulh not bane ſuftered
reue.l6.15, his boule to be tirad through.
4D ‘Be ye alia prepared therefore: fo: the
Hone oF mas weil come at an hours WIER
Chap. xij e
ano what is mp delre, ik it bee alteadie
Thefaithfull feruant. 472
pee thinkenot. è i
41 Then jeter laid vnto hin, Sater,
ets thou this parable vnto bs, o2 cuen
42 And the Lod (ald, Cho ts a Faithfull
Teward , and wile, whom the matter Hall
make ruler ouer his honhould,te gine them
their = poztton of meate in ſeaſon:
43 Bleſſed is that ſeruant, whom his ma-
iter when be commeth (hall finde fe Doing.
44 Dfatrueth J tap vnte yon, that kee
wili make him ruler over all that be hath,
45 But if that feruant fayın bis heart,
y Walter doeth defer his comming, and
pall begin to ſmite the ſeruants, and mape
Dens and toeat ¢ drinke, and tobe dunken,
46 The matter of that feruant will come
fn adap when bee thinketh not, and atan
boure when bee is not ware of, and will cut
bimo, and giue bim bhis portion with the
bnbeleeucrs. ;
47 @ And that ſeruant that knewe his
matters will, and pꝛepared not himſelfe neie
ther Did accozding to bis will, ſhalbe beater
with many fripes,
48 But heethatknewituot,andyet die —
commit things ° weathy of fripes, all bee o Therefore ig-
beaten with few tripes: foz vnto whomſoe· norance isinex-
ucte much is giuen, ol him feall be much ree cufable.
quired,and to whom men much commit,the p To whom God
mo: of bim will thev afke. hath giuen many
49 GJ am come to put 9 fire sn the earth, graces.
9 The Gofpelis
as a burning fire -
moft vehement
which maketha
change of thinge _
through allthe
r Ifthere be
great troubles
and alterations ~
vpon the earth,
which things
come not by thé -
propertie ofthe
n Theportion
of feruants cucry
moneth was
foure peckes of
corneas Dora-
tus writeth in
kindled? }
so Notwithſtanding J mut be baptis
360 with a baptiſme, and yow am J gricued,
tillit be ended?
§I *Chinke pee that J am come to gine
Lines o earth? Itell yvon, nay, but rather
§2 Foꝛ from henceforth there (hall be Rue
mone boule diuided, thace agatult two, and
two againtt thee.
53 The father man Bee diuided againft
the ſonne, and the ſonne againit the father:
the mother again the Daughter, and the
Daughter again the mother: the mother Gofpel, bur
in lawe againſt ber Daughtcrinlawe, and through the wic-
the daughter in lawe again® her mother in kedneffe of man,
latwe, f Hecompareth
54 C Chen ſaid He tothe people, hen hbisdeathto bap- -
you lee a cloud rife out of the weit, traighte tiſme.
may pee fap, A Gowze commeth.: andio Matrh.10.24,
i í Matthi b30 ,
S5 And when yee fee the South winde
blow, ye faye it twill be hote: and it conse
meth to paffe. BAS oh
§6 Dppocrites, yee can dilcerne the face
ofthe eatthand afthelktesbut why diſcerne
penot this time? =
§7 Dea, and why indge yon not of your
flues what ts right? Bia
§3 * cAlhilẽ thon goeſt with thine an: Adatth,5.2 55 -
uerfarte to the ruler, as thou artin the way,
————7 — inthe wap, that thou mayeſt A
te *Deliuered from bim, trait bee batng t Thoughit be
thee to the indge, aud the tudge Deliuer theg to thy loſſe and
ta tie iayler, and the taylee catt theeinto hindrance,
59 J teltheesthou Malt not depart thence, -
till thou haſt payed theytmot mie
Gods wonderfull iudgements.
t The crueltie of Pilate. 2 Wee ought not 0
condense all to bee wicked men which fuffer- -3
Chris exhortethto repentance. 11 Hee healeth
the crooked woman, 15 anfwereth tothe maſter
ofthe Synagogue. 18 By diners fimilitudes be de-
clareth what the kingdome of God u, 23 alfa that
the number of them which fhalbe faued, ws {malt
33 Finally hee fheweth that no worldly policie or
force can let the worke and counfell of God,
a He murthered-
themas they
were facrificing:
and fo their blood
/ was mingled
Tore were certaine men prefent at the
3 (ane feafon, that ſhewed him ofthe ga:
lileans , whole blood Pilate had a mingled
with their owne faccifices.
2 And Jeſus anſwered, and fayde vnto
withtheblood of them, @uppole yee, that thefe Galileans
the beafts which
were facrificed.
b For the lewes
tooke occafion
~ hereby to con-
demne them,as
moft wicked men
c Hewarneth
them,rather to
confider their
owne eftate,
_ thento reproue
~. other mens.
d Which tower
ſood by the ris
ver Siloe or Sth
poole in Ietu-
e By thisfimili-
tude isdeclared
thegreat patience
that God vieth
= towards finners
in looking for
their amende-
ment: but this
delay auaileth
them nothing,
when they fill
remaine in their
f Weelec our
ftare,if we bring
not forth fruite.
g For bothitis
vnfruitfull i€ felfe
and doth hurt to
the ground where
it groweth,
h Whom Satan
had friken with
a difeafe,asthe
fpirit of couc-
toufneffe is that
fpirit, that ma -
keth a manco-
i Aschey are,
whofe finewes
are fhrunke,
twere > greater finners then all the other
@altleans , becaule they paue feren fuch
3 Itell you, nay: but except c yee amend
pour liues,ve ſhall all likewile perih.,
4 D: thinke you that thole cighteene,
vpon whom the towe in “Htloam tell, and
flew them, were inners aboue all men that
Dwellin Jerufalem? =
5 FTtelt you, nay: butercept pee amend
pout lines pee all Hall tkewile perith.
6 € vec (pake alte this parable, € tér
taine man had a tigge tree plantedin his
vineyard; and hee came and fought fruite
thereon and found none.
7 Chenlatd hetothedeflerofthe vines
yard, Behold, © this theee peeres haue J
come and fought fruite of thts fix tree, and
findenone: fcuticDowne: why keepeth tt
s allo the grount barren ? s
8 Andbheanlwered, and ſaid vnto bim,
Lod, let it alone this peere allo, thi J digge
round about it, and daung it.
9 And ikit beare kruite, well: Ent, then
after thou Halt cut it Downe.
10 ¶ And be taught in one of the pna-
gogues onthe Sabbath day.
II And behold, there was a woman
which bad a bſpirit of infirmitie eighteene
veeres and wasi bowed together and could
not lift vp her ſelſe in any wiſe.
12 Wilben Jelus faw her, be called ber ta
bim and fain to ber, Moman, thou art || loo«
fen from thy dileale. Aae
13 ae laine bis hands on her, and im-
mentatly hewas made ſtraight againe, and
gloztttes Gov. i
14 And the ruler ofthe Synagogue an:
fered with indignation becauſe that Jeſus
had healed on the Sabbath day, ana ſaid
vnto the people, Chere are fire dayes in
which mensught to worke: in them theres
foze come and bee healed, and noton the
Sabbath vay. i
Iş Then anſwered him the Low, ana
faid, Vypocrite , Dorth not each one of you
on the Sabbath day loole bis ore o2 bis afle
ed the fall, and leade bim away to the
16 Ana ought not this daughter of A-
baham whoin Hatan had bound, loc, eigh.
Or, fet at Lbertie teene pecres,be looted fram this band on the
out of Satans
Sabbath dap? e
17 Aud when he lain theſe things, all hfs
S. Luke.
The ftrait gates .
aduerſaries were athamed t but all the pege
ple retoycen at atl che excellent things that
were Done rh him.
18 ¶ * Ehen ſaid he, Mhat isthek kings Maetb. 13. 31.
dome of God tthe? op whereto Mall I com̃· marke 4.31.
pareit? f $ By thefe fimi-
19 jt ig like a graine of muftard ſeede litudes he thew-
which a man tooke and ſowed in bis gar- cth the increafe
Dei, and it grew, and wareDagreattree, whereby God
and the foulesof the heauen made neſtes tn augmenteth his
the branches thereof. St kingdome con-
20 Q Gnd agate bee laid, Ahereunto trary coall mens
Hall J liken the kingdome of Gos? opinions,
21 Jt ts likeleaucn, which a woman tooke Matth.9.3¢,
AND Hid in Chee peckes of floure till all was marke é.6,
leauencd. © Marth.7,13,
22 C * And hee went through allcities | We muft indes
and townes, teaching, andlourneping te: uour, and cutoff
wards Jeruſalem. all impediments
23 Then fain one vito him, Lod arethere which may let vs,
few that ſhall bee faucd? And beefaid vnto m He warneth
them, the lewes, that
24 *! Strive to enter in at the ratte they depriue noe
Sate: for many, J fay vnto pou, will (eeke to themielues by
enter inann Wali not be able. _. theirowne negli-
25 Ahen the good man of the houſe is gence of thar
tilen vp, and bath hut to the Dooe, and pee faluation,which
begin to tand without,andto knocke atthe was offered vnto
Dooze, laying, Lod, Loꝛd, open to vs,and He chem. ;
hall anſwere and fay vnto pou, J know pou P/a 6.8, matt ya
hot whence pe ate, i 23. and 25.41.
26 ™ Chen Hall pe begin to fap, Ae haue n The people
eaten and Munken in thy prefence,and thou which then were
bak taughtin our ttreetes. - ſtrangers.
27 But hee ſhall ſay, I tell you, J know Matth. 19.30.
pou not whence pee are: * Depart from mee, 20.1 6.marke 106
all yee wozkers of iniquitie. gt.
28 There hall be weeping and gnaſhing o Chrift cureeth
of teeth, when pe walee Abꝛaham andFlaac off the vaine
and Jacob,and al the Prophets tn the kings confidence of che
dome of God, and pour ſelues titut out at Lewes,whe g :
Doozes. : ried in that, fae
29 Then hal come many fromthe "Cat, Godhad choſen
and from the deft, and from the Morth, them for his pes
and from the South and Mall Gt at table tn ple: yertheyo- “
kingdome of Hod. beyed him not
30 * And behold, o there are laſt, which according to his
fall be firt: and there ave fir which hath word,
be lat. Gas boa : p Neither the
st The fame Day there came certaine enuic of the Pha.
Phariſes, and ſaid vnto bim, Depart anv rifeswho would `
goe hence: fo: erode will kill thee. - hauehim putin
32 Then laid he vnto them, Goe pee and feare of Herode
tell that fore, Behold, J r caſt out deutis, noryetany pa»
and will heale ill 9 to Day, and to mozroty, licie of man
and the third day" J albei perfected, could ftay him
33. Neuertheleſſe Jmuſt walke to Day, from that office
And to moztow,and the Day following: Foz ft which God had
can not be, that a [Dzopber ould periſh out enioyned bim, |
of Jerufalem. — Meaning, a lite .
4 *D Jerufalem, Jerufalem, which kil- cle while.
ft the Prophets, and touch them thatare r By Chriftes
fentte thec, bawe oftcn would Jhaue gas death we are
thered thy chiidzen together, asthe benga- madeperfe&
thereth her bzoobe vndet her wings, aud pee
would not! — —
35 Beholde, pour Houte is left vnto pou
all meanes fought his death more then did the tyrant of whom they;
) t Chrilt forewarneth ther
of the deftruction of the Temple,and of their whole policic. _
willed himto beware. Matth, 23.37
for euer
llOr make an end
{ He noteth their
malice, which by;
When your
u, and cauíe
IOr, take hi re-
fitting at feafts. The
Deflate: verily 3 tel vou ve Hall not ee me
is he that commeth in the name of the L020,
2 Jefus ecteth withthe Pharife, 4 Healeth
the dropfie vpon the Sabbath, 8 Teacheth to bee
lowly, andto bid the poere te our tabje, 15 Hee
telleth ofthe great Supper. 28 Ha warneth them
that will follow him, to lay their accounts before,
what it will ceft them. 34 The {alt of the earth.
A a it came to pale, that whenhee was
entred into the boule of onc of the chiefe
Phatiles on the Sabbath day,tojeate Head,
they watched him.
2 And —— a certaine man
befoze him, which had the droplie.
3 Then Jelus anfwering, fpake vnto
theerpounders of the Law, and Phariſes,
— Js it lawfull to heale on the Dabs
ath day:
4 And they held theit peace. Chen bee
tooke bis, and healed him,and let bun goe,
§ Andanfwered them, laying, bich of
pou thall have an affe , 02an ore failenintoa.
pit, and will not fraightwap pull him ont
gn tee Sabbath Day? f {
6 And they conta not anſwere him againe
to thofe things. i
7 Cie ſpãke alfoaparable to the ghetts,
when bee marked bow they. chole out rhe
Chiefe roomes, and (aid vnto them,
to fay to them that were bioden, Come: foz
wne confcience vntili the time come that pe thai fay,» Bicie all things are now ready.
18 Hut they atl with one minde began ta
make excules The firt faid vnto him, J baue
to confeffethat which yee now denie , which thalbewhen you borghtafarme, and J mutt needes goe out-
Il fee me in my maicftic.
and tegit: J pray thee pane me ercufed.
19 Audan other faid, J haue bought fine
yokcoferen, and J goe to prooue them: J
pzay thee haue me cxcuſed.
20 And another ſaid, J haue married a
wile, and therefore J cannot come.
21 Sothat ieruant returned, and ſhewed
bis matter thele things. Chen was the good
wman of the houſe angrie, and ſaid to his fer-
uant, “Gacout quickly into the places and
ſtreetes of the citie and bring in hither the
pone and the maimed and the balt,and the
in A
22 And the ſeruant faid, Lod, it is Done
as thou halt commanded , and pet thereis
23 Chen the matter faid tothe ſeruaunt,
Goce out into the © hie wayes, and hedges,
and f compell them to come in, that mine
houle may be filled.
24 Foꝛ J lay vnto pou, thatatone ofthele
— which were bidden, hall taſte of mp
-25 lowe there went great multitudes
— bim, and bee turned and ſayde vnto
26 *Jfany man come to mee, ands hate
not bis father, and mother, and wife, ana
chtld2en, and brethzen and lifters, pea, ann
bis owne life alſo, he cannot be my difcipte.
aHereproucth 8 20diben thou Walt bee bidden ofany 27 * And wyoloeuer beareth not hts
theirambition, man to a wedding, fet not thy ſelfe downe ctolſſe, and commerh after me, cannot bee my
whichdefireto inthe chiettũ place, letamo honourable Dilciple, = enp taI
fitiathehighet manthen thou, be bidden ofbim, 28 Foꝛ which ok you minding to build a
places. 6 Andee that bade both himandthee, tower, ſitteth not Downe before, and + coun
come,and fay to thee, Giue thismanrooime, teththe coſt, whether hee haue (ufticient to
and thou then begin with ame to take the Perfoune te,
lowelt roome. 29 Left that after he hath layed the foun:
Preu,25.7. lo * Bur when thou art bidden, goe, any Dation,and ts not able to perfozme it,al that
Chap.r8.i14, fitdownetnthelowci roome, thar when he behold it, beginto mocke bim, ;
matth.23.12. that badethee, commeth, bee map fay vnto 30 Saying, This man began to build,
b Chrilt repre- thee, Friend, lit bp higher: then ait thou and was notablete nitake an end?
l hendeth onel baue worhtp inthe pretenceofthemcthac fic 31 D2 what king going to make warre
the bi'ndeaffe- attable witi thee. againſt another king, fitteth not Downe
- &ion of man, IL.* For wholoener exalteth himfelfe, Mal Art and taketh counlell, whether hebeg able
which regardech bebrought low, and hee thathumblerh hime With tenne thouſand, to meete hi that
“pothingbuta _—feife,fyalibecralced. : commeth againſt bint with twentie tyon-
worldly recom- 12 Chen t ai bealo tohimthat han fand? ; ~
penſe. bindenyun, Ahen thou makeſt a dinner 32 Dzels while he is petagreatway off,
Prez, 3.9. 02 a ſuppᷣer, call nut thy friends, noꝛ tyybre⸗· Be ſendeth an ombaſſage, an’ deſireth con-
tob 4.7. than, neither thy kinfemen, no: thy rich ditions of peace. t
Matth22.2. neighbours, let thepalio bidtheeagaine, 33 Dolikewrle, wholoeuer hee bee of you
rewel,19.9. anda recompenſe be made thee. that‘ fosfakery not all tbat be hath, bee can
‘cHecafteththe 13 But when thoumakeft a keaſt, call the notbe mp diſcipie.
- Tewes in the pooꝛe,the maimed the lame,and the blind, 34 *Daltis good: * bucifialt haue lok
teeth wich their 14 And thon falt bee bleſſed, becaule His faour wherewith ſhall tt be ſſaited:
ingratitude, they cannotrecompentfe thee: foꝛ thou ſhalt 39 Itis netther meete for che land,noz yet
which would not bee recompented at the relurvection ofthe foz the dunghill but men caſt it out. De that
eate of thefeho-~ tft. ` hath eares to beare,let him heare.
— of Is (Mow when one of them that fate at: %
_ Gods word table,heard thefe things, bee (aid vate him, c HBA P. XV, —
vᷣbich waspre- Bed ishee that eateth bread in the king 3 The Phariſs ure becaufe (briſt xecei ·
ſented vnto them dome ok God. uethfinners. 4 The Ming mercie of God ú open-
and whereunto 16 Then laid hee to him, * the bn-
iuit ſteward, becaule hee bad Done willy.
MAherefe sthechildzen of his world are wn
pat geration wiler then che chilazen of
9 And T fav vnto pou, Sake you friends
c with the riches of miquitie, chat wben yee
Wall want, they may rectiue pou into gustia-
iting pabtrattons. : ¥
Io tec that is faithfull in the leaſt, Deis
alſo faithtfull in much ; aud be that is vniuſt
in theleaft,ts bniuft aliin much. —
IL It then pee haue noc been faithfull in
d the wicked riches, who will trat yonin
the true treafure? :
12 And if pee haue not been faith full in
eanather mans goods, who Mali giue vou
that which is f pours?
I3 * #20 (ernant can ferne two maters :
fo: either be ball bate tie one, and loue the
other: oꝛ ets hee ſhall leane to the one, and
ee the other. Me cannot ferue God and
14 All thefe things heard the Phariles
alio which were couctons, aud they s moc
ked þin. i
Is Thes be fayd onto them, Pe arc they
which b iutife pour felues Before men : but
God knoweth your hearts: for chat which
is highly eſteemed — men, ts abomina⸗
0 . >
16 * TheLaw of the Pꝛophets endured
vntill John: anp fince that time the king:
Domest God ts preached, and every man
i prealeth into tt.
17 Nom tt is moze cafie that heauen and
earth ould pale away, then thatone titie
of the law Mould fall. ae
18 ¶ Mhoſoeuer putteth away dis wife,
and marricth another, committeth atulte-
tie: and wholocuer marieth her that kis put
ve from jer huſband, committeth anni:
19 C There waza 'certaine rich mat,
which was clothed in purple, and fne
linnen, and fared well and Delicately cuerp
20 Allo there was a certaine begger na-
med Lazarus, which was layd at his gate
full ofſores,
21 And efren to bee refrehhed with the
ctummes that, fell from the xich mans ta-
ble : pea, ahd the Bogs came and licked Yis
ones, ;
22 And ít was fo thatthe begger Died,
and was carted by the Angels into™ Abra-
hamerhofoine. Che rich man alſo died and
„was buried,
inflamed , that they follow the Golpel without refped of worldly
things, Mat. 5.18.Jat.5.32. and 19 9. 1.c0r.7-11.
k That is vhich
is not lawfully diuorced. 1 By thts ſtorie is declared, what punilh-
trent they (hall kaue, which lĩue deliciouflyand neglettthepoore.
m Asthefathersin the old lawe, were fayd to be gatherediscothe
bofom of Abraham, becauſe they rece ued Ý fruit ofthe fame faith with
bim: ſo inthe New Teftament we fay that the membersof Chritt are
ioyned to theirhead,or gathered vntohim. n Whereby isfignified
that moft bleffed life, whichthey that die in the faith that Abralam
did hall enioyafter this world, ?
23 And being in hell in toꝛments, he ltl
tp bisepes, and faw Abraham afarce ofh
and Lazarus in bhis boſlome.
24 Then he cried andiaid, Father Aba.
hain, haue niercicon ine, and iend Lazarus
that he may Cip the trp ot his finger in wa
ter, and coole my tongue: fo2 J am toamnei
tedinthis tiame.
25 Wut Abraham fayd, Senne, remem:
ber that thou in thy litetime receinedtt thy
{pleatuces, andlikewile Lazarus) patines:
now therefore is be comfogted, and thou art
26 Behdes all this betweene you and vs
there is a great |) gulfe fet,fa that they which
would go trom hence to you, cannot, nether
can they come from thence toys.
27 Chenhe apd, Jpray thee therefore
father, that thou wouldelt ſend him tomy
fathers boufe,
28 ( jFoz J baue five beethzen)that be may
tefie vnto them, lea thepatlo come tuto
this place of razment.
29 Abzaham ſayd vnto him, Thep haue
— andthe Prophets let them + beare
30 And hee layd, ay, father Abraham:
but tf one come vnto them from the dead,
they will amend their lines,
31 Chen he layd wnto him, If they heare
not Woles aud the Pyaphets, neteher will
they be perimaded, though one rile from the
Dead againe.
ous titles auailel|Or,good things. HOr, euil things,
‘Which declareth thatit is too lateto bee inſtructed by the
dead, if in theirlife time they cannot profit by the Jiuely word of Gode
r As faithcommeth by Gods word, fo itis maintained by the fame,
So that wee neither ought to looke for Angels from heauen , or the
> butonely the word of God is ſuſſicient
pi q
dead to confirme ysthercin
to hfe eueilafling,
© HAPs XV Li
s Chriftteacheth his difciples to auoide occaſi-
ons of offence. 3 oneta forgiue another. § We
ought to pray for the ixcreafe of faith. 6 He mage
nipeth the vertue of faith, 10 and fheweth the
unability of man, 11 bezleth tenne lepers, 20
fpeaketh of the latter dayes, and of the ende of the
world, 7
Tee fayn he to the diſciples, * It cannot
Ge anoided, but that offences will come,
but woz be ta himby whom they come.
2. Jt were better foz him that a great
milſtsne were hanged about his necke, and
that hee mere catt into the fea , then that hee
Moul offend one of thele little oneg.
3 TTake htede to ponr ſelues: tf thy bzo-
ther tretpafie againſt thee, rebuke him: and
-if he repent, ſoꝛiut him.
4 And though hee finne againſt thee
b ſeuen times in a Dap, and ſeueñ times in a
Dayturne againe tothee, ſaying, It repen·
teth me.thon (halt forgtue hint.
§ Gand the Apotties fain vntothe Lord,
Increaſe our taith.
6 And the Lod apa, It vee had faith,
asmuch asis ¢a orate ofmuſtard (eed. and
moniy fay site thts mulbery trer, d Plucke
toy iele vv by the rostes, and plant thy lelfe
{n the irait eut enen obey pou.
Doo 2 7 ezho
< se
Therich man in torments.
o Chrift defri-
beth ſpiritoall
things by fuch
maner of{peech,
as is moft proper
to our vnder-
fianding : for our
{foules have nei-
ther fingers nor
eyes neither are
they chirltie,or
(peake: but the
Lord: as it were
ina table,pain-
teth forth the
ftate of the life to
come,asour ca- -
pacitic isa’ lero
comprehend it.
p Incalting him
fonne, he tanteth
his yaineboaft-
ing, who in his
life vanted him-
felfe to be the
fonneofAbra- |
ham: warnings
vs alfo hereby
howlirle glori-
hOr, (wallowing
Matth, 18.7
mar 9-42.
a Thatis,to turne
him backe from
the knowledge
of God, and his
Maith. 18.21.
b . That is,many
times: for bya
certaine numoer
he meanethan
Matth.17 20.
c. Thar is, ifthey
had ncuer fo little
of pure and per-
fite faith,
d Meaning, they
fhoulddoe won⸗
dcrfull, andin-
credible things.
í Judgement commeth fuddenly.
e Hereby isde-
clared that itis
notenough todo
apiece of gurdu~
ty for atime,but
allo we mult con.
tinue to the end,
f For God recei-
ueth nothing of ©
vs, whereby he
fhould fand
bound vato ys,
g To whomit
id appettaineto
ludge of the le⸗
. gprofie,Leu.r4.2.
and hereby alfo
y Prigtts thould
haue no occaſion
to gtudgeor
h- Hee noteth
hereby their in-
gratitude, & that
the greateſt part
negle@ the beac-
fits of God,
i It cannot bee
diſcerned by any
outward fhew, or
< maieftie,whereby
it might the ra-
» ther be knowen.
-Or among you.
Eitber by rea-
fon of the word
of God,which is
orthat the Mefi-
as whom they
~ foughtasabfent,
Gs now prefent,
` euen within their
ownedoores, ‘and
yetthey know.
< h'maot; Iohn :
his firft coming
into the world, |
Matth,2 4:23,
marke 12.2165
m Meaning his
fecond comming
whereis he ſhall
appeare in glory,
Gen.7.§ mat.24
38. 4-pet 3.20.
n ‘When men
contémned the
judgement of
‘God wherewith
-they were before
menaced, .
b> Gemig.24.
receiued by Faith,”
7 ithe isit alio of pou, that haning a
feruant plowing o2 feeding cattell, would
fay vite bimi by andby, when he were come
fromthe Held, Goe, and lit Downe at table?
8 Gud would not rather fay to hin,
e Defe wherewith J may Mp, and gira thy
feites and {erue mec, till J bane eaten and
Dumke, and afterward cate thou, anu
Dpinke thou?
g` Doeth he thawke that ſeruant, becauſe
hee did that which was commannded vnto
bim? J trow not.
10 So likewiſe pe, when pe haue Done all
thote things which are commanded you, ſay,
Ae are f pnprofitable teruants : wee hatig
Done that which was our duety to Doe.
Il @ And lo it was when he went toge-
ruſalein, that hee paſſed thorow the mids of
Paniaria and Gaitle. ;
12 And as he entred into a certain town,
there met him tenne men that were lepers,
which food afarre off. }
13 And they lift vp their voyces and fain,
Jeius, Maker, haue mercie on vs.
14 Ano when helaw them, he fayd unto
them, "Gor, thewe pane felues vnto the
e Piets. AiD it came to palle, that as they”
went, they were cleanſed.
I5 Chen one of them, when hee law that
Hee was healed, turned backe, and with a
loune voice praples God,
16 And fell downe on his face at is feet,
and gaue him thankes; and be was a Da-
maritane. ; ;
17 Aud Jeng anlwered,¢ (aid, Are there
not ten clenſed: but where are the’ ning?
18 Where are none found that returned to
giue god praile, faue this ttranger.
19 Gua he layd vnto Dim, Arile, Goe thy
way, thy fatth bath made thee whole,
20 € And when hee was deinaunded of
the Phariſes, when the kingdome of Gov
Mhould come, hee anfwered them, and fayd,
The kingdome ofGod commeth not wiih
obleruation, ;
21 Neither Hall men fay; Loe bere, oztoe
there: tor behold, the kingdome of God ts
|| * within poin, BY
22 Gud hee fayd onto the dilcivles, Che
Dayes will come , when pe hall defire tolee
‘one of the dayes of the Senne ofiman, and
pe hati not (ee it.
23 * Chen they chall fay toyou, Behold
2. . ;
1 He fpeakethof Here, or behold there; but go not thither nei-
ther follow them, — i :
24 Foz asthe lightning that liahteneth
out ofthe ane part vnder heauen, ſhineth vn⸗
tothe other part vnder heauen, W all the
Paine of man bein his m day. J
25 But üri muſt be affer many things,
and be reprouen of this generation.
26* And as it was im the « Daves of
Noe, ſo hall itbe in the dayes of the Sonne
of nan. ;
27: Thepatethey manke , they married
wines, e gaue in mariage onto the Day thac:
Wor went into theArkesand che flood came,
and deſtroyed them ails i
23 *Likewtle atio as tt wasin the dayes
FLot: thep ate, they Deane, thep bought,
thcy Colo, they planted, they tniii
-. §. Luke.
29 Wut inthe Day that Lat went out of
Hodome, tf rained five and beimitone from
Heaucn.and veitropeDtyemall, —
30 Giter thele enfamples ſhall it be in the
Day whe the Donne of man alde renealed.
31 At that Bay, be that ts ppon che ° boule
and his fuike in the boule, ter him not come
Gone to take tt out: and he that isim the
field likewiſe. let him not turne backe to that
be left behinde.
32 * Remember Lots wife. j
33 * (Abolotuer will feeke to faue his
foule, ball lofe it: and whoſoeuer Hal loſe
ít? ſhall get tt life. 1
34 *3 tell yonin that night there Wall be
thao in one abed: theone hall bee receiued '
and the other thalbeteft.
Two women Hall be grinding toge»
ther: the one halbe taken and the other fal
be left.
36. Two Halbe tn the Rela: one hall bee
receiued and another ſhalbe left.
37 Andthey anlwered, and ſayd to him,
There, Lom? And hee ſayd vnto them,
CAhereloeuer the body is thither witli allo
the Cagles reſort.
fhould ſtay vs, Matth, 24.28.
Thecricgfehe Elect. 7
o We muĝ for.
getthat which
we have left be.
hind ¥s,to the
end that we may
the better follow |
our heauenly vo-
Gen. 5.26,
Chaig.14 & 16.
2§.mattd, 10,39.
marke 8 35.
iolin I2 S.
p This corporall
death (hal in-
gender life encre
Matt. 24.40, 41.
q Hemeaneth
that no band or
coniunG@ion is
fo ftraightthat
£. Nothing can hinder the faithfull
to beioyned to their head leſus Chrift: for they ſhall gather vnto
himjasthe ravening birds about a cation.
2 By the example ofthe widowe, and the Puba
cane Chrift teacheth how topray. 15 By the ex-
ample of children, he exhorteth to bumilitie.s8 OF |
the way to be ſaued, and what things let, 29 The
reward promifedto ls, 31 andof the croffe.3§
A blinde man receiueth (ight,
A jad * he ſpake alſo a parable vnto them,
tothisende , that they ought alwayes to
pay and not to. ware faint, | j
2 Paying, Chere wasa indge ina cers
tame citie , tabicl feared not God, neither
teucrented man. i Ne
3. And there was a widowe in that citie,
which came vnto him, fayina, || Doe me tu:
fice againt mine >aduerfarte,
4 And he would nor for atime: but af
terlward hee fayd with himlelfe, Though J-
feare not God,nozreuctenceman, —
* pet becaule this widow troubleth me,
J wiil do her right, lealt at the lait the come
and make me weatte.
6: Aud the Loz fayd , eave what the
wnrighteoustudacfayth. =ne
which crie Day and night bnto him, yea,
thoughe he ſufter long fezthem? «|
8 Itellyou he wilauenge thenrquitkly:
Ecclus 18,22.
rom 12.12.
i.theſ. 7.
a The Greeke
word fignifieth
not to {hrinke
backe,as cowards
do in warre, or to
giue place inaf-
fliGions ordan-
||Orauenge me,
b Who pleadech
againft me, |
Mow hall not God auenge his elect, 3
c And keme)
flew inreuen=
but when the Sonne of man. commeth, Hall ging cheir
he find faithon the carth?
o ive take allo chis parable vnto cer-
taine which truſted in chemlelues that thep
were iut and deſpiſed other. -
lo @wo men went vp inte the Temple
to pay: theone a Phariſe, and theothera>
publican. y
Ir The Phariled ſtood and prayed thus
with hintelte, D God, Ithanke thee that J
am not as other men, extoztioners , vnintt,
adulterers,oz cuen ag this Publicane.
p Whereby he
proud and dif-
dainefull heart,
Treafureinheauen. Ofriches.
e Thefewere
fignes of an
humbleand low-
ly heart.
N Or, and not the
wmatth.2 3.13.
— Matth.1 9.136
| marke 10.13.
f The word fig»
nifieth yong fuc-
King babes whieh
they catied in
their armies.
g Hemeaneth
the nourfes or
them that bare
the babes, whom
the Apoitles re-
b He compre-
hendeth afwell
them that arein-
fants of age, as
them alfa, which
are like vnto in-
fants in fimplici-
ty and plainneffe,
-ai Signifying that
they ought to
lay afide all mae
lice and pride,
Matth 19.16. .
marke 10.17,
k Becaufe com-
monly they abu-
fed this word, Le-
fus fheweth him
that he could not
begood, except
alfo he acknow-
ledged that hte
was of God,
- Exod.20.1 35 4.,
Or, cable rope,
I For he fo goe
werneth the
hearts of his, thae
12 I kaſt twilein the weeke : J gine tithe
ofall that euer J poſſeſſe.
13 But che Publicane tanding a far off,
would not lift vp fo much as bisfonne of Abra⸗
ait. walke in the
Io * For the Bonne of man ts come ta. fepsofthe faith
ſeeke, and tofaue that which was lott. of Abraham,
Rom,4.13. $
to doethe workes of Abraham, Iohn 8. 39, by the which things we
are moſt aflured of life cuerlafting, Rom.8,29. Matth.:8.14,
Doo 3 Il Aud
The faichfull feruant.
u And while they beard thele things, he
continued and ſpake a parable, becaule hee
was neete to Ferulalem, and becauleatto
Matth.25.14. theythought that the kingdome of 6 D D
c This wastø de` fhould Hortly appeare. ;
clarerothem,that I2 De lapi therefor, * Acertaine noble
kee muk yet take man went into ca farre countrey , to receiue
great paines be- fozhimfelica kingtonie sand lo tacome a-
tore hiskingdom gaite.
fhould bee efta- 13 And hecalled his ten ſeruants, and De-
blithed. linered theim ten 4 pteces of money, and fapt
d This piece of pnto them, ¢Decupie ttl J come.
money is called 14 How his citizens hated him, and fent
Mina,and the san ambaflageafter hfm,faptig, die will not
whole fumme haue this manto reigne ouer vs.
mounted about Is And tt came to pafle when Hee was
the valueoffe- came £ againe, and had received his king
uenteene pound, Dome, that be commaunded the ſeruants to
efteeming euery be called to Hin, to whome he gaue his mo-
piece about fiue ney, that he might know what cucry man
nobles and feuen had gained. i
pence. 16 Then came thefirt, ying, Lord, thy
e Godwillnot piece had increaſed ten pieces.
thathisgracesre- 17, Andhe fayd vnto bun, Mell good ſer⸗
maine idlewith uant: becauſe thon pant bene faithfu ina vee
vs. ry little thing, take thou authoritie ouer ten
f Whereby we Cities.
Jearnctharthefe- 18 And the fecond came,faying, £023, thy
condcomming piece bath increaſed fue picees,
of our Sauiour 19 Andtotbhe fame he law , Be thouallo
Chriſt fhallbe ruler guer flue cities.
more glorious
andexcellent olde thy piece, which J haue layu vpiua
thenit dothnow naykin.
appeare. 21 for 9 feared thee , becauſe thou arta
g They that fop- ſtraite man, thou takeſt up that thon layeut
prefe the gifts of not Dawne, and reapelt that thou dioſt not
God, and ſiuein ſowe.
idleneſſe, are 22 Then he fad tuto him, DF thine own
without all ex g mouth will Jiudge thee, D enill ſeruant.
cure, Cihouknewet that J ana traite man, tas
Chap.8.18 mar king vp that Jlayd not downe, and reaping
that J dtd not (owe.
23 CGiherefoze then gaueſt not thou my
money inte the banke, that at my comming
g Might haue required it with vantage? ©
24 And hee fayd to them that toode by,
Take from him that picce and gine tt hun
that hath ten pieces. :
25 (And they {aid vnto him Lod, hee
hath ten pieces. )
26 * FoF fay vnto you, that vnto all
them that hang, it hatt be * gtuen: and from
him that hath not,cuen that be bath, thal be
taken from him. À 3 i
27 Moꝛeouer, thole mine enemies, which
would notthat J] ould reigne ounce then,
bring bither, and flay them before me.
28 @ And when je had thus poken, hee
— koorth ibefore, altending vp to Jeruſa⸗
29 * And it tame to paffe, when he was
come neere to Bethphage, and Bethania,
beſides the mount witch ts called the
— of Oltues, hee fent two of his dilci.
ples, j
30 Paying, Gor pee te the towne which
fs befoze you, wherein aſſoone as pee are
come, pee ſhall finde a colttyed, whereon
ni ener man late: looſe binn and bzing bim
13. 12. and 256
29.miar 4.25.
h He thie faith-
fully beftoweth
the graces of
God, fhall haue
them increafed :
but they fhalbe
taken away from
him that is vn-
profitable,and v-
feththem not te
| Gods glory.
i Hereby we per-
eciuethe excel-
lent conftancy
of Chrift , who
edid now fight
againlt the ter-
| .rouof death,
and Godsiudge-
ment: yet went
before his feare-
full difciples, and
ted the way to
| imarke It, 1s
20 Ho the other came and fayd, Lord, bee
- thee, and compa’ thee round, and keepe
The Rones would ay.
31 And if any man alke you, thy yee k Chrift preven-
looſe him, thus yall ye fay vnto pin, Becauſe reth fuch difticul-
the Lozd bati need of bum. __ ties as might baug
32 So rheythat were (ent, went their troubled hisdite
wap, and found itashe had aya vittothent. ciples,
33 And as they were leoürg the coit, the e
owners thereof ſayd vate thii, Ahp loole
votht colt? , pay, nala ———
An D, Che Lord hath neede “14.
—— wer lant eres They with that
¶ * Go they brought bin to Jeſus, Cod may be ap-
anD they catt cheir garments on thecoltana Peeled & recon-
fet Jeius thereon, ;
36 And as hee went, they (pred their
clathesin the way.
37 And when hee was nowe come neere
tothe going Bowne of the mount of Ditues,
the whole multitude of the diſciples began
toreloyce, and to prayle Gon witha loude
voce, fozall the great woekes that they had
38 Saying, Bleſſed be the King that com-
mech in the Hame of the Lorde: peacein : t
beaucn, anv glo: inthe highelt places, vpbraideth their _
39 Then tome of the Phariles of the Malice which
company fayd unio him, Walker, rebuke thy would not im-
diſcipies. brace Chrift their
40 But he anlwered and fayd vnto them, Seuiour,and ther-
Itell pou, that if thele Mould hold their fore pronouncerh
peace, the ftones would cry. greater punifhe
4I €* Ann when be was come neere, he menr to lena-
beheld the city, and wept fo. tt, Jem, thento o»
42 Saying, =D if thou haddeſt euen thercities which
knowen at the leatt in thisthp naps thole had not receiued
things, which belong puta thy peac?! but like graces,
now are they ° hid from thine eyes. n Meaning,
43 For che Dayes yall cone vpon thee, Chrift , without
that thineenemtes hall caſt a trench bpon whom there is
no faluation, and
with whom is all
o Through thine
own malice thou
art blinded,
p And recejuedft
not the Redeew
met which was
fent thee,
Matth.z 12,
F (456.7.
Iere, tT.
|| Or, aa the day.
q Thatis, were
moft attent to
and fo by this
meanes be gloris
Chap. 21.6. mae,
24.1 Mar. 13. 1.
m Chrift partly
pitieth the citie
waich was fo
thee in on euery fide,
44 And Wall make thee euen with the
ground and thy childzen tobich are tn thee,
and they all not leaue in thee atone vpon
a tone, becaule thou knewelk not the tune
45 @*iMewent allo inta the Temple, and
Lexan to cat out theni that ſold therein and
them that bought, i 3
46 Gaping vnia then , Jt is witten,
* Wine houle isthe houltef prayer,” but ye
baue mavr tt a denne of theeues.
47 Andhetaughe dapyly tn the Temple.
And the hie Peteſts ¢ the Scribes, and the
chicfe of the people ſought to deſtroyhim.
48 But they coulde not finde what they
might Doc te him: fo: all the people changed
vpon him when they heard hun,
4 Chrif foppeth bis aduer faries mouthes by an
other queftion, 9 Iheweth their deftruction bya
parable. 22 The authoritie of princes- 27 The rea
ſurrection, & his diuine power. 46 He repreoueth
the ambition of the Scribes.
A it came to patic,that on one obthoſe Mateh. 21.233.
dayes, as bee taught the people in the marke 11, 270.
Temple, and preached the Golpel, the hie 28,
Picts and the Scribes came bpon hun
with the Eiders,
2 And fake onto hint, laying, Cell ae
Ciled with mens _
neere her deftru-_
tion , and partly ”-
Iohns Baptifine. The vineyard let out.
what authoritie thon dock thefe things, 02
— ig be that bach gingn thee this autbozte
3 And heanlwered,aud {apd vnto them,
3 allo will alke youone thing: tell me theres
4 The” baptifme of John, was it from
heauen, o2 of men? i
§ Andthepreafned within themelues,
laping, Ewe Hall fay , From Heaven, bee
will (ay, TAbp then beleeucd pehim not?
6 But ik we tall fay, Demen,al the peo
ple will tone vs:foꝛ they be perſwaded that
John was a ophet.
+ 7 Therefor thep anſwered, that they
could not tell whence tt was. .
8 Chen Jems ſayd vnto thens, t Neither
oe J you bp what authozitie J doe thele
a By Baptifme he
all fobns mini-
fterie, who bare
witnes to Chrilt,
b By this meanes
be made chem
afhamed and
aftomfhed, 9 ¶ Then began he to {peake to the peo⸗
Matt.21.33. - Ple this parable. "A certatue man planted a
gnae.t2.1,3/4 5. © vittevard, and > let tt koorth to hulband ·
TF .ier.2. 21, men: AND went mto a trange countrey, toz
c The Lewes agreatteaton. —
were as Gods 19 Gnd at a time be lent a e ſetuant tothe
plants, and his hulbandmen, that chep ſhonld give btm of
ownegrafting- the fruttof the vineyard , but the butband-
peu DiD beat hin, and fent hini away emip-
It Againe hee fent pet another ſeruant:
and they Did beat hint, and foute intreated
him, and lent him away emptic, k
12 Moꝛeouer, helent che third, and hint
thep wounded, ard catt out. f
-I3 Then lata the Loꝛd of the tinevard,
Ahat hall J doe? J will nd my beioned
Horne: it map bee chat they whi Doe reug-
rence,when they fee pun.
I4 But when the pulbandmen ſaw bin,
they reafoned with themlelues,faping, This
isthe heire: come, lec ys kill bun, thatthe
inheritance map be ours. i
i 3 Ig Hotheycalt him out of the vineyard.
P/al.x18.224/2. and killed him. Abat thall the Lord of the
28.16.2cés4 ts. vincyard therefore doe vnto them?
7873.9,33.%. pete 16 Were wiil come and Detroy thele pui-
— bandmes, and will gine out bis vinepard to
F Forbyitthe others: But when chey beard it, they ſaid,
buildingisioined God forbid.
d God commit-
ted his people to
the gouernours
and prieſts.
e He say(ed vp
together and I7 € And he beheld them, ¢ afd, Chat
made firong. mieaneth this then chat is witten, * Che
g They that lone that rye builders retuſed, that to made
fumble & fallon, the heab of the comer?
Chrift, thinking , _ 18 s@Uibolecucr that fall bpon that tone,
to oppreffe him, Hall bz beken : and on whomlocuce it halt
Mabe ouerthro- fallit will grind bint to powder. ;
wen themfelues 19 @henthe high Pyles the Scribes
and deſtroyed. the laine houre went abaut to lap bands on
Matt.22.26. hin: (butthep feared the people) for hep
mar.1 2.13. perceined that hee had oken this parable,
h They waited againſt then. ;
foraconuenient 20 And Ha watched him and fent
time and place, foozth pieg, wbich Moul taine themfelues,
iTheythought inf men, to take him tn his talke, and to de
it vnlawfùllcto linerbin vnto the power and aiit horitie of
pay to aprince the gouernour. : i ;
being an infidel, 21 And they alked hin, faying, after,
that which they twee know that thou fapelk, efeachett right;
were wont to neither Voelt thon accept auy mans perio,
payteGodin byt teacheltthe wap of GID tently.
_ bis rempic,
Chap. xx.
The pradtifes of the wicked. 476
bute, oꝛ no? ag te
23 But hepercciued their craftinelle, and
fayd bnto them, CAhy tempt pe me?
24 Dbhew me a penp. Ahok image and
fupericription hath tt? Thep anſwered and
fayd, Ceſars.
25 Then hee fapa vnto them, * «Sine
then vnto Cefar the things which are Ce·
fars ann to God thole which are Gods.
26 Andthey could not reprosue hts fay»
ing before the people: but thep marueiled at
bis anfwere, aud held thetr peace.
27 * Thes caine to him certathe of the
Sadduces, (which Deny that there is any
telurrection) and they aſked bim,
28 Having, Watter, * Woles wrote vnto
vs, If any mans border Die haning a wife,
and bedie without chudzen,that hts bother
Mould take his wife, and rayſe vp ſeede into
his bzotber.
29. sRows there were ſeuen bꝛethrꝛen, and
the Ärt tooke a wike, and he Died without
Rom. 8 3. 17.
K The duecy
which we owe to
to Princes, letrenhy
nothing that
which is due
vnto Gad,
mar. i 2. 16.
Deut.⁊ j $»
calletb all them
children ofthis
world which ree
children. maine inj fame:
30 And theflecond tooks the wike, and be or cls matrimony
Died childlefle. fhould not feeme
31 Then the third tooke her : and fo
oo the ſeuen dyed, and left no chil-
32 And laft ofall, the woman died allo.
33 Cherefore at therefurrection , whole
nes efthem thalthebs2 fez ſenen bad ber to
34 Then FJeirs anlwered, and Aid vnto
them, Che! childzen of this wold marrie
wines and are maried. maintaine and
35 Bue chep which Hall be counted Woz- increafe man-
thy to enioy that wol and the reſurrection kind, when we
from the Dead, neither marry wiues,netther Mall bee immor-
are married. tal, tt hall not
30 mfo thepcan die no more, foraſmuch bein any vie.
as they are equall bitte the Angels andare n For although
the fonnes of God, » fince they are thechil> the wicked arife
Deen of the relurrection, apaine,yec that
37 And that the dead hall rileagaine, lite is but death
enen * (oles Hhewen tt befides the but, and an eternal
when he caid The Lor isthe Godel Abra: deftruion,
bam ann tie Godot Iſaac, andthe Gevol €xod.3. 6.
Jaca, j o Ofthem which
38 Fozhee is not the God of the ° dead, arenor, butof
but of them which liue: r foz all line bunta them which are.
him. p The immottae
39 Shen certaine of the Phariſes anfwee litie ofthe foule
red,and fayd, Satter, thou hak wellfapd. eahnovbe fepa-
40 And after that, durſt not they alke rated from the
him any thing at all, relutrection of
4b €* hen laid he bntathem, Pot lay the body, wheres
they that Thrilt is Dauids fonne? of here Chrift
to appertaine to
the children of
God, as that wic-
Ked mofter Pope
Cyricius taught,
again{t the mani-
felt Scriptures,
m Since mariage
is ordained to
42 And Dauid himlelke fatty in the book — ſpea ⸗
of the Plalmes, The Led fayd puto my ker
LoD utat my riaht hand. Martha tgs
43 Gilt F all make thine enemies thy mariz 350
footſtosle. Sug > Phinot:
44 Bering Dauid cated him Lod, bow q For the forne
is de then dis a ſonne? : isnot Lordof
45 @ Then in the audience ofall the peor. his father; and
ple; he ſayd vnto bis Dilciples, therefore it fol-
45 Beware of the Scribes, Which des lowcth that
fire,to.gag trtong, codes , andlouctalutatt+ Chrit is God,
ons hi fhe markets, and the higheſt ate tv Chep.11.43.
l s a the Dynagogues, and the ehitſe roomes at marrh.23.6.
` 22 Fs tei lawit loz veto ging Celar tri· Fanas * any
Ey) 3 i on mare 380
Dig 47 Hibich
I In this place he
- b Chrift ther
> their enemies
Of thepoore widowe
Gihich deuoure widowes boules euen
— acolone of long paying thele ſhall
recetue greater Dantsation.
3 Christ commendeth the poore widow, 6 Hee
ged with fouldiers, then ynderftand that
the Delolation thereofis neere,
21 Chenlet them which are in Judea,
fice to the mountatnes : and let them which
are in the middes thereof , Depart out: and
let not them that are in the countrey, enter
forewarneth of the deſtruction of Ferufalem.8 OF therein.
alfe teachers. 9 Of the tokens and troubles to
— 27 Ofthe endofthe world, 37 and of his
dayly exerci(e.
n AD * ag he bebeld, bee faw the rich men,
A wbich cat their gifts into the treafurie,
2 And ber faw — a certaine poong wis
Dew, which catt in thither two mites,
3 "nd bee fayd, DE acrueth J fay vnto
pon, that this pooze widow hath catt in moze
then they all, f :
a Godefteemeth 4 2 Foz they all bane of thetr fupertiuity,
notthe giftor catkinto the offerings of God: but Hee of
almes by the her penury hath catt im all che lining that
lantityor va- ſhe had.
ue, but by the Now as fome fpake of the Temple,
heartand affecti· Howitwas garniſhed with goodly tones,
on. and with | confecrate things, be fapt,
Chap.19.43344 6 Arethelerhe things that ye looke nyp-
matt. 24. I. on? the nayss wilcome,wherein a ſtone thal
mar. 13 i um beleft upon a ftone, that Mall not bee
Or, gifts. thowen Downe. ; ,
Pe ia Then they alked him, laying, Water,
but when fhalichele things bee? and what
figne hall there be when thele things Mall
come to paſſe?
Ephef: 5.6. 8 *And hee ſayd, > Cake heed that pee
a.thef. a. 3e be not decetued: fo: many will come in my
Mame, faving , Jam Chunk, and the time
makethanfwere draweth neeres follow pee not them theres
of that which foe.
was more necef- g And when ye heareof warres and lee
fary forthem and ditions, be not afraid; forthele things mutt
sottothe que- firſt come, but the end followeth not by and
{tion they de- p.
maunded. 10 Then laid he vnto them, Ration hall
Matth. 24.7. — rile againſt nation, and kingdome againtt
mar. 13.8. kingdome.
c Thistheic fuf- 11 *Qnd great earthquakes ſhalbe in di-
ferance thal both uerg places,and hunger and peftilence,and
bea greatercon- fearefull things and great ignes thal there
femation tothe be from heauen.
Gofpel,& alfo by
their conftancic
the tyranny of
12 But before all thele,they thal lap their
hands on pou, and perfecute you, deliũering
you bp to the Synagogues, and into pri.
fons, and bring pou before kings and rulers
ſhall at length be fo? my Mames fake.
manifet before 3 apo this fhall turne to pou , fora te»
God and man, ſtimoniall. ;
Chap.i 2.12. 14 * Lap it bp therefope in pour hearts,
miatt.10,19. that pee premeditate not what yee fhall
Mar .13. Iie anfwere. i `
d For though 15 Foz F will giue pou a mouti and wif
they werefo im- Dome, where agate all pour aduerlaries
pudentrorefift, hall not he able tofpeake.noz drefii.
yet trueth euer 16 Dea, pee Hall be betrayed alfo of pour
gaineth the vi- parents and of your baethzen, an’ kinſmen.
Gorie. and friends, and fome of pou ſhallthey put
Matth.10.30. taDdeath.
€ Thatis, liue 17 And pee ſhall be hated of all men foz
joyfully & ble- my Mames fake, ,
fedly cuen vnder. 18 * Wet there hall not one haire of pour
the croffe, heads peri}.
Aat. 24. 15.mar. 19 By pour patience poſſeſſe pour uleg.
3384.d62.9,27. 20 ¶ Ano when pe iee Jerulalem belies
22 Soz thele be the dayes of vengeance,
to full allthingsthatare witten,
23 But wo be to them that be with child,
The dayes of vengeance.
and ta them that gine ſuckt in thole Dayes:
fo: there thalt be great dictreſſe in this land,
and t wrath ouer this people.
24 Ana they Hall fall on the edge of the
fwon, and ihall be led captiue tito all natt:
ons, and Jerulalem chall bee troden vnder
toote of the Gentiles, vntili the stime of the
Gentiles be fulfilled.
25 * Chen there hall bee fignes in the
Dunne, tin the Moone, and tn the Dtars,
and vpon the earth trouble among the na»
tlons,with perpleritie; the {ea and the wa
ters hall roare.
26 And mens hearts Hall faile them foz
feare,t fo: looking after thole things which
fhail come on the world ; foz the powers of
heauen Mall be jaken,
27 And then thall hey {ee the Donne of
nee come in a cloud, with power and great
28. And when thele things begin to come
te paſſe, then looke vp, €lifeyp pour heads:
* fo? pour > redemption draweth necre,
29 And de ſpake to thena parable, Bee
hold the fig tree,andall trees,
30 Aheẽn they now Moot koorth, ye eeng
them, know of pour owne felues,that Dom-
mer ts thenncere.
31 Do likewile yee, when yee fee thele
things come to palle know pe that the kings
Dome of God is neere.
32 Gerelp J ſayvnto you, This age hal
not i paffe, till all chefe thingsbe done.
33 Heauen and earth Mall pafe away,
but mp woꝛdes hall net pafe awa
34 Take heede to pour flues, ktat any afi
time your hearts bee oppreflen with furfet-
ting and Daunkennes,and cares of this life,
ana left that Dap come on peu at vnwares.
35 Foꝛ as a * nare Mallit come on all
— that dwell on the face of the whole
36 (Gatch therefoze, and pray continual:
ly, that ye may be counted worthy to eer
all theſe thinges that ſhall come to pafte,
and that pee may Rand before the Sonne of
37 C Rowin the Bay time hee taught in.
the Temple and at night be went out, anD
abode in the mount thatis called che moun:
of a ee i ‘
38 Andall the people came in the moje
ning to hint,to besre him in the Temple.
onSpivacie againft Chrif. 7 They eate the
aioe 19 The unfisuti® Ha Lords Supper,
24 They firiue who fhalbe greateft,and he repreo-
seth them.42 He praiethvpo the mount,47 Iudas-
srefon.54 They sake him, & bring hin to Pach
f Gods wrath a-
gaintt hispeople
{hall sppeare by
the calamities &
plagues where-_
with he will pi-
nifh them,
g He meaneth
their iniquitiesto
receiue likewife
their punifhment
32:7.Mat, 34 256
mar. 3 24.
h Theefteé of
that redemption-
which Tefus _
Chrilt hath pur-
chafed fħali then
fully appeare.
i Foralfthefe
things came
within fftie yeres
k To catch and
intangle them,
wherfeeucr thep
be inthe world.
lOr, that ye may
be made werih
Tudas feeketh to betray Chrift.
mar. 14. de
a’ The feat was
focalled, becaufe
they could eat no
leauened bread
for the {pace of
feuen dayes: for
fo long the feaſt
ofthe Paffeouer
b Suchas were
appointed to
keepe y Temple.
c For they were
in doubt what
way to take be-
fore this occafi-
on was offered,
mart, 13.
d According to
Gods comande-
ment,which was
firltto offer it, &
after to eat it,
mar.14. 17, 18.
e Which wasin
the euen ing a-
bouty twilight,
which time was
appointed to cat
the Paffeouer.
f Hemeaneth
that this is the
laſt time that hee
would be con-
uerfant with thé
as he was before
orfo cate with
mari g. 22,
3.cor. 11.234,
g The bread isa
- true figne, andan
Priefts houfe, 60 Peter denieth him thrif2 , and
yetrepemteth, 69. Chrift is brought before the
Council where he maketh ample confeffion.
ake * the a feat of vnleauened bread
Dew neere, which ts called the Paſſe⸗
2. And the bic Pꝛieſts t Scribes ſought
how thep might kill him: foz they feared the
3 Chenentred Datan into Judas, who
was called Iſcariot, and was of the number
of the twelue. i
4 And he went hts way and communes
with the bic Peieſtes and > captatnes, bow
be might betrap hunto them,
§ Bo they were «glad, and agreed to
giue him money.
And bee conlented and fought oppo?»
tunitie to betrap Dim vnto them, when the
people were away.
7 ¶ Then came the day of vnleauened m
Diap when the Paſſeouer d mult be facri
8 And he lent Peter and John, faving,
Goe, and prepare vs tye Paſſeouer,that wee
may eat it. é í
9 And they faid to htm, Ahere wilt thon
that we prepare it?
10 Chen hee ſayd vntothem, Beholde
when pee bee entred into the citie there hal
aman mect pon, bearing a pitcher of was
rah nga hun into the boule that bee en⸗
reth in,
Il And fap vnto the goodman of the
boule, Che matter fayth vñto thee, Abere
is the lodging where J hall cate my alles
puer with my dilciples? }
12 Then bee wall Wew pou a great high
chamber trimmed, there make tt ready.
13 So they went and found as hee had
fayd unto them, and made ready the Pafe.
14 *And wien the e houre was come.hee
a Downe » and the rwelue Apoſtles with
Ig Then he ſayd onto them, J baue ears
neſtly deiren to cate this Paſſeouer with
pou before F luffer,
10 Foz Flay outoyon, f encefoorth I
affuredteltimony will not eat of it anp moze, vntillit be fulfil
thatthe body of ledin the kingdome of God.
Icfus Chrif is gi- 17. And hetooke the cup,e gaue thanks,
uen fer the nori- and ſayd, Cake this, and Dinine it among
ture of our fouls:
likewife the wine
fignifieth that his
blood is our
18 F023 lay vnto you , F will not minke
of the fruit of the ving , vntill che kingdome
of God be come.
drinketo refreth 19 * And bee tooke bread, and when hee
and quicken vs ad giuen thanks, yee brake it, and gauce to
euerlaftingly. — them, laying, s Thig is my bodie , which ts
h Thefigneof ¥ giuen kor pou : Doe this in the remenibzante
newcouenant of me.
whichiseftatli- 20 Likewile alfoafter Supper he tooke
fhed &ratified thecupfaying, This cup isthe new » Ces
by Chrifts blood, kament inmy blood, which ts fyen foz pou,
Toh 13.18. 21 *Pet behold, the hand of him that bee
pfalgr.9. _ trapeth me, ts with me at the table,
By the fecret 22 Aud truely the Sonne of man goeth
unfell of God asitis i appointed: but woe be tathat man,
a As 4,28.
by whom he is betrayed.
23 Then they began to enquire among
theintelucs, which ot them tt Hoult be, that
ould dee that.
24 @* Ano there arofe alfo a ftrife a-
Mong them, which of chem Moula ſeeme to
be the greateſt.
25 But he fapt vnto them, The kings of foralmuch as
the Gentiles reigne ouer them, Œ they that
ee rule ouer them , arc called k Gracious
26 But ye hall not be fo: but tet the grea-
teit among pou be as the pleat; e the chie-
tent as be that ferneth.
27 Foꝛ whois greater, hee that fitteth at
table,og be that feructh 2 is not hee that fir
teth attable? And J am among pou as hee
that ſerueth. ; À
23 And pe are thep which haue continu:
ed with me in mp tentations. `
29 Therefoz J appoint pnto pou a
— mp Father hath appointed to
30 *Chat pe map ! eat and Minke at ny
table in my kingdome, and fit on (eats, and
tudge the twelne tribes of Ifracl.
31 (And the Lozd faya, Dimon, Simon,
Hevold, *Hatan hath Delired pou, ™to wis
now you as wheate,
32 But J bhane prayed for thee , that thy
Faith » fatle not: therefore when thou art
conuerted,itrengthen thybrethren.
33 And be layd vnto him, Lod, J am
— to goe with thee into pifon, and to
34 But hee ſayd, J tell thee Peter, the
cocke hall not crow this Day, Befoze thou
batt thrile denied that thon kneweſt me.
35 And he fapt vnto them, *iber F
{ent pou without bag, and ferip, and Moet,
ae yee any thing? And they ſayd, Fo
36 Then he fayd to them, But now hee
that hath abag. let bini take it,and likewiſe
a ſcrip: and be that hath none, let him (el bis
coat and ° buy a ſworde
37 For J {ay vnto you , that yet the fame
which ts witten mutt be performed in mee,
Euen with the wicked was hee numbrzed:
foz Donbtlefle thole things which are written
of me, haue an end. ;
38 And they ſayd, Lord, behoid, bere are
P ae Ant he fayd vnto them, Jt is
39 @* And he came out, and went (as he
was wont)to the mount of Ditnes; and his
Dilciples alfo followed him.
40 *And when he came tothe place, bee
fayd to them, Pap leaſt pe enter into tentas
41 And hee gate himſelke from. them a-
bout a tongs catt, and kneeled Downe, and
prayed, ;
p Having, Father, ikthou wilt, take a»
wap this cup trom mee: neuertheleſſe, not
mp will,but thine be Done.
43 Andthere appeared an Angel vnto
him front heaven, comforting bim,
44. But being inant agony, hee prayed
moze eatneftiy: and bis fweate was like
Doppes oF blood, trickling Downe tothe
g As Gnu
Gods minifters equall. 477
k Meaning , that
they haue vaine
and flattering tie
tles giucn them,
they are nothing
leffe then their
names doe figni«
Or leane by bea
Matth.19. 22,
l By thefe fimilia
tudes he decla-
reth that they
fhall be partakers
of his glory: for
in heauen is nei-
ther cating nor
m Satan feeketh-
by all meanesto
difquiet $Church -
of Chrift, to dif-
perfe it, andto
fhake it fromthe.
true faith.
n It was fore fhas
ken, but yet not:
ouer throwen,
Math.26, 345356
mar. 14.20. 31.
john 13333.
Mat 30.9, IOs
o By thishe
fheweth thé that
they muft fuftain
great troubles &
p They were yet
jo rude that the
thought to baue
sefifted with ma
teriall weapons, ©
whereas Chrift
warneth themo
af piritual fights
-wherein as well
their: life as fai
fhould be in.
marke 14.32.
ich 18.1.
Matth 26.41%.
mar t438.
q. Meaning, his
death & paſſion
x The word fignid]
fieth that horror `
that Chrift had
conceiued,not —
onely for feare
death, bur of his
Fathers judges,
ment and wrath
againſt finne,.
— r
Peters deniall,and repentance.
45 And he role vp front prayer,and came
tohts diſciples, and tound them Reeping foz
46 Aud he fard vnto them, Ahy lleepe
pe? rile and pray leſt pe enter inta tentation.
47 TAnd while be pet ſpake, behold, a
company,anDd be that was called Judas one
of the rwelue, went before them, and came
neere vnto Jeſus to kiſſe him.
48 And Jeſus faya vnto him, Judas,
— thou the Sonne of man wity a
‘49. Now when they which were about
Him, law what would follow, they faya vnto
Him, Lord, thall we finite wich (word?
marke 14.436
zohn IBe 30
S; Luke:
ChriftledtoPilate. . The
63 And ik alſo J afke poupee toill not atte
ſwere me, noz let me gee.
69 * Hereafter hal the Bonne of man ft x Ar hisfecond
atthe y tight band ofthe power of GoD, comming.
70 Thenu layd they all, Art thou chen the y Asin thefe-
` Donne of Gov And he ſaid to them, Pe fay cond place of
that j am. honcurand dige
7i Chen layd they, Myhat neen wee anp niie,
further witnes?foz we our lelugs baue beara
it ofhts owne month.
a Iefus is brought before Pilate and Herode»
18 Of Barabbas. 26 Of Simonthe Cprenian. 27
The women make lamentation. 33 Chrift cruce-
SO And one of them finotealeruant of fed. 34 He prayeth for his esemies. qo He cone
the hte Piek, and rake off His cighteare. serteththethiefe and many others at his death,
st Chen Jeſus anſwered anv tai, Sul
fer them thus karre and pe touched Yis care,
and healed him. ner ey
$2 Then Jeluslapd tothe hie Prieſtes,
and captaines of the Cemple, ¢ the Elders
which were come to him, Bee yee come out
as unto a theefe mith ſwords and ſtaues:
53 Chen J was daply with pou in the
TWemple,pee ſtretched not koorth the hannes
agatnt ine; but this tg your very houre, ana
fFornowGod the power ef darkenelſe. ;
gaueliberticto §4 Then tooke they hin, and ted him
Satan, whofe mi- ang bought hint to the hte Pzieltes poule,
niftersthey were, uD Heter followed a farre oÑ,
toexecutehis — And when thep bad kindled a fire
“yageagainfthim: tn tie mts ofthe bhall, were fet Downe tos
“which thing wee gether, [Peter alſo late Downe among them.
feeisgouerned §6 And a certaine matd beheld him as
bytheproui- ¶ he late bp thefire, and haning welllooken
dence of God. on him ſaid, This man was allo with hin.
Matth, 16.69. 57 But he denyed him, faping, toman,
marke 14.66, ` Jkuow him not. — $
j 58 And after alittle while, angtherman
fatu bin, and faid, Chou art allo of them,
But Peter layo, Asan, J] am not.
§9 And about the ſpace ofan houre after,
Acertaine other affirmed fapug, Clerely ea
uen this man was with hind; foz he iz allo a
cter lavd, Man, J know not
60 And
what thoutapeit. And immediatly while he
yet ipake,the cocke crew.
61 Then the Lord turned backe, and loo⸗
ked upon Peter: and Peter remenibred the
word of the Lond, how be han (aid puto bim,
te che cocke crow, thon ſhalt Deny me
M R And [Peter went ont and wept dite
63 CAnd the men that held Jeſus, mocs
ken bim,and ttrooke him. f
64. And when they bad blindkolded him,
' Chey ſmote him on the face, and alked pim,
faning, t Dophefie who it ts that ſmote
65 And many other things blaſphemouſ·
Ip (pake thép againtt him,
66 “Andatioone as tt was day, the Cl-
mightbeknowen Devs of the propie, and the pie Pateſtes and
jdforthething the Scribes came togetherand led him into
astoomant their Council,
apane — ate am fathers Wanted tell
icethey bareto- HS. And De lapa vnto them, teu xou vee
wardsChrit, will noc belecue it
Matth.26. 34.
gohn 13. 58.
They {coffed at
him becaufe the
people thought
he was a Proe
53 Andis buried,
iy oat *che whole multitude of thearofe, Matth.22 22.
and led bim vnto⸗ Pilate. marke 12.075
2 And they begat co accule him, faying, a. Whowasthe
Cee haue found this man perwerting the chicfe gouernor,
people and foꝛbidding to pap tribute to De and had the exa-
lar,faying, That he ts Coat aking. mination of mat-
3 And Puate aleed Him, Caping, Art teis of life and
thou the king of the Jewes? And be anlwe: death.
Fed Him, and fayd, Thou ſayelt it. Matth.29.18,
4 Then fapa Pilate tothe hie Pꝛieſtes, marke 15.2.
€tothepeople, J Gud ne fault inthis man. rohe 18.3 3.
But they were the moze fierce, laying, '
Me moueth the people, teaching throughout
all Judea, beginning at Galile, cuen to this -
place. i p b To rid his
6 How when Pilate heard of Galile. he hands,and to
alked whether the man were aGalitean. gtaufie Herod-
7 And whende krew that he was ot We: for, arthat tses
robes turilaiction, he > tent him to Herode, c Ofacextaine
which was alfo at Jerulale linthole dates, curioficic.
8 And when ——— was Or, Miracle.
excecdingly glad:for be was < Deflraus to ſee d For Chrift
him ofa long ealon , becaule hee had heard came norto de-
many thinges of him, and truſted to haue fend himielfe,
fene fome | igne Done dy him. neither yet would
9 Then quettioned de with hün of ma» pleaſe the vaine
ny things : but he anfwered hum ‘nothing. curiofirie ofthis
10 Whe hie Pꝛieſts allo € Scribes ſtood tyrant,
fooztl, and acculed him vehemently, : HOr , band or
II ARD Herod with his | menof warre treize.
deſpiled him, and mocked him, and arayed e Commonly
bim in ©] white,and Gut him againe to Die this wasa robe of
late. 3 honour or excel-
12 The fame day Pilate and Herode cie: but it was gie
were made friends together : fox before they uento Chriſt in
were enemies one to another. mockage.
13 Then Pilate called together the hie lor, ss brighe
Heieſts.and che rulers, and the people, colour, i
14 And faid vnto them Ve haue bꝛought Maeth. 27. 23.
this man vnto me,as one that peruerted the marke 15.14.
people: c behold, J have eramtned him bes Tohn 18. 38,,and
fore you, ¢ “baue found no fauitin this matt; 19.46 .
of hale things whereof pe accuſe him: Or, by hime |
15 j20, 102 pet erode : foꝛ J {ent past to f Fer the Roe
him: and loe, nothing worthy of Death ig manes had given
Done pte him. —— fuch franchiſes de
16 Iwilltherekore chaſtiſe him, and let liberties to he
bim toole. ai) ; Tewes,which was
17 ( Fozof neceſſitie bee muſt haue let buta tradition, .
pue losſe vnto themat the feaſt.) and, not accor⸗
18 Then all the multitude cried at once, ding tothe word
faping » Awap with bin, and delluer a of Gods, 5,25
peoplesrage. Thepenitent - Chap.
bs Barabbas: À
19 CQbtch for a certaine inſurrection
made in the citie, an’ murther, was catt in
pion. ; :
20 Then Pilate ſpake againe to them,
willing tolet Jeſus looſe.
21 But they cried, ſaying, Crucifie, crus
tife him. fet
22 Andhe laid vnts theni the third time,
But what euill hath he Bone ? 3 findes no
cauleof Deathin bim; 3 will therefore cha-
with Chritt,be- ftile him, and let him looſe.
forche condem- 23 But they were inftant with loun voy»
nethhim, where. CCS and required that he might be crucified;
g The iudgegi-
ueth fentence
byplainly ap- andthe bopces of them, ofthe high Piets
peareth Tefusin- pecuatled. |
nocencie, 24. So Pilate gane fentence that tt ould
be as thep required.
25 And bee let loole bnto them him that
forinfurrection and murther was caſt into
pin, wham they deſired, and deliuered Je⸗
fus to Do with him what they would,
Matth.37-32 "36 d> Ano as they lev him away, thep
MISL caũght one Simon of Cyeene,comming out
ofthe field, andon him they layd the croft,
to beare it after Jelug, j
27 And there followed him a great mul-
titune of people, and of women , which wo-
w Tr — Late wh
~ re 2 ut Jeſus turned backe unto them,
ph sie FF ang tayd,| Daughters of Jerufalem, weepe
Ffa.r.19 bofe.10 not foz me,but weepe fo? pour ielues, and foz
Breucl,6.16, pour childzen.
29 Forbchold,thedapes wiil come, when
men thallay, Blefedare the baeren,and the
wombes that neuer bare, andthepaps which
> nener gaue ſucke. z
30 Then hall thep beginne to fap to the
‘Mountaines,* Fallon vs; and to the billes,
Touer vs.
ae 31 * Foz if they Do thele things to abgreen
LOnths place of ftteeswhatthallbeponctothe date?
fualles P - 32 *And there were theo others, which
l WhomGod Were enill Doers, led with bim to befiatne,
hath before all Dn And when they were come to the place
Cape i a fied him and the cuill Doers: onearthe right
othervifethe hand, and the other at the left.
Scriptures calleth „34 Then fayde Jeius, Father, korgiue
them the ele@ of them : for they knots nor what they Do. And
God, whomhe theyparted his raiment,and caft lots.
hatheholen be. _., 35. AUD the people food, and beheld: and
fore all besine CDE tulers mocked Him with them, faving,
ahs ro life ener- 228 aned others + let him faune bimielfe, ifthe
Rane be the Cheriſt, the Chofen of Hod.
1 Pet.4. 17.
h Ifthe innocent
be thus handled.
what thall the
wicked man be?
Matt,27 38.
War. 5.27 10h.
Jafting. : ——
ss gee Baas 36 The fouldiers alfo mocked him, and
ae en came and offered bim k bineger,
to hatenhis 37 And ſlapd, Ifthou be the King of the
aaah , Jewes,fauie thy felfe.
1 Thatthething 38 Anda ſuperleriptlon was alfo wattten
misht be knowen Huet Dim, id! Greeke letters, and in Latine,
Bek andin Mebsewe, THIS 18 THE KING
toal nations,
becauſe thefe 3
Jangeages were
moſt common.
m The condem-
natiõ which thou
now fuffreft, cau-
fethit theenot
to feare God?
<- 39 @Andoneofthecuill neers, which
were hanged, railed on bini, laying, Jt thou
be the Chit fave thy telfe and as.
40 ut the other anſwered, and rebuked
thou art inthe tame condenination?
Al Uee are indeed righteoufly here: fog
wee recerue things wozthy of shat wee haug
ich is called ||Caluarie,ticre thep cruci> 1
him, laying; = Fearelt thou not Go, ſeeing
exif thiefe. Chriftsburiall. 478 |
me : but thig max bath Done nothing ae
mife. :
42 And hec aya onto Jeſus, Lod re-
tember ine, when hou commet into thy
43 Then Jeſus ſayd vnco him, Gerely
J lay ruto thee, to day Malt thon be with me.
in ete —— —
44 A And it was about the » firt houres n Whi
and chere was a darkneſſe ouer ali the land, Hh ey TNA
untill che ninth boure.
45 And the Dunne was Darkened, and
the vayle of the Temple rent thorow the
46 And Jelus tryed with a loud beyce,
and lapo, * Father into thme hands F come P/al.3 1.5,
mend my lpirit. And when be thus had (aid,
he gauc pp the ghoſt. i
47 @ Row when thele Centurion fawe |] Or, capraine,
what was Done, he gloꝛified GoD, laying, DF o The Romane
a ſurety this man was iut. captain e,who
48 And allthe people thatcame together had charge oner
to that tight, bebolaing the things which an hundred mena
were Done, ſmote their bzefts and returned,
49 And all hisacquatntance ſtood afarre
of and the women that followed him froni
Galtle,beholding thele things,
50 Q* and behold there was aman na- Matth.a7.57%
mcd Joleph, which was aCounſclier, a good arke. 15-430
man and awit. iohn 69.385
Sl edi not conent tothe countell and
Deed of them, which was of Arimathea,a citie
ofthe Temes: who allo himſelte ſe wayted || Or had ibyæa
fo: the kingdome of God. . ced.
§2 ie went vnto Pilate, and alked the p Helooked forf
bony of Jelug, _ the redeemer by |
53 And tooke it Downe, and Wappen it whomali Mould?
ina linnen cioth,andlayd it inatombebem> be reRored,
en oir a a rocke, whercin mas neuer man
yet layd. i
54 Andthat Bay wasthe «Preparation, q When men
and the Sabbathe Dew on. prepared-ali
s5 And the women allo that followed thingsready for
after, which came with him from galile, the teaft:.
bebela the iepulchze,and how bis body was r That is begar
ayo. the fame eug-
56 And they returned, and prepared O- ning,
Dours and cpntments, and retted the Hab»
bath day acco ding to the commaundement,
+ The womes come tothe grane, 13 Chrif ap-
peareth unto the tiyo difciples that go toward Ema
maus. 36 He fiandeth inthe mids of his diſcuples,
Ò openctl) their underflanding in the Scriptures.
47 Hee giueth thema charge. §8 Hee afcendeth
upto heauen. $2 His difceples worship him, 53
and of their daily exercife, . i
N Dwthe *a tirſt day of the weekecarelp Matth 23.0,
inthe morning, they came vnto the les mar.16,1, 10h
pulchee, and brought the edours, which 20.1, = ]
they had pꝛepared, and certaine women with a Which wasthe
then. enue firt day a‘ter they
2 Aud they fouud the Gone rolicd away firit sabbathof |
. from thefepulchre, the feaft. ’
3 Andwentin, but found not the body of
the Lord Jeſus. —
And it came to pafic, thatas they were ;
amazed thereat, bebold, >twomen{uddenly b Two Angeliin
ood bythemin ſhining vettures. forme of men,
§ Andas they werg afrai wii aoaea
Af 4 rke 16.226
Whichis a⸗
out feuen miles
$ Hereby appea-
th chat they had
pith, altheugh it
as weake.
This declareth
at we can nei-
her fee, nor vni-
Jerftand till God
fus Chrift pur-
bafed for vs, but
oked for fome
fi he iourney to Emmaus.
Downe their Faces to the earth , they ſayd to
thein, (by ſeeke ye him that liueth, among
6 Weis not here but is rilen: remember
Mac De ſpake vnto pou, when be was pet in
7 Paying, that the Sonne of man muſt
bee Deltucred into the hands of finfullmen,
and be coucificd,€ the third day rile againe.
8 And they remembzed bis words,
9 And returned from the leputchze,and with
tolde all thefe things puto tie cleucn, and to
all the —— pa 95 ` : ‘
IO Now it was Pary Magdalen, an
Joanna, and ary the mother of James,
and other women with them, which telde
thele things vunte the Qpoitles.
II But their words ſeemed vnto them, as
afatned ching, neither beleeued they them.
12 Chen atole Peter,and ranne vnto the
fepulchze,and looked in, and (aw the linnen
clothes taped by them(elues, and Departed
wondering in bimielfe, at that which was
come to paſſe.
13 @* And beholde, two of them went
thatfame Day to atowne which was from
Jeruſalem abouts theeelcoze furlongs , cats
ted Emmaus.
14 And thepd talked together of all thele
things that were Dene.
Ig And it came to pafle, as thep commu»
nev together,and reafoned, that Jels hun»
felfe drew neere, and went with them.
16 But their eyes < were holden, that they
could not know him.
17 And he fad unto them , Ahat maner
of communications are thele that pee haug
one to another as pe walke,and are lad?
18 And the one(named Cleopas) anſwe·
red, and feide vnto him, Art thou onely a
f ttranger in Jerufalem, and batt net know-
en the things which are come to pafle theres D
in,tn theſe Dapes ?
Ig And hee lapse bnto them, Ghat
things ? And they fayd vnto kim , DF Telus
of Mazaret, which was a Pꝛophet mighty
in — AND in teo bekore God, and ali the
20 And how the hie Prieſts and our rus
lers Deltuered pim to bee condemned to
Death, and baue cruciſied him.
21 Bit we struited thatit had bene hee
that ſhould hane delivered Iſrael, and as
touching all theſe things, to Day is the third
Day that they were done,
22 Pea, and certaine women among vs
made vs aftonied . which came earely vᷣnto
the fepulchze,
23 And when thep found not his body,
theycame, faping, that they had allo feene
a — of Angels, which lapt, that bee was
24 Therefore certaine of them which
were with bs, went to the (epulchze, and
found tt cuen foas the women pad lapt, but
him they faw not.
25 hen be fayd vnto them, *D fooles,
and flow of heart to beleeueal that the Pꝛo⸗
phéts baue fpoken,
26 Dught not Ciit to haue ſuffered
thele things,and to enter into bis glory?
27 And hebegan at i Moſes, and atall the
Prophets, and interpreted vnto them tn all
— the things which were writen
of bim.
23 And thep drew neere vnto the towne
which they went to, but be x made as though
be would bane gone further. q
29 But they conttrained hint, faying , A-
bide with vs: fozit is towards night, and
the ny tsfarre (pent, So he went in te tarp
30 Am it came to paffe, as be fate at table
with theni, bee tooke the bread, ! and gaue
thanks, and bzake it, and gaue tt to chem,
31 Then their eyes were opened, aud they
knew him: but bee was taken out of their
32 And they layde betweene themelues,
Did not our hearts burne within vs, while
be talked with vs by the way, and when bee
opened to vs the Scriptures?
33 And they rofe vp the fame boure, and
returned to Jerufalem, and found the elenen
— together, and them that were with
them, nid
34 Thich fayd, The Logie is rilen in
Deed, and hath appeared to Slmon.
_ 35 Then they tolde what things were Done
in the way, and how hee was knowen of then
ina beeaking of bead. :
36 €*Anvas thepfpake thele things, Je⸗
fus himfelfe food in the middes ofthe, and h
faid unto them, Peace be to pou.
37 Butthey were abathed and akrayd, fup:
poling that they hap ſeene aſpirit.
38 Then be Cato vnto them, hy are yee
troubled ? and wherefore Do Doubts arile in
39 Bebolde mine handes and my feete : foz
ft is J) mp felfe : handle mee, and (ee: for a
{pirit hath not fieh and bones, as pee fee me
40 And when hee had thus poken, hee
themed them his hands and feet. ;
41 AnD while they yet beleeued not foz toy,
and wendzed , hee fayd vnto them, ane pee
Here any meat? i f j
42 And they gane hima piece of a boiled
fih, and ofan hony combe.
pa And Yee tooke, and did cate before
theni. ;
44 And he fayd vnto them, Chele are the
two:ds , which F fpake vnto pou while J
was pet with pou, Ghat all muit bee fitfii=
len whith are witten of meeinthe Lawe of
Woles . and in the Pyophets , and th the
Plalmes. f
45 Then opened he their vnderſtanding.
that they might vnderſtand the (criptures,
46 And faid vuto them, Thus ts it wit-
ten, and thus it behoued Chif to fuffer, and
to rife againe fromthe Dead the third Day,
47 And that repentance and remiffion of
finnes ſhould be preached in bisMame among
alinations, beginning at Jerufalem.
48 Mow ye are witnelles of thelethings,
49 And behold. J will fend the * promile
The difciples ynderftanding opened.
i Chrift onely is
the interpreter
of the Scriptures:
for both the be-
ginning andend
thereof direct vs
tohim , becaufe
he is the Sauiour
that is promifed.
k Becaule Chiſt
did both ſhut
their eyesand
open them, he
would keepe
them in fufpence
till his time came
to manifeft bhim-
felfe ynto them,
! According to
the cuftome: the
which maner of
praying before
meales they vſe
to this day.
m Sofoone as
e began to
reake bread.
Marke 16. i4
Fob 15.26 abhi,
n Whichwas
of my Father vpon pou : buttarie peg in the till Whitfuntide `
citte of decutalem a vntill pe be indued with when the holy
Power froman bigh.
Ghoft was fent
g :
50 Afterward beled them out into Betha» from heaven.
The Word ofGod. Tohns í
Marke 16.19.
HOr,before thebe-
3 Ch A is God
before all time,
b The Sonne is
of the fame fub-
{tance with the
c Nocreature
was made with-
out Chrift.
d Whereby all
things are quick-
ned & prefered.
e The life ofman
is more excellent
then of any other
it is ioyned with:
light and ynder-
f Mans mindis -
ful of darknes bes
caufe of the cor-
ruption thereof.
Matt. 3.t.marke
1.4 luke 3.2.
)| borne,
Hebr.t1. 3.
g Becaule they
did not worfhip
him as their God,
bh To the lírac-
Kes, who were
his peculiar peo-
i Meaning,a pri-
uiledgeor digni-
Matth. 1.16,
like 2.7, 1E.
k He was for-
medand made
man by the ope-
ration of the ho-
ly Ghoft with-
out the operatio
of mar,,
Matth.17 2,
nia,and lift pp his hands, ard bleffed chem.
si And it caine to paffe, that as be bleſſed
thei, *he Departed from chem, and was ca-
tiep bp into heauen.
52 And they worſhipped him, returned
te Jeruſalem with great tap,
53_ Aud werecontinuallpin the Temple
paling and lauding God, amen.
q The holy Gofpel of Tefus Chrift,
according to John.
1.14. 17 The diwinitie bumanitie, and office
of lefus Chriſt. 15 The teſtimony of Iolin, 39 The
calling of Andrew, Peter grc.
p —
A OF *
— p
ja \\ the beginning was the
Moꝛrd/, and tye doD was
DF with *God, ans that ode
“CN tay was God. }
OI 2 Thefamewas inthe
owe beginning with G0.
3 Al things were madebyit,and ‘withe
out it was Made nothing that was made.
4 Init was life, andthe life was the
elightof men. j ;
§ Andthe light wineth fin the darknes,
and the Darkencs comprehended tt not.
6 © * here was aman lent fro God,
whole name was John.
7 he lame came fo: awitnefle,to beare
witneffe of the light, that all men through
hin might beleeũe.
8 He was notthatlight, But was nt to
beare witnefle ofthe liggt ==
9 That was ý true ſight, which lighterh
euery man that dcommeth into the world.
Io {ee was in the wolt , and the world
ed * made by him: andthe world s knew
im not.
IT He came vnto his b owne, and his own
receiued him not, j j
12 Butas many ag recetucd him, to them
hee gaue ‘power to hee the fonnes of God,
cuento them that beleene in his frame,
13 CGbich are bome not of blood, noꝛ of
the willofthe fleſh, nozof the willof man,
but ok God,
14 *And the Moꝛd was madet feH, ann
Dwelt among vs, (twe Law the glory there⸗
of,as the glory of the only begotten Sonne |! of
the JFather)* full of grace and trueth.
Is @ John bare witnefle of hin, Œ crped,
faving, This was hee of whom J fayd, Wee
that comincth after mee, ts preferred before
me ; foz he was | before me. i
16 And of hisfulnefle haue all we recei⸗
‘Usd and! grace fo: grace.
17. Foz the Law was giuen by Moles»
but grace and trueth came by Jeſus Cheilſt.
18 * No man bach leene God at any times
the only begotten Son, which ts tn the » bas
fome of the Father, hehath » declared bim,
19 € Then this is the reco: of John,
tohen the Jewes tent Pictes and Leuites
from Jeruſalem to afke bim, Oho art thon?
20 Qua he conkelled and denied not, and
Jr, proceeding fromthe Father.(ol 1.1.9 c 2.9. ||Or,more excellent
then F. l More abundant grage then by Moles. . Tum 6. 16. tach.
‘4.42. m Meaning heis moft deare, & ftraightly ioyned to his Få-
ther nor oncly in loue, but alio in nature and vnion. n And fo God
that before wasinuilible,was made,as it were, vifilein Chit,
{apd plainelp, 3 * am not the Shift.
21 And they afked him, Chat then? Art
thou Elias? and he faid, 3 am not. Art thou
the e Pꝛophet 2 And he anfwered, Mo.
22 Then ſayd they vnto him, cAho art
thou,that wee may giue an anſwere to chem
that fent vs? what lapet thou of thy felfe?
23 De fayn, J tam the voice st him that
cricth in the wilderneſſe, Apake ſtraight the
way ef p Lod, as fayd the ophet Eleias.
pie pow they which were (ent, were of the
28 And they alked pim, ¢ ai vnto hinn
Ahy baptizeſt thou then, tf thou be not the
Chit neither Clias,nozthe Prophet?
26 John anlwered them, laping, Jbap⸗
tize with watersbut there is one among pou, :
whom pe know not. | y :
_ 27 *D eitis that cometh atter me, which
is preferred befoze me, whole foore latchet J
am not worthy te vnloole. :
28 Thele things were Done in Bethaba⸗
ta beyond Jozdan, where John did baptize.
29 The next Day John (eeth Jeſus com»
Ming vnto him, tfaith, Behold the Lambe
m —— taketh away the eſinne ofthe
30 Thisisheof whom Jſayd, After me
commeth aman, which ts preferred before
me :fozhe was before me. q —
31 And J knew ahim not; but becauſe he
ould be declared to Iſrael, therefore am J
come, baptizing with water.
32 Ho Jobn bare record, aping, J fawe
*the Spirit come Downe trom heanen, lke
a Doue,ard it abode vpon bini.
33 And J knew him not: but be that fent
mete baptize with water, pe ſaid vnto mee,
Upon whom thou halt lee the Spirit come
down, and tary till on him, chat is pe wich
baptizeth with the help Ghoſt. :
34 And J faw,and bare recozd, that this
ts the Sonne of God. :
35 @ Che nert day, John Kood againe,
and two ofhis diltipics: 2
36 And he beheld Jeſus walking by, and
fad, Bebold the Lanibe st God.
37 And ý two dilciples heard him peake,
and followed Jefus. `
38 Then Jeius turned about, and awe
them follow, and ſayd vnto them, «Ahat
fecke pee? And they tayd-ynto him, Rabbi,
(which ts to fay by interpretstion, Maſter)
iwhere Dwelleit thou? ;
39° Defaid vnto them, Come tite. Ship
tame and faw where heedwelt, andabore
with pim that Bap s foz tt was about the
“tenty boure,
40 AnBiewe, Simon Peters brother,
was one ofthe two which bad beard it ot
John and chat followed hint
AY The.
Chap.j: witneffe. The LambeofGod. 479°
As 13,252
o Whomthey |
looked forto be
fuch one as Mo-
fes was, Deut, 18.
lake 3.4. |
Afaith,3.1 1,
marke f:
luke 3.16. -
acts 1.5.anaUte
16.and 19.4.
p Signifying the.
originall finne;
which isy foun- _
tain of all finnes,
& thérewithal
other finnes, -`
q Tbatis, by-
fight,but onely
by the revelations
of God,
Matth.3.16. -
marke 1. 10
luke 3,22,
r Who giueth
the vertue and
cffe&to baptifme
that thing,which
is thereby repre-
fented, *
f He alludethto `
§ Pafchalllambe
whiek wasa fie
gureof Chrift.
t Or, whereis
thy lodging?or
whither. goeft
thou ? fer hee
dwelled in Na-
zaret,and was
thereas a ftran-
u That wast,wo
houres before
HiPRS Scag y= =
x How [ohn ſaid
that Iefus was the
Lambe of God.
Nathanael. Water turned
' 4r Che lame found his brether Simon
„Erit, and ſayd onta bin, Tee Haue found
FOr the anointed,’ ae Ai Nic ts by Interpectation,| the
42 And bee brought bin to Jeſus. And
Jelus behelde him, and fayd, Chou art
8.Iohn. À
intowine. Chrifts zeale,
had tatted the water that was made wine,
for bee Knew not whence tr was: but the
cruants which Dewe the water, knewe)
the gonernour of the featt called the bite.
Io And fayd vnto him, Allmen at the
Or, Petree.
deut. 18. 18.
Ta.4.2.c% 40.10
e 42.1. Cr 45 8,
9.1€+.23.5.0" 33.
44. eR0.34 23529
0037:24,35 dan.
y Thofe things
which are con~
temptibleto the
world are eftee-
med and prefer-
red of God: and
thofe things
which the world
Or, thou belee-
weft. :
the heauens,that
Dimon the ſonne ef Jona: thou hale bee
calicd Cephas, which is by interpzeracion,
| ſtone. j
43 C The day following, Telus would
goe into Galie ann found Philip, and {apa
bitte him, Fellow me. E
44 Row Whilip was of Bethſaida, the
titie of Andzew and Deter.
45 Pitlip found Pathanacl, and ſayd
vnto him, Ae baue found bins , of whome
*Moles did wte in the Lawe, and tye
esopets s Jelug of Nazaret the fonne of
ofeph. :
46 Then Nathanael fa buts him, Can
there any ygood thing come out of szazaret?
Pbilipfaia ta him, Come and fee.
47 Jeſus awe Mathanael comming ta
bim,¢ (aid of bim, Behold indeed an Iſtae
lite,tn whont ts no guile. à .
48 Nathanael fain vnto him, hence
knewett thou me? Jeſus anſwered, and layd
vnte him, Before that Phrlip callen thee,
ae thou wal under the flage tree, J iaw
thee. ;
49 Mathansel anfwered, and laid vnto
bim, Rabbi, thou art the Sonne of God;
thou art the King of Iſrael.
“9 Chit opencth 5o Jeme anſwered, and fayd vnto him,
Becaule Jſayd vnto thee, Iſaw thee vnder
e mauw haue ac· thefig tree, (beleeuctt thou? thou ſhalt fee
maketh vs fel-
- lowes tothe An-
a Whe vied con.
tinuall wafhings
to purifie them-
felues. Which
fuperftition He-
bion the here-
tike would haue
Weoughr into the
Church, and now
the Papifts haue
receiued it.
- (Or, mcafisres.
b Whereof eue-
ty onecontained
1 5.gallons,
WOr, fleward.
celſe to God, and greater things then thele.
SI And helapd puto him, Aerely, verely
FZ lay vnte pou, hereafter hal you fee heauen
z open, andthe Angels cf God alſcendiug
and Delcending bpon the Bonne ofan.
8 Chrif turneth the water into wine, 14 He
driueth the buyers and fellers out ofthe Temple.
s9 He forewarneth hs death and refierrection.
23 He conuerteth many,and diftrufteth mas.
A Nd the third Dap was there a mariage
in Gana atowne of Galile, and the mo»
ther of Jeſus was there.
2 Am Jeſus was called alſo, and his dit
tipies vnto the martage.
3 Mow then the wine failed, thema-
eh of Jeſus lapt vnto hin, They haue ns
4 Feluslayd vnto her, Woman, tuhat
baue 3) to Doe with thee? imine barre ts not
pet ceme.
is mother fayde vnto the ſeruante,
calpattoeuce he ſayth vnto pou,doc it,
6 And there were fet there lire water
pots of tone after the mance of the a purtip-
ing of the Jewes, contcining two o? theec
| > Brkins apiece, Oe.
7 And Felis fayd vnto them, Fil the
water pots with water, Then thep Alley
them vp fo the brimme.
8 Cher ye fapd vnto thers, Dawe out
now, AND beare vnto the || goucrnour ofthe
feat. So they bare tr.
9 Sow when thegoucrnour ofthe feag
beginning ſet focz) good wine , and when
men haue well munke, then that which is
wore: but thou ha kept backe the goo
wine vntill now.
11 This beginning of f imiracles dia Jea
fusin Canaatowne of Galile, and hewed
pas big glory: and hts dilciples beleency
12 Afterthat hee went Downe into Ca»
pernaum, be and bis mother, and bis) bye-
th2en,and hts dilciyles: but they contimed
nat many dayes there.
13 Forthe Jewes Paſſeouer was at hand,
Therefor Jelus went vp te Jerufalem,
14 *Aund heefound in the Temple thoe
that lold oxen, and ſheepe, and Doues, t chan-
gers of money, fitting there,
` Iş Then he mate a (courge of final cords,
and Daue them all aut of tye Temple with
the ſheepe oren, and pow2ed out the chan»
gers money, and ouerthrew the tables,
16 And (apd vnto them that (olde doneg,
Take hele things hence : make not mp Fas
thers boui an boute of merchandiſe.
17 Audbisdiicwples remembecd, that it
was written, * Che kings
Dome of God. ;
4 Nicodemus ſaid vnto bin, Pototan
a man bee borne which ts oine? can bee ene
F inte bis mothers wanibe againe, and be
§ Ielusanlwered, Clerily, verily J fay
unto thee, except that a man bee boane of
© water and ofthe Spirit , hee cannet enter
tute the Gingdonte of Gov. ‘
6 That which ts borne of the fick, is
— and that that is borne of the ſpirit, is
7 Warnatle not that 3 faid to thee, Vee
muft be borne agane. Aire
8 The’ winde bloweth where it liſteth,
and chou hearcit the found thereof but canſt
not tell whence tt commeth, and whicher it
goeth: fo is cuery man that ts borse of the
Q sAicodemas anſwered, and faid vnto
him, How can thele tyings be? |
Io deis aniwered, and faid vnto him,
Art chou a teacher of Iſrael, aude knoweſt
not thele things? —
11 Certly, verily J fay vito thee, twee
ſpeake that wef know, and telttic that wee
Dane feene: but yes recetue not our witueſſe.
12 Jfwhen F tell pou + earthly things, ye
beleene not bow fhould pee belceue,tf J Ajall
tell pou of heaucnly things?
13 Foꝛ no man alcendeth opto heauen,
but be that hath deſcended from heauen, tye
Sonne of man which isin i heaucn. a
14 * AnD as Moles lift vp the ſerpent in
es fomult the Sonneof man
ck itt Ypy- ;
15 That wheloeucr belecueth in him,
fhould not periſh, but pane eternall life.
16 *Foꝛ Ged fo loucd the world, that he
hath giuen his onely degotten Bonne, that
wholocner belecucthin bun, Mould not pe-
rii vut hane enerlaiting life. 3
17 *Foꝛ God fent not his Bonne into the
wo2ld,that he Hould! condemne the Wold,
n Bor the © wold though bin might be
18 Hee that beleeneth in him, Mall not be
condemned: but hee that beleeueth not, ig
condemned already,becaule he belecucrh not
ut che Name of the onelp begotten Sonne
- of God.
_Ig * And this ts the " condemnation. that
light ts come into the wold, and men lowed
Darkeneffe rather then light, becaule iheir
Deedes were cull,
20 Foꝛ euery man that entl docth, bateth
the light neither commeth tolight.teak ptz
Deedes koul be reprooued.
bis Bilciples into che || land of Juneca, and
there carted with then,and * baptised.
23 And John alo baptizcd in Cron, bes
fides Salim, becaule there was much water
there; and they came aud were baptized.
fant Fo: John Was not pet cat inta parte
25 Then there aroſe a quettion betweene
Johns diſciples and che Jewes, abont apus
26 And they came vnto John, and aiD
vnto him, Rabbi, e hee that was with thee
beyond Jordan, te whom * thou bareſt wit»
Heie Droa be baptizeth, and all men come
27 John anſwered, and aiw, A man can
receiue nothing, except it be guuen him from.
28 De your ſelues are my witnefies, that
*J tao, JIam not the Cheiſt, but that J
am ent befoze hin.
29 Vee that bath the byite , ts the bride⸗
grome: but the friend at the bꝛidegrome
which ſtandeth and heareth hin, reioyceth
greatlp, becanfeof the bꝛidegromes voyce.
This my ioy cherefoze ts ELED,
30 Hee mult increate, but J muft De-
create, 7 ; i
31 e that is come From on high, is abone
all: hee that is ef the “earth, ts ot the carth,
and ſpeaketh ot the earth: pee that ts come
from heauen is aboue all,
32 And what hee bath (ene and heard,
that hee teſtitiech: but noman recetucch bis
33 Wee that hath receined his tefthnonte,
hath ſealed that * GoD is true.
34 Foꝛ he whom Sod hath ſent, ſpeaketh
the woeds of God: foz God giueth him noe
tie Spirit by * meafure,
q That is,how
they might be
made cieane bee
fore God which
the wathinps vn⸗
der the Law did
r they were led -
with ambition,
fearing leaft their
mafier thould
haue loft his
1 No men ought
to vſurpe any
thing further
then God giueth
t Andbeexil-
ted,and I eftee-
med as his fer-
u The minifter
compared to
Chrift, is but
earth, y
Rom.3 4.
x For vato Chrift
was giuen tbe full»
abundance of all
35 Che Fathcrloucth the Sonne, and grace,thar we
hath * giuen all things into his hand.
36 * ie that beleeneth inthe Scnne, hath
euerlaſting life, and ber that obeyerh not the
Zonne, Hall not lee life, buctye waty of
God abideth on him.
7 The communication of Chrift with the woman
of Samarza. 34 His zeale towards his Father and
his harueſt. 39 The conue ſion of the Samaritans,
45 And Galileans, 47 How hee bealeththeru-
lers finne.
Nae when the Lom knewe, bow the
Whariles had heard, that Jeſs made
and baptized moe diſciples then John,
might receive of
him as of the
onely fountaine, -
Habvak.a 4.
tohn 5.16%
2 (hough Jeius himſelfe baptised nor:
but his diſcipſes)
3. Wee aieft Judea, and departed againe a To giueplace -
into Galile.
4 And he muſt needes goethrough Dae
21 But hee that doeth otrueth, commet maria.
tothe light,that bis deedes might be made
—— they ave wꝛought ir according
te God.
them: yet Chrift asa iuſt iudge giveth ſentence againft the reprobare,
m Notonly the lewes, but whofoeuer fhould beleeue in him. Chapa
19. n Thecaufeand matter ofcondemnation, o. Inwalking
roundly and fincerely. [Dr in God. p Asthey doewhich fet God.
onely before their eyes; and follow the rule of his word,
$ Then came hee toaritieof Samaria
callen || Sychar, neere vnto the polkt {itor
that * Jacob gaue to his fonne Joſexh.
6& And there mas Jacobs well. Pes
to thelr age,
[!Or,Sychem. .
Gene. 33. 19.
and 48,22.
then wearied tu the isurnep, fated thng an fh 34.32.
the wells it was atour «the ſixt houre. .
b Euen weary -
7 Where came a womanof Samaria te ashe was... ~
Draw water, Jeſus tard vnto her; Giue mee
. 8- Fo}
c Which was -+
The true worfhippers.
d Forthe Tewes
efteemed the Sa-
maritanes as wic-
ked and pro-
e Meaning, of
his Father had
fent to conuert
this woman.
£ Which is che
loue of God in
his Sonne pow-
redinto our
hearts by the ho-
ly Ghoft, vnto
enerlafting ufe,
1 Jobn 3 5 e
Or the liuely
g Of the fpiritu-
h He ſhall neuer
he dried vp,or
i Till fhe was
liuely touched
with her faults,
fhe mocked and
would not beare
- Chrift.
Deut 12.6.
2. Ring. 17.29.
2.005. 3. 17.
k God being of
a {pirituall na-
ture,requireth a
fpiricuall feruice,
and agreeable to
8 Fo: bis diſciples were gone alway inta
the ditie to buy meate,
9 Then aid the woman of Hamaria
vito Fim, ow ts ít, that thou being a Jew
atkelt minke of ine, which am a woman of
4 Samaria; Fo: the Fewes medle not with
the Bamaritanes. —
I0 Jelus anſwertd and ſaid vnto her, IE
thou kneweſt thee giftof God, andwyo it
ts that (arch to theg, Giue mee Minke, thou
woni: haue alked of bim, and hee would
haue giuen thee f | water of life
I The woman faid onto him, Sir, thou
Hat nothing to Dawe with, and the wellts
Deepes from whence chen halk thou that wa-
ter of life?
12 Art thon greater then our father gla:
cob, which gaue vs the well,and be himſelke
Beene thereof, and bis childzen, and bis
13 Jefus anfwered, and fayde vnto her,
Whoſdeuer drinketh of this water, Hall
thirſt agatne: E 2
14 But wholoeuer drinketh of thes was
ter that 3| hall gine him, Hall never be moze
h athirit; but the water that J thal giue him
fhalbe in him a well of water, ſpringing vp
into enerlatting tife. } AES
Is Che woman {aid vnto him, Dir, gine
ime of that water,that J map not thirit, nets
ther come bither to Draw. ;
16 Jeſus ſaid vnto her, Goe, call thine bul-
band and come hither. tee
17 The woman anlwered, and fain, J
haue no hufband.Jelus ſaid vnto her, Thou
hak weli fain, J| baue no bufband,
18 Foꝛ thou haſt had finehulbands, and
bee whom thou now halt, is not chine bul
band: chat faiaett chou truely. :
19 The wemanfatd unto him, Sir, J
20Mur fathers worſhipped in this moune
taine, and pee lay thatin* Jerulalemis the
place where men ought to worſhip.
21 Jeſus ſaid vato her, Woman, belcene
mée, the houre commeth, when pee Hall net
ther in this mountatne, no: at Jerufalem,
woꝛſhip the Father. $
22 De worlhip that which ye * know not:
We woeHip that which we Know ; fo? ſalua⸗
tion ts of the Hewes. 5
23 Wutthe houre commeth, and naw ts,
when the true wo2thippers Hall wozthip the
Father in ſpirit, and trueth: fo: rhe Father
requireth euen fuch to worſhip him,
24. *God is ak Sptrite, and they that
eee bim, mul worſhip him in ſpirit and
25 The woman ſaid dato him, J know
well that Meſſias fhallcome, which ts cals
led Chit: when hee ts conte, he will cell vs
26 Jeus ſaid vnto her, J am bee that
` {peake unto thee.
27 Q And vpon that came his diſciples,
and matuetled that hee talked with awo-
man;yetno man fain vote bim, Uhat alkett
thour dt why talkeſt thon with ber?
28. The woman then left her water pot,
and went her wap into the citie, and fai to
S. Iohn.
20 Tone fee a man which hath told mee
all things that cuer ¥ DD: ts not heethe
Chriit? ;
30 Then they went out ofthe citie, and
came vnto him. had :
31 EIn the meane while, the dilciples
prayed him, ſaying, Malſter, eate:
32 But he laid unto them, Jhaue meate
ta eate that pe know not of.
33 Then faid the diſciples between theme
felues, ath any man bꝛought him meate?
34 Jets fam vnto them, My meate ts
that Jmay Doe the will of him that fent me,
and finih bis wozke. 3
35 Day not pee, There are pet foure mo:
neths, and then commeth haruett? Behold,
3J fay unto pou, iit pp your eyes , and looke
onthe regions : * fo: they ace white already
unto harueſt. |
36 Andhe that reapeth receiueth wages,
and gathereth fruite vnto life eternall, that
both bee that loweeh, and hee that reapety,
might retopce together, —
37 Fo: herein ts the laying trne,that one
foweth,and another reapeth.
38 3 lent youto reape that, wheron pe be-
Towed no labour: sother men laboured, and
yeare entred into thetrlabours.
39 Mowe many ofthe Mamaritanes af
that cities belecued in pim, foz the ſaying of
the woman which tetified, ie hath told me
all things that euer J] DiD.
49 Then when the Damaritanes were
come vnto him, thep befoughe him, that bee
would tarte with them: and he abode there
two Dayes.
4t And many moe r beleeued becaule of
bis owne wo2d.
4.2 And they faid vnto the woman, Mow
we belecue, not becauſe of thy faping: foz we
bane beard him our lelues, and kuowe that
thists tu Deede the Chin the Bautour of
the world.
43 C So two dayes after, hee departed
thence,and went inte Galile.
44. Foꝛ Delis himlelfe had *tetktfied that
a Pꝛophet hath none honour in pis aowne
4§ Chen when hee was come into Gali-
le, the @alileans receiued Hin, which had
ſeene ali the things that bee din at Jerula-
tunat the feait ; fo? they went alio vnto the
eat. *
46 And Jelus came againe inte * Cana
atowne of Malile, where he jad made of wa-
ter wine. And there was a certame "ruler
whole onne was fickt at Capernaum.
47 When be heard that Jels was come
out of Judea into Galile, he went vnto him,
and beſought him that be would|\go dawne,
aud heale bre ſonne: fot hee was enen ready
to Dre.
48 Then laid Jelus vnto him, Except ye
fee fignes and wonders, ye will not beltene,
49 Tae ruler faia vnto him, Sir, gor
Downe betoze my ſonne Dte.
50 Felus fatd vnto him, Got thy waythy
nue ſiueth:and the man beleeued the wod
that Jeſus hav fpoken vnto him, and went
hts way. ' i
SIAN as he was nowi going Downe, his
The Samaritanes beleeue.
I Thereis no-
thing that I hun-
ger for more,or
wherein I take
Zreater pleafure,
Matth 9.37.
like 10.2,
m Without
grudging the one
atthe othersla- °
Or, prouerbe,
n Meaning the
o The Saman-
tans (hewed
themfelues wile
ling to receiue
his do@rine: who
being bur {tran -
gers, and fcarcely
knowing Chrift,
are acondemnae
tion co the lewes,
and all others,
which negle&
Gods word when
it is offered.
p Thatis, had
- therightand -
truc taith.
Matth. 13.57.
marke 6.4,
luke 4.24.
q Here by his
owne countrey-
he meaneth Ie-
rufalem,and the
countrey about,
Chap. by I.
r the word fig-
nilieth royall,or
one of the kings
court: and it fee-
meth, that he was
one of Herods
court, who was
in great cftimati-
onwith Herod,
whom the peo-
plecalled King,
Marke 6,14.
(Or, come.
(Or returning.
Leuit.2 3.36
llOr, the fheepe
a Where the
fheepe were
wafhed, that
fhould be facri-
b Which figni-
fieth the houſe
of pownng out,
becauſe the wa-
ter ranne out by:
c This wasto the
end that the mi-
racle might be fo
euidenz, that no
fernants met him, laying, Thy onne lineth.
§2 Chen enquired hee of then the hourg
wher be began to amend. And they aid vn⸗
tobim, Dietkerday the ſeuenth houre the fee
uer left him. Ese
55 Chen the father knew. that it was the
fare houre in the wich Feins jad laid vnto
pin, Shy fonne liueth. And ve beicened,and
all bts hauttjoid. :
54 Chis feconn miracle did Telus as
gataz after bee was come out of Judea into
8 He healeth the man that was fieke eight and
thirtie yeeres, 10 The Fewes accufe hum. 19 Chrift
anfwereth for bimfelfe , and reprooueththem, 32
Shewing by the teſtimonie of hu Father, 33 Of
Toh, 36 Of his works, 39 And of the Scriptures,
who hee is.
A Ftec*that there was a feat of p Jewes.
and Jelus went bp to Jeruſalem.
2 And there ts at Ferufaicm j by the
place of the theepe, a? poole called in Ebꝛew
b Bethea, baung fine perches:
3 Futhe which lapa great multitude of
ficke folke of blind, halt, and withered, wai.
ting foz the moning of the water.
4 fo an Angel went Downe at åter:
taineleafon inte the poole, and troubled the bun
water: wholoeuer then tirit, after the {tire
ting 6f the water, flepped in, mas made
whole ot whatiocuer diſeaſe he had.
§ Anda certaine man was there, which
had beene difealed eight and thirtte yeeres:
6 aben Felis faw him lic, and knewe
that he now long time had beene dilcaled,be
faid vnto him, cAilt chou be made whole?
7 The ficke man anhwered him, Sir, J
haue no man, whenthe water ts troubled,
to putmecinto the poole: but while Zam
comming, another cppeth Dewne before
8 Jelus ſaid onto him, Rit: < take vp
tip bed, and walke.
9 And immediatly, the man was made
Wwiyole, and tooke np his bed, and walked:
man could fpeake and the iame Day Was the Dabbath.
againit tr,
Ierem 17. 2 2.
I9 Tbe Jewes therefore ſaid ito him that
was made whole, It ts the Sabbath day: *it
is not lawfull fopthee to carte chy bed, .
IL He anlwered them, Hee that made me
whole, hee faid onto mee, Cake bp thy bed,
and matke. :
12 Then alked theyhim, What manis
that which fam vnto thee, Cake vp thy bed,
and walke?
13 Ant hee that washealed , knewe not
who tt was:fo2 Telus had conucped himſelfe
aay from the multitude that was in that
3 14. And after that, Icſus found him in the
Temple, aud Hid vuto him, Behold, thou
d The affiGions art made whole: 4 fiine no moꝛe, leſt a wore
that we endure,
lare chaſtiſement⸗
forour ſinnes.
thing come vnto thee. >
Is Tbe man departed, and tolde the
Fewes that it was Jels, which haa made
him whole. LS
16 Aud therefore the Jewes Did perſe⸗
cute Jems, and ought to flay him, becaute
bee had done thele thingson the Sabbath
17 But Jelus anſwered them, My Fas
ther worketh hitherto, and J woke.
13 Therefor the Jewes tougye the mope
to kill him: not onely becauſe be bad boken
the Sabbath, but laid allo chat God was
ehis f Father, and made bimicife cavall
with God.
19 Chenanlwered Fels, and fain vnto
them, Gerily, verily 3 lay unto pou, Che
fonne can Boe nothing of himſclke, fane that
hee feet the Father Dec: foz whatlocuer
things heeDocth, the fame things Doeth che
Bonne alio.
20 forthe Father loueth the Gonne,
ands heweth hun all things, whatiecuer
bee bintelfe doeth, and ee will erw hin
greater workes then thele, that yee hould
marucile. : is
21 Foꝛ likewiſe asthe Father raiſeth bp
the dead, and quickneth them, ſo the Donne
quickneth whom ge will.
22 Jo: the Father iudgeth no man, but
hath committed all b mdgeimenc vnto the
23 Becaule that all men ſhould honour
the Sonne, as they honour the Father: hee
that honoureth not the Senne, the faime
honoureth not the Father which path eat
24 Gerilp,verily J fap vnto pou, We that
Heareth mp word, and beleeueth in him that
fent mee, hath euerlaſting tife, and thall not
come into condemnation, but hath palen
trom Death vnto life.
25 Gerüp, verily J fap onto pou, The
boure fyall come,and now is, when the Dead
fhali heare the vopce of the Sonne of Hod;
and thepthatibearetefoaliliue, —
26 Foꝛ as the Father bath life ink him ·
felfe, lo likewiſe hath he giuen to the Sonne
tə haue life in himſelfe,
27 And hath gruen him power alio ts er-
ecute udgement, in that he is the ſonne of
28 Marueile not at this: for the houre
ſhall come in the which ali thatarcin the
graues, Malf heare Hts veice.
29 Gud thep fhali come forth, *that haue
Done good, vnto rye refurrection of life : but
they that haucdonecutll, birto the reiurrece
tion of condemnation. :
30 F can doc nothing of mine owne felfe:
as 3 beare, Jiudge; and my iudgement
is tuft, brcauie J eeke uot mine tone will,
bùt the will of the Father who hath ent
31 It Jcſhould beare witneſſe of my felfe,
mp witneſſe were not m true.
32 There ts another that beareth witnes
of ice, and J know that the wirnetle, which.
he beare thy of truce. l
33 Pe fent vnto John, and hee bare wit-
nefie bntothetructh.
4 But J receiue not the tecord of matr
renetthelclic, theie things J fay, that pee
might be faud- E
35 Ve was a burning, and a Hiningican-
Die: aa ue Hes {oz a” itaim haue retoy-
ced in His ligit,
Ppp 36 But
e Thatis, pro-
per and peculiar
to him aione,
f ic was lawfull
for ali Ifrael to
call God their
Father, Exod. 4.
Chrift did attri-
bute to bimſelfe
that he bad pow-
er ouer alj things,
and wroughtas
his Father did, my,
they gathered’ t=:
that Chrilt did
not onely make
himfelfe the
Sonne of Ged,
but alfo equall
with bim.
g That is, hee
doeth communi-
cate with him:
hauing thefame
power andthe
fane will. A
h In giuing him
powerand rule,
i They that re-
ceiue it by faith,
k To communi-
Cate it with vs,
I Thatis,togo- ~
uerne and rule
all things.
Chap., 14.
Matth 3.07.
m Chrift had res
fpe&tothcr ~
weakeneffe that
heard him, and
therefore ſaid
that bisowne
witnefic fhould
not befuficient.
Chap 1 27.
|97 lampe.
n But yee left
him quickly,and
* did not perieucre,
— —
ne ficke thirtie eight yeeres healed. Chap.v. The Iewes would flay Chrift. 481 A
Matth.3. 1.
and t75,
o Inthe law
and Prophets.
Dott, 4.13.
Ais 17. 11.
p The people
are more ready
to receiue falie
prophets then
Jefus Chrift,
qg Vaineglory is a
great ler fora
man to come to
Chap 12.43"
T Ae Matt akali
accufe them that
tuft in him: fo
_ they (hail haue
es greater ene⸗
~ mies at the day
then the virgine
Mary, and the
Saints, vpon
whom now they
call: but whofoe-
uer do th acculc
the godly, Chrift
and their owne
confcience fhall
condemne them.
© Gent. z3. O~ 22
37.4Nd 49.100
» demter8 15.
a Called the fake
of Gennezareth,
b Tiberias, Beth-
fzida, and Caper-
mun werecn
“this fide the lake
in reſpect of Ga-
While; bur itis here
faid chat he went
oucr, becaule
therc vere diners
creckes and tur:
nings,oucr the
which men fcr-
Mat. 14.16. mar.
6,37.luke 9.1 fi
c The fumme
amonntcthto 2-
bout fiue pound
d Prayer and
thankefziuing |
doe fanGifie our
mieates, where-
-~ with we arenou-
Search theSeriptures.
36 But Jhaue greater witneſſe thew the
witnelſe of John: tothe wakes which the
Father hath giuen mee to finth, the ſame
workes chat J do,veare witneſſt of me, that
the Father fent me.
37 And the * Father hinlelfe, which sath
fent me,o bearerk witnes otme. We hare not
heard jis voyte at aup timg, “iether bane
pee feene his ape. rout
38 Aub his word Hane pee not abiding in
pon: fo2 whom he hath lent, gun pee belecue
39 *Dearch the Scriptures: fur fn them
ee thinke te haue etcrnall life, and thep are
they which teſtifie of me.
40 nt pee will net come to mee, that yee
might haue itfe.
AL Irectiue not pratt okmen.
42 Wirt J know yom that pee haue net the
loue of Hod in pou.
43 Jam come in my Fathers name, and
pez recciue me not ttanother ſhall come in
bis owne name, him wl pe receine.
44 How can pee Deleene, which a recetue
* bonour one of another, and feeke not the
hononr that commeth af God alone?
45 Doe not thinke that 3 willaccule pou
to mp Father: there ts one that: acculeth
yən, cuen Moſes, in whom pe trut.
46 Foꝛ had pe deleencd Moſes, ye would
bane beleened me: * foz ye wote otme. |
47 But tf pee beleeue not his wzitings,
how ſhall ye beleeue my words?
10 Jefus feed-th fine thoufand men with fue
loane: and two filbes. 15 He departeth away,that
they fhoid not make lum King. 26 Hee reproueth
the flefhly hearers of hs word. 51 The carnall are
offended at him. 63 The fleſp profteth not,
py Tenba things, Jeſus went his way
ouer the *fea of Galile, or ofb Tiberias.,
2 Qnda great multitude followed bim,
becaule they (aw bis miracles, which he D1
on them that were diſcaſed. $
3 Chen Felis went vp into a mountaine,
aud there he fate with bis diſciples.
4 fow the Pafleouer, a *fealk of the
Jowes, was neere.
5 * Chen Teluslift pp hiseyes, and {eee
ing that a great multitude came vnto hun,
pee (aid vnto Philip, Mhence hall wee bup
bread, that thele might eate? i
6 (And this he ſaid to poue him; foz gee
binfelte knew what be would doe)
7. Philip anſwered him, < Uwo hure
veth p.niworth of bzead ts not ſuſticient
m coen that euery one of them may take a
ttt ts y
8 Then laid vnto him one of his difti-
ples, Andzew, Simon Peters bother,
9 There isa little bop here, which hath
flue barlep loanes, and twe fifves: but what
are they among fo many? ,
10 And Fetus lain, Make the people fit
Bown. (row there was much gratie tn that
place.) Then the men ſate Downe in nume
ber about fine thoufand.
H And Jels tooke the bead and 4gane
thankes, and gaug to the diſciples, and the
Ditcipies ta them that were fet Downe: and
likewiſe of che fies as much as they would
12 Aud wihen they were fariffied, he Hid
tnta hts diſciples, Gather vp che baoken
maase which remaiurth, that *norbing bre
13 Then they gathered it together, and
filicd twelue batkers with che bokeh meate
otthe fiue barley loaties, witch rematned
vito thei that had eaten.
14, ‘Chen the men when they Hav icene
theintracte that Icſue Bid, ato, Chis ts of
a tructh, the Prophet thar howd come into
the world. i
Ig Ahen Jens therefore perceined that
they would come,and take him te make bun
afKing, bee Departed againe into a moun⸗
tatne bimtelfe alone.
16 CeChen cuen was vow come, his vi
ciples went Downe vito the fea,
17 * And entred into atyippe, and went
souer the fea towards Capernanm: and
now it was Darke, and Jelus was not come
to them. Erai
18 Andthe fea arofe with a great winte
that blew.
19 And when they had rowed about fiue
and twentie, o? thirtte “furlongs, they law
Telus walking on the (ea, and Drawing nere
vnto the hip: to they wereafrara.
20 Bur helaiv vnte chem, It ts Jl: be not
afraid. i
21 Then willingly they recetucd him in-
to the bip:ant the hip was bp and by at the
tand whither they went."
22 A Whe Day following. the people
which ttoode on the other lide of tye fea,faw
that there was none other thippe there, faue
that one, whereinte bts dilciples were ens
tred, and that Jefus went not with his Dil-
ciplesin the Rip,but that his vilciples were
geneiatone, .
23 Aud that there came other Mips fram
Ttberias nere onto the place where thep ate
the bread, after tye Lod had giuen thankes.
24 fow when the people faw that Jets
was not there,ncither bis oilciples.thep atio
tooke Dipping, aud came to Capernaum,
ſeeking foz Jelus.
25 And when they had found bimen the
k other fine ofthe fea, they aid puto him,
Rabbi, when camet thou hither?
26 Jeſus antwered them, and (aid, Hee
rily, verilp J fay visto port, pre lecke me not,
becauſe pe faw the mtvacies, but becaule pee
ateofthe ioaues,and were filed.
27 Labour not for the meate which perf-
Herb, but Fo: the meate that! envureth onto
eneclalting life, which the Sonne of man
fyall gine rnto pou: for him hath * God the
Sather ™ foaled.
28 Thenlaid they vnto him, What Hall
we der, that wee might worke the > workes
of God? , i
29 Jems anlwered, and fatd vnto them,
* Chis ts the wozke of God, that pee beleeuẽ
in bis, whom he hath fent.
30 They (aimtherefore unto bim, Ahat
figue ſheweſt thou then, that wee may fee it,
and belecue theel What tork thou worke:
31 * Dur Fathers did sate Manna vam the
To feeke Chrift forthe belly.
e Theabundane 7
ftore of Gods
gifts ought not
to make vs pro-
digallto wafte
f They imagined
an earthly king-
dome without
the Teftimonie
of Gods word,
fo that by this
meanes his {piri-
tuall kingd ome
ſhould haue bene
marke6 476
g Ouer a corner
of the lake,
h Whereof eight
make a mile.
i Wherefore it
mult needes fole
Jow that Chrift
paſſed miracu-
k This was not
ſtraight ouer the
1 .ke from fide to
fide, but ouer a
crecke or arme of
the lake, which
ſauetb much la⸗
bour tothem
that ſhould haue
gone about by
1 Which nouris-
fheth and aug⸗
menteth cur
Chap.i. 3 2mat.
3.17. and 17.5.
m For when he
appointed him to
bethe Mediator,
he fet his marke
and feale in hia
iro be rhe onely
oneto reconcile
God and man
n Such as bee ac-
ceptable vnto
God. J
1. John 3.23.
Exud.16.14,1 Ge.
Who — to Chriſt.
Pfal78.24,25. delert, as it is "witten Ye gaue them bread
wif. 6.20, froni heauen to cate.
32 Chen Jeſus fayd vnto them, Gerely,
o Hecompareth berelp 3 tay vnto you, ° Molſes gaue vounot
Moféswiththe bead froin jeauen, but my Father qiueth
Father, & Manna pouthetrucbacadfrombeaucn.
with Chrift,who 33 Jaz the beean of God is he which com>
feedethvsinto meth Downetrem heauen, and giucth ife
euerlafting life, bitty the wod. 2
4.Cor10 3. 34 Chen they faid vnto him, £020, euer:
moꝛe gine vs thts bread.
35 Ant Zelus ſayd vnto them, J amthe
bizad of life : be that commeth to mee, hall
not hunger, and * he that beleenech in meg,
Wail r newer thir.
36 But J laid vnts pou, that peallo haue
want (pirituall feeneme,andbeleeuenot.
nourifhment. 37 Allathacthe Farber giueth me, Hall
q God doethre- cometo mec: and bim that commech tome,
generate hise- . J| caft not away. f
le&,and cauſeth 33 Fo J came Downe from heaven , not
themto obey the to Doe mine owa wil,but bts wil which hath
Gofpel, fent me, ;
39 And this ts the Fathers will which
hart fent me,that of all which he hath ginen
me, I Mould lofe nothing, but ould raile it
bp againe at the lai day. i
49 AnD this is the will of him that fent
methat euery man which feeth the Bonne,
and belecueth inhim, fhoula hane cuerla-
iting life sand J wilt saile him vp at the lak
— ap.
41 The Jewes then murmured at him,
becauſe pe fayn, Jam the bread, which is
come Dowie from beaten.
42 And chey laid, * Js not this Jefus the
ſonne ot Joleph, whole father and mother
we know 7 how then taith he, J came Downe
from hcauen? 2
43 Felis then anſwered,; and ſayd vnto
then, Hurmure not among pour felues.
44 Ho mann can come to mec, ercept the
Father which haty lent me, f Dzat him, and
3 will raile pice vp at thelat Dav.
45 Zt ts wpttenin the * prophets, And
p He thall neuer
Matth.i 3.5 J.
z Thatis,orbe-
leeuc inme,
f By lightning
his heart witk
his holy Spirt, they ſhall be alltaughtof Goo. Cuery nian
Flas4rzuere, therefore that hath heard, and hath learned
32.33. Of the Father.commeth vnto me,
46 "Mot that any man hath ſeene the
Matth.11,27, J
* 7 Father, Cane hee which is ok God, hee hath
feene the Father.
47 Gercly, verely F fay vnto you, be that
belecucty in me hath eucrlating itfe.
43 F am the bread of itfe. z
49 Pour fathers Did cate Manna inthe
50 This ts the bead, which commeth
Exod.16 15.
t Then there is
no food thatcan
nourith our Downe from hraucn, that he which caseth of
foules bur leſus it ſhould not Diz. P
Chriſt. sl J am the "liutng bread which came
Downe from heauen :tfany man cate ofthis
bread, hee ſhalt liue fog euer: and the bread
that PZ will gine, temy fich, which J wiil
glue fo: tie life oF the wais.
52 hen the Fewes ſtrone among them
clues faving, ow can this man giue Vg his
fleſh to cate?
§2 Then Jefus {apd vnto them, Clerely,
u Which gine
life to the world.
x WhereChrift werely 3 fay unto yon, Except vee eaterhe doeſt. :
bigs, 4 Sor there ts roman that doeth anp they muft feake
is not, there fieh ofthe Sonne afman, and drinke
deathreigncth, load, ye hang * ne hye in you.
Thefpiritquickeneth. 432
$4 Gholoener* eateth my leh, Min 1.Coras.27%
- kethmy blood, bath eternalilite, and J will
raiſe hun vp at the lait dap.
s5 Jfoz my fet ts meate in Deed, and my
blood ts Minke in Deede. ;
§6 ec’ that cateth mp fieh, eDpinketh y Asour bodies
my blood, Dwelleth in meand Jingin, — areiuftained
§7 Asthe lining Father bath fent me, © with meateand
liue 3 by tye Father, and he thatcateth meg, drinke: fo are our
ener he Wall liue by me. foules nourithed
§8 This is the bread wbhichcame Dowie wichthebody &
from beaten: notas pour fathers paue ea- bloodgof Iefus
ten Wanna ant are Dead, We tiat cateth of Chit,
this bzead, ſhall liue fo2 euer. z To eat the fleth
59 hele things tpake bern the Gyna= of Chrift.& drink
gogue, as he taught in Capernaum. his blood, is to
60 Many therefore of Dis Difcrples(when dwellia Chrift
they heard this) fayd, Chis is an hard fay- & to haue Chrift
ing : whocan heare tt? 3 dweiling in vs.
GI But Jeſus knowing in himlelfe, that a That is, ynder=
bis difciples murmured at this, layt vnto Kandit.
thew. Doeth thts ofend you? b He meaneth
62 Wharthen ifpee vould feethe Gonne not thar bis hu.
ofman> afcend vp * where he was before? manit ie deſcẽded
63 It is the Spirit that quickeneth: the from heauen; bur
fief) < profitety nothing: the wozbs that] he fpeaketh tou-
ſpeake vnto pou are pirit and life, ching the vnion
64 But there ave ſome of pou that belecti¢ of both natures,
nst: fo Felis kuewe from the beginning, attrivuting tothe
which they were that beiccued nol,and wyo ope, that which
ſhoud betray him. aprertaineth to
65 And hee layd, Therefore fapt Ji Luto the other.
you, that no man can come vnto mee, ercept Chap.3.13.
ithe giuen vnto him ok my Fathtr. __€ To wir, ifithe
66 fram that tinie, many of bis diſci· (eparated from
pies went backe, aud walked nomee With the Spirit, where-
un, of ithath ¥ forces
67, Then layd Feis to the twelue, CCU for it commeth
pe alio goe away ? of thepower of
68 Chen Simon Peter anfivered him, theSpirie, that
$Datter,to whom thall wee goe? Chou fait the ficth of Chri
thc wo2ds of 4 eternaltiife? giueth vs life,
69 And we beleeue, and know that thou d Ther without
art * che Chattt, the ſonne ofthe lining Gos. Chrift there is
70 Fetus anfwered them, Haue not J) bur death: forhis
choſen pou twelue,and ene eof you ts a De» word onely iea-
util? detii vs to life.
71 Mow hee (pake tt of Judas Ficariot Matth,16.16.
the fonne of Simon : foz Hee tt was that Matth.r.6.14.
ſhould betrap him, though be wasone of the e Although your
twelue. number be fma'l, ~
yet hall yebee
CHAP: Vit.
6 Iefws reprooueth the ambition of his coufins.
12 There are diuers opinions of hima among the
people, 17 He fheweth how to know the truseth.
20 The iniurie they doe vato him. 47 The Pha-
rifes rebuke tht officers becaufe they haue not tae
ken him, 52 and chide with Dcodewmus for tan
king bis part. A
A Fter thele things, Jefus watkedin Ga-
lile, and would not walkein Judea; foz
the Jewes ſought to kill htm.
2 Now the Jewes * afeat ofthe Taber
nacles was at hand.
3 its brethzen therefore ſayd ontohim,
Depart hence, and goe inta Judea, that
thy Difciples may Ee thp workes that thou
a At thr. teaft
they dwelled {ze
uen dayes inthe
tents, which pur
them in remem-
brance,that they
had no city here
permanent, buty
thing (ecretiy, and bee lanilcife ſceketh to onctocome,
Ppp 2 be
Whence Chrifts doctrine is.
: Bat
S.Iohne Wateroflife. Nicodemus counfell,
be }famous. JE thou doeſt thek things,hew ashe taught ſaying, ee * bath know mee, k He speaketh
thy (elfe to the world. _ and knew whence 3) ani: petam J not come chisyas ic were |
§ Jfozasyethtsbzthznbelceued notin ofimy iite but he that fent mets true, whom ſcorne ſuly.
b Why the world
hatech Chrift,
6 Then Fefus fayd vate them, My time
is not pet come; but pour time is alwap
7 The woꝛld cannot hate yous but mice
it hateth, > becante 3 ceftificof tt, that the
workes thereofare euti,
ve know not.
29 But Jknowe him: fo: J am ofhim,
and he hath ſent me.
30 Then they fought to take him, but na
man layd hands on bun, becaule his houre
was not pet come,
31 Row many of the people \beleeeued in 1 They were we}
c Chrift doeth 3 Go: pevpunto this teak: J willenot Him, ana fayd, Chen the Chriſt commeth, minded to heare
notviterlydeny gor bp pet vnto this teait; foz my time isnot Wili he Do moe mtcacles then this man bath kim,hich pre-
that he would pet tultilled. Done? ‘Ate, parationishere ©
goto the feaft, 9 @ Thel things hee ſayd onto them, 32 The Wharifes heard that the people called (although
but fignificth
thatas yet hee
was not fully
and abore itill in Galile.
Io But alloone as his bꝛethren were gone
vp, then went bee allo vp vnto the feat, not
openly, but asic were pꝛiuily.
IL Then the Jewes fought him at the
kealt, and fapt, Ghere is he?
12 And much murmuring was there of
bim among the people. Dome faya, He is a
good man ; other faid, fay, but he Decetucth
murmured tycie things of him, & the [hae improperly )
ed and bigh Peieſts fent officers to take faith,
33 Then fayd Telus vnto them, Met am
J ™ alittic while with pou, andthen goe m He thewerh
vnto him chattentine. vnto them thar
34 Pe all feeke me, and Hall not finde they haveno po-
me, and where Jll amcan pe net come. wer ouer bim tijl
35 Then fayd the Jewes among them: thetime come
tie people. ſelues, Ahither will be go, that we thalinot that bis Father
13 Howbeit no man ſpake openlyof him find hung be go vnto thein that are pil- hath ordeined,
d Thelewerethe fozteare of the 43Jewes, . perled among thes Grectang, andteachthe Coap.13.33.
headsof thepeo- _ 14 Mow when halfe the fea was done, Grecians? ‘ i HOr ſtal be,
ple,who diden- Jems went vp into the Temple g taught. 36 That faving ís thts thathelayd, Dee tGreeke difere
uie Chrif. Is And the Jewes maructied, faping, hall ſeeke me,and thall not find meg where fez.
[lOr letters. Dow knoweth thts màn the || Scriptures, J am, can ye not come? _ n Among the
a ſceing that he ncuer learned? 37 Mow tithe laſt and * great day okthe lewes which
16 Jeſus anhwercd them, and fayn, My feat, Jefus Rood and cryed, laying , Jfa. were fcattered -
Doctrine ts note mine, but his that lent me.
17 Jf anpman will Boe hts will, he Mail
know ofthe Doctrine, whether tt be of Gad,
0? whether J (peake of my felfe.
18 ijef chat (peaketh of himlelfe, ſeeketh
e Inchat,that
ny man thtrit, ict him come ynta mee, and
he is man onely.
38 We that ° beleeneth in nee, *as ſayth
tie Scripture, out of his belly Walt flow ri-
uers of water r of life.
hereand there
among the Gen-
tiles, ~
_£ By thismarke o Thetrue way
wemayknowe his owne glozy: buthe that ſeeketh his glo· 30 (This pake heofthe Dpirit,which to come to
whetherthedo- rlethatfent bun, thefamets truc, and no they thatbeleeuca tn him, Mould recetue: foz Chrif, is dy
@rine be of God 8 vnrighteouſneſſe isin him. the abaly Gho pet giucn, becaule faith.
- orofman. Ig Did not Woles give youaLaw,and that Feins was not pet glai Deut.18.15,
g Nothing coun-
terfeit or vntiue.
Exed.24 3:
~- h Whodidnor
~ know the ferch
-ofthe Scribes.
- 3 Becaufel did
yet none of pou keepeth the Law? * hy ga
ye about to kill me ? :
20 The "people anfwered, and fayde,
ee halt a deuul: who goeth about to kill
bi Jeſus anfwered, and fayde to them,
J ae Done one wozrke , and pee all mar-
40 So manp of thep
heard this faying, fayd,
the Pophet. —— Ioel 2.28,
AI Other fain, Chis is the Ciſt: ⁊ ſome 6s 2.17.
fayd, But Hall Chit comeoutoRGalile. q Thele were the
42 * Dayth not the Scriptute that the vifible graces
Tit Yalt come of the ſeede of Dauid, and which were giuẽ
out ofthe towne of Wethichem, where Da- to the Apoftles
when they p Which thall
ueth this tg neuer drie vp.
iton the Sab- 22 *Moles therefore gaue vnto pon tir- wid was? : after hisafcene
bath day. cumciſion, (not becauſe it is of Moſes.but of 43 Bo was there diſſenſion among the fion,
Levit.12,3. the*fathers) and pe on the Sabbath day ciy» people fo: him. r They looked
Gen.17.19, cumciſe a man. 44 And ſome cf them would baue taken for fome notable
23 Jfa manonthe Sabbath receiue ciro Dim, but no man layd hands on hin. Prophet befides
cumecion, thatthe Law of Moſes Wono 45 Then came the officers tothe bigh the Mefias,
not be broken, be pe angry with mee, becaute
Jhaue mate a rian euery whit whole on
tye Sabbath day?
24 * Judge not according to the appea⸗
rance,but tudge righteous tudgement.
} 2§_ € Chen (aid forme of them of Jernſa⸗
a lem 3 tiet this He, whom they goe about to
Pictes and Phariſes, and they ſayd vito Chap. rzi.
them, Ahy haue ye not bꝛought him? Micab.5.2.
46 Theoticers anfineres,! euer man matth.2.g.
ſpake like this man, __ f Wherin appea-
47 Then anfwered themthe Pharis, reth the mighty
Gre ye alfo Decetued ? ower of Chrifts
48 Docth any of the t rulers, 020 the word againft his
Phariles beſecue in him? enemits.
49 Wut this people which know not the t They alleage
Law,are curſed. 5 the authoritie of
50 Nicodemus fayd nto them, (* hee man againft
that came to. Jeſus by night, anB was one of Gods authority,
them.) Chap.3.1,2.
_ §1 Docthone Lawe iudge a man before
it beare Him, *and knows what hee hath Deut.17.8 apd
bone? 19.35.
52 They
Deut. 1.16, 17.
tis e
26 And beholde, hee Meaketh || openly,
and they fap nothing to hun: Doe the rit-
iers knowe in DecBe that thts is the vecy
Grit? ,
27 Howbeit wee know thts man whence
he isibut when the hall commeth, no man
ſyallkuow whence heis.
28 G Then cryed Jelus in the Temple
Leuit, 20.10.
a Either for
breaking the
- Law, ifhe did
deliuerher, and
of lightnefie and
if he did con-
he woman taken in adultery.
52 They anfwered and faid vnto him,
Are thou alto of Galile? (earch and looke;foz
out ofGalile ariſeth no Prophet.
53 And every man went onto bis owne
ut Chrift deliuereth her that was taken in adul-
tery. 12 Hess thelig he ofthe world. 14 He ſhew-
eth from whence he is come, wherefore, asd whio
ther he goeth 32 Who are free and who are bond,
34 Offreemenand flanes, and their reward. 46
Hee defieth his enemies, $9 And being perſecu-
bed , withdraweth himſelfe.
Ae Felus went vuto the mount of D-
tues, i
2 And early in tbe moning came againe
into the Temple, tall the people came vnto
him, and be fate Downe, and taught them,
3 Then the Scribes and the Pbariles
breught vnto vim a woman, taken in adul-
terie, and fet herin the mids,
4 And (aide vnto him, Waker, this wo⸗
man wastakenin adultery, in the very act.
Nowe Woles inthe Law comman-
Ded hs, that ſuch ould be toned; what fap»
ef thou therefoze ? :
6 Qndthis they faydto tempt him, that
they might haue whereofto * accufe bim.
But Jefus ſtouped Downe, and with hts in-
ger wote onthe ground. Me)
7 And while they continued alking bim,
Chap. viij.
felfe, andthe Father that (ent me, bearech
Mee eben tay he wait
19 en ſayd they onto him, There is
thy Father 2 Jeſus anſwered, We neisber
knowe mee , noz my father. It yee haa
aume me, pe ould haue knowen mp Fas
20 CThele words ſpake Jeſus in ý g trea
furie, as be taught in the Temple, and no
man layd hands on him : foz bis boure was
not pet come,
21 Then fayde Jelus againe puto them,
J goe my way, and pe fhatl leeke mee, and
Wall die in pour > finnes. CAbicher J goe,
can pe not come.
22, Then fayd the Jewes, TAN hee kill
hemlelte, becauie hee lath, CUhither J goe,
can yenot come?
23 And be laid tnte them, i De are from
beneath : J am from aboue: pee are of this
wold, 3 am not of this wold.
24 Jlapd therefoze vnto pou, What pee
fhall Die in your finnes ; foz except vee be-
— that J am bee, pee hall die in pour
25 Chen fayd they vnto him, Cho art
thou? And Jelus {aid vnto them, || Cuenthe
fame thing that J fayn bunto you « fromthe
beginning. š
26 J baue many things to fay, and to
Trueth maketh free. 483 |
18 Jam fone that beare witneſſe of mp-
f Which place
prooueth Chrift
to be very God
and mana
g Thatis,the
place where the
veficll and other
things belonging
tothe Temple
were kept,
h Becaufe of
their rebellion
wherein they did
i He fheweth
the difference bee
tweene the Gow
{pel, and the ſub⸗
tilt wit of mans
lOr fromthe bea
ginning enes
that F [aid unto
you ’
demne her,
he lift himnlelfe pp, and fat vnto them, * Let
Deut. 17 657
bim that is among pou without inng, catt
iudge of pou: butbe that ient me, is true, and k Thatis,who
the things that J baue beard of him, thole he was,whence
b Tefus would
mot meddle,but
with that which
did appertaine
to his office,to
wit,to bring fin-
mers ro repeu-
tance :and there-
fore did not
abolith the Law
againft adultery.
Chap. 1:5.C7.9.5
neffe, and faith
that being God,
though but one
God,chap 5.37.
d In that he
‘came fiom bis fa-
ther, he fheweth thache is not onely man, but God alfo,
the firt fone at her..
8 Andagaine hee Louped Downe, and
wrote onthe ground, ie
9 And when they heard it, being accuſed
by their owne conſcience, they went out one
bponc, beginning at the eldeſt cuento the
laſt:ſo Jefus was left alone, and the woman
anding in the miðs. _ d
Io Ahen Felus had lift bp himielfea-
gaine, ¢ law noman, but the woman, be ſaid
vnto ber, oman, where are thole thine ac-
cufers ? bath no man condemned thee ?
(Or liuely ight. IL She laid, Moman, Lo2d. And Jeſus
llOr, iuſt. fayd, > Meitherdoa J condemucthee:go and
Coap. 5. 31. finne no moze. i
€ That which 12 Then ipake Jeſus againe vnto them,
Chritdenicd, Laying, J * am the light of the world; be that folleweth me, Wali not walke in Dackenetle,
hegranceth,to but hall hauethe |\light of life. - ‘
declarevnto thé 13 Ghe Phariles therefore (aid vnto him,
their ftubburn- · Thou beareſt record of thy lelfe ; thy record
is not |! true.
14 * Jeſus anfwered, and (aid vnto them,
hebeareth wit- < Ehough J beare recozd of my felfe, yet my
neffetohishu- recoed ts true: fo: J knowe whence J came,
manitie: like- & whither J go: but ye cannot tell d whence
_wifedoethGod 3 come, and whither J go. }
the Father wit- 15 Deindge after the fle: e Jindgeno
meflethefame, man.
which are two 16 Andit Jalſo iudge, my iudgement is
diftine perfons, true; fo: J am not alone, but J and the Fa⸗
ther, that fent me. —
17 And itis alfo written in your Lawe,
* that the teſtimony oftwo menis trug,
€ Hee
“would not iudge rathy,as they dids Dewt.17,6,c>.39.15 .waat, 18.
55 .3.60%,13-1,h0b7.10,28,
{peake Ito the wozid.
27 Chey vnderſtood not that he ſpake to
them ofthe Father.
28 Chen latt Jelus vnto them, Ahen pe
haue! lift pp the Sonne of man, then hall
yem know that J am be, and that J Dono-
thing of my felfe, but as mp Jrather hath
taught me, Jſpeake thele things.
29 Foz he thatlent mee,is with meer the
Father hath not left me alone, becaule J do
alwapes thole things that pleate him.
30 CAs be lpake thele things , many be-
leeued tn him,
31 Then faid Felus to the Fewes which
belecued in him, Ikye continue in my wo,
peare — Diiciples,
32 And hall know the trueth, and the
tructh o Wall make you free.
33 Whey anfwered him,p Cee bee Abra⸗
hams ſeed, and were neuer bond to any man:
iby gett thou then, Wee Mall bee made
34. Jefus anſwered them, Cerely, terel
J fay vnto pou, that whoſoeuer committet
finne is the *feruant of finne.
3§, And the Cernaunt abiveth not in the
howe foz euer: but the Sonne abideth foz
36 Jfthe Sonne therefore Hal make you
kree, ye balbe free indeed.
37 Jaknow that pe are Abrahams (eed,
but ye ſeeke to kill me,becaule mp word hath
no place in you ? =
38 FJ peake that which J haue ſeene with
my Father: and pe Doe that which pee haue
ſeene with pour father.
39 Chev anlwered and fayde nto him,
Abahani is our father. Jelug fayde vᷣnto
Ppp 3 them,
he was,and why.
be came into this
1 Their ende-
uours and pra-
Giles, whereby
they thinke to
deftroy him, hall
feruc to exalt
and magnifie
his glory.
m Notto be-
leeue in him,but
to be conuiGed.
n To wit, the
o For they were
flaues to finne.
p Thefe were
not the belecuing
Tewes,but the
mockers that atte
fwered thus,
Rom, 6.20. 19
q He granteth
their fayings in
fuch fort,that he
fheweth vnto
them that their
owne deedes
proue themliars,
! Abraham faw Chrifts day.
them, Dyce were Abrahams childzen , yee
would Do the * marks of Abraham.
— moia ga y about $0 s — —
fe at haue tolde pou the trueth, which J haug
—— Heard of God: this dtd not braban,
Beh woceeded „41 Dee Doe the workes of pour father.
geet Then layD they te him, Cee are not boene
2 eftc2nication, wee haue one father, which
ts Mad.
God were pour Father, then would pe loue
me : foz 9 proceeded foo2th, and came from
> God neither came F ofmyp felfe buthe tent
43 Aby do ve not vnderſtand my talke?
becauſe ye cannot! deare mp word
44 * Pe ave of pour father the deuill, and
the luks of pour father ye wiii Doe: bee hat
beene a murtherertfron the begiming, and
u above notin the trueth, becauie there ts no
treth in him. CCiben he ipeaketh alte, then
fecaketh he of bis * own ; foz he is a liar. and
tie father thereof.
Ay ArobecanieZ tell pouthe trueth , pee
beleeue me not.
46 hich of vou can rebuke me of inne?
avd it J fay the trusty, why Doe pee not ves
leeue mee?
r Which were
his obedience,
f For you are
earnall, and can-
not vnderftand -
ſpirituall things.
1. Iohan 3.8.
r Since the firft
creation of man.
u It foiloiwerh
ther that he was
once in ý truech:
for he was not
created euill.
x According to
his wont and 47 * ize that is of God, heareth Gods
cuſtome. words: pe therefore heare them not, becauſe
pe are not of God. -
3.leha 4, 6.
eater ip 48 Then anfwerce the ewes and ſayd
vnto him , Bay we not well, that thou art a
Pamiaritane, and hat adeull?
-49 Jelusanlwered , J haue not a Deuil,
but J honour mp Father, and ye haue vifijo»
noured me. A 5
50 Aud J fecke not mine oton pzaife:but
there is one that ſeeketh it, and / Dogeth.
51 Ucrelp, verely Ji fay vnto yon, Ifa man
keepe my word, he fhall neuer ziee death.
52 Chen fayd the Jewes te him, owe
know we that thou baft a Deutl. abraham ts
Dead, ane the Prophets, and thou ſayeſt. JF
sni Keepe mp word, ye Mail neuer tatte of
§3 Art thou greater then our father Abza-
bam mhich isBead ? And the Pzophets are
Dead: Whommakei thou tyy elfe?
54 Jcüsanfwered, IEF honour my fetfe,
ming honour is nothing worth: it is my Fa-
ther that honoureth me whom pe fap that he
is your God. :
55 Pee yee hane not knowen him: but g
know pin, and 3 Mould fay J kuew him
-y Whe wilf Te-
uenge the iniutie
tha: yee doca-
=. gaint me, ot ra-
Other agsin{t him,
z For the faith-
fuil eucn in death
Ses life.
a Which wasto
fee the commirg
of Chriftin the
feh, which thing
Abraham faw far
off with f eyesof
faith, Heb 1.10.
b Notonly God,
betweene God &
man , appointed
_ beforeal eternitie
know bin, and keeye bis word.
56 Pour father Abzaham retoycedto fee
mp? Day, and he faw tt, and was glad.
§7 Tien ſaid che Fewes vnto hun, Thou
art not pet Gftie perg ald,and batt thou ſeene
58 efus ſaad unta them, Verely verelx g
Chap 10.3%. fay vnto pou, before Abꝛaham was, °F am.
And he paſſed ço * Chentooke they vp ones to caſt at
tharow the His, but Jeims hid himſelfe, and went out of
mids of them, rhe Dempie.
and ſo went C HA P,. 1X:
pis wap. + Of him that was borne blind. “11 The com-
bund men Chrif ginet fight.
not , 3 Mens bza liar tke vnts pou: but >
f Tlion of his that was borge blind. 39° Lo what.
Chriftthe light ofthe world.
fav as Telus palt by, Hee ſaw aman
A whith was bind from pis birth.
2 Gnd bis diſciples alked tim, faping,
Water, who did finne, this mano? his pas
rents, that be was bone blinde? ;
3 Jeſus anhwered, 2 Metthee hath thie
man finned, no: his parents, burrhat the
works of God Wolt be Hewed on pint.
4 J mult work? the wakes of bim that
Therefore Nelus fayd vnto them, JF fent mez, while tt is Day! the night com-
meth, when noman can worke,
os As longas Jam in the world ,* Jam
theliabtof the wot.
6 Aftesne as he had thus poken, he < {pat
onthe ground , and made clap af the perfe
ae anointed tye cyeswethe blinde wtth the
clay. :
7 And fayd vnto bint, Goe wah in the
a God doth tot
alwayes punifh
men for their
fianese j
b When oppor- |
tunitieandthe ~
feafon ſerueth.
Chap. i.9. and
12, and 12.35. |
c This was noc
for any vertue
that was in the
earth, in the fpet=
poole of Giloam (which is bp tnterpretaticcle,orinthe clay,
on, d Sent) ie went his way therefore and
walked, and came againe ſeeing.
8 Mowe the neighbours and they that
had ſeene hun before, when bee was vnde
fad, Bs not this he thattare and begged? |
9. Home tayde, this whee: and others
faye, oe is like him: Dut he himletfe fart, J
am be. pè
To Therefore they fapa vnto hint, Yow
were thine eves opened 7
11 Mcanhwered,and fad, Whe man that
is called Jeſus, made clay , and ancpnted
mine eyes, and ſayd vito me, Ha to the poole
of Siloain , and wah. Ho J went avs wae
Hed, andrecetuedAght. q
12 Ghenthey ſayd vnto him, divere ts
he, De fayd, Jcannot tell:
13 @ They brought to the Phariſes hun
that was once blinde. &
I4 And it was the Sabbath day, when
to makeonefee:
burit cnely pleas
fed him to vfe
thefefignes and
d Hereby was
prefigured the
Meffias , who
fhould bee fen
unto them. |
Jeſus mave the clape, and opened his |
eps., i ;
Ig Then againe the Phariles alſo alked
bim, How be had recetued fight. And he fait
vnto them, We layd clap vpon mine eyes ant
J waed , and do fee.
16 Then fata ſome ofthe Phariſes, This
man is not of God , berauſe Hee krepeth
not the Gabbath day. Others fayde , Yow
catia mat that te a finner, Doe ſuch miras
ae and there was a diſſention among
17 Then ſpake they vnto the blinde a-
gaine, ẽ Chat ſaveſt thou of him, becauſe hee
hath opened thine epes? And he laya Weis a
18 Then the Jewes id not beleeue him
(that hee had bene blinde, and receined his
light) vntillthey bad cailed the parents of
bim that had receiued fight
19 And they alked them, faving, Js thie
pourfonne, whom pefay was borne blinde?
pew Doth henow feethen?
20 His parentsanfwered them, and Gin,
Ce know that this is our ſonne, and that be
wasto blind:
21 But by what meanes yee now eeth,
twee knowe not : o2 who hath orened
his epes © can wee not teil: heeis old e-
seus : atke bim Hee Galvantinere fopin
¢ È: ‘ > 3” S ;
22 Thele wozds hake biz parents, br-
e. They durft nor
ee ke the trueth,
} l
or feare they
Mould bee ex.
Excommunicate for Chrift.
~ f Tharis,confi-
der that nothing
B hid from God:
therefore tell vs
the tructh, thar
God may be glo-
tified thereby,
Jo(h.7 19.
g Hee fpake this
in mockerie,
h They thought
either to driue
him from the
truetb,or to
make him fwarue
by their oft tinacs
examining him:
which praGife
Satans members
. ever doe obferue
in examining
3 Hee derideth
their wilfull ma-
lice & ignorance
k They doubted
mot of his coun-
trey or parents,
but of bis office
and authoritie,
1 Or,wicked men -`
contemners of
God „and fuch as
delight in fiane,
llOr exconmini-
cate him,
Thou art altogether bow
caule they feared the Jewes: fo: the Tewes
had ordeined alveadte, that Fany man did
confie chat he was the Chꝛiit, he ould be
excommunicated gut of the @pnagogue.
23 Wherefore (aid his parents, Ye ts old
prough:atke him.
24 Chen againe called thep the man that
had Beene blind , and faid vnto him, £ Gine
glory vnto God ; we know that this man ts
a tinner.
25 Then hee anlwered, and fayd, Ahe-
ther beebe a tinner o: no, 8J) cannot teil:
one thing J know, that J was blinde, and
naw J fee- i i ho
26 » Then faide they to him acaine
Abat DID He te thee? how opened hee hine
27 Heanlwered them, Jhane tolde you
already, and pee haue not heard it: where ·
fore would pe heare tt agatne?i will yee allo
be his diſciples? $ St.
28 Theu checked they bin, ana ain, We
thou bis diſciple: Ce be Moles diſciples.
29 die know that Godlpake with Mo⸗
fes:but tits man we know sot from whence
30 The man anſwered, and fayd vnto
them, Doubtles this is a maructlous thing,
that pe * know not whence he is, aud pet hee
hath opened mine eves.
31 Now we know that Ged heareth not
1 finners : but ifary man be a woꝛwipper of
Cod, and Dorth his wil, him heareth he.
32 Bince the world began was tt not
heard that any man opened rhe eyes of ane
that was borne blind. i
33 HE this man were not of Gad,be coula
baue Done nothing. :
34 They anfwered , and faid vnto him,
it finnes, and
Beek thou teach vs? fo thep cal him out.
35 Jelus heard that thep had || cat him
out: and when bee bad found him, hee fais
bute hint, Dozit thou beleeue in the Bonne
of Gen?
36 Meantwered.and faid, Aho is hee,
Lom, that] might beleen tu him?
37. And Felis fata vnto him, Both thou
baf ſeene bin, and ge it is chat taikech with
o As all aftonj. thee.
` Shed hee fell
downe and wor-
fhipped him,
n Meaning, with
tule & authority,
to make the
poore blind to
fee,and the proud
feers blind,
Chap 3.17,18,
and 12.46.47.
o You thould
not be fo much
to fault,
38 Shen be (aid, Lod , Jbeleeue, and
™wozrlbippsd him.
39 Ano Fetus aide, J am come vnto
atudgement inta this welde, that thep
which fee not, might fee: and that they
which fee, might be made blind,
40 And fome of the Phariles which
were with him heard thele things, and faid
bats him Are we blind allo? è
41 Jelus fain onto them, JE yee were
Elina, ° ye ſhould uot haue fin: but now yee
fay, Cle ee: theretore your ſinne remaineth,
ut Chriff is the true [hepheard ,and the doore,
fheepefold, but climeth vp another way, bee
is a thiefe and robber. -
2 But hee that goeth in by the dosre, te
the ſgeepeheard of the ſocepe.
3 Go hun the porter openeth, andthe
ſheepe beare bis voyce, and beea calleth
a pwne Heepe by name ,andieaderh them
4 Gnd wher he bath (ent forth hisown
Heepe, be goeth before them, and the ſheepe
follow htm; foz they know hts voice,
§ And they wil nst follow a trangen but
they fice from him : fez they know not the
voice of ftrangers. à
O This parable ake Jeſus vnto theni:
buc they baderiteod not what thisges they
Were which be pake vnto them. í
7 hen faid Jefus vnto them againe,
Cisrely, werciy Flap vata pou, Jam the
doore ot the ſheepe.
8 Gil, >that cuer came before mee, are
theeues and robbers: but the perpe did not
beare them. é ;
9 Jam the doore: by mer tfany man en:
tet tribe hall be iaucd, and ali: goin and
go out, and find paſture.
Io The thiefe commeth not, but forto
ftealc,and to kill, and to Dettrop:J am come
that they might haue life, and haneit ina-
IL * Jam the good fepbeards the good
Hephcarvd giveth hts itte foz his Herpe.
I2 But an bireling, and hee whitch is
not the thepheard, neither the eepe are
hisowne, feeth the wolfe comming, and
hee leauech the Heepe, and fleeth, andthe
— catcheth ther, and ſcattereth tye
13 Sothe hlreling fleeth , becaule bee ts
an biveling, and careth not forthe heepe.
The good fhepheard, 484
a That is,there
is mutual ag rec⸗
ment and confent
of faith between
the paftour & the
b He meaneth
all the falle pre-
pacts, who led
not méto Chri
but from him.
c He thalbe fure
of hislife.
Ifa, 4i.
exh. 34.236
d Chrilt know-
eth his becaufe
hec loueth them,
careth & proui-
deth for them.
e As the Father
cannot forget
him,to more caw
he forget vs,
f Inthathe lo-
ueth and appro-
ucth me, :
g To wit,among
the Gentiles,
which then were
ftrangers fro the
Church of God.
Ezek, 12.22324.
h Chrifteuen .
inthar that heeis
man,hath defers
ued his Fathers -
14 Jam the goon hepheard,and 4 know loue and cucrlar
mine and am knowen of mine,
15 ° As the father! kneweth me, fo knew
F the Father: and J lay Downe mp iite foz
my eepe. ,
16 eDrher Hheepe J haue alſo, which are
not of tits fold; chem alſo mult J bung,and
they (hail heare niy voyce: and” there (hall
be one thecpeteld and one ſhepheard.
17 » Cherefoze doth my father loue me.
becaute* 3 lap Downe my life, that J might
take it againe. 7 ý
18 fo man taketh it fram me , but 3 lay
ft Downe of my (rife: J have power to tay it
fting life, not te
his elk only.but
to vs alfo,which
by bis obedience
& perfed inftice
are imputed
righteous, Rom.:
539.Phil.2 7.
Actzi.2. 24.
i Which wasin-
Ritute, thar the
people might
Downe, and haue potser totake it againe: giuethankes to
thts * commaundement haue J recewed of God for their
my Father. 3 ;
Ig € Chen there was a dillention againe
. among the Jewes foz chele favings.
20 And many ofthenlapd, ee hatha
deutl and is madde: why heare ye him?
21 Deber (atv. Thele are not the words
of him that hath a deuilt; can the Deutlapen
the eyes of the blind?
21 Ano it wag at Jerulalem the i fealt of
19 Diuers opinions of Chrift, 24 Hee is askedif the *Dedicatiou,and it was winter,
he be Chrift. 32 His works declare that heis- God,
34 The Princes called gods.
—V— fap vnto you, ee that Him, and fain vnto him, How long Doct
entreth uot in by tye doore into the thou ¢ make vs EIT san thou eat
23 And Fetus walked inthe Temple, in
k Solomons parch.
deliuerance and
reftering of their
religion & Tem-
ple,which Antia=
chus had cor-
rupted & pollu-
ted. i
k Which was -
buildedagaine »
after the paterne
of j which Salo~
Then came the Jewes round about mon builded. -
lOr, holdeſt our
mind in ſuſpence
Chriſts theepe hearehis voyce.
— man, much more
| sifon,
. Chat, tell ve plainely.
25 Feiusanlwered thert, J fold you,and
ye beleeue not ; the workes that J nip
Fathers Mame,thepbeare witne otme.
I The caule 20 Buc peebelcene not: ' fol pe ave nor or
wherefore the my ſheepe, as 3 (aid vnto pou.
reprobate can- 27 Wy theepe beare mp voytt J know
not beleeue. them, and they tollaw ine. :
28 And F gtuevntothem cternall life,
and they palineuer pert , neither (hall anp
plucke them out of mine pand. 4
29 Sy Father which ganethem mee, ts
m greater then all, and nonels able to take
them outofmy Fathers band.
30 J and my Father are one.
31 * Chen the Jewes againe tooke bp
ftones,to {tone him.
32 Helus anfwered them, Many good
workes baue J ewen you from my jas
thers for which of thele wozkes doe pe tone
me: i i
33 The Tewes anlwered hint, aping,
Fozrthe goon wozke wee tone thee not, Vut
fo: blafpbemyp, and that thou being aman,
makel thy fette Gov. oe À
34 Jefiis anſwered them, Js tt not wits
tenin pour Law, *3 (atv, pe are” gods?
35 Ikhee called them gods, vnto whom
the word of God was giuen,and the Seripa
ture cannot be bzoken,
36 Happee othim, whome the Father
hath fanctificd,¢ fent into che wold, Thou
m Whereby wee
learne how fafe-
ly we are prefer-
ned againft all
Chap.8. 59
n Meaning of
princes & rulers,
who for their of-
fice fake are cal-
Jed gods, and are
mad? here in
earth as his Lieu-
tenants: where-
fore if this noble
title be giuento
of God?
37 JET do not the workes of mp Father,
beleene me not.
38 Butik doe. thenthough pe beleene
not me, yet belecne the workes , that ye map
know and belceue, that the Father is tn me,
and Ji in him. ;
39 Againe they went about to take hin:
but he efcaped ont of their hands, :
40 And went agatne beyond Jorden, in-
tothe place where Jobn Bri baptised, and
there abode. $ :
41 And many relozted vnto him, and faid,
John Did ° no miracle : but all hinges that
John ſpake of this man were true.
42 And many belecucd in bhim there.
43 Chrif raifeth Lazarus from death.47 The
hie Priests and Pharifes gather acounfel again/t
him. 50 Casaphas prophecieth, 54 Chrift gettesh
him out of the way.
— a certaine man was ficke, named
Lazarus of Bethania, the town of Ma⸗
ry, and her fitter Martha, t
2 (Anditwas that * Wary which ane
noynted the Lord with oyutment, and wi.
ped his feete with her baire, whale broths
azatus was ficke.)
. 3 Therefoze his ſiſters fent puto him,
ping. ne bee whom thou louet, is
4 Aben Jelus heard it, bee layo, Thig
ficknes ts nota vnto Death, but fo: the glory
of Gan, that the Sonne of God nught bee
it appertaineth co
him that is the
Sonne of God
equall with his
© Whereby th
gathered that 7
-Chrift was more
excellent then
Chap.12. 3
watt. 26.7,
9 Foralthough
he died, yet be-
ing reftored fo
foone to life, ir
wasalmoft no gloꝛilied thereby. é F
death in Compas 5 C Mow Jels loved Martha, and her
GRAND Lazarus.
S. Tohn.
blaſphemeſt, becaule J (ata, Jam the Dou die
Marthaes confeffion.
6 Aid after he had heard that bee was
licke,pct abode he two Daves Riin the fame
place where je was.
7 Then after that, faid hee to his diſci⸗
ples, Let vs goe into Judea ayaine.
3_ Che diltipies fata vnto him, Water, Chep.2.30. & 8-
the Jewes lately tought to* tone thee, and 59, 272d 10,31,
Doci thou goe thither againe z b He that wal-
9 Jeius anfwered, Are there not» twelue Kkethinhis voca-
houres tu the Dayztfa man walke in the Day tion,and hath the
be ſtumbleth not,becaule bec leeth thelight light of God for
of thts woꝛld. i his guid, needeth
To But ik a man walke inthe night, hee
Il Thele things pake hee, and after hee fo both fommer
laid unto them, Dur friend Lazarus Aeg- and winter
peth: but J goe to wake hin vp. was with the
I2 Then faim his dilctples, Lod, if hee Lewes deuided
Ucepe,he « thatl be fate. j into xii, honres,
13 Howbeit, Jelus (pake of his neath: but c They laboured
ue ao that he had (poken of thej na> toftay Chrift
14 Then fatd Jelus vnto them plainely, Iudea, as though
Lazarus is dead. } there had beene
Ig And J am glad fo: your takeg, that J no need.
Was not there: that pe map belecuc: but let 10r lumbering
bs goe vnto bhim, j fleepe.
16 Chen faiu Thomas (which ig called d Which fig-
d Didymus ) vnto hts fellow diſciples, Let nifiech in our
vs alld goe, that mee map die with him. tongue, a twin is
17 ¶ Chencame Jeſus andfoundthat birch.
Ge had lien in the graue foure Dayes aireae
18 (Now Bethania was neere vnto Jee
rufalem,about e fitteene furlongs off.)
Ig And many of the Jewes were come to
Wartha t Marte to comfort them foz their
20 Then Martha, when the heard that
Telus was comming, went to meet him:but
(Vary late Killin the boufe.
21 Shen laid Wartha vnto Telus, Lod,
if thou haddeſt beene bere, my brother haa
not beene Dead,
22 But nom £ J know allo , that that.
foener thou al keſt of God, God will gine i
e Which were
almoft two miles
f She fhewerh
fome faith,
thee. f - which notwith-
23 Telus (aid vnto her, Chy brother Hall Nanding was ai-
rife againe. i moft ouercome
24 Marthalaid vuto him, J know that
petoa tile againe in the relucrection at the
a ay.
25 Jelus ſaid vnto berse J amthe refur-
rection and the liteshe that beleencth in ime,
though be were Dead,yet Hall he iive,
_ 26 And wholoener liucth and beleeneth
in me ſhall neuer dic. Belecuct thou this?
27 She laid vnto him , Mea, Lord, F be»
leeue that thou art the Chriſt the fonne of
God, which ſhould come inta the woo.
28. Gand when the had fe ſaid, he went
her way,and called Wary her fitter ſecret⸗
paying, The Wafer is come, and calleth
02 thee.
29 And when thee heard it, thee arole
“quickly and came vnto him. ;
30 For Jefits was not pet come intothe
towne, but was in the place where Partha
met hun.
31 The Jewes then which were mith ber
inthevoule, and comforted her, when ace
by her affections,
g Chrif reſto⸗
reth vs from
deathto gine vs
everlafting life,
to feare no dan- |
Tuinbleth , becaule thereisno light in him. gers. The day ale
from going into `
Lazatusrayfed. Cataphas prophecicth. Chap.xij.
h Wherein fhe
declared her af-
feGiton and re-
uerence that (hee
bare to Chrilt,
faw Marie, that he role bp bhaſtily, and
went out, followed ber faving, Dhee goeth
Uuto Che gratic,to weepe there.
32 Cyen when Mary was come where
Felis was, and ſaw yun, thee fell Downe
at bis feete, faying vnto him, Lozd, ifthou
Saen bene bere, my borger had not beng
33 Chen Felis therefore atwa her weepe,
and the Jewes alfo weepe which came with
ber, hee groncd in the ſpirit, and was trou-
bled in hũnſelke, ;
34 And fain, Chere hane pee laid him?
Thep layd vnto him, Lord come and ſee.
35 And Jefus k wept,
30 Then fayd the Jewes, Behold, how
be loued bini,
37 Aud fome of them (aid, Contd not he,
which opened the epes of theblinde, baue
made allo that this man ſhould not haue
i Forcompafli-
on: for he felt
our mileries as
though he futfse
redthe like,
k We read not
that his affections
were fo excefliue
that he kept no
mealure, as we
dae in our fo-
rowes, ioyes, and
oyes 38 Jefus therfore againe groned in him-
erher affections.
felfe, and came to the graue. And it was a
cane and a ſtone was layd open it.
39 Jeſus fayo, Take yee away the fone.
Partha the titer of hun that was dead,
tapo vnto him, Lord, he Rinketh already; fog
be bath beene dead foure Dapes.
40 Jelus ſayd vnto her, Hayt F not vn-
tothec, that if thon dipdelt belecue, thou
fhouldett fee the ! gloꝛie of Gov?
41 Then they tooke away the ftene from
the place where rhe Dead was laid. And Jie
fus lift vp bis epes, and fapa, father, J
thanke thee,becanle thou batt heard me.
42 J knowe that thou hearett ince al-
tapes , but becaule of the people that ſtand
by, § fayd it, that they may belecue,that thou
batt fent ne. i
-~ 43 As bee vad ſpoken theſe thinges, bee
AEA witi aloud vopce , Lazarus , come
' 44 Then bee that was dean, came forth,
bound hand and foote with bandes,and brs
face was bound with a napkin. Felus fayd
vnto them, Loole hun, and let him got,
45 € Then manyok the Jewes which
tame to Marp, and had feene the tyings,
which Jeſus Did, belecucdin him,
46 But fomeof them went their way to
the Phariſees, and told them what thinges
Fetus han Done. JEg .
47 Then gathered the hie Piets , and
the Phariſes a councitl, and fayd, Apat
Tall wee soe? For this man Doeth many
63 Jim wee let him thusalone, all men
wili beleene in bim, and the Romanes will
eoine and take alway both gur place, and the
1 That isa mira-
cle whereby
Gods Name
fhouldbe glo-
m They refit
God, thinking to
hinder his worke
by thcir owne
policies, -
n Or,fortha ation _
prefenttime. = = 49 Then one of them named Caiaphag,
o God madehim which was the hich [piel » that fame yere,
to fpeake,neither fayd vnto them, We perceiue nothing at all,
couldhisimpic- şo Roz yet Doe yon confider that itis
tic let Gods pur- erpedicnt foz ys, that one man die forthe
pole, who cauled people, and that the whole nation perih
this wicked man nyt.
euen as hee did
Balaam, to be an ing hie Pꝛielt that fame peere, he o prophe·
anftrument of the cied that Fetus Mould die foz the nation :
holy Ghoft, 52 And not fe: the nation only, but that
51 This ſpake he not of himſelfe: but bes fi
Iudas the purfebear
bee Mould gather together in one the chil
dren st God, which tere ſcattered.
53 Then from that Day forth they conſul⸗
ted together toput himto death.
§4 Ielus therfore walked no moze open»
ly among the Jewes, but went thence vuta
a countrep neereto the wilderneſſe, into a
titie called Ephꝛaim, and there continucdD
with hts Dilciples.
§§ CAnd the Jewes Paſſeouer wag at
hand, and many went out of the countrey
upto Jerufalem befoze the Paſſeouer, te
P purihe themſelues.
$6 Chen fought they for Telus, « ſpake
aneng themfelues, as they foode in the
TCeinpie.cCihat thinke ye, that he conuncth
not to the featt? : mh.
57 s2ow both the high Peieſtes and the
Dbariles had giuena commandement,that
iFany manknew where he were , bee ould
Mew tt that thep might take him.
7 Chrift excufeth Maries fact. 13 The af-
fection of [ome towards him, & the rage of others
agamſt him and Lazarus, 25 The commodity of
the croffe, 27 His prayer. 28 The anfwereofthe
Father, 32 Hi» death, and the fruit thereof. 36
He exhorteth to faith, 40 The blindne(fe of [omes
and the inſirmities of others.
g een “Jeius fire Daves befoze the Pafe-
ouer came to Bethanta, where Lazarus
mas, which was Dead, whom hee had raiſed
from the Dead.
2 Where they made him afupper, and
er. 485
p Becaufe they
thought herel:y
to makethem-
felues more holy
againit they
fhould eate the
Pafleouer: but
they were noe
commaunded by
Godto vie this
Matth, a6. 7.
Marked 43,
Warthalerncd: but Lazarus was one of
them that fate at the table with him,
3 Then tooke Warp a pound of oynt⸗
ment ofipikenard very coftly,and anopntes
Jelusa feete, and wiped his feete with ber
batre , and the boufe was Glled with che fas
Wouroftheopnrment. —
4 Then faya one of his diſciples, even
Judas Iſcariot Himions fon, which ſhould
betray bim, f
§ iby was not this ovntment fold foz
b theee hundreth pence, and giuen to the
6 Row he ſayd this, not that hee cared
forthe poore, but becanle hee was a thiefe,
and * had the bagge, and bare that which
was ginen,
7 Then (aid Jelus, Letheralone? a
gaintt the Day of my burping the kept tt.
8 Foꝛ the poozre alwayes pee hang with.
pou, butine pe yall not haue alwayes.
9 Then much people of the Hewes
Rnew that hee was there: and they came,.
not fo? Jeſus fake onip, but that they might
ee — allo whom hee bad rayſed trom
e Dead.
10 The hie Pꝛieſts therefore confulten,
that they might pne Lazarus to death allo,
IL Becanle that kor bts fake many of the
Jewes went away, and beleeued in Jee
12 Dn the morrow agreat multitude
that were come tothe feat when thep heard
that Jeſus Montp come to Jexuſalem. ⸗
13 Cooks:
a Euen fromthe
head to thefecte.
b Read Marke:
Chap. 13.29.
marke 33.8,
he 19. 35>
€ Thatis,@uel
d This doeth
well declare that
his kingdome
Rood nor in out-
ZENI. 9.
ſOrabhe preaſe.
e They wereo
therace of the
Fewes, and caine
out ot Afiaand
ted that they
fhould worthip
- ‘Temple,
all the world.
| bake 9.24.and
8 i the loue
thereof let him
to Chrif,
it for Chrifts
$ s
-i Thereforma-
of thofe things
of order,
- to heauen.
Tewes but alfo
the Gentiles.
2 eho Jed 5.
The wheat corne.
_ Grecia: for elfe
tht Tewes would
not haue permit-
- witbthem in che
> -f Which is that
ofhim fhould be
manifeft thorow
M<¥ to. 39. and
- from comming
hh And fo lofeth
tion & reftoring
which were out v
k The Croffe is
| che meaneto ga-
ther the Church
of God together,
and to draw men
~} Notonely the
13 Tookcwancheg of paine trees, and
went korth to meet him, ano cried, < Wolan:
NA, Bleſſed isthe Ring of Plracl chat com
meth in the Mame of tie Lor.
I4 Snd Jeius found a*poung afz, and
fate thercon, as tt ts weitten,
Iş *fFeare not, Daughter of Dion: bebeld,
thy Ring comineth ſicting onan afes colt.
16 Bũt his diſciples vnderſtood not theſe
things at the irk + but when Jeius was
glorificd, then remembred they, chat there
things were written of hint, and that they
. had Bone thele things vnto pin.
17 The people therefore that was with
bim, bare witnelle thart hee called Lazarus
o = the graue, and rayſed him from tye
13 Gherefere mette him the people alfo,
becaule they heard that hee had Done this
19 And the Phariſes faya antong them-
Celues,JDercetue pe how ye preuatle nothing?
2529010, (the world goeth after him.
20 Cow there were ceviaine « Greckes
ee them that came sp to woꝛſhip ar tye
21 And they came ts Philip. which was
ef Bethſaida in Galile, Æ delired hun, lap-
ing, Sir, we wouid tee Jeſus.
22 Hyilip came and toia Andrecw: and
againe Andzew and HPhiliptold Jeſus.
23 And Jeſus anfwered them, ying,
Thehoure ts come, that the tonncof nian
nuit bet gtozttied.
24. Gerely,nerely J fay puto por, except
the wheate corne fall into the ground and
Die it abideth alone; but if it Dic, it baingety
forth much fruit. 3
25 “De thats loucth bis life, Hati loiit,
and beethat t hateth biz life inthis wozld,
hall keepe it vñto life eternall.
26 It any man ſerue me, let him follow
me: fo: where J am , there halt aio my fer»
uant be: and it anp man lerue me, bim will
my Father honour.
27 Mow ts my foule tronblies, and
what fali J fay? Father, ſaue mee from
io boure; but therefore came J unto this
28 Father, glozilie thy Fame. Then
came there a voyce from beauen, fying, J
both baue glozificd it, and will glozife tt a>
29 Then ſayd the people that ſtood by
And heard, that it was a thunder: others
ſayd, An Angel ſpake to hint. i
30. Jeſus anfwered , and fayd , This
pa came not becaule of mee, but foz pour
3r How is thei fudgement of this world:
Rall the prince of this wozld bee caſt
32 *And kY, iT were lift vp from the
earth, will Draw tall men vnto me.
33 Mow this layd hee, fignifping what
Death he Mould dic. P
34. The people anfwered him , (Ae hane
heard out ofthe * Law, that the Chꝛiſt bi-
Pfal.8 3-36 anu Deth fo euer: and how favet thou, thatthe
110,4.0nd igi Bonne of man mule de lift yp? who ts that
Donne of man?
35 Then Jeſus BD vnto them Veta tit-
tle while ts * the tight with pou: walk while
ye baue tight leg the Darkenefle come npon
pou: foz De that walker) ts the Darke, knew.
eth nor whither be goth.
36 Gils pee bane tight , beiecue in the
light, that pee may See the chilazen of the
light. Thele things hake Jeſũs, and depar
ted, and hid himſtife from them.
37 E And though bee hap done fo many
— befoge theni; yer beleened they not
u pun:
58 That thefaying of Clatas the Pꝛo⸗
phet might be fulfilled, that be tapd,” Lom,
who beiceuro our report? and ta whome ts
tye m arme of the Lom renetled?
39 Cherefoze coula they not velecne, bee
caule that Elatas faith againe,
40. *He hath bunded their epesjand þat-
Dency their heart, that they Gont netfee
with their gpeg, no? vnderſtand with their
htart, and Mould be conuerted,and 3 thould
41 Thet thines fayd Efatas when Hee
faw hts glory, and (pake of him.
42 Neucttheleſſe euen among the chiefe
tulers many beleeuedin him: but becanfe
of the Phariſes, they did net confeile him,
lelt they houu be ſcaſt out of b Synagogue,
3 * fforthcy loued the ° prayleof men,
moe then the prayſe of God.
44 And Peis cryed, and fayd, Wee that
belceueth in me beleeueth notin mec, butin
buy that fent me. : ;
45 Ande that lecth mee, eeth him that
fent me.
46 J * am conte alight ite the world,
that whoſocruer beleeueth inme, thoma not
abide in darkeneſſe.
47 * And ik any man beare my wordes,
and beleeue net, 3) | iudge him not: fo: Fl
came notte || iadge toe world, but to taue
the woa.
48 He that refuleth me,and receiueth not
My wos, Hach one that lind geth hun: *the
020 that F baue (poker, it hall ioge him
tithe r fat day.
49 Foꝛ J haue not ſpoken of my felfe:
bur che father, which fent me, be gauemea
commaundement what J] Would lap, anv
what JMould (ycake. i
50 Gna J know that bis commaunde⸗
mentis life euerlaſting: the thinges theres
fore that Iſpeake, J fpeakethem (0 as the
Father ſayd puto me. l
$ Chrift wafheththe difciples feet, 14 Exbor=
ting them to hursslitie and charitse, 25 Tellth
thera of Judas the trartour, 34 And comman-
deth them earneftly to lome one another. 38 Hee
forewarneth of Peters deniall.
N Dw * before the keaſt of the Paſſeouer,
when Jelus knew that his toure was
come, that hee Mould depart out of this
wold puto the Father, foz as much as bee
loned his own which were in the world, vn⸗
to the end be loued them.
Chriftisthe light.
Chap. is 9e
Ffas 3. trom
m Thatis, the
Golpe! which is
the power of
God to flua-
tion to euery ond
that doeth be-
Tfa.6.9. mat. 13.
14. Mar, 4.03.
lak 8. 10.aG#s 2%,
26.r0m. 51,8.
n By delivering
them from theic
miferies, and gi-
ving themtruc
Or, exxromaune
Chap . 44.
o To be eſtee⸗
med of mem.
and 9.39.
Chap 3.17.
Or, condemnes
HOr, condemneth.
Marke 16, 16,
p Forthat day
fhalibe the ap-
probation of the
Mat.26 «2 marke
14, 1. luke 22.1o
a Becaufe he
fawthe danges ©
great which was
toward them therefore he tooke the greater eare tor chem,
ibe 2 Ana
| Chrifts example. Mutual
b Which was 2 And when > hipper was Done, ce that
the eatingofthe the Devil had now putin the heart of Judas
Patleoutr. Jitariot, Simons fonne te betray him,)
3 Reins knowing that the Father had
given al! things ints his hands, and that be
Boas come front God, and went to God,
4 Pee riety fromlhpper, and tapeth a>
fide his vpper garments, and tooke a towell,
and girded pualelte. i
s Atter that, be powzed water into aba-
ſeñ and began to wath the diſciples feet, and
towipethem with the towell wherewith be
was girded,
6 Thencame he to Simon Peter, who
{aid to pim, Lord, doeſt chou meaty ny ter 2
7 Jele anlwered anv fapa vnto Hin,
lihat J toc, thou knoweſt not now: but
thou chalt know tt hereafter.
8 Weter lavd vnto him, Thou Galt nea
ner Wath my fete. Jetis anſwered him, Ff F
| é And makethee < wai thee not, thou Walt haue no part with
al ane from thy
» 7
d Tharis,to be
continually pur-
ged of the cors
rupt aff: ions,
and worldly
cares which re-
9 Hmon Deter fayd onto him ,.Lozde,
ra frie onely, but alfo the bandes , and
the head:
10 Jels faid to bim, Wee that is wa-
fyen, necdeth not fane to dwaſh hisfeete, bat
is cleane euery Wiii; and pe are * cleane, but
not all.
11 for her knew who ſhould betray him:
therekore fayd he, Me are not all cleane.
I2 ¶ Go after pe had waſhed their ferete,
maine daily in vs. anD had taken bis garments. and was fet
Chap.05. 3.
Dawne againe, he tapas vata them, Know ye
» what J hane Sone to pou?
3 Pe call me Matter, and L020, and pe
e To ſerue one. fap well: fo ſo am J.
14 FEV then pour Loꝛd, and Water hane
Chap.15 ro.mat, waſhed pour keete, ye alia ought to waw tone
10.24,luke 6.0. anothers feet.
Ig. jo: P Have giuen you an example, that
f Vnder pretence pe ſhould Doe, euen as F hate Done to pou.
of friendthip ſee⸗
keth his deftru-
g Towit, the
Chrif and re-
deemer of the
Matth. 10.40.
duke 10.16,
16 Gerily, verciy ¥ tay unto you ,* Che
feruant is not greater chen bis matter , net:
ther the ambatladour greater then bee chat
fent bint. ges
I7 JE pes know thele things, bleſſed are
ye, ikye do them.
18.9 tpeake not of fou all: J krowe
whom F haue choſen;: buticis that the (crip:
ture might bee tulfilich, * Wee that eatech
h For very bor- beead with mec, parh! tft pp his heele a-
rer andindigna-
tionof fuchan
gaint ine, i
19 From hencefeorth tell Jvon beſore it
abominzble a@, tome that when ttis come to patir,pe might
as Tudasfhould beleeue that Fl am 2 he.
20 * Gierelyp, verely 3| fap vuto pou, FE
i Hedid openly fend any, hee that recetucth bint, receineth
Matth. 26,21. I8.
Iske 225216
k Their falhion
wasnot to ſit at
table, but having
- their thooesoff,
& cufhions vrider
their elbowes, |
l leanedentkeir
fitles,as it were
_ halfe lying.
me, and he that recetueth me, receiueth bint
that ient mee. f
21 When Jetis had fayd chele things, be
wash troubled in the (piric, andi teitities,
and faybe, Cievely, vereiy J fap vnto vou,
thatone of pou atl betray me.
22-* Then the diſciples caked one on an⸗
‘other, Doubting okwhom he ſpake.
23 Mow there was one of bis diſciples,
which leaned on Felis boſome, wvhom Fes
fug loued.
24 To him beckened therefore Dinan
Prigi that hee hould alke wha it wasof
Chap. xiiij loue. Many dwelling places. 486
whom he pake.
25 ie then,as bee leanedon Jems back,
fayd vnto him 020, who is it?
26 Felis anfwered, Wee itto, to whom J
Gall give a top, when Y hauc dipped it: and.
be wet a lop, and gaur tt te Judas Farior,
Simons ſonne. +
27 And after the fop, Satan entered in»
topun. Then daid Petung vnto bhim, Chat
thou noch, doe quickly,
23 But nonẽ of themthat were at table,
Bnew for what caule he ipate tt vnto bin,
29 Foꝛ fome of chem thought becauie Jus
‘Bas bad the bagge , that Felus Yan (aid wire
to Him, Guy thole things chat we baue need
ofagainit the feal: oz that hee ould gtue
fome thing to the pooze.
30 Afloone then as hee had receined the
— he went immediatly sut, and it was
night. *
31 ¶ Ahen he was gone out, Telus fad,
m Now ts the fonne of man glozified, and
Gadisgionrfedtn hint. —
32 Fi Goa be glogitied in hint, God Hall
allo gloritie hun im huntelfe, € Hal ſtraight
way gioie him. :
33 Little childzen,yet a little while am J
witi pou: yee fhalbfecke mee, but as 3) fava
vnto the * Jews,- Ghither J goe, can pee
uot come: allo to you ſay J now,
34 *" A new commandement gine J yn
to pou, that yeloue one another: as Jhaue
louen you,that pe allo loue one another.
35 By this Hal alimen know chat pe are
mip titles, tf ye baue toue one to another.
36 Dimen Peter fata vnto bim, Lod,
whither goet thou? Jeins anfwered him,
CHbither 3 goe, thou cant not follow mee
now: bur thou o halt folew me afterwards,
37 Peter ſayd vnto hun, Lo, why can
J not follow thee noto? * 3] will lay Bowne
my life for thy lake.
38 Jelusantwered hint, Wilt thon lay
Dowie thy life for my fake? Clerclp,vercly g
fay vnto thee, he cocke Hall nor crow, tw
thou haue denyed me tiile.
1 Satan tooke
full poffefsion .
m Meaning, tha,
his croffefhall in-
gender a marucie
lous gloty,ard
thatin it {hall
mhine the infinite
bountieofGod,, 2
Chap. 7.3 4»:
Leiut.19.1 8.’
Mat.22, 39.chafs —
n Whercot we..
ought to haue.
continuall remé ~.
brance,as though —
it were cuen
newly giuen,
o .When thou
fhalt be more
ſtrong ·
Matth 26.3 3.
Marke 14.29.
1 He avmeth his diſtiples with confolation æ-
gainfi trouble. 2 Hee afcendeth into heauen to
prepare vs aplace. 6 The Way, the Trueth and
-the Life. 10 The Father and Chrift one, 13 How
we fhould pray. 33 The promiſe vato them thar -
keepe his word,
Nd he Hub te his diſciples. Let not pour -
A\ bearte troubled; pee beleeue tn Gav,
a beleene.aifain me.
2 In my Fathers houk are many > uwet-
ling placca: if tt were not fo , 9 would haxe
told pau: F roe re preparea place for you.
3° Andthough Igoe to pꝛepare a place
fog you, wille come againe gnt receiue pon
unto niylelte that where Jam, chere mappe
4 And whither Igoe, ye kuow, and the
Way pe know.
Si Thomas fayd vnto him, Load, wee
dkna net whither chon goet: how can we
‘then knot the wap?
6 Sein Sid unto bin gam the tap,
a For in fo bes-
leeuing,no trons:
bles hall ouere
come them,
b So chat there’
is not only plase».
for him,bur for
all his.
c Arthelater “
day AQI. ST,
d He was not-
altoge her ig-
norantjburhis, -i
knowledge was.
weake and jm- ~
izei A 4 pet i aa eet zo, perfect. Oye) a
c cote wemultocein inbim 5 continve i» hia Send in hinh-
Wholoueth Chrift:
and the Crueth, and the Life, Mo man com:
meth vnto the Father but bp me.
7 Ik ye had knowen mee, pe ſhould haue
knowen my Father alia : and from hence⸗
foozth ye know him and baue eene him.
8 HDhilip faide vnto him, Lod, whew vs
thy Fathcr,and tt ſufficeth vs.
9 Jefus (aide vnto him, J haue bene lo
long tune with pou, Œ batt thou not knowen
nie, Philp? he that hath eene me, hath ſeene
my jFather : how then layeſt thou, Shew vs
thy srather ? :
IO Beleeueſt thou net, that J am in the
f Forthevery Father, æ fthe Father is in mee 2 the worns
fulnefle ofthe di- that J {peake bnto pou, J| peake not of my
uinitie remaineth g (elfe: but the Father that dwelleth inme,
Chrif the true Vine,
glue J unta pou. Let not pour heart be tron
bled,nor feare. j Chrift is become
28 Mebane heard how F faiz nto pon, man,to be Medie
goc away, and will come yuto you. It ye io · atourberweene
ucd me, pee would verely reisyce, becauſe f Godandvs. `
faid, J goe vnto the Father ; foz mp Father t. Satan execu⸗
iz í greater then J. tech his rage and
29 Ana nowy haue (poken vnto poun, be: tyrannie by the
foze it come,that when it ig come to palle,pe permiſſion of
might belecue. ‘ od.
30 Hereatter will J not ſpeake many u Satan hall af-
things unto you s foz the * pince of this faile me with all
World commech,and hath “nought inme. his force, buthe
31 Butit is that the mold may know that ſhal not find thae -
J loue my Father: and as the Sather hath inme whichhe
COMMANDED niee (0 J] Doe, Arile, let vs goe looketh for: for
f Inthat,thae H
in Chrift, be» doeth the workes.
g Inthat, that 11 Beleeue mee, that J amin the Father,
heis man. and the Father in mes: at che leatt, belecue
h Whodecla- me fo? the very wozkes fake.
rethhisMaictie *12 Clerelp,verelp J fay vnto vou,hee that
and vertue by his “belecuech in me,the works that J] Bo,ihe Hal
do@rine and mie
i This isreferred
to the whole bo-
dy of theChureh,
in whom this
vertue of Chrift
De allo,and greater then thele Wal he Do: fog
Igoe vnto my Father. i
13 *And whatloeuer pe alke tn my Mame,
that wil J doe, thatthe Father map bee glo-
rifiedin the Sonne. id i
14 Jf ve thal alke any thing in my Mame,
J wil Bo it.
` doth thine and 15 Hl ype lone nee, keepe mp Commande-
remaine for euer. melts,
Chap.16.23, 16 And J will pray the Father, he hall
matth. 7.7. giue pou another * Comtozter, that bee may
markett.24. abide with you foz euer,
zames 1,5. I7 Euen the pirit of! trueth, whom the
A Ihauecom- world cannot receiue, becaute it teeth him
- forced'you whiles not,neither knoweth him; but pe know him:
— Iwaswithyou, for he Dwelleth with you, and thalbe in pou.
but henceforth — 18 J wili not leauc pou conifozcletie ; bur
theholyGhoft J will v come to vou.
~thall comfort I9 Det alittle while, and the world halt
you,andpre= — feemme no moze , but ie all Cee me: becaule
feruc you. Iliue, ve pall line alfo;
ISocalled,be- 20 &t that day hall ye know that Fam
caufehewor- thimy Father and youtnme,and J tn you,
keth in vs the 21 ie that hath mp Commandements,
trueth. and keepeth them,ts he that loucth me: and
m Whichthing be thatloucth mee," atl be loued of inp ffa-
hedoethbythe ther: and J will loue him, and will iewe
vertue of his mine owne felfe to him.
Spirit, 22 Judas lain vnto him (note Jlcariot)
n He hall fenfi-
bly feele that the
Lod, what is the cauſe that thou wit thew
thy felfe unto vs and not vᷣnto the world ?
graccofGoda- _ 23 Jelug anſwered, and fayd vnto him,
bidethinhim, JE any man lone mee, hee will? keepe my
o Butthebro- wo2d.and my Father will loue him, and we
theroffames. will come vnto him, and will dwell with
p Whereby he
aduertifeth them
24. Dee that loucth mee not, keepeth not
hottohauere- my wordes, and the word which pee heare,
ſpect tothe = ts not 4 mine, but the Fathers which tent
world, leftthey meg. ;
fhouldbedrawen 25 Theſe things haue J poken vnto you,
backebyeuill being prelent with pou.
example. 26 But the Comforter, which is the holy
q Thatis, not his
alone: forhe had
nothing (eparate
from his Father,
r Allcomfort,
and profperitie,
Ghot, whom the Father will tende in my
same, hee Wall teach vou all things , and
bring al things to your remembzance,which
Jhaue cold pou. í
27 "Peace J leauc with you + my peace
J stug vnto pou : notas the world giucth,
6 The fweete confolation , and mutual loue
betweene Chrift and ha members vader the para-
ble of the Vine. 18 Of their common af fi:étions
and perfecutions, 26 The office of the holy Ghoft,
and the Apoftlese
jin the true Uine, and my Father is an
_ 2 *Cuery bꝛanch that beareth not fruit
inme, hee taketh away: aud euery one that
beareth fruit,be purgech it, thae tc may being
foorth moze fruit.
3 *fow ate pe cleane though the word,
which J haue ſpoken vnto you.
4 Abide in mer, and J in you : ag the
branch cannot beare fruit of tt felfe, except it
abide in the Cline, no moze can pee, a except
§ Jamthe Cine, peare the branches: he
that abtdeth in mee, and Jin him, che fame
bringeth foorrh much fruit; fox without mee
can pede nothing.
6 Jaman abide not inmec, hee is cat
foosth as absanch, and withereth: and men
gather them,and caſt chem into the fire, and
they burne. :
7 Ikye abide in me, and my > wordes a
bidein pou, afke what pee will, and tt hall
be dong to you. 1
8 Herein is mp Father giai: , that ye
beare much fruit and be made my dilcipies.
9 Asthe Father hath loucd meelo haue
J loued you : continue in d my loue.
10 Ifye hal keep my Conunandements,
pee hall abtdetn my loug, as J baue kept mp
— Commaundements, and abide in
is loue.
Ir Thek things hane Jſpoken vnto you,
that my toy might remaine in pou, and that
your toy might be < full.
12 * bis is mp Commandement , that
ve loue one gnother,as J baue loucd you.
13 Greater lone then tbis hath noman,
when any man beitoweth bis life foz bis
friends. ‘ '
14 Weare my friends, tf pe Doe whatloee
ner J] command you.
I5 Hencefoorth call J you not ſexuants:
for the feruant knoweth not what bis Ma⸗
fter Doeth: but J baue called pou friends: foz
fall things that 3 bane heard of imp Father,
baue J made knowen to you,
16 Dee haue not cholen mec, but aia
Tam that inno⸗
cent Lambe
without Pot.
Matth. 15.82;
Chap.t 3.16.
a Weean bring
foorth no fruit,
except we be in-
gtatfed in Chri,
b We muft be
rooted in Ieſus
Chriſt by faich,
which commet
ofthe word of
God. ;
c Sothatye fol-
low Gads word
which ye com-
prehend by faith.
d Wherewith J
louc you.
e Perfe@and
Chap.13 340
5 .20h8 3. 11.
and 4.3%,
f Sothacthere .
is nothing omit-
ted that is neceſ⸗
fary for vs, and
concerning ous
ith. 28. 19.
g The word alſo
ficnifieth to bee
diligent to efpie
faults to trip one
red their malice,
k Inthat they
refufed Chrilt,ic
taketh from them
allexcufe where-
themelues, asif
they had bezne
very holy,and
without all finne,
For if you did
he Comforter promifed.
choſen you and oxdeined por, * that pee goe
anb bring foosth fruite, and chat pour true
remane, that whaaloruer vee Hall afke
ofthe Father tn mp frame, hee may gine tt
pou. `
17 hele things command J pou, that
ye louz one another. ’
18 JE the wozid hate you, ye Know that tt
bated mebefore pou.
19 It ve were of the world, the worlde
would ioue hrs owne : but becaufe pee are
not of the wo2ld, but J bane choſen pou out
ofthe wozlbe, therefore the wolde hateth
20 Remember the word that J faid vn⸗
to pon, * The feruant is not greater then
bis mater. * TF tyty haue periecutes mee,
they will perfccute pou alio ; tt thep bane
g kept mp wozde, they will alia keepe
b yours. 5 j
21 But all thele things will they to vnto
pou foz my Rames fake, becauſe they haue
not knowen him that fent me,
22 FEF hav not come and ſpoken vnto
thein,thep i thould not haue had finne: but
nov) haue they itok cloke fo: their finne.
' 23 ie that hateth ine, bateth my Father
alo. ~
24 JE J had net Bone workes among
them which none other man did, they had
not had finne: but now paue they beth
psi and paue hated both mes and my Fa⸗
25 But it is that the worde might dee ful-
filled tyat it is weitten tu thew 'Law,* Chey
Hated me me without a cauſe.
26 But when the Comforter Hall come,
* whom J will fend puto you from the fa-
ther, euen the Spirit oftructh, which pro-
ceedeth of the Father,be wail tettifie of me.
27 And pe hall witneſſe allo, becauk pee
haue bene with me from the beginning.
2 Hee putteth them in remembrance of the
crofee, and of their owne infirmitieto comz, 7
And therefore doth comfort them with the promife
of the holy Ghoft. 16 Ofthe comming againe of
Chrift. 17 Ofhis afcenfion. 23 Toaske inthe
Name of Chrift. 33 Peace in Chrift, and inthe
world affliction.
Te things baue F fayd buto pou, that
ye ſhould nar be + offented. *
2 They hal t evcommuntcate you; pea,
the time ſhall come, that whoſdeuer killeth
pou, will rhinke that he doeth God ferutce.
3 And thele things will they Doe vnto
you, becanfe thep haue not knowen the Fas
ther,nozie. —
Wut thete things haue F tom you, that
when the boure Mall comc,pe might remem:
ber that Htold pou then. And thele things
bfayd J not vnto pou fromthe beginning,
becaule J was with pou. i
§ But nowe Ff goe my way to him that
fent me,and none oi pou atkerh nice, ahis
goeſt thou? . y
But becaule J haue fayd thelle things
you-pout hearts are full of ſorow.
7 Pet telivouthe cructh, it is expedi⸗
ent for pou that Igoe away: fort 3 goe not
awar, the Comfoster will uot come vnto
pou; but ik Depart, JF will fend him yuto
pou. x
8 And when he is come he wil? reproue
the world cf nne, and of rightroumeſſe, and
ol tudacrene: :
9 Dke finne, becaufe they beleene not in
1o Off righteoutrefe, becauſe Jgoe to
mp Father and pe fail iee me no moze.
II Oks iudgement, becaule che pince of
this world is tubged.
12 Jhaue per many things to fay vnto
yon but pe cannot bearcthem now, —
13 Yowbeit , when bee ts come which ts
the Spirit of tructh, bee will lead pou into
all trueth: for bee Wall not ſpeake of him-
feife,but whatſocuer bee Wali beare.thatl bee
ſpake, and bee will Hew you the thuigs ‘te
14 He fhal glogthe me ; foz he Wall recetue
of mine, and fjali few tt ynta pou.
Ig Altthings thatthe Father hath, are,
mine; therefore fayd J, that he thallrake of
mine, and thew tt vito you.
16 k A little while,and pe Mall not {ee me:
and againe a little while ana pe fall fee me:
fo:3 'goctomy Father.
17 Chen faid fome of his Dilciples among
themfelues, (Chat is this that be faith ynta
vs, 2 little while, and pe hali not fee me, and
agate, little while,and pe thal (ee meand,
For 3D goe tomy Fathers
18 They faya therfore, Ahat ts this that
Mi lapt Ds A little while? wee Know not what
19 flow Felus knewe that they would
alke him, and fain vnto them, Dope enquire
among your ſelues of that J fard, A itttle
whue,ano pee Mall not fee me: and agatnea
little while,and pe Wall fee me?
20 Gerelp,verelp J lap vito pou, that ye
Wall weepe andlament, and the world hall
retoyce: and pe ſhall ſororo, but pour ſorow
Hall be turned to ioy, A
21 A woman when Mee trauatleth, bath
forow,becaule her houre is come; but affoone
as ihe ís deliuered of the childr, fhe remem:
breth no moze the arguith,foz top that aman
ts borue into the world. F
22 And ye now therfore are in forow; but
J will lee pou magaine,and pour hearts fhal
reioyce, and pour toy al "no man take from
thing.* Clerelp,vevelp J fay vnto you, what:
focuer pe Mail alke the JFather in mp ame,
Ye will giur tt pou. ;
24. Hitherto haue pce alken r nothing in
my frame :alke,¢ pe (hall recetue, that pour
ioy may be full.
23 Audinthat vay halle alke me o now
Aske,and ye fhallhaue. 487
d Or,conuince,
Thisis to be vn-
deiftood of the
comming of the
holy Ghoft when
his ¥ertueand
firengih thall
fhine inthe
e His enemies
which contem-
néd him,and put
him to death,
fhall be conuié
by their owne
con{cience, for
thatthey did not -
AGs 2.37.and
fhall know rhat
without Iefus
Chrift there fs
nothing bur
f Wherefore the
wicked muft
needes confeffe `
that he wasiult,
and beloued of
his Father, and °
not condemned
by bim asablafsi
; phemer or tranfe
g When they
fhall know that
called the carf -a
pentersfonne, ~*~
and willed to -
come downe
from the croſſe)
am the very
Sonne of God
which hau: ouer⸗
come all the `
powers of hell,
and reigne ouer
all, Epkef, 1.195 —
h Thefe things
the do@trine of
the Apoftles
which onely is -
i As tonching
the (piricuall
kingdome of
. s,
God: for the Apoftles krew not that, till after the refurreCtion,: -
k Mine abfence ſhall not beelong
Ghoft, who thall remaine with you for euér,
: for I will fend you the holy
1 From death I paſſe
to glory,and fo I will enduc yeu with mine heavenly vertue. m By
the power and vertue of the holy Ghoft, n. For it (hall be groun-
ded vpon my teſutrection and the grece of the holy
»Ghoft, o For
yee fhall have perfect knowledge , and thallno more doubt asyee
were wont. Chap 14 13. matth.7.7. and 21.22 mar.11.24.luke 11, .
g.samest.5. p In refpe& of that, that you thall obtaine, if you .
aske in faith,
25 Thek
Peacein Chrift.
q Chik denieth
not that heis the
Mediateur, but
fheweth that
they thall obs
tame their re«
queg without
diffcultie or any
Matth.2 6.31.
marke 14,27.
25 Thek things hare J ſpoken bute you
tn parables : but the time will come, when
J ibali na moze ſpeake to you in parabies:
but F pall Hew pou plainelp ofthe Jfa-
26 At that day Gall pealke in my Mame,
and J ap not vnto pou, that J willa pzap
buta the Father for pau.
27 F9 the Father himſelke loucth you,
becauic pe hane loued mez, * and baue belec:
wed that 3 came out from God.
28 Fam come out from che Father, and
came into the world : againe J leaue the
wo2ld,and goe to the Father.
29 iis diſciples ſayd vnto him, Loe, now
—— thou plainely, and thou ſpeakeſt no
30 Row know wethat thou knoweſt all
thingz and necdet not that anp man Mould
alkethee. Bp this we beleeue that thou art
come out from Hod.
P 3I 3 elus anſwered them, Do pou beleeue
32 * Beho, thehoure commeth, and fs
r Although men already come,that pe hall be (cattered euery
forfake Chrift,
etis he no whit
iminifhed t for
heand his father
f Wehaue reft
& comfort when
weare truely
grafted in Chrift,
a Chrift hath all
tule and domini-
on oufr men,
man into hts owne,and thal leaue me alone:
but J ani not’ alone : fo: the Father is with
33 Thele things haue J poken vnto pou,
that f in mee pee might haue peace, in the w
world pe ſhall haue affliction, but be of geca
comfozt : J] haue oucrcame the world.
t The prayer of Chrift unto ha Father,both for
bimſelſe and hu Apoftles, and alſo for all fuch as
receiue the trueth.
78* things ſpake Jefus, and lift bp bis
‘A epes to beauen, and ſayd, Sather, the
houre is came: gloze thy Sonne, that thy
Honne allo may glorifte thee,
2. * Ss chou balk giucn him * power ouer
ali fic, that hee Mould giue cternall life ta
b Which arethe all> them that thou batt giuen bin.
c Thatis, thar
they acknow-
ledge both the
_ Father andthe
Sunnc to be very
3 And thists like eternal,that they know
thee to be the onely bery God, E whom chou
haft Cent, Jeſus? Chꝛiit.
4 Jhane“ qlort&en thee on the carth : J
baue fintihedD tye worke which thou gaucit
me to dee, :
And nowe glorifie mee, thou Father,
d Aswellbydo- withthine owne telfe, with the glozp whic)
cttine as miracles,
e Our election
ftandeth in the
J bad with thee betore the world was.
6 J baue Declared thy Mame unto the
men which thou gancit mz out of the werta:
good pleafure of € thine they were, and thou gauch them me,
God,which is f
-only foundation,
and coufe of our
and they haue kept tiy wo.
7 Nob they know that all things what-
focuer thon hat gwen me,are ofther.
8 Fo: Y haue girn vnto them the words
declared to vsin Which thou gaucit wee, and they haue recet-
- Chrift,through
whom we arein-
fified by faith,
and fanGified,
Rom 8.29,30.
Chap 16.27.
ued them, * and hane knowen furely that 3)
caine out from thee, and haue beleeued that
thou haſt ſent me.
o 3 pray for them: F| pray not fo: frthe
wold, but foz them which thou haſt giuen
ine; fo:theparetbine.
Io Qudatlinine arethine, and thine are
f Thatis, there- mine and 3 am glorified in them.
. ptobate,
IZ And now any Ino moze ws the world,
S. Iohn.
but theſc are in the world. æ 3 come to thee.
Holy Jrather,keepe them tn thy ame, euen
them whom thou hat ginen mee, that they
may be e oue, as Wwe are, 3
12 While J was with them in the world,
3 kept them in thy name: thofe that thou
gauc me, haue J kept, and none of then is
iot, but the » childe of perdition, that the
* |cripture might be fuliilled.
13 Ana nowe come J to thee, andthefe
things (peake F in pwerld, that they might
hauz my toy felGlicd in theinſelnes.
14 J haue giuen them thy word, and the
worlde path hated them, becante they are
i not ofthe world,as {am notof the waiu.
I5 J pray not that thon Gouldeit take
thein outofrhe world, but that thou keepe
them from eutl.
16 Chepare not ofthe would, as Jam
not of the wold. 3
I7 || *Sanetifie than with thp trueth:
thy word ts trueth. Y
18 As thou dioſt fend meinto the wozid,
fo baue F fent then into the world.
Ig Andto: their lakes fanctifie Jimy (elf,
that cup allo may be! fancrited through the
20 3 pray not foz thele alone,but foz them
alfo witch tyallbeiccucin me though their
21 That they ali map bee one, ag theu, D
Father,arttumec, and glin thee; cuenthat
they may be allo one in vs, that the = wod
may beleene that thon bat ſent me.
22 And tie glory that thou gaueſt mee, g
ahane gtuen them, that theymay be one, as
Wwe areone, :
23 J in them, and thou in mee, that they
map be made perfect in one, that the wold
may know that thon haft fent mee, and batt
loued them as thou bali lonca ime.
24 * Father, J wili tbat they which thou
bait einen me, bee ° with me encu where J
am, that thep may behold my glozy, which
thou hak gines mee : Fo: thou loued tine bg-
foze the foundation ofthe wozld.
25 D righteous Father, the wole alſo
hath not knowen thee, but Jhaue knowen
thee, and thele baue knowen that thou hat
fent me.
26 Gnd. J baue declared vnto them thp
Mame, and wili declare it, that the loye
wherewith thou haſt loued mec, nap bee in
them,and J in r them.
3 Chrifti betrayed. 6 The words of ha mouth
faite the oficersto the ground. 10 Peter finiteth
off Malchus care. 13 Iefvs á brought before Ana
nas and Caiaphas, 25 Where Peter denieth hum,
36 He telleth Pilate what he kingdome i.
WV Bin sets had ſpoken thele things,
hee went foorth with bis diſciples o=
uer the brooke * Cedron, where was igar»
Den inp the which bee entred, and his dit
allo the place: foz Jeius oft times reſorted
thither with his diſciples.
3 * Judas
Chane prayer.
-a reame ran af-
ter a great raine,
2 And Judas which betrayed him, keke 1.Kr0g.15.13.
g Thatthey may
be ioyned in vnie
ti¢of faith and
h Hewas fo cale
led,not only for
that he periihed,
but becaufe Ged
had appointed &
ordained him to
this end, A@s 1.
16,18, and 4.275
i but are fepara-
ted by the (pirit
of regeneration,
them to thy felfe.
k Renew them
with thine hea-
uenly grace, that
they only may
feeke thy will.
l Which thing
declareth that
Chrilts holineffe
is ours.
m Thatthe infie,
dels may by ex-
perience bee cone:
uiGed to con-
fefle my glorye
n Ihaue ſhewed
them the exam-
pieand paterne
of perfe& felicis
o Thatthey may,
profit and grow
vp in fuch fort,
that is the end
they may enioy
the eternall glory,
with me,
p For without
him we cannot
comprehend the
loue wherewith
God loueth vs
a Which was ~
deepe valley
through ¥ which
Wat.26,36 mar.
14-3 2dsk, 22.39
kuke 22.47:
b rhe which Fe
had obteined of
the gouernour
of the Temple,
Luke 32.
fd Whofent
Chrift vnto Caia»
phas the high
[Prick bound,
e Although this
office was for
terme of life by
Gods ordinance,
yet the ambition
Chriftis taken and bound.
fand difentionof
3 * Judas thenafter Hee had receiued a
b hand of men œ officers of the high Putelts,
and ofthe Dbarifees,camie thither with lan-
terns, and taches and weapons.
4 Then Jeſus knowing ail things that
ſhouid come vnto Him, went loorth and (ata
vnto them, hom leeke pe?
5. Cheyantwered him, Pelusof Maza
ret. Jeſus ſaid vnto them, $ am hee. Mow
— allo which betrayed hun, ſtood with
6 Acone then ashe had fatd vnto hem,
Jam hee, they went backwards, and fell to
the grount. f
7 Then hee altzed them agains, Them
feche pe? And they fain, Fels of asaret.
8 Jeſlus anſwered, J iew vito pou, that
Jam Ye: therloze fpe ſceke melet chele goe
teit wap. k
9 This was that the wow might be fuil-
led which hee fpake,* « Df them which thon
gaueſt me, haue 3 lot none.
10 Then Simon [eter haninga fwod,
Mew it, and finote the high Pieits ſeruant.
and cut oft his right eare. Mow tHe ſeruants
name was Halchus.
IL Then iait Jefus unto Weter, Aut vp
| thy Gwo2d inte the heath: Mal J net minke
ofthe cupwhich my father hath ginen me?
I2 Chenthe band and the captaine, and
the officers of tye Jewes tooke Jetus, anv
bound hin,
13 And ledde him away to *¢ Annas iri
| Cfoz bee was father inlawe to Cataphas,
which was the hie Prieſt· the ſame peere)
14 “Gnd Caiaphas was hee that gaue
counfell to the Jewes,that it was cxpedient
that one man ſhould dte faz the people.
I5 € * Mow Simon Peter followed Je:
fus,and an other difciple, and that diſcipie
was knowen of the hte Picit: therefore hee
inei with Jeius into the hall okthe high
ict. ]
16 But Peter ſtoode at the Deore with:
out. Chen went out the other diſciple. with
was knowen vnto the die Peielt, and (pake
8 her that kept the doore, and brought in
17 Tien faid the maide that kept the
Doone buto eter, Art not thou alfo one of
this mans dilciples? he fain, 3 am not.
18 And the ſeruauts and officers ſtoode
there, which had made a fire of coales : fog
it was colos, and they warmed themſelues.
And Heter allo toode among them, and
warmed himeife,
19 € (Tbe bigh Weick then afked Fieis
of hts diſciples, and of his Doctrine.
20 Jelus anlwercd him, J pake f openly
to the mold: F euer taught ta the Dyna»
gogue and in the Temple, whither the
Jewes velot continually,and tn ſecret haue
Ji faim nothing. — i
21 (dy alkett thou mezafke them which
heard mee what F faid vnto them: behold,
they know what F laid. i
22 Chen he had poken theſe things,one
of the officers which ſtoode by, ſmote Jems
with bis rod, laying, Aniwerelt thou the hie
Pꝛieſt fe?
23 Jelus anſwered him, JET bane euill
Chap. xviij.
(poken, brate witneſſe of the cuil: but ify
hatte weil ſpoken, why ſintteſt thon nic?
24. G*fQow Annas hat eſent him bound
vnto Catapyas the bie Prieſt.)
25 * 4nb Gimon Peter toone and war,
med himſelfe, and they laid vnto him, Art
not thou alſoof his diſciples? ier denied it
and ſaid, J am not. i
26 One ofthe feruants of the bte etek,
bis couſin, whole care Peter Gore off,
iid Did not 7 ize thee iv the garden wich
27 Weter then Denied againe and imne-
iatly the cocke crew.
28 @ * Lien led they Jeſus from Cais-
phas into the common hall. owe tt was
moning, and they themlelnes went not
into the common ball, let chev ould bee
*Defiled but that they might cate the alle
29 Pilate then went ont vnto theu, and
fata, iyat acculation bing pee againſt this
30 Thep anfwered.and (aid vnto hin, JE
be were uot an enil Doct, we would not haut
Deliucred him vnto thee.
. 30 Ahen {aid Pilate vnto them, Take
h yee hint, and iage him atter pour owne
Law. Chenthe Jewes (Aid vnto him, It
is a ilatofuil foz bs to put any man to
32 Tt was that the wo: of Jelus* might
be fulfilled which he ſpake, fignifping what
Death he Hould die, $ À
33 * Go Pilate entred into the common
ball againe, and called Telus, and fad pute
him, Art thon the king of the Jewes?
34 Telus anhwered dim, Hayet thou that
of thy lelfejoz Did other tell it thee okme?
35 Pilate anſwered, Am J a Jewe?
Chine owne nation, and the igh Parettes
baue Deliuercd thee unto mec. Uhat halk
thou done? f
36 Jelug anfwered, My kingdome fs
not of this kwo: : if my kingdome were
of thts wold, mp ſernants would fureip
tight, that Jſhouid not bee Delinered to the
Sita but now ts my kingdomte not from
37 Pilate then faid vnto him, Art thou
a King then? Jelusanhvered, Chon lapet
that J am a King:fo: this caule amg bome,
and foz this canie came J inte the world,
that J ſhould beare witnetle visto tye truth:
euery one that ts of the tructh, beareth my
38 Pilate faid buto him, | Chat is truth?
and when hee had faid that, bee went ont a-
gaine vite the ewes, and ſaid vnto them,
J findetn him ne taule at all.
_ 39 _* But pou bane an cufteme, that J
ſyould deliver you one loofe at the Paſſeo⸗
ucr: will you then that FZ loole pute you the
King of the Jewes? }
40 * Then cricd they all againe, faping,
Not bim, but Barabbas ; now this Barabs
bas was á murtherer.
1 When Pilate could not afwage the rage of the
Iewe: againtt Christ, heodeliuereth him up —
Peters deniall.
marke 14.530
luke 22.54,
g Afterthat
Cutaphas had :
firft (ent him:
to him.
mark. 14:67. liska
15. 1. luke 23. i
Act. io 28,
anda L3.
h He fpake this -
difdaine fully,
becaule they
were fo benta-
gainft all righe
and equitie.
1 Asitthey
fhould fay, Thou
wilt not fuffer vs >
to dee it: for he
knew was
not permitted
tothem by the
Romanesto pu-
nifh with death,
Matth, 279.08.
marke 15.2,
luke 23,3.
k Ie flandeth
not in fireneth
of men norin
worldly defence,
l This wasa
mocking and
difdaincfull .
marke 1 5.6»
tuhe 23.57
m This wasone«
of theirblinde
abufes: forthe
Lawe of God
gaue no libertie
to quit a wicked
AGS 3,040.
No power but from aboue.
hu fupzr[eription to bee hanged betweene two
thiewes, 23 They cafi lots for lus garments. 26 He
_ commendeth his mather vato Lohn, 18-Calleth for
a Hethoughrto
haue pacified the
fury ofthe Iewes
by fome indiffe-
-rent correQion.
b He fpake in
mockerie, be-
caufe Chrift cal-
led himfelte
e Chriftwas in
deede the Sonne
of Gad, & there-
fore might iuftly
` callhimfelfe fo
without breach
ofthe Lawe:
coloured acci-
-= fation was falfly
- applied,
d Hereby hee
. fheweth him,
that he oughe
not ro abufe his
office and au-' .
~ thoritie,
£ Aplacefome-
what high and
railed vp,
f Which was
mid day.
drinke, 33 dieth, and his [ide ú pierced andtaken
downe from the croffe, 38 He u buried.
T ————— tooke Jeſus anda ſcourged
2 And the loulBiers platted a crowne of
thozues,and puit it on his head, and they put
on him a purple garment, ©
2 And fad, Vaile, Ring of the Jewes.
Ann they fmrote bim with their rods,
4 Then Pilate went foorth agatne,and
faid puto them, Behold, J burg him koorth
to pou, that pee map knowe, that J linde no
fault in btm at all. :
5 Then came Jelus foorth wearing a
crowne of thanes , an? apurple garment.
And Pilate {a puta them, © Webold the
6 Then when the high Pets and of
ficers faw him, they cried, faying, Crucitic,
cruciite him , Pilate ſaid vnto them, Cake
pe bim, and cricitie him: fo? J Aude no fanit
The Jewes anlwered him, Uee hane
à lawe, and by our lawe bee ought to die,
Voge hee made himlelfe the ‘Donne of
9 .
8 ¶ Ahen Pilate then heard that wod,
He was the moze afraide,
9 And went againe into the common
ball and taid vnto Jelus, (ibence art thou?
But Fetus gaue him none anſwere.
10 Then faio Pilate vnto hint, Hpea-
kel thou not vnts mee? Knowelt thou not
that J] bane power te crucifie thee,and baue
power to looſe thee?
It Jeſus anſwered, Chou coauldeſt haue
no 4 power at all agaiuſt mee,ercept it were
ginen thee from aboue: therefore bee that
rea meg unto thee, ath the greater
12 From thencefoorth Pilate fought to
toole him, but the Jewes cried, ſaying, JF
thon deliuer him, thou art not Celars friend:
for whoſoeuer maketh himſelfe a King, pea:
keth anatntt Ceſar.
3 Uhen Pilate heard that word,
Hee brought Jels foorth , and fate Downe
in the tũdgement feate in a place called
* Pauement, and in Hebrewe, Gab-
14. And tt was the preparation of the
Waiteouer, and about the f firt boure: anv
an fayde inte the Jewes , Behold pour
Ig But they ceted, Away with him, away
with hun, crecifie him . Pilate ſayde onto
Maith.37. 33.
market 5.21.
duke 23.26.
g Which was
the place of
them, Adal 3 crucifte your Ring? The high
Duets anſwered, ice haue no King but
16 Then deltuered hee him vnto them to
bfcructied. * And they tooke Jeſus and len
him away.
17 And he bare hfs croffe, and came tnto
a place named of deadmens (kulles, which is
calted in Hebrew, s Golgotha:
18 Cibevethey crucified hin, and tivo g»
ther with himon gither ide one, and Felis
in the mips.
19 € And Pilate wꝛote alſo a titie, and
put it oñ the croſſe, and it was witten, 1E-
20 This title then read many of the
Sewes: for the place where Jeius was crue
cifted was nere to the citic;and tt was wait ·
ten in Hebrew Greeke, and Latine,
21 When ſaid the high jrieftes of the
Mewes to Pilate, CUrite not, Che King of derandic,
the Jewes, but chat pee laid, J am ing of
the Jewes. i
22 Pilate anfwered, That J hane wit
ten, J baue witten. *
23 @ Then the * ſouldiers, when they
bad crucified Jelus, teoke hts garments,
and made foure parts, to euery ſouldier a
Part, and his coate, and the coate was with:
u ftame, wonen from the toppe thorotgs
24 Therefor they fain one to another,
Let p3 not Buide tt, but caf lots toz tt,
whofe tt hall be. This was that the: {cripture
might be futten, which faith , * Chey pare
ted ny garments among them, andon mp
coat DID caſt tots. So the ſouldiers did theig
things indeed. ,
25. Then ttoode by the croſſe of Jeſus
bis mother, and bts mothers fitter, Marte
He wife of || Dieaphas, and Warie Mpagdas
26 And when Jelus faw bis mother.and
the diſciple ſtanding by, wham bee toucd,
bee faid vnto his mother, Toman, behold
27 Chen laid heeto the diſciple, Behold
thy mothers and from that boure the dilciple
tooke ber home unto bin,
28 @ after, wien Jelus knewe that all
things were performed, thatthe *Dcripture
Might be fulftiled, he faid, g thirk.
29 And there was ſet a veflell full of vi⸗
neger: and they filled a ſpunge with vines
ger, and k putit about! an hyſſope ſtalke, and
put ít ta his mouth.
30 Mow when Jelus had receiued of the
bineger, he fatd, » It ts finehed, and bowed
His head, and gauc vp the ghoſt.
31 Che Jewes then (becaule it was the
Pxeparation, thatthe bodtes onld not re-
maine Dpon the crofle on the Sabbath day:
for that Sabbath was anrhic Dap)befonght
{Pilate that their leas might be broken, and
that they night be taken Downe,
32 Chencamethe fouldiers , andbrake
the legs of the Art, and of theother, which
was crucified witi Teius, |
33 ut when they came to Jefus, and*
ſaw that hee was Dead already, they brake
not his legs. La
34 But one of the fouldiers with a ſpeare
© pierced his fide, and forthwith came there
outhlood and water. -
35 And Hee that law it, bare record, and
his record is teue: and hee knoweth that hee
faith true, that peemtghtbeleencte,
26 So thele things were done, that the
* Scripture Hhould bee fulfilled, Mot abong
of him thail be baoken. —J
37 And againe another Scripture faith,
*Ehep hail (ee bim whome they bane Zechsa,10.
The fouldiers caftlots.
_k Or, fattened it’
h Becaufe all na-
trons might vn-
marke 5 24
take 23. 345)
i That which
was prefigured
in Dauid, was ac-
comphthed in le-
fus Chrift.
lOr, Çlopas,
Pfal 69.22.
vpon an hyffope |
Malke, A
1 It may appeare :
that the croffe
was not hie, ſee⸗
ing aman might |
reach Chie 4
mouth with an
hy flope Raike,
whichas appea-
reth, 1.Kings
4,22. was the
loweſt among
herbs,as the ce-
dar was higheft
among trees,
m Mansfaluatie:
on is perfeéted
by the onely fa-
criace of Chrift,
and all the cere-
moniesof the
Law are ended.
n Becaufe the da:
of the Paffeouer
fell on the Sab.
barth day.
o Which decla⸗
reth that he was
dead indeed as
herofe againe
from deathto
Exod,t2 46,
NUM 92.
marke 15 4243
hake 23.50,5%.
Thar is to fay,
efore Chriftes
q This honoura:
ble buriall was
asa preparation
and entrie vnto
the refurreGion.
Marke I 6.3.
luke 24.1,
a She departed
from home be-
fore day, and
came thither a⸗
bout the funne
‘filing, Mar,16,2.
Or,22p kin e
b Thatis,Iohn
hrifts refurrection.
thut though. Á
38 “And atter thele things Joleph of Ari-
mathea, (who was a Diſciple of Jeſus, but
P fecretlp tez feare of the Fewes) beſought
Pilate that hee might take Downe the body
of Jelus. And Pilate gaue hun licence. Yee
came then and tooke Jielus body. ·
39 And there came * allo Nicodemus
(which Griticame to Jeſus by night) ana
brought of myzrhe and aloes mingled togee
ther about an hundzeth pound.
40 4 Then tooke they the body of Felus,
and wrapped it in linnen ciothes with rhe
—— as the maner of the Jewes isto
41 And in that place where Jeſus was
crucified, was a garden, and in the gardena
na fepulchze, wherein was neuer man pet
42 There then latde they Jelus, becaule
of the Jewes Pꝛeparation day,foz the ſepul⸗
t Marie Magdalene commeth tothe fepulchre,
3 So doe Peter and Jobu, 12 Thetwo Angels ap-
peare. 17 Chrift appeareth to Mary Magdalenes
19 And to all his difcsples. 35 The sncréedulstie of
Thomas. 28 Ha confeffion.
Ne * the firt day of the weeke came
Darie Magdalene, earely when it was
pet a Darke, vnto the fepulchze, and fawe the
ſtone taken away from the tombe.
2 Chen hee ranne,and came to Dimon
Deter, and to the other arlciple, whom Fe»
us loued, ans faid wntothem, Chey haue
taken alway the Lo: out of theleputcine,
on wee knowe noc where they haue lave
3 Peter therefore went foozth , and the
ooet Dilciple, and they came vnto the {e>
pulchze. i
4 So they ranboth together, but theo.
ther Ditciple did outrun Peter, and came
fitto the ſepulchze.
_§ And hee Louped Downe, and fawe the
linnen clothes lying: pet went he notin. |
6 Chencame Dimon Peter following
bim,and went tute the Sepulehze, and faw
the linnen clothes lie pies
7 And the || kerchicie that was vpon his
bead, not iping with the linnen clothes, but
Wrapped together ina place by tt (elfe,
8 Then wearin allo the > ocher diſciple,
which wrote this which came firit to the lepulchee, and be law
c Hebeleeued
that Chriftes
body was taken
as Mary repo:ted.
llOr, to their com-
mark. 16,2.
it,and ¢ belecued.
9 Foras yet they knew not the Scripe
ture,that beimu trile againe from the Dean.
Io And the Diſciples went away againe
vnto their lowie iome. 3
ILe * But Marie toode without at the
fepulchre weeping: and as thee wept, thee
bowed her (etfe into ihe (epulchec,
12 And law twe Angels in white, fitting,
theoneat the head, and the other at the feet,
where the bodyvf Jeſus had layen.
13 And they fais vito her, (oman, why
weepeſt thou 2. Dbec laid vnto them, Thep
pane taken away my Loyd, and know not
Chap. xx.
where thep haue layd him,
14 bhen thee had thus faid, hee turned
Thomas diftrufteth. 489
ber telfe backe,and faw Jeſus ſtanding, and
knew net that it was Jeſus.
Is Jeſus faith vnto ber, Toman, why
weepett thou? whom (eekett thou? Sbe fup»
poling that bee had beene the gardiner, fata
Unto hun, Str, t€thou bat bone kim hence,
tell me where thon paft layd him, and J will
take him away.
16 Jeſus ſaith onto her, Darie. Zhe turs
ned her tette, and fain vnto him, Rabbont,
which ts te ſay, Maſter. i
17 Jes taith vnto her, Couch me not,
fo: Jam not pet oaſcended tomy Father,
but goe to mp ¢ Siethzen,and Tap vnto them,
J aicend onto my Father, ant to your Fa⸗
thet,and to my Hod, and pour f Goo.
13 Warie Magdalene came and told the
Dilciples, that thee bad (eene the £ 02D, anv
that be bad ſpoken thele things vnto her.
Ig ¶ * The lame dap thenat night, which
twas the Arik day of the wecke. and when the
e doores Were {hut where the Diitiples were
alfembicd foz feare of the Jewes, came Fie-
{us and food inthe midi,and faid ro them,
h Peace be vnto pou. d
20 And when hee had fo laid, hee ſhewed
vnto them his hands, and bis line. Chen
ad * diſciples glad, when they had ſeene
e Lod.
21 Then Laid Jelus vnto them againe,
Peace bento pou ; as mp Father ſent mee,
to fend J pou.
22 And when hee had faid that, he i bea-
thed on them, and lata vnto them, Recetue
the holy Ghot, ‘
23 *Gibheloeuers finnes yee remit, they
are remitted vnto them; and wholocners
finnes pee retaine,they are retained.
24 @ But Thomas one of the ttwelue,
callcdD Didpmus, was not with them wher
Jeſus came.
25 The other diſciples therefore faid bre
to him, He haue ſeene the Lozd: but hee faia
vnto thent, €rcept J fee in hts bands the
print of the naples, and put my Anger inte
the || print of the naples, and put mine hand
into bis five, q will not beleeue tt, =
26 CAnd eight dayes after, agatne his
Diltiples were within, and Thomas with
them. Then came Jelus when the Doos
were ſhut, and Roode in the mids, and (aid,
Peace be vnto pou.
27 After, ſaid hee to Thontas, Put th
finger here, and fee inp hands, and put forti
thine handand put it into my five, ana bee
not fatthleffe but faith full. :
28 Then Thomas anfwered, and fain
Yuto him, Thou art my Loꝛd, and my God.
29 Jems fatd buto him, Thomas,becauſe
thou hat feene mee, thou belecucit: bleſſed
they that hauek not (ene , and haue be-
30 ¶ And many other ſignes alfo oid
Jeſus tn the preleuce of hts Dilciples, which
ate not witten in thisbooke,
31 But thele things are witten, that
pee might belecue, that Jeſus ts the Cheiſt
the Sonne Celie tigen enar ate:
uing pee might haue life thaough bis ame.
gy s9 Dag g CHAP
d Becaufefhee
was too much
addi&ed to the
corporal pre-
fence, Chrift
teachech her to
lift vp her mind
by faith into
heauen, where
onely after bis
Afcenfion he
where we fic
with him at the
right hand wf
tbe Father.
e Thatis,the
difciples for he
wasthe firft
borne among
many brethrea,
f Fie is our father
and our Ged,
becaufe tefus
Chrift is our
brother, ;
Mar.16.14, luke’
24:36. 1 cer. 13.5
g So thge no man
opened him the
doores, but by
his disine power
he caufed them
to open of their
owne accord,
as of Peteris
and 12.10.
h Or, all protpe-
ntie: which maa=
ner of greeting
the lewes vied.
i To give them
greater power
and vertue to
execute that
weightie charge
that he. wonld
commit vnto
Matth 18,28.
lOr, place,
k Which depend
vpon the fimpli-
citic of Gods
word,and ground
not them!clues
vpon mons ſenſe
and reafon.
Chap 22 24s
The drau ght of fithes.
POr, lake of Ge-
a Albeit they
knewhimnot able at all to Draw tt foz the multicudeof f-
etthey followed Mes. :
eeek bs 7 Therefor fain the dilctple whom Je-
eaufetheyhad . fus loued vnto Jeter, Ie is the Losd.cGien
allnighttaken . Simon Jeter heard that it was the Lozd,
painesin vaine, he girded pts > coate to him (foz be was nas
bIcwasfome ked) and catt bimlelfe into the tea.
linnen garment, 8 But the other dilciples came by hip
which fifhers Cfo? thep wert not far Froniland, but about
viedtoweare, . tesohundzeth cubits) and they Drew the net:
which being with ies. í
_tnffed vnto 9 As foone then as they mere come to
him, couered his
x Christi appeareth to ha difciples againe. 15
He commandeth Peter earneftly to feede his fheep.
. 38 He forewarneth him of hw death.a5 Of Çhrifis
ma niſold miracles.
Ftet theſe things, Telus ſhewed himfeite
A againe to bis diſciples at the Jira of Ti-
berias: and chus ſhewed be himfeife.
2 There were together Simon Peter,
and Thomas which ts called Didymus,
aud s2athanacl of Cana in Galtle, andthe
(sents of Zebedeus, and two other of his ail
A Dimon Peter ſaid bnto them, 3 goe a
fying. Thep lai vnto hun, Cdice alfo will
go with thee. Thep went their wap, and en-
tred tnte a ſhip ſtraightway, and that night
Caught hep nothing.
4 But when the morning was nowe
come, Telus ſtood on the wore: neuerthelelie
the diſciples knew not that it was Jefiis.
§ Jeſus then fad vate them! Dirs, haue
yee anp meate? They anlwered bim, No.
6 Chenbe faid vnto them, Cat out the
neton the right fide of the hip, and pe hall
finde. Ho tiep a cat out, and they were not
land, they faw hot coales,and Al laid theres
neither pasts, and on.and bꝛead. :
alfoletred not 10 Jeſus faid vnto them, Being ofthe f-
hisfwvimming. ¶ ſhes, which yee haue now caught.
__ IT Sunon Peter ſtepped forth and drew
the net to land kull ot great Aies, an pun-
deeth fiftte and thꝛee: and albeit there were
{fo many,vet was not the net broken.
12 Jels laid vnto them,Come,and dine.
And none of the difciples durſt alke him,
CCihe art thou,fecing they Knew that he was,
the Lezd.
13 Felis then came,and tooke blean, and:
gaue them, and fiſh likewiſe
14 This is now the third time that Je·
fus ewed himſelfe to bis diſciples, after
that be was rifenagaine fromthe Dead.
Iş €Ho when they had dined. Jeſus {ato
ta Simon Peter, Htinon the fonne pf Jlo-
na, < loueſt thou me moze then thele? ive (ald
yuto bin, Dea Lord, thou knoweſt that J
laue thee. Hee ſayde vnto hun, Feede my
16 De Rid tI him againe the ſecond time,
Dimon the fonne of Jona, loueſt thou mec?
Vee laid nato hun, Wea Loz, thou knowelt
that 3l loue thee. ie daid puto him Feede mp
17 He ſaid vnto him the 4 third time, Hi:
mon the ſonne of Jana, loueſt chou mee? Pe·
ter was forte becaule be faid co bint the third
time, Louch thou mee? and fara vnto him,
Loyd, thou knowelt all things: thou know-
eft that Jloue thee. Jeſus ſayde vnto him,
Feedemy heepe. f
18 Cerily, verily Fl fay unto thee, (Aber:
thou waft peung, thou girded thy feifeand
walkedſt whither thon wouldeſt: but when
thou thaltbee olde, thou ſhalt ſtretch foorth
thine hands , and another Halle gird thee,
aud leade thee whither thou wouldeſt not,
19 And thus ſpake he figntiping bp what
Death he ould glozifie Sod. And when hee
had faid this, be laid to htm, Follow mee. '
20 Then Peter turned about, and ſawe
the difciple whom Jeſus loued, following,
which bad alfo* leaned on his brea at lup-
per,and had faid, Lozd, whichis be that be-
traveth theg?
21 (Aben Peter therefore faw bim, hee
fane to Jelus, Lod, what Hall this man
oce d
22 Jeſus faid vnto him, JEF will chat he
— til J come, what isit to thee? followe
23 Then went this woma abꝛoad among
the bzethren, that this Diſtiple ſhould not
die. Det Jelus faid not to him, We Mall not
Die: but, JFF will chat hee tarie till J come,
what ts itto thee? ; j J
24 This ts that dilciple which tekkifteth
of theſe things, and wore thele things, and
we know that bis teftimonte is true.
25 “Rowe there are alb many other
things which Jeſus aw, the which ik they
Mhouid bee witten euery one, fF fuppole the
world could not containe the bookes that
fyould be weltten, Amen,
5 The Ades ofthe holy Apoftles,
written by Luke the Euangelift. !
CHR aftcr hisalcenfionperformed bis promife to his, Apolt'es, and fent them the holy Ghi ft
declaring thereby that hee was not onely mindefull of bis Church , tur would bee the head and
niaintaincr thereof for euer, Wherein alfu his mightic power appeareth, who notwithitanding that Sa⸗
tan and the world refilted neuer fo much againft this noble worke,yet by a few fimple men ofno repu-
ration, replcnithed allthe world with § found of his Gofpel. And here in the beginning of the Church, |
and in the incrèafe thereof,we may plainly perceiue the praife & malice which Satan continually vfeth
to fappreffe & cuerthrow the Golpel: he rifeth confpiracies,tumults,commotions, perfecutions,flaun-
_ders,& all kind of cruelty. Againe we (hal here beboid the prowidence of God,who ouerthroweth bis’
tnemes corerprifes, delinereth his Church from she rage of tyrants, firengthcneth & encourageth his
3 mog
Feede my fheepe. 1
Sought to content
c The Minier
cannot wel teach
his congregatis
on,exceprhee |.
luc Catiſt eff·
ctually, which 3
loue is not in
them that feede *
not the flocke.
d Becauf Peter
fhould be eſfta ~
blithed in‘his of< ·
ficeofanApo- |
file, Cori cau.
feth him by thefe
three times con-
fcfling, to wipe
away the (hame
of bis three times
e Inftead ofa
girdle, thou fhalt
betiedwith bands.
and ceardes:.
and whereas now
thou goeſt at li-
bertie,then thou
fhalt be drawen
to punifhment,
when thy: fleh
fhalt after a fort
i Chap 20.30 i
f But God would
notchargevs ~-
with fo great an
heape: feeing
therefore that we
haue fo much as
is neceffurie,we
our feluesand
praife bis mercie,
Chrifts af cenſion.
and chat che end of one afflidion ist ut $ beginning of another: Yet neuertheleffeGod turneth tk etrou-
bles,perfccutions, imprifonings and tentaticns of his to a Sood iffue,giwing them as it were, in forrow,
ioy: in | onds,ttc ede me:in pron deliverance : in trouble quietne fle; in death, life, Finelly this kooke
centaineth many excellent Sermons of the Apofiles and diſciples, as touching the death, 1elurre@ion,
and afcenfion of Chriſt. The mercie of God. Of the grace and remiflion of finne through Ieſus Chrifte
Oi the blefiedimmortalitie, An exhortation to the miruſters of Chrift Bocke, OF repentance, and
feare of God, with other princpail points of cur faith : fo that this oncly bors in a maner may bee
fufficient to inſſruct a man inall true doctrine and Religions
; Cy Ac Pi i
7-:The wordes of Chrifi and his Angels tothe
Apofties. 9 Hisafcenfien. 14 Wherein the A-
poftles are occupied tell the holy Ghoft be feat. 26
And of the election of Matthias.
> Wane made the foxmer
3treatiſe, O Theophilus,
ofall that Feis began
A to? sc, ane teach,
a Whereby is
meant Chiiftes 4 2 Clutil rhe Day, that
do@tine and his he was taken vp, alter
miracles declared >” that be thoough the holy
SED 2S hok, had guien > com:
vntotye: Apoilles, whem ke
forthe confirma- É
tion of the fame; ae ents
b Topreachthe Jad choſen: f
— 3 To whom allo hee preſented himſelke
c Whoasthey altucafter that be gad Cuitered, by manyin:
were calledby fallible tokens, being ſeene ef them by rhe
God,fohaithey {pace of fourtte dayes and (peaking ef thome
their confciences things which appertaine tothe * kingdome
afuredby bis of Gov.
holy Spirits 4 And when he hade gathered them tos
d Whereby God gether, be commanded themthat thrp tonta
rcignethin vsa, NOt Depart from Jerufalem, but to waite foz
e Becaufe they
fhould bee all
the promile of the father,” which, Rid he, pee
haue heard of me.
witneffes of his s * fo John in deed baptized with wa-
aſcenſion. ter but yee Hallbce baptized with the! bolp
Gholt within thele few dapes.
Luke 24.49.
: ~, © 6 denthep chereloze were come toges
iohn 14.26.
and 15:26. ther,thep alked of hint, faptng, LoD, wilt
and i6.7. thon 2 at thts time rentre the kingdome to
Matth. 3. 11.- Jiraci :
make r8, 7 And hefaid vnto then, It ts not fo: pou
dake 3160 to Know the "tines, o: the tealons,which the
304 1.26. Father hath putin his owne power,
_chap.2.2. 8 Wut pe hall reccine power of the holy
and 11.166 Gok when he Wal come on pou:and ye hal
and 19,4: beei witneſſes vnto mee both in Jerufalem,
f Thariswith and inal Judoce and in Samarta,and vnto
thofe fpirituall , thet vttermoſt part ofthe earth. y
graces,whichte. 9. ‘Aud when be hadlpoken thele things,
fi: onely giveth while rhep beheld. bee was ! taken wp; fora
clad tooke him wp out oftheir ſight.
by bis Spirit. t
To And while thep looken ttcofaitly to-
g This declareth
mans impatien-
cie who cannot
abide quietly till
ward heauen, as hee Went, behoid, © two
men itest by them in white apparell.
IL hich allo fayde, Vee men of Galile,
Gods appointed twbp tana pse. gazing tito heauen? Thig
time come, but ‘ ; :
“would hauc all thirgs accomplifhed according to their affections,
Reade Zachar,6.14. h For this paffeth our capacitie, and God re-
ferveth it to himfelfe. i To flaadinthe face of the whole worlde,
which fignificch that they muff enter into heaven by afflictions, and
“therefore mutt fightbefore they get the viftorie k Hereby they
migbticerne that the Meffias was not onely for the ewes, but alfo
forthe Gentiles, Luke 24g. l. Whercby they knew certainely
“whitherhe went. m VWahtch were Angelsimmensforme, n And
fecking him with carnall eyes.
Telus, which ts taken vp from you into bea
uen Wall o fo come,as pee paue eene him goe
into heauen.
12 @ Chen returned they vnto
lem from che mount that ig called the mount
of Oliues, which is necre to Ferulalem, coi
taining a r Sabbath dayes iournty.
13 And when they were come in, they
went vp into an vpperchamber , where a
bodebath Heter, and James ano Johu,and
Andpew.jopuip, and Thomas, Wartlemew
and Matthew, James the fonve of Alphe ·
BS, AND Simon Zelotes, and Judas James
_ 14 Viet ail continued with one g accoꝛd
in payer and {upplication with the Wg-
men, and Wary tye mother of Jeus, and
wit) his bretheen. |
_ 15 (And tn thoſe dayes Peter Koode vp
in the middes of the Dricipics, and ayd,
(now the number of || names that were tit
one place, were about an hundzeth and
twenitte )
16 Pe men and brethzen, this Scripture
mui necdes haue beene fulfilled, which che
*boly Ghot by the mouth of Dauid Pake
before of Judas, which waa” guide terbem
rhat tooke Jeſus. ;
17 Foꝛ hee was numb:cd with bs, and
* obtained | feliowhjip in this mintitra:
18 Vee therefore hath purchaſed a ficlae
With the reward of intquirte : and when he
* had thzowen Downe himicife peablong, be
brait afunder in the mids, and all hts hows
cls guſhed out,
19 And itis knowen vnto all the inhabi
tants of Jerufalem, inſomuch that that Held
is cailed tn their owne language, Aceldama,
tbat te, The field of blood,
20 foz it is witten in the booke of
Pſalmes, Let his habitation be voide, and
let no man dwell therein: alla * tet another
take bisli charge. -
21 Ciiherefoxe , of hele men which bane
companied with vs, all the time that the
Lod Felis was + convierfant among ùg,
22 Beginning front the Baptiſme of
Jobn, vnto the day that bee was taken vy
froin vs, muit one of then be made a witnes
With vs of bise reſurtection.
23 And theip peelentcd wo, Toft ph cal-
led Barſabas, whole ſurname was Futus,
and Matthias.
24 And they prayed, faping, Thon Lod
which knoweit the hearts of all men, ewe
whether of thel ttoo * chou pait chotn,
The reward of iniquities 490
woſt valiantly & conftantly to fotow their captaine Chrift,leetfing as ĩt were by this hiſtorie a perpetual
memoric to the Churchthat the croffe is fo ioyned withthe Goſpel, that they are fellowes infeparable,
o As the true re-
desnici to gather
vs yntohim,
p Which was
two mile,accore
ding to the [ewes
traditon, albeic
it was not fo ap-
pointed bythe
q A lively patera
to learne how to
diſpoſe ourfelues
— the
ilts of the hol
r Partlyto obe ⸗
taine the boly-
Ghoft,end partig
to be delizered.
from the prefent.
fOr nies
llOr ner.
The offence
which might
Iudas fall, isheree
by taken away
becanfe the `
Scripture had ſo
forew arned, Foe
Pal 41.9.
Tob 13,27»
and 18.2,3,
lOr. poi tion.
t Perpetuallin-
famie¢ is the re⸗
ward of all fuch
as by vnlau fully
gatten goods
buy any thing,
Matth 27 5.
Pfal 69.25.
| Ox. muniflerz.
1Greeke, went ia
and went out.
u In that hee
mentionech the
principell ariicle
of cur faith, be
alfo the rets
X Totbeintent
that hee that fhould take in hand that exellent office of an Apofile,
might te chon by the authority of God,
— Dad 2
25 That
The fierie tongues. The Ades. The day of the Lord.
25 That he may take the ronme of this
miniſtration and Apoſtleſhip, from which
— bath gone attray , to goe tobis owne
26 Then they gaue forth their lots: and
tbe let tell on Matthtas, and hee was bya
— conſent counted with the eleuen A⸗
3 The Apoftles hauing receiued the holy Ghoft,
make their hearers aſtoniſhed. 14 When Peter
bad flopped the mouthes of the mockers, he fhew=
eth by the vifible graces of the holy Spirit, that
` Chriftaceme. 41 He baptixeth a great number
a The holy Ghoft
was ſent when
much people
was aflembled in
lerufalem,at the
fealt,Exo, 23.16,
Deut.16.9. be-
_ caulé the thing
might nctonely
be knowen there
but alfo through
the world.
b That is, the
Chap. 5.and it.
15. and 19.6,
matth.3.10. -
marke 1.8,
luke 3. 10.
c Whereby is
fign‘fied the
holy Ghoft,
a This figne a-
greeth with the
thing which is
fignified thereby,
e To declare the
vertue and force
that fhould be
Or, to ſpeake.
f Howthe Apo-
{tles {pake diuers
g For theycould
fpeake all lan-
guages, fo that
they were able to
fpeake to cuery
man in hisowne
hOr, thofe that
dwelt at Rome.
h Whole ance-
fterswerenot of
the lewifh natio,
bur were conuer-
ted to the Jewes
religion, which
their children did
that were conuerted. 42 The godly exercife,cha-
rity, and diuers vertes of the faithfull.
j2D when the avay of Pentecoſt was
come, they were > ali with oneaccozd in
one place.
2 And ſuddenly there came a founde
from Deauen, andof a ruling and mighty
- WIND, and ít Aled all the houle where they
3 And there appeared vnto them clonen
i ta ace c fire, aud it fate vpon each of
4 And they were all filled with the holy
Ghot, and beganne to fpeake with other
tongues, as the ſpirit gaue them | vtterance.
5 And there were dwelling at Hierula
lem Jewes, men that feared Goa, of cuerp
nation vnder htauen.
6 Pow when this was f noiled,the mul-
titude caine fogether,and were aſtonied, be»
caule that enery man beara them peake bis
owne language.
7. Andthep wonderedall, andinarnet:
led, faying among themlelues, Beholde, are
not all thefe which (peake, of Galile ?
8 Howthen Heare wee every man one
owne s language, wherein we were borne 2
9 Warthtans, and Medes, and Ela»
Mites, andthe inhabitants of Meſopota⸗
mta, andof Judea, and of Cappadocia, of
Pontus, and Afia, :
Io And of Pheygia, and Pamphylia, of
Egypt, and ofthe partsof Libya. whichis
beline Cyrene, and f itrangers of Rome, and
h Jewess and i Pzofelytes,
It Cretes,and Arabians: we heard them
{peake in their owue tongues the wonderful
workes of God.
12 Chey were all then amazed,and doub
ted faping ene to another, Ahat may this
13 And others mocked, and ſayd, They
are full ofi netwe wine.
14 @ But Deter tanding with the ele
uen,lift vp his voyce, œ fayd vnto them, Wee
men of Judea, and pe all that inhabite Jeru⸗
falem, bethis krowen unto pou, and bears
ken yuto my words.
15 Fozthelearenot munken, as pee fiip»
pole, lince itis but the third houre ofthe Day.
16 But this is chat, which was ſpoken
ptoſeſſe. 1 Thatis,fuchaswere conuerted to the Iewith religion,
which were before Painims and idolaters.
k There isno worke of
God fo cxcellent, hich y wicked (coffers do not deride. !|Or, fiveet.
by the Pꝛophet * Joet, .
17 And it pall bein the lak dapes, ſayth
Gad, 3 will powze out of my (pirtt vpon all
m flef},and pour fonnes,and pour Daugkters
Hall prophetic, and your pong men hall fee
vifions, and pour * olde men Wall dꝛeame
18 noon my feruants, and on mine
handinaydes J will ° powe out of my Dpi:
ne n thole Bayes, and they Mall pro-
Ig And J will Mew wonders in heaves
aboue, and tokens tn the earth beneath,
blood, aud fire,and the vapour of tinoke.
20 * Ther Sunne hail bee turned into
Darkenelle, and the Moone into blood, be-
foe that great and notable Dap of the Loz
20 And it hallbee * that whofoencr Mall
— the MNamt of the Lod Mall beela-
22 Pe men of Iſrael, heare there words?
Jelus of Mazaret, aman appꝛooued of God
among pou with great workes, and won-
Ders, and lignes, which God did by him in
“xy mpap sfyoiu, as yee pour felues allo
23 Him,! fay, haue pe taken by the hands
ofr the wicked, being Deltuered bp the f Des
terminate countell, and ||fozeknowledge of
God, and haue crucificd and flaine :
24 Chon God hath railed vp, and log»
ſed the t foro wes of Dearh,becaule it was yn-
poffible that he ould be holden of it.
25 Fo Dauid fapth concerning hun,* J
beheld the Lo:d alwayes befoze me: fo2 hee
: ania? “right hand, that J Gould not bee
aken. ;
26 Therekoꝛe did mine heart retoyce, and
my tongue was glad, and mozeouct allo my
tleſh Hail reſt ia *hope,
27 Becaule thou wilt not leaue mph foule
in graue, neither wilt er thine poly one
ta} (ce corruption.
28 Thou hak ewed mee the’ wayes of
life, and halt make me full of top with thy
20 Wen & brethzen,F may boldly (peake
vnto pou ef the JOatriarke Dautd,* that hee
ts both Deas aud buried, and his lepulchee
remaineth with vs vito this Day.
30 Therefore ſeeing he was a · Dꝛophet,
andknew that Gon had * ſwoꝛne with an
othe to him, tuat of the fruiteof his loynes
bee would caile vp Chait concerning the
ficth to fet bim upon bis throne,
31 ide Knowing this betoze, (pake of the
reſurrection cf Chit, that his*|foule Would
not be left in grauc, neither bts fef ſhould
ij [ee coruption. 3
32. This Jefus bath God railed vp, wher:
of we all are witneſſes.
1 He expoundeth
Ioels minde
without bin-
ding himfelfe
to his words,
Foel 2.28,
iſa. 44. 3.
m Orman:
meaning yon
and oldyman S
and woman,
n Meaning,that
God will thew
himfelfe very =
plainely,both te
olde and yong,
o Enenin great
Joel 231.
p God will hew
fuch fignes of his
wrath through
all the world,
that men fhalbe
no leffe amafed,
thenifthé whole
order of nature
were changed.
Ioel 2.32.
YON. 0,13.
q He teacheth
this remedie to
auoid’the wrath
and threatnings
of God,and to
obtaine ſalua-
r God caufed
their wickednefle
to lét foorth his
glory contrary
to their minds,
f As ludas trea-
fon & the lewes
cruelty towards
Chrilt-were moft
deteltable, fo
were they not
onely knowen
to the eternal]
wifedome of
God, but alfo di-
reed by his ims
mutable counfell
toa moft bleffed
HOr prouidenee.
t Both as tou-
chingthe paine,
and alfo the hore
rour of Gods
wrath and curfe,
u To fignifie that nothing can comfort vs in our af-
fiions except we Know that God isprefent withvs, x Ourhope!
flandeth in Gods defence. ||Or,life,orperfon. ||Or, feele y fo
reftoring me from death to hfe. 1.King.2.10.chap.s3.36. z And
fo knew by revelation and ſpeciall promife that which els heecould
not haue knowen, Pfads32.11, Pſal. 16. 10. chap.r3.35. [Or
perfoa. a The word fignifieth a place where one can {ce nothings.
33 Since
Or, feele,
The confcience pricked.
33 Since then that be by the > right hand
ef God hath bene eralted, and hath: recei·
ucd of bis father the promile of the holy
hot, he hath thed forth this which ye now
ee and heare,
34 fo Daui is not altended into bea»
Hen, but hee layeth, * The Loz ſayd to my
Loz, d Hit at my right hand,
35 Gintill FJ make chine enemies thy
36 Therefore, let all the houſe of Iſrael
know feza furety,that God hath f made him
both Lord t Chait, this Jeſus, I fay, whom
pe baue crucified.
37 Rowe when thep heard it, they were
picked tn their hearts, and ſaid vnto peter
and the other Apoftles, Men and brethzen,
what all we Doe?
38 Then eter fayd onto them, Amend
pour lines and sbe baptised euery one of pou
in the name of Jeſus Chzikt for the remil
tion of finnes : and pe wall recetue the b gift
ofthe boly Ghot.
39 Foz the pmomile iismade pnto you,and
to pour childꝛen, and to all that are a farre
b By che vertue
and power.
¢ Heobteined
power to accom:
plith the promife
which he made
to his Apoftles,
as touching the
holy Ghoft to be
fent vnto them,
P/al 110.1,
d And therefore
Chrift doth far
excell Dauid.
e Chrift isthe
only redeemer
vate whom all
powers are fub-
teXand mult
f Thatis, hath
appointed as
king and ruler:
and note,that ia
foue & liberality, 3 k IR
Rom. 15 26,2.Cot-9.13. Heb. t3, 16, 1 Which was the miniftra-
tion of theLords Supper. Chap, 4032. m Not that their goods were
mingled all rogetbér : but fuchorder was obferued that cucry man
frankly relieued anothers neceffitie. Chap.20.7. 7 Theydid eate
together, and at theſe feafts did vſe to minifler the LordsSupper, 1,
En 1,21, Iude 12+|'Or, from houfeto houfe. o Whereby we fee
dat the Apoftlestrauailed notin vaine,
` bs CHAP, III.
; » 9 The lamew reftored to his feete. 12 Peter
3 preacheth Chrifi vnto the people.
Bioeth et N Dw Peter and Jobn went vp together
a Which iswith into tye the ninth hourg of
vatarecaclocke paper, í ` f !
after noone, ,
which was theireuening facrifice, at which the Apoftles were pres
fentto teach that thefhadowes of the Law were abolifhed by that
Lambe that tooke away the ſinnes of the world,
Chap, iii.
Chrift the Lord oflife. 491
2 Andacertaine man which was a cree
ple from hts mothers wombe was caried,
whom they lata Datly at the gate of the teme
ple called Beantifull,to alke’almesof them b. Becaufethe
that entred into the Temples ~ difeafe was incus
3 Abo teeing Peter and John, that they rable, hee gaue
would enter inte the Temple, delited torgs him(clfe to line
cetue — PEROT of almes.
4 And Peter earneſtly beholding
with John, ſapd, Looke on vs. í
§ Andhe gaue heed vnto them, truſting
to receiue fome thing of them,
Thenfayd Peter, Giluer and gold
baue J none, but fuch as Je baue, that giue
F thee : Inthe ¢ Mame ofJelus Chatit of
Nazaret,riſe vp, and walke.
7 And hee tooke bimby the right band,
and lifthim pp, and immediatiy hts feet and
ankle bones receiued frength.
8 And heleaped vp, food, and walked,
and entred with them tute the Temple,
walking and leaping, ane peatiing Goo.
9 Andall the people faw hun walke,and
pratfing God, i :
Io And they kuew him that it was hee
which fate fozthe aimes at the Beautitull
c Hee hed the
ift of healj
— *
d Inthe vertue
of Iefus: for
Chrift was the
authour of this
miracle, & Petce
was the minilter.
allthisSermon OÑ, cuen as many as the Lozd our God hall
Peterfpeaketh Call. gate ofthe Temple, and they were amaſed,
ofChriftsman- _ 40 And with many other words he Abe» and ſoze aftonted at that which was come ;
hood, ashewas fought, ¢erhogten chem, faping, Saue pour vuto him. ;
dead,buried,ri- ſelues from this froward generation. Il @ And as the creeple which was hea⸗ ¢ He corteceth
fen,andafcended 41 Then they that gladly receined his led, held Peter and John, allthe peopleran theabulcof men,
to heauen, word, were baptised: Ethe fame Day, there amaled vnto them iñ the pozch which fs cal: who attribute
g He fpeaketh were added tothe Church about thzee thou- led Salomons. í ~à that to manshe-
-mothereofthe fann f foules. * 12 So when Peter faw tt, hee anſwered lineffe, which
forme of Bap- 42 And they continued in the Apofttes vutethepeople, Vee men of Iſrael, why oncly appertai-
tifme, but teach- Doctrine and *fellawhip, and! bzeaking of maruetle pec at this? o2 why looke pee fo nethtoGod,
eth that the bread. and prayers. ſtedkaſtly on vs, as though by our owne Chaps 30.
‘whole efled 43 (Ana fearecame spor euery ſoule: power oz godlineſſe, we hanmade thisman Matt.17.20.
thereofconfiteth AND many wonders and lignes werg Done goe? mar. 15.14.
in leus Chrit, bythe Spoltles. 13 The God of Abzabam, and Jlaac, “ke 23.18.
h The vifible 44 And all that beleeued were fn eng and Jacob, * the God ofour Fathers hath 24% 18.40.
fignes, place, and had all things * commen. glorified hts Sonne Jeius, whom pee bzs £ Towit,Barab-
icChriftispro- 45 And they fold their pollefions and frayed , and Denied in the peelence of JPt- bas
‘mifed bothto che ™ goods, and patted them to allmen,aseue- late, when bee bad iudged bin to bee Delt: g Towit,Gods
Tewes,andGen- rponebad need. ered. name,whereby it
tiles, bur the 46 And they continued daily with one _ 14 * Butyee Denied the Dolyone and the appeareth that
Tewes havethe accoꝛd in the Wemple,*andobecaking bean Juk, and delired af murtherer tobe ginen they did ſtriue
firk place. Jat home, did eate their meat together with you, 3 ; again{t God.
lOr,protefed be- gladneffe and fingleneffe ofheart, I5 And killed the Lord ok like, whom God
fore God. 47 Paving God, and had fauourwith bath railed from thedead, whereof we are || Orin (hriſt.
fOr sperfons. allthbepeeple : andthe Lod added to the Witnefles. - h Hedothnot
;Whichfian- Churcho from Day to Day, fuchashoulobe -16 And his g Mame bath made this excufe their ma-
deth in brotherly fanga. man found, whom yee fee, and knowe, lice, but becauſe
threugy faith in * his Mame: and the faith thatignorance
which ts by him, hath giuen to him this dif» ənd a blind zeale
poſition of his whole bodyin the pzelence of led many,be put-
pou ail. _, teth themin hope
17 Andnotv, bzethzen, J know $ through ofſaluation.
b ignozance pee DID ft, asdid alfo your i go> i He meaneth
uernours. fome,& not all.
18 But thole things which God before. k When Telus
had ſhewed by the month of all bis Jazo- tha'lcome to
phets,that Chak ſhould fuer, he hath thus iudge the world,
fulfilled, ye (hal Know that
19 Amend your lines therefoze,and turne, he will be your
that pour finnes maybe putawap, whenthe redeemer, and
time ofrefrefhing * thallcome from the pre- not your judge,
fence of the Lov. 1 Wee therefore
20 Andhe wall fend Telus Chit, which. beleeuc cotantly
before was preached vnto yau. 4 that he isin none
21 Ahom the heaven mutt! containe bn- other place.
Nag 3 till
e Apoftles imprifoned. Nofaluation TheAds.
m Which isbe-
gun and conti-
nueth; bur the
ment and perfe-
&tion is deferred
tothe laftday,
| Deut, 18.15.
| chap]. 37.
n GFetocke
of Abraham.
© Beciuferhey
fil the time thatwal things be reſtored, which
God had (poken by the mouth of all his holy
Pꝛophets üuce the wold began.
22 * Fo: Moles fayd unio the Fathers,
Che Lord yonr Gan (hail raile vp vnto pou
a Pꝛophet, eucnof pour * brethaen like vnto
he: pe Hall heare him in. ail things whatlo-
euer he Ball lay ynte pou. ;
23 Forrit ſhall be, that euery perfon which
Mali noc heave chat Prophet, tyalbe deitroy⸗
ev out ot the ypeopie. -
24 Alio all the Prꝛophets from Samuel,
came ofthe fme aund thencefoorth as manpas baue ſpoken,
nation, andther- haite likewife toetold of thefe dapes.
fore were heires
ofthe fame proe
mife which ap-
peitained to the
whole body of
the people,
galat. 3.8.
p Both lew and
25 Dearethe o chilen ofthe Prophets.
and ofthe coucnant which God hath made
vnto out fathers, faving to Abꝛaham. Tuen
in thy feed Hall all the r kinreds ofthe earth
be 4 bleffer.
26 Firſt unto you hath Gon railed vp his
Sonne Jelus, and him he hath ſent to blelle
yon tnt turning chery one of pou from pour
q None are bleffed bur in Chrif, r So that our regenerationand
devneſſe of lfe is inclofed vader this biefling.
a itis to bee
thought that this
was the captaine
ofthe Romanes
b The Sadduces
were great ene-
miesto this do-
€ The whole
Charch was ine
creaſed to ihis
d By whofe au.
therity or com-
- e Forhecould
not baue fo fpo-
ken of himftlfe.
f fudges ought
natto condemn,
bu: approuc and
which is well
Pä! 118,2224
42, mar 1 2.10
luke 20. 17. rom.
233pet. 2.7
g Meaning,
Prielts, Elders,
and gour mours,
h Forto vphold
the weight and
force of the buil-
3 Peter azdloin deluered out of prifin preach
the Gofpelbsldly. 10 They confz (fz plainly the
Name of Chrift. 16 They are comanded to preach
73) more in that Name. 24 They pray for the good
ſucce fz ofthe Gofpel. 32 The increafe,unityand
charay of tke (burch,
Ae as they ſpake vnto the people. the
Pꝛieſts and the captaineof the Cents
ple,and the Oadduces came vpon them,
2 Caking tt qricuoully thar they taught
the people, and preached tn Jeſus Name the
b refurrection fron the Dead.
3 And they laid hands on them,and put
them in hold utili the next Bay ; for it was
new euentide.
4. Dowdeit, many of them which heard
the weed, belecucd, g the nunber ofthe men
as about fiue thoulany.
¶ Andit came to pate on the mozow,
that their rulers and Eiders, and Scribes,
Were gathered together at Jeruſalem,
6 And Annasthe chiefe Pꝛieſt, g Taia
phas, and John, ¢ Alevauder, and as many
a3 were of the kinred of the hie Piets.
7 And when they had fet them befer
them. thepatked , Wy what power, o24tn
what same hae pe Bone this?
8 When Peter fullofthe © holy Shot,
ſayd bnto them, We rulers of the people, and
Elders of (cael,
9 Foratmuch as voce this dap are era-
mined ofthe good Deede done to the impo-
tent — to wit, bp what meanes he ig made
O Bett knowen vnto pou all, and to alt
the peopleot Iſtael, that bythe Name of
Jefus Chit of Nazaret, whom ye haue crus
cieu, whom Gos railed agatne from the
Bead, euen by him doeth thisiman and here
befoze pou whole,
It * Chis ts the fone caſt alive of you
gbutlders, which is become the headof the
h conet. i
12 Neither is there faluation in anp a
ther : for among men there is ginen none o:
ther name i ynder heauen, whereby we muit
be ſaued.
13 flow when they faw the balonefle cf
Peter and John, anv vnderſtood that they
were vnlearnenimen, swithout knowledge,
thepmarneileD , and &newrhem, that they
Had bene with Fetus;
14 And beholding alo the man which
Was Healed Landing with them, they had
nothing to fay ag dine it.
Is Then they commanded them to go a-
fide out of the Counctil, and £ conferred a-
mong themielues,
16 Haying, hat Hall wee voz to theſe
men ? Jorliurely a manifet tigne te done
by them, and it is openly knowen to all them
toat owel in Jerutalem sand we cannot De-
17 But that it bee nopfed tio further a⸗
mong the people, let vs theeaten and charge
theni,that they lpeake hencetorth to no man
inthis! Mame,
18 Hothey called them,and commanded
them, that in nowele they Mould ſpeake e?
teach tn the name of Jeſus.
Ig But Peter and John anſwered ynto
them, and fayd, Ahether it be right in the
fight of God, to obey pou rather tye God,
indge pee, :
20 Foꝛ we cannot but peake the things
which we haue » feene and heard.
21 So thepo threatned them, glet them
goe, and found nothing how to punith chen,
becaule ofthe people: to: al men pꝛaiſed God
for that which wasdone. -
22 Fo: the man was aboue fourtie yeere
alde, on whom this miracle of Healing was
22 Wher afloone as thep were let gar,
they came to their r fellawes, and Werro al
that the hie Pꝛieſts and Elders han ſaid vn⸗
to them.
24. And wher they heard it, thep lift vp
their voices to God with oneaccezd, aid,
D Loyd, thou art the God which hat made
the heauen and tye earth, thc fa allthings
that are in ther.
25 Chich q by the meuth of thy feruant
Danid bat faye, Ahy did the Gentiles
rage and the people imagine vaine things?
26 Whe Kings of the earth.aflemblen, and
the rulers came together againtt the Reade,
aad agang bis Epik. | i
27 jtor doubtles ayain thine holy mune
Jeius, whem thon hadtlfanoctnted, both He-
rode and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles
and the people ot Iſrael gathered thelelues
together, $
28 To dee whatloener thine t hand and
thy u countell bad Determined bc foze to bee
29 And now, D Loꝛd behold their* threat
nings, and y grant vnto thy [cruaunts with
all boldneſſe tolpeake thy word,
20 Go rhatthou ſtretch forth thine hand,
but in Chrift. The Apoftles prayer.
i That is noné
other cauie er
meane, = =
k The wicked `
Rill rage againit
Chrift, though
their owne con-
ſcience do con-
1 Theygaue come
preach Chri no `
m They prefer
therr authority to `
the ordinance of
n To the intent
that weefhould
beare witnes,and
preachthem, '
o God hathput
a sing thorowthe
wickeds nofes, fo-.
thathe ſtayetk
them from their
rai(chicuous pure
p To encourage
one another, and
to glorifie God,
g Theyground ©
their prayers vp⸗
on Gods promife `
whe hid affured '
thachee would
enlarge the kinge
dome of Chrift.
Pfal. 2: Te
r Thisistheves `
tifying ofthe
f Ami appointed ~
tobe king.
t Power ard iie
u AN things are
done by the force
of Gods purpofe,
according tothe
decree of his wil,
x Afiwage their
rage and malice
which they en-e
terprife againft
that healing, and fignes, and wonders map y They fecke noti
bee done by the Rame of thine holy Sonne how toliueat —
eafe,but whereby
31 And when as thep had prayed, the they may moft
lace was Haken where thep were ab
: kmen
glorifie Goda
“Lying vnto the holy Ghoft. The
z Thiswasa ſembled together, and they were all 3 fillen
figneofGods with the holy Oyoik , E they tpalte the wed
prefence and the gf Gad* bolðlp.
performanceof 32 AnD the multitudeof them that belee-
his promile, ued, were of one Heart, of one > foule: net-
_a This boldaeſſe ther any of thein fatd,that anp thing of that
andconftancie which he poſſeſſed, was his: owne, but they
declared that had all things * conunon.
thei: prayer 33 And with great power gaue the Apo-
tooke effect. ftles witneſſe of toe re(urrection of the Lozd
b Ofone mind, Jelus; and great grace was vpon them all.
willconfent,and 34 Heither was there anyamong them
affeGion, that dlacked; foz as many as were poſſetſors
c Theirhearts oflandsoz houſes, fold them, ¢ brought the
were foioynedin priceof the things that were (old,
God,that beinz 35 And lain it Down at the Apottles feet,
-alimembersof andit was Diftributed vnto euerp man,
one body, they © accozding as kee bad neeo.
could not fuffer 36 Allo Joles, which was called of the
their fellow Apoities, Barnabas (that is by wnterpze-
memberstobe tation, the ſon of Confoiation ) being a Le⸗
deſtitute. uite, and of the countreyof Cyprus,
Cbap.2.44+ 37 Mhereas bee had land (old tt, anv
d AstheApe= bꝛought the money, and lain it Dewne at the
filesfuffred none Apoitics feet.
to lack,foS.Paul
| commaunded that no idle loyterers bee maintained, 2, Theffa.3.10.
e. The goods were not alike divided among all , but as cuery man
had want,fo was his neceflity moderatly relicued.
C.H.AP.. V.
$ Thebhypocrifie of Ananias Sapphiva a
punifhed, 12 Miracles are done by the Apoſtles.
17 They are taken, butthe Angel of Ged brin-
geth them out ofprifon. 29 Their bold confelfion
before the Council. 34 The counfelof Gamaliel,
40 The Apofiles are beat,and resoyce in trouble.
2 Which figni- Bo a certain man named Ananias, with
fied their facri- Sapphira his wife,foloapoticiion,
ledge, diftruft, 2 Qnd+keptaway pare of the price, bts
and hypocrifie. ` twife allo being of counfell, and bought a
_b Who mooued certaine part, and laid it Bowne atthe Apo-
thyheartto fell ſtles feet. j
thy poffeffion? 3. Chen {aid Peter ,Ananiag, why hath
wheras thou tur- Satan filled thine heart.that thon ſhouldeſt
neftpart to ane- licyntochebholp > Ghot, and keepe away
ther vit,asifGod partaf the price of the poſſeſſion:
did not fee thy 4 ihilesic rematned, < apperteined it
diffimulation, naot vnto thee? and after it was lold, was it
cHisfinnethere- notin thine owne dpower? how tsitthat
fore wasfo much thou halt cõceiued this ching in thine heart?
greater iu that he thou att not lied vnto men, but vnto God.
Committed it §_ Row when Ananias heard hele
willingly. wo2ds,he fel Downe, aud gaue vp the Ghott,
d Thennoman Then great feare came on all them that
wascompelledto beara thele things.
fell hispoficfi- And theyong men roſe vp , and tooke
onsnortoput jim bp, awd caried him ont, and burted him.
his money tothe 7 And it -came to pafe about the fpace
common vſe. of thzee houres after, that bis wife came in,
e Eccaufey God tgnozant of that which was Bone.
fo difpofed it. S And Peter laid vnto her, Cell mee,
f Andtomocke {oln ye the land foz fe much? And fe fayd,
himas if hee Dea,forfo much, :
Thould not hue 9 Then Peter Mtd onto her, Ahy haue
Knowen your = pee agreed together , to £ tempt the Spirit
crafty ferch?
which declareth that when men do any thing of an euill cS{cience,
they do not only pronounce the ſe ntence of damnation vpon them-
‘felucs, but alſo proucke the wrath ef God, becaufe they dee proue,
asit were purpo fely whether God be righteous and Almightic.
Chap.y. Angelopeneth the prifondoores. 49
ofthe Lord? bebola, the feet of them which
have buried thine hulvand, are at the Doeze,
aud ali cary thee out.
IO Then thee fell Downe lraightway at
bis feet. peelded vp the Ghot: æ the young .
men came in, and found her Dead, € carted
her out, and buried ber by her hulband.
Il And great feare came on ail b Church,
and on as many as Heard thele things,
12 Thus bythe bandes of the Apoſtles,
twere many lignes and wonders ſhewed ae
mong the peopicCand they were al with one
accord in Solomons porch. 3
13. Audof theother e durt no man ioyne gBecaule of theit
bimlelfe to ther: neuertheiefe che people own cuill con-
i magnilied them. fciences,which
14 Allo the number of them that beleeued made them to
in the Lo2d, both ofmenand women,; grew tremble: for they
moze and moze.) that were not af-
_ I5- Jnfomuch that they brought the ficke fured of Gods
into the Greets, and laid them on beds, and mercies in Chrifi,
couches,that at the lealt way the Hadow of were aonithed
Peter, when hee came by, might hadow at chele bis
tome of them, . frange iudge-
16 There came allo a multitude out of ments.
the cities round about vnto Jeruſalem, h Thais, they
bringing ficke folkes, and them which were gaue them great
eee vncleane ſpirits, whe were all praile. K
17 € Then the chieke Pꝛieſt role vp and
all they that were with dim (which was the
fect ofthe i Dadduces and were full of kins
18 And layd hands on the Apollles, and
pur them in the common pilon. }
Ig But the Angel ofthe Lod bp night
opened the ption Doozes, and brought them
fooxth,and ſatd, i
20 Goe pour way ant tand in the Tem
ple, and (peake to the peopleall the wordes
1 of this lite, 5
21 Go wher thep beard it, they entred
into the Temple early in the mozuing, aud
taught. And the chtefe Piet came, and
they that were with bim, and calted the
Councill together, and all the Elders ofthe
children of Hiract, and ient te the pzifon , te
canfe them to be brought,
22 Butwhentheotticers cane, ¢ found
thom gies inche prifon, they returned and
told tt
22 Saving , Certainely wee found the
pifon Hut as ture as was pollible, and the
keepers m ftanditig without befoze p doores:
vu sehen we had opened, we found no mait
24 Then when thechiefe Pꝛieſt, and the
captatne of the Cemple,and the hte Pꝛieſts
beard thele things, they doubted ot them,
whereunte this wauld grow.
25 Chen came one Œ Mewen them, fay-
ing, Behold, the men that ye putin pion,
ate eae inthe Temple, and teach the
people. ; s
26 Then went the captaine with theof-
ficers , anD brought them without violence
Cfo: they feared the people, leat they ſhould
27. And when they had brought them, -
ne mi oe 5— ae Council, and rhe
chtefe Diek aſked them,
- Qag 23 Daye
i Which thes
were the chiefé
among them,
K They wete full
of blind zeale,
emulation and
ielowfie, in de-
fence oftheir ſu⸗
1 That is,of the
lively doGrine,
wherby the way
to life is decla⸗
m Sothat there
was no fraud nor
deceit.nor neg-
ligence: burt it
liuely fetteth
foorththe power
of God and his
prouidence fer
om Heaceufeth
To obey Godratherthen men,
28 @ayping, Did not we flratghtly com>
mand pou, that pee ſhould not teach tn this
sPamezand behold, yee haue fillen = Jeruſa·
lem with pour Doctrine, and pe would dzing
this mans e blood vpon vs.
29 Then Peter and the Apotttes anfiwe-
them of rebelli-
onand edition,
o And fo make
ws guilty of red, and ſayd Me ought rather to obey Hod
Chrilts death. then P men.
p Whenthey 30 Che * God of our fathers hath ray-
command or for- ſed bp Jefus, whom pe flew,and hanged on word
bid vs anything a free.
contrary to the 31 Him hath God life bp with his right
wordof God. and,te be apzince anda a Dautour,to giue
Chap. 3. 13.
q Meaning, that
he is the Media-
tourand onely
meane betweene
God and man.
£ Thar is,Chrift,
aoe ta Iſrael, and korgiueneſſe of
32 And we are his witne fes concerning
thele things which we fay: yea,and the holp
Ghat, whom God hath giuen to chem that
obeyt him.
23 Mow when they heardit, they braſt
fo2 anger,and confulted to flay them.
34. Chen toon there vp in the Council a
certaine Phariſe named Gamaliel, a Vector
of thelaw, honoured of alithepeonle, and
— to put the Apoſtles fozth a litle
pace, ¢
35 And {aid onto them , Wen of Hfrael,
take heed toyour ſelues, what ye intend te
Do touching theſe men.
f This Theudas
was aboue thittie
yéres before him,
of whom Iofe-
phus mentioneth
lib.20, de Antiq.
chap. 4. that was
after the death of
Herod the great,
when Archelaus
bis onne was at
Rome,at what
time ludea was
full of infurre 4i-
ons: fo thatit is
not {ure to gine
Credit to Eufebi-
us in this point,
t Of bim maketh
mention lofe-
where he {pea-
kethof ý taxing,
Luke 2,1
u He groundeth
vpon good prin-
€iples, but hee
doubteth of the
cauſe, neither
dare affirme
-whether it bee
good ox bad:
das boatting himlelle, to whom reſorted a
number of men, about a foure Hud2eth, who
was Haine: and they all which obeyed Hint,
were (cattered and brought to nought.
37 After this man, role bp t Judas of
Galile,in the dayes of the tribute, and Dew
amay much people after him: hee allo pert:
fhed, andall that obeped pim, were ſcatte⸗
red abzoad. ;
38 Gnd now F fay vnto you, Refraine
pour felues from thele men,e let them alone:
foz if this countell, 02 this worke be of men,
it will come to nought:
39 Butifitheol God, yee cannot de-
ſtroy it, lei yee be found cuen fighters a-
gant god.
40 Ana to him they agreed, and called
the Apoſtles: and when they bad beaten
them, they commaunded that they ſhould
not fpeake in the name of Jeſus, and lec
thei goe. :
< 41 So they Departed from the Council,
reiovcing that they were counted worthy to
fuffer rebuke foz bis Mame.
42 And dDayly in the Temple, and from
wherein appea- Jouleto boule they cealed not to teach ana
rethhewas buta preach Jeſus Chit.
€ HAP. VI.
3 Semen Deacons are ode ined in the Church.
8 The graces and miracles of Steuen whom they
accufed falfely.
#20 in thoſe Dayes, as the number of the
A Difciples grew , there arole a murmu-
ring of the -@recians towards p ebsewes,
becaule their widowes were neglectedin
the dayly mintitring. i
Grecia:there-. 2 @bhenthetweluccalled the multitude
fore thefe (pake
Greeke and not Hebrew, b They were aot looked vato in the di-
Aribution of the almes,. rs
a Whofe ancz-
` fters were Lewes,
and dwelled in
The Ades.
36 Foꝛ befoze theſe times,roſe vp The D
- Falfe witneffes againft Steuen.
of the Diſciples together,and ſayd. It is noe
meet that wee fhould leane the wod of Gow f
to feruethe ¢ tables. c Thatis to -
3 UMiberefoze brethzen,tooke ye out among make proiuſion
youlenen men of honeſt repost , and fullof for che mainte-
the holy Ghoſt, and of wiledome,which wee nance of the
map appoint to this buſineſſe. poore, forafmuch
4 And we willgiue our (eines continu- æ they were not
ally to prayer, and to the miniftration of the able to fatishe `
02D. ‘both the effices,
S And the laying pleaſed the whole mul- d Hee ioyneth
titude: and they chele Stenen a man full of faith withthe o~
4 fairh and of the holy Ghot ; and * Philip, ther giftsof the
and Pꝛochoꝛus, and Micanoz,and Cimon, ho'y Ghoft, . '
and Parmenas, and Nicolas as Pꝛoſelyte Lhap. 21. 8.
of Antiochta, e Meaning one
6 Thich they let before the Apoſtles, and that was turned `
they prayed, and flatd their hands on them. tothe lewes relie
7 Andthe word of Godincrealed, the gion.
number of the diſciples was multiplied in f This ceremo-
Jeruſalem greatly , and agreat company of ny the lewes ob-
the Peieſts were obedient to the s faith. deruedin folemne
8 C Mow Steuen fullof fatth and pom- facrifices, Leuit.
er, DID great wonders and miracles among 3.2.andalfo in
the people. ef $ prayer and pri-
9 Then therearole certaine of the *Dy> uate bleffing,
nagogue , which are called Libertines and Gen,48.14.
Cyrentans, and of Alexandria, and ofthemt Likewife inthe
of Cilicia, andof Afia and diſputed with primitive church
teuen. it was vſed, either
Io But they were not able to refit the whenthey made
wiſedome, and the Spirit by the which hee
H Then theyi ſuborned men, which ſayd,
Tee haue heard him ſpeake blalphemous
weds again Moles and Gov.
12 Thus theymooued the people and the
Elders, and the Scribes: and running vp⸗
pon him, caught hint , and brought him to
the Council,- i
13 And ſet koorth falle witnefes , which
faid , Chis man ceafeth not to (peake blat.
phemous wads againt thts boly placeand
the Law
the gifts ofthe
holy Ghoft :
which gifts being
now raken away,
the ceremony
muft ceafe,
g Thatis, tothe
Gofpel which is
received by
b Or, colledge
I4 Foꝛ we haue heard him fap, that this had colledges at
Jelus of Mazaret ſhall deſtroy this place, IeruGlem, wher-
and thal change the ozdinances, which Mo⸗ intheir youth
fes gaue Ys- ; g
I5 And as all thatfate in the Councill, we fez in Vniuer·
looked ftedfailly on him, they faw hts face firies.
asic bad beene the 'faceofan Angel, f Thatis, infirn-
Ged & fer forth
falfe witneffes : and thus malice feeketh falfe thifts when trueth fai-
leth her, k They fpeake this fheontempt- 1 Not onely a certaine
confidence, but alfe great maielty appearing in him,
2 Steuen maketh anfivere by the Scriptures to
his accufers. “51 Hee rebuketh the hardnecked
Tewes, 57 And ss flomedtodeath, 58 Saul
keepeth the tormenters clothes. —
Toa fain the chiefe Prick, Are
things fo?
2 And hee faid, Pes men , brethren, and a Steuen wasace
fathers, hearken. The God of > glory ape: cuſed that he den
peared bnto our father Abzaham, while hee nied God, and
wasin: Meſopotamia, before hee welt in therefore heis `
more diligent to
: purge this crimes
b Hereby he is difcerned from the falfe gods, c Hefpeaketh hers-
of Mefopotamia, asit containeth Babylon — in it.
minifters,or gaue
was inſtructed, at
His anfwere.
Goeue.i 2. 1.
3 *And laid vnto him. Come out of thy
countrey,andfrom chy kinred, and come in-
tso the land which Jwall thew thee.
Gene. 15.13.
d Beginning to
recken the yeeres
from the time _
that Ifaac was
e Take venge-
ance of them
and deliuer my
Gen.17. 9,10.
Gen, 21,3.
Gen.25. 24,26,
Geu.29. 32533.
and 30.5» 350
f Thatis, prefer-
ued and brought
all thingstoa
good iſſue.
g Afcerthe Hee
brew, threefcore
and tenne.
Gen.46.5 56.
—— 3.
e 4.50. Te
h Irisprobable
that fome writer
through negli-
gence putin
Abraham inthis
place in ftead of
Iacob, whe
bought this. field,
Gene3 3.19, OF
by Abr&ham he
meaneth the po-
fleritie of Abra-
i Heinuented
craftie wayes
both to deftroy
the Ifraclites
with ouermuch
labour,and alfo
to get great *
fs Se Sah
Exod, 1.10..
‘fOr,that their
yace fhould farle,
Exod. 2.2.
heb, 41.23,
4 Thencame hee out of theland of the
Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran. And af-
ter that bis father was nead , God brought
Him from thence into thts land, wherein pee
now Dwell, : a eh
5 And pe gaue him none inberitancetn
it, no, not the bꝛedth ofa foot : pet he promt-
fed that he would gine it topim for apoltel
fion, and to his (eed after him » when as pet
he bad no chitd. i
6 But God pake thus, that his* ed
ſhould be a ſoiouruer in a ſtrange land, and
that they poulo keep it in bondage, and en-
treat it euill o foure hundzech peeres.
7 But the nation to whom they hallbe t
ta bondage will 3° iudge , ſayth God : and
after that,they Yali come forth and ſerue me
8 *Hegauehimallo the conenant of cir
cuncifion; ana fo Abraham begate* Flaat,
andcircumctledD him the eight dap: and Jl-
faac begate Jacob, and Jacob the twelue
*Patriakes. A j
9 And the Patriarks mooued with en-
uie, foid Aoleph into Egypt: but God was
fwith binn ——— ` )
Io Quod deliuered him out of all hts af-
flictions, and * gaue him fauour and wiles
dome in pᷣ fight of Pharaoh king of Egypt,
who made bun gouernour ouer Egypt and
ouer bis whole houſe. f
Il @ Then came there a famine ouer atl
the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great
affliction , that eur fathers foundno tuftes
12 But when * Jacob heard that there
wae cone in Egypt, bee fentour fathers
13 * And at the ſecond time Foleph was
knowen of dis bꝛethren, and Jolephs kinred
was made knowen vnto Pharas.
14 Then fent Joleph and cauſed his fa-
ther to be brought, and all bts kinred, euen
e thzeelcoze and fifteene foules, —
Ig @o* Jacob went Bowne into Egypt,
and he* died, and our fathers,
16 And were remooued inio * Sychem,
and were put inthe lepulclhre, that» Abra⸗
ham had bought *te2 money of the ſonnes of
Euih ſonne of Oychem.
U7 But when the time of the promitc
Dew neere, which Gov had fwozne te A-
— people* grew and multulied in
I$ Çil another Ling arole which knew
not Jofeph. á
19 The fame Dealt ifubtilly with our h
kinved,and euill intreated our fathers, ann
made them to cafout their young children,
that || they Hoult not remaing aling,
20 * Che fame time was Moles borne,
and was acceptabie vnto God, which was
— vp in bis fathers honfe thrꝛee mg
21 And when hee was taſt out. Pharaos
daughter topke him vp, and nouriſhed him
foz ber oven tonne,
22 And Poks was Warned in all the
Chap. vij.
Of Moſes. 493
wiledome of the Cayptians,anB was mighe
tp in words and tn Deedes,
23 Maw when he was full forty peere old,
ít came into pts beart to vilite his brethren
thechiiorenof Iſrael. '
24 * And when be (aw one of them {uffer
wong, he Defended him, and aucnged his
quarei that bad the harme Done to him, and
ſinote the Egyptian,
25 Foꝛ hee ſuppoſed bis bꝛethren would
baue vnderſtoode that God by bis hana
thould gine them Deltwerance ; butthep vrs
Derſtood it not.
26 * AnD the nert Dayhee ewed pints
felfe vnto them as they ftroue , and would
baue fet them at one againe,laping, pirs ye
E bzethaen 3; why Do pee wong one to ange
Exod:2, lie
Exod.2:1 3;
27 But he that did his neighbour wong,
thentt bun away, faping, Clive made thee a
prince, anda Judge ouer ys? :
28 liit thou kũl me, as thou DIDM the
Caypptian veſterday? i Exod.3:2.
29 Chen fled Motes at that faying,and K This fire re--
was a trangerin p land ef Madian, where prefenced the
be begate twe onnes, _ __ fornaceofafflis
30 And when forty peeres were erpired, Qion, wherein
there appeared to bumui the *wildernes of the people of
mount Hina, an Angel of the Lorde in a Godwere.
flame * offre ina bui 1 Secingthis
31 And when Poles faw it, he wondꝛed Angelealled —
at the ight >and as be Dew neere to confi- himfelfe Godt f
Der it, the voyce ok the Loza came vnto him, declareth that he.
faying, ; wasChrifithe f
32 Jam the Gon of thy fathers,the God Mediatour,who
of Abꝛaham, and the God of Jlaac, and the is the eternall
God of jacob. Chen Moles trembled, aud God,
Duri not behold it. : m Infigneof f
33 Then the Lord ſayd to him, = Punto reucrence,reade Y
thy thoes from thy feet; for the place where Exod.3.5.
thou tandet ts holp ground. _ Exod78; 9105 f
34. J haueleene, 4 haueleencthe afflicti- 11,14 chapterts
on of my people, which isin Egypt, and J| Excd.16,1.
haue heard their groning, tam come Bown Dewt.13.15,
to Deltucr tiem: and now come, and J will chap,3.22-
{end theeinte Egypt, - n He proueth
35 Chis Woles whom they ferfooke,fap> chat Chrift isthe
ing, Cibo made thee ã prince, aud a Judge? endofthe Law. |
the Came Goo (ent foz a prince, and a Delite- & che Prophets, |
rer by the handofthe Angel, whichappea> Exed.19. 2, ;
red to him in thebuth. ; © Mofes was the}
36 Ye* brought them out , Doing woon: Angelsor Chrifte)
Ders æ miracles in thelandot Egypt, and minilter, anda
inthe red Sea, and in the wilderneiic *foz- guidetothe fa- f
tie pecres.. ; thers. ;
37 This is that Moles which fayd vnto p By oracles is-
the chiiozen of Flrael, * Ae Pꝛophet Mall meant the faye
the Loꝛd your God rayſe vp vnto you, cuen ingsthacGod W
pl your bꝛethren like vnto me; him Wall pee ſpake to Moſes.
care. Exod. 32.1. l
38 * This is he thatwasin the Congre- q Figuresorces f
gation, inthe wilderneſſe with thee Angel ttimonies of thef
which tpake tobim in mount Bina, and prefence of God.)
with our tathers, who received the Pltuely t Yer they knew}
orꝛacles to gine vnto DS.
he wasablent for
39 Go whom our fathers would not o⸗ theircommodi- f
bey, but refuled , and in their hearts turned ty,and to would: i
backe againe ints Cayyt, fhortly returne H
40 Paying unto Aaron, * Make avs and bring them: fi
gods that may gosbefoze vs : foꝛe we Know che Laws j
not what ig become of this Moles that
Roe. 1.24.
Asche unae
noone, & orher
tarres,Deu.57, 3
497408 5. 256
Your fathers
{began in wilder-
u And caried it
vpon yont (houl-
fa .Chron.17 12+
Ifa 65.4.
God cannet
O 44.90
a - Which nei-
your olde wic-
kednefic,nor fo
}much as beare
when God {pea-
| Cbrift,who is
noronely inſt for
Ihis innocenci¢,
É fod dwellcth notin Temples.
bought bs out ofthe land of Egypt.
Al And they made a calfe tn thole Daves,
and offered ſacritice unta the idole, and res
lopced in the works ef their owne hands.
42 Then God turned himlelke away, ant
*gaue them wp to ſerue the! bot of heaucn,
as it ts witten in the booke of Prꝛophets,
*O Houle of Ilrael, hane pe offered to mee
Gatne beakes and lacrifices by the (pace of
korty peres in the wilderneſſe!
The Ades.
on God and fayd, Lod Telus receine mp
60 And hee kneeled Downe, and cryed
with a loud voyce, * Loz, lay not this nne
to their charge. And when be had thus ſpo⸗ %
Ken, ye llept.
2 Steuenss lamented and burecd. 3 The rage
ofthe Fewes & of Saul againft thé. 4 The fasth-
43 And per tooke np the Cabernacleol full (cattered,preach here and there. 9 Samaria i
*Moloch, andthe ftarre of pour god Rems feduced by Simon the forcerer,but was conuerted
phan, figures, which pee made tõ wozhip
them: therfore J well carp pou away beyond
44 Dur fathers had the Tabernacle of
*witneſſe in the witderneffle,as hee had ap:
popnted {peaking vnto* Moſes, that hee
thould make it accozding ta tye falhton that
be had ſeene.
45 Mhich Tabernacle alfo our fathers res
cetucd,and brought tn with * Jelus inte the
is polleflion af the Gentiles, which God maue
gut befoze our fathers, vato the Dayes of
46 “Who found fauour before God, and
Belired that be might * tinde a Tabernacle
fo: the Gon cf Jacobe —
47 * But Dalomon built him an houſe.
48 howbeit the imot High*dweilecy not
iny tempies.made with hands, as fayih the
49 heauen is my throne, and earth is my
footitoole: what z houle will pee build foz
mer laith the Lord ? o: what place ts tt that
J Gou retim? _
5o Wath not mine hand made all thefe
sl *DMettifnecked and of vncircumciſed
a hearts and eares, ye baue alwapes relit
the holy Ghot: as pour fathers did, {g doe
you. :
52 Mhich of the Prophets haue not your
fathers perſecuted? ¢ they baue Naine them,
- which ſhewed before of the comming of that
b Juk, of whom pee are now the betrayers
and murtherers, f
§3 WMhich baue recetuedthe Law by the
© ordinance of Angels,and paue not kept it.
4 But when they heard theſe things,
their hearts bratk Foz anger, € they gnaſhed
at him with their teeth,
55 But hebeing fullof the holy Ghot,
looked ſtedfaſtly into heauen, and faw the
glozy of G D D, and Fetis itanding at the
eright band of Gon,
56 And ſayd, Behold, J fee the heauens
open, and the Sonne of man tanding at
the right band of Gon.
57 Chen they gaue a oute with aloude
voice and Topped their eaves, and eran vp·
on him allat ence,
§8 Andcalt him out of the city, and io
nev him: and the * witnefies layne Downe
a — at a pommiga maung keete, named
§9 And they tened Steuen, whe called
‘Exod 19.46. g4l,3,19. © By their miniftery or office,td And reig-
ing in his fle(h,wherein he bad fuffered. ¢ This waggone of furious
vivlence,and by no forme ofiuitice. (hap.22-20,
by Philip and confirmed by the Apeftles, mp The
couetoufnefeand hypocrifie of Simon, 26 And
conuerſion ofthe Eunuch, i;
A jad Baul confented to his death, and
Sat chat time there was a great perſecu⸗
tion again the Church which was at Je⸗
rufalem , and they were al (cattered abꝛsad
through theregtons of Judea, and of ae
naria except the Apolties. _
2 Then certaine mien fearing God, * cas
tied Steuen among them , tobe buried, and
made great © lamentation foz bim,
3 But Haul mave hausck ofthe Church,
and entred inte every houle, and drzew out
both menand women, and put them into
piion. )
4 Therefore they that were {cattered a-
bread, Went to and fro preaching tye word.
§ @ Then came Philip into che city ot
Hamaria, and preached Chat vnto chen.
6. And the people gaue heede vnto thole
thiiges which Philip ſpake, with ene ac»
— leeing the miracles which
g 1 .
- 7 . For vncleane ſpirits crying with a
loud voyce, came cut of many that were pof
fefied of them: ana many taken with pallies,
and that halteD, were heated. AN
8 And there was great iop in that city.
9 Andthere was before tithe city a cer>
taine man called Dimon, which vien witch»
craft , and bewitched the people of Bama-
tia faving, That hee bunlelfe wasfome
great man. )
Io Towhome they d gane heed from the
lealt tothe greatet taping, Chis man ts the
great e poter of God- i
Il Quvehey gaue heed vnto him, becauſe
that of long time bee had bewitched them
with forceries.
12 ut afloone as they beleeued Philip,
which preached the things that concerned
the kingdome of God, and the frame of Fe:
{us Cheiſt, thep were baptized both men
and wonen. ;
13 Then Simon himlctfe f beleeued allo
and was baptised, ¢ continued with Phi⸗
lip, and wonden , when hee faw the lignes
and great miracles which were Iane.
14 @ Mow when the Apalttes which
were at Jerufalem , beard fay, that Hania-
ria had receiucd the wo: of God, they lent
vnto them [eter and John.
Is Ahich when they were come Downe,
payed fo: them, that they might recciue the
s holy Ghoſt. 2
16 (Foꝛ as yet he was come Downe oir.
none sf them, but they were baptized » onelp
inthe Mame of the Lod Jeſus.)
17 Then
Philip. Simon Magus. _
Matth. S Aha
ke 23:34
a From the place
where he was
b When the
Church is depris
ued of any wor-
thy méber „there
is iuſt cauſe of foe
row: & note that
here is no men-
tion of any re⸗
liques Or prayers
forthe dead, *
c The conuerſi·
onof Samana
was as it were the
fist fruits of the
calling of the
d This declareth
how much more
we are inclined
to fulow theil-
lufions of Saran,
thenthe trueth
of God,
é This is the craft
of Satan,to couet
althis illuſions
vnder the Name
of God,
f The maiefty of
Gods word for-
ced him to cone
feffe the trueth s
but yet was he
not regenerate
g Meaning the
particular gifts of
the holy Spirit.
h They had only
receiued the
common grace
of adoption and
which are offred
to allthe faithful
in baptifme, & as
yethad notre-
ceiued the giftte
[peake in diuers
languages andto
doe miracles,
Of the Eunuch:
i Thou art not
worthy to be of
the number of
the faithfull,
k Tharis,turne
away from thy
Hereby hee
would makehim
to fcele his finne,
and notthac he
doubted of Gods
mercies, if hee
could repent.
m Or chine heart
is full of defpite=
full mabice,& de-
uilith poyfon of
impiety, fo that
now Satan bath
theetied as cap»
tive in bis bands,
Deut.29. 18.
m After that A-
lexander had de-
ftroyed it,ic was
not much peo-
pled asit was a-
fore and there-
forein reſpect
wasas waite,
o Eunuch figni-
fieth him that is
gelded: but be-
caufe in the Eaſt
parts great af-
faires were cóm-
mitted to fuch,
it came in vſe
that noble men
were called En-
nuches, although
they were not
gelded: alſo all
maner officers
and feruantsthat
were putincredit
faires were called
by this name,as
Ifa. 39.7.
p Abeit Chrift
wasin graue and
in deathes bands,
feeling alfo his
farbers anger a-
gainft finne, yet
he brake the
bands of death
and was exalted,
17 Then layd they thete hands on them,
and chevy receined the help Ghoti
‘18 And wren Simon (aw that through
laying on of the Aroſtles bandes, the help
ghek was ginen, he offred tjem money,
19 Paying, Giue me alio this power, that
on whomſoeuer J lap the bande, be may re
ceine the holy Ghoſt.
-20 Shen {aid Peter vntohim, Thymo⸗
ney peri with thee, becauletvouthinkeit
that the gitt of God may bee obtained with
money. :
21 hou bak neither part noi Fellow lip
in rhis butlnefie: foz chine heart ts not tight
in the fight of God. ANG ;
22t Repent therefore oF this thy wicked:
nefie and pray God, thatit it bee! poilible,
e thoughtot thine beart map be forginen
t ee.
23 FoI (ee that thou art ™ in the gallof
* birterneile,and in the bond oftniquity,
24 Thenaniwered Sinion,¢ fan, Pay
yee fo the Lozd foz mee, that nane of thele
thingswhich pe banie (poken,come upon ute.
25 @ Ho thep, when they had retired
and preached the word of the Lod, returned
to Jeruſalem, and preached the Golpel in
many rawnes of the Damarttanes,
26 Ghenthe Angel of the Lord ſpake vn-
ta Philip laying, Arile, and goe toward the
Honth vnto thẽ way that goeth Dawn from
Jerulalem vnto Gasa,whtch ts wake,
27 Andbearole, t went on; and behold,
acertatne Eunuch of Ethiopia. Candaces
the Ducencofthe Ethiopians chtefe gouer⸗
nour, who had the rule ol al ber trealure,ana
came to Perulalemtomezhtps —
28. And as he returned fitting in His tha-
ret, be read Slaias the Pꝛophet.
29 Then the Apir: lard vnto Philp, Ga
neere, and topne thy felfe to ponder charec.
30 And Phuip ran thither, heard hus
reap the Piophet laias and fain, But vrs
derſt andeſt thou what thou readett ?
31 Ande layd, ow can Jexcept F had
a guide? and hee Dered Philip that hee
would come vp and fit with him.
22 Mowe the place of tye Acripture
wich he read, Was this,* He wag ied asa
fheeve to the flaughter sand like 4 lambe
Dunsbe bela his beaver , lo opened he noe
his mouth. epee see
33 Pan bis Humtlitie bis giudgement
hath beene cxatted: but wha fall declare
rhis generation? foz his life ts takenfrem
the f earth- —. 2
34 Then the Eunuch anhwered Philip,
anD fap, 3 praptheeof wham ſpeaketh the
zophet this? of himlelfe oz of ſome ocher
— SiR One 973 +
- 35 When [Philip t opencd his mouth,and
bereganat the lame Deripture, and preached
vnto him Jeſus. `
A&s2.24. q The punithnient which he fuffred, was the beginning of
glory. r Thatis,how long hisage fhall indure: for being rfen fro
;death thal no more reighe, hetther fhal his kingdom euer haue
end: or cls we may take generation, for his church which neuer (hall
haue cnd: for now they fitin the heavenly places with Chrift their
head,as Bphe.2.6,
f And now he re'gneth in heauen. t He declared
atiength this mattes of fo great importance,
Chap. ix.
36 Antas they went on their way, thep
came vntoa certam water, and the Eunuch
(ald, See here is water + whas Docth iet mee
to be baptized ? ie
37 «And Philip layde vnto him, Jirkou
beiceuctt with nali thine heart,thou Lt
Chen he anfwered and iaid , $ belecne that
Fetus Cheilt ts the Sonne of Gor.
38 Shen he commaunded che charet to
fant fiti: and chey went Downe bath inta
the Water, both Phulip, and the Cunuch,and
he baptized him.
39 Ans aftoone as they were come vpout
of the water.the Spirit of the Lod caught
away Phuip.that the Cunuch faw him ne
moze: fo he went on pts way reioycing
40 But Philiph was found at yQ3otus,
and hee walked to and fro preaching in all
the tities, till he came to Celarea.
3 The conuerfion of Saul. 15 His vocation to:
the Apoftlefhip. 23 Hu xeale to execute the fames.
25 How he efcapeth the lewes confpiracy. 26 He
acceffe to the Apofiles. 31 The profpersty of the
(burch, 34 Peter healeth Aenea; 40 Raiferh
Tabitha. 42 He conuerteth many to-Chrift, 43:
Aud. lodzeth iu a Tanners houfe.
A f2Q0* Haul pet > breathing out threats
nings & flaughter agatnt the diſciples
ofthe ted, went vnto tye bie [Datetk,
2 Ana delired of him letters to Damaſe
cus te theSpnagogues,that tf he foundany
that were of thac> way ( epthersnen or wo⸗
men) hee might bing them bound vente Je⸗
3 Mow ashe iournied, it came to paſſe,
thatas hee mas come negre to Damattus,
Auddenty there ined round about hana
light frem branen;
4 And hee kellto the earth, and beard a
boyce. fapittg te bim, Bast, Baul, why pers
ſecuteſt troũ me?e
§ Aud be ſaid, Cho art thon, Lod? And
the Lord faya, J am Jefus wijom thou per⸗
sue 2 it ts hard fo2 thee to kiche againſt
32 s . f 4
6. We then both trembling and aftonien,
fain, Lord, what wiit thou that J Doe? Aud
the Loz ſayd unto hira, Artile, and goe tuto
feat f te, and it fjall be (oid thee what thos
alt Bee.
7 The men allo which tourneyed with
hint, food amazed, hearing ¢ his voyce, Uut
e feeing nomen... —— OHA;
8 And Saularole from the ground, and
opened bis eyes, bort fay noman. Chen led
— the hand, and bought jim inta kneyabat Tefus: |
fpake vnto him
anattus, ;
g Wibere hee was three dapes without
fight,and neither sate no: Danke. |
TO And there was acertaine difciple at
Damatcusnawmed Ananias,and to hun ſaid
the Lord ina vifion, Ananias And bee laid,
Behoia,T am here, Loꝛ. GS
1b Chen the Loyd fayd onte yim, Astle,
and goe into the itreete which is calita
Streight, and ſeeke in the houle of Judas
alter one called Baul ot Cartiss se bea
Sauls conuerfion. 494
za Heperfecuted i
C vayeesas Chap,
. blinds
u With a pure
& perf & heart.
x This was, O
the iarent that he
might know fo
much the better
that Phikp was
fent to him by
ii or perceiued
himfelfeto be.
y eee thinke f
this city wesalfo f
alled Afdod,.
Joh: 15.4
Chap 22. 455.
with agreat rage
and cruelty the
innocentblood |
which he thirfied #
for, which decla⸗
reth whereunro ©
manis led by his
rahizeale,before |
ke hath the true
knowledge of |
God, *
b That s,of that
fe& or fort,
L.con 15.8. :
c Thetis,ro refat
God when hee
pricketh aud ſo-
liciteth our cons- |
d Benning Sauls
229. Td. DMD UE
€°For-onely Sauk
£ For he was /
g Hee was ſo ra ||
uiſhed wiih the o |
vion; that he
did: meditate no⸗
thiag but heas- f
uenly things,ands)
therewith was |
aus eyes opened, His zeale.
hold, be pꝛayeth.
12 (And he Caw int abifion a man named
Ananias comming in tabim,and putting
— on him, that he might receiue his
13 Then Anantas anſwered, Lorde , J
haue heard by many of this man, how much
es he hath Done te thy Saints at Jerula»
14: Moꝛeoner here hee hath authority of
Py High Piets, tobing all that call on thy
15 Chen the Lord faid vnto him, Go thy
A worthy fer- Way; foz beis a> cholen veflell onto mee, to
antofGod,and ibearemy Name before the Gentiles, and
fenduedwithex- Kings and the children of Iſrael. .
ellentgracesa- _ 16 FoxZ wil Hew him how many things
Jboueothers,, he mutt luffer foz my ames fake.
fi To,beare me 17 Chen Auanias went his way, anden»
fwitneffeand (ec tred into the houſe, and put bis handes on
{forth my glory. bim, and lata, Bother Haul, the Low hath
fent me(euen Jelug that appeared vnto thee
in the wap as thou camett) that thou migh=
th — thy fight and bee filled with the
y Shot.
18 And immediatly there fell fron his
epes as ic had bene ſcales, and {uddenly he res
ceiued fight,and arole and was baptised,
19 And receined meate, and was trengs
thencd. So was Haul certaine daies with
the diſciples which were at Damaſcus.
20 Gnd fraightway be preached Cheriſt
i oe Synagogues, tya be was the Bonne
21 So that all chat heard him, twere ama
30D, and fayd, Js not this he that deſtroyed
them which called on this ame in Jeru»
falem, and came hither fo: that intent, that
Be . a Houta bring them bound vnto the high
tkProning bythe Wiets?
}eonference of 22 But Haul inceealed the moze in
ithefcriptures. ſtrength, and confounded the Jewes which
ji Thatwasafter Bweltat Damalcus, * confirming that this
three yeres thae was the Chut,
he hadremained 23 And after! that many Dayes were fal-
fat Damafcus,and filled, the Jewes tooke counlell together to
Jin thecountrey kill him, f
aboùt,Gal, n.18, 24 But their laying awayt was knowen
Aa Cor. 11.32. © Of Haul: now thep* m watched the gates
m Thegouernor day and night,that they mighe kill him.
attheirrequet : 25 Then the dilciples tooke him by night,
J appointed a ant put him through the wall, and let hint
jwatch,ashede-~ Downe iit a bafket,
{elareth to the 26 And when Saul was come to Jeri
Corinthians, falem , hee aſſayed to topne himlelfe with
2.Cor,11.32. the. difciples: but they were all afrayd of
1+ Greeke, went pin » and beleeued not that he was a dilci
linand out, ple, !
jo WithPecer& 27 But Barnabas teoke bim, ¢ brought
3 — bim tothe Apoſtles, and declared tothem,
o Making open’ that he had ſpoken vnto pim. & how hee had
profeffion ofthe {poken boldely at Damalcus in the Mame
Gofpel. of Jefus
p Which were : 28 And lje ⁊ was conuerlant with » then
Tewes,bnt fo cal~ at Jerulalem, :
ledjbecaufethey 29 And fpake boldelpoin the Mame of
fwere difperfed the Loꝛd Jeſũs, and ſpake and dilputed with
through Grecia’ the P Orectans ; but they went about to flap
and other coun- him. : D
lereyes. 30 But when the brethzen knew it, they
how bee had feene the Loz in the way, and.
TheAdes. Aeneas is healed. The dead raifed.
haought bim to Ceſarea, and fent him koorth
toa Tarſus. q Becauſe it was
31 Then hadthe Churches rele thozow hisownecoun- >
al Judea,and Galtle,and Hamaria, € were trey,and there he
edificd, and walked in the feare of che Lord, might haue {ome
and were multiplied bp the comfort of the authority.
holy Ghoſt.
32 Andit came to paſſe, as Peter walked
throughout all quarters, hee came allo to the
Haints which owelt at Lynda,
33 And there he found acertaine man nae
med Aeneas, which had kept his bed eight
peeres,and was ficke of the palite.
34 Chen ſayd Peter vnto him, Aeneas,
Jelus Chait maketh thee whole: arife and
make bp thy bed. And heearole immedi· | Or, trufe chy
ately, couchtogether.
35 Andr all chat dwelt at Lydda, and r Meaning the
f Daron law him,and turned tothe Loo. greateft part.
36 There wasallaat Jovpa,a certapne f A place focale -|
woman a difciple named Tabitha(which by led, and nota
interpretation ts called *Dozcas) fhee was citie.
Afull of goed Works and almes which Mee ¢ That isa deere,
BID, or,roe bucke,
37 And tt came te pafie in thoſe dapes, bOr, rich.
that he was ficke and died : and when thep
Had " waed ber, they layd her inan vpper
38 Mow foralinuch as Lydda was neere
to Joppa, and the dilciples bad heard that
Peter was there, theyſent vnto him two
men, deſiring that hee would not Delay ta
come onto then, i !
30 Then Peter arole x came with thene
ana when hee was come, they brought him
inte the vpper chamber, where all the wi⸗
Dowes tood by him weeping, and hewing
the coats ¢ garments which Dorcas mare,
while he was with them.
49 But Peter put chem all koorth, any
kneeled Downe, and praied, and turned hint
to the body, andiayd, Tabitha, Arie. And
fhee opened her epes, and when ſhe fate e=
ter,fate bp. A
4I Then hee gane her the hand and lift
Her bp, and called the * Daints ¢ widowes, rather rhat other
and reſtored ber aliue. might haue oc-
42 And it was knowen throughout all ‘cafionto beleene
Joppa, and many beleeucdintheLo2d. and glorifieGod,
43 And it cametopaflethat hee taried then for her
many dayes in Joppa with one Simon a owne fake.
| canner. ` lOr, Currier.
u Tothe intene
they. might bury
her afterward:
for this was their
x Forfhe was
re{tored to life,
3 Corwelius admonifhed by the Angel, y He
fendeth to loppa, x1 The vifion that Peter faw.
17. How he was fent to Cornelius. 44 The Gena
tiles alfo receiue the Spirit and are baptized.
F Cirthermoze there was acertaine man in
À — tal itat herah Captayne of ©
the band called the Jtaltan band,
2 ADdenout man and aone that feared a Whe ad *
God with al his houfhold,whtch gaue much 3 * d k i
ales tothe people, and prayed God conti: · E le
nually. fo!
3 De faw ina vifion euidently (about the —* leruice of
ninth boure of the Dap) an Angelof Gon a
comming in tobim, and faying vnto bin,
Copnelius. ! j —
4 But when he looked on iio sp
b Thatis,God
did accept them:
whercot it fol-
to pleafe God,
whereby thon
fhalt be faucd,
and all chine
d As camels,
horfes, dogs,
oxen, {heepe,
fiwine, and fuch
like, which man
nourifheth for
his vfe,
fOr, common,
e In takinga-
_way the diffe-
and cleane, he
thesveth there is
‘fo difference be-
twixt the lewes
ard Gentiles,
f Take it not for
polluted, and im-
h Ca
Then true o-
edience which
— of
aith ought to be
without doubt
Of queftioning.
lôr, Peter.
Peters vifion.
frain, and fayd, What is it, Loꝛd? And hee
fai puto him , Thy prayers & thine alines
— b yp Into remembzance before
Mowe therefore (end men to Joppa,
and call foz Simon, whole ſurname is Pe⸗
ter. .-
6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tater,
whole houle ts by the (ea fide: the tall tell
thee what thou oughteſt to doe.
7. And when the Angel which ſpake vn-
to Coznelius,was Departed , hee called twa
ofhis ſeruants, anda ſouldier that feared
God, one of them that waited om him,
8 Andtolde them all thisgs, and fent
them to Joppa. :
_ 9 Munthe mozrow as they went on their
fourney, and Drew mere vnto the citie, Pe⸗
ter went vp vpon the boule to pray, about
the Airt boure,
10 Then wared bean hungred, ¢ would
baue eaten : but while they made fome thing
ready, he fell inte a trance.
Il And be faw heauen opened,and acer-
taine velfell comme Downe vnto him, as it had
beena great ſheete, knit at thefourecozners,
and was ict dowue to the earth.
12 M{iberein were å allmanner of foure
footed bealts of the earth, and wilde beats,
and creeping things, € foules of the heauen.
13 Qndthere came a voyce to him, Arife,
Peter: kill,and eate.
14 But [eter ſayd, Mot lo, Lord: for J
baue neuer caten any thing that ts || pollute
Opbncleane, 5 ;
I5 And the voice pake pnto him againe
the (econd tune, Che things that God bath
€ purtiicd,€ pollute thou not,
16 This was fo done chile: andthe vel
fell was dꝛawen vp againe Into heauen.
17 ¶ How while Peter Donbred in him-
felfe what this bilion which bee had ſeene,
meant, beholde, themen which werelent
from Coznelius, had enquired fox Simons
houſe, and tood at the gate, A
18 And called, and alked whether Si:
mon which was ſurnamed Peter, were lon-
ged there.
I9 And while Peter thonaht on the nifi-
on, the (pirit iam vnto him, Webold, thaee
men ſeeke thee.
20 Arile therekore, and get theedowne,
and goe With them, and Doubt nothing: fo2
J baue ſent them.
21 (Then (Peter went down to the men
which were fent vuto hun from Cornelis,
and layd, Behold, J am hee whom pe leeke;
what ts the cauſe wherefoze pe are come?
22 And they faid, Cornelius the captain,
a inſt man, andone that fearcih God, and
of good repost among all the nacton of the
Jewes, was warned krom heauen by an ho»
lp Angel,to fend foz thee into his Houle, and
to heare thy words.
23 Then called He them, and longed
them, and the nert Day Peter went foorrh
with them, and certaine brethren From Jop⸗
pa accompanted him.
24 @Andthedayp after, they entred into
Eelarea. Mow Coznelius waited fo: them,
And had cailed together hts kinſemen, and
fpectall friends.
_ 25 And it came to pafe, as Peter came
in,that Coꝛnelius met him, and felldowne
at bis feete, and» worſhipped him. k
26 But Peter toake him vp, faying,
Stand wp ; toz enen J my felfe am aman.
27 And ashe talked with hin, hee came
a > and found many that were come toges
_ 28 And he fayd onto them. Ve know that
itisan vulawfull thing foz a man thatisa
Jewe, tocompany oꝛ come vnto one ofan
Other nation ; Dut Hod hath ſhewed me,that
a fhould not callany man | polluted, oꝛ vn⸗
29 Therefore tame J vnto you without
faying nap, when J was fent foz. J alke
theretoze » for whatintent haue pee fent foz
30 Then Cornelius yd, Foure dayes
agoe, about this boure, F fated, and atthe
ninth houre J prayed tn mine boule, and
tehoin, aman ſtood befoze mein bright clos
ying, f
31 And layde, Cornelius, thy prayer ig
heard, ano thing atmes ate pain remem-
bance inthe fight of Gov.
Chap.x. HisSermon before Cornelius. 49 5 A
h Shewed too
much reuerenceé
and farre paffing
decent order,
as though Peter
had been God,
|| Or,coseato es.
32 Send therefore to Joppa, and call foz -
Dimon, whole furname is Peter (hee is lod·
ged in the boule of Simon a tanner by the
Bea lide) who when hee commeth, Wall-
{peake vnto thee.
33 Then ſent J fo: thee immediatly, and
thou batt well Done to come. Mow theres
feze ate wee all here prclent before God, to `
beare all things that are commanded thee of
0 * By 4
34 Then Peter opened his mouth, anv
fayd, Dfatrueth J perceive, that * Oodis
no accepter of perfons,
35 But in enery nation hee that i feareth «
bin and wozketh k righteouſneſſe, ts accep:
ted with him. ;
36 Pee knowe the worde which God
baty tent to the chudzen of Ilrael peas
ching ! peace by Jelus Chat webich is Lord
37 Euen the word which came through all
‘Judea beginning in Galile, after the bap:
tiline which Jobn preached, _
38 To wit, how God ™ anointed Felus of
Maszaret, with the boly Ghott, g with poty-
er: who went about Doing good, and hea-
ling all that were oppzefied of che Deuil ; foz
God was with jim.
39 And wee are wittelles of all things
which he did both inthe land of the Jewes,
anain Jeruſalem: whom thep lewe, han-
ging bun on atree. ;
40 iin God railed vp the third day,and
cauſed that he was ſhewẽed openly:
41 Mot toall the people but vitto the twit-
nefes chaten before of God, cuen to bs which
Did eate and Minke with him, after he arole
from the Dead.
42 Andhe commanded bs to preach vn⸗
to the people and totellthe, that tt ts he that
ig ordained of Gad a Judge of quicke ano
ean. ; £
43 To him alſo gine all the * Dacphets
witneſſe, that hough Dia same, j a
Deut. 1017.
2.chro19.7, |
sob 34.19 wifd.6 |
7-ecclis.35 16, |
rom. 2. |
ephe.6 9.col.3.. |
25i pet 1. 1
i By rhis peach
the Hebrewes
meanethe whole
religion of God,
which without
faith profiteth
vs nothing.
k That is, he that
is vpright and .
coth hurt to no
man,but doeth >
goodto all,
1] Meaning, the .
recõciliation be-
tweene God and © ]
man through
Chrift lefus,
Luke 2,14.
Luke 4.14»
m That isyendu<
ed him with grae
czsand piftsa- —
boue all others, -
Tevet. 3.34.
micah, 7.01518.
PPeceusfad examined ‘oir
— in bim, Mall reteiue remiſſion of
finneg: ) É
44 Abile Deter yet ſpake theſe words,
the Holy Ghott feil on ail chem which heard
the won. j d At
45 Bo they of the civcumctfion which be-
lecuicd, were ailonted, as many as came
with [Deters becauſe chat om the Gentiles
n Weoughtnot allo was potwed out the giit of the holy
todebarrethem "Ghot, £ ;
cf baptifme 46 Fo: thep beard them peake- with
whom Godtefti- tongues, and magnifie God. Chen anlwe-
fichtobe his: | FeB (Deter, Ie nonini
for fecingthey . 47 Gan any man = forbid water, that
hauethe princie theie (ould not be baptized, which panere
pall, thatis lefe cetued the holy Ohott,as-well as we? ý
ought not to be 43 Hohe comiianded them to be bapti⸗
deniedthem, zeð in the flame ofive Lord. | Chen prayed
Jetus Sheik. they hin to tarp certaine Bayes.
: -& Peter eweth the caufe wherfore he went to
the Gentils 18 The Church approucth it, 11 Lhe
Church sncreafeth.22 Barnabas and Paul p each
at Antiochia. 28 Agabus prophefeth dearth to
come, 29 andthe remedie.
Ow the Apokles and the bzethren that
it Nwere ingudea, heard that the Geutiles
Had alio recetued rhe word of God.
2 Gnd when Peter was come bp to Je⸗
a For they could ruſalem, they ofthe circumcifion scontended
rot yetcompre- agatntt him, f
hend this fecret — 3. Daping, Chou wenteft in to menin-
whichwashid circumciſed, and batt eaten with them.
fromthe Angels, 4 hen eter began, and erpounded
themfelues,evien = thethinginozder fob them faying,
fromthecreation § Ji wast the cittz of Joppa, praying,
of the world, E- and in a trance J taw this vifion, Acettaine
phef 3 8,9.col.
1.26. . fheete, let Downe from heauen by the foure
b He purgeth bis coruers, and it came to me.
fact before rhe 6 Coward the which , when J bad fa-
Church, ſtened mine eyes, Iconũbdered, and fawe
foure footed beatts of the carth, and wilde
beats ,.and creeping things , and fontes of
the heauen. $
7 Alloy heard a voyce ſaying vito me,
Arile, Peter Uay and cate. nia
9 3 Aud layo, god fob, Loz $ foz no⸗
J thing polluted ot vncleane bath at any time
Entred tito my month:
9 But the voyce anfwered me the (cond
time from heaucn , Che things that God
Hath purified pollute thounot.
~ IÒ And this was done three tunes, and
all were taken vp agate tuto heauea.
II When beheld, immediatlythere were
three men alreadie come vnto the houle
tobere Jwas fent from Ceſarea ynte me.
12 Qudthe Spirit ſayd vnto mee, that J
. ould gog with them without doubting:
, morcouce thele lire bꝛethren came with me,
<.: hD We entered into the mans houle.
j -13 Andhe hewed us how he had ſeene an
Angel ti his houle, which Keod ana faid ta
dim, Bend men to Foppa, and call fo: Dts
mon whole ſurname is Peter.
14 wee Wall peake wozdes vnto thee,
goreny borg thou and al thine poule Halbe
aued., or.
Is And ag J began tolpeake, the holy
The Actes,
veſſel comming Dowie ag it had been a greât -
ka + -=
Antiochians firk called Chriſtians. N
Ghotfellonchem, *euen as vpon vs at the Ma⸗a 4.
beginning, i and 4.3 lo
16: Then Jxemembeed the wove ofthe Cha.s.5. aid tge
L020, how De fayd, * John baptizen with a.matth.z 01,
Water,butpethalbe baptised withthe Loly marke 1. 8luke |
Ghot, i i 3 AG wha ie 26:
T7 Foras much then as Gov gaue then c Thatiscndued
alike gift, ag be did yuto vs, when we belee: with the graces of
ued tithe Lord Jeſus Chit, wis twas J, the holy Ghot, `
that 3 could {ct God |? || Mot teging
18 -Chen they heard thele things, d thep chem the poly
held their peace, and gloritied Gov, laying, Ghot.
‘Then hath God allo to the Gentiles graul- d, Their modelty
tede repentance vnto life. ~~ declarech, that
£9 Cand they whieh were ſtatteted x they were notas’
Daoad becaule of the t affliction chat vole a> thamed to vnfay
bout Steven, walked throughout tiil hey that whereof they
caine vnto Phenice, and Cypꝛus, and An had vniufly bia.
tiochta, preaching the woꝛd tono man, but med Peter,
vnto the Jewes oñely. e` This repens
20 jrow fome of them were men of Oy» tance dependeth
PU and ofEprene, which when they were vpon faith, l
toine into Autiochia, ſpake vnto the (Gres (hap. 8.a.
Clang,and preached the Lord Jeſus. \\Or trouble.
21 Andthe s hand of the Lod vas with f He meancth
thent, fo that a great number belecued and notches ewes
turned unto the LoD. 7 which being feat-
22. Then td ings of thole things came teredabroad
ynto the cares of the Church, twijich was in in divers coun-
Jerufalem, and they tent foorth Barnabas tries were caled
that be fouls goe vnto! Antiochia, — by this name, tut
23 CGho when he was come, and had ſeen che Greci:ns
the grace of God, was glad, and erbozted wich wereGen-
all, chat with purpole of geart they would rites. = |,
ficleane vnto the Lord. Me
24 Foꝛ ice masa goodman, and full of and vertue,
the boly Ghot, and faith, and much people h This wasthe
topned themſelues vnto the Lod. moit famous cig. -
25 aben Beparted Barnabas to Tarts tie of Syria,and
fus to teeke Daul; bordered vpon
26 And when bee had founde bim, hee Cilicia, 4
brought hin vato Antiochia, and it came to Or, continue `
pafe, thata whole veere they were couuer wath the Lord,
fant with the Church, and taught much peo» i Wheras before
ple, tniormuch, that the Dilciples were fir they were called
called Chꝛiſtians tn Antiochia. diſciples, now
27 In thote dayes allo came Pꝛophets they arenamed
from Jeruſalem vuto Antiochta. Chriftians. a
28 And there llood vp one of them na- k This prophefie
med Agabus, and ſignilied by the * (ptette, wasan occafion
thatthere hould bre great famine throughẽ tothe Antiochi-
out ali the world, wbich alio came to palle ansto relieucthe
vnder Claudius Celar, neceflitic of their
29 Then the diſciples euery man accoy brethrenin Ieru., |
Ding to hts abilitie, !purpoleD to fend fe» flem,
cour vuto y bectijzen which Dwelt in Judea, 1 To fignifie that
30 (Ghich thing they alio did, and Cent it it came ofa chae
tothe Eiders by the handes of Warnabas riablemindtos -
and Baul, wards them,
t Herod perfecuteth the Chriffians. 3 He kila
leth Iamcs, 4 And putteth Peter in prifon, 7
Whom the Lord deligercth by an Angel, 23 The
herrible death cf Herod, 24 The Gi Spel floxifh-
eth. 25 Barnabas and Saulieturning to Antioe
chia take Iohn Marke with them.
Mrmabent that time, 2 erodthe king a Who was cal-
retched ſoorth bishandes to vere cers Jed Agrippa the
The power
taine olthe Church, fonne of Ariſto·
bulus ; he was ne-
phew vnto Herode the great, and brother of Hercdias,
2 An
Peters wonderfull deliuerance.
2 Andbee killed James the brother of
John with the ſword. {
3 And whenhee law that it < plealed the
b There was an
other f named
fonne of Al Jewes, hee proceeded further to rake Pe⸗
heus. ter allo (then were the dayes st vnleauened
c Itcamethen bead.) i
of no zeale nor 4 And wher he had caught biir, he put
religion,butone- him in pꝛiſou, and Deltuercd bin to 4 foure
ly roflatterthe © guaterutons ef ſouldiers to bee kept, inten:
people. Ding afterthe jDaitcoucr tobing him foorth
d Thenuaber tothe people. Srey!
being Gixtecne § Bo Peter was kept in pifon; but ear-
net payer was made of the Church vnto
God fo him,
60 And when Yerod would haue brought
kim out vnto the people,the lame night {leyt
Peter betweenetwo ſouldiers, bound with
two chaines, t the keepers before the Booze,
kept the ppiſon. tg
7 *And behol, the Angel ef the Lord
i came vpon thein,/ and alight Hined tn the
y c hone, and hee linote Peter onthe fide, and
railed him bp, faring Arike quickly. And pis:
chatnes kall off trombishanes. .
8 Gud the Angel ſaid vnto him, Gtrd
thy felfe, and binde on thy *fandales, And.
fo bee did. Chen pee ſaid vnto hun, Cat
. thy garment about theesand fadow me,
9 BoPecer came out and followed him;
and knew not that it was true, which was
Done by the Angel, but thought be had (ene
ation, A ES,
* 10 Row when they were palt the firt
~ 2, and. the fecond watch, they came vnto the
os so. à MON wate that leadeth vnto the citie, which
ppenẽed to them by itowne acco, and they.
sj Seo ote. Went out, and pafled tizough. one reete,
and by and by the Angel Departed from:
tm. > $
IL (And when Peter was come to him-
ieifey bee (aid, Row T know fozatrueth
that the Lord hath (enc. pts Angel, and bath
. Delinered me out ef the band of Dered, and
ron alithef waiting fo2 of the people ofthe
12 Gnd as he conlideredche thine, he came
to the boule of Mary the mother of John,
whol ſurname was Marke, where many
twere gathered together, and prayed.
» 33 And when peter knocked at the entry
n Bootes a maine came footh to hearken; ta
» med Khode. i y :
<~ I4 But when the knew Peters voice, the
opened not the entrie doore fo: gladnefle, but
ran in, and tole how Perce ſtood befoze the
, Entrie.
15, But they fayde vuto her; Thou art
Forthey did . madve. Det Kee affirmed tt conttantiy, that
now by Gods. it was fo. Then laid ther, It is hise Ans
word, thaAn- gel shit ;
16 But Peter continued knocking, and
, when they had opencd ti, and law bur, they
wereaitonied, Ete
17 And hee beckened vnto them with the
hand to hold their peace,and toi then bow
1 the Lod bad brought him out of the pation.
was diuided by
foures to keepe
diuers watdes,
James and to the bꝛethren:and he departed
kflefitpe& by aid Yeent intop another place. 0 E on
reafonofthe 3918 @ Row aligoncas it: wWas day⸗ there
Chap. xiij.
» Whole furnamewas Parke, -
And hee faid, Goe ſhewe thele things ynte .
was xo mal trouble among (he Couldicrs,
Cah hi :
what was become of Peter. j
19 And when Herod had fought fo: him,
and found him not, he cramined the keepers
ANB Commandes them to be led ca bee punt ·
fed, And hee went Downe from Judea to
Cefarca,and there abode.
20 Then Herod intended tomake warre
agunt them of Trus and Siton, but thep |
came all with one accom puto him, andiper⸗ i Both by flatre-
{waded Blattus the kings chamberlainsand$ ring wordsjarid’ 3
they defired peace, becaufe thew countrey alfo by brberie,
was nouriſhed by the Kingsland, k Which hee
21 Andvpon a day appointed, Herod a⸗ Mhouldhaue done
raped binvelfe tn ropall appareil, anu fate if he bad puni-
onthe iudgement (cate, anv made an dratt⸗· (hed che flatte-
on vnto them. tt Tite 7 rers, of whofe va-
22 Andthe people gaue a ſhoute, fying; nitie he complai-
The voice of Ged, and not of maw: ned when he was
(23 But immediatly the: Sngel of the a dying, as lofe-
Le20 fmote him, becauſe he ᷣgauẽ not gloꝛie phus uriteth.
vnto God; fo that he was caten hot woꝛmes, | The vileneſie
and gaue by the Ghoſt. ew. (ud ofthe penith-
24 And the word of Ged™greve, and, men: deciarech
multiplied. y t how Ged dete⸗
25.40 Barnabas and Gaul returned. Reih pride and, .,
from Jerufalem, when they bad fulfilled tyrannie: his
their office sann teske with them John, grandfatheral- |
fo waseaten of. ,
itfi licen ‘
m:: The more that tyrants goe about to ſuppreſſe Gods word, the
more doeth it increafe. -n : Which was to diltribute the almes fent,
from Antiochia,Chap.11.29. i aii $e.
c2; Paul and Barnabas are called to preach a-
mang the Gentiles, 7 Of Sergius Panlus and Elya
was the farcerer, 13 The departure of Marke.
14 Paul preacheth at Antiochia, 42 The faith
ofthe Gentiles, 46 The Fewes reiected 48 They
that are ordeined to life, beleenc, 52 The fuite .
of faith. ; J
Peete werealloin the Church that was
at Antiochia, tertaine prophets and teas
thers, as Barnabas, and Simeon called
Niger, and Lucius of Cyꝛene, and Mana-
ben, (which har bene brought vp with he⸗
redethe Cetrarch) and Haut.
2 frowras thep > mintitred to the Lord;
and fated, the holy Ghot laid, Sevarateme
Barnabas and Haul, fo: the worke where-
unto J haue called then. '
3 . Chen faked they, and praied, and laid charge,asthe A.
their hands ou them, and ict them goe. _. pofilcthip was;
4 And they, after they were*fent forth of forhat bere is
a This declareth
that Ged calleth
òf all forts botla
hie and lowe.
b Thesyord fig.
nificthto exe-
cute a publique
the holy Ghofl,came Downe vnto Seleucia, chewed that they
and frem thence they faticd to Cypzus. preached, and
§ And when they were at Halamis,they propheſied.
pre ached p woꝛd OF God in the Synagogues (hap.14 26.
of the Jewes:and they had alo. John to their
6. So wien they had gone thoughout
the yle vnto Paphus, they found a certaine -
forcever, a falie prophet, being a Jew,named
Pariis, it ; ;
7 CUbich was with the Deputie Dergt-
us Pilis, a ꝓudent man. ice called bute
him Barnabas and, Saul, and telire to
Heare the word oF God... ——
8 But Elymas the lorcerer Clos fo i! his
Herods horrible death. 496 `
í Elymas reprooued. Pauls
e Which are the
do€trine ofthe
) Apoftles,that
onely leadeth
vsto God,
d This was ano-
ther Antiochia,
then that which
was in Syria.
e Thisdeclareth
that the Scrip-
ture is giuen to
teach and exhort
¥s,and that they
refufed none
that had gifts to
fet foorth Gods
glorie, and to e-
difie his people.
Exad, i 9e
Erodi 3.14.
Exod, 16.1.
f Here is decla-
red the great pa-
tience and long
fuffering of God
before he puni-
Toſp. 14.1.
Indg. 3. 9.
“28 For thefe 450.
yeeres were not
fally accompli-
fhed, bur there
Jacked 3.yeeres,
counting from
the birth of Ifaae,
tothe diftribu-
tion of the land
of Chanaan,
1. Sam. 8.5.
1 Sam.g.t§ 16.
and 10.1.
“a. Sam. 16.13.
Matth.3 tmar,
1. 2. luhe 3.253.
h When his of⸗
fice drew toan
end, he fent his
dif€iples to Chrift
Marke 1.7.
name by interpretation) withſtoode them,
coum auni to turne away the Deputie trom
the faith.
9 Then Saul(which allo is called Paul)
bung fullof the holy Ghoſt, fet pis eyes on
10 And faid,D full of all ſubtiltie and all
milchiefe , the childe ofthe veuli, and eng:
méie of all righteoufnefle , wile chon not
pe to peructt the ſtraight? wayes of the
II Now therefore behold,the hand ofthe
Loꝛd is vpon thee, and thou halt bee blinde,
and not [ee the funne foz afeafon . And im-
mediatly there fell on Hint a myfte anda
Darkenefle,and he went about,fecking ome
to leade bim by thehand.
12 Then the Deputic when he ſaw what
was done,belecucd,and was aſtonied at the
Doctrine of the Lod.
13 flow wher Paul and they that were
with hin, were Departed by Hip from Pa-
phus, they came to Perga, a citie of Pam⸗
phylia: then John Departed from them, and
returned to Jerulatem.
14. But when they Departed from Perga,
they came to 4Qnttochia acitie of Piũdia
and went into the Synagogue on the Dab-
bath Day,and fate Downe.
15 And after the lecture of the Lawand
Prophets, the rulers of the Synagogue fent
onto them, faping, Vee men and beethzen, tf
pee baue any word of e erhoztation foz the
people, fay on. ;
16 Then Pani toode sp and beckened
with the band.andfarw, Men ot Iſrael, and
yee that feare God, hearken. © Nene
17 The Gor of this people of Iſrael
choit aur fathers , and eralted the people
when they dwelt in the land of * Egypt,
ma oe ait * high arme drought then out
hereof, “ $
18 And about the time *of fourtie peeres,
—— bee their finaners in the wilder⸗
19 And he deſtroyed ſeuen nations in the
land of Chanaan, and *Duided their land
tò them by lot.
20 Then afterward Hee gaue vnto them
* Judges s about foure hundreth and fiftie
koni pute the time of Samuel the Pro⸗
: 21 Ho after that they deſired a* Ring,
and Gon gaue vnto them * Zaul the une
of Cis, amanofthe tribe of Beniamin, by
the fpace gf foztte peeres. : As
22 And after he had taken him away, hee
railed vp *Dautd tobe their king, ofwhom
hee witnefied , faving , J baue found Da-
utd che fonne of Felle, a man after mine
Sure OF Aeue will doe all things that
23 Okthis mans ſeede hath God * accoz-
“Ding to his promile raed vp to Iſrael rhe
PHautour Petts: °
24 Chen * John had firit preached be-
foe bis commiug the baptiline of repen»
tance to all the people of Ifracl.
25 Gud when Jobn had fulfilled his
h courte, hee fain, * [thom pee thinke that J
am, Jam not hee: butbeholde, there com⸗
The Actes.
Sermon to the people,
meth one after mee, whofe ſhoe of his feete J
am not woꝛthy to loole. —
26 Pee men and beethzen, childzen of the
generation of Abꝛaham, and whoſoeuer a= ;
mong pou feareth God, to pouts thei wozd i That is, this
of this ſaluation (ent. meflage and ti⸗
27 Fo: tije inhabitants of Jerufalem,and dings of malua-
their rulers, becauſe they * knew bim not, tion,
no? pet the words of the Prophets, which k Herebwkerh
are! read euery Sabbath day, they haue ful⸗ chem for cheir
filled chemin co ndemning him. i ignorance,
23 And though they found no cauſe of | Akhoughthey
Death inhim, *yet Delirgd they Pilate te kill read thelawe,
him. yet their hearte
29 And when they had m fulfilled all are couered that-
things chat were wettten of him, they tooke they cannot vn-
bin Downe from the tree, and put him in a derftand,2.Cors
fepnichee. jajang 3-14,
32 But Gon * railed him vp from the Matth.27.22,
Dead. ; marke 55.13.
31 And hee was feene many Dayes oF luke 23.23,
them, which came vp with him from Galile ichs 19.6.
to Jerulalem, which are his witnefles vnto m In Chrift all
the people. ger the promifes are
_ 32 And twee declare ynto pou that touch- Yca,and Amen,
ing the pꝛomiſe made vnto the fathers, 2.Cor.1.20.
33 God hath fulfilled it vnto vs their Matth.28.2,6. .
childzen, in thatheeraticdvp Fetus, euen marke 16.6,
AS ICIS witten in the ſecond Plalme, Thou luke 24.6.
art mp Donne: this Day haue Jbegotten ohz 20.13.
thee. ae n In tba: he was
34 Mow as concerning that hee ratſed borre andincar-
him vp from the dead, no moze toreturne nace.
to rhe grane, he hath {ard thus, * J will gine P/24 2.7.
you thee boly things of Dauid wytch are b-or.1.5.c 5.5, |
faithful. } ; GGT Tfai.s5.3. A
35 Aherefore hee faith allo in another o Meaning,that
place, * Chou wilt nat luffer thine holy one Le would faith-
to (ee cozruption. fully accomplifh:
36 Howbeit, Danidafterhee had ſerucd the promites, ~
bis time by the counfellof Ges, bee * flept, which he made
and was layd With his kathers, And law coꝛ· of his free mercy-
ruption. é „with the forefa-
37 But hee whom God railed Yp, ano cthers:andhe |
k fhewethtbatas |
38 Wee it knowen vnto pou therefore, the grace,which
men and bethet, that though this man God hath giuen
is preached vnto pou the forgiueneſſe of to his fonne, is
finnes. i ; permanent for
39 And from all things from which pee suer, folikewife
could not Gee inftified by the Law of Mo⸗ thelife of the
fes, by pim cuery one that belecueth, is iu⸗ fonne is eternal,
Rit, ' BESA Pfal, 16.10.
40 Beware therefore, teat that come chap.2, pr.
vpon pou, which is ſpoken of tn the Pꝛo· »,King. 2,10,
pijets, ps > chap.2.29.
4I * Bebold, ver defpilers, and wonder,
and vant!) away: for J worke a a woꝛke p He reproueth |
in pour Dayes, a woke wich yee Mall them tharpely.
not beletue, tf a man would Declare it becauſe ſoſtneſſe
you. would not pre- .
42 E And when they were come out of mite:
the Synagogue of che Jewes, the Gentiles q Which is, ven:
befought, that they mould preach thele geance vnſpeak-
weds to them the nert Sabbath day. able, for the cons
3 Mow when the Congregation Was temetofGods Ff
Diffolucd, many of the Jewes, and Jole: word.
iytes that feared Gov , followed Paul
and: Barnabas , which ſpake to them, and
exhoꝛted them to continue in the grace of
D; , ; i
T 44 And
Ordeined to faluation.
r They difdained
that the Gentiles
thould be made
equall with them,
Matth.10 6,
{Which is,to
know .one onely
God,and whom
he hath (ent, Ic-
fus Chriſt.
1 fai.45.6.
luke 2.32»
t Nonscan be-
Jeeue, bur they
whom God doth
appoint before
all beginnings
to be faued.
u He meaneth
faperftitious wo-
men,and fuch as
were led. with a
blind zeale,albe-
itthe common
people efteemed
tem godly,and,
theretore Luke
ſpeaketh as the
world efteemed
Matth. 10.14.
marke 6,11,.
luke 9.5.
chap. 18,6.
a Which would
notebey the |
fuffer chemfelucs:
to be perfwaded
to belectiethe
truethandto ime
brace Chrig,
44 And the nert Sabbath day came al-
mot the whole citie together, to beare the
wod of Gen.
45 Wut whenthe Jewes faw the people,
they were full ofr enuie, and ipake agatnit
thole things, which were poken of Daul,
contrarping them, and railing on them,
46 Then Paul and Barnabas ſpake
boſdly, and fain, * Jit was neceſſarie that the
word of Gon ſtzould frt Haue beene tpoken
vnto pou; bur ſeeing pe put it from pou, and
iunge pour ſelues unworthy off euerlatting
lite loe we turne to the Gentiles.
47 Foꝛ fo hath the Loꝛd commanded vs,
faying,* J hauc made thee a light of the Gen»
tiles, that thou thouldett dee the faluation
vnto thecndotthe wold’. ~
48 Aud when the Gentiles heard it, they
were glad, glorified che word of the Lod:
andas many ag Were ordeined vnto eter:
nall like, beleeued.
49 Thus the wort of the Loꝛd twag pub-
liſhed thꝛoughout the whole countrep,
50 But the Jewes ſtirred certaines Des
nout and honourable women, and the chtefe
men of the citie, and railed perſecution a»
gainſt Paul and Barnabas, anderpellea
them outoaf their coattes. :
si But they * booke off the dult of their
keete agatnit them, and came vnto Feo-
§2 And the dilciples were filled with toy,
and with the holy Ghot,
3 God giueth fucceffctoha word. 6 Paul and
Barnabas preach at Fcenium and are perfecuted,
33 At Lyſtra they weuld doe facrificeto Barsa-
bas and Paul,wihichrefufe it,and exhort the peo-
ple to worlhip the true God. 19 Pauls ftoned,
22, They con firme the difcsplesin fath and pati-
ence, 23 Appoint miniſters, 16 And paffing
shrough many places, make report of thesr dils-
gente at Antiochia, f :
“A M it caine to pale in Iconium, that
they went both together mto the pna-
gogue of the Temes, and fo pake; thata
great multitude both of the Jewes and of
2 But thes ynbeleening Jewes irred
ı the Greciaus beleened.
+ YP; AND corrupted the mindes ofthe Gen⸗
tiles againſt the bꝛethren.
2 a thereſore they above therealong
time, , and ſpake boldly in the Lord, which
gaue teſtimonie vnto the word of bis grace,
and cauſed fignes and wonders te bee Done
bp their bands.
4 But the people of the ritie were dini-
> Bed: and ome were with the Jewes, and
: » feme with the Apoſtles.
s And when there was at aſſault made
`o beth of the Gentiles and of rhe Jewes with
+ Fn fo much
that all the
people were
mooucd at the
Doctrine. So
both aul and
Barnabas res
a? at Ly-
> thete miers, to doe them hiolence, and to
ſtone them 99600
6 They were ware of it, and fied vnto
E Upktra, and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and
vnto the region roundabout,
7 And there were preaching the Goſpelt
8 C Mow there fate a certaine manat
Lyitra, impotent in his feete , which wasa
creeple from his mothers wombe , who haw
neuer walked, TE SESER
9 He heard Panl fpeake: who beholding
— any perceining that be had faith to bee
healen. N
Io Batd witha lowde voyee, t Stand
vpright on thy feete. And be leaped vp, and
11 Chen when the people fatu what Paul
Had Done, they liften vp their voyces, laying
in thelpeech ef Lpcaonia, Gods are come
Downe to vs in the ltkenefle of men.
12 Andthey celled Barnabas, Jupiter,
and Paul, Mercurius, becaule hee was the
chicte(peaker. ;
13 Then Jupiters Piet which was be-
foze their citie, bꝛought buls with>garlands
vnto thee gates, and would haue lacrificed
with the people.
14 But when the Apotles Barnabas and
Paulheard te, they rent thete clothes, and
ranne in among the peoplecrping,
15 And faping, D men, why Doe pee thele
things ? (ice are euen men e fubtect to the
like paflions that pe be,and preach pnte you,
that yee ould turne from thele vaine idoles’
vnto the liuing God, * whick made heauen
and earth, andthe lea, and allthings that
tn them are.
16 (Cibo in times palt * ſuffered all the
Gentiles to walke in their owne f wayes.
17 Qruertheleſſe, hee left uot huntelfe
Without e witneſſe, in that hee did good, and
ane bs raine from heauem and freitful fea-
mesing our hearts with food and *glad>
18 And (peaking theſe things , ſcarle ree
fratnes they the people,that they bad not ſa⸗
crificed vnto them
19 Chen there came certaine Jewes from
Anttochia and Jeenium, which when they
had perſwaded the people, || * toned Baul,
and Drew him out ofthe citie, {uppofing hee
had beene Dead. Í
20 Howbeit, as the dilciples foon rannd.
about him, he arole vp, and came intothe ci
tie,and the nert Dap he Departed with Bars
nabas to Derbe. l
` 21 And after thep had preached to that
citie, and had taught many, they returned
za Lyſtra; and to Iconium; and to Antig»
22 Confirming the diſciples hearts, and
erbozting them tocontinue inthe taith, af-
firming that wee mut thꝛough many afflicti
ons enter into the kingdome of Goo.
* 23 And when they had ordrined them El-
Ders by election in enerp Church and prays
ed, and Fated, thep commended them to the
Loꝛd tn whom they beleencd. :
24 Thus thep weet thorowout invia,
anu came to Pamphylia.
Ban when thep had preached the word
in Pergathey cameBowneteAttalta,
26° Gud thence fated to Autiochia,*from
whente they hat bene commended nto the.
tace ef Gad , tothe wozke which they haa
27 And when they wese come, ‘and had
—— Church together, they rehear.
Chap. xiiij. IupitersPrieft. Paulftoned. 497 .
tJ fay to thee
in the Mame of
Fhe Lord Jelug
b That is,trim=-
med with Howres
and garlands,
c He meaneth,
before the gates
of the heule
where th e Apo.
ftles lodged: for
the Temple was
withaut yrowne,
and thereforethe
P.ieft brought
the facrificc(ashe
thought) to the
gods themfelues,
d Infigne of dee
cefting and ab-
horring it,
e That is,not
without our ine
firmities and
ſiones and al fe
fubicâ to death,
146.6. reue.t4.7
Pal. 1.12513;
FOM. 1.24.
f To line after
their owne fan.
taſies, not pre feri~
bing vnto them
any religion.
g To.take from
men all excufe,
h That bemg fa-
tisfied they might
+But that they
ſhould goe cuge
n man hone,
nd whiles-
they tarted any
taught, there
came, qe. y
t Ana diſpu⸗
ting bolalp, >
perſwaded the
people to for,’
take themt-fo2,
{aid they, they.
fap nothing
true Unt lie in
all things. =
2, [0r r5.
b The word figs’
nificth toele i.
by putting vp
the hands, whic)
miniflers wete’
not made with» <
out the confene
of the people, ©
EDall the things that God had Donek by Chap.rzir,4.
tbem; aud how hee had opened the doore of k By cheir mi ·
faith vnto the Gentiles. &
i — Ree 28 So
‘M nifteries 250"
| The Couneill.
a As Cerinthus
and others: fo
writeth Epipha-
nius againft the
Cerinthians: alfo
the fame of the
place whence
they came,did
much preuaile to
sperfivade abroad.
b Which were
ſactious and gi-
ueiſto diſſention.
"Aua N
© As touching
adoption and: «`
erernall life,
d By faith Ged
putifieth the
3, (07,163,
chap .10.43.
e They purpoſe·
ly tempt God;
whichlayiereax . thep
ser charges on
mens conſcien |
ccs, then they arg
able to beare,
Matth. 23.46
f And notbythe
Law: forit isa
clog to the con⸗
foience, and.we
cannot be deli-
2. Pett.
Amos 9.116
g Thatis, the
Church, whereof
afigure, .
23 Go there thep abode along time with
the dilciples.
1 Variance about circumctfion, 22 The A-
postles fend their determination to the Churches,
35 Paul and Barnabas preach at Antiochia,
39 os [eparate companis becaufe of Fehn
F Uencame Downe acertaine from Judea,
and taught the bzethzen,aying, * Except
ye be circumciled after the maner of Woles,
pe cannot be ſaued. ONA
2 Andwhentvere was great diffention
aud Difputation by Paul and Barnabas a-
gaint them, they ordeined that Paul and
Barnabas, & certaine other of them goult
goe bp to Jeruſalem vnto the Apoſtles ant
Elders about this queſtion.
3 Thus being fent forth by the Church,
they pailed though Phenice,and Hamaria,
Declaring the conuerfion of the Gentiles:
* they brought great ioy vnto all the bree
4 Gnd when they were come to Jeruſa⸗
lent, they were receiued of the Church, and
si the Apoſtles and Elders, and hep decla⸗
red what things God had vone bp them.
$ Butfaid they certaine of the fect ofthe
b JIharilees, which Did beleeue, role tp, lay⸗
ing, that it was necdfuli to circumciſe them,
ana to commaund chem to keepe the Law of
oits. $ |
5 Thenthe Apotles: and Cloers came
together to loske to this matter. ]
7 And when there bad beene great dil
putation, Weter rofe yp, and ſayde vnto
them, * Dee men and beethren, pee knowe
that agood while agoes among vs Gov
choſe out me, that the Gentiles by mp mouth
pode Heare the word of che Golpel,and be-
8 And Sod which knoweth the hearts,
bare them witneſſe, in giuing vnto chem the
holy Ghot euen ashe did vñto vs
+g And hee putno ¢ difference betweene
bs and them, atter that bp faith heed ban
*purificd their hearts. oR as
Io sow therefore, why tempt ye Hod;
to.* lay a voke on the diſciples neckes, which
— out fathers, nez wee were able to
eare? paN !
11 But we beleene, though the f grace of
the Lovo Jes Ghuict tobee ſaued, euen as
tp does, jir H jiti 2
12 Then althe multitude kept filence,
and beard Barnabas and aut, which told
what igues and wonders God had Done a=
mang the Gentiles by then. l
13 And when they belo their peace James
anfwered, ſaping, Men and brethzen, hear:
ken vnt wmheeeeee
14 *Himon hath declared hors God firk
Din vᷣiſite che Gentiles.te take of thema peo»
ple vnto his AMG. le ee
Is Gnd to this agree the words of the
Propheta as it is Wittem, i hih
160% After thia Iwill returne s and will
buil againe thes Gaberiacle of Davids
Dich is fallen Dowie, and the ruines
h: ereot mney Ibuild agnine AD FT wus
—— iMG
nae t Arte?
SRI 3 Webbs Fins
The Actes.
17 Ghat the reſttue of men might leeke
after the Low, and all the + Gentiles vpon
whom my Mame is called, faith the Lom
wich Doeth all thele things.
18 From the beginning of the world Ged
knoweth atl his worker,
Ig Gherefore my ſentence ts, that wee
trouble not them of the Gentiles that are
turned togon, `
20 But that wee wite unta them, that
The Apoſtles Epiſtle
h Which are ga⸗
théred inte one
family withthe _
Tewes, to the jne
tent theythould —
acknowledge all”
oneGod,and one
Saviour Chrift >
they abſtaine themſelues fomi filthincie ot i For fome
idoles, and * fornication, and chat that is
ſtrangled, and from blood t.
21 Foꝛl Botts of old time Hath in every
citte them that preach hun, fering be is read
tn the Synagogues enery abbath day.
22 Chen it leemed good to the Apottles
and Civers with the whole Church to lend
chofen men of theis owne campanie to ii-
tiochia with Paul and Barnabas : to wit,
Judas wholelurname wrs Barſabas, and
—— which were chiefe men among the
letyen, — i
23 And mote letters by theater this
mancr, THE APOSTLES, andthe Ei
Ders, and the brethren, vnto the brethren
which are of the Gentiles in Antiochia,
and in Spia, and in Cilicia, ſend grees
ting. ;
24. Fo as nuch as wee hane heard, that
certaine which Departed from vs, baue trou⸗
bled pou with words, and cumbred yaur
mindeg faving, Pe mult be circumciſed and
keepe the Lawe, to whom twee gane ne fuch
25 It ſeemed therefore good te bs, when
wee were come together with one est to
fend chofen men vnto pou, with our beloued
Barnabasand Paul, - \ t
26 Wen that haue ginen vp theit liues
fo: the Rame of our Lod Jeſus Chit.
27 Gee haue therefoge fent Judasand
Silas, which thalt alfo tell pou the fame
things bp mouth. ?
28. Foz it (cemed good ta the holy Ghot,
and” to bs, to lay no moze burthen pon
pou, then theſe neceſſarie things BE
29 Thatis, that pee abſtaine from things
ofred to idoles, and blood, and that that ts
ftrangled, and from fomication: + front
which if pee keepe pour ſelues, pee ſhall doe
well. Fare ye well.
32 Mow whin thep were Departed , they
cameto Antiochia, and after that they bad
—— the miltitude, they delluered the
piſtle. jisti yd
31 And when thep had read it they retoy-
tcen forthe conſolation.
32 And Judas and Dilag being Po-
phets | erbozted the bꝛethꝛen with many as the minifters
CIII 010° of Gods ordi-
nance, Exod. Lés
words and ſtrengthened them.
33 Andakter they had tatied there alpaces
thep were let goe in» peaccof the brethreñ
vnto the Aypoftles. a ne a!
4. Motwithitandt
goon to abide there RUL:
onely Judas went, gait fh
35 Pant
could not fo
foone beaboli-
NU FIJN ` hag.na2.
ng © Dilas thought + dao what ;
fotuer pe would
not thatmen |
fhould doe vto you doe not tosthers. [Or,conifrted) n Hae
ying defired leave ef theChurch,the brethren praied God t6 ptoſpet
theiricurney. o: Who for inftcaufes,changed his mind) HARY
thought it none
- offence tobe
idoles temples,
and thereto ban-
ker: which Saint"
Paul faith, is to
drinke the cup of
the deuils,s.Cor. -f
k ‘The heathen
thought this no
vice, but made ie
acommon cu. `
ftome, As tou
ching a ftrang-
led thing end
blood, they were
not vnlawfull of
themfeluts;and `
therefore were
obfer ued but for
t And whate
ſoeuer they
wonld not
fhouid be done
to themelues,
that they ould |
` not Doe it to
1 Therefore the
ceremonies come
manded by God, ,
thed, till the li-
berty of the Gof
pel were better |
m Whom the ©
holy Ghoft hath’
mooued and di⸗
reed to'ors `
deine,and write
thele things not
asthe authors of
this do@rine, but |
3 rtiudge.7. io, °
35 Paul alſo and Barnabas continued tr
Antiochia, teaching and preachtig with
many other the word ofthe £020. — 3
36 @ But after certaine dayes, aul Hid
vnto Barnabas, Let vs rerurne, aud biste
Our bzethzen in cuerycttie, where we bane
preached the word of the Loyd, and fee how
i thep Boe.
+(Gouldtake 37 And Barnabas t counſelled ta take
John, xc. wy thom Jebn called Sparke.
38 Wut Paulthought tt not meet totake
p God fuffereth him vnto their company, which departed
the molt perfeto frem them from Pamphylia, and went not
fall and ycttur- with them to the woke.
neth their infir- 39 Then were they fe ſtitred, that they
mitiestothe fer. PDeparted aftinder onefrom anoiher,fo that
ting fotthofhis. Barnabas tooke Marke, and (ayicd vito
glory, asthis yprus. sha
breach of come 40 And Paul chole Silas and departed,
pany caufedthe being commended of the bzethzen vnto the
wordto beprea- grate of@ov. La
ched in moe 41 And he went thorow Syita and Ciiis
places, cia, ſtabliſhing the Churches,
3 When Paul bad circumcifed Timothie, hee
tooke hin wib him, 7 The Pirit calleth them
| from one countrey to ancther. 34 Lydsais con-
uerted, 28 Pauland Silas impriſoned, conuert
the Gasler, 37 and are deliuered as Romanes.
; Tee came hee to Derbe ann to Lypitra:
: _ and beholde, a certaine diſciple was
there, named * Timotheus, a womans
fonne, which wasa Jeweſſe and belecued,
but bis father was a Gtecian.
2 Dfwhom the beerhzen which were at
Lyftta and Jconium, reported weil.
3. Cheretoze Paul wouid rhat he Honld
were prophane $0 foezth with bim, and tooke and? circum:
&withourGod, diled hint, becanfe of the Jewes which were
b God chufeth in thole quarters: for chey knew all chat bis,
rot only men, but father was a Grecian, 5
eifo appointeth 4 And as thep went thozow the cities,
countreyswhere they Deltuercd them the Decrees te kecpe,o2-
hisword(halbe Deinedofthe Apoſtles and Elbers, which
preschedjand Wereat Icxuſalem. 4
onelyashewilf.. 5. AnD fo were the Churches tablimen
¢ Meaning, Afia tthe tatth, ana increated tn nuniberDayly,
thel«iT:. 6, € Mow when thep had gone thorow⸗
FDFFefug,. out Whzygta, and the region of Galatia,
d Cilled aif they weretosbipden > ofthe holy Spot, ta
Ant'goniaand _ Peach the word in⸗· Alia.
Alexandria. - 7.. Ehencame they to Myla ann fought
e We ought not togocinto Bithinia; but the Spirit t {nite
tocreditvifions, VED temnot,
exċėpt we beal- 8 Therekoꝛe thep pated thozoto Opia,
furedthercofby and came Downeto è Troas, ;
the fpiritofGod, 9 CAberea vifion appeared to Panl in,
f Which isin the night. There ſtoode amaa of Macedo⸗
the bordersof. nia, and prayed bim, faying, Come into
Thracig and Ma- Macedonia and belpe ds. k
eedonia ` ° “I0 Audafterhehadfcene the bifion, im
g In Gréckeand meviatly we pieparen to goe into Macedo·
Latinethe word nia, beinge allureD that the Lozd had tals
iscalled Colos led bs to pcach the Goſpel vnto them.
Reœm. 16.2 1. phil.
2.19, 1thef.3.2.
a Left the Iewe⸗
fhould difdaine
him as one that
Riawhichean- | I1- Then went we korth from Troas, and
nototherwife with aftreight courſe came to Samothra⸗
Be well expre cia and the neet day tof sAecapolic,
fd butby fuch. 12 CAnd from thence to Philipei, whech
citcumftance of isthe chiefe citie tithe parts of Macedo-
words, `
Paul and Barnabas ftriue. Paulsvifion. Chapsxyj.
nia, and s whole inhabitants came from
Rome to dwell there, and we were in that
titie abiding certaine Dayes.
13 And onthe Habbath day, wee went
outof the citic, belidesarinuer wherethep
were wont to b pray: and we fate Downe,
and (poke bnto che women, which were
come tegether.
14 Ana acertaine woman named Lydia,
afellerof purple, of the citieot the Taya»
tittans, which woeſhipped God, Heard vs:
whofe heart the £020 opened, that the atten⸗
bed onto the things which Paul fpake.
I§ Ant when hee was baptized and her
houlbetd, Heebelought vs, laying, Hf pee
babe iudged me to bee taithfull to the Lezd,
coinetnto mine boule and abide inere ; ang
fhe conftratned vs.
16 And it came to pafe, thatas we went
to prayer, a certaine matne hauing * a ſpitit
of diuination, met vs, which gate her ma-
Kers much vantage with Dintning. :
17 She folowed Paul and vs, and cried,
laying, Chele men are the feruants of the
malt high God, which Mewe vnts ys the
* way of faluation,
18 And this Did He many dates:but Paul
being grieued, turned about, and laid to the
{pirtt,J] command thee in the name of Jefus
Chit, thattboucomeont ef her. And hee
came out the fame boure.
19 Now when hermatters law that the
Hope of their gatne was gone, they caught
Pauland Silas, and Mew them into the
market place vnto the Magiſtrates,
20 Aud brought them to the Gouernozs,
faving, Chele men which are Jewess, trouble
our citie,
21 And preach ordinances, which are not
lawfull foz bs to recetue, neither tooblerue,
ſeeing we are Romances.
22 The people alfo rele bp together a-
gaiuſt them,and the Ooucrnozs rent ™ their
clothes, and * commandeDthem fo be beaten
with reas.
23 And when they had beaten them foe,
they catt chem tnto pifon, commanding the
aoler to keepe them furely.
-24 Uba hauing received fuch comman-
Dement, caf them into the hinner pion, and
mate their keete kaſt in the ſtocks.
25 How at midnight Paul and Hilas
prayed, and fung a Paline bute God: and
the parfoners heard them.
26. And ſuddenlychere was a great earth:
quake, lo that Me foundation of the priſon
was Haken: and by and by all the doores
opened, and euery mans bands were leofer.
27_ Then the keeper of the pation waked
out of his ſleepe, and when hee law the pat>
(on Doozes open, be Drew outhis ſweed, and
; would haue killed himſelle, Cuppeing the
puifoners had been fled.
23 But Want cricd with a loude voyce,
faving, Doe chy felfe no hace ; for wee are
all Gere. EE
29 Thenhe callepforaliaht,andleapen
in and came trembling , and tell Bowne bee
foze Paul and Beas, ; :
{ald Dirs,
he them out, and
at to be (alien?
The Priſoners fing Pſalmes. 498
h Where the
Chriftians accu-
ftomed to afleme
ble their Church,
when the infidels
perfecuted them
dent, I 8. 10, 11.
3, (am.28.7.
i Which could
geſſe, and fore-
decme of things
_ paft,prefent,and
to come: which
knowledge in
many things
God permiteth
tothe deuil.
ik Satan, ale.
though he fpake »
the tsueth, yet >
was his malicis
ous purpoſe to
cauſe the Apoſtles
to be troubled as
feditious perfonsy
and teachersof
ftrange religion.
1 For Satans fub«
tiltie increafed,
and alfo it mighe
feeme that Satan
and the Spirit of
God taught bork
onc doGrine,
Reade Mar.3.34 >
m To wit, the ~
clothes of P
and Silas, /
2.[ 08.125
1thefi2 z.e _
Ozin the bote
trme ofthe pri-
[onor in a dane
TheGaolers zeale. —
JOr, wounds or
tGreeke he fèt
the table.
The Gouer ·
nours afem-
bled together
tu the market,
the carthquake
that was,thep
feared and
n No man bad
authoritie to
beat, or to put to
death a ¢itizen
Romane,but the
Romanes them:
flues by the
confent of the
e For the punifh-
ment was Sreas
againft them that
did iniurieto a
ezizen Romane,
fus Chꝛiſt, and chor halt be ſaued, and thine
32 dud they preached unto him the worn
the Lome, and to allthat were in bts
33 Afterward hee tooke them the fame
boure ofthe night, and waſhed their || tripes,
was baptized with all that belonged pate
Hun fratghrway. :
34 And when hee hav brought them into
his houle,he + (et meate befoze them, and re»
torce bape he with ali bts houſtzold beleeucd
tn God.
35° And whew it was Day t the Gouer-
nours (ent the ſerieants, faying , Let thole
men goe. f
36 Then the keeper of the pion tolde
thele words vnto Paul, faying, Che Gouer-
nours haue (ent to toole you: now therefore
get pou hence and goe in peace.
37 Then laid Paul unto them, After that
they hane beaten vs openly vncondemned,
which ave =" Romaues,they hane caſt vs into
pilon, and now wouid they put ys out prt:
nip? nap verely: but let them come bzg
38 And the Cericants told thefe words vn⸗
to the Goucrnours, who e feared wien they
Heard that they were Romanes.
39) Lhes came thep and prayed them,and
brought themout, and delired themto Des
part out of the citie. i
49 And they went out okthe pilon, and
entred inta the houle of Lydia: & when they
had (eene the byecheen,thep comforted them,
and Departed.
s Paul commeth to Theffalonica, 4 Where
forse recesuchim, and others perfecute bhim. 11
To fearchthe Scriptures. 17 He difpateth at A-
thens,and the fruit ofhi doctrine.
N2? as they paffed thoꝛow Amphipolis,
and Apotlonia,thepcame te Theſſalont·
ta where was a Synagogue of the Jewes.
2 Aud paul, as his maner was, wentin
vnto them,and three Sabbath daies diſputed
with them by the Scriptures,
3 Dpening talledging that Che muſt
haue (uffred, and riſen again from the dead:
and this is Jeſus Chꝛiſt, whom, faydhee, JZ f
peach to pou.
4 Andlome of them belecucd , anv ioys
ned in company with Pauland Silas: als
O of the Grectans that feared God, a great
k a ie and of the chiefe women nota
§ But the Fewes which beleeued not,
moucd trh ennie, tooke vito them certaine
vagabonds and wicked fellowes, and when
they bad aſſewbled thenmiltitnde,thcp mave
a tumult in th nt made affault againſt
the houle of Jaſonand fought to dzing them
out tothe people. ~,
6 But whenthep
Drew Jalon and certat
heads of the citie, crying, Theſe are they
which hane ſubuerted the tate of the wolo,
and here they are, Ae
7 chom Jalon hath recciucs, anv thele
ind them not, they
brethren puto the
The Actes.
allBoe again& the Decrees of Cefar, fay:
ing » Chat there ts anorhers King,one Je»
8 Chen they troubled the peopic,and the
Pia ofthe citie, when thcp heard theſt
9 MotwithTanding when they had re-
ceined |] icient aflurance of Jalon and of
the other,thcylet them goe.
10 And the brethzen ummediatly fent a
way Paul and Bilas by nighe vuta Bee
tea, which wher they were come thi-
hd entreD inte the Synagogue of the
11 Thel were alot moze noblemen then
they which wereat Thellalonica. which re-
ceined the word with all readineſſe, ¢* fear-
ched the Scriptures Daply, “whether chole
things were fo.
12 Tycrefore many of them beleeued, and
of hone women, which were Grecians,
ana men not a few.
13 € But when the Jewes of Theffalo-
nica knewe, thatthe word of God was allo
preached of Paul at Berea, they came thi-
ther alfo and moued the people.
14 Dut by and by the beethzen fent away
{aul to go asit were to the Hea: but Silas
and Timotheus above there till,
Ig And thep that H dD conduct Paul,
brought bim vnto Athens: andwhen they
bad receined a commandement vuto Silas
and Timotheus that they Mould come to
him at once, they Departed.
16 C Mow while Paul waited for them
at Athens, bis {pitit was ſtirred in him, f
when he ſaw the cttte d ſubiect to toolatry.
17 Cherefoze hee diſputed in the Syna⸗
gogue with the Jewes, and with them that
were religious, and in the market Daply,
«with 7 be met.
18 Then certaine Philoſophers of the
f Eptcures, and of the || Stoikes, diſputed
with him, and fome fayd , hat will this
| babbler lay? Dehers fayd, He (eemeth tobe
a ſetter foorth of trange gods ( becaule hee
si ho vnto them Jefiis, and che relat.
19 And they teoke him, and hoought him
into * Mars ttreete, faving, May wee not
know, what this new doctrine whereof thou
peakelt,ts ? ‘
20 Foꝛ thou binge certaine frange
things vnto our cares : wee would knowe
therefore, what thele things meane.
21 Forallthe Achenians and rangers
which dwelt there, | aue themlelues tono
Ding els, but either to tello: to beare fome
_ 22 Then Paul Moode in the mins of
i Mars ſtreete, and fayn, Me men of Athens,
J percetue chat in all things pe are too ſu⸗
perititious. .
23 Foras Jpaſſed by, and beheld your
Devotions, J founde an altar wherein
-picking they v-
a Like quarell
(ed againft
< Frilt : and thefe
be rhe weapons
wherewith the
world continual,
ly fichteth a~
gainit ý members
of Chrift,treafon
and fedition,
Or, a ſuſxcient
b Not more ¢x-
cellent of birth,
but more prompt
& couragieusin
Feceining ý word
of God: forhe
compareth them
of Berea with thé
of Theffalonica,
who perfecuted —
the Apoftles in
Iohn 5.39.
c Thiswas not
onely to trie if
thefe things
which they had
heard, were true,
but alfo to con-
firme them(elues
inthefame, and
to increafe their
Or, bad the
charge to conduct
him [afely..
d That citie
which was the
fountaine of all
knowledge, was
now the fineke
of moft horrible _
idolatrie. J
e Such was kis
feruent zealéte- *
wards Gods glo-
ry,that he labou-
red to amplifie
the fame beth in
ſeaſon, and ont
offeafon,as hee
taughe afterward
to Timothie,
f Who held,that
pleafure was
mans whole fe«
g Who taught
that vertue was
onely mans felie
citi¢,which nat.
they neuer at-
teiaed vnto, fOr,ra/cal,or trifler. h Where iudgement was given
of weighty matters but chiefly of impiety againft theirgods, whereof
Paul wasaccufed: or els was led thither becaufeofthe refortof the |
To fearchthe Scriptures, | |
people, whofe eares euentickled to hearenewes, (Or, had leaſure.
i Which wasalfo called Areopagus,
- thus, becaufe of
Pauls fermon. —
k Hereby Paul wag witten,- VNTO THE VN-
takethanoccafi- KNOWEN GOD, Ahom pe then igno⸗
ontobring them rantly woꝛſhip, him Hew J punto you.
tothe true God, 24 God that made the world, and all
(ha.7.48. things that are therein, feeing that hee ts
Pfa! 50.8. Lozd of heauen and carth, * dwelleth notin
\Befereman temples made with hands, È?
-wascreated, God 25 * Neither ts wozlhipped with mens
hadappointed - hands, as though bee needed any thing, fee»
hiseftateand ing he ginethtoall, life and breathy and all
condition, things.
26 And hath made of one blood all man-
Kind,to Dwel on all the face of the eatth, and
fundrychanges ath! aligned the times which were o2det-
ofthe world,as ned before, and the bounds of thew w babis»
whenfomepeo- tation, ;
pledepart ourof 27 Chat they honlo ſeeke the Loyd, if fo
acountrey,and betheymight haue groped after him, and
otherscometo found? him, theugh doubtleſſe ye be nor far
dwelltherein, from eueryonecof ys. —
, n Mengropein _ 28 ffozin him weeliue, and mooue, and
m ‘This is meant
as touching the
darkeneffe,till Haue our being, as alfo certatneof your own
Chrift thetrue ° [Docts paue fayd, Foꝛ wee are allo bis ge-
light thine in neration,
their hearts, ` 29 * Forafinuch then az we are the gene-
o As Aratus and Fratton of Gov. we ought net to thinke that
others. the Godhead islike unto P golde, 02 filuer,
Ifa. 49. 19. o? tone grauen by art and tie tnuention of
30 Andthe time of this ignorance God
ategarded not : but now be adinontiheth
ralimen euery where to repent, :
31 Becaulehee hath appoynted a Day in
the which he will iudge the world tn righte-
gumes, by that man who he hath appointed,
wherof h¢ hath giuen anaffurance to al men,
in that be hath railed him from the dead.
22 Mowe when they heard of therefur-
ofthe vniuerfall rection from tie Dead, tome mocked, and o-
wotldand not ther fayd, Cie will heare thee againe of this
of euery particu- thing.
larma:forwho- 33 And fo
foueuer finneth È
withoutthelaw, 34 Howbeit certaine men ciatie vnto
fhall die without Paul, and beleened; among whom was allo
the law. Denis ||Areopagita, and a woman named
fOr,aiudeeof Damaris, and other with them.
Mars frreetes CHAP. XVIII,
s 3 Paul laboureth with his hands and preacheth
at Corinthus. 6 He ts detefted of the Iewes, 8 Yet
recezued of many, 9 Andcomforted of tle Lord.
14 Gallio refufeth to meddle with religion. 18
Paulsvowe. 24 Hú faith in the proudence of
God, 22 And care for the brethren. 24 The
prafe of Apollos,
A Fter tyelethings, Paul departed from
Athens,and came to Coꝛinthus.
2 And found acertaine Jew named * A-
quila, bo2ne in Pontus, lately come from J⸗
talp, and his wife Pꝛiſcilla (becaufe that
Claudine had commaunded all Jewes to
Depart from Rome) and he came vntothem.
3 Anobecaule he was sf the fame craft,
he above with them and > wrought toz their
craft was to make c tents.)
p. Hecondem-
neth the matter
and the forme
wherewith God
q Bur pardoned
it,and did not
s ith itas it
r Thisismeant
Paul Departed from among
Rom. 16.3:
a . This was Clau-
dius Cefar, who
then was Empe-
b Thashe vfed
where euer be
came: but princi-
pally at Corin-
ucry Sabbath day, and erhozted the Jewes
andthe Grectans. j
„without wages : § Rowe When Ailas and Timothens
towin the Peo-
ples fauour. c Or, pauilions,which then were made of skinnes,
the falfe apoftles,
which preached _
Chap. xviij.
4 Gnd be difputed in the Synagogue es
Gods affiftance toPaul. 499
were come from Macedonia, Pauld burned d And boyled
in ſpirit, teftttping ta the Jewes that Jeſus with acertaine
was the Chꝛiſt. -T ees
6 Aud when they refitted andblalphe- Chap.13.51.
med, be * booke his raiment, and ſayd vnto matth. 10. 14.
them, Pour blood be vpon pour owne head; e Becaufe they
J amcieane:from henceforth wilt 3 goe y= hase none ex-
tothe Gentiles, cufe he denoun-
7 Soe departed thence,and entred in · ceth thevenge.
to acertaine mans boule, named Jultus, a ance of Goda-
wozthipper of God, whole houle topned hard gaiak them
to the Dynagogue. : through their
S And* Triſpus the chiefe ruler of the owne fault.
Dynagogue, beiceucd inthe Lord with all 1.Cor.1.14.
bis houſhold: and many of the Cozinthtans
pearing tt,belecued and were baptize,
9 Chen fayd the Lord to Paul inthe
night by a vifion, Feare not,but eake, and >
hoin not thy peace.
Io fer J am with thee, and ro man hal
lay hands sit thee to hurt thee: foz J baue
much people in this citie.
Il Dov he continued there ayeere and fire
12 € Mowe when Gallio was deputie of
bAchata, the Jewes arole with one accord
againt Paul,and brought him to the iudge·
ment (ear,
13 Saving, This fellow perlwadeth men
to worſhip God contrar, tothe s Law. 2 They aecuſed
14 Andas Paul was about to open bis him,becaute he
mouth, Gallio fayde vnto the Jewes, Ffit cranereffed the
were a matter of wrong, o2 an eutllDeedD,D feruice of God
yee Fewes, J| would according to realon appointed by
maintaine pon. ; the Law.
I5 ut tfitbe a quettion of words, and
names, and of pour Lawe, looke pee to it
om feiues : foz J will bee no iudge of thole
16 Andhe draue them from the iudge⸗
ment feat.
17 Then tookeallthe Grectans* Soft» h Ofwhomis
henes, the chiefe ruter ofthe Synagogue, fpoken,1.Cor, `
and beat him before the tudgement feat: but r.r.
Gallis cared nothing fo: thofethings.
18 But when aul had taried there yet
a good while, he tooke leaue of the brethzen,
and fayled into Spiti (and with him Pre . ;
cilla and Aquila) atter that hehad i thorne i Paul did thus
his head in Cenchzearfozbehada*vow, bearewith the
.19 Thenbheecame to Ephelus, and left lewes infirmities
themthere : buthee entredinte the Syna: whichas yee were |
goghe and difputed with the Jewes, not fufficiently
20 Aho Defired hint to tarie a longer inſtucted
time with them :but hee would not confent, Nom. 6.18.
21 But bade them farewell, laying, Y chap. 21. 24-
muff needs keepe this fealkthat comuneth,
in Jeruſalem:but J will returne againe vin-
to you, *tF God will. Bo he fapled from €= 1-Cor.4.19-
phetug. tames 4. 15.
22 (And whenhe came Downe to « Ce: K Called Cefarea
farea,be went vp to lerufalem : and wher he Stratonis.
had faluted the Church, he went Downe vite
to Anttochia. i
23 Row when he had tarien there a while,
he departed, and went thorow the countrey
of Galatta and Phꝛygia by order,ſtrengthe⸗
ning all the otlctptes,
24 And acertatne Jew named * Apol- 1, (or.t.22.
les, bozneat Alexandꝛia came to Sphelus, i
Rrr 3 an
f God promifeth
him a(pecial pro-
tection, whereby
he would defi
€ taught the wod of God among fides oth —
violent rage of
his enemies.
§ Or, Grecia,
chnsBaptifine. The Actes. _ Exorcifts. The fruits of faith.
POr,wellin- an eloquent man, andiinightpinthe Scrip- beth Jewes and Grecians.
Eructed. tures. ets Il And God wrought no fmall miracles
1 That is, was 25 Thelame was linfructedinthe wap by the bands of Paut,
fomewhaten- ofthe Load, and bee {pake teruentipin the 12 8o that from his body were bꝛought
tred, ſpirite, and taught diligently the things of vnto the fickellkerchicfs eo: handkerchitts, Or, naſkius.
m Hehadbutas the LoD, and knew but thet baptiüncof and thedileates Departed from them, and e This wasto
yet the firt prin- John onelp, j ; the eutll ſpirits went outof therr. authorize the
ciples of Chrifts 26 Andhecherantolpeakeboldiptathe 13 Then certaine ot ÿ vagabond Jemes Gofpeland to
Synagogue. thom when Aquiis Piſ⸗
cilla had beard, they toske hun vite them,
and a exppunded vnto him the o Way of Gov
moze perfectly. z
27 And whenhe was minded to gor inta
Acyata, the brethzen exhorting bimi, wrote
to the diſciples to recciue bim; and after be
was tome thither, bee bolpe them much
which bad beleeued throngh grace.
religion: and by
baptifme is heere
ment the do-
n This great
learned and elo-
guent man dif
dained not to be
taught ofa poore
crafts man. 28 ffozmightilpy bee confuted pubtikelp
o Thewayto the ewes with great vehemencie, thew
faluation, ing by the Dcriptures, that gelus was the
6 The holy Ghoft is ginen by Pauls hands. 9The
Fewes blafpheme his dottrineywhich was confir-
med by miracles. 13 The rajhnes, and punifhment
of the (onaurers, andthe Suit that came thereof.
24 Demetriusrayfeth [edition under pretence of
Diana. 41 Yet God dekuereth bis, and appeafeth
at by the Towne clerke. ‘
A ND it came to pafle, while Apollos
was at Corinthus, that Paul when he
paſſed thorow the vppir coattes, came to E⸗
phelus,and found certaine ditctples,
2 And layd vnto them, Paue pe recetued
the *holp Ghok fince pe delceued? And thep
ſapd vnto bim, Mee haue not fomuch as
beard whether there be an holy Ghot.
3 Audbelayd vntothen, > Auto what
were pe then baptized? And they ſayd, Unto
‘a Thatis,the
particular gifts
of the Spirit : for
as yet they knew
not the vilible
pe. Johns baptifine. f
b Meaning what 4 Zhen laid Paul, * Jobn verily bapti»
dotttiae they 3D with the Baptiſme of repentance, ſaying
didprofeficby - pnto the peopleythat they ſhould beleeue iñ
eheirbaptilme: dun, which Would comeafter pim, that is,
in Ciit Felis. ;
§ Do when they heard it they weresbap-
tized in the Mame ofthe Lord Felus.
feth to profeffe 6 And HPaul layd his hands vpon them,
the do@rine, and the bolp hoft came on them, and they
whichheraught, {pake the tongues and propheſied.
anifealedwith 7 and allthe men were abouttwelue.
the Ggneofbap- 8 € Moꝛesuer, he went inta the Dp-
tifme:tobebap- nagogue, and ſpake boldip foz the {pace of
tizedinyName theee moneths, diſputing and erbosting te
of the Father,&c, the things that apperaine to the kingdom of
jstobededicate God.
and confecrare ‘g But when certaine were hardened,
yntohim:tobe and Difebeped, fpeaking enill of the wap
baptizedinthe of God before rhe multitddr; hee Departed
‘death of Chrift, from theim, and feparated the diftipies, and
orforthe dead, diſputed Daily in the ichoole ofon: a Tpran⸗
orinto onebody nus t ;
vnto semifionof 10 And this wag Done by the {pace of,that two peeres, fo that all they which dwelt in
finne by Chis Gita, heard the Aorzd ofthe Lorde Felis,
death may bea. : $
bolithed & diein vs, and that way may grow in Chrift our head, and
that@ur finnes may be walhed away bytheblood of Chrift, Matt.
Jat mark. 1.8.luke3.16 iohn 1. 27. chap. 15.a2d 2.3,and 13. 16,
|z Indued with thevilible graces of ththoly Ghoft, d Thatis, of
rtaine man fo called, t From fuga clacke puto ten,
forto be bapti-
‘zed in lohns
baptifme, figni-
exorcius took in hany to name over them confirme Pauls
which pad eutli ſpirits, the Mame of the miniftery,rorre
Lod Jelus, faving, (ic f adiure you by Je> caule men to
fus whem Paul pecacherh. worthip him of
14a (AnD there were certaine ſonnes of bi napkins,
Seenaa Jew, the Piek, abour (cuen which) || Or, conivrozys,
Bid this) a Laie f They abufe
Ig Ano the enill ſpirit anſwered, and faid, Paulsauthoriry,
Jeſus J acknowledge, aud Panl J knowe ; and without any
but who are pe? i ? vocation of God
I6 And the man in whom the enill pi- viurp thar which
ttt was, ranne on then, and ouercame isnot in mans
tdem, and prenatled agatnt them, ſo that power,
thep fiedde put of that boule, naked and g Thar is,decla-
wounded. : red by confefion
17 And this was knowen to all the of their finnes
Jewes andGrecians allo, which dwelt at & bytheir good
Ephelus, and keare came on them all, and works,thze they
the Mame ofthe Lorde Jeſus was magni- were faithfull.
fied h Thismounteth
to of our mone?
about 2000.
i By the mo'ion
of the holy ghoft
he vndertooke
this journey,
k That is, aboue
the fate of the
Chriftians: for
they contemned
the Chriftians,
13 nd many that beleeued, caine and
confeded, and sihewen their wezkes.
19 Wanpailo of them whch vier curisus
atts bought their bookes,anb burned them
befoze alimen, and they counted the price
otthem, and found tt! Gitie thouſand pieces
of tiluer. .
of God grew mightly
20 Hothe Cod
and preuailed. ;
21 G Row when thele things were acs
compltibed, aul purpoled' by che Spirit
to patie thoxow Macedonia and Achaia,
and to go to Jerufalem faving, After J haut becaufe they lefe
bene there, Jj mutt alto fee Rome. the old religion
22 So lent bee into MBacedonia twoof andbroughtin `
them that miniſtred vnto him, Timotheus another trade of
and Crattus, bur hee remained inQiiatoz do@rine,
a ſeaſon. WOrjhrinese
23 And the lame time there aroſe no ſmall | What impiety
trouble about that * way. doth not coue»
24 #524 Certaine man named Demetri- roufnefe drineg
us, afinertmith, which made Giver i| tert- man vneo?
ples of Diana, 1brought great gaines vnto m Hee was mo⸗
the crattimen: : ued with his proe
25 Chom bee called together, with the fir, and the o
woꝛkemen of like things, and Mapde, Birs, thers for their
pre know that by thiscraft = wee haue our bellies, fo that
goods, they would ra-
26 Moꝛeouerx, pee ſee and heate, that not cher lofe both
alone ar Cphelus, but almott rhughout eheirliues & re-
all Afa this [aul hath perfwated, and ligion, then their
turned away much propie, faping, That filthy gaine.
——— not gobs which are made with n Meaning their
Ss — art and occu
27 Ap that not onelp this thing is dan · tion, Ade
gcrous vnto vs, » that the fate thoulde o Religionishis
bee teprooued, but allo that the ° temple fecond argument
of the great goddeſſe Diana ould bee whichhe lefe
nothing efteemeD, and that it woulde efteemethtien
cometo pate, thathermagntficence, which his profit, and
cebi Taft wes chip eand WAKE: doire of Se ERIE?
, ontrary tothe doing of rt j
fos tbey preferre Religion aboueal, - > > A ü —
— 7
ye Ee
is religion vp-
onthe multitude
and authoritie of
the warld ,as doe
the Papifls.
Tom.i 6.23.
B.COr. Leds
Colg Ea:
@ And (er him
in an hie place
where the people
could not come
neere him, but
whencethey .
might well heare
his voyce.
z Antiquitic and
of thej Priefis
brought is this
fuperitition : for
it is written that
the temple being
repaired feuen
times, this idole
was neuer chan-
d, Plin.lib. 16.
40. by fuch delu-
fions the world is
moft eaſily abu-
f He pacified the
people by world-
ly wiſedome, and
hath no reſpect
te religion,
fa hs a ln i ma a ~
be deſttoyed. ;
28 Now when thep heard it, they were
kull of wath and cried out,fapstig, Great is
Diana of the Epheſians.
29 And the whole citie was ful of confite
~ fion,and they ruſhed into the common place
with one alfent,t caught Gaius, and*Aart-
farchus,men'of Maccdonta,t [pauls com>
panions of bis tourney.
30 And when Paul would haue entren
somnio the people, the diſciples uttered him
not. ’
31 Certain allo of the chiefe of Alia which
were bis friends, fent vnto hint, deliring
Him that hee wouid not pzelent hinilelfe in
tyecommon place.
32 Home therefore crped one thing, and
fome anether: forthe allembly was out of
Oder, and the moze part knew not wheres
foze they were come together.
33 And fome of the company q Drewe
Foo2th Aleranvder, the Jewes thanking him
forwards. Alerander then beckeneD with
the hand, and would haue excuſed the mat.
ter to the people.
34 But when they knew that he was a
Jew, there arole a fhout almoſt foz the {pace
oftwo joures , of all men, crying, Oreat is
Diana of the Eghelians.
Chap. xx.
mozdes,be came into Orecia.
3 And bauing tariedchere three moneths
becaule the Jewes layd waite foz him, as he
twas about to faile into Spira, bee purpoſed
to returne through Macedonta.
4 And there accomipanted him into Afia,
Houpater of Berea, and of chem of Theſſa⸗
lonica ,Ariitarchus, and Secundus , and
Gaius of Derbe, and Timetheus, and af
them of Aha, Tychicus and Trophimus.
r] —— went befo, and tarpedD vs at
6 And we failed foorth frem + [Philippi
after the dayes of vnltauened bread, and
came vnto them to Troas tis Rue Dapes,
where we above ſeuen dapes.
7. Andthe > irk Day of the weeke, the
Dticiples being come together to c beeake
bread, Paul preached vnto them, readte to
Depart on the morrow , and continued the
Pecaching vnto midnight.
S And there were many lights itt an bps
per ore they were gathered tas
gether. >
9 And there fatein a window a certaine
yoong |! man named Cutpchus, fallen into a
Deepe fleepe : and as Paul was long pea-
ching, bee ouerconie with Acepe, fell Downe
from the third loft,and was taken bp Dead.
35 Then the towne Clerke,whenbe han” Io But Paul went Dewne, anv layed
fated the people.ſaid, He men of Ephel,
what man {tt that knoweth not, bow that
the cirie of the Epheſians is a woꝛſhipper of
the great geddeſſe Diana, and of the image
which came Bowne front "Jupiter?
36 Deeing then that no man can f fpeake
againt thele things pee ought to be appea ·
fedann to doe nothing raty.
37 Foꝛ ve haue brought hither thefe men,
which baue neither committed facriledge,
neither voe blaſpheme pour goddeſſe.
38 Ceiherefoze, if Demetrius ¢ the craktl ·
. men which are with him, bane a matter a=
gaint any man, the lato isopen, and there
are Deputies: let themaccule one another.
39 But if yee enquire any thing concer:
ning orhet matters, it may bee Detcrmincd
ina lawfull aſſembly.
40 Foꝛ we are euen in feoparDdie to be ac-
culed of thts Daves ſedition, foraſmuch as
tbere is no catie, whereby wee may giue a
realon of this concourte of people. ey
41 And when he had thus tpoken, helet
the aſſembly depart,
1 Paul goethanto Macedeniz and into Gree
cia, 7 He celebrateth the Lords Supper,and prea-
cheth. 9 At Treas heerayfeth up Eu:ychus. 17
At Epheſus hee calleth the Elders of the Church
together, commutteth the keeping of Gods flocke
vato them.warneth them ef falfe teachers,maketh
his prayer with them,and departetl by [hippe to-
ward Jerufalem,
N22 after the tumult was ceaſed, Paul
called the Diſciples unto him, and em-
bzaced thein,and Departed to goe into Pas
2 Aud when he had gone through thole
SoD} 7
himſelke spon him , and imbzaced bim , fap.
tng, Trouble not pour ſelues: foz bis ttfets p
in bun,
It So when Paul was come vp anaine,
and had broken b2cad , and eaten , bee com>
muned along while till the Dawning of the
Day,and fo he Departed,
12 Aud they bronghe che bop aline, and.
thcy were nota little comforted.
13 ¶ Chen we went koorth to Hip, and
fatleD vnto the citie d Aflos , that wee might
recetue Paul there: foz fo had He appointed,;
and would bim(etfe goe afoot.
I4 Now wher he was come vnto vs fo
Aſſos, and we had recetucd him, we caine to
Is And twe failed thence, and came the
nert Day ouer againſt Chios, andthe nert
Day wearriued at Samos, and farted at
—— 3 the next Dap we came te Mi⸗
` 16 ffo Paulhad Determined to faile by
Ephelus, becaule hee would not Mend the
time in Afia: fo: be batted to be, ik he could
— at Jeruſalem, at the Day of || Pen⸗
17 @ hereto from Miletum bee (ent
to Ephelus, and called the Elders of che
18 (Abo when they were come to hin, he
fatd vnto them, De Know from the firt day
that 3J came inte Atia,after what manner J
yaue bene with pou at all (eatons,
19 ¢ Herutng the Lod with all! mode-
Tie and with many teares , and tentations,
which came vnto mee by the lapings await
ofthe Jewes, :
20 And howe J kept : backe nothing
Eutychusreuiued. soo
Hegroundeth all Affa,and ther wola worſhippeth, ſhould partes , and had erbosted them with many
thatmasp ble, but haue Hewes pou, f
and taught poi openly, and thorowout
N Er os Eup
a He remained
there thefe daies,
becaufe hehad |
better opporcuni-
tytoteach:allo |
the abolifhing of }
the Law wasnot |
yet knowen.
b Which wecali |
Sunday, Of this |
place, and aloof 4
the r. Cor, 16.36
we gather that
the Chriftians
vied to haue
theirfolemne afe
femblies this day, `
layingafide the
the lewith Sab-
ath. N * *
cTo celebtate
the Lords Sup⸗
per,Chap,2 46
fOr we.
lOr boy,
d Which was a
citie of Myfia,
called otherwife
Apollonia, Plin,
lib. 5 cap. $0.
10r Whit funtide
e In my vocati-
on & minifterie,
f This vertue is
contrary to boa-
iting & hie min-
ded : which vices
are deteflable in
the feruants of
Iefus Chrifte _
g Ineitherh
my tongue for
care, por dilem-
o Paine. a |
eo ae
Pauls exhortation. Hisintegritic.
h Which isthe
tarning to God
by newneffe of
i Which is the
receiuing of the
race which
Chrift doeth
offer vs,
k That is, by the
impulfio & com-
mandement of
the holy Ghoft,
who draweth me
as with a band,
1 By ý Prophets.
+3in Jerulale.
m lJamnotthe
occaſion of any
of your deftru-
n Which con-
creafe of grace,
till they enter in-
| é
cerneth your
- o That which
- appertaineth te.
| the humanitie of
Chrift, is here at-
tributed to his
diuinitie becaufe
ofthe communi-
on ofthe proprie
| €ties and vnion
ofthe two na-
tures in one per-
p Through their
ambition, which
is mother of all
herefie andwic-
| q Toincreafe
| you with further
graces, and to fi-
| nilh his worke in
| r Hepromifeth
| to the faithfull
} continuallin-
| to the poſſeſſion
of y inheritance
which is prepared
for them.
4,Cor.g, 12.
{ Although this
be not orderly
fo written in any
one place, yet it
Il is gathered of
|| diuers places of
|| the Scripture in -
b effect.
eunery Houle,
21 Uienetfing both to the Jewes, and to
the Grecians the "repentance toward God,
and i fatty toward our Lo Jeſus Chart,
22 Gnd now bebold, J ga * bound inthe
ſpirit vnto Jeruialem , and know not what
things Hail come vnts me there,
23 Saue that the holy Shot | wrtueflerh
in cuery city laying, that bandes and afflic-
tions abtdeime t. Be cies ws
24 Butz palle not atall, neither is my
life Deere vite my felfe, fo that J may fulfil
my courte with tey, andthe mintiiration
which J haue recetued of the £ oza Jelus,to
teltifie the Golpel of the grace of God.
25 And now, behold, 3] know that hence⸗
forth pe al,thzonah whom J have gone prea⸗
ching the kingd ome of Gon, (hal ice my face
no moze. i
26 Aherelorze J] take pou to recorde this
Day, that J am pure from the ™ blood of all
27 FoI vane kept nothing backe, but
Have Hewed pou all the counictl of Gov.
28 Take heen therefore vnto pour ſelues,
and to all the tlecke,wherest the boly Ghot
Hath made pou ouerſeers, to feed the Church
of Hod, which hee hath purchaled with his
oowne blood.
29 Fo J know this, that after my nepar»
ting Hall gricuous wolues enter in among
pou, not paring the tlocke.
30 Mozeouce of pour owne felues Mall
men arife, peaking P perucrle thinges, to
Draw Dilciples after them.
31 Therefor watch, and remember, that
by the pace of thaee peeres Jceaſed not to
mae euery ong , both night and Day with
tares. i
32 And now, brethren, J commend pou
to God, and to the wo2d of hts grace, which
ats able to build further, and to giue pou an
z inheritance, among all them which are
33 J bane coucted no mans filuer, noz
gold, no apparell.
34 Veape know, that thele bandes hane
minured vnto my * neceſſtties, and to theni
that were with me.
3¢ J bane Hewed von al things, how that
fo labouring, ve ought to ſuppoꝛtthe weake,
and to remember the words of the Lord Jle-
{us,how that be fain, f Jt is a bleſſed thing
to giue, rather then ta recetue.
36 And when hee Had thus poken, hee
kneeled Downe and prayed with them all.
37 Then they wept all abundancly; and
kell on Pauls necke and k iſſed pim,
38 Being chiefiy ſory foz the words which
helpake, Chat they thould (ce his face no
Hae And thep accompanied him vnto the
pip. i
§ The common prayers of the faithful. 9 Phi-
hps foure daughters propheteffes. 13 Pauls con-
ftancy to beare the croffe,as Agabus & other for-
Spake, although he were othernaſe counſelled by
she brethren 28 The great danger that he was ina
andhowhecfcaped, ~
The Actes,
Jad as we taschen forth, and were Des
parted from them, wee came with a
ſtraight courte vnto Coos, and the Day fol-
lowing vuta tie Rhodes, and irom thence
vnto Patara.
2 And wee found a hip that went ouer
vnto Phenice, ¢ went aboard, and fet forth,
3 And when we had difcouered Cyprus,
we lett iton tie left hand, and failed toward
SHyata, aud arriued at Cyzus: fez there the
Wip vnladed the burden.
4 And when we had found diſciples, we
farted there {cue dates. And thep toia Paul
a though the’ @pirit,tyat be Would not go
bp to Jeruſalem.
5 But when the Dayes were ended, twee
Departed and went our way,and they allac-
companied Ys with their wiues tchllo2en,
euen out ofthe citicrand we kneeling Downe
on the Vore, prayed.
6 Then when wee had imbeaced onea
— tooke ſhippe, and they returned
7 And when wee Had ended the courſe
from Tyrus, we arriued at Ptolemais and
faluted the bzethzen, and abode with them
one Bay.
8 Gudthe neve day Paul and they that
toere with him, Bcparted , tcame vnto Ce⸗
ſarea:and we centred into the houle of Phi;
lip the Cuangeltit, which was one of the ie-
tien: Deacons,and abode with him.
9 Mow he had fonre daughters, virgins,
which did prophetic.
10 And as we tarped there many Dayes,
there came a certaine Prophet trom Puasa,
named Agabus. i
11 And when hee was come vnto ug, hee
tooke Pauls girdle, and bound Dis owne
hands ana feet, and fain, 4 Thus latth the
holy Shot , Ho thall the Jewes at Jerula-
lem ¢ bind the man that oweth this girdle,
and pall deltuer him into the handes of the
Gentiles, . y
12 Ano when wee had heard thelethings,
both mee tother of the fame place beſought
him that he would not go vp to Jeruiatem.
13 Then Paulantwered, and laiv, Cihat
Dee pe weeping and breaking mine heart?
For J am ready not to be bound onely, but
alla ta die at Jeruſalem foz the name of the
1020 Jetus.
14 Ho when he would not be perlwaded,
m cealed, faping, Che will ofthe Lord bee
15 And akter thole Dayes wee truffed vp
our fardels,and went vp to Jerufalem.
16 Chere went with vs allo certaine of the
Difcipies of Celarea,and brought with them
one nalon of Cyprus, an elde diſciple,
with whom we ſhould lodge.
17 And when wee were come to Jeruſa·
lem the bꝛethren receiued us gladly,
18 And the next day aul went in with
vs vntof James; and all the Elders were
there allembled.
19 And when he had imbraced them, hee
told by order all thinges, that © D D bad
wrought among the Gentiles by hts mmi»
ration. ; |
20 Howhen they heardit, they Biot.
a By the reuela-
tion of Gods Spi-
Tit. j
b The holy Spi- ,
rit reuciled vnto
them the perfe-
cutions that Paul
fhould bhane
made again{t
him, & the fame
{pirit alfo fireng«
thened Paul to
fuftaine them,
Chap. 6. 5.
c This office of
Deaconthip was
but for atime
according as the
had need, oro» ·
the rwiſe.
d God would
haue his ſeruants
bands knowen,
to the intent that
no man thould
thinke that he
calt himfel fe into
wilful danger.
e This was not
to make Paul a-
fraid,but to ene
courage him a-
gainft the brunt.
f Who was the
chiefe or fuper-
intendent of the
Church of Iera-
falem, :
Paul taken ithe Temple.
fied the Loyd, and {aid vnto him, Thou ſeeſt
bother, bow many chouland Jewes there
are which Deleeue, aud they are all zealous
of the law. p
2i fow they are informed ofthee, that
thou teachelt ail the Jicwes whic are a-
mang the Gentties, to torlake Moles , and
fapelt, that they ought not to circmacile
F their chilon, neither to liue after the s cn»
g Thatis,accor- fomes.
ding tothe ma- 22 Ahat is then tobeedone the multi»
ners thar dur fa type mn necdes come together: foz they
thersobferued, fatl heare that thou art come.
whichwerecom- 223 Dee therefore this that wee fap to
manded by God. theg. TUee haue » fouremen, which paue
h Whoas yet miade avow. ;
werenotwellin- 24 Them take, and i purifie thy felfe
ftructed in wit) them, ant contribute with them, that
Chrift. they may * thaue their heads: and ail fall
- i Theendofthis gyow,that thole things, whereof they haue
_ mitie retained:
- Chap.05. 20.
. thankefeguing,
the weakenés of
ceremonie was hin infozmed concerning thee, are necking,
but that thou chp (elie allo walked and kee·
pelt the Law. f i
25 Foꝛ as touching the Gentiles, which
beleeue, wee haut witten, and Determined
*that they oblerue no ich thing, but that
thep kecperhemiclues trom things offered
therefore 8. Paul to ĩdoles, ant from blood, ¢ from that that
fupported therein ig ftrangied,and from fozntcatton,
26 Chen Paul cooke the men, andthe
otherssandmade nert Dap was purified with them, and ene
hinafelfe all to all tren into the Temple, *veclaring the ac-
and was ip{titu-
ted by God, and
partly of igno-
rance,and infir-
mea,nothinde- compliſhment of thedayesof the purificati-
ringhisconfci- gn, vᷣntill that arroffering ſhonid be offered
ence. fo: euery one of then.
Nu.6. 18. 27 And when-the feuen dayes were al-
chap.1 3.18. moi ended, the Jewes which were of Alia
(when they faw bim inthe Temple) moa-
Num,6.13. ued all the people, and klayde handes on
chap.24.18. pim sns S } ut
k In thinkingto — 28 Crying, Men of Iſrael helpe: thists
appeatethe faith- the manthat teacheth all men enerp where
fuliand to up- _ agatnit the people , andibelaw, and this
ortthe infirmes place: mozcouer he hath brought Grecians
_hefallethinto mto the Temple, and bath } polluted this
thehands of bis Holy place. j
enemics. 29 Joz they had feene before Trophi⸗
the defence of
] By mug an Ephelian with him in the citie,
ſuch as were not whom theylupnoled that Paul had bꝛought
circumciled, into the Temple.
30 Then all the citie was mooted, ¢ the
people rantogether: and they tooke (Daul,
and Dew bim out ofthe Temple, and torth-
witi the doores were Wut. Wei
31 Butas they went about to kill btm,
tigings came puto the chtefe Captatne of
the band, that all Jeruſalem was on an Ype
ewe 32 Mho immediatly tocke ſouldiers,
m Whichwere and™ Centurions,and ranne” Downe vito
vadercaptaines, them; ant when they ſaw the chiete Cap»
andhad charge taine and the fouldiers, they left beating of
ouer an hundred Paul. ;
fouldiers. 33 Then the chiefs Captaine came neere
n Anotable exe and tooke him, and commanded him to be
ample of Gods bound with two chaines, and Demaunded
prouidence fori who he was,and what he had done.
34 AnvVonecryed this, another that, a>
mang the people. Ao when bee could not
Know the certainety fo? the tumult, he come
mandet him tobeledintothecattle, >
Nazʒaret whom thou perſecuteſt.
His anfwere.
35 And when hee came buto the gricces,
it was lo that ye was borne of the fouivicrs,
fo: the violence of the people.
36 dfo: the multitude of the people fol»
lowed after,crying, Away with him.
37 And as {Paul ſhould haue bene ted tne
to the caltle, he tatd vnto the chiefe captatne,
Map J ipeake onto thee? Cbo faa, Cant
thon fpeake Greeke? ` :
38 Art not thou the *°Cgyptian, who
betoze thele dayes ratied a edition, t led out
into the wildernes foure thouland men that
Were murderers?
39 Then Pant fapa, Donbelefle Jama cap.
man which am a Jew,and citizenot* Care (hap.22.30
{us a famous citie in Cilicia, and 3 beleech $
thee lifter me to (peake vnto the people. oe
40 And when hee had giuen him licence, ap
HPaul kood on the grieces, ¢ beckened with -
the hand vnto the peopie: and when there
twas made great lilence, be (pake vnto thun
inthe Hebew tongue laying.
3 Paulrendrethan account of his life , and
doctrine. 25 He eſtapeth the whup by rea fon he
was a citsxen of Rome.
o. lofeph. li, An,
20. cap.aa.& de
bello Iuda, lib.a.
© men, brethzen, and fathers, heare my
|| Defence now toward pou. k
2 (And when they heard that helpake in
the Hebrew tongue to them , they kept the
moze lilence,and he fayd)
3 Jamvertipaman, whicham a Jewe,
bozne in Tarſus in Cilicia, but brought up Chap.21.3 9
inthis citie at the = feete of Gamaliel, ano a Wheteby he
inftructed according to the perfect mancr of declareth bis,
the Law of the fathers,and was zealous to» modefie, dilie .
ward God,as ye all are this Day, gence, and doie
4 “And J perfecuted this wap vnto the lee.
Death, binding ¢ Deliuertng into parlon both Chap.8.3- .
mien and women, Or,this proef",
5 Asallo the chicke Peieſt doth beare me fo of the Chris
wituelle, and all the tate ofthe Elders: of Hans.
*who allo J recetned letters vnto the bze- (bap.9. 1,2.
th:n and went to Damatcus tobing them b To the lewes
which were there, bound vnto Ferulalem, to whom the let-
that they might be punifyed. | ters were dires
© €Andloit was, as Fiourneyedand “ed.
was come neere vnto Damalcus about
noone, that ſuddenly there Hone from hea⸗
uena great light round about me.
7 DoJ feil vnto the earth, and beard a
toice laying vnto me, San, Daul why per-
fecutett thou me?
Then F anfwered, Who art thou,
Lod? And hee ſayd to mee, Jam Jelug of
[lOr reaf:n, or
9 Wozeouer, they that were with mee,
fate indeed alight, and were alraid, but
they heard not che voyte of bim that tpake
bnto me,
10 Chen FJ fayr, hat Hal J Doe, LoD?
And the Lod (ayd vnto mer, Arif and gor `
into Damafcug: and there it Wall bee told
thee of ali things, which are appointed fog
thee to Doe.
11 So when F could not fee for the glory
ofthat light, J wasted by the hand of them.
that were with nie, ann came into Damals
12 And
Pauls confeffion.
- Rome,bur by
seafon of his cis
12 And one Ananias, a godly nan, as
pertaining to the Law , hauing good report
of all the Jewes which dwelt there,
13 Game vnto me, and eod,and ſaid vne
to mz, Brother Gaul,receiue they light:and
that fame houre J looked vpsn him.
14 And he latd, Che God of our fathers
This may bee Vath ° appointed thee, that thou Mhoulact
geferredto the know Dis will and ouldeſt tee char Jut
eterall countell 98e» and chouldelt heare the vorce af bis
of Godsor els to Is Sorthou Walt be bis witnelle vnto al
men,efthe things which thou bak (een and
declaration of Heard
thefamewhich "TG Foto therefore whp tarielt thou ? A-
rife, tbe baptized , ¢ wal away thy Annes,
feemeth here to
be more propet« itt calling on the e fame ot the Low.
—— Iohan 27 @Anvit came to pafe, that when F
TEREA tas come againe to Jeruſalem, and praved
c He heweh in the Temple, I wasin a trance,
13 And faw him faving vnto mee, Dake
hatte, € get thee quickly out of Jeruſalem:
for thep wil not recetue chy witnelle concere
ning me. y
19, ChenZ aid, Lod, they know that J
pelfoned, and beat tn euery Spnagogue
them that bcleeued tn thee.
that finnes can-
notbe wafhed
away, but by
Chrift who is the
fubftance of Bap- x
tifme: in whome
alfo is compre-
20 And when the blood of thy martyr
ded the Fa- tg
ie holy Etenen was 9ed, T allo "ioon byand con
ſented pnto bts Death, and kept the clothes
of them thatiiers him.
21 Then be fato ynto me, Depart: for J
wil fend thee farre hence vnto the Gentiles,
22 ¶ And they heard bim outo this word,
3 cur then thep lift up their voyces , and fayd,
e Away with fuch a fellow from the earth:
foz it is riot meet that be Monty liue. f
23 Aud as they cryed and calt off their
clothes, and threw duſt into the apze,
24 The chiefe Capratne commaunded
biin to be led into the Caſtle, and bade that
He Gould be ſcourged anderamined , that
ee might know wherefore they cryed fo on
HH .
25 Andas they bound him with thongs,
{aul fayd vnto the Centurion that ſtoode
by, Js it lawfullfoz you to ſcourge one that
fF Notbecaufehe tsa Romane, and not condemned ? y
was borneat 26 Mow when the Centurion Heard it,
hee went and cold the chicte Captatne, ſay⸗
ing, Take heed what thou dock; fo? thts
manis a Romane.
Chap.&. 3.
tie:for Tarfus
was inhabited by
the Romans, and
was their Colo-
nia,whereof read
{|Or, freedome,
g This priuiledge
wasoft times gi- 29 Then Tratahtway they departed front
ueninrecom. DIM whith Hont vane eramined him: and
pence of feruice the chtefe captaine allo was afratn, atter he
tothem that knew that he wasa Romane, and that hee
werefarreoff had bornd him,
Rome,andco 30 Du the nertday, becauſe hee would
theirchildren, haue knowen the certaintic wherefore hee
thoughthey were Was accufed ef the ewes, bre looſed him
not borne inthe from bis bondes, and commanded the hte
Gitie. Piets and all their Council to come toge-
ther: and hee brought Paul, and thik be⸗
foze then.
to hint, Cell me? Art thou a Romane? And
he fayt, Vea, -
28 And the thiefe Captaine anfwered,
Mith agreat ſumme obtatned F this ybur-
— Chen Paul layd, But J was ele
‘The Ades.
27 Ghenthe chtefe captame cante,t id R
3 The anfwere of Paul being ſmitten, andthe
ouerthrow of hus enemies. 11 The Lord encoura-
geth him, 23 And becaufethe Lewes lad wait
far him he is fent to Cefarca.
A AD Paul bebeld earneſtly the Coun»
LS cand tad, Wen and byethzen, J baue
a alt good couſcience eruen Gon vntil this
2 Then the bigh Piet Ananias come
manden them that ood by, to (mitg him on
the mouth,
a Paul doeth nog
curfe the hie
Prieft, but de-
nounceth fharply
the punifhment
of God which
fkould light vpa
3 __ him, who ynder -
3 Then ſayd Paul te him, God * will pretẽce of maine
fintte thee thou whited wall :fo2 thou ſitteſt teining the Law,
to iudge me accoꝛding to the Law, and com⸗ doch tranſgreſſe
maundeſt thou mee tobe ſmitten contrarie ir.
ta thz Law? : b Hemade this
4 Andthey that teod by, ſayd, KReuileſt excufeas it were
thou Gods bre Pꝛieſt? in mockery , asif
§ Then faya Paul, J e knew not, bze» he would fay, I
thzen that be was the hie Pꝛieſt: for it is knew nothing im
witten, * Thou Hale not ſpeake evillot the this mn worthie
ruler of thy people. the office of the
o But when Paul perceiued thatthe ane hich brieſt.
part were of the Dadduces,and theother of Exod,22.28.
tie Phartles, he cried in the Council, Wen Phil.3. g chap.
and bzetien,* J am a Pharile, the ſonne of 24 22.
a Phariſe: Jamacculed of the hope and c He denieth nor
c refurrection of the Dead. but there were
7 _ Aud when he had fain this,there was other points, bur
& Diffention betweene the Phariles and the he expreffeth tha
Hadduces, lo that the multitude was Dee for che which che
uen. ; _ Sadduces j wee
8 * fet the Sadduces fay that thereis the chiefe gouer-
to refurrectton, neither Angel no: ſpirit:but nours hated him
tye Phariles confefle d dati. moht.
9 Then there was a great cty tand the Marrh.23.23.
Acribes of the Phariſes part rele Vp, and d vnderltanding
trouve, laying, Clee Aude none eutli tn thts both kinds,the
man: but ifa (pirtt oan Angel hath poken Afpels, and the
to bim iet vs not fight again God. —_pirits, which hee
10 And when there was a great diſſenti · concluded vnder
on, the chiefe captaine, fearing lett Paul one, and the re-
fhould haue beene pulled in pieces ofthem, furreGion which
commanded the fouldicrs to go Downe, AND isthe other pert.
to take htm from among themt,and to bing e Theword fig-
bim tnta the catie. . 7 nifieth curfing, as
IL @ Row the night following the Loa when —
ſtood by him and (aya, Be of good courage, ther fwear
Paul; foz as thon halk teſtified of me in Je⸗ voweth,or wi-
falem , fo mutt thou beare witnelſſe alfoat theth himfelfe to
ome. _ die, orto be givE
12 nd when the Day was come,certatne co the diuell;e =
ofthe Jewes made an aſſembly, and bound cepthe bring his
themlelucs withan othe, faping ,thatthey purpofe to paffe,
would neither cate nol Datnke, till thep bad f This declareth
kiled (aut. ; __ that God hath fo
13 Gud they were moethen fortie, which, many meancs to
Yad madethisconipiracte. f deliuer his chil-
14 Aud they came to rhe chiefe ziektes drenout of dan-
and Elders,andlayd , (Ae haue bound our ger, asthereare
felucs with a ſolemne othe,that we willeate creatures in the
nothing vuttiliwe baur ſlaine Paul. world,fo that the
Is ow therefore, pee and che Councill, aduerfaries cãnot
ſignilie to the chiefe captaine, that he bꝛing confpire fo craf-
bim forth vnto pou to though pe tity againithem,
weuld know fome thing moze perfectly of burhee hath infi-
him, and we, o2 euer bee come neere, Wil be nite meangs ta `
ready to kill him. defeat their wits
16 But when Pauls Gers onne pena, ked practiſes.
the fauour of
Paul, that hisad-
‘uerlaries might
commend his
fer he cidnce
know that Paul
was a Romane,
beſore hee had
reſcued him, and
Piven him to be,
ftraightly exami-
7 By this name
the Romans cal-
Jed every coun-
trey which they
bad fabdued,
‘Paul fentto Feliz.
of their laying awayt , he went, and entred
{nto the caitle,and tolt Paul.
17 And Paul called one of the Centurt=
ONS vnto Him, and fard, Bing this young
mman onto the chicfe captaine fo2 ve hath a
certayne thing to thew him.
18 So he tooke him, and brought him to
the chicte captaine,and (aid , Dant the pzi-
foner called mz vnto him,and prayed mee to
bring this pony man onto thee, which bath
ſome thing tolay vntochee.
19 Theu the chtete captaine tooke him
by tye band, ana went apart with him a-
lone, Eatked pim, (Ahat hak thouto thewe
20 And he aid, The Jewes have ronpi»
rev to Deire thee, that thou wouldeſt bring
foozth (Daul te mozrow into the Council,as
though thep would inquire ſomewhat of hun
moze pertecilp.
21 But let them not perfwadethee: foz
there tic in wayt kor hinrof theim moze then
forty men, which baue bound theſelues with
an oth,that they will neither eat noz drinke,
till they haue killed him: and now are thep
ready, and wait ts: thy promife.
22 Ghechicte captains then let the pong
Man Bepart,and charged hin to ſpeake it to
¢Greeke,that No MAN , that hee han a Hewed htm thele
thou ha ſhewed things.
thefe thangs to 23 And he called onto him two certayne
mt . Centurions, faving, Wake reaty two Hune
D208 (ouldiers,that thep mvy go ta Celarca,
and hoglemien theeelcore and ten, and two
hundzeth with Darts, at the third houre of
the night,
24 And let them make ready an horſe, that
Paul being fet on, may be bꝛought iafe vate
_ Kelty the Goucrnonr, nies tis
g Thisletter was 25 Andhemyote aneCpille in thts mas
written partly in t 4
26 Claudius Lyfias vnto the mof noble
Gouernour Felix, ſendtth greeting.
27.As this man was taken of the Jewes.
and ſhould hance bene killed of them, Jcame
vpon them with the gartion, reſcued him,
h perceining that be was a Romaneg.
23 And when J wenid haue knowen the
caule wherefore they acculed bint, J brought
him forth inte their Council.
29 There J perceiued that he was acculea
of queftions of their Law, but bad no crime
woꝛthy of Death.o2 af bonds. ;
30 Andivhenit was fewe me,how that
the Jcwes layu watt foz the man, J fent hm
ftraightway to thee, commanded his accue
fers to ſpeak befoze thee the things that thep
bad agatnit him. Farewell.
31 When the Couldiers,as tt was comman-
Dedthem, tooke Haut, and brought him by
night to Antipatris.
32 Andthe nert Dap they left the bezie-
mai to go with him, and returned unto the
33 Nowe when they came to Celarea, v
they deliuered the Epiſtle to the gouernour,
and pꝛeſented Paul allo vonto binm. .
4 So when the goucrnour had read it,
hee alkedD of what: pponince hee was: and
when he vnderſtood that he was of Cilicia,
35 Iwill beare sheesfayd hee,when thinẽ
Chap· xxii
attuſers alſo are come and commanded him
tobe kept tn Herons iidgement hall,
10 Paul being accufed,anfweret for bis hfe
and doctrene agatnft his aceufers. 25 Felix gros
peth bam, thinking tohaue a bribe, 28 And af-
ter leaweth him in priſon. A
Nea after fue Dayes, Ananias the hye
N Picit caine Down with the Elders, aud
with Tertullus a certaine Daateur , which
ue beloze the Gouernour agani
2 And when he was called foorth, Ter»
tullus began to accule him, faying, Decin
that wee baue obtained great qutetnefle
through thee, ang that many worthy things
are Done vnto this nation theough thy pro»
3 Clee acknowledge tt wholly, and in all
places,moſt· noble Feltr with ali thanks,
4 But that J bee not tedious punto thee,
J pray thee, that shou wouldeit heart vs of
typ courtefie a few words.
§ Certaynely we haue found this mana
pelitlent fellom, and a moouer sf (edition
among ali the Jewes thaonghout the woz,
and a chicfe maintainer ofthe > (ect of che
c Mazarites :
6 And bath gone about to pollute the
Temple: therfore we tooke him, and wonld
baue tndged him according to our law :
7 Wut thel chick capraine Lytiascame
bpon bs,and with great violence tooke bin
out ofour bands,
$ Commanding his accuſers to come to
thee: of whom thoumayett Cif thon wilt ine
que) know all chele things whereof we ac:
cufe him.
9 And the Jewes likewile allirmed, fay-
tng, thet it was ſo.
10 Chen Paul after that the goucrnour
-þad beckne? onto pim that be ould ſpeake,
anſwered, J Doe the moze gladlp anfwere
fo: my felfe, forꝛaſmuch as J Know that thou
halt bene of many peres a “iunge Unto this
e nation, —
Il Bering thon mayeſt know, that there
are dut tweſue Bayes fitice J came vp fto
worſhip in Jerufalem,
12 And they neither found mee inthe
Tempie difputing with anp man, neyther
making vproare among the people, neither
in tic Synagogues, notn the city.
13 HNeither can they procue the things
mbereet they now accule me.
14 But this J confefie vnto thee,that af-
ter rhe way which they call s hereſce, ſo wo2-
fhip 3J the God of my fathers, beiceutng all
things which are witten in the Laws and
the Prophets,
15 And haue hep? towards God, that the
relurrection of the Dead which thep them-
pas looke fez allo, fyall be both of iut and
16 And herein Jendeuor my elfe to haue
Tertullusaccufation. 502
a For Felix
hisdiligence had
taken Eleazarus
the capraine of
the murtherers,
and put the B-
gyptian to flighe
which raifed yp
tumults in Ludeaz
for thefe the orae
tor praifeth him
otherwife he was
both cruell and
couetous, reade
Tofephus lib, 20.
Antiq.cap, 14, &
12. & lib,2. de
bello ludaico
cap.i 2.
b. Or,herefie: for
{o the wicked
termed the true
Chiiftain Reli-
€ Which tanghe
the people to
maintaine their
liberty againtt
the Romans: and
thoughithe accu
fers approved
both this fe@,
& their do&rine,
yet to get Paul
punilhed ,they
feeme to Cone
demne it.
|| Or, captaine of
a thoufañd,
d Or,gouernont:
for be fore this,he:
ruled Trachoni-
tis, Batenea,and
e Sochatthow
art notignorang
of their fathionss
f Not that his purpofe was to worfhip there, but the [ewes fo found
him by the counfelhof others: for hethoughtro baue wonne the ſim⸗
plebrethren,and to ftopthe enemics mouthes, g As the Sgribesand
Phariles tearmed the Chriftians doGrine,
s alway
- Felixtrembleth.
alway a cleave confcience toward God; and
toward men.
17 Mow after’ many peeres J came and
brought *talmes to my nation and offerings.
18* 2t what time certaine Jewes of Alia
found me purified in the Tempie,
12 either with multitude, noz with tu:
h Meaning,that
it was a long
time fince he bad
bene at lerufa-
Jem, which was
when ke brought mult.
almes, 20 Tho i ought to haue bene prelent be«
Chap.1¥.29, fore thee,and accuſe meti thep Yad ought as
YOM. 15.26. gatnit me.
2.C0r.9.2. 21 Dpiet thele themfelues fay, if they baue
Chap.21 27.
i For his accu-
fers {pake but vp-
ona falfe report,
whichthefe bel-
lowes of Satan
had blowena-
found any vniuſt thing in me, while 3 toon
tu the Councell,
22 Except it be for thisene voice that J
cryed ttanding among themn,* DE theres
—— of the dead am J acculed of you
is Day.
23 Mow when Felir heard there things,
broad,anddurt Hee Deferred them, and ſayd, hen J mall
notthemfelues moze perfectly know the things which con-
appeare. cerne this || way, bythe conming of Lyſias
— — the chefe Captayne, J wiil deciſe your mats
1, — — ter.
24 Chen hecommanded a Centurion to
keepe Paul, and that bee Gauld haue cafe,
and that hee auld forbid none of bis ac-
quatntance to mintiter vnto him, 02 to come
vnto him, :
25. (Andafter certaine dayes came Fe»
piap tir with bis wife Deulilla, whtch was a
k,By whofe k Jjewefe, and hee called forth Paul, and
counfell Felix earn him of tye faith in Chit-
called for Paul,
26 And as hedilputed of righteoutnefic,
and temperance, and of the tgdement to
come, Felix ' trembled, and aniwered,Goe
thy way foz this time, and when 3 haue con»
uenient time, J| wilicall foz thee.
27 He hoped allo that menep Hould haue
bene gtuen him of Paul,that he might loste
bim : wherefore hee fent foz him the oftner,
and communed with him. ;
28 Cibentwo peeres were expired, Joo
tius Feſtus came into Feltr roome: and
Felix twilling to || get fauour of the Jewes,
left Paul bound,
2 The Fewes accufe Paulbefore Feſtus. 8 He
anfwereth for himfelfe, 11 And appealeth vnto
the Emperour, 14 His matter ss rehear fed before
Agrippa,23 And be is brought forth.
wea Fetus was then come into the
pꝛouince, after three Dates he went bp
from Cefarea vnto Jerufalem:
1 ‘The word of
God maketh the
very wicked alto.
nifhed,and there-
foréto them it is
the fauour of
death vnto death,
flOr, to do a plea.
2 Then the high Wiet and the chieke oF
ý Tewes appeared before him againſt Paul:
and they befonaht him,
a The ¢huious 3 Anda deſired Fauouragaint him, that
fute of the Priefts Hee would fend for hum to Jeruſalem: and
againit Paul, they laid wait to kill him by the way.
4. But Fettusantwered,that Waul Hona
bee kept at Celarea, and that bee himlelte
would ſhortly depart thither,
§ Letthem therfoze,fatd he, which among
b Which may youlare > able, come Downe with vs: and it
moftcommodi- toerebee any wickedneſſe in theman, let
oufly. them accule him. . Be
6 @ Mow wheit hee had taried among
them no moze then ten dayes, tee went
Downe to Celarea, and the next day ſate in
The Ads,
Pauls appellation. | |
the iudgement feate, and commanded Paul
to be brought.
7 And when hee was come, the Jewes
which were came from Jerufalem ſtoode a=
bout him, and laid many and grieuous come
plaints againſt Paul, which they could not
8 Foꝛaſmuch as heanlwered c that hee
had neither offended any thing againſt the
law of the Jewes, neither agant the Cem:
pleno againtt Celar.
9 Wet Fetus willing to (get kauour of
the Jewes, anfwered Paul, and fayn, Tile
thou go vp to Jerulalem, & therebe iudged
of thele things before me ?
Io Chen laid Paul, J and at 4 Cefars
tudgement eate, where J ought to bes indz
gedsto the Jewes Jhaue Done no wrong,as
thou verp weil knoweſt. i
Il Fo: ik Jhaue Done wrong, o2 commit:
tedany thing worthy of Death, J refule not
to dye: butit there be none of thele things
whereof they accule me, no man can deliuer
me to them: J appealevuto Cefar, }
12 When when Fetus had poken mith
fthe@ouncil,be anſwered, Dak thou appeas
red vnto Ceſar? vnto Celar thalt thou goe.
13 ¶ And atter certaine dayes, King A-
grippa and s Bernice came Downe to Cela-
rea tolalute Fetus.
14 And when they had remarned there
many Dapes, Felix propoled Pauls caute
vnto the King, faping, Chere tsa certayne
man lekt in pꝛiſon by Felix.
15 DE whom when J came to Jerufalem,
the bie Prꝛieſtes and Cloers of the Jemes
informed me, and Delired to haue iudgment
agaiuſt bint.
16 To whom F anfwered, that it isnot
the maner of the Romanes foz fauour to des
ltuer any man to Death, befoze that he which
ts accuſed.haue the accuiers before him, and
baue place to defend himſelfe concerning
the crime.
17 Therefore when they were come hi⸗
ther,without delay,the day following, J fate
onthe tudgenient feat, and commanded the
man to be brought forth. Le
18 Agatnt whom when the acculers toon
bp, they bronght no cruneot fuch things as
3 fuppotea : i i
19 But had certayne queſtions againſt
him oftheir owne > fuperftition, andof one
Jelus which was Dead, whom Paul afir-
med tobe aline.
20 Andbecaule J doubted of (uch maner
of queftion, J alked him, wherher-he would
goe te Jerufalem
thele things.
21 But becanle he appealed tobe reſerued
to the craminatis of Auguitus, J commans
c Paul defen-
deth himfelfe in
|| Or,to doe plea-
d Seeing him-
felfe betrayed by
the amhition ot
the iudge, he de-
fireth that in
confideration of
his freedome, hee
may be {enc to
e Itislawfull to
require the de-
fence of the Ma
giftrate to main-
teine our right.
f Without whofe
confentHe could
doe nothing.
g This was his
owne filter who
he entertained,
h This worde `
doth alfo- fignifie’
religion: but hee
{peaketh in con.)
temptofthetruc |
» and there beciudged of doGtrine,
Ded himto be kept, till Jmight lend him ta
eS eh n Agrippa fay
22 en Agrippe
` wout allo heare the man mp lelfe. To mor⸗
row, fayd be thon Walt heare him.
223 And on the mozrowe when Agrip:
pa was come and Bernice with creat
ponipe, and were entred into fhe || Cont
mon Hall with the chicfe Gaptatnes and
chicfe men of the citie, at Fetus com:
i mandement
d vnto Fetus, J
` || Or, auditory. :
Pauls innocencie:
manBement Paul twas bought forth.
$ d And Feltus ſayd, King Agrippa, and
alimen which are peelent with vs, peefee
thisman, about whom all the multitude of
the Jewes baue called vpon me, both at Je»
tulatei,and bere,crping, that be ought not
to liue anp longer. 3
25. Vethaue F fonnd nsthing worthy of
Death, that bee hath committed: neuerthe ·
tefe, ſeeing that hee hath appealed to Au-
i Flatterersfirlt guſtus, J baue Determined to fend him.
vſed tocall Ty- 26 DE whom J haue no certaine thing
rants by this to wite vnto my ‘lo2d; wherefore J bane
name, andafter bꝛought bim foosth vnto you, and (pecial-
itfogreweimo lp unte thee, King Agrippa, that after era-
vfe, that vertuous minatton Had, J might haue ſomewhat to
Princes refuſed it Wite.
not, as appearein 27 Foꝛmec thinkethit vureaſonable to
by Pliniesepiftks Tend a pꝛiſonet, and not to ſhew the caules
to, Traiane, which are layd againt him.
t The innosencieof Paul i appriued by rehear-
Sing ha conuerfation, 25 Hu modeft anfwere a-
garafi the sxinric of Fefivs,
F Wen Agrippa (ard vnto Paul, Thou art
permitted to (peake fo: thy felfe. Bo
Paul ſtretched foozth the hand, and anfwe-
ren foz bimieife, : ‘
2 ¥ thinke my felfe happie, Ring Agrip-
pa, becaule F tyallantwere this Day befeze
thee ofall the things whereof J am accuſed
ofthe Jewes:
3. Chiefly , becaule thou hak knowledge
ofall cuftemes, and quettions which are as
mong the Jewes: wherefoze, J beleech thee
ato heare me patiently. .
4 As touching my life from my chile:
Hood, awd what tt Wasfrom the beginning
among mine owne natlon at Jeruſalem,
know all the Jewes,
CAdich knew mee heretofore C tf hep
would teftifie) that after the mot Grate
b fect ofour religion, J ttued a Phariſce.
And now J andand am acculed foz
the hope of the promile made of God vnto
our fathers.
a Forafmuchas
he beft vnder-
Rood the religi-
on,he ought to
be more atten-
b Paul fpeaketh
of this fe& accor-
ding tothe pco-
Bis orctenedt 7 CCihercunto our twelue tribes inſtant ·
-< Ipleruing Godday and night. hope to come :
—— tv EOP hE which hopes fake, D king Agrippa,
for their du@tine J AM ACHD of the Jewes. nek ch
8 by onld tt bee thought a thing ins
Maslealtcormupt, crepible white yout, that God thould traile a.
gaine the dead? :
9 Hallo verely thought in my felfe, that
J ought to Do many contrary things again
the flame of Jefus of Mazaret.
Io * bich thing Jallo did in Ferula-
lem: foz manyof rye Saints J hut vpin
pilon, Daning receiued authozitte of the hie
; Dicts, and when they were put to Death F
© Thatis,lap- - € gaue my fentencee , '
proued their cru- II And F puntihen them throughout all
cltiewhichthey the Synagogues, and compelled theni to
Chap 8.3.
vied againſt blafpheme , and being moze mad againtt
hem, them, 3| perfecuted them, euen vnto trange
* tities.
12: At which time, euen as J went to
Chap.ↄ. 2,3. * Damafcus with — and commilſt
on fram the hie Pꝛie
13 At midday, D King.T faw in the way’
alight krom heauen, pafling the bugytne
Heiscountedmad. 503
of the unue, Gine round about me,and them
which went with me.
14 o when wee were all faller tothe
earth, J heard a voice {peaking vnto met, Chep 9.4.400
andlaping tn the Hebrew tongue, * Haul, 32.7,
Haul, why perlecutelt thoume 2 Ft is hard
fo2 thee to kicke againſt patcks.
15 Then F fayo, Che art thon, L920?
and be ſayd, Jam Fetus, whom thou geric-
16 But riſe and Land vp on thy feete:foz
Jhaue appeared vnto chee fo: this purpote,
to appoint thee a miniſter and a witneffe,
both of the things which thon batt ſeene, and
ofthe things in the which F will appeare
17 Deliuering thee from the “people,and d OftheYewes,
the Gentiles , pute whom How FZ fena
18 Co copen their eyes, that they map e Alchonghthis
turne from darkenelſe to light,and from the properly apper-
power of Satan vnto God, that they may taineth vnto
tecetue korgiueneſſe of fintes, and inberis God, yethe aps
tanceamong them, which are fanctiticd by pict this vnto
faith tn me: y his minifers vn-
1g CCiberctore King Agrippa, J was not rowhom hepi-
dilobedient vnts the heguenly vifion, ueth his holy
20 * But ſhewed firt vnto them of Das Spirit,
maſcus, and at Jerufalem, and thꝛoughout Chap.9.22,26.
all the coats of Judea, and then to the Gen». and 13,14,16,
tiles, that they hould repent, andturneto. ~ 7 MAR
comann Doe wozkes worthy amendment of
21 Foꝛ this canle the Jewes caught rice
inthe * Cemple,and went about te kill me.
22 Neuertheleſſe, J obtained Helpe of
God, and continue vnto this day, witnefling
both te finall and to great, faying none other
things, then thofe which the Ppophetsana. °
Motes did fap houl come, — det
23 To wit, that Chik ould ſuffer, ang
that hee would bee the firt chat bond rife
from the Dead, and fhould fhew light ynte
the peopie,and to the Gentiles. >
24 Andas he thus anfwered fo: bimlelfe,
Fetus fayd with aloud voyce, Paul, thon
art befives thy (elfe; much learning doeth
make thee mad. RE EJN
25 But he fayd, J am not mad, O nobie
Fettus, but J peake the wozds of truth ann.
{oberneffe. h f
26 Foz the king knoweth of thele things,
beiang whom allo J {peake bolotp; foz Jam
perfwaved that fnone: of thele things are £ Heknewehac
nh trom giens: foz this thing was not vong the Law andthe
Prophets ? P know that thoubeleeueft, did nor vider=:
28 Then Agrippa layde vnto Pail, Al · fand the true
mot thou perliwadett me to become a Chei· applyingof the:
ſtian. fame,
29 Then Panl fayde, Jwould to God,
that not onelp thou , but alle all that heare
nie to Day, were both almoſt, and altogether
fuch as J am,ercept thele bonds.
30 And wher hee had thus ſpoken, the
King role vp,and the goucrnour, and Bers
x nipan they that {ate with thei.
Aud ‘when they were gone apart,
they talked betweene themlciues,faping,
This man doeth nothing worthy of woa
! Prophets were» >
27 D Ring Agrippa , beleeueſt thou the: ofGod, burho:
- Pauls counſell.
2. er. 01.25.
no; of bondes. i
32 Then (atd Agrippa buto Fetus, This
man might haue beentoaled , whee had not
appealed vnto Criar.
1 Pauls dangerous voyage, and his companie
toward Rome. 44 How and where they enue.
We when it twas concluded , that we
Mould ſayle inte Italie, thep Delinered
both Paul,and certaine other peiſoners vn⸗
toa Centurion named Julius, ofthe band
of Auguſtus. 5
2 And* wee entred into a ſhip of Adra·
mittium, purpoling to ſayle by the coaltes
of Aſia. and launched footy, and bad A-
` wiltarchus of Macedonia, a Theſſalonian,
a. From Sidon
to Myra they
fhould haue fay-
led: North, and .,
by Welt: but the .
winds caufed
them to faile to
Cypr-s plaine _
North: thencete
Cilicia North &
by Eaft, and ſo to
Pamphylia and
Weft. .
HOr, Cretae
b Which wasan
high hill of Can-
die bowing to
to the feaward,
© This faſt the
Tewes obferued
about the moe
neth of OG@ober
in the feat of
their expiat.on,
Leuit.2 3.37.
So that Paul
thoughtit better
to winter chere,
then to faile in
the drepe of win-
ter which was at
or cuery Haft | Li
vind that is furt-
ousand ftormie,
e This Ifle was
Welt and by
South from Can-
die ftreight to-
ward the gulfe
Syrtes, wbich
were certaine
boyling fandes
that fwallowed
vp all that they
with bs.
3 Aud thenext day we arriued at Sidon:
and Julius curteoullp intreated Paul, ana
gaue him itbertp co gor ues pis friendes,
that they might refreth bint.
4 And from thence we lanched, æ faylen
bard bp Cyprus, becanle the winds were
contrary. coii .
§ Then failed we ouer the (ca by Cilicia,
and Pamphylia, and came to Myꝛa,a city in
pia. ,
6 And there the Centurion found a hip
or Aerangaja farting into Italy, and prt vs
erein wa
7 And wher we had lailed lowly, many
Dapes, and (carce were come againſt Ont
bum , becaule the winde tiered vs not,
twe fapled Dard bpi Candie, neere tot Sal-
mone, ;
3 And with much adoe layled beyond its
any tame vnto a certaine place called the
Faire haus, nerepntethe which was the
fitte LARN gion nu iniy
9. So when much tine was {pent and
{ailing was now teopardous, becauft alio
ee aa was new pallen, Pauterboscea
AO Aud fayd vnto thei, Sys, F (ee that
this vopage will be with hürt and much das
mage, not offhelading and tip, onelp, but
allo okour liues. duc) ai
Ir Neuertheleſſe the Centurion beleeued
rather the gouernour and the maſter of the
Hip, chen thoſe things which were ſpeken of
aul. — $e Viele tnit f
I2- And becanle the hauen was not toni,
i ecanle ie ——
fo Depart thence, tt bp alip meanes they
might attatue to Phenice thee fo winter,
modious to winter in, many
whichis an hauen ot Candie, aud lyethto
ward the Sonthwelt and by tek, aud
Noꝛthweſt and by Cet,
13 Andwhen the Southerne wind biew
foftly, they fuppoling to obtaine their pues
(esloofed neccer,aunlaplea bp Candy. ~ r not RINA
poreslootednecver, ann faplen bp ey SO cota
14 But anon alter, there atole b
ſtormie winde calles Curoclyoon.
15 Andwhen the ſhip was caught, ano
could nor reſiſt the wind, welet her goe, aud
were CALLED AWAY. ir n ees cee a
16 Ana weerantie bnder alittle Ile A
oen eCAUd and Had mych adee to get tde
OREG So y tnt diode ham ER
The Actes.
; a and gaue on
paglence of them all. gnd be
tO Gates A Ges MATT We | BEN
He incourageth his company.
17 bich they tooke vp and vſed all
belpe, vndergirding the Wippe, fearing
left they bauta haiſe fallen into Syrtes,
any roep let downe the || vellell, ant ſo Were | Or,boate.
18 The nert Day when wee were toſſed
with an exceeding tempett, thepilightenca fOrcaf out the
the fin. wares.
Ig And the third day wee ca out with
onr owne bands the tackling ofthe Hip.
20 And when neither unne no: tartez
t pany) paves Hk yia, 3 a che a li
eſt lay upon vs, all bope that tue ſhould be 5
fated, was then taken away. : aii —2
21 But after tong ablirmence, Panl oon rp aas fae
foorth in the nuddesvt them ann taid, Sits, Ved the lofe by
pee onld baue Hearkenedtomee, and not 20!ding the
baue loola from andie: fe Goulo ve bane SANE 0
£ gamed this butt and lone. RE Ainas»
22 But now F erbort you tobeeof goon port ——
courage: fo there thall bee no loe of an 3*
mans life among you, fane of the hippe — “iy
onely. . —— ya = inance
23 Sorthere (ood by mee this nightrhe ppe
Angel ots God, whole Ham, ano won I peme oaa
á ;
24 Saying, Fearenot, Panl: Foz thon. God ziuerh to
mutt be bꝛought betore Celar: and log Goa pc aldren, pro-
bath ginen vnto "thee all that faple mich e many umes
thee. 3 e enemies, -
+ CAherefoze, firs, Hee of good courage: Wich are vn-
for‘ ibcleeue Goo, thatit Hall bee (oag ip Worthy tore-
bath been, tola me.. - U s ceiue the fruit
26 iMowbeit, wee mut be tat into acer thereof.
taine Plany. “+4 Faith is grour-
27 Andwhen the fourteenth night was dedypon the
come, as twee were caried toand trata the Wd of God,
k aoetaticatl fea about minight, the fotp- — is in.
men deeme hos ime was
puto them, - that his — p 4 Sih taken for all. that
28 And fonnded, and found it twenty fas P2tt which was
thome: and when they had gonea tttle furs About the moun.
ther, they founded agatne,and found Bfteene Sines called Ce-
fathoms. rausij, and fodi- ·
29 Then fearing lett they Gents hane viderhtealy from,
falien inito fome rough placces,they catt fonte Dalmatia, and
JO out ofthe Cerne, and wuyt that the’ Bosth vp tO Ve ·
ay werccome TRITON NICE S nodata ett
30 Mowe as the shariters were abong! Paul would. -;
to fice out of the wip, and ban let Downe the. Ve Much meancs,
boate into the (ea vnder a colour as though*45 God had or-
they wonld bane catt ancres out of the fozes deines,telthe i.s
ftp, > Of RIR ——
31 ant ip pnto the reba aut ¢uhaue tempted
fouldiers arerptth e abide inthe thi ie him.
——— — ibe bip iY m He meaneth
“22 Then the fonlafets tut ofthe ropes an extraordinary
ore tsa aut fet itkallawap. rage ee abRtinenceswhich ~
33 And wher tt began tobee Day, [ant came of thefeare
erhozted them alt to take meate, laying, 0! death,and fo
Chis PARE that pee bane tooke away tbeir i
tarped, anD continued tafting, receunng appetite. | 01 3
nothin. < PUF EOU CUE ON 1E By this Hes
exot yon tatake meaty! brew'phrafeis
foz this ts foz ponr fafeward r foz there (halt meant thavthey
not * an haire ‘fall from the bead of any Mould bein alt
of pou. em 344 points fafe and
5 And bohen hee had thus ſpokenn Hee found,x.sam,
nkes to God , Ni 14 45. Kings.)
Cit and begat
1.5 2,Matth,1 Oo
36° Theu
ship) ests ae
Shipwracke. Theviper. Difcafes
36 Then were they allof good courage,
37 ow wee were in the Fipinalltwo
hinidrech threeſcore and tirteene ioules.
38 Aud wher they bad caten cnongh.thep
lightened the hip, and caſt out the wheate
> mito the fea.
= 139 And whe ft was day, they knew not
thecountrey,but.they ſpred a certaine creeke
with abanke,into the which they were min ·
Ded cit it were poſſible) to tput ty tic yip.
40 So when they had taken vp the ans
creg, they committed the thippe nto the fea,
and loofed the ruddcr bonds, and hoyſed vy
a maine faile to the wind, and drew to the
ory... CF SF
41 And when they kellinto a place where
two feas met, they thruſt in the Hippe: and
the foze- part ftucke fait, and could not bee
mooued, but the binder part was boken
with the violence ofthe waucs.
‘42 Then the fouldters countell wase to
kill the prifoners: lef any of chem, when pee
ad Commie out, ſhould tiee away.
4 Wut the Centurion willing to fane
Paul, faved them from this counfell, and
Compnaunded that they that could fwinime,
fyould catt thenifelucs firt into the ſea, and
goe out to land: ; l
44 And the other, ſome on boards, and
ſome on certatme pieces of the Wippe: anafo .
$ as to pafite, that thee came all fafe to
an a fosc : Í 7
e This declareth
the great and bar-
barous ingrati-
tude of the wic-
Eed, which can-
not be wonne by
any benefits,
2 Paylwith hu combanie are gently setreated
ofthe barbarous pecple. 5 The viper hurteth his
not, 3 Hee healeth Publis father and others,and
being furnifyed by them of things nece [[ariz,he faz.,
red toward Rome, 05 Where being receiued of
she brethren,he declareth his buſine ſſe, 30
there preachith tiwo yeeres.
A® D when. they were come fafe, then
a New called they kuete that the ple was called⸗ Me ·
Maita. » F2 £ ‘ J J tei
2. And the Barbarians ſhewed bsna lit»
tle kindueffe : foz they kindled afire, and re:
teiued vs enerp one, becanfcof the preſent
fhowze.ané becaufe of the cola. —
* 3 Gnd when Wail had gathered ant:
Or beape. ber of ſtickes, and laped them on the || fire,
ie). r there came a viper out ofthe heate, and lept
b Suchisthe per. on bis ae Ha see (ued 94 i
werfejudgement 4 when the Barbarians Awe the
ofmenthatthey worme hang on his band, they Aibamong
— ———— Kair th This man reip i a > mur-
astheyfeeinany fherer, whome, though, bee hath eſcaped
affidion. -, thelea,yet« Gengeance path not laffered to
“¢Whomthey line. 7
imadeagoddefe § Buthee hooke of the vꝛorme inta the
vandcalledher,, fire,andfeltnobarnie. - a
Dise orNemefiss d: 6 Wowbeit they waited when be ſhould
d Behold the- hauelwollen, ofa —
extremiticot- o dp:-but after they had looked a great whil
ele infidels,and and ſaw no inconuentence come tohin, they
howmuchthey. “changed their minds, and fain, Chat yeas
“are bent to ſu⸗ a= li : — ort
perſticion: forafs... 7.) mE quarters, tbe chiefe
minine EA eae Culaig nanie was Publius
serrourthey fell ; policflions z the tame rected vs, aud
into aporhety— oy, Chere Bayes courtedullz. í
2 iOS
Chap. xxviij.
5 NOF, `- : o
"25° Cher fore when they agred net among
8 And foit was,that thefather of Oubli-
us lay ficke of the fener and ofa bicedp tire:
te whom Paul entredD tn, and when hee
— hee laide his hands on him, and beas
eD him.
9 CAbenthis then was done, other alſo
tthe le, which had dileaſes, came to bin
and were bealed,
10 diibich allo Bid bs great honout: and
when wee Departed, thep laded vs with
things neceflarte,
Il € Mow after thee moneths wee Bee
parted ina hip of Aicrandeta, which bad
Wintred inthe Fle, whoſe badge was< Cae
fto? and Pollur,
I2 And, when wee arriued at Syzacuſe,
we tatied chere thice Dayes. y?
13 And from thence wee ket a compalſe,
aud-came to Rhegium: and after ene Bay,
the Sant) wind blew, and we came the ſe⸗
cond Day to Puteoli,
14 Chere wee found brethzen, and twere
DelireD to tarie with them feuen dayes, and
fo we went toward Rome. G
15. (And from thence, wher the brethren
heard of vs, they came to mecte vs at the
Market of Appius, and at the‘ thzee ] Ta-
uernes, whom when Paul ſaw, be thanked
God, and wared bold. .
16, So when he came to Rome, the Gene
turion deliuered the —D to the gene,
rall captaine : but aul was. s fuffercd to,
Dwel by humlelfe with a ouldier chat kept
im, é
17. And the third Day after, Paul callen
the chicfe ofthe Jewestogetijer : and when
they were come,be faid ditto them, Men and
byzthzen, though Jhaue committednothing
agatuit the people oz Lawes of the fathers,
yet {0 Deluiered miloner trom Zerula-
Aad lem in A Erdey ofthe Romanes.
18 Uho when thep bad cramincd mee,
Would Hane let me goe becaule there wasna
caule of Death in me, i
I9 But wheu the Newes (pake conttary,
healed. Thehopcofffrael. 04%
€ Thefe the Pai-
nims fainedto
be Jupiters chil-
dren and gods of
the fea,
f Thefe places
were diftant
from Romea
dayes iourney,or
|Or es.
g No rak the
€aptaine ynder-
ftood both by
Feftus letters, and
alfo by the report
ofthe vnder cape
taine,that Paul ~
had committed
no fault,
J was conlirained to appeale bntoCefar, én
not secant J had ought toaccule my natts
on of. oe
20 Foꝛ thiscanfe therefore pane J caller `
fo2pou, to feeyou, and tofpeake with you:
fo: the hope of t Iſraels fake, J am bound
with this chaine
_ 21 Then they fatd onto bim, le neither
recetued letters our of uvea concerning
thee , neither came any of the brethzen thar
ſhewed o2(pake any cuillotthee,
22 But wee will heare ok chee what thou
thinkcit : for as concerning this lect, wee
a that enery where it ts poken a-
gaint. Eg ;
23 And when they had appointed hima
h Thais forle
fus Chriſts caufe
whom they had
Jong looked for
ashe that fhould
be the redeemer
of the world.
Day, there tame many veto him into histone
ging, to whom bee erpounredand teſtiſied
the tingdonte of God and preached vnto i TH
‘theinrconcetning Jeſus, voth out ofthe Late dome,which was
of Moles, and out of the Drophetstrom
“Honing to niche, ish
24 And. fome tzere perſwaded with the
gs Hcy Were (poke, and Conic belee·
{Thar this king- `
fpókeri of by the
Prophets was of-
fred ynto them
by the commin:
FChrift, $
The ob ftinacie of theIewes.
1 4mar. 4.12,
duke $.10,ioh.1 2.
40 rom 11.8,
k Hereby the
hearts of the in-
fidels ought to
be moliified, and
the weakelings
confirmed, that
they be not of-
them(clues, thep departed after that Pant
jad ſpoken one wo, to wit, Cdell pake the
bolp Ghot by Claras the Pꝛophet vute our
26 Haying, * k Hoe vnto thts people,and
fay, By hearing ve Hall heare, and fali not
vnderſtand, and teeing pee Hall lee,and not
percetue. j :
27 Forthe heart of this peopleis waren
fatte,and their eares are Dulof hearing, and
with their eyes haue thep winked, lett they
fhould fee with their eves, and beare with
r ai
Saluation of the Gentiles:
1 heale thei. Prhe word of
28 Bett kuowen therefore vnts you,that God healerh
this ſaluation of God ts (ent to the@enttles, when the verue
aud thep Hall heare it, } ; of the Spirit is
29, Andwhen hee han laid thele things, ioyned withir:
the Jewes Departed, and had great realos and itis preached
ning among themictues, generally, that
30 And Paul remained two yeeres fulin ail men might be
an boule hired fo: himſelfe, aud receined all inexcufable.
that came tn vnto him,
31 Preaching the kingdome of Ged, and
teaching thote things, which cancerne the
fendedbythe their gates, and vnderſtande with their Lom Felus Ciit, with all balonefle af
a ES Heartes, and Mould returne that J might tpeech, without tet.
A The Epittle ofthe Apoftle Paul
to the Romanes.
Ta great mercie of God is declared toward man in Chrift Iefuc, whofe righteoufneffe is made owr
through faith, For when man by reafon of his owne corruption could not fulfill the law, yea,com-
mitted moft abhominably, both againft the law of God, ard nature tbe infinite bountie of Ged,mind-
full of bis promife made to his feruant Abrabam, the father of all beleeuers, erdeined that mans falua-
tion (hould onely Rand in the perfit obedience of his Sonne leſus Chrift: fo that not onely the circumci-
fed Lewes, but alfo the vncircumcifed Gentiles fhould be faued by faith in him: ewen as Abraham before
— he was citcumciſed, was counted iuſt onely through faith, and yet afterward recciued circumeifion, asa
ee ſcale or badge of the fame righteouſneſſe by faith, And to the intent that none(hould thinke that the
Baye Couenant which God made to him and his poftericic, was not performed : either becaufe the Lewes re-
i * ceiued not Chrift,( which was the bleſed feede)or elfe belecued not that he was the true redeemer,be=
: caufe he did not onely,or at leaſt more notably preferue the Lewes: the examples of Iſmael ed Efau de-
— clare, that all are not Abrahamspofteritie, whicb come of Abraham according tothe feth : but alfo the
— very ftrangers and Gentiles grafted in hy faith, are made heires of the promiſe. The cauſe whereofis
a the onely will of God: forafmuch as of his free mercy he electeth fome to be faued and of bis iuft ijudge-
. ment reieGeth others to be damned, as appeareth by theteftimonies of the Scriptures, Yet to the intent
eia ; that the lewes fhould not be too much bearen downe, nor the Gentiles too much puffed vp, the exam=
ple of Elias ptooucth, that God hath yer his elect euen of the naturall pofteritic of Abraham, ‘though
ı Itappeareth not foto mans eye: and forthat preferment that the Gentiles have, it preceedeth of the lis
berall mercie of God, which he az length will ftretch toward the Iewesagaine, and fo gather the whole
Iftael (which is his Church) of them both, This ground-worke of faith and doctrine laied, inftru@tions
of Chriftian maners follow: teaching euery man to walke in roundneffe of conicience in his vocation,
a 4 i ith all patience and humbleneffe, reuerencing and obeying the magiſtrate, exercifing charitie , pute
* g off the old man, and putting on Chrift bearing with the weake, and louing one another according
ee 1 © “hrifts example, Finally, Saint Paul after his commendations to the brethren,exhorteth themto vni-
— A nd to fice falle preachers and flatterers, and fo concludeth with aprayer. f
CHAP. 1,
sul fheweth by whom and to what purpofe
ed. 13 Hà ready well. 16 What the Gof-
> Thevfe of creatures, and wherefore
made. 21.24 The ingratitude, perner-
nifhraent of allrsankinde,
of God, touching the Dpirit of © fanctifica: e By the Spirit
tion by the refurrection from the dead) he declareth thae
By whom wee haue receinedf grace Chriſt is God,
and Apattlehip (that obedience might bee whofe power did
ginen vnto the faith) in bis Mame among fo hinctifichys ©
all che Gentiles, . Deg
6 Among whom pee bee allo the & called ixcoutdnoe
of Felus Chul: feele corruption,
7 Woallyou that be at Rome beloned of noryerremaine
God, calles to be Haints< *>@racebe with mdeath, = ~
pou, and peace from God onr father, and f Whichwas <
2 CMbich he bad promi- fromthe Lord Jeſus Cilt. that mof hberall
fed afore by his*jProphetsin 8 fena thanke my God through I E- . benefit to preach
; — SVS Oht for pouall, becanle your faith theovnfearchable
‘ispublihed throughout ithe whole wold. riches of chith
© 9. Fox God ts my witnes(whom V ferie g Thar isbythe
in my *{pirtt in the! Golpel of his Sonne) mercy of God’ |
that without cealing make mention of pou areadoptedin |.
i i ih See : Jeftis Chriſt.
CCo, 1.3. aL0.3. 2,timo.1.2, H The free mereieofGod', and
profperous facceffein all things, i ‘Thats, through ‘all Chriftiin
Churches. k Barneftly, and from theheare: t1 ‘tn/preachingthe:
Sonne of God, that is,reconciliation and peace through Chiift? ©"!
lo Alwapes
2 P.
be is cel
pela. u
they were
fitie andgn
Ye ACL a il (eruant of Jelus
W y Cit, called to bean Apo⸗
a itle, ©*ptit apart to preach the
d? Golpel of Gon,
—— ul
re ~~ .
HOr mimer.
—— Gods
ercie,and alfo
appointed by
to this Apoftle-
an £ Am A
ettasvescaaisbrrs VEES «4 i
tije: — ng big Sonne Jelus Chit
* Lor Gabi | WAS madeot the aſeede of
un -Y to the tleſh,
DA pect mightily to be the Sanne
fioy 23-22. ¢. The Scriptures
— er Ge 'd promifed and performéd
7 ing of the paiteritic and of
b Or ,chofen by
the eternal coun-
ell of God, or.
by thedeclarat- -
on of thefame `
countell., Ait k eA fe
oort 9 e
ae a Et in Tefus Chrift d pean
the A¢th of the virgine Maries
at the Gofpel is.
+ 19 Qlwayes in my prayers, beleechin
that by ome meancs one time o2 other
might haue a proſperous tourney by rhe wil
of Gov to come wnto pou.
Chap 15.33. II * Fo}3 long to fee you, that J might
m EitherbyS3- beftowe among you fome {pitituall gift, to
tan,r.Thef.2.18, itrengtben peu, j
or by theholy 12 That ts, that J might bee comforted
Sooſt, Acts 16.6, together with pon through oar mutual faith,
Chap. ij⸗
The reward ofingratitude.
—— the naturall vſe into that which ts as
gaint nacute. -
27 And likewile alfo the men left the nas
turall vſe of the woman,and burned in thetr
Hlut one toward another, and man with fOr, apperse.
man wrought filthinefle, and received in
themfelues fuch recompence of their errour,
as was meete.
28 Foꝛ as they regarded not to knowe
other place to
preach the Gof-
n Whereofis
o He pafferh not
for the mocking
of the wicked,
p Or,ctieGuall
fOr, Gentile.
P Theperfe&ion,
and integritie,
before God holy,
no fault:and this
iultice is contrary
to mans iuftice,
or the iultice of
workes, ard only
is apprchended
by faith which
ayly increafe
Plal 84.7. k
£ Which God
H abak 2.4.
galat. 3. 11.
hebr. 10. 38.
f Hediuided the
‘Law of nature
corrupt, into Yn-
conteine the falfe
of Gad: vn-
breach of lous
toward man,
t Inthat they
neither worlhip
God, as nature
partly teacheth
them, nor lous
One another,
t They wor-
shipped him
can be accuſed of ten, * The int ſhall liue by
ercalledto fome boti pours and mine.
12 glow my brethren, F would that pee
fhould not bee tgnoezant, how that 3 haue
pel,Chap.15.20. oftentimes purpoled to come vnto pou (but
aue bene ™ ler hitherto) that J mightyaue
ome > fruit alfo among pou,as Ibauc among
the other Gentiles. i
14 J anı Debter both to the Grecians,
and to the Batbartans, both ro the wile
meand to the vnwiſe. s
15 Therefoze as much as in me is, Jam
ready to preach the Golpel to you allo that
are at Rome.
16 Foꝛ J am not ° aſhamed ofthe Gol-
pelof Chꝛiſt: for ttis the * r power of God
vnto faluatton to enerp one that beleg.
which whofoeuer ueth, te the Few firk, and allo to the i Gres
17 Foꝛ by tt thes righteouſneſſe of: Gon
ts reuealed, from faith to ay as ít ts wett>
18 for the wath of God ts reuealed from
beauen again all‘ ongobdlinefle, and vn⸗
rightcoulnefle ofmen, which withbolde the
traeth cin vnrighteonſneſſe.
19 Foꝛaſmuch as that, which may bee
knowen of God, is maniteſt tn them: foz
God hary ſhewed tt vnto them.
20 forthe inuifible things of him, that
is, bis eternall power and Godhead, are
feene by the creationof the wozld,being cons
fidercd tn his wozkes, to the intent that thep
ſhould be without ercule.
21 * Becaule that when they knew God,
they * gloztfied him not as God, neither
were thankefull, but became vaine in their
imagtnations , and their foolif) heart was
full of darkneſſe.
22 hen they prokeſſed themſelues tobe
wile, they became kooles.
23 For they turned the glory of thein-
cozruptible 6 D D to the ſimilitude of the
image ota coꝛruptible man, and of birdes,
ai foure footed beaſtes, and of crecping
things. 3
24 Wherefore alfo God * 7 gane them bp
to their bearts luſtes, vnto wncleannefic,
fa Defile their owne bodies betweene thems
elues: í
25 Mhich turned the trueth of God vnto
alie, and wozhipped and ſerued the crea-
ture, t foxlaking the Creatoz, which is bleſ⸗
{ed fo? euer, Amen.
26 Foz thts caule God gane them vp vn:
to bile affections: fozcuen their women did
not as hee preferibed, bur after theirgood intentions. x Or deli-
uered themas aiuftImdge. y Seeing men would not according
to the knowledge thar God gaue them, worfhip him aright,he fmote
their hearts with blindnefle , that they fhould nor know themfelues,
but doe iniurie one to another, and commit fuch horrible villenie,
KOr abone the Creator. i
God, euen ſo Gov Deltuered them vp dnte a
z reprobate minde,to do thole things which
are not connenient,
29 Being ful ofall vnrighteoulneſſe, for:
nication, wickeDaefie, couetouſneſſe,malici ·
oulneſſe, full of enuie, of murther, of debate,
of Deceite,taking all things in the euill part,
webifperers, —
39 Backbiters, haters of Gos, doers
of wong, poud, boaſters, inucnters of euill
things, Dilobedtent te parents, without vn⸗
Derftanding , couenant beakers, without
naturall affection, fuch as can newer bee ap»
peated, mercilefic.
31 CQhich men, thongh thep knewe * the
Lawe of God, how that they which come
mit fuch things,are wosthy of death, yet not
onely doe the fame, but allot tauour them
that Dec them.
s He feareth the hypocrites with Gods iudge-
ment, 7 Andcomforteth the faithfull. 12 To bean
downe all vaine pretence of ignorance, holine ſe,
and of allsance with God jhe proueth all mente be
Sinners, 15 The Gentiles by thesr sonfcience, 17
The Lewes by the Law written,
Teen thou art inexcuſable, D man,
4 wholecucr thouart that }* iunge :* foz
in that that thou indgeſt another, thou con:
demneſt t thp ſelfe fo2 thou that wudgelk,
Deck the fame things.
2 But wee know that the iudgement of
God tsaccojding to: trueth, againtk them
whtch commit fuch things.
3 Andthinkelt thou this, D thouman,
that iudgeſt them which doe fuch thines,
and doch thefame,that thou alt efcape the
tudgement of Goa? $ j
4 Dadelpilett thou the riches of his bourt-
tifulnes,and *patience,and long fierante,
not knowing that the bountituinefle of God
leadeth thee to repentance?
§ Butthou after thine hardneſſe, and
heart that cannot repent, * beapeft vnto thp
felfe wrath again the Day of ¢ wrath, and
of the declaration of the tuft tC uidgement of
6 *iho will reward euery man artoz:
Ding tobiseworxkes: j
7 Tbatis, to them which by continuance
in well doing fecke glozic, and honour, and
immoztalitie,eternall life: i
8 But onto them that are contentious
and dilobey the trueth , ant obey vnrighte:
fort of men are
z That is, fuck
ove as was defti-
ture of alliudge-
a Which law
God writ in their
confciences and
the Philofophers
called it the lave
of nature: the
lawyers, the liw
of nations , wher-
of Mofes law is a
plain expofition.
|| Or,righteou/mez
b Or, confent to
them : which is
the full meafure
of all iniquitic.
Or blameſt.
a Neither they
which doe ap⸗
proue cuil d
nor they —
reprooue them,
are excuſable be-
fore God.
Matth,7. 1,2:
1. C0, 4.$.
b Foreither thew
art guiltieofthe
fame fault ,orthe
c Forhe jud
the heart, and re-
gardeth not the: .
outward perfon,
2, Pet 3.96 A
Tawies 5,3. 5
d The wick
fhalbe condem. £
ned, & the faith=
full deliuered,
Pfal, 62.12. 5/7
revel 2212.
e The commor
outnefie, halbe indignation and wath.
mecht ynabie to
beiuftified by their workes: feeing Abraham the father of beleeuers
hath nothing to glory of before God, and therefore all meps workes
thall condemne them,and they onely fhal) be fated, which apprehend
leſus Cinrift by Faith to be their oncly inflice and fan@ification,
ett 9 Tite Sirs
SO aera ere Pe See ew ee ee
pt q
Doersofthe Law, Hypocrites.
f By the Grecian
he vnderRandech
the Gentile,ard
eucsy one that Is
nota lew.
Deut. A117
2hron. 19.7.
50). 34.19.
aches 10.34.
g Astouching
any outward
qualitie,but as
the potter before
he make bis vel.
fels, he doethap-
point fome to
glory, ang others
h -Thatis,with-
out y knowledge
of the law writ-
ren, which was
giuen by Mofes,
james 1.22.
i For mans con-
{cience fheweth
him whé hedoth
good or euill.
k S2eawaketh
the fewes, which
were afleepe
through acere
taine (ecuritie
and confidence
inthe Law.
fOr, treeft the
things that dif:
Nent froast.
J The way to
teach ochers in
the knowledge
of chetrueth,
F [452-55
exck.36,.200> 3
m Tieendof
circumcifion was
the keeping of the
Liw and the Sa-
crament ſepara⸗
ted from his end,
isof none efet.
n Whenthe ‘Law
is called the Let-
ter, or that it
pronoketh death
in vs,or thar it
killeth,oris the
minifteric of
death, or thit it
isthe frength
of finne, itis
meantas we con-
fidar the Law of
ic felfe without
Colaff 313
o Inthe inward
man and heart.
9. Tribulation and anguilh thal bes vpon
the toute of euery man that doth euill: of tye
Few firit,and alfoof the ! Grecian,
10 But toeuerp man tyat Doth good, hal
be gloꝛy, and honour ana peace, to the gewe
fivit,and alfo te the Grectan.
Il fortherets no*relpectot s perfons
mith God.
12 Foꝛ as many as haue finned without
the Law, hal periſh alſo > without the Law:
and asmany ashaue finned tn the Law. thal
be iudged by the Law,
13 (* Far the hearers of the Law are not
righteous before Hod ; but the doers of tye
Law ſhalbe inttifted. $ :
14 For when the Gentiles which haue
nor the Law, Doc by nature the things con-
teined in the Law, they hauing not the Law,
are a Law vnto themſelues,
Ig (Ahich wewe the effect of the Lawe
wꝛitten in their i hearts, their conſcience al-
fo bearing witnes,and their thoughts acci-
fing oneanother,ozerculing,)
16 At the dap when God hall indge the
fecrets of men by Fetus Chatit,accopving to
ny Goſpel. *
17 @ *Beholde, thou art called a Jewe,
and reitet in the Laww,and* gloztell in God,
18 AnD knowelt his will, and alloweſt
the things that aveercellent,inthatthou art
fuftructed Gy the Lam:
Ig Andperlwadett chy (elfe that thou art
aguide of the blinde,a light of them which
are in darknelſe, i
20 An inſtructer of them which lacke
diſcretion a teacher of the vnlearned which
hatt the! forme ot knowledge, and of the
truech inthe law.
21 ‘hou therefore which teacheſt ano:
ther, teachelt thou not thy felfe? thou that
peana man Mould not ſteale doſt thou
22 Thou that layeſt, Aman Hould not
commit adultẽry, doeſt thou commit adulte-
rie? thou that abhorreſt idoles, committeſt
thou lacriledge?
23 Thon that gloryelt in the Lawe,
through beeaking of the Lawe, diſhonoureſt
thou God? i
24 Forthe Mameof God is blaſphemed
among the Gentiles thaougl pou, * as ttis
weittcn. ; z
25 Foꝛ circumciſion verely is profitable,
if thon doe tbe Law: but if thou be a trant
greſſour of the Lawe, thy a circumnctiion ts
made vncircumtiſon '
26 Therfor ifthe vncircumtiſion kecpe
the oꝛdinances of the Lawe, ſhall not bis
eile egal bee counted fo? circumci⸗
on pd ? :
To the Romanes.
3 Hauing grauzted [ome prerogatiue te the
Fewes, becaufe of Gods free and jtable prumifey
10 he prosueth by the Scriptures, both Lewes and
Gentiles te bee finwers, 21.24 gnd to be tuflified
by grace through fasth, and not by werke, 31 and
fo the Law to be eftabh{hed.
V Hat is then the preferment of the
Jewe? o2 what is the profit of ctr«
cumetiion? :
2 Much every maner of way: foe chiefly,
becaule puto them were committed theſora⸗
cies of God. }
3 For what though fome did not beleeue?
fhall their * vnbeltete make the || fateh of
Gad without effect?
‘Allare culpable. k
Or vords.
Fla-46.n 3. chap. J
9.6. 2.tim. 2. 13.
fOr, promiſe.
Iohn 3.3 3.
4 God toꝛbid: pea,let God bettrue, and P/al.s16.1%.
*euerp man a lyar, as it is witten, * Chat
thou mighteſt bee a iutified in thy wordes,
and overcome when thou art iudged.
§ Mow tt Pour ynrightcoufneffe com
mend the righteouſneſſe of God, what hall
wefap? Js God varighteous which puntih>
eth? (3 peake: as aman) $
6 God fbin: clic how ſhall God iudge
the world? oe
7 Sor t€the veritie of Gadbhath mare a-
bounded, though my lie,wnto hts glory, why
and J yet condemned as alinner?
$ And (as wee are blamed, and as fome
affirme that twee fap) why Doe wee net euill,
that good may come thereof? whofe Damna-
tionis iut.
9 Ghat then? d are we moze excellent?
f29,ingo wile : foz we haus already poued,
that atl, both Jewes and Gentiles are* vn-
Der fime, o i
Io Asit ts witten There is none righ-
teous no not one.
IL Chere is none, that vnderſtandeth:
there is none that lecketh Good.
12 They haue all gone sur of the way:they
baue becne made altogether vnprotitable:
therets none that Daeth good, no not one.
I3 * Their tizoate 13 an open (epulchze:
tbey baue vled their tongues to Deceit : * the
popion of alpesis vnder their lips,
14 *Ahole mouth fs fullofcurfing and
bitternefic. ;
I5 * Chee keete are fwift to hen blood.
a 16 Dettruction and calamitee arein their
Apes, : :
17 And thee way of peace they haue not
knowen. *
18 * The keare of God ts not before their
Ig Mow twee know that whatloeuer the
Law faith tt ſaith it to them which are yns
Der the Law, that every month may be itop>
ped, and all the wogla bee g culpable before
à à
27 And Hall not vacircumciion which God
is by nature ( tt tt keepe the Lae) || tudg¢
thee, which by the elerter aud ctreumction
ava tranigredour ofthe Law?
23 Forhets nota Jew which is one out»
ward: nether is chat civcumcigion which ts
outwaed inthe fet: i l
29 But he is a Jew wijich is one within,
and the *ciremmctfion is ofthe heart, in che
o{pivitnot inthe letter soporte maple isnot
ot membut of Gad,
20 *Bbevefore by ‘the wakes of the
+Law Hall no tleſh bee tuitified in bis fights
for by the Lawe commeth the knowledge of
a That thou
mayeft be declae
red juft,and thy
goodneffe and
trueth in perfor-
ming thy promie
{es may appeate, -
when maneither |
ofcuriofitieor i
atrogancie would —
judge thy workes,
b He fheweth
how the wicked
do reafon again
God, i
c Whofe carnall
wifdome will not
obey the willof
d Leftthe Iewes |
fhould be puffed
vp in that he pre
ferred them to
the Gentiles, he
theweth that this
their preferment |
ftandeth onely.. in
God,fora(much —
as beth Jewand —
Gentile through”
finheare fubicQ.
to Gods wrath, »
that they might
both be made
cquall in Chrift, |
Pfal, 14:153.
and 53. 1, 3.
Pſal $9:
Pfal. 1 4936
1 [4.59.7
e Apeaceable »
and innocent life,
Pal, 36.1.
7 f Thatis the -
old Teftament, g The Lawdoth not make vs guiltie,but doth der
clare that wee are guiltie before God, and deferue condemnation,
Galat,2.16, h -Hemeancth the Law, either writtenior vnwrittem
which commandeth or forbiddeth any thing , whofe vorkes cannot
iullific, becaule we cannot performe them,
21 But
Iuftification by faith.
i kedin himfelfe,
Chap.s.17, 21 But now is the * tighteoufnes of Gov
i Thewerdfg- made marifet without the Law, bauning
nifieth them witnefie ot the Lat and of the Pꝛophets,
whichareleft be- 22 To wit, the rightroumeſſe of Goo by the
hindiatherace, faith of Jeſus Cit, vnto all, and vpon all
and are noc able that beleeue.
to runne to the 23 Foz thereis no difference : foz all hane
marke thatisto finned, and ate i Depztued of the glozp of
eucrlatting life, od, A Rite R ;
which hereiscal- . 24 Andare iuftificd freely bp his grace,
ledthegloryof thꝛough the reDemption that is in Chit
k Orfidelitiein 25 Ahom God hath (et foorth ro bee a re»
performing bis -tonctliation through fatth in bis blood, to
promile, Declare his * righteouſneſſe, by the forgiue=
1 Thelawof faith -neffe of the ſinnes that are pafled, theough
isthe Gofpel thepatienceofGod, _
which offereth 26 Tofheweat this tine his righteoul>
faluation with neſſe, that he might be iuſt, anda iutifier
condition(ifthou of him which isot the faith of Jeſiis.
beleeveft)which -; 27 There is then the reioycing? Gt ts
conditionalfo excluded. By what Law? of works? fay;
Chriſt &eely gi⸗ -but by the! Law of faith.
uethtovs,Sothe 23 Therefoze we conclude,that aman is
condition of he. futtificdD bp fatth without the woꝛkes of che
Lawis(ifthou Law, ;
doeft all thefe 29 God, is he the God of the Jewes one-
things)the which Ip, and not of the Gentiles alio? Mes, euen
only Chrithath ofthe Gentiles alio. i
fulfilled for vs, 30 Foz tt ts one God who fhall iuftifie
m Meaning, that circuiucifion = of faith and vncircumciſion
they are alliu- though faiti.
fiified by one 31 Doe wee then make the Law of none
meanes,and if effect through faith? God forbid: pea, * wee
they willhane eftablif the Law. Bain
any difference, 5) 3 ul ?
it onely ftandeth in wordes + ‘for in effe& thereisnone, n- Thedo-
Ariae of faith isthe ornament ofthe Lawe: for it imbraceth Chrilt,
who by his death hathfatifiied the Law: fo that the Law whichcould
not bring vs to falustion by reafon of our owne corruption, isnow
made effectuallto vs by Chnh Iefus.
3. 17 Hee declareth that iuficfication i a free
ift; euen by themſelues of whom the Fewes meft
` | beafted,as of Abraliam and cf Danid; 15 And
S alfo by the office of the Law and faith.
a That is, by ; 7 Pat wall. we Cay then, chat Abraham
works. i our father bath found * concerning
-b Hemightpre- the fieth?
tend fome merite: 2 For ff Abraham were tuftified by
or workeworthy tyorks, he hath wherein to > retoyce, but not
tobe recõpenſed. with Goo.
Gen.05.6. g2/3 3 For what faith the Scripture?* Abra:
6.iam. 2. 23. hain beleeued God, and it was counten to
© Meritcth by pim fo rig htcoufneffe. ;
hisworkes, =: æ Mow tohintrhat < worketh, the wa
a Thatdepen- _ wes isnot counted by fanour but by Debt:
deth notan his But to him that d worketh not, but bes
works, neither leeneth in him that eiuttificth the vngodly,
thinketh rome- · his faith is counted kor righteoulnelſe.
rite by them, 6 uenas Danid declareth the bleſſed⸗
e. Whichmaketh peffe of the man, vnto whom God imputeth
hiw that iswic- rie htcoufirelle without workes,Gying,
7 *Bleſſed arethey, whofe tniquities are
forgiuen, aud whole ſinnes are couered.
8 Bleſlſed isthe man, to whomthe Lord
iuſt in Chrift:
Pfal 321.
. £ Voder thisex- imputeth not finne.
cellent facrament 4 Came this vleſſedneſſe then vpon the
becomprehen- f circumicifiertonely,o2 vpon the vutircumci·
deththewhole — fig alſo? Foꝛ wwe (ap, that fatth was impu
Law. ted vnto Abraham foꝛ righteouſuelſſe.
Chap. iiij.
10 Pow was it then imputed? wher hee
was circunitiled,o2 wntircumcticd? not whe
be was circunictied but when ye waswncics ·
cumciſed. —
AL * After be recetued the figne of circum
cifion, as the feale of the rightcoufuctic of the
faith which be bad, when be was vnctrcum⸗
ciled, that he Mould be the father of all rhent
that belecue,not being circumeried,) rightes
onfneficmight be umputedto them allo,
12 And the father ofcircumcilion,not yne
to them onely which are of the cirtumciſion.
but bute them allo that watke inthe efieps g Thismay not
of the fatth of our father Abzaham, which he be vnderltood of
had when be was vncircumciſed. the fruits of faith
13 forthe pomilethat he ſhould bee the (forthereof she
Heire of the worlde, was not giuen to bza- Apoſile doeth
banı, o? to his ſeed, thꝛough the» Lawe, but hereaſter expreſly
through the righteouſncſſe of faith. intreat) but of
14 Foꝛ ifthey which iare of the Law, be the faith it felfe.
k hetres,fatth ts made voyd, and tie promiſe h In fulfilling the
is made of nene cftect. y works thereot.
Iş Jo: the Lawe caufeth 1wath ſor i And thinke to
where no Lawis,thereisnomtrantgreflicn, performethe
16 Therefore wis by faith, that it might fame by workes,
come by grace, aud the poomile might hee k Ifitbe requie
{ure tonali the fecde,not to that onelp which ſite to fulfilitne
isofthe Lawe: but alſo to that which tg of law forhim that.
the faith of Abꝛaham, who ts the father of malbe of Abra-
vsall, digi hams inheritance,
17 (As itiswitten, Ihaue made thee thenicis in vaine
a father of many nations) even before Gon to belecue the
whom hee belecued, who quickeneth the promife:farit fere
PDead, and calleth thole things which bee vethtono vſe.
not, as though thep were. 1 Through our:
18 hich Abraham abone hope belecued Cefaule, and not
onder hope, that he ſhould bee the father of of irfelfe.
many nations, accosding to that which was m Thatis no
ſpoben to him, * o {hall thy feen De. breach of coms’
Ig Andhe anot weake inthe fatth, confi» mandement,
Dered not hts owne body, which was nowe n Which bee
Dead, being almoit an hundzed perc old, net: lecue.
therr the deadneſſe of Saras wombe, Gen. 174.
20 Neither Did hee Doubt of the pro» o Bya ſpirituall
mife of God through vnbelecfe, but was kindred, which
ſtrengthened in the fatth, and gauet gloxy Ged chiefly ace
to Goo, | cepeth,
21 Being fully gſſured thathe which had p: Abraham be-
promifed, Vas alſo able to doe it. gate the circum⸗
22 And therefore it wasimputed to him cifed, cuen by the
foz righteouſneſſe. ; ni vertne of faith,
23 Row itis not waitten for bin onelp,
— it was imputed unto him kor rightcout
. 24 But allot foz u3, to whom tt hall bee
imputed for righteoufnefle , which belecue in
onega railed vp Jeſus our Loz from the
25 Aho was deliuered co death fo? our
— » and is rilen againe for out inutii
and not be the
poter ofnature,
which was extin-
guithed : fo the
Gentiles which
were nothing
are called by the
power of God to
of the faithfull,
3 Gen 15 5..
q Burmoftftrong andconftart, r Inthat the was pafi child bea-
ring, f Forhi mercié and ctuerh,
fall be iuftified by the ame meanes. u To accomplifh, and make
perfe& our iuftification,
1 He declareth the fruite of faith, 9 Andby -
compartfon fetteth forth the lowe of God and obe-
dience of Chrift, which the foundation & ground
‘the fame,
SS arn Then
t For our inſtruction: for we
The nature offaith. 506 a
beofthe number —
` of Chrift.
e Thatis, for
fach one of who
che hath receiued
bbe ole Sal
Gods great loue,
a By peace here
is meant thatia-
credible. & moft
eonftant ioy of
minde when we
are deliuered fro
all cerror ofcon-
fcience and fully
perfwaded of the
fauour of God:
and this peace is
the fiuit of
anes 1.3,
iá For it Bih
cuer good fuc-
ceffe. i
c He meaneth
that loue where-
with God loucth
vs Ji
B pet. 3.18.
d. By this com⸗
parifon he am-
plifieth the death
. good.
| Becaufe of
_. finne: yet friends
by the grace of
Chri. i,
_— g From Adam
to Mofes, .
h He meaneth
yong babes,
which neither
had the know-
ledge of the law
ofnature, nor:
any motion of
much lefe com-
mittedany aĝu-
all finne: and ebis
may alfo com-
i Yet all mine
kind,as it were
finned, when
they were as y*?
inclofed in A-
_ dams loynes.
k. Which was
Carift.- -
1. For by Chrif
we are not oncly
delinered from
the fines of A-
dam,{ ut alfo
from alffuch as
- wehaveadded
C therevnre, f
m The luſtice of LfusChri& wich is insputcd to the ſaithſull.
£ ie being infified by faith, wee haue
a peace toward God through our Lorde
Jeſus Chit.
2 ‘By whome allo wee haue acceſſe
though faith vnto thts grace, wherein wee
eal reioice vnder the hope of the glory
3 sacither doe we fo only, but allo we *re-
ioyce intribulations, knowing that tributa»
tion brꝛingeth forth patience.
4 And paticuce experience, and expert>
ence bope.
And bope maketh not > ahamed, bes
caule the < loue of God is hed aboade tn
te Pin bp the holy Ghoſt, which ts giuen
vnto bs.
6 For Chik, when wee were pet of no
rene (bee Lis time Died fo, the * DngoDdly.
7 Doubtleſſe one will (carce die fo: a
‘righteous man: but pet foza ¢ good man
it may be that one Dare Die...
8 Wut God letteth out hts lone towarde
vs, feeing that while wee were pet linners,
Chꝛiſt ded fez vs. 3 JR
9 uch moze then, being now iutified
by bis blood , we Halt be ſaned from wrath
though him. 1
IO Fo tf when wee were f enemies wee
i were reconciled to Ged by the seach of his
Honne, much moze being reconciled, wee
ſhall be ſaued by his life. i
IL And notonelp © , but wee allo reioyce
in God through out Loa Jeſus Chꝛiſt, by
Ee wee haue nowe receiued the attone·
12 COberefore, as by one man fiine et
tredinte the wozld, and Dearth by finne, and
fo death went ouer alt men: fexaimuch as all
men haue Annen.
13 Foz vnto the stime of the Law was fi
finne tn the wol, but finne ts not imputed
while there is no Law.
I4 Bur death reigned from Adam to
Wolts, euen ouer thein allo that finned not
batter thelike maner ofthe tranfgreffton of
i Adam, which was toe figure of * hunchat
was to come. SARS f
Iş But petthe aiftis not lo, asis theof
fence : foz tfthzoug) the oftence ofone, ma»
ny be Dead, much moze the grace of God.and
the gift by grace, whichis by one man Jelus
Chat bath abounded vnto many. |
16 Neither is the gilt fo, as that whichen-
trédin by. oie that fined: forthe fault came
pfone «ffence vnto condemnation? but rhe
gifts! of many octences ro tuſtification.
I7 Forifby the offence of one Death reig
neo through one, much moze Hal they which
recelue the abundance of grace, and of the
gift of ™ righteouines. raigne in life through
pne, that is, Felis Chꝛiſt.
IS Ltkewile chensashvthe offence of one
the fault came, on all @nen to condemnation,
fo by the tutifying ofone., the benefit aboun-
ded foward 9 all mente the tuitification of
. life:
19. For ag by one mang diſobedience,
many Were made inners: fo by the obedt:
n Which beleeue co be faecdin Ieſus Chtiſt.
To the Romanes.
enceofone, ſhall many allo bee made righ ·
20 Moꝛeouer thee Law entred thereup · o The Law of
on, that the offence ſhould rp abound: neuer·
thelefic, where Anae abounded, there grate a:
bounded much moze: :
21 That as finne had reigned vnto
Death, (omight grace allo retgne by rightes
ouſneſſe vnto eternal life, through Jeſus
Chꝛiſt eur Lo.
Becaufe wo man fhould glory inthe fleſb. but rae
ther feeke to fubdue st to the first, 3 He fheweth
bythe vertue and endef Baptifme, § Thatreze-
eration ù soyned with iuſtiſicataon, and therefore
exhorteth to godly hfe, 2 Setting before mens
eyes the reward of finne and righteouſu⸗ſſt.
wire fhatl we fay then? Shall we cone
Deadto finne,
p That it mighe
feftly knowen, .
and fet before all
mens eyes,
tinue illin finne, that grace may ae |
bound ? Gon fozbid.
2 iow fall we that are «Dead to finne,
line pet therein?
3 Know pe not, that* all we which haue
benebaptizeBinto” Jeſus Chrift, haue been
baptized into his death?
* ee are buried then with bin by
bapt iſme into his Death, that like as Chzit
was railed vp from the Dead by the glozp of
the Father, fo we allo hould*walke tn new-
neſſe of life. ;
5. * Fo2tf wee be « grafted with hirn 4 to
the ſimilitude of bis Death euen fo fall wee
be to the fimilicude of his relurrection ,
6 Knowing this, that our olde man is
crucified with him, that thee body of finne
might bee Dettroyed, that hencetoosth wee
Would not ferne finne.
£ freed from
Ki Foz hee that is Bead ts
3 Mherekoꝛe, if we be dead with Chiff,
toe beleeue that we fall liue alle wth bim,
9 Knowing that Chit being railed
front the Dead Dieth no moze: Death bath no
moze Dominion ouer him.
10. Fo? in that he died, he died once sto
poe 4 butin that Yee ttueth, hee liueth to
Likewiſe thinke yee allo, that pee are
i Dead to finne, but are altue t to God in Yea
fus Chꝛiſt our Low. - ics yaa
12 Let noe finne reigne therefore in your
ineatallbaDy, that pee fhould obepittu the
Huts thereof. —
13 Heither giue pee pour members as
| weapons of vñrighteouſneſſe unto: ſinne:
but gine pour flues pute God, as they
that arealiue from che Dead, and giue pour
— as Weapons of righteoumnceſſe vnto
a He dieth te
inne,in whom
the ftrengeh of
finne isbroken
by che vercue of
Chrift, & fo now
liueth to Gode
Galat. 3.27.
b- Which is that
growing toge-
ther with bim,
we mightre-
ceiue Vertue to
kil! finne, and
raile vp our new
Coloff.2.3 3.
Ephef 4.23,34:
col.3.8.heb.3 3,05
I .pet.2.¥6
1.Cor.6.8 ge
2.tim.2. 1.
c The Greeke
word meaneth
that we grow vp
togcther with
Chrift, aswefee
{tletow,or fuch
like grow vpby
a tree, and are
nourifhed with)
- the ycetherof,
d. ifwe by his
vertue die to
e the ficth
wherein finne
ſticketh falt.
e mofe mane. <
; l Becauſe thar
being dead we eannor finne, «g That hee might deftroy finnein obr
feih: hy, Andfiereth at therigne band of the Father, i Wee may
gather that, we are dead to finnes: when finne beginneth todiein vs,
which isby the participation of Chiifts death , by whome allo Being
quickened, we liue to God hat is, to righteoufneife. k Invhar yee
arc led withthe Spiricof God, t The minde firt-miniftrechenill
notions, whereby mans wji) is entifed; thence burft foorth the lufts,
by them the body is prouoked; and the body by his acciens doth fo-
licite the minde ; therefore hecommanderh, atche lea, that we rule
our bodies. ||Or,27/? rumentsar armeisr.
14 Foe
m Which is the
declaration of
finne, -
n Indued with
the ſpirit of
Tohn 8.34.
o Shewing that
none can be iuft,
which doth not
obey God.
p Toconforme
your felues vn-
itis a moft
vile ching for
him that isdeli-
uered fromthe
Aauerie of finne,
foreturne againe
to the fame,
r Leauingto
fpeike of hea-
uenly things, ac-
cording to your
capacitie,i vie
thefe fimilitudes
of feruitude and
‘freedome,that ye
might the better
f Or, the reward
_ aad recompence,
t Sinneis com-
pated to atyrant
We muft beholy.
14 Foz finne Gall not baue Dominion o»
uer you, fo2 pe are not under the = Law, but
wnder o grace.
15 Mat then? hall we finne, becauſe we
are not wider the Lawe, but vnder grace ? letter
God forbin.
16 *&now ye not, thatte whomſoeuer ye
stue pour (clues as feruiants to obey, bis {ere
Uants ye are to whom pe obey, whether it be
of linne unto Death, o? of ° obedtence vnto
17 But God bethanked, that ve hane bene
the feruants of finne, but pee baue obcped
frå the heart vnto the foune of the Doctrine,
whereunto pe were r Deltuered.
18 Being theumade 9 free from finne, pe
are made the ſeruants ofrighteouſneſſe.
19 Iſpeaket after the maner afman, bga
caule of the inſirmitiy of your fef ; foz as pe
baug gtucn your members (eruants to bn:
tleanneſſe aud to iniquitie, to commit iniqui»
tic, fo now qiue pour members ſeruants vue
to righteouſfneſſe tn holinetie.:
20 Fo: when pee were the feruants of
finne, ye were freed from righteouſneſſe.
21 hat fruite bad pee then tn thole 8
things, whereof yeare now afvamed ? Foz
the © ende of thole things is death.
22 But now being freed from finne,
and made feruants vnto God, pe haue your
euE and the ende, euerlaſting
23 Forthet waxes offinne is death: but
the gitt of God is eternal lite theeugh Fetus
Chit our Lod,
which reigneth by force, who giveth death as an allowance to
them that were preferred by the Law,
1.7. 12 The vſe of the Law, 6, 24. And how
Chrift hath dekuered vs from it, 16 The infire
vitie of the faithfull, 23 Thedangerous fight
betweenethe fleſh and the [pirit.
Kee ye not, bzethzen, (for Iſpeake to
them that knowe the Lawe) that the
a Meaning,the fat hath Dominion ouer a man as long as
1 Cor.7.39.
b Bothin this
firn mariage and
he liueth?
2 Foꝛr b the woman which is in lubiec⸗
tion taa man, is bound by the Lawe to the
man, while hee liueth: but ik the man bee
inthe fecond,the Dead, ecisdeliucred from the lawe of the
husband andthe
wife muh bee
confidered with-
3 Gothen, ifwhtle theman liueth, thee
fake another man, fhe Hall be called an*ad-
in our ſclues: the ultereſſe: but ifthe man be Dead, Wee ts freg
firt husband was from the Lawe,fothat the is not an adulte-
. Sinne, and our
fleth was the
wife ¢ their chil-
treffe though the take another man.
4 Do yz, mp brethzen, are Dead allo to
the Lawe by the bodyof Cheiſt, that pee
fhould be butoanother,cucn vnto c him that
frnitsofthefleth, ts rayſed vp from the Dead, that we Houta
Galat,5 ,19.
Inthe fecond
mariage the
Spirit 1s the hul-
~ band, the new
creature is the
being fozthtrutt vnto Gov.
| motions of finnes, which were by the
Lawe, bad forcetn our members, to bung
- forth fruit vnto Death.
wifc,and their children arethe fruits of the Spirit, Galat, 5,2 2.Mat,
5.32; c Which isthe Spirit or the fecond husband, d {Vhen
we were deftitute of the Spirit of God. Orjaffecions.
Chap, vi.
Foz when we were 4 inthe fle, the -
, « =.) a
6 But noto twee are deliuered from the
Lawe; being Bean < pntoit, wherein wee
were holden, that wee Hond feruc in new-
nefe of ſpirit, and not in toe elanefic of the
7 ‘Abat thal we fay then? Is the Law
ſinne? God forbid. Pay, JP knew not finne,
but by the Lato: foz J| bad not knowen elut,
— the Law had ſayd,* Chon halt not
8 But finne tooke an occafion by the
commandement, and wrought in mice all
maner of concupifcence: fo: without the lay
finne is dead. 3
9- Foz once k was altug, without the
law: but teben the conunandement came,
tine reuiued,
10 But J died: and the fame comumaun-
Denient which was ordeined vnto ithe, was
found co be ynta me vnto Death.
II Foꝛ ſinne tooke occafion by the com:
mandement, and decerued mee, and thereby
fic me, i
12 CGherefozethe Lawis *holp, andthe
eo rts aan is Holy, and tuft, and
13 (Has that then which is good, made
Mans imperfection, | 507
yr es
e Meaning „to
ſinne our
f Thereisno-
thing more ttie-
mie to finne,
thenthe Lavw:;f
that finne rage
more by reafon
thereof, then
fore, wh
fhould it be im-
puted to the law .
which difclofeth
theflights of
finne her ene-
g Which isan
inward vice not
openly knowen,
h He thoughe
himfelfe to be
Death vnto me? God forbid ; but finne, that aliue,whenhe
ft might ‘sppeare finne, wrought death in
me by that which is good, that ſinne might
bee out of meaſure infall by the commande-
14 Fo: we know that the Latu «ts ſpiri⸗
tuall,but Fam carnali fold vnder finne.
Ig Fo 3 allow wot that which 3 Dor foz
what F! would, that doe J not: but what J
hate, that toe J.
16 FFF Do then that which Jwould not, .
J content to the Law, that itis goon.
17 Row then, itis no moze J, that doe
mit: but the linne that dwelleth in me.
knew not the
1, Tamo. i.8.
i Sinne being
diſcloſed by the.
law, isfo much -
more deteftable,
becauſe it tur-
neth the good-
nefleofthe lay .
to our dehru-
ion, ;
k So that itean
18 Foꝛ Jknowe that in me, that is, in my iudgethe affe⸗
l fle dwelleth no good thing: for to millis Gionsofthe
pꝛeſent with mee: but J finde no meanes to heart.
performe that wyich is good.
19 Foz J Doe not the good thing, which J
KEST Po the enitl, which J would not,
that doe J.
20 Now ik J Doe that J would not, itis
no moze 3| that doit but the ſinne that Dwele
leth in me. tee,
2r 3 finde thenbythe Law, that when J
mould Doe good, enill is prelent with me.
22 for Idelight in the Law of God, con ·
cerning thee taner man : á
23 But J (ee another} Lawe in mp
r raembers, rebelling againſt the Lame of
1 He is notable thar which —
heedefirethto <
doe, and there-
fore is tarre from:
the true perſe⸗
m. Hedothnot
excufe himfelfe,
but fheweth that
he is. notableto
accomplith that
good defire,
my minde, and leading mee captiue bn- which is in him.
to the law of hune, which ts in my meme |} Oren my na-
bers. -
24. D waetched man that J am, wha
25 Jthanke Gon hrough Jefus Chꝛiſt
) jô n TheAlethftay-. |
fhall deliuer mee from theo bodie of this etheuenthemo `
perfect to.runne
ough forward as the
our LoD. Chen J mypleltein my © minde ſpirit wifheth,
ferue the Lawe of God, buttnimp! fleh the o That is, in my
law of finne.
IOF csmmande=
ment. p Euen the corruption which yet remaineth, q This —
flethlyJumpe of finne and death. r In that part which is rege⸗
aerate, { Which isthe part corsupted.
Ql 3 C
— _
‘The Aefhand the Spirit,
- beinys,yetic is
< d Whoſe ſancti⸗
ſtamling hefan-
. Gified euen in
patere was {uo-
ints ceo ASPs WLL ;
x The afferance ofthe faithful, andof the
fow of the helyGhoftenthem. ʒ The weaknes
of the lawe, and who accomplifhed it, 4 And
wherefore. § Of what fort the faithfull ought to
be, 6 The Fait of the forts them. 17 Of hope.
18 Of patience under tire croffe. 28 Of the mus
tual! loue betwixt Gedandta children. 29 Of
- hú foreknowledge: pean
betes then there is no a condemnation
ta thei that arei hut Jefus which
walke not t after the fich, but after toe
a “Though finne
not imputed vn-
to vs tht..ugh
Chrift Iefus.
b Hearnexeth
the condition,
leſt we fhould a-
bufe the libertie.
c The power and
authoritie of the
Spirit, thatis,
whichis ind Chꝛiſt gelus, bath treedme fren
theLawofinneandaldeaty. G5
3 froz (that thar was impoilible to the
Lawe,tiras mich as tt was fweake,becanic
ofthe fle) Godicuding his owne Sonne,
inthe © fimilitude of tintull fei, and H foz
finne, condemned Anne tn the fleth,
l the grace of re- 4. What the frighteouluetie of the Law
generation. might be fuldilled ta vs, which walke net ate
ter the ‘lefhjbut after the pirit:
fication is made § Fo theythat arcatter the fleth,faueur
ours, the s things of the Re) : but they that
{| Or,of no ate after the Spirit, the things of che
frrength, Dpirit.
6 Foz the wiſedome of the fleſh is death:
but the wiſedome of the Spirit is Ufe and
i 7 Becaule the wiſedome of the fei isens
mity againit Gov: for tt tg not ſubiect to the
Law of God, neither in deed can be.
8 co then they that arcin the tleſh, can⸗
e Chriftdidtake
feh, which of
ie& to tinae,
which notwith-
theveryinfane Not pleale God. 4 ;
ofhisconcepri- 9 Now ye are not in the flew, butin tye
on andio did ap- Spirit, | becaukthe Spirit of God Dwel
propriate it vnto leth inyon: but ikany man bath not the ape
himthathee > rit af Cit, the fame ts not his. ;
might deftroy Io And if Chꝛilt be inyon, the body is
fioneinit,2, Ddeadbecauleotlinne : butthe® Spirit is lrig
Corgi2r, for tighteoufnede fake. 7
fOr tylinne: ` li But ikthe Spiritok him that rayſed vp
Fels fromthe Dead, dwell in pou, he that
tbeiavwe requi- raiO vp Chꝛiſt kroin the Dead, hail alſo
aeh.. quicken pout mortal bobdies becauſe that bis
g- The word SHpirit dwelleth in pou.
comprebendcth ` 12 @ierefoze brethren, wee are Debters
alltharwhichis motto the fleſh, to line after tiei fieis
moit excellent 13 ffozifieltne after the Aeihve hall Bier
ee ae
- inman,aswill,
) vnderftanding,
| E tOr. fl:fh
h thefpirit of
zo liue a
but if ye motife the Deeds oF the body by the
Dpirit, ye hall line.
14 Foras many as areled by the Spirit
of God.they ave the fonnes of Gon.
15 Foꝛ pee haue not recetucd the {pirit of
bondage to feareagaine z butye baue recei⸗
reafon, wit, dec.
regeneration, ued the (pirtt of * adoption, whereby wee
whichabolith- cry * Aba.JFather.
eth finne in our 16 The tune fpirit 1 beareth witneffe
Aeſl,not allat with our ſpirit, thatmecare the childrenof
nceburbyde- GoD. J
preč wherefore
» the Spirit, k So hee name:h:the holy Gholt ofthe
effet; whichhecaufeth in vs, when hee prepofeth vs falwation by
the Law with an impoffible condition, who alfo doth feale our fal-
uation in our hearts by Chrilts free adoption, that we confider not
God now as arigorous Lord, butas a molt mercifall Father, Galt.
4356. 1 Sothatwe haue two witnefles, Gods Spirit, aud ours,
wee cae the meanetime call to God through patience. i But
; who is cestified by the Spirit of God,
2 forthe e Laweof the Spirit ofiife, -
17 Fi we be childeen, weare alſo heires,
euen the heires oẽ God and heires annered
with Chꝛilſt, tE {o be thar wee tufer with
ya that wee map allo bee gloriſied with
i. i ip ? ;
13 Foꝛ J count that the afflictions ofthis
preien: fime, are not i mozthy of rye glazy,
witch hail be thereed vnto vs, SB
19 forthe feruent deſire of the creature
watter wyen the founesof Gad fail be re>
20 Wecaule the » creature ts ſubiect ta
ity, not of it owne will, but by reas
n of him which: hath ſubdued it vnder
Becaule the creature alſo hall bee de-
liuered from the bonaage of corruption
ipro abe glozious libertie of the ſonnes of
22 Fo wee know that euery r creature
groneth with vs alio,and tranaileth tn paine
together vnto this prefent,
23 And not onely the cresture, but we allo
Which haue the a fick fruits of the Spirit,
ceuen we Dee iigh inourfelues, wapring Foz
the adoption , cuen the * redemptiodnof our
_24 Foꝛ Weare uen by hope : but! hope
that ts teene, is not hope: foz yowcana man
hope for that which he ſeeth?
25 Butthwe hope for chat we fee not, we
Do with patience abide foz te.
_ 26 Likewitle tie Spirit allo helpeth our
inlirmities: fo? we know not wat to pray
as we ought : but the Spirit it eife makety
requeſt for vs with lights, which cannot be
27 But bee that learcheth the hearts;
knoweth whatts the meaning of the Spis
rit: fo2 beet maketh requeitfozthe Saints, f
according torhe willof God. : = -
28 Alico we know that all things worke
together foz the be vnto them that love
God, cuen ta them that are called of his
purpoſe. J
29 Foz thok which be aknew before, he
alfo pꝛedeſtinated to bee made like to the
image of his Bonne, that he might be the
tirſt borne among many brethꝛzen.
30 Moreouer, whom he predellinated;
them alld be called, and whom hee called,
them allo he iuſtified, and wham he iuſtified,
them be alſo gloriſzed.
Sauedbyyhope. )
m Freely made
partakeres of che `
fathers treaſutes.
lOr of likewalas
n Theereatures, —
thal not be reku- ~
red before thar
Geds children be
brought to tbeir, |
pericCion: in the
meang feafon `
they waite,
o Thatis,todea
of mans finne,
p He meaneth
not che Angels,
neither deusis,
nor mén,
q And yet are
tarre fromthe
Luke 21,28. -
r Which thalbe
in the refure@i-
on, when we fhal
be made confor .
mableto our.
head Chrift..
f By hope is- i
meant thatthing ~
which wehope = 4
or, :
t Inthat he Rite
reth their hearss ~
to pray, & ſhew ⸗·
eth both whom
toaske, and how.
u He fheweth
by theorder of 3
our ele@tion, that.
affiGionsare ~~
meanes to make
ys like the Sunne
of God.
31 (Chat Hal wetben fap to thele things?
Ft Ged beon our fide, wha can bee again
ys? ; :
32 Ugo {pared not his owne ſonne, but
gaue bim for vs alito death, bow thal he nat
with hint giue vs all things allo?
33 Who fhatl lay any thing tothe charge
— Motu? xe is God that * x tutti
et . xs = ft te, p
34 Aho Wall condemne 2 Ieis Chit,
which ts Dead,yea oz rather, whichis rifen d-
gaine, whois alfo at the right hand of God,
and maketh requeft allo fo? vs.
35 Aho Waltl feparate vs from the loue
ofy Chit 2 thalltribulation,oz anguith,o:
perlecution.o2 famine, 02 nakedneile, 02 pes
rill,orfwozd? j
36 Asit ts witten,” Jog thy Gake are we
Ifa 50.3.
x Who pronouu⸗
ceth hisiuft in
his Sonne Chriſt.
y Wherewith be
loued vs, or God
in Chiift : which
loucis grounded:
vpon his deter·
minate purpofe: .
‘and Chrift isthe.
pledge thereof, -
P{al.44. 220.
ay ek a ew es —— ae me toad T
[Pauls zeale. ChriftveryGod. -~
fz Whichisto- ?&illed all Day long: toee are countidas
fignifie the con · fheepe for chetlaughter. j
}dition of Chris 37 f2enerthcletiz, in all thele things wee
Church. - ave moze then conqucrers through hon that
a Pau! letteth loued yy.
foorch bythe - 38. for J am perſwaded that neither
werdsthewon- Death, wozlife; no? Angels yno * princtpatt-
derfullnatureof ties, noL powers, no? things peclent, noe
thefpirits,as well things to come,
the good, Ephef, 29 2o? height nor Depth, noz any other
1.>1.Col 1.16. creature Mall bee able to teparate.vs froni
aschecuillfpi- the lone of God, which is in Cheitt Fong
rits Epheſ.s 12. doiur Lord.
b. That is,wherewith Ged loueth vs in hisSonne Chrift Ieſus.
1 Haning teftified his great lowe towards his nae
tion and the fignesthercof, te He entreateth of the
election and reprobation, 24 Ofthe vocation of the
Gentsles, 30 And retettion of the Lewes.
Hap the tructhin Oit, Tlie not, my
L — bearing me witnelſe in the holy
Ghot. be
2 That J haue great heavinelle, and
him thatreueren
ceth Chrift,or
whofe torgue
Chrift ruleth, & concimnnatl fogrow m mine yeart.
As becommeth
fo taketh Chrift
for his witneffe.
b He would re-
deerme y reieCtion
of the lewes'with
his owise damna-
tion, which de-
clareth his zeale
towards Gods
Exod, 32.32.
c The Arke of
becauftit wasa
figne of Gods
prefence was cal-
ded Gods glory,
d Thetwo tables
‘ofthe Couenant
Deut, 11.9.
Chap.2.17, +
€ Chriftis very
3 soz F would wilh my felfeto bee > fe
Parated from @hzitt,foz my brethzen that
are mp kinſemen accozding to the flet.
4Ahich are the Ilraclites, to. whome
percaineth the adoption, and the: glop Ethe
“*Couenants, and the giving of the Law,
and the leruice of Godand rhepomiles.
+ S Ofwiyom are che fathers, and of whom
concerning the tei, Simit came, who is
© Godouer ali, hleffed kor ruer Amen.
a O *sotwithitanving it cannot bee that
the tunza of son ijould-ttake none effect: foz
all thepare not Flracl, which are of Firact:
7 gacitber are they ati childzen, becaufe
they arethe lecoeof Abraham; * but, In s J⸗
faac fall thy ſeede be called: :
8 Thacis,they which arc rhe children of
the fleth,areinot the children of Goy bat
the* childzen of chepzomile are counted foz
the leve: ;
9 Foꝛ thists a woꝛdot promile,” Jn this
J come, and Bara hall haue
fame time w
a ſonne.
10 Neither he onely lelt thi⸗ butallo'dRes
becca when fhe hadconceiued by vue, euen by
our fat het Iſaac.
~ II §Fo2,yer the children were borne, anv
whenthep bad ucither Done good noz cuill,
(that chepurpole of God might rematne ace
cordingto election,not by works, but by pim
that calleth.) i
12 Fe was faia vnto her, * The eloce
fjall ferue the pongers
13 Asitiswattten,*3] haue loucd Jacob
and hanehated Elau.
14 Cahat hall we fay then? Is there bn:
righteoulnelle with Gon? God forbid.
“Iş soz helaith to Woks, * Ji wil hane:
mercy on him to whom J will few mercies:
and will have comvafiion on htm, on whom.
FZ will bane comyation.
Chap.2.28, |
PSSA Ge aay,
‘Thatis,ofla- |
‘ob, whofename
wasalfo Ifrael,
Gena 1,12,
beby 11.18,
"g The Ifraelites
“muft not be eftee-
med by their kin-
-red,but by the fe-
crerelection of
God, which is a⸗
boue the exter-
‘nal vocation.
h AsIfmael
Gal. 28 Gen. $
18.10.Gen, 35.31, Gen.25.23.Mal. 1,252, EX0.3 3419 1 As the
only wil & purpofe of God isthe chiefecaute of election, & repr
bation:fohisfree mercy in Chiiftisan inferiour cauſe of faluation,
andthe hardening of the heart an inferiour caust oldaeriiion. * s
Lewes. 4 The end oftheLaw 5 The difference béa
Whereof faith commeth, andto whormtt belungerhy -
j- OF preset
16 Bo PA aeoe thate
1 Peete
no: tn Gim that runneth, but ta i E
fyewerh mercy. | E
“17 For thek Scripture ith mto Pha: k Tharis,Go
tao,* For tits fame purpole hatte 3| fiirren in theScriptures —
thet vp, that J might Wew mp power in Exod.9.16,
thee, aud that mp ame might bee declared
throughout all cye earth. é
13 Therefore bebhathmerey on whom be
poilt,and whom be wil, be hardens).
"19 Thouwilt tap cher vnto mee, 6
by faith ,butagicwerebp the workes of the ertiec.
Law ⁊ forthey baue tumbled at the itum- n telus: hrikis —
ling ftone, tothe idades |
23 Asit is wmitten, Behold lapin St- dere&ionand
on a Rumbling Rone and a rocke tomake tochefachfoll
life and relur⸗
BECO iai
men fallsand every one that belcxueth in
him, fhall not abanea, —
* A X $. DS
“4 Afier that hehad. declared hiszeálztowards <
them, 3. He fhewerh the canfeof shernine ofthe 3
tycene the apStice of the Laws and of faith, 17
ng The resection of the Lewes , and caking af the $ . —
Gentilis o
- Jferueit:therefore
_. ftice,fan@titica=
~ tion, &c.
— Jenit, 18:5.
g b he end of the
| Cannot performe
» the Law,it ma-
eats mine hearts :
‘tor Ilrael is that rhep might be
2 Jor J Beare them record; that they
teouſneſſe of God, and going about toti:
bliih their owne cighreoutueiie, Daue not
fubmittca themtilaes to the rghteonincite
oo. 4 - } é
4 * For Chpikis ther end of the Lawe
foz tigerin puto cuccy oug that belce⸗
th. i
§ . Fo Moles thius deſcribeth the rightes
outnefie which is of the Law, * Chat the
— docth theſe things, tall fiue
therchy. na
6 But the righteoulnelie. which is of
faith, (peaketd on this wile, <*Daynot tir
thine heart, who Walt aftendinto heauen?
( thatis,ro hing Chriſt from abour.)
7 Drljo thalldelcendinto the depe?
(that is to bing Chat agatue from tie
Law is reinftitie 8
them which ob
- Chrift having.
fulfilled it for vs,
is made our iu-
— gal.3.12.
c Becaufe wee-
keth vsto dogbt, Bead)
. ded into the
_ tofay, Who fhall
go downeżo the PAtach.
8 But what faith it? * Che word is
neere thee, even in thpmouth, andin chine
beart. Chisis the w3 of tatry which we
_ who fhall goe
-~ to heauen,and
deeperodeliner 9 JFo2 il thou Walt: confelle with thy
- ysthence butt Mouth the Lord Delis, ard Walt belecne iii
` faith ceachech ve thine beart; that Gov railed him vp from
that Chrift is af- She Dead, thou halt be fancy.
. fegnded vp to 10 Fo: with the heart man belieneth vn⸗
take ys withhim, fO rightcoulnciic,and with thes mouth man
andhath defcen- COvfclieth to ſaluatien.
It Foirthe Scripture faith,” CGholoewer.
depthofdesh beleeueth in him Mall not be abaid.
todefiroy dearh, 12 Jot there is no dittercuce bet weene
canddéliverys, the JRW and the Greciau; for bee that ts
Pees ca. Lod citer all, is rich vnto all, that call on
ak Thatis, the. :
_jpstomile andthe Famcof thellon,
` Deut. 30.14, hui. =
ſhall be faved.
BGoſpel which 14 But how all they call on Him, tu
` agreeth with ~ Whom thephanenotbelecucd: andhow Mall
the Law. they beleeue in fin, of whom they ane noc
¢ Tharisthe beard? and bow ſhail they heave without a
< Way ro be faued, preacher?
jgrobeleenewich IS Nñd how Mall theypreach erctut they
heart,that wee beſtut? asit is written, iow beautitull
arefaued only by arethe || feeteofthem. which bang glad tt-
Chriftsndro Dingsof peace, and bring glad tidingsof
confeffe rhe good things! —
famebeforethe 16 Butthep haue not all obeyed the Ge.
` world, {pel : foz Elatas faith, * Lozd, Who hath be-
Wai,28.16. uct out report, 2 i
Forel 2,32. 7 ¥7 Shen fatthis byhearing, and bearing
alles 2.21. £ by the word of God.
Bfai.5 2.7. 18 But J demand, Paue they uot
nabum.cig, beard?* Ho doubt their ‘found went out
POrthecom- ——thypoughall the carth, and their words into
` ming,
| Wass 3.1.f0bn v2.38, £ Meaning the Gofpel, and the gaod ti-
dings offaluation,which theypréacbed. g“ Thatis; by Gods
ommandement,of whom they are tentchat preach the Golpel. it
ay-bee alfo taken forthe very preaching it ſelle. h - Both the
Tewes and Gentiles. Pfal.¢9:4.° i Thekbrewword fignifieth the
Tiue or proportion of the heauens,whofe mott excellent frame, be-
es the reitof God: creatures preacheth vnto the whole world,
i theworthinelle of
deſire and prayer
Thatisacer. Dawe? the stale of Gad, but not according ta
taine affection, knowledge. i — f the tials
TRSA 3 JFoz. they being ignorant of the righ
13 * For wholoeuer chall call upon the
ie EA odpreferneth hiss A
tie ends of thek brorld solace io ke Dhenieeing sd
19 Buti vanad didnot Ilrael knew alichew id
God? Jiri Adeles faith, * F wil! prouobe knew Godby;
pouto phy a nation that Ís normy nati. bigcres-ures.the
on, and bya with} nation $ will angerxou. - lewes could nat.
20 “and Clatasisbold,andinich,was j| beignorant, and
foundot thencbatlought menor, and haue finned of ma.
bene made manitet torbemebatatked not lice
atter mé s them thy grace
tiles J] maguthe mine officẽ. ` and Rtrength,
Wits Seow as ale f Without hope. |
tobe reftored ig) The fewesto follow the Gentiles. h. In thas, |
the Gentiles hauethe knowledge of the Gofpel. NENT RE
X ; ; 14 To.
before ail begin-
b Hetalked with
Cod,notthat he
i eee =
— —
A ; ER * F RAES * J
= 4 í a ims r S se EEA i Le Pe V
and w
: 14, Torrie ff by any meanes F might! pꝛo⸗
ake them of my flelg to follow them, and
might tauefome ot them.
Ig soz ikthe calting away of them be tie |
reconciling ofthewozlo, what hall che ree
cetuing debut life from the vead?
16 Forit 'thefirit fruits be holy, leis the
>| That they `
| ight be ielous
i puer Chriſt a· ~
4 fzainft the Gen-
tilesand fo ro be
ote feruent in
arethe branches. ae
17 Andthough ſome of the branches bee
broken off, and chou being a wilde Oliue
træ wait graft in |{ for thean.and made par
ker of the rare, and tatneſſe of thes Dliae
| Fipw remaine,as
Jit wereindeath, |
for lacke of the oe
Gofpelsbut wh n eas : 1
Leah wp and. 18 Boak not thy felfe againſt the bren-
che Gentiles hal Ces; and ifthou boatt chy felfe chon bearett
embrace Chrift, Not the reote,but the reore ther.
19 Thou wilt faythen, The branches
Mbereftoredtoa are broken off, that ZF might be grakt in.
| mew life. 20 Tell: chong) vubelicfe chcy ave bzo
li Abrahamwas Kei off, and thou ſtandelt bp faith; bee not
[nor one'y Gnai- bigh minded, but fare,
fied; buthisede» 21 JFoz if God tpared not the naturall
alfo which neg- branches, takeheed, telt he alia tpare not thee
1eGed not the 22 ? Behold therekore the bountifainctir,
promi, and ſenttitie of God: toward than witch
am Meaning bane fallew fernetity: but toward thee, bofun ·
Abraham, —— tifulnetie, if how continut in bis bountiful
Hor, athens, © Neie: pete thon fhaitallo be cat ow.
“pn Tharis,che 23 Aud hep alfo,tEtiey abioc mor Ril in
Churchotthe Wuideltefe, hati be graffen in; foz God ts able
Naelites. to grafte them in againe.
o Becarctull: 24 oz tf cyouwatrcutont of the Ditue
orthip God, tree, which was wilde bp nature, ana walk
andtroftinhis Staf contrarte to nature ina right Oliue
promife, tree, how nich moze Mall they that arc by
p Helpeakech nature be grafted in their owne Dliuc tree?
Softhelewesand 25 {Ford wowldnot, betien s that yee
‘Gentilesin gê- fhoula bec ignorant of this lecret, (ict pee
nerall, ſhouſd be arrogant fi pour lelucs) that parts
q Meaning tub Ip dobtinacic is coreto Flract, wutill che
burnneffe an jin- Culneife of the Gentiles be comem.
“dutationagaintt 26 And "all Iſrael Mati be faved, as it
Godsword. £3 written, * Che deltuerer Hall come out of
“ft rethewerh Bion ano Hall turme away the vngodlinelſe
_ thot thetime thal froin Jacob,
come thar the 27 And this is my couenant to thent,
wholenation of * @iben J Mall take away their ſinues.
the lewesschogh 28 As concerning the Gofpel, they are
enemies for pour fakes: but asteuching the
Dot every one
“particularly, ` election, they are beloucd fog the fathers
fhalbeioynedro fakes. ; é :
the Church of 29 forthe! giftsand catling of God ave
Chriſt. without repentance.
Fla59.20. « 20 Fo: enen as yee in time patt hate not
haue now obtained mere
Ta x7 g ieve.31, Belecued God, pet ha
33,34.5e6 8.8. through their vnbelicfe,
and 10.16,17. 21 Guenlonow hauethey not beleeued
£To whom God || by rhe mercy fhewed vnto pou, that they ai»
giveth hisSpiric (0 may obtaine mercy.
‘of adoption, and 32 Foz Gow hath Wut vp callin vnbe ·
- whom he ¢alleth liete that he might hae mercy on all,
‘eleQuallyhee® 33 D thederpenefie of che riches,both of
cannotperith: the wiledome and knowleage of Ged! how
for Gods eternall vilearchabte ave bis indgements, awd his
countellmcuer Wwayes paft finding out! Biss
changeth. 24 Fo who hath knota the minde.
Ocr bat by your —
_murcy, ¢ Thavis, both Tewes and Gentiles.’ Tai.4o.13, wid..
9.0}. t,cor'2,16. u Heveprooueth the rafhneffe of men which »
_ Rautmareag tinfttheiudgements of God. Jira E OT AER
whole lumpe: and ifthe ™ rote bebolp, io” .
` Wakea gyte aCoret vin Hebr,i3.2. 1 pet 4.9
Š a — 66be
Godly extic ;
of the Lord? o who wis bis comnfetter 2?’ x Thacis,pro:
25 D who hath = giuen vita hulp ked himeby his
ane be ſhall berecompenttd? == good workesp o
26 JFoz of) binm and through hint,and fog y Allthingsare
him are allthings: to him be xlo2p for ewer, created & prefers ©
Amen. è ved of God to {xg
forth his gloiy,
The canserfation, lone and workes of fuch as besi
leene in (hriſt. 19 Norto fieke renengeance,
j Beiech you therefore beethsen, bp the ne
cies ol God, that yee give vpyour bodtesa a tn fteadof
sling Cacctfice, boly acceptable vnto G20, dead beafts, fig
which ts pour * ccafonableceruing of Gov. ly (acrifice: in =a
2 Ane fathton nor vour ſelues like vnto feadofthe <
this wol, but be pe changed by the renew: blood of beafts, a
ing of your minde, that ye map * proue what which was buta
isthe ‘goon wil of Gad, aud acceptable, Gadow, & plea-
and perfect, ; ~ , fednotGodofit
3 Foꝛ Jlſaythzrough the grace that is gi: felferthe acceptas
uen vnto mee, to eucrp one that is among ble facrifce of =
pou, that no man prelume to vnderſtand, as che fpi icuell
boue that which is meete to vnderſtand, out man, famed by
that he wndevitand accoꝛdin to dtitributerh, lerhim doe it “with rhatwedoenoe ~
fimplicitie: hee that ruleth, with diligence; arrogateto our |
bee that ‘iyeweth nercie, with * cheecefuls felues chat which.
neſſe. we haue not:
g Let loue be without Défimulation. “Abe next, char wee
Herre that which ts enill, and cleaue vnto boaltnotofthe: —
that which ts gwd. giftsybut recs
10 “Bee attectioned toloue one amother rently viethem
with brotherly loue. Fu giuing Honour, goe toGodshonour. —
onc before snatijer. e Thais, ſober ⸗
EL @ot Rlothfnll to Boe leruice: ferucut ly,nor neglecting —
in lpirit: ſeruing theo, Godsgifts,but :
12 Retoycing mhope,patient in tribula⸗ viingthemta —
tion, * continuing in prayer, his glory.
13 *Diltributing vnto cheneceflities ofr. (oriz tis.
the Saints :* gtuing your ſelues do boſpita epoef 4-7. 3
a >
itie. i 2. Pet. 4 t0.
7 *Blefle them which perfecute you: f By prophefyin
blet, Tay, and curfe nat, J here, he meanet
Ta Retopee with them that reioyce, and presching and
weepe with them that wcepe. teaching, and by
i {pS offteandmin- -
fterie, all mch offices, as pertaine to theChurch , as Elders, Des>- è
cons,&c. g By faith hemeaneth the knowledge of Godin Chiift, » :
with the gifts of the holy Ghoſt. h Of thefe Officers fomeare
Deacons, fome gouernours , fome keepe the poore. Matthi za
i He meantth them which were appointed to look vnto the pootég:
as forthe molt part were the widowes, AG 6.1.0 1,time 5.90 2-Cor
9.7. Amos 5.15. Epliefig a. t.per.2.17 hebra 3.0. lOr the timis
l DMatth.§ Hae 6
È testes
Ser Seth: eon tes ce
16 Be of like affection one towards ano ·
` thers bee irot bie miused: but make your
feluesequatt fo them of che lower lart: * bee
not wile in * pour (clues. ——
17 *Recompente ta no man cuill foz ee
É k Thatissin Í in the fi
— con: ill: 'paocuce things banek in-the light of
‘Bases all ssicn.
ceit. —
022. 18 Ikit bepolſible, as much agin pou
| maatth.5. 39. is banue peace withallinen. -
E ape3 9 19 Dearely beloucd, auenge not pour
0 1.07.67. {clucs, bit gine piace unts wath s foz it ts
1 Linefohoncht- weitten,* Uengranceis mine: ji will repay,
- ly&godlyshat faith tbe LoD. 3
nomancanfinde <20 * Cherefoeeit thine enemie hunger,
— faultwith you. fed him if he chit, gtue bim dzinke: kor in
O Heby fa Doing, thou Walt beape ™ coales of ive on
— “Eeclus.28 r. his head.
zsatth. 5.3.9. 21 Bee not onercome of eutii, but ouct:
—"Deut.32.35. come euill with goodneite.
heby.10.39. : ;
Prot.2§.21,22. m Fortbou shalt either winne him with thy be-
neéfit,or els his conf{cience hall beare him witnefle chat Gods bure
“ming wrath hangech ouer him.
A 1 Theobedsencetotherulers, 4 Why they hane
the fyord, 8 Charitieosght to meaſure all our do-
ings, 13 Aa exhortationte innocencie and puritie
Fae —— e
Wafd 6.3.tit.3.4 )
Ipet 135140 er powers: foz there fs no power but of
se God : andthe powers that bee,are omainen
Pa of God. 5
5 2 Aholoeuer ther Sreſiſteth the pow-
a Notonelythe €t reſiſteth the oꝛdinance of God: 3nd they
punithmentof that relitt,talrecetuc to themelues iud ge
theiudges,bur ment. ©
alfothevenge- 3 foz princes ave not to bec feared for
anceofGod, god Wozkes, bnt for enill. Cte thou then
&Greeke, arenen- De without fcare of the power 2 Doe well; to
ger withwrath, falt thouhauepzatle of thefame. |
À Fornoprinate 4. foz hee is the miniſter of God Fo: thy
‘mancancon- wealth: but ifthou doe euill, feare: foz be
~ temnethargo- beareth not the ſword fo: nought; for heis
- uérnmenrwhich the miniſter of God $ to tase vengeance on
Godhathap- him tbat Doeth enill, À
pointed without §_ Ciyerefore pee muit be fubtect, not be:
thebreachofhis cauſe of math onelpsbut allo fo? -confcience
confcience: and fake.
> herehe fpeaketh 6 JFo2, for thts canfeye pay alfo tribute:
—ofcwillmagi. for they are Gods mintitergappiping them⸗
ftrares: fo that lelnes foz the fame “thing. shee
Antichriſt &his 7 Giue to all men therefore their duety:
~ cannorwreit trfonte,te whem yeowe tribute: cultome,to
- thisplacetoefta~ whom tuſtome: teare, to whom fereare; o>
blifitheirty- . Notit,to whom ye owe honour.
rannie over the 8 Dwe nothing te any man, but fo lone
- €onfcience. one another: fo: be that loueth another, bath
~ -e-Thatis,rode-
© “fend the good,
and tapunith
© the euill.
— Mattn.2r2:45.
dd He meaneth
© vonely theGcund
table. —
kullilled the? Law.
9 Foz this, Thou halt not commit
adultcrie, hou ſhalt not kill, Chou hale
notiteale, Thou halt not beare falſe tit-
nefe, Thot ſhalt not couet; audit there be
any other commaundement, it ts briekly
comprehended in this faping, euen in this,
3 — Walt lone thy neighbour as thp
elfe <
TO Lonc Doeth not enill to bis neigh:
t.rg.-8. = bout s thercfozetsloue the * fulfilling of the
Th that confinering the lealon that
W tune that toce ould arife Front
a, Exod, 20 the
o deut.5.18 —
PAR E Vee ae Se RS a a ee
wee TotheRomanes.
“Hand: let vs therefore caſt away the workes rhefr
_ to fupport another in charitie and faith,
| (Besse * every foule be ſubiect vnto the bigh..
‘not the condemnin
ey ot
fepe: foz now is our (atnation © ncercr then e Bcforewebes.
when webeleencBit. _ leened ithødbin
12 Thenigbt ispat, andthe Dapisat in vai —
of darkeuelle, and let vs puton the armour now fegis
oflight, ; faluati
13 So that we walke honeſtly, asinthe let vs ce
Bay: notin” || gluttonie and dzunkenneſſe, that wer
neither in chambering and wantonneſſe, nor not this occafo.
in rife and enupings =i f Thacis,honeft
-I4 “Wut put yee on the Lom IESVS maners & godi
Chak, and take no thoughtfoz the fleſh, Lukezngg, ~
tofulalltheluitsoftt, [Or riot.
CHAP, XIIII. i ꝓpet.a.11.
1 Theweake ought not to be deſpiſed. to ‘Na
man fheula off nd anothersconfcience, 1§ But one
Hi" that is weake in the 2 Faith, receive a Tharis. the
Aynto you, but not > faz controuerfies of do@cine of the
Difputations. — Gofpel.
2 Dne belckueth that hemap eate ofall b ret he thould
things: and anocher, which is weake, eateth depart either
herbes. AIS more ignotant
3 Let not him that eatcth, aelpife him thenhecame.or
thateaterh not; and let not him which ea: elfe with agrea-
teth noc, iudge bim that eateth: fo2 God ter {cruple of
bach recefucd him. conſcience.
4 “Who art thou that condemneſt ano yam 4.12.
ther mans ſeruant? bee ttandeth oz fale c Te isthe Lords
leth tobtsowne < mafter: pea, he Mall bee marcer,andnor
— foz God ts able to make Bim chine.
and. ri - d- We muft be
§ This man efteemech one day abone ae afuredin our
nother day, and another man counteth enery conſcienee by
dapalike: Tet euery man be fully perſwa Gods wordin atl
Ded tn his minde. — things that we
6 He that eobſerueththe day, obferucth doe: that ifwebe
it tothe Lord: and bee that obferueth not strong wemay
the Day, obleruethit not to the Lod. Wee know whatis
that eateth, careth tothe Loz ; for hee gt ourlibertiesand
Heth God thankes: and he that eeatechnot, if webe weake,
b eateth not to the Lod, and gtucth God we may learne
thankes. x £ 5 to profit dayly.
7 Fopnoneofystineth ‘to hinlelfe,net +e That countech
one day more
ther doth any die to himſelfe.
8 Foꝛ whether we line, we liue vnto the holy chen ane-
Lord: 02 whether wee Die, wee die vnto the ther.
Lozo: whether we line therefoze, oꝛ Di-,wee f Who ivdgeth
are the Logos, | $ whether hedoe |
9 For Cyritttherefore digd, and role as wellorno,
gaine, and reutued, that hee might be Lod g Becaufe hee
bothof the Dead and che quicke. thinketh the ;
10 But why doet thou tudge thy bao» mearesvncleane
ther ? o why Doet thou deſpiſe thy brother? by the Law.
* foz wee fhallallappeare before the tudge- h Here we muſt
ment feat of Chait, $ note.three
IL Fodit is witten, * J kMiue,layth the rhings: firft that
Lod, andenery knee hall bow to mee, and he ſpeakech of
all tongues Mall ſconkeſſe vnto Goo. things which of
— i ‘themfelues are
indifferent,albeit inthelaw they were not: next,thathe reproueth
ning ofthe a&e,but of the perfons: thirdly,that he
meanethnot the ftubburne & malicious,whomheca'leth dogs aid
concifion, but the weake andinfirme, to whom God as yethadnet
reuealed the perfect liberty. i Both our life & deathoughtto pro-
fit our brother. 2.Cer. 5-402 Ta 45.33 ik Thisoath _
particularly appertainethto God, who is thetrue life of himfelfe,.
and giucthattoallothers, J dagerbigultdas mefor theit God,
2 Ga We.
so te see
Awe *
a. (or. 8. 13.
-e Which hath
- ofconfcience in
Chriftian liberty.
12 Sg then euery one sf vs Hall gine ace
‘counts of pimiclie t0 6sd.
m Hepreuenteth 13 Let vs not therefore iudge ene and-
theobiection thes any inoze; but ble your iudgement ra
whichtheChri- “thet in this, that ro man put an occakon
flians might vfe. to fail, a ſtumbling biecke before his b>
1 (or. 8. Il. ther.
n Whichisthe I4™ 7 know.and am perſwaded through
benchtofCari» the Lod Jelas, chat there is nothing bn-
flinliberty,by — cleane oftetelfe: bur onte him that iudgeth
abufing whercof
yee caufz the
weakelings to
bi.(pheme the
any riung to be vncleane, tobim ic is vn-
cicane. f
15 But ik thy bother bee grieued fo the
meatg, notor Walkcit thou not charitably:
Gofpel, which * Deitrop net hum with thy meate fog when
might feemeto Chꝛilt died. :
them contrary 16 Cale net pour» commodity to be enil
to Gods will, ſpoken ot. ?
and thedoGrine 17 ffo2theo kingdome of Godis net meat
of the law. uo? Dhake but righteouſnes, ann peace,and
o God wi'l not
reigne ouer his
by fuch obferua-
icpanthe polip Obot. :
13 fo whecocuce Pin thele things fer-
ueth Cheiſt, is acceptable vnto GgD, andis
tions. appicugo of wien. b
p In peace and 19 Let vs then follow thom things which
righteoulhefle, concterue Peace, and wWycl with one may cdi»
Titus 1.15. fle anoticr.
20 Deltroy not the worke cf God fez
meates take: *allthtigs indeede arc pure:
but itis eutlt foz the man which eatech wiy
21 *Itis good neither to eate fleſh, no? to
Ditnke wine, no: any thing, whereby thy
tater ftumbieth,o2 is offended, 02 made
22 alk thou fayth ? bane it with thy
felfe Sefsze Gad: bleiled ts he thar condem·
* hunlelke in that thig which beal:
23 Foz he that doubteth, is condemned if
he cate, becauſe bee caret not of fayth: and
wbatlocner ts not of! faith, is ũnne.
1 Paulexhorteth them to [is port and laus one
another by the example of Chrift, 9 & by tue only
mercy of God which is the catsfe of ſaluation both
of the one and the other. 1 4 He [heweth his zeale
towardthemandthe Church, 30. and requircth
the fame of then.
V Ee which are ſtrong, ought to beare
‘to pleaſt our felucs. ;
2 Therefore let enery man pleafe bis
neighbour in thatthatis good to + ediſica⸗
Faith here is
taken fora full
perfwafion of the
Chriftian liberty
in things indife-
tent, as the Apo-
itin the 34.verfe
noneeuil remerfe
his doing,
f Meaning ofa
right conicicnce
a Toedifie, fig-
nifieth to do all
maner cuties to 3 For Chꝛiſt ato would net plcaſe him-
ourncighbour, felfe.burasitis witten, * The rebukes of
citherto bring them which rebukervee,felloon me.
himto Chiift,or _ 4 ffozwhatfoeuer things are witten a>
ifhe beewonne, fozetime,are witten fo: our learning, that
that he may wee through patience, andcomfozs ef the
grow from faith Scriptures might hane hope,
tofaith:forthe.« § Now the God ef «patience and con ·
faithful are called
the Temple of God wherein he is refident by his holy Spirit: & thefe
faithfull arethe Rones of the newe Ierufalem: thet is, the vniuerfall
Church, ila 54. Reut: 21., ofthe which building Chrift is the chiefe
corner flone,Ephe: 2,20. P/al.69 9. b Ididfobearethemas if
they had bene doneto me,and not to my father. ¢ Whichis the
authour of patience,
Chap. XY.
‘puto thy Mame. f
the wifirinitics of the weake, and not
Brotherly loue, ~ 510°
folation afue you that pe be*like minded one
eee another, accozotig to Chit Fe-
6 That ye with one minde, and with one |
mouth map prayſe God, euen the Father of
our Lord Jeſus Chak. 4
7 CCberefore, recetuc pee one another,
phil3-16. G43
as Chait allo recetucd ws torke? glezp of d To makeys
Ger. pattakers of
8 ow Flay, that Jefus Epit waga Gods glosie.
enunitter of the circumcthon, fo: tef trueth € Firftso gather —
of Gov, to confirme the promites made vnto thelewes, andi —
the fathers. then the Gen-
9 Andletthe Gentiles praile God foz his tiles, that hoch |
mẽercy as tt ts witten,” JFo? this cante J wit Sightbemade
coufefe thee among the Gentiles, and Ging oNefiocke. |
that God
might be knows
Cn truc. l
Io Andagaine he fayth ,* Retoyce, pee
Gentiles, with bis people.
II Aud againe, Peꝛayle the Lom alt pee
—— laud yee pim all people toge-
12 Qud againe Ecaias faith There ral
be aroate of Jefe, and 2 he that fyallrife to
reigne ouer the *Oeutiles, in him hall the
Gentiles truſt. i
_ 13 Row the God ofhope MI you with ati
ioy, and peace in belecuing, that vee mapas Ou
bound in hope, through the power okthe ho⸗ crieand dead
Oso. Foote, o
14 And Imp felfe allo am pexſwaded of h Then feeing
you. mp betien, that pe alfoare ful of geod⸗ he tookeboth
neie and filed with ali knowledge, and are the lewesend
able to adm onih one another. Gentiles to his:
I5 AQenerthelefie becthzen, J Hane fome- Fathersglory,
what beidlp after a lort watten vnto pou, they oughtby
as one that putteth pon in remembrance, hisexample
though the grace that is giuen mgg of loue togethers
16 That J ſhould be the miniſter of Je·
fus Chꝛiſt toward the Gentiles, miniſtring
the Golpel of Gov, that the effcrurg up af
the Gentiles might bee acceptable i being
fanctificd by the boly Ghot,
17 FZ haus thercfore whereof J| may re-
icpee in Chik Jeſus in thole things wych
pertaine te God.
18 Foꝛ J Dare not. * ſpeake ef any thing
which Chak hath not wrought by mee, to
make the Gentiles obedient in word and
Deze, ;
10 Cith the power offignes and twon-
Ders, bythe power of thefptrit of Gad : fo
that from Jerufalem, anD round about vnto
Tilvzicum, 3| haue cauled to abound the Go⸗
ſpel ot Chꝛiſt.
zo Pea, fo J inforced my felfe topreach
the Soipel, nor where Chik was nawed,
left J Gould haue built on another mans
foundation. —
21 But as it is witten, * Co whom hee
was not (poken of,thep allee him ant they
that heard not, ſhall vnderſtand him.
22. Wherefore alio 3 haue bene’ oft let to
come vnto you. 4 l
23 But nowe eing J haue naro
place in theſe quarters, and alſo haue bene
nefirous many. peeres agone to come vnto
2./am. 22. 50
Dewt.3 2.43
Pfal 117.1.
Ifaara —
g Whichis
Chrift, who did
{pring asa young
budout of the
i TYheminifter —
offereth vp the
peoplero God
by the Goſpel.
k God goue hiai
fuch ample oc- © |
cafions to fer
forth bis excel-
lent workes that $
he bad doneby. 4
him, thatthe å- f
polje neednor
ther thing to
boaft vpon,
Jas 5 l
ba au 3 ithefi
å 24 Gben 7 Hall take my tourney into
Spaine, J wili cometa you ; for J gs
“He requircth their praices,
| 1 Which wasto
cary thealmis,
3.Corv.-9.A 1,
m ithali faith-
fully leane it
with them,and
as it were fealed
moſt furely,
n Almesisthe
- ftuitof faith and
(Chap. ttr.
o His comm'ng
flialbe profitable -
voto them: for -
_ God will gine
him abundant
Knowledge of
diaine myfteries,
to communicate
vnto them.
p Hee feared
Teft flaunderous
-tongues would
haue made: his
-meflage either
odious,or leſſe
erafted in Chriſt
y faithafore I
was calledand
were well eftee-
ed of the A-
pofties, and of
he Churches, .
to feg you in my iourney, and to bee brought
on My Way thitherward by pou, after that J]
baue beene lomewhat filled with pour com-
pany. i
25 But now ase gta Jerulatem,to! mi-
niter unto the Saints.
26 Fo. tt hath pleaſed them of Maceda
Mma and Achaia, to make a certaine dtiirt>
bution vnts the pooze Saints which are at
Jerufalem. f
27 Foz tt hath pleated them, and their
Debtersare they: *fo: ifthe Gentiles beg
made partakers of their ſpirituall things,
their Duty ts alfo to minifter vnto them in
carnallthings. t
28 Uien Jhaue therfore performed thig,
and hauem taled them this» fruit, J| weil
pafe bp you into Spame.
29 * And J know when J come, that F
Hall come tapon with - abundance of the
bleiling of the Golpel of Chatit. `
30 Allo bethzen, J beicech von for out
Lord Jeſus Chriſts fake, and fo? the loue of
the ſpirit, that pe* would ſtriue with me by
prayers to God fome,
31 Chat J maybe deliuered from them
Which are dilobedient in Judea, e that my,
ſeruite which J haue to doe at Ferulalent,
mapberacceptedofthe@aints, =
32 That Jmap come vito pou withtoy
bi ae tah of God, and map with pou bete»
33 Thus the * Gon of peace bee with pou
all, Amen.
1 After many recomendations, 17 he admoni-
fheth them to beware of falfe brethren, and to bee
‘circum/bect. 20 He prayeth forthem,and giueth
thanks te God,
Commend vnts you Phebe our filter,
[niey is a ſeruant of theChurch of Cen⸗
2 Chat ye recciue her in the Lord, as it
becommeth Saints, Ethat pee alit ber in
whatloeuer bulines foe needeth of your ata:
> for hee Hathginen hoſpitalits ynta many,
and vnto me allo.
3 Greete * Prilcillaand Aquila my fel-
‘Yow Helpersin Chat efits.
4 (Ahich haue for my life layed Downe
their owne necke. Anto whom not Jonely
giue thanks but alloall the Churches ofthe
Gentiles.) _ 19%
5 Likewile greete the Church that isin
their boule. Dalute my beloued Epenetus,
wbt is thea firt fruttes.of f Achaia in
6 Greete Mary, which beſtowed much
labour on bs, i
7_ Dalute Andronicus,and Junia, my
toulins and fellow patfoners, which are no»
table among the Apolles, and > were in
Chak beforewme.
Legoe Amplias my beloucd in the
023, ;
To the Romanes,
9 Salute Arbanus one kellow helper in
Ciit and Stachys my belonen.
1O Salute Apelles approued tn Cheiſt.
eee them which are of Arittobulus
Ir Halute Herodion my kinſman. Greet
them which are of the fricndes of Marciſus
which ave in the Lod.
12 Salute Tryphena and Cryphola,
which women labsur inthe Lord. Salute
the beloued Perſis,which woman path labo»
red much in the Lord. :
13 Dalute Rufus cholen in the Lord, and
hismother and mine,
14 Greet Alyncritus, Phlegon. Permas,
Patrobas, Mercurius, and the bzethzen
which are with them. :
15 Dalute Philologus and Julias, Me
reas this ſiſter, and Diymptas, and all the
Haints which are with them. —
16 Qalute one another with an* holy
ehifle. Che Churches of Chit falute you.
17 Cow 3 beleech pou bretheen,marke
tbem diligently which caule diuifion and of-
fences contrary to b Doctrine which pe bane
learned, and * auotd therm.
18 Fogthey thatare (uch, feruz net the
Lo Jeſus Chats, but their owne d bellies,
and with © fairelpeech & flattering Deceue
theHearts of the timple,
Ig Foꝛ vpour obedience is comeabmade
among all: J am glad therefore of pou:
but pet J would paue yon wile vnto that
one tsgood, and imple concerning e-
20 The God of peace Halltread Satan
bndetyour feete hotly. Che grace of sur
Lord Felts Chriſt be with peu.
_21 Timotheus my companion, and Li-
cius, and Jalon, and Soſipater mp kitties
men,falnte pou. :
22 J| Certins,which wrote ont this Cpi-
itle,falute you tn the Lod.
23 *@atus mine botte,and of thewhole
Church faluceth you. Crattusthe | Chan
berlaine of the city (aluteth you,and Quars
tus a brother.
24 Chearace of our Lord Jelas Chit
be with pou attamen.
25 To bin now that is of power to eta-
biti} pou accosding to my Golpel, and prea»
ching of Jets Chztit, *hy the revelation
z of the myſtery, which was Kept fecret fince
the wozld began:
26 (But now is opened, and publiſhed
among all nations by the Dcripturcs of
the Mophets, at the conunaundenrent af
a atte God fo: the obedience of
27 Toon, l fay, onely wiſc, bee prayle
through Jelus Cheiſt foz cuer, Amen,
Aritten tothe Romans from Corinthus,
& fene by Phebe, eiuant of the Chutt
which isat Cenchzca, —
1.(07.16. 20,
2.COr.1 3.13,
c This wasa
figne of amitya.
mong the lewes, `
which he willeth
tobeholy, that
is, that it come
from a mind full
of godly charity.
3. Iohn 10,
d Taefebe marks
to know the falfe
apoftles by,
e Theword fie.
nifeth him that
promi@th much
and performeth
feemeth alfo to
[peake for thy
profit,but doth
nothing lefe.
Acs 16,1 phil,
I Cor, LI 4
H Or, receiuer.
f Corinthus,
Ephe.3.9.col.t. ”
26. 2t, Ie
tit. 1.3.1 pet,
8 Bothas tou-
ching the do-
Ctrine of the
Gofpel,and alfin
the calling of the
an¢tified in Chrift.
@ The firſt Epiſtle of Paul to
the Corinthians.
Frer that Saint Paul had preached at Corinthus a yeere and an halfe,he was compelled by the wic-
A Kedneffe of the Lewes to faile into Syria, Im whofeabfence falfe apoftles entred into the Church,
who being puffed vp with vaine glery, and affeGate eloquence, fought ro bring into contempt the faf-
plicitie which Paul vfed in preaching the Gofpel, By whofe ambition fuch fa@ions and ſchiſmes [prang
vpin the Church, that from opinions in policies & ceremonies, they fell to falfe do@rine and herefies,
calling into doubt the refurreG&ion from the dead, one of thechiefeft points of Chriftian Religion. A+
gainft theſe euils che Apoftle proeeedeth, preparing the Corinthians hearts, and eares with gentle faln-
_ tations ; bu: feoneafterhe reproueth their contentions and debates, their arropancie and pride,and ex-
hotteth them to concord and humilitie, ſetting before their eyes the fpirituall vertue, and heauenly
wiledome of the Gofpel,which cannot be perfwaded by worldly wit and eloquent reafons, but is reutie
led by Gods Spirit, and fo fealed in mens hearts. Therefore this faluation may not be attributed to tre
minifters, but onely to God; whofeferuants they are, and haue receiued charge to edifie bis Church:
wherein Saint Paul behaued himéelfe (kilfully,t uilding according to the foundation ( whichis Chrift y
and exhorteth others to makethe end proportionableto thebeginnirg, taking diligent heede that they
be not polluted with vaine do@rine,(eeing they are the Temple of God, And as for thofe that doubted
of his Apoftlefhip,he (hewetb them chat he dependeth not on mans iudgment,albeit he had declared by
manifeft fignes,that he neues fought his own glory,ncither yet how he might liue,but only the glory of
Chrift : which thing at his comming he would declare more amply,to the (hame of thofe vaineglorious
braggers, who fought themſelues onely, and therefore fuffcred moft horrible vices vnreproued and vn-
punilhed,as inceft ,contentions,pleadings before infidels, fornication, and fuch like,to the great {lander
ofthe Gofpel. This done, he anſwereth to certaine points of the Corinthians letter,as touching fingle
life, duetie of mariage,of difcord and diffention among the married , of virginitie, and fecond mar-
riage. And becaufefome thought it nothing to be prefent at idole fernice, (ecing in their heart they
worlhipped the wue God, he warneth them to haue refpe& to their weake brethren, whofe faith by that
diffembling was hindered,and their conſciences wounced , which thing rather thenhe would doe, hee
would neuer viethat libertie, which Godhad giuenhim, Butforafinuch as pride ; and felfe will was
the caufe of thofe great euils, he admonifheth them by the example of the Iewes not to glory in thefe
outward gifts, whofe hestible punilhment for the abule of Gods creatures,ought to be a warning to all
men to follow Chrilt vprightly, without all pollution and offence of otbers, Then he cerseéteth di-
wers abufes in their Church,as touching the behaniour of men , and womenin the affemblies ; of the
Lords Supper, the abufeof the Spiriruall gifts, which God hath giuen to maintaine loue, ard edifie the
Church :as concerning the refarreGion from the dead, without the which the Gofpel feruethto no
vic. Laft of all,he exhorteth the Corinthians to relieue the poore brethren at Ierufalem, to perſeuere
im the lowe of Chrift, and well doing, fending hiscommendations, and wihing them peace.
4 Ithanke myGod alwaves on pont bes
The Corinthians gifts. gI i
d Forallthebe- -
3 He praifeth the great graces of God frewed
toward them, 10 Exbortingthem'te concord an
bumilstie, 19 Hee beateth downe.all pride, and
wifdom which ü net grounded on God, 26 Shew-
ing whom God hath thoſen to confound the wife-
dome of the world,
AUE callentobeean Apo-
c EZ
3 y thong) the will of God,and
ae our bother Soſthenes,
N 2 Unta the Church of
eat God, which is at Goin-
ARs 15.9. thng, te them that are * fauctified tn
tthe f].47- Cort Jeſus *> Szinte by calling, * with
+ Whom Gòd all thar callon the Naue ot cur Lord Je⸗
Axhfeparated : ſus iit inenecy place, both thew Lord
from the reftof> and ours: i
the worldjpuri- . ¶ 3 Gracebee with pom, and peace: from
fied,and givento G90 eur Sather, aad fromi pe Loꝛd Jeſus
hisSorne,thae Chit.
he might ein
them, and they in him. Rems 1.7 ephe(-1.1.¢0)of/1.22, 2,171.9
tit.2.3.. b Made holy by the free mercie and calling of Ged, 2. Tim.
2.23. c Which isto acknowledge him zo be very God , to wor⸗
-fhip bim,and ſecke vnto him for helpe,
d pouin Jeſus Chk,
halfe fo: the 4 grace of God, Which ts ginen sickas Whi Gps
5 * Ehat in ail things yee are made rich Haue receiued by
tinbum, mfallkinde offpeach, andinall prt be ot
e the iedimonteof Beli Chritt hath pay
s the teſtimonie of Fetus Chit hath 47827. —
bezene confirmed in por: e As members `
it : wating to: the appearitigofour Lom dy which come
Fetis Chꝛiſt. municare with i
8 * Uibo Hallalio confirme pou vuto the their head,
ende, that pee may be s blainelefic in the Day f me
of onr Lord Jefus Chik. dech thofe gifts
9 *God is fatthiuil, by whom pee are cal · in them whole
led vnto the fellodoſhip ofhis Downe Jeſus abufe afterbee
Chut out LoD. — ,
10 Mow F belecch pou, brethzen, bythe ascloquence,
Fane of our Loyd Fetus Cz, * tharyce philofophie,2nd
afl 5 {prake one thing , and that there their knowledge
bee no Dificntions among pou; but bee yee of Gods word.
Phil 3.20, titus-
3.13. 1. The. 3. 13. and §.23-. g For there is no condemnation
totherh that are gr:fked in Chrift Ieſus. Pfad 138.8, 1 thef 5.24:
Rom,15.5- phil. 3.16._h Difagreeing in words ingendreth diflene
tion of minde, whereof procee deth repugnancie of indgement, which.
is the mother of {chile aud hereſie.
Hecömmen- -
doth reprooug, -
Hothat pee are not deſtitute of any oftbe ſame bo⸗⸗ xd
_ vor 4
The worldly wif edome:
kait together in one mind, and in one iudge ·
IL Foz ft hath been Declared vnto mee,
Š my brethren, of you, by them thatare ofthe
i Which wasa
vertuous woman among you.
and zealous of 12 Rowe this F lav, that euery one of
Godsglory,and vouſayeth. J am Pauls, aud J am * A-
foughtthe quie pollos, and J am Cephas, and J am
etmefleof the Chꝛiſts.
Church. 13 Js Chꝛiſt diuided? was Paul cruci⸗
its 18 24, fied foz pou? either were pee baptized * inte
k Readethean- the nameof {pauls
notation, Actes 14 Ithanke God, that J baptised nong
3.16. ef pon but? Criſpus, and ' Gaius,
Ads 18 8. Is Left anp ould fay, that 3 bad baptis
1 ‘this Gaius was 3¢D into mine owne name. x
- Pauls hoſt, in 16 J baptised alo the houſhold of Dte-
whofehoufealfo phanas: furthermoꝛe know J not whether
the Church was jj baptized anyother. i
at Corinthus, 17 For CHitlent mee not to = baptize,
Rom.6.23.there but topcach the Gofpel , not with ** wiles
wasyetanother Dome of wordes, tet the croſſe of Chꝛiſt
focalledwhich ſhould be made of none effect. *
was of Derbe, 18 Foꝛ the preaching of the crofle is to
andfollowed — thent that pertf), tooliſhneſſe: but vnto vs
Paul, Acts 20. tabichare laucd,it is the * power of God.
m Thatis chiefy I9 Foꝛ itis wattten, * F will Dettrop the
and peculiarly. wiledome of the wile,and will cat away the
(hap.2.1 3, vnderſtanding of the pudent.
galat.§.4, 20 Ahere ts the wile? where ts the
2-pet.1.t6. PScribe? where ts the. a Dilouter of the
n Asrherorike wolde? Hath not God made the wiſedome
orasteoratoric. ofthis wozld fooliſhneſſe?
o` Whtn men 21 Foꝛ ſeeing the world by wildom knew
fhouldattribure mot Godin the wifedome of Gad, tt pleaſed
thatvntoelo- Godby the kooliſhneſſe of preaching to ſaue
guencewhich them that belecue: x
onelybelonged 22 Geeing allo thatthe Jewes require
to the power of 5 ligne, and the Grecians leeke after wie»
God, me.
Rom.1.16. 23 But we preach Chán crucified: puto
F [4.29.1 4. the Jewes, tuen a tumbling blocke,and vns
p Thatis,thein. tothe Grecians,foolifjnefle :
terpreter of the 24 But vnto then. which are called,
Law, © boti of the Jewes and Grecians, wee preach
q Hetharisfo. butt che power of Ged, and the wiledonie
fubtillin difeul- of God. ——
fing queftions? 25 Foz the * fostiMnelle of God ts wiler
and herein Paul. then men, the weakenefle of God ts tron-
reprochetheuen gerthen men.
thebeftlearned, 26 Foz bꝛethꝛen, pou fee pour calling,
asthoughnot how that not many wile men fafrer the
one of them fle, not many mighty, noc many noble are
could perceiue called. — eee
by hisownewile- 27 But God hath cholen $ koolich things
dome this myfte- of the world, to confound the wile, and Goo
ricofChriftre- ath chelen the weake things of the wozlde,
trealed in the toconfound the mighty things.
Gofpel. 28 And vile things of the world, things
Mattl.12.38. ‘whicharedelprfed, hath Godcholen, and
r He fpeaketh things which are kot, to bing to nought
intheperfonof things =thatare.
> - - -
the wickedwho 29 That no * leh ſhould reiopce in bis
contrarytotheir pelence.
` conftience rather í
attritutethelethings te God, then acknowledge their owne follie
and weakeneffe. f Accoidingas the worlde tearmeth wife men,
t Whicharein mansiudgement almoft nothing , buttaken for ab-
ieds and caftawayes. u Eficemedandinreputation. x Thushe
calleth man in contempt, andto beate downe his arrogancic,
I. Corinthians.
boufe ofi Cioe, that there are contentions “
The wifedome of God.
30 But peeare ok him in Chait Fels, Fer.23.5,6. |
whe ef God is made unto vs * wrledome Zere.9.24.
and righteouſneſſe, and fanctttication, and 2.cor.10.17.
redeinption, i i ed y Thatis,aterie
31 Chat accoming as it ts witten,” He bute all things
that reiopceth,” let hum reioyce inthe Loꝛd. to God with
thankefpiui e
CHAP. II. wig
i Heeputteth for example hi maser of prea-
ching, which was according tothe teacur of the
Gofel, 8 Winch Gofpel was contemptible and
bid to the carnal, 10 And agatne honourable
and manifef to the ſpirituall.
wee J brethren, when F came to pou,
caine not mith * ercellency of wozdes,o2 Chap.t.17.
of wiledome, Hhewing vnto pou tie | = tekt- HOr,myferies
mony of Gos. i a Thatis, the
2 Jor F eftermed not to f knowe any Gofpcl,whereby —
thing among you fauc Jefus Chtt, t Hist God doth ma-
cructied. nifeft bimfelfe
3 * And F was among you tn > weaknes, tothe would,or
and infeare,and tn much trembling. whereof God is
4 either tood my twede, and my ped» theaurhour and
ching in the intiling peach of mans wile» witneſſe.
Dome, but in playne euidence of the Spirit HOr, F thoughe
and of power, $ nothing worthy
§. That pour kayth Hould not beeinthe to be knowen.
wiledome of men, but inthe power of Aces 18.5.
GD. : b Herein appea⸗
6 Andwelpeake wifedome among them rerh his great
that are c perfite: not the wiſedome of this modelticwho
world, neither ofthe4 patncesof this wold, was not glorious
which come to nought. — but abiect and
7 Wut weeflpeake the wiledome of Gov humble,nct full
ina mpferp, cuen the hid wiledome, which of vaine bea-
God hath appopnted before the world, unte Rings and armoe +
sur gloz. gandie.hut with
8 Wibich enone of the Wyinces of this fecre and trem⸗
weld bath knowen: fo had they knowen bling et foorh |
tt, thep would not bane crucified the! Lorde the mighty powe
of glory. é ; ec of God,
9 But as itis witten, * Che things Chap.t.17.
which eye bath nor leene, neither eare hath
Heard, neither e came into mans heart, are, ||Or,beanenly,er,
whith 6D D bath prepared fo: them that diuine.
loue bint. i ¢ They whofe
10 But God hath renciled thempnto vs vnder{tandings
by his Dpirit: forthe Spirit» Carcheth ali areilluminate by
things, pea, the Deepe things of Hod. - faith,acknow.-
11 fo what man knoweth the thiugs of ledge this wifes
a man, fang che (pit isf aman, which is in dome,whichthe ~
bim? cuen fo the things of Gad knoweth wo world caliech
man.butthe Spirit of God. folly.
12 (owe wee haue krecepued not the d Theword is
Spirite of the wolde , but the-Dptrite, heretaken for
which isof 6D D, that wee might them,whom eie
knowe the! things thatare giuentovs Of ther for wife-
God. dome,riches,
` Grpower,men
motefteeme. e Thatis,veryfew. f Hecalleth ĩeſus the migh ·
ty God, full of true glorie and maieſſie, whom Dauid alfo calleth the
King of glory,Pfal.24.7. and Steuen nameth him the God of glory,
AGes9.z. and hereby appeareth the divinitie of Chriſt, and cone
iunGionoftwo naturesin one perfon. F/2i.64 4, -g Manis not
able to thinke Gods prouidence toward hise h ‘For heeisone
God with the Father andthe Sonne. i Mans minde which vnc fe
ftandeth andiudgeth, _k Vee are not mooued withchat Spirit,
which teachethtbings wherewiththe world is delighted, and which
men vnderftand by nature. 1 All the benefites of God in Iefus
13 Clhich
2 pet.i 16.
m As that which
we teach is ipiri-
tuall, fo our kind
Chrift the foundation.
13 Ahich things alla tuee peake, not in
the * words which mans wiidome teacherh,
but which the holp Ghot teacheth, con
parme m {pirttuall things pith ſpirituall
14. But the» natural man perceiueth not
Chap. iij. iiij.
Gods minifters.
— Hall trie eutry mans woke of what foe
14 Jfany mans worke,that he bath buit
vpon,abibe,be Wail recetue wages.
Is Jf any mans wozke burne, bee hall :
e lole but he * (hall bee fate bim(cife: neuere g Both his labor
of teaching muft thethings of the Spirit of God: foz they
be (piritwall, tbar are foolifjnefie puto bim: neither can Hee
thelefle pet as it wereby the fire.
16 * Rnet pe not that ye are the Temple
and reward,
h Hereproueth
the words may
agree with che
n-Whofe knows
kedge and iudge-
ment is not clea
red by Gods
16.13. rom. 8.9.
a Beingingraffed
in Couftby faith
wee beginto
mouce by his Spi- . Ch
tit, and as we pro-
fit in faith, wce
grow vptoaripe
age. And here Jet
him take heede
~ thatreacheth, left
for milke he giue
poifon: for milke
and Rrong meate
ĩn effect are one,
but onely differ
in manerand
b Hechargeth
them with two
faults: the one,
that they attri»
buted too much
to the minifiers,
and the other,
+ that they pre fer-
ted one minifler
Pfal 6242.
galat. 6.5.
-c Somadeby
his grace,
d He reproueth
the minifters of
_ Cornth,astea-
chers of curious
doctrines and
e Or,therime:
whichis when
the light of the
trueth tha lexpel
the darkeneffe of
— them, becaule they are ſpiritually diſ⸗
Ig Buthee thatis* ſpirituall, diſcerneth
all things; pet bee bunleltc ts * indged of no
16 *Foꝛ who hath knowen the minde of
the Lo, that bee might inſtruct him? but
we haue the r minde of Cozi,
“o For thetruethof God is not fubie& to the iudgement of man.
“Fl2.40 13.191[d.9.13.70%8.81.34. p Thatis, ChriftsSpirit, lobn
CHAP, Ill,
3 Patlrebuketh the fects and authors thereof.
9 Noman ought toattribute hu [aluationte the
miniſters, but to God. 10 That they beware erro-
neous doctrine, 11 Chrift isthe foundation of his
Charch. 16 The digustie and office both of the mi
uifters,and alfo of all the faithfull.
A LD J could vot ſpeake unto you, bze-
Stien, as vnto ſpirituall men, but as
vnto — > uen as vnto⸗ babes In
2 Jganeyou milke to dainke, and not
Meate; foz pee were not pet able co beareic,
neither pet now are pec able.
3 For yee are pet carnall: for whereas
there is among pou enuying, and firife, and
Diuiftons, are pee not carnall, and walke as
4 Fortaben one faith, 3 am Pauls, and
another, J am Apollos are pee not carnali?
Abo ts Paul then? and whois Apol-
los, but the miniſters by whom pec beleeued,
and as the Lod gaue to every man?
6 Jhaue planted, Apollos watered, but
God gaue the increaſe.
7 Bother, neither is hee that planteth
anp thing, neither bee that watereth , but
od that gtueth the increaſe.
8 nd he that planteth, and he that wa:
tereth are b one, *and euery man fali re-
teiue bis wages,accozding to his labour.
9 Fo wee together are Hobs: labou-
rers: pee ate Gods hulbandzie, and Gods
building. 3 3
10 Accogding to the grace of God giuen
to mec, asa ſkiſfull matter builder , J| baue
laide the foundation , and another buildeth
thereon : but let eueryman d take heed How
he buildeth pponit. :
U Foz other foundation can no man
— that which is laide, which ts Jefus
12 And if any nian buia on this founga-
tion, gold, fluer pꝛecious tones timber hap,
or ftubble, 4 - >
13. Euery mans werke fhall be made ma:
niteſt: fo2 the «dap Hall Declare tt, becanle
it ſhall bee reuealed by the fire; and the
ignorance , then the curious oltentation of mans wifedomefhall bee
: brought ro novght,. £ By thetriall of Gods Spirit...
oF God, and thatthe Spirit ot Ged Dwel- them nor as falfe
_ men, and preferreth thee, -
teth in you?
apoſtles, but as
17 Jë any man deſtroy the Temple of curious teachers
God, btm {yall God dettrop; forthe Tem-
ple of God ts holp, which pe are,
18 Letnoman Deceine himſelfe. Ifany
man among pou feeme to bee wile inthis
ie iet him beta foole, that hee map bee
_19 Foꝛ the wiledome of this wozld ts foo-
liſhneſle with Gov: foz it is witten, * Wee
catcheth the wile kin their owne craftineffe.
20 *And againne, The Lod knowerh
that the thoughts of the wile be baine.
21 Therefore let no man t cetopce inmens
fo ali things are pours.
22 cdibether it bee Panl, 0: Apollos , oꝛ
Cephas, o2 toe wozi, o life,oz death: whez
ther thep bee things pzeſent, o2 things to
come, euen all are pours, :
23 And pee Cheilts, and Chrift Gods.
of humanefci-=
ences,as they
which lothing at
the fimplicitie of
Gods word,
preach philoſo ·
phicall fpecula-
i Astouching
his life, ifhehold
falt the founda-
Fob 5.13.
k When they
themfelues are
entangledin the
fame {nares,
which they laide for others, Pfa/.9q4.18. 1 Butin God whower=
keth by his minifters to bis own glory and the comfort ofhis Church —
a After that he had defcribed the office ofa true
Apoftle, 3 Seeing they did not acknowledge him
[uch one, 4 He appealeth ta Gods iudgement. 7
Beating dowae their glory which hindredthemto -
praife that, which they difpray(ed in him, 19 He
[beweth what he requsreth on their part and what `
they ought tolooke for of him at hu returne.
j&t a man ſo thinke of vs, as of the ami-
nifters of Chriſt, and dilpolers ofthe ſe⸗
crets of Gov, A i
2 Andas forthe reft, tt is required of
AT neces eueryman be found faith:
3 * Astouching me, J paffe very little te
bee iudged of you, o2 of t mans iudgement:
RS, J iudge not > mine otwne felfe,
4 fo: F
beforeGod ano= -
ther maner of
iuftice is requi ·
d Concerning: »
sine office.
, The kingdome of God.
8 Moty pee are fill: now pee aremade
rich:pe reigne as kings without vs, would
to God pec did ceigne, that wee alſo might
reigne with pou.
NSS 9 For} thinke that Gad bath fet foorth
gTodimmith hs the slat Apoltles , asmen appointed to
his authoritie Death; fo: we are madea gaſiug totke vnto
they obiected, the world, and to the Augels,and to men.
_whathewasnot 10 dite are * fosiles for Chꝛiſtes fake,and
made an Apoftle pee are Wile in Whitt: wee are weake, aid ye
by Chrilt,buc = {trong : peeare honourable, and tueg are gel
afterwards. piles. i
h Bychis bittet Ir Gntothishoure we both hunger, and
tauntinginabie- thirſt, and are naked, and are buffeted, and
Ging himfelfe, haue no certaine Dwelling place,
andexaltingthe 12 * And ladout, working with our owne
Cotinthian,he Hands: we are ceutled,and yet we bleſſe: wee
makeththema- are perlecuted, and (ner it.
fhamedofther 13 *CZigare euill — of, and twe || pray:
vaine glory. twe are made as the firth of the world, the of-
Afs20.34, ſcovꝛing of all things vnto this time.
t.the/.2.9- I4 J wite not thele things to mame
athe ff 3.8. pou, but as mp beloued chtidzen Jadmoniſh
Matth.§.44- you. 7
luke 33.34. Is Fo: though ye haue ten thouſand || in
alts 7.60, - ſtructers tn Cozitk,pet haue yce not many Fas
HOr,vfegentle thers: foz in Chif Jeſus Jhaue begotten
words. you though the Galpel.
Or, pedagegues, 16 Mherekoꝛe, F prap pou, be pee fellow
ex {choolemafters ersofme,
i Forafmuch as 17 Foꝛ this cauſe bane J fent vnto pau
they had fo oone Timotheus, which is my beloned ſonne, and
forgotten. faithfull in the Lord, which pall put you in
Afs 18.24. iremembzanceof mp wapes in Chꝛiſt, as J
and 19.21, teach ewerp wherein eucrp Church.
james 4.15. 18 Some are puffed vp as though J would
k Thatis,what- mot come to yon.
focuer gifts we 19 But Z will come to pau Hoztlp, "if the
hauereceiued of £020 will, and will know, not the (peach of
God,tothisend them which are puffed bp,but the power. —
that he may 20 Foz the *kingdome of God is notin
reigne among vs, wo2d, butin' power.
1 Of the holy 21 Ubat wil pee? Mall F come vnto you
Ghoft. with a rodde, 02 in leue, and inthe (pirit of
x He reproueth fharply their negligence in pu-
wifbing hiw that had committed eel, 3 Willing
themto excommunicate hime, 7 To embrace puri-
tie, 9 And flee wickedne ffe.
J€ is heard certainely, that thereis fornicas
tion ameng pou,and fuch foznication as is
a Whowould notonce namen among the * Gentiles, "that
thinkethatyou ene fhould haue his fathers wife.
would fuferthat 2 And ye are puffed bp,and baue not rae
mifchiefe vnpu- ther fozrowed, that hee which bath done this
nithed which the Deed, might be pnt fram among pou.
molt barbarous 3. * For Tverelp as ablent in body, bus
nationsabhorre pꝛeſent in ſpirit, paue determined already,
tofpeakeof? as though J were prelent,that dec that hach
Lewit.18.8, b thus Done this thing,
Col.2.5. 4 Uben peare gathered together, anv
b Hauingnow myc (pirit, Sin che Qame ot out Lor Jeſus
receiued the Chꝛiſt,that luch one, I fay, bp the power of
Gofpel. our Lod Jeſus Chif,
e My willand
confent. d Withinuocation of Gods Name, as becommeth them
which procure the Lords buſineſſe, and not theit owne,
I. Corinthians.
To purge out the olde leauen. \
S _* Bee deliueren vonto: Satan, forthe |
f Deftruction of the fleſh, that the {ptrit may e Which isto be
be lauen in the Day of the L020 Felis. as an heathen —
6 Pour retoycing ts not e gosdD : * knoto man and Publie
e not that a litle leauenleaueneth the whole cane.
ampe? f For being
7 Purge out therefore the olde leauen, wounded with
that ye map beancwlumpe, "as ve are vn⸗ fhameandfo-
leauened:foꝛ Chit our Paſſeouer ts tacrifie row,his Acth oz
ced forvs. old wan ſhall
8 Therefore let ts keepethe keaſt, not die: and the Spi-
With old leauen, neither in the leauen of mae rit or newman
ltctoufneite and wickedneſſe: but with the thall remaine a-
vnleauened bread oflinceritte andtruecth. live and enioy
9 J wrote vnto pouinan Epittle,* that the victory in
pee Hould not company together with fozni- that day when
catos, r the Lord fhalt
Io And i not altogether with the foznica» iudge the quicke
tozs of this wozlB, 02 with the couctous,oz and dead, 2.Cor, '
With ertozttoners,o2 with tdolaters:ſoꝛ then 4.18.0. Pet.4.6,
pe mutt goe out of the world. g Seeing you
Il But now J haue written onto pou, lufter fach mone
that pee companie not together; tfany that ftrous vicesa-
ts called a brother, bee a foznicatez, oꝛ coue: mong you.
tons, o2* anidolater, o2a rayler, oꝛ a dꝛun· Gal.5.9.
kard, o2 an extoꝛtioner, mith ſuch one cate h As cucry man
not. particularly is
12 For what haue F to doe to iudge them pure,(othewhole
alfo, which are! without? Doe pee not iudge Church in gene-
them that are m within? rall may be pure.
13 But God iudgeth them that are with» Matth.18.17,
out. Put away therefore from among pour 2.tbe/.3 14.
felues that wicked man, i But hemeant
ofthofe that
were conuerfant in the Church, whom they ought by difcipline to
haue corrected: for astouching ftrangers they ought by all meanes
godly to winne them to Chrift, k Who to pleale both parts would
bee prefent at idole feruice , and yet profeffe the Gofpel. 1 Vnte
whom the ecclefiafticall difcipline doeth not ftretch. m Which
arc fubic& to Gods word, and to the dilcipline of the Church.
& Hee rebuketh them for going to law together
before the heathen. 7 Ci orifitane ought rather te
faffer, 12 He reproueth the abafiag of Chriftiarn
Lbertie, 15 And fheweth that we ought to ferme
God purely both is body and foule,
Are anp of pon haning bulinele againt
Dioner. be tudged vnder|| the 2 vniuſt, fOr,iadgesdma-
and not vnder the Satnts? _ Siftrates which
2 Doe vee not know, thatthe Saints ave infidels.
fhall iunge the world? Ifthe wold then Mal a He calleth them
be tudged by von, are pee pnwozthy to iudge vniult, whofoc-
the mallet matters? ; uer are not fan=
3 Know pee not that wee fhall tudge the Gifed in Chrift,
b Angels? how much moze things thatper> 47/4.3.8.
taine to this life? b Who are now
4 Jfthen pe hanetudgements of things apoftates,and de-
pertaining to this life, «fet bpthem which uils, Mat 25.40.
are d leait efteemedinthe Church. c That is, make
5I ſpeake it to your wame. Js it ſo that them ĩudges.
there is not a wife man among pou? no d Ifyc fo burne
not one, that can iudge betweene his bre · withdefire toy?
then? i pleade,keepea
6 But a brother gaeth to law witha court among
brother,and that vnder the infidels. your felues and
7 Mow therefore there is ytterip ia fault make the leaft
s ~~ efteemed your
indge: forit is moft cafic to iudge betweene brethren, “H Or, impo-
sencie of minde,
Offornication. Our price.
“Matths.39. among you, becaute pee goe to Taw one with
luke 6.29. another: * why rather ſũſter pee wot wrong?
70.12.19. why rather ſüſteine penot harme?
1. Thef.4.6.
e Hedoethnot
reproue the god-
ly which witba
good confcience
vieth the magi-
ſtrate to defend
his right, but con-
demneth hatred,
grudges, &defires
of reuengeance,
Ephe. 5.355.
9 *f2av,ye pour felues « Doe wong, and
Dec harme, and that to your brethren.
9 iKnow pee uot that the vnrighteous
{hall not inberite the kingDdome of God? Be
not Deceined; *neither fozntcatours,no2 iDo»
laters,noz adulterers no: wantons, noꝛ bug:
gerers, a
19 Hoꝛ theenes, 1:02 conetous, no: Muta
kards, no? ratlers, no: ertoztioners wat in-
berite the kingdome of God.
It And luch were *fome of you: but pee
ate wafhed. but ye are ſanctified, but pee are
1.19.0. uulſtilied tu the flame of the Lord Jeſus, and
Ephef 212. by the Spirit ofour Gov.
titus 3.3. 12 (* All í things arelawfull vnto me:
i pet.4. 3. but all things are not pzofitabie . Jmay Doe
all things, but J will nothe brought vnder
e the power of any thing.
13 Meates arc ordeined fo? the belly, and
the belly foz the meates: but God thall De-
ſtroy both tr,and them. fRow the body is not
foz > forntcatton, but foz the ‘Loz, and the
f Here he fpea-
keth of things in-
different of their
nature,and firſt
astouching car- #020 fo? the body. 2
nalllibertie, 14 Gnd God hath alfo railed bp the Loyd,
S Forweare * and fall raife vs vp by bis power.
- fubie& to thofe 15 iKnow ye not that pourbodtes are the
thingswhichwe members of Chit ? hall J then take the
cannot want. members of Chit, emake them the meni
h Theyabufed bersofan ‘harlot? God forbid. j
meates,both in 16 Doe yee not know, that he which cou⸗
that they offen- pleth bimfetfe with an bariot, ts one body?
ded others there- * fo: two,laith be hall be one fieh. X
by,andalfopro- 17 But he that is ioyned vnto the Lord, is
toked their one pirit.
owne luftes to 18 Flee fo:nicatton: euery finne that a
vncleanneſſe. man doeth, is without the body: but he that
i God will be committeth fornication, finneth againit bts
Lord bothofthe 'owne body. i
foule and body, I9 Rnodð vee not, that * your boty isthe
Rom.6.5. temple of the holy Ghot, which is tn por,
k Wherebyhe whom pe bane of God? and yee are noc pour
fignifieth, that - OWNE. k
koth we fhallfee 29 * Foz yeare bought fo2 a pice: theres
thegloryofthe foze glozifie God in pour body, and inpour
reſurrection of {pirit; foz they are Gods.
the iuſt, and alſo
thardignitie and priuiledge whereby wee bee made the members of
Chrift, 8.ephef.5.31. l Thatis,
he more polluteth his owne body, then he that committeth any other
Enne, (hap.3.16.2,cor.6.16. Chap.7.23.3.petet-1 5,19.
1 The Apoftle anfwereth to certaine queſtions,
Chap. vij.
Of marriage, 513
3 * Let the hulband giue vnto the wike 1. Pet 3.7.
c Due benenolence, and likewile allo the wife ¢ Which contei-
vnto the bulband. neth all dueties
4 he wife hath not the power efher pertaining to
owne body, but the hulband: andlikewife marriage:
allo the bulband hath not the power of his d Heetheweth +
owne body, but the wife. that he coman y
§ Detraud not one another, ertept it be deth not preci(ee' :
with confent foz atime, that pee may giue ly al men to war⸗
your ſelnes to falting and pꝛaier, and againe rie,but that God
come together, that Satan tempt pou not hath granted
foz pour incontinencie, this remedy vn-
6 But tpeake this by permiffion,4 not to them which
by commandement. cannot liue
7_ Fo J mould that all men were euen chale.
as J my felfe am: but cuery man bath bis e Withthe fire
Proper giftof God, one after chismaner,and of concupifcence,
another after that. that is, when
8 Cheretore J fay vnto the vnmarried, mans will fo gi-
and vnto the widewes, It is good foz them ueth placeto the
ifthey abide euen as J doe, luft that temp-
9 But ikthey cannot abſtaine, let them teth,thathe car
marrie: foz it is better to martie then to notcallvpon
burne. í God with a quiet
10 Gud vnto the married J comunarind,. confeience.
not F but the Lom, Let not the wife depart Matth.5.324-
from ber huſband. acd 19.9.
I1 But andi the f depart tet her remaine marcos.
vnmarried, o2 bee reconciled vnto her bul ake 16.18.
—— let not the huſband put saway his £ For batred,
I2 Hut tothe remnant 3 peake, and not ger,&e. x
h the Lozd, Jfany brother haue a wife, that g Saue forwhore
beleeueth not if he be content to Diwell with dome, as Matthe
him, let him not korſake her. - 5.32.
13 And the woman which hath an hul⸗ h leasmuchas ©
band that beleeneth not, ik he bee contentte there vas no⸗
Dwell with her.tet her not forſake hun. thing exprefly
14 Foz the vnbeleeuing hulbande fs fpokenhereof
ifanctttied bp the wife, and the vnbelecuing inthe Law,or
tife ts fanctitied by the hufband, elie were Prophets: orels
pour childzen vucleane; but now arethey he ſpake thismo- `
holy. j ued by the Spiris `
Is But ikthe ynbeleening Departlet him of God ashe te-
Depart: abzother oz a ſiſter is not in ſubiec ftifieth inthe
tion in! {uch things;but God path called vs 25, verles
in peace. i Meaning,that
16 Foꝛ what knewelt thou, D wife,whee the faith ofthe
ther thou fhalt faune thine bulband: Dz what beleeuerhath
knowelt thou, D man, whether thoufhalt more power to
faue thy wife? fanGifie marri-
17 But as God hath diftribnted to enerp age, then the
man, as the Lod hath "called eueryone, wickednefie of
fo let Dim walke: and {o o2deine J inal the other to pol-
Churches, at {Ge ~~ Jute it.
18 Js any man called being tircumciſed? k They that art
swhichthe Corinthians defire toknew, 2 Asof let him not» gather his vacircumcifion: ig any borne of either
Singlelife, 3 Of the duetie of mariage, 11 Of dif
cords and diffention in mariage, 13 Of mariage
betweene the faithfull and vnitliſul, 18 Ofun-
eircumecifing the circumcifed. 21 Of ferustude,
25 Ofvirginitie, 39 And fecond manage,
; Dw toncerning the things whereof pee
a Or,exped’ent: wrote vnto me, It were! good fo: aman
becauſe marriage, notte tonch a woman.
through mans 2 sAcuetthelefie,. to aueyde fornication,
cerruption,and tet © cuery man haue bis wife, and let eucrp
-not by Gods woman haue her owne huſband.
bringeth cares and troubles. b Speakingto all men ingenerall,
called vncircumciſed? let him not bee cir· of the parents
cumciſed. —— _ faithfull,are al
19 °Gircumetfion is notking,and vncir· counted mem-
cuicifion ts nothing. but the keeping of the bers of Chrifts
commandementsofGod. Church, beeaufe
20 *Let euery man abide in the fame vo: of the promife,
Aces 2 39.
1 When fachthings come to paffe, that the faithfull and vnfaith ſull
bee married together, and the one forfake the other without caule,
m- The law full vocation in outward things muft not lightly be neg-
leGed. n Which is, when the Surgeon by artedraweth outthe
skinne to couer the part circumcifed, Celfuslib.7,Cap, 2 5.Epipban.
lib, de ponderibus & menfuris 1.Mac. 3,16. o Isisall one whes
ther thou be Jew or Gentile. Epheſa.i. 1.01.6, 1.
Titt cation
Of virginitie.
p Although God -
hath called t- ee
to ferue in this
‘life, yetthinke
not thy condition
-ynworthy fora
Chrittian; but re-
joycethat thou
art dehuered by
Chrift,from the
miferable ſſauerie
of finne & death. -
q Being feruant
by condition is
made partaker
of Chrift,
Chap.6 20,
1 pet.i.i9.
Or, dearely·
r Sincerely as
in the prefence
of God,
YOr,the ſtate of
f Hebindethno
man to that
which God hath
left free: but
~ Sheweth what is
molt agreeable
to Gods will,
~ according to the
citcumflance of
the time, place,
and perfons,
t To be fingle.
u Inthefe af-
fiitions and per:
x Asworldly
cares of their
shildrenand fa-
y He doth not
preferte fingle-
neſſe as. a thing
more holy then
mattiage,buc by
reafon of incom-
modities, which
the one hath
z Inwifbing
that you could
fiue withour
(Orit remai-
meth that.
a Which bein
cation wherein be was called.
21 Art chou cailed being a fernant? r cate
not fo? it : but if pet thou mapeit be free, vié
tt rather. ; : —
22 Foꝛ he that is called in the a Loꝛd be-
ing aferuant, is the Loꝛds free man: likes
wile alſo bee that is called being free, is
Chꝛiſts feruant. r
23 *Pee are bought || with a pztee: be not
the feruants of men.
24 Brethren, let enery man, wherein hee
was called, theren abtde* with God.
25 Now concermng ! virgins, J baue no
f commandement of the Loz : but J gtue
mine aduile,as one that bath obtained mer⸗
cie ofthe Loꝛd to be |i fatthfuil.
26 J {uppole then: this te be qood foz the
pꝛeſent © neceffitic; I meane, that itis good
fez a mat lo to be. i
27 Att thou bound vnto a wife? ſeeke not
to bee looſed: art thou looted from a wife?
fecke not a wife.
28 But ik thou takelt a wife, thou ſinneſt
not: and ifa virgine marrir, the ſinneth not:
nenertheleffe, fuch Wall pane *y trouble in
the fem: but J7 pare pou.
20 And this J tay, brethren, becaule the
time is fhozt, | beereafter that both they
which baug wiues, bee as though they hav
30 Andthey that weepe,as though they
wept not: and they that > reiopce,as chongh
thep retoyced not: and they that buy, as
thouch they policies not;
31 And they that vle this world as though
thep vied it nots foz thes fathion of this wola
goth away.
32 And J would jaue pon without care.
The vnmarried careth fo: the things of the
£020, bow he may pleate the Lord.
33 But he thatis married, careth for the
cogs of the 4 wala, bow he may pleafe his
34 There is difference alfo betweene a
virgine and a wife : the vnmarried woman
carct) fo? thethingspf the Lord, that thee
may bee ¢ boly , both in body and in ſpirit:
but fee that is married, careth foz the
things = the world, bow Hee may pleal her
35. And this Jſpeake for pour owne com»
moditic, not taf tangle you in a ſnare, but
that ye follow that whichis honeſt, and that
pee may cleaue fall unto the Lod without
feparation. :
36 But ik any man thinketh that it is vn⸗
comely for bis virgine, if thee pale the
flowzeofh rage, and s neede ſo require, tet
dim Do what be willbe ſinneth not;iet chem
be married.
37 Neuerthelelſe, he h that ſtandeth firme
in bis beart, that he path no necde, but hath
b Whichbeein profperitie. ¢ Ta this world thereis nothing but
meere vanitie.
d Which onely appertaine to this prefent life,
[And he is denided, meaning into diuers cares. e Shee may attaine
wnto it foonerthen the ather, becaufe fheeis without cares, f Sec-
ing Saint Paul could binde no mans confcience to fingle life, what
prefumption isit, that any other fhould docit? g Tharis,that thee
fhould marri¢ to auoide fornication, h Meaning, be that isfully
perfwadced that hee bath no neede,
I. Corinthians.
Chriftian liberties.
ipower over his owne weil, and hath fo Bes i Forthe fa-
creet in bts heart, that he will keepe bts bir: thers will depene
gine, be Boch will. deth on kis chil-
38 Bo then be hath giueth hertomarrt- drens in this
age, Boeth well, but be that gtucth ber not ta poinc:infe much
marriage, Doeth * better. as heis bound te
39 The wife fs bound by the ! Law, as haue reſpect to
long as der hufband * ltneth : biit tf her hale their mfrmitiey
band be dead, fhe ts at liberty to marry with neithercan he
whom hee wiil,enely in the Lord. iuftly requice of
40 But thee tsinore bleficn, tf hee ſo a⸗ them fingleneffe,
bide, in my iudgement *tand Ji thinke that ifthey haue not
J hauz allo the ſpirit of God. tbat gift of God
fo to liue. ’
k And more commodious for his children in preferuing them from
cares, l Ofmatrimome, Rom,7.2. 1.Thef.4,8.
1 Hee rebuketh thers that vſe their lsbertie te
the flander of other , ın going to the idolatrous faa
crifices, 9 And fheweth how men onght to bea
haue them coward fuch as be weake.
a £29 as touching things facrificed vnto
CY oles, we know that weal hane · knove· a Ofthe liberie |
ledge: knowledge pufteth vp, but loue edt-, that God hath |
fiety. giuen vs tou- |
2 Mow, tfany man thinke that be know: ching outward l
ethanp thing, be knoweth nothing yetashe things. |
ought to know., Orstanght. |
3 Wutifanpmanloue God, the ſame is b This he ſpea-
| Rnowen of hint. keth in their pete ·
4 Concerning therefore meate ſacrificed fon,whichbrag-
buto iBoles , wee know that anidoleishno. ged fomuchof
thing in the world, and that thereis nongos theirlibertie,
ther Hod but one, faying that an
§ Fo though there bee that are called imageamong > ~
gods, whether tn heaven, oin earth, (ag allthingsthae
there be many gods, and many < 1923s) are made,is of
6 Pet vnto vs there is but one God, no force,
whichis the Father, of whom areall things, c Which being
and wee in bim; and * exe Lod Jeſus idoles, yetare | whom are all things, and wee bp citeemed of men
bim. as Lords and
7_ But every man bath not knowledge: Seigniours,
foz ome haning aconſcience of the Dole, Yn- Fobw 13.13,
til this boure, eateasathing facrificed vn⸗ chap.12 3.
to thetdole, and fo their conſcience being d in that ihex
weake, ts defiled. thought the
§ Wut meatemaketh bs not acceptable meate offered vp
to Gov : foz neither if we cate, haue wee the tothe image,
e more: neither if we cate not, haue wee the notto be pure,
lectie. and therefore
9 But take heedelett by any meanes this couldnot eate j
ipower of pours be an occafion of falling to itwthagood <
them that are weake. confcience.
Io Foꝛ tf any man fee thee which haft e Thisabun- |
knowledge, fit at table in the idoles temple, dance and wane
ſhall not the conſcience of Him which tg isreferredto J
weake, beet boldened to eate thole things ſpirituall things, —
which ate facrifced to idoles? RKom.14.17.
11 And theeugh thykuowlenge Hall the lOr, libertie is
rd — bzother perth, fo: whom Chꝛiſt things imdiſfe⸗
to. rent.
12 flow when pe finne ſo againſt thebze- tGreeke,buil-
thꝛen, and wound their weake conlctence,pe ded vp.
finne again Chait. f By thine ex-
13 * Ciherefore if meate offer’ my bzo- ample withour
ther, J wileat no fief) while the world {tans any ground ef
Beth, that J may uot offend my brother. doGrine..
: z Rom 14:15.
g Which eateth againft bis conſcience, ot in doubt, Row, 14 21o
The truce minifters.
aT neede no fur-
ther declaration,
but the workes
$ I hauc wrought
among you.
b Andeall into
doubt mine of-
€ On the Church
d The Apofles
led their wiucs
about with them,
e A faithful and
Ghriftian wife.
Whether they
might not as law.
` fully live wout His
bouring for their
liuing with their
owne hands,as
other Apoftles,
D et, 2 5 14>
1.ti0.5 18.
g Had God re-
{pe& properly to
the oxen them-
felues when he
made this lawe,
and not rather
vnto men?
Rom.1 5.27.
h To ſiue on o-
ther menschar-
[or take in worth
Deut. 8. 1
i Forthat part
that’was bunt,
was deuoured of
the altas, and the
other was due
vata the priefts
by thelaw.
‘Kk Fornowyou
haueno iuſt cauſe
againſt me,fecing
that I preached
the Golpe! freely
vnto you.
1 Seeing he is
chargedto preach
muft willingly
and earneſtly fol-
low ic: fosifhe
dae i: by con-
_ftraint,he doeth
not his dutie.
m That I be not
chargeable to
them to whom
J preach ,feetig
CHAP. 1%.
He exhorteth them by ha exampletovfe their
Abertie tothe edification of ethers. 24 Toruane
on forth ix the courfe that they haue begun,
M J not an Apoſtle? am F not free?
bance 4 not ſeeue Jeſus Chii our L020?
ate ye not my wozke in the Loꝛd?
2 JEJ benotan Apoltle vnto ather, pet
doubtleſſe I am vnto pon; foz pee are the
a feale of mine Apoitictytp ta the Lod.
i 3, Sp Defence co them bthat examine me
is this,
4 Haue wee not power te eate, andto
Dinke ?
§ Dıbhane we not power d to leade about
a wife being a e fitter, aswellas theretiot
the Apoſtles, and as the || bzethzenot che
Lo2d,and Cephas?
6 Donely and Barnabas, haue not
Wwe power not to woke ? : i
7 bo goeth a warfare any time at bis
owne cot? who plantecha vineyard, anv
eateth not of tye truit thereof? 02 who fee»
Deth a flocke, and eateth rot of the milke of
the docke ? }
8 Say FT thele things accogding to man?
fayth net the Law the lame allo?
9 Fog itis witten in the Law of Boles,
* Theu Halt not muſſel the mouth ot the ore
that treadeth out the cone: Doeth Gow take
Scare fozoren?
To Gither fayth hee it not altogether foz
dur fakes 2 foz our fakes no Doubt it is wit-
ften, that hee which eareth, Mould eare in
bope; and that bee that threſeth in hoge,
ſhould be partaker of bis hope. }
IL AItwe haue ſowen vuto yon fpirituall
things, isita great thing tf wee reape pour
carnal things ?
12 Jif others with you bee partakers of
this kpower, are not we rather? Heuertheielic,
we bane not vied this power: but | fir all
things, that we ould not hinder the Gaipel
of Ciit. PEES
13 Dope not know,that thev which mini-
fter about the * holy things eat of the things
otthe Temple? and they which wait at the
altat,are partakers witb the ‘altar?
14 Soallo bath the lora ogdained, that
age — preach tye Goſpel, ould ltuc of
the Golpet.
15 But Thane vled none of thele things:
neither wore 3 thele things , that it would
be fo Done vnto me: foz it were better for me
to die, thenthatanpiman Mould make mp
k reiopcing vaine.
16 Fo: though J preach the Golpel. J
baue nothing torefopce of: foz neceflitie ts
layed vpon mee, and wae is vnto mec, FY
preach not the Goſpel.
17 Foꝛ it i doe it willingly, J batie å re»
wards but tf J Doe it againſt my will, | not-
withfanding the Difpentation is committed
vnto ne.
18 Ubat is my reward then? verely that
when Fi preach the Galpel, J make the Gat
pei af Thriſt m free, that J abuienot mine
Chap, ix. x.
men that F might winne the moe.
20 * Aua vate the Jewes J become asa
Few, thar map winne the Jewes: (a thera
that are vnder the Lawe, ag though I were
onder the Lawe, that 3 map wie them
thatare ynder the Law:
21 To themthat are without Lawe, as
though J were without Law (when 3 am not
Without Law as pertaining to God, butam
tithe Lawe through Chait) that 4 map
wine them that are without Law.
22 Go the weake J become as weake,
that J may winne the weake: J am made
ealithtngstoall men, that J might by alt
meanes tare ome.
23_ And this J Dae foz the Golpels fake,
that J mighc be partaker thereof with pau.
_ 24. Know ye vot, thatthep which runne
in a race, tunne all, vet one recetuech the
Prize 2 fo runne that pe may obtaine.
25 And cuctp man that prooueth matte
ties, e abſtaineth trom ali things : and they
doeitto obtaine a cozruptible crowne : but
We fo? an vucozruptible.
26 J therefore (0 runue, not as vucer-
tatucly : fo fight J, notas one that beateth
the apze.
27 But J beate Bowne mp abody, and
bring tt mto ſubiection, leſt by any meanes
after that 3| haue preached to other, 3 mp
felfe hould bet reprooued.
He fèareth them with the examples ofthe Tewes
that they put not their truſt carnally inthe graces
of God, 14 Exlerting them to flee all sdelatry,
33 and offence of thetr neighbour.
M Deeouer bretheen.F would noe that pre
ould bee ignorant that all our fathers
were vnderthe* cloude, and all paſſed the-
row the * (ea,
2 Andwere all baptized vnto a Moſes,
in the cloud,and the lea,
3 *And did all care the fame >< {piritual
$ And did all drinke the fame fpiritu-
all dzinke ( foz thep dranke of the {pirttuall
Rocke that followed them; andthe Rocke
4 was Chꝛiſt)
But with many of them God was not
pleated : fo: thep were * oucrthzowen tn the
6 Row ther are exſamples to vg, to the
intent that wee Woulo not lunt after enill
things as they allo luſted.
7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were fome
ofthem, asitis written, * The people fate
— ‘to eate and drinke, ant roſe vpto
play. s
8 Neither let vs commit fornication, as
fome of them committed foznication.and fel
in one * Day theceand twenty thauland,
The yneorruptiblecrownes gg
Acts 16.3.
gzl. 2.30
n Astouching
the ceremonies,
© Inthings indif>
ferent, as cating
ofn eates, obſer⸗
nation offeatts 82
dayes,and fuch
like,he fifhioned ¢
his felf to menin
fuch fort zs he
might beft gaine
themto Chrift,
p Thatis,kee~
peth a ſtt ait diet,
and refraineth
from fuch things
as might diftem-
per hisbody,
q Or,old man,
which rebelleth
ayainft the ſpirit.
r Lefthe fhould
bereproued of
men when they
ſhould fee him do
contrari¢,or con-
temne that thing
whichhe taught
cthersto doe,
Exod. 13.31.
Exod, 14. 16, 22.
a Mofesbeing
their guide ox
minifter,or as
fome reade,they
were baptized
ynto Mofes law,
other:sby Mofes.
b Thati; Man-
na,which was the
outward figne or
Sacrament of the
Spiritual] grace.
c They ate the
fame meat that
we doe, becauſe
the fu' Rance of
theirs and our
Sacraments is
Exod. 17 6. mum.
20.30,t1- d Thatis,fignified Chiift asall Sacramentsdue. Nume
2665. Nuwm.11 4 and26.64. pſal. ros. 14. Exod. 32.6. ¢ Be-
cuufe here by occafion was taken to forget God, andcommitidolatry, _
therefore thefeindifferent things are counted idolatrie, Naum.a s.g.
Ff Mofesreadcth foure and twentie thoafand, which declareth an infi-
nite number,
thattheytbinke auchozitie inthe Goſpel.
. thatI preach for 19 fozthough 3 bee free from all men,
gaines, pee pang J made my Elfe leruant vnto all
Ttt2 9 Neither
One bread, one body.
Who was
their leader,and
was Called the
Angel of God,
Nam 21.6.
p/al. oo.i 4.
h Meaning,ei·
ther the good or
evil angel, whofe
minik erie God
vfeth to execute
his iudgement
to the vᷣtter de-
ftruction of the
i How God will
plague vs ,if we
befubie@ to the
like vices.
k Or, latter dayes
ef Chrifts com-
J. He that led
you into this ten-
commeth vnto
you either in pro-
fperitie or aduer-
-fitic,or for your
ſianes paft, will
turneit to your
commoditie, and
deliver you,
Or hak [gining
m Orprepare
to this holy vfe
with praile and
n The effectuall
badge of our
comunction and
' incorporation
with Chrift ?
o If we that are
many in number,
are but one body
ineffe@ ioyned
with our head
Chriſt, as many
cornes make but
one loafe, let vs
renounce idola-
trie which doeth
feparate our.
p Which isgo-
nernéd accor-
ding to theecre-
monies of the
q Which is to
affemble in that
companie where
jdolesare called
Chap 6,12.
ecclis 37.2%
9 Neither let ws tempt s Chꝛiſt, as fome
ef them alſo tempted him,and were ·deſtroy⸗
ed of (erpents.
10 Heither murmure peas fome of them
* allo murmured, and were Dekreped of the
h Deftreyer. :
IT Row all thefe things came wnto them
foz enſamples, and were witten to anmo:
niſh ‘ys, vpon whom the « ends of the world”
are come. é
12 (Aherekore lee hin that thinketh hee
flandeth, take heede leit he fall.
3. There hath no tentation taken pou,
butluchas appertaineth to man, and God
is faithfull, which will not (uffer you to be
tempted abone that you be able, but! will e-
uen giue the tue with the tentatton, that pe
map dee able to beare te. j
i 14 CAherefoze my beloued, flee from ido-
15 J peake ag vnto them which haue vn⸗
deritanding: iudge pe what F fay.
16 The cuppe ofi bleſſing which wee
m blelſe, is it not the communion of the blood
of Chriſt? The bread whicy wee breake,
is it not the = communion of the bodie of
I7 For we that are many are o one bread
and one body, becaule wee all are partakers
ofone bread.
13 Behold Ilrael whichis after the r fief;
are not they wbich eate of the Cacrifices pare
takers of the altar?
19 Ahat ſay F then? that the idole is a-
ny thing? oꝛ tharthat which ts Cacrifices to
iDoles,ts any thing ? i
20 Nay, butthat thele things which the
Gentiles facrifice, they tacritice to des
` uils, anD not vnto God: and J wonld not
roar ye Gould a hate Fellowship with the de ·
21 Pecaunot drinke the cnp ofthe Lod,
and the cup ofthe deuils We cannot be par-
tonera of the Lozds table,and of the table of
22 Doe ture pronske the Lord toanger?
are we ltronger then he 2
23 * Ail things ate lawful for me,but all
things are net crpedient ; all things arg
lawftll for me, butall things eDtite not.
24 Let noman feeke his owne, but enery
man anothers wealth.
25 Cdihatiocner is told in the t ſhambles,
farr pe, andl alke no guetion fozconfcience
26 *Foꝛ the carth isthe Lods, and all
that therein is. y;
27 Itanpofthem which beleene not cat
you ctoa fealt, and if ye will goe, whatſoeuer
is fet befoze yon, eat,alking no queſtion fog
confctence fake. Hee
23 But ifany man fap vnto yon, This ts
facrificed vnto idoles, eate it not, becaule of
hin that ſhewed tt, and fo? the conſcience
(io ve earth is the Lords, aud all that (here>
29 And the conkience J lay, not thine,
- r Forinthofedayes they vere accuſtomed to fell certaine ofthe fleſſi
of beafts facrificed
in the fhambles,& turned the money to the Prichts
profit, f Or,doubtnot, Pſal. 24ste i
T, Corinthians.
butof that other: foz why would my sii
berticbe condemned of another mans con-
(cience? /⸗·
30 Joz "tFJ though Gods benefite bee
partaker, why am J eutil (poker of, fo: that
wherefore JIgiue thankes? à
31* Ahether therefore pe cate o2 Datnke,
p —— you Dee, Doe all to the glozy of
32 Giue none okkence, neither to p Jewes,
an Ay. the Grecians, nozto the Church of
00: -
33 Euen as J pleafe * all men 7 in all
things. not feeking mine owne pofite,
a > profite of many, that they might bee
He rebuketh the abufos which were creptinta
their Church, 4 Astouching prayer, prophefy-
ing, 18 And miniftring the Lords Supper, 23
Bringing themagain to the ſirſt inſtitution thereof.
€ * ye the followers of me, euen as am
of Chꝛiſt.
2 Now, brethren, Icommend pou, that
pe remember | all mp things, and keepe the
ordinances, as J Delinereathemto you. —
3 But J wil that pe know, that Chak ts
the * Dead of euery man ; and the man ts the
Womans head : and GoD is Chritts head.
4 Cuery man: pzaping,o: || prophelping
baning eny ching on his head, > diſhonouteth
bis head.
§ But euery woman that prayeth o2
© prophelicth bate headed, diſhonoureth ber
head; foit is euen one very thing,as though
fhe were Manen-
Therefore ifthe woman be not cones
rev, let berali be wone: and ifitbe ſhame
fo: a waman to be | ſhorne oꝛ Haucn let her
be cowered.
7 Foꝛ a man ought not to coucrhis head:
koraſniuch as hee is the *4 image and glozy
of God: but the woman isthe e glozy of the
8 Foꝛ the man is not ofthe woman, but
the woman ofthe man,
9 *Foꝛ the man was not created foz the
momang fake: but che woman foz the mans
IO Therefore ought the woman te haue
f power onher Head, becaule of the e Angels.
II jreucrtheletie neither isthe man with-
out the woman, neither the woman without
the man in theri Lop. —
12 Fo asthe woman isof the man, fo ig
the man alfoby the woman: but all things
are of God. :
13 Judge in your ſelues, Is it comely that
a woman pray vnto God sncouered 2
14 Doeth not nature it (elfe teach pou,
that ifaiman baue long * haire,it is a hame
vnto him? er oy
Is Butifawoman haue long Haire, itis
te Chrift,
Womens heads coueéred.
t Wemukrake ©
heede that tho-
row our abufe,
our libertie be
not condemned,
u Ifbythebenes —
fit of God I may
eate any kind of
meat, why fhould
I by my default
caule tkis benefit
tobe cuill poker
Col.3. i 7.
x That is, the in ·
firme. ;
y Which are in⸗
2, Theff: 3.9,
Or, 1m al things
remember mle,
a Thisis referred
to cOmen prayct
and preaching :
for although ene
fpeake,yet the
action is com-
mon, fo,that the
whole Church
may be fayd to
pray or preach,
| Or, preaching.
b Thistradition
was obferued ac-
cording to the
time and place
that all things
might be done m
comilincffe and
to edification.
c Reade Chap.
| Or. polled.
Gen.t.26.0 5." ©
and9.6 col. 3 10
d The image of
Gods glory in
whom his maic-
ftie and power
thine concerning
his authority.
e Or,receiueth
her glery, in
of man, & there.
fore is ſubiect.
Gen. 2.18. 22.
f Some thingte
coer her head
in figne of ſuhie⸗
To whom they al‘o hew their diffolution, and not onely
h Whois autherand mainteiner oftheir mutuall con-
iunction, i For asGodmadethe womanof man , fe now is mas
muitiplicd byths woman, K
As women vie to weare,
a prayſe
The Lords Supper.
` J For God hath
vinen to woman
Tonger haire then
vnto man, to the
- endethe fhould
trulſe ic vp about
her head, where-
by the declareth
that fhe muft co-
uer her head.
m Not that all
were ſo, but the
moft patt.
n Gods Church
is notonely fub-
ie& to diffention
astouching or-
ders and maners,
‘but alfo to here-
fies as touching
© Who ought
onely to beare
authositie ia the
marke 14.22.
bake 42.19.
p Signifying the
maner of his
death, when his
body fhould,as it
were, be torne
and broken with -
molt gricuous
not as the thighs
of the theeues
= were) which
thing the brea-
king off bread,
asa figure,doth
moft liuely repre-
‘By peruerting
* true and pure
vfeot the fame.
2 Cor,t3.5*
t` But as though
thefe holy myfte-
ries of the Lords
body and blood
were common
meate,(o without
reuerence he cô-
meth ynto them,
f Or, die. Let
them looke to
which either adde
or take away
from the Lords
a paile vnto her foz her paire fs) ginen bee
foz a couering. :
16 ut tfany man luf tobe contentious,
twee haue no {uch cuſtom, neither the Shur-
chesofGou. $
17 ¶ Now in this that J declare, J pzaife
you not, that pe come together not with pos
fit, but with burt.
. 18 for trl of all, when ye conte together
in the Cyurch, J heave that there are bilen
tions among pou; and F| beleeue it co be true
u ti fome part.
19 Foꝛ there muſt bee = hereſies euen a-
mong pou, that they which are appzooucd as
mong you, might be knowen.
20 hen pe cometogether therefore in
toone place, this is net to eate the Lows
21 Fez euery man when they Hould eate,
taketh hts own {upper afoze.and one is hun⸗
grie, and another ts Drunken,
22 Haue pee not boules to cate and to
Minke in? deſpiſe ye the Church of God,and
thame them that haue not ? what hall q fa
in pou ? Hall J parle you inthis ? Jpꝛaiſe
u not.
23 Foꝛ J haucreceined ofthe o Loꝛd that
which J alfo baue Delivered vnto pouto wit,
thatthe Lorde Jelus inthe night that hee
twas betrayed, tooke bread: |
24 "And when be had giuen
bake it, and fayn, Cake, cat: this is my bo-
DY, which is r broken foz pou: this Boe pe in
remembzance of me,
25 Afterthefame manner alfohe tooke the
cup when hee had fupped, laying, Chis cup
isthe newe Teſtament in my bloode: this
y ag oft as yee drinke tt, in remembrance
of mee.
26 For asoftenas ye hall eat this bread,
and Dink this cup,ye hem the Loris Death
til be come.
27 CGperefore, whofoener Wall cate this
bread, and Minke the cup ofthe Lord a vn⸗
worthily, pall be guiltie of the body ¢ blood
of the Lod.
28 * Let aman therefore evamine hime
felfe, and folet him eat of this bead, and
drinke of this cup. 4
29 For heethateateth and drinketh vn⸗
worthily, eateth and drinketh hts own Dame
Hele anane he Difcerneth not the Loos
y. <
20. F0? this caule manpare weake, and
ficke among you,and many í fleepe.
31 Foxit we would iunge our ſelues, we
32 But when we ate iudged, we are cha-
ftened of the Lord, becauſe we fhouls sot be
condemned with the world.
33 Catherefore,my betien, when pe come ©
together to cate,tary one fo: anorber
4 And ik any man be hungry, let him eat
at homie, thatye come not together vnto con
Demnation. Dtherthings will 3 (et in oder
when J come.
' a The diuerfitie of the gifts of the holy Ghoft
ought tobe vfedte the edifying of Chrifts (Church,
12 As thenmembers of mans body ſerue tothe v fe
one of another,
n Whofe vie feemeth tobe mote vije,
i TIES -
Ni would not haue pou 2ignozant.
2 Peknow that ye were Gentiles , and
were karied away ynta the > dumbe idoles,
as pe were: led, i
3 Mherefore J declare vnto you, that
no man* peaking by the 4 Spirit of Ged,
calleth * Jeſus ereccable : allo nomancan
m that gelus is the Lord, but by theboly
4 Row there are Dinerlities of gifts but
the fame Spirit. i >
5 Andthere are dtuerlities of admini-
firations,but the fame Lod. |
And there are Dinerlittes of operati-
a? — God is the tame, which wozkerh all
7 But the manikeltation of the Spirit
is giuen toenery man, to «profit withali.
S Foꝛ toone is ginenby the Spirit the
word of wifedome . and to another the wod
oft knowledge by the fame Spirit:
9 Andtoanother isgiven ¢ fatth, bythe
fame Spirit ; and to another the gtftes of
Healing, by the fame Spirit: 7
Io Gnd to another b the operations of
great workes: and toanother, i prophecies
and to another, £ the arlcerning of ſpirits:
and to another, Diuerfities of tongues:
and to another, the tnterpzetation of
11 * Andall thele things woorketh euen
the felfe fame Spirit, Diltributing to euery
man ſeuerally as he will.
12 Foras the bedyisene , and hath ma-
ny members, and all the members of the bo-
Dp, which ts one, though they bee many, yet
are but one body ; euen lo is Chꝛiſt.
13 Forby one pirit art wee all bapti-
zed into Lone body, whether wee be Jewes
or Grecians, whether wee beebond, o2 free,
and bane beene all made to minke Into ene
14 Foꝛ the body alſo isnot one member,
but many. , E
15 Ifthe foote would fay, Becauſe F am
not the hand, 3 am not of the body is it there
foze not of the body?
16 And tf the care would fay, Becauſe J
am notthe eve, Jamnot ofthe bony, tsit
therefore not of the body?
17 Itthe whole body. were an eye, where
were the bearing 2 FE the whole were hea-
ring, where were the fmelling ?
18 But usw hath God diſpoſed the mem-
bers cuery onc of them in the body at dis
owne pleafure.
were the body?
20 But nowe are there many members,
yet but m one bony? :
21 And the eye cannot fay vnto the hand,
J have no need of thee : 202 the head againe
to the feet, Jhaue no need of you.
22 Dea, much rather thole members of
the bony, which ſeeme tober * moze feeble,
Spirituall gifts. 515
Dw concerning (piritual gifts, bretheen,
a The Corinthi-
ans havin g nota-
ble gifts feemed
,tohaue fore
gotten, of
whom, and for
what end they
had receyued
b Which could
not heare your
c By Satans fug-
Marke 9.39.
d As fo man that
hath the fpirit of
God, canblaf
pheme Chrift,
and worlhip
idoles:fo none
can acknowledge
Chrift for Lord
and God without
the fame fpirit,
Ioh# 13.13.”
phil, 2.11.
e To wit,the
Church, which is
the whole body,
f That is, the vne _
derftanding of
the Scriptures,
g Todoonely —
miracles by,
h To works by
‘miracles a gainit `
Satan aml hypo⸗
crites,as was
done againft A-
nanias, Elymas,
i Meaning, the
declaration of
Gods myfteries,
k Totry both
the dorine and
the perfons, «
Rom. 12.3.
ephe 4.7.
i That we —
ne bodywith
Mein an the
whole Church
one Chrift:of the
19 $02 tEthep were all one member,where which con-
iun@ion, Bap-
tifmeand the
Lords Supper
are effe Guall
fignes: forby
Baptifme we are
regenerate into
one fpirit, and by
theLords Supper,
wé areincorporate into Chrifts body,tobe gouerned by the famelpi-
rit. m And therefore whatfoetier the diuerfity is, yer the profite *
ought to bee common, and ferue tothe edification of the Church.
Thepraifeofloues < `
are necefarie.
-~ 23 And vpon thole members of the body,
which we think moſt vnhoneſt, put we moze
o Wearemore ° honeiticon : and our vncomely parts halie
carefull to couer mole comelineſſe on.
them- 24 Foꝛ our comely parts needitnot ; but
GHod haty tempered the boBytogether, and `
nae giuen the moze honor to that part which
_ 25 Leat there Gould bee any dtuilion in
p Euery onein the boy; butthat the members ſhould r haue
isofficeforthe tije fame care one foz another.
preferuation of 26 Therefore tf one member Cuffer , alt
the body, fuffer with it; if one member bee had in ho⸗
q ForallChut- nour ail the members reioyce with tt.
ches difperfed 27 fawyceare thebooy of Chriſt, and
throughoutthe members 44 fo? your part.
world are diuers
28 * And Sod hath ordeined fomein the
members of one 1
Church ¢ as firt Apoſties, ieconBly 1020:
body. phets, thirdly teachers, tyen them that doe
\Or,euery ose — miracles: after that, the gifts of healing,
for his part. £ helpers, gonernors, Diucrlitte of tongues.
Epheſca. i1. 29 Are all Apoſtics? Are all Pꝛophets?
zr As Deacons,
are all teachers?
f As Elders.
20 Are all Doers of miracles? haue all the
}Or,doyouthes gittsof healing? do all [peake with congues?
defire the beſt -Do allinterpet?
Lifts, 21 But | delireyou the beſt gifts , and J
will Hew pou a moe exceilent way.
Becaufe loue s tbe fountaine aud rule of edify-
ing the Church, he [etteth forth the nature, offices
and praife thereof.
Tough J ipeake with the tongues of
met, and? Angels, and hane notloue, J]
ge founding baile, o2 a tinckling cym⸗
a e
2 And though J had the gift of prophe·
cie,and knew all ſecrets, and ali knowledge,
pea, if 3 baa allfaith, lo that 3i could re⸗
mouc? nsuntatnes, and bad not loug, J
were nothing. ;
3 Audthongh J feede the pooze with all
my goods, and though F give ny body, that
3 be burned, and haue not loue, itpoñteth
me nothing,
4 Louetuffereth long : itisbountifull:
lowe enuieth not: loue Doth not boak tt ſelte:
it is not puffed vp ;
§ Frdildaincrh not : it fecketh not her
otone things itis not pꝛouoked to anger sit
thinketh not enill:
a Ifthe Angels
had tongues,and
I hadthe vle
thereof,and did .
not below them
to profit my
neighbour, ic
were nothing but
vaine babling,
b . Faith ishere
taken for the gift
of doing mira-
eles, which the
wicked may
hauc, as Mat.7.
23. andalfofor
that faith (called
hiftorical) which
belceueth the 6 Jtretovceth not in iniquitie bnt reioy⸗
- migbty power cethinthetruth: f
of Chrift, bur 7 It luffereth all things : it beleeneth
cannotappree ‘allthings : it hopeth all things : it endu⸗
, hend Godsmer- refth¢ ailchings.
ciethroughhim: 8 Loue doeth neuer fall away, thongh
andtbisdiuels that prophecyings bee aboliſhed, o2 the
haue, lam 2-19. tongues ceaſe, o2 knowledge vantth away.
andthereforeis — Q Fore we kirowinf part,and wel po
feparated from
charitie, but the faith that iuftifieth in effe@ cannot, as 1. Iohn 2.9,
Matth.17.20./uke.17-6. © Not that it ſaffereth it felfe to be abu-
fed, but indgeth others by all loue and humanitie. d Which may
be without offence cf Gods word, e Knowledge it felfe fhall be
perfected inthe world to come, and nor abolithed: bur the maner of
knowing and teaching (hall ceafe, when we {pall bee before Gods
prefence,where we fhall neither necd ſchooles nor teachers, f Thar
tsgimperfeatiy. Or, teach.
pheſie it part.
— — oa which fs perfect, is
’ i e
— bich is in part, Wall be a
IL Chen J was achilde, J tpakeas a
chide, Jvnderttood as a child, J thought
as a childe:but when J became aman J put
away chiloith things.
12 jfoz nowe wee fee e through a glate
Darkly, but then thal we (ce face to tace. jow
J know in part:but then Wall J know euen
as j am| knowen.
13 And now abideth faith, hopeans loue,
cuen theis three; but the » cijiefei of rhel is
2 He exhorteth ta loue,commendeth the gift of
tongues, andother ſpirituall gifts, 5 But chiefly
prophecying. 34 He commandeth women to keepe
Silence in the Church, 40 And fheweth what
good order ought to be obferued in the Church.
Diowatterloue, and couet ſpiritual gifts,
and rather that pe map? prꝛopheſie.
2 For hethat ſpeaketh a frange tongue,
{peaketh not vnto men,but vnto God: foe no
iman? heareth him: howbett in thec ſpirit be
(peaketh fecret things,
3 But he that prophelieth, ſpeaketh unto
men to edifying, and to crhozration, andte
4 Wethat{peaketh Grange language, chi-
feth ¢ytmielfesbut be that paopyelterh,ent-
feth the Church.
5 J world that yee all ake ſttange lan-
guages, butrather that yee pꝛopheſied: foz
greater is hee that proppeliety, then bee
that (peaketh diners tongues, except hee ex⸗
pound it, thatthe Church may recetue etii-
6 And now, hethen, ik come onto you
{peaking diuers tongues what all 3 pofte
you, except J| (peake to you. ettherby E reue ·
lation, o2 by knowledge; oz by prophelping,
oł bp Doctrine? i
7 Woreouer, things without life, which
gine afonnd, whether itbeea | pipe, 02an
harpe, except they make a diſtinction in the
founds, Dow thall tbe kuowen what ts pi-
ped o2 barped ?
8 And alio if the trumpet gine an vncer⸗
taine found, who ſhall prepare himſelfe to
battell? c
9 Solikewileyou, by the tongue, except
pentter words that haue fignification , how
fhall it be vnderſtood what ts ſpoken? foz pe
all(peakeinthef aire.
10 There are lo many kindes of voyces
(y as it commeth to pafe) inthe world, and
nonce ofthem ts s Dumbe.
Il Except J knew then the power of the
popce, J hall be vnto bint that (peaketh, +a
‘Barbarian, and he that (peaketh, Mall bea
Warbartan vuto me.
12 Guen (o, koraſmuch as pee couet ipiri.
tuallgifis, leeke that pee may excell onto the
edifying of the Church.
13 Civerefoze, tet him that fpeaketh a
Rrange tongue, pray that he may interpeet.
14 Foꝛ ĩt Ipꝛap ina ftrange tongue , mp
ſpitit i pzayeth : byt ming vnderſtanding 13
without! fruit,
Is bat
Of ftrange tonguese
g The myfteries
of God,
\|Or,tazeg ht o
Ged. eht of
b Becaufe it fer-
ucth both here
and in the life to
come: but faith
and hope appere
taine onely to.
this life,
a That isto ex-
pound the word
of God tothe
edification ofthe
Church, -
b Vaderftandeth
c By the fpiritu-
ail gift, which ke
hath receined.
d For be profi-
teth nonefaue
e The prophecie
expoundeth that
which God hath
renealed: and the
doGrineteacheth ~
that which he
hathgiuen vs to
|| Or, flute.
f at words
fhall be lott: for
ye ſhall neyther
glorihe God
thereby,nof pro-
fit man, }
} Oryas the thing
g That is,they
may beableto be
h Hecondeme
neth the Corin⸗
thians of barba-
roufpeffe in that
thing whereby
they thought to
haue attayned to
the greatefipraile,
of eloquence.
i And doeth his
k Not in refpe®
of him that prays
eth, but in refpe®
of the Church,
which is nothing
edified thereby.
Interpretation neceffary.
1 Or,giue thanks
by finging.
Ig Mhat is it then? F twill pray with the
trit, but J will pray with the vnderſtan ·
ding allo; J will! ting with the (pirit, but J
will fing with the vnderſtanding alfo.
16 Eis, when thou bleſſelt with the pi-
ttt,bow ibail be that occupieth the roome of
m Onconey the ynlearned, lap, = Amen,at thy guung of
made the praiersy eae h p gumg
ant ee ctof —— teeing bee knoweth not what thou
thepeoplefole 17 “Fox thouverily ginet thankes wel
— ni perk but che other ts not edited. b
rin Kar 18 3| thanke my God, J ſpeake languages
muen dih il maze then pee all.
si st qa Ig DPethad F rather in the Church ta
a thax S, Peake» fine wordes with mine vnderttan·
ras bos A aJ Bing that J might allo taftruct others,
sedi that God —— — theulande wordes tra ſtrange
would graunt 20 Bꝛethꝛen, be net* children in vnder ·
cheir requelis,
n Thacis,moft
tanding butas concerning maliciouſneſſe
bee childzen, but in vnderuͤanding bee ofa
ripe age.
Might 21 Inthe Law it is written, *° By men
Ijzz a L oferher tongues, ¢ byetherlangnages will
deut. 28.49. J (peake wnto this people: pet fa hall thep
ꝛerem.5.15. not beare me,faith che Lord.
egyk. * 22 CQherefoze ftrange tongues are fo: a
5 Het J— P figne,not to them that beleeue, but to them
— arpa —— beleeue not: but pꝛopheſying ferueth not
——— aspen that beiceue not,but fo: them which
contempt of his
word,and their
counterfritig- ⸗
riorance, for as
much as to fpeake
with vnknowen
tonguesis a figne
of Gods curfe
toward the wic-
p OfGods curfe
when they are
not vadet{tood,
q By hearing his
fecret faults ript
vp, andhis finnes
feprooucd by
Gods word,he
is compelledby
his owne confci-
ence to prayſe
r Which ex-
pound the word
of God,
{ Paul beareth
as yet with their
caufealfo theſe
were the gifts of
God: but yerhee
fheweth that
_ they fhould not
paffe this mea-
fore,that firt
one, afterano- -
23 Jf therefore when the whole Church
is come together in onz,and all {peak frange
tongues, there come in thep that are bnicars
neB,02 thep which beleeue not, will they not
fay,that pe are out of pour wits ?
_ 24 utifall pꝛopheſte, and there come
tnong that beleeueth not, ozone unlearned,
q F is rebuked of © all men, and is indgeð
of all. '
25 And fo are the feeretes of his heart
made manifett,and [o he will fall Downe on
bis face and wezibip God, and fap plainely,
that God isin you indeed.
26 Cbatistobce done then, brethzen ?
when yee come together, according as cuerie
one of pou hath a Palme, or hath Doctrine,
or hath a tongue, or bath reuelation, or bath
tinterpretation,.lec all things bee Done vate
27 Jf any man peake a ftrange tongue,
let it be bp ttuo,o2 at the f malt by thzee, and
that by courle and let ope interpret.
28 Butif there be no tnterpzeter, let him
keepe lilencein the Church, which fpeaketh
— ages ales bim peake te hunfelfe,and
0 Go
29 Let the Prophets ſpeake, two 02 thee
and let che other iunge.
30 And ik anp thing bee reueiled to ano:
—F fitteth by, let the firt hoide bis
3I Foꝛ pe map all provhelicone by one,
has all may learne, and all may baug comt-
32 Andthe lpirits of the Prophets are
s (ubiect to the Prꝛophets.
33 Foꝛ God is not theaurhor of confufion,
but of peace, as we cein all the Churches
of rhe Saints.
34 *Let your women keepe = filence in
the Churches: fozttis not permitted vnto
them to ſpeake: butthcy ought tobe fubiect,
as ali the * Latu ſayeth.
35 And ikthey will learne any thing , let
them afke their huſlbands at pome : foz
it ts a ſhame foz women to (peake in the
36 y Game the word of God out from
pou? either came tt unto pouonely ?
37 Jf any man thinke himitite to beea
Dꝛophet, oꝛ ·pititual let him acknowledge,
that the things that J wꝛite vnto ysu, are
the connnandements of the Lod.
38 And tfanp man be tqnozant, let him
de ignorant. *
39 WAherekore brethren, couet to propbe«
fie and forbid nor to ſpeake —
40 Letall things bee Done honẽſtly and
by oder.
Chap.xy. Chrifts death andrefurreStion. -516
u To the intent
that others may
iudge of bim that
bath (poken,ifhe
haue paffed the
cõpaſſe of Gods
word : wherefore
Saint Iohn com»
mandeth to try
the fpirits whe-
ther they be of
x Becaufethis
diforder was in
the Church tha
women viurped
that which was
peculiar to mers
the Apoftle here
theweth what is
meet to be done,
and what is not;
and albeit hee
mentioned this
abufe before,yet he referred itto this place to be reprooued, becaufe
there hebrought it in for another purpofe. Ges, 3.16. y Are ye the
firit or the laft Chriftia:.s, that yee neither fubmit your felues to the
Churches of whom ye haue receined the Golpel? nor haue refpe& to
the others,to whom the Gofpel doth likewife appertaine? z To hauc
vnderftanding of {pirituall things, a If any man haue judgement, let
him acknowlege that I [peake of the Spirit of God, and fo let him
obey: and ifhe haue no judgement, let him acknowledge his igno-
rance,& trouble not the Church , but credit them that are learned, `
He prewcth the reſurrection of the dead,3 And
frh that Christ is nfen: 22 Then that wee fhal?
rife, 52 Ana the maner how.
ty pee * brethren, J Declare vnto psu
ithe Golpel, which Fj preached vnto pou,
which ve bane allo receiued, and wherein pe
continue, i
2 And whereby peare faucd, ifye keepe
in memozie after what maner J preached
it vnto pou, 3 except pee haue belceued in
3 Foꝛ firſt of all, J deliuered vnto you
that which >Jreceiued, how that Chit
Dtcd Foz our finnes, according te the*Dcrips
tures, E
4 And that he was buried, and that be
arofe the third Day,accozding tothe Scrip-
s And thathee was feene of Cephas,
then of thee twelue.
6 After that, hee was feene of moe then
fiue hundzeth brethren at once: whereof ma-
ny remaine vate thts preſent, and fome alle
are afleepe.
7 After that, bee was leeneof James:
then of all the Apoftics.
S *Anodlattof all, bee was ſeene aloof
me, as of one boꝛne out of Due time.
9 For Zam *theleak of the Apoſtles.
which am net meete to bee called an Apo-
fie, becaufe J perlecuted the Church of
Gal. t.11.
a if you beleeue
to be faued by
the Gofpel, yee
muft beleeue alfo
the refurreGion
of thedead,
whichis one of
the principall
points thereof,or
els your beliefe is
but vaine.
b He fheweth
y nothing ought
to betaughe,
which we haue
not learned by
Gods word,
I pet.2.24.
Ionas 2.1, 10.
Iohn. 20. 19.
c Although lu-
das wanted, yet
they were fo cal-
led ftill.
AGS 9.4.
r0m.6. 3.
ther, and atthe vtmoft the third thould reade ina Rrange language, Gov
which was to declare Gods miracle in the gift of tongues: bur chiefly
hee commaundeth that nothing bee done without interpretation,
£ Orjlearniag, which Gods pitit moucth them to vtter-
Ephef- 3 8.
Io *But bythe 4 grace of God, 3 am that Ephef: 3.7
d For he was
the intrument and minifter,and gineth the whole glory to God,
Ttt 4 Hams
_ that is rayfed,all
forgiuen, nor
The refurrection of he body
J ams and bis grace whichisinmee, was
> fot muatne : but J laboured moze aboun- Y
Dantly then they all: yet not Jbut the grace
of Goo whichis with me.
\ IL Ciberefore whether tt were J, oꝛ they,
ſo we pꝛeach, and lo baue pe beleeues.
_ 12, Row iftt be preached , that Chait
is rifen from the Dead, bow fap fome aniong
you , that there ts no relurrection of the
13 Foz ik there bee no reſurrection of the
Dead, then ts Chit not riſen. j
14 Andif Cheilt be not rifen,thenis our
e Chriftsdeathis preaching * vaine, and pour ffaith is alſo
noteff-Guall, vaine. its
except he rile ig And wee are found allo falie witneſſes
from death, of God : (02 wee baue teſtified of God , that
f Forif Chrift be He hath ratled pp Chatit : whom he hath not
fwaliowed vp of ratled vp, it ſo be the dead be not raiſed.
deach,there re- 16 Foꝛ itthe dead be not rapid, thents
maineth no hope Chꝛilſt not rated. oars ;
oflifeany more, 17 And it Chil be not railed, pour faith
g As morufica- tgs patne: ye ate pet in vour finnes,
tionand remili- 18 Snd lo they which are alleep tn Chiff,
onoffinnesie- atepertibeD. 3
pendon Chrifts -19 fin thts life] onely wee baue hope in
ceath:foous Chꝛilt,we are of alinen the mot muferable.
quickening and 20 But now ts Chat rilen from the
reftoring to life
Rand in his re-
h. Youare not
that flepe.
21 Foꝛ fince by mancame Death, bp man
came alſo the relurrecttonofthe Dead.
22 fo as in Avam ail die, euen fo in
fan@ified, k Chꝛiſt fail) all be made altue,
fOr, only forthis 23 Wuteuetpmanin his *owne oder:
fe fake. : the firt fruits is Chit afterward, they that
Colt, 18.reu.0.5. ase Of Chꝛiſt, at bis comming thal rife againe.
1 As bytheoffe. 24 Then ſhall be the end, when hee bath
ringofthefirt, w deliuered vp the kingdDome te God, euen
fruit the whole > the Father when be bath put Downe all rule
fruit is anGified, and all authoꝛitie and power,
fo by Chrift 25 Foz bee mult reigne* till be hath put
which isthe Art all bis enemies under bis Feet.
26 The laſt enemy that Hallbe deſtroy·
haue aſſutance of ed, is Beath, PRA
the relurreĝion, 27 * Foꝛ bee bath put Downe all thinges
k Who rofefirt: vnder Dts feet. (And when he faith that all
fromihe dead to things are ſubdued to him, it is mantfelt that
take pofleflionin hee ts excepted, which DIB put Borwne all
ourficthforvs things vnder him.)
his members, 28 And wher ali things hall be lubdued
iTowitthe vnto him then ſhall the Gonncallovimielte
ſaithfull. bee (ubiect vnto him, that DD ſubdue all
1.Thefi4. 15. things vnder bin, that God may bee » ail
m Chriftasheeis trail, ;
manand headof 29 Els, what fall they Doe which are
the Church,is baptized ° P for dead ? ifthe Dead rife notat
faid to be fubic& all, why are thep then baptized fo: Dead?
to God :butin att
reſpect of the world, is king of heauen & earth. This kingdome ſtan-
deth in gouerning the faichfull,& ouercomming the aduerfaries,euen
death thechiefeft: which done , Chriftbeing perfe ted with all his
members, (hall as he is man,and head of the Church, with his fellow
heires deliuer his kingdome,& be fubic& to God, with whom & the
holy Ghoft in Godhead he is equall.P/a4.110.0.4€4s 2.34,35 .beb.1,
13.0 10.03. P/21.8.6,heb.2 8. n We fhalbe perfe&ly fulfilled with
his glory and felicitie. o That is,as dead, and becaufethey were but
newly come to Chrift,would be baptized before they died, p Except
thefe rbings be true of Chrifts kingdome, & hisfubie@ion,what (hall
become of them whom the Church daily baptizeth , for to deflroy
death in them,which is} end of Baptilme, and fo they to rife againe?
I. Corinthians.
Bead.& was made the * Öri i fruits of them:
proued. Thelaft Adam: -
30 aby ate wee alfoin ieopardie euery
31 9 By our reioycing which F haue in
Toit Jeius our Lob, J dic Dayly.
32 Jf 3 baue fonght with beats at €:
phetus after the manner of men, what ade
uatageth it me ifthe Dead be not raiſed wpe
it US Cate And Dinkes forto morrow wee
ail Die.
33 Wee net deceiued: *euill (peakings
coꝛrupt good maners. regardto this
34 Awake te liuerighteoufly, and finne prefent life, and
nor ; foz fome haue not the knowledge OF notto Gods glo.
God: F tpeake thisto pour ſhame. ry,and life euer-
35 But ome men will fay, iow arethe lalting.
Dead rayſed vp? and with what body come 7/2 22.13.
they forth? 3 wifd, 2.6.
36 D foole, that which thou fowell,is not *Mexander in
ginckened, except it die. Thaides
37 And that which thou wet, thou
loweſt not that body that hallbce, but bare r
cone, agit faileth, of mheate, oof ſome o⸗ f There is one
ther. fubftance as tou⸗
38 Gut God giueth it a body at his plea chingthefieh _
fure euen to cuety (eed his owne body. both of man and
39 All fieh isnot the fame fleth,but there bealt, but the dif
is one í flethof men, and another flen of ference isastou.
beaftes,and another of fifves, and another ching che qua-
of birds. litie.
40 There arealfoheanenly bodtes , and t Euenasthe
earthly bodies; but the glory of the heauenly Sunne and the
is one, and the glory of the earthly isanother, Moone, being of
4I Cheretsanother glory ot thetiunne, one fuditance,
andanother glozy of the moone, and ange differin cignities
ther glozy ofthe ſtarres: foz one ftarte Dife fo inthe refurree
fereth from another ftarre in glory. Gion our bodies
42 Hpsalloistherelurrection of the Dead. ſhall haue more
The body is ſowen in cozruption, & is raiſed excellent quali-
in incorruption. ties then they
43 It is ſowen in diſhonour, and is ray⸗ haue now,
fed in glozy; it ts ſowen in weakenefie , and u For whatis
is raiſed in power. more vileto
44 Jtis fowen anaturall body , andis Icoke vnto, then
ratied a * ſpirituall body: there ts a naturall the dead carkeis ?
body, and there ts a ſpirituall body. x Not changing
45 Asitisalfowsitten, Che fir man thefubfiance,
Adam was made a lining foule: and the but made partae |
lat Adam wasmade a y quickentngy Dpirtt. ker of the divine
46 Howbeit that was not firft made which nature,
is ſpirituall: but that which is naturall and Gene.2 7.
afterward that which is fptrituall. y Chrif bringeth
47 The lirſt man isoftyeearth earthly: vsfromheaucn
the fecond manis the Lod zfrombeanen. the Spirit of life.
48 Asis the earthly, fuch are they that are z Thisis attribue
earthip: and as is the heauenly, fuck are thep ted to Chrift as
alld that are beaucnly. concerning his
49 Ana as wee haue borne the + image of diumitienotin ®
the earthly : fo Hall wee beare the image of refpea of bis hue
the heauenty. manitie, whofe
50 This fay J, brethren, that > fle and fieth hath this
blood cannotinberite the kingdome of God, glory by f powes
neither Doeth corruption inberite incorrup· of God who
tion. 4 dwelleth init,
SI Beholde, J thew youa fecret thing, a Both infub-
Cie Mall not all eepe , but wee thallall bee Rance and forme
e changed, ye are earthly.
F pra) Ò This naturall
hodyas it isnow,til it be made new by the Spiritof Chrift. c When
= oa — to aa bah of the Saints Mall be aliue,
whom hee will change euen asif they were dead , fo that ibi
Bickcadof daO images 2 — ——
52 Jn
q Iraketo wite
neffe all my fo-
rowes wherein I
may iuſlly reioice
in the Lord, tbat
I haue fulte ined
them among you
r That is,hauing
| Our victorie.
Math.24 3%.
Ithe f4.16.
revel 7. 37. |
TD Death,
whereis thy
victozy? D
graue, Where
ts thy iing?
Hofe.t 3014.
beb 2.8 4.
d Sinne firlt
brought in death
and giueth it
power ouer Vs,
and the ftrength
offinne isthe
Jaw, becaufe it
doth reveale the
judgement of
God againft vs:
or elsthe chicfe
caufe of our de-
ſtruction is in our
g2 In a moment, in the twinckling of att
eye at thelat *trumpet:toz the trumpet thal
biow, and chedead Mall bee raiſed yp inco»
rupteble,and we Malbe changed, i
§3 Foz this coꝛruptible muit puton its
corruption:and this Mozcail mult put on ün-
54So when this corruptible hath put on
intorruption, and this mortal hath put on
immoꝛrtalitie then Hall be bꝛought to patie
the faying that is witten, * Death ts fwa-
lowed bp intovictorte, ;
s5 T° D Death, where is thy hing? D
graue, where isthy victorie?
56 The fing of Death is ſinne: and the
4 ttrength ofiinne is the Law. ,
57 * Butthankes veeunte God, which
hath giuen vs victory though our Loa Je:
fus Cit.
§8 Therefore my heloued brethzen, be pe
fedfalt, vnmooueable, abundant alwayes
in the worke of the LoD, foralmuch as pee
know that pour labour ls not in e vaine in
the Lord.
1. Zohn 5.5. € Thehope of refurre€tion cauſeth the faithfull to fur-
mount all difficulties,
AEs 11,29. and
12.25.70. 52,12
Ais 18.23,
a Vpon the firk
day of the wecke,
which the Scrip-
ture calleth the
Lords day,
Others Sunday,
they accuftomed
not only inthe
Church, but at
home alfo accor-
ding to euery
He putteth them in remembrance of the gathe-
ving jorthe poore brethren at Terufalem. 13 We
— — in faith, in the loue of Chrift and
our Highbour. 15 After his commendations he
wifheth to them all profperity.
Gor * the gathering fo2 the
Saintes, as I haue ordained tn the
Churches * of Galaria, fo Doc ye atio.
2 ⸗Euery firk day ofthe weeke, let euery
one of you put aide by himſelfe, and lay vp
as God hath prolpered wim, that then there
be ne gatgerings when J come.
3 And when Zam come, whomſoeuer ye
fhatl allow > by letters, them will J ſend to
bzing your liberality vito Jexuſalem.
4 Andifitbe meete that J goe allo, they
Hall goe with me.
§ Mow J will comevnto pou, after J
haue gone though Macedonia (fo: 3 will
mans zeale,to lay paie through Macedonia.) 5
vp ome piece of, 6 And itt mapbee that J will abide,pea,
money toward
the reliefe of the
poore brethren,
b Which yefhall
fend by them
thavcarrie the
02 winter with you, that ve may being me on
my way whttherfocuer J] goe.
7 Foꝛ 3, will not {ee pou now in my pal
fage: but Itruſt to abide a while with you,
Chap. xvj.
ifthe Lon permit. À
3 And FZ wul tary at Ephes vntill
9 Foꝛ a great doore and « effectuall ts
moe ynte me; but there are many aduer ·
abies, 9) .
IÒ ¶ Mow if Timothens come, fet
that he be? without feare with yor, fo2 hee
worteth the worke of the Load, euen as J
II Letno man therefore e delpile him:
but convey him forth fin peace, that be map
tame vnto me : for J looke foz him with tye
12 As touching our brother Apollos
J greatiy Delired Fim to come vnto pou
with the beethzen: but bis minde was
not at all te come at this time: howbeit
be wiil come when he Mall haug connentent
13 -€ £ Match ye: Land falt in the faith ;
quite you like nicn,end be rong.
14 Letal your things be Done tnt lone.
15 Mow, hethen, I beleech pou (pee
know the boule ef Stephanas, that ts
the 'firit fruitesof Achaia, and that they
Hane given themelues to minifter vnto the
@aints. ) ‘ ager ergy
16 That pe bek obedient enen vito fuch
ant to all that belpe with bs and labour.
17 Jam glad of the comming of Gtepha-
nas, and fortunatus,and Achatcus-foz they
Baue | {upped the want of you. :
18 Foz they haue comforter my 1 fpirit
and pours: acknowledge therfore ſuch men,
19 Che Churches of Alta falute you:
Aquila and Pꝛiſcilia with the Church that
m their Houle, falute pou greatly in the
20 All the brethrꝛen greet you. Greet ype
oneansther with an *holy™ kiſſe.
a Thei falutation of me Paul with ming
owne hand,
22 JE any man loue not the Lord Jefus
Chit, let him bee had inevecration, yea
excommunicate to Death. ook
25 The grace of our Loyd Jefus Chik
be with pon. j a ae
24 My loue be with you all in Chꝛiſt Fe-
fis. Amen,
The firt Epiftle to the Cozinthiang, wit-
ten from = Philippiand fent by Htephanas,
—* Fortunatus and Achaicus, and Timo:
The fecond Epiftle of Paul to
the Corinthians..
A Snothing can be written either lo perfectly, or with fo greataffection & zeale, which is not yns
profitable to many , and refilted by fome : So the firft Epiftle written by S, Paul to the Corinthi-.
ans, befides the purity and perfe@ion of the do&rine, fheweth a lone toward them far pafling all na-
turail affections: which didnot onely not profite all , but hardened the hearts of many toremaine in
their ftubburneffe,and contemne the Apoftles authoritie. By reafon wherof Saint Paul, being let with
iuft occafionsto come vnto them , wrote this Epiftle from Macedonia, minding to accomiplifh the
worke which he had begun among them, Firftthercfore hee widheththem wellin the Lord, —
— è
Remaine in faith. 517
c Becaufe God
blefied his la-
d Willing that
they fhould de-
fend him againft
the adunerfaries of
Chrift, becaufe it
is the Churches
duety to be carce
full for the pree
feruationo f their
e As though hee
were toe yong
tobea minilter.
f That is,fafe
and found,
g Left Satan
ſteale vpon you
at vnawares,
h For they had
every man te-
fpeatto bimfelfe
contrary to loue.
i Thatis,the firft
which embraced
‘the Gofpel.
k And reverence -
1 The griefe that
Ttooke for your
abfence, was
greatly affwaged
by their preſence.
lOr minde,
Rom. 16,16;
2Co: 13.1 2»
1pet.5 14,
— of
mutuall loue,
which thing was
obferued in the —
primitive Church .
when the Lords `
Supper wasmi- —
niftred,. on
\Or, Maranatha.
n Oras is moſt
probable, from =
Ephefus, ,
The profite
of affliGtions.
that albeit certaine wicked perfons abuſed his aſflictions to eondemne thereby his authoritie, yee they
were neccflary —— and ſent to him by God for their bettering. And whereasthey blame his
long abfence,1t came of no inconftancy, but to beare with their inability and imperfe@ion , leit cone
trary to his fatherly affection, he (hould haue beene compelled to vfe rigour and feuerity. And astou-
ching bis fharpe writing in the former Bpiftle, it came through their tault „as isnow evident both in
thar, that he pardoneth the trefpaffer , feeing hee doeth repent: and alfo in that hee was vnquiet in his
minde, till he was certified by Titus oftheir eftate,
But forafmuckas the falie apoftles went about
to yndermine his authority hee confutech theirarrogant bragges, and commendeth his office, and the
diligent executing of the fame : fo that Satan mult haue greatly blinded theireycs, which fee not the
brightneffe of the Gofpel in his preaching : the effe@ whereof is newnefic of life, forfaking of our
felucs,cleauing to. God, fleeing from idolatry , embracing the truedoGtrine , and that forrow which
engendrcth true repentance :to tke which isioyned mercy and compaffion toward our brethren: alfe
wiledome to put difference betwixt the fimplicity of the Gofpel, and the arrogancie of the falie prea-
chers,who vnder pretence of preaching the crueth, fought only to fill their bellies, whereas he contra-
tiwife fought chem pand not their goods, as thofe ambitious perfons flandered kim : wherefore at his
comming he meuaceth ſuch as rebell againft his authority, that he will declare by liuely example that
heisthe faithfull ambafladour of Iefus Chrift.
4 He declareth the great profite that commeth
«tothe faith full by their aſſictions. 15,19. And
a Meaning the
countrey, where-
of Corinthus was
the chiefe city.
Ephef: 1.3.
a pet.i.3.
bOr, praifeand
glory be giuen.
c Which fuffer
forChrit,or `
which Chrift ff-
freth in me,
Rom.7. 5. and
d Forfeeing him
endure fo much,
they had occaſiõ
-to be confirmed
e As God onely
worketh all
things in vs,(o
doth he alfa our
faluation by his
free mercy, and
‘by fuch meanes
as he bath here
Jeftin this life
for vs to be ex-
ercifed in,
£ Hereby hee
fheweth bis owne
infirmitie, that
dit might appeare
how wonderful-
ly Geds graces
becaufe they ſhould not impute to lightne ſſe, that
he deferred his comming contrary to hts promiſe,
he proweth his couStancie y beti by the fincerity of
his preaching and alfo by the immutable trueth of
the Gofpel. 21 Which trueth ú grounded on
Chrift,and fealed in our hearts by the holy Ghoft.
ke AUL anrApokle of Jeſus
à Tiit, by ý wil of God, tour
la brother Timotheus, tothe
aye Church of God, which isat
A Corinthus wali the Saints
` Sea which arein alle Achaia:
2 Otace vce with pou, and peace from
one Father, and from the Lod Felus
3_ *>Blelicd be God, euen the Father of fi
our Lord Jeſus Cift, the Father of mets
-cies anD the God sf all comfort,
4 Cihich comfozteth vs in all our tribur
atton, that twe map be able to comfozt them
which are in any affliction by the comfort
oueeeniiet mee our ſelues arecomforted of
gD. l
i ft Fat asthe: itoa pr Chig abound
s lo our confolation aboundeth throu
Chit. —
6 And whether wer be afflicted, it is foz
your confolation,and ¢ faluation, which eis
wrought in the enduring of the fame tufe-
rings which toe alfo ſufter: oz whether wee
be comforted , itis fog your confolation anu
7 Gnd our hope ts tefat concerning
you, in as much as we know that as pre are
partakers of the (uffcrings, (0 thall yce beal-
{fo of the confolation.
8 Foꝛ brethren, wee would not hane you
ignozant of our affliction, which came ynto
bs in Alia, how we were preſſed tont of
meafure palling ftrength,{o that we altage-
ther Donbter,cuen of life.
9 Pea.wes receined the fentence of Death
inourfelues, becaule wee thould nut truũ
i ous lues but in God which rayſeth the
a a
Lo Aho Belinered bs from [e ® great
wroughtinhim. g Iwas vtterly refolued in my felfe to dic, b So
paany dangcrsof death.
a death, and Doeth Deliner vs: in whem twee
trult, that pet hereatter be will deliuer vs,
II * So that yelabsurtogerher tu prater
far us, that foz the gift beftowed vpon vs foz
many, thankes may bee gtuen By many pers
fons foz us. EAEN :
12‘ Foz our retoycing is this,the teſtimo⸗
nie of our conſcience, that tn fimplicitic and
godly pureneffe,and not in fieſhly wiledeme,
k but by the grace of God wee haue had our
conuerlationin the wold, and molt of all
to vouwards. :
13 Foz we liwzite none other things vnto
pou then that pe read,o2 els that peacknow>.
ledge, and J true ye all acknewledgevue
to the end.
I4 Euen as yee bane acknowledged vs
partly, that wee are pour ™ reivpcing , cuen
as pe aren ours, in the ° Dap of our Lod Fie»
Is And in this confidence was J mig:
Ded firk te come vnto pou, that pee might
baue had a double grace,
16 And to palie by pou into Macedonia,
and to come agane ont of Macedonia vnto
you, and to bee ten foo:th toward Judea of
pou. i
17 Then J therefoze was thus minded,
Did Jvſe lightneſſe? oz mind F thole things
which J nund,r accoding to the flew, that
with mee fjould bee a Peã, pea, and fray,
18 Wea, God ts faithfull, that our wod
toward pou, was not Dea, and May.
19 forthe Sonne of God Nelus Chait
who was preached among peu by vs, that is,
byinee, and Diluanus, and Cimotheus,
Me not Dea, an’ fap: but in him it was
20 Foz all the promtfes of God inhim
are t Pea, and are in him Amen, vnto the
glory of God through vs. E
21 AnD it is God which eftabli%eth us
with you in Chk, and bath anointed vs,
22 Cho hath alo *lealed vs, and bath gi-
nen the earneſt of the ſpirit inour hearts.
Not Yea, and Nay,
Rows.2 5.39.
i Herendteth a
reafon why they
ought to pray
vnto God for his
k Vfing that
wifedome which
God gaue mee
rom heauen,
1 Ye know part-
ly my conftancie
both by my
dwelling with
you, and alfo by
my writing vnto
you: and í truft
ye thall know
mee to bethe
fame vnto the
very end.
m In that we
haue taught you
the Gofpel fo,
n Becaufe we
haue wonne you
to Chrift,
o Which thall
abolish al world-
ly glory.
p Which is raſh⸗
ly to promife
andnot to per-
Now toaf-
rme one thing,
and then to de-
nie it,which isa
figne of incon-
r He taketh Gol
to witneffe, that hee preached the trueth. f Heepreacheth nothing
vato them but onely leſus Chrift, who isthe moft conftant and in-
fallible trueth of the Father, t They are made and perfourmed,
and wee arepartakers onely by him, who isour Amen, in that heg
hath fulfilledthem fot vse Epheſ. 1.5 3. aud 4.30, Ephef. 3.14.
chap §.S< —
catiſe | would
To comfort the repentant. ©
23 Now J call God fo? a record vnto my
fouls,that to ſpare you, 3| came not as pet vn⸗
to Counthus. Sti,
24 Hot that mee" haue Dominion ouer
your fapth, bur wee are helpers of pour igp;
to? by * faith pe and.
u Intharl fay |
I came not be.
{pare you, I
meane not that I haue authority to alter true religio,or to bind your
coniciences, butthat 1 am Gods minifter to confirme and comfort
you. , x, And faith isnot in ſubiection to man,
He fheweth has loue towardsthem, 7 requiring
likewife that they would be fatsourable to thein-
cefiueus adulterer,feeing he did repent.14 Heal-
fo retoycethin God for the efficacy of his doctrine,
17 confuting thereby fuch quarrel pickers,as un-
der pretence of [peaking againſt his perfon, fought
xothing but the ouertbrow af his dactrine.
B& J Determined thus in my feife,that J
* not come againe to pou in peanuts
F l $ ne . € 9 }
a Which wasgi- 2 sfoziF J make you fo, who is hee then
uen to Satan, but that ſhould make me glad, bur p fame which
now doth repent. ig made a fory bp me ?
b Whichmade 3 And J mote ? this fame thing vnto
youandhimfs- yon, left when F came, 3 (houlde take beani»
tryin mytormer nefie of them, of whan J ought ta reioyce:
epiflle. . this confidence haue J tnyou all, that mp
cAlterthisadul- toy ig theioy of yon all.
tererdidrepent Æ Foꝛ in grear affliction,and anguiſh of
and amend, Paul heart J] wrote vnto pou with many teares:
did fo viterly calt not that pe ould be made lozy, but that yce
ef aliforow,that might percetuethelouc which J haug, (pect
hedenieththar ily vᷣnto you.
inmanerheewas ¢ And it any haue tauled ſoꝛow, the fame
any whit fory. atl not: made mee ſorp, but partiy (leſt J
d Andfothould Mow d moe charge him)yet ail.
incteaſe hisfor- 6 Jets (ulfictent nto the lame man, that
rowewhichl jewasrebukedofmany..
would diminith, So thatnow contrariwile yee onght
e The adulterer, rather to forgine bim, and comtoꝛt him, Left
which entertai- the fame fbould bee ſwallowed vp with o⸗
ned his mother uermuch heauineſſe.
nlaw. ; 8 Aperefoe, J pray you, that you would
That atmyin- £ confirime your loue towards bin.
terceflion you 9 Foꝛ this cauſe allo nid J waite, that J
would declare, might know the pꝛoote of pou, whether pee
bythe publike. would be obedient in all things. f
confent ofthe 10 To whom ye forgine any thing, 3 for
Church,that you giue alfo: toz verelptf 3 fozgaue any thing,te -
imbracchima- whom J fozgaue tt, fo? pour fakes forgaue 1 it
gaineasabro- in the e light of Chꝛiſt 4 .
ther, feeing he Il ekt Satan ſhould bcircumuent vs:
foz we are not ignorant of bis enterpzifes.
12 ¶ Furthermore, when Jcame to Tro-
as to preach Chriſts Halpel,and a dooꝛe was
opened vnts me of the Lazo,
g Thatis,rrucly, 13 J bad no reſt lin my (pirit, becauſe J
andfrommine found not Titus my brother, but tooge my
heart,euen asin leaueofthem, and went alway into gate
was excommu=
nicate by the
common con-
theprefenceof Donita. i ' ' '
Chit 14 i Rot thanks be vnto God, which al-
h Byourrizo- watesmaketh vskto triumph in Chꝛriſt, and
ronspunifhing, maketh manifet the fauour of bis know
Or, in my mind, ledge by ysin euery place.
iFromtbisplace 15 Foꝛ wWearcunte Gon the ſweet fauoyr
yntothe 6, chap. i
uu, he intreateth only of che minifters, faue he fomtimeinrermedleth,
that which appertaineth to the whole Church,as chap.3.17. and 18,
verfes,and not onely to the minifters, k In working mightily by vs
he maketh ys partakers of his viory and tryumph, |
Chap. ij. iij.
Merchants ofthe word. 5 18
of Ehi in them that are faucd, æ in the
which peat ; eas See
16 To the one we are the !fauour ofBeath, | The preaching
vuto Death, * and to the other the {amour of of f croffe brine
ltfe vnto life, and whois ficient for thele geth derbh to
things? them which only
I7 * Foꝛ wee are not as many, ™ which corfider Chris
make merchandile of the wo28 of Gad: but deathasacom-
as of fincerttie, butasof Gov in the light of mondeath, and
God (peake tue hin Chait, be thereat offen-
i č — ded, or els thinke
it folly : and bringeth againe lifetothem; who in his death beholde
their life —— Rom.i6.1 8.chæap. q. 2. m That is, which
preach for gaine,& corrupt it to {erue mens affections, |] 2
——— P a ns, {\Or,through
1 He taketh for example the faith of the Corine
thians for a probation af the trueth which he prea-
ched, 6 Andto exalt his Apoftlefbip againft the
brags of the falfe apoftles, 7.13 he maketh com-
parifon betwixt the Law and theGofpel,
Bi ma awe begin to praile our feines again?
02 need We as fonie other, Epiſtles of ree
commendation vnto pou, 2 letters of recone
mendation fromm you?
2 Pe are aur epiltle, mitt in one hearts,
whith is vnderſtood and read of allmen,
3 Ju that peare mantfett to be the cpiftle
of Chriſt miniftred by vs, and waitten,not
withinke,but with the Spirit of the lining
God, not in tables of tone, but in Aeſhly
a Meaning hime
and Siluanus, -
b Whowere
Gods pen.
felfe, Timotheusy -
c Thehardneffe —
tables of the beart. of mans heart, - |
uch tr -œ before hebe ree |
— an tuch truk haue we theough Chrift ———
Dot itony table,
§ Mot that we are lufficient of ont felues,
te thinke any thing as ofonr ſelues: but our
tuffictencieis of Gov, -
6 CUbo allo bath made bs able minifters
ofthe new Teſtament, not of the 4 tetter
butofthee Spirit: loz the letter killeth, but
the Spirit giueth iife. t
7 JE then the miniftration s of death
written with letters, and ingrauen ut tones,
was gloztous, fothat the childzen-of Iſraei
could not beholde the faceof Moles fo: the
b glozy of bis countenance (which glory is 33
pone away) F
8 Pow Khali not theminiftration of the
Spirit be moze glorious ?
9 Foꝛ itthe mintitery of i condemnation
was glorious, much moꝛe doeth the minittras
tion ofk righteouſnes exceed in glory.
10 Fozewen that which was gloriſied.was
not glorified in this potnt,thatis,as touching
the ercee ding glory.
Ir Foꝛ it that which poulo be aboliſhed,
was gloꝛious, much moze ſhall that which re»
maineth, be glorꝛious.
fpirit of God it
isas foft asfleth,
that the grace of
she Gofpel may
bewritten init,
as in new tables,
fier Mofes was,
f Mianing,the
Grine, which is
in our hearts,
g Thushe nae
comparifon of
the Gofpel.
we ufel great boloneiie of {peech.. «had fpokenwith ;
13. *Qnd wee are notas Soles, which him,andgiuca
m puta vayle vpon bis facc.that the childꝛen himtheLaw.
of Iſrael Hhoulde not looke vntoõ the eude i Forthe Law
yi declarcthall men
to be vnder condemnation, k Meaning of the Gofpel,which decia-
reth that Chritt is made our righteoufnefie, 1 Inpreaching the Gof-
pel. Exod.34. 33. m Mofes {hewed the Law as it was conered with
fhadowes, fo that the lewes eyes were not lightned, but blinded and
fo could not come to Chrift, who wastbe endthereof againe,the
Gofpel ſetteth foorthrhe glory of Godcleerely, not couering our
eves,but driving the darkmeffeaway fromthem, e
12 Seeing then that we haue fuch trut, h aletine en a
meth the Lawin ~
36.26.butbeing —
sepenerate by the —
lerem, 3 1-3 1,329
d Whofe mini-
e Which. Chri
authour of the
«mot themthat
~ hauefuchagreat ſelues to euery mans con(ctence in the fight
Liberty. The image of God,
n Chrift is our
of that. which ſhould be aboliſhed.
14 Therefore their minds are Hardened:
fo vutill this Day rematneth the fame coue»
new Teftament xing vntaken away in the reading of the ola
whofe doctrine Wellament, which vaylein Chꝛut ts putas
isfpirituall,and ‘way.
giueth life to che
Law. is read, the paile is layd auer theit hearts.
Tobu 4. 24, 16 Neuertheleſſe,when their heart Halbe
o InChrit,who turned tothe Loe, the vapile thallbe taken
is God manife- away,
ftedinthefichh, 17 Mow the» Led is the * Spirit, and
wefeeGod the where the Dpivitof the Loeis, there is li⸗
Father asin a berty.
moft cleare 13 Wut wee all behold asin ao mypzrour
glaſſe. the glozy okthe Loꝛd with open kace, and are
changed into tbe fame image, from glozp to
glorp, as by the Spirit af the Lod.
x He declareth bis diligence and roundneffein
bis offices 8 And that which his enemies tooke for
his defaduantace,towit,the croffe and afflictions
which he endured be turneth to his great aduan-
tage, 15. 17 fhewing what profit cometh thereby.
T eerror tang that we bane this mini-
. ery, as wee haue recetued mercy, a wee
; faint nots
b Meaning fuch . 2 But baue caft front vs the btloakes of
fhiftsand pre- ſhame, aud * walke not in craftinetic,neither
tencesasbecome Handle we the word of God Becetifully: but
in Declaration of the truth we approouc our
a For any trou."
-bles or affliGi-
officcinhand. - pf Gop,
Chap. 2.47. 3 FE our Golpel be then hid, it is hid te
c Towit,Satan, them that areilott..
Tohnr2.3t.and In whom the* god of this world hath
¥4.30.ephe.6.t2 blinded the minds,thacis,of the tnfivels,that
_ dIunwhomGod the light of the glorious Golpel of Chit,
your feruants.
doth thew him- ¶ which ts chetimage of God, ouin not hine
felfetobeefeene: vnto them.
andhere Chrift Foꝛ twee preach tot our e felues , but
iscalled fo inre- Chpitt Jefus the Lon; and our lelues your
fpe& of his office. feruants foz Jets fake. t33;
e Astheywhich 6 Foꝛ God that* commaunded the light
preach forgaine, to thine out of darkeneſſe, is hee which bath
orclswhichra- fhined in £ aur hearts, to gtue the e light of
feene & knowen, face of Jeſus Whit. :
then to-edifie: 7 Wut wehaue this treature in earthen
Gen 1.3. veſſels, that the ercellencie of that power
f Whichare might be of Hod, and not of vs.
8 ee are afflicted on cucry fide, pet are
: i we not in diſtreſſe: in powerty, but not ouer:
uingrecejued comeofpouerty.
light, (hould 9 Weareperlecuted,but not korſaken:caſt
communicatethe Bowne,but we perit not.
fame withothers, 10 Cuerp where wee beare about in our
and therefore body the i Dying of the Lord Telus, that the
Chriftcalleth lifeof Jefus might alfo be made manifelt in
them thelight of pur bodies,
the world, IL Foꝛ we which liue, are alwapes deli-
Matth.s.14. uered vnto Death kor Jeſus ſake, that the life
hAlbeirthe aloof Jeſus might be made mantfet in our
miniſters of the moꝛtali fleſh.
Gofpel be con-
temptible as touching their perfon,yet the treafure which they carie is
nothing worfe or inferiour, i Allthe faythfull, and chiefly the Mi-
mifters muft drinke of this cup,becaufe the world hateth Chrift: and
alſo thatthe members fhould be conformable to Chriſt their head, yet
by the mighty power of Chrift, who ouercame death, they ate made
conqucrours, , <
g That we ha-
TI. Corinthians.
I5 Wut even vnto this day, vhen Woles-
therfeeketobe’ the knowledge of the glozp of Gow tn the ©
The earneftof the Spirit,
12 Hothen k death worketh in vs, dnd k By our death
life in pou. 2) you haue life: fo
13 And becanfe we haue the fame !{piett thacthe fruit of
of faith, accorotirg as itis wettten,* J belece our afsiGions
uc, and therefore pane Jſpoken, we alſo bes commethto you.
leeue, and therefore fpeake, i 1 Tae fame faith
14, Knowing that ee which hath railed by che infpirati-
bp the Lord Zelus, hhall™ raiſe vs yp alla by on of the holy”
Jeſus, and (et vs with por. Ghoft.
I5 Foz all things are foz pour fakes, that P/al, 116.10,
moit plenteous grace by the thankefgtutng m In delivering
of? many, may redounde tothe pzayle of vs fromehele
God. dangers,which
16 Therefore wee kaynt not, but though isas it werea
our outward man || perth, pet the inward reftoring from
man ís ° renewed Daily. 9 death to life.
17 Foure light affliction which is but n Tharl being
foz a moment, cauieth vnto vs a farre moſt delivered and ree
ercellent and eternall weight of glory ; ftored to youa-
18 Ahile wee looke not on the things gaine, may not
which are feene,but on the things whichare onely my felfe
not ſeene: forthe things whith are ſeene are give God thanks
tempozal:but the things which are not ſeene for his infinite
are cfernail, benefit of deliue-
rance, bnt alfo
you all, which are both partakers of mineaffliGion & comfort, may
abundanitly fet forth his glory. (Or be corrupted. o Groweth {trons
ger. p Whichis fo called inrefpe@ oftheeuerlafting life. > `
1 Paul proceedeth to declare the vtility that
commeth by the croffe.4 How we ought to prepare
our ſelues untoit, 5 by whom, 9 and for what
end, 14.19 He fetteth forth the grace of (hrifty
20 and the office of minifters,and allthe fasthful.
— wee know that if a our earthly houſe a “After this bo-
of this tabernacle be deſtroyed, we Haue dy thal be diffol-
a building given of God, that is, ant Houle not ued, it thall bee
made with handes, bur eternallinthe hea: made incorrupti-
uens. ble and immor-
2 Fo: therefore we figh, vefiring tobe clo> tall.
thed with our houſe, which tsfrom heauen. 0r, if fo be we
3 || Becanle that tf we be clothed, we hal halbe fonnd clo-
not bee found * naked, : thed and not nae
4 Fortndeed twecthatare in this taber: hed.
nacle, igh and are burdened, becauſe twee Reseltéag,
would not bee vnclothed, but wonldbee clo- ||Or, wherein
thed vpon,that mdatality might befiwallow= Chap. 1.22.
eDppofitic. - . b Noronely
s And hee that hath created vs fo: this quict inminde,
thing, is God, who hath allo giuen vnto vs bur alfo ready to
the *earnett ofthe ſpirit. Weine all dane
6 Therefore we are alway > bold, though gers: being aff-
we know that mbiles we are at|bome tn the red of the good
body, we are ablent fromthe Lod. fuccefie thereof,
7 ( For wes walke by fapth, and not by |07, Brangers in
fight) the body. |
8 Ñeuerthelelſe, we are bold, and lone ra» c For here onely
ther toremoucout of the body, and to Dwell wee belecuein
with the Lod. God, and (te him
9 Wherefore allo twee couet, that both nor.
Dwelling $ at home, and remoutng e from d In this body.
home, we may be acceptable to him. e Out of this bo-
+10 * For we muft all appeave befo the dy ro heaucn,
iudgement feateof Chrilt, that euery man Rom. 14.10,
may receine the thingswhich aredone ints f Tharis,cicher
body, according tothat hee hath Done, whe» glory or hame.
ther it be f good o2 enill. g His fearefull,
II Knowing therefore the s — iudgement.
Chriftmade finne.
h Heprooueth
the dign:tie of
his miniftery by
the frait and
effe& thereof,
which is to bring
men to Chrift,
i By imbracing
the {ame faith
which we teach
to others,
k Asthey,which
more efteemed
the ourward
thes of wifedom
and eloquence,
then truce godli-
1 Asthe aduer-
faries fayd, which
could notabide
to beate them
m Our follie
feructhto Gods
fi Therefore
whofoeuer gi-
ueth place to
ambition or
vaine glory,is
yet dead,and li-
ueth not in
o Ascheonely
faithfull doe in
p Accordingto
the Load, we * perfwade men, and wee i are
made manifeſt unta God, and J truk atio
that wee are mane manttelt in pout conicts
12 Foꝛ wee pail wet our ſelues againe
vnto pou, but giue yonan occalion to reioice
ofys, that pe may haue to anfwere againſt
them, which retopce in the k face, and Rot ut
the heart. à
3 For whether webe! out ef our wit, we
are it m to God:oꝛ whether we be inour right
MIND,we arc in vnto pou.
14 Foꝛ the loue of Chik confiraineth bs:
becaniewe thus iunge, that if one bee Dead
fo: all then were = all dead.
_ Is And be nied fo all. that thep ° which
liue, Mould not bencefoosth liue puto them
felues, but ynta hum which died f0? chen,
and rofe againe,
16 Ciiherefoze, hencefoorth know wee no
manr after thefleſh, pea, though wee bad
known Chiti after the fleſh, yet now pence»
forth a know we him no moze, | ;
17 Therefor tf any man bein Chif, let
him bear new creature. *Dide things are
paſſed away; behold, all things are become
18 And all things are of God, which hat)
reconciled vs unto himlelfe by Jeſus Chut,
and hath giuen vnto vs the minifterp of re
conciliation. é i
Ig Fo God was fin Chit, and recon»
ciled the wezld to himſelke, not impnting
their finnes ontothem, and bath committed
to Ys the wozd of reconciltation.
20 Mowe then are wee ambafſadozs foz
Chit : as though God Di beleech: you
though ss, wee pap ponin Chꝛiſts ſtead,
the eftimation of that pebe reconciled to God.
the world: but
ashe is guided
by the Spirit of
q We doe not
21 Fozrhee hath made him to beet inne
foz: vs. which knewe no finne, that wee
gre bee "made the righteoutnile sf God
tn him.
efteeme, nor commend Chrift himfelfe nowe, ashe was an excellent
man: but as hee was the Sonne of God partaker of his glory, and in
whom God dwelled corporally: and do youthinke that I willflatter
my felfe or any manin fetting forth his gifts? Yea, when I pray fe my
miniftery,] commend the power of God: when I commend our wor»
thy fates; I prayfe the mighty power of God fet foorth by vs wermes
and wretches, r Let himbe regenerate, and renounce himfelfe,
els all the reft is nothing. //2. 43. 19. renel. 21.5. { Therefore
without Chrift wee cannot enioy the life euerlaRing , nor cometo
God, t Thatis,a facrifice for finne. u By imputation, when wee p
fhall be clad with Chrifts iuflice.
1 Anexhortation to (hhriſtian life, 11 And
to beare him like affedtien ashee doththem, 14
Alfa to keepe themfelues fron al pollution ofdo-
Larry both in body and foule andto have none ac-
quaintance with idolaters.
s2? wee therefore as wazkers together be-
) feech yous that pee receiue not the grace of
Godin vaine. “ee?
2 Foꝛ hee fapth, * Jhane heard theeiaa
time accepted, and in the day of ſalnation
paue J fuccoured thee: bedside nowe the
a accepted time, behold now the Dayot fal-
uation. ;
3 Wie gine no occafion of oſence in auy
Ffa 49.8.
2 To wit, Gods
free mercie,
wherein ne hath
owred foorth
isinfinite loue,
thing, that our miniſtery Hond not be? re-
4 But tn all things wee approcue our
felues as * the miniſters of God, tn much
patience, in afflicttons, in necefitties, in di⸗
ftrefies, = i
§ In ſtripes, tn pilons in tumults, in
6 Byewatchings, by fattings, by pti-
ritie, by knowledge, by long (uffering , by
—— by the d boly Ghott, bye lone wi-
7 £Bythe wo ok trueth, by the power
ofGod, bythe armour of righteoulneſſe on
the right band and on thetett, !
8 Bypbhonourand Difhonour, by enill re-
pozt,and goad repot, as deceiuers, AND yet
_ 9 As bnknowen,and yet knowen: as Dy-
ing, and behold, wwe liue: as chaltened, and
yet not killed: — neq
Io As ſoꝛowing, and yer alway retopcing:
as poo2e,and yet make many rich:as hauing
nothing and yet poſſeſſing all things.
Il D Cozinthtans, ours mouth tsopen
bito pou; our heart is made large.
12 De are not kept ftrait in vs, but pe are
Kept irattinpourowne’ bowels.
I3 Mowe foz the fame recompenic, J
Wie as tomy childzen, i Bee you alle en-
14 We not vnequallyyoked with the in-
fidels : fo: * what fellowhip hath righteoul·
neſſe with vnrighteonſneſſe? and what com
munton bath tight withDarkenetie? |
Ig AnD what concord hath Chak with
Belial oꝛ what part hath the beleener with
16 And what agreement Hath the Tem-
ple of God with tdoles?*toz pe are the Cem:
ple okthelunns God: as God bath layde,
* 3 wil Dwelamong them,and walke there:
ana 7 willbe their God, and they halve my
17 *Cdtherefore, come ont from among
thet, and (eparate pour (clues, faprh the
Lod; and touch none vncleane thing, and
J will recetue pou. ‘
13 *And J wil be a Father vnto pou,and
pe hall be my ſennes and Daughters, layth
the Lod Almighty.
yee Wm a
Chap. vj. yije Tokensoftrueminifters. 519
b By the infidels
if they faw no
fruit come theres
e Hedeclareth
with what wea-
his afflictions.
d Who is the
efficient cauſe.
e Which isthe
finall caufee
E By the Gofpel
and the power of
God and his owa
integritie,he o⸗
werthrew Satan,
and the world, as
with weapons om
euery fide moft
g Signifying his
moft vehement
h Theiriudge-
ment was fo cors
supted, thar they
were not likewife
affectioned to·
wards him, as he
was towards
i Shew like affe.
Giontowards °
me + -
k He feemeth
to that-
whieh is writcen, -
Deut. 22,19.
where the Lord:
commaundegh -
tharanoxe and-
an affe be not yo⸗
ked together, be-
caufe the match
is ynequall :fo if
the faithfull mary
rie with the infi
dels,or els haue to doe with them in any thing vnlawfull,itis here rê- |
called, becanfe be hath not onely lite in himfelfe, but giueth italfo to
all liuing creatures, Lewst.26,15,12.1/2.5 3.11, Ier 31.1,
CH: A. PV LE —
1 He exhorteth thera by the promifes of God to
heepethemfelues pure, 3.9 affuring themof hu
leue, 8, 13 and doeth act excufe hu feucritie tos
ward thea but resoiceth thereat,confidering what
profi: came thereby, 10 Of two forts of roy, —
tiug then me baue theſepromiſes, dear⸗ a Confi ler this
Mypbeloned, letvsa clenfe our ſelues front well, yee thar
all fithinefig of the > fie) anv ſpirit, ¢ grow ferue idoles with
your bódies and
3 yetthinke your
confciences pure toward God: God wil! oneday {m:te you fos yews
halting. b Of body and foule,
vp vnto full holineſſe tn the feare oF Ooo.
2. Rerig:
rooued, Scclus.13 18, IOr, the demil, t.Cor.3.36 & 6,19. 1 So \
Oe a
Godly forow.
c’Thatwemay 2 ‘Receiue bs: we bane Done wrong to
teach you. no man: wee haue confumed no man: wee
d By greedy co- Haucd Defraubed no man.
uttoninefle. 3 Flpeake it not to yout condemnation:
fo: J hane fayd before, that pec are in our
hearts fa Dic and liue together.
: 4 Ivle great bolsncile sf {peach toward
e Hehadneither pou: F reioyce greatlyin pou : 3) am filled
refLinbedynor laith comfort, and am ercecDing lopousin
Spitic:and itfee- all ozr tribulation.
meth thatheal- 5 Ss: abhen wee Were come inte Mace-
ludethtothat donta, cur fiel bad no reit, but wee were
which is written, treubled on eitery fide, Rabtingse without,
Deut.32.25. and terrozs within. :
Forthecrofletco 6 ‘But Gad that cemfozrteth the abiect,
mans eyciscom- comforted vs at the comming of Titus:
monbothtothe 7 And not bp bts comming onelp, but
godly androthe alio by the confolation wherewith bee was
wicked, although com‘fozted of pou, when bee tolde vs pour
to contrary ends. great Delire, pour mournury, pour feruent
f Thisioy ower- minde to me ward, lo that 3 reteyced ! much
eamealimy fo- Moe, ‘
rowes. 8 Foꝛ though J made you ſory witha
3 .Pet.3.19, letter , J repent not, though J dtd repent t
g Whofeheart for J perceiue that the fame Epiftie made
Gods(pirit doeth pou tozp, though it were but fo? a ſeaſon.
touch, he is fory 9 F now retopre , not that pee were for,
forbisfisnnes but that ye ſoroveed to repentance : fo? pe ſo·
Sommitteda- - Towed gosly, lo that in nothing pe were burt
ainftfo mercie by bs.
llaFather, and IO * Fo, godly {crow cauſeth repentance
thefe are the birto (aluation,not to be repented af; but the
fcuicesofhisre- · Woꝛldly ſorow cauſeth Death.
tance as vit · II Foꝛ beholde, this thing that yee haue
nele Dauids and been s godly fo2p, what great care tt bath
Perctsteares: tazought in pou: yea, what * clearing of
others which are pour (elites : pea,what indignation: peaywhat
fory for their feare: pea,how great Defire: pie a zeale:
ſinnes onely fer vea, what · punihment: in all things pe haug
fearc of punih- hhewed pourlelues that pee ate pure in this
meéntand Gods matter.
vengeance, fall I2 @ihercfore, though F wote vnto
Into deſperation, Yon, J did it not foz bis caule that hav Done
as Cain,Saul, the wroag, neither for bis cauſe that bad
Achitophel,and the tuturte, but that our care toward pon
Iudas. tn the lgbt of God might appeare vnto
h Inasking God you.
forgiuenefle. 13 Therefore wee were comforted, bes
ĩ Forin iudging caute pee were comforted: bre rather wee
and chafing retoyced much moze foz the top of Titus,
your(elues,you becawle bis i ipiric was refreched by pou
_preuentedGods all. A
anger. 14 Foxit that Jhaue boasted any thing
KOr, heart. to bin of pou, J haue not becnc ahamed:
k The Greeke butas J hane tpoken vnto pou all things in
wotdfignifieth tructh,cuen ſo aur boaſting unto Titus was
his bowels,wher- true. ; ———
byismeant mot Iş Anubis inward affection ts more a
great loue & ten- hundant toward pou, when he remembzeth
deraffeGions. _ the obedienceof pou all, and gow with feare
l Bothizthia- and trembling pe receiued bim.
king and repor- 16 J reioycẽ therefore that F may! putinp
dogwellofyou. confidence in pou in all things.
t By the example ofthe Macedonians, 9 anad
Chrift, he exlorteth them to continue tx rekeming
the poore Saints , commending their good begix-
wing. 23 Afser hee commendetl Titas, and ba
Sehoves unte then. i
VVE Dee pon ali to toit, bzethzn, ofthe
VY V «grace of Gob beltowed vpon che
Csurches of Macedonia, í
2 Becauſe m great triall of affliction
theirtopaboundcD, aid their moft ertrenie
— dabounded vnto their rich libera-
3 Forta their power (J beare recede)
Ca, and beyond their power, they were wil-
4 And prayed bs with great inſtance
that we would receiue the «grace and felow⸗·
foip* ofthe miniſtring cohtch ts toward the
Sats. 4
And this they did, not as we looked foz:
but gaue their owne ſelues. firt to the Loe,
and atter ynte vs bp the wil of God,
6 That we thould exhoꝛt Citus,that as
be had begun, ſo hee would alioaccomplty
the fame grace among you allo.
7 Therefore, as pee abound in eucrp
thing, in faith, and word, and knowledge,
aud in all Diligence, and in pour loue to»
Wards vs, euen fo {ee that pee abound in thts
grace alla.
8 This fapF not by commandement,
but becauleof the diligence of ethers: there-
foze prouc 3 the naturalneſſe of your loue.
9 Foryeknow the grace ofour Lord Je-
fus Cheiſt, that he being rich, foz your fakes
became pooze, that ye theough pis pouerty
might be made rich. i
10 And $ fhewe my minde herein: for
thisis erpedient foz pou which baye begun
notto Doe onely, but alſo to d will, a peere
II flow therefore perkorme to doee it al⸗
ſo that as there was areadinefic to wtli, euen
p pee map perfourme it of that which yee
12 Foꝛ it there be irh a willing miste, tt
ís accepted accoꝛding to that a man hath,
and not according to that be bati not.
13 Heither ie it thacerher men ſhould bee
ealed and pou gricucdD.
I4 But vpon like condition at this time
your abundance fupplicth theit lacke, that
alfo their abundance may bee foz your latke,
that there map bef equalitie:
15 Asitis written, * Wee that gathered
much, had nothing ouer,and he that gathered
little,bad not the ſeſſe.
16 And thankes bee bute Hod, which
op put inthe beartof Titus the fame care
82 VOH,
17 Becaule he accepted the serbaxtation,
vea/,he was fa carefull, thatof bis owue ace
co20 he went vnto pou.
IS Qud wee vane (ent alfe with him the
rather, whofe prailſe isb in the Golpel tha»
rowout all the Churches,
19 (And not ſo oncly,but is alfo chofen of
the Cyurches to bee a feliow tn our ioutney
concerning this grace that is mintftred by
bs vnto the glozy ofthe fame Led, and da
claration of paur poimpt mind ) f
20 Quoiding this, that ne man fhould
blame vsin this abundance that is mini»
ftredbypus, i í
21 Pꝛeꝛouidinsg for i bonet things, not
encly before the Lord, but alſo betog men.
: 22 And
Chrifts pouertie.
a This benef of
Ged appeared is
two things, firit,
that the Maceda-
nians being in
fo great athiai-
ons were fo
prompt to helpe
— *
nexe that being
in great pouerty
were very lidcrall
towards others,
b So that a mok
abundant riuer
ofriches flawed
cutofthcirpos |
c So he calleth
their liberalitie,
either becaufe
they were the
beftowersof -
Gods graces,or
becauſe they re-
etiued them of
God freely,and «
fo they defired
Paul to fee to
thediftribution _
Chap-9 tz.
d Euery man
may doe good
that hath abiii-
tie thereunto:
but to will,and
haue a minde tø
doc good,com-
meth of perfe&
e That as you
kelpe others in.
their neede fo o-
thers fhal relicue
your want, -
f That both you >
and others, asoce
cafion {hal feres,
may relieue the
godly according
to their necefli-
Exed. 16.1 8.
g And willingly
offcred hianfelte
to gatber your
h Inpreaching
the Gofpel.
Some vnderftand |
this to he ſpoken
of Luke, others
of Barnabas,
Rom i217.
i Hiswell doing:
is approued be-
fore God and
glory is greatly
Prou.i 1. 25.
rom 42.8.
Ecclus 3 5.10.
a Leſt chey
fheuld give but
litle, difiruting
themlelues there-
by, he fheweth
that God will fo
bleffe their libe-
rall hearts,that
both they Mall
haue enough for
alfo to helpe
ochers withall.
b That ye may
doe good and
helpe others at
all times.
i — fpeaketh
ef chat man
which feareth
God.and loueth
d Befides that
by their liberali-
tee God (hall te
“praifed, they alfo
fhaibe commen-
ded to God by
‘their prayers
whom they haue
holpen, yea.and
all men fhal reue-
“rence them, as
being cndaed.
With an excellent
pitt of God.
Or, greatly affe-
tioned toward
vathering for the Churches.
22 And we han: (ent with them onr bze-
ther whem wee batr oft times prooued to be
Biligent fn many things, but now much
moe Diligent, toz the great cenfidence,
which I baue tn pou. : :
23 Ahether any doe enquire of Titus, hee
is my fellow and helper te pouesard:02 of our
brethzen, they are meſſengers of the Chur-
chisjand the * glozie of Chattt.
24 Mherefore Kew toward them, and
before the Churches the preote of pour laue,
and ofthe retopcing that we bau ef pou.
3 The caufe of Tuus and his companions con-
wing to them 6 He exherteth to giue almes chere-
fully, 7 Shewing what fruit will come thereof,
DR as touching the mintitring to the
Paints , itis ſiperfluous loz me to wite
vnto pau, i
2 foj know pour readineffe of minke,
wohereof 3 baatt my ſelfe of yon vnto thera
et Macedonia, and fay, that Achia was pe-
pared a percre agge, and pour zeale hath pro⸗
tioked many..
2 Ron haue J fent the hethen , left
Our. Pantin ouer you ftould bee in vaine
inthis behalfe, that pee (as J bane ſaid) bee
4 y Left ifthey of Macedonia come with
me, AnD find pouvnpseparcd, wee (Jneede
not to fay,vou) fouls be ahamed inthis my
conſtant boating. $
§ Qbcrefore, J thought it neceſſarit to
exhort the brethren to conie befoze vnto pou,
and to fini pour beneuolence appotuted as
foze, thatit might bee ready, and come as of
bencuolence,and not as of (paring.
6 Ehisyctremember, that he which ory
eth (paringly, Wall reape alio tparinglp, and
* col weth liberally, Wall reape allo lt
erally, aps
7 Aseuerp man wifheth tn his heart, fo
. lethim gine, not * grudgingly or of neceſſitie:
* Fo God loueth a chearefull guer,
And Godisable to make all grace to
abound taward pou,that ye alwapes hauing
a all ſufficiencie tn all things, map abound
th cucry e good worke, $
a “Astis wꝛitten, He hath ſparſed a-
broad, and hath ginen tothe pooze: bis Bene»
uolence remaineth for ener.
10 Ailo he that findeth fede to the fewer,
twill mintiter likewiſe bread for Foote, and
-multiple pour leede, and increale the fruits
of pour benenotence, f
11 That on alt parts pe may be made rich
onto ail liberalitie, which cauleth through
vs thankſgiuing vnto God:
12 Foꝛ the mniſtration ef this ſeruice not
onlpfepplictl; the neceſſities of the Datnts,
but alo is abunBant by the thankſgiumg of
many vnto God: - $
13 (CAbich by the experiment of this mi-
nitration prayle Gad foz pour yoluntarie
ſubmiſſion to the Goſpel of Chit, and foz
pour liberal Diltribution io then, andtoall -
14 And by 4 their pꝛayer for pou ſdeũting
after vou greatly foz the abundant grace of
Chap. ix.x. --
Is Ghankes therefore bee Suto God foz
his vnſpeakeable gitt,
He toucheth the falfe apoftles and defendeth hu
authoritse, exhorting them to obedsence, 11 And
freweth what his power is, 13 And how kee w-
feth ite
Nor J Paul my elfe beſcech you by the
meckencffe, and gentleneffe of Chut,
which when Jam peitnt among pou. am
a bate, but am bel? toward pou being abnt.
2 And chis¥ require you, thar J neede
net to bee bolde wien g am prelent, with
tbat lame confidence, wherewith J thinke
to bee boide againſt tome, which efteeme vs
as hough wee walked > according tathe
3 Menertheletle, though we walke in the
fiel, pet we Doe not warre aftcrthe fieh,
4 (Sfoz the weapons of our warfare are
not carnal. but mightie thzongh Ged to caf
Downe holds)
§ Catting Downe the imaginations,and
euer? high thing that ts exalted againſt the
knowledge of Sod , and bringing inte cap.
— euery thought to the obedience of
l! 2 >
6 Gnd hauing ready the vengeance as
gaint al Dilobedience, when pour obedience
ts fulfilled, :
7 Looke vee on things after the appease
trance? Ifany man trutt in himlette that pee
is Chzittes , let himconlider this againe of
himlelke, that as he is Chzitts,cucn ſo are wee
8 Forthough F Hound boat ſomewhat
mee sfour authoꝛitie, which the Lord hath
gtucn bs fozcdificatton and not foz your de>
truction, 3} Houta haue no ſhame.
9 ThisI @y, that J mapnotfeeme as i
were to fearg pou with letters.
10 For thelettcrs, «faith hee, are fore and
ftroug, but gis bodily pretence is weake, and
bts fpeech is of no values
Ir Let fuchonethinke this, that {uch as
We are in word bp letters When wee are ab⸗
tan ich will webe alſo indeed, wien we are
12 for we Dare not make onr feines ofthe
number, 02 to comypareontielues to them,
which prayſe themfelucs: but they vnder
ftand not that thep ¢ meafare themilues
with themfelues , and compare themſelues
with chemfelues.
13 But wee wil not retopre of things,
which are not within our meature; * but âc-
cording ro the « meaſure of the tine, wyercof
The Minifters weapons, 520
a Thefe words
his backbirers
vfed, thinking
thereby to dimise
nith his auche-
Title, as verſe 10.
b Asthough wee
boafted of oue
felues by a car-
c Meanings cer-
taine man among
them,which thus
{pake of Paul,
a l that meae
rauft * *
line or meaſure
ro mete by,and
not to meafurea
thing by it felfes
fo thefe boaftess-
mufimeafure |
themfclues by -
their worthy
ads: and if they
will compare
with others, lee
them thew what
countries, what
cities, and people
they haue wonne
to theLerd : for
who will praiſe
thar ſouldiet,
the table can
Sod hath Drftrisurcd vnto vs amealute to finely talke ofthe
attaine euen unto per.
wartes, and whee
14 Fo. wee firetchnoteur ſelues Depend be commethto -
ow meaſure, as though wee Had not at- the brunr,is nei-
tened vnto you: fox euen to pon solſo
ther valiant nos
bane wee come in preaching the Goſpel of experts
Chit, Í
15 Not boaſting of things which iare
Without cuc meaſure: thavis, of other mens
labours: and we hope, when pour fatth Mal
tucreaie, to bee magnified by pou, according
to our ling abundantly,
16 Aud
€ Toatis,the
gifts and voca-
tion, which God
had guen him te
winne othgrsbyo- <
Pauls godly icloufie.,
F God gaue the
whole world to
the Apoftles to
preach in, fo that
Paul here mea-
neth by the line,
his portion of the
countreys where
he preached-
4 Cor.i.3 Fe
a Hecalleth the
prayfing of him..
felfe dotage,to
the whieh thing
the arrogancie of
the falfe Apo-
ftles compelled
him,who fought
nothing elfe but
to ouerthrow
the Church by
diminifhing the
authoritie of bis
minifterie, `
b To fpeake in
mine owne com-
© The minifter
- marrieth Chrift
and his Church
as husband and
wife by the preg-
ching of the
Gene} 4.
d That is,more
petfe& doGrine
Chrilt Iefus,
e More excel-
lent gifts of the
fpirit by other
mens preaching,
f They did not
preach Chrift
more purely
then I did: for
in this behalfe I
was nothing in-
feriour to the
chiefelt Apo-
g Thatis, vſe
no worldly elo-
h Other Chur-
ches relicued me.
16 Aad ta peach the Golpel in thole re-
gions which are beyond pout not to reioyce in
t another mans line,thatis,tn the things that
arepzepated alrcaby, ORS
17 “But let him ihatreioycethtreiopee in
the Lord. f 3
18 Forheethat praiſeth himſelke, ts not
allowed, but he whom the Lo: pzatlech.
2 Hee declareth his affectios towardthem. 5
The excelencie of ba minsfierie, 9 And bis dili-
gence inthe fame. 13 The fetches of the falfe A-
poftles. 16 The peruerſe indgement of the (orin-
thans, 22 And his owne prasfese
V Veter to Gov yee conls ſuffer alittle
mye fooliſhneſſe, and indeed © pe fuf»
fer mee. i i
2Foꝛ Jam ielous ouer you, with godly
teloulie: fo: J © bake prepared pou foꝛ one
— to pꝛeſent pouas a pure vixgine ta
t a
3 But FZ keare tele as the * ferpent begui-
led Cue though vis (ubriltie,fo pour minds
ore u corꝛrũupt from the limplicitie thatis
in Chriſt.
4 Forifhee that commeth preacheth an
other 4 Jelus then bim whom we haue prea»
ched: o? if pee tecetue another < {pirite then
-that which pe baue receiued, either another
Golpel,then that pe haue vecetuez, pe might
well haue (uffered him. j
§ GerelyZ f feppole shat T was not in»
Feriour te the verpchtefeApoitles.
And though 1 beeg rude in (peaking,
pet lam not fo in knetwledge,but among pou
we bauc bene made manttelt to the vtmolt,
in all things.
7 Hauc Icommitted an offence, becauſe
J abalen my lelke, that pe might be exalted,
and becaule F preached to pou the Golpel of
God freely?
8 J cobbed other Churches, and tooke
wages ofthem to doe you ſeruite.
9 And when J was peent with pou
and bad neede, J was i not fouthfuil ts the
hinderance of anp man; foz that which
waslacking unto mee, the brethren which
came from Macedonia tupplyed , and
in all things J kept and will keepe inp
feife, that J Mould not * bee gricuaus to
pou. pit
10 * The trueth of Chꝛiſt isin mee,that
this reioycing hal not be hut vp againit me
in the regtons of Achaia.
tl Cihberefore? becaule J loue pou not?
Gov knoweth.
12 But what F doe, that will J doe:
that J may cut away occafion from them
which neire ! occafion, that they might
set found like vnto vs n that wherein they
i Heedid not onely labour withhis hands for his liuing, butin his
extreame pouertie preached diligently without burdening any man,
or elfe waxing flouthfull to dochis dutie ro euery man. Chap. 12 33.
as 20.34. k Letnotthetructh of Chrift be thoughttobe inme,
if I futfer my ioy to bee (hur vp, which I baue conceiued of Grecia.
1 To flander my minilterie, 1f I fhould recciue wages.
Il. Corinthians. i
13 Foꝛ ſuch falie »Apoftles are deceitfull
wozkers,and tranlfozme themlelues into the
Apottles of Chattt.
_ 14 And nomaruelle: foz Satan hinlelfe
is tranffouned into an Angel of light.
As Therefore itis ne great thing, though
his miniſters tran(fozme themfeiues, as
though they were the mintiters of righteoul:
—— — ende Mall bee according to their
16 Jſayagaine, let no man thinke, that
J am foolich : o2 elle take me cuen as a foole,
that J allo may boatt my felfe a little.
17 Ghat Iſpeake, J peake it not after
the °Lo2d: but agit were ſooliſhly, in this my
great boating. ;
18 Deeing that many reioyce o after the
fich, J will reioyce allo.
19 Foꝛ yee Cuffer fooles gladly, decauſt
that ye are wife. á F
20 Foꝛ pee ſuffer euen if a man bring pou
into boneage,tf a man deuoure you,tfa man
take your goods , ifa man exalt bimlelfe, ifa
man nitte yeu on the face. —
21 P J peake as concerning the repzoch:
as though that wee had beene weake: but
therein any man ts volde (3 {peake fooliſh ·
ly) J am bolo alio. i
22 They are Ebrewes, * ſo am J: they
ave Jlraclites, oam J: theyare the ſeede of
Abꝛaham, ſo am JJ
23 They are the miniſters of Chik, J
r {peake as a foole) J am moze: tu labours
mozg abundant: in itripes aboue meaſure:in
pꝛiſon moze plenteouliy: in Death oft.
24. Df the Jewes Aue times receiued J
fourtie {tripes * fane one.
25 "J was thꝛiſe “beaten with rondes:
3J was* once toned: F fuffered thzife* Wip-
wracke: night and Day haue Jbeene inthe
Deepe fea, ‘ :
26 Jutouruepingt was often, in perils of
waters, in perils of robbers, tn perils of
mine owne nation, in perils among theHen-
tiles, in perils inthe citie, in perils-in wil-
Dernefic,in perils in the (ea, in pertlsamong
falfe brethzen, _ : i
27 Ju wearinelle and paincfulnefe , in
watching often, in hunger, and thirit,tn fa-
tings often,in cold and nakennefl A
28 Belide the things which ate outward,
Jam cumbzed Dayly, and haue the care oF all
the Courches.
29 Who is weake, and J am not weake?
who is offended, and J burnenot?
30 IfJmuſt needs reioyce, J wil reioyce
of mine* inlirmities.
31 The Sod, euen the Father of our Los
Felus Chit, which is ble len foz eucrmoze,
knoweth chat J lte not,
32 In* Damaſcus the gouernour of the
people vnder King Aretas , layed watchin
ihe titie ofthe Damalcens, and would bane
caught me. À
33 But at a windowe was Jlet downe
r a * theough the wall, and eſcaped bis
1 He reioyceth in his preferment. 5.7 But chief-
Ly in hss hombleneſe, 1 1 And layeth the cauſe ki
An Angel of light.
m By falfe apos
ſtles hereis noz
meant fuch as
teach falſe do-⸗
rie, which
doubtleffe, the
would haies. ;
growen vnto)
but fuch as were
vaine glorious,
and did not their
ductie fincerely,
n In his heart hee
had refpea to the
Lord: but this
fafhion of bei-
Ring feemed ac.
cording tø man,
whereunto they
Gompeiled him.
o In outward
p [note this
difhonour, whict
they doe vato
q, That is,abie&
idiot,and fubie@ —
o a thouland ca-
lamities, which
things the falfe
apoliles obiect ed
azainit bim as l
moft certaine te-
ſtimonies of his
r Pur cafe yee
terme it fo,yet
itis true,
{ Intheprefene |
dangerofdeath, |
t At fue fenerall
times, cucry tim
thirtie and nine, “4
Deut.35.3, |
AGS 16,2352 3.
u Of the Ro-
mane Magi-
AGs14 19.
Allis 37.146
x As imprifone
ments,beating, ,
hunger, thirft,
cold, nakednefi¢,
and fuch like;
which thing sthe
aduerfaries cou-
demne as infirme
AG5 9.25.
Pauls afflictions,ioy,and care forthe Chap. xij. xiij.
his boating vpon the Cornthians, 14 Hee fhew-
eth what goed will he beareth them,20 And pro-
wirfeth to come unto them,
JE is not expedient foz me to Doubt, fo tee
iopce : for J will come to vions and reut-
lations of the Lod.
k yet loꝛaſinuch as J was craftic, J tooke
pou with guile.
17 Did F pill pou by anp of them whom
J fent vnto pou?
Church. Chriſt is in you. 521
k ‘Thus {aid his
aduesfarics, that
though he tooke
it not by himfelfe,
18 J haue defired Titus, and with him yet he did it by
J baue fent a brother t Did Titus pill you of the meanes of
AAs 9.3. 2 *J knowe a man? in Chit aboue any thing? walked wee nat tu the felfe fame others,
a Thatis,a foureteene peeres agone , (wehetherhee were ſpirit? walked wenot in the fame teps? 1 Togoe toyon .
Chriftian; ot in the body, J cannot tell,oz out of thebody, 19 gaine. thinke pee that we ercufeour m Mcaning,
fpeake it in J cannot teli; God knoweth) which was ta. ſelues vnto pou? wee ſpeake before God in tharpe & feuere.
Chrift. ken vp into the > third heauen. Chaiſt. But wee doe all things dearely belo- n There wasno-
b Thatistefay, 3 ano 9 know (uch a man (dohether in ued, fo: pour edifying: thing whereat
| intothe highelt the body oꝛ out of the boDp, J cannot tells 20 Foꝛ feare, lek when FT come, J hall hefo much reioy-
heauen. God knoweth) 3 not find pou ſuch as J wond: and that J ced,as when his
j : 4 How that he twas taken vp into Para- Fall bee fonnd vnto yous {uch as pee would preaching profi-
e Mansinfirmi- Dile, heard c weds which cannott bee ſpo· not, and left cherebe ftrife, enuping, wath, ted: and there.
| tiewas notable ken, which are nothpoſſible foz man to vtter. contentions backbiting, whiſperiñgs, ſwel · forehecalleth
to declare them, 5 Df fuch aman wili J retopce; ofmy lings,and diſcord. the Theffaloni-
neither were they felte will notreiopce, exceptitheeofmine 21 I fearelettwhen J] come agatne, my anshis glory and
fhewed vnto him inficmities. God * abate mee among you, and J hail be· ioy:as alſo no-
for that end, 6 ForthoughF wouldreiopce, J Would watle many of them which paue finned al- ching did fo much
Or, law full. not bee a foole: foz J will fay the trueth, but ready,and bane not repented of the vnclean⸗· cat downe his
d TheGrecke Jrefrainelet any man Mouldthinkeofmee neflc,and foznication,andwanternes, which heart, as when
word fignifieth abone that he leethinme,ozthatheebeareth they bane committed, hislabour did
a ſharpe piece of ofme. no good.
wood,asapale, 7 And lett J ſhould bee exalted out of CHA P- XIII,
orftake,andalfo meafure, theough the aboundance of reuela $ He threatweth the obftinate, 5 And declan
alictlefpildeot tiong, there was ginenyntomee4apzicke reth what his power is by their owne teflimonie,
fharpe thing in the fleibh, the meflenger of Datantobuf 10 Alo he fheweth what is tne effect of this Ept-
which pricketh fet me becauſe J] Moul not be exalted out of Ale. 11 After hauing exhorted them to their
oneashe goeth mealure. duetie, he wifheth them all profperitie.
through bufhie 8 Foꝛ this thing J befought the Lod LNA :
&thicke places, e thꝛiſe that it might departfrom me. - T His is the a third time that J come vnto a His firſt com-
andentringinto Q And he fain vnto me, My grace ts fue: you. * Jn the mouth of two o2 thzee wit · ming was his
the fleth, cannot ficient fo? thee : foz my power is mane f pers neles thall euery word tand. dwelling among
bee taken out fect though weakencile. erp gladly theres 2 > Ytelde you before, andtell yeube> them: his fecond
withoutcutting fore will Jretopce rather in mine inſirmi · fore? as though J had beene prelent the lee washis fick epi-
oftheflefh: and tieg thatthe power of Chit may dwell in cond time, ſo waite J now being ablent, to fle, andnow he
thiswasthere- mee. — them which beretofeze hane finned, andto is ready to come
belling of the Io Cherefore sF take pleafure ininfire allothers, that if 3 comeagaine, F willnot thechird time:
fichhagainftthe mities,in repreches, tn neceflities, in perles (parc, which three
Spitit,and war- Cutions, inanguifh for Chꝛiſtes fake: fo2 3 Deering that pee feeke erperfence of commingshee
ned him that when J am weake, then am 3) trong. Chꝛiſt, chat eaketh in mee, which toward calleth his three
Satan was at II J was a foole to boat my felfe,pehaue you ts not weake, but is mightie in you. witnefles.
hand, compelled me:for Jought to haue bene com 4 Foꝛ though bee was crucified concer: Dext,19.15.
e Thatistofay, menden ofyon, fo? in nothing was J inferis ning hise tnfirmittie, pet liueth hee thzough mater8.26. -
oftentimes, our vnto the bery chiefe Apottles, though J the power of God. And wee no Doubt are iohn 3,17.
f Is knowen and be ——— weake in him: d but wee Wall tine with beby.10.28.
euidently ſeene. 12 EhelignesofanApotle were wrought bim, through thepowerol O D D toward b Inmy firltepi-
‘g Hedoethnot among pou with all patience, with ſignes, you. ftle,Chap 4.20.°
onely patiently and wonders,and great wozkes, _ § *Ppoone your felues whether pee are cIn that he bum-
beareius affidi- 13 for whattsit wherein pee were inke⸗ tn the fatth; eramine your ſelues: know yee bled himfelfe,
ons, but alfoioy- riours vnto other Churches,” ercept that J not pour owne felues, how that Jeſus Ehriſt and tooke vpon
fully, andasone haue not bene|flouthfulto pour hinderance? ts in pou,ercept pee be repꝛobates: him the forme
that taketh plea- torgiue me this wꝛong · S But I trutt that ye (hallknow that we ofaferuant,
fure therein for 14 Behold, the» third time J amreadie are notrepzobates, d Chrif astou-
Chrifts fake, to come vnto you, and yet will F notbee 7 Mow F pzapbnto God, that yee Doe ching che ficth,in
Chap.11.9. flouthful to your hinderance: foz J lecke not none eutll, not that we ould feeme App200+ mans iudgement
flOr,chargeable, pours, but ‘pou: foz thechildzen ought not ued, but that ye fhoula Doe that which is ho · wasvileand ab-
h Forfirft,he tolay vp fo? the fathers, but the fathers fog nent: though me be as ¢ repzobates. iedt:thereſore we
wasmindedto thechildren. 8 Foꝛ wee cannot doe any thing againſt that are hismem-
depart from E- 15 And J will mek gladly beſtowe, and the tructh, but foz the trueth. bers,can not be
phefiisinto Ma- twill bee beftowed foz pour foules: though - 9 Foz we are glad when we are weake, otherwife eſtee⸗
cedonia,andfo the moze F loue von,the leſſe ambelouen, and that pee are f ttrong: this alfo wee wilh med:burbeing
to Corinthus, 16 But bee tt that J charged pounot: foz,cuen pour perfection, crucified, he hew
z.Cor.16.5. ed himfelfe very
Then when the Lord letted his purpofe,he appointed to goe ftraight
from Ephefus to Corinthus, Chap, 1, 15. Which intent being chan-
ged, hee wentto Macedonia, from whence now hee appointed the
third time to come vnto them, i Whichdeclareth his fatherly af-
ſection. \Or,yorr caufe or perſons.
God: fo thinke, that we whom yee conremne as dead men and caft-
awayes, haue through God fuch power to execute againft you , that
yee may feele fenfibly that wee liuein Chriſt. 1.Cey.11.28, € In
mans iudgement , who for the moft part reie@eth the beſt, andap-
prooucth the work, £ Hauing abundance of the graceot God,
Gye 10 There ·
The Galatiansinconftancie.
g Commit not
by your negli-
gence, that that
which is ordei-
nedto faluation
turne to your
ac ftruion.
Titus 1.3.
a For Godis
the authour of
all miniferie,
b. This preroga-
tive was peculiar
to the Apofiles,
Luke 1.74.
e Which is,the
eorruptlife of
man without
hOr, doctrine.
4d That is,to be
partakeis of the
falu.tion offered
freely by Chrilt,
e Fer what is
more contrary to
our free iuftifica-
tion by faith,
then the iuftifica-
sion by the Law,
or our workes?
therforeto ioyne
10. Therefore white Jthele things being
abſent, leit whet J amt pretent, J ould vie
harpeneſſe, according tothe power wbich
tie tot Hath gtuen meto s edification,and
notte deſtruction.
IL Finally brerkeen, fare ye well be pers
fect: bee af good comfert: bee of one minde:
liue tit prace, and the God of lone and peace
all be with psu.
Tothe Galatians.
12 Greete one another with an * holy
b kiſſe. Allthe Hants falute peu.
Pauls Gofpel from Chrlft,
Romi 6,16.
13 Tie grace of our Lod Fels Chat, rpet 5.14.
and the loue of Hod, and the comsmunton of h Which was ac.
the holy Gad be wich you all, Amen.
The iecond kpittle ta the Corinthians, twit-
ten trom Philippi, a citie in Macedonia,
and fent by Citing and Lutas,
as The Epiftle ofthe Apoftle Paul
to the Galatians.
He Galatians, after they had beeneinftruG&ed by Saint Pau! in the trueth of the Gofpel, gaue
Wage. to falfe Apoftles, who entring in, in his abfence corrupted the pure do@tr:ne of Chrift, and
taughe that the ceremonies of the Law muf bee neceffarily obferued , which thing the Apoftle fo ears
neftly reafonech again, that he proucth thatthe graunting thereof, isthe ouerchrow of mans faluation
purchafed by Chrifi:for theroy the light of the Gofpel is obſcured the con{cience burdened: the tefta-
ments confounded: mans iuftice eftablithed . And becaufe the falfe preachers did pretend, as though
they had beene fenvof the chicfe Apoftles, and that Paul had no authoritie, but (pake of himfelfe, hee
prooucth both that he isan Apoftlc ordeined by God, and alfo chat he is not inferiour to theren of the
Apofiles. Which thing eftablifhed, hee proceedeth to his purpofe, prouing that we are frecly ‘uftified
before God without any workes or ceremonies : which notwithftanding in their time had their vſe and
commoditie: but now they arenvutonely vnprofirable figures , but alfo pernicious, becaufe Chrift the
trueth and the end thereof is come : Wherefore men ought now to imbrace that libertie, which Chrift
hath purchafed by his blood , and not to haue their conlciences frared in the grennes of mans traditie
ons; finally he heweth whercinthis libertic {tandeth: and what cxercifes appertaine thereunto,
6 Paul rebuketh their inoonftancie which fuf-
fered themfeluesto bee ſeduced bythe falfe Apo-
files, who preached that the ob fer uation of the ce-
remontes of the law were neceſſarie to ſaluation,
8 And detcfteth them that preach any otherwi ſe
then Christ purely. 13 He ſheweth his owne con-
uerfation, magnifietb hu office and Apoftl fhip,
and declareth himfelfe to be equal with the chiefé
A pe Aul*an Apohle(noteofmen
if RA) R neither bp? man, but bp Je⸗
fus Chꝛiſt, and God the fa-
ona ther, which hath raiſed him
ye from the Dead)
dade 2 And ali the brethren
whichare with mee, vnto the Churches of
3 Gracebee with pou, and pearce from
rats * Father, and from our Lo2d Jeſus
4 (bich gaue himſelfe for our finnes,
that hee might ocliucr ys * From this com-
pelled robecircumciizd, 5
4 Fozalithe fatle brethren that creptins
who came in prinilyto (pte out our libertie,
which wee haue in Chatt Fels, that they
might bring vs into bendage,
a Paul nothing
doubted of his
doGrire: but be-
caufe many Te-
potted that be
taught contrary
dotirine to the
other Apoftles,
(which rumours
hindered rhe
courte of the Go-
{pel he endeuoue
andtoprooue. . § To whom we < gaue not place by fib-
thattheycon- . fection foz an boure, that tie trueth ofthe
fenced withhim. Gelpelimightcontinue with pou.
As 15.3, 6 Qnvof them which (ecmed to be great,
$Greeke, without Twas not taught (what they d were tn time
prsfite. paien; itmaketh wo matter to mee: * God
b Which deela. actepteth no mans perion ) neuerthcleie,
rethchattheo- they that are the chiefe, «Di communicate
ther Apoftlesas noting with me.
7 Vut contrariwiſe when they ſaw that
greed witb him. ' ]
the Golbel ouer the vucircumcifion, was
c Left we fhould
hauebetraved committed onto mie, as the Goſpel ouer the
the Chrifian ctrcumciſion mas vnto Peter:
liberie. _ 8 ( Forbeethat was mighty by Peter
d Albeitthey itt the Gpattielhip sner the Ctecumncifion,
hadbeenconuer- Was allo mighty by mee toward the Gen·
fant with Chrift tiles )
afore time, 9 And when James and Cephas, and
Deut.10,47- John knew of the grace that was giuen vñ ·
2.chrs.1g7.i0b to me, which are counted tebe pillars, they
34-19. 9i(4.6.7- gaue to wiecand te Barnabas the fright
ecclus 35 12. ack. Gbr
31034.7043. teph.6 9:c0l,3.25 . € But approucd my
@oGtrine perut in all points. f Intoken that weal agreed in dodtiine,
Chap. ij.iij.
A Oša pou, thatyee ihouldnotobvey the
banes of fellowſtip, that wee fhould preach
vnto the Gentiles , and they vnto the Cir
1o * Warning only that we fhould rement
ber the poore: which chingalie 3 was dili⸗
gent fo Doe.
Il @ Aud when Peter was come to An:
tiochia, J with ftood him e te his faces fo2 He
Was to be blamed.
12 foz before that certaine came from
James, peate with the Gentiles: but when
they were come, he withorew and ſeparated
buntelte, fearing them which were of the
13 And the other Jewes diſſembled like-
wile with him, in fo much that Barnabas
Was brought into their Dillimuiation alio.
14 But when J faw that thep went not
the + tight way tothe tructh of the Gelpel,
3 fayd wnte [eter before all men, Fe thoy called che Gen-
being a Jew. Huet as the Gentiles, and nor tiles is reprock.
like the Jewes, why h conitrainelt thouthe Hornan,
Gentilesto doc like the Jewes? - Rem. 3. 19,20.
Ig re which are Jewes by nature, aud ph:l.3-9.
nat i finners of the Gentiles, k Except our
16 Knowe thata man is not iuſtiſied by fruits be agreea-
the workes of the Lawe, but bp the faith bleto ourtaith,
of Jeſus Chꝛitt euen wee I fay, haug bes wedeclarethat
leeued in Jelus Chai, that wee might bee- we hauc not
iuſtilied by the faib of Chit, and not by Chrift,
the wozkes ef the Lawe, becanfe that by | Forhe cauled
the wozkes of the Law, no || flesh fhatl be iu them norco.
fifien. finne, but difcloe
17 * Zfthen while wee feeke tobe made ledit, neither
righteous by Chpitt,we our feines are found tookeheaway
t finners, is Chart theretoze the minifter of the righteoufnes
finne ? God | forbid, of the Law, but
18 Foz if J build againe the things that thewed rheir hy-
3 bane Destroyed, = J make mylelfea tref poctific, which
paier, werenotableto
I9 F03 through the Lawe am Dean to perfourme that
the Lawe, and that 3 might line vnto Gov, whercof they
3 am " crucified with Chit. boafied, $
20 Thus J line, yeto not F nowe, but m Formydo- ·
Chzitt lieth inme :and in that that J now &rineisto de-
liue in the ?fleth, J liue by the faith inthe froy finne by
Bonne of God, who hath loucd me , and gis faith in Chrift,
uen hünſelke fo} me. andnotto efa-
21 J doe not absogate the agrace of God; biifkfinne.
for if rightcoulnefie bee by the Lawe, then n And feele bis
Chik Died i without a cauſe. ftrength in rae
which killeth
finne. © Notas! wasonce,but regenerateand changed vnto aew —
creatute,in qualitie,and not infabftance. p Inthis mortall body, <
q Asdidthe falfeapoftleswhich preached not the faithin Chiift,
fOr, for nothing. 5
1 Herebuketh themſharpely, 2 axdproucth
by diuers reafons that cufti fication is by faith, 6 as
eppearetl; by the example of Abraham, 10.19.24
and bythe ofice, andthe end, both of the Lawe,
15, 25 endof faith.
Foolth Galatians, who hath bewit-
AGEs 11.30.
g Meaning,be.
fore aii men.
tGreeke witha
right foote.
h in bringing
their coufciences
into doubt by
thine example
and authority?
and herethe Ae
pofile commeth
to his chiefe
i For fo ý lewes
trueth, ta whom Jeſus Chꝛiſt uefoze wag a To whd Chrift
Belcribed in your light, and among poucru- was fo lively
ciñe? preached,asif ~
2 This onelp would J learne of you, hisliuelyimage
Recciued pee the > Spirit by che workes were ſet before
r ; your eyes.or els
had been¢rucifiedamong yon. b Meaningthe gifts of the Spirito
Gin2 of
‘Who are Abrahams children.
c Thatiis,the of 25 Law, 02 bp the hearing of ¢ faith prea-
doGrineotfal- ched
uation through 3 Are pelo foal M, that after pehane be⸗
faith in Iefus gun in the ſpirit, pee would now d bee made
ChriftasChap. perfect by the fle? : >
1,22. Daue yee fered fo many things tn
d The falfeapo- paine? it fo beit be enen in paine.
Tothe Galatians.
the promife was made: and it was odai»
* by "Angels inthe bande of a Media
20 fow a Mediatour ig net a Mediatour
of ° one: but God is r one, authoritie of
21I Isthe Law thenagaint the promile of Chritt.
Gop? God forbid: foz if there had beene o Bur ferueth
n Who asmini-
ſtets gane it to
Mofes by the
ftles caught that 5 Wethereforcthat miniſtreth to youthe a Lawe giuen which could haue giuen life, both for the
Chrit profited Spirit, and wozketh miracles among you, lurely righteouſneſſe Hould haue been by the Tewesand Gen-
nothing,except doeth heeit thzough the werkes of the Law, Law. í tiles to ioyne
they were cir- b2 by the hearing of faith preached ? 22 ut the Scripture hath *concluden them to God.
cumcifed;& that
the La-ve was
6 Yearatheras Abꝛaham beleened God,
andit was * imputed to him foz rigkteouls
theperfe@ion, nefie. }
and Chriftes 7 Know ye therefore,that they which are
doGrine onely offaith , thefame are the childzenof Abra⸗
therudiments ham. > i i
thereunto. 8 Forthe Scripture foreleeing, that God
e Andceremo- would iuſtitie the Gentiles though faith,
niesofthe Law? preached before the Golpel buto Abraham,
Gen.1§.6- faying , * Jn thee hail allthe Gentiles bee
7993.43 bleſſed. x
iames 2 23. 9 Hothen they which bee of faith, are
Gen.12.3 ecclas, bleſſed with faithfull Abraham.
44.210,31. 10 o: as manp as are of the ! workes
atts 3:25. of the Lawe, ave wnder the curfe: foz tt
f Whichthinke is written, *Curfed is enerp man that
tobe iuftified by continusth not in all things, which are
them. witten in the booke of the Lawe, to Doe
Dest.27.26. them. we oe
Habak.2 4. Ir Ana that no man ts iuftified by the
rom 4.17. Law in the tight of God, itis enivent; *foz
hebr. io 38. the iut thall liue by faith.
g The Law pro- 12 And the e Law ts net of faith:but *the
nounceth not man that thall doe thole things, ſhall liue in
themiuft, which them. $
13 Chit hath redeemed vs fro che curfe
belecue, but
which worke, ofthe Lawe, when he was made acurfe foz
andfocondem- vs (ſoꝛ ft is witten, * Cured ts euery one
neth ail them that hangeth on tree y
which in“all 14 Ghat the blefling of Abraham might
pointsdoenot come onthe Gentiles tough Chit Jelus,
fulfillir. that wee might recetue the t pomife of the
` Lewit. 13.5. Dpirit though faith.
Deut. 21,23: Is Betin, J ifpeake as men Doe,
= h Whichisthe * @hough ithe buta mans couenant, when
Golſpel. it tg confirmed , yet ng man Doeth abrogate
i lwillvfea it, oꝛx addethanpthing thereto.
commonexam- I6 Rowe to Abraham and bis ſeede
ple, thar you may were the promifes made. Wee fayth not,
beafhamedto And tothe feedes,as ipeaking of many: but,
_ ateriburcleffe AnD to thp ſeede, as of onc, which ! is
- ynto God,then hꝛiſt. 5
_ tofuch coue- 17 Gud this J lay, that the Lawe which
nants,whichene wag foure hundrzeth and thirtie peeres af»
manmakethto tey, cannot Difanull the coucnant that was
another. confirnted afoze ef God in re(pect of Chzit,
Hebr.9.17- thatit Gould make the promile of none ef-
k No more ts
the promile or
18 Forifthe tnheritancebe of the Law, it
coucnantof God isnomozely the promife, but God gaue it
abrogated bythe unte Abꝛaham by promile.
Law, nor yetis 19 C&itherefoze then ferueth the Lawe? It
theLawadded ‘was added betau of the m tranfgrel:
to — fong, till the ſeede came unto the which
to take any
thing away that was fuperfluous , orto fupply any thing that wanted,
1 Which declareth that the [ewes and Gentiles are both partakers
- of the promile, becaufe thevare ioymedin Chrift, which isthis bleffed
= ferde, m That finne might appeare and be made more abundant,
and fo all to be mut vp ynder finne, a
qal vnder inne, that the promile bythe faith p Conftant,and
of Jeſus Chꝛiſt Hoult be giuente them that alwayes like hime
beleeue. $ felfe,
23 But before faith came, we were kept Rom.3.9,
vnder the Lawe, and Wut vp panto the faith q Bothmenand
which ould afterward be reuealed. all their works,
23 Ciberfore the * Law was eur {choole: r The full reue-
maltet to bring vs to Chꝛiſt, that wee might lation of things
be made righteous by faith, which were hid
25 Wut after that faith is come, wee are vnderthetha-
no longer bnderf a (choolematter. dowes of the
26 ffezpe are all the fonnes of Ged by Law,
faith, in Chriſt Jeſus. Rom.10.4.
27 ~ Fozaliyce that are * baptizedtnto f Notthar the
Chit haue put on Chꝛiſt. doctrine of the
23 Chere is neither Jewe no: Grecian: Law is abolithed,
there is neither bond no? free: there ignei but the condem-
ther male noz femaie : foz vee are all “one in nation thereof
Chik Fetus. ‘ is taken away
29 And ifyc be Chꝛiſtes, then are pee A> by faich.
brahams (eede,and heires by promile. Rom.6. 3.
t Sothat bap-
tifme fucceedetheiteumcifion, and fo through Chrift both lew and
Gentile is ſaued. u Asallone man, >
2 Hefheweth wherefore the ceremonies were
ordained. 3 Which being foadowes , mufi ende
when Chrifi the truetl commeth. 9 He moueth
them by certaine exhortations, 22 And confir-
meth his argument with a ſtrong example, or al-
Te” J fay,that the · beire as long as hee a The Church
is a childe, Differeth nothing from a fer» of Ifrael was vne
uant, though be be lord of all, der the Law as
2 But is vnder >tutozsandgouernozs, thepupilfubieQ — -
vntill the time appointed of the father. to his tutor, euen
3 Euen lo, wee when wee were chilon vnto the time of
were in bondage under the ‘rudiments of Chrift,when the
the world. ; waxed ftrong,and
4 But when the fulneffe of time was then ber turel-
coine, Gov fent foorth bis Sonne made of a thip ended.
woman, and made ·vnder the Law, b Thatis, the
5 hat hee might redeeme them which Law, whichbe-
were vnder the Law, that we*might receiue forehecalleda
the adoption ofthe fonnes, {choolemafter,
6 Andbecaule peare onnes, God hath Chap.3.25.
fent foogth the e Sptrit of his Senne into c Tharis,vnder
your hearts, which cricth, f Abba, Fa- the Lawwhich
tier, was but an a.b.c.
7 Aherefore, thou art no moze Ea in reſpect ofthe
feruant, but a ſonne: nowelf thou bee a Gofpel.
fonne, thouart alfothe beire of God though d Tharis,who
C hit, ` was fubic@ vnto
the Law.
Rom.8.14,15. e Forour adoption vnto Chrift is fealed by him,
f He inftru@eth both lewes and Gentilesto call-God their fatheñin
euery language, fo that none are excepted, g Which mayeſt not
vie the libertic. ;
8 But
Teftimony ofthe Spirit. — i
Beggerly rudiments. Freeand bond.
h When ye re-
ceiued the Gof-
pel, ye were ido-
it is hame for
youto refufe li-
bertié,and be-
yea,and feeing
the Lewes defire
to be out of their
i Nor in deede,
but in opinion,
k The Galati-
ans of Panims
beganne to be
Chiftians, but
by falfe apoftles
were turned
backward to
beginne anew
the lewith cere-
monies,and fo
in tead of g0-
ing forwardto-
ward Chrift, they
ran bickward
from bim.
i Yeobferue
dayes, as Sab-
bathes, new
moanes, &c. ye
‘obferue moneths
as the firftand
feuench moneth?
ye obfeructimes,
as Ealter, Whit-
ſuntide, the feift
of Tabernacles:
ye obferue yeres,
asthe Lubile, or
ycere of forgiue-
neffe,which beg-
gerly ceremo-
nies are matt
pernitious to
them which haue
receiued the
{weet libertie
ofthe Gofpel,
and thruft them
backe into fu-
perftitious fla-
m So friendfull
to me, as [am
affe@ianed tos
ward you.
n For l pardon
you, if you re-
8 Butenen then when yee b knew not
God, ye did ſeruice vnto them, which by inas
ture are mot gods,
9 But now freeing pe know God, yea, ra ·
ther are knowen of God, how turne* pee a-
gaine vnto impotent gbeggeriy rudiments,
whereunto as from che begining pe willbe
inbondage agatne?
Io Deoblferue! dapes, and moneths, and
timesand peeres.
II Zaminfeare efyou , let J haue bee
owed on you labour in vaine.
52 Weepeeas™ J: for J am euen as pou:
brethren, J beleech pou ; pee haue not burt
"meatal. i
13 Gnd pe know, bow though °intirmi-
tie ofthe flet, J preached rhe Golpel vnto
vou at the fitct. i *
P And the triall of mee which was in
my tle, yee delpiſed not, neither abhorred:
but pee recetued mee as an 4 Angel of Gov,
yea, as Chꝛiſt Jeſus. see
Ig hat wasthen pour felicitie ? for J
beare you record, that tf it bad bene poflibie,
pe would haue plucked out your owne eyes,
and baue giuen them to me.
16 Am J therefore become pour enemie,
becaule J tellyouthe trueth?
IZ They are telous ower you amifle: pea,
thep would exclude! pou,chat ye fyould alto-
gether loue them.
18 Butit isa goad thing toloue earneſt ·
lpalwapes in agood thing, and not onelp
wher J am pzeſent with pou,
{9 Myl little cyildzen,of whom F trauatie
in —— againe, vntill Tit be tfome in
port .
20 And J would F were with you now,
that J might change my voice ; foz J amin
Doubt ot pou. $
21 Telimec, yethat willbee onder the
Law, do ye not heare the Law?
22 Foꝛ it is written, that Abrabam had
tto ſounes,* one by a fervant, * and one by
a free woman- ·
23 But he which was of theferuant,was
borne after the lef: and hee which was of
the free woman, was borne bp pꝛomiſe.
24 By the which things another thing
ig meant : foz thefe mothers “are the two
Cekaments , the one which ts * Agar of
mount Dina, which gendreth vnts bon: ſh
(For Agar or Mina isa mountaine in
y Arabia, and it anlwereth to Jerufalem
which now ts) and ee ts in bondage with
Her childzen. l Cj
26 But Jerufalem, which isli aboue, tg
free : which is the mother of vs all.
27 Foz itis witten, *Retopce thon zbat»
pent. o Being jngreatdangersand affli&ions,or without pompe
and oftentation, p Thatis,the troubles and vexations which God
fentrotrieme while I wasamong you, q For my minifteries fake.
r Fortheyare but ambitious. { They would turne you from mee,
that you might follow them. t And imprinted fo in your hearts,
that you loue none other, Gene. 19.15. Gen.23.2. u Thar is,fig-
nife, x Agar and Sinareprefent the Law: Sara and Ierufalem the
Gofpel, Hmael the Iewith Synagogue, & Ifaac the Church of Chrift..
y Thatis,outofthe lande of prumife. Or, bigh and heauenly.
Efa, 54, 1e z Meaning Sara.
The libertie in Chrift. 23
renthat beareſt no chilozen: breake foozth,
and crte thou that trauatlett not: foz the Des Rom.o.8.
folate hath many mo childzen then fhe which
bath an huſband.
28 * Therekoꝛe, ethen, we are after the
maner of Iſaac, children of the promiſe.
29 Breas then bee that was bone after
the fie, perlecuted him that was borne after not of the Synas
goguewhichisa æ
feruant vnder the —
the ſpitit, euen ſo itis now.
30 But what faith the Scripture? Put
out the ſeruant and ber ſonne: fo: the fonne
oftheleruant ſhall not be heire with p onne
of the free woman.
Gen, 21.10.
a For wee arein
the Church of
Chrift which is
our mother,and
Law, ;
t By thelibers
tie wherewith
31 Then brethren, weare not chitdzen of Chzit bath
the feruant, but of thea free woman. t
CHA Pov.
2 Hee laboureth to draw them away from cira
cunscifion, 17 And fheweth them the battell be-
twaxt the fpiriteand the fielh, and the fruits of
them beth.
S Tand fat therefore in the liberty wheres
with Chait hath mabe vs free, and bee
* intangled againe with the yoke okbon⸗
_2 *Beholde, J Paul fay vita you, that
ri y bea circumciſed, Chuh thall profit you
. 3 Fo teſtifie again to euery man, which
is citcumciſed, that he ts bound te keepe the
whole Law. : £
4 De are aboliſhed from Chꝛiſt, wholo-
euer are tuftificd bp the Law, yee are fallen
from grace. H :
S. Foꝛ we through the Spirit > wait for
the hope of rialjteouine fe through faith,
6 Forin Jelus Chik nether circumct ·
fion auaileth any thing, neither vncircum⸗
ction, but faith which worketh by lone.
that pe D not obey tye ~
thing necefiz
to faluattons
§.Cor. 2.37,
b We liuein
hope through
that Spirit, which
caufeth faith,and
whichis giuen to -
the faithfull that
we thould by
faith and not by
Dee did runne well : who did let you, the Lawe fot-
tayne the crowne
of slory,which
Chrift gineth 7
freelyir oi is
c Then whatfos
euer isnot the
word of God,
whichhere he- _
very lies,
d Which is God,
1. (0r.5.6+
e A litle cor-
tuption doth de-
ftroy the whole
f That ye will
embrace the
word of God
s That is, the
do&trine of the
Gofpel which
the world abe
horred, as a flan-
derous thing,and
therewith were
h Meaning, the
fecondtable, Lewit.19.18 mat.2.22,9.mar.12.31,j2m.2.8 Rom.iZ
14. 1. pet 2. 11. 1 Inthe man regenerate,
man ſtriucth againit the Spirit ofregeneration.
k That is, the naturali
Fruits ofthe flefh andthe Spirit.
} Ifyou be gui-
ded by the Spirit
of adoption, that
which ye doe, is
it be not perſect.
m For they are
vader the Spirit
Or grace.
n Chrift bath
not onely remit-
ted their finnes,
bur fan@ified
them into new.
neſſe of life.
o That being
dead to finne,
and lining to
Gad, we may de-
stare the fame in
elle and in ·
æcie of life,
a Either by rea-
- fonofhisficth,
or Satan.
b Chrilt cxhor-
teth. in fund:y
places to mutuall
louz , and thete=
fore brotherly
loue is here cal-
led the Law of
Chriftjand his >
ment, Lohn.1 3.
34.and 85,52.
tit, andthe Spiritagatufl the fieh : and
thele are contrary one tothe other, to that ye
caniot Doc the (ante rings that pe would.
18 And it pe be led bp the! pirit, pe are
not vnder the Law. $
19 Woꝛeouer the werkes of the fleh are
manifeſt, whick are adulterte, fozntcation,
vncicanueſſe wantontefie,
20 Idolatrie, witchcratt, hatred. debate,
emulations, wath, contentions, (editions,
: 21 Guuie, murthers, dzunkenne fie, glut-
tonie and fuch ike, whereof F tell- pou bes
fore, a3 Jhaue allo told yeu before that they
which Doe luch things, Hall net inherit the
kingdome of God. en
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is lour,
ioy, peace, long {uttering, genttencile, goods
nelle, faith, ; 3
23 SDeecknefe, temperancicsagaing (uch
there is > no law. ;
24 Foꝛ they that are Chis, "haue cru-
cified the fick) with the affections and che
lutes. $
25 Jfweelincinthe Spirit, let vs ale
walke inthe e Spirit. ;
26 et ys not be deſirous of paine glop,
piouoking one another, chuping one ang»
z He exharteti themto vf: gentlene ſſe toward
theweake, 2 Andto fhewe their brotherly lone
and modeftic: 6 Alfo to prouide for thes mini-
To the Galatians.
himlelke only and notin another.
§_ * Foz euery man hall beare his owne
6 Let him that is taught in the word,
make im that bath taught bim partaker of
all his e goods.
7 Be not deceiued: God is not mocked:
foe — aman foweth, that ſhall hee
fo reape,
3 Foꝛ he that floweth to his fleſh, Hall
of the iiel reape cogruption : but hee that
foweth tothetpirtt, fall of the lpirit reape
life enerlatting.
9 *Let vs not therefore be weary of well
Boing ; fozin ſeaſon wee Mall e reape, if
we taint not.
10 While we baue thercfoze time, let bs
doe good vnto ail men, but (pecially unto
bem which are of the hougotd offaith.
II € Veelee how large a letter T haue
witten vnto pou with mine owne hand.
12 As many as Defire to make a faire
fhewe *inehe fleth, they conitratne pou to
be circumct(ed, onely becaufe thep would
not fatter perlecution foz the i croffe of
13 Fo: they themſelues which are tir.
cumciſed, heepe not the Lawe, but delire to
paue youcircumncileo, that they might re-
topce * in vour fei.
14 But God forbid that J houtorefopee,
butin the croffe of onr Log Fetus Chꝛiſt, th
whereby the world is crucified vnto mee,
fiers, 9 To per feuere, 14 To reicyce in the cref anb J onto the world.
flirt, 15, Tonewnc fe flfe, 16 And laſt
ee — to them wath the refl of the faith-
fall all proſperitie.
Rethꝛen, faman be è failen by occafion
Binto anp fault. pee which are (pirituati,
retor fuch one, with the (pirtt of merke»
neſſe —A thy lelle, tet thou allo bee
2 y Beare pe one anothers burver, and (o
3 Foꝛ it any man ſeeme tohimielfe, that
beis ſomewhat, wherbhects ‘nothing > bes
Deccineth himéelfe tn his imagination,
4 Butilet euery man prooue bis one
torke; and then ſhall he haue chelenbsinbim, befo:
the foundation ofthe world. p we *Mould be
c holy, ¢ without blame befoꝛe him in toue:
§ Who hath predellinate vs, to berda-
Dopted though Jeſus Chriſt vnto himictte,
according te the good pleaſure of pis will,
6 Tothes pratte of the gloay of his grace,
here hee bath made vsaccepied in kis
clourd, | ;
7 Sy who wee hane redemption through
His blood, cuen the torgiueneſſe of Annes, ace
coring to his rich grace ¢
8 Ahereby he hath beene aboundant ta»
ward vs in ali wiftdome Evnderanding,
9 Andhath opened vnto vs the mpfterte
of his will accozBing to hts good plealure,
which be had purpoled fin him,
10 Ghat in the diſpenlation of the fulnes
of thetimes, bee might gather together in
one sall things, both which are in heaven,
and which are in carth,cuenin Chꝛiſt:
IL Ju whom alio we arecholer when we
were predeltinate according to the putpole
of him, which workerh all hinges after the
countell of his owne will, —
12 That * wee which Ark trated in
Chak, Gould be unts the pratle of his gloꝛy:
13 Ju whom ali ye haue tufted after that
pe heard the wod of tructh, cuen tie Galpel
of your faluation, wherein allo after that pe
belcened, pee were aled with the boly Dpi-
ritofpomife, | :
, 14 bichis ÿᷣ earneſt of ourinberttance,
i vntil the redemption of the poſſeſſion, pur⸗
chaſed vnto the praiſe of bis glozy.
the faiti, which pee paue inthe Lod gelus,
and ioue foward ali the Saints,
16 3 ceale not to giuethanksfoz pou, mae
king mention of pou in my prayers,
17 Chatthe GD D of our Lod Telus
Chꝛiſt the Father of glozy, might gine vnts
pou the Dpirit of wiledome, and renelation
though the knowledge of x hin,
18 That the cpes of pour vnderſtanding
may belightnedD, that pee map kuow what
the bope ts of bis calling, and what rhe
riches of hts glozious inheritance is in the
Saints, ; ;
19 And what is the exceeding greatneſſe
of bis power coward vs, which belecue,
*according to the working of his mightie
20 hich be wrought in Chik, wher
he railed him trom the Dead, and? {erbim
at bis righthand tthe heauenty places,
21 Farre abaue ail principaitiie,¢ power
and might, and vomination, € enery name
that ts Hamed, notin this world onclp , but
aus in thativatists cone,
22 * And baty made all things ſubiect
Bader bts feere, end bath appointed bimo-
wer all things co be the head te the Cynick,
23 cAhich is his body , cuen rhe ™ Hulacile
of pun that Hileth all in allthings.
himfelfe per & without ys which are his members
Cburch isalio cailed Chrilt,as 1, Cor, 12,12, 13.
§ To magnifie the grace of Chrift, which is the
onely caufe of ſaluation, 1i He fheweth thë what
maner of people they were b+ fore their conuerſiou,
18 And whatthey are now in Chrifi,
AP D *yotharh he quickened , that were
Dead in tr: pales and iinnes,
2 CGiberctuintinic pak pee walked ac-
cording to the courſe of this wold, and after
the* amince that ruleth mi the ayre euen the
{pirit, that now worketh tn the chitvzen of
BtlobeDtence, 3
3 Anwng whom we aliohad our conuer=
fatton in tine palt, inthe lutes of ovr fich,
in fulfilling che will okthe icH, and ot the
minde, and torre by o nature thechildsci. 65
wꝛath as weilag oilers, -
15 — allo, after that 3| heart of
k OfChrift,
chap. 3.7,
l Made bim ge⸗
uernour of all
things both in
heauen andin
earth; fo that
Chrilts bedy is
now onely there,
or els it tho
not be a tie bos
dy, and hisafcene :
ion fhoulkibe
but a fantafticall
thing,and oncly
Pfal 8.6,
heb 2.8.
m This isthe
great loue of
his Church.that
he counteth not
and therefore the
a Weaning, Sas |
b Not by creatis
on, but ky Adams
into them which are in heauen, & them which are in eaith: alfo the
faithfull which remaine in earth fand of the Jewes & Gentiles. h To
wit,the Tewes. i Though we be redeemed fromthe bondage of finne
by the death of Chriſt, Rom 6 22. yer we hope for this fecond redẽp.
tion which fhaibe when we thall poff: fle our inheritance in che hea⸗
gens, whereof we haue the holy Ghoit fora gaze, as chap.4.30.
4 Bit GOD whichis rich in mercie. cranfgrefiion, and
though bis great (one wherewith he lowed fo by Gach,
Cuen when tee wiredead by finner, ¢ Beth lew and
Pact ontekimec vs ¢ together! ti Chriſtt, by Gentile, —
abok uiage ve are Oued, lOr with Chriſ.
Gove 6 And
arit our peace,
We that are 6 Gud hath 4 raiſed v3 vp together, and
themmembcers, are made vs littogether in the heauenly places
ailedvp fron < in hat Jeſus,
death, and reidgne 7 Ghat hee might ſhew inthe ages to
withowthead come, the exceeding riches of bis grace,
Chrikinhcauen though his kindneſſe towardys in Chit
by fith. Jelus.
8 Fo: by grace are pee ſaued through
faith, and that not of your ſelues: iristhe
gift of Gor,
9_ Not of wakes, leſt any man ould
boat bintelfe. ` )
e Here hemea- 10 Fopweate e his wozkmanhip createn
nethasconcer- in @hatit Telus vito good workes, which
ing grace,& not GoD hath ordeined that we ould walke in
by nature. them. ;
f He (heweh 11 GQherefoze remember that pee being
here thatthe fur- in tune pat Gentiles in tye flefy, and cals
ther the Gentiles {ed * yncircumertion of them, which are cal-
were off from led citcuimectiion in the fich , made with
the grace of bands,
God, thy greater 12 That ye were,] Gy, at that time with-
now to the fame. mon wealth of Ficact, and were * rangers
1,$am.17.26. fromthe scouenants of pomii, and bad
7k. 44-7a no t hope, and were || without God inthe
[Rowh9.4 » world.
g It was butone 13 Butnowin Chait Jeſus, pee which
couenant,but . once were farre ot arg made neere by the
becauleit was blood ot Chꝛilſt.
‘diuerstimescon- 14 Foꝛ bets ourpeace, which hath made
firmed and efta- of both one,and bath bgoken the: Kop of the
blifhed,there- partition wail, i
fore herehecal- 15 Jnabogating through his * fleth the
Jeth them coue- fjatreB,thar is, the Law of commandements
nants. which ftandech in orꝛdinances, (o2 to make of
h Wheréno = twaiicone new man in hunlſelle, ſo making
promile is there peace, {
is no hope, 16° And that be might reconcile both vn⸗
POr,Atherfis. .
1 Thatis,the hatred thereby,
cauleofthe diui- y7° Qudcanie and preached peace to you
fion that was be- which were afar off, and to them that were
tween the Lewes negre.
andthe Gentiles, 18 * JFo2 though him wee both bane an
k ForinCorit entrance vnto the Father by one Spirit.
all things were 19 Mow therefore pe are no moze ſtran⸗
accomplithed, gers and korreiners: but citizens with the
which were prey Saints, and of the bout olt of Ged,
igured in the 20 And are built vpon the foundation
aw, of the Apoitics. and Prophets, Jeſus Chzité
1 Forof the hinielfe being the chtefe coner ttone,
Tewes andthe 21 Jn whom all the burlding coupled to»
entileshemade gerjer, groweth vnto an boly Temple in
one flocke, the Loo, .
22 Ju whem pe alfo are built together to
be the habitation of God by the Aptrit,
CHAP. «All,
3 Hefheweth the cauſe of his imprifonment,
13 Deftreth them not to faint becaufe of histrou-
ble, 14 And praycth God to make them fiedfaft
in his Spirit.
OM, 5. 2.
E2: this caufe, JPaul am the * prifoner
of Jeſus Chait foz you Gentiles,
2 Ffye haue heard ofthe > arlpentation
of Chrifts glory. of the grace of God, which ts given mee to
Which was his: youward,® GES
ocatiotopreach 3 ‘Thatis, that God by reuelation bath
nto ý Gentiles. Hewen this vyſtery vnto mee Cas J wote
debters they are ont Cheiſt, an’ were aitants tromethe com> C
to Gov in one 'bowy dy dis} croft, and flay.
e abone tn fe words,
4 Ahereby when pee reade, pe may
know mine vnderſtanding in the myſterie
ot Chꝛiſt.
§ Ohich in other ages was 4 not ope⸗
ned vnto rye ſonnes o men, agit ts now ves
uealed vito bis holy Apoſtles and peophets
bythe Spirit : : i
6 Mat the Gentiles Mould bee inhert-
tersaito, aud of the lame body, and parta-
kere of bis pꝛomiſe m Chak by the Golpel.
hereot j am made a minifter by
the gift of tye gractotf God giuen vnto mee
* throngs the wezking of his power.
8 *Cucn vnto nie the leatt of al Baints
ts this grace qiuen.that J Mould preach a-
mong the Gentiles the vulearchable ri-
ches of Chit.
9 And conake cleare vnto all men what
the felowthip ot ube * mipitery is, wich from
the beginning of the wozid Hath been bid in
—— hath created all things by Jeſus
10 To the intent that now wnto © prin
Cipalities and powers in beancitly places
might be kiuowen f bp the Church che ma-
nttota wiſedome of Ged,
U Accoꝛding to the efernall purppte,
which bee wrought in Chut Jeſus our
I2 By whom wee have boldneſſe and en-
trance with confidence by farth in bun.
13 (0heretore 3 Delice that pee taint not
at my tribulattons fog pour lakes , which ts
pour glory. —
14 Jro: this cauſe J bow my knees unto
the Father of our Lod Jeius Cheiſt,
15 (Of whome is named the whole e fa:
wily in ® heauen and earth.) ;
Te That he might graunt you according
to the riches of his glozy , that pee may ber
ftrengthened by his ſpirit in the inner man,
17 Chat Charl map Dwelin pour hearts
— ——— ve, being rooted and grounded
13 Way bee able to comprehend with all
E aints, what is the k bzanth, andlength,
ana Denty,and height:
19 And to know the loue of Cift, which
pafieth knowledge, that pee map bee filled
with all 'fulnefle of Goo.
20 * Ginto bim therefore that ts ableto
Doe ercecbing abundantly aboue all chat we
alke o: thinke, accogding to the power that
worketh in™ yg,
21 Bee pꝛayle in the Church by Cháit
z efus , thoughout all generations fozeuer,
The Gentiles inheritours,
c That is,in the
firlt chap. of shits
Epilile verle 9.
d Although the
fathers and the
Prophets had re-
uelations cer-
taine yer it was
not in compari-
fon ofthat abun-
dance which was
fhewed wnen the
Gentiles were
called, neither
yet was the time
nor the maner
Chap.& 19»
1.( 07.45.95 10.
Rom. 6,25 colt
26, 2. tam. 1. 10.
tit.l 2.1 pet,
e The Angels.
f The Church
being githcred
of io many kinds
of people, isan
€xav ple cra
giaffe for the An-
gels to behold
the wifedome of
God in,who hath
turned their pars
ticular difcords,
into an vaiucrfall _
concord, and of
the Synagogue of
made the Church
of freedome,
g Hethatis not
of the body of ©
Chriſt, is in death
h ‘The faithfull
whichdied be-
fore Chrift came,
were adopted by
him,and make
one family with
the Saints which
yet remaine aliue
iForweconfefle .
that which we
k All perfeGion
on eugry fide i$
in him,
1 That all the gracesof God may abound inyon Rom, 16.25. m Ia
that we feele Chrift in vs.
1 He exhorteththem vuto meekenes,long fuf-
fring, unto lone and peace, 3 Emery one to ferue
C edifie one another with the gift that God hath
ginen him. 14 To beware of ftrange doctrine. 22
To lay afide the old conuer [ation of greedy luftes,
andto walkein anew life.
] * Therefore, being prifoner in the a Lord
pray you that pee walke worthy of the bo-
Cation whercunto ye aye called,
10. 1,thef. 2.820
a Forthe Lorde
One body, one fpirit.
b Which by dif-
fentions you fe-
parate aſunder.
c Sothatye can
not differnt one
from another,
fecing the ſpirit
which joyneth
you in one body,
canpot diflent
from himfelfe,
d Inpower.
e By his proui-
Rom i 2.3, 1.cor.
32.11. 2,C07.10,
1 3 zs
f Which hee gi-
ueth vs.
g The Meflias
came down trom
heaven into the <
earth co criumph
ower Satan,death
and finne,andied
themas prifoneis
and {lawes, which
before were con-
querers aad kept
all in ſubiechon:
which victory he
gat,andalfo gaue
itas a moft pres
cious gift to his
h With his gifts
and benefits,
2 hich all humbleneſſe of minde, and
meekeneſſe with long lufering iipporting
one auerher through loue, i
3 Endeuouring to keepe the vnitie of the
Ppivit in che bond of peace. -
4 Chereisone> body, and one: Apirit,
guen as ye are calledin one hope of pour vo⸗
cation. ;
j 5 There is one L020, one Faith, one Bap»
6 *Dne God and Father ok all, which
ts 4abone allt © through aland in pon all,
7 * ut vnto eueryone of vs is ginen
Stace, accsz2ding to the mealure of thet gtit
of Chꝛiſt.
8 herekore he faith, Ahen hee alcen-
Ded vp onish , Hee s led captiuitie captive,
and gauc gitts vntomen.
9 (Mow in that hee aſcended. what ts it
but that he jat alio veſcended fire into the
lowelt parts of che carth?
lo Wethatvelcended, is euen the fame
thar alcenden,farre aboue all beauens, that
he might Bll all things.)
IT Me therfore gaue iometo be Apofkles,
aud fome Prophets, and tome Cuangeltlis,
and lome Paſtours, and Teachers,
12 Fo the i gathering together of the
Haintg,for rhe worke of the nũniſtery.* and
to? the edification of the body ot Emit, _
13 Giltwe all meet together Cin the vni⸗
tie of taith ana knowledge of the Sonne of
God) vnto alpertect manñ, & vnto the mea-
lure of the age of the fulneſſe of Chatt,
14 That we henceforth bee no moze chil-
Mem wauering and caried about with euery
winde of Vectrine,byp the Deceit ofimen, and
with craftinelle, whereby they tap in watte
to deceiue. :
Is But let vs foliow the trueth ta loue,
and inal things grow vp into him, which ts
the = head, that is, Chꝛiſt, :
16 By whom ali che body being coupled
and Kutt together by euery topnt,foz the fur-
niture thereof ( accozBing to tue effectual
i Toreftore that polwer,whichisin the meatureofeucry part)
which was outof recetueth tucreaſe of the body, vnto tie edi
k That the body
of Chrift might
be perfea.
1 That we may
be of aripe Chri-
ftianage, and
cometo the full
meafure of that
which we fhall
haue of Chrift.
m Chrift being
hcad of his
fheth his mem-
bers, andioyneth
fying of it [elfe inlone,
17 This 3 lay therefore and teftifictn
the Lord , that pee hencefoorth walke notas
* other Gentiles waike, in vanitie of their
n minde, : 6
18 Hauing their cogitation Darkened,
and being rangers from the lifeof ° God
through the ignozance that is in them, be-
caule ofthe rgardneileotrhetrheart:
19 CGhich being | patt* keeling, haue gi-
uen themielues vnto wantonneſte, to woke
ailuncleanneffe, euen with greedineſſe.
20 But pe haue not fo learned Chim,
21 Iklo be yee haue hear? jin , and haue
—— byhim, as the atrueth ts in
jes, i '
22 Thatis,* that pee catt off, concerning
Chap. Ve
them together by a :
joynts , fo that euery part hath his iuft proportion of ſoode, that at
Jength the body may grow vpto perfection. Rowm.1.21. nMan not
segenerate,hath his minde, vader{tanding,and heattcorsupt, o By
the which God liueth inhis. p The bardnefic of heart, isthe foun-
taine of ignorance. ||Or without remor fe of confcience, 1, TWA. 4, 2»
g Asthey are taught which trucly Know Chrift, (0l0/-3,8,
the connerfation in time pat, ther old man
— ís coꝛrupt thaough the deceiueable
2 3 And bee rene wed ti the (pirit of pour
24 * And put on the new man, which
f atter God is created in righteouſneſſe, and
true holtneſſe.
25 *cAherekore can off lying, and ſpeake
eilery man trueth vnts bis neighbour; fog
We are members one of another.
26 “Be tangrp, but finne not: let not the
funie goe Downe vpon pour wath,
27 * seither gine piace to the deuill.
23 Let him that ole, iteate no moze: but
letiim rather labour, and wozke with hts
Hands the thing which is good, that be map
Hane to gtue bnto hun that needech.
29 * Let no corupt communication pꝛo⸗
ceev out of pour mouthes : but that which is
good to the vic of edifping, that tt may mini-
tter" grace unto the hearers. ie
30 AnD x geieue not the holy Spirit of
God,by whom pe are* (ealed unto the Day of
31 Let all bitternes, and auger, ¢ wrath,
trying and euill peaking be put away from
you, with all maliciouſneſſe. >
32 * Bepe courteous one to another, and
tender hearted, korgiuing one another, eurn
as God fo: Chatits take ſorgaue pou,
Puronthe newman. 525
r Thatis,all the
naturall cori up-
tion that 4 in vs.
10. hebi 2-1. is
pet. 2i .and 4.26.
{Which is crea-
tedaccording to
the image of
Zech. 3.16,
Pfal.gi4. x
t if fo be that ye
be angry, fo mo.
derate your af-
fection, that it
burſt not out in-
to any cuill
worke, bur be
foone appeafed.
Tames 4.7.
Chap 5.3.
u een ue |
to profit in god-
knele, — l
x So behaue yout —
feluesthat the |
holy Gholtmay ~
willingly dwelt
in you,and giue
him no occafion to depart for forow by your abufing of Gads graces,
2,Cor.1.22. Colof. 3.12,13.
2 Heexhorteth the vato lowe, 3 Warneth them
to beware of uncleannes, couctou[nes, foolt{h tala
king em falfe doctrine, 17 To be csrcumjpect, 18
To awoid drishennes,1g To reroice & tobe thanks
fulltoward God, 21 To ſubmit them [eles one te
another 22 He intreateth of corporal mariage, &
of the ſpirituæall betwixt ſhriſt and his Church.
Be ye therefore follawers of Godas Beare
2 t And walke in loue, euen as Chit
hath loued us, and hath giuen bimfeife foz
ne, co bee an offering and a facrifice of a
ſweete *imelling favour to God.
3 * But kornication, and all vncleannes,
o} touetouſneſſe, tet it not bee once named a=
mong yon, asitbecommeth faints,
4 Mepther Hichineffe, neither focli tal-
king neither > ieiking, which are things not
comely,but rather gining of thanks.
5 JSFor this vee know, that no whoremon ·
ger, nepther vncleane perfon, no? couctous
peron, which is: an Wolater, bath angin-
Deritance in che kingdome of Chit, and of neighbour: for
GD, ; ; ‘otherwife there
6 *Letnod man Deceine you with vayne be diuers exam⸗
wordes: for, for fuch things conuneth rhe
wrath ok God vpon the children of diſobedi⸗
gees.) i
7 Be not therefore companions w them.
3 Foꝛ pee were once Darknefle, bnt are
taike, whichis.
alfo godly, as
Toh. 3.34.0 15
12,1.0hn 3.23.
a Aljuding to the
perfumes and in-
cenfing in y law
Mar.7, 24. chap
4. 29Mb0l, 3.5.
b Which is ei-
ther vaine,or els
byexample and,
enill fpeaking,
may hurt your
plesin the Scrip=
tures of pleafant
n hin * pe r
1.Kıng.18.27. `
now light inthe LoD: walke ase childzeit c Becaufehee —
of light, » oP ar. thinketh that his:
ge a 2 Mife ftandeth in
histiches. Mat.2 4.4.mar.1 3.5 luke 21.3 2.thef.2.3. d Either in
excufing fin,or in mocking at the menacesand indeenents of God,
e Secing God bath adypted you for bis that ye fouldbe boly.-
f 1 ofog.
iAwake from fleepe.
o ( Forthe fruit ofthe Spirit is in all
goodnelſe, and righteouſneſſe, and trueth)
19 Approoutng that which tz pleating to
the Lod. :
11 And haue no kellowſhippe with the vn⸗
fruitful works of darknes bic euentreproue
í And makethem
nowen by your
oneft and godly
mil Ce
The wordof
od difcousreth
heviceswhich them rather.
vere hid before. 12 Foꝛ it is ſhame euen to ſpeake of the
à God thus pea- things which are done ofthem in ſecret.
seth by his fer- 13 ut allthings when thep are repzoo>
Juantstodraw Ued ofthese light,are mantfett: fez it is light
cinfidels from that maketh all things maniteſt.
heir blindneffe, 14 Ciberefoue he faith,» Awake theu that
olof. 4.5 ficepett,and ſtande vp trom the Dead, and
Selling all Chꝛiſt Hall gine thee light.
orldiy pleafures 15 Sake heed therfore that pe walke cire
to buy time cuniſpectly, not as tooles,but as * wife,
16 i Redeenting che time: foz the k Bayes
are euill. }
17 * Aherekoꝛe be pe not vnwile, but on
derſtand what che wiil of the Lord ts.
heed howtobuy 18 And be not Munke with wise, wierein
againe the occa- £3 erceiles but be fulfilied wiry rhe Dpirit,
fionsof godliness, 19 Speaking vnto your (clues tuplalmes,
which the world and hymnes, and {picttnall fongs,tinging,
bath taken from and making melodie to che Lode in your
you,” = - Oearts, — i
| Rom12.26 20 Õiuing thanks altwates fo: all things
ps .thef4.3- bute God cuen the Father, in the Mameok
fOr, fongsof _ Our Lord Jes Chut,
| prai ce thank 21 Submitting your ſelues one to another
| gining. inthe™feareofGon.
Fi Andnotonely 22 @.* dtues, fubmit pour felucs vnto
with tongue. pour hutban3s,as ynte the Lom.
23 * sforthe hulband is the wines heap,
euen as Chait ts the head ef the Church,
and the fame is the (autour ofhisn bany.
24 Cherefoze,as the Church ts in ſubiec⸗
tion to Chik, ceuen folet the teiues bee to
their hulbands in euery thing.
25 @* hulbands, loune pour wiues, enen
as Chik loued the Church, and gaue hime
sn Except our
| §riéd(hip be ioy-
ned and knit ia
SGod,it isnotto
bo efteemed.
Coal.3.18 1.2.5.
i Pet..1.
Scor, ing:
n TheChurch: felfe fo: it, j hat i
Sothe husband 26 Chat hemiaht fanctifie it, cleanle it
ought tonourith, by theo waſhing of water rhzough the word,
ouerne,andde- 27 Ghat he might make it vnto himſelke
endhiswife aglozious Church, not hauing P ſpotte oz
from perils, wainkle, or any luch thing: but that it hould
Col. 3. 19. be holp, and without blame.
-oBaptifmeisa 28 So ought men tolouc their wiues,ag
tokentharGod their stone bodies; be that loueth his wife,
hath confecrated loueth bimfelfe.
the Chureh to 29 JFozno man euer pet hated his sane
as the Lord doeth the Church.
30 Foꝛ we are members of his body, a0f
romife offree hfs fielh,andof his bones.
iuftificationand 31 * For this caule halla mau leane fa»
fanGificationin ther mother and Mall cleaue ro bis wife,
| Chrift, and they twapne chalbe one few.
p Beeaufeitis 32 This is a great fecret but Iſpeake con⸗
couered and clad cerning Chꝛiſt € concerning the Church.
with Chriftsiu- 33 Wherefore every one ot polt, doye fo: let
fice andholines. euerp one loue biswife,cucn as himſelfe, and
q This our con- let the wife lee that the feare her huſband.
iun&ion w Chrift
muft bee conſidered as Chrilt isthe husband, and wee the wife, which
are not oncly ioyned to him by nature,as a ſo by the communion of
fixbitance,through the holy Ghoft and by faith::he ſeale and tellimo-
nythereofisthe Supper of the Lord, Gene. 2.24. Mattel 9.5. mar, 10
J 3.607.636,
itholy by his _
word: that is, his
To the Ephefians.
himfelfe,& made fle, but nouritheth and cheriſheth tt, cuen `
x How children fbould bebane themſelues te
ward thesr fathers and mothers, 4 Likewife pa-
rents toward their children, 5 Seruants toward
their mafters, 9 Mafters toward their feruants,
83 An exhortation tothe fpirstuall bastell, and
what weapons the Cliriftiams ſpould fight withall.
(me. * obep pour parents in the
1028 ; fo? this ts right. }
_ 2 Honour thy father ¢ mother, (which
init ürt commaundement with a pros
3 That it map bee well with chee, and
that thou mapen tue long on earth. f
4 And pe fathers,prouoke net pour chil»
Deen to d wrath: but dzing them vp ín «ins
firuction aud tnfogmation of the Lord.
§ *Seruants, bec obedient vuta them
that are your matters, 4 accosding to rhe
fled), with feare and trembling,in anglenes
of pour hearts as xnto Cizift,
© Mot with feruice tothe eye, as men
plealers but as the ſeruants of Chat, Doing
the will of God from che heart,
7 With good wil ſeruing the Lord, and
Het men,
8 Ano know pee that whatſoeuer good
thing any man doeth, that fame tball bee
l ecelue okthe Loꝛd, whHetyer becbe bond oz
9 Andpee makers , do: the fame things
bito them, putting away eating > and
know thac euen | pour malter ali ts in hea⸗
uen, Neither is there *ereſpect of perſons
With hus.
Io € Finally, my brethzen, bee ſtrong in
the Lod, and in the power of yis might.
IL Put on che i whole armour of Ged,
that pe may be able to tand againſt the als
faults otthe ventil, :
12 Foz we wile not againts eY and
blood, but againit * prnctpalitics, agatult
powers, and againſt the wezidip gouernors,
the princes of tic darkeneſſe of tits wolo, a-
gain (picituall wickedneſſes, which are in
the bie places. ;
13 Fozchts caule take vnto you the whole
armour of Hod, that ye map be able to relit
in the enil Bay, t hauing Anitjed all things,
itand falt. f:
14 Stand therefor and pour loines gird
about teith verttte,and hautug on the bꝛelt ·
plate of srightcoulneife,
15 Aud your feete fod with the » prepas
ration of the Golpel of peace. — k
16 Aboue all, take the ſhield of Faith,
wherewith ye may quency althe erp darts
oF the wicked, i
17 * And take the helmet of i fatuation,
and the lwo: of the Bpiric, which is rge
word of God,
18 AnD prap alwayes with all manner
prayer aud ſupplicatlon in the Spirit sand
watch thereunto with all perſeucraute and
pplication for all Dainis
19 And fo: mee, that vtterance may bee
giuen vnto me. that J may opinimp mouth
boldiyto nublih the lecretof the Bolpel,
20 horc am tye ainbsdavene in
Childrens and feruants dueties. 4
Col. 3.10,
Exod. 20,83
3 patei Sge
a Thisis the firft
of the fecond tae
ble, and hath the
Promife with -
b By aulteritie,
c That they bee
not brought vp
in wantonnefle,
but in the feare
ofthe Lord,
Col, 3.22. tit. 2.9.
Ipet 2.18.
d Which haue
dominion ouer
your bodies, but
not ouer ¥ fouls,
[Or both y omrs &
their mafter.
19.7 40b, 34.19.
wif6.7 ecclus 3¢§
-12516.462,10.3 4,
rox. 2.11. gal. 2.
6.col. 3.25, 1-pete
e Whetherhe be
feruant or matter,
lOr complete
f The faithfuli
haue not onely to
firiue againſt mé
and themfelues,
butagain{t Satan
the fpiriruall ene»
mie, who is moft
. dangerous: for he
is oucrour heads,
fo that we canot
reach him, but he
muft be refitted
by Gods grace.
Chap 22.
g Innocencie
and godly life.
h That yce may
be ready to Suffer
ali things forthe
i The faluation
purchufed by Ice
fus Chriſt.
Cols 4 20
ctr’: 3. 2theL
Pauls greatloue. Perfecution
aby Bifhops here
he meaneththem
that had charge
of the word,and
gouerning,as pa-
ftois, ———
ders:by deacons,
fuch ashad charge
ofthe diftributi-
©n,and ofthe
poore and ficke,
a. Theſcr. 2.
b With ether
€ That ye recei-
ued the Go/pel.
d When you thal
receiue the crown
of glory.
e It was a fureto-
Ken of their loue
y they did helpe
him by al meanes
poflible when he
was abfent & in
Chap. j»
hearts. ;
23 Heace be with the bꝛethꝛen, andioue
with faith from Gow the Father, and fom
the Lord Jefus Chit. $
24 Grace be with all them which Toue our
ae Jeſus Chtt, to their * inmotatitie,
Tritten from Rome vnto the Ephes
ftans, andfent by Tychicus.
bands, that thereis J may ſpeake boidly, as
Toughe to fpeake.
21 © But that pee may allo know mine
affaires,and what 3] Do, Tychicus my Deare
brother and faith full mintiter in. the Lode,
Ha wew pou of all things,
22 CUhome J baue fent vnto pou foz the
fame pucpofe, that pce might know mine
affayzes, and that hee might comfort pour
sa The Epiftle of Paul to
the Philippians,
Aul being warned by the holy Ghoft to goe to Maeedonia, planted firfta Church at Philippi aci-
tie of the fame countrey: but becaufe his charge was to preach the Gofpel vniuerfally ro all the
Gentiles, hee trauailed from place to place, till at the length he was taken prifoner at Rome,whcreof
the Philippians being aduertifed fent their minifter Epaphroditus with relicte vnto him : who decla⸗
ring him the itate of the Church, caufed him to write this Epiftle , whereinhee commendeth them
that they Uood manfully againit the falfe apofiles,putting them in mind of his good wil toward them,
and exhorteth them that his impri!onment make them not to thrinke:for the Gofpel thereby was con-
firmed and not diminifhed: efpecially he defireth them to flee ambition, & to imbrace modefty, pro-
mifing to fend Timotheus vntothem who fhould inftru& them in matters more amply : yea,and tha’
hee himfelfe would alfo come vnto them, adding likewife the caule of their minifters fo long abode,
And becau‘e there were no greater enemiesto the croffe then the falfe apoftles, hee confureth their
fale doctrine, by proving only Chriſt to be the end of all true religion, with whom we haue all things,
aud without whom wee haue nothing, fo that his death is eur life,and his refurre ion onr iuflifications
After this follow ceitaine admonitions both particular and gencrall,with teliification of bis afſection
toward them,and thankfull accepting of thei beneuolence,
C H A P. I, ~
a Saint Paul difcouereth bis heart toward
them, 3 By histhankefziuing, 4 Prayers, 8 and
wifhes for their faith & (aluation, 7,12, 20 Hee
Pheweth the fruite ofhis croffe, 15.27 Andexs
horteth thems to unity, 28 And patience.
; pa Aul and Timotheus the fer-
3 nants of Jeus Chꝛiſt, to ail
; Se which are at Philippi, with
j E2 Se thea Bithops, and Deacons:
bree . 2 Gracebe with youand
peace trom Ood our Father, and fom the
Lord Jeſus Chꝛiſt. KOKOH
3 *3tbanke mp Gav ,hauing pou in pere
fect mesozy, .
all mp papers foz all
4 (Alwapes in
_ you, praying with gladnes)
Becauſe af the > fellowthip which pee
Gane in the Golpel, from the : Gr& Day vnto
6 And J am perfwaded of this fame-
thing, that bee that bath begunne this goon
woke in pou, will pertorme it vntill the
4 Day of Jeſus Chit,
7 Qs it becommeth mefa to iunge of
pou all, becanfe J baue you in remembꝛance,
€ that both in my bands, and in my Defence
and confirmation of theGolpel,you all were
partakers of my f grace.
8 Foron is my vecoꝛd, dow F long af.
prifon, cuen as if ter pou all from the very heatt roote in. Je»
they had bin pri-
foners with him,
ius Chꝛiſt.
9 Andthis Ipap, thatyour loue map
f Of chispeculiar abound , pet moze and knowledge,
benefit to fuffer
for Chrifts fake.
Io Chat pee may Diicerne things that
lor, are excallent Idiſfer one fiom another, that YEMAY De pure,
Aree: offence, vntill the Day of
Il Filled with the fruits of» rightconl
nefe, which ate by Jeſus Cheiſt vuto the
glory and paile of Good.
I2 @ J would pe vnderftoode,bicthen,
that the things which haue come vᷣnto mee,
are * rather to the furthering of the
13 So that my bands in Chꝛiſt are fas
mous throughout ail the « udgement hall,
and in ail other places,
14 In fo much that manyof the bze»
theen inthe Lode are boldened thzough my
bane and dare moze frankely (peake the
Ig Home preach Chit, enen though
o and ſtrike, and fome alfo of. godd
16 The one part preach Chritk of cons
tention and not m purely, {uppofing to ande
moze affliction to mybands:
17 But the others of lone, kuowing that
Jami fet fez the defence of the Golpel.
18 Cdibat then? yet Chattt is preached alt
maner wapes, whether ic be» vader ape-
pencio? lincerelyrand J therin ioy: yea, and
l toy.
I i Fog — ——— ſhall turne to
my (aluation,thsougbysur praier, and by the
eine of the Spirit of Jelus Chꝛiſt, ee
_ 20 As J heartily looke foz, and hope,that
in nothing J halle ahamed, but that with
alt contidence ,. as alwayes, fo-now Cheiũ
fhalbe magnificd in my body, whether it bee
by like or by Death. Bee
21 Foꝛ Ciais tome both in life, and in:
Death aduantage.
22. And
furthereth the Gofpel. 526.
k Or,ro be withe `
out corruption,
that is, to haue
life everlafling,
whichistheend |
of this grace,
g That youfo ine
creafeingodli- —
nes,that not only.
yeecan put diffee
rence betweene
good & cuill:but
alfo that ye profit,
more and more —
without flipping
backe or ftan- |
ding ina ftay.
h KRighteoufnes: -
is the tree,good
works the fruits
i Which Iſuſtein
for Chrifts caufe.
k Thatis, inthe
court or palace
of the Emperose
1 Or,profeffe the.
Gofpel confide-
ting my conftan-
m But witha
corrupt mind,
lOr, lse 22 bands,
n Their pretence
was to preach
Elriſt, and there- |
tose their docttin
Was true:butthey
werc full ofam-
bition-and enuies.
thinking to de>
fice Pauland
preferi c heme-
í : hrif humbled himfelfe.
b Tolieinthe 22 And whether te ° line in the flety,were
Ach, isto livein yofttable foz mee, and what to choole, J
pois oritele body, know not.
iil webecalled 23 fog am greatlyin doubt of both
[o liuc cuerla- fass, Delixtug to beclooled, bee with)
tingly: burto Chꝛiſt, whichis beitofall.
iuc accordingto 24 s2enerthelelle to abide in thel flew,
Phe fle(h,orto be is moze needfull for you.
mathe fleth,fignt- 25 Ana this am J fure of, that 3 Mallas
Inejtobedefti- bide, and with pou ali continue, foz your tur»
Fuc of theSpirit, therance and toy of your faith,
Pndtobeplun- 26 That pee map moze abundantly re-
Peedinthefilthie toice in Jelug Ohrit to: me,by my comming
P-oncupifcencesof to you againe. l
fhe flefh. _ 27 *Dnely let pour conuerfation be, as
J it becommeth the Golpel of hit, that
whether J comeand tee pou, o2 elle be ab:
ient, J may heare ef pour matters, that pee
i [continue in one ſpirit, and inone minde
HOr fand. fighting together tough the faych of the
Hp Themorethat Goſpel. j
frantsragea- 28 And tn nothing keare vour aduerla-
Peaintt ¥Gofpel, rieg, which is to them artoken ef perditten,
the moremani- and topouoflaluation.and a that of God.
that not onely pee Houta beleeue in pim,but
ailo (uffer foz bis fake,
30 Vaning the fame fight which pee faw
| in me, and now heare co be mmg.
-conftant perfeue-
rance for Chrifts ſake, is an cuident figne of faluation, q God thew.
If eth by this meanes of bearing the croffe,who are his,& who are not,
Ih {] Or,Chrifts cause,
| ee CHAP, IL
; 3 He exhorteth them aboue all things to humi.
lity, whereby pure doctrine is chiefly maintained,
19 Promifing that he and Timotheus will [peedily
come vuto them, 27 and excu/eth the long tary-
soem. tng of Epaphraditus.
fa ifyefoloue
f me,that you de-
F Gre my comfort,
{b From the con.
fent of wils and
smindes he pro-
eedeth to thea-
i greementin do-
tine, that there
might be ful and
perfe& concord,
if Chuft being
| F there be therefoxe any > confolation in
Chꝛiſt, tf any comfort of toue, if any fel
lotwibip of the Spirtt, if any compafiion and
2 Fulfill my iop,that ye be like minded,
hauing tye fame loue, being of one accord
andot> one indgement,
3 That nothing be done through conten:
tion o? vayne glozy, but that in meeknefle of
4. Looke noc cuery man on bis owne
thurgs, but euery man allo on the things of
other men. y
5 Letthe fame minde be in you that was
- guen in Chit Jelus,
Cho being tnthe forme of G DD,
thought tt no 4 robbery to be equall w Gon:
7 * But he made himielfe of no reputatt
on, € tooke on him the < fome of a feruant,
and was made like vnto men, ¢ was found
Hfamefulldeath, inf hape as a man.
If balwewhich — 8 he humbied himlelke, and became o-
are nothing but bedient vnto the Death,cuen the death of the
f vile flaues, croſſe.
{through arrogan-
cie treade dowre our breth en and preferre cur felues? d Forhee
| Jayde afide his
glory,and being
f Lord,hecame a
| fcruant, and wil-
dp ling ly fubmitced
i} himfelfe ro moft
20.28. e The pooreand weake natureof man, f He wasteene and
} heard of men, fh chat his peifon and behauiour declared that heeewas
as a miſerable man, Heb, 2.9.
29 Fo: vnto you it iz ginen foz | Uhut, w
mind * cucry man eſteeme other better ther |
that was God, fhould hauedone none iniury to tiie Godhead, Matt,’
9 Aherekore God hath alo highly exal⸗
a Hint, and giuen bim a ame aboue euerp
lo * Thatat the Mame of Jeſus ſhould
euery knee s bow, both of things tuheauen, +f
Tate ae in earth, and things vnder the
Il *And that enery tongue Mould con-
felle that Jelus Chait is the Load, vnto the
glory oF God the Father,
I2 Wherefore my beloued, as ye haue al-
Wayes obeyed me, not asin my pretence ans
ly, but nowe much moze in mine ablence, fo
h make an end of your owne faluation with
i feare and trembling. |
13. forit ts Sad which worketh in you,
— ar will and che deed, euen of his k good
14 Doe all things without* murmuring
and realonings,
15 That pe may be blameleiie, and pure,
and the ſonnes of God without rebuke m the
middes ot a naughty and crooked nation,
among whome yee thine, as* lights in the
16 MHolding forth them woz of life, that
J imap cetopce in the Dayof Cheuk. that J
haue not runne in batne, neither baue labo-
red in vaine. *
17 Dea, and though J be "offered wp bp-
onthe dacrifice, and ſeruice o of your fateh, J
am glad, and retopce with pou alt.
18 Foꝛ the fame cauie alio be pe glad, and
reioyce with mé.
19 And J trut inthe Lord Jeſus to fend
*Timotheus Horclp pute you, that g alfa
mep beof good comfort, when 3| know pour
ât. .
20 Foꝛ J baue no manlike minded, who
wiii kaithtully care ro: pour matters.
21* Foꝛ ally (ecke their owne, and fot
that which is Jetus Chis, i- s
22 But pe know the pzoofeof him that
as a ſonne with the father, bee bath ſerued
with me in the Goſpel.
22 iim therefore I hope to fendaffoone
as J| know gow tt will go with me,
24. Sno trutt in the Logo, chat J allo my
felfe Hall come theztly. it.
25 ‘Wut J ppoe it neceſſarie to fend
my brother Epaphroditus vnto pou, my co-
panion in labour, and fellowe fouldierjeuen
pour meſſenger, and be that miniſtred vnto
me fuch things as J wanted.
26 jFoz be longed after all you, and was
fullofheaninefie,becaule ye bad beard, that
he had beneficke.
27 And no doubt he was ficke, very heere
punto Death ibut God bad mercy an him, and
not on him only,but on me allo,lett J ſhould
paue ſorowe vpon ſorꝛow.·
28 Flent him therefore the moze Dili-
gently, that when ye Would tec bim agane,
pe might reiopce, and J] might be the leſſe
29 Receiue him therelore in the rity
with all gladneffe,and make much of fth:
30 Becanfe chat for the awogke of Chriſt
he⸗ was neere vnto Death and regarded not
His ltfe,to fulfil that ſeruice which was lacka
ing On pour part toward me. cae
Allfeeke their owne.
ifa. 45.23.
g Worlhip and
befubie& to him,
Toh, 3.1 3.1.cor.
8.6.and 12.3.
h Runne for-
ward in that race
ot righceonfaefie
wherein God
hath freely pla.
ced you through
Telus Chrift, and
conducteth you
bis children by
his {pir1. co
walke in good
works, and fo to
make your vo-
cation fure,
i Which may
make you cares
fuil and diligent,
k Which is bis
free grace.
5, Pet 49:
l As they which
inthe nighr fet
forth a candle to
g've light te
m The Gofpel.
n The wore fige
nifieth to powre
outas the drinke
ofring. was pow⸗
red on the facri-
o To confirme
youin your faith,
Acis 16. 1.
1.Cor, 10 24.
p They rather
fought profit by
thcir preaching
then Godsglory,
q Hecalleth it
hére the worke
of Chrift, to vi-
fire Chrift, who
was bound in the
perlon of Paul,
and was in neede
of neceffariés.
r He approveth
them which ha-
zard their life
to relieue the
prifoners of
Righteoufns ffe through faith.
2 He warneth them to beware of falfe teachers,
3 againf? whome hee fetteth Chrift, 4 hkewife
binfelfe, 9, andha doctrine, 12 and repreueth
mans owne righteonfne fe.
J—— mp brethren, reioyce in the
Lod. Jt grieucth me not to weite? the
ane things to you, andfozpen tt isa furg
thing. i
2 Beware of b dogs :bewareof enil iwo
kers : beware of the leaftrobauere-
municated with metoncerning the “matter lieued hin in his
ofgiuing and recciuing,but pe — F necellity,
Pal 69.28, lake
10. 20.eue. 3. $a
and 20. 12.
and 21.27.
a This booke
ce That I wasnoe
ableto endure
my pouerty,
rertue or fice -
Gofpcl vnto you,-
h be had giuen
ofhis part in
communicating -
withthem fpi-
anew tohelp me, -
f Notefbisown -
g Whenl fik-
rituall hing, bat- |
HOr abound to-
ward yonr count.
Ou: hope layed vp.
16 For euen whenT was in Theſſalonica,
peelentonce, ane afterward againe kor my f
17 Hotthat J defire a gift: but Jdelire
thefruite which may || further pour recka-
18 Row J hane receiued all, and haue
plenty: J was ceuen filles, after that J han
„ EecetueD of Cpaphroditus that whic came
a Which wasa
city of Phrygia,
For without
Chbrift there is
‘no faith to bee
faued by, but on»
ly a vaine opi-
“e Which com-
meth ofthe holy
d Thatis, Gods.
frem you, an otour that fmelicty weete, a
facrifice acceptable and pleaſant fo Sod.
Tothe Coloffians.
Allthings created by Chrift.
ceflitics theough bis tiches with glory in Je-
us Chꝛiſft.
20 Unto Gad enen our Father be parfe
foz euermoz amen.
21 Salute all p Saints in Chie Jes,
The brethren, which are with me, greet pou.
22 Ail the Saints falute you,and molt of
all they whice areofiCefarshouigold. _
23 The grace of our Lozd Jeſus Chik
be with pouall,dmen. |
Critien to the Hhilippians from Rome,
i Of fuchas did
belong tothe
Emperour Nero.
10 And my God hail fulfili all pour nee and fent by Epaphroditus.
q The Epiftle of Pauito the
N tbis Epiftle S Paul putteth difference betweene the liuely, effe@ualland trus Chrift, andthe fai-
ned,counterfeite, and imagined Chrift,whom the falfe apoſtles taueht. And firft,he confirmeth the
do@rine which Epaphrashad preached, wifhing them the increafe of faith, to eſteeme the excellency
af Gods benefit toward them, teaching them allo that ſaluation, and whatfoeuer goed thing can be de-
fired, ftandeth onely in Chrift, whom onely wee im tace by the Goſpel. But forafmuch as the falfe
brechren would hauc mixed the Law with the Goſpel, hre toucheth thofe flatterers vehemently, and
exhertcth the Celoffians to Ray onely on Chrif, without whom alithings are but meere vanitie, And
as forcircumeifion, abftinence from meates , externall holinefie, worlhipping of Angelsas meanes
whereby to come to Chrif, hee vicerly condemneth, fhewing what wasthe office and nature of ce.
remonies,which by Chrift are abrogate: fo that now the exercifes of the Chriftians Rand in mortificas
tion of the flehnewneffe ef life, with other like offices appertaining both generally and particularly
to all the faithfall.
3 He gineththankes unto God for their faith, 7
Confirmeth the doctrine of Epaphras, 9 Prayeth
far the increaſe of their fasti. 13 He fheweth vn-
to them the true Chrift , and difcouereth the coun-
ter fest Chrift of the falfe apofiles. 25. He approo-
æeth his authoritieand charge, 28 and ef tus
‘faithful executing ofthe fame.
— Aut an Apoſtle of TESVS
F R `) Cift, by the will of Gad,
* ana Timotheus our brotyer,
pre TA 2 Gealithem which are
W oF at? Coloſſe, Gaints & fatth⸗
as oy ful bzethzen in Chart: Grace
bee With pou, and peace from God our Fa
thet, and from the Lam Jelus Chꝛiſt.
3 Cle giue thankes to God cuen the Fa-
ther of our Loe Jefas Chui, alwayes
praping fe: pou: UO
4 Since weheard of onr faith t in Chꝛriſt
Qez ann of yourlouc toward all Saints, '
5 Fo the hopes fake which tslatd wp fo?
you in heauen. whereof pe haue Heard before
by the wod oftrueth, ahich is the Goſpel,
6cAhich is come vnto pou, euen as itis
vnts all the world, and ts fruitfull, as it is
allo among you, from the Day that pe heard
andtrucly knew the grace of God,
Qs yee allo learneo of Cpapbzas our
Beare fellowe feruant, which ts for pou a
kaithkull minifer of Chak :
$ tho hath alfe declared tato bs pour
louc, which ye haue « bythe ſpirit.
9 Foztbtscaule wee alfa, ſince the Day
weheardofit, ceale not to pray foz pou,and
to delire that yee might bee fuiftiled with
knowledge of4 bis will, in all wiſedom, and
{ptrituall ynberftanding,
10, * Thatye might walke worthy of the
Lo2d,¢plealehim in all things.being* fruits 1-“or.'. 5
full in all good Werks, and uicrealing inthe
knowledge of sd,
IL Strengthened with all might thzꝛough
his gloꝛious power, vito all patience, and
long ſuffering with topfulneffe,
I2 Gining thanks vntothe Father,which Matth.3.17.2nd
hath mabe vs mecteto bee partakers of the 17-$et-pet.t.37,
utberttance ofthe Saints in light. Hebr.t.30
13 (Aho bath deltuered vs fro tye power € ForGodis
of Darkencs,and bath tranflates vs into the madevifibleia |
kingdome * of bis Beare Bonne, the flefh of
14, Ju whome wee baue redemption Chriſt, and the
through bis blood, that is, the fozginencile af dininitie dwel-
finnes, leth in bins cor-
15 Cibo is the* e image of the inuſible porallj.
Gob, the Erë bosneofeucrp creature. f Borne before ;
16 * Fo by him were all things created, any thing was
which are in heauen, and which are incarth. created,
things viſable and inuiſchle: whether they be Tohn 1,3.
Thrones, 02 Dominions, oꝛ Pꝛincipalities, Cor- 5.20.
o2 Powers, all things were created by him renek t5. -
and forhim, He that rofe
17 And heis before all things, and iu him frtagainefrom. -
all things comiitt. the dead,to take
18 And hee is the head of thebonyofthe poffeffion of life
Church: he ts the beguining,*and s the firit everlafling:
bone of the Bead, that in althings hemtght whichrifing may
haue the pacenrinerice, be called anew
I9 * Fertt pleated theFather, that in him birch,
fouls all> fulwelle Dwell, \ Tobm 1.14
20 And by Him to reconcile all things chap.2.9.
unto himſelte, aud te fet at peace thaougy h Thar the
tie blood of bis croſſe, both the thangs in Church,which
earth, and the things in heauen. is his body,
21 And you which were in times pat mieht recciue of
ſtraugers and enemies, becaule your minds his abundance,
werefec tn euill workes, bath he now allo re» i That isthe .
tonciled, vhole Church,
22 Sn
Luke 1.75.
Eco., 2.cphe.
titas 2,11,12.
Iohn 15-9.
k Or,your com-
lAs Chrif hath
once fuffercd in
fo doeth he dayly
ſuffer in his mem-
bers,as pataker
of their infrmi-
ties, and there-
fore areuenger
of their iniuries.
m Which isthe
promiles of
Chrilt, and of
the calling of
the Gentiles.
Rom.16.2 g.cphe.
3-9-2 IAO
titus 2.2.1, pete
n Whom he hath
elected and con-
fecrated to him
by Chrilt.
HOr pain & care,
a. Meprefent in
body, whe
b In body.
¢ In minde,
a. Cor. 5.3.
d Teaching you-
vaine [peculati-
ons, as worſhip ·
ping of Angels,
of blind ceremo-
traditions: for
now they haue
none vfe,fecing
Chrif is come,
c Infaying that
the Godhead is
‘Teally in Chrift,
e fheweth that
The reftof Chiifts afflictions.
nies and beggerly
a i
22 In the body af his fleſh through death,
to make pou* boy, ann pirblameable, and
without fanitin bis ight:
23 * Jf pee conttinie grounded and Ka-
bitte in the faith, eber aot aaooutd away
trom the hope of the Ooipel, whereof pee
patie beard, and which barh beene preached
to eutry creature whieh is vnder heauen
vedereot JPaulama miniſter.
24 How retevee J in my ſufteriags fo?
kyon, aud fulfli! the reft of the aftlictions
: of Ciit in mv fei, fo his bsdies ake,
wbich ts the burch,
25 CihercofZ am a miniſter, according
to tije Dilperiation ot Good, which ts giueñ
mee vnto youward, to full (he = word of
26 *Which is the myſterie bid fince the
worid began, and fromal ages, but nowis
niade manici to bis e Dainis,
27 To whom Hoa wouls make knowen
what is the riches ef this glorious myſterie
aniong fhe Gentiles, which riches ts Chalk
inypou,* the hepe of ginig Vt
23 Ghom we preach adimonifhing euery
nan, and teaching encip man in all wife:
Dome, that wee map prelent eucrp man per:
fect in Chꝛiſt Felis:
29 peri with rhe vſing, and
= after thecommandements and Doctrines
of men: i
23 bich things haue intrede a Hew of
wifedome,tn » voluntary religton and bum-
bleneſſe of minde, and in nor ſparing the bo⸗
By: | netther baue thepit in anp cltunation
tofatilfic thee ich. .
Chrift is the body. 528
f Madeby the
Spirit of Chrift.
Rext.6. 4,
Epbef vt 9.
g Inbelecuing
that God by his
power railed vp
Chrift whereof
we haue a fure
token in our
Erhe ſa. t.
Or, vs all oure.
Etheſa A$ nsx
[Cr bligation-
h The ceremo-
nics and rites
were as it were
apublike profef-
writing of the mie
ferable eftate of
mankirde: for
circumcifion did
declare opr natu-
all poliution: ©
the purifyings,
and wafhings fige;
nified the fiith
offinne:the fa-
crifices teftified: <
that we were
guiltie of deaths
which were all
taken away by
Chrifis death.
i As Satan and
his angels from
whom he hath
taken all power,
k Or, diftis@ion, .
as to make diffe-.
rence betwixt
Maith.24 4.
] Meaning that. .
the hypocrites
heisveryGod:al- {povle pon through d philoſophie, and vaine
fofayinginhim dececit,thꝛough the travittons of men, ateaz-
he declareth two Ding to the rudiments ofthe Ward, and not
diftinG natures, after
by this word
9 .* fo: in him Dwelleth all the futne fe-
dwelleth, he pro- otthe ¢Hovhead |! bodily.
weed thar it is 10 And yee are complete tn bim , which
therefor euer, the jead of all [Pzincipalitie and power: |
POr efentrally, I Ju whom allo ye are circumciſed with
Rom,3.29,. *circumctiion made without bands, bp put:
Jed them at their plzzfure into all faperfition, and errour. fOr, dee
fraudyouofyour price. ta And appertaine nothing to the king: -
dome of God, n Such as men hive chofen according te theit
owne fantafie, HOr but they are of no value ſaue for the filling of the
feh. o They pinchand defraude their body to thew chemfelues
greater hypoctites.
Sel la, Ge Pai b it k > i
t He fheweth where we fhruld feeke Chrif ¢
Hee exhorteth to mortification, 10 To putoff the
elde man and to put on (hrift i3 Tothę which ke
addeth exhortaticns,both generall and particular,
to charitie and humu litie.
ye then be? rilen with Chit ſeekt thole a Alter that ye
things which are about where Cheiſt ft · Hue bene dead
teth at the tight hand of Gop. to bepeerly ce-
* 2 Dit pour affection on things which remonics.
are atour, and notonthings which’ areon b Which either ~
the earth. —— ſetue but fora
3 For pee arse dead/ and pour lifeis hid rime,or clfeare
with ChutinGon. Inuented by men =
4 ben Chat, which isourkée, Hall e With Chit...
appeare, then iall pe allo apycare wit him
int ging.,
§ *4Moꝛ⸗
The Chriftian life.
d Extinguiſh all
the ftrength of
hecorrupt na-
ture which refi-
fteth againtt the
Spirit, chat yee
» may live in the
Spitit,and not
inthe fleth.
Rom 6 .4.eph.4.
25.bebr. 12.1,
§.t.and 9.6.
e He fheweth
what fruites are
in themthat are
dead to the world
and are tifen a-
gaine with Chrift,
Or, the bowels
of mercies.
Let it guide all
your doings,
fOr, gracios, or
g The doGrine
ofthe Gofpel.
h Pfalmes pro-
perly conteme
complainiags to
God, narrations
and expoftulati-
ons: hymnesonly
fongs conteine
praifes, & thanks
giuing, but not
fo largely and
angly as hymnes
5. *4 tife therefore your members
which are on the earth, fornication, unclean
nelle, the mordinate affection, euill concupiſ⸗
cenct, and couetoulneſſe which ts idolatrie.
6 Forthe which things fakes che wrath
capt commeth on the chilen of diſobe⸗
7 Wherein ye allo walked once, when pee
lived tn them.
8 * But now put pee away cuen all
thefe things, wath, anger, maliciouſneſſe.
ae (peaking, filthte (peaking out of pour
9 Lie notone to another, ſeeing that pee
baue put off theol man with his wozkes,
Io And haue puton the new, which ts
renewed in knowledge * after the image of
dim that created him, é
Il Abere is neither Grecian, no: Jewe,
circeumcthon no: vncircumctſion, Barbari»
an, Scythian, bond, frec: but Chrift is all in
all things.
12 *Now therekoꝛe, as theelect of Gov
c bolp and beloued , puton |i tender mercte,
kindnefle, humbleneſſe of mind, meekeneſſe, Mate
long ſuffering: i
13 Fezbearing ene another, and forgi:
uing one another, if any man haue a quartel
= — cuen as Chꝛiſt forꝛgaue you euen
0 doe pee.
14 And aboueall thele things, puton loue,
which ís the bond of perfectnetic. »
Iş And let the peace of God f rule in pour
hearts, to the which ye are called in one bo»
Dp, and be pe amiable, ;
16 Let the e wed of Chit dwell in
pou plenteoufly in all wiledome, teaching |
and adinonifying your owne felues , in
Plalmes, and hymnes, and (piritual ongs,
finging with a*i grace in pour hearts to the
17 * And twhatloeuer ye Mall Docin word
02 Deede, doe all in the nameof the Lo: Fie-
fus, giting thankes to Geb euen the Father
13 ¶ ines, ſubmit your ſelues vnto
fOr,thankZining pour huſbands, as it is comely in the Loꝛd.
I Pet. 3.7.
ephef5.3 5
i Which are in
the Lord.
k By too much
figour. t
Ephe f6 Se
titus 2.9.
æ zpet 2.18.
1 The crucll
Deut. 10.17.
ecclus. 39. 1 2.
rom.2. 11.
gala a
* Whether he
be matter of
19 * Huſbands loue pour wiues, and bee
not bitter vnto them. :
20 C *Childzen,obep pour parents in ial
things: foz that ts well pleafing vnto the
21 Fathers, k prouoke not pour childzen
to anger, left they be Dilcouraged.
22 C * Heruants,be obedient vate them
that are your matters accezDing to the fleſh
in all things , not with epe ſeruice as men
— but in lingleneſſe ofheart, fearing
23 And whatloeuer pedo, Doe it heartily,
as to the Lozd, and not vnto men,
24 Knowing that of the Lord pe hall res
ceine the reward of the tuberitance: foz pee
ferne the LoD Chꝛiſt.
24 Buthee! that Doeth wrong, hall re-
ceiue foz the wong that hee hath Done, and
there is no*m relpect of perfons.
Tothe Coloffians.
2 He exhorteth them to bee feruent ix prayer,
$ To walke wifely towardthem that are not yet
ceme tothe true knowledge of Chrift, He faluteth
them,and wiſheth them all profperitie.
M maters, doe vnto pour feruants, that
which ts iut and equall, knowing that
pee allo hauc a matter in heauen.
2 *Continue in pꝛayer, and watch inthe
fame with thankefgining,
* Paping alio foz vs, that God may
open vito bs the 2 Dooze of btterance, to
{peake the mpfteric of Chik: wherefore J
am allo tn bonds, et
4 Chat J may deter itas it becommeth
me to ſpeake.
5. ¶ * (calke > wilelytoward them that
are without, ande redeeme the time.
6 Letpour ſpeech bee gracions alwayes.
and powd2e0 with d falt that pee map know
how to ant were euery man.
7 € Tychicus our beloued bother, and
fatthfull miniſter, and fellow fernauntin
the Lozd, Mall declare puto pou my whole
3 (Ahome J haue fent vnto pou for the
fame purpote that be mightknow your tate,
aud might comfort pour hearts,
9 *ddtith Onelimus a faithful and a bes
loued brother, who ts one of you. Thep thal
Wetu pou of all things bere.
10 Arittarchus my pifon fellowe falu»
teth you, and Marcus, Barnabas fitters
fonne (touching whome pee recetued com-
—— Ik hee come vnto pou, recetue
11 And Jelus which ts called Juſtus,
‘which are of the circumciſton. Theſe e one:
ly are my t wozkefellowes vnto the king:
Dome of God, which haue bene vnto my con-
folation. :
12 Cpaphras the fernantof Chik, which
ts one of you, faluteth you, and alwayes
ftrineth foz you in prayers, that pee may
ang perfect , and full in all the will of
13 For J beare him recorde, that he hath
a great zeale for pou, and fo: them ef Lao-
Dicea,and them of Hierapolis.
14 * Lukethe beloued phyſician greeteth
you,and Demas.
15 Salute the bꝛethzen which are of Laa:
Dicea,and Mymphas,and theChurch which
fs in his boule.
16 And when this Epiltle ts read of pou,
caule that it bee read in the Church of the
Laodiceans allo, and that pee likewiſe read
the Epiſtle g written from Laodicea,
17 And fav to Archippus, Cake heede to
the mintiterie,that thou hatk recetucd in the
Lod, that theu fulfitlit.
18 The falutation by the hand of mee
Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with
pou, Amen.
Aritten from Rome tothe ColoMians,
andfent by Tichtcus and Oneſimus.
OES pray and watch.
Luks 18.1.
1thef 5.17.
Ephef 6.18.
a That ĩ may
freely preach
the Gofpel,
see ike com-
moditie of your
c Beftow the
time well, which
the maliceof `
men eucry where —
plucketh from
you,and caufeth
you to abufe it,
d Perteining to
edification and
mixt with no
Philem. a,
e Iftheyonely |
did belpe him to |
preach the Gef- |
pelat Rome,
where was Peter?
or thofe fiue and
twentie yeeres
that they faine
he abode at
Rome$ 4
f In preaching j
the Gofpel.
E A 4. 10, 11.
g Eitherto Paul
or elfe which
they would write!
as ananfwereto
this Epiftle fent
to h: Colofliant,
Effetuall faith.
a For there is no
Church whieh
is notioyned to-
gether in God,
b Which decla-
reth it felfe by
moft Jiucly
c, Whereby you
declared your
felues meis ready
and painefull to
helpe the poore,
d The effectuall
_ preaching of the
Gofpel is an eui-
‘dent rokenof
our eleGion,
_€ Tobelecte and
to be fully per-
{waded to haue
the gifts of the
holy Ghoft,and
joyfully to fuffer
for Chrifts fake,
are moft certaine
fignesof our
lOr, paternes.
To wit,allthe
é For ‘doles are
dead things and
onely fained
Chap. }. ij.
@° The firk Epiftle of Paul to the
Fter that the Theffalonians had beene well inſttucted in the faith, perfecution (which perpetually
Å fotiowerh the preaching of the Gofpe}) arofe, againft the which although they did conftantly
ftand, yet Saint Pzul (as moft carefull for them) fent Timothie to firengthenthem , who foone after
admonifhing bim of their eftate, gaue occafion to the Apoftte to confirme them by diuers arguments
to be conftant in faith, and to (ufter wharfoeuer God calleth them vnto for the teftimonie of the Gof-
pel, exhorting themto declare by their godly liuing the puritie of their religion. And as the Church
can never bee fo purged, thatfome cockle remaine not among the wheate, fo there were among them
wicked men, which by moouing vaine and curious qut ft ons to cnerthrow their faith, taught falfely,
as touching the point of the refurre Gtion from the dead : whereof he briefely ĩnſtructeth them what to
thinke, earnefily forbidding them to fecke eurioufly to know the times, willing them rather to watch,
Ifthe ſudden comming of Chrift come vpon them at vnawares : and fo after certaine exhortations,
and bis commendationsto the brethren, bee endeth.
_ 3 Heethanketh God for thera , that they are fo
ftedfaff ın faith and good workes, 6 And receiue
the Gofpel with fuch earnefines , 7 That they are
an example to all others. i
oA enaa Aul,and Siluanus, and Ti-
7 $S motheus,ynto the Church of
Q HF, the Theflaloniang,which is in
2 o a God the Father, and in the
AG RI F Lod Felis Chrift: Grace be
— with you, € peace trom God
our father.ane from the Lod Felis Ciit.
2 * Hee giue Ged thankes alwayes foz
you all, making * mention of you tn our
Mithout ceafing, remesmbzing pour
b effectual fatrh,and c Diligent loue,and the
patience of your hope tn one Lod Jeſus
Chit, in the light of God euen our Fatter,
4 Knowing, beloucd brethzen, that pee
are elect of Gov. : $
5 Fozonr4 Golpel was not vnto pouin
woꝛd onely, but alfo in power,and in the ho⸗
ly Shot, and in much allurance, as pe know
after what maner wee were among you foz
your fakes.
6 And pee became followersof vs, and
ofthe Lord, and receined the wom iu much
affliction, with ¢ fop of the boly Obott,
7 Sothat ye were as} enlamples to all
that beleeue in Macedonia and Achaia,
8 Foꝛ trom you founded out the wo2d of
the Lod, notin Macedonia and in Achaia
onely: but your faith alfo which ts toward
GoD, {p2ead abzoad inall quarters, that we
neede not to(peake anything.
9 Foz! they themfeines thew of you what
maner of entring in wee had vnto you, and
bow pee turned to God from idoles, to ſerue
thes lining and true God,
10 Aud to looke fez his Donne from hea:
neu, wham he ratled from the Dead ,cuen Je⸗
fas which Deltuereth vs from the *warh to
h Whichhe fhall TIME
ex:cute vponthe
1 Tothe intent they [hould not faint under the
troff2, 2 Hee commendcth his diligence iu prez-
ching, 13 And thesrs in oveying. 18 Hee excu-
Leth hw abfence, that hee could not come aud open
Ai heart to them. ;
p2: yee your (clues know bzethzen , that
our entrance in buto pou Was net in
a baine,
2 Buteuen after that wee had ſuffered
before, and were fhamefnily intreated at
* Philippi (as yee know)wee were bola > in
ont God, to (peake bunto pou the Goſpel of
God with much ſtrining.
3 Fozour erhoztation was notby deceit,
no2 by vncleanneſſe noꝛ by guile.
4 Bnt as we were allowed of God, that
the Golpel Would bee committed rno vs, fo
we (peake,not as thep that « pleafe men, but
God, which trieth onr Hearts,
S Meither pet did we euer bfe flattering
words, as pee Know, nopcoloured couctoul=
nelle, God is record. a
6 Neither fought wee praile of men, neis
ther of you,no2 ef others,
7 When we might haue beene | charges
able,as the Apottles of Chꝛiſt: but we were
gentle among pou, cuen as ad nource che
tifheth her chtldzen. 3
8 Tbus being affectioned toward pou,
ont good will was to haue Dealt vnto
pou, not the Gofpelof God onely, but alfo
—— owne ſoules, bec auſe pee were Deare vn-
to vs.
9 Foꝛ vee remember, brethren, * ourla-
bour and tranatte ; foz we laboured Day and
night, becaule we would not bee chargeable
vnto any of you , and preached vnto pou the
Gofpelof God.
IO Pecarewitnefles, and God allo, how
Holily,and iuſtly, and vnblameably we beha-
ued our felues among « pon tbat belecue.
II Ag pee know how that wee exhorted
you, and comforted, and beſought euery one
of pou (as #father his childꝛem
12 Chat pee * would walke worthy of
God, who hath called pou vnto dis kmg-
bome and glory ·
13 Foz this canf allo thanke mee Gon
without ceating, that when pe receined of vs
the word of the preaching of Ged, yee recet
uen it not as the wo2d of men, but as tt isin
Deene the word of Hod, which allo worker
in youthat belzeue.
14 Forbzetizen, vee are become follow
ers ofthe Churches of Gon, whichin Ju⸗
Dea are tn £ Chak Fetus, becaute pee haue
alfo (uffered the fame things of pour owne
EEK countrey
Againft men pleafers.
a Notinout-
ward thew and
in pompe,butin
trauelland in
the feare of God,
b By his helpe;
and grace,
c Whichdecla.
reth anaughtie
HOr in authoritie,
d He humbled
himfelfe to fup-
portall things
without al] re-
fpe& of luere:
cuen as thetene
der mother
which nourceth
her children, and
thinketh no of-
fice tao vile for
her childrens
A,20, 34,
1.csr.4. 22,
2.thef3 8.
e Fy it is flot
poffible ro atio: ;
the reproches i
the wicked,
which cuer hate
good doings,
phil 1,27.
colof.t 30
f In his Name
and vnder his
Appointed to afflictions.
g And weuld
Iinder aii mes
from their hju-
tion. -
h And heape vp
the meafure,
Mut .23.32-
i He meaneth
notthis ofall the
Jewesin gere-
rall: bus of cer-
taine of chem
which ceafed not
after they had
pat Chrift to
death, to perfe-
cute his wordand
his miniſters.
Rom., ii.
Country mon euen az they hace sf (heT ewes,
15 Ap buy kiirt the Lou gius and
their owne Prophets, and haue perfected
vs, and Soa tory plaie not ant are contra⸗
rie ste allmen,
16 And ko bid ys to preach vnto the Gen⸗
tiles, that they might bee ſaued, tor Fall
their nnes ahwayes:fo2 the wath of God ig
icome on then, ta the brn.
17 Foraſmuch, brethren, as we were kept
fron pen foz a kalon, conceraing ight, but
natinibe heart, werentorced the moze to lee
pour face with great veleg,
18 Gherefore we would baue come vnto
pou (3 jaunt, at leatt once o2 twiſe) but Bas
ran hindzed ys. i
19 Foꝛ wat tsour bope o: ioy, oꝛ crowne
ef reioycing? are k not euen you tt inthe pre-
fence of our Lord Jeſus Lipik at hts come
ming? | $
29 Des, peeare our glogie andioy.
K Therefore 1 could not forget you,except I would forget my felfe.
a Rather feeking
your commoditie
then mine owne,
in fending of Ti-
motheus to yous
Abs 16.16
b His great affe-
&ion toward the
fmail ficcke.
c Meaning Sa-
d If yeremaine
conftant in faith
and true doGrin,
I thal thinke that
all mine affli&i -
ons be fo many
pleafures,and thal
be reftored from
death to life.
¢ Ifyou perfe-
were in faith,
and 15.23.
f We mufi davly
grow from faith
to faithe
2 He [beweth how greatly hee was affectioned
toward thim, both in that hee fent Timotheus to
thim, 10 And alfo prayed forthem.
Vy V7 pereto fince wee could no longer
forbeare, wee thought it good torg-
maine at Athens a alone,
2. *And haue (ent Timotheus our bzo»
ther and mintiter af God,and our labour fel-
low in the Golpẽl of CiT, to ſtabliſh you,
and to comfet you touching pour faith, —
That no man Gould bee mooucd with
theſe afflictions: foz pee your ſelnes knowe,
that we are appointed thereunts.
4 Foz verily when wee were with you,
twe cold pou before that wee ould ſuffer tri-
bulations, cuch as tt came to pafle, and pee
know it, §
§ uen fo? this cane, when > J could no
longer fozbeare, J tent him that J] might
kusw of pour fatth, leat the ‘tempter had
tempted you in anp ſort, and that our labour
Had beenc in baine, f
6 But ngwe lately when Timotheus
caine fron pou vnto Ys, and bought us
good tidings of pour faith and loue, and that
pee hane good remembzance of ws alwayes,
deſiring to fee vs,as we allo doe pout,
Therefor, brethren we hav conſolatt·
on in yon, in all our aftitction, and accefiitte
thzough pour faith. NA
8 . Fonow argiwee d aline, if peee Tana
fat in the Lod.
9 Forwhat thankcs can we recompente
to 6D D againe foz you, fos all the toy
wherewith wee reioyce for pour fakes before
our God, :
Io Might and Dap” pravittg exceeding:
ly that wee might fee pour face, and might
i 5 that which ts lacking in pour
II Mow God himlcife, euen onr Father,
and our LoD Felus Charlk, guide our tours
ney vnto pou, k
12 And the Losdincreafe pou, and make
you abound in loue one toward an other,
and toward all men, euen as wee doc toe
Ward pou:
I. Theffalonians.
13 * To make pour hearts ſtable, and vn⸗
blameablein hoſment brine Gov euer our
Father, at the counting ofour Lod feing
Chit WY alibts Samtis.
1 Heexnorterh them ta holineſſe, 6 lunocen-
cie; 9-Loue, 11 Labour, 12 And moderation in
lamenting for the dead, 17 Defciibing the end of
the reſurrection.
A JAD kurthermoze wee beleech pou, bree
4 dS then, and exhort you in the Lov Hels,
that pee increase iroze and imogr,as pe baug
receined of bs, bow pee ought to walke, and
to pleale Gov.
2 jfor pee knewe what > commaunde⸗
ments we gane pou by the Lord Jeſus.
3 * Forthts ts the willof God cucn pour
fanctiBcation, cand that yee Mould abitaine
from tornication,
4 That enerp one of you Hould knowe,
haw to poſſeiſe his d veſſell in holineſſe and
§ Andnotin the lut okconcupiſcence, e:
uenas the Gentiles which know not Gad:
6 * bat na man opprefle o? vefraute
bis brother t any matter: foz the Lord is
anengcer of all (uch things, as wee allo bane
tolde pou befoze time, and teſtified.
7 *Foꝛ God hath not called vs vnto vn⸗
cleannetie,but vnto holineſſe.
S Hecherkozethat deſpiſethe thefeth ngs,
deſpiſeth not man, but God who hath enen
ginen * you bis boly Sirit.
9 But as touching brotherly lone, pee
neede not that J write vnto yous; * fo2 yee
are taught of Ged ta loue one another.
lo Dea, and that thing verily pee Doe vn⸗
toall the brethzen, which are throughout all
Maccdonia: but wee beleech you bserhzen
that peetucrealemozcandmoze, _
LI * And that pee Aurie to bee quiet, and
to meddle with pour owne bulincile, and ta
woke with yont owne bands, as we com⸗
manded you,
12 That pee may bebaue your ſelues ho⸗
neſtly toward them that sare without, and
that notbing be *lacking vnto yvou.
3 €J would not brethren, hane you ig:
noant concerning them which are alicepe,
that pee ifozrow not, euen as other which
haue no hope.
14 Foꝛik we beleene that Jeſus is dead,
and is rilen , enen ſo them which ſleepe tn
x Jeſus, will God! bring with him.
15 Foꝛrthis fay we vnto pou by the ™ word
of the Logd, * that we which liue,and are ree
maining in tbe comming of the Loa, hall
not peeucnt them which Hey
16 Fozrthe Lod himlelke Hall deſcend
from beaucn with a ſhowte, and with the
torce of the Archangell, * and with the
—— and the dead in Chant ſhal
t ie p *
17 Then hal» we which liure remaine,
bee e caught wp with them allo in the
Increafe inloueand holineffe.
Chap 5 33.
a And as it were,
Oucrcome your
b TheGreeke
word fignifiech
fuch commande-
ments as one re-
ceiucth from
feme man to gine
them in his name
to others,
Rom 12,2.
ephef 5.17.
c Tharis, that
you fhould dedi«
cate your felues
wholly vato God
d That is, his bo-
dy which is pro-
phaned by fuch
filchine fle,
e By thefepree
cepts of godly
lite itappeareth
what werethe
which Paul gaue
vnto them.
1.(07.7. 40.
Fobn 13.34,
ES eee
2.8 and 4.21,
2.Thef3 7.
f Andnotte
idle. ;
g As frangers
and Infidels,
h Burtkat yee
may be able by
your diligenee
tofupply your
wantand ne-
i He doeth nog
condemne al
kinde of forrow,
but that which
proceedeth of
k Or,bane con-
tinued conflant-
ly in the faith of
l By rayfing tFeir bodies out of the. graue, m Whichisint' €
name oftheLord , andas he fhould peake himſelfe. 3 .Cor.15.23-
Meati24.34.t.cor.t§.52. n Meaning them which fhalbe found
aliue, o Inthis ſudden taking page fhall bea kind of mutatis
onof the qualities of our bodies, w
ch fhalbe as a kind ofdeatb,
The day of the Lord.
a Sowuch she
more we ought
to beware of all
dreames & fan.
tafies of men,
which weary
themfelucs and
others in lear-
ching out curi-
oufly che time
thatthe Lord
fhall appeare,al-
Jeadg ng for
themfelues a
vaine prophefie,
and moft faifly
afcribed to Elias,
that 2000. yeere
before the Law,
2200 Vnder the
Law,aud 2000,
after the Law,
the world fhall
Matth 14.44. 3. 10 reue.
3 .4nd 16.15.
Thatis, fud-
fo thatl we euer be with the Low.
18 Céiberefoze, comfort pour ſelues ane
another with theſe wozds.
x Hee enformeth them ofthe day of ind gement
and comming cf the Lord, 6 Exhorting thers to
sva'ch, 32 And toregard fuchas preach Gods
word among them.
Be ofthe 2 times and featons, brethren,
pe baue no neede that J waite vuto vou.
2Foꝛ pee vour ſelues knowe perfectly,
thatthe * nay ofthe Lod ſhall come, cuc as
& thicfe in the night.
3 jFo2 when they hall fay, Peace, lafe-
tie, then hallcome vpon chem ſudden ne-
ſtruction, as the t trauatle bpon a woman
with chila,and thep Mali not cicape.
4 But yee,beethen.are notin Darkenes,
t hat that Day honlð ccme on pou, as it were
a thiefe. j
§ Peareall the chilen oflight.and the
childzen of the Bay : we ave not of the night,
neither of darkeneſſe.
G6 Thercfozelet vs not ſieepe as doro-
ther, but iet vs⸗ wateh and be ſober.
7 Foꝛ they that flecpe,{leepe im the nigkt,
and they that be Dzunken are Daunken tn the
8 But iet vs which are of thee Day, be fos
bez, * putting onthe vꝛeſtplate of faith and
loue, the bope of faluation fo? an helmet.
9 Jor God Hath not appointed vs vnto
wrath, but to obtatne faluation by the
meanes of eur Lord Jeſus Chziit,
10 Mhich died foz vs, that whether we
wake of ficepe, wee Mould line together
denly andvnloo- with him.
Ked for.
c Here fleepe is
taken for con-
tempt of faluati-
Il (Qberefoze exhort one another, ande»
Dificone another euenag pe Doe.
I2 Rowwe beleech pou, beethen, that
on, when men continue in finnes , and will not awake to godlineffe.
d And not be ouercome with the cares of the world, e : That is,
Sighted bythe Gapel
onely to die,and is meant ofthe faithfull,
‘q The fecond Epiftle of Paul to
the Thefla lchians.
Eaft the Theffalonians fhould thinkethat Paul negle&ed them , beeaufe hee went to other places
ratherthen came to them, he writeth vnto them, and exhorteth them to patience and other fruits
' ‘of faith, neither to be moued with that vaine opinion of fuch as taught that the comming of Chrift was
athand; forafmuch as before that day there fhou!d bee a falling away from true religion , euen bya
reat partof the world, and that Antichrift {hould reigne inthe Temple of God :finally commending
Bimtelte to their prayers, and encouraging them to conftancie, he willcththemto corre fuch fharply,
as liuc idlely of other mens labours, whom, if they doenot obey his admonitions, he commaundethto
3 Hethanketh Ged for their faith loue & pati-
ence. 11 He prayeth for the increafe of the fame,
12 And fheweth what fruit fhail come thereof.
Alul and Silnanus, and Cuno-
YY (cy tbeus onto the Church of the
9 EA Cheflalontans , whichis in God
p| Our Father,
{us Chik
Chap. v.
and inthe £020 Je⸗
TrucPaftorsmiftbeloued. 530
cloudes, to meete the Lord in the apres and yee know them, which labour among you,
and are gutr poun the Lode, auDeabimoa- g Astheflocke
nity pen,
I> That pee baue them in fingular lone
for » their workes fake. Be at peace among
your ſelues.
14 Wee delire pon brethen, admonith
them that are wnrulp : comfort tbe feeble
minded: beare with the weake: be-paticnt
toward alimen.
Is *See that none recompenſe euill foz
cuill vnts any man: but cuer tollow that
which is goad, both toward pour ſelues,
and toward ali men.
16 i Retovee tuermoe.
17 * {Pray continually,
18 gnall things gine thanks: fo: this is
the will ot Sed in Chak Felus toward you.
Ig Quench not the k Spirit.
20 Deſpiſe not! prophecping.
21 Gake all things, and keepe that which
$ good.
22 Abfteine from all appearance of enil.
23 PW the very God * of peace fanctifie
you throughout: and J pray God that pour
m whole pirit and foule and body, may bee
kept blameleſſe vnto the comming of our
Lord Felts Cheiſt.
24. * Faithfull is hee which calleth pou,
which will allo Doe ft.
25 WBrethzew.pray fo: vs.
ee Greete alt the bacthaen with an help
27 Icharge pou in the Lod, that this
Epiſtle bee read vnto all the baethgen the
28 The grace of our Lod Jeſus Chit
be with pou, Amen.
The firit Epiſtle vnto the Cheflalontans
written krom Athens,
neſſe. 1 The preaching of the worde of God. Cha
1.cor.t.8, m Thenis amanfully fanétified and perfe
is bound to loue
the thepheard, (0
is it his duety to
teach them and
exhortthem in
true rcligion,
h Whee this
csufe ceafith,
that they worke
not,the honour
alfo ceafeth,and
they muft be ex-
Felied as wolues
out of the flacke,
Pro17.13 & 20
22 Mat.5 39.70.
I 2.17, t pet.3.9.
i Haue a quiet
minile and cone
{cience in Chrift,
which hall make
you rejoice in the
mids of forowesy
Rom,§ 3. 2.cor.
Lake 18.1. ecclus
18.22 col.43,
k God thathath
giuen his Spirit
to his ele@ will
neuer fnffer itto
b= quenched, but
hath reuealed by
what meanes it |
may bee maintaie
ned, that is by
duch exhortati-
ons as thefe,and
by continual in⸗
creafe in godli-
53-1251 3.
» when his
minde thinketh nothing, his foule, that is,his vaderftanding, and will
couet nothing, neither his body doeth execute any thing contrary to
the willof God. 1,Cor,1.9.
2 Grace bee with pou, and peace from
an Father, and from the Lod Telus
3 *Wdice onght to thanke God alwayes
foz peu bzethzen, as it is meete, becaule that
pour faith groweth erceedingly, and the
loue of euery ong of poutoward another a=
saita Ere 2 4 £o
4, Theſci, a-
Vengeance forthem thatknowhot © I1.Theffilonians. God. The myftery of iniquities
à Which procee.
eth of yoor
aithasa moſt
notable fruit,
b The faizbtul by
their affiGions
fecas in a cleere
glafic,che end of
Godsiuit indge-
ment, when as
they (hal reigne
with Corift
which haue fuffe-
red with him, and
the wicked (hall
fee'ehis extreme
wrath and ven-
Jade 6.
1. Thef.4.16.
c Ry whom he
declareth his
di As God ise-
nerlafting, fo fhal
their punifhment
be euerlafting : &
as hee is moft
mighty of power,
fo fhall their pu:
nifamentbe mok
e The free bene-
uolence of Gods
goodnes, con-
prebiesdeth his
purpofeshis pre-
4 BHorhat wee our ſelues reioyce of pou
inthe Churches of God, becanſe of pour
a pattence,and Faith in all vour periecuttons
and tribulations that ye Nifer.
Which is a b taken of the righteous
*iudgement of Ho, that pce may be coun-
tid worthy ofthe kingdome of Gov, for tye
which pe allo fiter, j i
6 fort ts a righteous thing with God,
torecompenie tribulation to then that trou⸗
bie pou, l
7 And to vou which arctroubled, ret
with ys *wben the Lod Melus (yall wewe
ubaitelte from heauen with yis: mighty An»
8 In flaming fire, rending vengeance
vnto them Chat Bee not know God, t which
obey not vnto the Goipell of our Lode Jie»
fus Ciit, :
o hich Halbe punthed with ¢ enerla-
fling perditton, from the pretence of the
Lord, and fromthegloypefitspower,
10 Chen he ſhall come to be glied in
bis Saints, and to be made marueilous in
all them that beleeue ( becaule our teſti⸗
m toward vouwas beleeued) in that
II Wherefore, we allo pray alwayes for
you, that our God may make pou worthy
ot his calling, and fulfill © all the good plea-
fure of his goodneſſe, and the! wozke of faith
With power,
12 That the
Chit maye bee glopified in pou, ant pee in
him, acco Ding to the grace of our God, and
ofthe Loꝛd Jeſus Chk,
deftination and vocation : the worke of faith containeth our iuftifica-
tion,tothe which Ged addeth glorification : and all thefe he worketh
of his meere grace through Chrift. F Faith is Gods wonderfull
workeinivs, g
As the head with the body.
3 He fheweth themthat the day of the Lord
~ fhail not come, til the departing from the faith
a_Asfalfe rene-
lations, of
b Which are
fpoken or writ-
c PES Ga fat
departing ofthe
moft part from
the faith.
d This wicked
Antichrift com-
prehendeth the
‘come firft, g And the kingdome of Antichrift,
15 And therefore hee exhorteth them not to bee
deceiued, but to ſtand fied faft in thethings that he
hath taught them
Dw, wee beleech you brethrem, by the
comming ofolir Loꝛd Jeſus Charkk, and
by our affembling vnto htm,
2 That pe be not ſuddenly moued front
yourminde, noztroubled, neither by fpi»
rite, no? bp > worde, noz by letter, as it were
from vs, asthough the vay of Chik were
at band. | i
3 * Let no man Deceiue pon by anp
meanes: for thatday fhall not come, except
there come ac Departing firt, and that that
è manof ſinne be diſcloſed, cuen the foune of twi
‘perdition, —
4. Mbichis an adnerſary, and eralteth
himlelfe againſt all toat ts callez God, 02
§ Remember ye rot. that when gi was
prc with pou, 3 toin pou thele things 7
6 Aud now ye Know what f withhsldeth
that he might be reucaled in his tune.
7 Foꝛche myſtery of iniquitie doeth al-
ready s woke : onctp hee which k nowe
f Becanfe the
falfe apoftles had
perfivaded after
a fort the Thefla«
Jonians,that the
with joldeth, thal! ler, tili pee be taken out of day of the Lord
the way.
8 Gud then ſhall the wicked man bee re⸗
vealed, * whome the Lozde thall confume
with the i pirtt of bis mouth, and Mall
pre with the brightneſſe of bis con-
9 Euen him whofe * comming fs by the
working of Hatan , with all power and
lignes,and fying wonders,
10 Aw in all decciueablenes of vnrigh ·
teouines, among them that! perth, becaule
they recetted not the lone of the tracti, that
they might be ſaued.
II And therefore God hall fend them
ſtrong Delafion,that they ſhould belecuclies,
12 Dhatal they might be Bamned which
belteued not the tructh, but bad m plealure
in vnrighteouſfneſſe.
13 But we onght fo gine thankes alway
to God foz pou, brethren = belonen of the
Lord, becaule that God hath o from the be-
ginning choten you to faluation, through
prt a ofthe Spirit, andthe faith of
P traeth,
MAhereunto hee calles pou bp 9 our
i $ wot I
Name of our Lode Fels Sobel, to obteine the glory ofour Lozde
Felis Chart,
Is Gherefore, brethren, Mand fat and
keepe the sinftructions,which yee haue been
taught either í by wo20,02 by our Epiltle.
16 Rowe the fame Jeus Cheilt our
Lo20, and our God, euen the Father which
hath loucd vs, and hath giuen vs everla-
tting confolation and good bope through
was neere, and fo
the redemption
of the Church,
Paul teacheth
themto looke
for this horrible
diffipatiO before:
and therefore ra>
ther to prepare:
themfelues to pa»
tience thento
rek & quietneſſe:
for as yetthere
wasa ĩet, that is,
that the Gofpel
fhould be prea- .
ched throughout
all, Matt.24.14.
g Towitpriuily,
and is therefore
called a myftery;
becaufe it is fe-
cret, :
h Which fhalt 7
fay. for.a time, j
—* is, with:
his word, £
whole time that
he fhall remaine.
l Satans power >
is limited that he —
cannot hurt the
grace, A e lect to their des
17 Confort pour heartes, and ſtabliſh ſtruction.
pou itt euery woꝛd and good worke, m Delighted in
falfe dodrine.
whole fucceflion thatis mozikipped : fo that hee Dorth fras
ofthe perfecuters od inthe Temple of God, ſhewing pim-
ofthe Church, & ſelfe that he is God. *
all that abomina⸗ b
ble kingdome of Satan, whereof fome were beares, fome lions others
leopards as Danicl delcribeih them, and is called the man of finne,be-
cauſe he (erteth himfelfe yp againftGod, e Whoashedeftroyeth
others fo fhall he be deftroyed himſelfe.
n The fountaineof our el@@ion isthe loue of God : the ſanctiſica.
tion of the Spirit,and beleeuing thetrueth are teRtimonies of the fame
election. o Beforethefoundation ofthe world. p The Gofpel,
q Byourpreaching, r Thatis,the doGrine, 1. Theff.2,2.Cha.3.6,
{£ Thatis, by my preaching of the Gofpel. |
¥ Heedefireth them to pray for him, that the
Gofpcimay profper, 6 And gineth them war-
ning toreproue the idle, 16 And fo wifheth them
all wealth, í boi T ans
——— brethzens ~ pray for ug, Ephef6.18,19.
I'that the wore of the Lome map baue ©¢/0f"4.3.
free pallage, andbee glorified, ewen ag itis
“And that weemay bee Delinered fram
prreafonable and enill men; for all men
paue not faith. 5 a Although they
-3 Butthe Loris faithful, which will boaſt chemfelues
ſtabliſh yon and keepe youfrom>eutll: - thereof,
4 And weareperfwadedof yon thrꝛough b From the
the Lord that pee both doe, and will doe the Meight of Satan,
things which we * command pou. c By the word
_§ Gnd the Lorde guide pour hearts to of God,
oe n of God, and the waiting for of
j ~ 6iGe
: rie ——
Ofthe idle. Chap.j. TheendoftheLaw. 532
6 Mee tommaund you, brethren, inthe 12 Wherefore them that are uch, wee
fame of our Lode elus Chik, that commaund and erhozt by our Lorde Jeſus
pee withazawe pour felues from euerybꝛo· Chat, that they woke with quictnefic,and
r ther that walketh inordinately, and not eate theit owne bead. #03
d Which is,to after thed *infruction, which he receiued 13 *And pe brethren, be not wearicin Galet.6. g.
erauaile,ifhe will of vs. weil Doing.
eate,as verf.10, 7_ Fozyee your felues knowe * howyee 14 Afanyman obey not our fayings, note
Chap.r.45. ought to follow vs :* foz we behaued not our bim byaletter, *and hauc no company with Mer.18.17,
1,Cor.412. feluesinodinatly among you, him, that be may be ahamed. j 1. cor. 5.9.
t.theff.4.1t. 8 Neither tooke wee bread of anpman I5 Det count him not as anf enemie, but f The end of ex.
AGs,20.34, fornought: but wee ought with* labour admonth pim asa brother, _ Communication,
3.cor.4.126 and trauaile night aud Day, becaule wee 16 Mow the Lordofpeace giue you peace isnotto driue
u.Theff 2.9. would net be chargeable to any sfyou. alwayes by all meanes. The Lord be with fromthe Church
UALR 9 Not but that we bad authozitie,* but von all. À __ fuch as haue fal-
eThenbythe thate might make our fluesanenfample 17 Che falutation of mee Paul, with len, hut to winne
word of Ged vnto pou to follow vs. mine owne band, which isthe s token in e⸗ them to the
none ought to Io Fo: euen when wee were with pou, uery Epiltle: ſo J waite, __ Church by a-
liucidlely,but thiswewarnedpouof, thatiftherewereas 18 The grace ofour Lorde Felis Chit mendmenc,
oughttogiue NP, WHICH would note woꝛke, that ke ſhould be with pou ail, Amen, g Whether ther
himfelfetofome mot cate. b be mine Epiftles
vocation,toget - II Foꝛ wee heard, that there were fome C The fecond Bpitle to the Theſſa· orother mens,
his liuing by,and which walke among you inordinately, and lowians, witten from
todoegoodto Woꝛke not atall,but are bulie bodies, Athers.
q The firft Epiftle of Paulto Timotheus.
E writing this Epiſtle, Paul feemed not onely to haue reſpect to teach Timotheus , but chiefly te
keepe eher in awe, which weuld haue rebelled againft him, becaufe of bis youth.And therefore he
doth arme him againit thofe ambitious queſtioniſts, which vnder pretence of zeale to the Law, dif-
quieted the godly with foolith and vnprofitable queftions, whereby they declared, that profefling the
Law, they knew not what wasthe chiefe end ofthe Law. And as for himfelfe, hee fo confeffeth his
vnworthinefle, that he (heweth to what worthineffe the grace of God hath preferred him : and
therefore he willeth prayersto be made for alldegreesand forts of men, becaufe that God by offrin
his Gofpel and Chrift his fonne to them ail , isindifferent to euety fort of men, as his Apoſtleſhip,
which is peculiar te the Gentiles, witneffeth, And forafmuch as God hathleft miniflers as ordinary
meanes is his Church to bring mento faluation, he defcribethwhat maner of men they oughtto be,
to whomthe myftery of rhe Sonne of God manifefted in fleth is commited to be preached, After
this he fheweth him what troubles the Church at all times fhall fultaine, but pecially in the latter
dayes , when as vnder pretence of religion , men (hal teach things contrary to the word of Ged, This
done , heteacheth what widowes fhould be receiued orrefufed to minifter to the ficke : alfo what
Elders ought to be chofen into office, exhorting him neither to be haftie in admitting nor in
iudging any : alfo what isthe dutie of feruants, the nature of falfe teachers, ofvaine fpeculations,
of couctouſneſſe, of rich men, and aboue all things he chargeth him to beware of falfe doGrine,
CHAP, L edifying which is by faith. |
3 Hee exhorteth Timotheus to waite vponhis § for * the > endeofthe t commande- Row.13.10,
office, amely to fee that nothing be taught but
Gods word, &c. 5 Declaring that faith, witha
good conſcience, charitie, and edification are the
end thereof, 20 And admonifheth of Hymeneus
and Alexander.
ment tsloueoutof a pure heart, and of a
good conicience, and of faith vnfained.
6 From the which things fome haue er»
ted, and haueturned vnto vaine iangling.
7 Chey wouldbe Doctors of the Law,
and yet vnderſtand tot what they peake,
b Becaufe theſe
queftionifts pre-
ferred their curi-
ousfables te al o-
ther knowledge,
and beautified
ge4 UL an pofle of Felis neither whereof theyaftirme. : them with the
Paordinance. Chak, by the commaunde 8 * And we know thatthe Law is good, Law, asifthey
| ment of God our Hauiour, tfa man ble it lawfully. : had bene the vee
Ba Yroveandofour Lop Jelus Chit 9 Knowing this, thatthe Lawe ts not ry Law of God,
Coloß. i. 27 a ea Jp * one bope, giuen vnto a< righteous man, but vnto the Spaul fheweth
AGs. I6.. — 2 * Unto Timethags my lawlefle and diſobedient, to the vngodly, that the end of
a Socalled,be- @naturallfonnein the faith: Grace,utercte, andto dfinnerg, to the vnholy, and tothe Gods Law is
caufehe folowed and peace from God our Father, andfrom prophane, tomurtherers offathers and mo» loue, which cans
thefimplickieof hrif Jeſus our Loꝛd. 325 sheath thers, tomanilapers, not be withourg
the Gofpel, 3 AsFbelought thee to abide tillin €s — good confcience,
pheſus, when J Departed into Macedonia, neither a good conſcience without faith, nor faith withont the word
fo doe, that thon mayeft command fome that of God: fo their doGrine which is an occafion of contention is werth
they teach none other doctrine, nothing, | Or,ofthe Law. Rom.7.12. c Whofehearts Gods ipirie |
fhap.4.7s 4 Neither that they give heedeto* fae doth direc to do that willingly which the Lawrequireth: fothatther
Atus 1,94. blesand genealogies, * whichare endleſſe, godly affection is to them asa Lawe without further conitraint, |
Chap.o.a. which beecde queſtions rather then godly d — in finning, —
KE o Te
Why Chrift came.
10 To vohore mongers, to buggerers, to
e menttealers, to lxars, tothe periured, and
ik there be any other thing, (hatis contrary
to whollome Doctrine, — ;
IL Which is atcording to the glorious
Golpel ofthe * uleteo God, which ts con
mitted vnto me. —
12 Thevefope §Fthanke him which hath
mane mee rong, thais, OMIR Gels our
Lozd; fog he counted me faithfull, ana put
me in his ſeruite:
13 hen before J was a blalphemer,
andaperlecuter, andanoppeciour : butZ
was reẽceined to mercie; fo J Dw aigno⸗
rantly through vnbelieke.
14, But the grace of our Lord was ercee>
e Which ftcale
| away children or
Chap 6.15.
f He declareth
to Timothie the
excellent force
' of Gods Spirit in
them whem he
hath chs fen ta
beare his word,
although before
thzy were Gods
vetter enemies, to
encourage him in
LTimotheus. —
thisbattellthac Ding abundant with "Faith ande lane wbich
be thouldfight [stn Chat Jeſus. j l
againſt all infi- I5 Thisisa | true laying, ¢ by all means
delsandhypo- woꝛthy to bee receiued, that Chꝛiſt Jeſus
crites., came into the wolt to ſaue Ginners,ofmyont
g Notknowing
J arı chiefe.
that I fought a-
16 Hotwithſtanding for thiscanfe was
gaint God, J recciued to mercie, that Jeſus Tpit
h Whichchafed thould firit ſhewe on ince all iong tuffering
away infidelity, vnto the euſample ofthem , which hall in
i Which ouer · time to come beleeue tn him vnto eternall
came cruelty. life. : ee
\Or,fatinfulland 17 * Mow vnto the King euerlaſting im:
affared. moꝛtal tnuiſible,vnto God onely ttle, be ho»
Matth 9.13, nour, and gloy foz euer,and euer Amen,
marke 2.17. 18 This commaundement commit F vite
-k Hebraftech -to thee, onne Timotheus, according to the
forthintothefe Ipzopheſies, which went before vpon thee,
godly affections, thatthou by them ſhonldeſt * fight a good
cofidering Gods fight, _ —
great meicie to 19 Haning = faith anda good confcience,
ward him. twiich fomebaue put away, and as concer:
. 1 Ir appeareth
that rha vocation
of Timothic was
approucd by no-
table prophefies
which then were
reuealed inthe primitiue Church, as Pan! and Barnabas by the oracle
were appointed ro goe to theGentiles. Chap. 6.12, mm Thatis,
P found do@rine, 1.Cor.5.5. n Excommunicate, and caft out of
i the Church.
nug faith, paue mabe ſhipwracke.
20 Of whome is Hymeneus and Alexan ·
Der, * whom J haue = deliuered vnto Has
tan, that they might learne not to blab
1 He exhorteth to pray for all men, 4 Where-
fore, 8 Andhow. 9 Astouching the apparell
and modeftie of women. ?
[exhort therefore, that firt ofall fipplica
tions prayers uterceſſions, and giuing of
a Thatisofeues thankesbe made fo: all men, i
rydegsee,andof 2 fFo2> kings, and foz all that arein an-
zlforsofpeople, thozitte, that weg may leave a quiet and a
b Although they peaceable life,inallgontine fe and honefite.
perfecute the 3 For this tsqeod and acceptable tu che
CharchofGod, fight of God our Gautour,
fa it be of igno- 4. * tiie will that call men ſhalbe faued,
rance: ¢lsifthey and come bntothe knowledge of che truth.
doit malicioufly ¢ Foꝛ there is cue Gov, and one ¢ He.
as Iulanus Apo⸗ Diatour between God and man, whichis the
flacathey mayo ¢ man Cꝛiſt Fetus,
notbe praicdfor, 6 o gaue hinilelfe a! ranſome foz all
Gal, 5.12.3.thef
2. 16.2 tim. 4. 141 iobn. g. 16.1. Pet 3.9. e As Iewė and Gen-
tile),poore,and rich, d Who will reconcile of all nations people and
I| fortsto one God,, ¢ Who being God,was made man. f He hew-
Il sthehat there can be no mediatour, except he bg alſo the redeemer,
emen,to be ab teftimony in Due time,
7 *Mhereunto J am ordained a prea:
cher any an Apoſtle ( F fpeake the trneth tn
Chak, and tiz not) euen a teacher of the
Gentiles in faith and verity,
8% J wli therefore that the men pray, eue⸗
ty where lifting vp i pure hands without
wath o2 Doubting.
9 ikewile allo the women, that they
aray themelues in comely appareil, twiti
hametfattnes and modeitte.not with * broi·
td hat 62 GODLE, 02 pcarles, 0} coltly ap»
re >
Io But (as becommeth women that pꝛo ·
feie the feave cof God) with good works.
IX Let the women learne in filence with
all (ubsectton,
12 J permit not a woman to! teach, nets
ther to vlurpe authozitie ouer the man, but
to be in lilence:
13 Fo * Anam was Ark formed, then
I4 * And Adam was noth deceiued: but
the woman was decetued, and was inthe
2 tranſgreſtion.
15 fdotwithtanding, though bearing of
chilozen, he thalbe fanen, ifithep continue in
faith, and loue, and holineſie with medeitte.
Womens modeſtie.
g Which fhould
h Which el
Prophets teflid.
ed;thát Chrift `
ſhould ofer hima
felfe for the re-
demption of
man atthe tine.
that God had
2 Tem. 1.11,
i As teftimonies
of a pure heart
and confcience,
1 Pet. 3.3.
The word fige
nifieth to plar, to
to folde, to bufh,
to cutle,orto Jay
wherby al pompe
and wantonneffe
is condemned,
which woirten
vie in trimming
their heads,
Read 1.Cor.14
34. Gen. 1. 27. Gen. 3.6. m The woman was firlt deceiued, and © be-
came the inſtrament of Satanto deceiue the man: and though there-
fore God puniſheth them with ſubiection, and paine in their trauell,
yet if they be faithfull and godly in theis vocation, they fhalbe fiued,
n That is,guiltyofthetranfgreflion. f Or,wemem
1 He declareth what is the office of Minifters,
tt aud as touching thew famlies. 15 The dig-
nitie ofthe Church, 16 Andthe priacipall point
of the heauenly dattrine.
"TL Biss a tructaying, * Jf any mana Bee
fire the office ofat Biſhop, he deſirethe a
Worthy woke,
2 A Bilhop therefore muſt be bnreprone-
able, the huſband of done wife, watching,
{ober modeſt. harberous, apt to teach.
3 Not giuen to wine, neo Briker, not gi
nen to Hithp lucre but gentle, no fighter, not
couctesus, k
4 Dne that can rule his owne houſe ho
netiy, baning childzen vnder obedience
with alli honeſty. $
5 Farifanyp cannot rile bis owne bont,
how Mall he «care for che Church of God?
6 He map not he a pong ticholler, leit he
being puffed wy tall intathe e condemnati-
on ofthe deuill.
7 Wee mut allo bee well reported of,
euen of them which are b without, left
hee kall into i rebuke, and the marve of the
8 Likewtlemuft Deacons de honeſt, not
Titus 1,6,
a With a fernent
zeale to profit
the Church of
God,wherefo- —
cuer he hall call
b Whether he
be Paftour or
¢ Both fer the
éifficulty of the
charge,and aiio
the excellencre
thereof,and the
neceffitie of the
fame, '
d Forinthofe
that timefome
men had moe
then one,which
wasa figne ofincontinencie. |) Or, reuerence. e Jf it be requifite
that a man (hould take care in gouerning his owne houle, how much
moreare they bound to be carefull, which fhall gouerne the Church
of God? f Inthedo@tineof faith, g Left being proud of hisde-
erce,he be likewife condemned as the deuilwas, for lifting vp himfelfe
by pride. h Thatis,noman may haue any thing
much harme.
iuſtly to lay te his;
rge, i As beingdefamed, (houldbecome impudent, and doe}
shiita Double tongued, not ginen bute much wines
Chap.t.19- neither to ſilthie lucre,
k Hauing the 9 *ipauing the myſterie of the faith
truedoGrineof fn pure confcience.
cheGofpel,&the 10 And let chem firi be prooucd:then lee
feareofGod. them they be found blameleſſe.
1 Of theBifhops II Likewiſe their·wiues mult be bonet,
and —— oe on (peakers, but fober, and faithfull in
m The goed re- allthings.
port a: | a I2 Let the Deacons bee the bulsande
n Toferue God of onewife,and fuch ascan rule thetr chil-
with greater af: Dzen well, and their owne housolds.
furance, becaufe 13 for they that haue miniitred wel, get
they haue alway themleluesa™ good Degree, and great ° lis
agood confci- berticin the faith which isin Chut Jeſus.
ence, 14 Thelle things waite J yato chee, tru»
@ Thisis pokea fing to come very thoztlp vnto thee.
in refpe& of 15 But ik J tary long, that thou mayeſt
men,foratmuch pet know how thou oughtelt to bebaue thp
asin thisworld felfe in p houle of God, which is the Church
thetruethonely ofthelining God, the | pillar and ground
remaineth in the of trueth. i
Church, byrea- I6 Qndwithoutcontronerlle, great ts
fon of Gods the myſtery of godlineſſe, whichis , Ged {3
word: forether- maniteſted tn the fleſh, e iuſtified in thelpi-
wife Chriftisthe rit, aſeene of Angels, preached unto the
foundation and Gentiles, belecued on in the World and pg:
thecornerftone, Cefued vp in" glozic.
which both bea- The ai
reth and maintaineth hisChurch, p Approued inft, in that hee was
notonelyaman, but God alſo. q So thatthe Angels maruciled at
his excellency, r Tothe right hand ef God the Father.
2 Heteacheth hum what dottrine he ought to
flee,6.8,11. and what to follow, 15 and where-
in he ought to exerciſe himfelfe continually.
2,7#.3.1. N22 the Spirit peaketh ekidently, that
2 pet. 3. 3. inthe * latter tunes fome thall Depart
jude 18, froin the faith, and ſhall gine heede bute
a Falfe ceachers, a ſpirits of errout,and Doctrines of Deuils,
which boa 2 Thich (peake lies through hypocriſie,
themfclues that and haue their > contciences burned with
they hasethe re· an bot pon, 3
uelation of the 3 Foꝛbid ding to matry,and commanding
holy Ghoft, to abſtaine from meates which God hath
b Their dull created tobe received with gining thankes
contciences firt of them which beleeue and know the truth,
waxedhard,then 4 Foꝛ cuiery creature of God is good,
after, canker and and nothing ought to be refuled , tfit bee res
corruptionbred ceiued with thankelqiuing.
therein,latofall ç Foꝛit is «fanctified by the worde of
itwas burnt off God, and prayer. y
withanhot yron 6 Jf thou put the beethzentn remem:
fothatheemea- bꝛance ot theſe things, thou thaltbee a good
aeth fuch ashaue miniſter of Jeſus Ciit, which halt beene
no confcience, nouxiſhed vp in the wordes of fait), and of
Bphef 4.19. good Doctrine, which thou halt continually
€e Vnto vsywhich followed. k
receiue it as at 7 * But calt away pꝛophane, old wiues
Gods hand. fables, and exercile thy (clte puto godlines.
Chapu.4and6, 8 Jor bovily exerciſe profiterh little:
20.3.tim.2. 163 bute godlinelie is profitabie vnto all things,
232it. 3.9. which hath the promile of ths tite peetent,
d Meaningtobe and ef that thatistocome.
giuentoceremo- Q @hisisatrue laying, € bp all meanes
nies,andtofuch worthy tobe recetucy.
things as delite lo Foꝛ therefore wee labour and are re·
the fantafie of buked, becaute wee trui in the lining God,
_ e Hethat hath faith anda good confcience is promifed to haueall
things neceffary for this life, andto enioy life cuerlafting.
niij v. OF widowes. 532
which is the f Saniony of almen, (pecially f Thegoodnefie —
of thoſe that belecue.
II hele things command and teach.
12 Letno man de
vnto them that bele
wat in conuerſation
faith,and in pureneſſe.
13 Till Icome, giue attendance to teg
Ding,to exhortation, and to Doctrine.
14 Delpile not che gift that ts in thee,
which was giuen thee > by prophefie with
the laying ou of fhe hands ot the compante
ofthe Elderhip.
Is hele things exerci
(pile tby youth, but bee men,but chiefiy
in loue, in s lpᷣirit, in full by prefer.
uing them: aad’
not of lite cuer»
g In godly zeale
or giftsofthe
j) Spirit.
g fe, & giue thy felfe b And renelsti-
bnto them, that | it mapbee ſeene how thou onof the holy
pofitet among all men, Ghoft,
16 Cake heede vnto thy felfe, and vnto i Vader this
learning: continue therin: foz in Doing this name hecontei<
thou * fhalt both laue thp (cite e them that neththewhole
heare thee, minifterie of the
wras at pices. (Or, iaaea adie dh Seri
sat Bphelus, 1, that ali may fee how thots profiteſt. Thou
thalt faithfully doc thy dutie, which is —— faluation,
1 He teacheth him how hee fhall behaue bim-
Selfein rebuking alldegress. 3 Ax order cone
cerning widowes, 17 The eftabls[hing of minie
fiers, 23 The goucrnance of his body , 3 4 and
the wdgement of finnes.
Rew notan elder but erhort him asa
father, and the ponger men as bꝛethren,
2 The elder women as mothers the pons
geras Giers withal purenefies
: 3 2 Ponopatuo nels are taidsives
4 But ik any widow bane chileno? ines
phewes, leto them learne firt to ſhew godli⸗
nes toward their ome houle, and tor ecom⸗
penlſe their kinred; foz that ts an hench
thing,and acceptable befoꝛe Gon:
§ And he that tsa widow: indeede, and
left alone, truſteth inGod,and continueth in
fuppltcations and prayers night and Day.
6 But Hee that liueth in pleature, is
¢peadwhiie fhe linet.
7 Chele things thereferecommand, that
they may be blameleſſe. ;
8 Ikthere bee any that prouideth not for
his owne,and namely fo: them of bts houle-
hold,he denieth the fatch,and ts wozie then
9 Let not a widowe bee taken into the
number under threeſcore eke old, that bath
bene the wife of: one bulband,
__10 And well reported of fo? good works:
if fhe haue nouriſhed her childzen,tf he haue
lodged the ſtrangers, ite hane waen the
Datntsfeet,if he have mintitred vnto them
which were in aduerſity, if fhee were contis againe tothe
tually giuen vnto cuerp good woꝛke. ` flander of the
Il But refule the yonger widemes: foz
when they haut begun to ware f wanton a-
gatnt Chit, they will marry,
12 Wauing e Damnation, becaule they
pane Broken thet firt fayth.
13 And tikewile allo being idle,they learne
a Take case for
them, 4
b Pani willech
that the widowes
putthe Church
to no charge,
which haue ei-·
therchildrenor ©
able to relicue
them, but that
the childrennou.
rifh chesrmother,
or kinsfolkes,ace
cording as nature
bindeth them.
c Whichharhno
maner of world-
Jy means to helpe
her fetfe with.
d Becaufetheeis
vtterly ynprofi=
e Hemeaneth
fuch widowes,
which being iult.
ly deuorced from
their firt huf-
bands, married
he doeth nat re-
proue rhe wi-
dowes that hane
beene oftner ma-
ried then once.
f Forgetting their
vocation. g Not onely haue flandered the Church in leaning their
charge,but haue forſaken their religion, & thercfore fhalbe punithed
with cuerlafling death. h They haue notonely donedifhorour to
Chrift, in leauing their vocation, butalio haue broken their fatha
AYRE 4& 6g
Kinsfolkes, j are _
of God declareth
it felfe toward alf ,
Church : for elfe `
cue, an enfample, iit toward the faiths —
here he meanet
Of Elders.
i Which are
withoutall mans
helpand fuc-
luke 10.72
k Except that he
svhich doeth ac-
Geruants ductie.
to goe about from boule ta houle: pea, they
are not onely tole, but alfo pratiers and bu-
fie —— ſpeaking things which are not
14 J will therefore thatthe younger wo⸗
nien marrie, and beare childzen, č gouerne
the boule, and gine none occalion to the ad-
uerfary to fpeake enill.
15 Fo certatue ave already turned backe
after Datat. :
16 JE any Faithfull man, o2 faithfull woe
man baue widowes, let then miniſter vnto
them, and let not the Church bee charged,
cuſe him, haue at ghar there map bee Cuffictent fog chem that
leaft two witnef-
fes , which pro-
mife with the ac-
culer to prooue
that which they
are widowes indeed.
17 (The Eiders that rule wel, are wa
thy of * Double honour eſpecially thep which
labour in the word and Doctrine,
13 Fo the Scripture laith, * Chou Halt
lay tohischarge. not moulelt the mouth of tye ore that trea-
“A Chiefly the mi⸗ Deth out the corne: and, * The labourer ig
niſters, and ſo all woethyof his wages.
Or, prote/t.
llOr, without ha-
fiie iudgement,
m In admitting
them without *
fufficient trial.
n From iuft of-
o AsSimonthe
p Their finnes
_ follow,which for
a time hauede-
ceiued the godly,
- and after are de-
| tected,as Saul,
19 Againf an Eider * recetue none accu·
faton but vader twoor theee witneſſes.
20 Chem that finne,! rebuke openty, that
the ret allo map feare.
21 Ih charge thee before God and the
Loyd Jeſus Chatit, € the elect Angels, chat
thou obferue thele things without || peters
ring one to another, do nothing partially.
22 Lay hands ſuddenly on nu iman, = neis
thee bee partaker of other mens ſins: keepe
thp felfe = pure. i
23 Drinke no longer water, but vie a lite
tle wine foz thy fomackes fake, and thine
often infirmities.
24 Some mens finnes ave open, o before
band , and goe before vnto tudgement ; but
fome mens r fellow after.
25 Likewile allo the good works are mae
Judas, andother nifett before hand, aud thep that are others
Epheſ.o. y.
Cel.3. 22.
Ipet $,
- their feruants
are, and haning
the fame adop-
Chap. Fige
ſters, let them not deſpiſe chem, becau
a That is, of the
grace of God, as
wife cannot be bid.
“a The duety of feruants toward their maſters.
3 Againft fuch as are not ſatisfied with the werd
of God, 6 Of true godlines,and contentation of
mnd. 9 Againft couetouſnes. 11 A chargegs-
nen to Timothy.
| Sen’ as many * feruants ag are vnder the
yoke, eount their matters worthy of all
honour that the ame of Hod, and his Boc-
trine be nor entll(poken of, :
2 And they witch baue gam ma⸗
e they
are bzethzen, but rather noe ſeruice, becauſe
they are faithfull , œ belonen, ¢ partakers of
hesbenefit. Thele things teach g erhozt.
3 Bfanpinan teach otherwiſe, and con·
fentetl not tothe wholefome twos of our
Lod Helis Chit, e to the doctrine , which
is according to gadlinefie, :
4 Weis puftyp, and knoweth nothing,
but doteth about * queftions and (trtfe of
wo203, whereof commech enuie , rife, rays
I. Timotheus,
lings euill ſurmiſings,
5 Caine diſputations of men of corupt
mindes, and Deitttute of the trueth, which
thinke that gaine is godlineſſe: fron ‘(uch
feparate thy lette. ; >
b But godlineſſe is great game, if a
man be content with that he hath.
7 * For wee brought nothing into the
wold, and itis certaine, that wee can carte
nothing ont.
3 Aherefore when wee Hane foode and
raiment, let ys therewith becontent, —
9 Foꝛthey that will bee ¢ rich, fall tuto
tentation and ſnares, and into many fooltip
and noylome luftes , which dzowne menut
ptrdition and deſtruction.
10 soz the deſtre of money is the roote of
ali euill, which while fome luted after, they
erred fromthe faith, and d pearced them-
felues thorow with many fozrowes.
IL But thou, D e manol God, fice thele
things and follow after righteonſnes, gods
lines, faith loue patience, and meekeneſſe.
12 Sight che good fight of faith : lay hold
ofeternalllife, whereunte thou art alfa cal⸗
led, and Halt profeiled a goon peoteffion be-
foze many witneſſes.
13 *J charge thee in the fight of Goo,
who quickneth all things, aud before Jeſus
Chit, which vnder Pontius Pilate* wit:
neſſed a good confellion,
14 That thou keepe chis commandement
without (pot, and vñrebukeable, vntillthe
appearing of our Loud Jeus Citt,
_ 15 Ahich in Due time be Hall bew, that
is * bleffed and prince onely, fthe* King of
bets and Loꝛd of loꝛds, =
16 Who onely hath immoztalitie, and
dwellech in the light that none can attaine
vnto,* whom neuer man faw, neithercan
ice, vnto whom be honour and power euer»
lating, Ainen. — URS TE
17 Charge them that are rich sinthis
wozid, thattheybenot high minded, and
that they *truft notin vncertaine riches, but
inthe lining God, (which giveth vs abun⸗
Dantly all things te cntoy.) J
18 That they Doe good, and bee rich tn
good workes, and ready to diſtribute, and
19 * Laying vp in fto for themſelues a
geod foundation againit the time to come,
that they may obtaine etcrnall life,
20 D Timotheus, keepe *that which ts
committed vnto thee, and * ausid propane
and vaine baublings, and ioppotitions ef
(cience,falfly (o called,
21 hich while lome profelle, they haue
erred concerning the faith, Grace bee with
thee, Amen.
The frit Epiftle to Timotheus ae
from Laodicea , which isthe chiekelt cites
of Pheygia Pacaciana.
The fecondEpiftle of Paulto Timotheus
Ta Apoftle being now ready to confirme that doétrine with his blood , which hee had profeffed
and tåughr,encourageth Timothens (and in him allthe faithfull) inthe faith of the Gofpel , and
Godlineffeis great gaines `
b They that meas
fure religion by
tiches, are here
taught , that only
religion is the
truc riches,
Tob.) 24.pra2Fs
c dhat fee theie
felicity ia riches.
d Fox they are
neuer quiet, nei⸗
ther in foule nor
e. Whom Gods
Spirit doth rule,
Chap. 5.21.
Matth.27. 11. !
robn 18.37.
Chap t1,
t By this mighey
power of God §
faichfull are ad-
monithed boldly
to ftand in their
vacation, al-
though y world,
Satan,& hel rage
again{t them.
Rexel, 17. 14.
and 19. 16.
Foha 1. 18.
LAON 4. 12.
g In things ptre
taining to this
Marke 4.19,
like @ 2.15.
lake 12. 33>
h The gifts of
God for the vti-
lity of Ý Church,
Chap. ae
and & 7.
i As when ques
ftion’ engendreth.
Not tobe afhamed of the Lord.
Chap, j. ij·
inthe conftant and fincere confeffion of the fame: willing bim not to thrinke for feare of afflicti-
ons , but patiently to attend the iſſue as doc husband men, which at length receiue the fruits of their
labours, and to caft off all feare and care , as fouldiers doe which fecke onely topleafe their captaine:
fhewing him briefly the fumme of the Gofpell, which hee preached , commanding him to preach the
fame to others, diligently taking heede of contentions , curtous difpuratrons , and vaine que ſũons, to
the intent that his doctrine may altogether edific, Conlidering thatthe examples of Hymcneus and
Philetus, which ſubuerted the true doctrine of the refurrection, were fo horrible: and yet to the
To keepe the paterne, 533
intent tbat no man fhould bee offended at their fall , being men of authoritie andin eftimation, hee
(heweth that all that profeffe Chrift are not bis, and chat the Churchis fubie to this calamitie , that
the euill muf dwell among the good till Gods triall come; yet hee referueththem whom hee hath
eleGed,euentotheend. And that Timotheus fhould not be difcouraged by the wicked, he declareth
what abominibie men , and dangeroustimes (hall follow, willing him to arme himfelfe with the
hope of the good iffue that God wili giue vnto his, and to exercife himfelfe diligently in the Scrip-
tures both againtt the aduerfaries, and forthe vtilitie of the Church, defising himto come to him tor
certaine neceflarie affaires, azad fo with bis and others falutations endeth.
C MA xP.
6 Paul exhorteth Timotheus to ſted faftnes and
patience in per ſecution and to continue in the do-
Gtrinethat he had taught bhim, 12 Whereof his
bondes and af fisctions were agage. 16 A come
mendation of One(iphorus.
Anl an Apote of Jefus
Chꝛiſt, by vᷣ wil of God, ac-
a Being ſent of Fa coding to the pꝛomilſe of life
God to preach Zogo Which isin Chꝛilt Jeus,
thar life which D A 2 Co Timotheus my be»
heehadpromitd ected S loned ſonne: Grace, mercie
inChriftIefus, and peace fram GoD the Father, and from
As 22: 3. Zelus Chꝛiſt our Loz,
b Following the 3 Jrhanke God, * whome F ferne from
ftepsof mine an- mine > elders with pure confctence, that
cefltersasAbra- without cealing J baue remembzance of
ham, Ifaac, Ia- thee in my prayers night and Day,
coband others 4 Defiring tolee thee, mindfull of thy
of whom 1 am feares, that J may be filled with toy;
come, and of § dhen J calltoremembzance the vn⸗
whom Ireceiued fatned faith that is in thee, which dwelt
thetrvercligion firftinthy grandmother Lois, and in bp
byfaccefiion. smother Cunice,andamaflured that kdwe
c The gift of lehis thee allo. ‘
Godisacertame 6 cAheretoꝛe F put thee in remembzance
lively flamekind: that thous irre vp the gift cf Gov which
led inourhearts, is tn thee , by the putting on of è mine
which Satan and ands.
thefichh labou: 7 Foꝛ God hath not giuen to vs the
toquench,and Spiris of ¢feare, but of power, aud of tong,
therefore wee anD of a found mind.
mut nourifhit, 8 Be not therefore ahamed of the tefi-
and ftirreitvp. monte sfour Lo: neither of mec bts priſo⸗
d Withthe cet nertbut be partakeroftheatilictionso€ the
ofthe Bldersof QGolpel, accosding to the powzr of God,
Ephefus, 1.Tim. 9 Cibo bath faucd vs and calied vs
414. with an * holy calling. not accoꝛding to our
e Asthough * workes , but accozving to bis own pure
God wouldde- pole and grate, which was giuen to ns
= vs. through Chriſt Jefus befeze che woilde
1. Cor. 1.2. as
epheft.34 5 But Snow made manife bp the fap-
Titus 3.5. pearing of our Sautour Jeſus Cht, whe
Row.r6.25.ephe. hath aboliſhed death, and hath brought tife
39- Gol, 1, 26:43. and immoꝛtalitie vnto light though the
1.2. 1. pet. i.20o. Goflpel, >
f He fpeaketh 1I MAhereunto J am appointed a prea.
here ofhi cher,and Apoltle, and a teacher of the Gen-
comming, which tiles,
though it feemed
pooreand contemptible, yet washonourable and glorious: there-
Sore our mindes ought co bee lifted vp from the confideration of
worldly things, to contemplate the maicitis theregf, 1,732,2,7,
12 Fox the which cauſe J allo fitter thele
things , but J am not afvamend: fo: 3 know
whom F hauebeleeued , and J am perſwa⸗
Ded that jee ts abletekeepe that which J
Danes committed to bim againit that Day.
13 GKeepe the true paterne of the whole-
fonie words, which thou bak heard of me tn
faith and loue which tsin Chit Jeſus.
14 Ghat worthy thing, which was cante h The graces of
mitted to thec, keep through the holy Ghoſt, the holy Ghoft;
which Dwelleth inves. 3
15 This thou knoweſt, that all they which
arein Afa, be turned from niee: of which
lort are Phygellus and Hermogenes,
16 The Lord giue mercy vnto the bouie
of Oneſiphoꝛus:foꝛ he oft refreiheD meand:
was not ahamed of mp chaine.
17 But when he was at Rome,he foughe
me out very Diligentlp, and found me.
18 The Lozd grant vate hint that he map
finde mercy with the Lod at that Day, and
in bow many things pee hath miniftred vn
tome at Cpbelus , thou knoweſt serp well,
2 He exhorteth him to be conſtant in trouble, to
faffer manly , andto abide faft inthe whslefame
doctrine ef our Lord Ieſus Chrif, 11 fhewing
bira the fdelstie of Gods counfell touclang the
faluation of his, 19 andthe markethzreot.
f Base. therefoze my fonne,be krong in the
grace that isin Chit Jeſus. *
2 Aud what things thou haſt beardof — -<
mee, |! by many witnelles, the fame deltuer [07,5 the pre
to Faithfull men, which Halbe able ta ateac ace of many.
other aifo. natneffes,
a Sothat-rhe
trueth of God:
ay remaine
g Which is-my-
3 Thou therefore fuffer affictionasa
gsod ſouidiet of Jefus Chꝛiſt.
4 Ho man that warreth entangleth
himſelte with the > affaires of this fe, besgperfe®.
caule be wonld pleate bim that bath cholet > As with bis
bimtobeafouldicr, — houthold, and
§ And it any manali ſtriue fora mafe- other ordiuarie
tie,be is not crowned , except be ſtriue ashe EES,
ought to Doe. ;
6 Thehulbandmane mull labor before c So chat the
he recetue the fruits. paine muft goe
7 Tonder what F fay; andthe Loz before the re-
gine thee vnderſtanding inallthings. - _ cempenfe,
8 Remember that Jelus Chit, madegf d Notoithſtan·
the (cen of Dawid, was raid againe from ding mine im--
the dead accoꝛdingtomy Golpel; prifonment the:
9 CAberein J (uffer trouble agan enill word of God |
dorr euen vnto bonds; but the woꝛd oF God hachbisrace, anii
ig not d Sound. i - inereafeth,,
19. Therefore. .
Of fundrie veflels.
2.(or, 1-4
Eol 1.24.
e To confirme
their faith ,more
eſteeming the
~ edification of
the Church chen
Rom 6. $.
Math.10 33.
raarke. 8.38:
Rorth.3. 3. 9.6.
F Giwing tocuc-
rie one hisiult
portion : wherein
he alludeth to
the Prietts of rhe
old Law, which
intheir facrifice
gaue co God his
part,tooke their
owne part,and
ganete him that
‘brought the fa-
crifice his durie,
6,20 tit.3.9.
g Hegroundeth
ypon Gods elc-
ction and mans
h Becaufe the
wicked {hould
not coner them-
ſelues vndet the
name of the
_ church,be hew-
eth by this fimi-
litude,tbat both
good & bad may
be therein.
i That is, both
feparate himfelfe
from the wicked,
andalio purge
~ his naturall cor-
ruption by Gods
Tim. 1. 4. and
47. titus 3.9.
k Which donor
1 Which faile of
m He meaneth
not this of Apo-
10 Sheree F fuer all things , for the
II, Timotheus.
2 Fox smen Malte loucre of thetr owne
Refifters ofthe trueth.
a He {peakethof
* < elects fake, that they might alloobraine felues,couetous,beatters,pzoud,curlen (peas them which
the faluation whichis in Chik Jelus, with kets, diiobedient to parents, vnthanketull, make profeſſion
eternall glozie, — .
IL Jit isa true laying, Foz tftwe be* Bead
with hunt, we alfo Hall liue with him.
I2 JE we luffer, we hall aila reigne with
him: *ifwe Bente hin, he allo wilt dente va
13 It wee beleene not, yet abideth hee
faithfutl; be cannot dente bimicife.
I4 DE thele thinges put them in remem⸗
bance, anD poteit befoze the Lo20, that
thep itrtue not about wordes, which ts to
no profit, bur tothe peruccting ot the Yea:
Is Studie to ſhewe thyklfe apprasuzd
pnto Gad, alwezkeman that needeth notta
vnholy —
3Althout naturallaffection,trucebsea-
kere, falle accuiers, intemperate, fierce, De
{ptiers of them which are good,
4 Ctatcours,headie, hte minded, louers
of pleatures moze then louers of Sod,
u 5. Dautug a thew of godlineſſe, buchaue
Denied the power thereof: turne away ther-
foze from fuch. A A
_ © Fo ofthis Cort are thep which > ereepe
into boules and lead captiue timple women
— With nnes, and ledde with diuers
7 Which womenare exer learning, and
te te Chriftians,
b As Monkes,
Friers, and (uch
bee ahamed, £ Dunding the worde oftrueth ate neuer able to come to the knowledge of
16 * Atay pꝛophane and baine bablings:
foz tbey Wall encreate unto moꝛe vngodit
ne g
17 And their ward Hall feet as a canker:
of which fost is Hymeneus and Bhiletus.
18 Mhich as concerning the tructh pane
greed, ſaping, that p relurrection ts pat als
readte, and Doe deſtroy the faith afcertaine.
19 But the foundation of GoD remaineth
ſute, aud bath this ſeale, s The Lom know⸗
ety who are his,and,Let euery one that cal
teth on the Mame of Chik depart ftonin-
20 Motwithfanding ina * great Houle
are netonly vellels of gold and of uluer, but
allo of wood and of earth, ann ſome fo ya»
nour, and fome vnto Dihonour
21 Jt any man therefore purge bimfelfe
the trueth.
8 * And as Jannes aud Jambes with-
food PBoics , to doe theſe alio relitt tke
trueth , men oke corupt mindes, repeobate
conceruing the faith.
9 But thep Hail prevatle nolonger: foz
their madneſſe Hhalbeeutdent vnto all men,
as theirs allo twas.
Io But thou haft fullp knowen my dee
ctrinz,maner of ltaing, ¢ purpole, fatth,long
tuffering, loue patience, ;
Ii [Perlecuttons, aad afflictions which
cane vato mee at *Antiochia, at Jcontun
and at Lyſtri, which perlecutions F luffe-
ats À but from them ali the Lozd deituercd
12 Dea, and all that will liue godly in
Chit Jefus, Hail ufer perlecutton, :
13 Dut the cutl men and e deceiuers Mall
Exod.7. 11,12,
¢ Which can
iudge nothing
d Notonely
what L taughe
and did, buralfo
what my minde
andwillwZs, `
AGs t 3:14,50.
andi 4.8, Gy 19.
e The word figs
nifieth them that
by any craftie
packing or con-
ueyance beguile
men with falie
colers, flatteries,
from thefe, pe fhalbea veflell yntobenour, ware wozie and wozie, Deceining ant being = illufions,and
fanctificd and meet tor the LoD, and pepa-
red vnto euerygoodo Werke.
22 Flee alto fromthetutts of youth , and
— —
14 But continue thou in the things whi
thou bat learned , and art perftwwaded there-
uch God fetreth
vpto exercife
hisby them: and
follow after righteouſneſſe, faith, loue, and of,knewing of who thou haſt learned them; hereS. Paulade -
peace, with them that *caton the Loꝛd with
pure beart. ‘ —
23 * And pnt away kooliſh, and * vnltar⸗
ned queitions, knowing that they tagender
lg And that tbou haſt knowen the holy
Scriptures of a childe, which are able ta
makethee wiſe vñto ſaluation thꝛough the
kaith which isin Chit geus.
IG * Foz the whale Scripture is iuen
monifheth ys of
2. Petr. 1o.
f Whicir is cone
tent to be gouçr-
24. uttheleruantof the Lord muſt not. by inſpitation of God, and is profitable ta ned by Gods
itriue,butmuit be gentle toward al men,apt
to teach, ‘{uffertng the euill men patiently,
25 Inſtructing them with meekenelſe
teach,to — coꝛrect, and to inttruct
in righteouſneſſe.
17 Ghat the f man of God may bee sab:
g Theonely
Scripture fufh-
that are contrary nunded, prooviegstfGod folute, being made perfect vunta ail good ceth to lead vs
at any time will give them repentance, that
they may know the trneth,
26 And |i that they may come to amend-
ment out ofthe mare of the deuili, which are
taken of Dim at his will.
fates or herctikes,whom he willeth to flee: but of them only which
asyet arenot come to the knowledgeof the trueth,and fall through
ignorance, Or, that being delimered out ofthe ſuare of the deuil of iudge the quick and Dead at his appearing,
XT, a. rx. 2
3,3 iade Age
wham they are taken they may come to amendment and perfore bis
z He propheſteth of the perillous times, 2 Set-
teth out hypocrites in their colours, 32 Sheweth
the flate of the Chriflians, 14 And how to ausid
dangers, 16 Alfo what profite commeth of the
ygn know alla, that in the *laft dayes
hali come perillous tunes.
1 Heexhorteth Timotheus tobe feruent in the
word, and to fuffer aduerfitie, 6 maketh mention
of his omne death, 9 and biddeth Timothie come
unto him.
] Charge thee therefore before God, and
beforethe Lo: Jeſus Chit, which Hail
2 Preach the word: be infant in ſeaſon
anu out ofleafon: tmpooue, rebuke, exhoꝛt
with all long fuffering and doctrine. - —
3 Foz thetime wil come,when they will
not {utter wholefome Doctrine: but haning
their cares itching, Mall after their owne
luſts get theman beape of teachers,
4 Aud Mall turne their cares trom the
trugth, and ſhalbe giuen vnto cao —
to perfeGion.
p Or aires
a Leaue none
preach and te
b To falle and
The crowne of righteoufneffe.
e Sobehaue thy
felfe in this of-
fice, that men
may beable tø
charge thee with
sothing, but ra-
ther approue
ce inal] things.
Reade Phil.
2 * I 7.
|| Or,diffolurng.
e Hereby itis
manife that
Peter as yet was,
not at Rome,and
if euer he were
there, itis vncer-
taine, .
f Some reade
coffer : others
g For Paul (awe
inhim manifeft
fignes of repro-
Or, miner,
~ That *
preach the fayth,
Jo increafe their
teachthcm to
lue godly, that
at length they
may obtayne ¢-
ternall life,
b. Hath willing-
Jy and of his
mecre liberality
promifed with-
out torefeing our
§ But watch thou in all things: ſufter
abzierlity: Doe the worke of an Cuangeittt:
meke «thy mintitecy fully knowen.
6 For Fam now ready tu bee doffered,
and the time of my Departing isat bang.
7_ Ihaue fought agooa fight, aud bane
fintſhed my courte: J haue Sept the faith.
8 For hencefoosty ig layd vp foz mee the
, trewncotrighteoutnes, which the Logo ihe
righteous Junge tail gine me at that yap:
aud not to me onelp, but pnta ali them alio
that loue bis appearing.
9 Sake (peed to come vutemeatance.
IO Foꝛ Demas hath forlasen mie, hath
imbzaced this peint world, and isdeparted
vuta Theſtalonica. Lrelcers is gone ta Ga-
latia, Titus vnto Datmatia.
Ir e Dneip Luke ts withmee. Take
Marke and beng hun with thee: for hee ts
profitable vnto nie fo minifter.
i 12 And Tychicus hane 3 fent ta Ephe⸗
13 The f cloake that J left at Troas
with Carpus, when thou commet, bang
with thee,ana the beokes, but {peciatip the
14 AlzranBer the Copperſmith hath Done
mee much cull: the Lows reward hun ace
coding to bts wozkes.
15 Okwhom bec thou tare allo: fo: hee
withſt ood our preaching ſore.
16 At my hrt anlwering + no masafi
{ted me,but all foriocke me: | pray God, that
it may not be layd to their charge.
17 HNotwithſtanding tke Lod allen
meg ſtrengtheked me, that by me the prete
ching might bce fully knowen, and that atl
the Gentues foul beare,e F wag deliuered
out orehe mourborthe i Lion.
18 And the Lord wiil deliuer mee from
cucty *enil worke, and will preſerue me vnto
bis heanenly kingdome: to whom be maile
fozener and euer men,
19 Salute Pꝛiſca, and Aquila, and the
* houſhold of Dneliphozus. - 3
20 €raftus abode at Coꝛinthus: Ero»
phimus Jlett at Miletum ticke. |
21 Wake fpeeve to come before winter:
Cubnius qreeteth thee, and Pudens, and
Linus and Claudia, and all the bzethzen.
22 The Lod Fetus Chatlt bee with thy
(pirit Grace be with pan, gmet,
Wie lecond Epifile witten rom Rome vnto
Timotheus the fitſt Biſhop elected of the.
burch of Cphelus, when Paul was pze-
fenten the fecond time befor the Empe-
rour Mero.
The Epiſtle of Paul to Titus.
Hen Titus was left in Creta to finifh that do@rine which Paul had there begun, Sathan ftirred
W ¥p certaine which went about not only to ouerthrow the gouernment of the Church, but alfo
to corruptthe doctrine: for fome by ambition would haue thruftin théfelucs to bepaftors others, vne
der pretext of Mofes Law brought in many trifies. Againft theft two forts of men Paul armeth Titus:
fisft reaching hin what maner of minifters hee ought to chuſe, chiefly requ ring that they bee men of
found do€rine,to the intent they might refift the aduerfaries, and among other things h¢enoreth the
Tewes which put acertaine holineffein meatsand fuch outward ceremonies, teaching them which are
the true exercifes of a Chriftian life, and what things appertaine to eucry mans vocation, Againkt the
which ifany man rebell or elfe doeth not obey, be willeth himto be auoyded, f
5 He aduertifeth Titus touching the gouernment
of the Church. 7 The erdinauce ep office of minis
fiers. 32 The nature ofthe Cretians and of them
whith [awe abroad lewifh fables and inwentions
he Aula flernant of God, andar
3 Apeitle of Felis e Chit, acs
coding to thefaith cf Gods
elect, an’ the knowlenge of
che truth, which is accceding
brewed to godlinelic,
2 Under the hope ok eternal life, which
God that cannot liz, hath > promiizd before
the” woala began: :
2 But hathinade pis word manifek in
Due tine throngh the preaching , whith ts
*committed brio me, according tothe coms
mandement of God ours Hantonr;
4 To Titus my naturail a ſonne attor-
faith or workes asa cauſe to moue him to this free mercy. “Ror, 16.
25.epbef.3.9- col.
1 26.2. tim 1.9,10,¥.20. Gal 1.1. c Who
both giuechlife, and preferueth life, d In xreſpect of faith,which
‘was common to them both,fo that hereby shey are brethren: bur in
refpeé of the miniftery,Paul begate him as bisfopneinfaith, -> a
Ding tothe common faith, grate mertyand
peace from God the Father, and fromthe
Loꝛd Jeſus Chriſt ont Sauionr.
§ fo this caule left J thee in Creta.
that thou Moniek continue to redreſſe the
things that rematne, and ſhouldeſt or⸗
ee Ciders tneucry citte, as J appointed
ee. ; ; -
6. ° Jfanp ¢ bee vnreproueable, the bul
band of one wife, baning faithfullehildzens
which arenor flandered of riot, neſther are
7 Foꝛa Biſhop muſt bee vnreproueable
asf Gods ſteward,not |ifroward, uot angry,
* saal to wine, no ſtriker, not ginen te Al»
thy lucre, i
8 But barbetens , one that loucth
goodneſſe, wile ,etightcous, "Eolys ten
9 Wolding kalt the faithfull wom accor: |
bing to Doctrine, that he alſo may be abieto
exhort with wholefome DAME and ime
poue them that ſay again tt. i
Io For thereare many diſobedient and
vayne talkers and deceyuers of mindes
chit tlo
The duety of Minifters, 534 1
h JfS.Peterhad
bene there, he
would not baug
forfaken bim. |
i Our ofthe -
great danger of
k That Icom-
mit nothing vne `
worthy mine
Chap. I.16.
16 1978, 3025
e That is, with»
cutall infamy,
whereby his au-
thority. might be
f Who haththe ;
difpenfetion of
his gifts.
It Or felfewilly a
Ory good mens
2 Toward mens
* Toward Gods
not onely the
ewes, bar alfo
the Hebionites
and Cerinthians
heretikes, which
taught that the
Lawmuttbe ioy-
ned with Chrilt.
k He callethE-
pimenides the
Philofopher or
he here reciteth,
a Prophet,be-
caufe the Creti-
ans ſo efteemed
him : and as La-
ertius writech,
they facrificed
vnto him, as toa
God, forafmuch
The elders good exainples,
iWhich were chietlythey of thei Circumtiſlon,
Ii Ahoſe mouthes mut be Lapped, which
fubuert whole boules teaching thingswhtch
they ought not, fo filthy tucres fake. ;
I2 Dueok themielues, cuen one of their
owne k prophets fayd, Che Crettans are al-
wapesttars,cutll beats, lowe bellies.
13 This witneſſe is true: wherefore re-
buke them harply, that they map bee found
in the faith, à ,
14. Gnd not taking heed to *Jewith fa-
bles and cemumandements of men, that turn
Poct,whofe verle fromthe trueth.
ig Cinto the pure * are al things pure, but
vnto them thatare deſiled, and vnbeleeuing
is nothing pure, but euen their mindes and
conictences ave defiled.
16 Thep profetle that they knots God, but
bp! works they Deny him, and are abomina ·
blz and diſobedient, and vuta cuery good
worke reprobate.
To Titus.
as he had a marueilous gift to vnderſtãd things to come: which thing
Satan by the permiflion of God hath opened to the infidels from
time to time, but it turneth to their greater condemnation, 1 Tim. 1.4,
Rom.1420. | Forafmuchasthey ftay atchingsof nothing, and
paffe not for them,tbat are of importance,and fo giue themfelues to
all wickedneffe.
a Wherewith our
foules are fedand
_ maintained in '
b Not rnnuing to
© He commendcth unto him the wholefome do-
Ekrine and telleth him how hee fhall teach all de-
grees to behaue themfelucss 1i Through the be-
nelit of thé grace öf Chrift. 5
Be ſpeake thou the things which become
* wholefome doctrine,
2 Chat the elder men bee fober, hone,
pies hs inthe fapth, tn loie,and in pa⸗
3 The elder momen likewile,that thep be
fn fuch bebautouras beconimeth bolinefe,
notfalte accuſers, not ginen to much wine,
but teachers of fonett things,
4 Chat they may inftruct the pong wo-
men to be fober minded, that they lone their
hulb ands that they loue their chttozen, `
_ § That they be dilcrect,chatte, keeping at
and frowithout Some,good,¢* fubiect vnto thetr bulbands,
neceflary occafi-
< ons,which isa
figne of lightnes,
Ephef 6.5.
colof.3 22,,2.18,
1. (or. 4. 2
c OF what con-
dition or ftate
f ocuer they be.
ve the wozde of God be not euill poken
6 Crhort pons men likewile, that thep
be fober minded,
7 Aboue alithings ſhew thy felfe anen-
fample of good works with vncegrupt Dec:
8 And with the wholelome woe, which
cannot be repzoucd, that he which withſtan ·
Deth, may be afhamed, hauing nothing con-
cerning pouto ſpeake enill of. ‘
9 *Leticruants be ſubiect to theit ma·
ſters, and pleaſe them tn all things, not an-
fwering agatne,
Io Pome pikers,but that they ſhew all
good faithfulneffe, that they may adozne thg
Doctrine of Sod our {autour tn all things.
IL * fozthe Grace of God, that bzingeth
‘faluation vnto allmen bath appeared,
12 And teacheth vs that we hould denye
vngodlineſſe and worldly luſts, and that we
fhould liue ſoberly, and righteoully, t godiy
in this pꝛeſent world, *
13 Looking fo: the bleſſed Dope, and apa
pearing of the glory ofthe mightp Gov, and
of our — ae me
14 Ahs gaue bimlelfe foz vs, that hee
might cedeeme vs from alliniquitte, and
purge ys cobea “peculiar people vnto hua:
felfe zealous of good works. y
Ig Thei things (peake, and erhozt, aud
rebuke with all © authozitte. See that no
man Delpile thee.
1 Of obedience to fuch as bein authority, 9 He
warneth Titus to beware of foolifh and vaprofita-
ble queflions, 12 Concluding with certayne pri-
uate matters, 1§ And (alstations.
Pasian in remembzance that thep* > be
fubiect cothe petncipalities and powers,
and that they be obedient and readp tocucryp
good worke,
2 That they peake euill of no man, that
they bee no fighters, but (oft, fhemwing all
meekeneile puto all mtn. w
3 *b ffo: we our felues allo were in times
pait vnwiſe, diſobedient, Decetued, ſeruing
the luſts and diuers pleaſutes, luung in mas
poe and enuy, hateful, and hating one
4 But when the bountifulneffe and loue
of Sod ourDauiour toward man appeared,
§ Not· bythe workes efrightcoufnefie,
which wee had Done, but according to bis
mercie he ſaued vs, by thea wating of the
new birth, tthe renewing of the help Ghot,
6 Cibich bee ſhedde on vs abundantly
though Jels Chik our Sauiour,
7 Chat we, being iuiitied byhis grace,
fhould be made heires according tathe hope
of eternal life. ?
8 Thisisa true faving, and thele things
Z wil thou Hoult afirme, that they which
bauc beleened in God, might bee carefull to
thew fourth good workes. Chele things are
good and profitable vnto men.
9 * But ſtay toolifh — Egenealo⸗
gies, E contentions, ⁊ bꝛawlings about the
Law: foz they are vnpzofitable and vaine.
IO © Retect him that isan heretike, after
once o? twife admonition,
II Knowing that he that ts (uch, fs per-
uerted, and g finneth being Damned of bis
12 Uhen J hal fend Artemas vnto thee,
2 Tychicus be Diligent to come to me ynta
—— koꝛ J haue Determined there to
13 Bing Senas » the expounder of the
law,and Apolios on their tourney Diligent-
ly, that they lacke nothing.
14 And let ours alſo learne to Hew forth
g000 works 8 neceſſary vies, that they bee
not vnfruitfulll.
15 -AU that are with mee, falute thee.
Greet them that loue vs tn the faith. Grace
be with pou l, Amen.
To Titus, elect the firt Biſhop of the
Church of the Eretians, written
from Nicopolis in Macedonia.
‘Stay foolith queftions.
d Moft deare
and precious,
c€ Asbecommeth
the ambaffadour
of God,
1 ,pet.2.0 35040
a Although the
rulers be infidels,
yet are we boung
to obey them in
ciuil policies and
whereas they
command vs Rg-
thing againft
the word of
b For let vs come
fider what wee
our felues were,
when God fhewe
ed vs fauour.
2. Tim. I.9.
c God doth not
iuftifie vs for re~s
ſpect of any
thing, which he-
feeth in vs, but
doth preuent vs
with his grace
and freely accep-
teth vs.
d Baptifme isa
fure figne of our
which is wrought
by the holy
Ghot; >
and 4.7. 2, tits
e This comman-
dement is giueu
to the minifter,
and fo particulare
ly to all mento
whom the fword
isnot commit-
ted: but elfethe
whofe chiefe of-
fice is to main-
taine Gods gle-
ry in his Church
ought to cut
all {uch rotten
and infe@ious
members from
the body. f. So thar there isno hope of amendment. g Willingly,
and wittmgly, h Itisprobable,that he was an interpreter of the Law
of Mofes,as Apollos, &c.
€ The
be made fruitfall ano that whatloener good
thing isth you > through Cilt Reins, may
be knowen. Š
lence to ward the
Saints, which
aceedeth of
Fadl rand che, 7 Foꝛ wee hane great ioy and confolatt:
Quali faith, | ON ffn thp lone, becaule by thee, beather, the
Daints: hearts ate comforted.
8 Mherefore, though F be very bold in
Chꝛiſt i command thee that which is con-
membersofle. Hentent, a
—— ae > o Yet foz loues fake J rather befeech
© Meaning their. thee, though J] be as Jam, even Dautagen,
inward: parts and, AND encen now a prifoner for Jens Chit. `
— 10 J beleech thee fo: my fonne* Oneli⸗
through his cba- MUS Whom J hane begotten in my bonds,
ritie comforted, . 1! CUibich in time palt was to thee Vi
Coloff.4.94°- profitable, but now profitable both te tice
andteme — <
=O 12 Thom J hane lent again: thou theres
ſoꝛe receiue him, that is, mine owne bowels,
b That experi-
ence may declare
that you are the
me euen thine owne felfe, i }
20: Pea bzother, tet me obtaine this plea.
furt of thee inthe om : | comfoztimp sbow:
Sls in the Lod. sy) acu!
2U Trutting in thine obedience, J mote
bntothee, knowing that thou wilt doe euen
moze then 3 fap.
22 (Bezeourr allo prepare meclodging :
fo: J trut thꝛough pour prayers J thall bee
giuen vnto pou. i
23 Chere falute thee Epaphras my fela
low pꝛiſoner bin Cheiſt Jefus, a7
) 24 Marctus, Aritarchus, Demag, and
Luke my fellow helpers. » j
25 The grace of our Logd. Jeſus Chk
be with pour pirit, Amen.
CUritten from Rome to Philemon, and
' fent by Oueſunus a ſeruant.
[Satie Sova q The Epiftle to the Hebrewes.
ar | Ogre has diuers,horh ofthe Grecke writers and Latines witneffe , that the writer ofthis Epiftle
MNaor iuftcaufes would not hane bis name knowen ,\ itwete curiofitie of our part to labour mucky
* “therein, For ſeeing the Spirit of God is the author thercof, it diminiſheth nothing the authoritie abe
ooo" though wee know not with what pen hee wrote it. Whether it were Paul (as it is not like ) or Luke, .-
oTe of Barnabas, or Clement, or fomeother, hischiefe purpofeiisto perfwade vnto the Hebrewes (where-
by he principally meaneth themthat'abode at Icrufatem, and vnderthem allthe reftof the Lewes)
that Chrift lefts was not onely the redeemer but alfo-that at his comming all ceremonies muft haue an
ende: forafmuch as his doctrine was the conclufion ofall the Prophefies ; and therefore noronely
‘Mofes was inferiour ta him, butalfo the Angels: for they all were (cruants , and he the Lord, but fo
~~ Lord,that he hith alfo taken our Aefh, and is made out brother to affure vs of onr faluation through
the 7.Chap.verf 11, vnto the 13,Chap.verf.r8. Alfo he was that Préphet.of whom all the Prophets
in time paft witneffed, as is declared fromthe 12. Chap,verfiv8. to the twentie and fue verſe ‘of the
fame Chaprer:vea,andis the king to whom all things are fubie@,aseppeareth from that-verf.2§,to the
beginning of the laft Chaprer, Wherefore according to theexampks ofthe old fathers, wenult cona;
oa _ “himfelfe, forheisthat erérnall Prieft whereof all the Leuit:call Priefts were bur fhadowes, and theres
“$ i _, foreathiscomming they ought to ceafe, andiall {acrificesfor finne to be abolifhed, ashe prousth from" -:
mine is thine.
g Grant me this .
bencfite; which. .
thallbe moft ac⸗
cepranie vntome -
ofallothers. |.
h That is; for .
Chriſts cauſe.
Pauls ioy. Philemon. _ Hisgréatloue. 535
The Epiftle of Paul to Phil
q 1€ pi Corr auito r hiemon.
Lbeit the excellencie of Pauls fpirit wonderfully appearetbin other lis Epiftles, yetthis Epiftte
is a great witneffe and a declaration of the fame, For farre paffing the bafeneffe of his matter he
flieth asit were vp to heauen, and speaketh witha dune grace and maieRie. Oncfirus feruantto Phì-
lemon bothrobbed his mafter, and fed away, whom Paul having wonne to Chrift, fent apaine to his
matter,earneftly begging his pardon, with mofi weighty arguments proouing the dectie of one Chri-
ftian to another,and fo with {2lutations endcth.
4 Hereisycethtoheare ofthe faith and loue of 3 Uhom F would haue retained with
Philemon, 9 whom he defireth to forgiue his feg- me, thatinthp stead be might haue minie
uant Oneſimus, & louingly torecerueiamagame, ſtred vnto mein thebondsotthe Golpel. —
econ eR, AUL a prfoner of Fetus 14 Wut withoue thy minde would J doe
(2 T Chit tour brother Cimo» nothing, that thy benefit ould net be asit
g ù theus, pnto Philemon onr Wereot neteflitic, but willingly.
Nias k Deare friend g fellow helper, 15 Jt mapbr that he therctoreddepartcy d He fled away
Q 2 Andto our Beare fitter fo afeafons that thon Gondel receine pim Fom thee.
Apphia, and to Archippus fozeurr, :
our fellow ſouldter, and tothe Church rhat _— 16 Mot nowe as a feruant, but abonea e For he is chy
ís in thine houle: feruant, euen as A bother beloued, {pecially feruant by cone
3 Grace bee with you, and peacefrem tome: Dow much moz? then vnto thee, both dition, andalfo
God onr Father, and from the Loꝛd Jeſus in thefich,and inthe Lod? __, nowthe Lords:
Chit. i i 17 Jf therefore thou count our things fethatboth for
r.Thefs.2, 4 V" giuethankestomyGod, making conunon,recetne hun as my felfe. thine owne fake
athe ft 3. Nientton allwayes of thee in my payers, 18 Jf hee hath hurt chee, oz oweththee and for cheLords,
| § (Chen J deare of thyloneand faith, ought,chatprtonmumeaccounts. -thou oughbteft to
which thou hat toward the Lozd Jeſusand 19 J Panl haue witten this with mine louchim,
| toward ail Sainte) } i owne hand: J will recompente it, albeit £ Thar all thine. -
a Thy bencuo- 6 Chat the 2fellowhip of thyfatth may J doe not faptothce, thatthou oweſt vnto ismine,andall .
| Chrift aboue the Angels.
a God, who is e-
uerconftant, and "RAAN
mercifull to bis
b So tharnow
we May notcre-
dite any new ree
uclations after
c He intreateth
here of Chrif,
both as tonching
his perfon, which
is very God and
Tothe Hebrewes.
Rantly belecue in him, that being ſanct ſied by his iuflice, taught Ly bis wifedom, and gouerned by his
power we may Redialtly and couragiouflly pericncre euen to the end, in hope of that ioy that is fet be-
fore our eyes occupying our felues in Chriftian exereifes,that we may both be thankefuil to God, and
duetilulite eur neighbour.
Can. A Pook,
t He fheweththe excellencie of Chrif 4 a-
boue the Angels, 7 and of ther office.
spies E undp tines and in Diners
maners a God pake tn the old
time to oi Fathers by the
then the 'Augels, Matinuch as he bath ob»
teined a moze excellent name then they.
§ For vnto which of the Angels ſaid he
atany time, * Chou art mp Bonne, s this
dapbegate J thee? and againe, J will bee
his Father, anð be fhallbemp Bonne?
And againe wher bee baingeth fn his
fit begotten Donne into che worlde, hee
fayth, * Anv let all che Angels of God wo-
ip him. ;
And of the Angels be fayth, Hee ma;
very man, by *
whom allthings keththe b Spirits bis meſſengers, and his
are made,and alfo snintSers a flame of fire.
astouching his ° < 8 Gut vntothe Sonne be faith,*D Gad,
office, whereby . thy thrang isfoz ener aud euer: the i{cepter
heisKing,Pro- of thy kingdome is a (cepter af rightcoul>
- phetjandPrieft, nene. :
Wifd.7.26. g Tkouhakloued righteouſneſſe, and
colofft.15, hatediniquitte. CAhereſsꝛe God, euen thy
d The liuely
Image & paterne,
fo that hee that
feerh him, feerh
the Father, Iohn
14.9. for elfe the
` perfon of the Fa-
thet is not feene,
—, a d ~
Gav, hath x anointen thee with the opie of
gladneſſe aboue thy fellowses. Be oto}
ro gnu,” Who, Lord, in the beginning
hat eftablifjed the earth, ana the beauens
arethe workes of thins hands,
Il hey Hall perth, but thou Boe re-
maine: and they all hall ware olde as Dorth
a garinent.
butapprchended 12 gasa vecture halt thou folde them
by faith, + by, and they Hail bee charged; but thou art
e So that our the fame,and thy yeeres wali nat faite.
finnes canbee 13 Ante which all of theAngets ſayde
purgedbynone begat any time,” Dit at my right hand, tul
othermeanes, 3j make thine enemies thy footettoole ¢
f Much more 14. Are they not all mimitring (pirits,
then,thenallo- · fent forth to miniſter, for their fakes which
abs thingseree Hall be heires of faluation?
ated, hae $
Pfal.r.7.chap.5.§.a&.13 33. g Becaufehe wasat the time appoine ,
Chrift, 10 Becaufe it was neceffary that fer our
Sakes bee fhould take fuch an humble flate vpon
biin that he might be Like unto his brethren.
WV Hereſdee we ought diligentlyxto give
Derde to-the things which wee haue
heard, left at Rily > timg we Mould tet thein
nuracles and gifts of the holy Ghali, actor:
Bing to his owne will?
§ Foꝛ he hath not putin ſubtection puto
the eee thee world fo come, whercof we
peake. a
6 But *one fn acertaine place witneſ⸗
fed, aping, Abat is man, that thou oul:
Belt be mindfullof him! oꝛ the fanne of man
that chou wouldelt confer him!
7 Thou madelt him a little inkeriour to
the Angels: thou crownedit hun with sglos
rte and honour, and hall (et him abeue the
wozkes of thine bards. Al
8 * Thou hatt put all things in fubfecti-
on vnder his feete. And in that be hath put
all things in (ubtection under him , hee left
nothing that Gould not be (ubicct vnto him.
é a we pet fee not all things ſubdued Vi,
oi pun.
9 But we fee Jeſus * crowned with glo-
tte and honour, which was mave a little in-
fertour to the Angels , through the ſuflering
of Death, that bp Gods grace he might tatte
Death forailinen.
10 Foꝛ it became him, for whomare all
things, and by whontare all thing gs, teeing
that bee brought many chian onto glozy,
that hee Mould contcerate the | IDtince of
their (aluatton though ™ affitctions.
II Foz bee that fanctifieth, and they
which ave fanctifted,ateall * of one: wheres
ee hee ts wat aſhamed to call them bze-
12 Haying ,* J will declare thy Mame
vnto my obeethren: tn the middes of the
Church wil J Ang prayſes to thee.
Obedience due to the Gofpel.
a We muft dil.
Church, declared 4 ‘ Pesphets: flippe. gently keepe in
hiswillintime á 2 Snthele lak dapyeshee 2 Forifthe - wee ſpoken by Angels memoriethedo-
paft, notallat . bath fpoken vnto vs by his was ftenfak. and euery tranfgrefion, ant Grine,which we
once,orafterone Sonne, whom bee bach mate heire ofall Dilobedience received aiut recompence of baue learned, left
fort, bur from — things, by whouvallo be made the wozlds, reward, $ like vefiels full;
timeto time and 3 Cibo beingthe brightneſſe ot the gla 3 Wow hail wee efcape, ik woe neglect ſo of chapswee
infundry forts: ry, anD thed ingraucd forme of his perion, «great faluation, which at the firſt beganne leake,and run
butnowlaftof and bearing vp all things bp his mightie tobe preached by the Lozbe, And afterward out oneuery
allhehath fully word, hath by himſelke epurgedour finnes, was contirmed vato vsby4thentebat heard pare.
declared alltruth ana fitteth at the right and ot the matettte, btm, ; — b Which was
to vs by his in the dighett places, 4 *God bearing witneſſe thereto, boty the law giuen to
Sonne, 4 And is made io much moze ercellent with figues and woñders, an’ with Divers. Moles bythe
hands of the Ane
gels Gal. 3. 19.
Acts 7.53.
c Asthe Gofpel
is, which onely
offereth falua.
d Thatis,the
Marke 16.20.
e Which Eſai
callerh the new
heauens,and the
eS earth,
Chap 65,17, .
Whereof Chintt
is the Father, Ifa,
9. 6,that is,the
headof vs bis
F He fpeaketh
here chiefly of
the faitbfull,
which are made
through Chrift,
citizens of the
watldto come,.
where they (hill
enioy with their
prince all thefe
things which
now they haue
onely but in
In making
him fellow heire
with Chif. Matth.28.18. 1,cor.15,27, philip.2.9,10,11. h To
_ tionof chy Kingdom is iu,
-madefiefh,and that the holy Gheft was powred on him without mea-
ted,declared to the world, 2.Sam.7.14. t.chrow.22,10, P/al.97.7.
Pfal.to4.4. h Hecorapareth the Angels to the windes, which are
here beneath as Gods meflengers. P/zl.45.6;7.. i Theadminiftra.
This is meant in that that the word is
Gire, that we may allreceiue of him cuery ene according to his mea-
fire, P/a 102,25.Pfal. 110, t.meat.2 2.4.4. Ticor 05.25.Chap, 10.0 26
CH EP ©)
T He exhorteth ustobe obedient unto the new
Law which Chrift hath ginen vs; 9 And not to
bee offended at the infirmitic and lowe degree of
them.which obie& that they fee not thele things accomplifhed in
man,the ApoltJe an{wereth that they are fulfilled in Chrift our cap-
taine,who leadeth histo thefame glory withhim, i To nian, ashe
isofChrilt, k By hisycrtue which moft manifeflyappeareth in the
Church, 1 Te(us Chrift by humbling himfelfe, and taking vpon
him the forme of.aferuant, which was our fleth,and mortalitie, giueth
vs aflurance ofourfaluation, m Therefore wee by affliGions are
made hike to theSenne of God. n The head and the members
are ofonenature: fo Chrift which fanGifieth vs, and weethatare
fan&ified, are all one by the vnion of our flefh. P/a/.z2,22. O This
preoucth Carifts humanitie,
13 Ano
| P/2l.18.2.
| p Meaning,that
| Chiiftrouching
) bis human tie
put bis truſt in
Í God.
| 728.18,
j e pekt
Í this of himfelfe
| aad his diſc ples,
but properly itis
applied to Chriſt
the head of all
Hofe 13.14.
r And Gods
I f Not the na-
| ture of Angels
but of man.
| t Not oncly as
| touching nature
but alfo quali-
| ties,cnely finne
a Takeheede to
his words and
receiue him.
b Of thc do-
rine which we
belecue, and
ought to confeffe
c To be the
and hie Prieſt.
Numb, 52.7,
d Mofes was but
part of the heu,
that is, of the
Church whereof
the paftors are
the luely ftones,
but Chrift buil-
| ded it, and laide
| the ftones-there-
fore hee defer-
ueth more
e Thatis, Chrift:
for Chriftis the
head of his
Church: hee is
' our brother,and
| Lord: he isthe
Sonne of God,
andvery God
Why Chrifttooke on him ons fleth,
13 And againe, *J will put myr truſt
ipun. Anð againe, *9 Behold, heere am
J, andthe children, which Gos barh giuen
14 Foralmuch then as the chilen were
partakers of fef) and blood, bee ailo pim:
ſelte kewi tooke part with them, chat
hee might Detirey * through death, bun
al had the power of drath, that is the de⸗
wli, j
15 And that hee might deliuer all them,
which for feare of t Death were all their lite
tıme fibtect to bandage.
16 soz hre in no ſort tooke the‘ Angels,
but be tooke tije ſeede of Abraham.
17 Ciberefoze tin all things it became
Him to be made like vnto bis brethren, that
bee might be merciful, and a faithfull high
Wiet tn things concerning God, that bee
_ Chap. ii}. jije
they hall enter into my ised,
12 Gake jeeve,bacthzen, let at any time
there bee in anpof vonuan centil beart, and
Sie ae to Depart away from the lining
13 Buterhort one another dayply, while
it is called * Go Dap, leak eny of yon
beg hardened tizough the oeceitiulnefie of
14 Foꝛ we are made partakers of Chait,
ifwe keepe fire vnto che! ende the || begin:
ning wherewith weare vpholden,
Is Bo long as it ts faib, Go Day if yee
heare bis voice, harden not pour hearts, as
in the pouscatton,
16 Forme when they heard, prouoked
m him ¢o anger: bowbett, notall that came
cut of appt bp Woles. j
17 Bur with whom was hee dilpleafen
might make reconciliation forthe finuesof fourtte pecres ? was hee not diſpleaſed wiry
the people..
13 frog in that hee *futiered, and was
tempted , bee ts able to luccour thom that
are tempted.
except. u Forafmuchas he is exercifed in our miferies, we may be
| afiwred, that at all times in our tentations ke will fuccour vs,.
1 Hee requireth them to bee obedient vxto tke
word of Chrift, 3 Who u more wortl:se then Mu-
fis. 12 The punsibment of fuch as will harden
their hearts and. not beleeuc, that they might hane
eternall life.
T Werefore, hulp beethzen,partakers ofthe
beauenty vocatton,2 conter the Apottte
anp high Pict of our e pzoteſſtan, Chatt
2 Cho was kaithkull ta him that hath
appointed < hun, enen a3 * Moles was in all
his houle.
them that tinned,* whole || karkeiles fell in
the wilderneſſe?
I$ And to whome (ware bee that they
ſhould not enter into his reit, but vnto them
that obeyed not?
19 So wee fee that they conld not entec
in becaule of vnbeliefe.
2 The word without faith a unprofitable. 3
The Sabbath or reft of the Chriſtiaus. 6 Punifh-
ment of unbeleewers. 12 The nature of the word
of Ged,
pe: vs feare therefore . left at any time
--by foxfaking the promife of entring inte
bis Ji > anp of pou Would ſeeme to bee de>
2. Foꝛ vnto vs was the Golpel preached
as alla vnto them: but the word that they
Thedifobedient. 530
i As difobey-
ing God,they in
old timewere dee
barred from the
quietne fle of the
land of Canaan:
fo th ey which doe
not obey Chrift,
thall nut enter
into the heauen-
ly reft.
k Which is all
that time wherein
God doeth call
vs:whiie bethere⸗
fore fpeaketh,let
vs heare,
] Which is by
faith to embrace
and beld faft the
true dodirineof
Ictus Chrift,
lOr- foundations
of cur aſſurance,
m To wit,the
Lord. ⸗
Numb. 14:37-
Or, bodies and
3 Sor this man is counted wozthie of beard, pzofited not them, becaule itwasnot a He comparet
moze glozie then Moſes, inasmuch as bee
which hath builded the Boule, 4 hath moze
Doxourthenthe boule.
4 Foz chery boule ts builaed offome man,
and be that bath built all things,is ¢ God.
S. Mow Moles verily was faithfull inal
his Houle, asa ſernant. fora witneſſe of the
things which Gould be poken after. ;
6 Wut Chit isas the Sonne, ouer his
owne honfe, whole! houic we are, tfwe bola
fait the confidence, and the reioycing ot the.
hope vnto the end.
7 @Ubherefore, as the holy Ghoſt thy ome mu entertherinto, and they to whom
* To Day tf yee Wall heare his voice,
8 Marden not your hearts, as in theepzo»
uocation, according to the Day of the tenta»
tion inthe wildernetfe,
9 bereyonr fathers tempted me, pza.
ma mee, and faw mp Workes Courtice pecres
10 Cditherefore J was grieued with that
gencration, and fapde, Chey errecucrin
their heart, neither baue tiep knowen my
IL Gherefore J Gware in my wrath, bIf
a mired with faith in thole that heard tr.
3- Foꝛ we which haue belecued, doe enter
into reſt, as hee faid to the other, * As Jhaue
ſworne in my weath, JEt they Mall enter ins
to my reit: although «the wozkes were Ani-
{hed from the foundation of the wold,
4 Sor hee (pake tna certatne place of the
feuenth dapon this wile,* And God did reft
the feucnth day fram all bis wozkes,
in tits place againe, Hf they Gall
Si t
enaptno ny reff,
Decing therefore it femaineth that
it was fir peeached, entred net therein fo
vnbelickes ſake: e
7 Againe hee appointed in d Dauid
certaine Day by To day, after fo longa tü
his Voice,harBen nót your hearts., N.
8. For if e Yeis had ginen chem r
then would hee not alter this Day bane ſpe
ken of another.
the preaching of:
the Gofpel,as it
were, to wine,
whereofif we will
talte that is, heare
and vnderftand
with profite,we
muft temper or-
mixe it with faith,
b Although that
God y bisrelt,
afverthe creation:
ified the fpi-
ritual reft of the”
X pe he
ſayiug. as it is faid, * Cts dayif pee heare
VA | rekin Chanaan
ff, which was buta-
figure of rhe hea-
venly reft, and
{ware ta giue
9 Chere remaineth cherefoge a rete to endureth bur for
thepeopleofGod. —
I3 foz bee that ts entred tnto hfs rete,
c The perfeien.
things by his owne power. f Forinobeying theSonne, wee are
made the houfe of God. P/al.95.7,8 chap.4.7. g Aswhenyee
prouoked Gods anger in Mafla and Meriba, Exod.17.7. h Mea-
ning by bis oath, that they fhould not enter,
fF hath alla cealed from bis owne wozkes, of Godsworkes, .
and fo his reft,
fignifieth our heauenly reft. Gene,2.2 deut 59. 14. d Thatis,inthe
Pialmes. (hap.3-7. e Meaning,lofhua, F Hathcaft off hisap-
petites,mortified his ficth,renour ed bimfelfe,and followethGod,.
The nature of Gods word.
g For it mortally
woundeth the re-
bellious,and in
cheẽ eleét ic kil-
Jeth the old man
that they fhould
liue vnto God,
h Where che
aite@ions are.
i Which contei- «
neth willand
x As that thing
which is cleft a⸗
ſunder euen
through che mid⸗
of the backe, and
~ gis made open,
thatit may bee
feene through -
(lOr concerning
whom we [beake,
1 Therefore
when we heare
his worde,
vee mult tremble,
a Hee ſheweth
that man can
hate none acceſſe
~ to God without
= anhie Prieft,be-
caule that of him
felfe hee is pro-
phaneand finfull,
b_ Which were
of things with: |
out life,
c As of beafts,
which are killed,
d. Thatis, of
3.(hro.1 3.10,
Pfal.tto 4.
e Who was both
Prieft and King,
f When heliued
in this world,
g Hemeaneth
that moft earnet
prayer which
the garden, wher
hee (weat drops
of blood,
h Being inper-
plexitie, and fea-
ringthe horrors
of death,
iHe digreffeth
till hee come to
the beginning of
they. Chapter,
43 God did from his.
II Let bs ſtudie therefore ta entertnto
that reit, iet any man fall after the fame et
fample of diſobedience. :
I2 Soz the word of God is liucly, and
mightiet operation, and Marper then any
twa edged ſword, ands entreth though, e-
nen buto the diuiding alunder of the * loule
and the ſpirit, and ofthe ioyntes, and the
marcowe, and is a diſcerner of the thotights,
and the intents of the beart.
13 Neither ts there any creature, which
is not manttett tn bis fight : but all things
are naken and « open vito bis eyes, || with
whom we bane! to doe, ;
I4 Seeing then that wee haue a great
hie Prieſt, which ts entred intaheauen, euen
Jets the Sonne of Gad, let vs hold fat our
profeffion. $ ;
I5 Foꝛ we hatte not an hte Hiet, which
cannot bee touched with the feeling ofour
tificmtities, but was in all things tempted
itt like ſort, yet without tnne.
16 Let vs therefore goe boldly vnto the
throne of grace, that we may receine mercy,
and Ande grace to helpe in time of uecde,
Knowing thereby that God foundeth oar hearts.
| § Hee compareth Ieſæs Chrift with the Leaiti-
tall Prieftes fhewing wherein they either agree or
aiffent. wx Afterward hee reprooueth the negli-
gence of the Lewes, á
Dz every high Wielt is taken from a-
i mong men, and is zo2deined fo: men,
in things pertaining to God, that hee map
ae both © giftes, and < facrifices fo?
2 bich is able lufticiently to haue com:
palton on them dthat areignozant,and that
ateoutot the way, becaute that hee alto ts
compaſſed witty infirmitie,
3 And fo: the fames fake he ts bound to
offer fo: finnes, as well foz His owne part as
foz the propies i
4 And no man taketh this honour puto
himpit, but he that is called of God, as was
5 So likewiſe Chik tooke not to him-
felte this honour, to be made tie hte Ritet,
but hee that ſaid vnto bim , * Chou are mp
une this Day begate F thee,gaue ic him,
As hee allo another place ſpeaketh,
* Thor art a Pꝛieſt for euer after « the order
of Welchi {evec. i :
7 Which in thef dayes ok his fieh did
offer by papers and fupplications, with
g ſtrong crying and teares vnto bin, that
` Wwasablete lane him from Death, and was
allo heard tin that which be feared. ~
8 Anbthough bee werethe Sonne, pet
learned hee obedience , bp the things thich
9 And being confecrate , was mare the
author of etecnall (aluation vnto all them
that obey btn: ——
to And is callen of God art hte Iziet
after the order of Melchi⸗ ſedec. i
H iDfwhonre wre haye many things to
fay , which are hard to bee bettered, Secaute
pee are Dull of pearing. ax
TotheHebrewes. -Sinne ag ainft che holy Ghoſt.
Iz Foz when ag concerning the tiie pee
ought to bee teachers, pet hane pee neede a
gaing that wee teach pou the firii prince:
ples of the wo of God; and are become
fuch as bate meede of * milke, and not of
trong meate.
13 Foꝛ eucry one that vſeth milke , fs in-
expert in the! word of righteoulneder foz hee
is ababe.
14 But trosg meate betongeth to them
that are ofage, which through long cuſtome
baue their wittes evercites , codilcerne both
good and euill,
t He proceedeth in reprouing them & exnorteth
` thems not to faint,12 But to be (ted ſaſt & patient,
18 Foraſmuch as God is [ure in his promife,
E Beery leauing the Doctrine of the
a beginning of Chait, let vs bee led foz-
ward vito pertection, not laying againe the
foundation b of repentance tram Dean
wozkes,and vf fatth toward God,
_ 2 DEthe Doctrine of: baptiſmes, and lap-
ing onofhands,aad ofthe reſurrection from
the Bead, and of eternall indgement. í
3 And this will we doe iif God permit.
4 * Fozttts tmpotlible thatthey, which
tuere once lightened, and bane tatted of the
heavenly gitt, and were made partakers of
the holy Ghot,
s And pawe tafted of the good wo2d of
God, and of the powers of the world to come
6 FEchey fall away, mont bee renewed
agatne by repentance: weing they cructfie
againe to themſelnes the Sonne of Gad,
and make a morke offim. -
7 For the earth which drinketh in the
rane that commer oft ppottit,and baingeth
fozth herbes meete foz them bp whom it ts
Deed. teceiurth bleſſing of Hoo.
< $ But that which beareth thornes and
briers, is reprꝛooued, and is neere vnto cut:
ling, whole endis to be burned.
9 But beloned,wee haue perſwaded our
felues better thingsof pou, and fuch asac
compante faluation, though we thus ipeake.
IO Foꝛ Hodis not vurighteous, that hee
Mounin forget pour wozke,and labour of foue,
which pee hewed toward his Mame, in that
pe hatte miniſtred vnto the Saints, and yee
II And wee delire that enery one ok you
thew the fame Diligence, to the € full allu⸗
rance of hope vnto the end,
12 Ghat pee be not llouthfull but follow»
ersofs thent, which though faith and pati-
elice,inherite the pomtles,
: i3 ffor when God mave fhe promiſe to
“Abraham, becauſe hee had no greater to
fweare'by, bee (ware by himielfe,
14 Bayir, * Surely J will abundantly
bilene thee and multiply theemarnerlontly.
Ig Anoto after that hee had taried patt-
ently,be cntoped the promile.
16 Fozanen berety fweare by bim that
is greater then themfclues, and an oath fog
pent. f Whereby it way appeare, that votaré fully petfiadedol
life cuérlafting. g^ “As the holy fathers Prophets, and Martyts,thial
were before vs, Gene ra.ꝛ and r.g andiz igt ' 3
e They which
fOr rudiments.
k Reade 1. Cor,
l Thatis,the —
the true know-
“ledge that tca-
cheth vs where
we haue our iu-
a Thatis, the
of our Chriftian
b Hee mentio-
neth Sue points
of the catechiſme
which was then
in vſe:the con- |
feſſion ofamend-
ment of life: the
ſumme of the
faith: a briefe ex-
plication of bap-
tifme, and laying
On of hands: the
article of the re-
the laftiudge-
ment, k
c Thenthe vfe »
of baptifme was
declared, when?
onthe folemne ` *
dayes appointed
to baptize,the
Church came
d Itis Gods fin-
gular gift to fm-
—* the know-
edge, and to
Greg in heal
vnderftanding of
Gods word, `
Mats 263 T,32.
2. pet.2.20. chap.
are spoftates and
finne againft the
holy Ghoft,
bate Chriff,erns -
cifie and mocke
him, bur to thet
own deftru@ion
and therefore fal]
into defperation
and cannotre-*’
Leutin Abrahams loynes.
confirmation is among them anende ofall
ftrife. pi
mans wickednes, 17 Ho God willing mere * abundantly to
whichwillnot fewe vuto the beires of promile the ttable-
heleeue God, ex- nes of his countel,boind bint (elfe bp an oth,
cept he ſweare. 18 That by two inunutable things,
i Gods word and wherein it is uupofithle that God Mould lie,
oath are two wee might baue ſtrong conlolation, which
things in bim
k He returneth
to the compart=
h Becaufeof
(et before vs.
Ig bich wee haue, as anancreofthe
foule, both [ure and Hedfatt,and it * entrech
fonberweene into that which ts within che | vaile,
Ghriltes Prieft - 20 Mhither the fozcrunner ts for bs en-
hoodand thzLe- tred itt, cuen Jeius that ts mane an high
uiticall,whichhe JOzielt for euer after the omer of Melchi⸗
badbeguninthe ſedec.
f- fife Chapter. 7
“1. Whichis heauen, whither Chrift is gone before to prepare vs place.
x He compareth the Priefihood ef Chrifi unto
Melchi-fedec, 11 Alfo Chrifés Priefihood with
. the Leites, }
Gene. t48. p2: this Metchi-fedec * was King of Ga-
‘a Socalled be- lem, the Peieit of the mol high God,
cauſe that Mofes who met Ababa, as bee returned front
maketh nomen the flaughter of the Bings , and bleſſed
tion of his pa- bins b
rents or bint⸗ 2 Co whome alo Abraham gane the
folkes,butashe — tithe at all things, tho fritis by tuterpree
hd bin fuddenly - tation Ring of righteouimeſſe: after that,
fentof Godinto hee is alla King of Malem, that is, Ring of
|. tleworldtobe : peace,
afigureof Chit 3 4Aithont + father, without mother,
ovreuerlating without kinred.and hath neither beginning
Rieftandth r ly of hisDayes, neither ende of lite: bnr is tikes
_takenoutofthe ned vnto the Bounce st Goo, and continucty
world agsine:fo & Pꝛieſt foz euer.
Chrift as tou- 4 Mow conſider howe great this man
ching hishuma- Was vito whom eurn the Patriarch Aba-
nitiehadnofa- ham gaue the tithe ef the Moviles,
. thersandconcer- § For verily thep which are the children
ning his diuinitie of Leut, which recciue the ofice of thePret
no mother. hood, Hauca*: tohunandemeni to take ace
b Tharis,the coꝛding tothe law, tithes of rhe prople (that
chiefe of fathers. 18, of theirbacthacn) though thep ¢ came out
Nom18.21, Of thelovnesof Ababa.
deut. 18.042. 6 But hee whole kinred is not counted
iofh.t4.4 ainong them, © recctucd tithes of Abra-
c The Levies” = bam, and bleſſed him char had ihe pro⸗
had commande- : miles. re
mentrorecciue 7 And withont allcontradtction,the lefe
that which Abra™ tg vᷣleſſed of the greater. SAT.
ham gaue freely 8 And peremen that Die, receiue tithes:
to Melchifedec, : but rherg he receiueth trhem, of whom it is wits
d Werebegot- nefn, that hef liueth. iS
cenof Abraham, 9 And to ſay as the thing is, Leui alſo
e TheLeuices ` which vecetueth tithes, payed tuycsinS-
receiuedtithes baham. —
oftheirbrethren IO ffor Hee was pet in theloynes of his
but Melehi-fedec father Abraham, when Melchi fedec miite
of Abrahamthe im. j
Patriarch : there- ¶ I Jif therefore perfection had bene by rhe
forehisPriet- JO2efthoodeefthe Leuites (fo: suver te the
“Ubood is moreex-_ Lawe was eftabltihed to tse people) what
cellent thenthe neededit furthermore , that arothe Peeſt
Leniticall, ſhorld rile after tye oter of piii-
- f Becaufethere. DEC, andnot tobe calicd after the crecroF
isnomentionof Garon? ef
bis death, 12 Fez if the Pꝛieſthood bee changed,
haue our retuge to hold fait the hope thatis p
the s Lam. -
"Chap. vij. vih. Chrifts eternall Priefthood. 537
then of neceflitte mutt there bee a change of
g TheLawand —
13 Foꝛ heeof whom theſe things are fpo: the Prieſthood
ken, perteineth vnto another tribe, whereof arc both of one
no man ſerued atthe altar,
I4 Fo: tt ts eutdent, that our Lord prung
out of Juba, concerning the which tribe
aporta fpake nothing, touching the Jozieft
Ig And it is peta moze eninent thing, bre»
caute that after the tinilitude of Melchi⸗· le⸗
Dec there ts rien bp another ict,
16 CUbich is not made Prick after the
Lat h ofthe carnall commatindement, but
after the power ofthe envolee life. —
17 Soz hee telttiteth thus, * Thou asta
Paot foz euer, after che order of Melcht-
18 Foꝛ the commandement that went a:
foze,ts diſanulled, becaute‘ ofrhe weakneſſe
thereoh and vnprolitabieneſſe.
Ig Fozthe Law made nothing perfit,but
lithe binging tn of a better hope made perfir,
whereby we Daw neere bnto Ged. |
20 Gnd falimnuch as itis not without
an — thet are made Pꝛieſts without
an oath:
21 But this, hee ismade with an oath by
Hint that faid wnto him, * Che Lord bath
Cworne, and will not repent, Chouarra
ee foz euer, after theozder of Welchi⸗
22 By fo much fs Jeſus made a furetie of
abetter | Ceftament.
23 And among them many were mane
Peieſts, becaule they were not littered to
endure by the realon of death, \
24 But this man, becaule heendureth e
uer, hath an * euerlafting Pꝛieſthood.
25 Aherekore, hee ts able alle! perfectly
to (ane thes: that come vnto Gor by bim,
feeing bee cuer liveth, to make tntercefiten
foz them. à i
26 Foꝛ (uchan bie Pict it became bs
to haue, whichis hoty, harmelefſe, vndefiled,
leparate from inners, and made bigher
then the heauens:
27 hith ngeded not dayly as thole hte
MPꝛieſts to ofiethp faccifice, firſt toꝛ hts
owne finnes, then to: the peoples: for chat
Did hee m once, when ye effered vp himlelfe.
28 3fo2 the Lawe. maketh men high
Pꝛieſts, which Daue infirmitie ; but the
word of the oath that was * fince the Law, the Bounce, wha ts conlecrated fozes
wa’ firſt made after the Lawe was giuen : bur beca
condition: fo
that both Aa-
rons and Mos
fes office per-
taine to Chrift,
which is Prieft
and Lawmaker,
h Which ftoode
in outward and
corporall cerce
P/al,ato. 4.
i Forthe Law
hath no vertue
nor profit, till a
man be cometo
llOr, it was an
introduction of &
better hopes
Pfal 110.4.
lIr couenant.
k Therefore all
others are blaſ⸗
phemous, that
cithermake +
themfelues his
fucceflors, or pres
tend any other
I The fraitoke>
his Priefthood- ~
is to faue, and
that fully and
perfe@ly,not by
fupplying that
that wanteth, bug:
by taking away
the Law, which
is voperfe@ by
Lewit. 16.60.
m And cannot
without blafphe-
mic be {aid to he.
offered againe,or
elfe by any creas
ture:fornone ;
could offer him, |
but himielfe.
n Not that it.
ufe the declaration
ofthat eternall oath was then reueiled vorto the world,
6 Heproueth the abobfhing afwell ofthe Leo
uiticall Pieſthood, as of the olde Couenant by the
fpvrituall and euer/ajts~z Priefthood of (hrif 8
etad by the New courant,
Dwofrie things which wee Sane tpo⸗
ken, this is the amme, that twee baue
fuch an hte Jute, chat litteth at the right
ant ofehe skeine of the Maieltie in eae
2 Andiantinivter 3 thea Sanctnarte,
4 That is heauen
$ £ bye
b Which js the~..
body of Chrif,
c For elfe it
fhauld be cor-
d Hee prooueth
that Chriſts bo-
dy is the true ta-
thathee muit
necdes be made
man, to thein-
tent that bee
migbt hauc a
chisg to offer,
which was bis
acis 7. 44.
¢ Seciesthe of-
fesings of the Lee
uites were but
fhadowes of hta-
uenly things, as
appeareth by the
oracle to Mofes,
it followeth then
that Chrifts hea-
uegly Sanctuarie,
his tabernacie &
office are farre
~ more excellent.
- Jere 3131.
-Chrift (hall re-
~ theGolpel,
- g Signifying,
f Thatis,when
and of the true > Tabernacle, whith the
Lob pisht, aud note nian. j
3 782 eucry high Pieſt is oꝛdeined to
Ofter both gifts anDiacrilices+ wherefore it
was of neceffitic, chat this man Gonta pane
fonicwhat sliotocticr. ipo
4 For be were not a Peieſt, it he were on
the earth, tecing there are Picka thatar:
cording to the Law offtr gifts,
5 Uibolkcue vuts tye paterne and a=
Dow ot heauenly things, as Moles was war-
ned by Sod, when he was about to initie fi
Tabernacle. * Hee, {aid he, that thou make
all things accoꝛding to the < paterne hewed
to thee inthe mount. i
6. Bilt now our hie Prieft hath obtained a
moze excellent office, in as much as he isthe
Wedtator of a betie Teſtament, which ts
eitablished vpon better proniles.
Fo if chat fr Teltament had beene
faultlelte 10 place ſhould bane beens tought,
faztheiccondD. :
8 Foꝛ in rebuking them he faith , * Be-
Hold, the Dayes will fcoinc, laith the LoD,
when J fhallinake with the boule of Dirael,
and withthe boule sof Juda, anew Urfa
9 Motlike the Tefkament that J made
with their fathers , inthe Day that J tooke
them by the hand, toleade themout of the
land of Egypt: foz they b continued nor in
mp Teltament, and J regarded them nat,
faith the Loud. :
10 Foz thiststhe Teſtament that J wilt
make with the boule of Fitacl, After thoſe
Dayes, faith the Lod, F will put my lawes
in their minde, and in their heart J will
write them, anB J will bee their God, and
mitour finnes by they Hall be my people:
the preaching of
Ii And thep Wall not‘ teach euery man
bis néighbour, and cuerp man bis brother,
faving , Know the L020: forali Hall knew
Tothe Hebrewes.
~ hartherethould miee, from the leatt ofthem ta the greateſt of
- beno more diui- tien.
fion,butallhall 12 For I wit bee merciful to their vn ·
beemadeone xrighteouineſſe, and J will remember their
Church, finnes and their iniquittes no moze.
h Monbytran o 13- Jin that hee faith, A new reſcament, be
_ greffing the hath absogate the olde: now that which ts
““bandsofthe. — DifanulleD and waxcd olde, ts ready to vas
` gouenanrcould niſh away.
not enioy the
commoditic thereof. i Men thall notin thetime of the Gofpel
be fo ignorant as they were before, but fhall know God much more
perlectiy through Chriſt.
i How that the ceremonies and facrifices of
the Law are abolifbed «x by the eternitie and
perfection of Chrifts facrifice.
Gout with goloe, wherein the golden potte
which sad Danna was, and* @aronsroev
that bad burded , and the * Cables of tye
*Anb oner the Arke were the glorious
Cherubims, hadowing the || errie itate:
of which things we wil not now lpeake par-
6 Powe when thel things were thus
ordeined, the Prieſtes went alwayes into
the frit Cabernacic, and accompliſhed the
7 But into the fecond went the * high:
Pꝛieſt alone, once euery yeere, not without
blood which hee offered foz hinitelfe, and foz
tye || ignozances ofthe people,
8 cdiberchy the holy Ghoſt this fanified,
that thec way into the Dolte of all was
not yet opened while as pet the irt Taber:
nacle twas anding,
9 Thich was a figure forthe time pres
fent, wherein were offered gifts and faciie
ces that could not make l holy, concerning
the conſcience, dhim that MD the ſeruice,
10 Mhich only ttood in meats ¢ drinkes,
anD diuers waſtings, and ‘carnall rites,
vntill the time off refoxmation.
H But Chak being come an bie ziet
of good things to come, bya greater anda
moe perfect s Tabernacle, notmade with
bants that is not of this building,
12 Heither by the blood of goates and
calues: bnt by his ownebloon entred Hee in
ence vuto the» holp place, i and obtetned ge
ternall redemption for vs.
13 *Foꝛ tfthe * blood of buls tof goates,
and the afves of an heifer, (painkling them
that are wncleanc, fauctifiech as touching
the purifying of the! fem,
The foree of Chrifts deaths
Num 17.10,
1 Kı2g:8.9.
2.chron. 5:10,
Exod. 25.22:
lOr coweref 3%
the Arke.
lOr errouts,
c Forfolongas ©
the hie Prieft
offered oncea
yere forbis owne
finnes and forthe
while this carth-
ly tabernacle
ftood, the way to
the heauenly ta-
bernacle, which
ismade epen by
Chrifts blood,
could not be en-
tred into.
lOr perfec.
d Neither yee
him for whom
they were ofte-
e Whichcere-
monies although
they were ordets
ned of God yet⸗
confidered in
then ſe lues, or els
compared with
Chrift, arë bur
carnall, groffe,
14 Mow much moze Mall the * blood of and earthly and
Chu, which though the eternall {pirit of-
fered himielfe without ipet teGod, purge
your conitience frommdead wozks, *to Cerue
the lining God?
I5 And fo? this caule fs he the Mediator
of the new Ceitament,that theongh * death
which was foz the redemption of the tranf-
grefitons that were in the” former Celta:
` touch notthe
f Tillthenew
Teftament was
g Which was
his body and htt.
mane nature,
nrent they which were called might recetue h Which is
the pomik of cternall inheritance. heauen,
16 Foꝛ where a Teſtament is,there muſt i For Chriſt was
bee the Death of hun that made the Teita.
17 * Foz the ° Ceftament ts confirmed
when men are Dead: fo2 tt is pet oF no force
as long as be that mane altue.
18 CQherefore,neither was the firt ordei ·
ncd without r bleov,
the facrifice,the
the Prieft,
k The Lenitieall
Prieft offered
beaftes blood,
tOr, Tabernacle.
POr ceremonies.
-~ a Not heavenly
and (pirituall.
Exod, 261e
and 36.1.
b Thatis, on the
inward fide of
the vaile which
was hid from
she people.
1 Hen the fir) Teſtament had alle || oꝛdĩ.
nances of religion, and a + woldlp
2 Foꝛ the firt * Tabernacle was mane,
twherein twas the candieiticke,and the table,
and the Hembzead, which Tabernacle tz tâl-
led the holpplaces.
3 And after the bſecond vaile was the Ta-
hernacie, which ts called the Woliett of all
4 C&bich bad the golden cenitr, and the
Arke ofthe Teſtament ouerlaide round a⸗
but Chriſt the true and eternall Prieſt offered his owne blood, which
wasmoft holy and pure: the Leuiticall Prieſt offered yeerely, and
therefore did onely reprefent the true holineffe ; but Chrift by one
only facrifice hath made holy forewerallthemthatbeleeue. 1 Gute
wardly inthe fight of man, 1.Pet.1.19,.1.obn 1.7, reuelation 1-56
m Which of themfelues procure death, and are the fruites thereof. _
Luke 1.74, Rom.5,6. t.peter 3.18. n Made betweene God and”
Chrift, who by his death fhould make vsheires. Gal 3.15. 0 Hee
preueth that Chrift muft die, becaufe the Couenant or Teftamentis
of none effe& without the death of theTeftator, p Without the
death of beafts that were facrificed,which fignified that Chrift would
pacifi¢ his Fathers wrath with his blood. `
19 Fa
Chriftonce offered.
Exod. 24.8,
q Albeit there is
but onefacrifice,
which is Chrift
himfelfe once of-
fered, yet becaufe
thistrue & eter-
niall facrifice is
cdinpared with al
thofe which were
figuratiue,aud is
more fufficient .
then all they,
therefore hecal-
- Iethit in theplue
rall number Sa-
|| Or paterns.
r Therefore to
make any other
offring or facri-
fice for finneaf-
ter thae Chrilts
body was once
offted,is blalphe-
f Whichis the
latter dayes whé
Chrift came,
Rows, 5.8.
1 pet.5.18.
| at Of the elec,
u Thatis,with-
out a facrifice for
finne sor finne
a Whichwasas
ie were the Grft
draught aud pur-
-traitof the lively
aterneto come,
Which are
|| Or, fisbfance.
fOr wake perfit,
- Rew vó zis
c WhenChrift
Was made man,
Pfal 40:5,
d Inthe He-
brew-it isythou
halt pearced
mine earesthos.
- row,that is shaft
made me prompt
M Wready to heare:
.& in the Grecke,
thou haft made
19 Jor when (Boles had (poker euery
precept to the people, accoꝛding to the Law,
bee tooke the blood of calues and of goates,
with water and purple wooll and dpflope,
and KADN both the booke, and all the
people, EIE
20 *Baying, This ts the blood of the
Teltament, which God hath appointed vn-
to you. j ; i
21 Moxzconer hee ſprinkled likewile the
Tabernacle with blood alfo, and all the mi»
niſtring weiicis. f
22 Gudalmott all things are by the Law
purged with blood, and without Heading of
blood teno remiſſion. 13t
23 Jiwas chen neceflaryp,that the fimili-
tudes of beaucnly things Mould bee purified
with inch things: but the heaucnly things
themlelucs are pur ſied with better sfacrifi-
ces then are thele.. ù
24 For Chik is not entred into the holp
places which are made with bands, which
aret fimilitudes of the true SanGuary: butis
entred tito very heauen, to appeare nowin
the tight of Gon fo vs,
25 sot that he would offer Limfclfe r of-
tenas the bie Pict entred into the holy
place eucry pecre with other blood,
26 (Foꝛ then mutt be haue often ſuffered
fince the fonndation ofthe world) but nowe
inthe fend ofthe wolde hath hee appeared -
once to put away inne, by the facrifice of
bimiite. cg (
27 And asitis appointed vnto men that
they (hallonce Die, and after that commeth
the tudgement,
28 So* Chit was once offered totake
away the finnes of many, ¢ vnto chem that
looke for him, fall bee appeare the fecond
time * without ſinne pute faluatton,
1 The old Law had noipowerto cleanfe away
finne, 10 but Chrift didit with ofring of his bo-
dy once for all, 22 An exhortation to receiue
the goodzefe of God thankefuully , with patience
aad ftefaft faith. i ;
D2 the* Law hauing the Madow of goon
F things to ecome,and not thevery | image
of the thing can neuer with thole faceitices -
which they offer peere by paere continually,
I (anctifie (hecommers thereunto.
2. Foz would they not then haue ceafed
to daue beenoftred, becaule that tie offerers
once Durged, ſhould haue had ne moze con
fctencest fines? > i j
3But in thole herifices thereisavemen-
brance againe of finnes euery yeere,
4 Fö itis vnpoſſible that thebloct cf |
buis and goats Hould* take away finnes.
Wherefore when hee < commicth inta
the world, he fayth, * Sacrifice and offering
thon wauldet not: but a sbody haſt thou
odaAneD ML YL cL Nee
6- In burntofferings,and inne offrings
then batt baa its pleafure.
7 Then g ayd, Lo, g] come, (Ju thebe-
“ginning ofthe © bookertis witten of mee)
mea body, is,to ebey thredwhich both tend to one purpofe, tė Or
roll & folding :
for in old ime chey viedto-fold buokes like rols?
How wearcfanctified. 538
that J hould do thy will D Gon.
8 Aboue when he fatd,Baccifice and of»
fering, and burnt offerings, and uinne offe ·
tings thou wouldeſt sot jaue, neither hadſt
pleaitire therein (which are offered by the
9 Then fayd hee, Loe, I come to doe thy :
miil D God, hee taketh away! the fick, that f Thatis, facris-
be may eſtabliſh the fecond:
IO Bythe which will wee arefanctlficd, g Whichisthe
cuen bp the oftering of the body of Jeſus wiliof God to
Chꝛiſt once made.
ftand content
11 And euery Pꝛieſt appeareth Daily mini- wich Chrifts ſa⸗
Gring and oft tunes ofterctiy one manner of crifice.
offering which can neuer take away finnes: Chap 1.13.
I2 But this man after he had oferedone P/edrio.1,
facrifice fo: linnes y” fitteth foz euer atthe r.cori5 25,
right hand of Gov, 5
13 And from henceforth tarieth* till his
enemies be made bis footettoole.
14 Foꝛ with one offering bathi he conte.
crated foz cuer them thatarefanctifed. -
` Iş Fo2rtheholyShok alio bearech vs re:
(020; foz after that he had ſaid befer,
16 * Thisisthe Teſtament that F will
make vnto them, After thole dates, fateh the
L010,3) wil put my lawes in their heatt,ant
in theit mindes J will wite them, —
17 And their ſinnes and iniquitics will J
remember no moze.
_ 18 Mow where iremiflion of thele things
issthereis no moze * offering fo: finne,
19 Deering therfore, brethzen, that by the
blood of Jeius we map be bold to enter inte
the boly place,
20 Bythe new and ™ lining way, which
be bath prepared fo: bs, through the vapile,
that is bis lei:
_ 21 And feeing we haue an high Pꝛieſt, vhich
is ouerthebouleofGov, =,
22 Let vs drawe neere with a true heart
inaflurance of faith, iprinkled in our hearts
from an cuill conſciente and waſhed in our
bodies with pure waters
23 Ler vs keepe the prokeſſion of our hope
— —— — ( fazhee is faithfull that
24 AnD let vs conſider one another, to
pꝛoioke vnto louc,and to good woxkes,
25 Not forlaking the teilowſhip that wee
baue anong out (clues as the mancr of fome
is; but let vs exhort one another, and thar
fo much the nore, becaule ye iee thatthee day
Draweth necre.
26 * fFoz tf we finne pinillingly after that
twee bane receitied the knowledge of the
—— *— rematncth no moze facrifice toz
Innis, iT
27 Buta fearefull looking for of tudge-
ment,and violent Are, which wall deuoure
theanuerfaries. |
28 ince that deſpiſeth Moles lawe, dicth
Without mercy vnder two orthree witnet·
29, Dfhowwnrrch ſorꝛer puniſhment fup-
pole pee Hailee bee worthy, whichtreadeth
vnder focie the Donne of God, and coun:
chap .t.13. ‘
h That is,fanG@i-
fied to God'and
made perfe,
Fere.3i 336
chap. 8. 3,10.
yom. 11.29. `
i Where there
remaine no finnes
tobe forgiuen,
there is no morg
facrifice; fecing
therefore that
onely Chrifts
death hath waſh⸗
ed away all fins, ©
and doth euer
afrefh when fif-
ners do repent:
there can be
none other (acri«
fice but that,and
it can be no more
k Forthe offe-
sine ofthankfgi-
uing,which is the
onely facrifice
nowofthe —~
Chriftians, isnot
for firme: but a
and an offering
yp of our flues
and ours forthe
fame, :
1 We by Chrift -
haxe that liberty
whieh the anci-
ent fathers could
not haue by the’
m The blood of
Chrift is alewayes
frefh andtiuely
before the Fa-
ther to fprinkle
and quicken vs.
n Tharis,haning
our hearts made
— P
o Of Chrifts fecond comming: Chap:6.4. p That is, forfake _
Tefus Chriſt as tudas, Saiil, Arcius, Iulſan the Apoftata did, Dente
19, 15. mat.x8.16. iohn 8.17. 2.cor.13 1.
1- righteous.
teth the blood of the Teſtament as an vn:
Holy ching, whertwith be was ſanctified, and
{orth Belpite che pict of grace?
30 For wee know him that bath fayd,
+ Cengeaince belongeth vnto mee: J wll re-
comprnce,lapth the Lod. And agame Lie
102d hall tubge his people.
q Whereby it is
cuident thatthe
Apottle hereon-
ly meaneth that
finne, whichis
agounittbeholy — 31 Jt tsafearetull thing to fall inta the
\Ghoft, as alſo hands of the liung GoD. `:
Chap 6.4. 32 Nowe call covemembsance the Bayes
Deut.32.35» that are palled, inthe which, after pee jad
YOM, L219. receiued light; peeendDuredagreathghtin
r.Defendthe afflictions, =
godly and punih — 33 JOartly while yee were made agazing
the wicked, ſtocke both by reproches tattlictions, and
f Forthewhich partly while ye becaine ! compantos of them
thing allo Saint: which were lſo toſſed to and tro.
Pau! praifeth the
Philippians and
tOr of that ſtate⸗
34 Fo: borh yelozrowed with mee for my
bonds, and (uttered with tay the (popling of
pour goods, knowing in pour felues howe
that pee haue in heauen a better and anen-
During ſubſtance.
35 Gat not away therefore pour confi-
dence which hath great recompence ot re- ſed
36 Foꝛve haue neede of patience, that af
ter pe Hane Done the willor God, pee might
receiuethepromtic, —— ="
7 Foꝛveta vevp little while,and bethat
ſhall come, will come,and will aot tary:
38 Now the iuſt halllineby faith + but
ifany withozaw himſlelke, my foute all haue
no plealurein him, i 3
39, But we are not they which withdraw
our ſelues vnto perdition, but followe faith
vnto theconfernation-of the foule.
piris ‘CHAP. XI
1 What faiths , and:a commendation of the
fame. 9 Without faith we cannot plea fè God, 16
The feedfaft beliefe of the fathers in the old times
NOY faith isthe ground of things which
1 Nare hoped fo and the eutdence of things
whichare-not ferne. ;
; 2 io by it our Elders were wel repos:
ed of, a
3. * Through faith wee vnderſtand that
the wona was ordeined by the werB ef Gov,
fothar tye things which wee fee, are not
made of chings,which did b appeare. :
4 iy faith Abel * offered vnto Goda
greater iacrifice chen Gata,
things of this
n Thatis, of
to raile bm tp enen from, the Dead; from commandement,
whence he receined him alſo after afore. to (acrifice hi
20 ‘By faith, * Ifaac bleſſed Jacob and fonne. 5
Clau,conceruing things toconie. Gemiz Z
21 Byfaith, *Jacob when heewasa dy rom.g.y.
ing, bleed both the (onnes of Jolepyh aud Gen 27,28:
A leaning On the end of his Kaffe,woethipped Gex.48,15,16,
22 Bp fatth* Joſeph when he died, made
mention ofthe Departing of the chitazen of
FJicact,eqaue commandment of his bones.
23 “By faith Moles when ye was bone,
was hid ‘hae moneths of bis a » Dee Sxodi2.2,
caule they law hee was a proper childe, neis · 7:29.
ther feared thep the Kinga * commaumnde · Exod.1.16,
24 Byfaith* (Poles when he was tome Exodar ~
toege refulen tobe called the ſonne ok Pha⸗ PEEN
raohs daughter,
Gen.47:3 1.
hOr worſhipped
toward the end
of ba ftaffe.
Gen.50.24,2 46
O 25 Aud chole rather to luffer aduerſitie
with the people of Gov, then te niov —
P plea
~ How faith worketh. The end
_ p_Theentifings
~ ofthe world,
which draw vs
from God, and
which we can
not vfe without
prouoking of
Gods anger.
> Exod. 14,22,33
ofh 6.230
Tadzes 6,11,
Judges 4,6.
Ludges i 3-24,
Tudges tol.
and i2.7-
| 2.Sam,1.20,
¢ Or fruit
t As Elias raifed
vp the widow of
Sareptas fonne,
and Elifeus the
_. Sunamites fonne,
f They had not
fuch cleare Hight
= of Chrift as we:
for they looked
@ forthat which
we haue: there-
foreit w
4 ahame fur vs if
at leaſt wehaue
not as great con-
ftancie as they.
t Forwe are all
one bodie toge.
Rom.6.4 ephe,4.
23, 24.24/.3.8.
3 pet.2.1.
[Or multitude.
a Asriches,
cares,and fuch
come Chriftes
P pleafures of finnes fo2 a feafon,
26 Elteemingthe rebuke of Chait greas
ter riches then tie treafures of Egypt: foz
be 7 relpect vnto the recompence of the re>
27 By fatth he korſooke Cayyt, feared
not the fierceneſſe of the king : fo? hee endu⸗
red as be that (aw bim whic ts inuitble,
28 Though faith he ozdetned the*[Pale-
ouer and thecftulion ofblood, lett hee chat
Deltroped the Grit bome, Woulib touch
29 By faith they * paffen thorow the red
fea as bp Dzie land, which when the Capp-
tians had allayed to doe, they were drow⸗
30 By faith the * walles of Jericho fell
Downe after they were compaſſed about ſe⸗
uen dayes.
31 Éy faith the hariot * Rabab periſhed
not with them which obeped not, when * the
had received the fptes peaceably. f
32 And what thal Imoꝛe fay? foz the time
would be too ſhort foz me to tel of * Gedeon,
of * Barac,and of* Samion, and of* Fephs
te, allo of * Daud, and Samuel, and of tye
33 CAhich thorow faith fubdued king-
Domes, wroughecrighteoulnefie, obtained
the q pointless , topped the mouthes of Lyp:
= ons,
34 Quenched the violence of fire, eftaped
the edge okthe ſworde, of weake were made
firong, wared valtant inbattell, turned ta
flight the armies ofthe altants. — j
35 Ther women recetucd their Dead rai·
{ed tolife,other allo were racked, and would
not bee deliuered, that they might receiue a
better reſurrection.
26 And others haue bere trped by mocks
ings g (courgings, pea, moꝛeouer by bondes
and paifonment.
37 Thep were Toned, they were hewen
afander, they were tempred,they were flaine
with the fworde, they wanded vp tDowne
in beeps fking and in goats (kinnes, being
deſtitute aftlicted, and tozmented :
38 MAhom the world was not worthy of:
they wandzed tn wildernefies, and moun:
taines ano Dennes and canes of the earth.
39 Aud there ail througy faith obteined
god reps:t, and recetucd f not the pzomife,
40 God proufding a better ching fo2 vs,
‘that they: without vs Mould not bes made
C HA P.- X11,
1 An exhortation to be patient and fi- dfaft in
trowble and aduerſity, vpon hopeof enerlafling re~
ward. t5 A commendatzon of the new Tefament
aboue the olde. .
VV Herefore * let bs alfo, feeing that wee-
are compaſſed with ſo great a |) cloud
of witnefies, caf away eucry thing that
a prefleth Bowne, and the finne that) hang-
eth fo faton: let us emne with patience the
race that ts fet before vs,
like,and fo to be 2 > Looking vnto Jelus the authour anv
_ di(ciples by denying our felués, and taking our croffeto follow him,
UOr fa eafily compa/fetl vs aboat. b As being out marke.
fintfher of our faith, who fo? the idy that was
fet before him endured the crofle, edelpiten
the kame, and ts {et at the riaht hand of the
throne of Gon. 3
3 Gonlider therefore him that endured
fuch peaking againſt of finners, left pee
fhould be wearted, and faint in pour minds.
4 Pee haue not pet relied buto bloet,
ſtriuiñg againſte finne.
§ And pe haue forgotten theconfolation,
which ſpeaketh vnto you as buto childzen,
* My lonne,delpile not the thattening of the
—— neitherkaint when thou art rebuked
6 For whome the Lod loucth,he chafe:
neth: and be ſcourgeth eueryſonne that hee
receiueth. :
7 Ik ye endure chafkening, God offcreth
bim(cite vnto you as vnto unes : fo2 what
— is it whom the father chafteneth
8 Iktherekore ye be without cozrection,
whereofallare partakers, then are pee bas
tards, and not ¢fonnes.
Chap.xij. "of Gods fatherly corredtion. $39 =
c Whichby reg-
fon of our con-
cupifcence: aſſai⸗
leth vs onall
Py0u.3, 1%.
renel, 3.19.
dHe coticludech
that they which
refufe the croffe,
deny to'be of the
number of Gods
children, but are
9 Moꝛeouer we haue han the fathers of baftards.
our ebodies which corrected vs, t wee gaue
them xeuerence: (ould we not much rather
be in ſubiection vnto the Father of f {pirits,
that we might line? ;
IO Foꝛ they verelp for a few Dates chatter
ned vs akter their owne plealure: but hechas
eneth vs foz our profit. that wee might bee
partakers of bts holineſſe
II Now no chakiling for the peent ſee ·
meth tobe iopous,but grieuous: but afters
ward, tt bzingeth the quiet fruit of righte-
ee pnto them which are thereby exer⸗
12 MWherekoze lift pp your hands which
hang downe and your weake knees,
13 And make ftraight eps vnto pour
feet, lelt s that which ishalting, bee turnen
out ofthe wav but let it rather be healed.
: a Follow peace with allmen, and has
— — the which no man ſhall tee
eLo. i
15 Take heede, that no man fall away
from the grace of Ged ; let not roote of bit:
ternefie fring vp and trouble you,left theres
bp matty be defiled. ka ;
Ig Let there be no kornicator, 92 pane
ghane perfon as * Ciau, which foz a portion
of meate (old bis birthright.
17 * Foz pecknowe how that afterward
alle when he would bane inherited the blef
fing, he was reiected: foz he found no piace
toi repentance, though hee fought the bleſ⸗
fing with teares,
18 fFo2 peare not come bnto the * mennt
that * might bee touched, nor vnto burning
firs, 102 to blackeneſſe and Darkenefic, and
tempek, —
19 Neither vnto the found ofa trumpet,
andthe voice of wozdes, which they that
heard it, excuſed themlelues, that the word
ſhould not be poken tothem anymoꝛe.
20 fezthey were not able to abide that
which was conunaunded, * ea, though
a beaſt touch the monntaine, tt hall be ita:
ned, o2 thant thozow with a Dart: aia
21 And fo terrible was the fight which
DP yy 3 appeas
e Which haue
naturally begote
ten Vs,
f Ashe doeth
create our fpirits
without any >
wotldly meane,’
fo he doth in- `
ftru& and main⸗
taine them by the
wonderful vertue
of his Spirit.
g Their halting
partly declared
their flowneffe,
and partly their
inconftancie in .-
fore they were in
danger to be pu·
Rom.t2. 18,
h- As herefies or
Gen, 27. 38.
i He was full of
defpite,and dif-
daine, but was
not touchedwith.
true repentance
to be difpleafed
for his finnes and
to feeke amend-
Exod. i9. 16.
and 20. 21.
k Which might
be touched and
feene, foraſmuck
as it was materi-
all, but God had
that none fhould
touch it,
Exod, 1983s
4 .
Ieſus the Mediatour, `
appeared, that (Boles ſaid. Iſeare g quake)
_ 1 Wheneethe 22 Wut peare come vuto che mouns! Di-
_wordofGod on, and to thecitie ofthe ltutng God, the ces
- muft come, ietttail geruſalem ana tothe company of in⸗
m Whichthall numerables Angels, i
be extended 23 And to che congregation of the frit
therowallthe bone, which ave watten in heauen, andto
world, God the iudge of all; and to the ſpitits of
n Bythe Gobel tai ann perfect men, j
were ioyned 24. And-to Fetus che meptatour of the
withtheAngels. new Teſtament, and to the blood ot ſprinck⸗
and.Patsiarches. Img that ſpeaketh better things then that of
Gent 4,30. *Abel.
25 Hee that ye deſpiſe not him that ipea.
y „_ keth: foz tf they elcaped not whtch refuſed
o Which fpake pim that fpakeonecarth : much moze Hall
but rudely in toeg norefcape, tf we turne away frombun,
comparifonof that (peakethfrom heauen.
Chrifl,whopreas 26 AMhoſe voice then Mooke the earth,
chednottheLaw and now path declared, faving, * Petonce
butthe Gofpel, moze will J Hake, not the earth oñely, but
Hag. | alloheauen. —
27 And this word, Met once moze, fignis
feti the remoouing of thoſe things which
are waken, ag of things which are made
“it withhandes, that che things which are not
tg danne faken, may remane, 3 ;
28 MRAherekore teeing wee receiue aking-
Dome, which cannot be baken, let vs haiie
; grace, whereby wee may fo ſerue God , that
Dest 4.246 we mappicale him with reverence t feare.
P, Todeftroy 29 foz euen our Godisa r coniuming
them that reſiſt fire,
him. CHAP, XIII.
t Heexhorteth vsto lone, 2 To hofpitalitie,
3 Tethinke upon fach as be in aduerſitie, 4 To
maintaine wedlocke, 5 To auoyd couetouſnes, 7
Tomake much of themthat preach Gods word, 9
` Ta beware of frange learaing, 13 Tobe content
Sh i to fuffer rebuke with Chrift; 15 To be thankefull
2 unto God, 17 And obedzent unto our gouerKorse
© Rom,12.10,
pien *hrotheriploue continue.
x, pet 4.8. 2 Be not forgetful to lodge rangers:
Gene.18,3. foz thereby Come hane™weccinedD Angels into
and 19:3. their boules vnwares.
2 Remember then that arein bonds, as
. though yee were bound with them: and
them that ave in alfliction, as ifpe were alia
=i, > affided in the body.
a Asincontinene 4 ⸗Marriage is honourable among all,
cicisadifeafe and the bepundelited : but whezemongers
commonto men and adulterers Gor will iudge.
ofalifortsand . ç etyour conuerſation be withoutco=
degrees, fo mari- yetoulhes, and be content mith thole things
agetheremedie thatpee haug : fo2> be hati faya,” J wil not
isofferedby the faite thee, neither forlake thee :
free mercie of 6 Sothatwe may baldly fay The Lord
Godsoallmaner is mine helper, neither will J feare what
ofmen withont mancan Dee vnto me,
To the Hcbrevwes,
The great Shepheard.
the word of Gods whofe faith follows, con»
Geering whathath bene the ende of cheir
— i r $
è Jeſus Cheiſt e veſterday, and to day, © He wasisand
the {ase al(o is for ever. i oe thalbe the fong-
O Beenot carted about with Diners ard cation of che
Grange d Doctrines : forttisa goco thing Church for euer,
thatthe heart be ſtabuſhed with grace, and ¢ Wharfocuer
not wir e meates, which haue igt protited doctrine is not
them that haue bene occupied therein. according tothe
10: (Gee haug an altar, wyereofthey bane fimple tructh of
na authozitie to Feate, which feruc tn tyetae Gods word, is
bernacie. ſtrange.
IE * fo thebodies of thole beaſte whoſe e by reproouine
bloat ts brought into the Holp place by the them which in.
bie Pick fog une, ars g burnt without the perſtitiouſiy pur
campe. difference beds
I2 Chereforecucn Jeſus, that he might twixt meats, he
fanctifte the people with bis gune blood, condemneth all
tuffered without the gate. the feruice which:
I3 Letos goe foorh therefore out of the food in ceremo.
campre, bearing his reproch. nies,compzring
14 *foz here haue wee no continuing ct: withthe fpin-
tie : but we ſeeke one to come. tual worlhipping
I5 Let us therefore by him offer the fas & regeneration,
criftce of payie almapesto God, that ts, £ They that fick,
tie * frutte ofthe lippes, which conteſſe hrs to the ceremo-
FANE, nies of the Law,
16 t To Do goad, and to diſtribute,foꝛget cannot eare, thar
not : for with (uch lacrifices Gon is pleated. is, cannot be par-
17 Dbey them that haue the ouertight of takers ofour at-
you, ana (ubnut your felues s fo) they watch tarswhich is,
toz your foules, as thep that muft giue ace thankefgiuing `
counts, that thep may doc tt with toy, and and libcrality,
not with griete : fo? that is vnproſitable foz which two faci.
you. ces or offerings
18 Pray fomus : foz wee are aſſured that are now only ief
we haue a good coaſcience in all things, Des to cheChriftians,
firing to liũe honeſtlv. Leuit.4.51. & 6.
19 And J defireyou fomewhat the more jo.and 16. 27.
earneſtiy, thatyeeloBoe, that 3 may bere» g So chat che
ſtozed to you moze quickly. Priefts had ne
20 The Gow of peace that brought as piece thereof,
gaine from the dead our Lode Jeſus, the Micah2. to,
grat Sbhepheard of the Meepe, through the Hofe. 14.2 j
blood ofthe euerlaſting Coucnant, h Thankefgining “
21 (Dake pou perfect in all good woꝛkes, and doing good
to doe his will, working in you that which are our oñely fa-
is pleafant in bts fight, through Jeſus enficeswhich
Chꝛiſ whome be pratle foz euer and euer, pleafe God.
Amen, Reade Ades 20.
22 J beleech you alio, brethren, ſuffer the 28. and lohn
wordes oferbostation ; foz 3) haue Witten soii
vnto pauin fe words. é
23 Know that our brother Cimothues ts
Deliuered, with wehome (ii he come Hoztip) J
will fee pou.
24. Salute all them that hate the onere
fight of you, and all the Saints. They of
Italie falute yon.
25 Grace be with youal Amen.
is the Apofile and fonne of Alpheus wrotethis Epifile to the Tewes which were conuerted"to ~ `
Chrift , but difperfed through diuers countreyes , and therefore hee exhorteth them to patience.»
reſpect. 7 Remember them which hane the ouer.
b Ai Lord. fight of pou, which paue Declared vuto you
9J. 5.9. x
Pfal.t18.6. THhritten to the Webzewes from Jtalic,and fent byTimoheus,
xTh Ailey! * rau), 8
eee te Thexžgenerall Epiftle of lames.
city, or countrey
but toallthe THE ARGYMENT,
Irwes generally,
being now dif:
ard prayer, to¢mbrice the true word of Go.ĩ, and norco be partiall, neither to boalt of
an idle
atfeGions, te
Chap. i-ij.
Receiue the word.
faith, but to declare a true faith by lively fruits , to auoide ambition , to bridle the tongue , to rale the
be kumble and louc their neighbours, to beware of {wearing , to vtter their faults wher’
they haue offended, to pray one for another, and to bring him which is our of the way , to the know-
ledge of Chrif.
2 He exhorteth toresoycein trouble, 6 Tobe
feruent in prayer with fiedfaft belsefe, 17 To look
for all good things from abone, zi To forfake all
uice, thank fully to recorue the word of God, 22
Not onely hearing it,and fpeaking of st,but to do
thereafter indeed. 27 What true religion is,
Or,affeczionse tomy A Ames aleruant of God, and
OM.5 3. OIF of the Lord Jefus Chit . to
a Afflidions try the twelue tribes which are
our faith , and in- A fcattereD abzoad, falutation.
gender patience.
b Our patience
ought to conti-
nueto the dnd,
till by working it
hath polifhed vs
8 2 My bꝛethren, cotit
a> exceeding toy, when yre kall
into diuers || tentations,
*nowing that the trying of your
faith bzingeth foorth patience.
4 And let patience haue her > perfect
and made vs pers Wozke , that yee may be perfect and entire,
fe& in Chritt.
c Toendure pa.
tently whatfoe-
uer God Jayeth
vpon him.
Mat.7.7 ard ts
241k 11. 9. 20h.,
d Doubting in
doGrine, or of
Gods will,
hOr double.
e That he is cal-
led tothe com-
pany of Chrift
and his Angels. —
f Or, contemptt-
bleto the worid,
Ecclus 14.18.2/4
40,6, Upset. 1624.
HOr,e all hes
thoughts &deed⸗s
Oor moued to euil
g He meaneth
now of f inward
tentations,as of
our difordred ape
petites, which
~ caule vs to ſinne.
h Seeing abgood
things come of
God, we ought
not romake him
¥ author of enill,
i Hee alludeth
vato the Sunne,
whichin his
courfe and tur-
ning fome time
iscleare and
bright, {emetime
darke and clou-
dy; Bur'Gods li-
becality is euct
like ic fclfe, »
eight and con-
tinually Gaining,
lacking nothing. :
§ ZF any of you lacke swwifeoome,fet him
aikeof God, which giveth to all men libe⸗
rally,and reprocheth na man,and it Hali be
giuen dim. i —
6 *Butlet him alke in faith, and wauer
not: for he that wauereth, is like a waue of
the fa.tootthe wind and carrted away.
7 Neither letthatman thinke that hee
fall receiue anything ofthe Low.
8 a4 wauering minded man is vnſta ·
ble in all bis wayes.
g Let the bꝛother ot lol degree reioyce
in that he is e cxalted:
10 Againe hee that is rich, in that hee is
made flow: foras the floure of the grafic
II Foꝛ as when the funne rifeth with heat,
then the graſſe withereth, and hts flower. `
falleth away, and the beauty of the fahion
oftt periſheth: cuen to Hall the rich man
fade away in ali his || wapes.
12 *Bleiied is the man that endureth ten»
tation: for when he is trien, be ſhall receiue
the crowne of life, which the Lord hati pzo⸗
mifed to them thatiouc him.
13 Let noman (ay wheir bets lj s tempted,
J am tempered of God: fez God cannot bee
tempted with cuill, neither temyteth be any
nian. .
- 14 Bae eueryman is tempted when hee
is dꝛawen away by bis owne concaptlcence
and ts entifed. sages:
ts ‘Chen when tuk ath concetucd, it
bringeth taozth tinne , and tinue wien itis
hailed, ingeti fo2th Death.
16 Crete notmy Beare beethzen.
17 Euery good gining, E euceypectect
atftisfrom abone , ¢commeth Downe from
the Father of lights, with whomts no yari-
ablenelle ‘neither hadowing by turning.
18 DF bis ewne will borgate hee vs with:
the word of tructh that we ſhould be as the
firt fruttsofhiscreatures. © > i
Ig Ciherefoxe my deare brethren, *let
euery matt bok (wikt to heare, flow to fpeak,
Prou 727s & Thatis, prompt to leatne. -
and1 {low to wath.
20 Foꝛ the wrath of man Doeth not ate
compli = the righteouſneſſe of Goo.
21 Wiheretoze tap apart al filtbinefle,and
fupertiuity of maltctoultics,and receiue with
meckenes the wozd that is™ grafted in pou,
which is able te fane pour ules.
22 And be pe deers ofthe wod , and not
hearers onip, Deceiving pour conetelues.
23 Foꝛ tf any beare the word , and dee
it not, he is like nioa mai, that behoideth
his naturall faccina’ glate. i
24 Foz when bee hath conhidered pim-
felte. be goeth his way, and korgetteth imme-
Diatly what maner ofone he was.
25 But whe fo looketh in the perfect Lam
of liberty, and continucth therem, he not be-
ing a forgetfull beaver, buta Doer of the
Wazke,{albe bleſied r in bis Deed.
26 Zi anp nian among you ſeemeth reli»
gious.and refvaineth nor his tongue,butDe-
bis own heart, (his mans religion is
27Hure religion vndellled before Gov,
euen the Father, ts chis, to vifte the fathers
tee and widowes tr their aduerſitie andra
Keepe bimiglfe vnſpotted ofthe wou,
a He forbiddcth to haue any reſpect of perſons,
5 But to regarde the poore as well as the rich.8 To
be louing and merczfull, 14. And not to boaſt of
jaith,where no deeds are: 17 For itis but a dead
faith, where good werkes follow not.
Me brethren, baue not the faith of sur
glorious Led Jelus Chik ain \ivefpect
of perlons.
2 Foꝛ itthere comeinto your company a
Man with a gold ring, and in goodly appa-
teil, and there come in allo a poog man in
vile rayment,
3 And pe haue arefpect to him that wea-
reth the gap clothing and fap bute him, Ste
thou berein a good place, and fay vnto the
pooꝛe Stanu thon there, o2 fit bere render
my fosticotc, í
4 Aveye not partiallin pour felues, and
ave become tudges of entll othoughts?
§ Deatker mp beloued beethzen,baty not
© God choſen the poore of this wold , that
they fhould be sich in faith, and betres of the
kingdome which hee promiſed to them that
lone him?
6 But ye haue deid the poe. Do not
the rich apprefic you bp tyranny, and Dee not
they draw you before the tudgement feats ?
7 Doce not they blaipheme the 4 wozthie
Mame after which pe be named?
3 But ifye fulfilthe «ropallaw according .
to the Dcripture, which layth, * Chon Halt
loue thy neighbour as thy felfe.pee Doe well.
9 *But ti peregard the perſons, pee com⸗
mitt finne, anBare rebuked ofthe Law , as
tranſgreſſours *
10° For wholoeuer Mall keepe fhe whote
31 — 9601 5,14: Lewing.vy.deat.1.1 GAON
Dyp 4 Law,
1 For wedeannór'
heare God ex⸗
cept we be
peaceable & mo-⸗
m But bindreth
Gods workein
n By hearing the
word preached,
Mat. gt
o SaGods word
isa glafie wherin
we muſt bebold
our ſelues, and
become like vn⸗
to him.
p In fabchauing
a Asecficeming
faith and religion
byf outward aps
pearance of men,
b That is,are yee
not euill affe Ais.
oned? ¥
c Seeing God
elteemeth them, -
we may not con —
d The name of
Ged and Chii,
wherof youmake
-ye J
profcfion: and in
j they difhonour
meet that you his
children {hould
honour them.
e Which is here
taken prouerbial=
iyferthe hicor —
broad way. where
in there is no tur-
nings,and cuery
maa may goe it:
fo every man is
our neighbour, as
well the poore as
the rich, :
Leu i9. i8. mata
22,3 QATA Ze
16,19. Matka 9
of faith and workése. is
Exod 20.14,
f By the mercie
of God which
deliuereth vs-
from the curſe
of rhe Law.
g And fearcth
h S.Paulto the
_ terly condemne,
Romanes and
Galatians, difpu-
teth againtt
them,which ats
tributed iufif-
cation to workes:
and here S, Tames
reafoneth againft ,
them which vt--
workes : therfore,
Paul theweth the
caufes of our ius,
James the cfieas:
there itis decia-
red haw weare
- juftified : here
knowen to be
iuftified : there
works are exci»
ded as not the
„caule o four iuſti·
‘fication: here
“they are apzroo-
-uéd as effects
‘proceeding ther-
_ of: there they are
denied to go be-
fore them that
Malbe iifified :
and here they are
faydco follow
therm that are
- juftified. A
Tahe 3. 11.
- 3.40)0 3.176
i In thine owne
— fOr,without
what helpeth itt 2,
Batan yet faileth fit one point he iz guiltie
a eg
Q ; . i s ,
It Foꝛ hethat (aid, * Thou halt not com
mit adultery, fayd allo, Chou hale not kiil.
Now though thou doeſt none adultery, pet
if chou killeſt, than art a tranigrefiog of the
AW i: :
12 Golpeake pe,and lovor , as thep iyii
ſhalbe iudged bythe! Law ot libertie.
13 Foz there (Kalbe iudgement mertileſſe
tobinitbat theweth no mercie, and mercie
srelopceth againtt indgement. ;
I4 (Uyat auaticty icmyhbzeihen though
aman fatth be bath t tatth, when pe hath ng
wozrkess can the faith lauchiun? S
Ig Forifabiotherora litter bee* naken
ann deſtitute of dayly fogde,
16, And oneof you fay unto them, Depart
in peace: warme pour flues, andall pour
bellies, notwithſtanding pee giue chem not
tholethings vohich aveneceDinilta the body,
17 GCuento the faith, if it bane no works,
isDeadinitieife,: o i
18 But ſome man might fay, Chou hak
aBulterefits . knew
pe not that the amity of the wozld ts the ent-
mitte of God? * cipoiocuer therefore will
be a triend of the wold, maketh himſelte
the enemie ef Gov. à ;
5 Doe ye thinkethat the eripture iaith
in baine, The < (pivitthat dwelleth mys,
luſteth after entip?
[But the Scripture ofereth mere grace,
and therefoze faith, God celilterh the proud,
and gtueth grace to the humble.
7 *Hubmit your luesto God: reſiſt
the Denill,and he will flee froin pou. -
8 Daw neere to Hod, and he wil Draw
neere to you. Cienie pour hands,ye inners,
and purge pour Hearts pee wauering min»
Ded. c
9 Suffer afdictions,and 4 ſoꝛow pe,and
weepe: ict pour laughter bee turned inte
mourning, and your top into heauineſſe.
10 *Eãſt downe pour ſelues bekore the
Loꝛd, and be toii tft you up.
Il @peake not eatif ane of another, bze-
thien. He that ſpeaketh eutllof his brother,
02 bee that condemneth his beotyer, Hpeake
eth eutliaf che Law, and = condemneth the
Law: and uf thou condemnett the Law,
— art not anobleruer of the Law, but a
widge. :
12 There fs one f Lawemer , which is
able to ſaue, and to deſtroy. “Abo art thou
that iudgeſt anether man?
13 Goe to now pee thatlap, s To Vay o2
-to moꝛow we wili goe tto fuch acitie, and
continue there apeere, and buy and fell, anu
get gaint,
14 (And pet pe cannot tell what hall bee
fo mozow. Fo: what is your lifer Jt is euen
a vapour that appeareti alittle tune, and
afterward vaniſheth away.)
15 Fo: that ye ought tolay,* Ifthe Lod
pee: and, FE wee line, wee will doe this oz
16 Dut now pe retopce in pour boaſtings:
all fuch reioycing is enill.
17 Therefore, >to him that knoweth
oe te doe well, and doeth it not, to him it
Chap.v. Patience. Not tofweare, Prayer igar |
* Dee Haue heaped vp treafarefoz the < lat
Dapes. i
4 Bebold,the hire ofthe laborers, whic
haue reaped pour GciBes ( which is sf you
Kept backe by fraud) cryeth,and the cries of
them which haue reaped, are cutred inte the
cares of the Lod of hoſts.
§ Ve paue lined in plealtire on the carth,
ano in wantonnes. Pz jane nourished your
hearts as in a Day ot ·laughter.
6 Pe haue condemned & haue killed the
inmana be bath uot refitted yon.
7 Wepattenttherefere , brethen, vnto
the comming of the Lod. Webolde, the
huſbandman watteth foz the precious fruit
of the earth, and hati long patience for it,
vntill bee recetue thee foziner and tye latter
8 Be pe allo patient therefore, and fettle
pourhearts: For the comming of the Loꝛd
draweth meere.
_ 9 Grudge net one againſt another, be-
thren, leit pee be condemned: behold, the
iudge ſtandeth before the doore.
10 Take, mybzethzen, the Pꝛophets for
an enfanaple of luffering aduerlity,t ot long
patience, which Haue tpokenin the fame oF
the Lord.
IL Behold, we count them bleſſed which
enaure. Dee haue heard of the patience of
Job, and bane knowen what end the Lozd
pe Fozrthe Lozdts verp pitiful and mer-
12 But before ail hinges, mybzethzen,
*fweare not,netther by henuen, no: by earth,
62 by any other ety : Dut let pour s pea, bee
yea,and your nay, nap, lett pe fall intel con-
se |
13 Zs auy among yon afflicted? Lot him
pay. Jsanypmerryslethimling.
14 Js any ficke among pou? Let him call
fortye > Elders of the Church, and ler them
pray foz him, and anspnt bun wich *oile in
thek Name otthe Lod.
Is Andthe prayer of faith Hall faune the
ficke, and the Lord fail rayle bim vp; and
ik he baue committed nue, it allie fozgt:
uen him
16 Scknowledae ! peur faults one toan-
other, and pap one foz another, thatpce
may bee healed: foz the prayer of a righe
teous man auayleth much, tif it bee fer-
17 * elias was a man ſubiect to like
RoM.2, 5.
c To mice to
the end ot che
d Which were
the dayes of the
factifices.or featis
whenthey vied
to banket & feed |
then other dayes,
e Which is when g
the corne is low- ¥
en, and a litle be- |
fore it is mowen,
f Bee not greeued |
nor aske venge-
Math, 5.34.
g That which
mult be affirmed,
affirme it fimply,-
& without oth:
likewife that
which mult be
denied: by this
heetakethnor $
fromthe magi- |
firate ij autho=
titie, who may. ~
require an oth for”
the maintenance
of luftice, indges
ment, and trueth,™
in the Church, ©
Marke 61z.
i Which in thoſe
dayes was a ſgne
of thegifrof $
healing, but now
the gilt being ra-
Ken away , the
figneis to no vi
k Incalling on”
the Name ef th
Lord, "9
l Openthat `
which grieueth |
2 He threatneth the wicked rich men. exhor-
teth Unto patience, 12 to beware of ſwearing,
16 one to kxowledge his faults to another, 20 aud
one to labour to bring another tothe trueth,
a Hemenaceth
them with f ven-
geance of God, y
which fhall net
De tonow ,yee rich men: weepe, and
* houle foz pour milerics that fjal come
peny yon. 5 Ea
2 Pour riches are coꝛrupt, and pour gat-
only make them ments are motheaten. f
toweepe,burto 3 Dour gold and filuer is Cankred, and
houle & de(paire. fhe ruit of them wal be a> witneſte again
b And k‘ndle the
writhof God you, and hall cate yous fiel alg it were fire.
againft you,
paifions as we are, and He prayed ear neſtly you, thar aremes
that it might mot ratne, and tt rained not ay may be foiid =
onthe earth tog three peeres and ſixe mo⸗ and this iscom-
neths. A _ manded both fos
18 Andhe prayed againe,and the heauen him thatcom-
gaue tate, aud the cary Brought foty het plaineth,and for’
fruit. : i ; him that hea⸗
19 Bꝛethren, ik any of po have erred rerh thatthe ane
from 5 and fome man bath con⸗ thculd thew his-
verted him, iefe tothe o⸗
20 Let hun brow that he which bath con- ha ae
nerted the finner from going aitrayout cl y Kingsigita
his way, hall ſaue a foule from death, and ecelis 43. 2a
thall hide a multitude of finnes Lake 4255
Thetriall of faithe
. 3
PrF eae, ——
— —
fo endeth with an exhortation.
iat» A Porio
2 He /beweth that through the abundant mer-
cy of Goud wee ave elect and regenerate toa linely
hope, 7 and how faith muft be tryed, 10 thatthe
ſaluation in Chriſt is no newes , but a thing pro-
phefied of old. 13 Hee exhorteth thers to a godly
conuer (ation , forafmuch as they are mow borne
anew by the word of God.
Which were
wes,to whom
be was appointed
obean Apoftle, “
b Thefreeele- 3
ion of God is
he efficient caufe
four faluation,
the materiall
Fi Chꝛiſt, to? tye ſtrangers
that dwell here a there thao-
rowout Pontus, Galatia,
Cappadocia, Alia, and Bis
> thynta,
2 Elect according tothe > foreknowledge
of God the Father vnto fanctification of the
fpirit, || thzough < obedience ans ſprinkling
ofthe biood of Jeſus Chak: Graces peace
be multiplied vnto you.
3 Blelſed bee God euen the Father of
pur Lord Felis Chriſt, which accezding to
hts abundant mercy hath begotten vs a>
gaine vnto a d linely hope by the reſurrecti⸗
on of Jeſus Chꝛiſt fromthe dead,
hedience, our
Fe&uall calling
the formall
auſe, and the fi-
detiled, andthat fadeth not away, referuch
in eheauen foz you, i
§ C&hichare kept by the power of Gon,
pared tobe Mewe inthe flattime:
6 Cbderein ye reioyce , though now foz
a fcafon ( if need s reguire ) peare iu heaut-
nefle, through manttold tentations,
7. Chatthe triall of your faith, being
kithe much moze pꝛecious then gold that peri
-Therfore they Heth(chougy tt be cried with five) might be
mghttolooke found vnto your praile and bonouc ana glg-
ry, atthe" appearing of Jema Chit:
` -8 CGhent ye baue not icene, and yet toag
hefi 3.
$ Foritis but
Arthedayof yet Boe you beleeue,and retopee with tay vn⸗
agement. {peakable and glozicus,
And need doth. :
require, waen iz pleafeth God to lay his croſſe vpon his, for to
Navy thona from earthly things, aud make them partakers of his hea-
nly graces, h Athis fecond comming,
TER an Apolile of Je-
through faith vnto faluation . thich is pre-
efli him, fn wham wow, though pee fee him not,
bs @ The firft Epiftle generall of
Peter. |
HE exhorteth the faithfuil to denie themſelues, and tocontemne the world , that being deliuered
from all carnallaffe@ions and impediments, they may more [peedily attaine to the heauenly
Kingdome of Chrift', whereunto wee are called by the grace of God reueiled tovs in hisSonne, and
haue already receiued it by faith , pofleffed it by hope, and are therein confirmed by holineffe of life,
And to the intent that this faith fhould nor faint, ſecing Chrift contemned and reiected almoft of the
whole world, he declareth that this is nothing els but thneaccompKfhing of the Scriptures which teftie
fie chat hee fhould be the tumbling ftoneto the reprobate, and the fure foundation of faluation to
the faithfull: therefore beexhorteth chem courageoutly to go forward, confidering what they were, -
and to what dignitie God hath called tbem. After ,he entreateth particular points, teaching fubiects
how to obey their gouernours , and feruants their matters , and how married folkes ought to behaye
themfelues. And becaule it is appointed for all that aregodly to fuffer perfecutions,hee (heweth them
what good iffue their affli&ions (hall hane , and contrariwile what punifhment God refernerh for the
wicked, Laft ofall hee teacheth howthe miniflers ought to behaue themfelues , forbidding them to
vſurpe authoritie ouerthe Church; alfo that yong men oughtto bee modcft , and apt to learne, and
9. Recctuing the Lend of your faith, euen
the faluatton of your foules.
Io Dfthe which faluatton the Prophets
Dawe enquires and fearched, which pro-
pheked of the grace that Hoult came vnto
pot, i i 10
‘ILDearching when o: what time the ſpi⸗
rit which tettified before of Chk which
wasin them, chould declare che ſufferings
that fhould come vnto Cheti, and che glozte
that ould follow.
12 Gnto whom ft was reueiled,that i nst
vntothemſelues, but pnto vs tiep houla
miniſter the things which are now ſhewed
vito you by chem which haue preached urn:
to pou the Golpel bp the holy Ghot lent
Downe from heauen, the which things the
Angels Beire to behold.
13 CHherefoze, «girde bp the *lcines of
your mind ; bee ſober, and truſt perfectip on
the grace that ts brought vnto pou, by the
renelatisn of Fetus Cait, TA
I4 As obedient cotiozcn not fahisning
your (clues vnto the foziner ™ luits of pour
. : ignorance:
4 Co aninheritance immoꝛtall and vn⸗
Is But as het which hath called pou, ts
ie pe pory in * aii manner of conuer-
16 Becaule it is witten, *Be ye holy, fo2
3 am Hoty. í By at
I7 Ano if ye cal him Father which with:
out * relpect of perfontudgeth according fo
cuerv mans n topke, pail? the time of pour
dwelling herein feare,
18 Knowing that pe were not redeemed
with tozruptibie things , as Muer and gold,
from pour vaine conuerfation y receiued by
the traditions of the ° fathers, i
Ig * Wut with the vaccious blood of
aoe ff, as of alambe buvetiled, and with-
out ſpot.
20 Mhich was *ogdeined before the fou
dation sf the world, but was Declared in tye
P lağ times fo: pourfakes,
21 C&ibich by his meanes Doe beleene in
God that raped Hun from the dead, anv
gaue him glorie, that pour faith and hope
The price of our redemptione
lOr reward, .
i Their miniftery
was more profi-
table to vs then
to them : for wee
feé the things
which they pro-
AGS 2.4.
k Prepare your
felues to the
Luke 12.35.
1 Vntill bis fe-
cond comming.
m When you
were in ignorance
and knew not |
Luke 1.75.
Leuit. 1.44. &
19.2,4nd 20, 7.
2.11. gal, 2.6,
n According to
the finceritie of
the heart.
o Read Ezt-
kiel 20.18.
I (01.6.20 7.
23.hbebr, 9.1 4.1.
ioh, 1,7 reue i .
Rom,16.25 epee.
2N, A-9 titt.2
p When Chnift,.
appeared vnto
the world,and _
when the Gofpel
was picached,
AftoneinSion. Chriſts
Rom (2.10,
ephe 4.2.
q Therefore we
muft renounce
our formet na⸗
Ifa 40.6.ecclus.
1418,14, 1,10,
4.23,25. col. 3 8,
hebr. I2.1.
a Inthis their
infancie and new
comming to
Chrilt, he willeth
themto take
heede left for
the pure milke,
which isthe firt
beginnings of
learning the
fincere word,
they bee not
deceiued by
` them which
chop and change
it,and giue poy-
fon in ead
thereof. `
Or, the milke of
under fianding
which is wethout
Reuel. 1.6
Ifa 28.16,
FIM 9. 33 ·
b Meaning that
God hathap-
pointed Chrift
to be chiefe and
head of his
201.4245 4:11,
¢ The Priefts,
Ancients of the
TIM 9.33.
d Thatis parta-
kers of Chrifts
Priefthood and
might bein Gon, Me
22 reing pour ulee are purifizd in o-
beymg the tructy through the fpirtt,te *oue
hiotheripourbout iuning, teug one another
witha pure heart fernently,
23 Being borne anew nor of moztall (eed,
but ot q immoꝛtall, by the wozd of Gov whe
liucth and endureth fol ener.
24 Forall* fief is as gray and althe
gloy of man ras the flower ot graile. Whe
graile withererh,¢ the tlower kalleth away.
25 Wut the word of the Lorde endureth
fo euer:and this tg the word Which is peas
chet among you. Š
t Hee exhorteth them to lay aſide all vice, 4
Sheveing that Chrift is the foundation whereupon
they build, 9 The excellent eflate of the Chrifti-
ans. 15 He prayeth them to abftaine from flefhly
luftes. 13 To obey the rulers, 18 How feruants
fhould behaue themſelues toward thew maflerss
20 Hee exhorteth tofuffer after the enfample
of Chrift. A
VV Werefore * laying afine all maliciouſ·
nefe and all guile, and diſſimulation,
and enuy, ann ail einll peaking.
2 Agnew bone babes delre the || fins
tere milke of the worde, that yemay grow
` thereby,
3 Jt (obethat pee hane taſted how dour
tifull the Lod is, uy
4 To whom yee come as onto a lining
fone dilallowed of men, but choicn cf Gon
and precious, :
5 And pee as liuely tones be made a fpi-
rituali houle,and boly * Peꝛieſthood ta ofer
vp ſpirituall ſacriſces acceptable to Gon by
Jeius Chut, ' bate :
6 TAherekoꝛe it is conteined in the {crip-
ture, * Beholoe, J put int Sion a chiete
coner tone elect and pꝛecious: and he that
belecueth therein, all not be ahamed.
7 Cnutsyou therefore which beleeue, ét
ts precious: but puto them which be diſobe⸗
Dient, the* fone which thee builders diſ⸗
allowed, the fame ts made the beadof the
8 Anda *fone to Tumble at,and arocke
of offence,euen to them which ſtumbit at the
wo: beng dilobediẽt, vnto the which thing
thep were even o2deined, à
9 But peareachoien peneration,a roy»
ali * Pꝛieſthood, an holy nation, a| pecuitar
people that pe fhoula thew forth the vertues
ot him that bath called pou outof darkneſſe
into hismaructlons tight,
Io * Which in times paſt were ust a peo-
ple, pet are now the people of God, which in
time paft were not vnder mercie, but now
faucebtained mercy.
IL Dearely beloucd, Jbeſeech pou as
rangers æ pilgrims, * abftetne from fleſhly
luſts which fig bt agatnſt che foule,
12 *And bane pour conucrlatton honeſt
among the Gentiles.that they which ſpeake
euill of yon as of euill deers, may by your
good wozkes which they ſhall (ce, qtozifie
kingdome, Exod 19.6.renel 5.10, \Or,cotten by purchafe. Hofer
33,7619 ,35 Gals 6, Romi 3,14. Chap.3.16, Matt.5,16,
God in the dayoks the vilitation.
12 * Qnbmit-pour telues vnto all maz
ner ordinance of man foz the Loes fake,
whether ft bre vnto the King , as vnto the
If D: vnto gouernours, as vnto them
that are lent of hun, forthe puniment of
euill Doers, and to: the mapie of them that
Doe weli,
15 Foz Mis the will of God, that ky weil
Doing pe may put to lilence the ignorance of
the faolity mer,
16 As free and not ag haning the liberty
fora clake of maliciouneſte, but as rye fers Ni
I7 Honour all met: *loue! brotherly fela
low hip : fave God; honsur the fing.
Is * BHeruants, bee fubtect to pour ma
fters with all feare,not only tothe good ana
courteous, but allo to the s froward.
19 * $02 this is thanke worthy, if aman
foz »conittence toward Goo endure gricke
fering wꝛongkuilp.
20 Fo what pape ts it, if when yee bee
buffeted fo: pour faults, pe take it pattentlp:
but and if when pe doe well. ye ufer wrong,
ew it pattentlp, this is acceptableco
21 For hereunto pe are callen: for Chriſt
alle fiffcred for vs,leaning vs an enfample
that pe Mould foliow his ſteps.
22 X¶ho did no linne, neither was there
guile found in bis mouth. -
23 ho when hee wag reuiled, reutled
not agatne: when hee (uttered, he threatned
hot, but committed it tobim that tudgerh
_ 24. "Uyo bis owne ſelke bare our finnes
in bts body on the tree,that we being veline
red from inne would line invightesufielies.
by whole {tripes ye were healed.
25 Foꝛ pee wereas ſheepe gotng atrap:
but are now returned vnto the Hepheary
and bifhop of pour foules.
1 How winesought to order themfelues toward
thew husbands, 3 and in their apparel, 7 The
duetie of men toward their riues.. 8 Hee exhore
teth allmen to unity loue, 14 and patiently 10
Suffer trouble by the example and benefit of Chrifte
see let the wines befubiect to theiv
huſbands, that euen they which obey not
the word, may without the word bewoon by:
the conuecfation of the wiues,
2 hile they beholde pour pure conuer⸗
fation, which ts with feare. —
3 * Abol apparelling let it not bee cute
Ward,as with bꝛoyded Haire,and gold pura
beutzo2 in putting on otappareil.
4 But let the hid man ofthe heart be vn⸗
corupt WIth a meek and quiet ſpirit/ which
is before God a thing much ſet by.
5 Foꝛ tuen after this maner in time pat.
Did the holy women, which truſted in God,
tire theinſelues, and wert ſubiect to their
pulbands. *
6 As Parra obeyed Abraham, and “rala
led himi Sirs wyole Daughters Phila
enfample. Wiuesbehauiour. s42
Colsza 8, cphef |
e Your good
fhalbeas a pre-
paratiue againſt
that day rhat 4
God fhail thew -$
mercy vmo them
and turne them,
Roms 13.1.
Or pablike gam
Chap, i22
f With them
which acknow-
ledge one felfe
Father in hea⸗
Bera he) wes,
Ephef 6.5.
col 3,22.
g Inallobedi- |
ence: this muf ~
be before our-
eyes,that we o- -
bey in the Lord:
for ifany com-
maundthingsas ·
gainit God, then. $
let vs an(were, Ir f
isbettertoobey P
God then men,
2,Cor. 7.10. =!
h Knowing thag $
God layeth his P
charge vpon F
him, _
F [4-5 3.9.0 ichn
Ffas jsme
8a, k
5. 220
ETI. g
Gen. 18:02 |
I Of maficr,~ -—
a But willingly
do your duety:
| for your condi-
| tion is not the
worſe for your
f obedience,
1,( 07.7.3:
b By neither
keeping them
too ftrait,nor
Vin giuing them
too much liber-
{ tie,
d Man ought to
loue his wife,
becaufe they
leade their life
‘together,alfo for
that the is che
| weaker-vefiel,
4 but chiefly be~
} caufe thar God
hath made them
as it were fellow
| heires together
of life eucrla-
| fing. ;
| e For they can-
} riot pray when
theyare at dif-
A Prou, 17:13.
asd 30, 326
H att, g. 39.
f rom. 12.07.
i be the KAST
HF ——
malde vs when
i we were his ene⸗
e forgiue our
brethren a fmall
Ha. 0, 16.
9 Totakeven.
Joeance on him.
h That is, when
ipnake you afrayd
y their threat-
pn him.
W bap.2.52.
i bap. 2
| i 7-26.
Suffer for righteouſneſſe.
;praifeand depend
whiles ye Dowell, not being: aftrayd of any
terrour. Kir
7 *Likewile yee hulbandes Dwell with
them as men of > knowledge e giuing ho⸗
nour vnto the Woman, as vnto the weaker
vefiell,cuen as they which area heires toges
ther ok the grace ot life, that youre prayers
be not interrupted. }
8 SFinaliybeyeallof one mind: one laf:
fer with another : loue as bꝛethren: be pitt
full:becourteous, =
Q *Not rendring eutll for eniU, neyther
rebuke for rebuke: but contrariwiſe blee,
knowiug that pee are thereunto called, that
pe houl bef beires ofbleiing. ;
Io * fo: it any man long after life, and
to fee good dayes, iet him refrayne bis Go
tongue from euill, and bislippes that thep
ſpeake na guile. i
Ir *Lethimefchewe enill and doe good:
let bim leeke peace and follow after it.
12 Foz theeyes of the Loyd are ouer the
righteous, and his eares are open vnto their
praters; andtheface of the Logdcisypon
them chat Doe enill.
13 And whsis tt that willharme you, if
ye follow that which ts good ?
I4 * fQotwithitanding bleſſed are ye, if ye
fuffer fo: righteouſnes fake. Dea, h keare not
their feare, neither be troubled,
1g @ But ‘fanctifie the Lod Ged in your
Hearts: and be ready alwayes to gine an ane
fwere to every one that alketh you a realon
of the hope that ts inyon,
16 * Aud that with merkeneſſe and renea
rence, hauing a qood conictence, that when
they ſpeake eutl of pouas of cutll goers, they
maybee aſhamed, which blame pour goon
conuerlation in Chꝛiſt :
17 Foꝛ it ishetter Cif the willof Ged bee
et pe {utter foz well Doing, then foz cutil
18 * Fo: Chit allo bath once ſuffered foz
finnes, the tuft foz'the vniuſt. that hee might
bring vs to Sad, and was put to Death con»
ceng the fle, but was quickencd in the
pirit. ;
19 By the which 'he alfo went, and pea-
chev vnto the ſpirits that arein pation,
20 Mhich were tn time paſſed diſobedi⸗
ent,when once the lang ſuffering of God a-
bode inthe Dayes oF* Noe, while the Arke
was peparing, wherein fewe, that is sight
|| fontes were ſaued in the water.
21 Co the which allo the igure that now
ſaueth bg, euen Baptilme agreeth ( not the
putting away ofthe fiith of the feib, but fu
| that agood conſcience maketh requet to
‘God)by the refurrectionet Jelus Cizit,
22 hich is * atthe right hand of God,
gone into heauen, to whom che Angels, and
powers,and might are fubtect.
Rom 5,6.bebr.9 15,28. k BythepowerofGod. 1 Chriftbeing
[From the beginning head and gouernour of his Church, came-in’ the
{Bayes of Noe,not in body which then hehad not, but inñ Spirit, and
{preached by the mouth of Noe, for the {paceof 120. yceres, to the
NHifobedient, which would not repent,and thetefore are now in prifon
eferuedto the laftiudgement. Genef6.14. matth. 24 33. luke
fl Ir per fons. Or,the taking to witne ſo of a good coꝝſcience.
I. Peter.
1 Heexhorteth m:n toceafz from ſinne, 2 To
frend no mare time in vice, 7 Tobe fober and apt
to pray, 8 To lone cach other, 12- To bee patient
in trouble, 15 To beware that no man fuffer as
aneuill doer, 16 But asa Chriftian man, and fo
not to be afhamed.
Dꝛalmuch theras Chik hath fuffered
for vs in the Refy, arme pour (elues like-
wile with the fame a minde, whichis, that he
which hath ſuflered in the fle, hath ceafa
froin finne.
2 Chat he henceforward Mout line (as
much time as remaineth in the | fle ) not
atter the luſtes of men, but after the willof
3 Foꝛ itis ſufſicieut for vsthat we haue
{pent the time pat of the life,after the tuft of
the Gentiles walking in wantonneſſe, lutz,
drzunkenneſſe, in gluttony, o2inkings, and tit
abominable toolatrtes.
4 CUbercin it ſeemeth to them range,
that ye runne nat with them vnto the fame
ercefie okriot: therefore fpeake they cuill of
5 Thich ſhall gine accounts to bin, that
{greadptomdgequicke and dead,
6 Foꝛ vnto this purpole was the Gor
` pel preached allo pate the > dead, that they
might be condemned accozding te men, in
the fle but might liue accozding to Godein
the (pirit. j
Now theendof all things isat hann.
Bee pee therefore fober, and watching in
8 But aboue all things hane feruent Isue
among you: * foz «ioue couereth the multis
tude of linnes.
9* Beye harberous one to another with:
ont grudging.
‘Io *Letenery man, as hee bath receined
the gift, minifter the fame one to another,
a goon diſpoſers of the mantfolte grace of
Ir ZF anpman (peake, let himcalke as
the wozdesef God, të any man minifter, let
him doe itag of the abilitie which God mi-
niftreth, that God in all things may bee
glozificd through Jeſus Chat, to whome
is pꝛayſe and Dominion foz euer and euer,
Amen ena
12 Dearely beloucd,thinkeit not range
concerning the tiery trpall, which ts among
you, topzooue pou, as thongh lome trange
thurg were come vnto you;
13 But retoyce, in as much as peeare
partakers of Chelits fuffetings, that when
His glozy hail appeare, pe may bee glad and
14 * JF ye beerayles vpon for the Mame
of Chit, bleſſed areyee : foz the ſpirit of glo-
ric,and of God, reſteth vpon you: which on
tbeir 4 part, ts euill fpoken of? but on pour
part ts glorified.
15 But let none of pou ſuffer as a murthe;
rer,o2 as a thiefe, 02 an eutll doer, oꝛ as a hue
fic body in othermens matters, :
15 But if any man fuffer as a Chꝛiſtian,
Tet him not be athanied ; but tet him alozifie
God in hia behalke. y
17 Foz
Watch in prayer.
a Ourfanĝifica-
tion ftandeth in
two poynts, in
dying to finne,
and liuing to
{| Or, body.
b Although the
wicked thinke
this Gofpel new
and vexe you
that imbace it,
yet hath it bene
preached to them
oftime palt
which new are
dead, to the in-
tent that they
might haue bene
condemned, or
dead to finne in
the flefh, and
alfo might haue
liued to God in
the fpirit, which
two are the efa
fe& of the Gof-
c Ashate moo-
ueth vs to re-
prochour broa
ther when hee
oftendeth vs: fo
loue hideth and
pardoneth the
faults which he
committeth a-
gainſt vs, though
they be neuer f `
manye i
Rom. 12.13.
heb.1 3.2
Rom. 12.6.
Matt §. to.
d That is,by the
infidels, >
— —
Feede the flocke of God. Chap.j. The roaring lion. 543
WOr:purifbment. 17 For the time iscome, that ll indgement man onetoanother , * Deckeyourfelues in · Rom.12.10,
Tere.25.29: ©. Mmitbegut at *the houſe of GoD. Ftit firit wardlp inlowltnefie of mind: fo: God ~rei Fames 4.6,
luke 23 31. bezin at vs, what (hall tye enzebeeofthem fitteth the proude, and giueth grace to the
whichebcy not the Gofpelof Goo? _ humble.
Pros. 2.21, 22. 18 And it the righteous ſcarcely < be ſa · 6 humbleꝰ pour ſelues therefore vnder Iames 4,10.
e As conccrning
neds where hall the vugedly and the ſinner
the mighty handofGod, that he may exalt
thislife,where appeare? j von in due time. i
bët punifhed, Ig CGberefore let them that ſuffer accoz 7 Catt * allpourcareon him: forzhet: P/a.55.22.wifd,
i Ding to the willof God, commit thetr(oules reth foz pou. 13,13 mat 6. 25.
a ByEldershe
all them which
preach, teach, or
minifterin the
lOr which i
commutted unto
Jou, r, as much
as m you lieth.
tokimin well doing, as vnto a kaithkull dre-
2 The duety of Paftors isto feedethe flocke of
Chrift,end what reward they [ball haue if they be
diligent. 5 Heexbartcth yong perfons to ſubmit
them/felues to the Elders, 8 To bee fober,and to
watch that they may refifithe eneme,
hae Elders which are among you, F
| beleech which am allo an Elder, anda
witnefle of the (uffertngs of Chit, and al⸗
ipa partake ofthe glory that (hail bee ree
2 Feede the flocke of f Gad, whithi De-
pendeth vpon you , caring forit not = cons
ftraint, but willingly: not foz Althy lutte
but ofa ready minde:
3 Not as though pee were lordes ouer
Gods heritage, but tha: ye mapbeeramples ſt
tothe flocke. ‘
4 And when the chiefe Hepheard tall
appeare, pee yall recetue an incozruptible
crowne of glozy. ,
5 Likewtle pe yonger,fubmit pour (clues
vnto the Elders, tt ſudmit your ſelues cuerp
8 Be lober and watch: foꝛ vour aduer ·
fary the deuill as aroaring lion walketh a-
bout ſeeking whom he may deuoure:
9 home refit ſtedtaſt in the faith,
knowing > that the fame afflicttoms are ac»
—— in pour brethren which are inthe
10 And the God of all grace, which hath
called vs vnto bts eternall glosp by Chit
Pelus , after that pee baue fuffered a little,
make you perfect, confirme,frengtben, and
ſtabliſh you. :
IL To hin bee glory and Dominion foz t-
her and euer Amen.
12 By Siluanus a faithfull brother vn-
topou, as Jſuppoſe, paue J witten bziefe-
lý, erhorting and teltitping how that this
ts the true grace of Gov, wherein pee
I3 TheChurch thatis at * Babylonetec
ted together with you, faluteth pou, and
Marcus my fonne. d
14 Greete ye one another with the* kife
ofloue. Peace be withyouall which are in
Chit Fetus. Amen.
a; The fecond Epittle generall
luke 12.22.
Lake 22.31.
b Nothing comè
meth vntovs
which wedeenot
to appertaine to
the reft of Chrifts.
members :and
therefore wee
ought not to ree
fufe that conditi-
on which is conte
monto allthe
c Which wasa
famous citie in
Aflyria, where
Peter then was
the Apofileof
the circumcifion,
1.cor. 16,20:
2.car5 3.420 |
of Peter.
T He effe& of che Apoftlehere,is to exhortthem which haue once profeffed the true faithof Chrift,
ro ftand to the fame euen to the laft breath : alfothat God by his effectuall grace towards men
mouth them to holineffe of life , in punithing the hypocrites which abufe his Name , and enereafing
his gifts inthe godly : wherefore by godly life,bee being now almoft at deaths doore, exhorteth them
to approoue their vocation,not fetting their aff-Gions on worldly things (ashe had oft written vnto
them ) but lifting their eyes toward heauen,as they be taught by the Goipel, whereof he is acleare wite
nefle,chiefly in that hee heard withhis owne earesthat Chrift was proclaimed trom heguen to bee the
Sonne of God, as likewifethe Prophets teflified. And left they thould promife to themfelues quiet-
neffe by profefling the Gofpel, hee warneth them both of troubles which they ſhould fuftaine by the +
falfe teachers,and alfo by the mockers and contemnersof religion, who maners and trade hec liuely
fetteth forth as in a table aduertifing the faithfull not onely to waite diligently for Chrift, but alfo to
behold prefently the day of hiscomming,and to preſerue themfelucs vnfpotted againfi the fame,
a Inthat hede-
clared himfelfe
iuſt and faithful
in accomplithing
his promife by :
Cori, ^
4 Forafmuch asthe power of God hath giu⸗n
them all things pertaining unto life, he exhorteth
them to flee the corruption of worldly lafis, 10 To.
make their calling fire with good workt, fruits
of faith. 14 He maketh mention of his own death,
»7 Declaring the Lord leſus to be the true Sonne
of Godas himfèlfe had feens vpon the mount. .
aeaa Imon Petera feruant, and an
w= Apottle of Telus Cheiſt, to vou
eS which bane obtained like preci-
`y ons faith with vs by the righ-
ve teoulnefic of our God anv Da-
uiour Jeſus Chrift:
2 Grace and peace be multiplied to pou,
bp > knowledge of Gov and of Telus our
LO, © i ? ;
3 Accoing as his > godly power hath
gitien vnto vs all things that percaine nto
c life and godlines,¢ through the knowlerge
biu that hath called ves |) vnto gloꝛy and
4Ahereby moft great, and precious
promiles are giuen vnto bs, that by them pe
fionla be partakers of the «godly nature, tn
that pee flee the corruption, which ts urthe
world theough luſt. *
5 Therfore giue euen all diligence there:
unto: foyne mozeouer f vertue with your
fait) ; and with vertue, knowledge;
glory. e Weeatemade partakers of the diuine
b Hefpeaketh © —
of Chrilt ashee -
is God and Saui-
c Thatis,faluae
d The fumme of ~
our faluation and
religion isto bce .
: ledby Chrift to
the Father,who
calleth vsin the
\|Or,thronghbis ~
nature, in that wee
ee the corruption of the world, or as Paul writeth, are dead to finne
andarenotinthefieth, £ Godly —
i TheauthoroftheScriptures. Falfe
g The Greeke
word fignifieth
bim that natu-
rally cannot fee, -
except hehol-
deth necre his
eyes, So Peter
calleth fuch as
cannot fee hea=
uenly things
which ate farre
. off,purblind, or
h Albeiric bee
fure in it felfe,
forafmuch as
God cannot
change: yet we
muſt confirmeit
inour felues by
the fruits of the
Spirit, Knowing
thatthe purpofe
of God ele@eth,
and iuftiGeth vs,
> i ForGodwill _ .
cuervphold you,
k Inthis body,
2.C0r.5. 3546
John 21.18.
and 2 1.
Or, Sophiftical
and crafty.
1 For by Chrifts
prefence it was -
forthe time holy,
m Thatis, the
doGrine of the
i n Aperfecter
knowledge then
vnder the Law,
© Mearing.
Chrift the Sonne
of Iuſtice, by his,
2, .
p Commeth not
of men.
AEs 20.29.
¥.tim 4. i. xude⸗
and 18.
6 And with knowledge, temperance:
and with temperance patience sanu with
patience, godlinefic:
7 And with godlineſſe, beotherly kind-
nefie ; and with brotherly kindnefle, loue.
8 Foꝛ it theſe things be among you, and
abound, thep will make pou that yee neither
ail be tole noz bn fruitful in the knowledge
of our Lord Felus Chit. y
9 Fozbethat hath not thele things, is
blind, aud e cannot iee farre off, and hath
—— that he was purges frombis olde
Io Ciherefore, bzethzen, giue rather dili:
ence to inake ponr calling ¢ election h ture;
f a pee Doc theſe things, pee hall nener
It Foꝛ bythis meanes an entring balbe
miniſtred vnto you abundantly into the e-
uerlatting kingdome ofour Lod and Saui-
our Jeſus Thait.,
12 GUherefore, J will not be negligent to
put you alwayes in remembzance of thele
things, though that pe haue knowledge, and
be eſtabliſhed tu the preſent trueth.
_ 13. For T thinke tt meete aslong as J am
inthis * tabertiacle, to irre you vp by put-
ttug pou tn tentembzance, ER
14 Seeing I knows that the time isat
Hand that J mut lap Downe this mp taber»
nacle, euen as ont Loud Jelus Chk hath
* {hewed me. é
Ig _J willendeuour therfore alwaies, that
peallo may be able to baue remembzance ot
thele things after my Departing, Š
16 Foꝛ wee followed not * # Decetueas
ble fables, when wee opened vnto pou the
power, and comming of our Lorde Jelus
are but with our epes wee lawe his ma-
17 Foꝛ hee receiued of God the Father
honsur and glory, when there came fuch a
voice rehim from the excelledt glory,* This
ws * — Sonne, in whom 3 am well
pleated. f
18 And thts Hoyte wee Heard when tt
came froin beauen, being with bim inthe
ihoip mount,
19 ccice hane aloa moft fure ™ worde of
the Prophets to the which pe do wel that pe
take beede, as vnto a light that fhinethina
Darke place, vntill the * Bay dawne, aud the
o pap ſtarre ariſe tn pour hearts.
20 *Sothat pee frk know this, that no
prophelic wi the Scripture ts ofrany private
(21 For the pꝛopheſe came not in olde
time by the mill of man: but holy men of
pa snake as thep were mooned by the holy
4 g oe
Hee propaefieth of falfe teachers , and fheweth
their punifhment.
B Ut*theretwere falle prophets alfo among
the people,cuen as there ſhallbe falie teaa
thers among pou: which pꝛiuily hall bring
in dannable hevelier;cuen denying che Low
thathathboucht them, ¢ bung vpon thems
ſelues ſwitt daumation.
2 And manp ſhall follow their | Bamna-
ble wayes, bp whom the way of tructh Mall
be enili fpoken of,
3 And though couetouſneſſe Mall the
with kained wozdes make * merchandil
of you, whole iudgement long agone ts
— farce off, and their Damnation ficepeth
4 Fo if Gon (pared not the * Angels
that bad finned, but caſt them Downe into
beland deliuered them into chains of Dark:
neſſe, to be kept unto Damnation:
§ _ Metther hath (pared the old woz, but
faued.* Moe the eight perſon a preach
righttouſneſſe, and beoughtin the flood Yp:
su the world of the vngodly
6 And *turned the citiesof Sodom and
Somoꝛrhe into akes, condemued them and
Oucethrewe themi, and made then an en
omyle vnto them that after Would line pue
KODY, ; Lig |
7 *And deliuered iut Loth verca with
the bncieanlp conucrfatton of the wicked,
$ (Esoꝛ he being righteous,and dwelling
among them, in leetng and hearing , ered
bis righteous foule from Day to Day with
their pnlawtull oecdes.) ;
9 Che Lom knoweth to deliuer the god=
Ipout of tentation, and to reſcrue the vn⸗
nee Det the Dap of tudgement to bee puni»
Io Gna chiefiy them that walke after the
fleth, tn che luftot vucleannefie, and De-
{pile the goucruement, which are prelump ·
tuons, and ftant tn their owne conceit, and
feare not to peake euill of them thatare in
Dignitic. S
Il CGhereas the Angels which are grea
ter both in power and might, * gine not
= 8 tudgement againit them before the
12 But thele, asc bruit beattes, led with
fenfuality,¢ made tobetaken, and deſtroy⸗
td, ſpeake enill of thofe things which thep
know not, and (yal peril though their own
13 And fall recefue the mages of vn⸗
righteouſneſſe, as. they which count it
Aeaſure ta liue Delicionfip foz a feafon.
Dypots they areand blots,¢ delighting them-
ſelues in their deceruings, infeatting with:
14 Haning eyes full ofabultery, and that
cannot ceal to finne, beguiling unable
foules : they hane hearts exerciſed with co-
uetouſneſſe curſed children, ;
Is thich forlaking the tight way, hau
gone aſtray, following the wap sf Balaam,
the fone of Bote, which loned the wages.of
16. But hee was rebuked foz histniqni-
tie ; forthe tumbe alle fpeaking with mans
—— forbade the fooltſhneſſe of the pro⸗
17 * Cheieare-welles without water, asd
e cloudes cariey about with a tempeff, to
whom the blacke darkeneſſe ts referued foz
18 Fo: in ſpeaking welling wordes of
nanitte , they beguile with wantounneſſe
theough the tutes of the Heth sal me
> ‘ erg
teachers to come. Their punifhment.
llOr, inſolent and
a This is enidengs
ly feene inthe
Pope and bis
Ptieſts, which by <
liesand flatteries
{ell mens foules,
fo that itiscer- -
taine that he is
not the fucceflor —
of Simon Peter,
but of Simon
Tob 4.18 inde 6,
Gem7.3. i
Gen. 1916.
LKING. 226226
tob 1.12.
b Albeitthe An-
gels condemne
the vicesand ini-
quity of wicked “
they blame noe
the authority
& power which
is giuew them of
c Asbealts withe
our reafon or wit
fellow whither
nature Ieadeth
them : fo thefe
wicked men dee
ftitute of the
Spiritof God,
only feeke to ful-
fill their fenfua~
litie,and as they.
are veffels made
todeftru@ion &
appeinted to this
iudgment,fo they
fal into the {nares
of Satan, to their
d For in your
holy feafis they
ficas members of
the Church,
whereas indeed
they be Sut [pots
& fo decriut you,
reade Iude 12.
N un.22.23.
ind? 11.
Jude i2.
c They haue
forne appearance
outword ‘bit
within they are
drie ond barren,
or at mofi they
t: mpeft, f
Thefearefull eftate of reuolters.
Iohn 8.3 4.r0m,
heb. 6.44516.
and 10. 2627.
f Whichcom-
Or doctrine.
Prou 26. Bl
A Forwe fall
quickly afleepe
and forget that.
which weare
3. 1 iude 18,
b He meaneth
Chriftian religi-
on,but became
afterward con:
God eternal].
— —
‘meth by hearing
the Golpel prea⸗
temners & moc-
kers,as Epicure=
ans and Atheifts.
-c Astouching the
beautie thereof,
and things which
were therein ,ex-
tthem which
were inthe Arke,
‘a That is, Chrif,
_b That is,Chrift
were cleane efcaped froin them hich are
wapped in errour, j i
Ig (Doming unto them libertic,2nd are
themiciues the * igviiants of cozrnption; fo
of whomſdeuer Pinan ts ouercomet euen vn⸗
ta the fame ishe in bondage.
20 * fFortithey, after they bane efcaped
fiom the tilthinefic of the wold, thaough the
Fknowledae of the Lod, and oftbeQautour
Jeſus Chuſt, are pet tangled againe therin,
uD ouercamg, the lattcr end is wozie with
hem then tH beginning,
21 JFoztt hav Beene better for them, tiot to
Haite kirower the way ofrighteoulneife, then
after thep haue knowen it, to turne from the
Holy | commandement giuen vnto them.
22 Bit ít is come vnto theitt,accoding to
the true proucrbe,* Che Dog ts returned to
his owne vomite, and, Eye tow that was
Wwalhed,to the wallowing tn the mire.
ier: ot LAPA ALE
3 Hee fheweth the impietie of them which
mocke at Gods promfes, 7 After what fort the
end of the world ſbalbe. 8 That they prepare them-
ſelues thereunto. 16 Wha they are which abufe
the writings of S Paul, and the reft of the Scrip-
tures, 18 concluding with eternall thankes to
Christ Fefas. ; :
T fecond Cpitle Y nowe wite vnto
vom beloned wherewith -F firre wp and
warne pour pure minds, `
2 To call to remembrance the wodes
which were teld before of the holy Prophets,
1Tim.r2dim, AND alld the commandement of vs the Apo-
ftles of tye £020 and Dauiour.
3 * Chis frk vnderſtand, that there Hall
them whichhad Comte inthe lait dayes, mockers, which will
walke after their luſts, i 3
4 And iay, Abere ts the pꝛomiſe of hts
comming? foz fince the fathers Died, all
things continue alike fram the beginning of
the creation. >
5 Foꝛ this they b wiſtingly knome tot,
thatthe heauens were ofolde, and the earth
that was of tije water, and by the water, by
the wod of God,
6 Therefore the < world that then was
periffed,oucrfiowed with the water. |
7 Wutthe beanens and earth which are
Chap. tij.
now, are kept by the Game word in ſtore‚and
reſerued unio fiteagaimit the Dap of tuDae-
ment,zof che deſtruction of vngodly men.
8 WDearelpbelsurd , bee not ignorant of
this one thing, that one dap ts with the
Lod, *ag a thoulend yeres,and a thouſand
peeres as one Day.
9 The Lo ts not Jacke concerning his
promite (as fome men count flackenes) but
Ig patient toward bs , and *4 wonin haue
naman to pert, but would alniente come
to repentance.
Io * But the pay of the Lord til come as a
thtefetn the night, in the which the heauens
{hall pate away with a noyſe, tthe elements
atl melt with heat, and the carth with the
Wwozkes that are therein, ſhall be burnt pp.
II Decing therefore that ali thelethings
mul be diffolucd, what mance perſõs ought
pe to be tn holp conuerfation and goenltneife,
- I2 Looking for, Œ batting vnto the com:
ming of the Day of God, by the which the
deaucns being on fire, halbe dtfolucd, and
the clements hall inelt with Heat?
13 But wee looke foz * new heauens,and
anewearti,accozding to his promile,wher>
in dwelleth righteoufneſſe.
14 MAherekdae, beloued, ſeeing that yee
looke foz luch things, bee diligent that pee
may bee found of bim in = peace, without
fpot,and blameleſſe.
15 *And fuppole that the long ſuſfering of
our Lod ts faluation, enen as.our beloued
brother Paul accozding to the wiſedome
glucn onto him wate tof pou,
16 As one, that tral his Epiſtles fpeaketh
of thele things ; ameng the which fome
things areebard to bee pnderitood, which
they thatare balearned and ynitable | per-
ert as thep doe allo other Scriptures vite
their owne Befruction.
17 Methereforg, beloued, ſeeing yce know
thete things befote, beware leaſt pre bee alfo
plucked awap with the erroz of the wicked,
and fali from your owne (tedfattnefie,
18 But growetn grace,and in the knows
ledge of our Lod ¢ Gautour Jeſus Citt:
n bun be glozie both now ann foz euerniore.
aes The firft Epiftle generall of Iohn.
Fter that Saint Ioha had fufficiently declared, how that our whole faluation daeth confit onely in
Å chrin, left that any man fhould thereby take a boldneſſe to finne, he fheweth that no man can be-
leeue in Chrift,vnleffe he doeth endeuonr himf=1fe to keepe his commaundements, which thing being
done, hce exhorteth them to beware of falfe prophets, whom he calleth Aatichrifts, and to triethe {pt-
rits. Laft of all,he doeth earneftly exhort them vato brotherly loue, and to beware of deceiuers.
2 True witne(fe of the ewerlafting word of God
9 The blood of Chrif ù the pargation cf finne, 10
No man ù without jinne. ;
Wat which was a from the
b heard, which we hane eene
with our eyes, which we patie
looked vpon, and our banues
beginning, which wee baue `
haue haudled of the wom
< of life, :
2 (Forthelife appeared, and twee haue
leene it, and beare witnede, and thew vᷣnto
pou the efernall life, thich was d with the
Father,and appeared wnto vs)
3 Ghat, | fay, which wee haue feene and
heard, Declare wee ynte pou, that pee may
allo shave feltowthip with vs, and that
ing ioyned together in Chrift by faith, thould bee
£ j ; ous.
The day ofiudgement.
INM. 2.4-
d He speaketh
not bere of the
fecret and eternal
countell of God,
whereby he ele-
eth whom it
pleafeth him, bat
of the preaching
of the Gofpel,
whereby all are
called and bidden
to the banquet,
I the/.5.2-revee
3.3.4xd 16.15.
Lfa.65.17 O 666
e In quitt cone
Rom 2 4.
f Albeit his Epi.
fles were written
tc peculiar Chur-
ches, yet they con
teine a generall
doGsine apper ·
teining to al mer
g Asno man
condemneth tke
brightnefie of
the fin becaufe
hiseye isnota.
ble to fafteine the
cleareneffe there
of: fo the hard-
nefe which we
cannot fometime
compaffe or per-
fe@ly vnderftand
inthe Scriptures. —
ought not to
take away from
c Which gineth
life and had itin
d Before all bes
c The effe@ of
the Gofpel is,
that we all be-
thefonnes ofGod
Chriftis our Aduocat
our fellowſhip allognap be with the Father,
and with bts Donne Feis Chꝛiſt.
4 Gnd thele things wette wee vnto pou,
that pout toy may be fnil. ;
§ This then is the meflage, which wee
haue heard of him. eel sez vito pou, that
ohn 8,02. Gad *13 ight, and in btm ts no Darknelle.
Thefivitsof 6 Ff welay that we haue fellowthip with
our fathmult him, and walke in s Darkenelle, wee lte, and
declarewhether Doe not truely:
webcioynedin 7 Burtfwe walke inthe light, as be is
Godorno:for in the light, wee baue fellowmtip > one with
Godbeingthe another, and the* blood of Jelus Chaitt his
very puritie and
light, will not
haue fellowfhip
with them which
lie in finne and
g Inan euil con-
{cience,and with
out the feare of
Sonne cleanleth vs froin ail finne.
8 * FE we fay that we haue no finne, wee
deceiue our (elues,and traeth ts not in vs.
9 Ifwe iacknowledge our finnes, he ts
faithfult ann iut, to forgtue vs onr finnes
ae ta cleanfe vs from all pnrtghteout
Io Ifwee fay wee haue not ſinned, wee
Make him a liar and bis || wozDts not in vs.
E Tehn.
12 8 Little childeen, 3 wite vnto yon, be»
caule pour finneg are forgiven yot fog” bis
fames fake. :
13 J write vnto you, fathers, becauſe pee
bane knowen dim that ts from the begin
ning. Imite vnto yuu yong men, becaule
pe haue overcome the || wickeD.
14 J wire vnts pou, sabes, becaule pee
bane known the Father. Jhaue witten vn⸗
to pou,fathers.becaule pe haue knowen him,
thatis from the beginning. J hane written
vnto you, young mein, becaule yee are rong,
and the word of Hod abideth tn pou, and ye
haue ouercome the || wicked.
Iş Loug not the ! world, neither the
things that are in the world. Ffany man
toue the world, the loue of thz Father is not
tn bim.
16 Foꝛ all that istin the woꝛld (as the lut
of the k fief, the! luft of rhe eyes, and the
m pride of iife) is not of the Father, but isof
the wold.
17 And the world pafleth away, and the
Of Antichrift. |
g Henaneth
all the faithful]
children, ashe
being their {pitt
tuall Father ar-
tributing to olde
men knowledge
of great things,
to young men
ftrength, co chil.
dren obedience
and reverence
to their gover
h For Chrift,
flOr,the deus,
lOr, the deuill.
1 As itis aduere
farieto God, `
Tames 4.4,
k To liue in
h. Thatis Chrift with vs,and we with our felues. Heb. 9. 14. 1. pet. 1.
19. reue. i.5. 1. Kings 8.46, 2,chron.6.36. prou.20,9. eccle.7.23,
ĩ Ifwee benot alhamed, earneftly and openly to acknowledge our
luf thereof. bur hee that fuiallerh the willof 1 Wantonneffe,
feluesbefore God to be finners. \Or doctrine.
a Chriftis our
onely aduocate
and atonement:
for the office of
interceflion and
redemption are
joyned together.
b Thatis,ot them
which haue em-
braced the Go-
fpell by faith in
and places: for
there is no falua-
tion without
*Chrilt. -
e Thatis, by
faith, and fo obey
- him: for know-
ledge cannorbe
without obedi-
d Woerebyhe
Joueth God: fo
thatto loue God
isto obey his
fOr doctrine.
e Wnen the Law
was giuen.
f Louethy neigh-
bour asthy felfe,
is the olde com-
taughtin the
Law:but when
t Chrifli our aduocate. 10 Of true loue, and
how it tried. 18 To beware of Antichrift.
Mz babes, thete things wite Jvnto pou,
that pe finne not: and if anp man finite,
we haue an 2 Aduocate with the Father, Je⸗
fus Chꝛiſt che Fuk, oly
2 Andee ts the reconciliation for our
finnes; and not foz oursonely, but atl foz
the finnes of ° the whole wold.
3 And hereby weare lurethat we: know
bim,ttwe keepe his cammandements.
4 Wee that faith, J know him, and kegs
peth not his commandements, t3 å liar, and
the trueth is not in him.
_ § Buthee that keepeth bis word, in him
is 4 the loue of Hod perfect in deede: hereby
6 Wee that faith hee remaineth in him,
ought euen fo to walke, as hee hath walked.
7 Brethren, J write no new || comman:
Dement vnte yous but an olde commaunde·
ment which pee baue had from the e begin.
ning + the totoe conimaundement is the
ime, which ye bane heard from the begin-
8 Againe, a newe commaundement J
write vnto pau, that which is truein bith,
and alfo in you: foz the darkneſſe is pat ann
the true light new ſhineth.
9 He that faith chat he is in the light, and
hateth bis brother, ts in darkeneſſe vntill
this time. s
_ Lo *Heethatloueth bis bꝛother, abideth
inthe light, and there ts none occaſion of e-
uill in bim,
IL But hee that hateth his brother, tsin
Darkencfle, and walketh tn darkeneſſe, anv
kuoweth not whither ye moeth, becaule that
Datknelle bath blinocd bis eyg, ->
Thrift faith, So loue one another, as I have oued yon , hee givetha
new commandement onely as touching che forme, but not as touch-
ing the nature or ſubllance of the precept. Chap.3. 14
God abideth euer.
18 Babes, itis the latime, and as yee
haue heard that Antic! zit Hall come, enen
now are there many Autichriſts, woherby we
know that itis the lat timez.
Ig They went out from vs, but they
Were not of us; foz tf Sycy had beene ofvs
they would haue continued mith vs. But
this commeth to paffe , that it might appeare,
that thep are trot all of us. 3
20 But ye hane an ointment from him,
thattsp holp, t peehaue knowen all thugs,
21 Fa hae not witten vnto you, becaute
pe Know nat the truth : but becaute pe know
it, and that no lic is of the tructh. i
22 io is a lyar, buthee that Benteth
that Jeſus is: Milt? the fame ts the Aur-
tichit that denteth the Father and the
Dome. i
-23 Whoſoeuer denieth the Sonne, the
faine f hath not the Fathert. -
24. Let therefor: abide inyon that fame
which pee paur beard from the beginning,
HE that whtch pe haue heard froni the begiũ⸗
ning, hall remaine in pou,pee alſo tall cou
tinue in the Done, and in the Father.
25 Andthisis the pꝛomiſe tyat hee hath
promifed bs,euen eternaltlife.
26 Thele things baue J witten vnto
pou;concerning them that Deceiue pou.
27 But the anointing which ye receiued
bE hun, dwelleth in vonand pe need not that
any man teach pou : but as the ſamet anoin⸗
ting teacheth pou of al things, and it is true,
andis not lying, and as it caught yos, pe Hal
abite || in binn 7 i —2*
28 Gnd now., “little childzen, abide in
him, that wher he ſhall appeare, we may Bee
bold, and not bee ahamed befoze him at bis
29 FE vee knowe that hee is righteous,
know pe that hee which doth rightcoutly, ts
borme of him.
m Ambition and
n Which feemed
to haue heene of
our number,be-
caufe for atime
they occupied
aplace inthe
o The prace of
the holy Ghoft.
p Which is
q 'nthis Epiftle
which] now
write ynto you,
r Hethat taketh
away or dimint.
fheth either of
the natures in
Chrift, orhe
that confoun-
deth orfepara-
teththem, elfehe
that putteth not
difference be-
rweene the pers
fon ofthe Sonne,
and alfo he that
beleeueth not to
haue remiffion
of finnes by his
onely facrifice,
denieth Chit
to be thetrue
f Phen the infi-
dels worfhip nox
the true God,
+ Burt he chat
confeficth the
Sonig, hath
alſo » Father.
t Chrift commit
nicateth himfelfe vnto you, and reachetl: you by the holy Ghoft and
his minifters, ||Or,i# Clir:/2,
Church of Chrift in generall,
u By this name he meaneth the whole
Wherefore Chrift came.
a Being made the
- fonnes of God in
Chrift,he fhew-
eth what quali-
ties we muft haue
to be difcerned
from baftards,
b Thatis, Chrift,
c As the mem-
bers and head
are,which make
one perfeét body
d That is, in
whom finne doth
reigne,fo that hee
feeketh not tobe
Iobn 8.44.
e As appeared
by Adam. .
f Which is the
holy Ghoft,
g He cannot be
vnder the power
of finne,becaufe
the (pirit of God
corte@eth his
euill and corrupt
8 The ſingular loue o{ God toward us, 7 And
how we againe ought to lowe one another.
B Epoid, what toue the tather path Hew
eD on vs, that wee ould bee a cailed the
fonnes of Gon: fox this cauſe tie wold
lea: pou net, becaule tt knowerl not
2 Dearelp beloued, nowe are wee the
ſonnes of God, but pet tt Doeth not appeare
what we hail be: and wee know that wher
b He thallappeare, we thall bec like him: foz
we Hall tec him as bets. j è
3 Andenery man that hath this hope tn
anpa OVE anen as be ts pure.
4 CGihofocuer ¢ comnmitteth finne tranf
greſſeth allo the law: fo: finnets the tran
grefiton of the Law.
§ And peknow that be appeared that be
might* take away our ſinnes, and in him ts
no tinne. f Lik
6 Mhoſoeuer abideth in him ſinneth not;
whoſoeuer linneth hath net itene him, neie
ther bath knowen hin.
7 Litle childzen,let no man Decetne pou:
De that doeth righteouſneſſe, is righteous,as
be is righteous, ~- :
8 Wee that* committer) finne, is okthe
deuill: foz the deuil finneth from thebegtn«
hing: fo: this purpole appeared the Sonne
a od — bee might loole the workes of
9 Mhoſoeuer is borne of Hod, ſinneth
‘not; fof his ſeede remaineth in him, nei-
fher can beee finne, becaule beets borne of
h He defcendesh 00.
from the firft ta-
ble of the com-
- mandements,to
- the fecond,
Iohn 13.34.
and 15.12,
i This loue isthe
{peciall fruit of
our faith, and a
certaine figne of
Our regeneration,
Zohn 15.13.
Luke 3.11.
k Whichis not
_ the caufewhere-
fore we are the
ſonnes of God,
buta meft cet-
_ taine figne,
1 If our confet-
ence being guil-
tie of anything,
~be abieto con-
demne vs,much
more the indge-
ment of Gad,
which knoweth
our hearts bet-
- terthen we our
| felues,is able to
_ condemne ys.
10 Jn this are the children of God know⸗
en,and the chtldzen of the deuill: wholocuer
Doeth not righteouſneſfſe, ts net of God, nef-
ther he that * loueth not bis brother.
Il fo: this ts che meflage that yee heard
froin the beginning , that * wee Mould loue
one another. ;
12 Rot as * Cain which was of the wic-
ked, and fewe pis bzsther: and wherefore
flew be him? becaule his owne wozkes were
euill, and his bꝛot hers good.
13 Maruetie not, my brethetn, though
the wozid hate you.
14 e know that we are tranflated from
Death tnte life, becanfe wee iloue the bze⸗
thn: * Hee that loueth not his brother, abi-
Berth indeath. :
15 CGihoioeuct hateth his brother, is a
manflayer : and pe know that ne manſlayer
hath eternalltife abiding in him.
16 * Hereby haue we perceinued lene.that
hee layde Downe hts life fez vs: therefore
we ought alfo to lay Downe our lives fez th
baethzen. i
17 * And wholoeuer hath this wondes
good, and ſeech his brother baue neede, and
fhutteth vp bis compaffion from him, bow
Dwelleth the lour of God in him? f
18 My little chilazen, les vs not loue iu
woꝛd, neither in tongue onely, but in «Deeve
and in trueth. :
19 Fo: thereby twee knowe that wee are
of the trueth, and Mall befoze him affure our
hearts. ;
20 For ik our heart condemne vs, God
iij. üij. Gods loue toward vs.
greater then our heart, and knoweth all
21 Beloued, tf our heart condemne bs
nor, then bane we boldneſſe toward God.
22 *And whattocuce wee alke, weeres Fohr 15.7.
ceine of htm, becauſe we keepe his comman⸗ and 16.23.
Deinents, ans Doe thoi things whtch are
pleating in bis fight. chap.5,14.
23 * Ehisisthen bis commaundement, Loha 6.29,
That wee belecue in the Mame ot his fonne ard 17,3.
Jefus Chk , and loug one another, as hee
gaue commandement. ;
24 * soz bee that keepeth bis commautt
Dements , Dwellerh in him, and hee tn him:
and hereby we knowe that he abrdeth trys,
cuen by the ſpirit which be hath ginen vs,
1 Difference of (pirits. 2 How the fhirit o
God may bee —— fromthe ſpirit of posi 45
Ofthe loue of God,and of our neighbours,
De beioued,beleene not every (pirit, i
but trte rhe 2 {pirits whetherthey are of a Them which
Gov: foz many falle prophets are gone ont boak tbotthey
into the wold, haue the Spirit
2 Hereby foal pe know the ſpirit of Gon, to preach or
Cuery tptrite that confellerh that Jeſus prophefie,
t Chait ts come in the fleth,ts of Gon. b Who being
3 And euery ſpirit which contefleth net very God,came
that Jefus Cheiſt ts come in the fief, ts not from his Father
of God: but this is the pirit of Antichziſt, and tooke vpor
of whome yee haue heard, howe that bee him ourfieth,
eula come, and ¢ now already Hee ts inthe He thar contef-
world, eth or preacher
4 Little chion pearce of God, and haue thistrucly, hath
ouercome them : foz greater is hee that igin the Spiritef
pou then d he thatis inthe wold, God, elie note
5 `Thepareof the world, therkore ſpeake c He began to
tbey of the wolo, and the world heareth bùild the myftee
them, „tie of iniquitie.
6 CMceareof God, *heethatknowetf d Saanthe
God, © heareth vs : hee that is notof God, princeofthe ©
bearcth va not. Hereby know wee thelpirit world,
of trneth,and the ſpirit of errour. Ichn 8.47,
7 Beloued, let vs loue one another : foz) e With pureaf- ~
lone commeth of God, and euery one that teGion andobe- `
loueth is bozne of God,and knoweth Goo. dience,
8 Hethat loueth not, knoweth not Gon:
Foz God ts lone.
Toh 3:34,
and 15.50,
* Jn this fappeared the loue of God
toward vs,becauſe God fent his only begot⸗
ten Donne tito the world, that wee might
lite through bim,
Io Herein is loue,not that we loued Gov,
but that be loued vs, and fent his Sonne to
bea g reconciliation fo: our finnes.
Ir Beloucd,tf God fo loued vs, we ought
allo to loue one another.
12 *fAo man hath feene God at any time,
JE we loue oneanother,Gon dwelleth in vs,
and hts loue ts perfect in ps. :
13 Hereby knowe wee that Wee Twel in
him,and hein vs: becaule hee hath gluen vg
of bts Spirit. f
14 Gnd wee haue feene and doe teftifie,
that the father fent the Bonne co bee the
Hauiour of the wod?
John 316:
f Truethitis,
that God bath
declared. his loue
In many other
things, buz herein
hath pafled all
£ By his onely
John 1.18,
1 £13,616.
15 Mholoeuer *confefleth that Jefiis ig h Sothat his
the Donne of God, in hun dwelleth Gov, confeflion pro-
and hein Gov.
16 And wee haue knowen, and beleeued
A 333 the
ceedeth of faith,
Three witneffes.
[Ortoward us.
i By infpising ic
into Vs,
the tae that God hath iiin vs.God ia louz,
and bet toat dwelleth in teur, Dorclieth ix
od, and God in hini.
17 Herein is tye loue pertect in vs, that
we homd haue boldues in the Bay of iudge·
k Suchas(hould
troudle the cone
I For God pte-
fentetb himfelfe
to vsin them,
which beare his
ohn 13.34
and 15.12
a Isregenerate
by che vertue of
his fpsrir. `
b Theloue of
God muft gobe-.
fore,or els we can
not leue aright.
c They are eafie
to the fonnes of
God which are
led with his ſpi⸗
rit:forthey de-
_ light therein.
1.(6r.1 5:57:
d That is, rege
e The waterand
blood that came
out of his fide,
declare that we
hate our finnes
walled by bim,
and he hath made
full fatisfa@ion
ment: for as bee is, cuenio are we in this
world. ;
18 @yere is nok feare inlone, butper»
fect loue calteth out teare: to fear? Hath
painefulneſſe: and hee that feareth, ts net
perfect in lone.
19 (e ione him, becauſe be louen vs firit.
20 Jf any man fap, J loue Sod, and hate
his bzother, bee is aipar: foz! how can bee
that faueth not his brother whom bee bath
ſeene, loue God whom he hath noc eene?
21 *Qnathts commandement pane wee
of hin, that hee which loueth God, ould
loue His bꝛother alio.
1. 10.13 Ofthe fruites of fatb, 14.20 The
office, authoritie, and diuimtae of Chrifi. 28 A-
gainft mages. N
VW Hoſoeuer belecneth that Felts is the
Chit, is a bone of God, and euery
one that isucth him which begate, loueth
him allo which ts begotten of hun.
2 In this we know that weloucthe chil:
Been of Hod, wien we lone > God, and keepe
bis commandements.
3 For thisistheloucof God, that wee
keepe bis commandements : and his * com⸗
mandements are not: grieuous. ;
4 Foz all thatis boꝛne of God ouercom⸗
meth the wold: and this is the bictoztcthat
ouercommeth the wold, euen our faith.
5° “Uho is it that oucrcommeth the
wol, but hee which belecueth that Fetus
isthe ſonne of Gon? i
6 This is that gelus Chit that came by
a water © and blood, not by water onely, but
by water and blosv;and tt tt the! fpirtt,that
beareth witneſſe: for the ſpirit is e truth.
7 Forthercare three, which beare reco
inheauen, the Father, the Mord, and tke
boly Ghott; and chelethace are oue. -
8 Andthere are thee, which beare re⸗
forthefame. f Our minde infpired by the holy Ghoſt. g Which
veflifieth to our hearts, that we are the children of God.
{lOr,worthy and
a According to
godlineffe, and
not withany —
worldly affeGion
IIL Iohn.
codi the earth, the ſufrit, and the water,
and the bisod: and thefe three agree inone.
9 Ft we receiue the wirnede of men, the
witnette of Cot is greater; for thisisthe
wititelle of God, which hee teitificd of his
Bonnie. i
10 * Hee that beleeueth inthe Sonne of
Ooo, Hath he witneſſe tin himſelke: he that
beiceuctt not God, hath made Him a lyar,
becaule hee belecued not the recorde; that
God witneiled of his Bonne.
IL And this is tie record, that God hath
giuen vnto vs erernall lite, and this life is
in his Benne.
12 We that hath the Sonne, hath life; and
hee that hath not the Sonne ok God, hath
not life. g
13 ak things haue J written puto you,
that beleeucin the mame of the Sonne of
God, that yee may know that pee haus eter:
nall life, and that pee map belecue inthe
fame of the Donne of Go.
14 And this ts the aflurance, that wee
bant in him, * that tf wee alke any thing ac-
carding to his will, hje heareth vs.
Is And tf wee knowe that hee heareth
vs, whatfocucr wee afke, wee knowe that
Wee Hane the petitions that we paue Delired
16 Jf any man fee his brother Rune a
finne, thatis not vnto Death, lec him afke, ¢
He hall gine him life foz them that {inne not
tunto Death.” Chere ts a tinne i vnto death:
3 fay nat that thou ſhouldeſt pray for tt.
17 All vnrighteouſneſſe is Gnne,but there
isafinnenot vnto Death. :
18 Uee know that whoiocuer is borne of
God, * finneth not : but hee that is begotten
bf God, ' keepeth hinielfe,and them wicker
a toucheth btn not.
I9 Cic know that we are of Gov, and the
whole world ° lieth tn wicke dneſſe.
20 But wee knowe that the Sonne of
Godis* come, and hath ginenbsaminde God
to know hint, which tz true: and wee are in
bim that ts true, thatis, in his Sonne Jeſus
Cini: this fame is very P God, and etere
21 Babes, keepe pour (elues from 4 idols,
avs The fecond Epiftle of Iohn.
He writeth unto a certaine Lady, 4 Reisycing
that her childres walke iathetrueth, 5 And ex-
horteth them vnto loue, 7 Warneth themto be-
ware of fuch deceiuers as dente that Ieſus Chrifi is
come in the flefh, 8 Prayeth them to continue in
the doct/ ine of Chrzf?, 10 And to haue nothing to
doe with them that bring not the true doctrine of
Chrift Ieſus our Sauiour. .
ep aw Pe Elder tothe || elect Lavie,
ey and her chilozen, whome J
é lone inathetructh: aud not 3
a AY onely, but alfo atl that baue
WASP. kowen the tructh, :
— ** 2 forthe trucths {ake which
Dwelleth inss, and Halbe with vs foz ener:
3 Grace bee with pou, mercie and peace
from Gon the Father, and from the Lozd
Jetis Chik the onne of the Father, with
> trueth and loune.
4 Jretopced greatly, that J found of thy
children walking < in crueth, as we haug res
cetued a commandement ofthe Father.
§ Andnow belecch I thee Lady, (not as
wꝛiting anew commaundement vnto thee,
but that fame which wee had from the be-
ginning) that we * ioue one another.
6 Andthisis thelouc, that wee ſhould
walke after his || commaundenents. Chis
commaunDdement ts, that as yee baue heard
from the beginning, pee ſhould walke in ft.
7 For many deceiuers are entred inte
the world, which confefle not that Jems
Chik is come in the fleth. Vee that is hich
one is a deceiuer and an Eora
The finnevnto death.
John 3.36.
TDE God,
Matyi 21,
22,chap.2 22.
h Although cue-
ry finne bee to
death, yet God
through his mer-
cie pardoneth
his in bis Sonne
Mat.12 31. mar.
3-29 luke 82.10,
i Astheirsis *
whom God doth
fo farfake, that
they fall inte vte
k Giweth not
himfelfe ſo ouet
to finne,that he
forgetteth God,
l Takechheede
that he finne not,
m That is Satan.
n Wih a mortal
o That is, all men
generally as of
themfelues, liess
it were buried ia
Like 14 45.
p Chrift very
gq Meaning from
eucry forme and
fathion of thing
whichis fet vp
for any deuotion
to. worthip God.
b We cannot re-
ceiue the prace
of God, except
we haue the true
knowledge of
him,of the which
knowledge loue `
c According to
Gods word.
Tohn 15.12.
. God the Father
Walking inthe trueth.
d By (uffering 8 Looketo pour ſelues that we “tole not
ourfeluestobe the things which we haue done, but that we
feduced, may receme a full reward. ;
e Hethat paffeth Mhoſoeuere tranſgreſſeth, ct abideth
the limitsot pure notin the Doctrine of Chꝛiſt, hath not God,
doGrine, ine that continucth inthe Doctrine of Chik,
be hath both the Father and the Sonne.
Io HF there come any vuto pou, ans being
Rom.16017, not this dectrine, * recctue him not to boule,
III. Iohn. Inde.
Who denie Chriſt. 546
neither bid him, ‘God ſpeede. £ Haue nothing
Il For hethat bindeth bhim, God ſpeede, to dec witk him,
is partakcr ot pis enill Deedes. Although J neither thewhim
hav many things to wite vnto pou, pet J any figne of fa.
would not write with paper and inke; but J miliarity orace
truf tocome buto you, and {peake mouth to quaintance.
mouth that our top may be full.
11 The lonneso€ thine helcct ſiſter greet |lOr,worthy.
thee, Amen.
a The third Epiſtle of Iohn.
Hee it glad of Gaius that hee walketh in the
tructh, 8 Exherteth themto bee lowing untothe
poore Chriflians inthesr perfecution, 9 fheweth
the unkind dealing of Dyotrephes, 12 And the
good report of Demetrius. s
otay Pe Elder vnto the beloued
aa) Gaius whome J lone in the
tructh. i
j 2 Beloued,T with chiefiy
; ý thou prꝛoſperedſt & fared
ly conuerfation, well asthyſoule prolpereth.
as they which 3 JoJ reioyced greatly when the be-
haueboththe cthien came, and teftified of the trueth that ig
knowledgeand fthec,jowrboumalkeinthetructh.
feare of God. 4 Jhane no greater top then thts, that is,
b By keepng tObeare that mplonnes walke in? veritp·
hofpitalitie, $ Beloued, thou dock faithfully whatto-
c Ifthou furni- euẽr thou Doel to thebecthzen , eto b ran-
fheftthem with Sets, f
necefliries to- 6 Ahich bare witneſſe of thy loue beſore
wardtheiriour. the Churches, whom tf thou banget on
ney,knowing their iourncy,as it < belcemeth, according to
thattheLord © 90, thou fhalt doc well,
Gayth,He that 7 Becaule that for his names fake they
receiueth you,
receineth me,
a That is,in god-
went foosth, andtooke nothing ofthe Gens-
8 Tee therefore ought to recetue fth,
that we might be helpers to the trueth.
9 3 wote wntothe Church: but Dio⸗
trephes which loueth to baue the meemi
nence among them,recetueth bs not.
1o AMherekoreik ZT come, J will declare
bis Deedes which bee Doeth, pratling ae
gaint vs with malicious wordes, and noe
therewith content, neither be bimlelfe re-
ceiueth the bretheen, but forbiddeth them
that would, and thrutteth chem out of the
It Beloued, followe not that which is
eutli,but that whichis good; hee that Doeth
wellis of Go + but he chat Doeth euill hath
not # lecne God,
12 Demetrius hath good repost of all
micv,and of the trueth it ſelfe: peaand wee
our (eluesbeare recoꝛd, and pee know that
our recozD ts true,
13 Jhaue many things to write; but J
willuot with inke and pen watte vnto thee.
14 Fo? Itruſt J hall hoztly (ce thee,ana
twe Hall (peake mouth to mouth. Peace bee
with thee. The friends falute thee, Greete
the friends by name,
lOr, knowen.
The generall Epiſtle of Iude.
Aint Iude ddmonifHeth all
Churches generally to rake heede of deceiuers , which foe about to
draw away the hearts of tbe fimple people from the trueth of God , and willeth them to haue ne
focieti¢ with fuch, whom he fetteth foorth in their lively colours, fhewing by diuers examples of the
Scriptures, what horrible vewgeance is prepared for them: finally, hee comtorteth the fichfull, and
exhorteth them to perftuere in the doctrine of the Apofiles of Ieſus Chrift,
ty Fe AA UA DE a (eruant of Jefus
wy) (AVG Chat, ebzotherof James,
YO to them which are called and
S fanctified ? of God the Fa-
eye ther, andè referued to Jeſus
A Chit
2 The faithfull
ate fanétified of
in the Sonne by 2 Mercie vnte you, and peace, and lone
theholy Ghot. be multiplied.
b That he fbould
keepe you,lohn
c Againft the af
faults of Satan
and heretikes.
_ di That he fhould
keepe it for euer.
e Heconfirmeth
_ their hearts againft the conzemners of religion and apoftates, hew-
_ ing that fuch men trouble not the Church atall aduentures, but are
appointed thereunto by the determinate counfell of God.
3 Beloned, when J gane all diligence to
wite pita you ef the common taluation, tt
was necdfull foz me to write unta you, to er:
hort you, that pe ſhould carneftly < contend
foz che maintenance ot the faith, which was
d once giuen bunto the Saints.
4. Foꝛ there are certaine men crept in,
which were before of olde ordeined to this
condemnation ; vngodly men they are whith
turne the grace of our God into wantonnes,
and * dente God the onely Lod, and our
our Led Jeſus Chꝛiſt.
§ 3J will therefore put yon in remem⸗
brance,fozafinuchas pe once knew this,how
thatthe Lod after that bee ban Deltuered :
the prople out of Egypt, deſtroyed theni af ACum.14.37.
terward which f beleencd not. _ . £ Their incredue
6 The- Angels allo which kept not their lity was the foun-
firft || eftate, but left their owne habitation, taine ofall their
he hath referucd in euerlaiting chaines bn: ewill.
der darkeneſſe vnto the siudgement of the 2.Pet.2 4.
great Day. lOr original, ~
_As* Bonome and Gomorrhe, and g Then thalbe >
the cities abont them, which in Itke maner their extreame ~~”
ag they BID committed fornication, and fol: punitiment, —
lowed ftranre fleth, are fet forth fox anen- Gen. 19.24,35+
fasmple, and {uffer the vengeance of cternall h Mot horible
fire, ie <- pollutions,
a Likes
2, Pet. 2. 1.
Balaams wages.
i Which thew
themfelues dull
' and ivpudent.
-k Icis moſt like
that this example
was written in
fome of thofe
bookes of the
Scripture which
are now loft,
` Num.21,14,
lofh.10 13.
1 In Zecharie 3.
- 2 Chrift vnder
the name ofthe
Angel rebuked
Satan as know.
ing that he went
about to hinder
the Church: tut
here we are ad-
monifhed not to
feeketo reuenge
our felues by
cuill peaking,
burto referre
the thing to
m By their car-
nall iudgement,
Geu.4.8. Naum. 22 23-
3 Liketwile notwithſtanding theſe idea.
mers allo orfle the leh, and delpiſe gouern ·⸗
ment, aud ſpeake eutllof them that arein
9 Wee Michael the Archangel, when
hee ſtroue againit the deuill, and diſputed ae
bout the Body ot Mopſes, Durit not blame
hin with curlen {peaking, but fayd, ! Lhe
Lod rebuke thee. ` À
10 But thele peake enill of thofe things,
which thep know not re whatlocuer things
they know ™ naturally, as beaits which are
without realon, in thole things they corrupt
II Moe be bute thenr: fo: they batie fol-
lowed the wap * of Cain, and ave cati away
by the Decette * of Balaams wages, and pe:
tiib inthe» gaincfaping * of Core.
12 Thef are {pots oin pour teats ofcha-
ritie when they feat with pou, without? alf
Rare feeding themfelues : * cloudes they are
without water, caried about of winds , Coz
rupt trees,and without kruit, twile Dead, and
plucked bp by the rootes.
13 ,
foming out their owne hame: they are wans
Ding ttarres,to whom is reſerued the blacks
neſſe of Darkenelfe fo: euer.
14 And Enoch allo che (cuenth from A-
Dam, pzoplsticd of uch, laying, *4 Beholde,
n Foras Core, Dathan, and Abiram fofe
vp and [pake againft Mofes, fo duethefe againft them thatare in au-
thoritie. A um.
-faithfull kept,par
lieue the needie,
ofhisChurch, 2.Pet.2.17. Reuel tg.
16.1,2. O Thefe were generall fealtes which the
tly to proteſt their brotherly loue, and partly to re-
Tertul,in Apoleget.cap.39. p Eitherof God or
q Thisfaying of Baoch
_ might forthe worthineffe thereof haue been as a common ſaving a⸗
mong men ofall
times, or elfe haue beene written infome of thole
_ beokes which now remaine not: yet by the prouidence of God, fo
many are left as are able to inftruét vs in che faithof Ieſus Chrift to fale
uation, lohn 20.31. aos
the Lord commeth with thouſands of his
Gants, i
15 Cogtue tudgement again all men,
and to rebũke all thevngodlp among theni
of all their wicked deedes, Which they haue
vngodly committed, and of all their cructl
{peakings , which wicked linners hane ſpo⸗
ken agatnit him,
16 Chele are musmurers, complainers,
walking after tbeir owne luftes t: * whofe
mouthes [peake poun things, hauing mens
prong in admiration, becaule of a van
17 But ye beloued, remember the words
which were poken before of the Apolttes of
pur Lord Jeſus Chit,
18 Howe that thep tolde pou that there
ſhould bce mockers * inthe laſt time, which
po walke after their owne vngodly
19 Ghele are makers of fects, kleſhly, ha ·
utug not the Dpirit: ;
20 But, pee beloued, edific your ſelues in
a molt poly faith, paying in the bolp
They are the raging wanesoi the ſea, Ghoſt
21 And keepe pour felues imthe louc of
Gop, looking fo: the mercie of our Loꝛd Je⸗
fns Chat virto eternal tife. :
22 And haue compafiion of (ome, in put-
ting Difference:
23 And other fane wtth tfeare, pulling
them out of the fire,and bate euen the egar-
ment (potted bp the fieh.
24 Mowe vnto him thatisable to keepe
pou that pe fall not, aud to pzelent your fault-
lelle befoze the pꝛeſence of bis glory with
toy, i
25 That is, to God onely wile, our Sani-
Our, bee glozp, and maieſtie, and Dominion,
and power both now and fozencer Amen.
Makers of fects,
tT Ft vngodli⸗
nefle and ings
2.tꝛm. 3. 1.,3-3- ;
r Of regene-
f Some may
be wonne with
ther by fharpe-
— Awe
t By tharpere-
proofes to draw
them out of
u Hewilleth not
onely to cutoff.
the euill,but alfo
to take away all
occafions,which are as préparatiues,and acceflariesto the fame,
e The Reuelation of || lohn
the Divine. ©
iE ismanifeft, thatthe holy Ghoft would, asit wete, gather into this moft excelent Bookea fumme
of thofe prophefies, which were written before,but fhould bee fulfilled after the comming of Chrift,
adding alfo fuch things as (hould be expedient, as wellto forewarne vs. of the dangers to come, asto
admonith vs to beware fome, and encourage vs againft others. Hercin therefore is lively fer forththe
diuinitie of Chriſt, and che ceftimonies of our redemption, what things the Spirit of God alloweth in
the minifters, and what things he reprooueth : the prouidence of God for his ele &, and of their glory
Or, declared to
and confolation in the day of vengeance: howe that the hypocrites which fing like fcorpionsthe _
members of Chrilt hall be deftroyed, But the Lambe Chrift {hall defend them which beare witnefle
tothetrueth , who in defpight of che beaſt and Satan will reigne overall, The liuely defcription of
Antichrifi is fet forth, whole time and power notwithftanding is limited ; amd albeit thathe is permit-
ted to rage againft the elect, yet hispower {tretcheth no further thento the hurt of their Codies: and
at length he (hailbe deftroyed by the wrath of God , when as the eleét fhall give praile to God for the
vidtorie: neuertheleffe, for a feafon God wil permit this Antichrift,and Rrumpet vnder colougef fayre
fpeach and pleafaant do@rine , to deciue the world; wherefore he aduertifeth the godly ¢ are
but a {mall portion) to auoide thisharlots flatteries and brags, whofe ruine without mercie fhall
fee, and with the heauenly companies fing continual! prayfess forthe Lambe is maricd: théWord of
God hath gottenthe victorie: Satan that a long time was vntied,isnow caf with his minifters into
‘the pit of fre to be tormented for euer, whereas contrariwife the faithfull ( which are the holy citie
ofLerufalem, and wife of the Lambe ) (ball enioy perpetuall glory, Reade diligently, iudge foberly,
and call earne (tly to God for the trueVaderftanding hereof,
Kinges and Priefts.
1 Thecaufe of this reuelation. Of them that
reade it, 4 Lohn writeth to the [euen Churches. §
The Maiefire & office ef the fonne of God, 20 The
vifion of the CandleBickes and farres.
a Ofthings wie Reuelation of lesvs
which were bid NMiCurisr which > GDD
before. Ggaue vnto bin te Wew vnto
b Chriftrecei- AZ bislernants things which mut
ued this reuela Pease, otip bes Done:twhich hee tent,
tion out of his F and fhewed by bis Angel vnto
Fathersbofome is feruant Jobn, ;
ashisownedo- 2 C&bobarerccozd ofthe tod of Gov,
Grine, butitwas and Of the teftimony of Jefus Chꝛiſt, and ot
hidinrefpeQ of all things that be faw.
vs, fothatChritt 3 Blelled is hee that readeth , and they
asLordandGod that heare the words of this 4 prophefie, ana
teucileditto keepe thole things which are witten theres
Yohn hisferuant 1; fe? the time ts at ¢ band. z
bytheminiftery 4 Jobntathe ! euen Churches which
othisAngel,te ate in Alia, Grace be with pou t peace from
the edification of bim, Ciihtch * is, and CAbich was, CAbich
his Chureh, ts to come, and from the (eucnelpirits which
e Tetacgood atebefoze his thzone, ; ;
und bad. § Andfrom Jelus Chik, which is a
d Whichex- * faithfull witnefie, and * the ſitſt begotten
poundeththe Ofthe Dead, and Pince of the Kings of the
oldProphets, earth, vnto bimthatloucd vs, and waſhed
and fheweth bs from our finnes in dis * blood,
what(halcome 6 And made vs Kings and Bꝛieſta vn-
topafleinthe to God, cuen his Father,to him be glozp and
New Teftament. Dominion foz euermoze, Amen.
ee And began 7 Bebhold,hecommeth with*clouds,aud
cuen then. euery eye thallleehim : yea euen thep which
f Meaningthe * peartedD bin thot t and all kindreos of
Church vniuer- the earth thall waple | before bin. Cuen fe,
fall, Amen. i :
Exod 3.14 .8 Jrami Alpha and Dmega,the begin»
g Thatisfrom ning andthe ending, faith the Tord, Ajith
the holy Ghoft: £3, and Ahich was, and Which is to come,
or thefefeucn | euen the Almighty.
Spirits were mi . 9 J Jobn cuenyourbrother,and compas
nifters before mon in tribulation and in the kingdom anv
Godthe Father’ patienceof Jeſus Chꝛiſt, wasin the ple cal:
& Chrift,whom led Patmos, for the word of God, and foz the
afterhecalleth witnellingofPelusCyit.
the hornes and Io And J was ravithed tn fpirit on * the
eies ofthelamb, Loꝛds day, and heard bebind mee a great
chap.s.6Ina Boyce, as tt ad bene ofa trumpet,
Yikephrafe Paul 11 Gaping, J am! Alpha and Omega,
takethGod,and thefirftandtictat : and that which thou
Chriftand the feeit, wite if a booke, and fend tt vnto the
Angelstowit- ®feuen Churches which are in Alia, vnto
nefle,1, Tim. Cphelus,andentoGimyna,aud vnto Pere
2.21. ganus, ans punto Thyattra, and vnto
* Pfal.89.37. Dardissand onto Philadelphta, and vnts
2-Cor.15.10.23. Laovicea. — YNSG Hh —BV
Colofr.18 12 Then F turned backe to lee thervoice
Hebr.9 i4 aac £4 F2EUESY SSA ES Ui OSA
E pet.1.19. 1, iol, pet.2:§, Mats 24.30% i2 3.14 de. 14,
h They that contemned Chrift,and moft cruc Hy perfecuted him,ard
puthim tode th, (hall then acknowledgehim, (Or, far him. Chap.
21,6.and.22.13, i AlphaandOmegaare the firft and laft Jettersor
the abc of the Greeke. . kK Which fome cal] Sunday : S: Paulthe
firft day of the weeke, seCor.1 6,2, acte⸗ 20.7. ånd it was'eftablifhed
after that the TewesS wasabolifhed’ 1 Lam he before whom
nothing was, yea, by whom whatfotuerismadt, was'madeyandhee
that fhall ramaine when all things fhall peiit euen Lam the erernal!
God. m Ofthe which fome were fallen others decayed : fome
wese proud : others negligent ? fo thar heefheweth remedy for all,
@ That é;bim whofe voyce I heard: vi *
The feuen candleftickes. 547
that (pake with mee: and when J was tur-
ned, J law o fuen golden candlettickes, o Meaning,the
13 And in the middes of the leuen can · Churches,
Dieltickes one like vnto the r fonne of man, p: Which was
clothed with a garments Downe to thefeet, Chrift, the head
and girded about the paps with a golben ofthe Church,
girdle. q Asthe chicle
I4 His head, and haires were f whiteag priet,
white wosl, and as (new, and his epegwoe r For in him was
asa‘ flameoffire, | fo Concupif.
Ig Andbisfeete like vnto f fine "bafe, cence swhich is
burning ag in a furnace : and bis* voyce ag Signified by git-
the found of many waters. ing the loynes.
16 Aud he bad in his right hand ſeuen f To fignifie his
7 tartes tŒ out ofhis mouth wert az tharpe wifedome, eter.
tivo edged [word ; and bis face thone asthe sitie, and diui<
funne thineth in bis ffrength. nity,
17 And when J (awe bim, J fellathis t Tofee the te
fecte as dead: then he layd his right hand cretsofthe =~
bpon me, faving nto me, Feare not; Jam beart.
the * b ſirſt and laft; llOr, alcumine,
18 And am aliue, but wasBead : and u Hisiudge-
bebold, J amaltue fo: euermoꝛe, Amen: and ments and wayes
J haue the «kepes of belland ofdeath. are molt perfe&
Ig Arite the things which thou Hat x Both becauſe
fecne, and the things whitey are, anb the all nations prayfe
things which thall come 4 hereafter. him, and aifo his
20 The myltery of the tenen ars which wordishestrd
thou fame < in my right band, and the ſe⸗ and preached ~
uen golden candleftickes, isthis, The ſeuen through the
farresarethe! Angels of thefenen Chute world,
ches tann the fenencandlefticks which thow y Whichare
fawr mare the fenen Churches, the paftours of
BE j the Churches.
£ ‘This word fignified bis word and the vertuethercof, as isdecla-
ted, Heb.g.18.13. Dazi0.8,9, a Tocomfortme 1/2.41.4 6
44.6.- b Equall God withthe Father, and erernall.. c That,isjpows —
erouerthem, d Inthelatterdayes, ¢Inmyprote@ion f Tha
is, the minifters, Mal,2.9.
He exhorteth foure Churches 5'Torepentance,
10 To perfewerance, patience and amendment, nsd
5-14.20. 23: Afwell by threatenthgs,7.30.17. fc He
26. As promifes of reward, Siew tn Tag
5 (ecm the» Aneel of the Church of Œ a To the Paftor
phelus wite, hele things faith be that orminifter
> holdeth the fuen ſtarres tis bis < tight whicharecale =
hand, and 4 walkech inthe middes of the ſe · led by thisname, ©
ueu golden tandleſtickes hecauſe they are
2 Iknow thy workes, and thy labour, Godsmefiens —
and thy patience, and hoto thou cant not geis and haue
forbeare them which are tuill, and baft era- theiroffice com- —
minced them which fay they are Apofties, mon with Iefus
and are not, and baft found themiyars. . Chrift, whoalfo
3° And thoudatt ſuffeted, and Hatt pati- is calledan An-
ence “and kor my names ake batt laboured, gel.»
and hatt not fainted KReade Chap; |
SE cues thelcte; J hane omewhatagaiit 11g. 8 i
thee, becaule thou haft lett thy tit e lone. e Inhispros
” § Remember therefore fram whence thon rection.
att falten and repent.¢ do the fir workes; å According to
ol els J willtome againſt thee ſhortly, and hispromife,
will remoone thy! candleficke ont of bis Mat.28 20. he
place, erceptchon emend, will be with thems
——— tdo the end oſthe
worlds? & "THe fitt loue that chou hadit toward Godan’ thy neigh
bour at the ſirſt preachins of the Golpel. ` f The office of the paltor
is compared to a candlefticke or lampe, forafmuch as bee cught te
fhine before men,
3333 6 But
Balaams doctrine.
g Thefe were he-
_ retikes which
hele chat wives
fhould be com-
mon, & as fame
thinke, were na-
med of onetal-
led Nicolas,of
whom is writs
ten, Acts 6.5.
which was eho⸗
ſen among the
| h Meaning,the
liſe cuerlalting:
| “thus by corporall
benefits he ray-
feth them vp to
confider ſpirituall
bleflings: |
i This isthought
t be Polycar,
pus, who was 6
sainifter of
yseres, aihe himt
whemhe wasked
Chrifts eauſe.
k The eternall
Diuiaity of Lefus:
Chritkisos oss
here moft plaine-
Ay declined wish
_ his manhgod,
and victory ouer
death, te allure
his that they
fhal not beo-
Yercome by.
Ì This wasthe
meth the authour
31.41. numb, 14. 22, althoughthere Ma lbee comig tand rele;
f r The fithtisthe naturall death of the hody ,-thefecondtis, the
eternal death. ; from. the whieb all are free that belecue in lefas
Chriftlohn 5,24, . £ The word of God is the [worde with two eda
ges Hebi.4.12. t Alltownes and countreyes. whenge; Gods word
and good huing is banithed , arethe throne of Satan yandal ;
places whesethe word is not preached fynecrely, andin tight
reformed, u Inthe very heate of perfecution and flaughrer of thé
Martyrs, they continued inthe pure faith, and thereſore ate comens,
dedafrera fort,
> pethat isfri
: jA ahd ae so
in the pirit
felfecoukefledoy |
to be burned for;
6- But thisthou hats that thou bate
—— ofthe e Qicolaitanes, which J ai.
ohate. 9°29 3 BS
7 Let him that hath an cave, he are what
the: Spirit faith vato the Churches Co
him that ouercomumetl), wiil J) gine to eat of
thetrec at lie, which isin the mid des of
the Paravite of God. j
8. C And vnte thei Angelot the Church
of che Smyzntans wꝛite, hele things ſaith
tpandlah, which was dead,
AND is kalype Gis: IEn Ain an yuyan
9 J knowe thyworkes and, htribulation,
ang pouerty, (but thou art m rich) and
know the blaſphemy of them, which tay they
are Jemes, and are = not; butare the Opna⸗
gagu? of Satan: ~, Ki TERT
10 Feare none of thole things, which
thou ale uiers beholoe, itthall come te
pate, that theo Denil wailcaſt ſome of you
into prifon, that yee map ber tryed, and pe
thai! haus tribulation 9 teu Bayes + be thou
fatthivilwnte the death, and will giue chee
the crowne oflife,
vethitea the Churches. Ne that
onercommeth ſhal ot be Durt ofthe tecons
Da. naika ie vaig oiT of
T Anata thea nasi of the Church which
isat Pergamus write, Chis fayeth hee
wbich path. the Marpe £ (wod: with. two
RDGES; iei eiai! mags
I3 J knowethy workes and where thou
dwelleſt, euen where: atang thone is and
thoukeepeſt my Mune, and haſt not dented
m faith euenun thole dayeg when Anti⸗
pas my Eaith full marty: was lane among
pou, uiere Datandwelleth, sso
14 Gut 3 haue afewe things againſt
thee, becanie thon bait there them that
maintaine thes Doctrine of Balaam, which
taught Balacto putsa ſtumbling blocke be ·
fore thechilda en of Riach, thas hep Couid
kate ot thinges ſacriſdedn wate wos, aim
commit forncation. —
Ig Euen lo hak thou then, that mains
tainethe doctrincofthe Micolattans, which
» thing J bates.
ARBiy? aid.
f treafurese; vo ho!
| no Eheyare,not.,
| Abmbamsebil- > 7 eal
, the Spirit fapeth vuco the Churches. Ba
| tothe, faith, i43
© Here he na-.-
546 Repent thy elfe , 02 cls, 3] will, come
wnt thee Woptly,) ang will Habt- ageing
then with the ſword ef mpMOUt he cioa voy
17 Let him that hath aneare heave what
Din that suercomunceh, will J glie to cace
ofthe panna chat is y HD, and will giue
| ofall ourcalamity, incouraging ys manfully to fight againiibim, in
| promifing vsthe vitory,, ip; The ende ofaffi ction is,
añdnot deftroyed, q Signifying many, times Pate Be 18:
and maners aright
x, Allfuch arelike counfellers to Balaam, whic
| fos lucre perfwade to Idolatry or whoredome. Nari. a3, 14-2 S055
| y Ant notcommontoail,
bathanear2 hears what z
ele |, 2
him a: white lane, and inthe tone a2 new
name witten, which no man knoweth la⸗
— —* —— > i 87
nD vnto the Angel ofthe Chutch
whichis at Thyatira write. Thelethings
——— — of ity wbich bath bis
j sevnto a Hameof tire, and his feet
like |) fing bza fe. i A i í
19 J know thy workes and thy lone, and
Plerutecand Faith, and chy patience,anD thy
workes, and thatchey are moe at thelat then
20 Motwithkanding , J bane a fewe
things againtt thee, that thou ſuffereſt tye
woman * € Jezabel, which caliech Yer fellea
Pꝛopheteſſe, to teach ana co Decetue my fer
tants, tomakethem 4 conimic fomication,
and toeate meate facrificed unto Idoles.
21 And J sane her {pace torepencof her
foznication, and hye repented not.
22 Bebold, J wiilcatt yer inte a bed and
svete aa —— fornication with her iuto
eat attuction, except they repent them of
thelr workes T ——
23 AND: J will kill her e chimen with
Deaths analt rye Churches Wall knowe
tbat Iam he which * earch the reines and
dearts: aud. J will gue to eucrie one of
pou according vnto pour workes, «sa «et
24 And vñto pou, Flay, the ret of them
of Chyatira, As many as haue not thts kars
nuig, neither haue knomen the foeepenefic
of Satan (as e they peake) I wail put vpon
you none other burtch: oef) SeS W
25, Bntchatwhicy ye haue alveady, Hold
fait tilt COMB arise! alesii T EENE
= 26 JFoz bee that ouercommeth ano kee:
peth mp Workes unto the cuve,to him wili F
glue Power otter nations,
"27. “Ano, bee fal: rulethem with aron
of hin’ d'as the vellels of a porter fall
thep be broken... a ROLLEI
«28, Cues as I terelte. of my. Father, fo
wiil, wile Din the nigtting RATE e
29 Lethinrthat bath an eare,heare what
the Dpitit faith tothe hurches.. -. -
17: 10. f The falfe teachers termed their do@rine
The fearcher of the heart.
z Sucha ſtone
was wont to be
giuen vnto the™
that had gotten
any victory or
prifeia figne of
therefore it figs
nifieth herea
token of.Gods
fauour & graces
alfoit wasa lione
tbat one was
cleared in iudge⸗
a Thenewe
name alſo ſigni⸗
ficth renoume
and honour.
b- Lohelpe the
Kingi S: 31,
c ‘As that harlog
lezabe} maintai.
ned Grange reli
pion, and ¢xers _
cifedcruelty a=
gainftthefer- ·
uaatsof God, fo
are there among
them that. dos
the hike. a
d They that cone
fenttoidolatry -
and ſalſe do⸗ xs
Grine, commit
fpirituall whorge
dome, whereof —
followeth core ©
porall whores
LE nee ee
e “Them that fo!
low her waycs.
i. Sam i 6 7. pfas
by thisname,
asthough it conteinedthe molhdeepe knowledge of hezuely things,
and wasin deede drawen out of tl
— 5 monilrous crrouts and blafphcmics,
of lezabel. P/al,2.9. torts TTD T
Fab eke Bt A A Aa i
the Churches, or miniftersta the
Hee exhorteth
tru profeffion of faith, andro watching, ra Wr:
uit nets
athe Angelotthe Chuteh
dt, Thele things faith:
promsfes iothem that per[cnére,
A Bove bil
FY 13 MR
he hrr Hath thelenen. 2
the ſcrien ſtarres
thon hat a name th·
pitits of Gop, aty
it thon.: linet, but thon
lon Smo) fA. 3)
Litreng then the wings
— Ei
workes pertite Befo
hich rematne thal
IULI „found. j4
receined and heard, and.holoofalk,. and re-
pam esngw the: Anabaptitts,-Liber — ae
nowe thy workes: io,
3 emende tetto, bobe honba
he deepedungeon af helt: by fach
ins & c, Verá
g The chitdren
a The minifter
liucth when he
bringeth foorth:,
goed fruit, els.
cis dead. -
Chapa 6.155. .
ithe £5.26
| pente * TE thereloꝛe thou wut net ate 2Pste31B.
©f perfeuerance.
`y J will come on thee as a thife, and thou
sat Ue know what boure J will come vp⸗
on thee.
hOr perfons. 4 tea E A thou bak afew i names
b Eitherby con- yetin Sardi, which hauenot > defies their
fenting to idola- garments, and they Wall walke wity mec in
ters, orels pollu- white: foz they are wozthy.
Chap.itij.. *
| The fourebeafts. 548
Ig As many as J loue; P* rebuke and Prias.j.12.
chaiten: bee ™ zealous therefore and a · 4e6b. 12·3.
mend. m Nothing Age
20 Behold, J andat the Dooe, and diplesteth God \
knocke. 3fany man beare my voyce anv o: then indifferency >
pen the Doope, 3 willcomeinwnto him, and and coldneffein
ting their con{ci-
5 He thãt ouercommeth,fhall be clothen
ence withany in white aray, and J will sot put vut bis
cuill, name eut of the * Wooke of life , but. Jwill
Chap.20,12.and confe his name befe: mp Fatyer.and be»
21, 27. faze bis Angels. X
phil, 4-36 6 Let hunthat hath ancate,beave what
F [422.2% the Spirit faith vnto the Churches.
100.1214. 7 C Ant write vnta the Angel of the
c Whichfigni- Church which ts of Philadelahia, Chele
fieth that Chit things fayeth bee that ts Holy and Crue,
hath al thepower which haththe * < kep of Danit, which ope»
ouer the boule of neth and no man ſhutteth, and ſhutteth ana
Dauid which is
the Church, ſo
that be may ei-
ther receiue or
pur out who n, he
å Which isto
aduance the
kingdome of
e 1 will caufe
themin thy fight
to humble them-
felues, & to giue
due honour to
God, and his
fonne Chrilt.
f Letno man
plucke them 2-
way,which thou
haft wonné to
God, fer they
arethy crowne,
as S. Pauluri-
reth,faying, Bre-
thren,ye are my
ioy and my
g Thatis;Traeth
i feife,
h Of whom ali
creatures haue
their beginning.
i Perfwading thy
felf of that which
thou “haft not.
k Thus the hy-
poctites boalt of
their own power,
and doe not vn-
derftand their
infirmities to
feeketo Chriſt
for remedie,
f Suff'rthe eyes
of thine vnder-
ftanding ro be
no man openeth.
8 Iknow thy workes: behold, 3 bane
fet before thee an open 4 Booze, and no maint
can ſhut it: for thou bak a little ſtrength;
and bak Kept my word, and haf not dented
mp Mame, { ;
9 ehem, J will make them of the
Hynagogue st Satan, which call them-
ſelnes Jewes and are not, but Doe lic: be
bolte, Ifay, J will make them that thep
ſhall come ande wozfhip befoze thy feet, and
Hall Knovachat J haue loued thee.
Io Becaule thou hak kept the word of
mp patience, thetefoze 3- willaciiner thee
from the houre of tentation, which wil come
vpon all the wold stg trp them that dwell
bpon the carti.
Il Behoide, 3 come Hostip: holde that
which thou bat , that no man take thy
f crowne. ' '
12 un that ouercommeth, will J make
a pillar in the Temple of mp Gad, and Hee
ſwall goe tio moze out : and J will write vps
on YUN the Rame of mp God, E the frame
ofthe citteof my God, whichis the new Fe=
rufalem, which commeth Downe out of hea-
uen from mp God, and I will write vponhim
my feo name.
13 Let him that bath an eare, beare what
the Dpirirfarth vnto che Churches.
I4 And vatothe Augelofthe Courch of
the Laobiceans wite , Thele things layeth
g Amen, the faithtulland true witũeſſe, the
‘beginning ofthe creatures of Gon.
I5 Iknow thy workes, that thou art nei-
a ain 02 hot :F would thou wereit colo
02 g . > A e Í i
I6 Gherefoze; becaliſe thou art lukes
warme, and neither cold naz bota it wilt
come to palie, chat J ſhall (puc thee out of
mip mouth.
17. Forthon ſayeſt, J ami rich and in-
creafed with goods, and haue * need oF nos
thing ,and knowelt not bow thou art wet
thia, and wmilerable , and pooze, and blinve,
9— — —* aa aoa
18. J,countell thee to buy of me gold tried
the 4, at thou mayelt bee made rici,
and white raiment, that thou wayett bee
clothed, anv that thy filtbic nakedneſſe doe
not appeare: and! anopnt thine epes with
eve falie, that thou mapeh (ee.
wili lup with bun, and he with me, `
21 To hun that ouercommeth, will F
graunt to ltt with me in my v thaone, cues
as J oucrcame, and Gt with my Father in nor zealousand
his thꝛone.
22 Let him that hath an eare, heare what
the Spirit laith vnto the Churches.
1 The vifion of the Maiefire of God, 2. He feeth
the throne & one fitting upon it, 8 and 24 feates
about with 24 elders fitting vpom them, and
foure beafts prayfing God day and night.
A Fter this J looked, and bebetd.a 2 doore
Was open in heauen, and the firt votce
whichZ beard, wasas it were of a trumpet
taiking with me, faping , Come vp hithers
and J will thew thee things which muſt be
Dare hereafter. ay
2 And immediatly J was reuithed in the
{pitit, andbeholn, a thzoie was (et in beac
uen, and one late vpon the tiene.
3 Aud > bee that late, was to lcoke upor
like vnto a Jalperftene, ta Bardine, anz
there was a rainbow round about the throne
in fightlike bute Eineraud. ee
4 And round about the throne were foure
and twertyicates,anD-vpon theleats 3 fa
c fante ant twenty Civers fitting, clothen
in white rapinent , and had on thetr heades
crownes of gala.
§, And out of the thene 4 proceeded
elighttings , and thundzings, and votces,
and there were ſenen lamps of fireburning
beloved the theone, which are the ſeuen (pirits
9 s, a
99, Zi A
6 And-beforethe thone there wasa f fea
of glaſſe like vnto s charitall: ein they mins
Bi rhethzone, and round about the-thzone
were foure ® beaites fullof epes before and
behinde. j {
7 Aud the firt beaſt was like alion, and
the ſecond beat ikea calfe, and the thira
veat had a face as aimans and, the fourth
beait was like å flying Cagle.
8° And the tourebeattes had each oneof
them lire winges about hun: and they were
full ok eyes within, and they ceafed not Day
nopnight, faping, i:* Palp, boty, hol, Lord
God Auntahtyccibich was, and Ahtch 135
aud which is to.come.: shod) Sods
9 And when thoſe beaſis gaue gloꝛy, and
honour, and thankes ta him that ace oi the
thzone.twbich itueth kor euer andeuer,
1o The foure and twentie Eiders feil
Dowite before him that fate-on the throne,
and wo2hippen him, that liueth for euere
moy tand cal their cromnucs before the
thzone,faylag, j Hf UAT
teach vs patiẽce.
` of the Father'and
, Jightning vnto va
» thundertothe
HB why 5) 9% 4 dirog VaRtablencfe,) |
y isascleere as chriltall heloretheeyesof God , tecaulerthereis |
nothing init fo little that is hid-from bim.: {| Or, vad-r the, thrones
religion,& theres
fore he will (pew
fuch out as are
n Inmy ſcate
royallandco bee
partaker of mine
hheauenly ioyes.
a Before that hee
make mention of
the great aſfli-
Gionsiof the
Churebyhe fee- ·
tethfoorththe v —
maieſtie of Gody
by whofe wiil,. .
wifedom & proe
uidence all things
are created and |
goucrned, to
b He deſeribetn
the divine and c: `
ble vertue of
God the Father, >
aschap.5.6, and. —
the Sonne, who}: —
‘is ioyned with >
him. shiek
c By theſe are
meantall thehe= |
lycompanyof |
the heauens, rs
d From ý throné
the Sonne pro- |
ceedeth the holy
Ghoft, who ha-
uing al] but one
throne,declare 1
the vnitie of the |
Godhead. }
e The holy-
Ghoftisasaoa |
that beleeue, and
asa fearefull ,
f. The world ig
compated toa
fea, becanfeaf.» |
the changes and
b. They are called Cherubins,Ezck.4.0 20. i Weare hereby taught
to giue glory to God in all his workes, I/z,6.3. k They willchae f
lenge no au horitie,honour,nor powerbetore God,
3334 i Thou
The prayersof the Saints
Chap. 5008, rE Chouart * worthy, D Lord, tore:
cetue glop and honour, and power: for thos
paft created all thinges , and foz thy witlles
fake they are, and haue beene created,
1 He feeth the Lambe opening thc booke, 8.14
And therefore the foure beaſts, the 24 Elders and
' the Angels praiſe the Lambe , and doe him wor-
fhip, 9 For thesr redemption and other benefits,
= 12D J (aw inthe right hand of him that
a A fimilitude A fate vpon the thzoie, 2a Booke witten
taken ofearthly : torthin y andon the backelide, lealed with
ptinces,which | 6 fenen feales, i
ludge by bookes 2 gnd Jl faw aftrong Angell, which
| and writings: preached with aloud voyce, Uba is woꝛthy
l andhereit doeth fo open the Booke, aud to loole the Seales
fignifieallthe thereof? $
counſels, and 3 AnDnomaninhrauen, no: in earth,
iudgemcntsof ` either vnder the earth was able to open
God,whichare the Booke neither to looke thereon.
onely knewen = gE hen J wept much , becaule no man
| to Chriftthe > qwas found wozthy to open, and to reade the
fonne oi Daid, Booke, neither to looke thereon.
veteg. § And oncof the Clders tayu bite mee,
| b Thatis, manys GCicepe nots behola,the* Lion which ts of
| Gene 49.9 the tribe of guda , the roote of Danin, bath
Rs: obtepned to open the Booke, and to loole the
Guen leales thereof. i
6 Then beheld, and lore in the middes
ae of the throne, and of the foure bealts, andun
€ Thisvifion + the middes of the Elders, taon ac Lambe,
confirmeththe ` as thong h hee had beene killed, which had
pom ofour ` ſeuen hornes sanne fencn eyes, which are
| Lordreuswhich the teuen{ptrits of God, fent into all the
f istheLambeot world.
“God that taketh 7 And he came andtookethe booke out
away the ſinne of of the right band of bimtbat tate vpon the
the world.: ) throne.
d That is;mani- S And when hee had taken the Booke,
| foldpower. the toure bealtes, and the toure and twenty
f e Signifyingthe Elders ttell Downe betore the Lambe; ha⸗
the fonte € twentte Elders fell Downe, and
worhipped hin that linech for encritioze.
The Lambe openeth the fixe fcalesy and many
things follow the opening thereof fo that this cone
terneth a generall propiefie to the end of the
A Fter, J bebete when the Lambe had
openedone2of the feales , and F heard
one of the foure beaſtes fap, as it were rhe
t nopfe of thunder, Tome and (ee.
2 heretoze J bebeld,andlee, there was
&¢ white horſe, and he that dfate on bun, bad
a bowe, and accowne was given ynta him,
and he went forth conquering, that he might
3 And when hee had opened the fecond
pee J beard thelecond deak fay, Come
and fee.
4 Andthere went out another hoꝛſe, that
was € red, and power was giuen to bim that
f fate thereon, to take peace from the earth,
and that they fhould kill one another, anv
there was ginen vnto him a great ſwoꝛd.
And when bee badopened the third
feale, 3 heard the third beaſt ſar, Come and
fee. Chen F behetd, and loc, £a blacke horie,
ao he that fate on btn, bad balances tn bts
Power to take peace fromtheearth, `
a The opening
of the feale is the
declaration of
Gods will, and
the execating of
his iudgements,
b Signifying,
that there were
thingste come,
¢ The white
horfe fignifieth
innocencie, vi-
Gorie,and felici-
tie, which fhould.
come ty the
preaching of the
d Hethat rideth
on the white
horfe,is Chrift.
6 And J heard avoyceinthe midvesof e Signifying the
the foure beattes lay, 4 © mealurt of wheate
foz a! penp , and three meafures of barley
fo? a peny, anDople, and wine burt thou
7 And when hee had opened the fourth
feale, J beard the voyce of rhe fourth beatt
fay, Come and fee.
8 And Jlosked,; and beholde, a k pale
bale, and hts name that fate en him was
Death, and | Mell followed after him, and
power was ginen buto them ouer the fourth
part of the earth, to kill with ſword. x with
cruel warres that
enfued when the
Gofpel was refije
f Who was Sa-
g This fignifietb
an extreame fas
mine and want
ofall things, -
h The Grecke
word fignifieth
» fulnefle of the
I Spirit which
Chrift pewreth
$ nall,
Dx Angels
È God: c
of the faithfull
ate agreeable
| AGsro:4.and
f chaps 3,
= honour Chrift:
vnto God preade
= uing tuerpone harpes and golden vialics
full of odours, which are the s prayers of
9 And they fung a new ong, faving,
Thon art worthy to take the Booke, and to
open theleales thereof, becaute thou watt
killed , and haft redeemed vs to God by
thy bleod out of every kinred, and tongue,
g This declareth and people,and nation,
how the prayers
10 Aud haft mave bs vnto our © D D
*Kings and Peieſts, and wee Halli reigne
onthe earth. :
IL Then J beheld,and F heard the toite
of mény Angels round about the throne, and
about the bealtes and the Eiders, and there
hunger, and with Death, and with thebeats chat meafure
of the earth. which was ordi-
9 And when hee had opened the ! fife narily giuen to
ſeale, J fato vnder thealtar ™ the foules of ferwants for their
them that were killed kor the word of God, portion or Rint
Aa foz the teftimonie which they maintai⸗· ofmeate fer one
nen. i
Io And they tryed with a londe poyer,
faying, ow lorg.Le2d,boly and truc!doct
not thouindDge Eauenge our blood on them
that Dwellon earth?
II And leng white robes were ginen vn:
to euery one ang it was ſaid vnto them,that
they Hould ret foz alittle feafon,vnert their
i Which zmoun-
tedto about
foure pence halfe
K Whereby is
meant fickenefle,
plagues, pefti-
| h Our Sauiour were thoufand thouſands,
Iefus hath redee- : 3
medhis Church {8 the * Lambe that was killed , to receiue
bybisblood- · power, and riches , and wiſedome, and
Sheddingjand ga. ſtrength, and honour, and glozte, and
thereditofall ` prape.
fellow ſexuants, and their bzethecn that
Mould be killed eucn as they were, wers ful
12 Saying with aloud voyce, CClorthy Allen
g *
12 And J bebelae when bee had opened
the fittfeale, and loc, there was a great
eatihquake,and the ° fune was as blacke
as r fackcloth of haire, and the 9 moone was
lence,and death
of man & beak,
| Or,the graue,
1 The continvall
perfecution of
the Church noe
ted hy the fife
A 2.Pet 29,
Dan 7. 10.
f Cbep arr.
R Andall the creatures which are fn
heauen, andon the earth, and vnder the
i) iNotcorpotally, earth, and inthe fea, tail that are tn them,
Heard Iſaying, Praile and honour ahd glo-
ric and power bee vnto him that fitteth tp:
on the thone and vnto the Lambe fez euer:
- EL Anathe foure beatts fad, Amen,ana
like blood. feale;
: ; oe ar m The foules of
the Saintsare ynder the altar, which is Chrift, meaning that they are
in his ffe cuftodie in the beanens, n Which fignificth the change of
the true do@rine, which js the greareft caufe of motions,and troubles
that cometo the world, @ Thar is, the brightneffe of the Gofpel.
p Thetraditionsof men. qg The Church miferably defaced with
idolatry and afRicted by tyrants,
. 13 Ana
. feemeto beas
_ofthe foure
——= ee
z- DoGors and 13 And the r arres of heaven kell vnto
preachersthat © thecarth, asa figge tree caſteth ber greene
depart from the figs, when itis Haken of a mightic winde.
tructh, — I4 And heauen Departed away, asa
f The kingdome ſcrale when it is rolled, and enerp mou.
of Godishid ,& tatneand Sle weremoued ont of their plas
withdrawen from ces,
men,andappea- Iş And the Kingsof theearth, and the
rehnot. great men, aud che rich men, and the chicfe
t Realmes,king- captaines,and the mightpmen, and eüery
domes andper- boud man, and euery tere man, id them:
fons,thatdid ſelues in dennes, and among the rockes of
the mountatnes, —
— 16 And fayd to thet mountaines ¢ rocks,
asmountaines, = * ® Fallon bs,and hide vs from the prelence
Iſa.2.19.hoſe. okhim that litterh onthe thaone, and from
10.3 dk. 23,30 the wath of the Lambe. \
u Such men at- I7 Foz the gteat Day of his wath is
terward,of what come, and who can tand?
ekate foeuer they
bethalibe defperate , andnot ableto fultaine the weight of Gods
wrath, but fall continually feare his iadgements,
ftable in the faith
4 9 He feeth the feruants of God fealed in their Am
foreheads out of all nations and people, 15 which
though they fuffer trouble, yet the Lamhe feedeth
them,leadeth tiem tothe fountaines of liung wa-
ter, 17 aud God [hall wipe away all teares from
them eyes.
A Pv after that, J law foure angels Cand
on the foure corners of the earth , bold-
a TheSpiritis ing thefoures minds of ther earth that the
compared to Winds Houid not blow on the earth, nether
winde,andthe onthe ica,neither on any 4 tree,
‘doGtrine alfo: 2 And ZF lawe another | Aneel come bp
andthonghthere from the Cait, which had the feale ofthe li⸗
beone(piric and uing GoD and Hee cryed with a loud boyce
onedoGrine, yet tothefoure Angels to whom power Was gi-
foureare here uen to hurt the earth,and the (ea,
‘named inrelp-& -3 Daytug . © Hurt penotthe earth, net:
of thediuerfide ther the (ea, neither the trees, till wee baue
ee the ſeruãts of our God in their forg
qua:tets of the x
4 And J head the number of them,
earth where the
‘Gofpel is ſpread, which were ſealed, and there were fealed san
end forthe foure Hundzeth and foure and forty thoufand of al
writersthereof, the tribes of thechtlozen of Iſrael.
andthepreachers § DE the trite of Juda were fealed
‘ofthe fame tho- twelue thoufand. DE the tribe of Reuben
were fealed twelue thouland. Df the tribe
world, of Gad were fealed tweluethoutand.
b Meaningtthe 6 Dfthetribe of Aler were feale twelue
men of theearth. thoufand.Of rhe the tribe of Mephtait were
c Tharisthe fealeBtweluctiouland.Df the tribe of ga-
‘ylands. naffes were fealed twelue theuland.
d Signifying all P DE thetribe of Simeon were fealed
row thewhole
men in generall, twelue tyonland. DF the tribe of è Leni
who canno more were ſealed twelue thouland. DF the tribe
Jue without this :
fpiriruall doGrine , then trees can bloffome and beare, exeept the
winde blow vponthem. ff Or, (braff: -e God preuenteth the
‘dangers and euils , which otherwife would ouerwhelme the elect.
f Thofethat are fealed by the Spirit of God , and marked withthe
` “blood ofthe Lambe , and lightned in faith by the word of God, fo
that they makeopen profeflion of the fame are exempted from euil,
Though that this blindneffe be brought into the world by the ma-
“Jee of Satan, yet the mercies of God reſerue to himfelfe an infi-
_ nite number which thall be faued , both of the Iewes and Gentiles
‘through Chrift. h He omitteth Dan, and putteth Leni in , whereby
he meaneth the twelus tribes. :
ee oe
p ae ee ee jes a
Chap. vij, viij. The endleffe iove
of Hflachar twere falen twelue thouſand.
Dt the tribe of Zabulon were ſcaled twelue
thoufand. :
8 Wf thetribe of i Jofeph were ealed
tweluc thoufand. DF the tribe ct Beniamin
were fealed twelue thouſand
9 After chele things Jbehelde, and lor,
a great multitude, which no man could
numberof ali nations anD kindreds, and
people, and tongues, toode betoze the
thzone, and before the Lambe, clothed with
long k white robes, and ! palmes in theit
bands. q
Io And they crped with a loud voyce,
faying,.= Saluation commeth of our God,
that Gtteth vpon the thone, and ef the
11 Andalithe Angels tood round about
the thzone,and about rhe Ciders. the foure
beats , € they fellbefoze the theone on therr
faces, and wozhippeD God, 5
12 Paying, Amen. Pꝛaiſe and glory, and
wildome, and thanks,and honotr,and pawe
erand might be vnto our Gov foz cuermoze,
15 Anvone of the Elders pake, ſaying
butome, Ahat are thele which are arayed
ín iong white robeszand whence came they?
14 And J faze vnto hun, Lord, thou
Rnowelt. And he tatd come, Thele are tiep
which came out ef great tribulation, ano
baue waihed their tong robes, and haue
made their long robes White in the =» dlosd
of the Lambe. ù
15 Cherefore are thep inthe preſence of
the throncofe Ged, and lerue him Day and
Phightin bis Temple , and dee that titrety
on the throne, wili Dwell among them.
i Thatis, the
tribe of Epbras
im which was
lefephs fonne,
k In figne of
1. Intoken. of
victorie and feli-
m All that are
ſaued, attiibute
their ſaluation
voto. God onely.
and tu his Chriſt,
and to. none o-
ther thing,
n These is no
purity nor cleane
neffe, but by the
bloed of Chrift
f x
s ofthe Saitits. 549
only, which pure --
geth our fines,
and fo maketh
vs white,
o That is,ofthe
Maieliie of God
thé Father, the
Sonne, and the
holy Ghot.,
p Meaning cons.
tinually; forele
in heaven there
isno night.
F [249.1%
q .Forail infir-
16 *Qhey hali hunger no moze neither mitic and miſerie
thiri any moe neither hal the funne ‘light oall be: then tas 3
on them, neither anp beat. = -o
17 fothe!f Lambe, whichisin y t mids
ofthe chrone, Wall gauerne them, and fall
ken away.
r They shall
haue ne more
ieade thein wnto the » tinelp fountaines of griefe and, paints-
watersand ” God Wali wipe away al teares. bur fillioy and *
from their eyes.
giue them life and conferue them in eternal
Chap. 21.4.
f leis Chrift €
the mediatour and redeemer, t¢ Which isvery God, u Hee fhall z
felicitie, Jfa, 25. —
1 The [ernenth feale is opaned : there isfilence f.
in heawen. 6 The foure Angels blow then truma - i
pets,and great plagues follow vpon the earth,
Aw when bee had opened the è ſeuenth
halfe an boure, a
2 And Iſaw the euen Angels, which
ſtoode before Gon , and to them were giuen
ſeuen trumpets.
3 Then another Angel came ¢ ſtood be-
foze the altar haning a golden cenler, and
> s
feale,there was >Glence in beauen about a Vnder the fixe =
feale hee touched ”
in gentrall the
corruption of the ”
doGrine: hut vn⸗
der the feucnih - '
he fheweth the
great danger
thereof, and what troubles, fe &es, and herefies haue been and fhalt ?
bee brought into the Church thereby. b That the hearers might »
be more attentive, c He fheweth' the onely remedy in our afflićtis €
on, to wit, to appeare before the face of God by the*meanes of le- *
fus Chrift,who ts the Angel , the facrifice, and tbe Prieft which pres *
fenreth out prayers, which remaine yetin castb,before thealtar, aad `
dinine Maicitic of God. '
333 § much
The prayers of the Saints,
d He meaneth
by fire the grace
of God ,whereby
we are pnrged
and made cleane;
e He powreth
the otaces of the
holy Ghoft into
the hearts of the
f Whenthis
grace is declared
marueilous re-
bellions arife as
gaint it by rea-
fon ofthe wic-
‘Ked, which can
neither abide to
héare their finnes
mercie offered.
g Thatis,pro-
claimeth warre *
againtt che
troubles by falfe
-doGrine,and fo
them to watch.
h Thatis, the
moft part of men
were {educed,
i Enen the very
elect were fore
tried and pros
‘K Diuers feats of
heretikes were
Spread abcoadin
much odours was ginen vnto hin, that bee
fhould offer with the prayers of all Baines
ea Ss golden aitar, which is before the
4 And thelinokeof the odours with the
Papers of the Saints, went wp before Gov,
gut ofthe Angels hand.
§ Andthe Angeltockethecenler, and
filed it with dtive of the altar,and caſt it ine
to the ¢ earth, and ‘there were bopces , and
thundrings, and lightnings, ¢ earthquake.
Then the ſeuen Angels wbich had the
ſeuen trumpets, prepared themicines to
blow the trumpets.
7 Date firit Angels biew the trumpet,
and there was batleand fire , mingled with
biood, anv they were caſt inta the earth,and
the third part of "trees was burnt, and all
greenei gralle was burnt.
S Ana the fecond Angel blew the trume
per, and ag it were a great * mountaine, burs
ning with fire,was catt into the fea, and the
thicd part ofthe fea became blood,
9 And the third part of the creatures,
which were in the aand pan life, died, and
the chird part of! (hips were deſtroyed.
Io Chen the third Angel blew the trum:
pet, and there fell ™ a great ſtarre from heas
uen burning like a tozch, and tt fell into the
third part of theriuers, andinto the foun
taines of waters.
It And the name of the tkarre is called
Wormewood + therfoze the third part of the
Waters became wezmewood, and many men
— ofthe-waters,becaule they were made
12 And the fourth Angel blew the trum:
pet, and the third part of the ° Dunne was
tinttten, and the third y: the? moone,
and the third part of the a Marres, fo that
the third part of them was ‘Darkened: ando
the Day was(mitted , that the third part of it
could not Hine; and likewile che night.
13 Ana Abehelde, and yeard one Angel
fying thozom the middes of heauen, fap-
ing with a lows vopce, © Coe, woe, woe, te
theinbabitants of thecarth, becaule ef the
foundes to come of the trumpet of the theee
from beaten vnto the earth, and to him was
ginen the > kepes af the bottomleffe pit,
2 Andbeopened the bottomleſſe pit,and
there arole the finoke of the pitte, as the
c (mokeofa great foznace, and the Sunne
o the aire were Darkened bythe ſmokeof
3 Andtherecameoutof the finoke 4Lo-
cus bpontheearth, and vnto them was
giuene pamer as the ! (cozptons of the earth
haue power.
4 Andit was commaunded then, that
they pouin not hurt the sgraile of the earth,
neither anp greene thing , neither any tree:
but onelp thote e men which haue not the
ſeale of Mod in their foreheads.
And fo them was commaunded that
thep ſhould not ‘kill them, but that they
Would bre * vexed fine moneths, and that
their paine Hould be as the paine that cone
meth of a! (copion, when hee hath tung a
O *Therefoe in thole dapes Hall men
™ fecke Death, and Wall not finde it, and
Sat Dclite to Die, and Death hall flee fram
them. ; :
7 *Am the forme of the locuits was like
nto hozles pacpared vnto battell, and on
their Deades were ag it were ° cxownes like
bnto gol, and their faces e were like the fa-
ces of men. f
8 Anu they had haire as the shatre of
women , and thew * teeth were ag the teeth
of lyons. i ‘
9 Andthey had ‘habergions, like toha-
bergions of pron: and the ound of their
t wings was like the found of charets when
nianp hoꝛles runne nto battell. ;
Io Gnd they bad tailes like vnto ſcorpi ·
ous , and there were ° tings in their tailes,
and their power was to hurt men flue mo.
I And thep haue a king ouer them, which
The bottomleſſe pit. Locuſis
b This authoritie
chiefiy is com-
mitted to the
Pope, in figne
whereof hee bea⸗
reth the keyes in
bis armes.
c Abundance of
herefies and er-
rours,which cee ,
uer with darke-
nefe Chrift and
his Gofpel.
d Locufts are
falfe teachers, he-
retikes , and
worldly fubtile’
Prelates , with
Monkes, Friers,
Cardinals , Patrie
arkes, Archbi-
thops, Bifhops,
lers, and Mafiers
which forfake
Chrift,to main-
taine falfe doe —
e Falfe and de-
cejuable do-
rine, which is
pleafant to the
F That is, fecretly
toperfecure, and
to {ting with
their taile as
Scorpions doe:
fuch 1s the falhi-
on of the hypo-
g Forthe falfe
prophets can not
the worid- Augels , which were pee tablow tye trun
1 Meaningthe pets.
fhipmafters and
fo them that had any gouernment, m Thatis,fome excellent mini-
fer of the Church which (hall corrupt the Scriptures. m Which
here fignifie falfe and corrupt doctrine. -œ That is, of Chrift who is
the fonne of Iuftice, meaning that men by boafting of their workes
_and merits , obicure Chrift, and tread his death vnder feer. p That
35, oftheChurch. q Of the minifters and teachers , which have
not taught as they ought to doe, r Thefe are plagues for the con-
temptof the Golpel. f Horrible threatnings againft the infidels
and rebellious perfons,
t The fft and fixe Angel blow their trumpets:
she farre falleth from heauen. 3 The locufis come
out of the fmoke. 12 The firft woe is paſt. 14 The
Joure Angels that were bound,are loofed 18 And
the thir® part of men is killed.
i A AV the fft Angel blewe the trumpet,
-a "That:is, the and 3| favs a aftarre which was fallen
bifhops & mini-
fters,which forfake the word of God, and fo fall out of heauen,and
become Angels of darkeneffe,
deftroy the ele& , but fuch as are ordeinedto perdition, h That
is, the infidels, whom Satan blindeth with the efficacie of errour,
2, Theff, 2.11, i Though the elect be hurt, yet they cannot pe-
rih. k The ele@ fora certaine fpace,and at times are in troubles:
for the prafhoppers endure but from April to September, which is
fiue moneths. 1 For at the beginning the fting of their con(ci-
ence feemethas nothing, but except they foone fecke remedie, they
perth, Z/a.2.19. hof, 2.10.8 luke 33.30. chap. 6. 16. m Suchit
the terrour of the vnbeleeuing confcience , which hath no affurance |
of mercie , but feeleththe iudgement of God againft it, when men ~
embrace errour, and refufe the true fimplicitie of Gods worde,
Wafd. 16.9. n Which fignifieth thatthe Popes cleargie thall be
proud, ambitious, bolde, ſtout, rafh, rebellious, ſtubborne, cruell,
lecherous, & authors of warre & deftruGion of the fimple children of
Ged, o They pretend a certaine title o fhonour, which indeed be-
longeth nothing vnto them, as the Priefts by their crownes and
Atrange apparelldeclare. p That is they pretend great gentlenes
and loue ; they are wife, politique, fubtile, eloquent, and in world-
ly craftineffe paffe allin all cheir doings. q Thatis, effeminate,
delicate, idle, trimming them(elues to pleafe their harlots. -r Signie
fying their oppreffion of the poore , and cruelty-again{t Gods chil-
dren. € Which fignifieth their hardneſſe of heart, and obftination
in their errours, with their affurance vnder the protection of world-
ly princes, -t For asthough they had wings , fo arethey lifted vp
aboue the common fort of men, and efteemed moft hely , and doe
all things with rage and fiescenefle. u To infect and Kill with their
venimous dorine, i
Alittle Booke optne
x Which is An- is the x Angel of the bottomieRe pit , whale
tichii che Pope, name in ebzem,is Y Abbadon t tn Oreeke
Kingofbypo- $e is named Apollyon.
ctites,and Satans I2 ODne woe is palt, and behoſde, pet two
ambaffadour, woes come after this.
Thatis, de- 12 € Then the urt Angel blew p trumpet,
oyer,for Anti. € J] beard az voice from the foure hornes of
shrift thefonne the golden altar, which is befoze God,
ofperditionde- 14 @aying tothe firt Augel, which bad
flroyeth mens fe truntpet,Loole the foure: Angels which
foules with falfe ate bound in the great riuer Cupbeates.
doGtine,andthe I5 And the foure Angels were looſed,
wholeworldwith which were prepared atant houre, at a Day,
fireand{word. ata moneth ana at a peere,to fay the thira
Which was the part of men. yig
voyceof Chrit, 16 And the number of horſemen of warre
fittingonthe toere twenty theulans times ten thoufand ¢
right hand of the fo? Jj beard che number of them. A
Father. 17 And thus J faw the bozfes in a bition,
a Meaningthe and them that late on them, haning tery ba-
enemiesof the bergions, and of Jacinth, and of batmitone,
Eaftcountrey, the heades of the horſes were as the heads
which fhould af- of lions; € out of their mouthes went foozth
Ai che Church fiteanDimoke,andbzimitone. _
of God, asdid 18 DE theleeheeewascthe third part of
the Arabians;Sa- Men killed, that is, of the fire, ¢ of the finoke,
racens, Turks & and of the bꝛimſtone which came out of
‘Tartatiahs, their mouthes. f $
b Thishgnifeth 19 Foꝛ theit poweris in thetr «mouthes,
thegreatreadi- andintheir tayles: foz their tailes were like
nefleoftheene- vnto ſerpents, and bad heades, wherewith
mics. ep hurt. ‘
c Whichfignifi. 20 And the remnantof the men whicd
eth their falfe. were not killed by theſe plagues, repented
doGting and by- notof the workes ot their haudes that they
` pocrifie. ſhould not worhip Dewtls,€ * idols of golde,
d. Andeherefore AnDoffilucr,aud af bafe ann of fone, and
were iuſtly de⸗· ot wood, wiich neyther can (ee, nepther
ſtroyed. heare, 10? go. A
Pfalits.4and _ 21 Alio they repented not oftheir muta
13555., Der,and of thers forcerp,neither of their foza
Hication,no2 oftheir theft. }
C H A . Xe »
1 The Angethath the booke open. 6 He ſwea-
reth there fhal be no morc time. 9 He giueth the
baoke unto Tehn, which eateth st up.
a Whichwas — AC D J fawe another mighty- Angel
| lefùs Chrift that come Downe from heauen, clothed with
came to comfort A cloud, and the > raynebow upon bis head,
ShisChurcha- and bis face was ag the < funne,¢ hisa feste
a gaion the furious as pillars of fite.: i
| affaults of Saran 2. And he had in bis hand a littlee booke
Antichtiſt: fo open, and be put bis right foot vpon the fra,
f that in all theit ‘andhis left onthe carth,
F troubles,the 3 And crica witha f loud poite, as when
| tofind confolati. g thunders vttered thetr voyces.
Foninhim. — 4 And whentheleuen thunders had ht»
FB Tels Chrift tered their voyces, J] was about.te weite:
f beareth the tefti- but 3 heard a voice ftom heauen,faving bn-
wmonyofGods to mee, *b Beale vp thole things which
Joue towards vs, i
¢ It oucreameall the darkeneffe of the Angelpf she bottomleſſe
‘pit. d Straight, ftrong,and pure from all corruptions. _ e Meaning
the Gofpel of Chrif whichAntichriRtcãnot hide;feeing Chrift bring-
eth it open ighis hand. f Which declarerh that indefpight of An-
tichrift the Gofpel ſhould be preached i Sapa the world; fo that
the enemics fhall be aftonied. g whew ole graces of Gods Spirit
bent themfelucs againft Antichrilt. Da
“Written : for there is ao need to write more for the vnderitanding of
_ Godschildren,
‘faithfull-are fure atten reareth: and when he hadcricd, kuen `
x. xj⸗ Iohn eaterhthe Bookes ggo
the ſeuen thunders haue ſpoken, and wite i That is by Go
them not. vwithwhom
5 And the Angel which J (aw ſtand vp⸗ Chrif by his di⸗
on the ſea, and vpon the earth, litt wp hig ae) is equali,
hand to heaven, | k The faythfull
6 And fwarei bp him thatlineth for e thallvaderftand,
ticrmoze , which created heauen, andthe and fee thismy-
things that therin are, and the carth,ethe fleryofthe laſt
things that therein are, and the fea, and the iudgement,the
things wich therci are, that time ould damnation of
be no moze. i Antichrift and
7 But inthe dayes of the voice of the ſe⸗ infidels, and aif»
uenth Angel, when he hall begin to blowe the glory of the
the trumpet, ceuen the * mpitery of God thall ivf at the rclure
bee fini ed, as bee bath Declares to his ſer· reion.
uants the Pꝛophets. 1 AsS.fohn vae
8 And the voice which J heard frombeas derſtood thisby
uen,(pake vntol mee againe, and ſaid, Gog revelation, fois
and take the little booke which ts open in the fame zeuciled
the baud of the™ Angel, which ſtandeth wp» tothe true prea>
on the fea and vpon the earth, chers,to dilcoueg
9 o3 went vnto the Qngel,and inta. the Pope and
bim, Siue me the little » booke, And he layd Ancichritt,
bato me, * Cake it, and e eate tC bp, and it m Meaning
Hall make thy bellp bitter, bnt te all bein Chia. —
thy mouth asfweet as hony; n ‘That is, the
Io Then J tocke che little booke aut of holy Scriptures
the Angels hand, and ate tt bp, and tt was which declarer
inmy mouth as eſweet as hony: but when thatthe Mini.
J had eaten it, my belly was bitter. fter muft receine
IL And he lapd vnto me, Chau muſt po: thema the band
phelic 1 againeamong the people ana natis of God,before
ONS ARD tongues, and to many kings, he ean preach
themro others.
Exeh.3.4. -© Which fignifieth chat the Minifters ought to receiue
the word inte their hearts,& to haue graue and deepe iudgement, and
diligently toRudy it and with zealetoveceric, p Signifying, chat al-
beit that the minifter haue confolation by the word of God, yet thal
he haue foreand grieuous enemies, which fhall bee troublefome vato
him. q Not only meaning in his life time,but that this booke afte
his death fhould be as a preaching vnto all nations.
: CHA Py Xh
-t The Temples meaſured. 3 Two witneffes rat~
fea by the Lord, are murthered by the beaft, ir -i
but after receiued to glory. 15 Chrif ts exalted,
b6 and God praiſed by the xxiiii. Elders, j
Ta was gtuen me a reede, like wnto a |
redjand the Angel tood by, faping, Rile :
and mete the temple of God, and the altar, a. Which decla»
and them that wozthip therein. _ reth that Chrif
2 Wut’ the court which ts without the Defuswill build
Temple cat out,anBmetett not: foz itis his church and
giuen vnto the @entiles, and the holy < citie -not haueit de=
ipali they trean wnverloot atwo and fourtie Rroyed:for he:
monetis. ‘ meafureth, out
3 But J will giue power vnto my his fpirituall
‘fine witneſſes, and they ſhall peophefiea Temple.
5 AE ' ¿ b Bhe Jewifh
Temple was diuided into three parts: the body of the Temple vhich
Ascalled che court, whérinto entred:theoly places where
the Leuites were: and the holieſt of all, whereinto the high Prieft
oncea ycreentred; in reſpect therefore of thefetwo latter, the firſt is
[ayd to bee caſt out, -becaufe as.a thing prophane it ãs neplected vhen
the Templeis meafured, and yetthe aduerfariesof Chriftboaft that -
they are inthe Temple, and that none are of the Temple but they,
¢ That isthe Church of God. d Meaning acertaine time: for God
ath limitted the times oſ Antichrifls tyranny.-¢ By two wirnefléshe
nes meaneth all the preachers that hould Lujlde vp Gods Church, allu-
4:12.4, N; Belecuethatthatis „ding to Zerubbabeland Iehothua, whichwere chiefly appoynted for
this thing 6 alfo to chis faying,In che mouth oftwo witneles fiandcta
euery word, f
ee epee & — PEN
Two witneffes murthered.
| f Signifying a
certaine time:
. for when God
giueth ftrength
to his minifters,
- their perfecuti-
ons it
were buc fora
day ortwo,
g In poore and
E thouland two hundreth ð threeſcore Bayes,
4 Thele ave two Dline trees, and tis
— ſtanding before the God sf the
§ Andif any man will hurt them, fire
praceeDeth aut ot cheit mouthes, and deuou·
teth thew enemies: fortf any man would
Hurt chem, thus mutt he be killed.
6 Thele haue power ro Hut! peanen.that
fimpleapparell.”. it raine not in p Dates of their prophelvines
h Whereby are and haue power ouer waters to turne them
fignifiedtheex- intom blood, and to finite the earth with all
cellentgraces of maner of plagues as often as they wit.
them which 7 And when they haue nied theirt te-
beare witneffe ſtünony the » bealt that comineth out ofthe
tothe Goſpel. bottomMefle pit. Mall make warre againit
iWhbohathdo+: them, and Wall o onerconte them, and kill
minionouerthe them.
whole earth, 8 Gnd their cozpfes ſhall lic in the ſtreets
k By Gods - ofthegreat P city, which (piritually is called
wordwhereby ·¶ Sodome and Egypt, where eur Lod alfa
his minifters dif
comfit the ene-
1 They. denounce
Gods judgement
againit the wic-
ked, thatthey
€annot enter ih-
to heauen.
m Which is to
was crucified, i
9 And they of the people and kinreds,and
tongues and Gentiles thallice their corpſes
thice Bates ta halke, and ihal net Cuter their
carkeiles to be put in graues.
To And they that oweilypon the earth,
fend giftes one toanother: for thele twa
— vexed them that dwelt on the
declare andpro- 11 Butafier three dayesandanhálfesthe 3 And tbere appeared another wonder in of rightconfnes,
cure Godsven- ` ſpirit ot {ife comming from God , ſhall enter heanen: foz bebeld,a greatered Dagon has isperfecuredot |
ance. into them they Hall tand vp vpon their uing! fuen heads, and ten hornes, and ſe⸗ antickritt.
nm Thatisthe - feete: and great keare ſhall come bpon them uen crownes vpon his heads: b The Chatch
Pope,whichhath which fato rhent: 4 And his taile dew the e third part of treadeth vnder
his power out 12 And they hall hearea great voyce frö the ftarres of heanen, and caft them to the foot whatfocuer
of hell, and ` -Heancn,faping vnto them, Come vp hither, earth. And the Dragon Roon before the wa: is mutableand — 1
commeth And they fhal alcend vp to heave macloud, man, which was ready to bee deliuered, to inconftant,with —
thence, ‘and thetr enemies that (ee thent. Denoure her childe when thee bad brought it all corrupt affe-
© He heweh 13 And the fame-bonre wall there bee a foozth: ions and fuch
how thePope great earthquake, and thetenth partot foe §. Ao fhee brought foortha t man childe, lke. :
gayneththevi- itie *hall tall, and in the earthquake hall which thould rule ali nations with a*teaat c Which fignifi-
Gory, notby - be laine in number ſeuen thouſand:and the iron: and ber ſonne tuas taken vp vnto God eth God and his
Gods word,but remnant thalibeeafrapd,"and gine gloryto and to bts throne. word,
by cruell warre,
p Meaning,the
‘asshole furildicti-
on of the Pope
which is compa-
red to Sodome
for their abomt-
gable (in,& toB>
gypt becaufethe
wueliberty to
the God efheauen,
14 Whe tecond woe ts pak, and beholde,
the third woe will come anone.
15 And the ſeuenth Anget blew the trust
per,and there were great voices in heaven,
faving, Che * king domes of this wor2td are
oue Logs, and pis Chꝛiſtes, and bee hall
reigne fo: euermoꝛe.
16 Then the foure and twenty Elbers,
which fate before God on their (eats fell ypa
ferme God, ista- (on their faces,andimonMtpped y Gov,
Konawiy frdthe 17 Paping, Te gtue thee thanks, Loyd
Aaithful, 8eChrift © "o> iD Se Her age
“was condémned by Pilatejwho reprefented the Roman power which
fhould bet enemietothegodly.’ q The infidels‘ aretormented by
hearing thetrueth preached, “r Which thall beat thelaft refurre.
Gion, P Foritfeemedithat Antichrift had-chafed them ont of the
earth, t Of the powerof Antichrift.. u When they thall vn-
.derRand by Gods word the glory ofhis, aad the punifhment of his
‘enemies, they fhall fall from the Pope, and glorifie God. x Af-
beit Satan-by the Pope, Turke, or other inftrumentstroublech the
world neuer fo much,yet' Chiift thall reigne, y Tets Chri This
ideclareth the officeof the godly , whichis to giue God thankes
for the deliverance of his; and to prayfe bisiwftice for punifhing
$ his enemies,
hall reioyce ouer them, & be glad, and hall f
The Church perfecuted.
God alinfahty, Mhith art and which walk,
and which art te come : fo: then batt recet=
ued thygreat might anv halk obteined thy
kingdorte. by.
18 Gud the Gentiles wereangry, and
thy wath ts come, and the time of the dead,
that they ould beeindged , and that tho
fhoulde® giue reward vnto thy ſernants the
Pꝛophets, and to the Saintes, and to them
that fare thy Name, to finalland great, and
Poutet Deltropthent, which deſtroy the
: — the Temple of God was opened
in heauen, there was ſeene in his Temple
the arke of his couenãt: œ there were * light»
nings and voices and thundzings, ¢ earth:
quake and much paile.
C'H A PXI, i
1 There appeareth in heauen awomanclothed `
with the fienne. 9 Michael fighteth with the Dra-
gon, which perfecuteth the woman.11 The viko-
ry is gotten,to the comfort of the faithful.
a Which fignife
the deftru@ion
of the enemies.
A® there appeared a great wonder in
heauen: woman clothed with the
funne, and the b moone was Onder her keete,
and vpon ber beade a < cromne of twelue
2 Gnd ſhee was with childe, and d cryed
trauatling in birth,and was payned readie
to be Deltuered.
a Inthis third
vifion is decla=
ted how the
Church, which
is compafied
abourwith Ies
Chrift the fonne |
d The Church
ever with amo
feruent defire
longed ‘that
Chrift fhould be
borne,and rhat.
the faithfull
might berege.
nerate by his
P The deuil]
andallhis pow
6 And the wman fied into wildernes.
where, e hath a placepeepared of God, that
they Mould feene her there a thonfand, rwa
hundeeth and rhecefcore dayes.
S 343 there was a. batteil in heauen,
kGBichael and bis Angels fought againſt
Ft iei and the Dzagon fought and
ts Angels.
8 But they prenayled not, neyther was
their place found any moze in theauen.
9 Aud the great Dragon that ola ferpent
called the deutll and Satan, was caſt out,
‘which decetueth all the wode : bee was er which bur-
“AG BUG neth with fury,
andisreddewith the blood of the faithfull, f For hee is prince of
this world, and almoft hath the yninerfall gouernement. g.. By bis
‘flatteries and promiles hegaineth many ofthe excel ent minifters and
hononrableperfons,and bringeththem to deſtruction. h Which is
clus Chrif the firft borne among many brethren, who was borne of
the Virgine Marie,as of a fpeciall member of the Church. P/al.2. 9.
i TheChurch wasremoued from among the lewes tothe Gentiles,
which were as a barren wilderneffe,and{o it is perfeentedtoand fro.
k Tefus Chrift and his members, as Apoftles, Martyrs, and the ref o.
the faithfull, 1 Por the Dragon was depriued of all his dignity, andi |
had no moreplace in the Church. ‘ f
; cuen '|
Satans rage againft the Church.
even Catt into the carth, and bis angels were
cat out with him.
10 Then J heard aloude vavce , faving,
Mow ts (aluation tn heaven, and Frength,
and the kingDome of our God, and the pow
erof bis Chak: fo the accuſer of our bres
thren ts catt Downe, witch acculed them be»
foze our God Day and night.
IL. But they ouercame him by the blood
_ of tbe Lambe,anbd bythe wozd of their teſtt⸗
m They put their monte, and they m loucd uot their lines vnto
liues in danger fo the Death.
oft as need re- 12 Wherefore retoyce,pe heauens, and pe
quired. — that dweil in thet. Cio to the inhabitants
n Meaning them ofthe earth,andof tye fea: foz the penill is
that are guen to cone Downe bato pour, which Hath great
the world and wratiy, knowing that hee bath but a thoge
flefhly lutts. time.
o And was ouer- 13 And when the dragon ſaw that hee
come ot Chri, was ° cat unto the earth, peperlecutes the
thenhefought woman which bad bought koorth the man
again{this mem- childe,
bers, — 14 But to the woman were atuentwe
p Whichthe wings ofa great Cagle, that the might fiie
Lordhad ap- into the wiſderneſſe, mtor her place, where
pointed for her. ſhee is nouriſhed foz atime, and times, and
q Godgueth — palfearime, from pprevence of the ferpent.
meancs to fils 15 Aud the lerpenc cait out of his mouth
Churchto efcape water after the woman likea flood, that bee
thefurieofSa- might caule ber to bee caried away of the
tan,makinghis flooD.
creaturestofcerue 16 Butthe searth holpe the woman,and
tothe fuppost theearth opened herizouth,and fwallowed
thereof. vpthe flood, which the Dragon had caſt ont
x Satan was hot of bis mouth,
ableto deftroy ` 17 Then the dragon was wꝛoth with the
the head nor che woman, and went ¢ made warre with the
body, and there- r remnant of ber teed, which keepe the coms
fore theweth his mandements of God, and haus the tetimo»
rapeagainft the nie of Jeſus Chit. .
members, 18 And J oodonthefealand, —
2. 8 The beaft decesueth the reprobate, 2. 4.
~ 12 And ù confirmed by another beaft. 17 The
Oh priuiledge of the beafts marke.
a Hereisthe de- Ams law a a beatt rife eut of the Sea,
feription of the pautng’ fenenhcades,and ‘ten bones,
Romane empire, and vpon hts hoynes were tenne crownes,
which ftandeth and upon bis heaves the name. of blaſphe·
< mcerueltyand mit.
tyranny. 2 Andthebeatt which F fw, was like
b Meaning a d leopard , ana bis feete like abeares, and
Rome, becaufe his mouth as the mouth of alton: and che
. it was firft gouer- © Dragon gaue him bis power , € bts throne,
ned by (euen and gar authozitie.
Kingsor Empe- 3 And Iſawoneofhis heads as it were
sours after Nero, wounded te death, but hise Deadly wound
and alſo is com⸗ was bealed,and all the twon Wondered aid
paled about _— followed the beaft.
with(euen 4 Gnd they worhipped the dragon
mountaines. which gaue power vnto the bealt, and they
e Which fignifie h woꝛſhipped che beaſt, ſaying, (Cibo is like
many prouinces,
d By thefe beaftes are fignified the Macedonians, Perfians and Cal-
deans, whomthe Romanes ouercame, e Thatis, the deuill. f This
may be vnderltood of Nero,who moued the firft perfecution againſt
the Church, and after flew bimfelfe, fo that the family of the Czfars
endedinbim, g Forthe Empire was eltablifhed againe by V efpa-
fian, h By receiving the ftatutes, ordinances, decrecs, cercmonis,
and religion of the Romane Empire. i
Chap. xiij.
J e
The beafts power. 951
—— the beat ? who is able to warre mith.
§ And there was ginen unto him a mouth
that fpake great things ant biafpbemtes,
aud power was ginen bite him, topai two
andtoatiemioneths. 2
6 And hee opened his mouth yntoblal
phemte againit God, te blalphene bis
Name and hts tabernacle, and them that
dweitin heauen.
7 Ana it was ginen to him to make war
with the Haints, ann to kouercome them,
and power was gincu hina euer euery ! kine
eb, and tongue, and nation.
8 Therefor all thar Dwell vpon the
earth,and worſhip him, whole ™ names ave
not * witten tn the booke sf tite of the
Lanibe, which was Raine” from the begin:
i Antichtiftes
ume snd power d
is Imitted Ri
k. In their bos W
dies, not in foules f
1 He meaneh i
that vniverfall
deparung wheres
ot S. Paul fpea- Ji
keth to the Thef |
falonicns. 5
m Antichrift
hath no power
ouerthe elect.
ning ofthe weld. - LS CGAP 3-56" 8
9 JE anp man haue an eare s let bim n As God ordei-
care. ned from before 4
Io JF anyleadinto captiuitic, hee Mall ali beginning and-
go ° tito captiuttie: uf any Kil with a fwod, all the facrifices
be mutt be killed by a ſworde here isthe pas wereas ſignes
tience, and the faith of rhe Saints. & facraments of |
Ii And j bebela another beattcomming Chriftsdeath.
bp oritof the pearth which pan two aboznes o They which ~
itke the Lambe, but heer ipake tke the Dza. led fonlescap-
gon. y tiues goe theme -
12 Aud hee did all that the firt f beant felues into cap-
could Doe befoze hun, and bee canled the tivities, È
earth, and them which Dwell therein, to p Asthe kings
worlhip the fira beat, whel Deadly wound dome of heaven, |
was healed. & bringeth men-
13 Aud ° he Did great wonders, fothat thichersfothe —
be made fire to come Downe from beanenon Popes kingdome
the earth, tn the fight of men, isofthe earth, de
14 And Deccined them that Dwell onthe leadethto perdi⸗
earth bythe lignes, which were permitted tion,andisbegun —
te btm to doin the * fightoftye beat, fap. and chaiithed
ingtothem that Dwel on the carth, that’ by ambition ,cos
thep fhould make the ytmage ofthe beat, uctoulves, beans
which bad the wound of a fwod, and BID lines,craft, trea- |
lue. f fon and tyranny.
~ And it was permitted to him to gine q Which fignifie |
a *tpirtt unto the unage of the beaſt, fo that the Priefthood&
the image of the beaſt houid è peake, and the kingdome ôe
ſhould caule that as many as would not thereforehe gi- 11
A may the image of the braf, Houldbee ueth inhis-armes
two Keyes, and
16 And he made ali,both imall and great, hath wo fwords:
rich and poore, free and bond, to receiue cariedbefore
him. So Boni-- —
face the eight which firft ordeined the Iubile , fhewed. himfelfe one”
day in apparell as a Pope , andthe next day in harnefie as the Empe-
rour, and the two bornes inthe Bifhops mitre are fignes therof, r He: »
fpake deuilith doGrine, accufed Gods word of imperfeGion, ſet vp
mans traditions,& fpake things contrary to God and his word. f Por -
the Pepe in ambition , crneltie, idolatrie and blafphemie did follow:
and imitate the ancient Romancs. t Broughtthem to idolatrie, 8 1
aftonifhed them with the name of thatholy Empire (asheetermeth 4
i) u Themanol finne,according to the operation of Satan halk |
be with allpower,fignes,and miracies of lies, 2. Theſſ 2.9,10. x Be- |
fore the whole Empire , whichreprefenteth the firft bealt, and is the”
image thereof. y For the firt Romane Empire wasas the patternes —
and this fecond Empire is but an-image and fhadow thereof. z For
except the Pope confirme the authoritie of the king of Romanes, he |
is not efteemed worthy tobe made Emperonr: a The fame thinges:
which the Pope or falfe prophets ĩnſtruct himin, b Receiuetheor= d
dinances and decrees of the feat of Rome, andto kiflethe viilaines 9)
foots, if he were pucthercunto, .
` ac marke.
* an fruits vato Gods
Whereby hee
€ — in their right hand 22 in their Forge
17 Sud that no man misht buy op fell,
(auc he that had che marke, o2 the nameot
the dealt 02 the umber of bis name,
18 Pereis wiſedome. Let him that hath
wit,cowhtthe number sithe beak: fo utig
tie number e ofa mans and bis number is
fire hundreth threelcore and Gre.
aith,the word,
ments are the
‘but luch as will approue his doctrine: fo that it is not enough te
confeile Chriſt, andto belecue the Scriptures , buta man muſt ſub-
fcribe to the Popes do&rine:moreouer, their chriimacories,greafings,
vowes , othes , and (hauings are fignesof this marke, infomuch as
no nation wasaceepted that had nor many of chefe marked beaftes.
d He chat is not ſealed with Astichrifts marke, cannot be fuffered to
liue among men. e Such as may be vnderftood 59 mansreafon: for
about 666, yeeres afterthisrenelation, the Pope or Antichrilt be-
ganto be manifefted in the world: for thefe characters y s'é Ggnifie
666, and this number is gathered of the ſmall number, A ares vos,
which in the whole make 666. and fignifie Lateinus, or Latin,
which noteth the Popeor Antichrift, who vfeth in all things the La-
tin tongue, and inte/pe& thereof hee contemseth the Hebrew and
Greeke, wherein the word of Gud was firft and beft written: and be-
cauſe Italy in old time was called Latinum , the Italians are called
‘Latini, fo that hereby he noteth of what countrey chiefly hee fhould
Comes pt v
€ The notable company of the Lambe. 6 One
Angel announceth the Gofpel, s Ancther the fal
of Babylon, 9 And the third warneth to flee from
the beaft. 83 Of therrbleffedneffe which die in
the Lord, 18 Of the Lords harucft.
ma J leaked, and toe, a* Lambe ſtood
on mount Sion, and with him anbhun;
Deth fourtie and foure thouland, hauing
n — ef2ame witten in their fore:
ads. :
2 Gnd 7 heart a voyte from heauen, ag
the found of ntanp4waters,and as the found
of a great thunder: and J heard the sopce
of harpers harping with theit harpes,
3 Aud they itg as it were a new fong
bekore the rhone g before the foure beaites,
and the Elders, and noeman could learne
that fong, but the bundzeth fortie and foure
— which were bought from che
4 Theft are they which are not detiled
with women, fo? they are virgins : thele fol-
low the Lambe eimbitherlocuer hee goeth :
thele are bought trom men, being the * Art
Fruits vnto God, and to the Lambe.
§ And in thete mouthes was found no
guile : fo2 thep are witheut ifpot before the
throne of Gov.
6 € Then Jſaw another Angel fie in
the middes of beauen, haning an enevias
ting Golpel, to peeach wnto them that
Dwell on the earth, and te euctp nation,and
a Tefus Chrift ru»
lern in his church
to.defend and
cõ fortit; though
the beak rage ne-
nerfomuch and
feeing Chrilt is
préfent euer with
his Church, there
can be no Vicat:
for where there is
a Vicar, there is
b Meaning, a
c Which was
the marke of
their cie&ion, te
wit, their faith.
d Signifying that
tbe number of ¥
Church fhould
be great,and that
they (hould {peak
boldly, & aloud,
and fo glorifie
the Lord.
e Nonecan prayfe God butthe ele& whom he hath bought, F By
whotedome: and vnder this vice hee comprehendeth allother: but
this is chiefly meant of idolatrie, which is the (pirituall whoredome,
-g Fortheir whole delight isin the Lambe leſus, and they loue none
wthim, h Which deelareth that the faithfull oughete live iuſtly
and holily, that they may b: the firſt Fruits, and an excellent offering
of the Lord. i Forafmuch as their finnes are pardoned, and they
areclad withthe iuftice of Cnriſt. k By this Angelare meant the
trug minilters of Chrif which preach the Gofpel faithfully.
The earth reaped.
kiured, and tongue, and seaple,
7 *Havtug with alouvenopee, ! Feare P/2Lt 45.6.
Hod, and giue glozy co hinn fo the sure of 1 The Golpel
his iudgement ts come: and worſhip him teacheth vs to
that made *heauen and earth, andthe tea, feareGod and
and the fountaines of waters. honour him,
8 Mud there followed another Angel, whichis the be-
faping, * It ts fallen,tt is tallen, ™ Babylon ginning of hea-
the great cities foz {he made all tations te uenly wifedome,
Dinke ofthe wine ef thea wrath of her for» AZs 14.15.
nication. ft 21.9
9 An the third Angel followed them, iere.g 1.8.
(aping with aloud voyce, Jlany man wor» chap,r8.2,
Wip che beak and bis image, and recetuehis m Signifying
marke in bis forehead, oꝛ ou his hant, Rome, foral-
Io The lame Hal deinke of the wine of much asthe vices
the math of God, pea, ofthe pure wine, which werein
wWhich ig Lay intathecup of jis wrath, Babyicn are
and hee ſhall be topmented in Bre and brim- found id Rome
tone before the holy Angels, and before the in grcateraboun-
Lambe. ; dance,as perfecus
It Anu the ſmoke of their torment (hall rion of y Church
{cend cuermoze: and they fall bane no ret of God, oppreffi-
Day uor night’, which worp the beak ant on and flauery,
bis image, twholocucr recetueth che punt; with deſtcuction
or bis name, rh ai of the people of.
I2 Here is the patience of Baints: Here: God, confufion,,
are they that keepe the conusandements of fuperftitionides,
God, and the Faith of Jetis- lattyyimpictie:. >
13 Then J heard a voyce from heauen, and as Babylon |,
ſaping vnto ine’, (Arite, 1 Bleed are the the fdt Monar- ,
Dead wich berafter die in the« Lod. Euen chie was dekroy⸗
fo fapth the pirit: for they rek from their: ed,fo thallthis >;
labours,and their marks follow thent, +- wicked King-. -sis
14 AnD J looked, and beheld, a white domeof Anti- q
cleud, and vᷣpon the cloud one fitting itke chrift baue amis
vnto the Donne of man, hauing on bis head ferablerume, —
a golvencrowne, and in bis hand a ſharpe choughitbee
lickle. great, and fèe- |
I5 And another Ansel came out of the, meth to excend
Sempic, crying with.aloude voyce to hun throughourall
bat ſate on the cioun, ** hutin thy fite Europa.
kie, and reape: fog the time is come to reape: n By the which
fo: the harueſt ot the carthisrtpe.. > ,_ fornication God
_ 16 And be that late on thecioud, ® thruſt isprouoked to
in bis lickle on the carth, and the earth was wrath: fo that hee
reaped. ſaffereih many ta.
17 When another Angel came out ofthe walke inthe way,
Tempie which ts in heauen, haning allo a of the Romith
fharpe fickle. ado ctrine to their
I8 AnD another Angel came ont front the. deltruGion,,
x altar, witch bad power ouer ire, and cri · o Thatis, of his
ed with aloud cry to him that had the Harp. terrible indge-
fickle, and ſayd, Thruſt in thy Harpe fickle, ment.
and gather the clufters of the vincyard of p. The faichfull
the earth: for her grapes arcripe. are exhorted to
19 Aw the Angel thunk in his Harpe lic- patience.
f For they are
delivered from the horrible troubles which are inthe Church, & reft
with God, ||Or, forthe Lords cauſe. t Which are ingafted in Chrift
by faith, which ret and {tay only on him,and reioyce tobe with him:
for immediatly after their death they are receitied into ioy, f Signi-
fying that Chrift (hall come to iudgement in acloud,euen as he was
feene to go vp. Foel 3.13.mat.13.39. t The ouerthrow of thepeo- .
ple is compared to an harueft, Mai, 19.5. alſo to a vintage , Iat.6 3e
u. This is (poken familiarly for our capacitie, alluding ynto sn hut-
bandman,who fuffreth himfelfe to be aduertifed by his ſetuants wher -
his haruett is ripe, and not that Chrift hath nced to be told when he
fhould come to indgement for the comfort of his Church , and de-
AruGion of his enemies, x This was Chrift, who is alfo the altar, the
Prielt,and facrifices *
The ſeuen plagues.
kle on the earth, and eut Downe the vines
y Thatis,acer- of ehe vineyard ot the earth, and caſt them
taine place ap⸗
poynred, and not. Gov,
in ihe beauen. 20 And the Y wine penet was tronen
z By this fimili- without the city, and blood came out of the
tude he decla- wine prelle, vntochee horſe bridies by the
rerh the horrible {pace of a thouſand g ire hundaed furlongs,
confufios of the
tyrants end infidels, which delight in nothing but waires, flaughzers,
perlecutions and effufion of blood.
AVP, Pav.
a Seyen Argelshanethe finen laf plagues.
3 The [fong of thera that ouercome the beaſt. 7 [he
fuen vials fullof Gods wrath. .
a Thisisthe fad ¥ fawe another ⸗ ſigne in heauen
fourth vifion, A great and marucilous, è freuen Angels
which conteincth haying the euen lait plaguesifog bp them ts
the dodtrine of fyifillen the weath of God.
Gods iudge- 2 And law asic were ae glaſſie fea min-
ments forthe gleDwithiire, and thein that had getten
deſttuction of dicttoꝛpot the beaft,and of his image, and of
the wickedand ` pis marke and of the number of bis name,
eur of the panh at the glaſſie fea,bauing the harpes of:
go Ye 3 6 :
b Measingan 7 Ano they fig the fong of Moles the
infinite number
of Gods mini-
— ftersswhich bad
infinite manets
and fortsoffu- `
e, Signifying, this
_ britrle & incon-
fant world mixt
with fire,that is,
trou’ ‘les andaf-
fi; on but the
Saints of God
ouercome them
alland fing di-
*feruantofGor,and the tong of tye Lambe,
faying, Great ¢ marneplous are thy wozkes,
Lod God Almighty: int and true are thy
* ii wapes king of ⸗aints.
4 *Aibothail nat teare the, D 2020,and
glozific thy Rame? Foz thou onelp arc holy,
and al nations fal come and wortbtp before
thee;tor thy tudgementsare made mantfett,
-S Andafter that J looked, and beholde;
the Tempie of the tabernacle of teſtimony
wag open in heauen.
6 And — Angels came ont of the
temple, which bat the ſeuen plagues, clothed
in pure and bright linen, and haing ther
- e beaks girded with goldengirbles.
pa ongs veto = © 7 Guid one of the! foure beatles gaue tn
od,by whofe totbeteuen Angels ſcuen golden vitals full
power they get pf the wꝛathot Gad, wyich liueth fo? euer·
the vi@ory. jet me,
Exid 15.1.7 .- 8 Andthe temple was full of the finoke
Pfalisss [tHe siop sf Hod, and sf his power, ani ne,
p Or aéesand Mlatiwasabic tos enter into che temple, till
dedes, 3 i
Tere. toye . fi
AS ——— .
declare that Godsiudgermentsare cleare Juft and without fot, € As
ready to execute the vengeance of God, f By the foure beaftesare
meant all the creatures of God,wbich willingly ferue him for the pu-
nihment of the infidels, g God giveth vs fullentry into hisChurch
by defiroying his enemres: for the Saints cannot clearely kneweail
Gods iudgements before thé full end of alfthings, ~—_
7 Fiabe CHAP. XVI...
» The Angels powre out their, vial fullof
wrath, 6 And what plagaes follow therevf. 05
Admonition to take heed and watch.
Az J heard a great voyce out of the
Temple, faving to thefeuen Angels. gó
th Sate pour Wwayes,and powꝛe aut the ſeuen vials of
a Thiswastike’ thewzathof@envpontheearth.
_ the fixt plagae of out his
2 And the firt went, aud powaed
Egypt, which was biali ppon the earth: and there fetla nope
fores and Loyles, fome and agrienous a foie vpon the men.
or pockes:and ` ts
this reigneth commonly among Canons, Mankes, Friers, Nuones,
Pricfts,and fuch filthy vermine which bears the marke of the bealt,
the (eaten plagues of the (cuen Angels were
: ‘alley ; 3
. >
Chap. xv. xvi.
into the great winepreſſe of the weach of -
The bloody drinke blood. ¢ 52
which bad the marke of the beat, and vpon
then: twiich worthipped brs erage,
3 And the lecond Angel pow sed out his
viall vpon the tea, and it became as the
>bissd of a © Dead man and enerp liming b This és liketo:
tying Died in theiea. the frit plague
4 And the third Angel powerd outhis of Egypt, wbich
bial vpon the riuers and fountaines of was fignificth all
terssand thepbecaine 4 blood. kindes of pefti-
5 And J heard che Anaei of thes waters lences andcontas.
fap, Lorde, thou art tud ,.(Qivich art, and giousdifeates,
CUbich watt,and holy, becaule thou att iud⸗ c That is, cor-
Sed thele things. rupt add infect.
ó Foꝛ they hen the blood of the Oaints, d The Girt plague-
and Pꝛophets and therefore halt thon gi⸗ of Egypt was
— theni blood ta drinke: to? they are toz» like vnto
e. z this,
7 And J heard anothereutoftheSanc: e He bringerh
tuary ſay, Zuen io, Loꝛde Gov almighty, fornhtheferwo ©
f true and righteous are thy iusgements. ` Angels the one!
8 Andthe fourth Angel powzedout his whichis-couer-
biallon tye Dunne, andit was gwen vn⸗ nour ofthe wa--
to bim to tment men with 2 heate of -ters,andthe o.
fire, ‘ a therfrom ynder-
9 And men boyted in great heate, and the altars wits
hblalphemed the ame ot Gon, whch NC Hts<
power ouce theft plagues, and they repented. menders ot Gods
notte ginedim glo2y. 7: nft indgements.
10 Andthe fiith Engel potozed out his bi- f Forafmuch as
all vpon the thaone of the * beat, and hig theu defroy-
kingdome wared Darke, audthep*gneke eft the rebels,
theis tongues foz 10200, i and preſerueſt
TI And blaſphemed the God of heauen fog thins.
thew paints, and forthcir {ozes,andrepen= g Signifying ſa⸗
ted not of their wozkes. | faine,drovgbt,
12 And the lirt Angel potozed out his’ and hore difea--
viall bpon the great riugr | Euphrates, aud (es.whichpros-
the water thercof dried vp, that the way of ceed thereof,
the. Riugs ot the Tat oulde bee prepa: h The wicked
ren. : werehard hear⸗
13 4nd Jl awe three m vncleane fptrits ted, and ſub ·
like krogges come out of the month of the burne when’... s
Dagon, aud out of the mouth ofthe beatt, Ged-punithed-.
and out of the mouth of the. fall pres chem, `
phet. i i i This anfwerethy
14 Foz they. are the fpirits of ↄ deuils, tothe ninh-
working miracles, to goe vnto theo Kings, plague of E-
oftheearth, andofthe whole tooit, toga: gypriwhichfig=
therthem. tothe batteli of that great Day of nifieththartre <
Gop Almigotyp a: 2: Popes doctrine
_ 15: (* Bebotd,F tomeasathtefe. Bleſſed isan horrible
ishee that watcheth, aud keepeth bis e.gar> plague of God, ,;
ments, leſt he walke naked, and menſeẽ Ris which keepeth
fiithtncite) f men fti)l indarke-
16 Aud they gathered them together intoa, igrorance.and~,
erreurs, ;
k They (hall hewe their fury , rage and: blafphemy again Gody-
whenthe light of his Gojpel fhall thine. 1+ By Euphrates. which,
was the ftrength of Babylon, is meant the riches, firength, pleafures
and commodities of Rome the fecond Babylon, which the faithful
which are the true Kingsand Prieftes in Chrilt, haue taken away.
by difetofing their wicked deceite. m- That is, a ftrong numbes
of the greai deuill the Popes ambaffadours, which are caer ctying: i
and croking Itke frogges,and come out of Antichtiftsmonth,becaule
they thou'd fpeake nothing bur lyes, and vle all maner of crafty de=
Ceiteto maintayne their rich Euphrates againft the tree Chriftians,
n_,Albcit they call themfelues(piritwall and holy fathers. o: For
in ail Kings courts thé P ope bath had his ambafladours te hinder the
Kingdeme of Chnift. Chap. 3.3. matthew 24. 4.4. luke 1.2. 390 <
p Of richreoufneffe, and holinefie, wherewith we are clad.throughig
pfs Chrift.- i
The whoreof. Babylon.
q Asifhe would place called is Dibri a Armagedon.
fay.cnecraftines 17 @ And the feiicnth Angel powred out
ofdefiraton, Gis vtallinratheatre te there came a loude
whenas Kings vovyce out ofthe Temple af heauen fram the
and Princes shall tene laying, It is Done,
warre againtt 18 And there were voyces, and thun-
God,but bythe DMingg, and lightnings, and there was a
craft of Satan,are great earthquake ſuch as was not fincemen
brought to that were vpon the earth, euen fo mighty an
place vhere they earthquake. í —
thallbe defroy- 19 And the great! city was diuided ine
ed. te three partes, and the* cittes of the natis
r Thisisthelat onsfeil, and great Babylon came inre»
judgement when imembzance betoze God* ta gine vsto her
Chrift ſhalcome the cuppe of wing of the Gercenelle of his
todeltroythe wath.
wicked and deli- 20 And euery ple fed away, ¢ the moun ·
uerhisChurch. taines were not tionnd. n
f Meaning, the 21 AnD there fell a great hayle, like ta»
whole numberof {ents,out of heauen bpon the men, and meit
themebatfhall blaſphemeds od, becauſe of the plague of the
callthemfelues hatle : foz the plague thereof was exceeding
Chriftians,wher=. great.
offome are fo in ent
deede, (ome are Papifts,& vnder pretenceaf Chrift, ſerue Antichrift,
andfoo-< are Neuters, which arc neither on the one fide nor en the
other, ¢ Signifying all ftrange religion,as of lewes, Turkes and o-
thers,which then fhail fall with tbat great whore of Rome, and bee
tormented in eterpall paynes.
a Which was
will take ven-
geance on this
Romih harlot.
b Antichrift is
compared toan
3 The defcription of the great whore. 8 Her
finnes and pumjhment, 24 The victory of the
Lambe, 4
To there camen ong of the ſeuen An ·
gels, which had the euen vials, and tals
ked with me faying vnto me, Come, J will.
fhew thee the damnatto of the great *whaze
that fitteth vpon many < waters, F
2 Mith whom Hane committed forntca-
tion the kings of the earth, and the inhabi⸗
8 Ahei beak ehat thou hat ſeene, was,
andis net, and fhall attend out of the bot-
tomieſſe ptt, and hall go into perdition, and
they that Bweil on the earth, hall wonder
(whole names are not witten in the Beoke
of tife from the foundation of the worlde)
when they behold the beat that was, ann ig
not, and petis.
9 Wercisthe minde that hath wiſdome.
Whe ſeuen heades are kleuen mountapnes,
whereon the woman fitteth: they are allo
leuen kings.
10 Ftue are fallen, and one is and ano-
ther is not yet come: and when ġe commeth
be mult continue a ſhort (pace,
II And the beat that was, and is not, fs
even the ™ eight, and ts one of the ſeuen, and
(hail goe into deſtruction.
12 And the ten bornes which thou ſaweſt,
ate ten kings, which pet haue not recetucd a
kingdome,but Wall receite power, as kings
at one boure with the beaft. i
13 a hele haue one mind, and ſhal gine
thetr power and aurhozitie puto the beaſt.
14 Chele hal fight with the Lambe,and
the Lambe tall couercome them: * foz be is.
Loꝛd of lozd3,and King of kings: and they
that are on his fide, called, and chelen, and
faithfull. s
I5 And hee lavd vnto mee, Che waters
which thou tawet, where the whore fitteth,
ate people, and multitudes and nations, and
tongues. ‘
IO Gnd the r tenne bones which thou
ſaweſt vpon the beatt,are they that thal pate
the whore, and Wall make ber Defolate and
arcane mall eate ber fleſh and burne ber
ith fire. i
17 Fo: God hath aput in their hearts to
The feuen heads.
i ThisistheRee .
mare Empire,
which being fale
len ta decay,
the whore of
Rome viurped
proceeded from
the deuill and
thither fhall ree
k Which are a⸗
bout Rome.
1 For after that
the Empire was
cecayed in Nero,
Vicellius, Velpae
fian and Titus
dyed inleffe then
fourteene yetres,
andreigned as
Kings: Domitian
then reigned, and
after him Coc-
ceius Nerua
which was the
m He meanech
Traianethe Em-
perour,who was -
a Spanizrd and
adopted by Ners-
ua, but becauſe
he perfecuted the
faithfull, he goeth
alfo to perditi-
n He fignifieth
harlot, becaufe
he feduceth the
world withyaine
tants of the earth ave Deunke with the wine
other kornication.
fullill his will, and to Boe with oneconfent thehorrible pet-
fo: to gine their ktngdome vnto the beal, fecutions which
untilithe weds of Ged be fulfilled. - haue bene vndes
words doGrines
of lies and oute
. ward appea-
c Meaning di-
uers nations and
d The beaft fig-
nifieth theanci-
ent Rome: the
woman that fit-
teth thereon,
the new Rome the Pa-
piltrie, whofe
ertieltie and
is declared by
3 Ho be caried me away into the wilder ·
neſſe in the Spirit, and Iſawe a woman fit
vpon a ſcarlet coloured 4 beat, ful of names
ofe blaſphemy, which bad (euen beads,and
tenhoznes. £
4 And the f woman was arayed in purple
and (catlet,and gilded with gold, g precious
ftones,and pearles,and bad a cup of gol in
her hand, fullof e abominations, and tilthi·
neſſe of ber fozntcatton, À
§ And in ber forehead was a name wit-
ten,» A mpltery, great Babylon, the mother
of whozedoemcs , and absininations of the
6 And J law the woman drzunken with
the bleod of Saints, with the blood of the
Martyrs of Jes: and when J Caw her, J
wondred with great maruaile.
7 Chen the Angel aid vnto me, there-
fore marueilett thou ? 7 will ſhewe thee the
18 And the woman which thos fawett,
empire of
is the great city, which reigneth ouer the Rome,endinall
kings ot the earth, ; other realmes
. fubie@ to the
fame. o And breake themto fhiuers asa potters pot. 1, T.6.15.
chap.19 16. p Diners nations,as the Gothes, Vandales, Hunnes,and
other nationsywhich were once fubie& to Rome, fhall rife againft it,
and deftroy it, q Thatin Read of doing homage to Chrif lefns,they
fheuld be caſt in a reprobate fence to ferus Antichgift,andro dedicate
themfelues and theirs wholly vnto him. `
3- 9 The louers ofthe world are fory for the fal
of the where of Babylon. 4 An admonition tothe
people of God to flee out of her dominion, 20 but
they that be of God, haue caufetoreioyce for her
defiruction, =
A AD alter thele things, Jſawe another
Angel come downe from heauen, hauing
great power, ſo that the earth was lightened
with his lory.
J [2.21
a This defcripti-
e Full ofidola- myfter» of the waman, and of the beat that
try,faperftition heareth her, which hath ſeuen heads, and ten
and contempt hoꝛnes.
of the true God. 3
f This woman is the Ancichrift,that is,the Pope with the
dy of his filthy creatures, as is expounded Verfe 18. whofe beautie
onely ftandeth in outward pompe and impudencie, and craft like a
ftrumpsc. 9 Of falfe doGrines and blafphemies, bi Which none can
knowtoauoyd, buttheeled,
2 And be crped out mightily with a loud on of che ouer-
vovce,fapitig,*4 It is falicn,itts fallen, Ba⸗ throwofthe. |
bylon the great citie And is become the habt+ great whore is
tation of Soenils, andthe hold of atl foule like to rhat
{pirits, and a cage ef euery vncleane and whereby the proe
hatekull bird. phets vie to de-
clarethe deftru-
ion of Babylon. b He defcribeth Rome to be the finke of all abo-
mination and deuilifhneffe,and a Kind of hell. F x
3 fo
To flee from Babolon.
c Thegrearett “
part of the world
hath been abufed
and feduced by
this ſpirituall
d WhenGod
threatneth the
wicked, he ever
comforteth and
counfelleth his
what they ought
to doe, that is,
tbat they doe not
with the finnes
of the wicked,
e TheGreeke
word is,that her
finnes fo foliow
one azother,and
fo rife one after
another, that they
grow to fuch an
heape, that at
Jength they
_touchthe very
f- Bleffed is hee
thet can repay to
_ the whore the
like, as it is writ-
_ the fpiritual mér- - |
- ments and krankincenle, and wine ant alle,
ren, Pfa, 137.89.
Iſa 47.8.
g The glorious
boafting ofthe
h But ful of peo-
ple ard mighty.
1 Both they that
3 Foꝛ: all nations haue dunken of the
wine of the wrath of ier fornication and the
Kings ef the carth haue committed fornica>
tion with her, € the merchants of the earth
wared rich of the abundance of er pleas
4 GnovF heard another voice from pea»
uen fay, 4 Goe out of her my people, that pee
be not partakers in her finnes, and that pre
receine not of her plagues.
5 Fozrber finnes are e come vp vnto hea⸗
Uli, E God Hath rememb2ed her iniquities.
6 f Reward her,euen as (he path rewar⸗
Dev pou, and giueher Double accoding to
her warkes: and in the cup that the bath Mi-
ied to pou, fil her the double.
7 Ynalmuch as fhe glorified her felfe,and
lived in pleafure,fo much giue poito yer tor
ment and ſorow: foz Hee faith in her heart,
*J fit being saqueene, and am no wt:
Dow,and Hali fee no mourning.
8 Therefore ſhall her plagues come at
one Day, Death, and fozow, and Famine, and
fhe Wali be burnt with fire: foz trong is the
Loꝛd God which wili condemne her.
9 Andthe Kings of the earth ſhall be⸗
watleber, and lament forher, which haue
committed foznication, and liued in pleaſure
wrp her, when they Hail (ee the fmokeof her
10 4nd hall ſtand afarre off foz feare of
ber torment, ſaying, Aias,alas, the great ci»
tie Babylon, the mighty citte; foz in ene
houre is thy iudgement come,
IE And the merchants ofthe earth hall
Yecepe and watle ouer ber; foz Ro man but
eth ber ware any moze.
12 The ware of gold g filuer, and of pze-
tious tione,and of pearles, and of fine linen,
andof purple, tof ilke, and ofſkarlet, anu
ofall maner of Thine * wood,and of all pef»
temporally have {els of yuozy , and of all veficls of moft preci-
had profit by the ous wood, and of bꝛaſſe, and oftron, and of
ftrumpet,& alſo
chants (hall for
forow and want
of their gaine,cry
out and defpaire.
k Which is vety
odoriferous and
1 Such as Ẹwan-
tons vfeat Rome.
m Thisis the vi-
left ware, y thefe
merchants ſel. &
beft cheap,whick
foules notiith-
ftandine ¥ Sonne
of God redee-
med with his
1 Pet. 1. 19.
n Th.tis, the
things which
thou foucdft
o And fe fhew
fignesof great
marble, 3
13 And ofcynamom, and odours, toint>
and fine floure, and wheate, and beats, eny
feeepe, and holes, and! charets, aud fer:
uants,and m fenles of men,
14 (And the »apples that thy fule lutea
after are Departed from thee, and all things
which were fat and ercellent, are Departed
from thee,and thou Malt find them no moze)
Is Ghe merchants of theſe things which
were wared rich, hall tand afarre eff from
ber , fo? feare of ber tozment, weeping and
wailing, ; 4
16 And laying, Alas alas the great citie,
that was clothed tn fine linnen, and purple,
and fcarlet, and gilded with golde, and pres
cious ſtone and pearles, í
17 Forin one houre fo great riches are
camie to Deflation. And euery hipmatter,
and all the people that occupie Mippes, and
fhipmen, and whefocuer trauaile onthe fea,
ſhall Hand afarre off,
18 And crie, when they {ee the fmoke of
her burning, taping, What citie was like pnto
this great citic? ‘
19 And they ſhalcaſt ° duſt on their beads,
and erie weeping t wailing, and Gp, Alas,
alas.the great citie wherein were made rich
all that pad fips on the ſea by her | coftlt-
nele: for inone borre fhe ts made delolate.
20 © heauen, reioyce of her, and yee holy
Apoſtles and Pꝛopheta: for Hod yath r gi.
uen pour indgement onbher. . ?
21 Then a mighty Angel teoke bp a
Fone like a great militonc, and” calt it into
tye fea,faping , (ith ch violence ſhall the
great citie Babylon be caſt, t Halbe a found
TiO moꝛe. i £
22 And the toice ok harpers, and mufici-
ans, and of pipers, aud trumpetters fhailbe
heard no moze in thee, and no craftinan,
of whatioeuer craft he be, fhallbe found any
moze in thee: andthe found of a milſtone
Rall be heard no moze tn thee.
23 And the lightofa candle hall Hine no
moze in thee: & che vovce of che brꝛidegrome
andotthe bude Hall bee heard nomozein
thee; for thy * merchants were the great
men ofthe earth: and with thine inchant-
ments were Decciued all nations.
24 And in her was found the blood of the
Pꝛophets, and of the Haints,and of all that
were Haine bpen the carth.
1 Praifes are giuen wato God for iudging the
where, and for auenging the blood of hws feruants.
10 The Angel wil not be worflipped. 17 The
Soules and birds are called tothe faughter.
A J2 after thele things J heard agreat
voyce of a gteat multitude in Heaven,
faytng, *iallelu-iah, faluation and glory,
— > AnD power bee to the Layour
2 Foz true and righteous are his indges
ments: for hee hath condemned the great
whore which ord corrnpt the earth with her
fozntcation, and hath auenged the blood of
bis feruants,hhedbyher Dand.
3 And againe they (avd, Yallelu-iab:and
ber € lmoke role vp foz euermoze,
4 And the foure and twenty Elders and
the foure
r Signifying that
Tefus Chrift,
which is the
word, ismade
fleſh, and is our
Lord,cut God, :
` andtheindge of the quicke and dead, f This declareth that his
Angels thall come with h'mtoiudge the world. t Which driueth
the wicked into cternall fire. P/al.2.9.chap.2.29. u Which decla-
reth his humanitie,wherein heis Lord ofall, & thalliudgethe world,
1.Tim 6.15 chap.1714. x This fignifieth thatthe day ofiudge-
ment (hall becleere and eutdent,(0 that none thalbe hid: for the trun-
pet hall blow aloud, and all (hall vnderftand it. y Forthe Pope
- and the-worldly princes (hall fight againft Chrift , euen vntill this laft
day. ⁊ The ouerthtow ofthe beaft and his vhick (hall bee chi¢fly
accomplifhed at the fecond comming of Chrifte
Lambs {upper,ans be fayt puto mee, Thee
words of God are true.
Io And J fell before bis Feet * to woꝛſhip
Him: but he lapd ynta mer, Dee thou doe tt
nots 3 am thy fellow feruant.and one of thy
brethzen, which hauz thei tetimony of Je⸗
fus, orig God: for che k tetintenie of
Fetus, ts the ſpirit of prephelie.
IL Aud J faw heauen open, and beholde,
atuhite ! horle, Ebethatiate vpon bim, was
called = Faithfull and true, and be a tudgeth
and fighteth rigbteoutly.
12 Ind bis epes were as a flame of fire,
andon bts head were ° many crownes; and
he had a name witten, that no mane knew
but huniclfe.
12 And * he was clothed with a garment
dipt in a blood, and his name ts calles, T H E
14 And the fwarriours which were in
Heauen,follomed him vpon white bozies cle-
then with fine linnen white and pure.
Is And out of bis mouth went out a
fgarpe fwod, that with it he woun finite
the heathen: foz hee * hall rule them with
aron of irom: for hee it ts that treaderh the
winepreffe of the ticrceneſſe and wath ofal-
mightie God. i -
16 And hee hath vpon bis garment, and
bpon his = thigh a name witten, *THE
17 Am J fawe an Angel fand in the
xfunne, who cried with a lode voyce,
faping to ali the foules that did flic by the
mids of heauen, Come and gather pour
lelues together vnto the {upper of the great
> 4
18 That pee map cate the leh of Rings
and the flety of hie captaines, ana the firth
of mighty men,and the fle of hozles , and
ofthem chat fit on them, and the fief ofall
free men and bonamen, and of ſmall and
great. ;
19 And F faw the beaſt, and the Kings of
the earth, and their Ywartiours gathered tos
gether to make battell agatnit bim that fate
onthe horſe,and againſt bis ſouldiers.
20 But the beatt wasz taken, and with
him that falle prophet that wꝛought mira-
cles belaze him , whereby hee Deceined thent
that recetucd the beats marke, and then
that worMipped hts image. Theſe both
were altue cat into alake of fire burning
with beunitone. : i
2E And the remnant were faine with
the ſworde of him that titteth vpon tye
boze, which commeth out of his mouth,
ue all the foules were filled full with chet
2 Satan besug bound for a certaimetime, 7
And after let laoſe, vexeth the Church griewouflr.
10. 14 Andafter the world wsudged, hee and
his are caft into the lake of fires
Az J (aw ana Angel come Downe from
heauen, baning the “key ofthe botton-
leſſe pit,and a great chaine in bis hand.
2, - And hee teoke the dragon that ola fer-
Bent, which is the Deutll and Hatan, and he
bound Him a ¢ thouſand peeres, X
3 Aud cat him into the bottomlele pit,
and he hut him vp, and fealed the doore yp-
on him, that hee ould Deceme the people
HO moe, till the 4 thouland pecres were ful-
filled : foz after that he mul bee looſed foz a
little ſeaſon.
4 Andj {awe feates: and they late tp-
on then, and tudgement was ginen vnto
them, and Lfawe the foules of them that
were beheaded foz the witneſfſe of Jefus,
and fo: the wozde of God, and which dw
not warthip the beak, neither bis image,
neither had taken bis marke bpon their
foreheads, ozon therr hands: and they lis
ued, and reigned with Chit a f thouland
5 Buttherekofthes dead men hal not
liue againe, vntill the thonland peeres befi-
nied; this ts thet frt reſurrection.
‘ Bleed and holy ts hee that hath part
in the firt reſurrection: for on ſuch che + fe-
cond Death hath uo power: but thep * Mall
be the Prieſts of God and of Thꝛiſt, and thal
reigne with him a! thoiland peere.
7 And when the thouland peeres are
a opiten > Datan all bee tooled out of his
8 Ano hal goc out to deceiue the people,
which are inthe foure quarters of the earth;
euen® Gog and Magos, to gather them to»
ve E battel, whole number isas the fana
of the fea. s
9 And they went vp into the plaine of
the earth, which compalicd the ents ofthe
Paints about,and the beloucd citie: but fire
caine Downefront God out of heauen, and
DeveutedD theni. j
Io And tie Deuill that Decetned them,
was talt into a lake office and bꝛimitone,
where the beat and the falk prophet hail
bee tormented euen Day and night foz cuer:
It And J awa great white thane, and
o one that fate on it from whole face fied a
way both the earth and heauen, and their
place was na moze found.
12 And J faw the dead, both great and
{mall tand befoze God: and the r bookes
from linne in newnefie of life.
Satan boundand loofed.
a This Angeiree
prefenteth the
order of the A-
poftles, whofe
vocation and
office was from -
heaven : of may
fignifie Chrift
which fhould
treade downe the
ferpeggs head,
b Hereby hee
meancth the
Golpel whereby
hell is fhut vp to
the faithfull and
Satan is chained
that he cannot
hurt them,yea,
andtheminifters -
hereby open it to
the infidels,but
through their im-
pietie and Rub-
c That is from
Chrifts natiuitie
vnto thetime of
Pope Syluefter
thefecend : fo
long thepure de-
Grine fhould af-
tera fort remain,
d After this
terme Satan had
greater power
then he had be-
c The glory and
authoritie of thé
that (vuffer fer
Chrifts fake.
f That is, whiles
they haue remai⸗
nedin this life.
g He meancth
them whiciYare
piai dead:
or in whom Sa⸗
tan hueth, he is
dead to God,
h Whichis, to
receiue Iefus
Chrift in true
faich,and to rife
i Thedeathofthefoule , whichis
eternalldanmnation. k Shall be true partakers of Chrift and ofhis
dignitie, | Thatis,foreuer, m Aſter that the chaine is broken,
and the true preaching of Gods word is corrupt. n . By themare
meant diuers and {trange enemies ofthe Church of God,as the Turke,
the Saracens,and others,reade Ezek. 38.2.and 39. 1,2, hy whome the
Church of God fhould bee grieuoufly tormented, o Which was
Chrift prepared to indgement with glory and maiefty, p Euery mans
confcience isas a booke wherein his deedes are written , which hail
appeare when God openeththe booke,
| Holy Ierufalein.
chap 3.5»
and 21.17,
q vnderftand ng
al kinds of death,
where by men
haue beñe Maine,
r Hell anddeath
which are the laft
enemies ſhalbe
Fla 65.17.
and 66.22:
a All things fhall
be renewed and
reftored intoa
~ moft excellent &
perfed eftate,and
therefore the day
of the refurreti-
on is called the
day of reftaurati-
enof all things,
Acł 5.21.
2Pet 3. 13.
b For all things
thalbe purged
from their cor-
ruption,and the
faithfull hall en-
ter into heauen
with their head
c The holy com-
pany oftheele&,
d Meaning that
Godby hisdi-
uine malefie will
glorifie and re-
nue his, and take
them vnto him.
- e All eccafions
offerrow fhall
betaken away:
haue perpetuall
F[a.43. 19.
and 32.13:
f I that am the
_ eternall life will
give vnto mine
fo that they thall
were opened g” another Sooke was opened
pria is the booke of lite, and the Dead were
iudged of thole thuss which were witten
in the bookes according to their workes.
13 Aud the fea gane wp der Dead, which
were in her and aDdeaty and hell delinered
by the Dead, which were in them: and they
were iunge enerp man accoding to their
{4 And: Death and hell were cat into
the lakeoffire: tsis isthe cond death.
15 And wholoeuer was not found wit:
tenin tye booke otlife, was caſt mite tie lake
of tire,
3.24 The bleffed eſtate ofthe godly,8 17 And
the miftrable condition of the wicked. s1 The de~
feripteon of the heanenly Terufalem, and of the
wife ofthe Lambe.
A f2d J (aw *ancw heauen, aad a newe
earths a for “the fri beauen, and the
firt earth mere > pafen awap, and there
was no moze fea. 1
2 And J John fa the < poly citiencwe
Ferulaicm come 4 Downe from Ged out of
heaucn, prepared as a bztde trimmed for Her
3 And heard agreat voice out of hea⸗
uen, ſaying, Behold the Cabernacte of God
is with men, and hee will diwri with chem:
and they Hall bee his people, an’ God him⸗
felfe Halbe their God with them.
4 *And Ged thal wipes away all teares
from their eyes: andthere hall bee no moze
Death, neither ſorrow, neither crping neither
fall there bee anp moze paine: fo2 the Ark
things are paſſed. s
§ Ano bethat fate vpon the thene, ſaid,
* Behold, J make all things new: and bee
ſaid vnto mee, cArite: fozthele words are
kaithkull and true.
6And hee ſaid vnto me, It is done,* FJ
am Alpha ant Omega, the beginning and
the end. 3| wit giue to him that is athirit, of
the! wellofthe water ot life freelp. ;
7 Weethatouerconuneth, thallinherite
ali things, and J will bee bis God, and hee
ſhall be my fonne.
But the efearefull, and vnbeleeuing,
and the abominable, and murtherers, and
whozemongers, and ſorcerers, and molas
ters, and all pars thall bane their partin the
lake, which byrneth with fre and brimſtone,
which ts the fecond Death.
9 And there came vnto me one of the fe-
uen Angels, which had the ſeuen vials full of
the euen laft plagues,and talked with mee,
faying, Come: J will Hew thee the: bride,
the Lambes wife. uf
Io And hee caried mee away in the (pirit
toagreat and an hte mountaine, and hee
fhewed me the great k citie holy Jerufalem,
IDelcending out of heauen from Gov,
to drinke of the liuely waters of this euerlafting life, g They which
. feare man morethenGod, h Tney whichmocke and ich at Re- .
ligion. i Meaning the Church, which is married to Chrift by
“faith. k Bythisdefcription is declared the incomprehenfible ex-
" cellencie, which the heauenly companie doeenioy. } Itisfaid to
~ come downe from heaven beezufe all the benefites thatthe Clinrch
~ hath, they acknowl
eto come of God through Chrift,
Chap. xxj.
Al Haning the glozie of God: and her Hi-
ning was like vnto a tone moft pecions,as
a Jaſper itone,cleare as Cryſtail,
12 And had a great * wall and hie, and
bad tweluee gates, and at the gates twelue
Angels , and the names weitten, which are
the twelue tribes of the chilazen of Iſrael.
13 On che Cait part there were thee gates,
and on the Northlide thiee gates, on the
Houthide thee gates, and on the CUeſtſide
thee gates.
14 And the wallof the citie had twelve
foundations, and in them the names of the
Lambes twelue r Apottles.
15 And be that talked with me had a goi
Ben reedto meaiure the cite withal andthe
gates therecf,and the wallthercof,
16 And the citie lay foure (quare, and the
length is as large as the breadth of it, and
de nigalured the citie with the recede, twelue
thoufand flirlongs: and thelength, and the
byeadth,and the beta ht of tt are equall.
17 Andhemealured the wall thereof, an
Funded, fourtre and foute cnbites, by the
meafuve of man,that is, ofthe Angel.
18 And the buriding of the wail of it was
of Jalper ; and che cttte was pure olde like
vnto cleare glaſſe.
19 And the foundations of the wall of
the citie were garnimen with all maner of
precious ſtones: the frt foundation was ©
Jalper : the fecond of Saphir; the third
pÊ — Chalcedonie: the fourth of an Eme⸗
20 The fiftof a Sardonix: the firt ofa
Pardius: the ſeuenth ofa Chꝛyſolite: the
tight ofa Beryl: the ninth ofa Copas the -
tenth of a Chꝛyſopzaſus: the eleuenth ofa
Jacinth: thetwelfthan Ameſhyſt.
21 And the twelue gates were twelue
. peartes, and enery gate isofone pearle, and
on te of the citie is pure golur as ining
22 And F aw no Temple therein: fe:
the Loyd God Almightie and thea Lambe
are the Cempleotit. 3
23 * And the citie hath na neede of the
Dunne, neither of the moone to Whine m it:
fo the glozte of God did light it: aud the
Lambe is the light oftt.
24 And the people which are ſaued, Hall
walkein the light of it: and thes Kings of
* ak Wall bring their slozis and honour
25 * And the gates of ft hall not bee Hut
by Day: forthere Halt be no might there,
26 Andthe glory and honour of the Øens
tiles ſhalbe brought vnto tt, :
27 And there Hall enter into tt none bn»
cleane thing, neither whatſoeuer worketh
abomination o? ites: but they which are
witten in the Lambes * Booke of life,
1 The riser of the water of fe. 2 The fruit-
fulne ffe and light of the citie of Ged. 6 The Lord
giueth euer his fernants warning of things to
come. 9 The Angel will not bee worfbipped.
18 Tothe word of God * nothing be added,nor
The Lambe is the Temple. 554 |
3. 5.and 20,8 2a
m Euer greene
and fourifhing.
n SED ing that
the faithfull thal} Y
befurely kept in |
o Thatis,place
enough to enter:
for elfe- we know
there is but one
way, & onegte,
euen Leſus Chrift,
p For the Apo-
files, were meanes
whereby Iefis
Chrift the true
foundation was
reuciled to the
q This declareth. <-
that Chriſt - =
God isfeparable
with his Father, _
Fft.60.19, 7
F [4:60.3,5 6 —
r Here we fee as
in infinite other
places, that kings
and prinees( con~
trarytothat wic-
ked opinionof ~
the Anabaptifts)
are partakers of
the heavenly
glory,if tbey rule
in the feare of the
Iſa.6o 11.
Phil.4. 3.chaps.
a He alludethto
the vifibie pata-
dite, to fer foorth
more fenfibly the
fp rituall:and
this agreeth with
that which ts
written, Ezek,
b Meaning that
Cbhrilt who isthe
life ofhis Church
is common toall
his,and not pecu-
liar for any one
fort of people.
c Fot there are al
things pleafant
and full of all
d Which fome-
time were vn-
pareas Gentiles,
but now are pur-
gedand made
whole by Chrift.
[4.60.1 9,20.
„€ The ligne thall
he vnchangea-
ble, and (hine
for ewer?
-£ Nowthis is the
- fecond time that
he fuffered him-
-felfetobe caried
avway with the
excellencie of
, Thetree of life,
A he ſhewed mer a vure a river of was
Cheer of lite, cigare as cyziitall, piosceeding
out of tye tont of GDD, and of the
2 Jn the onuaves of the ſtreete of it,
ann ok either ſide ot the riuer, was the tree
of iife, which bare twelue maner oc fruttes,
and gaue fruite cucry © moneth: ana the
leaues of thee tree ferued to heale “the nati-
ons with. -
2 And there balbe no moze curſe but the
throne of God and ot the Lambe hail bec in
If, and bis @ruants hall ſerue bim,
4 And they all {ee bis face, and hrs
name fail be in their foreheads.
5 * And there Halbe no < night there,and
they neede ns candle, neither light of the
@unne:fo: theLozd God giueth them light,
and they hall reigne for eucrinoze.
6 And he ſaid vnto me, Theſe words are
fatrhfull and true : and the Low God of the
Hoip Mophets fent his Angel ta Hew vnta
bis ſeruants the things which mull ſhortly
be fulfitled, ;
7 ebol, F come ſhoꝛtly. Bleſſed is hee
that Keepeth the mozdes of the propheſie of
tits boaske. i
8 And Jam John, which faw and heard
theſe things: and when J bad heard and
feene, * FZ‘ felldowne to worhtp before the
feete of the Angel, which hewed mee thele
things. ; :
9 Butheelaid vnto me, See than doe it
not: fez J am thy fellow leruant, andofthy
brethren the Pꝛophets, andofthem which
a the wozdesof this booke: worſhippe
10 And hee laid vnto me,s Zeale not the
words of the propheſie of this booke fo: tye
and he which is filthy, let bim be filthy Mill:
and hee that is righteous, iet him be righte⸗
oar ttill; and be that is holy, let him be holp
ill. l
12 And behold, 3 come Ho2tly,and my re-
tard is with me,* io gine euery man accor-
Ding as his worke Wali be.
13 Jam Alpha and Dmega, the begin-
niag and the end, the Brit and the late.
14 Bleffen are thep,that doe his comman-
Dementa, chat their right may be in thebtree
oflife, and map enter in through the gates
into the citie.
Is Foꝛ without hall bee dogges and en-
chantera, and wijozemongers, and murthe-
revs, and idolaters, and whoſoeuer loueth oz
maketh ities, j -
16 § Jeius baue fent mine Angel,to teftis
fie vnto pou theſe things in the Churches: ¥
am the roote and the«gencration of Daud,
and the bright moning! tarre,
I7 And the Dpirite and the Bꝛide fay,
Cone. And tet him that Heareth, fay,
mome: And let him chat isa thirt, come;
and * let whoſoeuer ° will,take of the water
of life freely.
18 Fo: J potek vnto euerp man that
heareth the words of the propbelie of this
boske, * Jf any man thall ande vnto thele
things God thal adde vnto him the plagues
that are wꝛitten in this booke.
19 And if anp man thall diminiſh of the
wods of the booke of this prophelie, God
Water of life offered freely.
Ifa 45.4. &44.
ó, chap 1.8,
and 13.6.
h. They fhall liue
eternally with the
Sonne of God,
i Thatmaintaine
falfe do@rine,and
delight therem,
k That is,a true
and naturali man,
and yet God e-
quall with my
l For Cariftis
the light that gi-
ueth ligat to eue-
ry one that com-
meth into this
m Let them be
afraide of Gods
horrible iudge-
ments, and as -
foone as they
heare the Lambe
call, lec them
n Hethat feeleth ;
bimfelfe oppref-
fed with atfli&i-
ons, and defirech g
fhall take away bis part out of the booke of the heauenly gra-
itfe,and out of the bolp Citie, and from thole
things which are written in this booke.
20 He which tettifierh hele things, faith,
POurely, J come quickly. Amen, Cuen ſo
q come, Lod Felts.
ces and comtort,
Iſa 55.1.
© That is. when
God beginneth
to reforme our
theperfon: which timetsathand. 3 ———
isto admoniſh IL He that is vniuſt, let him be vniuſt Ril:
-vs of our infir- -
mitie and readineſſe to fall , except Gad ftrengthen vs miraculoufly
with his pirit. g Thisis nottben as the other prophefies which
‘werécommaunded to be hid till the time appointed, as in Daniel 12.
4, becaufe that thefe things fhould bee quickly accomplifhed , and
did now beginne,
21 he grace of cur Lord Jeſus Chrift will by his Spirite
be with pou all, Amen. Deut.4.2
p Seeing the Lordis at hand, we ought to beconftant and reioyce,
but we muft beware wee efteeme not the length or (hortneffe ef the
Lords comming by our owne imagination, 2.Pet.39. q This dę-
clareth the earneft defire that the faithfull haue to bee deliuered ft
of thefe mi(eries,and to be ioyned with their head Chrift Iefus,
The ende.
CY 12, ©
NTA tof oh Sedat Both deed Sack Bet
Chriftian Reader, touching the two
Alphabets enfewing. ,
24 OOD Chriftian Reader, becaufe thou mayeft enioy and reape the
* profite of theſe two Alphabets of dircétions vnto Common places
© hereafterfollowing,which I haue in maner of a briefe Concordance,
YS T o orlarge & ample Index,colle&ed, digefted, and caufed to be imprin-
A A ted for thy cõmoditie: Ithought it not amiffe to aduertife thee fome-
BAY thactouching the principall contents, vſe, and commoditic of them,
wre Gi Wherefore be it knowen vntothee, thatin the firft of the faid Alpha-
bets, l haue together placed by themfelues in a maner, all the ftrange namesand wordes
which are ſcatteringly to bee found here and there throughout the whole Bible , remay-
ning written in the Hebrewe,Chaldean,Syrian, Greeke, or Latine languages ; to the ende thou
mayft by that meanes,learne to be conduced ynto fo much of the interpretation,Hiftoric,
Common places,and knowledge of them, and cuery of them, as I truft thou fhalt thinke
needefull. And for that in diuers tranflations thefe ftrange names & words are written di-
uerfly,I haue,in fefpe& thereof, only in this Alphabet, followed the Genewa tranflation,as
moft allowed in that behalfe, and yet haue placed inthe Margent thereof how in writing,
other Tranflations differ from the fame: to the end not only {uch corruptions as are found
for want of ytrue Orthographic of them, may appeare yntothofethatare skilful in thofe
languages, to be amended, when time fhal] minifter occafion ( as fome of them are alrea.
dy) but alfo the vnskilful Readers be not defrauded of fuch commodity,as might grow yn-
to chem thereby, efpecially if they fhould haue occafion to looke for any word inthe fame
Alphabet, after the fame maner of writing, that they had feene or read it in other Copies,
and not finde the fame accordingly. Secondly, in the other of the faid Alphabets, I have
likewife by themfel ues placed all,and as many proper and vſual Englifh words,as are con-
tcined in the fame Bible, conducing to the finding out of the molt fitteft fentences, and
beft common places, tending to the prouing or verifying of any article and do@trine,con-
cerning our Chrittian faith & religion,or belonging to any other godly or neceflary inftru-
ction: fo as if thou wouldett vnderftand what is to be learned in the Scriptures touching
God orhis power, his wifdome, or his loue, his mercie,or his trueth, his iuftice,his promie
fes, his plagues,or his punifhments,&c.either elfe cécerning Chirift,or the holyGhoft,An-
gel,or Man, Nature,or Law,Sinne,or Grace,Faitb,or Ynbelicfe, Predeftination,or Repro-
bation, luftificauon,R egeneration,Church or Sacraments,&c.orto be briefe,ifthou woul-
deft vnderftand what is neceflarily to bee learned in the fame Scriptures , touching the e-
ftate,authoritic-office or duetie of Kings or Princes,Iudges or Magiftrates, Bifhops & Pa-
ftors, Elders or Minifters,Fathcrs and Mothers,Mafters and Miftreffes,Subie&ts,and Pari-
fhioners, Husbands & Wiues,Children and feruants, and how cuery one, of what degree,
eftace,condition,or profeftion foeuer,he,fhe,or they be of ought to behaue themfelues to-
wards God,and one towards another, and whatis to be {poken and not fpoken, and what
is to be done and left vndone of them or any of them,by the rule of Gods word :thou art
not voyd of competent knowledge or directions in this Alphabet to ayde thee. Thirdly,to
further thee to finde out in thefe two Alphabets, any thing whereof I haue before made
mention, thou art to refort Alphabetically vnto the firft of them, with the name of any
Man,Woman,Countrey,Citie, Place, Riuer, ldole, &c in the fame conteined : and alfo yn-
to the fecond of them,with the chiefe word of any fentence or cOmon place therein men-
tioned,which thou art moft affected vnto, or defireft to be fatisfied of: and by that meanes
A. 3 in
cA Preface tothe Christian Reader.
in cuery of them fhalt thou by Gods grace,without faile be conduced,and to thy great eafe
dire&ted,and as it were, ledde bythe hand, euentothe Booke,Chapter and Verſe, where
the fame, (or fo much thereof, as for a godly,C hriftian,and neceffary knowledge fhall bee
thought requifite) is to bee found out moft readily :alwayes remembring, that whatfoeuer
conuenientknowledge wanteth in thefe Alphabets, astouching the text whereunto it di-
reéteth thee, is there fupplied by the Annotations, or quotations in the Margent. Moreo-
uer,good Chriftiaa Reader,thou haft alfo to obferuc how that the firit Figure, or Figures,
which followe nextafter any Booke whereunto thou fhalt bee guided, fignificth or fignifie
the Chapter,and the other the verfe or verfes of the fame Chapter, where any of the fore-
faid things is to be fought for. Againe,whereas thou fhalt after a Chapter,and otherwhiles
after fome verfe or verfes ofa Chapter, finde this marke or Starre * quoted,thou art to vn-
der{tand, howthat the whole Chapter,or from the verfe of that Chapter where the fame
Starre is placed forward vnto the ende thereof, entreateth,or in fome good refpedts chiefly
belongeth, and may be applyed tothe fame Hiftorie, matter, or common place thou fee-
keft for,except there be any verfes following the fame *, for then the common place isto
be vnderftoode,notto exccede thofe verles. Finally, whereas I haue fometimes in thefe
Alphabets partly fet downe the fenfe, & that which may properly be gathered of the text,
which thou art directed ynto, & notthe very words themſelues, and otherwhiles repeated
one thing in diucrsplaces,but yetto diuers ends: Ltruft that wil not offend thee, fith I haue
fo done forthe valearneds fake,becaufe the fame could net,ne canbe made too plaine for
them,and therefore haue vfed not fo great a curiofitie and abbreuiation in that behalfe,as
perhaps fome others would haue had me:& yet confideringto what a great quantity theſe
two Alphabets are growen ynto, (ouer that I thought they would) I haue bene forced to
leaue out fomewhat, that otherwife I would haue added vntothem , which hereafter by
Gods grace | will {upply:thus much touching the principal contents,commodity, & vie of
the aforefaid Alphabets, which with {uch other doubts as may trouble thee, miftruft not,
butby well perufing of the fame,and practiſe (withthe diuerfitie of letter,which is vfed in
them ) will foone appeare very eafie plaine, and apparant vntothee, albeit | particularly
- gouch not euery ofthem.Nowtherfore to conclude, ifmy fimple wauaile and paines taken
herein fhalbe wel accepted ofthee, meane,ofthe more skilful and learned Readersto be
poliſhed and amended of them (ifthcy fhall fo deeme neceflary andconuenient ) tothe
better edification of the Church of God,whereof they are or ought to be ioynt members,
helpers,and furtherers,fo farre forth as their Talents wil ftretch vnto,and that in the ſpirit
of meckeneffe, fobrictie,and charitie: and of the leſſe learned or ynlearned Reader (vnto.
whom I confeffe my felfe the greateft debtour ) as an aid and helpe to their godly ftudies,
and honeft trade of life,and withal Chriftianly co be conftiued of al men,as a meanesand.
furtherance,and notan hinderance vnto any, {hall for my part thinke my felfeweil re-
quited,and more then {uflicientlyrewarded,in that I thall enioy my deſite, and
that which I longed for, And fo befeeching Almightie God to giue vs his
grace to bettudious of ynitie,and bringing forth fuch fruices,as
may declare our yndoubted election in Chrift leſus, J
take my leauc of thee,this xxijof December. *
Anno Domini.
© 0 Bhine inthe Lord, Robert F.Her,
* Amana
The firft Alphabet SE directions to common
places,conteining all the Hebrew, Caldean, Greeke, Latine,
or other ftrange names , difperfed throughout the whole _
Bible, conducing to the profitableft things thereof. The
further contents and vfe of the which, more at large is ex-
prefled in the Preface preceding.
3} Arono} Aharon: Ateacher,02 teaching,
02 conceiuing, oꝛ a hilio mountaine, oꝛ a
A man of the mountaine, o}the mountaine
em of fortitude, 02 a firong helt. The ſonne
FH) of Amram. €r0.6.20. He meeterh Mo⸗
fes at Dozeb. Ero.4.27.He is eloquent.
Exod.4. 14. Hee is fent with Moſes inte Egypt. Ero.
4. 15,16. and Beclateth Gods meflage vnto Pharaoh.
GErod.4-30.and 5.1. Aaron and Dur waite at the foore
of the mountaine, vntil Boles returned from {peaking
with God. Exod.24. 13,14.
Aaron was with bis Lonnes anointed and conſecta·
ted zie. Leuit.3. n* Rum. 3.10, Deut.18.1.Hebz.
5.4. atter the oꝛdinance. Exo.ꝛ d.i.* and 29. 5.* 40.
12.e erecteth a calfe.grod. 32.4. and ig rebuked ef
Woles thereloꝛe. Exo. 32.21. Che oblation of him anv
bis chilpzen the Dap of their anointing. Leuit. 6. 20,
Dis oblation foz binfelfe and bis people. L enit.o.2.He
bleſſeih the people after his offering. Leuit.9.22. ce
and Miriam murmure again Moles, and bee repzo-
ued of God.jRum.12.1,15.
The oblations anv tenths offered vnto Gor bp the
chilaztn of Sftact,appertaine bute Aaron. Rumb. 18,
8. God is Aarons heritage. Numb.i 8. 20. By making
dł Aarons Tod to budte, God apprctrecl) Zarot to bee
bigh Pꝛieſt. Numb.17.8. Hee went peerelp but once
inte the moft holy. Exo.zo.i10. Hee coutd not enter into
the land of Lenaan foz his infivelicies fake. Qumb.20.
22. Hee dieth bp the appointment ot Godin the rep of
the mount Hoꝛ called Moſere.Mum.ꝛo.ꝛ28. Deut.a o.
6.and 32.50. After him fuceceverh bis ſonue Eleazat.
Qum. 20.28. Whe habitarions ef bis chtinzen.1. Chꝛo.
6.54.Hee ig pꝛaiſed. Esra 65. Ercius. 45.6.7. His
(onnes Nadab and Abibu were Anine for offering
firange fite.,2.loske moze Luke 1.5. Acts7.
40 Heb.5.4. and 7. 11. and 9. 4.
g Abaddon. im Gꝛeeke Apollyon. defroying. looke
Reuel.ↄ.i n.
Abanah ony, oꝛ a building, oꝛ father I befeech now.
Driver of Damafcas.2. King. 5. 12.
Abarim. gonos ouer furors, oaꝛconceiuing: in the Sp-
tian tongue. AU kindes of corne. A hill ouer Jorden,
tohere the Ilraelites pitched the 42. manfion in the
wilvernefle. Mumb 33-47. from whence God Mewen
Moles the tard of Canaan umb. 27.12. and vpon
the which bili Doles Bien. Deut. 32.49, 50. 34.1, 5-
Abba. father. Dat.14.36.
We crie onto Boo Abba Father bp the bolp Ghol.
Rom.8, 15. Halat. 4.6.
Abaron.fireszth. the fonne ef Battatkias $ lonne
of Jobn. 1. Wac.2.5.callen alfo Eleazar.1.Dace.6.43.
Abda. a fzruant orin the Sprian tangue,thy chud,
1 Ring.4.6. Nehe. 11 17.
Abdi my ſeruant. Che father of Kiſh.2. Cho 29.12.
Abdiel. a feruant of God, oza cloude of Gods fore,
Jere 36 26. and 1. Chao 5. 15.
Abdon.a ſeruant oza cloud of Iuſtice ↄ. Chꝛ. 34. 20.
called Achbex.⁊ King.22.12. Alſo a citie, Joh 21.3.
Alo a Judge, who had 40. ſonnes, and zo. nephevoes.
Judg· 2. 13, 14.
Abed-nego. feruant oſſbining. A mang name cals
feb alio Azariat.2Dan.1.7.
Abel. mourning. A citie, where swelt toile men,
tobole ceftfels manp of the Iſtaelites followed in thelr
affaircs.2.Gam.30.18, Yt wag prelerued bp the coun⸗
fell of a wile woman that was therei.2,Samuel 20.
16." Gt was afterwatd taken bp Tiglath Pileſer. 2.
ings 15.29. Ailo a place whereupon the Arkeof
God wag let. 1.Ham. 6.18. Fug. 11.33. Foꝛ Abe! che
fonne af Adam,locke Habel.
Abel-beth-maachah. mourwing to the houſe of Ma-
achah. & citie which king Aza cuercame bp the helpe
of Ben-hadat. s. King.: 5.20. called allo Abelmaim.
2. Chr. 16.4,
Abelmaim. mourning of waters. & citie, called gilo
Abel-beth maachab, ag befeze.
Abel-meholah. farew of weakeneffe. A plahe beet:
of looke, Judg.7. 22 and 2 Bing.4 12.
Abel-fhittim. (Crow ofthornes. Q place not farre
from Zoan, South from the Moabites, fonamed of
the plenrie of thoynes growing there IAumb.3 3.49. in
that place was the 42.marifion of the Aſtaelites. 11. eg g¢,derty, 0p of linnen, A citte in the tribe
of Iſſachar.Joſh. 19.20,
Abgatha, father of the winepreffe. One of King A⸗
hechuetoſh bii.chamberlaines. Eiter 3.10,
Abi, my father Hezekiahs mother.2.Bing.r8.2.
Abiah the will ofthe Lord. The fonne of Samuel.
1.Ham.8.2. Allo Rehoboama fenne. 1. Lhzon.3. ros
who is called Abtiam. 1. Bing. 14.3. and in Matthew
Avia Watth. 1 7. Allo the name of heſrons wife. 1.
Chꝛ 2.24.
Abi-albon, the father of great vaderftanding, o} the
father of much building, ox wrong. A mans neme. 2.
Ham.23 3r.called Abiel.2.h2.11.32.
Abiamuthe father ofthe fea.the forme of Rehoboam.
1, Ring.14.3 1 looke Abiah Wee is mave Bing ef Fita
Dab.r Bings 15.1. warreth bith Jeroboam.2.Cbz0n,
33.2, glogieth in Gov his gquide.2.Chzon. 13.12. and
therefoze obtaineth bictoꝛie. Chron. 13. 16 Dee dieth.
Akter him fecceedety his fonne Alfa, a god!p prince. r.
Hing.15.8 and 2. Chꝛo. 14. 1,2.
Abiafaph. a gathering, oz confuming father. The
tonne of ozah. Exo.6.2a. coke Ebiafaph. F
Abiathar. father of the remnant, 8} excellent father,
02 father of contemplatcon. The lonne of Abimelech,
who efcapen the hands ef SauL1.Samurl 22.20,21,
and fled to Dauid to Keilah. . Samuel 23,6.Dee hols
deth with Aventiab. 1. Bings 1.7. was put from his
WjieIhood 1. kin. a2. 27. accogding to the wan.. Sam.
2.31,32. reade Dark.2,26. Zilo the name of another
Prieka King. 44.
Abib. God. 3.4.
Abida. father of knowledge. Gen.a5.4.
Abidan, father ofiudzement.Qum, ELI.
Abiel my father is God. s.-Bart.9.4.end 14.5 1.2lfa
a mans name. 1, Chzon 11.32. calles Abt-albon. z,
Sam. 23.314
Abiezer. the fathers helpe, Joſh.17. 2. Allo one of
Dauids zo merthier.2,3m.23.27, ha
43 Abigail,
Ebiafapk f
A abe
Abigail.the fathers soy. Mile to the bngobly Nabal,
a woman of ſingulat wiledumie. Wio vee
came after Qabals Death rye wife of Dauis.
35.39. Allo the name ofthe Daughter of Rabah, ec.
whom Amala vefloured.2.5ama7 .25.
Abigibeon. the father of the cup, o} father of a litle
hill az the father of Gibeon.1, Chꝛſ8.29. and 9.35;
Abihuil the father of ftrength, riches,o} ſorow. Qu.
3-35- Ailo $ name of Rehaboama wife. 2.Chzo. 11.18.
Abiahil the father of lsght.o2 pratf2.1.L)2.2.29.
Abiku. bee ss father , 03 father him/elfe. Due of the
fonnes of Aaron. Exodus 6.23. wha with Madab gis
bzother wasconfumed with fice, foz that thep offered
fitange fire contrary to Gods commandement. Leur.
10,.1,2,and Rumb. 3.4,
(ow Abihu, avad, Woles, and Aaron law Gov
in tie mount.erod, 24.9,10,11.
Abihud.the father of praiſe, oʒ confeſſon. i. hzo. 8.
3. Ailo the name of Fozobabeis ſonne. Ahatthar. 13.
ihere called Abiud, and in 1.@b2. 3.19.Danantag.
Abiiah.idem ag Abiah. The nother of hezekiab.
2.Zbz0.29.1. called Abi. a.ihing.18, 2. Ailo Jerobo⸗
ams fonte, who died, and wag bewailed of ail Iſrael.
1. King. 14 1,18.
Abiiam.looke Abiam,
Abilene. weeping, oꝛ crying 5 02 lamentable o the
[onne ofa manſion, o murmuring. A counttey whereof
plates was Cetrach. Luke 3.1.
| Abimael. a father from God,oz of God. Gen. 10.28.
Abimelech the ksags Jather, oꝛ my father the kung,o2
father of coun(el,oz chiefe father. A generall name of
the kings ef the Philiſſims, ( as Ceſat is che name of
l te Emperezs of Roime)the king of Gerar whetooke
k Sarah frå Abzabam, purpeling to make Ger bis wife.
| Benelro.2. Hee maketh acouenant with Abzaham.
Gen.2 1.17.2800 alfo with Izhak.Gen.26.260, 31.
Aio rhe ienne ef Ferudbaal, o2 Gideon Judg.s 35.
and 9. 1. who Rew 70. sf his baethacn, reigned Ring
ouer Piraci. Judg.9.5,6. gat the laſt perifhen thames
dullp. Judg-9.5 3554.83 2, DAM. 11.21,
Abinadab. a father of a vowe, op of a free minde, 0}
Prince. The bzother of David.1.Sam.16.8. Allo the
foune of Saul.i.Chi. 8.33. The Arke of God was in
bid Houle.1.Samuy.7.1. and frem thence was caried
to ihe boule of Obed Edom.2.Ham.6.3,10,11,
Abinoam father of beautie, oꝛ gladne ffe. Sua.4.6.
Abiram.a high father oz a father of electid,03 deceit.
The Ace begotten fon of Hick the builder agame of
Bericho.s.Ging.16.34. Ailo Eliabs fonne, who going
about tonfurp priefizoop, was altue ſwalotoed vp of
the earth. SQum.1691,31,32 Deu11.6.Y5(al.106,17.
Abifhag.the fathers ignorance, oꝛ error, oꝛ the multi-
plying father, € faire pang birgin, who lay with Dauid
> bis age to cherifh g warme dim.i . Kin.i.ꝛ 3. wꝛom
aetet the Death of Dania Adoniiah alken to wile, aad
_ therefore wag Laine bp Benaiah.i Kin.2 17, 21,25.
~ Abithai.the fathers reward oz the father of a reward,
The fonne of Feruiah, wyo purlued Sheba.2. Samu.
=39.€,anb thero: was reckoned among Dauids woz:
> thies,a-Dam.2 3.1 8.big linageis found. 1. h2 2.16.
- Abifhalom,o3 Abfalom. a father of peace, ozthe fa-
thers peace, o} reward,og the fathers end. The fonne
of Salomort.« Wing. 5.1,2. anu 2. Cha · 01.20, cailea
Ailo the name of Dauids fonne by Maacab.a. Bae
muel 3.3, whoafterthat bee hav mabe a banguet at
bis Peepe Hearing vnto the Kings fonnes, Arwe bis
bother Amnon, becauſe be had rauiſhed bisier Ta
mat.2.Sam. 1 3.23,29,32. be fled.2. Sam. £3.34, 37+
anu was called againe Dp Jeabe policie , ARD the wo⸗
man of Tekoah. 2.d>anii04.2,24. Hee had 3. ſonnes
The firft Table.
Abe R
andone Daughter, 2.Saim,14.27-bis beauty. 2. San.
14,25. Aiter bis teturne to Gerulaiem, bis father
wouls nor fee him, to che ende Gee woiuld not feeme to
appzoae his doinga.ꝛ. Hain. 1 3.24.hee burneth Joabs
fieidot barley, aud wyp. 2. Sam. 14.29, 30. Dee ig
brought into Dauids p2efence, who foz the feruene
loue de bate him, kiſſed Qum.2.Samu.1 4.33, Dis ame
“bition op colour of honouring of inffice. 2. Sant 15.2,
to 7.e fanes to make a bow and factifice, wherebp
bee obtained licence of biz father to Departia Debzon,
ano rebelleth.2,Bamuci 15.7,8,9, The people ignes
tant of bis Dutt , folem pim. 2.Sam.15.11. 5p Abt
thopyels counſel bee lieth with bis fathersconcubines.
2. Sam.a6.21. accozding to the prophecie.2. Samuel
12.11, Dawid charged Joab not io kill pim, butte
entreate bim gindeip fo? bts fabe.2. Samu. 18.5. Bes
ing bauged in an Dke , hee is thzult thozow the bodie
bp Joab. 2. Samuel 18.14. Danin mournech foz bis
Dear), and tooke it vetp Heauelp. 2.Sam. 18. 33. Joab
comfazteth bim, 2. Saim.19.5,6,7,8. Che people tee
pent their foliie iu making pim King ouer pens 2.
Dam.19.10,t0 15.
Ailo the name of a man.i.Macc.i 1,70.there callen
Abifhua. the futher of ſaluation.the ſonne of Phine⸗
has.i. Lh 6.4. Alſo the tonneof Dela. 1.2h2.8.3,4.
Abifhur.the father of a fongo} wall, oꝛ of righleouſ⸗
we ſe. i. Thꝛ.2.28.
Abital the father of the dewe.ꝛ. Sam.3.4.
Abitob.the father of goodae ſſe. i. Chl.. r.
Abner. the fathers candle. captaine of Sauls ho
the fenne of Ner Sauls vnele.s, Sam. 14.50. Dawid
repzoueti him fo? bis negligence. 1.Samu. 26.15,16.
be maketh Iſhboſheth che fonne of Saul king. 2. a.
2.8,9-¢wagerh battell with Dauw, gis put to flight
2.Dam.2.17,29,31. Pee cjgutiety Alahel rhozoww the
bodie with alpeate. 2.Ham.2.23. De lieth with Rise
pah.2.anw.3.7. Therefore Jih-baiherh is offenden
with him: foz which caule bee betrapech his maker,
aud maketh a couenant with Dauit to Dekuer Iſt aei
and Judeh into bis band ; afterwaro be is Haine cow-
ardly Dp Sloab.z. Sam. 3.12517. fog the which Dauin
and Gis people mourne.2.Sam. 3.3653 2,3 3,34,
Abram, an high father. The loune of Ferah. Gen.
11,27,31. taketa Sarai co boife.Gen,11.29. pe goeth
out of his natiue countrep at Goꝛs commandement.
Genelrsia,g. God promilerh him and bis ſeede the
band of Canuan. Gen. 12.7. 613. 15.E 15. 8. E17. 4.
He with his wfc, bis bꝛot hetrs lonne Lot, g bis boule:
holde trauaile towaed the tana of Canaan, and there
be builderh an altar. Genel . 22.5, 7. be tranaileth inta
Egypt, where hee willerh Sarat to call him brother.
Genel. 12.1 3. Phataoh being puniſhed foztaking gis
wife,reftoreth ber againe. Gene. 2.17,19. He retaro
nethout of app: verp rich. Genel. 13. 2. To auside
Arife, be partech companie very louinglx mith Lot bis
nephew, Gen.13.8,15, be delinereth Loe ont of captis
uitie.Gene. 4. 16 he giuerh onto Weichi-FcBech tithe
of bis fpo le.Geneſ.i GC8, 20. Heb.7.4. 8. Deerefulech
to he enriched by the king of Sodom, that the glozp of
his wealth might redound to God onlp.Gen.1 4.22,23.
Abram receiuet} the promife of a forne. Gene. t5. 4.¢
17. 16. and 18.10.% teguitcth of Gov a gne to allure
þin that his feen ſhould ingerize the landof Canaan.
Gen.15.8.9, bee with the confent of Sarat his wife,
fieth mith Hagar, ana of her begote Iſmael. Gene.r6.
4.4, 15.herecetuetb the promife ano token of circum:
citon and ig called Abraham, Gen.17.4,5.
Abraham,a father ofa great multaude As the name
teas changed. Genel 17.5-Wee was circumcifen with
all his houſſodde. Gene. i 7. 23. God fozetelleth
Abifur ,
the deſtruction of Sodom. Gen.18.27. Hee taught bis
familie to keepe Gods commandements. Gen. 3.18,
19. De prapeth forthe Sovdomites, Gen.18.2 3. Being
in Gerar,and fearing Come inconvenience, calleth bis
wike Raer. Gen.20.2. Hee being a Prophet, is rebu:
ked foz the fame bp Abimelech.@en.20,7,9. :
The true feed of Abraham, are thole which deſcend
of Jsbak : ane fuch as be the fonues of pzemile, bos
ping foz the life everlatting. Gen. 21.12.
Abraham th2uft pis feruant Dagar ¢ ber ſonne out
of big boule. Ge.21.14. He planteth a groue in Weers
Meba. Gen.2 1.33. God proueth bis faith, g tru spon
Gods promiles , bp willing him to offer op Izhak his
only fonne, vnto whom belonged the pzomile to bee ac»
rompliſhed. @e.22.1,2. bee offererh pp a ramme in fa>
crifice, in the Head of bis fone Ishak Gen.22.23. He
belwaileth Satahs death , and buping of the fonnes of
Peth a plot of grouns, barieth Yer there. Ger.23.2,
17,19. be marieth another wife named Keturah. Se.
25.1. be (endeth bis ſe ruant to finde a wife foz bis fon
Fsbak.Gen.24,2,4. After his death he was buried in
the double caue of Macbpelah. Ge.25.9. Hod remem-
bret) bis pzomife made vnto Abraham, and comfozcerh
Iſtael in their afflictions.2.bin.1 3.2 3. God delivered
Lot foz Abrahams (ake.Gen.19.29. F0? bis fake God
multiplied Izhak. Gen. 26 3, 4,5. Ecclus.44. 22.
The father of Abraham, Gera, and Naboz big bzo
therferued fteange Gons, from the which God Beltue=
red thein, cauling them te put their truſt onelp itt bim.
Voth.24.2,3. Gov was worth Abraham in all p be did
Gen.2 1.22. bis polpitalitp is declared bnto vs, bp it
ring at the Dooze of bis tent, inuiting thofe that paſſed
bp to take reliefe at His band. Gert.18.1,2,3, to ver.9.
his obedience commended. Ge.22.19,@ 26.5 Act.7.4.
Peb.: 1.8, his faith pꝛaiſed. Ro.4.3. Heb.1 1.17. Ged
appeared onto him. Gen.12.7. and 171. and 18.1.
The chilozen of Abraham, are thoſe that beleeue in
Jeſus Lizi, g doe the workes of Abraham. Job.8.39-
Rom.g.16.and 9,7. Gal. 3.7, 22. he ig called the beire
of the wozld Rom.4.13. hee retopeed to lee Chziſt in
the flefh. 100. 8.56. Faccheus became bis fonne, bp bes
leening Jeſus Ahil. Luke 19.9. Chzift was before
him. John 8.58. and deicended of him. MDatt.1.1,2. be
is pꝛapſed berp highly. Ecclus. 44. 19,20,21.
Abrahams bofome. Luke 16.22,
Abrech. @en.41.43.
Abfalom and Abfalomus. fooke Abifhalom.
@Accho. thru/?,oz prefed together , 0} rabbed. The
name of a towne. Pun. 1.31.
Accad, a /parke.a citp therein Nimrod reigned. fithens cailed Niſibis.
Aceldama.the ſ Id of blood.. Act. 3.19. Wat.27.8.
Achaia. dolour, 02 fadueffe. A countrp. Aces 18.12,
Achaicus rowing, o? fad. a mas name.t 02.16.17,
Achan. troubling,oz gnaſbing. The fon of Seit.Ge.
36.27, Allo the fonne of Charmi. Joth.7.1. called A-
char.1.Q)20n.2.7.who was fonen (foz referuing that
which ought te haue bin deſtroyed) in the ballep of Ae
choz. with al that apperrained vnto him, Joſh.7.25, 26.
Achar. idem. a3 Achan,
Achate q precious fone. Exod.28.19.
Achaz,looke Ahaz,
Achbor. a mou/e. Father to Baal-hanan. Gen.36.
38.1. Chꝛo 1.44. Alfo fonne to Michalah. 2.king. 22.
12. called Abdon. 2.120. 34.20,
Achiacharus.@ob.1. 21.
Achim. rifing againe,oz confirming, of remenging ,o2
their brother. Watt.1.1 4.
Achior.the brothers light , 02 brother of fire. A caps
taine of the Ammonites. Judeth.5.5. voho fo bis good
The firft Table.
coundell ginen to Diotrnes, was bound to atree bp
big ſeruante, and vnbound againe bp the Temes, and
friendly entertainen of them. Qudeth 613,14. who afe
tetward foriaking bis Painims religion, beleeued in
God, snd wag circumciled. Juveth. 14.10.
Achith. it ú fo, o} fure st a. The name of the king of
Gats bnto whom Dauid fled, before whom be fained
himſelte man, to efcape out of Danger.1.a.21.10, 130
Achith, the onne of Maoch, gtueth Dauid the citp
of Ziklag. 1.ant.27.2,6.
Achor.troub/e. a valley in the tribe of Judah, nosh
from Jericho , not farre from Gilgal. Johu. 15,7. nae
med of the trouble of the Iſtaelites, anv not of Achau
the factileger, whe was there Ronen foz taking a ching
korbidden. Joſh.7. 26.
Achfah,trim,neat.decked,o2 adorned, 02 wantonnes,
lafciuroufneffe , 02 difhonefty. The daughter of Caleb.
1. Chon. 3.49. DUBA. 1, 12. giuen to Dthniel to wife.
Jahu.: 5.16,17. Hee craueth (prings of water of her
father. Voh. 15.18, 19. Judges 1.15.
Achthaph,a poifoner,{crcerer 02 witch. A citie in the
tribe of Aler. Sofhea1.1. F evome calletbit Chaſalus,
being ſituated in the plaine countrep at the feste of the
mennt Thaboz.
Achzib, 02 Aczib. a yer. 2 citie in the tribe of Jue
Dab. Jolh.15.44.and Wich.1.14. }
@ Adadah. the witnes of as affembly,o2 congregation;
The name of a cirie. Joſh. 15.22
Adadezer,teade Adarezer, coralames,h elpe of beauty,
02 beautiful helpe, oꝛ the entry habetacle,ozengendring
of beauty. The namie of the Bing of Fobah, who wag
Difcomfited bp Dauid.2.Sam.8.2,¢1.€.18.3,to17.
Dis feruants being vanquifhed,make peace with Da-
uin and Debim homage.3.Sam.10.19.4 1. Chꝛ. 19. 19.
Adah. an aſſembly of people, 0} congregation. The (ee
cond wife of Lamech, Gen.g.19. allo the name of one
of laus wiues.@en. 36.2.
Adaiah.the witnes of the Lord, o ꝛeuerlaſtingnes of God
1,0.6.41.¢ 8. 1. 2. Ki.22. 1.2. Ch. 23. 1. EJ. 10.39.
Adaliah pouerty, oꝛ drawing water, oꝛ any thing gree-
dily cloud, 02 deſtruction of labour. Ehe ſonne of
Daman, the onne of Ammevatha. Efter.9.8, 10.
Adam, man,earthly,red, 02 blesdy. Che name of the
Rrit man created by God , onto whd was giuen domis
nion ouer all things. Ge. 1.37,28.1.Cim.213,14 Be
ig put into Paradiſe to labour the earth,and was fog.
hidden the tree of knowledge of goon & euill-Ge.2.16,
17. be giueth names vnto ail beafts.Ge.2.20. He eats
eth of the tree of knowledge bp bis wiues perlwafion,
Ge 3.6.being afhamed bp reafon of his fin, be ſeeketh
tofhun Govs prefence.Gen.3.10. pe chargeth his wife
with bis fault. Ge.3-12. andispunifhed. Gen. 3.17.E
driuẽ out of Paradiſe.G.3.23, 34. veliued 930, peered
Ge.5 5. his genealogie vnto Jaakob ¢ Efan. r. CH0.
1,1, to 35. Chꝛiſis genealogie from Adam, Lu.3. 23.*
Adam ig a name common to both man and woman.
Gen. 1.27. and 5.152.
Adam a figure of the fecond Adam Jeſus Epik.
Rom.ş.12,14. 1. C02.16.21,22,
The frf man Adam wag made a lining foule, anu
the laff Adam Chzift, was made a quickening ſpirit.
bp Adam twee are all fubiect both tonne g death.
Rom.ş.12. x
Me muft refemble the celeffial Adam bp purenefre
of life,as wee haue refembitd the tervefitiail Adam pp
wickennes of life. 1.02.1 5.49.50. ;
Bp Adam we are all ſabtect to death:but bp Chik
toe fhaleniop enerlafting life. 1.02.1 5.22,25347-
Into what calamitp mankinde is ought thzough
Adams diſobedience. berſe rz.
44 Adam
Achziba 1
Achribak f
Hadadezer }
Adam. a citie. oh. 3.16,
Adamah. earthly, red, 0 b/eody. a citie in JBentapoe
lis. 19. dekroped with Sevome. Hen. 19. 28.
Deute29.23. To 19.36. Hoſe. 11.8.
damineceb Adami nekeb, humane deception, 02 a cloud of male-
diction. a citie. Joſh 19. 33.
Adar. power 03 greatneffe. a citie. Je%.15.3. allo
moneth. Ezra.s.a g allo a mang name.t.Cyz8.3. `
Adbeel. vapour, opclead with God. The tonne of
Iſhmael. Gen 25. 13. and L. Chr. 1. 29.
Addan. Lord, fowndatio,o3 ground, oz in the Spꝛian
tongue, an eare of the head doake Ne.7 64.8 Ez. 2.59.
Adiel wane ee of God, og euerlaſtumgneſſe of God t.
Eh20.9.36. and 9, C2: and 27.25.
Addi. wztyz fe. father of Deichi. Lube 3.28.
Adin. delicssis 502 voluptuous. Ezta.2.15. and 3,6.
Adina. idem. 1.0.1 1,420
Adithaim. affembly , oꝛ congrezations,o} witne ſſes. a
citie. Joſh 15336.
Adlai wit acſe ta me. i. Chꝛo 27.27.
Admah, looke Adamah,
Admatha, leake Amatha. Gfler 1.14.
Adoniah.a ruling Lord,ozthe Lord ithe ruler, oꝛ the
Soundatid of the Lord, 02 out of the Syprian (peech, the
eare of the Lord. Dauids foune bp Daggith. 2.Sam.
. 3.4. whe vlurped abe kingdom of his
i te 5o: Dearing thagalomon was made king bp bis
t, he peelSeth, and is pardonet,
| (icing Abiſhagto wife pe is put 5.
t Adna, ano Adnah, fooke Edna.
Adoni bezek the Lord of Bezek „og the Lorde of
thunder, or the Lords thunder, a bing of whole ecucitp
andiult puniſhment, looke Pudg-1.6,7.
Adonikan Adonikam. the Lord did rife againe, og the Lord i
\donicam rifen. Estacr.13. and 8 13, Mehe 718.
Adoniram. the high Lord, o} Lord of Elation, 0} the
high minded Lord. Che receiuer of Salomons tributes.
I. Rings 4.6. and 5. 14.
\donifedec doni-zedek. the rizhtesufnefe ofthe Lords o% the
Lords infice, 03 the Lord of cuftice.aking ef Raps
l tem. Jeh 10.1. ;
Boy. Adoraim. the frength of the ſea.a citie.ꝛ. Cha 11.9.
Adoram their comlines,oz praife,oy a high confeſſion
opoy. Whe receiucr. of Rehoboama ribures , wyon
the people foned to Death: 1 kingi 2. 18. and 2. Che
10.18, allo the (onne of Joktan. Gen.10.27. alfo the
fonne of Tou king of Hamath. 1. Chron. 18.9, 10. allo
Dauids tribute gathcrer.2.Gam.20 24.
Adramelech.the kings cloake, oz the greatues, power,
forne, who with his brather Sbarezer , flew iwir fas
thee in the Temple, warhipping Miltoch his Gav. 2.
hing. 19.37. and Illa. 37. 38. allo the name of one. of
the gons of Sepharuaim. kinga $é. `
dramitena . Adramittium a neat communaky. a citie of 9p-
drumetina fia, not farte from Mptelene, in a Hip of which citre
Paul rooke ſhipping to goe into Jralp.Act.27.2.
Adriatical fea,a fea agant Rauena, which bp meang
of tiuerg entreth into the floov anud, taking that
name ofthe city Adzia negt onto it.Strab.inli.s. This
fea Paul pallen by as he went to Rome. Act.27.27-
Adriel. the flocke of God. 2. am.21.8.
Adullam.witzes, 02 an ornament to them, oꝛ a witnes
0} an ornament of their miferi? a titie. Joſ.12.1 2. anv
15.35. The citizens called Adallamites.Gen, 38.1.
Adummim, Earthly, red, 03 bloodie things. Joſh. 15.
7-and 18.17,
@ Aeneas praifed.aman whom eres bpthe bertue
of Jeſus Chiiſt, healed ofthe palſte. Act.9.33534-
© Agabus, A locuſt graſbopper, 03 lopfter. Alſo the
adriel .
The firſt Table.
oꝛ counſaile of the king. The name of Saneherib vis.
pleaſantnes, oz ioyfulnes of the father. a Pꝛophet tehe
fozecold the Dearth to come. sictes 24, 28. AnI alfa
fozetolte Paul of bis delincting inte the hande of bis
encmies. cts ꝛ1. 10 11.
Agag.a garret, o} upper roume, The king of the A-
malekites,whd Daul tooke pꝛiſonet:he was he wea in
pieces aliue.1.Da.15,8,33. accozeing top prophecy of
Balaã Mu.24.7,20.Daman was an Agagite. Ea, 2.4
Agar. looke Hagar, ‘
Age, a valley og deepeneſſe. 2. Sam 2 3.14.
Agrippa Sicke forrowful, zrceted,02 wearied, 0} one
that ıs hardly deliuered in childorrth,op itis fatu to be
he that in the birth putteth fath hus feet fa fè of al. The
furname of Herod, who bebeaten James p eider, cak
Peter into pzilon,g tied miletablp Act 12 1.* Alto the
name of fozmner Herods fon , befeze wys Paul plea=
Deth. Act.25.13.¢26.1.* whom alo Paul bad aimoſt
conuerted with bis preaching. Gct.2¢.23 logke Herod.
@ Ahab. the brothers fathey. wicked king of Iſtael
1.king.16,28, who matted Jezebel an ivolatreffe, bp
whole meanes pee became an idolater and perlecuiog,
u. Kin 16.31. 18.4.621.25,26. In bis dapes Jeri-
chu as builded againe,1.kin.16.34. Being pa hope
to refit Wen-hadad king of Spia, hee was contented
to become his ſubieet. r.king. 20.4, God promiled pim
that be Mould conquer Wen-hadad, euen then when he
twas pat hope : that fe might vnderſtaud, that be onip
was the true Boo. 1, king 20 13. Ahab fhewed Jeze⸗
bel what Eliah bad Done to Waals prophets. 1, kings
18.21,t0 41. Ciiperfore hein a rage purlucth Eiitah
to flap bim- 1. bing. 9.1,2. & IDropbet ſheweth Ahab,
that Ben⸗hadad will renew battel with him .r king.
20.22. Qot alcribing the victoap to Hon, hee faucth
Ben⸗hadad contrary to his commandement: wherefore
a Pꝛophet denounceth his ruine ghis peoples. king,
30 34,42. Seeing Maboth would not forgo bis vines
patd,of mecre anger be became ſicke. r. king. V. 4. Eli
iah ceproucrh him foz Maboths Death, declaring bis
peter delruction, ¢ of al his,t0 23.
Bptepentace, he moueth Gonto (pare him fox a time,
albeit be kieta $ bee would not leane bis wickednefie, .
i king. 21.27,29. De alketh counfatle at 400.falle pza.
phets , in whole mouthes God pad fenta lying (pirie
to deceiue bim. 1 ‘ing. 22,642 2.8 2.0620.18.5,21. De
haterh Michatah (p onelx prophet of God) foz telling
ehe true). e.bin.22.8.¢ 2. Chr. u8.7. Fighting again
Ramath Gilead; be wag flame, as Wichaiah bap proe
phecied. x.bin.2 2.28. albeit he had changed bis appas
Tell. i.kin.22. 30, 34, 37. 3-Ch20.18.33,34. The sogs
licke bp bis bloon. 1. kin.22. 38. according tothe word
ofthe Lozderckin 21.19. Dis childzen are Raine with
all bis familie. 2-kin. 10.7, t0 18. accegding to the word
of the Loꝛd. r.hing.21.31.2.king.9.8,9. Thole thac
imitate Dinti g Ahab in wickedneffe, Hall nut efcape
puniment. Dica.6.16 Alfo the name of a falfe pro»
phet, who with Fedekiab foz theit prophecies were
thzeatnen of the Lozd tobe Raine. Jere 29.21,22,23.
Aharah a finelling brother, oꝛ a ſweet fauouring me-
dow. The fonne of Beniamin. 1. Chz0.8.1, called alo
Gera. Gen.46.21.
Aharhel. another hofte,o3 the laft hoſte, or another foe
row,03 the laft forow, ogthe (heepe of the brother. The
fonne of Parum. 1. Chꝛo.a.8.
Ahasbai, tra fing ia me, oꝛ brother,compaffing,o2 ont
of the Spian tongue , æ brother of age. The ſonne of
" Waachathi.,
Ahatueros. aprince,oz head, The father of Dating.
Dat.9.1. Ezra.a4.6.
Ahafhueroth maketh afeat to at bis Princes, fer
anes and people of Shulha. EH 1.1,to 9. and bp the
connleli af hig lozos ig diuozced ftom Queene —
Achab >
_. Achias
_ Abias `
_ Achimaas
Eer t.19,21. Search being made among che bean
rfull virgins faz a wife vnto Ahafhueroth, Elter is
found, whom hee macrieth. Eler 2.2,5,97. * Dears
ching his recordes, he finveth the finetitre of Worde⸗
cai. fier 6.2, wherefoze pe cauleth him to be honoured,
to the confurlion of Haman.Eſter 6 6,toi 3.
Ahaua. am cffence, being op generation. À flood. C3".
- 8.35531.
Ahaz, taking, apprehending,poffeffing, opfeeng. A
king of Juvad an Idolater, the fonneot Jotham. z.
Ringe 6.a-called Eliezer, Luke 3.29, He maketh his
(onne to goe thozow the fire. 2. kit.16 h2 28.3.
He ſeeketh aine againk his enemies, atthe Sipang,
and not at God 2. Ming. 16.7. ano 2.2 hz. 28.16. To
pleafe the king of Aſſhut, bee leaueth the true ſeruice
of God and falleth to Idolatry. 2. Rin. 16. 12, 13. anv
2. Chron. 28.23. God promilerh him aide ageinſt the
Spalans, and cominaundeeh him to alke afigne fog
confirmation thereof. Jf.7.11. Dis death, 2.bin.1 6.20.
and 2.0 2.28.27. alle the name of the fonne of Micah.
1.0 20.8.35. RA
Ahazai. zdem, he onne of Welhilemoth the ſonne
of Immer.Nehe. rc1. 13.
Ahaziah, az apprebenfion 02 poffe Siow of the Lord,
02 the fight of the Lord, A wicked king, who fucceeded
Ahab bis father in the kbingdome of Iſtael «.king.22.
40. Being ficke, alkery counlell at aal-sebub, and
dieth. 2.Ring.1.2,te18. Alfo Jehozams fonne, who
Cucceeden his father in the kingdome of Judah. 2.kin.
8.25. De fighteth with Joram bing of Iſtael againſt
Daszacl Ging of Aram. 2. Bin.8.28. Jehu killer’ tim.
2.kit.9.27,42. Of his bzethzen Haine by Jehu. 2.hkin.
10.14. Bp the willof Gov, he viften Jozam king of
cael, that he might be Raine hp Jehu. a. Chron. 22,
6,7,8,9- Joath bis fonne was bp Gods pyrouinence
peelerued from Athaliahs crueltie. 2. Ring. 1 1.2. ang
2.20.2 2.11%
- Ahi. my brother, 02. my brethren. 1.€%20.7.34, Allo
acitie Mehe.r1,34.
Ahian, a brother of wine, 1.€h20.7.19.
Ahiah.the Lodrs břother o} brother of the Lord. Due
of Salomons Geribes.s .kin.g.3. Ailo a paliant man.
1,2b20.11.36. Allo the father of Baaſha. 2. iRin.o.9,
Allo ‘Ahitubs fonne. 1.Samtin4.3- Afo a Propet,
babe tent Serobeams garment inrif.pieces. 1 Rings
35.30. and prophecies vnto Jereboams wife, ber
childes death, and her bulbande poftcrities twine. 1,
Rings 14.2,to 20. De mete a pꝛopheſie. 2.0 9.29.
Aif a mans name. 1.€p20.2.25.
Ahiam. brother of the mother, o} brother opa nation,
2.9 am.23. 33.
Ahiezer. brother sf helpe; oꝛ the brothers helpe. @
Pince of the tribe of Dan. Rumb: 1.12. ¢ 2.25.8 7,
66. and 10.25 Alfo a valiant man. 3.Ch30.52.3..° -
Ahihud, brother of vanity, 62 wittie brother, o} bro-
ther of darkeneffe,02 soy. 1.Cb70.8.7.F2UM. 3 4.27.
Ahikam. a brother arifing,oj auenging. 2. Ring.22.
12. Jere. 26. 24. —
Ahilab. an hearty brother, oꝛ brethren of the heart og
milking ,o2 fat. A citp. Judg. 1.31.
Ahilud. 2 brother borne o? brother begotten. The fas
ther ef Jofaphat, Dauids recorder. . Sam. 8. 16.
Ahimaaz. brother of counfell, oz brother counfelaur.
Fathberto Ahinoam Sauls wife. 1.Sam.14 50. Allo
the fonne of Zadok 2. Sam. 15.27. who with Jonas
than reuciles the counfatie of Abicophel vnto Dauid.
2. Sam. 17.21, Dee runneth faker chen Cuſht, anv
ſheweth Daniy of the bictozie. 2.29a.18.19,21,23,28,
Ahiman. a prepared brother, o} brother of the right
hand,o3 brother mine, whatꝰ Due of $ fonnes of Anak,
Num.1 3.23. Joſh.i5. 14, JUZ. 1. Lo. Allo a pogecy
The firft Table.
of the Temple. 1.Q 30:9 17,
Ahimelech, by other mine the king,oz akings brother,
op of hu cuunfale, A pate onta whom Danid came to
jQob.1.Ham.23.9. called Ahiah. 1,@am.14.3. looke
3. cb. 2403. Who being acculed onto Saul, is lent fez,
and becaule be minifired vuto Dauids necefliries, ve
with ile other priefis of ob are put to death bp Do»
eg 1.Soiti.22,18. Alſo the fonne of Abiathat.
8.2 7.called 4 bimelech.1.€ 6720.18.16.
Ahimoth a brother of death, oꝛ a dead brother,ogabro- Achimath
ther of dapes. 5.0620.6.25.
Ahinadab, a welling brother, oꝛ a brother of a vow,0R
brother of theprince Che foune of Jovo. Rin.4. 14.
Ahinoam.the brothers beautie. G he name of Sauls Achinoam |
wife.1.ani.14.50, and 25.43, ’
~: Ahio. bhs brother,o} his brethren. 9.376
allo rhe nemes of other. 1. bro 8.14.8 2. Sam. 6. 3.
Ahior. za: ag Achior.
Ahira. brother iniquity, oꝛ of fellowfhip orofa com-
pax. o br-ther of acattelkceper.op fhepherd,og rough
oꝛ breaking brother A prince of Maphtali. Rum.1.I g,
Abiram.a brother of craft o} protection. The ſonne of Achiram
Beniamin. Mum.26.38.0f him came tpe Ahiramites.
Ahiſamach. érether of ſuſtentation. Exod. 35.34.
Ahifamah. idem, Œrod. 31.6.
Ahifhabar. brother of the morning oʒ dew, o} brotier
of blakneffe, 03 blacke brother. Che folines fenne of
* Beniamin. 1.20.97. 10.
Achifamec }
Ahithar. brother of the prince, brother of direétion of Ahifar
a fong, ona frying, o waiting brother. A videvof Sa:
lemons houſhold. 1. Ring 4.6.
Ahitophel, brother of ruine, 02 a brother which lac- Achitophel
keth, which ts for faken oz hath need, ozo brother with- |
out falt, famour, wifedome, or grace. A countailour of
Dauid, who confpired with Abſalom againſt bim, 2,
Bam.15.12. His counfaile wae counted as an Dracle
of Sod. 2.Dam.16.23. His counlaile giuen to Abfa>
fom , was confotinden bp Huſhais contrarpcountaile,
bp which meanes Abſalom perifhed. 2.Dam.17.1,75
14. De hangeth bimleife, becatife his counfell ag not
accented. 2. Sam.17-23. ]
Ahitub, brother ef goodneffe, 1.HaM,14.3-82 2.006
2.Sain.3 17. I
Ahlai: be fzeching oz expecting, 02 beginning og fo-
rowing, on brother to me. §.Qij20.2.31.and TAN
Aboah. ‘a thiftle, 02 thorize, 02 britherliosd, 03 fifh=
booke. 1.Q 10.8.4. Í :
Ahohi, a quicke, 02 Lining brother, a theftle, 02 my
thorne. Whe fatherof Dodo. 2.Sam,23.9, of whom
came the Ahohites. 1.€620.27.4. p
Aholah.2 manfien,og dwelling in her RIFE3t.23.4.
Aholiab: the tabernacle, 07 tent of the father, og the
brightues of the father. The name of a Anglar wozke
man,odeinesd of Gon. € replenithed witi hts Cpirit tog
the wozkemanſhip of the tabernacle, Exod 31.657, 4c.
Aholibah my manfion in her Ezek. 2 3.4.
Aholibamah. my tent. oz famous manfion. The tolfe
of =n the daughter of Aneh. Ge. 36. 2. Giloa uke.
Ahrah, locke Ahara. :
Ahumai. a medow of waters , 03 brother of waters.
1-20 4.2. -
Ahuzam. their taking or po/fc(fte,92 vifion. 02.4.6.
Ahuzzah. pof fioa apprehenfion ag collection, 0} vi-
fion, The friend of Abimelech the king of Gerar.
Gene, 26,26,
GAi. a heape, on laying on heapes. A citie whither Hai
fpies were fent bp Sohua Joſ.7.2. The people hers
of killed 36. of the Iſraelites, becauſe of Schans factis
lenge. Tohua 7.5. God velivereth it into Joſhuas
panes. Jolh.8.1. Che king taken, and bzought omo
Joſhua, is hanged on a tree Joſh.8.26. Tye city burs
Ren, and the people Maine. Joſh.8. 19, 20, 21, 22.
Aiah, avultur, rauen, o} Alas, 03 where is it ? oz his
yle. The ſonne of Fibeou. Gen. 36.24. € 1. Chꝛo.i.40.
Allo the father of Wispab. 2 Sam. 3.7.and 21.8,
Aialen. an oke, 02 ffrength. A city built bp Rehobo⸗
am. 2,2 §20,1 t.10. Allo a citp mentioned. Jolh.19.42,
€ 21.24, JUDAEI. € 1-Lhpo.6.69.4 8.13. 2. Chrꝛon.
28.18, Aifoavallep. Joſh 10.12. Judg.i.z5.
Aiia.idem ag AL. FQebe 11.375.
Ain an eye,0} ſountaine. city in the bounds of Ju⸗
Dea on the ealtlive thereof. Fluw.34.11. allotted to the
tribe of Simeon. Joly. 19.7. Mention is made theres
of. Jolh.i 5032. Te was ginen to the Leuites foz a cis
tie of refuge, Joh. 21.16. bp it Saul led his armie
again the Philitims..Sam.29. 2. Jerome faith it
{oad called Bedhennim afterward.
Aiath a houre.@ city by p which Sennaberib came
again Jeruſalem. Flai.r0.28, called Ai.frehe.7.32,
@ Akan. idez as Ahan. Gene.36.27.
Akkub.theprint,og marke of a foote where any crea-
ture hath gone, Alfo ſupplæntatio, crockednes,oz lewd-
neſſe, oꝛ reward, or the heele of a foote. 1.0829. 3,24.
and 9.17. Ezta 2.42,45 .FQ2ehe 8.7. and 11.9.
@Alammelech.the kingdoms of God,o3 the counſæile
of God. Q city inthe tribe of Alber. Joh. 19.26.
Alamoth. an inſtrument, which fome couftrue to be
& plalterte. looge 1.20.1 5.20. Plal.46.
Alcimus./irong,oz of 2reath.a wicked pick, wbo bez
ing a Dew became an infidel. He was made hie pief
bp Deineteins. 1.WBac.7.5,9. ¢ became a cruel enemp
to p Jews, pet at lear) vied miſerably.i.Mac.o 55, 56.
Alemeth, a /idexg, 6} youth, 02 worlds, 02 upon the
dead. acitie. 1.¢b20.6.60. called Almon. Jofh,21.18.
Allo the fonne of Becher. 1.chz0-7.8, Allo the fonne
of Jarah 1.4§20.8.36.and 9.42.
Alemis, frength. a citte. 1.93 ac.5.26.
Alexander. a helper of m22,03 mofi firog oꝛ vertuous,
bing of Macedonia, og Greece, who after that be ban
faine Darius, parted} kingdome into foure parts. r.
Wac.. 1,2.t0 12. looke Dan.7.6.¢8.5 6,9. € 11.3,4.
Alle it was p name of Antiochus Epiphanes forme,
tobe teignedin Ptolemais. 1.99ac. 10.1, who confedes
rated bimlelfe with Jonathan, and fo mave warre with
Demetrius. 1.Wac.10.16,46. Pe g Ptolemeus king
of Egypt iopne in friendihip together. 5. Mac. 10.51,
55. anv afterward fall at diſſention. De
fleeth into Arabia, where his bea’ wag (mitten off bp
Zabdiel and ent to Brolemeus. 1. Aac.11.16,17.
Allo the name of Simeon of Cvzene his fonne, who
catied Chꝛiſt his creſſe. Darke 15 .21. Allo thereig
mention made of this name. Acts 46.and 19.33.
Allo the name of a Copꝑetſmith who foꝛſooke p Faith.
1. Tim. r. 20.2 wrought Baul much euil.2.Ting.1 4:
Alexandria. in Debzew it ig witten No, which bp
ihterpzetatton is, ram irritation, 02 prohibition. © city,
Jer.46.25.of tuhofe people look Act.6.9.twhe in greeke
ate called Alexandrians , which bp interpzetatton fs,
helpers of men oz mo/t ftrong oꝛ vertuoas men. look No.
Algummim. a certaine tree which groweth inthe
fozett Lebanon, lome take it to be bzaflel, looke inthe
matgent of 2, Chz0n.2.8. calles Almuggim. i.Ring.
10.34.and,1 1,
Alian high. The fonne of Shobal. 1. Chꝛon. 1. 40.
calles Aluan Gen.36,23.
Allon. oke, 02 frong. A mang name.i.Chzon.⸗4. 37.
Allo a citie. Joſh. 3 33.
Allon Bachuth. Ghe place tojere Deborah Rebe⸗
kaha nurle Died, Gen.35.8.
Almodad. the meafure of God, 03 the entry, og court
ofthe beloued. Dene 10.26.
The firſt Table.
Almon Diblathaim., a biding, 02 bidden in aw heape
of fig trees. Qum. 33 46,47.
Alaion, hidden. A citie, Joſh 31.18.
Alpha and Omega, Reuel.1.8.
Alpheus, the thoufand, 03 learned. Father of James
the Apaſile. Wat. 10. 3. Mat.z. 18. Lu.o 15.Gct.1.13.
Aluah.hus raſing vpo bu bighnes.a Duke of Edom.
Gen. 36.40.
Aluan.bigher,o2 eloft, 02 inthe Spriak tongue, per-
werfe. The tonne of Shobal.Hen.36.23.
Aiuhh. a mingling together uz coſperſton. Qu. 3 31 3,
GAmad. people of witneffe, oza people eueriafting,
oꝛ apzap. A citie. Jolh.19.26.
Amadathus, looke Hammedatha.
Amal, labour , oꝛ iniquitie. 1.CY200.7. 35.
Amalek, a licking people, oz a fimiting, o} Ariking
people, The fon of Eliphaz bp Timma bis concubine.
Gene 36, 12.0f whom came the Amalekites mentios
ned. Gen.14.7. and 1.Ham,30 I.
Amalek fighteth again Iſrael. Exodiis 17.8. any
fo long as Woles pzaped feruentip, the Iſtaelites pze-
uailed,and when bis feruentnefle Nacken, the Amale-
kites pꝛeuailed. Crod. 17.11. Thep dilcomfite Iltael.
um. 4.45. Judges 6.2,3,6. Thep ate dilcomftev.
rod. 7.13.and auercome. Judg.7.25.1.Sam. 14.48.
almoft deltroped and rooted out. 1.Qam.15.3,7. agit
was fozetold. Ero.17.14. JQum.24.20, and comman⸗
Ded. Det.25.19, 1.Hant.15.3, were overcome againe.
1,Ham.3o.1,to 21, and lalt of all bp the chilozen of
Simeon, veterlp deſtroped. 1.1 h20.4.14,42,43.
Amam, mother, 03 feare of thera. A citie in the tribe
of Judah. Joſh. 15. 26.
Aman, troubling mieæ muriug, o} grudging. The ſon
of Amabathus. Elter.12.6.¢ 3.1. ths was exalted bp
Abatuerus , fo as all men honoured bim laue Wozves
cai. Eher 3.2. therefore he ſought to deſtroy borh him
and all the Jewes. €Ell.5.6.* but pet bp Gods prottic
Denice thep were pzeferued, and Aman banged. Eſter
7.9, 10. Dig ten ſonnes allo were banged. Eker 9,14.
He is mentioned. Tob 14.10. Ehet 10.7.
Amanah. faith,o2 trueth oꝛ a nurfe,a pill in Cilicia.
Amariah.the Lord faid oꝛ the excellency of the Lord.
oz out ef the Spzian and Hebꝛew tongue, the Lambe of
the Lord. Great grandfather to Zephaniah the 19207
phet: 3eph.1.1. Allo certaine mens names. 2. h20,6.
7,1152. 2.220.311 5,
Amafa. (paring the people. The fonne of Abigail ſi⸗
fier to Danid. 1.¢b20.2.17. Chiefe captaine of Abla:
loms hofte in Joabs Read, 2.Sam,17.25. and after:
ward captaine of Dauids hoffe. 3. Sain.19.13. Haine
traiteroufly bp Joab. 2. Sam,20.9,10. Alfo a mang
name. 2. Chro 28.12.
Amafai. ftromg,o2 doy/fée.1.G2.6.25,35,an0 13.18.
ANB 15.24.
Amahhai, the gift, 02 prefent of the people. Ghe fas
ther of FRahath. 2.Lhr0.2 9.12,
Amafhfi, and Amafhiai. the treading of the people,
Nebe 11.12313.
Amathiahh. the frength ofthe Lord. The father of
Joſhah· 1.Ch20.4.34. Ailo the fonne of Witkiah.1. Ehz.
6,45. Awicked prieſt of Berh-el. DF wholepzactife
and punifjmenc, looke Amos 7.17.
Amafiah.the hurden of the Lord.a. Chaꝛo.17.16. Alſo
the fonne of Joaſh. 2.izo.25-1. who fucceeBedin the
kingvome of Jusab., 2.kin. 12. 21. he put
to death thofe that murthered bis father. 2.€b2.25.3.
2.kin. 14.5. Dee is warned by a JBzophet not to put
his truſt in woglalp Defence. 2-Ct0.25.7. He dilcomi=
teth the Edomites. 2, Ring. 14.7. 2. Chꝛo.2 3. 11,12.
Hee became an idolater, anv is repzooued a
aand o
3.Qhzor.25.14,15. Dee ig deltugted bato his enemies
Hands, bp the will of God.2. Chzon.25.20,23.ana af
terward put to death.ↄ. Chron. 25. 27. 2. Ring. 14 19.
He is allo called Leni. Luke 3.29. He leaueth behind
him Azariah bis onve.2 Ring.14.21.2. Chron. 26.4,
Amatha, a cloud 0o} vapour of death. Due of che le
uen counfellers of Ahaſhuetus. Efer 1.14.
Amaziah,looke Amafiah.
Ambri rebelling, oꝛ changing.i.Mac ⸗.36.
Amen be it,02 [9 be it,0} Let zt be done. Deut. 27.15.
1.€0}.14.16. Reuel. 3. 14. and 22,30, 21. atth.é. 13.
and 2. Coꝛ.i.20.
Ami. mother, oꝛ feare,e2 people EFTA 2.57.
Amihud, people of praife, 02 confeſſion, 02 praiſe, 02
confe(fion with me, Father of Eliſhama a prince ofthe
tribe of Ephzaim. Ailo the father of She=
muel.JQum.3 4.20. allo the foune of Det. 1.€h2.9.4.
Aminadab.a free people, oꝛ a vowing people oꝛ prince
of people, Che ſonne of Ram r. €h2.3.10. Ut. I. 4.
and father of FRabfhon. HWu.1.7.¢ 2.3. Ex.s.2 3. Ruth
4 20. Ailo the fonne of Kohath. i. €h20n.6.32.calley
Amithi.true, o fearing. The father ef Jonah the
Prophet. 2. Bing 14.25-
Amizabad, the dowrie ofthe people, 1 «£62.29.6.
Amanah. ha people. A hill where Afabel Joabs bye.
ther was Raine bp Abner. 2-Ham.2.23,34.
Ammedatha,leoke Hammedatha,and Eher 8.5.
Ammi my people Dole 2.1.
Ammiel. the people ef God, 02 God with mee. The
fonne of Gemalli.Qumd, 13.13. Wilo the ſixt lonne of
Dbed Eyam.1, Chꝛon. 26.5. Allo the father of Bath-
pua. Salomong mother. i . Chron. 3.5. Alo che father
of Wachir of Lo-pebar.2.4m.9.4,5.
Ammiliud,fooke Amihud.
Ammiher. people of labertie.. Sam.i 3.37.
Amminadab. ſooke Aminadab.
Ammifhaddai.the people of the almighty. The fathet
of Abiezer a prince ef the tribe of Dan. umb, 1.12.
Ammon. people, oʒ the foune of my people. A people.
1. Sam.14.47. 1 Bing 11.7. Afa. 11.14.0ha delcented
of Ben ammi the ſonne of Lot, and were called Am-
monites, that ig pæulous, oꝛ a multitude. Sen, 19. 38.
God commanded Ilrael not to war with them. Diut.
2.18, and alfo not to fuffer chem tebee admitted into
their fcllomfip.and wip. Deut. 23.3.4. Mebem. 1 3.3.
God deituererh chem into the hands of Jprhab. Jurg.
41.32. Chepand tbe Woabites warre againtt Jego:
ſhaphat, and are micaculouſſy conquered. 2, Chꝛ.20.1
to 306.7 heit idoles Milcom and Molech. king 11.55
7.2king.27.13. Thep tecouer theirt land which was
occupied bp tke Iſraelites. Judg.10.7,8. Thep warre
againſt Jabeſh Gilead, and would not make peace
With them, ercept all the citizens would thu out
theirt right epes. 1. am.11.2. and were oucrcome bp
Saul. 1.Sam.i 1.11. Thep are vilcomfiied bp Da
Wid, foz the billenous encreating of bis meflégers, fent
to comfort their king. 2.@amt.10.2,4,14. Daud Both
foze afflict them. 2.2am.8.12.and 12.29,30,.31. Gad
threatueth bp hia Pzophets to punih them. Pſalme
$3.7. Jer.a9. 1. E3ek.21.28: and 25.1,2. Amos 1.13,
14,15. 3¢D9-2.8,9. Thep pap tributes vnto Cizziah.
2. Chꝛon 26.8. Jelek one of Dauids vatiant men was
an Ammonite: 2. Sam. 23.37. 1. TROMI 1.39. The
mother af Sabad who flew Joalh the king, was an
Ammonitefle, 2. Chꝛ.24. 26.
Ammonai. ogr people. a citie, Joſh. 18.24.
Amnon faithful.oꝛ true, o} an artiſicer, oꝛ nourifher,
oꝛ ſchoolemaſter. The name of Dauids ſitſt borne bp
Ahinoam. 2.S amit.z.2. and 1. Chꝛo 3.1. Thisman
Defloured his Rer Tamar. 2. Sam.123. 1,14. Foz the
The firft Table.
which hee wag afterward aime bp ber brother Abla⸗
lom. 2.Sam. 13 32..
Amok, a vadey, o depth, The names of men. Nehe.
1 2.7320,
Amon. fasthfull,true, &c. 88 Amnon. Che fone
of Wanalleh an Jvolater , whe being King of Junaka
was {laine bp his omne feruants. 2. iin. 21.18, t024.
called Çimeaam. Huk.3.28. Dee left bebind pim the
Good Bing Jokah.2.hin.aa, 26.¢ 22.1. Looke 1.£ ho.
3.14. 2. Chꝛon · 33. 21,24. Jere.1.2.and 25,3, Zeph. T.
s. Warth Alſo che couernour of the citp of Bas
maria, bite whole cuilodic Dichaiag the Pzophet
was comnitted.i.Rin.22.26, 27. 2, Chrꝛon.18.25, 26.
Allo a mans name, Nehe. .5.
Amorites, bitter people,0} cruell rebels,o3 great prat-
Lers, oꝛ tachatiue. A people. e.i 5.2 1.Delcended of E+
mozi the fon of Canaan. Ge.r0.15,16. Chep are Laine
by Chedozlaemer. He. 14.7. Chey deny the Iſraelites
paflage thoꝛow their countrep,¢ therfore were conques
red, & the Iſtaelites in habited their cities. FQu.21.31,
24,24,25,31532, @ 32 39. Thep kil p Hltaeiues. Den.
1. 24. God cOmanvdeth Hraetites to deſtroy them vt⸗
terip, ¢tehp.Deu.20.17,18. Thep make war with the
Gibeonites , becaule thep had made peace 1b Jofhua :
but God deliuerety them into Joſhuas panes. Jofh.10.
4. Thep: became tributaries vnto the familie ot Jor
feph. Judg.1.35. Gos reſetueth them, ac. to prone rhe
Iſt aelitea withal. Judg.2.21,22.. Thep, gc. became
tributaries g bonsmen vnto Salomon, 1,Zkt.9.20,21,
Amos. 4 burden, 02 burdened ,oz burdening. 'A Pzo⸗
pher. Amos 1.1. 2. Efd.1.39. We mwas a fig gatherer,
Amos 7.54. allo rhe fonne of Raum. 2.3.25.
Amoz, firong, og mighty. The father of Ilaiah the
Pepher. 2.Ring.r.9, 2-an Yla.. 1.
Amphipolis. ¢ city compaffed oza vallied city. citp
of Macedonia, bp the which Baul trauailed Act. 7.
Anplis make more. & friendof D. Pauls. Rom
Amram. z high people. The father of Bofes,Aaton,
and WMirtam.gre.6.20.and 14-20 and 1. 62.6.3 anw
23.9 3.0f him came the familp of the Amramites.Mum.
3.27. 3. :
Amran, an affe oz clay,02 wine. The fon of Difhen.
1.0 62.1.41. caed Hemdan.Gen. 36 26.
Amraphel. peaking deftruciion,z ruine,o2 peaking
a fecret oziudg: ment. Bing of Sbinat. Gen.ĩ4. 1.
Amzu. firong o} mighty, Che lenne of Gani.s.C hz.
6, 46.
@ Anab, a zrape,o2 out of the Dprian {peach,« knot.
Q citpin the mountatues. Joh.11.21-and 15.50.
Anah. anſwerang, 02 finging, 02 effiicting, 0} piore.
Whe father of Aholubamab, one of the wiues of Ela.
Gen. 36.2, 14, 20. and 1,¢7.1.38,
Ansharath.drine 2,02 burning, wrath oz neighing,
0} bzar fene ffe, e} atter the Span Lpeach, firangling,
02 faffocation.& citp of p teibe of Hllachar.Joth.19.19.
Anian. Pebe, 10.22.
Anak. a Giant. Pum.1 3.23.29. of whom came the
Anakims oz Giants, Deut.1.28. whom Johua ves
Gropen. Jofh.11.21. Caleb cxpelled the thzee fonnes
of Anak from Deben. udg.1.20,
Anamim. a fountaine, or the eye of waters,o2 an an-
fwe e, op affliction, 02 4 found of waters. The fonne of
MPizraim. Hen. 10.13.
Anammelech. an anfivere,ogthe kings fong othe af
frttion, ox pouerty ofthe king, oz of hu coun failor. The
god of Sepharuaim 2.iking.17. 31.
Anan. a cloude,'oz aprophefie , o} diuination, The
name of aman. 26.and L.E D, 5.30.
Anani. æ cloude, oꝛa prophecying, og dinination. A
Mans NAME, 1.23 24.31, 10.20,
Anaharah . |
The firk Table.
A No r
Ananiah, the cloud of the Lord, ox the divination of John, and S. Bude, (as Gods elect) mingled among
the Lord. A citie wherein the Beniamites dwelt after
the captiuttie. IReve.12.3 2, Allo one of Cizsiabs cap:
taines.3.@ 62.26.11.
Silo the name of him that with the confent of bis
~ wife Sappdtca [oid land to the vle of the Church, ana
afterward celerued part thereof to his olune ble: tebe
wito bis wife was panied with ſadden death fog 1p-
ing ta tbe holp Ghok.dcts 5.1.3,te 12.
-` Milo the name of gim that baptizen S. Paul at Das
mialcus.Acies 9.10,te 19.
Allo the name of che high Priel, whe cauſed Paul
to bee (mitten bpon the mouth fog (peaking His oonfci:
ence. Acts 2 3.1,2.anD 24.1. j
Allo che name of the father af Elcia. Judeth 8.1.
Gils che nameg of men mentioneD.JRehe.3.2 3. and
Dan. 3.28. i
Anath, an ax/fivere, 02.4 fong, 62 affliction, 03 powers
sie. Judg· 3. 31.
Anathema, Maranatha.1.@03.16.22.
Anathoth. an/iveres,og fongs. A citie wherein Je⸗
remie wag bone. Jer. Joſh 21.18. The citizens whereof, becaule thep would
Hot bee repzoued, Hod threatneth, Jere 11.21, 22, 23.
In this citie Abiathat the Pꝛieſt wag bone, 1. Wit.
2. 26. Allo the name of the onne of Wecrhet.1.Gh20. 7.
8.Df him came the Anethothites.1. Chꝛo.27. 12. laoke
Andrew.very ſtrong, og manly. he name of Deters
brother, who became tich Johns diſciple. Foyn 1.35. ¢
afterward the diſciple of Chik. John 1.37.40. Dee
brought Peter Frit onto Chriſt. Noh. 1.41,42. He and
Beter bee caller from fifjing buto the office of prer:
ching. Waith.4.18,19.99ar-1.16,17, Luke 5. 10,81.
He is mave an Apoſtle with rhe ether cleuen. Luke 6.
4 3,8 4.CDar.3.1 3,14,18.an0 MDat.10,1,2. vnto whom
Chꝛiſt giveth power to preach,and to Boe miractes,ec. 1.” War.6.7.14,9.1,2.
“Andronicus. g victorious man, ee flew Onias the
pigh Driek contrarp to his othe.2.MBacc. 4.31, 34 35.
foz which fact he was put to death ac the commandes
ment of Rutiochus.2.Gac.4..36,37; 38 -Alloa worthy
man to vobom Paul mzotelalutations.Rom. 16.7. anfwer,oz [ong of thems, og their afftsction,
8} powertie. oꝛ after the Spetan, a fheepe of theirs: $
citie. r.ۤ20.6.73. anfiver,oi fang of the candle or lizht, 02 af-
_fatting the light. the bother of Wamte g Ehol- Gen.
994.13, atfo a citp in the tribe of Manalſeh. Chs 70.
Aniam, 2 people ozthe fhip of pesple,ogthe ſorrow, oʒ
~ firength of people.t.L42.7-0 9.
Anin.anfwering, fingings , on aſflicted, 02 poore. A
citie. Jofh.t5.50. `
= Anna. dem, as Annah. The daughter of baniel.
Luke 2.36,37,38.
- Annas.idem, ag Anah. An high Wiet, who ene
Chik bound onto Caiaphas his father in law. Luke
3-2. Jolm 18. 13. Acts 4.6.
Antichrift for Chrift o} againſi Chrif We is a liar, a
denieth that Jeſus is Chadt. 1. John 2.22. to be come
in the fleſh. 1. Joh 4.3. € therefore beis a Decziner.ann
falle prophet,and fo ate all {uch asthep be, 2. John 7.
andr. Qob-2.26.4 4.1. OF bis beginning, looke Dan.
7.8.*Antioches Epiphanes the king of pais, barea
figure of him. Dan. 11.31. of the power, qualities, mi»
racles ant kingdome of Antichrilt, and his minifters,
looke JP fal. 10.1." Eze. 38. 2.* € 39.2.*Dan.8.9.* and
9.27.9 at.24.24. Bat.t 3.27. Luk. 21.8. Joon 5.43
Get.20.39,30,31 @1. Tim. 4. 1253.4 2- Tim. 3.1,25 35
to 16.2.$9et.260 "£3.34. Rew.r yg, 1.8.* 14.8.
Shere were many Anrichrifts in the ime of Saint
the true Chziftians, 1. gon 2.18,19. Jude 4. Dee is
called the man of inne, 2.@ Gell. 2.3. g hall ſit as Go.
inthe Temple of Gov. 2. Thell.2.4,9. Pee isa fooliſh
fhepheard-Fech.t 1.15.16, Pe hall be Deltropen with
the beath of Gods (pitit, g preaching of the Gofpel.
las 1.4.1. Theſfſ.a. 8. Rey.17.8,14." and 18.1. “and
19.19,20. and 20.9,10.
Antilibanus for, oꝛ again? Libanus.abigh billon the
Noꝛth fide of Judea againk Libanus.Judeth 1.7.
Antiochia, for a chariot,02 wagox,oz a thing in ftead
of a chariot 02 wagon , e} again{t a charsot, 0} wagon.
There be two famons cities of this name: one in Sp:
tia,called Damath. Sechar.9.2. wherein the name of
bziſtians fir began. Actes 11.22, 26. in the which
atnabas ¢ Daul were oꝛdeined preachers, Act.13.
2,3-Ube other in the prouince cf Pildia, where Paul
and Barnabas preached. Actd13.14.@alat.2.01. Antiochia, € be concubine of An⸗
tiochus the noble. 2. Mac 4:30.
Antiochus.sdem ag Atitiochia.a tprant ſurnamed the
noble,the fon of Antiochus the great. De isis called the
wicked roste. 1.95ac.1.11. he ſubdueth beth Egypt &
Judea,1.APar.t.18,09.* he ſpoplerh the Temple anv
waſteth the citp of Jerulalem, 1.Qac.1.23,3 3. * and
2.QBacea.5.15.* Deerecterh an ivole vpan the altar
ef the iLo20. s.QBacca. 1.57. renne moze Dan.8.9, to
15. Putpoſing to ranfecke the cities of Elimais and
JPerlepolis, he is repulſed bp the citizens. 1. Macc 6.
1,3,4 anD 2. Mac.ↄ a, a. be is Griken with an incuras
ble diſeaſe.ꝛ. Mac.ↄ 5, to 12. 1.A3ac.6.8,5. De repen~
teth fainedlp. 1. Wac.6. r, 13. 2. Mac ↄ u 2. De prap>
eth) onto God who would not pane mercp vpon him,
2. Mac.ↄ.13. but (uffered him to die miferablp,and in a
ftrage land, a. Mac 6.1 3 16.2. Mp ac.2.9.18,28.¢ 10.9
Alfo the fozefapo Antiochus his fonne furnamed
Eupatoz, who was made king atter him. 1 .GQacea.6.
17. This man entreth Judea with a great armie. 1.
WBac-6.30,48 he beake his othe with Iſrael. 1. Mac.
6.62.0f his Dolugs, read 2 Wac 10,10." G11, 1. * and
12,1." and 13.1.* De was laine bp Demetring apa
pointment, 1.09 ac.7.2,3,.4.and 2 Mac.v 4.2.
Alfo the name ef Alcxanders fonne furnamed Fer
betes, whom Aepphon preferred to f kingdom. 1. Wac.
11,39,54. @ afterward ile him traiteronfly. ĩ.Mac.
13.31. @ crowned himleife bing of Afa. 1 Mac. 3.32.
Allo the naine of Demetrins Nicanoꝛ bis fonne fut-
namen Pius: who fopned in friendhip with Simon
brother to Judas Maccabeus, and purſued Crpphen.
1. Mac i5.1,2, 11
Antipas, for all, oꝛagainſt all. Afaithfull Dartpz.
— i 3. Je Was allo che ſurname of Herod. Looke
Antipater. for the father, 02 agasnf the fathers Due
of the Ambaflatozs which Jonathan lent to Rome.
1.Pac.t 2.16. :
Antipatris zdem. a8 Antipater.@ citie in the land of
promife, which Perou the great called after antipatet
bis fathers name, whither S. Paul was led captine,
Acts 23. 31.
Antothiiah.anfweres,o2 fongs ofthe Lord.o2 amci-
ons, 02 ueedes ofthe Lord. The ſonne of Shaak. s.
Oh29.8.24.35. s
Antothite-an anfivere,0? fonge} aflictio, oꝛ pouerty.
one of Agathoth, i Ch.1 1.28100k mozein Anathoth,
Anub, a grape. o} eftet the Spzian (peach, a kaar.
The fonne of £03. 1.-Chzon.4.8.
@ Apadno. the wrath of iudgement,op the tabernacles
of his palace. Dan.11.45.
Apamea, expelling oz driuing.op chafing away, The
concibiag of king Dating. 1.¢0,4.29.
| Apheca
Apelles. idzm as Apamea, A matt whow Paul coms
menderh. Rom.1 6.10,
Apharaim. digging, fearching, 02 confounding the
fea. A citie. Jolh.19.19.
Apharfai. diusding, op tearing in pieces. Ezta. 4.9.
Apharfathcaie.dssiding op tearing a [funder peacocks
Apharfechaie. idem. G3r8 5.6.an0 6.6.
Aphek.fereagth, vigor ozin the Sprian (peach, going
forth. citie. Joh. 1 2.18.6 13.4.8 19.30,31.81-Dam.
4 Laud 29.1. There Ben-havad king of Spia, wad
panguifhen.s.Ting.20.26,29,30.called Aphik. Judg.
Aphekah,idem ag Aphek. Joſh 15.53.
Aphiah. (peaking, 92 blowing. 1. Dam.9.t,
Aphrah, duft. A citie- Jo, 18.23. Micah.i. 10.
Aphrica. in Debzew Pat, which map be interpzetes
groffe, 02 fat. ahum. 3.9.
Aphrica. in Debzew Pul which map be tnterpzeted
ruine, oꝛ fall,oz a beane, Ila.66. 19.
Apollo. leefing, 02 a deſtroyer, oꝛ deſtroying. A Jewe
borme in Alerandzia, ho being both eloquent æ migh⸗
tie inthe Scriptures, diſdained not to bee further imz
firucted in the way of the Low, bp a pooze craftfman,
named Aquila g Pꝛiſcilla hig wife. Act.18.24.” reade
1.C02.1.12. and 3.4,5,6,
Apollonia. perdition, 02 deſtraction. & citie in Ma⸗
cedonia, bp which aul pafled. Act.17,1,
Apollonius. deofing 02 deftroying. The gouernour of
Spia, whom Putas Maccabeus lew. 1.AWact.3.10,
IE.€ 10.69.¢ 2. Mac.3.5. Allo the ſonne of Meneſthe⸗
us. Mac.4.2u. Alſo p tonne of Geneus.ꝛ.Mac.i 2.2
Apollyon idera. looke Abaddon.
Apoftles, feoke the fecond Table. -
Appaim, a countenance, 0} face, oꝛ furers: 02 the no-
firels,o2 bakers. 1.22.30.
Apphia. ringing forth,oz increafing. A neare filer,
whom Paul Calureth. Philem. 2.
Appius. market place where certaine brethzen met
Panl, at big feft comming to Rome.Scts.28.15.
S Aquila. an Eagle. The name of (Pauls helt. 1.02.
16,19, Rom.16.3 Act. 18.2, 3, 26.
@ Ar. a rearing vp oꝛ watches. & citie. ;Num 21.15,
28.Deut.2.9,18, s
Ara. curfing,o feeiag. A mans name.i.Chꝛ.7. 38.
Arab. multiplying, 03 (owing [edition oga window’,
oꝛ Locuſt. I citie. Jolh.15.52.
Arabia enening, d euen, 0} /iveetneffe.or a crowe,nt
defert. A counttey in Afiathe greater betwecne Ju⸗
Dea and Egppt, wherein Dwell the Moabites Ammo⸗
nites, Idume ans, and many others. Ezek. 27.2 1. and
2. Chron.2 1. 16. and 2 2. 1. and 26.7
Allo the name of a counttep called happie Arabia,
whereof anv of the inpabitants,called Sabcans,men-
tion ig mabe, 2.0 )20.9.14. Wob.a.15. JP lalin.7 2.10.
tubere Paul preachen. Gal.s:17.
The deltruction of che Arabians, (that is to fap, the
Moabites and Ammonites. who at this dap are caltea
Saracens) is foꝛetold. Yla.21. 13. looke moze in Sheba,
Arad. a wild aſſe, oꝛ a dragon, in the Srzian (peach.
A city of Amozites appertaining to the tribe of Judah,
toberein the chilozen of Hobab Adefes farber tn lawe
dwelt Mum, 21.1. Joſh. 12. 14. Judg.1. 16. Mlo a mang
name 1.Ch20n.8.15.
Arah. a way, ez atrauclley, Ezra 2.5.
Aram. highnesyop fublimity 9% dece:miag on their care,
The onne of Sem. 22. of whom came che
Aramites 02 Sprians.2.ADam.8.5.Gene.22.21.1.Ch7.
2.23 looke Syria ant Syrians.
Alla the fonne of Shamer.1.Ch2.7.74. Allo the fonne
St Elcom.Dat.1.3 Sank 3,33.called Ram. Ruth 4.19
The firft Table,
iS ee ete
Aram Naharaim, 4 place.@en.24.10.
Aran, an arke, oʒ their malediction. Geneſ. 36. 28.1.
Ararat.maledsétion of trembling, oꝛ after the Hebꝛew
aud Sypꝛian, malediction, oz light of a runner. J mount
in Armenis.Gen.8.4.
Araunah,an arke ,o2 [ong 02 reicycing. oꝝ our Light, 02
a curſe now. A mang name, who ſoid Dauta his chreſh⸗·
ing fleoge, to build an altar ir ,to offer ſacrifice bpon,to
appeale Gods wath, as he cOmanded, 2.9 4.24.18."
Arba foure The name of a citp called otberwile Hee
gow. Tol. 14.15. Gen.2 3.2.8 35.27. looke Kiriath-arba,
Archangel. principal,oz excellent among the Angels
2. Eſd 4.36. Jude 9. At the voice of the Archangel, and
with rhe trumpet of God, the dead fhall tile againe.2,
Thell. 4.16.
— prince of the people. The fonne of Herod.
Archiataroth, the longitude of crownes or circles
Archippus. a prince, 02 gouernour of hor fes. Amand
name. Col. 4.17. fellow fouldier With Paul. piles
mon 2,
Ard ruling, o} defcending, The fonne of Beniamin.
Gen. 46.25. 0f whom came the Ardites. Mum.26.40.
Ardon.rzling,o} deſtending, or the iudgement ef ma~
lediction. Caled his fone, 1. Chzon.2.18.
Areli, the Altar 02 light of God, ogthe Geht of God,
The onne of Gad, Gen. 46.16. of thom came the Are-
lites. HMum 26.17.
Areopagita. Acts 17.34 looke Denis,
Aretas.vertuous.2.Qat.5.8, and 2,G02.11.32.
Ariel. the Altar or lon of Ged , oz the light of God.
looke Iſa.29.1. in the margene. Allo the name of aman.
Ezra. 8.16.
Arimathea, a lion dead unto God, ogthe tight of the
Lords death. citie in the tribe of Epbraim. Mat. 27.
57. Mar.15.43- Luk. 23.51. Joh.19. 38. which is calen
Dumad. Jol.1g.52.and Arumah Puig. ggr. and Ru⸗
mah.2,Bing.2 3.35 which citie Eule dius affirmethig-
otherwiſe called Bemphtis.
Arioch.long, 62 ſat etie, oꝝ thy drunkenneffe and thy
lison. Orn. 14.1. ad Dan2.14.
Ariftarchus, a right good prince, og the beft prince A
Companion and pettoner of Paul. Act. 19 29. and 27>-
2. and Colsſ.4. 10.
Ariftobulus, a very good 03 the bef counfellour. The
maiter of J9tolome. 2.GBac.1.70, Alfo reave Rom. 16,
10. Acts.12, 1. ii the margent.
Armagedon the bill of the Goſpel, oꝛ Gofpellingo2 the:
hs/lof apples, oz fruit meaning the elect. The name of a
place. Reuel 16.16.
Arnon. reioycings oꝛ leaping for ioy, 02 their arke, og.
the light of the Sunne, ozthe light, oz curfe permament,
oreteruall, A flood 02 tiuer, Plum.21.14. Dewt.2.24,
Sofh, 12.12. and 13.9. JUDE. 1 1, 13, Alloa cirie. Joſh.
21. 13. Numb 21. 13.
Arod idem. ag Ard Whe ſonne of Had⸗Gen. 46. 16.
of whom came the Arodites. ;Num.26.17.
Aroer.the watch of watches oꝛ raifing vp of watches.
d city. Mum 32. 34. Deu.ꝛ . 36. Joſ. 262.81 3.9,16, 25
JuD. r r.26. 1.51.30 28.2 Dam. 24.5.¥ 2. Rin. 10.33.
Jla-17.2. The citizens called Aroerices.1.C112.11.44.
Arpachfhad healing. Tbe fonne of Shem. Gene. ro.
22. Luke 3.36. big flocke. Genef, 12.* Alloa king
whom Nebuchodonoſoz vanquiſhed. Guneth,r.1.*.
Arpad. the /ight oſfredemptioa. An Iſland iu hoes
nicia neere Damatews.2 Wing 18.34.and 19.5 3:3a.
10.9. Jere 49. 23.
Arfaces. lifting up the hield o the lifting up of the
[hield 1.99 20.14.3. and 15.22.
| Azotus
Artathhathte ght o} maled:ion,03 feruent to fpoile.
the generall name of the Kings of Perka, as Celar
was tothe Emperours of Rome, reave Ezta 4.7.and
Jot. Nehe.2..and 5.34. and 13.6.Jook Ahaſhuetoſh.
Artemas.whole, Mand, oꝛ fig htly,02 without fanlt,
Arumah. idem ag Rumas, looke Arimathea.
@ Ala, a Phyficion,og healer of ficknefes. the king of
Judah who facceeded his father Abiiam. 1. Kin.15 8.
ANB 2,€02.14-1-¢ 1. Chꝛo.3. 10. He deliropeth the bigh
places, and erhozteth the people te ſeeke the Lozi. 2.
Thzron.t 4.354. Jo feate of Baalha king of Ilrael, hee
entreth into couenant with Ben · had ad bing of Spzide
a. King.15.17 to 22. and a. Chzott.16.1,to 7. and was
repzoued therefoze , and koztruſting rather in the help
of men, then in the ayde of Gov. 2. h20. 16.7. Dee ob⸗
taineth victozie again® the Ethiopians. 2, Chꝛon.i 4.
g.” ¢ 16.8, Dis bꝛiete and faithfull praper.2.@hz0.14.
z1. Dee depsred his mother from her regencie, ¢ why.
2.0 62.15.16. 1. Kin. 15.13 IN bis age be was ficke of
the goute.1, Rin-15.23.6 2.270. 16.12. De dieth and
Lis ſonne Jehoſh aphat lucceedeth him. Ring- 15. 24
2. Chꝛ. 16.1 3.ẽ 17. 1. Allo a mang name.i .chz.ↄ.16.
Afahel. God hath wrought. Joabs byother who put
ſuing Abner, truſting to pis lightnetfe of foore, was bp
bim flaine. 2.Sam.2.19,t0.24. Dee is buried in the fes
pulchze of hig father. 2, Saw.2,32. Allo other meng
ames. Ezra t0.15.Qobit 1. 1.
Aſaiah the Lord hath wrought Certain meng names.
3.0 b2004.36.€ 6.30 and 9.5. and 15.6. 2.Kin. 22.1 Ze
Afaph. gathering. A renoumed chauntet of Dauids.
bzother to Weman, looke 1.0. h20.6.39. € 15.19. ¢ 16,5.
and 25.1. Ailo other meng names 1. Chꝛo ↄ.15. 2. Kin.
18. 18.1. Chꝛo. 26. 1.
Aſareel the beatitude of God 1 .ch2.4,16. gteat citp.
Afenah. a peril, oz thing unfortunate. The Daughter
Of [Ioti-pherah, and wite of Joleph.Gen.41.45,
Afhabiah numeration? eſtimation, oꝛ the cogitation,
03 workemanfhip of the Lord,og ſpeede, oꝛ ſilence in the
Lord, The lonne of Amazia. #.Chon.6.45. a chieke
man cf the Lewites. 1. Chzon.25. 3.2. Chrꝛo. 35.9.
Aſhana fume oz /mohe A city. 3ofh.15.42.and 19.7.
and 1.2 §201,.4.32.anD 6,59,
Atharelah. the bleffednes of God. 1. Chꝛo 25. 2.
Athbel anc/d fre. Fhe lonae of Bentamin.Gert.46.
31,1,02.8.1.called Jediael, 1-Chz.7.6. of hin came
the Afhbelices. Qum.26. 38.
Aſhchenaꝝ. fire as it were diſtilling, ogas it were
Sprinkling. The fonne of Gomer. Genel. 10.3. allo a
colntrep. Jere.51. 27.
Athdod, idem as Aſhedoth following. Jofh.11.33.¢
15.46. The inhabitants called Aſhdodites. Joſh. 3. 3.
ann Aſhdodims.Nehe.4.7. and 13.23. looke Azotus.
Athedoth. a robbing of a countrey, oꝛ the-fire of the
beloued, oꝛ the fire of the fathers brother. & place. Joſh.
13.20. and 10. 46. añd 12. 3.Jopke Azotus,
Aher. ble fedne few} felicitie. The lonne of Jaakob
bp Filpah. Gen 30.1061 3. of whole pofkeritie and heri-
tage looke Gen,46.17,18. and 1. Chꝛo.7 30. Joſh. 19,
24,t0.3 2. His blefling.Deut.33.24,25.Gen.49.20.e
ar not raft out the inhabitants of Accho nog ivon.
UDG.1.31532. ‘SA
Atheroth, trees,0} woods. An idole whortehe Ilrae⸗
lites Cerued, and therefore were puniſhed. Judg. 3.7, 8.
Afhiel the worke of God, 1.Q 0.4.35.
Athima. the fre of the fea,o3 the offence, An idole,2.
Athkelon, the fire of infamie,oza weighing thing, 02
balance, A great citie which Judah tooke. Vung. 1.18,
and Sambon flew therein thirty men. Judg. 14,19.
reade Joly.1 3-3 Jer. 25,20. Amos 1,8. 3Zeph. 2.4. 3ech·
The firſt Table.
9.5. Judeth.2 28. and 1.Wac.10.86.
Afbnath,mutation,oz fire now, Q citie. Joſh.15. 33.
Athnath iteration, o} ſecundation. titie. Jot). 5.43
Afhriel, dem ag Afareel. The fonne of Manakieh.r-
Ahzan.7.14. of whom came the Aſrielites. Numb.26.
34. be ig called Azriel. Joſh.17.2 anb 1.2 620.5 .24.
Afhtaroth, flockes,oz riches. A citie of Woab Deut.
1.4. $ol.9,10.¢ 12.4.6 13.12. The glants whem Che:
Doz laomet Rew, inbabited this citie andthe bozders
thereof. Gen.14.5. which was given to the Leuites.i.
Cizon.6.71, Che inhabitants callen Afhterathites 1,
Ahuo.r1.44 Aifo an idole of the Philiſtims whom the
Iſcaelites boneur, 1,am.7.3,5. Judg-2,23.and fo
Din Salomon. 1.King.11.5.and 2. King 23.13.
Afhtaroth karnaim Afhtaroth @ockes,o3 riches, Kar-
naim, hornes, meaning therebp, the peeple of the citre of
Afhtaroth. Gen.14.5.
Afhtemoth, the frre ofdiuination, 02 confummatios
oꝛ the fire of perfection o} ſimplicitie. ã citie in the tribe
of Judah. Poh. 15.50.
Afhuath, deinz,62 making veſtments. 1, Chꝛon. 7. 33.
Afhur.og Aſſhur.bleſad, 0g traueiling, o} beholding.
The ſonne of Shem. Gen. 10. 21. Dee came from the
land of Shinar. Gen.10,11.
Silo a countrep. Wla.7.17,18,20.C be people called
Affyrians. Jfat.8.4,7.@be land is fertile. 2. King. 18,
32.Aha3 being kaithleſſe, leeketh apve of the King of
Asthur,2.6ing. 16. 7. The king of Asthur taketh Sas
Maria.2.King.17.6, Hezekiah peeldeth bnto Sanehe⸗
Tib king of Asfhur.2. in. 1 1.13,14.” The Logo punt:
heth the Aflyrians, ag thep Did the Jewes, to the enve
thep might learne that thep were able to Doe nothing
of themlelueg. Iſa 10.12,13.* The defiruction of the
Aflyrians ig fozetold. Jla. 17.12. and 30,31. aud Na⸗
pum 1.2.*
Afia. full of mire,0z dirty, oꝛ ful of fame oz muddy, A
Countrep cailed the lefler Afia , conteining JD bzpgia.
Phamphilia, Cilicia, Lpcaonta, Galatia gc. Ge is
thought now to be vnder the {ubtection of the Turke,
Act.2.9. Into it Paul was fogbioven to go and preach,
bp the bolp Shok. Acts 16.6. Paul abode in Alla fog
a time and there preached the Golpel.Act.19.9, 10,23,
Paul teciterh what he had luffeed in Afia.2. ez. 1.8,9
Afiel looke A thiel.
Askelon. looke Athkelon.
Afmaueth.a ffrong death,og buck goat, eꝛ the ſtrength
of death. s.Cbpon. 12.3. called Azmaueth,2 am.23
3-fooke. 1. Chzo, AND 11.33. Ezta.2.24.
Afmodeus.a deſtroyemoꝛ abounding in ſinne, oꝛ mea-
faring the fre. An euill (pitit- Cod. 3.8.
Afhurim. waste layers, oꝛ bleffed, 03 flow goers, 03 be-
holders og Lookers on. Gen.2§.3-
Aſſir. bound, 02 imprifoned,ezin the Spzian (peach,
prohibited. Che fonne ef Koza}. ron.6.24.1.)3.6.22. appropinquation, 02 comming neere vato. &
titie. Act, 20.13,
Afluerus looke Ahafueros, and Tobit 14.15.
Aftyages. a leader, 02 goucrnour of the citie oʒ the
Duke. The name of che Wing of Perſia. Dan.g.t.
Aſuppim the counſell of Elders. 1.€$20.26.15.
Afynerites. incomparable. Rom 16.14.
@ Atarah,oz Artarta. a crowne. 1.020 2.26.
Ataroth.crownes,o2 a quillto make one drunke,ozto
Al one withal, o2 After the Hebꝛe w oz Sprian (peeches,
the connfelof making one drunke o} ful. Qu. 32.3, 33 35
Ater the left hand,og [hut Ezta 2.16,42.
Athach, thy boure, or thy time. € citie. 1. Bam. 30.30,
Athiah the howre,oz time ofthe Lord. Iehe.t t4.
Athaliah.the howre,02 time forthe Lord. Che daugh:
ter of Omri king of Iſtael, and mother to A baziay the
king of Jusay.2.Bing. 8.26, Defitoping ali the ee
Aftaroth &
Af yrians,
' Azanias.
_ Azariel,
A Azriel,
: Afarias.
ropail which fee could came bp, Hee ralen the {anv of
Judah, and la of ail was Haine ber felfe. 2. ting, 1,
352.% 3, 2. Chꝛon. 22.10.* and 32.7.
. Athlai. my houre oꝛ my tame o time vnto me A mang
name. ¢3:4.19.28. s
Attai sdem, The name of certaine men. 1, Chzon.2
Attalia encreafing;02 nouriſbing. A citie im Pamphi⸗
fia, builded bp Wrolemens Phuadelphus, bp which
Paul and Batnabas ioutneped. Act.14.25,
Attalus increafed, 02 nouriſhed. i. Mac.i 3. 22.
Atthai houre, time, 03 ready. 2. Chꝛon. 1.20.
Athens. without encreafe, o} of Minerua, o} Miner-
wales, Afamous citie in Achaia , whither Paul was
conductes. Act. 17.15. Tahere be feeing the people av-
Dicted to idolattie gc. Difputed and pzeacher.dctes 17.
16.* The citizens called Athenians. Act.17.2 1.
Athenobius.the loue of Minerua. The Ambafladour
which Antiochus fent mte Simon: of his meflage and
anfwere, looke 1.Q9ac.15.28, to 37.
Atheifts:people without God. So called becaule thep
bee (uch ag thinke there is no God : of thei dilpolition
and qualities, looke Ephe.2,12.¢ 2. Pet. 3. 3. and in the
woꝛd Epicures in the feconn Gable, g Tiiild.2.1,t0 2 3.
Atroth Addar. Atroth, idem ag Ataroth ¢ Addar ig
interpꝛeted.the clokeo2 power,o? great ne ffe. Joſh. 16.5.
@ Aua,0?} Auah. insguitie.A citie.2. kin. 17. 24. called
Avah,2. king.18.34. and 19.13. fa. 37.13.
Auen.iniquitze. in Hebꝛew On, which is interpzeted,
[orrow , 03 [adne fe , 02 firength, in Greeke Heliopolis
thich ig interpreted, the cstze of the funne. A citie of
appt, otberwile called Thebz, Reade Eek.30.17.
allo an idole. Hef,10,8.
Auguftus pzoperlp ignifteth Juckze. Alfoit map igs
nife confecrated, [anctified,noble, mightie,repalt,reuc-
rent ,worlhipfull,oy of great magnsficence hich name
ig olen not onelp foz the Gf (Co called foz bis good ſuc⸗
cefle but alfoz a (urname unto all the Romane Em⸗
perozs.Act.25.21. Inthe +2 pere of Auguſtus reigne,
Chik our Sauiour was bone. Luke 2.1,6,7.
Auimwicked men,oz peruerſe. A citie. Joſhu.2. 23.
wboſe citi zens were called Auims, Deut.2,23. whole
God was Nibhaz. 2. king.17.31.
Auith.wicked, oꝛ perucr (2,02 naughtie,o2 ouerthwart.
G citie, Gene.36.35. Auites a people. J of}13.3.
§ Aza.firenzth, 02 4 Goate, C3td.2.47-
Azaniah, hearkening the Lord, opthe weapons of the
Lord. FAebe.10.9.
Azareel. the helpe of God. 1.€0}. 12:6. €3ta.10.41
Gofh.17.2. and 1. Chꝛo 5.24
Azariah, helpe ofthe Lord. The donne of Amastah
king of Judah. 2. Wings 14.21. whois called Azziah.
2.Ch20n.26.1. be foz ofurping the Pꝛieltes office was
friken with lepzpand fo died.2.king, 15.5.and 2. Chro.
26.16,to 22. he is called Diag. WBartth.1.8. Allo he ig
calien Wartthat. Luke 3.29.
Allo a Pzophet, bp whole erhoztation Ala fought to
refogme religton. 2. Chron. 15. i.* Alfo the bigh Piet,
which with others withltood king Gzziab. 2 Ch20.26,
17,18. Allo the name of Erhanslonne-1.€2.2.8.alfo
a companion of Daniels.Dan.2.17.aifothe name of o,5-¢1.Q2.6.9 10513.¢2. 82.28.12
BND 31. 13. Ezra.7. 1,3. Nehe. 3. 23 $ 7.7. aud 12. 33.
Azariel looke Azarecl. 1. Chꝛo. 27. 22.
Azaricam.helpe,rifing up , 02 reuenging , 0} voyde
firength. A mans name. Zebe. 11.14.
Azaz. a firong one, 1 Chꝛ. 5.8.
Azaziah. the frength ofthe Lord. i. Chꝛo. 15.21.and
27:20. Žž `
Azgad. afirong bofte, or ftrength of felicitie. 38.2
B3,and 8.13,JQ0B2.10.55,
The firt Table.
Aziza, frexgth,o2 of rength,
Azmaueth. looke Afmaueth.
Azmon. bone of abone, e} -ur firength $ citie. Qu.
34.4- 10.1 5.4. ` ,
Aznoth-tabor, the eares of ele Bion, 0} of puritie, 02
after the Hebzew oz Sprian (peech,the eares of contri-
tion, oꝛ breaking.a citie, Joſh.19.34.
Axor. a helper,oz entrie, 02 court, o} after the Sypꝛi⸗
an, conuerted.a place.t.Adacc,11.67. Aife the foune of
Eliacim. Watt .1,1 3.
Azotus. in Debzrewe Afedod. A famous citie in the
land of JDaleftine,betweene Ahkelon ¢ Joppe, wherin
Giants welt, which citie Johhua wonne, Tok. 11.22.
Jit was one of the Gue principal cities mentioned. Tə
Ham.6. 17. reade Jerem. 25.20. Amos 1.8.5eph.2.4,
Fec.9.6. Hfa.20.1.and 2. Chꝛo.26.6. Tn this citie allo,
Philip preached dhik. Acts.8.40.1oeke Aſhdod.
Azariah, the helpe of the Lord, 2.30. 29,13.
Azaricl. the helpe of God, 1, €hzon.12.6.and 27.22.
looke Aſhriel. Ezra 10.41.iQehe.r1-13.Jerem.36.26.
Azrikamadem ag Azarikam,1.€b2.3-2 3.and 8.38.
Azubah forfaken.1 king 22.42.10 Chꝛro 2. 18;
Azur.he/pengz helper. Jete.28.1. 3th, 11.1.
Azzah ferong,o2 a bucke goate,@en.10.19, Foly.10.
41.1 king· 4. 25. Judg. 1. 18. and 16.3,,28,
Azzan.their frenzth. JQum.3 4.26.
Arzur, idem a9 Azur. Nehe.i0.17.
B Aal, Bealim.the idole oꝛ idoles o} Lard. oꝛ Lords, 02
gZouerning,e2poffejing. The idole of the Sidoni⸗
ans,oz a generali name to all (Doles, becaule thep were
as the Lods ¢ownersof all their woꝛſhippets. Mum.
21.45. Judg. 2. 1131 3. and 3 7. and 6.25. aNd 8.33, 1.
Ch79-4.33-Ser.2.8.1.king.16.32 and 18.19."2. kings
10.18,t0 29. and 11.18,and 17. 20. and 23. 4, 20. 2. CH2-
23.17. alſo the name of certaine men.i Ehzon 5.5. and
8.30.anD 9.30.
Baalah.ruling him, oꝛ his idole.o2 ſubiected, or pafe ſ-
fea. citie and mount in the tribe of Judah. Joſh. 15.
9,11, Alfo a citie in the tribe of Dan, Lof 9.44,callea
Baalath.1.Rings 9.18,
Bualath Beer.ſubiected pit. Joſh.19.8.
Baalberith. the idole of a cowenant, 02 gouerning, o
pof fing the couenant.§udg 8.33.and 9.4.
Baal-gad,the tdole offortune, oꝛ felicitie. a city bnder
mount Permon. Joh. 11,17-called Bahalgad. Jo. 53-5
Baal-hamon, C ant.8 rs.
Baal-hanan, Hen.36. 38.and 1,€.20.2.49.
Baal-hazor,2 po/fe(four of grace, og of a gft.2. am.
Baal-hermon.a poffe/f ur of deſtruction, oꝛ of a thing
cur fed, 02 dedicated, of comfecrated, viz, unto God. A
Oil. Judg · 3. 3.
Baali. my idole,oz maſter, oꝛ Lord ouer mee, 02 gouer-
zingo} polfeffing me Holſ. 2. 16.
Baal- iadaan open op manife/tidole,o2 ariafer gouer-
nowr,02 poſe ſſor of knowledge. The fonne of Dau.
1. Chton 14.7.
Baalim,looke Baal. The name of certaine ideles. 1.
Sam h20.28.2. Jere.2.23.
Baalis dera a8 Baalim King of the Ammonites Jer.
Baal-meon.the Lord, 0} maſter of the hauſe, oz gouer-
ningo? poffe(fing the houſe, oꝛ the idole of fin,o2 goucrn=
ment of fea.a citte.AUM. 32.3 8.2. Chr. .8.EFek. 25.9.
Baal-peor. the idole,oz Lord of Peor.Qn idole. Zum,
25.3. whom who fo followed was deltroped. Deut.4.3.
Baalath, -
Beel mieon,
-Baal phara-
Joch.a2.17.teode Dofe.o.19. This (tole wag called of fim
the Gentiles, Pziapus.
Baal-perazim.the idole of diu ſions, o — a?
poe fing.
poffefing disifions, exc A place : why it wag fo callen,
2,Da.s 20.1 Chro. ta. 1-
Baal-falifa, Baal-fhalitha, the threefodde , 02 prencipall idole. 2.
| Hings 4.42,
Baal tha⸗ Baal tamar, the idole of thepalme tree. & village.
mar. Judg.20.33.
-Becl-zebub, Baal-zebub.the édole,oz poſeſcor of flies oꝛ the maſter
of hes. An idole buto whome Ahaziay being ficke had
recourte. z; king.1,2,3. Che Jewes laid that Jelus
Chik wꝛought vis miracles through Beelzebub, Mat.
9-34. Marke 3.22.Luke 10.15. DBatth.10.25.
Baal-zephon.the fouth,oz hidden sdole.& cttie.rev.
14.2. Qum 33.7.
Baanah ta affliction, o} anſwering. Dne of Ilh · bo⸗
ſheths captains. 2. Dam. 4.2. who with Rechab bis
other captaine, traiterouſſp lew theit matter, twere
therefore laine ar Dauibs
5. * Ailo the father of Hele one ef Dauids woachies.
2. Sam. 23.29. Allo the fonne of Ahilad one ef Dalo-
mong theelue chiefe officers.1 iking.4.12.
Baara, a flame, o} purging: t, 220,88.
Baafeiah. im making, oz preffiag together, 1.€02.6.40.
Baaſha idem. A King of Prad who ewe Nadab,
and reigned in bis fkead,1. kings 15.28. He deſtropeth
the boule of Jeroboam, accoꝛding to Hods commandes
ment.s.kings 15.29. The Prophet Jehu Benounceth
Gods iudgements againt him and his hole. r.bings
16.2,3,4.De maketh warre withala king of Suvab al
his bapes.1. ing, 15:16. De dieth and Elah his onne
{ucceedeth, Ring: 16.6.
Babel,andBabylon,coufu/ion,o2 mingling 0g tranfla-
tion the name of a citie, Gewe.r0, ro. fo named of the
confufion of tongues. Gene.11.4,9. Chis citie ſituated
in Chaldea in the fela of Shinar. Noꝛth from the land
> pf Judea, was the principall citte of the king dome of
the Lhaloeans, whereof Nenod che tpzant Heft ofur-
peu the goucrument. Gene.10.8,9,10, Cinto this city
the W(caelites were caried captives: and fo remained
foz the (pace of 7o.pecres, accogding ag it toag prophe-
cied of. Leuwit.26.25, Deut. 4.26,27,28.628.25 35. €
2kin 20.17, 18.624. 1,2.* and 25.1,t022.and 2.2 $2.
36.6,to 22 Matth. 1.17. Ila.y.56 25.* and 7.8. Jere.
ĩ 14*and 16613." € 20.45, 6.8 25. 11. Ezek. 7. 1. * ©
12.1,* and 22. 1. Mic 4.10. Haba.i.s, to 12. Baxuch
6. 1. * The caule of their captiuitie. 2. Kings 17. 6.*
Jete 32. 29,t0 37. Deliuerance out of thiscaptiuitie,
ꝓꝛomiſed and pzopbeciebof, Leuit, 26. 40.* Deut 4.
29,00 41. and 30.1,t0 11.1 .king.8.34,47548;0 54. and
9.3 2.Chꝛo. 6.3 6,to 40.and 7.14,15,16. Jla. 14:2. and
40.1, 2. and 43.5,6.¢ 48.20. Sete. 12. 14, 13. and 16.15.
AnD 24.5. and 25. 12. and 26. 1 33 AND 19. 10. and 30.3. &
31.23,24.t0 31.83 2.14, 15, 37. and 46.27, 28. EFENI.
17,t022.Dan.9.25. Baruch.6. 2.and alfo fulfillen.z,
Ch20n.36.23.3ra.r.x." and 2.1.%and 1 Eldza,2.1,
to 16. the Govalthe Babylonians wag Succoth We-
noth. 2.kings 17.30, ;
Ali nations haue Daunkerot the wine of the wath of
vce the fomication of Babylon. eue.18. 3. It is become
che habitation of nettits, œ the Holve of al foute ſpirits.
Reue. 18.2. Hermerchants were the great men of the
eatth a all nations were deceined with their inchant-
ments Reue.18.23 Utter deſtruction is pgophecied a=
gaint ber and her fauourers: (Ola.137.8,9. Iſa.i 3.1*
OUD 14.22.aNd 21.7.0 13.and 25. 10.and 47. 1, Ser,
25.12, and 50.1,2.*and 51.1." Mabak.2. 16. Reuel.
¥4,8.anD 16.10 19. and 17. 1, 2 *and 18.2,10,21. The
Prophets e Apoſtles reioyce in her veltruction Keire.
28.20 S. [Deter wote his Epiſtle from Babylon, 1.
WPet.5.13. Babylon put foꝛ Damaſciis. Act.7.43.
Bacchides.a drunkard,oz ane that holdeth of Bacchus,
Acaptaine of King Demetting armie. 1-MPacca-7.8-
The firſt Table.
who doth traiteronfly Rewe the Jewes that truter in
bim.1. Mac 7. 10, to 21.and allo Judas Maccabeus.
1.95ac.9.18. And pet alterward was dilcomfted by
Simon.. War 9.67,68. .
Bacchenona drunken 02 wine bibbing mrn. a. Macc. Bacener
Badaiah.the Lord alone,
Bagoas. the inward, oz mofi fecrete, 02 aduanced,o2 Vagoas.
Lifted vp, o} bodily ,ozonethat hath a body, Diofernes ~~ ';
chambertaine, topo was fentto Judith to perſwade
bec to ie with pig maker. Juvith.12.11, 12, 13. and
134, 2.
Balaam, the antiquitie, 0} ancient of the people , 02 Bileam.
without the people, erthe deuourer, o} deſtruction of
them, The name of a jPzophet, the fon of Bez; wham
Balak bing of Boab hired to curle the people of Gov.
JQumb.2 2.5 ,6.* Hon forbade him toth the going with
Balaks meflengers, and the curling of bis people,
IQumb22.12.* Baalam could not curie Gods pesple,
againg bis wil Numb.2 2.18. € therfore blefles them,
J2umb.23.7st0 1 3. Joſh. 24.9, 10. Pzophecping of rhe
great pzolperitie char ſhould come to the Wlraelites.
Num 24.5,to 10. He foꝛetelleth the comming of Chꝛiſt.
Num.24.17. he is lain among the Midisa nites Rum.
31.8, Dee loned the wages of vnrighteouſneſſe, ana
therefoze was rebuked of the dumme afle.2. Bet. 2.155
16.gubsert, Dee taught Balak to lap a Bumbling
blocke befoze the childzen of Iſrael. Reue.2.14.
Baladan. without rule, 03 iudgement, 0} ancient in
indgement.2 Ring. 20, 12+ + :
Balak. cowering, op defiroping.JRUM.22.255-€24.10. Balac, -
Baldad,olde lowe, 02 witiorst loue, or an old motion. A Bildad,
Friend of Jobs, tho came to comfort bim in his miſerie.
Mob 2,11. He taboureth to bring Job to repent, and to
coufeffe bis ſinnes:⁊ that bp two arguments. Job.8.2.
*He reproueth Jeb, fog that bee wouid not heare goen
countel:¢ reciteth the patnes of the wicked. Job 18.2.*
Baprift. Chis name was atiributed tnte John rhe
ſonne of Zacharie , foz that hee fith began te baptize.
Luke 3.2,16,@atth.c1.11.looke lohn.
Batrabas.the foz of confu{ion,o2 reproch, ozthe fonne
ofthe father,o3 ma/ter. Amurtherer, whom the Jewes
vefired ta bee looſed (atthe perſwaſion of the cbiefe
Pꝛieſts)that Chrift might be crucified. WD atth. 27:20,
21, 22,t0 27. Marke 15.7, to 16. Luke 2 3. 18,to 26.
Fol 18.39,40..
Barachel.b/efing, 02 fpeaking well of Godo} bowing
the knee to God, Job. 32.2.
Barachiah bleffing, 0} peaking well of the Lord, oz — 5
bowing the knee vnto the Lord, Sechi. = erechiah,
Barbarian. that. r. Cozin, 14.11, and ofthe Barba-
rians kindnefle. Actes 21.2,
Bariefus. the fonme of Iefus. & falfe Pꝛophet, gloz
cerer, whe reiting Paul, was ſtriken blinde. Actes
13.6, to 12.
—— the fonne ofa doue, oꝛ the ſonne of Ionas,
She avdition of Peters name bp Chꝛiſt Hiralelfe.
Matth. 16.17.
Barak. lig hening. The fon of Ahinoam, whom Debo⸗
ral), by Goͤds commaundement (ent againſt Difera.
Judg a. 6. Barak and Debozab deliver the people out
of the fubiection of Jabin. Jud.a.i4,5. Barak and,
Deboꝛah praife God for the victozie. Jun. ş.1.* :
Barnabas, the fonue of confalation, 02 of the prophet,
Mee fold bts land, and Laid the monep thereof Downe at
the Apoltles feet.Act.4. 36,37. De bzingeth Pauil one
tothe Apoſtles Act.9.27. We is ſent onto Antioch.act.
11.22. returneth againe to Verufalen.Act.12 25. be
€ Paul were feparated, foz to preach the Golpel. Act.
13.2. be and Paulrent their clothes. Acts 14. 14. and
twere lo itred, that the one Departed from rk other.
ctes 15.
Bar ieſu.
Bar jonas _
Ber- ſabee
Actes 15.39. Hee was ſeducea dp the diſſimulation of
Bartimeus, ierome fapth ould be Witten Barfe-
meus, whichta the Sprian tongue is interpzeced
blind fonne,oz the [anne of bundne ſe. Of whem teate
Wato 46.* i
Baruch bleffed,oz bending the knee, Jeremies fcribe.
Jerem. 36. 12. wꝛiteth a booke , which was teas, and
burned. Jere. 36.4,to 27. ye weiteth another, Jete. 36.
37,28.*and 45.1. Batuch 1.1,to6. } hard as yroa,@ noble and rich man, who
relieued Dauid in diftrefic, and pet would take no-
thing in 3 2. Hee accomipant:
eth the king onto Jovan, crauing nothing but that
bis forme Chimbam might goe with him,and bee wel
intreateD.2.Samu.19-31,33,t0 40. Dawid chargeth
Salomon, that hee Houln Hhewe kindnefle onto the
fonnes of Barzillai,and whp.1.Ring.2-7. The fonnes
of Barzillai , becaufe thep could net (het their genea>
—— put fromthe Pꝛieſthood. Ezta 2.61,62.
and Rep 7.63,64 :
—— aromaticall, oʒ confafion of death, 03
in deſolation. Gen. 26. 34 and 1. King.4. 5.
Baſhan. ix the tooth,oꝛ in yuorie, oꝛ en fleepe, in flum-
bring conſaſion, oꝛ lander. ã countrep there Dg treig:
ned Dett.1-4.aland of giants. Deitt. 3.10, 13, 12, 13.
Bath.@ kind of meaſure. Eze. 45. 10.
Bathleba the feuenth daughter,o} the daughter of an
othe. The daughter of Eliam, and wife ot Ciriad rpe
Hittite.s.Samu. 11.3. with whom Danid committed
abulterie, cauleth Ciriah to be laine,
and afterward matrieth ber.2. Samu. 11.514,27. the
childe which Bathfeba bare vnto Dauid.fickened,and
Bicd.2. Samu. 12,15,t0 23. and afterward ſhee bare
BSalomsn.2.Damu.12.24, Batth.1.6. Shee is called
Bathfhua,the saughter of Ammiel, 1.€2.3.5.
Bathfhua the daughter of faluatio. looke Bath · eba.
Realiah the God of an idole, the Lord cafting bim-
felfe downe before ito} poſſeſi ng it , oꝛ in an affermbly,
2 in the Church. 2.12.5.
Bealoth, caf vader o} poſſeſſed. Joſh. 15.24.
Bebal.voyd on emptie Ezta 8.11.
Becher.the frf begotten oꝛ fir ft fruits. The name of
Beniamins fonne.Syen.46.21.¢ 1.228 7-6. Alle the
fonne of Ephzaim. jQum.2z6.35-
Bechorath zdeveas Becher. 1. Batt.9-1.
Bedan a doore barre,oz alone. 1. Sam. 12.11. and I.
€b2.7.17- 3
Bediah, the onely Lord, o} doorebarre of the Lorde,
The onne of Baii. Ezra 10.35.
Beeliada. an open idole, 0} maſter of knowledge. 1.
Beelezebub,locke Baal zebub and Mat. 10,25.
Beer.a well,oz declaring, FAUM 31,16.
Beera.idem 1. Chꝛ 7.37.
Beerah iden.. Chꝛꝛ.5. 6.
Beer-Elim.a well of Ela. Iſa.r5.8.
Beeri.a well explaning, o} declaring. The father of
Doles. Mol. 1.1. Atfo the tarher of Judeth Eſaus wife.
Beer-lahai-roi. Gen.16.1 4.
Beeroth, wels,explaning, e} declaring. A city. To.
9.17. Deut. 10,6.and 2.4m. 4.3, 3. Joſh.i 8.25,
Beerfheba a wel, a wildernes, & a citie. looke Ge,
21.14,31.826.33 € 28.10, Jeh. 15.28. 19 2. and T,
_ Bam.3.20.¢ 8.2.4 2.Sam 24. 2,7.1 1. kin. 19.3, 2.
king.2 3.8.4 1. Chz2. 4.28 Meh. 1.30. Amos 55.
Behemoth, This worde ſignifieth the multitude of
earthly beafts, But chiefly one among the reft. Job 40.
10.” 2 E649. Ht id taken fo2 f peer of Satan.
Bel. eld ancient oz nothing. The name of an idole,
‘The firk Table.
tobereof reave Iſa.a6.i. Dan.i a.z, to 2$:
Bela deſtroying. ã citie allo Dy, Feat. Gen. 14.2, Bala
8. Alle Beniamins fonne.Gen. 46,2 1.JRumb, 26.38, Belah
Allo a king in Edom.Gen.3 6.32.
Belial peruer/e,ozwicked,oz the deuil. Fung. 19.22.
anD e Samu 2.12.8 10.27. Mahum 1.1 5. Mahat cons
co2z8 bath Chꝛiſt with Belial? 2.Q02.6.15.
Belfhatlar. without treafure, 62 a fearcher of trea. Belte-thaz-
fare. & bing of Babplon. Dan.s.1.Ciho fogabuting zar
the seflels of the Temple, ¢ertolling dumbe ivoles, Belfhazzar
leeth a baud wꝛiting opon the wall. Dan: 5.2, 3,4, 5, Ba lfatar
which betokeneth his beach, anv the cranflation of pig Baltazar
kingDome vonto Datiug.Dan, 5 6.* Beleefhatzar
Ben a (on,02 a building oz under/izding.1.ch3.1§.18 Belethatzar
_ Benaiah,theLords buslding The name of men mens Banaia
toned 2.€63-4,36.¢ 55 18. Allo the fonne of Jehoia⸗ Banaras
Da.2.Ham.29.23. who at Salomens commandement
Rewe Joab, hauing polve on the homes of the altar.
t.Bing.2.22,28,to 36. De wag over the Cherethites,
Gc.1.Ch20n.18, 17. anD is thumbed amorg Daniss
thzee wogthies.2.Gam.23.20,21,22,23- De is calien
Ben ammui.@en.19.38, ` Ammos
Ben-hadad the fonne of noife,operie. The forme of Ben-adad
Cabzimon.1.Gin.15.18.itoiopned with Afaking Benadab
of Zudah,¢ befieged the cities of Iſtael. 1.bin.15.20,
De belegen Samaria. 1 .Bin.20,1.He being dzunken
and blaſpheming Gov, was pirt to flight by Abab,anu
fo Samaria was Delinered. r. Rin.20.16,t0 31-be obs
tained patden at Apabs hands, wherefore God wag
diſplealed with Ahab.a forehyewes his vefiruction. 1.
&iN.20.3 1.* Benhadad befiegeth Samatia, 2.bin. 6.
24. bis hole is mitacutonflp put to flight, 2 Bin. 7.6,
7-be iz Gcke, and fendeth Hazaelto Elithe witha pres
fent to know if be ould recouer.2. Kin 8. 7,8. Dee
Dieth,¢ Pazaelteignech in bis Geav.2, Win.8.14,15.
Ben hadad the fenne of Hazael, king of Aram, tus
leth Iſtael all Jehehaz dayes, and whp.2. ing. 13.3.
Ben-hail.the ſonne of firength, ozof an armie, onthe Benhail
fonne of riches,02 gri-fe.3-E 0217.1. : :
Ben hanam. the fonne of grace, o} godline ſe, 0} the Ben hanan
[inne of [paration.1 .€82.4.20. a
‘crisis ſonne of Hinnom. A vallep.2.€ $3. Ben-hinnon
2 3
Bene berak the fonnes of lightning. Joſh.i⸗ↄ.4. Benebarae
Bene-iaakan, the [onnes of forow, oꝛ labour, og buil~ Bene-iaacan
der up of forow,02 labour. Qum. 33.31. =e
Beniamun.the anne of my right hand. Jaakobs pons
geſt lonne,valied Ben oni,that i¢,the onne of farrow.
Gen. 35.18. Jaakob loneth him dearelp.Gene.44.225
29,30." Dis meale was Rue times fo much ag any of
bis bzethzens,Gen 43.34. lecke Genel 45.22.Wee ig
bieficd of Jaakob.Gen 49.27.Woles allo bleſſeth bis
tribe, Deut. 3 3.12. Df his children reste Gen. 46.21,
and 1.2 h2-7.6.and 8.1. Of their lot. Job. 8. 1.*
The Beniamites refuling to veluer thofe wicked
perfons that bao abufen the Lenites wife Judg. 1g.
25,26,27. Defending the in their enil, were aigeſtroi⸗
ed ſaue, Judg 20 11 12, 13, 14. The Pirat:
lites bewaile p want of that tribe. Juda · 23 Sa
toas of thts tribe.i. Sam.ↄ9.2.* And Paul Bo., r.
Beninu.ozr fennes 0} our builders. F2eh.10.13,
Beno, his fone o} building. 1.£b2.24,26.
Ben-oni.fooke befoze in Beniamin
Benzoheth. the [onne of feparation, oꝛ the finne of
that feare.t.€$2.4.20.
Beon.z afiction, oꝛ in anfwerinz. IZUM. 32.3.
Beor.a flame,oz mad, Num 22.5.
Bera.a well fhewing,o2 declaring. Gen. 14.2.
Berachah, bé
| Beth-aa-
| moth
- Beth-bera
- yam
Berachiah.fpeaking wel of the Lord.5eth.1.¥,
Beraiah.the cimfing of the Lord. thl 8.21.
Berak Aghtenang looke Barak,
Berea.hæa well, o; his daughter, i. Macc.ↄ.4.
Bered, harle. 1. 62-7.20. ſonne, oꝛ pare og choſen, o my corne. i. Chg
Beriah in felowſhip, ozin enuie. 16 Cha.23. 10 Rum.
Berim.chofen men 2. Sam.20.14.
Bernice. a fage vctory, othe weight of victory,
The wife of King Agrippa.Gcts 25.13.
Berodach.the fon of death, The right name of Ba⸗
ladans lonne, wha ¿8 called Berodach Baiadau.2.
King.20.12 and Werovach Walatan. Ila 39.1.
Berothah.ofa wel, 02 puritie, 02.4 Cypres tree, Dne
of the cones that bounderhthe lann ef Jiraci, Ezek .
47.16. ;
Berothai W-Hes,o2 a Cypres tree. 2. a.8.8. The
citizend called Berothices.1.2 2.1.39.
Befai. a deSPufing, opeggess 0} full of myre,oz dirtie.
Ezra 13.49. Nehe 7. 52
Beſodaiah.the ccunſel of the Lord.Neh. 3.6.
Beſor.ewing glad ewes og incarnation. i DAMU
Betah truf, or confidence,2.5am.8.8.
Beten the belte: 10:19.25.
Bethabara. a heu fe paffed ouer, oz houfe of anger (02
in the Spian)of wheate. Jobn.1.28.
Beth-anah the houſe of aflıchon,a citp, Joſh.19.3 8.
called Beth-anath. Jun. 1.3 3.
Beth-anoth.idem. Voth. 15.59.
Bethania.the boufè of obedience, 03 ofa Niction, oza
houfe of a fong, oꝛ of the grace of the Lord. Che towne
Bf Partha e Maric. Joh.: re wither Chriſt went
and fodgen.ABat.a1.17. Ich. 1u.1. and 12.1. LU 19 29
Beth-arabah.the houſe of [weet ſmel. Joſh.i 5.6, 6 1.
and 18,22.
Beth-aram,the boufe of height. Jeſh.i 3.27.,
Beth-anen the houfe of varitie and griefe. Toh.18.
12.610 1.Dalt13.5.
Pek agrmancrh the houfe of deaths firength. Qehe.
7.28. .
Beth. baal-meon. an idole of the dwelling place, o}
: the Lard by finne. Joh. 13-17
Beth-barah.the boufe of his fousogthe chofin boufes
Judg. 24.
Beth-berei.the houſe of my maker.1, Ehr. z1.
Beth-car.the honfe oſhnowledge.i.Sam. .i I.
Beth-dagon. the houſe of wheate, o} the houſe ofa
foaled gfh. Folh.15.4.1.and 19-27.
Beth-eden.the houſe of pleafure. Amos 15.
Beth-el.the houfe of God. The place where Faskob
Heptiwhen hee went tobis oncle Laban, befogetime
called Rus. Gen.28 19, whither be afterward went te
Diuell bp Gens commandement.Gene .35.1,t09. It
ig taken atid inhabited bp the Houle of Joſeph. Judg.
1,22,t0 27. Thete the Jewes honoured Gov. 1, Ham.
30.3. The Iſtaclites purpoſing to fighe again the
Beniamites do afke countel of Gov at Beth el. Judg.
20,1 8.xeade Joſ.8.i 2.ä 18.13.1.king.12,29,"3 233,
Beth- emek.the houſe of dzepene fe. No. 19.27.
Bethefda, the houfe of effusion. So called, becaule
thither raine waters div aflemble from diners places.
Beth-ezel,my neighbours houſe. Micah r.r.
ether.diuiſõ, oꝛ 2 ſtarching, abeholding. Cũ. 2.17
Beth-gader.a houſe for a mouſe. u. Chꝛ.2. 51.
Beth-gamul,the houſe ofa camel, Ser.48.23.
Beth-haccarem,the houſe of theviseyard.jArh. 2.94
The firit Table.
BP lIcs
Beth-haman.the houſe of grace,oz mercie.1. kin.4.9.
Beth-haran, the houſe of au hill. Mum.3 2.36.
- Beth-hafhittah. the houfe of going out of the way y0t
the houfe of thornes. Juv.7.22.
Beth-hogla,o2 Beth-hoglah. Joſh. 18 19.
Beth- horan.the houfe of anger, oꝛ houfe of libertie.
Joſh. 10.10. and 16, 3,5.
Bethlehem the houſe of bread,o2 the houſe of warre,
GF citie in the tribe of Sebulan. Jo.: 9-15. Aileacitie
in the tribe of Judah, called Ephꝛath, neere onto
which Rahel was butied.Genel.3 5,19. and onto the
which Foleph trauailed with Warie the Cirgines
wbere fhe was deliueted of Zelus Chit. Luk. 2.4.6,
7TH neber allo the wile men went, and honoured pint
Wat.2.1,t0 13.
Beth-lebaoth.the aes of lisneffes. Joſh. i9 6.
Beth-iethimoth, the houſe of de folation.ozthe houfe
of laying up ia fiore. TRUM. 33.49. Joſh.12.3.
Beth-mercaboth, the houfè of bitterzeffe wiped out,
Joſh.19.5. and 1.2.4315.
Beth-meon.the houſe of the dwelling place. Je 4b. 23
_ Beth-nimrah the houſe of rebellion, FAUM.3 2.366
Bith-palet.the hou/e of expulſion. Joſh.15. 27. and
Nehe. 11.26.
Beth-pazzez, the houſe of aiuiding aſunder. Joſhu.
Beth-peorthe heufe of the opening of the earth. De,
3.229. and 34.6,
Beth-phagethe houſe ofthe mouth of the valle yes.
Wat., t.
Beth-rapha.the houfe of health. 1.02.4. 2.
Beth-rehob.@ citie. Jung.: 8.28.
Beth-faida.the hou fe of fruits. A eitie which dhaif
Tepzoued toz their inftvelitie. Jat 11. 21.
Beth fhan.the hou fè of imory,og tie houſe of altering.
1.92.3 1.10, Joſh 17. 11.
Beth-fheba looke Bathſcba.
Beth-fhemeth.the houſe ofbodage, oʒ miniſtery Joh.
15.10,¢ 19.22. Jere.a 3. 13. [be citizengof Beth- fhe-
melh leeing the Arke, teioiced, s oſtted factifices unto
the Hoz0.1.Sani.6.23,.* DE the bethſhemites, fog loos
kina into the Aree were Main 50070 men. 1, DA. 6I ye
Beth-fura.the houfe of /irength.2.2B at. 4.5.
Peth-tappuah,@ citie, gef) 15.73.
Bethuel. the mzafure of God. 2 he father of Rebe
keb.@en.12.23.Ailo a citie.. 2.4.30.
Bethul.a virgin, Jath.19.4.
Bethulia.the virgin of the Lord. & citie.Gubdeth 4.6.
which Dtofernes laid ſiege vnto. Judeth 7.3. Whe ci
tizens being almoſt Rarued foz thirſt, purpofle to peelo
to Diofernes, if helpe came not within Fue Dapes. Ju⸗
perth 7.22.
Beth-zur.the houfe ofa rocke. Joſh.15.5 8.
Betonim.bellies. §ofh.s 3.26,
Beulahishabited.G{.62 4e
Bezai.egzes.Qc3ta 2-37.
Bezaleel. ın the foadowe of God, The fonne of Citi.
1 Chzou.2.20. Dee and Aholiab were fo endued with
Sods ſpirit, as they mabe alithatappertained vnto
the tabernacle, e. Exo. 31.2,t0 12-800 35.30.* Alſo a
mans name Ezta 10.30,
Bezek, lightning. citie taken bp Judah, whe few
10000. mein therein, teoke sheir King, and cut off pig
thumbes and gteattoes. Fubg.1.4,0 9.
Bezer.munition, 0) vine branches. citie, wheres!
looke Deut.4 43 Joſh. 20. 8.
€ Bichri.the firft borne,oz fir ft fruits. DAM,20. E
bidkar.coldne/fé alone.2 iBing.9.25.
Biguai,ia my bodie. Ezra 2.3,04.anv 8.14.
Bigthan. gining meate, Dneok king Ahaljucrolh
fernaunts, who with Tereſh, would ——
Beth nemra
Beth- faida
Beth- fan
Boftah -
. C
' Chale
thelr malier , but Moꝛdecal preuented it, and thep
twere hanged. Efer 2.21,22. and 6.2.
Bikeath-auen. the feld of an idole. Amot 1.5.
Bildad. old losse,o2 without lone. looke Baldad.
Bileanı, looke Balaam,
Sia ancient countenance. 1.0020.24.14.
Bilhah. old, 02 fedeag. Rahels handmatd.Gert.29,
29. Der ihe gaue vnte Jaakob to wife, who conceiued
ana bare two ſonnes. Gen. z0. 3.4,5,7.
Bilhan. old, 03 troæbled, Gen 36.27.
Bilhan. in the tongue. 31a 2.2.
Bimhal. 1.@ 20.7.3 3. the ſonne of Japhiet.
Binea, the fonne of the Lord, ozin mooning. The fon
of 9034. 1. £h20.9.43. callev Bineah, 1. €§2.8.37.
Binnui. building. Ezra 8.33.
Binnui.bsding in my hou/2,o2 in fairenes 3-10.30
Birha. ix emil. Gent.14.2.
Bithiah. the daughter of the Lord. 1. b2-4.18.
Bithron. the boufe of libertie. 2a. Sam, 2.39.
Biziothiah. de/bste, Joſh.5.28.
Biztha. idem
@ Boaz, ix firength. 1 Wings 7.21.
Boanerges. the founes of thunder. Mat. 3.17.
Bocheru. fr/? borse, 1.01)26.8.38.
Bochim. the place of weeping. Judg.2.1.
Bohan, in them, Jofh.15.6.
Booz. in firength. The father of Ded. Ruth.4, ax
and 1.2 620.2.21. Watth.1.5. Lube,3,32.
Bofor. taking away. 2. Petet 3.15,
Bozez. dirt. 1. Sam.i 4.4.
Bozkath. in powertie. Joſh.15. 39.
Boznal. Ezra 6.6,
Bozra,0z Bozrah. in tribulation. a chiefe citie of G+
Dom. Hen.36.33. 1. Chzꝛ20. 1.44. Jere. 49.1 3.
g Bukki. voide um 34.22.43t07.4.6 1 Ch265.
Bukkiah, the diffipation of the Yozd. 1. CG 200, 35.4.
Bul. ancientae/e. 1 ings 63%,
Bunah. b4ilding, 02 vaderftanding. 1. Chꝛo. 2. 25.
Bunni. bu:/ding me. Pel).9.4.
Buz. defpifing. He.22.21 @ 1. Chq.5.14. Jex. 25.23.
Buzi. idem. Č3ek. 1.3.
Buzites. ¢dem, Job 32.2.
¶ Cabbon. as though vuderftanding. Jolh.1 5.40.
Cabul. a focteman. Yoh- 19.27.
Cadeth. halize fe. Gen.20.1 .leoke Kadeth,
Caiaphas. a fearcher. The high Dziel who was
fopned with Annas in that office,cdtrarp to Gods law.
Luke 3.2.De prophecieth John 11.49. 50,51, 52. An ·
nag fendeth Chih bound vnto him. Joon 18.1 3,+4.
WBatt.27.57.Warke 14.53. Luk.22.54. Chꝛiſt being
bp bin charged totell topat he was, confeflen himleife
tobe that Chriſt, hat was looked foz, Mat.26.63,64.
Gong lorbiddeth the Apofiies to pzeach-Wers 4.6,
1 7s I >
Cain. poffefion. Heb.1 1.4. locke Kain,
Cainan pofft for,o2 bayer. The fon of Atphaxsd. Lu.
3.36. Allo the ſonne of Enos, Luk 3. 37. looke Kenan.
Calah. opportuntie. Gen- 10 11.
Caldees. ming haz, 0} as deuils. X peaple, Ge.u1.28
31.2 king-25.5. The countrep whereof is calles Cal-
dea, looke Chaldees.
Calcol.nourifhing ot confuming al things:1,8h.2 6
Caleb, as a Hart,oz a Dogge. The name «fa man,
Mum. 3.7. Pe € Joſhua commented the lant of pꝛo⸗
mile onto the 3 reelites,wherfoze thep Yad almoft bin
Ronen. Rum. 1 4.7,10. The lanw of Langan is promi.
fed to him @ bis eene. Rum t 4.24 Dette: .36.He ens
coutageth the Iſtaelites to goe tuta the land of Ca⸗
naan.JRQum,. 13 31. He thewerh bis Rrength ¢ age and
deſtreth the heritage due vnto pim. Joſhua 146." Hig
saa 4
The firt Tables.
heritage, what it wag. Joſh.a 5.13. and r, Chrou.s. E
He expeller) from Hebron che thzee fonnes of Anak,
Tuoges 1.20. He ig commended. Eeclus.46.9,10.
Caleb was allo the name of Jerahmeeia brother.
called Chelubai, 1.¢$2.3.9,18,19. Allo the uame of
a towne. r, Qhz.2.24.
Calneh, allwe. Gen.10,10, Amos 6.3,
Canneh, a wall. Ezek.27. 23.
Calno. altogether himfelfe, gſa. 1o.9.
Caluerie. Luke 23.33.
Cana. xeale,oz emulation, Ñ citie of Galilee. Joh.
4.46. where Jelug wrought bis ſitſt miracle at a macs
riage. John 2.1, to 12. Simon wag a Cananite, that
ig, xcalous Luke 6,15,
Canaan, a merchant, the forne of pam. Gen. 10.6.
of whom the counttep ef Canaan tooke name. Gen.: r,
31. and 12.5.¢ 13.12. The beer of the Cannanites,
@e.10.19. Canaan ig curled foz his fathers fault. Ge.
9-22,25 ,26,27. The Cananices were wicked. people,
Ge. 12.6, and 1 3.7. foz rhep deſcended of a curled fas
ther.Gen.10.15,16,17,18. Che land ef Canaan pros
miled to Abram and his ſeede. Gen.i1 2.7. and 13.15.
anD 15.7. and 27.8, Moles fenbeth {pics to viewe it
Accowing to Gods commandement, JQumb.13.3, ta
23.@ be Canaanices Aew the Iltaelites. Qum 14.45
The Canaanites, that dwelt at Fephath were deſtroied
by the tribe of Judah and Simeon, Judg.i. 17. TU hp
God deliroped them not at once,but bp little and little
Er0d.2 3.29,30. Hon fufferech the Canaanites, Amos
rites, €c. to foioutne among Wftaelites, to trp tohe=
thet thep would obep him, and wholp Depend en hing
62 to, Judges 3.1, to 7. Cad commandeth che Hace
litesto flap them, leaft they ould be a meane of theit
ruine. Rumb 33.55,” Deut.20.16,17,18. The Ans
gelof God reproueth the Wlraelites foz fopning with
them, whom Gon willed to be deAroped. Judg.2.1, to
6. Thep dwelt among the Epheatmites. Toh, 16.10.
Pharaoh burveth the citie of Geser,and Reto the Ca-
naanites, that were therein, r.king. 9.16.0 bep fainted
at Iſraels comming into theirt countrep, heating what
inarueiles Goo had done foz them. Johuas.1. Che
tand of Canaan flowed with milke and bonp. Exo. 3.
8.and was the habitation ef God wag
ſhewed AJoles. Deu. 34.4. Salomon made the Canaa-
nites and al that were not deſtroxed bp the Tiraeliteg,
tributaries to him. 1.king. 9.20,21. 2. Cqz0n.8.7,8.
[o did the Iſroetites alſo. Sofia 17.12,13. Che land
of Canaan pꝛomilſed to Ishak. Gen.26.3.
The woman Canaanite , who followed Chif , bp
faith obtained the recouerp of her daughter. Matth
15,12, to 29, Marke 7.25, to 33.
Candaces, hauine forgiuc neſſe. The Queene ofthe
Ethiopians. Acts 8 27. i
Capernaum. the field of repentance. a citte.Batt.g.
13.anv 8.5. John 6.24,59. whole citizens Apik res
pzoneth tog their incretutitic. Mat. 1.23,24. Luke
10.15. Stiscalled Chꝛiſts citie Wat, 9.
Caphtor. a% app/e,oz violet. ceuntrep called Cap-
padocia. Acts 2.9 Uhe inhabitants Caphtorims , 02
Cappadocians. Jer-47.4.Gen.10,34. Thep defiropen
the Auims, and dwelt in Hazerim in their Geane,
Deut. 2-23.
Carcas: the couering of the lambe E fet 1.10.
Carchemith,a /embe,oz taken away. 2. Chro. 25. 20
Carmel. knowledge of circumcifion. a citie. Soſh. s-
55. The citizens called Carmelites. 1.062 11.37.
Carmi, my vine g knowledge of waters. Mnm. 26.6
Carnaim, horzes. 1 9 at.5 43. looke Karnaim,
Carfhena, a lamte fleeping. @ket1.14.
Cafluhim. hope of lfe soras pardoned. Due of the
fons of Mizt aim, of Logos gneto Pbiliſtims.Gen.
Chaflonim —
| | Cenchreis
i Cendazbeus
| Cafar
| Charan
» Chatam
- Chodola-
» Cheeth
_ Cerethites
> Celt `
‘CoH E
20. 14. 1. Chon. 4.12,
Caſephia defire. A place where the Latoe was tead
and taught vntothe pesple. Ezta.8.17.
Caftor. a bener: Looke Actes 28.11. -
€ Cedron, mad, black,oz fad, J bzooke. John 18.1.
callen Ridon. 1. King.15.2 3.
Ceilan. diffoluing that. +. @(0.5.15.
Cenchrea. mallet,oz pulfe. Act.18.18.Rom.1 6.1.
Cendebeus, poffzifon of griefe. 1. Mac. 15. 38.
Centurion. a captaine oner an hundred. DE whom
reade Exod 18,21." Dew.s,13,t019.dcts 21.32.800
23,25526.aNDB23,17,23 Thit healeth the Centuri- -
ons feruant fog bis faiths faze. Watth.8.5,to14, Lu.
7.2,t011, Che Centurion and thele that were with
bim watching Jeſus, gc confeffed bim to bee the forme
of God. Matth:27.54. Paul twas committed vnto a
Centurion Actes 24,24. $
Cephas, a ftone, the farname of Simon , ginen him
Dp Coailk. Foor: 8 42.¢ 1. Co2.2.12.4 9.5. Balat.2.9.
Cephirah. a /ittle Gone fe, 3ta 2.25. RW.91 3.
Chephirah S. Cefar ig deriued of Cxfio , which fgnifiery a gajh,
oꝛ acut (lulius being fuppofed to be cut out of bis mo-
thers womb, twas fo named)ez of Cefius, fog that be bad
grap epes:but afterward i: was retained as a famous
furnatnie onto al $ Emperors of Rone, as to Auguſtus
Latz.. to Tiberius Lia.3. 1. Matth 22.17.10 Clau⸗
dius Act.a 1.28.3 25.12. and to ero. Phil 4. 22 e.
Cefarea. a buſh of haire.A citie ſurnamed Stratonis.
Acts 9.30.210,1, and 12, #9,and 21.8. Sifo another
furnameg Philippi. Gat.16.13. Bar 8.27. Becaule
Philin the Terrarch builded it. Atfoanother CeQrea
isthe bead citie of Cappadocia Acig 18.23. Jn Pes
bzem it is weitien Dor. looke Dor.
Chalcol. nowrifhing. v. bittg.4. 31 boke Calcol,
_ Chaldees,looke Caldees. A people, Their countrep,
ig called Caldea, o} Chaldea and is interpzeted as de-
wils,0 as robbers o} Poylers. Ht lieth dpa the Caffe
of Judea, betweene Bebplen and Arabia. Jer.50. 10.
and 52.4. In Debpew it is calles Caldim, Gen, 11.28
Chamois, Deut.14.5.
Charran, a finging ozcalling out. & eitie. Gets 7.2,
talled Haran. Gen. 11, 31. loske Haran,
Chebar. firength, oxpower. 30.5.1. ga
Chedor-laomer, as generation of bondage. Ge 14.1.
Cheeneth, Ezta 4.10, 11,37:
Chelal. as night. €5ta :0v20-
Chelub. æ basket, 1. Chad 27.26, AND 4. 11,
Chelubai. he altogether againft me. ¥.Eh20:2.9.
Chelluh, a//. €3ra 10.3 5.
Chemarims, Zhe name of Baals Pleiad looke 2.
kings 23.5. Deleso.s,
Chemo‘ iroking, 01 as taking away: Tum, 21,
29, and 1. king. 11.7. and 2. kings 23.13.
Chenaanah. a marchanteffe , oz broken in pieces. i.
king. 22,24. «.€20.7.10. pillar o} foitdation,o2 a haſting Qe.o 4
Chenaniah, my pillar , 02 foandation of the Lord. 1.
Chevhar. a Little lione fe. Voth. 8.3.4.
Chephira. zdem. looke Cephirah.
Cheran esger. Get. 36.26.
Cherethims. /cwldiers. Looke Ezek. 25. 16. catled
Cherethites. 2, Sam 8.18. and 15:18. anv 20,23.
Chereth, flaying. 1 Ring. 17.3.
Cherub, zs a mafter, 02 as a child yozas fighting. G3:
T8.2.59.2, Sam.22. 11.
Chetubims. as mafters, 02 as ſghters, oꝛ as childr ew.
Gen. 3.24. TFe.1.5.and 10.1.*
Chefalon.tra(, Joh 15.10,
Chefed. as a deulll. Geu.22.22.
Chefil: foolfhne fe, J. 5.3%
The firk Table.
Chefulloth, fearefalnefe. Joh 19.18.
Chezib. Gen, 38.5.
Chidon. a dart. 1.€ 620. 13.9.
Chileab. a/,o2 the reſtraint of the father.2. Dam. 3.3
Chilion. wafled, perf: 02 all like a doue Ruth. ĩ.2
Chilmad, as teaching. Eze, 27. 23. i
Chimham, as they , 02 ke tothem. The name both
of aman and the citie where penwelt.2.5am.19-28.
Jere 41.17.
Chinnereth. a harpe. RUM, 34.1 1.
Chios. open, Acts 20.15.
Chifleu.bope,o2 bis feare. q moneth. Nehe. LI,
Chiflon, looke Ciſſon.
Chifloth- tabor feares,o2 truſt of eleétion,or purities
X citp. Toh.19.12. ;
Chittim. wafters oz conſumers, oꝛ a crowne, oꝛ gold.
A countrey. Gla.23.1.¢ 3.27.6. Mum.24.24 Dan.
11.3. tis called Chetciim, 1.Q9acca.t.1. of Kittim.
Cor afhan. z river (moke, 1,.5aM.30.30.
Chorazin. ths fecret, oz here i a myſterie. & citie,
which Chif reproueth foztheit inctedulitie. Watch.
11.21, Luke 10.13.
Chozeba, men lyers,oz men that be lyers. i. Ch. 4. 22.
Chrift anointed, The ſurname of Meſſias Wat.,
16. looke Chrift in tye (cons Table.
Chun. making ready. 1 .€b20.18.8.
Chuth. blache, 02 Ethiopia looke Cuth,
Chufhan riſhathaim. Looke Cufhan rafachaim,and
Judges 3.2.
Chufhi élacke, 02 aa Ethiopian. Bere.36,1 4.and
Cuthite.zdem, zere, 38.7. looke Aethiopia.
Chuza. /aying 07 prophefying. Luke 8.3.
@ Cilicia, touching. a counttep. Judeth 2.21,25,
Galat 1.21,
Cinnereth., as a candle. Joſh. 19. 35 ·
Gis. hard. Acts t 3.21, looke Kith.
Ciflon. hope, 02 confidence 02 truſt oꝛ comering of an
houfz. a pꝛince of the tribe of Bentamin.jQum.34 21
Clauda a broken voice,o2 weeping voice. Acts 27.46
Claudia. idem, 2: Qim. 4.31.
€ — Cefar the Empetour.dets
Jf, 36.
Claudius Lyfias. the bopper capteine of T crufalem,
ſendeth Daul to Felip.Act.23.26,*
Clemens, gentle, oz meeke. HOGil.4.3.
C leopas. all glory, Luke 24,1 3.
Cleopatra. the glory of the countrey. Daughter to
Ptoleme; mho wag giuẽ te wile ta Aleranver c. Mac.
10.57,58. @ after taken from him, ¢ giuen te Demes
tris. 1.Q9ac.12.12. Cleopatra Dofitheus.€ R. 1.13
Cloe. abertuous woman Copi.. ià
Coelofyria.a crooked Syria 02 low Syria. J countrey
1, @6[9.2.17, 1.gac.10.69. 2.8 at.3.5. i
Col-hozeh. exery prophet og feeing all. The father
of Shallum. Nehe 3. 15. and 11.5. Allo the father of
Baruch, Mehe. 11.5.
Colonia. ct 16.12. inthe margent, was blen to b
the name of a citie netelp conquered , whither were
{ene to Bivell, certaine number of peeple taken out of
fome great citie, who pfen alwayes the lawes anu
cuftomes of the citie whence they came.
Colofle, punifhment , end Coloflians , pumifbed,
A citie and citizens . loobe Coloff.1.2.
Conaniah. the frength,ez ſtability of the Lord, The
name of a Hewite.2.@62.31.12,13.
Coniah. zdem. Beve.22.24. iogke feconiah,
Coos; toppe. Acts 31st, Pe
Cor. a mealure. 14 Looke Homer: fog Cor
and Homer are one kind of mealure, ist
Corban. agift, opoblation, Parke 701.
C heleab
C helion
€ helmad
Clement -
- Debbafheth
Delilah -
Core.bald. Jude berle «x.looke Korah,
Corea.dald,o3 cold.1 0.5.32.
Corinthus./#/ne 2,02 an ornament. ¢ Corinthians,
Fled. à citie andcitizengs.Act.18,1,8,and 1. Col 1.3
ant 2,0}, 1-1.
Corim. A meafure.1. Rings 4.22. and 5.11 sitig
eigkteene gallong of our meaitre,og thereabout.
Cornelius.of2 horne. A veriuous captaine of Cee
farea.Qcts 10,1.* and 11.1,t0 19.
Cos,Co,Coo.idem a8 Coos.1. Wac.15.3.
Cofam. dividing. Luke 3. 28. louke Joſiah.
Coxz,athorne,oz [ummer. 1. Chꝛ . 4. 8.
Cozbi.a yar. Qum.ꝛ 5.8.
@ Crates.æn harrow, oꝛ hurdle.a.Mac.a. 29.
eſcens growing, oꝛ increaſing. 2.C im.4.10.
Creta, gruen tothe fleſp. ‘A countrep-nowe called
Candie. r. Wacca.10,67.Cit.1.5. The people called
Cretes, Acts 2.1 1.and Cretians,twhe were altuapes Ips
ats euil beaſts, and flow bellies. Tit.i .i 2.
Eriſpus curled, o}crisped. A chiet tuier of the ſyna
gogue of the Jewes, who with all bis houſhold belee:
wen indhit, g were baprizes.Act.18.3.¢ 1.02. 1.3 4
Cub. dlottng out. bp Cub is ment Arabia. £3.30.5.
. Cufan, Culi.clacke,o2 blacknes 02 heateo} an Et hio-
pian. 8.21 Joke C huthi.
Cufhaa-rifathaim,oz Chuthan- rifhathain blacknes
— — king of Aram-naharaim, Judg. 3.
Cuth, Elackeneffe,o2 heate. A countrep called nowe
Ethiopia looke Æthiopia, fo namen of Cuth rhe fonne
of Mam, Genel.r0,6. It is inuitoned wiry the river
Gibon. Gen. 2. 1 3.
Cuthath and Chut.durning.2 Rin.i7.24, 30.
E Cyrus,as a wretch, oꝛ as an leire, oꝛ the wombe.the
Ging ot Perka, tho ouercoming the Gabplonias, bes
came. monarch of the whole wolo. Dan, 5. 30, 31. as it
Was prophelien. Fla.g.6,14. De licenceth Zerubbabel
Wirth as manp Ylraciites ag would, to goe into Judea,
toreedifie the temple.ꝛ· Chz· 36. 22, 2 3. EFt. i, 1,00 6.
accoꝛding as wag pꝛopheſied. Ila. 14. 1,2:*E 44:28. E
45-1,t0 9. Dee reſtoteth all the veſſels which Nebu·
chad-ne33ar had catied alway befoze.E3ta 1. 6.* t6.
5.Dan i 34-2: WRitts2 4.1 3.4 25.14.15.
Cyrene.d wel,oz beame of an houſe, oꝛ coldnes op ri-
ying agaraft onen meeting. A citie in Africa, 1. Dac.
15.23, QDat.27.32,Act.2.10.¢ 13-1 called Kir, 2, Rin.
416.9, be people called Cyrenians.. Act.6.9.@ 12,20.
Cyrenius, ruling. the name of the gouernez of Sp-
tia-Huke 2.2. -
. Cyprus.faire,o2 feiveneffe, An ple.i.Macc. 15:23.
Act. 11.19,20, €, whole people are called
Cyprians, 2,99 40.429.
< Dabbatheth. obiecting infamie, oꝛ lying flander.
Joſh. 19. 11
Daberath:the wora, oꝛthe thing, oꝛ a Bee, oꝛ ſabi⸗cti ·
on oꝛ after the Spzian ſpeach,æ woman leader, oꝛ cap-
tarne, Joſh 19 12. and 1. Chr. 6.72.
Daberehadem Joſh. 21.28.
Dagon wheateoza ſiſb. An idole of the Philiſtims.
Judge to 2 31.Sam. 5. 2.1 Macro 83.
Dalaiah the poore of the Lorde, 02 a drawing out, 0
emptying,0z bough, 02 branch of the Lorde,oz leane, og
. barren. A mange name-t.€62.3.24.
‘ Dalilah pruertie oz backer or confumer; oꝛ leane. A
women whomSHamfon laonen, mho betrayed bim to the
Dhaiffime. Juda.i 6.4,t0 21.
Dalmanntha.a prepared buchet, oꝛ leaues dga bough
preparedjar nurabred.Q countrep. Mar 8. 10.
Dalmatia.a FUuftratorie lampe, oꝛ lightning of vani-
Fie, A countvep tohither Titus tranailen to peach the
The firft Table.
Goppel.. y
Dalphon, the heufe-eanes, 03 regarding the poore,
@ ker 9.7.
Damaris, a little wife. a woman who beleened in
Chrilt,ac the preaching of Paul, Acts 17.34.
Damaſcus. acup of blood, 03 blood of a facke, 02 the
blood of burning so} of a proctor. A famous citp of Phe⸗
nicia, fometime che bead city of Spzia. Df thig cttie
the whole countrep thereabout bare the name.and it
lieth betweene the bilieg of Libanus ¢ Autilibanus,
Noꝛth from Judes. reade Eze.a7.16, 17. ¢ 48.1. and,9.6 sdk. 1.24.6 Genel sg
2.6 1. hzo. 17.5.Can.7.4. Eze. 27.18. It was wonne
by Tiglath Pileler.2.Kin 16.9,d gaint it is pꝛophe⸗
fied. Jla:7.8.¢ 8.9.6 17.1 Pere. 49.23 Amos1.3,4,5.
Paul preached in it.Actes 9.19,20.¢elcaped Death,
aud how. Acts 9,25.and 2-02. 51.32533:
Dammim, b/sodie, 0} dead men. ozin the Spriatt
tongue,of moxey.1.Q\am.i 7.1.
Dan sudging.oziudgement. A place. Genel 14.14.
Allo the fonne of Jaakob bp Wilbab. Gene 30.6. Allo
a citie wherein a remnant of the tribe of Dan dwel⸗
led, which before wag callen Laiſh Judge 18.28,29.
Ila. o.ʒo.oꝛ Lefhem. Joſ.i9.47, 48. This ciep bonne
Bes theiand of Yiraelbpon the South. Deut.34. Te
and a.Dam. 3. 20. Ezek. 27.9. where Jeroboam erecs
ted a golden calfe: Rin. r 2 28,29. Amos 8.14:
Dan is bleſſed of bis father, Genel. 49.16,17. Wig
tribe is bleſſed bp Moſes De.ʒ 3.22.T heir poſſellion.
Joh 19.40,t0 49. The Amogites driue the children of
Dan into p mountaincs. Fudg.1, 34. Df his chilozen¢
Kenealogielcooke Ge. 46.2 3. 2a .02.F 1. Cho· 12. 35.
Dannahzdem as Dan. Joſh. 15.49.
Daniel iudgement of God. The lanne of Dauid bp
Abigail. 1.02. 3.1.
Daniel,the name of a Pꝛophet. Dan. 1.6. De would
Net Defile himſelke with the kings meete. Dan. .. De
Beclateth Mebuchad-nes5ar His Dgeame.Dan. 2.1, *
We ig abuanced bythe king onto great Dignitie. Dan
2.48. De declareth ontosAebuchad-nezsat the Creams
ofthetree. Dan. 4.2.* Dee foreſhẽ weth Belſhazzar
that hee Gould bee Depziued of his kingdome-Dan.5.
17.* De was mave the third ruler ef the realme. Dan.
5.29. Dee was preferred by Daring aboue the thzeg
princtpall rulerg and why. Dan.6. 3. The gonernoes
of Darius accule him to the Wing, foz infringing the
Decree made bp his and their confents.Dan.6, 12,13.
Heig cafkinto the lions den. Dan. 6.16, and 14. 295
to 31. Dis acculers are caſt in,and Detoured, Dar.6.
28.¢ 14.42. The bilion of the foure beafies fipnifping
thefoure Donarchiesis veclarep onto him. Dan: 7.
1517." Che Angel Gabpziel giueth him inteliigence
of tye 7o.lueekes.Dan, 9.23524. Dee was fed bp Aba⸗
cuc. Dan: 14:3 3,to 42. Dee deliuereth Sufanna front
the two wicked Judged.Dan.13.45-" Dee deſtroyeth
Bel a pis temple , and Aew the Dragon. Daniz:
rto 28, $ Tiss
Daphne. Bap tree.2. Mac 4. 33.
Dara. generation the habitation of a fhepheard, eof
fellowfhip.oz of iniquitie: oꝛ inthe Spꝛian Peach, az
arme.. ; ;
Darda the dwelling place of knowledge,or the genes
ration of knowledge. Jr Ceemethto be the fame which
befozeis called Dara. 1. Wing. 4.34,
Darius, Reguiring oꝛ inquring. The Ling ef the
Wedes whe with Cyeus his fonne in lawe, enercame
Belſhazzar. Dan. 5.3 t ; ;
Darkon: of generation ot the poffeifiousoz buying of
a dwelling place, opin the Spꝛian tongue; a dragon.
Ezra agó. 353 juj è,ozlawe. One who with Korah and
B3 Abiram
Tae EN
Delphal “= $
Dapid.belosed. The ſonne of Jhat. Ruth 4.22. ans
1.€62.2.12,65 Watth.s.5,6 Lake 3.31,33.1. Sam.
17. 28. G conſtituteth fim Wing euer rael. r.
a.03,14.C at maner of matt be was.1.9a.16,12
He is anointed king bp Damuel. i Sam.1 6-13. € pet
afterward fed bis fathers Heep. 17.15. I ſhai
fendet{) bim to Saul with a prelent.r. Sa. 16.19.20.
Oe was greatlp Deloucd of Saul.1. Dam. 16.21. Dee
is (ent -bp bis father with foode into the Ilraelites
eamp.1.5an,:7-17,18. Paving erperiertce of Gong
aide againk the Lion and Bearte, by faith be doubteth
not. but he Mould conquer the great giant @oliath.r.
Sam. 7.31,t0 33, Of bis fateh, and Sauls want of
Faith.1. Sam. 17.32,33,39,40. Dis armour, what it
iwas. ,Sa. 17 45. De Divallthing s that God Heuld
be glorified ag weil among Heathen, as Iſraelites. 1.
Ham.17.47.We flapech the Philiſtim· 1. Sa. 17.49,
s0.Mee brought 200.forefkins of the Philiſtims vnto
Sanl and married Michal. 1.Samuels3. 27. Hod
was with Dauid, ano therefore Saul feares him.t.
Sam. 18.28, 29. Dauid and Jonathan make a coue-
nant together Samt 12.2 Dau! commanded that
Dauid houl bee flaine.1. Samu. 19.1. As hee was
plaping on tke harpe before Saul, Saul purpoled to
Daue bite bim.. 1. Gams 19.9, 10. Pis name was
much fer by among Sauls feruants. 1. Sanu.18.30.
Dee Rewe the Philiſtims witha great laughter r.
Samu. 19:3. Fleeing from the pꝛeſence ef Saul, vee
went to Sanmiel 1, Hamu. 19.18 Hee is putlued by
Bauljandhis meflenaers , who pop ytpiug, foꝛgate
wherefore thep were come, und ſo ye efcaped. 1. Dam.
¥9,20.*% 20,0. Dee dereiueth Hauk :. Bam. 205,6.
Being troubled in ſpirit, hee made his complamt
to Jonathan.1.Ham.20.2.He renewerh his conenant
With Tonarhan. t. Samit.20. 23. Dee hideth himſe lfe
from Saul. 1.Samu.20.24. Fleeing from Sant, hee
came te Abimelech the Prick. 1. Samu.2 1. Hee ear
teth of the ſhewbꝛead. Samuel. 31.6. Gp Dauids tpe
ample, tuba bp hunger was confiratied to eate cf the
hewbread, Cik ercuierh bis dilciples, who bp hike
necefiitie were Dinen to gather eates ofcome opon
the Sabbath. Batt. 12.5,te 5. WDar.2.23,t027- Luke
G10 6.
Daaid being afrai of Achi, counterfeiters mad-
nes. .Samu.2 . 13,13. Ail that were in neh, g vex⸗
en in minde came ta Dawid, @ he was their captatue.
3, Dar.22-2.Doeg revealed him vnts Saule. Sam.
27,9. Duid fauzth Reilah bp the countel of the Lor,
an? efterward Departeth into the wilderne ſie of Fiph.
V.4,23.1,to 16.De dwelleth in the Hales at Enges
Bi, whither Saul putſued bin.1.Sam.24.1,2,3.Dee
fpare:h Saut.ann cut off the lappe of bis garment. 1.
Sa.24.4,t0 9. Hhe declateth te Saul hisinneccucy.
1,2401.24.12,0e ſweatoth to Saul, that he will not
vefirop vis,23.De ſendeth to Maz
bal £52 foou, which was Denfed bim.F. Sa.25.5,to 12.
David minding to bee reuenged of Mabal,is pacified
by the wiſedome ef Mabals wife. n Sa. 25,23,t0 56.
De giuetl Gor thanks foz Nabals death, amartieth
bis wite.1.Saint.25-39 t043. Wee fpareth Saul a
Kaine, and takethatwap bis {peare and a pot of water
landing at bis bead n Da. 26.7.* Fearing to perifh
Be fleech to Achih king of Gath. Ba. 37.1,105, DE
whom be obtaineth the citie Fiklag to dwell in. 1.94.
27.5,6 Hee is made the keeper of Achifh perin. +.
Ham.r8ir,a Divelling among the Whiting, bee
feme manpofthem,and periwanen Acvifh thep were
Jewes which hee deſtroped. 1. Samu, 27.8. * Going
with Achith tofighs again Saul, he is (ear backe a
-The firft Table.
Abitam rebelled agatatt Moles any Aaron, and were
ſallowed bp quicke of the careh.JQum.:6,153,31,32
D A ‘Vv
gaine and why. i. Samu. 29.27 His two wines taken
prifonets.1.2a.30.5. Dee comferteth himſelfe, aſketh
counfeil of the Lozo, ouertaketythe Amalekites, and
recottereth bis two wiurs.1.Hamu. 30 6,to20. Dee
mourneth fo: Saul and Jonathans death 2.5m. x.
12. Hee cauleth the meſſenger to be ſſaine, who pauna
ted co baue Raine Saul.z Dam. 1.15.
Dauid bp the couulell of the Lorde , returned topig
countrey after Sauls Death.2.Ham. 2.1,2,3. Dee ts
anointed Ling oner Judab.ꝛSam.2.4. The chilozen
bozue to him in ebzon.2. Sam. 3.2,to 6.auv 1,Eb20.
3.1, to 5. Dec reconereth his wife Michal bp Abners
meanes.2. Samuel 3. 12, to 17., De lamenteth Abners
Death.2. Sam 3.33." Yee curleth Joab for Raping
Sbnet.2.Samu. 3.28,29; Hee is anointed king ower
Jirael.2. Samu 5.3.He takerh che fore of Sion, which
is called tie citie of Dauid 2.amu.5.7 His chilazer
doze in Jerulatem.2.Sam.5.14,t0 17. aud Chron.
3.5:t9 ro. Dee difcomGteth che Philiſtims 2. Sam. 5.
17.* De plaperh before the Srke of the Lord bpon ins
framencts. 2-Samuel 6.5, and for dauncings there,
Sichal delpiferh him.2.Sam.6.16,21.* Hee bleſſeth
bis familie,2.Sa.6.20. Me refrelherh the people af
terebe Arke bhaag placed.,18,19. Dee
pratiety Gad foz his premife , toucling bis polferitie.
2.Dam.7.18.41.C hon 17. 16. Dee vanquifperh the
Philiſtims.ꝛ Sam 8.1,2.4 Chro 1 8.1,2. De mas
ket) Spia wributarie.2.Dar.8 6. Ye pedicaterh the
vellels gotten of the Gentiles, >. Sanwel 8.10,11.De
reſtoreth Sauls polſeſſions buto Mephiboſheth. 2
Samuel 9.7." De ſendeth his ſeruants vnto Hanan te
comfezt bim.2.Qan.19.2.and 1.€020. 19-2. whe euttt
entreateth thent.2.Satn.10.3,4 and 1. £630. 19. 3,4.
D uid committeth adulterp wit Gati-heba tris,
abs wike. a cauferh him to be murtheren.2.Damn rr.
2,to 26. Dee marrieth Bath-heba.2. Samuel 11,27.
Nathan by a parable repzoueth the fact.,
to 13. De acknowledgeth bis finne, € is forgiven, anv
fuffercth patienep Gong cozrection.2. San 12.13, to
24. Hearing of Ammons Death, hetare bis garments,
and lap on the cround.2. Ha.13.30,31. De moztiferh
bimleife bp fleeing barefeotca from Abfaiom.2.Sam.
15-30. Pe giueth MBephibelherhs gsods to Fiba his
feruant.2. Samu. 16.4, Pe reuengeth not the outrage
Done te him Sp Shimei.2,.Sam.16.10,t1,62.Cnders
fanning of Ahiropyeis counlel to Abfalon, hee fleeth.,22, Dee Lis gzople almoſt famihed, are
bp Gods prouidence relicued.2.Qaina. 17.27,28,29.
He commandeth not te lap Abfalem, but kindly toen.
tteate bim.2. Sam. 3,5. Wut hearing of his Death, be
lamenteth 2.@am.18.3 3.4t Joabs perlwafion, be dil
ſembleth bis lorow, and ioyſullp receiverh bigamy. 2.
2.19.8. Dis x cẽcubines which Ablalom haa deflou⸗
red, be put in ward, buclap nor with ikem 2.44.20, 3.
Dauids foure battaiies again& the Philiſleme. z.
Sam.2⁊.15. e 1. Chao. 20.4.* hee cantery the bones
ef Saul aud Jonathan to be buried.2,.Sam.21.1 25
15. His fone foz his Belincrance from his enemies. 2,°
Hain.22.* His wothies.2.Ha.23.8.* r.
10.* Dis lafi woꝛds ꝛ Sam.23.1, to 8) The (pirit of
the Ioan fpake bp bint. 2.Sam,2 32. Deis monen bp
Gcv to number bis people, that be might puniſh ihe m
foz theit ſinnes. 2. Samu.2⸗4. ⁊ and Chꝛon. 2 . 12.
Tizee puniſhments are effred to him foz this offence.
2. Sam.24. 13. and 1.2 20.21.12 Seeing bis prople
vefiropen foz bis ſinne, bee prapeth the L eide to fpare
them, and puniſh bim and bis fathers foule.2.Samu,
24.17. and rE. 24:17. Cu a
Tuho went with Dauid wher te Hen from Saul x.
Ob2.12.1,t014.Dee appointerh minifers to ferue bea
foze È Lozder.Ch · 16.4. De srepareth fozebe ——
Dabir .
. Debora
Devi ,
ofthe temple, anv appointeth Salomon to builde the
fame. 1. Ch022 2.3, t0 27. He ogdeineth Salomen king.
.Chron.2 3.1. De numbzety tbe Leuites, and aflige
meth theit offices. 1.2b2.23.3.* To the fonnes of Aas
ron thetts 1.2 h20n.24.3.* De ogveinerh lingers with
their places, and pozters with their coutſes. 1.@bzon.
35-3. tand 26.1.7 And princes to ferue the king. 5.
Oh20.27.1." Becauſe be was forbinsrn to build the
Temple, hee exhezteth Saiemen to performe tt 1.
@b7-28.2,to 11. De giuety Salomon tke paterne bow
the temple and appertenances ſhould be made. 1. Chr.
38,11." Ghat Dauid and his princes offered towatd
the building. 1.2hz0.29.1,to 9. Abiſhag, afaire pong
maide, cherien Dawid int olde age. 1.ikings 1.11,10 5.
Drawing neere mte death, be giueth Dalemen hts
charge. 1.kings 2.1, to 10. Dauids death, ann time of
bis reigne. 2.kings 2.10,11 and"
The praile of David. Ecclus 47.2. to 12. bis kinge
Dome avideth foz euer. 1.kings 8.13. Dee follotacd the
Lozd with al big heart. 1-kings 14.8. faue onip in the
matter of Ciriah. 1. kings 15.5. Gor wouls hot tabe
a! f kiugdome from Salemon ne? bis fonne foz Davids
fake, aking. x6.34,35.Dauid forethetwen the refurrec-
thonof Chaſt. Actes 2. 25,to 32. Chalk greatet chen
Dauid. Gat.22.43330 46. Marke 12.35,36,37- Luk.
20.41, to 45. Dauid is called a Pꝛophet.Mat.27. 35
aud Gods feruant. Luke 1.69. Actes 4.25. Wee bare
the figure of Chriſt. Wat.27.35,36, Max. 1 2. 36. Joh.
2.07. and 15.35. Heb. 2. 12.
@ Debir, an oratour,oz word. a citie calien Kiriath ·
fannath Joſh. 15.49. and ikitiath-fepber. Fofh.15.15.
taken bp Jofhua. Popua 10.38,to 40. Allo the king of
Eglou. Joih.10.3.
Deborah, a word, 02 a bee. The name of Rebekabs
nutie. Gene.24.59. ber beath. Gen. 35.8. Ailo a pros
phetefle, whoiudgen Iſrael. Jurg 4.4. anv lent Ba
rak againfl Difera. Judg.a.s.* Der long. Judg.5.1.*
Decapolis oftenne cities. A countrep. Matth.4. 25.
and Matke 5.20. and 7 31. s
Dedan. the belowed of thofe. The fonne of Raamah.
Gen. 107. Rit
Dedanim idem, Yla 21.13.
Dehaue. of generation. E3t8 4.9.
Decar. force. 1.RinGS 1.459.
Delatah. the poore of the Lord, 1.€639:3.24,
Deliah. zdem. 1. Chꝛo 24.18,
Delilah. looke Dalilah,
Delphon, regarding pouertiz. € er 9.7.
Delus. dec laring. A counttep, 1.9 ac.15.23-
Demas. the common fort, 0} fawouring tne people,
Colok. 4.14. aud 2. Tim.4. 10. Bhile. 24. 5
Demetrius. belonging to (eres. Sonne of Seleucus
1.Wac.7.1. Yee flaveth Antiochus, and eniopeth his
kingdome. 1. Mac.7.a. Wee lendeth Bacchives and
Alcimus to afflict the Tewes r. War.7.8,9. De fens
Deth Micanoz to delkrop the Jewes.2.Gac.14, 12,13
De would make league with Jonathan: but be refu-
feth}, and iopneth with Alexander, whe flaperh Deme-
trius, 1.9 ac. 10.3, to §3.
Demetrius, ſonne of the (aid Demetrius, ſucceedeth
Ptolemeus. r. Q coucnanteth with Foe
Nathan to fet Javea,to 38. bur bé
ing BeliueredD bp Jonatha, he brake conenane.1.9Sac.
11.53. and was ouercome Dp Arlaces. 1, Mac.14.3.
Allo Demetrius a ſiluer ſmith, a wicked man, Acts
39.24. £ 4
Demetrius. A man of good repozt. 3. John 43.
PDemophon. fliping the people. 2.03at.12.2.
-c Denis. from heauen, oꝛ by diuine inſpiration, o} pric-
ked, 02 moned forward: A man farnamed Areopagita,
Jobo belecued in Lizi at che preaching ot aut,
The firft Table.
Det 6
Actes 17. 34.
Derbe.enclofed ina titte. Actes 14.6. Derben
Deu-el.gnow God, JRum.1,1 Duel
Deuteronomie. a (econd law. The fift booke of Yo
fes, which the king is commanded to reade, and why.
Deut 17.08." Yt ig veciated Duto the people, Denr `
5. Moles mzote ft, & Delivered it vnto the Piet and
Eſders, and whp. Deut.31 9, te 14. Hee caulet itto
be lein in the foe of the Arke and tobp. Deu.3 1.26,27
Wop commaunveth Joſhua to reade and meditate in
Deuteronomie Dap and night, and why. Joſh.a 8. Joe
Sua cauſeth it to be both written spon fones, and to
be read onto the people. Tolh.8. 30,31,32,33,34:35+
Che booke of Deureronomie ig found in the Temple.
2-kings 2 b2.34:54,35. Joſiab cauſeth it to be
read before all the people. . kin. 23 · 2.3 2.0630.3 4.30.
Diana. a latine wozd of Dies, the day, fo? that it giz
beth light Like the Bap , and therefoze the Doone is lo
called. An iole : the goddeſſe whome the Epheliang
ertolled with this commendation, great + Diana of the
Ephefians. Acted 19.28. i
Diklah. he Diminifhing. Geu-10.27,
Dibon, abundance of knowledge o} an abcunding
ſonne Fum.21,30.and Pla. 15.2.
_ Dibon-gad. the abundance of a happy fonne, oꝛ the
abundance of vaderfianding , o} of the building of
happiueffe. FQum.3 3.45.
Diblaim, a clufter of figs, oꝛ paſte of drie figs. the fe: Deblaim
ther of Gomer. Polt. 3. Diblain
Diblath, zdem. a city. Ezek. 6. 14.
Diblathaim. idem, a citie. Jere.48,22. — 5 Oratour ,02 my word, Leuit. 24. 12. Daher
Didymus. a twinne. John 11.16, Didimus
Dileam. poore, 02 anfwere of the poore, JoH.15-38- Delean
Dimon, where it i red. G{a.15.9.
Dimonah. a dunghill, a citie. Joſh. 15. 22. Dimona
Dinah,sisd gemene. The daughter of Jaakob bp Le: Dina
ab. Gen. 30.21. ſhe ig tauiſhed. Gen; 4.152.
Dinaie judges. 1. Eſdaas 4.9. Dina
Dinhabah. hu indgement in thofe things, Aeitein Denaba
Enom.Gen. 36.32.
Dionyfius. looke Denis,
Diofcorinthius a heauenly ornament. The name of
a moneth. 2.49 ac.11.21,
Diotrephes. zourifhed of Iupiter, 3. John 9.
Difhan. a threfhing. one of the chilozen of Seir, and n
Diſhon fatae ffe o aſhes. another of bis chilozen.Gen. Difhon
6 21. ifon
Di zahab. where much gold i. Deut. 1.1, eae
@ Dodai. beloued. i Chꝛo. 27. 4. Dudia
Dodanah, owe. 2. Chaon 29.37. Dodauah
Dodanim. beloued, Gene. 10,4, Rodanim
Dodo. hü vncle. 1.C 0211.12.
Docg. careful, Sauls chtefe heatuman. 1,448.21.
7. who to currie fanour mith hid mafter, reneilerh
where he han feene Dania. and after>
ward Retu the Prieſts of the Lord, at the commande-
ment of Saul, when none of bis other leruants woul
1, Baim. 22.17,18,19.
Dophkah, a knocking. Qum 34. 12. Daphe
Dor. generation. Joſhua 14.2. Judges 1. 27. looke =e hka
Cappadocia. l p
Dorcas. 4 Doe, oꝛ a weeman Act.9.36
Dorda. geeration ofkvowledge. i. king. 4. 3zi.
Dofitheus. giuing to God 2. Hac. 12. 19.
Dothan. the law, 02 cuſtome. Gene. 37.17. Dotham
@ Drachma anv Drachmes.a certaine coine, 2, Drachme
Wac.” 0.20, and Luke 15.8.
Druſilla.rinkled ouer with dewe. Acts 24,25,
Damah, filence, 02 Lhene (Pe. Gen.25.1 4, Dume
Dura: generation,@2 — Dan 3.1.
5 4
Ebal.a heate of ancientneffe. Genel. 36.23. Ao a
< mount. Deut.27.4, 13.
Ebed a eruant. Judges 9.26.
Ebed-melech. /erwant to the King. A blacke Move,
* Eunuch nta Fedechiay. Jere. z8.7. At his luce Lere
Mic was takei aut of the Dungeon. Jere.38.8, to 14.
Ebed-melech was Deltueren out of captinitie, becaule
pepu: his truft inthe Low. Jere, 39. 17, 18.
Eben-ezer.the (lone of he/pe. \. Baw 4.8
_ Eber. paffing, pajfage, 02 anger. The ſonue of Selah His chilozet. Gen.10,25. '
Ebialaph 4 father bringing into one, oꝛ a gathering
father. oahs ſonne. r: Lh 6.37. aud 9-19. allo the
fonne of Elkanah. 1.0h20.6.23. lee Abiafaph.
__ Ebron a gong ouer,or paling from one place toan
other, gganger Stip. H0. 1928.
Ebronah, going, oz pafing ouer , opbeing angry. A
place whete che Glraelites refted. Mum 33.34.
§ Ecbatana, the brother of death. A ſtrong citie. Jit-
deth.i. 1. Tob 3.7. and 2. Mac.ↄ.3. À
@ Ed. witaeſſe Joſhua 22.34. £ '
Eden, pleafure, o} delight, Gen.a.8. Niaz i.ic. and
2 King, 19.12.
Eder. a flocke. 4 mang name. 1. Chꝛ.a3.23. alloa
citie. Jo 15-21. alfo a tower, as fome thike , neere
Beth-levem. Wich.4.8. where the Angels tolve the
fhephearde of Chriſts birch. Luke 2.8.
Edna.ewerlafting reft, on pleafure. Lertaine named,
1212.10, Ezta 10.30. Cob.7.2.
Edom.earthly,boody,o2 red. The turname of Elan,
Gen.25, 30. DE kim the countreyp of Edom twas fo na=
mer. Ge 36.31. foan Rdomite, that ig, earthy, og bloo-
die ig aman of that counctep.a. iki. 1.14. Ehe Edo
mites Denied the Iſtaelites paſſage thozolw their con-
trep.JQU.20.44,t022. Che ewes were commanded
not ta abhoꝛre an Edomite, and wby. Deut.23.7. The
ruine of Edom is fogetold. Mum.24.19. Jolal.137.7-
Fla. 21.01. and 34.6. Jere.49.7, Lam.4. 21. and Why.
Amos a. 11, r2. Ezek. 25. S02. €35.2.* Dba. a."
Dauid bp Joab is captaine, veGroperh the males in
Edom. 1. Ring. s 1.15,16. be Edomites became Da
uids feruants. 2. Dam. 8.4. Thep rebelled. 2 Kin .
20,21,22, Thepare {mitten and ouercome bp Judah
2 Kings 147, 10. and 2. Chꝛa a5. 11, fee Eſau.
Edrei the heape oſtrengtli oꝛ might.Deu.t.4 € 3.40
¶ Eglah.a calfe oꝛ charet. 2. Sam 3.5. ẽ 1. HL 3.3
Eglaim, drops of the fea, Yla. 15.8. $
Eglon, a calfeyot charet. acitie whereof Debit wad
Ring. JoH.10.3,4. alfop Wing of the Moabites. Juv.
3.42, Wd Chud fae in His chamber. Judg.2.21,22.
Egypt. angufh o} tribulations. In Hehꝛue Mizraim
a countrp ef Aphzica bpon the TUeR ſide of Jude ait he
people callen Fgyptians. This country tooke his name
of Mistaim the onne of Pam. Ge.s0.6.¢ 1. Chre u. .
YDfal.78.¢ x, and 105.23. It twas not lawłult foz the
Hebꝛewoes to eat with the Egyprians.We.4 3.32-Ahep
account {heepkeepers an abomination. Oen.46-20.4>
bzaham went downe into Egypt te auoide famine. Ge,
12.10." Dec returned thence verp rich. Gene.13.1,2.
Seuen peeres of plentie , ¢ leuen peeres of famine in
Egypt. We. 4 1.53554. Yaakob g his houſhold enter into
Egypt Ge.46.26. Che Egyptians fog want of money,
felionto Voſeph all that thep had.Ge.47.16, to 27. E-
gypt fore plagued. rov.7.1.* E 8.i. 69.1 E 10.1 E
ra. .* accogning to the woz. Ex 3.18. The captiui⸗
tie inEgypt is prophecied.Ge.15.23,14. it beginneth
Ex r.ri * Act.7.07. Deliverance from thence ig pzo⸗ €40, 164.49.21. 50,23. Exo 3. 10. €
6. r.efulaller,@thep goe forth with Er.
33,36,375338." & PEN be" and 14. Is * Rit 31. Deut.
The firſt Table.
16.1, Hoſea 13.4, after they had ſoiourned there 430,
peres. Exo. 2.40, 4 1. God commandeth to ſpeyle the
Egyptians. Gro.3,22.€18.2. © 12:35. The firk done
of cuerp thing in Egypt Bie. ÆroD.:2.29,30. DF the
ruine of Egypt, and deliuerance of Iſtael, reade Miſ.
19,1,t0 11. Ero 14.27.* Che Iſraelites dere tores
tutne to Egypt, Exo.i4 10,1 1,12. 16.152,3,8 17:0,
2,3. AUM.. T.E 14.1,2,354 820.2. 3,4; 5° againk
Egypt ig prophected. {farr 1.*19.0.* 20.i. Je 43
JE 44-24.% 46.2. * 32.29.17 30,1." EILL? 32.
1,to 12. Df the realme of Egypt,and the alliance of the
fame: € of toe warre againit rhe lang of Spzia , looke
Dan. 1.17. Deliuerance out of Egypt (asp areateft
benefit) is often remembzed.Erod.z o.i. 2, 3. Leu.22.
33-4 26. 13. Deu.4. 37.8 5.6 €7.8.¢ 8.14.¢ 16.1,3,6,
Guvg.2.1.268,9.¢1.S5a.t0.18, & 2. Kin.17 7. Mic.
6.4. The Egyptians went fozthb againſt Judah.ꝛ. Ch.
12.2533455. Egypt was won bp the King of Babel.2,
Kin.24.7. allautted of Antioclus. 1-MWac.1.11,t0 23.
Gute Egypt Chꝛiſt fleeth befog: Merod.Wat.2.13,145
15. €tetucnery thence, Matt. 2. 19, 20, 21. The Egyp-
tians after therr afflictions fezfake their ideles, and pos
nour God vpon the onely altar Telus Chrif. Iſaiu⸗o.
19.* Hoſhea lecketh aide of the Egyptians, and rebel-
leth againſt the Ring of Affhur. 2. Kinge17.4.
Ehud. praifng: A iudge whom Goo bad rayſed to
deliuer the Iſraelites from the leruitude of Eglon
hing of Moab. Juag.3.15. Ehud ſlaieth Eglon. Juv.
3-20, 10 31.
GEkar. barren,feeble, without firength. 1,02. 2.27
Ekron barresneffe. Acitie. Jer 25. 20. The citi-
zens called Ekronites. Joſh 13 3. This citie Judah
tooke. ubg.. 18. Thep lend the Arke of Goo out of
theft bounds, and whp, 1. Sam. 5. 10.11, 12.
@Eladah. Gods eteruitie. 1. Ch.7. 20.
Elah. az elme, 02 oke. Avallep. 1.Qam.17.2. loa
Duke of Eton. Ge.7 6.41. alle the nane of a Ring.
1King. 16.66, to 15.
Elam. æ youg man, 0} virgine. Gen. 10.22. ok him
came the Elamites. OF the countrep ann people, reade
Piai.. rr, ant 22.6. Jere.49.34.* Gat. 13.0. *E5e.
32.24. Dan.8.2. Actes 219.
Elafah, the doings af God. €3ta 10,22. Jete.29.3.°
Elath. /frexgeh, a ctthe.Deut.2.8, anda. King 14.
32 and rés6.
Elchanan, the mercie of God, 2. Dam, 23.24.
Eldaah. the knowledge of God. Gen.25.4.
Eldad. Gods bel-wed, Manr 26.
Eleadah, Gods teftimonie, op witne ff? of God. 1.Eh.
7 Bhs
Blealeh. Gods aſtenſion. a citie IRU.32 37.Fla.ry 4
Eleafah.oz Eleafaph, the worke or doings of Ged. 1.
Ghz. 2.39. and 8.37,
Eleazar. the helpe, o} aide of God. Sonne of Aaron,
Etoc. 23. Dne of che diuiders of the lande of dana.
an. Joſha 5.1. a8 was commansed, Aunt. 34.17. De
is ancinted bp Moles. Leu.8.13. after Aarons death
he became hie Pꝛieſt Mum 20:28. Deut.10.6 De die
eth. Volh.24.33. him ſucceedeth Phinehas. Eron.6.
25. NMum.2 5.t 1.
Atlothe fenne of Abinavab. r. Ham:7.r, Allo the
ſoune of Aharon. 1. Maccabees 6.43. Tlo a pzincipall
Scribe. 2. Maccab. 6.18. Mfo Joſephs great grant
father. Darth.1.15,16.
Eleph, æarning. a citie. Joſh 13.28.
Elhanah. ginew of God, 2. Dam.21.19,
Elhanan, Gods grace, 032 mercie. 2. 5amM.23.24.
Eli. the offering, 02 Afting vp. The father of the two
wicked priefis, Hophni and jSpinehas. r. Ha. 1.3: De
Defiterh of Gad to graunt the petition of Hannah. r-
Sam. i 17. Hansel ig deliuered vnto hin , aga at
Elhanaa ~~
Eldaa )
fent to the £ oD. 1. Samuel r22. * Che finne of Elis
fornes cauſed the people to abbezre the orug efe!
ring. 1.Sa.2. 17. He isthzeatned, becaule he beateth
with theit wickedneſſe· 1.Datn.2.27. * He tepzoueth
their wickedneſſe, but punitheth them ror. 1.5am.2.
23,24,25. Dearing of rhe puniment ozbeined-foz
him, be bumbleth himlelfe to Gods good pleafure. r.
Sam.3.18. His chitnzen are Naine. 1.Sam.4.01.and
he being 98. peetesolde, heating thep wereTead, and.
the Arke of Gon taken, bgake his necke, after bee Had
iudged Iſrael 4o.peeres. 1.Ham,4.13,t020. —
Afo the name of Jolephs father in law:foꝛ Eli other:
wife called Joachim, was father tothe birgin Garp,
whom Joſeph marien. Luke 3.23. Wat.1.16.
Eliab. God my father oꝛmy God the father. Sonne
of [Dallir, the fonne of Reuben. amb. 26.8. allo the
fenne of Melon. Aum. 1.9. allo Danids eldeſt bzorher,
Eliacim. God arifeth, ozthe refarrection of God.
Certaine mens names Mat. i. 13. Luk. 3. 30.
Eliada.the knowledge of God.i.Chꝛ 3-8.
Eliadah, idem, Father of Rezon. 1. Hing 11.23»
Eliah: God the Lord. 1.0h2:8.27, l
\ Eliakim the reſurrection of God, oꝛ God arifeth Hil⸗
kiabs fonne. 2.Bing 18.18. Iſa.22. 20. alfo Jeſtahs
fonne; whom Pharaoh Meche mave Ring in tis fa-
thers teat. 2. Ring · 23.34. andcalled him Jebsiakim.
2. Chron 36.4,
Eliam. the people of God. The ſonne of Ahithophel.
2.Dam.2 3.34.
Elias, loske Bliiah.
Elialaph,the Lord increafeth.@ captatne of the Ga ⸗
Dites, Mum rtg?
Eliathib,the Lord retarneth 1. CY2. 3.24. and 24. 12.
Eliatha.zy God cometh,o2 thou art my God.i . Ch.⁊ 3. 4.
Elidad. the belowed of God. Qum 34.24.
Hi Eli lama-fabachthani. Matth. 27. 46.
Elichoenai, tothe Lord mine eyes. 1:0}, 26.3.
Eliel. God my God. vLE 5.34800 11.46,
9) Elienai. vito bim mine eyes 1. Chz. 8. 20.
Elihaba; my God thé father, 2. Barn.2 3.32.
Eliezer.the helpe of God Gen.15.2-alfo the ſonne of
Woles. Erod.18.4. allo the ſonne of Jorim.Luk. 3.29.
Elihoenai. the Godef mine eyes. Ezta 8.4.
Elihereph. the God of youth, 1 Tings 4.3.
e Elihu.wiy God himlſo oꝛ heis my God Due of Jobs
frienvs thefanne of Barachet. ob. 32.2. Aho pred:
ueth that age maketh not a maw wile, but the fpitit of
Gov. Fob.32.7.. Hee commenveth the iuficeof God.
Sob 34.10.and 36.6. alfothe names of certaine men.
p@am.7.1.ane nh? 12.20.
Eliiah. God the Lord, or a firong Lord. & Prophet
toljo fozetolde the famine te come among tie irae-
lites, 1. Ring.17.1Jand Jam.5.17. He is fea bp tie rae
O Meng. r ISit.17.6. lent onto tie Winst of Farepharh,
where be raileth her fonne to fife. 1 Wing.17.9.* Luke
4.26. {ent bp Gon vnto Ahab, whom hee bololp re-
prooucth, andafter beth mocketh Baals pies, and
Hlapeth them. 1.i6ing.18,1,t0 41. DF his zeale foz the
Lom. r. Bin.: 9.10. By paper be obtaineth raine. r.
Rit.11.42.*Fam.5.18.Deis perlecuted bp Tesebel.
+. Bin. 9.2. Fleeing from her being almol famifhen,
he deſireth to vie but ts noutiſhed bp an Angel. i1. kin.
19.4.5. In the ſtreugth of which meate he tranailerh
a460 dayes and 40° nights, 1.iKing.19.8. Daning feene
the horrible tempel, and (poken with God, hee tooke
luch caurage, that bee was no moze afraid of Jeze⸗
bel. + TKing-¥9.11,te15. Deis commanded to anoint
Dazael, Pebu, and Eliha. 1 Rings 19.15. He res
Prooucth Ahab , and foꝛetelleth his and Fesebels
Death. 1. Rings 21,19,t025. Dee reproucth Apeziab,
The firft Table.
aud tohp. 1. King. a. r6.. Arbis parapet ſite came from
heauen, and deſtreyed tiwo captaines With their men.
2. Ling. 1.10,91,12. De was an hairie man, and pits
Bed with a gitbly of leather. 2.Ring.1.8, De diwiverh
the water of Jowan. 2. King. 2. 8. De istakeu sp inte
bearen bp a tehitelewinde.2, Ring. 2.11. Chriſt inter⸗
peeteth that Eliiah, prowiled in Malachi, was John
Baprik, Watih.s11.10,14, an’ 17.12. Matke 9.13.
Auke 1.17. Wee was feene at rhe tranffiguretion of
Lhi. Datrh.17.3. Darke 9. 4. Luke 9.28. Hee ig
pPꝛapſed.Ecclus 48.1 ,t0 13. *
Elika. the Pelicane of God, 2.Dam,23.25,
Elim. Rammes Exed a 5 27. Mum. 33.5.
Elimais./udden feares.a citp.1.Qet 6.1. Tob.2. 20.
Elimelech. my God the King, othe ccun ſell of Ged,
The bulband of Moimi Ruth.. z.
Elioenai: to him mine eyes.1.£02.3.2 3
‘Bhionai. ustothe Lord mine cyes.1.Q 524.36,
Eliphal: a miracle of God. 1.Q2.1 1.35.
Eliphalet, the God ofdelwerance, Dne of Dauids
fons. 1.2 b2-3-8.and 14 5.and Aifo the
fonne of Ahalbai.2 Sam. 23. 34.
Eliphaz.theendeusur cf God One of Jebs friends,
Job 2.11. Chote prouerh him of impatience. Jub 4.5.
By realon of Jods afflictions bee would prooue bim
to be faithleſſe Job 4.7.Another araument of Eliphaz.
taken of the tighteoufnelle of Gov, Yob 4.17. We pers
fiffeth to pꝛoue Fob wicked, in that the godly be pare,
and rhe wicked punif}ed Job.5.1,2. and lorepzoucth
bim of artogancie Job 15.2.*
—— tie ay eet Avab-Gen.36.4. $
Eli ithe tudrement. t. ©h2.15.18,21.;
Blas fogmlshetigy © otea Et oes
Bliſha my God (azeth,ox the health of God, he fon
of Spapbhat, whom Eltiah anointed zopber in bis
roume. 1, tng.s9.16. Elitha facrificeth a couple of
oven gtueth thanks to God , anv immediatlp folowerh
bis vocation... Bin.19.21, De was called te be a Pro⸗
phet from $ plough taite, t.kin.19.19,20. We craneth.
of Eltiah to haue pis lpirit double opon Yim. 2. ings
2.9, Thé chudeen of the Prophets, fleeing him repies
nifhed With Sods ſpirit, feli to the groma before him.
2 Biniz. t5 Pe diutdeth rhe water of Jowan with is
cloke. 2. King. 2.14. The childzen that mocke bim,are
Deuoured of two beares. 2.Lking.2.23.24. Dee cafteth
falt-into the popfoned waters, and healeth them. 2.
Bing. 2.21. De prophecieth whileltthe minftrel play⸗
20.2; Ling 3.45. De obteineth waters of Govs banog
forthe armie of Iſtael 2. King. 3-17. Being relteued
by a tich woman he ebteinerh a child foz het in recome-
pencethereof, 2 Ating.4.8,t018, And bp his paper
raileth him againe from death. 2.iing.4.18, to 32.
Calling meate into-a pet of potrage, he made the fame
fit nouriment for the children of the prophets, which
before thep thought bad bin popfoned.2-kin 4.38,te 42
God by Elisha healeth Naaman of leprofie. 2. Rin,
§-3,t0 15. Luke 4.27. DE whom he would take nores
ward , becaule bee would not fell the gift ef Ged. 2.
Rin.5.15 to20. Jn thetime of dearth with 20. loaues
be fed an hundzeth men: 2. King. a. 42, 43 44 He cau⸗
leth pzon co lwimme. ꝛ. King 6.6. Hee kortelleth the-
king of Iltael, of the comming and intent of the Fra»
miegi Ring. 6.8.9. The Bing of Aram, cifenser
with bis being pzeuented bp Elifha, fent an army to
take bim, which atmie by tie prayer ef Elita, were fo
blinded, that.hep were {ed (nto Samaria. 2, King.s.
10,t0 21. Elisha fitting tn his hotle, Hemeth what Ic⸗
horam purpoled acainft him. 2. King.6.3 z:
Foꝛ the loueof Elika the Ring canlerbto be te ſto⸗
redbntop Shunamunite all ber goods. 2 Tkin.8.6.Ge>
hazi reheatleth tothe kina the miracles which on
Elifeus `
Had wzought. 2.kin.8.4,5- He fozetetierh plenty of vi-
_tailes vnto the Sanaticaned.s.bin.7.8 He fogerelleth
the Shunammite of 7.peeres famine to come.2-bi-8.1. |
Ben⸗hadad fensety onto Bliſha fez the recoueting
_ of bis heaith. 2.biug.8.7,8. Eliſha weeping fozeſhe w-
eth Hazael the euils that bee ſhould Boe to Iſrael. z.
king-8.10,11,12,13, Being Ecke, he fozetellerbhking .
Joalh, bow manp victozies be Mouls baue agataſt the
Gramites,2.kit. 13.14,t0 20.De dieth. ⁊. kin. 13.20.40
Dead Dodp belug caſt into his ſepulchze, and touching
bis boncs,rifeth tolife.2, King.13.21, Deis peatied.
Eccius.48.13, gj
blifhah, it God, oꝛ ehe lambe of God. Sonne of
auen. Gen.10.4. Allo certaine Alles, called bp chat
name. Ezek. 27.7.
Elifhama.the God of hearing, JRU.1,10+ 2.92.5 ,16,
Elifhaphat. my God iudgeth. a. Chꝛo.a2 31.
Elitheba.the oth of God,ogthe fulnes of God. Ammi ⸗
nadabs Baughter,and Aarons wife. Exov.6.23. Alfo |
Zacharias wife who being long barren, at length bare
John Bapu. Lube.1-557,13." l
Eliſhua. God keeping [afe Dauids ſonne 2. 8.5. 15.
Flad. Godſprayſe. Eleaʒats father.Mat.i.14.
Elizur.the flrength of God. Qum.i.g.
Elkanah, the xealeof God. The lon of ogag. Ero.6
24, Allo the name of Samuels father.1.Sam.1-1,19.
Elkethite.Jate.ez in the euening, oꝛ the hardnes ,o3 ri-
gor of inhabitant of Elkofh.a village of Galile
in the tribe of Simeon. Becaule Madum che Pzophet
toad borne there be is called an Eikefhite. 3Qal).r.2.
Ellafar.a dep arting,oz reuoleing from God,or rebells-
ons to God. Q counttep in Glia called Pontus. Gen
14 Te Acts 2.9, : j
Elmoded. the meafureof God, 02 God meaſureth.
The lonne of Joktan. Ger.10,26.and 1. Chꝛu a.2e.
Elnaam. Gods fairene ſſe.i.Che. T 1.46.
Elnathan. God hath guen, oꝛ Gods gift. 2. King. 24.
8 Jere. 26. 22.
Eloi Eloi lama ſabachthani.Max.i 5.34.
Elon rong, Geu,26.34.DE him came the Elonites.
Num.26. 29. Aloa Itidge. TUDE. 12.11313. Allo one
of Salomons twelue officers. r. Ring.a4 9.
Eleth. ol:wes: A citie. 2. Chꝛo. 8. 17. and 26. 2.
Elpalet, looke Eliphalet.
Elphaal, Gods worke. i1. Chꝛo. 8. 11, 12-
bltekeh. the cafe of God. J citp in the tribe of Dan.
Doh 19.14. and 21,23. :
Fltekon, Gods correction. A citie: Jolh.15.59.
Eltolad, the generation of God. a citie petteining te
the tribe of Judah. Joſh. iA 5. 30. and 19 4.
__Eluzai.God my frrength, 03 the Rrength of God, One
of Dauids toogthies.1.Chzo.12.5.
Elymas. a corruptor, oꝛ a forcerer. à Magiciam, who
reifen Mauls preaching, and therfore became blind,
Acts 12.8,ter2,
Elzabad. Gods dowrie, . Cha.i 2. 12. and 26,7.
Elzaphan, God of the Northeaſt winde. Exod.6.a22.
Leuit. 10.4.
GEmalcuel. God the king,oz the kingdome of God, 02
meffenger of God. De brought bp Antiochus the fone
of Alexander. 1.98a¢, 11.39.
Emek. the valley. Jelh.1 3.19.
Emims. feares,02 fearcfull,oxthe Le of waters. The
neme ofa peopke. Gen. 45.
Emmanuel, looke. Immanuel.
Emmaus. fearing counfell, oz abiect people. X vil
Jage. 1.Wac.3.40,57.iLuke 24.13.
Emor. az.affe. Acts 7.16 looke Hamor,
Emori arebe//, Sonne of Canaan. Get, 10.46.
GEnaim, a fountain or place where were two waiess
03 an open place, In shis place (ate Tamar woni
The firit Tables
GP ah
Tunah lay withall. Gen. zz zu
faang fountaine,o} well,o2 the eyes of them.a citie.
of}. 15.34.
Enan, a cloude, A citie, G3eb.47-17.
Endor. a well, 0 the eye of gereration o} habitation.
G citp. Jofh-17.11. Plat. 83.10. 1 ing.28.7,
Eneas, looke Æneas, TER
En-eglaim. a wedl,o3 the eye of calues, Eʒe.a47. 10.
En-gannim. the well af gardens, 03 the cya of prote-
ion, Joſh. 15.34 and 19.24.
En-gedi, the well, oz eye of akidde, oꝛ of felicitie. q
titie neere to the red (ea toward the Ueit. 1:59am.
24.2, Ezek 47.10. Lant.1.13. Joh 15,63, called ale
fo Hazezonctamar. Gene.1 4.7.03 Hazzon Gamat. 2.
Chꝛon.⁊o. 2,
En gaddi
En-haddah, a merry or qaicke fizht , oꝛ the well of Anhadak
gladne ffe oz altet the Speian.oz Debsetw,the one well
or eye vz the new well or cye. Q citie, Joth19:24.
En-hakkotre, the fowntaine of hina that prayed ogthe
well of the caller om. JUDES 29.
Enharod rhe well of great feare, Judg 7.1. A place,
called alle Haradah Rum, 33.24,25.
En-hazot. 4 weil, ogeye ofan entrie, 02 the bay or
graffe of the well, A citp inthe tribe of Mapheali,
sath: 39.37- — i i
N-mithpat. tue welt ofsnacement. Gen. 14.7..
— — Henoch, 5 7
Enon. a ¢loud,o3 his well, oꝛ eye. dillage. Joh 3.23,
Enoth. man, o} defperation, Sie fonne of Sheth.
Sen 4 26. and Duke 3.38.
Enofh. liued 905. peeree. Gen. 5.11.
En rimmon, the wellof height ,.03 the well like a
pomegranate, A citie. Mehe. 1.29. To g
En-rogel. the welor fountain of ſearc hing out. Joſh.
15.7-a0d a 8.16,and 4. Ring. 1.9,
En fhemefh. the wel oꝛ fountain of the fuz. Jel, 15.7
En-tappuah the wed/or fowntaine of an apple, ofin-
fration.@ citie. Jeh.17.7.
qEpaphras. forming. aman by whom the Coloſſians
teceined the Goſpel. Col. i.7. His care a seale fog the
Coloſſiaus and other commended. Lel.4.13,1 3.
Epaphroditus- frire og plea fant. DE him.¢ bis come
mendatieu. JPpil.2.25.* adso.
Epænetus. laudable o} worthy pray/e. Dne that fick
embzaceb the Golpel in Aka Rom. 16.5.
Ephah.wearies a mealure. Exo.i 6.36. €5¢h 45.10, certaine meng names. Gen.25.4,anB 1.0h20, E
3.46,47. alloa countrep Wfa.69.6,
Epher. du/t,o2 ade: 1. Chꝛo.5.24.
Ephefus.defireable.a chiefe citie of Alta the leſſe: the
citizens called Ephefians. Were Panl planten the Boe
{pel. Mets 18.19,20,28. and 19.26, and 1, 02.16.89.
Reuel, z.i rand 2.1. Their great govdeile was Dias
ta. Acts 19. 35.
Ephlal. iuaging, oꝛ praying.1.Chzo. 2376
Ephphatha. be opened. G3 ar.7.34.
Ephod.aa ornament. a garment of linnen, looke Ere
od 25.7. Vudg.8.27.and 37.5. 1. Sam. 2.18.and 21.9%
and 22.18, Hoſe. 3.4. 1. Chꝛon 15. 27.
alio a mang name. Qum.4.23
kphraim. uitful, opincreafing, The ſecond ſonne
of Joſeph. Gen.a1.5 2. of him came the Ephraimites,
Fum.26.28, Their lot ozinheritance. Heh. 16,4 to 5.
Jaakob appointeth Ephraim ¢ Menaſſeh to be conn-
ted fo2 his chilozen. Ge.48.5.¢ whp.1.cb2.5.1.F phraim
the pongerpeterred before Manoſleh p elder.Ge 48
14. Saakob prophelieth of p kingdom of Ephraim. Wea
49.22,toa7.and Co doeth Woles.Deut.33,12,t0 18.B-
phraims genealogie.izchz 7. 20 to 30. Ephraim @ Ma ⸗
nalleberaue greater inherit ance of Jwihua, end whp.
Joſh.i7 14. Ephraim tiſeth vp agamit Iphtah, tare
> Enos
SE AS H The firſt Table. E 2 B
” pifcomfited, Jung. 12.7 ,to7.Ephraim erpelleth not the the inhabitant ralled Ethkclonites. Tof. 13.3.
Canaanites, bit dwelt among them. Jungesr.zg. E- -` Efhtaol. a firong woman. A citp. Poth.15.33. ` “Afcalonites
phraim tilet op again Gdeon, becaute pee calles Itaulites ffrozg women. people. 1.€2.2.53. Efthaol
, them not with bim, when he went againk the Midia Ethtemea.a womans word. A ctp. Joſh.21.14. Efihanlites —
nites, wht be appeateth, affirming tat thep had done Efi. hard by me. The father of anm. Lu.z3 25. Tſthemoa
moze then bee in Raving Deb ¢ Zeeb. Pung- 8.1,2,3-
‘Bp Ephraim ts unberftood the ten trikes. 3 fa.7. 2510
10 anu 9.8,9. *Dule.5.3;* Df Ephraim teave zerem.
Eiter. ſecretoꝛ hidden, Moꝛdecate vncles vanghter Heni
Eler 2.7. Dye is brought toking Ahapuerofy, gis Etther
made Queene in Read ot Clathtt. EH,a.17.She len’ Helter
Efean >
4.13. and 31.5,18,19.
Ephrath.abundance,o2 fertilitie The wife of Catch.
I ©h2.2,19,50.Allo the father of Par.1. Cio 4.4.DF
bim ebe citie ef Beth · le hem was lo called. Genel.35.
19.ica.5.2. 1.Lb2.2.24.Jola.1 32.6. Mhete Eikas
nappwelt.:.Sam. 1.1.¢ Dauids father. 14.17.12.
Ephron. d#/2. A citie deſtroped bp Junas. :. Jais.
46,ta52.looke Jol): 020.1 3.19.2. ace 12.
37. Allo the fonne of Foar, who foide’ Abgamrbe Belve
ana catte of Wachpelay. Gene. 23.6,to 19.
_Ephthar.a /hining but Nephi,oz Nephther is parsg-
cation o} cleanfing. A place 2,Qpatc.r.36. i
Epicures.azders,oz helpers.@ ſect Actes 17-1 8. looke
moze in the fecond Tabie.
§ Erw watchman, The fir bome ſonne oĩ Pwah
Gene.38.3.He martieth Tamar: Gene 30.6 Foz pig
twickenneile the Loza ſlew him. Hen. 38.7.
Eran, a follower, Di him came the Eranites, Rum.
Eraftus. angable. The chamberlatne of the citte of
Cozinth Bom. 16,23. who with Timotheus wag fent
into Macedenia bp jDeul. Act-19:32.
Erech /excth,oz health A citie. Gen. ro. ro.
Erivmy cite. The ſonne of Gad. Geni46.16.0f him
came the Erites Qum.26.16.
ẽſaias teske Efaiah.
Efarhaddon. binding cheerefalne ff- Sonne of Sa⸗
neherib. Ila 37. 37, 38.2. king · 19. 36 37.
Eu doing, o) workizg.@he fonne of J3hak.Ge-25.
25. Izhak loncth bim,t why. e.25.28. Che enlinere’
. Inbieh God made oto Rebekah), teuching Efau g Jaa»
kKob Gen.25 22,23. EGuis a cunning bunter.Oe25.
27.De (ellety hig birtheight foga mef of portage. Ge.
35.29." De marieth two mites, whicy were a griefe of
minde ts G3sbak ë Webekah.Ge.26.34,3¢.Hee istent
foz Denilen.Gen.27.3.4,5 Jaakob geiteto Haus bleh
fife: Gem 37.6,t0 30. Elaa made ſeruant to Jaakob.
Beth to Bozvecat to vnderſt ãd why be mourned’ EL,
4.5, tog. Efter intending to (peake to the king foz bet
People, prapethg faſteth, anv caulet others to do likes
wie. Eſt. 4. 16. She veliteth that the king ¢ Daman
Would come to the banquet the bad pacpared. Git. 5.4,
to 9, inthe moet of p banquet the ntreaterth ihe king
foz ber Ceife ¢ ber people. Ef.7.3. Der prayer for the
Deltucrance of per felfe and ber people. Euct 14. 3
@ Ecam. their bird. A tity. ĩ.Chas 4.32. tos
Ethan. frength. A wile man, 1.iking.4.31. Allo the
name cf other. 1.€]2.6.42544.
Ethanim. (tvong,02 valiant. The name of thefenenth
moneth after the Debewes, 1. Ling. 8.2.
Eth-baah etd an image. King of the Zidonians. 1.
Ethän talke. A citie. Joth-1 5.42. 13
Ethiopia, Gu Greeke lignifiery buraing, oꝛ heate: in
Debzew itis caile Chus, og Cuth, that is, dleckes 02
blackne/fe.a countrep ring frem the flood Tabus nert
Esppi, betweene the flood Milus and rhe Deean fea:
it lieth in the South snoer the Sunne which ig alwap
Keete onto it: the prople called Ethiopians.
Zerah the Ethiopian watred againſt Alta, ana was
Difcomfited. 2 Chz.54.9,10." Doles wife was an: E-
thiopian. Mam.ı2.1. Dilip baptizeth an Ethiopian,
Gers 8.27. Ethiopianstaken foz the blacke Doneste
Jhz0n.12.3. Of whole deſttuction, reade Feph.2.12.
looke nioze Gene.2-5 3. EKer, 1.1. Glamis, g 18.1.
Bud 20.3.% 37-9. Ezek. 29.0. 0 30.4, 539i ZMOS 9.7,
Nahum 2
Ethnan aguſt· 1.202.472 000.
E x Athi
Ethni. firong, o? giuinc, o} of anaffe. The ſonne ol —
Serabh.1.fh20.6 41.
lubulus, prudezt wil oꝛ of goad cour fel, Dune who-
falutes Timotbie.2.Cim 4.21.
Evi. uauſt UG | i
Euil merodach. foolespafiing ouer bittcrneffeorthe
Gen.27.37. 33628 bleſſeth Elan. Gene. 27.39,t0-4h~ grinding Lutieraes of'a fosle, p} a foole bitterly beaten:
Pfau thpeatneth Haakob.Geu.27.4 1 Klau agemi hs
farbers will taketh bim wines of che pofteritte of ij
nidelSe.28.8,9. De meeteth Jaabob with foure hun:
Deth meren. 3.1. Dik anget towards hin is aps
pralen. Gen.332.4. We receiuerh bis prelenis. Gen. 33
Tr, @ oferethto kerpe binvcompanp Gen 33.12. Eſau
Felurneih ro mount Heir. Gen. 33.36. His wines, ti
erealogic.Gen 76 Th and 1-Ch2.1.35,t6 43.
oleg forbade the. Itaelites towwarre with the
chilozen of Elaw,andwhp. Deut.s.4,to8,.
MNone Sios ought to bea tognicatour,o2 a prophane
peronas Bau- Debra 6s 8
©: haue tonen Jaakob anv haue Hated Efau. Rom,
P43: aln, > 2 se DrSc nma e
Efdraclon. the helper of ftrength. Judeth 7.3.
Eldras. laoke Ezra S: R bas setts
» Ethbaal. the fre ofthe ruler. 1.Oh2 8.33
EMhban fre of the ſunne· Gev.36.26, +;
Ethcol. grapes; or a clafler. Eye name of a tiuet o⸗
valley in $ land of Canaan, fro whence the bzãch with
13.2 pto 28 Deu.i.2⸗4. Allo a mans name.Ge.a 4.03.
bkſbean. hed up, A citie. Jeſhen 5.5 2. i hs
Ethek. vislewce,o2 force. 1. Chꝛi 8 39. i
Efbkelon.the fire of lander. A citieslaske Athkelon
op ground to pouder. Wing ot Bebel foune to Qebu⸗
chednezzat · 2, Ring.25.27. Jete: 52.3 T.
Eunice, good wiftory.@ faiehfull waman the mother
of Zunothte. s. Timing: 3
Eunuch: ge/ded. lonke in the feeonn Table.
Eupator. geod father, The ſurname ef Antiochus
the onne of the vngodip Antiochus pipbanes: 1.
Mac.6.17.2. Mac.2 20.and 10,f0, £3. Mis comining
info Judea: 2.Mac. gA. to win! }
Euphrates. Guitfuld. A riner called Perath. Gen.2.
14. and 15,1 8. Ecclus ⁊4. 320. u *
Eupolemus. fighting well, 02 a good warriour. Due
of Juvas Embafladours. 1. Qdac, 8.17.
‘Evroclydon.the Northeajt-winde Bs 27. 14
Enutychns. happy, 02 fortunate: A pong man whom,
Paul raifed from death tolife.Acts 29.9,t0 13.
Buodias. a gosd [melik -A-wozthp woman among the Euodia
Pbitippians JD pil 4.2,
Gk xorcifts. conurers: of whom looke inf 2, Table.
20 Ws ——
»Ezekias,locke Hiskiiah. :
Ezekiel, the frength of God.a Prwpbet.E3eh.2.2, Ezechieli -
then he prophefiedsin whofe Bayes; and where. Szek.
1.1, Dig kiured and office, Ezek. 13, Hee is lent ta
Eοn haftening to underfland, Gene.46.16..1, Efbon :
oue clafict ef grapes was bꝛought vnto Radel). Ma. Ch H
tutne the people from their ettoz. Ezek. 2.3. He is fen
with the Wo0 of God, boldned by ptg ſpitit, and fent
to the Iſtaclites in captiuitie. C3e.3.1, 2,t0 16. Che
ſimilitude of God appeareth pnto him. G3ek.8.2. Hee
id brought te Jeruſalem in the ſpitit. Ezek. 8. 3. ee
heateth the Lozde ſpeake, who fozerolde biim that the
captiues hould returne tothe land of gſcael. Ezekiel
11,47. Dereturnety in ſpirit fro Gudea onto Caldea.
Ezek. 14.34, Dis wines oeath. Ezek. 24.48.He ſeeth
the glozie of Won entring into the Temple , from
whence it fad. before departed. Ezek. 43 ·2. Dee leeth
the waters pllue togch of tye Demple.G3e.47.1, 2.De
is pꝛaiſed.Ecclus.a9.8,9.
Ezel.@ walking og of the way.t. Sam.20.19.
Ezeliah.neaveshe Lord Gh 34:8.
Ezem.a bone,t .Che.4 29. helpe.Gene 36.21. Nehe.3.1.
AND r. Chr·. 4.4. and 7.21,
Ezion geber.counſell of aman IRUM. 33. 35.and 2.
Chz.8.17,Deu.2.8. belper.a famois ſeribe Ezra thome
Art ahſhaſhte gane commillion to-return onto Jetuſa
lem with many Jewes. Ezta 7. 1,1 1." whole names
are rehearſed Ezra 8 1.* Hee ſeparateth the range
wineg from Piraci Esra 9.1." and 0,1, teadeth the
law.jRebe.8.2,3.%and 1,6 (0.9.39. "is called Jehoʒa⸗
bak. 1 .22.6.14535.
Ezrimy helpe. t.L£02.27. 26, Joaſh was the father
ef the Ezrites. Jubg.6.01-
Ezriel.the kelpe of God. Jet.36.26. and 20 h%5:24s
a helpe arsfing: 1 C20, 3.23 I0oke Azi-
am, > i
Felix happie, oz profperoxs. The Romane veputie
fox the countrep of Jurie. Actes 23.24,26. who. with
bis wife Dulilia beary' Paul of tye taith of Chzilt,
Acts 24.3, 23525." 9 ;
Fefus feflinak og icyfalt, Che ſurname of Porcius
‘ tobo ſucceeded Felix. Actes 24,28. reade Acts 25.1.*
and 26.24.*
Fortunatus, Jackie, oꝛ fortunate. man, whom D,
Paul vetopced in. 1, Coz. t 17.
Gaal, an abomination. The ſanne of Ebed, who mo-
ued the Shechemites againſt Abimelech and tooke
the citie of Shechem bp korce. Judg. 9.26, to 30. Hee
is. chafen from Shechem, and his armie difcomfited
bp Abimelech. Judg.ↄ. 39. 40, 41.
Gaath. a forme. A mount.Joſh.24.30.
Gaba. a hid. & citie. joh. r 8.24.
Gabacl. Tob.9.1,2.* and 1.15, and 4.1, ands.8.
© Gabai, the backe-
. Galbbatha. John 19.13.
Gabith. Job.a8.i8.
Gabriel, aman of God , o2.the firengthafGad. An
Angel who appeared bute Daniel ¢ Facharie.Dan.8,
16.* and 9.21." Luke 1,11, tozr. and to thebirgine
Warie, Hhewing her how the ould conceive che ſonne
of God. Luke 1.26, to 39.
Gad, a band, 02 gariſon, happie, oꝛ readie. The fonne
of Jacob bp Filpah. Gene.30 11; Deets bleſſed of fis
father, Gen.49.19. Ors chilozen.Gen.46.16.Qhe ins
Heritance of his tribe. Qum-3 2.29. Jolh,n3.8,24. His
genealogie and habitation. 1.Qhg.5.11, to 18. Joſhua
ferdeth Backe nto their inheritance thole ofthe: tribe
of Gad, Reuben and halfe Maneſſeb, which bad cons
Ducted their bzethzen into the land of Canaan. Jaſh.
23.1,to 7. which thing thep were commaunded to Boe
Joſhua 1.12.* Deut. 3.18,19,20, bi⸗⸗e
- Df thetribe of Gad were ſealed 12000; Reue 7.5.
Gad ig alfo the name of a Pꝛophet, wha warnen
The firft Tables;
and 12.42.
iG 2A 327
Danit to vepatt cut of the lanv of Boab, ant fleeto
Sudeh. 1.Ham.22.5. Dee denouncerh vnto bim Mong
weath foz numbging of the people. 2 Sam,24.11.*
Gadarens, walled,oz hedged about. peopie arke
$-1,10 18, Luke 8.26, to 38. called allo Gergelenes.
— 8.28," —
Gaddah, hus kid, 02 his felicitie. & sitie. 5.
Gaddi. a kid, Um. f T < 5 ——
Gaddiel. the God of felcstie. Mum 13. 11.
Gaius. the Lord. Che name ot Hauls hoſte. Rom,
16.2 3. whom he baptized, 1.€02.4.14.e was taken
pel-oner. Act.19,29. his loue toward the minifiersof
the wozd commended. 3. Jon *
_ Gaius. of Derbe accompanieth Paul into Afa, Act.
Galatia.malhing, oꝛ oſmilhe. A countrep, Act.16.6
and 18.23, Ube people calied Galatians, at whole ins
conftancie Paul did wonder, ¢ efpecialip becaule thep
thought citcumcilion neceflarp. Oal.s.6. Paul callety
them bewitched, fog that thep were fallen from faith
buto.the wozkes of cyelaw. Gal.3,1.* Dee preacheeh
the Golpel suto them dp diuers aiflictions. Balat.q,
13 Ciivat affection thep bare him. Gala.g 15,
Galal. g roule, 0} wheele.t .Lb7-9.15,
Galbanum, a gumme. Exob. 30.34.
Galecd, the heape of witneffe. Gen, 31.47,48. Looke
Gahilah tarning rowling, oꝛ wheele.A countrep on
the F2ozeh Gue of Judea. Jolh 20.7. 2.ingas 29,
Hudeth 1.8. Datty.4.15- Jon 7:52. Chole of Galile
received huik after thep bad teene jim wozke mira:
cles. Fobn 4.45. Che Apolifes goe vnto Galile ; anv
there Lawe Jeſus rilen trom death. Mat. 8.26,27.
Gallim. heaping up together. i. Sa.⸗ 5.44. Jla. 10.30.
Gallio mich, A depurp of Achata, Acts 28.12514.
Gamadims.dwarfes.£5¢,27. 11. i
. Gamaliel: Gods reward, ogthe camel of Gad. Pauls
taller, a good Doctog of the law, Acts 22.3. bp whofe
countell che Apoities were deſiuered. Act. 5.34."
_Gamariah, a perfection, 92 confuming of the Lord,
The onne of Milkiah. Here.2g.3.and 36.25.
Gamliel, Gods reward. JAM. 1.10,
Gamul. a recompenfe.
Gareb, a fcabbe, The name of a hill. Fete.31.39,.
-Garmites. bones, oz after the Dpzian, my caufe, Iy
Chz.4.09. -- i
GaN their bellowing. The fonne of Eliphaz. Ge.
3 «U5, * *
Gath. awineprefz. Acitie taken bp hazael King
of Aram, a. King 12,17. teade Aich.. 10 2. Sam.
32.20, : ; f
Gath-rimmon,ahigh wineprefe A citie in the tribe
ol Dan: Tothers.45. = D
‘Gaza, frong,o2 a goate, A cltie. r am.6.17.Acts 8.
26. t aken bp Judah. Tudg.0518. lariat
Gazabar. a treafurer:A prince of Judah. Ezt. 1.8.
Gazer. adinidsng oga fentence. G cltie.2.a.5.25.
Gazet. fhauing oꝛ a paſing ouer.i. Che 2.46.
Geba: a bill: citie builded bp. Alae2.Ham.5.2 5.
2 Qing. 23.8. 1. Chꝛ. 8.6. 2, Dbz. 16.6,JQehems 1,384
and 12.297 flagro 29, Fech14.10. Juveth 3.10,
Gebal.the ead. A citie of Spzia.jSlal.83.7. [
Geber. aman, wianly,ftrong, oz after the Dpzian, a
houf: cocke. The foune of Gri. 1. King 451 9u
ee Acitie. Iſ t-
Gedaliah, the greatne(fe of the Lord. The ſonne of
Paſhur. Pere. 378) 1. was conſtitnted gonervour ouer
tderemnaut of Jeruſalem; after the people were len
captiue inte Babplori2.isimg.25.22, t025- Here. go.
5,6. his beath- Ring 25. 25 Sere 41.1, 2 Ato mens
names. 1. Ahras.: 3. Ezta 10108, eph ua
Gedeon.eb.11.32. looke Gideon.
Geder.awall.acitie in Sjudab, Jol 12,13.
Gedera.zdem. a citp, Jolhua 15.36; The citizens
whereof twere calles Gederathites, 1.€ 2.12 4.02 Gê-
derites.. Cha. 27. 28.
—— hedges. a citꝑ. Joſh.i5.41. and 2. hzo.
Gederathaim, idem, Jofh.15.36.
Gedor, idem. a citie Jofh.15.58. 1.€620.4.38.and
12.7. Allo mens names. 1.£020.4.4,18, ANB 9.37.
Gehazi: the valley of vifion, Seruant to Eliſha. 2.
Gings 4. 12. whom bismafter fent with bis Gaffe to
raile to life his bofteRe fonne : which be could not Doe.
2. King 4.29.
Gehazi, forging lieg, got gifts of Naaman, whom
bis mafter bad bealed of the ieprie, which tig maftet
becaule be woulo nor lell the graces of Gon, bad trefu-
fed. foz which caufe Gehazi and bis pofteritie ig {mit-
ten with the lepzie. 2 ikimg.s.22.*
Gehazi. declareth onto the King what mitacles E⸗
lifha bad Done. 2 King. 8.5.
Geliloth. Joſh.i 3,17.
Gemalli-wares,o24 camell. IQUM, 13.13.
Gemariah, looke Gamariah,
Germelah, the valley of falt. 2 Sam.8.13.
Genefar. the garden of a prince. 1.99at.11.67,
Gennefaret. dem. acitp, Matth. 14-34.
Genubath. theft,oz gardez ef the daughter, 1 Jing,
Gera. a pilgrime,o} a ſtranger. The ſonne of Benia-
mitt,Gen,46.21, 2.ch2.3. 3,5. Allo the ſonne of Ehud.
Jug. 3.5 5. Ailo the father of Shimei 2.Sam.16.5.
Gerah. g meafure. JQum.3.47.@3ek 45.12.
Gerar. a pilgrimage, oꝛ a ſtruuing. The chieke citie of
she Philiſtims. Gen. 10, ro.anB 20. 1,2:
Gergathites. idem as Girgafh. A kinde of people
Zofh.3.10,looke Girgahi: =
Gergefenes.zdem a people bepond Galile. Wat.8.283
Gerfhom. a ftranger there. Ghe fonne of Boles bp
Zippoꝛah. Exod. 2.31,22. citcumciſed. rod. 4.25,
brought to Doles into the wildernefie.E rod, 18.2, 2.
Gerthon, ha banifhment. The fonne of Leui. Gene,
46.411. Rumb: 3. 17. of whom came the Gerfhonites.
Fam. 3.21. his office. Mum.4.1. * his genealogie. i,
Chꝛo.s.i.* theif partion. Jof}.21.27;te 34 *
Gerizim. hatchets.Q mount. Judg. 9.7. whereupon
the Leuites were commanded to blefle rhe Iſtaelites.
Detit.13.29,4nd 27.12.
Gerfhunni. bauifhed men. ã people of whom Gebiel
tame. 1.€$20.26.21.anB 29.8,
Geruth. gong on pilgoimage. F citie called alfo
; Chimham, and whp. Jere. 41.17.
Gelhan, drawing neere. The foune of Jahdai. rch
2 Ts = S
Celkem, vaine. An Arabian. Nehe 2.19.
Gefhur. a walled valley. acountrep were Talmai
raigned.3.Sam:3:3-and 13.37. The people were alle
fo called. 1. b20n. 2.23. And alſo Gelhurites dwelling
in the middes of Iſrael. Fofh-1 3.13, Deu 3. 14. Jo.
1235. and 13.2 Sm 27.8.
Gether. the valley of fearching out. Gen 10.23.
Geth-femane. a plentiful valley.a placelooke Wat,
26-36.0B8r.14 32.
Geuel Gods redemption. lum.137, t6,
Gezer, looke Gazer. @ his citie Yofhua deſtroyed,
both king & people. Joh 10 33. burned bp Dharaoh,e.
afterward reebdified bp Salomon. 1.kit.g 16,17.looke
moꝛe theteof. Dolh.16 3,20. 1. Mac 5.8.
Gezzã the fleece of them,oz ſhauing thofe. 3.2 48,
@Giab. 2 figh,e2 a cvone.3.Dam.2.24.
Gibbar, ffrong, manly, Qa man, CHA2.20,
The firft Table.
uer the Oibconites-Zofp.19.657,
* *
Gibbeshon, 2backe, 02 an high houfe. a citie, Toh,
19.44. called Gibethon, Jo}.21.23. :
Gibea. a fell, Bonne to hena 1. Chz0.2.49. |
Gibeah. zdem: acitie. Jeſh 15.57. Juag.19.1 2. and
20 9. 1, Dam. 10.26,and22.6.and 23.19,
Gibeath. ahil. Acitie in Beniamin, Jofh. 18:28,
The citizens calles Gibeathithes. 1.€620n. 12.3. Allo
a place where Gicazat was buried. Joh. 24.33.
Gibeon, dem. a citie from Jerufalem z0.mies.Joſ.
9-17 €18.25.¢ 21-17. .€62.8.29,J2eb.7.25 .Je,28.1.
The Gibeonites crafttlp crane peace of Tofua, th whi
be topned Wout alking at Goss mouth. Fol.9.3,t0 16.
Thep hew wood g draw water fo? the houie of Gov.
Jofh.9.23. Gibeon befieged of fiue kings. Lef 10.5,
Saul ef seale to Iſrael and Judah, bzake the couce
nant which was mate with the Gibeonires bp Joſtua,
foz bich Iſtael was puniihed with famine, ontiil tbe
feuen chtinzen of Saul were faine. 1.@4.31,1,to 10.
Whe Gibconites abule the Leuites wife. Judg.i9.25.
The Amozyes war with the Gibeonites foz the peace
made toith Sofhua,e were vanquiſhed. Jol. 10. 6,to 15.
Giddel. great. €3ta 2.47. „à
` Gideon a breaker, 02 defiroyer. The ſonne of Joaſh.
Jubg.6.11. Che Angelappeareth onto bim. Tuvg.o.
13. De deſttuſteth bis might that beis not able to pee
liner Iſtael. Judg.6.14. De deftroperh Baals altar.
Judg.6.28. He is called Jexubbaal. Judg.6.32. He
offceth factifice bonto God, which being confurmed wip
fre from besuen , bee was aſſured that he ſeut him te
Deliner Jleael.Quvg.6.21: Pis faith in Goons promie
confirmed by the experiment ef a fleece of wool. June,
6.37." He with bis feruant geeth to the campe of the
Bivianites, where, about mivnight, he beard one in-
terpzete a dꝛeame that Ged woum Beliner the armig
of the (DeBianites into bis band. Indg · 7.9, to 15.
Gideon with thgee hundzed men ouercommerh the
huge hoſte of the Medianites. Judg.7.15.* De would
not gouerne Iſtael, bur fait, The Lod honlo. Judg.
8.22,23. De complameth bite Gav fog the affliction
of Iſrael. Judg.6.13.
Gideon. afrapd baning kene the Angels faer, ig
comfozted af God. Judg.6.22,22.
Gideons courteous anfwere to p Ephzaimites.lscke
Ephraim. He bath 70. fonnes bp diners women. Judg.
8.30. all Haine bp Abimelech their brother, deſcended
of a cocubine.Judg.9.5 Mis bꝛethꝛen fain bp Jebah €
Falmunna.Jutgs 18,19. The pecple gine him theit
golden caterings. Wadg.8.24,to 29.1 flaiery ý kings
of rhe Midianites, Zeba and Salmunna Jungi. 21,
In the time of Gideon, Fltael without warte the
fpace of fozrie peeres. Judg 8. 28. Heig commendes,
Heb.11.32. Dis death. Judg 8.32.
Gideoni,;zdem. JQUM, 1$ k
Gidor. a wall, o} hedges, 1. Chꝛ. 8. 31.
Gihon.a bre/t,op valley of grace. a tiuet. Gen, 2,13.
and 2.€ hz. 32.30.
Gilalai. a wheele,o2 marble. Fiche. 1 2.26.
Gilboa.a rewoluing. 03 fearching owt. A mount. r,
Sam. 28.4.anw.z 1.1,8.1. Chro. 10 4.2, 58M. 1.6.
Gilead countrep, city, and mount fo called, Tooke
Galeed. Gen 31.24 Rumiz 2.5. . Chꝛo. 6. 80. Dente
3:10.13 Pohu 3.17,25,32. Plal 60.7. Judg. ro. a.
Alfo the name of Machirs fenne ; of whom came the
Gileadites. Mum. 26.29. Judg. 10.3. :
Gilgal. 2 wheele, ep retsolution.. A citie by Foran;
tobere the Iſtaelites pitched twelue Rones on end, in
Gane of their palling theough Jorden dryſhed. Folh.4,
19,20, In this place the Iſtaelites were circumcifen,
Joh.5. rto r5. Sauls kingdome renewed in Gilgal.
1.Bam.1 1.14, 15. From Gilgal Joſhua went to deli⸗
o caa blue saa
| Golan
Hai Ai
Hay Ay
Giloh. 4 reioycing, oža difcouersng.a citie. Joſh. 15.
g . 2. Sam. 15. 12. The citizens callen Gilonites, ag
Ahithophel. 2. Sam. a 5. 12.
Ginath, a gardes. ing 6. 21382.
Ginnetho. dem. MNehe. 12. 4.
Ginnethon. sdem.INehe. 1026.
Gimzo. that bulrufhs a citie. 2 Cheo.28.18.
Girgathi. drawing neere to pilgrimage konne of Ca, 16. Dt him came tye Grigathites Sen.
85.2 1.Jooke Girgafhites.
Girzites. an Axe: a people. 1.Sam.27.8.
Gilpa. comming hither. Mebe.v0.2".
* Gittah-hepher, digging a wanepreſſe. Joſh. 19. 1 3.
Gittain,a winepreffe.a citp.ꝛ.Sam.a.ʒ Ne. 1 1.33.
Gittite.winepre/fes. The citizens of Gaty fo calet.
1.0 h20.1 3.13.80 2. ait.21,19.
Gizonite. fhawing. 1.C 20.11.34.
@Gnidonor Yet Wac.15.23.Byp it Paul
failed going to Rome. Act.27.7-there called Gnidem.
Goath. hu touching op hi roaring. Wcte.31.39.
; Gob. Grafhoppers. a citp callen nilo Gezer. 2. am,
21.18, 19.
Gog. aroofe of an houfe. Donne te Shemaiah. r
Ch: 5.4. Allo a peoples C3ek.38.2. * and 39,1,t0 17.
Golan. a pa/ing over. a city. Deut-4.43. Jolh.20.8-
Golgotha. Matth.27.33. Mar.i 5.22. Ijoh. 19.17.
calicd Taluarie. Luke 23.33.
i Goliath.a captuaity, o pa/fing ouer.a giant of whole
fature and defflance , lookex.ami.17 4,t012. ares
wWard to him that ould bill him. -Sain.17.25. Das
Wid cutteth off his bean, and baingech it to Jeruſalem.
1.9am.17- 51,54-Gcclus.47.4. De taketh Goliaths
fmo of Ahimelech the pzieft. 1.Sam.21.9.
Goliath the Gittite ip Laine bp Elvanah. 2.Sam.
21.19. 9 £ a conſumer, oꝛ wanting. The onne
apbeth. Gene, 10.3, 3ek.38.6. Tio ameafire,
looke Homer, ann Omer. Allo the Daughter of Diblaim
wife to Polea the Wzophet.Wofx. 3.
Gomorah. a rebellious people. Due of the fue cities
Beltroyeu with bzimone ¢ fire from heauen.
24.cead.@e.10,19.¢ £3.10.¢ 14.8,t0 13. locke Sodom.
_ Goren Atad. athormie corse floore. A place where
the Aſtaelites lamenten Jaakeb.Gen.5o.10. :
Gorgias. terrebleyo2 (wifi. 1.9Bac.3,38.anv 4,1,18,
aud 55 9. i P
Gohhen,adrawing necre. a patcel of Egppt. where
Iſt ael was appointed bp JHhataoh coawell. Gen. a5.
10,aND 46.28, 34.and 47-4.6. Allo a citie inthe tribe
Yuval. and 5.51,
Gozan,a fleece of woolt,o2 a paffing ouer. Ariuer, 2.
| Ring 17.6. 1.0305. 29.Al(oa city, 2. King 19.12.
Iſa.37.12. j
Grecia deceiuing.oz making fad: after the @reeke,
| Hebets Fauan. acountrer.¥ [a.66.19.£3e.
27.1 3.Act820.2. The people called Grecians. Actes .
6.1 Jooke Greeke in the fecond Cable.
Gudgodah. the happineffe of felicity. Deut. 10.7.
Guni. a garden og covering Maphtalis ſonne. Gen,
46.274. of bim came the Gunites-J2um.a 6.48.
Gur. a whelpe: acitp neere which Zeyu Aue Aha⸗
ziah King of Judah. 2.iking 9.27. 1J
Gur-baal.tbe whelpe ef the gouernour. a place where
the Arabians —— ——
Hani. a heaping vp together. a citp. Gen. 12.8, Joſh.
12.9. Ezra 2,28,
Baatheari. a ranner Alerg inne. 1. Chron. 4.6.
Habaiah.the hiding of the Lord. (37a 2.61.
Habakkuk a wreftler. a Pzophet Dabak. rr whom
The firſt Table.
He A’.
Gon appointed to carp Daniel food. Da.14.33,to 40.
Habakkuk in the perſon of the Faithfull doeth pites
ouflp complaine, that the wicked Did perſecute the tuk. t >!
Habazzaniah.a hiding of the fhield of the Lord. ghe
father of Jeremtah. Bere. 39.3.
Habel, vanity o? a.gapeng.{onne to Avam. A keeper
of theepe, whole offting was accepted ef Goo, whertoze
bis brerher Wain cnuping bim, lets him. Gen.4.4,8.
bis faith g righteouſneſſe Heb. aAc.a. The ſitſt martye,
-whofe blood cricth fog vẽge ance, Wat:23.35 lu r15 1.
The blood of Chꝛiſt {peakerh better things, then
that of Habel. Heb.12.24,
Habiah. sdem. ag Habaiah.ebe,7.63,
' Habor. a fellow, 02 partaker. a citie.ꝛ ings 17.6.
amd 18.11. and i1. Chꝛo.5. 26.
Hacaliah.wanting of the Lord, father ta ehemiah.
Ache. rr and v0.1
Hachilah, hope i that,oz a hooke in that.a pila. Qa.
23:19: ; i
Hachmoni. 4 wife man, 03 the waiting of a gifi. E
EH 11. 11. and 27. 32.
Hadad. soy, og retoycing. a king of Edom. Gene 36.
33, and 1.Chz. 1:46. Mlo Ilmaeſs fonne. 1.C 2.1.30,
called Hadar. Gene,2 5.15. Aifoone whom the Lod
railed bp againſt Salomon. 1 Wing. 1.14,t0 18.
Hadadezer, looke Adadezer,
Hadadrimmion, the voice of height, @ tome: Zech,
12. 11.
Hadalhah, sewes, oya moncth.a citie. om.r 5.37..
Hadaflah. a Myrtlettree, a name of Effer.€ 8.2.7,
Hadid, a reioycing,o? fharpe. debe. 1 1.34,
Hadlai, loytering oꝛ letting.,
Hadoram. their prai/e, Gent-10:27, 1,0 53.18:10.
Hagab. a grafhopper. Ezta 2.46.
Hagabah. idem. €3ta 2.45 Nehe.7.46.
Hagar.a ffracer chewing the cud,op fearing Harahs
banbmaid. Gen.16.1. who conceiving by Abram ve»
Cpilech ber miltrefie. Gene.16 4, Gov koꝛtelleth that
ber ſee de ſhould be multiplies. Gen. 16.10. She tsfent
sawap Ù per ſonne Iſmael Gene.2 1.14. Df ber came
the Hagavims, which were dreiuen ont of Piand bp the
Reubenites.1.€62.5.10 ME whom gof the Hagaritts,
looke moze. Gal.4.24,25.¢ Plal.s 3.6 ¢ 1.02.27. 31,
Hagedolim, one of the great men. Rehe. 1.14.
Haggai. plea fant o} turning ix a circle. A Pꝛophet.
Hagar. Che Temple reevified through the incon:
ragement of him and Zechariah. 3ta 5-1,2. 6.14.
De repzoueth the ewes foz being fo carefull for their
owne Hotifes.¢ fo negligent Foz the Lozd2.Dag.1.4.
Hag geri. iden ag Hagar. 1. h20.1 1.38.
Haggi. idem as Haggai, The fonne of Gav. Gert.
46.16. Of whom came the Haggites Mum.26.15.
Haggiah, the Lords feaft. Tye fonne of Sbimea. 1:
Chron. 6.30. eA ‘ )
Haccatan, /tle, Ezra 8.12.
Hakkoz,a thorne,the Summer, oz an end.IQeh.7.63.
and 3.4531. cold as yce,02 balde. 1.02.12 6.
Bakupa, a commandement of the mouth. &3ta RLE
Halah.a moft table.a place.1.€62.5.26, 2. kin.n 7.6.
- Halak. partea mount. Jo, 1r. r7:andir 27.
Balhul griefe, oꝛ the looking for of griefe Sol.r§ 5 8s
Halli. ficknesya beginning, oꝛ precious ſtone F001 9.25
Halicarnaflus, the chefe dwelling place by the fea
fide. 1. Mac 15.23.
Hallelu-iah, pray/eye the Lord.Reuet.e9.1.
Hallohe/h faving nothing, oꝛ an inchäter FAC.10 244
Halloeth: idera, Shallums father.Mehe. 3.12.
Ham. crafty,ozheate. fonne to Moah.Gen. 5:32. He
mocket} bis father being iia nach br the
Hacheliah .
Agarims . -
Agarite `
Halohes. -v
Hamital |
Hy] At RI
father of Cansen. Gin 9.18,22. His childzen Gero.
6. 1.Chr. 1.8. He ig curled of his father Gen· ↄ. 5,
Haman maksaz an vprore, preparing ,.oz troubling,
Sonne of Mammadarya, erated bp hing Apalhuereth
and honozed of all, but Moꝛdecai· CEE 2.4,2.5F op that
HP orwecal would not doe Him reverence, he getteth li- put all p Iewes ro death. Eſt. z.5. He is ham
ged bpon} gallowes which he had pzeparea foz Doge
Drea. C8.7.9,10.His.ten ſonnes hanged. Eſt.ↄ. 14.
Hamath.a1ger,heate,oz a wall. F citie. IUNDE 3.
22. The citizens called Hamathites, 1. Chꝛ. 1. 16.
Hamathi.dem,@oune to Canaan.
Hamathzobah, the anger, heate, o} the wall of an
armie.@ citie that Salomon otiercame. 2.€)2.8.3.
Hamdan.beate of iudgement. Gen. 36.26.
Hammelech.æ king,o2 counſeller Jer.38.6.
ae A NOL the law. F ather to Danan.
Efer 3.1.
Hammenoth.ofre&.1. £f.2.5 2.
Hammon.a heate,oz the [unne A citie. Joſh. 19. 28.
Hammoth -dor. indiguation,opheate of generativn A
titie. Joſh 21. 32. multitude, oꝛ his wprore- €3t.39.6.
Hamon-gog, the multitude of the roofe of an houſe.
Eze. 39. 11. j afea} dire. The father of Shechem. Ge.
33.19. Wee foz the loue of bis Lonne, perſwadeth bis
people ta ie circumciſed, to topne themielues in friẽ d⸗
Hip with Jaakob. Gen.34.20,t025. Dee demandeth
Dinah ef Jaakob to bee wife to his lenne. Gen. 34.8.
hee, pis ſonne, and ali rhe Sechemites Raine bp Bis
mem and Leni Gen 3425.*
Hanniel grace,oz the mercie of God. JQUM. 3 4.23,
Hamul godly oꝛ merczfall. Hen.46.12-DE him came
the Hamulites Qum.26.31.
Hamutal heate oj the dewe.2 FRin.2 3.3 1.€ 24°18.
Hanan. fall of grace, 1.0h2.3.23,38,anB 11.43.
Hannah, mercifall, 02 taking reft,o2z gracious. Ohe
wife of Elkanah..1.Sem.1.2. She obiaineth of Gon
afonne.1.Dam. 1.11,20. She went not vp to Shiloh
to wwozfip,ontill he vat weaned Samuel. a. Sam. r.
22.* She yadtozee ſonnes and ihzee Daughters after
Samuel.1,.amM.2.21. zA
Hanameel, the mercieof God. Jeremiahs vncles
Hananecl, grace fom God, opgrace of God. The
name of a roime. Mehe 3.1 and 12.39.
Hanani.giang.gracious,mercifull,or godly. The fas
thet of Jepu. Bim 6-1,7. Ailo a mang name.s.C hz.
Hananiah, the grace of the Lord,oz the mercie of the
Lord, Lettaine meng names. 1.0 2.3.19, 25.48 2.
Chꝛ.26.11. E8. 24. alfoa falle JOzopbet. Jere. 28.1.7
Hanes. banſhment of grace. A citie. Gla. 30.4.
Haniel. the gift of God. 1. Chꝛ.7. 39.
Hannathon. the gift of grace. A citie. Joſh 19.14.
Hanoch, dedicated, Doune to Reuben.Gen,46.9.
Df bim camethe Hanochites. Qum.26.5.
Hanum, mere:full, oz gining. FAehe.3.13,
Hanun. iden. Honne to Zaha king of the Immo
nites, Who dilpitefullp returned the meflengers of
Dauid, whom be fent tocomfozt him, which afterwarn
was teenged. 2,5am.10.2,3 4.°1,C02.19.2,3,455.
Happizzer. taking away,02 deftroying. 1.0 1.24.05
Hara. a hill oza fhewing forth 1. £35.26, Ther
tizens calien Hanarices, and Harites:2. SEM, 23.11, 1-
E h-11.343 5 os Gude
Harrabbith, vfurie. A cltie. Joh,19.20. $
„Harah. 2 wap o} wandering.o} [melling (weet. Ghe
ſonne of Ciiia..1. 6.7.33. - 5*
Harakkaim, the apothecarie. Mehe. .d.
The firſt Table.
Haram. high, 0 loftie. 16223 9. Cze. 27.23.
Haramah, throwex dawne: Ezta 2.26.
Haran. anzry,og being angry. Father of Lot. Gene.
11,27. He Dicd in Cc ot the Wathees.Gen.11.28.
Sif a citie where Terah Abꝛahams father vier.
Geni, 11.341,32. trom whence Abzaham Departed into
Canaan. Cene.12.4,5. where allo Laban Rebekabs
brother dwelt, pute whem Hee lent Jaakob. Gen. 27.
43. and 28.10. And is cailedD Charran. Acts 7.2.Ailo
Caichs onne bp Ephah. 1.2 h22.46,
Hauilah. griewng, ox (peaking to hum. A countrep.
Gene. 2.11. Alio the Counc of Cuſh, the lenne of Dam,
Hauran.a hole, hb-rty.oz whiteneffe, A citie of Dee-
maleus. 0532.47.16. ` :
Hauoth tair.townes of,
Hazael. [zeng God. He whom God commanded E⸗
liiah to ansint Wing ouer Spꝛia, that bee might takes
nengeance of Ifrael fog thett toolatry, 1.iking tAE S-
Dee aliah Elia whether his maker ss
Haran |
Ha) bona. defiruction, 02 bis [perd now. Efltt.t.10 Harbonat
and 7.9.
Harod. frare. a well, 3.ung.7.1. Harad
Haraphah. a medicine 03 the mouth of a mount. A Rephaim
Philiſtim, a father of Giants. 1.02. 20.4.* Dis foure Raphaim
tonnes Raine by Danid ¢ his feruants. 2. Sa,.24.22
Hareph. winter, reproch. 1. Chꝛon.2.5 1. |
Hareth. Léertie, A fogrelf, 1.2am. 22.5. |
Harim.deftreyed,oz dedicated to God. A Piet onto |
whom rhe third fot fell. 1.2 h2.24.8. l
Harhas. anger,ozthe heate of confidence. 2,181.22, |
14. 2. Chrꝛo. 24. 22.
Harhohiah, beate , og auger of the Lord. Ffathet to Harhaiah
Gis3iel. Mehem. 3.8.
Harhurwnade warme,oz the heat ofliberty. Eẽt. 2. 51
—— the anger of abull, opanger increaſing, : :
Harotheth. workeman/hin, 02 a wood, A citie where Harofith
Silera dwelt. Wudg.4.2.
Harha, idem. 3a 2.52. Harfa
Harum. high, 02 throwing downe. 1. Cha. 4. S-
Harumaph, deſtructisn Mehe. 3.10.
Haruphite.Naader, o} youth og in the Spaan tigue, Haraphites
fharpe. s.Qbz.12.5. i
Haruz.carefull. the father of Among motyer.2, Rin. Harus
Haſadiah. the mercie ofthe Lord, Che lonne of 3e: Hazadia
rubbabel. 1.H2.3-20. . Afadiah
Hazar⸗ ſhual. a wolfes boufe. A citie. 1.€)10.4.28.. Hafadia
Goh.15.28.and 19.3. Hazar-zual.
Hafenna. a bramble, oꝛ an encmie.t.€62.9.7- Afana
Hafhabiah. the efimation ofthe Lord,1.2.9,14. Aafabia +
Hathabniah.the filence ofthe Lord. 3 eb. Hafabnia <
Hathem. named,o} putting to, 1.02.11. 34 Haffem
Hafhmonah, the hafling of a gift. IMum.3 3.29,30 Hafmona
Haſhub efleemed oz numbred, 1. Chꝛ 9.54. Kaſub
Haſhubah. efiimation,o} thought. 1Chꝛ. 3-20. Haſubah
Hathum. Alence, oꝛ their hafling Ezta 2.19 Hafum
Hathupha, /pent,o2 made bare. Ezta 2.43. Nehem. Hafupha
7.46. ,
Haftah. wanting. 2.2.3 4-22. Haſta
Hatach. fimting. EREE 4 5. Nathach:
Hathath feare, 1. Che· 4 13.
Hatipha. zobberie. Ezta 2.54.
Patita, a bending of finne Ezta 242. Neh. a. 45.
Hatticon. madlobetween the middle oꝛ preparation, Thichon
Eze 47. 16. Hatichom
Hartil. an howling for finne. Eʒta 2.57.
Hattuth. far faking finne-E3zra 8.2. 1.06}.3:22. Hattus
Hauah kuing orgiuing Life. The wife of Anam. Ge- Heua
nel,3.20.and 4.2. looke-Henah, Henah:
a i EM
- Hoziel
fouls tecouer of bis ſickenes.ꝛ KRin.s.9. Elliha foꝛe ·
ſheweth bim thar euill be ſhould voe to Iſtael 2. Riu.
8. 12. He ſtrangleth Gen bavad his maſtet. ⁊ Rings
8.15 We diſcomfiteth the F ſraelites. 2.8in.10 32 Ke⸗
cetuing of Jebeah king of Judah a great fumme of
menep. be Departerh from Jerulalem 2.King. 12.18,
We taketh Gath, 2, ing. 1227. De afflicteth the I-
raelites 2. Rin.i 3. 3. He dieth ꝛ. BiN. 2. 24,
Hazaiah,!seke Hazarah.
Hazar mpriſoned, sꝛ haund. AI citie, Zoh.15.27. E⸗
zek.47. 16. aE?
Hazar-addar, an imprifoned generation, 02 fairenes,
Hazarah,/ceimg the Lord. Reh.1t 5. imprifined ,02 bound foothfaying,
JAumb. 34.9.
Hazar-maueth. @Gen.10,26.
Hazar-thual;looke Hazac-(hual.
Halarfufah. the bey ponch, 02 entrie ofan horfe. q
citie. Toth. 19.5.calied Hazar⸗ſuſim.. Chꝛ 4. z.
Hazelelponi. the fhadowe of the countenance. The
daughter of Etam 1.4 b2.4. 3.
Hazerim porches. Deut.2 23.
Hazeroth, palaces. Aum.: 1.35.
Hazezon-tainar. drawing neere bitterneſe place
where the Amozires Dwelled. Genel, e4.7.calied Haz-
zontamat.2.Q/ h}. 20.2,
Hazicl.sdem ag Hazael. x . Chr. 3. 9.
Hazo. eeing, oꝛ prophe fying. Gen. 2 2.22.
Hazor.hay. Joby. 11, 4.and 15.23, 25. and 19. 36.
Nehe. 11. 33.
q Heber. a companion, oꝛ partaher. Sonne to Be
tia).Gen.46,17. Ol him came the Heberites. Rumb.
26.45. /
Hebron. feHom/hip. a double cane in the tande of
Canaan wherein Sarab was buried, which caue A=
baham bought to burie tt. Gen. 3.18. and 23. 2,179.
reade moze Genel 35.27. Joſh 10.36,37-andr4 E5.
Alloa citie.Judg.1.10. Fath. 15.14,
Hege./iching,op peach. Eſter 2.3.
Relamithe armre of the mother.2.0m,10.16-
Helbah.milke, fat,02 griefe in that. Juvg-t.3%. | -
Helbonsdem, Fzek.27. 18.
Helcath.2 portion,o3 a diuiding. Joſh. i19. 25.
Helcias. the portion, oz gentleneffe of the Lord. Sua
wipe father. Dan.i 3.25. Allo the name of a man.i.
D..1. j
Heldai. the world oꝛruſtineſſe. Weng nameg.. Fh.
37.15. Jech. 6. 10.
Heleb.dem. 2. Sam.⁊ 3.29. and 1. C92 11.30.
Helek, a part, 02 portion. Joſh. 17.2.
Helem, dreaming, 93 wealing. 1. €027.35-
Heleph. a changemg, of paffing ouer: Joſh 19. 33.
Helez. arneed o fet free. Hens names. 2. Sam a 3.
26. |
Helias. tooke Eliiah.
Heliodorus. the gift of the funne, Trealuret te De-
leucus 2.99 ace.3.7.*
Helkah, æ part, nz portion. A citie. Joſh 21.31.
Helkai. idem Neh. 12215.
Helcath-hazzurim. the fild of frag men, 2.98.26
Helkiah. the centlene/fe,0z portion of the Lord, G+
liakims father, 2.ikin. 18:18.
Helon, z window, o} griefe. The Father of Eliab.
FQum.1.9. and 2.7,
Hemam. their trouble , 02 2 tumult, Lotans onne,
Gen 36.32.called Homam. 1. Hhp.1.39.
Heman. much, o mahiag an vprore. A wife many, 1.,
Kin 4 3t. Allo an ercelfent finger, whom
Dautd appointee ower thelingers that pertained to
the gouty of God.i . Chz/c. 33. and 25 i
The firſt Table.
Hematite. Au Imethyſt Rone, Erov.28.19.
Hemdani defire, o} heate of indgement. Gen. 36.26
Hena.a troubling, A citie. Iſa 37.13.
Henadad, grace of the beloued IReh. 3.18, 2 4.¥ 10,9
Henoch, taught, e} dedicate. Rains fonite,of mhont
the citp Henoch was lo called.Gen, 4 17. Ailo the fas
thet of Methuthelah.Ge.5.21. who walken with Gos
after be begate Methuſhelah 300.peeres.Gene.s.22.
Reade Cccirs.44.16,and 49,14.and Debt 1.5. Jude
14, TGif0.4.10, 11.
Hepher,a digger, 02 deluer. 1.0§2.4.6. Alfo the fae
ther ot Felophevad.Num.26.33.¢ 27.5. OE him came
the Hepherites. Num. a6. 32.
Hephzi-bah, my pleaſure, oꝛ delight in her. Bp this
name Chzifis Church gathered of Jewes and Gen
tiles is calien. Hla.62.4. Allo Banafleps mother. 2,
Hercules. Iunos glory. The money that fheulv hane
bene effered to Hercules, was ginen to the making of
Gallepes. 2.Wac.4.19,20.
Reres, the fonne oꝛ earthen pot. The name of a
mount in Giiafon where the Amozites dwelt snti the
family of Joſeph made them tributaries, Jubg.1.35.
Hereth, a carpenter. 1.)20.9.15.
Hermas. Mercurie} gaine. Due tajom JP aul grees
— 16. 14. gotten by Mercurie. A man who for
fooke Dail. 3. Rin, wi * DA
Hermon. dédjcated to God. A mountaine.Deut.3.9.
Hermonimadem.]p fal. 42.6.
Herode,the mount of pride. Sirnamed p Afcalonite,
02 Hérode the great. Dee cauled the innocents to bee
laine, Warh.2.1,16, From whole perlecution Chik
Ena Ana ^
Enoch ©
fledinto Egypt. Matt 2. 13, 14,1 5 Alforhis Herods: -
forine was Grnamed Antipas, Wyo was Tetratch of
Balile, Lu 3.1. Dis opinionof Chꝛiſt. Dart.14.1,2.
Mat 6.14.Lu.g.7. Pecelebzaterh his birthvap. War.
6.21.De bebeabed Yomi Baptilt Wat.14.10. War.s,
16. He maketh feiendihip with Pilate. 1.23.12. Pe
treuerenced John. Gar 6.20. CThꝛiſts anſwere to them
that tolt him , Herode would kuit him. Lu.i 3. 31,32
33. Chik calieeh hima Fore. Lu.13.32. Herod anv
his men of werre mocke Chik. Hu.2 3.11,
Alfo the fonne of Ariffobulus furnamed Agrippa,
{who few James, and put Peeter in pifon. Actes 126
1,2,3,4. Dis hogrible end. Acts 12 23.
Alfo the ſonne of thig Herode , {urnamed Agrippa
the ponger, befoze whom Paul preached and pleaded.
Gets 25.03." and 26.1.*
The Herodians fent bp the Phatiles to tempt Chꝛiſt.
Herodias. ides, Qriftobulus Daughter, whom He-
rode the Tetrarch married, being his bothers wife.
BD ateh.14. 3,4. and War.6.17,18.
Herodion, Tuzos fong, Rom.16,14.
‘Hethbon, a näher d? thouzht. A citp of Sibon king
of the Amozites Rum, 21.26. VAI 5.4. Were.49.3.
Hefhmon.a hafty me ſage. A citte. Joh. 15.27,
Hefton. the arrow of scy,02 dinifton ofa fong. Sonne
of Reuben, looke Hezzon Df him came P Hefronites.
Quim.26.6. Allo the fonne of Phatez, of thom came
another familp of Hefronites. Rum.26.21, Allo a citp
called Hazar. Yofh.: 5.25.
Heth; feare oz a/fonied. Canaans fonne.Bett.10.1¢.
and r. Ch 1.93. whoſe polteritic Rebekah forbinnerh
Jaakob to marry withall.Gen.27.46. anv 28, 1. DEF
him came the Hittites. Gen 23 3.
Hethlon, a houſe to be feared O32.47.15.and 48.1,
Heuah, looke Hauab. 2. Chz. 11. 3.
Hezekiah, looke Hitkiiah, A godly king of Judoh.
a, ings
Ezekias *
a i ili e TT
Afari Efri
e Heui
3. Ming.16.20.¢ 17.1. De bzeaketh downe the breſen
Berpent.2.King.18.4.We peeiderh buto Sancheriv.
2.dain.8 .73,to 17. Dee tendethte Ji the Pjopbet,
concerning Daneperib. 2.Bing.19.2. Flat, 37.2. Dee
obtaineth of God victezie again Sanebertb. a. kin.
19.2450, Gla. 37.15,t0 36. De recei·
ueth pꝛelents from the king of Babei. 2. Ring.20. 12.
andistepzoued thercfoze, and foz fhemwing bis amz
hafladours bis trealures. 9la.39.1,t0 8.
Hezekiah being ficke onto death, teceiueth a Ggne
of bis recouerie. 2. Ging. 20.1,to 12.¢ 2. Chꝛo. 32.24.
Jis.78:s,to 10.Mis praper. Hla. 38.10.* De reftozerh
all things which bis pzeDeceflezs hap taken out of the
Temple, and eſtabliſheth pure religion among bis
people.2,C h20n-29.2,3," Dis etheztation tothe Le»
uites.ꝛ Cho .29.5,totz. Che pafleeuer kept at His
commandement.2.-Chzon.30 rto r4. Dee prapeth fez
“the people which were not fanctified.2.€h2.30.18.
Hezekiah ogdeineth Peieſts anv Leuites to ſerue
in rhe Demple,and appoinreth fo: their maintenance.
2. Chr, 31. 2, 3,4. De exhozteth the pzople te put theit
truff in God.2.2hz.32.7,8. Dee bieth.2 King. 20.2 1.
and 2.62 33.33. Dee is peailed.2. Wing. 18. 2,t09.
2.€62.29.2.€ celus.48.17.*
Hezekiiah,zdems.the fonne of Netiah 1.@h2.3.23.
Hezir.a hog, oꝛ conuerted,t .£H2.24,15.IRE, 10.20, entrie, oꝛ hay.2.Qam, 23.3 5.
Hezron,as Hefron. Gen. 46.9, 12. Joſh. 15.3.
Hiddai.a praiſe, oꝛ a crie.2. Sa.23. 30.
Hiddekela [harpe voice.a riuer caked alſo Tigris,
which inutronerhBWeloporamia, whole chiete force bee
ginneth in the region of the greater Armenia. Gen. a.
14. Dam.i0.4.
Herapolis a holy, oꝛ facred citie.Col a.n 3.
Hiel-the Lord Laeth og the life of God. We that tee⸗
Diken Jericho.. Ling. 16.34.
Hilen, as Helon,lsoke Holon,
Hilkiah, the Lords gentlenefiz. Eliakims father. >.
Bin::8.:183. Iſa.2 2. 26. Allo mans name.jQep.1.21,
Allo a Pꝛieſt.a Kiugs 22.4. Alfo Jetemiahs father.
Jer.i.a. Alſo the lenne of Shallum.i .Chꝛ.6.i 3.
Hilkiiah idem a Pꝛieſt. Rep.12 7.
Hillel.praifing,o2 foolifhne fe. The Father of Abvon,
Judge of Firaet. Judg.i 2.13.
Himenzus.a wedding fong. Qn enemie bute Paul,¢
therefore bp Him deliuered onto Satan.1.Tims.20.
Hin.d meafuce of moiſi things. Cred.29.40. Ese.
Hirah.dibertée,o2 anger, Gen. 38.1.
Hiram. the height of life. a king of Tyzus that fent
Dauid timber and woꝛkemen foꝛ to build his boule.
2.Damtt.5.11.tohome allo Salomon vled to rhe buit
ping of rhe Temple.¢ 2.€h22 3.¢1.bin.
911,015, Allo a cunning wozkeman, who wzought
all Salomong woꝛke of bzafle.1 Kin. 7. 13.*
Hircanus.the pofe(for of a citie.a noble mans name:
Hittites broke aſunder, oꝛ aſtonying.a people deſcẽ
ped of hHeth.Gen.5. 20. looke Heth. Gos commandeth
them tobe beterlp deftroped. Denier. 20. 17. They bes
came tributaries onto Salomon.1 Kin.9.20,21.
Hii, Mung, 02 declarinz.the fonne of Lanaan.Ge.
10.17. bim came the Hinites.1,€ hz. 1.15 .thep are
faine bythe Iſtaelites. Jofh.11.19,20.a8 Ged com:
maneo. Deut:20:17. The remnant became tributas
ties 1. Kin.9. 20.
Hiæki rong, oꝛ apprebending i. Chꝛ 8. 17.
Hezkiah.. the ſtrength of the Lorde. Qeng nameg;
Ezra 2.16.52p9 1.1 |
~ Rizkiiahadem.Z mans name.Neh io.i .
The firk Table.
Allo the bing of Judah.. Kin 18. r. looke Hezekiah.
Hobab, be/oved, The fonne of Renel, father in law Obab
to Boles, whorefwkey te go with Boles into the land
of promile. JAum. 1: 0.29,30-looke moze Judges 1.16,
and4.12.ahd 1.Qam.15 6, Jere.35.3.
Hobah,a hiding. A place whither Abzam purlied Hoba
the foure Kings, which had taken Let prifoner. Gen.
1415, 16.
Hod. prai(e,oz confe(ion..€02.7.37.
Hodaiah.the praiſe of the Lord. i. Chꝛ· 3.24. Hodauia
Hodoniah idem. ĩ. Chꝛ.5.24. and 9.7. Hodania
Hodeſh. atable , enewes, Due ot Hhabaraims Hodes
wiues. . Chr.· 8.9.
Hodiah,the praiſe of the Lord. i. Chꝛon a. 9. Neh. Hodia
10.13. : Hodiiah
Hodiiah,sdem.jReh.5.9.anB 10.10, Hodia
Hoglah. plea/antne/fe,oz hss compaffing.Dne of Fe» Hagla
lophehads Daug hters.j2um.36.33.€ 27.5.6 36. 1 1.
Hisham, woe be to them. Bing ef Debzon. Joſh. o. 3.
Heolon,as Helon. © citie. Jofh.21.15, Jet.48.21. Helon
called Hilen.1.€h2.6.58.
Holmadam,God of their garment. Luke 3.28.called Elmodag
Amon 9Bat.1.10. -
Homam looke Hemam.
Homer. kinde of meature.L ctiit.27.16.€3e. 45. Gomer
11 ,called Omer. Exod. 16.32,33,36.
Hophni.a f/t,02 a ttle ff. Dune of the fons of Eli. Haphni
1.Sa. 1. 3. Who with his beother Phineas abuſed the Ophni
p2lefigood.1, Ham.2.12,to 18. Gen foꝛeſheweth their
Deaths.1.S4.2.34.a9 came to pefie.1.94-4.4,t0 12.
Hora hill oz fkewing a monat,FQU.20.22.¢ 33.38.
—— —— ra 6 — 10.3 ~ eA -
oreb.all alone, o} forſahen. A mountainecalled ale Chorebab
fo Sinai.¢ro.3.1. Deut. 1.2. whicher Elliab Rede :
from Jezebel. King.19.8.
—— offering dedicated to God. q citie. Joſhua
Hor-hagidead, the hill of felicitis A place Rumb. Horpadgad
3.3+3253 3°
Hori. aprince,chiefe,o2 fee borne. Lotans fenne,
Gene.76.22.1. Chon. 1.39. Allo Shaphats father.
Horites.sdem. preple.Gent.34.6.8nB 36,20,21.
Horims.praxces, oꝛ being angry. giants vhichElaus
poſtet itie chafen ftom mount Geit.Deut.2.12,22.
Hormah.dedicated,o3 confecrated. A titie. Rumb, Horme
1445 . and 21.3. JUDE. 3.17.
Horonaim. angers, oꝛ raging⸗ Qeitie ofthe Woa.
bites. Iſa.i 5.5.
Horonite.anger. Meh.2.10, 19.
Hofa,tru/ting oꝛ hauing [ure cofidence.1,€6,16.38 Hotha
@ 26.10, 11.allo a cite. 3o. 19.29% 1.062.26,16.. Holah
Hofanna. Saue Tpray thee,oz keepe,oz preserue I bez Hozah
feech thee,ozgiue ſaluation. TP{al.118:3 5. Chis pray» Holiah-ne
et the people applied to Chriſt, at vis laſt entrie into
Jerulaten. AW at.21.9.QBar.11,9,10. i
Hofea,looke Hofhea. A JDzophet. Wol 1.1, Bpta- Olke
king a twife of foznications , hee heweth the people of
Iſrael their olatry.Dols.2.
Hofhaiah.the faluation of the Lord. Jezaniahs Fas Ofials
ther. Jer.42.1.alfo a mang name, Ger.13.32. Hofhaaiala
Hofhama,heard, 03 be obeying. 1. E02 3,18. Hofaiak
Hothea faluation, oꝛ a fauiour The fonne of Mün. Hsſama
Deu.32.44 looke Jofhua.Aifo a king whe Newe Pe⸗ Toſkua
kah fonne to Remaliah traiterouflp, ¢ teigned in bis Hofea
fiean. 2. Rings 15.30. and craning apbe of So king
of Egypt, was impꝛiſoned, anb his kingvome tranf-
pozten to the Aſſyꝛtans.ꝛ. Ring. 7.3.4.
Hotham.a ſeale. The fonne of Deber. 1.€b20.7.38
Hothir. excelling, opremaining. The onne of Her
mais. Chz.· 5.4. ⸗
% Hoziel,
H WV 32
Hoziel feeing God. 1.3.2 3.9,
Hukok aa enzraucr,a ſtribe, oꝛ lawyer.Q citie. 1.
Hul, forow,in firmsitie,oy fand. The ſonne of Aram.
Gen. . 23.
Huldah.the world circle of the worla, oꝛ weſt a pros
ꝓhetefſe, wife of Shallum s.kin.22.1 4, to whom king
Ioliah ſent foz counfell.2.Ch234.21,1939.
Hupham.their chamber o? banke. Beuiamins on,
of whom came the Huphamites. JQumb.26.39. called
Huppim. Gen 46 21.1. Chꝛ.7. 12, 150.
Huppah,a chamber couer oꝛ banke. 1-038. 24.1 3.
Huppim, a chamber, couered, 03 the fea hore. looke
Hur, abertie oꝛ prince of whitene fe Judahs fonne.
1.0 b3-4.1.called Onan. Gen.38 4 and 40.1 2. and 1.
Ghz0.2.3. Aifegepheatahs eldeſt tonne. «.Chz-2.19,
20, and 4.4. vohs with Aaron Raped vp the bandes of
Poles butt Amalek was diſcomfited.Exo. 17. 12. and
31. 1. Moles in his ablence committed matters to he
Decided bp Aaron and bim. Exed. 4. 12. Alfo one of
the a of Wivian whom the Jiractites flew. Nu.
I ° .
Huram, their Gbertie,their whitene fe,02 their holes,
The ſonne of Bela.i. Chꝛ 3.5. looke Hiram.
Huri.being angry ibertze,whatene fe az a hole. The
ſonne of Abthatl. 1, Ch2.5.14.
Huhhah ha/fing,03 bolding peace, The ſonne of Ez⸗
er. 1 Ci? 4o4e
Hu thai a meaning, o hafting.a friend of Daults. 2.
$a.15.32.* De contounveth cye countel of Shireptel.
2 Sam.17.5,t015 De fenserhte Dauid te Hew him
what was done therein. 2. Harw.17.15,to 23, De dea
teth Dania tidings of Abſaloms death.2.Qa.13. 21.
Ailo che father of Baanah.s. Rin. 4.56.
Huſham. their ha/ting , 02 their filence. The thiro
king that reignen in Sdom, Gen. 36.34.1. Lhz-1-45.
Hufhathite, hafing,belding peace, o} fenfualitze A
kiured deſcended of Hufhah.: .Chz0tt.4.4, and 27-5 £,
jRum. 26,20.
Huthim. dem. Dang ſonne. Gen. 46.2 3. Allo one of
the wines of Shaharaim 1.2628 .8.
Huzoth.freetes oz populous. Num.22. 39.
Huzzab.@ Queene of the Allyꝛians. Mah 2.7.
Hydafpes.the knowledge of a fheep,o3 knowledge of
change. A riuer Judeth x. $
laakob. a ſapplanter, 02 deceimer, the heele, 03 the
footftep. The ſonne of B3hak. Gen.25.26. Dis natiui⸗
tie. Gett.25.26.0 plaine men. Hen. 25.27.De buprtp
fang birthzight foz rev pottage. Gen.25.33.* Dee 5
fealeth from Elau bis ble Mug bp bis mothers (abril
tie. Gen.27. 18, Deris bleſſed of Izhak. Gene 27. 28.
Elau interpzet eth his name. Genel. 27.36. Rebekah
willeth him to flee to Daran. Ben. 27.43. T3bak koze ·
telleth bow great a people Mould come of him. Gene.
38.3,4.D¢ goeth to Daren.Ge.23 10. Wis dze ame of
a lander. Gen.28. 12. Riffing Rabel, he wepr.Ge.29.
11.Hee fered feuen peeres fo: ber. Gin, 29. 18,20.
The peeres ended, hee alkecly pis wifeof Laban, and
Leah is giuen vnto him. Ger.29.21,to 27. He ſerueth
other ſeuen peeresfoz her. Gen, 29.27, 28. Dee loueth
ber moze then Leah. Gen.29.30, Dee telleth Laban
what bis wages fhall bee. Genel, 30.3 2.Dee came but
with a faffe to Laban.Gen.32,10. but after became
berte rich. Dene.30.43. Labans onnes murmure as
gaing bim.Gen.33.1.He fleeth bp Gong commandes
ment from Waban, and is purlued. Gen.31.13,t0 24.
Labasiocommaunded ef God not tolpeake ought
faue good vnto Laakob. Gen, 31.24. Being tworoth he
ebin with Laban. Gen, 31. 36,t0 42, Dee erectery a
The firft Table.
pillar as a conenant ber weene bim and Laban.Gen.
31.44,45. De offereth iacrifice onto God vpon mount
Gilead. Gen. 31.54. Going tozth ov bis tourney bee
is met bp Angels. Gen. 32.1. i
Iaakob fendery meſſengers befoze to pacifie hig bzo⸗
ther Eſau.Gen.3 3.3, 45. We is afraid of Clau.Gen.
32.7. Dig prayer fo? deliuerance out of Banger.Gen.
32.9:t0 1 3. Meſtling with the Angel be preuailed, to
the ent hee might vnderſtand, that he Moula afwage
his bzothers wzati. Gen. 32. 24,25,
Taakob is called Iſtael, and tabp.Gene-3 3.28. anv
35. 10. He crecteta an altar vnto the Lord at Shecle.
Hett.32.20. He repzouerh his childzen toz Raping the
Shechemites Gene.34-30. He commanserh his fa:
milie to put ateap the Grange gods. Genel, 35.2. Goa
peomilech bim great poſteritie Gen. 35.11. Dee buile
Beth an altar at Geth-el.Gen 35. 1,14,15. Wee coms
meth te Izhek onto Hebzon. Gene. 35,27, Dis chile
Been, Gen 35. 23,t0 27.and 46.2,to28.and ELOD.
2,10 6, 2
Iaakob dwelt inthe land of Canaan, Genel 37.1.
He rebuketh Jolepy foz bis dzeames befo gis bze-
thzen, but noreth them fecretip.Gen. 37. 10,11. De
fendeth bisten chitozen into Egypt foz cogne. Gene,
42,1,2,3.Deretopceth char pe (youl tee Joſe ph. Ge.
45.28. God comfoztech bim. Gen.46.2.
Iaakob and his familp gorto into Egppt. Gen. 4 6.
6,7.Acts 7.14 De 18 alkes of Phataoh his age. Gen.
47.8, We deGireth to be buried with bis fatbers. Ben.
47.30. Beng cke pe calleth to minde Gods promis
ſes, and blefleth Solephs childzen. Gen. 48. 15 to 21.
Dee fozetelleth the Aſtaelites deliuetance out of Ee
gypt,@en. 48,21.
Jaakob bleſſeth bis chilazen, and koreſheweth them
things te *He being 147.peere olde,
Died. Gen. 47.38.and 49.33. Wag buried in Canaan,
Hen.¢9.29,t0 32.and 50.1,t0 14. is praifer. Ecclus.
44-23,24. WBefoze is bitth Gov loued him Rem, 9.
13. His faith. Debr s.r.
Dur tection by the anelp free grace of Gor confire
med by Geos chuſing Iaakob,¢ refulirg Eſau. Rom,
9 14,13. ala 1.2,3, and that allo we ought to crunk
in eD onelp.Wole.12.1.% i
Taakobah :dem 1.0 %2.4.36. Laakoba
Jaakan tribislateon,labor, 0; violent!y taking away lakan
pole fio. s Ebr 1.24. Deut. 10.6. lacan
laala, afcerding.a little Doe, o little goate-FRele.7. Tahala
58. G3ra2 56, * laalah
Iaalam hid, oꝛ beire, 02 little goate Gen.36.5. ~~ Jalam
Iaani. anſweringaſſlicting, o making pocreri. Cha. Lanai
FaareNiah. a little bed, the bed of the Lorde ,ozthe Yarefiah
Lord hath taken away powerty.1 Ihz 8.27. Jerfia
laafau doing, o} my doer. (E328 10.37. laſi
Taaliel Gods work,or the doings of God.t.che1t.47 Iaſiel
Taazaniah, the nourcfhment of the Lord, or the wea- Jezanig
pons ofthe Lord. Jexemiahs ſonne. Jete 35.3. Allo the
[enne of 23ur. Eze. rwi.1.
Taazer. a he/per.o2 aider, Q citie. SRumb.21.32.1, laezer
Cb2.6.8 1. Gla. 15.8. lazer
Faaziiah.the Prength ofthe Lerd,1,.€ 63.24.26. Taazia
Taaziel the frength of God.1. 2215.18. Taziel
labal. falling away, or bringing , or Lu:lding, 02 & Tobel
cheeke. Lamechs ſonne bp Avah : father of fuchag Jabel
Biwell in tents, and fuch as haue cattel.@en.4.20.
Tabbok. amaking empty, a [catering , 02 a wreſt · Iaboe
ling. A foo2d.@en.32.22.Deu.2.37.
Iabefh. drought o confufion. The farher of Shallũ. labbes
2Ring 15.10. Ok him the citie Jabeth- gilead teoke
name. Judg.21.8. The inhabitants
twere (mitten, and WHP. Judg. 21. 10, 400. —
ad =
_ Tebneel
- Iafiel
- Tahiel
© Tamai
1 Jemi
` lafa Iaza
_ - laeirus
. lambrah
Yabeth-gilead refered to giue bonto the Beniamites
to wife. Judges 21.12,
` labez, fadnc{fz,forow,oz griefe The name of a city,
and of a matt. 1.062-2.55. and 4.10
labin.under/?zding,og building. king of Wazo, who
Joſhua flew. Jolh.r1.1,10.Anotper of Hazoz, ok f foz.
met Iabins Image, who oppzelled the Hfrackres twen:
tp pereg Judag.4.2,3.flaine bp Barak. Pudg.¢.2 3,24
Tabneel. Gods building, o} underfanding. u citie of
Judah. Joſh 15.11. AND 19.33.
Tabneh.bur/dingo2 vnder/tanding.a citp.2.0b.26.6.
lacan. wearing out, 02 preffing. 1.092.513.
Iachin preparing, o} ability, Che tonne of Simeon
Gen, 46.10, oftwhom came the lachinites.jQu. 26.12
Aito a Dzie, 1,0. 9.10 Allo one of the pillars which
Salom placed in the pozch cf the temple.s.bit.7,21
Iada knowing. 1.Q92.2,28.
Tadau. fa hand, of his confiffion. Ezra 10,43.
Iadiah. knowin, the Lord. Ezta 2.36.¢ Ie}-7.39.
Taddua, kuowen, Nehe 12,11.
Tael. 2 litle Doe, oꝛ Goate, o} afcending. The wife of
Heder, who lew Silera. Judg 4 22.
lagar. a husbandman,o} firanzer, 02 fearing, 02 ga-
thering together a city of Judah. To, 5.21,
Iah. the ewerlafting. A name of God. Blat. 68.4.
Tahallel. pra:fing God, oꝛ the cleareneſſe, og ight of
God. The father of Siph, 1.Lb3.4.16.
Tahath. brokev in pecees,02 fearing oz in the Sprian
tongue, de/Cending. The (anne of Werfhom. 1. Ch.6.
20,43. Allo Benaiahs ſonne.c. Chz. 4. 2. Allo an ouer-
{eer of the wezke of the Temple. 2. Che. 3412.
Tahaz. brawling, 02 firife. a piace where Sihon bp
toe Wlaclites was difcomfted. Deut.2.32.
lahazah fCoulding oz contention,og the ende of the
Lord. a citp. Joh 13.18. and 23.36,
Tahaziah, the vifion of the Lord. €3ta 10.15.
Tahaziel. God haftethso2 diuideth. Sonne · oc Qaph⸗
tali.Gen.g6.24. and 1, £h2-7.13. of whome came the
Tahzeelites, Mum 26.48.
Tahaziel. teing God. The name of certaine men.i.
Oh2.56.6, and 23.19.and 24.23. Ezra 8 5. *
Tahdiel. Gods vanity, Gods ioy,03 Gods fharpneffe,o2
after the Spzian g Pebzue, Gods renceinz.1.Qh.5 24
Iahdo. I alone,oz I one,02 his toy, 02 his [oarpue fz of
wat, oz in the Spzian tongue, hu newaefe.che tonne of
Buz. 1.0 2.5.94.
Iahehel. waiting for God, oꝛ befeeching God,o h’ pe
in God oꝛ beginning in God Sonne of Zebulun Gen.
46.14- DF whom tame the Iahleelites jQum.26. 26.
Iahmai. warme,o making warme, The loune of Co⸗
la- 1 .@2.7.2,
Iahoz. idem a9 Tahaz, JQum.21.23,
lahzah. a citie. 1.€62.6.78,
Iahziel. fooke lahaziel. and 1,@2.7.1 3.
lair. sLlaminated, 02 lightned, a riuer, the running
water of the river. Sonne of Segub. i. Thr 2.22 Alio
the foune of 23 anafieh. Deut. 3.14. Qumb.32.40.0f
whom came the larites. 2.Sam,20.26. Gifoa Junge
in Iſrael. Juvges 10.3.
Tairus, Iair.a ruler ef the Synagogue War,
5.22. whole Daughter Chik railed from death. Wat.
9.18, 19,2 3924525. Dark. 5.35.% Luke §.41.42,49.*
lakim, rifing,o¢ confirming,o2 eftabhs(bing.1,.C)3.8
19, and 24.12.
Iglon. tarying, 02 murmuring. 1.0624 17.
ambri. rebellious, o} waxing better, o} changing.
1. Mac.9. 36, 37.
lambres. a rebell, bitter, oꝛ changing, and after the
Debzew, the fta with pouertie er waat. We that with
Jannes withſtood Woles.2. Tim, 3.8. r00.7.11,52,
22, AND 8.7,18,¢9. )
The firft
ee a See
Table. I-A
lames, a fupplanter opmaintainer. Bonne of ʒebe⸗
Deus, who with pis brother John was callen from bes
ing Gfjermen, to be Apoſtles. Watth.4.21,22, € 10,3.
Wat. .19,20, Luk. 5. 10, 1 1. and 6 14. Chꝛilt calleih
them doanerges. Darke 3.17. Thep were with Chit
manp times, Watih.26, 37. Mar. .29. 5. 370 9.2.8
13. 3. 8RD 14.33. Lake 9.28. Thep delre a requet
of bim. War. 10.35. and Chꝛiſt rebuketh them, g whp
Lu 9.54,55,56 Lames faw Cheiſt after bis refurrece
tion. 1.2 02.15.5,7. He was put to death by Herode.
Actes 12.2,Gilo the name of the ſonne of Aipheus an
other Apoſtle. Watt.10.2. War.3.18. Luke 6.15. He
tote a general Epiſtle buto the Jewes.Jam.1.1.¢¢.
and wag ſeperintendent of the Church of Jeruſalem.
Actes 15.13, to 22- and 21.18.
lamim recht hand, 03 Southwind. Simeons fonne.
Gen.46. 10. Ol him ceme the laminites, Rum 26.12
Allo other mens names. 1.2 b20.2.27. and Nehe.8.7.
lamlech.resgning,og after the Spaian (peech, askang
counfell. &.Cd20N.4.34-
Iamnites bwslding,03 under ftanding,citizés of Iam-
nia. 3.99 ac.12.8,9,40, anB 1.QDae.10.69.8nB 15.40.
Tamuel. God a hu day, o} the fta of God. Sonne of
Simeon. Gen.46. 10. Exov.6.15.
lanna, anfwering beginning to foeake,affiscted hi.
bled, op poore. The tather of Meledi. Luke 3.24.
Tannes idem. Due of Pharaohe enchanters.tooke
Iambres. ~
Ianonah. refling, tarying, eꝛ deriving. a citit of E⸗
phzaim. Joh, 16.6,
Tanum. fleeping. a citie. Jolhuas 5.53.
Taphethenlarged,oz fæure oꝛ per/wading,02 enticing
fonnie of JRoah. Gen. 5.32. We is bleflen of hig father.
Ge 9.27. His chilazen.Be.10.2,to 6.4 1.Ch3.8.5,6,7
Laphia. making fte, appearing, o} lightning. Sonne
of Dauid. 2. Ham.5.15. and 1. Theo. 3.7. Ald a mang
name. Joſhua ro. 3. Allo a citie. Joſhua 9.12.
Iaphlet. deluerod, oꝛ banifhed. 1. Ehꝛo 7. 32.
Taphleti. dem. Joſh. 16. 3.
lapho. faire neſſe oꝛ comlinefe. The name of both a
havens citp, Joſh 19.46. € 2. Chꝛ. 2. 1 6.callen loppa,
Gc.10.5,8.4 11.5. The Batbatlãs now call it Sappho.
Jarah.a wood, a hony combe; making bare , powring
eut ozwatching diligently. Bonne of Aha3.1.Ch.9.42
Iareb. areu-nger. Bing of Alihur. Dole 5.13.
Tared. looke Iered.
larephel. bealth of God,medicine of God, oꝛ6 od let~
ting loofe, a citie. Joſh.18.27.
Tarha.the moone, o} tableg a fweet [melt Ch. 2. 34
Iarib. fighting , chiding, multiplying , or auencing.
sae of Simeon. 1.Ch24.24. Alioa Pzielt. Ezra
Iarmuth, fearing death oz ſeeing death, oꝛ throm ing
downe of death.a citie ouer the whieh Piram was
king. Joſh. 10. 3. looke Joſh 15.35. and 21. 29
Iaſhen. ancient, oꝛ ſecping. 2.4m.23.32.
Tather.rightcous. Joſh. 10.13. and-2.Sam- 0.18,
Tafhoheam. the people fitting the controuerfie of the
pesple, or the captinitie of the people. A valiant man
of Dauins. 1.2 2.01.117. ifo meng names. 1.2 hp.
52.6. and 27.3.
Iaſhub. a returning 4 a contraterfie »02 adwelling
place. The foune of Ilachar. 1.Lbh20.7.1. called Jod.
Gen.46. 13 DF whom came the lafhubites Mum.26
24. Alloa mang name. C3ra10.29,
Tathubi-ichem, 1.04 209.4.22. *
Tafon, healing. Che onne of Eleazar, + Oac.8.17
Allo the bꝛot her of Dnias who laboured tp vᷣnlawtuil
meanesto be bigh Patek. 2 Wac.4.7,8. De ſſew his
owne citizens and returned withihame tnio his coun-
ep 2-ABac.s 67, tors. Alloa Cpreniau, whole fue
> C3 ‘booked
eee *
S ]
Talubilehern |
| Tathaniel
f Jahniel
| Tonia
Taher À
I eblaam
- Jaddo
Addo leedo
| Barachish
bookes where abridged into one bolume. Mac 2. 23.
Allo be whole boule was aſlaulten, for phe bad receis
uen Paul gother bzethren into his boule. Ac.17.5, to 9.
— A pꝛecious fone. Eron.28.20. Rene. 3r. 19.
Iathniel, a giftof God. The fourth lonne of Wehe-
lemtah i. C hꝛo.26.2.
Tattir, e remnant, oz excellent A citie. Joſhua 15.48
and 21.14. and 1. Chꝛ. 6.57.
Ithri, Ithro, Ithron. idem.
Iauan, making fad. Donne of Japheth. Gen 0.2.
and 1.0 2.1.5. His Onnes. Gen. a0.4. and 1 Chz.t.7.
Aila Greece. Hla.66. 19.looke Grecia.
lazer. an aide,oz helper. Aland. Qum.32.1, 3. Zifo
a citie. Hunt. 32.35. Joſh.21. 39.
Taziel. the ſtrength of God, i. Cho 15 18.
Taziz.brightae feo in the Spꝛian tongue a depar-
ting. t. Cha.27. 31.
§ Ibhar. chofem. 2. Sam 5.15.
Ibleam.the ancient of the people, oꝛ the people de-
sreafing, opclipping them. A citp. Joſh. 17. 11.
Ibneah, lsoke lobamah.
Ibniiah, idem, The fonne of Reuel, 1. Lb2.9.8.
Ibri. paling ower, oꝛ being angry,0} being with yong,
1. Chꝛ 23.27.
Ibzan. the father of a target o? the target, 02 wea~
pons of a father,og the father of coldne ffe. A Junge of
Ifrael. Judges 12.7,8,9.
GIchabod.where us glorie, oꝛ no glory, oꝛ we unto glo-
ry, The name of Phineas ſonne. Sam.q. 21,2 2. Pꝛo⸗
ther to Ahiiah. 1. DAM 14.3.
` Iconium. comming. A citp of Cilicia, Actes 13.51.
where Paul preached, Actes14 r >
@ldolah. the band of flander, 03 an oth, oz curfing:
oz after the Debe wano Spzian , the hand of God. Q
citp. Jofh.19.15.
Ibdath flowing with hony, oꝛ the hand of de/truction
Iddo, hu hanq, his power , oꝛ hu confefion. Weng
names.i.Chz.6.2 1. and 27.2 1.{ooke leddo. Alſo a pao⸗
phet. Sech.r.1. kings 13.2., earthy,o3 bloody. people delcended
of Edom. s. Eſd.a.50. looke Edom.
@ learim. 2 leape, o} woods A mount. Joſhaa.i 5. 10
Teateiai, fearching out. 1. Chꝛ 6.21.
leberechiah. peaking well of the Lord,o2 bowing the
knee to the Lord, Zacharias father. Ifa. 8. 2.
` Iebus,a treading vader foot.ez tumbling, og rolling,
02 4 manger 3 Jerufalem fa called. Judges 19 10. Alfa
calien of Canaans forne , lebufi,that ts to fay, troden
under foote,tumbled, ox mangers. Yoth.18.16.
Tebufi.fonne to Canaan. Gen. 10.16, lebufi. Inhabitants of Jebus. Ge.
15.21. whom God commaunded the Ilractites to vee
Arop, Deut.20:17- Thep couto not strerlp deſtroy the
Jebuſites. Yok.15.63, Dauid promilerh preferment
dnto tholg that could finite them. Salomon
made them tributaries vnto him. 1. Ring? 9-20,a5.
Tecamiah.the reſurrectiõ of the Lord,o2 the cofirmatio
of the Lord, oꝛ the reuengement of the Lord. i,Ch. 3. 18
Tecoliah. the perfection of the Lord, 02 power of the
Lord. 2. kinigs 15.2. and 2.@62.26.3. ~
leconiah, ſability of the Lord. The tonne of Jeboia⸗
kim. 1. Chr. z. 160. called allo Jehoiachin. 2. king. 24.
6. wastaken priloner. 2. king? 24.12. accoꝛding tothe
piophecig. Jere.22.38." anv is called Coniab. Jer.37
1,2.tas exalted. 2. King.27. Jere 52.34." is calles
Mert. Luke 3.27.
Fedaiah.'the hand ofthe Lord , ox confeffing the Lord
t.06).4.37- Lord,the ioy ofthe Lord,oz afterthe Dee
Haus ¢ Dpgian,the renumg of the Lordit Ch. 24. 20.
The firſt Table.
Jediael, the ference of God, 03 knowledge of Ged. 1.
b2.26.2. ;
ledidah, delomed, Joſiahs mother. 2, Kings 22.2.
Tedidiah.beloued of the Lord, 02 louing to the Lord,
2, Sam.1 2,25.
Tedicl. the knowledge of God, 03 the unitie of God,op
ioy of God, 8} afier the Hebgew and Spzian, the
renewing of God. 1. L02-7.6.
Tediiah. the feare of the Lord, oꝛ vifion of the Lord,
1,2 2.26.31.
Jeduthun. eonfeffing his law, belonging to the law, 02
giung prafe,& mulician. 1.ۤ2.16.3%,42, and 9.16.
Teedo, a witne ffe decked , paffed ouer, oꝛ a prape. a ·
Chꝛ.9. 29. looke Iddo.
Jegar-fahadutha. inthe Spꝛian, the heape of wit-
nefe. Genel. 31-47.
lehaleel. prayſing God,o2the cleareneffe of God, 1.
2.4.16, and 2. Cho. 29. 12.
sehaziel. feeexg Ged,ogthe vifion of God.s Chæ. 12
4. 4nd 16.6.
Iehdeiah.together,only the Lord, oꝛ say : 02 after the
Webzeto and Gpeian, one Lord , 1. Chꝛ. 27. 30.
Tehel. God hath takë away ok beaping vp.063.8.1 3.
Tehezekel. the ſtrength of God, 1. 92.24.16.
Ichiah. the Lord neth. A porter for the Arke, 1,
Che. 15. 24.
Tehiel. God liuetſi, God hath taken away, 02 God
heaping up. 1.Ch2 15.1588. and 238. and 26,21,
Ichizkiah.the firength of the Lord , 0} the taking of
the Lerd. 2.8 03.28,12.
Tehoadah.the cogregati of theLord,the paffing ouer
of the Lord,the teftimony of the Lord,ogthe decking, og
pray of the Lord oz after theebzew ¢ Spzian,the ta⸗
king away of the Lord, Donne of Ahaz. 1. Chr.8. 36.
Jehoadan.the pleafure,o delights of theLord o} after
the Debre ¢ Syzian, the time ofthe Lord. other of
Amaziah king of Judah. 2. king.2.14. 2. Chꝛon. 2 5.1.
Iehoahas. the taking of poffeffion of the Lord, oz the
Lord feesng. Joſias fonne. 2.kin.2 3.30. 2. Ch? 36.1.
Depoled ¢ carried capriue into Capper, where be died!2 3,33. 2.£62.36.3. Discapriuitie was fore:
fhe beed. Eze. 19.4. We is callen Johanan.i. Chr.z. 15
Sifo the fonne of Jehu king of Iſtael.
for bid wickeneſſe Delivered into rhe handes of the
Spriansg. a.kings.13. 2,2, 3. and bp paper veliuercd.
2.£ings 137.4, to 9.
lehoath.the fire of theLord,o3 the offring of theLord
2.kin.11.2. tho became king of Judah. 2.kin. r1. 21.
@12,8. preferucd bp Jehoſheba from being deſtroyed
bp Athaliah. 2. king. i 3. 3. Dee is mate king bp Jeho-
iana. a.kings 11.4.* De cauſed the Giner of dedicated
things to be imploped tothe repairing of the Temple.
2.kin.12.2,t0 17.6 2. Chz2. 24. 2, to14. After the neath
of Jehoiada, he became an idolater. 2.0 62.24.17,28.
He cauletb Zechariah to be floned to neath foz repzo⸗
uing him. 2.2 bz0r.24.20,t0 23. De was faine bp his
owne (eritants.2.bin.12.20. 2.2026 24.25,26. De ig
called Simeon. .3.30. Allo Jehsahez lonne,a twie-
ken king of Pfrael. 2.kin.r3.10,11. Dee diſcemfited
thaee times Ben⸗hadad the ſoune of Hazael. 2, kings
13.25. De tooke Amaziah king of Indah, brake towne
the wall of Jerulalem, anv ſpopled the Tempie. 2.
Kliug.14.13314. De dieth. 2 king 14.16.
Iehohanan, the grace,mercie , 03 gift of the Lord.@
poster. 1.2 h20-26.3.
Iehoiachin, looke leconiah.
Iehoiada the knowledge of the Lord. An high prieft,
who mave a couenant with Jehoalhb king e his peo-
ple in the 10309 behalfe. 2-kin.13.17. looke Tehoath.
Ichoiakim the rifing,auenging,oz eftablifhing of the
Lord. Aname ginento Cliakin the lonne of Joſtah.
a kings
LY see! SI
a Ming.237.34. 42.00236, 4.1. Elo. 1.27. He rebels
led againſt SRebuchad-neszar, and ig taken pioner.
2. King. 24. 1to 7.2 Zbz. 36.6,7,8. a8 was pꝛopheli⸗
ed. fete. 22.18,19. Dan.. 1,2, Bere of him. Jetem.
36.1. He ts called Weichi. Luke 3.28.
Iehoiarib, the fighting, chiding, og multiplying of
the Lord.1 ©b2.9.10.
Ichonadab, looke lonadab. @ (ubtill man, who tas
friend to Amig. 2. Sa. 1 3.3,4,5. Allo $ fon of Rechab,
tebe toined with Tebu to deſtrox iolatrp. 2.Win. 10.15
Tehonathan.the gift ofthe Lord,og the gift of a doue.
Sonne of Cizstah.r. Chron. 27.25. Alio the foune of
Shimea. 1.20.20 7. Alfo Dauids oncle, aman of
countell and bnderanding..1.2h2.27.32.
Tehoram.the hezght of the Lord, oz throwing downe
ofthe Lord. Der of ehoſhaphat king of Yuna. king.
22.50,¢ 2.kin 8. 16,to 25.¢*% Allo Ahabs
fonne,a wicked king.a Ring. 3.152. toho thea tned to
cut off Eliſha bis bead.2Jkine.o.31. DEF bis warre,
and Aheziahs with Hazael kina of Gram. 2. King · 8.
25.*boty Raine bp Jehu.2. Rin.⸗ↄ 14,to 29.
Ichofhaphat. the Lord is the indge,o3 the sudgement
ofthe Lord, Sonne of Ala king of Jitda.i.king 15.24.
1.@ 2.3.10. Watth.1.8. Abertuens king. 2.Q 20.17.
3." Myo iopnend in affinitie with Abab. 2.2.28. Te
He ſeeketh counteil at the JBzophet of Hod.2. Chzon.
16.6. and taketh bis part.1.Ming.22 8. Dee enquireth
of Eliſha what ſhould happen vito hin. 2 kin. 3.12,to
20, Crping vnto the Lozde foz aive again bis ene⸗
mies,pe is beard. 2.0 2.18.34. De is repzoued bp the
Prophet Jehu foz helping wicked Ahab.2. Ehz 19. 2.
Dee erhorteth che tunges g minifters tovoe their due⸗
tie.*.O be Woabitese Ammonites wars
red againſt bim.2.€2.20.1. Dis pzaper.1. Chꝛ. 20.6.
De iopneth in frigothip to Ahaziah,a is repzoued foz ie
bp Elfeser.2,Lb2.20.75 ,36,37.De dieth.2.Chz.21.1.
` Ichofheba, lepke Iofhabeth.
Ichofhua. the Lord, o} fauzour,oz the Lords ſaluati-
on, Certaine meng names. 1,407.27 Pag.1.1.3ech.
3.1-looke Ieſus.
Iehomah. the Lord Dne of $ names of Gov. Ex.6. 3.
Tehouah-iireh.the Lord (ceth,oz will fee ozthe Lord
prowideth. Gen 22.14,
Tehouah: niffi.the Lord my banner. 40.17.15.
Iehouah-fhalom.the Lsrd of peace, Gudg.6, 24,
Tehozabad, hauing a dewrie,oz the Lords dowrie.
Certaine mens names. 2. King· 2. 2..1. Chz. 26 4.
Iehozadak.iuſt ù the Lord,ez the wffice of the Lord.
Wens names.
Iehu, He,02 be that 5,02} berg. A JProphet tho pro:
pheſied again Baafha. 1 Win.16. 1,2,3,4. Perebu-
keth king Jehofhaphat. 2. Chro. 19. 2. Alfo a captaine
too was anointed king of Iſrael bp Elifha,to deſtroy
the boule of Ahab. 2 Win.g.2,3,t0 11. 1. Rin.19.16,
17. He deſtropeth Toram and Ahesiav.2. Wing 7.14,
to 29. aud allo Jesebel.2.King.9.30.*% De ſlayeth the
7o.fonnes of Ahab. a. King· 10.7. and the 42-bzethaen
of Avasiah. 2. Bings 10.14. Seeming to lactifice to
Baal, be Hew all Baals priefis.2. Bin. 10. 18,t0 26.
De deffreped Gaal and his houle, anv cauled it to bee
made a iakes.2 ings 10.2627, 28. Gov appzoueth
Jehu His doings again the boufe of Ahad. 2. Bin. ro.
30. Dee walketh not inthe la of God with all his
beart. 2.Bing.10,31. Wee dieth. 2 Kings 10. 35. The
piomile which God mane vnto hiin.2, Kings ro. 30,
was accomplifhben.2. Bing. is. 12.
Ichubbah. az hiding 02 beloued +0} in the Spztan
(peach. nne, oꝛ binding. 1.097-34. ;
Tehucal mighty,perfect.or wafted. Jer 37. 3.
Ichud. prasfing og confefing. A citie of Dan. Joſh.
The firft Table.
iMate. 2 height,o2 fearing, og throwing forth wae
ters. 30a 10.33,
Ieremiah,looke Irmeiah. Qertaine meng nameg. 2.
Kin.23. z1.1. Chz. 5. 24. Alloa prophet:his Cocke and
when be propheſted. Jere. 1.1,2,3. Gad imboldenech
bim to preach. Jet.1 7. De ig ferzbidden to pray fo: the
Jewes Jer... 14. Deis perfecute. Jere. 18.1 8.and
20.2. Being mocked for preaching, bee complaineth
vnto God. Fere.20.7,%, Wee ig taken of Che Pzielkes,
ana accufen befoze the gaucrnours, be anltwereth that
he had declared nothing but the word of Hod. Jerem,
26.8,12. De fendeth bonds to certaine kings, and ave
moniſheth them te be ſubiert onto Mebuchad nezzar.
Sere.27.3. Hee is taken going into the land of Ben⸗
jamin, Jere. 37.12, 13. {mitten and put in pzifon Ter,
€ 3 37153
3715, 16. He id Deliuered bp Zedekiah Jer. 37. 17. He
ís cat into the dungeon. Per. 38.4,5,6. taken out a>
gaine. Jere.38. 10, 11, 12, 1 3kauotited of Mebuchad⸗
nezzat. Jere.39. 11, tz. haumg leaue to go whicher he
would. Jetem. 404. be dwelleth with the people whicg
were left in Jerulalem, vnder Gedaliay. Jete.40.6.
De admonicheth the teſidue of tye people not to go ines
te appt. jer.42. 14,15.*Pelamencecy king Jofeph,
2. Thz. 33 «25.
leriah. the fearing vifion throwing downe of the
Lord.1. 2.23.19
leribai. fighting chiding, or multiplying. 1.20.11,
? Tericho.the maone,moneth, oz his ſweet fmeH. © rich
ana faire citie of Beniamin, whither Joſhua fent
A (pied. Rum.22.1. Joſh.2.i. Chis people bauing ſeene
the (cles, were alteniſhed. Joſh.2. ax. God deliueteth
Tericho into the hannes of Hohua, and bow. Joſhu.s.
3.* The walles ihereot fell Downe by faith Johu. 6.
20 Heb. 11.30; Joſhua curſeth them that Houtt baita
it. Joſh.6.26. Jt is reedifted bp Hiel.i . Ruigs 16.34.
Elia dwelt in it.ꝛ. Kings 2.18.
Ieriel. the eare,oz vlon of God.t. Chꝛ. 7. 2-
derimoth dooke Iaramoth.
Ierioth pannes, hettels $} cauldrons, 02 howling out,
oꝛ breaking afunder. i. Chꝛ. 2.18.
Ieroah making a [weet ſnell, breathing the moone,
ozthe moneth 1.062.514.
leroboam. fighting again/?,chidinz,o2 increafing the
people. Sonne of Rebat Rings 126. who rebellen
again# Salomon. iing.11.27, Ten tribes promt:
fed bp the Praphet to be ginen bim-1 Win.1t.35.Dee
fleet} from Salomon into Eqvpe.s. Rin- 1.40. ter
his returne de with the people deficeth Reboboam to
eleaſe chenvof the ſeruitude mhich thep endured va⸗
Bet bis father.: Bin.s2.3,4.De builoed Sichem anv
o Denuel.c. Bing 12.25. Jot licking onto Gods pro⸗
Sx mife,be fet vp tee gotten calues in Betg-el and Dan,
cauſiug the people do commit tdolattic, r. kin, 12.26."
and a3 be was lacrificing vuto chent, was repzouen hy
the Wrophee Vodo. WIARE 3.152,3- Dis band whic)
heſtretched out acaink the Pꝛophet dzied upand re
ozen againe.c. Bing. 13-45-720 thieatning o2 ſgnes
could caule him leaue bis vickeDuctfe..1-Ting.1 3.3 3-
Foz money be made Pꝛieſts of the bie places.«. Wing.
13-33 Wee confituced prieks foz Beuits, reiecting the
JOzielis of the Loꝛo.ꝛ. Chron.i a 15. His wife is fent
tothe Pꝛophet, to knota if his fone Gould reconer of
his ficknefle.r iing.14.2, 3. Uato whom the velkruc-
tion of ber huſband and his boule is foꝛeſhewed, € the
maner of thewbilde death to be a figne thetof. 1, Bin.
14.5,to 17.Jeroboam dieth, and Nad ab his fonne fue:
ceedeth. e King. 4. 20. His houſe is defkroped bp Baa⸗
tha, accozding tothe woꝛd of the Logd, 1. Rin.15.25
26,27,t0 31.daeate Ecclus 47.23,24,25. Powe his
Erne id condemned, loske 1. Win. 16.19, 26.6 2. kin. 3-
3-€ 10.39. 13-2. 14.24€ 15.9% 07. 21. and 23.05.
Againſt leroboam,reave Amos 7.11.
p oboliam
oboam Alethe ſonne of Joaſh a wicked King of Iſael. 2.
Hing.13.12-€14.23. bp whom notwithſtanding the
Loꝛũ preferuca Iſtael faz his promile ſake.ꝛ. Kin 1 4
24,25,26,27. We dieth, and Zachariah bis ſonne fne
cesdeth· 2 · Kin. 4. 29.
horam Ieroam. bizhymerce/ukl,o2 after the Sprian,beloued.
ram Father of Eikanah.i.Som.i.i.i.Chꝛo 6.27 34. Allo
rhe father of Jbne-iah.1.Lhz 9.8.
ieronymus Jeronymus.a holy name. gouernout tobo with Ti
erome mothens,¢c.traublea the Jewes.ꝛ. Macc.i2. 2.
erobaal le:nbbaal, Let Baal auenge, onan idole ouercome.
. looke Gideon. -
aubelsth ILetu-beſheth idem. a. HAWAII, 3o
Thefirft Table.
Teruel. the feart of God, ozthe vifion of God, & tite
derneſſe.⁊. Ehro. 20.16.
leruſalem.the vifion of peace, oꝛ the perfect viſion, o
perfect feare. he head citie of Judah builded (ag Ly-
ranus on the 28.chapof Genelis witeth) bp Weilchts
ſedec, and called bp him Salem that ig, peaceable, bes
caufe be was Ring of peace and iuftice. Debz.7. 1, 3.
}Pfal.76,2.Deber thinke it was Arh builded bps ebufi
fonne of Laugan g called after hig mame. 16.
Joch.i8. 28. Euſcbius fapth itis callen Hieron Salo-
monis, that is, Salomons Temple, and afterward bp
coꝛruptiõ Hieruſalem Called alfo Solyma,Luza,Beth-
el, Hierus,¢ laff of ail, Helia, oʒ Ælia(layth Volateran)
of Helius Hadrianus g&mperour, bp wham it was ree
paired andenlarged. Sometime it conien of iwa
parts: the higher, withthe Temple placed on the top
of Sion, and calie of the butiner, the citie of auto,
the tower fopned to the Temple. 1. The. 11. 45,6.7, 8.
a iwas it compatle about lize miles and an palte.Eu-
lerufalem,calien Bethel and befoze Luz, wonne bp
the tribe of Guoah.Gucg.1.22,22,23. The Tempie
in Lezufalem chofen of Good foz an pabitation.r. kin.8..
13.72 Ch 6.1,2. Df the gates. Ezek. 48.31. Gov
thzeatnetd teit, andthe ingabitants, dellruction fog
contemning of his to02d,¢ preachers a. Bin 21. 12, 13
14,15.€ 23.27 Ezek 21. 2. Here. 19.3. The burning
of it ſigniſted bp a viſion. Ezek. 10 2. She biton of rez
Rozing of the citie and Temple. Ezek 40.1.2." The
feltcitte thereof paft andthe calamitie prefent Ezek.
19.10.* DEF the deſttuction of tt , andofthe women.
Jſa.z 2,17. After the neeuction of it, there Mould
ſcant be [eft ene man fo: bii. women. Ila.a.i.Signes⸗
in beauen ouer it.ꝛ. Macc 5.2. The captiuitie of tt Rə
guted. Ezek. 3-25. Godthzeatnerhto oeliver it inte.
the bandes of the king of Babplon. Ferem. 34,1. ank
that it Halbe burned. Jere.32.28,29. Ezek. 15.2. and
34.3.*.Jerufalem befleged bp Resin and Pekah. Gla.
7.1. The defkcuction of tt prophelicd. Fla. 22.2.6 29,
3. It ts taken and burnt bp the Caldeans. Jerem 5 2.
7.7 4.14. and 25.8,9, 2.02. 36.6,t0 19. accoz⸗
Ding as wag pzopheſted. Jerem. 34,2. TUbp it wag
boughs inte captiuitie. Jerem. 22.9.6900 ſheweth the
Pꝛophet the certatutie of lerufalems defruction. Es
ek. 33.27.” The ewes bewaile the sefiruction of
Ternfalem. JP fal.79.1.DF the vefruction and reevifps
ing thereof. Dan.9.25. Fechar.16.%¢ 12,2." Tho ins
habited there after the reevifping.jQebe.r1.1. Antios
chug mave newe lawes in Lerufalem , ferbidding the
keeping of Gods lawes. 1.Macc. 1.43." A complaint
efthe Church, vnder the figure of lerufalem. Baruch
4-19, lerufalem ig moonen to reiopce foz the returne of
her people „and onder thig fiqure the Church. Ba-
ruck. 5.1.* (he abominations of Ierufalem, notboith⸗
anding Bors bencfites. Ezek. 16.2, 3 *Shee cons
keſleth whp fhe is iuſtly puniſhed. Jere.r0 19." Thit
foreſhe weru bewe hee ſhould vie at Jerufalem. Luke
13.33. He rideth inte Ierufalem vpon an affe. Mattb.
21,1. Dee fazetelicth her deſtruction: che maner, and
wp. Watth.24. 16, Pee commaundeth his Apoſtles
not to Cepatt from Icrufalem, but to waite foz the bos
Ip Ghok which bee bad promiled them, Luke 24. 49.
Actes r. 4. Dee weepeth foz lerufalem. Luke 13.34.
and 19.41. Want preached at lerufalem.iRom.15.19.
Paul commauntved to goe out of lerufatem, and twbp.
Acts 22.18. Df the new Ieruſalem. Reuel 3.12. The
bolp leruſalem. Reuel 21.10.* The ecleftiall lerufa-
Jem, the mother of bs all, and the habitation of the
Elect. Gal.4.26.Deb.s1. rand r 2.23. Plal.122. 3.
Dla. 33.20.and $4.1.* and 65.19. 3.16.3. Cob. 3
46.* Baruch 5.2."
| Be et A
Again Ierufalem ¢ the inbabheantsd theresf, locke
moze. Plas EE. S.r ¢ 8.17 F 34.1." 65.12. Jet.4. 3.
E 7-354." 13.9." E1703 54. E 21. 4. F 2312.8 25.15
to 32.¢ 38. 18.¢ 39.5, tO 9. 30.4.1. *@ 5.1,* 22.26"
@ 23.2." Feph. 3. 1.Jerufalem was propbecicd ce be dee
firoped of the Romanes. Dan.9.26.3ech.14.1." Wat.
23:37. 24.15. Lube 13.3435: 19.43144. ¥ 20.16,
@21.6,24. 300.1 1.48. which came to valie,bp Titus
@ Ciefpattan the 41. peere after Chꝛiſts afcention, be:
ing from the incarnation of Chꝛiſt 73.peres,1ofephus,
Jerufalem put fozthe people inhabiting that citp.
Mat. 3.5. Ierufalem callen the citie of the great King.
Wat 5.35. andthe holy citx · Wat.4 5.end 27.53.
Terufcha. poffeffion, o} banishment, The mother of
Jotbam 2,bings. 15.33. and 2. Chꝛon.a7.1.
lefhaiah. the health , 0g ſaluation of the Lord. {he
Rame of certaine men. Ezra 8.7319. 1. Chꝛ. 3.21. G
25.3. and 26.25.
Ailo a Prophet. Nai. 1.1. he foꝛetelleth Mesekiabs
bictozy again Sanceberib 2. king · 19.6,7. be heweh
Hezekiah bis ſickeneſſe, and his tecouery.2.kin.20.1.
to ı 2. be reproerh Hezekiab, foz ſhewingthe ambaſ⸗
ſadors of the king ef Gabe! hrs trealures. 2. kings 20.
14, to 19. Iaiah fa the giogp of God. Fis. 6.1,
is fent tothe Jewes. Dle.6.8,9. Chit Banding bp to
reabe, bad the booke of Maizh delitiered pim. Luke 4.
16,17. Haiah is pꝛapſed. Ecclus.ab.23,24, 25, 26.
lefhebeab. the fitting, oꝛ captinitee of the father. 1,
Oho. 24.13.
lether. right, finging, hawing a regard, oꝛ ruling. 8,
Ieſhiſhai ancient, oʒ retoyceng exceeding ly. i1. Chꝛo.
Tefhmon. jQum.23.28.
lethohaiah, The Lord preffing , o2 the meditation of
God. . Chꝛo 4. 36.
Jefhua. a Sauiour.i. Chꝛo. 24. 11. l0oke Ieſus.
Ieſiah. a d:ffsHing from the head of the Lorde, 02a
Erinblang of the Lord. €3ra.10 25.
lefimiel.the naming of God, 02 aftoniedneffe of God.
x, ©h7.4.36.
Ieſſe. Wat. r.g. looke Iſhai.
Telus. 2 faniour,ozthe Lord a ſauiour, og the ſaluatiõ
of the Lord, The Weffias,t he fon of God, bo2ne of the
birgin Warie. Datt.r,20,21. Luke 1.31. Reuealed
banto the wile men. AWBat.2.1,2. Werods opinion of him.
MWat.14.1,3, War.6.14,16. Luke 9.7,8,9. be would
not baue bis Apoſtles reueale opentp that bee wag
Chit vntil our redemption was ful nied. Warr
30. War.8 27.4 9 9. Hu-9.21,36.the Centurion con-
feffeth lefus, ¢ thep allo that watched with bim. Wat.
27,54. to acknswledge bim, isthe gift of God. Wate.
16.17. the lawe was given bp Woles , but grace and
trueth came bp lefus CThꝛiſt. Jobu.r,17.lelus name ig
aboue enerp name. Pbil. 2.9,10,11. hee that confel=
feth tbat lefus is the fon of Goo , in him owellety Goo
And be in God. 1. Johu 4.15. to knota the father to be
the onclp perp God, 4 twhom he hath lent Ieſus Chꝛilt,
fs life eternall. Jobn 17.3. of leſus Chꝛiſt the whele
familp in heauen and earth ig named. Ephe.3.14.15.
Che telimonie of lefus is the {pirit of pꝛophecy. Reu.
39.10. wee ought toconfefle the Loz Iefus with our
month, and beleewe in heart, c. Rom. 0.9, 10. Looke
Chrift in the fecond Table,
Alſo the name of the fonne of Fosavak. Fech.3.1.*
Ecclu. 49.12. Ezra 3-3. Dag.y.1251 4.8 2. 3. leoke Ie-
hofhua and Iofhua. Wilo tye fon of Syrach the authoz
of Eccleſtaſticus. allo Woles fuccel
for. Actes 7.45. Ecclus 46.1. Looke lofhua. alfo one
cf Pauls workefelfowes called Juſtus. Col.4.11.
Tether. excedisng remaining, o fearching out diligent-
The frf Table.
— w |
7 ae
ly,02 a (mall rope. Eldeſt fonne of Giveont Judges 8.
20. alfo the fonne of Ezra. 1. 20.4.1 7,
ietheth. giving. Ben, 36.40.
lethro. zdem aglethur. Father in lawe of Boles,
r.3.1. tube with Woles wife and childzen came buco
tim (ntethe wildetneſſe of Sin. Exodus 18,1,2,3-"
letur. an order, op keeping, Oe. 25.15.
Ieuel.God hath taken away doꝛ God heaping 9.6
leuth. a moth gnawen abont , preffing downe,02 ga-
thered together. foume of lau, Henelis 36.5. Ailo rhe
Conne of Bilhan. 1. €hz.7.10. allo the fone of Dpi-
met. 1.@ 2.33.22.
Ieuꝝ.idem. ag leufh, 1. Chꝛo 8.10.
lewes prayfing, 0} confe/fing. A people. Actes 2,5.
locke in the fecond able, lewes anv Iſraelites.
Iezaniah, the nourifhment, o} weapons of the Lord,
Jere. 40. 8. and 42.1.
Jezebel. looke Izebel.
Iezer, they fle of helpe,oz woe bee to helpe, Sonne of
JRapthali. Henelis 46.24. allo the fonne of Pileav,of
whome came the lezerites. J2um.26.30.
Jeziel the fprinkling of God , oz the diftslling downe
from the head of Gad. 1. Lhz0.1 2,3.
lezohar, cleare, o} white.
@ Igal. redeemed, o} defiled. The lonne of Jofeph.
Rum.: 3.8. allo athans (ohne. 2. Sam. 23. 36.
Igdaliah, the greatneſſe of the Lord. Jete. 35.4.
Igeal. a redeemer, redeemed, 02 defifiled.
@ iibfam, their drought oz their confupo, 03 bafhful-
nefe. 1.0 )20.9.2- F
lidlaph. a d:/liHing from the head, o the dropping of
an how
soz after the Debgew and Szian,a hand so7-
wed together. Gen. 22.22.
Iie abarim. beapes of Hebrewes, 02 pa/fers ouer, og
heapes of angry men, oł toward men : 02 after the Des
brew and Dpzian. heapes of wheate. Pum. 33.44,
lim, idem, Qum 33.46, and Jolh.15.29.
lim, Iſa. 3.22.
Tinna, s forbidding og let oꝛ the troubled fear Ehr i
limnah, the right bãd, nubring, oꝛ preparing:o2 after
the Sprian. epparnting. Son ot Aſher.Ge as 17. and
1.€b2.7.30.0f whom came the limnites. jQum.2¢.44,.
lion.a beholding, a fountaine, op eye, A citp, nozth
from Jjezdan.2.kings 15.29. and 1.kings.15.20. anD
2. Chr 5 6.44
Tiphtah. opening. A citpin Judah. Joſhus 15 43.
liphta el.God openimg.Q valley which botindeth the
tribe of Zebulun Jofhua 19.14,27.
q — — 0? wicked. ı EYZ. 11,28. 27.9.
@ lliyiicum. a making merry. A counttep adioynin
brito Italie. Rom. IRIA, 4 x ——
imla. oz Imlah. a replenifhing, oz circameifion, 2.
b2-18-7. and 1.kings 22-8.
Immanuel, God with vs. A name of the Meſſias
3fa.7,14. and 8.8. Matth. 1.23.
Immer. /aying, 02 fpeaksng <0} after the Spzian, a
lambe, 1.0)2.9.12. E3¢a 2.37.59. Vere. 20.1,
Imrah, a rebel waxing bitter,o2 changing. Che ſonne
of Jophal.i.Chꝛ.7. 36.
Imti /zyine og peaking, exaling, oꝛ buter. o} after
the Spartan. a lambe. 1.0 1}2.9.4. Mhe. 3.2. *
g Debzew Hodu pᷣ igya praifing,oz cofeffiom
02 comely,o2 faire.a late countiep & a rich containing
the third part of Ala as Onef critus thinkerh, Iping
on the feuth part of the twoglt: Hercof reade Strab lib.
15. ant Plin.lib, 6.cap.16. it is menttoned.¢ ficr.1.1,
q Ioab.willing, aꝛ voluntary,o2 fatherhood, ophaning
a father. Dauids fifters fonnc. 1. Dam.26,6 ¢ 1.202,
2.16. who afterward became Dauids chiefe captaine.
2.Dam.2,13. anv ſlewe Abner and Amala cowardly.
<4 2. Sam.
Iudei |
Iezonias f
Tezoar $
l Amri |
Omrai i
wee wee
Phi ON
2:94. 3.27.%.20.9,10, De fearing to loa e Dauids fas
“hour, became the infirument of Ciriahs veath. 2. Sa ·
1£.6* Bp (ubtilitte , be recancilen Abſalom to his fa-
ther. Dam. 14,2." ie thzult theough Ablam hanga
ing bathe haire on an oke. 2. Sam. 13. 18. Dee re
proucth, Dauid foꝛ lamenting the ceath of Ablalom,
and why. 2. Dam. 19.5, toy. Dauid chargeth Salo⸗
mon tp put Load ta Beaty, and wby. 1. Rings 25,6.
which is accompliſhed. r- Bings 2.28, to 36.
Toachaz. the preparing , oz ftabilitie of the Lord,
Sonne of Joka. 1. Elo. 1.34. loake lehoahas.
Toacim. the rifing othe eftablilhing of the Lord,
Toe hie Prielt. Judeth 4.6. andir 5.8.
Ioab, brotherhood; oꝛ hauing a brother. 2. Ring. 13.
18., and 2, Chro 34.8. < ;
Toahaz, apprehending, poffeffing. 92 /ceing. Joliahs
Recoger. 2.020.348, ay -
Ioanna.the grace, gsft,ormerts «frie Lord Doane
of Roela: Luke 3.27-Allo the sis s: Ehulea, wyo fol
lower Thriſt. Luke 8.3. ey
loath difagreeing defpsir in: ferie m burning. Fa
therof the Ezrites and Biseon. uvg- 11. wha moc?
ked thole that honoured Waal, > ubg.6.3%
Allo loath with Ain. idem ag leuth, the fonne of
Becher. r. Lh20.7.6. Allo hee who was otter Davids
fFoze of ople, 1. Lhz0.27.28. Allo Ahasiags onne, who
twag bid from being Naine of Athaltab. 2.hin.1 1.2,3.
looke Lehoath, Allo the fonne of Ichoahaz look Iehoath
Alo a citie. +. Chro.a.22.
Toatham.looke Eotham. Sonne of Ozias.Mat r.g.
Callen lorim, Luke 3.29.and Lotham the fanne of A⸗
Zaria. 1.Qijzon. 3.12. Who, bis father being a leper
buto his death, goucrned the land of Judah. 2. kings.
15.5. and atterward became king. 2. kings 15.7,32.
2, CH20.26.21,33.
Tob, /orowfis!,o2 hated,or fighting howling out,o2 a-
biding enimutie.A mã vpꝛight g iult,tearing Boo. Job
1. 1. ſis childzen æ ſubſtance. Job.1.2,3. Seeing his
chilozen vle keaſling hee offerech facrifice foz them ree
Epecting the vifogtver vlen at feag. Job 1.4,5. Saran
Bereaueth Iob of bis ſubſtance and childꝛen. Job.i.13
to 20. De pzapleth God in bis affliction. Gob.1.21, 22
His ehgee friends come to viſit him. Fob.2.11.* His
wife tempted him. Job 2.9. Dee is tepzehendedofe-
liphaz, and toby. Hob.g.1. * We faith that bis paineis
moze grieuous then bis fault. Job 6.1,2, 3. Yee com:
plaineth that bis friends foz'eoke him. Job 6.14, Dee
craueth time torepent. Job to 20. * He deciareth his
patience. Job 12.4. hee repzooueth big friends with
their owne wordes. Fob 13-4. he vefcribeth his mife-
rp. Job 19.3. R hee prophecieth of the refurrection.
Job 14.14, ant 9.26,27. he tebearleth the innotencp
- of bis life. Jok 31.1, * his repentance: God reſtored
to himewile ag much as be baa leit: his death. Yob
42.6, * Jobs patience alledged/foꝛ the example of the
godly. Games 5.14,
Lobad. idem. Sonne of Toktan. Ge.10.29.Ailo the
fonne of Fetah. Gene. 36.33. Alloa king. Joſh. aa. 1.
pamah the building of the Lord, or the vaderftan-
afthe Lord, 0} a foune by adoption. Sonne of Ye-
boram 1, h20.9.8, ©
TYochebed. glorious “wife to Amram, and mother to
Moles, Aaron, and Miriam, Erod.:s.2o.Num 26 59.
who pzeleruen Moles bp putting bim into au arke of
teene. Exod 2. 3.
. Toed. witaefing , deching, robbing, paſſing aner,
oꝛ after the Spzian, taking away. IGEL EJ. >.
foe). walling or beginning,o2 fivearing. Elnelt fone
of Sanuel.1.©4.8.2.callen alfo Aaſhni.i . Chr· o. 28
33. alla the Father of Shemaiah 1. Chꝛ 5.4. allo a p20-
phet, Joel rallo the ſonne of Aſcahaiah. a. Cho.7.3.
The firft Tables.
Toelah. a lifting Up, profiting, oꝛ taking away flan- Ioela
der, t» Ch20.12,7.
Toczer, helping. 1.0.1 2.6.
~ Togbehah. ax exalting,og high,a citie. Mum.32.35. Iogbea
utges 8.12.
logli, a declaring ,apaffiug ouer, a turning back,oz I
a reroycin, 11.34.22, '
Toha, luely. 1. Lb20.8.16. and 11.4 5.
Iohan e grace ef God, oꝛ gift, oꝛmercie of the
Lord. Sonne of areal. 2.kings 25.23. who fozercla
BOevaliah his death. Jere.40.13,14,15,16. he purius
eth Iſhmael. Jet 41. 1.12.7 be with che Laptaines.
and the people afke counteil of Heremis. Jere.42.1.™
hee carieth the remnant of Iſtael into Egppt , cons
trarp to the minne of getemp. Ter.43.5 56,7.
egbea -
fohanan. zdem. 02 gracious, holy o} mercifull. Dre Yehonag
that flen from Saul onto Dauid. a.Cbzon.s2.4.Aifo Ioannan
Eliañbs fenne. +. 02.9.1, allo the fonne of Hatta-
thias, 1.a. 2.2. Iohanan. Somme of Simon. 1-81. 13.54
andas a. bobo ſlewe thofe that tap in waite foz bis
liie. 1.05 ac.16.21,22,* allo the father of Eupolemus.
1. Wace.8.17. allo the bzether of Jonathan taken
piloner bp Bacchises. 1.Qac.9.35,36,38.
lohkn. the fonne of Zacharias: bis linage,bolinefle, Tohn
and faith. Luke 1.5, to 26,57." Warth.3-3,4. bee iS Ioannes
prophecied of, tocome inthe (pirit of Eliiay. Luke
1.17. Aineflenger to prepare the wap before Chif.
Matt 3.1. John 1.23, ann bare witneſſe of him. John
1.6. Wee wad replenifhes with the boly Ghat in his
morhers wombe Luker.15. The neighbours aba⸗
Shed at bid natiuitie Luke 1.65,66. De was circum-
cifed. Luke 1.59. bis náme giuen bim bp God. Luke
163 3,60,63, his Dwelling in the wilderneffe till bee
began to preach tepentance. Luke 1.80. Hetault on-
te the Weflias, but not the Wefltas. John 3.28. Hee
erhorteth tanetoene fle of life. Mat. z. 2. Luke 3.3. De
giueth truleg to be obſerued, to the people , to Publi⸗
cattes, and to ſouldiers. Luke 3.10,t0 15. Qdoning the
jDoarifes to repentance bp fearing them with the
ludgement to come. Dat. 3.7,t0 13. L.3. 16, 17. his top
kullilled, hauing heard that Cheiſt preached. Joh. 3. 29.
he pointed with bis finger snto Chrill the Lambe. ac.
John 1.29. he baptizeth in Enon. John 3.23: his diſ⸗
ciples repzoue Cozilts , foꝛthat thep falked not. Mat..
9.14.9 ar,2,¢ were offended, that Cheiſt
had moe vifciples then theit Waker. John 3.26. hee
teacheth big diſciples to paap. Luke 14.8. he reputeth
himlelfe vnworthy to vnlooſe Chriſts fhoe lachet. John
1.27. be ſaith he is neither Chꝛiſt, Elias. noz anp of
the prophets. John 1. 20, 21. We fendeth his diſciples
to Chats. Batch. 11.2. Chik pronouncech him moze
then a Pꝛophet. Wat.11.9, The Jewes faid,be bada
deuill Wat.: 1,18, he feared not to tepzone Heron fog
his incet. WDat.14.4, Deron wu mich foz John Bape
tits fake, and beard his preaching giadlp. War.s.20,
tubp he was put in priſon and beheaded. Matth.14.4,
to12.%Bar.6.19,0 30. the people hela him as a 1205
phet.Qar.21 26, Chꝛiſt affirmeth that Lohn Baptiſt
ig Elias which Hould bee fent, accogding to Balas
chies propbecie, Matth.rr.14, allthe Prophets and
thelatwe pꝛophecied onto lohn . Matth a . 13. Fiom
the time of Iohn Baptilt , the kingvome of heauen
{uffereth violence, and the violent take it bp force
Wait. 1.12. Chꝛiſt bp lohns teſtimonie, pꝛoueth rhat
pe was (ent of Gov. Mohn 5.33.
Tohns Bapeiſme pur foz bis doctrine. Watt.21.25,
uke 20.4. Aets 18.25. and 19.3.
Allo the name of Zebedeus fonre, who with bis bzo-.
ther James, mere called bp Chik as thep were mens
ding theit nets. Watt) 4.2%, ARD became Apofiles,.
T2008, Thep are rebuked of Chrik , and why.
Liukas 4.55. Lohn fozbabe one tocatt out deuils Dp
the name of Gels, but Cheiſt tepꝛo ed him, aud WEP.
Marke 9.38,39,41- Cha reuealeth vnto bim who
fyouid betrap gim John 13.2 3 26. De wert with Jlez
Cus intothe ball of the fie Pzieſt. Joh i18.15. Chꝛiſt
commendeth big mother vato fim. Sohn 19.26, 27.
Bunning to the fepulchze mith Peter, he ost
him. John.20.3, 4. Dee affirmety that what be wote
was true. John 19.35.and 25.24, We was baniſhed
inte the Ale of Patmos. Reuet.1.9, Che Angel fogs
biddeth Iohn to honour bim , and why. Reuel.19.10.
and 22. g. In his time were deceiuers entred into
the world, which denied Chrift to be come in the fleſh.
2. John.7. De wote what be had heard, leene, and
bandled. 1. Sohn 1.1,2,3. aud whp.1 ‘Foon 1.4.
Allo the name of one calico Marke. Acts 15.37.
Toiarib. the battell, chiding, og multiplying of the
Lord, 3a 8.16.
Fukadan Iokdeam. the creokedneffe,o2 burning of the people,
Tucadam acitie in the tribe of udah. Sofh.15.56.
Tekodeam Tokim. that made the funne fiand. 1.€2.4.22-
Iecmeam Iokmeam.the riſingconſirmation, oꝛ reuengement of
Jecwaam the people a citie. ĩ. King 4.12.
Tachanam lokneam, poffe/fing,0; buslding vp of the people. Q
citie. Joh. 12.22. anB 19.11,
Techfan Tokthan. hardnes, oꝛ an offence,o after the Spzian.
lochan a knocking. Abrahams loune bp Keturah. Gen.25.2,
Jetfan Toktan,a tle one.02 wearine ffe o} firife. The lonne
_ IeGan of Eber. Gen.10.25.
TaG@an Tonadab voluntarie,o2 willing. looke Tehonadab.
Iehonadab Ionah. a doue oꝛ culuer,o2 a deftroyet,02 rooting ups
lonas 02 multiplying of people. The name of a Pꝛophet, the
fonne of Aimittat. 2. Rin.14.25. Jonab-r.1. who being
fent vnto Nineueh to preach, fled. Yonah.s.2, 3. caf
into the fea, was ſwallowed bp of a great Af}. Jona. r.
15.* ana againe call opon the dzy laud, Gon,z.10 He
èg fent axaine to Nineueh. Jonah. 3.1,2- The Nine ·
uites repent at his preaching. Jon.3.5. Mat. 12. 41.
Zu.ur.32. Pee is angep that Gad pared Nineueh.
Sot. 4. 1. and therefoze God reproueth him, Jon-4.9,
10,11. Chif bp his erample foꝛeſheweth, Yow pee
ſhould rife againe the thira vay. Wat. 12.40.
Iona Ionan. idem. Joſephs father. Lube 3.30.
Fonathas Ionathan. thegift of the Lord. Satis Lonne, who
Ichonathro With bis armour bearer, bp Gods helpe, put the gariz
fon of the Philiſtims to flight 1.Sam.14.1,to 24. He
fhauld baue bin put ro neath bp bis fathers ogbinavce,
but was preferued by the people. 1.Qam-14.45/ Dee
_ maketh a contenant with Dauid. 1.San.18.1.2,3.
` De reuealethto Dauid his fathers wicked purpole. 1,
Sam.19.1,2,2. Dr excuſeth Dauit. 1.Sam.20.28,
29. Depzomileth Dauin to declare bis fathers wiisbp
, Hooting of three atroses. 1.H.2m.20.20." Dee is
laine, Sam; 1,2.a0d bewailed of Dauid.2.Sam.
1.4, 17.
Allo the fome of Gerfhom , Michabhs idolatrous
pief, tuho afterward foz gaine became pzieſt onto the
Danites. Tudg.18,3,4,20, 30.”
alo Dauids brothers ſonne. teade lehonathan,
Ailo the name of Judas Maccabeus is bother. r.
Mac.2.5. confituted couctnonr ouer the Jewes after
the death of Judas. 1.08ac.9.31. De twarrerh again
his enemies. 1.Qacc.11,60. Tryphon taketh himbp
Deceite,anv putteth hinrto* and
32.17,t0.25. Akter him, Simon his bzother fucceca
P deth. spate * 7 so
To Toppa, loske Iapho, and Acts 9.36.and 10.5
Lig Torti femine, declaring, ogcafiing foorth, ogdone
fuddenly at atime: 0} alterthe DRIAN, « caldron.
CHa 2,08, ; E
The firftTable..
wee a ET ee
Ioram, losk@Iehoram)
: lordan the raner of wedgement,opthe fiewing,opca- Lorden
fling forth.ofudgemcnt ,oz a going downe: eg atter the
@piian. a caldrom of iudgement. A river of Judah fo
Hamed of his twolpzitg beans. Dan g Tor: it diuideth
Galile froin Juvea,s falleth inte the dead fea. Wat.3,
5,652.1 3.20 JPlal.42.6. Che plaine of losden wa-
tered enerp where. Ge.: 3,10. Dts banks filles allrhe
time of hatueſt. Sol.3.15.* Maaman waen bimlelfe
therein, and became whole of hislepgolle. 2. Bins ag.
Torim.the Lord exalting,oz the exaltation of the Lord,
Thelon of Watthat. X u.3.29.callen Ioathã Mat.i.ↄ.
Tofaphat,looke Iehothaphat, ant @Bat.1.8,
Toft, [paring being.o} lifting up. The fonne of Elles
Zer Luke 3.29. iS called Achat Mat.1.9.
Tofeph., encreafe, 02 encreafing, 02 perfect: The ele:
uenth fonne of Jaakob: Ge· zo. 24. He is betouedefbhis Telus
fatber,¢ hated of bis brethren. Gen. 37-4. bis eame.
Gen.37.9,10. Deis cak into a pit, afterward feid vrie
tothe Iſhmaelites, and then onto jPoriphar. Gen 37.
23," €39.1, Wis particoloured coate ip bꝛought onto
bis father, and hee kuoweth it. Bene. 37.31,32,33.
Potiphats houle bleſſed fog lofephs fake, Gene 30.
355. De ig mane ruler thereof, Gen.39.4. Dee was
faire and well fauoured. Gene.29.6. Fmpailoned bp
falfe accuflation of hig miſtreſſe. Gene. 39. 14, t0 21.
De hath charge ouer the kings Butler and Baker bis
kellow prifoners. Gen-40.4. Wee interpzeteth Oba
raohs dꝛeames. 5,037. Hee is made tue
{et ouer all Egypt onder Pharaoh. Gene, 41. 40,
to 46, Dee foide cozne bute all counttepes inthe fas
mine, Gette.41.57. Oelpeaketh roughlp vnto his bres
then. Bene. 42,637. De putteth rhein in wary, Een-
42.17, De chargeth them with theft, to prone them;
Gen.44.4.* We comfozteth them, and dilclolerh him:
felfe. Gene.g5.1,3,4- Dee teftifieth that ve was ome
into Egppt bp Gods prouivence Foz their ſafegarde.
Gen.45.5. Me met his father Iſtael in Gothen. Gen,
46.29. De viſiteth him being ficke. Gene.48.2.. Deis
bicfler of him.Gen.49,22,t027. De is diſpie aled that:
bis father in bleſſing bis chungen, ppeferreth ex
phaim before Manaſſeh. Bene. 48.197, Dee killeeh
bis father at bis death Wee obrainerh tie
cence of Pharaoh to bucp bis father in Canaan. Ger,
5%.7,t014. De pardoneth his byethzen. Gen 50.17.
to 22. He dieth and ig embalmed, Gen 50.26. Moſe⸗
Departing ouref Egppt, caufed bit bones to be caried
mith him. Eron. 3. 19. which tere buried in hee
chem. Tohua 24.32. His chilozen diuided into two
tribes, and therefore albeit the tribe of Leni wanted.
pet the twelue tribes han fill their full number, Poff.
14.334- The Amezires became tributarie vnto the
famite of Lofeph, Juda.1.35. e mas bleflen of Mo ·
fe. Deut.3 3.13. We is peapled. Eeclug4s.15, Mis
taith Deb.e1.22..
Allo. a diſciple of Chꝛiſt a rich man ef Arimathea. .
MWat.27.57, Luk.23.50,51, De alken the body sf Jee
{us , and buried it in a tombe prepares foz bimfelfe,
Matth 27.58, tos. looke Warke t5.43,0 47. Luke:
23-52." John 19.38,
Ailo the name of bim that was prelented with Yat-
thiaz, to fuccerde in the.roome of Judas. Aces 3.23.
Fife aries hulband the mother of Chik Watr.
16,18," i 1.1.26. & 3.2 De with Warp went to Berle
lehem, to fe taped. Luke 3.445, At the warning of the
Angel, he fleeth into Egypt Matt. 2. 13 14, 15. G l2.
tarneth and Dinelicthin Nezareth.Mat.2, 10. he and
Warp hanina lol Chziſt at Jerufale, returne to ſeeke
pim found bim diluting with Doctors. Lu · 43.
Allo the father of Tannm Luke 3. 24. i
Alls spe father of Juda. Luke 3. z0. dis
er T § ~ Their Table,
| Joftbi
- Yofabia
Allo the father? Semei. Luke 3.36:7
~ Iofes ag Lose. Ghe bzorher of James. Watth.1 3.
$5. Darke 6. F- Giioanorher who loide his iand, ant
pane it tothe Apelties. Act-4.36,37.
lofhabad .hamsng a dswry.Dne that went with Da-
uid when he fled from Baul. 1. Chron. 12.4.
Tothabeth the fulnes of the Lord,the oth ef the Lord,
op the Lord returning the houre. Ghe Daughter of king
Joram. 2,Ging.12.2.and 2.€ 20.22.11.
_Tothah, being, forgetting 02 owisg. 1 Chꝛo.a.34.
Ioſhamah. the equstse or plasnenc ſſe of the Lord, og
the Lord ferteth upon. 1.0 h20.11.46.
lofhaphat , ag lehoſhaphat. The forme of Abiluv,
Dads tecezver. 2.Dam.8.16.
lothbekathah, st ss reguiring, befeeching, og a hard
fiting: 1. C4 20.25 4.
lothiah, the fre, 02 burning of the Lord. The fonne
of Seppaniah. Fech.6.10. Ailorbefonne of Amon 1.
Chꝛo. z.14. DF whom ovo pꝛophecied that pe oulu
deſtro the Wolatrp of Jeroboam, iĩ. King. 3.2. Hee
became king of avah. 2 -King.21.26. His care ro rez
papze the Cemple. 2.hKing.22.2, to 8. 2.€b20n.34-8,
to 18, Heerent pis clothes after he bearn the boske of
Denteronimie reat. 2. Ring 22. 11. 2. CON. 34.19.
He (endeth to inquire of the Loed, by Huldah the Pꝛo⸗
phetefle.2.kimg.22.1 3.* 2. Chro. 34. 21, to 29. be cauz
(eth Deuteronomie to be rea’ vnto the people, putteth
dowae Moles, and cauleth Waals pricks to be put ts
Death. 2.ikin.23.2,t0 21. € 2. Chꝛ. 34.29.* be keepeth
JPaficouer. 2. Hin. 2 3.21,to 26.and 5.1,t0 20.
Fighting with Pharaoh Nechs, beig hurt anv diet},
2. Thro. 5.20, to 25.g 2. Kin.23. 29. Jeremiah lamen-
teth bis de ath. 2. Chꝛo. 35. 25. his pꝛaiſe.ꝛ. Rin.ꝛ ⁊.2.
23.25.ä 2. Chro 3 4. 2. Ecclu 40.1, 2,3, 4. his onne Gee
hoahaz ſucceedeth him. 2. Kin.ꝛ 3. 30. 2. Chꝛo. 36. 1.
Tothibia, the fèatyalteration og captiuity ofthe Lord.
1. Chꝛo· 4 35.
Ioſhua sdem,as Teſus, oꝛ Lefhuia. The ſonne of Sum.
Jo.. 1, called Ohea. umb.: 3.9. Being Doles
minifer, be went bp with him bnto the mount. rod.
24.13. and defcended frem thence with bim. Exod. 32.
17. Enuping Elvan and Medad foz Woles lake, bee
wonin bane them foꝛbidden to prephecie. Rumb. 11.
28,29, He and Caleb faz commending the land of Cas
naan, bad bene ftoned to death, if God Had not Befene
Ded them. Mumb.14. 6, to 11. Shep are promilen to
fue, and enter into the lanbe of Canaan. FQamb. 14.
38. Deuteron.1.36,38. Ioſtua is oainedcaptaine
again Amalek. Exod. 17. 10. And to be Moles fuc-
ceflout. Deuteron.31.7, and 34.9. and ig encouragen
bp Geo bimlelfe. Dew. 31.2 3. Joſh. t.1,2,6,7.9. De ig
magnified of Goo before the Dlraelites. Joſhua 1.5.
Aone able to withitand him all bis life. Tohua r. 5.
God comanveth him to mevitate in the bocke of Dere
teronomie Bap and night, and whp. Tohua 1.8. Dee
fendeth pies nto Jericho. Jokua 2.1. He commeth
to Toman with the people. Toh. 3.1. God commanded
him to loofe the {hoe of bis Foote, when be [pake with
pim. Jolh.5.13,14,15. Gon deliuereth the citie of
Jericho into his hanses. Jol}. 6.2.7 He humbleth him:
felfe befoze Gov, and wby. 10. be taketh
the citie of Ai. Fofhuad.«,2 be cauſeth Detiteronomie
ta be read to all Iſtael. Joſhua 8 24,35. Che Rings
beponvde Jozvan affemble againf lothua. Jofh.9.t,2.
de euercommeth fine Kings of the Amoꝛites. Yofij.10.
§,to28. be clercame manp Rings , and countrepes,
Golh.11.1, tors. heeleft nothing vndene, that Woles
had commanded, Jolh.11.15. he and all his houſe ferye
the Loz. Folh.24.15. bee is conmanted to diuide the
lann of promile vnte the teſidue of Iſrael. Folh. 13,7.
bis polletiion. Sofh.19.49,50. he eryorteth the people
LOS; i
not to iopne with the Gentiles, anv why, Tolh.23.2."
bis Death. Joſh. 24.29. beis pꝛayſed bp the name of
Selus. Eccius.g6.1,to9 Acts 7-45
Ali a Beth-Hhemite,in whole field the Arke Raped,
when it returned (rom Ekrei.2,.am,6.14,
Tofiah, looke Iofhiah. J
Tofiphiah.the encreaſe of the Lord, 03 the Lord fni- Ioſaphia
ſbiag. E3ta 8.10. lofphias
Torbath. hes gecdneffe, 02 bis daughters going omt of letebatha
the way, oꝛ a defert turning away. A landet running Jethebah
waters. Deut.10.7.
Totbathah. sdems.3 3.33. lethebatha
Totham. abfolute, o2 perfe. Sonne of Gz3iab. 2. loatham
King 15.7,32. looke lonacham. allo tpe pongelifonne Jotham
of Jerubbaal, Jubg.9.5,t023, lothan
Tozachar. remembring ozofthe malekinde.'2 Wing, lozabar
lozadab. exdowed, 03 haning a dowrie. Due that
belped Dauid again® the Amaickites , that butut loſabad
Ziklag. 1.00 bj0.12.20,21. loradad
@Iphdiah. the rederapeson of the Lord. The foune of Jephdeia
Sbathak. 1.Chz0 8.25. lephdaia
Ipbtafh. epexing. Sile ads ienne, who fled from bis Nphedeiah
breihren. Judges 11. 3. he lendery meflengers torbe Jephthab
king of Ammon. Judg-11.12. and being repleni{}en lephte
with Gods (pititie , sflapleth the Ammonites. Fung. Iphthah
11.29. his raſh vows. Judg. 11. 30,31. be ouercemmeth
the Ammonites. Judges 11.32,33. Accozding to his
bow , be offereth his onely daughiet tn factifice tothe
Lozd. Judg.11.39. Thom the vaugbter of Ifrael ias
mented foute Dapes a peere: Sudg.11.40. hee wastes
nenged of the Ephzaimites, upg. 12.1, 007. Gee
Diets. Judg.12.7. he is peapled. Deb.1 1.32. %
Gir. « watchman, acity, amaking bare, a powring Iri
owt a heape of vifion oꝛ a yong colt. 1.E 207.12. His
Ira.sdena, 1: E20. 11.28, 2,4.23.26.alfo a Iairite, Itas
2.Bant.2z©. zé. 02 Ithrite. 2. Sam. 3. 38.
Irad. a weld afe the heape of going downe,the going
downe ofa heape, 02 a heape of gouernement : ogm the
Spꝛianæ dragon. Sonne of Henoch. Gen. a. n8.
Irama city of them} the watchings,oz making bare lran
of them,o3 the powring out of them, oz an high heape. @ Hiram
Duke of Etom Gen. 36.43,
Iri. fre, 03 fight, 1. @b0.7-7. Vri
Iriah.the feareyvifion oꝛthrowing forth ef the Lord. Itijah
An officer that apprehended Jeremiah fleeing tothe Lirias
lano cf Bentamin Jere.37.13. Iriah
Irmeiah. exaleing the Lord, o} the Lords height. A Ieremias
bead of the halfe tribe of Manaſſeh. s.Ciz0.5.24.allo Ieremia
a Pꝛophet.lcoke Ieremiah. leremiah
Irpeel. the health medicine,oz exalting of God. A cir larephel
tie. Joſh. 18.27.
Ir-themeth. a citie of the ſunne: o inthe Hebꝛe Irfemes
and Dpziatt. a citie of bondage. A citie belonging te Hir·femes
the tribe of Dan. Jok.19.41. ;
Tı u. idem, as Tr, Galebs fune. i Chbꝛzo.q. 1 5. Hir
@ Ifaiah,looke Iefhaiah. Ifaiah
Icah. anopnting, couering, 02 fhadowing. orinthe lefcha
Sprtan, e/pying. daughtet of Har an. Gen 11.29. lifcha
Ifhacar- 03 Ithfhathcar. a wages, oiremard. Sonne Hachar
of Yaakob by Leah.Gen 30. 18.he is bl flet of bis fas. Iſachar
ther. Ger.49.14,15. and of Moſes. Deut, 33.18,19. Iſaſchat
fis portion. Joh. 19.17.1024. ,
Iai. a gift,o2 an oblation,o} a debtour, 03 being. far Mai
ther of Dauid. Ruth 4.17,22. 1.28,6.1,11,12. g20 Ieſſe
27. 2-Ham.23.1, He fendeth Dauid to his hrethzen leflai
with fuode, and to Saul with prefents.
and 16.20, his ſonnes and Daughters. +. hz.2.1 3,54,
15,16. De is called Tefle MWat.1.6.f uke 3,32.C hi
premifen te come of his Recke, Fla ar. r. Tefbac
Ifhbak. it ss voide og made voide: og inthe Syrian, letboc
ſor ſahkiug.
Jel Ifi
Tifui Ifui
for faking Abꝛahams ome by Wsturah.Gen.z5.2,
Ith-botheth.a maz of [hame, o} the delay ofa man:
Sauls ſon made king ouer Iſtael by Aoner.s, Sami.
2.9,£0. be istraiteroutlp laine bp Rechab ¢ Gaanah,
togo foz their labour were laine Dp Dauld.2.Ham.g4.
5.* big head buried in Abnerslepulcpre. 2. Sa 4.12,
Ithcariot. es hireling, o} a man of death. Judas the
traitours urnam. Lit. 22.3. looke Iudas, `
lihi ſæluatio, oꝛ haning regard, 1: 9.2.3 1-4 20,42
Thiah it @ the Lord.1.Qyz.12 6.
Ithibenob. (ttsng sn prophefie, o} taking captiuitie
is propheſie A giant.2,am.21,16,17.
Thiieth st @ the Lord sta 10.31,
Ifhma. put vnto,aamed, a marueiling, o de ſolation.
1. Chr.4. 3.
Ithmael.God hath heard, oꝛ the hearing of Gad. Hon
of Sbzam bp Dagar. Genel. 16.3,05. lhat maner of
man be was. Gene.16 12: Abraham pzapeth foz pin,
was heard. Gen, 17.183,20. Gad heard ithmael in hig
birele. Gen.21.17. bee became an archer, Gen.· 21.
20. his generation and Death) Gen.25.12,to 19.
Ifhmaiah. hearing the Lard, 03 obeying the Lord.t,
Chꝛ. 120g
Ithmerai.a keeper, 02 keeping.1. Chꝛ.b. u 8.
| Mhod.acomely maz, t. £27.18.
Ipan hid broken in ſander, oꝛ a comy.1.€2 8,2 2.
Tth-tob.good man 2.}am.10.8.
Iuah. plainne/f2, 03 plaine egual, putting,op put,
Gen.46.17.and . Chꝛ. 7. 30.
huiden. i. Chꝛo.7. 30 Gene, 41.17. DF whome
came the ‘fuites. Qum.24.44.
Hmachiah cleaning to oʒ leasing vpon oꝛ ionedto
she Lord 2. Cha 33.13. sot
Jfpah.a Tapper tone. 1 2.8.16. [tita
Hrael.a prince of God, oꝛ preuailing with Gedo one
that wreftleth with God. Gue name of Faakob giuen
bim bp God. Gen.32.28.¢ 35.10. And the people Del
cended of him are called Ifrael. Deit, 02 1ra-
elites, whom God called his ſeruants. Le 25.55. They
would haue returned to Egept. aud why: IZU. 14.354:
Tipat maner of kingtome thep Honto eniop, Mamb.
33.24, Their iourneys. Mumb 3 3-1,t0 50. Ged fozes
eweth that they Houl become idolaters. Deut, 31.
16. Foz the offence of one perfor many of them were
flaine. Jof.7.1,5,10,12.JQ0 man mouen bis tongue as
gain them. Joh, 10.28, The promifes mave ontea
them touching thelande of Canaan, accomplifyes.
Jocſhua 21 43 44.45. They chute the How fog their
Gon and forfake idoles. Joſhua 24.16,214,24. Gon
folne them into the bande of Jabin. Judges 4.2. and
Foz thet: idolatey were ſeuen peeres oppzefien of the
MHidianiter. Judges S.r, to 7. they are deliuered bp
Deborah and Barak. Judges 4.3.* Thep are deli-
ered into the bandeg of the Philiſtims and Ammo⸗
nites: Junges. 10.7. Thep commit idolatrie with
Gideons Ephev. Judges 3.27. Thep confelle theit
ſiune, and put awapcbeir tooled. Judges 10.50,15516,
Thep conſult for the punifhment of the pillanie oneto
the Leuites wile. Guvgesz202, Thep lexd ta rez
guire palage thozots the Lande of Edom. umb;
20.14, 022. the Ifraelices being, ate
tiwile ouercome bp 26700. Geniamites, but atiergeh
getthe victory. Nudges 20.17.” Dhep ſware not to
matty their daughters te the Beniamites. Judges
21.8. Thep ate ditcomficen bp the Philiſtims 1.94.
mtiel 4.2. Thep delire a king. 1.Samuei 3,5,19,20.
Being afraid of the PyiltHims,thep hive themfelues,
1.Samuelr3.6. Thep arz vnpzouided of weapons,
1. Hamud 132,22. Sfraive of Gollah. n 59amuel.17.
24. Delivered from fanitne and warre bp the miras
guloug worke of God. 2. Kings 7-6,7. The jepets
The firft Tables
Declared vnto them the prouldence of Gov. 2.Ringy
10. Ifrael is nitten bp Wasael Ring ef Dpia-2kine
10,32. delluered imta the bands ef Sbifgak. 2. Chron.
12.1,2.™ theit Hunger aud captiuitie pzopbeften.
Polea 9.2.* Thep are theeatned. Amos 2.6." Their
captiuicp into Aſſhur, an’ whp. 2. King 17.6.* Gop
pꝛomiſeth to deliuer them from the Gentiles. Ezek.
36.5. The ende of their kingdome foz-theit ivolatcic.
aking +7.17,48. Tipp thep went inta captiuitie. E⸗
sekiel.3 9.23. DE theit dellruction, and hols thep were
deliuered bp Aarons prayer. Miſedom.i 8.20.* Iſtael
repzoued. Micah.s.z.* Gon promiferh to gather the
pi{perted ones. Ferent.50.4,5. Ibp thep were chos
len of Hod; and wyp reiected. Yerem.15.11.* Gods
benefites coward thein , and their wuthankefulnefle
fo? the fame. Doka 11.1. * Their ralamitle thew to
come, Defcribed. Amos 8.2.* Che Iiraclites ſhalbe res
iected fog their idolatry, and at the laf retutne ans
belecue in Chriſt. Polea 3.2.*twpich Hall be when the
firlnefie of the Gentiles Hall be come in. Hoſea 2.16,
Kom.a i.25. of theireraitation. Wicah.s.7,8. Their
baine confitence. Dolea 12.1. * a.Coꝛ. 10.18. Theit
prolperity foꝛeſhewed. Jerem. zo. 10. Thep and theis
popbets carnall. Dole 9.7.8. Clo aretrue Mraclites,
Rom.9.7,8. Peace and mercy vpon the Hrael of Ges,
Galat.6.16. Gor will take from the true Iſraelites alf
woglaly confivence. Dicah * Nathanael a trug
Livaelite,¢ why. Jop 1.47. Ifrael inereufable.iRantie1 0.
19,20,21, Ifrael hath obtained bp grace , that which
thep could net bp woꝛkes. Rom.11.5,6.7. A remnant
of Ifrael ſhalbe ſaued. Rom.ↄ 27. They were obflinate
foz a time that the Geatiles might teceiue the faith of
Chk. Romar.25. Chꝛiſt the true ifracl,, 7e
Ifrael is the people of Hovd.cEron.3.14,1 §.and 59. .and
6.6,7. and 19.5,6. Lewit.20.24 25,26. Deut 4.20,37.
and 7.6,7,8. and 9.29. ANB 20.15. AND 14.2. anda.
15558,19, and 3 29,36,43. 1.Sam. 10. 19. and 13.12,
22.2,.5am.7.7 ¢ t.kin.3 9.¢.8.16,23. Ufa.19.2 5. ana,
43-4." Jer.13.11. Eccl. 17, 16. Gen tribes of Ifrael fee
patated themfelues from the joule of Dauib.i.kin.i 2.
20. accorbing to the woꝛd of Abia. r kites 1- 30,31,
Machar, looke Ifhacar.
Ifhiah, st zs the Lord. Cettaine mens nameg. s. Chr
73. and 23.20.
Khijah, idem. I. Chꝛo.24.21.
un looke IMuah.
Ishui, {ooke Ifhuai.
Italy, A coittrep ſo called of the Bing Tralus,oz of Ita-
lis, which fignifieth with calzes , foz that it aboundeth
with calues, Act.27.1 ei hither Paul failed. A ct.27.6
Ithai ¿dem as Ictai 1. Chꝛ. 11.31.
Ithamar-Wce to the change, oꝛ wae tothe band oran:
Ile of the handor fiagery op the change of an Ifle. Gaz
sons fon. Er.6,23.9 38,21. Anointed JDzich.We.3.2.*
Ichiel, idem ag Ittiel,.J920.30.5.
Ichlah. hanging vp,oz headsng up. a citie in the tribe
of Dan. Joſh. 19.42.
ithmah as orphast,a werucsling,o2 a perfection. 1.
Chꝛo 11.46,
Ithnan.a citp of the tribe of Judah. Joſh 15.23.
Ithra..4 remnant, oꝛ excellent. 2. Bam.17.25.
Ithran.zdem. Gen.3 6.26. 1. Chꝛ7. 37. à
Ithream.the exceliécy,og renant of the people.2. 9923.5
Ithrite. excelling, 03 aremaining.1,€)2.11.40.an0
2. Sam 23,38.
Ittah-kazim,'am houre, oꝛ time of a prince: 02 nowa
Prince. A citie in tue tribe ef It bulun. Foih.1 9.13.
Ittai. firong my figne,a plough [hare og @.comning to
2,Dam, 15.19 and 23.19, f
Ittiel. Ged with me,the figne of God, the somming to
of Godo} the plough {hare of God. Ieh.11-7.
lefias -
lethela -
Ithahkazin :
Ithai Itai
Echai {rea :
Ethiel i
Judas Mac-
ry D
Tturea.kept.ozin the Spatan tongue, ofa mountain,
orii of hatles. A regiou necre to tye nelert of Arabia,
whercot Philip was Wetracch. Lu. z. 1.
G Iuahsniquitie. a citie where an Moie tas bonon:
teD.2 King. A 8. 3.4.
Tubal.brenging, op fading, oꝛ a trumpet. The lonne
of Lamech, who was the inuenter of the harpe anu
Oꝛgans Geny 21: d
Tubile. idam Che peere of Iubile was enerp fiftieth
peere: iLeuit. 25 .10,118,12.
Tuchal.mig htp, perfect. Jex. 38.1.
luda. canfefion yog prarfe. Che fonne of Joanna,
1Lu.3.26.allo the fonne of Jofeph. Lu.3.30,
Iudah.zdem.{uoke Ichudath.
Iudas ¿dem Sonne of Mattathias, calen otherwiſe
Maccadeus, 1, Wacc.cha.2.¢¢.¢ 2. Mac.cha Sge alla
tbe lonne of Calphi· ngata ¥.70, allo be who betray⸗
et his maſter Jeſus Cheiſt, Carnamed Hlcariorh. War.
10.4.1L1,6.16,. Mar 3.19. Dawid in P perlon of Cheiſt
complainerh of him. Plalm 5 5. 1223135 14. and of þig
piflopattie. lalag. 9. Chriſis watchwod of hig trea⸗
fort. Joh.s 70 Good foz him, tf he Gadnener din bogne.
Mate. 26.24: his treafon was bp the inltigation of the
Deaill. Joh. 13,2. he ig offender art p expenſe of ointmẽt
beſtowed on Ahia. Job: x2. 3.after he han taken p fop
Patan entred; Chae willeth him to erecute his trea-
fon quickip. Jo.1 3.27. Chrilt fagrellerh him p be would
betrap bim.QBat.26.21,23. Iudas a thiele. Job. 12.6
not cleane foz want of faith. Joh.: 3.11. hee pzomiſeth
the bie prieſt s ro Deliner Chart onto the. Batt.26.14,
15, 16. his token a kille. Mat.· s 48. Lu.22.48. Chak
called him friend. Mat, 26.50. De M his company fell
Downe backward. Joh 18.6. hee repenteth of his trea
fot æ bringeth againe the retard. Matt · 27.3 p shis
milerable end, Ae.1,18, he bad fellowſhip in the minis
fication, ¢ wag nambzed mith the Apotiles, Act.1.17.
Allo the forme of Jaakob.Matth. r,3.1o0ke Iudah,
o% Ichudah, Allo the bother ‘of Simon, and coulſin to
Chꝛiſt.Matt.i 3.55. allo che Baotherof James. Luke
6.16, John 14.22, whole Epilſtle reade Juve r.” Dee
ana Silas are {ent with Paul and Barnabas to An-
tioch. Act? 15.22.alfo a rebel of Galile Acts 5.37.
Iudah,ag Iudah.a countrep. Datth.3.1, Acres 2.9.
fometitnes taken foz the whole lande of the twelue
tribes, fomecime foz luda and Bentamit onelp, accoꝛ⸗
ding to the (eparation of Galile; Samatta, aud other
countries. Hiſtorlographers account Jude a to appers
` taine vnto the Pbiſiſtims, but Oaltle , and Samatia
onto Phenice. After che Death of Salomon, the tente
tribes Departed from Rehoboam onto Jeroboam, lo as
by that meanes the thos tribes , Juda and Beniamin
which claue to the boule of Dauiv, are called in erip»
ture (but chteflp in the IDzophets) one while the houſe
of Dauid, another tehile the kingdome of luda ano
Jeruſalem, and ſomtimes Beniantin, looke Terufalem,
and 2. Ring 21.92. and 23.27.
Tudeth. prai/ing,oz confefing.A witols, daughter ef
Mer ari Juder.8.1.herchalte widowmbhead commended.
Gude.8.4,5,6, to 10.ſhe repzoueth the ancients of Bee
thalia, for fimitcing the mercp of God onto time. Tus
Det 8. u1, to 16, Kerhozterh chem to moue the people to
patience. Junet, 8.16, to 32. We giner counfe. Yue
Dit.3.32.%@ Her praper. Wudet.9,2.* He ts taken of the
watch avd brought ro Disfernes. Judeth 10.11.* fhe
craueth licence ta pap. Judet 12.5. the cutterh off D-
fofernes béan, bringeth it to Beekttiae Judet. u3. 8.*
fhe pratlerh God. Vud· 16.2, ta 18.¢ Blech, Fud. 16. 23.
Tudith. isdem. Whe wife of Eſau Gen. 29.34.
Iulias. full of foft cotton, og fall of hatres Rõ. 16. 15
Tnlias dem. A Centtition. Acts 27.1.
Iunia. of Tana. Rome! 6.7.
The firft Table.
Iuſhabheſed.a dwelling place, the ſeate of mercie oꝛ
the changing of mercie. 1. @h20. 3:20; :
Luftus. zajt or vertuous. a godlp man, Acts 18.7. An
other callen Jelus. Col.a.11.
luttah. turning away. A citp. Tol}. 15. 55. 21.16.
G Izebel.wo tothe houſe, oꝛ to the yfle of a houſe, oʒ in
the Hebzew and Spzian,the yfle ofa dunchiloz wo to
the dunghil, Maite to Ahab..1.b4.16.31. fhe caulen the
Pꝛophets of the ILo: to be Maine. «ising. 18.4, hee
theeatnerh Elital, forthe deſtructiõ of Baals pies.
1. Bings 19.2. We conterteiterh Ahabs letrers to the
Cidars of Flraci,to put to death Maboth foz hie vines
pard. r Wing.21.8,t0 17. liiah fozetelleth her death.
1.Bing.21.17.* er ill env.2. Ring- 9.30"
Izeharites, clearena/se,cile. 02 pertaining to none. A
kinted, Mum 3.27. Delcending of Izhar, Exod. s. 18.
oz Lzehar. Mum.ꝛ7.19. pot
Izhak, 02 lit(chac, daaghter,o2 laughing. Abzahams
ſonne bp Saray. Gen.17.19. € 1. Cyz.1 28. who wag
the leede promifes by God, Gene.15.4. Wany people
pzomiſed to deſcend of him. Gene. 17.19. hogne accog=
Ding to Boos promife.Ge.21.1,2,3. Rom.9.7. To be
oferen vp in Lacrifice. Gen.22.9. De taketh Rebecca
to wife.dden.24.67.and-25.20. Geo bieflerh hint Ge.
25.11. To auoide the famine he dwelt in the land of
Abimelech.Gen.26, 1. Chꝛiſt pꝛomiled to Izhak. Gen.
26,3. De calleth bis wife filter. Gen.26.7. Abimelech
repzoued bim, and tubp. Gene.26.10, Izhak became
rich. Gene. 26,12,13. Dis heardmen anv the Phili:
Rims fitiue for weiles. Gene.26.17,18; te 22. Go
teas with Izhak. Gene.26.24.' he erecteth an Atat
to GoD. Dene. 26.25. Abinielechleekerh his friende
hip. Bene. 26,26,27,to 34. Wee willed Elauto kill
benifon fo? him, that he might bleſſe him befog his
Death. Gene 27.3, 4. We was ſtriken with feare,to fee
the pzettibence of God in preuenting the fame. Gene,
27,33. De diefleth Jaakob ano Eſau. Gene.27.38,
39,40. De dieth, and is buries by them. Gene. 5.29.
His chitogen. 1.Ch21.34. Mis falth Med.11.20; Hig
peaple. Ecclus.4⸗.22.
~ Izhar,ag Izeharites;
Tzhari, ag Izhar.1.¢ 6201.24.22.
Turahiah, the Lord ariſeth, og the clearneffe of the
Lord. 1.@b20.7.3.
Izreel. the ſeede of God,the d ropping downe of Gods
Prendfhip, op the (prinkling upon the fhepherd of Ged.
A citie. Joſh. 5.56.1, King.4 r2 Dol.r.4,5,
Izreelah, idem. city. Joſh. 9:18.
Izrites, a fa/ting, 02 making of earth, o} tribulations,
oꝛ making narrow, oz forrowfull A kinred Delcended of
Kab. A meafure containing about three of our mine
quattes, which of Dones dung was folve foz fiue
pieces of filter at the Rege of Samatta. 2.ikin.6.2 5.
Kabzeel.the congregatio of God. A city, Joſh.i15.21.
Kadeth. bolineſſe. & citp orberwile called En mifhz
pat.Gen.14 7.
Kadefh-barnea. holineffe of an inconftant fonne, on
holineffe of eorne,or holimeſſe of troubled cleanneffe. q
place. Rum 13.26.and 20,8 ans 32.8. ano 33.36.
Kadmiel. God of ancientneffe,o God ofriſing Esra,
2,40:8nd 3-905
Kadmonites. agcient,o2 chiefe.a people, Be.15.19.
` Kahath, acomgregati6 a wrinkle, oz bluntne ff. Son
of Letsi: DGett.46.1 Exod. 6. 16.colſed Koath 1. Chzo.
6.1. of him came the Kohathites. Num.26 57. Their
portion. Joſh.ꝛ 1.4,20,t8 27.
Kain. poffefion,o2 poffe fed. Anas forme. Ge.a.t.
He, offended rhae his hzorhers facrifice was meze ac-
cepted of God, Tew him. Gene 4:3, to 9.leoke more,
1, Johu
Tthar S
Ifaak 4
et A let ee —
Cades Bar-
Cadmonites >
Kedes, Ca-
~ Cenex
- puch
~ Cibzaim
x. Joh. 3.12. hid childzen. Gene.g.17. be is curler and
Belpaireth. Gen.g.11,12513. Coe pronounced tothe
followers of Kain. Jude ri.
Kainan. 4 byer, oꝛ owner. Den. 5 9.
Kallai,/ight,roafting by fire,02 my voice. FACh. 12.20.
Kamon..a rifinz,0z his eſtabliſhing a citp.Judg.10.5.
Kamuel.Ged hath rifen 02 God hath rasfed up, 02 e-
fablifhed him. ahos fon bp Witcah. Gen.22,20,25
Kanah. of reedes A riuer. Doth: 16. 8.and 19.28.
Kareah. ba/de,oz Ffe. The fatherof Jahanan 2.
Kings 25.23.
Karkaa.a floore,oz diffoluing coldnes.a city. Jol.i8.3
Karta.a calling reading oꝛ meeting.a city. Ilol 21.32
Kaziz.a eutting a [under 02 an end.avallep. Jof.18.21
Kedar, blacknes, 02 ſadneſſe. Both amang tame,
and a prople.Gen.25.13-Jet.49 28. Iſa.21. 17.
Kedemah. ancient oꝛthe fir/?. Gen.a25.15.
Kedemoth.anciters oꝛ the chiefe,e2 a barning oꝛ the
croohedneſſe of death. A wildernes and a city-Deu.a,
26 Joſh. 13.18.
Redeſh.holmeſſe. A citie. Joſh.12.22. and 15.23.
looke Kadefh. i
s Kehelathah, z whale;a congregation, 03 the Church,
A manion, Qum. 33.22.
Keilah, difoluing ,diuiding 2 cutting that yo} hú fa-
ſtening. A citie. Joſh.i 5.44,
Kelaiah.the voice of the Lord,oz the easing on refting
ofthe Lord. €3ta@ 10,23.
Kelita./uccour,a gathering together, oꝛ a bending of
the voyce. Esta 10 23. Mehe 8.7. anB 10.10,
Kemuel, looke Kamuel.
Kenan, looke Kainan.
Kenath,a buying, apoſſeſſon, oꝛa bewayling. A citp.
Num 3 2.42,
Kenaz. that birds neſt oꝛ this bewayling poſſeſſſon, o}
buying. The fon of Eliphaz.Ge.6. 11, 42. Joſ.15. 17.
Keni.a poffe/fion,a buying,a birds neft og bewailing.
Moles father in law. Jude. 1,16,
Kenites,anbd Kenefites.zdem.@ people.Mum.a⸗4 ar,
22.and 32.12.
Keren-happuch. the herne,op childe of beautie. Job.
42 14.
Kerioth.citées,callings,readings,oz meetings. A citp.
Joſh 15.25. Jere.4. 24.
Keros, crooked,o} crookedn: ffe Eẽta 2.44.
Keturah. /imelling feet,perfuminz,o2 contended for.
Gbzabams ſecond wife. Gen.25, 1.
Keziah. as pleafant as Caffia,oz fine (pices. Job 42-14
@Kibroth hatraauah. the grates of luft. A mantion.
Num.i 1.34. and 33.16,
Kibzaim. congregations. A titie, Joh. 21.22.
Kidron, making blacke,op fad. A river in the valley
_ betweene Jerufalem and mount Oliuet. 2-Sam.r5.
23. John 18.1 loske Cedron.
Kinah. ag Keni. g citp Joſh.i5 22.
Kir, a wall,a bloche, oꝛ coldnes, 0} a meeting, A titie.
Jfa. 15.1.-Amog 1.5.
Kir-harefeth a wal of workmanfhip:a city. Glas 6.7
Kir-hareth, zdem. A citp. Ufa. 16.1 1.
Kir heres a wall,blocke,o2 coldnes, o} meeting of the
funne. A citp.3 20.48.31.
Keriath,ag Kerioth. € citp.Jof.18. 28.
Kiriathaim. idem. A citie. Joſh. 13.19.
Kiriarh-arba, the fourth cæie. A citp builded bp Ar⸗
bascallen Hebzon. Gen.23.2. Joſ 14. 15. E15. 13. and
21.11, 1. Chron. 6.55. At this citie the vixgine Marie
vilited ber coulin Elizabet.1u.1.39.where alſo the 4.
}Patriarks, Avam, Abzabam, Izhak, ¢ Yaakob were
buried, Ger.25.10.and 35.29. and 49. 30. and 50.13.
Kiriath-arim,.a city of cities,tomnes,o2 watchers: 02
in the Debe and Spzian,acitie of enemies. A citie
The firft Table.
—— M 4
Kiriath-baal.a city ofan idolejofaruler,o} poffeffrr. Cariath-
A titie. Joh g gl f lh? baal
Kiriath-iearim.a city of woods.a citp. Joſh 9. 17. and
15.60. i
Rinath-fannath, a city of a blackbery treesozin the Kariath-
Hebrew and Sprian, a city of enmity. G citie called fennach
allo Debir, J of}. 15.49. Carith-fen-
Kirsath-fepher, a cstze of letters, city, called alſo na
De bir. Joſh. a5 15. Kiriath-
Kith,hard,o} ſore, oꝛ firaw to thatch. The fonne of {ephar
Abiel. 1, Bam.9, 1.€h2.8.30,33- Cis
Kithion.bardneffe,o2 ſoreneſſe, ac. Joſh. 19. 20. Kifion
Kifhon, ag Kith., a river og brooke of Galilee neere Kifon
the bill Taboz. Judg.4.7.1.iking-18 40. isa wal ezin the Debzewand Hpi, Cethlis
the corapany of a lioneſſe oꝛ as pulled away by vioknce
G citie. Jofh.15.40.
Kitron, making fweete, onper fuming oʒ abiding to
gether ,o2 a bond: oz after the Spzian, a knot. a citie,
Judg.3.30. :
Kittim,breaking [mall o} golde.Gen.10. 4.
QKoa.bope a cogregati6,a lineo} a rule. Eze.⁊ 3/2 3.
Kohath, looke Kahath, and Gen.46.1 x.0f him came
the Kohathites.jQum.26.57,58.
Kolaiah.the voyce of the Lord.Mens nameg, ehe,
15.7. Jere.29, 2 1.
Korah. bald baldneſſe, Iſe, oꝛ f of. Gene. 36.5. and
1. Chꝛo.2. 43.
Rore.crying, callingreading, ora pa
Korhites.sdem a people.Mum.⁊6.58
¶ Kuſhaia.hardaes, his grausty,0z bis offece.1.0§.3§.17
x L
Colaia, Co-
Laadah te gather, to affembletogether, oz to teſtiſie: Laada
allo ꝑaſſing ouer, oꝛ robbingoꝛ for the decking:oꝛ after
the Spzian, taking away. i Chꝛo.a 21. :
Laadan, for pleafure,deuourtnguacemet, fer deck- Leedan
ig, 01 for a witne fe: o} afterthe Spzian; wato the Ladan
time. 1. Chꝛo. 7. 26. and 23.7.
` Laban. white, homing, gentle jog brittle. Brother to
Rebekah. Gen-24.29 Yee runneth tomeete Jaakob,
GHen.29.13, he giveth his daughter Leah vnto Jaa
kob in ſtesd of Ravel. Gene.29.23. Wee decetueth
Jaaked.Gen-z1.7. De purluerh bim.Geni37.27. “De
maketh a couenant with him: Gene.3e.44.* Aife the —
wildernelſe, where Woles read’ Deuteronomic onto
the Iſtae lites. Deut.1.1. ae
Labana the Moone, whitene{fz,frankinces [2,02 brite Lebana
tle. 1. (0.5.29. 51a 2.40. ebeg. 48 2 Lebanah
Lacedemonians. a lake of dewilsjon a well of mad
men. A people. 2 Gag 9.
Lachith. walking oz he going flood fill, oxteingto Lachis
thy felfe. acity.Joih.10,21aken by Jeſhuah. Joſh 10.
32.teade Joſh.i15.39. and 2iKing.14.19,and 2. Chzo.
11.9. Mehe. 1.30.
Lael. to God.oꝛ to the mighty.Mum 3.24.
Lahad. prarfing,to prat{e,ozto confeſſe. i. Chꝛ. a.2. Laad
mam, the bread ofthem, oz the warre , 02 fight Lehamam
of them. Z'citie. Jelh.s 5-40. Ichemam
x Lahmi. my bread, oz my fight. a mightie Gpant. x. Lahemi
bzo. 20.5.
Laifh. a Lyon,a citp, whole inbabitants the tribe of Lais
Dan deſtroyed. Jung, +8.27,28. reade Iſ cal· Laita
led allo Lethem. Joly. 19.47.
Lamech, looke Lemech..
Lamuel. God 10 them , oꝛ God withthem , e} with Lemuel
whom is God. Pꝛou 31.1.
Laodicea. iu? people.a city in AGa, fir calles Dis
ofpolis afterward Kos,laſt of all Laodicea, Reuel, T,
‘11.Qoloff 4.16, ; )
Lappidoth.dizhtnings,o3 lampes- Duſband to apne Lapidoth
i Leem
tab. Judges 4.4. i ;
- Lalea, thickezog wife Acity on the banke of Ereta.
Acts 27.8. ; *
Laſha. to call, oꝛ to'anoynt. a citie Bet, roTg.”
Laftenes. the firength of a ſtone. 1.G9 ac. 1.34.
Lazarus the helpe of God.A begger. Luke 16.20.*
Alfo the basther of Mary and Wartha, who was fick,
> fozeve glogp of Gov. John 11.52, 3.4. Being dead g
Buried, he is daiſed unto life bp Ahit. Gob-1 0.43544.
i Sfer which the Pharilees refoztzd vnto bis houſe, te
fee tim. John 12.9. be bie Pictes would haue put
> pim ta death, and wp, Jobn 12.510,11. higriting a>
gaine; turned manp to the faith John 12.42.
@Leah pacaful,oz wearied. abang eldeſt Daughter.
Ge.29,16, God feeing ber delpifen, maketh her fruit
fu'.@en.t9.31.* Se bargeineth wm Rahel faz her fons
MWandzakes, totic to,05,16 She
people wihed Ruth ag fruitfull as Leah. Ruth 4.11.
Lebana,oz Lebanah, lookt Labana.
Lebanon, idem. Q place of Syꝛia, focalien,faz the
gteat Hoge of frankincenle there. Deut.1.7- Jlo. sE,
17. QUOG.3:3. 1 King.7,2.
‘Lebaoth, ofa Loxeffe a figne of the heartyoz'duto
the entring in. a citie, Jo.t$.32. hEN
Lebbeus. praifing 02 conf-ffing. at Apoſtle of Felis
Cht ſurnameũ Thaddeus. at.10.3.
Lebnah, as Labana. a citie. Joh. rg 42.
Lebonah. idem. a cirie. Judg.2t.19.
Lecah. walking, 02 going, 1.€b2-4.2 1.
Lehabim, inflamed; 02 flames, 02 ford.
Lehi. thezaw- aplace where Sammon Lew a thot-
fand men. Jutg.r5 9514515 ,16,17.
Lemech. posre, humbled, 02 fintten. Methuſhaels
Sonne to
- fenne: Gen. 4.18. He had thus wineg: Gene.4 19. He
boaitcth of bis murthers onto big wines. Gene.4.33,
Allo the onne of Methuſhelah Gens .25-
Lefhem: a name, op putting y e2they put vnto, 02 a
precious ſtone. a citie. Jolh.r9 47.
Letufhim. hammer men og file men. The fonne of
Deven. Gen.2z5.3.
Leui oined, oꝛ coupled, oꝛ added to hime. Jaakobs third
ſonne bp Lesh.Gen. Ol him came
the Leuites Exo.a.14.e" be and Simeon
Mew the Sbechemites. Gen.34.25,26.0nd are repzo-
med therefore. Gen.49.5,6,7. Thep are biefien. Deut.
33.8,to 12. Bod chofe f tribe of Leui,tobe bis prleſte.
Sam 2.28, 30. Thep are appomred to keepe the
Tabernacle. Rum. 1.47. and 2 33. Thep beate the
} ‘Arke before the people. Joſh 3.26. Thep ate ſeparated
from the other tribes,and why. Deut. 10, 8,9. leasar
othe cbhiefe captatne of the Leuites. lum. 3.32. Wheir
_purgation and oblation. Leui.8.13.* DE their effices.
JAumb.4.2.* Thep are numpzed.JQum.3.16." They
mufi be nouriſhed. Deut 12.18, 19. They purge the
boule of Hod onder Hezekiah. 2.0 h2-29.5. They are
numbzed, that returned to Jeruſalemn with Zerubba⸗
bel FAch.c2.1.*Dauid numbgeth them, and aflignerh
ms hk
to them offices. 1.0 §2.22,.3-* Whe adminiftration of
bolp things giuen to them JQumb.3.8, Woles deliue⸗
teth Deuieronomie to them. Deut. 31.9. °
Thep had no inberitance,and why. Deu. ro.o E28.
1,2. The firk finits muſt be brought to then. Deu.26
2,3. Thep nuk offer to Gon the tenth of their tithes.
FAuw, 18.26. Hezekiab commanded to gine themthe
tithes, and why. 2.Cbzor.31.4. Cities aflignen bunto
them. Num.z35. 2. Jofh-s1.2,t0 43. the felling of heir
houſes,s cities. 2 eut.25.31,t0 35. Thep ptt to neath
idolaters at Woles commaundement. Exod. 32.28.
Chep are driuen out of Iſtael by Jetoboam 2. Chꝛo.
41014. A Leuite tan about tle coungtepi and became
“The firt Table.
L Y 2D
Michahs pen. Judg.i7.7.* And of the Leuite, that
bad a whore to His concubine. Judg.19.1,2.*
Leummim. countreys,o2 witbout waters, Gen 25. 3.
@ Libnah, ag Labana. a citp. Mum. 3 3.20. Joſhe to.
29.and 2. Rings 8,22. Iſa 37.8.
Libni, idem. The onne of Gerſhom. Exod. 6. 17.1.
Chꝛo 6.20, 29 Df whom came the Libnites, Mumb.
3:21.80 26,58. À
Licia, a wolfe. a pꝛouince of ARa. tac. 15:23.
Linus. a net. 2. Tim.4. 21.
Liftra. diffoluing. a citie. Acts 14,6.
Liuiathan a couphng together his fellowfhip og de-
liu:ved to himſelfe. & tlh, called a mhale, Job 49.20,
2E 6.49.Jplal.104.26. Iſa.:27.1.
GLo-ammi, not my people. Hole.s.9.
Lobin, whiteneff2,4¢. 28 Labana, Reade Libni,
Lod natiauitae oꝛ generation. a tty.. Eho. 8.02.
Lod-hadid. rifing, soyning, 02 rifing [harpe,o alter
the Hebets and Spiana sew natiuny, oꝛ generation,
a city. Esra 2.33
Lois.éetter. Grandmother to Cimothie.2.Tim.1.5.
Lo-tuhamah. w.theut mercy. Hoſ.1. 6.
` Lot wrapped, zoyned op couered, o bound together,
fone to Daran, Abzams brother. Gen, 1 1.27.He and
Abam are rich. Gen.13.2.6. Lot chofe Sodome to
dwell in. Gene· 13. 17, 12. Mee is taken peifoner,anod
deliuered bp Abram.Gen.14.12,00 17. Two Angels
bis gheſts Gen.19.1,2,3. We would rather luffer bis
daughters tobe defiled, then his gheſis ſhould ſuffer
iniurie. Gene.r9.8. We is commended. 2. Pet · 2.7, 6.
Fozerelling the defiruction of Sodome co his ſonnes
in lat, thep mocked hint. Gene. 19.14. De and his
boufe commanded to depart out of Sodome Gen.rg.
15 We is detinered foz Abrahams Cake. Gene.19 29.
Being delivered. he went and dwelt in a caue with
Leto daughters, where bee fell to hozrible incek.
.Gen.19.30.* Foat prelerued at bis paper. Gene. 19.
20,21,26. Dig wife turned to a pillar of (alt, Gen· 19.
29. is an erample foz bs, to put no truſt in wezlolp
things and viru! Gov. Luke 17.3 2,373. Lots apes.
Luke 17.28. 29. The land of Ar, giuen tothe childzen
of Lot foz a poffeffton.Deut.2.9.
Lotan, as Lot Gen.36. 20. 1. Chꝛ. 1. 38.
@Lubim. the heart of a man, opheart of the fea. A
countrep. Reh. 3.9. the people calles Lubims, 2.2,
12.3. Gere,46.9.looke Lybia.
Lucifer, bringing light. Iſa.t4. 1 2.
Lucius, of light 8 JBPophet.Actg 1 3.1. Rom. 16.21.
Lud. natiustie,o2 generation Sonne to Shem. Gen.
10.23. Df him the countrep of Lydia in Afia the leffe,
tooke uame: looke Lydia and Iſa.66.1 9.
Ludim idem. Mizralms fone. Gen.10,1 3.
Luhith.a floore made of boards B} creencne/fe.a hill.
Iſa.15 5. Sere.48-5. 2
Luke. after the Hebzew is interpeeted , 2 rifing to
him. A Phiſitian, who became an Euangeliſt Col.4.
14.2 Tim. 4. 11. as
Luz. aa almond a departing oꝛ bending. & citie cals
led alio Beth-el. Gen.28.19 Folh.16.2. ano 8.13,
taken by the famiip of Joſe ph Juvg.: 23.
Lybia, grofe, oz fat. A countrep Iping from Gs
gypt tothe Tell Deean: fo called of the Mozes. Sct.
2 10. looke Lubim.
Lycaonia, a wolfe A province of AGa where War:
nabas and Paul preached.Acts 14.6.
Lydda.z landing pond of water. G citp of the IO bis
iifimg on the banke of che great lea, called Dioſpolis.
1 Mac.14. 34. Acta 9.32.35.
Lydia, edema counttey in Afia the leſſe on the Eaſ
iopning to Phrygia: on the Worth to pla : on the
Donth ope part of Caria. r. War.8.8 called allo ae
Loth .
Maale- A-
Iſ ↄ of the people. Tere. 46: 9 Allo a godly we
man whe beiceued the Goſpel. Acts 16.14,
Lyfanias dioluing fadne ffe. The Tetrateb of Abia
lene. Luke 3.4.
Lyfias.difoluinz Ting Antiochus Bepucie.r War.
3.3 2.22. Mec.i 1.1, I. Mac. 6. 27. aNd 7.253 4
Lyſimachus.diſolumg batrei Menelaus bꝛothet. 2.
Ailo che enne of Ptolemeus. Eiet 11.1.
Lyftra,as Lyfias, ã citie — 14 6,
Maacah. prefed dowae,worne,02 fafesed.2. Dam.
10.6. ` f
Maachah.zdem, Abiſhaloms Baughter. 1, Win: 5. 2.
2.Cb2.1 1. 20. Allo Calebs concubine. Eht. 2:48.
Maachathi oken, & c. as Maacah. Deug. 14. Jol.
13. 11. and 2 King. 25.23-
Maadai.yeerely eaſant,deched teftifying ez paſſing
ouer:oj after the Spꝛian taking arczy.E3t. 10.34.
„> Maadiah, folenity,o2 the pleafantnes,oz decking of the
Lord, oꝛ the teſtimony, oꝛ couenat of the Lord. IREE 2.55
Maai.a bellie oꝛ heaping up. Qeh. i 2.36.
Maakah,looke ———
Maaleh-akrabbim, o} Maaleth-akrabbim. Rumb.
344. Joſh. 15.3.
Maarah.a denne,a making emptie, a powring out of
watcr,02 watching. A citie. §oh.15.59.
Maalai.may worke.s.Eb2.9,12-
Maafeiali.the worke of the Lord, 1, Chꝛ. 15. 18.and
3,QZi2. 26.28,
Maafiah, 03 Maaziah, the defence, ſtrengtli, 03 [ure
truſt of the Lord.2+Qb2.23.1.and 1. 242.2 4.18.
Masth wiping away,defacing breaking o} fearing,
oz after the Spranya [nting Luk. 3.26.
Maiz.woo0d.02 af wood i. Chꝛo.2.27.
Maziah.the firength,oz ſuccour of the Lord, t.£b2.
24.18.800 IReh.10.8.
Macbannai,ez Macbanai. a wretch,oz my yoore (on,
03 the powsrtce of underftanding.1. Chꝛ 52.13.
Maceabeus /wuting,oz afier tye Gecke.2 warriour.
the ſonne of CB attarviag.1. Dat.2.4.DF whom looke
moze in Iudas,
Macedonia. burning, o2 worshipping 02 a crooked-
nefe. but after the Gpeeke, loftie, oz excelling other,
Acountrep in Oreece. Reade Eher 16.101. ec..
1. 2. Macc.s.2o Acis 16.9,10,12, MD 19. 21,22.29,
Rom.1 5.25.1. Coꝛ 16,5.3; L024. 10. and 8.1. and 9.
2. and 11.9. and 1, Theſ.4. 10.
Machbenah.powertie, the ſimiting of hus ſonne, the po-
ucrtie of underftanding , 03 the [mizing of the builder,
5.Qf20.2 49. : i
Mathi. poore,ogza fmiter. Mum 13.16,
„Machir, felling, 0} knowing Ge.50.23.€
Machrites.zdem. JAIN 26,29.
Machmas, after, o} 4 poore man taken away. tl
‘tf. 1. Mac. 9.73.
Machnadebaĩ.a /mit: r,03 a poore man vowing of bis
owne accord. Ezta 10.40.
Machpelah. donb de. Gen,2 3.9.
Madai. a meaſure, iudging, oga garment, Gth.'0.2.
Madan, ſrife iudginga meaſure, opa garment. Gẽ.
Madmanah, 2 mea fure of a gift the prepara’ion of
a garment, oꝛ a dunghill. A citie. Poly 15 35. Jete.ab ⸗
2. Iſa 10 3z. Allo a mati. 1.@b2.2.49.
Madon. a chiding, 03 a garment , 02 hu meaſure. &
titie. Jofh 11.1. aud 32.19.
Magbihh. excelling other, oꝛ height, Ezta 2.30.
Magdala, a tower o greatne ffe: A citie: Mat. 15 39
Magdalena. magnified, 03 exalted, 02a towers The
Carname of Darthag Gler.ADatth.27-5 Glooke Maric,
The firft Table.
Migdicl. preaching; oꝝdeclariug God yog the apple,
02 chojen frist of God. Gen. 36 43. :
Magog, csuering, ogmelting, Aman; a people; and
a colmtrep. Hen. 10.2, E3e.38.2.and 39,6.Reue.20.8
Wiagbiath.2 body thruft hard together, 0} gathered
together, oz the moth ofthe body, pz of the garment,
elemi o.20 ° -
Mahali. zn firmitie,oz ſichues, o3 accompany of daun-
cers, oꝝ a harge:oꝛ after the Oxꝛian perdon. Exo.o.i 9.
Rum. 3.20. and s, Chona 3.23. Df whom came the
Mahlites. 3um.3.33-
Mahalah.iders, Gileads Ofer. 2.627.218. Alſo the
Dalightersf Jeremoth. 2. Chzon. a4. 16. Ale Eſaus
third wife, Gen.289. SHTRETER
Mahaleel. prayfing God, 03 Gods illumination. The
foune of Renan.Geñ.5. 12. Lu. 3. 37. Allo the father of
DShephatiah. Meh.11.4,
Mahanaim, tents, 02 4 company of fouldiers, oꝛ two
armies oꝛ campes. The place where Gods Angels met
Jaakob. Gen. 32 1,2. Joſh 13 26.
Mahaneh-dan. thetents oiudcem⸗nt.A place. Jud;
ges 18.12.
Maharai hafling oʒ a hill o} from my hill, 2.34.23.
28. and r.h}. 1 1.30. ,
Mahath. wiping away, breaking, 02 fearing, oꝛ aftet
the Spzian. a fimting. v.Lh2.6 .35 and 2. Chꝛ· 29. 12.
Mahauite.declaring a meſſoge blatting out, ſhauing,
02 the marrow in bones, I.Ehꝛ.i 1.46.
Mahazioth. ftesmg a figne,o2 feesng a letrer.1 Ch.
*Maherfhalal-hath baz. 3ifa.8.3.
Mahlah,ag Mahalah @ be daughtet of Felophebav.
JQumb.26.3 3.
Mahli,and Mahlites, Tooke Mahaili, -
Mahlon, as Mahali Ruth r.2.
Mahol. zdem, 1 Ring. 4. 31. ER
Mainan. sumbred,rewarded,oy prepared, Father of
Melea. Lu. 2.376
Mahaz, 2m ende, oꝛ ending yrkeſomeneſſe, oꝝ watch
ing fummer,oz waxing Lote A place. 1. Rin 4.9.
Makkedah,a burr2n 2,02 mor [hip ping oga crooked-
ne Se. A city. Joſh. 10.10,28.and 15.44
Makkeloth. Churches, companies, oʒ ccmiregations,
A manGon.jQum.31,25. meffengerso2 Angel. A Prophet. Dal.
1, rand 2. Eſd.i .40.
Malarh-leannoth. looke the title of Pſal. 88.
Malcham, their king, og their counfellour. & mang
name. r-d 62.8.9. elfo ay idale. e ph· 5.
Malchiah the Lord my king y 62 the Lord my coun-
fellour, t-£526.4- E3ta 10:2 5-get.2 4.3.
Malchiel. God s my king, og God 1s my coun ſellour,
03 God ss my kingdome. Bene, 46 17. 3.0 20-7.31- of
tohom came tie Malchielites. J2um.26.4§. _,
Malchiigh,a Malchiah, 5.2. t2.9.1 2-an0 24.9.
Malchifhua my king the fawiour,ozthe king of heakh,
02 the mighty king. Sauls lonne. 1. Sain, 34.49-
Malchi. zedek. king of rightcoufnege. The king of
Sialem,to whom Abzam gaue ithe of ail bis (poiles,
@e.14.58,19,20.teas PED. 5.6.* 7.,2,lorbe Shem,
Malchus wy king kingdom ony counfellor, Toe hie
priefts feruant, whole eare Peter (more off. Joh.i 8.10
Maleleel, looke Mahaleel. ; i
Malhah, ag Mahali.paugpter of Felophekan. Joſh.
17.3.looke Mahlah,
Mallothi. fulneffe, 02 circumciſion. i. Cha 25.4
Malluch, retgmng, 02 counſelltag. Heng names.
#301. Eg.
Ezra 10.29,3 2. Mh.10.4, 27.
Mamre a rebell, bitter,oꝛ changing, oꝛ fet with trees.
A mans name. Gene.14,24. allo a plaine neere Des
boon. Gen, 13.28,
i Mahelah
` Mahalon
è Melchias
Melchie~ -
ee OS SEEP SON A ee ee ee ee EEN ee ee ee
Menahem `
Manoe g
et ll ete
Mamter.æ baftard,oz one borne of an harlot, Deut,
23. 2.
—— — gift, oꝛ meate prepared,o} what
% this?jFoon tent Onto the Aſcaelites (co heauen. Ero.
16:15. God tained Man anv Quailes vnto the Fira.
elites. Exod. a 6.13. Numb.a 1,31. The lunne meites
it and being kept longer then God appointed; it pu-
trified. Exod 16.z0,21. It fell net on tye Sabbath, ¢
tobp.cExo.16.25,26. It wag relerued, and ipp. Erot:
16.32. The Iſt aelites loathed it. Mu.a 1.6. Jt ceaſed
after thex bad taken of rhe cogne of Canaan. jou. s.
12. Man notthe true bean, but a figure thereof. Jobn
6.3153 2,335395 49,58- OF Man reade JPL 78.24,25:
TUif.16.20,21.1.€ 3.10.3. Reu.2. 17.
Manahemsacom/srter.De that lew Shallum king
of Judah, and reigned in bis Kead.2.-Ring.15.14.He
dieth.2. RNg. 5.14 ;
Manahen thegr comforter, 02 leader, Ogthe prepara.
tjon of heat og a gift mot re gifired Acts 13.8.
Manaffeh, looke Manatheh, Joſephs fonne. Ge. 41.
51, Jaakob reckoned Manafich aud Cphzaim among
His childzen. Genel, 46.5. Manaſſeh ig bleſſed bp Naar
kob.@en.48,19,20, The habitation of palie his tribe.
Boh. 2 3.29,30. Joſhua commandeth them to gore at»
med before their baethzett, Joſh a. 12,13, 14.and 4.12
The portion anv heritage of the childzen ofManaffeh.
Qol.a2-7,8. Chey vefrop nor the Canaanites beeerip,
but made chem tributaries.Judg-1.27,28.
Alle Hezekiahs fonne, who lucceeved his father.2.
Kin 20.21 Wat.1.10, Pe became wicked and idola⸗
trous.2. Wing. 21.2,¢0 19.and2, Chz.33-1,to21. Dee
ig callen Er Luke 3.28.
Manahthites.may ladie of reſt, o my prince of reſt. A
people.1.@ 2.2.54. ;
Mandrakes. ã kinde of fruit. Gen.30.14,15-Cant.
Maneh. g, kinn of weight E3ck.45.12.
Manoach, reft ona gift, The father of Samlon.
Maon. a dwelling place, oꝛ a place of offence, 03 of
Gune.G citie. Joth.r5.55.Aifo a man.1.C 7.2.45.
Mara. bitter, of bieterneſſe. The name of Maomi.
Ruth 1. 20. Alſo amanGon. rod. 15.23. Num. 3 3. 8.
Maralah.Leepe, oꝛ drunkenneffe,o the bitter ne ſſe
afcending:02.4 facrijice killed, o a facrifice of myrrhe,
oza lease of Myrrhe,oz teaching [acrifice,vy aſcenſion.
q citie. Jolh.19.18.
Maran-atha. 1,02, 16.23.
Marke. fled oꝛ made fine, 02 wiped fromthe rufti-
neff: Barnabas ifers foune. Col.4.10.2. Tim.4. 14.
Peter calleth him his fonne.1.JPet.5.1 3. \
Mardechai, fooke Mordechai.
Marethah, frons the head, from the beginning, oz an
inheritance, 02 the bitterwe/fe of the feld. A citie. Joh.
15.44. Wich.i.i.Alſo a man.i.Chꝛ.2.a2.
Marie ap Miriam, the birgin,wife to Jofeph, mother
of Chzitk. Matth. 1. 16. Per wonderfull conception by
the bolp Shoſt Luk 1. 26, to 39.She villteth ver cou-
fis Elisabeth. Luk. 1.40.And is called bleſſed of ber.
Luke 1.42.Her long. Luk. 1 .46,to 56, She being des
liuered of Chik at Bethlehem: Luke 2-7. goeth into
Egypt ; andreturnerh to Nazateth. Watth.2.1 3.*
Sie feeketh her Conve, and findeth him in the temple,
pifputing among Doctors. Luk,2.44.* She ig called
hits mother. John 2,3. anv’ 19.25,26,
Allo the mother ef John War.12.02,
Gl the wife of Lieophas, the bitgine Maries ſiſter.
Bohn 19.25. who beſtowed great labour bpon Gong
preachers. Rom.16.6. the mother of James ¢ oles.
Allo the mother of Jebedeus chilezen, John and
The firft Table.
James. W atth.27.56. and 4.29. Wat. 1.19,
Allo the ſiſtet of Lazarus and Wartha , furnamed
Magdalena, who anointed the Low, g wiped his fete
witi her haire. Joh.: 1.2. € 12.3. Mat.26.7. He meee
teth Jelug comming to ber boule. Joh.i 1,29. the was
berp attentive to heare the two. Luk.10 39.* Logik
aiketh ber why Ye tept-Foh.20.85, Dut of ber Conk
caf (euen Beutis,¢ fhe followed bim minifring te hins
ef her lubſtance. Luk. 8.2, 3. She canneth to the Ser
pulchze, Mat.27.6 1. and 28.1. Joh. 20. 1, 2. Chaꝛiſt bes
ing riſen againe, fozbiddeth berto touch bim, ¢ WHP.
Fehn 20.17. Shee cheweth tothe Apoſties the relut ·
tection of Chu. Mar.16.9, 10. John 20.18.
Maroth, bstternefe. A city. Mic.r.i 2.
Mars ftreete. looke Acts 17.19, 22.
Marfena. the bitternes of a bramble, 02 myrrhe of the
enemie, oꝛ ſbewing the bramble o} encmie. Eſt.1. 14.
Martha. /ferrsag vp,bitter,o} prouoking: oz after the
Gprian, a dy. Sitter of Warp an’ Lazarus. Luke
40.38 ,39, cumbzen about much bufinefle. Luk. 10.40.
anb ferued fuppert.Job.1 2.2. er faith. Joh. 1 1.22,24;
27. bet dituk berle 39.
Mathal, a parable, goucrning , o} ruling, & citie,1.
Mafhmannah. his fatne/fe,02 his oyle, oꝛ touching, 0}
taking away, a gift ognumber. 1 J )3.12.10,
Mathrecah an hiffing, 02 drawing of vanity ,02 ton-
ching vanitre,opavine, Acitp. 1.Qhzon.1.47.Oene.
Maſſa.a burden,a taking unte oꝛ [ametimees og jro-
phefie, Gen.25.14.
Maffah. tentation. A place. Eron. 17.7.
Mathathias. looke Mattithia, and Luke 3.25,36,
Mathufala looke Methufhelah, and Luke 3.37.
Matred, a wand deftending,oz the wand of gouerna
ment, op after the Spzian /abour.Gen.36.39.
Matri.rain, heaping cuſtody, oga prifon.
Mattan his gift, oꝛ the leine y oꝛ the death ofthemog
after tbe Spztan,expecfation,o hope, 2. Ring.i 1.18.
Mattanah, idem. A place Aum. 27.18.
Mattani,og Matthenai.idem.Ezra 10,33.
Mattaniah. the gift of the Lord, oꝛ the Lord ofthe
doynes: 02 after the Spzlan @ Pebzew, the hope ofthe
Lord. Jebotakims buncie called allo Fedekiah.2 King.
24.89 alfo the Conne of Bical. 1.hz.9.15.
Mattatha bis gft. Lu.3.3 1.
Mattena1,looke Mattani.
Matthan, as Mattan.Mat.i. 15.
Matthat.a gift, oꝛ gining. Lu.ʒa.24,29.
Mattattah his gift.Ezta 10.33.
Mattathias, as Mattaniah. fFather of Judas Mac⸗
cabeus. 1.Qac.2,8.* Hlo other men. Lu. 3.25,26,
Matthew. giwen, 02a reward. Gn Apoũle and E⸗
uangelif, named alfo Leui whom Chꝛiſt called.Mat.
9.9,10. Mar.ꝛ. 14. Lu.5. 27.
Matthias.the gift ofthe Lord 3.Qac.r4.19.Atlo the
Apoſtle chofen in the roume of Judas. Act.1.26,
Mattathia. a giftof the Lord. The elbek forme of
Shallum. 1.€b2.9. 3 1.alfo another. 1. Chz. 15. 18.
Maxzaroth, The moming Marre. Fob 38.32.
Mauzzim, flrengthened,o3 ftrength oz ſuccours. An
idole. Dan ti. 38.
@Meah. an hundreth cubites. A towet.Neh.3.4-
Mearah.adenme,02 a caue, a making emptie, oga pow-
ving out of water,o2 watching. Joſh.3 4.
Mebannai a ſonne, a building, underftood,o under-
ftanding.2.Qam 23.27:
Mecherathite: felling 02 knowledge.i. Chꝛ.i 1.36.
Mechonah a fote of a pillar, 03 prowigon. A citie.
IMehe. 11,28.
Moazim ~
| Aman
Melcha . 7
dek *
- Malafar
~ Memuchan
t Mamuchan
_ Menaffeh
J Mneftheus
gp "ibo
$ Merob iit
shiz? Lo i
_ Merari’ ii
Ru 4—
^ rarites.JDun.26.57.
Medad.meafuring, o} the waters of the beloued, Nu.
11.26. :
£ Medam,{ooake Madan, EA
Medeba.the waters ef grief o} waters ringing vp.
@ citie. Mum.2 1.30.9 of).13.9,16.
-` Medes.a meafure, absunding, 62 a garment: in We:
bite, Madai A people. Eze.6. 2. Iſai. 3.17, Acts 2.9.
Megiddo,oz Megiddon a declaring of a meffage,an
apple oꝛ the chefen fruit. Q citie. Jolh. 12.21. Zechar.
V2.0. good God?oz God doing well. Gen.
6.39. ,
; Mehida.a riddle, ſparpnes of wit,o1 /hauing the hand:
o2 after the Sprian, the hand [mitten EFta 2.5 2
Mehir.¢ reward.r.Chꝛ.4.11.
Mehuaicl.teaching,o2 declaring God, oꝛ Ged blotting
ext; og after the Sprtanans Debre, mitren of God
Gen.4. 18.
Mehuman. troubled, making an vprore, oga multi-
tude. Eſter 1.10.
Meiarkon.a citie, Joh. 19.46.
Melatiah, deliwerance of the Loyvd. Meh. 3.7.
Melea.a qucene, on [hee coun/feller: op after the We
bzue, [uppljing o} fuppleed, Lube 7.31. -
` Melchimy king, o} my counfell, Che name of men
mentioned duke 3.24,28. l
Melchi fedec,fooke Malchi-fedek,
Melech a king og counfeller.1. Ehz 8.35. kingdome og counfe. Ieh.12.14,
Melita. flowing with honie. An Ille betweene Epis
ris and Italte looking toward Cicilia Accs 28.1.:
| Melzar, the circumciſion of anarruw place, ogof a
bond, oꝛ a ſteward. Dan. t.11.
Memphis. from the mouth: o} after the Sprian, a co
uerer o} ower mecimer,a counttep.Dol.9.6.Gudet. 1.10
Memucan.prepared,/ure, made poore,oz fmitten. E=
Menahem, looke Manahem, ;
Menafheh. forgotten, oz forgetfulneffe. tooke Mana-
fheh.and allo Ezra 10.33.
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Vpharfin, Dan. 5.25.
Menelaus pswer,oz flrengti of the people.a. Macc.5.
15. and 11.29
Meneftheus. chcareſulneſſe, anger, 02 the ſtrength of
God.2.99 4.4.20.
Meonenim. charmers, | UDQ.9.37-
Meonothai.1.€)2.4.14. *
‘i Mephaath. an appearance of waters, 02 the force of
waters.@ citie, Joh 21 3. and 13.18.
Mephiboſheth [hame of mouth Sinne of Jongthan,
fame of his,4 4. comfazted € well ittea-
ted of Danid fox his Fathers fake. 2. Samu. 9,6" Fiba
bp falle accufation , obteineth ali that bee did poffe ffe.
2.Hain, 16.4. Mhich being knowen, the lands are Bi-
uided betweene him and Zihs · Dan t9.22.
Merab.fichting,chidiag, op multiplyizg:o2 after the
SHprian,the office ofa mafter, Haulseldefi daughter.
1.Sam 14.49. pPromiſed to Dauid to wife, but ginen
to another. 1.S5am.18.17,18,19.
Meraioth bitterneſſe, rebellious 02 changings. The
forme of Seraiah.1i@ 20.6.6. Alfo the lonne of Ahitub.
1,0 2.9.18.
NMerari bater flirted up,o2 prouoked, The fonne of
Leni. Gen.46.1 1. Exc.6. 10, Df whom canie the Me-
Mercurius.ofmarchandif2 Dne of the heathen gods
to whome Paulwas likened Actes 14.12. Ailo one
whom Paul ereceeth.Rom.16. 14.
The firſt Table.
death. Ezra 10.36.IReh. 3.4. and 10.5,
Meres. adaftslling donne from the head: 62 after the
Spin an wmpoftume.€ Ker 1.14.
Merib baal.rebebion,op fighting againfi Baal. The
forine of Fonathan.1.Lhz.8, 3 4.
Meribah. /rafe,oz contention. A place. Exov.17.7.
JQum.20,1 3.03ek.47.19.
Merodach Baladan. bitter contrition without iudge-
mert Baladans fonne, king of Babel. Jlat.3g, 1.cale
led Berodach Baladan.2.iking.20.1 2,
Merom heaghts a river. Joya 1.5. finging,retoycing, 03 crying out: 02
in the Spaian,bearing rulert.Qh2.27.30.
Meroz, fecret} leannes.a citie of Galile. Jud.5. 23. Meros
Meſho.a burden, og taking, 02 a faluation. Sonne of Mefa
Caleb. 1.Qh2.2.42. Alloa king of Moab. . King. 3.
4:5. Tilo a citie. Gen. 1030,
Melhach-prolonging o} drawing, 0} hedging in wa-
ters. Dan 1,7.
Meſhechadem, Sonne of Gapheth.Gcve.10 2. Of
whom the countrep of Methech tooke name. Ezek. 27.
Mefhelemiah, the peace,the perfeétion,og the recopen-
Mefhezabeel.God taking away, flowing: o} after the
Sprian anv Webzelw,the faluation of God, Mee. 3.4.
andio2r ~ '
Mefhillemith. peaceable, perfect, giuing againe 502
the parat les ¢ fdeath.:.GO2.9.12. -
Mefhillemoth.a makingpeace.perfection,a giuing a-
gaise, oꝛ the parables of death. 20h}. 28.12,
Mefbullam, a peacemaker, 02 peaceable, perfect gi-
ning againe, their parables, oꝛ their power. ⁊. Rin 22.3.
IR2Ne.3 446,30, 4c.
Mefobaite. the landing place of the Lord, the Lords
ftanding, oz a little Doe.t. Cyt 147.
Mefopotamia.& conntrep.parcel of the greater S fia
and Sprta,betweene Babylon g Arabia, ¢ betweene
the tws riders Tigris anv Euphzates, as the Greeks
00208 Mefos,middle,aP otamos,arixer(wherof it igc5:
Pounded) Dolignifie. Act.2.9 € 7.2. Yuder.2.24.6 5.7.
Meffias azomted but after b greeke,Chri/?. Job. 42
Methnthael, asking death oz his death, 024 grane,
Gen 4.18.
Methuthelah. he fent hi death, o} the weapons of his
death.: or after the Debzew anv Syziau, poyling his
death, oz the fpoyle of death. The father of Lamech.
Gens 25,2627,
Methegammath.the bridle of bondage.2s54m.8. 1.
and 1. Che. 8.
Meunim.dwelling places, afflicting offending, oĩ au
[mering 1. Eſd 5.31. Ezra 2.50.
Mezahab. galded, oꝛthe waters of cold, 02 what gold,
Gen. 38 39.
G Miamin. the right hand og preparing waters, (32.
30,25, i 2 16° : :
Mibhar, chetn, oz youth.1. £629.38.
Mibfam. /imelling fwcet,o} confounding them, Gen.
25.13. and LEI 4 25.
Mibzar. defended, waked, ſorbidding tahing away,
‘G3 gathering evapes. 2 Duke. Gen 76.42.
fing of the Lord, Mens names, i . Chꝛo 9.21. and 26.1. Mofolamia
Mofolla- $ :
moth i
Mehunim `
Mbaba fi
Michah poor, lowly [miting or fneitten jon who is here Mapfar
in this place? eg waters here. WMens.names,2.Samuy,
9.12.1, Chron. 5.5, Judg.17. 1. ANB IS, 13,t027.2.
Michael. Who is God,o2 whe t. Mum. 33.28. Mithca
Mithnite, a gift, 62 the lane soz attet the Dpr Michanite
an, hope oz looking for. GULIA. Mathanite
Mithredath,e//2yi2¢ oz beholding the lawe,o2 brea- Mithridates
king the Lawes the geing downe of death, @32a.1.8, Mithridath
avn {02,2.01.
Mitylenes. cleanlineffe, othe wiping ofthe wine- Mitylene
prefe. An Jile again dita, diſtant from the neer f
bezders iheref 5700 pacers. Acts 20.14,
Mizar, fttle.@ hili Pſal.42.6.
Mizpaii,ojMizpeh.a watch tower, o} looking glafft, Mifpah
oꝛ iudgement ola cowering. A place. Ben.31.49.501). Mirfparh
11.3,8.600 13.26 builded bp king Ala. 1ikineg.22. Miſphat
The Hiraclices conluii there agawls the Gibeonites. Mafpha
Hurg.20.1,t0 11.2 hitier alb Samie] alſembled the Melpeh
Iſtaelites to prap for chem aan 7.5.
Mizraim. Gen. 10.6.
Mizzsh a dropping op diſtilling from the hrad, oꝛ a Mirza |
Sprinkling by that: o} atter tte Spztan , a confumime, Meza |
02 confumptson. Oe. 36.03. |
q Mnafon a diligent [zeker o betrothing og remim- |
bring. Acts 24.16, wit
g Moab.efche father. Lets fon by bia eoch daugh⸗
tet, of whom came the wicked Moabites,Gene.19.37.
and 36.36.thep ate overcome by the Qmogites. Mum,
24.29. frae] rozbibden to ware with them. Deur. 2.
9. Iſtael failing ta wWolatrie, become ſubiects to them.
Judg. 312,13,14. Ehud Mareth 10000. Moabites,
uog. 3.29.@emek Moabs abomination.1. Kin.
11.7. Abe Uracktes commit whozedome wird tie
Daughters of Moab Qumb. 25.1. Moabs tuine foze»
fhewer.Wfa.16.2/ Tarep whic) Dauid Tew nor, be-
came tributaries. 2, 5am, 8&2. Tehothaphate ¢ Jeho⸗
rame mitaculous victozie again Moab.2.king.3.5.*
Moladah, satiastieez generation A citie, Boh. rga Molada
26.4nD 19,2.
Molech. reigning, oza counſellour. Am idole ofthe Moloch
Ammonites. rKin. t17. The Iſraelites forbiasencto )
offer their children to it. enit, «8.21, open paine of
Dearth. Lett. 20.2,3,4,5 Sit was detltopen bp Icſiab.
2.iking.2 3.10.
Molecheth. 1,062 9.18. Molecath
Mbled natiuity 0} generation oga circumcifed band
1,0 2.2.29,
Mordechai. biter contrition 402 worne myrrhe, og Mardechsi
teaching contrition: o2 after the Pebjue and Spzian, Mardocheus
moft pure myrrhe We mho bꝛought yp Efter. Eſter. 2. Mordecai
5.* mha bemaited he Temes veftruction.g fer 4.1.*
and Was exalten. Eſter.6.2.* Ailo the name of axo
ther. Ezra 2.2. Mehe. 7.7.
Moreh./lretching.a place.Goen.i 2.6. Den.: t.30.
Moriah, the feare of God. mountain where Izhab Moruah
onla hane bene ofere: Gen. 23. 2.2. Chz· 3. 1. Moria
MOTS The firft Table. N A B
Mofera. learning ,difcipline,ona bond: afterthe ps 37.2; te9. De prepareth himſelfe to bie, comfogtery the
tian, e zining oꝛ tradition. à mountaine where Maren pecp'e , and giueth them precepts. Deut.31.2, to 146
Died, and was buried. Deut. 10.6. Called Woz. Mum, He and Voua are charged tocompile a long, and te
20.22." and 33.38,39. Deut.32,50 what end. Deuter.31.14,to 22. De efcendeth moune
Moferoth. zdem. JQum.33.30,33. Abatim to (ee the land of promife. Deut.3 2.49. being
Motes Mofheth. drawen vp, oꝛ drawen fuorth,op taken out. about to die, ve blefleth ail the tribes of Piraci. Deut,
Moifes Sonne of Amram. Erov.6.20, Mofes boꝛne, and mi: 3 3.1.* He viety and was buried bp Ged. Deut.34.5,
Moyfes raculoullp pꝛeſecued · Epod.2.2,tor1. Pee flapetban 6. Iltael bewatleth bis reath 30. dapes, Deut.34.8,
Noſeh Egyptian. Exod.a.i ẽ, 12. hee would haue pacien His ſepulchze vnknowen. Deut.34.6. Hee is pzapſed.
thao Hebzewes. Exod.a.i 3. hee fleeth intorkelandof Ecclus.a5.i, to 20, Hee had impediment of fpeeche
Wivian, and typ, Erod.2.14. where beemarrietha Cyo.4.10, Garon was his {pokelman.€pov.4.16. No
wife, and bath two fonnes. Erod.3.15.* Weeping Pꝛzophet like Mofes. Deus.24.10. He bziefip ſheweth
fheepe, bee (eeth the Angelina bulk, Erod.3.2.Gon what he vid bpon Sinai. Deut.9.7.* and 10.1,t0 12.
fendeth bim to Pharaoh to deliuer the Iſraelites, He became meviatour betweene God and the people.
and promileth to be with him. Exod.3.12. Pee recti Meut.5.27. he was mofi meeke.Num.i 2. 3. he is ane
ueth cokens to affure jis vocation. gcrod.4 3. herefus geythat the Widianites women were pzeſerued. Qn.
feth the charge committed topun, an why. Exed· 4. 31.1415. Dis luſtie age when hee dled, Deut.34.7.
10. De with bis wife and chiinzen goe toboatD Eappt. The faith of his parents, and of himfelfe. Deb.11.23,
Exod.4.20. Alnioik killed bp the Angclinebe Tune, 24, to 29. Mofes faithfull in Gens houle, but not tike
Foz omitting the citcumciſion of hig onne. rD. 4.24. Chiti. Heb. 3.2, to 7. Jannes and Jambzes reſiſted
ee anv Garon hauing vone theirmeflage to Pha. Yim. 2. Cimoth.3.8. Che Hewes beleeue that Gon
raoh, are repulled, andthe Iltaelites moze grieuouls fpake vnto tim, but not vnto Chꝛiſt. John 9-2 9.Mofes
Ip oppzeflzd. Erod.5.1,2. * his rovve tutned into a and the Prophets the Scripture of $ od Teſtament
ferpent. Erov.7.10, see complayneth thatthe people Luke 16.29,33. The Jewes weuld not chep Hume
were not immediatly deltuered after bis mellage Actes 7.39. Mofis,in whom the Jewes trut, hall ace
Dene. red. 5.22, his fog. Erov.15.1,t0 20. Mhile je cule them in that thep beteeue not Chziit,of whom bee
prapeth, the Iſtaelites cucrcome Amalek. Erov.1v. wote. John 5.41.% Mofes was wont to be read in the
t1.* Hee condefcendeth tothe counfarle of Heth bis Spnagogues euerp Sabbath dap. Act.15.21. be fozes
father in faw.dErov.18.24. Ohe matters of greateſt tolde the comming of dhilt. Deu 18.15. Acts 3.22,
importance are bzought te himſelfe. Exod.i 8.22. Hee and7.37. We and Elias appeared at the traffigaras
chergerh nor te touch mount Sinai, and oby. Exo 19. tion of Chit. Wathay. 3, Che confefling offnned
13. be lanctifiery the peeple. Excd. 19. 14. le aud Aaa afterthe Law of Mofes. Leuit. 16.21,27.
ron afcend bp to Sinai. Exod. 9.24. Hee conlecras Moza, found,vnleauencd,the end exprefing ogma- Mofa
teth the olde Teſtament, and how.gtod.24.8. Hee is king cleane. 1, Lhy0.2.46.
with Gov in the cloud 40, dayes and 4o. nights. Gre. Mozah. a chiding , a fubtillinucation,unleaucned, ee
24.18. being angrep be bzeakerh the ttoo Gables of the oz apreffing dowze. A citie. oth 18.26.
Lawin pieces, and burneth the golven calfe Exod.
31.18.* be Defireth to be rafed out cf the bocke of fife, a couereng. Gen.46.21.
if God would not ‘pardon his peoples Gune. Erodug Mufach. anointing, acouering, Ozan offering. looke
32.32. God (peakerh to bim face to face. Exod;3.11. 2.Ring.16.18. where it ig witten a baile.
@Muppim. ont of the mouth: og after the Spzian, Mophina
Hee defireth Ged to conduct the people, ant pimin Mulſhi. departing taking away,touching,going back, Mufi
the wap. Erod.32.13,14,15. Hod commandeth him 02 carsed away violently Sonne of Werart.€r0.6.19, Muſites
to fiand in a place to fee his backe partes. Erod.33. of bimcame the Muſfhites. (dum. 3.33. and 26.58,
$ 21.* Dee might not fee Gods fece , and liue. Exodus Muth-labben. [ the title.
33.20 Dee returneth from the mount with new Taz € Myrrhe.a gum Exo. 30. 23. Plal.a5.8.Mat.a.ix.
bleg. rod-3 4.1, to29. Speaking tothe people, thy Myrtus, a Myrtle tree. Mehe. 8.i 5.
be vlen to couce bis face. Exod.34.33. 2. Corinth. 3. N.
13. he murmureth and refuſeth ta conduct the people. — Naam. faire, ogplea(ant. 1.2 h20.4.15- Naham
umb.: 1.11, to v6. Yee wiſheth all the people could Naamah, faire,beautzful, comely, oꝛ greatly muing, Noema
prophecie, Rumb. 11.29. Hr was Govs faithfull fere Gen.4 22. and 1 Bing.14,2¢,
nant. Jum. 17.7. Debz.3.2. Dee and Aaron hearing Naaman. idem, Sonne of Beniamin. Gene. 46. 21. Noeman
the peoples murmuring, fell on their facez. SQun.14. Alloacaptaine , who wag healen of lepzp bp Eliſha.
5- beappealeth Bons twzath. Mum. 4 13, to 21. Hee 2. King.5. 1 t020,
fell on btg face, hearing the rebelion ef Dathan, ac. Naarab. amaide, a yong man, 02 fhaking oſhoʒ wat· Naara
umh. 16.4. God, bp deroping Rozahandthereft, ching. 1.0h30.4.5.
Declared that he had fent Mofes to gouerne. Rum. 16, Naarath.zdem A citie: Joſh. 6.7.
3,5,28. fearing to be Raine, be tleeth tothe Tabernaz Naariah. the child of the Lorde, the [haking of the
cle. QNu.a 6 42,43. The people deltroped, foz murmu- Lord, the watchman of the Lord,ogthe Lord watching.
ting againſt Mofes. 4nam.16.49. Why he and Garon i. Chro. 3. 22.
entren tiot into the land of promife.JQum.2z0.12. Wee Naaſſon, looke Naaſhon.
fenveth meffengers tothe king of Edom. Mum.20.14. Nabaioth, bads, oz fruits} prophecies, Gen.2 5.13.
be reciteth the Lawtathe Wfeaelites. Deut.1.3.Hee Nabal. aforle,oz mad. A rich man, huſband of Abie
Defireth God to appoint a gouernour to fucceede him, Kail, reage 1.Sam.25.2, to 40
Mum. 27 16.* The land of promile is Hetwed to him. Nabat, dehol/ding. Father of Jeroboam.
FQum.27.12. Pee cenflituterh others to helpe bim 26, Ecclus.47.23. ~.
in the gouernement Deuter,r.9,to19. Dee-abinzty Nabathites. Peahing. prophecying, oꝛ budding faith.
bpon horeb 40. dayes and 40. nights, without anpfus .A9ec.5-25.and 9.35.
fienance. Deut.9.9. Wis incouragement tothe people Naboth. a fpeech, prophecie, peaking, prophecying,
that hould warre.Distet.z0.1. De commaundeth to fruct: fying:o} budding forth. De ther refuled to (et A⸗
reate bp at Altar after that ihep bad pafled Foran, hab bis vinepard, and therefeze twas ftoned bp Jeze⸗
and caufen the Law to bee written theteon. Deutet. dels wicked practtfe. 1.Ring.21.1, to 17.
D 2 Nachon
q Naheffon
; Noemi
| Nephthali
Nepht huim
Nachon. ready 02 furee A mang Name. 2. DIM6, 6,
callen Chidon.1.Chzon.1 3.3.
Nadab. a prince,oz Lberal vowing,o2 of his owne ac-
cord. The ſanne of Aaroy.ger0.6.23. he and Abib. ec.
faw Gov, and in what likenes Exo.24,9, 10 A hep of:
fering firange fice , ave Deuolred.f ett. 10.1,2. allo the
ſonne of Jero boam, Who reigned ouer Frael. r Wing.
14.20. like bis wicked fagher. 1. in as.26. (laine bp
WBaagiha, wharetaned in his lead. 1.Qing.15,27,28,
Naggal. clearene fe, o ight. Luke 3.25.
Nahaliel. the inheritance, flowing fireame, on valley
of God. Mum 31.19.
Nahallal, pray fed bright; oza foote. acitp. Jofh..9,
15.aND 21,35. 40.1. 30.
Nahan: a comforter, 02 repentant, 02 the Leader of
them. oꝛ the reft of theme i. Lygr-4.19.
Nahamani, zdem jMehe.7.7.
Naharai, ag Nahafhon, 2.39am.23 37,
Nahas a fnake or ferpent, 02 foot faying , 02 prophe=
oping, Or like braffe, a citie. t.Qhz0.4.12.
Nahathvdem. king of the Ammonites, e Damn trr
Nahathon.a nosfe,neighing a making warmes} dri-
nes: o} after Spaan, aftrang ling Bacther of Eliſhe⸗
ba cEx0.6.23.52u.1.7. Ruth.4.20. Watag 1u.3.32.,02 a deadersoz after the Dpgian, a going
dimne. Gen. 36.1 3. and 1.220 6.26.
Nahbi. very fecret oz hid my beloued,og refling with
me, 02d leader with me. JAUN. 13.45% j
Nahor. hoarfe, angry, og drie: og after the Spziar,
firangled. Lhe fonneofHerug.Oen.11.22, Allo the
fonne of © eral. err 1.2629. and 22,20,"
Nahthon., looke Naha‘hon.
Nahum,ag Nahai, a JDzophet.JQahumr..
Naim. farene ffe beantifulne ffe pleafantne fy tran-
ble, 02 the maoning of them, a citie Luke gta.
Naioth. farene (fe, beauty, coraline fe, op a dwelling
place. a place. 1.Qain.19.18.
Nanea. Aecogding to the Perſian tongue. Diana.
~ 2,99ae.1.13.
Naomi, a8 Naamah. Wife ta Elimeleeh. Ruhr.
2." and 2.1." and 3.1.* and 4.64, 15,16,
Naphith. a ouie, ozrefling: 02 after the Syian,
multiplyng. Gen 25.15.
Napheali. my wrefthag,comparifon, likenes, 02 cros-
kedues. Qaakobs tonne bp Rahel. Gev.30.8, bis chil»
DN. Gen.46. 24. Mum. ⁊4.48.49, 50. 1-07.72. ,
pee ig beko Gene.49.23. Dest, 33.236 his poztion.
oth. +9. 32, to 40, Naphrali could not Dette out the in
habitants of Beth· ſhemeſh, ec. but made chem tribu⸗
taries. Wud.1.33. ;
Alls a citi Tob: r2.
Naphtha, Dan.3.46. i
Naphtaim, looke Nephtuim. The fonne of Mizraim.
Ben, 10,13. and LONT. I
Narciflus. effonied oy megleching Wom. 16.1 r,
Nathan. guen gining, 02 rewarded, a Prophet whe
fozetolde Dautid, that his ſonne ſhould buiie Gods
Church, mecaning Cheilt, of whom Salomon wag bur
a figure. 2.San.7. 13,14. herepzouerh Danin foz his
- gbulterp, 2. Sar.12.1,10 16. hee is pzaplen. Ecclus.
47 1. Dee making obeplance, hemeth Dauid- hows A-
Dottiiah vſutped hig kbingdome. x.ihit.1.23; to 28.
Allo Dauids ſonne. DE whole Rocke
the virgin Warie deſcended Luke 331.
Nathaneel. the gift of God The fanne of JMat.r.chz.
3.14. allo the name of a true Iſraelite. John rigs .*
Naue a pofteritie za [onne for euer,a remayning for
euer, O} farreneffe, ox dwelling place opatter the Dp-
rian, a ffh: Father of Jelus. Ecclus 46.1.
Nazareth, feparated, crowned, op fanctified, & titte
where Sha wag conceiucd and brought bp Matth
The firft Table.
2.236 Luke 1.26. The deuill confetleth Chalk te bee
ct N azaveth, ILuk.4 34. the inhabitauts regarded not
theit Prophet Jelug. Wath. 13.57. but woulo baue
caf Gin headlong from their biil. Luke 4.27.
The lawof the Nazarites, Mums’.6.2. Samſon a
Nazarite froin his mothers waombe, Judges 13.5. and
{o was Dainuel. r, Dar nI.
G Neah, mod, 0} moning. a citie. Joh.19 13.
Neapolis. anew citie a citit. Acts 16.11,
Neaviah, {ooke Naariah,
Nebat, fruciifying , or budding fort, peaking , 02
prophecying, Jaeht.10.19,
Nebalat prophecie cloaked talke, hidden, o} budding
forth, 02 propbecying cloakengly. a citie. Qehe.11. 34.
Nebaioth. taoke Nabaioth, and Iſ 7.
, Nebat looke Nabar. r
1 Nebo as Nebai. a citie. Num.z2 3, 38 & LCH} 5.8.
^ Nebuchad nexzar.the mourning of the generation,
02 wailing of sudgement, opthe forewing of poxertic. A
burg of (adel. 2.king 24.4. Ose recetuety power ouet
aii kingoontes. Fer 27.6. be conquereth appt. 2. kiu.
24.7, Stren. 46, 2,13, Dee velrepeth Jeruſalem. 2.
Wing-24.2,3,4.% € 25.1. * Gere. 39.1." According to
the peophecte. Ila. 7.8. Jere.25.9. and 32.28." Dee
drzeameth Dan.2.1.* he erecteth an image , and come
manderh te honsur tt. Dan.3.1.* bee dzeameth a
gaine.Dan.4.2, Dee Dwele iuen peere among wilde
bealis Dan, 4.29. Hee is bewapled in mockage. J la.
{4 4. ne
Ailo a great Ling of the Apians in Nineueh,
fome thinke bimto be Cambyſes Gudec.1.5.% ¢ 2.1."
Nebufhazban beech, prophecse budding, ſpringing,
02 flowing :02 alter the Debg. & Dpr: fruit, o} budding
foorth of deliuering. a pince of Qebuchadene zzars.
Mer. 39.0 3- i
Nebuzar-adan. 4 buddixg foorth, a propheete of for-
rameradzement, 02 the budding forth cf the foote of a
pillar, Lhiefe heward to the king of Babel. 2. ing,
25.8. Jere 39.13.
Nechoh. dame, e} fitten. ſurname to Pharaoh. 2.
Hing 23 29.*
Nedabiah, the wow ofthe Lord , 02 the prince of the
Lord, 1. Chaon. z. 18.
i: Neginorh. JS fal. 4. in the title.
Neginothai, Pabak.3.19.
_Nehelamite a dreamer, oꝛ a dreame, a valley of wae
ters, 02 the inheritance of waters, 24.
Neheloth, }5fal.5. in the tittle.
Nehemiah. comfort oz the reft of the Lord , penitent
Lord, 02 direétion of the Lord, IXehent.1.5. Bistler to
king Areahhalhtc.Mebhe.1.11.4 3.1. hauing obtained
a letter of the Ring be went to Jerufalem, a builpen
bp the alles. JRene. 2,8, Dee repzoucth. the beakers
of the Sabbath, Nehe. 3.15. and thole that pad mate
vied feange wiues. Nehe 13. 259. De is peaplev. Ec-
clus49.13 furnamed Tirſhatha. Meb · 8.9. and 10. 1.
Nehum a comforter, penitent, o} a leadcr of them,
IMeve 7.76.
Nehuthta, brafen Like the ayre, [oothfayizg oza fir-
pent. 2. Ring.24 8,
Nehuſhtan brafex made of copper,a footh{rying ,gi-
wen of the ferpent, agit. The name that Hezekiah
ganein contempt tothe bzalen ferpent. 2 Ring. 18.4.
Neiel. commotion, 0} mowing of God, & citie. Joſhua
Nekoda., painted, diuers, 02 inconftant , pointed a
fhepheara, o} made crooked. A cities Ezra 2,48,60.
Pebe: 7.50.
Nemuel. Ged fleeping 5 02 the fleeping of Ged. Cer»
taine meng nameg. Jum. 26.9,02. i
Nepheg weake, o} lacked. The fonne of Izhar. Exo.
6.2 1. Aud Daulds ſonne. Sam. 5. 15.
Nephithelim, dimniſbed, ot torne in pisces, Qehe.7.
52. Ezta 2.50,
Nephthalim,and Nephthali, looke Naphtali.
Nephthar, 2 Mac.i 36.
Nephtoah, open,oz opening. A fountaine. Fol, 15.9.
Nephufim,looke Nephifhefim.
Ner.4 cand/e,o3 ‘ight,e2 land (owen euery other yere.
Father of Abnev.s.Dan.14.50,5 1.1L hz0n.8.33. 2.
Sam. 3.6.*
Neregal fearching out,a fostman, 01.4 candle cone-
red oland ſowen euery other yeere coucred. Jet.39.3.
Nergal.idem.Gn ivole.2.ihing.17.30.
Nereas,ag Ner:o after rhe Greeke,zreat. Rom.16,
Neri ag Ner.Luk.3.27. who fg allo calbed Jechoni⸗
as Wat.1.12. ‘
Nerias. the Lgbt, 02 candle ofthe Lord, 02 the lande
[owen euery other yeere of the Lerd. The father of Bas
tuch Baruch r.r. Jere.32.12,
Netianeel, as Nathanecl.biuers mensnames NQu.
1.8. Ezta,a0D 2. Chꝛ. 35.9.
Nethaniah.the gift ofthe Lord.2. King. 25.2 3. anv
1. Chꝛ.25.2. and 2.0 b2 17.8. Jet. 36.14.
Nethan-melech.the gift of a king ,ozthe gift of coun
ſell. a Bing. 23241.
Nethinims. gnen o} rewarded 1. Chꝛo 9.2. Ezra 2.
3,58. 3
Netophah a drop,e2 dropping downe from the head,
02 gumme that droppeth downe from trecs, 02 the ben-
ding of the mouth. 3th 2.22.
Netophathi -dem.@ cettaine famtlp,tobich had their
polſe ſſione in the ſieldes. Mehe. a 2.28 .1.Ehz0n. 2.5 4.
and 9.16. 3
Neziah.a conquerour,oz euerlafting o} ſtrong E3ta
2.54. :
Nezib.ftanding 02 a ſtanding place,o, an aduancing
of any title or reght:o after the Opꝛian, aplant. A cis
tte. Joh 15-43.
@ Nibhaz.fultifying, 02 budding foorth a vifion, 02
peaking oꝛ prophefying a viſio. an idole. 2. Rin. 17. 31.
Nibfhan.fpeach,prophecte,the ſpringing foorth of | oft
fleeping,oz of | changing 02 fpringing foorth of a tooth or
fuorre, A citie. Joſh 15.62. ;
Nicanor, a conguerour, 02 victoricus. i. Wat. 3.38.
and 7.26."and 2. Bac.1§.1.*
Nicodemus. innocent blood: after the Gzeeke, the
vittory of the people.@ Pharilee sruler of the Jewes,
whocame to Chꝛiſt bp night to be taught of him. Jop.
3.1.*reade Joh 7.50 *and 19.33."
Nicolas, victour,o2 oercommer,02 the victories of
the common people.Q Beacon. Actes 6.5. who( as fome
thinke) held. that wiues ſhould bee common. The fect
was called Nicolaitans Qeu.2.6,
Nicopolis. æ citie victorie, 0} victorious citie. Q cis
tie of Thzacta. Ttt.3. 12.
Niger blache purple, oꝛ darke. The (uname of Di-
tmon.Acts 12.1.
Nilus in Hebrew Shihor. blacke, 02 troublous: A fas
mous river in Egypt. Exo.7.15. Goh. 13.3. Jer.2. 18.
Nimrim.a /eopard,a rebellio,a bitter nes, o} a change,
g citie. Gfa15.6.
Nimrod, a rebell, 02 rebellious, a finner, 02 trangref-
[our oꝛ an apoſtata Sorme of Euh. Gen. 108,9.
-Nineuel:. faire beautifo! oga dwelling place. € citie
huilded bp Aftur. Gen 10.11, The velolatien thereof
pꝛopheſied. Mahum 3.1. 5eph.2.13.Ceb.14.4. Their
repentance after Jonas preaching. Tona.3-5.* Thep
all coudemne the Jewes, and whp.Wat.12 41.
The firft Table.
Niſan abanner, approuing, op trying fight: oꝛ after
the Syrian, a miracle, a moneth.Mebe.2.1.
Nilroch.fizght,a tender or delicate trying op banners
o2 after che Spzian, thy table. An idole 2 Ring 19. 37.
Hla. 37.38.
G No.a firring vp oꝛ a forbidding. a countrep.3e.
30.15. Mabum 3.8. looke Alexandria,
Noadiah the witueffing or teſtiſication of the Lerd,
ozthe company of the congregation of the Lorde, og the
decking cf the Lord,oz the Lord paffing ouer: 03 after
the Spztan anv Hebzetw,the taking away of the Lord.
Noah aceafing,op refi. Sonne to Lamech. Sen. 5.
29. Luke 3.36.1. Ch20n.1.4. Dis three onnes: Gene.
6.10. God tozetolo him of the floov.Gene.6.13.He ig
both commanded to enter the Arke.@ene.7. 1, and ta
come fozth.@Genel.8.16.e erecteth an altar to Gov.
Gene.8.20. God blefleth him Gen 9. 1. and promiferh
neuer to deſiroy the wogle with flood againe, Gene. 9.
9,to 18. Dee planteth a binepard, and being drunken
is BerideDof his loune Dam, Genel. g. 20, to26. Dis
peeres,Gene.9.28,29. Wee is pzaiſed. Ecclus.44.17,
18.His faith. Deb. 1.7.
Noah the preacher of righteouſneſſe. Pet.25.
Nob. fpeach.prophecie, fpeaking,prophe[ying, frutti
fring, fpringing foorth, 0} barking oꝛ barked at. A citie
Deftroped bp Sanl,s.Gam.22,19.¢ 21. 1. Hla 10.3 2.
Nobah. darking,oj barked at. @ citie: Rum. 32.42.
Nod Agitiue,A countrep. Gen.4.16,
Nodab. vowing of his owne accord, o} principal. 1,
hz 5.19. '
Nogah brightne ſſe, oꝛ clearence ſſe. i. Cha.14. 6.
Nohah refiing,02 a guide.1. €hz.8.2.
Nomades. men wandering here and there, A people
‘without certeine abiving.2.9ac.12.11.
Non,locke Nun. and 1.€2.7.27. i
Noph.a bony combe, a diſtulling fromthehead,a lif-
ting up,opa fiene A citie: Iſa 19.13. Jer. 2.16, Ezek
oau ;
Nophah. fearefull.o2 binding. Rum-21,30.
€ Nun. /onse, poſteritie, ſtoche, euerlafting oꝛ remai~
ning for euer: o} after the Spitan a Afb. Farher of Jo⸗
Mua. Rum. 1 3.9, Lod 33. 11.1. Ch27.27.
@Nymphas.a brade. A wozthy man whom JB aul fa
luteth Cololl.4.15.
Obadiah (eruant of the Lord. Che gouernour of A-
habs houfe.s.Ring.13.3,to17.and 2-Ch2,17-7. Alſo a
Prophet. Dbad 1.1.Anorher.1. Chz.3.21,
— frowardnes ofantiquuie, oꝛ flowing.Gene.
10.26. :
Obed. (eruant, oza workeman. Beaz tenne: Buth `
4.17. Mat 1,5. Luke
Ohed-edom the feruant of Edom, oza ſeruant Edo-
mite. A Gittite.2.SHam 6. 10, 11. and 1. Chzon.15.25.
and 16.38.
Obil.bsrne,oz brought,led away.caried,forowful,, 02
waxing olde.1,.Q)}.27.30.
Oboth. dragons, wombes, fathers, 02 deſires. A place.
Num.⁊t. 10.aNd 33.43.
© Ocran troublous, oꝛ troubling. FAUM. 1.1 3+
€ Oded. fu faining,o2 lifting vp.2.£b2.28.9.
Odomeras, the ſonne of praife,oz witne [fe of a coffer.
1. Mac.9.66.
Odolla.a witne ſe, oꝛr ornamẽt to them, oꝛꝝa witne ſe
02 ornament of his miſerie, op the paſſing ouer, oꝛ praye
ofhi miferie A citie. 2 Mac.i 2. 28.
€ Og roſtedbread, oꝛ 2 mecke, o} after the Spꝛian:
holding domne, oꝛ hizdred. A great giant king of Bae
Khan. FQum.2 4.3 3.% Dew.2.1,to 5 4.Jofal. 35.7.
D 3 @ Ohad,
© Zi
E Ohad, praifing,w2 confe (fine. Ge.46. 10.E 7.6.1 Se
Ohel.a tabernacle vꝛ tent, oꝛ fight. 1.0 2.3.20.
Ohel-nioed, the tabernacje ofthe congregation. Ex⸗
ODUS 32.7. :
@ Olivet. Hill two miles on the Ea fine from Je-
rufalem,the bꝛoake Cedzon running betweene,taking
name of the plentie of Ditaes growing thereupon.
Mat 2 . 1.and 24.3. Luke 22. 39. John 18.1.
Olofernes a frong captaine. Chiefe captaine to Ra
buchodonoſoz. Judeih 2 4,*to chap.i 5.
Olympas.heawenly, om. 16.1 5.
Olympius,sdem. 2.99 at.6.2.
G Omar. (peaking, oꝛ exaltsng. Gen. 36.18.
Omer.G mealure. 0.16.16." Ezek.45 . 61,
Omri: 2b 2 ndle, a rebeHsons, 03 bitter people Bing.
© On. (row, ſtrength, og iniquitie. A countrep. Gen.
41.45.50. AifoamanJQum.16.1.
Onam. forow, frrength,oz aniquit ie of them, Genel.
36.2 3.1-Q 2.1.40. and 2.28, On, Gen, 38.4.
Onefimus. as profitable, Lol.4.9. 13d hileim.:0,
Onefiphorus bringing profit.2, ZUM. 1.16.8 4.19.
The firft Table.
= p !
Paarai,a gaping olan opening, 2, Dami.2 3.35.
Padan Aram. ĝ citie of Spzia where Laban dwelt.
Padon, hú redemption. 02 atter the Spzian,the yoke
ofan oxe, 30a 2.4.4.
Pagiel. God hath met 03 the meeting,o the requiring
pardon of God. f ZUM. 1:1.
Pahath Moab. a duke of Moab. Eʒr. 2. 6. Neb. 3.19.
Palal. thenksng,o2 iudging. Mehe. 3.25.
Paleftina.(trowed oꝛ coucred.viz. with afhes.o2 duh,
03 decay put to,a deuble decay, oꝛ the diinke of decay,
oꝛ he fell drinking. A countrep in Spata iopning to A
rabla.gex0d.15.14.J9lal.60.8, Gla.14.29.Df tye peoa
pie, laske Phitiftims,
Pallu,og Palu.marueilous, wonderful og hidden. Ge.
46.9. and 1. Chꝛ.5. 3. DF whom came the Palluites.
JQum.26. 5.
Palti, deliuerance, oꝛ banifoment. FAUIM.1 3.10,
Paltiel. deliuerance, oꝛ ban:fhmet of Ged. IXi.3 4.26
Pannag. @ piace. E3e.27.19.
Panchicus. The moneth of April. 2.398. r1, 30°
Paphus. @ citiein Cppzes, Dedicate {omerime to
Onias.the ftrength of the Lord,o3 a fap. Eecins.50 Clenus , where the maidens v'en before marrtage,in
1.1. ac. 12.7,
Onix. Z precious Kone.Gen.2.12.C 40. 25.7.
Ono. grief, ſtrength, oz insquitie of him. A citie. 1a
@hz.8. 12. Esra 2.33, Mehar 35.
@Ophel.a towre darheneſſe, oꝛ a little white cloude
2. Chꝛ 27. 3. and 33.14.J2eb.6 0,25.
Ophir, afhes,oz a fruchfying. Foktans fonne. Gen.
10.29.Alfo aregion in Judia, where të Goze of geld.
x. Bing. 9.28. ; ;
Ophni. fleeing, wearineffe: o} after the Spaian, a
folding together. @ citie-Jolh.18 24.
Ophrah.duf?,leade, 02 4 fawne, A citie: Joſh.18. 23.
GOreb. a crowe, pleafant a comander by faith minz-
gling together, oꝛ the enencagea prince of P Midianites
flaine on the rocke Oreb. Jutg.7.25.Jolal.83.11.
Oren. a soffer,reroycing, oꝛ the flander of them. 1,
Che.2. 25.
Orion. Job.9.9.and 38.3 1.
Ornan, retoycing, the light of the funne vꝛ lizht, 0}
flander remaining for ewer.1. Qi. 2 1.158 2.0 )2.3.1.
Orpah, a necke, oz hinder part of a necke, ſtifnec-
ked, the raiſing of the mouth, o} the making tare of the
mouth Ruth 1.4.
Orthofias. upright, 02 rectißed. Z towne at the feote
of Libanus.2.@ac.15.37-
€ Ofeas.2. (0.1.39.and 13.40.1ooke Hofea,
Ofhea. Aum. 1 3.9. looke Ioſhua time,0} my hæure. i. Chu 26.7.
Othniel.looke Othoniel.
Ocholiah.tzme tothe Lord.i . Chꝛ.8. 26.
Othoniel. the time, oꝛ houre of God. JONA 15.17.
E Ox, pleafant,ox merrie. Judeth 8.1.
€ Ozaziah.the frength of the Lorde. QBeng names.
1.Chr. 15.2 1. and 27.20,
Orem.the hafling ofthem, oꝛ fafting.1. Chon. 2.15.
Ozen idem.i Chꝛ.ꝛ.25.
Oꝛias.the rength o} bucke goat of the Lorda Eſd.
2,2. Judeth 6.15 and 7. 30.
Oziel the Rrength, oꝛ bucke goate of God, Judeth 3.
y.fooke ¥-zziel.
Oꝛielitesidem.i. Chꝛ 26.2 3. eare, my hearkning, 02 a goldfmaiths balace.
Sonne of Gan: of him came the Oznices, JQumb. 26.
n6: called OF 3bon.Hen. 46.47%
Oszidlthe helpeof God, uGhz.27.19.
the bonour of Clenus to pzoftcate themſelues on the
fea ſhoꝛe. Actes 13.6.
Parah.a come ,encreafing 02 ſtirring up.a citie, Jol.
Paran, fairene (fe, praife o of fprings.& piaine wil.
Dertieffe. Wen 14.6. anD 22.21.
Paras, Per/ia. & countrep. Eze.38.5.
Parmathta.the breaking af a foundatzon:o3 after the
Hebrew g Sprian. a ball of ome yeeres age. Eſſet 9.9.
Parmenas. continuing. Actes.6.5.
Parnach.a bul ſmiting, oꝛ fmit orbroken IAG, 3 4535.
Paroh. vexgeance. È r0d.8.1. looke Pharaoh,
Parofh, a flea, 02 gnat. Ezta 2.3. Meb 3-25.
Parthians. fiers far feare,oz banifbed men. ã people
Actes 2.6. Iſa 66.19.
Paraah. frefh, o} flowrifhing : o} after the Spzian,
fleeing,. 1 Ring. 4017.
Paruaim, 2.Qb2- 3 6. and 1 King, 9.28.
Pafach,thy brokẽ piece, oꝛ thy dimimbing. .th.7.3 3-
Pal-dammim. 4 portion , 03 diminifhing of blood, A
place. 1.2 020.11.13.
Pafeah. a paffing ouer, 02 aw halting, 1. Chꝛon. 12.
ERE. 2.49-
Pafbur. sacreafing libertie , 0} ſpreading out white~
Beffe, 1. Chꝛo.9. 12. Esta 2.38. Ger. 20.3.
vataraswhite limed, oꝛ bringing death.G citie of Lys
fia a pzowince of Qia. etes 1.21.
Patmos. dead/y,02 bringing death. an ple Reue..
Pathros. a mor fel of dough, a perfwafion of decay,az
an inlarging of diſtulling fromthe head. A countrep.
Iſa.ia 1 22. Jere.44. 1, 15.
Pathruſim. idem. Gen. 10,84,
Patriarke.the chiefe ofthe fathers. eb.7.4.
Patrobas, pertainseg to the father, IRom.16.1.
Patroclus, of the father, oꝛthe glory of the countrey.
2. Mac.8.9.
Pau.howtng. Gghing or appearing.a citie. B2.36.39
Paul, Jerome Laith Meb.mariceildus, oamarueilouſly:
Diver thinke, Heb. and Oreeke,the entry into a flacke,
the Greeke woz Gignifieth , reft, 02 be that bath reft,
anathe Latine, trle: an polte of Cheiſt, deſcended
of thetribe of Bentamin. Roman.e1.1. Philip.3. 5,
brought bp with. Gamaliel.dctes 2.3.4 Phatiſe. and
fonne of a Phariſe. Acts 23.6. Matueilouſſy conuer⸗
eB. Actes 9.3,to 23. and 23.6,t0 17.8 26.12,to1a. De
perfectiteth ihe Churcha Acts 8.5. and ga. Gak. 13o
Bo. Tinothr, t3, Aneleck ne Hell of Gorge. Acts 9.3;
Phegiel `.
Phalel .
Phe mefta
and 22.14. opdeined to preach Chaiſt es the Gentiles.
Galat.c.15,16.He oid manp things againſt the name
of felts. Actes 265, 10. Baptized. Actes 9.18. Dee
liuered outof datkeneſſe, bp tke light of God, anv
wbp. 2.Cozinibians 4.6,7. ee preacher openip that
Chik was the onne of Gov, gc. Acted 9.20. * Dee
anv Garnabas ſeparated to pzeach the Goſpel -torbe
Gentiles, Actes 13.2. A teacher,pzeacher, matter, A=
polle of the Gentiles, and minilter of Chꝛiſt. Rom.
EL,U3. and 05.66. Galat.2.8.1.Cimoth.2.7. 2. Tim.
t.ct.Anvan Ambailavour of Chꝛiſt. a Coꝛint 5.20.
He did obtaine the office of Apoſtſeſhlpᷣ bp the mercie,
tall, and grace of Gon, z.Qoginth.r.1. and.4,1. Eph.
3-3, 3.Qim.1.1,9. Titus 1. 3. and not bp man. Galat.
1.4. but bp the commaunvement ef God. 1.Cimoth,
1.1. Dee learned the Oeſpel bp reuelation of Chif,
ant not of anp other. Galat.r.1 2, Sent to pꝛeach.not
to baptize. s.Lozinth.r.17. The Churches of Judea
glozifies Gop fog him. Galat.1.23. Che diſpenſation
of the Galpel committed to him, hee was confirainen
to preach tt. 1. Lozinth.9.16,17. Bꝑ reuelation bee
afcended to Ferufatem , to conferre of the Golpel
twith the Apolles. Actes 21.18,19.@alat.2.2. We acs
counteth ali things lofle aub Dung, in relpect of the
&nowledge of Chꝛiſt. Philip. 3.8. Dee exhoꝛteth vs to
conuert to Hod by geod wozkeg. Actes 17. 30, 31. and
26.20.00 ferue the Loꝛd with all modeltp, teates and
tentations, Actes 20.19. telkifping thar Jefus is the
Chit. Actes 18.5. teaching nothing but that whick
Woles and the Pzophets had fozetoloe. Actes 13.
16,0 42. amd 26.23. 1 Lozin. 1.23,24. De preachetd
Cork to the Theſſalonians. Actes 7.11, 12. andor
penly, actes ¢7.22." De preached till misnight. Actes
20.7, De preached in Anttoch. actes 1.23. Dee teas
teth bis garment, Ceeing the people about to faerifice
to him. actes 14.14. Dis valiant fiomacke in offering
bimlelfe into Dangers foz his flocke. acts 19.30. bree
Peetes hecealed not, with teares to give warning of
The firft Table.
25.6,7. Feng oblecteth madneſſe to bim. Act.c.a4.
Ubzougy Gov bee is deliuered beth from Jewes anv
Gentiles.Actes 26.22.fortp men vow bis death, where
of be is aduertiſed. Actes 23.12,¢3,t023- De ts beas
ten and impziloneB bp the Jewes. Actes 21.30,t0 35.
Bought toiudgement. Actes 18.12. Commanded of
Gon to goe out of Hierulatem, and why.Actes 22.18.
Forbidden to preach in Afa. Actes 16.6. Hisrace it
the courle of ithe Goſpel. 1.202, 9.20.* Hee preacheth
from Jeruſalem to Filpzicum. Rom, ı 5.19. Dee ville
teth Peter, and tarieth with him 15. dayes. Gal. i. 18.
He withſtood Heter at Antioch.Galat.2.11. Dee cals
leth bimfelfe the leaſt of the Apofties, and whp.1.dez.
4-9. and 15.9. and a follower of dik. s.Cozinth. ir.
1. and wilieth to follow bis erample. 1, Coꝛinth.4.
16. JObilip. 3.17. and 1, Chell.1.6, and 2. Theſſ. 3.9.
He appzoned bp his life, that which bee taugbt bp bis
preaching. 1.Qozinth.9.27.e that defpilerh bis Doce
trine Belpileth Bow. 1. Theſſ.a. 8. Howe bee behaued
bimlelfe in preaching the Golpel. ».Cozinth.2.1.* De
deſiteth to be apDed with the papers of the faithful.
Rom.15.30. and 2-Goz.1.11. Wee would not iuftifie
bimlelfe. s. Coꝛ.a.4. We ſawe Cheilſt after vis refut-
rection. 1. Cozinth.15.8.a9ome things hard to be bie
derfloove in bis Epililes, 2. Peter 3.16. Wee had a
Scrtibe that wzoie out his Epiſtles, and fubcribed
them himſelfe. Colof,4 18.and 2, Theſſ. z. 17. De wags
Not chargeable to anp man, but wecught fog bis lis
uing. Actes 18,3. AND 20.33,34.8 1. 02.4012. E 9.60
and 2. 62,1 1.9. 82.13-41.Qbefl.3.7,9. and 3 The
3-8. De preacheth at Fconium.Actg.14.1. At Lpſita.
Actes 14.6, At Berea. Actes 17.10. At Achens Acta
17.15. and at Cozinth.Acts 18,1, Callen Saul, Aces
3.58. and 8,1, to 5. and 9.1.
Pedahel. the redemption of God. Qum.34. 28.
Pedahzur.afirong redeemer , 03 a ſtone redeeming.
JQum.1.10, and 7.54.
Pedaiah. the Lord redeeming. 2,hing.22.1. 1,262
falfe prophets. acteg 20.31. De feared no dangersto 3-18
preach the Golpel. actes 20, 23,24. ad appeared bp
bis fuffermgs. 1. Coꝛinth.a.9. and 2. Coꝛ 4.9. and 18
34. and 12.7. and ⁊. Timoth.2. 10. aud 3.11. De was
ready to be bound, and to die for Chriſtes (ake. actes
21.13. Wis affection to the Hewes. Rom.y.3. and to.
3.@ 11.14. and tothe Philippians and Cozinthians.
Pbil. 1 .8.and 2. Coz.6.11. Chꝛiſt hewerh him what
afflictions hee ont luffer foz bis name. Actes 9.16
God encouragech him ta preach tothe Cozinthians.
Actes 18.9. In pilon the Loze enconrageth bim to
conſtancie. acteg 23:11. The Angel comfoztetb him
notto feare the danger of the Sea , and whp. Actes
27.23. De erbozteth the Antiechians not to contemne
the Goſpel. actes 13. 40,41. Trauailing through
Galatia and Phꝛygia, be ſtrengthened the dilciples.
Actes 18.23. ee viliteth all the cities where bee bad
zeached, toconfirme them. actes 15.32. Dee com⸗
azteth thole that ſailed with him to Rome. actes 27.
9,10. That care be had, that the Coꝛinthians fhouto
attoide contention. 2. Lozinth. 12 20,21. and fez ail
Churches. 2. Coꝛ.2. 12. and 11,28. Coloſſ. 2. 1. and 1.
Timeth.1.;. Gefoze Fellus he wiſheth all that beara
him, fitch as be was, except bis bonds. actes 26.29.
The pirit witneflen in euery citie, the afflictions
that abode bim at Jerufalem. acted 20.22,23. Some
counfell bim not to goe thither. act.2 1.4. He dilpureth
befoze Felix. of righteouſneſſe, temperance, e iudge⸗
ment ta come. actes 24.26. We his conueied bp night
through a wall, downe ina bafkeet. Actes g. 25. and
2. Gop-18 33. Perſecution againſt Paul anu Bars
nabas. Actes 13.50. De is prelented to Felir. Actes
23.33. and before Fellus, acculed bp the Jewes.Acts
Pekah. opening. Che onne of Remaliah.2.king.1s
3§3t0.3354 tu,
Pekaiah. the Lord opening. be fonne of Menahem
2, king. 5.23, to 27.
Peked. noble,o2 rulers. 32.23.23,
Pekod. Sere.50.25.
Pelaiah. the miracle , 0} fecret of the Lorde. Mens
names. 1.€ 20 3.24, Mehe.8.7. and 10.10.
Pelaliah. thinking ow the Lorde, o} entreating the
Lord, oꝛ the iudgement of the Lord.,r2.
Pelatiah. the delimerance, fetting free,o2 banifhment
ofthe Lord. Meng names.c.hz.3.25.and 4.42. Me.
10.22. EFe.21.1,83-
Peleg a diuifion. Gen.t0.25.€ 1 1018.1, Chg. i. 19.
Luke 3.35.
Pelet. deliverance,oz banifhment..h2.12.3-
Peleth.decay, 02 indging Mum, 16.1.
Pelethites.idem.2.Qam 8.18.
Pelonite. falling hed oz fecret. r, dh}. 11.27.
Peniel (zeing God,o3 the face of God. a place neete
the foozs Jabbok. Gen. 32 30.
Peninnah. a preciows ftone, o} our face, Due of the
Wines of Elkanah. 1. Hamr. 2.07.
Pentecoft.the Gftreth(viz.dap) afealt of the Jewes.
looke Whitfinday in the fecond Table.
Penuel, ag Peniel. Father of Genn. 1. CHN. 4:4.
Allo a citie.1 kings 12.25. Judg.8.8.9,17.
— Peor.a gaping, og opening.a vill. FAumw.2 3.28.
Perath.@ ritter called Guphzates.Ge 2.14. De.1.7
Peres. Dantels.28.
Pereth,ahorfeman,cafling out to be flaine,o} decla-
ery: D :
Pre &
Perez, adiuifion. Junas fonne by Tamar. Gen. 33.
29, and 1, Ahzon.4. 1. 0f his polteritp mere ralers eg-
Deinen. 1.0 )200,27.3. Mehe, r 1.4. looke Phares.
Perez-vzzah. the dimjianof Paxzh , 03 the dinifion
offirength oof a goate. & place fo called, and why,2.
Ham. 6 6,78.
Perga. very earthly. A citie. Acte.13.13.
Pergamus. height. A citie of Atta. Reuel rir.
Perida looke Peruda.
Perizzites.Rarall,oz dweiling in vnwalled villages,
A people. en.13.7, and 1 5.20,e0hich God comman⸗
Ded to be deſtroyed. Dettt.20.52. Indah dilcomfiseth
them. Tudg.1.4, Salomon made the remnant of chem
tributaries to him. King.9. 20, 2 1.
» Perfepolis z citée of Perfea. 2. Mac 9. 2.
Perſia breaking,diutding, a hor [è haofe , 0p crooked
‘nofe. Acountrep. 2.0 20.36.22,
Perfis, idem. A faithfull woman om.16.12.
Perudah, æ feparation, 02 diuifion. A mans name.
sta 2.5 5. calien Perida. Mehe. 7. 57.
Peter. A (Lonc,oz rocke. The Curuame of an Apoſtle
of Chait. otherwiſe called Dimon ¥ Cephas. Vopn 1.
41,42. Wat.16.18. {armamed allo Bar-fona.Wat.16.
ry, {Je and John vnlearned. Act. 4.13. De t Audew
called by Chit. Dat.g.18. Jobn 1-41.” War.1.16,
17,13, Dis faith, in the name allo of b other Apoſtles.
John 6.68,69. Dar.16.16. Through fatty be walken
onthe fea, and Laggering therein beganns to fincke.
Matth.14.29,30, 37. Loa pzapeth that his faith
might not faile and why. Luke 22.32. Chrilt repzoo⸗
uet bim, foz being an offence to him. Pat. 16.2 3.and
that be could not watch an boure with him. Dart. 26.
40. Chꝛiſt foretold him hee could nat follow him then,
vbut fhould afterward. Joht 13,76. De troke off Wale
cus his eare: WMatrh.26.51. John 18.10. Mee denieth
Chik ipile. John 18.17, 25,27. Luke 22.57, 58,
60. Warke 14.63." Aatth.26.70.72,74- and tepens
ted. Watt 2675. Marke 14.72. Luke 22,62. Cheiſt
aducrtiſeth bim with what Death bee Mouin qluzifie
Gos, John 21.128,19. Chik repzoued his curtotitie
in Demanding what John Mouin voe. John 21.21532;
hue, thaife willing him to feede bis eepe, Decla-
reththe loue anv care that [Dalters ought to baue of
Chaiftes flocke. John 21.15, 16,17. Wee han commit
Gon of God to preach to the Je wes. Galat.2.8. and lo
he did, Acts 2. 14.* and 3.12.7 Bpa Viken is Mewen
to bim, that Gan han purifienthe Genriles bp faith fo
ag the Tewes might boldiy accompanie with them-
Acts 10.3.* He ſhewech the caule whp be preached, g
Kept companp with Gentiles. Acta 19. De is
impaifened and neliuered. Acts 5. 18, 9.and 12. 3,4,t0
18, Sickenefles, healed with bis ſhadowe. Actes 5.
15,16. Beeraifeth Tabitha ta life. Actes9.4o. and
foogeth in Joppa with Dimon a tanner. Actes 9.43.
Chat healerh his wines mother. Wateh.8.14.15. We
was witneſſe of Chaite fufferings and an Eler, be-
feeching all Eimers to doe their dueties r. Det.5. 1,
to 12. He healerh the creeple. Act.3 4, *
Pethah-enaim, Gen. 38.1 4,
Pethaiah, the Lord opening, oz the Lord opemeth, o}
the gate ofthe Lord. A Leuite.Ezra 1023
Pethor.@ citie. JQum.22,5.
- Pethuel.a morfelof God, 02 a per finafion of God, og
the inlarging of God. Joel 1.7.
Peulthat my workes,oz my worke.i. Chao. 26 3.
» & Phalec looke Peles,
Phallu var ueslous,oz hid. Gen.46.9,
Phalti dehuerauce og bamſhnent. i Sam · 25. 44.
Phanuel, ag Penuel. Luke 2.36. }
Pharaoh. Preading abroad, vucouering, 0} making
bare soz atter the Syrians vengeance, og reuenging : &
The firft Tables.
Py Hh A
in the Egyptian,« king Mame to athe kings of E⸗
gypt ontill Salomon, and of fome afterward. Che firk
twas plagued faz Sarai. Gen.12.17.* Another whofe
dreames Holeph erpoundeth,Hen.41.1.* wha fent foz
Jaakob into Egypt. Gen.45. 17,18, another who not
kuowing Joſeph is cructl to Iſtael. GEron.1.8.* anes
ther, whe reten Woles and Aaron, and would not
let the Iſtaelites depart. Dis tpzanny, and blaſphe⸗
mie. Crod.5.1*to Chapter 15 another, whoſe daugh⸗
ter Salomon married. 7.8. another ſurnamed
IRechoh.2,king.23.29." 2.Ch20.35.20.* and 36.1, to
5. Ezekiel 34.2. * and 32.2. "another ſurnamed Dos
phra. Jere.a4. 30.
Pharathom, bearing fruit, fructi fying, oꝛ increafing
oꝛ a kowe. 1.99 40.9.59.
Phares. a diuiſion. Luke 3.33. Gen. 36.29. and 46,
12. Warth 1.3. looke Perez,
Pharifees, zdem.a fect of the Jewes mhich afirmen
the relucrection. Mat. 3.7. looke Pharife in the ſecond
Pharpar. diminifhed,the fructifyingof frait,oabal
ofa tull. A riner of Damalcus. 2.king.5.12.
Pharfites. diwided, Afamilp deſcended of Pharez.
Phafclis. a paffing oner, o} ahalting of natiuitie. A
place. i.Mac.i 5 23.
Phebe clzare, op bright. Rom. 16. 1.
Phenice red purple 02 palme, a countrep of Spria,
where Cyre and Sidon are placed. 1. Eſd.ꝛ. 7. Ac.
11.19, allo a haven of candp Actes 27-126
Phibefeth the muth of treading wider foote,defpite,
OL fromthe mouth. a citie in Exppt. Ezek 30.17.
Phichol, the msnth of all, ogthe perfection of the
mouth. GEr.z1,22.
Philarches.the lower of a prince, ⁊2. at 8.32.
Philadelphia. the dime of the brother’, 02 of brother-
hood: acitie: Reuel..
Philemon. kiffing with God. (Bhile. 1.
Philetus, belowed,o2 amiable. Due that fell from the
faith, affirining that the returtection was alreadie
pall. 2.Tim.2 . ry.
Philip. a warviorer, 02 wa⸗lihe, oꝛ a louer of horſes. A
Phꝛpgian. 3. Qac 5.22.and 23.23, Allo an Apaftie.
Matt. 10.3. John 1.43. Wee declateth to Mathaneel,
that the Meſſias Crit was come. Jobn 1.45. Hee
deſtreth to lee the Father, John 14.8. Dee preacherh
in Samaria, ge. Actes 8.5. allo a Deacon. Actes 6.5.
called Philip the Suangeliſt, and has foure vaughs
terg hirgines which Did prophecie. Actes 21.8.9. alfo
Herods brother the Werrach.Luke 3.1. whole wife
Hered married. Mat 14.3.
Philippi, wardske men, oꝛ louersof horfes, a city. Acts
Philifthims, a¢ Paleftina.@ people. Gen, 10.14. and
21,32. Shamgar fete 6go. Philiftims with an ore
toad. Jueges 3.31, God deliuered Prael into their
hands fo? wWelary. Tang.10.6,7,8. and 12.1. God, to
afflice chem, mooted Gamfon to marrie â Philiftim,
Judg.14.2. Hamon burneth their come, and how.
Jud t s Thep put out his eies. Ju.r6.21. Their
batte) againtt the Stackeessv Sam · · 2.· Chep carry
the Arke to Aſhdod, and fer it by Dagon theit Gon,
and are plagued therefoze. 1, Sam. 5.1. Thep returne
the Arke with giftes. 1.Sam 6.4 to 13, Thep at the
papet of Samuel were dilcomfited. 1. Ham.7 9,10,
Thep warre again Saul. Ham. 3.17. Tonathan
and Gis harneſſe bearerput them to flight.: Sam 14,
r, to 24, after the veath of Goliath, they flee, and are
Raine bp the Loi Sam.17.51,5 2. God gaue them
into Dantos banog. 1.Ham.23.4.Thep aſſembled to
fight againg Baul. 1.Ham.28.1, Thep Ray the Il⸗
7 raclitesy.
raelites, with Saul and bis fonnes. 1.4m. 31.152."
Thep wage batteil sqainlt Danid, and are dilcomfi⸗
ted. 2. Ham: 5.17.* Dee maketh them tributaries.
2. Sam 8.1. He ann bis letuants flap manp of them.
1.@am.19.8. looke Haraphah. God ſtitreth chen bp
againi Jehoram.2. Chro.2 1. 16.
Philologus,a louer of learning,0} a louer of the word.
Ptolemeus. 2 Wac.4.21.and 9.29.
Phinehas,oz Pinehas 4 bold countenance. The fonne
of Eleazar. Erod.6.25. Dee ſſewe Zimriand Lezbi
committing foꝛnication befoze the people, twbich ap-
peaſed Dens wath Mum.25 6,to 16. De food before
the Arke of God, when the Weniamites were deſttoy
to, Fudg.20.28. Deis pꝛayſed. Eccius.45-23.%* Allo
one of the fonnes of Ell. t.Sam.1.3. looke Eli,
Phygellus. fagitiue 2.Tim.1.5,
Phylateries, atth,23.5.
@Pinon.aprecious ſtone, oꝛ beholding, oꝛ the mouth of
euerlafting, opthe mouth of the ſunne, oꝛ after the Hes
bew and Spzian,the month of a flh Gen. z6. a1.
Pifgah. a billy height 502 prousjfion. A mountaine.
Iuns.21.20.and 23.14.
Piram, a wild affe of thers the cruelty of them og the
bull ofthe mother. Joh. 10.3.
Pirathon, há breaking, oz making bare = oz after the
-l ĵe.
Sypꝛtan, hi reuenzements. A citp. Hidg.02.85. The
citizen, calles a Pirathonite. JUDA. 12.43.
Pihon, the changing greatneffz of the mouth, opan
enlarging. ariuer.@en.2.11, 0 ccius.24.29.
Pifidia. a pitch tree,oz blacked with pitch.a pꝛouince
of Afa the lefle. Acts 13. 14. and 14.24,
Pifpa: the disa:nifhing of the mouth og amouth dimi-
wifhed. 1. Chꝛo 7. 38.
Pithom, æ muth fall of them;e2a perfection of the
mouth.oxthe perſwaſion of them. A citie. Erd.. rT
Pithon. a mouth full of him, the perfivafion of him,
0} 2 exit of the mouth. 1920.8, 3 g.and 9.4 1. :
@Pochereth Hazzebaim. the banifhing of the mouth
of a Doe, oꝛ the cutting of the south of warfare. a city.
Esta 2.57;
Pocherethzebaim. the banifbing of the mouth of
drunkards, Nehe 7.59.
Pollux. &etg 28.08.
Pontius,4hand,op of the fea. Onelurnamend Dilate,
The firft Table.
metor, a louer of the mother, The Gtname of
Pudens, fhamefaft..2:-Tim.4,21, n
Pul, decay, oꝛ a beane. Ring of Aſſhur.z. Rin 15.19.
alfo a couuirep. Iſs 66.19. ;
Punites. beholding o} my face. & familie deſcended
ef Pua. jQum. 26.23, ;
Punon, a precious ſtone, oꝛ beholding.a place. Aum.
33-42543- :
Pur,@ Purim. lot, 02 dots looke Eter 3.7, and 9.26.
Pur. a countrep: Ezek. 27. 10 and 305 Mic 3.9.
Puthites,decesuing,a mouthſull o breadth. a familp
befcenden of — 1.0 620.2. 53.
Putiel. 4/ricke of God, Spzi.and Deby. the farne/fe
of God. Erov.6. 25.
Putioli, A citie of Jtalie. Acts 28,13,
Quadrin, halfa farthing. Matke 12.42.
Quartus. the fourth. Bom.16.2 3.
Quintus Memmius, the fft defiled. B Bomane Em⸗
bafladour. 2.Q9acc.11.34.*
Raaneahy a breaking, Gen. 10.7.
Raamiahithunder of the Lard,oz enil fromthe Lord,
03 a fellow at [hepheard frora the Lord QHebe 77.
Raaméfes, lovke Ramefes. á
Rabbah, o} Rabbath much great,a chiding,o a figh-
ting againft. acitpof Judah. Joſh.iu 3.25. and 15.60,
Another of the Ammonites. 2-Sam.10.1. ANU 12.29.
1.20.20. r, Jere.g9. 2-Deut.3.11,
Rabbi, mafler. Matth.23 7. John 1.33.
Rab-mag difaluing the multitude az melting. Gere,
Rabboni. maffer. John 20.16.
Rab-Laris.mafler,og fet oner the Eunuches.2.bit.18.
17. Jete.39 3,13- }
$ ;
Rabfhakeh.majter,oz fet omer the drinkerssthe kife of Rabfaces
the mafler drinking mach ,on a great facke.2.kin.t 8.17.
Raca, Watth.5.22. à
Rachab, looke Rahab. whifper, an apothecary, factor. & citie.
Raddai.ralng,o2 comming downe, i. Chꝛo.2. 14-
Kagau. acompanion, his hepbeard, his euill, op his
breaking a funder, a citie, Judeth 1.5.
Raguel. the fhepleard of Ged,a friend of God, 03 the
breaking afunder of God. €0b.3.7.
Rahab. proude 02 froug, 02 broad, 01 enlæxged, oꝛ a
agouernour of the Jewes, placed ouer them by the Arcee. Voth 2.1.Mat.n5. Heb 11.30. Jam.2 25,
Romaneg: onder whom Chil luffered. Matth.27. 2. _Raham, mercy, 0} compaffion : o} after the Spꝛian,
War.s5.1.Uuke 23.1. Jobu 18.284;
Pontus. the Za. A countrey of Afa- Actes 2.9. and
Porcius Feftus. a feftiaall calfe toske Feftus,
Pofidonins. ging drinke. 2. Mac.14 19.
Potiphar. Jn the African tongue, a bull. Sprian.
Hebzew, a Chalve, a fat bull, orthe fructifying of fat-
nefe. Gen. 3736.and 39 1.
Poti-pherah. Hebꝛew and Spri. /catrering abroad
fatneſſe oꝛ the making bare of fatne (fe, ex remengement
i of fatne ffe. Dine.4t.4s,50.*
Prifcilla, ancient. Wom.16.3.Actd.18.12.
Profelyres. Zranzers. leoke tn the fecond Table.
‘@€Prolomens. 2 furrow, oꝛ hanging vp waters, 02 am
affembly of waters. Breeke, warkke, Ekeris
@Puali,oz Pua. a mouth, a corner, o} a bufh of baire.
The lone of Iſſachar. Gen.46.13. 1.0)20.7.1, alfo
a midwife. Exod. i. . *
Publicanes. They which tooke to farme of the Roz
mances,the reuenues of the citr: Gentlemen, pet much
diſdained of the Jewiſh common people. Watth.5.46..
fee moze in the fecond Table. ¢ Saha Bisa
Publius. common Acts 28,7
— 9*
Ja =
‘> Ramath idem, Q eitie, Jolh.19.8,
a friend, 2 hra 2444. 4
Rahel. a fheepe. Daughter of Laban. Gen.29.10,
She keepech her fathers Heepe. Ben 29.9. She megs
teth with Jaakob.Gen.29.11,12, She was beautiful
and well fauoured. Gen.25 17. Jaakab feruerh wile
feuen peercs foz her. Hen,29.18,t0 31. Being barren,
fhe gtueth her maide to Isakob. Gen.20:3. She dels
teth childzen of Jaakob. Gen. 30.1. God maketh ber
* Rachel
fraitfiul, Gene. 30 22. She hideth swap her fathers -
ideles. Ben. 31.19,34.35. She diethat Beniaming -
birth. Gene.35.16,to 20. Der children Gen.46.19.
The people at Boaz martiage, pray Ged to make
Ruth as fruitfull as Rahel and deabh.. Buth aar -
Rahel weeping foz het chilozen, would not be coms
forten ae. Watrh 2.18. ©
Rakkath: emprinesfé, ſpittle, op time, A titie. Joh.
19 35-
Raken. voide, vaine, 02 dimers pictures. 1.0027. 16.
Ram. bigh, oꝛ cafting away. Ruth 4.19. 1,020.29.
Like 3-33 Aloamangnawe. Job 22.2,
Ramah, high, ozcaft away. a tip. Jolh.s9.36. Dat.
2618, 1. King. ES. 3
Reaia Raia
| Rehad
< Rehoboam `
Ramathe. idem. a citie. 1.Wac.r1. 34.
Ramathite. loftse, exalted, oꝛ ca/t away, a citizen of
Ramath. 1.¢b20.27.27,.
Ramathaim Zophim, a citie. r. Sam.i.i.
Ramath-lehi. a place. Judg.i 5.17.
Ramefes thunder, a hitting in the teeth of a moth,
blotting ott euill, 02 broken in — of a moth. & citx.
Hen.47.11. Ered, 1.11. Guveth 1-9.
Ramiah, exaltation ofthe Lord, Œ3t8. 10.25.
Ramoth. /ceing, 02 beholding death. a cttie Dent.4,
43-jelh.13.26.a00 20.8, 1. King. 4. 13. and 23.4,
Rapha. relea fe, 02 medicine, phiſicke, oꝛ medicines 02
a recreating 02 a Gyant. 1.0b20.8.2,3,7-
Raphael. the phificke of God. Au angel. Cob.z. 17.
Raphu, ag Rapha.Num.i 3.10.
Razis. the fecret of the Lord , opthe my/terie of the
Lord. 2.99 10.14.37."
GReaiah. the vion of the Lord, i. ChuA.2 and 5.5.
Reba.the forth, op lying by. Mum.ʒ 1.8, Jolh.1 3.31.
Rebekah, {ooke Ribkah, ;
Rechab. @ reder.o3 riding 02 a cart drawe with foure
horfes. Father of Yonadab. 2. Win.10.t 5. Jere.25.2.
3.Q@ 20.2.5 5. allo the fonne sf Rimnion.2,aim-4.2.
Reclaiah.a /hepheard tothe Lord, 0} a companion to
the Lord lnm/felfe. 3ta 2.2.
Regem, /fomsag, loned og purple, x. Chꝛo 2. 47.
Regem-melech. flowing the king , a counfellony of
the king, oz the purple of the caunfellomr. Fech.7.2.
Rel. a companion. a fbepheard, eusll, o} my breaking
a funder. 1. Hing.1.8.
Rehabeam.dslating the people, the breadth of the peo-
ple,02 a ſauour, oꝛ [auouring with the people. Balomas
fonne, who {xeceebed pim. 1.bin.2 1.43. Mat. 1.7. rech.
3.10. Following the counſell of pong men, rather then
of graue counlellourg, be is depꝛiued of the kingdome
of Iſrael. 1-King.12.13,t0 21. 2. Chro. 10. 14, 16. De
teignerhoner Jusah and Beniamin. 1. King 12. 21.
We is fozbinven bp the Pꝛophet to wage battell with
Jetoboam. i. Rin.i 2.22. and 3.Chzren.11.3. He buile
beth cities. 2. Chꝛon.r x.5. Vis wines and childzen.
2Cho1.35.21. Foꝛſaking the Lod, be is puniſhed
bp Sbifhak, and dieth.2-Chzon.12.1,* He ig dilpzap-
fed. Eecius.47.23.
Rehabiah,the breadth of the Lord,oz the ſtreete of the
Lord, i.Chꝛo 23. 17. and 34.21,and 26.25.
Rehob.breadth, oꝛ dilatiug, oꝛ a ſtreete. a city. Rum
¥ 3.22, Joſh.19.28, 30.
Rehoboth.breadth,o2 roumth,oz largemes,o2 freetes,
a citie. Gen. ro. sr. allo a well.Gen.16.2 3.
Rehum. pitiful, og pitied, 0} godly, og after the Sp:
: tian. friend. Esta 2.2.and 4.8.
Rekem, voide, vaine, oꝛ divers pictures. RUM. 31.8.
Joh.: 3.28.
Remaliah. the exaltation, the greatneffe ofthe Lord,
02 caft away fromthe Lord, 2. King. 15.27.
Remeth.high/y,02 caſt away. a citie. Joſh.19.2 1.
Remmon.a pomegranate apple, 0} high, acitie. Joh.
19 7,83.
Remphan.prepared,oz fet in aray. an idole.Ac-7-437.
Remuel. God hath rien vp, orrai fed vp,oz God hath
eſtabliſhed him. ¢.042011.29.17.
Rephael. the phificke, ozmedicine of God, 1. bpott,
Rephaiah the plaficke,o2 medicine of the Lord, 03 the
recreating of the Lord. 1. Chꝛo. 3.21. and 7.2.
Rephah. the releafing of the ſaarẽ. i. Chꝛo.7. 25.
Rephaims.Giants, plu fitions oꝛ reſeruers oꝛ released,
a people of Woab. Gen 14.5.4 15,20, 2,.9am.2 3.13.
Rephidim. bending things, o} hitter, flaked hands, og
the medicine of the hands. a place 92 manſion. Vxo.i 7.
1.JAUMB.3 3.14.
The firft Table.
Rela. affection og a meeting, oꝛ a head. Luke 3.27,
Refen. a bridle. a citie. Gen.10.12,
Reu. his fhepheard,a companion, a friend, 0} euill,oz
a breaking afunder. Hen.14.18. 1. Chrꝛon. 1. 25. calied
we £ uke 3.35.
euben. feeing his fonne, the vifion of his fanne, 02
the [onne of vifion, fo named becaule the Loed did lee
bis mothers affliction. Taakobs fonne by Leap. Gen.
29.32.0f him came the Reubenires. jRum.26.7. We lie
eth with bis father concubine. Gen. 35.23. We Deiis
(eth bow to rin Jofeph out of his bꝛethꝛens jand.Gen,
37-21. De chargeth them with the dearh of Jofeph.
Gen.42.22, He is depziued of his dignitie, and whp,
Gen.49.4. He is blefled. Deut. 33.6. Dis genealogie,
Gen.46.9. Exod.s. 14. 1. Chꝛo.5.1. Dis tribe, with os
thers, ate fent to their poſſeſſions. Joſh.a2.i. Thep
ouerceme the Hagatrims.i.Chꝛo.5.10. Foz theit idola
trie thep are puniſhes bp the Aipziang. King. 0.
33.1.0 620.5.26.
Reuel, a /hepheard of God, the friend of Ged, oz the
breaking aſunder of God. Woles father inlaw. Ero.
2.18. Aie Clans fonne.Gen. 36.4. i. Chro.i.5.
Reumah. high, 02 eleuated. Gen.22.24.
Rezeph.a pauemét,a firetching cuta burning coale,
D? a fierie flone. a citie. 2.Ring 19.12. Iſa.37. 12.
Rezin. affection, a runner, poftmeffenger. 2 Bing,
15.37. Ezra 2.48.
Rezon. fmal, leane,fecret, 02 a fecretary oꝛ a prince.
— 1.336 i
“@Rhegium. a breaking, a citie.Acts 28.13.
Rhea”! looke Refa. : :
Rhode, a rofè, a citie. Acts 28.13,
Rhodes.idem.An Iſſe.Act.ꝛ 1.1. 1.0ac. 15.23.
Rhodocus. a chanot of the colour of rofés. 2.0 atc.
GRibai.firife,oz increafed,oy chiding oꝛ multiplying,
1, Cho. 11.31. 2.HamM.23.29.
Ribkah,ozRibka fed,oz blunt. contention og contene
tion hindred. Daughter of Bethuel. Gene.22.23. J
faite Damfell. Gen.24.16. Giuen in marriage to J3:
bak. Gen.24-57." Being barren , Ishak peapeth fog
ber,and obteineth his petition, Gene,25.20,21.* B
fubtilitie thee caufeth Jaakob to pzeuent Eſau of the
blefling. Gen. 27.9,to 30. She ſendeth Jaakob to Lae
batt, and whp.@en.27.42." Rebekah wag with chilo
bp one,enten by our father Izhak.Rom.ↄ.i o.
Riblah askolding oꝛ greatues to him,oz cluding com
firmed, ox chiding flowing downeward. a citieof Sp-
ria. SQum. 34.11. 3.33.
Rimmon. a pomegranate apple, opexalted. Acitie.
Joh 15.32.alfo a place. sQum.33.19.
Rinnah. a ſong. oꝛ retoycing.
Riphath. medicine,oz releafe. Gen. 0.3.
Rifah a Priukling vpon, oꝛ the dropping of an houfe.
A place.FQum. 33.21.
Rithma, a Iumper tree,a found,oz a noyfe, A place.
FQunt. 33.18,
Rizia,as Rezth.1.0.h20.7.39.
Rizpah,ag Rifpha.fretched out.3. 94, 3.7.8 21.10:
@Roboam,looke Rehabeam,
Rogel. a foote,o2 foatman,or fearching out, 02 a (ear
cher out, oꝛ an accufer: oy alter the SPIM, cx/lome: a
fountaine,oz well. Sof.r5.7. 2.Sant.17.27. 1 kin.1.9.
Rogelim. idem a
Rohgah. filled, drunken with talke,oz filled with fe-
paration, 1.E010.7 34. ;
Romamti ezer, o} Romemthivezer. exalting ayde, 02
I haue exalted my palace. 1,@20.25 4
Rome. preua hing, mighty, 02 (trong, 02 exalted, oz
hizb. A citie, looke Roma and Romanes in the fecond
Rezia Refia
Rophaiah, the phy/icke,oz medicine,o2 recreation of
the Lord.t.€ 2.4.42.
Roth.a head, oʒ top, oꝛ the beginning. Gen. 46. 21.
Ruben, looke Reuben.
Rufus red.Mens names.Mar.i 5.21. Rom.i6. 83.
Rumah.hie, exalted,oz caſt away. A cltp.2.k.2 3.36.
Ruth. watered, ſilled, oꝛ made drunken. Wife ef
Mahlon. Ruth v4. He finbeth fauour in the epes of
‘Boaz. Wit) 2.10."¢ 3,1.* ig marien to him. Rath 4.
1, to 13. beareth bim afonne named Obed. Ruth 4.
13," 4. Chꝛ.2.1 2. Mat.i.5.
Saba, looke Sheba.
Sabtath.ref. looke in the ſecond Table.
Sabdi.a dowrie,hauinz a dowrie, oꝛ flowing with a-
bundance.1 Ch 8.19,and 27.27.
Sabeans. leading into captsustie, 02 goings about, 0}
drunken men, old men, people, Ila.45.14.called Sha-
beans. Job. 1:15.
Sabtah.a going about, o compaſſe. Sptian, olde age,
Sabreca,oz Sabtecha, the cauſe of fonting. Spꝛi. and
Heb.ehe ſmitiag of old age.Gen.10.7.€ 1.2 621.9,
Sacar,wares,a price, 0} drunkenneffe, 1.CR1 1.35.
and 26.4.
Sadoc. iujt,oz inftifed.3. Ef0.8.2.3. Eſd.i.i. looke
Sadduces iuſt men, oꝛ in/tifed.after the Spriat,cur,
02 (chifmes. Alect among the Jewes, which nenien
the relurrection.ABatth. 3.7. Actes 23.8, leoke the fe-
cond Table.
Sala. Luke 3.35.lvoke Shelah,
Salamis. mooued, oꝛ broken sm pieces, 02 fitting. An
Bie of Cppꝛus. Acts 13.5.
Salathiel.a.Eſd.5.16. Luk.3. 27. looke Shealthiel.
Salcah, oʒ Salchah.thy basket .oz thy lifting up. A cis
tie. Joh. 12. 5.and 13.11.Deut.
Salem. Juneth 4.4.Heb.7.1 looke Shalem,
Salim. John 3.23 looke Shalim, exakation, optreading under fote, Dpi.
a basket. FAebe.11.8,and £3.20,
Sallu idem. .Qh2 9.7.
Salma peace, perfection,retribution, 02 a garment. 1.
Ch2.2.11,5 1.5 4
Salmanafar, 2.¢£ (8,1 3.40.foake Shalmanezer.
Salmon, a peaceraaker, perfect, 02 gining againe.
Ruth 4.20.Luke 3. 32.
Salmone,.2 flowing a commstian,oz a breaking im piee
ces. A High pullin Candy, bowing te the Seawaroe.
Acts 27.7.-
Salom, as Salem. Baruch 1.7,
Salomon,fooke Shclomoh 2. Sam. 5.i 4.
Salu, as Sallai.Qum.25.14.
Samaias, as Semaiah. Tob.9. 12.
Samaria akeeping,anadamazt ſtone, a brier, a thorne,
oꝛ the dregs thereof. Acountrey. and citie of Spia,
betweene Judea, and middle Salile.1 Rings 13.32,
Iſa.7.9. and 10,01.
Samaritanes.keepers,marueilous hard thorny places,
02 drezs. Citizens oz inhabitants of Samaria Wath.
0.5.Sanaria, the bean citie of che ten tribes of Ff
taei builded Rings 16.24. Befleged ofthe Ring
of Aram.1.King.20,1.2. Rings 6.24. Tonne bp the
king of Alfhur,ann the people carried awap.2. King.
17.5." Again Samaria ig pꝛopheſied. Iſa 3.4. anda,
2. Eze.2 3. 2.* Polea 8.1.* and 13. 1. and 14.1. 9°
Mog 3.9. and 4.1, Micah 1.1.7 Thep would notre-
teiue the wobe of Bod. Luke p. 52,53 But afters
marae Din ,at JPbilips preaching. Actes 8.2,5, te
24. Ditton PBagus. bewitched them. Actes 8. 9. The
Janaricanes compaffionon the wounded man. Luke
The firft Table.
10. 33. Bp the biftozp of them, the Gentiles calling
is Delctibed. John 4.5, te 43 Whe Jewes abbozrep
them. John 8,48. anD medled not with them. John
Samgar-nebo. pepper ofa flranger prophefyinz, 02
pepper of a ftriuer ſpeaking. Yet.39-3+
Samos. Alof granel, Anile inthe Aegean Dea.
Actes 20.15.
. Samothracia. fall of grauel,o2 rough. An ifte inthe
bofome of JDacufie,ef the kingdome of Thzacia,lo cal-
leo becaule che Semians and Ahzacians inhabited
there. Acts 16.11.
Samfon,looke Shimfhon. The Bonne of Manoah, Sampfon
Judg.13.2.* Hee marieth a daughter ofthe Phili⸗
Rims. Jung.14.2." Pe is deceived bp Delilah. Judg.
16.4.” Dee gouerned Iſrael 20.peeres, Judg.i5.20.
He ig commended.Web.11.32-
Samuel,leoke Shemuel.@onne of Elkanah. 1. Sam.
1. 20. offeted to Gov bp his mother.1.Sam.1.22," Fa⸗
uoured of God and men.1, Hamu.2.26. God calleth
bim thriſe, reuealeth to bim bis wil, ¢ maketh him his
Ppophet. 1.4a.3.4.* He iudged Iſtael in Bizpebe
1. Sam 7.5. Mis viligence oefcribed. 1. Samu.7.16-
Being old, be maketh pis ſonnes Judges oner Iſta⸗
el. 1. Hamu. 8,1. God commaunded kim to anoynt
Saul. 1.Darm.9. 15,16. which he Boeth 1.
De declareth his innocencie to his people. 1. Sam. 12. -
2,3.De teproueih them fez their ingratitude, 1. Ham.
12.7," And atl foz neglecting Gods commaundee
ment,1.Sain.15.17,t0 24. He pzapeth and mournerh
foz bim. 1.Sam,15.11,35. De keweth Agag in pie>
teg. 1,Ham.1 5.33.00 lendeth bim to anopnt Dauit
king, which be feared to Boe. 1. Sam. 16.1, 2. All bid
Dapesthe Philiſtims were brought vnder 1. Sam. 7.
13. De Dieth, and is bewailed. One in
the likenefle of Samuel railed bp a witch.
8.* He is praples. Ecclns.46.13.* Heb.11. 32.
Sanballat. abramble bid in fecret: 02 after the Dmi’
anand Debzew, an enemie hid in fecret. Mehe.2. 10.
and 13.28.
Saneherib.the bramble of deftruction, 0} the
ofa [word Sprian ¢ Heb. the word, oꝛ de ſtruction
the encmuie, Ring of Aifhur mho thzeatnet Hezekiah g
blaſphemed God. 2. King. i18.1 3. Fla.36.4.* 2. Chz.
32-4. * The Angel dellroxeth bis arinie, @ pe is laine
bp bis owne childzen. 2. King. 19. 35. and 2,22. 3 2
21. Iſa 36. 36." Ecclus 48 18510 23.
Sanfannah,a bough, o} a bramble of a bramble, Spit.
and eb. 2 bramble ofthe encmie.S citp. Joſh.15.31.
` Saph.a baſen to wafh ones feete in, a flanding cup; a
cup of golda threfhold, a poft,an end,a bulrufh, ogthe-
fea.2.Dam.21.18.and 1. h26.20:4.
Saphir. precious fone.cero.24.10.¢ Reue.21.19,
Sapphira. declaring, 02 numbring: 02 after the Spe -
tian, faire. Acts 5.1. .
Sarah. 4 lady,02 dame,o2 princefe: meaning cf mas
np. Daughter of Afer: um, 26.46., Ailo Abrahams
wife, whp ber name was changet. Gen.17.15. God
promi(eth ber a childs, being old. Gen, 17.19.818. 300.
and {hee Had one accoginglp: @ene.21.1, 10 8. She
would not haue Iſhmeel beire with her onne Izhak.
Gen 21. 10. the Bieth, and ig bewailed cf Abꝛaham.
@en.23.2.* Der faith. Deb.1.18. the is the free wos
man. Gal.4 22. the calleth ber pufband Sir o2 Lord,
Gen 18.12. 1. Det.36.
Sarat. my damoe, oꝛ miſtre ſſe The name of Abꝛahams
wife before tt was changed. Gerort.2y9. fhe is taken:
into Phataohs court foz ber beautie, and after Deliner
red againe, Sene, 12.15.” She gaue Hagar to her
puloand, bp whom he hav Iſtimael. Gen. 16. 1.
Saraph, ĩ. Chran 4.22... —
i Senacherib
eit Sannacherile.
$ Sara
| Sarfachim
f Sarug
= Sufa
S Ee D
Sardi.the prince of pleafantne/fe, the fong cfioy, oꝛ
that which remaczeth.o atter the Spgtan, « drars fat.
9 citie. Reue.i .ai.
Sardites.the taking away of di Jention. Syyt.a dyars
fad kinted deſcended of Sered.JQ um. 26.26,
Sardius,a pzectons Rone. Reue-2zt.20. `
Sardonix.a pꝛecisus Hone IRettel.2 1.20.
Sarepta Luke 4.26.looke Zarephath,
Sargon. taking away defence, oga gardemiatter the
SH pzian, a met. Ita, 20-1.
Sarid, /eft,oz remaining, o} the hand of a prince, 034
| feng of the hand.Q citie. dolh.t9.10.
Saron: the plaine field of bemm,oz his fong A fertilt te=
gion bermeene mount Tabo g the tiuer Tibet kitet-
ching foozth from Celarea vnto Joppa as Jerom wit-
neflerh.Acts 9.3 5. j
Sarra ag Sarah, Daughter of Raguel. Tob.z.7. *gi⸗
uen in mariage to pong Tobiag,Tob.7.13.* to whom
ber patentg declare b duety of a goon wife, To. 10.12
Sarfechim. a fetting before of coverings. Due of Me- -
buchad· nezzars painces. Jerem 39, 3.
Saruch, palme trees, a twig cut off from a tree, 02a
bough, Luke 3.35. @en.11.20.
Satan.contrary,o3 az aduer farie,0} enemie. Jed 1. 6.
Wat.g.10.M9ar.8.33.fooke in the feconn Cable,
Sachrabouzanes. 1, (0.6.3,
Satyrs, Monllers hauing che head of aman, & the
bods of a coatetcatles Gods of rhe woods. Ila.13.21.
fome tranflate them Apes.
Saul, ag Shaal, The lanne of Mifh.1.Ham.9.2. The
firſt king of Sftael.1.Sam. 10.1." 11.5.” Dee com- put Dauid to Death.. Samu.r9.1.* Dee
chargeth his feruants of conſpiting againn pim. 1.
}a.22.7,8. "be gocth to Keilah to fight with Dauid.
1.294, 2 3.8, Putluing Danid hee was inuaded of the
J hilikimes.1.Sam.2 3.27,28.purfutng Danin, bee ts
Delivered inte his hans.1.Sa.24.2,% 4 26.2." Dauing
dziuen all ſorcerers out of the lano, be ſeeketh countell
at a witch.1.Sam.28.3-* Ye llapeth bimlelfe. 1. Sa,
31.4. Dig hean caried into the land of the JObiliftims.
1.Ham, 31.9. Dautd mourneth foz hit. 2. Dam. 1.4.”
CiLby be Died.1.Chz.10.13. Abe men of Jabelh GE
{ead burie bi bones, and faf ſeuen Dapes.1-Bam.5r. -
13. Which ig commended bp Danin. 2.Ham.2.5. His 6
goufe wareth weaker, and Dauids fronger.2. Sam.
3.1. God tooke away big mercie from him. 2. Sam. 7.
r5. Seuen of his onnes hanged, and whp. 2.54.21.
3, to 14. Daud burieth hig and Jonathans boneg. s. `
Sam.21.13, 14. Saul ig mentioned. Acts 13.21.
ile the name of (aul. Acts 7.58. looke Paul.
— reioycing, ozthe lifting vp of vanity. tEh
18.16, 2 `
@ Sceua. fet in order, oꝛ prepared, Acts 19.14. -
Scribe. a writer. Wat.4.20. looke in the 2. Table,
Scythians, tanners,oz coblers. A people. Colofl.3.1%
Gureth. 3.10,
Scythopolis. a¥itie oftanners, 02 coblers, This citie `
ig Goo. furlongs from gerulalem. 2, Wace. 12,29. the
citizens, Scythopolitants. 1.QBac.12.30.
@Seba,at Sheba, Gen.10.7. called allo Siba. r.h}
1.9. Ailo a countrep. Plalm7 2. 10. Ila. 43. 3. looke
Secacah. a litle fhadow,a couering a defence anoine
ting. Spꝛian a beholding. A citie. Joſh i5.61.
Sechu a defence, a bough, 62 faying nothing, cities
1. am.19.22, A
‘sı Secundus. the fecond, Acts 20.4.
Sedecias. Waruch « i.looke Zedekiah,and Zidkiah.
Sede-fophim. a feld where men may {ee farre off, a
place.JQum 2 3.14.
Segub, made ferong, oʒ exalted. i. Ring 16.34.
The frit Table.
Seim. meafyres, Gen.i 8.7.
Seir. briftled, hairie,a kid, o} a deuih, op tempeſt. X
Gill. Gen. 4.6. acountrep.Hen,32.3. € a mang name
Genz 6.20. 1. Chꝛ. 1. 38.
Seirath idem, a place. Judg.3.26.
Sela. a rocke. acttp. 2.iking.14.7.
Selah, idem. a citie.Judg.1.36.
Selah. JBfat.3.2.
Sela hammahlekoth. r. Sam.2 3.28.
` Seled, affcétion : 02 after the Spatan, a warming,o2
vofisag. 1.G)20.2.30.
Seleucia, troubled broken im pieces 02 flowing ower.
a citie builded bp Seleucus INicanoz. r: Maccab.r1.8.
theouxh which Paul wannzed. Arigi 3.4.
Seleucus. idem. t. Mac.7.1. 2:99 ale; 63. |
Sem. looke Shem.
Semachiah, cleamine , 02 isyned unto the Lord. 1.
“he. 26.7,
Semei, hearing, 02 obeying. Luke 3.26.
Senaah, a bramble , 02 eremie, Acity. E3ta 2. 35.
Nebe 3.3.
Sench. idem. a rocke: 1.Sain.14.4.
Senir. a fleeping candle, oꝛ the profpering of a candle,
B2profpering of ateacher soga changing. aVill.t.C he.
5.23. called Hermon,Shirion, and Senir.Deut.3.8,9.
Sennacherib,looke Saneherib,
Senuah,ag Senaah,. .
` Seorim. gates, eftimations, haire of the head, tem-
peſts, iey pi E 1.0h2.34.8.
Sephar, a booke,a fcribe ;a declaring a number, Spi.
ahauen. a moimi ot India. Gen. 10,30.
Sepharad, a booke defcending ox ruling, the ende of Bofphorus
rule yog the per fection of going down: a counttp thought
to be Spaine. Dbad.1.20. ¿l5
Sepharuaini.boskes, fcribes,declarings numbers Web,
and Dpi. a hanen of the fea Acitie.2 Kin.17.24.
Sepharuims. zdem. Citizens of Sepharuaim, voho
burnt cheit childzen in fire to cheirivoles.2 Kin · 7.3 1
Serah. /auouring, 02 the mftreffe of fauour, o} the
[ong of [aucur. Gen. 46.17,
Seraiah my prance of the Lord,op the foug of the Lord.
2. Sam 8.17.
Seraphims.barning, oꝛ ferie.Certaine Angels Fla,
Sered, after the Spaian, a diers fat. Ge 46 14,
Sergius, azet. A peuvent man {urnamed Paulus.
Acts 13,7. £
Serug, looke Sherieg.
Sefac,oz Sefhach, tooke Shifhak,
Seth, looke Sheth. celuz.49.16.Luk.3.38.
Sethur. hid, oz deſtroying. Qum.i 3. 14.
@Shaalabbin. the vnderſtanding, oz [onne of a foxe,
oꝛ the underfianding of one looking backe. acitp. oiy.
Shaalbisn. boking bach onthe harts, @ffh in the fea,
02 afoxe in the fea. a place. Yudg.s.35. 1.king.4.9. *
Shaalbonites the ſnne) vꝛ building of a foxe, og the
building , 02 path of underflauding, 2.3 am.23.32.
1. Qb20,11 33.
Shaal, og Saul asked lent, a graue, og hell, looke Saul,
and €3ra 10.29. :
Shaaph, fying, og thinking,,49.
Shaaraim. a3 Seotim. € cities Chz, 4.31.
Shaathgaz, which maketh a paffing ouer, regarding
paffing vouer oꝛ preffing a fl-ece of wooll. Efter 2.44.
Shabbethai my reft. Mehem.8:7.and 11.16. 1. {B.
f Shabeans, looke Sabeans,
Shachia, looke Shiciah.
Shachir. wages. t.ha r 1.35.
Shadrach. a Atle tender dugge,a fine field: oz after
Saalbonite |
Shea Saul
Shalmah ~
Sammat ¢
Saphir: ;
Saal —
Saba .
© Shaba
the Spzian, thy (ending. Dan t.7.
_ Shage. iguerant, compreliending, 03 touching [ofrly.
Spurwmuch,o2 mulerplysig. t, Gbpek bo} 4
Shaharaim 4/ack,treublus,a going early. tch} 88,
Shahazimath. a citp. Jofy.19.22.
Shalem. peace. a citp. Ben.14, 18.JPlal.76. 2. Hebz.
s Shalim, foxes f/s,ot pathwayes.aland.1.Dait.9.4.
Shaliſhah three oꝛprincipallaa land.i.Sam 9.4.
Shallecheth. 1.07: 26.16.
Shallum. peaceable, oꝛa peacemaker, oꝛ perfect, og
gising againe, 2. Rin 15. 10. and 22.84.
Shalmat. my garment. Mehe. 7.48.
Shalmanefer. peace bound, retribution, takex away,
02 gong backe now. 2.53iN.17.3.
Shalman. peaceable, Wole.10,1 4+
Shalmon. dew. Boaz father. Ruth· 4. 21, Mat. 1.5.
called Salma.s,€hz.2-10.
Shama Hearang,opobeying. t: Chr. 11.44.
Shamariah. the keeping; hardneſſe, 02 throne of the
Lord. Ezta 10.32.
Shamhuth deſalataon, perdition, aſtoniedneſſe, iniqui-
tythere, the name ofiniquitie , 0} defiroying iniquuty
1. 2.27.3. *
Shamed, deftroying, 02 wearing out. tEn. Brz.
Shamer, a keeper, hardne fft, athrone, cp dreg ges. 1.
Shamgar. defolation of the firanger, named a firan»
ger,there a ſtranger, oꝛ firiming,og a confidering with a
mans felfe of a name. A iudgein Iſraei. Judg.3.34.
Shamir, a3 Shamar. a citp. Joh. 15.48. Judg. o.i.
Gilo the fonne of Michahrei Chꝛ. 24. 24.
Shamma, de folation, perdition, deftruction, op afko-
niedneffe there. 1:97:37- ;
Shammah. zdem. Gene,3 $413. Alfo the lome of Js
Shammai. my name, my defolations o} perditions, 02
the heauens. 1L}: 2.28.44.
Shamnioth.names,de/clateons,opperditions. 1.Lf20.
11.27, i i
Shammua. heaving,o} obeying AUM.1 3.5.
Shambher.i,the name of a conguerour,opthere a ſin-
` and 26.25. aifoa womans name. Leuit.24.15,
ger, oꝛ conauercur.t .Li2.8.26.
Shaphan,. come, 02 one hid, 4 Lip or Laid vb, 02 the
bankes,op breaking of things. 2. Ring. 22.3. and 25.22.
a. Chr.5.12.
Shaphat.a iædge, oꝛ iudging. 1. Chꝛ.3 .2 2. and 5.12.
and 27.29.
Shaphir. a city. Wicab.r11. *
Sharai, my lord,o2 prince or my fang. ERA.19.49.
Sharar, the nauill, thought, finging. oz the Lord. 2,
Sharezer. a treaſurer, 02 be that feeth the narro we
Srreights, oz the treaſure of one (inging. 2-IRING-19.37:.
Gfa.37.38. Ss iiir ga
Sharon.a plaine ſield, oꝛ his ſong. a citp.a:Cbhis.1 6.
Shathaifixe,retaycing mercie. filke, flaxe,o2 linnen.
Shathak. a facke of flaxe, the fixt facke, the kiffe, o}
cup of coy. «.£2.8.14,25. ;
Shaueth Kiriathaim.the p/gine of Kiriathaima place
0? vallep. Gen. rpgs ~- ` x
Shaul, as Shaal. Mens names Gen. 3 6.27-€ 46.10.
1.0j2.4.24.and 6.24:looke Saul, os
Sheal.zdem, €3ta.10.29.
Sheakhiel. asked oz lent of God, 1.ۤ30.3,17. Dag.
3,t.Oatth 1.12.
Shear-iafhub, Ffa.7.3.
Sheariah. the gate of the Lord, 1.€ 3.8.38.
Sheba: caprisstie, og compaffing about: oz after the
Bpan oldman. Gen.10.7.Alfo a counttey· · 3.
The fitit Table.
and, 10.1, Mat.r2.42. Pſal 72.10. of the
peopte. fooke Shabeans, and Feel3.8. |
shebat, a (cepter,ozrod Zech- 1.7
Shebaniah,the Lord turnmng oꝛ takang captiue, oꝛ the
vnderſtanding, oz building of the Lord, J29.4.8 12.14
Shebam. compaffing asout, alter the Spzian, olde
men. Num 32.3. `
Shebarim, breakings, hopes, o; lookings for. a place,
Joſh 7.5.
Sheber. a breaking, ozbope.1.€02.2.48.
Shebna and Shenab. fit domne wow, knit together
now,eztaken caftine now,02 building ,ophe which vn-
derflandeth. Iſla. a2.15. 2 Ting.18.18.
ee ee ee
Seber. <
Shebuel. the turning, the captincty , ogthe feate of Sebuel
God, 1. Chr. 2 3. 16.
Shecaniah. the habitation of the Lord,
aud 15.24.
Shechem. 4 part,o2 portion, o} 2 fhoulder. acitie Ge.
12.6, Judg 9.1.* called Sychar. John
4-5-Allo he chat rauithed Dinah Gen.3 4.2."
Shedeur. a field ef lighs,o3 fire,og the ight of the, Al-
mightie. FQUM:1.5,
Shegub. exalted, 1. King. 16. 34.
< Shehariah, the morning of the Lord, oꝛ the blacke-
neffe of the Lord, 1.@ 2.8.26. i
Sheia. vanity a lifting vp, oga tumult, 2, BA 20. 25.
Sheir: rough.oz hairre. Gen 36.20.
Shekel. A kind of weight Gen.23.15. Grov.21.32.
Ezek.45. 12.
Shelah, fending, 0} ſpoiling. Gen. 10. 24. and 11.22.
Lubke 3 35.
Shelah, diffoluing. Genm. 38.53.
_ Shelam, @ riter: Ezta 4.17.
Shelanites, ds Soluing. A family delcended of She-
Jah, Rum. 36-20.
Shelemiah, the peacesperfe Zion,03 retribution of the
Lord.t.€ 2.26.14. €3ta 10.39:
Sheleph. drawiag out.Oen.10.26,
Sheleth. 4 captainz,oz a prince.i. Cha.7. 35.
Shelomi, péaceable,perfeét,oz giaing agaime. FQum.
34:27. + í
Shelomith.: zdem. Weng names. t:.Chzen.23:9,18.
Shelomoh. peaceable loske Solomon,
Shelomoth, peacemaking per fecimes, 02 retribution,
Shelumiel, ag Shelemiah. a bead of the tribe of Si-
meon Qum.i.6.
shem aname,renowned,report, 02 put Noahs fon.
Gen 5.32. Luke 3.36. De is bleſſed. Gen.9. 26. His
polleritp. Gen. io.ꝛ i.* and s1,10,11. 1.¢52.1.07- De
id thought to be Welchisedik,laoke Melchizedek,
Shēma, hearimg,oz obeying .1 .Lbp-2.43- Alfoacitie.
Shemaah Aem.i.Chr· 12. 3.
Shemaiah hearing oꝛ obeying the Lord. ens names
r.bitg.1 2,22. 2.2. 3.22.and 4.37. Jett. 29, 32.
Shemariah, the keeping of the Lord, 1.€)j00.12.5.
Ezta 10.32, 4 1. `
Shemeber. the name, oꝛ repo t of a ſtrong man, o} the
name of a bird, oꝛ deftroysng ftrength. Gen. 14.2,
Shemei. my name, 0} my deflation, 0} perdition, 03
the heauens: Zech 12.33 12
Shemeiah,as Shematah: Ezra 8,16.
Shemer. 2ikeeper, s-Ritg.16. 24.
Shemida, a same of knowledge,o2 the knowledge of
the heawens, FAUM.26. 32.0 0H. 17.2.1. Chꝛ 7.19.
Sheminith-lenazzeah . 1,4921 5-2 1.
Shemiramoth, the heights of the heauens, 02 the
height of a name . Chr. 15. 18
5 .
Shemuel. appointed oʒ eſtabliſped of Ged, Num.34.
Seua ,
Selah Sala
Selah Sela
Salumith `
Sama 3 s
Semeber .
Silo. Siloe
) Siloni
20.1. Chꝛon.7. 2.
Shemuel. beard of God, looke Samuel.
Shenazar. the treafurer of tooth, 02 of a one Meping,
oꝛ the narrow ftreight of alteration, 02 an enemie of tri-
bulation. 1.€ 6.3.18.
Shenir. a fleeping candle, the proppering of acandle,
oꝛ profpering of the teacher. a hil. Cant. 4.8, Deut.3.
9.0508.27-5. i
Shephatiah. the Lord iudgeth, 02 the iudgement of
the Lord, 2.23am.3.4.and 1.0 2.9.8.
Shephi, a beholder a hony combe,a garment, 0} a los-
keng for, 1.062. 1.40.
Sheph. a deferta baske, ena breaking in (under.
Gent, 36.23.
Shephuphan a ſerpeat. 1. Chꝛ. d. 5.
Sherah flefb, confangucaitee, leanen, 02 remaining.
1.002.724. .,
Sherebiah. the drought of the Lerd, preuailing with
the Lerd,o3 fingsag with the L-rd.€:3ra.8.18.
Sheraiah, a prince of the Lord. 1. Cha. 4. 14.
Sherng. a bough o} plaat.Gen.1 1.20,
Shefhbazzar. wy ca tibulation , 02 an affirming of
ioy: 02 ioy of gathering grapes. E3ra 1.8.
Shefhai. /exe,reroycing,merry,0} flaxe JAWI 3.23.
Shefhan, a lallie, og rofe,03 sev fulneffe,o2 Maxe. i. Ch .
Sheth, fet, expat, The onne of Avam. Gene.4.25.
Ehz 1. looke Seth. .
— frarching out, a remnant, o kido putrifed.
Shethar-boznai. defpifing me, oꝛ he which fearcheth
out my defpifers. Eʒra 5-3. 3
Shetrai. a gatherer of money: oꝛ after the Dpzian, a
binding o} drawen together, ĩ. Chꝛ. 27. 29.
Sheua, vanity, oꝛ lifting up, oz tumalt. i. Chꝛo. 2. 40.
Shibah.a oth,ozabundance. a well.Gen.26. 33.
Shibboleth, Judges 12.6,
Shibmah. ouermach captiuitie, on much firing. Acis
tie. Mum. 32.38.
Shichiah. the prote€tion of the Lord. 1.€ 3.8.10.
Shichimites. as Shechem.jQum.2 6.3 1- ;
Shicton.drunhenneſſe, a price, 0} bhis wares. X citie.
joſh. 15. 11.
— Pralin the title. ;
Shihor, blacke,og troublous,oz morning. a citp.t.chg
13.5. Jeſh. 13. 3.
Shihor-libnath. a citie, Joſh. 19. 26.
Shilhi.a fending,a bough,a weapon, armour, By}.
Hoylinesoz fpoyled. 1.Bing. 22.42. 2.002 20.31,
Shilhim. zdem. 4 citie. Joh. 15.32.
Shillen). peace, perfect neſſe, oꝛ retribution. Bene. 46.
24. Num.26.49.
Shilo,oz Shiloh. diffoluing,putting off ones fhooes:0}
after the Spzian. mocked, oz decesu:ng. a citie. Jef.
18.1. {al.78.60. F
Shiloah, as Shithi. g tiuet at the foote of mount 3i.
on. Iſa.8 6. John 9.7.
Shiloni. tarying oz he which tarieth, oꝛ a peacemaker
02 abounding : 0} after the Spꝛian. mocking, oz deceit-
wing. s. ERN...
Shilonite. idem x. Kings
Shilthah. three the chsefe,or a captaine.1.€)2.7,37-
Shima.h:2ring,o3 obeying. 2.5 anu21 21.
Shimea idem Gens names. 1. 70.7.5- €6.30,39.
Shimeah. named, put to, perdition, opdefalation. 1,
Shimeam. the nane of the mother, the name of feare,
patting to feare, oz put to hu mother, oz their feare, or
there a mother, 1.0$},.9.38.
Shimei. bearing 02 cheyzng, the name of aheape, oR
deftroying the beape. SQuai 340. Allo one that curled,
The firk Table,
Dauid. 2. Sam. 16 gfo 14-and19.18,to 24, LISME.
2.8,9, 36.*
Shimeon.hea ing oꝛ chedient.looke Simeon, Ailo atts
otber- Ezta 10.34.
Shimma.idem.r. Thꝛ.2.13.
Shimmeathites. 4 people, diligent learners of pgo.
phecies. 1 Chz. 2.55.
Shimmei,ag Shimei. 1. Chi. q. 19.
Shimon. putting, put, 02 a gift of prouiding, oꝛ fat-
nefe, 02 oyle. 1 EYR 4.20%
Shimrah. Hearing og cbedient. a mang name: 1.¢bj0.
8,21, Allo a womans name. 2.¢02.24.26,
Shimri. keepeng, athrone,oz dregs. 1, OMNIE 4Sa
Shimrith.sdem Bother of Jehoʒabad 2.chꝛ 24.26.
Shimron. keping, throne, o} drogs of him, The for
of Silacbat, of whom came the Shimronites. Ger.46.
Shimron meron, æ keeper of bitterneff2, 03 ſtrong
myrrhe. a city. Joh.13.20.
Shimbhon. there the fecondtime. Becanfe the Angel
appeared the fecond time to bis father. Judg.i 3. 24.
looke Samſon.
Shinab. the tooth of the father , the father of change
ing, 03 the ſteebiug ofthe father. Gen. 14 2.
Shinar.the watchings of one flzeping the making bare
of a tooth, oz the changing of a cities E he countrep of
Calves, Gen. o.10. and ti. 2.Danyt.2. Yaar,
Shion, a found, a noyfe, oꝛ the wal of firength, ox
griefe. acitp.Jolh.19.19.
Shiphei. a mu litude. 1. Chꝛo.4. 37.
Shiphrab, eꝛ Siphrah. fasre,oz a piperoz after the Sy-
tian. dang well,o2 goodne ff. Exod.i 15.
Shiphtan a iudge, oꝛ iudging IQum.7 4.24,
Shirion, a brigandine, 03 the plame field, o} the fong
of a Done. A bil. Deut.3.9.JPlal.29.6, 5
Shitha. fixe,ofmárble pleaſant, o} the lifting vp ofa
gift. 1 King. 4 3. ; ;
Shithak. thy flaxe,thy ioy o? thy fixe, skia gand
14.25. Jete.25.26.
Shittah. a thorne. atret. Ula 41.19,
Shittim, Preadings cut, turnings afide, whippes, 02
thornes. a kinde of a cedat imputrible.roB.25.5.Alle
a place. Joſh.2. 1. Joel 3.18.3Qum.25.1.
Shiza thes giſt. oꝛ pring ling on a gift, 1.€h20.1 1.42.
Shoah. tyrants. &3ch.2 3,23.
Shobab returned. @prian, æ fparke. 1. ams.14.
Shobach,a net.a latti thy captiustie,o} thy conuer-
fion. Spꝛian. a douchoufe.2.Bam-10.16,18.
Shobai. aturaing captinitie, 0? fitting. E3ta.2.43.
Shobal.a path,an eare of corne,the thigh 02 vain,an-
cientacfe. Gen. 36.20. 1.9 20.4,8.
Shobek. made equall to vanity, 02 put to cmptineffe:
Sprtan for/aken. Mebe.r0.24,
Shobi, ag Shobai,
Shobnah, a builder. 2. Rings 18.18.loake Shebnah.
Shoco. a defence, a bough jo; flackencffe. Acipa.
Chꝛo.i 1.9.
Shochoh, idem. a eitie. 1 Samay..
Shohamua precious lone called Onix. Sprian, a kee-
ping backe, oꝛ the delay of them: 1.@062.2 4.27.
Shomer, akesper, az Adamant ftone, athrone, og
dregs, z.hing.12.21. 1.0 630.7.32.
Shophach powritg.03 powred forth,02 a vaine vial,
Shophan.a cony hid, laid up wearying,o} a breakixg.
A citp. NQum.32. 35.
Shofhannim Pſal 45. in the title.
Shud. crying ox (iming Ben. 33.2.
Shuah, peaking prayeng intr eating 02 humiliatio,o}
a ditch oga ſwimming. Ab alas fon bp Retutab.Gen.
i 255.
Semran >
Semranites ©
Sennaar _«
Sua, Shuah
Shuah Suah
- Sur
Siaa Sia
_ Sobbochai
_ Sibma
5 J,
_ Syluanus
S Ae L
15.2. Allo Debers daushter. r. Chr 7.32.
Shual a foxe.a pathway,oz a litle FF. A couutty.i.
Hata 13.17.
Shubael. the returning captiuitie, oꝛ feate of God.te
Che. 24. 20. and 25.20,
Shuham the tallung, oꝛ thinking ofthoſe things, a pit,
oꝛ bhunnliatiou of thofe things, 0 a wimming, oy bud-
ding forth of the fe things. MAum. 26.42.
Shulamite anté rz,
hke F tae og comfortle ffe 0} aftonied.t,
62.2.5 3.
Shunem.the fleeping of them, a changing, 02 vaine
Sleeping of them. A citit. Joſh.i9. 18.1. Sam. 28. 4. and
2. Ring. 4.8.
Shunah.a pit, i.Cha.4. t 1
Shuni.changed 0} fleeping. Oe. 46.1 6. ;Num 26.15.
Shupham.wearing out thoſe, 0} the beard oz Lippe oy”
thofe,o2 the banke, hare of thom Beniaming Lonne:
of him came the Shuphamites FQuin, 26.39.
Shuppim idem, 26.16,
Shur.a wallan oxe,o2 bebolding. A wifdernetie tex
wares GEgppt Gen. 16.7. aud 25.18.
Sharia keeping, an adamant ſtone, a throne, op the
dregs thereof. i. Chꝛ. 26. 10.
Shuthan, a lie, oꝛ 0 0fe,02 ioy falne ſſe. The chiele cic
tie of Bera. Ney. 1.1. Dan 8.2.
Shufhanchaie. di/ses, 03 rofes, o} the soy of the lame,
Ezra 4.9.
Shathelah.z plant of greenne/Je,02 moiſt drinke, op
putting maiflacfe. Qum 2.7.20, 31.
q Siaha. ameuing,o3 after the DRIN, helpe. 3ta
2.44 Ie je 7.47.
Sibbecai. a Lough ogof ſprings, og acottaze. 1. CGR,
11.29 and 27.11. }
Sibmah oxermuch captiustie, much hoar fenes oʒ fit-
ting A citie, Joly.: 3.19. Gla. 16.9.
Siccuth az idole.Ames 5.25,
Sichem,looke Shechem:
Siddim. the laboured Feld. pole.Gen.14.33.
Sidon, loske Zidon, A citie in Phenice, built bp Zi-
don the ſon ef ansan. Watt.1 1.21422. Luke 4.26,
Ezck.28.21.* Their Vole wag Aſhtatoth 1. Ring- r.
5.and 2. King. 23.13.
Sihon.a plucking wp by the rectes 02 a concluſion, a
king of the Amorites Deutz? JQum.21.21,t0 29.
Silas.confiderinz,o2 marking. te that toag lentwith
Patilto Queioch.Ucta.15-22.
Silla, aa exalting,o2 a treadind veder foote : 02 after
the Dpi, a basket. a piace, 2. Ring. 2.20, i
Siloam. Gnt finding. a bough,z wenpon, oꝛ armours.
a poele, Jolo.. alle a towze Luk.i 3.4. looke Siloah,
Siloe. zdeva. A well 02 GH pos'e on tpe Aeſt tive ot
Hie cutie ef Danais ; calien alfo Gihon: 2. hyo, 32.30.
and Shelah, Meh · z. 15.
Siluanus ofthe wood. a rõpanlon of Pauls.ꝛ. Lo 1.
19-8. Qhefs, 1.and1.iSet5.12.
Simalcue. the king Ged , oz the hingdome of God, og
meffenger ef God. &.G9AC, 11.394
Simeon, foske Shinicon. Jaakobs fecond Onne bp
Leat. Ge.29.33. he and Leni kilithe Shechemites,
Gen.34.25.* and are repzoucd of their father. Begg-
5.6,7- be id left fog a pledge in Egypt. Ge 42. 2⸗. and
‘Delivered. Gen. 43.23. his chilazen.dien.46.10.E rod.
6.15. FUN. 26.5 2,1 3,1 4ehis portion. Pek. 19.5, t0 10.
Aiſo a iuf man, miis mag alſured by the boly Oholk
pe Gonin net die, before be faw Chit. Luke 2.25, to
36.alſo a Prophet called Wiger.Acis 13.1 i
Simon, bearing, 02 obeying. An Apolile of Chꝛiſt.
Matth.4. 18 looke Peter. Allo a leper whichreceiued
Chik inte his heave. Rat 26.6. Luk.7.40, Another,
tban the JIewes compelled to beare the Ctolſe. Mat.
The firft Table,
s OD
27:32. another, a conlater. Acts 8.9, to as. another, g:
Gaunetr Acts 9 43. 10.6,32. another, a Cenanite.
Watth.r 0.4. alfo rhe toune of Onias the zie. Ec⸗
tlus.50.1, alio Judas Maccabeus hyorper. 1. Dee.2.
3-3$021.@10 74.78 £3,14,15,16. chap. and 2 Wat.
14-17. allo a Beniamite, who betered the treafure of
ibe temple to A ppoloniug.s.QBac.3.4.5,6.
Sin. a dart, 02 armour , 02 coldnefe. a wilderneſſe
Exod.i16.1. MMuin.33.1 7,
Sina. zdem, a manntaine. Gal 4.2 3.
Sinai. a bramble : oz after the Spriat , enimitic. @
wilderneſſe. Exod. 16.1, and 19.1. Mum.3 3.15. Den
Sini, deve, Gen.10.19.
Sinim, tie South countrey, Iſa.a9.19.
Sippai.a threfhold a waterpot a filuer cup,ozan end.
2. Sam 21.18, 1. Chꝛo. 20.4.
Sirach.a ſang, 024 fong of the brother, 02 an empty
gift. She farder of Jelus,
Sirian: Igoke Syrian,
Siſamai. a hor fe, o} [wallow of waters 502.4 moth of
waters :e2 after the Syatan,blindac/fe, +, Che. 2. 40.
Sifera. feezng a frallow , 03 [teing a moth, og hor fe,
C3ta2.53. Mehe. 7-55.
Sifara, dem. The king of Canaaus chiefe caytaine.
Judges 4.2.*
Sitnah, hatred, a well. Gen 26. 21.
Sithri. my fecret, o} my refuge, oʒ hid,0} tumbling a-
fide, Exod G6.22.
Siuan Efer 8.9. Baruch 1.8:
Smyrna, reyrr/e.aicitie in Aſis.Reuel.i.11.
Go ameafure, 03 vaile. 2. Ring. 17. 4.
ocho. a couering ,0}a bough, 1.0 2.4.18.
Sochoh zdem.a citie. 1.3Ring.4.10.
Socoh tabernacles, a citie. Soi) 15.48.
Sodi. my fecret, Qum.ꝛ 3.11.
| Sodom their feeret, a heele, oꝛ their morter. 9 eitp of
Spia. Genz. to 19. Sodom and Gomozah aflaultere
Gen. 14.14. Deflroped with fire aud brimſtene from
beannen. Gen.: 9. 24. accaging as was foactoiv. Gert,
18.20. 19.53. The Sodomites creeeding inners. Be,
13.13. be ſinnes of Sodom declared. Ge. 19 5. Eze.
16.49.50. Sodom & Gomozah turned to alhes. 2. Pet.
2.6. Gude 7, which pet Vall baue caller iudgement
then thep that contemne the Goſpel. Mat. 10. 15. The
Jewes thpentacd to be deſtroped ag the Sodomites, if
thep obeped not Hav. Deut.r9.23. The Jewes vine,
a3 the Sine of Sodom @ Gomoezah. Deut.32. 32. reade
Iſa..9, io.and 3.9,and 13.19. Jer.49. 18. Lam 4. 6.
Solomon, loose Shelomoh. Dauids fenne bp Baths
ſhe ba.Matthi .s.dSam.12.24. a8 twas promiled 2.
Sam.7.1 1312. 2.Ch2.22.9,10. he is put to the D202
phet Naebans geuernment. 2.8am 12. 25. be is ioe
eo of Bov.2,Ham.12.24. he loueth the Lezd. i Rin.
3.3. Ged promileth him to perforne bis promis, if he
walke inl is tapes. 1.iking.é.13. Danid promiſeth
Batbſheba, thee be ſhould reigue after him. 1- Ring.
3.13, CUbhat preceprs Daud gaue him befoze tis
Death. 1. Ring 2. 3. Salomon craucth wiſe dome of
God. 1.Ring-3 5,9. Me marieth Pharaohs Daughter
r.ikin. 3.1, Pig fentence on the two hatlois. r Ring.
3.146. The number of his fongs and pꝛouerbs. 2. Gin.
4.32.bis pinces and raters. 1.iing.4.2.@ be putuei⸗
ance of jis victuals: King.4.22. The unmber of hig
boales. 1. Ring.4.26. Pig bookes. WING. 4. 33,342
Pesce in his daxes. ĩ. Ring.4. 24.25. Dis wiſedome.
r Ring 4.29, 20 31. Wis wozkemen. 1. Kin 5. 13. The
forme of the Temple which be bultded. 1. King. s.2,
tois. Wee ſendech to the king of Tprus foz trees
and wozkemen, 2. Chron 3.3,to12. We bzeught inte
the Temple, the things that Danid bab dedtcated.
f zinga
Salomon —
Iori `
1Rin 7 .5 1. Yee peapeth that all chat ſhould pap inthe
Semple might be heard. 2. Ring. 8.23. God willerh
Him to walke befoze him in pureneffe of heart Ring.
9.4.Salomons gift te Pitam.: Bing. 9.11. which Wi-
ram gaue him againe. 1.2 hzon.8. 2. Dis chatets, hoꝛ⸗
les and tiches.2.Chzon.r, 14.* Wi ppaee was calles
Salomon. 1-C§20.22-9- Gon appeareth to him egaine.
ringa «2.2% Chron 7.12. Che Queene of Sheba
came to beare bis wiledome. 1,ining.50.1,to 14e ex⸗
ceedeth ali kings in riches aad wiledome.n, Bing: ro.
23." he became an idolater. . Rin. 1 1.1,t0 9.090 rai
ſetb bp enemies againſt bim.1.Ring.11.14,t0 40. His
Death.. Ling 11,43: bis reaime diuided.a. ings 12.
20. Dig prayer to obtaine wiledome, Milde⸗. 1,t0 the
end of bis books. Wis paife and diſpzaiſe. Ectlus.7.
13." Salomone poci John 10,27, Acts 3. 11.
Sopater. keeping hu futher without danger yo} the
bealh of the father. Due that accompanies Panl ine
to Affa.dcts 20.4%!
Sopher. a [cribe Jhewing o} uumbring Fer.52. 25.
Sopheret.idem.Ezta: ꝛ. 55.
Sophonias looke Zephaniah, = =
Sorai. declzring,throwing forth.o3 after theSpzian,
acauldron. weQhjt.§.13. DIE ELES
- Sorek.a vite oꝛ vineyard oga hifing. A rivet. Jud.
Sofipater,ag Sopater. Mens names.2. Wac.12.19-
Softhenes. a mightie, o} trong ſauiour. The chiefe
tuler of the Jewes Spnagogiies. Acts 28.17.
Softratus, keeping hu army from danger dg the bealsh
af his army. Mac. 4.27.
Sotai.a coclufion in pleading o} a binding 3.2.55.
@Sparta./nved,oz-fowing. The chiefe cite of Lace⸗
Demoniar Dace. 14.20.and 15. 23. the citizens cal-
led Spartians.1.Q9aec, 12.2,
Stachys, an eare of corne. Due beloued of Paul.
> Ronr16.9.
Stephanas. a crowae oꝛ crowned. Dne whole houſe⸗
Hold Daul Daptized.1.Go02.1.16.and 16.75.
' Steuen, idem. A Deacon full of faith anv of the ho⸗
Ip Ghott Acts 6.5,8.*and7.1.*
Stoikes.@ fect. Acts 17,18.
Storax, A (mert gumme. Ecclus.ꝛ⸗4 17,
guah. ag Shuah. Gen. 38, 12-
Suah.rooting v o treading vnder foot.1-G 2.7.36.
Sualjag Shual.1.€2.7.36. :
Succoth. tabernacles , 62 tents, A citie Gen.3 3.17.
Ero. r 2:17. Judy. 8.6. Plſ
Succoth-benoth. the tabersacle of daughters, 03 the
anointing of daughters. An idole. 2. ing 7.30.
Sud. my fecret. A tinet. Garuchr4. °°
“ Sukkiims. ozkting, og ointed,cowcred o} fhadowed. A
people of Aftica, 2. Ch202.3. PEES 2 a sabe
~ Suphanites, looke Shupham, otsi
Sur. a giuing backe,oz rebellion. a citie. unit, 2,28.
* Sufanna‘a "Lilly, 03 rofè, on ioyfulneffe, Wife to Joa⸗
cim. Dan.13.1,2.* allo a woman that followed Chꝛiſt.
uke sz.
“Sufi, a bor fe fivallome2 moth. IA. 3.13,
“Sulis zdem. a cith. OER. 1 3.2. looke Shufhan.
~ @€Sychar. a conclajion,o, fnifhing. A city. John 4.5.
Tooke Shechem.
‘Sychem ag Shechem, locke Shechem, and Act: 7.16.
Syluanus, looke Siluanus,
` Synagogue looke tt the 2. Table , ana Wat.4.23.
“Syntiche. comming oz telling atale. Abt. 4.2.
ae ytacule, drawing violently. A ctip of Sicilia. Acts
20.124 ; AE ae
Syria (bebe. Aram) fignificth, high defcending, op
the [launder of them, A countrey in Afa haning on the
The fictt Table:
flor, 02 Lord. A citie. 2 Lh
Eak the rincer of Euphzates: on the Wet the middle
fea, and Egypt: onthe orth Cilicia ¢ Cappadocia:
and on the South Arabia: which Cpreniug gouerncy.
Luke 2.2, he Syrians of Damaſcus Raine bp Dauit.
anb their countrey tributary to him. 2-Sam.8.5, to 9,
Almal army of them oucrcane Judah , fog that they
fogleoke God.2.2 2.24.2 3,24. hep apnina the Ame
monites again I{rael,were Laine bp Joab.1. Sam.
10.6, to 15. Thep tooke a little maid of the landof Wl
raeh that terucd JQaamans wife. 2. King.5. 2. Elipa
fozetol the Iſtaelites that the Syrians would aflaile
then, ifthep went whither thep were determined, 2,
Kin.6.9. Che Syrians. befleging Samaria, were chas
{cd awap bp the iLozd.2.Ring.7.6,* Che Iſtaelit es in
{ubiection te the Syrians.2.Mingir3z.3.ate pꝛomiſed to
be Beliueted bp Joal, skin.: 3.17. Laban was aSy-
tian, Deut.26.4 looke Aram, ' PRP, if
Syropheniffian.redne (fe, oꝛ purple, drawne,}dram- Sytophe '
ing vato it. An inhabitant of Syrophenifla, @Bar.g.26. nifa
Syrtes. drawen,oz drawing unto it.quicke fands, 02
fhelues neere the Egyptiensſea, mave by the daift of
grauel ans land , Dangeroustepafle bp : thep Dawe
biolentlp puto them “all things that come nigh them:
bp which Paul lapled. Acts 27.17. tr
Taanach, breaking afunder,og humbling thee, "Thaanach i
[verag to thee DX citp. Jolh.12.24.Judg.5.19. 1.dkin. Thenac
4.13. Thanach
Taanath-fhilath. diffoluing,op breaking a figtree,a Thaanath-. -
litl: figtree going aftray, 02.-ltle fiztree of abundance, filo
02 peace. A place. Holh.16.6, » «
Tabaoth. rings circles, arown
hotre. Mehe. 7. a6.
Tabbaoth. zdem, Ezra 2.43. Tabaoth
Tabbath good, og coodne/fe. a place. Suba.7.22,
Tabeol 02 Tabech good God. Hfa.7.6. Tabel
Tabeel, idem. 3ta.4.7. Tabel
Taberah. a burning. a place Aum. 11,3.
Tabitha. 2 Roebucke. Acts 9.36." e
Tabor. a chuGing, 02 puritie : Spzian, contrition,og} Thabor
breaking afunder. A high mountaine in the middle
field of Gaitie. Toh, 19.22. Fudg.4.6. Plalm.89. 12.
CUhereon Chꝛiſt was tranliguren. Wett. 17.1. dar.
9.2. Luke 9. 28. ions
Tabrimon a good pomegranate apple,oz high goodnes, Tabremon
02.4 naail prepared numbred,oz rewarded.1 kite 5:18.
Tadmor. confeffion,praife of bitterne(Je,0x myrrhe of Thadmor, }
confefion og praife: Deb. and arial praife ofa ma- Talmira
' Tahan.befeeching,merciful, full of grace,o} pitching Thaham
tents. 1.0 20.7.25. Df him came the Tahanites.§Qum. Thahen
225. $ joli hehen |)
© ‘Tahapanes, A eitie, Jet.2.16.looke Tahpanhes. Taphnes
Tahath, hafling. Gent.22.24. >
Taphenes hidden tentation, 02 /leight, 02 acouered Thaphpenes
banner. The wife of Pharaoh. 1, Ringa 119,20, ;
Tahtim-hodfhi. 2,@am.24 6. Thathtim-
! -Talithacumi @9ar.5.41- oo hodft
Talmai. á fúrow, o} delaying waters, ortheafzm- Thalmai
bling together of waters: t 3.23..Toh.ngng,
Talon dew prepared o} dew numbred, opthe gift Telmon
of dewe, r Eha 9.17 EZA 2 42. } f Thamah
Tamah, blotting out, 02 [bauing or wiping — Thema
d,good — good Tebbaoth >;
Eile s
Thale s:
Thelmela ..
after the Syꝛian, itiag. eb. 7.55.
Tamar.a palme tree.©en.38.6.
Tamar.sdem, Daughter of Danid.2,Sam,1 3. 1, to
23. allo a citie. Eze.47.19.
` - Tamor. Kin9.i ſ.looke Tadmor,
* Tammuz. confumed,e} a fire. Ferome taketh it foz
Adonis, Genus louer. Dever foz Dürig, an idele of
the Egyptians. Æ3e.8.14,
Tanach,ag Taanach.@ citie. Jofh.21.25,
Tanhumeth confolation. Jer.40.8.
Tanis.2 motion,mouing,ormoued.a city. Judet.i.10
Taphath @ déftslling fromthe head,a drop,og a fattle
ene. Kin.a. 1.
Taphnes,as Taphenes.a citie.Judet.1.9. apple,a [welling in the body, oꝛ a tying.
q cite. Joſh i 2. 17. and 15.34. aNd 146.8.
Tarah.a heire, a wretch, 03 a baniſhed man, A man
ſion Num. 33.27.
Taralah, the fearching out of (lander, o} the fear-
ching out of ftrength, 62 the turtle bird of flander or
Strength. citie. Jofh.18.27,
Tarca howling , doing euill, the chamber of zuileful
dealing, 02 the chamber of a companion : on ofict the
Sprian,chance,oz earthly,oz le ſer.i.Chꝛ 8 35.
Tarpelaie. theeues diligent and painſull. Spian, &
Deb.the hill of meander the keeper of decay. oꝛ the lezfe
of labour a people, Ezrta 4.9.
Tarthith. a beholding of the ſword, a fearching out
of marble,the turtle bird of the [word a lafper ftone,o2
the fea. Jauans fonne.Gen-10, 4.allo aregion taken
foz Etlicia.2.Ch2.9.21. Ila.s 6. 19.
Tarlus.winged.A citie in Cilicia. Petes 21, 39.
Tartak.chained iogether oꝛ hut vp, An idole of the
Anims. Bin.17.31.
` Tartan, fearching out, oꝛ beholding a gift, oꝛ the gift of
the turtle berd,oz the law of thë 2. &i. 18. 17. Iſa 20.i.
Tatnai rewarding. 0} arewarder. G3ta 5.3.
€ Tebash acoske,Gen.22.24.
Tebaliah.the baptiſme of the Lerd,o2 goodnes to the
Lord himſelſe, oꝛ the fauce of the Lord. 1.€§2,26.11,
Tebeth.geod,oꝛ g sdacs.a moneth.Eſt.ꝛ.i 6,
Tebez.anegge,02 ſilhen germent.afiet the Spim.
fiaxe A citie where Abimelech was Raine. Judges g.
50.2 BAM.I 1.21.
Tehaphnehes,as Tanis.a citie Eze. z30.18.
__ Tehinnah, 2 befeeching, mercifell prayer, oz very
thankeful,o2 faucur.1.E€02.4.12;
Tekoa,s? Tekoah. a pipe, a nsyfe faftened.A mang
name. .Eh2.24. ane 4 5.alto atone 6.miles from
Ferulatem. 2.Sam.14.2.Amos 1.1. Che inhabitant
calles a Tekoite.1, €h2.11.28.
Tel abib.aheape of new graine. & place where the
Jewes were kent prifoners. Ere.3.15. ;
Telah.a moiftenine, ar greenzeffe, 02 moiftening, o}
` making greene.t.h}2.7 25+
Telem lambe oʒ the dew of them: ovafter the Sp
tian.the~bzdow ofthem A citie. Joſhua 15 24. allo a
pezter. Ezra 10.24.
Telha: ſha.a heaping up of decſeneſſe, oꝛ hauging up
of the plough. Heb and Spꝛi.the word of doubtfulnes.
A place. Ezra 2.59, :
Telmelah.2 heape of falt 0} the doubt fulani ff? of [alte
d place.Ezta 2.59. a —
*"Tema.a maru-tling at per ſection oꝛ the Southwind.
Iſhmaels fonne.Ge.25.15.alfo acountrey. Fobs.rg.
) © Teman. South, perfect. Bpr.there. The fonne of E⸗
7 Wpbaz.Gen.36.1 1.42, alfo a citie in Edom. Fer-49.
Themani ~
/ g.Barwehz.22. 0:
Temani. moih, perfecto the South, Spi. ordebied,
A counittey.Grw 36.934, 8 Dees ey
ao mikot thet countrep. Jeb ziz.
The firſt Table.
utie Bodie Tilgath Pilneeter,
Temath.soometide, A countrey. Eze 48. 28. Temansie `
Temeni,ag Temani.1.€2.4.6. Thement smage,o2 formeo} numbring:92 after Themna
the Sprian, ordeined.@ citie. Joh.19.43.
Tepho, aplace. A fozt teezifies bp Bacchides. 1. Thopo
Mac⸗ↄ9 50.
Terah /melling,breathing,02 driuing away. Abrar Tarai
hams father.@en. 11.26. 1.02,1,26, Jofh.24.2, Thare
Teraphimsmages,o} formes. $udg.17.5. ol.2.4. Therah
Terebinth, A tree twohereeut pſſueth the gum Cars Theraphing
peutine.Ecclus.24.1 8. Terebint
Tereih, as Terah.Eſſet 2.21. Theres
Tettius.the third. Qom.16.22,,
Tertullussdeciaring falfethings,alyar,orwendrou, Tartullug .
Gn Datez again Paul Acts 24,1,2,10.
etrarch: gouzrnour of the fourth part of a realme,
- @ Thaddeus praifing,o2 comfefing {arname of Leb- Taddeu⸗
beus one of Chᷣꝛilis Apoltles Mat 10. 3. Mar. z. 18.
Thamnatha, ag Temnathah, @ fojt reevified bp Thamnata
Bacchides.i Wac.g 50. ils
Tharfeas,as Tarthifh:z. Wee. 25.
Tharthith. dem. counttep. 1.Lings 10, 23. leske Tharfia
Tarthith. Tharfis
Tharfians.zdem. a people.2. Mac.a. 30.
Thali forgetful forgetting oza debtor.2. Mac.2.3. Thali
Thau. E32. 9.4.
Thebez,loske Tebez. Thebes. i-p
Thecua. hope, a Littie rope ,a lineo} congregatian. q diene
fwilderneffe. 1.GBac.9.33. 7
Thelaſar.tahiag away,heaping up. Zregion of Spe Telaſſae
tia.2-Idin.19,12. pp
Thelerfas.c heaping up of deafenefz. Heba. Syzi. Thelharſa
the wood of doubtfulne (ee A place.i. ED 5-36. —
Theman. looke Teman. E: SWI —
Theodocitis.giz-n te Gad, One among othets ſent Theodotius
to Jutas about a peace,2.99ac 14.19. THeodofius*
Theophilus.a frend cf God or alouer of God,oz de- Theodotus
uout, 02 leuing God, onthe beloued of God. A woꝛthie Theos Phie
man,ts whome Luke mzote his Goipel, and Actes of los
the Apoltles Luk.i.3. Act.i.1. Dig
Theflalonica.the other victory of God,oprhe putting soudr
ofthe ether vičkárie; Acitie of Macedonia, where ;
Paul preached the Golpel.Acteg 17-1.Reade Actes
17. 11. and 1.0 befr.1.*
Theudas.flowing with water.a rebel. acts 5.36. -
Thomas.jecke Tom.en Zpolite of ChaiGturnamen Theodas
Dinymus, who exhogtes Apoſtles to die couregioul⸗
ip. Jop.11.16.Me alkerh Clu the way tothe Father.
Coh- 14.5 De would not beleeue Cheiſis rel{urreerion,
vntill be put his finger inte his ſide. Fol. 20.24.10 jo,
Thracia. a [parke o} flome,a counttep in Eurepe.2.
OBac.12.35. ;
Thummim tructh,o7 perfektion Exod. 28. 30. Dith
33.8. Ezra 2.63. qii j
Thyatira.a fwveet [anor of labot 0} frerifice of cotritio. on
a crie of € poia in AGa the eie iets Acree or
@ Tiberias. good vifion a nan] eza breaking afus-
der a cttie of Galile bp the fea Tiberias taking name -
thereof. Jot) 6.1, Sometime called (as Ioſeph Antiq.
4-cap.18.noterh) Sennelarech: tt was builpen-bp Der
tod the @etratch in honour of Tiberius Cefar, ¢ cal
led after his name. it > Thebhath Empereur of Rome. Luk 3.1, ` Tebath
Tibkath.2 hilling, oꝛ a cooke ,d~c-a citie.t.£).18.8. Thebni
Tibni.chaffz,02 bay.1. Bing.: 6.24. ` Shidal
“Tidal breaking the yohe, 03 the knowledge lſung Thadai
vp. Geni4.r. . ; . Theglah-
‘°-Tiglath Pilefer. heahathtaken awaya meryerlous phatatar
tapten DIA he hath erkzdden a meryeilusc-pti- 1 heelarh=
3 CoD . phatafary a
“Tikualy, :
Theg lath-
"Titus Man-
T oO 8B
Tikuah,hopeya little Lnz,0} congregation. 2.4in,22.
14.called Tokhath,2. 2.34.22.
Tiglath Pilneefer.forbidding [nom falling. Ring of
Alfhuc. Lh. 5.6. calles Tiglath Pilefer,2.dkingus.
Timnah,ag Timuathah,.@ citie. Joh 15 57.
Timna. 4 forbidding, periurbation, 03 a perfect per-
turbation Eliphaz concubines Sen.3 6.12.allo a Duke.
Timnath-heres. the image ofthe funne, a fained fi-
gure,the number of an earthen pot, Dy} Deb.the fun
ordeined,& citie. Judg.a.9. looke Timnath -ferah.
Tinmath-ferah.a fijure enlarged, animage remai-
ningo} a numbring the reft, pu. @ Web. an ordezned
fiench.a citie. Jolbua 19.5 and 24. 30. called befoze
Timnath heres,
Timonhonourable, o} preceousia beacon. Acts 6 5.
Timotheus.the honour of Gid,oz honoring of God,
03 precious to God, captaine.1,Q)ac.5.6.allo a Oze-
cian, whom Raul circumciſed, and wote nto. Qc. 1 6.
9,253.1, 2. Cim. 1.2, Tim. 2.2. read 1. Q02.4.17.and
1610,11. 2. Coꝛ i, 1. Phil. 2. 19, 20, to 25. Rom. 16.
21.1. Thel. 1. 1. and 3.2:
Tiphſah apaſſ2ang ouer, a halting, 02 the paſſeouer.
That is, aplace where paſſeouer is kept. A vitꝑ · r.
King.4.24.2. King. 15. 16.
Tiras.a deſtroyer. Gen 10. 2.
Tirathites Pnging.i.Chꝛ.2.55.
Tithakah a dell ſearcher out, 02 beholder, a hinde-
rance of the law, ozthe dulne/fz ofthe turtle birde. A
king. 2-Ming.: 9.9. Iſa. 37.9.
Tirhanah.a fearcher of mercie, og the turtle birde of
mercie. le Oh2.2.48.
Tiria.a fearch,oz fearching out, 03 beholding.i. Chꝛ.
Tirthatha diffoluing the Fundation, beholding drink,
02 butler, oꝛ the feuxdatten of the turtle bird. Heb.aud
Spꝛi.beholding the peere of tım, o} hee that hath au-
thority oner vs, Qehemtahs furname.€ 3ta 2. 63. Me⸗
sm. i0o.1. looke Nehemiah.
Tirzah.pleajing wel, willing, pleafant, orrunning.
Selophebads daughtet.Qum. 26.33, and 27.1, alloa
kine. Jlofj.12.24.
Tihbite. taking captine,turning,fitting,02 dwelling.
Eliiahs Carname of Thesbo a citp of Manalſeh on tye
CE aff ive of Joꝛdan, teere mount Giiesd.1.hiu. 17.2,
Titus Goxowrable.a Greeke, whom aul circumci⸗
feu not and why. Galat.2. 3,4 Paul calleth him bzos
ther.2. Coꝛ.2·i z.and naturall onne, Titus 1.4. Paul
deaueth bim in Creta, and why. Tit. 1.5. reade 2.60}
8.6, allo an Amdaſladour of che Romaneg, ſutnamed
Tizite.a /cattering fcattered,oz going out, a citizen
of Tizi .Chꝛo.i 1.45.
€ Toah.a weapon oza dart.1. Chai 6. 34.
Tob good, oꝛ coodneffe, Juvg.11.3.
Tob-adonitah.a good gouernour, o} a good Lord, o,
a gnod foot of the pilar ofthe Lord.t. Ciz.17-8.
Tobial:.a geod Lord, oꝛ the goodneffe ofthe Lorde,
Ezra 2.60, F2eh.2.10,0 eb.1.1.
Tobias, and Tobit. idera. The name bath of father
* gnafonne.Tob.1.1.9. reave the wicle booke. Allo
the father of Hircanus 2.Adac.3.11.
Tobiiahédema Leuite.2, Ch217.8.alloa captive
Zech.6. 10.
Tochen.the middle, oꝛ betwegne the
pared.a citie. t. Ch2.4.3 2. 5
Togarmah.fireng,o2 bony, oꝛ ouer muc hanhabit ed. o
avery firanger,o} fearing greatiy o} doubt ſul highnes.
middle, oz pre-
The loune of Gomer. Genel. 10,3.1.7hzon-1,4 OF
The firk Table.
bim deſceuded a people of Afa the leſſe.Ezek.27 14.
and 38.6.
Toi.erriag king of Damath.2.Ga.8 9 looke Tou.
Tokhath.takwg vato hin a figne. 2. €)10.3 4122.2.
Tola.a worme, Dens names. Cen, 46.13.1. Chro
7-1. Judg. 10.1.
Tolad natiitie oꝛ generation A citie.i. Chg. 4.29.
Tolaites.wormes, 0? lattle wormes. a famille delcen⸗
Dev ot Tola.Mum.2ↄ6.2 3.
Tolman. fasthfull,og that faith trueth, oꝛ a workman,
0} under maſter. i. Eld.5. 32.
Tom.a twanne,0z deepene ffe without bottome. looke
Topaz.a precious fone. Exo.28.17. Reu, 21.20.
Tophel.decay, o. Bolifhnes,a place.Deut.1,1,
Tophet,o3 Topheth. a timbrel, o} tabret, a leading
alide ogan enlarging, A place in the lubutbs of Peru
fatem, where parents ofred their chitozen, halfe bure
ned in fre, to Molech 2. Rin.a 3.20. Iſa 30,33.
Tou, Thon,es Toi 1. Chꝛ. 18.9.
€ Trachonitis.onie, 0} cruel, A region of Spia.
Tripolis.of three cities.a citie.ꝛ.Mac.aa.i.
Troas bored through.a citie of Alia the letie.2.€03.
2.12.2, Tim 4. 13. Acts 16.8,
Trogyllium. a cite in the ple Samos.Acta 20.15.
Trophimus. nouriſhed, oꝛ brought vp A companion
of Baul. Acts 20.4.anB 2 1.29.2. CTim. 4. 20.
Tryphena,oz Tryphoſa. delicious, 02 delicate. Two
govip women. Roni. 16.12.
Tryphon. dem.2. Mac.i 1.39. @15.37.AND 12. 39.*
G Tubal borae, oꝛ brought,oz worldly og confuſion, oʒ
fander, Japhets ſonne.Gen.i o.2.i Chron. 1. 5. The
Jewes called Italit bp his name. Iſ Eze. 27
13.aNB 32.26,
Tubal-kain, worldly poffefion , a birds neft of the
world,poffeffing confuſion, o} imitating lander, The
firt beafier and ſmith· Gen 4.22,
Tubieni,fraw,e3 mixed with fraw, anfwering wel,
oz gratifying well. Jemes fo called, 1. Wat 12,27.
Tubinwmeafured welaz good meaſure, o good wine,
a citie of the Gadites.i.Mac.z5. 3.
@,oz happening Pauls kelſow {ey
uant Act# 20.4.6 pl €.21.Col 4.7.2. Tim.4.12.
Tygris.the fharpne fè of ſwifineſſe, oꝛ a [harp found,
62 voice 0} a Merrie found 02 a merrie fwiftnes, Deby.
and Spꝛi one voice} one onely fwifine ffe, G river og
flood which compaflerh Delopoiamia: of the which
mention is made.Cob,6.1.Ecclu, 24.29, calle’ Divs
Tyrannus ruling,o24 prince. Dee in whole {choole
Jp aul Dapp diſputen Acts 19.9,
Tyrus-a breaking with a flare aſiege, o} binding,
Singing, on firength, oparecke. A ciue bp Libanus.
Tue citizens called Tyrians.Ecclus.g6. 18. Df both
the which mention is made.2.D8am.5.1 1. 1. Kin. 5. 1.
Pral 45. 12. Pſal. 3 7lal.87.4. Iſa.a 3. 1. IS⸗47.
4 C7eh.26.2.¢ 27.3." Joel 3.4. Amos 1.9. Fech. 9. ay
3. Matt. 11.21. and 15.25. Mar. 5. 8. duke 10 14, 15.
Vagezatha Priukling the chamber. Heb. ; Spz · w⸗
Oliue trees. 12.9.9.
Vaniah,nourifhment of the Lord, 03 weapons of the
Lord. Ezta 10.35.
Vafhni fecend,charged,a tooth, o} my yeere, 1.0200
6.20.) *2S
Vafhti,drinking doubling, putting, og hempe, Bing
Ahathucrokh wife GReg 1.9.* gyd
Thicua -
Ophir _
Vſai Ozi
Oꝛ iel
- Saauan
22 AiB:
Vel, defiring God. E38 10.34. J
@ Viam.a a ar galerie, 0} firength, o} foolifhnes
ef them, Bens names. 1-CLiy2.7.16. and 8.39.
Vila.alfiing vp,a facrifice killed on the altar, an ine
fart, alittle one, 02 4 leafe. 1.203.739
@ Vmmah. darkened, cowered, ha people,oz with him
a citie. Jofh.19.30.
¶ Vnni. an anfwere, oꝛ ſong, 02 af fucked, oppoore.
Certaine men. i.Chz.iA 5. 18,20. Nehe. 12.9,
€ Vopſi. a thing broken, o} parched, a portion, a di-
miniſping, oꝛ diminifhed. IRUuM.1 3. 153.
@ Vpharfin. Dat.s5.35.
Vphaz. pure gold. A place. Yere. 10.9. Dat.10.$.
@ Vr. fre, o2 light. acitic. Gen. 11.28.
Vrbanus, ciuill,courteous,0p gentle in ſpeech. Palils
feliow belper.Rom.16,9.
Vii. my light, oꝛ fire. Bens names. Crodus 31.2.
1.0 §2.2.20, 1. kin. 4 19. E38, 10.24
Vriah. o2 Vriiah, the fire of the Lord, oʒ the light of
the Lord. ens names. zs Hari. 1 1.3,6,7.* €12.9.
Ezra 8.33. Mehe.3,4. Ila.8.z. Jere,26,10.2.kings
16.10, Matth. 1. 16.
Vriel. dight,02 fire of God.2. Chꝛ.i 3.2. Aifoan Ans
gel.2.G 0.4.1,
Viin: light. Exod-28,30.
Vihai. mine iniguitie, o} time, oꝛ frewardne/f2,02 an
Vz, counfailz,op wood: after the Spzian, aſtened.
Mens names. Gen. 10.23. and 32,21, and 36. 2 8. Allo
& countrep. Fob 1.1-Lam.g.21.
Vzai. the,02 he. Mehe.3.2 5.
Vzal, wandring. failing, facling forward, oʒ diftslling
from th: head. Øen. 10.27.
Vzia. the ſtrength of the Lord, oʒ the bucke Geate of
the Lord, 1.,0632.11.44.
Viziiah. idem. Nehe.t t.4.
Vzza,02 Vzzah. ferength, 02 a goate, Hens names.
2. king.21.18. 1.0§2.6.29. 0nd 8.7. 2. Sam.6. 3, to 9,
Vzzen eare Lappe of flefh ozan earelappe
remaining. A city. 1.0 2.7.24.
N enuas firength oꝛ my goate (Hens names.,5 1. and 7.2,7, Ezra 7.4. Meh.i 1.12. and
Vzziah,ag Vzia. Weng names. 1.0 h3-6.24. 2.chz.
26.1.” Ezra 10.24. looke Azariah,
Vuziel. the ſtrength of God, 0} the buck goat of God.
oaths fonne. Erod.6.18. Leni. 10.4. 1.4 3.6.2. DE
him came the Vzzielites,Qu.3-27. Allo mens names,
1.2 4 — Chꝛ.20.14. Nehe. 3. d.
Zaanaim. J plaine. Jud.⸗.a 1.
Zaanan. a going forth, A citie. Micah.i.11.
Zaanannim. meuings,o2 a mouing,02 one fleeping A
countrep. Jelh.19.33.
Zaauan. trembling, Oen.36.27-
§ Zabad. 2 dowry, 02 endowed. 1. Chꝛ. 2. 36. and 7.
21. Eta 10.27, 3343. 2: Chꝛ 24. 26.
Zabadiah.a dowry oꝛ endowed of the Lord, 1,€.8:15
Zabbai flowing. G3ra 10,28.
Zabdi, ag Zabad. Jo.7.1,17, Mehe.11.17,
Zabdiel. the dowrte of God, 02 endowed of God,
Certaine mens names mentioned, 1.€h3.27.3. ep.
_35.14g.an0 1. ac.0 1.17
Zabud, as Zabad. 1 Tings 4-5.
Zabulon, looke Zebulun. The lenne of Taakob. Ge.
30.20. and 35.23. Eron. 1.3. be is bieflen.Gen.49.13
Deu, 33.13. His portion. Joh-19.9,10,t0 17. Wig chil-
Bren. Gen, 46.14. MMum.26.26,27. Thep could not exe
pelthe Canaanites, but mate them tributaries. Juv-
ges r.30. Alla the countrie where the tribe of Zabu-
Jon dwelt. Matth.4. 13, 15.
W The firft Table.
— perplexity. a place. Joh.3.16,
Zaccai, oz Zachai.pure,weate. 0} after the Spzien,
iuſt, oꝛ made int TRehe.3,20. AND 7.14.
Zaccheus, idews. Aman whe lopged Chꝛill. Luk. r9
2, tort.
Zacchur, anv Zaccur. mindfull,remembring oꝛ of the
male kind. eng nameg. HUM.1 3.5.1 Chꝛon. 4.26,
and 24,27. and 25.2,
Zachat ag Zaccai. E3ta2.9.
Zachariah, mundfull ofthe Lord,oz man ofthe Lord.
Jeroboams fon , who (ucceeded pim ; Laine bp Shal⸗
lum.2.king.14:29. E15. 8, to 13. Ailo Johr Baptiſts
father. Lũk.a.5, to 23. bis ſong. Luke 1.67, to 80.aife
a pzieſt. Luke ĩ 1.51.Matth. 23. 35.2. Chꝛ.24. 20, 21.
Di this name reade 2. king. 8.2. Ezra 8 3. 1. Eta
and 5.8.2, EID. 1.40. 1.Qae. 5-1 8. iooke Zechariah.
Zacher. mindful oman. i. Chꝛ. 8. 31.
Zadok. iu/tifed, o} infi. Mens nameg. 2, Samiel
8.17. and 15.24. 4. bing. 2.35. Ezta 7.2.
Zaham. detefling, o} vacleane. 2. 52.11.19.
Zair. inla 02 a broken flaile. A citie. 2. Riv.8.21,
Zalaph.a [hadom oz ringing, o? fhakings Deg Spri.
a fhadow ioymed together. IRehe.3 * eee DE
Zalmon, darknes,oz hs image,o2 the fhadow ofa gift Zelmon
A mount. Jusg.9.48.{Pfal.68,14.Alloone of Danidg Selmon -
Wwo2tbies, 2.Samu.23.28. Zalmana
Zalmonah.a g:ft ofthe foadow,o3 eur image.A mats Salmana
Gon. Fim. 3 3.41, : Zalmuna
Zalmunna a fhadow forbidden,o a /hadsw 03 image. Zamti .
of perturbation, A king. Judges 8.5. Jfal.83.11. Zom-zoms
Zambri: Gnging, 02.4 vine, o} athinking.1.99a0.2. mim `
26, FRum.2 5.120 Zom-z<
Zamzummims. thinking wickedneſſe, 02 wickedses mims}
of wicked men. A people. Deut 2. 20. Zanoz
Zanoah, forget ſulnes, oꝛ caſting from, oz that reft, o ‘
that comfort, A citp. Joſ.i 5. 34, 56. allo mang uame
1. Chr.4. 13. Mehe.11. 30. Zanoe
Zanuah. idem. Mehe. 3:13, Zonoa `
Zaphnath paaneah.a man to whom fecrets are reuei- Zaphnathe |
Jed, ozin the Egyptian tongue, z (zuiour of the world paaneach ie
The name which Pharaoh gaue gs. Saphon
Zaphon. the northea/t winde, oʒ hid, oꝛ a beholder. A Zarek
place. Zofh.13.27. J Zarah
Zara, 02 Larah.rifing 02 clearence: Gen. 38. 30. and Saraa
46.12. Num 26. 20. 1. Chꝛ. 2.4. 8
Zareah, deprofie,o a hornet. A citp.elje, 11.29, >
Zared. a ſtrange going down,0z power fpread abroad
A river, Mum.⁊ 1.1 2. looke Zered. Sareptha `
Zarephath, perplexitie of bread, 03 the perfwafion of 7 arphatka
perpiexity. T citp betweene Gpe and Fidon.1.fiings Sareptas
17.9. Dbad.20. Luke 4.26. ' Zarthan
Zaretan. tribulation, 02 perplexitie, 02 a binding 502 Sarthan
Sadok -
Zarhites. cleare. Two kamilies, the ene came of Ze-
rah Simeonsfonne. lum. 26.13. The other of Zerah
Judahs fonne. Mum.26.20. Zaretan.@ place bp Iſrael.i.kin ⸗4. 12 Zarthana
Zattu. av old treg. a man. Ezta 2.8. Mehe. 0 14. Sarthana
Zaza. belonging toall,o3 all maner of wayes: a wild Zatthu. Ze-
bealt,02 jhinng bright. Opꝛ. going backe.1. Oh. 2.33. thua
€ Zebadiah.the dowry of the Lord,ogthe Lord bath Zethua
endowed, Gertaine men. 1.0620n.8,17. ANB 12.7. and Ziza
26.2.2 Chr· 19.18, Ezra 8.8, Zebadia
Zebah, facrifice, 02.4 beaſt killed in facrifice for vi« Zebadia
tory, 02 a bz heading 402 a kulling. A king of Midian. Zeba
Judg. 8.5.Pſel.83.11. Zebedee
Zebedeus. a dowrie, 02 endowed, Father of Tamed $
and John. Matth.a. 21. his wife maketh requeſt to
Chik foz her twochilnzen. Batth.20,20,21.
Zebina, 2 flowing,0} flowring now: on after the Dp-
rian, 2 /el/inz, oꝛ buying E3ta 10.43. 5
Zeboim. tle Does, oʒ Goates, oꝛ faieo3 chicfe. Pe Seboim
E 2 willing
_ Sophonias,
Sereth :
him and pis people. Jere. 37.3% 0
3 wiling Veity.Ge.t0o.19.a014.2, a balleyx. ..Sam.
13.18. a billage: Meher 1374.:
Lebudah, endowed pezan endowing. 2. king. 23 36.
Zebulun, a dwelling, 02 dwelling place , 02 abyding,
Jaakobs tenth fonne. Gen-30;20. looke Zabulon,
Zebul-édem. Judges 9.282
Zechariah, ag Zachariah A pzophet.Sech.1.1. Ma⸗
np of this name. 1.262 $958 9.21,37.6 15.18,20524
and 24525 .E WHA By S27 24. z.002.17.7.E20,14.
and 24.2. and 24,20,8:29,0,13. Ezra 8.341, 16. and
10,26, Mehe Trek SESEL. Ila.8.2.1.Eld.
1.3 aud 5.8. and 8.38.2. Eſdr. 1.40,
Ledad,og Zedadah.ha ſde hu hunting 03 bis traps,
q city, Eik 47. c5 Mung, 8a
Zedekish;looke Zidkiah. Che ſonne df Joſtah fo naz
med of Nebuchad·uezzar made king of Yuday.z.hin.
24,17." Sletes37-F« his Deliruction.,t0 8.
Jere.5 2.1 to 12. E3911 ta 8. whieh was fozetolD. Her.
37-8517. Gjzeed2.3,t0 ZANY 07,02." and 21.25,26,
27% Chꝛo 36. 10. hee endeth to Jeremie to pray foz
Zeeb. a wolfe. Uuog-7.25. Pale prn
“Lelavarhs a fide, opialeing. a citie Jolh.18.28.
Zelek the fhadow of onediching , opthe ringing of
one fruiting. 1. LYR-11.39, 2 Sama 3.37.
Zelophehad «tue jhadow of feare , wpthe ringing of
ferre Qum.26.33. 27. ,to 8. 36. 2.* Joi. 17-354
> s-Lelzah.ewoene tatera vilſage. ac am. 10, 26
“Lemarim, 00, oꝛpith of trees, a citp. Joſh· 18.22
Zemari ideri, Genicor 8s e 20.1206.
Zemaraim, zdem, a hill in mount Sphzaim. 2.C hyo.
§3.4+ 5
Zemirah, a foag sm fuging, ogavine op a palms, 92
4 thinking na Cht.7-85 62>: ;
s Lenamweculdages,og a tar get, oʒ weapons. acitie. Joſh.
15.37. P l BW
- Zenas. lining. Titus garg.
5 «Zephaniah the amg of the Lord. oꝛ the fecret ofthe
; Lardso3 the beholder of the Lordia Prophet- Zeph i-r.
Dither names.2hings 25.18. Jer.37.3. 1. CH6. 36>
Sech.6.10, 23.41.40. S
Zephat. locking glaffes, a couering,a boking forjo a
bony. combe. A citp cated allo Hoꝛnah. Judg. idi 7.
Zephi. 2 beholder a couering,s leoking for ,oga'höny
combe gen. z6. 11. : :
Zephon, the zortheaft winde, 0) hid, 02 a beholder
Num.26.15. called Ziphion.Ge. 46.16. DF him came
the Zephonites. Mum 26.15,
Ler..perplexitie, tribulatsan, 02 4 bond, 02a bringing
x together of Arength, o2 a rocke, a citp, Joth.19.35.°
Zerah. rsfing 02 cleareneffe. Pens names. Hen. 36
13,33- GND 46.52. Mat i. 3.
Zeraiah op Zerahiah. the Lord rifing, 02 the cleeres
effe of the Lord. Mens names .4:Ch}.6.6,5 1.31.76
4. LE loz 3.2. :
` sr Zared locke Zaredand Deut.2,13.
Zereda. perplexitie: acitie. LEIRG 11.26,
` Zeredathah.idem: a place
Zererah.a place. Yudg.7. 22. —J
Lereth. ſtaiteriug heritage Hamans wife. ER 5.10
Zeverhag Zer. t. O 62.4 7.
the forme of blackene Je. acitie. Goth. 13. 19.
Leri.a bond ; 2 bringing-together , roſin, triacle, a
rocke, on trong. 1.02.25 .3.
‘Levor a bond.o2 abiding, og a litle flone.1.Dam 9.1
© Zeruah. full of leprofie, oza hornet. s Bing, 18.26,
Zeruiah, perplaxitie oꝛ tribulation of che Lord,opa
bringing together, oꝛ forme of the Lord. Abiſhais fa-
ther. 1: Sam.26.6 Ailo Joabs mother. 2-Sant.17 25
Aker oDauiu.1.Chz 2.56. DEF hey ehildzen Dauid
“The fire Table.
Zereththahar. of the.mourning, bringing togetler,e2 -
complaineth. 2.Sam.16.10. anbBrg9,22. p
Zerubbabel, repugnant to confuſion, oꝛ ſtrange from
confuſion, a difperfion of confuſion, oꝛ a circle of cofis-
ſion, oꝛ 4 firanger at Babel. Donne to Pevaia).a.c.
3.19. Mephew toSbheaitiel. Ezra 3.2, Mehe 12.2,
called Shelhbaszar. Eira 1.8.and 5:14. and Berea
chiab. Mehe.s. 18. He reed: fierh the temple in deſpite
of ail enennes. Eze. 3.2." Zech 4. 6,7. De contended
to pꝛoue what tying was ſtrongeſt. r. Eſoz· 3. 4. aud
qt: * and 5,5. reade Dag. 1.1.* and 2;3,5, 22* Ece-
clus 49.00. Wat.1.12. Luke 3.27,
Zethan. their oliue, oꝛ a place where elie trees doe
grows r Ch2.7.10, and 26,22,
Zethar. shat beholding, 03 fearching out dilzzently,
othe olizetree of veholding , 02 thatiartle birdi An
Eunuch. Eleri
-+€ Zia. Jweate oz fwellnz. 1: Ehl. 5. 1 3.
Ziba. an hofteoz.a mit, 62 firength, oza fhip cors-
ming. leruant of Saal. loke Mephibofheth.
‚© Zibeon; miquitie ſtading, oga felling of Gnnerafter
the Sprian, dipped oz dipping sn. Ute roy of Sele. d.
Cb2.1.38, Ge.36,20, Allo the father of Anah. Ge. 36.2
Zibia; æ little Doe yega litle Goate, 03 chre fe, og the
Lord flanding : Sprian, wilkng. 1, L039-
Zibiah, sdem, Mother of Hepsalh, 2.kings 1241.2,
Zicrl. remembrance , 02 remembring, epmankind,
Hens names. Er9.6.29. 1.) h2. 3527-8 G
26.25 52.Q02/271 16,0 2341, and 23.7.,
Ziddim. hunzings oꝛ treafons: o} atieripe Spriat,
deftructsens, a ciue. Joth.19.35.
Zidkiahithe inflice of the Lord,03 the iuft of the Lord
The foune of Jeſtah, looke Zedekiah,
- Lidkiiah.idew, A table prophet. r kings 22.11, 24,
2.0 62.18,10,23. Another.
Zidon.a hanter, oꝛ huntang oz the fhip of iadgement,
Canaaris fone. Ge.20.1 5, Allo a citieon the ſeeſide
in Phenice, in f bozder of Judas, hue bp Zidon. Ge.
10.19, Goh. 11.8. and 19,28 Luke 4.26. looke Sidon
Ziha. brightnes, oꝛ hite nes, oꝛ drought. Qeh. 11.28
Tijm. Jfa 321. Jetegozg oc
| Liktagithe powring out of water of a meaſure, oꝛ ma
king narrow a meafure, d citie. Joih.15.3 1. ana 19.5
ginen onto Dauid. butnt bp the Ama-
lekited. r. Saw.3o.8.
~ Zillah. a (hadew , a rosfing yoza ringing : oz after
the Sprtan. take. Beng dg. i
-= Zillethai wy [þadom, my ringing, 02 ray roafling:0}
afterthe Spidi: my talke. 1.092 8.20. *
Zilpah, a 4:ftslling fromthe head or the mouth, 92
good cheape, 02 contempt of the mouth. Labans hand⸗
maite, which he gaue puto Leah. Gen.29.24.and he
tober hulband Jaakob. Ger.30.9,10,
Zimmah, thought, wickednef[e,03 diſhoneſtie. The
‘fonne of Jahath. r: Chz0.6.20. allo the fontie of Dpi-
mef. 1.Q.)}0.6.42.
Zimran. a fong, 03 inging, 02 a vine, oꝛ a thinking,
Zimri. dem, Certaine men.jJQu. 25.14, 1kings 16
9,10, (8. 1. h20.2.6.ann 8.36. and 0 42. Allo 8 coune
ttep. Jere. 25. 25.
Zin weapons, atarget , 02 coldneffe. A wilderneſſe Zim
Zina. belonging to all, oꝛ all maner of wayes, 02 4
wild beaft, o shining bright, og afterthe Spzian,
going backe. &- Cho 23.10. cine
Zion, a beape, a tombe looking glaffes,o2 drought.
fort m Jeruſalem, (called alfothe mount of rhe Lord,
andthe holy mount) on the top wherecf was a towze,
fallen the citie of Denit.,9. r.h 1 1,5,6,
7. Plal a.s. The heaueniy Zion — Time
2° @*°B
reate Tia. 2.3. and 3. 16, 17, ee.
The firſt Table.
dement in that, oꝛ a (welling. A titie.2 .am.s.s ant
Sior Zior.lttle,o3 the fhip of one watching. Q citie. Joſh. 10.6.
15-54. _ armie, 02 warfare in that, 0} {welling Lobeba
Ziph.that mouth,that cheehe. Spꝛ falſe, oꝛ falſpood· in that. i. Chao 4.8. Soboba
A citte.Jofh.15.24,5 5. Ailo a delett.i.Sam.a 3. 14. Zohar, whste,og bright, Father of Ephzon.Gen.23. Soar
Ziphites The Ziphims dilconcred to Sail where Dauin 8. Allo the ſonne of Simeon. Gen.46.10. Sohar
toas.1.@am.23.19.and he pzapeth. Plal.5 4.1.* Zoheleth,creeping much, oꝛ drawing. places Kite
Sipha Ziph and Ziphah.sdews. Che tonnes of Jehaleel. 1, 1.9.
70.4. 16. Zoheth.a feparation,ozthat fearefull,oy amazing og
Sephon Ziphion, as Zephon. looke Zephon, that broken a funder. Deb an Sp2.that going dows.
Zephron Ziphron Heb. and Spzthe falſhood ofa ſong, oꝛ re- 1. Chꝛ. a. 20.
goycing. Dne of the cities which bouubeth thelanDof Zophah.ariole, oz binding a commandement, oʒa Supha
Canaan on the North. Mum. 34.9. commandement of (welling. .L2-7 35.
Ziphor Ziphor.a bird, 02 fparrow,o} crowne,oz defert. Dyg. . Lophai.a bebolder,oz ahonie combe,on a fwimming, Sophai
Sephor a kidde, 03 early, JAUM.22.2,4, 10,16, 02 2 couer, oꝛ a lovking for. 1.Gb2,6.26. Zophad
Zipporah Ziphorah.a mourning,cwc.a% Zippor-Daughterof Zophar. the mourning time, a crowne,a circle, oga Soyhar
Sephora Reuel, and wife of Boles, Ered. 2.21, whe fearing (Parow'oz after the Spzian,a kid, Joh. 2.11,
Gods vengeance, circumciferh ber fonne-gexob.4.25. Zorahdeprofie,og a hornet. A citꝑ.Joſh.19.a41. Jud. Zaraak
She and her two chilozen mecte Woles in the wil⸗ 13.2,25. Saraa
derneſſe. Exod 18.2 ,to 6. Zorobabel, looke Zerubbabel,
Zilthai Ziltai.a fhadowe,a ringing 02 roaſtixg: oꝛ after the ^ Zuar.little. oꝛ the commandement of the city:on af: Suar
Salathi Syrian,entreating.1.Cbhzo. 12.20. ter the Syrian,a maker narrow.3Qum.1.8.
Sis Liz. a floure a yong Bring,or4a bufh of haire curled, Zuph. a watch, ogcouereng, oza honie combe, 0} a Suph
e? jizht.Dpr-wing.A place.r.€ 26.20.16. [ximming, oz lookeng for. 1.Dam.t-1.1.E02.6 35.
Sifa Ziza.belonging to all,oz all maner of way,o.a wilde Lur. æ rocke, on ftrong, oga former of any thing, oz Sur-
beaft, o} fhining bright. Spri. going backe, Senne of bound, op binding. A Ring of Midian. Mum 2531 Fa
Siphei.r. Chz0.4.37- Allo the fonne of Rehobsam. aud 31.8,
2.0 hz. 81.20. Zuriel.the rocke of God,the frength of God,the for- Suriet
Liz Zirah.idem.i. Chꝛ.23 TI. ming ofGod 0} the boaund, or bending of God. Qu. 335.
Soan q¶ Zoan. moung, o mud, city in Egypt Rum. Zuriſtaddai.the roche,ſtrength fafhion, o} figure of Zuriſhaddai
13.23. Plalm.28. 12, 43. Iſai.i9.13. and 30.4. Eʒek. the almightie,oz of ene wafting. Aum, 1.6. Suriſaddai
33-14. Zuzims. poffes, oz lintels ower a doore 63 fhining. Suzime
Soar Zoar. little, A citie called allo Bela.Ge.13,20.and Spz.departing oz money.Cald. Arong A mightp peos Sufimes
Segor 14.2.and 19.22, 23, 30. Alſo a citie. Ila.15.5. ple, which Chedozlaomet deſtroied foz rebellion. gen.
Soba Zoba,oz armie,ez warring, oꝛ a comman- 145,t0 13.
-sæ The fecond Alphabet of directions to common _
places conteining all the Englifh words, conducing vnto moft
of the neceffarieit and profitableft doétrines, fentences, andin-
ſtructions, which are to be found in the olde and
The further contents and vfe whereof, more at large appeareth
inthe Epiftle written vnto the Reader, and placed |
$ minable. Deut.7. 26.
` The puniſhment of the Ab-
ominable, Reue.31.8,27.
™ (bat things are Abomina-
ble ta the Lod. De.7.25.¢ 27-15. Iſ 41.24.
The true leruice of God counted Abomi-
nation with the wicked, Exsd.d. 26.
Whe Abomination of the Gentiles Rot to
be foliowed, Leuit, 18.22,23,24.
Faille meights and mealures, and doing
Judah imitated the abominations of the
Gentiles.i Ring. 14.24.
That which is highlx eeemes among
newe Teſtaments.
before the firk Table.
men, ig abomination in the fight of Gon.
Husk, 16.15. Pꝛo.r5. 8.
The abomination of Belolation ſtanding
inthe bolp place.Jooke Moat.24. 19. Wat 1 3.
14. Luk. ⁊ i.20. Dan. 9.27.
Iſtaels abominations Eze.d.s. x 16.2.*
Iſa.i.1 3, 14. su
The cuppe and mother of Abominations.
Reue.17 4.5.
Abhorve. Mee ought not to abhorre anp
mans perfon.Dettt 23.7.
The Lanverer and couble tenguen, to bee
abhorred Ecelus 28, 13. anv tivo lozes of
The minifiers wicked life cauleth Gods
wod ¢ factaméts to be abhorred.1.9 4.2.17
The wicked abhorre them that reprooue
their tsults.Amos 5.10. But Paul wilieth
bs toabhorre euill, and cleane to the good.
Rem... -
Abide. Except weeabive in Shift, wee
can Doe no good thing. fobu15.4,6,7. Luk.
19.5. John. 1.39.and 8.3 5. >
TU bo abideth in Chif 1.FJoh.2.6,10.and
3.6.24.And hols God abideth in vg.1.Foh.2
2427. 28.
Able. Laban not able to hutt Jaakob,
and mhp. Gen. z1. 29. ARR
No moan able to fulfil the Late Art.r gre
Abolifh. Chul barh abolithed Beath. 2
Tim, 1.30 and abzogaten the lawe of cere=
monies. C phe.2.15.Colofl,2.14 Gal.3.10,* |
È 3 Bont, |
Rom 7.24.* and all outward rises of Jud ai⸗
call eꝛdinances. Flat. 1.11,12,13, and 9.4.
Serem-31.31,32,33,34. Dole. 6,6,.Amos 5.
21. Mic. ⁊. 10. 6 6,6.5005. 7.55659 Baruch
2.35 1 Dames 15.22, and the oader ef that
ꝓꝛietlhosd.Heb.7. 11,12.
Abſence. The abſence of a good magiſtrat
from bis gouernemnt, bzeedech great harme.
Mehe. 13.6,to 10,
Abfert, Paul abſent in body, and pzefent
in {pirit.1.@02-5.3.€ol.25.
Go be at home in tie body, gabfent from
the fLozd,wiar.2.€02.5.6.
Abfieme: Co abfteine from fognication,
and topp-1. Lhell, 4.3. Thep that cannot, tec
“them martie.1.4002.7.9.
To abſteine from all appearance of euilſl.
I. Oheii.5.23.
Abſtinence True abftinence is to abftaine
from fitine. Tob.i.t o.i.Thetſ.a.3, 4. 1. Det.
Unto thole that vſe abftinence, wiſe dome
is giuen.Oan.i.i7. and bodilx health. Ec-
Cing. 37.30.
Df the abſtinence of John Baptiſt, Wat.
3.4. Luke 1.15. War 1.6. DE Dales. Exod.
3428.4 24.16.Of Elüah. 1. king 19. 8. looke
Abundance. Abundance of al things com:
meth of Ged, and Halve ginen tothe thank-
ful. Deut.8.7.¢ 28.1.and 30.9 2.£2.32.29.
And taken away from rhe vnthankful. Deu,
28.47. Mens life canfilterh not in abũdance
of tempoga! commodities. uke 12.15. looke
Store and Plentie.
. Abundant. God ig abundant it gesdnefle
and tructh. Exod. 34.0.
buſes. Abufesin the Chutch to bee ree
dꝛelſed bp goed places accezding to Bods
wozd. Rom. 13.5,t6 7. Examples. 2. Rings
18.4.2,, Dring. 23.4." Esta 6. 11,
32.fee Princes.
Gods miniffers ought alwayes te preach
againg abuſcs.Examples. Mat.14.4. Wat,
6. 18. Luk. 3. 11, 112, 13, 14, 19. 1. Loz, 1. 10.*
and 5.1.* and6.1,t0 12. and 8.1." and 10, 6,
F and a1. 17. "and 14.4.* aC.
Abufe of Gens gifts repzouer. Patth. 25.
38. iLike 15.13.
Minikers ought not ts abufe their eurho
ritie inthe Golpel.r.Cozint.o.18, fee Tradi-
GY Acception of petſons.ſee Perfons.
Acceffe. Both Jewes and Gentiles hane
acceffe to Good through faith, bp Shift, Ro.
5.2.00 ph-2.18.and 3.12.
Acconnt to bee rendzed of all at the laf
judgement, Eccles. 11.9. and 12.14, Rom.
54.12 Dea of euerꝑ tole wozo. Watt. 12.36.
1. Pet 4.5.
Accurſed.ſee Curfe and Execration.
Arcufe: Accufation. Mephiboſeth fallly
accufed to Dauis bp pis feruant Ziba, 2.
Ham, 16.3.
No accufation to be heard againkk an Ct.
Der, onder 2.02 3-witnefled.t.Tim.5.19.
Patan accufeth mankind before Gon. Job
3.10.4 2,5. and ig caſt Downe. Reue, 12.10,
| Dur wickedneſſe accufeth bs before Gov.
Ber.2.19-Tames 5 .3- ſo Doe our conlciences,
Rom. 2.15.
Thefecond Table,
Woles accuferh ihe It wes.John.5.45.
Accuficmed, Accuftomed to Boe oz {peake
euill, hatdiy won to gooBnefle. Jere. 13.23.
Ecclus.ꝛ 3. 5. ſee Cuftome,
J Adde. Nothing is to bee added o? fub-
racted to oz From the woꝛd of Gor. Deu.4.
2.€ 5.22.40 13.32. Joſh. 1.7, Pzo. 30,5, 5,
WBat..8.20,Hal.3.15.ikewe.22.18, 19.
Alminiſtrations. Diners gifts and admi-
niftrations of the (pitit in the Church., 202.
Admonifh, Pꝛeachers fhoulb admonifh
their flotke. 1. Theſ 5. 12 and heta rhemrge
right wap. r, Sant.13.24.l¢¢ Exhort, Teach,
and Preachers.
Adopted, Hod hath preveHinated the E⸗
lett foz ots Adopted childzen , befoze the
wozldes creation. Epheſ. 1.5. foz that caule
Chif came inte the wozld. Galat. 4.4, 5-
Rom. 8.15,23. i
Go the ewes appertaineth the adoption
of being a peculiar people vnto God. Rom.
9, 4.
Aduerfaries. The Lozdg aduerfaries fal
be vellroped 1. am.2.10,
Aduerfaries which tye Loz Hirred dp a-
gainli Salomõ foz his teolairp.2.Win.15.37
The deuill ig our aduerfarie.s.JSeter 5.8.
fee Enemie.
. Aduerfitie commetd of the Logd. Job r.
21.% 2.10.1920 3.12. Ecclug. 14.24. Not to
faint therein. zoit.24.10. Ghat poke to bee
bone in pouch: Lam. 3.27, Df Aduerſitie,
fee Proſperitie.
Adulterse foꝛbidden. Exo.ꝛ2o.14 Deut. 5.
18. Me ought to Ree fron it, aud mbp. Pzoit.
6.24." The puniſhment of it. Deut. 22.22, bich if a man neglect, God
bimleife will erecttte. Jere. 5.7, 89.and 7.9,
15, 16,20 *G530.22.03,1 314,85. Cranyile.
Sufanna had rather bie then commit ad-
ulterie Dan. 13.23 VJoleph likewife.Gene.
Adulterersin heatt, mha Patt. 5.28,
` Theintent puniſhed, though the act bee
breommitred. Ben. 12.17. and 20 3,4.
Adulterers, buggerers, ¢ feznisatozs (atl
fot inberite heauen., 10. Ephe. 5.
5. Tim. iro Heb. 13. 4.
Adulcerie the vccaftor of murther.2-Bant.
11,15. * Datth.14.4,10. Warthe 6 18, 19,
Adulterie Beftropeth the ule. Pzouerb. 6.
32.* The caule of manp evils. Ecclus.23.
“hat calleth the Scribes and Phatiſes
an adulterous generation. Ajat.1 2.39.
Dnelp adultery ſeparateth man and wife.
GH att.19.6, 9. s
Gon wil be a lwift witnefle again adul-
Gir old voting adulterer ig to be abpogred,
Ecclug.2 5.2.
Diuers kinves of adulterie Fer.2 3,10, 2.
WPet.2 .14. Eze 22. 10, 11. "Wale. 4. 10, 11.
Spirituel! adultery.Pſal.7 3.27. Jer. 3. 1,
2,9." and 13.27. E32.1 6,17, 60 Hole.2.2.
The triall of ſuſpected adulterie, Mums,
12,13.*read moze Gen.26. ro. Judges 19.
a,* Sob 24.15." and 31.1,9,20, 11. Pzouerh.
v G E
5.3, to 21, and 7.5.* Miſd. z. 3.“ John 8. 3,
4,5- Batth5. 27, 32. and 15.19. Barke 10.
11. Kom 7 3. and 13.9. Galot.5.19. James
4.4. lauke Fornication, and Whoredome,
Aduocate towards Hod the Father ig ote
Ip Jefus Chrifti 1. John.a. 1,2.
F Affance. tee Hope and Truft.
Afinitie, (ee kinred and Tribe.
Aficiion. God thꝛeatneth afflitions te
thole chat turne to orher gods. Deni. 31.165
18, Jofh.24 20. and to thole that tranſgteſſe
his tawes,tillibep confefie their finne. Le
tft. 26.40. he Iſraelites cruelip afflicted bp
the Lupptians, pet would tpep noe obep
Woles, Ered.6.9.
Gon affliated the Jewes, that they minhe
{earne the malice of theit owne hearts, ane
fo conuert Dent. 8.2,3.fo2 thereto affliction
tendeth. Pſal. 119.7 r
The Iſtaelites affiicted foz their ſinnes,
bp true repentance anv pzayer obtained dee
Ituerance. 3 UT RES 10.13, 15, 16. and 11, 32.
Whe wicked citizens of Weth-ihemeth bes
ing afflicted confefle the,
Gon luccoureeh the afflicted, Genel. 6. 7.
and 21.37, dsg
Don Beluered Iſrael cut of their affli&ion
bp wicked Jeroboam. 2. ings 14.26,27.
Danid bare pis afflictions patientip, ag
iuftip ient of God. 2+ Sart, 16,10, 11, 12, 13.
Plal. 119.75.
James exhorteth vs to ufer afflictions,
and in them to pꝛay· Jam.a 9 and 5. 13.
VUee mufi though manp afflictions enter
into the king dome of Gov.Gcts 14.22.
Hannah foz her barrenneffe, foze alflicted
in mind.1.San.1.7,8,10. pet sealer uot te
prap to the Loyd to becouse fruitful 1. Sam.
To alfliG and humble the foule foz a dep,
what.leoke ifai. 8:5. Leuit. 23.27, 29, 32.
BND 16.31. ;Num.22 7.
Tho fo ſe eketh Wod truely in affliction,
findeib him.2 Chr.15.4, 15.
Br alfliction wee are made like the ſonne
of GoD. Deb. 2.10,
Ce ought to ſuccour the afflicted. Ecclu
Gov feemeth to be bered foz the affliction
of Jerufalem. Zere. 8.21.
Gov doeth not affli& man abeue mealure.
Job 34.23.
The Rudie of Hang Lat preferueth oein
affi@ion. [3 fal 119,92.
No man fozie foz tye affli&ion of Joſeph.
Amos 6.6.
Al the afflictions of chis life ate not woz-
thicot the glazie that ſhall be Mewen. Rom,
Whe Apofties afflicted foz Chies Cake.
Actes 4. 3. Bee Tribulation, and Perfecu-
G Azainfi Gon No wiſedeme pzeuailerh
ee that ig not with mee, ig againft mee,
MP att,12.30.
„Aze noz honout make men wile, but the
fpirit of G od. Fob 32.8,9.
Voliah at rbi. peresof age twag zealous of
Gods gloꝛp.a. Ch. 34. 3.
Donourable age not meaſured bp xeeres,
Kel, L
but by wiſedome and good life. Miſd. 4. 8,9.
Age iga crewne ef glozp, and hobo.Pꝛoii.
— with thine aduerlary quickip, and.
toby. Watth 5.25,26.
DE agreement of bʒethꝛen. Matth. 23. 8.
John 20.26. Actes 2.44,46. Gon and man
pleafen with the well agreeing of man and
wife. Ecclus.ꝛ 5..
Agonie, {ee Anguiſh.
GF Alone. Not good to be alone. Eccles.⸗
8, ta 1 3. fee Onely.
Ali tie in waite foz bleod:euerp man buns
teth bid bzother with a net. Wich.7.2, to7.
Chih is Allin All, Col.3.11.
Tie ought to Boe good to all men, but fpe-
cially to the houſhold of faith. Gal.s. 10,
Alt men but earth g ales. Ecclus.1 7,33.
Ge.¢ 18.27 allfinners bp Adam.
2.0 (0.3.21,22.6 7.48. and 9.19.Qom.s5.18
Gov wil that all men Halbe fanen ecome
tothe knowledge of the tructh.+.@im.2.4.
Chꝛiſt died foz all men. 1. Tim.2.6.
All chat beleeue halbe fated. ar.16 16.
John 3.15. All haue not faith. 2. Theſſ. 3.2.
All put foz menp.Qct.9.35-€ 10.38. Phil.
2,24. f0? the elect. John 6 45. Ephel 1.22,
33. foz the wicked. Luke 6. 26. foz all lozts.
All not alwaies bfen vniuerlallx, as Luk.
6.26, Rom. 11.32. 1. Coꝛ 6.12. and 10. 23.
and 13.7. and15 22. [Obil.2. 21. Col. 3. 20.
1. Gim 2.4,6, Cit.2.11, Reue.13.16.
That all foztgof men ought to know the
‘Scriptures. Deut. 6.6, to 10, Num.i i.ꝛ9.
“Jof.s.8. [ola.1.2.J9la.19.7,to 12. Plal.i 19.
3.and 16. 105.]929.30.5.. Uk. 11.52, Joh. 5.
39.Act. 17. 1 1.and 18.24. Rom. 15.4 Col.3.
16.1. Tim 4. 13 2. Tim. 3.15 Reue.22. 10.
All things created, sphalden and gouer-
ned by God onelp. Wlal.75.3. Dal. 104.8,
ge. Plal.rg5.14, €C. Plal 107.5, $e. Col.i.
16,17. Heb. 1.2. 3.
All things neceflarp to ſaluation teuealed
bp Chris. John 15. 15. Actes 20. 27. in the
feripture, 2.Cim.3.56,17. — 4
Adegorie, Pauls allegorie of Hager and
@arah. Galat.4.2 2,23. An allegory is one
thing poken ¢ another meant.Gal.4.24.*
Almes acceptable facrifice to Hod. Phil.
“4.18. not to bee given grudgingly, and whp.
2.€02.9.6.* ;
Thik commandeth bs to gine aimes, and
tobp.Luke 22.33. $
All things cleane tothem that gine almes
rightip. Luke 11.45.
How to giue almes.AZat.6.2,3,4.Ecclus.
18.14,15, 766. and 35.2,9,70,t1,15,19. Tob.
4.7, to 12. and to whom.Gal.6.7, 10.
Of almes, and miniſtring ta the pooꝛe, with
examples therof. Ex. 22. 27, to 28. €23.9,10,
13. Leu.i19. 13. 23.22 £25 35,35. "Deut
15.7. 16,51,14 € 24.10.*,t0 17.
g 2. Bing 4.1,to 8. Neh.8.10. Eſl 9.22. Job
29.12, te 18. Pſ i,2,3 Plſa.82. 3, 4. and
112.9. Pou. 3.3,9,27,28, E11 17,26. 14,
20,2 1 31. 19. 17. 221 13. 27.8t 22.951 6,22
23. 28.27. 831,20. Iſa 5.9, 73 ,23.€58.7,
Exzek. 16.49. Dan.g.2g. 1.002. 952,54.
Tob, 1.3,7,8)16,1F. and 12. 8,9. Ceclus.3.
The fecond Table.
33. and 4.1, to 10. AND 7. 32, 34,35. 812-7,
to8.and 14.13. and 17. 12, 20, 21, E29. 31,
12,13,14,22.€ 3418, to 24. Hatt. 10.42. ¥
19,25.€ 25.35.* Luk. 6.31,t0 39.11.413
42.2 12,33,34. €14.12513,14 E16.9. 19>
8.21.1, 105. Acts 2.45, 46,47-6 3.26 ¢
6.153. € 9,36. AND 10.2, 35, € 11,239.30. ANB
20,35. and 24. 17. Rom 12. 13, 20. and 15.
26,27. 1. Cor. 16.1, 2. and 2.602-84, 14.*
Eph 4.28,32. Heb. 13.1,2,3,16. 1, John 3.
17,18. fee Mercifulneffe.
Altar. Gon commandeth the Firaeliteg to
ouerthꝛow the Altars of the Gentiles. Exod,
34-13. Gnd Gideon to Deftrop the Altar of
Baal. Hudg.6,25.
Abraham builbed Altars te God.Gen. 12.
7,8.and 13.18.and 21. 3 3. and 22.9.and Iz⸗
bak. Gene.26,25. and Jaakeb Gen. 33.20,
Goa commanded Jaakob te build pim
an Altar st Beth-el. Gen. 25.1, 2,357-
Oflerings (in witneſſe of the couenant)
bpon the Altar which Moles fet bp at the
foote of meunt Sinai. Exod.24. 3, 4 to 9.
God commaunded GDolrs to make him
both au Altar of carth ano of Rone ant pew.
Cr00.20.24,2 5,26.
Aarons Altar to the golven caife that hee
Hab made. Exod. 32.4,5,6.
Whe fozme ef the Altar foz burnt oftting,
with bis appurrenances.@fr0.27.1, 10 9. and
30.1,to 8. ans mhere it ſtoode. Exo.a40.6, 29.
Dito of she Altar sFincenfe. Exo 37-25.* and
40.26,27. Milo of the Altar of Balomous
Wemple.2 Chzon.g.1.
The delcription of the Altar bp reuelati⸗
on.Eze.43. 135.*
Dow the Altar Hall be clenſed. Exod.ꝛ9.
36,37. Leu.16.18,19.
No offermg to be made, Dut on the Altar.
Joſh 22 29,
Tte offerings of the Pꝛinces of Flrael at
the dedication of the Altar, Quni.7.3,10.*
Wofes built an Altar, in memozie of the
Defiruction of Amalek. Ere.17.15. And Jo-
(hua another, after the Iſraelites pafling o-
uer Jorden, with the Law grauen thereon.
Joſh 8.30, a3 Woles bad commanded Der.
27,2.* which Altar Joſhua builded in mount
Ebal accersinglp. Jelh.8. 30 *
Reuben, Gav, and halfe Manaſſeh, built
agreat Altar, and te what end. Joſh.2 2. 10.
22, to 32. and Gideon another. Judg.6.24.
26 and Samuel.1.QHam.7.17- and Saul,i.
Bam. 4 25.
After Dauis had built an Altar to the
Loꝛzd, and offered factifice, the plague cea>
fed, 2. Sam 24. 18, 25.
The Altar ot burnt effrings mane by Be:
zaleel, remained butil Salomons time. 2,
Adoniah taken from the altar bp the com-
mandement of Salomen. t. Litt.1.50,t0 54.
Joab faine befoze the altar , and why. 1.
Ling. 2.28, to 35
Ale renetoerh
2. Chz.15 8.*
Eliiah oftended that the Altar of God
wes bzoken votone , repaired , and facrifi
ced thereon to God, before Baals pricks.
1, ing.. 30, ta 41.
Abas defaced the bzaſen Altar, and placed
the Altar befoze the poze,
thereby att Altar framen after the paterne of.
the heathen contrary to Gods will. 2, Biog.
16.10, t019.
Joſiab deſttoyeth the Altars of idoles, anv
factificeth the Bricis opon them. 2. Vin⸗.
12,1 5,20, “Zerubbabel with Joſhus the hie
JD 2ieli,reedilied the Altar foz burne offringge
EFAs 3.2 S
Judas Maccabeus deſtroxed the Altar of
burnt offttngs polluted bp the heathen, anv
builded another, 1.9at-4.44,45:46:47»
Chꝛilt the Altar of the fairbfuti. Ila 56.7.
and 60.7. Deb.1 3.10, tory. Weu.6.9.
Thep that waited of the Altar, were pate
takers thereof: and thep that preach the Gos
{pel ought to be pꝛonided foz.1.@07.9.13,14.
how, and Why. 2.€h20.31.4,
G Ambaffadours. Pꝛeachets are Cheiſts
Ambafladors,pzaping bs bp the Gofpel tobe
teconctled te God. 2.2 02.5.20. Epheſ.s.2o.
Ambition fometime iopned with hypocri⸗
fie. Luke 18.9,10,9¢,
Ambition to be auoided. Batt.18.1.2, 3.
anD 33.8,10,81,12. Luke 14.7, to 11. John
3.27-WRom.12.10.and1.Co2.13.4. Jam.3.1.
Examples of Ambition. Gat.20.20 ec. anB
23-5. Joh. 19. 10. Acts 8.18, 19.¢c. and 25.96
and 3. John 9.
Ambition the mether of cnuie. Acts 1 3.45
1. Tim 6. 4.
Ambition agreat plague to the Church
1. Tim. 3.6.and 3. John 9, A caule of the env
of onbeliefe. Joh 5.44.
Anendement. Sod winketh at ourGunnes,
becaule we fhould amend. Til. 11.20.
Gods Ccourges ate Cent foz our Amende-
ment. 2.06 [0.16.15 ,16. looke Repentance,
Ange. Remember the end of what thor
doeſt, and thou (hale not doe amife. Ecclus
7:35, 4
J Angel, Gignifieth a Meflengercommons
ip taken foz ſpitits celeGial which erue Gow
to accompliſh fis heauenly will, and ate of
the nature of fire. Deb.1.7. Gov the Father
treated Augels , by bis fonne Jeſus Ahil.
Gol.1.15,16. Angels fent either to comfort
and Defend bg, o to diſmay, and punif) dg.
Matt.a.11. and 18.10. Gen.19. 11, 13.
The appearing of an Angel to Manoahs
bife, as feare fit’. 3ud.13.3,6.*
An Angel appeared to Moles ina flame
of fire. Exod.3.2. Acts 7.30.
The Law giuen bp the eadinance of An-
gels. Act.7.53.@al.3,17,18,19.Deb.2.2, -
Jaakob fat Angels going bp and Downe
bp aladder.Gen.2 8.12,
The Angels delice to behold Chriſt. jer.
Hagar comfogted bp an Angel, Gen.16.7,
9, ta 15. and 21.14,17,t0 20.
Abraham barbeureth thzee Angels. Ber.
18,2,t016.* and Lot harbouteth tuo. Gen.
19.1,2,t0 26,
Gp avilion of Angels Gon comforted Jaa⸗
bob. Gen.32.1. `
The Angel conducted the ſeruant of Abzas
ham to finne atile foz Izhak. Oen.24.7,
123,27,40.” ‘
God ipake to Yaakob bp an Angel in a
Dame. Gen. 31.01.
Jaakob wzeflling te an Angel pzeueileth
E 4 Ser,
Bert.33.24,25." Me calleth vpon the Angel
that deliuercd biin from aff eutil, to confirme
His bleſſing to Joſe phs chilace,Gea.48.16,
Elilah comforted byan Angel.s.iking.19
5,6. and willed togo to Abaziay.2 Win. urs
Abrahams facrificing of vis ſonne aped
bp an Angel. Gen.22.11,12."
Gov promieri the Wlractites the pzotec⸗
tiotfof bis Angel. Exod· 2 3. 20 and 32.2.
an Angel went before the bote of Iſtael
ELD. 14.99. and 32.34,
< an Angel comfozieth Jeſhua. Joſh 5. 13
"an Angel appeatet) to Gibco. Indg. 6.
An Angel bith a fwod in bis hana, in the
wap ehin Balaam. IQ. 22.22523, t9 26.
Gn Angel repraoitety rhe Iſraelites, and
wyp. Fud.2.5, te 6.
The Angel Raphact, guide to Tobias.
Tob.5.6, tochapter.1 3.
Gn Angel protectour of Judeth toand fro.
Judet.i J11.*
‘By an Angel, 185000. of Saneheribs
hoſte Naine inanenight. 2. King. 19.35. Gai.
(37-35. and 2. Lh20.32.27. Ecclus 48 22-8.
9H30.7.41.2-Bac.8.19 € 70000 Hraciites
Griken with the pefilence. 2. Sam 4. 15,
16,17. and three preſerued in the flerp foz-
nace. Dan.3.23,24,25.* 4 Daniel fed anv
prelerued ftom the liong Dan 6.26,t0 33. ¢
Chap, 4.3%, 3 2533-34. "ano che vilion of the
7o Meekes Declared. Dan.9.21,25. * and
Sacharie promiled afonne. Liike 1.13.,
he Angels minifer te Chriſt in the ves
fort. Wat.5.01 Marke 1.13-An Angel com-
forteth bim in the garden. Luke 22.43. Hee
could gaue Yad legieng of Angels to baue De»
Jiuered him, but he voonld nat. Datt.26.53.
Sand iohp. Bat 26,2 4. i
| Zhe Angelshew the women that Telus
fe rife. M9 ar.28.5,6. Darke 16. 5,6.* Luke
24.45,6 to 11. John 20.12, 13. :
-aperon ficken by an Angel, vies mifera-
Bip. Act9 13.23.
The Apoltles deliuered ont of pzifon bp
Angels Act 12.7, to 12.
Peters angel. Acts 12.3.
} nAngel wwilles Philip to peach to an
Eunuch. Actes 3.26.
Gn Angel fheweth Paul that none of
them with him inthe Hip Houlo perifh. ders
37.2 3324."
| he Angel declared to the hepheards the
pitts of Chif. Luke 2.9,10,1 5.
The Angels reiopee at the conuetfion of a
Hi inner. Luke 15.7, 10.
Chit farre moze excellent then Angels,
Hann why. eb.1. 4. pee inferlour in fome res
H fpects.Deb.2.7,9.
I) Chailtes Golpet diſobeyed, moze worthy
| punifyment, then that given by Angels. We.
dzewes.2. 2.
| Gn Angel from heauen pꝛeacbing any oa
(ther ſaluation, then Chzilt, not to be belees
|| nev. Galat.r.8.
} Qn Angel refuſeth worship Rew 9.10. and
{f 22.8.9. and auld not fet Maneah offer fas
I crifice tobim , but to God. Jadg.73.16. and
W aul erbozteth to beware of ſupetſtitious
| Wozhipping of Angels. Lof.2.18.
The fecond Table.
The wife ought to touer her head foz the
reitereuce af Angels.1.@02.18,10.
Angels appointed gardians of childzen.
CBait\.1 8.10. thete nature ig ta comtozt. 2.
de (02.5.1 5. Luke 1,13 30. and 22.43.
Eik Hall come ro iudgement with ali
the Angels. atth-2 5.31.2. Thell.n 7.
Whe chimen of Gos fail line an Angels
life. after the velarrection, OB at.22. 30. Mar ·
32.25 LUR? 20.35,36,
Angels toode, ohar. Pſal.7. 25.
Diders viſiens of Angels. Reuel.7.t and
8.2.and 10.1. ant 54.6.and 15.1. and 18.20
Theil cooke ust on him the natttee of An-
gels, Dut of men.cb.2.16,17,18.*
Satan can tranffosme Limlelfe into an
Angel of light. 2 Coꝛ. 1.14.
god {pared not the Angels that finned 2.
WWet.2.4. Jute 6. DF alluving to the Fali of
Angels, Wooke Jiob.g.18.and £5.15. 92.14.
12,t6 22.0C3eh, 23.2, fo 20. floh.8 44. Cht
Riang Hell iunge rhe Angels thar fel. 1,
Tob 3.
Dauid compared to an Angel, aud why.
iDiM. 29.9. 2.53.14 4,87,20.aD 19.27,
joaul recelued of the Galatians, ag an
Angel, and a3 Ipil himlelfe, Gat.a.13.
Angels called the chilazen of God. Job 38.
7: Wlal.34.7. and
Gons armies. Job.25.3. Henz.3 2.1,2. Jah.
5. 13, 24, 1 5.2. king. 6. 16, 17 and 2.
6, to £4. 8nd one, a
The Angel af Goss preferice, whofe name
is wonderful, cannfelloar, gc. is Chꝛiſt. Fla.
9.5. and 63.9. he fame Joſhua wozhipped.
Sof}. 5.4. at
Angels fog preachers , ez miniffers. Reue.
The Sadduces denice, tyat there ate An-
gels Acig.23.8,9.
DT Angels, reave Fla 6. 1,2, 3. E32. 5.*
Da.8.15,16.end 10.5, te 8.andi2.5.* Ba-
tuc 6.6. Wat. 1.20, te 24. Acts 1.10,11. anv
5.19. and 10.3. Rom. 8. 38.
DF good Angels , lozhe Archangels, Sera-
phims,ant Cherub.
Meeut angels focke Denil! , and Spirits,
ana (Pflal.78 49.
Angr, to bee baniffen from Cheiſtians.
Ephe.4.13. Jatre1.21.Col.3 8.
Gov angry with the Itaelites ann whp
WDew.32-21. Judbg. 2.1 2,13. with Moles, and
tobp. Exod 4. 14. Deu. 1.37. with Aaron, and
why. Deut-9.20. with Salcwon, and why.
2. Bing.11.8.*
Hov being angry foz ont finnes delinereth
bz into captiuitie. Judges 2. 14.1. Ring. ð.
Gideon prapeth Ged not to be angry with
him, and why. Jurg.6. 39.
Chꝛiſt looked on the Phatiſes angerly and
bohy Marke 3.5.
Cee ought not topzoucke God to anger,
and vehy. 1. Woz.10.22.
‘@f Gens anger he once kinblen , fee lens
Beth bs no fealonabdle weather. Deut. 11.17.
and: .iking 8 35. p
True lone is not pꝛouoked to anger, s. Cor
tint.1 3.5.
Haue nofamillaritte , neither riue with
an angry man and why. Pzouerb.ꝛ 2 24,25.
Ecclus 8.15. 16. es
Mevkenetle appeaſeth anger. Pronet..
Ua be angry with the bzether is damna
le.Mats5 22. “3
Be angry, but how. Epbe.4.26.
A mans anger ig accozzing to pis poboer
andriches. Erctus. 28.10, ; se
Jonsh angry with Gov,s whp, Vona. 4.9.
Gov is the Lord of anger, and flobo te an⸗
ger. Nahu.i.ꝛ 3. Mum 14.08. locke Wrath,
Teloufie, Pronoking ato Zeale.
Anguiſb. The Iſraelites hearkened not
bunto Wes melege foz anguifh of {pirit.
€r0.8.9. i =
Chriſts anguith and agonie, at the maunt
Olituet. Batt, 26.27,28, Barke 14.33,34.
Luke 22.44, *
Anſwere, put foz to ſpeabe.Matthr5. 15
end 17 4. and 28.5. HGax.i1. 14. and 12.35.
Luke 13.14.4 14.3. Euerp Chziffian oughe
tə giue an anfwere te any that alte of big
pope and how. ĩ. Det. 3.15, 16.
A foft anfwere alſwageth wath. J920.15.1.
That it is te anfwere a matier befoze we
— the trueth Pzou. 18.13. Ecclus
Antichraſt Looke in the ſirſt Table.
Anninting. GAith the anointing ople, net
lawfull to anoint mans fe. Erebus 30.23,
24525. Hewit.30.31,32,33. Rooke Ointing.
Anointing, aligne that the Peiethoode
Houl be eucrlalting. Erov.go.15.
Saul anointed king. ·.Sam.9. i 6. fant
10.1, and Dauid,. firk bp Samuel. 1.Sam.
16,13. then dp the men of Tudap.2.Sam 2.
4. and afterward by the Elders. 2, Sam.5.
z. and Salomon by Fatok , Dawid then lis
Hind. 1. Ring. i. 39.
Danid wahety anv anointeth himſelke,
and wip. 22am 12.20. z
Nothwithſtandinc the plenty of Dliue
trees, the wicked Mall Hotenioprhe anoin-
ting of themſelues with the ople.Deu.23.40.
Dauid would not harme Saul the Lore
anointed. 1. Sam.24.5 ,7.* Dee thar laperh
band on the ios anointed, is worthie
Beat). 2.65901.1.14,35,16. Plal 105.15.
Rurh walheth and anoinrech her felfe ant
Why. Ruth. 3.3. fo bia Judeth.
-Apus cated Bobs anointed, and wp.
Anoint thp head when thou faſteſt. Watt.
The bolp Ghok the anointing of the faithe
fur'.1.Jobh.2.27. DF which anointing reade
Plal.qs5.7-IPlal.89. 20, Iſa oi.1. Dau.ↄ.24.
Luke 4.18. heb. 1.9.
The Apoſtles anointing the ſicke, healen
them Harke 6.13. Chis ceremonp, whp it
is left. Hooke fames 5.14 notei.
E Apoftles. What is meant bp the woꝛde
Apoftle, and how thep were choles out of the
Difeiples. Luke 6.13.
The Apoftles the light of the wozld. Mat.
5-14. the falt of the earth. Wat.5.13.Qarke
9.50. Luke 14.34.35. diſpoſers of Govs fes
crets. r. Coz.4.1. Ambafladours. Epbeſ.s.
20. Miniſters of Chris. a.Co2.3.5. anv 4.1.
Gods labourers. 1.Cezinth.3 9. witneſſes of
the palſion and reſurrectiẽ of Telus Cheik,
a Po O
and Preodained to preach the fame to all nas
thous. Luke 24:47:48 Acts 1.8, 22.¢ 2.32.
War.16.15. Wat. 28.19, 20. Ee.
Paul tearmeth bimlelfe the leaſt of the
fpoftles, and whp 1.€02.55-9.
The Apoftles faith proued by a tenipeff.
Mat 8.24, 25, 26. Hat.4 37,38." Che 8.23.
24, Thep ave reproued that they did net falt.
GBat.g.14.GBar.2.18. Luc.5. 33. Chriſt fore
ſheweth that hep hal fai after tis afcention.
Qat.9.15. Wat,2,20 Luk.5.35.Che pow
et that Chif gaue them. Wat.10. 1. Chꝛiſt
commandeth them to preach the Golpel fog
nothing. Wat. ro. 3. They are lent to preach
ths Belpel onelp to che Jewes. Watrh. 10.6.
Thep trauell without money, tefie. gc. Wat.
10.9310. Luc.9. 3. Batr.6.8,9.
The Apoftles forbivven to falute anp man
bp the wap. Zuc.10.4.T heir iournep & prea-
ching. 3 at.6.12. anu the retutne. Luke ro.
17. Chr fore ſheweth them the treubies they
ſheuld (utter foz the Golpel. Watt). 10,16. *
Wat.r3.9. Luke 12.11, 12, end the guefe
whileſt he tons in the graue. John. 16.17. 20.
Thep confefle that turing their peeeching,
thep wanted nothing Lu.22.35. Chꝛiſt peat:
eth foz them, and foz tboſe thai fhouid belteue
by their preaching. John 17. 9, 15, 20. Dee
taught them his fathers will. Joh. 17.8. He
fore hhewed them that thep ſheuld be diſper⸗
(ed, g leawe bim alone at bis palſion. John 16.
32. He {peaketh plainelp tortem. Jop.1 6.29.
And therefore thep beleeue John 16.30.
The Apoftles reaped that which rhe Pro⸗
Phets hav (owen, John 4.38. Jefus manife-
feth bimfeite bute the Apofties,ag thep were
fifhing. Dob-21.3,4.Dauing received the bos
ip Gloft,thep fpeake diuers languages. Act.
2.4,6. Thep preach inthe Temple and in
the boules. Acts s42.
The Apoftles put in priſon, and beaten foz
preaching Chzik: and commanwed tofpeake
no moze in that name, Art.a: 35, 18. and 5,
4o. Thep refopce that thep were counted
worthy to lifer for Chit Aces 5.41. Theit
epiftie totte Gentiles Act.15 23.10.30.
Apoftles and diners foztes of functions oz-
veined in the Church, ta deliuer the Gelpel,
both to help our infitmities. +. 02.12.28,
andtoconfound the Wiledeme of tye world.
1.02 1.27,28.
The Apoftles had the true vnderſtanding
ef the Prophets.2. Pet..iꝰ
Chr the founvation of the Pꝛophets and
Apoftles. Ephe.2.20. À
Theri. Apoftles fam Chik after his tres
*furtection. 1.@02-15.5 &fo Bid sco. brethren
gtouce. 1-0 07.15.6,
The Apoftles commaunted to preach the
Golpel to all men. Dat. 28.19 Mar. 16.15.
Gol.15.8.* € 20.22 Act.1.2, € 10.34. Theit
preaching ſpze ad throughout the wora, ther
foze none can plead igneꝛance. Ro. 10.18.*
The Apoftles thal tunge rye twelue tribes
ef Gfracl. Bat.i9.28.
Jelas Chik is our Apoftle , fent bp the
Father. Ded.3.1.
JPaul the Apoftle of the Gentiles. Rom.
31.131 Qim.2.7. 2.Cines.11. De len not
away the libertie of his Apoftlethip, ag ee
Might, 1-Co2.9-4 5515,* looke Paul,
The fecond Table,
DF falfe Apoftlesa markes to knew them g
by. Rom.16.17, 18.8 2.00}.2.17- € 11.13.
A pparell Momen ougbt to be coreip and
not coliip apparelled, anbinbp. 1.€im.2.9,
10.1. jJDeter 3.3sto 7. 5f8.3.16."
onian tobe tbe better tegarded fog his
goodly Apparell, James 2 1.2.3.
Eoigecus Apparell and deltcate fate, mee⸗
cet fez Couttiers. then preachers. Ru 7.25.
Locke Excefle, Garment ant Raiment.
Appearance Aan leoketh on the outward
Appearance: but the Lorde beboizeth the
Jeart.:.Sam.:6.7.1ooke Likelihoodes.
Appeare. How the ILo Appeared to Ze
baabam, 23tak,7 Doles Jooke the ſirſt tadle.
How Chiſt hall Appeare in iud gement.
2. Theſſ. 1.7, 8.
Of Appearipgs,viſions, Arange ſights and
he arings, reave Jol.5.13,14,15. 2Kin 7.6,
7. 2,998. 3.24.78 5.353-4 10.29, 30.811,8.
Apple. Gov kept the Iſtaelites as apple
of bis eve. Deu, 22. 10. He that affiicrerh the
faithful toncheth the apple of bis epe.Fer.2.8.
J Arke Shoah commansed of Gov to make
an Arke, that be g bls familp ſheuld enter ins
to it foz their prefertati6.Or.6.14.%¢7-1,7.
The Arke reked on the mountaines of Gs
tarat. Gen. ð. 4.
Arke, Moles at Gods commaundement
mabe an Arke of woon, wherein be put the
tables of the ten commandements. Deu. ro.
1,to.6. Exod.
Te forme of tee Arke of couenant. Ex⸗
03.25.70. the fituatien. Exod 36.30.31,32.
Tte booke of the Faw putin the foe of
the Arke,a whp. Det.31.26.* Jt food Bill
in Jorden, sntill the Iſtaclites twere gone g-
uer. Joſh.z. 14.17. The omer of the carping
thereof vefcribes. Joh. 4.16,20.*
From Gilgal the Arke is carted to Shi.
lob. Joſh.i 8.2.
The Arke taken from the Zitaelites. r.
DSem a. 3.34, 10,11.
The Arke being placed of the Phililtims
by che idole Dagon, be fell towne hzoken, &
they were plagued. 1,am.§.1,2,354. from
Aſhdod tt way temoued to Gath. 1. Sam.s.
8.fron thence ro Ekron : butthe Ekronites
tafting like inconuentence thereby. r Sam.
§.10,* returned it to the Gitaclizes with
gifted, and {oit Raped at Beth⸗ſhemeſh. r.
Sam 6.3.5,t0.14, from whence fome being
Raine fez looking intoit. 1. Samuri 6,19,
20,21, Şt was brought inte Gbinavabs
honfe. 1-Hem.7.1,2. Ahere it itaped with
ſmoll account, til! Dawid with greet ſolem ·
nitie fetching it thence , placed it With De
bed Edom, whom Gor dlefed bp meancs
thereef. 2. Sam 6.3, to 1 2-1. Chꝛcn. i 3.5.*
wherefore frem thence he bzought it te gis
owne citie Zion. z-Samuct 6,12, to 20. and
1.h20n. 16,1. from whence when Fadok
and Gbiathar sorlo haue remeoned it, fee
commanded them to returne thereteits, 2.
Samtiel 15.24, te 20. Lalt ofall, Salomen
brought it with gteat ſolemnity,/ & placed it
in che Temple, 1 Bing.8.2,6.2.£h3.5.2,7.
Tahar things were in the Arke befoze
Gods enemies bad it in poleen. Ere. 16.
33,34. Deut.10.2,3. 431.26. Deb.9.4 Mu.
17.10, and what afer. 1, King. 8.9.2. Chzo.
Arke, ane ten it teſied Mum. 10.3536.
Arme, Che Kretched out Arme of God
heard of thꝛough the world. 1. Rings 8.42.
— God forefhewerd Eli, the cucung off of
bis Arme and bis fachers boule for ener, Ie
DSam. 2.31332.
Arme,foz firength o2 power. Exob.a 5.16.
Zech. s.: 7. Luke 1.51. John 12.38. *
= Arme of ich foz mans power.a. chꝛon.
32.8. i
Armour. Faith Dauids chiefe armenr ge
gaiuſt Goliath. 1.94.17-45,46,47 De cone
temnes not the wozldlp armour which Saul
would have giuen bhim.,29.
Tabat armour Chik will ole at pis come
ming. Ila 59.17, 19.
Rot onelpthe Armour of righteoutneffe,
and light. 2. Coꝛ. 6.7. Qom.13.12. but alſo
the whofe Armour of God isto be put bpon
be. Ephe.6.11,10 19.
Arrogancielooke High · minded, and Pre-
Arrowes. Gods Arrowes fharpe.JOlal.¢s.
5Jla.z5.2 8. 2. Sa.22. 15. Job.6.4 Arrowes
of famine. Ezek. 5. 16.
The ſhooting of thee Arrowes a Gane bee
thecne Jonathan e Dautt.1.Sam.20.20,7
Of hosting Atrowes,looke 2. Rini 3.15,
to 20. — Te
God thzeatneth the Iſtaelites, that Fee
Would befow jis Arrowes bponthem, and
make them dzunken with bleod, if thep fog»
fake Dim. Deut:3 2.23,42.
E Afcend. Qoman Afcendethto feanen
bur dizit. John 2.13. [
Chik being net Aſcended, forbinverh
Wari: te touch him. Ichn.ꝛ20.17. š
DF Chꝛiſts Aſcenſion, iceke Chriſt.
Aſbamed. Avam and Heua being nas
ket were not athamed, be fozethep dilobeyxcd
God. Gen.2.25.
The wicked moze athamed of menthen of
Gon. 2,Ham. 13.9
Iot to be Afhamed of Chz'fi ana his Gols
pel, oz the profeffezs of them. iuke.9.26.
Dom.1.36. 2.Zim.s.8. nz pet of anp afflice
tion p map happen therebp. JD (al 69.6.2.c02,
1.5,6. but ratherretoec. 1.JPet.4.13,14.*
a wpe of —— — Chꝛiſt ians
not aſhamed of any thing that enerh fi
C biifis fake. Rahs Gl —
Chil wet.afhamed to call og brethren. anb
toby. Hed.2.11. M02 God the Father; tobe
calles the Gov of the faithful: Deb.r116.
We eught to be athamed of our fogmer
wicket connerfation. Rom.6.21.
Satin’ Docitine and speight life make the
aduetfaties of the traeth athamed.Datths.
16. ane why, Tit.2.7,8. 1JPer.3.26.
Thereof uct to bee afhamed. Ecclus.a.
25.10 27.anD32.25.442-2.t8 9. Ann whero
te be Afhamed, locke*
De that hopethin Gea, ſhall not be afha-
med. Plſal.25.2,20 and 119 46.
The oifobepers of Gods word, to bee erelus
ded the godlies company, that thep map be
afhamed, 2. Theſſ. 3. 14.15.
Afhes. Tamar put Athes on her hean afs
tet fhe wag deflewzed.z. Sam. a 3.19.0 ceres
Moles wos at the going forward of tte |
menie in token of fozow. Joſh.7.6. 1. Sam.
412, 8.4 0. Job.42.6. Jete s 26.25.34.
Judg a. o,11.and ↄ.a. E4. Jon ah. 3.6.
Man ig but earth and Aſhes. gEccius,s7.
23. leoke Duk asd Earth,
Aske. Gad granteth whatfoener we aske,
our heate condemne bs not. r. John 3:19,23;
21,22. And if we Aske in faith in Chrilbes
name,¢ to bis gloꝛp. Matth 21. 2022. John
| 14,13,14. De willeth vs to aske, and we hall
haiie.Mat.7.7,8.Mar. 11.24. Luk. 11.9,70.
| Sob 16.23,24,26. Foz whatloeuer twa og
| three Faithfull gathered together thal! deſite
| inthe name of Chꝛiſt, ít hall be ginen them.
| BBat.18,19,20,
The wicked obtaine not what thep Aske,
and why. James 4.3.
CUpatleener we Aske of God, it male be
Done in prayer. Phil.4.6.
Hanna asketh a fonne of God, and obtai⸗
neth. 1.Sam.1.07,19,;20,
-> Salomon willen of Gon to Aske what Ye
fwould, asketh wifedome, and obtaineth that
þe Asked and moze. r. Rings 3.5,t0.1 4
Eliſha asked of Eliiah , to haue his [pirit
double. 2. Kings 2.9.
God asketh nothing at our handes, but
feare, obedience, and loue.Deut.10.12.
Aes. The chilozen of Jaakob yfed Affes.
Balaams Affe fpeaketh. Mumb, 22.28, ¢
Haul ſeeketh his fathers Affes.1.Sam.9.
3-810, 10.2.*
m The 30. fonnes of Nair, rope ot 30. Affe-
colts. Jung. ro.4. and the 40 tonnes and 30.
nepbewes of Abdon on 70 Affecoltes. Judg.
Samſon with a Jawbone of an Affe, Aew
zoco. Philikime. utg.’ 5.05.
The Affe anv Epon Roode bp the Pzo⸗
pbets bodie, Maine bp the Lyon foz diſobedi⸗
“gnee. 1 King.13.24.
In the qreat famine of Hamaria, an afes
pead (old fox 80, pieces of ſiluet.a. Rin.6.25.
The Widianites left rhe Iſraelites neis
ther fruit, koode, ſhee pe, oxen, noz Affe. Jung.
‘Eik. rideth opon an Affe to Jeruſalem.
Fech.9.9. Watth21. 235,67, Warke 11.7.
Iuke 19.35.
ARJ. Ao man affitted Paut at Rome at
her fir an(wering, but Gov. 2. Cimoth.g.
Aftonifhment at Chaiſts doctrine. Matth.
7.38, and © 3.54. War.t.37. Luke 4.22,33.
at bis mitacled.GQDat.9.8,33.012.23,.anD 15.
31, Mar. 1.27. €6.5 1.47.37. and at his ans
ſwetes. Mat.2 22 Marke 12.17.
G Atonement Tee hauc teceiued bp
CHIR. Rom.5.ri
J Auarice, looke Couetoulneſſe.
Authoritie of Scripture. Aces rE,
Authoritie of a Pallour. 1. Coz.9. 18.2.
Lor 10.8.2. Cheſl z.9.
Authoritie of Magiſtrates, looke Kings,
Tudges, &c,
Auenge. Luke 18.3. looke Vengeance.
Auoide. Ghat company to Auoide, Rone
16.17, 18.
accoꝛding to his will. 1. Foin g 5. TE 3
The fecond Table: :
G Awake. 1.107 15.34. looke Watch.
Audiences No wozdes tove bled, whete
there ts na audience. QŒ cclisd.3 2.4.
q Axe. The Axe not to beak it (elfe az
gaing him that hetweth. Iſa. ro.i 5.
The Axe taken fog ods vengeance. Lu.
Ayde, Locke Helpe, 02 Succour.
Ayre. Satan ig che paince that ruleth in
the Ayre. Ephel. 2.2.
Dignes'ts the Ayre fourty Bayes, 2. Mac.
5.2, 3. locke Appearings.
© Babes in Chꝛiſt. 1. Coꝛ 3.1. 1. Pet.2.3.
Babblers. Again bablers, pꝛatlers, buſie
bodies.SEccleſs. 1o.11. Ecclus.ꝛo.5.a. Time
Bachebitings. Pſal.i 40.04.
looke Talebearer, Tongue, Slander, and Spea-
King euill.
Backpartes of Gob, what, Ex0d,3 3.23.
Balances, looke Weights.
Bald, God forvare the Ilraelites tomake
themfiues balde. Deut. ra. 1.
The 42. childzen that called Elſha bald-
pate, are deuoured of Beares. 2, Wings 2.
Bankets. Ecclus 18. 3 3. looke Feafts.
Banning, looke Curling.
Bapti(me, bp interpretation, mafhing, og
wetting, Judeth 12-7. at.$.6.Bar.7.4.
Soaps Acke afigureof Baptifiae. 1.JPet.
Baptifme f{ucceeded Circumciſion, looke
Wie Ilraclited Baptized in the clouve,
ano in the lea. #.Qo2.10.2.
Jobu baptized with water to netonefie of
life. Mat. z 2,6,8.Bar.1.4,5. Luke 3.8.
Chꝛiſt baptized bp Nohu. Watt, 3. £5,716,
War.r.glube 3.21. John 1.31333
Mot paik, but bis difciples baptized,
Jol.4.1,2- Thep are commaunded to baptize
all p beleewe in bim, @ bot, Gat.28.19,20,
Ci holoeuer Hall beleeue and be Baptized,
fhalbe Caued. Bark.16.1 6.
There is but one Baprifme. Eph.4, 5.
‘Bp Baptifme we are cleanſed and fanctis
fied. Eph.5.26,27. and hnited in one hodie.
¥ Coꝛ.i 2.8 3.
The inuitble grace by faieh , enu nat the
outward ceremonie of Baptifine, iuflifieth,
Rot, 3.22,to 29. and 4-5,* Epy.2.8,9@al,
2.16." anD 3.1."
Appia beleened befoge fhee was baptized
Acts 16.14,15.and Paul.Act.ↄ. 17, 18. and
the Eunuch. Ace 8.38. and Cornelius with
the Gentiles in bis boule. Act 10 47,48.
By Baprifme we puton Chꝛiſt. Gal.3.27.
Te are dead aud rifen with him. Rom.6.3,
4. In which places the Scripture attribu⸗
ring tothe Gene ef Baptifine that which ig
proper to faith it felfe, is weil erpounded.
1. Det. z. 21.
The Apoſtles Baptized in the name of
Jeſus Chik. Acts 2.38. ;
Baptized onto Johns Baptifme. Act, 19.5
Paul not chiefly ſent to baptize, but to
preach the Golpel. 1.o nry.
De baptized but Criſpus, Laing, andthe
houſhold of Siephanas, berle 14. 16, gupp.
verle rg.
The Samaritaned baptized. Act.8.15-¢
manp of che Cozinthiang, Ace.18, 18.and the
@aoler.Acts 26.3 2,34.
Chꝛiſt wag baptized with the holp Hoek.
Mat 3. 16. 17.
Chik baptized with the holy Ghoſt anu
with fire. Luke 3.16. A9ar.1.8.Qatth.3.116
John 1.33. Act.s.5 looke Act.3.18,33.¢ 6,66
und 8.15,16,17.and 9. 17. and £0.44.
Baptized foz Dead. 1.02.1 5.29.
WBaptilme,one of the Ech principles of Ca⸗
techifine. Deb.6.1,2. {
Infants not to be denied Baptifme, Gen.
909 -AND 17.7, 8. Max.20. 14515516. Mom.
3. and 4.2 1,22."
To be baptized with Baptifme. Mark. 10.
38.Luke 12 50.
Barley Kuth carieth home the barley which
Goas gaue ber, Ruth.F.15, 17.
The dzeame of the cake of barley expoutte
Ded. Judg.7. 13, 14. looke Bread.
Barren. No woman fHsule bee baren, if
fue could keepe Gods commandements. Eg-
odtis.23. 26.
Sarah twas barren, ans God made bet
fruitfull. Gen. 11. zo. and 21.i, a. and Rea
bekah likewile. Gene. ⁊ 5. 21. and Monoahs
wife. Judg. 13. 3,24. and Eliſhabs helkeile.
2. King 4.16. and Elizabeth. Luke 1.7,13.
and Hannobh. a.Sam, 1.5. 19, 20 when Pe⸗
ninnah tas barren. a.Mam 2·5.
Lead fruitful, ano Rabel Barren, Gen,
Barrennefle and fruitfrlneffe not it man
02 womans power, but in Gov. Wene.16.2.
anD 20.18. and 30,2.
Barrenneſſe a great repzoch ameng the
Jewes. Luke.s.25.looke Wombe.
Bafes of bzaffe in Salomong Temple, s.
Wings 7.29, to 38.
Basket. Paul contieied from bis enemies
out of a window by a basket, Act? 9.24,35.
2.Cor u 1.32533,
Baſtard. A Baftard (hall not enter into the
congregation of the Logd Deut.2 3.2. Ezta.
Baſtards planta ſhall take no deepe toote,
and why. Wiſd· a 3.4. 5,6.
& Beards. Mꝛieſtes foꝛbidden the Haning
of theit Beards. Leuit.19.27. and 21.5. Hla,
Dauivs feruants Beards halfe ſhauen of
by Danan in repoch. 2, am. 10.2, 3,4.
B-ave. Dauid Hew a Lyon anda Beare,
1,Ham.17.34,t0 38. >
To beare his Anne, what. Lenit.24.15.
Beaftes. The Creation of Beaſtes. Hent,
24. and 2.19,
Adam gaue names to all Beaftes. Genes
God pronived foode, both foz man ¢ beaft,
Gen. 1.39,30.
God punifhech allo the Beaſt, foz fhending’
mang blood, Geng 5.
The male anv female of cuctp Beaſt, taken
into the Arke. @Ben.7.8,9.
Death thæatned to man and Bealt , that
Appoched tah Sinai, while God ſpake to
Moſes Exod.19.13-anv 34.3.
Bealtes cleane and vucteane. Leuit. 11.2.
£0 13.
to 3. and Deut. 14.4 to 22.
The citie being -accurfea, men, womeꝝ.
ebilzen and bealts are deſttoped. Joſhua 6.
Bil the beaftes in Egypt vied. Erod.9.3,
be hatme of anp mans Beatt to another
man, bots to be recompenfed. Ered. 22.5.
Tbe vifion of foure Bealts. Reue.a.6.
Euerp man a beat bp bis one know
ledge Jere. 10.14.80 5 1.17. ;
od calleth princes oz gouetnours kine oz
Bealts, Amog 4.1.
Thé convition of man and beat. Eccles,
3 Paul fought with beans. 1. Loz.15.32.
Beaten. JDaul g Dilag beaten with rods,
Gct.16.22,23,37. i y
Paul thꝛiſe beaten with roddes.a.Coꝛin.
The Apolties beaten. Acts 5.40.
The officers of Iſeael bearen pniny.
Exod 5.14,16,
Difenderg deaten.Dent.25.2,3,
The feruant that knoweth bis maters
twill and Boeth it nor, halbe beaten with ma-
np fripes: and he that knoweth ic not, with
few, Luke 12.47.48.
Beautie, {ee Fairenefie.
Bed. Des bed veleribes. Deut. 3.11,
A woman of good eſtimation made a bed,
atable,ec.for Elifha.2.Bing.4.8,9,10.
At out going to bed, at our vpzifing, é
thinke opon Gods lawes, andteachthem
our chilozen.Deut.11.18,19.and 6.6,7,8,9.
Bees. Samfon found a fwarme of Bees
me bonte inthe Bopp ofa ipon, Jung. 14.
Before, Solemne feaking before the Loꝛd
Exod, 18.12, and offring.1.DSam.11.15.and
1. i9. and coucnant making. s.Damu.23.76,
18 2.Sam 5.3.
Beggers. G Beggers life miferable, though
ſweet with hameleffecteatures.
28,29, 30. fee Poore,
Begusle fee Deceixe, )
Beginning. The worl’ had a beginning
by God, who is without beginning, Gen.i .1.
Johr1.2,3. å
Hinga paie no better beginning negen-
ding then ether men. TAil7.1,t0 7.
The beginning of wifeoome is the feate of
the Lozo. Pſal.i 1.10.
Beleen, Thep that came to God, muſt be-
Jeene that Gov ts.Deb. 11.6.
Fone can delecuc in Chik that haue not
heard of bim om.10.14.
Whole beleeue who ate boꝛne againe from
aboue, of Gor, which bane that gift of Gon.
Matt. 16.17. sbn. 6.65. for itis his onelp
eift.Datth.13.11,t0 whom Gos hath
ginen a minve to know him.1. John 5. 20, to
whom the Father hath giuen the fonne who
are dzawen bp him, anv baue heard of him.
John 6. 39,44. Thale heart is opened bp
the Laz, to attend te his preachers. Actes
16.14. Who ate ozdeined of Gad to b:leeue
vnto eternali life. Act. 13.48.wh9 are planted
by him. Wat.15.13.toha ate taught of Gov.
John 6.45.and to whom the ooze of Faith ig
opened. Acts 14.27.
The fecond Table.
The end of the EuangeliGs cares pained
in writing was, that wee mould ocleeue, and
be ſaued. Joon 20 30, 31. 1. Join 1 2,3.
He that Hall belecuc,an® be baptizen, hal
be Caued; but hee that will nog belecue, fjall
be damned Marke 16.16.
To beleeue in the light, that we map dee
the chilnzen of (ight. Joon 12.36.
Hx that belecucth in Epift, beleeueth in
God, and tcmaineth uot in varkuefie, John
12.44,46. *
Thep bleſſed, that haue not ſeene, and pet
belecucd Chꝛiſt John 20.29.
Abꝛaham belecuing, was reputed righte⸗
ols. Gene.i5.6.
Bpbelecuingin Chik, we overcome the
toortD.1. John 5.5. 1.802. 15.57. We receiue
remifiion of ont Grues.Act.10.43. De is the
perfection of the Lawe to iuſtiſie beleeuers,
Rom.1 0.4.
He thar beleeueth that Jeſus is tke ſonne
of God, ouercommeth the Bozio, 1. John 5-5
and 1.00 02.15.57.
Tbe raillug of Lazarus from death, caus
feb many Jewes te belecuc in Chꝛiſt. John
II.40.44, 45 and 12.11,
Chrill knewe from the beginning, who
ſhould belecue. John 6.64.
The Jewes beleeue not Chit, becanle
ttep ate not of bis fheepe. John 10.26.
After Cozi had turned $ water into wine,
pis diſciples beleeued in him. John 2.9.11.
garp bleſſed, becaule fle beleeued GoBs
meflace. Luke 1.45.
Taby the Apoũles beleeacd. John 16.39,
Co beleeue with the beart vnto righteoul:
nefe. Rom 10 10.
The Eunuch beleeuing with aR bis heart,
that Jeſus Chꝛiſt was the ienne sf Bod, was
daptized.Acts 8.37, 38.
Hee that beleeueth in Chꝛiſt, confeſſeth
that Govis true. John 3.33. and recetuech
the-reco23 that Gav witncflen of Chꝛiſt at
bis baptiſme, and tranf{guration. i. John 5.
10. Matth. 3.17. and 17.5. 2-JBét. 1.17.
MWbhoſoeuet beleeucth not Sod, hath mate
him aliar. 1. John 5.10.
Beleeuers are the chilnzen of God. John 2,
12. anD Bogue of Sod. 1.Jabn 5 10,
Zil things peflible to bim that beleeueth,
Parke 9.23. :
Ahat tokens followed them that belee-
ved, Marke 16.17.28.
Dee that belecueth in Chk, Hall neuer
hunger noztbirik. Tobn 6.35. naz perih, but 4
paue eternall life. John 3.15, 16, 36.
She vnſpeakeabie iop,and glorie reſerued
foz belecuers, i.Pet.i 7,8. Gla.35.1. Thep
entren inte Bods ret. Deb.4.3.%* Thep ſhali
not be ahamed. r Det.2.6. Roma. 9.3 3. At
the comming of hif, ttep Hail rife againe
with þim. 1. £0z.15.23.
Ger that beleened confeſſed their finnes
and ſhewed therr workes.Acts 19.18.
Paul belecued, aan therefoze fpake bola:
tp. 2.£02.4.13. Ephe 3. 12.
Chif a Fone to ſtumble atana a tocke of
offence to thole that beleeue not.1.JSe.2.7,8.
Albeit wee beleeue not , pet abiveth Ged
true in bis pꝛomiſes 2. Tim. 2. 13.
Tilo lo beleeuerh in the Loa, keepeth
Taaa TA
big commandements.'Ecelug.3 2.24. and be |
that beleeueth not, cannot dee eſtabliſhed in
the trueth, noz pleafe Gor. Hla.7.9.Deb,24.
6.Sundgp forts of beleeuing. Luke 8.12, 13.
Acts 8.13 looke Faith and Vnbeliefe.
Beloued. Chꝛiſt the beloued fonne of God.
in when bee is weil plealed. arze 1. 11.
Patt. 3.17-8 47.5. 2. JDet.1.17, Luke 935.
Deareip beloued. Luke 7.2. 1. Pet. 2. ĩ ĩ.
2.JDeter 3.1. 1. John 4 1,3. John 2.5, 11.
Juve 3. Col 3. 12.
Benefits, Gods Benefites on man, to what:
ente. Deut.4,32,t041 ¢8.2.* €2y.2,to t01
2.Ham.7.8,21, Ferem.2,2.* Iſai 63. 12.*
WBat.8.4 DSE. 1.45. iLuke 5.34. Act.4.17.
Reniguitie, looke Kindnefle and Boun-
Beneuolence Mewen foz charitie fake Ruth
2.8,fo 18. Reman 9.3. and 10.2,2. In thele
woads, looke Loue, Almes,t Bountifulneffe.
Almes callen a bencuolence,
Befeech. looke Pray.
Beware of dogges, anv ef concifion. Phil.
3 2e
_Bewayling, looke Busiall, dead, and Mours
g Byword, looke Prouerbe,
B:gamie , o2} hauing two wines together,
Gena.19. and 26. 34,5c.
Balof diuogcement, Deut.a. 1. Matth.5.
31.and 19.7.
Binde. Samſon bound anv deliuered to
the Shiliſims. Zudges.15.10,21,13.
Df Binding and Loofing looke Keyes. .
Binde nat two finnes together.gEcclug.7.8.
Bond, Loue the Bonde of perfectnefle. Lot.
Paul in bonds foz the Gofpel.Cal.4.2..
Remember thea that bee it Bondes, ad
though pe were hound with them. Deb.: 3.3.:
Bound in {pitit, what. Actes 20,22.
Aibeir Haul wes bound, pet Gods woꝛd
was not bound. 2. Tim.2.9.
Birdes. Birdes created bp God, and power —
muen them to ingendet.Gen,r. 21,22.
Hate Birdes and foules ſhouſd bee oferea
in Cacrifice. Leutt.1.14.*
Tibat thep ought to doe that finde a birds
nel Deut.22.6.looke Beaftes.
Bertiright. Elau lelleth yis birthright ta
Jaatob {oz a meke of pottage. Gene.25.29,
Birthday. Hered ſolemnizeth his birthday.
€Hat-6.21.Aat.14.6.and Pharash. Gene.
Bifhoppe, Gixnifieth one watching oner, oz
fuper:mtenbent , tobo is called in Scripture
bp diuers names, as an onerfeer. Act.20.28.
A warcherourt Geds people. Fla.62.6, one
thar hath charge of toules. Act.1.20, A eps
Gears. Jom 27. 15, 16,17. 1. Petet 2.26. A
minifter of tbe Goſpel. Rom.15,16. A diſpo⸗
fer cf Hons fecrets. 1. Coꝛa.i1. A bozker 2.
02.6.1, A labourer. embaſſa⸗
dour. p ie.6,20.
DE the inſtitution of Bithops, 1.8 im.4,14,
Wit. 1.5-Act, 14.230
Bifhops called Elder and Witiffers in⸗
Differently. Acts 20.17. Titus
16.1.£02-3 5.2. Coz · 3.6. and 4.1, Cppel.3.7.
Col.i.23.1. Tim. IF 4.64 59. 1.1. Bers..
CUihatmaner of men ſhouid be elected Bi-
fhops. 1. 3.2,t0 8.Tit.1.5, ta 10.86.63.
A Bishop ſhould be an enfample te othets.
LTN. g 2.2. Time. iz. Tit.2.7,8.
A Bithops tips ſhould peelerue knowledge
Mala 2.7.
That is to be required in aBithop. Tit.
1.9,10,21,3.@im.2,2, De muf not be care-
Full fog wozldip things. 2. Tim. 2. 4. Ahat
«Mould be pis exerciſe. c. Tim.a.7, 3.* What
ozder of dilcipline he Mould ule, 2. Coz. 2.1,
to12.an01.Gim 5. 20, 21.
Bishops to vie a moderation in rebukiug
fuch as go aftap: r: Time 5. 1,2
A Bihop ought not to lap bands funbenlp
on anp man.1.Cim.5.22.
Wany Bifhops in Philippi. Phil 5..
Biſhops antthogitp.Epye. 32: Loir, z5. *
2, Ubell.3.9.Tit.1.5,13. lovke Keyes, ©
Chꝛiſt tye Bifhop af our ſoules.. Pet. 2
25 toske Paftor,Elder, Preacher, ¢ Minifter.
Bitternc Je. Quget, gc. not tobe in Chik:
and. Cpbhe.g.31. A
Bitternes o2 beration of foule, 2. king 4.27.
Bitter waters mane ſweete. Exod. 15.25,
Blameleſſe. ainen blameleffe. 1.
Whel.2.r0. fo wouid pee baue all Chꝛiſtians
to do.Phil.ꝛ.15.
Blaſphemie ig the iniurie, ſlaunder, orx op
pzobzie thar is done againſt Gov. Coe blaf-
phemie of the Phariles. Marth. 12.31, 32.
Par. 3.28, 2930. Lube 11. 15. Of Phara-
oh. £00.5 .2.¢10.10,20. Df Daneherib. 2
Wing. 19.3,6.Df Dolofernes, Judeth 6.2,5.
DE Nebuchad· nezzat. Daniel 3.15. Df the
bigh Pricks.O9att.27-25,29,044.reabe 2.
Hing... 8. 19,3 2.€ 19.10,to14. Matth. 3 3.
Numer s.ꝛ2, 32. 2. Sam. 12.14. i. Wing 20.
23.2 KRing. I. 2, 10..1. Chꝛon. 20.7.2. Macca.
5-5,9 04. 1. Joh. 5. 16, 17, Reu.13.5. Zech.
5.34. Acts 20.11.
Whe Blaſphemer ſtoned. Wewit.24.14, 15,
Blafphemie againſt the holp Shot Hail
neuer be forgiuen. Matth 12.32, Mar. 3. 2.
| Puke 12.10.
Paul was a blafphemer. 1. Tim. 1.13.
Whe name of Goo vaply blafphemed. Jfa.
--§2.5. and foz that canle Gov puniſheth rhe
ooid. Fla.5.48.% Mum, ce,20, 33. Plalm.
98 3,7 Reu 3.16,176
- AH blafphemie thould bee baniſhed from
The names of blalphemie are in f croton
of Antichriſt. Keu.iu 3. x.*
Blafting of come, Mildeaw, gc. {ent bs of
Gon fo: inne. Amog 4 9. Pag, 2.17,18. 1.
Kinges. 37. i
~ Blemifh. Pothing that bath blemith tehe
| offered tothe Lom Leu.22.21, 22.
Ble ffe. To bleſſe, put foz to peaife,2-Loz.t.
3. Li r.68: and to giue thankes. 1.Coz.14,
36.and to confecrate and to prepare. r. Cor.
zo. 16. and to curſe oz blaſpheme.i. kin.2i.
30,13. Job 1.5.
Gou biefled man and wile. Gen. 1. 28. and
z God bleed the Lenenth vap and halowed
It. Ger. 2.7.e6r08.20, 18%
` Gonbiciied Woah ¢ his fonnes-Gen.s.s.
The fecond Table.
Shem aud Japhet are bleſſed. Genel. g.
Gor bleffeth Abraham. Gene.24.35. and
promiferh co blefle J3bak. Gene.26.3. and
bleflech Laban fog Jaakobs lake. Genel, 30.
3 Hed blefleth F aakob.Gen.3 5.9. anv Saz
tay. Gen.17,16. and Putiphar foz Tolephs
fake, Ben. 39.3,6.8 the Leuites , fog flap:
ing the Idolaters.Exo.ʒ 2.28,29.an8 Dams
fon. Juda. 2 3.24,25
God bleſſeth him that taketh no vlurie of
his brother. Dett. 3. 20. and that grudgeth
not to lenn that map Doe him good. Deut. c5y.
Gon bleflech the Ilraelites in all things
The maner of blefling the people peleris
ben tothe Patek. Rum.6.23.*
Chꝛiſt bleffed pong chimen. Mark. ro.i6.
ana bis Apoſtles, aſcendiug pp to heauen.
Lube 24.56
The Angel blefled Yaakob. Gen.32. 29,
Izhak blefleth Jaakob and Elan, Gene.
27.27, to 41.
Iſhmael bleſſed at che requeſt of Abꝛaham.
RWebckay bleed of her parents. Gerelis
Laban bleffeth hig daughters at their dea
Parting. Gen.31.55.
Faakob gaue etterp of his chien a ſeue⸗
rali bleffing. Gene.49.3. * and blefleth the
childzen af Joſeph, and hobo. Gen.48.15.
Males bleſſed euerp tribe of Iſrael. Deu.
33.2* and the tabernacle, and all that Be-
zaleel ans Aholtab hat Done. ron. 39.43.
Garon blfled the propie, after pee bad
mede oblation. Leu.o.⁊22.
The Leuites ſeparated to bleffe their bze-
then in the name of the Lod. Deut.10 8.
Joſhua blefleth the Reubenites. Davies,
and baife Manalleh. Folh.22.1,6. and La-
keb. Jolh.t 4.12.
Dauid bleſſech the people. 2.Dam.6.20.
Toe boule of Obed engin, blefled foz he
Arkeg fake. 2.Sam 6.12.
Salomon bleſſeck all the congregation of
Iſr ael.r. Wing.8.74,25-
Abrahams feruant bleſſed the Lord, koz his
pꝛoſperous tourney. Gene.24.27.
Melchiledech bleed Bon foz Abrahams
hictozie. Hene.14.19,20,
Bleſſtags to thole that keepe Gons cõman⸗
Dements. Exo.23. 25. Uen.26.3,t0°4. Deut.
71 1,12, 13, Deut. 111 3, to 16 and 28.1,t0
15. and to thoſe that fe are God. Pſa.i28.2.*
Bleſſings pꝛonounced vpon mount Geriz-
zim Deut.27.12.
The Lozo bleſſe thee: a maner of faluta-
tion. Ruth.2.4. bleffed bee he oz thou of the
Lom Ruth 2.19,20. and 3.10, Gen 47.7.
Dauid beltet God that his houle might
Mice ought to bleſſe the Word after our
mesles Deut. 8.10,
Samuelbleſſed the Sacrifice befoge the
people vin eate theteof. Dan, 9.83.
Paul bleffed Gob.ꝛ. Coꝛ.i.ʒ34. and ſo did
Peter. r Pet- a. 3.
Jael bleffed, and WHP. Judg. 5.2 4, to 28.
Soul bleffed thole that betrayed Dauid
vnto himt. 1.Ham.2 3,31.
Dauid confirmed the peoples blefling of
@Palomon, i. King. 1. 47. 4b.
The Dueene of Sheba bleſſed the Lows
1. Ring. 10.9. and 2.4 2.9.8.
Jaakob tearmech bis pzefent te Elau, a
blefling. Bene, 33.10,18.
Go bleffe a mans felfe in bis beart, igts
flatter himſelte. Deut. 29.19.
Izhaks blefling to Jaakob irteuocavle.
God promileth to bleſſe Abrabam. Bene.
12.2,3. which he perfomed. Gene.13.2.8n8
21.253. Mat.r.2,16,Act.2.18,22,25.
Bleffed be the Loꝛd, a terme ſomtime vſed
ofthe wicked, Fech.11.5.
The Faithfull are bleſſed with Faithfull As
The kingdome of heauen ig prepared fog
the bleffed. QB at.25.34.
Cee ought to bleſſe thole that curfebs. .
HLuc.6.28.1.€02.4.12.¢ Whp.t.JPet.3.9.
Blefling and curling ought not te pgoceed
cut of one mouth. Tames 3.10.
The Blefled of Ged are called eepe:
Mat.25. 33. 34.
Che nelcription of a bleſſed man. lakr.
1,2. 8ND 119.1.* Wat.5.3, to 13.
A bleed thing to giue , rather then ta res
ceine, Accs 20,35.
Blefled bee the man that truftech inthe
Low. Jere.17.7,8-
Judge none bleſſed befoze hig death. Eca
Blefled ate thep that are not offenved at
Chit. Luke 7.23.
Blinde. Two blinde men healed.Aatt.g.
27,t0 32. Mar. 10.46." Luke 18,35. *
Chu healeth the blinde with his ſpettle.
War.8.22,33,to 27. John 96.
The blinde bagnefoz the glorie of Gor.
Jobn 9. 1,2.
Af the blind teade the blinde, both fall ine
tothe Ditch. Bat. 15.14. i
TUe ought to lap no tumbling blocks bes
fore the blinde Leuit.s9.14. Deut.27.18;
God punifhech with blindneffe thole that
obferue not his commandements. Deut.28.
28,29. Cramples. Gen. 19. 11.8 2.bin.6,18,
2. Mac.z.27. and £0.30. Luke 24.16. Act.9.
8. and 13. 21.
DF the blindnes of heart Ifa. 6.ↄ, io.and
59.10, ¥ale.2. 6. Pſalm.s9.23. Jou 12.40.
Wat 13.14,15. War.g.12. 10.8.10.Ger.28,
26 Rem.2 i.7, 8,10. and 1.24, * 2.€02,4.4.
Ephe.q. 8.
The caule of the blindneſſe of the Jewes
is vnbeliefe. 1.20.
Catvarnes Paltours called blind guises
Wewarves blinde the epes of the wile,
Exod.a 3.8 Dent.16.19.cecclug.20.28,
Biiflers looke Scab.
Blocke, looke Stumble.
The Kumbling blocke of iniquitie. Ezek.
Blood. The life of the fleſh is in the blood
Leuit.e7..1. anv rherefoze Gon forbade the
Hewes to eate blood. Deut.12.16, Gene.g,
4 Heuit-7.26,27. and 19.26 Deut S
p -Ow
The Iſtaelites viv eate blood. 1, Samut,
34.3 1,t0 35.
The Jewes might not offer blood with
{eauened bꝛead. Exod.23. 18
Thbe blood ſiriken vpon the Iſraelites
houſes Exod, 12.7513.
The atonement for our foules was made
with blood. Lenit.1 7.11. and without hea
ping of blood ig noremifiton.Deb.9.22.
Blood of bulies and gostes could not take
away finnes.eb,10.4.and 9.13. — f
The so Tetament was ozweined with
blood of boates, but the new with Chꝛiſtes
blood, eb-9.42,19,23.* Chꝛiſtes blood
fpeaketh better things thea that of Abel.
Hebz.1224.* foz thereby we haue remittion
of finnes,¢ are lanctifica. Wat.26.28. Heb.
10.10,18.% 1. ]Bet.0,2.¢ 1. 109:1.7IRCH1.5.
Foz luchas prophane the blood of Etziit,
there refterh no moe facrifice foz ſinne. Heb.
30.29.80 6.4,5,6. and 8. Jebus 16.
Cater and blood iflue out of Chriſles
fide. John ao 34.
Gon punfHerh thoſe that Hea the blood
of bis ſeruanes Deut. 32.4154 2.
Shedding of mong bloodreuenged boih
on mai and beat: Gen.ↄ.5 6.
The bloodof Abel erxed to Gas fo ven⸗
geance. Beit 4.10, |
Manaleh ſhedde innecent blood ercees
pinglp. 2.kings 21.16. which was che cauſe
of the Befiructionof Jerufalem afterward,
2.king. 24. 2, 4.Mand 25.1.”
Df water conuerted into blood. Exod.⁊.
Blood taken foz? murtier, fo finne; concu⸗
pifcence , and all that is not of the ſpirite.
Joſh.20.5. Plal.5.14. John 1.43.
Blood foz the tedde licout of the grape.
Deut 32.14. i
To take aboay the blond, foz appealing of
Gods wath by puntfhing the murtherer. 1,
Kings 2.31,32. 2Sam 16.
The Moabites ſeeing water as redde ag
blood, & thinking it to be the blood of their
enemies, were emboldened to their owne te
ffrucrion. 2, things 3.17,22,23. |
_ Flefhand blood cannot inherit the king:
Bome of heauen. 1.02 15.50.
. Toe to them that builoe op Ston with
blood, and Jeruſalem with iniquitie Wic.
3. 10. and 7.2,Dab.2, 12.
Boat. anp will boak of theirowne
goodnefie,tc. Oro 20.6.
TUe aught not to boaſt of to moꝛobs. Pzo.
27.1. Samed 4 13,16.
Loue boafterh not it felfe..1.1 2.13.4. .
Tce ought not to boaft of other mens la⸗
Bours. 2.0}. 10.15.
* Boaft not thp felfe againſt the branches.
Rom. 118. ;
Body. The Churchisthe body of Jeſus
Chik Ephe. 1. 2 2, 2 3.
AU the fatthfull ave one body in Chꝛiſt, ¢
one anothers members.Ro.12.5.eph.4.1,4.
Dur Bodies are the members of Chꝛiſi.
x. 02.6.15. The temples of the balp Gok
conlecrated to Gov, and not tofoznication.1.
Coꝛ.6.i 3, 19. The veſſels of our bodies to be
kept in Holinefie and honour. Epbhe.4.4.that
. Gon may be glozifien therebp, 1,02.6.20.
The fecond Table.
He that committeth foꝛnication, Annet}
again pis owne body.1.C07.6.18,
Beloze wee can beare the image of the
heauenip body, we mu beare the image of
rhe earthip. 1.d02-15.25,f0 50.
Paul calleth pis body the body of death.
Sinne muh not reigne in our mortal bo-
dies Rombi z. -
Dut bodies called earthen beflels.2. Loz
47. earthly houſes.2. Coꝛ 5.1. and taberna-
cles.a Pet. 1. 13.
Being at home inthe body, we are ablent
from the 1ozd.2.€02.5.6,
Paul chakika pis body, and why. 1. Cor.
9:25 526,27,
Dur cozruptible bodies hall rife intog
ruptible. 1. Coz. 155 3,54. Ge gloap of the
beauenly bodies Diffcreth from the earthip.
1. 02.15.40. ;
Bodily exercife pꝛofiteih litle.1. Tim.4.8.
Bold, yp Chzilt we map be bold to enter
inta the help place.Deb.¢0.19, and ate wil-
ied to woe boldly to the throne of grace fog
mercp. Deb 4 16.
Bondage. 3t ig a bondage to line bnder the
ceremonies of the Law, Walat,2.4.€ 4,1; 3.
Bond, loske Binde,
Bond men, bond women, and bond (er-
wants, looke Seruitude, Captiuitie,¢ Maides.
Bone Woman being made of f rib of man,
is called Bone of mans bones, Hen, 2, 22,23
The Iſraelites are cõmanded not to break
abone of the Patchall lambe. Exod. r2.46.
Joſephs bones caried out of Egppt Ero.
The bones of twa IBasphets, laned from
burning with others.2. Rings 23.18,
The king ef Edoms bones burnt in dex
(pite. Amos 2.1, 7
Bookes.The booke of p Law found in the
Tempie.2. Kings 22.838,10,
Fiue men wzotein 40,dapes 304.bookes,
2.06 (02.14 42,44.
The bookes of the Lato burnt and cut in
pieces.«. Mac. i. 59,60.
Many bookes and much re ading weari⸗
eth the tleſh. Eccles.i 2· 13.
Go be regiſtted in the booke of life, what,
Phil.a.3. Luke 10.20, Reuel 3.5. ¢ 20.32.
and 21,27. and tobe put out of tye booke of
life, what. rod. 3 2.32,33.49 fal 69.28,
Wang confcience a booke, wherein igre-
giſtred bis ſinnes. Reue.20 12.
2000. Markes woth of bookes ef cutious
artes burnt.Actes 19.19, 20.
Berne of God who, 1. John 5. 1.
Tee mull be borne of water, andof the
{pirit. Jobu.3.3,4,5.
The faithful are borne a new bp the woꝛd
of Gov. 1. Det.1.23. John 1. 12.
Pe that is borne of God, linneth not and
why. 1. John 3.9,
Agneta borne babes wee mult delire the
fincere milke of Gods word 1.JDet.2.1,2.
Boundes, Thole are curſed that remooue
the ancient boundes, Deut.27.17. €19.14+
3910.22.28. and 23. ade Dols. 10.
Bountifulneffe. Thole that haue true Ioue
are bountifull.1.@o2.13.4,
and Canaan.
4,to 8. Ezek. 18. 30,31,32. and efpecialiy to |
vs Gentiles, Rom. 11.22.
Bowes, looke Atrowes anv Swords,
Bow. Wize ought to bow out hearts onto
the Loz. Jof).24.23. bat
Wath heba bowed her [elfe vnto her hal
hand Dauid. rings 1,16. ant Halomon
te ber. 1. Kings 2.19,
God bowed the heauens, € came Downe.
2,H 410,223.20.
The childzen of Iſrael Bowed owne and:
_ worlhippetd God. ge p0d.4.3 1,
Abrabam bowed himielfe vnto the hit⸗
Barels of mercy, looke Tender,@ Mercys
Branches. Che Jewes the natural brans-
ches of the Dline tree, Rom.11.17,t0 28.
Brafex ferpent, looke Serpent,
Bread, fog all things neceflarp to this pees
fent life. Ge. 18. 536,738- 21.14 Judg. 19.5
2. Kin.6 22, 2 3. Mat.4. 4 86.11. DBaré.36,
The heart tg ſtrengthened with bread,
Wan ought to eate bread, in the ſweate of
bis face. Gen 3,19. ‘
Man liueth not bp bread onelp,but by ge.
Deuts. 3. Mat.4.4 Luke 4.4.
The Low rained bread trom heauen cers
OUUS 16.4,15. :
God twill blefie our bread, and our water, .
if we obep him, Ere.23.25. and we thaleate
out bread in plentifulneſſe· Leuit.26.5.
The laffe of bread Leuit.26.a6. ;
The Canaanites were but ag bread fog
the Iſraelite s,and how JQUM. 14.9. i
The bread of affliction. 1. King.22.272.
The bread of teares. Ofal 80.5.
The bread of ſoꝛow. IPfal.30.20.
The bread of anuerfitie. Ila. 30,20.. `
Want of bread in all the iand of Egypt
en yo
Qn offeting of bread. Leitit.2.2. F
The thew bread.Leuit.aa.5 to 10.wheres
of 1. am.21.6.
Eliſha with twenty Ioanes of barley bread
in time of Dearth feederh roo, men. Kin· 4.
43543, `
The bread of life ig the fleſh of Chꝛiſt.
John 6.48, 55,
The bread in. the Loes Suyper dort
Declare vnto bs, that we are made one brea
With bim. 1. Coꝛ· io. 16, 17. *
Ginleauened bread looke Paſſeouer.
Unleauened bread of ſinceritie eeructh
looke 3
Df bacaking of bread from boule to houn
Actes 2.42, 46.
aueJP20,.27.24." Wat. 5-25, 1 Timo 8. |
Breath of Goo taken foz vis wath; pom
er, and fpirite Jp laka8.15. Job 33.4. Ola
Brethren aping without ife, the xert t
marrie bis wife,andD why. Deuti25.5.99a
22.24. Mar 12.19¢ i
Unitie of brethren acceptable ta God an
man. Ecclus.2 5.1. lalar 33.152, 3. y
The 7 brethren any the —
ee Se
vnder Antiorhug.2.Bac.7.1.*
The princes heart not to be lifted bp a
Doue bis brethren. Detit. I 5.20.
DE Folephs brethren. Gen 37 4 11.*and
42.3,6.%and 43.°and 14.4,14.*
Jaakob callea hole of bis houſholde, bre-
‘thren, @en.3 1.32. and ſtrangets allo bre-
Dawid calleth his men of warte,brethren.
1.) am, 30.23.
The Apotles anv the elect, Chik calleth
brethren, att.28.10.Wed.2.11,02,
Lhit mane like bie brethréin all chings,
except finne.and why. Heb· 2. 17. and 4.05.
Ai Chziſtians are brethren. Matth. 2 3. 8.
“‘Rom,1.12. 8.29. 1.Coꝛ . 6 6.8 8.11. Eph.
6.2 1. Col.4. 15. and ¢.Q gel. 5.14.
Chit che firt bome among manpbre- G
thren. Rem.8.29.
Ge ought ta lap toime our lineg Foz the
brethren.1.Johtt 3,16.
Brethren foz kinfefatkd of Chꝛiſt.Mat.t 2.
47. Joh.7.3. 1.19. hep be:
Jeeuen rot in bim. John 7.3,t0 6. 1uk.8.20,
Falle brethren.2 02.11.26. Galat-2.4,
and 2.2am.20, ro.loake Brother.
Bribes. Again bribes ana extoꝛtion. Jer.
2213. Micah 3.10,
Damuel was no bribe caker.1.Hant.13-
334,5 looke Gifts ant Rewards.
Bridle of bondage, tooke 2.-Qam.8.t.
Brimftonze. Burning with brimftone and
falt eheeatnes.Deut.29.23-
She Sovomites deſtroxed with Ere anv
brimftone Gen. 19. 24.
The tonnent of the wicken in p lake thet
Durnech with fire and brimftone.Red.21,8.
Srother. ot to defraud oz oppzefle our
‘Brother, and tobp.1.G bell. 4.6,7,8.
Dot often our brother repenting, ig to be
Forginen.QBat.18.21,22.fu,17.3,4- eho
be is to be cosrected. 9 at.18.15, 16,17.
Not to defkrop our brother foz meats fake.
Rom 14.15. but rather neuer to eate meate,
-then to offend him. 1. Cor.8. 12, 13.
Tbo fo hateth his brother, is in darknes.
Lohn 2,01.
Brotherly cogrection. Ecclu.19,13,to 18.
looke Correction.
Brotherly kinvueffe to hee embzaced. 2,
PPet.1.7, locke Fruits of faith,
Di brotherly ioue. Rom, 12,10,1-Chel.4,
9.1. Jet.1.22.Deb.13.1.
F Buckler.God promileth Abzabha to be vis
buckler.Gen.15 .1 looke Protector ¢ Shield,
Buffeted. Chꝛiſt buffeted. Mat 26.67.
To be buffeted foz our faults.i.Pet.2.20.
Buggerers leoke Inceſt and Adulterie.
A ewes of buggerie in Jurp.1.bin.14.24.
Build. Thole that difobep Gov, Hall build
an bonſe, and not owel thereit.Deut.28.30.
None building an poule, fozced to the
warre vntil he bad dedicated it, Deut.20 5,
Salomen built manp cities anv houſes.
1. King.ↄ. 17, to 20.
Ac build.foꝛ to make.Gen.a.a2.
To build, foꝛ to beare chilen. Gen. 16. 2.
Ruth 4. 11. looke Houfe.
Chꝛiſt bath builded hig Church, as it was 3.
Building vſed foz teaching -ABatth.21.42.
Thefecond Table.
1.0 63-14.17.@al.2.18.
The faithful are Gong building. . Coꝛ.
The Golpel ig the Foundation of Chilis
building. 1.@02.3.11,12.
The tone which the builders refuſed, is
made the head of the coner. Watth.21.42,
Maxr.i2.10.Lu.20.17. Act.4.11. 1. Pet.2.7.
To build, foz to egalt oꝛ pꝛeſerue. Iet.i a.
16. and 31.4.
Building bp Ʒion with blood.Mic ah 3.10.
Bundle. he bundle of
Burdens. The Whariles ouerlade other
men with burdens.Aat.23.4.
Tae ought to beare ene anothers burden.
Gal. 6.2.
Euerx one Hall beare pig owne burden.
Chika poke eaſie, and his burden light.
Wath, r 1.30. 1. John 5.3-
IRo burden to be catied on the Sabbath
Dap. Jere. 17. 21.
Burden, foꝛ great calamity.Iſa.r 3.1.
Burie. Te ate buried in Chziſt bp bap-
tifme into bis death. Rem, 6.4.
Sara buried.Gen.23.19. and Abrzaham.
Gen.25.8,9. ¢ Jaakob Ge.50.13. ¢ Boles.
Deu. 3 4.6.¢ Samuel.i. Sam a5.1. € Sauk
and bis (ong.1.94. 31. 13. @ Alabel.2. Sam,
2.32.¢ Abner.2.Sam.3.32.¢ the dilobedient
propber which was Raine of flion, .kin. 1 3-
28,to 31.¢ Jobu Baptiſt. Watt. 14.12. and
Giit bp Jofeph of Arimat. Wat. 27.5 9,60.
Abzaham purcheled a Gein to burie in.
Gen. 23.4.*
Burned. Gt pᷣ cities of the Benlamites bur-
ned foz committing whoredom. Juag.20.48,
Ai burned. Jol.8. 28,¢ Dazoz. 10H. 11.11,
E Dericha. Yol6.24.¢ the tower of Shechem,
with aboue ¢ Women. Judg.9.49.
The pres danghter that plated p whoze,
was to be burne with fire. Leuit.21.9.
Achan Ronen, and after burned. with all
that be had. Tolh.7.24,25-
Murmurers again Bodburned. Nũ 11.0.
Zimri burned himſelfe.i. Rings 16.18.
Joolatrous groues commanded of God to
be burned. Dett.1 2.2, 3. which Ala oblerued.
iit. 15.12,t0 15 8 Nebu. kin. 10. 10 to 36
The Gentiles in burning their chilnzen te
voles, not to be followed. Deut. 12.31.
Samfons wife and bee father burned,
Purges 15.5,6.
Califthenes was burnt fog fecting the hae
Ip gates on fire. 2 Mac.b. 33.
Burnt offringg, looke Oftrings ¢ Sacrifice,
Buftbodies. ãgainſt bufidodies ¢ pzatlerg.
1.Tim.s.13.looke moze Light hufwiues,
Butter,looke Milke.
Abzaham (et butter aud milke befoze the
three Angels.Gen.18.8.
Buy. Tae muk buy ag though we polſeſſed
Df buying g felling. Hewe.23.15.* €33
19.Letti. 19.11, 35536- € 25-14-* Deut. 15.
12.225, 03,t0 17. 2. Sam.24. 21.* JB20.1 1.
1,24,26.% 16.8, 11. @20,10,14,23. Iſa.2 3.
2,8,18.4 58.9.13. Jer.9. 3,to 6. 32.45.00,
11, 12. Mic. 6 10,11,12.” Ecclus.ↄ.1 3. and
26 30. and 27.2. Matt.7.2. uke 14.18, 19.
5.C0p07.30, 1, Thel.4.6.
C A aL
© Cake,looke Barley.
Caldron. Ten Caldrons foz the Temple.
1, ings 7.38. - z
Calfe. The Iſraelites honoz $ golden calfe
Ex.32.4. which Woles aboliſhet Cr. 32.20.
Jeroboam and Hoſhea made two calaes of
gold. Wings 12.38.
The Calfe honoured of the Iſraelites at
Beth-auen, tranſpozted into Afipzia. Mole.
10, 5,6,
Che Calues of our lips the bef facrifice.
Hol.14.3,Deb.1 3.15.
Cal. The Low called Samuel fonte
Chik came not to call the righteous, but .
finners to repentance.Mat.ↄ.13. Mat.a.17.
Luke 5.32. ĩ. im.1.15.
As manp as Gov all call, Hall be fauev.
Acta 2.39,41.
Many called, but feto chofen. BWarth.20,
16.and 22.14.
Many called tofaluation both of Fetes
ane Gentiles. Rom.9.24. ;
Whereunto we are called. Eph.x.1,18.*
1. Theſ 4.97. 1. Pet. 2.9.
Te are not called foz our woꝛkes fake,
but accozding to bis eternal purpofle.2. Tim.
1.9.1, {Bet.1.1,2,3. we ate called to ſaluatiõ
bp Ppzeaching of p Goſpel.a. Theſ.2. 13, 14.
Let bg endeuour our felues to attaine the
teward of our high calling in Chit. Bhil. z.
13,14, ?
DE the calling of the Jewes. Hole. 3.4,5,
Rom.11.25,26. ẽ 2. Coꝛ. 3. 16. | Gentiles,
Df calling to euerlaſting Caluation.IQ6.8.
29,30, Œ 11.29. 1.0 03.1.9,24. EPh.4.1, Io
Tim.2.12. 5.24. 1.O be. 5.24.1. Bet. 5.10.
Df calling to pzeach.Hat.g. 18, 19,.0at.
3.14. Luk.6.1 3. Rom.. 1. 1.€03-1.1.Gal.
1,15, to folloto Chik. Matth.d.a 2. and 9.9.
John 1.44.
Call on God in trouble, anv he twill heare
thee.folal.1 7.6. 1.@am.22.4,7. foz bee ig
i to all Sie call bpon him faithfullp.
al 145. 16.
Such ag call onthe Loꝛd with pute heare,
ate to be followed.2- Tim. 2.22,
Thep that called bpon Baal, ſcozned. z
Kings 18.24,26,to 30.
Wholoeuer {hall call on the Mame of the
Lozo, halbe faued. Rom.10.13. Thep that
beleeue not in him, call not bpon him in
trueth. Rom.10.14.
Abzabam called vpon f Name of the Loz.
Gerw.12.8, € 13.4. € 21-33. € Yaakob.Gen,
3 3-30. and Moles, Cerod.3 4, 559- and Sams:
fon. Judges 15.18.and 16.28. looke Name.
Candleficke. The forme of P Candlefticke-
of the Dabernacle. Cod. 25.3 1.4 37.17. the
fituation thereof. JQ0.3.4.¢r0d.26.35. € 40.
24 Whe vila off geldẽ candlefticke.5er.4.2
Ten golden caudleftickes that Salomon
The vifion of che ſeuen golsen candle-
ftickes. Renel, 1.12,20.
Bp the Candlefticke ig bnoerhood the
office of a paſtout. Reue. 2.5
Camicles Jooke Songs.
Captive. Dow to take a captiue woman
to wife. Deut.21.10,t0 55. i
JQaamans captiue maid pat hint in minae
of Elitha.2dkin.s.1,2,105.
Dutt natural inc inatioa leaveth bë cap-
tine to finne.Rom. 7.23. i
Captiuitie thzeatued to thole that diſobey
Gons commanvements.Deu.23.47,48.and
beliuerance vhen they turne to him. Dente.
30.1,2,3,t0 11, Ilai fozetolae Hezekiah of
the captiuitie.2J&in, 20.16,t0 19.
Jeremie fozetola Pp Tewes of the 70. peres
captiuitie, and whp Tere.25,1,11,82."looke
Bondage,Eg ypt,and Babylon. 4
Care, o} Carefulneffe. God careth fog his
people. dLeni.36.3,to 14.Eramples. Ge. 2.
17." anD 31.24, 29. looke Affliction,
Clee mulk nor be carefull foz anp wooꝛldly
thing. Wat, 6.25. * Luke 12.24. Pbil.4 6-
Dut onelp caſt ont care opon God, fog pe ca-
teth foz 03.1. 1Det.5 7. Pſal.55. 22.
Dur hearts mutt not bee oppeeflen with
cares of thig life ano whp, Huk.21.34.
Chilis care euer his Apoſtles and mini-
pan hava care fog all Churches... Coꝛ.
The cares of this wozlne choke bp Gods
Wwoꝛd.Mar.a4. 19.
AgainG woꝛldly caretulneſſe and truGing
in any thing but Gop. Ex0d.7.4,5,6.Leuit.
25 2,0 22.22u.8.7,2,3. Job 7.4,5, 6 Plal.
345.15." JD2.10.3,to 6. and 13.25-Water3.
22.99at.16.2,3. Luk 8.14 and 12. 11, 12.4
14. 12, 15.1. Coz.7.21, 32. Debd.13 5,6.
DE wodip care.Wat.6.33-Lu,11. 28. and
2,202.1 2.40.
Df fleſhly care. Mat.s 19, 20,2 1. and 20.
2 1. and 26.5 1. Luke 2. 3354, 55,56.3à 11.38.
Rom. 3.6.
Careles people bee foone conquered. Judg.
8.11.anD 18, 10, 27. Looke Securitie.
Caried, Godcaried the Alraclites vpon
Egles wings out of all dangers. Exo.i9.4.
Deut. 32.17,13.
DF being caried bp into heanen.looke At-
Carnal, Paul calleth the Corinthians
- carnall,and whp.i.Coꝛ. 3 1,t0 5.
Tempozail goovs callcd carnall chings.s.
€£02.9.11 Jooke Fleſh and Flethly.
Larpenzer Jeſus Chzitk was a Carpenter,
at.6 3-
. Caf og, The Iſtaelites cak oft Gov, bp
craning a
Cartell and vnreaſonable beats ought not
to bee ouer hardlx neait teithall.Gen.3 3.13.
Erod.23.1 1,12. Mum 22.23, t0 34. Deu.5.
14. and 22.20.9920,12.10, Eerlus.7.22.
_ Caze. Abrahani bought acaue to birie in.
Gen.23.9,to 19.
Elitah fleeing from Jezebel, dwelt ina
caue at Hozeb.i Kin. 19.8.9.
The Iſt aelites ſo phagued foz their idola⸗
trie , that thep were fogced to dwell in caues.
(aufe. God iudged Dauids cauſe, in pue
niſhing Nabal. Sam 25. 33. 39.
F Celebrate.looke Feaſtes, Pafleouer, anv
Cenfers looke Pum, 16,6,18,38.*
- E Cemurion.& Centurion ig a captaine oner
The fecond Table.
roo. ſouldiers: inch Doles conGituted. Cero.
18.21,2§. Deut.s.13,15.
Chek healeth the Centurions feruant.
The Centurion, ane theſe whe wotched
with bim, confeflen Jelus co bee che fone of
Gov. Barth.27.54.
Ceremonies. Ai the Jewes ceremonies but
a ſhadowof the (pitituailferuice. Exo.z 3.25
3,00 17.FQUM.15.31.* Deut.1 6.1. Ezek, 20.
7, 8.*e 1,002.10,1.Deb.7.12.¢8.5.0nd 9,8,
And therefore being ogdained to continue
bus tili the manife ation of Lozi. edzo.
0,11, ate NOW iufilp abgogates bp him. He⸗
brewes 10.5 56,7.
Gor reiecteth the faithleffe ceremonies of
the Hewes. Flair. 11, to 16. 8 43.23,24.¢
46.1.” 66.354, Jet.3.13.* Bl 50.8°* Jer.7
4.* and 14.12.Dol.6.5. Amos 5.21,22,23.*
Mic 6.5,7,3.Gaj.1. 8.82.2." Fe.7.3,t08.*
Wat.9.1 3.8 15.2,3,4,t0 12, Jeh. 4. 20, 23, to
27. Acts 13.38,t0 42. Rom.8.1, taↄ.Ephe.
2.8,” and Gol.2.3,14. * fooke Tradition,
Chaff. As chaffe anv wheate ought not to
be mingled toge:ber, no moze ought fables
with trueth. Jere.2 3.28.
J Changed. Thole whom Chrift hail finve
alise at bis comming, Half bee changed, s,
Coz.i5.51,52553 .
Charet. Eliſha calleth onto Eliiah, my fa⸗
thet mp father, the Charet of Iſtatl. 2. Riu.
Sifera warren again® the Weaelites
faith 900 charets of prow. Judges 4.3,13.
Salomon bad 1400. charets.1. Rin. 10,26
Charets of pron were in bfe among the
Canaanites, as appeareth. Wud.t.19.
Chargeth. Ayab chargeth Wichaiah to tell
Qim troth. 1. Rin. 22. 16.
Paul chargeth the Theflalonians, that
bis Epiſtle fent to them , ould net bee kept
Cecret ftom any bzether. 1. Theff. 5. 27. Dee
chargeth allo Timotbie to bee feruent in bis
Chargeable, aul laboured , becanle hee
would not be chargeable to anp., 1-@b.2.6,7.
Charmes, looke Magitians , anD Sorcerers.
Charitie, looke Loue.
Chafte. Wen chafte three maner of wrpeg
GBatt.19.1 2. looke Eunuch.
Chaften. As manp as the Loꝛd laueth, hee
chafteneth. Deb.s2.6. Reuel.3.19.
Blelſed is the man whom the Lea cha-
fieneth. Job 5.17,
Chilinen Gould be chaftifed betime, 1320.
$3.24, and 69.18, and 22.15. ¢ 23.13, looke
Correction and Childe.
Chæſtuie. Example of Chaſtity in Joleph.
Ge.39.7,12.* in Saray Tobias wife. Tob.
3.14.* In Judeth. Judet.3.4,8. In Anus.
iu. 2.37,39. In Sulan, Dats 2.33, £0 26.*
Example ef chaftitie in mariage , looke
Tee mult anoive allthings that cozrupt
chaftitie. Ecclug.9.3, to 52.
DF chaſtitie; looke moze. TOi. 4.1, to 7-
Sudet.15.11,13,13. ARDI 6.21,22, * 1.02.
7.8,9, 27, 2934. 38. 40.
Chance, loobe Happe.
Chaine. OF chaines of golde. CErcd.28,14.
AAD PLON: . Rings 25,72 Ezek · 7.2 3.
Cia or
Chaire looke Seate:
Cheere. Diſſembling pꝛophets and fuch as
commend wine o2 good cheere, be meete fog
the wicked. WDicah 2,14.
A toptall heart maketh a cheerefull couna
tenance. 1920.15.13, G cauleth goon health.
Chic fet Jewes,looke Confefle,
Chiefe ſhepheard, locke Shepheard,
Child, and women with child. The puniſh⸗
ment of bine that burteth a woman with
child. dEred.2 1.22.
€ be wife of Phinehas being with child,
hearing of the taking of the Atke, feilin tras
uell immediatly.
Taomen with child rip: bp. 2 Kin.i8. 16.
Toe fozetoide to the women with child ag
the deſtruction of JerulatemMBat.>4.19. -
The Angels paue charge of listte children,
BD at.18.10.-
Tie muf be children concerning malicis
oulnes, but not in snderianding.1.Qe2.14.
20.99 at.18,2,t8 7;
Children being brought to Chil, bee ree |
ceinen them, and bleken them. Qatt. 9.3 35
14,15, 0980.10, 14,1516. |
Little children were deuouted of beates.
2 kings 2.23,24. ay |
Taberein the Duetie of parents and chil- |
dren confifteth.J3lal.78.5,6,7. ;
To to that land whole geuernozis a child -
in wifedome and counfell, Eccles 10.a6, 17.
The childe hall not bee punifhen foz the.
Fathers offence. Serem.31.29,30, Ezek. 1 8.
4,5 Lament.5.7. .
Little children who. 1. Jolm 2.22.
Ube captinitie of rhe children of. Iſtael.
and eheit Delinerance-cut of gpptis forg.
Hemen bp God. Gen. 5. 13, 14.
The 12.children of Yaakob. Gen. 35.22.
Jaakobſendeth pis children into Egypt
to buy cone. Gen.42. 1, 2.
The children of Jaakob knewe not thett
bzother Teleph. Geu.42.8. |
The nameg of the childrenef Iſtael and
their children. Gen, 46.7,8,t6 28.
Jaakob foreſheweth the deliuerance ofthe -
children of Jitael. Gene.48,3,4,25. andle s
north Zoleph.Gene.5 0.24.
Tte names of the children of Iſrael
which entredD into Egypt, are teheatled.
EKODI Et - sza
The children of Flracl cppreked with :
burdens to the end thep might net multiplies -
Er9.1-9,30,11. The moze ibep- mere oppree -
fen, the moze thepgrew. Eron, r. 12.: Thep-
complaine te Ged of their bondage, and are-
Beard Ero. 2.23524,25. Thep depart out of
appt with Jole phs bones, Exo.a 2.37. and
13.59. Qiier they bad Delt there 430. peres.
Exod.i 2.40. thep ꝓalſe dep foot thzough the.
red fea. pad. 14.22.
TL bp God led net the children of Iſtael
bp the iant of the Philiſtims, but anothes -
Wap. Exod. E 3:17,58..
The voyage of p children ef Iſtael inthe -
wildernes to mount Sinai, and Gons goode⸗
neffe in feeding them,and fighting foz them.
GEx0.1§.22.* and 16.anb 17.¢19.chapters,
The children of Iſtael meete foz warte,
age numbꝛed· Mum.a.a, 3.7
~ hei
‘ate pdnifhev. Fam. 1.1,4, 6,31,33.* Thep
C HHA Thefecond Table.
The children of Itael lothe Wanna, and pe haue him in age. Pꝛo.2 2.6.
A late te punifh difebenient children De,
comit whosevome withthe Daughters of 21.18,19, ta 22. 3920.20, 20. Jooke Chalten.
sab. JQune2 5.05253)
Che children of Jiraci being readp to en:
ter into the land of Canaan ate againe num-
pred. Numb26.2.* They fight again the
GBFidtanites.Murts.3 1.2,ta 13. Thep are lo:
ueu of Gov bp incanes of election, and not
foz anp gooduefle in them Deurer,7.6,to 12.
Thep pales vzie foste thazow Jezvane. Tol.
3.16,17. Thep bauc an ouerthrowe at gi.
Budg.o 5.
oie children of Iſrael Cerue Eglon the
Ting of Woab c8.peeres. judg. 3.14. Thep
commit idolatrie. Juda.z.7. And are eppzel-
fea for their wickennefie ſeuen peeres ofthe
Midianites Wudg.6.1,t0 7. Theit idolatrte
anu repentance. fudg, 19.6, to. Their ruine
foz theit incredulitie. Judeth 5 6,7.
How children ought to be brought op. Ec⸗
clus.30 1,0 14. WVith what inſtruction, and
to what ende. Deut.4 9,14. E 33.49.88 the
children of Abzahant. Genel18.19. Mot ag
the anes of Elir, Samu, 2.22. *0z of Da:
gin. Ring.1.5,6. i f
< Gon punierh the children that imitate
their fathers in wickedneſſe. Deut. 4.25,26,
29 WLant.5.7. ;
Samuels children imitaten not theit far
thee in godlinefle. 1. .
Chrift wag replenifhes with grace and
trueth. Joh 1. 14.
Chrift pꝛeacheth ebealeth diſeales. Watt.
5 '
~ Chrift haung ent his Apofifes to peach, —
preachetballo himfelfe, WDatth.rr.s.
~ Chrift praperh in mount Olluet by night,
nD prcacheth inthe temple by dap. Luke
The fecond Table.
Chrift preached out of a Hhip.Wat.13.1,2,
to10.@ar.1,4,to 35. Luke 8.4,10 99.
Chrift pꝛeacheth in a Syaagegue vpon a
tertof the Pꝛephet Iſaiah. Luke q. 16 8c.
The people are afioniesd at his wiſebome.
Luke 2 47.93at.7.28,29, Wartke 6.2. Wat.
13.54. Luke 4.22,and 8.25. Luk.4. 32. Joh
7.46. :
Chrif ſpake nothing but parables, and
whr. Dat. 13. 34, 35.
Great multitudes follota Chrift.Qat.8.r,
His comming and peeaching was in great
humilttie. G5 att, 18.4 11. and 11.29.
Chrift was Demanded by whole authozitp
he bin thole things that be did, Watt21.23,
Marke 11.28, Luke 20.2.
Chrift pacferred not the obedience of bis
carnal! mother, befoze the commaundement
ofthis Geauentp Father. Luke 2.48,49. Deis
ther couid thecate that hee bate buta fer,
withdrew Him from pgeaching the Goſpel.
Dat.1 2.46,47,48,49,50, Darke 3.31,32.*
Fuke $.20,21-
Chrifts wiil ig , that bis fhould bee parta-
kers of (iis glozie and kingDome. Joh 17.24.
Chere Chrift frt preached the Golpel.
3la.9.1,2.Qat.4.1 3, 10 17. Luk,4. 14.*. Joh.
2.1,f0 22,
Chrift fighed tofee the Jewes infivelitie,
Mat.8 12.
Chriſt Had compaſſion on the multitude,
to lee them diſperled like Rrap ſheepe. Hatth.
Chrift is wearie. Joh. 4. 6.hungrie. Wat.4.
2.Doeth weepe foz Jexulalem. Luke 19. 41.
wept and groned, when Ge railed Lazarus.
John 11. 33 35, 38
D Chrift his pouertie. Matth · 8.20. Luk.
Chrift became pooze, that wee might bee
made tich.2.de2 8.9.
Women miniired of their ſubſtance to
relieue Chrifts tiecefiitte duke 8.2.3.
Jt was propheledin bow great meeke⸗
nefe and Gumilttie Chrift houit tine. Iſa.a2
3. Matt. 2. 13, 19, 20.
Matthew maketh Chrift a banquet.Mat.
9.9,10. Mat.2. 14, 15. Luk 5.29.
Chrift bidden ta a banguet bya Phatiſee.
refuled not to gor {Luke 14.1.
Chrift, and hia mother, and his diſciples
dined at a Wedding. John. . 12.
Chrift fapped tory Lazarus. Jobn 12.2.
Chrift tinen witha harilee Luk. t137.
Chiift termed a glutton , and a dzinker of
fine. Qatt.11.19. oF GUG
Chrift eateth with publicanes & (inners,
and is teploucd of the Phariſes. Watt.o.+1.
Wat.2.15,16, iS, A Tt
Chrift imerpzereth the DSeriptures brite
the two dilcipies going te Emmaus. Like
24.15 1052. dy l
Chrift reputeth that which is vone onto
his afflicced members , tobe Cote onto hint
felfe. Batt. 25.35. ;
Chrift papen tribute. Wat. 17.27
Singzte opitions of Chrift: Watt. 16.14.
Wat. Lake 9.19. Jeh 7.425 40,41,42)
43:46 0.9 vig og nia Le
“Che Phetiles are alken whofe forne
Chrift wag. Mat.22.42.
Dar.s41/Dubi2225! |?
Chrift afketh bic Apoſtles home the
thought bim to be. Mat 1 6.15,16. Maike 8.
29, Luke 9.20. 3
The people toske Chrift foza Pzophet.
Chrift publiſheth openly that be was fene?
of Gov, and that hee was the onne of Gov, >
Joh. 5.18.4 7.29.6 8. 18. Pzouing the fame
bythe teſtimonie of John Wapritt, anv the:
Sctiptures. ohn 5.32.33,39.*
Manp that were prꝛeſent at Lazarus rat:
Ging from the ead, beteeurpon Chrift. John
12.10, 11. John 11645.
The virgin Warp, in her canticle, maketh
mention of Chnit premiſed. Luk..47, 54. 355
and fodit Simeon. Lu 2. 25, to 26. and Ane
na confefleth that Chrift was come.Luke 2. |
39537,38 ;
The Samaritans came to fee Chrift, anu |
beleeued in him, confefling bim to be the fa-
uicur of the wold Job. 4.28.29,41,42,
Che miracles that Chrift did, eclifiet that f
be twas come. Bat... l
Officers fent to ferch Chrift, but thep
bꝛought kim not anu why. Jobn 7.32,46.
The Jewes fought meanes totake Chrif
but could not, befoze Lis boure was come. |
John 7.30. |
The people and chiefe raters Burk nog
confeſſe Chriſt, laoke Confeffe.
Chrift committech not bimfeife puto che
ewes, vecaule hee knelo then te be pppoe
crites. John 2.24, i
After Chrift pad raien op Lazarus from
the dead, bee walked not openip among the
Jewes. John 11.5.4.
Chrift hid himlelfe foz feare ef being for
ned bp the Pemes. John 8.59. :
Chrift afcended to Jerutalem atthe keaſt
of Tabernacles. Johi.7.10. -
Chrift velitereth bimfelfe berp mitacu⸗
louſly out of the hands of the Mazarites. Lu.
4 28,29,30.
Chrift healer all maner of fickneffes, both |
coppozall and ſpirituall. Matih. 4.24 109:7-
Both winds anv fea obeped Chrift, Wate.
8.26,27. Mar.4. 39, 41. Luke 8.24,25-
There can be no concezd betweene Chrift |
and the deutll.2.@ogin. 6.15. Chrift fironger |
then Datan. Wat.12,28,29. Wpar.3.24,27 |
uke 1 F.26,21,22. 5 Seug pry
: Chrift of his dene will lapde done pis |
life foz iis ſheepe. John 10.15. —
Caiaphas prephefien chat Chrift ſhould
Die fez the people. John 11.49,51.
Chrift Delivered todeath, bp the Betermie
nate counteli of Gebd.Acts. 2,2 3.
Chrliſt right Deattitpionges to bee baptis }
zed fo? bS ; withthe badtifme of hig Death. |.
Linke 12.50. foz the Toue hee bare towatved |
68 Ephes.2. Ibil.2.8.
Peter would haue diſſwaded Chrift from |
Death. Mat. 16.22. and Pilates wife would |
bane bad ber huſband not to veale with him, Y
Wat.27.19. SHUTS
The. chivfes Dienes confule holo thep |
might put Chrift to neath: WDatth.26.3,4. |
Judas ſelleth Chriſt foz * pieces of fil
Wer. Watth.26.14,1 weer or nduk.
fe nnr
3.3,t87, 32ch.t1.1 2s
Chrift bis {sule wag heauie, euen Onto the
Death. Apat.26.28.
Chrif though his manhood fearing Seath,
ſweat water ann plood. Luke 22-44.
Chriſt pzaping againſt death, willing!p
rondeſcended onto his lathers wil Mat· 26.
L Chrift ofred himſelfe onto Judas. Jaya
| 18.4 is appechenven by the Jewes Garth.
26.50. ctaueth that bis dilciples might ef
rape frez,anbd whs Popa 13.8.9.
Chrift verp miloeiy reproeueth bim that
Sinote him John. 18.23. Gis.go 5,6.”
Chriſt anfussred not one tuogd ta his falie
accuſers 09 3t.26,59,60,63, and 27. 12 14.
Pſal 38.13, 14.
Chrift confetlerh that de is the Guik pzo⸗
milen. Dat 26.63, 64.
Ailate bearer mingle of Chrifts inno»
cencie, 3190.34. 4.89a0.97 24, Lu.23.4, 22.
Dia innocence is propheſied of. Pſa. 18.23.
Jifa.53." and his mounts Plalme 22.16.
rech a13.26.
The ʒeople being perſwaded bp the bigh
rieg, alken Chrift to be crueified. att.
| 27.30,22,26,
Chriſt ig mocked B5st.27.29. i
Pardon is promiird to che enemies of
Chri, if they repent.
-Chrif is len unto bis Beat). Mat· 27 36.
and fufferea without tye wate of Jetuſalem.
Pilste in blaperferiptisn afirmen Chrif
to bee the Ming ofthe Jewes, albeit the
piile, ge berien it not. Mat a7 37. Maru
55.26 Dake 23 33 John rg.19,t022,
"4 Chrift was crupcificd cencerniag bisinae:
mitic.2.202.3 74
Chrift crierh 1o Bod on the cro Wat 27
46,12 fai.22.1.*
- The Hewes reuiled Chrit.Datt.27.39,
- to 45.
The ignominie ¢ glory of Chrift id pge-
figuren in Jothua the pigh Pelell. Zechar.
The paflion of Chriſt is Hrefhewed. Dan.
9.26. 5200.3.7 AAS 3.1° Mat. 16.2. and
baie obediers Dito the death. Phil.
Cheiſt died g wag burian. I98t. 27.50593
60.Mat. 5. 37:46. Luk.234653. 100019.
360,40. Rot 5.6,8.and 6. 3.an3 8,32. and
Cor a g. . ano 2. Coꝛ 5.15, and rn Theſſ. 3.
8,20, whole death argueth Gove great lone
towards bs miferable inners Wam.s.6,8.
Chrif bp bis owne oblation, ence for all
hath purchaſed full fatiffaction for eur Rug,
Kom.a4.25 Hebreeg orz. *F (2.53.8.thae
though faith in bimn tore ſhould enian eters
nall iife. John 3.1 5..aan that thenceforry we
Shouts wos life onio our Letues,thzougy ſinne,
Dut orice Dim though rig heeoafnes. 2. Cogs
JiS: jii
The Jewes cruciffen Chritt chaough ig⸗
noraue duke 23. 34gets AT yo 7
-DF Chrift his nefegnotug.iaty bell, reaue
Hlal. 13.10 Bila 53-1OsTA 262075 3 tye
EG .4 AND 4. BIER 9i) a;
Chri cole agalne che thiro Dap from the,
The fecond Table.
Dead. Wat. 28 6.9 ark.16,5.11.24,255,6,7.
John 20.5,7,8. Actes 2.24, 31, 32. and 10,
43,41. and 13,30, 32. Kom. 4.24,35. and
8.08.8 14.9.0. 02.15.3,4.78. Teh..
2. Tim.2. 8. accoꝛding as it was proppelied.
Plal. 3.5. and 16.9, 10 and 49. 15 Jonah 2.
2. Mat. 12:40. and 16.24. AND 17.22,23.¢
20.19, Mar. 8.3 1. and 9. I1. and 10.34. Luke
11. 30. and £8.33. John 2. 19,31, 22.
DF che vertue of Chriſt his reſurrection,
lsote Wol.6.a,1.202.45,20,28,22.Colul. 1,
18. Reue.. Rom 4 25.Gcts 26.23.
Df whom Chri wag teene after his re:
futeection: Mat·aſ.9. Mat· 6.19. 1. Coꝛ.15.
§,6,7,8 ji
Df Chri Fis triumph Yolal.68.28.Hole
13. r4 Gohg.
Diche exaltation and abaling of Chrift.
Jiag 2.13,14.
Chrift afcenbed into heauen.Mar. 16. 19.
Tuag gt. Acs tgpi o,r. Ephe 4.8,9 10
fitterh at the right hand of God the Father.
Wark. 16 19. Actes 7 gs Col.z.1. Peb. i. 2,
23,80 10. 12. ard 124.2. Pet. 3 22,
Albeit Chriſt filleth ail m ailthings, pee
counter) be bimſelte not perfect without bis
Church, which is his fulnetle. Eph.s.23.
Chrift {hati appeare the fecont tine. Wed,
9.28. turth wham wee {hall appeare in gtoap.
How Chak Hall appe are, and ofthe ma-
net of big rubgement,icoke Datt. 3.22. aud
46,2728, AND 24.30, 31." and 25, 30,32. *
Lw.21.27, fol, 5.22,33. ACE t.10.2.€ 032.
groa. Theſſ.a 16. Looke Comming
chriſt ordeined of Woa to Det indge of
quicke ayo Seat. Actes 10.42. 1. Coꝛ i5. 31.
g2 1. Theſa.15.17.2. Tim.4 1.
Bod harh ginen vs victorie bp Chrift euet
Gune death and Pell 1. Cor.· 19.57.
The farher hath ceconeited al hings ons
to gimlette bp Chriſt Zot 2.20.
Yohn auoucheth that Chiift ig come. 1.
John a. 12.
Cihac iay thoſe that beleeue in Chriſt doe
parepate. Jia.35.17
Gu erhorationte tome ta Cheiſt with an
hpright bearrena alluren faith. Hebz. 4.215
12..Ila.uu 1, 2, 3.*
Thole that craue anp thing of God hp
Chif, hal dee beard. Hilal, 65.24. John 14,
_. Chrift is let faoꝛth vnto ba foz an example
‘of life. pb 2.5,6,.7,8. 1. Pet.2. 25. annat
forhat we Hould be clothed with hist ce
ottinefie, and lollowe pis eppes Kom. 13.
14. ;
An exboitation to moue bä to Folow Chrift,
Hel.13.13,17." atO haue no confibeuce in
woꝛlbly ctbingẽ. Wat.8 1¢,20,21,22 2 uk 9
£75585 59. "as hee did when thepeople
would beue made bim king. John 6.19.
If we remaine it Chrift, wee muſt welke
as be walken. 1. John 3.6.
Chrift foꝛeſhewed bis Apollles, that bee
ſhould uot alwwapes vee with them corpo⸗
sally, Matth· 26. 10. bucbp bertue of his fpi-
Fibre mpl re theende ot.she wage Bate
29,20, Xn S
_ Chriftrece ined the charge of the fairfull
of Gon >
The kingdome of Chrif is euerlaſting. HL
72.5. §la.9e7-AND 32. 17. ano 3 3-20.8ND 65.
20. Jece 33.20.*Dan 2.44.80 7.27. Luke
1,33. Gen. 49. 10.
The Gentiles ſhalbee called to the kings
some of Chrift bprye Golpel. Wich. 4.2.
Acts 26.23. ye
Chrift is power Mall bee Cazead fatre az
bzoad. Zech· . 4 .
The wicked are not able to here either
Chrift o? the faithfiilJDfa.or.1.*and 92. 9*
Chrift confefleth to pis father chat be hath
executed big charge, and taught thofe that
b: bath commanded binn John 17.4,6,8.
Chrift garg fa taught the Goſpel onto ah,
that if any petit) yes perilyrth thasugh bid
owne neuligence. John 3.16,10 32.
CU hofsewcr loueth not Ckriſt, accutſed be
he.1.[62. 16.22,
Chritt was a minifferto the Jewes, to dee
clare bic fathers iraeth in his premiſes: te
the Geutiles to declare his fathers mercie.
Iom. t 5.8,9, 10, 11,12.
As weil Senile as Jewe hath accefle ta
Gor che father thgoughChrift, bp one pirit,
The names of Chrift. Ifa 9.6.
Chrift ott aduocate. 1. John zr entren
Into hesulen toappeare inthe fight of Gor
forbs. Prb: 9.24-alwapes makery imicrcets
fon foz ve. Rem s 34.
Chrift rye Lambe of God offeren foz a res
demption, John 1.29,36, Rrue.5.8,9.
Chiift our Apoſtle and high Peielt Hebz.
Chrift the head of cuerp man, and Gov
Chrifts heat. 1.0? 11.3.
riaa tom of the Sabbath. Matthewe
Chrift the ruler of Iſrael Micah sa.
Chrift wasthe ocfire and expectation of
the Gentes. agge
Chrift ig a Sanctuarie,a lighe a glozie, a
Mong, a trfed Rone a pzectous corner Rone,a
fute foundation, a tiling agatne of the godip
afumbling blocke, a rocke of oſfence to Fall
on, a marea neta fall g a ligne, which Mali
be (poken again bp the wicken. Ufa. 8.14,
15. and 29.56, 411 2. 32, 34.1. Pet.2. 4,66,7.
E Matt.ꝛ 1.42,44. Lii.a0. x1,17, 18.1. Coq.
3.11,12. Ephe. 2.14, 20.
Chrift ts the faluation of Gov. Luk.2, 30
theSonne of man, Wat 3.20 ann 12.8, 32.
20.18, 28.3 ar.2.16, fooke Sonne of man.
Chrif the fountaine of grace and vertue.
Fcc). 13. 2 the heire of al thingy, the bzighte
nes of Beds glozie, and the ingraucs fozme
of bis perlon Hebz. 1. 2,3: 1be poation of oue
inbcritance. t falnie 1 6.5.ourrighreon{ncs,
wiſedame, ſanctification, 2nd redemprion.1.
opine. 3o. Jla. 43. 13. anv. bope of gtezte,
Coloff.2.27, the true tight of men’ Sogn r.
4,9. and 3.12, and LJN. 2.8. our malter,
Watth. ro. 24. Lukt 6 40,46. John 13.134
16.and 15, 20. ur mediatout. Deb2.8.6.ana
‘9.15 Deb: 2.24. andr. Cin. 2.5, the pops
Grian of ficke dinners. Qatth.o.12, Dar.z,
"14, 17: Lih.s.27,3 1,32. the Dooge by which.
the falto entet inta life euerlaſting. Jo.
Sauna the good fhepbeard John 10.1, 11,
Tpiituall meate,vginkeang Rocke. 1. Lop.
40. 35,
v0.3.4. the fith bome among menp Daerhjen
Chrift ig the chiele ſhepheard. 1. Pet. 2.
15. and 5.4. the Ipzince of the kings of the
earth. Reᷣu· 15.5. and the one Logo ans Ling
ouer all the earth. Zech· 14.9. the bulband oz
baidegtome ot bis Church. Watrh. 19. 15.
AND 25.1, 5,6, 10. Jon 3.29. Mar.a. 19 20.
RWeut.21.9. the atonement anv reconciliation
for one finned. Rom 3.25. ANB 5.10, 14,8.
Jobn 2 1,2. and 4.10.
Chrift hath power and auttoziie to fore
giue uneg. Wat.9.2,5,6. Max.ↄ. 10. Luke
5.20524. a WE
Chrift confefieth that he isthe Ging tthe
Je wes.Matt 27. 11. Bat, 15.2. Lube 25.3.
Chrift isthe Sauisut of the toogi. Luke
2.11.1. Joon 4.14, the faluatfon and light
of the Gentiles, and all beleeters. Fla, 49.6.
the woꝛd of life. John 1.1,4,14. andr. Cohn
1,1. the wap the trueth and the lite. John
ad wag a graft ef the reote of fat,
and boine of the vitgine Warie. Flairi.c.
PBatth.rr.16. Lube 3.23,31,
Chrift ig the bine , anB wee are the bzatis
ches. Jobn 15 455,6.
Chrift wag anoiured.{3fal.45.7.3)(3.61.1.
Adam a figure of Chriſt. Rom.5.14.
To proue that Chrift in pis Humane naz
ture Divinereale in wifedome g Mature, and
Was ignozant of che laft vap: but dis Biuine
nature did not incteafe, but Bnew al things,
theſe ditections map fatiffte. Mial? 14,15,
16.and.8.4. and §3.3.* Jalal. 139.6, Matke
A 1.42, 13. AND 13 32. Lub 2.40.53. Watt.
26,39.anv.27 4,6. Watke 10 40. Watt.20.
23. John 5.19, 30.and 81,33, 34 and £4.10,
27: Bhil. 2.556,7. Peb. 2,16,17,18. and 4.
15, BHD 2.13. and 5.7, 8. end 1. Peter 2.34,
Chiift the furname of others defines Je⸗
fus Chik: ag Saul wag calles the Chak
ozthe anointed of the Rozd. 1, Sam 26. 11.
and 2. Sam. i. 14. and lo was Dautd.2.Da-=
muel.23.1.{o was Cyꝛus. Plas s.u.
falfe Chrifts fore hewmen. Mat. 24.2 3, 24,
Chriftians. Ghe profes of the Golpel
fir called Chriftians in Antiech Acts 11.26
Chriftians ate taught ef Cod. Flas 4.3 3-
John 6.45. et.31.32-
The puritie of Chriftians , by meanes of
the knowleoge of the Golpel.Jla.11.6,torr.
be iop of Chriftians, by realon of their de⸗
liuerance bp Chik, Gla.9.3. aud-61.10,11.
A thankefgtaing of the Chriftians for Geds
great meretes ſhewed them bp Chꝛiſt. Jlai.
12. 1.
Chriftians ate a choſen generation. a topal
WPeieksoon 5 a holp nation, a peculiar end
precious people onta God. Titus 2.14.1.
t.29. 7 ;
Tice otight net to be shamed to luffer ap
a Chriftian. s. Bet.4.16. :
Chriftians ate Gor workeman hip 5 027
Beinen ta geod workers. Eph.2.10.
That the erercife of Chriftians ought to
be. Acts.1 7.01, —J——
Chriftians ate free, and gow: r Det. 2. as
— Bs02 Chose ge) IG)
Chriftians hated of the wato, Wath, 19,
The fecond Table.
33, Like 21.17.
Church igniſteth a Congregation: it is
taken in ibe new Tellament , fezrbe compas
gp of the faithfull affemblen in tLeneme of
Chik. So the whole flocke ef Ch2ifitans,
diſpetſed though the world, ig called a ga-
tholike oz bninerfall church.
The Church is the bouie of Gob, 1.Tim.
3.15. the boop of Cheilt. Eph. 1.23. Col.1. 18
Che Church of Godis bely. Jla-g.3.1he
fponte of Chik. Dial 45.10." Ren.21.9,10.
Dead af the Church, fee Chrift.
Sheik gaue pimteife onto the neath foz hig
Church, and why. phe. 5.25, 26,27329.
The Church ig free ftem tinte Death anv
bell. Iſa.i 1.8.9.*
The Church ig confiemes in faith bp the
bope cf Gens promiles. Wichah.7.20.
ke Church toske the beginning at Jes
rufafem, Wfa.2. 3. and fo became the iop ofthe
whole cart). Plal.ab.i a. s
Che Church of Gen fhculd bee gathered
of ail nations, and therein reccineremiffion
of Gunes. }Plalm.65.1,2,3.* Jla.3 3.2 3,24.
Bnd 6o.1,22.*
Chill onner the name of yles ſpeaketh to
the Church gatheres of che Gentiles. Fiai.
49.9." looke Chrift. 1. Coꝛ.3. 11, 12.
The gares of hel Hal ner pzenaile againſt
the Church and faith which isin Felis
Chik Matth. 16.18.
Chik pzapety fez the Church. John 17 ·
9,20." :
; gn ihe Church are good and bad beflels
of gold, @ beflels of earth, bypoerites mins
gicd with the ſaints. War.1 3.24, 1931. AND
475 t0 51. 2. Tim 2.20.*
Diucrs gifts, admini®rationg anz ope:
tattong in rhe Church. 1,@/02.12.4,5,6,10.*
Tomen ought to keepe tilencein the
Church. i. Cor. 14. 34.
Tbe Church of God fs not coatentious.i.
Coꝛ.i i. i 6.
Dne maner of doctrine ought to be in all
G haifitan Churches. 3.
Phebe wes a fiker and miner of rhe
Church of Sencha. Rom.1é6.1.
Church vifciptine. Maith. 18.15, 16, 17.
Zech. 14. 20, 2 1.
Tho were fozbitnen to enter inte the cons
gregation oz the Church bp Moſes Lawe.
Deut. 23. 1, 2, 3.
The Church deſetibed vnder the figure of
Berulatem. Jalal 122.2." sek, 43.3 1.* her
pzelgrnation deſctibed Onder the fame G
gure. Fech 14.t,26
The new name of the Church, therein the
wilt of God halbe perfomen. fa.62.3,
The complaint of the Church foz ter rez
iection.J3{ai.89.38, t0 52. Iſa. a⸗ ⸗ ocoke
Perfecure „dpe
Chil being the protectoz of Hic Church,
thre atneth the enemies, and comifozterh his,
Zech. 4.12. ith, 4 11,12,13.
The refiauration of the Church ig pz:
phecied. Amos 9.11,” y
Manp good gifts and blefiings were pzo⸗
mifen to the Church after thé preaching ef -
rhe Golpel. Hla. 60.12%
Tie top of fi Church; fog tye hope of Gods
piomifes. asr sô ri
‘1.0 02.32.28,
fed .@en.17. 23."
She felicitie of the Church fs foz Gewe
Iſa.ʒ 3.20." and the etcrnitie thereof, Fo
The Church of the kalthlull are che chit
Buen of Goo, bozne through his word anu
mate faints by bie fpirit. Breu ⸗. i. Sohn r.i
1,4, 12, 13. AND 3.153, 0022. Rom.3.16.and)
9.9.Gal.3.7,8.nd 4.6. Ephe. 1. i,to 10.
Che Churches members, are both Jewes
and Gentiles. Iſa 4a3.9. Toon 10.36. 1, C07.
12.13,14. phei. 3.6.
God cuetmoze a Defender of hig Church,
Trot. x08. €29.45,49. Leu. 264. um. |
25-13, DcUt.7.19,t0 25. and 23 14. AND 332)
3,6, 1. Ring.o.2 3.,2. Tat,
43-2. Fere.g6.27,28. Matth. 18.20, and 28,
20. Jon 14-14,26. 2, €03.6.16,07,
The Church oughe to finte Yer miniflers
neceflaties, and not coppice them. Dentz,
19, AND 14.27, 29, and 25.4, Esta, 7.24.
Batth.10.10, Luk 10.7, 2, Rem.t 5.27.1.
Coꝛ 9.7, 11 14. Galat.o.6.
The Church onghtte pzeyfor hee preas
chers. Acts.a.2a, to 31. and 12.5. Rom, aged
39. Eotoll.g.3.4. Epye..18. 1. Chel z.1,3..
Heb.13,8, ;
Che faithfull that viele together in ong
bonte calien a Church. em 16,5. Col.4,1525
Sathan deeth whar hee binder the
Church, Sec), 3.2. $
The Church ig knewen by Gade wowe, |
leoke Matth 7. 24. and 16. 13,10 19. John”
6.68, and 8 47, and 10.27, ARDS. 39. Atteg
2.42. Romt.10.17. Coz. 3.1 5513,8 3. Eph.
5.25,26. 1. Tip. 3. 15.
Tke Church once ſauctiked ought not tof
Defile ber felfe againe. Carit.s.z. 4
Eight fenerall vocetionsia the Churek
Due praying and the reſt conſenting
thereto, was bled in the pꝛimitiue Church.r. 1
02.14.16, à
Upfinachus the wicked Cherch-robbet
aine. 2.5Dac.4.42. |
DE the material Church, aud the ofe }
heat Synagogue, Temple,and Houle f
of God.
Chufe tife. Deuter. 30.19. tooke Chofen, |
Freewill, ant Free choife. f
€Circumcifion, ig fometimes taken fozthe 1
people circumcifen. Gal, 2.7.Tit.1.10, bue T
mof commonlp foza facrement of Gods coe
uenant with A baabam vntill the comming of
Ciut, that Gor twoutd bee the Hod of him
and his feed, that Heuld truf in fan. Gene |
17.9." Leuit.12.2. John 17 22, 23 .
TWhoſoeuet neglected o? deſpiled circum⸗
ciſion, wag net counted anp of Gong people.
@en.17.14. q
Ahzagam and ailhis Goufholve circumcie
` aztek circumciſed. Gew.2a1.4.
God commanded ci:cumcifion the ſecend
time and why. Ic%.5 /2, to 10. g
The Shechemites are bp a wile procu: |
rev to be circumcifed.Gen.34.13,14, 15.*
Jobhn Baptifi circumeifed, Luke 1.59s
Chih cireimcifed. Luke 2,21.
| The Apofttes thonghe it not meet te burs
den the Gentites tit the tawe and circume
cifion. A cts 1§.10,19,34,28.
FS Oo f 2 Pa
Chea H
Paul Circumcifed Timothy, anv bp.
AB161233 ; .
Paul Circumcifed not Titus who was a
Gentile, ana why. Gal.2.3,4. 3
Falke Apolles conticaincd the Galatians
to be circumciled, and Woy. Wal.6. 12.13,
Circumcifion is bonvage. Bal 2.4.
In Chik Jelug, neither circumcifion nog
yncircumcifion awaileth anp thing.1.@02.7.
‘19. Gal. 5.6. and 6.15.
Goles wife circumcifed her foune in a
time of neceſſitie. Cron. 4.25.
ME the Circumcifion of the hektt g cares
of the faithful! Deut.10.16.and 30.6. Here.
4.4. and 6.10.4 eres 7. 55. Rom 2.29.twhere>
with Lhit hath circumcifed the fairyfall.
Col.2.11,12,13. and in Rean of the other,
hath) infirwies Baptiſme, locke Baptifme.
The ews viv circumcife themfelues,
aud became Avofates.1.Apac1.16,
Children newe circumcifed, Haine with
their mothers. 2.25) 4¢.6,10,
Circumcifion maintainea in the Apofiles
time. Titus 1.10. not withanding their E⸗
Dict to rhe contrary: Actes.s5.24,28. Looke
Circumped. Gy meritating Gods Law
twee ate made circumſpect. Plal 19.11.
Cities, The firl cities befoze and after the
flood, were builoed bp the wicked. Gen.4.17-
AND 11.4. r
Cities anv ſuburbs giuen to the Leuites,
and Whp. Mum. 35.2,t0 9.
Cities of refuge, fee Refuge. a‘
God commanded the idolaters anv their
cities to be vtterly Defiroped and burnt Deu,
23.02, t0 17. *
Tie fort of Fion became the citie of Da⸗
Bid. 2. Sam . 5.7,9.
God is the defender of cities, 2. King. 19.
34. and 20.6. Plaſ.r 27.1.
= The postion of che citie of Jeruſalem. E⸗
Sekiel 45. 6. j i
JE Ged ſpared not the citie where his
Jame wascalled bpon, Ye will not let other
goe free. Jere.25.29.
No enill in the citie, which the Lod hath
fot appointed. Artios 3.6. í
& citiethat ig fet on a Hill cannot be hiv.
BDatth.5.14- me
Tae haue here no continuing citie. Deb,
“2 olde
The nelcription of the neto and heauentp
citie Jeruſalem, of p whieh Bovis the faun⸗
per. Web.r1.10. 12,22. Reuez. 12. ä 21.10."
Cities thzeatties bp Thriſt. Matth. 13.21.
and 23 37. Luke 19.43344.
Citie, fo? the people of tye citie of Jexuſa⸗
Jem. Dyatth.20.10,
g (lay. Hod is our father, and Wwe are the
clay. Hfa,64.8. Job 10.9. fee Man,
(leane healts. gc. Dee Beaſts.
Rone cleane that is bogme of a woman,
ob 25.4. ,
The Herides aud Phariſes mave cleane
_ the btter five of veflels: but their hearts were
full of briberie aud exceſſe. Matth 23. 25.
The Apoliles were mave cleaue onelp bp
ining crevite to Gods wozd. Sohn rs. 3.
“Gnd 13.10, : T i
| Thole that bee gure and cleane in Geare,
Thefecond Table.
hall fee Gov. ates, 5.8.
Cleawe. Wed conmatndeth vs to cleaue
Ditto bim bp faith. Deiit.1 3.4. and 11.22.
Chote that cleaue puro the Low hall bee
prelerued , but idolaters Hall bee deſtroped.
Gee ought tocleaue Ynte that which is
good, tabhozre that which is enill. Ra.12.9.
Clarkes ant Cleargie, {ee Elders.
Cloake, fee Mantell.
Cloth, and Clothes. God clothed Ayam anv
Deua. Ger. 3.21. fee Foode.
The lraetites being fanctified , walhen
thetrclothes. Ex0d.19.14.
The bigh [zie ougde uot to rende hig
clothes fegthe deat. Weuit-21.1,10,11-
Gives clothed th Gone {pirit. Juig 6.34.
Tee ought to clothe the naked. QBatt.25.
36,43.* Gla 58.7.lee Tearing,
Clude. The Temple is filled with a
Cloude. 1.iking.8.80, 11.
Bod riderh on the cloudes in big glozie.
Deut 33.26.
The glopot Pod appeared ina cloude.
Che Iſraelites mere quined in their iour-
neps bp a cloude. 1.0.1 3.21,22. ZUMA.
1,22. Exod. 19, 20.
God ſpake vnto Moſes in a cloud. Mum.
11.25. Deut. 31.15.
A cloud rifting out of the Meſt, is a figne
oftaine. Luke 12.54,
T he bilon of the white cloud. Reu 14,14
Clufter. & clufter of grapes of exceeding
biguetle and weight. amb. 3.24.
F (oadiustors inthe Golpel.o.16.3.Col.
4.31.8 Oo2.3.9.
Coales of fire were kindled at the Lote
wath, 2.S8m.12.8,9.
Tae ought to Heap coales of fire vpen out
enemies heat. Rom.: 2.20. Pꝛou.ꝛ5.2 1,22.
(oate. Jolepys coate dipped in goates
bloon. Gen. 37.3 1,32.33,
He that hath two coates, fet him part with
bim that Hark none. Luke 3.17,
MF Zatons coares. Exod.ꝛo 39,40.
Samiels coate. Hanui.
Chꝛiſt his coate was without leame. Joh.
God made Avam coats of ſkinnes. Gen.
3 215. ſee Raiment,Garment, and Apparel,
Cockatrice. Zia ri.:
Cold, God Wili pue out of his mouth, thole
that are neither cold naz bate. Reue. 3.16.
Colle€tions, fee Gatherings anv Almes.
Coldedge. There wasa Colledge in Fern-
falem., 2 ing. 22.44. 2. Ch20.34.22-
Cumbred. {ee Care. 2 02.11.28,
Comeline ffe, fee Faireneſſe
Come neere. Then Gov will come neere
bite bs. Dewt.4.7, and 33.34 -
Comfort. Chik talileth vs tobe of good
comfort, anv Mbp. Tobit 26.33.
Dauid comforceth himfelfe in the Lez.
1.Sam. 30.16.
Poles. comforteth the Iſtaelites in the
Loꝛd. Deut. 3 1.6,
God ig the God of all comfort, andcome
forteth bg, and maker bs able tecomfort oa
thersin alftribulation. 2. Coꝛ. .z,4 · Exam⸗
ple in Jaakob.Gene. 28. 15.
` Examples of comforting one another, in
Jetepy. Bene.50.19,20,21. and 45.3,t0 16.
In Dauid. 2. Sam.2.24. in Jonathan. 1.
Sam 23.56, 17 in Daut, x. Theſ.a. 1. and
5. 14 and 2. 11, 12.2. hel 2.16, 17. and in
Eih. John 14. 1,3.* John 14. 1, 19.
Comforter. Chꝛiſt promilech vg the holp
Gholk to he sur Comforter. John 14.16. and
15.16. and 18.17.
Jobs wife was a wicked comforter vnto
bim. Job 2.9. and pis friends miferable com-
forters. Jod.16,1,2,
Commandements. All men onght to feare
Gov, and keepe his commandements, Deut.
6.1,2,t07. <
Mow diligent che fairhfull oughe to bee in
fhe funie of Gons Conimandements , G teas
ching their childzen the fame. Dert.6.7, to
16,7 Deut.12.18,19,20,
Sinne tooke an occafion bp the Comman-
dement, anu,9.
The neme Commandement of Chi, i8
mutuali ioue, Joh. 13. 34,35. and 14,21,23.
t. John 3.23. wherebp the Law ts fulfiſſed.
Rom. 13.9,10. Watt.22.37538, 39,40. Kee⸗
ping of the commandements obteineth tife.
The obfesuation of Gods Commande-
ments, pofte bs where circumeilion doech
Not, uGertt,7.19. Jewilh fables, and com-
mandemeits of men. to be anopaedD. Titus x.
To feare Gov and keepe his comman-
dements, ië the whole duety of man. Eccles.
The commandements of Ga ought to be
Done im chatitte. 1. John 3.14,45,17,1 8. ano
1. John 5.2. Y —
Hee that keepeth Gods commandements,
dwelleth in Gorg Goo in bin. 1. Joh 3.24,
Dee that leueth Gen, keepeth bis Com-
_mandements. 1. John 5.3.
Tho fo beteeneth inthe Lorde, keepeth
his commandements. €cclug.32 24. =
The newe commandement of Chik, the
old commandement of God. 1, John 2.7,8.
Goodwill not foglake thole that keepe his
Dauid erbozteth Salomon to keep Gens
commandements, and tohp.1 Zing. 2.3,4.
Peul affirmeth that the commandements,
which be pad taught, were of the Lozd, anv
not of himlelfe. x, Lozint. 14,37. and Doles
like wiſe. Exod.20. 1,22. be ih san
Bleſſings vz curlings to thofe that obs
lerue og baeake the commandements. Deuts
14.16, 19,21526,27,28. Exod. 23.22025,"
fee Bleffe, and Curfe.
Comming. DE the firt comming of out
Payiour Felus Chil MDal.3.152..,
D? the great delire that the ‘Prophets
haue had for Chath bis comming, Ffa.62.1.
Df the comming of Chri, and thet okens
thereof, looke Chrift. _
Chit forethetwen that his comming
Mould Motip bee publifhed thorow all the
world, bp preaching of the Golpel, and the
hertue of Diracles. Matth 16.28. *
DF the lecond comming of Chi Reuet
6.1 6.vohich Mould be ſadden. Mat 24.3738
Luke 17.26, 27. 2. Detz. 10. ReRe F. 7.
Hatth. 24.27. Df the tertibleneſſe thereof,
oske moze.Gdala.q.1,2,3.* Jeph. 1.14, 45,
£6.* 0B at.16,07-aNd 24,30, 31 and 25.31 *
Wu.17.24* and 21.27.1. Theſ.4. 16.
Chꝛiſt Hallcome from heauen ag bee als
cended thither, Acts 1.11. f
— The faithfull waite fog the comming of
Chꝛiſt. 1.Loz.1.7. Peb.9.28.
Chꝛiſt hal nat come before there be a des
parting Etf, and the man of ſinne de dilcles
feb.2, Theſ. 2, xto 4.
The comming of she Logd bzaweth neete.
TAbp the Loz ſlacketh bid comming. 3.
Pet. 3.9.looke Ludge, and Iudgement, ⁊ Day
of the Lord.
Commit. An example that wee ought not
to commit out felues into the bandesofthe
wicked, if bee map conuenientip Hunne it,
Of committing firme, loske Tranfgreflion,
Freſpaſſe, and Sinne. 1E
Commodities. Thee commodities come
bite bs bp propbelping: that is, bp reading,
preaching, and expeunding the Sctiptured
buto bs in our mother tongue: where bat one
ig reaped otherwiſe.i. Coꝛ 14. 34.
Common, fo2 polluted oꝛ vncleane. Actes
10, 14.89 40.7.2. f
All things were common among f faith-
full in the pꝛimitiue Church, and how. Actes
2.44, and 4.32.
Whe common people be nenet long plea:
fed with any fuperiour. Eccles 4.15.
The comon wealth paofpereth when get-
Ip princes bane the gouctnement, 970.2 8.2,
10,13,38.aNd 29.2,4,7,8,14. bp good coun⸗
fell,and not by oppeffion. 1D 20.11.14,18,
Commstion. A commotion in Jerufalem,
at Chilis comming thither. atl.21. 10.
oramunicate, fog to be a partaker With the
faithfult in Gods wore and Sactanienis,
whereof, and ofthe communion of Sains,
Tooke 1.Loz.11.12, to 26, * Epbhel.4.4,55 6
and 5. 30. Col.2. 19. Rom.12.5. Bhil. 2.1,2,
looke fellowship, and Supper of the Lord.
Communication. In profitable anv honeſt
communication, te faithful ought to be oc⸗
ee 18.7,8. g 22.28. fal. 15.2. i
29.1 3.2.355.€24 28, 29. 25.511,12. an
y 211. ccle.5.152,5,6.C6cclu. 7.14, Wat. 5.
37-6 12.3140 38.0 ph 4-25, 2903 LE 5. 394s
12,19, 20. Col. 3. 8, 17. 1. Pet. 3.910,51 5,16.
Euil communication, looke Tongues.
Tompanie. God companie wee ought to
embzace. Gen. 19.17. Plal.25.4.5.x 316,7.
Pꝛou 1T 3.20, Ames 5.14, 15. Eccliis.6. 35,
36 37.38. Ecclus. 8. 8.9. and 9.1617, 18,19
and eſchebs and abhorre the contrarp.Les.7.
21. Num 16.26.t 25.1." Joly 23.12. and 2.
hzo. 15.8 ob. 31.3. Dial. 36.1,to 5. Pꝛou.
1. 10. and 4.14. and 6,12. and 20, 26.480 22.
= 26,4nd 23. 3.6. and 24.16.00 ccles.4. 1. Jere.
16.355. ScCl.12.7.@ 13. 1. Matt 7. 13,14.
Acted 19.9.2. 03.6.14.Epbel.s.7.2. Thel,
3.14,15.2. Tim.4. 15. Rene18.4,
Gintatefull companying ought to be puni ·
20 by death loote Len 18.20.and ate curs
{ed Deu.27,20.G 709.22 196
Compaffion. Gov had compaffion of the
Iſraelites groniugs. Judg.2· 18.
‘The fecond Table.
Df Gods mercifull compaffion tobꝛatd⸗
man. Jonah, 4.1 1. Exod. 33. 19: Deu. 32 36.
Gen. 39.2.,2. Ring. 13.4,5. Judg. 2.18.looke
Compelled. Joſiah compelled bis ſubiects
to lerue the Loꝛd.ꝛ. Chꝛon. 34.33. looke Dif-
Competent, The wile man veltred of God
but a competent lining, whp. 1920. 30.8,9.
Complaine. Moſes complaineth to Gov
for that bee bat not deliuered Iſtael out of
captiuitp fo foone ag he wouid haue had him.
Exod 5.22,23.
Joſhua complaineth to God, becauſe bis
people were put to flight at Ai. Jolh.7.7,8,9
Gideon complainethia Gep, for that the
Iſtaelites were afflicten by the Adidianites.
Complaints ofthe Pꝛophets foz want of
righteous men. Bic.7.1,2, 3.JPlal.5 3.3."
God beareth che complaints of the diftrel
feb. Exod.a.24. Pſa.ↄ.i12. aud 18.9 Nehe 9
9. looke Crie and Mourne,
Conceste, Mee ought not to be wiſe it out
owne conceit. Job. 37.24.]320,26.12. Rom.
There iz a generation pyre in their obone
conceite, & pet are not waſhed from their fil
thinefle.j520.30,12.2.J8et-2, 10. {ee Flatter,
Conception and fruittulneſſe the giftes of
Gov. Geit.4 17. and 16.4, 19,36. F 20.18,
AND 21. 2, and 25. 2 3. aud 29.32." AND 30.5,
to 25. Exod.ꝛ.2. Judg. 14.3. 1. HAM, 1.20.
2 Sain.12.34.Dole.1. 330,6. Lu.2. 24.
Conciſion. Daul calleth the voctrine of cit-
cumciſton, concifion, Ehil, 32,3.
Concord betweene man and wife, and alio
betweene brethren id agreeable to Hod and
Malt, Ecclus 25. 1.
Paul exhoztethto vnitie ant concorde.
Roem.12.2. and 15.6. and veclareth that the
Spirit hath diliribneed to euerp man fenga
tall gifts, that concord might be nouriſhed.
1. Coꝛ.i 2. 11.
Concord of the faithfull preferred befoze
all facrifices Matt.5 24, looke Vnitie.
Concubine foa marien wife. Jud. 9. 1,2.
24 but thep hav not p (uperiozitie of control-
ling $ houſhois, as the wife had. Gen.25. 1,6.
Dauid had both wiues anv concubines, 2.
Dauid left ten concubines at Jerufalem,
which Ablalom lap withall. 2, Sam.15.1,6.
and thetefoze Dauid afterward neuer ace
“companied with them.2.Sam. 20.3.
Salomon had 7 00.twines and 300,concus
bines, 1.ikings 11.3,
Concupifcence ig that euil inclination that
is bp nature in man ſithence bis fall, which
trainech bim buto enil. Gen.3. 21. which wee
Had not kuowen to baue bin Anne, if the law
had not forbidden it.Rom.7.7.
Concupifcence ought to be reſiſted moz
tifted, anð bow. Galat.5. 16,18. Colaſ. 3.5.2.
Pet.i.4.and 2.10, ANB 3.3. Ecclus.18. 30,
31. Rom 13. 14.
Euerp man is dzawen vnto ſinne, bp hig
owne concupifcence. James 1.14,15.
Df the fruits of concupifcence. Fam. 4.1,
2.leoke moze of concupifcence in Couer, De-
fire and Luft;
51. 3. and 25.7.and 19.12.: Eſd.9 8 Lu.ig
Condemue: Wee that is merciful, Mil nos
condemne innocents, 9B at.12.7. i
Tbo can condenine Gong chofen? Figos |
9 -Rom.8.3 3534.
Agallmen ate condemned bp anam , fe
ate thep iuftifien bp dhik. Rom.5.18.
The Minenites and Queene of Sheba |
hall condenme the Jewes, ana why. Patty.
12.41, 42. Lu. 1 1. 31, 32. |
Dee that beleeuceh in Chik, (all not bee
condenired. Job.5.24.and be that belecueth 7
pais condemned aiteabp.
udge. ye
$20 condemnation to the Faithfull, tebich |
walke after the Spirit. Qom.8 1 |
TUe are here chafiencd of the Lezd,to the 1
end tece ſhould not bee condemned withthe |
wald. 1.02. 11.32.
The law isthe miniſtexie of condemnati-
A codemned perl Sought to gine Gov gle» f
tp and humbly confefle bia faults, Foth.7.1> F
Bleken fg hee that isnot condemned in f
bis confcience, and fallen from his hope iw
the Lozo Ecclus 14.2. |
Condition. The condition of ali men ig
alike,and hots. @celes.7.1,t07.
The condition of men ¢ beafts alike, anv
hoto thep differt,looke in the matgent. Eccle.
The tawe of Ged gium bpon condition,
me s looke inthe margent. Rom.z3. 27. and
352 i
Cenfefe, Pharaoh confefed that Gos |
was tightesus, and that bee and his people |
tuere wicked. Exo.9.27.
Jethzo confeſſed the Ged of Iſrael tobee X
rhe true God, and wby. Exo 18. r.
Naaman being healed of his lepzie, con 7
feffed that there was no Ged but in Iſtael.
2. Ring 5.35.
God pimnſheth the faithfull, vntill thep
confeſſe their Ginnes JAAM. 21.7.
Achan confeiled his inne vnto Joſhua.
Woefes confelfeth vnto Gon the inne of $
bis people, ant bp his fernent pzaper mitis
Gateth Gos wath. Exod.32. 3 132.*
The high Piel was commandet to con- |
fefle his and the peoples Gnnes, vpon the
beat of the Scape goate. Lewit.16,1 8,22.
God requireth at our hands confeflion of
out Gnuied, befoze we canbe purged. JQumb,
567ta rr- Leu.5.5.*
Whe Iſtaelites confefle befoze the Lowe
in Miſpeh 1.Sam.7.6. E
Df confefling of ſinnes befoge Gov.s.bin,
8 46,te 49, jplai.32.5.
Dow to confeffe our ſinnes truely, Fire-
14.20, 21,22, Dan.9.4, to 20. Pſal.a41.4. and
18,19. aud 18.13. looke Prayer.
Thole that were baptizet ef John, conu- f
ſeſſed their finneg, Matth. 3 6.
Maup that delecycd, came andconfefled |
and (hetued their wozkes.Acts 19.1819.
Jf we confefle g acknowledge out finned,
God is faithfull to fozgine bs our Ginnes, ace |
cogning to his promile. 1. John 1.9.
Wee ought to confefleour Gunes one to |
another. James 5,16,
Gan |
Sod dwelleth in him, chat bp trues faith
eonfeffeth Chꝛiſt to be the fonne of Hon. s.
Fogn 4. 15. whieh conteflion igtge gift of
Sod. Art. 6.16,17
Taree ought not ta bee ahamen to confefle
our finned, Ecclus.a.ꝛ6.
Manp of che chieke of the Hewes dark not
-confeffe Chꝛiſt publikely fez feare of the
Pbaciſes Jon 7.13, and 13.42.
Chik will not confeile thole, before His
Father, that are ahamen to contefle him be⸗
foge men. ADatth.10.32,3 3, Luke 9.26, and
12.83.09 ar.8.38.
It was fozefhewss that the Gentiles
Mould after their receiving of the Golpel,
confefle one Hod, and peeld sue pzailes onto
$im.3.Sam.22.44,45,49,50.* é
Go conleſſe and fozfake Rune, obtaineth
suercie, but he that hideth his Innes Hail not
f Chaikians is required confeffion
with mouth, and faith in heart to iuſtificati⸗
on 9,10.
To cõ feſſe, put foz to pꝛaiſe o} giue thanks.
Lu 2. 38. and 10.21.
Tee sught not to bee ahamed ta confeſſe
* Chꝛiſt.ꝛ. Tim. .8, Deb.4u ĝe
Falking.gzaper, confefsion of Rimes, and
folilingneife to beare Gods tood. Mehe.9.1,
2,3. Looke Faith.
Confidence loote Truſt, and Hope.
Confirmeth, Bow confirmeth his pꝛomiſes
to thé that walke in bis tapes. t Kin. a 3,4.
God will confirme hig in the trueth vnto
abe enp.1 02.1.3,
Conformable. Daul wag conformable te
alltuaiffecent things,ana why. 1.2 62.9.22.
AND 10.23,24,33.
Confifion Dr isnot the author of confu-
fon, but of peace.i .Coꝛ. 4 33.
Confufaon of tongues.Gett.r1.g.
Congregation, leske Church,
Comuration looke Rebellion,
Coniurers, looke Witches,
Confciencee The confeience of the ticked
i alwayes Fearefull. TUI. 17.10, but the
rightesus is as bold ag a iion. Dou 28.1.
The pzaife of a good conſcience. Pꝛo 1 5.
13.800 17.22.
Dur confciences are redzelled by the Gof-
pel.JD20.1 2.25.
Saint Paul relopeed that bee enioped a
: Quiet conſcience.2. Coꝛ.i.i 2. 4 exbarted Ti-
mothie,tofecke to entop the like. x. Tim. . 19
The Faith of Jeſus Chat quieteth a gov»
bp confcience. Roms 1.
Taho fo Doth anp thing againſt bis con{ci-
ence,is condem#led,¢ Whp.IRG.14.21,22,23.
EUe ought not ta wound the confcience of
onr weake brethzen.¢ why.2.d02.8.7,to1 3.
Abeit S. Pauls confcience did not con-
Demne him, pet dark je not iufife hinlelfe,
The fruits of a quiet conſcience. Lu a.29
Gct.20 26. Rom 9.1. 1. Pet.3. 15, 16, 21.
Te ought to couet te eniop a quiet confci-
ence, both towaru God and mart. Act.23.16.
Teuerepentauce purchalesy a quiet con-
fcience. Wolk 11.13, t0 19,
Mardocheus tefuled not to mro Daman
of price, bist fog conlcience flake Glt.13.13,
The fecond Table.
Bried is hee that is not condemned in
fis owe conſcience. Ecclus. reaz.
The booke of a mans owne confcience,
Maii be bis accuſer at che {ait Dap. Reue.20.
12.JQ0m-2-15,86, John 8.9.
(onfecrated.. Oye Leuites confecrated
theit handes to Ged, bp Raping the Irae⸗
lites. cEv0d.32.19.
The law of tge conſceration of the Maza⸗
rites. Mums.2, 13, 18,24,
Di the confecration of Maron g his ſonnes.
Exod.zo.1920, 30. Leu.8.9.looke Aaron.
How che high Dziefkes were confecrated,
looke Prieſts.
Of the confecration and purifying of the
Leuites Qum.s.6.*
Confolation. Chailſi the confolation of Iſ⸗
rael. Luke 2. 25. looke Comfort,
Con ſpiræcie, looke Treaſon.
(Con/tellation. Looke Signes of heauen.
Confult. The wicked confult again the
godip jp fal.83.5.
Conſuming. To wham God ig a confuming
Conternne. Hod twill pnnith thole that con-
temne þig wozd,lawes, and preachers. Tai.
28.14." Ezek. 33. 30, 31, 3233 3. Hole. 5. 10.
Example in Manalſeyh. 2.¢)20n.3 3. 10, 11.
looke Deſpiſe, and Mat. 7.6.
Content. To bee content with koode ana
raiment, Eto couet no riches but godlinefie,
and why, 1. Tim. « 6 to 10,
Tabe content with the itate Whereto wee
are called, without grudging- Dhit 4.18.
Contention. Notbing to bee bone thaigh
contention oꝛ baineglogy.jObil. 2,3.
@ contentious man apt ta kindle Grife,
JP y0tt.26.21.
he lot cauleth contentions to ceaſe. Pzo.
Contention,a woke of the Ae. F
. The Loza hateth them thas raile conten-
tions. Pꝛou.6. 9.
Hatrev ſtitreth vp contentions, bist lene
couereth ail trefpafles. ]Dz0.10.12.
Go the wicked the goulp feeme contenti-
ous. Jete.15.10. Hooke Quarelling, Debate,
Diffention, Strife, and Roman.i 3.13. anB1.
Continencie, a {peciall gift of Gov. Watt.
39, 11. and 1. Coꝛ.7.7.
Continue. TUe ought to continue {n good⸗
nefe foz many canles.Gene.1 9.17. Tov.2.3.
JP 29.3.37,28. 23.17. €3e.18.17,19,20.*
& 33.7,02 Ecclu.2.1,2.* ¢ 11.20." Mat.24.
13. Lu.9 62. Job 8.31,32,61. Act.2.42.an0
11.23. äXI3. 43. 14. 22. 2. Tim. 3.14, Heb. 3.
13.%2, JPet.2.10,21,22. 1. Joh.2. 19. Reu.ↄ.
a5,26.lLooke Perſcuere.
Controuerſies decided bp the Fudge. Deu,
(Conuerfation. The conuerfation both of
Jew and Gentile , before they knew Chait,
1. Pet.4.3.Ephe.2.1,2,3.Rom.1.24,"
Chzilk hath redeemed vs from our baine
conuerfation.1, Deter 1.18.
Gooey couuerſation the factifice of faith.
Pbil.t.12,ta 18.
The lumme of Chziftian conuerfation.
JPbil.4.8,9. . à :
The conuerſation of Chꝛiſtians ought to
@ OR
be in heauen.JDhil. 3.20 Pt ought ta be olp
& boned, e(pectalip among p ignozant ¢ enes
tates ofthe tao2.1.|Det.2.12.2./9et.3.70.
Conlidering rhe end of the Apollles con-
uertation , wee ought to followme theit faith.
eb.1 3.7.
Conuer(ion. To ſhewe out conuerfion,
whiles we map Anne. Ecclug.r 8.20.
an erhoztation to true conucrfion. Joel 2.
God is mercifuil ta fuch ag conuert onto
him. 2. 22. 30.9.
Crcepe we conuere, we cannot enter ints
the kingdome of God Mat. 18.3.
Dee that feateth the Loga, conuertetk in
heart. Ecclus 21.6.
Copper faith. Rooke Alexander,
Coard. A thzeefolu coard not eaſily bzoken.
Corzelboorders. Brain Cora
ae dine eras fi ornehoorders,
Corret. God correGeth the faithful fi
their wealth, and triall of their ab A 5
1£,12.800 42. 11, 12. Looke Chaften,
DE brotherly cortection extoatatien, and
warning, reave Gen.37.21, 22. Leu.s9.17,
Pꝛo 1.22,23,24,25." 1929.9.7,8 9.4 10.17.
@12.0.615.31. 1920.07,.10.¢ 32.15. 25.8,
9,10,12.827.5,6.8 28.23.¢ 29.1. Eeclus.7.
7. Ecclu.19.13 to 18.% 20. 1,2. 721.6,7. and
31.31. Datt.13.15,t018.Uuke 17.3. Galat.
2.11."E 6.1, 1. Tim.224, 253 26 Heb 3586.
12,13. Jam.5.o, 10, 11 looke Difcipline,
The correction of the wickeD, a warning
foz the yovlp. Deut.r3.10,18.4 17.12, 13. *
19.19,20.€ 24.18.19 20,27. JPeou.19.25.¢
2ta 1.€cclug.23.18,19,20,31,22,Acts.35
—— Le abba de =
corrector oꝛ rebuker ott
Diamelefle bimlelfe. Matt⸗
ohn 8.7.9. Tim 3.2. Tit.1.6,7.
or — of chifozen, looke Chalten,
orapt. € ea
— — pA, tth wag corrupt befog
i ibe Poe theta Adams fall cor-
-2.0(0.9.19.¢ 7.48.
eae 5.12," ——
he mount of corruption
Aerma ption ,§ tebp fo caller.
Couenant. Gon maketh acouenane wi
INoah.Gen.6.18,* & 9.9,t0 18, ana wia y
bꝛaham Gen. 15.18.and17.2,t0 23,
Abzaham maketh acouenant with Abi⸗
melech, and why Gen. 21,23,f0 33.
Cue mar @ couenant with
ob. Exod.24.3,7,8. and Gen wi
Cr0d.19.5,6. —
Eliiab grieued, that the Iſraelites þan
fozfaken Gods couenant, 1 Wings rg. 10,14,
Jehoiada maketh a couenant betweene
the zens the king, and the people. ꝛ. Kings
Izhaks covenant with Abimelech.Genel,
26,28, 31.Qnd Jaakobs with Laban.Gene.
31.44,t0 49."
Be — — Jonathan. 1.48
tel 20.16. fo? the which be well ent
Wepbibsherh.2.Dam.g 7. ie
faite ee a newe oie to the
.FJere. 31.31, ¢0 a. 42. 5 6. a
E E 31560 34. Ila 42. 536. anv
The godly ought tot te make anp coue-
mant with the wicked, and hp. Ero.23.32,
33 and. 34. 12, 15, 16. looke Mariage.
Ahab maketh a coucnant with Benha⸗
Dad king of Spzia.1.Bing.20.34,42,
The Firaciites foz making Couenants
withthe wicked , ate puniſhed. Jung. 3.6,8.
The Fathers coucnant with Gon, bins
Deth the chilen. Deut.29. 14, 15.8 35.53,
The people make a couenant with the
Lom, ant leale it.Mehe 9. 38.
The couenant of fait, what. Rum, 18.19.
looke Teftament,
Couet. Tie ought not to couct our neighs
hours wife no? anp thing that is bis. Exod.
20.17, Deut.5.21,
Paul coueted no mans finer, gold, o2 aps
patel.Acts 20. 3 3. looke Defire.
Conetous. The milerable Kate ef a coue-
tous rich man.ceccles.6.2,3.
Couetoufnefle ig vnſatiable. 1920.27.20,
the roote of all enill. 1-Qim.o.10.
‘Avolatrie. Ephel 5.5. Col. z. 5. nod to bee
namen among Chziftians.cEpbe.s.3.where=
of Chꝛiſt willeth vs to take heede and bes
ware. Luke.12. 1,toz 5.Deb.13.5.
Judges ought to hate couetouſneſſe.Exo.
An exclamation againſt couctous magi⸗
firates. Iſa.z.14.*
Woe to thole chat are couetous. Iſa.5.8.
Ce ought to pzap that our hearts map be
inclined to Govs teltimonics , and not toco-
uctoufneffe. Plal.i 19.36,
Couctoufheffe infectety all ſozts of people.
Nothing woꝛle then a couctous man, and
whp. Ecclug.10.9.
The couetous man enuieth himlelfe. Ec⸗
clud.14.3.4,t077. and whereunto be is rea
femblen, looke Partridge. —
The chilozen of Eli, being couetous, per
uerted tudoement,1.San.2.12,t018.
The couctoufnefle of Gehazi punifhen,
2,kings 5 20,27.* z
Againſt couetous preachers, which make
matcbanbile of Gods propie.2. Pet.2.3-
The couctous Phariſes mocked Cozikk,
fog repzouing their couetouſneſſe. Lu.i 6.14.
Wani vfen no coloured couetouſneſſe, o2
flattering wozb3.1.Chell.2.5.
Whe couerous, &c. fhall not inherite the
kingtome of Gov.1.d02 6.10
Couetous wretches, inſtead of teleeuing
Gods childzen, bfe to reuile them. r. Ham.
DE Couetouſneſſe, anv the puniſhment
thereat, looke moze Jofh.7.1. Sam. 8.3.1,
fing. 21.1,3,3. * JP lal.37.” Pꝛ,to 20.
AND 11,1,24.26,38,29, and 28.8,20.22.an0
70.8,9,14,15 .eecles.2.26. and 4.8.and 5.9,
¥0,12,t019 $la.32.6.and 56.11. Amos 8.4,
§,6.* Wich.é.10.* CEccl.31.1,3,5,5,7,24- P
2.Mac.q. 7 t0 36. Wat.16.19,20,21,24. 5
Mat. 26,14,15,16.anv 27.3,te 11. Jol.12.
6. Acts 5.1,2,t0 11, and 8.28 ,te 25. and 24.
26,27, ĩ. Tim.6. 17. and 3. 3,8 Tit. 17.
Dut of the heart pꝛoceede enill thoughtes,
couctoufnelle,&c MBatk.7.22.
Counfell. Dawid prapeth that Ahitophels
wicked counfell might bee turned to Fooliths
nefe. 2.Dam. 1 5.31, which came to patie.2.
Thole that dilobep Gods commande⸗
ments halbe without counfell.Deut.32.28.
No counſell can reſiſt God. J9zou.2 1.30,
The counſell of Gob ig bepond mang
reach. Rom. r, 33,349
The diference betweene aged anv pong
meng counfell.1.king .12.657,9,10,1 1.
Ruth followech the countell of per Hepma:
ther Raami, Ruth. 3.1,t06, Fu voudrfull
matters we oughtto alke counfell of Gongs
iwed and prophets. Gene. 25,22,23. Leuit,
24,12. Qumb.9.8.and 1 5.34,35, and 27.5.
Deut.17.8,t0 14,and 21.5. * Qudg.1.1. and
20.18,t0 24. and 20, 2,3,4. 1: Sam.9.9. and
10.22. and 23.2, 11, 12. ann 30.7 ,8.2. SaM,
2.1. and 5. 19. and 25. 1. and 1.ktng, 14.2, 3.
ARD 22.5,8,t0 39.2. kin. 3. 11,13. and 8.8, te
16.and 22.13, 14. Dial, 119.9. Pꝛe. 3. i, to
7 ls, 8.19,20,and 9. 13. and 25.1,9,anda5.
11. Iſa.3o.1, 2. and 37.7,2. EZe. 14. 1, 2. 3ec.
7.2, 3. Tob.4. 29. Ceclus,8,9,and 9.16. and
37. 15,16. Luke 16. 29.
At the dead, ſorcerers, and falle pꝛophets,
we ought notio afke counfell. Leuit.19,31.
BND 20. 6. Deut.18.10, to 15. and r Dam,
28.7515. "and 2.hip.1.2,3- 2. Chro. 18.5, 21
Iſa.8.19. Dan.2. 27. and 4.4. and 5.7,8.
Good counfell of whomſoeuet, not te bee
diſdained. Exod. 18.19 24.
Gon confoundeth wicked counſels. Plal.
33. 10, 11. Gen. 11.7, 8, and 37.27, and 50,
20. Mum.22.4,1 2,20. * and 23.8.*and 24.
5. * and 2.Sam.15.2. 32. *and 17.14. Meh.
4115.Elf.7.4, 8. Job 5.12. Pſa. 2.1, 2, 3, 4.
Plal.ꝛo.8. Pſal.ꝛ 1,8,9, 12. Iſai.7.4, 557.
and 19,3, Matt.27.62.* and 28.3,3,4. Acts
5.17527, 38,39. * and 9 23:24:25., AND 22.
30.8ND 23. 1. and 27.42.
God worketh all things afterthe counſell
of bie owne will. Ephe. ma.
The rewardof following eniti counfell, s,
kings 12.13,to16.
{Baul reneelen to f Elvers of the Church,
the whole counfell ef Ged. Acig.20,27.
The Phariſes, and Herodians take coun-
fell again Chzid. Wat.12.14. and 22.15,
16. Mar. 12. 13. and 3.6,
Jetoboam taketh counfell to withhold the
people fron the true feruice of God, 1. king.
Jeze bels wicked counlel again abot},
1. king.21.5,7,t0 11.
TUe ought not to bee guided bp our owne
counfels, ]929.2 3.2.
God thzeatneth them that leare to their
olsnecounfell, E5¢.11.28.
Df generali Counfels , looke in Doctours
and DoGirine.
Counfellers. Euil counfellers purchaſe ha-
tren to their prince, where good might hap⸗
ci. 2,Sant.10.3.
Ticked counfellers make a Wicked king,
2,220.22. 35455.
Countenance. A mand countenance , gar:
ments, and gelfures,doe betwzap bis diſpoſi⸗
tion. dEcclus.19.27,28.
(Counterfeit. The wicked can counterfet,
€i.5.10.40eke Diffemblers,and Faining,
Countreys,looke Nations,
Court. The forme of the Court ef the Ta⸗
bernacle.€rop,29,9,10, to 20. and 38.9, ta
21. and of the ſituation thereof cered.40. 33,
Courtiers {Gould teade the Scriptutes.
Acts 8,28, 5 >
The Court of the Temple of Salomon.
2.0 20.4:9,10.
Comrteous. Chꝛiſtians ong ht to be courtes
ous one fo another. Ephel.4 32.
Cowardneffe, God will punifh thole that
tranlgrefle bis commandements , with co-
wardneffe and faint Hearts. tLettt,26, 36,37.
Deut.28.65,66.67.and 32,25.
Cowards 02 faint hearted might not goe
to watre, and why. Deut.20.8.
J Craft.tooke Subtilde.
Create. Gov created all thingd of nothing.
Genel.1.1.* bp Chꝛiſt Col. 1.16, foz bis will
and pleafure, and foz mang fake, 2. (02.6,
55. Reu.a.11.looke Man.
Creator and Creatures, God ts ot Cret-
tor. Detit.32,18.
The Creator map bee knowen by his
wozkes. TU il. 1 3.5 Wom.1. 19,20,
Soas power declared bp his Creatures.
Job, 12.7,8,
The creation of Gods wonder full woꝛkes
Commended. Eccltis.42.15.% and a3. 1,27.*
Gods creatures muſt comfogme themſelues
to bis will. Iſa.45.9.
Thole that trulſt in creatures, ave decei⸗
ued. Fla, 30.16.
Chik was begotten befoze all creatures
Euerp creature of God is good. 1.Tin.
Cuerpcreacure gane gloz to the L ambe,
Jeus Ckik Rens. ° i
Creatures fubiect to vanitie; howe, anv
- wp. Rom, 8.19,20,t0 24.
Chik commanded his Apofiles to preach
to etietp creature, ark. 16.17. which com:
mandement thep paue fulfilled.Coloff.1.23.
Roem. 10.18,
The regenerate ought to become newe
Creeples from their mothers wombe, pea-
{ed bp Peter and Paul. Act. 3.2,7.¢14,10.
Cry. The cry of ihe Ekronites went bp te
to beauen.1.Sai.5.10,12.
Habels bloon cried vnto God foz ben⸗
geatce, Gen.4.10.
The crieef Sotome and Gomozah ale
cended to Gov.Gen.18, 20,27,
The Lode heareth the crie of the afflic-
ted. Deut.26.7.G 70.3.2.
The F{eaclites crying to fe Lowe, were
Delivered. 1. Dammit. 12. 10, 11. JUDR, 10.10
and 11.252,
Woles crying te the Herd foz Iſtael a>
gaint JS haraoh was heard. Exo 14 15,16.
ca? HSamucl again the Philiſtims 1,94.
7. 9
Dauids enemies cryed tothe Logo, but
$e anſwered not.2.Sam.22.4 2+.
The hyped feruant eppzeſſed, crying te
Gor, halbe heard. Dett.24.14,15, Fam.5.4.
Ciiſt wili auenge bis elect that crie ta
pim perſeuerantly. Lukbe 18,1,7.
Sith Gon feenerhf ie raucng that cry -
4 te
Cr Ry O
to him, much moze big cholen. Luk. 12.22. to
25. Plal 147.9.
— E E
We that ſtoppeth his eare at the crying of
the pooze, thal cry himſelfe, and not be beard.
1920.21.13. }
All crying, enill (peaking, œc. to be bani⸗
fhed from cigittians. Ephe.g 31
Eroe. Chꝛiſt is lén wich pis Crofie to bee
erucifien. Matth. 7. 31,33. Mark.15. 20, 22.
Lu.23.263 3. Joh 19.16.17. Dee erpeti on
the croſſe,that be was foꝛſaken Mat.27.46.
J5fal.22.1,2. Cihat anguiſh he endarevon
the crofle. JDfal.22.14.
To beere the crofle of Chriſt. Mat.16.24
MDar.3.24,38. Lube 9.23,24,25,26.elfe not
fo etter into Gods kingvome. Wark.10,2 1.
23.24,;8 Gat.20.16,20,t0 24,
He that takerh not bis crofleto follow af
ter dhnit, is not toogthy to bee Chriſtes diſ⸗
cipie. Bat.10.38,
. The crofle oz affliction is commenden,
and wyp Wat: 5.3. to 12.310b.5.7. Prou, ro.
37-800 12.1. Ecclug.2.1,t0 6.
Croffe,put foz pꝛeeching of p Golpel. BH.
3,18. forthe benefit of redemption.i.Coꝛ.a.
37. and fo Cheiſt crucified. 1.Qoz 1.18,23.
Peanut reiopcey nsthing moze then ia the
croffe of Chzift.Gal.6,14.
The croffe ot affliction ig layd on all true
beleeuers. Hen.4.8.and 27.41. *and 37.18.
Exod 2.15, 1. kin 19.2. Watt—10.9,16,16.*
and 24.9. Wath.13.9,13. Luke 14. 26. and
21.17. Toh. 5. 10 and 16.2. Act.ↄ. 14 Gal 4
29. 1.Goellal. 3. 3, 4. 2. Tim 3. 12. 1. Pet.4.
12. and that bp the prouidence of Gov. La.
3.37: fez their wealth and pzoſite. 2.Sama,
-7.14515,06. Fob.5. 15, 16,17. * AND 33.16,
201 3. 12. Jetem.46. 27, 2 8.2. Coꝛ. I1.
19,32-%)2).12.6,te 12. 1, Pet.a.a 3. Reu 3
30,13: tottaine them thereby tothe knows
ledge of God. Exed.1.12. * 2. Chꝛo 32,207.
Prouerd. 6.23. Indeth 8.9. * Watth.7, 132.
duke 24.19,25,0¢ 33. John 12.25, 26. Acts
34.19,30. * Rom 817. 2.0 h204.8.t0 13.
BND 5. 1, 2, 3.* Phil a 8,10 12. 2. Celts,
6. Deb.2.9,10,and 12. 2, 3. and fo to preferue
them tili che comming ef Chriſt. Pzꝛouer bs
17.3-anB 27. 21. Geciys.27.5,8. 2. Theſſa.
1.7.1. Beter 1.7.9. end therefore is not ones
ipto he boe patientlp. Watth.s.¢. and 10.
28,38. John 25-41, Luke 21.19. John 16.
20. Acted g. 41. and 16.25. 2. Cozinth.3.2.
- Lolot. 12,12. Debz.10.36. James 1,2,3-
4. Peter 4.17.16 2. Thelſal. 1.4. but allo
mok iopfitlp tobe imbzaced of them. Gob.
5.17. * Pſal 89.33, 34, to 38 Broucrh, 23.
18. Iſa.2 6.1.* Jerew.3.24,31,32.* Watth.
5.46 10.11, 12. Joh.5.2,7, 8, 10. Gay. 16,
To.2 2,33. 1. Corꝛinth. 10.1051 3.2.0 021.4555
The Croſſe was laps opon Dania fo2 bis
adultery. 2.Ham.12. 10,019.
The footifhuche of the preaching of the
croffe. 1. Qoz-1.23. is the power of Gov ta
faluation in thofe that beleeuc. 1.Zoz.1.18.
Dow the crofle of Chriſt is made of none
effect, 1.802. 1,17- lo0ke Affliction, Perfecu-
tion, and Tribulation. -
Crowne, the crowne of life i pꝛonnſed to
thofe pᷣ endure tentation. Ja, 141 2.
Ehe crowne of Gods miniflers are thole
The fecond Table,
whom thep winne onto Chit bp theit prea⸗
ching. Reue.3 11, Phil.a.a. 1. Theſſ.2 19.
The crowne of righteouſnes halbe giuen
vnto alithat loue the appearing of Chꝛiſt.⁊.
Crowne of glozy, . Det 5.4.
The Crowne of thoꝛues, put on Chꝛiſtes
bear. Matth 27.29.
Df Dauids crowne which bee tooke from
the pead of theking ofthe Ammonites. 1.
Ehrott.20.2. ~
F Crucife. True Chꝛiſtians crucifie the
fief). Gal.2.19. ands5.24.
Paul preached Chrif crucified.1. Coꝛ.i.
23. In reſpect whereot bee eſteemed not the
knowledge of anp thing. 2. Corz. 2. 2.
Saint Haul tas crucified te the wolar,
and the world vnto fim, Ga!.6.14.
Chꝛeiſt was crucified, Watty 27.35. Bar.
15.24. Luke.23.3 3. John 02.2 8.
Gueltie. The earth wag full of cruelty:
Gen.6. 11. locke Tyranny.
© Cubite. Albeit a cubite ig counted but
fez one foote and a Galie, petiome thinke the
common cubite of rhe Hebzews did containe
2.foote and a halfe whereof two Doe make a `
Geometrical cubite, that is fiue teore bp rhe
ſtandatd: atter which mealure it is thought
the Arke was made. Gen 6.15,16.
2000 cubites,oz a mile,a Biftance between
the Arke and the armie, when thep ſhould
paſſe Jordan. Joſhua 3.4. 4
Cup, fox the wine in the Lozdes fupper.
Maith.26.27. 1. e? 11.25-
Che Cup and breanfiguifie that wee are
fopnt pertakers of the fruites of Chꝛiſis pal
Ron ‘tbat ig one bovp, ann coheires with him
of euerlaſting ſaluation. 1.@@2.10,16,17-
Cup, taken fog the Death of Chaiſt Bat. 20
32,23, and Wat. 10.28. and foz the wath of
Gow. Wat.26.39. War.14.36. Luke 22.42,
Curious Queftions.-1.@im.s-13. Luke 12.
29.1, Tim.6. 5. Matth 24.36. John 9. 2. and
14.1 1and 21.20,21,22,Act8.1,6,7,8:Act8
17. 1921. Rom. 9-22. and 11.33. Colefi. 2.
16.* 1.@ ef 5.1.2. Tim. 2. 14. and 1. Pet.
4.15. lovke Difputation + :
Hee ought mot to bee curious in Gos
workes and why. Eccitts. 3.23. Deut.29,29,
Curious atteg are to be auoided. Eol 2.8,
18. Act#.19.19,20.
Curfe. Rebekah fozced not to take bpon
per the curfe of Jshak. Gen.27.13.
- The curfe which Jotham afked ta fall ope
on the Shechemites came to palle. Judges
The Iſtaelites venten Gods curfe, if hep -
gaue of theit Daughters to the Beniamites
to wife. Funges 21.1418,
AF the curfes of Gov on the tranſgreſſoꝛs
of bis commandements. Leuit,26.14.te 42,
Deut.28.15.% and11,28. Job 27. 13.
Of the maneref curfing. Dewter.27.13,
Dauid oeLreth Govs curfes to fallon Jor
ab foz Raping of Abner. 2.Sam.3.9,
God turneth the curfe of Balaam, into a
bleſſing. Qum.23 5.11. Jofh.24.9,10.
Gon curfed the earch, when he Lene the de⸗
luge. Gen8 21,
The catty wag curfed fez mans (inne. Se.
“fo IS- and 36.8, to20.
3.87, the ferpent foz entifing Heuah. Gen.
2 4. Tain fo kiting pis bgother, Geneſis
4.8, 11,
Gon prornileth Abzam to curfe thoſe that
curfe hinn Get, a2. 2.
Curledig he that curfech Jaakob. Gene.
‘Balak lendeth foz Balaam tocurfe Gods
people. IQuns.22,5,6,
Goliath curled Danid.1,Gam.17.43-
Zoſhua carfed 6 Gibeonites. Joſ ↄ.23.27.
The Dkechemites curfed Abimelech.
Judges 9.20, 27.
Danin curled thofe that Rirren bp Saul
ageing hin. 1.Som.26. 11,
Curled ig ge that fidGifer) not all the eom⸗
mandements of the law. Galat.3.10.Deut.
27.26, ;
Curfed ig ġe that hanget on a tree. Deu.
Chif was curled fo bs, and why. Galat.
3. 13, 14.
CTe ought not to curie. t en.19:14, Roni.
12.14. but bleſſe, enen thole , that curſe bg.
WPatth.s.44 Luke 6.28,
Daui cuifed not Shimei, who curfed
him. 2, Bam.16,5, to 14.
Thole that Hali ſtande on Coaiftes left
Hand, fhall be aceuried Matth· 25. 41
The IPbariles catied thoſe curſed that bee
eeued in Chriſt. John 7. 42.
TU bofoeuct curfed thename of the Leg,
was floned to death· Exod.2⸗. 17. Leuit 20
9. Matth. 15.4.
Curfed bee the man that truſteth in man,
gc Gere.17.5,6. :
Curfedbee fe that boeth the wozke of the
Lozo regligentip. Fere.48,10. ;
DF curing, looke moze. Gen.9.2 5. Mum.
5.18. * Jolh.8.34. Pzo. 26.2. Ferem.29.17,
18. and 49.13. Zech.d. 13.
The godlp haue curfed,and how. Jere.21.
14,15. Job. 3. 1.*
Curtaines. of the Tabernacle. Erop.26,1, -
Cuftomes of the Hebꝛewes. Genel. 32.32,
and 43.2425. Judg. 11.34 37 39. 420 Ruth.
4:7: and.a. Chr. 35.24.
Cuſtome ig a Labe to the wicked. Hild,
14.15. looke Accuftomed, $
Cuftome ig an ili prevent, Joh.r8 39.
OD at.27.85. r ;
ggeinſi cuftome contrerp te the trueth.
locke GErod.23.2.Lenit, 28.30. Dett,12.32
2. kings 17 39,40. MD atth.r5.9, Mat 7. 89.
i. Go2,.01,16.Gere.10.2, k
A good cuftome. Acts 25.16.
Cutting out {elues, looke Balde.
. Gaels Pyiekes cut thewlelues. 1.kings
Daintie looke Wanton,Diet,and Apparel,
Daranation looke Condemne,and Hell,
The Damned ate called Cotes. Matth.
Danger. We that loueth danger ſhall perify
therein. Eccliis. 3.27.
Ro man ought ralhlp to piit His life in
danger. Eecies.8.8, :
Gud delivered the Iſraelltes eut of great
danger, GoD, 14+2,3,4,16.%
Do Ar R
Darkeme fe vyon the veepe. Gen.i. 2.
The ir. plague of Egypt was palpable
datkenefle. QEf90.10.21,22, and whp. TUD,
18.4. í
Darkneffe ouer ali the iand of Jurie when
Chik died. Mat.27.45. Mar. 5.33. Luke
23.44: }
"an Gov is nadarkenefle. r, Joyn.s.5.
{tie Gentiles weredarkenefle, Epy.5.8.
Dut now ate light. 1.7 hels.5.
The light Liner) in durkenefle, andthe
darkenefle compzehended it not.t. John. I.5.
The workes of darkeneffe.Rom.t 3.52413.
God willlighten things thar ate hidoen in
darkenefle. 1.@02.4.5.
Ji we walke in darknefle, twe haue no fel-
lowihip with Lht. 1. Jahn, 1.6. ‘
TMiholoeuer hateth his bgother, is Till in
darkeneffe. ĩ. John.a.o.
There ig no communion becweene light
` and darkenefle, 2.03.6, 14.
Whe Loze will tighten the darkeneffe, 2.
The vapes of darkenefle. Eccles. 11.8.
Darknefle put foz ignozance of Geo. John
3.19. Wat.4.16. foz tye whole cogtuption of
. maug nature. Ephes. 5.8.fo2 Rune Rom,r3.
12, Ephels. 11.1. Gob.1.6. foz blindnelſe of
mind. Wat.4¢.16. Luke.1.79, Joh.8.1 2. and
12.46. Acts 26.18, Colt 13. 1. Theſſ. 5. 4.
1. Pet.2.9. 1. John.28.
Gitter darkenefle. Wat.8.12.and 25.30.
DE darke {peeches, looke Parables, and
Riddles, i
Dare. CAho vare Rano againſt Gop. Miſ⸗
Dome 12.13.
Daughter. That cate an bonel man
` ought te haue of pig daughter. Ecclus 42.9
10,11,00 26.10. —
Like mother like daughter. Ezck. 16.44.
Daughter of Zion, fog abi the number of the
faithtutl. Cant.z.r1. teade Iſa. 3. 16.
Daughters fo? cities, Ezek. 6.46, Mattb.
21.5. koꝛ citizens Luke 23.28.
A tile daughter is an heritage to bet bul
band, Ecclug.22.4.
The daughters of Pꝛinces, ware a gat»
mencof Diners colours.
Df the daughter fold to be a ſetuant, te ade
Exod.ꝛ i.7, to.i 2.
No man ought to perſwade his daughter
tó whozedome · Lenitr9.29. ie
> Spbeahoffered his onelp daughter in fa-
erifices Juda. 11.3453 9. looke Children and
Women. \
Daunced. The Weactites daunced befoze
the golden calfe, Exot.32.18,19. `
The Weniamites toke of the Daughters
of Shiloh, when they kept their lolemne
fealts of dauncing UTH 21.21,22,23.
Dauid daunced befoze the Arke. 2. Sam.
6.14, 16. 1. Co.15.29.
Toun the womau that is adaunceré a
- finger. & whp-Eeclus.9.4. veate Exo 15.20.
Budge 1.34.1. Ham, 18.6. ¢ 29.5. Eccles. p
3.5. Patt.14. 6. Darke 6,22, Luke 15.25,
looke Piped. Bh ie
Day. The day was created bp the worn of
Gov. Getkr.3,5. ait
Tiwo great lights to diuide the day and
the night. Gert.1.16,17,18.
Thefecond Table.
Day an3 wight Mal not ceale tothe wog
EnD. Woen.8.22,
Gon ig che life and length of dayes tothe
faithtui!. Deut.30.20.
Che longeſt day that euer was 03 fhal be,
in Joſhuahs time. Sofh.10.13,14.
God will prolong their dayes that obferne
bis lamig. 1. kings 3.14.
The Lede the Judge be Judge this day:
aklude of athe Judg. 1.27.
How a man map Lee goed and long dayes.
1. Pet 3. 10.” Pſal · 34 12."
Redeeme the time, becaule che dayes be
euill. Epheſ. 5. 16.
Superkitious obſeruation of Dayes te-
pꝛoued. Gal.4. 10. Col.2.6,16, 17.*
All dayes ought to be alike among Chꝛi⸗
ſtians. Rom.14.5,6.Mat. i 2. 1, to.ꝰ. Mar. 2.
27. Luke 13.15,16, John 5.10,11,
Due day with the Loydig ag a thouſand
peered. 2 Pet. 3.8.
A day fog a peere. Ezek. 4.6. *
The day of faluation.2.Q026.2.
The day of the Logdts at hand, Rom.13.
12.{t is vnknowen. VD at.2 4.36543. 25.13.
1. Thell. 5.2, it wil be fearefall 2, Loris .10,
11,98 al.4.1, 5. Anios 5.18. reade 2. T bell, 2,
55253, deth.14. 7. looks Iudgement.
Ge great day of Gods wath ig come.
Sunday callen the Leads day, and why.
The day ef death vnknowen. Erell g, 12.
‘Dayly brean looke Foode. :
TUidowes neglected in the dayly mini-
firing, Acts 6.1.
Tae oughs to releeue out bꝛethzen vefi-
tute of dayly foobe. James 2.15.
The. dayly (acrifice of Chzillians. Malac.
l: il
Chꝛiſt taught dayly in the Temple. Mat ·
26.55. Luke 19.47.. ;
Sxxiptutes fearched dayly, Acts 17, 11.
Paui died dayly, 1402.15.31.
© Deacons. Ot Deacons, aud what men
they ought to be. r. Tim 3.8, tors.
Deacons oꝛbeined in the Church bp the G-
pofties and WYP. Act.6.2, 3, to 7. of theit of
fice. Rom. 12.8.
Dead. The dead rapfer bp bp Elita}. s.
Thin.17.22.dp Elitha.2.bi0.4.35. bp Chꝛiſt.
Wat.9.25.¢ 22.52,53.Mars-4r. Luke 7.
12515. bp WSeter.Aci.9. 36." bp Paul. Acts
20.9,10,11,12,40. 8nB bp touching the dad
bones of Eiitha.z. Bings 14.35.
The dead ig not to be ſought onto. Deut.
18.41. lai. 8, 19, 20, looke Praying for che
She ewes might not cut oz make them
felucs baide ĉoz the dead ant why: Deut.14.
: The high Wriek might not be pretense at
the buriall of the dead. Leuit.21.1,2,3,4.
Footing anbprapet with teares, cannot
pofit the dead.,23.
The dead pali heare che boice of the onne
of God, and line. Jebn.5.25-
Dead mens boneg burned. Amos 2.1.
To he dead to Anne, Hote. Ram.6.2-
The kauhtull feeme dead punta the walo,
whruther beleze God, doe ting in GHz Sez
fug. Hol. 3.354
Chili ruling from the dead, wag mave the
frh fruite 1. Loz 05, 20. and fir bome of
the dead. Cof.1.18,
We are buried by baptifine ag dead with
Chꝛiſt. Rom.6.4.
Being dead with Chik, from the omis
nauces of the world, wee ate not burbened
With traditions, and why. Zel.2.20.*% `
Widowes that liuc at pleaſure, are dead
being aliue. 1.@ims.6,
Df the burial and belwapling of the dead,
looke Mourning.
Deafe. God maketh bumme anv deafe.
Exod.a 11.
Curſe rot the deafe. Letit.19.14.
Chꝛiſt beaien a deafe man.GVar.7.32,*
Dealing platnelp, looke Simple
Deare.SLuk.7. 2,4 ¢t.20.24. looke Beloued
and Precious.
Dearely beloued, looke Beloued.
Dearth, looke Famine, . Í
Death, God fozetolbe Avam, that vhenſo⸗
ener $e nid eate ot the tree ofknowledge, be
ſhould die the death. Gen.2.16,17. i
Death followeth the beeachof Gong com⸗
mandements. Deut. 30.17, 1819.
The death of Adam ann all pis poteritis -
vnto Mosh. Genells 5.5.* OFIQoah. Gen.
9.29.Dt Terah Abrabams father. Geneks,
11.32. Ot Abzaham. Gen.25.8. Of Sarate
@ene.23 2. Of Deborah Rebekahs nourle.
Gen.35.8. Di Izhak. Geit.3 5.29. DF Faas |
kob. Gen. 49.33. DF Joleph and ail his bjes
then. dEx00.1.6. DF Aaron. Qnmb.20.28, |
and 23.38. Deut 106. and 32.50, Df Bos
(ed. Deut. 34.5. DF Joſhus. Jolh.24.29. DE T
Gideon. Tung.8.3 2. DE Iphtah. Budg.12.7.
Of Samlon.Judg.15 30.DfSanlanvhis |
chiitzen. 1. Sam, 31.6. as was forcihewes |
pim bp the Deuil. 1.Ham.28,19. - IASI
The death of Saul and Jonathan, ig tom
bato Danin, 2.Bant.1.4.
The death of the foune of Dauit, begot⸗
tenin adultetie 2.Sam.12, 18, |
The deathof Danid. s. Wings 2: 10 DE f
BHafomon, 1. Riugs 11.43. |
The death of beaftes the HR plaque of |
Egret. Ero.9. 3.4.6. Death of the firit
bone, the tenth. Eron. t 1.5. ands 2.29.
THe nuk Arive fozthe trueth, ann vefenn
inflece tothe death Ecelug.4.28.
The remembzatice of death ig terp bitter
to forme, and acceptable io other. Eedu. gr.
3,2. op
Death ig better then a bitterlife. Ecclus.
Gob vefireth death. Job.8.9.
The vap of death is vncertaine, and there
foze we ought co watch Luke 12. 39,40,45, |
46 Mar. 13.333t0. 37. Jam · 4. 1 3514515. Cee
Dauid veliueren from the ſentence of
death, which be prenounced againlt pinih
was pet puniſhed foz his offente f
11,13,14. aNd 15. 24. and 16.25,27,
Death is fwallowed vp in virtory Wel. 136
r4.and .Cor.15. 54 bp Zelus Chriſt. i. Coz-
i5 57. Heb.2. 14, 15.
Che woman of Jarephath imputed che
raiti of the death of her chile, tober |
Gnnes, j
D TERA Thefecond Table.
finneg. « Kings 17.18. Whe heauens propped the deawe bute
—- Chalk goeth to the Father bp ſuſfering Govs people. Deut.3 3.28.
death. John 14.2." i Izhak prapeth Gon to ginue Jaakob the
God is glozifen bp the death of his ſaints. deaw of heauen. Gen.27.28.
Jobu 21.19. Phil.r.20. God gaue neither deaw nog taine in thzee
Paul would gladly recetue death, to cote peereg together. King. 17. ..
Gitme tye Doctrine which he taught. Phil.ꝛ. Moles bleſſeth the tribe of Jeſeph with
17,18. the deaw of peauen.Deut 33.13. and pzap:
aul fozelat that his death wag at hand. eth, that bisdoctrine map dzep ag the raine,
2. Tim. 4. 6.
and bis (peach as the deaw. Deut.33.2.
‘Paul willingly cenfoazmed himfelfe to Debate betweene Abzuhams g Lots herts
Chꝛiſts death, that he might attaineto the men Gen.13.7,8. loeke Contention.
grlozp of the reſutrection bp him. Phil. 3. i0,
Dedtes. The widowes debtes paid bp the
11,20. y encreale of the ople, 2.ikit.4er,2,t0 8, looke
Pauls death bꝛought fruit to the Lozin-
Dececue otit bꝛethꝛen wee map not. Leuit.
Chꝛiſt fozeihemeth bis Dilciplesof tis 19.11.looke Defraude,
‘death. Watth.16,21. and manner tieceot, Michal decciued her father with an i-
Johu 52.732,33. and hew moe Mould bes
feene the Golpel after hisdeath , then if be
a iping ſpirit in the mouth of all Ahabs
Had bene altwapes prelent. John 12.24,
Chif vis foule beanie, euen to the death,
pꝛophets, to deceine hints, kin,22.20,22,23.
Matt.26.38, War.14. 34,35,36.
Jaakob deceiued fan. Gene.27.3 6. and
Leban Jaakob.Gen.31.7.
Chꝛiſt condemncd ta death. Watth.27.22,
23,26. Mat. 5.13,94,15. LURE 23.23,24.
Dauid decciued Haul. 1.Ham.20.1,5,*
and achi King of the Philiſtims. r.Sam.
deliuered to death fog out ſinnes. Rom 4.25.
Let no man deceiue ps with baine wozos.
Dow mans heart map deceiue him. Deut.
11.16,17. though patoe.Dbad. 3.
Wen are deceiued, foz want of the knob⸗
ledge of the Scriptures.Wait.22.29. War.
12.24 Inoke Erre and Errour,
Euill men and deceiuers hall ware tuogle
AND wogle.2. Tim. 3.1 3+
Chꝛiſt countea a deceiver, and thole that
beleeued in pim, deceived, Matth.27.63.
Jobn 7.47. ; ‘
Gons preachers ‘allo are counted decei-
uers 2. J06 8.
Taho be inde ede deceiuers,looke 2. Joh.7.
2. Tim. 3.1,t0 10. s
Decrees looke Ordinances.
Dedication of the Temple by Salomon.
1. Kin.d.s 3,64." confirmed bp God, 1 Lin.
Death of the faithfulcalfed a fleepe.Deu. 9 3. on
31.16, Wat. Jom rr.11,12, DE the dedicating of a new houle. Deut.
13. Acts 7.60.8 13.36. 1.€03.7.39, ANDEI: 20.5. es
30, 1: Thefl.4.23- „DE the dedicating of the Temple in the
Plaping vpon infiruments , bled at the time of Elozas. 3ra 6.16,17.
death o} buriall of anp.@Batth.9.23. DE the dedication of the wall at Jetula⸗
lem. Nehe. 12. 27.
Sudden death,oz euerlaſting damnation,
oz both pzepared foz the wicked. Gen.7. a.1. — DE the dedication of the altar vnder Tus
Das Waccabeus, 1.M5ac.4.5 6.
and 14.15 € 19.24, 25. Exod. 15. 28. Mumb.
16 31 32. 33.49.* her 7:8:9. and 2. Rin. — of dedication. John 10.22. looke
1.r0, 1 2.c. Wat.9.55,56.
Mee ought rather to ſuſffer death, then Deedec.Good deeds are tokens of amenu:
ment of life. Wat.3.8.9,10. Luke 3.8,9. Act.
commit idolatry.Dan. 3.16,17,18,
Wrectous ig the death of Saints. lal, 26,20. looke Doe,and Workes,
29.1 5°
God haty reconciled bg to himſelke bp the
death of his Sonte.doi.1.20,21,22.
Death isthe wages of inne, Rom.é.: 6,
23. James ras. :
The Ring of death, r.Lo2. 15.56.
. The death of Jeſus Cheiſt path fauco bs
‘from death, Rom.5.6.7, to 19.
Reter proueth che death ang refurrection
of Chill. dees 3.23,24,40,
Second death. Reu.30.14.§ 21,8. Jobs.
24525. “ :
Cut comparerh his death puto baptilme.
Iuke 12.50.
Death, and the time thereof is appointed
foz all men. Deutet.31.14. Folhua 23.14,
Sam 26. 10. Job 14.5. jSlal.89.48. eee
cles.3.2.and 8.8, Ecclus.i7.2. John 7.30
and 8. 20. Rom 5. 12 Deb.9.27.
116.15. Deepe. The deepe.Gen. a. 2. is a maſſe o2
Afterdeath commerh the iudgement. 2. lumpe of carth without foꝛme, mingled con-
(0.14.35. Heb.9.27. fkulediy with the waters.
Through enuie of the vuill came death
into the wo2ld. Miſo.a 24. by Bons (uffe-
rance. Ecciug.rr. 14. Jone isto be inged
ee befoze pig death, and why. Ecclus.
DF death and of thole that be the occafion
of their otne deaths. looke Die ann Kill.
. Deaw fell with the Wanna. Cxod. 16.
53,34, ;
Tie Dentls crane that thep map goe out
into che deepe Luke 8.31.
Defend, looke Humble.
Deferre.Te defi rre turning to God, looke
Repentance,ans to Put off.
Defile: Wow the name of Gov ig defiled.
Leuit.y8.20.and 19.02.
Pow the Pieko of the Law were def-
led, Leuit.2 1.1. E 3ek, 44:25 leoke Pollute.
D! Fes
Defloure, looke Rautth.
Defraude not one another, Thebla. 4S-
looke Deceiue.
“Degree, looke Eſtate.
Dezer. Gov deliuereth His ort of abuet ·
fitie. 2. Sam. 4.9.an8 22.1,4.*
Gon lent Gideon todeliucr the Iſraelites.
Jug.6.14,06, l
Jofeph foꝛetold the deliucrance of the Iſ⸗
Gord ſheweth Moles, how the deliuerance
of Sfrael poulu be brought to palle. Exod z.
The Iſcaelites are commanven to celes
beate the Dap oftheir deliucrance. Gyov.12.
_ Doles ſheweth Fethzo bow God han de. |
liuered Iſt ael from Jvarach. Ered. 18.8.
God delivered Paul out of the mouth of
the Lion.z. Tim. 417.
Cheilt hath delivered bg from finne, the
Deuill, and the lato. Luke 9.56. 2.Gia.1,9.
and being deliuered, we are become feruants
to righteouſneſſe Rom.6.16, 17, 18.
Samlon called his bictozp,a great delive-
rance. Judg.15,18.
God promiled Ahab to deliver the bofte of
Berr hasan into his band.: Bing. 29.13.
Delight. God delighteth in Chzift and hid
cholen. Mat.ʒ.17. and (7.5.
Deluſion Gor ſendeth Atong delufions tø
oubeiecners. 2, beff.2.11.
Denie. A ttone pitchen on enne, foz a wits
nele again ihe Iſtaelites, that afterwara
hont denie their God. Noh. 24.26,27.
Peter —— that he would ne⸗
uet denie Chit, and pet did.Matth. 26.35,
It wee denie Chik, he wili deniepg. 2.
Tim.2,12. Luke r2ig,
De is an Antichzill that denicth that Ye-
{us ig Chꝛiſt.i. John 2,22.
Depart All that call on Chik muf depart
from tniquitie. 2.@im.2.19,
Tae ought not to depart from God,to ferne
idoles, Deut.11.16. 1. Sam.m 2.20,21.*
Samſon being departed from Gov, His
ſtrength departed from bim. Tung. 16.19,20.
Paul and Barnabas departed aſunder.
Actes 15.36,37,38,39.*
Depoſe. Afa depofed his mather and why,
2,0 620.1 5.16, *
De(cend, God deſcended to fee the afflictis
on of bis people. Erod.3.8. andto fee the
tower of Gabel.Gen.11.7. ©
Add Thil his defcending into hell, leoke
Defert, looke Merite.
Defire, looke C oncupilcence,
Defpaire. Thechilezen of Iſtael delpaire.’
Exod 5.21.
Comfort fog luch as deſpaire. Ezekiel 33.
ee 20.19 falm.+03.8,to 19. Looke Com-
The 4. lepers defpairing to bee famifhev,
declare Gins prouidence te the Samari»
tanes. 2. Kings 7.3,4,3.*
Whe prnifbment of defperate wicked men.
Jere. 14. 12* and 18.12.*
Deſpiſe. The wicked deſpiſe gouernment.
Juve 3.
Tho fo defpifech Hon and his word, Hall
be defpifed of him, and deltcoped. 1. am, 2.
30. Dꝛou ug. 13.
God hath chofen the deſpiſed things of the
wolne, to confound the mightp.r.ZLoginty.r.
2 52 .
‘be that deſpiſeth the faithkull miniffer of
the Bolpel,delpifech God.1, Chell.4.8. locke
Deftroy. God deftroyeth dumbe creatutes
fo: mans finne.3eph.1.3. j
Gov deftroyed Hilera and all þig chas.
rets. Judg·4.1 5- J
Deftruion thzeatned to the Iſca elites,
Deut.28.48,5 1,53. ‘ >
—— goeth befoze deftruction. JDz0u. 16.
Couenant making with idolaters, bain=
geth deftruGion. Jubg.2.2,3.
Deusls. Gon foꝛbiddeth to offer to deuils.
Deuil,fignifieth a curſed ſpeaker o? an at-
culer.Jjude 9 Reu.12.9,10.
The Mraelices confecrates their chilazen
pnto ideles and deuils. a Kings 17. 16, 17,
Deuils cat out. looke Fafting, ano Wath,
17.20, 21.
Deuil in the maine looke Diuination.
Deuils know and confefle Chꝛiſt.Matt.z.
11. Luke 4.41, Acts 19.15.
The Jewes ſayd that Chzik had a de-
uil.Mat. 2.24. Mar. 3. 2 2.
TUee ought not toreiopce that deuils are
ſubdued vnto vs, but rather ge. Lu. 10.20.
The Gentiles ſactiſiced to deuils. 1. Coz.
10.20. ;
Thole that facrifice to deuils,are deuils fe-
toimes. 1.02. 10.20.
Doctrine of deuils, looke Doctrine
Chꝛiſt healed the pofleflen, and chaſed ont
the devils. Qat.8.3 3.6 9.32,33.6 12.2.6 17.
18, Dat. 1:25. 5.5500 14. Luk. 8. 26,to 34.
AND 11.040 7
The deuill poffe fing the ferpent ſeducoth
the wman: Gen. 3.1,to 7. and is vanquiſhed
bp Jelus Chk. Gen. z. 15.
The deuil cannot hurt mhen he wil, toz fo
much a3 he would.Mat 8. 31, 3233 3. Mar. 9.
22. Luke 4. 13. Reu.2. i, 2, 10.and 7.2,3.
The deuill calles the prince of this world.
Ieb · 1430. and 16.11, and of darknes. Eph.
6.12. and that tuleth in the aire. Eph. 2.2.
The deuil ig ont aduetſarie.i. Peter 5.8.
The deuiilis a murtherer,liar,and father
of lieg and liars. John 8. 44. and the king of
pride. Job 41.25.
The chimen of the wicked are the feen of
the deuil.Matt.i 3.25,38,39. and bis neteis
ned captines.2.Qim.2 26. 5
Chik hath deſtroxed the deuils power gs
uer vs Heb.2. a 4. and therefore he appearee.
1. Ich. 38.
TWesr map ouerceme the deuill with faith,
and the wod of Gov. John 2.14.
Wee ought not to gine place torge devil,
Epb. 4.27.
Chik calleththe Jewes the childzen of
the deuil. John 8.44. ” an,
Judas betrapen Chal by the pzꝛouocation
The fecond Table.
sf the deuil. Joh, 13. 2.
Cueriaking Gre prepares £.2 the deun)
and jis Angels Wat.25.41.
he deuill tabourety continually foz the
Deficuction of men. zech. z3. a. 2. Darth.4-3,
to 12. Luke 8.12,and23.31. Rene.2,10.bis
power is of God. Chzou. 8.21. Job.i.i2.
and 2.6,7. Watth.8. 32. Mar.5. 13. Col. i. 16
2. Tim.2. 26.
Deuilith wiftome, what. Fam.3.15.16.
Deuices. Gor confoundeth the deuiles of
the wicked. Job.5.12,23.Dan.6.8,15,24, *
and 13.62.anD 14.3 1,42.
Defert jooke Wilderneffe,
S Die, Woles died vpon mount Abarim.
Det.3 2.49,50.
Gideon feared to baue died, becauſe hee
had feenean Angel. Judg.6.22, (9 vip Ma⸗
oat. Judg.13 22, 2 3.
Aaron died on mount Ho. Numb.ꝛo.ꝛ3,
ow Samſon died, Jude. 16.36.
The chilogen of Iſtael wih todie. Exod.
16,.3.JQUM.6 4.2, 3,4. ſlo DID Woles. Mum.11
14,15,and Cliiah, 1.king,t9.3,4.
CUihether we live oz cic, we are the Lords.
Bom.14.8. Phil.i.21,22.
Thomas exbozterh his felowes to die with
Chik. Joh.i 1,16.
Chif earneſtiy deſited to die foz hs, that
the Gofpell might the Cooner bee preachen
thoꝛow the world. Lu. 12.49,50,51.
Chit died foz our finnes, anc rofe againe
foz out (uftification. 3.4. Rom.
To eate anp thing that diech alone, fozbin=
den, and mhp. Deut. 14.25.
Chik died foz all meu , and why.2, Loz.
525. ;
Chif died foz pg, Beclating is loue. 1.
Tobn 3.16. that we might eniop the grace of
God Heb. 2.9.
“TUe maf be veavp co dic foz our bathen
bp dhis example. 1. Ich. 3. 16.
Thole that beleeue not in Chꝛiſt Hall die,
Job 3.36.09 conn ariwiſe. Joy.6.g0.
To die in the Lozd, and die the Beath. Re⸗
tiel. 14.13. Mat.7. 10.
Be goed to thy friend befoze thon die. Ec ·
clus.a 4i 3, to 16.
The foule that ſinneth ſhalldie. Ese. 18.4.
Herod died miferablp. Actes 12, 23-0 did
To goe to the fathers, and enter into the
tuap of all the wozld, is foz tadic. Gene.r5,
15. Joſh.23. 14.
Diet. Modetate diet commended. Bou.
15.16,17. and 27.27. Dan, 1t 12; to 17. Eee
clus.z1.19,to 31. and 37.28.
Difference betweene man and beak, loske
Difference betincene a vedic anv a fpirit.
Difference of meates.Matth 15.12, Actes
10.13, 14, 15. Rom. 4. 14 17.
Digge. W lato foz him that diggetb ng ope⸗
nerth a well. Exod. 1.37.
Ahoſo diggeth a pitte , hall fall therein,
Ecclus 27.26. D2ou.26. 27. Pſalm. 576,
Ercieg.tro.8. i
Dow the prouve digge pits fog the govip, .
D's 48
toske Plſoal. 119.85,
Dinner. Better ig a dinner of greene herbs
with love , then a Kalled ore with barred.
Jzou.15.17. ;
Direti.Te ought to dire& onr hearts on»
The Logn direGeth both our tongues anv
Doing s.J92.16. 1,9,3 3.6 19-2 3.looke Prepare,
Diffcnfions ought not tobee among Chis
fliang.1. Coz.1, 10,41. 3.10,15. looke Con-
tention, Debate and Stufe. ;
Diſciple. The Phariſes in {come willen
him that was bogne blinde and healed, to be
Chilis difciple. Jehu 9.28.
Toe dilciples were aftaiv on the fea.Wat.
The difciples of Chk would haute bife
ſwaded hiin from going to Judea, and whp,
Jobn 11.8.
Chꝛilſts difciples being an hungted, pluce
ken the eares of cone toeate on Pp. Sabbath
Dap. WDatt.12,1,2.
Chziftes difciples foxbade one te cakout
deuils and whp. War.9.39.
The diciple offenved at the wake of opnte
ment, Datth.26.7,8,9.0Dar.14.3,4,5- Johu
12.3,4, 556,
Chif fogetola his cifciples that thep waua
forlake Him. D9 at.36.31. War. 14. 28. Joh. 16
32.and fo thep did.Mat 26.56. Mar· · 4. 30.
Some of the difciples doubteb of Chꝛiſtes
Chalk came among hig difciples,the Bozeg
being fut. John 20.26.
Chiks difciples knowen by mutuali lones
Soba 13.35.
Cibo fo toueth anprhing moze thẽ Chritt,
cannot be bis difciple, Wat. 10.37. f
Tibo fo giueth acuppe of minke to a di
ciple of Chꝛiſt, ſhall not lofe hig retwarde. í
QWBat.10 42.1ooke Apofiles.
Difcipline. DE the commodity of ditcipline, |
and Difcommoditp of the contratp.J70,2 3,
13,1428, Wiſds 17, 18, 19.
Fooles deſpiſe diſcipline. Pꝛo.i5.5.
An omer of diſcipline neferibedin Ezta |
cbep.7.15 ,to27. 1. (0.8.35.
Difcipline of the Church. Wat.18.17.
Dzfcord,leoke Contention.
Difdaine. Wie map not difdaine to bee |
taught, vo not of our inferiour.crod.28.24.
Acts 18.24, 26.
Difcafes. The dileafes of Egrpt, with all
other plagues, are punithments of p breach |
of Gos conumandements. Exodus 15.26, |
Deut.7.12,15.and 28.35,59.¢ 29.22.09 at,
9-2, John 5.14. 1.0021 1.30.
Intemperance bꝛeedeth diſeaſes.Ecclus
31.19,20.* and 39,29. i
Chin healed a man.that had bene difea-
fed 38.peeres. Joh.5.5, to 10. looke Sickneffe,
and Infirmities,
Dif/guifing rapment fogbiaden both man
and woman Dewt.22-5.
Difobedient to Gav and big wow, fubiect
tomanp curfes.Dewt.28.15." Jere 26.4,5
6. Deut 30 17, 18.
Achan foz diſobedience Ronen to death.
Joſh 7.1 1.14, 15,18,25..
The Wraciites foz difobedience, were ca⸗
ried gaptine into Spzia, a Tiing.17.5,t0 24. f
D At
H prophet for bis difobedience wag Maine
bp a lion. 1 .Uking.13. 24.
Ail men foz ý difobedience of Avam were
fubiect onto Gune, death, Damnation. Rom.
z Diſobey. Ahoſoeuer difobeyed the peiefis
02 Judges, was pri to Death. Deut. 17.910
DE difobedience g the punifhment thetof,
looke moze Gen. 3.2.%and 19.14.* Leu. to,
1.*and 26.15. * IUM. 14. 10, *F 16.1,2.7 F
20.2.* Det. 1 1.28.7 27.15." 1, Sam. 12.9.
and $3.9,t0 15. X15. 23. 28.7." 2. Sam.5.
6,7. 1. King. 11.1 t8 14 AND 13. 1to 25. 14.
7.8,to 19.8 20.31,%2. Chr. 7. 19. "E 26.16. *
Ila.24.5,6* Jere. 11.3.E13. 11. and 17.
23* and 35:13:17. Jonah.a1.3. Wat. 14.28,
253, 30.8 17. 814. Act.7. 39, i0 43. Rom. 28,
to 10. Gal.3. 10. looke Rebellion,
Difpofers.Qhe Apoſtles and Winiterg of
Chrm̃ are difpofers of Gods lecrete. 1. Lez.
4-1. and manifolt graces. 1. Pet. 4. 10. and
ought te be fairhtul diſtributets of the Came.
1.Toꝛ 4.1, 2. Locke Apoftles, Bifhops and
Dzfputatior.Gaine diſputatiõs fooliſh que-
Ring and bꝛawlings about the Law, ought
to bee auoided, end whp. Wit.3.8,9, 10, 11.
3.@im.6.3,4,§ 20,25,
Diffemble, Peter, Barnabas, the Jewes
diffembled. Gal.2.11.*
Saul diflembled as though bee beard not
what the wickes ſpake again gum , and
whip. 1.Saim.10.27. 3
— Difemblers can thinke one thing, ¢ ſpeake
@Mother.2.Sar,13.20,32,26,t6 39. and 16.
36,00 20." and 17.15" ;
Diffembling prophets be meet foz the wic»
` Ged. Wicah. 2.11.
~ Diffimulation ought not to be vſed omong
Chꝛiũians.i.Pet. 1.
© Jeremie diffembled, and whp.Jer.33.26,
‘ 27. looge Counterfeit:
Diftruft.looke Vubeliefe.
Diuination oz (oothlaping ought to be pus
nifhed with neath.Leutt.20. 27. it ought noe
tobe vled. Pla. 8.19. REY
Paul diſpoſſeſſed a fpirit of diuination.
Acts 16.16, 17,1 8.fooke Soothfayers.
Divine. Polepy conterfeited gimlelfe ta 95
divine and paophelle. Den 44.65. _
Diusfion,looke Strife and Contention.
Diuifion of tongues.looke Tongues.
Diuorced. None ought to be diuorced. x.
Cez 7.27.except foz fornication. Watt.19.9.
Moles fered a bili of divorce. Deu.24.
5,0 5. Wala, 2.26. Watt. 9.7, 8. Mat. 10:43
` g.contrarp to the Grit inſtitution. Datt.4-5,
6,9. M9 ar.10,6,7,8,9, 11,12.
J Doe. Don doe fo to thee, and moze allos
a kinbde of adiutation vlen of the Debgewes,
1.Sam. 3-17-
The obleruers of Gods commanvements,
Mall polper im all theit doings. Dett.29.9.
Cle muſt doe, as wee would bee one to.
Mee are commanded not onelp to heate,
' Hut alfo te doe Gods commavenients, Deut.
355264190 3940, 8 5.162731. and O.12,35
2492S AND 7.18,12.¢ 8.1.E 10.02. Joſh. 22,
5, Here.7-3,4.fog, Tot every one that layxth,
Thefecond Table.
Lod, Lov, Mall enterintothe kingtome of
heauen, but be chat doth the Fathers will,
Matth.7.21. Foz, nat che bearers, bur the
doers of the Law ſhalbe iuſtiſſed. Rom.2.13.
L1u6.46. Actes 26.19,20. and 1, John 2.4.
anv r.6. foz thole that heare Gods word and
doe it not, Deceiue themfelues. James 1.22.
and are kooliſh builders.Mat.7. 26 27. Luke
6.49. but the doers ave wife builders. Watt.
7:34,35. Luke 6,48 ane ate bleien. John
Good doers commended. Matth 25.34.* -
called Chiſts friends. Joh.r5.14. S. Lukes
Golpel conteineih ali thar Jeſus did anv
taught. Acis. .i.
Gade ought te doe all things to the glozp
of God, and in Chetis name. Matth· 5. 16.
1,002, 10.31.@ol.3.87,anu 1. [Betran
Doe good to all, but chichp te chem of the
houſhond of faith. Bal.6.20.
The glop of wel! doing , pertainerh to
Sor 1 Sam.25. 34 looke Vorkes and Wel-
Dore. Chk igthe Dore. Job.10.1,9 Act.
Gou Kanseth at the Dore , and knocketh.
Rett. 3.20,
Dore of biteranee. Cel.4.3..
Do€tsrs. The bolip Hholt is the Dotor sf
the Apoſtles, and all the Faithfull. Joh. 14. 26
Plal 51.10, 12,13.
Paul the Doctor of the Gentiles in faith
and beritie. «.Gim.2.7. 2. Tim. 1. 1.
Chꝛiſt ogdeined Doctors tn his Church.
1.062,.12,28. anv top. oF phel.4.t1,00 17.
Doétors and fuch ag tutne men te tigh-
teouſneſſe, Hall (hine ag the ſtarres foz ever.
Dan. 12.3.
Doctors ought ta be giaved by the rule of
the fame wozne thep preach, Rom.12.6. 1,
Pet 4.10.05.
That Doors ſhould come in the latter
‘Dapes. 1. Tim.4.1,2. 2. Pet.2. 2.looke Dif-
Doéérine is the rift of God. Rom, 12.7.
TAholeſome doctrine, Tit.2.1.*
DoGrine of beuils.. Tim · 3. 2. Det.2.
E33. Jude 4.
The Jewes calthe Goſpel new doctrine.
ar.t, 27.
TUee ought not to appzone anp that teas
cherh other doGrine then of Chꝛiſt. 2 John
10, 11.
Tee ought tot to bee caried about with
Arange doGrines. Deb.13.9.
The Scriptures are twozirten foz our do-
Grine Rom.15.4.
The forme of dofrine which God hath
ginuen, ig chavitie. Ram.6,17.
They that followed Chak , were affonied
at hig do@rine, Q3st.11.18.
JPanl erhozteth to attend to reading , er
Hoztation, and doctrine. t. Tin. 4.1354 S916. -
Git idole 02 Rocke, ig a doctrine of banitie,
True doGrine aught to be cake out of the
Scriptures. Acts 28.23,
True doGrine chiefly maintained bp hue
militie. Phil.a. 1, 3. to.9.
No doctrine but Cheills ought to bee tee
ceiued. Col.2. 8,9.
We mut hearken co che word of God, and
vot tothe doGrine and precepts of men. Ex⸗
od.23. 13.21,22. Deut.4. 2, and £3.30,31532,
and 13-1,3,3.8 Jol. 1.7, 8. Plal.i 2.4. Pzo.5.
1,2,to. 15. and 30.5,6. Iſa.ð.19, 20. ¢ 29,18.
to 17. Jere.2. 8 11)13, 17, 18.8and 23. 160,17.
18." EZE. 1 3.2, 3,6,7. Mat. 5.19. 87.15, 16
to.ꝛi .QuG.9 € 16.6, 12. 1725. 24. 4.5, 18,
23.24. Mar.7.6, to. 14. Luke 16 13, 15. Joh.
13.16, 20 35. Actes 15.5,te. 30, Acts 20,32.
Rom.16,17, 18.1. Coz.1. 12, 13. and 3.5,6, 7.
18,21, 8712, 25, 35. Gal.1.8, 9, 10. Ephe.4.
14,15. JPbili.3.2, 1 6, t0. 19. Col. 2.4,6,10 9.
1. Tim. i. 3,to 7.64.5, * E6. 3. 2. Tim.i.13.
and 2.14,15,16, * Deb.13.7,9. 1. Joh.2 . 18.
19.* AND 3.7, AND 4.152, 3,6, 2. Joh.7, to.i 1
Jam.2.i, to.a.ẽ 2. Pet. 3. 16,17, 18. Reuel.
22.18,19, ih
Dog ges. Jezebel was eaten with dogges.
2, Bin. g. 36,
Dogges o} whelpes put fog he Gentiles. 26. Wet.7.27.
Dogges allo foz ubbome enemies of the
Gofpel. Batth.7.6, and fo; falfe prophets.
The dogge is returned to hig swn vomit,
Wazael alken liha, if Ge were a dogge,
and wr 2. Wings 8.13.
@ dead dogge, foz a deſpiſed perfon. 2.
Chipgeaching paftours callen dumbe ana
greedie dogges. Iſa.56.10, 11.
Df dogges.ꝛ.Sam.ʒ.8. Job.zo.r. Pſal.
22.16 20. €ecles.9.4, Cod.5.16. and 11.4,
Li ke r6izr. Weue.22,1 5, looke Hire,
Domage, looke Hurt.
Dumbe. God maketh eloquent, dumbe
and deafe. Exod.a4. 1.
The dumbe healen, looke Deuill.
Secharie becommeth dumbe, foz hig incres
Dulitie. Luke 1.18,19,20.
Helivvezus ſuddenly riken dumbe, ig
healed agein at the paler of Onias.a. Mac.
Dumbe creatures ſpoken vnto. Ezek. 6,
23 ann 36.1. Micah.6.1, 2.
Dumbe creatures pantthcd foz mang fakes
Jeph 12,3.
Dominions Chilis dominion endureth es
. ter- Pſa.i45.13. is farre aboue all pꝛincipas
lity, potier ec. phe.. 2r. looke Kingdome,
Lordhhip, Power, and Rule.
Doable tongued perfona ought tober ab»
Horred and tuhy. Eeclus.28.14.*
Double hearted. Ecclus 2.1 3.and 3.28.
Doue fent out of the Arke.Gen.8. 8.
Doues nung fold fo? fitel.2 Ring 6.25.
Dough, The Iſraelites caried vnle auened
dough toz haſte out of Egypt. Exo. 2. 39.
Bowrie. Leahs dowrie. Gen.30.20.
Dowrie of virgins. Exo.ꝛ 2.16, 17.
Shechem cffereth Jaakobs daughter a
large dowrie. Gen.z34 11, 12.
J Dragon. Che Dragon Satan bound foz
1000.peeres, Rcue.20. 2,
Df the Dragon that fought with Michael
anv fis angels. Reue. 12. 3.7.
Daniel Mapech the Dragon without ſword
02 {taffe. Dan.14.26,27.
Dragons taken fog great and monfitoug
‘The fecond Table.
fh23. B fal.148.7.
* aw, Rone can beleeue in Cherilſt exce pt
the Fathet draw bim. fol} 6.44.
Dread looke Feare. á
Dreame. Jaakob dreamed hee faw a tad-
Ber. Gen 28.12.
Abimelech bp a dreame kept from touching
Sarah to velile her. Gen. 20.6.
Laban warned bp a dreame,to ſpeake well
to Jaakob.Gen.3:.24.
~~ God willezh Salomon bp adreame,to afke
tobat be woulo.: Ring.: 2.5.
Ged ſpake to the Bropbets by dreames,
Num.i2 6. 1. Ham.28.6,
Joleph rehearleth his two dreames to Hid
bꝛethren. Gen. 37. 5.9, to 12,
DF the dreames of Pharaoh, looke Gen.
41.1,to 8.
A louldier expounded bis fellowes dream,
Judg.7-1 3,14.
GD is the interpreter of dreames. Gene.
41.16.Dan.2, 28,30,"
OF dreames, reade moze Gen. 1.2,to 14.
and 40. 5.” and 46.2, 8 5.1. Ba.3.4.* 2,
San.7.4,to 18. Job 7. 14 and 33.15,to 18.
2. 9B ace.15.11,t018,Datt.1.20,to 24. and a.
12,13, 1222. * Acts 16.9
Dreames that doe * Trom Goo, ought
not to be regarded. Deu.i 3.1,2,3,5. Fer.23.
16,25 to 28.* g 27.9,10. Eccius; 2,250 8.
~Dreames make fooles to haue — Ec⸗
Hñates wife was troubled in Her dreame,
fo: Chit. Batt.27.19.
Dreames come bp the multitude of buf-
Bong men fhalt fee bifions, anu olde men
‘fhaill dre ame dreames Acts 2.27,
Drefe. Gad put Adam m Pararile to
dreffe it, and Keepeit.Gen.2.15.
Drinke,Drunkennef?,t Drunkards. The
Iſtaelites murmured , and contended with
_ Boles foz want ef drinke. Eron. 1 5.24. and
17.,1,t0 8.
being fed bp rauens, dranke riuer
Imenr, 1: Bing.17:5 6."
_ Gon willerh Gideon re take none to warte
{with bim, that kneeled Dotwne to drinke was
rer. Judg.7.a, to 7
Sting ftu was forbidden Aaton anv
pis fonneg, Lesit.10. 8,9.
Strong drinke is raging. JBz0.20.1.
A JPzophet is commanded not to drinke
noz zaten Beth-el 1. King. 13.9.
Dautd being verydeie woulv net drinke
of the water, which bis chzee wozthies fers
ched. 2.Dam.23.15 16,17.
Che Iſcaelites *dranke of the red ficour
of the grape in the lande of promile, Deut.
$ What drinke was to * accounted ons
tleante. Lewit.1 1.3233.3
The Jewes viv danke ihe wpit itual dritk |
that we drinke af. 1.82.10 3,4.
The Apoftics fiilen bitane help Shoe,
counted drunke Gcts.2.13
~~ Cpi allo called a ngiket of wine. Bat.
Et iadged Hannah to bee drunke, then
$e faw ber lips mooue, ano heard tie voyce.
LAM., 209.
Noah being drunke, twas mocked bp bis
ſonne Dam.Hen 9.31,22
Let being drunke, committed iacelt. Bes
Damad weuly pane made Ciciah drunke.
2.Dait.1 1.13.
Amnon being drunke , —— Raine bp pis
bzotjer Abſalom 2. Sa. 13. 28.
Benhadad being drunke, wag difcomfitea
bp Abad. 1. Ring 20. 16, 20,34.
Elah being drunke, was Raine bp Zimti.
1. King. 16.85, 10.
Jabal was drunke. Sam.25. 36.
Dioternes being drunke, was flaine by
Jusech. Huverh.13.2,8.
Pꝛinces ought to abjogre drunkennefle,
and why 1920.21.4,5.
Chiffiane mult abbogre drunkenneffe,
Luke 21.34. Eph. 5. 18. Rom.r 3. 13.1. CToz.
6.10,anD 11. 21801 Pet 4 3. Matt. 24 49.
Drunkenneſſe condemned. Pꝛo. 30.1.
Tee ought not to keepe companp wit)
drunkards, and glutcons,ant why. Pzou. 23.
30,21, 1. Corꝛ. 5. 11.
q woe again drunkards. Iſai.z.11,12,
22.and 28. 1. Jael 1.5. Hab.2.15.
a — woman ts a great plague. Ec⸗
q labouring man, ginen to drunkennefle
hail not be rich, Ecclus.19 1.
Drunkennefle a wogke of the kleſh. Galat.
Gers atrowes drunke with his enemies
blood. Deut. 3 2.41,42.
Drovfie healed onthe Sabbath vap. Luke
14.254. é
J Duf. Dan is duft, and to duft he Hall
returne Gen. z. 19. and 18.27, Eccle. 2.7.
leoke Man,
The Oebretves in token of ſerow, bled to
cai duft oz alyes on theit Beads. 2. Sams.
2. looke Afhes
Daul and Barnabas ſheobe the duft from
their feere agaiuſt the vibcleeuing Tewes.
Bet.12.58. ad Chꝛiſt wilted his Apofites to *
vepar. 10.¥4,15.looge Earth aii Tearing t
of Clothes,
Duetie, TAvereiti the Shole duety of man
confifterh, oke Uccleg. 12.74.
© Dwell. Moles ferxethetwed that the Ji
raelites ſhouid —— in ſatety. Leui. 26.5.
Deut 11.29, 30, 3
Gon dwelt saith the Gitaclites bpon mòine
Zion Cxed · 15.17.
Paul dwelt in Rome bp himlelfe rws
peeres.Acts 28.16,30,31.
The dwelling of Iſrael in Egypt, was
430 peeres. Erot. 1240, 41.
Chat it is to dwell in Chriſt. . John 2.
6. Joh 6.56.
The Spirit of Gos aurei ts that he e
dwelleth ins. John 7.24. |:
THe dwell in Chriſt Jefus, if we confe fle
him to bee the Sonne of Gos. 1-Jojn 4.11,
Siit affareth bs, that in bis Fathers
houle are many < dwelling faces. Joſh 142.
€ Eare The pope ſeruants tobich would
-nor tbe fet ar tiberip, bozed with an alvic.
pod. 21,6, Deut. 15.17...
ans will sf epi $e: 2. Sam. 22.8.
31.and 16.26,
All eares bearing of Eli bie puniſchnent,
ſhall ringile. 1.Sam.3.11.
He that bat) eares to — let him brate.
Mat.13.9. Mar 4.9. Luke 8.8
God giueth to thole that lowe fim, eares
that can ant will heatken to hig wo. Deni
29.2 3346
Rebels baue neither epes, nog eares to fee
02 beare withaill. Ezck. 12. 2
Role and eares taken’ kor Dyinces ano
zieſts. Ezek 23.25.
Gt was lawfuti to gleane eares of come
bpon neceſſitie. Deut.23.25.[at.r12.1.
Early. Elkanah and bte wiues rofe early,
and fuozhhipped.1.Sam.r1.7r9.
Df early rifling. Gene 19. 27. 20.8.ã 25.
14.€22.3. 428,18. Exo §.20.and 941 3.1.Da.
17.20, Jla.37.36, and 50. 4. 2. King. 3. 22.
Jer.32.33.Datt.20. 1 Wat. 16.2.
Che murtherer rileth carly to kill the
pooze, and needp, Job. 24.14.
Earneft, Gods Spirit the earneft of ont
inheritance. 2.02, 1.22. @ 5.5. Ephel 1.13,
14. and 4.36. Rom.8.15,16,17. Gal.4.6,7.
Earth. God feparatenthe earth from the
waters, which fit were mingled together.
Gen gaue the earth bertue to being fozth
heatbes and trees. Gen.i n. 12.
The earth cutſed, (ee Curſed.
Gnam was Diuen out of Paradiſe to till
the earch, Gen. 323 —
The earth corrupt before Gor.Ger.6.41.
aah got his lining bp siting the earths
Bp whom the earth was ouerſpread. Gen,
9 19nd 10.32,*
All the earth ig the Toys: Exod. 9-29. and
all that ih cherein. Pſal.ꝛa.
The earth anu fruits thereof curſed to the
Difebedient. Detiteron,28.15,16517,23,38,
to 43.
Poles callerh heauen and earth to wit⸗
Naaman craueth that hee might caty of
the carth of the lanv of promile , to fatrifice
theron to the true Gov. 2.Ring.sa7.
The earth ana all thet isteri mall
burne et the Dap of indgement, and afters
ward there Mali bee a new earth , wherein-
rightecninefe fall owel. 2. Deter 3: 195, gre
Rewe,21.1,Wla.6 5.17.4 66.22.
Tipp att thou pidio, D earth and ates?
Eccing.10.9. juoke Duſt.
Earthouake. The ‘earth themblen ‘at. the A
deliuetie ot the Lats. Epo.19.18 JDla,58.8,
Heb.: 2.26. and when God ſpake ts Cliiay.
1King. 19 11, 12.
Earthquakes fozefiets that Gov ig angtp.
Pſ3.8.7. Iſa.1 3. 13. Aæ24. 18 89,26 296.
Qs zppeareth bp Bezas. Dathen,e Abiram
Fum. 26,1, to 36 ane Gziah. 2.Ehz01.26..
16.* Amos 1:4.3ic).14.5
The earth quaken ‘at the death of Chk.
Wat.27 51,54. when hee roſe againe Matt.
28 2and after the Apoltles prayers Atge
Earthquikes pzeteene great, altevatien of
Religion Reut. 416.78. anvaiio.
ate Ggnes of: LHe bts fpeedie comming.
ae EL
brito ſudgement. Joel ı 2,10, Matth.24.7.
War.: 3.8. iLuke 1.11,
.) Earthly, The Bri man ig of the earth
Eafter tooke Paſſeouer.
Eate.We that wil not woke muf not eate.
2, Thel-3, 10,11,62,
Whe Apolties han no lvalure to eace, Mar·
Whe faithfull are fozbinder to eate tte
meate, fothep Doe all to Dods glozp. 1.92.
Toeate the leſh of Chil , looke Supper
of the Loz.
The Iſraclites fare Tone to eate and
dzinke and rofe bp to piap. Exod. 32.6.
. 2 Bamet.23,Her.4.53-am.4,19. Dol 8.1
JPlaim.103.5. Jere. 49.16.Dbad. 1.4. Pꝛou.
30-19, r0d.19 4.Mica.i.a16.Matt. 24. 28.
Luke 17.37.
The parable of the tioo Egles ann the fig:
nification. Ezek. 17, 2,357.
Elders. oꝛdained bp election thozow all
Churches. Actd 14.23. Fitr. 5.
Pauls erkoztation to the Elders of Ephee
ſus Acts 20.17."
Tuhat maner of men Elders ought.tebe.
Titus 1.6,t0 10,
¶W hat Elders are woꝛthy of double honour.
a. Tim.5. 17.
KReceiue no accuſation againſt an Elder
vnder tine oz thee witneſſes. 1. Tim.5 19.
loske Biſhops
` Elet The elect ate few in number, Wat.
7.14 AND 30,16 AND 22.14.
Ele&ed to faluation from the beginning
ofthe woꝛld. Ephe.r.4.1.JPct.1.2. Reueſ.
Tite ele& of God cannot be condemned.
Rom 8.23,34.
Gongs purpote ia bp his cletion. Wo. 9.1%
. ©. Paul knee that the Chetlaionans
boere Elet 2, hcl.1.4,*
The fecond Table.
Whole thar are Ele& depatt from miquitie.
2 Tim.2. 19.
The Elect onely belcene. Acts 13.48.
The Elect feare God, and be mindfullof
pleallne bim. al. 3.16,
Eleéfeon. Geach uath obteined bp free Ele-
Gion, that which pecoula nes bp wozkes.
Bem. t-g b7.
EleGion pzoceeteth from grace ant not of
togakes. Rom.ↄ i r I2, 13.
Whe Jewes being enemies tothe Goſpel
fo? our fakes, touching the Blection, are be-
loued fo? theis fathers Cake. Reom.11.28.
Ele&ion lieth in God ¢ not in vs, Rom.g.
Tue muff make our Election fure bp good
woꝛkes. 2. Pet.. 1o.ſooke Chofen ant Pre-
Eloquence. Aaron appointed to aſſiſt Mo⸗
{es in itean of eloquence. Exod.a.10, 14 a16.
Elements, Whe Elements ſhall mele with
heate.2,JDet 3.10.
Whe potwers of the Elements were knows
ente Galomon. Miſd.7. 17.
All the Elements Cerne the wiil of Gov.
Mild. 19.17. looke Rudiments.
J Embrace. Glau embraced his bꝛother
Jackob. Benz 3.4. So did Foleph besh his
brother Beniamin. Gen.45.14.¢ his father
Saakob. Gen.46.29. and J aakevembraced
Joſephs chilozen.Pen.48.10.
Therr is a time to embrace, and atime to
abftaine. Eccles.3.5.
Miſedome well bring them te Honour that
embrace her. Pꝛou.a4. 8
The right bandof Cig embraceth hig
Church. Cant.2.6. $
King Eupatoz embraceth Jusag Wac-
cabeus.2 act 3.24
Embawming, looke Gen go. 2,26.
F Enchanter looke Finger.
The punifmenis of Enchanters Reuel,
22.15. Looke Sorcerers, Soothfayers, and
Enclined. God ig moze Enclined to mercy,
then to math. Wsich.7,28 ac.
Ged Excourageth Joſhua and the frae-
lites. Yoi 1.67,18, Deu.31.6,7,8. S. Pe⸗
ter an Paul.Acts 2311.
Tie gozlp haue neede of encouragement
in their faith. Wat.o.22. Luke 1.3¢.Actar.
23. and 14.22,and 15.63. and 1635. aud E8,
23527-aND.20.1 ,2,6,17.% :
The Excreafe of the doctrine of Chii
ought to be atteibuted vnto Gon oneip. 1.
Ende. Then the ende of all tranfitozie
things Hall come, s.@oz 15.24.
The ende of allthings ig at band, net.
The wife will confider their end. Deut 32-
29.4 fc Hal hep not voe amiſſe. Ecclius 7. 36.
The ends of the wozid ate come bpon vs
Ending, woke Beginning.
Endued. Chik willeth thig Apoſtles to a-
bine im Jerufalem , till they were endued
with the holy Ghoſt duke 24.49
Endure, lonke Continue, anv Perfeuere.
Enemies. God delivereto the rtlobedient
intothe hands of their enemies. Deut.28.25
Godtheeatneth to take bengeance of his
enemies Deut.32.42543. ;
‘UE we feare Ged, hee will make our enee
mies to feare vs. Reu.ꝛ6.7,8.Deut.6.2, 13
34. E4013 522525. ald 20.257.
God mate Jaakobs enemies afraive of
him Wei. 35.5.6 i
Go deiuereth Lots enemies into Abza⸗
bams bands, Gen.14 20,
God dekerreih to afflict, leſi the enensies
ſhould (well. Deut. 32.27.
Jf we loue Gon, Ye will lap his curſes on
our enemies. Deut. 30.6,7.
Gov ED the Iſtaelites into the hands of
theit enemies. Dettt.32, 30,43 Jupg. 2.14.
AND 3.7,8, 12, 14. and 4.2.4736.5.an8 10.7,
8. lee Aduerfary.
Baul became Daleos enswie, becauſe he
fais that Dod was with him. 1. om.18.01,
Deuid fled topig enemies, and there lined
in moze ſafetie then among the Fltaelites.
4. Dam.21.10,* and 1.2."
TUe ought both. to loue our enemies, ¢ Boe
thein good. Wats .44 Luke 6.27. 2. Ting,
22,23. (¢ Nət totelopee at their hinderance.
Pꝛo 24. 17.)thet wee map winneghem toga
mendwent. Deut.2 3.4.5. Pzoll.25.2 1,22.
Romn. ı 2.20,21.. Examples in Dauid to:
ward Baul. 2.Ham. 1.17. 1. Sam. 24. 5, to
8G 26.8.* 6 toward Spinel. 2, Ham.16.5,
10,117,160 15. Example allo in Chik Luk.z
24 tin Stenen. Act.7 34. And Goes hath
resonctled vs to biwmlelke, enen wher wee
were his enemies, Lol. 1,21.
Chit hath many and diuers enemies,
Jobn 15.18.Acig20.30.
Chilis enemies compared to tweoluer.
PMatt.10.16, Act.20.29. Thep are not to be
“feared, Matt. 10. 20. for thep fail intagreat
Beltruction.APat.10.15.@ 22.744. Luke 19 -
27.1.G02.15.25.eb. 1.13.
MAho dee the enemies of Chʒiſt his croffe.
pil 3.18.
Gods enemies confrained to ſpeabe well
of Gove che govlp , Cometimesagainfrbeiz
con{cierice. 1.amt.2 4.17, 18." €26.21,24,
25-Qrod.9 27.¢ 10.16,17. 2 Mac. 9. 13.
Exprifonment, (ee Priſon.
Enfample, (ee Example.
Extifing, {ee Flattering.
Enuce ot the Philiſlime, fee Welles,
Ralel enuied Leah. Gen. 30.1.
The Egyptians enuied the increafe of the
Divostiese gE nir, 12,
abans fonnes envied the profperity ef
Jaakeb. Gen.31.1. ——
The bzethren of Joſeph enuied Hier.
37 458, ur. -
Dauit forced net of the enuie of His bzs
ther Eliab. ram. 17.28. , j
Sani enuied Dauid, becaufe che chiefe
praple of the victogie wag afcrtben to hime
2.3m. 18 8,9.
Pais fotkes ought to be Hunned, Pee.
Chk mag deliuered bnto Dilate through
the enuie of the bie [5 ziels. Matt. 27. 1.
@ Deechat fs eudued with charity, enuietk
Na man. a. 2.13.4.
Enuie ig foꝛbidden Thaiiians. BRS L
1.Pet.2.1 Pꝛo.i4 23. at.71. Luk, 5 30.
Bon.s.29.and 13.13. Phil · 1.15.1. Timot.
6.4. Tit · 3.3. James 4.5.
Through enuie of the deuill came death
inte the wozo. ifd. 2.24.
ramples of envie. Matth. 20.24. Luke
15.25. Acts 7 9. and 17.5. —
Tere enuie and firite is there ig {edition
and all maner of enil woꝛkes. Jam.3.14,16.
That Heula an envious man doe with
moneyp? Ecclus 14-3.
` The wicked enuie the godlp.Dan.6,4.fee
Hate. i
- S Epicures and Era hak again®
& jPaul.Acts 17.17.18. °
— ann Stheilts are delcribed· tiL
2.1,t0 23.2 Pet 3.3.4. Epbe.2.12- Roms.
20.* Of their puniſh nent. Rom .2.8,9,12,
Rett.20 1 5,and 22.15. —
Epifile. The Coꝛinthians are the Epiſtle
of Jelus Cheilt, and of D. Paul 2. Cozinth.
; Biter warneth be to beware of the vifi
cultneſfſe in Pauls Epiftles.2.}9er.3.16.
Pauls Epiftle tv the Romanes was wate
ten out bp one Tertius. om. 1$.22-
G Equall, Felus Lhi being m the fozme
of Gon thought it no robberie to be equal
with GoB.jSpi.2.6. 0
Equalitie among Chꝛriſtians bow to Be v.
fed.2. £028.14- ' 4
€ Erre Rage the Iſt aelites erred in their
Deatrs. |Plal.o5.10.
Couetouſnefſe canferh manp te erre from
the faith. i. Tim a1. 6. and 6.10. `
Ebey erre that imagine milehiefe, ¢ will
not be reformed-JP7e.14,2 2.2 celus.17.8-
Geo cauleth noman to erte. Ecclus.i.
Tbo ſo conucrtethhim that hath erred
froin the trueth deth faue a ſoule from Death.
James §.19.
Thewicked thinke ft net enough fo erre
themfelucs , excepe tiep Dzatoz others with
them. Til r421,” Zila. 30.10,28.
_ Errour and vatkeneffe are appointed foz
“Gnners.ÆE crius. r.16, Rom. 1.27.
In the tatter dapes nren fhal giae heed to
{pirits of errour. 1. Tim·a.i.
The lafi errour {halve wogle then the firi.
gatt. 27.54.
Dow io diſcerne the (pirit of errour from
the ſpirit of trueth. . Foyn 4.6.
J Ejzate. No eftare ceempted from thz
reading eerpeunding of the Scriptures,
FAebhe.8.8, 13.
Efchew. Thee ought to efchew euill,g toe
gost. Ecclus 4.2o and 1. Pet.3. 11.
Eſteeme. Paul eReemed not to know anp
thing, laue Jelus Chrilt, ana him crucified.
1. Coꝛ.a. 2.
§ Eterzalldife. Matt.i 9.16,17.425.355
35546, OB ar.10.17,t0 32. Luke 18.18 t031,
John 4.736.000 5 39.46.68. andro 28. and
12. 25. 1. Çim. ¥.16.an0 6.12. loske Life,
Fewer. God will {mite (uch as ditebep him
with feuers. Deu.28.22.
Chalk heated Deters mother in lawe of a
feuer. Matth.8.14, 15. Patke 1.30,31,-
E Fielde. The Iſtaelites might not fowe
their field with mingled feed Leuit.19.19.
ODF pim that hutteth bis neighbours field
ozbineparD Exod.22.5. z
Mee ought not to remooue the markes og
bounds of the field, Deut 1 9.14.
Abfatom cauletlh Goabs field to bee fet on
fire. 2.5am.1 4.30. :
The field ef blood. Acta 1.19.
The field whieh Jeremie bought of Has
names). Jere. 32.7, to 16,
Fight. looke Warre,
Figge.Uhe parable of theFigge tree Mat.
The curling of the ſigge tree Wat.21.19,
to 23. Parat. r 3 24.
Toe parable of the onfruitiniifigge tree,
Luke 13.6, ta 10.
The figge would not bee king ouer other
trees. Judg. 9.10,51,
Fill God will fill vg with all goon things,
if we lone him. Deut. 33.13,14,0 5:
Gee ought not to forget Gon , when wee
ate filled with bis benefices. Deut.8.10,19,
and 6.10513, 42. as DID fhe Pitaclites Deu,
Finde, To feeke God and to finde him, anv
tolofe bim, how. 2. Chꝛ.15.2, 431 5.
God iudgemente cannot be found out bp
man. 2. Eſd.5.40.
Finger, A giant flaine that bad 24.fingers
and toes. 2.Sam.31.20,21.
-Tables mitten with the finger of Gov,
EoD. 31.18.
Pharaohs enchanters confefle that Wos-
fes miracles torte bꝛought to pafle bp the
— of God, and not bp ſorcerie. Exodus 8-
18,19. ; Si
The finger of Gov, that. Luke 11.20...
Firmament. Gen.1.6,7,8. JPlal.1 50.1.
Firft. The Airft beane of man o? bea, de=
Bicated tokon. o.s 3. 2, 12, 14. and ginen
foz a parcell of the Leuites mheritance.
The firft bezne ofman might bee revee>
med, ant how. zron. 13.13.
The firk foale of an afle wag reveemen
with a lambe. rod, 13.13.
Chik was the firk bome of ruerp creas
ture. Rom, 8.29. Col. 1.15. ;
Pow the firt fruites ought to dee offered.
Deut.26.2,3,to 12,
The firk fruites pertained to the high
Pꝛieſt. Qum-s.9. See Tithes,
Chit the ſirſt kruits. ſirſt bone, aut fift
Hegotten of tye Vead.r.Cozint.15.20,21, 22.
gol.1.18. Reu. 1.5. >
- -Att the firft bone of Egypt are faine,
Eto. t229.
~ he firit bome ate the Lows. Erod.22.
£9530.8 34.19,20 "Ñ enit. 27. 26. Mumb.8.
r4 16,t0 20,Deut.4 5.19,1. Sam t.4,20,
32,28.0¢32.44.30. Luke a. 23.
Ol the firftlings 6; firſt fruits. Ex.23. 16.
and 34.26. Leui.z 3. 10 Rum. 18.15. Deut.
18.4.2, Chꝛon. 31 > 2.JAehe.10.3 5, 37. Pꝛoii.
920.0 3€.44.35. i
3 The —2 of the firft boie ener his
bzetbren.Gen.a 7.a025.31,32533- Genet.
49 3 DEMt-24.15,16,97.2-E0R21.3.
Tie that baue the Ark frairs of the ſpitit,
poe atone tordeliuerance. Rom.8.21, 22,23.
The firkk bome were othertwhiles cerected,
and pots, and whp.Gen.9,23,25 and 48.14,
18,19. and 49.40
Ik the ſirſt fruits be holp, the whole lumpe
is boly. Rom. a 1.16.
Fifhes created by the wozd of Gon. Genel,
¥.31,22. d
{Preachers called Fithers.Gsekiel 47.10.
GB st.4.1 9. Mar.i.i7. Luk. 5.10.
. Flam: looke Angel, fea
Flattering Wow hurtkull Aacterie if: Pro.
276. and 28.23.Eccles.7 7 Hab. 2. 15.
Againſt flatterers.Pꝛou 24.24. and 18.8,
aed 26.22,28.* 09At 1 1.7.aND 14. 4. and 18
rg5.Qom,,11.17.5 Thel. ꝛ.5.
Flatterie of falle Pꝛophets.looke Falle,
Tiozlolings flatter boro God and them-
felucg.JDlal. 78.36. and 36.2. Tooke World-
lings aud conceit-
The nature of flatterers,J930.29.5. Rom.
16.17, 8. Pſa 4t.5,to 9.cramples of flatte-
rie, Bat.22° 16. John 18. 22. Actes 3-4. aud
22.22.8110 24.2535
Hatiois baue flattering lips, Judg.1 4-15,
16,17. and 16.5 ,6,10,13515,t0 19, Pꝛou. 2.
16,t0 20.and 5. zte 7. and, 21.
Qbfalom , bp flatterie , fought to alpire to
bis fathers &inguome.2.Dani.1 5,2333 4536.
Flea. Danin tearmeth himſelfe a Flea. 1.
SHam.26.20. ie
Flee. Cbzitk willeth os if wee bee perfec:
ted in one citie, to flee into another. Mat. ro.
- 230 div Paul anv Barnabas. Act.14.5,66
Elifha willeth ene ef the fonnes of the
Yrophersto flee, as (oone as be had anopn-
ted Jehu.2-Wing.o.3.
God wiliea Eilisb to fleefrom the pze-
fence ef Ahab, r. Ging.17.3.
Dauidfled.1,Sam.t5-1 48nd 19.10,12, 7
and 22 3,4,5- - j
Eliiah fled from Pezebel.1.BWing.! 9,3.
Soles fled from Wharaoh. Excdus 2.15.
Aut. 16.42.an0 Gaakob from Elau. Gene.
27:43:44: a
Tin dilciples fled. Watt.26.5 6.
Fochua Leemeth to flee befeze the people of
Ri. WoRy.8.9.15 :to 30.
The Dpztans fice fr5 Shab. kin, 20.20.
Siera fd. Jude a.i 7. 2 1.
Ablalom fled 2 Sam.13.23,34 *
Toe PBhiuſltims fleecing were Maline. r.
Sam.751.52 zà
` The Mirachiter fled before the Phili Fims
The fecond Table.
Sam. 31.7.
Fleece DE the experience of the Fleece of
Wool, Judg.s 37,10 48.
Flefh taken fog man Gmplp.Watth.24-22+
Met.2.17. Rom.3. 20. and 7.18.1. Coꝛin. 1. 19.
Gal.2.16. foz the naturali affection of man.
PH atth.26.41, foz the cutwar few of man.
cpn 8.15. foz outward pompe and ofientas
tion , ozfoz weake Hate ann cendirion. 2,,2,3. foz the common cotitle of na»
tute. Gal.4.29. for thig prefent life. 1. Pet.
4.2. fog the ceremonies of the lawe. Galat.3-
3.foz the mogtall bodie- JÐ hil. the ge=
neration after the fleth. Phil. 3. 3,4. 2-Coz.
Fleth and blood taken foz man oz anp thing
inmans nature cogrupted. Matth. 16.17-
John 3.6.Qoman.7.18.and 8.5,5.Gal.1.16.
pbhel.6. 12. and fog men corupt through
laune. a Corz. 15. 530.
The Jewes might net eate anp feh toꝛne
of beaſts. Exod.ꝛ 2.31. noꝛ that touched anp
vnele ane thiug. Leuit. 7. 19. neither might
thep a their Hefh foz the Bead. Leuiticus
Wan and wife are but one Aeth.Genef.2.
24.Qatt.19,5, Wat.10.8. Epbhels.zr. 1.
The people fella luſting foz flefh, € Gov
gaue it them. Mum. 11,4,13,18,19.and pus
niſhed them foz their tult-berle 33,34.
Hophui ard Phinehas toske from the peo-
ple perfozce,the ferh of the facrifice.1,am.
2.13,t0 16,
Elita is nouriſhed with bzead and feh
bp raueng.1 Rings 17.6.
Fleth attributed to fifhes.1.@02-15.39.
Wan being Beltitute of Gods Spirit, is
but fleth, woking flethly whatloener he doth)
Ail felh is grafle.i.Pet.i.a4.
Jeſus Chik being mave man, became
pattaker of our flefh and blood, ¢ whp.Debz.
3.24.1. Joh. 4. 2.
The true knowledge of Chif is not re-
uealed by flefh and blood. Wat.1 6.17.
‘Sp the nre of che felh is vnderſtocd foz:
nication, and all fuch nue as our nature ig
inclined to.Gal.5. 16,17, 19,20,25.
The Acth naturally velireth lethly things.
Ichn 3 6. Rom.7 14 and 83,5.
The wiledome df che fleth ig death. Rom.
Thep thatare in the flefh, cannot pleafe
Gov. Rom. 8.8.
F goonnefle dwelleth in the fleth Rom
Fy |
Thole that line after rhe flesh, hail pie.
The kaithfull mu! boniſh from them al
flethly {uffs.Rom,13.12,13,14. Gala. 5.1 3e.
The vecdes ofthe feh are moztifien. bp
Geos (pirit.Rom.8.3. .
Mo trut in fleſhly helpes. Dhan 1,7. Na⸗
hum 3.9.19,
Mt the frailtte of the Aeh, Eccles 14.17.
38, > i r
The fleth approneth hig owne counſels.
Pꝛou 1.21,
The flefh ig deceiued bp his owne wile:
Dame. Przo 14.18. ;
The peraerie spinion ofthe feh, thit:
keth that Gov hath noregard into it. Job
g" ficth ig contratp tothe pitit. Salat,
3 * ¥ A loobe Supper. i
22a flo cart, God wi
ates yea God will ginea pears
Fises in Egypt.Exo.8.21, 24.
Flocke jooke Feede and Foode.
Whe flockes of cartell are curfeo te thole
that dilobep Gob. Deut. 28.18,
Me ought to knoto the Rate of our locke,
oz famifp.$92,27.23.and to feeve them with
ttug Doctrine, and gocd eramples.1. Petes.
2,3,4. Actes 10,2,* Rom. 16.5. Ephe. 6.4, —
1. Tim.5. 8.2. Tim.4. 19. Icoke Houthéld,
Coats Rocke little. Luk 12.32.
Flood. FRoahs flood. Geneſis 6.17.* and
Floore, Chꝛiſts floore, Matth. 3.12. Luke
Fowre. Man is but a flowre of the graffe:
Fam.1.10, 18 dooke Graffe.
Gu offering of lower, Lcu 2.1.
E Foldetooke Sheepfold.
Follow. Ae ought to followgoobned- Gal. -
5.4, 18.1. Theks. 5.
Tee ought to follow Gods wor, Dente
13. 1, to 12.80 obep its Dent. 13.4. 1. Sam.
Tohua and Caleb conffant!p folowed the
Loꝛd.Num.32. 12.
To follow hils Reps ig to (uffer afflice |
tion patientip ag he DiD. 1, JOct.2.29,
Great multitudes followed Chik, and `
be healed them all. Watt.12.15,
Chik ſhewed bp miracle, bow they th all |
want nothing that followe him.Mat.ia: i 35
to 22.Mat · 6 34 37 i0 45. Luk 911,t0 28.
Tho fo wili follow dhaif, mult haue no
lets to fop bim.GBat.8, 22.
To followe frange obg, looke Whoa —
Doe euil Epod.2 352. un loos
TUe ought ta be followers of God ag Deere
ce ought not to follow that which igea |
uill, and whp.3. John. r.
Paul willeth bg to bee
1. Coꝛ.4 16.2.8 eff. 3.7.8. k 7
The Thellalonians became followers ef
Chik and his Apoſtles and bowe: r, Thelſ·
1.6 i
Tae ought to bee followers of them which
though faith and patience inberite the pzo⸗
mifes.Deb.6.22. J
Foode of Gods wom preſetueth them that
be godly Ti 16.26. sO nu e 3
Sod oweined foove foz maman healt.
Gew.1.29,308, a € ae
Ja akob defireth of God foode and appa-
rell Gen.28.20. cin
The Midianites veFrop all the foode of
the Iſraelites both in Geld and houle, utge:
ARTEO ; Ae fare’ vom
Hod giucth foode and raiment to the fas”
therleffe,¢e, Deut ro. r8 ; .
GL aed
Qa magne to os pa Bapip —
S r4 QA.
Roy S&S
followers of hime |
Tce ought not to followe a multitude to |
ig E-O R
M"att.6.r1.andB not to be careful foz things
of thts fife. Watth.6.25,* 31533. looke Rai-
~ Whe Succochttes end Wenuelites Maine
fathar ihep would not gine foodete Ote
enant his men. Judg. d.5 9,16,17. *
Fooles ought io bee ſcourged wich rocdes.
Pꝛo 26.3. acu,
~ Fooles ate the authours ef contentions.
PI z0u. 18.6. ; ;
Foolesbelight to talke what thep liſt, br:
controlled. Pꝛo. 18.2.
~ Fooles are net to be taught.Pꝛo 23.9.
_ Dactrine is verp cumberiome fez fooles.
Ecclus.ꝛI.13.and 22.7.
Gfooles counlell is not to bee tegarded.
Ecclus. 8.17.
~ Riches profit not a foole. Pꝛo.i7.16.
The heart of fooles is in thew mouth.ges
clus.ꝛ .26.
` ‘Honour tg onfeemnelp foz a ſoole.Pꝛotiex.
g foole thinker) bis owne wit bet. JP zou.
A foole ig incozrigible. Pꝛ.17. 30,
Df the natare and qualitie of a foole, and
Dow he ſhould be regarded, JS20.12,46. aud
26.4,to 1 5. Ecclus.ꝛ 1.20.
= Foohfh Jewes regarded not God foz all
Hie benefits. Dent.32.5,6.
Chꝛiſtians map not vie foolith talking o3
fefting.cEp).4.5,5. i
The preaching of the Crolſe ig counties
fooliknefe. r.1902. 1.78.
Goes tritelp wile, is to bee accounten
- afoole in the tuazld. 1. Coꝛ.. 18.19.
Gor hath chefen. the foolith things of thts
world to confound the woife,1.doz. 1.27.
Paul was-commed a toole foz Chriſt his
fake. r Cor. 4. 10.
Sod hath mave the beildome of thig werld
ſooli hdeſſe, bp tye ſooliſtneſſe of pꝛeaching ·
opr. 20,28.
Dauid din verp foolishly in numbing bis
— prople.2.Bam.24.10. ` `
-~ The naturall man tengech the doctrine of
- the Golpel footiMaelen. Eo.. 14.
ooliſh quefions,fee Queftions.
Foote of priba JB al.36%4 1.
| Forbid. Chꝛiſt woul net he his Apofis
foul forbid. anpto Doe a miracle in pis
Name.Dat9.39. ` :
+ Forevanner. Thrift out forerunner ¢ hig)
Priclk.Web.6.20.: i
Foreskinnes. Hawl deſtred of Danis a huni-
ped foreskinnes. 1,3.18.25.
: Forget Hed,too%s Fill,
The Ilraelites Yaning forgorren Gor,
Were plagued De 32.17,18 to 27.6 deliue⸗
ren tato cheie enemies hands... Sam,1 2.9.
“@ be che fe birler of Pharaoh forgate Yo.
feph his friend.Gen.40.21523.
-Forgiae Che ought to forgive. Eectud.28,
Wy? t9.9.Wat.5.23,24,25. and 6. 12,14,16.
BND 18. 15,16,87."2Eph, 4.26, 3 2. and 5.21.
Col.3.12,13.- Luke 27-3,4.
aleph forg ane hig bꝛethꝛen. Gert.5o0.17,
toai j
Gow onely forgiueth fyne , and keepeth
from Anning. Gert. 10.6. Zam.34. i 8 grov.
| 34y Pidna. a.and 103. . 12. Ilat. 45.
CA i
Thefecond Table. i
25D 44. 22. and 51,12. etz gF 328.
Plal 3 8217-7.ahd 32,4,2, 5.800 49-7,8,
and 51. 14. and 79.9. Dau. 9.9, ele. 13. 4.
Micah 7.18,19.Qpar.2.7. Lu.5.21. though
Ehrili Jelus. Ia.45. 25. and 5 3.5,6. Dan.
9.24. Mat 1.21. and 9. 2,6. Wark. 2.532,10.
Mat.26.28. Luk.i 7702. 30.31. Luk 5. 20,
24. oanb 24.47.94 bu 1.29. Acis 4.42. AND 10.
43 AND 13.23 38,39. 1.00204, 11. and 15.35
3.1. Cor.5.18, 19, 24. Gal.i 4. Col.iu.14. and
2.11, 13. 1. Tim. 1.15. Tit 2.14. Deb.1.3-¢
9.33514522,26528. 1 Pet.i. 9,1011, 18.*
AND 2.24g 3.18.6 4. 1313. 1. Joh. & 7, 9. and
3.12 € 3.5 j
The offering bp of the Gentiles faith cal
led and acceprabie facrifice vnto Gor. Rom.
15.16, The glogp whereof is Due te Gov.
berle 17,18. «£5.51
Satuation tefuled of che Jewes ycame ta
the Gentilesta pzoucke she Velves to follow
The Gentiles sre citizens with the faints,
and of the houſhold of faith.
fight in the Low. Ephel 58,
Saint Paul calleth the Gentiles a wilde
oliue tree, Rom. 61.27. Te.
ewes and Gentiles ceniopned in one.
Ephel.2. 13, to 18.
The Gentiles. are become the chilozen of
Gon. Rom. g 26.
Ute Gentiles ought not to boaſt of their
election, and of the Jewes retection. Ron.
11.18, (026, but to remember that thep:
were befoze thep knew Lh iR. phe: z ra, ™
There Hould moe Gentiles then Jewes,
beleeue in Chukk. Flagg. 1.*.
Whe Gentile Achiſh had a care of Dauid.
1, Dats. 29.9,10.an8 27. 2,12, and 27872.8400
Piram the Gentile (w¥o furniſheo Salomon
with Rufe and mogkemen ) bare him like
good will. Bing. § 155,6,7.*
Naaman the Gentile confeflen hat there
twas no Sod, but in Iſfrael. 2 King. 5. 15.
The Ducene of Sheba being a Gentile,
acknowledgeth the name onthe Lew. Kin.
10.2 to Ir.
Gentlewomen, {ee Apparel.
Gentleneffe commended. at.§.5,25 and
11,22 AND £8.4,2,0017. 1. C07..13,5. Pale.
§-22,23,Epbhe.4.2.Col. 3:12. Titus 3 2. 88-
a fruit of che pirit, Gal 5. 22.
F Ghft. Chk peelded vp the ghof gps
onthe drofe Mat 27. 50,
S Giftes. The feruane of Abzaham gaue
giftste Rebekah & her parents, Gen-24.53.
Coluntarie giftes. required toward the
making of the Tabernacle. Gx0,25.2,t0 10,
That gifts God gaue Salomon. r- Rin,
3-5-)2,13,84. AND 429.*
label pꝛeſumed of Gods giftes, z.Gam..
2.18,19,t0 24.
Saluat ion is the gift of Gov. Eph.2.8,
Jeſus Cok ginen foz bg , isthe gift of
God. John 3.16. and 4.06, Rom.5. 15,16,
To give the holy Gholt is the gift of Gov.
Actes 8,07,18,20. So is it to vnderſtaud
and interpgete the Scriptures. Luke 24,
45. anv is to bee obtained bp paper. 1. C07.
14:12,} 3e, J i
It is the gift of Ged with patience to beate
affliction. Phil.i. 29. sit
AN things thatwe eriep, are Gods goon
gilts. Watt 25-1 5-to 34 Luke 19.12,t0 28.
1.00) 4.7. Jam. 1.17.2. PEt 1.2: 1
Cheꝛiit alcending into heauen,gette diuers
-gifts tothe edification of bis Church. Ephe.
811512. . )
$ Whe gifts of Gos are without repentance.
Romar 1.29. f
Euerp man hath bis poper gift of Gov.1.
Gods giftes are Divers, acco ding to hts
grace ginen bg Iom: 12.6
Df the gift of tongues:Acta 2-4- 1,002.12
28, 30. and 14.3,t0 12. and of Healing.1.@oz.
1 2.28,30. ;
To Lit on the tightoz left hand of Chik,
is the gift of Gov. Maitth. 20, 21,23. Wartke
10.37, 40.
The gifts of Gov muft bee bis
glorp · 1.JPet.g.10, #1 leſt me bee Depzined of
them, and calt inte bell fire. Mat.25.27,28,
jo. Luke 19.23,24,26.
Giftes blind the eves of the wife. Ecclus.
20.28. OUberefore Judges ought rot tow:
seiue them Deut. 16.18.19. Exod. 2 3/8.
Giftes fog tribute.2.Bam.8.2.
Gou mealurech the gift by the
DF gifts ¢ pꝛeſents looke moze. Be. 3 2.13.
g 33.8,t052.843.89,25,26 De.
27.25-2.60. 8. 10, 2.kiN.g. 1 5,16,22,23,27.
Giue, anv it ſhalbe giuen onto pou, Luke
6.33. dd,
Breat end precious promifes are giuen
vs bp Chꝛiſt.ꝛ. Pet.i . 4,
The bolp Gtofk teacheth bs that all things
that we bane, are given bg of GoD, 1.£02.2.
10,18,F2.* : '
To whom muchis ginen, of him ſhall bee
much required. Lukë 12-48,
It is a bleſſed thiug to give rather then te
receiue. Acis 20.35.
Sod giueth all things.Gen. 33.11.
God Zaue the citie Jericho into the hand
ef Joſhua. Fofh.6 3. 4,5.
God loueth acheerefull giner, 2-Loz.9.7.
God gaue Samuel to ſucceede Eli inthe
Prielheod. 1.Sam.1.27,28.
Girded, God girded Dauid with power ta
tonqitere bis enemies. 2. Samt.22.40.
Saint Paul willeth vs to ſtand girded
With verity. Eph.6rg.
J Gladneffe, {ee loy,and Reioycing.
Glafe, De that heateth ¢ doeth not, ig as
be that bebolterh bis face in a glaffe Jam.i.
2 3,246
ie fee now thzough a glaffe barkelp, but
then fhall we fee face to face.1. 02,1 3.12.
Gleaning. uth gleaned cone after Boaz
reapers. Ruth 2.3.
Tbe gleaning of grepes of Ephraim, bet ·
ter then the vintage of Abiezer. Gudg 8. 2.
fee Widowes..
Ghry. The glory of Gos appeared in the
thous Ered.1 6.10,
Lhe fight ofthe glory of the Lowe, like
¢ontuming fre Exod.24.17.
The glory of the Loz appeared, wher
Thefecond Table.
Toſhua ann Caleb fhould haue been Zoned.
Mumb.i4. 10. r :
The glory of the Logn fillen che. taberna
cle. 34,35.¢the Temple. .kin. 8. i.
Tie glory of Gov appeared to Moſes anv
Garon. f2um.16.42,94. —
Woles belought the Lod to ſhebo him pi
glory. Erov. 33.18, ;
Zhe Arkeof God, calich the glory of Ji
rael. 1.5am,4.21,
Iſaiah (aw the glory of Gon after a fort,
Iſa 6.1, to 6.
God dilcomfiting Phataoh e all his hof,
got glory to himleife.déro.15.1.1-3R0m,9. 19
God tillerh all the earth with his glory, by
punifhing the infisely ef bis people. Rum.
Gon was the ſwozd sf the Iſtaelites glo-
ry. Deut, 33.29.
God chole the childzey of Iſrael onto his
glory Deut.26:18,19.. i
Dawid did all that he did, tothe glory of
God. 1, Bsm.5 7.45, 49,47.
Whe counfels of the wicked turneto Geng
Gil people created to the glory of Goo.
The Philifims being plagued with E⸗
meroes and Mice, their prieſtes ephogted
then to give glory tothe Gow of Flrael, r.
Sam.6.2,to 6
The glory of Chik, ag the glory efthe
onelp begotten Soune. Poln r.14.
_ Glory. put foz mercie, Rom.g9, 23.
The glory of Bot is reucaled to ba bp the
Goſpel 2:L02.4 6.
The fickenefle and railing of Lazarus, was
the glory ef Ged. John 11.4,40.
Glory te Godin the high heauens. Luke
Abzaham gaue glory te Gov, when he con-
fantlp depended on bie prowiles.30.4 205)
God did ſhewthe riches ot His glory spon
the elect, Dy bis merep. Rom: 9-23.
Gil glory is Due buto Gon enelp fez whole
pleafure all things were created. Reu 4 1.
Glory to the Lambe boho was Baine for
vs.Reu 5.52.
Wo man cughtto glory inanp thing but
in God, Ser.9.23524.F 1.Coz. 1. 31. 2G 07.
Cizifkians ought to dee all things te the
glory of Gov. 1.€02:10.3 5,
The need wozkes of men, fet ouh Gods
glory. JDbil.t.9,10,13. 1. |Bet:2.12-
The bolp Gholt fozeheweth Lhit his (uk:
ferings and glory. 1.}Bet.1, rs.
Dur light afdicetons ate not wo2tby the
eternall weight of glory , which thep bring.
Rom.8.18. 2.€oz.4.17.
Wan isthe image of Gods glory,and the
woman is the glory-of the man.+.¢02-25.37
The glory-of the Epheliang was Pauls
fuffering. € phef.3.13.
The FT heflalonians were Pauls glory and
crotwne,.1.T bell. 219,20.
Paul pꝛe acheth the Golpel not foz glory
af men, but topleate Gov. 1. Theilal.2.3,t0
Chꝛiſtians Konin not be deſirous of Laing
glory Bal.s.26, lacke Vaineglory, Confefle |
amd: ie, -i : = - A 4
‘Tbe glory ofthe wicked ig to thelr fame.
Phil.3. 19. gb r
Glorified. Gov wil be glorified, Len. 10.3
and therefoze he defended bis people trons
derfully. Exod. 14.25. l
How Gon is glorified. Ered.14.31.
Ge muft glorifie God koꝛ delinering 03
from the Deuill and Rune, as the Dicaeiites
did, foz their Beliuerance from Phaoaoh.
AME KO 15.1,2,¢0 20,
Gan is to be glorified in all things.Deut.
28.58.theough Jeius Chzift.1.Wet.g,11,
Cle ought to pray thatthe won of Ged
map haue free paflage, and bee glorified. 2,
Theil. 3.3. *
Chꝛiſt mas glorified when Judes went ta
betrap him. Joh 13.35.
Chik nehre his Father to glorifie him:
among men. Jobn 17.1, “—
Benhadad glorified bimlelfein p Arengih:
of bis armie,and-was tifcombtcd.1.Laisi.20.
3918, 25,30. . |
He ought to glorifie Goo, that {rifereth ag |
a Christian. 1.J9e.4.1 4,16. QBat.5.10,01,1 2]
God is to be glorified bp the puritp of ous |
bonies. 1.€02 6.20.
Jeſus Chꝛiſt hall bee glorified bp hig |
Saints, 2. Theſſ.rras. 3
Of we will be glorified , wee muſi {ufice
with Chalk, Rom 8.17.
Df the glorifying of our bovies, Locke
JPdil.3.23. and Body and Reiurrection.
Gluttonie. ig a woꝛke of Datkenefie. Ront
1313 and ofthe fep Galis.19.21,60 be as,
Uopded, i1. Pet·4. 3. bp the example of Slaw,
wto was prophaned thereby. Heb. 12. 16,
Tice mop not keepe company with glut-
tons 02 bellp gods. Pꝛou.ꝛ 3.206 ;
Apare againſt gluttonie, Gcelus, 23.
Iy e r *
Of the rich Glutton- uke 16.19." Locke
Drunkenneffe ang Surfetring.
GF Guafhed. The Jewes guathed at Stes
uen with their teeth. Acts 7.5 4.
Df gnafwing of teeth, looke moze Watt. 8
12.800 13.50. and 24-30 S ;
Gnat. The Phariſes Hrained out a gnat,
and {wallewed vp a camel. Matt 2384.
S Coe, God did goe before the Ilſraelite
to guide them. Deut. 31.3.
How the Iſtaelites vid goe out of Cappe,
08.82.37, 38,39.
Ze goe unto his farbers, put for to vie
Genst5.15. ,
To goe into the number, put foz being i
rolled. Excd 30.1 3. i
God. God iga Spirit. John 4.24.
God is one. War. 12,29. Joh 7.3.1, Log,
3 6.1.Tim.2.5, Alpha and Omega, begin
ning, ana eming, ſitſt, and laſt Reuel. 1. *.
God the Father tooke great delight in ht
Sonne. Watth 3.17.
Amik prooucth that hee was.God, at
that the Father wzought bp him. oy. 1. 17
and 10.31.
No man hath ſeene God, can fre him, o
know bim ashe is, but Thzilt. John a. 18
AND 4. a 2. 1. Tim *o.16. D
-~ One God, and Father of all, about all,
through allann inos all, Da AA
~ God dxwelleth not in Tempted made with
hands. Acts 17.24.80 7.48.
Whe name of God. Erod.3.14,
God fillery heauen and carrh, and feeth al
things. Jere-23.24.
_ Morhing hidden oz vnknowen to God
Ecclus.16.17,18. 4
~ Qåelife, mooue, and basis our being in
“God. Acts 17.28.
The wicked thinke there ig no God ,-o2
‘that God hath no regard te worldly things,
Sob 22. 13, 14.6 24. 1,2.* € 34.19. Plal. 10.
4,13. and 14 t.ands 3.1 and 73.18.
Ai things are poflible with God. Genef.
13.14.Dat.19.26.buk.13.27, Mar. 10.27.
God needeth no mans help. Job 26. 2, 3, 4.*
Becaule God hath imade allcreatures,they
ought to humbie themfeiues onto His omi=
| Altebings are Gods. jBfal.24.1. of God,
` theough God,anb foz God Romi.11.36.
God Doeth al things vnſeatchabĩy. JP20.
4 pity Deired tolee God the Father, Teh.
} %
Ecclus. 39.16.Gen.1.38.
- The God and Father of Chik, is our
| God and Father. John 20,17.
| God wag the Iſraelites God, anb dwelt
amongſt them. Exod.29.45.
|. There ig no God, but the God of Fftael.
| Dent.4.35,39. and 32.39.1.Sam.2.2.
| The Lom lapo that be was the God af Ie
| Tacl. and bade them notto feate the gods of
the Amozites. Fudg.6.10.
God chole the Ufraclites , to the enve bee
Woltld be theit God Exod.c 7. Deut.q4.20.
God foul’ be knowen to be the Hoo, by
fignes and mitactes. Er00.7.17.
Los. Deut.10,17,21. Iſ 5, 12.
God tas Declared to be the onip and true
God of Iſtael, dp fenving fire ta confume
Eliiahs lacrifice, «King. 18.36,37,38.
Naaman che Sprian confeflen, that the
God of Iſtael was the onelp true God. 2,
‘iKing.5.1$ Do vid Jethzo. Exo 16.11. AND
Rabab. Joſh 2. 11.
JNaone other Hut God alone, that afflicteth
and bealeth, that killeth and giueth life.
Deut. 32.39.
| God mas the onelp conducto? of the Iſta⸗
f elites. Deut.32.10,12,
| _ God is he that Doeth all things in bs. 2.
am.22. 30.
{ Dauid nival things that God might be
+ God giueth alltbings. Gen.33.11.
God careth for ng. 1. Pet.¢.7.
DE the familiarity and bountifiinefie of
God toward Abꝛaham Gene.18.10,17,18,
f 19,24." and 19.29.
God wasg with Ishak foz his fathers fake,
fand cherefoze willeth him not to feere. Gen.
26 24.
; God was with Jaakob in bis wap and on
l ati elites, their enemieg.Deu.2.71.and 3.2.
Mothing is certame without God. Cnt. ~
Allthe workes of God are exceeding good. -
Dut God ig God of gods, and Loꝛde of -
The fecond Table. G O D
bim onely be depenvea. Gene.28.13,15,270, Chꝛilt. Rem.8.32,33. £495 0
and 46.4. | Tae are elected of God to be farctifien by
- God was With Joleph. Bets.39.2,3. with bis {pirit.1.JSet.1.2. f ;
Caleb. Joſhua 14. 12. and with Jothuain God bath tailed vs vp to tife with Chik,
whathewer he did. Jolh.1.9. and with Lona: and why. Eph.2.5,6,7.
than. 1-Sam,14.10,15,45. God ath calles vs onto glozp and vertue.
God premifes Giveon that he would bee 3. Pet.i.3.
{with yim. Judg.s 12,16. She Wharifes selpifen the counſell of
God would be knowwen to be our deliuerer God Luke 7.30, —
eut of bondage· Exod. 16:6. Dent.s.6. Täe ate in God, and dwell iu him, if wee
God refitled to conduct his people foz theit lone God and our neighbour a. Joh 2.5. ann
idelattie fake. €rov. 3 3.3. 3.24.8ND 4.13,
God fought foz Iſtael. Moh. to 42. Dur God ig the God of mercie , patience
God deltuered into rhe hands of tie Iſra⸗ and comfoz- Rom. 15.5. 2. Coꝛ.i.3.
God cannot lie. Titus 1.2.
God twill pate all ictozie to be aferiben © God twill gine erernall life to thoſe that he
buto him. Joſh 24.11,12, foz he deliucred the path promilen the fame. Heb. ro. 23, 36.
Pbiliſtims into the hands of Deuid. 2.a. Gods giftes, ant calling ate witboutre:
6.24,25. anD Dg into the Bandsof the Ile pentance. Rom.12.29.
taelites. Deut.3.3. Aberefore he fent bue Chole that cleans to God, fhalltue, where-
thee hundzed men with Gideon, Judg.7.2, as thoſe that follow idoles (hal peri} Dent.
4:6,7- 4.3.4. 3
God was be that chaled the Amoztteg,ana God chaſtileih bim whom be loueth Deby.
12.6, t
he Firk fruites ought to be oferen dnte
other. Exod. z34. 11.
God gaue Hezekiah victogp foz big owne
names take, and fo? Dauid hig ſeruants -God. Exod 23. 10, 19.
fake.2.Ring. 19.34 -Jaakob going iuto Egypt, effeted (acrifice
God will not beotwe bis grace altwapes vato God.Oen.a6.i. 02
in baine. Jludg.10.10,t014. Jofeph atetibuterh bnto God both bis fel-
Hote Moles, Aaron, Madab, Abibu, and ling into Egypt , and the Ponour that pe res
the 70. Elders of Iſtael.c.ſabo God. Eron, ~ ceinen there. Gen.a5.8.
24.9,10,11, God {nffereth the ſpitit of errout to pols
God appeared to Joſhua like a man with fefle the mowy of falſe prophets. 1. Ting.22.
a Dzawen ſwozde in bis hand, Bofh. 5.13, 21,22, s
14515. God fent an enill (pitit betweene the in-
Manoah and his wife thought they had habitants of Shechem and Abimelech, that
feene God, whenthep fate but bis Angel. thep might deftrop one another. Jud.9 23,24
SJudg-13.3,22. MDF the providence of God toward the Sac
God ought te be followed. Ephe.5. a. and maritanes afflicted. 2. Bing.7.1 6.”
bleffed, aud twbp. 2.Coz.1. 3,4. The mercie of God toward all men. Milſ.
The chilozen of Iſrael notable to heare i1.20,26.and12.3,2,8,10.* *
God (peake. rod. 20,13,19. Rone good bur God onelp. Matt.19.17.
The people fleeing the Gcke of the pale Marke 10.18. Luke 18,19.
$eales, glorifies God. Bat. 9.8, God is loue. 1. 3lobh.4.16.
Dow to offer to God our ſelues, and all that Pꝛeachers are Gods labozers.1.€[07.3.9,
we haue, Rom.6.1 3. God onelp conuerteth the beart. 1.dking.
Tie eugbt tofeare; wozkhip, andoferte 18.37.
God onelp. 2. Kings 17.36. God touching our hearts, we hall follow.
All knees Hal bow vnto God. Fla.45.03, 1.Dam-10.36.
Tite mult toue and ferne God with allouer God ruleth the Reps and tapes of men.
beart and ſoule Deu.6.3,5,13 11.13.800 Pzou.20 24. Jer.10.23.
{ubmit onr (elues onto him. Ecclu.r38.ans = Paul pzapeth God to puine gis lourney.
bp praper ſeeke onto him onelp , and we thal 2. Theſſ. 3.11.
finde hin. Dev.4.29,30.31.€cclug.38.2,9. God beholdeth the beart, not outheard ap-
Unto God anelp belongeth all honour and pearance, 1. Sam. 16.7.
glozy. Iſa.a.· d. God kozeſheweth things to come, and net
Me cannot ſerue God and tichea. Wat.é. idoles. Via 42.8.9,
24. Luke 16.13. God is the authour of peace, and not of
Ce ought not to tempt God. Deut.6.16. cowfifion. 1.402.14.33.
He that ig of God, heareth Gods woꝛde. God onelpis holp. Reue.r 5.4.
John 8.47. The delcriptions’ God. eEret.34.5,6,7.
Dee thatisof God, ought to walke as bis powerand benignitte. Iſa 40. 10."
Chꝛiſt walked. 1. John 2.6. The name of Ged ig our pꝛotection. Pꝛo
AU things are of God, bp Jelug Chꝛiſt. 2. 18.10.
Shell. i.17, 12. How God is to bee fought foz, and whe
God, the giuer of all grace beginnethtbe finde him TAiſd r.1, 2.
good woke in bs, ana petfozmeth it. r.@0z, God onely forgtueth ſennes Matke 2.7,
4.7. Phil. 1.6 Heb.13.21. God ſaueth wit haut wozo. r: Sam.7. 45.
God ig tobe acknobeledged the author of Godisoneip wile. Rom.16.27.
all gootuefie. 1.102 8.6,7. God feeth and fearcheth the beart, anu
God ig be that iulifierh og fog the lene of reines. Acts 15.8. 1. Theſſal 2.4. Reuel.
2.23 Bial. 7.9. Bete: 11.20-€7. 11.2 17, 10.
God onelp wag the finner cf wiſedome.
Baruch 3.32.36.
i Jn puncking the wickebGod ts eſie ene
fanctifies. Ila.5. 16. '
Gt was whe will of God, that Rebekah
Cheuid be the mifeof Izbak. Geu.24.50,5 1+
Moles she man cf God. Deu.33 1.
DE thole that worlhip beth God aud J:
Doles.2. Ring-37. 33.
The diraelites div choole to lerue God,
and reiected idoles. Jol}. 24. 16,21) 32,23,
24,21. ; )
Satan callenthe god of this wogle. 2.
Gai made Moles a god to Pharaoh. Crs
ODUS 7.1,2.
To lancufie God, what, Dett.3 2.5 1.
God {peaketh bp bis preachers. Jetem.7 ·
23 26. and £1.7,10.
How God is pacified. Dan.a.a24.
NEP is able to abate the pzive of princes,
an.a4. 34. oh
God — faileth thoſe that truſt in him.
Dan.14.38.2.Mac. 15.26, 27.
Tabat God requiteth of vs. Picab. 6.3.
God onlp generneth atl chings.2.€1n.6.6
God igzbe preferuer and giuct of king=
Domes. 2 Chz.36 23. ER. 16.16.
Dow God is tempted. plal. 78.18.
Sod is our father, Deut.32.6.Balee. 1.6.
2. Eſo.i.29.
` -Godhead The fuluefle of the godhead
Dincllety in Ghpit-Col.2.9.
Godly. ow w2 ate pattakers of the godly
natute.ꝛ. Pet.i 3.
Gil that liue godly Ha! ſuffte petſecution.
2. Tim. 3. 12.
Godlinege cauleth a Ling to bee blefſed.
JP70.25.2,4. epe
Godlinetfe, 03 vngodlinefſe Daeth neithir
profit cz purt God, but man. Job 35.6,7,8.
Godlinefle hopeth fog. eternal life. Tit: r,
1526 ;
Cee ought to erercile faith, teue Godli-
nefe, and boip conucelation. 1. in.4.7,8.
2. Het 31 t.0s JAER SN i
‘Gods, Ef we honour Arange gods, te thal
perif}.Deus.7,toro. , ge :
. The godsthat are made wich hanas,ate
Ro gods, Aets 19.264) {
Rabel Role away the gods oz {poles of fer
{athere i930 —
Jaakob cowmmaunded bis bouſhold to put
away the firange gods, Ge.35.2-
Sainucl exhorteih the people to put aap
the Grange gods, tolerus the true God. 1.
© Gods pled fog Junges and Pꝛinees. Exo.
22.8. Plal.8 2. 1.6.fo2 Angeis. 3.*
Gods the woske of mens bants- Den 4.28
Df the diwerlitie of the gods ofthe Gens
tiles 2. Ring. 17. 29, 30 3 7.
Manup be calied gods, pet onto bg there ig
but one,1.@02. 8.5,6.
+ The gods of the Gentiles are not to bee
feared. Baruch 6 3,4,22,26," i ;
The true Gor dlafpoenontly comparen
tothe codsof the Gentiles, 2 Bing. 18.33,
34,35- and 19. 10, 12, 13.
He that wil ſerue che Loa mul put alway
The ſecond Table.
fratige gods: Jott 24.2 3.
Qo mention maypbeemabe of anp other
gods burtbhe iab. Exob.23.1 3. 21:9)
Mho fo cffereth to other gods, ought tobe
flatne.¢ rod.22, 20.Joeke idolatrie anp Su-
perftition, z'o Q ;
Chole tawhom: Gods woꝛd is giuen, are
called gods.Ishn ro; 74,35:
Golde o} luer that appertained toitoles,
map nat be pur te primate wie and twbp. Deu,
7.25,26; L
The weight of golde that came veerely to
Salomon. 1:ikings10.14. Che Queene of
She bas gifts onto hin and of Diners things
made of golde. 1. %in.10,10,8 6,17, 18,246,
Gold ana finer as plentp as fences. 2,
Cbꝛon. r.a y.
Golde og filuer cannot deliuer any from
Gods wrath. EFek.7-1 9)
Tohua referued the golde,fluer,ec. at the
facking of Jericho, and put it vnto thetteas:
{ure of the boule of the LL oz0. Joſh.6.19, 24.
Wany man build gold on the foundation
of Shail, his building will envure. 1 Cozin.
Epin fent his Apoſiles to preach with.
out olde, filuer, ge. Matth.ꝛo 9. Max.o.8.
Lukeg 3.
Good. FRette good, JDfa.14. 3.4 531,3. Ro.
3:10. nog pute, Job 25.4 but God onlp.Wat.
19.16,17. Mar.10. 18. Luk. 18.19.
Hod faw all that he had made, ana leg it
was berp good, Gene,1.34.
Gon mare all bis good to goe befoze Be.
fes. Ered. 33.19.
Gleaue tothatisgood, andabbopre that
is euill Rom.i2.9. Gal,4.18. 1. Theflaion.
SIS. ;
Cie ought tabe wile to good, and fimple
to cuill. Bem.16,19- -> j }
Do good to all, but elpeciallptothe faith:
full Gal.6.30.
Gee ought to dee good even to our ene⸗
mies. Luke 6.35, ~
It is lawful te Dor good onthe Sabbath
pay. Luke 6 9,10. ’ ;
Gov wii confume idolaters after he bath
Boneckem good Yofg.24 20 , -
Dauid vid good fog euill. 1-Bam.24.5,75
£. ana 26.9.
Te ought to dee that { good in the ight
ofthe Loꝛd. Dent.6. 18.
s Good and enil .> -
Dar coꝛtupt nature can not do that good
we tools. Rom,7.18,19.
Good intent contrary to Gons woz, is:
finne. 1.294.213) 11, t0.1 5, ¥15-0151,3519520.
Cizzab fez bis good intent contratie to
Gooscommandement, was ilatne hp Good.
2. Sam.6 6.7. looke Thoughts,
Goods of him that is taucht ,are tobe ims
partedto the teacher; Gal 4.6.
Shame is the rewarde of enil gotten
goods. Att. 1.13. Tooke Riches, and B'eflings..
Goodne Je. Ouetcome evil with goodnetfe
om 12.25, ‘
Wans hearewurcformed bp God, is vnapt
to goodneſſe Wag. .a 4, Ep
Gofkauke. &t was not Tawfult foz the
It wes toeate of a Goſhauke Deut.14.12. 3
GePel ip the glad tidings of laluatien,
vbnto Gods coaten; accogving to his purpole
‘Watt.11.19.4,002.2.7. the myſterie hioden
G 0 © j Ronm rory: : !
The Gofpel declareth Howe Chꝛiſt dled
foz our ſinnes, was butied,gc. 1. oginth. 15.
1,00 §-: }
The Gofpel giueth eternal life bp Chꝛiſt
andigrace. Ephel ry 9:2: Timot.i.9. Cite
~ The Gofpel called the wifenome of Gov.
fromthe beginning of the wozld. Ephel 3.96
Gol.2.26:the apminiftratien of the (yirit ai B
righteoufnefle. 2; C02, 308.9. a mylterie, oz
fecret. 1.02.4. 1. Col.a.z. and the reuslation
of the myſtetie Rom.16.25.
Mee are faucd bp the Gofpel. 1. Corinth, -
15.26 ;
Che Gospel is the new couenant. Jetem.
The Golpel preaches bp Chꝛiſt fick in
Galile. Jla.9. 2,.Bat.4.16. > .
It was fezetold thatthe Gofpel ſhauld bee
reucaleD to the Gentiles. Iſai.29. 18. anv.
preached, Flai 27. 12, 13. and howe finners
ſhoiild receive the fame. Iſa.29.24.
CTuhither the Gofpel trainech vs. Pebra
22,23,24. o@S.o 15 4
~The Angel declared the Gofpel onto the-
ſhepheards. Lukꝛ.io.
The premite of eternall life rruealen bythe
The Gofpel which the Apofiles heard ir
fecrete, houl bee pꝛe ached openly. Barth. |
10.27 > MURARE ree
Chif fent bis Dilciples to preach the. |
Gofpel Mat.a8.19, 20. War. 16.1516. —
Whe Soſpelto be pꝛeached thoughout aik- |
the world. Matth.24. 14. Mar. 13.10.000 ta
e p creature. Bar-16, 15. aud loit wag: |
ol.1.2 30 Ae Auf! j
Waui preached the Gofpel fron Jeruſa⸗
iem to Wlipzicum. Rom. 5.19. J
The maieſtie of Chik is declared bp the |
Gofpel. 2, Loz 4.4. a i
Ime ought te bec ſoꝛbidden to preach the-
Gofpel, albcig he be bnimogthp, atid wipe.
LUBE 9.495505,
Cibo {o ioueth father o2 mother moze ther: |
Chꝛiſt, is not tocgrhp to beea miniſter of the-
5 Matt.a10.37, 39. and 16,25. Patke:
~ Whe deceitfulneffe of riches, ac. maketh
the Gofpel tobee vufruicfutl in many. Wat..
GABA IQ oo ye oo ol
The Gofpel compared to leede lowen, i
BPatth.23.3,t0 10,18,t6 24. s i
All thofe to whom. the Apofileg pꝛeached
the Gofpel , belecued not. Rom, 10.16, glai..
53 i i 3
The Golpe! is hid tolome thzough their
incredalitie. 2.02.4. 4. }
Xhe Gofpel from the time of John Weps- |
tit, fuffererh biolenge, atty. r. 13, Luke. |
IPG ie! sod ae à —
Thole that baue not beent faithfull intria-
ches of iniquitie, are not tabée trnilen with:
the Golpel. R ukes- It ea 0 a a,
-Ehe Gofpel pnknowen te the rife Je wes
and pet kuowen terhe BUY Apoftles. Maith·
, Tye Copel compared to atreafiive bius.
des Tt
li G PE ©
Rett ama precious Hone found. Watth.1 3.
| — Phatiles beliene wot the Gufpeljneis
ther wili luker others to belieue. Mat.2 3. 13.
Fuke visa.) Smia isqlod sq
Whe Golpel bꝛingeth diſſention ans death
| tothe profettogs therest G3 at. 10,3 4,3 yatt.
} 34.1,2,(07.
fatig at ‘aes fhal receitte, who for the Gof-
pels (ake Hane toꝛſaken all things Warg.
| 28,29. :
l ; or bur ſueh as ate called anv chofen,
receitte the Gofpel, and baling foorth fruits.
| QPat.r0.1;3,t016. ; i
| Dur conuerfation mal be {uch ag become
meth the Gofpel Dhikr. 27.
Tiheterrible indgement of God againk
14,2. tra
Che Gofpel tg the moze aduances bp good
fuojked.Lol.1.6. & IB $
- Gpe Gofpel prophelies of, tobee preached
in diuers languages. Jſa. 28.11.
the Golpe: Jinco.. |
Theconieience is gladded with the word
of the Gofpel.JB20.1 2.25. : EN
-The Golpel-oF John togp it is mitten.
Jobn 20 30,31.
Fon ao taa Joleph Gouernour cter the
land of Eqppt.Gen.42.6, as
' agani wicked gouernours of cities. zep.
3.3:looke Princts and Magiftrates, ©
* E Grace.JQoah found grace in the epes of
‘the Lov. Genel.6.8,9. fo vin Boles. Eron.
17. : 3
Ib iy delired to ind grace in Elies ſight
Sam. 8.
| Bpthe rich grace ok Gow wee are revee-
med. gph. 1.7. Cit-3.7- neia
“be — — of grace to come to
‘$4 bp Ghilt.1. Pet.1.10. *
bea * befoze the beginniug of
“the world to be ow bis grace on vs. 2. Tim.
4.9 that bee might bee glozified fog fo great
| grace beſtowes Cph.t.4,556:
~ The grace of God appeated that we Henle
l fiue holly , Waitttig for the blelled hope ofe-
ternal life. Witz. rT to 15.
| (ice are laued not bp worked, but bp
} prace in Jefus Chit. Ephel 2:8,9. Tohu
1.17,02 elfe were grace no moze grace. Rom,
RE Oot
The remuant of the Jewes fall be laued
l pp grace. Rom:T 2.435. ;
' t Eep make fruGrate the grace of Chꝛiſt,
WHijoleeke to be inflifien bp workes. Gal. 5.4.
~~ Cle ought totruſt in the grace offered bp
the Golpcl 1. Pet. 1.13. aud. not to receine
the ſame (rvaine.z 07.6.1,
Tivo fo reiectety rhe graceof Gon offret,
cvs looke kor no metete: Heb.10,26,27.
~ The Apoliles with grace ¢ peace to thole
Churches theg wite onto. Rom.1.7.3.Coz.
Cie ought to gróin in grace and the know⸗
pge of Epit Det. 3.18,
Gs we profit in the knowledge of Gon and
ThHrilk,fo (hal the grace of God be multiplied
ito bS.2.jPet.1.2. i
Grace put feg the doctrine of the Goſpel.
{uch as contenme the Gofpel.2-Chefl-2.10,
The'fecond Tables T
Titus 2.11. Deb.1 3.9, vets inz. fog faith
and the fruits thereof. 1:JDet.0.5, Fog free
gifts. 1.€02.1,4. Foz fpirituall gifts.ꝛ. Pet.
3-18. Fox the miniferie ano preaching of
grace. Hal.2.9 Foꝛ free toꝛgiueneſſe of ling.
1. Joon 1.37. Foz the tebcie calling of the:
fatthfult. Deby rar s. Foz the efficacie ano
power of the {pirte, Acts 14.26,
Df Grace, befoze anv after meales , tooke
Thankefgiuing: and Praifes.
OF the grace of God , loske Fauour, Gifts,
' ame’ Mercyesiis) ris
Gracu. God is gracious and mercifalt;
GC? Eros. 36.67.
Grafted. To what enve wee ate grafted
with Chriſt into bis Beath. Rom.6.3,4,5.
The Jemes were broken off, that the Gers
tiles might be grafted in. Rom.11.17,19,
Grapes looke Clufter.
It was permittes the Jewe toeate of the
> neighbours grapes, but net toe atie any away
Deut a3. 24.
Graffe. Gos will ſeud graſſe to ferde the
The Church is catgered bp preaching of cartel of thole which lowe him. Deuter. 11.
` Gitte is gtaſſe, and all the arace thereof
is as the ficwer of tye field. Ffa.40,6,4jF et,
3.24, :
Grafbopper, locke Blaſting.
- Granes. The gtaues did open atthe death 3
of Chik MWatth.27.52.
i Jaakob fet apilar bpon Rahels graue,
Gene.35.20. +, Sam 10.2- :
Aowan kneweth where Weles grave ig.
Deut.3 4.6, i
Folat commanded,that none Mau touch
the graue of pman- of God, 2. Bim.23.17;18,
The graues of luk. Rum.11.34.
> Whe graue peleribed. Job ro 192122.
The Lod bzingerh downe to the graus
and tafletl bp. 1.Sam.2.6. :
_ Graven, Michaiahs grauen anv molten
image. Yuvg.17.3,4. À
Great. God ig great. Dett, 10.17.
Taho Hall be greateſt in the kingdome of
Heauen. Wat. 18.4. War.9.34-1t.9.46, 48.
Sod hath done great things foz bis preple
1.Sam.1 2.24.
Sant fozetold Dauid that hee ſhduld doe
teat things. 1.Sam.26.25,
Woles dented Ged that hie pewer might
be great. Rum. 14. 17.
. The Greckes leeke after worſdiz wiſdome
r: @oz.1.22, .
a prophetic of the king dome of the Greeks
““Gretting. of the greeting betiveene Yor
fes and Jethzo. Exon 18.7.
Piu willeth the faithfult to greece one
another with ar holy kife: PHiikg. 2r. r,
Thef 5.26, $ Ă
The Scribes and Phariſes loued gree-
tings in the matketg,ge. Hatth.23.7.10oke
Griewe not the bolp Spirit of Gov. Ephe.
'205., >
$ Stericueth Gong enemies thar pis chil
men prolper. Mebe.2. ro. /
Grove. Euerp creature groneth with be,
fer the reucaling of the fontes of Don. Ronie
God heard the groning bf the Iltaelites.
€xred.6.5,6.anD bab compaflion on their gre-
nings, fog their Juages lakes. Gudg.2.28.
Grewe Baniuel grewe and the Loꝛd wag
with fim. 1. air.3.19, ,
Grudging. icoke Murmuring,
Gradgingly. Wie mud nor giue almeg
grudingly.:2,@02.9,7. > i
I Guided, Mee mufi be guided bp Gens
word, anb not by good intent. Eccles 4,27.
Guile. No guile tound inthe mouth of J ze
fug. 1.4Det.2.22, 3 i ts
Ail guile ought to be lain afine of Chzifti-
ahs, 1.jBet.2.0. looke Wrong, ; j
L Gyants. Emims, Zamzummims, any
Anak. Dettt,2.10,20, to 24.JQum-? 3.23, 34.
Gyants wete migktp men, and contem⸗
ners eof God. Gen. 6.4.
Dauid dilcomfites foure Gyauts, the fong
of Dataphah.,* 96.247 ;
S Habitation, The land of Canaan Geng
holp Habitation. Exod.1 5.13.
Wire grow to bee an Habitation of Gov,
by the building of the ſpitit. Epheſ 2.21. <
Haileftones, Gov delltopeth pig enemies
With Hailefones. Joſh. ro v1, i
Hallowed pre ab, looke Bread, >
Halte, Jaakob Halted on his thigh. Sew,
2.31, i j
Eo'halte hetweene iwo opinions, what.
ring. 8.21. i
Hand taken foz Grength. Kings 18.48,
Lu.r.s6.Act.i 1.21.fog miniferp: og (eruice,
Lenit.26. 46.
Tamar orfloured of Amuon, layd bee
handes on ber bead. 2.29 amt.1 2,196
The lepious hand of Moles became lount.
xod.4.6,7 fo did the dgped hand of Jeroba
am. 1. Bing. 13.4, 6.
CTbe Apoltles repzened for eating with
brwafgen hands Wat.15,2.9at.7.2,3,4,5.
The Wobarifes marueile that Cheilſt {ate
at Dinner with vuwaſhen hands. Luke as,
Pilate waſhed his handes in token of
Chif s innocency, Wat.27.24.
Paul willeth vs to wozrke with our one
handes.1.@hefl.4. 11. as bimlelfe vid. Actes
18,3. Dap and night. 1. Theſ.2.9. 2. Thelſ 3. relieue himlelfe and others. Act. 20.34.
Pant willeth him that hath folien, hences
forth to labour with his hands Eph.4:28.
“Gon will pro per otit handlie worke,if wee
loue him. Deut. 30.9,-for ve is ‘the vitectour
ofthe fame.JBfal.go.17.
Chit lifting op bis handes, bleſſed his
Apofiles Luke 24.50,51.
Ifout hand offend dg, twee ought to cut it
off. ABat.s:29,30.
Chiſt heated the dled hand on the Hab-
Darh dap. Wat. 12.10,1 2,13.
The Apelles healed the licke, bp taping
on theit hands, Marke 6.18, (odin Chrif.
Lu.4 4°.
Chitozen brought to Chi thathe might
lap bis hands onthe. Watra. i3. Marke
10.73,t0 16, | gi!
Noͤſhua tepleniſhed with wilenome, by thè
laping on of Doles hands. Deut. 34.9.
Paultecoucredlight, bp taping on of As
aanias hands, Acts 9.17, 18.
Stretching forth the hands to Goo, taken
foz acknowledging the offence. 1.28in.8.3 8.
alemon praping, fretched out bis hands
toward heawen. 1.ik{ng.8.2 3.
` Woles praying, {pzeav his hands butothe
Loz. Erd 9:29,33:
Solong as Wales held vp bis handes to
God, the Iſraelites preuailed,ec. Erov.17.
Lifting bp the hands to heauen, a maner
of (wearing. Deut.33.40; Gene 14.22. Re-
uel. 10.5
To bp the hand againſt anp, is to tes
bells Hing. 11.26.
None can deliuer anp out of Gods hands.
Deut. 32,39. noz auopde bis handes Amog
The Loꝛds hand ig not MHhoztened. Mum.
Gers hand was fore againé the Jewes,
tohen be aiun them into teir enemies
hands. Gudg.2.1
The hand of oe Loꝛd was againf the
Phbiliſtims all che daxes of Samuel. 1,Ha-
muel 7.13.
The hand of God is bpon anp when hee
afflicteth them with anp kind of plague, Te
Py faithfull are in Govs hands. Deut.
5 it han baja — foz a cloud. Exo.33 23.
That ‘Bobs tight hand fignifieth. Luke
22.69. Acts 7.55.
Handwriting. Chri bath put out the
handwriting of ordinances that was againſt
bg.Col. 2.14.
Hanged, The Pbhiliftims hanged gp
Gauls vody on the wall of Bethſhan. r.
Bam. 31.10,
The feuen kinfemen of Saul were han-
ged befoze the Lo20.,2,6,9.
Rechab and Baanah were hanged fo?
murtheting Fhboheth. 2:88am. 4,5,612."
TUipoloeuer was hanged oma trte, ought
to be buried the fame bap. Deut.21.22,23.
becaule $e is cutſed. Gal.3.13.
Happe, looke Prouidence.
Happy. Ten abings happy: Ecclug.25.7,
to 14,looke Bleſſed
Hard. Two things hard and perillous. Ec·
Morhing. too hard fo} Gon, Jerem. 32.37.
. Harden. Thom Gon will be hardeneth, |
Bom.9.18.ana 11.7.
To harden our hearts, ig te bee obſtinate.
1.5am.6.6. John 12:40.
God hardened the venita of the Diuites,
and why. Jofh.1 1.19,
< God hardened Pearaobs heart, Grod 7.
3, 13, 14 and 8.15, 32. and 9.751 2,34,35.8n0
10.1, 20, 27. and 11.10- AB 14. 4, 8.
Gov — the {pitit of Sihon , and
Peart — taken fo; forgettul Mar.
Sie hardneffe ef heatt ig the fountaine of
ignozance.€phe.4.18.looke Heart.
Hare forbidden the Jewes to cate. Leuit.
Thefecond Table.
6.6 Det 1427.9
Harlots. Twa dion pleaven belie Sie
fomon. 1. Rings 3.16."
He that couplerh pindedfe with an harlot,
is one boop with her. a. Cor. s. 16.
Hatlors:(hail foncer enter. into the king:
dome of God then proud Pbatiles. Barth.
DF the behaniout of harlers. $200.9.13,
to 18.looke Whoores,
Harneſſe, looke Armonr.
Harte. Che Jawes might eate of a Harte,
Ge) Deut.14-5.
Harueft, © he law of haruck, Leuttit9.9,
10. and 23 «22,
Du: haruett aibe plencifall, if tee pleate
God. Leuit.26.3, 4,5.
Thitſuntide was the keaſt of the irk
fruites of harueft.deuit. 23.16.
Samuel called spon Gov in the time of
harueft. v.artt,13.17.
PBꝛay the Lord on (ent labourers into hid
harueft.Q att.9.38.
The- Apoftles reaped the harueft which
the Pzophets had lowen. John 4.38.
The Logs harueſt Reue. 14. 18.*
Hate. Gon punifherh thate that hate bim.
Mee ought not te hate our bzothet in out
deare. Leuit. 19.17.
a en twas hated of the wozld, and why.
opn 7
Ehiithans ate hated of all men fox Chꝛiſts
names fake. Matt ro. 22.
ee onght to vee good to them that hace
bs. Matt. 5.44
— Gece thofe that hated bim.2.Sam.
"pe that hateth bis bzother ig a manflaper.
1. John 3.15.and 2.9,05.
Mhbak is hated of Abimelech and Phicol.
Gen.26.27. and Jaakob of Clau. Gen.27.
42-8 Joſephef bis bꝛethꝛen. Gen. 37 4,5,8.
The Egyptians hated che Iſtaelites Ero.
1.52. Plal.i o5.25.
Amnon hated big ſiſter, after he had nee
flowꝛed ber. 2. Sam. 13. 15. anviberefore
Ablalom hatred him. Sam 13:22.
He that calleth bpon Gon, pall be deliue⸗
= from them that hate im. 2.aim.23.
Cee ought to hateall foz Chgiftes fake:
< Luke 14.26. John 12.25
Thart fortes of men haed. Ecrlug.25.2.
oske Enuie and Malice,
Hautine fe. looke Pride o} Nobilitie;
Haile mingled with fire, Deftroyeth cattel
and other things in Egypt. Exodus 9.18;
Haire Not one haire of theit heads peri.
fyeth > that futter foz Chil his ſake. Luke
ait the hairesof our beats are numbzed.
Weatth.10.30dLuke 12-7,
Ablatoms haire polled peerelp, weied 200.
Long haite comety foz.a woman, not foz a
manr. Cor Ii rg ty
Bꝛopded haire forbiaden. a. Tim 2,9, and
1. Pet. 3. 3.
Head, Che people that leate God, ſhalbe
_ Heape. The wicked heape Rane bp finne,
John 10.8516: 1. Tim.4.16. 1.Goh.4.6. and |
mane thehead; and not the taile to anyp nati⸗
on. Dewt.28.13
Thik is a head of whom the bony ofthe ©
Church bependerh, andis nourifhen. Ephe.
1.22.6 4.13,45-Golt,18)3 2. 10, 19. 2. D
muel 22.44.
— the Setpents head. Gene.
‘Che mans head muff be bare toben bee
— — coueted.i.Coz.iA1.
The head fog the honozable man, oz prince.
Slaa.6.and 9.15. Amog5.2-JQum3.4..
Heale Gov onelphealeth, anv deliuereth
fromafflictions. Deut.32.39.
God healeth ali our infirmities: Erov.1s.
26. Jete.17.14.
We are healed of our finnes bp Chzikt big
ſtripes. 1. Pet 2.24.
Heakh. The health of Iſtael is the Lord:
Jere 3. 23.
Te whom health is pzomilen. Prouerbes
Health ig the mef ercellent thing in the .
wozld. Erelus, 30.15 16.
Heape coales, looke Cnales.
Heard of wine, looke Swine,
Heardmen, Suife betiveene the Heardi
men of Gerarand Izhak. Gew.26.20.looke |
Shepheards. f
Heare. Samuel heareth God lpeake onte |
Pim. . Sam 3.10511, A
The Iſtselites woiud not hearken te
Woles, and why. Erod.6.9,1 2.
The Lozd would not heare the Hlaelites,
pꝛeſuming to fight contrary tehis commans |
Dement. Deut.1.42,45. ,
all ought to heareans obey Gods boget. a
Suchaz heare Gos — ate big biete |
trealure ge. rob. 19: 56
Gob commaundeth bs to heare the 19209 l
phet Chriſt. Deu ab. — siuk |
9.35. 2.Jpet.1.17.
To; 14. ,
Faith commeth bp hearing the ten i
Gob preacheddom.10.17.
Chꝛiſt erborteth all that bane cares, te
heare.SWat.13.9:D9ar.4.3,9. Luke 8.8.
Preachers mult (peake whether the peor ,
ple will heare 02 not. Jlere-7.27. f
To héare put forto belcene. patch. 24. |
fozto buterfand. 2:Qo214:2,
Hearing onelp ig not {ufficient. Wat.7.21. |
Luk.i 1. Bem.. 13. James s: 2," loske
Divers kindes of hearers. Matth. 3.19
20.* John 7.40,41.
Thep that heare Gods preachers, heare i
God bimielfe, Luke 10.16. and are of Gon, |
Toh 8.47. ant contrariwiſ⸗ e. 1. Joh 4 6. looke
Famine of hearing,fee Famine,
Cie ought tobe ſwift to Heare, and floiwe
tofpeake. James 1,19.
Gon will not heare contemmers of is woga
and preachers.Sere.1 1.12, l
Dauids enemies crping foz apit, were
not heard. 2.@am.22.42,, ic,
< on heard Eliisi r. Bing.18. 37,38.
God will heare the crp of che afflicted and
eppretied calling on him.Exo.ꝛ2.ꝛ 3.2.94»
miel 22.7. “hp TIE,
-Thom God doerh heare pang whom not.
Fom 9.13, af E-
~ on heard the voice of Iſhmael. Gen a1.
2 7.0f Leay and.JR abel.Gen.30.6,57.and of
Jaakob in his tribulation. Gen.35.3.
Moſes was heard of the Log. erod.3 2.
34.JQumtg 20. Deut.9 16,19) Samuel.
*.Sam.7.9, aud Manoah. Judges 23.8,9.
Heart comfogted with bzead. Judger9.5.
The heart of man te veceitfull and wic-
ken aboue all things. Jere. 17.9. Gene. c.
5. and . 21. ahi
Go biele a mans his heart’, is to
farter pimfelfe in bis wickedneſſe. Deuter.
, eee knoweth the leerets of all hearts,and
trieth thea. 1.Sam.16.7. 1. Kin.b. 18. Acts
15.8.: 1.Thel-2.4. 1. John 3.20. Reue 2.23.
1. Chro.2 8.9. Dial yg Jere. roan 17,
oand 20.12, -o fed
God Gall make manifell the countaile of
the heart. 1.@002.4.5. 2 moh
Dé the abundance of the heart, the meuth
fpeaketh. Luke 6.45: Watt. 12.3435
Tabat vefileth che heart, and what not:
Part.15.11,19.Mar.7.1 5,18, 19st 24-
i @ be hearts are purified bp faith. Act.15.9
God turneth ans reneweth the hearts of
men; and Why. Ezek. 11 .19.and 36.26,27,
Jer. 32. 39.40. 1. Ring-18.37.
Salomon pꝛaveth Goad ta conuert the
| hearts of his people bnto him. a. Kings 3.
8. »
3 Gov gaue Haul another heart to bee a
new man. 1.Damn.10.6,9.
© Uith the heart man heleeneth onto righ-
geoutneffe. Rom. 109,10.
Ged muk open the heart, if anp heare ats
tentiuelp. Acts16.14, ant refozme it befoze
} it be ape to goodueſſe. Hag.1.14.
| © CGipere eur trealure igthere wil the heart
| be allo. Mat. 6.21.
| o Dur heare til not condemne bg befoze
| God, ifec, 1. John 3:18,19,20.
| ` Tee ought to (peake pnto our ſelues and
i snake melodie unto the Lorin our hearts.
Exphel.5. 19. The wow of Goo sughe to bee
{aid bp in ourhearts. Deut.6.6. anv 11.18
| .» Hannah pzapeth in her heart to the Lord,
fo become frutefill.. .1.4>am, 1.10,to 14: and
dauing abteined; her heart reiopced.1.S9am.
2 Go beleeue in heart: 2. Eſd. 1.37.
Gov mealureth our almes accogding to
the heare Marke 12.41, to 44. Luke zr. 1,
to 5. n A 4
a: Ure ought to vat necre te Chꝛiſt wirh
pure heart ebz.1022. and follomthem
“that cal vpon Goo with pure hearts, 2: Gim,
Gt ig Bod that ſtabliſheth our hearts in
Holinefle. 1. Thefl.g-13 2. Chefs, 16,17.
The haries coucten rather to haste
‘thei cuppes then their hearts cleane.Matt.
Thefecond Table.
Ehi mourned foz che bardnefle of the
JP hariles hearts Marke 3.5.
Me ought to forgive our bzether from sug
hearts. Mat· 18 34,35.
Tie ougheto loue and ferue Bon with all
out heart. Deu.s.5, 13. and £0.52.anB sf, 1.
Luke oazen i) si Di te 9
Ala big heart was bpzight with the Lom.
Bene 15,04, And lo muk ours be. Chap.
OF. y
Joſhua erboztethto lerre God with alithe
heart and ſoule Joſh.24. 14, 23. and 225.
TUe map not attribute to our vpꝛightueſſe
of heart,ecernail life which Gon giuech frees
Ip. Deut.9.4,5.
Wee oughe toturne ta God in heart, if
a looke to obtaine mercie; 1. Rings 8.47
Danis followed Ged with all pig heart,
rings 14.8.
Hezekiah walked before the Lozd with d
perfect heart. 2. Bings 20.3.
Dut heart ig turned from Gon, when wé
feruc firange gens, oz truſt in anp thing bes
live Gov. Deut 29.18.
Whe idolatraus wines of Salemon tur»
ned sway pis heart from Dov. 1. Kings 11.
It: s
Thole that turne their heart from God,
— theit lives ſhortened. Deuter, 30,
17518. } j
The cry of a contrite heart puta God.
fal: t30".
‘Jf wee returne onto God with aleur
heart;he will turne pnts ps: Deut 30.9,10,
Samuel exhozteth to turne to Gov, with
all the heart, and te ferue pim onelp.1. am,
Joſiah turned tothe Low, with all bis
heart. 2. Kings 23.25.
-o0 promileth mercie to thole that cots:
uert in heart. Deut 30 1322 3.
Salomon crauety of God an vndetſtan⸗
Ding heart. 1.Ling.3.9;
Che King is commaunded to teave the
Law, tet bis heart fhoulo be lift vp. Deut.
Dur hearts ought not to be lift pp to fozget
Gon, ana whp.Deut.8.5,14.
Iharaobs heart hatdened Exod.ↄ. 34.
Gor giueth to thoſe that feate him, an pt-
vertanding heart, Dett.29. 3.4. and to thole
that diſobey him, afaint heart Leuit.26.26.
Ste Afechemites mooued the hearts of
the Iſtaelites to receiue Abimelech Judg.
9.2.36 0] i Q
Ebe hearts of the Amozites and Canaa⸗
nites fainted at the Iltaelites comming.
oſh 5.1.
The Ntaeliteg hearts melted, when they
tsere Difcomfited at Ai. Joſh.7 · 5.
Beaz comfozten the heartof Ruth, b
(peaking kindly. Ruth· 2. 1 3.
Heart hardened againſt the pooze, Looke
Gow giveth the difobcdient a trembling
heart. Deut · 28.65.
Sauls heart ſore aſtanied, when hee fay
ithe Philiſtims affembled. again tim. 1.
Dauid touched in heart, afer he had cut
cf the lap of Sauls garment. 1.Sain.24,6;
Moles willeth the Iſtaslites to fer their
hearts to Gebs w00, Deut. 32. 46.
Tice ougbe not to leeke atter our owne
heart.J2um.1§.3940.. :
| The hearts of the imple veceined bp Ths
falom. 2,.@am.15.2,t0 7,486) i
Tie ought to loue one another with a pure
eart. Gim. 1.5.1. Pet.i .d22.
Saint Paul walked in the Gimplicitie of
þig heart.2.@03, 1,22,
Dauid fen the Flactices in ſimplicitie of
heart. Pſal 78.72. VORA
The thankefgiuing ofa tede and fanbfull
heart. JP [al.103.* :
Ged lev Hitael 40. peered in the wilder⸗
nefe to prewe rheit heatts. Deut. b.2.
Joſiahs heart did melt, when be hearty the
Law tead.2.iKing.23.20,11,18.* 2. Chrzon.
3427: ta
Thep whole heart Gow bad touched. fols
folned Saul. 1.Sam,10.26.
The fozot of the heart hath Laine manp.
Ecclus. 30.23. r
kop a mang heartmap veceitse him Dek,
< The pride of the heart deceiueth man. D>
av. 3 +
The heart of Gon foz the purpote of hig
ivili ge. 1. Ebꝛ. 17. 19.
Epes aud heart of God, looke Eyes,
. The heart ought to holve fag the wozve of
God.Pꝛo.4.4. ok
Gods lates mitten in the hearts of the
Faithfull. Heb 8.10.
Dne heart and one Waperpounded. Jere,
32,39 Act.4.32. Esek.11.19.¢ 36.26,27.
Toe to the Double hearted, Ecclus 2.13.
end 32.28.
ee that feateth the Loz, conuerteth in
heart. dE cclug.21.6.
The reward of them that (et bp ldoles in
theit hearts. Ezek. 14. 1, 11.
Mf the keeping of the heart. Pzo.a.23.
Dautd was aman after Godg oon heart.
a. Sem. 13. 14.
oes {orp — heart Gen 6.6.
e heart ig mate holy and pure throu
Chꝛiſt Pſal.5 1.10, AA
Heart of the earth, foz the inward patt of
the earth. Wat: 12.40.
Heart foz the delire ef the heart, Wat.6.a1
Forthe foule.x,1Pet.3.4. Foz the conſcience.
r.Ghels.3,13, 1. oh 3.20,21. and for the
toil. Acts 4,22, w
Heathen. Such ad refule admonitior,
ought to be bnto pg as Heathen men. Hatt
Heauen,and the Heauen of Heauens, is the
Los. Deut. 10 14.and is cailen his thzone
and dwelling place, though it be not able te
conteine him, 1. Kings 8,27,30,39,43,49-
Mat.5.34.Act3 7.49.
The Heauen callenthefirmament, mave
Dp the woꝛd of God.Gen.1.8,
The Heauens, created and preferued bp
Gods moe, (hall be diflolnen with fire. 3.
}Pet.3,5,7,12. i
Paul taken op into rhe third Heauen, 2.
Coꝛ. 2.2.
Heauen open, Matth. 3.16. Acts 7.56.
Hoauen and eatth are callc te witne ffe.
Deut.32.1." donate:
God openeth the heauens, in giuirg raine
indue ealn- Deut.28.12.
ETibefoeuer worlhippeth the hofte of hea-
uens,eugyt to be fonedto death Deut.27.2,
Seamer * «ine — Watt.24.35.
ar. 13.31. heb. 1.01. Reul · 29.1.
i oy bait kingsome prepared fog the
holy Angels and. Gods elect. Watth.25. 34.
D§.3,00 13. i
———— Toe hanvofthe Lorꝛde heauie a-
gaint them of aſhdod. a.Sam·56.
The rich pong man loath to feli all, went
from Theiſi heauie. Luk. 28.22,23.
The Phariſes id binde heauie burBens
other.Mat. 23 .4 .
C Tinis foule heguie , euen to the Death.
Mattb· 26. 38. his ditciples epes heauie alſo.
verle 43-
DE heauineſſe and harme comming thers-
ok. Dlal.z i.10. Ecelus.ꝛ5.4. and 30.2 1. and
38.18,to 24. laohe Sorow anb Weeping.
Heeles. The Ilraelltes being waren fat,
fpurned with theit heeles again God.Deu.
2.15. À 3
3 Jud as liften Sp bis heele againſt Chꝛiſt.
obn 13. 18. Plal.45.9.
Satan map byuile the heele of the godly,
hut not ouercome them.Gen. z. 15»
Jniquitp compafleth vs euen at the heels,
when we are in miſetie. Pſal.49.5.
Hell, Jn Hell there is no meate.Ceclus.
14:16. ,
The delcription ef hell. Iſa.30. 3 3-
Dow hellig pzepared fram the beginning ,
‘fo: the veuill,and bis Angels, and al ticked
perfons.Qzatt.25-30,41,46 Job 10.21,22.
Wlat.66.15, 16,24. Dail. 7.13- Mild.5., to
15. Matt.3.10,12. aus 5.20, to 27. and 6.16.
AnD $. 22,29. and 13.30.42. AND 18.8,9. and
22.13. and 23.33. Mar 9.43:t0 49 Lule 3.
9,t0 i7. and 10 15. and 16 23." JOpil. 2.10. .27. 2. Pet 2.a. Jude 6 Reuel 68.
and 19.20 ant 20.10,14,15.
The cates of hell,looke Gates,
Hell taken foz the graue. Gen. 37.35.
Helpe. God did helpe Iſrael againſt to
JPbilifims.1.Dam,7.i0. ; :
Durhelpe intime ot need is Chik. Heb.
The helpe of Iſrasl is ths Lore Ged,
The Jicaclited cry tothe Usꝛde fozhelpe,
God helpeth the faithful! oft times mira-
enloufip. Dofle.5.13.%2 Bing, 6.17.and 19.
35.2-Dacea.10.29,30, and 1 1.8,looke Ap-
Henne. Chill would baue gathered the
Irae lites, as a henne per chickings. Batty,
Herbes, The weake map eate herbes, fo
that bee tunge not theſe thateate them not.
Rem. 14.2,3
Herbes with theit ſeedes, creates dp the
word of Gow. Gen.1.11,12,
Herefre. There muſt be herefies, and wip.
3,.@03.11.19,2.Jpet.2.3, š
Herefies.are P doozko of the Ref Gals.20,
The fecond Table.
Cbꝛiſt bis religion counted he eſie. Actes
Heretikes, after twife admonition, ought
We to reiect. Cit. 3. 10,18.
Heritage, looke Inheritance.
Heiress Lous hath regenerated bg bp the
bolip Gholk , that tue ſhouid be heires of eter=
nalliife. Titus 3-59937-
Jeſus Chꝛiſt is the heire of al good things.
Luke 20.14,eb.1.2.
Ginabhain the heire of the wold bp faith.
Cbriſtians heires of God thrꝛough Chꝛriſt.
Gal.4.7. Rem.8 17.
Heire of wozmes, looke Proud,
DE heires, tooke moze Firſt borne,
© Hide. Gov will hide his face from thoſe
that fozfake bin. Deut 3 1. 17, 18.
Eliish bidden to hide pimleife from the
rage of Ahab. 1. Rings 17.3,
The Iſtaelites viv hide themſeiuts foz
-feare ofthe Pbiliſtims.,6.
He that hideth fis ſinnes Hatuot profpere
32001, 28.13.
High. The people facrtficed in bigh places
befoze the builping ofthe temple, P
‘T eroboam mave an houle of high places.
1 Kings :2.31,32,33.
Amasziah and Jebeſhaphat tooke not alway
the high places, which Jeroboam Had erece
ted. 2.King.14.4. 1 King. 22. 43. but peze
kiab Did. 2 Rings 18.4, t0 9,
Salomon offred incenſe in the high places
hefore hee built rhe temple. x. king. 3.3. and L
after allo bp the pꝛotiocation of bis wiues. 1.
kings12.4,to10, —:
Mountaines and high trees
and loftie people. Sifa.2.14,
THe ought vot te be high minded. Rom 12
16. alld HHP. Prou 16.16, and 18,12. looke
Abomination, Preſumption.
Samuri willed. Saul to goe op buto the
high place. 1. Sam.ↄ.19.
Tte heauens are not fo high to ſinde as
Gods perfection. Fob 11.7.8.
Holy, God onelp ig holy. Reu.i 5.4. Bilal.
» foz pode
Gor is holy, and hee onelp wilk be ponot-
red. Fol).24.19,20,
The Beth- hemis did confelle rhat tke
God of Fltacl was the holy Lowe Gob. 1.
ain. 6,20.
God commanded his people te be holy bis
tohim. Erebus 22.38- FQnm.15.40.
The wicked count themfeluesas holy as ;
the godly, anv all degtees slike holx. Qum.
16.3, Q 4
The Iſtaelites an holy peopie of Ged.
Deu.r4 2,34, 826.19. bp heating his ted,
anu keeping bis covenant. Cr0d.19. 5,6.
Thole whom Bod hath preoeHinate , are-
holy, in that thep ate inftifies by pit. i
Bom.8. 30.
Te ought to bee holy in conueMation, as
teis holy that called vs.a. Pet.i.i 5,1 6.and
toby. 2. Pet. 3. 10. 11.
Whe place is holy where Sods waw ig
Declared. Joſh 3.15. Exod. 3.5. Actes 7.33,
Plal.74.7. 3.
The holy places vobereinto Ghil is en-
tred koz bs. ¢b,9,24- oo, Az
vo Die Faithfull. are [ealed with the Holy
— N am
Gine not that which ig holy onto degges.
Dimorhie knet the holy Scriptutes of
a childe. 2. Tim. 3. 15.
Holy dayes looke Feaſt.
Holy Ghoft. Mo man can fap that Velisis —
the Lezd, but by the Holy Ghoft. 1.Cezinth. |
2 2.3 s$:
The Holy Ghoft promifen to the Apeſtles.
Luke 24.49. John 14.1626. Actes 1. 8. and
[ent to tbem. Act 2.4. :
God ciueth the Holy Ghoft to them that
keruently vefire him. Luke 12.13.
Dut loue pꝛoceedeth from the Holy Ghoſt,
and bp bim is ſhedde abzoad in out heatte.
Rom 5.5.1. John 4.13.
Telus Chk was conceiued bpthe Holy
Ghoft. Luke 1.31,35.
Chꝛiſt diſpoſſeſſed denils bp Holy Ghofte
MHattt.12.28. Luke 11.20.
The Holy Ghoft is giuen the fatthfull, te
anfwere the aduerſaries in the trueth Dare
10.19,20, l
The Holy Ghoft declared to the Pro⸗
phets, the fufferings and glozp of Chzilt. 1.
The Prophets ſpake ad the Holy Ghoft
moned them.2.J9et.1.21.
TUe are elect that we might be fanctifien
by the Holy Ghoft 1.4Bet.1.2.
The ſend ing of the Holy Ghof was pꝛo⸗
pheſied of. Joel 2.28,29.
Clik’ promifes to {endthe Holy Ghoft,
uke 24.49. tobo was net fent cull Chek
was clozificd. John 7. 39.
The Holy Ghoft called the comfezter ant
[pirit oftrueth. Joh.14.16, 17, 26. Acis 1.80
Cheilt baptizeth with tye Hely Ghofta
Matth. 3. 11.
The Holy Ghoft ig called the water of
life. Fon 4. 10. and 7.38.
Chꝛilt gaue his vilciples the Holy Ghofte
Jobn 20.23,23.
Tie Holy Ghok. was ginento the Apa
files -accozting to Cheziſtes promile, Actes
Che Samaritanes receiued the Holy
Ghoit. Acts 8.17,
To whom the Holy Ghoft ig giuen, Gal.
Ghoft. Ephe 1.1 3. and 4.30.who is the ears
nefi.of- the inheritance premiſed to confirme
bs in the affuren. pope thereof, 2.e2.3.32.
Ephel r. 14.
The grace of the Holy Ghoft poweed vpan
the Gentiles. Atte 10.44, 45.
Dur bodies are temples of f Holy Ghoft.
3:2 02.6.19-,
Zacharias was filled withthe Holy Ghoft,
end propheſied. Luke 1.67.7 fo DiD Simeon,
uke 2.25,t0 36. |
Jobn Baptiſt ited withthe Holy Ghoſt
from his bitth Lukbe 1.15.
The Holy Ghoft was not giten vnto Fe
fus Chꝛiſt bp meafure. Zohn 1.16. and 3.340- |
Heb.1.9. :
The Holy Ghok repzooueth the aoeld of |
finne, of tighteoufnefle, and of iudgement.
John 16 8.
CThe Holy Ghoſt begreth witneſſe in idee j
* 4
) 8,9.
Jonathan taking honie, conttatie to bid -R
| tonfotenced, shat we ‘ate rhe ſonnes of Gov.
a ag ute Pema i i bg.
2f 5 /
Bw the vertue ofthe Holy Ghoft, wee are
mave ſtrong again ff death, fine, and rhe Dee
uill2 Tim 2.7.
Wote the Holy Ghoft twas the teacher of
| the Apolkies. ohn 14.26, and 16.136
* Che Holy Ghoft witnelleth inour beatts,
$ {har repentance and remiffion of ſinnes come
bp Chil. Acts 5.3 0,32
The Holy Ghoſt fozbade ‘Pant to preach
|| in Ais. acts 16.6,
The gifts of he Holy Ghoſt diners, pet
one felfe (ame ſpirit 1. Qoz.12.4,11.
Both Jew and Gentile infpired with the
Holy Ghoft, hath accefle ta the Father, bp
Chak bis fone. cphe.z.18.and 3.6,
inne agang the Holy Ghoft nenet foz:
| pluen. Wat. 2:31,32 War,3.29.
Aline (fe to the Loꝛde was a ſuperſcripti⸗
| Ot inthe bigh Dziena mitre. Exod 39. 30.
| tue holinefle requiren in Chziftiansd
_ Continually. Luke 1.75. phe. 4.24.1. Chell.
> 3.83 .8nD 4.3,4 2. Cor 7 . 1.
Honefice ig not ta bee learned of vnhoneſt
men. Ccclug.3.7, 11.
TUe ought to behane our ſelues honeftly,
4 0.1.0 hel 4,412.
Aonie. Gie Pfraelites fucked honie out
ofthe Rone, and ople out of the barve rocke.
Deut.32.13. :
Honie in the catkafe of a lion. Judges 14.
- Fathers evict, hatdiy efcapes death 1. Sara.
> Hohie eaten temperatelp ig verie good.
JD}0.24.13.gnd 25.16,27.
Honour, Mee ought to honour the perfor
of theolne man, Heut.19.32.Alfo maſters.i.
Time, Te. :
Wiee ought to giue honour te whome wee
owe honour. Rom.13.7. yom
“ Wee ought te honour all’ men; namely,
«Rings. Pet. 2.17.
~~ Elpers wogthp double honour, 1, Timoth.
5. I V6
In giuing honour wee ought te goe one
before another. Rom. 12. 10.
Chole that honour Gov, Gow will honour
them. 1. ant.2.30. |
Tholc chat recetue honour one of another,
‘ana feeke not the honour chat commeth of
Gon alone, cannot beleene in Chif John
God gaue Salomon riches and honour
Hratked.x ings 3.13.
Wanoah anv his wife purpolen to honour
‘the Angel. Judxes 13.17.
Chit honoured His Fatber, and the
Jemes vifgonoured him. John 8.49.
Wihofoeuer honoureth not the Sonne bp
heleening in him, diſhonoureth the Father
that ſent him. John 5.23,
li honoured hig chudzen moze then Gov,
4, an.2.22,f0 26,
Hatt hauing ſinned,coueted to be honou⸗
cred before the elders of His people, by Sas
wuel Saw. 5. zo.
She hulband ought to gine honour to the
The fecond Table.
i wife, anv toby. 1. Pet. 3.7.
Honor ig yufeeme!p foz a foole. 1520.26.1.
Humlity goeth betoze bonour.JH70.15 23 36
Tee mult honour Gan with our riches,
and frh fruites. 1926. 3.9,10.
Hope is Gods gift. 3. Theſſ.2.16.
Hope ig no hope, when the thing we hope
foz is teene. Rom.3\24.
We that hopeth: abiverh with patience foz
that bee teeth not. Rom.8.25.
Hope ought to bee certaine. Philip.i.20.
Cal. 2.23. Heb. 3.6 and 10.23.
Hope ig ſtrengthened by codering Gong
benefits received. Watt 16.8,9.Rom.5.2,3,
4: 2. Cor. 1.10.
Tae mut hope in Ged. ⁊. Pet. 1,21.
Hope ig one. Epheſ. a.: 4.
Tee ate regenerate to a liuely hope, bp
the refutrecrion of Lhzift. ¢.JPer.1.3.tuhere>
bp toee are made beices of eternal! life. Tit.
Gs we ate called in one hope, foought we
to be ane bodie and one fpiric, Ephel 4.4,
Chik is the hope of glory. Col.1.27.
TUe ought toretopce in hope. Rom.12.13
foz therebp we are lauen. IRom.8.24,
Hope ts the helmet of faluation. 1. Tbeſſ.
5.8. Ephe.6. 11,17.
Che Deriptures confirme Chziftiang in
hope. Romt.1 5.4.
Mice mul pap that wee map abound in
hope , through the poter of rhe bolp Ghoſt.
Rort.1 5.53.
Hope maketh not afbamed , and whp.
Paul retopcech foz Theſſalonians hope
io their great tribulations. 1T. bell.1.2,3.6.
Howe farre hope: Doeth extend it felfe. x.
ozs 3.13. and 15.19,
Che hope of the creatnte foz the deliue·
rance of the chilmen of Gon. Rom.8,20,
Hope put foz faith. 1.JBet.3.15. Foz proe
mile {)cb.6.18. fog things which are hoped »
pbel.4.2.Qol.3.12.fooke Meeknefle.
Humilitie taught bp the parable of abelts
bidden to a feat. Luk.14.7,t0 12, bp the ere
ample of Chzit.Watth.11.29-JPpil.2.1,t0 8
The praile of humilitie. J5204.16, 19. Ei-
The preferment of humilitic. ]B30.15.3 3.
and rear tyereof.J920.22.4.
Humilitie purepaleth Goods fauour. Dan.
10.12, 1. King. 21. 27, 29.
God Doeth alwaprewardtrue humilitie. 12
Gen. 18,27.¢29.31.* and 41.40.51.* Exod.
3. 910,15.* ANB 4. 10.* Judg.6.11, 13, 22.*
am 7 6,(0 13, 2. Chrꝛon. 12.6,7, 12.0 32.
aan 33.1 211 3.0 34.27,28.JDlal- 34.18, Pꝛ.
11,2, 18. 12. 25.7. 29.23. Jlai.37.1, to
8,14." 57.15.8 66. 2, 4. et, 1.2,6,7. Sona.
3.5,6.* Ecelus.3.19,21,22.¢ 7.5,17. 101.
1,12. Judet.a 9, to 16. Judet.ↄ9.ↄ 11.* Dat.
34. 14, 156 5. 3,5, 11,to 13. and 8.2, to 14.
ẽ 15.22,t0 29 € 20.26, 27. and 2165.09 at.g.
3536, 37. € 10.43, 44. Luke 9.23,48: €10.
16.4 15-17."and 22.24 26. John 13 4,12,to
18.Act.10, 30,31,35.Rom.11.58,20. 1.202.
4.6.*anDd f-2. and 15 8,to 12. Debz,11.25.*
Betiel.4.c0,11.and 19.4.
Hundred. An hundred folde moze in this
world, pzomifed to thofe that fozfake all fog
Aaa Na alt 0.29,30. Luke
Hundreds, c.Exod.i8.a1. Deu.i.13, 15.
anb z1. 28 400ke Centurion.
Hunger. Chꝛiſt was hungrie. Maith. 4.2.
ano. ai. 18. Luke 4 a P
God filleth and o aineth bze ad to the hun-
ss -Y: EP
grie Luke 1.53. Plal. 146.7
Paul had learned both to ye fall and hun.
Brie. Phil.4.11,12.
Hunger and otber afdictions. looke f Coz.
4.11,12,13. 36Q02.11.23,27."
Thole that hunger and thirſt foz tightes
oufneffe, halbe filler’. Batt.5.6. if thep come
to Chil. John 6,35.
HE out enemie hunger, tore mu feed him.
BRom.ı 2.20, [zouers25.21.. much moze out
bother. Fla. 58. 7,tMEZCK.1 8.7, Tob, 1.16,
and 4.16.G¢clus.a.2.
The faithful Hai neither hunger noz thir
after this life. Ufa.49.10.3Reu.7.16.
To make emptie the kungrie foules Iai
Cirit kungrie in hig memberg, Watt.25.
Hurt. $f we burt anp, we muft recompente
ít o2 bee puniſhed. Gaod.22.5,to.16, AND 21
22. Gad wouid nor ſuſtet Laban to hurt zi as
acob.®en. 31.7,
He that burteth anp sf Gong people, hur-
teth bimfelfe.Fech.2.8
Husband. Sarah obeped ber hufband gs
bzaham, an’ called him Lozd · x. Pet. 3, $266
Elkanah a louing husband. 1. Sam: i
vidi was Ishak. Gen.24.67.anvd 26.8. «
e husband ig the toiues bead, 1: Coꝛin.
"OE the duetie and authozitie of husbande
toward their witles.Gen.2.23,24,and3,16. —
JQuM.5,12,13,*and 307,8,9. Deut.23.23,
to 22.€24.1,t0 6. Eccl.7.19 26.8 961. CCD,
2.2 3,J920.5.15,t0 21-Gal,2.14,15,16.Cob.
10.12, Eccles.9.9. 1.Cozitt.7.35455, 0 15129
2729.33 Epbels.25.* Col.3. 19. Dit2.40
5. 1.)9et.3.7. looke Wife.
Husbandrie,looke Plough ang Tillage. «
Hufwiues,looke Bufiebodies. |
Ẹ HypocriGe ig a deceit in the beatt.J3z0. |
Re tats ofthe Jewes repꝛoued Fla. p
and §8.2,t0 6. 4
— the leauen of the Phatiles Lus |
Again Hypocrifie. IP fal.1 39.1."
Hypocrites ate a generation pure in theit
owne conceit.15 20.30.12.
Hypoctites murmure , fo? that God bea»
reth them not. Jfa 5 8-2,3- ;
The iudgement of hypocrites ig confor
and deſpaite. Yob 36.13.
The biindvefle of hypocrites wii neuer
fuffer them to notwleDge theit Gunes. Wal
3-790 3594515
aeamp the Jewes which were hypocrites.
Jla 43.1,2,t0 12.
gaint hypocrites , that fanctifie theme
felucs bp ourtward wo2ks Iſa 66.3, 4. ,
The Lorde thewerh euiventip, that the
Jemes were hypocrites, Jere 2.13.7
DE the hypocrifie and by pecritical repen:
tance of Saul. DAMKI 5- 13,20, 30.” and
Hypocrites pretend to fet faozth Gota gles
rp when thep maintaine iDolairie. Ezta 4.23
to 17.
Hypocrites ſpeake faire, but fander aman
behinde bis backe, and leeke his deſtruction.
i2 Nehe⸗
_——————EE>E>E—————— —
ae a
H <2
Pehe.6.1 9. Ecclu.19.25, 26.
The hypocrites (hal not come before Gov.
Job I 3.1 6.
Waben hypocrites reigne, itis a ſigne of
Gone diſpleoſure. Job 34.30.
Hypocrites in heart, wat thep are, ¢ what
ig theit env. Job 35.13,14.
The crie of hypocrites Gou will net heare.
Hypocrites ſeeme to ſeeke to God in trots:
ble , but not from the heart. Pſal. 78.34 36
37- pet Gon korgiueth (uch otherwhiles vetl.
38.and whp.berle 39.9
erp one is an hypocrite and wicked.
Hypocrites feeme godly , but their deedes
Hebozap them. Jerte. 5. 2.
. Df hypocrites, end their rebard.Ezek. i 4.
13334.7011. :
Hypocrites will cloke their Annes with the
Hifaco of feaning vpon the Loꝛd. Micah z.
An hypocrite hurteth his neighbur with
his mouth. ]Dz0:1 1.9.
Clainegloztous hypocrites Hane theirt re=
ward. Mat.6.2.
That hypocrites diſcerne, and what they
Doe not. Luke 12.56.57.
DF bypocrifte.faoke moge. 2. Daw. 15.2,
3,t0 7. 2. Bing r.r.* Genel 3.10.and 15.23.
and 205.* and 27.3. Jerem. 2. 20. and 9.3.
WE 32.3331. CGilo.1.2,t0 13. Ecclus 19.24,
25,26.032. 16.2. Mac 6.2 1.* Matth. 2.7.8.
anð 7.5,21 22.* t 15.7.8,9.4 16.3. 22.18.
OND 23.13,14,15.* and 24.51. Mar. 7. 6, to
14.Lu.e1.39,to 45, and 18.9,t0 5. Actes 5.
. +3, to 12. and 8. 18,2 3, 24. and 1 3.10, 11. RÔ,
2.t34,5,17. Gal.2. 11, 12, 13. 1. Tim 4-1,
63,3. 1. Pet 2.1,2,16.
Hyre Me map not keepe backe the labou⸗
ters hyre, and why. Deut. 24. 14, 15.and 25.
4. Leuit. 19. 13.
Chit giueth allmen hyre alike. Matth.
30.8. 1Looke Wages, and whore.
Tie Hyreling will flee, when bee feeth the
Wolfe. John 10.12,12.
AH Hyrelings fo, monep, map bee called
Michahs piels. Jung. 18.4-
Hy (ope Bipped in the blood of the Paſſes⸗
ner.Exo.ia.22. reade Jop.s19.29.Web.9,19.
Takes. Baals temple wag mate a lakes.
2, Sding.10.27.
Iawbone, looke Affes.
F idle raike andicking condemned. Eph.
5.4. Mat.i 2,36,
Pharaoh calleth the people, when thep de-
fired to (erue Gon, Idle. Ero. 5.8.
Again idle hufwiues 1. Tim.5.13.
AcainfE idle {epheards. Eze. 34-2,t0 17.
Idleneffe owe of the Gunes of Sodeme.
Dauid through his idlenefle committed
- qvulteric.:.Gam.r1.7.*
Againſt ldlenefie.}920,12.11.418.9 Ec⸗
tye 33.3426. 2, Thelſ. z. 10, 11, 13. 1. Tim.
« Idole. That an Idole ig.+.3oh.5.21..
Idolaters (hall rot ingerite the kingdom of
deauen. . Cor 6.9,
Leechs not bg Idolarcts, left Hee peri) ad We ought notto ſacriſice our chilezen vn⸗ Bom.19.6,7,8,*
The fecond Table.
Did the Iſraelites 1.C03.10.7.
Tee ought to fice from Idolatrie. 1.Coꝛ.
The weſtruction ofthe Iſraelites came foz
their Idolatric. Jeren.16.11.* Ezek.6.4. 2. 8
Kings 17.4,
Jeremiah repzoueth the people foz their
Idolatrie. Jere, 44.2."
Idolatrie pfen eſpecially of the paiefis anu
Head gouernours chemſelues. Ezek.8.3,5.*
Idolattie of the Iſtaelites tepzooued, and
pet not forfaken. Dol 12.10,11,14.
` The Idolatrie of Aholah and Apolibah.cE-
zek. 2 3. 2, 3. 4.*
Tbe deſcription of the Iſtaelites Idola-
trie, ann How it was puniſhed.2. King · 7.7
DF the Idolatrie of the Vine of Judah. 1.
Jeroboain prouoken Iſtael onto Idolatry.
1, Kin 14.7516."
Gand left ele Idolatrous Canaanites a:
mong the Iſtaelites. Judg.2+2,3. Joſhu.23.
Gov reputeth diſobedience foz Idolatrie,
The Mfeaelites became Idolaters,commits
ting whozedome with che daughters of Wo-
ab Qum.25.1,2, 18.
Idolacrie committed with the golden calfe.
Exod. 32.4,t0 7.
DE the puniſhment of Idolacers. E ron 32.
20.0ND 23.32,33.Deut.17,2,§,t08.and 29,
23,26.anB 30,17,18, Ren.2 5.8,
Cie map net honour Idoles, noz companie
with ldolaters Exo.2 3.24. 2. Chꝛo 20. 37. 1.
Coꝛ.5.ix. a
Gil places of Idolatric ought to be deſiroy⸗
£0, Deut.12,2,3.
(Ue map make no compact with Idolaters.
GE xv. 2 3.2453 2533. AND 34:12, 717 DEUIT,
16,17, Joh 23.7. Y
TUhat enils pzoceed of Idolatrie. Milſ.i 4.
Againft Idolaters toske Pſal.ↄ7 7.
Idolaters are curſed and milerable. Deut.
27.35 TD. 1 3. 10.*
DEF the vanitie of Idoles. 1. anw.12.28.
r. Kin. 16.25. 3f9.46.152,5." Jere to b. and
hotu thep toske their beginning, TAi, 14.1,
10,13,f0 27.
Idoles are oupzofitable,¢ can doc nothing.
Idoles ate mocked. Iſai 41.23. GGil.13,
Again Idoles anv Idolatrie. Jere.10 3,4,
5,8. Eze.6.6. Baruc.s.ʒ.* Pſal.i15.4.t07.
and 135.15, to 19. Ils 40. 18, 19, 20. 842.8.
TUee aught to make no Idoles o} grauen
image. ilei 26. 1. foꝛ curfep is the Idole and
Idole maker. MAiſd. 4.8.
i Gu Idole ig nothing in the wold. 1. Coꝛ.
Wey 5
No agreement betweene the Temple of
Gov and Idoles.ꝛ. Coꝛ.6.16.
Tae oitght not to turne to Idoles, o2 make
molten gods. Len. 19.4.
Again woꝛſhippers of Idoles. Hab.2.18,
19,200 Amos 4.233346" Iſa.a42.8. Miſd.15.
6.anD 16.1,to 20.
to Idoles. Letit.20,2,t0 6,
Ala deſtroyed Idolatrie, 1, Riu.i 5. 12, 13.
and ſo did Foliah.2 Ring 23.4.5, 20
Of meate cenſectated vnto Idoles.i.Coꝛʒ.
4. ;
Taho fo eateth of meate facrificed bonta I-
doles, ſeemeth to fatout Idolatric. i.Coꝛ.i o.
The polne oz Giner of images any Idoles,
id not to beg coueted but abpogred, and whps
Deut.7.25,26. ` *
, Mo kindzed o} friendſhip is to bee regat⸗
Ded, which allareth to Idolatcie. Dent, 3.6.
Idolatrie calted fognication, 2.26231. 18,
It ig a wogke of rhe efg, Gal. 5.10.
Nothing ts too Beare foz Idoluters, Jere.
Idolaters haue plentit.See Plentie,
Idoles called bp the name of blinde and
Cogetouſneſſe callen Tdolatrie. Cot.3.g.
Idoles ano aliihat belong to them, callen
filibinefle.2.Gh2.29.5.dcts 15.20.
Idoles called new gods Deut.3 2.17
Idolatrous Leuites, looke Leuite,
Idolaters by paper thinke to mooue eheig
gots. Jonah t.5,6.looke Image and Gods,
F Telovs. God is lelous and toll haue vs
tri in pim onclp. Exod.z34. 14. Deut. 5, go
Paul ielous with godly icloufie. 2. Coꝛin.
11.2. And not ag others were.Gal.a.17.
Elitah iclous foz the Lozde of holes, anv
tubp. 1. BRing.19.14.
The law of icloufie Mitm.5.11,*
Gog ieloufie foz Fion.Fech.8.2.
Giclous and a Dzunken moman ig a great
plague. cclus.16.6,8:
Againſt ie louſie Ecclus.g.r,
Gon ig ielous again them that feate not
pis thꝛe atnings. Deut. 29.20.
Gad moned to icloulic with ivolatrie. De.
Tefting looke Tife.
ewes baptizen bute Woles. 1.010, 2.
Ehe lewes erercifed in affliction, g opp.
Deut.s.2, 345,154,158.
a (he Iewes obfinacie. Hls.48.4. Actes
28.27. RA
The reprobation of the lewes, @ their cal»
ling againe, Gene 49,.10. Deut 4 2640 320
Jp lal.5 9.6,11,to 16. Jere.31.1.* Iſa.r0.20,
21,22, Ezck 33.28,29.5 37.22.* Dole.3.4,
5-21.34. Ront.11.25,26. Joh 10,16,
The vnion of the Iewes and Gentiles in
Epi Tla. 19.24. Eph.2 2, 15, 18.*
Tewes of tino ſoꝛts.Rom.·2. 28, 29.
Paul deſtrech to be deliuered from the vif
obedient lewes Rom. 15.31. loeke Infidelitie.
_ Ignorance no excule.Lu.i a.48. Deut.30.
11. Rom. 10 6,7,8.
The heathen are ſtrangers from the life
of Sob through ignorance.gE phe.g.18.
Sacrifices peerelp citered fog the igno-
ranees of the people. Heb. 9.7.
The ignorance ef the foolifh, ig put tof-
lence bp cur well doing.1.JDet.2.15,
All men bp nature ate ignorant of Gon.
Wiſo.i 3,1. 2.08 (0.5. 39.
Mone can pleade ignorance. Deut.zo.i Io
S mapa
A pzaper foz the Ignorances, Paba, 3.2.*
Ignorance of the Scriptures, is the occa⸗
Gon of Gong wath bzeedeth all une, and
29530,31, 9 (aot .3, 4and § 13. TUILL 5.6,7 .
And 14.21. Ecclus.a.a5. Mat.i 5. 14 War.
12.24. Gob. 3.19,20,21. AND 12. 35. ROM. te
28. * Rom.1o.2,3.1 Coꝛ.14. 38. ANB 15.34.
z.C02. 28.: Theſſe.4. 3. Acts 3.17.
TheAthenians worſhipped ignorantly.
Acts 17.23. i
Tabo fo is imple and ignorant, muſt baue
tecourfe tu the holy Scripiuces. 920.9.4,5-
Jobn 6.55.58.
Image. TAby no Image was (zene , tohen
God gaue the Law.Deut.15.2,t0 20,
God fozbad p making of Images to ferue,
02 bom Downe bute. Er0d.20.4,
The vanger that commeth bp making l-
mages. Deuit.4.25,(0 29.
Won abhozreth che Images that are made
to be honoured.Det.g.12. and curleth them
tbat make them. Chap 27. 15.
The Jewes did trut in Images , & fought
to them foz aine. Deut.32,37,38.
God commanded the Plraclites to deſtroy
ail images ann cheir twoghippers.Deut.7.25
to 6.Num 33.52.
Micab hav a grauen and a malten Image
in bis boule. Judg.17.4. Which certaine of
the tribe of Dan tooke away, and let dp in
the citie of Dan. Jud. 8.1 3.*
Thole that ione and woꝛſhip Images what
they are wozthp af. TUil.15.6.¢ 16.1, t9 20.
The Aight of Images ſtitreth Bp the deſire
of the ignoꝛant onto idelatrp. Miſ.i 59.5.
Images ſet bp. i.kings 12.28, 29 2. Che·
25.14.€ 33. 2, io 10. Dan. 3.1,t0 8. Polr3.2.
1.Mac.i.57.looke ldoles.
Images pulled downe and defaced. Exod.
32.20. Deũu.9.2 1, Judg. 6. 25, 28.8 1001 6,7.
Sam.7.354.2 kin.10.26,27.¢ 11.18. 2.king.
18.4.2. Cho. 14. 3. 15.8. 27.3. ¥ 23.17: ¢ 31.1. 2.10.33-15% 3433
to 8.1- ac.5.67.and 1 3.47,48.and 14.7.
Warnings.exclamations, Ethꝛe atnings
agalnſt Images and idolaters. Deut 4.23, to
29.85.33. @ 6.35025 to 1787. 25, 26. * a.
AL.” @ 1¥-16517)19.@ 12.30, 31. 13-318.
Q 29.20.*¥ 30.1718. Joſh.23. 11. E 24.14,
20, 2. Chꝛo 7. 19.* Wlat.t- 20-2452 5.4 2.8 3;
18.” N.S 6,758 9.78 7-9." 17-3548 19.3
E3ck.6,3. * Q 23.22,23,2 4, to 36. * Dolg.
22.*Wich.1.5."Dab.2.18,1 9.3eph. 1. 2.*
Wo chivping ef{ mages puniſhed. Erot.
32.20.27,28, Lett,o1.1,2, Num. ꝛ5.4, to 10.
Budg-2.14,1 5.8 3.8, 12. E4152. E6. 1, to 7.
ane 60.7.8. 13.1.1. Thing. 1 4,14,23.*€13.
4.€ 14. 10,11, 17. 2, kingo 24,16. ——
to 17, 23. and 24. 18, 20 and 25.16, 27.* and
28.5 ,to 9. and 29.8.9. @ 33.11 Lam. 1.3. x
aud 2.*¢ 3.1,t018,42.*and 4 1,9.* Ezek.
5.12. Rom.i 24.*1 Lor. 0.5.758-
God created nian in bis owne Image in
coptupiible. Ben. 1.27. Aiſ 2. 23. and totte
_ fame Image he ſhall be renued.¢-Coz.15.49, `
he 4 23,24. Col. z. 10.
Fit Toif the Image of the innifble
Gon Lol. 1.15.
Gan is che Image anv glozx of Ged, 1
The fecond Table.
The Image of a bopce.2. Ele. 5.27.
Imagination. De that eemety to himſelfe
tobe tomewhat, Deceineth himſelle in hig
owne imagination, Hal.6, 3.
Tbe imaginations of mans heart ate enill
continuallp.Gen.6.5.anb 8.20. j
Wee map not totlow the Imaginations of
our owne beart: Num.i 5.39. locke Thinke.
Jmitate ldoke Follow.
Immortalitie Oo onelp hath immortalitie
2. Tim.6. 16.
God hath giuen bs his ſpirit in earneft of
eut immortalitie,,5-Cpbel.1.14.
This moztall muſt put on immortalitie.
Adam bas bene immortall , if $e bad net
eaten che fezbinven frutte. Gen.2.7. 3. 22.
Che keeping of Gods Lawes ts rhs aſſu⸗
tance of !mmortalitie. Miſd s.18. and Im-
Horrible indgementg Denounced aguin
— AU a vo. 1,12, piut
Tae ought notte company with Infidels,
and whp · 2. Coꝛ. 6. 14, 15.
Infidelitie of the Jiraelites putſued by
JPharach. Exod. 1 4.10,11,12.0f Bales anw
Daron when the people chione fog water.
—— — othe Th i
oleg repzocueth the Iſraelites fog chet
Infidelitie, Dent. t.32. A ne
Fafrmities hall be taken away from them
that obep God.Deut.7.15. :
Chbꝛilt felt our infirmities, and pet wad
without finne.Deb.4.15,
Cböiſt crucified concerning big infirmitie,
liuen thzough the power of Ged. 2. Cor· 13. 4.
Patil retopced in infirmities, and whp, 2.
Hang Infirmitie, and Gods grace. Ezek.
mortalirie maketh vs neere God. Miſ.s.iꝰ. 3.14
fooke Soule,
_ Impatience, Job ig tepꝛehended of I mpa-
tience, Jab.4.2,5,6.
The remevie fog impatience, x. Thelſal.
Df Impatience, and the punifpment theres
of.Exed. 84. 11. and 15.24. AiD 16.2,3. and
17.2,3. ZUM. I.4, t0.16, ANB 14. 1, 2,3343
10,22. *kxand 21.4, 5,6. 100.3, 1.* $920, 12:8,
13,18,13 Ecclus.2.15.
Impofible ¥oz obitinate blaſphemous As
poffates to be tenewed bp repentance. Debe
644,18 9-
That (cemeth impoffible vnto man is pols
fible and ealie onto Gov. Gen.18.14. Watt.
1.25, 26. Marke 10.24.t0 28. Luke 1,37.
And 18.25, 26, 27. Jech.b.6.
Fit ig impoflible foz man to WEN the Late
of Gon ablolutely. Dent.6.1,2,5,6.¢ 27.26.
OD at.§ .17,21,22,27,28,38.39. * Actes 5.
10. Rom . 1415,17, 23, 24. AND 8,3. 1.
Coꝛ.2. 14. am.2.10, Gal.3. 22.9, 10, 11.
Incarnation. The Incarnation of Jeſus
Chik brought iop onto $ faithful Bla. 4,2.*
Incen fe. OF offering incenfe.Lewit.2.1.
Inceft of Lot, Gem29-34.
Inceft foꝛbidden. Leuit.i18.6, 22,33. and
30.15 51 6eIROM. 1.276
Inchanters,looke Soothfayers,
Incomprehenjible ate all Gond tworkes.2,
Facorruptible. GH an created incorruptible,
TUifo. 2.23.
Wan hall rile againe incorruptible. 1.
Cop.15-5 3,5 3.
Incredulitielooke Vnbeliefe.
Fadifferent things lawfull, but fome not
expedient for foime reſpects. 1.€63.6,12,! 3s
Ecclus.37 27.
Paul was confezmable to all indifferent
things, and tohp.1.@o2.9.23.
Infamie looke Report and Slander.
Infidels, Dow the Jewes became Infidels,
Nothing pure to Infidels. Tit.i.15.
Satan blindeth the epes of the Infidels, 2
DF Infidel beatks which venie the refurs
recifon.1.@02.15.32,3 3.
The enve of lnfidel:, s, Peter 4.17, 18.
Rom 2-89, —
Ingratitude looke Vnthankeſulneſſe.
Izheritance. To whom the inheritance of
the deceafed without heite male fhai deſcend.
JQum.27.8,to 12.
Naboth would not foꝛgoe big inheritance,
1. King. 21. 3.
Gow wag the inheritance of the Pꝛieſtes
and Leuites. Deuter.18,1,t09. and 10.9.
Rum. 1 8.8, 20,26,*
The inheritance of heauen commeth not
to bs bp wozkes, but bp Gods promile,
though faith. Gal. 18.22.
An inheritance immogtall ig referned fog `
bg in heauen.1.Jpet.1.4,
CUbp Chik refuled to diuide the inheri-
tance betweene the twe bzethzen. Luke 12.
IRo fornicatogs, Dolaterd,¢c. Hall inherice
the kingdome of heauen. 1.Cozinth.6.9,10.
Cobel.s.s. —
Iniguitie Becauſe iniquitie ſhalbe increas
fed,the loue of manp albe cold. Mat· 24 12.
God viliteth the iniquities of farhers spor
the chilpzen of fuch as bate him. Exod.20. 5.
Deut, 5.9.
God foꝛgiueth iniquitie. Exod 34.7. *
_ De that hath lose, reiopceth not in iniquis
tie, bat in trueth. 1.02.1 3.6,
Thole that ate elect ,oepart from iniquitie,
2.Tim 2.19.
Iniuries to be teuenged, Chih foꝛbiddeth.
Mar.5. 39,40.
Tae mult rather luffer iniurie , then gog ta
lato with our neighbour. 1. 02.6.7.
TUe ought not to bee angry, noz Boe anp
thing bp miurious pzactifes.decclug.10.6,
TUe ought nor to be minvefull of iniuries.
Joſeph pardoned his brethzen the iniurie
thep bad done yim. Bene.50,17,19,2 46 and
Dauid ſuffered the iniurie of Shimei. 2.
Sam 16,7,10.
Woles reproued bim that had iniuried hid
fellowe SExod,2.13. and Defended Jethzos
Daucheers frominiurie. Erod.2 17.
Dauid reuenged the wiurie Done to tis
fetuanig.2.9am.10 5.12. *
Innocents ace oppzelicd. Eccles.4. 5..
Mane innocent before Gov. Exod· 34.7
He oughtnot to Rap the innocent. Exod.
23-7- ald curled ig bee that taketh reward:
Da t
j I Ñy Tu
te that env. Deut. 27. 35.
Innocent. Uriah ¢ other Innocents ſſaine
by Dauids commandement, 2.Ham.11.17.
Samuel pleaveth his innocencie befoze
the people.1.Sam,12.2,t0 6.
The innocencie of Tobias. Tob.2. 13,14,
Job reetted jis innocencie. Jeb. 31.5.*
Werod cauſeth the innocent childzen to be
Puate Laid Ye wag innocent of the blood
of Thik. Mat· 27. 24.
Abimelech tooke Abzahams wife with in-
nocent Hands. Hen. 20.5,
Innocent a8 Doues,looke Simple.
Euerp man ought to defend hig innocen-
cic, Joſh 22.21,t0 32.1. Samuel 1.15,16.0
Wing. 18.48.* Jere 37.13,14,18. John 8.
46,49." Acts 2.13,to 37. an06,11,13 .and
7.2." and 28,17."
Tnordinate affection ought to be mogtified
in vs Col.3.5.
Euerp bzother walking inordinately, is to
be ſhunned 2. Theſſ. z.6.
Inquire. Te ought to inquire oz fue to
God toz aive in Ackenefle, and not to idoles.
Joſhua made peace with the Gibeonites,
and inquired , oz countelled not with God.
InfiruZed. Gov inſtructed the Iſxaelites
Infiruments of muficke plaped bpon bp
Dauid ¢ his people before the Arke.2. Sam.
6.35512. which hee afterward appointed to
continue. :.@h2,.15-16.
The Inſttuments of a footifh ſheepheard.
+ Lafterrection Moke Rebell,
Intemperancie bzeedeth diſeales. Ecclus.
21.19, 20. and 37.29,
Intent DE good incent, loole Good.
Interceffor Abzahain an interceſſor fo? the
Sovemites Hen.18.23.*
Cheiltis our onelp interceflor vnto God
Sis fatper.Rons.8.34.1. John 2.1. looke Me-
aiator, i ,
Interpretation of Dyeames commeth of
BHov.Gen. 41.8, 15,16.
He that (peakerh a ſtrange tongue, ought
to paap that be map interpret it. 1.02. 4.13.
Whe interpretation of, tongues ig a gift of
the holy Ghoſt 4. @02.1 2.10, 11.
-Intereft fooke Viurie. w
Intif2. Ae ougot not to conſent ditto fuch
as intife pg bnto fune, 1320. 1.10,20.
Tnuention. Lucles againd wicked wozkeg
and inuentions of men, Deut.28.20 * Tilo.
Caine “inventions are not to be tegarded.
Plſal i 19. 183.
_Anyocation(coke Call and Prayer.
The Taward man belighteth in the Law
ofGov,iRom.7,22. and ig renued daily. 2
G Tourney. Daul iourncyed often. 2,C oz.
31.26, ;
DE the 42. iourncyes of the Iſtaelites.
Num 33 1,2.*
A Sabbath daves tourney, Acts 1.42,
, Joy-The kaithful (ufer with ioy the ſpoy⸗
Mug of their goods, and why Heb. ao. z4.
‘Thefecond Table. -
Tabat ioy is in Heauen foz one ſinnet that
conuerteth Luke 15.7.
The fozowes of the gosip Hall be turned
into ioy. John 16,20,21,22.
Ai trite ioy an’ peace preceedeth from the
bolp Ghoſt. Rom.14.17. Galat.s.a2. bp che
preaching of the Goſpel. r. Jem 1.4.
Chat would that his ioy ſhould be fulfilled
in bs. Job 17.13,17,19.
The to Maries din 10y in Chꝛiſis refur-
rection. Watih.28.8,and fo din his diſciples.
Luke 24.41,526
_ The birth of Chik was tidings of great
toy. Luke 2.10, :
Dfioy and peace of conſcience, looke Act.
2,46.an0 8.8.and 13.52.
The feare of the Lorde giucth ioy. Eez
clus. 5.12. and pzolongeth the life of man.
CC cclus.30.22, .
Ioyfull giuer, looke Giuer.
Ioyes oꝛdeined foz the godlp. Rom.2.7, 10.
1.:102.2.9. lat. 35.10.and 51.3, 11.
J Ifraelites of twn forts. Rom.ↄ.6.i. Coꝛ.
10.18.@al.6.1 6.looke Children,
J Italie, Haul fatleth into Italie. Act.27.
1,6.*iooke in the firt Table.
Comelius captaine of the Italian band.
Acis 10 1.
J Iudges, ¢ Iudgement. Iudges ate erhoz
ted to infice and wifedome.Teild.6.1,2, 3.
Whoſo prelumptuoutlp difobeieth p ludge
that tudgeth right, ought to die. Deut.17.12.
The ludge ought not to haue any regard
of perlons.Leuit.19.15.
Iudges ought to be merciful to the widow
and the fatherleſſe. Pꝛo. . 3.
ludges termed gods. Pſal.82.1.
Tice ougbt not toraile Spon ludges, ec.
Exod.22.23. Acts.23.5.
An example of a true Iudge og JPzinee. r.
Sam. i 2.3*
Df Woles Iudges, fee Centurion.
Othniel was ludge oner Iſtael. Judg.ʒ.
9, 10. ſo was Deborah. Judg.4. 4.
God manp times delivered his people foz
their ludges fake. Jung.2.18.
Whe Iraelites hating no ludge, became
idolaͤtetẽ. Judg.i7 6.*
Samuels childꝛen were bꝛibing Iudges.
1.Sam.8.3. 3
Micked ludges condemned innocent Na⸗
bother king.21 n113,
That Gon is Iudge of all the wanine and
how be iudgeth reave Gen. 18.25- Drut. 10.
17,18, Job 34. 11,12. Dlal.7.8. 1 1an 94.
2. 1920.24. 12, Wfat.rre3,4. Ecclus. 35 12.
Matth.16.27 Wom.2.0, t0 12. 1. Coꝛ4 354.
Web. 2 23.2.7im.4. 1: Mal. ager
Chit ſhalliudge both quicke and nead.
Acts 10.42.Qom.14.9 to $3 Jeb.5 27
Cie map not be ralh ludges of other. Mat.
Iudges rules in Iſrael 450, peeres. Actes
Like ludge tike officers, Ecclus 10 2.
The meanes to iudge rightlp is to regato
Gods qlozp, and not private commoditic.
John 5.43.
ludge none bieffrn , befoze his Death, and
toby. E cciugs.+ 1.28,
Judges execute not mang indgement , but
@ors.2.C 2.19.16.
The faces of Judges are coneted bp Gov.
ludges and [Bzinces Hall abide the fore
iudgement , if thep abule their aurhogitre.
TCiif0.6.5,t0 10.
Gor voeth iudgement to the katherlelſle
and wibow Deut. 10.18,
Gov iudged Dauids caule againſt Ma:
bal.1.Sam. 25.38, 39.
Moles iadged controuerſies betweene the
Iſraelites from moming tili euen. Exod. 18. did the Eivers, Exod.24. 14.
THAbp Aaron bare the names of the twelue
tribes inthe daeltpiate of iudgement. Ex.
Samuel went his circuit to execute iudg-
ment pete bp pere all bis life.1.Sa 7.15,16
In indgement we map not follow the opi-
nion of the multituze to ouerthzowe the
trueth. rod.2 3.2. earthy
Mhat equitte is required in mdgement,
TUeightp matters in iudgement were Des
cided bprbe high Prieſt. Deut.17.8,9.
THe ought not in indgement to peruert
the cight of rangers , fatherlefle, gc. anu
whp. Deut.27 17, 85.
Abzabam commanded His houſhold to doe
righteouſneſſe, andivdgement. @en.18.195
Jeremiah exhozteththe king of Judah to
enecute rightcoulnefle ano Iudgement. Jere.
Dauid executediudgement to all His peos
Al the wapes of Gon are indgement. De,
; Tie muf have Gods iadgments befoze-
our eyes 2. Sam.22.23.
HF Gods hand take bolt onindgement, be
toil reuenge thole that bate bim.Deu.32.41
Godsiudgements are iuft,and like a great
pecpe.2. (0.4.40. Rom.i 1.33, Plalm. 36.6.
TWhatloeuer we Do, ig ſubiect to the iudg-
ment of God, and not of men. Wom.14.6,8, <
The iudgement and bnfearchable wifes
Dome of Govis manifekes by his workes.
Gob. 37.1,2.*
he iudgements of God are wonderfull..
Tilo. 26.17.
The wicked bane No confiveration of
Gods wdgements.}930.28.5,
God bp his iudgemenr , fomerime luffe⸗
ret) the obſſinate to Doe what thep hi, Plah =
ELIIS 42, —
DF the great iudgement of Gov again&
the wicke. Miſd. 17 1.*
Iudgement mercileſſe to them that ewe
to mercy. Jame 2.13.
®Gorsiudgements again (uch ad beleene
not his Golpel.2.Tel.2.10,1.1,12.and fuch:
a3 withdzaw other frOthe trueth. Bal.s5.10..
Hed iudgeth the heart . not bp outwaroe-
appearance. 1.Se0.16.7, neither ought we
toiudge bp likelihoods. Eeclus. 11.2. Sobre
124. SO
JE Gor ſhould iudge according to rights.
no man ſhould be innocent Job 9.28.
Gedsiudgement beginneth at his owne
houle.. {Derer 4.17 P20. 11,31, and Wwbp.
9.002. 17.33.
Sod iudgerh when be puniſheth. Gen. 15.
14.1. Sam. 3. 12,13.
To iudge his people, taken fez to pitie
them. Deut. 32.36.
The iudgement of Gow againG the Gunes
of €li.1.Sam.2.25.
DE the iudgement of Gad againſt the cat-
nal Iſtaelites. Dole.4.2,3. ° and againg the
guemies of hig people. Joel 7. 1,412.”
God iudgeth rhe caule ef hig when hee ae
sengethtyeie wong. r. Bing.8,33,45,49-t-
DSamz25.38, 39.
Chik was not fent to iudge the wozi, but
to lane it. Jahn 3.17. and 1247.
Chꝛilt iudgeth as he hearech, € his iudge-
ment ig tuff. John 5.30, ,
He that refulecy Lük Hall be iudged by
His twozD-Jobn 12.48, i
The manetof Gods camming to iudge-
ment. Plal.50.ʒ,to 7-Apatt.2 5031." 3. Thel.
5-7 COLE.
The vap of iudgement ig knowen tothe
Father onelp. Warke 13.32. Matth 24.36,
That Ganes (hail preceed the ſame Watch.
24.29.09 at.t z.24.* Then wil Gon reueale
the counfels of all hearts. 1. 02.4.5. Chen
fal one be taken and the othettefuſed. Bat.
24,40. EL ithe 17.36.leske Comming,
John Bapritt thre atned Gods iudgement
to moue to repentance.Mat.z.7, to 13.
She Saints hal iudge the wozde. 1. Loz.
6.2. Wiles .1,3,15,16 Matth. 19. 28. Suse
14.! 5.
Gong mitacles, callen his great iudge-
ments. Ero. 7354.
Tudgement put fog lato and right. Leuit.
19.37. jolal.9.16.
The tatwe iudgeth ne man befoze it beate
phim. Joba 7.52.
Chih foꝛbiodeth to iudge eur bꝛother oz
neighbour.GBat.7.1,t0 6 iu. 6.6,37,41,42
ee that iudgeth his bzothet, iudgeth the
Dats. Jam.4.11,12.
Tte map not iudge the feruants of Chꝛiſt
concerning meates, and tabp. Rom.14.3,to
9. Gol. 2.21,22,23,
Iudge not befoze the time.
The ſpirituail man vilcerneth all ebings,
ann is notiudged of anp. 1.@oz.2.15.
Cip Chat came buto iudgement into
this wezld. Joon 9.39. A
Chak hali bꝛing foozth iudgement pnto
victoꝛie.Mat. a. ⁊0
Chꝛiſt affirmed that the iudgement of the
world was bp His banquifhing of the deuill.
John «2.3%. i
{Baul paffen litle to be iudged of anp:nap
be iudDged not bimlelfe.1. Cor a 3, 4.
Cie (hal render accounts of al our Doings
at the laffiudgement. gEccleg,11.9,14.
Go be cegeected bp iudgement, what. Jer.
46, 28. and 10. 24
DE Dons place of iudgement. Joel 3.12,
Df the general iudgement.Reade2. Eſd.
7.31 32 33. —
After neath fhall the iudgement come. 2.
€£(0.14.35.Deb.9 27. i
Tee muk baue boldneſſe in the vay of
iudgement.i. John 4.17.
Judgement, fog a letled fate. of gouerne⸗
Thefecond Table.
ment Wat. 12,18, Foz equitie. Matt.2 3.33.
Fo punifment.dc.8.33 Bom.s. 3.jFez au⸗
thozicie and power. Jeh.5.22,27. and 16,11
Foz reRozing things out of oDer John 9.39.
Foz Gods lecret counicl and wozkes. Rom.
11.33 Reue 19. 2. Foꝛ affliction and cogrece
tion.i.Coꝛ 11.32. 1. Pet.4.17.
Govs iudgements ought tobee declated
pnto our childzen. Poel 1.3.
Gods iudgements are ſhewed bpon perles
caters. Amos 7.17.
The wicked tremble at Gods iudgements.
Gers 24.26.
Che wicked bnderſtand not iudgement.
$20.28 5.
Di rhe office amd authozitie of ludges. Fr
odus 21.* and 32.*and 23.* Lenit.24.14.*
Dem,17.2.* and 25 * Joly. 7. 10.1. Dam.
12.*€cclus.4.9,10, and 10.1, 2. and 42.2.
Płal.s a.* Pꝛou.i 8.5, Flas -7,23.and FO. 1,
2. Jer 5.28. Luk.8, 2,to 9.and 2 3.1to 26,
Sohn 8.15,26,27. Jam 2.4,6.
Againé peruetſe iudgement. Ecclus.i r.
7,8,9. Acts 28.4,6.1. Tim.5.19, 21.
Before iudgement mult goe experience.
Gen.3.8,14."aRV 11.5. and 18,21. Exod. 3.
7,8.Deut13.14,15.*2nb17.4,5 andig.18,
19. $ 0.7.19, 20,21. °G 22.2173 30 Jud. 20.
354,83. *81. Mac.7 6,23, 24. Ecclus 11.7,8
Dan. 13.48,49,*62,
Iudgement of Doctrine appertaineth to the
fairbtall Deuter.13 4, to 12.190 34.1,to5.
Judetb s.a8,29. Mat.7.6,29.1. Corꝛ.14 32
Col. 2.8,16,19,5- John 4.12,13.
The iudgement of rhe dead is immediatly
to life oz Beary. AJark.16 16. Luke 16.2 2.*
BHD 23.43. John 3.15 ,36.and 53. 24, 29. looke
Inf men hall Hine ag the Sunne, Qatt.
1 3e43.loobe Day.
The iuf hall line bp faith. Hedz. ro. 38,
Thole are iuſt, whole uneg are couered.
Plſal.z2.1,2. Rom.4.7, 8.
Of ink and opzight men.Gen.6.9. Job r.
1. Luke 1.6. and 2,25.
God is iuſt. Deut. 32.4.
John Bape was fent to turne the vifoe
bedient to the wiſedome of in men, ac. Luk.
1. 17. looke Righteous.
Infice, Abꝛaham the paterne of Hobs in»
fice. Hfa.4a.2.
Fuftifcation, Chik died fo2 our Gnnes,
and role foz our iuftiGcation. io, 4.25. looke
Fuftife. Rone can bee iuftified in Gods
fight. Job.9. 2, 1 5. Pſal 143.2.
The Gentiles iuftified though Faith. Ga-
Me are iuftified bp faith in Cheiſt. Rom.
4.24.80 5.1. and bp the Cpirit of Gor. x.
02.6 11. befoze wee can bꝛing foozth goon
fruits. Luke 1.45375:
Gon iukifieth, who can condemne? Rom.ð.
Fo man is iuftified bp the lawe, but bp
faith in Apit. Gal.3.2,%26.
Ff we be tuftifien bp the lawe, Chziſt died
in balne: Gal.2.25.
Thole that will be iuftified bp the Lawe,
hane noneede of Chrif. Gal. 5.4.
Et Fok
Ciferome iahified of her chiin Matt.
Coole that ate iuſtiſied arene detterzts
the fle bur to the (pirat of Gov, Rom.8.12,
§3.and ate at peace intheir conſciences.
Rom5.i 3,9, 10 11. and are heites of etera
nall life. Titus 3.7.
Dowe Gen iultifiech og. Actes 13. 38,39.
Titus 3.5.
Ép our words twe hali be iuftified 6? corte
Denined. QW att.12.37.
Conkelſion of mouth,and faith of heatt iu-
ftifieth Rom.10.9,10.
€o iuftifie Hon, igto praife him ag iuſt.
Luke 7.29.
Keepe. Hote God kept Iſtael.looke Apple.
Ge muf kcepeGons commaunvdements.
€rov.15 keeping thereof is gteat rez
ward · Pſal. 19. 11.
Gon did great actes foz big people, that
thepfyjouln keepe his commandements. Deu.
11.7,8. And is metcifullco thole that keepe
ihem. 6.
God pꝛomiled to keepe Jaakob, wheres
ſoeuer he went. Ge. 815 20. And fo he kept
Dauid.i.Sam.25 39,2 Sam.8.6,
Mee ought to prapto Ged that hee wR
keepe bg. Mum.6.24.
Tolhuaerboztech the Reubenites, ge. te
keepe Gods commandements. Jol. 22, 2,35
Wow tokeepe the fealt of Cheiſts pafleos
ner. 1. C02. §.7,8,
Moles kept the ſheepe of Jethzo his fa-
ther in Jaw. Exod 3.11.
Dauid being anopnten king kept bis fas
thers (heepe.1.Sam.17.15.
He that beleeueth in the Loꝛd keepeth hig
commandements.Ecclus 32.24.
The keeper of the pꝛiſon of JShilippi cone
uerted.Actes 16. 27, to 35.
Cie mu pzap to be kept blameleſſe to the
comming of Chꝛiſt.i. Theſ.5.23.
To keepe holp.looke SanGified.
Keyes of binding and loofing, 9 at.16.19.
and 18 16, 17. John 20.33,
Aherein the Keyes and authozitie of the
Church conGRerh. War. 16.15. Luk 22,24,
25,26, Actes 2.28.* 1. Pet.5.2, 3.
The keye of Dauid.Reu.3-7.
The keye of the bottomtefir pit. Revt.9. 16
Kill,God doth kill,and make aliue.Deut.
32. 39. 1. Sam 2.6.
God would haue killed Moſes in the inne.
Erod.4. 24. 4
Gov willed the Iſtaelites te kill althe
people that thep found in the land of pꝛomiſe
Te ought not to kill. pov. 20.13 Deut,
5.17. Gen 9.6.
Ahoſoeuer killeth, muſt be killed. Gen.9.
6.Exod 21.12.t0 15. Leu.24. 17. Saul com⸗
manded that Dauid ſhould be killed 1. Sa.
DE thofe that bane killed themfelue?. 1.
Ham. 31.4.2. Ham.017.23 1. King. 16.18 2.
Mac 16.13 €14 37,41. Mat.27.5. 9.1.18,
For Cheiſtes lake wee are killed all vap
Yong Rom.8.36.
Ifthe wicked — to kill howe much
moze ought the godiy Jonah, 14
ze ought the g Pee —
kK I-N
` Kinder ff, Chziftians ought to put on
kindnefle,¢c.Qol.3.13,1 3,14. i
Kindred'oote Tribe, `
King. The King is ordeined to doe equis
Í the ano iudgement.1 Ring-10,9.
G King by tudgemene maintainet® bis
| reaime. 1520.29 4.
> The King ought not td haite manp wineg
and whp, Dent.17.17.
Kings ate ferbivoen to Minke wine erect
LRuelp. and why. 1320.37 45:
The Kings veatt is m the bande of the
Lozo. 530.2401.
The wath of a King is ag meſſengets of
Death. jA: 6.14. 009 20.2.
Toto the land when ige King ig a child.
Ecclus.r o.ꝛ6. j
-Jeremiah erhezteth the King to execute
iudgement. Jere.22.3.
Whe Lae wil fet a wile King ouer bis
Helourd.2.EG2.8.11, .
Cat is the honont ofa King, and howe
bis thꝛone map be eſtabliſhed. 1323.25.45.
Kings chauget.lsske Kingdome
“The King mul teade Deutersnomie all
Gis Rapes Deut 17 18,19,39.
The beaith and victogie st Kings comme th
ef Ga, Plal 44. 10.
Ce muft gonour the King and ſubmit our
lelues co bis vztinances, r toet.2 13. 17. and.
pꝛap foralithac are in authoritp. 1. Gim. 2.2
zaps 3
An exhoꝛt ation suto Kirgs and Junges
Plal 2 10 15,12.
ven the Iltsclites had no King 02 Ma⸗
Wiffrate,cuctp man sro mpat he liued Juog.
The Iſtaelites velre s King to indge
them 1.a 8.5,19,20. Civerctuie Samuel
Teproueth them. t. Sam.10.19. and 12.52.
King anb people doing weil, halbe pzefers
ued: ding euil Yall pernp. 1Dan12.14,
CUpet maner of men earthly Kings natu ·
Talip ace.. Baim. 3.9,08,10 19.
A lato t2teten fog the King to obſetue. 1.
Ham.r0.25. N
Saui is conſtituted King againk pis will.
FDIM. 10.22, 2 3,24.
Ichoieda rhe high Prief taught Jehoalh
the King.2 Ring 12.2.
Daud, Hotta, eiperekiah were Kings that
Feared the tLozd.dEcelu. 49.4 anv lo was Ala
ann Jeboſhaphat.i Hin 15.11. 2. Ch. i17.3.
ꝛepbets boldly tepꝛoued Kings 2. Ring.
382 Sam.12.7.
‘Whe people honoured King Salomon foz
dis wifedome.s iKing.3.28.
Fue Kings banged. Jofh.10.16,22,00 38.
Gite King of At hangen. Joſh. 8.29.
Elah King of Iſratl being ozunken, wag
Baine hp bis Cerusne.s. Bing, 16.9,10.
The Kings of Edom.a Chꝛlu 43. *
Tothe King tuctlasing,inmoztatl, Ec be
glorie foz euer ano euer.. im. nry
„3 Citit efemen'tyat bee was the King of
the. wes. Dat. 27 11. [Pilate conte flery it
ake Hewes genie it. John 19.15.
Chiſtians are Kings and Beieſts,ac. 1.
Kings tase committe foynication with
the great wboze Rei 17.2.
The ſecond Table.
DF the King of feare. Job 18.14.
Kings haue Daminion oner their ſubieete
Bodies and cattel Aebe·ↄ. 37 looke Princes,
Kingdomes ate prelerued bp Gov. Cler
16.16. 3 à S
The kingdome of Saul wag renewed in
Gilgal :.anw.01.14.
Woertiay viurpety the kingdome of bis
faiber. dings 1.5.
de change of kingdomes ig a woke of
a to nne. Sob, 34 24 Exrclus. 10.8. Pꝛo⸗
The enve of the kingdome of Iſrael is
thieatned Amos §,2.foz herr finnes. 2. Rin.
17.7,8. an of the kingdome of Judah. 2.
Ming. 23.27. '
Ube ttare of a kingdome confifieth in the
goonie of the king. Ecclus 10.2,3.
Df ihe foure monarchies og kingdomes of
the wozld.Dan.7, 17.
The tucceflion of the foure kingdomes,
The kingdome of Chꝛiſt velcribed. Gen.
49-10. Gla.3 2.052." Pſal.7 2.1.*
Cheius kingdome Hall bane no end. Jla.
9 7 Wuk. a 335
Gos confirmeth His promiles touching the
kiegdome of dhit. jla.5 4.4."
Cyt ceachery that it is our Fathers plea=
fure ro gine vs the kingdome of heauen. Lu.
Cheiſtes bingdome ig not of this woꝛlde.
Jehn +8 36. appeinted to rhe faitbful bp him
lelte, as pis taiber appointed it ro him. Luk.
The kingdome of God ig pzepared foz the
chelen. Mac. 25. 34. =
Chrough manp afflictions the godlp are
voucilafes teenter mto the kingdom of God
Acis 14 22.2. CQ peler.5, - T
Tata thali nocinberite the kingdeme of
Gov. Galst.5,19,20,21.4. Coꝛin. 6.8, 9,10.
ant 15.50,
Tie parable of the igtree, Hetwing when
the kingdome of Ood is necte. Watth. 24.
Kingdome of God, taken foz the apmini-
fixation of the Goſpel.r. Coꝛin 4 20. Foz the
Gotpei it ieife Matt. 24 43. foz all that be-
longeth to the glozie of Gon. Matt 6 33.22
Gods (pirituatl gouernment et che faithtull
in the perlon of A pit. Qar. érg -fog euetla⸗
iting lite· John 3.3. and forthe preaching of
the Bolpel WDer.4.30,38.and9.1.
Kingdome of beaun foz the new fate of
the Couech. Matth 5 19. and 1 1. a. and 15.
43. koꝛ the docttine and preaching ef the Bez
(pel. QDat.11,12.¢ 13.24, Foz the kingdome
ef Veikias. Dat.3.2.fo2 ecernail life. Wat.s.
20.anD 7.21. ANB 19:23. and fo? the vilitle
Church Wat-5.19 aNd 13.24, 47.
Kingdome of the Sonne of man, foz the
gelozie of Chrilis alteution , oz for the preas
ching of the Soſpel. Mat r6. 28.
The Apoſtles were commanded to preach
that the kingdome of God was at yand.
gatto. .
To vohome it ig giuen te vnderſtand rhe
mplictics of che Kingdomeof heauen. Wata
13. 11.
Mherein the kingdome ofSEcdconũſteth.
BRom.1417. Sr
Tye kingdome of heauen Nifret bio
lence. Mat 1.12. TILE DUL i
Cie kingdome of Gon ig vot iit Hela, bue
in powet.s.vlez.4.20. Tin aca į
T o whom the kngdome of heatien epper-
tataeth Dat. 19.14 Matx 0 143 15.
Mone can enter mio the kingdome ot Gen
except he be regenerate: Johu 7.3,5,t0 9.
Warp are calied vitio rbe ingdome of
besuen but iewe enter. Lee 14. 95,025,
Jat. zzz torge i 3
ich men gardlp enter into the kingdome
of Geen ans —
to 28.
Che kingdome of Go is within o3.Luk.
17,21 .jovke Leauen. ` at j3
Firſt ſeeke the bingdome of God. Matth.
Che Phariles neither enter into the king-
dome ot heauen themlelues, nog luffer other,
DD at.2 3.13, y
Coats caning out ofsenils bp vertue of
the hoip E holt, Hewed that the kingdome of
hrauen ig come.Qati12,28.
Che Phariſes alke Chrifl when the king-
dome of beaten hal come. £uk.i 7.20.
The Jewes dacamed of a refliturion ofthe
kingdome of Danid. 7,012. ana
the Apotiles alked Chzii, when Gee wouid
reltoze the kingdomete Fitac!. dcig 1.6.
Df the ipicttuall Kingdome et Ges. 1e
Hant.2.9;40, AND 29:9,11, 16 26. JPlal.2,95
10. and 9.* and 21.5.* and 72." AND 110.*
anD 45.%and 22.25,7 and 144 28)" Ilai ise
2.* aD 41,t0 18 and 42 354,7. Nerem.2 3.9.
anD 33 20." Ezek.34.23 and 37.16 Dan, ©
2.44. 45, 46, and 4.38, 35.*and 7. 27.anB 9.
24.25 Pòle 3.4.5. Wich.4. and 5 .* Fech.7.
9.* Luke 22.69. and 23.2. JN 12.3 2 36.
Peb. 2 and 2 3.
Kifè. izpah kiſſed his ſonne Jaakob. Ges
nef 27.27,
Jaakob kiffed Rahel Ge. 29. 1. and Jos
ſephs chilozer.Gcn.48.10.
Laban kiſſed þig ſonnes and daughters,
Gen, 31.55. See
Elau kiſſed Jaakob. Gen. 33.4.
Joleph kiffed his bermen. Genel 45.15,
and his fatverbeing tead. Genya.
Garon kied Woks- Eron. 4.27.and Wee
fes father inlaw. Exod 18.7,
Naomi kiſſed pertwo Baug hers in lawe.
Rury 1.9.
Samuel kiled Siul i. Sam 10r.
Jonathan an’ Dauio kifedeachorher, 1,
Dam. 20.4%. i
Dauid kiſſedab alom 2.Sam.14.33.anB
Abfalom the people.2, Sam. r5. g.
Dawn kiſſed Barsittat.s.Seam.19.39.
Eliſha delireey that he might goe kife pig
father and mother. 1Ring.:9.30,2 +,
A chatte and bolpkifle ; a token ef perfice
charitie. Re 16.16.1 Coꝛ, 16 29.2 Coz3. 13.
12.3. hel5.26.1. Pet. 5. 14.
The bzethzen kiſſed [aut at his bepare
ting. Acts 20.37, 38.
The lantull womankified Shrithesfeete,
Like 7.3845.
Judas vetrayen Chik withs kife Like
22.48.90) at.26,4854 9. Mar.14.44, 45
Knees anv Kreclieg. Salomon prayed
kneeling on both bts knees, 1. Rings 8.54 lo
yb Daniel Dan. éro.
The so. ſauldiers fent to Eliiah, fellon
heir kaces before him. 2. Rin.i.13, 15.
Geo hav reſerued 7000. in Iſtael that
Had not botwen theit knees to Baal. a. Kin·
59.04, 18.
Tole that kneeled notne to minke wa:
ter, were kezbidden to go with Gideon. Jaa.
Miſerable apoſtumes in the knees, ſhal af
flict the diſobedient. Deut.28.35.
Know. Gov will be knowen to be Lore,
Exod 7.17. ,
Gie know God, tf we keepe hig commans
dements. 1. John 2.3,4,5.
Ta kuow and bee Knowen of God, looke
Gal.4 9.
The Loz knoweth whe ate his,2. Tim,
2.4 9.
Ta knowe, fozto haue to doe.Gen.a. t.I.
King. 1.4.feg to Dee good. Ruth 2.10. and foz
to pzoue 0? allow. Reuel:2.2. i
Go bath not cat awap his peaple whom
he knew Pefoze, Roms.r 1.2,
CAhom Bed knew bhefuze , them he overs
ned to bee like falhioned to the image of pis
Sonne. Rom.8.29.
Mee muk menitate in Gods Lawe, to
fearne to know our duetie, and Doe it, Fok.
1.8. 1. Kings 2.3.0 |
Knowledge puffeth bp, but laue eviferb,
Bezaleel and Aholiab were filled with
knowledge, Ec· ŒroD.3 1.3. 35-30. fo was
Hiram. 1. Hing.7.17.
Jopu Baptiſt vꝛuught knowledge of fale
uation: Luke 1.977) `
Me ought to increafe in the knowledge
of Gov. Col. kro.
Some euer learning, nener able to come
tothe knowledge af the teueth.2 Tim.z3.7.
Ace ought te haue azeale acceding to
knowledge. Rom. 10.2. i
i Ohe tree of knowledge of goon snd erill,
Gen.2.9. AND 3.1, 537»
The Lomig a Gov ef knowledge.1.Gae
muel 2.3.
Whe knowledge of Govd-is bette then
burut offerings. Dole.¢.6.
Whe true knowledge ís to tef bpon Gov.
Dole 14.9. fee Wifedome.
The Pꝛleſts lips ſhould peeferue know- l
ledge. Wal.2.7.
Row. DF the facrifice of the tedde Kow,
Num 19.259,
Two mitch kine fent away from Ekton,
with the Arke of Gov. 1.Hem.6.7,10,12.
Cinthankfull princes ave cailed kine, ana
fobp. Amos 4.16
F Labour. Hans like is a continuall la-
bour and trauaile. Job 7. 1.* Eccles. 1,8.
Wfal.go. 10. Ecclus. 8.6.
Wee oughe to liue of our labours. Azou,
5 -b 5S.
Whe pꝛaiſe of labour. JDzouet.12,1 1, Gee
cluas gag.
» Labour bꝛingeth abundance. 4320.14.22.
‘He that ſhunneth labour, fall ceme to pos
The fecond Table.
tertie. 1320.30.4. and 21.5,17,
The labours of che dilobedient Mall be dec
Mouted with grafhoppers. Deut.28.28.
God beheld the labour of Jaakobs ands
Gen. 31.42.
Pharaoh commanded to oppzeſſe the Iſ⸗
taclites with labour. Epod.1,14 ands 9.
Paul boaſted noc of other meng labours,
Paul appzoneth himlclfe the minier of
Go tn labours. 3,@02.6.5. and 11.23."
Dur labours Hal not bee in vaine, it it be
wzought in the Loꝛd. 1.407.15.58,
Thole char die im the Logs, rek from theit
labours, gc. Reuel rgis.
TUe oughe to reverence thole that labour
in the Golpel, 1.Qoz.16.16.
The Apofkles reaped che Pzophets la-
bours, John 4.38.
The Labourer is tworthp of his wages,
Luke 10.7. 1. Tim.5. 18.
The Labourers ate few, Mat.9.37.
God Heareth the crie of Laboureres anv
men in aduerſitie. Deut 26.7.
Labour and trauaile foz linneislaps bps
on all men. Gen. 2. 19. and 3.19. Efo0v.20.9,
10,48. AND 34.21. Deut. 5. 13, 14, 15. Tob. 2.
11.* [9al 104.23: 3,4,5,06. and
14.4523. Eccles.3. 10. ande.s3. John 2r,
3,6. Actes 18.2,3. and 20,24. Ephel. 4. 28.
1. Cor.4512. 1,0 bell.2.9.2. hell. 3.10,
Labour maketh not rich, but the blefling
of God. Gen 3.18. € 26,12. and 30.27, 30.7
Deur.8.3,4516, Job.¢2.10. * JP201.10.3,6
Eccles 11.2,3,4. Ecclus r. r1, to 18,
Lache.He that giueth vnto the ponge, Hall
not lacke. Pꝛo.ↄ28.27.
Ladder. Jaakob {awe a Ladder in hig
dreame. Gen.28. 12.
Laden. Chaiſt calleth onto him all that
are laden. Matth. 11.28.
Lake burning with fre and bzimſtone.
Reue 21.8.
Lambe, The oblation made with a Lambe.
Lenit. 3.7.
The manet of eating the Paſchal Lambe
EED. 12.3, to 29.
Ehil is the Lambe who beth taken away
eurinnes Pohu 1. 29. Reuel 5.8,9.
Gow the Lambe Chꝛiſt is honoured. Reu.
56,13. which Mood bpon mount Dion. Re⸗
ucl. 14. <
Chꝛiſt willed Peter to feede his Lambes.
Fom 21.15.
Lawse Wephibofheth acculen.2.Hamig.4.
and 16,5,f0 5.
Lamentation of Danid ouer Gaul anv
Iſtael lamented faz the Arke. Gsam.7.2.
Iphtahs daughter lamented her virg ini⸗
tie moneths vpon the mountaines. Jud.
11,38. 4 F
The old Pꝛophet lamented the veath of
the other IBrephet whom be bad Deceined. r.
king. 13 29s
Lampes foathe Candleſtickes of the Ta⸗
bernacle. Exod.25. 37. and 27. 20,2 1. Leuit.
24.2 9 34.
Whe Lampes of the ten virgins. Mait.ꝛ5.
3,fte 14. i
Lands, fooky Famine in Ggppt,
Language. Dne Language # good {pace
after tie flood. Gena,
The Apoliies (pake ali languages. Act.2,
8. fee Tongues, |
Large. God gaue Salomon a large heart.
1. Ring 4. 29.
Laf vayes prophecied et. x, Tim g: 1,2:
Tim 3. 3. and 2. Pet. 3.
Whe Lak Halt be ſiril, and che Rri Laf is.and 19.30.
Law, The terrible deliuery of the Law -Œ
the caulethereof. Œro.1 9.16,18 Dewt-33-%
and 5 22, to 28. Hebz.12. 18to 22.
Males repeateth the Law Deut.i 2, 3.
Woles commaunved a Law fog an inheri⸗
tance of (he Congregation of Jaakob. Dette
334. S ;
Cutſed bee he that confirmeth-not all the
words of the Law, toboe them. Deuit.a7.266
Their reward that keepe the Lawe, ans
their puniment that deſpiſe it: Deurer.28.
10,* Batuch 4,1.
God commaunbeth to resve the Law bap
and night, and why Joh 1.8.
Cle sught alwapes to haue the Lawe hee
foze ourepes, awd in out Heatts.Deu.11.18,
Moles exborteth he people to keepe the
Law. Deut.4.1. So Doth Joſhua. Joſh. 22. y
Tie Law of the burnt offerings. Leu.s.ↄ.
Whe Law of him that toucherk, ozis in tye
tent of the dead. Mum. 19. 13. 14.
The bigh Prieſts oud Jubges ought te
iudge accogding to p Law. Deu 17.951051 1o
She Jewes were compelley to fozlake the-
Law of Gon. 2.G9ac.6.1. r
TAhat the Law of Gon ig, andthe fruite
thereof, Pſal.9 7, to 12. i
The Law taken fez the doctrine of the
Law.99at.7:t2.for othe r bookes beſſdes the
bookes of Poleg. Joh. o. 34 and 12. 34. an
15.25 Rom̃. z.15. Forthe whole Doctrine of
God. Jem e.25. and foz outward pzofeſſion.
JPvil. 3.5. foz the whole doctrine of ſaluation.
Ia 2.3. K
The Law diuided into two Tables. Mat
22.37.38. Y
The Law wag omainen bp Angelsin the
pantof a mediatour. Gal.3.19. |
CheLaw was ginen bp Wales. Joh.r.s7
and 7.19,
The confitution of the Law appertaineth
tothe Jewes Rom.9.4,
-The knowledge of Gune commeth by the
Law. iRom. 3.20. Ri
The Law was adden becauſe of tranſgreſ⸗
ſions, and twas omainen bp Angels im the
band of a mediatour. Gal.2.19.
Olibp the Law entren WRom.s5.20.
The Law isa ſchoolcmaſter te leave ba te
Chik Gel.3.24, .
The Law is bolp, iuf g good Won.7. 12.
The Law ig good, if it be bled latufullp.s.
Tim. 118.
JE a man toe that which be would ner, fe
confenteth to tye Law, that itis goed. Rom.
The Lawe of Moſes an impogtable poke.
Acts 16.10.
The Law tallet the firength of fine. ss
€0}.15656. becaule it te an eccation of finne
p 4 AMADA,
Wom.7.5 3, calicd allo the Law of inne anv
Death, Rom. 8 2 g of wrath. Rom.4.15.¢ the
miniſtration of Death and Damnation. 2. Coꝛ.
3:7:9. & the ionel of rhe letter, Rom.7.6.
None vf the Jewes kept the Lawe. John
7 The Law giuehnot Lfe. Gal. 3. 25.
No men is inikiied bp che Lawe in the
fight of Gov. Gal 2.16, and 3.08,
As many ag are of the workes of the Law,
are curled. Dal. 3.10.
The enve of the Lawe ig lone. Matth.s,
43:44. and 7. 12.and 22,37, to4r. John 13,
34,35. Rom, 13.8.9. Gal.5. 14, 22. and 6.2,
10, £0 ti.t.5.
Chit Hath abzomatedthe Law. Ephe.2.
45.2. (62.3.7,11. Watt: I t. 13.Actess3.38,
30 615.10, 11. Roni.7.6 Gal.3 24, 25.6
4.3,to 8. Zol.2.17. Web. 8.9.*
The Law wag a ſhadow of good things to
come. Webio 1,10.
= The Law was read in the Spnagogues
euery Sabbath. Acts v3.27.
CThe Jewes allenge a Lawe to put Chik
fo death, Fob. tag:
Chꝛiſt came to redeeme thole that were
- Huderthe Law. Gal. 4 5.
Chik is the end of the Law Kom. 10 4,
AThbat which che Law could not poe, Chziſt
Hath accomplifhen. Bom. 8.3.4.
CThe Law made nothing perfect. Heb.7. 19
Ghe Guitlicane of the beire, and the alle
- Poze of tHe chtiozen of @arah, ano Agar,
prone that the Law is ce aſed. Gal.4.1,22.
Lori came to fulfill tye Lawe and the
Prophers. Waith: 5.17.
~ The Law ig not giuen to the righteous,
But tothe Lawleffe, sifobedient,¢c. 1. Tim.i
9.10. Bal 5.18,
` Go hath written hig Lawes in the hearts
‘of the kaitbfull Deb, 8:10.
The Law of Bon delighteth the ſpirits of
the faithfull. Rom.7.22.
The wifevome of the ich isnat, op can
Nor be fubiect to the Law of God. Rom. 8.7.
The law of our members rebellerh againk
the law of our minne. Wom 7.22.
The Law of Chik ig a Lawe of libettie-
‘Jam 2.12,
The topall Law is the loue of our neighs
bour. James 2.8,
Te the Law were glorious, hoto much moze
she Golpei? 2..02.3.7,8,9.
‘Tabo fo fhalt fatle in one point of the Law,
ig guiltie of all. Tames 2.10.
Again wickes law makers, Tooke Iſai.
Ticked lawes ought to be bzoken. Dan,
Culſtome ig a Lawe te the wicked. tifo.
24.55. `
+2 There ig one Law giner which ig able to
faye and tod: frop. Jam.4 12.
The Girt Law. Gene.2. 16,1 7. tranſgreſ⸗
fed, and punifjed. Ben. 3.6."
The Law of che ten commanvements wag
giuen bp psice. Exod.20 1, 1098. Witten in
Tables Erov.31.08.Deur 5.22. which are
Ddroken.€Eto.32.19 Deut.9.17. and renued,
eatro 1, to & @Er0d.24.1,28.
- Rye Law is tead Deut.31 9,003.4, Joh.
The fecond Table.
8.35. Gets rg.240.2.Ting.23.152,3.3, 02
34.18, Nehem.8.1, to 9. 1. (dz 9.40, to 48.
2.99ac.8.2 3.
‘Before the Lawe, Ginne was not counted
fane. Rom.5.13.
DF tranfgre fling the Law of God, oꝛ the
king, fee Tranfpreife.
The Lawe of Gon cannot bee fulfilled
without the Spirit of Gon. Deut.5.29,335
and 30.14, JDlal.119.1,2.* Wuk18i 14,76,
27. Acta 15-9,10,11.Qoms.1,to18.@ai.s.
16,18 22,"
` The Law was ginen to bzing fozth fruite
inds. 2.€f0.9.31.
jDzofperitp follomerh them that loue Eods
Law, Bfaiis9.16.
The Lawe of faith ginen opon condition,
and how. Rom 3.27. and 8.1,
Me map not goeg ta lawe vndet bnbelees
uerg. €.CL 02.6.1, to 9.
Laugh. Abꝛaham aud Sarah laughed, anv
wip. Gen. 7. 17. and 18.12.
Tire vnto them that laugh now , fog thep
fhail weepe. Luke 6.25- j
Though fome laugh Gods meflengers to
Ccogne, pet fome pite therebp 2. Chron 30.
Laughter, {ee Countenance,
Tie ought to laugh no man to ſcoꝛne. Ecs
clus. 7.11. fee Paftime,
Lay. fee Whoredome
Laying on of hands, Gen. 48 13.* Exo 29,
10. Leuſt. m g. and 3.2 8,1 3.J2um.27,.18.
War, 10.16, Acts.6.6.48 17,1025. 63.3.8
19.6, 1. @im.4.14, and 5.22.2. Yim. 1.6.
§ Leadet h. Gods long (uffeting leadeth to
tepentance Rom.2 4.
Leafe: The found ofa leafe Haken, ſhall
chale the wicked. Leuit.'36.36.
Learne. The Evers of Iſtael did learne
Gons Law. Mehem.3.13.
Leaf. Gideon confellveh himlelfe leak of
bis fathers boufe. Juag.é.15.
Paul leait among the Apoftles. 1. Coz. 15
9. and of all Saincs. Ephe.3.18.
Tie fo hall breake one of thie leat com-
mandements, anv teach men (o,fhalbe calien
leaft in rhe kingdome of beaten. Wat. 5. 19.
The leat inthe kingveme of beauen, ig
greater then John Waprilt. Dateh. sr. 20.
Luke 7.7, 28.
Leane, {ee Forfake.
Leauen, The meate offerings were made
without leauen, Lew 2 rr.
Leauened bread might not be eaten at the
celebzation of the JPafleoucr. Exed.i 2.15.
Qe kinguome of God compared co lea-
uen. Matth. 13. 33.
Leauen take fog petnicious Doctrine. at.
16.6,12.@al.5 9 3 foꝛ bppecrifie Luk. 2. 1.
Che leauen of malice ought tobe purgen
in bs. .Coꝛ 5.7,8.
Leefe. To leeke God, anv to finve oz leefe
pim. a. Chr. 15.2,05..
MF leefing o finding Dre , Sheepe, affe
o2gatment, Deut.22.1,2,3.
Legions of Angels and devils. Darth. 26.
$3. War. s 9. Luke 8.30
Lending. The Law of lending, bozowing,
and receiuing tu cuflcbie. ELAD 32.7,95+ 45
4 5. Leniteé.4 Deut.2g. 10.
"Of lending tothe pavze: Erda 2727,26,
29. Deut, 15.2.7, £052, Ecclus. 29, 1,10 Bde
Mat 5.42. Luke 6.30,35.
Leprows lee Hand.
Leprofie. ew it was to be knowen. Leu. ~
13.2. *and Pow to be cleanted Lewit.14.2.*
— greatly to betaken heede of Deut,
4 8. PSR
SQaamanthe Sprian healed of a leprofie.
2. Ring.5.15.
Whe Lepeis declared tothe Samatitanes
rhe pzoutDence of Hovd.2. King. 7. 10.
Miriam became leprous fog grudging ae
gaint Qofes.Qum 12.10 and was ſeclu⸗
ded the boke lenen dapes. Qum 12 15. ac⸗
copBing to the Law. Leuit. 3.46 IRum.5.2.
2. King. 15.5.
Chꝛilſt healed one of the Leprie, Watt. 8.
253 i
Df the tenLepers which were cleanſed bp
Chall. Luk.17.12,t0 20,
King Cizziah riken with Leprie, foz Ge
furping the JOztertes office. 2. Kings 1 5. 5
2.02.26 16.19,t0 220 7 i
Leffer. (ee Men,
Letter taken fog the Latwe, 2.07.3 6.D2
foz the figne ofthe facramé:, when the trueth
is not coniopned Rom.2.27,29.
Citray caried a letter of bis owhe death.
2. SDam. rig.
DE Sezebels coũterfeit letters 1. Ri.aus.
Paul calleth the Law rye oldnelſe of the
Letter Rom.7.6, DRET
L- uites that ſerued foleg no moze admits
ted to che Prieſthooo. and Wbp. Eze 44 103
to 15 looke in rhe fith Table.
Lewde. Sod giveth che wicked oner onte
a izione minde. Gla 5%20,21; Rom.s.28.
Y Liberal. Te oug bt to be liberal to the
pooje.v cclus. ir.:
Libertse. The creature hall bee deliueren
from corruption inte the gioꝛious Liberty of
the ſonnes of Gov. Rom.8, 27.
diñs ſetuant ig at liberty inthe Pogue. -
The libertie of the Golpel ought not tobe
an occafion of falling to the weake, no? co-
four af wickeonefle to the AeH. Cin 8,9.
@al.5.13.1.JPet 2.16.
Dt the livertte which we pane by Jeſus
Chit. Gla.43.1 5.”
Want fed not bis libertie.x, Coz.9. 4.85.
Falle Preachers pzomife falle libertie. ze
Pet.ꝛ. i 9.
Libertie pꝛoclaimed in the 50. peere Lett.
35.10. Detit 15.2,3.
Lice fent opon man and beag in Egypt.
Er.. J 6,!7.
Life vpeathed intomans face. Gene. 2,9.
G be Life ofmanisa vapour. Pam. 4: 14.
is a minde. Fob 7.7.18 ſhoꝛt. Coꝛ 7.29. 1$
pantie. Plal. 39 5,6. thzough Gnne. Pisk
90.3, 10 11.
Job is wearie of big lie Job 10 1.
Gah proloneerh and ſhozteneth the life. a
Wina.z0 5 6 Deut.30.16,18. Exo 23 36.
Lons life promi en ta thole that ebep God.
Fred 23. 26.andthat honour fa ber and moe.
ther Frob 20.12 Dit. 5. 16. ph 6 2,3.
The life uf the wickee ha'i pang doubt ·
full befoze ijem. Deut.28.66, -
The faints loue d not their livessin teſpect
of the promiles of Gods Wod. Reut. 12.11.
Jeius Cozi is che life. obn 14.6. Cel.
3.3. 1. Jobnr.2. And hath ſwallowed vy
Death, toat wee might bee heites of euerlas
Ring life.1.JBert.3.9,10,12. DIEN
Chit ts the bꝛe ad of life, which giueth
eterhali life John 6.48,5 4.
Chik bath life in pinalelfe,asthe Father
bath.4opn.5.26. i
Gn the tozd was life, and the life was the
fight of men. Tobn s ¢.
. To know the onetp God and Chꝛiſt whom
be bath fenr,islifeeternall John 17-3.
> Life eternal ig the pꝛomiſe of Sod. Titus
T.z. 6. John 2.25. through Chrilt. John 10:
28.and 17.2 Rom 6.22,23.
Being inftified bp grace, wee are mave
heires of eternal! lite. Titus 3.7.
= God hath giten vs eternal life, and that
life isin bis Sonne.r. John 5.12. who layd
powwne bis life faz His fheepe. John 10.15.
The Apvlties preacyed eternal life.s. Job.
Thole that heare Gong woa, and beleeue
abe fame, taucilife eternal. Jopn 5.24. 1,
Jobn 5.13. age
= ‘Af we willencer ints life, we muft keepe
the commandemen:s, Dp atti.19.07.
“Life eternal, isthe end of tighteoufnefle.
Bon 6.22. ,
The life of Choiſtians ishin with Chit
in Bov.Col 3.3, Looke Saluation,and Eter-
nall life.
The tree of life in the middeſt of Paras
Dile tereeffriall.en.2.9.
Adam Piren oat of Waranife, let hee
fhould eat of the tree of life Gen 3.22,23,34
. Dé che milerte anv vaſtableneſſe of mang
life looke moze. Genel. 3.17, 18,19. 2. Sam.
14.54. 1. Chꝛon. 29 15. Job 3 3. and 3.9.
and 9.25,26. and 13.12, Plal 103.15, 16.
GND 102.3,9,11-€143 4 Eccles 2.1.* and
get 7.159. Tl4.40.6,7,8. Wiſd. 2. 1 to 6.
and 5 8,to14.€cclus,14.17,18.¢ 18.7.8,9.
anD 40.1,t0 12. Luk. 12.20 Eph.5.16 Hed,
33.14. FIDet 1.14. James rit,
Thðe life of the faithfult muſt be conforma-
ble to the life and doctrine of Chik. Genel,
17.1,9* Gred.20.1,t018. Leuit. 11.4445.
and 19.2,3,4. and 20.2.* Dat.s5.3.* @6.1,*
and 7.1." 1.6.20." Jobet3.14,018. E15,
2,011 €21.19,23. Rom.6 3. ¢8.1,10 18.
13.8. 15.4.5. Eph.2. 10. F4.F52,3515,
17 *G5.1 2.*{Dbi.1.37.€ 2.2,t0 17. Col. 2.
g.and 3.1." 1.Chel4sjte13. Tit 2.12.*
E 3.8.14. 1.J9e.1.14,15 E 2.1 2, 1336 3 2.*
and 4.1, 2. 1 Joh.i.7. 2:6. Heb.i 2. 5,2, 3.
During thp life, giue not awap top lub»
Bance.€cclus.23.18 19,20.
He that w Ui laure hiz life, Hall tole it: anv
contrariwiſe: Matt.r 0.39.
Life and death, po ertie anv riehes, com
meth of the Low Ferlus. 11.14.
Falle witneffe ro be puniſhed life foz life,
Deut 19 18.t0 22. looke Soule.
Lifting op the beart- Denr § 14.
Lifting op the bant,tooke Hand.
Light. God is the Light of tie faithfull.
Bama WF ye
Dauid wag calico the Light of Irach
The fecond Table.’ T
Chis the true Light, which lighteneth
euere man. John 1.4,9.anv 8.12 anD 9.5. at
bis comming willlighten things thet be hid
in Darkenefle,:.@o02.4.5.
Awake thou thar Teepe, and. Chil hall
gine thee Light.€ phe 5.14,
The light of she wicked Hal be quenched.
Job 38.5.
No wichedneffe fo clofe, but te Hall come
to light Eccles 10.20.
She Golpei is a Light Acts 26,33.
Che Light created. Gen. ag.
SGod is Light.a. John 1.5.and dwelleth in
Light, fog all pappineffe.Acts 20. 23.
CUbp Chrill which is the Light „wag not
teceiued of ihe Jewes Poon 3.09.
The faithful mimBersare the light of rye
world. Mait 5.14.
Cubile we haue the Light, letos beleeue
in the Light , that we map be the childzen of
the Light Jopn 12.36: -
It we walke in the light, as Chꝛiſt ig the
Light, we pave fellowiyp one with another.
i. John 1.7.
He that hateth his bzother is not in light,
1. Jobn 2.9.
It is light, mbich makety ail things ma⸗
nifefl. Epyels.13,
+ She Gennes were darkenefle, but now
are light inthe Lerd Eph. 5.6 ·
Chꝛiſtians oughi to ſhine as lightsin the
woz. {Phil. 2.15,16.
Two great lights cteated, ant why. Gen.
The armout ef light, what. Rom. 3.1 2.
Linage, looke Tribe.
Lake mother Jike daughter. Eze. 16.44.
Likemafter, like man.,13.28,29,
Like people, like Pꝛieſt. Iſa.24.2. Hol4.
9.and 6.9.
Chole that are erncified wiih Chriſt, are
made like to bisimage Rom.).29.
Likene fje locke Image and Simititude,
Likel:hoods. Tee ought not to iudge bp
likelihoods, Hohn 7.24.5
Line,looke Weights,
Lions (ent to Delitop the Samaritanes. 2.
Samlon fietwe a Lion, Judg.r4 6. fo did
Dauid.1.Ham.17. 35.
A man flaine of a Lion, foz vifobering
Gods commandement. 1.iings 20, 35,36,
and kettle a prophet.«.iing.1 3.1 8,ta 25.
Chꝛiſt the Lionof the tribe of Judah.Re=
Liplabour. Eccles y.i See Prayer,
Lips looke Calfe.
Little childꝛen muf bearethe Law read,
Deutz 1. toto 146¢Goh.8.24.390 = 9 2
Little babes in faith; mat pane the milk
of the Golpel.a.Goz-z.t,2, | Men
~ Little chilozen appointed ts enter into the
land of Canaan Ditit.r.39/. 6 7
Saul being lictlein bis cone ſight was
made Ring r. Sama g 17:
Little ones, put foz vile pertons inthe ſight
of rie worſd· Matth· 0.42. Hise
Little numbet, (ce Plagues,
Live. The ini hallline by faith.ab.z.4.
Che man ipat fuiGHeri the Law, (hal live
therebp.denit 18.5, 36.
Mice ali liue becaule Chzi& doeth lue
in vs. John 14: 19.BHal.2.20.
Man cannot lee the face of God, and lives
Cr0d.3 3.20
Tar liue, and bie tothe glozp of God. Ro⸗
man 14,8 ¢nctto ont lelues 2. Coꝛ 3. 15.
one map liue idlely.ꝛ. bel. 3.10.
Ge ought to Die bate fine, and line pite
Gos Rom.6.t0,11,
Gil liue vnto God. Luke 30.38.
To liue in pleafure,is death.i. Tim.5.6.
Ehe huing Gov. Fol. 3.10.
J liue foz ener-an oth of Got. Detz 2.40,
As thploulelinech: as pRogd liueth,otheg
of men.1.Sam 1,26.Judg.8 19. Rut.3.13.
Liuing in top in thig world. Eccles.8. 15,
nd 9.7:
Qan liueth bp the word of Gov. Deut.8.
Let che Bing liue,foz, Gon faue the king.
1,9 aM.10.2 4,
The creation of all lining and meouing
things.@en 1.21,24. f ;
dam gaue names te ali liuing creatures,
Gen.2. 19.
God pꝛouideth nouriture foz enerp Luing
thing. Gen.m jo.
S Loaues.4000.fed with 7. Loaues a few
fies. Wat. ı 5.33,34. gabout 5000 with g
loaues ⁊ two fiſhe a Mat 1 4-17,t0 22. Mat
6.38, to 45. John 6.9, to 16 looke Bread.
Log-@ meaſute.Leuit. 14.10.
Lsokeslee Countenance,
To defire God te looke debene bpon bfe
Deut.25.1 5.
The Lom looked vpon the Iſtaelites tri-
butations.€xod.2.25. and 4.21. and cauſed
Sarl to be anointed their bing. 1.98.91 6.
Hannah prayed that GED would looke on
Her trouble.. Sam. r,r E
Woles praped Gob net to looke bpon the
flubburnnefie of bis people Deut.9.27.
Loopes 02 firings, (ce Strings.
Long (uffering ef the. Loja, let vs ſuppeſe
to be {altiation,2.JBet.3.15 dcoke Patience.
Loafing of finnes.looke Keyes. .
Lord. Dut Ged is the onelp Lord Deute-
6.4. Ephe.4. 5.
The Lordis at hand.Phil.a.5.
Gktbhings be the Lords,and therefore no⸗
thing created fez our vſe maketh os oncican, .
Rom14. 14.
The Lord hath Dene great fignes in Es-
gypt, and why Exod . 7.5.
Phoaraob xkᷣnew not the Lord. Exod 5.2.
Zt is the ſpirit of the Lord «pat altetett
man.1:Sam-1o.6. i
She Lord blefle thes taake Salute.
o> She Duetie and authozirie of Lordes and
mafters. roD, 21.2.7 12526527: Leuit. ig.
13. and 25.39: 815.12 t0 i9 and 25 1,2,3-
Gob 31.1 3ojB20.29:12.19,21; Fer.34-8.9.7
Ecclus.7 20,21. and 33.23.* and 42,5. 2
poef s o Col 4.1.
pz, o Lord. a courteous and reverent:
mame. Hen, 24.1 8.and 23:6, Aets 25.26.
* huſhaud is called ye. igis Lord.
dg· 9,26. ?
- Rom.13.9,10. 1.
Hout no harme. Rom.13
Li O V
Jaskob calleth Gis brother Lord. Gert 33.
Tipi the Lord of glop. r. £02.28.
Eyundap the Lords vap. Reuel.rro.
Lordjhip.Qotw thole that bane Lordthip,og
rule, ought to vſe che fame. 3.3.
Loft,fooke Leeſe, and Deut.22.0. |
Lots, DE cating of Lots. Weu.16.8,9,10.
| and 33.54 Sofh.7.13,t0 19.¢ 18.8. am.
10.20 21.8 14. 10, 40, 41, 42. 4920.16.33. £
18.18, Rehe, 11.1, G3ek.20.19. Jonay 1-7.
Acts 1.23
The — cat Lottes to poe miſchiefe.
Eller 3.7.
Lone commeth of Gor, and he that loueth,
ig bone of Gov... John 4.7.
Te ave calien the ſonnes of God through
the lene which God hath ſhewed bute ve. 1.
© RIM 3.152.
herein the loue of God appeared Rom.
§.8. 1. John 4.9,10,
The loue of God ig Henin our hearts bp
the holp Gpo- Rom.s.5.
Gov hath chofen va, that we ſhould be hoe
Jp befoze Him tin loue.eptef.1.4.
Loue ig the end and — of the late,
Loue ought tobee without dillimulatlon.
Rom. 1232.g.
The loue of God is not in him, whe being
able, Decth nor helpe, ſeeing bis brothers
heed... John 3. 17, 18.
God loueth gs an enerlatting louei
ano z3:
TMUbofoener bath loue, will Doe bis neigh-
Loue tonereth the —— of finned. r,
Pet.4.8.1Die. 10.12.
- Loucepifieth.1-Q07.8i5. >!
Loue ig the bont of perfectnes. Lol.3.24,
therefore wee muft loue without faining,
Rom.12.9,10. Ephel.s.2. r Thell 4.9. 1
Mobs 3.11. 1.]Det.122.
All things ought to bee Bone in loue. Ie
Jofeph exborted Hig brethzen to loue one
Another: Gen. 45. 24.
Chꝛiſtian debt ig loue Rom.i z.8.
Elpa (o ig perfece in love, fhall hate botns
fies in the Dap of tibgement.1.3oh.4.17,18.
S. Paul wither to the Faithfull incre aſe
of loue ano why. Ebel. 3.17. Boil.iↄ. io,
EX. 4, Thetls. 12.13
Epit —— that loue outo. ware
colD, anD wohy· Matth.· 24. 12.
The wounds of a louer are kaichlaln 320. ->
Commandements of loue. Èron. 20.1 2,¢0
23.]920.2.27,28. .
Lous of neighbours acceptable to Gav
and man.cEcclus.a5.c.
The greet loue of Jaakob toward Ravel.
Gen.29. 18 20.305
Amnons wicked loue.2. Sam. 1 3. 1, 2.
Salomon aſſo:ted in the loue of hig idola⸗
¢rous wines. s Kings 12.1.t0 9.
Whe Prophet that goeth about to curne
$8 from the loue of God, ought ta be ſtoned
to death. Dent.13.1,t0 12.
God loued 09, befoꝛe wwe loued hiim: Boh.
4-19. and chale bs, becaule bee loued OB.
The fecond Tabled `
God loueth the ozople.Daitt.3 2.3.
The inciasable loue of God toward his
— s k Deiit.4-36,37,38, anv
10.15. and 23.6
Gob loued Zalomon. 2. Sam i2.24,25.
God Lo loued the worin , that he gauz his
onelp begotten Sonne, and wyp, John 3.16.
Ephe. 2.4. 1. John 410,18.
cont (a de arely loued ba, that be gaere his
life foz o3. Joh. 15.1 3.Gal. 2. 20. Ephel.s.s.
The Father loued the Sonne, anv wer.
John 10,11,17
Chit bath taught og the Golpel,that we
might be loued ef Gon. Jehn 17.2 3,265,
Taho loueth Gor perfectly indeede. 1.
Joins. 3,5.
JF we laue the wora, the loue of Soig
not in vs.a. John 2.15.
TWigerebp we know that we loue God. r.
John 5.1,2
ait things tuorke for the beſt to them that
love Gor. Rom. 8. 28. The erotune of life ia
zomiſed fa them. Jam a. 2. and Goo will
acknowledge then foz hig. r. 02.8.3.
Sanl loued Danin. ı Sam. 16.2 1. fo did
Jonathan as big owne foule.c-Ga.18.1,3 &
26.17. aboue the loue of women. 2.98. 1.26.
Tie ought to ſapport one another, follow
the trueth in loue CEphe.g. 2,15.
Ape that Ioueth nor Yig bpotbers abideth in
Death. 1. John zrg.:
Good min Hers mull bee hadi in fagulac
ioue fog theit wozks (abe.1-Obels.c3.
Mee ought to evific our ſelues in the loue
ef Gov. Jude 20.21.
All goounefle pzoceedeth from loue and
brothettp kindneſſe Heb.6.10,
Te muloue Cheilt befoze we can keepe
hig woad. John 14.15-
Thate epar hee the chilogen of God, loue
Chk. Joon s
Thole that loue Chziſt, ere that bee
Went to the Father. John 14.38
Tiho le loueth eye Sonne, ſhall be Loued
of the Father anv the Sonne. Jobn 14.25.
Becaule manp finned ate foatinen the
nisil hep loue much. Luke 737,47."
Wiee are knowen tobe Chgilts vilciples,
bp mutisali loue. abn 13.35.
Chik loued Marie, W artha,e Lazarug,
John tr.5.andehe pong man. Warke 10.20.
ann John the Euangetift.Jobn 21.20,
Cbꝛiſt alken Peter thee times if pee lo-
ned pins, John 21.15516,07.
Tue oughe toloue our enemies. Matthe5.
44.J920.25,24.1Rem.12. 20. as Dauid loued
Saul.i. Sam. 24 7.*and 26.9.*
Thou ſhalt loue the Aoꝛd thy God, anv
thy neighbour as tip (elfe. Mates 2.37,t04t-
Fo loue Gov atight, is moꝛe then all burnt
offrings. War. 12.29,* 33. Deut.. 354:
Ge ate erbozted to loue God. and out
neighbour. r. John .4.7.*& 3. 23.Joſh.a 3.11.
2, Hohaw exborteth the Reubenites to loue
Goo. Foth.a2.5.
Gon teg itech of od toloue hin, De.10.12
God ciecumcifech oue hearts, that wee
{How'd loue him. Deut. 30.6.
Selomon loued God. Akings 7.3.
Gou ip merciful tathole thatloue him,
Erot. 20.9:Dent.6. TOAD 7.12, 05.
To loue God; and obep bis 10:0 5 ig life
and feticitie. Deut. 3o. 16,20.
The commendation of loue, and the proe
perties thereof. 1.002.143."
sai isthe Gov of peace any loue. 2. Coz.
Maen challiferh whom bee Joueth Debz.12,
6.JD20.3.10,2RCUC. 3.89.
The care of vifcipline ig loue: and loue i⸗
the keeping of Gons Liw, Wiilp.6.17,28.
DE the great Joue of God towarn thole
that beleeue in him. Exo.20. 2,6. Dew.6.10,
11.9 7.6,7;8:13. Joſh 2417,18. Pꝛo 8.27,
Jer 31.3. Ecclus.a4.o,12, 14. John 10,10,
to 19. and a1.9. and 13.1.* EI 3.9,to 14. and
16,23,26.iRom.5-8.@al.2.20.0E ph 2.4 and
5.21. John 4 980,11. Ecclus. 17.209.
True faith mozketh bploue,Pal.5.6.. +
Me kuow that we ace the ſonnes of Gow
by true loue. 1, Tol.g.17-* which is the neva
anv old commandement.1. John 2.8, aud zë
23. 2. John 5.
Chat thep ate worthy of that loue ima⸗
ges. Niſo 15.6.and 16,0,t020. .)
Pꝛoſperity folowerh them that loue Gove
Haw jofal.r19.165.;
Lowe, Let the bzother of lowe degtee, tea
* toben be is exalted. James 1.9512.
He that is lowe in his owne fight, to ſet
forth Gods glozy, is of great account wiry
God and qeod men: 2.Ham.6.22, fee Meeke
ans Humble. ‘
Loynes, Eliiah gitded bp his Loynes, and
tanne.1.King.18.46. ſo did Gehazi.. Kin.
Ce muft gira bp the loynes of our mina,
and helw.r.Jdetr.t 3.
Chꝛiſt willeth os to gird ourloines —
Luke 12.35.
Loyterers fee Idleneſſe.
J Lucre, lee Gaine.
Luke-yarme fee Cold.
Lunatike. Crit healed one that wag Iu-
natike. Matt. 17. 15, 18. Darke 9:17,19 3o
uke 9.38.
Lufi. Graues of luft. Rum. rr. 34. +
Tile mult hunne the fozmer lufts of ignoe
tances. Det. 1.14. and pouth. a. Tim. a.23,
ann of concupiſcence.i. Theſ.a.a.
The people kiah after eh, and is pra
niſhed. Qum.a 1.3
Luftes choke in os the word of the Golpel.
Marke 4-19- o:
Locking on a woman to luĝ after ber, ig
abulcerpin the beate. Watts .2 8. Pꝛo.c.a 5.
The luſt of the A wicked Judges punis
Med. Dan a3. 8.11,2062.
The luſtes of the feH, and luftes of the
epes ate not ef the Father. r. Jobn 2.265",
Tie map not obep the lufts of inne, Ront
6,1 2.fee Concupifcence.
§ Lying.@ lying pirit in the mouth of all
babs pPophers:s rings 22,23 ©
The olde prophet mare a lie vpon a good
intent to the man of Gov.1 Mins 13328.
Lying ought to bee auorven. Epheſ.4. 25.
GCal.3.8,9.Rewel2,.1.27.and 25.4 Se:
Lying íg of the Deuill, and, ýe is the —
thereof · John ggg uosa Sna wh,
The tudge ought not te — a lie o}
falls tale Erona- i. '
= ‘Ail men are liars. Iſa. PEGA
Qu Amalekite to pleale Daip koige a
Tie 2. Sam 1.10
The Lord hatery atich manchat igaly-
pr. Ecclus.ꝛ5. 2.
he Tretians were lyars Titus.i.1 2.
The Jeves lyars Joba 8535.
Auanias and Bapyhira lyed tethe poly
@P pol. Acts5.2,2.
SGod caunot lye. Titir.2 beb.s. r8,
Jaakob , bp gis mothers countet, mave a
iye to obtaine the blefing Wen.27.19.*
Di lying loske moze Hen. 3. 3. and 37.32
@ 39-1451 5Leu 19. 12 16.2. Ba. $.3,7,3.
2 Bip 22/25 Coifirs5 ,6,8,5 n Ecel
Q 20.232425. 26.5. 192.6; LJE 12217, 18,
19.H0..4-2-Qom.3.4.t- Gapo24,23.8 4.20,
‘Cutlen be be tyatlyeth with his cathets
iwife,ec- DY. ay 20h
- Mad, Dee that anointed Jehs King ouer
Iſcael,was termed a mad felloe. 2, Kings
Fellus tolse Paul, that much learning
made Hin mad, Actes 26.24.
God will (mite che wicked with madaeffe.
Deut.28.28. 34.
Mhat madneſſe is. Eccles riy
erates. Dow we ought to ebep Magi-
Arate⸗ Jom. zu,to 8.
k Chek pape tribute to tbe Magiftrate,
Wow the Magiſtrates thone i is ſtabliſhed.
Pꝛo 25.5.
Ticked Magiftrates regard not the cauſes
of the pooze. JDz0.2 29.26
Magiftrates ought to be no dꝛunkards, and
WHP. 1970. 31:435.
@ good Magiltrate ig the gift ef Gop. Ets
Thee chiefe points neceflarie fora Ma-
piftrate, Ef, ro 3-looke Princes, ludges,Ru-
lers,Elders,anDd powers.
«Magicians, Looke Soothfayers,Sorcerers,
Witches, and Wifemen.
ToMzke.Ged.did make.Deuter.32.15.
therefore toce ought not ro alke bim why bee
bid fo. Rom 9.10.
Men praile then that make much ef them
felites, 1 lal.49.78,
Male, Godcreates the male and female.
Gen 5-2.
Malice, Gon velropeth the wicked in
their otone malice. JDfal.og 23.
Malice of women. gécclus.a5.14.*
Tigo fo cealeth not from malice, Hall pes
Makcioufnege vttexly to be banithen from
Chriftiand.1.Co2 5.8.Ephel. 4.31.Col- 3.8.
a Pet.2. 1. Jam 1.2 1.
Ae ough: ts be chilpꝛen concerning ma-
licioufneffe, 1.03.1 4020 looke Enuie. :
~ Mammon \ooke Riches,on Luke 16 13.
~ Man. In vobat efate man was created.
Omai 26;27:4 9.6.00if.2,23. Ecck7.31.
fo whatente. Flai. 43-7. 0f what monid.
Gen.2.7.4 3.19 £18.27. Job 19. and 10,
ato 13: Plal. 146 4. Etclus 109. Man is
a winde that vaſſethe tetutnech uot. Pial,
The ſecond Table.
78.39. grafe: Glo.40.6,7,8 Dung g wormes.
1. Mac 2.62. ;
: Sod gaue man poser to mitiplie, anv
mane all things faz jisfake, ana {udiect to
bin. Ben.1.28,29.2 E0655.
Goo farbane man the eating of the tree ef
knowledge. Gene.2.47.and gaue him foode,
Man placed in patadiſe, to Delle it. Ger.
2.15- Wheres tee gaue names to ail things.
Ele name cf man ginen to beth ſrxes ins
a differcntip. Sene 5. 2.
Gd gaue man an belper tike bats, bim
Ceife. Seu-z.18,21, *
Mans tignitie. Pſal.8.4.*
She heart of man is naturally wicked,
Gacieane bp bitth ig man, Dob 25.4.
Manis full of miſerie. Fob v4.1, boone ta
trauell. 0b 5.7. wbp.Ceceles.1.83. @ 3.20.
All men ate ipars. fotak. 1 16.19. Dfa 9.37
bp nature the chilbzen of tazath Ce pbel.2.3.
and beaks bp their swaere knowledge. Jere.
10.14. and 51.87. thep ate in Gods hantes,
ag clapis in the pottera, CEceius.33,12-cbeir
Dapes are numbzed Job 7.1, their belpe is
baine, thep are vanitit. Plame 6011, and
Ci fat mans rightroutnetie is. 72.646.
Man feokety onthe oulwatd appearance.
1. Sam 16.7.
Jeſus Cn knowerh what manig, and
what isin him, John 2:25.
“By one man came Death vnto al mankind
3,€02.35,21,2 26
God refozmeth mans heart, befoze it bee
apt to goodneſſe. Dag. neg
The irl man Avam wag made a lining
fonte. 1 Cs⸗.i5 45.
The firſl man was of the earth eatthly: the
fecout, the Loꝛd from heanen.1, Coꝛ.i 3.47.
Jelus Chꝛiſt is a man: John 8.40.
Paul diutdeth man into theee parts. 1.
The 5.23
aul —— net about to pleaſe men, but
Jt is lawfull foꝛ euery man. to haue bis
mifer Eolis |
Tie harig teaching. mens pecpeis,
tworthipped God ta baing. Matt.i 5.2, to 10.
Fables of men that turne frem the tener’,
ate to be auoided. Titus 1.14,
Doles calied the man of Hod. Deut.32-1.
fa teas Elitah. 1 Rings 17.24. and an An
Gel Furg.r3.6
The Pꝛopbet is called the man of Gon. 1.ikings12 22s
Fine comelp men from Geauen axded Fu
Das Waccabeus.
Seuen women faime totake belde on one
man, Jilat.
be woman aught not teweare amans
no: A man a Womens raiment: Deut.225.
Man isthe womans head: ant Abuh the
mans. 1-02.11. 3.
Dt mens inffemitie, and Gons grace and
power. €3e.3.14. Job 40.2.
DF chafe that he ue EARR ta mans hene,
ana foglake Gov. Ala 31. 1.* Detem.s7.5,6.
_ rentatee Ebah inthe Rc- Matth. 13. 17.
anv Heli fue derene in the bingdeme of
M AN ,
Df the regeneration of man Matth. 18.3
John 1.13, and 4.13 ,84,23,24. 87.37.38,
39. 1.Cep. 4.15, Gal. 4.5,6,19."ph-4.13.*
and 16. 22, 23, 24. Gol 3.9,80, 1. Pet.2. 1, 2.
g wmaniriag t minded man, ig vnftable in
all bis wapes, James 1.8.
tiie ought not to p are the repechof men,
enD wp. Gfa.5 1. 7, 8.
CThe ſpitit o? bꝛe ath ofmian aſcendeth. Ec.
clee.3.20,anb 12.7,
CU herewith a man finneth, bp the fame
hat be bevuaihen. Wiſd 11.33.
Sod a roperh dumbe creatures foz mans
Gnne.Fech.1. 3.
Gibe God punifheth man bp little ¢ litte,
and Deftroperh bim Not at ence TWiid.12. 2,
10,20, dines 4.6."
Mans anger ig according to hig power
Man with man wrought filthinefe ameng
the heathen.Rom 1.27.
Mans merite, looke Merits,”
Man anb wife one feH. Gen 2.22 Bate,
19.5. 1.€02 6.16.€ poel 5-31. Matke 10.8.
Sait was turned taro another man, ang
$ 6,9,
Themanof fin. 2-Thels.3,8; loske Men,
-: Maners. Eui ſpeakings corrupt good ma-
ners. i 02.15.33. iLooke Cuftome,
Manfiens, lóske Tourneys,
Manflanghter tenenged. Gene.4.8, * 195
23,24. and 9.5.
WTen the manflayer hal be iudgew innos
cent. Deit, 19:4 t0 1%, °
Tboſceuer hateth bis bacther , i¢ a man-
Baper , and bath not eteruall life abiding in
bem. r Joktt 2, 15.
DE Manflanghter ſorbdidden trasigt Nen,
€ punithed. Gen. 37.18.*and 42. 21. pod...
22.€ 2,31,14,15,8ND 20.53) @ 22.2.3. Lew, |
24.21. Qum 24. 20. and 25.7." Deut.5.47-
BND 294512513, 9 25.1,f0 10. and 27. *
Toth. 20.22" Budge 9.5.7 DMIR 2.
Sam.4.5,* r kin.2.5,6,28,t0 36. 4 eae? |
2.iRing.24.¢,6.and 21.16,23;24.JS2euerbs
6.17. and 23.17. Lam.g: 13. €3¢8.11.6,0
14.and 22.3,t0 17.4 24.6.*Pole.4.2.* Dab,
2.758. Ecclus 34.21,22,23. Warth.s. 21,
t927. and 15.10. and 19.28. and 23.29."
and 26:4, 14 i Ssi 6. and 27. 2. 4.5, 22. Par:
15 7 11. Lukerz 325. John 844. 2 cts 3. 14.
Rom.1.29.and 13.9.Gal.s.24. 1. Tim 1 9.
. Peter 4 15. Jamez 5.6. 1 John 3. 12.
RKeuelat.i 3.10. and 21.8. and 22 15. looke-
Mantel Cliiah cof hig mantell en EW
fha rings 9.19
Eliiah divided the waters with big man--
tel 2. Bings 2 3.o vid Elife-verle ig
Many tyere be that ge inte the bꝛoad gate’
of deftraction SBat.2.6
The. gmi Deeacher tutneth many frem :
thet iniguitice,SBal.7 13,
Many Piophets md rig hteousmen Defi-
Like 10-24.
Mary hal come in the Plame of Chꝛift,
and deceiue many.Matth 24.5 Aath. 2,66
Lute 21.3.
Many fha! come from tte Galt ara Grek,
j M A'R
Louk hauing vane many good wokg, ah
kerh che Gewes tez which of chem thepwould
fone bhim. Jahn 10.32.
Many of the Fewoes beleeucs. John 4.42.
AND 115.45-and 12. 42. Acts 4.4.
Chriſt pake many thiugs in parables.
Matth. 13.7.
TUe map net walke g3 many Doe, who ate 3
enemies of Ahil bis drene, and wyp. bi.
i In many things we ſinne al. Fam. 3.2.
Merchants of Babplon were the great
men ofthe earth. Reuns 23.
The marchants of the earth are wared rich
by Babylon but thep hail taeepe foz ber des
ffructton. Ren. 1u8 3, 11.
A marchant cannot lightly keepe bim from
wrong. Ecclus.26.30. looke Buying.
— to know falle Apoſtles bp. Rom.
Thole that halbe faued, are matked. Eze⸗
kiel 9.4.6.Qeue.7.3.Er0d.12.22,23 Leoke
Mariage tnftitutes.Genels. 22.* Matth.
19.5. l
The praile of mariage. zo 18.22,
Again fuch ag breake their faith in ma-
tiage.(Bal.z,11,to 17.
Raphael infructea Tobias how be ſhould
Confirmation of marriage.Gen.9.1,7. `
Pauls coun to married folkes, and to
New married men exempted from al pubs
like buſmeſſe the fitit prere.Dets.24.5.
Song widolwes are willed tomarrie, and
Wp. 1. Tim. 5.14.
Qu olve måner to marric the elver befoze
the pongtr.@en.29. 26.
Mariage Fealte.toeke Feafts,
TUith wat feare of God the mariages of
Izhak and Tobiah were ceiebzated Genel,
24.1.” Tob.7.12, 13. and 8.1.*
-He that bad noton a marriage garment,
was caſt inte vttet Darkenefle..Qat.23.11,
I 2,8 3°
Againk mariage with infivels foz woꝛldly
telpects Gen.6.1,2.and19.14,15. Deuter.
7.2,3, 4 and 20. 18. and 28.12. 0-Kiug.c1.*
2. Ring. 8.18,26.2. {oz 6.14. * Lcoke Co-
menant. x
_. Mariage fogbianen bp deceiuers, 1. Cine.
Mariage comparen to the coupling of Chꝛiſt
` and his Church. cEphe.s.29. y
Decond mariages. Rom. 7.2.1. €63.7.8,95
39-t-Gim.5.14.looke Diuorce.
Mariage of mintfers tawfuil. Acts 21.9.
¥.20}.7.2,9.¢.9.5. Phil 4.3. 1. im.3.2,4,5.
ant 43,3. Tit.1. 6. Heb. 13.4.
DF Mariage looke moze Benef. 3.16. anv
$.16.QE xo. 34.1258 5,16.6 23.3 2,33. Num.
31. 16.and 25. 1.*kand 20.7,2.and 28. 1. and
29.15,"8n0 24 1,to 9. Joh. 23.7. Judges 3.
6.400 14,2." Ezra 9 .2.* Meh. 13.23-E Her
2.17. Pꝛou.i8 22. eclud, a5 1,8. and 4o.
15,09, Watth.8.14.and 19.3,t0 13. and 22.
24to 34. Luke 14.8,to 12.1, Tim 3.3,t0 4.
Titus 1.6.
Di Spicituall marriage betweene Gon
The fecond Table.
and thefaichfull. Lane, thozowont. Flat, go,
E.*5 4.0." and 63.5. Jete. 3t. 32-308. 16.8.
Hole.2.2,* WDatey.9.1 5.380 22.2. and 25.1
Mar.2. 19. Luk 5. 34.John 3.5-2.0 E12
Reue.197. and 28,2.
Martyrs. The felicitie of Martyrs. Cif. 3.
t, fo 10.their comfost. Datth.10.28,29.anB
16 25. Huk.2t.16,,37.3.0im,
Martyrdome of Ceuenbzethzen and theit
— 2,08ac.7,1."@of Eleaʒat.ꝛ· Macc.
ce onelp Mafter is Chik, Bat.
23° a
The difciple ig not aboue þig Mater Wa, RM
10 24.
Mee ought net te conet to be Mafters,and
toby. Matth 23.8. Jam.3.¢
DFE Matters ouetie, looke Lord.
Matter, Gods (pirit miniſtreth Matter to
(peake in the trueth · Job.32,18.
Maide. Che high Wier might not marrp
but a maide. Leutt.2, 13.
A law foz a Maide that id cogrupted. Exo.
22.16,17. Deut. 22. 28, 29.
DE a maiden fogced in tye ſields. Deu.33.
The maide that plaped the whoze in her
fathers boule, wag Ronen to Death. Deuter.
The goo.maides ginen tothe Beniamites
to wife. Judg.21.12,14. looke Steale,
Maidens taken in warre, were reierued ae
litte, anb why. Mumb. g e18.
DF the Jewes bond maides. Ezod. 21.7.
euit. 19,20. and 25.44. Deut. 15.12. looke
Virgins and S.ruants.
@ Meafure, With what meafure a man
Doty mete, it (hall be meaíured to him. att.
t Do meafure themfelues with themlelues, D
what. 2. Loz 10.82.
Fulfil toe mealure, looke Fulfill,
Falle meafure, looke Weight.
Meate. What Baloinons Meate was fog
one Dap. 1. Rings 4.23,23. z
All meates lewiull foz the faichfull. Actes
10,15, Rom.14. 2.3, 14.
Being receiued with thankelgiuing and
prayer. 1. Tim.a 3,4,5- —
SHpirituall meate , whichlafteth foz eners
Chik giueth os. Foh.c.27,58.4. Coꝛ io 3
Wee ought not to iunge cue brother foz
meates fake. Rom.14.14,85.
Fozbivding meates is the voctrine of de⸗
Chꝛiſts meate, what. John 434.
Dauid had meate brought him bp Geog
gouidence. 2-Sam. 17.28.29.
Medicines, looke Phificians,
Med:atour betweene Gad anv the Iſtae⸗
lites, was Doles. Deut. 5.5.
One Mediatour betweene God and mart,
Chit. 1.Tim.2 5 Web. 12 24.Wat.1 1,28.
tLuke 3.22, John 10. 1,2,7. Rom.8.31,32,
34. and £0,13.1.Q02.1.30. ebp.7.24, 25.1,
Jobn 3.1,2.
Chꝛiſt out mediatour , Bod and man in
one perfor. Wat.1.23 An 12.28.and 16.16
WDar.1.18.Gal.1.14.anB 3.43. and 6.69. and
34.1, and 5.07, 08-8 14. 25, 26.2 14.6. and 16
23. and 20,38, zu Act 20.28 Rom.3.39538.
and 4.3. aud 5. 10. and 8.2. and 9-5. 2. Corꝛ· 5.
19. Phil.2.5.7. Col.i.14315, 19, 20 and 2.9
t,@im.2.5 Deb. 1. 3.n and 4.14 and 5.8,9,
Meditate, Chilozen taught bp their pae
tents ought tomedicate in Gods law contis
nually Deut. 11.18, 19.
Joſhua bidden to meditate in the labs Bap
ana night. Joh. 1.8.
Meeke: Wee muk learne of Chꝛiſt ta bre
meeke, and lowly in heart. gat. 11.29.
The mecke Hall inhetite che earth. Wart.
Boles was a meske man aboue all others
um.I 2,3.
The meekenefle of Paul in rebubing
faults. 1.Coz 4.21. and of Dawid towarsg
Of meekenefle,ieoke moze. Folh.7.19. 2
Ham.25.5.* 1 Bin2.7.J9 0.15.1. Ecclu.
1.23. Waith.5.5. Galat6.s. Ephel.4. 2. 2s
Tim. 2.25 Leoke Humbleneile,Lowlinelle,
and Gentleneſſe.
Me: te,looke Salutation.
Melting of the beatt,looke Heart.
Members we ate one of anothet in Chrif,
and therefore muk baue mutual loue. Rom.
12.5. 1.€03.10.16,17. and 52.13.” Ephel,
Cee ought not to gine our members bute
finne. Rom 6.i 3.
Dur bodies are the members of Chꝛiſt. 1.
The members of the boop of Inne, mul be
Members, fez all the parte and powers of
mau. Rom.s6. 19. and foztbe patt not teges
nebated.Rom.7 23.
Men, put foz petſecuting men.QBat.10.17
Men ougbt to lous theit wine. Eph-5.28.
The counfell of men Will come to neught.
Acts 5.38,39.
Chat men (hall be fn the latter Dapes. 2.
Tim.3.2,to 10.
TAhen men be not vnder the poke of a lato, -
there is nothing to bee looked foz, but the
wath of God. Judges 21.25.and 20.1,"
Tulee ought not tofeare the repzochesof
men, Iſa.5r.7.
Ahy men be leſſe and Iefle.a.Glo25.53,
$4555 -looke Man,
Mercie.God is rich in mercie anb the Fa⸗
ther of mercie. Epbeli2.4. 2. Samu.2⸗4. 14.
JP lal- 32.10. Joel 2.53.
The Lozdis mercifull to thofe that toue
him Exod.20,6.and 34.67. Deut.4 31.
God wili not korſoke his people , becauſe
be is merciful. ron. 4.34,
God will heare the crie of the afflicted, bes
caule be is merciful. Exod.aa 27.
Gods mercie ig euerlaſting. Luke 1.50,
Df the praile of Gods mercie. Ecelug.17,
28. Pſal.zo.* and 2.Sam.7.23,
Samuel alleageth bunto the people the
mercies of God 1.-Gam.12.7.*
Df the mercie of God toward his,and bis
iudgements toward the wicked JBLal.62.12
and 107.1."
Lot confelleth that it came of Gods mer-
sic, that bee perithen not among the Sovas
ME Rar
mites. Gene.19.19.
Salomon acknowledgeth the mercie of
God to Dauid, in placing hin king in his
Rean. Rings 3.6.
God in mercy redeemed his childzen out
of captinitic. Ersd.15.13. Allthings in this
life to be attributed to Gong mercy. Deut,
The mercy of Gon ertenveth tt felfe euen
to bealtes Plal. 36.5,6,7.
Mercy is pꝛomilſed to thoſe that repent.
Deut.zo.2, torr,
The mercy and tructh of God promien.
The onelp mercy of Ged hath velinered
w from finne bp the blood of Jeſus Chak.
d. 52. 3.
Gad will not withdzaw his mercie from
bis chofen, 2.Sam.7.15.
Wee are regenerates bp the mercie of
DoD.. Beter 1.3.
Through the render mercie of Gov, Chꝛill
became man. Luke 1.78.
Chik toske on him our leh.that he might
bee amercifull anda faithfuli high Pzieſt.
It is not in him that willeth, oz in him
` that runneth, but in God that hewerh mer-
cie. Ron.9.16,98.
God hath mercie on whom he will. Exod.
Paul propoundery to the Fewes Gods
mercy. Rom. 1.6.7. :
The Gentiles haue obtefned mercie, that
the Temes might follow thẽ.Rõ.rr .z 1,32.
Paul obteinen the office of preaching by
- Gods mercy. 2 Col 4.1.
Let vs looke foz the mercie of the Lote
Jeſus Chꝛiſt. Tuve 21.
Boles confeſſed the mercy of Gov, Nũ.
Naomi wilheth Ber daughters im lawe
Gos mercy. Ruth⸗.8.
Saul wiſheth mercy to the houleof Dne-
ſiphorus. 2. Tim.i. i 6.
God ſheweth mercy on his enemies , that,
thep map hew mercy on bis friends. i.Kin.
Gov will hake mercie and not facrifice,
Batth.9.13. ;
‘Bee mercifull ag pour father ig merciful),
Luke 6 3, 6. e s x
How greatly Chik ckeemeth the worked
of mercy. Mat 25.35."
Mercy promifes the merciful. Q3at.g.7.
` Gon blefleth the mercifull aud liberal.
320.1 1.25,26,*
Juvgement mercilefle, to kim that Hew
eth no mercy, James 2.13. j
Dauid ſhewed mercie onto His enemie
Saui 1.Hant.24.7,8. which mercy Saul ig
compelled to acknowledge. c.Sam 26. 2 1.
Jonathan requiret Danit to ole like mer.
cie to big pofteritp,as be vied to him. 1.Sa⸗
mise] 20-15.
Saul (pared the Benites becauſe they
ſhewed mer y to Iſcael. 1 Sam.15 16.
To heale mercifully and truely ig to Dee
that a man deſirech. Gene 47.29. '
God hardened the Hitites hearts, that
mo nicrcie might bee ſhewed te them. Toh,
Thedecond Table.
To ſhew mercy, pitt fog to {ane life. Jude,
1,24. Jofl).2.12.
Whe praile of mercy. 3 20.14.21.¢ 19.17.
Jaakob confeflerh himlelfe vnwozthe the -
leaſt of Gods mercies. Gen. 32.10,
THe ought to pray God to be merciful br-
to vs.Num.6.25.
Gong mercy to Joleph. Gen. 39.21.
Gon wag roercifull to bis people, fag their
enemies crueltic. Judges 2.18.
Gon bee merciful to thee, mp fonne, was
Jolephs bleſſing to his brother. Gen.43,29.
Tice ought to (yew mercy with cheereful:
Gor moze enclineth to mercie then to
math. Mica.7. 18,19.
Hodis he that ſheweth mercy. Jede 9 24.
Gods mercie is as great ag himlelfe, and
bis puniſhment ag bis mercy. Ecelug.2.21,
and 16.12.
Co ſhew mercie to the fatherleffe , i3 aca
ceptableto God. 2.Dam.9.3.
Gaod is mercifull to fuch ag conuett bute
him.⁊. Chꝛo. 30.9.
Qn exampie of Gods mercie toward man.
Jonah 4.11. i
DE the mercifulneſſe of Gov toward the
faithful. Gene.8 15.* Exod.6.i and 9.26,
And 11. 3,7, and 20.6, and 34.6,7. Qumb.
` 20.8. Detteronomte 4. 30,31, and 5.00. and
7.9. AND 10,17,13. and 28.1,t015. AND 30. 4
SUL. and 32.4,10,36- and,9,
15 and 12.13. and 24. 10, 12, 14.x1. King. 8.
23.2. King. 20. 1.5to 12. Meh.9. 17. Dial.
21.7.8 35.65 57-€8 §.1,10 4 86.5.4 103. 10.*
andDrt4.g.¢126.%€145.8,9 Gla. 30.08. and
54-758, 19.8 $5 +3576 Sere.12.15,16.818,8.
Ezek 8 32.% and 33.14,05,16.Wole.2.14,
23*Icel 2.13. Jona 4-2. 2.E[0.2.10,*and
7.62.* Tilo. 1 1.20." Ecclus.2.12.6 3.195
20,817.19.and 18.4. Mat. 12,28 & 18. 11.*
Luke 1.50,58,72. & 6.36.€15.4.* and 32.
34,43. Rom. 11.4,30,31332. 2.Cozinty.1.3.
` Ephel t.4. 1. Tim. 1. 1 3. to 28.
Mercifulneffe of the faithful reward their
neighbours, and the reward thereof, Pꝛou,
3.3,4. 14.22, 32, E16 6. 9. 17.0 21. 21.
and 25 21,22. Iſa.58.6.* Pol. 6.6o. Mic.6 8.
9,10, Ecclus 3.33,34. and 28.2,4.
ind 35.19. Matt 5.7.x 9. 3. and £0 42. and
18.15.* @ 25. 35.t0 41. War.o 41, Luke 6,
27.3536. AND 10.30.t0 38. Rom. 12.8. Bae
lat 6.10,16. Qol.3-12. 1. Tim. 5. 10 Looke.
Almes,Pitie and Compafiion.
DF vomercifulnefle, andthe puniſhnent
therof.* 18. 1. Sam,
25.10." Job 20.5.* Pꝛou 21 13. Plai. 57.1.
Amos .3.* Ecclus 35.18. Matth 13.28.*
and 25 41.* Luke 16.19. James 20.13.
` Bee not mercifull to thole that offense of
Mercifeate. Exod.25.17. and 26. 34-6 35.
12, 13. and 37.6.
Merine ffe, ann Mirth looke Paſtime.
Merses. Againſt mans merite:. Deut.g.
4.5.6. 00 9.3,20.JPfalm.n4 3.2. Iſa.64 6.
WB att.s0.8, and 03 14.18.27. 24. 22. and
25.34.01 1.30,48.anD 12 32.8 17,7,9,10..
and 18.14. ob. 1.6.6 3. 15, 16. 6. 40,65. %
10228.815, 16. Acts 13.48. I 5.26.8 26.8,
Rowi.3.10,11,12,19,20,37.¢ 4.2. and 6.33,
BUD 9. 32. and 10,3. and 11.2,5,6,32,35536>
1.@02.1.27.and 3 5.€ 15.57, Oblat.
115. and 2.16, and Ephe.1.4,5.
and 2.4,8,9,13.J9bil.1.29. Col. 2.1 2.and 2.
13. 2. Theſ.. 1hand 2.16, 2. Cm, 1.9.¢ 4.
8. Tit 3.5,7.Deb.2.10, Jani2.5. 1-IPetr.
253,9,18.and 5. 10. 2. Pe.iu. 3. 1-Jop.1.10.
HUD 2.12.and 3. 1. 4.10,19. 3luDE 21. Rett.
3. 18. and 4. 10, 1 and 21.6.anD.22.87,
Meffengers. The Kings wath ts as Mef-
fengers of Beath. Mzo. 6.4 4.tooke Preachers,
Minifters, Angels,and Prophets,
E Midwiues in Egppe feared Gov. Exod.
Mightie. Gd ig mightie and terrible,
Chꝛiſtians beeapons ate mightic, 2, Coz.
10.4. è
“Company not with one that is mightier
then thp felfe, Ecclug.1 3.2.
Apollos mightic in the Scriptures. Acts
18.24.26. 1. Cor. 1. 12.
Df Dauids wightie men any wozthies
2.Sam.23 8.*
Milde am, looke Blafting.
Milke. The land of Canaan flowed with
milke and bonp.@rod.3.8.2Deut.32.13,14.
Abzaham let butter anu milke befeze hig
Jael gaue Hilera milke to dzinke. Judg-
19, `
Wo whom the milke of the worde apper⸗
taineth. Deb, 5.12,53,14. 1. Coꝛinth. 3. 1,2.
r, Jeet 2.2.
Milfone aught net to be taken ts pledge,.
and why. Deut.24.6,
Mind. The wicked are delivered bp vnes
atepiobate minde and why. d.Ila.
Chik hath giuen bs a minde to know the
true Gov. 1. Gopi 5-20. — i
Cee ought to be like minded one to auo⸗
ther. Rom 15.5.6.
Trauaile of minde, ſee Labour.
TUe ought to be of that winde that Catz
was of, ,
The mind of nian id vaine. Eph · a· 17, 18.
Mindful, TUe ought not te be mindefull
of wꝛong. Letlit.19.18.looke Remember.
Muniſters. Vahat maner of men the mini-
fters.of the Tempie ſhould be. WLenit.21,.10.
Tho fo murmuteth agait n Gods mini-
He ce againg Dod bimlelfe Exe.
16.2, 3, 8.
God chofe the houle af aron tominifier
before Him. 1. Sam 2. 20. Elha was the
minifter of Ehiah. s Rin. 19.21. and Johar
ot Woles. Toh. rr.
gelus Thꝛiſt came to minifter and to ging
his life foz our redemption. Matth 20:28."
Barke 1045» . .
Chꝛiſt ig the mr sane Bis
Shop of Chrfkiens Deb.8.r,2... =
}Daul was a minitcrof che Goſpel. Tol,-
1,25. {0 nas Zpollos.i.Coꝛ.z.5. and 4.8,
Pauls minifter of the nem Teſtamentof
Jeſus Cyrifk among the Gemileg Bomis
16. 2.002, 3,62and 15,23. Lolaa g
Cult gaue infttuctiong to the minilters’
oF his vaozd . z 0) 9
nifter of Saint
Acts 18
Che Minifters of the wezde ought to feese
the flocke. John 21.15.
That lowe true Minifters beare to the
Church. Phil. r. 1*
iow the minifter Gould neclare the woꝛds
pf on.1, Pet 4. 1 n. and fer perlecutions.
HPat.10.24,25. John 12,26,
Tie ought to lore the minifters of word.
.Tbheſſl. 5. 12, 13. and honour them, T. in.
5-17. and prap fog them, Ephe.6.19. Colg.
3. 2.C hell, 3.2.
Minifters ought not to feeke thelr ewne,
but the honour of the Lozve Jeſus. Phil.2.
21. either ought thep to bee couetous.
L, Tim 6.5, Titus 1.7.
Minifters of the worde ought to haue all
things neceflacp. Batch. 10.10, Luke 10.7.
Rom. 15.23. and ↄ. 10, 11,14. Gal. 6.6. and
1. Tim.5. 18. As Paul being in pifon had.
Phil.a4.10, 14, 16 18.
Te ought co pzap fez the encreaſe of la-
bouring minifters. Watt.9.38.
De that will be chiefe ameng Gods mini-
fters,ought to be made teir kinant. Matth.
20.26,27. UL uke 22.26,
Minifters {yall receiue accozbing to their
fabour. 5.03. 3.8, 14,
Pbebe a Minifter of the Church of Cen⸗
chea. Rom. 16.1,
Againlſt falfe Minifters, fee Falſe.
Minifters that tickle the eares with fableg.
2. Tim.3.s. and 4. 3. Titus 1.10,
The Minitters diſorder cauleth religion to
Be contemned. 1.ain.2.27.
Gon giueth bis Minilters fuch bertues ag
ate anlwerable to their vocations. 1, Dam,
The holy Hook (peaketh bp hig Minifters,
Matth. 18.20.
Death onght tat to frap Gods Minifters
from declaring the truet)-Sere,26.12,to16.
The office of Minifters. Ezek. 3 3.2. looke
Friefts and Preaching.
Miniftring tothe pooze. Rom.15,16,26,
a. Coꝛ.8.4. looke Almes.
The Minifterie of the woe ig the pzeas
ching of che Bofpel of the grace of Chrift,
Ephbe.4. 12. Acts 20,24. -
AM racles. Gov ſhewed Miracles, that hee
might be acknowledged the onelp Hod. Ero
Sod wzought miracles by hid Pꝛophets.
2 Kin.4. ʒto 8.* and bp Moles. Exod 4.3,5.
and 14.21. anv Declared bp miracles that he
was with Voua. Foh.3.7-
Whe Father is glozifien bp the miracles of
$is Donne. Matth. 15. 31. Marx. 7. 37.
Wowwer of woꝛking miracles ig the gift of
— Goons ſpirit..Coꝛ. 2.10. for to confirme
his wozd. Marke 16. 17, 18.
No man could doe ſuch miracles ag Chik
did,except God were with him. John 3.2.
Miracles are Wrought onelp bp the power
OE CHK. Actes 3.12,16. andg.34. Warke
ive Apoltles praped. that they mi
worke — Ue Pe ee
Cozi was appzooued the Sonne of Gon
Dp miracles. Acts 2.23,
Tie Galilcags eeng Cheiſtes miracks,
The fecond Table:
beleeued in him: Jobh.4. 5 3. ſo bit other. Joh.
2.23. Watth. 12. 15, 22, 23.
All glorified Goo foz the miracle. Aces 4.
22,24. and tutned to ehe Lozd. Acts 9.35.
The Gr miracle that Jelug wzought.
John 2.11. s
The Apofkles wrought many miracles,
Gets 2.42.80 3.15.
God wroughe no ſmall miracles bp the
hands of S. Daul. Acts 19.15.
Gy the miracles at Chrilts death, the Cens
turion confefed bim to be the fonne of Gov,
The diſcipies ſhould not refoyee, that ttep
Had wrought miracles, but that their names
ate Witten in heauen. Luke 10,20.
Ali the miracles of Cheif are net witten.
Jott 30,30,and 21.25.
It was kozetolde chat Ceducers Moula
Werke miracles, Dareh.24.23,24. 2. Thelſ.
2.9,50. Reuel 13.4.8 16.14.
Mi ferce of man, looke Min.
Mitigate. True repentance mitigateth
Gong wrath. Jonah 3.5.*
J Moate in thp brothers epe. Watt.7.3.
Mocked. Chꝛiſt was mocked. Qat.27.29«
John 19.3. Marke 15. 20. fo was Eliha,
2. Kin.2. a3. and Dauid of Michal. 1. Ham.
Eltiah mocked Baat anv hig Pꝛophets.
1. King.i 8.27,
That men mocked Job. Job z0. i ko 15.
Men of high vegree feare to be mocked,
Jere. 38. 19.
Df Moderate Fate looke Diet.
Modeftie required in a thoy. 1. Tim.z.
2. andin poung men. Ecclus.z2.8,9.
` Money veliuered, locke Lending.
Tnte Money all things ate obedient. Ec⸗
Moneth Abib, wherein the Ilraelites bes
patted eut of Egppt.cErov.13 4.
The oblation foz the firk moneth. Ezek.
45-18." and of the leuen fic dayes of the ſe⸗
uenth moneth,¢c. Mum.29.2.*
Monuments. Tahy Monuments were and
map bee erected. Jolh.4.6.* Leoke Stones
and Graue.
Mortak. The wile man counted himfelfe
mortall. Wiſd.7. i.
se the ontempered, Ezekiel 13,15. and
Mortification. 2:0} 4.10,1 1,12, Col. 3.
5. Rom. 8.13.
Mother. Hee that bonoureth net his mo-
ther, ig accutſed. Deut.27. 16.
Chit ſhewed who are his mother and
— 13,47." Mat. 3 34535. Luke
Chif commendeth his mother to Saint
John. Toh 19.26,27,
Rizpah ſhewed a mothers affection on
Sauls leuen fonnes banned,
DE the grieuous puniſhment of the ſeuen
beerheert > AND theirt mother. ꝛ. Maccabees
4 I .
The mother gane Fer chilve ſucke thzee
peereg. 2.Qaccab.7,27. feoke Father, anu
Martyrdome. a fe
Mother tongue moft conmnobdloug go edi
withal: n Lo% 14-3946
Motions of Gune while tue ate in the fe,
baue fore to being foorth in vs fruite vie
Death. Rom.7-5,
Moulten, looke Graucn.
Aount. either man noz beak might ap:
plech neere the mount of Dingi, Exod.i p»
12, 13. and 34.3.
Eliiab fate vpon the toppe ef te moune
taine.a Rings 1.9-
DE the woman which fate bpon 7. Mouna
taines, Reuel.17.9.
The Sprang blaſpbemed Gov, calling
bim the god of the mountaines, and sherefoze
were Deltroped.1.Ling.20.23,28,29,
Whe Mounraines Mall drop lweete wine,
Amos 9.13. Joel 3.18, i
Chas taught opon the Mountaine. Mat.
Mourning. Chik mourned foz the Jewes
hard hearts Mat. 3.5.
Samueli mourned fol that Gov had rer
iected Saul.i.Sam.i 5.35.
Of feigned mourning of Women. 2. Sam.
14.2,t028. Jete 9.17.
Of mourning and Buriat of the Dead. Ger.
5.5. & 23.2." € 25.8.9. E 35-29 AND 37-345
35 +4 47-29,30.8 49-29.* andso.r.* Leuit.
10.5,6,and 19.28 Numbers 19. 11,14. and
20.28,29.Deut.14.1. and 38.26. and 34.8.
1.Sam i8. 37. 6 16. 1. 25.0. Q31. 125 13.
2. Sam.i.i 1512.6 2.455 3.31% EIO. 2.4.
€12.20,f0 24. 14 2,5.€19.1,2,4 €21.12.
LIINE. © 3.29,30,38. 2. Kin. 22. 19,20 Job
1,20,21. Jete. 34.4,5. 2. Eſd 2.23. Gob.r.
20.6 4. 3 5. Ecclus.22. 10, 11, 12. and 34. 30.
1. Macu 2.52. F13+25526,27 2. Mac.1 2.
39* Watt.9.23.Luke 7.1 2. Act.8.2. 9. 37.
looke Lamentation,Sorow, anv Weeping,
Mouth. God giucth manamouth, and
power to (peake, Exod.4.11.
The worde is neere thee, euen in thy
mouth, and beart. Deut.30.1 4.
Gon (pake onto Poles mouth ta mouth,
God put his words in the mouth of Cif,
to Declare britobs Deut.18.18.
Joſhua not having counlelles with the
mouth of the Lord, made peace wich the Gis
beonites. Jofh.9. 14.
To open the mouth to the Loze , is te
bow, which map not be Done rafly. Eccles.
5.1. Judg.a1. 36.
Okopening the mouth. Weat.s.2. Acts $.
35.and 10.18.
a froward mouth muſt Chꝛiſtians baniſh.
3H 20.4.24. looke Heart.
J Male.Balomon rove on a Mule.i kin.
5.33.34. So did Ablalom.2.Samuel 18,
Be not like bozfe anu Mule, which want
vnderſtanding. 19 fal.23.9,
Engenbsing of Mules firt founa by qs
nab. Gen. 36.24,
Mulitudes ought not in all things to bee
followed. Exod.ꝛ 3.2. Wat.7. 13. and 16.15.
and 24.5. Luke 6.26.and 13, 22,23,24. Joy
6.60,65,67. Act.i.15. and 9.27.and 28.22.
Great multitudes followed Chziſt. Watt,
15. 30. and he fen chem. Warke$.1,2,to10.
taught them. Marke 10.1. John 6.1, 2.*
and healt them all Matthew —
Wea 2S
me 12,15. Mat. 3. 10. Luke 5. 15. and 6.17,
Aarmuring to bee auoided in all things,
Phil.2.14.1. Toꝛ. 10. 10. Miſd.1.11.
“ Murmurers were conlumed with Gre from
the Loꝛd.Num.ii i.
The murmuring Iſraelites are conſumed
bp tie band of God. Mum. 16.41."
The Iſraelites murmured fe? cf Mum.
11.1,4. becaule the water was bitter. pod.
15,24. foz want of water, Erov,17.152,3-
Num.20.2,3.foꝛ bellie cheare. Exod. 16. 2, 3.
ana fez the wap.jRum.21.4,5.
Moſes murmured agant Ged. Mum.r1.
10, to 16. Aaton and Miriam again Wo-
fef Aum.: 2.1. and the people againſt Mo⸗
feg , after they bearn there were Gpantsin
the {and of Canaan. SQumb.13.34. and 14.
” Tbo [o murmweth againſt Gots mini-
pe aa again Gov himſelle. Exo.
MBoles putteth chem in remembzance of
their murcurings.JQuim.33.8,
Gon threatneth the Iſtaelites murmu-
rings.Num.i 4.28,to 36. |
Df murmurers,loooke moze Mat.ↄ.1 1. Lu.
5. 30. and 15.2.and 19.7. Joh.6.41, 61. Rom.
3.21,29. Jude 16. looke Rebellion,
Murther abhoꝛred of infidels. Actes 28.4.
Law foz murther.Num.z35.16*
Puniſhment foz murtherers. Reuel.21.8. 6
looke Kill! ano Manſlaughter.
Muficke ought to be ginen eare vnto. Ec⸗
Mauftard. The inereate of the Church
taught bythe parable of the graine of Mu-
ſterdſced. Lu.i 3. 19.
& Myfi went op from the earth, and wate-
red it at the beginning.@er.3.6,
Myfterie. Whe myfterie of our faluation ig
the Gofpel teucaled in the Sctipture. Rom.
16.25 ,26.
The myfterie of the Gentiles receiuing,
rencaled te Baul. Epꝑhel . z.4,5. Coloilians
Whe great myfterie, Gon manifciten in
the lef, and infifted in the ſpitit. 1.Cim.3.
3,16, t
Cleanneſſe requires before and ater the
communicating of Goꝛs myfterics. 1. Sam.
The myfterie of the great vohoꝛe. Reuelat.
he myfterie of iniquitp.2.Thel.2.7.A1ecke
Mytre. DE Aarons myere laske Exed.39,.
28. and 38.39.
Aakhed.Man befoze the tranlirefhid,was
naked,and pet not afvemed.@é.2.35.but afs
ter, be knew be wes naked, Gen.3.7,11.
Saul being naked, prophelied with rhe
The Iſtaelites naked among their ene»
mies, when thep forlooke God, to honour the
golnen calfe.€rov.32.25.
Nakedneffe threatned te the diſobedient.
Deut.28.43.Wof. 2.3.
` Names ginen toall beafles and foules bp
Spam. Gen· 2. 20.
The ſecond Table.
Wothers were wont to giue Names te
their childgen.Gien.29. 32. * € 30,24. Judg.
The neinhbors gane name to Boaz child
The high Pꝛieſts daughter that playeth
the toboze, polluterh the neme cf her father.
Zofhuahs name famous thoughout al the
Word, and why Joſh.s 27.
a man ought to baue a regard of bis good
name, Ecclus 41.12, 13.
God made Dauid to haue a great name
vpon earth.ꝛ. Sam. 7.9.
The builders of he Tower of Babel,
ſought to get chem a name vpon earth, Gen.
Go Firre bp the name of the Dead, Ruth.
4.100 ;
Names witten in heauen Luke. 10.20,
God will put out their name from onder
beauen, that flatter themſe lues in wicked⸗
The Jewes arz commaunded te deflrop
the name of matek ftem vnder heauen.
Deut 25 19.
Co delirop idoles, and aboliſh theit names.
The name of God. Exod 3.14.
God reuealed not his great Name Jeho⸗
uah,to Abrabam, Izhak, and Jaakob. Exod.
+3> =
The name of God is a freag tower. Pꝛo.
18 10.
-Danin euercame Goliath in the Nameof 2
the Lozd of botes. 1,58m. 17.45349,
Gods Name is holp Lu.49, 51552.
God eralteth the name of fuch agkeepe
pis lawes Dent 26.19.
The place that God ebulerh to put hig
Name there, igtobe fought vnto · Deut
Sod will not fozfake his pecple fo? His
grea: Names fake.1.Sam,12.22.
The great Name of God heard ouer all.
1. Kingis 41,42.
Dauid bleflen the people in the Name of
the 1. o20.2.4m 6,17,18.
Elia curfed the chilen in the Name pf
the iLozd.2 hin2 24.
Taben men began to call on the Name of
the Leꝛd Gen 4. 26.
Abꝛaham calied on the Name ofthe Lerm,
Gen.12.8.and 23.4.{odi0 Dagar. Gen. 10.
13.and Izhak Ben. 26.25 .looke Calling.
Wols vid publith the Name of the Lom.
The Leuites bleſſed Iſtael in the Name
of Bov.Deut.10:3,
Eliial in the Name of the Lozd, reedifien
the Aira. Kin.18. 30.3 2.
Cibolo biatphemed Gods Name , wag
ened to death Leuit.24.11,14,15,
@ake net the Name of Godin baine. Ero.
Sineare bp the Name of God, and not of
idoles. Det 6.13.
Sons Name wasin the Angel that gui-
Ded Iſtael. Exod. 23. 21.
To put the Name of God opon any, if to
pap fo: pim, Num.o.a7.
Joſhua fesren Gods name ſhould be blaf
phemed, if Iſtael were oucrcome. Joſhua
The falle Prophet fpeaking in the Name
of the Lozde, ſhouid pie. Deuter.18.30,22.
looke Pollute,
Name vſed foz potver. Watth.7.22. John
1.12.8n0 22.23, Actes 3.6, Foz vignitie,
Phil. 2-9,
Names pitfozmen, Reue. z.4. Acts 1.19.
a geod name better then great riches.
Pꝛou.ꝛ 2.1. then a Qoob ointment. eccles.7,
3. and maketh the bones fat. JBz0.1 5.30. and
endurerh foz ener, Ecclus.ara 3.
Narrow is the wap that leaverh onto life.
Matth.7. 14.
Nations, God diuided to the nations theit
inheritance. Dent.32.8.¢cclug.17.15.
The Jewes aboue all nations, created to
Gods glozp. Deut. 26. 19.
Ahy God cid reote ont the nations bp {fa
tle and fitle. Deut.7.z2. Fudg.3.1.
Moles forefhetwen that all nations that
reſiſted Joſhua, Gouin be deſitoped. Denter,
The Nations are with Gov ag a Dop ofa
bucket. Iſ y.
Cbꝛiſtians are an holy nation.i.Det.a.9.
Erov.19.6. locke Gentiles,
Matiuitie, looke Birth.
Natural bꝛanches Gon (pared net. Rom.
11.21, 24.
The naturali man pereeineth not $ things
of the Spitite of Ood, and whp. z.Cozinty.
27, Whe :
Cee muft Ar ft beare the naturall body bee
foze wee can entop the (pizituall. r, Corinth.
Timothie, Pauls nacurall onne, Yow. r
Nature taken heth in iN and good part.
Cphe.2.2. 1. 02.11.14,
Silent bp nature arg baine and ignorant.
Wilſd.a 3. 1.
Two naturesin Chin. Bart.1.33. Tohn
1. 14. and 3. 3. and 6.62. Acts 20,28, Ront.
1:314. Phil. 2.6,7.
Nayle. Jael dzineth anayle into Siſera
his temples ag be lept. Jud. a 2 1,22.
Qs a nay le in the wall ſticketh felt, ge. fo
Doeth ſinne betweene felling and buying,
Thomas would not beleeue till hee Cato
the paint ofthe nayles of Cyaikes woundes,.
Goh 20 25,27,28.
Neceffarie,lacke Scripture,
Neede of ali things threatned to the difas
bedient. Deut.28 43 locke Poore @Beggers,
Negigently,looke Cu: fed,
Neefèslooke Seven.
Neighbours, Ee sight to brinig home aye
neighbours Dre oz ſheepe. ac. that goeth ae
fray, if toe knot thereof. Deut.22,7,
Cuetp man hath acommantementgiuen
bim concerning bid neighbour, Eeclug. 7
Cee ougbt tolende to eur Neighbours..
Neighbour, bfen foz another man. Matth.
Thole that sonitemns their
; tE mpri
Neighbours, |
pꝓꝛooued.Mala.ↄ io.
Tee ought not to Defame ent neighbour,
Ecclus, 19.8. 10.
Dowe ro repzoue out neighbour. Ecclus.
39.17, Leu 19.17
Dee is out neighbour, that needeth oue
helpe Luiro, 30,t0 38.
Euerp man muft pleale his neighbour itt
that that is goon toedification Roma,15.2.
‘3.02 10.24.
Loue of our neighbour fulfiiler) the Law.
Rom i3.8,9, 10.
God thzestneth veFruction ontop Jetwes
euill neighbours, that trouble them. jerem.
@ neighbour neere ig better then abzas
- ther farce off. Pꝛou. 27. 10.
Mea/t. The Tawe fo him that ſindeth a
bitos nealt.Deut.22.6,7.
To fet mang neat on high. Haba.a. 9.
Net. he parable of the dzaw net. Matth.
%3.47,00 51.
Che nce of God, what. Ezek 12.13, and
47.20,an0 32.3. Wele.7.12, and net of man,
what- Dab.1,16.Dol.3-1.
New, The Hltaelites erected new gong.
- Deut.32.17.
Cozifiang mulk be new creatures, Gale.
02-5 +17.
Newe heaueng, and newe earth. 2.5 eter
3 13. —
si —5*2 of life is the Spitit. John 3.6.
. Wee ought to walke in newneſſe of life.
Rom.6.4, Acts 3.26. and 20,21. Dal.5.17.*
phel.g.r. and-5.1,t0 21. Lol.3.1,* 8.16,
20.* 1.Ohel.4.3,te 13. 1. Pet.i.2 3. and 2.9,
to 13. 1. John 2.3,t07.
Go ſerue Gob in newneſſe of pirit. Rom.
7 6.
Wee muſt put onthe newe man. Epheſl. 4.
The New Ceſtament. Heb.8.8,10,* anu
£0.16,17.Qen.3-15.W at, 26,28.
HPaul an able miniſter of the New Teſt a⸗
ment 2. Cor · 3.6.
The Newe commandemeut. r. John 2, 3.
and page:
Next of kinue, looke Cuftome,
| Neyeth. Euery man neyeth after
neighbours wife. Jere.5. 8.
I Nigzardneffe,looke Couetouſneſſe.
Aight. The parable ot him that came to
“Dozrow bead ef bis friend at Midnight. Hu.
11.5,to 08.
The night wag creates bp the worde of
God. Gen-1.5.
Joleph by night fenne into Egppe with
Chik and Warie.Wat.2. 14.
The fhephearts watchen their flockes bp
gight.du.2.8, 4
Anna ſerued Gop night and vay. Luke 2.
36,37. :
Peter trausilen all night, and could get
nothing. Lu.5.5.
Nicedemus came to Chait bp night. Joh.
The night commeth when no man can
worke. John 9.4.
JE anp man walke in the night, He Aims
bleth and thp. John rr: ro,
The Angel bp night opened the milon
Thefecond Table.
toores ana brought the Apoſtles forth. Act.
912.and 12.6,to 11.
The night ig paſt, and the vay ig at hant.
Rom 3.12.
We are childzen of the day, and not of the
nighter -Thell.s.5. ⸗
Night diuided inte watches. Watt 14.25.
and 24.43. Lu.12. 38.
Night otherwiſe diuided. Mar. 3.35. and
14.30.locke Day.
I Nobilitie vefilen bp prine and foolifpnes.
Numbred. Che Iſtaelites meete foz warre*
None put fog very few.i. Coꝛ.2.8.
Nouriſhment, loohe Foode and Meate.
Nofe lobke Eares.
Nour/e. Naomi noutced Ruths chilve.
KRuth 4.260
Maothers ought tonource their owne chil-
Dzen.2, Eſs 8. 10.2. Mac. 7. 27. looke Sucke,
€ Nature leg Correction and Diſcipline.
Obedience Gon moze eKeemerh, then all
Cacrifices, g whp.t.Qoam.15.22,23. Eccles.
4.17. Hole.6.6. ete. 722,23.
TUe vught to obey the voice of God. Eto.
15.26, Deut.30.30.
The people pzomiſed to obey Gods voice.
Biefling pzomifed ta thole that obey God
Denti 1.276
Dail is retected of Gov, becaule he obey- W
ed not.1.Hant.28,08,
Tee ought to bee obedient to thole that
helye to aduance the Goſpel. 1. Coꝛ. i 6.16.
Chꝛiſt obeyed his Fathers will onto the
Death.Deb,5.7.8.JOvil.2.8-bp whale obedi-
ence we ate made righteous Rom.s5.19.*
TUe ought to be obedient chilozen.i.JSet.
THe ought rather to obey Gov then men, `
Acts 5. 29. and 4.1 9,
Paul pꝛoueth the Cozinthiang obedience.
2.Q03.2,9.and reiopces thereat.2.Cozmnth.7
13,14, 15. Mia
Obedience dite to parents, CErod. 20.12-
* ‘Lenita 9:3 Deut.5.16.Cobig. 3.
Chik obeyed his mother ana ſuppoſed
father alfo,HLu.2.51.
Me ought toobey thofe that baue theo-
ucrlight of vs. Deb.1 3.17. vpon paine of er-
communication, 2. Theſſ 3.14.
TUeought too bey Magiſitates. Exe,22.
28.iRont.13.1,t0 7. Deut 17 8,to0 14.
The chilozen of Iſt ael were obedient to
Joſhua.Deut· 349. Folh.1.16,17.
Abzahams obedience pzaifen of God. Ge.
The Gentiles. obeyed the Gofpel. as
foohe as thep heard it preached. 2, Samuel
Obedience of the Rechabites pzailed anv
rewarded Sere.35.6.*
How God and his word muft be obeyed
befoze ali things, and what profit we reape
therebp. Gen, 12.4, * and 67.1, *and 26,2."
QELOD.8.4 5.8 19.5.7 22.32.* Leui. 20. 22.
-@ 26.354." Deut.q. 1. “GE 7.0.8 11.27. E13. |
4%. 18.9." 24-8,9." ¢ 27.10."and 28.1,t0
E fe Joſh · 22.2. 1. Dam, 12.893" King. i10.
6.* 2.Coꝛ.7.12.* 9920.1.8,9." and 15,31."
Jla 48.17." ann 5 5.357. Jervem.r1. 37." ana
17.5 ,743,22.* Dan.3.17.* Dol.13.1,t08.
Ceciugs.35.1.* 2 Wac.7.1,6."WBatth.4-19,
to 23.an0 7.21." and 8, 27. and 9.9. and 15.
35." and 17.24." and 33,3. Luk.s.4,to12.
and 10.3,¢0 21. John 2.7,t0 1 1.3Romet 6.19.
1.O0befl 4.3.* and 5 10*
Oblations, looke Offerings,
Obligation looke Handwriting, eal
Objtrwate. Defituction of the obftinate ig
Prophelted. Esek.6.11.* Jerem. 7.15516,
and a7.27. and 19,2, 00 10.Iooke Harden any
Stiffenecked, ;
Occasion. Ft came of the Lone, that
Santon fought an occafion againk p bie
liſtims. Juog, 14.2,4. i
Sinne tooke occafion by the commande:
ment, ant wzought ec. Rom.s.8. ;
' JOdour. God will no: fmel the ſauour of
R ltueete odours, that mlobep him, Leui.
>G Offend. Tee ought not to offend out
Meake bzotbet foz meates (ake. Rom, 14.20,
31. 02 gtue him occalion of falling. 1.€02.8.
2.* and 10.32.
Chailt foretolde his Dilciples that thep
fhoulo bee offended bp bim. Matth 26. 31
WDar.14. 27.
jeter twag an offence to Cheik. Matth.
Chik willeth bs to beware of offence.
BWatth.18.6,t0 10.
© Baul ts tementen in ſpirit foz the offen-
Ces of othet.2.Loz.11.29.
Iot to be offended fog perlecution. John
16.1 ,16 4,
„Some of Chꝛiſtes diſciples offended at
bis preaching. John 6.6165 66,
Che Pbatiles were offended in hearing
appp are they that are not offended
Chit, Bates ya : , g
The Nazarites offended twith Cheiſt, and
twh. Wat. 13.57 War. 6.4 Luk.4.22,24.
The godly are an offence to the wicker.
Exod 10..
TA hatfoeter doeth offend bg, we ought te 2, to 18. Deut, 7.253,4,5,
16,25,26. AND 13.6.* Warth.s.29,38. ant
ris 2,t027. War.9.42,t0 48. Rou. 6,17,
—— Done without leanen. Leui.s. 15,
The offering foz finne dane by ignozance,
FQuM.15.24,t0 30. Leuit.4. 2.*
All meate offerings muf be feafoned with
falt-Leutt.2 13 ;
Offering of beafts. Leuit.3.1.* i
. The offerings of the princes at the dedica⸗
tion of the Tabernacle um 7.2.4
Offrings of eucrp folemne feat pap. Rum.
28.2,* and of the 8. fir papes of tye 7. mos
Bod elle emeth not the offerings of the oba
inate. Tere.14.12.celug. 34.18,
-, Chalk was offered once foz vs Deb.7.27,
and 9.26.an0 10.12,
The pure offering of the Gentiles. Wala.
Te ought tooifer vnto Gon onely Ero,
©. N GE
22.20 Leuit 17.3, to 10.
Wee ought not ta ofter dito Bod anp bile
thing-Wal.1.8, 13,14 looke Sacrifices.
Office of anp man maketh nor bis pzapet
02 faccifice acceptable to Gov. Wal.1.9.
F Oynting Oyle. Exod. 30.2352 10 34. looke
Anoint. 1 fom ‘
§ Older Teltament abolithen witha bzikks
Pieſthood. Meb.8.3,13.1o0ke Teltament,
DE Eli his houle fhoulde newer dee olde
mane Sam 232.
Olde Adulterer, looke Adulterer.
Che olde man pig perlon. ig to Bee honou ·
rep, Leu.i9.3 2, E
The olde in vnderſt anding Hal flourith in
the Church. Jla.65 20,
The olde wap the bek mape Tere.6.16.
Olde commantement, teg Loue.
Old man with bis workes we ought to put
off.Zol. 3.9. and crucife, and why. Roman,
Oline; The olive refulea toreigne euer
othertrees.Jutg-99- `
CUild Olives ingraffen, ought not to boat
soni the natural! banches. Ronm iig
87,10: 3
One heart any one wap erpounded. Jere.
3239-6 7ek.11.19.and 39,25,27.
Be we Jew or Deectan, men oz woman,
alare onein Chꝛiſt. Dal. 3.28.
Chik pzaxeih his Father, that all the
Faithfull Mouin be one. John 17.23.
Gil coat beleeucd iwere of one heatt and:
one ſoule. Acts 4 32.
Oxely. Hod ig our God onely Dent 32.39.
Whe Lost only og alone ied the Iſraelites.
Wet. 32.12.
Hod onely deliuered out of tribulation. t. 19. gouerneth all things.2 Eſdr. 6s.
6.í3 onely good. Lu.18.19.0nely wife, Rom.
16 only tobe ſexued and feared. Deut.
10.20.800 6. 13. Wat 4.20.
Chill the onely begetten lonne of the fas
ther. John .14 and 3-16. and 1. Joh . 4. 3.
Onely beleeue Luke 8.50. ©
The elect onely beleene. Acts 13.48.
© Open. Eliſha papet God to open the
epes of his enemies. 2, Rin 62o;
> Clee ought to open our hand to gur pooze
bethere Deut.15.8.
-i Gov opened the wombe of Leah. Senekis
Pauls moth was open tothe Cozinthi⸗
ang.2:092.6.11.iLcoke Mouth.
Operations of the Dolp Gholk are diners,
ana dinerily beſtowed .1. Cot. 12. 6,to 12.
Oppertesmtie looke Time,
‘Oppre fe. Thow Halt not oppreſſe thp bzo⸗
ther-dbenit. 19.13. A
Samuel an vpꝛight Judge, and neuer op ·
preſſed aup. s, Sam.i 2. 3.4,5.
‘Ione comfort the oppreſſed. Eccles a. 1.
Again oppreſſion. John 5.8, 9.and Wal.
3. 5.looke Wrongs,Defraud,and Viurie,
Opprobrious Gee that isaccafiamed ta op-
probrioustgcech, wili nener bee refozmed.
Ecclus2 3.15. A
-O Ordezaed onto eternall life. Acts 13.48,
— Order Aithings ought te hee pone honeſt·
toand dy order: w. oz: 14.40.
Hezekiab befage he Died was wnilleso pR
The fecand Table.
bis boufe in an order, 2-Rings 20,1. which
was Denied to Alctinus.1. Wac.9.55.
Aditophel put pis houle in order, and han⸗
gen himſelte.ꝛ. Sam. 17. 23.
Ot the land where is none order, looke
Deer things will J (et in order, when T
Ordinances. tee Abolith.
Df pubitke ordinances. J9z0.16.05.
Again wicked secrees and ordinances.
Organs tnuenteD.@en.4. 21.
Origina/d inne fee Sinne,
Orphanes {ee Fatherlefie,
J Oftrich,¢ of bisnature, Job 39,17, t0 22
Jothe. Gow hat) kepr hts Othe with the
peiieritie of Abzabam, Izhak, aud Jaakob.
Deut.7.1, 8. Goh.,t0 76. as
pe promiled. Gen.15.18.ana 26.3,
Izhak and Abimelech tocke an othe each
of orier.@enel. 26.28.29,31. odie Jaakob,
and ilaban. Gen.3 1.50.
Powe Abzabam tooke an othe of his ler:
Wane. Gen, 24.2,t0 9.
Saul bound the Iſt aelites withan othe.
1, Qaim, 14.24.
Saul faten the ochemavde to the Gibe-
onites.2. Sam. 2.2.
Othes areto bee petfoutmed. Runberg
Then the Judge thal take an othe, ren.
22. 10, 11.
An othe isthe ende of all Arife. Hebze. 6.
God bound himlelfe with an orhe Hebz.6.
17, 16Iſa.54.9, 10.
Othe abufes. Watth. 23. 10.* and 26. 63,
72. Dat.6.26. Acip 23.12.
Jeter with an orhe aus curing , denped
he knew dhik. Mat.⁊6.72574 Pat. 14. 66,
Herods rafh othe, Watt.14.7,9.
Shimei put to deach foz beeaking his
othe.1 Bing. 2.36,37,42,”
Toe chieke of Hirael in che name of the
reſt, receiue d an cu to walke in Doves law,
Meh. io.29.*
Diuers formes of othes. Gene 22, 56. and
43.25.4110 47:31. 1. Kin.i9.2. Judeth nTa.
Foske itt Periurie anu Sweare.
€ Oe looke Loue.
Outward, loske Appearance.
Outward man.2.Goz 4.16.
J Oxe what gorth, what Halbe done there
with. Etod ar 2835 36.
Tie offering of oxe vz binlocke. Lenit 3.1.
Haul hemed apoke of oxen in pisces, anv
Wyp. Dam. i7.
-The oxe onghenst ta be maalete, that
tre adeth out the cote Denig. 25.4,1.202.9,
The Jewes might vate the leh efren.
Oxen inthe Tempie, vnder the melten
Sia. 1 Rings 7.23.24, 25.2. Chronicles 4.
g Oyle locke Debts.
She halp oyle Exo 30.23, to 26.
The mouth of a Brange woman moze foft
then oyle W930. l ài
i p * 3 —
J Pasified, owe God map bee pacified.)
an.4 24, i;
Painted, Jezebel painted her face.2. Wind
Palfe healed bp Chzik. Watth. 9.256,71
anv bp Peter Acts 9.33,34. 2°
Aicimas being friken with the palfie that?
de could not {peake, died milerably. s,ABaccd
Parable of Mathan toDauid, 2-Bant. 1244
1,to 5.ofthe Thiſtie and Levar, 2.€h20,254)
18 of Bods binepard the Jewes. Plais .7.08
thetins Egles. Ezekiel 17. 3.7:* of the (eer)
Ding pot, and Ezekiels mife being Dead.)
Ezek. 24.3, 16.
Jeus take nothing to che multitude
without Parables, and whp. Watth.13.1 3.
peia beeerpounden to bis Dilciples. verſe
The Parable of childzẽ piping in the mite!
ket place, Mat.i 1.1 6,to 20, DF the vñcle ane
ſpirit that returneth worſe then be went out.
CWatt.12.43,44,45. Dé the lower. Matthew
13.3. Ot the tarcs. berle 24,25. DE the
gtaine of muſtard Leene, verfe 31. DE the
leauen. wetle 33 Of che trealure wv. ber.44,
Dé the precious pearle verſe 45,46. DE the
Data net verſe 47,t051. DE the Oublicane
and Eharilie Luke 28.9, to 15. DE the two
Lonnes. Matthebo 21.28, OF the figge tree.
WMatth.24.32. DE the theefe. Datth.24.43-
Of the talents Watth. 25, 15. Di the tenne
vitgings.DBatrh.25.1,t0 14. DE the Damaris
tane. duke so, 30 to 38. DF the rich mat,
Lu. 12,.16,t022.F the fruitlefle firme tree.
Lub,13.6,te10, Of the paodigall fone. Lu.
15.11," Of the feward.dnk.16.1,t09. OF
the wicked Junge and the widow. Luk. 18r
to 9. Di the caunie light. Matth. 5.15. Luke
11.33, Df the boule built opon the fande.
Watth.7.26. DE the lot peepee. Wath. 18.2.
Df the pumercifull ferian- Matthew 18.28.
DE the labourers inthe Bincpard. Datrhess
20.3. Di the vinepard hired foogth Gatthers |
24.33. DE the Ring that made the mariage.
Watth.22.2, Othe Fathfidl anv naughtie
leruant. Batthew 24.45 548 DE the feed chat.
groweth ann increalety. Darke 4.27.0f the}
importunate friend. dLub.11-5. DEF the ſtrong
manatmed Luke rr.21, and of the piece a
Riner loſt. Lu. i8. —
Mf the fignification of a Parable Lig: so.
Parables ate arke {peeches, lalm
ant 78.2. j I EAE A E
Parable fog Pꝛopheſte Mn. 23:7 fot a efi
Daba. 2. locke Pro uers
Pa⸗adſe vubnowen.2. Elde 7 looke E~
den in the fir’ Cable. S
Pardon looke Forgiue. ;
Many ſomet imes pardoned foz a fetogede |
Ip. Genel 18.24, 32. and 19,21. yea fol onee |
AgainffPardons and Burgatozie. Ffair
18 and 57.552. and 43.25.06 3¢h. 18.26273
28, Dol 13.14. Pſalm gs 1.7.antd 103, 11312;
Ecclelig.5 6. andre. 3,CUiUD. 3.15253. Cer
clus. 4.14, 16. Tobi 3.6. Matthew 7.1 3514+
and 5 48. Matk. 3 29: Luh. 16.2 3,26. and
23.42543546. John 3.08, 36, and 5.24, 39
and 17 24 Acts 7.5 9.oma.8.1, Hala 6-40.
J Phil
A M p A 8§
1,23. 1. Thefſ.a. 1 3.2. Timo. 4.7,8,
Deb.9.14,27, 1. John 1.7. Rea. 14.1 3. looke
Parentage. Now in old time was executed
the right of Parentage. Juth 4.1,7.
Parents mult bee honoured, obeped , and
helped Exsd.20.12,Deu.5. 56.96 phe. 6. 1, 2.
Me ought not to cutſe nog ſmite our pa-
rents. Exo 21. 15, 17.
Thole that defpile their parents, are led
‘RAptines. Eze 227.10, 15.
Parents ate commanded to Hew their ehit
ohs tpaannts- Exo.13. 8,14 15.
Parents and childzens duetie toberein it
conſiſteth Plal.78.5,6,7, 8 Toake Facher and
Parifhioners muſt renner double honour to
their ſpirituall Fathers.c. Timothie 5. 17,
48.1.Copinid). 4.1, 15. and be carefull left che
ſeed of Gons-wogde vee vnfruitkull in them.
Mat. i 3.3, 10,18,34." looke Children ana
Partakersof Chilis ſufferings. 1. Det.4.
Mee are mave partakers of Chrift, if wee
perſiſt in kaith Deb. 3 14.
~ Partridge. Saul hunted Dauid, ag ene
hunteth a Pareridge, 1, Dam. 26.20.
The couctousrelembled tg Partridges. Je:
Pafion of Chath. Zech. 13.7. Matth. 26.
4 as
7 Pafzoucr celebzated anu kept onder Ez⸗
Ba. desta 6.19,20, d
TChen, with what oder, and what oblati⸗
OMe the Paleouer was celebzared. Exod. 12. 29. and 13,.3,00 48. and 23.15. and 34.
38. Deut.1 6.1. 3¢. 45.18.23. 000 Cheiſti⸗
ans mult keepe the fealt of Paſſeouer. 1. Coz.
Joſeph anv Warp went peerelp to Jerula·
Jem at the Paficouer. ILuk.2.41,
Chꝛiſi kept bis paſſeouer with his diless
piles GBat.26,17,18, 19.
— Dur Paleouer Telus Chrifi was facrifi-
ged foz bA- Cor· 5.7,
Wee muf alwapes continue the memozi⸗
all of tbe Paffeouer, Epo.1 2.14.
Me ought to eate ihe Paflzouer, howe anv
Where. Exod, 12 43,44,45- j
Whe tolemnitie of the Pafeouer ig com
manden, Leu.23. 2, 5.
= The Paſſeouer commanded to be celebra⸗
ted againe, aud the puniſhment of rhe nepie:
cters thereof. Mum.o.2, 5. 13 .
The Pafeoucrkept bp Joſhua. Jou 5.9,
to. Bp Desekiah. 2. Chao. 30.1.” Bp Joſiah.
3 Thin, 23.21,22,23. and no Paffeouer from
panturla Dapegkept like hi¢..2.Q bron. 35.
Paftime. De that ioveth pakime,fhall bee
apooꝛe 1aR-]P20.2.1,17.looke Play.
_ Paflor. Chait the chiefe Paflor pꝛomiſed.
30.36.35 26. Jer 23. 5.*
arak falle Paſtors which fenuce$ peas
le. Jere.2. 10. and featter and delirop the
eepe of Gods paſture. Jer. 2 3. ita 5, looke
Watchmen Bifhops,and Shepherds,
Paticace. Gon ia the GodofVarience ana
men how thep were delineres from Pharta⸗
Thefecond Table. ~
Get bp his patience and long fuffering,
leadeth voto repentance.Rom.2.4.
After Gods iong patience commeth his
wrath Rem.9.22.2. pet.3.9,15.
The Prophets are (et befoze bs fog eram-
ples of long patience. Jam 5.10.
Whe patience of Job € Tobit. Job 2,10.
Wob.2,10.and 3.2.
The praife of patience }H30.16 32.
Tee ought tobe patient, not feeking tes
nenge.. Thel.5. 14, 15. Col 1. 11.
Leue is patient. 1.802. 13.4,7.
Cheiſtians haue neede of patience, and
why Deb. 10. 36.
Faith being exerciſed with alflictions en⸗
gendereth paticuce Rom.5.3. Jannai. z. and
patience experience. Ram..4.
aul retopceth of the Bheflalontans pa-
tience.2.@ vel. 2. 4. and ſuſfered perlectiton
himſelfe patiently.1.@02 4.11,12,73.
Dut patiencemult be made perfect thrꝛough
good wakes. Vain.1.3,4. i
Tabo bring forth good frnit with patience,
Luke 8.15. 3
Aduerſitie in pouth traineth bs vnto pati-
ence, Lam.3.27,
Bp pour patience pr flefle pour own foules.
Luk.21. 19.
Dair patient minds ought to be knowen to
all men, {9btl.4.5,
Patriarke expounded. ib.7.4.
The Putriaikes came of the Jewes. Rom.
Jaakob begate the twelue Patriarkes Qct.
r DE the Patriarke Danit. Act.2. 29.
© Peace de with pou o; omiopou, a kinde
of (aiutation. 1. Samu.25 6. Geneſis 43,23.
Judg. g 20. Luk. 24.36. John 29.19.
Goe inpeace, a kindeolleaue giutng.1.
Derma 17. Luk.7.50.and 8.48.
God id the author of peace. 1.Obel. 5.23.
1.Qozinth. 14. 33. Roma.15.3 3. and Cheiſt
is our peace, and preacher thereof. Epheſ. 2.
Peace fo? reconciliation betiveen God and
man Act. 10 36. for quicenefle of conciente
Wuk. 2.149.102 fafe and ound- 1. Lozin. 6a,
foz true iop and felicitie Matt. ro in z. Luk. i.
79.and 19.42. 24. 36. Joh.i 4. 27. ROM 0.7.
and 8.6,
Paul exhozteth the Cozinthiand orto
peace,2.Qo2. 13-11.
THe ought to haue peace with allmen, as
mich ag lieth in bs Rom 2.18. Ephe. 42.
Hebr. 1 2. 14.1. Pet.3. 11.2. Tim.2.22.
Moles would hane Let peace between two
Hebꝛewes. Exod 2.13.
Paul wiſheth to all Chziſt ians peace Ro.
15.1 3 Eph. 1.2.3. Heel 3.16.
TUee oughtropzap vnto God foz peace.
Num.6 26.
Hezekiah reicyxyceth that hee ſhoulde eniop
peace in bis Dapes.2. Rings 20. 19,
Peace betweene Salomon and Hiram. rə
Rings 5.12,
Peace in Iſtacl all Salomong vapeg: 1.
Chr 22 9.1. Rin.4. 24
The Lozd gane peace to the Iſraelites in
Joſhua his dapes. Joh. 22.4
Peace in the Chutch. Actes 9.31. Vaice.
Then men ſhall fap peace, (adpen deſtrue⸗
tion fall come. .T het. 5.3.
Jf peace bee offered a citie and accepten,
it mait be lpared, Deu, 20,210,115,
Iltael forbidden to make peace with Mo»
ab and Ammon, Deu.23.6.
Gideon calien bis Altar, The peace of the
L oD. Judg.s 24.
The Lozde promiſed peace ro his people.
Hoſ. 14 4.*
Peace of beart bp Jelug Chziſt. Plalm.a6.
Peace inthe Church. Iſa.s6 12.
Peace in heater , and glozie in tue highelt
places.iLukir9.38 in
Elzie to Ged, and peace inearth, fee
The faith oF Cozik bzingeth peace of rows
Ube peace of Chali paſſeth alt onverfan:
Bing. Phil 4.7,
Terufalem knew not what belonged to her
peace.Lu.iꝰ 42.
The peace of God ought to rule inoue
Hearts. cLol.3.15.
Peace on the houſe of thele hat receiue
Gove minifiers.Qat.r0.13,
The doctrine of Chik bzingeth peace to
thole that fuffer afflictions. Yob.16.3 3.
Chr lett peace among his vilcipler.Foh.
Samuel was alken if he came peaceably,
1. Sam. 16.4,
Abzaham to bup peace reſigned His right
to his nephets.Gene 13.8. bs
Soleps bze thzen couid not (peake peacea⸗
bly to him, and whp. Gen 374.
‘Be peaceable. 1. Chel in,
Peacemakers the chiſdren of God. Watth..
The inward peace betweene Gov and the
beleewing bp € piti. Tfai.z 2,0 6.g 9 2,t0 By
and 11.1. Dof.2.18,*and Mich. 1.4.* Feche
9.9." i u.24.25,t0 50. Joh.a 37 and 16.33%
anI 22.419. Acts 10.36,
Peculiar. Chyiftians-a peculiar people, an’
help Nation.1, ct. 2.9. Cit.s.14. looke Pre-
Pehcane vnlawknll foz the Jewes to eate
of. Deu, 14.17.
Penance. toke Amendement,
Pence Due being foꝛgiuen 1oooco.talents,
ee not fozgiue an hundzed pence. Matth.
Tto pence giuen tothe Holle to relieue
the wounded man. Lu.10.35.
Pennie, & mealure of wieste foz a pennies.
MF the lof pennie. Lrg 8.
People, Gov hath net cad away Hid people
which he knew before Rom.s 1,2.
Tmo manner of people in the wombe of
Rebekah. Gen.25.23.
Bod tooke the chiivzen of Viral, te be big
people. g£r0.6.7.Dew.4.7.1. Din.8, 51.
Bod appointed a place for his people Fl,. 10. AML
Traci promileththat thep will bre Gong
prople 2 RINGAN 7.
; Tie
The people remained at the foot of mount
Sinai Exod.i 9.21.
The people murmured in deſpaire ofen:
tring into the land of promile, Mum.i 4.i 2.
end 13.32."
The people of Canaan not all uekropey,
but maae tributaries. Jusg.1.27,30,33.*
The wickednefic of the people. Esek.22,
29. Who neither tegatded Won nog his Woy.
The people of the land, what tyzannie
thep ole. &3ck.22.29.
Bods people are alwapes charged with
seach of lawes, and Diminiffing peinces
profits. EF. 3.8.
Two manner of people Gov abboꝛteth.
Eccius 50.25 ,26.
Df Gods people, fee Church.
Perfect ig the wozke of the mightie Gon.
Jfrhou wilt be perked , (eli that thou hafi,
gc. Matth · 19. 20,2 1.
TWholoeuer ſinneth notin wozd , ts aper-
fe& man. Jam.3.2.
Perfe& in Chꝛiſt Felus.Col-r. 28.
THee ought te bee pertect as onr Heauenlp
Father is perfect. Warth.5.43,
Paul erhozteth vs to perfection. Heb.é.1.
1.402. 1-10.
The Lawe could bring nothing to per-
fection. Debd.7.19,
Perfume. Ehe confection oz making of the
perfume. Exod.ʒo.34,35.*
Perill, ee Danger,
Periurie forbidden. Lenit. 19.12.
AgainG Periurie, ontrueth, light and falle
othes. Er0.8.8,15 ,25,28,32. 2 9.27,28,34,
35. 20.7. Leu 5-1,4- 24. 11330 17 LDA. 4
6,to 18. 1. Kin.8.31,32. 2. Chꝛ. 36 13. Dole.
4.2.5¢00-§ .4-€ 3.17. Bal.3.5. and 4 1. Ec⸗
clus. 23.9,10, 11, AND 27,14. 1 Mac. 6 61,
62.and 7.15,16. RUD 1 1.9,t0 19.813.43, t9
49. 2. Mac.4.7.* an’ 12.3,4. Matt.5. 3410
38,¢ 26 69.* Wark. 6. 23, to 30.look¢ Othe,
and Swearing.
Pearle, Cee Parable,and Swine,
Perfecuion commeth by Govs appoints
ment. Stal. 39 9.* aud therefoze we are ate
med agatn the fame. Watt 10-17.” and 24.
9,13. John 5. 18, 30," and 16.1,32.*.
Taho fo willliae govip in Cork , Hall fuf-
fer perfecution. 2 Gim.3.12.
Thom perfecution withpzawerh from the
true profeflian of Bods mad. War.4 17.
‘Being perfecuted in one citie , wee map
flee to another. Waith. ro. 23.
The mintiers ef Boos word ought not te
feare perfecution an3 bobp.Matih 10.28.
The Lom seliuered S. Paul from many
rfecutions. 2.@im.3.11.
Paul fured perfecution patiently. 1.02.
4.12.4 tbe Loi deliaercd bim. 2. Tim. 3. 11.
Blelled are thep tbat luffer perfecution
fog righteoufne fle. Matth. 5. 10.
Great perfecution again# the Church,
Fets 8.1.1. Betre
Cte ought to pzap foz thole that perfecute
vs. Mat.5 44. Rom.12.14, 1. Co24. 12, 13.
Gods iudgements bpon Perſecuters. A⸗
maos 7.17.
The Wzophets complaine againk wicked
The ſecond Table.
perſecuters of the iuf, Dabak, 1.1.” 3. fz.
16.6 2. 2.*
A prayer againfi theſe that pafecute the
Church. Eccius. 36.1, to 18. lee Affliction,
and Tribulation,
Perfeuere in the faith. John 15.4.
God will confirme the faithfull in perfe-
uering vnto the end.x. Coꝛ.i.s.ſte Continue,
and Endure,
- Perfons, Me ought not to hauereſpect of
perfons tn iudgement. Leuit.19.15.Deut.s,
17. ND 16.19. 20.24.23.
God receinethall fuch as obey his wowe,
without regard of perfon. Fjla.56.3,t09.
Ged accepterh no mang perfon. 1, Sam.
16.7. Actes 10.34. Ephel. 6.9. Job.34,19.
Miſ.s.7. Ecclus.35.12,1 3. Rem.2.11.Gale
2.6. 01.3.25. 1.JPete1.27, Deut.10,17, 2.
Ehz 19.7.
IRo reſpect of perfons among Chziftiang.
James 2.1, te 22, looke moꝛe. Pꝛo. i d.g.and
28,21. Matt 22.9, 10,39. Rom. 10,12,13.
Peféslence thzeatned to thoſe that difobep
Gads Law. Leuit. 26.25. Deut, 28. 21, 1.
Gings 8.37. fee Blafting.
Danid of three plagued chole the Pefti-
lence, and tebp. 2 Sam 24.13, 14, 15. which
cealed, when be bad lactificed, berle 25. Dee
Per faded, X man thzougblp perfwaded
in traeth, ought tobee ſtedtaſt therein. z.
Tim. 3.14.
S Pharife. aul was a Phariſe Act.⁊ 3.6
That the bhariſes and Sadduces Bier
in, Acted 23.8.
The Pharifes were blinde. Fob-9.39,40,
The Pharifes wouid haue none to beleeue
in Chꝛiſt Fobn.7. 48.
The Pharifes ano Scribes taught the
people witheat authozitte. Gat.7.29. Luke
4-32. War.1.22.
The Pharifes reproue Chꝛiſt and bis Apo-
files, and why. Batth.g.11,14. and 22.1,2.
Duke 5.33.
The Pharifes confult howe thep might ve:
Hrop Lhit. Matth. 12. 14. and give charge,
that tfanpman knewe where pee was, bee
fhould betay bim. John 11.57.
The Scribes andPharifes Gt in Woles
chaire. Datth. 23.2,3
The Pharifes fent officers to appꝛehend
Chut Zohn 7.32.
A Phavife bate Chrikto sinner. Luke 7.
The Pharifes aftra the man that mag
bome blinde, bos hee had receiues his fight.
Jobn 9.15,17.
The Pharifeanv Publicane pzap in the
Tempie. Luke 18.10, tors,
Whe Pharifes Sadduces are called ge-
nerations of vipers. Matth.3 .7. bppecrites
and ferpents. Watt.7.5.¢23.13,33- theenes
and robbers. John 10.8.
The Pharifes are rebuked by Chꝛift. John
8.7. bp Steuen. Actes7.51,52, by Paul.
Actes 23.3.6. Phil. 3. 2.
The Phariſes mocke Chriſt. Luke 16.14.
Pihsals o} pots fog the Temple. :.Chz0.4,
— ought to bee taken heede of,
Folz. ,
Phyfician eught to bee henouted, aud Wipe
Ecclus 38.1, t0 9, f
Phyficians couid not heale the Romans
bloody flire. ABarke 5.25,26. |
Gla fought net to Ged, but te Phyficians |
in bie ſickeneſſe. 2.402 16.13,
& Pitie, lee Godlinefle,
Piller. @ cloudie Pillar bp vay ,anda Getp |
by night, Directed the Iſtaelltes. Exo.i 3.2
HQum.i4.14. DEN, 133. Plal.78,14. 1,053.
10.1, "s
God appeared to Moſesa in the pillar of g
cloud. Deut.3 1.15.
The pillars of the Tabernacle: Eron, 27.
10. 11.
Che two pillars of bꝛaſſe foz the Temple,
and fozme ot them, 1.SRing.7.15,41. S
James, Cephas, and Fon were counten
pillars in rhe Eburch. Gal-2.9.
Piped, {ee Parable,
Puch, He that toucheth pitch, hall bee de⸗
fied therewith. Ecciug 13.1.
Pitchers of the 300, men that were with
Gideon. Fudg.7.16.*
Pit, fez Digge.
Lora, ac. went Downe quicke into the pite
FAnm. 16.30, to 34.
Pitie, Deter witled Chꝛiſt to pity himſelſe
99 at.1 6.22. {ee Mercie and Compafiion.
E Place. Rot lawii foz the Hewes tooks
fer in euerp place. Deut.12.5,t0 15.
Plazues, fee Amendment.
Plagues ate lent foz contemning Geng
wod and preachers. Jere.29.18,19,
Gon plagued the Egpptians, that thep
might learne that be was the onip true Gon,
Er9.7.8* ¢ 8.5." 9.1." ¢ 10.10% 812.0.
Plagues fent bpon the bifobedtent. Dette
28.15.* fee Curfes, and Blafting,
No end of plagues to the euill man. Pꝛou.
Jn all plagues Gob referueth a remnant,
to — the caule of bis puniſhment. Ezek
It is a plague foz arichman not tohaue
a liberal heart. Eccles 6.2.
Co know rhe plague in our owne heart , ig
to confeffe our lelues ſinnets. 1.ikin.8.38,
Played. The Iſtaelites played befoze the
golaen calfe. Erod.32,6,19.
Samfon played befoze the Philiſtims.
Juog.s 6.25 ,26,37.
Dawid, and others played on infiruments
befoze the arke. 2.Sam.¢. 5. |
Dauid was a cunning playeron an harpe
1. Bam. 16.16, 17, 18,2 Jand a weet Giger. |
2.Sam 231.
Manllaughter counted a play with loule
Diers. 2.Sam.2.14,15,16,
Plamed, God planted the Garten of E-
Den. Gen,2.8.
God planted Ffrael in the mountaine of
big inheritance. Exod 15. 17.
Gos promileth to plant his people , shat
thep Hall moue no moze. 2.Sam.7.10,
He that plantethabvinepard, map eate of
the fruit. 1.€02.9,.7,to 15.
Paul planted, ¢ Apollos watered. 1. Coz.
Euery plant which heauenly father bath
not planted, ſhelbe rooted bp. Wat.15.13.
J2 Safari
Ballard plants fhall take no veepercote,
ana top. Mild. 4 3.455
~ Plate. The plate koꝛ the holy crowue wa
pure gold. Exos 39. 30. and fer bpon the
Fozefrout of the iter. rod. 8.36, 37.
Pleafe. Samuet pleafed, ana was in fauoy
both with Goo and men. er. Sam, 3126,
Cavey man oug sete pleale his neighbour
in that chat ig goo to caiticatio. Rem.r 5.2.
CThole that goz abot ro pleafe inert, feruz
tot Cuit. Gal.1.10.
© THitheut faith it is vnpolſible te pleafe
God Heb. 11.6,
+ God is wel plealed in bis Sonne.Matth.
3:17. aud 57.5. 2. Det. T.17.
The hirs pleaſe Gov. Eretta..
> Pleafure. All things created fog Gods
pleafiwe. Reuel. 4.11. fee RR.
Pledge. Jura) gene Qamat a Pledge.
Tien Pledges Hall be reſtored. Exod · 22.
THjat ought motto bee taken to pledge.
Deut.24.6, 17.
! Te map not take anvpledge bp violence,
no? ſſeepe Withit. Deut. 24. 10, 10414 looke
| Plentie i8 an argument of Idolaters, foz
theirteligion., «8,19. - *
VPenifulneſſe. Want of Plentifulneſſe, ig
* imputed to oar Aanes Dagge. 2.17,
Plow not with an Dre anvan Alle toges
ther. Deut'22.10.
| Plough, ‘Df bim that putteth bis hand to
the Plough, and looker) backe. Luke 9. 62.
looke Tillage.
Ppollaute. The o that aſfſer their childrzen to
Molech pollute the name of Goᷣd.Le 18. 21.
and 20.2 2, ſo doe the periured Lent.19.12.
Pollution comming by night, bow it wag
purged. Deut.ꝛ 10 ts.
Ehe Poole Betheſda. John 5. 2.
Penre among vs, and wy. Deut. s4 5 11
Matt 26. i1. John 12.8,
Mee ought not to turne outepe from the
poore. Cecclus.4.4,5,t0 9. bat be carefull of
Poem. Dent. rsg ytor, 2. €03.8.7,9.* an’
Lending te the poore, fee Lending.
He that floppeth his cates at che crie of
the poore, hall erie bimlelfe,g not be heard.
F202 1.75.
Baul laboured te relleue his ototte neceſ⸗
fitie, and other poore brethren. Acts 20.34.
- She reward of refieutig the pesze. War.
25.40. Luke 16.9,
See maht to bid the poore to our fealts,
ann tobp. Luke 14.1 3, 14.
God hath chofen the poore of the woꝛlde,
hich are rich in faith. Jam,2.5.
Te ought to gine to the poore cheerefal>
> BUD Whp-AMows.1 2.8. 3-Co2.9.7.
- Paul wasg willed im bis preaching tothe
entiles, to hee mindful of the poore at Je⸗
tfatem. Gal 2.9, 10,
Pauls care foz she poore Saints. 1.Co3,
Theliberelitp of thole of Macedonia axd
Achaia toward the poore Saiitg. Roman.
The fecond Table.
Poore mang pledge, fee Pledgee osu eo
Judges ought nor to relpect.cge tich, more
thenthe poore. Cpov.23.3. Leuit. t9.15. Hoz
ouerthzobe the rigat of the poore EX236.7.
The poore muft bee relieued, nat oppeet
fet. 132022133739, 16,22,
Araimik eppzofiogsof the poore: Ames 5.
Ei Ecclus.5.7.
Thicke magifirates regard. not poore
mers ſuites: bat bee thar daeth, histone
Halbe labliched 1920.29.2,457, 14,
The poore labourers pire muſt not be dee
tainen: Deut 24 14,05.
. Gap vapiceh che poore aut of the ult n
San.2.8. ane craſting the poore puniſheth
the hautie zSam . 22 28. hub. 048,510,525
The chtiagen atthe JSzophers were poore.
2 Kin s. 1. 2. le Bas tye wioow ot Farepharh
1. inggi 918 17.
Uite mapuot oppzeffe o2 mocke, but Hane
mercie on tye poere, anù typ. you. 14 je.
and 175.
The godly poore, better then the wicked
rich. Pꝛo.28 6. Dlal.37 16, 17 to 23
Ahat a poore man that oppecilerh the
poore, ts like. jszou.28, 3.
Gon hateth che pooze man that is proube.
Ecclus. 5.2.
Bielleo are the poore in ſpirit. Matt.5. 3.
Liike 6.20.
Che poore receiue the Goſpel of Chꝛiſt.
Elipa helped the poore. 3.Ling-4 1,t0 8.
He that bath mercre on the poore, lendeth
ponte the Loz. JH20.19.1 7. hall not lacke.
Pꝛou agaj i
Gos vexaraeth the poore. Fudg.6.15,16,
and is their Grengeh. Ufa.25.4.)
Poore and rich, vy nature berb alike. Mee
bemiah 5.5. Eccles.9.3. :
Tice are willed to bee liberall onto tke
poore, and topp: Eccies riir.
Mie anuk be content with ant Rate, hee tt
poose o2tich. Bhigi. ;
GZha:poore men God tegatdeth. Ja. 65.
2, fee Widow.
Ehe comfogt of poore men. WDark.10,28,
29,30. Ruse gi23; 1027.
Beiter is a poore wile childe then an ok
feck king, Eccles 4.73.
Posertie anv ame ta him that refuketh
infraction, Pꝛo. 13. 18.
Pouertie with the feate of God, is conse
menvable. 920.15.16,17-
De chat isfalien intopouertie, ought tobe
telieued. Leuit 25. 38. 36, 37.
The Philippiaas reiteued Pauls pouer-
tie, Dhil 4.10,14,16.* :
Jin p2olperitie thinke bpon pouertie. Œc-
clug.18.24 fee Competent,
Pouertie and riches are ofthe Loꝛd. Pꝛo.
14.31. Ececlus 11.14.
Thik his pouerty, Bait.8.20. Lube 2.7,
12,16, anvg9.58. ‘
Porch of Satomon, Acts 3.11. called the
great court. @ taken fortie Tem-
ple where Chꝛiſt preached. Qat.2z9.23.
Porters epbeined , Chꝛ. 26.1. *.
Portion, The Lows portion is pis peeple.
Deut.32.9. ;
Elkanah raue portions to his wines, and
ebilpzeit. e Samita i
P. (ble. Wf it be poflible, haue peace with
âli men. Rom 2.38.
Cbeiſt prayed that if it were poſſible, that
boure might paffe from bim. War. 14.35-
Šf it were poffible , the verp eteçt Houts
be deceined. Mat24:24. Werkeiz aa |
It it had been poble, pe would haue gi
uen me pour epig. Bal. 4:15.
GH chings are poflible to Gov. Genel.r8.
14. Math. 19. 26. and him that beleeueth.
Warke 9.23.
Pofteritie, woke Seede,
Pot. Ezekiel pꝛepated apot. Ezek.24.3.
ſee Phials.
Potter. iv are in the Lords hand, as clap
ín the potters. 3 er.18.6, Rom. gz
Power of God vanquifverh the enemie ·
not wozloip hetpes, Fla.31.8.9.* 3
Gad ts of power and might. Deut ro.17.
His power is not diminiſhed. Tla.50.2. Dee
wonin Hane i knowen toatl Vlas gunz. 3
linparee) reliliev, chat Gos power might
be knowen. Exod 9. 16.
All power path bee talten fram thoſe thet
Difebep Hon. Dert.28.3 2533. `
Wans Krength is onelp in the power of
God, a8 map appeare bp ]Denimmay e Pan=
nah. 1.Sam 2.9. and Samlon. Wavy. 16 208
Tee map not attribute our riches te the
power of our bandeg, bie to the mercie of
Gon. Hewt.8.17,18, TA
The Golpel is the power of Gor pnto fals
uation. Rom.1.16,
Whe preaching of the croſſe if the power
Bou. 1.02.1 18,
aul appzouerh bimlelfe a m'nifer of
Gad, bp b power of God.2.G02.6,4,7. which
was annexed to his preaching. 1.0 02.244,5.
{Dats bad power toedifcatton , net to dea
firuciton. 2 Coz.13.10. Mhich wzought in
him ughtilp. Cah ree9.
o ie are peſerued by the power of God,
onte fahuation. 1.1 et. 6.5.
Goss power is made perfect thugh
Wweakenefic. 2. Cor 12,9.
Gor minifiret} to os the power of his fpi-
trit bp faith. Galus. ;
. To hee endonet with power from on high.
Luke 24.49. 4
Nicanoꝛ truſſeth to big power, and Fue
Daz in Bod. 2.09ae.1§.25,26.
Hans anger ig accogvitig to his power.
Ecclus.a8. 10.
Tite ought not to burthen our ſelues aboue
our power, in keeping companp , and why,
Eccius 13.2, tors.
Powers. Sif powers ate oꝛd apned ef Gov.
Rom.r3.1. CG 6,3.
Wiee muf obep them foz conſctenee fake;
EC. Rom.1 3.5. r, Pet.2,.13, 14, 17. Titus 3.
r. Loske Kings, Princes, Iudges, any Mägi-
Prayer. Chik prayeth for hs, and ebtei⸗
neth whatfoeuer we alke in bis name, Fehn
Chꝛiſt prayeth fez the Apelties , e all that
foula beleene through their preaching. Job.
197.9,20.* and foz Peter, that bis faith
fhouto not faile. Lube 22.32.
Bekoze weepray , wee mak forgine, Ps le
God will not koꝛgiue ss. Marx.i i.25, 26.
Sy the eramples of the fonne ano the ime
poztunate Friend, Chꝛiſt exhoꝛteth vs to pray
in hope.Mat 7.7, to 13. Luk.11.5,t0 14.
Taree ought to pray with the ſpitit and bus
Berfkanbing, 1.02.14-15.
TUe know not what to prap as we ought,
but the ſpirit maker} requeſt fog b3-Ran.8,.
John Baptiſt taught bis vilciples to pray,
ann fo din Chik. Datth.6.5,9,to 16. Luke
a£1.1,0 §. .
The Canaanite woman prayed toChziſt.
Wat.15.22,t0 29. Dat.7.25,t0 34. j
Izhak prayedtothe Lozde to make pis
tife fruitful. Gen. 25.21.
Jaakob prayed Gon to deliuer him from
€lan.Gen.32.9,10,t0 13.
God heard the prayers of Leaband Rar
Hel. Gen.29.31. AND 30.6,22.
Dauid prayed Hod to pardon his ſinne.a.
Sam.24. 20. and to bleffe bis boule. Chapt.
7 Woles in prayer beleecheth God to Mewe
him bis glop. Ero. 3 3.18 ihat he might go
ouer into the lane of promile. Det. 3. 25, 26.
Eliiah prayed foz raine.r. ikin.18.42.
Dauid prayed that the countel of Ahitho⸗
phel might bee turneo into foolifhacs.2. Preacher. Jer. 18. 18.
TAhethet the people will heare o2 no, the
| Preachers muft (peake. Jere 7. 27 E3825,
£0 Fk.anD 3.9, 11,17. and 33.2, 18, 19.*
Centempt of Govs worde anv Preachers
plagued Jerem.29. 18, 19. The conttarp re⸗
ronmipenſed. Jerem 29.18,
Preachers muſt rebuke, not {latter ſinne.
T Zama.
The fecond Table.
That a Preacher ought to pzap fog Col.
Ther that beare not Gods Preachers, ate
tiot of God.a. John 4.6. {
True Preachers teach outefthe Scrip»
tures Acts 28,22.
Preachers ate caller ierg. Ezek. 47. 10.
snt Waichmen,and Wop. Ezekiel 3.17. and
Preaching ig agift of the Poly Ghoſt. 1:
Coꝛ.i 2-10. f
At Peters fir preaching were anved to
the Church 3009. toutes, his ſe⸗
cand preaching the Church was numbzed
5000, Acts 4.3.
MDF the preaching of Paul.Act. 3. 14
byat was the effect thereof. Gop. 2.1,2.
The preaching of D. Paul wag trueth,g
ne wauering Doctrine. 2. Coꝛ r. 18, 19, 20.
God by tye kooliſhneſſe of preaching, fa:
neth beleeuers.c . Coꝛ.r.⁊21.
gaint vupreaching Paſtours.Pſal.5 o.
16, 17. Pꝛo 27. 23. and 29. 18. Iſ.42. 19. and
56.10, 11. 58.1. Jet. 1, 7,8. 23. 1, 2. 48.
10.G530, 3.1820. 13.3, 45-8 33.7,8.8 34.
2,3,50,18.*Pole.4.6,8,9.€6.9. Amos 8.11.
Mal.2.7. ech. 11. 17. Mat. 5.1 3,t0 17. and
10.27.€ 28.19, 20 Œ 25. 14, to 31. Luk 10.2.
ANE 12.42, 43, id 49. and 14. 28."¢ 16.2.40,
20.28. John 10.13. 21.15,to 18. Rom. 10,
E451 5. 1. Cory9. 14, 16. Phil.2. 25. 2. Cor. 12.
14. 1. Tim 4.16,Qit. 1.9. Debz.1 3.7. looke
Prophets,Bifhops, Minifters,Paftors,Inter-
preting ant Prophecying.
Predeftination admitteth no pleading with
God. Kom 9.20.
Tahem Gos hath predeftinate,he catleth,
iuſtifiet h, and gioꝛifieth. Rem. d. 30.
od hath predeſtinated bs accoꝛdirg to
bis will and purpole. Eph.1.5,1 ranu there-
foe onto bs all things wogke foz the bell,
The predeftinace cannot be Damned. Joh.
10. 28, 29. Rom.8. 31.*
Df predeftination and repꝛobation. lacke
moze Exod.7. 3. and 73. 19. Pſel. 33.12. aud
65.4. 147: 1920. Pꝛo. 16.4. 31a, 41.9. Set.
1.5.2. CiD. 5:23,t0 28. aB6.1 tons, Batti
7.8 2514,23.8ND 20.1 6.0NB 24.22, @ 25-34,
41, £1.10, 20, Ja. 10.26, 27. aud 12. 39, 40.
anD 13.18.6 15. 16.8 17. 10, 2. Acts 13.48,
and 22.14. Roms, 8.29, 30. and 9.11," 14,
20,to 24.27. ARD 11.5, 7, to 10, t. Cot. 2.7.
Eph 1.4,5,11-€ 2. 1001. Theſ. 1.4. 2. Thel.2.
13.2 Timr.9. and 2,19, 20. 1. Pet.a. 2. and
2.8. 2.J3¢f 1.10.8. John 2.9. Keuel. 13.8.
loske Elect, Choſen, and Reprobate.
te epare typ feite befoze thon pap. Ecclu.
John Beptiſt tag fent to make reavie
a people prepared fog rhe Loꝛde. Luke r.
Prefent.Jocke Gift.
Prefump'ion. Dee that preſumptuouſſy tes
ſiſteth iudgement ginen accezdiug to Gods
lat, ought tobie. Deut. 17.171,12,
The prefumption ofthe Coꝛinthians. s,
Prefampcion he it hath been fozbioven,
tranfgreficd anv punitjed. Gen. 3.6,16. and
11,450 EO EED, 5.2, AND 14. 8," Qum i5.
30 Deutr, 4344.1. Sam. 9.18. and 17. 8,
9. 2 Fin. 18.19%. 6 19,10," 14.35,36,37
God 22.13,14.]9201.6,16,t0 20.anD 13,10.
and 35 25.000 16.5, 18. and 18. 12. and 29.
23. Ila 3. 16.— and 9.13." and 10.53." ang
14.81,t057.ger.48.26/4ang 49.4,16.0 Fe.
28.2 € 31.10. Dai.4.22.* Dead 3 Malat
2.17, Cob.4.13. PUDEL 2.2.4,5,f9 14.and 6.
1,0 12. and 73,8." Ecclu.10.7. and 2.Waec,
9.4,t0 19. Luk.1.18,19,20.€ 10.05. aud 14.
31,16,f025.anD18.10,t6 15 and 22.3,t0 7.
Gets 13.24." Roii11.20,24.2. Qim zarta
10.6, Pet.5.5. Lookt Pride,
Precioas mas the mozme of Hovin thè late
tet Dapes of Eli.1. San.3.4.
The toule of Saul wag precious in the
epes cf Dauid. i .Sam.26.21.
Precious inthe fight of the Legde ig the
beath of his Saints. jOfal 116,25.
Prevent. Dalomon would Eene prevented:
Gorg determination, but could not., Winge
11,40. and 12. 2, 3.
Price. Lheifians ate bought withe price,
and therefoze og ht to be Gods ſeruants or-
ipa. 02.6, 20.and 7.23.
Ababa would not take the ici without
paping the price thereof Geri. 23.9, 3.
Pricke. Saint Paul was dilquiered with
8 pricke in the flefh. 2. Cez. 12.7. 4 :
Pride. Paul repzouety the pride of the Coe
rint hians.i . Coꝛ.a.19.
God breaketh the pride of men, which dife
obep him. feattereth them
in rhe imaginations of their bearte.a uke i
5 I.
Dauids seale counted of his brother Eks
ab, pride.,17.28,
God deferret to puni the Iſtaelites, teft
their enemies ſhould ware pronde therebp..
Chꝛiſt reproucth the pride of the Scribes
and Phariles.Mat.23.2, 4to Sand of thoſe
that couet to Gt in chiefeſt places at feaſtes.
Luke 1 4.8.
G praier againſt pride, Ecclug.23.4. te 7.
39 20.30.7,8.
Pride is the egiginall of Gane.
The proude man hall be confumed. Fat.
Pride engenvzeth ftrife. 1920.13.10.
Jt is petillous to-bee familiar with the
proude.Ecclus.i 3.1,
Gad deftropeth the houle vf the proude,
Dee ig proude, that Doteth about Rrife of
wordes not being content with the Toctrine
of the Golpel.1.Tim 6.3.4.
God rcAlieth the proude,and gineth prace
tothe lowip. Jam 4.6, à
Tare ought not bp pride to efteeme better
t our-felues,chen ef other, but contraritwife,
The veuili ts the king ouer the chiingen of
pride. Job 41.25,
Pride goeth befoze deſtruction. 201.76,
18.and 18.12, K
The pzolperitie of the wicked maketh the"
proude Job 21.9,t0 17%
Tbe pride of the heart of the vngodly will
Decgine them. Obad 3.
Martdocheus refules not to Honour Ha-
man of pride , but fog contcience (ake. Cet
Bob ig able to abate the pride of pꝛinces.
Dan 4.34.
Che pride of the latter dayes prophefied
of. 2.€(3.8.50. 2. Tim.3.1,2,4. Looke Pre-
famption and Ambition.
Prieftes were either fuch as div facrifice
in tye fir cabernacle, og entred once a peere
inte the polie& place. Heb.ↄ.6, tog.
Cibat the bigh Prieft ought to oblerue bez
fore bee enteen into the Sanctuate. Leuit.
The Prieks ais eate the revue of the ob-
lations Leuit.10.12,
Then the Prieſts might not dzinke wing,
The maner of confecrating the Prieftes,
€rod.29-1, to 33. I
Taho were meete to receiue Prieſthood,
and who not. Leuit.21.17.* .
The pigh Prick might marie a maide, oz
elg none. euit.21. 13, 14.
OF brieſts and Leuites, ¢ of their offices.
2. €h20.9.2.* 2. Ch20. 19.8,9, 10. their poꝛ⸗
tions inthe land ef pꝛomiſe. Ezek.ab.9, 10.
Gow was the Prieks inheritance, g there:
foze thep linen of the factifices. Deut.18.1,2
Caules of great impogtance were brought
bekore the Priel. Deut.17,8,9.
Gods coucnant with the Priefts was of
life and peace, and that their lips ſhould pres
ferue bnowlenge. Mal. 2. 4 to 8.
The Priefts barethe Atke, going befoze
the people. Joſh. 3.6.
The king ought toreceiue the law at the
Priefts band$.Deut.17,18,19,20. and theres
fore Jehoaſh was taught by Jehotada the
Prieft. 2.Kings 12 3.
Joſhua gouerned bp the counlell of the hie
Prieft. Rum 27.21,22.
The Priefts paughter plaping the tboze,
mug be burnt. Leuit.21.9.
Jeroboam made Priefts foz money.i .Rin.
Salomon (pared Abiathar, becauſe hee
was the Lords Prieft. 1. Ring.2.26,27.
No moze Prieftes of Eli his Rocke , looke
Eli in the tE Table.
Firazl long without Pricksto teach, anu
without law. 2. Chꝛron. 1 5.3-
The Philiſtims Priefts poubted whether
their plague was of God, og bp foztune. r.
Sam 6 3,9. .
Dagons Priefts tread not on the thꝛeſhold
of bis temple. 1 Sam.5.4;5.
Eliiah Lapeth Waals prieſts. r. Ki.i 8.40.
fo vid Jehu. 2.Kings 10.25.
The craft of Bels Pricks netectes. Dan.
34,10, to 23.
Pbaraoh pꝛeuided foz his Prieſtes in the
famine. Gen.47. 22.
The Priefts kitchin. Ezek. 46. 20.
` Again Prieſts. Pole 5.i.that contemne
Sod ant his name. Jere 2.8. and ot their co»
uetouſneſſe. Wal :.6,3. and 2.1,2. Iſa 3.14
DE the vnmercikulneſſe of the Prieſt ana
Leuite. Lake 10.31,32.
. The Priefts confute howe to put Chzth to
Death. Batth.263.¢, o.
The fecond Table.
Ehin twas delinered to Pilate bp the
enuie of the bie Prieſts. Qpatt.27.18.
Chie commanded the leper co Hes piin:
felfe to the Prieft. Matth.8.3, 4 . P
Prieftsobedient to the faith. Acts.6.7.
Mattan, Baals Prieft laine, 2. Ri.i 1.18.
Dé the Prieſts of the lecond orter. 2. Wing.
Tapereinthe Prieſts offended, Eze.ꝛ2 26.
Woe hie Prieſt, whetetoꝛe hee was oꝛdei⸗
ned. Deb.5.1. and 8.3,
Like people like Pricfts. fat, 24.2. Bol.4.
9. and 6.9. And uch Peinces (uch Pricits.z,
Chz.13-9. à
Chif the euerlaſting bie Prieſt after the
oder of Melchiſedech. Veb.s.6. aad 7.8,24,
25. and 6,20. Thereof reave 1.Hain.2.35.
¥Sslal.110.4. Jere.3 3. 18, Fech.6.11.* Rebz.
2.17. and 3.1. AND 7.15, 16, 17. and 8.6, aud
9.11.80 10.19, (O15.
Che faithfull ave Prieks. Erod.19.6. Iſai.
61.6, and 66.21» Jet.33 21. Pſal.i 31.9, 16
offering ſpirituall Cactifices. Rom.iꝛ. 1. 1,
Wet.2.5. Rene rs.
The Prick of Midian pad ſeuen daugh⸗
ters. Exod. 2.16.
Sith the Priekhood is changed byCbꝛiſt.
there muff be achange of the law.Dcb.7.12.
Jaſon obteinet) the bigh Prieſthood bp
Simonie. 2.Qac.4.7,t01 1. foooke Elder and
Sacrifice, i
Princes ate Gods Miniſiers, and why.
Rom.13.1,3,4. '
The efates of Princes arechanged, aud
toby, Job 12.17,t0 22.
An erboztation tothe Princes and gouers
Nouts of Iſrael. Eze 45.9.
Againſt Princes that oppꝛeſſe the pooze.
Amos 4.1." @ liue in gleafures. Amos 6.1.*
The Loz repzoneth the Princes of Jeru-
falem, and twbp. Sepb.3.3.
Againg the tpzannie of Pꝛinces. Eze.22.
27. Dieh.3.159.*
Wicked Prince, wicked ſetuants. 30.29
12.€celug 10,2.
Tie Princes of thig worlde crucified the
Loz of glozie. Act 3.17, 18. and 1.02. 2.8.
The portion of the Prince in the lande of
peomile. @3ek.45.7. and 48.21. andof his
and the peoples offerings, Ezek.a3. 16, 17.
and 46.4, to 19,
Paul pꝛeached not the wiſedome of Prin-
ces. 1.262. 3.6,7.
The Prince of this wozo is caſt out. John
12. 31.
Che venil is the Prince that ruleth in the
àire. Ephe.2.2.
The Princes of Salomons officers were
fue hundred and fiftie. 1. ings 9.23.
Princes ought to eate in time, foe firength,
and Hot foz Daunkennefle. Eccles 10.17.
Princes map g ought to Beale in matters of
teligion, ag well agin ciuill caules. Den. 13.
13.*€17,18,19, Joh.3.6.¢9.6.2. Sams.
6,21, 8-Cb2.03.0,2, 3: 15.1, 11,16. g 16.
4.2. Chꝛr.8 14515.€17.6,10 10. €19 8.2 20
3. 1. Bin. 2. Ring. 18.4. € 23.4,55
9215025, 2.L 200290355515 518.78 30 15
2.* [Sfal.z,
19.34. Rom.13.1, 08, 8. im.2:1,2,3. 1.
Petai 314,17»
The example of a Prince pꝛecureth th
(ubiect ts imitate. 2. D8am.3-35,36- $
Soe enill of tye ſubiects, the Prince multe
accouut bis shone. EF.8.6, ; |
Chill is a prince. Act.5.9.
Princes ought not to gather. much treg-
fure: Deut.17.16,37,19, 20.
Ged kitreth op the tpiritofPrincesta Boe
his will. 2. Che · 36.22.
Princes the authozd ef wickedneſſe. Esra
G26 |
Princes companions ot theeues. Jia.r.23
Princes wherein thep offend. Ezek.22. 27. i
Princes othetwhiles abuſed by thoſe that j
are about them. ER. 16.6. J
God is the pzeſeruet of Princes and kinga
Domes. Eſt. 16. 16.
He that is fauoured of the Prince, is ſoone
in Fausur with the ſubiect. Eferg9. 3. lecke
Kings, Iudges, Magiftrates,and Powers.
Princepalities tpopled bp Lhit. Eel.2.15.
the is tbe bean of ali principalitie ẹ powers’!
Princi; les of Gods weꝛdlooke Word.
Prifon, Michaiah the Pꝛophet of God prè |
in prifon. 1.i8in.22.27. fo was Daul.2z.gor. |
11.23. %ct 16.23.and Deter. Act.r2.4,ang |
others. Actes 5.18.
The Favlour of the prifon beleewed , and |
twas baptized. Acts.i 6.23, 33.*
Paul petſecuted Cheiſtians, ge put chem is `
prifon. Actes 8.3. :
Chik preached tothe {pirits in prifon. re
Peter 3009, *
Prifoners, how thep ought te be comforted?
Gen.14.14, to 17. 1. Ham. 30.3, to 9. Pere”
38.720 31. Cob.1,.16, 18. Matth. 25. 36.43" |
Acies 13.12, 2. Tim 1.16,17, 18. Debz.03°
; Proceffion of Bacchus. 2.A9ace.6.7. - *
Prodigalty foꝛbidden. Pꝛo. 5.9510. looke
Profit. The gifts of the ſpitit are ginen to
profit withall 1.02.1 2.7. '
Chat God requirerh at our hands, igfoz
our profit.Dettt.10,12,83.
Profitable looke Indifferent.
Prolong: Bp keeping Govs commande⸗
ments a mang life is ppolonged. Deiter. rr"
8,9. Exod.20.12. ——
Promiſes. Tae ought to credite Gods pro⸗
mifes,2,.€/)30.20,20.a8 DiD Abzaham: Ben,
God perfourmed bonto the Jewes all his
promifes, Jofh.21.43. |
God is true in bis promifes.1.Sam.3.11y |
12,19. >
Bov twill not breake bis promife. Leu.26.
44,45 Plal. ro5. 8.*
Gon perfourmeth all his promiſes to thofe
that walke in the trueth r Ring. 1.4.3 8.1 5
. Gods promifes are giuen to the faithfull
onelp, 1. am.2.30,35.
Gon pitied the Je weg becaule of bis pro-
mife vnto Abgabam. Efo.2.24.Deut.7.8.2,
ing. 13.23.
Gon becaule of bis promife to Danid, die
poffeffer not Rehabeam of all the kingDome-
1.King.11.32,36.and 12 20. s
Gobis —— with his promifés. rors
32.11, 13. Dent.9.26.* Plal 89,19," .
$ 44 Jaakob
“asked calling ta minde Goss promifes,
ommitteth himle te te hig tuition. Gen, 32.
——— pzayeth that the promiles maneto
Abzaham, might be gecõpliſhed in Jaakob,
Gen 28.3,4.
Dauid velireth the. dccompliſhment of
Bods promifes, 2. Ham.7.2 5.
| The promife of eeernali faluation. x. John
#.25. mabe béfoze all wozlds, was reue aled
bp the Goſpel. Epbhel.1.4,9- 2. Tim. 13,10,
Titus 12,3. ¥.j[et.x.20. Gal. 3.23.
The promifes of God ate fitime and Kaz
ble. 2,002.1 518,20,
The inheritance of the kingdome of Gon
ig bp promife, not bp woꝛkes Gal 3.14."
Thoſe ave the childzen of promile, that be⸗
Jeene in Chꝛiſt promifed: Rom. 9.7, to 14,
| The fathers received not the promiſe, and
opp. Deb. 11. 39,40. a zae
Wolk great anv precious promiles are gi⸗
en bute bs, and why 2 |Pet.1.3,4-
- Ged lent our fauiour accogding ta his pro-
mife, Luke 1.5 4,55.* Miers 3.13.*
Thole recetue the promife,, who with par
tience Doe the willof Gov. eb. 10.36.
Whe promileof the rather was the yalp
(Obok. Acts 1.4. ;
— Che Church is confirmed by the promifes
maue bute our fathers. Wica.7.20.
_ God promifed hee would be our God and
Father. 2.€02.6.16,18.
| (kee oughe to render puto Gonthat tore
promife, being godly. Deut.23.21,22,23.
| « Ohepeople promifedto keepe Gods law.
xod 43 7 and 19. 8.
Gan promifed Gideon to bee with bin.
fMudy.6.14,16. andthe Ilſt aelltes to cat out
Heir enemies. Exod. 34. 10, 11. Looke Coue-
nant and Vowes.
The land of promife a perp. good lande.
Exod. 38. Deur.8.7,8,9. Ssp
f -Prophecie is no pitate mation of mans
wit, but the gift of Goa through the bolp
| Giok. 2. Pet.i 20,21. Rom. 12.6, and 1,
| @02.12.10.
| The gift of Prophefic, 1.@02.14.1.
Tile ought to couet to propheſie. 1, Cors 4
f 3.3." and tot to deſpiſe prophecying, 4.
Theſſ.5. 20.
The ſpitit of prophecying , fometime gi⸗
uen vnto the Wicked. Datt.7.22. 2s appear
ireo by Caiaphas. Job. 11-51. aun Saul,
} a5Dalt.10.10,01,12.
Whe teflimonie of Velus is the {piric of
prophecie. Renek igado
1 The ancient men choſen to goucrne with
Moles not onelp vid prophefie, but alſo Et
Dad and Medad. Mum r1, 25326,27:
) Glithaprophecied Co tong as the minfirel
playpen, 2. ings 3.15,17518. ,
D, Paul prophecied of the refurrection.
3. Thel 4.15.
Moles withen that all the people might
prophecie: Rum. L1:29, i
“Che wicked imagine when Prophefics
jtake no (peente effect, thatthep are falle. E⸗
seh. 12,226
| jD2ive prophefied,fee Pride,
_ Prophecie, foz Boctrine. 1920.3 uT
To prophecie,foz to fygake ag A mad mait.:
The fecond Table.
1.Samn- 18.10, _ gtd
Tomen ought notte prophecie publike»
Yp, 92 bareheaped.1.02,14.24,25. and 15.5.
A Prophet in rhe ole rime twas called a
Heer. 1.Ham.9.9, And allo aman of Gor.
r, Kings 13.1,
The Lod would. not antwere Saul bp
Prophets. 1 Sam.28.6.
The Lozd evhorterh the Iſraetites by bis
Prophetsto tutue froin idolatvic. 2.iking.17-
. Gov fpake bnto the Prophets bp dzeames
and difions. Aum. 12.6,
There arofe not a Prophet like Moſes fs
thence pig Death. Diut tgi:
Gon callen Btifha from the plough to be
a Prophet. 1, Bings 09:16,19.¥°
Elia wittech Maaman to be lent Him, to
the ende hee might knawe that there was a
Prophet in Jitael. 2. Kings §-8,15.
The Prophet of Gon cannot fpeake but
that which God doeth pat in hie month. 1.
KBings rz pI j
The authority of che Prophets of Gon.
Bicah.3 8. and 2. Rings 5.8.
Their praile. CEcclus 49.10. anv 48.1."
@ certaine Prophet reprouing Jeroboams
idolatrie, ia after Maine fog difobeping Gov,
bp the perſwalion of the did Prophet, r. Kin.
iR ERECT > ;
A A Prophet wag lent bp God to Ahab, to
pꝛomiſe him victorp. 1: Rings 20/13,74,
Dbadiah hid a hundzed prophets in caueg,
ana fedthem. 1 Kings 18.354,
Eliiah complaineth that alfthe Prophets
were Raine hefives himlelfe. r Ring. 19.10.
Mow a falfe prophermay be knowen, and
of his pantihment. Deut.18)20,21,22. and
13 1,10 12. -
Sinkiah the falfe prophet confiemeth the
opinion of the 400.otber falle prophets as
gainſt Micaiah the onelp trite Prophet. 1.
Sing, 22.6511, 17. af ;
Jerempconplaineth of che lying doctrme
and couctoulnes of falle prophets , ¢ priefis;
and thzeatneti their deBruction. Jer.14 10,
15,17. and 8.8*
Dow Eliiah cauſeth all Waals prophets
to be ſlaine. x. King. 18.22, to 42x. and Jepi
deſtroyeth them. 2, Bings 10.19,25.
Then Goss Prophets are noe heard there
followeth Bons tozath. 2. Chr. 24 19 23, 24.
TU ben Gods Prophers are mifuled, he wil
{urelp puniſh tÙ defolattd, 2. Chr· 36. 15 to 22
The Prophets enioped Hove pirit. Repe:
The word of the Prophets is as a light
that fhinerh in a Darke prace. 2. Det 1.19.
The Prophets prophecies of the grace that
Mouin come nntovs bp Chriſt. 1 Wet.1. 10,
The pirits of Prophets are in ther power.
1.0 62.14 32.
The Prophets’ an example to bs of pati⸗
emee: Damis. 10, oF Ur Alig SR
The Prophets viv velire to fee Chik:
MWatth:1 3/17. Wuke 10.24.
The fonnes of the Prophets were pone
2: Ttug.6.2, ane were retceſhed bp Elia.
2 Bing. 4.28,43-
Che reward of him that rece iueth oPro-
phet og righteous man, in bunne of a Pro-
phet oz tighteous man. Wat.10.41,43.
Falie prophets like foxes, and why. dzek,
Diflembling prophets meete for the mic
keo. Wicah.2.11.Hla.33 10.
again wicked prophets, Feph. 3.4.
A dumbe bea tepgosued the Prophet, 2,
Pet 216.
God will do nothing, but he reuealeth the
* bp bis Prophets to the people. Amos 3.
Axbꝛaham and Aaron Prophets. Gen.20.7. °
Exod 7. 1.
The great Prophet is promifed, Deut. 18,
15. ginen and tehified. Watth 3 16,17. anv
17.57. Luke 7.16. John 5 25;26.and 6.14,
69, looke! Preacher,
Propheteffe. Miriam the ker of Aaron a
Propherefle, Exod.i 5.20.
Debozah the Propherele iudged Iſrael.
Jury. 44.
Hofiay alken counfel of the Low, bp Hul⸗
dah the Propheteſſe. 2 Rim 22.1 314,15,
Lping propheteffes, Ezek. 13. 17.*
- Anna the daughter of Phanuel, aPro-
pherefle Luke 2 36.
Profelte. Acts. 2.10. Watth. 23.15.
Proper, and of profperitie. (he that fees
Beth Hod vsith all his heart, {hall prosper. 2,
Chon 13.21.
It grieneth Gods enemies that hid chit
Dzen profper. Mehem 2.10.
Tee ought to deſite God to profper out
hanap worke. Pſal yo.17.
Gos profpereth our labours, andincrea-
feth our tubltance. Deut. 8.13.
Prolperitie ano wiſedome onclp commeth
of the Legd. r.d hron: a2.11, 12.
Profperitie maketh men to fozget God.
Profperitie foloweth thems that toue Gers.
Law. Dial. 119.165; :
« De that isin profperitie ought te rememe
ber aduerlitie. 4 ob 3.25,26. Eccles 11.25.
Profperitie maketh not the godly pronte,
Jod. 31.26, <
` Profperitie ¥ aduerfitie come of she Loꝛd.
GEcciusri 14.
DE: the profperitie of the ticked, and of
their deſtraction Job 2r.7.* Pſalm 37. 1.*
Aid 10.1.* ands 2. 1. and 73.3." Jere. 12.
3,2,3-2.0E(0.3 33.
Protectour. Gov ig the Protectour, deliue⸗
ret,and ſatuation of the Faithfull. JO fal.18. 13
2. * and 27,1. “and 31.1." and 33. 18,19,20,
and 7s.2.%and 165. 9. » and 144. 1,2. ooke
Buckler and Shield:
Prone. (on proued the Iſtaelites. Ex.i5.
25.and 16.4. and Abꝛaham. Ge.22.1,to 19.
Heb.11.17.and fed the Jewes bp the velert,
to prone what was in their heart, Deut.8,2.
anv prooued the Iſraelites to cauſe them te
feare bim. Exod.20.20. and proued whether
the Jewes would loue jim oz nó. Deut 13.3.
Mude.2.2 17,2252 3.aNd 3.154,
' We ought to proue what the good will of
God is, Rom.12.2. Ephefs 10, »7,expaek
fed, 1.Chel.4.354, 5.
Ehil proucd Ihilip. John 6.5.6.
G.dprovech pre elect phe may pzeferue
them. 2. Chz · 32. 31. Jop. 1:11,12.* TAIN:
Hooke Trie, Tempt and Examine,
Prowerbe, op common layings among the
Jcwes,Hen.10.9. 1.Ham,so.12. and 1g.
24. and 24.14>
God Foretolo that Iſrael ſhould be apro-
verbe among ail peopte.1.tki0.9.7,8. Deu.
28.37. Jete.24,9.and 25 9, and whp.Deut.
29.24.* Jet.22.8,9,
Linit Becanie a prouerbe onto the Jewes.
Pſal 69. 11.
Salomon fpake thzee thouſand prouerbes.
1. Kings 4.32.
Prowide honeſt things befoge Gov ¢ man.
1,@, 12.17.
Providence of Gav towarns his feruants,
Plal.145.7,t0 19.an104.35.*and139.1, $
to 18, prootied bp bis prouidence ouer {mall
ſparrowes. Matth. 10:29.
Thbe Pꝛophet repzoueth thole that denie
the prouidence of Ged. Hla 40.27.
@ he prouidence of God euen pnto the Hri»
worthy.: ings 18.1.*
The Samaritanes beleeued not the pro-
uidence of Gon in their extreme famine. 2.
Kings 7.2 10,1 2,19.
Jt happened by Gods prouidence that A:
bimelech abuſed not the wifeof Abraham.
Bp the prouidence of Ged the woman
Shuhammite wag noutiſhed feuen peeres.
2. Kings 8.1,2.
Nothing commeth to palle, without Gods
prouidence,Gen.45.7,8.€ 15.19,20, Exod.
21.13. Deut.3 2.39. 2.Sam.24. 1. and 16.9,
1O.@62.11,99.@5-Dhin.22,23. Job r.12.¢
14.5. Ila.a5.7.t 63. 17. Pꝛo.r6.33. Lam.3.
7538. Ezek 14.9. Amos 3.6.6 2. Eſd 4.37.
(fdr 4.3,4. Geclussr.14. Watthrg. r.
AND 6.26.7 83143 2.80D 10.29,530,31. Luk.
21.16,17,18. John 19,10,11, Actes2.23,
QHD 4.27,23.417.28. and 1. Pet.i.2. 5.7.
Prowoke. The Ultaelites prouoked God
to anger, Deut.32.21.
Pꝛe ac bing of the Gofpel to the Gentiles
provoked the Jewes tofollowtyem. Rom.
Proud looke Pride,anv Earth,
DE Prudence toke Wifedome.
Pfalmes looke Sing. ;
© Pablcanes, John Baptilt infiructed
Publicanes, Luke 3.12, 13.
Publicanes and barlots belecued in Chik.
WDat.2. 32, andinflifies Gov. Luke 7.29.
The parable of the harilee and Publi-
cane Luke 18.9,10.
In Publiſhing Gods ame, hee iz te bee
glozified. Deu. 32.3.
Pulpit of wood, 1, €L0.9.42,46. and Me’
-Punifbment of murther. Gett.9.6. Exod.
31.12,20,21. Df theft, hurt, aud idolatrie.
Exod 32,2,3,455,20.
Punifhment of offendo2¢, Deut: 25.1.2, 3.
ofp ſuſpect wife. NG. 5.24.* of Eli,fee Bare.
Sharpe punifhment pregeth atvap the e⸗
Ui. 19204.2030.:
Contemners of good orders anv religion, —
God will punith Hoſ 5. 10.
Tranlqreffors of the lames of Dov oz the `
Ring, ought to bee punished ag the fault de⸗
ferneth.s, Elozag 8.25.ane Ezra 7.26.
Thefecond Table.
MAherewith aman finneth, bythe fame
fhali be be punifhed.CUitfo, 11.13.
Qs Gods mercie ts, lo ig his punifhment.
TAdp God punifhech gently. Joel 2:32.
THifd.12.2,10,20, dLam.3.20,22,31532533.
Amos 4.6." leoke Chattife, Correction, anv
Parchafé. Gov purchafed the Hlraclites
out of Eappt-Crov.1 5.16.
Pure, Chziftians ought to bee blametefle
and pure Phil 2.15.
Saint Paul willeth Timorhie to keepe
Dim ‘eite pure.1.Qin5.22.
Govs mercie makety ſinners pure. Jere,
Blelled are the pure in heart.Wat 5.8.
Where is a generation that ig pure in
their owne conceit. JPzo1.30,12.
Paren ffe, Oovrecompentes Dauid ac-
cozbing to the purenefle of bis hands.2.Sa⸗
muel 22.21: ]Blal. 18,20,24.
Purgatorie,looke Pardon.
Purging of Annes through the abundant
mercie of Gad, onelp bp Taig. WDatth.1.21.
and bp the Hedving of his blood faz bs, map
be pzoued bp thele places following. Watth,
26.28.09 ar. 14. 24. Luke 22.20, cts 13.38.
ph.1.7.Deb.9.12,13,14. 1. Det.3. i dand
2.24. 1. John 1.7. 2.82. ä 3.355,8. Mom,
4.2 5. Gal.i.a4.e 1. Tim.r. 15 look Sacrifice,
He then that Mill purge bis Annes bp anp
ether meanes, hali bee grievowflp punithed,
becaule bee bath delpilen fo great a grace.
eb.10.29. '
It anp man purge himlelfe from all infis
Delitte,hee fall be a veſſell fanctifies vnto e⸗
uery good worke.2. Tim. 2. 183221.
The purging of an oth, of Anne committed
at bnawares & bp ignozance. Lem.5.2,3,6,*
The dap of purging. Lenit.23.27,
Whe purging of Anne. JQum.5.6,7,to 11.
Leuit.10.17.* and 6.2,t0 8,25."
Mi the purging of the Sanctuarp,the Ta
bernacle and Aicar.Lewit.16.15,toa2,
Pw rfying of Leuites. JQum.8.6,7. of wo⸗
wen. Leuit 12. 1,2*
Faith parifeth the heart Acts 15.9.
Dur foules are sbeping the
Purpofè looke Predeftination,
Putting away a wife fee Diuorce.
To Put farre the euildap Amos 6.3.
To Put on. Dow we that ate baptized ins
to Chꝛiſt, put on Chik. Gal.3.26,27. Rom.
Par not off from pap to Dap, te turne brite
the lord, and ohy. Ecclus 5.7. and 18,21,
Locke Rc formed, and Repentance,
F Quarreling, The wicked leeke orca:
enof quarrelling witi the godly. Dan. 6.4.5.
Ghathians ought not to be Quarrellers,
Gol 3.13.19 hil2.14,15. andr. (hell 2.10,
! Tit. 3. 2.looke Contention ant Strife.
- Quailes and Wanna from yeauen. Exon.
16.1 3;t0 16. JQuinbd.14.7,31. Plal 78.24.
Phal. 105.40. ji
Quench not the {pirit.1.Thefls .19..
Qucene. The Queene of Sheba comming
to heate Salomona bwiſe dome. Bing-10.1.
d YI
2.G f20.9.1. hall condemne the bnbeleening
Jewes.Matth.2.42, Luke 11.31.
he Iſtaelites otferedto the Queene of
feanen. Jerem 7. 18.nd 44.17,18,19.
Queftians vnlearned, cut ious, and vᷣnpro⸗
fitabie Ecclus.3.22, 23to 27. Ayatth.24.3.)
Sohn 2.18.3Rom, 12.3.8 04.1, loske Curious
difputations,Fables,Striue, and Qusrling,
A Spnove gathered fog the refolution of
a queftion. Acts 15,2, |
Di what queftions the ciuill Magiſtrate
Mould gine noiudgement,Act.18.14,15 16,
Quicke and dead Chik hail iudge· ·· Cte)
mothie 4. 1. Acts 10.42. 1. Pet.a 5»
Quickly, Agree with thine aduerſatie
quickly, and why. Maith. 5. 25.
gait Dotone quickly and wite fifty. Luke.
16.6, '
Chill twilien Judas to vo what he would,
Doe quickly. John 1 3-27. |
Quicken. Dur mogtal bodies ſhalbe quick-!
ned bp Gov, Rom, 8.11. which quickeneth,
all things. 1.@im.6é.13, in Chuh thzough
the bolp Gholt. John 6.63.and 5.21. |
Dut bovie cannot be quickened, except it
Die.1. 02.15.36. |
The lak Adam Chꝛiſt wag mave a quick-
ning {pirtt. 1.@03.15.45. and quickened be
from ſinnes, to good woorkes. CE phe.2.1,5,65
8, 10. Col.2/ 13. |
Dow God quickeneth. JPfa.85.6.and 119.
3734055 0,9 3,146. |
Quiet. Chriftians ought to lludle to bee,
quiet, 1, Uhel.g.r1,
Quitting of —— §.23t0 125.
E Ranfome Jook: Redemption.
Rafhly. Re man ought rathly to put his:
tife in danger. Eccles 68. neg
Rafure, Io Rafurecame bpon the head ol
the Naxrarites.Mumb.s.5. Judges 15.5.1,
Rauen fent out of the Srke.Ger. 8:7.
The Jewes were kozbidden tye cating of
Rauens Detit.1g.1 4,
Eltiah feo bp Rauens.1 Shing? 27.4,6.
Wod feedeth Ravens, rauch moze man.
Dial 147.9. Luke 12.24. 1
Rawifh. The wines of the diſobedient tha
be ranifhed.Deut.28.20.
Dinah rauithed. Gen. 74,1, 2.
The Lawe of rauithing maite oz wife,
Deüt.zz.22,t0 28 fee Steale '
Ramem. The Firactites Raiment an
fhooeg maged not olde while thep were in ti
delert.Deut.1.4.and 29.5. .
Te ought not to take a widowes raimen
to pledge. Deut: 24 17.
God giuerh food and raiment to them tha
want. Deut 10. 18. alse
Paul fhooke his raiment agama p ewes
and hp. Acts 18.6.
Tee otight to bee content with food an
raiment: 1. @it.6.8.fee Food.
Of Spiritual raiment, locke Watt.1s.11
Luke 24.49. Rom 13.12. ¢ Bal
3.27. phe. 4.24, Cololl.3 10 Locke Loue
Ceate,Clothes. Apparell ant Difguifing. |
Raine. Wefore Hod canlen irra rame py
on therarth, it was watered with amill
Gene2 555
R Al
It rained fortie vayes anv foztie nights
bpon the earth, when Gov deſtroxed it by
ater Gen.7. 12, 7.
> God rained Renes, ant coales.Joſhua ro.
1, Pſal. 18.12, 13. and Pannag lee Quailes,
Ebe land of promile dzanke the raine of
heauen.Deut.I1. Ti.
Sod mül fend raine in nue ſeaſon onto
em that keepe bis commandements and ta
tier turne raine inte duſt Leni.26,4.Deut.
2§.12,24,and 12.14. 02} ſendeth no raine. I.
Sing.2.35.and 17 1. anb by fending raine,
Declarety that bee was pacified,2-Sam.a1,
| Carer withoutraine,{ee Water,
| Woles delirea that his doctrine might
520p ad raine, Dent.322.
SEliiah pꝛapeth for raine pꝛomiſed.and obe
laincthit. r. Kin. 18.1, 41342. James 5.18.
Rainebow, looke Couenant.
Raine of righteouſneſſe. Yoel 2.23.
Bo Raife vp, and of Rifing againe,
Whe law of Railing vp ſeede to bꝛothet eg
binfeman.Deut.25.5,fo t1,
Gon hath raifed op his Sonne, and lo wil
Sp bis power.1,.202.6 14. :
aup nead bodies viv rife againe at
Thriſt his death Wat 27.52.
Chꝛiſt is raifed to tife. Pſlalm 16.10. and
£9.15 Watth.28.6. Che fick kruits of them
that awaite the refurrection. 1,202.45, 20.
foz out iui ſication. Rom. 2 g.
Wee ate haptises into Chiz- death,
that we might be raifed vp bp him iom.6.4.
Sogn 6. 39. a $
Ail the faithful hall be raifed op by God,
well as Cheiſt. 2. Cor· 4. 17.
Chif raifed from death, deliueteth bs
From tie weath rocome. 1,0 Heil.1, 10. looke
> The Ceuldiers being cezrupted, teſtiſted
bat Chit was not rifen, but ſtollen awap-
PP atch, 28.12, to 16,
> The Apoliles belecued uot the womens
eport fromthe Angel,and from Chik bim-
eife, whom thep had feene and tezgfhipped,
bat he was riſen. Matth. 2 8.6, ta 11. Luke
46, to r2. wherefore Thil appearing mi:
aculoutly, repꝛooueth them, ſhewing bis
bands ann feer. John 20.19.t0 zo0. Luke 24,
6, to 40, Matke 16.14.
Hee manifelten vnto the Difciples that
pent to Emmaus , that be was rifen, and
pep to others Luke 24,25,26,33. gagaine
te bis Tpoſtles as thep were a fifhing.
lehn 21.1,to 14. and thep declaren the fame
Pp miracles, Actes 4.23. Saint Paul pzoo-
thit.1.@o2.15.4,to 9-
Chik the fall and tiling againe of manp
Tael Lube 2.34.
Df tec be rifen with Chri, wee ought te
eke things aboue.Zol.3.1,2.
S Reade. God commaunvded pritices to
sade anu meditate in bis Lawe nap anv
ight, and mhp. Deu. 17. 19, 20. Joſh. 1.b.
fal.s.2. and the tatto be read vnto men,
men g chiſdzen, whp.Dev.ze 11,13,13.
Bods wo ought to be read, ant expoun⸗
D plainely.Nehem. 8.8.
Elmag read fee Pulpit.
Beading ,{ce Commoditice, ,
The(econd Tabla
Realme,looke Kingdome.
Reaping. Leuit 19.9.10. and 25.5,6,7,
Ruth 2.3,t0 18. Job 4.8. Plai126.5. 1920.
22.8. Eccle. 1.4. Sete.12.1 3.Q0i.8,7. 8 10,
12, 13. Mic.6.15. Matt.6.26.¢ 25.24.00 31.
Joh.4.36,37, 38. F 1.02.9 11.82. 02.9.6.
Galat.6.7,8,9. Jamess.4. Weuclat.r4.15.
Eccles.7.2.lee Gleanings,
Reafon. Wans realon, in (pirituall mats
ters ig blinde g nat to be foliowed. Dat.13,
56.4 15-33.” and 16,14,22, and 22.29. LU.
24.45. Joh 4 · 3,9, 12. and 8.57, and9.2,16.
Rebell. The Ilraelites were alwapes re-
bellious,D eut.9-23,24- AND 17.12, ANV 31.
27. Iſa.i.23.
Againſt rebels, Ila, 1.20,and zo.i to 18.
Warke 14 21.
Boles callen the Iſeaelites Rebels, and
tohp.jRun.20,10.Detit.9.7.* $
Rebellion ig ag the Rane of witchcraft, x-
Dam. 5:23.
Rebellion added to Rune. Job 34:37.
ToRebel againſt Gad, what. Toh. 22.19.
Sooke Prayer, Treafon,Sedition,Murmuring,
and Giudging.
Rebuke. Dpen rebuke ig better then lecret
loue. Pꝛeu 27.5.
We ought to rebuke in loue.Leuit.i9.17.
and 2. Tim.4.2.
Mee ought to liue without rebuke, ina
crooked nation. Phil.2. 15.
Gov rebuked Laban fog purluing Jaa⸗
fob.Gen.3 1.42,
Rececwe Te map not reioyce in gifts re-
ceiued.1.G02 4.7.
To receime Jeſus Curis, isto belecue iz
him. Jobn.r.52,
Receiue, put foz to compꝛehend oz allowe.
Watt.19.11. y
Dne Hall be receiued another left: Wate.
2440,41. Luke 17-36.
Recompence not enill foz enitl. 1820.24.29.
Recompence pzemiled them that woꝛke.
Watt.6.4.6,18.¢ 16.27. Acts 10.4.F 2. Coꝛ.
5.10. Ex. Tim. 6.19. Deb2.6.10. and 10.35,
and 1.26. notof vefert, but of Gons free
gooone fe. at.20.9,10 * Luk.14. 14. Col.
3.24.1Looke Merit, Reward, and Vengeance.
Reconciliation. Wats wee ate reconciled
buto God 2. Coꝛ.5. 18, 10.
Chik pꝛeferreih reconciliation befoʒe ſa⸗
crifice Watt.5.24,25-
She fealk of Reconciliation. Leuit 23.27.
Record,tooke Witnefle. _
Redeeme the time, and whp, Eplel.5.16.
Colok 4.5.
Chik is made vnto os Redemption, &c.
1. Coꝛ. 1.30. Ephel .7. foz be gane his life
foz all men, but chiefly foz thc elect. Darth.
20.28. Luke 10.45, @ 1. Tim. 2.6 Deb.9.12,
15.49 wag omainen before the foundation of
the world, @ is Declared in theſe lak times,
1, Det.i.i 8,19, 20.
Signes to knot that out Redemption is
nigh. Luke 21.28 30,t0 37.
The Redemption of Iſtael out of Egypt,
and the mannet thereof fozetolo.Gen. 50.24,
Redeeming of lands. Leuit.25.23,t0 35,
Red ſea.
Reede. Jelas Thi came not to breake a
bzuiſed Reede. QD atth.12.20. 2
Reformation beguune and repented, ere.
Refrmed. We that hateth to be reformed,
bis life hail be fhoztened.Ecclus.s9.5- fee
Put off,ant Opprobrious.
Refuge, DE the cities of refuge, Erod.21.
13 HNumb. 35. 11, to 16.Dent-4.41.42,6 19a
2,3,t0 14, Joſh.20.2.*2 1.13 21.*
God is our reſuge.a.Samu.a2.3. Pſalm.
18.2. Jere. 16. 19.
Ged ig the refuge of the pooꝛe. Plſol 9.9.
Regencration. Wow Chꝛiſtians are regs-
nerate, Iſa.s.7. John 3.35f0 9.
Regeneration taken foz that Dap ant time,
wherein the cholen begin to leade anet life,
MWat.19.28, DF the which reade 1.€03.6.1 £,
and 2.5,17. Fameg 1.18. ands. Peter 1,3.
Looke Newnefle.
Reigne. The Loga hall reigne fez euer
and euer. Erot. 15:18,
The Low reigned ouerthe Iſraelites bes
foze thep bad anp iking.1.Sam.12.12.
Dalonion reigned in ead ef Dawid, acs,
coding to Gons promile. ings 3.7, anv
Haul wifhen $ the Coginthiang did reigne,
that be might reigne with them.i. Coꝛ. 4. 8.
Resorcing. The ILo will reioice ouer pig
people that obep bim.Deut.30.9.
The Apoliles reioiced , that thep were
counted wozthp to fuffer fog the ame of
Cit Acts 5.41.
S. Paul reioiced, and erhoztet other ta
reioice that be wag ready to fuffer for p Gels
pel.Zol.1.24.JPbil.2.17,18.1. 02.15.38.
Ce ought to reioice alwaies in the L020,
through bape , with them that reioice Rom.
12.12,15. Phil 3.1, 3. and 4.4. and 1.@ bed,
5.té.and r. Pet.6s..and 2. Coꝛ 6.10.
S. Paul reioiced foz the loue and faith of
others. Philem.7. 2. Tim 1.4.5. €1. Theſ. i.
253.4 AND 2 19. Phil. a.4,5.2. Coꝛ. 7.4.
The world reioiceth when Chik his vifs
ciples Weepe. John 16.20, :
©. Baul was willing to line, that the
Philippians might reioice, JPhil.1.2 5526,
Telus reroiced in ſpitit, and willed his
diſciples to reioice,and whpdLuk.10.20,21,
Gon willed the Iſcaelites to reioice onely
in the place which he would chule. Deut. 12e
11,t0 15.
Jethro reioiced and Wwhp.Erod.ı 8 9.
Saul anv all che men of Iſtael reioiced,
and why.i.Sam.i x.14.15.
The people reioiced when Salomon wag
anointed king ouet Iſrael. 1 Wings 1.39,
40. and at the crowning of Jehoaſh king o⸗
uer Tuvab.2. kings 11.20. :
TUe ought not to reioice at our enemies
fall,and toby. Pzou.24. 17, 18.
©. Paul reioiced not in baine, and bihx.
1. Coꝛ.ↄ.i5,16, 18.
Thole that are iuFiFed,reioice in tribulae
tions,and toby. Rom. 5.1 ,to 6,
Some reioice in the face, and not in the
De that reioiceth, let him reioice in f 1o20.
3:1021. 34. net in any gift. See Receiue,
Partaker,Solemne feaft, Tsibulation,@ Song.
Rekgion, Mhat ig the pure and sndefilea
Religion before Gov. Jant.1.27.
De thar feemerk religious, and refraineth
Not bis tongue, hig religion ig in vaine. Ja:
mes 1.26,
- Chit his religion counted perche. Acts
Remember the old benefits of God, Dent.
$.1,2,11,18,19,and 32. 7,00 15.
Elte ought te remember eue togmer life, ¢
why. John 4.29. Rom.6.21- Lol. 1,21. and
3.7 8. 1. Eim. 1.13, 14.*85 9, 10 & 2. Tim.
3. 10, 11. Wit 3.3,4 He. io 32.*8 NBI 4.3.
Tipp God made not the remembzance ot
the Tewes that anned, to cesſe. Deu 32. 26.
Hod remem bred oah. Gen,8.1.and res
membging bis promiles weil pardõ thole chat
confeffe their innesa: Leut.26-40,42,45.
God renembring his conuengut, deliuered
the chilozen of Iſrael out of bondage. Exod.
2.24525. -14.30.anv remembring Abzapam
Beliuereo Lot,Gen. 19.29.200 remembzing
Rabel, mave per fruitful. Gene 30.22.800
fo did he Mannah, remembring het requeſt.
1. Sam. 1. 19, 20.
Remifion, Looke Forgiueneſſe anv Sinne,
Remuant. the faluation and increaſe of
the remnant of the Jetwes, Hla. 55.8. E3eki.
§ 38ND 14,22. 99ich.4.7.Rom.g.27.§ 11.5
Fer.23. 3,00 9. Looke lewes.
Render account looke Account. —
Reading. Looke Tearing and Clothes,
‘Renewed. How Chꝛiſt renewed vg,¢ why.
CWit.3.5,6,7,8. tuk. 1.75.
Renowme.tLooke Name.
Renounce. Looke Forfake.
Repent, God repented that he mave man.
Gen.6.6.and that hee bad made Saul king.
Y.Gam15.11.and of the enill pee lent the
Alcaclites. 2.Gam,24.16.
God repenteth 15.29. Dole,
33.14. Amos 7.3. though be ſeeme to repent,
The Low gaue men 1 20.peeres (pace ta
repent in.@en.6. 3. ;
Cibo that repenteth truely, (hal line. Eze.
38,4.*anD 33.5,21.
The people repent and pzomiſe refozma⸗
tion. Ezra 10,1,19,
The Hcactites repent their idolatry, and
obtaine deliverance. Jadg.10.15,16.andre~
pent that hep deftreped the tribe of Benia-
` min. Judg.2 1. 3, 6.
Jab craueth time to repent, Job 10,20,
‘HE our bother repent, wee muft forgine.
OWat.18 r5. Lu.17 3.4.
Repentance of. Judas, Watth. 27.34. oF
Elau.Heb. 12. 17.
God graunted the Gentiles repentance
Onto life. Acts 11.18,
God would baue all men- come to repen-
tance.2.]Peter z9 and callet§ and crbogrerh
thereunto. Mofe.r4.1.” Jere. 3.1.14, 22.% €
18.0 1. and 25.5.en8 35.25.and 26.3. and 2.
King.17.1 33eph. ꝛ. i Iſa.55.7
Repentance is the gift and woke of Gov.
ZL ait.5.2 6. John 12,40.Act.3.31,2.0im.2.
25,26. *
OF true repentance. erem. 4.1. ag was
Mobs. Tob 42.6. and Dawids.2.Samit. 12.
13. an 24.17.
The repentance of Pharaoh was fained.
The ſecond Table.
Ered. 9.27. and fo was Sauls. 1. Sam. 15.
Bons long fuffering mooueth to repens
tance. F(a, 48.9, TUifp.12.19,20. Ront.2.4,
Samuel mooued the people vnto repen-
tance. 1, HAm,12.20,28,
Ezekiel commanved to resuce the chile
Dzen of Iſrael to repentahce. Ezek.43.9, 10.
Ahab bp bis voluntarie repentance , pio
cuted the prolonging of the plagues theeat=
neds n Kings 2 1.27298.
Repentance ought ta be preached, and ioy⸗
Hed with faith. Matth. 3. 2,6,8. 64. 17. Luke
3. 3. 24.47. At. 2.38. 3. 19, 26.and 17. 30
and 19.4. AUD 20:21. antl 16.20.09 at.1.15,
No time of repentance auaileable after
thistife. Gecles 9.10, and ir. 3.
True repentance mitigateth Gods wath,
Jonah 3.5."
The traites of repentance. Matt. 3. 8. cals
{ed dpthe Prophet, the trees of rightesuls
nene. Ila 61.3.
Grace pzonuſed to true repentance. Gen.
50.17, 18. Deu.4. 29, 31. € 39.1, 2, 3,4.8 31,
21. 1. kin. S. 33, t0 37.8 2.02.7,14,15-€ 30,
10. Job 11,14,55. AND 22. 21, 23. Bꝛo 2815
Jlar. 16ta 20. * @ 30.18. Jer.29. 12, 13 14.
@ 31.18." Ezek 3.10.816.160.) 22.25, 27,
28,31,32, Soela,12.* Fecb.1.3,4,5,6.
Examples of true repentance, 2.22.12.
12,0 33.12,13, Wudet.4.9,10.* Wat.26.75
LH.7.29.6 15.18,19,20,21.817.4,16.619,
B.E 22.62.82 3.40.4 1142543 -Act.2.37,41."
Examples of falfe repentance.Gen.g 13,
14.8 27.41, @28.8,9, Eron.8.8,15. €10.16,
20, Jol 7. 20, 21. JUDE. 1.7. $ 1. Sã 24.17.*
and 1, 2in.3.4,6. (Hild, §.2;to15 € 1.03ac.
6,12.23.anD 2.@Qat.9.13,te19.Qdatt,27 3,
4,5. Act. 8.24. fle Amendment.
Report, D. Paul was appzoued the mini-
Rer of God bp good report , and cuili report,
3M reports of Eli pis two fonnes. 1,98,
2.22,23,24. $ —
Reprobates are curled. Watth.25.4.0nd 2.
det. 2.14. and are deflels of tozath, and bils
honour, appointed to perdition. Rom, 1.28.
and 9.23-and2 Chel-2. 12. ¢ 2. Tim2,29,
2. JDet.2.02. Hive 4. Iſai 55.20, 21.
The nature of reprobates , is to bee made
blinder and blinver. Watth. 13.15, Wark, 4.
12. Luke 8 10,
Godis angry with the reprobate foa ener,
Nahum 1,2,3.
Reprobation knowen not bp the intgement
of the woꝛld. 2,.€02.13.5,6,7.looke Predefi-
Nation, and IPfal 64.4. in the maraere,
Reproue, Ciice mult be reprotied, John 16
8. Epbhe-5.3. and 2. Tim.4. 2.
Dow we ſhould reproue our bꝛethꝛen. Gal,
6.1, 2.0 1m.2.25,26. -
S. Baul pad care left hee Hould bee re-
proued, 1.[03.9.27.
Sarah was reproued bp Abimelech. Gen.
Scoꝛners will not bee reproued ; but the
tile Will. 1920n.9.7;8,9. AND 15,12. and 19.
25. feabe Rebuke, j
Reguire fee Mercifulneffe,
Reff. We that refifteth pleature, croloneth
Dis one bale. Coclup.ra5y - '
Refeé of perfoug,tooke Perſons.
Ret tof Sltaelites. Joſꝛ 2. 4. Deu. rr2.
God wil env no reſt vuco the diſobedient
Dent. 28.65, h
Reft pomiled Wole. Eron. 33.14.
Ged pzomilerh to gine his people a plac
ofreft,3 Sam.7.10,42.
Maomi wiſheth reſt dnte Her two daugh
ters in lam Ruth 1.9.
Reft ofthofethat beare Chziſts poke. Mat
11,29. 2. Gbe,
Jf we beleeue, we Hall enter into the re
of God Heb.4. 3, 9.
Thole which die inthe Low, rek front
their labours.Qeue.14.13.
God refted,looke Sabbath,
KRe/tuution of goons wrong fullp rotten
withholden Leuit. 6.1,to 8, ie
Reftramed. Pow finneg Honto be refirai
ned of bo, Rom.s.12.
Refrrre ction of Chk fozetola bp Dauin
Act.2.31.and dp Chꝛiſt bimſelſe. Bat. 7.9
Ot Chꝛiſtes refurreGion , andthe earth
quake at the fame. Dole,
bis appearing te Warie Wagvalene after
þig relurrection.Marke 16.9. |
Thole that beleeue the reſurrection of
Chit fall be faued.iRem.10.9, ]
TUe bope to polleke dife bp the reſurrecti⸗
on of Ehzif.r. Pet. 1.3. y
After the refurrection,the Apoſtles biberi
food this laying , Deftroy this Temple, &
Jobn 2.19. x
Chꝛiſt is the reforreion, Jobn. 1.25.
TUe fhail be partakers of the reſurrection
if being grafted in Chriſt, wee bring fogt
fruit- Rom 6.4,5.*and
S. Paul odelireeh to knowe the Lertue
the refurreGtion. JBpil.3.10,11.
& prophecie of the relurrection of the tend,
Tob 14.7512,14. and 19.26,27, Thetii
and maner thereof. 1.6} 15.21,22.° JObil,
3 21.and F.C belh.4.14,25.* 4
Whe fick refurreGion Reuel.20.5,6.
The Sadbuces deny the refarrecion, hit
the Phariſes confefle it- Mat. 2.23. Mar
12. 18. Luke 20.27. Acts 2 3.8.
Bp the refurrection immogtalitic is ginen
2,0 02.5.1,08 5. P
The Apoſtles caſt in pifon foz —
the refurretion. Acts 4.23;3.
Paul preaching the refurreQid wag mo
ket Acts 17.32. : `
The refurreGion of tife and condenmati
on. John 5.29. :
After the :efurreion there (hail no mo
marriage be vſed.Matt 22.30.
Somme affiemed that the reſurrection w
palk.. Tim. 2.37, 18 |
Thole that telieue the poore, (hail bee res
compenſed at the refurrection of the Ju
uke 14.14.: |
Df the generali reſurrection of the dead
ana glogifping of the Aey. Exod.z.6, 15. au
5-24. @.2 Bit2.11. Fob 31.14. 9 la.26.19
20,21. 66.14," (306.37.3,(0 15. Dan
Sena a Agna feg areh 2:*
E2. ED.2 16,4547 E 14.35 Wiſ.3. 3054
and 2. Mac 7.9.* Joh.6.54. E 21.24,25,26
Act 24.15, 22. 2 Go24.14,looke Raifevp.)
DE Retarmng: and Remitting of fyne
id. kaw
Joske John 20.2 3. and Keyes.
Returne. The Loꝛd wilt returne brite 63,
if we returne onto bim.Deu.30.8.9, 10. with
ail our hearts, and bee obedient to bis Belce,
Deut 429, 30.
Reuilz. Bleed are thep that are reuiled
for Chriſts fake. att. sorte I
Reuilet thou Gens high Pꝛieſt? Actes
ae, ef them that ate perfecuten fog
Fiinta fake. Matt. 5. 11,12
Dkrighteoufnelle. ſee Kighteouſneſſe.
Reward fag receiuing goolp men, lee Pro-
Sod taketh no reward. Deut.10,17.
Gon was the exceeding great reward of
Abraham. Gen15.1.
Jehn receiued a tempozal reward fo? that
tuhich bee did againg the poute of Abab. 2.
TANTS 10.30.
Boas wilheth Ruth a reward of Ger foz
het wel Doings. Futh 2,12.
Saul promilerHreward to him that would
kill Goliath. a. Dar.17.25¢
Daniel both refulerh and taketh rewards.
Dan.5.17, 28.
Reward of humilitie. JBze.22.4.lo0ke Rea
ompenfe and Gift. à
@ Rib. Tasman wag maye of mang rib.
Rich ann Riches. God is xich to all that
alon him. Rom. 10.12.
A rich man comparen to the flower of che
graſſe. Jam 1. 10, i.
gainſt reſpecting perſona fog riches. o2
pouerties fake, Jam. 2. 152535556
The diſcommodities of coueting to bee
ich , and the ouetie of rich men.1.Cim.6.9,
Toe pongrichman whom Chft willed
felf all. Lake 18.22,23. Matth. 19. 20,2 1,
22.09 al.10.21,22.,
Rich Fachetts.1 ak.19.2,t¢ 11. x
God fillethehe Hungrie, and fenveth the
ich emptie away. Luk.e.53.
[Parables of the rich man, ¢ bis fetward,
ND the rich glutton and Lazatus, ano the
ouetous rich man.Luke 16.1,19,20."and
12.1 5516,t0 22.
Cbꝛiſt commendech the pooze widowe as
boue all the ricamen, and bap, Luke 21.85
2,3, 4. Max. 12.4 1to 45;
Rich men are not blameleſſe. Ecclis.t1.
Howe fome men become rich, Ecclug.xr.
358. Job 24.2.*
TAhat rich man ig bleſſed, and what þa"
Dof HoD. Ecelus. 31-8 and 25.2.
Dfthe agreement and qualities of pooze
nD rich men. Ecclus. 13. 2,*
Abꝛaham and Lot, Yaakob and Elanu
jere berp rich.Gen. 13, 2,5,6.and 36.7.
| Fsbak was rich, fo was Boaz, and howe.
Jen 26.3, 13, 28. Ruth 2.8.
& rich woman reliencd Elipa as he pal-
B by.ꝛ Kings 4.8, i d
Nathans parable of a rich and of a pooze
Nan: Sam. rZ, t to Fe
EF Riches enii! gotten. Pzo. 28.8.
| Riches gather friends, 1920.19.4.
Riches ave aga (rong citie tothe owner
Thefecond Table.
of chem, 1Bz0.h0.15. anv 18.98,
— glueth power to get riches. Deuter g.
Abzaham would not cake riches of aking,
and why. Genel. 14. 23.
Gon is the auchour of riches anv potsertp,
20.22.2. AND 1.Dam.2.7. Ecclus. 11.14.
Cagben God hath bleſſed bs with riches,
twee ought to take heene wee forget bim not,
Deut 8,10, tars.
The deceitfuinefle of riches doeth choake
Gods word in bs. Dar.4-19.
Wake frienbs with the riches of iniquitie.
Luke 16.9. à
Gon gaue Salomen riches and honor bn:
alken. AKings 3.12,13.
Cee cannot ferge Ged and riches. Luke
16.13 GWBatth.6.24.
Of the miferable eſtate of the couetous
rich man. Ecclus.s.ꝛ.
Dfriches ceferued to the eluners harme,
CEccles.5.12. {
FZone ought to truk in riches , and why.
Job 31.24,25. Ecclng 5.1. Qatth.19.23,¢0
27. G9 at.10.23,24,25,26. Luk. 16.24,to 28
Hf riches increafe , we ought notto fet eur
heatts theteunto. Plal.o a. 10.
Neither riches noz anp other thing com⸗
parable tothe feare of God. Pzo.i 5.16. Ecs
THe ought not to grudge at our ſtate, be it
pooꝛe ozrich, .Coꝛ 7.20. Phil.a4.11.
owe the rich ought to behaue themſelues
towardes the pooze. Leuit.ꝛ5. 14 35, 36.*
Deut 15.7, to 12. J920.04-3k.anB 17.5, and
21.13. Eccie.i 1.1, 2. Gla.23.4,18) Batts.
15253,4589520,21. Lube 14. 12, 13, 124. Acts
2.45. and 4 34.*
Okthe vanitie, deceitfulneſſe g contempt
of riches. Pſal.39.6. and 49.6. * and 52.1,to
8. Pꝛo.i 1.4. AND 23.4,5. AND 28.22.anD 30.
8,9. Eccles. §.9,10,11. and 6.2. * Ila.2.7.*
Jer.2 2. 1 3,to 08. Ezek. 7. 19. Jeph · 1.89,11
18. MWat. 1 3.22. Luke 8 24,
Againſt wicked rich men. 1. Samu 252,
to 39. Job 25.*and 21.7. §37.8.* and Flat,
5-8,9,40.* E 32.5,6,7. Jer. 15.13. Am 6.1*
and 8.4,to 9.Wabak.2.6.* Luk.6.25. Zach.5.
1,3,4: Inoke Couctoufnes ana Poore,
Riddle of Samlon, fee wife.
Right han’ of GoD. Luk. 22.63. and Act.
7.55. Matth.26. 64. looke vpright.
Righteous. The righteous ſhall iudge the
Wicked, aun are bolne. 1520,14.19. and 28,1
The end of the righteous ig iep and peace.
Whe ſong of the righteous. Iſai.25. 1.*
Pial 31.1.*
The Lom heateth the pzaper of the righ-
teous, and bieflings are promiled them.Pꝛo.
15.29. and 10.6,7,
The conſtantneſſe ann bappinefle of che
righteous. Miſd.5.1,15, 16.
DF the righteous, if hee tute from doing
ppzightlp. Ezek. 18,24,
Itthe tighteous Cearfelp bee faued, what
hall the Grner?r.jJpet.4.18.
That the feruent prapee of the righteous
man attaileth. Jaimes.s.16. à
The Lawe is not ginen tothe righteous
man «.Cim,1,9.
Miho are righteous and blelſed. Plal. 3 2,
1,2,5, 11. Gene. 15.6.
Pharaoh conteſſed God righteous, any
bimlelfe wicked. r08.9.27.
The righteous pal flouri when the wice
ken pall want. (20.13.25.an0 14.88.
A complains foz the want of the righteous,
Micab 7.1.
No man righteous befoze God. Gen, 6.5,
and 8.21.and 1.King.8.40. and 2.2 200.6.
36. Job 4.17, 18,19, and 9,2,15,20,21, and
25-45,6. Plal 14.1,3. and 51-5. and 53.14
3. and 143.2. Pꝛo.20.9. Eccles.7.22. Mai,
64.5,6,7. Jetem. 2.29,35. and 30. 14,15.
Micah 7.2. and 2 Eldr 4. 30. €8.35. Miſd.
12,10. Ecclus.7.5. Watty.6.12, Luke 17.
10, Oal.3.11,22.Gphe.2,1,3,8. and 1. Joh.
1.8. Rom. 3.10,t0 20. loske Luft, Saints, ang
De that Doth righteoufly,is bezne of Goy.
1. John 2.29.
Righteouſneſſe of Hod pꝛoued. Job 5,8.*
God rewardeth euerp man according to
bis hee div
Damb. 2.Sam.22. 21. and pet not foz bis
righteoufnelle. Deut.9.3,4,5 6.
Chik ig our righteoufnefle. Iſ
Tere. 3.16.and 1.Lozinty.1.30. which wee
mu pope and boait fo? through faith. Gale.
Being freed from finne, we are made the
feruants of righteouſneſſe. Rom.6. 18.
Righteoufnefle {hail dwel in the nel bega
tens and eatth.2.Jpet.2 13.
Chꝛiſtiaus righteouſneſſe ought te exceed
the righteouſnes of Scribes and Phatiles.
Matth.5. 20.
Blefled are chep that luffer fog righteouf-
nefle.t, JPet.3.14.MQat.5.10.
The fruite of righteoufnefle is {owen it
peace James 3.18.
Wans wrath accompliheth not Gove
righteoufnefle. James r. 20,
Of true righteoulnelfe g the fruit thereof,
Pbil.1.11.and 3.9.
Righteoufhelfe put foz keeping the Lats.
Wat. 3-15. foz that which is vpright anv hos
1p.ct.13, 10. fox opgightnefleof couſcience.
2.Coa 6.7.
Raine of righteoufieffe. Yoel 2.23,
; The bzeltplate of righteoulnefle, Ephel.
Chꝛiſt our righteoufhele befoze Gov,
through grace and faith, Gen. a5.6. Iſai.a5.
24. AND 53.115,12. erem, 32.6. and 33. 15,
16. Dat.g.24. Dabak.2.4. Fech.9.9, Actes
10.15, 35, 43. and 13.38,39. Rom. 117.800
321,22.* and 5.139, 17.* AND 1. Coz. 1 30.
Galat.2.16.* and 3.6,8.* and5.4,5. Tit. zs
Againk the righteouſneſſe of the Lawe,
Wat.5.20.* Rom.2.i 3.* and 10.3,4,t0 13.
Cit. 2.5.Deb.9.8, Reuel.z. 15, 16.*
Righteoufneffe of the wicked, what. Iſai.
57-12. fee Innocents,
Rife leoke Sleepe.
Moles velirerl the Loz torife bp againk
his enemies. Quin.10.35.
i Rifing againe. Looke Raife ant Refurre-
Riner The vifion of the pure Riner of waa
RY & @
tet of life. Reuel.r2.1. d
Mut of Eden went a River to Water the
Garden. Heit.2.10. :
F Robbing. (ee Theft, and Stealing.
Rocke. Moles put in the cleft of the rocke,
while Gors glozp palled bp Exodus 33.21,
22,23. i
Water ont of the rocke jn Poꝛeb rod,
17 6. Run, 20.8,t0 12.
God cauled the Iſraelites to fucke honie
out of the fone, and opie outof the Gard
racke, Deut. 32.13.
Chft the rocké of offence to fome.1.1Det.
2.8 Rom.o-33. the (pirituall Rocke which
the Jewes dzanke of bp faith. 1.02. 10.4.
The Rocke whereupon Chik bailded his
Church, himlelfe being the beau Hone. at.
16.18 anid 21.42,
Rodde of Moeſes and of Aaron which dee
ueured the fozcerers Roddes, conuerted inte
fetpents, and toby Exod.a.z3. and 7.10,12.
Garons Rodde bunten , ant bare ripe al-
monos and bop. Qunt.17.8.
Whe Rocke mitten with Boles Rodde,
veelded water. Exod. 7. 59.6.
Saint aul wag thailebeaten with rods.
Rod, foz feueritie ĩ. Coꝛ 4-21.
She Rodde and ſtaffe cf Gov doth coma
fort the govip-IDfal.2 3.4.
We that ſpareth the Rod, hateth the child.
Pꝛo.i 2.24 .
Roofts to bee builded with battlements,
and why. Dett.22-8.
Rome and Romanes, Haint Baul arrive
at Rome Gets 28.16.
The Romanes fent letters vnto kings foz
the protection of the ewes.. Iac- 15-13.
The league mith the Romans ¢ the Spar-
tians igrenewen bute Simen, fadas Mac⸗
cabeus brother. Mac· 4 18,20.
Balaams pzophecie of the Romane Em⸗
pire.Num 24 24.
Saint Paw affitinedthat he was s Ro-
mane, Acts 16 37. and 22 25,
The Romanes manner wes, nok te cotts
demne anp, before the acculen hav place to
anlwere hiseccufers. Acts 25.16,
Jt was. frerolde Paul that hee juts
preach at Rome. Actes 22.11. and hee was
permitted fo to doe in an boule, fog twoyeres
{pace.Acté 28.30.31,
Pom the Romanes atf aeffrop Jeruſs⸗
tem athe Temple. Mum.24.24.Wo.5.25.*
D4n.9.26,27. and 14.30. * Watt 24.2,54,
Luke 19.6,20,t025. Hohitys.48,49,50.
aul much eammendeth the faith of the
Romanes Rom::.7,8.
Roote Which bringeth fogth mall g woꝛme⸗
Wood. Deut.29.18,
Jeſus Chik came of the Rooteof Jeſſe.
Roma 5.42 Reue.⁊ 2.06,
` JEthe Roote be help, fo are the branches,
We that are mave partakers ofthe roote,
map not boalt again the baanches that
twere broken off for osom a1.17,18.
Antiochus Epiphanes the wicked roote,
1,0§ac.1,11.%e Baftards.
Ropes about the heads, ge. a ligne of fub.
milion. Ring. 20. 31.
Thefecond Table.
€ Rudiments: The beggerip Rudiments of
the world, what. Galat.4.3,9,10 Col,2.8.
isske Pyinciples.
Rule Che peace of God on bim that wal-
kerh accogding to,p rule of Chriſt. Gal.o.16,
Cpi Rians ought to paoceede bp one rule,
tothe endthep map minne one thing. Pbil.
Ruler ğ Ruling. Gov ponitics Dauid that
Hee ould beate Rule ouer men being iuf,
and ruling in the feare of God, 2.Sam, 23.3.
bat maner of men Rulers ought tobe,
Grod.18.21, Dent.1.13. and of their dues
ties. Det ot 653 Je
De that raleth,iet bim rule with diligenee.
Rom.i 2,8.
Like Ruler, like {
Tudge, Prince, Governor, and Centurion,
Runne, (ee Loynes.
Saluation lxeth uot in mans running fee
How wee ought to runne tn the (pirituall
race.,25,* Gas 2 Phil 2.16.
Raine, (ee Fall anv Deftrucion,:
€ Sabbath. God blefen and fanctifer the
Sabbath nap, and vohr. Ecne. 2. 2. 3. looke in
the firli ebie.
A commanvement to fanctifie the Sabbath,
ane tobp. Jerem. 7. 22. Exodus 20.8,ta 12.
The Sabbath ozrainen foz feruants fran:
gers and catteli to reÑin, Exen 23. 12. ag
well as their maſters. Deut 5.14.
The Sabbath was a Gigue hetweene Gen
and his people, chat it is Ge that (anctifierh
them, Erovd.31.13,t018, Ezek. 20.12.
Nehemiab repzoweth the beeakers of the
Sabbath.jQeh.13.15,t0 23.
Whe lacrificesuf the Sabbath Eze.a6 4.
God reprocucd the violating of the Sab-
bath rot. 16.26 Ezek. 20,13.
Hee that gathered Wickes vpon the Sab-
bath Dap, was Ronen to death. JQum.1 5.32,
§ 36
A Thr Jewes refulen ta rekt their enemies
on the Sabbath. r.Q8 ac.2.34 hut were afters
ward abuiled to Doe the contrarp.verfe 41. +
Nicanoꝛ detetinined to sflaile Judas on
the Sabbath Dap. 2.88ac,15.2,t0 6,
The Sabbath ef ref€ totheland, enerp fee
uenth yere Exod.2 3.17.
The Sabbath made fox man, net man fog
the Sabbath. Marke 2.27.
Whe ailciples of Chꝛiſt pincked the cares
of cee onthe Sabbath pap. MBatth.ra. 1.
Mar. 2.3 3. Luke 6.1.2.
Lhi is Lord oft he Sabbath, Wat, 12.8.
| Warke 2.28. Luke 6.5. and heated manp
bpen the Sabbath vay. Luke 13. 10,13, and
14. 1,4. Tohm 5.§,t0 10. and 9.16.
Sabbath of Cheiſtians mut be euerlaſting.
Iſa 66.23. fee Reft,
Whe true ole of the Sabbath. Ffa,56.2.
andys.53. —
Whe everciie of Chik and his Apoſtles on
the Sabbath dap. Mar. 6.2, Luke 4. 16*
John 722, 2 3. Acts 12.14, 15 ANDIS., and
16. 13. and 134. and 20.7.
A Sabbath daxes icurney. Acts raz.
Sackecloth, Ahab put on Sackeleth tohen |
he heard the wozds of Eliiah. . Kin 21.19, |
27. leoke Ropes,
Mee are ict ſaued bp the outwatd ſignes
of rhe Sacraments, but bp the intuilihie gras
ces offered therein, Dag.2.12,53. Gatth.3,
42. John 3.5. Rom.4 5, 10, 11. 1. Cor. 10.5
taé. Epheſ.5 25,26 1. Petet 3.21, Looke
Baptifme,Supper,and Signes.
Sacrifices ought to be without blemiſh Les
Wit. 1.20,8ND z. 1. aud 22.19, NQumb 28,31.
Deut.r5.22, and 17.1.0 3ck.g 3.22. }
The mowing Sacrifice 2: Ring.3 20.
Acceptable Sacrifices were kindled with |
fire from heauen. Gen.4.4.¢8.20,21 E 15.)
951% Leuiticus 9.24. Vudg-6.28.€ ERE,
zo. 1. Rings 18. 38.2 CHONJE: tee hon, l
rehe dapiy Sacrifice. Exod. ꝙ 38. Qum.
The feafkes of Sacrifice were Eepe with
ioy. Gen.z 1454. Eron.: 8.12 € 326 Rum
25:2. Delt, 12.617,11, (015. end 27 6,7
u,Dawt.1.3,4. and g.ez.* any 06 5. 2,S4.
15.7. 11, 12. 1. Ring. 1.9525 AND 3 4,156 Ve
BtOl.29 9521,22. |
Déi Sacrificing of ebildꝛen. Lewitr8 21g
20, 2.D2U.b2: 31. INDRE 30.7 2. FRI. 3.27 |
AND 16.3.8 1717.2. Chꝛ. 2 8.3. Plal 106: 37,
Iſa.5 7.5. Jer. ↄ. 31.0 190.4 EZL 16.20.46 20.
31. Of the Sacrifice of the vngedlp. Getta. 3»
$. 1. Sam. 15.21,22. Pſal 4o.o and 50.16,
17 aud 51. 160. Ufa tL gto 16. and 44 3 10
21.7 66.3. Jere.s.29 8nd 7. 11,18 14.03, |
Hoſe 5.6. and 6.6. and 8.13. and 9.4. Amos
5.25. Mich. 6 7. Ecclus.34.1d. Matth.ↄ.
23 Mar.12. 33. Deb. ro.6,8.
ME ſpirituali Sacrifices. lal s 7.8 26.6
27-6.€ 40.6.8 50. 14, 15. @ SIERI E 116.
23,* JD20u.21.3. Ula § 6.152. Flere. 7. 3,00 7
Hof 6-6. Micis.8. cel gy. n.” Wart.5.22,
24.G 9.03, 0ND 12.7: athe 12.33,34,446
Rom.: 2. r. Phil.a. uß Peh. 13,13,16.
Chak is the perfect Sacrifice foz (he faitha
ful Iſa 5 3.10 John. 17. 3.2 Corinth. g. 18.
Ephel 5.2. 1. Hoh. 2. 1,2. aud 4. 2,9,101 4a
Web: r.z. and 5.1. mhercof Fzhak wae afis
giure. Getie.22.2.8,9, 13,18: envall the Sa-
crifices of the 010 law a Maroto. Hed. ro.r,to
10 Looke Prieft ans Offrings, and Aaron in |
the fir © able.
Sacrificer {ee Priel
Sadduces fee Refurre@ion,
Sadne fz, fee Heauineffe,
Safetse. hel: that are baner the pretece
tion of Gor, hall dwell inSafery, Dette 33.
12,28. JS208.3.23. Iſa.4 30. Vere 72.2%
Hoſe.2 18. As did the Iſtaeitſes % long as
theyp honcured God.. Datt re.
Sants, Tie oucht to diſtribute to the nes
ceric of f Saints. Rom.r 2.1 341 .€0%.16.9 20,
Paul would pave the Saints to decide ali
rentrouerfies. Coꝛ s.r.
Of thofe that gane themſelues to minißer
tothe Saints. 1. Coꝛ.i 6.15, 17. —
Continuall parite to be mate in the pi
rit fozthe Saints. Epheſ. s. 18.
Chꝛiſtians calles Saints, and whp. Lom. |
16.2 Ephel. r.r JOLT. rand 4.24, piles
mon 5. Deb v2.24. 1. 02.1.2. 2. Q 020.1.
Golo, 1.2.1. Chel s.29, 00 a
oa be
AIt was giuen onto the beak to make Wat
(with the Saints, and ouercome them. Reue.
3 3:7. $
Whe Saints lonen not their lines to the
veath foz the wogd of their teſtimony. Reue.
2.11. Dee Precious.
f The Saints thall thine as the Hunne.
Aat. 3.43, Their felicitie. Rewe.7.16,17.
| he prapers of Saints offerten vp to Gon
Dp the Angel.Rene.8.3,4.
| Righteouinefle of Saints expzeſſed bp fine
linnen. Reue. 198.
Whe Saints are inthe hands of God. Den.
4 God will keepe the Feet of hig Saints from
Apping awap in temptations. :.Sam.2,9.
f Son puniſheth his Saints in merep, Plal.
+ Ehe mpferie of faluation in Chzilk is ma-
nikeſted to his elect Saints. Col.1.26.
Agaiaſt woghipping of Saints. Judg.13.
¥5,16.{ 155.1.%2 8c.9. Jla. 42
8.9218. 3.3, 14. Mait.ꝓ ro. Luke 4.8. ders
10.25, 26. and 14. 11, to 19,1.0[02.1.1 2,13.
and 3.5,6. Reu.⁊ 2. 8.9& paving oz putting
diut truſt in them. Plal. 36.6. 115.17. and
60.1.8 145.18. 146.3. Iſa 63.16. Jer.1 5.
T.a 17.5,6. Ezek. 14.14, 20. DAt 3.4.
Clker 14.3. Meattherr. a8. John 14.6. ers
4.12. Ront, 10.14. Jam.i.5, i7.
Sale looke Buy.
Sait, Lots wife tranffozmend into a pillar
of Salt. Gene.19.26.
Abimelech towed tale in the citie of Sbe-
chem. Fadges 9.45.
God thzatneth ta burne the Fewes {and
with brinffone and Sale, ifthep dilobeyed his
| Lawes. Deut.29.23.
> Elitha cak Salt into the infectious (pring
ef maters any healed them. 2. Rin 2.21,22.
Eruery man fhall be falced with fite, anu
euerb facrifice Halbe ſalted with Salt. War.
The Apotties are callev the Sale of the
earth, Aat. srz o.
- Dur ſpeech muk bee powdzed with Salt.
C he couenant of Sale. ;Num. i18. 19.
— belongeth onto the 1020. Pſal.
d The Lod ig onr Saluation. Exod.ts.2.
Plſal s5.5. 2. Dam. 22.3,
Saluation ig obteined bp Jeſus Chꝛiſt. r.
Ciri 5.0, and bp none other.Gcts.4.02.
. The Pꝛophets haue diligently enquyred
of the Saluacion that ſhould came bp Chꝛiſt.
B,19et.1.9,10, 11.
Saluation put foz the Doctrine of the Gols
~ We oughe to craue health and Saluacion
sof God. Fere.17.14. À
> Gov bhath wrought our ſaluatiõ bp fending
his ſonne to be our redeemer Iſa.59.20, 2 5.
Saluation ig of the Jewes, of whom Chait
deſcended agtouching the Heh, Joh 4.22,
Eeternall Gluation ginen tu all that obep
the Lord Telus. Deb. 5.9.
Daur laluation pet hid, atthe lak dap hall
be reuealed. 1. Det.i.5.
saluation came intothe houſe of Faccheus,
Whe citie of Salt. Joſh. 15.62. ——
The ſecond Table.
becaule hee beleeued in Telus Spritt. Luke
The knowledge of Saluation came Guto
bs through Gods tender mercie, by Jelus
Chit, without eur veferr. Luke 1.77378,
r ka gape 3 Ephelians 2.1,5,8. Titlis 3.
4,to 8,
Hannah reiopced in Gods Saluation, r.
am. 2.1.
Ghz the Saluation ef the Gentiles ig
plomileo. Gene.49.10. exhibited ana ſeene.
Luke 2.30,31,32.
All things neceflarp to Saluation, are ree
uealed to bs bp Chak. Joh. 5. 15. Act. 20. 27
DE the certainetie of out Saluation. Job
13. 15, 16.8 19.25,26,, 1.4 00n
10.18,29, Rom.8.1,16,17, 38.39. Gal.4.6.ꝛ2, 23. and 11. 1.9/2. 1.6,7.8,
Dow Saluation ig obtained thzough fateh
bp Gods gracious election, Tooke moze Bla.
25.9. Matt.20. 15,16. X2 5. 34.Max. 10. 31,
40, 300.3.15,16.€5.24.% 20.29, 31. Acts 2.
47. and Rom.a1.6. 10.4, 9.
GEph.1.11,13.and 2.8. 1. Theſ. 5.9.2. Theſ.
2.12,14. 2. Tim. 1.9, 10. and 2.50, Gitar,
2.and 3.4,t0 8. . Pet.i.2; to 6.
Salute no man bp the wap. Luke 10.4.
2. King.4. 29. ſee Bleſſe.
The faluration of the Angelto Gideon.
3 — 2. aNd tothe bitgine Matie. Luke
Pauls manner of ſubſcribing his Epiftles,
The faluation of mee Paul withmine owne
hand, 2.@ bell. 3.17:
Sanétrfe, foz te keepe boly. Deut.s.12.t0
Dedicate to Gad. pod. 13.2. JAumb.7,1.£0
praple, 1. Pet· z.15. and to make a thing to
be taken foz bolp. Matth. ⁊ 3.17.
The Gabernacle , the Arke with the ins
firuments, and Aatons fonnes fandified.
Exo.29.4 3 and 30.26,to 31. Leu.8.10,14,
Ge fairhiutl are fanGified in the Mame
of Chꝛiſt bp rhe Spirit of God. 1.Toꝛ.o II.
To fanAifie God, what. Deut.32.51.
Whe vnbe leeuing bufband is fanctified
bp the twife,gc. 1.@02.7:14,looke Celebrate,
and Confecrate.
PDFSanAificatton.1.Coz.1.30, 32,1, Thef.
SanClasary. The bigh Pꝛieſt entred into
the SanQuary but once a peere. Leuit.16,2.
eb 9.7.
The purging of the SanQuary, Leuit.r6.
Goð commanded to reuerence hig Sanku-
ary Leuit.: 9.30.
The fozme and fituation of the Sanctuary
twith all the furniture,is made. rod, 36.1."
and 37.1,” and 38.1.* and 39.32." ag wag
commmatited.gr0.25.1.* and 26,1." and 27.
1." andisreared vp. Exod.40.2.
Whe land of Canaan, called Gods San-
Quary. Exod. 15. 16, 17.
Satan obtaining le aue sf Gov, deſtroyed
ali Jobs goons, Fob 1.12.* and afflicten
Him. Tob 2.6,7.
Satan Defired to winnow the Apofiles ag
tubeate, Luke 22.31,32.
The foznicatoz to be dilinered onto Sa-
tan, and wiy, 1.@025.4,5. Dpmeneus and
Alexander likewiſe. 1. Tim · 1,20.
Satan hindged Pauls ioutnep to Theffa⸗
lonica. ꝛ. bef. 2.18.
Satan bound and calf into the bottomleſſe
pit, and loofes againe.Reutl.20.2,3,
Chꝛiſt called Petet, Satan. Batih.16.23.
Warke 8.23.
Thep were inſtrumẽts ef Saran, that temps
ted Dauid to Rap Hhimei.2.Ham. 19.22.
Satan blindeth the minva of infiveis, that
Gods glozicus Golpel ſhould not Hine vnto
them.2 Cozin.4.4,and endeuoureth te with:
Dzat the Faithful from the fame.s.Chef-3.5.
Df the Spnagegue of Saran. Reuel.2.9,
and 3.9, and of bisthzene. Reue.2.s3.leoke
Antichzilks comming is bp the wozking of
Satan. 3.QQeflalon,2.9. Hooke in the Gri
Sata faction fee Chrift an’ Re ftitution.
Satisfied, {ee Foure.
Sau, Iſtael apeople faued bp the Lop,
Gos enelp Gueth ont of all aduetſities.
1.Sam 10,19.
No man faued bp his clone power oꝛ polis
cie. JP fal.3 3.16.
De that will faue bis life. (ee Life.
Chik came to faue that which wag of.
Watth.18.11, Luke 19. 10.euen uünners. r.
The Lord adderh daplp ro the Church, fue
as ſhall be Hued, bp the Golpel —
— hfaued os fi
od bathfaued bs from finne, and how.
Epbel.2.7,8. Titus 3.5,6,7, be
Tne alked Chik if but few Hout bee
faned. Luke.t 3.23.
Chai would bane all men faued,anv come
to the knowledge of the tructh.1.Tim.2.4.
Tiho Mail be faued F/a.33.15,16.
Df the iopfull eftate of them rhat ſhall be
faued, Iſa.a5 6.* Ẹ 30.19,20. @ 49.6.* and
60. 1. €65.23,24,25 -Jer.31.23.*Dansa,
3-2. fb. 2.27,t0 33." Hild. 3.1,7,8. and 5.
1,5-Qatth.13 43. @ 19.28,29.¢ 25. 10,29,
34,to 41. Marke 12.25. Luke 9.2 9.4m 16,
22,25. aud 22.30. Jol.16.22.¢17. 24. Rom.
8.17,30. 1. Coꝛ2.9. ND 15.42. 2. Tim.a b8.
Debz. ro.36.and 13.14. Jam.i.2. 1. Pei.r
455+ AND 5.a.4. Rett.2.7510517,26. * and 3.
5. 12, 20. and 24.4,7,10," Ẹ 22. 1,2
looke Heauen and Life, an
Cite fo taketh bpon bim to be able to faue
bimfelfe maketh bimfelfe God. Job 40:9,
Sauiour Bod is our Sauiour ost of all trous
bles. 2.Ham.22:3,7,
God ig the Sauiour of all men, {pecially of
thele that,
Chꝛiſt isa prince and Sauiour,Aets 5.31.
in whom tpeth our faluation.G5atth.1.21,
Many called Sauiours.Judg.3.9, 15.
Sauour. Oe Loꝛd ſmelled a ſauour of teſt
at Noahs factifice,Gen.8.21,
To wham Mhailk his etrefe is a fauour of
teath bunto Drath, anv life onto lifeg. dozz.
Sawe. The Sawe map not exalt it felfe as
gainii him thar moueth it. Ila 10.15.
F Scab. A biiflering {cab hpon man ant
beaft, in alí Egppt. Exod.9.9, 10, 11.
Scape goate, what Aeuit.r68.
5 2 R
Scarcitie looke Plentie.
Schaſme looke Hereſies and Sects,
Schoolemæſter. looae Lavy.
Scholler. A good Batter maketh a good
Scholler.Exampie.ꝛ.Ring.i 2.2.
Scoumed. Chꝛiſt was ſcourged. Mat 27. 26
Paul oulo gaue bene ſcourged, but was
uot.Acts 22.24,t0 30.
Cbꝛiſt fosctulbe bid Apoſtles howe thep
Should be ſcourged Wat 23. 34. looke Beaten,
Scourges.\ooke Plagues,
Scribe, wzat it ſignitieth. Ezra 7. 6 looke
Scriptures, wobp thep were witten. John
The Scripture Hath concluded ail onder
Gane and why. Gal. 3.22,23,24.
The Scriptures teltifie of Chet. Luke 24,
27,46. Joys 5.39-and 20,9. Act. 18.28.
“Chi confonnted the deuillbp the Scrip-
ture Mat. 4. 2,8, 10. Luk. 4.4,8, 12.
Thzi& pꝛoues by rhe Scriptures, that Yee
twas fent of the Father. John 5.36,39-
Chꝛiſt came to fulſill the Scriptures, and
therefoze interpactet) them to pig Apoltles.
Luk 24.2734445,46-
Szarching of Scriptures vaplp, and toby.
Acts 17.21- >
Tahat profit wee reape of the Scriptures. 2. Tim. 3:16,17
Scripture put fo? the oft Teſtament. ohn
3.39 Rom. 5-3 ]
Dee that beleeueth not rye Scriptures, will
not giue credit vnto anp perlon. Luk.i 6.31.
Ttmothp inGructed iz the Scriptures trom
a child.. Tim. 3. 15.
Heter eryozrety boto take heere bnto the
Scriptures,and wp.ꝛ. Pet. .i⸗. and 3.1,2.
Go beware of wreſters of the Scriptures,
@tohp.2. Pet. 3. 10.17. All things thar Chalk
did, ate not in Scripture. Jan 20, 30, 3 1. and
25.25. ? i
The buderflanving of the Scriptures i8 the
gift of GoD. Luk.24.45.
The Scriptures ate wholefome waters. C-
Fek.47.9- .
Ali foes of people ought toknow Scrip-
tures. Dettt.6.7,8,9-Jaum 11,29. Joſhu.i.8.
Plal.i.ꝛ.a 2. 10.4 197,00 11.and 319.9, 10,
105, Pꝛs.20.5. Lu.1 1.52. Job. 5.39. Act.17.
11.¢ 18.24. Rom.r5.4. Col. 3. 16.æ TiM, g
13. and 2. Tim. 3. 15, 16. Reu.22. 10
The Scriptures are eaſie to the ſimple tf the
{pirit of God be not abfent-Erod.4.1 5.Deu,
30.1 1,12,83,14, Plal.19.7. 119.1 30. Pꝛo.
14.6. 98.54.13. Jer.31.34 Daba. 2.2514.
QJat.1 John 16.1 3.Acts 2.17,
18.€1.@02.2.9, 10. Tit. 1-3-and 2. JÐet. 1.20..
Ignoꝛance of the Scriptures, berp Danger
rous foꝛ Chꝛiſtians. 3. Rin. 17.26,27,28329.
Plal.ↄ5. o, 11. Pꝛo 1.28,29. Iſa.i.3,4. and
3. 13.14. WRil 5.6,7. and 14.21. Ecclu.4. 25.
Mat.i 5.14.Mar. 12.24. Joh 3.19,20-4 12.
35. Rom 1.28.* and 10. 2,3. and 1.102, 2.8,
and 14. 38.and 15.34.and 1. THM 4.13.
The Canenicall Scripture compzehendeth
all things needful to falustion.Job.4.25.anp
§.39. AND 15. 15.880 16. 13. and 20 30,31.
Get.1.1,2 420.37.and 26.22. Rom.i.ic.and
FF .4,8ND 2. Tim. 3. 15, 16, 1 7. and 1.2 02.1.8.
BIDE. 1.23, 25. 3 UE. 2-28, Deby, 4.12.
The ſecond Table.
end to Decide all controuerſies neerfull foz
S hzittians to bee refolued in. Pſal rus. 105
and 197.19,20. hI 1.6. Ecclugas, Bat.
$-35457;10.9 9.13.4 12.3,4,5,40. ANB 15.7,
8.and 16.4. and 32.31,32,t0 39. Bar 10-2,
3,°0 13. Luke 16,29. and 19.46. and 24.26,
27.36). ro 34. Act. 2.16,to 22, and 3. 2 2. and
10. 43. and 18.28, Rom. 3. 10, to 20. and 4.3.
and 9,12. * and 2. Lez.10.4, 5.2 i. Coz..
23." and 2. Tim 3. 16. Heb 4. 12.
T Seale. To ſeale, is taken fogta appꝛcue.
as Joh 3.33. atid 6.27,
Sza, made and named of the waters ga⸗
thered together. Gen.t,1,9, 19.
Flrael pallen through the middeft of she
Sea, being diuided With Bales tobde ron,
14.21, 22.
The Sea of the wilderneſſe is callen alfo
the fait Sea, Fofh.2 16.
be bttermok Sea. Deut, 12.24,
Whe glaffie Sea. Reue 15.2.
The tozmeof the nioken Sea, which Gas
lomon placed in the Cemple.1.ikings 7.23,
to 27.
Whe Sea fora lake. MWat.4.13.Aar.1.16,
uke 5.2.
Search, There igno arching of Gods bn: -
Deifkanding. Iſ 8.
God ſearcheth all hearts. 1. Chren. ⁊ 8.3.
looke Heart, and Cutious.
Seafons. looke Signes,
Seate, CUhat we (held attribute ta thoſe
which fit in Woles ate Mat. 23. 2, 3.
Second death. Reuc.2.11. andar $.
Secret, ©. Paul ſhewed the Cozinehians
8 fecret, 1.Q 07.15.51."
Some thinke Ged ſeeth not their fecret
abominations. 3eb.8.12.
God Hall indge che ſecrets of men bp Je⸗
fus Ciniſt. Rom.ꝛ 16, -
Se. S.\Haul was of the (A of the Pha
ries. Acts, 26.5.
Dots the Sects of Savduces and Pharti
feg differ. Acts 23.8.
Securitie of Belſhazz ar. Dats. 1,2,10 6.*
- Yooke Careleffe,
Sedition,and the puniſhment therof. Rum,
16.1,2." 6 20. 2,t07. Judg.9.2. I2.1,to07
2. Sam 20. 1,2 1,22. L.M. 1.5," ¥ 2.15,
to 26 OF ft.2.21,22. Actes 5.36,37. and 23.
7,9,10." Woke Rebell, and Bnuie.
Seditious pexlons ate ta bee Yunned. P20,
Seduce, {coke Deceiue..
See. Hom Moies and diuers other awe
God, whemno man can fee and fie. Eror.
24.9,10,17. and 3 3.20,13. JQUM, 12.8,
Daabobh faw God face to face. Ge.22.30.
S. Poul vefireth tofee the Theſſalontans
bodily 1. Theſſ2. 17.
God wilt glue his chilen eyes te fee
withall. Deut.29.4.
See, put foz te Buotwe, Watth-9.4. Wob. 6.
40. fo eutring into. John 3, 3, and foz feele.
Jebn 8 51.
Seede ig fowen, and Fed giveth it a body
at his pleafure. 1.2[02.9.10,
Seede Mall be multiplied to them that gine
liberali ales. 2.02.15 38.
pr Seede that. is mabe vucleane. Renit:
11. 38
Of ralling Seede.fec Raife, p-d
Seed ef Abraham from Izhak bp promile;
not from Iſhhmael. Gene.21.12.Romg9.8,
Deb.11.18, |
Seede foz poſtetitie War.12.19. |
Felus Cheiſt was of the Scede of Dani’,
2.Bam 7.42,13.
Gob hath lett the Seede of the Jemes
Rom.9 29, |
Tue woo of Gov is compared to Scede
Parth.r 3. 3,10 44. Barg 3 14, 26, 31. Lil
8.5,to 16. |
She honaurable “eede are thep that feate
the Loꝛd.Ecclus. o.20. j
Seeke, He that Doety Seeke the Rez with
all bis heart, {hail find him. PN
31. Jere.29.13 -
Go feeke Gon, tooke Leefe. |
The godly labour foz ell that ſeeke knot!
ledge. Scclus.33.16.and 24 39. |
Secme, locke Hypocrites and Eyes. |
Seer, put foz a }D20phct.1.E3am.9.9, r, |
Seethe. The ceremoniall Raw torꝛbibdeh
to feethe meate bpon the Sabbath day. Exo.
1623. ,
The Seething pot. Ezek.24 3,015,
Seething chilazen, fee Women. |
Seli that pee haue , and gine tothe pooꝛe.
AZatthrg 21 iu. r2.33,34.anbd 18.22.
Soleph was folde bp Gods pzourrence. |
Gene.45.5. j
The faithful folde their polleffions, and
tohp. Acts 2.45.locke Buy.
Sende, God declares that hee vid Sende:
Moles to gouerne his people. FLum.: 6.28.
Chiff fent by God. Febn 8.18,
God fent Rezin and Pekah againſt as
ba3.2. Wings 15. 37. and 16.1,5, 2
Chii fenthis ApoGies as hee wag fent.
Jobu 20 21. Fa
Mone can preach except thep be ſent Ro⸗
Man. ioi, > :
Separate. Gon feparated the Iſrae lites frem
other people, that they migbt feparate thenia
{clues from Althine fle, Levit.20.24,25,26.
Dé the Separate field. Lewit.27.23.
Of the fepararing of the goates from the
- Heepe Watth.25.31, 32 33.
Sepulchre. Chris Sepulchre watchen with
fouldiers. QB atth.27 60,63.”
The JDnarifes are termed whiten tombesy
62 S Divs vileiphac ot ſeruants. Ecclus. 33.
23." ye ant
© Dow ro entreate aferuane from bis child-
heode. Pꝛo 29.19320, 23. WEP pe
~ She ouetie ot feruants tobsards their ma-
Mer. Epie.6.5,to g Lolz 22. HUUG.
@Wit.2.9.% 1. jet, 2.18,* Bat. sg. Sig
E Di Cruants called tocye knowledge of the
P @olpel.c.€02.7.21,22, ;
Boles willed the Jewes to remember that
they were feruants themielues.Dewl.1 6.12.
~~ CEramplesof goer feruants and faitytili,
Heit. 2.4,1,7F 1, 38,3940 AND 391.
F Go caco rhe Hraclites yrs feruants.
bettit.2 5.556"
-o Hach compaſſion of pis feruants. Den.
3 dhil calleth bis nat feruants, but friends,
and yp. Tobn rs. rpg.
C ee are the feruants of God delluered
ffrom tinie. Joon 8.32,t0 37 Roma.s. 16,17,
281. Wet 2.106, à .
` Bleken is chat ſeruant whore his maner
when be commeth, Wall Gude waking. Luke
15 2.36,(0-49¢
Cee are all Onpgoitable fenrants Lake
John 15.20. s
m Gon bill auenge the blood of his feruants.
Dent.3 2.43
f Ciho lo will be greatelſt, ought to bee fer-
ant to all. GPat.20.26,27,28.
— Bibop isthe Lorde feruant. 2, Tim 2.
2 ’
$ he feruants of Hil oug he not to be men
pleated. Dalt. 19, ;
E Paw being free from all men, became
ferusnt te ali; to winne the moge.s. Cozinth.
4 tiee are feruants of finne, if wee be over:
come fipit. John 3.34. 2,. Pet. 2.19.and be-
ing feruants of tinne wee ate freed from righ
teouſueſſe Roin,6.20.
THe ought to inſtruet our childzen, that of
Pondto rhe deuill. Deut, 6. i .we are mate
fontres of Hod. Gal, 3.26.
The feruant that knoweth His makers
wilßand doeth it nor Luke 12. 47,48.
© Dain furen not his feruancs to doe Saul
barne ann yp, «Gam. 24/5,to11,
© Con proitiaed foz his eruants contrarp to
{heir erpectations. 2.Sa.17.20;29,
+ Whe wicken are Gods feruants, ayd how.
Mere.25 9.400 27.6. Ñ
P Seruant ofthe Church. Rom.r6.16 -S
© Sernec Mom we mult ferue Gov. Joſhu.2 2.
27.28, 29 and 24, 14,10 25. Exod 23.25.
Deret 10, 12,1720- 28. 47
T Dam, rz. 20. Mpatt.4, 10. Luke 4.8. Hebe
€ The Fetes ferued Baalim, ann Afhtas
` ind 3 ‘Fe
‘97-40. * reat
* ete feruant is hoe greater then Gis mater. °
oth, anu kozſooke the Mogt. uby. a4 2,130”
~ /Thefecond Table.
DE thole that erued both Gov any idoles.
Cheeud of oar vocation and redemption,
ig to ferue the lining Gow. 1.Chrls.9, Dev.
2.05, dLtthe 1.74575.
Seruice dilpl alingoz plealing Gov. Plai.
a.ia,to a8. and 43. 22, 23, 24.
Serie Woke what. Leuit 23.7.
| Seruitude, God foxetols Abzaham the fer-
uitude of the chimen of Iſrael, and their
Deliucrance out of Egppt.Genel.15.13,14.
looke Bondage.
Senen. Jerhzo had Leuen Daughters. Exod.
2.16. and Job euen ſennes. Hob 1. 2. and 42
13. locke Mareyrdome,
—— put fog an infinite number. Wat.
10:22. 3
Seuentie and two diſciples fent topzeach,
and bow iLti.10.1,to13,16.Q9at.10.8,te 16.
& Shame vpon thole that nilobep God.
Deuc.28.20:10ke Afhamed.
Sheepe were Wont to bee twatereD toward
tight. Wen.29.2,3,7,8. Exod.2.17, 18.
Sheepe were permitted the Jewes to eat.
Michalahs patable of the heepe without
a ſhephe ard. 1. Kings 22.17,35,36,37-
Mhoſe flockes of Meepe are cutſed, and
whole blelled. Deut, 28.4,31. as appeareth.
Indg 6.4.
an oblation of aSheepe ox Lambe, Leu.
3 6,7. E
Tle tuzre as ſtray theepe befoze out con-
uerſton 1. $et2.25.
Chif cailerh the Jewes loft theepe. Wat. `
10.6. fo whem he was fent. Dateh. v5.24.
The qualities e ſatetie of Chiks theepe. ~
John 3:75.16 aud 10,27,28,
Thole that were vot of pia fheepe , beler
ued not. Jehu i0. 26 che:
Chꝛiſt callerh his theepe, the bleſſed of hi
Father, Wateh.25.33,34.
Chik tutiterh Peter to ſeede bis lambes
andfheepe, Yohn zres ray =
Jewes ad Gentiles are. one Sheepefold
acknowledging Chait theirently Shepherd.
Shepheards. Jaakobs chidren were Shep-
heards , which were an abomination te tte
Egyptians. Gen 46.32.*
Chif the Shepheard and ervectation of
the Gentiles. 2. (0,2. 34." The goodShep-
heard, Joh.10.11,14. The ckiefe Shepheard,
1.Pet.5.4.and 2.25. of the fairhfull. Ezek.
34.23,245ech.12.7. whole birth was decla⸗
red vnto Shepheards. Luke 2.8,te 2r.
Agaiuſt couetous Shepheards, Ezek. 34.
2, 102 3
DF the foolifh and inie Shepheard, anv his
inſtruments Sech, Ir. 15,16,17
@fShepheards, loske moze it Paftours,
ann Heardmen,
A Shekel of the Ganctuarie, what. Eror.
30:13. 3b. 45. 12. ANM. 3.47.
A common Shekel, what.Gen 23.15. xs
odiis 21.3 2.
Twentie Shekels make one pound. Ezék,
Shewbread, loohe Bread.
Shields of got. 1 Ring? 10.17 putin the
Houle called the foret of Lebanon.g pap.7.2
Ly io wale
caried awax bp Shifhak king of Egypt ane -
bzalen Shields put in theit liead by KR eyobe=
ann.Chap. 14.2627. ~
God is a Shield to the faithfull Deutera,
33.29. 2,5am, 22.3. Pſal 119.1 114. Loble
Prot Gour.
Shoves ot the Iſt aelites waxed not old fog
foztie pectcsfpace.Deut.29 5.
Thole that did eate the Baſchal Lambe
had theit ſhooes on theit feet, egora.,
God commanded Moles to put yis thooes
off bis feere. Erod.3.5. The like commarne
Dement Lad Jolhua, Pobuna 5.15, The cere
monie of purctng off tbe fhooe,in redeeming
Woles propbeſted onto the tribe of ater
that their thooes ſhould bee pron ann byafle,
nar 33.25.
Shut. Gov twil hut bp the heau ihe
fidelis. Dent.11.17. p rhe De aaraa tev
Sickneffe fent of Hod.tothole that misét
beare bis werde. CrON. 5.26. 02 doe difobep
bis commandements, Dreut.28.35,59.
3 Dow Feroboam bebauen bimivife, when
bis ſonne twas ficke.: Bing.14.1,t0 21.
Dauids bebauiour while bis fome ip
Bathlheba was ficke.
to 34,
Amnon fained bimfelfe ficke, and tupp, a.
ane i
~ The ficke ſhould calf foz the CE Ip
Church. Games S ah hes ee
Sit our fickenefle wee ought to baue res
tourfe to God. Ercing 38.9. Flai. 38, 2, a
(and fet our Youle in ogder.2 ditt.20.1.) anD
not to (oles oz witches. 2. Kin. rre,
VE we ferne Gc, he will remoune atl ficke-
neffe from amang bs. Eron.23.25, and fend
then om all that hare bs.Deut.7.12,15.
Gon lendeth fickenefle , fomerime foz our
finnes. Bat.9.2.fometime for bis owne gloz.
2, Sam, 13.15,16,
‘Tie, Tobit 5.5314 anBo.3.andaig. `
Many weake and ficke foz communicas
ring Aare — 1,30.
ziſt beateth the fickeneffe bo
SEENE Wat.8.16. 2 e
£ oltaht to bumble our feines befoze twi
he ficke Ectlus. 18.20 ' ae
Sickeneffe the puniſhment of finne.Lenit.
2616,18, Mumb. 12.70.* 2, Hant.24.10,t0
18. >. King 5.1.27. 2.Chz0.25.12,t0 16.
Hotw theficke haue behaued theme lues itt
their fickeneffe, and Death Bene 48.3.* and
49.28," @50.24,25,26. Dent. 34.1, to 14.”
Joſhita 23.2.* and 24.1,t030," . Kinge.
4 ta if. 2.@ 20.32.24. 2. Bing. 20, 152536
Tob 4 2. 1. Macc.2. 40.*
The ficke muff be viſited and comforted,
Ge.48. 1. 2 Kin.s.29 Job 2.1 r. Diag..
Eccioas 7.34, 35.and 38.9, 12.2. Eſdꝛ 2. 21.
OF} At-25.3 6,39,40.2.0 03.1.4. Looke Diſea-
fes and Infirmities,
Side of Chꝛiſt pearced with a {peare. Iob.
19.34. |
Sigh. The Iſraelites fighed fo2 heir bon⸗
dage,a Bete he ard.gerov.i.84.4nd 2.2 3524.
Paul fighed, and why. 2.@az.5.2,3.
Szzhts, looke Appearings.
Siznes ott rintes token faz mitecles, whera
by Sod Bothwake hic power kuchion. deren.
48,9, AND 34.10, HD 7, 3,29." ane 16. 4.*
‘ Soy,
Joſch. 3.5. 1. Bing.: 3.3.and 17. 1. 14. and 18,
24.* and 20. 13, 122, 28,36, 42. 2. Kin. 5. 10, to
R5.ant 20 8,to 12. Matt· 8.3. E9.2.14
19,t0 22,36.fuch the Sctibes and Phariſes
Eequired. Gp att.12.38,ta 43. and 16, 1,18 6.
Iuke 11.29,t0 33.1. Loz.t.22,
Signes fometimes allo are tokens of afus
fance.Gen.9.02 15.8. Exod.3 1. 13. Joſh.
2.18, to 22, Judg.6.14.* 1, Sam. 2. 34.0 10.
#,(0 10.2. Sam a. 1,2. ã 2. Rin.19. 29. Iſai.
37.30.F 38.7. Tob 5.2. Qum. 16.28,29. Lu.
1.3536 37 0 2.12. (emetime foz tokens of
temembzance. Exo.i 2,.1 3 Qum.i5.39. and
16.38. and 17. 10. Joſhtia 4. é. looke Sacra-
Dunne, Moone, and Starred oꝛdeined foz
Signes,feafons,dapes, and peetes. Genel, r
34,t0 19,
Signes {hal follow them that beleeue, fog
& contitmsation of their Doctrine. Dar. 16.17.
Signes preceeding the Dap of tutgement.
Mat.24.29,t0 31. Wat 13.24.*Lu.21.25,%
Ala.s 2.10.9 3e- 32.7. Voel 3-15.
Tee ought not to feare the fignes of hea:
wen. Jer.10.2.
* Silence mult bee kept, ag time anb place
requiteth.JD20.10,19.anD 25.11.
1,5,to 9.
Siler loske Golde.
Similitude · God fending his owne onne
in the fimilitude of Anul Aek, condemned
Grune in the feh Rom.d.z.and 6.5.
Semple concerning ewtil. Mat. io. 16. Ros
maneg 16.19, —
Hee that diſtributeth, let him Boe it with
fimplicitie. Rom 12.8.
aul reioicerh that his conuerfation wag
in finplicitie.2.@02-1.12. i ;
Singing. De boꝛah anb Barak tung pzaife
to God. jog. 5.1.7 and Welez andthe J G
raelites with Witiam. Ero. 15.1." and Das
uid allo.2. Dam. 22.16"
Wee ought to fing Pſalmes ant ſpititual
fongs te the Lod in our pearte.cpbe.j.19.
Gol, 3.16,17. ;
a fang fo2 Iſraelites to learne bp heart,
and fing. Deut.31.19.and 32.1500 44.
Singersogbeined,and thetroff.ce,and cour:
fez. 1.€2.25.1." ;
Danin the ſweete finger of H{cael.2. Sa.
23.1.looke Song.
Sinne and Sinner Sinne taken foz the reot
of pernerfitie Rom. 6.and 7. Chapters. and
foz a factifice foz the fatiifaccion for fiune.
Mom.8.3. 2. o2.5.21. ane finners, foz thole
that ate altogether abvicted to wickednefie.
Wat.9.11. John 9.34.
Anam latve hie finneto his wife, and hee
tothe Serpent. Gen.3.12,43
Though whom finne entren into f wolo,
ano death bp finne. Rom 5.12.
The deuill pꝛeuoked the woman tofinre,
Gen.3.4 to 6.
© He that committeth finne, is of the veuill.
1. John 3.8, :
Sinne is the fing of pesth.1.Qoz.1 5.56.
De is a finner that beleeueth not the Gol
Jeroboam finned, g mate Iſrael tofinne.
1 Kings 12. 28,29, 30. which finne pulled
deſttuctian opon she citie. 3. Rings 14,16.
The fecond Table.
The like ig tobe leene in Baasha. r Kings
16.2, 3.
Samuel counted it a finne againſt the
Her to ceale praping fozthe Iſtaelites. 1,
The chilen of Eli finned, and mave the
people to trefpaile.s-Sam.2.12,17,24, 25-
Idslatet s company muğ be hunnen, lett
twee fione againt the Lozde. rod. 23. 24,
3253 3-
Tayo fois ouercome of finne, ig the fers
uant ef finne. gobr 8,34. Rom.6.12.
Seruants of finne, are freed from trighte»
ouſneſſe, and contratx.Rom 6. 18,20.
Adam bauing finned fen from Gods pze:
fence. Gen.3.8.
Sone exempt from finne,and cherefoze all
aue neede of the (auiour.jPeo,20.9. Iſ
29.80 5 3.1302, John 1.7.*
Sinne wag not knowen to beefinne, but
lap ag Bead, befoze the Lawe declared and
reuiued it Rom.5.13 and 7. 7,8,9-
As punifyment fog finne, peathis come
bpon all men. Rom.5.i 2.
Sinne abounding coulde not ſutmount
Govs grace Rom. §.15,20,28.
The fruit of finne ig hame, andthe enve
Death. Rom.6.21.
Cuerp man (hal oie foz hig owne finne,
The bloon of Bulles and Geates couine
noi rake away finne. Web. :0.1,t05.
Dod korgiueth finnes. Zum, 1 4.18. Exod.
CUiee ought not to continue in finne, Ec⸗
Tobe conucrted from fine, ig the gift of
God. Fer. 31.18,59, —
God called Adam to ſhewe him Fis finne.
en 3.9.
God ſhewed Kain his ſinne, befoze hee
curſed him. Gen.a10.
God puniſhed che people, becaule their
finne inereafed. Jer. 30.1 5-
Haluation pzomilcd to them that confefle
their finnes. Leui.26.40.42,45. Job 13.16.
Ezek 33. 11.
God imputeth not finne vnto bis faithful.
Phal 32.2. if
Dauit acknowledging Gis finne , was
pardoned.2.Garm.12.5 3.
The Iſrselites confefled the grieuouſnes
of their finnes. fudg.10.10.1 Dam, 12.10.
Pharaoh confelles his finnes, Exov.9 27.
and 10,16.
Df the fines ofthe Gentiles before their fi
calling. Zit.3 3.1. Cor · s.9, 10, 11. Rom. 1.
20.* Ephe.2. 12.1. Pet 4.3:
Raine is denied, g famine fent foz finne,
1. kings 8. 35,37.
The Hewes attributed their affliction to
their finnes, Batuch 2-5,6,7.
Whe finnes faz the which Jerulalem was
afflicted Jer.6.6,7.
God wil not pardon their finnes, who tur
from bim to others. Joſh.24 19,20.
Foz the finne of Achan,al tge people Were
punted. Joſh. .i.and 22.20.
The menof Gibeah,foz their finne. Jung.
19.24,25. were flaine,not onelpcommitecrs,
but winkers at the fame. Judges 20.1 3,14,
44,46. accoꝛding to Pauls Doctrine. Bemg,
1. 31.e like happened tothe Sovomites |
Gen.19 5525.
Gon is metcifull to the finnes- of hig
Baines, albeit be puni chem j5lal.89.34, |
32.33.8ND 1096.44.45.
Moles prapeth Goo to parton rhe peoples
finne, 02 elstorate him out ofthe booke of
Ife. Epo. 3231532.
Moles deleecheth Gov for the peoples
finne S2um.14.19,and Dauit foz bigetne. |
2. Sam. 24.10.
God pꝛomiſeth to bilte the finne of idola⸗
trie. rod.3 2.34. 3
Abundance of {piritual bleſſings ate ppo-
mileo aier forgiuenctie of finnes. Hfa.44.3,
Ahil finned not. 1, Pet-2.22. 1. Johu 3,
‘$f we (ap we hane no finne, we make bim
a ipar, Who calieth al nieu Wicked 1, John is,
10.98-9.17. E
Remiſſion of finnes is through themercp
of God. Luke 1.78.(Wat. 2.5 ,20.Rom.6.15,
¥7,20.bp bis ſonne APatth.1,16.24.¢ bp che
ſhedding of bis biped. Wat. 26.28. MJet. 14,
24. Luke 22.20, }
Chꝛiſt is the reconciliation foz al our fins.
s. Job.2. 2. whoappeared to beare shen: vpon
his bovie to tbe lame ende. a. gohn· ¶5. Rom
4.25.1. Det.2. 24. Gal.1.4.1. Gam. 1.15. by
beleeuing in pim. Acts 10.43.whois ibe m=
nocent Lambe offered bp the father Jobn rs,
29. the onelp facriftce once onely offered fog
al, Deby. 9:26,23. and 10.82,14,18.that we
fhould be zealous of geon works. Dit.2:14,
Chit came toca} fianers one lp to repens
tance. @at9.13.
Chif had authoritie to forgiue finnes,
Watt, 9.6. and remiffion of finnes mutt bee
preaches in his name to ali nations, Luke
Chk did eate with Publicaners and fin-
ners Mat.9.10, 11.
Sinne againtt the bolp Gboſſt, is irre milli⸗
ble.Mat.ra .zi 32. Mar. z3. 29. Luké 12.10,
Deb.s.4.5,6. and 10.26, 27. not to be pꝛayed
foz 1. Jobn 5.16. CAET
Then we were vead bp finne, God quicks
ned osin Colt Æph:2. 5,6. ; i
Gictozp ouer ſinne is given bs by Chzif.
3.Qlog.15.54,57- $
— died kozvs being finners. Roman.
Chꝛiſt Jeſus came intorhis world to faue
inners. 1. Jim.1 15
Vbꝛilt hath lati (tied foz our finnes,that we
dying te finne , might bee quickened by the
{pitit of righteouſneſſe. 1. Pet 2. 24.and 3,
18. Rom.6 6511.
Gons new Teſtament is, that be wil weite
his lawes is our beatts, avid remember out
finnes no moze. Deb.2.10.* and 10.16,17,26,
Ge being onder grace map not therefoze
finne: but rather bee femuch moze readie te
Dee good. Rom. 6.13,15. .
It our faith wete not appzorted bp good
workes, wee hatte fozatten pow weg were
purgen from finne 2 }Pet.1.9.
Hf anp manfinug , wee haue an aduocate
euen Jelus Chik the *F 1.John 2,
© Govis able to keepe Os from finne, and to
elent os taultleſſe with iep. Tute 24,25.
EC holseuct is bome ot Ged, {aineth not.
3, Sobu.5.18.
Dat duetie toward out brother that fin-
neth againfi bs. Gat.18.15.* Luke 17.354.
+. $@aG.0.2, Tini2.24,2 5.26. 0 ;
Jo Kee thar conuerrery a finner; Hall fide a
muĩtitude of finnes, Jants zor
Hee that finneth, ¢ being warnen amen
dDeth not. Har. 18.97, looge Heathen. i
JOublike finne, publikely to bee rebuked,
ꝛim 5.20.
Woles put the Iſcaelites in mian of their
EAnnes, and tohy.Dew 9. a.
Molſes theiweey the Iſcaelites their finne,
and pzaxeth Dos to pardon them., Exod. 3 2.
30,30." =S i
Cie ought to pzap foz our bꝛethꝛen which
fiane not bite death, and life Hall bee giyen
4 m 1. Tohnm5 16.
ots great Gobs mercie isto the finner
xxhat truelp repenterh. Wake 15. 1131 2.
. Sinner that conuetteth,ſee Ioy.
Sreatst puniſhment argueth not alwated
greater ſinners Luke 13.4,5.Qat.7.1,2.
Cibo fo beleeue nat in Thaſt, Hall die
_ im theit Annes, Joon 8.24,
i ;
The wicked heaps finne opon finne. Eee -
- .tlus.3.29.t0 lullill che mealure oftheir tar
others finnes. Wat.23.32.and 1. Theil.2.16,
Home mews finnes are open, going befoze
‘puto iuagenent, loins olla afier. Cimot.
i a Judas confeſſed that hee had finned, and
hobo. Mat.ↄ7.4.
=i {zaple ts not ſeemely in the mouth of a
finner. Gcclus. 15.9.
Tae map not confert tothe inticement of
; inners. ]920.1.10,to 10.Gett. 39.9.
a Moles calleth the molten calte of she Iſta⸗
whites nne. Deu 9.21.
- The wicked thought ofa feofe, is Hune.
Samnel conforteth the Iſraelites cone
fing thein finne.,20.
Sinneconsmets of eur lelues. Ecclus. 15.
Sod ſeebeth not the death of a finner, but
his conaerGor..2-€h20.1 2.12. Czek 18,32.
ana 33.21.
How finne houlpe bee deſtrained of bg.
Bom6.12, }
Dead to finne Sow. Rem.6.2.
Govsmerciemakech inners pure, Jere.
FO 20.
Gad fearthethoutour finnes. Job 10.8.
hat were the ſinnes of Home and her
Gers. Ee: 16.49.
Ehe \cule thar Anneth, hall pic, except He
repent. Ezek. 16.4 5."
Dur finnes canle babrenneſſe and ſcatci⸗
tie. Hag. 2. 17, 18, 20.
Oksde olfpring and eꝛiginall of finne the
durniſhaeut thereof, and bowe all men are
Sinners. Genef2.27,an0 3 1." and 6.5,6,7,
and yen. 6. 36. Job 14.4 AND 15,
14. Plal.14.3. and 51.5, and 135. 11, Dro»
20.9. and 24 16, celes. 7.22. Ilai· t.6. and
3n8 45,25,26,27.and 5 36. and 64. 6,
Jerema 7.3. 2. Eld.7. 48. and . 35. TiD
The ſecond Table.
2124. Eccltis.15.14. and 21. POES, 19,20.
7093.6. Rom.3, 10,10 24. and 5.12, 14. ane
7.14,15519,20 and 6.23.and 14.23. Ephel⸗
2.3 IPH 3.42. Jam.i. ger Colinth 5.21,
22. 1. Join. 1.10. looke Forgiueneſſe, ant
Singleneſſe of heart among Chꝛiſſians in
the puaritiue Church. Acts 246. ©
+) Siler toza citie: Ezek, 16.46, and filters
foz kinthiumen.Qpat.s 3.5 6.G3at.6.2.
Sixe chings Gov hatecc, and bis foule ab-
hozreth the teieenthelD 20.6.1 6,020.
GF Scorne. Some laugh Gods meflengers
to ſcorne lome pzofite bp ther. 2,€h20n.39.
103 11. Nu? ~ l
Skie red, moning e} euening what it ſig ·
Nifferh Mat. 16.2,3. whe 12.5 4.55456.
J Slanderers MUR not be heard. P20 20,
19 and 25.23. q
The wicken leebe to fluunder the godly
Pꝛeachet. Jer. 1838.
he wicked cauſeth Haunder and ſhame.
JP20.13.5. Looke Double, Backbiting, ana
Slaying Why Gor would flay the chijozen
of Ett.2.Dami2-25.
Amaziab flew them that lew bis father.
2. Kings 14.5.
Sane hetib ſlaine bp his owne children. 2.
Bings 19.37. Joliah by Pharaoh Necho.
2Kmgs 23.29.
The Leuites flewe theit Idolatrous bze-
thæn. Exo.32.27. Iooke Kill, and Retuge.
Sepe. As Samlon Nept his haite wag
auen off. Jung. 16.19, )
Dania Runing his enemie Haul fleeping,
did him no harme .Samuel 26.7,12. Woke
Eltial flept token the Engel cante to ginue
hint ſuſtenance. Gings19,5,6. 7
Iping Downe tafleepe, tue mmitik meditat
in Bods word, Dew 11.19, i
Death a fleepe, in relyee: ofthe refarrecz
tion Gen. 47.30. 8 at.9.24. Mar · 5. 39. ake
8.52.1. 003-7. 39.
Sleepe, put foz ignozance and wicked lite.
Bow 13.12.
Let ws not fleepe as others toe but tustch
and be (ober.1 tel 5.6,7,70.
Slome- Swift to heate, ahu ilow tafpeake, -
ge. lames. r. 19.
The Shatha willnot plough becaule of
one and therefore Hal begge in lammer
Ahereto & Mouthful man fs like. Pzo 15.
39.and 18, 29.dbeclug.22.1,2. -
Tbe velite ofthe flourhful flapeth Hin,
and vhp. Pꝛo 21.25.
The NMouthtull {eruant had bis talent ta-
ken from him Mat. 2 5-26,t0 37.
Cee oughtnot te be tlourhfull -g doe ler-
uice. Ram 12.1 t. *
Mf the ſſlouthdull,and Mourhfulnefle, $920.
6,6,t0 12.and 10. 26. and 13.4 and 18.9.a00
19. 15. ANB 20.1 3. AND 22. 13. and 24. 30.*
and 26.13 t17 Eccles. ro. 18. Ecclas 37.
ax.looke Idle. d 3 i
J Smal looke Foure.
Smel.Jooke Sauour.
Smite. Gow {mireth the diſobedient with
allmangy of plagues: Deu.2%a2.
S ©°4L
Gad fmote the Berliamites before the
Iſt s elites Ludg.20 35. + 7
Gon mote Maval to death, 1. Sam 25.
Aho fo fmireth any mat, muft vie foz it.
Epod.2 1.22. Leuit.a24. 17, 21. Mum. 35,16,
to 22.
Curled is he thst ſmitetk hig neighbour
fecretip.Deut-27.24, | i
Df ihe puniment of tim that fmiteth
bis ſeruaut op maide. Exodis 31. 20,21,26,
2 +
Zidkiiah fmore Michaiah, and whp.r. kin.
32.24. j
{Sacl mitten on the mouth. Act,23.2.anB
Chꝛiſt. Datth.26.67. War. 14.65, John 18.
22523. ,
Smith. Tubaleain the Gr Smith o} bea
fer. gen 4.22,
No South in Iſtael inthe time of Daule -
1.Dam 13.39.
F Snares of death ouertecke Danit. 2.
Sain.23,6,F3lalais.s °
Snowe in Suramer, and taine in harueſt
not mecte. $920. 26.5.
The blood of Chik waſheth os whiter
then Snow. Blalm.s2.7.if by faith we turre
to bim. Iſa.i.i8. - :
J Sobrietie commended onto bd. 1. Thef.
5.8.1, Tim.3.2, 11. Cit. 2. 2.1. Pet.4.7.€ces
clus 31.12.*
Ee mult vnderltand aveogding te ſobrie⸗
tie Rom.13.3.
Wal Cpake the wozdes of fobernefle and
trners Acts 26.25,
Socserie lee Fellowfhip.
Solde looke Sell.
Souldiers duetie. Luke 3.14.
Solemne. The ewes at theit Solemne
kealtes were wont to reiopce. Flai. 30 39.
with all theit bouſholdes, with pooze and
rawyerd , offering facrifices of thankefuls
mele. Deut.26.11,12, Wich kealies being
Proubencd, Goa abhozreth Fla. 1.11, to 16,
Hoſe.9.4, 5.
A Solemne Feal, at the erecting of the
moken calfe. %t0,32.5,6. anv at the letting
‘vp of Jeroboama two golden calues.2. Kin,
£2.32533., -
At euerpfolemne feat twas a priforer let
loole to the Jewes. Yohu 18.29 looke Featt,’
Soltarse. Chik prayed in a (olitarie places
Warsz 5. i
Songs. The Song of Paunad. 1. Ham.2.1,
to 14. of Elizaber. Luke r. 42, to 46. of the
birgine Marie. verſe 46, tos 6. of Zacharias
berie 68,to So.of the Angels. Luk 2.04. and
of Simeon. yerle 29,10 33.
Dalomong Songs were a theuſand and
fite. Minas. 0
The long Salomen of the toue between
Aiud and his Church, o2 the foule of man.
Cantal the 8 chaprers,looke Sing, Pfalmes,
Sud Prayles. k
Sonne.An euitnurtares fonne tg the dif
honour of pis father. Ecclus. 22.5, and ma⸗
keth bid mother aſhamed. P 20.29.15.
Dain atthe fit, xhzough hemilitie, res
‘fulen to be Sauls forine in lawe. 1. Sami
18 18,2 3.
Clilha bp paist obteinen thar big hoſleſſe
; Houle:
fhou's hate a fonne.z. Thing, 4.145 16,17, fee
Children. ;
Sonnes offered, looke Sacrifice.
Hov {pared nat his onely Sonne, but gaus
Yim fog bs all. Rom.83.32.
~ Sonnes, blen fo: inbabirants. E3r.2,1,22.
and foz pofkeritic. Ezta 2, 35. Matth· 22. 42.
Ehꝛiſt called the Sonne of man. Matth:-8.
20. AND 12.8. AND 24. 30. and 25.1 3,31. and
26.2, 24. Max.2. 10 and 9,9,3 1.8 1 3. 26. and
1421. Luke 5.24 AND 6.5. and 9.21,26,44,
56,58. and £2.8.6c. Soh. 3. 13, 14. and 13.38.
The faithfull are the Sonnes of Goo. Lu.
20.36. John a. 12. Rom. 8.14, 2. Coꝛ.6. 18.
Dalat 3.26.1. John 3.1. Looke Corre-
Sorcerers puniſhment. Reuel, 21.8. looke
Sorow. Paul releyced not that the Cas
rinthiaus were made Lorie bp bis Epifiz:
‘Dut that thep forowed ta repentance, 2. Log.
7:8,9. y
No man íg forie foz the affliction of Jo⸗
Ceph. Amos 6.6.
God gluethto the vifobedient a forowfull
minde Deur.28.65.
G forowful mind ogieth by the banes Pꝛ.
The Apoſtles forowfull, Hearing that
Chꝛiſt houla ote. Dateh.17. 22,23. and that
thep ſhould forgce bis bodily pzelence. John
16.6,t0 23.
* The bzethzen were forie that. ther Hula
fee Pauls face ua moze. Acts 20.37.38.
The prople forowed that Gov wonld not
goe with them ro Canaan. Ered. 33 4.
Paul was forowfull fo? Epaphzoditus
lickeneſſe. Phil 2.27,28.
Godbly forowe cauſeth repentance: but
worldlx forow cauleth Death. 2,.£02.7.10,18
Ecclus 30,23,24,
~ Oe govlpare ag forowing, and pet als
wayes tefapcing., ta 10,
Gee map not forowe aboue mealure foz
the dead, and vohy. 1.0 beflal.4.13.* Lovke
Che forowe of the beart is a ielous wos
man. CEcclug 26.6. looke Heauie,
Sdoth/ayers not to be regatded, no? iffe:
reo. Leuit.19.31, Deut 18 10, 11, 12
TUbo fo hath a (pirie of diuination oz footh-
faying ; ſhalbe onen to Death. Lenit.20.27.
Ioũah baniſhed all foothfayers, and fisch
a8 had familiar ſpirits. 2 King. 23,24. ſo did
Haul. 1.Ham.28.3.
*' Soothfayings,witcheraft, teis but banitle
Ecclus 34.5.
Gov will iudge foothfayers. Wal.3.5.anv
fend a ſword bpon them. Ferem.5 ©, 36. looke
Diuination, and Witch.
Sower, The parable of the Sower. Watt.
13:3. *40,18,*43, Dar-4.3, to 21. Luke 8,
53 te ió.
Soweth. Ag euery man foweth, fo {Hall he
reape. Gal.6.7,8,9. fee Sale.
Soule, taken foz the naturall offection.
Watth.26.38. War.14-24 John 12 27. Lu.
r.46 and 2.35 .f0? the fpitit wherewith man
liueth.Matth.o 38 2Coz. 1. 2 3. koꝛ the wil
fopned tothe vnderſtanding. 1. The C5. 23.
1.JDet.1.9,22. fog the wyole man, Gene.46.
The.fecand Table,
26,29, Erol. r.g. Dent, 10,23, om.13.1,
ct.3.43. faz the life, Apat2.20.€6.25. Lu.
13,22. Joh 10. 11. 13-37.E 15.13. Act. 20.
24. and foz the breath Actes 20,10.
Man became a liuing Soule. Gen.2.7-
: Charl bealed che vilesies of Soule and bodp
Luke 9,56. Joba 7:23.
Tee ought to keke , ferne anv loue Goo
With aif our beart and Soule. Deu.4.29. and
10.12, and 21,13.
Paul content tomine his foule foz the cons
Grmationof the Golpel. 1. hel 2.8.
The Soules of them that werg billed foz
the woz of God. Reucl.6.9.
Che Paſtours Hall gine accounta foz their
peoples foules, Deb. 3.19.
How our Soules are purifled.1.JPet,1,22,
Thole that litter foz Jeus Chtt, receiue
the faination of their Soules. s, Bet.i.4,9.
, Q man to put his Soule in his sands, what
itfignifier}. 1.@am. 19.5. and 28.21.
Wo pawe out out Soules betoʒe the Loꝛd.
1. Sam.i.15. Plal.42.1, 2.*
The Soule that finneth Mall die. Ez· 18.4
The Soule aftcrbearh goeth either to iep
oz paine. Ceccles. 12.7. Luke. 16,2223,
The faithfull in the Primitiue Church
were of one Heart and of one Soule. Act.4.32.
Soules appeate no mege after thep be once
departed from the bodp. · Sam. 12.23. Fob
7-9,10. ANB 10. 20, 21. 8D 14. 12. and 17.16,
fdfal.103.15,26. Iſal 3.19,20. and 65.3,4,
Túil 2. rand 3.1. cclu.38.20,28,23.Bar.
5.233. Luke 12,20. and 16,30,31. Actes 7.
§9-2.C02.61,14, 1. Thel. 4. 13
DE the immogtalitie of the Soule. Matth.
10 28. and 16.26.
© Span. Gntimelp bitths of a Span long
eaten. Latt.2.20, and 4. 10.
Spare. Af Gon fpared not the citie where
his Name was called bpon , Hall other goe
free? Jetem. 25. 29.
owe pzone a man ig alboayes to {pare
himfeife 2. Sam. 12.5,6. @Gctt.38.24.25,26
Sparkle. The ſubtill woman of Cekoah,
termeth Abfaiom her fparkle. 2, am.14.7.
Sparrow, looke Prouidence.
Speake. Ahat Gov {peaketh, hal come to
pelr. Ezek. 12. 25.
Cubo fo is macued bp Gods Spirit to
{peake, ig Directed in trueth, boldneſſe ana
eloguence, Job 32.18.” Exod ⸗. 12 15.
Ta fpeake put fo? to pzomife. Luke 1.70,
Sf anp man fpeake, let him talke ag the
wads cf God..Pet.4. 11.
Cee ought not to peake eniti ene of ano⸗
ther. Jam.ꝓir.i. Fet 2.. Miſ.r. 1 i.noꝛ tes
gard euerp mans {peach, @ top. CE ccie.7.23.
Railets oz euil! dpeakers. Hail not inberite
the kingdome of beauen: 1.02 6.20. Looke
Slander, Backbiting,and Tongue.
Df fobsiette infpeaking.JDz0u,17.27,28.
Ecctles 5.1.
Speculations. Again vaine Speculations,
Col. 2,8,28.
Speedily. Pꝛeſume not of Gods mercie,
but conttert {peedily bp true repentance. Ec⸗
clits 5.5,6,7.
Spies {ent to bie Ai. Jolh.7.2. and Jeri⸗
cho. Joh. 2.1. € the land of Canaan.Mum.
£3.3,17.* CUbo,fo2 their eutll report, are all
Si P T
— Cane Caleb and Joſhua Numb.14.3)
3 k |
Spirit. taken foz the minde of man. Luke,
10.21, 2.Gozinth.7.1. 1. bell.s.23. fo? the:
life of man, Job. 34.1 4. tog a Spiritual eflence:
ſinply. John 4. 24, Foꝛ the olp. Spirite of
Gov. Ephel 5. 18 forthe graces of the (ame,
Spirit, Actes 8.1 g.and 19.2. Galat. 3.2. FOR
the man regenerated. Aatt.26.41, Roman:
7.6. and 8.4, Galat.5.16. Foz a tantalie, oz
baine tmagination of mang winde. Matth.
14.26. Foꝛ will and minde. 1.203. 5.3. bil.
1,27. Fozteecherg, oꝛ Pꝛophets. r. Sobn 4.
1, and fog earneſt ze ale todaatd Gon, 1, Tim.
4.12 } ; ay
The Spirite of God mooted bpon the wae
ters. Genelis 1.2, :
The Spirite of grace to bee powzen bpon
— —
the Jewes. Zech. n 2.0. a i
Abe holp Obok callenthe Spirit oferueth,
and mhp. Jobn 14. 17.
_ Die Spirite Dikributety ſundzy gilig. x,
Coꝛ.i 2.7,t0 12.
The Spirit of Ood dwelleth in Chꝛiſtians
1.€02, 3,16, i
CTUiholoeuer hath not the Spirit of God, iğ
not his. Rom beo.
Without the Spirit of Gor, wee sxe calip
trained to ivolattie. 1.@oz.22.2,3."
The great repugnancie betweene the
Spirit andthe fleth. Gal. 5.16.* à |
Vee knobs not of vohat Spirit pe ate, Luke |
955+ TiS
The Spirite of Gov vefcending bpon
ghꝛilt. John 1.32. Watth. 3.16. Luke 3.22.
That that is bore of the Spirit, ig Spirit,
John 3.5,6. ighe
Saint Paul reioyced thas te had the Spi-
rit of Govd.1.Qoz.2.12.and 7.40. 2:0} 4.13
jQo man that bath the Spirit of God, cal⸗
Leth Beluserccradle. 1.63.12. 3. War.9.39)
Joſhua was repleniſhed with the Spirit of
wiſedome, by the laying on of Boles handes.
Deut.3 4.9. i
The Spirit wherewith Boles was ens
Dited, God put bpon the 7o. Elders. Numb.
Che Spirit oF the Loꝛd came bps Othniel.
Judg. z. 10. bpon Iphtha. Tudg.11.29,32,
ppan Samſon Judg.i 3.25.8 14.19.and 15,
14, 15. bpm Saul. 1.Sam. 11.6. and spor
Dauit. 1 Sam.16.13.looke Clothed.
The Spirit of Ged departed from Darl,
and an enill Spirit fent of the Logd, vexed
pin, u. Sam 16.14. '
Gon. reuealen to Samuel Lp his Spirite,
Sauls chiming a Bap before. r.Sa.o.15 ,16,
Dbadiad fearcth p the Spirit of God wouls
paue caried awap Eliiah. a. Rings 18.9,13.
Gov will not haue his pirit alway to Friue
with man, becaule be is burt ehh Gene.o,2, |
Only Gods Spirit fearcheth and knoweth
all things.,1 8, looke knowledge,
Govs Spirit heateth witneſſe An og , that
Chait ig the true Sattiour. 1. John 5, 1,6,83,
13. MWhich Spirit is the oymment that teache
eth bs. 1. John 2.20,27
Thole that haue Bods Spirit, Hall by God
be raifet to life ag Chk was. Rom.8.11.
Thole that are let bp the Spirit are not hy
ber the lam. Dal 5.14,18. Che Spirit of God
Kz renew
$ E-I
nebeeth mans heart. t Sam.o 6.
The Spirit of God (pake bp Dauid. 2,
San 23. 2.
Bpthe Spirite the deedes of the bevy ate
mortitied. Rom.8.13.
o Qf we sine in the ðpirit, let vs allo walke
dnthe Spirit Sal.s.25-
© oe Spirit maketh requel forbs , with
axhes onerp:efleable. Rom.8.26.
< Bp che Spirit we ate made an Gabitation
Eon. Ephel.2.a2.
here the Spirit of Chꝛiſt is , there is li⸗
bertie. 2. Coꝛinth 2.17.
be Spiricle Chꝛiſt into the wilvernetle
fo be tempren of the Beuill WD at.4.1. Marke
4,12. Luke 4.1.
A. Chik ofereo hbimelfe bp the eternal Spi-
rit ta Gow. Deb.9.1 4.
C Steuens aduerſaties could not rett the
irit by the which belpake. Actes 6.10,
Tapat the Law of che Spiric of life, which
ad in Chuk geſus, has sone foz vs. Rom.
She Golpel calles the avminiGration of
e Spirit. 2, 02.3.8,
Moles crauety that the Loꝛd woulo put
ig Spirit bpon all tke people JQam.rr.29.
~ Gon wu bee woꝛſhipped in Spirite anv
trueth. John 4.23,24. Epbel4 3.4.
Wee ought to bee feruent tu Spirit. Kom.
í Che Angels are called Spirits. Heb.1.7.
_ Tee ought to trie the Spirits, and how.
John 4.15253. ;
i- Cpe bnowerh if the Spirit of man afcen-
pet and the Spirit of beaſtes deſcendeth?
Eccies.ʒ 21. and 12.7.
Lxing Spirits, looke Deceiue.
Gon fent an euill Spirit betweene Abime⸗
ech and the men of Shechem. Fud¢.9.23-
Spirits of erraur {ent of Ge to veceiue the
Egyptians. Ta.19 14. looke +. Tim. 4. 1, 2.
Dkeuill and goad Spirits. Rom 8.38, 39.
| {goke Angels,and Soules.
| Dite naturall bodies halbe raifed Spiritu-
all bodies, 1 .€02.15.44,46-
|. Jtisatmall thing that thep ſhould reape
coppozal things, witch fow Spiritual things.
5, 07-9.11. ;
Spiritual Doetrine ought to bee compared
with Spiricuall doctrine. 1.22.2. 13,14.
The Spirituall man vifcerneth all things,
anv pet bee himlelke ig iudged of no man.
1. Co95.
Te ought to be filled with the Spirit ſpea⸗
hing onto our ſelues in Spiricuall tongs, ¢c.
| Ephe. 5.18,19,20,21. Lal.3.16, 17.
‘Goth Spirituall and tempozal things com:
mitted to the Mebzonttes. 1. h20.26. 32,
Spit. The Jewes vid pit in Chriſtes kace S
Mat 2767. Mad r 4.65. RLuke 22.64,65.
Sporles of the wicken are not to be coueted
- of thelerbat cenenge Gorg quarel! Eker 9.
Spoiles diuided equally bp the ominance
of Daniv.1. Samuel 30.24,25 according to
the old cuffome. Joſh. 2. 8. um. 31.27.
Dauid fenveth prefents of his fpoyles, z.
Ham. 30.26."
1 2 RLU: 21.2;93 10.
The fecond Table.
Spue, loske Colde,
Spurne. looke Heele.
§ Staffe. Jaakob had but a Raffe when he
came to Laban, Gen.33.10. i
Eliſha fent Gehazi with a {afte to renine
bis hofteſſe child, bat be could not. 2- Wings
The Palchall Lambe eaten with ftaues
in their bands.cE ron, s 2.11. looke Bread.
Standing. Renfek in the faith: Rom 5.2.
and 11.20, and 14.4.1. 202.10 12. and 16.
13. 2,0} 1. 24. Galat, 5.1, Epheſ.6. 11,14
Gol.4. 12-1: Chel. 3.8.
Starres created bp Gove boozd. Gen. a. 16.
The Starres are not pure in Gong light.
Job 25.5.
Starres fell from Heauen. IReu.8.10.8 9.1,
The Starre of Jaakob foz Chꝛiſt. Mumb.
The Starre that guinen the wile men.
QD att.2.2,9 10.
Statutes of princes are no ercule to trant.
greſſe Hoos Law. Wich.6.16.
Steale. Wee thet ſtealeth one of his byez
thren, ought to die. Deut 24 7 .
Tbe Beniamites ſtole awap the maides
of Shiloh. Judg.20. 21.
Let bim that Role, Reale no moze. Epheſ.
4.28, laske Theefe.
Stead fafine (fz of the Faithfull. r. Sam 17.
26.* 2.5am.12.26.* 1. Kin. 18. 18.* 2. Bin,
3.14. 2425.Dan. 3.12.Judet. 13. 3.* TAN
5. 1. Dan.vz. ay. and 14.* 1, WA 1.65.66
And 2.2728.*2. ac 6.18.*and 7.1. Mat.
14 4, Acts 48.1 Tbel. 2. 2.
Stickes, Tooke Sabbath. ‘
Stefnecked people the Iſraelites. Exod,
32.9. Deut 9 6. looke Obftinate.
Sarre up. looke ludge, and Faithfull,
S:ocke,lacke Tribe.
Stosket, looke Epicures.
Stumble, fee C hiin, and Ront.9. 32.
No man ought to put aftumbling blocke
before his brother. Rom.14.13.Lew.19.14.
Stones clane afunber at Cheifies death.
Wa th.27.53.
Gen cal great ftones from heauen bpon
the Amozites. Joſh. 10.11.
The to Duig Rones of the Ephod. Cre.
28 9, for 3°
Qaakob let bp a pillar of ftone, and why,
Gert.28.18,22. and made a heape of ftones
foz a witnefle of the cauenant betboeene
them. Gen. zi. 44, tas 3
Joſhua pitched a {tone bnper an Dke, and
toby. Joſh 24 21,24,26,27.
Samuel pitched a Rone fez a memozlall
of Gods apy. 1. Sam.7 .12.
“Shimei theewe ftones again Dawit. 2.
am. 16.13.
Gov commanded that after the Iſraelites
had conquered the Woabites, thep ſhould
marre euctp geod field wrth fones, 2, kings
Saoner ſhould the Rones cep, then Chilis
glozp Haulin be bid. Qat.21.9,16- Qar. s 1.
9,19, Luke 19. 37, 38, 40.
Chꝛiſi the tefuſed heat comer ſtone conioi⸗
Hing Jewes e Gentiles. Wat.21.40.1. det.
-2.7.€ phe.2.20.* (ee Chiift,ant Monumens.
Stoned. Moles feared to bee ftoned ta
Beath by the people. Exod. 17.4.
The people would haus ftoned Caleb
Joſhua. Mum.: 4.10,
JRabory ftoned, fee Vitneſſe.
Paul wag once ftoned, Act.14.19. 1. Loz,
Cie Jewes would hane ſtoned Chꝛiſt,
and twbp. John 10.30,31,33.
The imbabitants of Ziklag would haue
ftoned Dauid. 1. Sam.30.6.
Anam was ftoned bp the people of Tl
rael. 1.iings 12.18,
Achan ftoned foz taking the ercommunis
cate thing Joſh 7.1, 25, 26.
Mitches and Soothlapers, ac. ought to
be ftoned to Death.Leu.20.27, Denti 8.10,
te 15. Ero. 22.8.
No inticer to ivelatrie fo deate Onto bs,
but muft be toned to veath.Deu.13.6,to 10,
Cho fo effererh bis chilo ro MBolech, mus
be ftoned. fl euit. 20.2.
Steuen ftoned. Acts 7-58. and 22.20,
God will giue onto the fairhfulla heart of
fleſh, foz a Rony heart. Je.32.39 Eze 36 27
Storke foꝛbioden to the Jewes to eate of.
Deut. 14.8.
Store and Storehou fès of thofe that keepe
Gods Lawes, ſhalbe bleed. Deut, 28 8. and
of other, curfen. perfes 15,17.
Waning flore , wee mult not forget Gov.
fooke Fill.
Strangled ſoꝛbidden. Genel: 9.4. TEn.,
14. Acis 15.20,29.
Strange. Faakob canted his toufholn to -
pit awap Rrange gous. Gen. 35.2.
The Iſraeſites prouskea Gey with
frange pods. Dettt.3 2.16,
Strange fief}, foz hozrible pollutiég. Juv.7.
Strange chtiazen diſſemble Pſa. 18.44,45
G ftrange teoma,toz an harlot. Jung.: s.
The ſtrange wozke, € frange act of God
Iſa ꝛ8.21.
againfi pzaper ina ftrange tongne,1.ge2
Strangers fepatated from the people of Ye
rael Ache 13. 1, 2, 3.
The ftranger that pzapeth it Gods Teme
ple, fhal! be heard. 1. Rings 8.41,42, 43.
Won loueth rangers. Deu.10.18.
The Flraclites were flrangersin Egypt.
Tee ought not to peruert the right of the
— and fatherlefle,and whp. Deut.a4,
Mie ought to lone ſtrangere. Lenit.19 334
34. and not to iniurie og eppzefie them, and. h
whp, CExod.22,21, and 23.9.Deut.24.54.
Strangers are commaunded to heare and
reade the Late. Deut. 31.12.
Tee were ſometime ftrangers from the
promife. Epheſ· ↄ. 12.
Srangers payd tribute, Watt.17.25,36.
Powe wee ought to dee Goedtoftrangers, `
Gen.18.1,t0 9.and 19. 1, to 4.Lesit.23.22.
Nirmi5.24, 15. 16. Ezek.22.7. and 47.22.
Zech 7. 10 PPſal. 147.9. looke Widowes.
Tee are ſtrangers, and foiourners in thig
world. Gene.15.13,14.€ 47-459. 1. Chꝛo. 29.
1 5. Pla. 39.12. @ 105.1213, 23. @ 118.19.2.
Gop.§.1,t0 7.Phil 3.12,13 Peb. 1.89,10, -
13,to 17. and 13.14, 1. Pet, 201.
Sv. TE
Straite looke Gate.
Strength. God is our ſtrength. Exod.i 5.2.
2. Sam 22.3. Jobↄ 19.
The ſtrengch which Samlon had bp Gods
fpirtt went from him. Jadg. 16, 19,20.
Strengthened. Zhe Lod ftrengcthened E⸗
gion again Iſtael, and why. Judg. 3.12.
Godfirengthened jaul againG Mere.2.
Tim.4. 17. locke Encourage.
~ Strife and enuping are wezkes of datke⸗
mefle Rom.13.12,13.
The waters of firife.Qumb. 20. 13. looke
Strings, DE Strings of the Tabernacle.
€£10.26.4,5. 2
Stripes Coz any treſpaſſe might not be ad-
fudged abone once. Deut.25.2,3. and
of them on a lupetſtition there wag one abas
ted afterwards. 2.@02.11.24,
Cibo Hall bee beaten wich manp ftripes,
and who with few. Luk.12, 47,43.
Strip. God theeatned to {trip the Syna⸗
gogue efthe Jewes, if thep repented not.
Hol 2.2,3.
Strine not about woꝛds noz keepe compas
RY Wich them that Boe and wHp.z.Tim.6.4,
iso Dare ftriue and and again& Goo,
2 accuſe him? Tiin, r 2,13, Job 9.32." and
16 21. and 39.35.
Dow ſtrifes map be ended. Genel.: 3,8,9.
The lat of them that firiue, and Hurt one
another. Exo.ꝛi.i 8,19, 22.
Againſi ſtriuing.looke moze Ecclug. 8.1,
2,3.and Contention. _
Strong looge Encourage.
Stubborne hearts thal fare enil at the laff.
Ecclus 3.27. fee Children,
Woles prapeth forthe ſtubborneſſe of the
people, and whp. Deug. 26."
The Jewes watked after the ftubborne-
aeſſe of their wicked heart, Jer.18.12,*
Thelo avvzefleth his ſpeech tothe tub-
. borne heatted. Iſa 46.12,
The wicked wil bleffe bimfelfin the Rub-
borneffe of his owne heart. Deu.29.19.
Stubble. The wicked ate ag ftubble befog
the wind. Job.21.:8.
Whe Iſraelites fozced to gather ftubble
for fraw.cro.5.12.
_ Stufe. The Pꝛophet is willed to prepare
Ruffe to gae inte captiuitie Eze.t 2.3.
g Subizéts duetie. £70.10. 13.and 22,28.
FRam.16,2,9-* Loh. 1. 1617, 18. Neh. 5. 1.*
3920.1 3.1.9 20.2, 20.5 24 21. Ecclus 8 2,2
4.€ 104. 20. Jet. 27.3). Baruc. rr. * Matt.
17.24,33."222.16,to 23. Luke 20.20,t027.
Róm. 3. ito 8.2. Theſ. 5. 12,13.1. Tim. 2.
1,2,3 Tii.3 1,2. Hebz. 13. 17, 18. 1. Det. 2.
23to 18. Jude 8.
. Tene Subie&s cannot Dee counterpoiſed
with treaſure. Eſt 7 4.
Sabornation 1. Kin.2i.r o. Acts 6.11.
, Subm:t pour ſelues one to another in tbe
- Feare of Gor. Ephel 5.21. and to all maner
e2dinarice of mau fog the Lows fake. 1.Joet.
Sabtile. The ſerpent more ſubtile then anp
beañ of the fielt.Gen.g.5.. oo
Jenadab a fabule man 2. Sam 13. 3.
Theſecond Table.
Ablalam reconciled to Dauids fauour bp
a ſubtile woman.2.Sam. 4. 1,t0 25.
Rebekah bp ber ſubtilitie, pzocuted the
blefiing to Jaakob. Gen. 27.9,t0 30,35.
Subtiltie fine, but vnrighteous. Ccclu.1 >
Succour kooke Helpe,
Sucke. Wanna gaue ber ſonne fucke. r.
Sam. r. 23.0 did Sarah· Gene· 21.7.0 Wo:
{eg mother: Exo, 2.8,9. and Gamions. Juv.
13.24,24. and lo did Elifabeth.Luk.1.80,and
the virgine Warp. Luke 2.7-and Salomons
moether.Cant,8.1.an0 Daning. Jalal, 22,9.
lopte Nourfe.
Suffring.Cpuik ought to haue fuffred and
foto enter into glory, Luke 24,26, 46. Hebe.
2.9.1. Pet. 1. 11.
Te ought tofufter with Chzik after bis
erample, and why. 1. Pet. 2.24.6 4.131352.
Tim.2,12. @ the example of the Pzophete.
James 5.10.
Let bsnot ſuffer ag euill doers, but as
Chꝛeiſtians.i. Pet.4.1 5,16,
Blelſes are thex that fufter fog righteent:
nes fake,and mhp. Detz 14317, 8. Bat.
The long fuffering of God Roma.ꝛ⁊.4.2.
Det.3-15 JPlal.86.15.¢ 103.8.¢145.8. Jo⸗
el 2 13. Jonah 4.2. ah. 1.3. Miſ.i15.1.
The long fuffering of Chꝛiſtians. 2 Coz.
6.6.Col,.t.11, it iga fruit of the fpitit. Dala,
Cie ought to reioice in ſuffring fog Chꝛiſts
fake, ana whp r, et. 1.3,t0 9.
To fufter foz the usme of Gad, id hig onip
pift. JPbil. 1.29. loske Tribulation,
Sufficient dooke Contented.
Tae are not fufficient ef our felucg to think
anp thing, but our {ufficiencie ig of Gov. 2.
Cor3.5. i
The Scripture fufficient to leave bs to
Sunday.looke Day.
Sunne.Df tie bozfes of the Sunne,2 Hin.
23.5,20. $
The Sunne Rapes at the deſtre of Joſhua.
Joſh.1.0. 12.
The ſhadow ofthe Sunne went backe ten
degrees in Hezechiahs dayes.2. Ring.20.9,
rr, Iſa.38.8.
The Sunne wag darkned at Chriſis death.
Luk.⁊ 3.45.Mat.27.45looke Signes.
Super fluitie of maliciouſneſſe mutt be laid
away. Jam.i.2.
Superfistions of the Athenians repꝛooued
bp aul.Act. 17. 21,t0 32.*
Fetus termeth tye Jewes cbiections a.
gaint Paul, queſtions of their owne fuper-
ftitions. Actes 25.19.lo0ke Ceremonies and
Supper ofthe Le: infiituter, Matth 26.
26, z31. Mar 14. 18,to 27. Luk. 14.22,t0 24.
wiich ought to be receiued intemembzance
of Chris veatý. i.Coꝛinth.i 1.24. Unke 22.
1% $
geten Supper. Luk. 14.16,t0 25.
leſſed are they that are called to the
HLambes Supper.Qet.19 9.17.
Lazarus and Warp made Chik aSup-
per. Jobn 12.1,2,
Paul taught the maner of celebzating the -
Supper , ad hee ad receiued ofthe Lorde.
doz. 11.23, to 27. aud rebubeth the irren
tent comming thereunto.1.€02.15.17,t02
and eteti the Danger of the pnwogthp r.
celuing and bow toreceiue it to ont comfog:
1,00}, 1.1.27.
Cie godly cate and Minke Chꝛiſis boni
and blogd in the Suppcr,onelp bp faith. Joh
6 $0,f059,63.¢ 11.26, 8 15.5.1. C010. 1
324-Cpbe. 3.17."
The wicked eat not the boop and blood ol
Chꝛiſt in the Supper, ne haue anp profit b
bis paflton. G5 at.7.6. John 19.1,2,¢320ma,
8 9.1, Cozrinth.1 1.27,29.2-C0}.6.14,55,516,
cb, 6.6. Tit. 1.15,16.
Againkk the releruation of anp patt of f
bread of wine, blen inthe Loꝛdes Supper
Exo.i2 9, t0.and 16,19.
The wopdes(This is my body) bfep in the
Loꝛds Supper, are [poken Gigucativelp.Gen
17-10,11 and 33. 20. feD.12.11.Deut.31
15. John 14.6. aud 15. 1. and 5-7. Acts 2. 42
Rom.a4.i 1,17. 1. Coꝛ. 10.4, 160. Tit. 3.5.
Chilis naturali body can bee but in on
place at once, and therefore is not in the
bead an’ wine in the E ezds Supper. Barth
24223,24,anB 26. 11. Ar. 16.19.JLuke 24,
2,3:6,51. Gob 16.28. Actes £.9,10, 11, 8M
3.20, 21. and 7.56.2. Cozinthians §.16.and
Coloſſ.ʒ.i.Philippi.ʒ.ꝛo. Hebꝛ.. r.and 10,
12,13, Leoke Taafubftantiation anD Sacra-
ments. é
Support. Tee ought to fupport one anos
ther thzough lowe. Ephe. 4. 2. `
Sur fez, The difcemmedities of Lurferting,
Ecclug.31.19,20,25 and 27.29, 30. LLooke
Drunkenneffe ana Gluttonie.
Suretifhip. Judah became furetic to big fas
ther to bging Beniamin againe. Gen.43.9.
and 44,32. looke moze Eccius.29.15, 022
JP 20.6.1,to 6.and 17. 18. and 20,16.
E Swanneferbinden. Deut.14.17.
Swarmes of flies,a plague of€gppt. Ero.
8.24. fal 105.31.
Jerufalem {warmed full of ivalatrie, which
— the caule of fer punifgment. Ezechiek
Sweare. TUe map not ſweare by anp thing
be fine GoD, no? bp him, but vpon good orcas
fong. Jerem.5.7-and 4. 2.JQoma.1.9.and 9.
1.2.0 07.1,23) Ded. 6.16,17. Exo.20.7. anb
23. 13. Lcui. 59-5 2.Deuter, anv
10,20. Joſh 23.7,8. Zech.59.3,4. Datt5.345
to 38. Jom.5.12.
A man ought not to accukeme himleife te
fwearing atid tobp Ceclus, 23.9,t024.and
God ſware that the vnbeleeuing Tewes
fhaio not enter inte the lande of Canaan.
Deut: 34 35 Qum 14 23. wohich be fulfils
led.Deut . 13, 14.
Jolephſware Genel 47.30,31. fo did Jo⸗
ſhus end the princes of Itrael Joſhua ↄ. s,
18,20 andthe Iſreelites. Fusg.21. 1. anv
Haul.1,.Daw.19.6.and Dauid.i.Sam.24
22,23.2. Sam 19. 23. 1. RINGS 1. 17,29,30,
and Jonathan. n Sam. 20. 16,17. and Bales
mon. Kings 2.23. ?
S. Paulſware to the prcfite of others. 2.
02.1, 23, =
Gov doe foto mee and moze allo: amane
B3 é
E swo
ef Swearing. 2. Sam. 3.35 (cone Othes, ang
i Sweate.looke Bread.
Syeete bread, looke Pafleouer.
i Swimming ſaued Diners that piere in the
ip with Waal. Acts 27.43344.
Swine. Ce legion of teatis pernitted fo
fo inte the peatu of Swine, CSEND, E 1,32."
jB2t.5-9 950 14:1LU.8.20,t6 34.
JPeacles ought not robé call befoze fwine
AnD iwhp. apace 7.6.
Sword. Aithat tate the Sword, thal periſh
Sait the CoD. att, 26.52. Rener £3.10.
5 @ he vifciples alked cf ibep ioi ie mite
wviid the fword tLu.22-49.
hi Gil aitact mitoni Sword o2 (peare, fane
Teul and Gonarijatt.1. Sanit 3.19,22.
The Magilttate bearery nse thefwerd
Dox nourbt Rom. 13.4. but patuate perlons
re piabibiten tole it BBat.5 739.
‘Whe {word is chaeatned co tholethat break
‘Gevscoucnant. Leuit.26, 25. ane follors J⸗
Poles. Deut.3 2.25.
She Lone cauled rhe Midianites to hill
‘one another with their (words. Jadg.7. 22
God whetteth bis fword when yee taketh
beageancr. Deu z241.
Gen twas the {word of the Iſtaelites gle⸗
tp DIN. 33.29.
‘Dien ouercone, but bis power. Jo.14.8,01,
í 2 ae ag hee pasmiicb.Deuieron.7.3 1523,
“eye {yo20 of ae iga ſharpe thie cogen
be fword of ‘the ſpirite to Difcomfte oat
moxal ennemie. Eph srz
; Chait came not to (ene Pce ybu ihe
werd Mat 10 3435 Lu. 12.51.
Tiit wales his Dilciples to buy them
———— 22.26,
The word Hall not goe thozowe a govtp
Jand Leut.26.6.
Baa ia
the fword fhoulte paite — Het loule.
Luke 2.35.
€ generation thole teeth ate twords. JD?
i g of the wirked callen tore-
dDentance Holſe· 2. 1, 2.
Synagogue, whercin were trained op ae
bercines, ge. Acta 6. ae
Tabernacle of che Longregetion pitched
farre ftom the holte Exod· 3 3.7-
Abꝛaham Dwelled in tents o⸗ Tabernacles,
Den, 12. 8.
Etpe forme ofthe Tabernacle, anti the
appertinances peeferiben. Tror „26:1. * and
Qhap.40.2,t3 14 ac.
Zone tere Luite-e to be in the Taberna-
cle. „then the bie prielt went into the Sané:
Jtuarie dent v6. ‘7,
Whe lak andgreat vap of ihe kafi of Tas
ernacles. Jahn 7. 37)
Dur bodies calien Paberaaclesi a fons
CAbat the two Tabernacles fignifiz. Heb.
© 9.657,8.%
It is nest the word whereby Gods chil Fi
. was pws of the common talcnrs.GiVat18.24.
Simeon feretold the birgine Marie, that §4.0 35
36,1. Eniſhes. Eha 39. 32. and reated vp.
Jabal inuentey Tabernacles og tents.
The ſecond Table.
(Het 4.20 which eee Poul exercifen
to get bis umg. Acts 18.2,3,
Tables o} boatdes fog the Cabernacle to
Foley cecviued the two. Tables at Hove
bond. Exod. 35. 18.8 32.5, 16. aꝛm bze aketh
chem. verle 12⸗n8 is commanded to Helve o>
ther tike the frit ann fo he dio· Exod 34.5, 2.
Drut toh.
Theforme end fituation of the Table in
the Tete Dread. GE pods5.23,fa32 E 26.35.
Cobiag biveery tye gebly to bis Tabde,
Salamon pleced ten Tables: in the Teme
ple.2.& zen. 48
‘Table put tor that wherein men chiefly TA
Tables biea fog offices belongtr E tothe
poor ctg 6 2.
Take. Mim that taketh thp cloake fogbiv
Rot to take thp coate alfo, L u.6 29.
Thu taken vp te heauen. Mark. 16.1 *
Lub.24. 55 Acts r 9. ioke Aſcend.
Talebedrers and Tale tellets. Pꝛoti. 16.28.
„ang. daud 26,20,22, Ecclus 53. 15.l100ke
Bulibodies. aud Backbiting.
©. Talents, Salomon hau gs o.talen: sof gold
brought trem Dpi, ing.o 282. iS,
18.ane r20. froni Diram Rings 9.14.
Cbs talent of the emple. Eron, 25. 39.
2.54.1 2: 30.4. hz 20.3,
Talketoone tefting; Idle ant Speech.
Target, Halomien mage 200. Targets of
beaten golia Kinge ro. rs.
Taxe. ſooke Tribute.
Taie. Gye rophet that teachers lice, ig
the taile, Jla ⸗ 45.
Teaching. ae ought teteach the Scripe
tures, asaccalion tsauniltrev. 1. 02.2.1 50
GND 36152. 05 2
Chꝛiftians are caught of: Gen, axb howe.
Soon 6.28.45. eb.S.1461, oyn 5.20, Hla,
A \ ;
Chꝛiſts minikers muk teach mhatfoence
he hatg comntanded.95 at.28.20.and where⸗
of the holy D polt ould pur chemin minde.
John 14. 6 26. Arig 4.49. oha g.
26.and 26,9. |
Dee that teacheth ought to be Directen ty
Gos wT AE ria
Thee ought foto teach, ag wee map edifice -
oné another. ——————
Whe wile Scribe thar igeaughe vntothe
Mignone ef heaudn, Wat 13 52.
God taught hig people bp hts wozd. Deu.
4.376.809 32.10.
ot hath taught og the good wap to walke
{í (1G 3.8.35, 366
Hod nurtured ibe Jiractites forty vecres,
to reach them to Suga him and chemle lues.
Deu, 8. 2, 3o 4; Ss à
Gad taught the pansa Dauit to Srbe:
2. Sam. 22. 35.
God commanven Moles to ach the Ff
raclites tofeare and obey him, tor thur pro”
fite.Dew.5.29,32.7aN9 G.8,2535 17,18, 4.
Gules warnethrve Jewes te doe what tbe
** Ny Leuites ſhould teach tbem. Deut,
er ove to teach ont ‘shitegen the buon .
oT VE @M
FED Ding r.g to 22.00) nrn, 13.
BVO hal rear things God pach Done tas
09.7.1 3.12,10 17-2DeU.g.9,10 F6.7,21.*
Joſh 4.6, —— 1.74,75. as Abzakam Div.
Geu. 819.
Ic holada the chiefe Jiel taught Irie
aly 2. Ring 1a: 2,
DSamuel taught the Iſratlites the good
wap.. Sam, 12,23.
Spollos eluquent ond mighty in the ferips
tures Difbainen not tobe taught of a cratie
man-Gcis 1824,26, x
Wile isthe teacher of the faithfull. Jolt
14.20 Dials 1.80, 351253 3.
Me teacher of tye Gentiles. t
Lp oseined teachers, bisLbhurch,
anu wp. Mts 13. 1. 1. 02.92.28 €pb.4. bay
12,t0 57.
Thiele that bp teaching turnemanp te
rig stzoulnette Malline ag the ſtarres fog
Luce. aM. 12, 3.
Teachers ſhoulde teach the wogde of Gon
Teachers ought netto teach fox luere, noz
Dete about rife of words, dut beinfant in
tie Goſpel, and why. 1. WIN. 63 p521. 25
Tim 3.3,to n0. and 4.2, 3,4. Cin, 10,1130
17 and 3,9,10 Col 2.8.
Bich ag trach fies , anv their panithe
mens, 2.18 2t.2.452,3.7and 3. 17. vnd 2. Johe
Teaching is a gift of Hov. Rom. 12.6,7e
toske Dogtours and Doctrine.
Teares.iooke Fecte, Weeping, Widow, and
Tearing of Clorbee. GD. ne.37.3 4.4 44. TED
Jolh.7. 6. Geng. 14.35-1.Daitt.
13.19 E41. Ila 37.2 2. Joel z. 13. 1. Ma⸗
cab.2,14. and 3.47.40 4.39 Leut 13.45.
Tearing with a ſpirit. Mar.9. 18,20. -
Temperance. 5. jDaul diſputed at Tempe-
rance Before Felix.Acts 24.26,
Temple. She coueriug of the Temple of
pure gold.a King 6.20 25.
The bdu Dding tozme, parification, and ves
Dicatton of the Temple, 1 Wings 6. 1,te 13
and $.63,64.4.99a0.4.47,42,43,
Tbe thoula be receiued-torbe minifering
rs * Temple, and Wyo reierted. Ezek 44-
— king of Judah repaired the Tem-
ple.2.Ring.22.4,10 18. fo Did Joltah.2 Rin
22:4:to 8.
Jehoaſh king of Iſrael (potter the Tem-
ple? Bing. 14.43.14. and fo did Shiſhak
King of Enppt. King. 14 26.
The Temple defaced.ꝛ Wing. 25.9, to 182
Jers zito 24.
Dagreirepzoueth the Pemes ſlackneſſe
in recoifping the Temple, Hagg. 1:2,t9 155
wherupon Serubbabel and Vebethua begin
ming the woke are bindzen Cea 4 4,5,244
@ he Difpoktion anv ogver of the teedityeng
of the T empl with bid appertinances, Eze.
Bors promile to thoſe that ould refoge
Temple, Mag. 2.16,20,
— Temple reedified· Ezra 3. 132. and 6.
5n 40ertes. John 2.20.
* Qe gorie ol the decon Temple, excee⸗
| hing,
Prey M.-.
s tpe fir. Hag.2.4,7,8.
atin peffruction of tye Temple is fozes
gewed. Amos 2.5, Zech.i 1.6. Matth. 24. 2.*
QB at.13.2- Luke 19.43344. and 21,6.
` Che Temple {poples. 2.Gacc.5.15,t022,
aud vefilen. 2.05 ac.6.2.
Bp which gates the people went out, and
~ bp which thep went into the Temple. Ezek.
y Lbpitk cak out of the Temple thole that
folve and bought, and why. Mpatt.21.12,8 3.
Gout: LEIS, 16,17. Luke 19.45. John 2,
E4515 16. y :
The Apollles were continually in che
Temple. Luke 24 53. Acts 2.45.
Peter and John wene ints the Temple to
pap. Acts. 3.1.
Jn what temples God dwelleth 02 dbeel·
leth not. Acts 7.48. and 17.24. Gla.66.1,2.
kings 8.27. Ep
Chriltians are the holp and ſpititual tem-
ple of Gob. 1.702:3.16.
Thep that Delttop tye Temple of God,
hall be dellroped a. Cor. 3. 17.
The bilion of the Temple. Reu 15.5.
Dur bovies are the Temples of the bolg
Ghoſt, 1.€02.6.19. r
The Temple of Chꝛlſis body. John 2.19.
` The Temple of the Loꝛd whatit is. Jere»
+4556. :
Z tite Temples of the Gentiles inmplopen to
gaine.2. Mac. u 1.3.
Tempt not God, Deut.6. 16. Matth. 47.
1. Coꝛ.to.ↄq.
» The Iſtaelites tempted Govolt, aud di-
wer. Erod.17.2,7. FAUN. 4-32.
. Abe Pharites and Saddiices tempted
dhit. WH atth. 16, 1.4 19.3. and 22.18,35."
ars. Lub.10, 25, and 11.16. Joh.8.6.
The Berhulians tempted Hon in pzelcri⸗
bing atime. Punet. 8.12.* ;
Ananies and Sapphira tempted the fpi:
tit of the Lord. Actes 5,9. ;
Job tempted bp bis wife. Job 2.9. and
Chꝛiſt by che venili inthe wildernefle Mat.
4-1,3. at. 1.12,63. Luke 4-1,2. 800 why.
e0218. ;
Pow aud whereby euerp man is tempted,
James 1.53,14.
Datan isa tempter, 1.Tbel.3.5.¢temp-
eth luch ag negieci to ccſtore the weake.
Gal.6.2. 02 being married, withbaa them.
feiues without coulent 14027-5.
Sod will not ufer d3 to be suertempted,
1. Coꝛ. 10.13.
` Poin Boo map bee tempted. Plal 78.18.
Deut.6.16. Acts 15,10.
God wil be founs of them chat tempt hin
not, Ciiifs.5.2, therefore wee mult: prepare
our ſelues to pzap vnto him. Eccleſiaſſicus
18.22. :
Saul tempted God onver the colour of
good intent. 1.Sam.13.9, to 17.
Temptation of the tich, feeRich.
q oti¢uoustemptation itis unto the faith-
- Fall,ro flee the prolperitie of the wicked. Pſa.
rN a
Sun onelp delluereth be ot of temptati-
on.Matth.o.i 3. and 2. Deter 2.9. Reuelat.
» Thee ought to Kay opon God in tempta-
The fecond Table.
, tions, JBfal.27.3.*
Otherwhiles the faithfull are sucrcome,
and fometunes Doe ouetcome in temptations
ag Job 3.3.
Jeremie is delinered, an’ againe aflailen
With temptation. Jer.20, 11,14.*
CGee ought to liftyp our handes in the
night watches of temptation, JDial.63.4,6.*
ant s.@im,2.8.
Temptation taken fog affliction, oz trials.
ág Deut.7.19.and 2963. lames 1.2,12,.800
1.JDet, 1,6. $920.17.3. Ecclus.27. 5. and 2.1,
The life of man is a continual! cemptati-
on Job7 n."
TUe ought to watch & prap.that we be not
ouetcome in temptation 9 a:.26 41.€ 6.13.
Luke 1 1.4.¢ 22,40. ag fome ate, uke 8.13.
Tense commandements mentioned. Ero.
20.1, to 18. Deuter.5.6,to 23. containe the
words of Gods conenant. Ero 34:28. Deut.
4.12. and 10.4,
Tenne tribes of Iſtael reiected. Gere-3.1,
338." anD.2.12."
Ge vefkruction of the tenne tribes, and
cauſe thereof foretold. Iſa ↄ.a 4.t and 17.35
4. Hoſea 1.4,5. 6.9.
Tenne caldzend , tenne candleftickes, and
tentables which Sslonion made. 2. Chron.
.. Ten. things indged ¢ pronounced happie.
Ecclus 25.7, to 14.
Ten foz manp. Genel.3 1.41. KRetiel. i 3.1
umd. 14.22.
Tender heatts muft be in Chꝛiſtians. E⸗
poel4.32. and tender mercie. Col, 3.12.
Through Hens tender mercie our ſianes
are feꝛgiuen. Luke 1.77,78,
Tents, looke Tabernacle,
Teaths, loske Tithes.
Terrible ig our Gon. Deist. 10.17,
Teftzment. Boles conlecrated the old Te:
Ramene with biocd Ero. 4.8. Deb.9.1 8,20.:
a bzicfe repetition of the olu Feftament,,
ann bountifuinefle of God. Joſh.a⸗., ton...
> 2 Sofeph accufen bis bzethzen of theft, any
Dep gto
The Teftament appertained principally
tothe Jewes, Rom.g9 4.
Gen promiled che people a new Tefa-
ment. Batuch 2.35. Het-31.31,to 35.
The olde Teftament was dedicared with
the biood ef Lalucd, ec. but rhe new with the
Dood of Chrift, Matth· 26 28. Mark 14.24,
Luke 22.20. € 1.02 11.25.400 2,.€07.3.6.
eb.g. 12.” and 10 1,to 5,E t9 I $,19,1023
29.6 13.9,12,14. NDI 2.24.6 13. 20. hich
were tit baine, tf righreouſneſſe were of the
Hain. Gal.3.15,21,22,
Fhe new Teftament cenſſteth not in che
letter , but in the Spirit which wierp the
Golpel in our hearis. 2.02.3 233,6.”
Thenew Teftamenc promiled, Gene.3.15
eb.8.8. and 10.16. 3
Whe twa Teftaments. Balg. 24.7.
Teftsfiz. Boles teftified ta the people theit
Duet p.Deut.32,46.
Tefismonie of Chif, fee Prophecie.
. Boles pur into the Acke of the Teflimony,
the two Tables of Teflimonie. Exodus 40,
20,21. 4
Thankefulneffe. Tie ourht to gine thanks
to Gob fog bis benekes. Deus8.10,
Ty hk
Chik taking the bze ad anv Yeg, blenen
aud gaue thanks, Watt, 14.19. Marke 6.4.
Luke 9,16,
S. Saul befoze his telectlon gaue thanks
bute Geb. Acts 27:35.
Hots, auu foz whom ee ought to give
thankes. gE pbel.5.4,20.
, Baul gaue thankes to God, anv whp,
Womt.6.2517, 1.Chelr.2,3.JPbti1.356.
dmit renget thankes pnto God his Faz
ther at the raiting of Lazarus. Lojna1.4r.
The feruane of Abzaham giueth Gon
thankes that hee bad pzoſpered fo well. Gen.
Dauid giveth Goo thankes, and whp.
I. SPAM. 25-3 1,39.
Peichi-sede& gaue thanks foz Abzahams
bicto2p. Gen. 4.19,20.
Boles and the Iſreelites giue thanks,
Exo. 15.12, to 22,0 did Debozah and Was
tak, and why. Hudg.s5.1,2.*
Df thankefulnefle. Mehem.8.6, Gen.4.1,
4.and 8.20. G 18.2. € 23.7,12.8 26.25.28 33.
3-4 42,6.¢ itt, 1.2,7,26.8 16.23 Ic. 25
2. Qiim.A 5.3, 4, 19. and 31.50.54. Dell. 4.2,
6, AND 6.3, to 10.and ĩ. Sam.1 4. 45. and 31
11, 12, 13 and 2. Samu 10,2, 8ND 19.8. 1
Chꝛo.ꝛ 9 2, ta 26.2. Chꝛon.i15. 8. and 20.18,
to z1,Ellet 6.2,t0 13. Tob 9 6.and 12.5,22
Ecclus.7.29. and 32. 14. and 35.253. and
i Macc.ꝓ 38.” and 5.53 67. and 2. Sacca.
3-30, 3 3335. Walth. 11.25. athe 5.20,33.
iLuke: 8.1 3,1443. and 2. Coꝛ.6. 17. Phu.⸗
6.Col.2.7.and 3.17. and 1 Theſ. 5.16. and 2.
Thel. 1.3. ¢ 1. Tim.4.4. locke Grace Praile,
Bleſſe, end Vnthankefulnefie,
Theft forbinen Exo 20.15. LELEII
Deui 5.19. Rom.2.21, and 13.9. € 2. Tim.
1.10. and 1. Pet.4. 15. Ephe. 4. 28.
Je was lawfuli te killa thiefe, if he were
found bzeaking op a boufe. Exed.22.2.
-~ Ehe curle of theeues.Zech.g.2,3:.
< Theenes {hall not inberitezbe kingdome of
toy, Geu.42.1,2,12,
The parable of the thiefe. Batt.24.43.*
The comining of Chik aga thicfe.2.JPes
fer 2.10. Reue 3.3.
Jadas Iſcerioth a thiefe. Vohu 12.6,
The tho theeves crucified with Chii.
Wareh.27.38,44. Watke 15.27, 32. Luke
23.32, 33.49,10 44, John 19. 18.
DE theft, and che punifhment thereof,
Evo 24.1,3.4.16. IMU. 5.6, t9 11. Deu 2 4
7. Joſh.7. 1. J920.6.30,3:. Wol 4.2,3. Deb, ’
13.14. and 2.@9ac.12.42, at 19.18. 95a,
10.19. aub Luke 18. 20. looke Pharife,Steale
antRob. .. .
Thake and Thoughts. ie tantot thinke
anp thing asofour {clies. 2.€02.3.5,
Euery wicker thought teucking our bze⸗
thren forbidden, and pp. Deut.15.7.
Thoughts cf the godly. Phil 4.8.
No thought hin from Gov. Deut.3 1.16,
to21, Job 42.2 JOfal.139 2,
Gon thorghe bpon Shzahem, and dellue⸗
ttd Lot. Gen. 19.29.
Againk euil thoughts. 1920.1 2.2,¢ 21.26
Blas 4.13,84,15.TCid.1.3,5,9. Acts 8.2%
icoke Traditions , Remember, Stubborne,
K4 Good
4 T IM
food intent, end Imagination.
TAle. Dt the parable of the Thiſtle and
he Cedar, 2 Kings 14.9,
pe the fentt of tye earth bp teaſon of
Bans ünne. Gen 3.18.
/ Thornes which chake the wo2d preached.
atth.1 3.22. arg 18. Like 8 14.
F Threatnings sgeiuſt wanton and daintie
cople, ge. Gxichap.21.
The wicked nle threatnings again the
olp. Actes 4.29.
| Three things pleale God, and three he har
me Ecclus 25 1,2.
Three things griene the heart. Ecclus.26
29. (ee Foure.
Three folve, looke Coard.
Threfhold of Dagon in AHdod Not rover
saud WHY. 1. Dam. 5233,45.
Throne in heanen Reue. g. 2 *
l F great white throne, Rew.20.11,
C G alomong throne, 1 King. 10.18, 19,20
pke Satan, ;
|) Thunder lent to deflvoy the bealts,betbes
jG trees of the Eavprtane. Cy0.9.23,24,25-
The Lords aductlartes Hall be delttoyed
with thunder. Dam, 2 10,
~ The Lem at che petition of Samuel
miidred, and confounded the Philiſtims
DSam.7 10.
C F T:l, any Vntill, diuerſſe vnderſtood.
MQHat.1.2 gand 5.18,26. and 23.32. RND 28.
0 1,00}.1§.25. Bal 3.19. Keu· 20.5
` Tillage and Titan, Genel.2.4. AD 9.20
and 2.E 20.26 vo. Pio. 12, 11.200 28.19
OF cclus. 7.15. and 20. 27, WBateth-21. 33.*
at,12.6,t0 13. Like 29 9,to 17. John 15 ·
4.1, @02.3,9. looke Plough.
f Timbreds, Wonen praited God, playing
Bpon Timbrels. Exod.i 5.20 2.
IJphitah bia daughter met bim with Tim-
brels at big comming froin the bictogp. Jung:
` Timorous men ought not to goe to watte,
udg.7.3. Dent.20. 3,5 ,t09. 1, Mac · 3.56.
* Timoroufneffe of Elay. 1. Ring. 18.3.2
Iing. r, 15. looke Feare,
_ Tithe, anv the ble thereof. Lew. 37.30,32,
3Deu 1422,23, to 30.8nd 12.17,18. ann
Oh 2, to 16. JQum, 18.20,21,24+ ehe. 10
3 Tithe mint, loske Faith.
bꝛaham gaue tithes befoze the Lawe.
Senelis 14.20. Heb.7 438.
Jaakob votweth ta Boo tithe of all His ine
xreale. Gen 28 23.
Tpyꝛannteall pꝛinces wN gine their fers
anes che tithes Due to miniſters.
thp tithes are payed. 2,002.31.4.
SGaoaod puniffeth the vefraudieg bis minis
ſera of theit due tithes ano offerings, ang
pleflerh thole that pap chem trulp. al.3.8,
1g, 10,11. Amos 4.4."
| Demetring offered Yenathan to releafe
E the Jewes ftom all tithes, to be friends with
«Sim. 1. Wae-10.31,46,49. looke Taxe.
| Tale wꝛitten ouer Chriſts head in Geek,
Batine ¢ Oebsew. WDat.2737. Mar · 15. 26.
Tohem, looke Signes.
` Tombe looke EuB, and Grave.
g Tongue, Me ought to reft ain outs tongues
The fecond Table.
from euil. s. Pet. 3.10.
Toe bice and vertue of the tongue. Jam,
3.2, to 13. and [PP po. 12.0 3-ad 33.253.
The guft of Tongues commer) of the holp
Gho. 1 oz.12,10,11,28. Aeta 2.4,t09.
Againſt prayer anv ſeruice in ailvange
tongue, 1.U/02.14.1,3.*
Wonfutton of tongues. Gett 1,9.
The propertie ano punifymenc of an euill
tongue, JPfal.10.7. and 52.152, C07.
Whe propertic of afinner, is to De enill
tongued. Ectlus 6 1. bat tbe heart of the’
wile guiteth bis mouth wifely. Pzo 36. 23.
and a fooie toben hee hoivech pig pedce, is
counted wi e. 1930.17.28.
’ A falle tongue gareth the afflicted. Pzou.—
The duety ofthe tongue, Phil 2.11.
Againtt raih Letmerous and ewi congues
and hol we aught ro beware of them. Ieu,
19.416. Deut 22. 14, to 20, Job 5.15, 160.
Plal r 40.3,9, 11.and 1413 and 144. 811
Jro. 4.24. and 10.11 18, 31 32.and 11.9;
13. and 97.457. Eceles.5,1,to7,Cild.1.8,
33,36. GE cls § 455,95 and 7.9, 12, 13. and
9.20, AND 13.8, 23,524,317. and 32. 4,8 9 10.
1. Coꝛ 15:33. 1. Pet.2. i. Jam.i.a ↄ, 26. and
4.1,1 3. Datt. 2. 36. louke Cov imication.
Gideon tooke none to battel, butthole that
lapped water with theit tongues. Jubges 7.
5 6,75.
Tooth foz tooth, gc. Exod 21.24, Leui.24
19,10. DeLUt.19.19,21. Bat.5.38.
The cheeke tooth of the iaw bone of an
afl, pezloed tater to quech Samions hire
withall. Judges 15.55 ,18,19.
Eo Teach. So manp fotlowen Saul, as
Gon had touched the heartgve. 1, Sam, ro
26. fee Vertue.
Tower of the Rocke. Bichah.4.8. wherein
the hepberas kept watch bp night. Lu 2 8,
J Traditions, and the teachers of chem
ought to be auowen, and wiy. Rom! 6.17
18. Col.2. 8. 18.*
TUe muk nog be guided bp traditions Ee
cles 4.17.
Traditions, ceremonies rood intents, and
inuentions of men, ate not to be bfen, Deut.
5.32,33 anD 12.8. 2.Sam.15.9,t02 3.312.
66,3. Perera. $+33.anB 2.13. Dial
312.113. 1320.16.25 Bolg 15,1. Efp.8.22.
Barr. 15.3,9,19. and 23.4. Warke 7.8.9,
Actes sro Tier. 13,14 and LIDL,
BND 2. John 10,11, Looke Ceremonies, and
Good intent.
Tratonrs,; Tanke Treafon.
Transfiguration of Chik bpon mount
Thaboz. Watth.17.1,to9. Warke 9.2, tog,
iLuke 9.23,t0 37.
Transforme. @ith Satan is transformed
into an Angel of light: no marneile if hig
minifferg transforme themſelues.a. doz. 1r.
Transgrefion of Gong commandement,
mane all men fiuners. en.3.6.Rom.5.12.
CUbere no law is,there tg no c'anfgreffion,
fo: Rane ig bid without the lawe: Rom.4.15
and 5.13, ana 7-7. leoke Purge, and Punith.
Tran[ubfiantiation ouctthzotwen bp thele
places rightip buberfoon. Matth.26,26, to
30, 09are14.22,t0 26, Luk.21. 17, 22. Joh.
6.63. 1.0002.10.16,1
Supper of the Lord.
Trauaile, tte Labour, Rich, ânt Oxe.
The wife of Phinebas bearing we Arke
of Goa to be takew, trauailed ẹ Died 1.a-
muel.a. i9 *
Treafon Danid rewarded Baanah g Ree
chab with death, ber aule to pleate fim jYhep
ilw their mafier traiteronfly. 2.994.4.6,1 2,
Dt treafon, sud the punifhment there
Geit.37.18.* juog. 9.5 fi
22.15." @ 2.9 66.3.6,38 * and 4.34,35. anu
10.13. AND 13 3, 4 to 9: WDatth 26.14,t0 26,
and 27 334.5. Luke 6.16. Actes 7, 52. and
2. Wim.3 4 Toke Re’ els.
Trea fisy Tabat account was made of th
tho mites call into the Treafurie Qarke 1 z.
41,to 45. Luke 21.1, t05,
Treafisres in the hauſe of the Lorv.s king,
7.51.2. Eheu, 5.r.onrrleers thereof, Che
9.26, AND 26,20,22,26,
Chere me ought tolap bp treaſares any
why Watth. 6.19, 20, 25, Lube 12.33,24,
1. Tim.6. 19.
The parable of the treaſure hoven in the
ground. Watth..3 44.
Soe treafure of the Golpel in earthen bel
ſels and tobp. 2.€02.4.7
Treafures of wifedome gidden in Chik.
ol 3.3.
Dove the Lord epeneth good creafure,
The deedes of the wicked are ſe aled sp ae
mong Bods treafure. Deut.32.24, t
The teare of the Log was the treafure of
Desehiah. Ula. 32.6.
God gaue Cpzus the treafures of varkes
nelle. 3 fa.a5.3,
Aimes giuing, is better then treafure. Tas
Dit.12.8/Qat.19,22.Qar-10 21. Luke 18.
22, of the wickeu. Jams. 3.
Wiſedome ig an infinite Treafure. fn.
7.14. Ecclus go, 18,20. and a goed name
wal continue aboue rooo.treafures, Ecclus.
' Treafure of the beare, fee Heart.
Trees with their fruite ana feee, cteated
of Gov. Genel r.11,12.cuerp tree pleafant
to fight, the cree of life, and the tree of know
loge. Gen 2.9,
Whe fruit of all trees fane one, opdaitted
foz mans foove. Gen.2.16,17. PAOR
Planting anp grone of trees neere mto
the altar of God forhinden. Dvut.16.21.
Trees foz foobde to be reſexued in the fege
of a citie. Deut.20.19,20. i
Atthelacking of the cities of the MBoa-
bites, Gov commanded the Jewes to fell
euerp faite tree, 2. King. 3 1915.
To whom trees ſhalbe truitfuli oz vnfruit⸗
full. Leuit.26. 4,20 Deut.28 30.
The good tree wil being forth goed fenit,
and a cozrupt tree; tobich baingrerh euit fruit,
fhalbe burnt. Watt. 12.33. and 7.17, 18,196
Adam twas dziuen ont of Patadiſe, les
Hee fhould eate ofthe treeof life, and live.
Gen. 3.22,23,24. j
The tree that mave the waters fiveete,
Grod.15.25. Ecclus 38.5.
JIE the greene tree were fo dealt withall.
what hall become of she mie? Luke 2 tee
7. and 51.24,t0 jo.lecke
Ty R I
Oa the tree falleth , fo gali it tie. Eecles.
wr .3- ;
Wigh trees foz pꝛoud people. Blat.2. 13,
Trembling. Paul willerh b3 to make an
ende of est lalnation with trenbling. P pil.
© Gav will gine a trembling heart to them
that dilobep bim, Deutet.av.65. Leviticus
26.36. .
he wicked tremble at Gorg iudge⸗
ments.Acta 24.26. Hooke Feare.
Teſpaſſe offerng.iLeu.7 2,t0 14.
Abigail taketh on Ler, ber hulbands tref-
paffe.1. Sam 25. 24, 28. lee Puiging. :
- Trie all things, anv keepe that whichis
goon.. Theil
Pow God trieth his elect, and why. 2,
Chꝛon.32.31. Job 1.11,12,* Eccles 3.10.
Gla.30.10, Fech.3-9 GUL. 3-5. Ecclus. 2.5.
and 27.5. Cob.2.10. Roms 1, 1. Pet. 1.7.
2.[Det.2.2. James 5.2,3. fee Tempt,
Tribe. The chilozen of Ilxael ought to mars
tie enerp one iu their otne tribes. Nam 36.
Tte tribe of Dan fought to dwell among
the other tribes. Jung 18.1,2.
She halfe tribe of Danalleh, dwelt from
Éan to Baal Permon, te, 1.20 5.23,
The poztion ofthe twelue tribes Eze. 4.
5,2,t0 8,23.*
The tenne tribescariedcaptinue. 2. Eſdꝛ.
13.40,t0 48.
Tribulation ſent to the Faithfull, why. 1.
Pet.4.02, 1.Thefl 4,0 8. Rem.5. 3.
An exhoꝛtation to endure tribulation with
patience Heb.i 2.1. 1 [Bet.221.
Gaee ought not to feare tribulation, and
wobp. Pbil. i.28.29.
Wen dy tribulations are pinen to Gov.
Iſa.ↄ26. 16, 17, 18.
Govonelp deliuereth oit of tribulations.
| Gav relpecteth the chilozen of Iſtael in
tribulation. €t0v.2:25.
Jn our cribulations -we ong ht to leeke the
ZoD. Deut.4-29,30,31.
- Gov heard Jaakob in the time of bis tii-
bulation.Gen.3 5.3.
She faithfull in tribulation ought to put
full truſt in Sods mercic.JB(al.44.9.*
Mow te luffer tribulation, accoꝛding te the
will of God a. Pet.a 19.
Neither tribulation noz bonds conte feare
Pawi from preaching the Gelpel.Actes 20.
- Tribulation to bee receinen ebankefullp
without diſtruſt. J) lal.g2:8. and 42.5.7 and
56.1,3. afger thecrample of Job. Job 1.21.
and of Dauid 2.Sam.22.1.*
Paul and Silas prayed, (ung g reiopred
in tribulation fos Chit his fake. Act.16.2 5,
Gal.6.: 4.4 2.€03.6.4,to 11.4 (o did [Peter
anv ether Apoliles. Acts 5.41. and fo ſheuld
we.Rom,12.12.4nd 5.1, 3.
The tribulations of S. Paul, were the
Epbeſians cloꝛp. Ephel; 13.
God comfezten D. aul in all Hid tribu-
lations, and wy.⁊ 07.1.4.”
Paul commenved the Macedoniens foz
that thep iopen in tribulations. 2,Qoziu.3.2,
The fecond Table.
The dap of tribulation, gc.2 Kings 19.3.
Tooke AffliGion, Aduerfity ,Perfecution, Suf-
ferings,and Scourges,
T: zbute muß be papt fez conſcience fake.
MPatt. 22.21. Rom. 13.5 657.
WMhy Chik papd tribute and needed not.
GH att.17.25,26,27.
Thep that teceiued peace effered bp ibe
Mest , became tributaries onto them.
eilt· 20. 10, 11.
AN that belong te the houſe of Gov, freed
from tribute, bythe Esict of an Wearhen
Empereur.&3ta 7.24.
Trimitts. Teltimonies of the Triniti. Gen.
1,0,26.E86.7.8nb 88.2.Mate.3,16,17. and
28.19. Lu. 3.21, 22.1. Joh.5.7.2. Cor.13. 13
Dt Triumph Jooke Victorie.
Trumpets of Gluet , iooke Rumb. 10.2,t8
11. and Feaft
The trumpet founded at the giuing of the
Law. Ered 19,16,19. ;
Gideon biet a trumpet, ¢ ſouldiers cam?
to him. Judges 6.74.
Trouble. Martied folkeg haue trouble in
the Reh. 1.Loz 7.28.
Eiiiah affirmed bnto Ahab that hee trou-
bled Iſrael, in pronoking God to tap raine
thice peeres and Gre maneths. 1.ikin.18,17,
18. Famed 5,2 7.Joake Tribulation,
Trae. We that belveucth, Hath fealed that
God is true, Jobn 3. 33-
Balaam wag enfogces toconfelle God to
be true.NMumb 23.19,
Trazth of Bob, fee Promife,
Abzabame feruant praplen Gen foz bis
trueth and mercie hewed onto his mafter.
Genel. 24.27.
The pies promifed Rahab to vealg true-
ly with her. Joſh.2. 14.
Hezekiah deſired that truetk might bee in
his Dapes.2 Tings 20.19.
Dauid wifhed mercie and trueth to Jt-
tai,ans why.ꝛ Sain. 13,19, 20.
Te walike in trueth.1 ings 2.4.
Ge ougbt to ſerue God in trueth. Joſh.
24.14. 1.58M. 12,20,21,24,"
Tee ought net to hold againſt the trueth,
Wich.7.5 Erov.23.2,
Truethin Judges red.18.20,22.
He ought to gird cur lopaes about with
trueth. Epheſ. 6. 14.
Tez cucht to ſpeabe the trueth one to an⸗
otber,and inby.cEpbel 4.25.
Lizik is the cructh. John 14, 6. anv bis
@olvel the trveth,2WDet.1.12.
Doe nothing again the trueth, but fog
the trueth.2.Go2.1 3.8.
Trueth put foz vpꝛight vealing. Epheſ.4.
25.46.14. Dbil.4.3. foz Gneere knowledge
of Gov. Tit.1.1, and foz all light left in man
efter bis fall Rom.i.i d.and 2.8.
We ought to infruct with meebnes thole
that reü ¢ erce from & trueth, 2. Tim.2. 25,
26. @te crane at Hoos hand the docrine of
trueth, Which theraine fiqnifieth.Fecb.10.5.
s e ought to be ſtedtaſt in tke trueth weil
fearnen.s. 0 im. 3.14. z
ow trueth from errour is diſcerned. 1-
John 4.6.
No tructh in anp, and there foze none to be -
truſted Jere.9.4,5. 5
Trueth ig ſtrongeſt, and onereammeth al
things.1 f0? 3. 12. and 4.3 37,40,42. Matt.
16.58 Luke 21.15 Act 6.10.
Grace and trucih came bp Jelug Chif.
Jobn 1.17.
The Hpirit of Ged fs the leader of vs iti-
toallrmeth. Jon 26.13, $
Gyaink ſuch as withſtand the trueth, oz
withhold themleines æ others from is. Rom.
1.18.4 2.8, Gal.3.5,25.7.42-Qim.a 14.
3.8,9.8 4.4. Tit.1.4. Heb.10. 26. @ 2-Pet.2.3-
Paul (pake the crueth Acts 26 25.
Pilate alked Chak what trueth wag.
Sohn + 3,38.
Trafi Boles puttech the hitmen of Tiras
el in minve of Gods benefites, that thep
might tuft in him onely. Deut.3.3.*
Na mau ought to truſt in his own ſitẽgth
1. Coꝛ. 10.12, 1 3.
Thole that truſt inthe Loꝛd, bleſſed, ang
thole that truſt inman, curled. Gerem, 17
The chilvzen of Frael truſting in thele
owne Grengih , were diſcomſtted. Fudg.20.
20,21. Qunib. 14.40, 44,45. DeUt.1.41543,
44. 1. Sam 4.3 4 551011
Tie ought to fete our whole truk in God,
and in Chik, and whp. 2.Samit.22.3532.
Matth 12.21.
Hezckiah truſted in the Low Gov of Ji
rael.2.itings 18 5. —
Abiiah trufting bpon the Low, obtained
victoꝛie.ꝛ. Chꝛo. z. 18.
Eternall life pꝛomiled to thole that tuft
in Gov, Ila 57.13.
God is their belpe and fhieln chat truk in
him. fal,115.8,9,10,11.
We ought ro truſt inthe grace offered by
the Gofpel.c.jS2t.1.13.
Thep that truſt in Gon, Hall vnderſtant
the Trueth ZUifa.3-9.
Fn the mivdeft of tribulations wee muf
treft in Ged. John 16.33.
The faithfull truf to hee fauey thzangh
the bloot of Chꝛiſt, ana therefoze goe bolaly
te the thzone of grace. Heb, 10.19,20,22523,
end 4.14,16, AE |
The Jewes vpbraided to bane put theit
truft in falfe gods Deut.32.37338
Gor will bereaue the wickes of all hing
wherein thep put their-truft, Dett.28.5 2563,
Df the efluced trut which Afa han in the
Lev.2.Chon.14.17. and gunas Macca⸗
brus.i.Mac.3 18,23. and Bich.7.7,t0 8 4.
- Cee ought to put our cruft in the twe of
God.and whp.Wtilo.16.26,
Tiefe that tuft in Ged Hal neuet bert
moued Plal. 125.1. end 115.9," and 22-5.
o2 take Hirt. cclus.32 24,
An exhortation and encoutagement to
truſt in Bow after aduerfitie and in danger,
Iſa a1.8, to 17. Amos ↄ ·2
The pong rauens Doe teach ve to putent
truſt in God. Job 32:3. A
a man ef God ceunfellen Amazieh kott
put bis cruftin wopalp ſtrength. 2.Chz0.25,
7 God will eut eff occaſions wbich Pinon
bis people from putting their truh in him
Micab 5.10,15,12.* és
Tee map not truft in oone dii: |
T- Wie
ies: Sere.7.2,4."
/ God nener kaileth them that put their
cruſt in him. Dan.14. 38.
J Turne, Te ought not to turne aſide to
2.8, Deut, 11,16. 1. Sam.i2. 10, 20, 21.
The Thelſalonians turned from their i
oles onto Goa. 1. Theſſ c.9.
Eo turne indgementta wogmewoos. A-
M08 6.12,and 5.7.
God is mercifull onto thole that curne Sua
to him. Deut.30. 1, 2, to 8.
Rone cau turne to Bod truely, till Gon
turne to him. Fech.8.15,16. Looke Returne,
Conuerfion,ai3 Man. ;
L S Twelve Apolkles.Wat.10.2,t05 Date
| 3x1 4,16,to 20. Luke 9.1,
i. The names of the cwelue Patriarkes.
A Gher.35.22,0 27.
L Twinckhing. Thole that be found aliue at
the laft nap, hall be changes in the ewinck-
{iling of an epe.t .Qoz.15.50,52. 1. Theſſ.a. I
°} Two mafters no man can ferue, and whp.
HH att. 6.24. Luke. 16.13.
Meſh.Geneſ.2. 24. Marke 10.8. 1. 026,16,
Erphe5. zu. Matt.19.5.
vo miteg,looke Treafurie.
J Two pence looke Pence.
| Two coats forbidden. Luke 9,3.
+ ODfthe two vetters.Luke 7.41.
| Two manerof people divided out of Re⸗
dekahs bowels.Gen. 25. 23.
4) DE two things that Agur required of
_ Twothings grieuous.ceeclug, 26,29,
Chꝛiſt his two natures. Lol. 2.9.
© E Time hath pis courſe.Gen.8.ꝛ a.
= To ali things there is an appointed time.
Eccles.z3. 1, to 12."
Uee ought to alke of Gong woꝛkes, our
elders of olde time. Dent. 31.7. It is not fez
BS to knoto the times and ſeaſons, anv whp:
cts 2.7.
Toe time of Chr, the accepted time.
- The time ofthis pelene life, ig but ſhozt.
) Uae ought to redeeme the time, and whp:
TA. 4. 5. Ephe.5.15, 16.
Time cextaine put foz vncertaine. Lu, 13.
33 · and time pꝛeſent foz time ta come, Wate,
3.10. Linke 19.8.and 24.44. John 4.2 1.800
20.17. Col. 3.6. 1. Thel.4. 15
DE the laſt times, 1. 0z,10.11. 2. Tim.
2.18. Juve 8.
Tee ought not to Hew wiſedome out of
time. Ecclus.ʒ 2.4.
Gav is angrp with the godly foz a time.
Nahum 1.2.
Tyranme of princes and falfe pzophets.
“Hicab 3.1.*Feps.3.1,3,
— DF tyrannie.Watth.2.16. arke 14.10.
Acts 7.59.and1 2-2, 3.*Leoke Crueltie.
X Tyrants visit a a 15.
G Vaile of the Tabernacle. Erov.26.31.
OND 36. 35.2. Chro 3. 14.
The vaile tent.Matih.27.52.
A The vaile ouer the face of Doles, any
ferue other gods, asthe Iſtaelites did. Exod.
3.1. Deb.1.1. 1.Bet.1,20. and 4.7. 1. John 47
The fecond Table.
oner the Jewes, and whp. Er0d.34.3 3534,t0 17.
Whe vaile oner the Hearts. 3.Cozinth.3.
That the vaile prefigured.Dcb.10 20.
Paine ave ali men Tita 3.0, all things
vanitie· Eccles 1.2.
Idoles ate vaine vanities. r.A 12.21.
and pzouoke Gods wzath. w.ikings 16. 26.
Deut 32.21.
The creature ſubiect to vanity. Rom.8.20
Vaineglory,fee Glory.
Valant. Che Angel called Gideon a va-
liant mai, Judg.6,12.
Variance, looke Contention.
Vaunt, fee Boalt,
Vengeance. God taketh vengeance of all
that oppzefle sz defraude their baethzen. r,
God will take vengeance of thole that ves
(pile his grace eb.10.29,30.
Vengeance belongeth ta rebels and perfes
cuters of Bods elect. Luke 18.7. 2. Thelſ.
1.8.Qeue.6.10,an5 19.2.
TUe ought not to auenge out ſelues Rom.
Vengeance ig the loog, and hee will a
nenge the blood of bis (eruants vpen pis
eneinies. Oeuteron.32.35,41542,43. Rom,
Dauid committeth vengeance to Gov. 1.
Sam.24.6, 1 3,16,
Baul would not bee auengedof His ene⸗
mies end whp.1.Hau,1 1.13.
Gods miniKerg haue ready the vengeance
of God againſt ali high things being diſobe⸗
Dient, and why,2.d02.10.5,6,
James and John aſking vengeance, are
rebuked. Luke 9.535 4555 í
Vengeance the name of a heathen gods
delle. Acts 28.4.
Vengeance referucd onelp to the Lozd and
his wminifers the bigber powers. Genel. 15.
16.Ecclus.28.1. Judeth 8.35. Plal.J. 10. E
9.758, 168 33.5. AND 94-1, Pꝛo. 17. 21. and
24. 12. and 48.9. and 54. 8. and 29. 26. Ezek.
25.12. jah.1,2, Matth.5. 38,39. Like g.
5455, 56 and 18.7.8. Galat.s 15. phel4,
26,32. 1.Q bell. 5.15. 2. Tim.4. 14. 1. Pet.
2,.14.AND 3.9, 12.
Verine fee Trueth.
Vertue ef God, fee Power,
Vertue from Chꝛiſt healen diſe aſed folkes
touching bis garments Darke 6.56. Mat⸗
Oe 9. 20,21,22535;36, Liike 8, 44,465
Vertue put foz good and godly maners.
Vertucue, Buth was a vertuous woman,
Wuth 3.10.
U: feis ozdained foz the bfe of the Taber⸗
Nacte. dE rov.25.29.
The parable of veflels, prepared foz caps
tiuitie. sek 12.3,t017.
Vefiels in the haule of Salomon of pure
goln. r King.10.21,
Of velſels of Honour and diſhonour. Rom.
9.21. and 2.7 im. 2.20525. x
Veflell foz mans bodp. 1. Hame 21.5. any
2,002.4.7.an0 1-O befl.4.3,4.
Veslures, The Mewes cominaundes ta
make fringes bpon the quarters of theit ve⸗
ftures. Deut. 22.12, and wtp. Mumb.r 5. 38
39.* andthe Scribes and Phatiles bled it,
Matth. 23.5. Looke Clothes,Garments ang
Vexe. Mowe Peninnah vexed Dannah,
& Yiétorce commeth of Gov, @ not bythe
multitude of men.2. Sam.2 3. 1012. Fene,
1.4,” Exod.i7.8.* Devt.7.18,19, Volar.
1,6.* Tuog.7.2.* 1,.9am,14.6,t0 23. ang
17.45." 2.0 2.13.13,t0 19.4 14. 11. €16,
7,8,9, and 24.24. and 25.7.* JD fal.r 17.3.®
3320,21.22,30, 31, Juveth 2.7, 11. 2. f02
1.26,27,28,29,30, 1. Mac. 3. 18.
Joab committerh the ſucceſſe of viSorie
dito God. 2.Ham, 10.12. a
The viorieof Danin againk Abſalom.
— 18.7. ;
auia obtained vi&orie thꝛou
of God. 2.Ham.5.28.* broug b mige
God gane victorie pute Debozah. Sung.
4.1415 ,23 sj}
The vi&orie attributed to God, and Giz
Beon bp thom he wzought. quvg.7.20,
Samon atttibuten not the vi&orie to bid
Vicorie pronitied Hezekiah againſt Sa⸗
neherib 2. King. 19. 6*
Ttiumph after victory obteinen. Numb.
21.18,27. JUDR. 1.34. 1,Daim,18.6,7, 2.
Wac.3.30. .
ViGorie ig of Gov.1.€[.4.58,59,60,
, Judas trulting in Goo, wonne the viĝo-
r1e.2.Q9ac.15.26,to 36,
Victorie loft. fee Truſt.
_Yiciwals. Poua commanded to make prox
uifion fog victuals, and why. Zjef. x11 + looke
Merate and Food,
Villanie fee Rauith
God hath cholen the vile things of thig
teozld, to bring to nought things of eRimas
tion, 1.02. 1.28. x
Te ought not to offer buts i
vile Wal. 1.8,1 3,14. Om anp ching
Kaillages fee Cities,
Vine fo the Church. Pſal.ꝰo.8.
Tbe complaint which the Log? maketh
for bis vine. $fa5.4. Í
The vine of the Jewes ig of the vine of
Seme, and of the vines of Gomezay, ec.
Chik ts the vine, and bis Father isthe
hulhandman Joon 15.1,
Piseger, Boaz twilien Ruth to dip hee
bead in the vineger. Ruth 2,14.
A punge filled with vineger wag offeren
Chri MW asteh.27 23.
Vineyard of Noah and his paunkennefle,
The Jewes were commanded not tofoive
theit vineyards with diners feeds, and hp.
Alaw fo2 him that hurterh big neighbors
vineyard Exod.ꝛ 2.5.
It was lawtull foz a man to eate, but not
to carie fruit out of bis neighbozs vineyard,
Hee that had planted a newe vineyard,
freed from watte, till Yee bad eaten of the
fruit.1.Coz.9.7. — - ;
Shale that tilobep God, hall plant vine-
- eth others {hail eate the fruit. Deute.
Vintage till lowing time, and thzeſhing til
Vintage feu 26.5.
The lawof Vintage. Leu.iↄ 10.
Violence, looke Kingdome.
Viper, fee Generation.
&. Paul foke ayiper vit His hand, any
kelt no harme. Actes 28 3,5.
Virgins tee Maide,and Lamps,
Firginitte be wailed. Jude 11.37."
Signes of virginitie to be brought befoze
the Givers ofthe Jewes,gc.Deater.22-15,
> fo 20,
Df Virginitie and matics Late,1.Cozi-7,
= fon, God Cpake bnto Abzaham in a vi-
fion.Gen.15.1.and comforted fitzaci in avi-
fion. Gene.46.2,3,4.anb tolde Samuelin a
viſion how bee would punih the Boule of E⸗
Lit. Samic3.4 1,10 16. and (pake to Nathan
bp vifiot.2.-Dam.7.17-
"Ee vilion of toe = balkets cf ficges.
Ferent.24.1.* of rue foure bealics, anv the
wheelies onver the thzone,aud ofthe 25 men
and two pzinces. Ezek. 1.5, 1I AND «1.1,
fo t3.
Vifions Hewen to Judas Maccabeus. 2.
Dac.r5.12,to Coznelius, Peter and
Gnanias.Act.10.3,11.€ 9 12.300 to [Aau
2.G02.12.2,t0 10. Acts £6.9,¢ 18.9.¢ 22.17.
Gnd 27.23.
Fife Dota God doeth vifice inne. Exod.
22.34. and 20 5. Leu. 26 15.*
he Iſcaelites fesing the miracles that
Boles wzrougyt, thauked Gos tyat yee vifi-
ted them. (ČES. 4.31.03 14.31.
We vific put foz te correct, oz take care of.
Hale. 4.14.10 make fruitful. -Samuel 2.
21. @enel.21.8. And to remember. uke 1.
Thom mwee ough: to Sik, Matth 25.36.
Sam. 1.27.
Vſitation, o manifeHation of Goda mets
vieJLuk, 19.4: 3. JDet.1.12.
` Victualler. A wvaller ig not without
Gane.cEcclus 26.30.
Vabeliefe. Zhe Nemes through vnde-
liefe forgate God, and feruzd Idoles anv
would net enter into the lanae ot Canaan.
Dewte.32.15,t0 19. and 1, 22, 26. anid were
afrain of Goliath.. 2m.27.10,18.
g certaine prince puaiſhed fog vnbeliefe.
She Jews fortheit vnbelicfe, were re⸗
. fected, and the Gentiles ceceiued by faith,
and. tabp Sod hath (hut all in vnbciiefe Qo-
manes 11.20, 25,30,32,
Chꝛiſt reproued the vndelicfe of his dil:
Liples.Gatth.17.17,t0 22. Mat. 9.19,10 30.
-BnD 16.14. Luke 9.41. € 24. 36.* John 20.
19,25 560 30.
, The Apoliles coulde not heals the mar
that was L unatike foz their vnbelicfes fake.
at. 7.20.
The kfat her okthe poſſeſſed with the deuill
prayed Jeſus with helpe his vabe-
lieſe.Mar.ↄ 24.
Chiſt martueiled at the vnbeliefe of the
‘ Wazareng , which cauled hur co.wozike no
Thefecond Tab!
great miracles among them, Matth 13.53.
Ot vnbcliefe and the puniſhment thereof.
Gen. 19. 14, 24,25. WMA 1yg.* E14.2*
anD 20.3,4,5,6,24. Dent. 9. 4,5.*2. King.7.
1,2, 17, 19, 20. Eccles.2. 26. Plalm.78 8."
Waticys 20 * Wat 8.25,26. ANB 14.26,to
32. Marke 16.16. iL uke 1. 12, 18, 19, 20. and
24. 11, 25. John 3. 3, 18. and 6.60 * and 8. 24.
end 10.25. and 12. 37.* fee Infidelitie,
Poabeleewers fjal not entet into euerlaſting
tek. Heb.3.17,:8,19.
Voolameable. Lyritians aught to be va-
blameabie. JD Oil.2 15.
Vnblameable was D. Pani in his conuer⸗
fanor 1. Epei 2,10.
FP nciccwmcrfed fruit, fee Fruit.
The vncircumcifed might nos eate of the
JPafizoucr. Exod. 12 48.
Vncircumciſed lips. ered 6.12,
Fasucumesfion vied tog tye Gentiles.
ai. 2.7. fee Circnmcifion,
Facleane things not to be touched Rum.
39.1 3,14. looke Bealts.
Manoahs wife commaunded to eate no
vncleane thing till Samlosg bitth, aad whp.
V ncleann: fe drc. ought net ta bee once
Hamed among Chziſtians. Ephes 3.4. Col.
Luts of vncleanneffe. 2. looke
Pollution,Purge, and Starres,
Facorrupris Gods way. 2. Sem.22.31.
Vucizen, \ooke Anointing.
Vader franding.& be gſraelites were with:
out vnderftanding. Deut.32.28.
Mee ought to bee men in vaderftanding.
1:@ 02.14.20.
Wee ought to fing with the Spitit and
with vnderitanding aifo.1 .€02.14.15- Pſal.
$ Vndetſtanding is the gift of God. Deut.
29.4.9 eb 3.2.8, ana 33.36.looke Knowledge
and Wifedome.
Vnfaithfulacffe, {ee Vubeliete.
Vrgodly. DE the thoughis, wots, and
workes of the vngodly again} righteous.
MWild.2. 11.* Pſai. 10 1.%8 £1, 2-40 12. 1.*
and 13.4. $9204.64, 10 20.
The prolperitie of the vngodly cauſeth
the faithful to maruei Fob 21.6, to 17. Plſa.
73.2. Eccles 7 2, 12. Jerem.i2.1. Habak.
The vngodly fall into the deſtenction
which thep prepate foz the rightcous 7. Sa.
17.19,22. AND 3 1.4. Deft 7.6.* PaL.
aud 9. 16. and 34:21. and 35.8. Pꝛou.26.27
Eccles. io.8. Iſa 3 3.i. Jexr.aſs 43. Dau.i 3.
62. and 14.42. and 6.24. Judeth 1 3.8. Eccl.
27. 26. Rene. 18.6. anD are afraid of it. Pzo.
1,27. and 10.24.
Di the ſadden puniſh ment mhich ſhal fall
bpon the vngodly, Gene. 7.17.71 4.14.05. +
and 19.24,25.and 34.25.* Exodus 14.23.”
33- Joſhua 10. 8.* and 11.6." Fndg.4.15.*
and 7.23." and 8,91." and 16.30.1. Samy,
30.16,t9 21, 2. 5am.1 3.28,29. Bing, 16.
9,10, € 20.15, £023. Hob 4.10, 11 and 5.35
£2513, and 8.13,14. ANDIS 16,21. and 18
10.* and 20.5," and 27. 13.* and 36.12, 13,
Vi: 01M
14. Pzon.i.27. and 6.i5. end r2.7. Ua §
24."and 47-9. Jerem.15,1.* Danicl 5,76
1. ctcad.2.44. and 4 14.” WDatth.24.38,
39-iLuke 12 20,and 16,22,23. aud 19.24,"
a. Theſſ 5. 2, 3.
Wee may not company with the vngodly
t.Qon5.11. Locke Wicked.
Vion of the Jewes g Gentiles in Chꝛiſt.
ilei. 19.23,24:25.
Ynitze of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
E phe. 4.3.4.
Vnitie ig commended. Actes 4.32. Rom,
15.6. 1. Coz. 1. 10. Phil.3. 160. 1.J9et,
Vnitie of God and Chꝛiſt. Jobn 17. 21.
Væiuſtly. Coe Judge ought not to Boe vn-
juftly.dLew.19.25.Wooke Wicked, Vngodly,
ana Vnrighteous.
Vnkindneffe looke Vnthankefulneffe.
Vnknowento men, but knowen bate Ged
2,4 03.6.9,
Valeauened bread. The feat of vnleaue
ned bread, foz the Paſſesuer. Lu. 22.1; ieuh
Vnmarried.& hole that cannot liue vmar:
ried map martie.1,€03.7-9.
Vamercifuln:fz.leoke Mercifulneffe,
P npoffible, ooze Impoliible.
Farightesvs perlens (ail not inherite tht
——— of Ged.1.2 02.6.8, 9,1 odoohe Vn-
idee that soeth vnrighteoufly, ig an abs:
mination onto the Lod. Deurer.25.16, fee
Vithankefulne fz. Gods prouldence, euen
vnto the vnthankefull. 1. Wingsa 8 s.t
Df the Vathankefulnefle of Laban tos
wards Jaakob. Genelis 31.2*andof ba
raohs butlerrowares Joſe ph Genel-go.2;,
of the Ammonites and Saul towards Da
uit, 2. Sam. o.ꝛ to 6 1.2 0m.19,20, Of
the. Jewes. Ezek. 3. z. and of the Iſraelites
Wicah.s.2,to 5. Tfat.e.2,3.and ot the inga
bitants of Keilah toward Dauid, 1.SHamih
222 ise 4 os
Vothankefulnefle tewards Gob and man
condemned, and of the punifhment thereof,
CExot.1.8.* Deter. 72.1. Judg.2. . and
6.1,8,9,10.anD 3 5 .6,7514,16.and 12132,7
1,.9am.10.17.* anB I 2.70 20. ond 25,10,
11,37,38, 2, Sam.14. 30. SARON: 24213 Gfa.t,2,3-F 5.1-.Jet 2.12.*
Eze. 16.3. Dole.2.2" and 10.13,24-and #3.
2.*0ica6. 1." Mild, 16.15,29. 1, Mac.r 6,
15,16,17. Matthes. 17.41.550 25. Like
£4.33. and 17 14,12,19,58, Jobn 1.5 Lte
46.Rom.i .ꝛ ĩ.* Gal 16 EnD 6.6. d0. L6,
r8. Col. 2.7 1. Tim. 5.417518. 2. Tim.32
Hebz 2.2. and 13.17 Reue· 2.5. Aczes 7.18,
19,26,27.” 2ND 27.42 `
Varili toke Till.
F Vocation feg Calling and Church,
Volumary giltes rowsrds the making 9
© eutit.10.2.f2umD.6 1.153 3. an 16031532, —
Voluptuous ining, one of the thogned the
choke the word. Lukes. rg. © T
Wee ougbt not totabe pleafureinvglup
tnoufnefle.gcccls.28.32... ;
Vomit of Gel. Gere.§ 1.44. - i
Vowes mft be perfomed to, Gon. Noe
berg 30:3. Deuteronom. 23 21, 22323. ben
VO Peet
polp.ecles.5. 3-19 (4.116.14,18. Acts 18.
8.and 21.23,t0 27.
Vowes, ano rye redemption of them. Lett.
Tho ought to acc ompliſh theit vowes, ¢
bo not.Num.z30.4. i
Gaakob vowed to Hod the tenth of his in-
Hannah vowed to gine ber ſonne to God,
Sam 1.11,28.
Elkanah anv all his familie went peerilp
o offer vowes.1.ain.4. 21.
The Iſraelites vowed to veltrep all the
ities belonging to Aran , tf thep ouercame.
ODF arafhvow.Leu.s.4.
Saul caulerh tye people to vosv abſtinen⸗
{ Fle, whereupon thep brake the commaundes
Ment of Bov.1. Sam. 4.24, 32.
Abſalom onder colour of a vow, pꝛactiſed
pne bia fathers kingdome 2. Sam.i15.
|! if Vowes vſed fog gifts and ceremonies. Act.
l Dfpungodip vowes, looke moze Judges.
\3o.* 1. Sam.25.13, 21,22. Wat.14.7,t0 12.
} Acts 23,12. i
j) Voice Mee ought to abep the voice of the
MoD and why. Ered. 15,26. Deu, 134.800
6.16, 20. and 27.10.
God cauſed the Jetuesto heare bis voice,
i n t thep coulo not abive it. Deut. 4. 36. ana
— Taben Hanna prayed, her voice was not
eard 1. Sam.1.1 3. ; i
G7 pbraid:. Hee that vpbraideth big
tieid, bzeaketh friendihip. Ccelus. 22.20,
Peninnah vpbraideth Hannah with per
rretinefie. 1. Sam. 1. 6.
God vpbraideth tye Iſraelites confeſſing
their Gnne. Jung. 10,11."
Chꝛiſt vpbraideth the eweg with their ins
Delitie John 159-22,23,24.
Upright before Gov Deut. 18.13.
The beart of Ala was vpright with the
O20, . Kin. 5. 11, 14.
Tie ought to feare and ferne the Low in
prightnefle. Joſh.24. 41.
De that walketh vprightly, ſhalbe ſaued.
29.28.18 looke Rizht,Righteous, Iuſt, and
C g Ufazesooke Cultomes.
| Pfurie foꝛbidden Deu 23.19,20,
> Again viurie and vſurers.Exodus 20.17.
‘Wand 22.25. Lewit.25.35,36,37-Deuts5.21.
) Pebe.s.1,to 14. IPlal.15.155.3920.22.7,16,
})22,25.and 28.8. Jerem. 15.10. Ezek. 18. 13.
HAND 32.02. Mat.5.42. and 7.12. Luk.6.30,
\\ G Piterance the gift of God. Eprov.4.11,
p 2,15.]920.16.1.and 1. £02.12. 10.
S. Paul delireth the faithfull to pray Goo
thathe might haue veterance. Ephel. 6.19,
20. Col 4 3, 4.
OOE Wages, Jankob alied of Laban, Ra-
M hel for hiswages.Gen.29.15,18. and af (pots
| cen fheepe and lambes. Gen. 30.32.
© Laban changed Jaskobs wages tenne
| ye times, Gen.3 1:7, ‘
The fecond Table.
Euery man hall receiue wages accoving
fo big labour. 1. Coꝛ.3. 8.
Che labourer ig wozthie of hig wages. 1
The wages of Gane is Beath. Rom.6.a 3.
looke Hire.
Wake, looke Watch.
Wail. The wall of Jerulalem wag dedi⸗
cated. Mehbe. 1 2. 27.
Thik baty broken the partition Wall
which was betweene the Jewes and vg, E⸗
pheſ 2.14,15.
Malke. Me ought to be occupied in Gens
word, ag We walke ano fournep, ac. Deut.
To walke with Hos. Gene. 5. 24. and 6.9
Abzaham commaunded to walke befoze
Gon. Gen. 17.15
Hezekiah walked hefoze Gow with a pete
fect heart. 2.Rings 20.3.
That it ig to walke in the wayes of God.
Kin.3. 14. as be requirech ano taught che
Iſraelttes te Boe.Deuet0.12.¢ t1.22.8 8.6.
Salomon walked in the oginances of
Gon, as Dawid commanded hini. 1. Ring. ·
3. Gnd 2.3.
The Reubenites are exhorted to walke in
the wayes of Ged. Veolh.22.5.
Chꝛiſt willeth vs to walke while. we Hane
light. John 12.35,36.
To walke in tructh. 1 Kings 2.4.
Samuels chilvzen walked. not in þig
Wapes. 1.Sam 3.3.
owe God walketh ſtubburnely againk
bs. Leutt.26,24,28.
Boles praped Govto walke with them.
Exod 33. 15, 16. and 34.9.
Walke in the ſpirit. Gal.5. 16.
De that walketh vpzightly, walketh boldly
Pꝛ 9.
We that walkech with the wile, ſhalbe mile
To walke in betitte. 3. John 4.
We ought ta walke wiſely cowards them
that are withort. Coloſ.4. 5.
Go walke, foz to liue. Darke 7.5.
To walke after the maner of men. 1. Coz.
3.3.4. (ee Stubburnneffe,
Want, looke Neede.
Wantons threatnes. Michah. 1.*
Wanton lookes fezbiaden. Job 35 .1.jpla.
119.37. D9 atth. 5.28,
Wantons Hall not inherite che kingdome
of God. 1.0L02.6.9. r
Warning, ſooke Correction.
Warre and contention , from whence thep
come. James 4,1, i
God ſendeth warre fo? the inne ofthe peos
ple. 1. King. 3.35,37 Leuit. z6.24,25.Dett.
28.25. TUDES 2,14,15.AND 83., 12. ind 4.7.
and 6.1. and 10.7. and 13.1, Jla 5.25. Jere.
5.10. Job 38.23.
Mewe married men went not a warfare,
aun why. Deot. 24:5.
The law of warre, Dettt.20.10.*
Moles bis erhoatation onto fuch ag went
towarre. Detit.20 3,4.
Jehoſhaphat sflauiten in warre, cried to
God forhelpe. «. Rings 22.32.
God commaunded the Jewes when thep
‘went to warre, to abſtaine from all wickens
w AR
neke Dent. 23.9.
Danid afketh countel of the Lorne, whe:
ther he ſhoulde warre with the Philiſtims z.
Ham. 5.132.
The Mlcaelites fearing warre deliren Sa⸗
muel to criz onto God foz them.1.Sam.7.8
God aſſiſte d Joſhua in warre, and inſtruc⸗
tev Hin. Jeſh.8.i b.and Danin, 2. Sam.23.
24,25. =
God weffroped the Tíraeliteg enemies,
befoze thep warred with them. Deute.7.23.
ang 2.24.*
The Hewes intending to warre, praped
God to fend them victozie , and were heard.
1.Chron.5. 19, 20.1. King. 8.44, 45.2. Chzꝛon.
6.34,35.Othniels warre. (ee Spirit.
The Iſraelites warred with the Benia⸗
mites, and bp Gods power auercame them.
Judg.20.35. and lent to knots whether the
Reubenites Yav reuolted from God before
thep would warre with them. Joſh.22. 11.*
The warre of the Amogites againkk the
Gibeonites. Joh.10.4.5-and of the Hiuites
and others againg Joſhua, and the (uccefle.
FJolh.11.5,t0 9.
God commanded f Iſraelites not to warre
againi the Woabites. Deut, 2.9,19. Thep
warred againſt the Amalekiteg contrary te
Gods commaundemenr, anv were vilcomffe
ted. jQum.1 4.41." Deut.t.42,*
| Gon hath a regard vnto the warres of ins -
fineles, foz hee gaue the victozie onto Raae
man, and Deliucred the Samaritanes. 2. kin.
5.1. anb 7.9.*
The warre wherein the Philiſtims onere
come the Iſraelites.x.Sam.a4. 10.
Powe the fairhfull haue behaued theme
{clues inthe time ofwarre.@Er00.17.9,to 14.
r Pai. 17,1,253,26.* and 2. Chzꝛon. 12. 2, t0
9 and r4.9 and a$. AND 20.1, fo 31. and
32-8." Fudeth 8.9.*.1. Wacc.3.2.%¢ 4, 1,2.*
and 7.1.*2.9Bac.8.1,2.*
Foz what cauſes the Faithfull haue begum
warres.@enel.14.03,14. PUDE. 19.22.” ang
20.1,t0 15.1. Sam. 30 3,t0 21.
Howe God fighteth alwayes foz his, ant
teacherh them allo in warres to fight @ ouete
come Ere 14.1 3. Deut. 1.30. and 3.2,3,21,
22.1. DAM.17.37,45,4647:2 DAM 22.35.
2. Chzon 20. 17. Pſal. 18.2.*and 143.8, 2.*
Iſa 30:15,30,3 1. looke Victorie.
Albeit the wicked raile warre againſt vs,
pet ought wee not to faint. Watt.24.6. Wat.
13-7. Duke 21.9. Reu 12.717.
That circumſpection Pꝛinces ought te
haue in warre Luke 14.31,32.
Ungodly warre. 520. 1.11.fee Murther.
No man goeth to warfare at his otene coff,
¥.@02.9.7. *
D Paul being in the feh, div not warr
after the fle) 2.002. 10.3.
AD ans life ig a warre. Job 7.1.*
Warres efignozance, Miſd. 14.2 1.
Wafb. Naomi willed Ruth to wath ana
anoynt ber felfe, and whp. Ruth 3.3.
Dauid wathed and anopnted bimfelfe afs
ter hee vnderltood of the Beath of the chile.
To wath their feete, fee Fecte,
Dauin commaunded Criah to goe home,
and wath pig fete, 2. Sam. 1 1.8. Sie
The Jewes vſed to wath their bead. Accs
The Phatiſes being filthie within, vſed to
wath the btierlide. Watt. 33.25.
TUe ate wathed.1.Q03.6.11, in baptiſme.
Acts 22.16.
Wafting. looke Prodigalitie.
Watch, becaule the boure is bucertaine,
Matth.24.42.* Luke 12.36,t047. Mar.13.
33 35 36.37.
Watch and pray.,41. Darke
14 34, 38. Luke 21.36.and 22.40,46.
` e ought to watch, 1.Cozinth.15.34. 1.
Gell 5,6. r. Bet.4.7.
Watch, taken fog liuing this cozpozall life,
1. Thelſ.5. 10.
Dow we ought alwayes to Watch foz the
comming of the Loz. Rom. 1 3.11.* Ephel.
6.18.Col- 1.2. $4.2. 1. Pet.5.8. Reue 3.2, 3.
& 16.1.Aet.20 31. È Coꝛ.r o 13.4 2. Coꝛ.6.6.
Watch, foz Watchmen Watt, 27.65.
Watchmen, fog falle teachers. Cant 5-7.
TUbp Gods preachers are called Warch-
mé.@ of theit Duty.£3e.3.17- 18.19,20,21
Watchman, fo? Angel. Dan.4.10.
Waters beneath fepatated from the waters
aboue. Get. 1.6,7.
Gettue given to the watersto bing fozth
fifh. He,t, 20,21,22.
The waters of the flood furmounting the
higheſt mountaines r5.cubites. Gene 7,19,
20 cealed from increaling.Gen.8.3,to 15,
The Iſraelites willed to bup waters of the
Edomites. De.2.6. the Gibconites found
te draws water fog the Ilr aelites Joſh 9.21.
Dia wets of water. Deut.29. 11.
GD avdes were Wort to drat warer,1.Has
muzi 9.15. fo? theirt cattel, Gen. 24. 23. and
29 29, 10. 700.2, 16. Bor
Ghe water of Nilus conuerted into blood,
rod. 4.9. ANB 7-15,17,20. and Deadip wa-
ters into twholelonre. 2. Ring.2.21.
The children of Iſtael murmuring, hane
water out of the rocke. Exod. 7. 3.6 Numb.
20.10, 11. Miſ. 10, 4.JPfal.78.15,16.¢ 105,
41. -Coꝛ. io, at. i
© Water failing, was promifes and fent
without Hinde o2 raine tothe king of Iſtael,
Judah ano Eden , marching towards the
vomited. 2. Kings 3.07.
Eliiah was fed with bead and water. 1.
Hings 19.6.
The Ammonites and Maabites reiectev,
hecaute they met not the Dltaclites with
Head and water. Deut. 23. 3. 4.
Bread and water giuen tothem that came
to apprehend Eliya. 2 Rings 6.22.
The Jlractites weeping , powzed water
Before the i.070.1.Sam.7.6.
The waters of Jorban apes. while f chit-
Deen of Glrael went theough. Voth 3.16,17.
Elijah dinined the waters. 2. Rin.2.8, 14.
Eliſha powꝛed water ops Elitahs hanos.
2 Kings 3.2.
Of puriſying by water, ſee Fire.
God beliuereth his out of waters of tribu»
latton?.2 Sam, 22.1,455,6,7.07-
` Waters foz nations. Reue.17. 15. and foz
the tumult of the wicked. Plal. 144.7.
The bolp Shok ig calles water of life.
John 4.10,14,and 7.38.
.Thefecond Table.
The Scriptures are called wholelome wa-
ters Ezek 47-859.
Eleane water for Gods ſpitit. Eze. 36.25.
Pure water vſed foz the grace of Gods
fpirit. Debz 10.23,
Dow Chzifk cleanlerh his Church bp the
twafhing of water. Ephel 5.26.
— water fog ſpꝛmging water. Gene.
Apollo watered, but God gaue p inerea
1.02. 3.6.
Cincleane water. Letit.1 1.38. leokeSea,
Drinke, Wine, Tooth, Tongue, Bitter,Strife,
and Fafting,
Wauer De that wauereth hal not obteine
his Delite of God. ames 1.6,7.
Wayes. Ail the wayes of Gov are ludge⸗
ment. Dettt. 32.4,
The wayes of the Hew are bucegrupt paft
finding out, and muff bee kept.Rom.11.33.
To turne from the wap which God come
manveth. Deut. 31.27,29.and 11.28.
Dauid going the way of all the earth, ers
horteth Salomon to walke in the wayes of
the Logd. 1.Rings 2.2, 3.
Sod voeth teach the good way. 1. King. 8.
35,36.and Samuel taught the right way.
1. Sam 12,23,24.
The Hewes forlaking the right way were
griensuflp panifhed. Judges 2.12, 14,19,
20 22.
The Kings bie way. Num 2122.
Chih isthe way. John 14 6,
Better neuer to know the way, then reuolt.
2.Pet. 2.216
Holes prareth God to few him hig way,
and whp Exod. 33. 13.
Gon was the guide of Jaakob in his way.
Panl vefited God to guise his way. 1,
God maketh our way spzight. 2.54m.
God giveth euerp man accogving to all
pis wayes, 1. ings 8:39. `
Bp whom the way of trueth pall be enill
fpoken of. 2 JDet.2.1,2.
GwWeake in faith are to be bome withall,
and not to be ofenved,and why. Rom. 14.1.*
@s.t. 1.€03.8.9,10,11,12. 1. Thelſ.5. 14.
Poul became weake to the weake, to win-
the weake. 1.€02.9.22.
Sod bath chofen weake things to confourts
mighty, and why. 1. Qoziv.1.25,27, 2. Coꝛ.
Weakeneffe,fre Vurighteoufneffe.
Weapons wherewith Dauid did encounter
with Goliath. 1.Sam.17.40,
The weapons of the faithful.
fee Armour,
Weer.e. Ziba brought victuals to Dauits
wearie foulticre. 2.5am.16.1,2.
CHe sucht not to be wearie of well doing.
3.7 hefl.z.23-Gal.6.9.
How the wicked wearie themfelued in
wickedneſſe Tilo 5.7,t0 15.
Bek giuen him that ig wearie, Iſa.28.12
looke Laden, and Foode.
Wedding, looke Marriage,
WHE vi
Weepe. The people wept and knobeledge
their nne. Dent. 1.41,45
Phaltiel wept foz vis wife. 2.Sam. 3.15,
Taby we mule weepe. James 4.9.
—— wept and wag comfozteu. Gen, 28
Jaakob wept foz hig ſonne Toph. Genz.
37,34)35.and Joſeph dinerstimes, meeting
and talking with bie bretbzen. Gene.43.24.
AND 43.30. and 45. 1, 2. and 50.17.
The Iſtaelites wept befoze the Lozd,and
why. Judges 30.21,23,26, and 21.2
Dauid wept fez Abner, and when he fick
from Abſalom, and foz big Death, anD foz the
Beath of Amnon. 2.4m. 3,.31,33. € 13-31,
36. and 15. 30. AND 16.33. and 19.152, 3,4.
Hezekiah wept when hee beard pe ſhould
die 2. Kings 20,1,2,3-
Eliſha wept,and whp. 2. Rings 8.01, 13,
Chik wepr. Fen 11.35.deke 19.43,
Bleſſed ate they that weepe, foz yep Hal
laugh.Luke 6.21, Matt.5.4.
Peter wept ditterlp foz that he had denied
Chik Matth. 26.75.
Saint Paul weeping, exhorted tobetware
of falle prophets. JSpilipp 3.28. Actes 20
Weepe with them thet weepe. Romane;
Letthem that weepe, be ag theugh they
wept not. 1.€02.7.30.
Joſiah wept,and why. 2.Khin.22.21.* 19
Samſoen cuercome with pis voiues wee
ping. Judges 14.16.17.
Weeping map abive at ewening , but io}
rommeth in the moning. Ffal.30.5. Looki
Kifle, Teares, Lamentation, Mourning, an!
Heauineffe, `
Weights ¢ Meafures muf be true. Leuit,
19.35:36. Deut 25.: 314,15. Ezek. 45. 10
Pꝛou rr. r. aud 16.11 and 20.10,
Faile balances and weights condemned.
of.12.7.8. Bicah 610,11.
' Wened, looke Sucke. .
Wet. Abraham viggen a wellin Beerfhe:
ba. Gen. 21-30,31.
Izbak cauled bis fathers welles , Hopped
by the Philiims, to be digged againe with
others. Gen.26.14,t0 23. i
Of digging a well, fee Digge.
Welles without water. 2. Pet. 2, 177
DE Jaekebs well. John 4.6,to 27.
Weldemg He that Doeth well, ig of Ged,
3. John 11,
It is Gods will bp doing well, we ſhould
putte ſilente the ignozance of fooliſz men:
Weldoing will fall ont to thepzofite of tht
authour. Ruth 2.11.
Weldeing commeth of the Lord. Dhil.i
6. 1970.16.1. ANB 20.24,
Dow to poe well, Pla.r.17-fee Wearie.
Welpleafed.@od wasg welpleaied with bli
fonne Fefus Chik. Warth.3.27. and 17.4
2. Het 117.
Wealh ig ſudden deſtruction to the wit
ken. Job 21.7.1 6: i š
Iſtael in Wealth, fee Fat,
Fn wealth and woe twee enght to remer
ber Gov, Ecclugar.25, <
IW heate threfhed by the winepzeffe, and
DYP. Judges.6. 11. l
A wine: Den. 27.28 -
Y Gov wil lend them plentie of wheate ana
Hei things.thatloue hia commandements, gr.
Oe tst.41,035,14.¢ 28. 23to 3. Le. 26. 33to tr
Whe ſimilitude of the wheace ceꝛne. John
32-24. 1.Q0n05.37.. °°! of
Wheate taken foz che faithful, Mat. 3.12.
uke 3.17. and 13.30. < g
Satan deſtreth to winnowe the godly a
wheate. Luke 22.31.
TU at is chaff; co wheateꝰ Jere.23,28.
Wares anong wheate, Wat.13.25,38.
H 17beeles, looke V ifion,
IWhelpes, woke Dogges.
< Whileft, fee Conuerfion.
4 Whifperers contemned, Rom, T.29.
f Whire, The elect ſhalbe clothen in white,
Reue.z.4. AnD 4.4.and 6.11. and 7.9.
i) 7 hstfientide, looke in Feaſts.
U Whoredome. a more grieuous (inne then
‘theft. $820.6.30.% —
Gov detefkerh both a whore and a whores
Wire, gc. Deut.23.17,18.
f a whore deleriben, and called bp diuers
‘\hames. 20.7.6, to24-and 6,24, to z0. and
7-5. and 2,16,t0 20-
(fice muk not gine eur Atength vnto
‘whores. Gccius.26.20.
- A whore enuleth an honeſt woman. 2. &
zas 16,42. Š :
Samfon loued the whore o} Harlot Deli
‘Mab. Jurges 16,1,4.
The vifiort of the great whore bpon manp
aters. Reue. 7. 1,3.*
Whoredome ig foꝛbidden. Deut.z. 18 21.
The Iſcaelites committed whoredome
ith the Daughters of Hoab.Num 25.1.*
Cho fo committea whordome, was but»
ed. Geu. 38. 24.
The mayde that plaped the whore inher
athers bouie wag Ronen to Death Deut.⁊ 2.
The whoredome of a woman bow it map
be knowen. Eccliis. 26.9.
Whoremongers God will iudge. Heb. 13.
4 and puniſh Renesas. 3.
Whoredome and other oncleantieffe foz-
didden, committed and puniſhed. Gene 6.2,
(512 atid 1.9.5,24525 93 16% QE L0B. 22.16, 17.
wg. Lett.18.6. *@ 19.20,21,23529. 20.105
9 22.anD2 1.9. Deut.27.20,t0 24. JUUH. 19.
5-1. Sam. 2. 22. * $970.5.2- *622.14. and
% 3.26." aud 29.3. Eseh.22, 10311, Tob 4.
Ecclu 23. 16.* and 35.2.Acts 15.20,29,
om. 1:2526." ¥.Q02.5.1-" 8 6.9,15.* and
b.8.cephe.5.3,5-Gol.3.5. 1. Thell 4.3545.
LTim.1.9,10.4Looke Adulterie.
Gon forbivdeth to goe a whoring after J+
á þleg.Œrot.34.14-t0 13. sgat:
- | She Wraelites went a whoring after
f paalim. Purges 8.33.
Gon willeth the Ilraelites to make fringes
opon their garments, that thep ſhould not
oe a whoring after idoles. Mum a 5.38, 39.
© fpivituall whoredome which i idola⸗
Izhak wiſheth Daakod plentie of wiheate é
. The fecond Table.
trie Tooke meze.dExod.32.8.*Deut.4.3.431- °
16,17,18. JUVL.201 517,19. and 8,27. Iſo.
4,31.and § 7.3. Jer. 3.1.* oF 3ek.16.15,7 Dol.
1, 2. and 2.2,* AND 4.12.* Reve, 18,3,9.
elites their whoredomes. Jeu. 14.27, 33 ¢
Whole fome doctrine what. Tit.21.,t0. I.
GWicked. Davids complaint foz the wic- ,
kednefle of the faithleſſe. iP tal.26.1,
a paper againſt the wicked enemies of
Gora Church Plal. z5.1.*
Okthe repacbation of the wicked, JSfalm.
164. nye 3 D
The wordes of the wicked touching the
knowledge of Gon. Job 22.13.*
* Mee ought not co enuie che prolperitie of
the wicked, (fal 37.157.*
The wicked are the feevde of the Deuill.
QPatth.13.38,39. Ana
Tee ought to auoyde the company of the
wicked, 1.62 §,1 3.
Wicked bppocrites alwapes in the Church
militant. War.t 3.40,41,48,49.
Tho ate wicked. 1.JPet.4.17,18:3, Pet.
2. 1 0. t b
Che deſctiption of wicked men, and of
theirt puniſhment. Plaler. 14.5,6. and 25.05
to Sand §3.2,¢0 GARD 94. 23.
Bed abporreth the wicked. Exed. 23.7.
Whe wicked conliver nor che iudgements
ef God, ¥320,28 5. and cherefaze theit honle
ſhalbe velfroped,JH20.1 1,10, 18ND 14.00.
Df the treafures of wickednefle , and of
the vifpgaple and puniſhment of the wicked,
3B z0.10.2."
The wicked are relembied to obſtinate
feoles. 1320.27.22.
The wicked Kander Gods wozde, and tes
garb it not. 1920. 29.7,1 6.
The wicked {Halbe caſt aluap fa bis ma ·
lice. 1920.14.32.
The wicked thinke themlelucs moze bap
pie in feruing the Denil, then God. Fere.44.
The wicked giue beeve otto falle lippes.
3Dzcu. 17. 4. and confule againſt the godly.
JPlal.16.4. and 8353.
The power anventerpziles of the wicked
ſhali turne tothe glozy of Gov, JSfal.75,20,
and 76.10,
Micah tomplaineth ef the muttiuve of
the wicked, and (mat! number of the faithful.
— ought to ſhun the wap of, the wicked,
Tie factifices of the wicked ate abomt-
nable vnto Wod. Pꝛou.i 5. d.and 21.27. Ec⸗
clus. 34.28.
Df the curfe and deſituction of the wic-
ked. Job.24.18.
‘Tbe condemnation of the wicked, ¢ death
of the inf. Miſd.a.16.
Whe fighing of the wicked at the dap of
iudgement. Cils.3,to 14.
© he wicked {Hall ware woꝛſe and woꝛſe.
2,0 Yef.2.9,t013-2 Tim. 3. 13.
The nature c end of the wicked, Pſal.7 3.
18,19,20.ant 10.2." Cheir retocar. AMiſ.ʒ.
10. Theit blinonefle. Ila.27. 11. Pſa.z36 1.*
The righteous cannot deliuer the wicked,
Ezek. 14.17, 18.
God calleth the mutmurings ofthe Iſra⸗
The wicked to when Sorome ant Gos
mozah ate an erample,are teſerued to the Dap
of Judgement to be punifhed. 2.J9et.2.9.
Jude 4,6,15.
God luffereth the wicked te keepe compas
Hy with the wicked oft times to their deſtru⸗
ction. 2.7. i
The wicked haue their felicitie in wordly
thtnas. Eſter 5.10. 14.
Gou pzeuenteth the attempts of the wic-
ked, Eũet 6.4. TEN j
The wicked enisy the earth. Tah,g.24-: s
.: Thepoozer fozt and, wicked alway turne
An crefle of the gorig to.a Rander. Pob.zo. 1
TS. i
The wicked proceede from enill: to wozſe.
Mete:g.3. We H ` '
te wicked thinke that Gen fee
sat spat aN F — isst lo w “4
The wicked laue the peaile of men» more
then of Gos, John x des så ag
Ti vat the wicked are hke buto. Ilai.57.
20. ⁊
The wicked leeke after lignes. Luke 23.
8. Jobn 2,18. and 6.30, anv feare men moze
then Pi Mattt.21,26,465% 26.5. € 27164,
Marke rr.32.d uke 19.46.4cts 5.26...
The wicked agree in perſecutiũg p trueth·
and the profeffours thereof. Batth.16:.anp
22.23. Parke 3.6. Luke 23,12. Actes 4.26,
and .2 3.6. s .
Wickedomens paactifes. often freftrate,
Datth.2.1,3-and 21546, and 22,22; 27.66.
John 6.444546. and10.39, Artega 952 2»
ANB 9.23524." AND 12,15.”
Eble wicked pronounce fentetce ageing
themlelucs.DSat.31.31,41.TLuke 7.43.Actd
4.16 and 26.31. as
The wickednefe of man wag great at the
time of the flood. Gen 6. 5. site :
Wholoeuer perfeucreth in bis wickednes,
Hali peri, 1.9 9am-12.25. looke. Vngodly,
and Vniuſt.
Widow. THe ought not to oppreffe, o2 bere
the widowe, and why. gErod.22.22,2 3,24.
Zech.7-10. but reltene them,and bow. Deut.
14,29. 16.11.0 26.2, 12, 13, Job 24.3. and
21.16, Iſa 1.17, Jert.22.3. Ecclus.a. 3.
Gleanings left foz the widow, fatherleſſe
ge. Leuit. ĩ8.9, 10. 23 22. Deut. 24. 19.*
God doeth right onte the katherleſſe anu
widow Deut.10.18 and iubgeth the opprel>
fours. @Bal.3.5. nel?
Curled be he that hindzech the right ofthe
widow. Dett.27.19. ortaketh her raiment.te
pledge. Deu. 24.17,{0e Debt end Famine.
TUiho were widowesin deede, and wozthy
honour and reliefe,and who not, 1.Tim, 5.3,
to 7
Gn ower concerning widowes, both olve
and pong. 1. Tim.5.9, to 17.
Df the continencie of widowes, 1,€03.7.
8.0. Tim 5. 11.16.
The teares of the widowes cheekes aleend
bp to heauen. CEcctus. 35.15.
Df widow veuourers, Watt 23. 14. Mat.
12.40. Luke 20:47. *
Wife. The deſire of the wife aught to bee
fubiect to her bulband, Gen.3.16,
The people praved that Boaz hie wife
might be fruttlull Ruth 4a. m
Ww f Fy
To anoide fornication Tet euery man haue
pis wife and everg wife ber hiil band. ges 1.
€02.7:1,,2." BR 9/058) OF at
Whe vnetie of a wife: Titus 2: 5. a. Tim.
3,123.06 fier 1,.12519,*
Mã is the man that path awife of bnder⸗
Kanding, and bertuous. Ecclas. 25 8.¢ 26.
intos. Fo? he is che gift of Hod. Po. 21.9.
aun ibe crewue of fev. huſbaud Pꝛo. r a4.
> Wines ate heires together with theit hul
hands of the grace of lite. cPet. 3.7.
Gow made Abimelechs wife Darren,
and why. Gen. 20.1718. ;
The bulband ought to lone his wife: E⸗
-phe.s.25:Gol.3.19.jP20-5.15.and to refopce
with her.¢eccles.9,9.leoke Husband. -
Gan mutt korlake all, fauing God, and
cle aue to hig wife.Gen.2.24.
Gninfeparable knot betweens man and
wife. gat 19.56.
It ſeemed hard tothe diſciples,that a man
might not put atvap his wife, but fog whoze⸗
Bome.Wat.19,8,9,50.¢ 5. 32-Mat-10.9,04
Tbo fo hateth not bis wife, ec. in reſpeet
of Chꝛiſt, can not be Cheitis vilcipte. Luke
14.26. Mat. 10. 37.
Againſt mareping with ſtrange wiues ,oz
of another religion. cE rob. 3.4.02; to 18.¢ 235
3.2. Deut.7- 394. debe.1 3.23, 25. Mol.a.11.
Gen 24.3.626:3453 $8 27.46, and 23.7,2,
Mot jatolullte martie the fathers wife.r.
Coz 5.1. dLeu-18.6.*
That maner women the Pzieſtes wiues
were Leu 21675135,8 4,156
The Meaclites were commaunded not to
touch their wiues. Exo i9.15.
Méthe wife not kound a virgin,gc oꝛ ſſlan⸗
Dered.Dets.22,13;t022. - ;
Salomon had 7o0.wiues 1. Rings rr 3.
Daui ban mairy.2.Damu.3.2,t0 6.€ 5-13.
Sam 18.27.1. Chro.3 1,t0 .0,f0 has Ot
deon. Fudg.8.30.
Samim was ouercome with the impor
tunitie of his wife ana declared vnto jer big
sridle. Judg. 4.16, 17. —*
Hutiphat crediting big wife, put Jofeph
in prilon.Ge. 39 19,20,
Whe wife that moucth ber huſband onto
idolatry ought to Die Deu. 13.6,to 12.
_ [Pilates wife,countelled him net .to menle
swith hs. Mat· 27. 19.
Ahab paouoked to euil bp his wicked wife.
W, Kings 21,15, 16,25.
Triah would not lie with bis wife, anv
Jaakobs wiues counſeſled bim te Doe ag
Gov commanded Geu. zu. 36.
< Voles wile being lent backe to ber father,
Eron. 4.26. retutneth with bit two loaves.
Exod. 18.2.
Elkanah of hist wo wiues, loued Hannah
elk. r Sam i 2,5.
The Philillims betrned Samlone
Aity flee. Jung.r5 6,
Dautds two wiues taker prifoners.1.Sa-
muel 30,5. - mar
The f eutteswife o2 concubine abufey at
Gibzah. Aunge.19,1,2,%25.and 20.5.
Gbigailthe pacerne of a good wife. Da-
muel 25.18,t0 38.
Doe zaile and pzagertieg of a good wile.
The fecond Table.
Prott.18.22. anogir.” Cob. 10, 13. es
clug.26,16,23. 1. Tim.z3. 11. and 5 146 Ett
2.5. boke Womenio”’ :
Wildernefz of Sin. Eronnë 1951 .Looke
Tempt. i '
Will. Gov hath created all things for bis
wils ſake. Reu.a. u1. ana toozketh alltdings
after theconnfell of his owne wil, dEph.1.11.
Dauid attributeth onto the wilof Gov all
the benefits which be yadrecetued.2, Sam.
7-49,20.* ; i
The willand counſell of the Loꝛde ig im-
mutable. 930.19. 21.
Rehoboams kingdome divided by the wil
of God 2. Chr. 11.4.
Aheziah villted Jeiaram bp the will of
Gob, that hee might dee Maine of Jehu. 2.
€2.22.6,9,t9 10. x é
Amaliah delivered into His enemies hands
bp the will of oo. 2.4. h20.25.20,27;
Salaam could doe nothing again Gong
will, Num.22. 12, 13, 18.* and 3.8,12,20,
36. AND 26.53. ' ‘
Tice ought to pzoone and onderfand the
good will of God, ¢ Voe it, Rom. 12.2. phe
5.17: 1.0 bel.4.3.
oman ts able to reff Gong will, nog
map ple ade again him. Rom.9.19,20,
he will of Gov the Father is, that whe
fo beleeueth in his fonne, halt hane life euer⸗
lating: Jobn6.39,40.
‘Gt was the will of Gov, that Chrifi Houls
give himfelfe foz our finneg: Gal 1.4.
God lent bis Sonne to reuzale the mylle ·
tie of bis will bnto bs.cEphelr.9, and to doe
pis will. John 6.38. foz bis meat was to Doe
bis Fathers will. John 4.34.
Cbꝛilt yeelded hinielfe to his Fathers wil,
although cantrarp to humane nature. Mate,
The will of God is, that wee Houl bee
CanctiRed thzough the bloos of Chait. Medz,
10.9,10, that we ſhould be Holp and cleane.
1. Thel 4. 3% Pi- 7
De that fulſilleth the will of Gov, abideth
euer. t. Polina...
God heareth them that teetis willan
worſhip him. John 9.31 -
TUboloeuer Doeth the will of Goo, is a trae
Aiifiian, WBatth.7.24. and Chia kinſe⸗
man looke Mother,
To wilis pꝛelent with pg bnt to perfoame
ipeth in God owth. Rom.7. 18, 15. Phil. 1. 6.
and 2. 13.
We muſt labour te increale in the know⸗
lenge of Gons wiil ge. Col. i. 9.
The Jewss were blinded pp the will of
God, and why. Dat 17.25,26.
Paul called ta p office of an ApoRle, by the
will of Gov, 1.07. t. 1,200 07.8.3. pher.
Paul ateributen vnto the willof god, the
liberalitie of the Wacedoniays 2.e28.5.
Tee ought to refigne our will onto the
Loꝛds will. James 4:55-
„ze itt our tribulationtae cua btto conſider the
good will and plealare of Gow. Job 1.21.
` The Hltaelites prefuming to warre con-
trary to the will of Gon, were Raine. Deut.
Tee ought not to bee ſubiect to our owne
wilies and appetites, and Why. Ecclus. 18.
30:31. i
ee ought ta referre our willes co Gods
wil, eam. 3.3 8.2, a, 10. 12. and 15.26 |
1. Wac. z 60. Matth 6. 10. Mat 14.3 6.tuke
22.42 Qct.18.21.821,.94. Deb 6.3. Rows.
10.and 15.32, 1. Coꝛ. 4. 19. and 16.7. -
Some preach Chaise odenuie, and tome oF
good will JO pil.s.15. —*
The will of anp man ig countet by Gon
foz she Beene it felfe. Gen.20.2, to 15, € 32.
16318, LDAM. 1 1.05, aNd 12.9. 1. Kin. 2 Io
10, 19. lee HReewill.
Df willingneſſe to heare Gone wo looke
Confeffion, .
Wilfall and furious petfons mut be huns
ned.Gene 27. 42. * Foly.2116. 1. Ds-19,10,
Mehe.6. 3. Pꝛo.2 2.24. and 29,924 E coins.
8.15,16, Mat.2.12,4 3." i
"| Wiake,looke Amendment,
. Windes and fea obep Chꝛiſt Watth. 8.26;
27. AND 14.32 Mar.4.39, 41.06.51. Luke
8.24,25.JPfal.107.25.ccclug.43.23. ‘
Gow Bratweth the windes out of Gis treas
furesdd fal.n35-7- er ;
Wie map nor be aschildzen wWeucting ano
caried about with euerp winde of Doctrine, ©
phe. 4014. :
Dar iniquities like the wind hae taker
pg alwap: 3fa.64.6. |
Winde „foz the bolp Gholt. Acts 2.2.
Wine comfogteth the liuing. Eccle. 10. 196
and maketh glad the beattof man, Judg. ↄ·
13,39fa.104.15.but Lobo fo louet hit, pal nest
be tich. 1920.21.17.
Cilerefoge wine was created. Ecclus.
31.28. SR
Sod giueth wine buto thale that lone bhima-
Deutr s, 13st4» and thepthat roe not, hall
nat minke the wine of rheit obue binepari go
Deut.28.39. ———
Jaakob gane bis father wine with bis bee
niforr. Gen, 27.25 « EN
Zibeh brought wine to Danit, fleeing ite
Adfalom. 2. Ham, 16 1,2 j ie
GBensahs wife fogbivoen to duinke wine, ,
aud whp: Jubg. a 3.4585.
Jokn Bapuk dranke neither wine nog:
ſtrong Minke: ube mers.
The Heaclites vanke no wine no? ſtrong
Minke in 40 peeres,and why. Deut,29.6. .
Wine called the liquoz of ibe grape Deute- |
8 3.3 4o s f i
Tater turned into wine. John 2,9.
> Bifhops, Deacons, and elder women map :
not be giuen tomuch Wine. 1, Tim.3:3:8>-,
Tit.2, 3,7. RI
Timothie is counlelled to minke with woes -
ter Wine. 1. Tim 523.
Dé tbe ferenath of wine, «cE (0.3 17
Aaainft wine-bibters. gla.5.11,24. Joel
a s
1.5. Amos 5.11. and 6.6. Micah 6ng Wabo. |
2.15 and 13.130 1E, ;
Wine ana women leade mife men out of tle-
way. Eclus.i19.2.
=- The incemmonities. cE excelle of Wine.
J920.2.0.1,6HD 2.2, 17-and.23-39 * Mai 28o.
45758. Sere-29.19. Dats .1,t0 6. Dole.3-1.
and 4.11, Dab. 2.5. Judbeth 12.20.and 130,
stori Ecclus:a i.25 26, 29.
EUe ought not torebuke our neighbour ae
the Wines Ceciag.3 1.3 by.
wm. =
fo Wis
The wine ofthe Newes és the poilon of
Dragons. Dewt.32-33- `
Tibatis meant bp ozopping Downe nee
A wine, Goel 3.18. :
Wine mice with water. Iſa.i .a a.
Wings. Ruth put her truk onder the
wings of Sod. Ruth 2.12.
The govlp retopce vnder the ſhadewe of
Gods wings. Plal.s3.7. f
The Arke placen vnder the wingsof the
Cheeubims.s Aking.3.6,7.a9 was comsmane=
ded Era.25:20,2 1.looke Caried.
To Winne, Wee that winneth lonteg, is
foile. JB 20.141. 300
Wifemen came from the Eak co boozſhip
Chꝛiſt.Mat.2. a ta 13.
Tbe wifemen couid not interpzete [Pha
taohs dzeames. 8.
Sbilfull mew tn diners ſentences are cals
led wifebeartev. Erov.35.10,36.*and 28 3.
WMebo fo ſeemeth wife im this wogid,tet him
ee a foole,that he map be wile. Foz the wife-
| dome of this wogld,is fooliſhnelle with Gos,
Job.37. 24.1. Coz. i. 20. and 3. 18,20 25.
A citie pzeſetued through the wifedonie of
{ a Womat.2.S5am.20.15 516,t0 33.
A wife king is che fap of the people. Tait
epaniitratss exhozted to learch wifedome
Wiledome ought to be pgeferted aboue al
things. Mil.7.1.
Whe effects of wifedome TUil.3.1.*
A wifeman will bee rated bprbe labe of
God Ecclus 21.18. and hewirby his con=
uer ation. James 3.13. :
The vifference betweene the wife and bu-
ile, Ecclus 21.12." foolifnefle and wile-
| dome.Gccles.10.1,t0 11, ;
a wifeman taketh pleafure in being iuſt ·
Ip repzoued.J920.25.12. ¢ will wozke there:
after. JP20.9.9. and 13, r6. and 19. 25. and
ZI Et,
De that walketh with the wife, halbe wile.
20.7 3:20.
The month of the wile ig in their Heart.
Ecclus 21.26.
{ How to know a wife man. Eccles.s. 1.*
Whe beGautour and erercife of a wife man
andof hig commendation. Ecclus. 39.1, to
Tice ongbe not tobee too humble in our
. wifedome Ectlus 1 3.9.
Goo catcheth the wife in their owne craf»
tineffe.1.@oz. 3.19.
Gob vekropech the wifedome of the flefh,
Dhad 8. Ifa.30.1,to6.
Abigail was of fingular wifedome.s.Bae
muel 25.3, fo was Judeth Judeth 8. 29,31,
Dauid behuued bimſelte wifely in all
things. 1. am.18.5.
Zhe beginning of wifedome is the feare
6° God. Plſal.r1 .16. Pꝛo.ↄ.io. and that ig
true wifedome. job 28.28. ,
Wifedome commeth onelp of the Low. r.
Dbz.2.15,12.9ob 38.38 Eeng. 1.1.”
‘\ All wifedomeis of God, and to him to be
ſctibed. 1. Œl. 4.58, 59560.
God gineth wifdome to fuch ag feare him.
eclus.43.3 3.
God was the inuenter of wifedome, Ba-
The ſecond Table.
euch 3. 36. and bis wiledome ig imfinite. Pſa.
Chꝛiſt ig out wifedome. 1.@02.0.24. anv
the ttue wiledome of Gov. Bat. 3.37. Watt.
23.34. Luk. 11,49 anv in bim are hidden al
the trealutes of wifedome and knowledge,
Che DGolpel is the hidden wifedome of
Gos, 1.Lop.2.76 i
Dut wiſedome conliſteth in obferuing
Gods lawes. Deut, 4.2.6,
True wifedome ig wholly to vepend bpon
God. Polea 14.9.
Cayat is the wifedome from aboue. Yam.
3.17. and what is deuiliſh wifedome. James
The wan of wiledome ig ginen bp Gods
Spirit. 1.Coꝛ.a a.b.
Chꝛiſt pꝛemiſed to gine the faithlull fuch
wifedome, ag all their aduerſaties ſhould
not be able torek, Luke 31.15. as he gaue
Steuen. Acts s.10.
Wifedome neclaretd ber ercellencie, and
bow the isto be founa: 4P20n.8-2,2. Ecclus.
Wifedome calleth all to ber fean. Prong.
1,to 7. ;
Scornerg feeke wifedome, anv finde it
not :bur knowledge is eafie tobin that wil
vndetſtand. 1920u.1.4.6: Fog wifedome prez
Centeth ber leife to thole that ſeeke foz ber.
Wiſd.s 28.*
Wifedame camplaineth thae ſhee is tons
temned. J920. 1.20." ` ;
Df the power and profitable ble of wife-
dome, $930. 1.2,t0 10. and 4.5,to 14.-cclus
4.11, te 20. N
God commendeth wifedome bnto his peos
ple. Baruch 7.14.
Wifedome ig hidden from the epes of all
men liniug. Job 28.24.
All wifedome aun (pititual vnderſtanding
commended vnto vs. Col.i.ↄ.
Tho fo lacheth wifedome , tet him alke it
of Gov. James 1-5.
Salomon craueth wiledome of Gob , and
obteined it.. Rings 3.9,12.
A paapet to obteine wifedome. Mif.9.1.*
Dowe famous ann etcellent Salomons
wifedome wag. 1 King. 4.29."
Mee that is wife , oughe to ſhewe by good
conuerfarion hia wozkes, in meckenefle of
wifedome. Jam, 3.13. .
Toe wifedome of the fief cannot be fibs
ict te the Law of Gov. Rems.7.
Shewe not koorth wifedome out of time.
CEcclus 32.4.
Wifedom ig iuffifien of her chimen at.
13.19. SEA.
Paui willeth ds to walke wilely.e phe s.
15.@o1,4.5. } ;
Wife to doe enill. Jete.4.32. looke Know-
ledge,an Spirit.
Waithcrafrt ſoꝛͤbidden. Deut. 18.10. r12.
A ret map not be (uffered te line. Exod.
2 2 ol *
God commanveth bis people not to ſeeke
vnto witches 02 forcerers.Leutt.19.31.which
commandement Saul tran{greffed. a. Sam.
28.7.* anv was therefoze veAroped. 1. Chro.
“¥O.2 3.
Mf Witches and Wichcraft , looke move
ro.7.22.6 8.7 ,18 Lewt.20.6. Mum. 23.23.
2.kin.17. 17. 21.6.8 23 24. Ila.⸗4. 256047
9. Jer.10.2. Ezek 13.18. Dan.2.2. Mic5
12. Mal.z.5. Ecclus.345. Actes 8.9.6 234
6 and 16.96. and 19. 13. Gal.5. 20. Reu.i 8.
23 and 21.8. and Soothfayers,
Witneffes oleg called heauen and earth
to witneffe, Deut. 30. 19.
F atle witneſſes againſt Chꝛiſt.Matth. a6.
59,60. againſt Steuen: Actes 6.1113. aud
againſi aboth. a.Ring 210, 13
The puniſhment of the falle witneſſe. De
Foz ene witneffe none ought ta die. Ruim.
35-30-Dewt.17.6.and 19.15.
The wicnefle which God teftifies of tis
Sonne. 1. John 5,6.9, 11.
The booke of Deuteronomium was lapu
bp foz a witnes agaiuſt the Iſraelites Deu.
We ought not to beare felfe witneſſe Ero.
20,16.anDd 23. E Deut.5.20.
Of true anv falle witnefle.JOfa.27.12.anB
35-10, P20.6. 19. © 14.5. €19.5,9. 020.28.
and 24.28.¢ 25.18. ant 3.21." Rom. 13.9
MAar. 5.19. and 18.16, and 19.18. and 28.
12,fo 16.99av.10,19. 2. Coꝛ 43.1. 1.Gim.5.
19,Heb.19.15,28A90ke Teftimonie. —
9 Wee Biuerflv pronounced. Job.10.15.
Pꝛo.a 3.29. Eccirs.4.10. g 10.16. Flai.3.9,
L@S.. G10 1.€ 28.1845 9,10, Jer 22.
¥3,QND 23. t.32 13.38. Amos 5.18, &6.1.
Wic.2,1.Hab.2.12, 15,19. Eccltis 2.13.54,
15.8 41-8. 99 at.18 7.923.83.% 6 24. 19. and
26.24, War 317. Lu.6.24 25, 26. and 10.
13.€ 61.92." Dube rs. Reng 3. and 9,12.
anp ¢t.14,0n0 62.12. looke Curie. ,
' Woman created, how, and to what ende.
Gen 2. 18.* a
The woman twas ſeduced bp the ferpent,
and punifhed.Ger.3.6,16.
MF the woman came the beginning ef Gr,
an though her we all Die. Ecclus.ↄ 5 26.
The wickedneſſe of man ig beiter then the
good futreatie of a woman that isin hame
andrepzoch. Ecclus 42.14.
Women ought te keepe fence inthe cons
gregation, and be {abiect to their bufbands,
and learne of them at home,and why. 1. Coꝛ.
11.3. and 1434,35. 1. Tim 2.15,12. Titus
2.5. Ephel.5. 22,23. 1. Tim. 2.13, 14. Col. 3.
18. 1. Pet 3.7,
he wowan is the glory of the man, and
was created of man and foz man, and not
confraritwife. 1.202 11.7,8,9.
Ticked women ong ht net to hate any fos
ueraignitie giuen them, and whp. Ecclus.
Woman ſaued bp beating chilozen, if gc.
1.O im. 2.15.
Women in olde time were maried in theit
owne linage · Numb. 36.6.
Of a woman hauing per monethip courſe.
how aceptiue woman ought to be mats
ried. Deut-21.17, tors.
The conditlons and pzaple of a good wo-
man. GEcclus.36.22,23,24.and 26.13,f0 20.
JP 2011.5 4.1,4ND 31.10."
The malice ofa wieken woman, Ecclus.
25.14,00 27. and 26.24, 25.
“Afaire woman without diſcteet maners.
z Pꝛou. 1.24.
$ Ahbhereunto a contentisus woman is like:
ned. 1920. 27.15. from whom twee ought to
flee. 1970.2 1.9. and 25.24,
Thole whom Goris angrie withall. Hal
fall inta the hands of Rrange women. Pꝛou.
22.14. 7
Tip a womans hand ought tobe cut off.
Deut.⁊5. 11, 12.
How te knots the whoꝛedome of a woman,
= GEcclug.26.9,11,12,
Joſhua read the booke of Deuteronomts
ym tomen,women, and childzen. Jofhua 8.
4. 35 .
Women fang and pꝛaiſed God, plaping
bpon Timbrels. Exod.i 5, 20, 2 1.1. Samuel
A woman caf a piece of a milone vpon
Abimelechs head. Judg.9.5 7,54-
Fn befeging of cities women were refer-
ted. Dewst.20.14-
q woman hid Jonathan and Ahimaaz in
a well,and whp.2.Sam.17.17,t0 22.
a barren tich woman relieving Eliſha,
obteined(bp bis pzater)to be fruitful.z.king,
4.8,to 18,
Ruth was knoteen te bee a bertudus wo-
man.Quth 3.11,
The oifciples marneilen that Chꝛiſt tal⸗
keth with a woman. John 4.27.
A woman, being velineren of a chiloe, for·
getteth the anguiſh, and topp. John 16.20,
@E the woman that bad the bloodie fire.
HHat.9.10,27, 22, ;
- A certaine woman afeller of purple. Tooke
~ Women following Chꝛiſt, minifired vnto
bim. Luke 8,2,3.¢ were pzeſent at bis death.
PH att.27.55. :
Women,to whom Chil appeared, decla⸗
A te the dilciples bis refurrection.@at.28,
130.9310. e
* Mobile Women of Wfheflalonica beleeued
in Jeſus, whom Paul preached.Actes 17.2,
— Women enksrced thrcrugh famine, to cate
their owne,28,29.Lam,
2.20.8ND 4.10.88 it was prophecied. Ezek.
5-10. Baruch 2.3.Deut,28.53,to 58. Leuit.
26.29.. . ;
“Ahe piine of women fg thꝛe atned to be pu⸗
niſhed. Iſa.3. 25. p
“The bilon of the Woman tlothea with
the funne. Reue. 12.1,2. * and of the woman
fitting, ona lcarlet coloured beaff. Reuelat.
RE affetten tith the loue of outs
tanti Idolatrous Women, 1, Rings 11.
1,2. apa
That behauiour poung and elder women
mut ple. Titus 2.3 4.5. ,
Gnevictthatwomen Houls obep their pul
bands. fer 1.20,22.
. Parra was inſtructed inthe Buetie of an
Jonet woman Tob.10.12.
The vertue and not the beautie of a wo-
manis tobe fought fog in mariage. Ruth 3-
1 Ecclus. 25.23.
The ſecond Table:
a wicked woman moze bitter then Death.
Ecclel 7. 28.
Few women conſtant.Eccleſ.ↄ. zo.
The gazing dpon the beantie of maides
and women tg Dangerous- Ecclus 9.5,6575
8,9,10, 18,12. and fo ig their companie. Gee
clus.a2 12,13. and 19.2, 3.
Df the Brength of women. r. Eſdꝛ.z. 12.
and 4.14, to 33.
Obcrueltie towarss women with cbilde
Tooke Childe, and 2. King. 8.12.Qmog 1.13.
Women fo cities. Ezek. ꝛ 3.48. 4
The Jewes married frange women and
put them away anaine.¢3e.9.3.%¢ 10, 1,2.?
Tooke Wife and Men.
Wombe ſhut vp og barren. Genel 20, 18.
The fruit ofthe wombe ſhalbee bleſſed ta
the godly. Deut.28.4,
Ube fruite of the virgin Waries wombe
was blefſed. Luke 1.42.
Jt was commaunded the Jewes to bopve
theit wombe without the bolle. Deuter. 33.
Wonders. looke Miracles and Signes
Word. The word of the Loꝛd came ta A-
bꝛaham in a viſion. Gene. 1.1.
The word of the Eom was pꝛetions in the
time of Eli.. Dam, 3.1.
Whe word of the Logo muf not be caf as
wap but obeped.1.Ham.15.22,26.
The word of God fharper then a two eds
geb fwod. Deb.4,12,
Dur words ought te bee gracious alwap,
and whp. Lol. 4.6.
TLlhp God withdzaweth his word from the
Jemes. Ezek. 24.3.
The ewes will not heare the word of
Gor. Hla. 30.9.
Gon will punify cbole that refule to beare
bis word. Deut. 18.19.
Dauid deſpiſing Gods word, committes
mutther and abulteric. 2, am.1 2.9.
Gif things were created bp the worde of
Gov. John 1.3. Gene s.r.
The words of Gad are,7.25,
28, 1D fal. 33.4.
The benefits of Gov eugheto bee attribus
ted onto big word andpzomile. 2, Samuel
The word of Gon is our wifenome. Deut,
4-2,6. and a lanterne onto out fecte. Pſalme
The word of Gon inftructeth bs what to
Boe. Deuter. 29.9. and thereof onely ought
wee ta take counſell howe to lite. Iſa..a 6,
Bp the preaching of thr word, our hearts
ate conuerted. Fere.23.29.
Bythe word of Gov whozedeme may bee
efchetwrd.P2ou.r.16. -
Ali things fhall pzofper to thofe that fols
towe the word of God. JPzouerbes 3.1,t0 4,
23,27. Š ;
The Shunamite woman, beleeuing Gong
word, wag nourifhed in the land of the Phi
Rims leuen peetes.2.King 8.1,2.
The Thkaelites tooke and ſtaied their iour⸗
Treca pege Bitection of Gods word. Mum,
How Gord word ſhould bee few. Denter
a — — —
6.6, t0 10.
Sods word muft be declared without feare,
Sere.s.07. |
Woles charged the people with all the
wordes that Gop had fat brite bim in the
Mowlitaine.Cerod. 3 4.27.32. and thep conlen-
ted to obep the fame. Exod.19.7, 8.
Bleflings to thoſe that obep Gong worde
ane i to thole that dee not. Deuter.11, |
27,28. |
Tie Iſtaelites, preluming to fight cons
trarie to Gods word, were Laine. Mumbers
Df the contemning of Gods word, and pu-
niſhment due to the fame. r.kitt.: 3.3." 2.hin.
17.1 2.*2.Q 20.18.15." and 12.36." Pꝛou.i.
24,t0 32. ifa.28.1,2.€30.1,3, to 1E 65,1,
to 16.€ 66.4. Here. 2.1 3,18,59,30.¢ 5.2"and
7-¥3.* 16,10, 11.and 19.3.7 & 25.7." G29.
18,19. Ezek.3 3.4."@ Wat.11.20,t0.25.821.
33.*,to 16.Act.13.8.9,10,81,41.
and 18.5,6. Romanes 1.18." 2. Theſſ,
Gon fozbinveth vs tokeepe companp with
thofe that allure vs from obeping gig word,
Curſled are thep who obey not the words of
Gons Couenant. Jere.rc, 3.
The wicked cannet ole rightlp the word of
on. Pꝛo 26.7.
Tele ought to heare the word with all rene:
rence. Ecclus 5.17,
F wife man regardeth Gods word. Ecclu⸗
21.15, 17. and 3 3.2, 3.
Jeremte is putin pzilon faz the wordeo
God, gue pet it fozced him to preach. Jerem
The pzaple of the worde of Gov. W201
An exhogtarion to heare the word of Gov
Fla 55.1. 3
TUe ought not onelp to beare the worde o
Gon, but allo beleene and noe chat which i
teacheth. Deute. 12.32. and §.1,27,29. an
6.152,355,17,24- AnD 31.12,12, 13. Ezekl
33-14,1§,30, 31,32. Watt. 5.16. * and7.22
to 28. and 15.8,9. and 28.20, Darke 16.15
16 Luk 6.43, *and11.28,¢ 12.8,9,47,48
John 13:17. Jam.1.21, 33, *Deb.4, 2,3, fei
Vnbeliefe. :
Gods worde muf remaine in our
Deut.6.6, ano 1.138,
We muff abep Gots word , anv altonpe'
hate it before our epeg, Devt, 32.46,47. an
4-9. and 6.7. andir. 18." Rumb. 5. 38
Pal, r, 2.JHz001, 3.12.3. and 4,27.and 6.2
aud 7.3. and not pinke from it, Deut. 2
2,32. and 17.00, & 28.14. Jeſh. 1,7. and 33
Pꝛou 4.27. Iſa.30.2 1.
NPothing map be pur to, oꝛ taken frå Gi
word. Deuf.4.2.an0 12.3 2. and 28,414.90
147. 1D 20. 30. 5,6.ath.2 8.20.0 slat, 3.
The word was mare eih. John 1.14.
Whe word of God continuerh foz ever
Deter 1, 25. reave Wumb.2 2, 19,20. P
33-4,11, and 116,2.¢1 19,39, $ fa.40.3,
41.4.and 51.4,6. and 54,8, 10. Cob, 14
Matth.5.18. and 24.35 Matke 13.31 L
16.57. BUD 21.33.
The Golpel tg the of trueth
M, W .OoR
pel.e.r3. The wordes of this life. Actess.
ae * word of reconciliation, 2. Coꝛinth.
"ae wee gite no credite onto Gove word,
what proftreth it bs to heare the lamer pesg
4% Tae arene borne bp the immogtal word
pf Hod.1.\Pet, 1.23.
Wee oyercome the wicked bp the word of
Gop. 1, Joon 2.14
P Chik teing the people deſtitute of the
word of life , wag mooted with compafften.
‘Watch. 9.36. *
a Gove word mus not be giuen to dogs, o
fbwine. MWB atth.7-6-
_, The heauie imagement of chole chat cons
temae Gong word. Datth. 10. 14, 15. Heb. e.
The word cannot be preachedtotehout pete
Peace hall continue with thofe that tes
eiue the word. Watt. 10.13.
} Gove word abideth uot x * that be⸗
leene not in Chif, John s:
The word of Chul ase to dwell with
be plenteoullp.Zal.3.16.
~ The worde mult bee preached after all
fo2ts,that lome may pofite thereby. 2. Tim.
Clee ought to pay that the word map be
lozifiev. 2 Theſſ. 3.1.
JD aul handled not the word deceitlull as
Hers did. 2. Coꝛ.4 2,5.
The faithfnil ae no? theit lined foz the
ipeltinonie of the worde of Gods promiles,
KCL 12.07.
The word ig a mare and ſtumbling blocke
fome. Rom. 1-9
The linelp uae of Ged fhalti gather all
ations to Chin. Zech rg 2.*
a preaching of the word {hall proceede
tof Zion Joel.3.16.
i} Sou lela to fend pzeachers of bis
word. J (4.30.21,
f Mf the minikersof Gorg word, and their
[bp when the people profit. {fai 61.6,9.
j; Biop ought pucelp to Deliver the word
Ab Clim. 2.15.
J DF thole that preach the word of God fog
Kaine Wicach.3 5.*
5 The word of Gon is kree 2,Tim 2 9.
Not foove dutGons word preleruech them
bat be godly. Aiſd. L6, 26.1loake Bread.
Aho fo Runieth the word of Gon, thal fing
Ipifevome.}D 29.8, 12,17,
a Whe principies of Gons word. Deb.5,42.
ips. 1.2.1. Coz. 3. 2.
pᷣods words (poken bp man, are to bee res
ben. Sec. 7.12,13.
Ahe word af Boo in ttoo fences. Yfatine
A1 8:19. fee Scripture, Famine, Church g
Rone of — words were bnaccom⸗·
€D, 1.r Sam.
Ase moneltcor Rebekabin bec wordes.
be parop petuert the wordes of the luſt.
iSouercame his Ceruants with faire
“es Datt.24.7,8,
The fecond Table.
4 word ene: in his place ig commandas
Tahy isaul wroughe in deede that that be
preached bp word.t. S02 9.23.*
Wp out words wee fhalbe infkified oz con:
Beimied. GP at.12.37.
Dee thattinneth notin wordis a perfect
man. James 3,2.
Workes of Gon ate perfect. Deuter. 33. 4.
18.1,to 7-epceeding good. Ecclus. 39.16.and
vntepreueable. Aiſd. 12.14.
Man ought not to be curious in leatching
out Geos workes. Job cap. 37. to cap. 24.
Ecclus. 3.22, 23. foz thep are pat finding
out. Ecclus 18.5.6. cclel.8.17-and 3.15.2.
Eſdꝛ.a 11.
The ſumme and creation afthe workes of
God declateth * iuſtice by bis workes,
Job.8. 3.* and 9. 5."
ratte —— the workes of God to the
Wee ought to callto minde the workes of
God, and why. Deuit.4.10,30, 35,t04. and
Dfi wham the workes of God ate difcerned.
1,.9am.10.26, ;
The worke of Gon , fs to heleeue in his
Sonne. John 6.29.
The worke of Gon ig ou faith in bs. 1.
Gow — his works from euetlaſting.
Actes 15.18.
The blinde man wag fo bozne, that Gods
workes ſhould be themed on him. John 9.3.
Chꝛiſt by his ſpicit worketh in the fairh=
Dur goon works are of Gov.2.Jpet.1.3,5-
Paul prapech that God would encreale
the workes of faith, and confirme vs in the
fame. bil.x.ↄ.
Workes are the fruits of faith anu the al-
furance of our hopr. Debz.6. 11, 12, and doe
make our election fute.2. JPct.1.10.
' Workes follome faith. Luke 19.8.9. and
pha workes thep be, Luke veferiberh. Acts
te workes of light, what. €phe.5.8,9.
Ge workes of the faithfull.e. Pet. 38,9,
to 15,
Thep that repent onfainedlp, mut doe
poner wozthe amendementof life, Actes.
Faith is dead in it Celle, if it haue no
works James 2.57,20,22.
Dur contuerfatton ought to be honeſt, anu
our works rood, and Why. i. Det · 2. i 2. Mat·
Ephe.2.8,9. Rom.11.6.2. Tim. 1.9.Cit, 3.5
aap the holp Book ig giuen, not by workes,
but bp Faith. Dal 3.
The workes af * kaithlull follow them.
Revie. 5.23.
Chik iudgerh according to eucry mang
worke. 1.JBet.r. iA C E:S raei 6,
The Memes His the workes of their fathee
the nenill, Jon 8.40, 41.
ne workes of tije peopl ate ‘enill, Joha
T Tipe workes of the flefh, what. algei %
to 22,
Paue no fellowwhip with che works of Darks
— but rathet reppooue them. Ephes. iio
We ie not malke in the wicken workes
wf as Gentiles. Epbeſ.4. i73 18, 19. 1. Dee,
+ he workes of the Jewes twere polluter.
Hag.2. 14,15.
Uie may not truſt to the works of owe pree
Decelleursdut bein out ſelues the chilegen of
faith. B5at.3.8,9.
Gon blefierh the worke of their pants that
teliewe the neebBle. Denier, 14.20. and. a 3. 20
and that obep his commandments. Deut.28,
t0 1 5810 fendech them plentie of al chingg
gut, 3C.9,10.
. God worketh ali in all,
The workes of mercie. Waith 25.35,36.
Ilai.5 8.7. Inoke Weldoing, aut Seruice,.
Workers with (pitits, tee Coniurers,.
World made bp Chꝛiſt. Jobn 1.10.
The whole worldis bent to wickepnefle,
i. John 5.19. anvis ful of onrigbeeoutnetie,
and Wickednefle. 2. E2427,
Tae becughe nothing into the world, neis
te, Hall we carie anp thing out. 1,Tim. 6.7.
ob.1.2 LES
Whe falhion of thig world goeth awap.r,
Coz.7.31. anu therefore we ought Not to lone
any thtag therein, 1. Jobu 2.1 5,16.”
The amitie of tbig world ts che enimitie of
Gov. Tames 4.4. Chzilk peaped uot for the
world, John 17
The world kuet not Bow nor the rele
i light. John 1.9,10,1 1. AND 17.25.
Thole that are Dome of Gov cuercome. the
world thacugh the victogie of faith. r. Foyn Se
THee ought not to markaite theugh he
world hate 2am wy. 1, Joh. 3- DEREN ano
7:7. and 15,18.
Abe eneg of the wonld ate come wron bs!
i, To, FOLK
God (pared not the oft world, bàt by the i
flood neftropes the vngedly 2. Wet.2.5,°
The Saints thal! adge tLeworld, I. Cop.
Paul exborteth bs to — in the worke 6.2
of the TLoz3.1.@o0g.1 5.5.8.
THe ought to pꝛouoke one another to good
workes 24.
ier euerp man pzooue His owne worke.
Baló 354.
Hee that is Botte of good workes, Hall be
cak into the fire. John 15.6.2Bat.7.19.
Tie muſt not truſt in our wor ks,but {waite
fo: Gots mercie. Flat. 30.18. who fauerh vs
not bp ourworks, but accogding to hisgrace·
a cirte te propyeliey’ onto the wwoslde foj
finne. Wfa.24 1, to 13
May world cfeaten fo: mang faket 2 Ei,
“Pabe ibs inherite the world to come. 2,
ofa, 8
The world halleth to patie away. 2.0.4.
26. 02.7.3 14°00 2.37. ann ef the en
ig oucertaine. 1. Chel sc6.2,
The kaithlun ave not of ihe world. John
W pR
15. 19. and 17,14. *
The whole world , Fozall men gener ally.
1 John 5.95 and foꝛ the elect oneip. -Chaps
Althe world, foz the countteyes ſubiect to
the Romanes. Luke 2-1.
The world, fog the Elect, Foon 15.19.an3
1344nd 3616, AND 6.33, 32. John 4.14. fez
the repzobate. John 17.9,14. 1. Coꝛinthai.
32.foz the whole earth. Joh.a 7. 10. Waraé.
15. fo2 infloels. John 17.2 t.anv foz euil men,
Bom. 12.2. foz woꝛldiy pompe. Galat.6.14.
foz heauen and earth aud ail things therein.
Joh. 17.24. and 1.1. and fez the time ſince it
twas created onto Chziſt, diuided into ivoelue
This world, foꝛ worldly tefence. John 18.
36. anb foz outward things pertaining to
this life. Mat.a. aend 1.€02.7,31.,
Worldlings thinse there is no God o that
be fozceth ust what man Doth. Jeb.24.1, 2.*
and 342. ~ j 4 Í 5
Worldlings loue to be flattrted. {2.30.10
looke Atheifts in the ſitſt Table.
Worme of conſcience dieth not Wat.9.44,
48. Ila.66. 24. i
Ghe fonne of man ig but a wormie. Tob,
25.6. Looke Serpent.
{erone was eaten to Death of wormes.
Arig 12.23. So was Antiochus 2. Hacca.
9.89. d ;
Wormewood. To tutne indgement aud
rigdteouſneſſe into wormwoed, what. 4 mos
§°7-8ND 6.12. a= ——
God will keede Idolaters with worme-
wood, and gine them gallto dzinke Jete.9.
15.and 8.14. and 23.5.
Df the Starre which was calea YY
wood. Reucl 8.1057.
Worfhip anv ferue God help. Gat.g.r
Luke 4.8. Erod.24.14.Dent.6.13.anB 10.
20, 1, Ring.9.6,to 10. i
y orme
- euer 4(a.57.16.
M FOX Y. |
God wrote the Latwe and vdeliuered ft te
Hofes the firk time. Exodus 24.02, Deus
tetonomie 20.4. > rot .O09S) os
Woles received the fecond thne, at Goo
band the two Tables of the Teftimenie
ein with the finger of Gov. Exodus Fte,
4 ,
Boles wrote Devtetonominm , and deli⸗
neren itte the Leniteg and Elverg. Deute
3 1. y 19
The occafion of the fong which Goveonte
maunded Woles to write. Deutetronomium
God commanded that bis wo, Moula bee
written on polls and gates, and why. Dent.
6.9. and 15.20.
The ſalutation of Paul written with Fig
owne hand. 2. Theſ. 3. 17.
Tapat pee that writeth ought tobaue tes
gard onto. 2 .Wacce.3.24.* looke Scripture,
Euidence and Booke.
The fecond Table.
Worthies. The names and factes of Da-
uids worthies 2.5am.23.8,* | ;
; Wrath, taken foz pamihment. Ephels 6.
1. Ubelaionians 5,9. and foz vengeance.
Gods wrath fometime falleth bpon mas
np, foz the Gnne of one. Joſhua 23. 20. and
7:4512.% B $ò
The wrath of Eon confumed Pharaoh
anb all his hofie. Erod.15.7.
Boles fearing the wrathof God, fell to
Becauſe Haul executed not Gong fierce
wrath en the wicked, be toag reiected.1.Sas
The wrath of God was ote againk ite
laters. Judges 2.14,20. * g 3.38,12. Againk
murmuters. Numb. 11.1. pea and againG
Wales. Erod.4.14. Deiit.. 34. 37.
Gong wrath againft the Iſtatlites pacis
fied bp Woies. Rumb. 14:11 té ꝛꝛ⸗
The wrath of the Loꝛd mogued Danidto, TW rong, looke Law, Deeeiue, Defraud, Ops
number the people, 2.Sam.24.1.% ~~ ~~ ‘preffé, Harme, Guile and Iniurie. d
Tie canbe of Gorg wrath aghinf&$is peor) 5) 46
ple. Deut 2524 25.
God thzestueth that idolaters hall feele
bis wrath Deut.31,16,17,18. ap Ít came to
palle. 2.020n.34.21,
The wrath of God commeth bpon the
cbildzen of dilobedience. Coloſſ. 3. 5, 6. Deut.
The riches of thig wore kindle Gods
wrath againd rhe abuters thereof, Names 5,
25 (07. — — *
ice are bp nature the chudzen of wrath ·
Ephel . i
Gon will not conte
Tdleneffe, and ydle Folke tepꝛocued. Pꝛou.
12 11,24. and 20. 13. and 21. 25. GND 23.13,
and 26.93, and 28.1 0.laoke Idle.
G Yea. Pauls preaching was not yea and
nap: but onelp yea in Jelug Chꝛiſt.ꝛ. Lozin.
Dut communication muſt be yea yea , and
nap pap, Watth.5.37. Jam.5.12.
Teeres and dapes, €c diſtinguiſhed by the
Sunne, Boone, g Stars. Ger.1.14,t0 19.
The fewenth yecre debts were releafen.
Deut. s 5.1,2. £ goke Day and Iubile, m the
firft Table.
Toke, Holes threatneth the sifobedient
Fewer, that Gob till put a yoke of pron op=
en their neckes. Deut. 28.15.48.
nd; noz bee wroth Fez
‘ — from the wrath to come
1.Oo RA 8* rs f
The Jewes ole times prousked God to
wrath, pet be became mercifil to them. Jp fal.
The Pfraelites, euerp man in his tent -78.17,21.% ahB106.23,29.7 ~ Wee are willed patiently to endure the
ooze ,worlhipped Gon talking with oles. , Ae Bole tarme aap Gots yoke oftpranig. Jere, 27.11. l
CEr0d.3 3-9310. — +, wrath from (full. c£3e.22.30,31. Cozifterbegteth vs totake bis yoke vpon
The Elversof Wael together with Aas + ost 0 ice brito wrath, Roa vs, and wip, Watt.11.29,30. ;
ton, gc. worthipped the LLozu afatte off Eros mane31219. 67 r Yong. The yonger ought to fabmit them⸗
The wrath of man doeth not accompliſh ſelues to the Clvers. r-JDet.5.5.
24.152. 7
Elkanah went peerelp to Shiloh, to wor-
hip God. 1,Seam.1.3,4,9,1921+
Dauid worfhipped Ged on the top ofthe
mountaine, when bee fied from Abſalom. 2.
Saul worlhipped God moze for manners
fake,then foz anp Beuotion. Sam.i 5.31.
The people worthipped the golden 7
thieb, eteboamt BerecteD.. Kin a4
28.3 — ALE At Ji
“he Fraclites worthip idols, ana
ſpoyled. Fudg.2.10,11.* ipe
The Apolites worlhippel Chelf as bee
was taken op from them into heaven. Luke
‘Tbe Angel would rot [ufer Fom teo wrs
fhip bim. Reuel.22.8,9. i
DE whom the beak Hall bee worfhipped
Worthippers of firange gong. ge. ought to
be vefitoped and Rouen to death. Dew. s a 4. \ Sew commanded Boles tewrite the cor
35 and :7.3,t0 8.
Joſhua worthipped the Angel, Fofh.5.14.
2, fot; |’
' Aati 5.29.
1,@im. 238.
DF the Yong maw that fled awap naket,
Mar.14.51, 52.
Yong men muft bee ſober minded. Titus
2.6, and modeſt in (peech. Ecclus.ʒ 2.8.9
10. ee Counfell. i
Youth. fee Luft. f
Childzen ought to beg trained bp from
their youth in the feare of God. Tob.1.16.
anD 2.12.09 was Eſthet. Chap · 24 5. g whp
Dbaviah feared Gov greatly from hid
youth pp. 1. Ring.18.3,12.
> Hee ought to remember Godin youth.
_ Eccles.t2.1.
Tite muft prap Gow to forget the ſinnes
of our pouth. jafal.25.7. a
F Iron cauled to Lwimme foz the glozp of
Gov.z. Rings 6.5,6.
Tbe earth fail be yron vnto the diſobedi⸗
gnt. Deut28,23-
Achers fhooes of yron and bale. Deut. 3:
25, loske Geld.
€ Ttching. (ee Fables.
the righteouines of Gov. Tames 1.20,
uerp man ought to be flow to wrath.
Sani.s.19 Foz itis wifenome. ]D200. 14.29.
Df wrath, looke moze in Anger,and Gen.
4.5,8. Jlob. 5.2. Pꝛouerbes 12, 18. and 14.
17,29,30. AND 15.1, 18. and 16.14,32. and
19. 12, 19. 4027.4. AND 29 23. Eccleſi⸗
alles 7511FEcclus. 25217 anD 28.8. ap
5-23.44 Lube 4.28,29. Ga:
poets. 26,2931. Tins 1.7.
Wretched man that a am, wbo ſhalſdeli·
uer me ftom the boop of this deat Roman.
7-24. ’ athe a
commaunded Boles to write
cf the Amakekites, and whp.
X rite, jal
the heer
Boles wrote all that the Loꝛd ſpake vnto
him in a booke, €tead it to the people. Exo.
243457 — . R b
nenant Which he had made withthe people,
Exd 34.27, 28. z
3 Z. ‘
` Leale of Moles againſt the Iſt aelites ido-
latrie. Erod.3z2,19,20,26,t0 30, of Phine⸗
Has againſt che two forntcators. Mumb.ꝛ5.
7,to1s. Ecclus 45.23 Plal.t os. zo of Eli⸗
dah, forthe Ilraelite s falling from Goo, to
Grue idols, ae. r Ring. 8.21,22." 19.40
34. of ehu foz the glopp of Goo. King.9.
30." ¢ 20.1 1,165t0 29. 0f Matt athias foz the
‘Tatu of Gov. i.Macc.a.24. 26. of Joſiah at
eni peete of age, 2,€020.34.3,t0 8.
~The fecond Table.
The pem Zeale which Epaphzas had fog
others. Tol.a.15.
The Jewes had a Zeale, not according to
knowledge. Rom.10:2. fo had Paul before
bis contietſton. Act.a2. 3.
DF blinve, falle, anv dilordeted Zeale,
Wath. oszt. 26.51. Darke 9,38. Luke t
9. 54355; John 3,59. 16,2. Actes 7. 57. and
21.27.” and 26,08.
The Zeale of thine houle Lath confumed
mee. Dſalme 69.9. and 119. r39: Jopu
: Ecctys, 24, 39. & 33.16.
L E A.
2. 17.
* Chriians ought te ihe MES of oon
Woke. Tit. 2.14, and bp Gods coꝛtection
amend. Reuel.3.19.
Zealous pesple thinke net long when chey
pan oz beate Gos wode Nehem.d 3945s
ae is good to Dee Zealous in a goed thing.
Galat. 418.
Godly foro worketh Zeale it Bgy 2,€ ep;
Pi Ir, =
Be ai howe that I haue not laboured for my felfe onely, but for all them
that feeke wifedome and knowledge.
ię Imprinted at London by Robert Barker,
Printer to the Kings moft Excellent
Maieftie: 16 06.
(Cum priulegio Regie Maicftatis.