PRINCETON, N. J. BX 7759 .W634 Z76 Thomlinson, William. Thomas Whitwell THOMAS WmTWELL.( • may \ A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH WITH APPENDICES. EDITED BY 7 WILLIAM THOMLINSON. pibblcsbrougb * Stockton: THE "gazette" steam PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES. 1918 i^onbon : SAMl. HAKRIS i; Co., 5, BISHOPSGATE WITHOUT, E.C. " Tlic spohen word, the written poem, i.^ said to he an epitome of tlir iii'iii. Hon: much more the done trork. Wliotsoever of moralitt/ and intr/liijence, ichat of patience, j)ersevera.nce, faithfidness, of method, insi