vsn u! peiuud ide29e# qhoiavo ana 3iva Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2015 Iittps://arcliive.org/details/worksofrevjolinne02newt_0 i THE WORKS OF THE EV. JOHN NEWTON, LATE PASTOa OF THE UNITED PARISHES OF ST. MARY WOOLNOTH AND ST. MARY WOOL- CHURCH-HAW, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. CONTAINING, AN AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE, ETC. LETTERS ON RELIGIOUS SLBJECTS, CARDIPHOMA, DISCOURSES INTENDED FOR THE PULPIT, SERMONS PREACHED IN THE PARISH CHURCH OF OLNEY, A REVIEW OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, OLNEY HYMNS, POEMS, MESSIAH, OCCASIONAL SERMONS, AND TRACTS. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, MEMOIRS OF HIS LIFE, &c BY THE REV. RICHARD CECIL, A. M. COMPLETE IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. NEW YORK; ROBERT CARTER, 58 CANAL STREET PITTSBURG:— THOMAS CARTER. 1844. ( CONTENTS OF THE SECONr> VOLUME. A REVIEW OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Pope introduction 1-5 BOOK I.— OF THE FIRST PERIOD OF CHRIS- TIANITY. Chap. 1. Tlie general State of the Heathens and Jews be- fore and at the Time of our Lord's incarnation 17 2. The Character and Genius of the Gospel, as taught and exemplifieil by Christ . . . • . 21 3. The true Grounds of the Opposition he met with in the Course of his Ministry, and the Objec- tions and Artifices Iiis Enemies employed to prejnJiofl the people against him, and prevent Ihi' lli ception of his Doctrine 27 4. On the Calliiif; and Characters of the Apostles and Disciples previous to our Lord's Ascension 32 BOOK 11.— OF THE SECOND PERIOD OF CHRIS- TIANITY. 1. Of the Profrress of the Gospel from our Lord's Ascension to the Close of the first Century . . 40 2. Of the Life and Character of St. Paul, considered as an Exemplar or Pattern of a Minister of Je- sus Christ ftJ 3. Of the Irregularities and Olfences which appear- ed in the Apostolical Churches ^14 4. Of the Heresies propagated by fiilse Teachers in the Apostles' days 100 OLNEY HYMNS. BOOK I.— ON SELECT PASSAGES OF SCRIPTURE. Hymn GENESIS. C!mp. Page L Adam 3 ... Ill 2. tJaiu and Abel 4 . . . ib. ^- j Walking with God 5 . . . 112 5. Lot in Sodom 13 . . . ib. C. Mehovah Jireh ; or. The Lord will 7. j provide 22 . . 112- 13 R Esau 25 . . . ib. 9. Jacob's Ladder 28 ... 114 JO. My name is Jacob 32 . . . ib. 11. Plenty in Deartii 41 . . . ib. 12. Joseph made known to his Brethren 45 . . . ib. EXODUS. 13. The bitter Wafers 15 . . 115 14. Ji hiivah Rophi ; or. The Lord my llcaler 15 . . ib 11) . IG . . . m 17. Jehovah Nissi; or. The Lord my Ban- ner V . . . 17 . . ill. 18. The Golden Calf 32 . . ib. LEVITICUS- NUMBERS. 20. Balaam's Wish 23 . . ib. JOSHUA. JUDGES. 22. Jehovah ShJllom ; or. The Lord is Peace Ilijmn Chap. Paire 23. Gideon's Fleece 0 ... 118 24. Sampson's Lion 14 . . . ib. I. SAMUEL. 2.5. Hannah ; or. The Throne of Grace . 1. . .118 2(i. Dagon before the Ark 5 ... 119 27. Milch Kine drawing the Ark ... 5 ... ib- 28. Saul's Armour 17 . . . ib. II. SAMUEL. 29. David's Fall 12 ... 120 30. Is this thy Kindness to thy Friend ? IG . . . ib. I. KINGS. 31.1 32. i-Ask what I shall give you . . 33. J .34. The Uueen of Sheba .... 35. Elijali fed by Ravens .... 3G. The Jleal and Cruse of Oil . . II. KINGS. 37. Jericho ; or, The Waters healed . . 2 . . . ib 38. Naamaii 5 ... 123 39. Th<^ borrowed Axe 6 . . . ib. 40. More with us than with them . . . G . . . ib. 3 . {iS I ib. 17 . . 122 17 . . ib. L CHRONICLES. 41. Faith's Review and E.vpcctation . 17 . NEHEMIAH. 42. The Joy of the Lord is your Strength 9 . JOB. 43. O that I were as in months past . . 29 , 44. The Change 29 ib. 124 ib. ib. PSALMS. 45. . . 6 . . 125 40. None upon earth besides thee . . . 73 . . ib. 47. 48. j The Believer's Safety .... . . 91 . i ib. j ib. 49. He led them by a right Way . 107 . . 126 50. . IIG . . ib. 51. Dwelling in Meshech .... . 120 . . ib. PROVERBS. 52. Wisdom 8 . . . ib. 53. A Friend that sticketh closer than a Brother 18 ... 127 ECCLESIASTES. 51. Vanity of Life 1 . . . ib. 55. Vanity of the World 1 . . . ib. 5G. Vanity of Creatures sanctified . . . 1 . . . 128 SOLOMON S SONG. 57. The Name of Jesus 1 . . . ib. ISAIAH. 58. O Lord, I will praise thee . . . . 12 . . ib. 59. The River, Refuge, and Rock of the 32 . . . ib. (iO. 33 . 123 (il. Look unto me, anil be ye saved . . 45 . . ib. G2. The Good Physician 45 . . . ib. 03. (;4. 57 . . ib. 05. The future Pence and Glory of the JEREMIAH. 06. Trust of the Righteous and Wicked IT . . ill. 67. Jehovah Tsidkenu ; or. the Lord our righteousness 23 . . 131 W, 3 CONTENTS. ffymn LAMENTATIONS. Clinp. OS). Tlie Lord is my I'orlioii 3 . Page Hymn PHILIPPXANS. Cliap. . 131 13J. Contentment 4 EZEKtEL. 70. Humbled and .silenced h)' Meicy . . 16 . 71. The Covenant 3G 72. Jeliovali Sliauinmli ; or, The Lord is lliera 48 . DANIEL. 73. The Power and Triunii)h of Faith 3, G 74. Belsliazzar 5 75. The Gourd . JONAH. ZECHARIAII. 76. Prayer for the Lord's Presence . 77. A Brand plucked out of the Fire . 78. On one Stone sliall he seven Eyes 79. Praise fur the Fountain oixMied . 3 3 13 . MALACMI. 80. They shall be mine, saith the Lord . 3 MATTHEW. 81. The Bejjgar 82. The Leper 83. A sick Soul 84. Satan returning 85. The Sower 86. Wheat and Tares .... 87. Peter walking on the Waters 88. The Woman of Canaan . . 8'J. Wiiat think ye of Christ . 90. Tiie foolish Virgins . . . 91. Peter sinning and repenting . 9 . . 12 , . 13 . . 13 . . 14 . . 15 . 22 ". 25 '. . 26 ib. 133 ib. ib. i:m ib. ib. MARK. 92. Legion dispossessed 5 . . . ib. 93. The Ruler's Daughter raised ... 5 ... ib. 94. But one Loaf 8 ... 139 95 Bartinii us . 10 . . . ib 9U. 'J'hr Hons,, of Prayer 11 . . . ib! 97. Tlie blasted Fig-tree 11 . . . ib. 98. 09. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 10(1. 107. J(W. lOJ. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. LUKE. The two Debtors .... Tile good Samaritan . . . Martha and Mary .... The Heart taken .... The Worldling The barren Fig-tree . . , Tiie Prodigal The Rich Man and Lazarus The importunate Widow /accheus The Bcdiever's Danger and Safety Father, forgive them . . The two Malefactors . . . 10 . . . ib. . 10 . . ib. . 12 . . . ib. . 13 . . ib. . 15 . . 142 . 16 . . ib. . 18 . . ib. . 19 . . 143 . 22 . . ib. . 23 . . ib. JOHN. The Woman of Samaria I The Pool of Bethesda . The Disciples at Sea . . Will ye also go away . . The Resurrection and the Life Weeping Mary .... 1 Lovest thou me . . . , 6 . , 0 . 11 . 20 . . 21 144 (ib. jib. 145 ib. ib. ib. I 14C ib. ACTS 120. The Death of Stephen . . . . 121. The Rebel's Surrender to Grace . 122. Petrr released from Prison . . . 123. Tlie iriMiiIiling Gaoler . . . . 124. Th'< Exorcist 125. Paul's Voyage ROMANS. 126. The good that I would, I do not . 127. Salvation drawing nearer . . . I. CORINTHIANS. 128. The Rock was Christ . . . . II CORINTHIANS. 129. My Grace is sufficient for thee . GALATIANS. 130. The inward Warfare 7 . . ib. 9 . . 147 12 . . ib. 16 . . ib. 19 . . 148 27 . . . ib. 7 . . . ib. 13 . . . ib. 12 . . ib. 5 . . ib. Paffe . 150 HEBREWS. 132. Old Testament Gospel 4 133. The Word i|iiick and powerful . . 4 134. Looking unto Jesus 12 135. Love Tokens 12 . ib. ill, 151 ib. REVELATION. 130. Ephesus 2 . . . ib. 137. Smyrna 2 . . . ib. 138. Sardis 3 ... 152 139. Philadelphia 3 . . . ib. 140. Laodicca 3 . . . ib. 141. The Little Book 10 . . . ib. BOOK II.— ON OCCASION.\L SUBJECTS. 1. SEASONS. JV'eaj- Year Hymns. 1. Time how swift 153 2. Time how short ib. 3. Uncertainty of Life ib. 4. A New-year's Thought and Prayer ib. 5. Death and War 154 6. Eartlily Prospects deceitful ib. Sffore .Annual Sermons. Prayer for a Blessing l.'iS Another ib. Another ib. Casting the Gospel-net ib. Pleading for anil with Youth 158 Prayer for Children - . . ib. The Sliunamite ib. Elijah s Prayer ib. Preaching to the dry Bones ib. The Rod of MO.SQ? 157 God Speaking from Mount Zion ib. Prayer for Power on the Means il>. Elijah's Mantle 128 Jifter Jinvunl Sermons. David's Charge to Solomon ib. The Lord's Call to his Children ib. The Prayer of Jabcz ib. Wailing at Wisdom's Gates 159 .Askiiiir the Way to Zion ib. W'l- Pharaoh's Bondmen ib. 'i'i.i\ .[iliiig in Birth for Souls ib. We are Ambassadors for Clirist 160 Paul's farewell Charge ib. How shall I put thee among the Children . . ib. Winter 161 Waiting for Spring ib. Spring ib. Another ib. Sumuicr Storms 162 Hay-Time ib. Harvest ib. Christmas. 37. Praise for the Incarnation 163 38. Jehovah Jesus ib. 39. Man honoured above Angels il). 40. Saturday Evening ib. 41. Close of the Year, Ebenezer 164 42. Another ib. II. ORDINANCES. 43. Opening a Place for social Prayer ib. 44. Another 165 45. The Lord's Day ib. 4ti. Giispel-privileges ib. 47. Another 166 48. Praise for their Continuance ib. 49. A Famine of the Word ib. 50. Prayers for Ministers ib. 51. Prayer for a Revival 167 52. Hoping for a Revival ib. Sacramental Hymns. 53. Welcome to the Table ib. .^4. Christ crucified ib 5.5. Jesus hasting to suffer 168 .56. It is good to be here ib. .57. Looking at the Cross ib. 58. Sujiplies in the Wilderness ib CONTENTS. 5 Hymn 69. Communion with Saints in Glory Prayer. 60. Exhortation to Prayer 61. Power of Prayer Srripfure. 62. Liiht and Glory of the Word . . 63. Word more precious than Gold . Patre . 11)9 nr. PROVIDENCES. 61. On the Commencement of Hostilities Fast- Day Hymns. 65. Confession and Prayer . . . 66. Moses and Auialek 67. The Hiding Place 68. On llic Earthquake, 1775 . . 69. Fire at Olney, 1777 70. Welcome to Christian Friends 71. At PartinL' ib. 170 ib. ib. 171 ib. ib. 17-2 ib. Fuveral Hymns. 71J. On the Death of a Believer . . 73. Death of a Minister .... 74. The Tolling Bell 75. Hope beyond the Grave . . . 76. There the weary are at rest . . 77. The Day of Judgment . . . 7S. The Dav of the Lonl .... 79. The Great Tribunal .... ib. 173 ib. ib. ib. ib. 174 ib. rV. CREATION. 80. HI. 82. r.i f-'4. 8.5. 81;. 87. 8S. 89. BO. 91. 9'2. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Til- 'I'll ' I id \"ew Creation ib 175 ib. Ecu Mo< The Th- ■I'll" 'I'h" The The The itrims in the Nijht |i.