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Introduction i35 Translation i37 APASTAMBA-Gi?/HYA-SUTRA. Introduction 249 Translation 251 Synoptical Survey of the Contents of the G^^/hya-Sutras . 299 /\ A APASTAMBA'S YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. Introduction 3^1 Translation 315 Index 365 Transliteration of Oriental Alphabets adopted for the Trans- lations of the Sacred Books of the East . . . -373 INTRODUCTION TO THE G7?/HYA-SUTRAS. We begin our introductory remarks on the literature of the Grzliya-sutras with the attempt to collect the more im- portant data which throw light on the development of the GWhya ritual during the oldest period of Hindu antiquity. There are, as it seems, no direct traces of the Grthya. ceremonies in the most ancient portion of Vedic litera- ture. It is certain indeed that a number of the most important of those ceremonies are contemporaneous with or even earlier than the most ancient hymns of the Rig- veda, as far as their fundamental elements and character are concerned, whatever their precise arrangement may have been. However, in the literature of the oldest period they play no part. It was another portion of the ritual that attracted the attention of the poets to whom we owe the hymns to Agni, Indra, and the other deities of the Vedic Olympus, viz. the offerings of the .Srauta-Ritual with their far superior pomp, or, to state the matter more precisely, among the offerings of the 5rauta-Ritual the Soma offer- ing. In the Soma offering centred the thought, the poetry, and we may almost say the life of the Vasish^//as, of the Vii-vamitras, &c., in whose families the poetry of the Rig-veda had its home. We may assume that the acts of the Grzhya worship, being more limited in extent and simpler in their ritual construction than the great Soma offerings, were not yet at that time, so far as they existed at all, decked out with the reciting of the poetic texts, which we find later on connected with them, and which in the case of the Soma offering came early to be used. Probably they were celebrated in simple unadorned fashion ; X GiJ/HYA-SUTRAS. what the person making the offeruig had to say was doubtless hmited to short, possibly prose formulas, so that these ceremonies remained free from the poetry of the above-mentioned families of priests ^. We think that the character of the verses given in the Gr/hya-sutras, which had to be repeated at the performance of the different cere- monies.justifiesus in making these conjectures. Some of these verses indeed are old Vedic verses, but we have no proof that they were composed for the purposes of the Gr/hya ceremonies, and the connection in which we find them in the Rig-veda proves rather the contrary. Another portion of these verses and songs proves to have been composed indeed for the very Gnhya ceremonies for which they are prescribed in the texts of the ritual : but these verses are more recent than the old parts of the Rig-veda. Part of them are found in the Rig-veda in a position which speaks for their more recent origin, others are not contained in the Rig-veda at all. Many of these verses are found in the more recent Vedic Saw^hitas, especially in the Atharva-veda, a Sa?;«hita which may be regarded in the main as a treasure of Grzhya verses ; others finally have not as yet been traced to any Vedic Sawhita, and we know them from the Gr/hya-sutras only. We may infer that, during the latter part of the Rig-veda period, ceremonies such as marriage and burial began to be decked out with poetry as had long been the case with the Soma offering. The principal collec- tion of marriage sentences ^ and the sentences for the ^ It is doubtful whether at the time of the Rig-veda the custom was established for the sacrificer to ketp burning constantly a sacred Grihya. fire besides the three Aauta fires. There is, as far as I know, no express mention of the Gr/hya fire in the Rig-veda ; but that is no proof that it had then not yet come into use. Of the 6'rauta fires the garhapatya is the only one that is mentioned, though all three were known beyond a doubt. (Ludwig, Rig-veda, vol. iii, p. 355 ; in some of the passages cited the word garhapatya does not refer to the garhapatya fire.) 2 Rig-veda X, 85. It is clear that what we have here is not a hymn intended to be recited all at once, but that, as in a number of other cases in the Rig-veda, the single verses or groups of verses were to be used at different points in the performance of a rite (or, in other cases, in the telling of a story). Compare my paper, 'Akhyana-Hymnen im Rig-veda,' Zeitschrift derDeutschen Morgen- liindischen Gesellschaft, vol. xxxix, p. 83. — Many verses of Rig-veda X, 85 occur again in the fourteenth book of the Atharva-veda. INTRODUCTION. XI burial of the dead ^ are found in the tenth Ma;/^ala of the Rig-veda, which, for the most part, is known to be of later origin than the preceding portions of the collections I If we look into the character of the verses, which these long Grihya songs are composed of, we shall find additional grounds for assuming their early origin. A few remarks about their metrical character will make this clear ^. There is no other metre in which the contrast between the early and later periods of Vedic literature manifests itself so clearly as in the Anush/ubh-metre ^. The Anush/ubh hemistich consists of sixteen syllables, which are divided by the caesura into two halves of eight syllables each. The second of these halves has as a rule the iambic ending (^^ -^ ^}, though this rule was not so strictly carried out in the early as in the later period s. The iambic ending is also the rule in the older parts of the Veda for the close of the first half, i.e. for the four syllables before the caesura ^ We know that the later prosody, as we see it in certain late parts of Vedic literature, in the Pali Pi/akas of the Buddhists, and later in the great epic poems, not only departs from the usage of the older period, but adopts a directly contrary course, i. e. the iambic ending of the first pada, which was formerly the rule, is not allowed at all later, and instead of it the prevailing ending is the anti- spast (w ^), It goes without saying that such a change in metrical usage, as the one just described, cannot have > Rig-veda X, 14-16, and several other hymns of the tenth book. Compare the note at Aj-valayana-GrzTiya IV, 4. 6. 2 Compare my Hymnen des Rig-veda, vol. i (Prolegomena), pp. 265 seq. ^ Compare the account of the historical development of some of the Vedic metres which I have given in my paper, ' Das altindische Akhyana,' Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenliindischen Gesellschaft, vol. xxxvii, and my Hymnen des Rig-veda, vol. i, pp. 26 seqq. * The TrishAibh and Cagati offer a much less promising material for inves- tigation, because, so far as can now be made out, the departures from the old type begin at a later period than in the case of the Anush/ubh. 5 Compare Max Miiller's introduction to his E; glish translation of the Rig- veda, vol. i, pp. cxiv seq. « To demonstrate this, I have given in my last-quoted paper, p. 62, statistics with regard to the two hymns, Rig-veda I, 10 and VIII, 8 ; in the former the iambic ending of the first pada obtains in twenty out of twenty-four cases, in the latter in forty-two out of forty-six cases. xii Gi^HYA-sOTRAS. taken place at one jump. And accordingly a consideration of the Vedic texts reveals a transition period or rather a series of several transition periods between the old and the new standpoints. The first change is that every other ending of the first pada is allowed by the side of the iambic ending. The two forms of the ending, the one prevailing in the earliest, and the one prevailing in the later period of the prosody, the iambic (^ - ^ ^) and the antispastic (v^ ^), are those that occur most frequently in the in- termediate period, but besides them all other possible forms are allowed ^. This is precisely the stage of metrical development which the great Grihya. songs of the tenth Maw^^ala of the Rig- veda have reached. Let us consider, for instance, the marriage songs and the marriage sayings, X, 85, and see what kind of ending there is at the end of the first pada. Of the first seventeen verses of this Sukta sixteen are in Anush/ubh metre (verse 14 is Trish/ubh); we have therefore thirty-two cases in which the metrical form of these syllables must be investigated. The quantity of the syllable imme- diately preceding the caesura being a matter of indifference, we have not sixteen but only eight a priori possible com- binations for the form of the last four syllables of the pada ; I give each of these forms below, adding each time in how many of the thirty-two cases it is used : --^^ 8 v.-^^ 5 ^ 5 v^ v^ v^ ^ 3 ---^ 3 ---^ 3 32 * Compare the statistics as to the frequency of the different metrical forms at the ending of the first pada, p. 63 of my above-quoted paper, and Hymnen des Rig-veda, vol. i, p. 28. I have endeavoured in the same paper, p. 65 seq., to make it seem probable that this was the stage of prosody prevailing during the government of the two Kuru kings Parikshit and G^aname^aya. INTRODUCTION. Xlll We see that all the possible combinations are actually represented in these thirty-two cases, and accordingly the metrical build of this Sukta shows that it belongs to a period to which only the latest songs of the Rig-veda collection can be referred, but the peculiarities of which may be often noticed in the Atharva-veda and in the verses scattered throughout the Brahmawa literature ^. A hasty glance suffices to show that those verses of the G;'zhya ritual which do not appear in the Sa;«hitas, but which are quoted at full length in the GnTiya-sutras, are also in the same stage. For instance, the seven Anush/ubh verses which are quoted vSahkhayana-Grzhya I, 19, 5- ^-^ give us the following relations, if we investigate them as we did those in Rig-veda X, 85 : v.--^ 4 ---^ 3 ^-^^ 2 ^ ^ \J — \ -- ^^ I 14 Thus even the small number of fourteen hemistichs is enough to give us seven of the eight existing combinations, and no single one occurs at all often enough to allow us to call it predominant. Or we may take the saying that accompanies the per- formance of the medha^anana on the new-born child. In the version of Aj-valayana ^ we have : - - - -II- --- medhaw te deva/z Savitd -- w-llw- -- medha;« te Ai-vinau devau. In the version adopted in the school of Gobhila ^ the * For instance, in the verses Avhich occur in the well-known story of 6'unaAjepa (Aitareya-Brahmawa VII, 13 seq.). ' Arvalayana-GriTiya I, 15, 2. ^ Mantra- Brahmawa I, 5, 9; of. Gobhila-Gr^Tiya II, 7, 21. A XIV Gi27"HYA-SUTRAS context of the first line is different, but the metre is the same : - - - -11- ^ ^ - medha;/^ te Mitravaruwau. Or the saying with which the pupil (brahmaMrin) has to lay a log of wood on the fire of the teacher ^ : — — v> Agnaye samidham aharsham taya tvam Agne vardhasva. There would be no object in multiplying the number of examples ; those here given are sufficient to prove our pro- position, that the development of the Gr/hya rites in the form in which they are described to us in the Sutras, that especially their being accompanied with verses, which were to be recited by their performance, is later than the time of the oldest Vedic poetry, and coincides rather with the transition period in the development of the Anush/ubh metre, a period which lies between the old Vedic and the later Buddhistic and epic form. Besides the formulae intended to be recited during the performance of the various sacred acts, the Gr/hya-sutras contain a second kind of verses, which differ essentially from the first kind in regard to metre ; viz. verses of ritualistic character, which are inserted here and there between the prose Sutras, and of which the subject-matter is similar to that of the surrounding prose. We shall have to consider these ya^;7agathas, as they are occasionally called, later; at present let us go on looking for traces of the Grzhya. ritual and for the origin of Grihya. literature in the literature which precedes the Sutras. The Brahma;/a texts, which, as a whole, have for their sub- ject-matter the Vaitanika ceremonies celebrated with the three holy fires, furnish evidence that the Grzhya. fire, together with the holy acts accomplished in connection with it, were also already known. The Aitareya-Brahma;/a ^ gives this 1 Aj-valayana-Gr/hya I, 21, i. In Faraskara and in the Mantra-Brahmawa only the first hemistich has the Anush/ubh form. ^ Aitareya-Brahmawa VIII, 10, 9 : etya grelian pajZ'ad gr^Tiyasyagner upa- INTRODUCTION. XV fire the most usual name, the same name which is used for it in the Sutras, grihya. agni, and describes a ceremony to be performed over this fire with expressions which agree exactly with the style of the Grz'hya-sutras ^ We often find in the Brahma;/a texts also mention of the terminus technicus, which the Gr/hya-sutras use many times as a comprehensive term for the offerings connected with Grihya. ritual, the word pakaya^/^a^. For instance, the 5atapatha Brahma;/a ", in order to designate the whole body of offerings, uses the expression : all offerings, those that are Pakaya^was and the others. It is especially common to find the Pakaya^'-/7as mentioned in the Brah- ma;/a texts in connection with the myth of Manu. The Taittiriya Sa/z/hita"^ opposes the whole body of sacrifices to the Pakaya^was. The former belonged to the gods, who through it attained to the heavenly world ; the latter concerned Manu : thus the goddess Ida. turned to him. Similar remarks, bringing Manu or the goddess Ida. into relation with the Pakaya^/'^as, are to be found Taittiriya Saw^hita VI, 2, 5, 4 ; Aitareya-Brihma;/a III, 40, 2. How- ever, in this case as in many others, the ^atapatha Brahma;^a contains the most detailed data, from which we see how the idea of Manu as the performer of Pakaya^was is connected with the history of the great deluge, out of which Manu alone was left. We read in the 5atapatha Brahma;/a ^ : vish/ayanvarabdhaya riWig antata/^ kawsena ^aturgr/hitas tisra a^yahutir aindri//. prapadaw ^uhoti, &c. ' Some of the places in which the St. Petersburg dictionary sees names of the Grihya fire in Brahmawa texts are erroneous or doubtful. Taittiriya Sawhita V, 5, 9, 2, not grzhya but gahya is to be read. Aupasana, i'atapatha Brahma«a XII, 3, 5, 5, seems not to refer to a sacrificial fire. Following the identity of aupasana and sabhya maintained in the dictionary under the heading aupasana, one might be tempted in a place like ^'atapatha Brahmawa II, 3, 2, 3 to refer the words ya esha sabhayam agnik to the domestic fire. A different fire is however really meant (Katyayana-^rauta-sutra IV, 9, 20). ^ ^aiikhayana I, i, i : pakaya^«an vyakhyasyama/« ; I, 5, i=Paraskara 1,4, I : ^atvara// pakaya^^v/a liuto^huta/z prahuta/; prajita iti. ^ I, 4, 2, 10 : sarvan ya_f;7an ... ye Aa pakaya^vla ye /('etare. * I, 7, 1 , 3 : sarvewa vai ya^lena deva/i suvargaw lokam ayan, pakaya^'-fena Manur a^ramyat, &c. ^ I, 8, I, 6 seq. The translation is that of Prof. Max Midler (India, what can it teach us? p. 135 seq.). xvi G/27HYA-sOtRAS. ' Now the flood had carried away all these creatures, and thus Manu was left there alone. Then Manu went about singing praises and toiling, wishing for offspring. And he sacrificed there also with a Paka-sacrifice. He poured clarified butter, thickened milk, whey, and curds in the water as a libation.' It is then told how the goddess I^a arose out of this offering. I presume that the story of the Pakaya^;7a as the first offering made by Manu after the great flood, stands in a certain correlation to the idea of the introduction of the three sacrificial fires through Pururavas^ Pururavas is the son of I(T^a ; the original man Manu, who brings forth I<^a through his offering, cannot have made use of a form of offering which presupposes the existence of I^a, and which moreover is based on the triad of the sacred fires introduced by Pururavas ; hence Manu's offering must have been a Pakaya^?7a ; we read in one of the GrzTiya-sutras ^ : ' All Pakaya^;7as are performed without Ida..' There are still other passages in the Brahmawa texts showing that the Grzhya. offerings were already known ; I will mention a saying of Ya^;/avalkya's reported in the ^atapatha Brahma//a ^ : he would not allow that the daily morning and evening offering was a common offering, but said that, in a certain measure, it w^as a Pakaya^;^a. Finally I would call attention to the offering prescribed in the last book of the Satapatha Brihmawa^ for the man ' who wishes that a learned son should be born to him ; ' it is there stated that the preparation of the A^a (clarified butter) should be performed ' according to the rule of the Sthali- paka (pot-boiling),' and the way in which the offering is to ^ It is true that, as far as I know, passages expressly stating this with regard to Pururavas have not yet been pointed out in the Brahma«a texts ; but the words in ^atapatha Brahmawa XI, 5, i, 14-17, and even in Rig-veda X, 95, 18 stand in close connection to this prominent characteristic of Pururavas in the later texts. ^ .Sankhayana I, 10, 5. ^ II, 3, i, 21. * XIV, 9, 4, 1 8 = BrzTiadarawyaka VI, 4, 19 (Sacred Books of the East, vol. XV, p. 220). Cf. Grzliya-sawgraha I, 114 for the expression sthalipakavr^'ta which is here used, and which has a technical force in the Gr^hya literature. INTRODUCTION. XVU be performed is described by means of an expression, upaghatam^, which often occurs in the Grzhya. Hterature in a technical sense. We thus see that the Brahma;/a books are acquainted with the Grthys. fire, and know about the Grthya offerings and their permanent technical peculiarities ; and it is not merely the later portions of the Brahma;^a works such as the fourteenth book of the 6'atapatha Brahmawa, in which we meet with evidence of this kind ; we find it also in portions against the antiquity of which no objections can be raised. While therefore on the one hand the Brahma;/a texts prove the existence of the Gnhya ceremonial, we see on the other hand, and first of all by means of the Brahma;/a texts themselves, that a literary treatment of this ritualistic subject-matter, as we find it in the Brahma/^as themselves with regard to the 6>auta offerings, cannot then have existed. If there had existed texts, similar to the Brahma;^a texts preserved to us, which treated of the Grzhya ritual, then, even supposing the texts themselves had disappeared, we should still necessarily find traces of them in the Brahmawas and Sutras. He who will take the trouble to collect in the Brahma;/a texts the scattered references to the then existing literature, will be astonished at the great mass of notices of this kind that are preserved : but nowhere do we find traces of Gr/hya Brahma;/as. And besides, if such works had ever existed, we should be at a loss to understand the difference which the Hindus make between the 5rauta-sutras based on 6"ruti (reve- lation), and the Gr/hya-sutras resting on Smrz'ti (tradition) alone '". The sacred Gr/hya acts are regarded as ' smarta,' and when the question is raised with what right they can be considered as a duty resting on the sacrificer alongside of the ^rauta acts, the answer is given that they too are based on a ^akh^ of the Veda, but that this ^akha is * See GrzTiya-sawgraha I, iii. 112. * The G;-zhya-svitra of Baudhayana is called Smarta-sutra in the best known MS. of this work (Sacred Books of the East, vol. xiv, p. xxx). [30] b xvlii G/27HYA-S^TRAS. hidden, so that its existence can only be demonstrated by- reasoning 1. But the Brahma;/a texts furnish us still in another way the most decisive arguments to prove that there have been no expositions of the Grihya. ritual in Brahmawa form : they contain exceptionally and scattered through their mass sections, in which they treat of subjects which ac- cording; to later custom would have been treated in the GrzTiya-sutras. Precisely this sporadic appearance of Grthya. chapters in the midst of expositions of a totally different contents leads us to draw the conclusion that literary compositions did not then exist, in which these chapters would have occupied their proper place as integral parts of a whole. Discussions of questions of Grihya. ritual are found in the Brahma;/a literature, natur- ally enough in those appendices of various kinds which generally follow the exposition of the principal subject of the 6"rauta ritual. Accordingly we find in the eleventh book of the vSatapatha Brahma;^a ^, among the manifold additions to subjects previously treated, which make up the principal contents of this book ^, an exposition of the Upanayana, i. e. the solemn reception of the pupil by the teacher, who is to teach him the Veda. The way in which the chapter on the Upanayana is joined to the preceding one, is eminently characteristic ; it shows that it is the merest accident which has brought about in that place the discussion of a subject connected with the Gr^Tiya ritual, and that a ceremony such as the Upanayana is properly not in its proper place in the midst of the literature of Brahmawa texts. A dialogue (brahmodya) between Uddalaka and Saukeya precedes ; the two talk of the Agnihotra and of various expiations (prayaj-^-itta) connected with that sacri- fice. At the end Saukeya, filled with astonishment at the wisdom of Uddalaka, declares that he wishes to come to him as a pupil (upay^ni bhagavantam), and Uddalaka '■ Max Miiller, History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, pp. 94-96. ^-atapatha Brahma;/a XI, 5, 4. Max Miiller, History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 359. 2 3 INTRODUCTION. XIX accepts him as his pupil. It is the telh'ng of this story and the decisive words upayani and upaninye which furnish the occasion for introducing the following section on the Upanayana ^. The subject is there treated in the peculiar style of the Brahmawa texts, a style which we need not characterize here. I shall only mention one point, viz. that into the description and explanation of the Upanayana ceremony has been inserted one of those Slokas, such as we often find in the GrzTiya-sutras also, as a sort of ornamental amplification of the prose exposition ^. ' Here a 51oka is also sung,' says the Brahma/za -^ : a/^aryo garbhi bhavati hastam adhaya dakshi;^am ^aryakulan matapitarau bibhr/yat, tabhyam anu^«ato bharyam upayaXV^/'et. * The same may be said with regard to two other Grihya texts which also belong to the black Ya^ir-veda, the Manava and the Ka///aka. See Jolly, Das Dharmasutra des Vish;m und das Ka/Z^akagr/hyasiitra, p. 75 ; Von Ikadke, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlaiid. Gesellschaft, vol. xxxvi, p. 445. XXVI G/27HYA-S In the domain of the Atharva-veda literature alone we find this relation reversed ; here the Aauta-sutra (the Vaitana-siitra) presupposes the GrAya-sutra (the Kau«ka-sutra). Cf. Prof. Garbe's preface to his edition of the Vaitana- sutra, p. vii. This relation is not extraordinary, considering the secondary character of the Vaitana-sutra. * Uktani vaitanikani, grihyhii vakshyama^. XXxIi G227HYA-SijTRAS. direction, that e.g. it should designate Paraskara as author when Katydyana himself was the author. We shall not be able to trust so implicitly to tradition where it puts down the same author for the Gr/hya-sutra as for the corresponding vSrauta-sutra ; the possibility that such data are false is so large that we have to treat them as doubtful so long as we have not discovered certain proofs of their correctness. At present, so far as I can see, we are just as little justified in considering that such a proof has been made as we are able to prove the opposite state of things. It is easy to find the many agreements in contents and expression which exist, for instance, between thcSrauta- sutra and Grz'hya-sutra of 5aiikhayana, or between the 5rauta-sutra and the Gr/hya-sutra of Ai'valayana ^. But these agreements cannot be considered as sufficient proof that in each case the Gr/hya-sutra and the vSrauta-sutra are by the same author. Even if the author of the Gr/hya-sutra was not A^valayana or Sahkhayana in person, still he must have been at all events perfectly familiar with the works of those teachers, and must have intended to fit his work to theirs as closely as possible, so that agreements of this kind can in no way astonish us ^. On the other hand, if the ^rauta-sutras and Gr/hya-sutras are read together, it is easy to discover small irregularities in the exposition, repetitions and such like, which might seem to indicate different authors. But the irregularities of this kind which have been detected up to the present are scarcely of such * The parallel passages from the .Srauta-sutra and the G^-zTiya-sutra of the Manavas are brought together in Dr. Von Bradke's interesting paper, ' Ueber das Manava-G;7hya-sutra,' Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenland. Gesellschaft, vol. xxxvi, p. 451. ^ For this reason I cannot accept the reasoning through which Prof. Biihler (Sacred Books of the East, vol. ii, p. xiv) attempts to prove the identity of the author of the 6'rauta-sutra and of the Dharma-sutra of the Apastambiya school. Biihler seems to assume that the repetition of the same Sutra, and of the same irregular grammatical form in the .^rauta-sutra and in the Dharma-siitra, must either be purely accidental, or, if this is impossible, that it proves the identity of the authors. But there remains a third possible explanation, that the two texts are by different authors, one of whom knows and imitates the style of the other. INTRODUCTION. XXXIU a character as not to be easily ascribable to mistakes and carelessness such as even a careful author may be guilty of in the course of a large work ^. It seems to me then that until the discovery of further circumstances throwing light on the question of the identity of the authors of the 5rautas and of the Grzhyas, it would be premature if we were to venture on a decision of this question in one direction or the other. Prof. Biihler's investigations have made perfectly clear the relation in which the GrzTiya-sutras and the Dharma- sutras stand to each other in those cases, where we have texts of both kinds by the same school. In the case of A the Gr/hya-sutra and the Dharma-sutra of the Apastam- biyas he has proved ^ that both texts were the work of the same author according to a common plan, so that the Grzhya-sutra is as short and terse as possible, because Apastamba had reserved for the Dharma-sutra a portion of the subject-matter generally treated of in the Grzhya- sutras. Besides there are references in each of the two texts to the other which strengthen the proof of their being written by the same author. In the Sutra collection of Hirawyakei-in the state of things is different. Here, as Prof. Biihler has also shown ^, we find numerous discrep- ancies between the Grihya. and the Dharma-sutra, which are owing to the fact, that while this teacher took as Dharma-sutra that of Apastamba with some unessential changes, he composed a GrzTiya-sutra of his own. Of the two Sutras of Baudh^yana, the same distinguished scholar, to whom we owe the remarks we have just men- tioned, has treated in the Sacred Books of the East, vol. xiv, p. xxxi. I believe that every reader who compares the two kinds of texts will notice that the frame within which the exposi- tion of the Dharma-sutras is inclosed, is an essentially ^ Cf. my remarks in the introduction to the ^'ankhayana-Grz'hya, vol. xxix, pp. 5, 6. ^ Sacred Books of the East, vol. ii, p. xiii seq. ' Sacred Books of the East, vol. ii, p. xxiii seq. [30] C XXXIV Gi2/HYA-SUTRAS. broader one than in the case of the Grzliya-sutras. We have here, I think, the same phenomenon that may also be ob- served, for instance, in the domain of the Buddhist Vinaya literature, where the exposition of the life of the community was at first given only in connection with the explanation of the list of sins (Patimokkha) which was promulgated every half month at the meetings of the spiritual brethren. It was not till later that a more comprehensive exposition, touch- ing all the sides of the life of the community was attempted^, an exposition which, on the one hand, no longer limited itself to the points discussed in the Patimokkha, and which, on the other hand, necessarily had much in common with what was laid down in the Patimokkha, The relation of the Gr/hya-sutras and Dharma-sutras seems to me to be of a similar nature. The Grz'hya-sutras begin to treat of the events of the daily life of the household, but they do not yet undertake to exhaust the great mass of this subject- matter ; on the contrary they confine themselves principally to the ritual or sacrificial side of household life, as is natural owing to their connection with the older ritualistic literature. Then the Dharma-sutras take an important step further ; their purpose is to describe the whole of the rights and customs which prevail in private, civic, and public life. They naturally among other things touch upon the cere- monies treated in the GrzTiya-sutras, but they generally merely mention them and discuss the questions of law and custom which are connected with them, without undertaking to go into the technical ordinances as to the way in which these ceremonies are to be performed ^. Only in a few cases do portions treated of in the domain of the Dharma-sutras happen to coincide with portions treated of in the Gr/hya-sutras. Thus especially, apart from a few objects of less importance, the detailed rules for the behaviour of the Snataka and the rules for the interruptions ^ In the work which has Khandhaka as its general title and which has been transmitted to us in two parts, Mahavagga and Aullavagga. ^ Compare, for instance, the explanations concerning the Upanayana in the Dharma-sutras (Apastamba I, I ; Gautama 1) with the corresponding sections of the Gr/hya-sutras. INTRODUCTION. XXXV of the Veda study (anadhyaya) are generally treated in an exactly similar way in the texts of the one and those of the other category. We have spoken above of the metrical peculiarities of the Mantras quoted in the Grz'hya-sutras, the metre of which clearly proves what is indubitable from other reasons, that most, if not all, of these verses were composed at a perceptibly older period than the descriptions of the sacred acts in the midst of which they are inserted ^. A second kind of verses which are quoted in the Gr/hya-sutras must be carefully dis- tinguished from these. It is doubtful whether there are any to be found among them which the authors of the Sutras have themselves composed ; but they were composed at a period decidedly more recent than those Mantras -, and they there- fore exhibit metrical peculiarities which are essentially different. The verses I mean are 51okas of ritual contents, which are quoted to confirm or to complete what is stated in the prose, and which are introduced by such expressions as tad apy ahu/2 'here they say also,' or tad api sloka/i ' here there are also ^'lokas,' and other similar phrases ^ We called attention above (p. xix) to the fact that a verse of this kind occurs in one of the Grz'hya chapters of the 5atapatha Brahma;/a, in a metre corresponding to the peculiarities of the older literary style. On the other hand, the verses appearing in the Gr/hya-sutras differ only in a few cases from the standard of the later .Sloka prosody, as we have it, e. g. in the Mahabh^rata and in the laws of Manu. In the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenland. Gesellschaft, vol. xxxvii, p. 6'j, I have given tables for the verses in question out of the 6"ankhayana-Gr/hya, and these tables show that the characteristic ending of the first * We do not mean to deny that among these verses too a few of especially modem appearance are to be found; e.g. this is tme of the verses which Dr. Von Bradke has quoted from the Manava-Gr/hya II, 14, 34 (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenland. Gesellschaft, vol. xxxvi, p. 429). ' Let me here refer to the fact that one of these verses (Ajvalayana-GrzTiya IV, 7, 16) concludes with the words, ' thus said .Saunaka.' ' Ajvalayana-Grzliya I, 3, 10 designates such a verse as ya^«agatha. C 2 XXX vi Gi?7HYA-St}TRAS. 51oka Pada for the later period ^ — , which, for instance, in the Nalopakhyana of the Mahabharata covers precisely five-sixths of all the cases, occurs in vSaiikhayana in thirty cases out of thirty-nine, that is in about three quarters of the cases ^ ; ^ankhayana has still twice the ending ^ - w — which is the rule in the Rig-veda, but which is forbidden by the later prosody : prahuta// pitr/karma/m, uktva man- tra?;/ spmed apa// ^. It may be observed that a similar treatment of the vSloka metre appears also in the Rig-veda Pratijakhya of ^aunaka. Here too the modern form of the ending of the first pada dominates, although sometimes the old iambic form is preserved, e. g. II; 5 anta//pada;;zvivr/t- taya//, III, 6 anudattodaye puna//. It seems evident that we have in this vSloka form of the Sutra period, the last preparatory stage which the develop- ment of this metre had to traverse, before it arrived al the shape which it assumes in epic poetry ; and it is to be hoped that more exhaustive observations on this point (account being especially taken of the numerous verses quoted in the Dharma-siitras) will throw an important light on the chronology of the literature of this period lying between the Vedas and the post-Vedic age. We add to these remarks on the vSlokas quoted in the Gr/hya-sutras, that we come upon a number of passages in the midst of the prose of the Sutras, which without being in any way externally designated as verses, have an un- mistakable metrical character, being evidently verses which the authors of the Sutras found ready made, and which they used for their own aphorisms, either without changing them at all, or with such slight changes that the original form remained clearly recognisable. Thus we read in Aj'valayana (Gr/hya I, 6, 8), as a definition of the Rakshasa marriage : hatva bhittva ka. jirshawi rudati;;/ rudadbhyo ^ The few verses which are found in Gobhila preserve the same metrical standard as those quoted in ^"ankhayana ; it follows that in Gobhila IV, 7, 23, ajvatthad agnibhayaw bruyat, we cannot change briiyat in Jta., as Prof Knauer proposes. The supernumerary syllable of the first foot is unobjectionable, but the form xj of the second foot should not be touched. ^ Both passages are to be found in ^"ankhayana-G;7hya I, 10. INTRODUCTION. XXXVU haret : the approximation of these words to the vSloka metre cannot escape attention, and it is only necessary to make rudadbhya/^ and rudati;// change places in order to obtain a regular 51oka hemistich. In Gobhila the Sutras I, 2, 21-27 represent three hemistichs, which with one exception (na k-A. sopanatka/^ kva/tit) exactly conform to the laws of the 51oka metre. II, 4, 2 gives also a hemi- stich by slightly changing the order : Mahavr^Tcshan j-ma^anam kdi nadi.y kz. vishama;n /^a^. Somewhat more remote from the original verses is the wording of the Sutras I, 6, 8. 9 na pravasann upavased ity ahu/^, patnya vrataw bhavatiti ; we have the metrical order in one of the 5Iokas quoted by 5ahkhayana (Grz'hya II, 17) : nopavasa/^ pravase syat patni dharayate vratam. The verses which are thus either expressly quoted, or at any rate made use of by the authors of the Gr/hya-sutras, do not seem to be taken from connected metrical works any more than the ya^;7agathas quoted in the Brahma;^as; on the contrary in a later period of literature, when texts similar to Manu's Code were composed, they evidently furnished these texts with some of their materials ^. Leaving out of consideration the Khadira-GrzTiya, which is evidently a recast of the Gobhiliya-Grz'hya, and the Sutra of Hira7/yake.yin, which is, at least in part, based on that of Apastamba ^, we are not in regard to the other Gr/hya texts in a condition to prove that one of them borrowed from the other. It often happens that single Sutras or whole rows of Sutras agree so exactly in different texts that this agreement cannot be ascribed to chance ; but this does not — so far at least — enable us to tell which text is to be looked upon as the source of the * The text has: nadijf kz. vishama«i kx mahav;7'kshan j-maj^ana;;/ k7i. ^ Cf. Indische Studien, XV, ii. We do not mean to imply anything as to the metrical portions of other Sutra texts than the GrzTiya-sutras. As regards some verses quoted in the Baudhayana-Dharma-sutra, Prof. Biihler (Sacred Books of the East, vol. xiv, p. xli) has shown that they are actually borrowed from a metrical treatise on the Sacred Law. * Cf. Prof. BUhler's remarks, Sacred Books of the East, vol. ii, p. xxiii. xxxviii g/?7Hya-sOtras. other, or whether they have a common source which has been lost. I will content myself with mentioning two such cases of agreement, in the one of which we can at least prove that a certain Sutra cannot originally spring from one of the texts in which we find it, while in the other case we are able by means of a possibly not too uncertain conjecture to recon- struct the opening Sutras of a lost Gr/Tiya-sutra. The description of the vr/shotsarga (i.e. of the setting a bull at liberty) agrees almost word for word in the Sutras of vSaiikhayana (III, ii), Paraskara (III^ 9), and in the Ka/Z/aka-Gr/hya. In wSankhayana we read : § 15: nabhyasthe^numantrayate mayobhur ity anuvaka- .feshe;/a. (' When the bull is in the midst of the cows, he recites over them the texts " mayobhu/i!^ &c.," down to the end of the Anuvaka.') On the other hand in Paraskara we have : § 7 : nabhyastham abhimantrayate mayobhur ity anuva- kai-eshe/za. (' When the bull is in the midst of the cows, he recites over it the texts " mayobhu//, &c.," down to the end of the Anuvaka.') The quotation mayobhu/^ is clear, if we refer it to the Rig-veda. Hymn X, 169, which stands about in the middle of an Anuvaka, begins with this word ^. On the other hand in the V^^asaneyi Sa;//hita there is no Mantra beginning with Mayobhu/z ; we find this word in the middle of the Mantra XVIII, 45, and there follow verses whose use at the vr/shotsarga would seem in part extremely strange. There can thus be no doubt that Paraskara here borrowed from a Sutra text belonging to the Rig-veda, a Pratika, which, when referred to the Va^asaneyi Samhlta, results in nonsense. The other passage which I wish to discuss here is Para- ' In the Taittiriya Sawhita (VII, 4, 17) mayobhu/^ is the beginning of an Anuvaka ; the expression anuvakajeshe^^a would have no meaning if referred to this text. INTRODUCTION. XXXIX skara 1, 4, 1-5. Paraskara, being just on the point of describ- ing the marriage ritual, prefixes a few sentences, the position of which here it is not very easy to understand. A general division of all Pakaya^;7as — general remarks on the nature of the place for sacrificing : this looks very strange between a discussion of the Arghya and marriage ceremonies. Now these same sentences are found almost word for word and with the same passing on to the marriage ritual in ^ahkha- yana also (Gr/hya I, 5, i-5)- Here, as in other cases, we have the borrowing word for word of such portions of text from an older text, and, closely related to this phenomenon, the fact that the sentences in question are awkwardly woven into the context of the Grihya. where we read them, and are poorly connected with the surrounding parts. Unless we are much deceived; we have here a fragment from an older source inserted without connection and without change. It would seem that this fragment was the beginning of the original work ; for the style and contents of these Sutras are peculiarly appropriate for the beginning. Thus, if this conjecture is right, that old lost Grz'hya began with the main division of all the Pakaya^;7as into four classes, and then proceeded at once to the marriage ritual. Later, when the texts which we have, came into existence, the feeling evidently arose, that in this way an important part of the matter had been overlooked. The supplementary matter was then inserted before the old beginning, which then naturally, as is to be seen in our texts, joins on rather strangely and abruptly to these newly-added portions. G^/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. l» [3'=] B INTRODUCTION TO THE Gi^/HYA-StJTRA OF GOBHILA. The Grz'hya-sutra of Gobhila differs from those of ^aiikhayana, Aj-valayana, Paraskara, Hira;/yakej-in in one essential point: while these texts presuppose only the same Vedic Sawhitas on which also the corresponding 5rauta- sutras are based, viz. the Rig-veda-Sa;//hita. the Va^asnneyi- Sa;//hita, and the Taittiriya-Sa;//hita ; the Sutra of Gobhila, on the other hand, presupposes, beside the Sawhita of the Sama-veda ^, another collection of Mantras which evidently was composed expressly with the purpose of being used at Gr/'hya ceremonies : this collection is preserved to us under the title of the Mantra-Brahma;^a,and it has been edited at Calcutta (1873), with a commentary and Bengali trans- lation by Satyavrata Sama^ramin ^. Prof. Knauer of Kievv, to whom all students of the Grz'hya literature are highly indebted for his very accurate edition and translation of Gobhila, has been the first to ' The term ' Sawhita of the Sama-veda ' ought to be understood here in its narrower sense as denoting the so-called first book of the Sawhita, the A7ianda-ar,^ika or collection of Yoni verses (see on the relation between this collection and the second book my remarks in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vol. xxxviii, pp. 464 seq.). Prof. Knauer in his list of the verses quoted by Gobhila (p. 29 of his translation of the Gobhiliya- G^Vhya) states that Sama-veda II, 1138 ( = 1, 276) and 1139 is quoted in Gobhila III, 9, 6, but an accurate analysis of the words of Gobhila shows that the verse II, 1 139 is not referred to, so that only the verse II, 1138 remains, which occurs also in the first book of the Sawhita. The ' d vika' of which Gobhila speaks in that Sutra is not a dvrz/C-a, but, as the commentators rightly understand it (see Knauer's edition of the text, p. xii '•, it is a dyad of Samans or melodies, the two Kavasha Samans which are based on the text I, 276, and are given in the great Sama-veda edition of Satyavrata Samajramin, vol. i, pp. 566, 567. ^ In the same way the Grzhya-sutra of Apastamba stands in connection with a similar collection of Gr/hya verses and formula?, the Apastambiya-Mantra- pa/Z:a. B 2 G/27HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. examine into the relation in which the two texts, the Mantra-Brahma//a and the Gobhihya-sutra, stand to each other. He has very kindly enabled me to make use, before they were published, of the results of his investiga- tions, which he has laid down in the introduction to his translation of Gobhila. While I wish, therefore, to acknow- ledge the obligation under which Prof. Knauer has thus laid me, I must try, on the other side, to state my own opinion as to the problem in question, which in some points differs from, or is even opposed to, the theory by which Prof. Knauer has tried to solve it. To begin with that side of the question regarding which there can scarcely be any doubt : it is certain, I believe, that Gobhila supposes the Mantra-Brahmawa to be known to the students of his Siitra. The reasons which show this are obvious enough ^. By far the greater part of the Mantras of which Gobhila quotes the first words, are not found in the Sama-veda nor, for the most part, in any other Vedic Sawhita, except in the Mantra-Brahmawa, in which they stand in exactly the same order in which they are referred to by Gobhila. The descriptions of the Grzhya sacrifices by Gobhila would have been meaningless and useless, and the sacrificer who had to perform his domestic ceremonies according to the ritual of Gobhila, would have been unable to do so, unless he had known those Mantras as contained in the Mantra-Brahma;/a. And not only the Mantras, but also the order in which the Mantras stood, for Sutras such as, for instance, Gobh. II, i, lo ('With the two following verses he should wash,' &c.), would have no meaning except for one who had studied the Mantra-Brahmawa which alone could show which ' the two following verses ' were. There are, consequently, two possibilities : either the Mantra-Brahnia;/a existed before the Gobhiliya-sutra, or the two works have been composed together and on one common plan. It is the first of these alternatives which Prof. Knauer maintains ; I wish, on the other hand, to call ^ Cf. Knauer's Introduction, pp. 24, 31 seq. INTRODUCTION. the attention of Vedic scholars to some facts which seem to me to render the second more probable. A great part of the Mantras which have to be recited, according to Gobhila, at the performance of the Grz'hya ceremonies, are not given in the Mantra-Brahmawa, but they are either found in the Sama-veda-Sawhita and then their Pratikas are quoted by Gobhila, or they are cited by Gobhila in extenso. Thus for the ceremonies described in the first Prapa//^aka of Gobhila, such as the morning and evening offerings and the sacrifices of the full and new moon, the Mantra-Brahma;^a gives, with one single excep- tion, no Mantras at all ^ ; but those Mantras, most of which consist only of a few words, are given by Gobhila only. It is scarcely to be believed that in a Sa7«hita which had to contain the Mantras required for the performance of the Gr/hya sacrifices, the Mantras belonging to the two daily and the two fortnightly sacrifices, which occupy one of the first places among all Gr/hya ceremonies and are treated of accordingly in all Gr/hya-sutras, should have been omitted, unless that Sawhita was intended to stand in relation to another text by which that deficiency was sup- plied : and the Gobhiliya-sutra exactly supplies it. Prof. Knauer thinks that those Mantras were omitted because they had already found their place in the 5rauta ritual ; but we must not forget that in the 5rauta ritual of the Sama-vedins neither the Agnihotra nor the Darj-apurwa- masa sacrifices, which are performed without the assistance of priests of the Udgatrz class, are treated of. Moreover the one Mantra to which we have already alluded -, the single one which corresponds in the Mantra-Brahma;^a to the first book of Gobhila, seems to me quite sufficient to show that it was not the intention of the compiler of that text to disregard that group of sacrifices ; he gave that Mantra only, because the other Mantras, consisting of but a few words, were given in extenso in the Gobhila text. The Mantra of which we speak, belongs to the description Cf. Knauer's translation, Introduction, p. 25. Mantra-Brahma«a I, i, i. A. 6 G/27HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA of the paryukshawa of the sacrificial fire. The sacrificer pours out water to the south, the west, and the north of the fire, with the Mantras, ' Adite-numanyasva,' ' Anumate ^^numanyasva,' ' Sarasvaty anumanyasva ' ; then he sprinkles water round the fire once or three times with a longer Mantra, 'Deva Savita/^ prasuva ya^na.m prasuva ya^wapatim bhagaya. Divyo gandharva/^ ketapu// ketaw na./i punatu. Va^aspatir vaZ'a?// na// svadatu/ This last one is the Mantra given in its entirety in the Mantra-Brahma//a, while Gobhila ^ has only the first words of it. To assume here that the author of the Mantra-Br^hma;/a knew only of that one Mantra, and that at the time of Gobhila the custom of the Sama-vedins had undergone a change, so that they used four Mantras instead of the one, would be, in my opinion, an artificial and not very probable way of explaining the facts ; a much more natural supposition would be, I believe, that the Sutra and the Mantra-Brahmawa describe one and the same form of the ceremony, so that the Br^h- ma«a, by omitting the short Mantras, which were given in the Sutra in their entirety, implicitly refers to the Sutra, and the Sutra, on the other hand, by quoting only the first words of the longer Mantra, refers to the Brahma;/a in which the full text of that Mantra was given. Among the numerous ceremonies described by Gobhila, which could -furnish the occasion for similar remarks, we select only two : the rites performed in the evening of the wedding-day^, and the sacrifice on the full-moon day of Ai-vayu^a". The bridegroom, having carried away his bride from her home, takes her to the house of a Brahma;^a, and when the stars have appeared, he makes six oblations with the six verses lekhasandhishu pakshmasu (Man- tra-Br. I, 3, 1-6) : these are given in the Mantra-Brahma//a, and Gobhila has only the Pratika. Then follow two short Mantras : the bride, to whom the polar-star has been shown, addresses that star with the words : dhruvam asi dhruvahaw patikule bhuy^sam amushyasav iti; 1 Gobh. I, 3, 4. ' Gobh. II, 3, 17 seq. ^ Gobh. Ill, 8. INTRODUCTION. and when she sees the star Arundhati, she says, ruddha- ham asmi. As the full wording of these Mantras is given by Gobhila, they arc omitted in the Brahma//a. Finally the bridegroom recites over the bride the Rik dhruva dyaur dhruva pr/thivi, &c. ; this we find in the M.-B. (I, 3, 7), the Pratika only being quoted by Gobhila. If one were to suppose here that in the two texts two different stages in the development of this ceremony are represented, so that only the Mantras lekhisandhishu and dhruva dyau/^ would belong to the more ancient form of it, while the Mantras dhruvam asi and ruddhaham asmi would have been introduced at a later time, it may perhaps not be possible to disprove, in the strictest sense of the word, such an opinion. But I think the data we have given point to another solution of the problem which, if not the only admissible, is yet the most probable and natural one. Gobhila gave the full wording of the shorter Mantras with which the description of the ceremony could be interwoven without becoming obscure or disproportionate ; the longer Mantras would have interrupted, rather tediously and incon- veniently, the coherency of his ritual statements ; so he separated them from the rest of his work and made a sepa- rate Sa;;/hita of them. It is true that there are some exceptions to the rule that all long Mantras are given in the Mantra-Brahma//a and all short Mantras only in the Sutra : on the one hand, there are some Mantras of con- siderable extent that are given by Gobhila and omitted in the Brahma;/a, thus, for instance, the Mantra yady asi saumi used at a preparatory ceremony that belongs to the Puwsavana \ On the other hand, a number of short Mantras which Gobhila gives in e x tens o, are found never- theless also in the Mantra-Brahma//a : such is the case, for instance, with many of the Mantras belonging to the worship of the Fathers, Gobhila IV, 2. 3, Mantra-Br. II, 3. 1 Gobh. II, 6, 7. It is possible, though we have no positive evidence for this conjecture, that such statements regarding preparatory or auxiliary ceremonies may here and there have been added to the Siitra collection in a later time. The Khadira-G;7'hya ^11, 2, 20) has instead of that long Mantra only a few words which in the Gobhiliya-siitra stand at the end of it. 8 G72/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. It appears then, that allowance must be made for a certain inconsistency or carelessness in the distribution of the material between the two texts : and such an assumption will easily be allowed by any one who does not entertain very exaggerated ideas as to the care and reflection which presided over the composition of the Sutra texts. I will add only a few words concerning a second Gr/hya ceremony, which calls for the same sort of comment as the rites which have just been discussed. For the offering on the day of the full moon, Gobhila prescribes (III, 8, 2) first the verse a no mitravaru;/a, second the verse ma nas toke. The Mantra-Brahma;/a(II, i, 8) has the second of these verses only, not the first : conversely, the first verse alone, and not the second, is to be found in the Saw- hita of the Sama-veda (I, 220). We could hardly assume, as I think, that the Mantra-Brahma;/a presupposed another form of the rite differing from Gobhila's ; we should be much more inclined to consider the leaving out of that matter, which was contained in other texts of the Sama-veda, as a proof that the compiler of the Mantra-Brahmawa assumed that those texts were known ^. And this brings me to one of Prof. Knauer's conjectures concerning the Mantra-Br^hma;/a which I have not yet touched. According to tradition we consider the Mantra- Brahmawa as belonging to the Sama-veda ; in the Calcutta edition it is designated as the ' Sama-vedasya Mantra- Brahma;/am.' Prof. Knauer thinks that it is doubtful whether the Mantra-Brahma;/a belonged to the Sama-veda originally. He conjectures^ 'that it existed already in the ' Any one who holds the view that the ritualistic formulas, which are not contained in the Mantra-Brahma;;a, represent later extensions of the ceremonies in question, will do well to notice how in any one of the offerings of the .Srauta ritual which we possess, both in the old description of the Sawhita and Brahmawa texts, and in the more recent description of the Sutra texts, Mantras have been added in more recent times to the former ones. I think that it would be difficult to draw from such observations any argument of analogy calculated to support Dr. Knauer's opinion as to the relation of the Mantras in Gobhila and in the Mantra-Brahmawa. ^ Introduction to his translation, p. 23. INTRODUCTION. period during which the separate schools were as yet in the process of sifting, when there were as yet no Sama-vedists in the later and stricter sense of the term ^.' For out of 249 Mantras of the Mantra-Brahmawa there are only four which are found in the Sama-veda ^, as Prof. Knauer has shown, while a much greater number of these Mantras occur in the other Vedic Sa;//hitas. I should be inclined to conclude the other way : just because the author of the Mantra-Brahma;^a presupposed a knowledge of the Sawhita of the Sama-veda, but not of the other Vedas — or in other words because he destined his work for Sama-vedins, he did not need to repeat what was in the Sama-veda, but was compelled to incorporate in his compilation the Mantras out of the Rig-veda or of the Ya^ur-veda ^. Moreover, I would draw the same conclusions from the Mantras cited by Gobhila which are absent in the Mantra-Brahma;^a, as I did from the Mantras which occur in the Mantra-Brahma;/a, but are not to be found in the Sama-veda. Those Mantras are all to be found in the Sama-veda with the exception of those which Gobhila has in extenso, and which therefore could be omitted in the Mantra-Brahmawa. If we examine the thirteen Mantras collected by Prof. Knauer (p. 29), we find that in the case of nine of them the passage of the Sama- veda (always of the first ArZ'ika of the Sama-veda) where they are to be found is quoted by Prof. Knauer. ' Besides the reasons given below in opposition to this conjecture, I may be permitted to point out that this hypothesis is contrary to the whole chronology of the Gr?'hya literature which we endeavoured to arrive at in the general introduction. It is a priori extremely improbable that there was a Gr/hya Sawhita at a time when there was as yet no Sama-veda. ^ Viz. (according to Prof. Knauer's alphabetical list of the Mantras of the Mantra-Brahma«a) imaw stomam arhate, M.-B. II, 4, 2 = Sv. 1,66; II, 414; tat savitur varewyam, M.-B. I, 6, 29 = Sv. II, 812 ; bharamedhmam, M.-B. II, 4, 3 = Sv. II, 415 ; j-akema tva, M.-B. 11, 4, 4 = Sv. II, 416. ^ Notice that of the four exceptional cases which we put together in the previous note, three cases are Mantras which are found only in the second Ar/tika of the Sama-veda, not in the first (cf. above, p. 3, note i). The fourth verse (M.-B. II, 4, 2) is to be found in the first Ar^-ika, it is true, but it stands closely related to two verses which are not to be found in that ArX-ika ^M.-B. II, 4, 3. 4). This explains why it was put into the Mantra-Brahmawa, as well as those two verses. lO G/27PIYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. The four other cases are : rik-A.i]i sama ya^^'amahe, Gobh. Ill, 2, 48. \.2ik ^akshur devahitam, III, 8, 5. sam anya yanti, III, 9, 7. pra^apataye, IV, 7, 36, Of these Mantras the first is contained in the Sama-veda (I, 369) just as the nine first-mentioned ones ; the second is quoted by Gobhila in extenso; the third is to be found in the Ara;zyaka division of the Sama-veda I (vol. ii, p. 292, ed. Bibl. Ind.) ; in the fourth finally the text is corrupt ; it is intended for the verse out of the Mantra-Brahma//a Pra^Apate na tvad etany anya//. Thus the four apparent exceptions all vanish, and we have in the Mantras which are absent in the Mantra-Brahma//a a new proof that this text belongs to the literature of the Sama-veda ^. Thus, according to my view, we may describe the origin of the Mantra-Brahma;/a as follows. The Sama-veda con- tained in its Sawhita a much smaller number of Mantras applicable to the Grzhya rites than either the Rig-veda or the Ya^ur-veda ; the peculiar character of the Saman texts, intended for musical recitations at the most important sacrificial offerings, was quite remote from the character of formulas suitable for the celebration of a wedding, for the birth of a child, for the consecration of fields and flocks. Hence it is that, to a much greater extent than A^-valayana or Paraskara, Gobhila mentions Mantras for which a refer- ence to the Sawhita was not sufficient ; and this led to the compiling of a separate Sawhita of such Gr/hya-mantras, which presupposes the Gr/hya-sutra, just as the latter pre- supposes this Sawhita. The almost perfect agreement of the Mantra-Brahma;/a with Gobhila furnishes a valuable > One will not object that the Mantras in question which are absent in the Mantra-Brahma«a are all to be found in the Rig-veda as well as in the Sama- veda. Since almost all the verses of the Sama-ve a are taken from the Rig-veda there is nothing astonishing about this. Before one could conclude from this that the Mantra-Brahmawa belongs to the Rig-veda he would have to answer the question, How is it that the verses in question are always verses of the Rig-veda which are repeated in the Sama-veda? Why are there not among them verses which are not to be found in the Sama-veda ? INTRODUCTION. I I warrant for the good preservation of the two texts ; of small discrepancies I have noted only two : Mantra-Brah- ma;/a I, 6, 15, the formula agantra samaganmahi is given for the ceremony of the Upanayana, while Gobhila does not prescribe this Mantra for this ceremony, although other G/Vhya texts do ; and secondly, the Mantra-Brah- ma;^a II, 5, 1-7 does not consist of six verses as Gobh. IV, 6, ^^-6 allows us to assume, but of seven verses. In concluding this introduction notice is to be drawn to the fact that the text of Gobhila has preserved for us the traces of a division differing from the one into four Prapa- ///akas which is handed down by tradition : in a number of places certain Sutras or the last words of certain Sutras are set down twice, a well-known way of indicating the close of a chapter. This repetition, besides occurring at the end of the first, third, and fourth Prapa///aka (not at the end of the second), is to be found in the following places which become more frequent towards the close of the work: I, 4, 31; III, 6, 15 ; IV, I, 22 ; 4, 34 ; 5, 34 ; 6, 16. G/e/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. PRAPAr/fAKA I, KaA'DIKA 1. 1. Now henceforth we shall explain the domestic sacrifices. 2. He should perform (the ceremonies) wearing the sacrificial cord on his left shoulder and having sipped water. 3. During the northern course of the sun, at the time of the increasing moon, on an auspicious day, before noon : this he should know as the (proper) time (for performing the ceremonies). 4. And as the prescription (is stated with regard to the time of the single ceremonies). 5. All (ceremonies) are accompanied by the Anvaharya (^'raddha). 1, 1-4. Comp. Khadira-G/vliya I, i, i. 2. 5. 7. 5. I cannot give this translation of the words ' sarvawy evan- vaharyavanti ' without expressing my doubts as to whether the commentator, whom I have followed, is right. He says : ' anu paj/^'ad ahriyate yasmat prakr/ta//^ karma iti, anu pasiad ahriyate yat prastutat (prakr/tat ?) karma;/a iti Hnvaharyaw nandimu- khaj'raddhaw dakshi^/a /{'O/Jyate.' It is evident that the first expla- nation of anvaharya as a ceremony after which the chief sacrifice follows, is inadmissible. Below, IV, 4, 3. 4, Gobhila himself defines the Anvaharya '.S'raddha as a monthly ceremony (comp. Manu III, 123; Max IMiiller, India, p. 240); it is, consequently, diff"erent from a .S'raddha accompanying each Gri'hya sacrifice. The Sloka. which the commentary quotes from a ' gr^liyantara ' seems to me not to remove the doubt ; I think rather that it contains a specu- lation based on this very passage of Gobhila, taken in the sense in A 14 Gi?/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 6. At the end (of each ceremony) he should feed worthy (Brahmai^^as) according to his abihty. 7. A student, after he has studied the Veda, when going to put the last piece of wood (on the fire), — 8. Or to seize a wife's hand (i. e. to marry her), — 9. Should fetch water from a hidden place, should sweep a place which is inclined towards north-east, or which is level, and should besmear it (with cow- dung). Beginning from the centre of it he should draw a line from west to east, (another line) from south to north which touches that line at its western end, and three lines from west to east (touching the northwards-turned line at three different points) in its midst (i.e. at neither of its ends). He then should besprinkle (those lines with water). 10. In this way the Laksha;/a (i. e. the prepara- tion of the place for the sacred fire) is performed everywhere. 11. With the words ' Bhiir, bhuva/^, sva//,' they carry the fire forward (to that place) so that they have it in front of them. 12. Or after the householder has died, the chief which the commentator takes it, and on the Sutras IV, 4, 3. 4. Thus I rather believe that we ought to understand anvaharya as a mess of food hke that offered after the dar^apurwamasau sacrifices to the officiating priests (Hillebrandt, Neu- und Volhnondsopfer, 133), and I propose to translate : All (sacrifices) are followed by (the offering of) the Anvaharya food (to the priest). 6. Khadira-G/Vhya I, i, 3. 7. The text goes on to treat of the setting up of the domestic fire. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 3, i. 9. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 3, i seqq. ; G/Vhya-sawgraha I, 47 seqq. ; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl. Gesellschaft, XXXV, 557. 12. I have followed in the translation of paramesh//nkara«am the I PRAPAr/fAKA, I KAA^Z>IKA, 22. 1 5 (of the family) should do it {i, e. he should set up the sacred fire). 13. In this way, on the coincidence of an (auspi- cious) Tithi and an (auspicious) Nakshatra, (or of such a Nakshatra) and a Parvan — 14. On the full-moon day or on the new-moon day : then he should celebrate the setting up of his (sacred domestic) fire. 15. He should get fire from a Vai^-ya's house or from a frying-pan, and should set it up (as his sacred fire) ; 16. Or (he should fetch it) from the house of one who offers many sacrifices, be it a Brahma/^a, or a Ra^anya, or a Vai^-ya. 17. Or he may kindle another fire by attrition and may set it up. 18. That is pure, but it does not bring prosperity. 19. He may do what he likes (of the things stated as admissible in the last Sutras). 20. When he puts (at the end of his studentship) the last piece of wood (on the fire), or when he sacrifices when croino^ to seize the hand of a wife, that fire he should keep. 21. That becomes his (sacred) domestic fire. 22. Thereby his morning oblation has been offered. way indicated by the Gnliya-saOTgraha I, 77, and by ^ankhayana (I, I, 5) : prete va gr?'hapatau svaya/« ^yayan. I think the paramesh/^i is the same person as the^yayan. The commen- tary gives a different explanation : paramesli//n agnir ity a^akshate, tasya paramesh/Z/ino^gne/z karawa?// yathoktena vidhina svikarawam. 15-18. Khadira-G/'/hya I, 5, 3 seqq. 20, 21. Khadira-Gr/liya I, 5, i. 2. Comp. also above, Sutras 7 and 8. 22. I.e. in the first of the two cases mentioned in Sutra 20, the 1 6 Gi27HYA-SUTRA OF GOBIIILA. 23. Beginning from that time the sacrificing (of regular morning and evening oblations) in the domestic fire is prescribed, so that he begins with an evening oblation. 24. Before the time has come for setting the fire in a blaze, he should fetch in the evening and in the morning from a hidden place the water with which the different acts (such as sipping water) are performed. 25. Or (he should fetch water only) in the evening. 26. Or he -should draw it out of a water-pot or of a barrel. 27. Before sunset he should set the fire in a blaze, and sacrifice the eveninor oblation after sunset. 28. In the morninof he should set the fire in a blaze before sunrise, and should sacrifice the morning oblation before sunrise or after it. Kaa^dika 2. 1. He takes as his ya^/Iopavita (i. e. sacrificial cord) a string, or a garment, or simply a rope of Ku^a grass. putting of fuel on the fire, and in the second case, the oblations of fried grain, &c., prescribed for the wedding, are considered as the sacrificer's morning oblation in his newly-established Gn'hys. fire, so that the regular oblations have to begin with the sayamahuti. 23. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 5, 6. Comp. Prof. Bloomfield's note 2, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl. Gesellschaft, XXXV, 561. 27, 28. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 5, 7-9. As to the two cases regarding the time of the morning oblation,- comp. Indische Studien, X, 329. 2, 1-4. Rules regarding the Upavita. Khadira-Gr/hya I, i, 4-6. Compare the detailed description of the nine threads of which the Upavita-string should consist, in the GrzTiya-sawgraha II, 48 seqq. A string was evidently considered as the regular and preferable form of the Upavita ; with regard to the second kind of Upavita mentioned in Sutra i, the commentary says, 'A garment (is used). I PRAPAr//AKA, 2 KAA^Z)IKA, I 5. 1/ 2. Raising his right arm, putting the head into (the upavita), he suspends (the cord) over his left shoulder, so that it hangs down on his right side : thus he becomes ya^^/^opavitin. 3. Raising his left arm, putting the head into (the upavita), he suspends it over his right shoulder, so that it hangs down on his left side : thus he becomes praZ'inavitin. 4. Praiinavitin, however, he is only at sacrifices offered to the Manes. 5. Having gone in a northern direction from the fire, having washed his hands and feet, and having seated himself, he should sip water three times and wipe off (the water) twice. 6. Having besprinkled his feet (with w^ater) let him besprinkle his head. 7. Let him touch the organs of his senses with water : 8. The two eyes, the nose, the two ears. 9. Whatever (limb of his body) requires his con- sideration (whether it is pure or not), that he should touch with water (i. e. with a wet hand). 10. Here they say : 11. Let him not touch (himself with water, or sip water) while walking, 12. Nor standing, 13. Nor laughing, 14. Nor looking about, 15. Nor without bending down, if the Upavita has been lost, for instance, in a forest, and if it is impossible to get a string.' A similar remark is given with refer- ence to the third kind of Upavita, the rope of Ku^a grass. 5-32. Rules regarding the d^amana and upasparjana. Khadira-Gri'hya I, i, 7-10 ; Manu II, 60 seqq. [30] C 1 8 Gi2/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 1 6. Nor (throwing up the water) with his fingers, 17. Nor except with the (proper) Tirtha, 18. Nor uttering a sound, 19. Nor without looking (at the water), 20. Nor with his shoulders put back, 21. Nor wearing a part of his under garment as if it were an upper garment, 22. Nor with warm water, 23. Nor with foamy water, 24. And in no case wearing sandals, 25. (Not) with a turban on his head (?), 26. (Not with his garment) tied round his neck, 27. And not stretching out his feet. 28. When he has finally touched (water) again, he becomes pure. 29. Let him, however, sip only water that reaches his heart. 30. For if he does otherwise, he remains impure. 31. Now the cases in which he has to touch (water) a second time. 17. As to the Tirthas (or parts of the hand) sacred to the different deities or beings, comp. Vasish//;a III, 64 seqq., &c. See also Manu II, 58. 20. According to the commentary he has to hold his hands between his knees. Comp. ^ahkh.-G/7'hya I, 10, 8. Thus the shoulders are brought forward. 21-27. These Sutras form three regular 6'loka hemistichs. Only at the end of the second hemistich there is a metrical irregu- larity (sopanatka/^ kva/^it standing at the end of the verse). 25. Kasaktika/2, which the commentary explains as a compound of ka, ' the head,' and asaktika = avesh/ika. 28. Khadira-Gr/hya I, i, 10. 29. In other texts (for instance, Manu II, 62 ; Vasish///a III, 31 seqq.) it is stated that a Brahma«a should sip water that reaches his heart, a Kshatriya water reaching his throat, a Vai^ya water that wets his palate ; a SMm should only touch water with his hps. I PRAPAr/ZAKA, 3 KAiVDIKA, 6. 1 9 32. Having slept, or eaten, or sneezed, or taken a bath, or drunk something, or changed (his garments), or walked on the high road, or gone to a cemetery, he should sip water and then sip water again. Kajvdika 3. 1. Having put wood on the (sacred) fire, having swept (the ground) round it, he should, bending his right knee, pour out to the south of the fire his joined hands full of water with (the words), ' Aditi ! Give thy consent ! ' 2. To the west with (the words), 'Anumati! Give thy consent ! ' 3. To the north with (the words), ' Sarasvati ! Give thy consent ! ' 4. With (the words), 'God Savitrtl Give thy im- pulse! ' (Mantra-Brahma;^a I, i, i)he should sprinkle (water) round the fire once or thrice so as to keep his right side turned towards it — 5. Interchanging the points at which he begins and ends the (sprinkling of water), and sprinkling so as to encompass what he is going to offer (with the streams of water). 6. Let him then make oblations of the sacrificial food, be it prepared or raw, over the fire. 32. This Sutra again forms a -Sloka, though a slightly irregular 61oka. 3. Rules regarding the daily morning and evening sacrifice, 1-5. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 2, 17-21, 6. The sacrificial food is either knta (prepared) or akr/'ta (un- prepared), A mess of boiled rice, for instance, is kr/ta, rice grains are akr/ta. C 2 20 G/J/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 7. If it is raw, he should sacrifice after having washed it and having let the water drop off. 8. If it consists in curds or milk or rice gruel, {he should sacrifice it) with a brazen bowl, or with the pot in which the oblations of boiled rice are pre- pared, or also with the (sacrificial spoon called) Sruva ; 9. In the evening the first (oblation) with (the formula), ' To Agni Svaha ! ' the second silently, in the middle and in the north-eastern part (of the fire) ; 10. In the morning the first (oblation) with (the formula), ' To Surya Svaha ! ' the second again silently, again in the middle and in the north-eastern part (of the fire). 1 1. Having put a piece of wood (on the fire), and having again sprinkled (water) round it, he should pour out again his joined hands full of water in the same way (as prescribed in the Sutras 1-3) ; in the Mantras he says, ' Thou hast given thy consent ' (instead of ' Give thy consent '). 1 2. Having circumambulated the fire so as to turn his right side towards it, having poured out the remains of water, and filled the vessel again, and put it (in its proper place), (he may do) whatever his business is. 7-12. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 5, 10-12. Prodaka in Sutra 7 is explained by pragatodaka. 9-10. Khadira-G/'/liya, 1.1. 13-15. 9. The first oblation is made in the middle, the second, sacred to Pra^apati (^ahkhayana I, 3, 15, &c.), in the north-eastern part of the sacred fire. The tenth Sutra of course is to be understood in the same way. 12. The water is that mentioned chap, i, 24. With regard to I PRAPArFAKA, 3 KAiVDIKA, 1 8. 21 13. In that way, from that time (in which he has begun to offer the two daily sacrifices) he should sacrifice, or should have sacrificed, over the (sacred) domestic fire, till the end of his life. 14. Here now they say : 15. 'If they like, his wife may offer the morning and evening oblations over the domestic fire. For his wife is (as it were) his house, and that fire is the domestic fire.' 16. When the morning meal or the evening meal is ready, he should make (his wife) say, 'It is ready ! ' — 17. In an unbroken voice (?), having made himself pure, 18. He replies in a loud voice, ' Om ! ' Then in yathartham the commentary says, ' yathartha;;^ karmapavargavi- hitaw Vamadev3-aganadika;« pratarahutipa^X'advihita?;/ brahma- yzgii-Mn va kuryad iti vakyaj-esha/;.' Similarly in the note on II, 4, II it is said, 'yathartham iti karma;2a,^ parisamaptir u/('yate;' II, 8, 17: ' yatharthaw tantrasamapana;« kuryat,' &c. In my translation I have adopted the opinion of Professor Weber (Indische Studien, V, 375), according to whom yathartham simply means, ' (he should behave) as required by circumstances ; ' * (he should do) what happens to be his business.' 13. The last words are a ^ivitavabhr/that, which literally means ' till the Avabhr/tha bath of his life.' The Avabhr/tha bath is the bath taken at the end of certain sacrifices, so that the Avabhmha of life signifies death. 15. Khadira-Gn'hya I, 5, 17. 16-18. Khadira-Gr/hya, 1. 1. 18, 19. In my translation of Sutra 17 I have adopted, though not quite without doubt, the conjecture of Professor Roth given in Professor Knauer's note, p. 137. Pro- fessor Roth writes r/tebhahgaya vaH or r/tebhagaya vaX'a : he says simply ' om,' and not ' 6-o-6-o-6-om.' According to the commentary Siitra 1 7 would refer to the wife, not to the husband. 18. The MSS. give makhya and maksha. We ought to read, tan ma kshayity upawju. Comp. Apastamba II, 2,3, 11 2 2 Gi?mYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. a low voice : ' To that (food) I bring adoration. May it not fail ! ' KAiVDIKA 4. 1. He then should silently offer the Balis. 2. Let him speak only what refers to the due preparation of the food. With guests he may con- verse, if he likes. 3. He then should take some portion of food which is fit for sacrifice, should pour over it some liquid fit for sacrifice (such as ghee, milk, or curds), and should sacrifice it silently in the fire with his hand. 4. The first oblation is sacred to Pra^apati, the second to (Agni) Svish/akm. 5. He then should offer the Balis, inside or out- side (the Agnyagara), having well cleansed the pfround. 6. Let him pour out water once, and put down Balis in four places, and finally sprinkle once (water on the four Balis). 7. Or let him for each Bali which he puts down, sprinkle (water) before and afterwards. 8. What he puts down first, that is the Bali be- longing to the Earth. What in the second place, to Vayu. What in the third place, to the Vi^'ve devas. What in the fourth place, to Pra^apati. 9. Then he should offer other Balis (near) the water-pot, the middle (post, and) the door : the first Bali is sacred to the Waters, the second to the Herbs and Trees, the third to the Ether. 4, I seqq. The daily Bali oifering. Khadira-G;Vhya I, 5, 20 seqq. 9. According to the commentary the first of these three Balis has I PRAPAr/fAKA, 4 KAiVDIKA, 20. 23 10. Then he should offer another BaH in the bed or in the privy. That Bah belongs either to Kama or to Manyu. 1 1 . Then (another Bali) on the heap of sweep- ings ; that (belongs) to the hosts of Rakshas. 12. The remnants of the Balis he should be- sprinkle with water, and should pour them out towards the south from right to left; they belong to the Fathers. 13. Let him sacrifice in the fire sitting. 14. Let him make the oblation to the Fathers sitting ; the other (Balis he may offer) as it happens. I 5. He should, however, offer those Balis himself as long as he stays at home. 16. Or another person who must be a Brahma;2a (should offer them for him). 1 7. Both the husband and his wife (should offer them) : 18. This is the rule for householders. 19. The wife in the evening, the man in the morn- ing : thus (it is stated). 20. He should offer such Balis of all food what- ever, be it prepared for the Fathers, or for auspicious to be offered near the water-pot, the second near the middle door of the house, the third (comp. Gautama V, 16) in the air. With the genitives the word samipe is suppHed. It is difficult to under- stand why the author, if his intention had been to state three places in which the Balis had to be offered, should have mentioned only two. Thus I believe that the right explanation is that of Professor Knauer, who takes mad hy am a in the sense of the middle post of the house (comp. Ill, 3, 31). II. The commentary explains avasalavi here, as is frequently the case, by pitrairthena. I agree with the opinion pronounced in the Petersburg Dictionary, in rejecting this explanation. 19. Comp. Manu III, 121. 24 G72JHYA-S^TRA OF GOBHILA. purposes (for instance, for being offered to Brah- ma/^as), or for (ordinary) purposes. 2 1. Only in the case of a sacrifice (this rule) ceases. 2 2. If rice and barley are prepared for one and the same meal, he should, having offered (Balis) of the one or the other (kind of food), consider his duty as fulfilled. 23. If the food is cooked at different times for one meal, he should perform this Bali ceremony only once. 24. If food is prepared at different places for one family, he should perform this Bali ceremony only from (the food which is prepared in) the kitchen beloneinof to the householder. 25. However (of the persons belonging to the family) he whose food becomes ready before (that of the householder), (that person) should offer the prescribed portion in the fire, and give to a Brah- ma//a his share (of the food), and then should eat himself 26. He whose (food becomes ready) after (that of the householder), should only eat. 27. Here they say also : 28. 'At the end of that offering of Balis let him pronounce a wish. Then it will be fulfilled to him.' 29. He himself, however, should offer the Asasya Bali, from the barley (-harvest) till the rice(-harvest), and from the rice(-harvest) till the barley (-harvest). This is called the Asasya Bali. 22. Kala I take, as the commentator does, for bho^anakala. 23. Here again kala occurs in the same sense. Comp. Kha- dira-Gr/hya I, 5, 34. 29. Khadira-Grz'hya I, 5, 37. The barley-harvest is in the hot season, the rice-harvest in autumn (see Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, 243). The sacrificer offers barley from the barley-harvest till the rice-harvest ; and rice from the rice-harvest till the barley-harvest. I PRAPAT//AKA, 5 KAiVDIKA, 6. 25 ^o. Thus he obtains long life. 31. When a donation has been made, he should offer a Bali of chaff, of the scum of boiled rice, and of water. This is sacred to Rudra. This is sacred to Rudra. KAivoiKA 5. 1. Now at the times of the new moon and of the full moon (the following ceremonies are performed). 2. Let him fast on that full-moon day (when the full moon rises) at the meeting (of day and night). 3. The following day, according to some (teachers). 4. And on that day on which the moon is not seen, (he should fast, considering it) as the new- moon day, 5. The ends of the half-months are the time for fasting, the beginnings for sacrifice. 6. With the sacrificial food of the new-moon This Bali is called a-sasya, because it is olifered until (a) the next crop (sasya) is ripe. As to the regulation that the sacrificer has to offer it himself, compare above, Sutras 15-19. 31. Khadira-G/vliya I, 5, 30. The repetition of the last words makes it probable that this Sutra was at one time considered the end of the first book. Comp. Introduction, p. 11. 5. Description of the sacrifices of the full and new moon. Paradigm of the regular Sthalipaka offering. The first twelve Sutras of this chapter have been translated by Professor Weber, Ueber den Vedakalender namens Jyotisham, pp. 50 seq. 2. See the note below at SiJtra 10. 3. With these two Sfitras, ' sandhya;;/ paurwamasim upavaset; uttaram ity eke/ a passage should be compared which is identically found in the Aitareya (VII, 11), and in the Kaushitaka Brahma/za (III, i): pijrva?;^ paurwamasim upavased iti Paihgyam, uttaram iti Kaushitakam. 6. The month is reckoned here, as is usually done, as beginning with the fortnight of the increasing moon. 26 G/27HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. sacrifice he celebrates the first half (of the month), with that of the full-moon sacrifice the second. 7. Full-moon is the greatest distance of sun and moon ; new-moon is their nearest approach. 8. That day on which the moon is not seen, that he should take as the day of new-moon. 9. Sometimes he may also while (the moon) is (still) visible (accept it as the day of new-moon) ; for (already then the moon) has made its way. 10. The time of full-moon is reckoned in three ways : (when the full moon rises at) the meeting (of day and night), or when it rises after sunset, or when it stands high (in the sky at sunset). 1 1. Now on what day it becomes full — 12. The doctrine on this point has to be studied 7. Here begins a new exposition of the question of full and new moon which stands independently by the side of the former sec- tions, and which Gobhila has not taken much care to weld together with them. Comp. Sutra 10 with Sutras 2 and 3, and Sutra 8 with Sutra 4. 10. The first of the three times is that mentioned in Sutra 2. It seems to me not very safe to interpret sandhya in that modern sense, in which sandhi is used, for instance, in the verse quoted by Madhava, Weber, Jyotisha 51, so that it designates the meeting-point of the bright and of the dark fortnight (' avartane yada sandhi/; par- vapratipador bhavet,' &c.). If sandhya were that, we should expect that the same word would occupy a similar position in the defini- tion of amavasya. I prefer, therefore, with the commentary, to understand sandhya in its ancient sense, as the time which divides day from night. Thus sandhya paurwamasi, the full-moon day, on which the moon rises at the meeting of day and night, stands in opposition to uttara paurwamasi (Sutra 2), or to astamitodita (scil. paurwamasi, Sutra 10), exactly in the same way as in the Brahmawa passages quoted above (note on § 3) pfirva paur7/amasi is opposed to uttara paur;/amasi. The second and third cases are those of the full moon rising (shortly) after sunset, and of the moon becoming full when standing high in the sky. I PRAPArTTAKA, 5 KAiVZ)IKA, 20. 27 separately. One should study it, or should ascertain (the exact time of) the Parvan from those who know it. 13. Now on the day which is the fast-day, on that day, in the forenoon, having offered his morn- ing oblation, he besmears that surface on which the fire is placed, on all sides with cow-dung. 14. He then gets the pieces of wood ready (which are to be put on the fire) — of Khadira or of Palai'a wood. 15. If Khadira or Palai^a wood cannot be ob- tained, it may be wood — as far as it serves the purpose — of any tree, with the exception of Vibhi- daka, Tilvaka, Badhaka, Niva, Nimba, Ra^avr/ksha, ^almali, Aralu, Dadhittha, Kovidara, .Sleshmataka wood. 16. The Barhis consists of Ku^a grass cut off at the points at which the blades diverge from the main stalk. 1 7. (The blades should be) cut off near the roots at (the ceremonies directed to) the Fathers. 18. If that (i.e. Ku-^a grass) cannot be obtained, (he may take) any kind of grass, with the exception of Suks. grass, of Saccharum reed, of such grass as is apt to break, of Balba^a grass, of Mutava, of Am- phidonax reed, of S\xntJi-2.. 19. (He should get ready the following things, viz.) A^ya, rice or barley to be cooked for the sacri- fice, the pot in which the oblation of cooked rice (or barley) is prepared, the pot-ladle, the Sruva, the water fetched from a hidden place — 20. And the other thino-s which we shall mention in the course of (our exposition of) the ritual. 19. As to anugupta apa//, see above, chap, i, 9. 28 G/?7HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 21. On that day he should not go away (from his house on a journey, &c.) ; 2 2. Even from a distant place he should return to his house. 23. (On that day) he may buy goods from others, but not sell (such goods). 24. Let him not speak much. 25. Let him strive to speak the truth. 26. In the afternoon husband and wife, after having bathed, should eat fast-day food which is pleasant to them. It should contain butter (and should be prepared) in the due way. KAiVDIKA 6. 1. Thus has spoken Manatantavya : ' Unoffered indeed becomes the offering of a man who does not eat fast-day food. 2. * He becomes powerless. Hunger will attack him. He does not gain favour among people. His offspring will be perverse. 3. ' But he who eats fast -day food, becomes powerful. Hunger will not attack him. He gains 26. Khadira-Gr/hya II, i, 4. 6. The commentary explains kui'a- lena : it should be easy to digest. Comp. below, II, i, 2 : (daran kurvita) lakshawaprajastan kuj'alena. 6, I. The teacher's name is spelt elsewhere Manutantavya, which seems to be the more correct spelling. The Khadira-Gr/hya (II, I, 5) has Manadantavya. Dr. Knauer has called attention to several other blunders of the MSS., which are unusually frequent just in this passage. For I have no doubt that in spite of the unanimous agreement of the ]\ISS. we are to change manushya- hutir into manushasyahutir, and I think it very probable, to say the least, that in Sutra 4 kamayetaupavasathikam should be corrected into kamayeyatam aupavasathikam, though here the singular could possibly be defended by very faithful believers in the authority of the MSS. I PRArAri/AKA, 6 kaa'dika, 14. 29 favour among- people. His offspring will be still more blessed. 4. ' Therefore (husband and wife) should eat fast- day food which is pleasant to them,' 5. Let them sleep that night on the ground. 6. They should spend that night so as to alternate their sleep with waking, entertaining themselves with tales or with other discourse. 7. But they should avoid doing anything unholy (such as cohabiting together). 8. It is said, that when on a journey, he should not fast. 9. For (say they, in that case) the observance has to be kept by his wife. 10. Let him do (herein) what he likes. 11. In the same way also one who has set up the (^'rauta) fires should fast — 12. And (he should observe) what is enjoined by the sacred tradition. 13. Now in the forenoon, after (the sacrificer) has offered his morning oblation, and has walked round the fire on its front side, and strewn to the south of the fire eastward-pointed Darbha grass — 14. (The Brahman) stations himself to the east of that (grass), facing the west, and with the thumb and the fourth finger of his left hand he takes one grass blade from the Brahman's seat and throws it away to the south-west, in the intermediate direction (be- tween south and west), with (the words), ' Away has been thrown the dispeller of wealth.' 4. Or, which is pleasant to him ? See the note on §1. 7. Khadira-Gr/hya II, i, 7. 14. The ceremonies stated in this Siltra have to be performed by the Brahman. This is stated in the commentary, and the com- 30 Gi^HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 15. Having touched water, he then sits down on the Brahman's seat, with (the words), ' I sit down on the seat of weakh.' 16. Facing the fire he sits silently, raising his joined hands, till the end of the ceremony. 17. Let him speak (only) what refers to the due performance of the sacrifice. 18. Let him not speak what is unworthy of the sacrifice. 19. If he has spoken what is unworthy of the sacrifice, let him murmur a verse, or a Ya^us, sacred to Vish;m. 20. Or let him only say, ' Adoration to Vish;/u ! ' 21. If one wishes, however, to do himself the work both of the Hotr/ and of the Brahman, he should in the same way place on the Brahman's seat a parasol, or an outer garment, or a water-pot, or a parison of parallel texts leaves no doubt as to the correctness of this view. Thus Hirawyake^in says (I, i): etasmin kale brahma ya^/7opavita;« kr/tvapa a/^amyapare«agni;« dakshi/zatikramya brah- masadanat t;v>/aw nirasya, &c. Comp. also the corresponding passages of the 6'rauta ritual given by Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, p. 17. I do not think it probable, however, that we should read brahma^sanat, so that it would be distinctly expressed by the text that the Brahman is the subject (comp. Dr. Knauer's Introduction, p. viii). For we read in this same Sutra brahmasanat trtnam abhisawgr/hya; in Sutra 15, brahmasana upavii'ati ; in Sutra 21, brahmasane nidhaya: of these passages it is in the second made probable by the sense, and it is certain in the third, that brahmasana is to be understood as a compound equal to brahmasadana. Thus it would, in my opi- nion, be unnatural not to explain it in the same way also in the first passage. Paravasu is opposed to Vasu (Sutra 15) in the same way as some texts, for instance Apastamba, oppose Paragvasu to Arvagvasu. 16 seqq. Khadira-Gr/hya I, i, 19 seqq. 21. * In the same way' refers to the ceremonies stated in Sutras I rRArAri/AKA, 7 kaa^dika, 6. 31 bolster of Darbha grass, and should return in the same way (in which he has gone to the Brahman's seat), and then should perform the other (duties). Kaa^dika 7. 1. He then washes the mortar, the pestle, and the winnowing basket, strews to the west of the fire east- ward-pointed Darbha grass, and puts (the mortar, &c.) on (that grass). 2. He then pours out, with a brazen vessel or with the pot in which the oblations of cooked rice are prepared, the grain destined for sacrifice, rice or barley — 3. Once pronouncing the name of the deity (to whom the offering will be made) : ' Agreeable to such and such (a deity) I pour thee out ; ' twice (it is done) silently. 4. Then to the west, with his face turned east- ward, he begins to husk the grain, with his right hand lying over the left. 5. After the grain has three times been winnowed, he should wash it thrice (if it is destined) for the gods, they say, twice, if for men, once, if for the Fathers. 6. Having put a (Darbha) purifier (into the pot 13 and 14. On the darbha^a/u or, as some MSS. read, dar- bhava/u, see Bloomfield's note on the Gr/hya-sa;/'/graha, I, 88. 89. Knauer gives darbha va/u?« without adding any various readings. Comp. Khadira-Gr/hya I, i, 23. 7, 2, 3. Khadira-Grzhya II, i, 9. 4, 5. Comp. Hillebrandt, Neu- und VoUrnondsopfer, pp. 29 seqq. Khadira-G;7hya II, i, 10-13. 6. Hillebrandt, p. 39. 32 G22/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. in which the oblation is to be prepared), he should pour the grain (into it). 7. He should cook the mess of sacrificial food so that it is well cooked, stirring it up (with the pot- ladle) from left to right. 8. When it has been cooked, he should sprinkle (A^ya) on it, should take it from the fire towards the north, and should again sprinkle (A^ya) on it. 9. Having put wood on the fire, he should strew Kui-a grass round it on all sides, to the east, to the south, to the north, to the west — 10. On all sides in three layers or in five layers — ir. Thick, so that always an uneven number (of blades) are put together. 12. (He should strew) eastward-pointed grass, covering the roots with the points. 13. Or he should strew it to the west (of the fire), and should draw (some of the grass which he has strewn) from the south end and (some) from the north end, in an easterly direction. 14. He should (arrange the grass so as to) lay the points of the southern blades uppermost. 15. This rule for strewing (grass) round (the fire is valid) for all (ceremonies) at which oblations are made. 16. Some lay also branches of ^ami wood or of VaruB. wood round (the fire). 10. Khadira-GrzTiya I, 2, 10. 11. This seems to me the most probable translation of ayug- masawhatam, on which expression Dr. Knauer's note on pp. viii seq. of his Introduction should be compared. Comp. Hillebrandt, pp. 64 seq. 13-14. This is the same way of strewing the grass which is described in the Manava-Gr/hya I, 10, 4. 5 ; Khadira-G;Vhya I, 2, 9. 16. Comp. Gr/hya-sa;;/graha I, 85. 97. I PRAPAr^AKA, 7 KAiVDIKA, 25. 7,7, 1 7. To the north (of the fire) a Sruva full of water (is placed) : this is the Pra^nta water ; 18. If there is (such water). Or it may be dis- pensed with, say some (teachers). 19. Having put the mess of cooked food on the Barhis, and put wood (on the fire), he prepares the Aoya. 20. (He may take) ghee, or oil made from Tila seeds, or curds, or milk, or rice gruel. 21. From that same Barhis (he takes two Darbha blades and) makes purifiers (of them), of the length of one span. 22. Putting an herb between (them and the in- strument with which he cuts them), he cuts them off, not with his nail, with (the words), ' Purifiers are ye, sacred to Vish;m.' 23. He then wipes them with water, with (the words), ' By Vish;m's mind ye are purified.' 24. Having purified (the A^ya by pouring it into A the A^ya pot, over which he has laid a Darbha purifier), he purifies it (in the pot) with the two northward - pointed purifiers (in the following way) : 25. Holding them with his two thumbs and fourth fingers, he purifies (the A^ya) three times, from west to east, once with the Yaf us : ' May the god Savitr/ purify thee with this uninjured purifier, with the rays of the good sun ; ' twice silently. 20. All the substances which are stated in this Sutra can be con- sidered as Agya. Gnhya-sawgraha I, 106. 107. 21 seqq. Khadira-Gr/'hya I, 2, 12 seqq. 24. As to sampuyotpunati, comp. Hirawyakejin I, i, i, 23 : pavitrantarhite patre^pa aniyopabilaw purayitvodagagrabhya?^ pavitrabhyazw trir utpfiya . . . [30] D 34 G/27HYA-S^TRA OF GOBHILA. 26. He then should sprinkle them with water and should throw them into the fire. A 27. Then, having put that Ac^a on the fire, he should take it fi*om (the fire) towards the north. 28. This is the way to prepare the A^ya. KAiVDIKA 8. A 1. To the east (is placed) the A^ya, to the west the mess of cooked fiDod. 2. Having sprinkled (water) round (the fire) and poured A^ya on the mess of cooked food, he begins to sacrifice simply with the pot-ladle, picking out portions of the sacrificial food (without ' underspread- ing' and pouring A^ya over the Havis). 3. If he intends, however, to sacrifice so as to ' underspread ' (the Havis with A^ya) and to pour A A (A^ya) over it, let him sacrifice first the two A^ya portions (in the following way) : 4. He should take four portions of A^a — five portions (are taken) by the Bhr/gus — and should sacrifice from west to east, on the northern side with (the formula), 'To Agni Svaha!' on the southern side with (the words), ' To Soma Svaha ! ' 5. He then cuts off (two or three Avadanas) A from the Havis, having ' spread under' (A^a). 6. (Two Avadanas) from the middle and from the east side, if he (belongs to the families who) make 8, 2. On the sprinkling of water round the fire, comp. above, chap. 3, I seq. On the technical meaning of upaghatam, see Bloomfield's note on Gr/hya-sa?«graha Parijish/a I, iii (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, XXXV, 568). 3 seq. Comp. Khadira-Gr/hya II, i, 17. 6. Khadira-G/vhya II, i, 19 seq. The Upastarawa (Sutra 5) and I TRAPAr/fAKA, 8 KANDIKA, 1 4. 35 four Avadanas. (Three Avadanas) from the middle, from the east and from the west side, if (he belongs to those who) make five Avadanas. 7. He sprinkles (A^ya) on the cut-off portions. 8. He anoints the places from which he has cut A them off (with A^ya) in order that the strength (of the Havis) may not be lost. 9. He should sacrifice over the middle of the fire with (the words), ' To Agni Svaha ! ' — 10. Once or thrice, in that same way. 11. Now for the Svish/akr/t (oblation), after A having ' spread under ' (A^ya), he cuts off once a very big (Avadana) from the eastern part of the northern part (of the Havis), Twice he should sprinkle (A^ya) on it. 12. But if he (belongs to the families who) make five Avadanas, he should ' spread under ' twice, and A cut off (the Avadana), and sprinkle (A^ya) on it twice. 13. He does not anoint the place from which he has cut off, in order that the strength (of the Havis) may be lost. 14. With the words, 'To Agni Svish/akr/t the Abhighara?m (Sutra 7) are reckoned as two Avadanas, so that they form together with the two or three portions cut off from the Havis, four or five Avadanas respectively. On the difference of the families regarding the number of Avadanas, comp. Weber, Indische Studien, X, 95. 7 seqq. Comp. Khadira-Gnliya II, i, 21-24. II. Comp. the corresponding regulations of the ^Srauta ritual at Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, 11 7-1 19. 13. The same rule re-occurs in the ^S'rauta ritual; Hillebrandt, 1.1. 117, note 8. 14. The expression used here uttarardhapurvardhe is also found in most of the corresponding passages of the ,5'rauta ritual, D 2 36 Gi?/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. Svaha ! ' he should sacrifice it over the eastern part of the northern part (of the fire). 15. He should sacrifice oblations of A^ya on (the chief oblations of cooked sacrificial food), with the Mahavyahr/tis. 16. The insertion (stands) before the Svlsh/akm (oblation). 17. If different sacrifices are performed together, there is only one sweeping (of the ground) round (the fire) (chap. 3, i), one (putting of) fuel (on the fire) (chap, 7, 19), one Barhis, one sprinkling (of water) round (the fire) (chap. 8, 2), one A^ya, and one offering of the two Af yabhagas (chap. 8, 3). 18. Having cut off (the Avadanas) for all (the single sacrifices), he sacrifices the Svish/akr/t obla- tion only once. 19. After he has sacrificed, he should throw that pot-ladle (which he has used in the preceding cere- monies) into the fire. 20. Or having washed it, he should take with it (the rest of the sacrificial food), and should eat that. given by Hillebrandt, 1.1. 119, note 3. The Khadira-Gr^'hya has pragudi/'yam. 15. If the chief oblations consist in A^ya, they are both preceded and followed by the Mahavyah/Vti oblations. See below, chap. 9, Sutra 27. 16. On the avapa (i.e. the special characteristic offerings of each sacrifice) see -i^ahkhayana-Gr/hya I, 9, 12, and the note there (vol. xxix, p. 28). 19. According to the commentary, etad would belong to sau- vish/akr/tam (Sutra 18) : 'After he has sacrificed that, he should throw the pot-ladle into the fire.' The comparison of Baudhayana I, 17, 23, atraitan mekshawam ahavaniye ^^ nupraharati (Hillebrandt, p. 119, note 3), shows that the commentary is wrong, and that etad belongs to mekshawam. I PRAPArz/AKA, 8 KANDIKA, 29. 37 2 1. The Sruva he should not throw into the fire, say some (teachers). 22. By one who has not set up the sacred fires, the mess of cooked food should be offered to Aeni at the festivals both of the full and of the new moon. 23. To Agni, or to Agni and Soma, by one who has set them up, at the full-moon (sacrifice) ; 24. To Indra, or to Indra and Agni, or to Mahendra, at the new-moon (sacrifice). 25. Or also one who has set up the sacred fires, should offer it to Agni at the festivals both of the full and of the new moon. 26. Having put a piece of wood (on the fire), and having afterwards sprinkled (water) round (the fire), he performs the Ya^;'2avastu ceremony (in the following way) : 27. From that same Barhis he should take a handful of Kusa. grass, and should dip it thrice into the A^fya or into the Havis, the points, the middle, and the roots, with (the words), ' May the birds come, licking what has been anointed.' 28. He then should besprinkle that (handful of grass) with water, and should throw it into the fire with (the verse), ' Thou who art the lord of cattle, Rudra, who walkest with the lines (of cattle), the manly one : do no harm to our cattle ; let this be offered to thee ! Svaha ! ' 29. This (ceremony) they call Ya^/lavastu. 22-25. Comp. Khadira-G/7liya II, 2, 1-4. 26-29. Khadira-Grzliya 11, i, 26 seq. ; Gn'hya-sa/i'/graha II, I seq. 27. The expression tala eva barhisha/z has occurred already at chap. 7, 21. The Mantra re-occurs in Va^. Sawhita II, i6e, &c. 38 G/2/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. KAiVDIKA 9. 1. He then should take away the remnants of the Havis in a northern direction, should take them out (of the vessel in which they are), and should o-ive them to the Brahman. 2. He should try to satiate him. 3. They say indeed with regard to sacrifice : ' Through the Brahma;/a's being satiated (with sacri- ficial food) I become satiated myself.' 4. Then (he should give to the Brahman) what other food has just become ready. 5. Then he should try to gain the favour of Brahma;/as by (gifts of) food. 6. A full vessel constitutes the fee for the sacri- fice ; that he should give to the Brahman. 7. A brazen vessel or a wooden cup which has been filled with food, with prepared food or with raw food, or even only with fruits : this they call a full vessel. 8. The Brahman is the only officiating priest at the Pakaya^;'^as. 9. (The sacrificer) himself is Hotr?. 10. A full vessel (see Sutra 7) is the lowest sacri- ficial fee at a Pakaya^;'2a. 11. The highest is unlimited. 12. Thus Sudas Pai^avana, after having offered the sacrifice of a mess of cooked food to Indra and 9, I. Khadira-Gr/hya II, i, 29. 6 seqq. Khadira-Gr/hya II, i, 30. 31. 8, 9. The native authorities divide these two Sutras after riiwik; I propose to divide after pakaya^weshu. 12. The commeiitary here refers to the rule of the Drahyayawa- sutra (=La/yayana VIII, 1,2): sawzkhyamatre ka. dakshiwa gava/^. I FRAVATHAKA, Q KAiVDIKA, 1 8. 39 Agni, gave one hundred thousand (cows as the sacrificial fee). 13. Now if he should not be able to get for the morning or for the evening oblation, or for the sacri- fices of the full or of the new moon at his (sacred) domestic fire, any substance fit for sacrifice or a per- son who could sacrifice (instead of himself, if he is prevented) : what ought he to do ? 14. Until the evening oblation the (time for the) morning oblation is not elapsed, nor the (time for the) evening oblation until the morning oblation. Until the new moon the (time for the) sacrifice of the full moon Is not elapsed, nor the (time for the) sacrifice of the new moon until the full moon. 15. During that interval he should try to obtain sacrificial food or to find a sacrlficer. 16. Or (if he does not succeed in this) he should cook fruits or leaves of trees or herbs which are sacrificially pure, and should sacrifice them. 1 7. Or he should at least sacrifice water ; thus has said Pikaya^/^a, the son of Ida. For (even if he offers only water) the sacrifice has been performed. 18. And there is an expiation for one who has not sacrificed. 14 seq. Khadira-Grz'hya II, 2, 5 seq. ; 6'ankhayana-Gr/hya I, 3, 6. 16 seqq. Khadira-Gr/hya II, 2, 10 seqq. In this teacher Paka- ya^«a, son of Ida., whose opinion on the performance of certain Pakaya^was is here stated, we have of course to see a fictitious sage of the same kind with the well-known 7?/shi Pragatha, to whom the authorship of a number of Siaktas in the Pragatha book (Rig- veda, l\Ia?/f/ala VIII) is ascribed. 18, 19. By the repetition of iti these SiJtras seem to be charac- terised as continuing the statement of Pakaya^wa's opinion ; comp. Dr. Knauer's Introduction, p. xviii. As to Sutra 18, comp. 5ah- khayana-Gnliya I, 3, 9. 40 G2J7HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 19. And, (says Pakaya^;^a,) a Brahma;^a should not omit to keep his vow. 20. Here they say also : 21. He should keep (his vow) during that time in which he does not sacrifice, by abstaining from food. 22. When he then has obtained (the necessary substances for sacrificing), he should make up for the (omitted) oblations. 23. For thus also his vow has been duly kept. 24. These rules (which have been given with regard to the sacrifices of the full and new moon) are valid for the Havis oblations which will be stated hereafter. 25. After the end of the Mantra follows the word Svaha. 26. At A^ya oblations he should only prepare that A^ya (chap. 7, 28) and should sacrifice it, pick- ing out portions of it. (He should) not (sacrifice) the two A^ya portions nor the Svish/akr/t. 27. At Afya oblations he should, if no special rule is given, sacrifice with the Mahavyahr/tis before and after (the chief ceremonies). 22. 'He should count the omitted (oblations), should pour the corresponding number of oblations into his vessel, and should sacrifice them in the due way all at once with one Mantra. In the same way also the other oblations (belonging to other gods).' Karmapradipa. 24. Is Havis here used as opposed to A^ya (Sutra 26), in the same way in which Katyayana says (Aaut. I, 9, i. 20): ' vrihin yavan va havishi ; ubhayata agyapi havisha/i ' .'' Comp. below, III, 8, 10; A-fvalayana-Gr/hya I, 10, 26. 25. Khadira-Gr/hya I, i, 15. 26. As to upaghatam, comp. the note on chap. 8, 2. 27. 6'ahkhayana-G;7'hya I, 12, 13 ; Khadira-G/Vhya I, 3, 12-13, where the traditional division of the Sutras differs from that which is supported by tradition in the text of Gobhila. Gobhila has used I PRAPAr//AKA, 9 KAA^DIKA, 29. 4 1 28. As at the wedding, thus at the tonsure (of the child's head), the initiation (of the Brahma/^arin), and at the cutting of the beard. 29. At the end of the ceremony the Vamadevya is sung for the sake of averting evil. The Vama- devya is sung for the sake of averting evil. End of the First Prapa///aka. the word a^yahutishu in the beginning of Siitra 26, and it would have been superfluous if he had repeated it in connection with the words na^yabhagau na svish/akr/t. In the corresponding Sutras of the Khadira the case was different, and there the words na^yabhagau na svish/akr/t inevitably required the addition of a word like a^yahutishu, by which to show which class of sacrifices it was which required no A^yabhagas and no Svish/akr/t. The following word in the Khadira text, however, anadej-e, should be referred, against tradition, to Sutra 13, as is shown by the comparison of ^Sahkhayana-Gr/hya I, 12, 13. 28. At the wedding, oblations are made first with the three single Mahavyahr/tis, afterwards with the Mahavyahn'tis together; see below, II, I, 25. 26. The tonsure of the child's head is treated of below, II, 9; the initiation (upanayana), II, 10; the cutting of the beard, III, i. Comp. Khadira-Grzhya, I, 3, 10. 29. Apav/'/tte karmawi should be corrected into apavrz'kte karmawi, as has been noticed in the Petersburg Dictionary, s. v. apa-vart. The ^ahkhayana-Gnhya I, 2, i says karmapavarge. 42 G/J/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. PRAPAr^AKA II, Kaa^DIKA 1. 1. Under a propitious Nakshatra let him take a wife — 2. Who should possess the auspicious character- istics in due way. 3. If he can find no such (woman, he should take) earth-clods — 4. From an altar, a furrow, a pool, a cow-stable, a place where four roads meet, a gambling-place, a place where corpses are burnt, and from sterile soil ; 5. A ninth (earth-clod) mixed of all. 6. (These he should make) equal (and should) make marks at them. 7. Taking them in his hand he should offer them to the girl, and (reciting the formula) : ' Right alone is the first ; right nobody oversteps ; on right this earth is founded. May N. N. become this universe !' — he should pronounce her name and should say : ' Take one of these.' 8. If she takes one of the first four (clods), he should marry her, 1, 1-4. Description of the wedding. Comp. Indische Stu- dien, V, 288, 305 seq. ; 312 seq. ; 368 seq. 2. In translating kui'alena I have been guided by the com- parison of I, 5, 26 (comp. Bohtlingk-Roth, s.v. kuxala). The commentary understands the Sutra in a different way. He should take a woman who possesses auspicious characteristics commended by one versed (ku.yala) in the characteristics of women. If he can find no such person who is able to judge, he should, &c. (Sutra 3). 4. Comp. Ajvalayana-Grz'hya I, 5,5 ; Gn'hya-sawzgraha II, 21-23. 7. Ajvalayana-Gr/hya, 1. 1. § 4. II PRAPArHAKA, I KAiVZtlKA, 1 4. 43 9. And according to some (teachers) also, if (she takes) the mixed one. 10. After she has been washed with Klitaka, barley and beans, a friend should besprinkle her three times at her head, so that her whole body- becomes wet, with Sura of first quality, with (the formula), ' Kama ! I know thy name. Intoxication thou art by name,' &c. (Mantra-Brahma;^a I, i, 2). (In the passage of the formula), ' Bring hither N. N.,' he should pronounce the husband's name. (The Mantras should have) the word Svaha at their end. With the two following verses he should wash her private parts. 11. That has to be done by (female) relatives (of the bride). 12. At the wedding wood has been put on the fire to the east of the house, on a surface besmeared (with cow-dung). 13. Then one of the people who assist at the wedding, fills a cup with ' firm ' water, and having walked with the water-pot round the fire on its front side, silent, wrapped in his robe, he stations himself to the south (of the fire), facing the north. 14. Another person with a goad (walks in the same way and stations himself in the same place). 9. See Sulra 5. 10. 'With Klitaka,' &c., means, with water into which Klitaka, &c., has been thrown ; comp. Gr/Tiya-sawgraha II, 1 5. ' Sura of first quality ' is Sura prepared from molasses ; see Grzliya-sawgraha II, 16. Comp., however, also G/v'hya-sawgraha II, 41. 13. Khadira-Grzliya I, 3, 5 ; G/'/hya-sa;;zgraha II, 25. 26. 'Firm water ' seems to be water which does not dry up. The Gr/bya- sawgraha says : ' Water that has its smell, its colour, and its taste, which is in great rivers, in wells and other receptacles, and in ponds: such water is called "firm;" this is the fixed meaning.' Comp. Bloomfield's note, Z. D. M. G. XXXV, 574. 44 G2J/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 15. They place roasted grain mixed with ^amt leaves, to the amount of four handfuls, in a winnow- ing basket behind the fire, 16. And an upper mill-stone. 17. Now (the girl) whose hand he is going to seize, has been washed, (her whole body) including her head. 18. The husband should put on her a (new) gar- ment which has not yet been washed, with the verse, 'They who spun' (Mantra-Brahma;^a I, i, 5), and with (the verse), ' Put on her, dress her' (1. 1. 6). 19. Leading forward (from the house to the sacred fire, the bride) who is wrapped in her robe and wears the sacrificial cord over her left shoulder, he should murmur (the verse), ' Soma gave her to the Gandharva' (MB. I, i, 7). 20. While she, to the west of the fire, pushes for- ward with her foot a rush-mat or something else of that kind, veiled (with clothes), he should make her say : ' May the way which my husband goes, be open to me.' 21. If she does not murmur (these words out of shame, &c.), he should murmur (them, saying), ' To her ' (instead of ' To me '). 22. She should make the end of the rush-mat (Sutra 20) reach the end of the Barhis, 23. On the east end of the rush-mat she sits down to the right of the bridegroom. 17-19. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 3, 6. Ya^;7opavitinim in Sutra 19 means, according to the commentary, that she wears her outer gar- ment arranged like the sacrificial cord, over her left shoulder ; for women are not allowed to wear the sacrificial cord itself. 20. G/7"hya-sa;7zgraha II, 27 seq. II PRAPAri/AKA, 2 KAiVjDiKA, /. 45 24. While she touches his right shoulder with her A right hand, he sacrifices six oblations of A^ya with (the verse), ' May Agnl go as the first,' and the following (verses) (MB. I, i, 9-14) — 25. And (three oblations) with the Mahavyahrz'tis, one by one ; 26. A fourth with (the four Mahavyahr/tis) to- gether. Kaatdika 2. 1. After the sacrifice they both arise. 2. The husband passes behind her back, stations himself to the south, with his face turned to the north, and seizes the woman's joined hands. 3. (Standing) to the east (of the girl) her mother or her brother, having taken the roasted grain, should make the bride tread on the stone with the tip of her right foot. 4. The bridegroom murmurs : ' Tread on this stone' (MB. I, 2, i). 5. Her brother filling once his joined hands with roasted grain, pours it into the bride's joined hands. 6. After (A^ya) has been spread under and poured over (the fried grain), she sacrifices that in the fire without opening her joined hands, with (the verse which the bridegroom [?] recites), ' This woman says' (MB. I, 2, 2). 7. (The verses), ' The god Aryaman,' and, ' Pu- 24-26. Khadira-Gr/liya I, 3, 11-13. 2, I seqq. Khadira-G/Vhya I, 3, 16 seqq. 3. The roasted grain is that mentioned chap, i, 15, the stone, Sutra 16. 6, Comp. Grzliya-sa/wgraha II, 34. 7. On the repetitions of the la^ahoma, see below, SAtras 9. 10. 46 G/2ZHYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. shan' (1. 1. 3. 4) (are repeated) at the two following (oblations of fried grain). 8. After that sacrifice the husband, passing (be- hind her back), returns in the same way, and leads her round the fire so that their right sides are turned towards it, or a Brahma;^a versed in the Mantras (does the same), with (the verse), ' The maid from the fathers' (MB. I, 2, 5). 9. After she has thus been lead round, she stands as before (Sutras i. 2), and treads (on the stone) as before (Stitra 3), and he murmurs the (Mantra) as before (Sutra 4), and (her brother) pours (the fried grain into her hands) as before (Sutra 5), and she sacrifices as before (Sutra 6). 10. In the same way three times. 11. After (she) has poured the remnants (of the fried grain) into the fire, they make (her) step for- ward in a north-easterly direction with (the formula), * For sap with one step' (MB. I, 2, 6. 7). 12. She should put forward her right foot (first) and should follow with the left. 13. (The bridegroom) should say (to her), 'Do not put the left (foot) before the right.' 14. The lookers-on he should address with (the verse), 'Auspicious ornaments wears this woman' (1. 1. 8). 15. To the west of the fire the water-carrier fol- lows (their way) and besprinkles the bridegroom on his forehead, and also the other one (i. e. the bride), 8. As to the words ' in the same way,' see the second Sutra of this chapter. 14-16. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 3, 27-31. 15. Comp. Paraskara II, 12. 16. The most natural way of interpreting the text would be, in my opinion, to assume that the ' second Upakara«a ' (pratyupaka- ra«a) is identical with the Utsarga. The second Upakara^/a thus would in the same time conclude the first term for studying the 8o G/27HYA-stjTRA OF GOBHILA. 17. If lightning (is observed), or if it thunders, or if it is drizzHng, (he shall not study) until the same time next day. i8. On the falling of a meteor, or after an earth- quake, or an eclipse of the sun or of the moon (the study is interrupted until the same time next day), 19. And if a whirlwind occurs, 20. Let them not study on the Ash/aka days, and on the days of the new moon, 21. And on the days of the full moon — 22. In the three months Karttika, Phalguna, and Asha^//a. 23. And (the study is interrupted) for one day and one night, 24. If a fellow-pupil has died, 25. Or the sovereign of his country ; 26. Three days, if his teacher (has died) ; 27. One day and one night, if somebody (has died) who has reverentially approached. 28. If sineinof, or the sound of a musical instru- ment, or weeping is heard, or if it is storming, (the Veda, and. open a second term. The distinction of two such periods, which may be called two terms, is frequently met with in other texts, for instance, in Vasish///a XIII, 5-7 (S. B. E. XIV, 63) ; Manu IV, 98. According to the commentary, on the other hand, the second Upakarawa is performed at the beginning of the northerly course of the sun (comp. Sutras 10-12) ; it is stated that after that ceremony the Uttara (i. e, the UttararXika ?) and the Rahasya texts are studied. It deserves to be noticed that Manu {IV, 96) pre- scribes the performing of the Utsarga either under the Nakshatra Pushya (i. e. Tishya), or on the first day of the bright fortnight of Magha, which is considered as coinciding, at least approximately, with the beginning of the northerly course of the sun. 18. Comp. Manu IV, 105. 22. These are the days of the ancient Vedic /i-aturmasya sacrifices. Ill PRAPAr^AKA, 3 KAA^DIKA, 36. 8 I Study of the Veda is discontinued) as long as that (reason of the interruption) lasts. 29, As regards other (cases in which the reading of the Veda should be discontinued), the practice of the .5'ish/as (should be followed). 50. In the case of a prodigy an expiation (has to be performed) by the householder (or) by his wife. 31. If a spar of the roof or the middle (post of the house) breaks, or if the water-barrel bursts, let him A sacrifice (A^ya oblations) with the Vyahmis. 32. If he has seen bad dreams, let him murmur this verse, * To-day, O god Savltr^ ' (Sama-veda I, 141). 2,3- Now (follows) another (expiation). 34. If he has touched a piled-up (fire-altar) or a sacrificial post, or if he has humming in his ears, or if his eye palpitates, or if the sun rises or sets while he is sleeping, or If his organs of sense have been defiled by something bad, let him sacrifice two A^^a oblations with the two verses, ' May my strength return to me ' (Mantra-Brahma;m I, 6, 33. 34). 35. Or (let him sacrifice) two pieces of wood anointed with A^ya. 36. Or let him murmur (those two verses) at light offences. 29. The definition of a 6'ish/a, or instructed person, is given in Baudhayana I, i, 6 (S. B. E. XIV, 143). 30-36. Different expiations ; comp. Khadira-G/'/hya 11, 5, 35-37. 34. ^itya means -^itya agni, the piled-up fire-altar, the con- struction of which is treated of, for instance, in the .S'atapatha Brah- ma«a VI-X. Prof. Weber has devoted to the rites connected with the-^itya agni a very detailed paper, Indische Stu(lien,XIII, 21 yseq. That ^'itya does not mean here anything different from ^'itya agni is shown by the INIanava-Gr/hya I, 3 : yadi . . . akshi va spandet karwo va krojed zgnim va Xityam arohet j-ma.ranaw va ga^X'^ed yfipa;« vopaspmet, &c. [30] G 82 G7?/HYA-StjTRA OF GOBHILA. KAiVZlIKA 4. 1. A student, after he has studied the Veda, 2. And has offered a present to his Guru (i. e. to his) teacher, 3. Should, with the permission (of his parents), take a wife, 4. One who does not belong to the same Gotra, 5. And who is not a Sapvida relation of his mother. 6. The best, however, is a ' naked ' girl. 7. Now the bath {which is taken at the end of studentship, will be described). 8. To the north or the east of the teacher's house there is an enclosure. 9. There the teacher sits down, facing the north, on eastward-pointed Darbha grass ; 4, 1 seq. The description given in this chapter of the Samavartana, or of the ceremony performed at the end of studentship, is opened with a few sentences referring to another section of the Gr/hya ritual, namely, to marriage. It seems to me that these first Sutras of this chapter once formed, in a text from which Gobhila has taken them, the introducdon to an exposition of the wedding ceremonies, and that Gobhila was induced to transfer them to the description of the Samavartana, by their opening words, 'A student, after he has studied the Veda, &c.' With Sutras 1-3, comp. Khadira-Gr/hya I, 3. I- 3. I prefer to supply, (with the permission) of his parents, and not, of his teacher. Hira7/yakej'in says, samavr/tta a/?'aryakulat matapitarau bibhr/yat, tabhyam anu_§-;7ato bharyam upzyakkket 5. Regarding the term Sapinda, see, for instance, Gautama XIV, 13 (S. B. E. II, 247) : ' Sapi^fl'a-relationship ceases with the fifth or the seventh (ancestor).' Comp. Manu V, 60. 6. According to the Gr/hya-sa;«graha (II, 17. 18), a ' naked' girl is one who has not yet the monthly period, or whose breast is not yet developed. Comp. Vasish//^a XVII, 70 ; Gautama XVIII, 23. 7 seqq. Comp. Khadira-Gr/hya III, i, i seqq. Ill PRAPAr/fAKA, 4 KAiVJQIKA, 21. , 83 10. Facing the east the student on northward- pointed Darbha grass. 11. The teacher should besprinkle (him) with lukewarm, scented water, which has been boiled with all kinds of herbs. 12. But as if he (i. e. the student, should do so) himself — 13. (In such a way) he is alluded to in the Mantras ; (therefore the besprinkling should be done rather by the student, and not by the teacher [?]). 14. With (the verse), ' The fires which dwell in the waters' (MB. I, 7, i) — (die student [?]) pours his joined hands full of water (on the ground), 15. And again with (the formula), 'What is dreadful in the waters, what is cruel in the waters, what is turbulent in the waters ' (ibid. 2). 16. With (the formula), ' The shining one I take here ' (ibid. 3) — he besprinkles himself. 17. And again with (the formula), 'For the sake of glory, of splendour' (ibid. 4). 18. And again with (the verse), 'By which you made the wife (pregnant ? ') (ibid. 5). 19. A fourth time silently. 20. He then should rise and should worship the sun with the Mantra, ' Rising with (the Maruts) who bear shining spears' (ibid. 6-9), &c. 21. Optionally he may use the single sections of 13. In the IMantras prescribed for the besprinkling of the student (Mantra-Brahmawa I, 7, i seq.) there occur passages such as, for instance, 'Therewith I, N. N., besprinkle myself.' 21. He may use the first section of the Mantra, which contains the word pratar, in the morning, &c. G 2 84 Gi^/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. the Mantra separately (in the morning, at noon, and in the evening) as indicated in the text. 22. He should add (the formula), 'The eye art thou ' (ibid. 9) after (each of the three sections of the Mantra, 6-8). 23. With the verse, * Loosen the highest fetter, O Varu;^a ' (ibid. 10), he takes off the girdle. 24. After he has entertained the Brahma;/as with food and has eaten himself, he should have his hair, his beard, the hair of his body, and his nails cut, so as to leave the lock of hair (as required by the custom of his family). 25. Having bathed and adorned himself, and having put on two garments (an under-garment and an upper-garment) which have not yet been washed, he should put a garland (on his head) with (the formula), ' Luck art thou ; take delight in me ' (ibid. 11). 26. The two shoes (he puts on) with (the formula), ' Leaders are you ; lead me' (ibid. 12). 27. With (the formula), ' The Gandharva art thou' (ibid. 13), he takes a bamboo staff. 28. He approaches the teacher together with the assembly (of his pupils) and looks at the assembly of his teacher's (pupils) with (the words), ' Like an eye-ball may I be dear to you' (ibid. 14). 29. Sitting down near (the teacher) he touches the sense-organs at his head with (the verse), ' The she-ichneumon, covered by the lips' (ibid. 15). 30. Here the teacher should honour him with the Argha ceremony. 31. (The student then) should approach a chariot yoked with oxen, and should touch its two side- pieces or the two arms of the chariot-pole with Ill pRApArFAKA, 5 kandikX, to. 85 (the verse), ' O tree, may thy limbs be strong ' (ibid. 16). 32. With (the last words of that verse), ' May he who stands on thee, win what can be won ' — he mounts it. :^2)- Having driven (some distance) in an easterly or northerly direction, he turns round from left to right and comes back (to his teacher). 34. When he has come back, the Argha ceremony should be performed (for him by his teacher), say the Kauhaliyas. Kaa'dika 5. 1. From that time he shall assume a dignified demeanour : this is in short the rule (for his behaviour). 2. Here the teachers enumerate the following (regulations). 3. Na^atalomnyopahasam i/^'Met. 4. Nor (should he wish for sport) with a girl who is the only child of her mother, 5. Nor with a woman during her courses, 6. Nor with one who descends from the same J^ish'is. 7. Let him not eat food which has been brought by another door (than the usual), 8. Or which has been cooked twice, 9. Or which has stood over night — 10. Except such as is prepared of vegetables, flesh, barley, or flour. 34. Instead of its being performed at the time stated in Sutra 30. 5, I seq. Rules of conduct for the Snataka; comp. Khadira- Gn'hya. Ill, i, 33 seq. A 86 G/?/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA 11. Let him not run while it is raining. 12. Let him not take himself his shoes in his hands (when putting them on or pulling them off). 13. Let him not look into a well. 14. Let him not gather fruits himself. 15. He should not wear a scentless wreath, 16. If it is not a wreath of gold. 17. (He should not wear a wreath) of which the expression mala (garland) has been used. 18. He should cause the people to call it sra^ (wreath). (Then he may wear it.) 19. He should avoid using the word bhadra (' blessed ') without a reason. 20. He should say (instead of it), mandra (' lovely '). 21. There are three (kinds of) Snatakas : 22. A Vidyasnataka (or a Snataka by knowledge), a Vratasnataka (or a Snataka by the completion of his vow), and a Vidyavratasnataka (i. e. Snataka by both). 23. Of these the last ranks foremost; the two others are equal (to each other). 24. (A Snataka) should not put on a wet garment. 25. He should not wear one garment. 26. He should not praise any person (excessively). 27. He should not speak of what he has not seen, as if he had seen it, 20. As to the reading, comp. Dr. Knauer's remarks in his edition of the text, p. xi of the Introduction. 21, 22. These Sutras are identical with Paraskara II, 5, 32. Comp. the definitions of these three kinds of Snatakas, Paraskara, 1- •• 33-35- 25. Comp. above, chap. 2, 58. Ill PRAPAri7AKA, 6 KANDIKA, 2. 8/ 28. Nor of what he has not heard, as if he had heard it. 29. He should give up everything that forms an impediment for his Veda-recitation. 30. He should endeavour to keep himself (pure from every defilement) like a pot of oil. 31. He should not climb a tree. 32. He should not go toward evening to another village, 2)2)- Nor alone, 34. Nor together with V/Vshalas (or ^'udras). 35. He should not enter the village by a by-path. 36. And he should not walk without a companion. 37. These are the observances for those who have performed the Samavartana, 38. And what (besides) is prescribed by 6'ish/as. Kandika 6. 1. When his cows are driven out, he should repeat (the verse), ' May (Bhava), the all-valiant one, (and Indra protect) these (cow^s) for me' (MB. I, 8, i). 2. When they have come back, (he should repeat the verse), ' These which are rich in sweet ' (ibid. 2). 33. That the Snataka is not allowed to go alone to another village, follows from Siilra 36 ; thus Sutra 33 is superfluous. The com- mentator of course tries to defend Gobhila, but I think he has not succeeded. Probably Gobhila has taken the two Sutras from different texts on which his own composition seems to be based. 38. Baudhayana I, i, 6 (S. B. E. XIV, 144) : ' Those are called ^ish/as who, in accordance with the sacred law, have studied the Veda together with its appendages, know how to draw inferences from that, and are able to adduce proofs perceptible by the senses from the revealed texts.' 6, I seq. Different ceremonies connected with cattle-keeping. Comp. Khadira-Gnhya III, i, 45 seq. 88 G727HYA-S^TRA OF GOBMILA. 3. If he is desirous of thriving (in his cattle), he should lick with his tongue the forehead of the first- born calf, before it is licked by its mother, and should gulp with (the formula), ' Thou art the phlegm of the cows ' (ibid. 3). 4. If he is desirous of thriving (in his cattle), he should, when the cows have calved, at night put wood on the fire in the cow-stable and should sacri- fice churned curds with drops of ghee, with (the verse), ' Seizer, seize ' (ibid. 4). 5. If he is desirous of thriving (in his cattle), he makes, when the cows have calved, with a sword of Udumbara wood, marks on a male and on a female calf, first on the male, then on the female, with (the Mantra), ' The world art thou, thousandfold' (ibid. 5- 6), 6. And after he has done so, he should recite (over the two calves the Mantra), ' With metal, with the butcher's knife ' (ibid. 7). 7. When the rope (to which the calves are bound) is spread out, and (again) when the calves have been bound to it, he should recite over it (the verse), ' This rope, the mother of the cows ' (ibid. 8). 8. Here now the following (rites) have to be per- formed day by day, (viz.) 9. (The rites at) the driving out (of the cows), at the coming back (of the cows), and at the setting into motion of the rope (with the calves). 10. At the cow-sacrifice (i.e. the sacrifice by which a thriving condition for the cows is obtained), boiled rice-grains with milk (are offered). 9. See Sutras i. 2. 7. Ill PRATATHAKA, 7 KAA^Z)IKA, 7. 89 11. Let him sacrifice to Agni, Piishan, Inclra, and l^vara. 12. To the bull honour is done (by adorning it, by lavish food, &c.). 13. By the cow-sacrifice also the horse-sacrifice (i.e. the sacrifice by which thriving horses are ob- tained) has been explained. 14. Of deities Yama and Varu/^a are added here (to the deities stated above) (Sutra ii). 15. (After the cow-sacrifice) the cows are be- sprinkled M ith scented water ; the cows are be- sprinkled with scented water. KAiVijiKA 7. 1. Now (follows) the 6rava;2a ceremony. 2. It has to be performed on the full-moon day (of the month Sr2iVB.n3.). 3. Having besmeared (a surface) to the east of the house (with cow-dung), they carry forward (to that place) fire taken from the (sacred) domestic fire. 4. He besmears four spots to the four sides (of the fire), 5. Towards the (four) directions, 6. (To the extent) of more than one prakrama (i.e. step). 7. He puts a dish on the fire and fries (in that 15. As to the repetition of the last words of this chapter, see the notes on I, 4, 31 ; II, 8, 25; 10, 50. 7, I seq. The ^ravawa ceremony or the Bali-ofFcring to the Serpents. Comp. Khadira-G/-/hya III, 2, i seq., and the elaborate paper of Dr. Winternitz, Der Sarpabali, ein altindischer Schlangen- cult (Wien, 1888). 90 GRIHYA-stlTRA OF GOBHILA. dish) one handful of barley-grains, without burning them. 8. To the west of the fire he places a mortar so that it stands firmly, and husks (the grains), separating (the husked and the unhusked grains ?). 9. After he has carefully ground them to flour, and has thrown (that) into a wooden cup (/^amasa), and covered it with a winnowing-basket, he puts it up (in the house). 10. Between (the besmeared surface) towards the south, and that towards the east (there should be) a passage. 11. After sunset he takes the wooden cup, (the spoon called) Darvi, and the winnowing-basket, and goes to (the fire) which has been carried forward (Sutra 3). 12. He throws the flour into the winnowing- basket and fills the wooden cup with water. 13. He takes once a quantity of flour with the Darvi spoon, pours out water on the besmeared place to the east (of the fire), and offers (there) a Bali with (the words), ' O king of Serpents, dwelling towards the east, this is thy Bali ! ' (MB. H, i, i). 14. He pours the rest of the water over (that Bali, taking care) that it does not carry away the Bali. 8. As to avahanti, comp. above, I, 7, 4 ; Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, p. 30. II. According to the commentary atiprawita means the fire which has been carried forward (Sutra 3). Another explanation is then added, which is based on a quotation from a 'tantrantara :' ' After he has established a fire, he should carry forward one fire- brand taken from that fire, in a south-eastern direction, with the Mantra ye rupawi pratimu;7/('amana/2 &c. ; that fire is the atipra«ita fire.' Ill PRAPA^/^AKA, 7 KAA^MKA, 21. 9 I 15. Turning round from right to left, he besprinkles the wooden cup and the Darvi spoon, warms them, and (repeats the offering of a Bali) in the same way towards the south, towards the west, and towards the north, as the Mantra (MB. II, i, i. 2) runs, without turning away (between the single Bali- offerings). 16. After he has thrown the remnants (of flour) out of the basket into the fire, he goes to that fire which has not been carried forward. 1 7. To the west of that fire he touches the earth with his two hands turned downwards, and mur- murs the Mantra, ' Adoration to the Earth's ' — (MB. 11,1,3). 18. In the evening boiled rice-grains with milk (are prepared). 19. Of that (milk-rice) he should make oblations with (the formulas), ' To 6'rava?^a, to Vish;m, to Agni, to Pra^apati, to the Vi^ve devas Svaha ! ' 20. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthalipaka rite. 21. To the north of the fire he places a bunch of Darbha grass with roots, and murmurs the Mantra, ' Soma the king ' (ibid. 4), and, ' The agreement which you have made ' (ibid. 5). 15. Literally, 'turning round, following his left arm.' Comp. ■Sahkhayana II, 3, 2. The Mantra runs thus, ' O king of Serpents, dwelling towards the south (the west, the north), this is thy Bali ! ' 16. Comp. Sutra 11 and the note. 17. Comp. below, IV, 5, 3. 20. Gr/hya-sa?«graha 1, 1 14 : ' Where the technical expression is used, "The rest according to the rite of the Sthalipakas," he should, after he has sacrificed the two A^yabhagas, pour (A^ya) into the Sru>^ and cut off (the Avadanas with the Sru/(').' Comp. Gobhila I, 8, 3 seq. 92 Gi27HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 2 2. On the following day he has flour of fried barley-grains prepared, and in a new pot, covering (it with another pot), he puts it up (in his house). 23. (Of that flour) he should silently offer Balis day by day in the evening, before the sacrifice, until the Agrahaya;^! day. KAiVDIKA 8. A 1 . On the full-moon day of (the month) Awayu^a, at the Pr/shataka ceremony, a mess of boiled rice- grains with milk, sacred to Rudra, (is prepared). 2. Of that (milk-rice) let him sacrifice, the first oblation with (the verse), ' To us, O Mitra and Varu;2a' (Sama-veda I, 220), the second with (the verse), ' Not in our offspring ' (Rig-veda I, 114, 8), 3. And (eight A^'-ya oblations) with the ' cow's names ' (i.e. with the formulas), ' The lovely one art thou,' &c., with each (name) separately. 4. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthalipaka rite. 5. Having carried the Pr/shataka around the fire, turning his right side towards (the fire), and having caused the Brahma;^as to look at it (i.e. at the Vri- shataka), he should look at it himself with (the verse 23. The sacrifice is that prescribed in Sutras 18. 19, which should, as well as the ofifering of Balis, be daily repeated. 8, I seq. The Pr/shataka ceremony; comp. Khadira-Gn'hya III, 3, I seq. A Pr/shataka is a mixture of milk or of curds with A^ya; comp. Khad. 1. 1. 3 ; G/7'hya-sawgraha II, 59; .Sahkhayana IV, 16, 3 note. 3. The ' cow's names' are given in the Gr/hya-sa;«graha II, 60; of the nine names given there the last is omitted at the Pr/shataka ceremony. 4. See above, chap. 7, 20 and the note. Ill PKAPArfl'AKA, 8 KAA'DIKA, 1 6. 93 3 repeated by the Brahma;/as and by the sacrificer), 'That bright eye, created by the gods, which rises on the east — may we see it a hundred autumns ; may we hve a hundred autumns ! ' 6. After he has entertained the Brahma;/as with food and has eaten himself, (the sacrificer and his family) should tie (to their arms, necks, &c.) amulets made of lac together with all sorts of herbs, for the sake of prosperity. 7. In the evening he should feed the cows with the Prz'shataka, and should let the calves join them. 8. Thus (the cows) will thrive. 9. At the sacrifice of the first fruits a mess of boiled rice-grains with milk, sacred to Indra and Agni, (is prepared). 10. Having sacrificed first a Havis offering of that (milk-rice), he sacrifices over that (oblation) four A^ya oblations with (the verses), ' To him who bears a hundred weapons,' &c. (MB. II, i, 9-12). 11. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthalipaka rite. 1 2. The rest of the remnants of the sacrificial food he should give to eat to all (persons present) who have received the initiation (Upanayana). 13. Having 'spread under 'water once, he should cut off two portions of the boiled rice-grains. 14. Three (portions are cut off) by descendants of Bhr/gu. 15. And over (these portions) water (Is poured). 16. (After the food has been prepared In this 9 seq. The sacrifice of the first fruits; comp. Khadira-Gr/hya III, 3, 6 seq. II. See chap. 7, 20 and the note. 16, 20. Instead of asa;«svada;7;, saw^svadayeran, I read A 94 Gi?/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. way), he should swallow it without chewing it, with (the Mantra), ' From the good to the better ' (ibid. 13). 17. In the same way three times. 18. Silently a fourth time. 19. After he has cut off a greater portion, 20. They may, if they like, chew that. 21. Having sipped water, they should touch their mouths, their heads, and their limbs from above downwards, with (the verse), ' This art thou ' (ibid. 14). 22. In the same way (sacrifices of the first fruits are performed) of ^'yamaka (panicum frumentaceum) and of barley. 23. (At the sacrifice) of ^'yamaka (the Mantra with which the food is partaken of [comp. SlJtra 16], is), ' May Agni eat as the first' (ibid. 15). 24. (At the sacrifice) of barley, ' This barley, mixed with honey' (ibid. 16). KAiVDiKA 9. 1. On the Agrahaya;^i day (or the full-moon day of the month Marga^irsha) Bali-offerings (are made). 2. They have been explained by the sacrifice. 3. He does not murmur (here) the Mantra, 'Adora- tion to the Earth's.' asa/z/khada?;;, sa7//khadayeran. Comp. Khadira-Gr/hya III, 3, 1 3 : asa?«khadya pragiret, and the quotations in Bohtlingk-Rotli's Dictionary s. v. sawz-khad and a-svad. 9, I seq. The Agrahayam ceremony by which the rites devoted to the Serpents are concluded. Khadira-Gn'hya III, 3, 16 seq. 2. See above, chap. 7. 3. Comp. chap. 7, 17 : To the west of that fire he touches the Ill PRAPAr/fAKA, 9 KAjVDIKA, IO. 95 4. In the morning, after he has sacrificed the (regular) morning oblation, he should have the following (plants and branches of trees) fetched, viz. Darbha grass, a ^'ami (branch), Viri;/a grass, a (Badari branch) with fruits, Apamarga, and .Sirisha. He then should silently throw (a portion) of flour of fried barley into the fire, should cause the Brah- ma;^as to pronounce auspicious wishes, and should circumambulate the house, turning his right side to- wards it, starting from the room for the (sacred) fire, striking the smoke (of the sacred fire) with those objects (i. e. with the plants and branches mentioned above). 5. He should throw away those objects, after he has made use of them. 6. On solid stones he places a water-barrel with the two (Samans belonging to the verse), ' Vastosh- pati ' (Sama-veda I, 27^) and with (that) Rik (itself). 7. Let him pour two pots of water into that barrel with this verse, ' Some assemble ' (Sama-veda- Ara?/yaka, vol. ii, p. 292, ed. Bibl. Indica). 8. In the evening boiled rice-grains with milk (are prepared). 9. Of that (milk-rice) he should make an oblation with (the Mantra), ' She shone forth as the first' (MB. II, 2, I). 10. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthalipaka rite. earth with his two hands turned downwards, and murmurs the Mantra, 'Adoration to the Earth's.' 6. He sings the twoKavasha Samans of which the verse Sama-veda I, 275 is considered as the Yoni, and then repeats that verse itself. 8. This Sutra is identical with chap. 7, 18. 10. Comp. chap. 7, 20 note. 96 G7J7HYA-SUTRA OF GOBIIILA. 11. To the west of the fire he touches the Barhis with his two hands turned downwards, and murmurs the Vyahr/tis (i. e, the solemn utterances), ' In the Kshatra I estabUsh myself (ibid. 2. 3). 12. To the west of the fire he should have a layer spread out, 13. Of northward-pointed grass, 14. Inclined towards the north. 15. After they have spread out on that (grass) new rugs, the householder sits down (thereon) on the southern side. 16. Then without an interval the others according to their age, 1 7. And without an interval their wives, each with her children. 18. When they are seated, the householder touches the layer (of grass) with his two hands turned downwards, and murmurs the verse, ' Be soft to us, O Earth' (ibid. 4). 19. When he has finished that (verse), they lie down on their right sides. 20. In the same way (they lie down on their right sides) three times, turning themselves towards them- selves (i. e. turning round forwards, not backwards, and thus returning to their former position ?). 21. They repeat the auspicious hymns as far as they know them ; 22. The complex of Samans called Arish/a, according to some (teachers). 20. The explanation which the commentary gives of this dilificult Sutra can hardly be accepted: trir avr/tya tri/^kr/tvo^bhyasya , . . abhyatmam atmano gr/hapater abhimukhyena, atmana arabhyety artha/i. katha?;/ nama ? yenaiva krame7iopavish/a/^ tenaiva kramewa trir avartayeyu,^. 22. The commentary gives a second name for this Saman Ill PRAPArJ^AKA, lO KAiVDIKA, lO. 97 23. Having touched water, they may do whatever they hke. Kaa'dika 10. 1. The Ash/aka (is a festival) sacred to the night. 2. It procures prosperity. 3. It is sacred to Agni, or to the Manes, or to Pra^apati, or to the Seasons, or to the Vi^ve devas — thus the deity (to which the Ash/aka is sacred), is investigated (by different teachers). 4. There are four Ash/akas in (the four months of) the winter ; 5. These all he should endeavour to celebrate with (offerings of) meat ; 6. Thus says Kautsa. 7. (There are only) three Ash/akas (in the winter), says Audgahamani, 8. And so say (also) Gautama and Varkakha;/^i. 9. The eighth day of the dark fortnight after the Agrahaya;^! is called Apiipash/aka (i. e. Ash/aka of the cakes). 10. Having prepared grains in the way prescribed litany, arish/abhafiga. Naraya^za says : abodhy agnir (Sv. I, 73) mahi tn«am (I, 192) iti dve tvavata (I, 193) ityadika/;^ sarvaloka- prasiddha;« prayu^ya. 10, I seq. The Ash/aka festivals; Khadira-Gnliya III, 3, 28. Comp, -Sahkhayana-Grz'hya III, 12, i note (S. B. E. XXIX, 102). 4, 7. As to the difference of opinion regarding the number of Ash/akas, comp. Weber, Naxatra, second article, p. 337. Gobhila himself follows the opinion of Audgahamani, for he mentions only three Ash/akas in the winter season, the first following after the Agrahayam full moon (chap. 10, 9), the second after the Taishi (10, 18), and the third after the Maghi (IV, 4, 17). 10. See above, I, 7, 2 seq. [30] H 98 GJ?7HYA-S(JTRA OF GOBHILA. for Sthalipakas, he cooks (those grains and prepares thus) a Z'aru. 11. And (besides he prepares) eight cakes, with- out turning them over In the dish (in which he bakes them) ; 12. (Each) In one dish ; 1 3. Without Mantras, according to AudgahamanI ; 14. Of the size of the (cakes) sacred to Tryam- baka. 15. After he has baked them, he should pour (A^ya) on them, should take them from the fire towards the north, and should pour (A^ya) on them again. 16. In the way prescribed for Sthalipakas he cuts off (the prescribed portions) from the mess of boiled grains and from the cakes, and sacrifices with (the words), ' To the Ash/aka Svaha ! ' 17. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthalipaka rite. 18. (At the second Ash/aka, on) the eighth day after the full-moon day of Talsha, a cow (is sacri- ficed). 19. Shortly before the time of junction (of day and night, I. e. before the morning twilight) he should place that (cow) to the east of the fire, and when (that time) has come, he should sacrifice (Ac^a) with II. Gnliya-Bawgraha II, 71 : pr/thakkapalan kurvita apupan ash/akavidhau. 14. Regarding the Tralyambaka cakes, comp. Katyayana ^rauta- sutra V, 10, I seq. ; Vaitana-sutra IX, 18, &c. 16. See above, I, 8, 5 seq. 17. Comp. chap. 7, 20 note. 18. With the following paragraphs the .S'rauta rites of the animal sacrifice should be compared ; see J. Schwab, Das altindische Thieropfer (Erlangen, 1886). Ill PRAPAr/fAKA, lO KAiVZ)IKA, 3 I. 99 (the verse), 'What, O beasts, you think' (MB. II, 2.5). 20. And after having sacrificed, he should recite over (the cow the verse), 'May thy mother give leave to thee ' (ibid. 6). 21. Let him sprinkle (the cow) with water in which barley is, with (the words), ' Agreeable to the Ash/aka I sprinkle thee.' 2 2. Let him carry a fire-brand round it with (the verse), ' The lord of goods, the sage (goes) round ' (Sama-veda I, 30). 23. Let him give it water to drink. 24. The remainder of what it has drunk he should pour out under (the feet of) the beast with (the formula), ' Away from the gods the Havis has been taken' (MB. II, 2, 7). 25. They then walk in a northerly direction (from the fire) and kill (the cow), 26. The head of which is turned to the east, the feet to the north, if the rite is sacred to the gods, 27. The head to the south, the feet to the west, if the rite is sacred to the Manes. ^28. After it has been killed, he should sacrifice (A^a) with (the verse), ' If the beast has lowed ' (ibid. 8). 29. And (the sacrificer's) wife should get water and should wash all the apertures of the cow's body. 30. They lay two purifiers (i. e. grass-blades) on (the cow's body) near its navel, cut it up in the direc- tion of its hairs, and draw the omentum out. 31. He should spit it on two pieces of wood, on one (simple) branch and on another forked branch, should besprinkle it (with water), and should roast it. H 2 lOO G/2/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 32. When it has ceased to drop, he should say, ' Hew the (cow) to pieces — 33. 'So that the blood does not stain the ground to the east of the fire.' 34. After he has roasted (the omentum), he should pour (A^ya) on it, should take it from the fire towards the north, and should pour (A^ya) on it again. 35. After he has cut off (the prescribed portions from) the omentum in the way prescribed for Sthali- pakas, or in the way prescribed for the Svish/akr/t (oblation), he sacrifices with (the words), ' To the Ash/aka Sviha ! ' 36. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthalipaka rite. The rest according to the Sthalipaka rite. End of the Third PrapaZ/^aka. 32. In the text we ought to read vijasata, as Dr. Knauer has observed. 35. The regulations concerning the Avadanas are given for Sthah'pakas, I, 8, 5 seq., and for the Svish/akr/t oblation, I, 8, II seq. 36. Comp. Ill, 7, 20 note. IV FRAVATHAKA, I KAiVDIKA, lO. lOI TrATATHAKA IV, KAiVDIKA 1. 1. He throws the two spits into the fire ; 2. That which consists of one (simple) branch, towards the east, the other one towards the w^est. 3. They cut off the Avadana portions from all its limbs, 4. With the exception of the left thigh and the lungs. 5. The left thigh he should keep for the Anvash- ^akya ceremony. 6. On the same fire he cooks one mess of rice- grains and one of meat, stirring up the one and the other separately, from left to right, with two pot- ladles. 7. After he has cooked them, he should pour A (A^ya) on them, should take them from the fire towards the north, and should pour (A^^a) on them again. 8. Having poured the juice (of the Avadanas) into a brazen vessel, 9. And having placed the Avadanas on a layer (of grass) on which branches of the Plaksha (tree) have been spread, 10. He cuts off (the prescribed portions) from the 1, I. Comp. Ill, 10, 31. 3. Comp. Ajvalayana-Gr/hya I, 11, 12; Khadira-G;Vhya III, 4, 14 seq. 6. ' He cooks a mess of meat ' — i. e. he cooks the Avadanas. Comp. Khadira-Gnhya, 1. 1. 17 ; Ajv.-Gr/hya I, 11, 12. 10. See I, 8, 5 seq. I02 GR/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. Avadanas in the way prescribed for Sthalipakas, (and puts those portions) into (another) brazen vessel ; 1 1. And (the portion) for the Svish/akr/t oblation separately. 12. Taking of the mess of boiled rice-grains (Sutra 6) a portion of the size of a Bilva fruit, he should mix that, together with the Avadanas (Sutra lo), with the juice (Sutra 8). 13. Taking a fourfold portion of A^ya he should sacrifice it with the first of the eight Ri/cas, ' Entering into fire, the fire' (MB. II, 2, 9-16). 14. Of the mixture (Sutra 12) he cuts off the third part and sacrifices it with the second and third (verse). 15. He places the word Svaha after the second (of those verses, i.e. after the third verse of the whole Mantra). 16. In the same way he sacrifices the other two- thirds (of that mixture, the one) with the fourth and fifth (verse), and (the other) with the sixth and seventh (verse), 17. Having cut off the rest, he should sacrifice the oblation to (Agni) Svish/akr/t with the eighth (verse). 18. Even if he be very deficient in wealth, he should celebrate (the Ash/aka) with (the sacrifice of) an animal. 19. Or he should sacrifice a Sthalipaka. 20. Or he should offer food to a cow. 20 seq. Regarding these Sutras, which occur nearly identically in o. With the first (verse) one who is desirous of the enjoyment (of riches), should worship the sun, within sight of (that) person rich in wealth (from 23. The commentary explains parthivam, ' pr/thivyartha;;/ kri- yate, iti parthivam, gramakshetradyartham;' simik\rly the com- mentary on Khadira-Grzliya IV, i, 13 says, ' pr/thivipatitvaprapty- artham idam uktam karma.' 27. Comp. below, chap. 6, 12. 28. Gr^liya-saw/graha II, 11. Il8 G7?7HYA-StjTRA OF GOBHILA. whom he hopes to obtain wealth) ; then he will obtain wealth. 31. With the second (verse) one who desires that his stock of horses and elephants may increase, should sacrifice fried grains, while the sun has a halo. 32. With the third (verse) one who desires that his flocks may increase, (should sacrifice) sesamum seeds, while the moon (has a halo). 33. Having worshipped the sun with the fourth (verse), let him acquire wealth ; then he will come back safe and wealthy. 34. Having worshipped the sun with the fifth (verse) let him return to his house. He will safely return home ; he will safely return home. Kaa^dika 6. 1. Let him daily repeat (the formula), ' Bhu/; ! ' (MB. H, 4, 14) in order to avert involuntary death. 2. (He who does so) has nothing to fear from serious diseases or from sorcery. 3. (The ceremony for) driving away misfortune (is as follows). 4. It is performed on the sacrificial day (i. e. on the first day of the fortnight). 5. (Oblations are made with the six verses), ' From the head' (MB. H, 5, i seq.), verse by verse. 6. The seventh (verse is), 'She who athwart' (MB. I, 5, 6). 7. (Then follow) the verses of the Vamadevya, 6, I seq. Comp. Khadira-Grzliya IV, 1,19 seq. 4. Comp. above, chap. 5, 12. 6. Comp. above, II, 7, 14. 7. The text belonging to the Vamadevya Saman, is the TnZ'a, Sama-veda II, 32-34. IV PRAPArfl-AKA, 6 KAiVDIKA, 1 4. II9 8. (And) the Mahavyahmis. 9. The last (verse) is, ' Pra^apati ' (MB. II, 5, 8). 10. With the formula, ' I am glory' (MB. II, 5, 9) one who is desirous of glory should worship the sun in the forenoon, at noon, and in the afternoon, 11. Changing (the words), ' of the forenoon^ (into ' of the noon,' and ' of the afternoon,' accordingly). 12. Worshipping (the sun) at the time of the morning twilight and of the evening twilight pro- cures happiness, (both times) with (the formula), 'O sun! the ship' (MB. II, 5, 14), and (after that) in the morning with (the formula), ' When thou risest, O sun, I shall rise with thee' (ibid. 15); in the evening with (the formula), ' When thou goest to rest, O sun, I shall go to rest with thee ' (ibid. 16). 1 3. One who desires to gain a hundred cart-loads (of gold), should keep the vow (of fasting) through one fortnight and should on the first day of a dark fortnight feed the Brahma;/as with boiled milk-rice prepared of one Kawsa of rice. 14. At the evening twilight (of every day of that fortnight), having left the village in a westerly direc- tion, and having put wood on the fire at a place where 10. According to the commentary the formula yai-o ^ham bha- vami comprises five sections; thus it would include the sections II, 5, 9-13 of the I\Iantra-Brahma«a. The Mantra quoted next by Gobhila (Sutra 12) is really MB. II, 5, 14. 13. Comp. chap. 5, 24-27. One Ka?;/sa is stated to be a measure equal to one Drowa. The more usual spelling is ka;;isa, and this reading is found in the corresponding passage of the Khadira-Gn'hya (IV, 2, i). 14. As to the meaning of ka«a ('small grain of rice '), comp. Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, p. 32, note i. I20 G227HYA-S^TRA OF GOBHILA. four roads meet, he should sacrifice the small grains (of that rice), turning his face towards the sun, with (the words), ' To Bhala Svaha ! To Bhala Svaha ! ' (ibid. 17. 18). 15. (He should repeat those rites) in the same way the two next dark fortnights. 16. During the time between those dark fort- nights he should observe chastity till the end (of the rite), till the end (of the rite). KAiVDiKA 7. 1. Let him select the site for building his house — 2. On even ground, which is covered with grass, which cannot be destroyed (by inundations, &c.), 3. On which the waters flow off to the east or to the north, 4. On which plants grow which have no milky juice or thorns, and which are not acrid. 5. The earth should be white, if he Is a Brah- ma;?a, 6. Red, if he is a Kshatrlya, 7. Black, if he is a Vaii^ya. 8. (The soil should be) compact, one-coloured, not dry, not sallnous, not surrounded by sandy desert, not swampy. 9. (Soil) on which Darbha grass grows, (should be chosen) by one who is desirous of holy lustre, 10. (Soil covered) with big sorts of grass, by one who Is desirous of strength, 1 1. (Soil covered) with tender grass, by one who is desirous of cattle. 7, I seq. Comp, Khadira-Gr/hya IV, 2, 6 seq. IV PRAPAri/AKA, 7 KAiVDIKA, 21. 12 1 12. (The site of the house) should have the form of a brick, 13. Or it should have the form of a round island. 14. Or there should be natural holes (in the ground) in all directions. 15. On such (ground) one who is desirous of fame or strength, should build his house with its door to the east ; 16. One who is desirous of children or of cattle, (should build it) with its door to the north ; 17. One who is desirous of all (those things), (should build it) with its door to the south. 18. Let him not build it with its door to the west. 19. And a back-door. 20. The house-door. 21. So that (he ?) may not be exposed to looks (?). 19-21. I have translated the words of these Sutras without trying to express any meaning. According to the commentary the meaning is the following: 19. He should not build a house which has its door on the back-side, or which has one front-door and one back-door. 20. The house-door should not face the door of another house. 21. The house-door should be so constructed that the householder cannot be seen by ^awfl'alas, &c., when he is performing religious acts or when dining in his house. Or, if instead of sawloki the reading sa/;Hoki is accepted, the Sutra means : the house-door should be so constructed, that valuable ob- jects, &c., which are in the house, cannot be seen by passers-by. — The commentary on Khadira-Gn'hya IV, 2, 1 5 contains the remark : dvaradvayaw (var. lectio, dvaram dvara;«) parasparam rt'gn na syad iti ke^it. This seems to me to lead to the right under- standing of these Sutras. I think we ought to read and to divide in this way: (19) anudvara?/? ia. (20. 21) gr/hadvaraw yatha na sa;«loki syat. ' And (let him construct) a back-door, so that it does not face the (chief) house-door.' The Khadira INISS. have the readings, asalloki, asandraloke, sa;«loka. 122 Gi^/HYA-SOXRA OF GOBHILA. 2 2. ' Let him avoid an Aj"vattha tree on the east- side (of his house), and a Plaksha on the south-side, a Nyagrodha on the west-side, and on the north-side an Udumbara. 23. ' One should say that an A^-vattha brings (to the house) danger from fire ; one should say that a Plaksha tree brings early death (to the inhabitants of the house), that a Nyagrodha brings oppression through (hostile) arms, that an Udumbara brings diseases of the eye. 24. ' The Ai"vattha is sacred to the sun, the Plaksha to Yama, the Nyagrodha is the tree that belongs to Varu;^a, the Udumbara, to Pra^apati,' 25. He should place those (trees) in another place than their proper one, 26. And should sacrifice to those same deities. 27. Let him put wood on the fire in the middle of the house, and sacrifice a black cow, 28. Or a white goat, 22-24. These are .Slokas to which the commentary very appro- priately, though not exactly in the sense in which it was originally set down, applies the dictum so frequently found in the Brahmawa texts : na hy ekasmad aksharad viradhayanti. Dr. Knauer's attempts to restore correct -51okas are perhaps a little hazardous ; he inserts in the third verse ia after plaksha s, and in the second he changes the first bruyat into /^a, whereby the second foot of the hemistich loses its regular shape w , and receives instead of it the form ^ w - ^. 25. He should remove an A^vattha tree from the east-side, &c. 26. He should sacrifice to the deities to whom the transplanted trees are sacred. 27 seq. Here begins the description of the vastu jamana, which extends to Siitra 43. As to the animal sacrifice prescribed in this Sutra, comp. Dr. Winternitz's essay, Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Bauopfer bei den Indern (Sitzungsbericht der Anthrop. Gesellschaft in Wien, 19 April, 1887), p. 8. IV PRAPAri/AKA, 7 KAA'fllKA, 4I. I 23 29. (The one or the other) together with milk- rice. T,o. Or (only) milk-rice. 31. Having mingled together the fat (of the animal), A^^ya, its flesh, and the milk-rice, 32. He should take eight portions (of that mixture) and should sacrifice (the following eight oblations) : 33. The first (verse, accompanying the first obla- tion), is, ' Vastoshpati ! ' (MB. H, 6, i). 34. (Then follow) the (three) verses of the Vama- devya, 35. (And the three) Mahavyahmis. 36. The last (oblation is offered with the formula), ' To Pra^apati (svaha).' T,^. After he has sacrificed, he should offer ten Balis, 38. In the different directions (of the horizon), from left to right, 39. And in the intermediate points, 40. In due order, without a transposition. 41. (He should offer a Bali) in the east with (the formula), '(Adoration) to Indra!' in the interme- diate direction — ' To Vayu ! ' in the south — " To Yama ! ' in the intermediate direction — ' (Svadha) to the Fathers ! ' in the west — ' (Adoration) to Varu;2a ! ' in the intermediate direction — ' To Mahara^ra ! ' in the north — ' To Soma ! ' in the intermediate direction — ' To Mahendra ! ' down- 34. Comp. above, chap. 6, 7 note. 36. The commentary says : ' The last oblation should be offered with the formula, "To Prao^apati svaha !" ' Probably we ought to correct the text, Pra^apata ity uttama, 'the last (verse) is, "Pra^apati!" (MB. II, 5, 8);' see above, IV, 6, 9; Khadira- Grz'hya IV, 2, 20. 124 GRIHYA-sijTRA OF GOBHILA. wards — 'To Vasuki ! ' upwards, in the sky (i.e. throwing the BaH into the air), with (the formula), ' Adoration to Brahman ! ' 42. To the east, upwards, and downwards this should be done constantly, day by day. 43. (The whole ceremony is repeated) every year or at the two sacrifices of the first fruits. Kaa^dika 8. A 1. At the and Agrahaya;^i sacrifices he should leave a remainder of fried grains, 2. Having gone out of the village in an easterly or in a northerly direction, and having put wood on the fire at a place where four roads meet, he should sacrifice (those fried grains) with his joined hands, with the single (verses of the text), ' Hearken, Raka ! ' (MB. H, 6, 2-5). 3. Walking eastward (he should), looking upwards, (offer a Bali) to the hosts of divine beings, with (the formula), ' Be a giver of wealth ' (ibid. 6) ; 4. (Walking ?) towards the side, (he should offer a Bali) to the hosts of other beings, looking down- wards. 5. Returning (to the fire) without looking back, he should, together with the persons belonging to his 43. See above, III, 8, 9 seq. 8, I. See above, III, 7 ; 9. Comp. Khadira-Gr/hya III, 2, 8 seq. 4. The commentary says : Tiryafi tirai-Z'ina;;/ yatha bhavati tatha, iti kriyavi^esha«am etat. athava . . . tiryah tirsLsMna/i san. Arvan ought to be corrected to avah (comp. Khadira-Gnhya III, 2, 13)- 5. The commentary explains upetai// simply by samipam agatai/i. IV PRAPAri/AKA, 8 KAiVDlKA, I4. I 25 family, as far as they have been initiated (by the Upanayana), eat the fried grains. 6. (This ceremony) procures happiness. 7. (With the two formulas), ' Obeying the will ' and '^'aiikha' (MB. II, 6, 7. 8), he should sacrifice two oblations of rice and of barley separately, 8. With reference to a person whose favour he wishes to eain. 9. This is done daily. 10. With the Ekaksharya verse (MB. II, 6, 9) two rites (are performed) which are connected with the observance (of fasting) for a fortnight. 11. One who is desirous of long life, should sacri- fice (with that verse), in the night of the full moon, one hundred pegs of Khadira wood ; 12. Of iron, if he desires that (his enemies) may be killed. 13. Now another ceremony (performed with the same verse). 14. Having gone out of the village in an easterly or in a northerly direction, he should at a place where four roads meet, or on a mountain, set an elevated surface, consisting of the dung of beasts of the forest, on fire, should sweep the coals away, and should make an oblation of butter (on that surface) with his mouth, repeating that Mantra in his mind. 7 seq. Khadira-G/'/hya IV, 2, 24 seq. 7. I. e. he should sacrifice one oblation of rice, and one of barley. 8. Literally, to a person, &c. The meaning is, he should pro- nounce the name of that person. The Sutra is repeated from IV, 5, 20 ; thus its expressions do not exactly fit the connection in which it stands here. 10 seq. Khadira-Gnliya IV, 3, i seq. 126 Gie/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 15. If (that oblation of butter) catches fire, twelve villages (will be his). 16. If smoke rises, at least three. 1 7. They call this ceremony one which is not in vain. 18. One who desires that his means of livelihood may not be exhausted, should sacrifice green cow- dung in the evening and in the morning. 19. Of articles which he has bought, he should, after having fasted three (days and) nights, make an oblation with the formula, ' Here this Vi^vakarman' (MB. II, 6, 10). 20. Of a orarment he should offer some threads (with that formula), 21. Of a cow some hairs (of its tail) ; 22. In the same way (he should offer some part) of other articles which he has bought. 23. The sacrifice of a full oblation (with the verse, ' A full oblation I sacrifice,' MB. II, 6, 1 1) should be performed on the sacrificial day (i.e. on the first day of the fortnight), 24. And (on such a day let him sacrifice) with (the formula), ' Indramavadat (?) ' (MB. II, 6, 12). 25. One who is desirous of glory, (should offer) the first (oblation); one who is desirous of com- panions, the second. 18. Khadira-G/vTiya IV, 3, 18. On haritagomayan the com- mentary has the following note : yai/z khalu gomayai// sawkule prade^e haritani t;7>/ani pra^astany utpadyante tan kila gomayan haritagomayan ay^'akshate. te khalv ardra ihabhipreyante. katha;;/ ^wayate. teshv eva tatprasiddhe//. 19. Khadira-Gr/hya IV, 3, 7. 23 seq. Khadira-G/7'hya IV, 3, 8 seq. The Pratika quoted in Sutra 24 is corrupt. IV PRAPArifAKA, 9 KAiVZiIKA, 9. 12J Kaa^dika 9. 1. One who desires to become a ruler amoncr men should fast through a period of eight nights. 2. Then he should provide a Sruva spoon, a cup (for water), and fuel, of Udumbara wood, 3. Should go out of the village in an easterly or in a northerly direction, should put wood on the fire at a place where four roads meet, A 4. And should sacrifice A^ya, turning his face towards the sun, with (the formulas), ' Food indeed is the only thing that is pervaded by the metres,' and, ' Bliss indeed ' (MB. II, 6, 13. 14) ; 5. A third (oblation) in the village with (the formula), 'The food's essence is ghee' (ibid. 15). 6. One who is desirous of cattle, (should offer this oblation) in a cow-stable. 7. If (the cow-stable) is damaged by fire (?), (he should offer) a monk's robe. 8. On a dangerous road let him make knots in the skirts of the garments (of himself and of his companions), 9. Approaching those (of the travellers) who wear garments (with skirts). 9, I seq. Khadira-Gr/'hya IV, 3, 10 seq. 7. Perhaps we ought to follow the commentary and to translate, ' When (the cow-stable) becomes heated (by the fire on which he is going to sacrifice),' &c. (' goshMe^gnim upasamadhayaiva homo na kartavya/;, kin tv agnim upasamadha}api tavat pratiksha;/iyaw yavad gosh//mm upatapyamana?// bhavati '). I have translated ^ivaram according to the ordinary meaning of the word ; in the commentary it is taken as equivalent to lauhaX'Cir«am (copper filings). 128 G/J/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 10. (Let him do so with the three formulas, MB. II, 6, 13-15) with the word Svaha at the end of each. 11. This will bring a prosperous journey (to him- self) and to his companions. [Or: (He should do the same with the garments) of his companions. This will bring a prosperous journey.] 12. One who desires to gain a thousand cart-loads (of gold), should sacrifice one thousand oblations of flour of fried grains. 13. One who is desirous of cattle, should sacrifice one thousand oblations of the excrements of a male and a female calf ; 14. Of a male and a female sheep, if he is desirous of flocks. 15. One who desires that his means of livelihood may not be exhausted, should sacrifice in the evening and in the morning the fallings-off of rice-grains, with (the formulas), 'To Hunger Svaha!' 'To Hunger and Thirst Svaha!' (MB. II, 6, 16. 17). 16. If somebody has been bitten by a venomous animal, he should murmur (the verse), ' Do not fear, thou wilt not die' (MB. II, 6, 18), and should be- sprinkle him with water. 17. With (the formula), 'Strong one! Protect' (MB, II, 6, 19), a Snataka, when lymg down (to sleep), should lay down his bamboo staff near (his bed). 18. This will bring him luck. 1 9. (The verses), ' Thy worm is killed by Atri ' (MB. II, 7, 1-4), he should murmur, besprinkling a place where he has a worm with water. 15, Khadira-Grzliya IV, 3, 6. 16 seq. Khadira-G/7'hya IV, 4, i seq. 4 PRAPAT/fAKA, lO KAA'Z)IKA, 5. I 29 20. If he intends to do this for cattle, he should fetch in the afternoon an earth-clod taken out of a furrow, and should put it down in the open air. 21. In the morning he should strew the dust of it round (the place attacked by worms),- and should murmur (the same texts). KAiVZJIKA 10. 1. To the north of the place (in which the Arghya reception will be offered to a ■ guest), they should bind a cow (to a post or the like), and should (reverentially) approach it with (the verse), ' Arha?/a putra vasa' (MB. II, 8, i). 2. (The guest to whom the Arghya reception is going to be offered) should come forward murmuring, ' Here I tread on this Padya Vira^ for the sake of the enjoyment of food ' (ibid. 2). 3. (He should do so) where they are going to perform the Arghya ceremony for him, 4. Or when they perform it. 5. Let them announce three times (to the guest) separately (each of the following things which are 10, I seq. The Arghya reception; Khadira-GrAya IV, 4, 5seq. ; Gn'hya-saw/graha II, 62-65. The first words of the Mantra quoted in Sutra i are corrupt. The Mantra is evidently an adap- tation of the well-known verse addressed to the Agrahaya«i (Gobhila III, 9, 9; Mantra-Brahma7za II, 2, i), or to the Ash/aka (Paraskara III, 3, 5, 8): prathamd ha vyuvasa, &c. The first word arha7;a ('duly'), containing an allusion to the occasion of the Arghya ceremony, to which this Mantra is adapted, seems to be quite right ; the third word may be, as Dr. Knauer conjectures, uvasa (' she has dwelt,' or perhaps rather 'she has shone '). For the second word I am not able to suggest a correction. 2. Regarding Padya Vira^, comp. -Sahkhayana III, 7, 5 note ; Paraskara I, 3, 12. [30] K 130 Gi27HYA-St)TRA OF GOBHILA. brought to him) : a bed (of grass to sit down on), water for washing the feet, the Argha water, water for sipping, and the Madhuparka (i.e. a mixture of ghee, curds, and honey). 6. Let him spread out the bed (of grass, so that the points of the grass are) turned to the north, with (the verse), 'The herbs which' (MB. II, 8, 3), and let him sit down thereon ; 7. If there are two (beds of grass), with the two (verses) separately (MB. II, 8, 3. 4) ; 8. On the second (he treads) with the feet. 9. Let him look at the water (with which he is to wash his feet), with (the formula), ' From which side I see the goddesses ' (ibid. 5). 10. Let him wash his left foot with (the formula), 'The left foot I wash;' let him wash his right foot with (the formula), 'The right foot I wash' (MB. 11,8,6.7); 11. Both with the rest (of the Mantra, i.e. with the formula), ' First the one, then the other' (II, 8, 8). 12. Let him accept the Arghya water with (the formula), ' Thou art the queen of food ' (ibid. 9). 13. The water (offered to him) for sipping he should sip with (the formula), 'Glory art thou' (ibid. 10). 14. The Madhuparka he should accept with (the formula), ' The glory's glory art thou' (ibid. 11). 15. Let him drink (of it) three times with (the 8. See Paraskara I, 3, 9. II. The commentary says, jeshewava^'ish/enodakena. Comp., however, Khadira-Gnhya IV, 4, 11. 15. I have adopted the reading jribhaksho, which is given in the Mantra-Brahmawa, and have followed the opinion of the com- 4 PRAPAri/AKA, lO KAA'DIKA, 23. I3I formula which he repeats thrice), ' The glory's food art thou ; the might's food art thou ; the bliss's food art thou ; bestow bliss on me ' (MB. II, 8, 12) ; 16. Silently a fourth time. 1 7. Having drunk more of it, he should give the remainder to a Brahma;m. 18. After he has sipped water, the barber should thrice say to him, * A cow ! ' 19. He should reply, ' Let loose the cow from the fetter of Varu;^a ; bind {with it) him who hates me. Kill him and (the enemy) of N. N., (the enemies) of both (myself and N. N.). Deliver the cow ; let it eat grass, let it drink water' (MB. II, 8, 13). 20. (And after the cow has been set at liberty), let him address it with (the verse), ' The mother of the Rudras' (MB. II, 8, 14). 2 1 . Thus if it is no sacrifice (at which the Arghya reception is offered). 22. (He should say), 'Make it (ready),' if it is a sacrifice. 23. There are six persons to whom the Arghya reception is due, (namely), mentator that the whole Mantra, and not its single parts, should be repeated each time that he drinks of the Madhuparka. In the Khadira-Grzliya the text of the Mantra differs, and the rite is described differently (IV, 4, 15). 16, 17. Perhaps these two Sutras should be rather understood as forming one Sutra, and should be translated as I have done in Khadira-Grz'hya IV, 4, i6. 19. Iti after abhidhehi ought to be omitted. Comp. the lengthy discussions on this word, pp. 766 seq. of the edition of Gobhila in the Bibliotheca Indica. ' N. N.' is the host who offers the Arghya; comp. Khadira-G/^liya IV, 4, 18. 21, 22. In the case of a sacrifice the cow is killed; comp. ^S'aiikhayana II, 15, 2. 3 note; Paraskara I, 3, 30. K 2 G/J/HYA-SUTRA OF GOBHILA. 24. A teacher, an officiating priest, a Snataka, a king, the father-in-law, a friend coming as a guest. 25. They should offer the Arghya reception (to such persons not more than) once a year. 26. But repeatedly in the case of a sacrifice and of a wedding. But repeatedly in the case of a sacri- fice and of a wedding. End of the Fourth Prapa//^aka. End of the Gobhila-Grzhya-sutra. 24. Vivahya is explained in the commentary by vivahayi- tavyo^amata. Comp., however, 6'ankhayana 11, 15, i note. 25, 26. Comp. 6ahkhayana II, 15, 10 and the note. Gi?/HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAA^YAKE5IN. INTRODUCTORY NOTE TO THE G7?/HYA-SUTRA OF HIRA/VYAKE5IN. After the excellent remarks of Professor Buhler on the position of Hirawyakej-in among the Statra authors of the Black Ya^ur-veda (Sacred Books, vol. ii, p, xxiii seq.), I can here content myself with shortly indicating the materials on which my translation of this Grzliya-sutra, which was unpublished when I began to translate it, is based. For the first half of the work I could avail myself, in the first place, of the text, together with the commentary of Matr/- datta, which the late Dr. Schoenberg of Vienna had prepared for publication, and which was based on a number of MSS. collated by him. It is my melancholy duty gratefully to acknowledge here the kindness with which that prematurely deceased young scholar has placed at my disposal the materials he had collected, and the results of his labour which he continued till the last days of his life. For the second half of the Sutra his death deprived me of this important assistance ; here then Professors Kielhorn of Gottingen and Buhler of Vienna have been kind enough to enable me to finish the task of this translation, by lending me two MSS. of the text and two MSS. of M^tWdatta's commentary which they possess. Finally, Dr. J. Kirste of Vienna very kindly sent me the proof-sheets of his valuable edition before it was published. With the aid of these my translation has been revised. G/e/HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAA^AKE^IN. Pra^na I, Patala 1, Section 1. 1. We shall explain the Upanayana(i.e. the initia- tion of the student). 2. Let him initiate a Brahma^za at the age of seven years, 3. A Ra^anya, of eleven, a Vai^ya, of twelve. 4. A Brahma;^a in the spring, a Rd^anya in the summer, a Vaii-ya in the autumn. 5. In the time of the increasing moon, under an auspicious constellation, preferably (under a con- stellation) the name of which is masculine, 6. He should serve food to an even number of Brahma;2as and should cause them to say, ' An aus- picious day ! Hail ! Good luck ! ' — 7. (Then he) should have the boy satiated, should 1, 2. The statement commonly given in the GnTiya-sutras and Dharma-siltras is, that the initiation of a Brahma«a shall take place in his eighth year, though there are differences of opinion whether in the eighth year after conception, or after birth (Aj-valayana- Gr/hya I, 19, i. 2). Matn'datta states that the rule given here in the GnTiya-sutra refers to the seventh year after birth. In the Dharma-sutra (comp. Apastamba I, i, 18) it is stated that the ini- tiation of a Brahmawa shall take place in the eighth year after his conception. Comp. the remarks of Professor Biihler, S. B. E., vol. ii, p. xxiii. A. 4. Apastamba I, i, 18. 6. Comp. Apastamba I, 13, 8 with Buhlers note. 138 Gi?/HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAA'YAKES'IN. have his hair shaven, and after (the boy) has bathed and has been decked with ornaments — 8. He should dress him in a (new) garment which has not yet been washed. 9. In a place inclined towards the east, (or) in- clined towards the north, (or) inclined towards north- east, or in an even (place), he raises (the surface on which he intends to sacrifice), sprinkles it with water, 10. Kindles fire by attrition, or fetches common (worldly) fire, puts the fire down, and puts wood on the fire. 11. He strews eastward-pointed Darbha grass round the fire ; 1 2. Or (the grass which is strewn) to the west and to the east (of the fire), may be northward-pointed. 13. He (arranges the Darbha blades so as to) lay the southern (blades) uppermost, the northern ones below, if their points are turned (partly) towards the east and (partly) towards the north. 14. Having strewn Darbha grass, to the south of the fire, in the place destined for the Brahman, 15. Having with the two (verses), ' I take (the fire) to myself,' and, ' The fire which (has entered) ' — taken possession of the fire, 16. And having, to the north of the fire, spread out Darbha grass, he prepares the (following) objects, 9. Paraskara I, i, 2 ; 4, 3 ; Ajvalayana I, 3, i, &c. II. Ajvalayana 1.1.; 6ahkhayana I, 8, i, &c. 13. Gobhila I, 7, 14. 14. Gobhila I, 6, 13 ; Paraskara I, i, 2, &c. 15. Taittiriya Sawhita V, 9, i. Comp. also the parallel pas- sages, 6'atapatha Brahmawa VII, 3,2,17; Katyayana-^Sraut. XVII, S, 27- 16. Gobhila I, 7, i. I PRA5NA, I PATALAj I SECTION, 2 2. 1 39 according as they are required (for the ceremony which he is going to perform) : 1 7. A stone, a (new) garment which has not yet been washed, a skin (of an antelope, or a spotted deer, &c.), a threefold-twisted girdle of Muu£-a. grass if he is a Brahma/^a (who shall be initiated), a bow- string for a Ra^anya, a woollen thread for a Vai^ya, a staff of Bilva or of Pala^a wood for a Brahma;za, of Nyagrodha wood for a Ra^anya, of Udumbara wood for a Vai5"ya. 18. He binds together the fuel, twenty-one pieces of wood, or as many as there are oblations to be made. 19. Together with that fuel he ties up the (three) branches of wood which are to be laid round the fire, (which should have the shape of) pegs. 20. (He gets ready, besides, the spoon called) Darvi, a bunch of grass, the A^ya pot, the pot for the Pra?nta water, and whatever (else) is required ; 21. All (those objects) together, or (one after the other) as it happens. 22. At that time the Brahman suspends the sacri- ficial cord over his left shoulder, sips water, passes by the fire, on its west side, to the south side, throws away a grass blade from the Brahman's seat, touches water, and sits down with his face turned towards the fire. 17. 6'ahkhayana II, i, 15 seqq., &c. As to the stone, comp. below, I, I, 4,13. 18. Comp, Aj'valayana I, 10, 3, and the passages quoted in the note (vol. xxix, p. 173). 20. Regarding the bunch of grass, see below, I, 2, 6, 9. 22. Gobhila I, 6, 14 seq. Comp. the passages quoted in the note. 140 GRIKYA-sijTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE.SIN. 23. He takes as 'purifiers' two straight Darbha blades with unbroken points of one span's length, cuts them off with something else than his nail, wipes them with water, pours water into a vessel over which he has laid the purifiers, fills (that vessel) up to near the brim, purifies (the water) three times with the two Darbha strainers, holding their points to the north, places (the water) on Darbha grass on the north side of the fire, and covers it with Darbha grass. 24. Having consecrated the Proksha;^i water by means of the purifiers as before, having placed the vessels upright, and having untied the fuel, he sprinkles (the sacrificial vessels) three times with the whole (Proksha;^i water). 25. Having warmed the Darvi spoon (over the fire), having wiped it, and warmed it again, he puts it down. 26. Having besprinkled (with water) the Darbha grass with which the fuel was tied together, he throws it into the fire. 27. He melts the A^ya, pours the A^ya into the A A^a pot over which he has laid the purifiers, takes some coals (from the fire) towards the north, puts (the A^ya) on these (coals), throws light (on the 23. Gobhila I, 7, 21 seq. ; iSankhayana I, 8, 14 seq. The water mentioned in this Sutra is the Prawita water. 24. Regarding the Prokshawi water, see ^ahkhayana I, 8, 25 note. The word which I have translated by 'vessels' is bilavanti, which literally means ' the things which have brims.' Probably this expression here has some technical connotation unknown to me. Matr/datta simply says, bilavanti patra/zi. — ' As before ' means, ' as stated with regard to the Pramta water.' 25. Paraskara I, i, 3. 27. -S'ahkhayana I, 8, 18 seq. I rKA5NA, I PATALA, 2 SECTION, 8. 14! A^ya by means of burning Darbha blades), throws two young Darbha shoots into it, moves a fire-brand round it three times, takes it (from the coals) towards the north, pushes the coals back (into the fire), puri- fies the A^ya three times with the two purifiers, holding their points towards the north, (drawing them through the A^ya from west to east and) taking them back (to the west each time), throws the two purifiers into the fire, Patala 1, Section 2. 1. And lays the (three) pegs round (the fire). 2. On the west side (of the fire) he places the middle (peg), with its broad end to the north, 3. On the south side (of the fire the second peg), so that it touches the middle one, with its broad end to the east, 4. On the north side (of the fire the third peg), so that it touches the middle one, with its broad end to the east. 5. To the west of the fire (the teacher who is going to initiate the student), sits down with his face turned towards the east. 6. To the south (of the teacher) the boy, wearing the sacrificial cord over his left shoulder, having sipped water, sits down and touches (the teacher). 7. Then (the teacher) sprinkles water round the fire (in the following way) : 8. On the south side (of the fire he sprinkles 2, I. The 'pegs' are the pieces of wood mentioned above, i, 19. 7-10. Gobhila I, 3, i seq. The vocative Sarasvate instead of Sarasvati is given by the MSS, also in the Khadira-Grzliya 1, 2, 19. 142 G/?7HYA-SUTRA OF HIRA;VYAKE5'IN. water) from west to east with (the words), ' Aditi ! Give thy consent ! ' — 9. On the west side, from south to north, with (the words), ' Anumati ! Give thy consent ! ' On the north side, from west to east, with (the words), ' Sarasvati ! Give thy consent ! ' — 10. On all sides, so as to keep his right side turned towards (the fire), with (the Mantra), ' God Savitr/ ! Give thy impulse ! ' (Taitt. Sa;;2h. I, 7, 7, i). 11. Having (thus) sprinkled (water) round (the fire), and having anointed the fuel (with A^ya), he puts it on (the fire) with (the Mantra), ' This fuel is thy self, Catavedas ! Thereby thou shalt be in- flamed and shalt grow. Inflame us and make us grow ; through offspring, cattle, holy lustre, and through the enjoyment of food make us increase. Svaha ! ' 12. He then sacrifices with the (spoon called) Darvi (the following oblations) : 13. Approaching the Darvi (to the fire) by the northerly junction of the pegs (laid round the fire), and fixing his mind on (the formula), ' To Pra^apati, to Manu svaha !' (without pronouncing that Mantra), he sacrifices a straight, long, uninterrupted (stream of A^ya), directed towards the south-east. 14. Approaching the Darvi (to the fire) by the southern junction of the pegs (laid round the fire), II. As to the Mantra, compare -Sahkhayana II, 10, 4, &c. 13, 14. The two oblations described in these Sutras are the so-called Agharas ; see Sutra 15, and Paraskara I, 5, 3; Ajva- layana I, 10, 13. Regarding the northern and the southern junc- tion of the Paridhi woods, see above, Sfltras 3 and 4. According to Matmlatta, the words 'long, uninterrupted' (Sutra 13) are to be supplied also in Sutra 14. I TRASNA, I PAT^ALA, 2 SECTION, 1 8. 1 43 O A (he sacrifices) a straight (stream of A^ya), directed towards the north-east, with (the Mantra which he pronounces), ' To Indra svaha ! ' 15. Having (thus) poured out the two Aghara oblations, he sacrifices the two A^yabhagas, 16. With (the words), ' To Agni svaha ! ' over the easterly part of the northerly part (of the fire) ; with (the words), 'To Soma svaha!' over the easterly part of the southerly part (of the fire). 17. Between them he sacrifices the other (obla- tions). 18. (He makes four oblations with the following Mantras) : ' Thou whom we have set to work, 6^ata- vedas ! carry forward (our offerings). Agni ! Per- ceive this work (i. e. the sacrifice), as it is performed (by us). Thou art a healer, a creator of medicine. Through thee may we obtain cows, horses, and men. Svaha ! ' Thou who liest down athwart, thinking, " It is I who keep (all things) asunder : " to thee who art propitious (to me), I sacrifice this stream of ghee in the fire. Svaha ! ' To the propitious goddess svaha ! ' To the accomplishing goddess svaha ! ' 16. An'alayana I, 10, 13; -5"ankhayana I, 9, 7, &c. As to the expressions uttarardhapurvardhe and dakshiwardhapur- vardhe, com p. Gobhila I, 8, 14 and the note. 17. I.e. between the places at which the two 'A^ya portions' are offered. Comp. .Sahkhayana I, 9, 8. 18. 6'atapatha Brahmawa XIV, 9, 3, 3 ( = B;7'had Arawyaka VI, 3, I ; S. B, E., vol. XV, p. 210); Mantra-Brahmawa I, 5, 6. 144 Gi^/HYA-SlDTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^'IN. Patala 1, Section 3. 1. This is the rite for all Darvi-sacrifices. 2. At the end of the Mantras constantly the word Svaha (is pronounced). 3. (Oblations) for which no Mantras are prescribed (are made merely with the words), ' To such and such (a deity) svaha ! ' — according to the deity (to whom the oblation is made). 4. He sacrifices with the Vyahrztis, ' Bhu// ! Bhuva/^ ! Suva/^ ! ' — with the single (three Vyahr/tis) and with (the three) together. 5. (The Mantras for the two chief oblations are), the (verse), * Life-giving, Agni ! ' (Taitt. Brahma;^a I, 2, I, 11), (and), * Life-giving, O god, choosing long life, thou whose face is full of ghee, whose back is full of ghee, Agni, drinking ghee, the noble ambrosia that comes from the cow, lead this (boy) to old age, as a father (leads) his son. Svaha ! ' 6. (Then follow oblations with the verses), 'This, O Varu;/a' (Taitt. II, i, 11, 6), * For this I entreat thee ' (Taitt. Sa;;d-i., loc. cit.), 3, 2. Gobhila I, 9, 25. 3. (Safikhayana I, 9, 18. 4. ^ankhayana I, 12, 12. 13; Gobhila I, 9, 27. As to suva//, the spelling of the Taittiriyas for sva//, see Indische Studien, XIII, 105. 5. 6. In the second Mantra we should read \rinz,no instead of gr?>/ano ; comp. Atharva-veda II, 13, i. As to the Mantras that follow, comp. Paraskara I, 2, 8 ; Taittiriya Arawyaka IV, 20, 3. — Regarding the Mantra tvam Agne ayasi (sic), comp. Taitt. Brah. II, 4, I, 9; A^valayana-^rauta-sutra I, 11, 13; Katyayana-.S'rauta- sutra XXV, i, 11 ; Indische Studien, XV, 125. I PRAi'NA, I PArALA, 3 SECTION, II. 1 45 ' Thou, Agni' (Taitt. Sa?;^h. II, 5, 12, 3), ' Thus thou, Agni ' (Taitt. Sa;;/h., loc. cit), ' Thou, Agni, art quick. Being quick, appointed (by us) in our mind (as our messenger), thou who art quick, earnest the offering (to the gods). O quick one, bestow medicine on us ! Svaha ! ' — (and finally) the (verse), ' Pra^apati !' (Taitt. Sa;;^h. I, 8, 14, 2). 7. (With the verse), ' What I have done too much in this sacrifice, or what I have done here deficiently, all that may Agni Svish/akr/t, he who knows it, make well sacrificed and well offered for me. To Agni Svish/akr/t, the offerer of well-offered (sacri- fices), the offerer of everything, to him who makes us succeed in our offerings and in our wishes, svaha ! ' — he offers (the Svish^akri't oblation) over the easterly part of the northerly part (of the fire), separated from the other oblations. 8. Here some add as subordinate oblations, before the Svish/akrz't, the (9aya, Abhyatana, and Rash/ra- bhr/t (oblations). 9. The Caya (oblations) he sacrifices with (the thirteen Mantras), ' Thought, svaha ! Thinking, svaha ! ' — or, ' To thought svaha ! To thinking svaha ! ' (&c.) ; 10. The Abhyatana (oblations) with (the eighteen Mantras), ' Agni is the lord of beings ; may he pro- tect me ' (&c.). 11. (The words), 'In this power of holiness, in 7. Ajvalayana-Gr/hyaI,io, 23 ; 6'atapathaBrahma;/a XIV, 9, 4, 24. 8. Comp. the next Sutras and Paraskara I, 5, 7-10. 9. Taitliiiya Sa7//hita III, 4, 4. 10. Taittiriya Sawhita III, 4, 5. 11. See the end of the section quoted in the last note. [30] L 146 G/27HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiWAKESIN. this worldly power (&c.)' are added to (each section of) the Abhyatana formulas. 12. With (the last of the Abhyatana formulas), ' Fathers ! Grandfathers ! ' he sacrifices or performs worship, wearing the sacrificial cord over his right shoulder. 13. The Rash /rabh ret (oblations he sacrifices) with (the twelve Mantras), ' The champion of truth, he whose law is truth.' After having quickly re- peated (each) section, he sacrifices the first oblation with (the words), ' To him svaha ! ' the second (obla- tion) with (the words), ' To them svaha ! ' 14. Having placed a stone near the northerly junction of the pegs (which are laid round the fire), (the teacher) — Pat^ala 1, Section 4, I. Makes the boy tread on (that stone) with his right foot, with (the verse), ' Tread on this stone ; like a stone be firm. Destroy those who seek to do thee harm ; overcome thy enemies.' 12. ' He performs worship with that Mantra, wearing the sacri- ficial cord over his right shoulder, to the Manes. According to others, he worships Agni. But this would stand in contradiction to the words (of the Mantra).' Matr/datta. 13. Taittiriya Sawzhita III, 4, 7. 'To him' (tasmai) is mascu- line, ' to them' (tahhyah) feminine. The purport of these words will be explained best by a translation of the first section of the Rash/rabh;7t formulas : ' The champion of truth, he whose law is truth, Agni is the Gandharva. His Apsaras are the herbs ; " sap" is their name. May he protect this power of holiness and this worldly power. May they protect this power of holiness and this worldly power. To him svaha ! To them svaha ! ' 14. See above, section 2, § 13. 4, I. Comp. ^ahkhayana I, 13, 12 ; Paraskara I, 7, i. I VRAS-NA, I PA^ALA, 4 SECTION, 4. J 47 2. After (the boy) has taken off his old (garment), (the teacher) makes him put on a (new) garment that has not yet been washed, with (the verses), * The goddesses who spun, who wove, who spread out, and who drew out the skirts on both sides, may those goddesses clothe thee with long life. Blessed with life put on this garment. * Dress him ; through (this) garment make him reach a hundred (years) of age ; extend his life. Br/haspati has given this garment to king Soma that he may put it on. ' Mayst thou live to old age ; put on the garment ! Be a protector of the human tribes against impreca- tion. Live a hundred years, full of vigour ; clothe thyself in the increase of wealth.' 3. Having (thus) made (the boy) put on (the new garment, the teacher) recites over him (the verse), * Thou hast put on this garment for the sake of welfare ; thou hast become a protector of thy friends against imprecation. Live a hundred long years ; a noble man, blessed with life, mayst thou distribute wealth.' 4. He then winds the girdle three times from left to right round (the boy, so that it covers) his navel. (He does so only) twice, according to some (teachers). (It is done) with (the verse), 2. Paraskara I, 4, 13. 12; Atharva-veda II, 13, 2. 3 (XIX, 24). Instead of paridatava u, we ought to read, as the Atharva-veda has, paridhatava u. 3. Atharva-veda II, 13, 3; XIX, 24, 6. 4. -S'ahkhayana II, 2, i; Paraskara II, 2, 8. The text of the Mantra as given by Hira??yakejin is very corrupt, but the corrup- tions may be as old as the Hirawyakeji-sutra itself, or even older. L 2 148 Gi2/HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE5IN. ' Here she has come to us who drives away sin, purifying our guard and our protection, bringing us strength by (the power of) inhalation and exhalation, the sister of the gods, this blessed girdle.' 5. On the north side of the navel he makes a threefold knot (in the girdle) and draws that to the south side of the navel. 6. He then arranges for him the skin (of an ante- lope, &c., see Sutra 7) as an outer garment, with (the Mantras), * The firm, strong eye of Mitra, glorious splendour, powerful and flaming, a chaste, mobile vesture, this skin put on, a valiant (man), N. N. ! * May Aditi tuck up thy garment, that thou mayst study the Veda, for the sake of insight and belief and of not forgetting what thou hast learnt, for the sake of holiness and of holy lustre ! ' 7. The skin of a black antelope (is worn) by a Brahma?^a, the skin of a spotted deer by a Ra^anya, the skin of a he-goat by a Vaii'ya. 8. He then gives him in charge (to the gods), a Brahma/za with (the verse), ' We give this (boy) in charge, O Indra, to Brahman, for the sake of great learning. May he (Brahman ?) lead him to old age, and may he (the boy) long watch over learning.' 6. I propose to correct ^arishwu into X'arish«u. See .Sahkha- yana II, i, 30. 7. iSahkhayana II, i, 2. 4. 5, &c. 8. In the first hemistich I propose to correct pari dadhmasi into pari dadmasi. The verse seems to be an adaptation of a Mantra which contained a form of the verb pari-dha (comp. Atharva-veda XIX, 24, 2) ] thus the reading pari . . . dadhmasi found in the MSS. may be easily accounted for. The second hemistich is very corrupt, but the Atharva-veda (loc. cit. : yathainaw ^arase nayat) shows at least the general sense. I PRA5NA, I PArALA, 4 SECTION, I 3. 1 49 A Ra^anya (he gives in charge to the gods) with (the verse), ' We give this boy in charge, O Indra, to Brahman, for the sake of great royalty. May he lead him to old age, and may he long watch over royalty.' A Vaii'ya (he gives in charge) with (the verse), ' We give this boy in charge, O Indra, to Brahman, for the sake of great wealth. May he lead him to old age, and may he long watch over wealth.' 9. (The teacher) makes him sit down to the west of the fire, facing the north, and makes him eat the remnants of the sacrificial food, with these (Mantras), ' On thee may wisdom, on thee may offspring ' (Taitt. Ara;^yaka, Andhra redaction, X, 44), — altering (the text of the Mantras). 10. Some make (the student) eat ' sprinkled butter.' 11. (The teacher) looks at (the student) while he is eating, with the two verses, ' At every pursuit we invoke strong (Indra)' (Taitt. IV, i, 2, 1), (and), ' Him, Agni, lead to long life and splendour' (Taitt. Sa?;^h, II, 3, 10, 3). 12. Some make (the boy) eat (that food with these two verses). 1 3. After (the boy) has sipped water, (the teacher) causes him to touch (water) and recites over him (the verse), ' A hundred autumns are before us, O gods, before ye have made our bodies decay, before (our) 9. The text of those Mantras runs thus, ' On me may wisdom, &c.' ; he alters them so as to say, ' On thee,' &c. 10. Regarding the term 'sprinkled butter,' comp. A^valayana- Grzhya IV, i, 18. 19. 13. Rig-veda I, 89. 9. 150 G/2/HYA-sOtRA of HIRAiVYAKE5IN. sons have become fathers ; do not destroy us before we have reached (our due) age.' End of the First Pa/ala. Pra5na I, Patala 2, Section 5. 1. 'To him who comes (to us), we have come. Drive ye away death ! May we walk with him safely ; may he walk here in bliss ; (may he) walk in bliss until (he returns) to his house ' — this (verse the teacher repeats) while (the boy) walks round the fire so as to keep his right side turned towards it. 2. (The teacher) then causes him to say, ' I have come hither to be a student. Initiate me ! I will be a student, impelled by the god Savitr/.' 3. (The teacher then) asks him : 4. ' What is thy name ? ' 5. He says, 'N.N! ' — what his name is. 6. (The teacher says), ' Happily, god Savitr/, may I attain the goal with this N. N.' — here he pro- nounces (the student's) two names. 7. With (the verse), ' For bliss may the goddesses afford us their protection ; may the waters afford drink to us. With bliss and happiness may they overflow us ' — both wipe themselves off. 5, I. I read, pra su mn'tyu?;/ yuyotana ; comp. Mantra-Brahmawa I, 6, 14 (Rig-veda I, 136, i, &c.). As to the last Pada, comp. Rig- veda III, 53, 20. 2 seq. Comp. Gobhila II, 10, 21 seq. ; Paraskara II, 2, 6; -S'ahkha- yana II, 2, 4, &c. 5. Matn'datta, ' As it is said below, " he pronounces his two names " (Sutra 6), the student should here also pronounce his two names, for instance, " I am Devadatta, Karttika." ' 6. ' His common (vyavaharika) name and his Nakshatra name.' Matr/datta. 7. Rig-veda X, 9, 4. I PRA^-NA, 2 PArALA, 5 SECTION, II. I5I 8. Then (the teacher) touches with his right hand (the boy's) right shoulder, and with his left (hand) his left (shoulder), and draws (the boy's) right arm towards himself with the Vyahmis, the Savitri verse, and with (the formula), ' By the impulse of the god Savit7% with the arms of the two A^'vins, with Pushan's hands I initiate thee, N. N. !' 9. He then seizes with his right hand (the boy's) right hand together with the thumb, with (the words), * Agni has seized thy hand; Soma has seized thy hand ; Savitr/ has seized thy hand ; Sarasvati has seized thy hand ; Pushan has seized thy hand ; Brz- haspati has seized thy hand; Mitra has seized thy hand ; Varu;^a has seized thy hand ; Tvash/r/ has seized thy hand ; Dhatr/ has seized thy hand ; Vish;;u has seized thy hand ; Pra^apati has seized thy hand.' 10. 'May Savitr? protect thee. Mitra art thou by rights ; Agni is thy teacher. * By the impulse of the god Savitr/ become Br2haspati's pupil. Eat water. Put on fuel. Do the service. Do not sleep in the day-time ' — thus (the teacher) instructs him. 11. Then (the teacher) gradually moves his right 8. The word which I have translated ' draws . . . towards himself is the same which is also used in the sense of ' he initiates liim ' (upanayate). Possibly we should correct the text : dakshi7/a;// bahum anv abhyatmam upanayate, 'he turns him towards himself from left to right (literally, following his right arm).' Comp. 6ahkhayana II, 3, 2.— Regarding the Mantra, comp. ^ahkhayana II, 2, 12, &c. 9. »Sahkhayana II, 2, 11; 3, i, &c. 10. ^"ahkhayana II, 3, i ; 4, 5. We ought to read apo^xana, instead of apo^sana^ as the MSS. have. 11. iSahkhayana II, 4, i, &c. 152 G/S/HYA-stjTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE5IN. hand down over (the boy's) right shoulder and touches the place of his heart with (the formulas), ' Thy heart shall dwell in my heart ; my mind thou shalt follow with thy mind ; in my word thou shalt rejoice with all thy heart; may Br/haspati join thee to me ! ' To me alone thou shalt adhere. In me thy thoughts shall dwell. Upon me thy veneration shall be bent. When I speak, thou shalt be silent.' 12. With (the words), 'Thou art the knot of all breath; do not loosen thyself — (he touches) the place of his navel. 13. After (the teacher) has recited over him (the formula), ' Bhu/i ! Bhuva/^ ! Suva/^ ! By offspring may I be- come rich in offspring ! By valiant sons, rich in valiant sons ! By splendour, rich in splendour! By wealth, rich in wealth ! By wisdom, rich in wisdom ! By pupils, rich in holy lustre ! ' And (again the formulas), ' Bhu/^ ! I place thee in the RikdiS, in Agni, on the earth, in voice, in the Brahman, N. N. ! ' Bhuva// ! I place thee in the Ya^us, in Vayu, in the air, in breath, in the Brahman, N. N. ! ' Suva/^ ! I place thee in the Samans, in Surya, in heaven, in the eye, in the Brahman, N. N. ! ' May I be beloved (?) and dear to thee, N. N. ! 13. The reading of the last Mantra is doubtful. Ish/atas should possibly be ish/as, but the genitive analasya, or, as some of the MSS. have, ana/asya (read, analasasya ?), points rather to a genitive like i/^/^/?atas. If we write i/^'^/;atas and analasasya, the translation would be : ' May I be dear to thee, who loves me, N. N. ! ]\Iay I be dear to thee, who art zealous, N. N. ! ' Comp. 6'ahkhayana II, 3, 3. I PRA,SNA, 2 PA^ALA, 6 SECTION, 5. 1 53 May I be dear to thee, the fire (?), N. N. ! Let us dwell here ! Let us dwell in breath and life ! Dwell in breath and Hfe, N. N. ! ' — 14. He then seizes with his right hand (the boy's) right hand together with the thumb, with the five sections, ' Agni is long-lived.' 15. 'May (Agni) bestow on thee long life every- where' (Taitt. Sawh. I, 3, 14, 4) — Patala 2, Section 6. 1. (This verse the teacher) murmurs in (the boy's) right ear ; 2. (The verse), ' Life-giving, Agni ' (Taitt. Sa?;^h. I, 3, 14, 4) in his left ear. 3. Both times he adds (to the verses quoted in the last Sutras the formula), ' Stand fast in Agni and on the earth, in Vayu and in the air, in Surya and in heaven. The bliss in which Agni, Vayu, the sun, the moon, and the waters go their way, in that bliss go thy way, N. N. ! Thou hast become the pupil of breath, N.N.!' 4. Approaching his mouth to (the boy's) mouth he murmurs, ' Litelligence may Indra give thee, intelligence the goddess Sarasvati. Intelligence may the two Asv'ms, wreathed with lotus, bestow on thee.' 5. He then gives (the boy) in charge (to the gods and demons, with the formulas), ' To Kashaka(?) I 14. Comp. above, Sutra 9. 6, 3. Ajvalayana I, 20, 8. 4. Ajvalayana I, 15, 2 ; 22, 26; Paraskara II, 4, 8. 5. Comp. ^ahkhayana II, 3, i ; Paraskara II, 2, 21. The name 154 G/J7HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE5'IN. give thee in charge. To Antaka I give thee in charge. To Aghora (" the not frightful one " ) I give thee in charoe. To Disease ... to Yama ... to Makha . . . to Va-yini (" the ruling goddess ") . • • ^o the earth to- gether with Vai^vanara ... to the waters ... to the herbs ... to the trees ... to Heaven and Earth ... to welfare ... to holy lustre ... to the Vi^ve devas . . . to all beings ... to all deities I give thee in charge.' 6. He now teaches him the Savitri, if he has (already) been initiated before. 7. If he has not been initiated (before, he teaches him the Savitri) after three days have elapsed. 8. (He does so) immediately, says Pushkarasadi. 9. Having placed to the west of the fire a bunch of grass with its points directed towards the norths (the teacher) sits down thereon, facing the east, with (the formula), ' A giver of ro)'al power art thou, a teacher's seat. May I not withdraw from thee.' 10. The boy raises his joined hands towards the sun, embraces (the feet of) his teacher, sits down to the south (of the teacher), addresses (him), ' Recite, sir ! ' and then says, ' Recite the Savitri, sir ! ' 11. Having recited over (the boy the verse), 'We call thee, the lord of the hosts' (Taitt. S^mh.. H, 3, 14, 3), he then recites (the Savitri) to him, firstly Pada by Pada, then hemistich by hemistich, and then the whole verse (in the following way), in the first section of the Mantra is spelt Kashakaya and Kaja- kaya. Comp. Mantra-Brahma?/a I, 6, 22 : Kr?\rana, idaw te pari- dadamy amum; Atharva-veda IV, 10, 7: Kar^anas tvabhirak- shatu. 6. 'A repetition of the initiation takes place as a penance.' Matr/datta. 9-1 1. Comp. -Sahkhayana II, 5, &c. I PRA,SNA, 2 PATALA, 7 SECTION, 3. 1 55 ' Bhus ! Tat Savitur vare;^yaw (That adorable splendour) — ' Bhuvo ! Bhargo devasya dhimahi (of the divine Savitr^ may we obtain) — ' Suvar ! Dhiyo yo na/^ pra/'odayat (who should rouse our prayers). — ' Bhiir bhuvas ! Tat Savitur vare;^ya?;2 bhargo devasya dhimahi — 'Suvar! Dhiyo yo na/^ pra/'odayit. — ' Bhur bhuva/^ suvas ! Tat Savitur . . . pra/'oda- A.J yat. Patala 2, Section 7. 1. He then causes (the student) to put on the fire seven pieces of fresh Palaj^a wood, with un- broken tops, of one span's length, which have been anointed with ehee. 2. One (of these pieces of wood he puts on the fire) with (the Mantra), ' To Agni I have brought a piece of wood, to the great 6^atavedas. As thou art inflamed, Agni, through that piece of wood, thus inflame me through wisdom, insight, offspring, cattle, holy lustre, and through the enjoyment of food. Svaha ! ' — 3. (Then he puts on the fire) two (pieces of wood with the same Mantra, usinor the dual instead of the 7, I seq. Comp. Ajvalayana I, 21, i; *Sahkhayana II, 10, &c. ' The putting of fuel on the fire, and what follows after it, form a part of the chief ceremony, not of the recitation of the Savitri. Therefore in the case of one who has not yet been initiated (see I, 2, 6, 7), it ought to be performed immediately after (the student) has been given in charge (to the gods and demons; I, 2, 6, 5).' Matn'datta. 2. Paraskara II, 4, 3. 156 Gi?/HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^IN. singular), * To Agni (I have brought) two pieces of wood ; ' 4. (Then) four (pieces of wood, using the plural), ' To Agni (I have brought) pieces of wood.' 5. He then sprinkles (water) round (the fire) as above. 6. ' Thou hast given thy consent ; ' ' Thou hast given thy impulse ' — thus he changes the end of each Mantra. 7. He then worships the (following) deities (with the following Mantras), 8. Agni with (the words), ' Agni, lord of the vow, I shall keep the vow ; ' 9. Vayu with (the words), ' Vayu, lord of the vow, (&c.);'^ 10. Aditya (the sun) with (the words), ' Aditya, lord of the vow, (&c.) ; ' 1 1. The lord of the vows with (the words), ' Lord of the vows, ruling over the vows (&c.).' 12. He then gives an optional gift to his Guru (i. e. to the teacher). 1 3. (The teacher) makes him rise with (the verse which the student recites), ' Up ! with life ' (Taitt. Samh. I, 2, 8, i) ; he gives him in charge (to the sun) with (the words), ' Sun ! This is thy son ; I give him in charge to thee ; ' and he worships the sun with (the Mantra), ' That bright eye created by the gods which rises in the east : may we see it a hundred autumns ; may we live a hundred autumns ; may we (^. Comp. above, I, i, 2, 7 seq. 6. He says, ' Anumati ! Thou hast given thy consent ! ' &c. 8 seq. Comp. Gobhila II, 10, 16. 12. Comp. 6'ahkhayana I, 14, 13 seq. 13. Paraskara I, 8, 7; I, 6, 3. I PRA5NA, 2 PATALA, 7 SECTION, 21. I 57 rejoice a hundred autumns ; may we be glad a hundred autumns ; may we prosper a hundred autumns ; may we hear a hundred autumns ; may we speak a hundred autumns ; may we Hve un- decaying a hundred autumns ; and may we long see the sun.' 14. ' May Agni further give thee life. May Agni further grant thee bliss. May Indra with the Maruts here give (that) to thee ; may the sun with the Vasus give (it) to thee ' — with (this verse the teacher) gives him a staff, and then hands over to him a bowl (for collecting alms). 1 5. Then he says to him, ' Go out for alms.' 16. Let him beg of his mother first ; 17. Then (let him beg) in other houses where they are kindly disposed towards him. 18. He brings (the food which he has received) to his Guru (i. e. to the teacher), and announces it to him by saying, ' (These are) the alms.' 19. (The teacher accepts it) with the words, ' Good alms they are.' 20. ' May all gods bless thee whose first garment we accept. May after thee, the prosperous one, the well-born, many brothers and friends be born ' — with (this verse the teacher) takes (for himself) the former garment (of the student). 21. When the food (with which the Brahma;^as shall be entertained) is ready, (the student) takes some portion of boiled rice, cakes, and flour, mixes 14. /Sahkhayana II, 6, 2, &c. 16 seq. ^ankhayana II, 6, 4 seq. ; Apastamba I, 3, 28 seq. 17. The commentary explains ratikuleshu by ^watipra- bhri'tishu; — comp. yo^sya ratir bhavati, I, 3, 9, 18. 20. See above, I, i, 4, 2, and comp. Atharva-veda II, 13, 5. 158 G/27HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^'IN. (these substances) with clarified butter, and sacrifices with (the formulas), ' To Agnl svaha ! To Soma svaha ! To Agni, the eater of food, svaha ! To Agni, the lord of food, svaha ! To Pra^apati svaha ! To the Vij-ve devas svaha ! To all deities svaha ! To Agni Svish/akm svaha ! ' 22. Thus (let him sacrifice) wherever (oblations of food are prescribed) for which the deities (to whom they shall be offered) are not indicated. 23. If the deity is indicated, (let him sacrifice) with (the words), ' To such and such (a deity) svaha!' — according to which deity it is. 24. Taking (again) some portion of the same kinds of food, he offers it as a Bali on eastward- pointed Darbha grass, with (the words), ' To Vastu- pati (i. e. Vastoshpati) svaha ! ' 25. After he has served those three kinds of food to the Brahma;ms, and has caused them to say, 'An auspicious day ! Hail ! Good luck ! ' — Patala 2, Section 8. 1. He keeps through three days the (following) vow : 2. He eats no pungent or saline food and no vege- tables ; he sleeps on the ground ; he does not drink out of an earthen vessel ; he does not give the remnants of his food to a ^udra ; he does not eat honey or meat ; he does not sleep in the day- 23. Comp. above, I, i, 3, 3. 24. 'The same,' of course, refers to Sutra 21. 25. See above, I, i, i, 6. 8, I. This is the Savitra-vrata. Comp. I, 2, 6, 7 ; -S"ahkhayana, Introduction, p. 8. 2. Regarding the term ' pungent food,' comp. Professor Buhler's notes on Apastamba I, i, 2, 23; II, 6, 15, 15. I PRA5NA, 2 PArALA, 8 SECTION, 5. I 59 time ; in the morning- and in the evening- he brings (to his teacher) the food which he has received as alms and a pot of water ; every day (he fetches) a bundle of firewood ; in the morning and in the evening, or daily in the evening he puts fuel on (the fire, in the following way) : 3. Before sprinkling (water) round (the fire), he wipes (with his wet hand) from left to right round (the fire) with the verse, ' As you have loosed, O Vasus, the buffalo-cow' (Taitt. Sa.7;ih. IV, y, 15, 7), and sprinkles (water) round (the fire) as above, 4. (Then) he puts (four) pieces of wood (on the fire) wdth the single (Vyahr/tis) and with (the three Vyahr/tis) together, and (four other pieces) with (the following four verses), ' This fuel is thine, Agni ; thereby thou shalt grow and gain vigour. And may we grow and gain vigour. Svahd ! ' May Indra give me insight ; may Sarasvati, the goddess, (give) insight ; may both A^fvins, wreathed with lotus, bestow insight on me. Svaha ! 'The insight that dwells with the Apsaras, the mind that dwells with the Gandharvas, the divine insight and that which is born from men : may that insight, the fragrant one, rejoice in me ! Svaha ! ' May insight, the fragrant one, that assumes all shapes, the gold-coloured, mobile one, come to me. Rich in sap, swelling with milk, may she, insight, the lovely-faced one, rejoice in me ! Svaha ! ' 5. Having wiped round (the fire) in the same way, he sprinkles (water) round (the fire) as above. 3. See I, I, 2, 7 seq. ; Apastamba Dharma-sutra I, i, 4, 18. 4. Apastamba I, i, 4, 16; 6'ankhayana II, 10, 4, &c. 5. See Sutra 3 and the note. l6o G2?7HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAATYAKE^IN. 6. He worships the fire with tlie Mantras, 'What thy splendour is, Agni, may I thereby ' (Taitt. Sawh. Ill, 5, 3, 2), and 'On me may insight, on me off- spring ' (Taitt. Ara;^yaka X, 44). 7. After the lapse of those three days (Sutra i) he serves in the same way the three kinds of food (stated above) to the Brahma;^as, causes them to say, 'An auspicious day! Hail! Good luck!' and dis- charges himself of his vow by (repeating) these (Mantras) with (the necessary) alterations, ' Agni, lord of the vow, I have kept the vow' (see above, 1, 2, 7, 8). 8. He keeps the same observances afterwards (also), 9. Dwelling in his teacher's house. He may eat, (however,) pungent and saline food and vegetables. 10. He wears a staff, has his hair tied in one knot, and wears a girdle, 11. Or he may tie the lock on the crown of the head in a knot. 12. He wears (an upper garment) dyed with red Loth, or the skin (of an antelope, &c.). 13. He does not have intercourse with women. 14. (The studentship lasts) forty-eight years, or 6. Ajvalayana-Gr/hya I, 21, 4. 7. See I, 2, 7, 21. 25. 8. He keeps the observances stated in Sutra 2. 9. See above, Sfitra 2. Comp. Apastamba Dharma-sutra I, i, 2, II, and Sutra 23 of the same section, which stands in contra- diction to this S(itra of Hira?2yakej-in. 10. II. Comp. Apastamba I, i, 2, 31. 32. Matn'datta has re- ceived into his explanation of the eleventh Sutra the words, ' he should shave the rest of the hair,' which in the Apastambiya-sutra are found in the text. 14. A^valayana-Gnliya I, 22, 3; Apastamba Dharma-sfitra I, I, 2, 12 seq. I VRASNA, 3 PA^ALA, 9 SECTION, 3. 161 twenty-four (years), or twelve (years), or until he has learnt (the Veda). 15. He should not, however, omit keeping the observances. 16. At the beginning and on the completion of the study of a Ka7ida. (of the Black Ya^ur-veda he sacri- fices) with (the verse), ' The lord of the seat, the wonderful one, the friend of Indra, the dear one, I have entreated for the grift of insiMit. Svaha ! ' In the second place the J^i'shl of the Ka.7id3. (re- ceives an oblation). (Then follow oblations with the verses), ' This, O Varu;^a ; ' * For this I entreat thee ; ' ' Thou, Agni ; ' ' Thus thou, Agni ;' ' Thou, Agni, art quick ;' ' Pra- ^apati ! ' and, ' What I have done too much in this sacrifice.' Here some add as subordinate oblations the Gaya, Abhyatana, and Rash/rabhrzt (oblations) as above. End of the Second Pa/ala. Pra6'NA I, Pa^ala 3, Section 9. 1. After he has studied the Veda, the bath (which signifies the end of his studentship, is taken by him). 2. We shall explain that "(bath). 3. During the northern course of the sun, in the time of the increasing moon, under (die Nakshatra) Rohi;^i, (or) Mrtga.sira.s, (or) Tishya, (or) Uttara 16. Rig-veda I, 18, 6. As the 7?;shis of the single Ka/;^ pajena sitva tva mahyam . . . (three syllables) anayet. The Apastambiya Mantrapa//;a, according to Dr.Winter- nitz's copy, gives the following text : anupohvad anuhvayo vivartto I PRA5NA, 4 PArALA, 1 5 SECTION, I. I 77 5. Then he enters his house, puts a piece of Sidhraka wood on (the fire), and sacrifices with the ' on-drawing- verse,' ' Back-bringer, bring them back ' (Taitt. Samh. Ill, 3, 10, i). 6. Now (we shall explain) how one should guard his wife. 7. One whose wife has a paramour, should grind big centipedes (?) to powder, and should insert (that powder), while his wife is sleeping, into her secret parts, with the Mantra, ' Indra .... from other men than me.' 8. Now (follows the sacrifice for procuring) pros^ perity in trade. 9. He cuts off (some portion) from (every) article of trade and sacrifices it — Pat-ala 4, Section 15, I. With (the verse), ' If we trade, O gods, trying by our wealth to acquire (new) wealth, O gods, may vo nyavivr/dhat. aindra>^ parikrojo tu vaA parikro^atu sarvata/^, yadi mam atimanyadva a deva devavattara indra/i pajena jitkva vo mahyam id vaj'am anayat svaha. Comp. Prof. Pischel's remarks, Philologische Abhandlungen, Martin Hertz zum siebzigslen Ge- burtstage von ehemaligen Schulern dargebracht (Berlin, 1888), p. 69 seq. 7. On sthura dr2dM[/i] Matr/"datta says, sthura druM/i sthu- ra/i jatapadya//. A part of the Mantra is untranslatable on account of the very corrupt condition of the text. The reading given by most of the MSS. is, Indraya yasya jepham alikam anye- hhya/i purushebhyo-nyatra mat. The Apastambiya Mantra- pa///a reads, indrayasya phaligam anyebhya/^ purushe- bhyonyatra mat. The meaning very probably is that Indra is invoked to keep away from the woman the jepha of all other men except her husband's. 15, I. Comp. Atharva-veda III, 15, 5 ; Gobhila IV, 8, 19. [30] N 178 GiLTHYA-S^TRA OF HIRAiVYAKESIN. Soma thereon bestow splendour, Agni, Indra, Br/ha- spati, and li'ana. Svaha ! ' 2. Now (follows) the way for appeasing anger. 3. He addresses the angry person with (the verses), ' The power of wrath that dwells here on thy forehead, destroying thy enemy (?), may the chaste, wise gods take that away. ' If thou shootest, as it were, the thought dwelling in thy face, upwards to thy forehead, I loosen the anger of thy heart like the bow-string of an archer. ' Day, heaven, and earth : we appease thy anger, as the womb of a she-mule (cannot conceive).' 4. Now (follows) the way for obtaining the victory in disputes. 5. He puts wood on the fire at night-time in an inner apartment, performs the rites down to the Vyahr/ti oblations, and sacrifices small grains mixed with A^ya, with (the verse), ' Tongueless one, thou who art without a tongue ! I drive thee away through my sacrifice, so that I may gain the victory in the dispute, and that N. N. may be defeated by me. Svaha ! ' 6. Then in the presence (of his adversary), turned towards him, he murmurs (the verses), ' I take away the speech from thy mouth, (the speech) that dwells in thy mind, (the speech) from thy heart. Out of every limb I take thy speech. Wheresoever thy speech dwells, thence I take it away. 3. Paraskara III, 13, 5. Possibly we ought to correct mrid- dhasya into mrz'dhrasya. Avadyam ought to be ava ^yam; see Atharva-veda VI, 42, i. 5. The commentary explains kawas (small grains) as oleander (karavira) seeds. 6. Comp. Paraskara III, 13, 6. The text of the Mantras is corrupt. I PRA5NA, 5 PATALA, 1 6 SECTION, I. I 79 ' Rudra with the dark hair-lock ! Hero ! At every contest strike down this my adversary, as a tree (is struck down) by a thunderbolt. ' Be defeated, be conquered, when thou speakest. Sink down under the earth, when thou speakest, struck down by me irresistibly (?) with the hammer of . . . (?). That is true what I speak. Fall down, inferior to me, N.N.!' 7. He touches the assembly-hall (in which the contest is going on), and murmurs, ' The golden- armed, blessed (goddess), whose eyes are not faint, who is decked with ornaments, seated in the midst of the gods, has spoken for my good. Svaha ! ' 8. ' For me have the high ones and the low ones, for me has this wide earth, for me have Agni and Indra accomplished my divine aim' — with (this verse) he looks at the assembly, and murmurs (it) turned towards (the assembly). End of the Fourth Pa/ala. Pra-sna I, Pat^ala 5, Section 16. I. When he has first seen the new moon, he sips water, and holding (a pot of) water (in his hands) he worships (the moon) with the four (verses), 'Increase' (Taitt. SamK I, 4, 32), 'May thy milk' (ibid. IV, 2, 7, 4), ' New and new again (the moon) becomes, being born' (ibid. II, 4, 14, 1), 'That Soma which the Adityas make swell' (ibid. II, 4, 14, i). 7. Probably we should write a^itakshi. 8. Matr/datta says, prativadinam abhi^apaty eva. 16. This chapter contains different PrayajX-ittas. N 2 l8o GRIUYA-st^TRA OF HIRAiVYAKES'IN. 2. When he has yawned, he murmurs, '(May) will and insight (dwell) in me.' 3. If the skirt (of his garment) is blown upon him (by the wind), he murmurs, 'A skirt art thou. Thou art not a thunderbolt. Adoration be to thee. Do no harm to me.' 4. He should tear off a thread (from that skirt) and should blow it away with his mouth. 5. If a bird has befouled him with its excrements, he murmurs, ' The birds that timidly fly together with the destroyers, shall pour out on me happy, blissful splendour and vigour.' Then let him wipe off that (dirt) with something else than his hand, and let him wash himself with water. 6. 'From the sky, from the wide air a drop of water has fallen down on me, bringing luck. With my senses, with my mind I have united myself, pro- tected by the prayer that is brought forth by the righteous ones' — this (verse) he should murmur, if a drop of water unexpectedly falls down on him. 7. ' If a fruit has fallen down from the top of a tree, or from the air, it is Vayu (who has made it fall). Where it has touched our bodies or the gar- ment, (there) may the waters drive away destruction ' — this (verse) he should murmur, if a fruit unex- pectedly falls down on him. 8. 'Adoration to him who dwells at the cross-roads, 2. Aj-valayana-Gr/hya III, 6, 7. 3. Paraskara III, 15, 17. 5. I propose to read, nirr/thai/^ saha. 6. Atharva-veda VI, 124, i. Read sukr^'taw kr/tena. 7. Atharva-veda VI, 124, 2. The Atharva-veda shows the way to correct the corrupt third Pada. 8 seq. Comp. Paraskara III, 15, 7 seq. I PRA5NA, 5 PArALA, 1 6 SECTION, 1 6. l8l whose arrow is the wind, to Rudra ! Adoration to Rudra who dwells at the cross-roads !' — this (formula) he murmurs when he comes to a cross-road ; g. ' Adoration to him who dwells among cattle, whose arrow is the wind, to Rudra ! Adoration to Rudra who dwells among cattle ! ' — thus at a dung- heap ; 10. 'Adoration to him who dwells among the serpents, whose arrow is the wind, to Rudra ! Adoration to Rudra who dwells among the ser- pents ! ' — thus at a place that is frequented by serpents. 11. 'Adoration to him who dwells in the air, whose arrow is the wind, to Rudra ! Adoration to Rudra who dwells in the air 1 ' — this (formula) let him murmur, if overtaken by a tornado. 12. 'Adoration to him who dwells in the waters, whose arrow is the wind, to Rudra ! Adoration to Rudra who dwells in the waters ! ' — this (formula) he murmurs when plunging into a river which is full of water. 13. 'Adoration to him who dwells there, whose arrow is the wind, to Rudra ! Adoration to Rudra who dwells there !' — this (formula) he murmurs when approaching a beautiful place, a sacrificial site, or a big tree. 14. If the sun rises whilst he is sleeping, he shall fast that day and shall stand silent during that day ; 15. The same during the night, if the sun sets whilst he sleeps. 16. Let him not touch a sacrificial post. By 14, 15. Apastamba IT, 5, 12, 13. 14 ; Gobhila III, 3, 34, &c. 16. Gobhila III, 3, 34. Should it be esha te vayur iti? 1 82 G7J7HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^IN. touching it, he would bring upon himself (the guilt of) whatever faults have been committed at that sacrifice. If he touches one (sacrificial post), he should say, ' This is thy wind ; ' if two (posts), ' These are thy two winds ; ' if many (posts), ' These are thy winds.' T 7. ' The voices that are heard after us (?) and around us, the praise that is heard, and the voices of the birds, the deer's running (?) athwart : that we fear (?) from our enemies ' — this (verse) he murmurs when setting out on a road. 18. ' Like an Udgatr/, O bird, thou singest the Saman; like a Brahman's son thou recitest thy hymn, when the Soma is pressed. 'A blessing on us, O bird; bring us luck and be kind towards us ! ' — (This Mantra) he murmurs against an inauspicious bird ; 19. 'If thou raisest thy divine voice, entering upon living beings, drive away our enemies by thy voice. O death, lead them to death ! '—(thus) against a solitary jackal. 20. Then he throws before the (jackal, as It were), a fire-brand that burns at both ends, towards that region (in which the jackal's voice is heard), with (the words), ' Fire ! Speak to the fire ! Death ! Speak to the death ! ' Then he touches water, 17. The Mantra is very corrupt. Perhaps anihutam should be corrected into anuhutam, which is the reading of the Apastambiya Mantrapa//^a. In the last Pada bhayamasi is corrupt ; the mean- ing seems to be, ' that we (avert from ourselves and) turn it to our enemies.' Probably Dr. Kirste is right in reading bhayamasi. 18. Comp. Rig-veda II, 43, 2. 19. As to ekasr/ka, 'solitary jackal,' comp. Biihler's note on Apastamba I, 3, 10, 17 (S. B. E., II, 38). Matr/datta says, sngalo mngaszhdam kurvawa ekasrz'ka ity u/^yate. I PRA5NA, 5 PATALA, I 7 SECTION, 4. I 8, 21. And worships (the jackal) with the Anuvaka, ' Thou art mighty, thou carriest away * (Taitt. Sa.m- hita I, 3, 3). Patala 5, Section 17. T. A she-wolf (he addresses) with (the verse), * Whether incited by others or whether on its own accord the Bhaye^^aka (? Bhayort'aka, van lect.) utters this cry, may Indra and Agni, united with Brahman, render it blissful to us in our house.' 2. A bird (he addresses) with (the verse), ' Thou fliest, stretching out thy legs ; the left eye . . . ; may nothing here suffer harm (through thee) ; ' 3. An owl (piiigala) with (the verse), ' The bird with the golden wings flies to the abode of the gods. Flying round the village from left to right portend us luck by thy cry, O owl ! ' 4. ' May my faculties return into me ; may life return, prosperity return ; may the divine power return into me ; may my goods return to me. ' And may these fires that are stationed on the (altars called) Dhish;^yas, be in good order here, each in its right place. Svaha ! ' My self has returned, life has returned to me ; breath has returned, design has returned to me. (Agni) Vai^vanara, grown strong with his rays, may he dwell in my mind, the standard of immor- tality. Svaha ! ' The food which is eaten in the evening, that does 17, 2. The commentary explains jakuni (bird) by dhvanksha (crow). In the translation of the Mantra (Taitt. Ar. IV, 35) I have left out the unintelligible words nipepi /C'a. The way to correct the last Pada is shown by Atharva-veda VI, 57, 3 ; X, 5, 23. 4. Comp. Ajvalayana-Gr/hya III, 6, 8. 184 G227HYA-s0tRA OF HIRAJVYAKEi'IN. not satiate in the morningr him whom hunger assails. May all that (which we have seen in our dreams), do no harm to us, for it has not been seen by day. To Day svaha ! ' — with these (verses) he sacrifices A sesamum seeds mixed with A^ya, if he has seen a bad dream. 5. Now the following expiations for portents are prescribed, A dove sits down on the hearth, or the bees make honey in his house, or a cow (that is not a calf) sucks another cow, or a post puts forth shoots, or an anthill has arisen (in his house) : cases like these (require the following expiation) : 6. He should bathe in the morning, should put on clean garments, should show patience (with every- body) during the day, and should speak (only) with Brahma//as. Having put wood on the fire in an inner apartment, and having performed the rites down to the Vyahr/ti oblations, he sacrifices with (the verses), ' This, O Varu;^?a,' &c. (see above 1,2, 8, 16, down to the end of the Sutra). Then he serves food to the Brahma?/as and causes them to say, ' An auspicious day ! Hail ! Good luck ! ' Patala 5, Section 18. I. ' May Indra and Agni make you go. May the two Ai-vins protect you. Brz'haspati is your herdsman. May Pushan drive you back again' — 5. •S'ahkhayana V, 5. 8. 11; Ajvalayana III, 7, &c. Kuptva is corrupt ; we should expect a locative. We ought to correct kuptvam, as Dr. Kirste has observed, comp. Apastamba-Gr/hya VIII, 23, 9. 6. Comp. above, I, 4, 14, 2 ; 15, 5 ; I, 2, 8, 16 ; I, 3, 9, 7. 8. 18, I seq. Comp. 6'ahkhayana III, 9; Gobhila III, 6; Ajva- layana II, 10. I PRA-SNA, 5 PArALA, 1 8 SECTION, 5. I 85 this (verse) he recites over the cows when they go away (to their pasture-grounds), and (the verse), ' May Pushan go after our cows ' (Taitt. Sa;;/h. IV, i, .11, 2). 2. With (the verse), ' These cows that have come hither, free from disease and prohfic, may they swim (full of wealth) like rivers ; may they pour out (wealth), as (rivers discharge their floods) into the ocean ' — he looks at the cows, when they are coming back. 3. With (the formula), ' You are a stand at rest ; may I (?) become your stand at rest. You are im- movable. Do not move from me. May I not move from you, the blessed ones ' — (he looks at them) when they are standing still. 4. With (the formula), ' I see you full of sap. Full of sap you shall see me ' — (he looks at them) when they are gone into the stable, and with (the formula), 'May I be prosperous through your thou- sandfold prospering.' 5. Then having put wood on the fire amid the cows, and having performed the rites down to the Vyahr/ti (oblations), he makes oblations of milk with (the verses), * Blaze brightly, O G'atavedas, driving destruction away from me. Bring me cattle and maintenance from all quarters of the heaven. Svaha ! ' May 6'atavedas do no harm to us, to cows and horses, to men and to all that moves. Come hither, 3. The Mantra is very corrupt. I think it ought to be corrected somehow in the following way: sawstha stha sawstha vo bhuyasam aX'yuia stha ma ma-^ kyodhvTxm. maha?;/ bhavatibhyai- ^yoshi. Comp. also Dr. Kirste's note. 5. In the second verse I propose to change abibhrad into 1 86 Gi?7HYA-S^TRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^IN. Agni, fearlessly ; make me attain to welfare ! Svaha ! ' — And with (the two verses), ' This is the influx of the waters,' and ' Adoration to thee, the rapid one, the shining one' (Taitt. Sa;;^h. IV, 6, i, 3). 6. (Then follow oblations with the verses), ' This, O Varu?ea' (&c. ; see I, 2, 8, 16, down to the end of the Sutra). End of the Fifth Pa/ala. Pra^na I, Fatala 6, Section 19. 1. After he has returned from the teacher's house, he should support his father and mother. 2. With their permission he should take a wife belonging to the same caste and country, a ' naked ' girl, a virgin who should belong to a different Gotra (from her husband's). 3. Whatever he intends to do (for instance, taking a wife), he should do on an auspicious day only, during one of the following five spaces of time, viz. in the morning, the forenoon, at midday, in the afternoon, or in the evening. abibhyad; comp. Atharva-veda XIX, 65, i : ava tarn ^ahi harasa G^atavedo ^ bibhyad ugro ^ rX-isha divam a roha surya. The last words of this verse should be jriyam ma pratipadaya, or something similar. 19, 2. sa^ataw savar;/a?72 samanabhi^anaw ka. Matr/datta. As to the meaning of ' a naked girl,' (i. e. a girl who has not yet the monthly illness), comp. Gobhila III, 4, 6 and note. 3. According to MatrAiatta, ' morning ' means one Nart'ika be- fore and one Naa'ika after sunrise ; ' forenoon ' means one Na^yavihara, on which the commentary observes, baua^yani palajapar;/ani, tesham viharo vihara?2a7« nana- dejeshu sthapana??? baua'/^yavihara//, karmanama va. The haud/iya.- vihara is, as its description clearly shows, a ceremony for propi- tiating Rudra and his hosts and for averting evil from the cattle and the fields. The commentary understands it as forming part of the julagava described in chap. 8, and with this opinion it would agree very well that no indication of the time at which the baufl7;ya- vihara ought to be performed (such as apuryamawapakshe puwye nakshatre) is given. Comp. also Apastamba VII, 20, 5 seq. II PRAS'NA, 3 PArALA, Q SECTION, 7. 223 house, touch them ! To the protectress of the house svaha ! Protector of the door, touch them ! To the protector of the door svaha ! Protectress of the door, touch them ! To the protectress of the door svaha ! ' — with (these formulas) he puts down four leaves; (then other leaves) with (the formulas), ' Noisy ones, touch them ! To the noisy ones svaha ! Quivered ones . . . ye that run in the rear . . . Minglers (?)... Choosers . . . Eaters, touch them ! To the eaters svaha ! ' — 3. Then again ten (leaves) with (the formula), ' Divine hosts, touch them ! To the divine hosts svaha ! ' 4. Then other ten (leaves) with (the formula), ' Divine hosts that are named and that are not named, touch them ! To them svaha ! ' 5. Then he makes a basket of leaves, puts into it a lump of boiled rice with an ' under-spreading ' (of A^ya) and sprinkling (A^ya) on it, goes outside his pasture-grounds, and hangs (the basket) up at a tree with (the formula), ' Quivered ones, touch it ! To the quivered ones svaha ! ' 6. He then performs worship (before that basket) with (the formula), ' Adoration to the quivered one, to him who wears the quiver ! To the lord of the thieves adoration ! ' 7. With sandal salve, sura and water, unground, fried grains, cow-dung, with a bunch of durva grass, with Udumbara, Pala^a, ^'ami, Vikahkata, and 5. I have translated avadhaya (instead of avadaya), as Apa- stamba VII, 20, 7 reads. 6. Taittiriya Sawhita IV, 5, 3, i. Of course the god to whom these designations refer is Rudra. 7. The commentary explains surodaka as rain-water, or as rain- water which has fallen while the sun was shining. A 224 Gi^/HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE5'IN. Ai"vattha (branches), and with a cow-tail he be- sprinkles his cows, the bull first, with (the words), ' Bring luck ! Bring luck ! ' Then (the bull) will bring him luck. 8. He then cooks that mess of sacrificial food, sacred to Kshetrapati (the lord of the field), with milk, sprinkles it (with A^ya), takes it from the fire, and performs a sacrifice to Kshetrapati on the path where his cows use to go, without a fire, on four or on seven leaves. 9. He has him (i, e. the Kshetrapati ? an ox repre- senting Kshetrapati ?) led (to his place) in the same way as the i-ulagava (chap. 8, § 2). 10. He sacrifices quickly, (for) the god has a strong digestion (?). 11. He then performs worship with (the two verses), ' With the lord of the field,' ' Lord of the field' (Taitt. Sa;;^h. I, i, 14, 2. 3). 12. Of (the remains of that sacrificial food) sacred to Kshetrapati his uterine relations should partake, according as the custom of their family is. End of the Third Pa/ala, 8. Matrz'datta says, kshaitrapatyaw kshetrapatidevataka/w payasi sthalipakam, &c. The meaning of the expression 'that (enam) mess of sacrificial food' is doubtful; the commentary says, enam iti purvapeksham purvavad aupasana evasyapi jrapa;/artham. — The last words (on four or on seven leaves) the commentator transfers to the next Sutra, but he mentions the different opinion of other authorities. 10. nurtte sighrafu ya^ate. kuta/;. yata^ sa deva// paka/; paka.- na^ilas tikshmas (read, tiksh;/as) tasmat. Matr/datta. — Possibly Dr. Kirste is right in reading turta?;/ ; the corresponding Sutra of Apastamba has kshipram (VII, 20, 15), and, as the ^atapatha Brahmawa (VI, 3, 2, 2) observes, ' yad vai kshipraw tat turtam.' II PRA,SNA, 4 PA^ALA, lO SECTION, 5. 225 PRA.SNA II, PArALA 4, SECTION 10. 1. On the new-moon day, in the afternoon, or on days with an odd number in the dark fortnight the monthly {^raddha is performed). 2. Having prepared food for the Fathers and having arranged southward-pointed Darbha grass as seats (for the Brahma;ms whom he is going to invite), he invites an odd number of pure Brahma/^as who are versed in the Mantras, with no deficient Hmbs, who are not connected with himself by con- sanguinity or by their Gotra or by the Mantras, (such as his teacher or his pupils). 3. In feeding them he should not look at any (worldly) purposes. 4. Having put wood on the fire and strewn south- ward pointed and eastward-pointed Darbha grass around it, having prepared the A^ya in an A^ya pot over which he has laid one purifier, having sprinkled water round (the fire) from right to left, and put a piece of Udumbara wood on (the fire), he sacrifices with the (spoon called) Darvi which is made of Udumbara wood. 5. Having performed the rites down to the A^ya- bhaga offerings, he suspends his sacrificial cord over his right shoulder and calls the Fathers (to his sacri- fice) with (the verse), ' Come hither, O Fathers, friends of Soma, on your hidden, ancient paths, bestowing on us offspring and wealth and long life, a life«of a hundred autumns.' 10, I. Comp. 6'ankhayana IV, i ; Ajvalayana II, 5, 10 seq. ; IV, 7 ; Paraskara III, 10 ; Gobhila IV, 3. 4. Comp. above, I, i, i, ii seq. 27; 2, 7 seq. [30] Q 2 26 G/?/HYA-stjTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^IN. 6. He Sprinkles water in the same direction (i. e. towards the south) with (the verse), ' Divine waters, send us Agni. May our Fathers enjoy this sacrifice. May they who receive their nourishment every month bestow on us weakh with vaHant heroes.' 7. Having performed the rites down to the Vyahmi oblations with his sacrificial cord over his left shoulder, he suspends it over his right shoulder and sacrifices with (the following Mantras) : ' To Soma with the Fathers, svadha ! Adoration ! ' To Yama with the Anoriras and with the Fathers, svadha ! Adoration ! ' With the waters that spring in the east and those that come from the north : with the waters, the sup- porters of the whole world, I interpose another one between (myself and) my father. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' I interpose (another one) through the mountains; I interpose through the wide earth ; through the sky and the points of the horizon, through infinite bliss I interpose another one between (myself and) my grandfather. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' I interpose (another one) through the seasons, through days and nights with the beautiful twilight. Through half-months and months I interpose another one between (myself and) my great-grandfather. Svadha! Adoration!' Then he sacrifices with their names : ' To N. N. svadha! Adoration! To N.N. svadha ! Adoration!' 6. Comp. Atharva-veda XVIII, 4, 40. 7. Comp. ^ankhayana III, 13, 5. The translation there given of the words anyam anta// pitur dadhe ought to be changed accordingly. — For abhur anyopapadyatam read matur anyo ivapadyatam as 6'ahkhayana has. II FRASNA, 4 PAT-ALA, II SECTION, 3. 227 * Wherein my mother has done amiss, abandoning her duty (towards her husband), may my father take that sperm as his own ; may another one fall off from the mother. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' In the same way a second and a third verse with the alteration of the Mantra, ' Wherein my grand- mother,' ' Wherein my great-grandmother.' PArALA 4, Section 11. 1. 'The Fathers who are here and who are not here, and whom we know and whom we do not know : Agni, to thee they are known, how many they are, 6"atavedas. May they enjoy what thou givest them in our oblation. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' Your limb that this flesh-devouring (Agni) has burnt, leading you to the worlds (of the Fathers), 6^ata- vedas, that I restore to you again. Unviolated with all your limbs arise, O Fathers! Svadha! Adoration ! ' Carry the A^a, Catavedas, to the Fathers, where thou knowest them resting afar. May streams of A^ya flow to them ; may their wishes with all their desires be fulfilled ! Svadha ! Adoration !' In the same way a second and a third verse with the alteration of the Mantra, ' to the grandfathers,' ' to the great-grandfathers.' 2. In the same way he sacrifices of the food, altering the Mantra, ' Carry the food, &c.' 3. Then he sacrifices the Svish/akm oblation 11, I. Rig-veda X, 15, 13; Atharva-veda XVIII, 4, 64; Ajva- layana-G/-/hya II, 4, 13, &c. Before the verse, ' Carry the A^ya,' the UdiX'yas, as Matrz'datta states, insert the words, 'He then makes oblations of A^ya (with the Mantra, &c.).' According to this reading the words of the second Sfitra, ' In the same way, &c.,' would refer only to these last oblations. Q 2 2 28 GiUHYA-StjTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE5IN. with (the formula), ' To Agni Kavyavahana Svish- ^akrit svadha ! Adoration 1 ' 4. He then touches the food with (the formulas), ' The earth is thy vessel, the heaven is the lid. I sacrifice thee into the Brahman's mouth. I sacrifice thee into the up-breathing and down-breathing of the Brahma;^as. Thou art imperishable ; do not perish for the Fathers yonder, in yon world ! The earth is steady ; Agni is its surveyor in order that what has been given may not be lost. ' The earth is thy vessel, the heaven is the lid, &c. Do not perish for the grandfathers yonder, in yon world. The air is steady ; Vayu is its sur- veyor, in order that what has been given may not be lost. ' The earth is thy vessel, the heaven is the lid, &c. Do not perish for the great-grandfathers yonder, in yon world. The heaven is steady ; Aditya is its surveyor, in order that what has been given may not be lost.' 5. With (the words), ' I establish myself in the breath and sacrifice ambrosia,' he causes the Brah- ma;^as to touch (the food). Pa^ala 4, Section 12. 1. While they are eating, he looks at them with (the words), 'My soul (atman) dwells in the Brahman that it may be immortal.' 2. When they have eaten (and go away), he goes after them and asks for their permission to take the remains of their meal (for the rites which he is going 5. Comp. Taittiriya Arawyaka X, 34. II PRA5NA, 4 PATALA, 12 SECTION, 5. 2 29 to perform). Then he takes a water-pot and a hand- ful of Darbha grass, goes forth to a place that lies in a south-easterly intermediate direction, spreads the Darbha grass out with its points towards the south, and pours out on that (grass) with downward-turned hands, ending in the south, three handfuls of water, with (the formulas), ' May the fathers, the friends of Soma, wipe themselves ! May the grandfathers . . . the great-grandfathers, the friends of Soma, wipe themselves!' or, ' N. N. ! Wash thyself! N. N. ! Wash thyself ! ' 3. On that (grass) he puts down, with downward- turned hands, ending in the south, the lumps (of food for the Fathers). To his father he gives his lump with (the words), ' This to thee, father, N. N. ! ' to the grandfather with (the words), ' This to thee, grandfather, N.N.!' to the great-grandfather with (the words), 'This to thee, great-grandfather, N. N.l' silently a fourth (lump). This (fourth lump) is optional. 4. Should he not know the names (of the ancestors), he gives the lump to the father with (the words), ' Svadha to the Fathers who dwell on the earth,' to the grandfather with (the words), * Svadha to the Fathers who dwell in the air,' to the great-grandfather with (the words), ' Svadha to the Fathers who dwell in heaven.' 5. Then he gives, corresponding to each lump, collyrium and (other) salve and (something that represents) a garment. 3. According to the commentary after each formula the words are added, 'and to those who follow thee;' comp. Taitt. Samh. I, 8, 5, I ; III, 2, 5, 5; Katy.-6'raut. IV, i, 12. 230 GiJ/HYA-S^TRA OF HIRAA^YAKE.SIN. 6. The collyrium (he gives), saying three times, 'Anoint thy eyes, N. N. ! Anoint thy eyes, N. N. ! ' 7. The salve, saying three times, ' Anoint thyself, N. N. ! Anoint thyself, N. N. ! ' 8. With (the formula), ' These garments are for you, O Fathers. Do not seize upon anything else that is ours,' he tears off a skirt (of his garment) or a flake of wool and puts that down (for the Fathers), if he is in the first half of his life. 9. He tears out some hairs of his body, if in the second half. 10. Then he washes the vessel (in which the food was of which he had offered the lumps), and sprin- kles (the water with which he has washed it), from right to left round (the lumps) with (the Mantra), ' These honey-sweet waters, bringing refreshment to children and grandchildren, giving sweet drink and ambrosia to the Fathers, the divine waters refresh both (the living and the dead), these rivers, abound- ing in water, covered with reeds, with beautiful bathing-places ; may they flow up to you in yon world ! ' Then he turns the vessel over, crosses his hands so that the left hand becomes right and the right hand becomes left, and worships (the Fathers) with the formulas of adoration, ' Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of sap' (Taitt. Sa;;/h. Ill, 2, 5, 5)- 1 1. Then he goes to the brink of some water and pours down three handfuls of water (with the follow- ing Mantras) : 6 seq. A fourth time he gives the same thing silently; comp. Sfitra 3. 8, 9. If his age is under fifty years or over fifty years (Matr^ datta; comp. the commentary on Katyayana--S'raut. IV, i, 17. 18). II PRASNA, 4 PATALA, I 3 SECTION, 5. 23 I PArALA 4, Section 13. 1 . ' This is for thee, father, this honey-sweet wave, rich in water. As great as Agni and the earth are, so great is its measure, so great is its might. As such a great one I give it. As Agni is imperishable and inexhaustible, thus may it be imperishable and inexhaustible, sweet drink to my father. By that imperishable (wave), that sweet drink, live thou to- gether with those, N. N. ! The Rik2.s are thy might. 'This is for thee, grandfather, &c. . . . As great as Vayu and the air are . . . As Vayu is imperish- able ... to my grandfather. . . . The Ya^us are thy might. ' This is for thee, great-grandfather, &c. ... As great as Aditya and the heaven are . . . The Samans are thy might.' 2. Returning (from the place where he has per- formed the Pi;/^a offerings) he puts the substance cleaving (to the Sthali) into the water-pot and pours it out, with (the verse), ' Go away, O Fathers, friends of Soma, on your hidden, ancient paths. After a month return again to our house and eat our offerings, rich in offspring, in valiant sons.' 3. Thereby the (^'raddha) celebrated in the middle of the rainy season has been declared. 4. There (oblations of) flesh are prescribed ; 5. Of vegetables, if there is no flesh. End of the Fourth Pa/ala. 3. Madhyavarsham. Comp. the note on 6ahkhayana III, i3> I- 232 G/?/HYA-sCtRA of HIRAiVYAKE5IN. Pras-na II, PArALA 5, Section 14. 1. We shall explain (the festival of) the Ash/aka. 2. The eighth day of the dark fortnight that follows after the full moon of Magha, is called Ekash/aka. 3. On the day before that Ash/aka, under (the Nakshatra) Anuradhas, in the afternoon he puts wood on the fire, strews southward-pointed and east- ward-pointed Darbha grass around it, and turns rice out of four shallow cups over which he has laid one purifier, with (the Mantra), ' I turn out, impelled by the god Savitrz, this cake prepared from four cups (of rice), which may drive away all suffering from the Fathers in the other world. On the impulse of the god Savit7% with the arms of the two Aj-vins, with Pushan's hands I turn thee out, agreeable to the fathers, the grandfathers, the great-grandfathers.' 4. With the same purifier he silently strains the Proksha;^! water ; he silently sprinkles (with that water the rice and the vessels), silently husks (the rice), silently bakes it in four dishes like a Puro^a^-a, sprinkles (A^^ya) on it, takes it from the fire, sprin- kles (water) round (the fire) from right to left, and puts a piece of Udumbara wood on (the fire). With the (spoon called) Darvi which is made of Udumbara wood, he cuts off in one continual line which is directed towards south-east, (the Avadana portions) 14, I. Hirawyake^in describes only one Ash/aka, the Ekash/aka, while the other texts speak of three or four Ash/akas ; comp. the quotations in the note on 6'ahkhayana III, 12, i. 4. The rules of the ^S'rauta ritual regarding the baking of the Vurodasa, are given by Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, P- 43- II PRA5NA, 5 PATALA, 1 4 SECTION, 7. 233 one after the other, spreading under and sprinkHng over them (A^a), and sacrifices them, one after the other, in one continual Hne which is directed towards south-east, with (the Mantras), 'The mortars, the pressing-stones have made their noise, preparing the annual offering. Ekash/aka ! May we be rich in offspring, in valiant sons, the lords of wealth. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' God Agni ! The cake which is prepared with ghee and accompanied by (the word) svadha, that the Fathers may satiate themselves — (this our) offering carry duly, Agni. I, the son, sacrifice an oblation to my fathers. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' Here is a cake, Agni, prepared from four cups (of rice), with ghee, rich in milk, in wealth, in pros- perity. May the Fathers gladly accept it all toge- ther ; may it be well sacrificed and well offered by me. Svadha! Adoration!' 5. Then he makes oblations of (other) food with (the verses), ' The one who shone forth as the first,' ' The Ekash/aka, devoting herself to austerities,' 'She who shone forth as the first' (Taitt. Sa;//hita IV, 3, II, I. 3. 5). 6. Cutting off (the Avadanas destined for the Svish/akm oblation) together from the cake and from the (other) food and mixing them with clarified butter, he makes an oblation thereof with (the for- mula), ' To Agni Kavyavahana Svish/akrz't svadha ! Adoration ! ' 7. That (cake) with ghee and honey and with the food (mentioned in Sutras 5. 6) he touches in the way prescribed for the ^'raddha ceremony and puts 7. Comp. above, chap, n, 4; 12, 2 seq. 2 34 g/j/hya-sOtra of hirajvyakesin. down lumps (of it) according to the ritual of the Tinda. offerings. 8. (The remains of) that (cake, &c.) he serves to learned Brahma?/as. 9. He gives them food and presents as at the ^'raddha ceremony. 10. The known (rites) down to the pouring out of the handfuls of water (are performed here) as at the monthly (vSraddha). Patala 5, Section 15. 1. On the following day he sacrifices a cow to the Fathers. 2. Having put wood on the fire and strewn south- ward-pointed and eastward-pointed Darbha grass around it, he sacrifices the oblation for the touching of the animal (see below), with (the verse), ' This cow I touch for the Fathers ; may my assembled fathers gladly accept it (which is offered) widi fat and ghee, with the word svadha ; may it satiate my fathers in the other world. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' Then he touches (the cow) with one (blade of) sacrificial grass and with an unforked Vapa5rapa;^t of Udumbara wood, with (the formula), ' I touch thee agreeable to the Fathers.' 3. He sprinkles (the cow with water) with (the words), ' I sprinkle thee agreeable to the Fathers.' 4. When it has been sprinkled and fire has been 10. See above, chap. 12, 13. 15, 2. On the Vapa^rapawi, comp. Katyayana VI, 5, 7 ; Ai^val.- Gr/hya I, 11, 8. Comp. besides, Taitt. Sawh. VI, 3, 6; Apa- stamba-.S'rauta-sutra VII, 8, 3 ; 12, 5 seq. 4. The UdU-yas read, as Matr/datta states, 'to the south of the fire.' II PRA,SNA, 5 PArALA, I 5 SECTION, 9. 235 carried round it, they kill it to the west of the fire, its head being turned to the west, its feet to the south. 5. After it has been killed, he silently 'strengthens' its sense-organs (by touching them) with water, and silently takes out the omentum, the heart, and the kidneys. 6. With the Vapai"rapa;«i of Udumbara wood he roasts the omentum ; with spits of Udumbara wood the other (parts mentioned in Sutra 5) separately. 7. After he has roasted them, and has sprinkled A Agysi over them, and has taken them from the fire, he sprinkles water round (the fire) from right to left, puts a piece of Udumbara wood on (the fire), and sacrifices with a Darvi spoon of Udumbara wood the omentum, spreading under and sprinkling over it {Kgy2i), with (the verse), ' Carry the omentum, C'atavedas, to the Fathers, where thou knowest them resting afar. May streams of fat flow to them ; may their wishes with all their desires be fulfilled. Svadha ! Adoration ! ' 8. He sacrifices the omentum entirely. The other parts (Sutra 5) he should offer to the Brahma;/as and should feed them (with those parts of the cow). 9. When the food (for the Brahma/^as) is ready, he cuts off (the Avadanas) together from the mess of boiled rice, and from the pieces of meat, and mixing them with clarified butter he makes oblations 5. On the ' strengthening ' of the sense-organs of an immolated victim, comp. Apastamba-6Yauta-sutra VII, 18, 6 seq. Schwab, Thieropfer, no. — On matasne, see Indische Studien, IX, 248; Schwab 127. 8. Possibly the reading of the Udi/tyas indicated by Mat/Vdatta, vyakr/tya instead of updkr/tya, is correct. The translation would be, ' With the rest, distributing it, &c.' 236 G/27HYA-sCtRA of HIRAiVYAKE^IN. thereof with the verses, ' Behold the Ekash/aka, the giver of food with meat and ghee, (which is offered) with (the word) svadha. By the Brahma;^as that food is purified. May it be an imperishable (bless- ing) to me ! Svadha ! Adoration ! ' ' The Ekash/aka, devoting herself to austerities, the consort of the year, exuberant (with milk), has poured forth milk. May you live on that milk, O Fathers, all together. May this (food) be well offered and well sacrificed by me ! Svadha ! Adora- tion ! ' The image of the year' (Taitt. Sa;;2h. V, 7, 2, i). 10. After he has sacrificed, he cuts off (the Ava- danas) from the food and from the pieces of meat, and mixing them with clarified butter he makes an oblation with (the formula), ' To Agni Kavyavahana Svish/akr/t svadha ! Adoration ! ' 1 1. The known (rites) down to the pouring out of the handfuls of water (are performed here) as at the monthly (^S^raddha). 12. The gifts of food and presents, however, are not necessary here. 13. On the following day, he prepares food for the Fathers with the rest of the meat, and sacrifices with (the two verses), ' Thou, Agni, art quick,' (and), ' Pra^apati !' (see above, I, i, 3, 5). 14. ( = Sutra 1 1). End of the Fifth Pa/ala. 11. See above, chap. 14, 10. 12. See chap. 14, 9. 13. This is the so-called Anvash/akya ceremony. II PRA5NA, 6 PAT-ALA, 1 6 SECTION, 5. 237 Prasna II, PArALA 6, Section 16. 1. Now (follows) the .S'rava^/a ceremony. 2. On the day of that full moon which falls under (the Nakshatra), after the evening Agni- hotra he puts wood on the (third of the three ^'rauta fires, called the) Dakshiwagni. One who has not set up the (.Srauta) fires, (does the same with) the sacred domestic fire. 3. Then he procures unbroken grains, unbroken fried grains, coarsely ground grains, (leaves and blossoms) of the Kiw^uka tree, collyrium and (other) salve, and A^ya. 4. Having 'spread under' (A^ya) in the (spoon called) Darvi, he cuts off (the Avadanas) of those kinds of food (mentioned in Siitra 3), mixes them with clarified butter, and sacrifices (with the for- mulas), ' Adoration to Agni the terrestrial, the lord of terrestrial beings ! Svaha ! Adoration to Vayu the all-pervading, the lord of aerial beings ! Svaha ! Adoration to Surya, the red one, the lord of celestial beings ! Svaha ! Adoration to Vish/m, the whitish one, the lord of the beings that dwell in the quarters (of the world). Svaha ! ' 5. He anoints the Ki;;/5uka (flowers and leaves) with A^ya, and sacrifices with (the Mantras), ' De- voured is the gadfly ; devoured is thirst (?) ; devoured is the stinging worm.' ' Devoured is the stinging worm ; devoured is thirst ; devoured is the gadfly.' 5. I am not sure about the translation of vi,('ash/i. Perhaps it is only a blunder for vit/7sh/i, which is the reading of the Apastam- biya Mantrapa/Z/a. Conip. Winternilz, Der Sarpabali, ein allin- discher Schlangencult (Wien, i888), p. 28. 238 G/27HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^IN. * Devoured is thirst ; devoured is the gadfly ; de- voured is the stinging worm.' 6, He takes a water-pot and a handful of Darbha grass, goes forth, his face turned towards the east, spreads the Darbha grass out with its points towards the east, and makes four Bah-offerings on that (grass) with (the formulas), ' To the terrestrial Serpents I offer this Bali,' ' To the aerial, &c. ; to the celestial, &c. ; to the Serpents dwelling in the quarters (of the world),' &c. 7. Having given there collyrium and (other) salve (to the Serpents), he worships them with the Man- tras, ' Adoration be to the Serpents ' (Taitt. Sa;;^hita IV, 2, 8, 3). 8. He should take a water-pot and should at that distance in which he wishes the serpents not to approach, three times walk round his house, turning his right side towards it, and should sprinkle water round it with (the formulas), ' Beat away, O white one, with thy foot, with the fore-foot and with the hind-foot, these seven human females and the three (daughters) of the king's tribe. ' Within the dominion of the white one the Serpent has killed nobody. To the white one, the son of Vidarva, adoration ! ' Adoration to the white one, the son of Vidarva ! ' 9, Then he worships the Serpents towards the different regions, one by one with (the corresponding section of) these Mantras, ' The convergent one thou art called, the eastern region' (Taitt. Sawh. V, 5, 10, I seq.). 8. Comp. Paraskara II, 14, 19. In the first Mantra I read r%abandhavi/z ; comp. the note on Par. II, 14, 4. II PRA5NA, 7 PArALA, I 7 SECTION, 2. 239 10. From that time he daily makes the BaU- offerings till the full-moon day of Marga-?irsha. 11. Here the Kimsuka offerings (see § 5) are not repeated. 12. The sprinkling (of water) round (the house) does not take place (see § 8). 13. The last Bali he offers with (the words), ' Going to acquit myself, going to acquit myself.' End of the Sixth Pa/ala. Prasna II, Patala 7, Section 17. A 1. We shall explain the Agrahaya/zt ceremony. 2. On the full-moon day of Marga^irsha he puts wood on the fire, strews (Darbha grass) on the en- tire surface round the fire, cooks a mess of sacrificial A food with milk, sprinkles it (with A^ya), takes it from the fire, performs the rites down to the Vyahr/ti oblations, and sacrifices (four oblations) with (the following Mantras) : ' This offering, the creeping of Ida, rich in ghee, moving and not moving, accept gladly, O (^atavedas. 13. Some authorities understand, as Matrz'datta states, that he should offer the Bali only with the words as they stand in the Sutra, others prescribe the formula (comp. § 6) : ' To the terrestrial (aerial, &c.) Serpents I offer this Bali going to acquit myself, going to acquit myself.' 17, I. Comp. on the Agrahayam ceremony ,S"ahkhayana IV, 17 ; Paraskara III, 2, &c. ; Winternitz, Sarpabali, 32 seq. 2. The first Mantra is very corrupt ; comp. Atharva-veda III, 10, 6. Regarding the legend of Ic/a, who was procreated out of Manu's Paka-sacrifice, and ' came forth as if dripping, and clarified butter gathered on her step,' comp. -Satapatha Brahma«a I, 8, 1,7 (M. M., India, what can it teach us.'' p. 136). 240 G/2/HYA-SUTRA OF IiIRAiVYAKE5'IN. What domestic animals there are, of all shapes, all seven kinds of them : may they gladly dwell here and may they prosper. Svaha ! ' The nieht which men welcome like a cow that comes to them, (the night) which is the consort of the year, may that (night) be auspicious to us. Svaha ! ' Bringing bliss to the cattle, to the wife, bringing bliss by night and by day, may this (night) which is the consort of the year, be auspicious to us. Svaha ! * The full-moon night, bringing abundance, visiting one after another, dividing the months and fort- nights : may this (night), the full one, protect us. Svaha ! ' ^ 3. He sacrifices the oblation to Agni Svish/akr/t with (the verse), 'Agni, make this (sacrifice) full that it may be well offered. Be victorious, O god, in all batdes. Shine far and wide, showing us a wide path. Bestow on us long life, full of splendour and free from decay. Svaha ! ' 4. Then he washes his hands and touches the earth with (the formulas), ' In power I establish my- self, in royalty. Among the horses I establish my- self, among the cows. In the limbs I establish myself, in the self. In the Pra;^as I establish myself, in prosperity. In Heaven and Earth I establish myself, in sacrifice. ' May the three times eleven gods, the thirty-three, the gracious ones, whose Purohita is Br/haspati, on the impulse of the god Savitrz — may the gods with (all) the gods give me bliss ! ' 5. The master of the house sits down at their southerly end, 3. Comp. Taitt. Br. II, 4, i, 4 ; Paraskara III, i, 3. II PRAi-NA, 8 PArALA, I 8 SECTION, 2. 24 I 6. The other persons to the north, 7. According to their seniority. 8. They who know the Mantras among them, murmur the Mantras (which will be stated). 9. With (the verse), ' Be soft to us, O earth, free from thorns ; grant us rest ; afford us wide shelter ' (Taitt. Ar. X, i, lo), and with the two (verses), 'Verily of the mountains' (Taitt. Sa;;di. II, 2, 12, 2. 3) they lie down on their right sides. 10. With (the verse), 'Up! with life' (Taitt. Sawh. I, 2, 8, i) they arise. 11. When they have arisen, they murmur, 'We have arisen ; we have become immortal.' 12. In that way they (lie down and) arise that night three times. 13. Having served food to the Brahma;^as and having caused them to say, ' An auspicious day ! Hail ! Good luck ! ' they rest that night. End of the Seventh Pa/ala. Pra^na II, Patala 8, Section 18. 1. Now we shall explain the opening and the con- clusion (of the annual course of study). 2. During the fortnight that precedes the 13. 'Here end the Gnliya ceremonies,' says Matrz'datta. Dr. Kirste (Preface, p. viii), accordingly, believes that the three last chapters may be later additions. It may be observed in connec- tion with this, that in the Apastambiya-Gr/hya, which throughout is so closely related to our text, the ceremonies of the Upakarawa and Ulsar^'-ana, of which these three chapters treat, are not described. 18, 2. 6'ravawapaksha means, according to Matn'datta, jrava- [30] R 242 Gi?7HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^IN. full moon, when the herbs have appeared, under (the Nakshatra) Hasta or on the full-moon day (itself), the opening ceremony of the (annual course of) study (is performed). 3. Having put wood on the fire and performed the rites down to the Vyahmi oblations, he sacrifices (with his pupils) to the 7?/shis of the Kandas : ' To Pra^apati, the I^zshi of a Kanda., svaha ! To Soma, the J^ish'i of a Ka7ida, svaha ! To Agni, the 7?/shi of a Kanda, svaha ! To the Vi^ve devas, the i?/shis of a Ka;/^a, svaha ! To Svayambhu, the jRz'sh'i of a Kanda, svaha !' — these are the 7?/shis of the Kaudas. Or (he sacrifices) to the names of the Ka?idas, to the Savitri, to the Rig-veda, the Ya^ur-veda, the Sama- veda, the Atharva-veda, and to Sadasaspati. 4. Having (thus) sacrificed, they repeat the first three Anuvakas, 5". Or the beginnings of all KaJidas. 6. He enters upon (sacrificing) the 6^aya, &c. (oblations; see above, I, i, 3, 8). 7. After all rites down to the Svish/akr/t oblation have been performed, they stop studying three days or one day ; then they should go on studying so as to commence where they have broken off: so say the teachers. 8. During the fortnight that precedes the Taishi full moon, under (the Nakshatra) Rohi;/i or on the full-moon day (itself), the Utsarga (or conclusion of the term of study) is celebrated. wapiirvapaksha, and indeed the moon stands in conjunction with the Nakshatra Hasta only on one day of the first, not of the second, fortnight of the month 6'rava«a (comp. the note on Ajvalayana- Grihya. Ill, 5, 2. 3). Comp. taishipakshasya rohi«yam, below, § 8. 8. As to taishipaksha, comp. the note on Sutra 2. II PRA5NA, 8 PATALA, IQ SECTION, I. 243 3 9. (The teacher) with his pupils goes in an east- erly or northerly direction, and where they find a pleasant water with a pleasant bathing-place, they dive into it and perform three suppressions of the breath with the Agharmarsha;ea hymn (Rig-veda X, iQO = Taitt. Ar. X, i, 13. 14). Holding purifiers (i. e. Darbha blades) in their hands they bathe with the three (verses), 'Ye waters, ye are wholesome' (Taitt. Sa7;/h. IV, i, 5, i), with the four (verses), ' The gold-coloured, pure, purifying waters ' (T, S. V, 6, T, I seq.), and with the Anuvaka, '(Soma) which clears itself, the heavenly being' (Taitt. Br. I, 4, 8): giving the Darbha blades to each other and feigning to try to seize (??) each other. 10. Then they arrange on a pure spot that is in- clined towards the east, seats of eastward-pointed Darbha grass, so that they end in the north — Pat^ala 8, Section 19. I. For Brahman, Pra^apati, Br/haspati, Agni, Vayu, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, king Indra, king Yama, king Varu/za, king Soma, king Vai^ra- A va/za, for the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Vi^ve devas, the Sadhyas, the 7?/bhus, the Bhrz'gus, the Maruts, the Atharvans, the Aiigiras : for these divine beings. o 9. On the last words of this Sutra, Matr/datta says, ditsanta iveti datum \kk/ia.nta. ivanyonyaw prati. athava aditsanta iveti paMa^. aditsanto mushwanta ivanyonyaw. — Professor Kielhorn's text MS. has, atsa;«ta ivanyonya?;/ ; Professor Biihler's text MS., ditsa7«ta ivanyonyawz. 19, I. According to Matrz'datta, they prepare a seat for Brahman with the words, ' For Brahman I prepare (a seat),' and so on. Comp. chap. 20, 3. R 2 244 Gi27HYA-SUTRA OF HIRAiVYAKE^'IN. 2. Vi^vamitra, 6^amadagni, Bharadva^a and Gau- tama, Atri, Vasish//^a, Kai-yapa : these are the seven J^zshls. 3. Wearing their sacrificial cords below (round their body) they arrange towards the north, at a place that is inclined towards the north, seats of northward-pointed Darbha grass, so that they end in the east, for Vii-vamitra, (9amadagni, Bharadva^a, Gautama, Atri, Vasish///a, Kai^yapa. 4. Between Vasish//^a and Kai'yapa they arrange (a seat) for Arundhati, (the wife of VasishMa) ; 5. Towards the south, in a place inclined towards the east, for Agastya. 6. Then for the (following) teachers, ending with those who teach (only) one Veda (?), viz. for Krishna. Dvaipayana, 6'atukar;^ya, Taruksha, Tr//^abindu, Varmin, Varuthin, Va^in, Va^a.Travas, Satya^ravas, Sui'ravas, Sutai^ravas, Somai"ushmaya;^a, Satvavat, Br?liadukthaVamadev(y)a,Va^iratna, Harya^vayana, Udamaya, Gautama, Riua.nga.y7\., Ritan^aya., Krt- tan^'aya., Dhana/I^aya, Babhru, Tryaru7/a, Trivarsha, Tridhatu, ^'ibinta, Parai^ara, Vish;/u, Rudra, Skanda, Ka^ii-vara, G^vara, Dharma, Artha, Kama, Krodha, Vasish//^a, Indra, Tvash/r/, Kartrt, Dhartrz, Dhatr/, Mrztyu, Savitr/, Savitri, and for each Veda, for the Rig-veda, the Ya^ur-veda, the Sama-veda, the Atharva-veda, the Itihasa and Pura;/a. 7. Towards the south, with their sacrificial cords suspended over their right shoulders, in a place in- clined towards the south, they arrange seats of south- ward-pointed Darbha grass, so that they end in the west — 2. This is a frequently quoted versus memorialis. II PRA5NA, 8 PATALA, 20 SECTION, 9. 245 Patala 8, Section 20. 1. For Vai^ampayana, Paliiigu, Tittira [sic], Ukha, Atreya, the author of the Pada-text, Kaund'mya the author of the commentary, for the authors of the Sutras, for Satyasha^^^a (Hira/^yake^In), for the handers-down of the text, for the teachers, the i?zshis, the hermits dwelhng in the woods, the chaste ones, for those who have only one wife. 2. They prepare (seats) each for his own fathers and maternal ancestors. 3. With (the words), ' For N.N. I prepare (a seat) ; for N. N. I prepare (a seat) ' (he prepares) a seat. 4. With (the words), ' I satiate N. N. ; I satiate N. N.' (he makes offerings of) water. 5. With (the words), 'Adoration to N. N. ! Adora- tion to N. N.!' (he offers) perfumes, flowers, incense, and lamps. 6. With (the words), ' To N. N. svaha ! To N. N. svaha ! ' (he offers) food. 7. With (the words), ' I satiate N. N. ; I satiate N. N.' (he offers) water with fruits in it. 8. Having worshipped them with (the words), ' Adoration to N. N. ! Adoration to N. N. !' — 9. Having put wood on the fire to the west of the surface (on which he had performed the Tarpa;/a), 20, I. The Ka« 12); 10. (Then) the circumambulation again (I, 5, 13-^5)- 11. He enters upon the performance of the Caya and following oblations. 12. Having performed (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), and having untied the rope with the next two verses (I, 5, 16. ly), he should then make her depart (from her father's house in a vehicle), or should have her taken away. 13. Having put that fire (with which the marriage rites have been performed, into a vessel), they carry it behind (the newly-married couple). 14. It should be kept constantly. 15. If it goes out, (a new fire) should be kindled by attrition, 16. Or it should be fetched from the house of a K^rotriya. 17. Besides, if (the fire) goes out, one of them, either the wife or the husband, should fast. 18. Or he may sacrifice with the next (verse; M. I, 5, 18), and not fast. 19. The next (verse; M.I, 6, i) is for putting the chariot (on which the young couple is to depart), in position ; 20. With the next two (verses; M. I, 6, 2. 3), he puts the two animals to the chariot ; 21. First the right one. 22. When she mounts (the chariot), he recites over her the next (verses ; M. I, 6, 4-7). II, 12. See Section 2, Sutras 7. 8; Section 4, Sutra 8. 12 seq. Comp. Hirawyakejin I, 7, 22, i seq. 262 Gi2/HYA-S(JTRA OF APASTAMBA. 23. With the next {verse ; M. I, 6, 8), he spreads out two threads in the wheel-tracks (in which the chariot is to go), a dark-bkie one in the right (track), a red one in the left. 24. With the next (verses; M. I, 6, 9-1 1), he walks on these (threads). 25. And when they pass by bathing-places, posts, or cross-roads, let him murmur the next (verse ; M.I, 6, 12). PArALA 2, Section 6. 1. The next (verse; M. I, 6, 13), he recites over a boat (with which they are going to cross a river). 2. And let the wife, when she is crossing, not see the crew. 3. When they have crossed, let him murmur the next (verse; M. I, 6, 14). 4. If they have to pass over a cemetery, or if any article (which they carry with them), or their chariot is damaged, the ceremonies from the putting of wood on the fire down to the Afyabhaga oblations are performed, and while she takes hold of him, he offers the oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras ; M. I, 7, 1-7), then he enters upon the performance of the 6^aya and following oblations, and performs (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire). 5. If they pass by trees with milky sap or by other trees that serve as marks, by rivers or by deserts, he should murmur the next two (verses ; M. I, 7, 8, 9), according to the characteristics in them (which refer to these different cases). 6. With the next (verse) he shows her the house (M. I, 7, 10). 2 PArALA, 6 SECTION, 12. 263 7. With the next two (verses; M. I, 7, 11. 12) he unyokes the two animals ; the right one first. 8. Having, with the next (verse; M. I, 8, i), spread out, in the centre of the house, a red bull's skin with the neck to the east, with the hair up, he causes her to recite the next (verse ; M. I, 8, 2), while he makes her enter the house, (which she does) with her right foot. 9. And she does not stand on the threshold. 10. In the north-east part of the house the cere- monies from the putting of wood on the fire down to the A^yabhaga oblations are performed, and while she takes hold of him, he offers the oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras; M. I, 8, 3-15); then he enters upon the performance of the 6^aya and following oblations, and performs (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire). Then they sit down with the next (verse; M. I, 9, i) on the skin, the bridegroom to the north. 11. He then places with the next (verse; M. I, 9, 2), the son of a wife who has only sons and whose children are alive, in her lap, gives fruits to the (child) with the next Ya^is (M. I, 9, 3), and murmurs the next two (verses ; M. I, 9, 4-5). Then he (and his wife) observe silence until the stars appear. 12. When the stars have appeared, he goes out (of the house with her) in an easterly or northerly direction, and shows her the polar star and (the star) Arundhati with the next two verses (M. I, 9, 6-7), according to the characteristics (contained in those verses). 264 G/J/HYA-StjTRA OF APASTAMBA. PArALA 3, Section 7. 1. He then makes her offer the sacrifice of a Sthalipaka sacred to Agni. 2. The wife husks (the rice grains out of which this Sthalipaka is prepared). 3. After he has cooked (the Sthalipaka), and has sprinkled (A^ya) over it, and has taken it from the fire towards the east or the north, and has sprinkled (A^ya) over it while it stands (there near the fire), (the ceremonies) from the putting of wood on the fire down to the A^yabhaga oblations (are per- formed), and while she takes hold of him, he sacri- fices of that Sthalipaka. 4. The ' spreading under ' and the sprinkling over (of Ao^yB. are done) once ; two Avadanas (or cut-off portions are taken). 5. Agni is the deity (of the first oblation) ; the offering is made with the word Svaha. 6. Or he may sacrifice after having picked out, once, a portion (of the sacrificial food with the Darvi spoon). 7. Agni Svish/akr/t is the second (deity). 8. (At the Svish/akm oblation) the ' spreading under' and taking an Avadana are done once, the sprinkling over (of A^ya) twice. 9. The Avadana for the first deity (is taken) out of the middle (of the Sthalipaka) ; 10. It is offered over the centre (of the fire). 7, I seq. Hira^zyake^in I, 7, 23, 2 seq. 6. As to the technical meaning ofupahatya or upaghatam, comp. the note on Gobhila I, 8, 2 ; Gr/hya-sa»/graha I, iii. 3 PArALA, 7 SECTION, 19. 265 11. (The Avadana) for the second (deity is taken) from the northern part (of the Sthahpaka) ; 12. It is offered over the easterly part of the northerly part (of the fire). 13. Having silently anointed (a part of) the Barhis (by dipping it) into the remains both (of the Sthalipaka and the A^ya) in the way prescribed (in the ^S'rauta ritual) for the (part of the Barhis called) Prastara, he throws (that part of the Barhis) into the fire. 14. (The rule regarding) the second sprinkling (of water round the fire) is valid (here). 15. He gives (the remains of) that (sacrificial food) with butter to a Brahma;^a to eat — 16. Whom he reveres. To that (Brahma;^a) he makes the present of a bull. 17. In the same way, with the exception of the sacrificial gift, they should sacrifice a Sthalipaka from then onwards, on the days of the new and full moon, after having fasted. 18. Some say that a vessel full (of grain) is the sacrificial eift. 19. From then onwards he should offer morning and evening with his hand these two oblations (to Agni and to Agni Svish/akm) of (rice) grains or of barley. 13. Comp. ^S'rauta-sutra III, 5, 9 seqq. — On the prastara, see Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, 64. 142. 146. 14. See above, I, 2, 8. The upahomas prescribed above, I, 2, 7, are not performed here, but the second parishe/^ana is. 16. I have altered in my translation the division of the two sen- tences. Comp. Hirawyakejin I, 7, 23, 5-6, and the note there. 19. The two regular daily oblations corresponding to the Agni- holra of the 6'rauta ritual. 2 66 G/J7HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA 20. The deities are the same as at the Sthalipaka (just described). 21. Some say that the first oblation in the morning is sacred to Surya. 22. Before and after (those oblations) the sprink- ling (of water) round (the fire is performed) as stated above. 23. By the sacrifice of the new and full moon the other ceremonies have been explained (the knowledge of) which is derived from practice. 24. The deities (of those rites) are as stated (with regard to each particular case), having their place between Agni (Sutra 5) and Svish/akr/t (Sutra 7). 25. The sacrifice (of a cow) on the arrival of a guest (should be performed as stated below) without alterations. 26. (The deities) of the Vaii'vadeva ceremony are the Vi^ve devas, 27. Of ceremonies performed on full-moon clays, the full-mooa day on which they are performed. Patala 3, Section 8. I. At the opening and concluding ceremonies of the Vedic study, the Rish'i who is indicated (as the 22. See I, 2, 3. 8. 23. See I, i, i. 25. See below, V, 13, 16. 26. See Apastamba Dharma-sutra II, 2, 3, i (S. B. E., vol. ii, p. 103). 27. For instance, the -S'ravam paurwamasi is the deity of the ceremonr described below, VII, 18, 5 seq. 8, I. Haradatta observes that at the ka?;6^opakara«a and kaw^a- samapana the J^i'shi of that kafida, at the general adhyayopakarawa and samapana all kaw^arshis, should be worshipped. 3 PArALA, 8 SECTION, lO. 267 Rzsh'i of the KsLuds. which they study, is the deity to whom the ceremony belongs), 2. And in the second place Sadasaspati (cf. Mantrap. I, 9, 8). 3. They reject a sacrifice performed by a wife or by one who has not received the Upanayana initia- tion, and a sacrifice of salt or pungent food, or of such food as has an admixture of a despised sort of food. 4. Sacrifices connected with special wishes and Bali sacrifices (should be performed) as stated (even against the clauses of the last Sutra). 5. Whenever the fire flames up of itself, he should put two pieces of wood on it with the next two (verses; M. I, 9, 9-10), 6. Or with (the two formulas), 'May fortune reach me ! May fortune come to me ! ' 7. Let him notice the day on which he brings his wife home. 8. (From that day) through three nights they should both sleep on the ground, they should be chaste, and should avoid salt and pungent food. 9. Between their sleeping-places a staff is inter- posed, which is anointed with perfumes and wrapped round with a garment or a thread. 10. In the last part of the fourth night he takes up the (staff) with the next two (verses; M. I, 10, 1-2), washes it and puts it away; then (the cere- monies) from the putting of wood on the fire down to the A^yabhaga oblations (are performed), and while she takes hold of him, he sacrifices the obla- tions (indicated by the) next (Mantras ; M. I, 10, 3-9) ; then he enters upon the performance of the Caya and following oblations, and performs (the A 268 G^HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire). Then he makes her sit down to the west of the fire, facing the east, and pours some A^ya of the remains (of those oblations) on her head with the (three) Vyahmis and the word Om as the fourth (M. I, 10, 10-13). Then they look at each other with the next two verses (M. I, 11, 1-2), according to the characteristics (contained in those verses) ; with the next verse (M. I, 11, 3) he besmears the region of their hearts with remains of A^ya ; then he should murmur the next three verses (I, 11,4-6), and should murmur the rest (of the Anuvaka ; I, 11, 7-1 1) when cohabiting with her. 11. Or another person should recite (the rest of the Anuvaka) over her, (before they cohabit). 12. During her (first) monthly illness he instructs her about the things forbidden (to menstruous women), contained in the Brahma;^a, in the section, ' A menstruous woman with whom,' &c. 13. After the appearance of her monthly illness, he should, when going to cohabit with her after her illness, recite over her, after she has bathed, the next verses (M. I, 12, 1-13, 4). Patala 3, Section 9. 1. Each following night with an even number, from the fourth (after the beginning of her monthly illness) till the sixteenth, brings more excellent offspring to them, if chosen for the (first) cohabiting after her illness ; thus it is said. 2. If he sneezes or coughs while going about on 12. Taittiriya Sawhita II, 5, i, 6 seq. 3 PArALA, 9 SECTION, 5. 269 business, he should touch water and should murmur the two following (verses; M. I, 13, 5. 6) according to the characteristics (which they contain). 3. In the same way with the next (Mantras — M. I, 13, 7-10 — he should address the following objects), according to the characteristics (which those Mantras contain) : a conspicuous tree, a heap of excrements, the skirt (of his garment) which is blown against him by the wind, and a shrieking bird. 4. One (for instance, the wife's father) who wishes that the hearts of both (husband and wife) may be in accord should observe chastity through at least three nights and should prepare a Sthalipaka. Then (the ceremonies) from the putting (of wood) on (the fire) down to the A^yabhaga oblations (are performed), and while the wife takes hold of him, he sacrifices of the Sthalipaka the oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras; M. I, 14, 1-7) ; then he enters upon the performance of the C'aya and following oblations, and performs (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire). (The remains of) the (sacri- ficial food) with butter, he should give to eat to an even number of Brahma/^as, at least to two, and should cause them to pronounce wishes for his success. 5. When the moon, on the following day, will be in conjunction with Tishya, she strews three times seven barley-grains around (the plant) Clypea Her- nandifolia with (the formula), ' If thou belongest to Varu;m, I redeem thee from Varu;/a. If thou belongest to Soma, I redeem thee from Soma.' 9, 5. Comp. Gobhila II, 6, 6 seq. 270 G2J7HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA 6. On the following day she should set upright (the plant) with the next (verse ; M. I, 15, i), should recite the next three (verses; M. I, 15, 2-4) over it, should tie (its root) with the next (verse ; M. I, 1 5, 5) to her hands so that (her husband) does not see it, and should, when they have gone to bed, embrace her husband with her arms, with the verse alluding to the word upadhana (' putting on ; ' M. I, 15, 6). 7. Thus he will be subject to her. 8. By this (rite) also (a wife) overcomes her co- wives. 9. For this same purpose she worships the sun daily with the next Anuvaka (M. I, 16), 10. If a wife is affected with consumption or is otherwise sick, one who has to observe chastity, should rub her limbs with young lotus leaves which are still rolled up, and with lotus roots, with the next (formulas, limb by limb) according to the character- istics (contained in those formulas; M. I, 17, 1-6), and should throw away (the leaves and roots) towards the west. 11. With the next (verses; M. I, 17, 7-10) he should give the wife's garment (which she has worn at the wedding J]) to (a Brahma?2a) who knows this (ceremony). Patala 4, Section 10. 1. We shall explain the Upanayana (or initiation of the student). 2. Let him initiate a Brahma;^a in the eighth year after the conception, 3. A Ra^anya in the eleventh, a Vaii-ya in the twelfth year after the conception. 4 PArALA, lO SFXTION, Q. 2'Jl 4. Spring, summer, autumn : these are the (fit) seasons (for the Upanayana), corresponding to the order of the castes. 5. (The boy's father) serves food to Brahma;^as and causes them to pronounce auspicious wishes, and serves food to the boy. (The teacher ?) pours together, with the first Ya.f us (of the next Anuvaka, warm and cold) water, pouring the warm water into the cold, and moistens (the boy's) head with the next (verse; M. II, i, 2). 6. Having put three Darbha blades into his hair (towards each of the four directions) (the teacher [?]) shaves his hair with the next four (verses ; M. II, i, 3-6) with the different Mantras, towards the different (four) directions. 7. With the following (verse, M. II, i, 7, somebody) addresses him while he is shaving. 8. Towards the south, his mother or a Brahma- Mrin strews barley-grains on a lump of bull's dung ; with this (dung) she catches up the hair (that is cut off), and puts it down with the next (verse; M. II, 1, 8) at the root of an Udumbara tree or in a tuft of Darbha grass. 9. After (the boy) has bathed, and (the cere- monies) from the putting (of wood) on (the fire) down to the Afyabhaga oblations (have been performed), he causes him to put a piece of Pala^a wood on the & 10, 6, 7. The diflference which Haradatta makes between the teacher who begins to shave him (pravapati) and the barber who goes on with shaving (vapantam) seems too artificial. 7. Haradatta : The teacher addresses the barber, &c. — Sudar- janarya : The mother of the boy or a BrahmaMrin [comp. Sutra 8] . . . addresses the teacher who shaves him. 9. Comp. above, II, 4, 3, 272 G727HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. fire with the next (verse ; M. II, 2, i), and makes him tread with his right foot on a stone to the north of the fire, with (the verse), ' Tread' (M. II, 2, 2). 10. Having recited the next two (verses; M. II, 2, 3. 4) over a garment that has been spun and woven on one day, and has caused him, with the next three (verses; M. II, 2, 5-7), to put it on, he recites over him, after he has put it on, the next (verse; M.II, 2, 8). 1 1. He ties thrice around him, from left to right, a threefold-twisted girdle of Muni's, grass with the next two (verses ; M. II, 2, 9. 10), and (gives him) a skin as his outer garment with the next (verse ; II, 2, 11). 1 2. To the north of the fire (the teacher) spreads out Darbha grass ; on that he causes (the boy) to station himself with the next (verse; M. II, 3, i), pours his joined hands full of water into (the boy's) joined hands, makes him sprinkle himself three times with the next (verse; M. II, 3, 2), takes hold of his right hand with the next (formulas; M, II, 3, 3-12), gives him with the next (formulas; M. II, 3, 13-23) in charge to the deities (mentioned in those Mantras), initiates him with the next Ya^us (M. II, 3, 24), and murmurs into his right ear the (Mantra), ' Blessed with offspring' (II, 3, 25). Pat^ala 4, Section 11. I . The boy says, * I am come to be a student ' (11, 3, 26). II. Comp. Apast. Dharma-sfttra I, i, 2, 33; i, 3, 3 seq. 12. As to the words, 'he initiates him' (upanayati), cofnp. ^Sankhayana II, 2, 11. 12; Ai-valayana I, 20, 4 &c. 4 PATALA, II SECTION, 1 3. 273 2. The Other (i.e. the teacher) has to ask; the boy has to answer (II, 3, 27-30). 3. The other murmurs the rest (of the Anuvaka), 4. And causes the boy to repeat (the Mantra) which contains wishes for himself (II, 3, 32). 5. (The rites) down to the A^yabhagas have been prescribed. 6. Having then caused him to sacrifice the obla- tions (indicated in the) next (Mantras; M. 11,4, i-i 0' he enters upon (the performance) of the C'aya and following oblations. 7. Having performed (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), he puts down, to the west of the fire, a bunch of northward-pointed grass ; on that (the teacher) who performs the ini- tiation, sits down with the next Ya^s (M. II, 4, 12). 8. The boy, sitting to the east (of him), facing the west, seizes with his right hand (the teacher's) right foot and says, ' Recite the Savitri, Sir ! ' 9. He recites (the Savitri) to him, 'That (glorious splendour) of Savitr/' (Taitt. I, 5, 6, 4 ; M. n, 4, 13); 10. Pada by Pada, hemistich by hemistich, and the whole (verse). 11. (When repeating the Savitri Pada by Pada, he pronounces) the Vyahmis singly at the beginning or at the end of the Padas ; 12. In the same way (the first and the second Vyahmi at the beginning or at the end) of the hemistichs ; the last (Vyahr/ti, when he repeats) the whole verse. 13. With the next Mantra (M. II, 4, 14) the boy touches his upper lip ; 11, 5. See above, Section 10, Sutra 9. [30] T 2 74 GiR/HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA 14. With the next (II, 4, 15) both his ears ; 15. With the next (II, 5, i) he takes up the staff. 16. The staff of a Brahma/^a is made of Pala-s-a wood, that of a Rafanya of a branch of the Nyagrodha tree, so that the downward-turned end (of the branch) forms the tip (of the staff), that of a Vai^^ya of Badara or Udumbara wood. 17. Some state (only), without any reference to caste, that the staff should be made of the wood of a tree. 18. After (the teacher) has made him repeat (the formula), 'My memory' (M. II, 5, 2), and he has bestowed an optional gift on his teacher, and (the teacher) has made him arise with (the formula, M. II, 5, 3), ' Up, with life ! ' (the student) worships the sun with the next (Mantras ; II, 5, 4). 19. If (the teacher) wishes, 'May this (student) not be estranged from me,' let him take (the student) by the right hand with the next (verse ; II, 5, 6). 20. They keep that fire (used at the Upanayana) three days, 21. And (during that time) salted and pungent food should be avoided. 22. Having wiped (with his hand wet) around (the fire) with (the formula), ' Around thee' (M. II, 6, i), he should put (twelve) pieces of wood on that (fire) with the next Mantras (II, 6, 2-13). 23. In the same way also on another (fire, when the Upanayana fire is kept no longer), 24. Fetching fuel regularly from the forest. 25. With the next (formula — M. II, 6, 14— the teacher) instructs (the student in his duties). 16, 17. These Sutras are identical with Dharma-sGtra I, i, 2, 38 (S. B. E., vol. ii, p. 9). 5 PArALA, 12 SECTION, 6. 275 26. On the fourth day (after the Upanayana the teacher) takes the garment (of the student) for him- self with the next (verse ; M. II, 6, 15), having made him put on another (garment). Fatal A 5, Section 12. 1. Having studied the Veda, when going to take the bath (which signifies the end of his studentship), he enters a cow-shed before sunrise, hangs over its door a skin with the hair inside, and sits there. 2. On that day the sun should not shine upon him. 3. At noon, after (the ceremonies) from the putting (of wood) on the fire down to the A^^a- bhaga oblations (have been performed), he puts a piece of Palai'a wood on (the fire) with the next (verse ; M. II, 7, i), sits down to the west of the fire on a mat or on eraka grass, recites the next (verse, II, 7, 2) over a razor, and hands it over to the barber with the next Ya^us (II, 7, 3). (The rites) beginning with the pouring together of (warm and cold) water down to the burying of the hair are the same as above (comp. M. II, 7, 4). 4. He sits down behind the cow-shed, takes the girdle off, and hands it over to a Brahma/'arin. 5. The (Brahma/('arin) hides it with the next Ya^us (II, 7, 5) at the root of an Udumbara tree or in a tuft of Darbha grass. 6. With water of the description stated above he 26. The garment ^hich the teacher takes for himself is that mentioned above, IV, 10, 10. 12, 3. See above, IV, 10, 5-8. 6. See IV, io, 5. T 2 2/6 Gi?/HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. bathes with the six next (verses; II, 7, 6-1 1), and with the next (II, 7, 12) he cleanses his teeth with a stick of Udumbara wood. 7. Having bathed and shampooed his body with such ingredients as are used in bathing, (aromatic powder, &c.), 8. He puts on with the next Ya^us (M. II, 7, 13) a fresh under garment, and anoints himself, after having given the salve in charge of the deities with the next (Mantras, II, 7, 14), with the next (verse, II, 7, 15) with sandal salve which is scented with all kinds of perfumes. With the next (verse, II, 7, 16) he moves about a gold pellet with its setting, which is strung on a string, three times from left to right in a water-pot ; with the next (verse, II, 7, 17) he ties the (pellet) to his neck ; in the same way, without Mantras, he ties a pellet of Badara wood to his left hand, and repeats the rites stated above with a fresh upper garment, with the (verses), ' May the rich' (comp. above, IV, 10, 10 ; M. II, 7, 18). 9. To the skirt (of that garment) he ties two ear- rings, puts them into the (sacrificial spoon called) Darvi, offers the oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras ; M. II, 8, 1-8), pouring the Afya over (the ear-rings), and enters upon (the performance of) the 6^aya and following oblations. 10. Having performed (the ceremonies) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), he should tie (one of the ear-rings) with the same (verses) to his right ear, and with the same (verses one) to his left ear. 11. In the same way he should with the following (formulas, M. II, 8, 9-9, 5), according to the charac- teristics (contained in them), (put) a wreath on his 5 PArALA, 13 SECTION, 7. 277 head, anoint (his eyes), look into a mirror, (put on) shoes, (and should take) a parasol and a staff. 12. He keeps silence until the stars appear. 13. When the stars have appeared, he goes away towards the east or north, worships the quarters (of the horizon) with the next hemistich, and the stars and the moon with the next (M. II, 9, 6). 14. Having spoken with a friend he may go where he likes. Fat ALA 5, Section 13. 1. Now this (is) another (way for performing the Samavartana). He bathes silendy at a bathing- place and puts silently a piece of wood on (the fire). 2. He sits down on a bunch of grass, as stated above (comp. M. II, 9, 7), at a place where they are going to honour him (with the Argha reception). 3. A king and a chieftain (sit down) in the same way (as a Brahma;za), with the next two (formulas, M. II, 9, 8. 9), according to the characteristics (con- tained in them). 4. (The host) announces (to the guest), * The water for washing the feet ! ' 5. (The guest) should recite the next (verse, II, 9, 10) over (that water) and should stretch out the ricfht foot first to a Brahma;^a, the left to a ^'udra. 6. Having touched the person who washes him, he should touch himself (i.e. his own heart) with the next (formula, M. II, 9, 11). 7. (The host, taking the Argha water) in an 13, 2. See above, IV, 11, 7. 5. Comp. Ajvalayana-Gn'hya I, 24, 11. 12. 278 g/2/hya-s'Dtra of apastamba. earthen vessel which he holds with two bunches of grass, announces (to the guest), ' The Argha water ! ' 8. (The guest) should recite the next (formula, II, 9, 12) over (that water) and should murmur the next Ya^us (II, 9, 13), while a part (of the water) is poured over his joined hands. 9. Over the rest (of the water) which is poured out towards the east, he recites the next (verse, M. II, 9, 14). 10. (The host) pours together curds and honey in a brass vessel, covers it with a larger (brass cover), takes hold of it with two bunches of grass, and an- nounces (to the guest), ' The honey-mixture ! ' 11. Some take three substances, (those stated before) and ghee. 12. Some take fiv^, (the three stated before), and grains, and flour. 13. The guest recites the next two (formulas, M. II, 10, I. 2) over (the honey-mixture) and sips water with the two Ya^us (II, 10, 3. 4) before (eating) and afterwards ; with the next (verse, II, 10, 5) he should partake three times (of the food) and should give the remainder to a person towards whom he is kindly disposed. 14. A king or a chieftain should only accept it and (give it) to his Purohita. 1 5. (The host) announces the cow with (the word), ' The cow ! ' 16. After the guest has recited the next (formula, M. II, 10, 6) over (the cow, the host) cooks its omentum, and having performed the ' spreading under' and the sprinkling over (of A^a), he sacri- fices it with the next (verse, M. II, 10, 7) with a Palai"a leaf from the middle or the end (of the stalk). 6 PArALA, 14 SECTION, 3. 279 17. If the guest chooses to let (the cow) loose, he murmurs the next (formulas, II, lo, 8-11) in a low voice (and says) loudly, ' Om ! Let it loose!' (II, 10, 12). 18. (In this case) he recites the next (formulas, M. II, 10, 13-17) in a low voice over the food which is announced to him (instead of the cow), (and says) loudly, ' Om ! Make it ready! ' (II, 10, 18). 19. For his teacher, for a RitVig, for his father- in-law, for a king he ought to perform this (Arghya ceremony) as often as they visit his house, if at least one year has elapsed (since they came last). 20. For a renowned teacher (of the Veda the ceremony should be performed) once. PArALA 6, Section 14. 1. The Simantonnayana (or parting of the preg- nant wife's hair, is performed) in her first pregnancy, in the fourth month. 2. (The husband) serves food to Brahma;^as and causes them to pronounce auspicious wishes ; then, after (the ceremonies) from the putting (of wood) on the fire down to the Af yabhaga oblations (have been performed), he offers the oblations (indicated in the) next (Mantras, M. II, 11, 1-8), while (the wife) takes hold of him, and enters upon the (performance) of the (7aya and following oblations. 3. Having performed (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), he makes her sit down to the west of the fire, facing the east, and parts her hair upwards (i. e. beginning from the front) with a porcupine's quill that has three white spots, 2 8o G72/HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. with three Darbha blades, and with a bunch of un- ripe Udumbara fruits, with the Vyahmis or with the two next (verses, II, 11,9. 10). 4. He says to two lute-players, ' Sing ! ' 5. Of the next two (verses, II, 11, 11. 12) the first (is to be sung on this occasion) among the (people of the) Salvas. 6. The second (is to be used) for Brahma;2as ; and the river near which they dwell is to be named. 7. He ties barley-grains with young shoots (to the head of the wife) ; then she keeps silence until the stars appear. 8. When the stars have appeared, he goes (with his wife) towards the east or north, touches a calf, and murmurs the Vyahmis ; then she breaks her silence. 9. The Pu;;zsavana (i.e. the ceremony to secure the birth of a male child) is performed when the pregnancy has become visible, under the constel- lation Tishya. 10. From a branch of a Nyagrodha tree, which points eastward or northward, he takes a shoot with two (fruits that look like) testicles. The putting (of wood) on the fire, &c., is performed as at the Siman- tonnayana (Sutra 2). 11. He causes a girl who has not yet attained maturity to pound (the Nyagrodha shoot) on an upper mill-stone with another upper mill-stone, and to pour water on it ; then he makes his wife lie 6. Aj-valayana I, 14, 7; Paraskara I, 15, 8. Comp. Zeitschrift der D. M. Gesellschaft, XXXIX, 88. 7, 8." Sudarj-anarya mentions that instead of the singular, ' She keeps silence, she breaks her silence,' some read the dual, so that the husband and his wife are referred to. 6 VATALA, 15 SECTION, 4. 28 1 down on her back to the west of the fire, facing the east, and inserts (the pounded substance) with his thumb into her right nostril, with the next Ya^us (11,11,13). 12. Then she will give birth to a son. 13. Here follows the ceremony to secure a quick deliverance. 14. With a shallow cup that has not been used before, he draws water in the direction of the river's current ; at his wife's feet he lays down a Turyanti plant ; he should then touch his wife, who is soon to be delivered, on the head, with the next Ya^is (II, II, 14), and should sprinkle her with the water, with the next (three) verses (II, ii, 15-17). 1 5. Yadi ^arayu na pated eva;;^vihitabhir evadbhir uttarabhyam (II, 11, 18. 19) avokshet. Patala 6, Section 15. 1. After he has touched the new-born child with the Vatsapra hymn (Taitt. Samh. IV, 2, 2 ; M. II, II, 20), and has taken him on his lap with the next Ya^us (M. II, 11,21), with the next (three) (verses — II, II, 22; 12, I. 2 — one by one) he addresses the child, kisses him on his head, and murmurs (the third verse) into his right ear. 2. And he gives him a Nakshatra name. 3. That is secret. 4. He pours together honey and ghee ; into this (mixture) he dips a piece of gold which he has tied with a noose to a Darbha blade. With the next (three) formulas (II, 12, 3-5) he gives the boy (by 15, I. We ought to read uttarabhir, not uttarabhyam. Comp. below, Sutra 12. 282 Gi2/HYA-st)TRA OF APASTAMBA. means of the piece of gold, some of the mixture) to eat. With the next five (verses, II, 12, 6-10) he bathes him. Then he pours curds and ghee to- gether and gives him this (mixture which is called) 'sprinkled butter' (p7^/shadac^a) to eat out of a brass vessel, with the Vyahrztis to which the syllable 'Om' is added as the fourth (II, 12, 11-14). The remainder he should mix with water and pour out in a cow-stable. 5. With the next (verse, M. II, 13, i) he places (the child) in the mother's lap; with the next (II, 13, 2) he causes her to give him her right breast; with the next two (verses, II, 13, 3. 4) he touches the earth, and after (the child) has been laid down, (he touches him) with the next (formula, II, 13, 5). 6. With the next Ya^us (II, 13, 6) he places a water-pot at (the child's) head, sacrifices mustard seeds and rice-chaff with his joined hands three times with each of the next (formulas, II, 13, 7-14, 2), repeating each time the word Svaha, and says (to the people who are accustomed to enter the room in which his w^ife lies), ' Whenever you enter, strew silently (mustard seeds with rice-chaff) on the fire.' 7. This is to be done until the ten days (after the child's birth) have elapsed. 8. On the tenth day, after (the mother) has risen and taken a bath, he gives a name to the son. The father and the mother (should pronounce that name first). 9. (It should be a name) of two syllables or of four syllables ; the first part should be a noun ; the second a verb ; it should have a long vowel (or) the Visarga at the end, should begin with a sonant, and contain a semi-vowel. 6 PArALA, 1 6 SECTION, 6. 283 10. Or it should contain the particle su, for such a name has a firm foundation ; thus it is said in a Brahma;^a. 11. A girl's name should have an odd number of syllables. 1 2. When (the father) returns from a journey, he should address the child and kiss him on his head with the next two (verses, M. II, 14, 3. 4), and should murmur the next Mantras (II, 14, 5) into his right ear. 13. With the next Ya^us (II, 14, 6) he addresses a daughter (when returning from a journey). PArALA 6, Section 16. T. In the sixth month after the child's birth he serves food to Brahma;^as and causes them to pro- nounce auspicious wishes ; then he should pour together curds, honey, ghee, and boiled rice, and should give (the mixture) to the boy to eat, with the next (four) Mantras (II, 14, 7-10); 2. (He should feed him) with partridge, according to some (teachers). 3. In the third year after his birth the A'aula (or tonsure is performed) under (the Nakshatra of) the two Punarvasus. 4. Brahma/^as are entertained with food as at the initiation (Upanayana). 5. The putting (of wood) on the fire, &c. (is per- formed) as at the Simantonnayana. 6. He makes (the boy) sit down to the west of 12. Comp. above, Sfitra i. 16, 4. See above, IV, 10, 5. 5. See above, VI, 14. 2. 6. Comp. VI, 14, 3. 284 Gi27HYA-s{>TRA OF ApASTAMBA. the fire, facing the east, combs his hair silently with a porcupine's quill that has three white spots, with three Darbha blades, and with a bunch of unripe Udumbara fruits ; and he arranges the locks in the fashion of his ancestral 7?/shis, 7. Or according to their family custom. 8. The ceremonies beginning with the pouring together of (warm and cold) water and ending with the putting down of the hair are the same (as above ; comp. M. II, 14, 1 1). 9. He puts down the razor after having washed it off. 10. The ceremony is (repeated) three days with the (same razor). (Then) the rite is finished. 11. (The father) gives an optional gift (to the Brahma;^a who has assisted). 12. The Godana (or the ceremony of shaving the beard, is performed) in the sixteenth year, in exactly the same way or optionally under another constel- lation. 13. Or he may perform the Godana sacred to Agni. 14. Some prescribe the keeping of a vow through one year in connection with the Godana. 8. See IV, 10, 5-8. 10. I translate as if the words tena tryaham and karmani- vrzttik formed two Sutras. 13. ' Having performed the same rites as at the opening of the Study of the Agneya-ka;/a'a, he performs an Upasthana to the deities as taught M'ith regard to the -Sukriyavrata.' Haradatta. — 'After the ceremonies down to the A^yabhagas have been performed, one chief obladon of A^ya is offered with the formula, "To Agni, the I^tshi of the Ka.nda., svaha ! " ' Sudarjanarya. 14. Comp. the statements given in the note on Gobhila III, I, I. 7 PATALA, 17 SECTION, 7. 285 15. The difference (between the A'aula and the Godana) is that (at the Godana) the whole hair is shaven (without leaving the locks). 16. Accordinof to the followers of the Sama-veda he should ' touch water.' PArALA 7, Section 17. 1. The orround for buildino- a house should be o o inclined towards the south-west. He elevates the surface and sweeps (the earth) with a broom of Palaj-a wood or of Samt wood, with the next (verse, M. II, 15, i), in the same (south-west) direction; 2. In the same way three times. 3. He touches the ground, which has thus been prepared, with the next (verse, II, 15, 2). Then he has the pits for the posts dug from left to right, throws the earth (from the pits) towards the inside (of the building-ground), and erects the right door- post with the next two (verses, M. II, 15, 3. 4) ; 4. In the same way the other (door-post). 5. Having erected after (the door-posts) the other (posts) in the same order in which (the pits) have been dug, he recites the next Ya^us (II, 15, 5) over the ridge-pole when it is placed (on the posts), 6. The next (six) (Ya^us formulas, II, 15, 6-11) over the (house when it is) finished, according to the characteristics contained in the single formulas. 7. He sets a piece of Palai^a wood or of ^ami wood on fire, takes the fire up (in a dish) with the next verse (II, 15, 12), carries it to the house with 16. The udakopasparjana according to the rite of the Sama- vedins is described by Gobhila, I, 2, 5 seqq. 2 86 G22/HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. the next Ya^us (II, 15, 13), and places the fire in the north-eastern part of the house with the next (11, 15, h)- 8. The place for the water-barrel is to the south of that spot. 9. He strews there Darbha grass, so that its points are turned in every direction, pours rice and barley-grains over the (grass) with the next (verse, II, 15, 15), and thereon he places the water-barrel. 10. With the next (Ya^s, II, 15, 16) he pours four potfuls of water into it. 11. If (the barrel) breaks, he recites the next (verse, II, 15, 17) over it. 12. After the ceremonies from the putting of A wood on the fire down to the A^yabhaga oblations have been performed, he offers the (four) oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras; II, 15, 18-21); then he enters upon the performance of the 6^aya and following oblations. 13. Having performed (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), he should sprinkle (water) with a water-pot around the house or the resting-place on the inside, with the next Ya^us (II, 15, 22) three times from left to right; then he should serve cakes, flour, and boiled rice to the Brahma;/as. Patala 7, Section 18. I. When a boy is attacked by the dog-demon (i.e. epilepsy), (the father or another performer of the ceremony), having devoted himself to austerities 18; I. Comp. Paraskara I, 16, 24 ; Hirawyake^in II, 2, 7. 7 PATALA, 1 8 SECTION, 7. 287 (such as fasting), covers him with a net. Then he causes a gong to be beaten or a bell to be rung, takes (the boy) by another way than the door into the gambling-hall, raises (the earth in the middle of the hall) at the place in which they gamble, sprin- kles it (with water), casts the dice, lays (the boy) on his back on the dice, and besprinkles him with his joined hands with curds and salt, with the next (eleven) (formulas, II, 16, i-ii), in the morning, at noon, and at night. 2. Then he will Q-et well. 3. Over a boy who suffers from the ' ^'aiikha ' disease, (the father, &c.) having devoted himself to austerities, should recite the next two (verses, II, 16, 12. 1 3), and should pour (water) on his head with a water-pot with the next (verse, II, 16, 14), in the morning, at noon, and at night. 4. Then he will get well. 5. On the day of the full moon of (the month) Srkvana. after sunset a Sthaltpaka (is offered). 6. After the ceremonies down to the A^yabhaga oblations have been performed in the same way as at the fortnightly sacrifices, he sacrifices of the Sthalipaka, and with each of the next (formulas, II, 16, 15-17) he offers with his joined hands Kim- ^uka flowers. 7. With the next (three) verses (II, 17, 1-3) (he offers) pieces of Aragvadha wood (Cathartocarpus fistula) ; 3. ' 6'afikhin is a person attacked by such a disease that he utiers cries like the sound of a conch trumpet (jahkha).' Haradatta. 5. Here follows a description of the Sarpabali. 6. Comp. above, III, 7, 2-3. 2 88 Gi?7HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. 8. Then the A^ya oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras, II, 17, 4-7). 9. Then he enters upon the performance of the Caya and following oblations. 10. Having performed (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), he silently takes the objects required (for the rites which he is going to perform), goes out in an easterly or northerly direction, prepares a raised surface, draws on it three lines directed towards the east and three towards the north, pours water on the (lines), and lays (an offering of) flour (for the serpents) on them, with the next (formula, II, 17, 8). 11. Silently (he lays down) unground (?) grain, roasted grain, collyrium, ointment, (the fragrant sub- stance called) Sthagara, and Ui^ira root. 12. With the next (formulas, II, 17, 9-26) he should worship (the serpents), should sprinkle water round (the oblations), should return (to his house) silently without looking back, should sprinkle (water) with a water-pot from left to right, thrice around the house or the resting-place on the inside, with the two verses, ' Beat away, O white one, with thy foot' (II, 17, 27. 28), and should offer food to the Brahma;/as. PArALA 7, Section 19. 1. The unground grain (which is left over, see above, VII, 18, 11) they give to the boys to eat. 2. Let him repeat in the same way this Bali- offering of whatever food he has got or of flour, from that day to full moon of (the month) Marga- .yirsha. 7 PATALA, 19 SECTION, 1 3. 289 3. On the day of the full moon of Marga^irsha after sunset a Sthalipaka (is offered as above, VII, i8, 5). 4. In the Mantra for the Bali-offering he changes (the word ' I shall offer ' into) ' I have offered.' 5. Then he does not offer (the Bali) any longer. A 6. (Now follows) the Agraya//a sacrifice (or par- taking of the first-fruits) of one who has not set up the (^'rauta) fires. 7. He prepares a Sthalipaka of the fresh fruits, A sacrifices to the deities of the (^'rauta) sacrifice with (Agni) Svish/akm as the fourth, fills his mouth with grains, swallows them, sips water, forms a lump of the boiled (sacrificial) food, and throws it up with the next Ya^us (II, 18, i) to the summit of the house. 8. (Now follows) the ' redescent ' in the winter. 9. With the next Ya^us (II, 18, 2) they ' rede- scend' (or take as their sleeping-place a layer of straw instead of the high bedsteads which they have used before). With the next Ya^us formulas (II, 18, 3-7) they lie down on a new layer (of straw) on their right sides, 10. The father to the south, the mother to the north (of him), and so the others, one after the other from the eldest to the youngest. 1 1 . After he has arisen, he touches the earth with the next two (verses, II, 18, 8. 9). 12. In the same way the lying down, &c., is re- peated thrice. 13. Having prepared a Sthalipaka for I^-ana and 8. Comp. the note on 6ankhayana IV, 17, i. 13. The description of the julagava sacrifice, which here follows, agrees in most points with the statements of Hirawyakejin 11, 3, 8. [30J U 290 G/J/HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. one for Kshetrapati, he goes out in an easterly or northerly direction, prepares a raised surface, (and then follow the ceremonies) beginning with the put- ting of wood on the fire. 14. To the west of the fire he builds two huts. PArALA 7, Section 20. 1. With the next (verse, II, 18, 10) he has the tsana led to the southern (hut), 2. With worldly words the ' bountiful goddess ' to the northern (hut), 3. To the middle (between the two huts) the ' conqueror.' 4. He gives them water to drink in the same order in which they have been led (to their places), takes three portions of boiled rice (from the Sthali- paka prepared for I^ana), takes (these portions of rice) to the fire, makes (the three gods) touch them with the next (formulas, II, 18, 11-13), sacrifices of these portions, to each god of the portion which be- longs to him, with the next (formulas, II, 18, 14-30), cuts off (Avadanas) from all (portions), and sacrifices with the next Ya^us (II, 18, 31) to Agni Svish/akm. 5. Having worshipped (the god I^ana) with the next Ya^us (II, 18, 32), he distributes with the next (formulas, II, 18, 33-39) leaves together with por- tions of boiled rice, two (leaves) with each (Ya^us), then ten to the divine hosts (II, 18, 40), and ten to the (divine hosts) that follow (and are referred to in the next Yaj^us, II, 18, 41). 20, 1-3. Comp. Hirawyak. II, 3, 8, 2-4. Haradatta explains the Ijana, the mia7mshi, and the ^ayanta as images of the three gods. 7 PATALA, 20 SECTION, 1 9. 29 1 6. With the next (formulas, II, i8, 42-45) he does the same as before (i.e. he distributes two leaves with each Mantra): 7. Having formed a lump of boiled rice, he puts it into a basket of leaves, and with the next Ya^us (II, 18, 46) hangs it up on a tree. 8. Here he should murmur the Rudra texts (Taitt. Sawh. IV, 5), 9. Or the first and last (Anuvaka). 10. He places his cows around the fire so that the smoke (of the sacrifice) may reach them. 1 1 . With his firmly shut fist full of Darbha grass he besprinkles (them) with scents ; the bull first. 12. He should perform a sacrifice to Kshetrapati, without a fire, in the path used by his cows. 13. He has (the Kshetrapati) led to his place in the same way as the li^ana (see above, Slitra i). 14. He puts (portions of boiled rice) into four or seven leaves, naming (the god). 1 5. Let him sacrifice quickly; the god has a strong digestion (?). 16. With the next two (verses, II, 18, 47. 48) he does worship (to Kshetrapati). 17. The Sthalipaka (belonging to i^ana) he gives to the Brahma;/as to eat ; 18. That belonging to Kshetrapati his uterine relations eat, 19. Or as is the custom in their family. II. On gruniush/i, see the notes of the commentators, p. 93 of Dr. Winternitz's edition, and the commentary on Taitt. Sawhita "^j 4j 5) 3 (Indische Studien, XII, 60). 15. I have translated here as in Hirawyak. II, 3, 9, 11. Haradatta and Sudarjanarya give another explanation of the words ' pako deva/z;' see p. 93 of the edition. U 2 292 Gi2/HYA-stjTRA OF APASTAMBA. Patala 8, Section 21. 1. The times for the monthly ^'raddha are in the second fortnight (of the month), as they are stated. 2. Let him feed, without regard of (worldly) pur- poses, pure Brahma;^as, versed in the Mantras, who are not connected with himself by consanguinity or by their Gotra or by the Mantras (such as his teacher or his pupils), an odd number, at least three. 3. He makes oblations of the food (prepared for the Brahma?2as) with the next (verses, II, 19, 1-7) ; 4. Then the A^ya oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras, II, 19, 8-13). 5. Or invertedly (i. e. he offers A^ya with the verses referred to in Sutra 3, and food with those referred to in Siitra 4). 6. Let him touch the whole (food) with the next (formulas, II, 19, 14-16). 7. Or the (single) prepared (portions of food des- tined) for the single Brahma;2as. 8. Having caused them with the next (formula, II, 20, i) to touch (the food, he gives it to them to eat). 9. When they have eaten (and gone away), he goes after them, circumambulates them, turning his right side towards them, spreads out southward- pointed Darbha grass in two different layers, pours water on it with the next (formulas, II, 20, 2-7), dis- tributes the F'mdas, ending in the south, with the next (formulas, II, 20, 8-13), pours out water as before with the next (formulas, 14-19), worships (the 21, I. Comp. Dharma^astra II, 7, 16, 8 seq. ; Sacred Books, vol. ii, p. 139. Comp. Professor Biihler's remarks, vol. ii, p. xiv. 8 PA^ALA, 2 2 SECTION, 2. 293 ancestors) with the next (formulas, II, 20, 20-23), sprinkles with the next (verse, 24) water three times from right to left round (the Fmdas) with a water-pot, besprinkles the vessels, which are turned upside down, repeating the next Ya^us (25) at least three times without taking breath, sets up the vessels two by two, cuts off (Avadanas) from all (portions of food), and eats of the remains at least one morsel with the next Ya^^us (26). 10. Of the dark fortnight that follows after the full moon of Magha, the eighth day falls under (the constellation of) 6*yesh//^a : this day is called Ekash/aka. 11. In the evening before that day (he performs) the preparatory ceremony. 12. He bakes a cake of four cups (of rice). 13. (The cake is prepared) in eight dishes (like a Puro^ai"a), according to some (teachers). Pat^ala 8, Section 22. A 1. After the ceremonies down to the A^yabhaga oblations have been performed in the same way as at the fortnightly sacrifices, he makes with his joined hands oblations of the cake with the next (verse, II, 20, 27). 2. The rest (of the cake) he makes ready, divides (it) into eight parts and offers it to the Brahma;ms. 12, 13. Comp. Hirawyak. II, 5, 14, 3 seq. 22, I. Comp. above, VII, 18, 6. 2. I believe that j'esha// means the rest of the cake. The word ' siddha// ' possibly refers to such preparations of the food as are indicated in Hirawyak. II, 5, 14, 7. Haradatta understands jesha// as the rest of the rites (tantrasya j-esha/z) : ' The rest of the rites is 294 G/?7HYA-sCtRA of ArASTAMBA. 3. On the following day he touches a cow with a Darbha blade, with the words, ' I touch thee agreeable to the Fathers.' A 4. Having silently offered five A^a oblations, and having cooked the omentum of the (cow), and per- formed the ' spreading under ' and the sprinkling over (of A^a), he sacrifices (the omentum) with the next (verse, II, 20, 28) with a Pala^a leaf from the middle or the end (of the stalk). 5. (He sacrifices) boiled rice together with the meat (of the cow) with the next (verses, II, 20, 29-35), 6. Food prepared of meal with the next (verse, II, 21, 1), A 7. Then the A^ya oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras, II, 21, 2-9). 8. (The rites) from the Svish/akr/t down to the offering of the F'vidas are the same (as at the ^'raddha). 9. Some (teachers) prescribe the Vbida. offering for the day after the Ash/aka. 10. Here (follows) another (way for celebrating the Ash/aka sacrifice). He sacrifices curds with his joined hands in the same way as the cake. 11. Having left over from the meat of the (cow, see above, 3. 4) as much as is required, on the day after (the Ash/aka) (he performs) the rite of the Anvash/aka. 12. This rite has been explained in the description of the monthly .S'raddha. 13. If he goes out in order to beg for something, the regular one, without alterations:' it must be admitted that the expressions used by Hirawyak. II, 5, 14, 10 would agree well with this explanation. 4. See above, V, 13, 16. 8 PArALA, 23 SECTION, 4. 295 let him murmur the next (Mantras, II, 21, 10-16) and then state his desire. 14. If he has obtained a chariot, he has the horses put to it, lets it face the east, and touches with the next (verse, II, 21, 17) the two wheels of the chariot or the two side-pieces. 15. With the next Ya^iis (II, 21, 18) he should mount, and drive with the next (verse, II, 21, 19) towards the east or north, and should then drive off on his business. 16. Let him mount a horse with the next (for- mulas, II, 21, 20-30), 17. An elephant with the next (formula, II, 21, 31). 18. If any harm is done him by these two (beasts), let him touch the earth as Indicated above. 19. If he is going to a dispute, he takes the parasol and the staff in his left hand. Patala 8, Section 23. 1. Having sacrificed, with his right hand, a fist full of chaff with the next (verse, II, 21, 32), he should go away and murmur the next (verse, ^T)). 2. Over an angry person let him recite the two next (formulas, II, 22, i. 2); then his anger will be appeased. 3. One who wishes that his wife should not be touched by other men, should have big living centi- pedes ground to powder, and should insert (that powder) with the next (formula, II, 22, 3), while she is sleeping, into her secret parts. 4. For success (in the generation of children) 18. See VII, 19, II. On reshawe, comp. below, 23, 9. 23, 3. Comp. Hirawyak. I, 4, 14, 7. 296 G/J/HYA-SUTRA OF APASTAMBA. let him wash (his wife) with the urine of a red- brown cow. 5. For success (in trade) let him sacrifice with the next (verse — II, 22, 4 — some portion) from the articles of trade which he has in his house. 6. If he wishes that somebody be not estranged from him, let him pour his own urine into the horn of a living animal, and sprinkle (it) with the next two (verses, II, 22, 5. 6) three times from right to left around (the person) while he is sleeping. 7. In a path which servants or labourers use to run away, he should put plates (used for protecting the hands when holding a hot sacrificial pan) on (a fire), and should offer the oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras, II, 22, 7-10), 8. If a fruit falls on him from a tree, or a bird befouls him, or a drop of water falls on him when no rain is expected, he should wipe that off with the next (Mantras, II, 22, TI-13), according to the characteristics (contained in these Mantras). 9. If a post of his house puts forth shoots, or if honey is made in his house (by bees), or if the footprint of a dove is seen on the hearth, or if diseases arise in his household, or in the case of other miracles or prodigies, let him perform in the new-moon night, at dead of night, at a place where he does not hear the noise of water, the rites from A the putting (of wood) on the fire down to the A^ya- bhaga oblations, and let him offer the oblations (indicated in the) next (Mantras, II, 22, 14-23), and enter upon the performance of the G'aya and fol- lowing oblations. 6. 7. Comp. Paraskara III, 7; Hira«yak. I, 4, 13, 19 seqq. 8 PAT-ALA, 23 SECTION, lO. 297 10. Having performed (the ceremonies) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), he puts up towards the south with the next (verse, II, 22, 24) a stone as a barrier for those among whom a death has occurred. A End of the Apastambiya-Grz'hya-sutra. SYNOPTICAL SURVEY OF THE CONTENTS OF THE Gi?/HYA-SOTRAS. 1. The sacred Gnliya fire. 6". I, i; A. I, 9 ; P. I, 2 ; G. I, i; Kh. I, 5, I seq. ; H. I, 22, 2 seq. ; 26; Ap. 5, 13 seq. 2. General division of Gn'hya sacrifices, .S". I, 5 ; 10; A. I, i, 2 seq. (comp. Ill, i); P. I, 4, i. 3. Regular morning and evening oblations. -S. I, 3, 8 seq. (comp. V, 4) ; A. I, 2, i seq. ; 9 ; P. I, 9 ; G. I, i, 22 seq. ; 3; 9, 13 seq.; Kh. I, 5, 6 seq.; H. I, 23, 8 seq.; Ap. 7, 19 seq. 4. The Bali oblations. S. II, 14 ; A. I, 2, 3 seq.; P. II, 9 (comp. I, 12); G. I, 4; Kh. I, 5, 20 seq.; Ap. 8, 4. 5. Sacrifices on the days of the new and full moon. 6". I, 3 (comp. V, 4); A. I, 10; P. 1, 12; G. I, 5 seq.; Kh. II, i; 2, i seq.; H.I, 23, 7; Ap. 7, 17. 6. General outline of Grzhya, sacrifices. ^S". I, 7 seq.; A. I, 3 ; P. I, i; G. I, 3 seq.; Kh. I, i seq.; H. I, i, 9 seq. ; Ap. i, I seq. a. The ya^;7opavita, the pra/Jinavita, the touching of water. G. I, 2 ; Kh. I, i, 4 seq.; Ap. i, 3. 8. b. Besmearing of the surface with cow-dung, drawing of the lines. 6". I, 7, 2 seq.; A. I, 3, i; P. I, i, 2; G. I, i>9; 5, 13; Kh- I. 2, I seq. c. The fire is carried forward. S. I, 7, 9 ; A. I, 3, i; P. I, I, 2; G. I, I, 11; Kh. I, 2, 5; H. I, I, 10. d. The samuhana. S. I, 7, 11; A. I, 3, i; G. IV, 5, 5; Kh. I, 2, 6. e. The strewing of grass around the sacred fire. S. I, 8, iseq.; A. I, 3, i; P. I, i, 2; G. I, 5, 16 seq.; 7, 9 seq.; Kh. I, 2, 9seq. ; H. I, i, 11 seq.; Ap. i, 12 seq. f. The purifiers. S. I, 8, i4seq. ; A. I, 3, 2 seq.; P. I, 300 SYNOPTICAL SURVEY OF THE 1, 2; G. I, 7, 21 seq. ; Kb. I, 2, 12 seq. ; H. I, i, 23; Ap. I, 19. g. Preparation of the A^ya for sacrifice. S. I, 8, 18 seq. ; A. I, 3, 3; P. I, I, 2 seq.;^ G. I, 7, 19 seq.; Kh. I, 2, 14 seq. ; H. I, i, 27 ; Ap. i, 22. h. The A^ya oblations. S. I, 9 ; A. I, 3, 4 seq. ; P. I, I, 4; 5, 3 seq.; G. I, 8 ; 9, 26 seq.; Kh. I, 3, 12 seq. ; H. I, 2, 12 seq. ; 3 ; Ap. 2, 5 seq. 7. Sacrifices of cooked food. 6". I, 3 ; A. I, 10 ; G. I, 6, 13 seq.; 7 seq. ; Kh. II, i ; Ap. 7. 8. Animal sacrifice (comp. Ash/aka, Anvash/akya, ^ulagava). A. I, II ; P. Ill, II ; G. Ill, 10, 18-IV, i; Kb. Ill, 4; H.II, 15. a. The omentum. A. I, 11, 10 (comp. II, 4, 13); IV, 8, 18; P. Ill, II, 4. 6; G. Ill, 10, 30 seq.; IV, 4, 22 seq.; Kh. Ill, 4, 9 seq. 25 seq.; H. II, 15, 6 seq. b. The Avadanas. A. I, 11, 12 (comp. II, 4, 14); P. Ill, II, 6 seq.; G. IV, i, 3. 9 &c. ; Kh. Ill, 4, 14 seq. ; H. II, 15, 9 seq. 9. Marriage. S. I, 5 seq. ; A. I, 5 seq. ; F. I, 4 seq. ; G. II, i seq. ; Kb. I, 3 seq.; H. I, 19 seq. ; Ap. 2, 12 seq. a. Different kinds of marriage (brahma, daiva, &c.). A. b. Election of the bride. S. I, 5, 5 seq. ; A. I, 5 ;^G. II, I, I seq.; Ill, 4, 4 seq.; H. I, 19, 2; Ap. 3, 10 seq. c. The wooers go to the girl's house. S. I, 6 ; Ap. 2, 16 ; 4, I seq. d. Sacrifice when the bride's father has declared his assent. S. I, 7 seq. e. The bride is washed. -S. I, 11 ; G. II, i, 10. 17 ; Kh. I, 3, 6. f. Dance of four or eight women. 6". I, 11, 5. g. The bridegroom goes to the girl's house. S. I, 12. h. He gives her a garment, anoints her, gives her a mirror, &c. S. I, 12, 3 seq.; P. I, 4, 12 seq.; G. II, I, 18; Kh. I, 3,6; Ap. 4, 8. i, Argha at the wedding. -5". I, 12, 10; G. II, 3, 16 seq. ; Kh. I, 4, 7 seq. ; Ap. 3, 5 seq. k. Sacrifice with the Mahavyah/7tis and other formulas (Gaya, Abhyatana, &c., formulas). S. I, 12, 11; CONTENTS OF THE Gi?/HYA-S^TRAS. 3OI A. I, 7, 3 ; P- I. 5. 3 seq. ; G. II, i, 24 ; Kh. 1,^3, 8. II ; H. I, 19, 7 (comp. 3, 8 seq.; 20, 8); Ap. 5, 2. II (comp. 2, 7). 1. Seizing of the bride's hand. S. 1, 13, 2 ; A. I, 7, 3 seq.; P. I, 7, 3 ) G. II, 2, 16; Kh. I, 3, 17. 31 ; H. I, 20, I ; Ap. 4, 1 1 seq. m. The formula, ' This am I, that art thou.' 6". I, 13, 4; A. I, 7, 6; H. I, 20, 2. n. The treading on the stone. S. I, 13, 10 seq.; A. I, 7, 7 ; P.^ I, 7. I ; G. II, 2, 3 ; Kh. I, 3, 19 ; H. I, 19, 8; Ap. 5, 3. o. Circumambulation of the fire. S.J, 13, 13; A. I, 7, 6 ; P. I, 5^ I ; 7, 3 ; G. II, 2, 8; Kh. I, 3, 24 ; H. I, 20, 5; Ap. 5, I. 7. p. Sacrifice of fried grain. -S". I, 13, 15 seq. ; A. I, 7, 8 ; P. I, 6, I seq. ; G.^II, 2, 5 seq. ; Kh. I, 3, 20 seq. ; H. I, 20, 3 seq. ; Ap. 5, 4 seq. q. The seven steps. -S". I, 14, 5 seq.; A. I, 7, 19; P. I, 8, I ; G. II, 2, II ; Kh. I, 3, 26; H. I, 20, 9 seq. ; 21, I seq.; Ap. 4, 16. r. The bride is carried away to her new home. S. I, 15; A. I, 7, 21; 8; P. I, 8, 10; 10; G. II, 2, 17 seq.; 4; Kh. I, 4, i seq.; H. I, 22, i; Ap. 5, 12 seq. s. Ceremonies on entering the new home ; looking at the polar star. 6". I, 16, 17, comp. A. I, 7, 22; comp. P. I, 8, 19; comp. G. II, 3, 5 seq.; ^4, 6 seq.; comp. Kh. I, 4, 3 ; H. I, 22, 6 seq.; Ap. 6, 8 seq. t. The rites of the fourth day ; the cohabitation. S. I, 18. 19; P.I, II, J3; G. II, 5; Kh. 1,4, 12; H.I, 23, 11; 24, 25; Ap. 8, 8 seq. 10. The (i.e. the ceremony to secure the birth of a male child). ^. I, 20 ; A. I, 13 ; P. I, 14 ; G. II, 6 ; Kh. II, 2, 17 seq.; H. II, 2 ; Ap. 14, 9 seq. 11. A ceremony for the protection of the embryo. 6". I, 21 (comp. A. I, 13, i). 12. The Simantonnayana (or parting of the pregnant wife's hair). S. I, 22 (comp. V, 4); A. I, 14; P- I, 15; G.II, 7, I seq.; Kh. II, 2, 24 seq. ; H. II, i ; Ap. 14, i seq^ Song of lute-players. S. I, 22, 11 seq. ; A^I, 14, 6 seq. ; P. I, 15, 7 seq. (comp. H. II, i, 3) ; Ap. 14, 4 seq. SYNOPTICAL SURVEY OF THE 13. Ceremony before the confinement. 6". I, 23 ; P. I, 16, i seq. ; G. II, 7, 13 seq. ; Kh. II, 2, 28 seq.; H. II, 2, 8 seq. ; Ap. 14, 13 seq. 14. The G^atakarman (or ceremony for the new-born child) and similar rites. 6". I, 24 (comp. V, 4) ; A. I, 15 ; P. I, 16, 3 seq.; G. II, 7, 17 seq^ ; 8, i seq.; Kh. II, 2, 32 ; 3, i seq.; H. II, 3, 2 seq.; Ap. 15. a. Name given to the child. -S". I, 24, 4 seq.; A. I, 15, 4 seq.; P. I, 17; G. II, 7, 15; 8, 8 seq.; Kh, II, 2, 30 seq. 3, 6 seq.; H. II, 4, 10 seq.; Ap. 15, 2 seq. 8 seq. b. The 'production of intelligence.' ^. I, 24, 9; A. I, 15, 2 ; P. I, 16, 3 ; G. 11, 7, 20 ; Kh. II, 2, 34 ; H. n, 3, 9. c. Driving away demons and goblins from the child. P.I, 16, 23; H. II, 3, 7. 15. The getting up of the mother from childbed. S. 1, 25 (with enumeration of the Nakshatras and their presiding deities, chap. 26) ; P. I, 17, I ; comp. H. II, 4, 6 ; Ap, 15, 8. 16. How the father should greet his children when returning from a journey. A. I, 15, 9 ; P. I, 18; G. II, 8, 21 ; Kh. II, 3, 13; H. II, 4, 16 ; Ap. 15, 12. 17. The feeding of the child with solid food (Annaprajana), 6". I, 27 ; A. I, 16 ; P, I, 19 ; H, II, 5; Ap, 16, i seq. 1 8. The tonsure of the child's head (^ufl'akarman). S. I, 28; A, I, 17 ; P. II, I ; G. II, 9 ; Kh. II, 3, 16 seq. ; H. II, 6 ; Ap. 16, 3 seq. 19. The ceremony of shaving the beard (Godana-Karman, Ke- j'anta). ^, I, 28, 18 seq.; A. I, 18; P. II, i, 3 seq.; G. Ill, A I ; Kh. II, 5, I seq.; H. II, 6, 16 seq.; Ap. 16, 12 seq, 20. The initiation of the student. Studentship, The Samavar- tana. S. II, i seq.; Ill, i ; IV, 5 seq.; VI; A.I, 19 seq.; III, 5; 8-10; P. II, 2-6; 8; 10-12; G. II, lo-III, 4; Kh. II, 4-III, I, 32; III, 2, 16-33; H. I, I seq.; II, 18- 20 ; Ap. 10 seq. a. Time of the initiation. The patitasavitrika. .S". II, i, I seq. ; A. I, 19, i seq. ; P. II, 2, i seq. ; 5, 36 seq.; G. II, 10, I seq. ; Kh. II, 4, i seq. ; H. I, 1,2 seq. ; Ap. 10, I seq. b. The skin, the girdle, and the staff belonging to the different castes, 6", II, i, i seq. 15 seq.; II, 13; A. I, 19, 10 seq.; P. II, 5, 16 seq.; G. II, 10, 8 seq. ; H. I, I, 17 ; 4, 7 ; Ap. 11, 16 seq. CONTENTS OF THE G/«7HYA-SUTRAS. 3O3 A c. Rite of the initiation. S. II, i, 26 seq. ; A. I, 20, 2 seq.; P. II, 2, 5 seq.; G. II, 10, 15 seq. ; ^Kh. II, 4, 7 seq.; H. I, i, 5 seq.; 3, 14 seq.; Ap. 10, 5 seq. cl. The standing duties of the student (begging, putting fuel on the fire, &c.). ^. II, 4, 5 ; 6 ; 9; 10; A. I, 20, II seq.; 22, i seq.; P. II, 2, 2 ; 4 ; 5; G. II, 10, 34. 42 seq.; Kh. II, 4, 19. 25 seq.j H. I, 5, 10; 7, I seq. 15 seq.; 8, 2. 8 seq.; Ap. 11, 22 seq. e. The Savitn. 6". II, 5 seq.; A. I, 21, 5 seq.; 22, 29; P. II, 3, 3 seq. ; G. II, 10, 38 seq. ; Kh. II, 4, 20 seq.; H. I, 6, 6 seq.; Ap. 11, 8 seq. f. The study of the Veda. S. II, 7 seq.; IV, 8 ; A. I, 22, 12 seq.; Ill, 5, 10 seq.; P. Ill, 16 ; Kh. Ill, 2, 22 seq. ; H. I, 8, 16. g. Daily recitation of Vedic texts (svadhyaya). *S. I, 4 ; A. Ill, 2-4. h. Secret doctrines and special observances connected with them. S. II, 11-12; VI, 1-6; G. Ill, 1-2; Kh. II, 5. i. The opening of the annual course of study (Upaka- rawa). ^. IV, 5 ; A. Ill, 5 ; P. II, 10 ;^ G. Ill, 3 ; Kh. Ill, 2, 16 seq.; H. II, 18, i seq.; Ap. 8, i. k. The end of the term (Utsarga). The Tarpawa cere- mony. ^. IV, 6. 9-10 (comp. VI, 5. 6); A. Ill, 5, 13. 19 seq. (comp. Ill, 4); P. II, 11, 10 seq.; 12; G. Ill, 3, 14 seq.; Kh. Ill, 2, 26 seq.; H. II, 18, 8 seq. ; Ap. 8, i. 1. Interruptions of study. S. IV, 7 ; A. IV, 4, 17 seq. ; P. II, 11; G. Ill, 3, 9 seq. 16 seq.; Kh. Ill, 2, 27 seq. m. The student's setting out on a journey. S. II, 8 ; A. III, 10. n. The bath taken at the end of studentship (Samavartana). 6". Ill, I ; A. Ill, 8 ; 9 ; P. II, 6 ; 8 ; G. Ill, 4, 7 seq.; Kh. Ill, i ; H. I, 9 seq.; Ap. 12-13, 2. 21. Rules of conduct for a Snataka. S. IV, 11-12 ; A. Ill, 9, 6 ; P. II, 7 ; G. Ill, 5 ; Kh. Ill, I, 33 seq. 22. House-building. S. Ill, 2 seq.; A. II, 7 seq. ; ^P. Ill, 4 seq.; G. IV, 7 ; Kh. IV, 2, 6 seq.; H. I, 27-28 ; Ap. 17. 304 SYNOPTICAL SURVEY OF THE A a. Election of the ground. A. II, 7 seq. ; G. IV, 7, i seq. ; Kh. IV, 2, 6 seq. b. Entering the new house. S. Ill, 4 ; A. II, 9, 9 ; P. Ill, 4, 5 seq,, 18. c. The putting up of the water-barrel. P. Ill, 5 ; Ap. 17, 8 seq. d. Leaving the house when travelling and returning to it. -S". Ill, 5-7 ; A. II, 10, I seq. ; H. I, 29. 23. Ploughing. ^. IV, 13; A. II, 10, 3. 4 ; P- H, 13 ; G. IV, 4, 27 seq. 24. Partaking of the first-fruits (Agraya«a). S. Ill, 8; A. II, 2, 4 seq.; P. Ill, i ; G. Ill, 8, 9 seq.; Kh. Ill, 3, 16 seq. ; Ap. 19, 6 seq. 25. Sacrifice to Sita. P. II, 17 ; comp. G. IV, 4, 29. 26. Ceremonies referring to cattle (comp. also the A.rvayu^a sacri- fice, below. No. 30). a. The driving out of the cows, and other riles referring to the cows. S. Ill, 9; A. II, 10, 5 seq.; G. Ill, 6; Kh. Ill, I, 45 seq. ; H.I, 18. b. INIaking marks on the cattle. S. Ill, 10. c. The Vrzshotsarga. S. Ill, 11 ; P. Ill, 9- d. The ^ulagava ('spit-ox' offered to Rudra). A. IV, 8 ; P. Ill, 8 ; H. II, 8-9 ; Ap. 19, 13-20, 19- a. Distribution of Pala^a leaves. P. Ill, 8, 11; H. II, 9, I seq.; Ap. 20, 5 seq. /3. Sacrifice to Kshetrapati. H. II, 9, 8 seq.; Ap. 20, 12 seq. 27. The A'ailra off'erings. ^. IV, 19. 28. The 6'rava«a sacrifice to the Serpents. S. IV, 15 ; A. II, i ; P. II, 14 ; G. Ill, 7 (comp. IV, 8, i); Kh. Ill, 2, i seq. ; H. II, 16; Ap. 18, 5-19, 2. 29. The Praush/Z^apada sacrifice. P. II, 15.^ 30. The Ajvayu^a sacrifice. 6". IV, 16; A. II, 2, 1-3; P. II, 16; G. Ill, 8, i^seq. ; Kh. Ill, 3, i seq. 31. The rites of the Agrahayawi (concluding ceremonie^s of the rites devoted to the Serpents). S. IV, 17. 18; A. II, 3; P. Ill, 2 ; G. Ill, 9 (comp. IV, 8, i) ; Kh. Ill, 3, 6 seq. ; H. II, 17; Ap. 19, 3 seq. 8 seq.^ 32. The Ash/akas. S. Ill, 12-14; A. II, 4, 5) ?• HI, 3; G. CONTENTS OF THE G/2/HYA-SUTRAS. 305 III, 10 seq. ; Kh. Ill, 3, 28 seq. ; H. 11, 14 seq. ; Ap. 21, 10 seq. a. The first Ash/aka. iS". Ill, 12, 2 seq.; P. Ill, 3, 4; G, III, 10, 9 seq.; Kh. Ill, 3, 30 seq. b. The second Ash/aka (animal sacrifice). S. Ill, 13, I seq. ; P. Ill, 3, 8 ; G. Ill, 10, 18-IV, i ; Kh. Ill, 4, I seq. c. The third Ash/aka. S. Ill, 14; G. IV, 4, 17 seq. ; Kh. Ill, 3, 32 seq. d. The Anvash/akya ceremony. S. Ill, 13, 7 ; A. II, 5; P. Ill, 3, 10; G. IV, 2. 3; Kh. Ill, 5; H. II, 15; Ap. 22, 3 seq. II. 33. Disease a^nd death of a person who has set up the 6'rauta fires. A. IV, i. Burning the dead body. A. IV, 2-4. The gathering of the bones. A. IV, 5. Expiatory ceremonies after the death of a Guru or other misfortune. A. IV, 6. Death. Burning dead bodies. P. Ill, 10. 34. ^'raddha offerings to the Fathers. 6". IV, 1-4 ; A. II, 5, 10 seq. ; IV, 7 ; G. IV, 4 (comp. chap. 2. 3) ; Kh. Ill, 5, 35; H. II, 10-13; Ap. 21, 1-9. a. The invited Brahmawas. 6". IV, i, 2 seq.; A. II, 5, 10 seq.;^IV, 7, 2 seq. ; G.IV, 2, 33 seq.; H. II, 10, 2 seq. ; Ap. 21,2 seq. b. Offering of the Pi;/ 6 ; Ap. 22, 14. c. Rites when going out on business or on dangerous ways. A. Ill, 7, 8-10. d. Sacrifice of a person menaced by unknown danger. A. Ill, II. A e. Going out and begging. Ap. 22, 13 seq. f. Formulas to be pronounced on receiving gifts. P. Ill, 15, 22 seq. g. Crossing a river. S. IV, 14. h. Formulas to be pronounced at cross-roads and other different places. P. Ill, 15, 7 seq. ; H. I, 16, 8 seq. A i. Rites referring to battles. A. Ill, 12. k. Rites in order that friends may not be estranged and servants may not run away. P. Ill, 7; H. I, 13, 19-14, 5; Ap. 23, 6. 7. 1, Rite when first seeing the new moon. H. I, 16, i. m. Rite for estabHshing concord between husband and A. wife. Ap. 9, 4 seq. n. Rite if one cannot pay a debt, G. IV, 4, 26. o. Oblations for sick persons. A. Ill, 6, 3 seq. ; for a CONTENTS OF THE GiS/HYA-StjTRAS. 307 sick child. P. I, i6, 24 seq.; for a boy suffering from epilepsy. H. II, 7 ; Ap. 18, i seq. Cure for headache. P. Ill, 6. p. Penance of a student who has broken his vow of chastity. P. Ill, 12. q. Different expiations. ^. V, i, 8. 9; 5-6; 8; 10; II ; A. Ill, 6, 5-7, 2 ; 7, 7 ; 10, 9 seq. ; G. Ill, 3! 30 seq.; Kh. II, 5,^5 seq.; H. I, 16, 2 heq. 14 seq.-chap. 17, 6; Ap. 8, 5 seq.; 9, 2 seq.; 23. 9 seq. Miscellaneous matter. 37. Qualities of a Brahmawa on whom gifts should be bestowed ^. I, 2. 38. The choosing of priests for officiating at a sacrifice. A. I, 23. 39- The ^aitya sacrifice. A. I, 12, i seq. (comp. Par. Ill,' 11, 10 seq.). 40. The Dhanvantari sacrifice. A. I, 12, 7. 41. Consecration of ponds. ^. V, 2. 42. Consecration of gardens. S. V, 3. 43. Sandhya or twilight devotion. S. II, 9 ; A. Ill, 7, 3 seq. 44- The sacrificer setting out on a journey makes the sacred fire enter him. S. V, i, i seq. ; H. I, 26, 12 seq. X 2 APASTAMBA'S YAGyVA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. /^ /\ INTRODUCTION. As Professor Oldenberg was unable to find any other texts connected with the Grzhya-sutras, I have tried to bring this volume to its proper size by adding a translation of Apastamba's Ya^«a-Paribhasha-sutras. These Sutras give some general information about the performance of sacrifices, and may prove useful to the students both of the 5rauta and the Grzhya sacrifices. Paribhasha is defined as a general rule or definition applicable throughout a whole system, and more binding than any particular rule. How well this sense of paribhasha was understood in India, we may see from a passage in the vSij-up^lavadha XVI, 80 : Parita^ pramitaksharapi sarvam vishayam praptavati gata pratish///am na khalu pratihanyate kutsLsk'it paribhasheva gariyasi yada^;7a. 'Whose (the king's) command, though brief, having reached the whole kingdom round about and obtained authority, is never defeated, being of the highest weight, like a Paribhasha.' These Paribhashas are a very characteristic invention of ancient Indian authors, particularly during the Sutra period. We find them as early as the Anukrama/^is, and even at that early time they had been elaborated with many purely technical contrivances. Thus we are told in the Index to the Rig-veda that, as a general rule, if no deity is men- tioned in the index of the hymns, Indra must be supposed to be the deity addressed ; when no metre is mentioned, the metre must be understood to be the Trish/ubh ; at the beginning of each Ma//«'ala the hymns must be taken to be addressed to Agni, till we come to hymns distinctly addressed to Indra. Now it is clear that in this case these Paribha- shas or general instructions must have been laid down 312 APASTAMBa's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-SlUTRAS. before the whole work was carried out. The same applies to other Paribhishas, such as those of the metrical Sutras, but I feel more doubtful as to the Paribhashas in the gram- matical Sutras of Pa/Hni. To judge from the Paribha- shendui-ekhara, it would seem that the Paribhasha-sutras to Pa;/ini's grammar also had been settled before a single Sutra of Pa;nni was composed, and yet it seems almost incredible that this gigantic web of Sutras should have been woven on so complicated a warp. This question ought to be settled once for all, as it would throw con- siderable light on the workmanship of P^;/ini's Sutras, and there is no one better qualified to settle it for us than the learned editor of the Paribhashendujrekhara. It is different with our Paribhashas. There is no necessity to suppose that they were worked out first, before the Sutras were composed. They look more like useful generalisations than like indispensable preliminary instructions. They give us a general idea of the sacrifice, and inculcate rules that ought to be observed throughout. But I doubt whether they are as essential for enabling the priest to carry out the instructions of the Sutras in performing a sacrifice as the grammatical paribhashas are in carrying out the grammatical rules of Pacini. The Apastamba-sutras for which our Paribhashas are intended are said to have comprised thirty Pra^nas (see Burnell, Catalogue, p. 19, and p. xxix in Professor Olden- berg's Introduction). Burnell mentions that sometimes two Praj-nas, treating of the Paitr/medhika rites, were counted as the thirty-first and thirty-second of the whole work. Of these thirty Pra^-nas fifteen have been edited with Rudradatta's commentary by Professor Garbe in the Bibliotheca Indica, 1882-1885. Rudradatta's commentary does not seem to have extended beyond the fifteenth Prai'na ; some authorities, however, suppose that Haradatta, to whom commentaries on the later Praj-nas are ascribed, was only another name for Rudradatta. According to Arau;/^appa's Prayogaratnamala (see Burnell, Classified Index, I, p. 17 a), the Paribhasha-sutras formed part of the twenty-fourth Praj^na {ksit\ir:v'wisc tata// pra^-ne nyayapra- INTRODUCTION. 3 I 3 varahautrakam). Here Nyaya in the sense of method, way, plan, seems to stand for Paribhasha. Another name is Samanya-sutra (see Burnell, Classified Index, p. 15 b, where it is mentioned as § 4 of Praj-na XXIV). KsLUfidappa- /■arya himself, who is said to have been minister of Vira- bhupati, the son of the famous king Bukka of Vi^ayanagara, begins his work with a paribhasha-pari/^/^//eda. I published a German translation of these Sutras with notes many years ago, in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 1855. I here give the same translation, but I have shortened the notes and compared the translation once more with the MSS. The principal MSS. used are MS. I. O. L. 1676 b, 259, and 1127. MS. 1676 b, now 308, is described in Professor Eggeling's Catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS. in the Library of the India Office, vol. i, p. 58 b. It is written in Devana- gari, contains thirty leaves, and is called at the end iti ^rikapardina bhashye uddhr/tasaram paribhashdpa/alam. MS. 259, now 309, contains twenty-seven leaves in Devana- gari, and is called at the end iti Kapardisvami-bhashye paribhashapa/alam. MS. 1127, now 307, in Devanagari, is dated Samvat 1691, 5aka 1556, and contains on 220 leaves portions of Talavrmdanivasin's manual, the Apastambasijtra-prayoga-vr/tti, and on pp. 75a-ii6a Kapardisvamin's commentary on Apastamba's Paribhasha- pa/alam. Burnell mentions another copy of this work in his Classified Index, I, p. 17 b, and he states (Catalogue, p. 24) that, according to tradition, the author was a native of Southern India, called A;/c/appi//ai, and that talavrmda or talavrmta is a translation of the Tamil panai-kka/u, a very common name for villages among palmyra trees (panai = palmyra, ka/u = forest). While preparing my new translation for the Press, I received a printed edition of the text and commentary published by Sri Satyavratasamaj-ramibhaZ/aHrya in his valuable Journal, the Usha, beginning in the eighth fasci- culus. He gives also a Bengali translation, and some commentaries in the same language, which have proved useful in certain difficult passages. APASTAMBA'S YACA^A-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. GENERAL RULES OF THE SACRIFICE. Sutra I. We shall explain the sacrifice. Commentary. Ya^wa, sacrifice, is an act by which we surrender some- thing for the sake of the gods. Such an act must rest on a sacred authority (^gama), and serve for man's salvation (jreyo^rtha). The nature of the gift is of less importance. It may be purort'a.ya, cake; y^aru, pulse; sa/«nayya, mixed milk ; paj-u, an animal ; soma, the juice of the Soma-plant, &c. ; nay, the smallest offerings of butter, flour, and milk may serve for the purpose of a sacrifice. Ya^/7a, yaga, ya^ana, and ish^i are considered as synonymes. SOtra II. The sacrifice is for the three colours or castes (var;/a), for Brahmawas and Ra^anyas, also for the Vai^ya. Commentary. Though the sacrifice is meant for the three castes, here called var;/a, i.e. colour, the third caste, that of the Vaijya or citizen, is mentioned by itself, while the two castes, the Brahma;^as and Ra^anyas (the Kshatriyas or nobles), are mentioned together. This is done because there are certain sacrifices (bahuya^amana), performed by Brahma;/as and Ra^anyas together, in which Vaii-yas take no part. In the ^ahk.ia}ana-sutras, I, i, 3, also 3l6 APASTAMBA's YACi^A-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. the Vauya is mentioned by himself. In Katyayana's Sutras, however, no such distinction is made, and we read, I, 6, Brahma«a-ra^anya-vaij'yana;;z sruie/i. Women, if properly married, are allowed to participate in sacrifices, but no one is allowed to be accompanied by a ►S'udrd woman, even though she be his wife. Properly a Brah- ma;/a should marry a wife of his own caste only, A Kshatriya may marry a woman of his own or of the Brahma;/ a caste. A Vai^ya's proper wife should be taken from his own caste. See, however, Manu III, 12 seq. The four castes, with the ^udra as the fourth, are mentioned once in the Rig-veda, X, 90, 12. The opposition between Aryas and 5udras occurs in the Atharva-veda, XIX, 62, &c., and in most of the Brahma/zas. In the 6"atapatha Brahma/za we read of the four castes, Brah- ma//a, Ra^anya, Vaijya, and 5udra, and we are told that none of them vomits the Soma. Katyayana excludes from the sacrifice the ahgahina, cripple, shawrt'a, eunuch, and all aj-rotriyas, persons ignorant of the Veda, which would bar, of course, the whole class of the 6"udras, but they are also specially excluded. Concessions, however, had to be made at an early time, for instance, in the case of the Rathakara, who is admitted to the Agnyadhana, &c. This name means chariot-maker, but Apadeva, in his Mimawsa-nyaya-prakaj-a, remarks that, though rathakara means a chariot-maker etymologically, it should be taken here as the name of a clan, namely that of the Saudhanvanas (MS. Mill 46, p. 13*^). Deva, in his commentary on the Katyayana-sutras, makes the same remark. See also Weber, Ind. Stud. X, 12 seq. These Saudhanvanas, often identified with the iv'/bhus, are evidently the followers of Br/bu, mentioned RV. VI, 45, 31 ; ^^, and wrongly called Brzdhu in Manu X, 107 ; see M. M., Hist, of A. S. L., p. 494. In the 5ahkhayana- 5rauta-SLitras, XVI, 11, 11 (ed. Hillebrandt), he is rightly called Brzbu. In later times Rathakara is the name of a caste, and its members are supposed to be the offspring of a marriage between a Mahishya and a Kara«i. A Mahishya is the son of a Kshatriya and a Vai^-ya, A SUTRAS III, IV. 317 a Kara;n the daughter of a Vaijya and a vSudra. Sudhanvan also is used in Manu, X, 23, as the name of a caste, namely the offspring of fallen (vratya) Vaii'yas. Another exception is made in favour of a Nishada- sthapati, a Nishada chieftain. If it meant a chieftain of Nishadas, it might be meant for a Kshatriya who happens to be a chieftain of Nishadas. Here it is meant for a chieftain who is himself a Nishada, a native settler. He is admitted to the Gavedhuka sacrifice. Again, although, as a rule, the sacrificer must have finished his study of the Veda and be married, a sacrifice is mentioned which a Brahma/^arin, a student, may perform. The case thus provided for is, yo brahma/^'ari striyam upeyat, sa gardabham pajum alabheta. As these sacrificers are not upanita, and therefore without the sacred fires, their sacrifices have to be per- formed with ordinary fires, and the sacrificial offerings, the puro^i'ai'as, are not cooked in kapalas, jars, but on the earth, while the avadanas (cuttings), heart, tongue, &c., are sacrificed in water, and not in fire.^ The Nishada chieftain has to learn the necessary Vedic verses by heart, without having passed through a regular course of Vedic study. The same applies to women, who have to recite certain verses during the sacrifice. That certain women are admitted to the sacrifice, is distinctly stated by Katyayana, I, i, 7, stri /('avij-eshat. SOtra III. The sacrifice is prescribed by the three Vedas. Commentary. In order to know the whole of the sacrifice, one Veda is not sufficient, still less one j-akha (recension) only. The sacrifice is conceived as a whole, and its members (aiigas) are described in different parts of the three Vedas. Sutra IV. By the Rz'g-veds., the Ya^ur-veda, the Sama- veda (is the sacrifice prescribed). 3l8 APASTAMBa's YACivA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. Sutra V. The Dar^a-pur/^amasau, the n-ew and full- moon sacrifices, are prescribed by the i?/g-veda and the Ya^ur-veda. Sutra VI. The Agnihotra is prescribed by the Yaj;^ur-veda. Sutra VII. The Agnish/oma is prescribed by all. Commentary. By saying all, the Atharva-veda is supposed to be in- cluded, at least according to one commentator. The Agnish/oma requires sixteen priests, the Pai-u sacrifices six, the ./^aturmasyas five, the Darj-a-pur«a- masas four. StjTRA VIII. With the 7?/g-veda and Sama-veda the per- formance takes place with a loud voice (u/C'/^ai/^). Commentary. Even lines of the Ya^ur-veda, if they are contained in the Rz'g-veda. and Sama-veda, would have to be pronounced with a loud voice. Certain mantras, however, are excepted, viz. the ^apa, abhimantrawa, and anumantra;/a- mantras. SuTRA IX. With the Ya^ur-veda the performance takes place by murmuring (upsimsu). Commentary. This murmuring, upamsu, is described as a mere opus operatum, the words being repeated without voice and without thought. One may see the movements of the vocal organs in murmuring, but one should not hear them at a distance. If verses fi-om the Rtg-veda. or Sama-veda sOtras v-xii. 319 occur in the Ya^ur-veda, they also have to be murmured. See Katy. I, 3, 10. StjTRA X. With the exception of addresses, replies, choosing of priests (pravara), dialogues, and commands. Commentary. As all these are meant to be understood by others, they have therefore to be pronounced in a loud voice. The address (asruta) is om j-ravaya ; the reply (pratya.yruta) is astu j-rausha/f^; the choosing of priests (pravara) is agnir devo hoti; a dialogue (sa;«vada) is brahman prokshishyami, om proksha; a command (sampresha) is proksha;nr asadaya. Sutra XI. In the Samidheni hymns the recitation is to be between (the high and the low tone). Commentary. The Samidhenis are the hymns used for lighting the fire. One commentator explains antara, between, as be- tween high tone (krush/a) and the murmuring {upamsu). Another distinguishes three high tones, the krush/a (also called tara or kraunka.), the madhyama, and the mandra, and assigns the madhyama to the Samidheni hymns. The mandra notes come from the chest, the madhyama notes from the throat; the uttama notes from the head. S^TRA XII. Before the A^yabhagas (such as the A^ya-por- tionsat the Dar^a-pur;/amasa), and at the morning Savana (oblation of Soma), the recitation is to be with the soft (mandra) voice. * See Hillebrandt, Das Altind. Neu- und VoUmondsopfer, p. 94. 320 APASTAMBA S YAG2VA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. Commentary. The pronunciation is loud, wkk2S\Ji, but soft, mandra. Satyavrata restricts this rule to the passages mentioned in Siitra X. He also treats the second part of Sutras XII, XIII, and XIV as separate Sutras. Sutra XIII. Before the Svish/akr/t (at the Dar^a-pur/^a- masa) sacrifice, and at the midday Savana, the recitation is to be with the middle voice. Sutra XIV. In the remainder and at the third Savana with the sharp (k rush /a) voice \ Commentary. The remainder refers to the Dar.ya-pur;zam^sa sacrifice, the three Savanas to the Soma sacrifice. Satyavrata takes all these rules as referring to the cases mentioned in Sutra X. StJTRA XV. The movement of the voice is the same. Commentary. In the three cases mentioned before, the voice moves quickly, when the words are to be pronounced high ; slowly, when low ; and measuredly, when neither loud nor low. SOtra XVI. The Hotr/- priest performs with the 7?/g-veda. StJTRA XVII. The UdgitrZ-priest with the Sama-veda. ^ See on this, Rig-veda Pratijakhya 13, 17; Ajval. I, 5, 27; 6'ankh. I, 14; Hillebrandt, 1. c. p. 103. SC'TRAS XIII-XXII. 321 StJTRA XVIII. The A dhvaryu- priest with the Ya^ur-veda. Sutra XIX. The Brahma-priest with all. Commentary. 'With air means with the three Vedas, because the Brahma-priest, or superintendent of the whole sacrifice, must be acquainted with the three Vedas. Others would include the Atharva-veda. SOtra XX. When it is expressly said, or when it is rendered impossible, another priest also may act. Commentary. Vipratishedha is explained by asambhava and aj-akti. SOtra XXI. The priestly office (artvi^ya) belongs to the Brahma;^as. Commentary. Sacrifices may be performed for Kshatriyas, Vaijyas, and, in certain cases, even for others, but never by any but Brahma;/as. The reason given for this is curious, — because Brahmawas only are able to eat the remains of a sacrifice. See vSatap. Br. II, 3, i, 39 ; Kdtyayana IV, 14, II ; also I, 2, 8, com. SOtra XXII. For all sacrifices the fires are laid once. Commentary. The sacrificial fires have to be arranged for the first time [30] Y 322 apastamba's YAG.VA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. by a peculiar ceremony, called the Agnyadhana. They are generally three (Treta), the Garhapatya, the father ; the Dakshi;^a, the son ; and the Ahavaniya, the grand- son. The first laying of the Garhapatya fire-altar takes place in spring for a Br^hma/ija. in summer for a R%-anya, in winter for a Vaij-ya. StjTRA XXIII. If it is said, ^uhoti, 'he sacrifices,' it should be known that sarpir a^ya, melted butter, is meant. Commentary. Sarpis is here taken as an adjective, running; yad asarpat tat sarpir abhavat. A^ya is explained as navanitavikaradravya^atiyavaX^ana/^ S3.hda./i, i.e. a word signifying any kind of substance made of fresh butter. In the Aitareya-Brahmawa I, 3, we read a^ya?;/ vai devanawz surabhi, ghr/tam manushya;/am, ayutam pitrtnam, navanitaw garbhawam, 'A^ya is sweet or fragrant to the gods, ghrzta to men^ ayuta to the manes, navanita to children.' Here the commentator explains that a^ya is butter, when melted (vilina;;/ sarpis), ghr/ta, when hardened. Ayuta, sometimes called astu, is butter, when slightly melted, nishpakva, when thoroughly melted. According to Katyayana I, 8, 37, a^ya is of different kinds. It may be simple ghrzta., which, as a rule, should be made of the milk of cows. But in the absence of a^ya, the milk of buffaloes (mahisha), or oil (taila), or sesam-oil (^artila), or linseed oil (atasisneha), &c., may be taken. Sutra XXIV. If it is said, ^uhoti, it should be known that the Adhvaryu is meant as performer. Commentary. Though there is a man who offers the sacrifice, yet the actual homa, the throwing of butter &c. into the fire, has to be performed by the Adhvaryu priest. StjTRAS XXIII-XXXI. 323 StjTRA, XXV. Likewise, the spoon (^uhu) as the vessel. Commentary. G^uhu, the spoon, is so called because it is used for pour- ing out (^uhoti, homa). S^JTRA XXVI. If the ^uhti has been elsewhere employed, let it be done with a ladle (sruva). Commentary. The^uhii is a sru/^, a spoon, the sruva, a ladle. Sutra XXVII. The offering is made in the Ahavantya fire. S^TRA XXVIII. The sacrificial vessels are kept from the first lay- ing of the fires (adhana) for the whole life. Commentary. All sacrificial vessels and instruments are to be kept, and most of them are burnt with the sacrificer at his death. StjTRA XXIX. At every sacrifice these vessels are to be purified. Sutra XXX. The rule for the sacrifice are the Mantras and Brahma;2as. StjTRA XXXI. The name Veda belongs both to the Mantras and Brahma;^as. Y 2 324 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-stjTRAS. O S^TRA XXXII. The Brahma^^as are the precepts for the sacrifice. S^TRA XXXIII. The rest of the Brahma;^a, that which does not contain precepts, consists of explanations, i.e. re- proof, praise, stories, and traditions. Commentary. It is difficult to find words corresponding to technical terms in Sanskrit. Arthavada, which I have translated by explanation, means not only the telling of the meaning, but likewise the telling of the object ; parakrzti, story, means literally the action of another; purakalpa, traditions, means the former state. The difference between the two is stated to be that parakrzti refers to the act of one person, purakalpa to that of several. This subject is fully treated in the Purva-mimawsa. Satyavrata begins a new Sutra with ' reproof (ninda). SOtra XXXIV. All the rest are Mantras. S{JTRA XXXV. But passages which are not handed down, are not to be classed as Mantras, as, for instance, the pra- vara, the words used in choosing priests, divine or human; uha, substitution of one word for another; and namadheya-graha/^a, the mentioning of the names of particular sacrificers. Commentary. The reason why such passages are not to be treated as Mantras is that they should not be subject to some of the preceding rules, as, for instance, the murmuring, enjoined in Sutra IX. Those passages naturally vary in each sacrifice. With regard to the names a distinction is made sOtras xxxii-xxxix. 325 between the garhyam nam a, the domestic name of a person, such as Ya^/^aj'arman, and the astrological name, such as Rauhi;/a, derived from the star Rohi«i. SOtra XXXVI. Likewise the sound of a carriage and the sound of a drum. Commentary. These sounds, though serving for the sacrifice, are not to be considered as liable to the rules given for the recita- tion of Mantras. Sutra XXXVII. The prohibition of reciting Mantras in the Sva- dhyaya does not apply to the sacrifice, because there is then a different object. Commentary. Svadhyaya, i.e. self-reading, is the name given to the study of the Veda, both in first learning and in afterwards repeating it. This study is under several restrictions, but these restrictions cease when the Veda is used for sacrificial purposes. SOtra XXXVIII. Sacrificial acts are accompanied by one Mantra. Commentary. If it is said that the priest cuts the plants with fourteen verses, that means that there are fourteen plants to be cut and that one verse is used for each plant. SOtra XXXIX. This applies also to sacrificial acts which have a number and are to be carried out by separate (repeated) acts. 326 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. Commentary. If a rule is given, such as ix\h prokshati, he sprinkles thrice, the mantra which accompanies the act, is recited once only. Again in the case of acts that require repeti- tions, such as rubbing, pounding, &c,, the hymns are recited once only. Sutra XL. The same applies to rubbing, sleeping, crossing a river, down-pours of rain, the conjuring of unlucky omens, unless they happened some time ago. Commentary. If several members of the body are to be rubbed, the verses required for the purpose are recited once only. A prayer is enjoined if one wakes during the night. If one wakes more than once that prayer is not to be repeated. In crossing a river the necessary verse is not to be repeated at every wave, nor during a down-pour, at every drop of rain. If some unlucky sight has to be conjured, the conjuring verse is spoken once and not repeated, unless some time has elapsed and a new unlucky sight presents itself. StJTRA XLI. In case of a journey, however, one hymn is used till the object (of the journey) has been accom- plished. Commentary. I read praya;ze tu-a-arthanirvr/tte/^. Another read- ing is arthanivrztti/^. SuTRA XLII. It is the same also with regard to acts which do not produce an immediate effect. Commentary. The commentators distinguish between acts which SUTRAS XL-XLV. 327 produce a visible effect, such as pounding or sprinkling, and acts which do not, such as addressing, approaching, looking. The latter are called asawnipatin. Thus when the stones used for the preparation of Soma are addressed, the hymn which is used for addressing them, is not repeated for each single stone, the same as in Sutra XL. Sutras XLI and XLII are sometimes joined. Sutra XLIII. Repetition takes place in the case of the Havish- krzt, Adhrigu, Puronuvakyd, and Manota hymns, (because they have to be used) at different times. Commentary. Havishkrzt-adhrigu-puronuvakya-manotam is to be taken as a Dvandva compound. The H avishkr/t hymn is an invocation when the havis is made. The Adhrigu hymn is 'Daivya/^ j-amitara//,' &c. The Puronuvakya hymn is that which precedes the Ya^ya, immediately after the Sampraisha. The Manota hymn is 'Tvam hy agne prathamo manota,' &c. These hymns are to be repeated, if the act which they accompany has to be repeated after a certain interval. S{iTRA XLIV. When it is expressly stated, one sacrificial act may be accompanied by many hymns. Comnientary. Thus we read, ' He takes the Abhri, the hoe, with four Mantras.' SOtra XLV. One ousfht to let the befrinninors of a sacrificial act coincide with the end of the Mantras. o 28 APASTAMBa's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. Commentary. The mantra which indicates the nature and purpose of a sacrificial act should come first, and as soon as it has been finished the act should follow. See Katy. I, 3, 5. Sutra XLVI. In the case of the aghara, sprinkling of clarified butter, and of dhara, pouring out of Soma, the beginning of the mantra and the act takes place at the same time. Sutra XLVII. Mantras are indicated by their first words. Commentary. These first words are often called Pratikas, and rules are given in Aj-valayana's .Srauta-sutras I, i, 17-19, as to the number of words that should form such a pratika, if it is meant for one verse, for three verses, or for a whole hymn. According to Aj-valayana, if one foot is quoted, it is meant for a verse ; if an imperfect foot of an initial verse is quoted, it is meant for a whole hymn ; if more than a foot is quoted, it is meant for three verses. StjTRA XLVIII. One should know that with the beginning of a following mantra, the former mantra is finished. StJTRA XLIX. In the case of Hotra and Ya^amana-mantras, an aggregation takes place. Commentary. Hotris are mantras recited by the Hotrz-priest, Y^^amanas are mantras recited by the sacrificer himself. They are hymns which accompany, but do not enjoin any sacrificial act. SUTRAS XLVI-LII. 329 S(JTRA L. In the case of the Ya^yas and Anuvakyas this (the aggregation) is optional. Commentary. The Ya^ya is explained by pra.ya.kk/iatl ya^yaya, the Anuvakya by ahvayaty anuvikyaya. Sometimes more than one are mentioned, but in that case the priest is free to do as he hkes. According to the same principle, when we read that one should sacrifice with rice or with barley, that means that rice should be used after the rice-harvest, barley after the barley-harvest, and not that rice and barley should be used at the same time. SdTRA LI. It is the same with numbers. Commentary. If we read that, as in the case of fees to be given to priests, two, seven, eleven, twelve, twenty-one, sixty, or a hundred, this means that either one or the other, not that all should be given at the same time. Sutra LI I. But accumulation is meant in the buying (of Soma), in the redemption, and in initiation. Commentary. When it is said that Soma is bought for a goat, gold, &c., that it is re-bought from the priests by means of a fee, or that at the time of the Diksha, the purification and initiation of a sacrificer, clothes, gold, grain, &c., should be given, these are cases not of aut-aut but of et-et. The Soma-plant, which is supposed to be bought from northern barbarians, is botanically described in an Ayur- vedic extract, quoted in the Dhurtasvami-bhashya/ika (MS. E.I.H. 53i,p.3'>), as 330 APASTAMBa's YAGiVA-PARIBHAsHA-S^TRAS. j-yamalamla /^a nishpatra kshirim tva/^i ma;;zsala, j-lesh- mala vamani valli somakhya /^//agabhq§-anam. ' The creeper called Soma is dark, sour, without leaves, milky, fleshy on the surface, producing phlegm and vomiting, food for goats.' This passage, quoted from some Ayur-vedic text, is still the only one which gives an approximative description of the Soma-plant. Dr. Hooker says that the predicates ' sour and milky' point to Sarcostemma, but the question is not decided yet. For further information see George Watt, The Soma Plant, an extract from the third volume of the Dictionary of Economic Products of India, and Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, pp. 14 seq. Sutra LIII. If one has performed an offering to Rudra, to the Rakshasas, to Nirrni, or to the Vitris, if one has cut or broken or thrown away anything, or rubbed oneself, &c., one should touch water. Commentary. The touching of water is for the sake of purification. Nirasana is left out in some MSS. The /^a, inserted after abhimari-anani, is explained, as usual, as including other acts also, corresponding to our etc. Sutra LIV. All priestly performances take place on the north- ern side of the Vihara. Commentary. Uttarata-upa/^-ara// has to be taken as a compound. Vihara is explained as vihriyante^gnaya/^ patr^/^i ka, yasmin dei'e, i.e. the sacrificial ground. Upa/^^ra is explained as adhvaryvadina;« sa.7nka.ra./i, and this sa;;z/^ara, according to Katyayana I, 3, 42, is the path between the v^atvala and Utkara, the Utkara being on the west, the prawitas on the east of the Vihara. Katyayana I, 8, 26, expresses the same rule by uttarata-upay^aro yagua./i, the vihara being the place where the yagTia. takes place. A SUTRAS LIII-LX. 33 I SOtra LV. The priest should never turn away from the fire, i. e. should never turn his back on the altar. StjTRA LVI. Nor from the Vihara. SOtra LVI I. Sacrificial utensils should be turned inside, the performers being outside. Commentary. The meaning is that the priest should carry such things as spoons, vessels, &c., holding them towards the altar. The sacrificer and his wife should likewise be on the inside of the priest, and the priests should take precedence side- ways according to their rank. SuTRA LVI II. After a sacrificial object has been hallowed by a Mantra, the priest should not toss it about. S^TRA LIX. Sacrificial acts intended for the gods, should be performed by the priest towards the east or towards the north, after he has placed the Brahmanic cord over the left and under the right arm (ya^;lopavi- tin), and turning towards the right. SOtra LX. Sacrificial acts intended for the Fathers should be performed by the priest towards the south, after he has placed the Brahmanic cord over the right and 332 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-StjTRAS. under the left arm (pra/t-inavitin), and turning towards the left. SCtra LXI. Ropes which have to be joined, should be joined by the priest from left to right, after having tied them from right to left. SOtra LXI I. Ropes which are not joined (single ropes), should be tied by the priest from left to right. Commentary. The exact process here intended is not quite clear. The ropes seem to have been made of vegetable fibres. See Katy. I, 3, 15-17. Sutra LXIII. Let a man sacrifice with the Amavasya sacrifice at the time of the Amavasya, new moon. Commentary. Ama-vasya is the dwelling together, i.e. the conjunction, of sun and moon, an astronomical expression which was adopted in the common language of the people at a very early time. It does not occur, however, in the Rig-veda. In our Sutra amavasya is used in the sense both of new moon and new-moon sacrifice. SOtra LXIV. And let a man sacrifice with the Paur;^amasya sacrifice at the time of the Paur^eamasi, full moon, thus it is said. Commentary. Here the full moon is called paur;/amasi, the sacrifice paurwamasya. Satyavrata joins the two Sutras in one, and leaves out ya^eteti, which may have belonged to the commentary. S^JTRAS LXI-LXV. 333 S{)tra LXV. Let a man observe that full-moon day as a day of abstinence on which the moon comes out full before. Commentary. The full moon (paur;^amasi) is really the very moment on which the moon is full and therefore begins to decrease. That moment on which sun and moon are, as the Hindus said, at the greatest distance from each other, is called the parva-sandhi, the juncture of the two phases of the moon. Thus the name ofpaur;^amasi belongs to the last day of the one and to the first day (p rati pad) of the other phase, and both days might be called paur;/amasi. If there- fore the moon is full on the afternoon, the evening, or the twilight of one day, that day should be observed as a fast- day, and the next day should be the day of sacrifice. The meaning of purastad, which I have translated by before, is doubtful. One commentator says it has no object, and should be dropped, purastad ity etat pa- dam asm in sutra idanim anvayawz nalabhate prayo- ^anabhavat. Purastad, before, may, however, mean before the second day, on which the real sacrifice takes place, and the commentator mentions purastat-paurwa- masi as a name of the /1'aturda.yi-yukta, i.e. the full moon beginning on the fourteenth day. The same kind of full moon is also called Anumati, Purva-paurwamasi, and Sandhya-paur;/amasi, while that which takes place on the pratipad, the first day of the lunar phase, is called Raka, Uttara-paur;^amasi, Astamitodita, and Sva/i- A • J A purita. Corresponding to these two kinds ofPaur;/amasi there are also two kinds of Ama vasya. That which falls on the fourteenth day is called Purva-amavasyd, or Sinivali, the evr] KOI via; that which falls on the pratipad, the first day of the new phase, is called Kuhu, Uttar^-amavasya, 5voyukta. See also Ait.-Brahm. II, 4; Nir. XI, 31-32. ■^^4 APASTAMBa's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-S^TRAS. OvD S^TRA LXVI. Or the day when one says, To-morrow it will be full. Commentary. In that case the day before should be observed as a day of abstinence. The real full moon would then take place in the fore-noon, purvah/^e, of the next day. Abstinence, upavasa, consists in abstaining from meat and from mai- thuna, in shaving beard and head, cutting the nails, and, what seems a curious provision, in speaking the truth. See Katy.-5rauta-sutras II, i, 8-12. SOtra LXVII. The Va^asaneyins mention a third, the Kharvik^ full moon. Commentary. Kharva means small. If one divides the night into twelve parts, and if in a portion of the twelfth part the greatest distance of sun and moon takes place, then the full moon is called kharvika, also kshi;/a. Or, if on the sixteenth day, the full moon takes place before noon, that also is called kharvika paur;zamasi. In that case absti- nence or fasting takes place on the sixteenth day (tasyaw sho^aj-c^hany upavasa//). Both paur;zamasis are also called sadyaskala. Sutra LXVIII. Let a man observe that new-moon day (ama- vasya) as a day of abstinence, on which the moon is not seen. Commentary. This Sutra has to be connected with Sutra LXV. The abstinence takes place on the day, if the actual new moon, the nearest approach of sun and moon, falls on the afternoon, at night, or at twilight. And this new moon, the junction of the fifteenth day and the pratipad, is called Kuhu. We should read amavasyam. SUTRAS LXVI-LXXI. 335 SOtra LXIX. Or the day when one says, To-morrow they will not see it. Commentary. In that case, when the real new moon takes place in the fore-noon, abstinence is observed on the day before, and the new moon is called Sinivali. Satyavrata reads svo yukta iti va instead o( svo na drash/ara iti va. Dra- sh/ara// should be explained as ikshitara//, * they will not see it.' There is much difference of opinion on this subject among different 6'akhas, Sutrakaras, and their com- mentators ; see Taitt. Sawh. Ill, 4, 9; Weber, Ind. Stud., V, p. 228. SOtra LXX. The principal acts (pradhana), prescribed in one (typical) performance, follow the same special rules (vidhana). Commentary. This Sutra is variously explained : Satyavrata's com- mentary, which I have followed in the translation, explains pradhanani as agneyadini, i.e. the chief parts of such a sacrifice as the Darj-a-pur;^amasa ; vidhanani as angani. Kapardisvamin's commentary also explains vidhanani as the angdni of a pradhanam ; pradha- nam as purwamasa, &c. It would therefore mean that such ceremonies as the igneya (ash/a-kapala), agni- shomiya (ekadai-a-kapala), and upamsu, which form the pradhanas of the Darjapur;zamasa, retain through- out the same vidhanas or angas as prescribed in one Prakara;^a, viz. the Darj-apurwamasa. The Ahgas or members are all the things used for sacrificial purposes, milk, butter, grains, animals, &c. SCtra LXXI. The special rules are limited by (the purpose of) the (typical) performance (prakara^^a). 336 APASTAMBa's YAGiVA-PARTBHASHA-S^TRAS. Commentary. Here the rules (vidhis) are again the Angas, which belong to a sacrifice, as the members belong to the body. StjTRA LXXII. If no special instruction is given (in the vS'ruti), the acts are general. Sutra LXXIII. If a special instruction is given, they are re- stricted. Commentary. Nirdej-a is explained as vij'esha-j'ruti, and the mean- ing is supposed to be that unless such a special rule is given, the Ahgas of all the Pradhana acts remain the same, as, for instance, the Paryagnikara;?a, the Praya^as, &c. Special instructions are when it is said: payasa maitravaru;/a;« 5ri;/ati, sruvewa puro^ajam anakti, he cooks the Maitravaruwa with milk, he anoints the Puro^a^a with the spoon, &c. Sutra LXXIV. The Ash/a-kapala for Agni, the Ekada^a- kapala for Agni-Shomau, and the Vpamsn- yaga (the muttered offering of butter), form the principal acts at the Paur;2amasi, the full moon. Commentary. The Ash/a-kapala is the cake baked in eight cups, the Ekadaj-a-kapala that baked in eleven cups, and respectively destined for Agni and Soma. What is meant are the sacrificial acts for which these cakes are used. Sutra LXXV. The other Homas are Anga. Commentary. The other acts, such as the praya^as and anuya^as, are auxiliary, and have no promise of reward by themselves. sOtras lxxii-lxxix. 2>?>7 StjTRA LXXVI. The Ash/a-kapala for Agni, the Ekada^a- kapala or Dvada^a-kapala for Indra-Agnt, form the principal acts at the Amavasya, the new moon, in the case of one who does not sacrifice with Soma. SOtra LXXVII. In the case of one who sacrifices with Soma, the second principal act is the Sa;;2nayya (both at the full-moon and new-moon sacrifices). Commentary. The SawnAyya is a mixture of dadhi and payas, sour and sweet milk, and is intended for Indraor Mahendra^ It takes the place of the second Puro^aj-a at the new-moon sacrifice. Sutra LXXVIII. In the case of a Brahma;^a, who does not sacri- fice with Soma, the Agnishomiya cake is omitted. Commentary. This rule does not seem to be accepted by all schools. It is not found in Katyayana, and Hira;/yake^in observes: Nasomaya^no brahma;/asyagnishomiya// puro^fa^-o vidyata ity ekesham. See HiUebrandt, 1. c. p. iii. Sutra LXXIX. Without distinction of caste, the Aindragna offering is omitted for one who offers the Sa.m- nayya. Commentary. Even though he be not a Somaya^in, says the com- mentary. ^ Vaidya in his Dictionary explains it, however, as any substance mixed with clarified butter and oflfered as a burnt offering, which can hardly be right. [30] Z 338 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-StjTRAS. This whole matter is summed up in Kapardin's com- mentary : Amavasyaydm asomaya^ina aindragna-sam- nayyayor vikalpa//. Paur/zamasyaw tv asomaya^ino br^h- ma7/asyagnishomiyayagabhava//. Tadrahitapi paur;^amasi purushartha?;/ sadhayati. Tatra dvayor eva hi yigayo/^ paun/amasij-abdava/^-yatvam asti, pratyekaw namayogat. Tasmad agnishomiyayagarahitav evetarau purushartha?;^ sadhayata//. SOtra LXXX. The 'Pit7^z-y2i£-7la, the sacrifice to the fathers, is not Anga (auxiliary) because its own time is pre- scribed. Commentary. The text should be pitr/ya^waZ; svakalavidhanad ananga/^ syat. This sacrifice for the Manes, called also the Pi/z^a- p'ltrtyagna., falls under the new-moon sacrifice, but is to be considered as a pradhana, a primary sacrifice, not as an ahga, a member of the Darja. Sutra LXXXI. Also, because it is enumerated like the Dari'a- pur;;amasa sacrifice. Commentary. This refers to such passages from the Brahmaz/as as : There are four great sacrifices, the Agnihotram, the Darj^apur/zamasau, the ^aturmasyani, and the F'wda.- pitnyagna/i. SOtra LXXXII. Also, because, when the Amavasya sacrifice is barred, the Fitriya^-fla. is seen to take place. S^iTRA LXXXIII. A principal act (pradhana) is accompanied by auxiliary acts (ahga). SUTRAS LXXX-LXXXVIT. 339 Commentary. This Siitra forms sometimes part of the preceding Sutra, and would then refer to the Pitr/ya^;7a only. Sutra LXXXIV. A principal act is what has its own name, and Is prescribed with special reference to place, time, and performer. Commentary. This S{itra is sometimes divided into two; the first, dese kale kartariti nirdii-yate, the second, asvai'abda?;/ yat. The following are given as illustrations. If it is said that 'he should sacrifice with the Vaij-vadeva on a slope inclined to the East,' we have the locality. If it is said that 'he should sacrifice with the Va^apeya in autumn,' we have the time. If it is said that ' the sacrificer himself should offer the Agnihotra on a parvan (change of the moon),' we have the performer. In each of these cases, therefore, the prescribed sacrificial act is a pradhana sahgam, a principal act with auxiliary members. Sutra LXXXV. The Darvi-homa (libation from a ladle) stands by itself. Commentary. Apurva is explained by the commentator, not in its usual sense of miraculous, but as not being subject to the former regulations. Sutra LXXXVI. They are ordered by the word ^uhotl, he pours out. StJTRA LXXXVII. They are offered with the word Svaha. Commentary. According to Katyayana I, 2, 6-7, the ^uhotis are Z 2 340 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-StjTRAS. offered sitting, the ya^atis standing. See Sutra XCII. The ^uhoti acts consist in pouring melted butter into the fire of the Ahavaniya altar, which is so called because 'ahu- yante^sminn ahutaya/^ kshipyanta iti.' SOtra LXXXVIII. Taking (the butter) once. SOtra LXXXIX. A Or, if there are several Ahutis, taking (the butter) for each Ahuti. SOtra XC. Or, doing as he likes in dividing (the butter). Commentary. These three Sutras belong together. They teach that one slice (avadana) of butter should be taken, melted, and poured on the Ahavaniya fire ; or, if there are more than one ahuti, then one slice should be taken for each. This, however, is made optional again by the last Sutra. Sutra XCI. There is no fuel (in the Darvi-homa), except at the Agnihotra. Commentary. In the case of the Agnihotra it is distinctly stated, dve samidhav adadhyat, let him lay down two sticks. Sutra XCII. One pours out (^uhoti) the Darvi-homas, sitting west of the Ahavaniya fire, and bending the right knee, or not bending it. Sutra XCIII. If it is distinctly stated, it is done in a different way. st^TRAS LXXXVIII-XCVII. 34 1 Commentary. The vidhi, contained in Sutra XCII, is therefore called autsargika, general, and liable to exceptions, as when it is said, that he turns to the east. SlJTRA XCIV. One pours out (^uhoti) all abut is, west of the Ahavaniya fire, passing (the altar) southward, and then turning to the north. Sutra XCV. The Ai-ruta and Pratyai-ruta, the Ya^ya and Anuvakya, the Upastara;^a and Abhighara^^a, with the slicings, the A'aturgr^hita also, and the Vasha/kara constitute the Darvi-homas. Commentary. The Ai-ruta is a jravaya ; the Pratya.fruta, astu jrausha/; Anuvakya and Ya^ya are verses, the first inviting the deity, the second accompanying the sacrifice. Whenever vegetable, animal, or sawnayya offerings have to be sliced, upastara/^a, spreading, and abhighclrawa. sprinkling with fat, take place. With i^ya offerings there is iTaturgr/hita (taking four times), and the Vasha/kara. Sutra XCVI. With ahutis one should let the act (the pouring out) take place after the Vasha/kara has been made, or while it is being made. Commentary. The Vashaz'kara consists in the word Vasha/, to be uttered by the HotW-priest. The five sacrificial interjections are, svAha, jrausha^, vausha/, vasha/, and svadha. Sutra XCVII. With the G rah as the act should be made to coincide with the Upayama. 342 APASTAMBA's YAGi^aru, the ^arusthali. The first of these verses is dhr/sh/ir asi. Kapalas are the jars in which the rice is cooked. StjTRA CVI I. The verse is adapted and changed to dhruvo -si. Commentary. Sawmama means the same as uha, i.e. the modification of a verse so as to adapt it to the object for which it is used. In our case, >^aru, being a masculine, dhrzsh/i, a feminine, is replaced by dhruva, a masculine. StjTRA CVI 1 1. At the time when the meal is to be cleansed, one cleanses the grains. Commentary. This takes place after the y^aru-pot has been put on. The ta;^^ulas are the unhusked grains, pish if a is the sOtras cv-cxiv. 345 ground flour. In Sanskrit a distinction is made between i-asya, the corn in the field, dhanya, corn with the husk. ta;/^ula, grains without husks, anna, roasted grains. StjTRA CIX. At the time of cooking (adhiirapa^^a) one throws the grains in with the cooking verse. Commentary. This verse is gharmo^si. SOtra ex. Without taking the /§aru (out of the sthali) one puts it down. StjTRA CXI. At the Dari-a-pur/^amasa sacrifices there are fifteen Samidhents. Commentary. Samidhenis are particular verses recited while the fire is being kindled. The first and last verses are repeated thrice, so as to make fifteen in all. StjTRA ex 1 1. At the Ish/i and Pa^ubandha sacrifices there are seventeen Samidhenis, when they are so handed down. StjTRA CXIII. When it is said that wishful ish/is are performed in a murmur, this means that the names of the chief deities are pronounced in a murmur (likewise the ya^ya and anuvakya). Sutra CXIV. The Darj-a-pur;2amasa sacrifice is the Prakr/ti or norm for all ish^is. 346 APASTAMBA S YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. Commentary. The Sutras, in describing the performance of certain sacrifices, treat some of them in full detail. These are called prakrzti. Prakriyante^smin dharma iti prakarawam prakr/ti//. They form the type of other sacrifices, which are therefore looked upon as mere modifications, vikrzti, and in describing them those points only are fully de- scribed in which they dift*er from their prakr/ti. A sacri- fice which is a vikrz'ti, may again become the prakr/ti of another sacrifice. This system is no doubt compendious, but it is not free from difficulty, and, in some cases, from uncertainty. It shows how much system there is in the Indian sacrifices, and how fully and minutely that system must have been elaborated, before it assumed that form in which we find it in the Brahmawas and Sutras. It must not be supposed that the sacrifices which serve as prakrz'ti, are therefore historically the most ancient. SOtra CXV. It is also the norm for the Agnishomiya Pa^u, the animal sacrifice for Agni-Shomau. StTRA CXVI. And this is the norm for the Savaniya. SOtra CXVI I. And the Savaniya is the norm for the Aika- da^-inas. Sutra CXVIII. And the Aikada^inas are the norm for the Pai"uga;2as. Commentary. The rules for the Pai-ugawas are therefore to be taken over from the Aikadaj"inas, the Savaniya, the Agni- shomiya-paj"U, and the Dari-a-pur/^amasa, so far as they have been modified in each particular case, and are StjTRAS cxv-cxxii. 347 finally determined by the rules of each Pa^uga;/a, as, for instance, the Aditya-pai-u. StjTRA CXIX. The Vaii"vadeva is the norm for the Varu;2a- praghasa, Sakamedha, and Sira. Commentary. The Vaijvadeva, beginning, hke the Darja-pur/za- masa, with an Agneya ash^akapala, takes certain rules from the Darja-pur/zamasa, and transfers these, together with its own, as, for instance, the nine praya^as, to the Varuwa-praghasa, &c. SOtra CXX. The Val^vadevika Ekakapala is the norm for all Ekakapalas. Commentary. The Ekakapala is a puro^aj-a cake, baked in one kapala. It is fully described in the Vaij-vadeva, and then becomes the norm of all Ekakapalas. An ekaka- pala cake is not divided. SlJTRA CXXI. The Vai^vadevt Amiksha is the norm for the A Amikshas (a preparation of milk). StjTRA CXXII. Here the VIkara, the modification, is perceived from similarity. Commentary. If it has once been laid down that the Darja-pur;za- misa is the prakrzti or norm for all ish^is, then simi- larity determines the modification in all details, such as the ofierings and the gods to whom offerings are made. Thus ATaru, being a vegetable offering, would rank as a vikara of puro^ai'a, which occurs in the Darj-a-pur;/amasa sacrifice, and is likewise vegetable. Honey and water 348 APASTAMBA's YACiVA-PARIBHASHA-S^TRAS. would be looked upon as most like the A^ya in the Darj-a-pur;/amasa. Amiksha, a preparation of milk, would come nearest to the Sawnayya, which is a mixture of sour and sweet milk. Sutra CXXIII. Offerings for one deity are vikaras of the Agneya. Commentary. In the Darj-a-pur«amasa, which is theprakrzti of the ish/is, the purodasa. for Agni is meant for one deity. Hence all offerings to one deity in the vikrztis follow the general rules of the Agneya puro^^a^a, as described in the Darja-purwamisa, for instance, the ^aru for Surya, the Dvadai-a-kapala for Savitrz. StjTRA CXXIV. Offerings for two deities are vikaras of the Agnishomiya. Commentary. They must, however, be vegetable offerings, because the puvodasa. for Agni-Shomau is a vegetable offering. As an instance, the Agnavaish;^ava Ekadai-akapala is quoted. Agnishomiya has a short a, but the first a inagnavaish- ;/ava is long. Sutra CXXV. Offerings for many deities are vikaras also of the Aindragna. Commentary. The ka. in bahudevataj- ka is explained by the com- mentary as intended to include the Agnivaish;/ava also. Any offering intended for more than one deity may be con- sidered as intended for many deities. Sutra CXXVI. They are optionally vikaras of the Aindragna. sOtras cxxiii-cxxviii. 349 Commentary. Sometimes these two Slitras are combined into one. The commentator, however, sees in theva of aindragnavikari va a deeper meaning. Agni-Shomau, he says, consists of four, Indragni of three syllables. Therefore if the name of more than one deity consists of four syllables, it should be treated as a vikara of the Agnishomiya, if of less than four syllables, as a vikara of the Aindragna. SOtra CXXVII. An exception must be made in the case of the gods of the prakr/ti, as, for instance, the Aindra purofl^ai"a, the Saumya y^aru. Commentary. The exception applies to cases where the offering in a vikrit'i sacrifice is meant for the same principal deities as those of the prakrz'ti offering. For instance, in the Darj-a-pur«amasa Agni and Soma are the deities of the Agnishomiya, Indra and Agni of the Aindragna. If then in one of the secondary or vikr/ti sacrifices there occurs an Aindra puro^aja, or a Saumya ^aru, then the Aindra puro^aj-a is treated as a vikara of the Ain- dragna, the Saumya ^aru as a vikdra of the Agni- shomiya. The Somendra /('aru also, as its principal deity is Soma^ would follow the Agnishomiya, the Indrasomiya puro^aja, as its principal deity is Indra, would follow the Aindragna. SOtra CXXVIII. If there is sameness both in the offering and in the deity, then the offering prevails. Commentary. If a X'aru for Pra^apati occurs in a vikrz'ti sacrifice, it would follow that, being offered to Pra^apati, it should be offered with murmuring, but, as it is a vegetable offering, it follows the norm of the puro^a^a, though the purodAsa. is intended for Agni. 350 APASTAMBa's VACiVA-PARIBHASHA-SlUTRAS. S^TRA CXXIX. If there is contradiction with regard to the sub- stance and the preparation of an offering, the sub- stance prevails. Commentary. A puYodassi may be made of vrihi, rice, or of nivara, wild growing rice. The wild rice has to be pounded, but not the good rice. The preparation, however, has to yield in a vikr/ti, the important point being the substance. SuTRA CXXX. If there is contradiction with regard to the sub- stance, the object prevails. Commentary. An example makes the meaning of this Sutra quite clear. Generally the y upa or sacrificial post for fastening sacrificial animals is made of Khadira wood. But if a post made of wood is not strong enough to hold the animal, then an iron post is to be used, the object being the fastening of the animal, while the material is of less consequence. S^TRA CXXXI. In a Fr3.krzti sacrifice there is no t)ha, modifi- cation of the mantras. Commentary. Certain mantras of the Veda have to be slightly altered, when their application varies. In the normal sacrifices, how- ever, no such alteration takes place. StJTRA CXXXII. In a Vikrhi sacrifice modification takes place, according to the sense, but not in an arthavada. Commentary. Some mantras remain the same in the Vikrzti as in the Prakr^ti. Others have to be modified so as to be sOtras cxxix-cxxxiv. 351 adapted to anything new that has to be. If, for instance, there is a Furoddsa. for Agni in the Trakriti, and in its place a Puro^a^a for Surya in the Vikrzti, then we must place Surya instead of Agni in the dedicatory mantra. StjTRA CXXXIII. When we hear words referring to something else, that Is arthavada. Commentary. Arthavada is generally explained as anything occurring in the Brahmawas which is not vidhi or command. Here, however, it refers to Mantras or passages recited at the sacrifice. We saw how such passages, if they referred to some part of the sacrifice, had to be modified under certain circumstances according to the sense. Here we are told that passages which do not refer to anything special in the sacrifice, are arthavada and remain unmodified. All this is expressed by the words para a va« at. Vakya stands for padani, words, such as are used in the nivapa- mantra, &c. Some of these words are called samave- t^rthani, because they tell of something connected with the performance of the sacrifice, as, for instance, Agnaye gushtsLin nirvapami, I offer what is acceptable to Agni ; others are asamavetarthani, as, for instance, Devasya tv^ Savitu/^ prasave. When such passages which are not connected with some sacrificial act occur (j-rava;/at), they naturally remain unaltered. SlJTRA CXXXIV. If what Is prescribed Is absent, a substitute Is to be taken according to similarity. Commentary. Here we have no longer modification, but substitution (pratinidhi). In cases where anything special that has been prescribed is wanting, a substitute must be chosen, as similar as possible, and producing a similar effect. "52 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-sOxRAS. O According to Ma/z^/ana's Trikaw^a, the degrees of similarity are to be determined in the following order: Karyai rupais tatha par;/ai/^ kshirai/^ pushpai/^ phalair api, Gandhai rasai/^ sadr/g grahyam purvalabhe param param. ' What is similar by effect, by shape, by leayes, by milk, by flowers, and by fruit, By smell, or by taste is to be taken one after the other, if the former cannot be found.' Sutra CXXXV. If there is nothing very like, something a little like may be substituted, only it must not be pro- hibited. Commentary. If in a ^aru of mudgas, kidney-beans, phaseolus mungo, these kidney-beans should fail, a substitute may be taken, but that substitute must not be mashas, phase- olus radiatus, because these mashas are expressly for- bidden ; for it is said, Aya^-uiyk vai m^sha//, 'Mashas are not fit for sacrifice.' Sutra CXXXVI. The substitute should take the nature of that for which it is substituted. Commentary. Taddharma, having the same qualities. If, for instance, nivara has been substituted for vrihi, it should be treated as if it were vrihi. The name vrihi should remain, and should not be replaced by nivara, just as Soma, if replaced by putika, is still called Soma. Thus, when in the course of a sacrifice vrihi has once been replaced by nivara, and vrihi can be procured afterwards, yet nivara is then to be retained to the end. If, however, the substituted nivara also come to an end, and afterwards both nivara and vrihi are forthcoming, then vrihi has the preference. If neither be forthcoming, then some substitute is to be taken that approaches nearest to the substitute, the nivara, not to the sOtras cxxxv-cxxxix. 353 original vrihi. Further, if a choice has been allowed be- tween vrihi, rice, and yava, barley, and vrihi has been chosen, and afterwards, as substitute for vrihi, nivara, then, if nivara come to an end, and in the absence of vrihi, when a new supply of both nivara and yava has been obtained, the yava is to be avoided, and the original substitute for vrihi, the nivara, must be retained. In most of these cases, however, a certain penance also (praya- j/^itta) is required. Sutra CXXXVII. If something is wanting in the measure, let him finish with the rest. Commentary. If it is said that a purodasa. should be as large as a horse's hoof, and there is not quite so much left, yet what- ever is left should be used to finish the offering. Sutra CXXXVIII. Substitution does not apply to the master, the altar-fire, the deity, the word, the act, and a pro- hibition. Commentary. The master is meant for the sacrificer himself and his wife. Their place cannot, of course, be taken by anybody else. The altar-fire is supposed to have a supernatural power, and cannot be replaced by any other fire. Nothing can take the place of the invoked deities, nor of the words used in the mantras addressed to them, nor can the sacrifice itself be replaced by any other act. Lastly, when it is said that mashas, varakas, kodravas are not fit for sacrifice, or that a man ought not to sacrifice with what should not be eaten by Aryas, nothing else can be substituted for what is thus prohibited. SOtra CXXXIX. The Prakmi stops from three causes, from a corollary, from a prohibition, and from loss of pur- pose. [30] a a 354 ApASTAMBA'S YACiVA-PARIBHASHA-StjTRAS. Commentary. A corollary (pratyamnana) occurs, when it is said, 'instead of Kusa grass, let him make a barhis of reeds.' A prohibition (pratishedha) occurs, when it is said, 'he does notchoosean Arsheya.' Loss of purpose (arthalopa) occurs, when pesha;^a, pounding, would refer to >^aru, a pulse, that cannot be pounded, while grains can be. SOtra CXL. The Agnish/oma is the Prakr/ti of the Ekaha sacrifices. Commentary. The Ekaha are sacrifices accomplished in one day. S^TRA CXLI. The Dv^da^aha is the Prakrui of the Ahar- Commentary, The Dvada^aha lasts twelve days and is a Soma sacri- fice. It is either an Ahina or a Sattra. An Aharga;za is a series of daily and nightly sacrifices. Those which last from two nights to eleven nights are called Ahina. Those which last from thirteen to one hundred nights or more are called Sattras. StjTRA CXLII. The Gavamayana is the Frakrzti of the Sam- vatsarikas. Commentary. The Gavamayana lasts three years, and it is the type of all Sa;«vatsarika sacrifices, whether they last one, two, three or more years. They all belong to the class of Sattras. Sutra CXLIII. Of the NIkayi sacrifices the first serves as Pra- krit'i. SUTRAS CXL-CXLVr. 355 Commentary, Among the Nikayi sacrifices, lit. those which consist of a number, all having the same name, but different rewards, the first is the prakrzti of the subsequent ones. The commentator calls them sadyaskra &c., and mentions as the first the Agnish/oma. See Sutra CXLVI,and Weber, Ind. Stud. XIII, p. 218. S^, (6) Nirufl7zapajubandha/z, (7) Sautrama;/!. Seven Somasa;;/sthas : (i) Agnish/oma>^, (2) Atyagnish/oma/^, (3) Ukthya/^ (4) ShodasV, (5) V%apeya/^, (6) Atiratra^, (7) Aptoryama/;. In a commentar bhashya (MS. E. I. Pakaya^/7as : (i) Aupasanahoma/i, (2) Vaijvadevam, (3) Parvawam, (4) Ash/aka, (5) Masiiraddham, (6) Sarpabali//, (7) Ijanabali/i. y on Dhurtasvamin's Apastambasutra- , H. 137) another list is given : Somaya^/7as : Havirya^was : Agnihotram, DarjapiirwamasaUj Agrayawam, A'aturmasyani, Niru(///apajubandha/^, Va^apeya^, Sautramawi, Atiratra,^, Piwi/apit/'/ya^T^a/^. Aptoryama^ Agnish/oma,^, Atyagnish/oma//, Ukthya/z, Shofifaji, This list is nearly the same as one given by Satyavrata Simaj-rami in the Usha. He gives, however, another list, which is : Seven Pakasawsthas : (i) Sayawhoma/i, (2) Pratarhoma^, (3) Slhalipaka, (4) Navaya^wa^, (5) Vaijvadevam, (6) Pitr/ya^«a^, (7) Ash/aka. Seven Havi;^sawzsthas Agnyadheyam, Agnihotram, Dar^-a-, Paur;/amasau, Agraya«a, A'aturmasyani, Pa^ubandha/i. Seven Somasa/«sthas Agnish/oma/z, Atyagnish/oma/z, Ukthya/z, Shofi^a^i, Va^apeya/z, Atiratra/;, Aptoryama-^. According to the substances offered, sacrifices are some- ^ Vaijvadevam parva, Varu«apraghasa//, sakamedha^. ^ Agnish/oma, Ukthya, Atiratra, sometimes Sho^/a^in, are the original Soma sacrifices; Atyagnish/oma,Va^apeya, and Aptoryama are later. See Weber, Ind. Stud. X, pp. 352, 391. SUTRAS CXLIX, CL. 359 times divided into vegetable and animal sacrifices. The vegetable substances are, \.7ind\x\Ui, pish/ani, phalikarawa//, puro^aj-a//, odana//, yavagu/^, przthuka/^, la^a//, dhana//, and aktava/^. The animal substances are, paya/z, dadhi, a^am, amiksha, va^inam, vapa, tva-^a//, mawsam, lohitam, and pa^yurasa//. S^TRA CXLIX. If there are fewer Mantras and more (sacrificial) acts, then after dividing them into equal parts, let him perform the former with the former, the latter with the latter. Commentary. It happens, for instance, in certain ish/is that a pair of Ya^ya and Anuvakya mantras is given, but six acts. In that case one half of the mantras is used for one half of the acts, and the other half of the mantras for the other half of the acts. Sutra CL. If there are fewer acts and more Mantras, let him perform and act with one mantra, those which re- main are optional, as the materials for the sacrificial post. Commentary. Kapardisvamin seems to have divided this Sutra into three, the second being ava^yish/a vikalpartha/^, the third yatha yupadravyaz/iti. But it is better to take it as one, as it is in MS. 1676. If there are, for instance, fourteen vapanas, while there are many more mantras, let him select fourteen mantras and use them for each vapana, while the rest will be useful for another performance. A similar case occurs when different kinds of wood are recommended for makinsr the sacrificial post, or when rice or barley are recommended for an offering. Here a choice has to be made. The iti at the end is explained as showing that there are other instances of the same kind. 360 apastambas yagiva-paribhasha-stjtras. Sutra CLI. From the end there takes place omission or addition. Commentary. This refers again to the same subject, namely what has to be done if there are either more or less mantras than there are acts which they are to accompany. In that case it is here allowed to use as many mantras as there are acts, and to drop the rest of the mantras. Or, if there are less mantras than there are acts, then, after the mantras have been equally divided, the last verse is to be multiplied. For instance, in the Dvikap^la sacrifice for the two Aj-vins, the placing of the two kapalas is accompanied by two mantras. The rest of the mantras enjoined in the prakrz'ti is left out. But if there are, for instance, twelve or more ish/akas, bricks, to be placed, while there are only ten mantras, then the mantras are equally divided, and the fifth and tenth to be repeated, as many times as is necessary to equal the number of the ish/akas. StjTRA CLII. As the Prakmi has been told before, anything that has not been told before, should be at the end. Commentary. This seems to mean that anything new, peculiar to a Vikr/ti, and not mentioned in the Prak;'/ti, should come in at the end, that is, after those portions of the sacrifice which are enjoined in the Prakrzti. Sutra CLI 1 1. The rule should stand on account of the fitness of the Kumbhi, a large pot, the 6'ula, the spit for boiling the heart, and the two VapaiTapa;ds, the spits for roasting the vapa. Commentary. Kumbhi is explained by i-ro//yadipakasamartha SUTRAS CLI-CLV. 36 1 br/'hati sthali; vS'ula by hrzdayap^kartha yash/i//, and Vapai-rapa;n by vapa^rapawarthe yash/i dve. The exact object of the Sutra is not quite clear. Pra- bhutva is explained by samarthatva, that is, fitness. This would mean, that on account of their fitness, or because they can be used for the object for which they are intended, or, so long as they can be used, the rule applying to them should remain. The commentary explains tan- tram by tantrata or ekata. It may mean that the same pots and spits should be used, so long as they fulfil their purpose. The next Sutra would then form a natural limitation. Sutra CLIV. But if there is a different kind of animal, there is difference (in pots and spits), owing to the diversity of cooking. Commentary. If different animals are to be cooked, then there must be different pots for each (pratipai-um), because each requires a different kind of cooking. The commentary adds that, as the reason for using different pots is given, that reason applies also to young and old animals of the same kind (^ati), i. e. the young and small animal would require a different pot and a different kind of cooking. StJTRA CLV. At the Vanaspati sacrifice, which is a modifica- tion (vikara) of the Svish/akr/t, the addresses (nigama) of the deities should take place in the Ya^ya, because they are included in the Prakr^'ti. Commentary. These nigamas of the deities are not mentioned in the rules of the Vanaspati sacrifice, but they are mentioned in the rules for the Svish/akrzt sacrifice of the Dar^-a- pur;/amisa, which is the Prakrzti, and should therefore be taken over. Here again, because a reason is given, it is .•;62 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-SUTRAS. O understood that the same reason would apply to other portions of Svish/akrz't also, such as the Dvir abhi- ghara;/a, which is to be retained in the Vanaspati sacrifice. StJTRA CLVI. The Anvarambha;^iyd or initiatory ceremony does not take place in a VikrUi, because the Vikrzt'is would fall within the time of the Pra- krzt'i, and the Anvarambha;2iya has but one object, namely (the initiation of) the Dari-a-p{ir;^a- masa sacrifice. Commentary. The Anvarambha;/iya ceremony has to be performed by those who begin the Darj-a-purwamasa sacrifice. It has thus one object only, and is never enjoined for any other cause. It is not therefore transferred to any Vikrzti, such as the Saurya ceremony, &c. The Dar.ya-pur;/a- masa sacrifice having to be performed during the whole of life, or during thirty years, the Vikr/tis would necessarily fall within the same space of time. The initiatory ceremony has reference to the Darj-a-pur«amasa sacrifice only, and thus serves as an introduction to all the Vikr/tis, without having to be repeated for each. Sutra CLVI I. Or (according to others) the Anv^rambha;^iya should take place (in the Vikr/tis also), because the time (of the Dar^a-pur;^amasa) does not form an essential part. Commentary. This Sutra is not quite clear. It shows clearly enough that, according to some authorities, the Anvarambhawiya or initiatory ceremony of the Dari-a-pur;^amasa sacrifice should take place in the Vikr/tis also ; but why? Because the time has not the character of a .yes ha, which is said to be a synonym of anga, an essential part of a sacrifice. s<)tras clvi-clix. 363 When it is said that the Darj-a-pur;zamasa should be performed during hfe, this is not meant as determining the time of the sacrifice. It only means that so long as there is life a man should perform these sacrifices, and that their non-performance would constitute a sin. The former argument, therefore, that the time of the Vikrzti sacrifices would fall within the time of the Prakrzti sacrifice is not tenable. StjTRA CLVIII. And again, because there is difference In the undertaking. Commentary. Arambha, the beginning, is explained as the determina- tion to perform a certain sacrifice (darj-apur/vamasabhyaw yakshya iti nij-/^ayapura/^sara/^ sankalpa/^). The object of the undertaking in the case of the Dari'a-pur;/amasa sacrifice, as the Prakrzti, is simply svarga, in the Vikr/tis it may be any kind of desire. Therefore the Anvarambha«iya ceremony of the Dari-a-pur;/a- masas should be transferred to its Vikr/tis. This seems to have been the opinion of the same authorities who are referred to in Sutra CLVII. The final outcome of the whole controversy, however, is clearly that our A AMrya is in favour of omitting the Anvarambha;ziya in the Vikrz'tis. Anayo/z pakshayor anv4rambha;nya- bhavapakshasyaiva balavattvam a/^cLryabhilashi- tam iti manyamahe. The Anvarambha/nya is not to be considered as an ordinary Ahga, but as a special act to fit the sacrificer to perform the Darj-a-pur/^amasa and to perform it through the whole of his life. Sutra CLIX. For every object (new sacrifice) let him bring forward the fire (let him perform the Agnlpra^^a- A yana, the fetching of the Ahavaniya from the Garhapatya fire). When the sacrifice is finished 364 APASTAMBa's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-SijTRAS. the fire becomes again ordinary fire, as when the (divine) fire has returned (to the firesticks). Commentary. The fire for a sacrifice is supposed to be set apart or con- secrated (j-astriya), but it is so for a special sacrifice only, and when that sacrifice is ended, it is supposed to become like ordinary fire again. A rtha is prayo^ana, the sacrifice for which the fire is intended (agnis^dhyavihitakarmanu- sh//^anam; tasya tasya vihitasya karma«o^nush///anartha;;2 garhapatyidibhya ahavaniyadyagnim pra;/ayet). The com- mentator remarks that there are two Agnis, the one who is visible, the other who is the god. Now while the divine Agni leaves the coals and ascends or is absorbed again in the two firesticks (ara;n), the other remains like ordinary kitchen fire. See on Samaroha;/a, Weber, Ind. Stud. IX, A p. 311 ; Ai'valayana-.Srauta-sutra III, 10, 4-5. INDEX agni, the (sacrificial) fire, Sutra 55, 92 (Ahavaniya fire), 138, 145, 159; the (three) fires, 22. agniprawayana, the fetching of the Ahavaniya from the Garhapatya fire, 159. agnish/oma, the Agnish/oma, a Soma sacrifice, 7, 140, 143^^, 144; p. 344. agnihotra, the Agnihotra, the morn- ing and evening Homa, 6, 91, ^48^; p. 344. agnishomiya, intended for Agni and Soma, 74, 78, 115, 124, 126C, 127°. agnyadhana, the (first) laying of the fires, 2 2^. agnyadheya, p, 344. aiiga, member (of the sacrifice), auxiliary act, 3°, 70°, 7i<=, 73<;, 75) 80 (anaiiga), 83 (sanga), 157'', 158C. aiigahina, cripple, 2". atikram, to pass (the altar), 94. atiratra, a Soma sacrifice, 144°; p. 344- atyagnish/oma, p. 344. atharvaveda, the Atharva-veda, 7", 19°. adhivapana, the strewing, 102, 105''. adhijrapawa, cooking, 109. adhijrapa«amantra,the cooking verse (gharmo:isi), 109. adhrigu, the Adhrigu hymn (daivya/^ jamitara/j, &c.), 43. adhvaryu, the Adhvaryu priest, 18, 24. anaiiga, not an Anga, 80. anadhyaya, prohibition of reciting, 37^- anamnata, not handed down, 35, anirdeja, without special instruction, 72. anumati, a kind of full moon, 65^. anumantrawa, the Anumantra«a- mantras, 8<'. anuya^a,acertainauxiliaryHoma,75<'. anuvakya, IMantra used for invoca- tion, 50, 95,(ri3)» 149^^. antara, turned inside, 57. antara, between (the high and the low tone), II. anna, roasted grains, 108". anvarambha«iya,initiatory ceremony, 156, 157°, i58<=. apa.A'k/Ad, to slice off (the cake), 99. apaparyavr/t, to turn away from, 55. aparewa, west, 92, 94. apurva, standing by itself, 85 ; what has not been told before, 152. aptoryama, p. 344. apratishiddha, not prohibited, 135. abhighara«a, sprinkling with fat, 95. abhimantrawa, the Abhimantrawa- mantras, 8'^. amantra, not to be classed as Mantras, . 35- ^ amavasya, new moon, new-moon day, 63, 65C, 68 ; new-moon sacrifice, 63, 76. amedhyapratimantra«a, conjuring of unlucky omens, 40. aya^wiya, not fit for sacrifice, 135°. ayuta, butter when slightly melted, 23°. artha, object, 130, 159. arthanirvr/tti, accomplishment of the object, 41. arthalopa, loss of purpose, 139. arthavada, explanation, 33 ; that part of the Mantra which does not refer to anything special in the sacrifice, 132, 133. avadana,the slice or slicing of butter, 90'', 95, 100''. avavarshawa, down-pour of rain, 40. ajrotriya, person ignorant of the Veda, 2°. ash/aka, p. 344. ash/akapala, the cake baked in eight cups (at the full-moon and new- moon sacrifices), 74, 76. 366 APASTAMBa's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-S^TRAS. asannipatin, not producing an imme- diate effect, 42. asamavetartha, words (of a Mantra) not connected with the sacrifice, 133C. asomay%in, one who does not sacri- fice with Soma, 76, 78. astamitodita = ralia, 65°. astu=ayuta, 23°. ahargawa, a series of daily and nightly sacrifices, 141. ahina, a series of sacrifices lasting from two nights to eleven nights (opp. sattra), 141*'. agnavaishwava, for Agni and Vishwu, 124C, 125°. agneya, intended for Agni, 74, 76, 123. agrayawa, the Agrayawesh^i, sacrifice with the new grain, 148''; p. 344- ^ agrahayawT, p. 344. aghara, sprinkling of clarified butter, 46. a.i, to bend (one's knee), 92. a^ya, melted butter, 23, 122°. a^yabhagau, the A^ya-portions, 12. atmabhimarjana, rubbing oneself, 53- adipradish/a, indicated by the first words (Mantras), 47. adhana, the laying of the fires, 28. amiksha, a preparation of milk, 121, 122"^. arambha, the undertaking (of a sacrifice), 158, artvi^ya, the priestly office, 21. avap, to throw (the grains) in, 109. avritti, repetition, 43. avesh/, to tie (ropes), 61. a^ruta, address, 10, 95. ajyayu^i, p. 544. asina, sitting, 92. ahavaniya, the Ahavaniya fire (the grandson), 22*', 27, 94, 144°. ahuti, the offering at a Darvihoma, 94, 96, 89. idawjabda, the word idam (to be used for assigning the havis to each deity), 104. indrasomiya, intended for Indra and Soma, i2 7<=. ish/aka, brick (for building the altar, &c,), 98, i5i<^. ish/i = ya^«a, sacrifice, i<=, ri2, 113 (kamya ish^aya^), 114, 122°, 1 2 3". uanabali, p. 344. ishatsadma, a little like, 135. ukthya, a Soma sacrifice, 144°; p. 344- U/^/l'ai^, with a loud voice, 8, 12°. utkara, heap of rubbish, 54°. uttama, highest tone, 11°. uttara, successive, 145. uttarata-upa^ara, on the northern side of which the performances take place, 54. uttaravedi, the Soma altar, 144, 145''. Uttara-amavasya = Kuhu, 65°. Uttara-paur«amasi = Raka, 65^. utpavana, cleansing, 108. utpCi, to cleanse (the grains), 108. udagapavarga, performed towards the north, 59. udagavritta, turning to the north ^94. udgatr/, the Udgatri priest, 17. upaMra, priestly performance, 54. upadha, to put on the fire, 106. upadhana, putting on the fire, 106. upabandha, belonging to, 155. upayama, the Upayama, the words iipayamagr/hito^si, 97. upavas, to abstain, 65. upavasa, abstaining from meat, &c., 66C. upastara;/a, spreading of fat, 95. upaspr/j (apa)6), to touch water, 53. upawju, by murmuring, 9, ii'^, 113. upawjuyaga, the muttered offering of butter (at the full-moon sacrifice), 74. uha, substitution of one word for another in a Mantra, 35, 107"^, 131, 132. rigveda, the Rig-veda, 4, 5, 8, 9", 16. ekakapala, a puro^aja cake baked in one cup, 120. ekadevata, offering for one deity, 123. ekaprakara«a, one (typical) perform- ance, 70. ekamantra, accompanied by one Mantra, 38. INDEX. Z^l ekadajakapala, cake baked in eleven cups (at the full-moon and new- moon sacrifices), 74, 76, 124'=. ekaha, sacrifice accomplished in one day, 140. aikadajina, the Aikadajinas, 117,118. aindra, intended for Indra, 127. aindragna, intended for Indra and Agni, 76, 79, 125, 126, 127C. autsargika (vidhi), general (rule), 93°. aupasanahoma, p, 344. ka«i/uyana, rubbing, 40. kapala, jar in which the rice is cooked, 106. kapalamantra, verse used for the Kapala, 106. kartr/, the performer, 24, 57, 84. karmaX'odana, precept for the sacri- fice, 32. karman, sacrifice, sacrificial act, 37, 38, 44, 45 (karmadi), 59 (daiva- ni karmawi), 138, 149, 150, 159. kama, object, 147, 148. kamay, to wish, 147. kamya, wishful, 113 (kamya ish/a- kala, time, 80, 84, 157. kumbhi, a large pot, 153. Kuhu, the new moon on the first day of the lunar phase, ds"", 68c. kr/sh«a^ina, black skin used for the strewing (adhivapana), 102". kratu, sacrifice, 22, 145, 147 (kratva- dau), kratukama, object of the sacrifice, 147. kraya, buying (of Soma), 52. krush/a, sharp voice, high tone, ii", 14. krau«y^a, high tone, 11''. kshi«a = kharvika, 67c, kharvika, the Kharvika full moon, 67. gavamayana, 142. garhapatya, the Garhapatya fire (the father), 22°. garhya (naman), the domestic name, grab, to take (the butter), 88, 89. graha, offering of Soma, also Soma vessel, 97. ghr/ta, butter when hardened, 23". /faturgr/'hita, the taking four times, 95-^ /taturdajiyukta, the full moon be- ginning on the fourteenth day, 65C. ^andramas, moon, 65. /^aru, a pulse consisting of grains of rice or barley, and clarified butter, 99C, 102, (103, 105), 1 10, 122C, 1230, 127, 128C. >^aru = ;^arusthali, 106, 108°. ^arupuro^ajiya, belonging to the ^arus and Puro^ajas, 102. >^arusthali, vessel for boiling the y^aru, 106C, (iro). ^aturmasya, one of the seven Havir- ja^«as, 7c, 1480; p. 344, Mtvala, a hole in the ground for the sacrifices, 54c. ^eshiaprithaktvanirvartin, to be car- ried out by separate (repeated) acts, 39. ^aitn, p. 344. ^odana, precept, 32, 86. ^>6edana, cutting, 53, ^apa, the Gapa-mantras, 8°. ^atibheda, difference of the kind (of animal), 154. ^anu, knee, 92. ^Lihu, spoon, 25, 26°. _g-uhoti, see hu. ^uhotiy^odana, ordered by the word ^uhoti, he pours out, 86. taWula, grain, 108, 109. taddharma, having the same quali- ties, 136. tantra, rule, 104, 153. See prati- tantram. taya-deva-tena, the words for placing the bricks together, 98, tara, high tone, 1 1<=. tulyavat, like, 81. tr/tiyasavana, the third oblation of Soma, 14. dakshiwa, the Dakshi«a fire (the son), 22*^. dakshi«a, right, 92 (^anu). dakshiwa, southward, 94. dakshiwapavarga, towards the south, 60. 368 APASTAMBA's YAGiVA-PARIBHASHA-StjTRAS. darvihoma, libation from a ladle, 85, (86 to 91), 92, 95, darjapur«amasau, the new and full- moon sacrifices, 5, 7°, 14°, iii, 114, 122C, 123C, 127C, 148C, 155C to 158C; p. 344. dakshaya^a, 148". dundubhijabda, the sound of a drum, 36. devata, deity, 128, 138. devatanigama, address of the deity, 155- devatopadejana, indication of the deity, loi. deja, place, 84. daiva, intended for the gods (kar- man), 59. dravya, substance (of an offering), 129, 130. dravyasamu/^X-aya, accumulation, 52. dvadajakapala, the cake baked in twelve cups (at the new-moon sacrifice), 76, 123"=. dvada^aha, a Soma sacrifice lasting twelve days, 141. dvikapala, a cake baked in two cups, sacrifice for the two Ajvins, dvidevata, offering for two deities, 124. dhanya, corn with the husk, io8<^. dhara, pouring out of Soma, 46. naditarawa, crossing a river, 40. navanita, fresh butter, 23°. navaya^wa, p. 344. namadheyagrahawa, the mentioning of the name (of particular sacri- ^ficers), 35. nikayin, a series of sacrifices, all having the same name, but dif- ferent rewards, 143, nigama, address, 155. ninda, reproof, 33. nimitta, special cause, 148*'. niyama, precept, 148''. nirasana, throwing away, 53. niru^/6apaju, the animal sacrifice, 148C; p. 344. nirdij, to prescribe with special reference to, 84. nirdeja, special instruction, 73. See anirdeja. nivr/'t, to stop, to cease to apply, 138, 139. Nishadasthapati, a Nishada chief- tain, 2"=, nivara, wild growing rice, 1290, i36<'. nair/vta, offering to Nirriti, 53. pakti, cooking, 154. parakr/ti, story, 33. paravakya, words referring to some- thing else, 133. parikraya, redemption, 52. parva-sandhi, the juncture of the two phases of the moon, 65^. paju, animal sacrifice, 7*', 115. pajugawa, 118. pajubandha, Pajubandha sacrifice, 112 ; p. 344. pakaya^;7a, domestic sacrifices, 148*^ ; p. 344. patra, sacrificial vessel, 25, 28, parva«a, p. 344. piWapitr/ya^;7a, the sacrifice to the Fathers, 80^; p. 344. pitr/-ya^;7a, sacrifice to the Fathers, 80; p. 344. pitrya, intended for the Fathers, 60. pish^a, pi., meal, 108. purastat, before, 65, purastatpaurwamasT, the full moon beginning on the fourteenth ^day, 65''. purakalpa, tradition, 33. puro/^aja, cake made of meal, 78, 99, 102, (103, 105), 122°, 123C, 124'', 127, i28<^, 129C, i37«=. puronuvakya, the Puronuvakya hymn (preceding the Ya^ya, following after the Sampraisha), 43. purita, full (the moon), 66. pur;;a, full (the moon), 65, piirva-amavasya, the new moon on the fourteenth day, 65°. purva-paur«amasl = purastatpaurwa- masi, 65°. pait;-/ka, offering to the Pitr/s, 53. paurwamas?, full moon, full-moon d! -« -« 'S bo ^ ;:§ he -^ OH 3 ^ J3 J3 I— I O c3 'a, 03 3 C V 1-1 N « •^*H «5 03 -^ ■§ .5 CO I S3 O 3 i -*^ " 3 O J- Oh •? 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