FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D, BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Section 3? 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library HYMNS AND LATER POEMS. By Thomas MacKellar, Ph. D. 1900. Copyrighted by Charlton H. Royal and John Marshall Gest, EXECUTORS OF ESTATE OF THE LATE Thomas MacKellar. 1900. PREFACE. Thomas MacKellar was born in New York on August 12th, IM2, and died OH December 30th, 1S99. Early drawn by his natural bent into a printing office, he reached the foremost place as a stereotype! and type founder, and displayed consummate taste in the manu- facture and arrangement of plain and ornamental type. The firm of which he was the head and master-spirit became famous for its productions m his boyhood he seized every fragment of time for reading and study, and early did acceptable work in literary journals. Volume after volume of poetry followed in due course, and the present volume v prepared for the press by his own hand in his eighty- eighth year. Mr. MacKellar's poetry follows the lines of his char- acter and life. He was a devout Christian — gentle, loving, sympathetic — one of those, to osc Keble's words. Who carry music in their heart Through dusky lane and wrangling mart, Plying their daily toil with busy feet Because their secret souls a holy strain repeat." Rhyming bees hummed in his brain in the street, in the busy office, in the gloaming, in wakeful hours at night, and were rapidly made to sing in poetic form on such themes as the joys and sorrows of home, the long- ings of Christian experience, the pathos of life, with iii iv PRE FA CE. now and then a humorous piece natural to a man who in his boyhood preferred Cowper's "J°nn Gilpin" to any other poem. He had the satisfaction of knowing that many of his poems had comforted the bereaved, the discouraged and weary among his readers. He had toil, care, bereavements, trials, and he knew the world and its sins and sorrows ; but the clarion note of optimism rings clear through all his books, even in the poems of his extreme old age, because it is the Christian optim- ism, rooted in Christ, whom the Bible portrays as slain from the foundation of the world that He might become the enthroned Christ reigning over a new world. In his eighty-sixth year a letter from him to the writer of this Preface contained these words : "I com- mit myself unto Him and ask for His blessing to attend my writings, that they may glorify Him and be helpful and comforting to my fellow creatures." W. C. STITT. New York, March 15th, 1900. [One thousand copies of this volume have been printed by the Executors of the late Dr. Thomas MacKellar in accordance with his express wish.] First Lines of Hymns. A LADDER linking earth and sky A ray of sunshine on the way . A Sabbath calm is on the sea . A wanderer drowning in a pit After the storm bloweth over . All days for thee, my God . . An ever-living fountain .... Another year begins to tread . Awake, O North ! arise, O South Ble>s thou the Lord, my soul ! But one in faith, if not in form PAGE 94 33 98 53 48 14 66 22 70 1 10 v mortal man behold 31 Day of sweetness! day of rest! 62 From our Redeemer's heart of grace . . 11 From the end of the earth 114 1* FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. PAGE Gentle Shepherd ! in thy grace .... 84 God gave, and he hath taken 35 God's house hath many mansions set . . 60 God said, Let there be light !..... 64 God touch' d the dust of earth 37 Holy Spirit! But for Thee 92 I believe in God the Father 117 I laid me down and slept 13 I love the Lord: he is my shield . . . 102 I praise the Lord that I do stand ... 46 In the covert of his presence 56 In the fulness of the ages 74 Is heaven far away? 29 Lie thee down and rest, my soul ... 44 Lord ! thy peculiar treasure ...;.. 20 Master, bid me rest awhile ....... 90 More like Jesus! every day 55 My bark is sailing o'er the sea .... 27 Not the cross, but Christ, the bearer. . 42 On threads of gold our passing years . . 100 Onward, comrades ! move along .... 16 O sing a. new song to the Lord!. . . . 108 FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. I » soul, by fire and tempest tried . . . O where is God, my maker 24 Our refuge in all ages Thou! 104 Sua 1 1 we not walk as Jesus walk'd ... 96 She came on the wings of the morning . 72 Soldiers o\ the eross are we 40 The Lord is my shepherd The night is past, the morn of joy hath There's sunshine on the other side . . The way to the kingdom of glory . . Thou keepest him in perfect peace . . 'Tis not bv righteousness mine own . •&* What, O friends has come about? . Who dwelleth in the secret place 112 . 88 . 86 . 68 • ii5 • 58 . 18 106 Titles of Later Poems. Evened by Christ The Pastor's Call Victoria, the Queen ! Phillips Brooks Philip ScharT William C. Cattell A Memory Called in the Morning Up and At It Unite, or Die Islam Shall be Broken The Wagging World George W. Childs Aphorisms Granddaughter Dorothy The Voyagers of Vore The Old Battle The Man with the Hoe Gude Peter Boyd New Year Salutations, 189 5- 1899 PAGE 24 2 5 26 27 28 29 3° 3 2 35 37 39 43 44 48 5° 55 57 63 65 F : Bakv 3E)£ mn6 » CIII CM. E toill gtor unto f)im that is attjirst of tf)r fountain of tl)f tuatrr of life frtrln.— Rev. xxl 6. T^ROM our Redeemer's heart of grace A fount of mercy flows, Whose waters make the desert place To blossom as the rose. Ho! ye that thirst! come, ye who will! The fount is full and free : It flow' d of old, it floweth still \ It fto u 's for you and me. ii. Unsatisfied since life began. And ceasing not to crave, How oft the weary heart of man Goes thirsting to the grave ! Ho ! ye that thirst, etc. II 12 HYMNS. in. The world has many a dreary waste Where wanderers go astray : O that their parched lips might taste This brook beside the way. Ho ! ye that thirst, etc. IV. We may not go afar to find A balm that cures the soul, When near us, fever' d, halt, or blind, The healing waters roll. Ho ! ye that thirst, etc. v. Fear not to take a brimming cup, A cup with blessing rife, Of this sweet water springing up To everlasting life. Ho ! ye that thirst, etc. VI. The fount of grace will flow till time Becomes eternity, And man in his immortal prime With Christ shall ever be. Ho ! ye that thirst, etc. 1894. HYMNS. 13 CIV 6, 6, 8, 6. £ laiti nit rjotini ant) slept ; E atuakrti ; for tl)f ILortJ sustamrth mc. 1'-. iii. 5. I. LAID me down and slept: The whirl of toil and care Around me all the day had swept, And pass'd like elonds in air : A child in Love's embraces kept, I laid me down and slept. 11. I slept till morning came, The slumber of the blest : I woke, to praise the holy name Of Him who giveth rest : A bird safe-shelter' d in its nest, I slept till morning came. in. In God's appointed day. Its secret he doth keep, His voice of love will bid me lay My weary soul to sleep, Till He in heaven shall fold his sheep In his appointed day. 2 >4- i 4 HYMNS. CV 7, 6. Cfjetr £ fjcpfjrrto sfjall guitr tftrm unto fountains of toatrr of lift. Rev. vii. 17. A N ever-living fountain O'erfloweth from above ; Its source is in the mountain Of God's eternal love. There's not in all creation So wonderful a thing, For Jesus' incarnation Is its unfathom'd spring. The ever-flowing fountain That cometh from the mountain Of God's eternal love. • 11. Wherever man abideth Its healing waters run : Where'er a sinner hideth It finds the hidden one, HYMNS [ts music lias such sweetness It stills the throbbing breast, And brings it into meetni To enter heavenly rest. The ever-flowing fountain , etc. in. Immortal life it giveth, A life on earth begun, And he that drinks e'er liveth In God's beloved Son. O wondrous is the fountain That cometh from above ! It floweth from the mountain Of God's eternal love. The ever-flowing fountain , etc. 1 6 HYMNS. CVI. 13rcs5 onfoartj totoarD tl)f goal unto tfjr prtje of tfyc fjt'gf) calling of @oo in (Ctyrist 3rsus.— Phil. iii. 14. I. r^jNWARD, comrades ! move along ^^^ Higher up ! higher up ! Singing faith's triumphal song ! Higher up ! higher up ! Strike the timbrel on the way, Let the silver cornet play With the trombone night and day, Higher up ! higher up ! 11. Forward ] make no lagging stop ! Higher up ! higher up ! Aiming for the mountain top — Higher up ! higher up ! Marching while we pray and sing, Christ our Captain, Christ our King, As his banner forth we fling, Higher up ! higher up ! HYMNS. 1 7 in. Jesus gives the victor's crown, Higher up ! higher up ! Who would win may not look clown Higher up ! higher up ! Heavy-laden if we be, Nearer to the prize are we : Sooner comes the victory. Higher up ! higher up ! IV. When the gates of glory ope, Higher up ! higher up ! Full fruition crowns our hope, Higher up ! higher up ! Faith is lost in sight ; and love From our hearts will ne'er remove In the glorious realm above, Higher up ! higher up ! 1893- 2* 1 8 HYMNS. CVII 7) 5. Sartimaeus, a 6ltnti bnjgar, fooaa sitting bg tfjr foaDsitif.— Mark x, 46. w HAT, O friends, has come about? Why do all the people shout ? "Jesus Christ the Nazarene, He is going by !" 11. Blessed news is this I hear ! To the Master take me near, Jesus Christ the Nazarene, As he goeth by. ill. O that I could look upon Him who raised the widow's son, Jesus Christ the Nazarene : Would he pass me by ? HYMNS. 19 IV Nay ! I will not hold my peace Till the Master bid me eea>e : Jesus Christ the Xazarene, Do not pass me by ! Jesus ! poor and blind am I . Son of David, hear my cry ! Jesus Christ the Xazarene, Canst thou pass me by ? VI. What would I receive, O Lord ? Help, according to thy word : Jesus Christ the Xazarene, Wilt thou pass me by ? VII. Let mine eyes their sight receive : Lord ! thy word I do believe : Jesus Christ the X'azarene Will not pass me by ! VIII. Praise the Lord ! He gives me sight, And my soul is full of light ! Jesu> Christ the X'azarene Did not pass me by ! so HYMNS. CVIII 7, 6. STfjrg Bfjall be mint, saitf) tFjc Eorti of rjosts, tn tfje Tjag trjat I Ho make, tfam a ptrultar treasure. — Mai. iii. 17. I. f ORD ! thy peculiar treasure "^ Thou makest them to be Who find their chiefest pleasure In glorifying thee. Thine own peculiar treasure Thou makest the??i to be. 11. For thou dost hear from heaven Thy children while they walk Together morn and even, And of thy mercies talk. Thine own peculiar treasure, etc. in. God-loving and God-fearing, In brotherhood they dwell, HYMNS. 21 While, one another cheering, Thy faith fulness they tell. Thine own peculiar treasure y etc. IV. For all who bear thy semblance And venerate thy name, The Book of thy remembrance Will crown with holy fame. Thine own peculiar treasure, etc. 1894 22 HYMNS. CIX CM. ILtft up gour fjcafcs, © ge gates; antJ the &tnc$ of cjlorg sfiall come in. — Ps. xxxiv. 7. AWAKE, O North ! arise, O South ! Together lift the voice : Ye East and West ! with tuneful mouth Before the Lord rejoice ! Lift up the golden gates ! The King, The King of glory comes! II. His sons and daughters from afar Come in a joyful throng, Led heavenward by the Eastern star, And sing the angels' song. Lift up the golden gates, etc. in. The holy church of God is clad In beautiful array, And waiting multitudes are glad To hail the glorious day. Lift it p the golden gates, etc. HYMNS. _\; IV. The wrong shall fall before the right, Imprison 'd minds go free : The Sun of truth send forth the light That makes the blind to see. Lift up the golden gates, etc. v. For Christ the conqueror comes again, And Satan shall be bound Forever, and all tribes of men Will dwell on holy ground. Lift up the golden gates, etc. VI. The everlasting hills will shout To echoing vales below That Jesus Christ hath put to rout The armies of the foe. Lift up the golden gates, ete. VII. O world redeem' d ! His praises sing, The Vanquisher of sin ! Lift up the golden gates! The King Of glory cometh in ! Lift up the golden gates, ete. 1S94. 24 HYMNS. CX 7, 6. £rt mg jFatfjcr's fjouse arc many, mansions.— John xiv. 2. I. r\ WHERE is God my Maker, ^^^ Who giveth songs at night? May I become partaker Of pardon, peace, and light? Among his many mansions Is there a place for me f II. I seek, but do not find him ; I cry, he makes no sign : O will he cast behind him A helpless soul like mine ? Among his many mansions Is there a place for me f in. 'Twas of his wise decreeing, In his own chosen hour, HYMNS. 25 He gave my soul its being, The breathing of his power. Among his many mansions Is tlw re a place for vi IV. Is he in far-off regions ( )n his majestic seat, Amid angelic legions Awaiting at his feet 5 Among his many mansions /s there a place joy met v. May I. a trembling mortal Repentant of his sin, Look upward to its portal And wish I were therein ? Among his many mansions Is t lie re a place for me f VI. O blest transfiguration ! There is the form of One In garments of salvation, Jehovah in his Son ! Among his many mansions '/'here is a place for me J 26 HYMNS. VII. How tender is his pity! How wonderful the grace, That in his holy city For me there is a place ! Among his many mansions There is a place for me ! VIII. It comes without a warning, The joy, the peace, the rest ! The everlasting morning Of heaven is in my breast. Among his many mansions There is a place for me ! 1894. HYMNS. 27 CXI C. M. £0 ijc bringrtli tfjrm unto tfor liatoru totjrrr tfjcn tooulo br. l's. cvii. 30. I. A IV bark is sailing o'er the sea; " Its Master is the Lord ; And though He is not seen by me, I know he is aboard. 11. My craft is going to a land That seemeth far away, And yet it may be nigh at hand And reach' d within a day. in. I take my bearings by the sun, The Sun of righteousnes And as I for the haven run My way to heaven I press. 28 HYMNS. IV. The course is laid out on the chart That marks each rock and shoal If I obey it from the start I cannot wreck my soul. v. The word of God my compass is, And it is always true : I need no other guide than this To take my vessel through. VI. The gales may blow, the billows rise, And deep her bows may dip. No storm can make the craft capsize With Him aboard the ship. VII. When I shall reach my anchoring-place And step upon the shore, Then I shall see my Captain's face And praise him evermore. 1894. HYMNS. 29 CXII S. M. Zbtrt sfionr rount) about l)im a ltgt)t out of traorn.— Acts ix. ;,. I. J" S heaven far away ? Is this a mere perhaps? Some enter Paradise to-day ; Years may for others lapse. ii. Is heaven so very far We never see the light Of our Redeemer's natal star That shone by day and night? in. May heaven not shine within The heart by gracious deeds? By loving word the >oul to win, By help in human needs ? 3 o HYMNS. IV. Is not the sweetest bliss The presence of our Lord? Has heaven a higher joy than this Among its pleasures stored? v. Is this unknown by all Who still on earth abide? May not its overflowings fall From heaven's hither side ? VI. But have we faith to take God's promise in our grip, The truth our holy Saviour spake Fast holding lest it slip? VII. Have we the hope that sings Anticipation's song ? Have we the love that alwa3*s brings The peace of God along? VIII. No tear has he to shed Who near the entrance waits, A halo gathering round his head From glory's opening gates. 1895- HYMNS. CXIII S. M. Canst thou on Brarrliing finti out Goo ?— Job xi. 7. /^AN mortal man behold ^^ His Maker face to face? Can he the mystery unfold Of God's unfathom'd grace? 11. Mid starry hosts serene, Perchance the eartli appears A glimmering speck, by angels seen From their resplendent spheres : in. And yet for man of earth The eternal Lord of all Became a man of humble birth To save a world SO small: 32 HYMNS. IV. Unending, unbegun, His day eternity, His gracious work of love was done In years of man but three ! v. The God, for man he wrought: The man, he died for man ! The heavenly angels, wonder-fraught, Can ne'er the mystery span: VI. That hidden mystery, The marvel of all time, Enigma of all history, God's secret most sublime! 1895. HYMNS. 33 CXIV CM. JL]t satS unto tf)f sra, nrarr, be still. 3nTj ttjc taint) rrasrrj, antJ tt)frr uj.15 a great ralin.— Mark iv. 59. I. \ SABBATH calm is on the sea, x *- Almost a sea at rot : The bird of peace it brings to me To nestle in my breast. 11. The din of life is far away, And far away its care, While silent zephyrs round me play As children of the air. in. The crinkled waves like sunlit gems Flash out in rainbow dyes, As though a shower of diadems Had fallen from the skies. 34 HYMNS. IV. A rippling sound, now far, now near, Like whispering voices seems, A music on the slumbering ear In pleasant morning dreams. V. The heavenly rest, the heavenly thought, Seem holier by the sea ; As 'twere with Jesus we are brought To sit by Galilee. VI. 'Tis good to pitch a tent of rest On mountain-top or shore When He vouchsafes to manifest Himself within its door. VII. Yet 'tis on holy ground we stand Wherever Jesus is : O'er every sea and every land Imperial right is his. X&J5. HYMNS. 35 CXV 7. 6. if it tDtll tuitl) ttir rtitlD ? . . . £t is well [— 2 Kings iv. 26. I. (~* OD gave, and he hath taken ^-^ Away a precious gift : Yet we are not forsaken. Though unto him we lift An eye bedimm'd by sorrow. A heart in all its pain : The light will come to-morrow, The rainbow after rain. 11. Poor is the life that never Hath sorrow in its lot : There's something lost forever To him who hath it not. A gracious interleaving Within our book of days Of moments sad with grieving Gives many years of praise. 36 HYMNS. in. How heavenly the blending Of hues that never fade, Beyond all comprehending, In chasten' d hearts inlaid: An eye-entrancing lustre That glorifies the tomb : A midnight starry cluster Transfiguring its gloom. IV. In sorijDw's chair reclining, Why wrap in robes of woe? Why shrink from the refining That makes the silver glow? "Lo! I am with you alway!" The very word of God To light the darken' d hallway Where silent death hath trod. i8 95 . J/V.UjYS. 37 CXVI S. M. Zkt 2.oro Goo formrt) man of tl)f frust.— Gen. n. 7. /^OD touch 'd the dust of earth. ^^ And man before him lay, All-perfect in his marvellous birth, Yet lifeless as the claw II. God breathed upon the dust, And man uplifted stood Before the Holy and the Just, In His similitude. in. A help-meet for the man God form'd, of beauteous mould: In sinless Eden home began Mid blessings manifold. IV. A bright, unsullied world Their peaceful dwelling-place, With birds that sang and brooks that purl'd And flowers of heavenly grace. 4 38 HYMNS. v. Fulness of perfect life, A home in Paradise, No fear nor care, no pain nor strife, — Why should not these suffice? VI. Enrobed in innocence, The Father- God their friend, Their joy, their shield, their providence,— Could evil yet impend? VII. They sinn'd! They sought to hide, Low crouching in their fear : How guiltily they stood aside When God, the Lord, drew near! VIII. The voice of mercy spake, And craven fear was hush'd: The man shall live for Jesus' sake, The serpent shall be crush'd! IX. The world was lost in them: In Christ the world is found: Resplendent is the diadem Wherewith our Lord is crown' d! 189s. HYMNS. 39 CXVII CM. P. JMopr m &ofc, for C stjall jjrt praise j^im.- Pb. xhi. 12. I. f~\ SOUL by fire and tempest tried, By shattering of thy tower, Amid the ruins sitting down As one despoil' d of power, Hope thou in God, and help will come In faith's submissive hour. 11. The Lord Jehovah ever reigns ! When troubles round thee swarm Beneath the canopy of love He'll shield thy trembling form. Hope thou in God ! His whisper' d word Can still the wildest storm. 1896. 4o HYMNS. CXVIII 7, 5. $\$foi ti)f soot) figtlt of ti)£ fatti).— 1 Tim. vL 12. I. COLDIERS of the cross are we; Christ our Captain is : With the triple panoply, Faith, and hope, and charity, We must win the victory ; Be the glory his ! 11. Not a time for idle play : Lifelong is the war ; Ever seeking for his prey, Satan keeps no holiday : Onward, soldiers ! to the fray, Forward evermore ! in. Christ our King ! the battle cry Ringeth o'er the field; HYMNS. 41 While our Captain's watchful eye I.ooks Upon US from on high, Will a comrade basely fly, Will a warrior yield? IV. In his holy name we fight ( '..linst a wily foe : Jesus keeps each man in sight; To the weak he giveth might : Angels from the heavenly height With us strike the blow. v. In this war we cannot fail While the Lord is King ; Though satanic foes assail. Who against us can prevail When the gospel's triple mail Round our souls we fling? 1896. 42 HYMNS. CXIX 8, 7. ILrarn tofiat tfjis mranctl), I Ursirr merrg, anti not sacrifice. Matt. ix. 13. TVTOT the cross, but Christ the bearer Of our sin, the Lord supreme: Not the vestment, but the wearer Of the coat without a seam. 11. Not the bread in sorrow broken, Not the wine by him outpour' d, But the meaning of the token In remembrance of our Lord. ill. Not the garden, but the crying When on him the anguish lay : Not the thorns, but him who, dying, Took the sting of death away. IV. Not the tomb, but the upcoming From the crypt to glory's crown, In his resurrection summing Promises from Eden down. HYMNS. 43 v. Not to priest to make confession, But to God in Christ alone: Not through Mary's intercession, But through him on mercy's throne. VI. Not the decorated temple Where our Lord is not within : Not the Christ as mere ensample, But atoner for our sin. VII. Not the shell without the kernel ; Not the tongue without the heart ; Not the fairest garb external That conceals a poison' d dart. VIII. Not the cover, but the hidden ; Not the semblance, but the fact : Truth reveals itself unbidden Through unstudied word or act. IX. Not to man for his own merit Is thy saving mercy shown : Holy Father, Son and Spirit, All the glory is thine own ! ,897. 44 HYMNS. CXX 7 's 2Tfje ILortJ sijall gibt tfjrc test.— Isa. xiv. 3. I. T IE thee down and rest, my soul ; -^ Be thou comforted and still : If around thee troubles roll Let them come as God may will. 11. Though the world is in unrest, Come by fault or come by lot, Why should sorrow be thy guest If thy sin invite it not? in. Every thing that comes is right When by God it hath been sent L,ie thee still throughout the night ; Wake to-morrow in content. HYMNS. 45 IV. If thou be of hope bereft, To thy Saviour lift thy cry ; Hide thee in the rocky cleft Till the raging storm goes by. v. 'Neath the shadow of his hand To the rock of promise cling : He who hath supreme command, Is he not thy Lord and King? VI. Will he let thee stand and wait, Soul repentant of thy sin? Drop thy burden at the gate ; Knock, and thou shalt enter in. 1898. 46 HYMNS. CXXI 8, 7, 4, 7. Z\)t Junonrss of (Goo our £ atoiour ano rjis lobe tofooaro man, arroros ing to tjis mcrrg i)e sabeU us.— Titus iii. 5. T PRAISE the Lord that I do stand Of all my guilt acquitted; That under seal with his own hand He hath my sins remitted. I am assured Of peace secured Through him, my Lord and Saviour. 11. 'Tis not by righteous works I've done, Nor aught of my own merit : 'Tis only through the Father's Son That I shall heaven inherit. His title-deed Is all I need. Through him, my Lord and Saviour. HYMNS. 47 in. When I was bankrupt and was lost, And gold I had not any, He paid my debts and every cost, It matter' d not how many. From penalty Now I am free Through him, my Lord and Saviour. IV. Where'er refreshing waters flow. His gracious hand doth lead me, And where the verdant pastures ^row His providence doth feed me, Whom he will keep With all his sheep, My blessed Lord and Saviour. v. O how I love to sjxrak his praise Without a stinted measure! Yea, I will >in^ through all my days, 'Twas all <>t his good pleasure. Below, above, I'll praise the love Of him, my Lord and Saviour. 48 HYMNS. CXXII 6, 6, 8, 8, 6. iibcni tiag foill E bless tfjce. — Ps. cxlv. 2. I. A LL days for thee, my God ; Yea, all my times be thine ; The feet with holy sandals shod, The path of peace on Sabbaths trod, On every day be mine. ii. The more my toil and care, The more I need thy grace ; The more I need to breathe the air Of heavenly love in answer' d prayer In every time and place. in. From morn to eventide, From eventide to morn, May faith and love in me abide, Thine arm my strength, thy hand my guide, Thy robe of service worn. HYMNS. 49 IV. Upon my forehead set The mark thy chosen bear, And when the tempter spreads his net, Lord Jesus ! let me not forget The sacred sign I wear. v. Mid sorrow's wintry drifts Take me beneath thv wing: If summer air from rocky rifts The over-weary head uplifts, Thine be the praise, my King. VI. On every day do Thou Thy willing servant bind With cords of love: the way or how I may not see. but trustful bow, 'Utent in soul and mind. VII. 5] ring wakens seed and root And buds and flowers appear; The autumn crowns the ripen'd shoot. And yields to man both bread and fruit So make my mission here. 5Q HYMNS. VIII. While thine each passing day, Not one lone day in seven, Lord ! teach me so to work and pray That all my steps along the way May be to thee in heaven. 1898 HYMNS. 51 CXXIII CM. 9 latoorr srt up on tlir tartf), ano tf]f top of it rrarhrtj to bravim. 1. xxviii. 12. A LADDKR linking earth and sky, And angels hovering round ; A lonely man asleep nearby Upon the stony ground. n. Away from father's sheltering tent. From loving mother's care, An eye unseen on him is bent. His father's God is there. in. The Holy Presence glorifies The night with gracious cheer: "The house of God !' the wanderer cries: "The gate of heaven is here!" 52 HYMNS. IV. Behold ! to-day a spacious stair Leads to the heavenly zone, Christ's promises the steps that bear Our prayers to Mercy's throne. v. Perchance a longing soul ma} 7 cry ' ' My Saviour ! ' ' — nothing more ; The prayer of faith ascending high Will find an open door. VI. When e'en a word were overmuch For trembling lips to say, On Jesus' garment-hem a touch Took every grief away. VII. On earth there still is many a spot No vulture's eye hath seen, Where we may come to him, with not A hindering bar between. VIII. By paths the ancient worthies trod, To us the grace be given To enter in the house of God Within the gate of heaven. ,898. HYMNS. CXXIV S, 7. Hft patirnrr fjaor its perfect uoorfc.— James i. 4. I. A FTER the storm bloweth over The grass will sparkle anew ; Though clouds above you may hover They only brighten the blue. 11. There is no virtue in worry, Xo good in picking up cares : Be calm; nor rush in a hurry, Your foot may trip unawares. in. Life's duty lieth in labour. Such as the Master will crown Go lend a hand to your neighbour, Uplift the man that is down. 5* 54 HYMNS. IV. All human praises eschewing, Let motive sanctify act : The Lord beholdeth the doing, And sifteth the fable from fact. v. Her loving heart with her giving The widow would not withhold ; The little all of her living Was more than silver or gold. VI. The quiet water in fountains Doth breed the poisons that kill : Of rushing rills from the mountains The thirsty drinks at his will. VII. At work with brain or with finger, Thy working hallow 1 d by prayer, No storm will over thee linger, The clouds will vanish in air. VIII. Away with sighing and sadness ! Grieve not the Heavenly Dove ; But up and labour with gladness In faith, in hope, and in love. i8 9 8. HYMNS. 55 CXXV 7, 7, 7. iHa^r hkr unto tf)r ion of iSoto.— Heb. vii. 3. \ [ORE like Jesus! Every day This the silent prayer to say While we pass along our way. 11. More like Jesus ! As we go Something good may we bestow, Helpful in another's woe. in. More like Jesus ! Meek and mild, Holy, harmless, undefiled. Gentle as a loving child. IV. More like Jesus! This our quest Till in mansions of the blest Perfect peace shall fill the breast. v. More like Jesus! O that all Ruin'd in the bitter fall On the name of Christ may call. ,397 56 HYMNS. CXXVI 8, 7. Come gc apart, anfc rrst afofyilr. — Mark vi. 31. TN the covert of his presence, 'Neath his overshading wing, We abide in heavenly pleasance While apart with Christ our King. 11. Far away the cares that madden, Far the world's perturbing din, God the Comforter doth gladden Souls that crave his peace within. in. Musing in serenest quiet, Hallow 'd by unspoken prayer, Undisturb'd by passion's riot, Christ our Lord is with us there. HYMNS. 57 IV. Sweet the time of holy resting With the peace of God endued, Not a doubt the mind molesting In its gracious quietude. v. Can the soul be sad or lonely In the company of Christ, Looking to him, and him only, Keeping with him faithful tryst? VI. Blest his servants when partaking Rest with him at his behest, Banquet of their Master's making, He himself both Lord and guest! VII. After rest in cool oases, After sitting at his board, On we travel in the traces Of the footprints of our Lord. 1898. 58 HYMNS. CXXVII CM. Not rjabing mine o&cn righteousness, fcut trjat forjicf) is tbrougrj tfje fattfj of (Efjrist.— Phil, iii. 9. ,r ~ ^IS not by righteousness mine own The crown of life is won : My hope is fix'd on him alone, God's well-beloved Son. ' Tis only by the grace of Christ That I am holding on. 11. I dare not take a staff that fails Just when my need is great, Nor trust a leaky boat when gales Rush through the tempest gate. ill. Without an anchor that can reach The ocean's hidden floor, My bark will strike the rocky beach Or founder far from shore. HYMNS. 59 IV. I cannot spread a wing so swift That I from earth can fly, Nor raise a ladder that will lift My soul to yonder sky. V. No need to drink from turbid streams When mountain springs are near, Nor seek for visions or for dreams When Christ himself is here. VI. No wily enemy can snatch A soul that Christ doth hold: No beast of prey can ever catch The sheep within the fold. VII. 'Tis faith that climbs the mountain crest, That treads the lowly vale : Who walk with Christ have perfect rest. And peace that cannot fail. ' Tis only by the of Christ That I keep h aiding on. 1896. 6o HYMNS. CXXVIII C. M. i3rfjoltJ, mg srrbants sfjall sing for fog of rjrart. — Isaiah lxv. 19. I. /^OD'S house hath many mansions set In glorious array ; Arise, my soul ! and thither speed While singing on the way. 11. Its glory none on earth can tell, Nor art of man portray; The blissful vision cheers mine eyes While singing on the way. in. When Christ doth on my willing neck The yoke of service lay, To me it seemeth light as down While singing on the way. I/YMXS. 6 1 IV. If thunder rolls amid the clouds And lightning-flashes play, I see the glory of the Lord While singing on the way. v. When passing through the vale of pain Till the delivering day, The Morning Star will light my path While singing on the way. VI. My heart's beloved who sing in heaven Mayhap will hither stray And blend their joyful notes with mine While singing on the way. VII. Mine eye may dim, mine ear be dull, My tent be in decay. Yet God hears music in the voice That sings along the way. VIII. In his good time my soul will drop Its mantling-robe of clay. Still I would sing the psalms and hymns I sani; along the way. x^a. 6 62 HYMNS. CXXIX 7's. STfje firat cag of tf)e fofffe, toftm tor tocre gattirnti togetfjrr lo brtafc farratj. — Acts xx. 7. ^\AY of sweetness! day of rest! By our Lord and Saviour blest ! Let our lips be tuned to sing Glory unto thee, O King ! 11. In thy sacred courts we stand Bordering on the promised land : May this be thy time of power, Even this thy gracious hour ! in. Thou didst take away the gloom From the weepers at thy tomb; So do thou our eyes unseal And thy living self reveal. HYMNS. 63 IV. Joyfully may we go on Toward the land where thou hast gone To prepare for us a place In the mansions of thy grace. v. Let this Sabbath be a link In thy love's eternal chain That will bear us o'er the brink Of the world to glory's plain. VI. Day of sweetness ! day of rest ! Of the peace of God possess' d, May we feel that we have been Near to heaven, and looking in. 1898. ♦ • 64 HYMNS. CXXX P. M. ®oti sait), iLct tfjcre be Iit$t)t, ant) Hjrrc inas ligl)t. — Gen. i. 3. r^OB said, Let there be light! Light was ; and darkness fled Adown the nether eaves of night And hid its murky head : The heavenly harps with gladness rang, The sons of God rejoicing sang. 11. God spake the word of power, The earth in order stood, And man came in the destined hour, With gentle womanhood : When sin brought all the world to woe, The angels' anthems ceased to flow — in. Till shepherds heard their song, At night it came to them ; They sped with hasty feet along The way to Bethlehem : HYMNS, 65 A manger held creation's Lord, A babe by heavenly hosts adored. IV. The child grew up to man : The man was very God ! How strangely wonderful the plan, That, God in man, he trod A path of pain and loving grace To new -create a ruin'd race ! v. By wicked hands he died Beyond the city wall ; Yet he who was the Crucified Arose the Lord of all, Ascending to his glorious throne Mid splendors earth had never known. VI. The righteous God is he, Yet Lord of love and grace : He solveth every mystery In fitting time and place. Yea, all the universe shall cry, All glory be to God on high ! 1896. 6* 66 HYMNS. CXXXI , C. M. iitoer. from fbcrlastirtg to fbulastuipj, trjou art (5oi.— Ps. xc. 2. A NOTHER year begins to tread The beaten track of time ; The year agone is with the dead In silences sublime. 11. Man boasts of years of proud descent ; A breath blows him away ; None careth how he came or went Who idly spent his day. in. God spake the word, and fill'd the waste Of void with brilliant spheres ; These, in their orbits fitly placed, Revolve in measured years. HYMNS. 67 IV God was, and is, and e'er shall be ; His year is only one : He eompasseth eternity ; His equal there is none. v. His throne is universal space, And he the Lord supreme, Who stoop' d to earth to save a race None other could redeem. VI. The Christ, forespoken from the fall, Atoner for our sin, Hath made a refuge-place for all Who haste to go therein. VII. His goodness is a sum too great For man to reckon up ; And day by day on him we wait To fill our blessing-cup. 189I 68 HYMNS. CXXXII 9, 8. JJfBUB fooaB born in Setijltfjcm of Jufca-a.— Matt. ii. i. I. T^HE way to the kingdom of glory Beginneth at Bethlehem- town, Where Jesus — the marvel of story — Came, God in humanity, down. ii. The angels from heaven, beholding The sin and the sorrow of man, Sang glory to God for unfolding Redemption's most merciful plan. in. The soul by the serpent sore-bitten May look unto Jesus and live ! For thus in his word it is written, This grace 'tis his pleasure to give. HYMNS, 69 IV O come to the Lord with your sorrows, Ye wanderers whom sin has undone Come ye to the land without morrows, For Jesus is ever its sun. v. The way to the land of immortals, The path to the heavenly rest, Runs straight to the beautiful portals Adorning the home of the blest. VI. How gracious and sweet is the story That liveth in holy renown, The gate to the kingdom of glory A manger in Bethlehem-town ! 1898. 7o HYMNS. CXXXIII S. M. Bless tf)t iLorti, © mn soul, anft forget not all fjis brnrfltB. Ps. ciii. 2. I. T) LESS thou the Lord, my soul ! Praise thou his holy name ; His righteousness and love extol, His graciousness proclaim. Bless thou the Lord, my soul ! II. How vast his dwelling-place, A realm without a bound ! More wonderful the truth and grace That compass thee around. Bless thou the Lord, my soul ! in. His daily gifts to thee Are past all finding out, For like a heavenly galaxy They girdle thee about. Bless thou the Lord, my soul ! HYMNS. 71 IV. A providential thread Of guidance day by day Invisibly thy feet hath led Along the upward way. Bless thou the Lord, my soul 7 v. A bitter cup to take Hath been thy richest good ; The husk that seem'd too hard to break Did yield delicious food. Bless thou the Lord, my soul ! VI. The Lord of glory reigns Alike in storm or calm ; Whatever lot his love ordains, Sing thou a thankful psalm. Bless thou the Lord, my soul! VII. All praises be to God ! The Christ who came to die And open by the path he trod Our gateway to the sky. Bless thou the Lord, my soul 7 72 HYMNS. CXXXIV 9, 8. 33rtt*r is tije tntitng of a tiding ttjan tfce beginning.— Eccl. vii. 8. I. CHE came on the wings of the morning, The beautiful angel of light : At even she dropt her adorning And slept in the bosom of night. ii. So some little children that nested, As 'twere, in my bosom to stay, Soar'd heavenward off, till they rested In Paradise-land far away. in. Beginnings there are and conclusions, A rising and setting of stars, The visions that end in illusions, The woundings remaining as scars. HYMNS. 73 IV. Vet sorrow may be benediction, Ami tears may congeal into gems; Onr selfishness purged by affliction, Onr crosses become diadems. v. A house on the rock of salvation — Christ Jesus — forever shall stand : Who buildeth on other foundation He buildeth on treacherous sand. 1898. 74 HYMNS. CXXXV P. M. Jeaus (Christ, ti)e same gestcrtiaB, anO tostiaj), anti fjrtbtr. Heb. xiii. 8. I N the fulness of the ages, Presaged in prophetic pages, Christ the babe lay in a manger, In his world an infant stranger. II. Born in Bethlehem, the angels Sang o'er him their sweet evangels, Town the least in all Judaea From the sea to Idumaea. in. In his boyhood's morn conversing With the learned Jews, rehearsing Promises by prophets spoken, Of Jehovah's love the token. HYMNS. 75 IV. Thirty years among the lowly, Few beheld in him the Holy; Yet his mother had in keeping Many a sacred mystery sleeping. v. Years of honest, patient labour, Faithful as a son and neighbour, While a-nearing the fruition Of his gracious work and mission. VI. As the spring precedes the summer, John was Christ's ordain' d fore-comer, "Lamb of God!' to all proclaiming, Sweetest words of human framing. VII. Perfect man in form and feature, Passing every human creature, Perfect in his life and bearing, None with him in aught comparing. VIII. Voice of human voices sweetest, Tender est, grandest and completest, Yet on hypocrites 'twas thunder Striking them with speechless wonder. 76 HYMNS. IX. Where he walk'd and when he rested Miracles the Christ attested, Not the trickery of magicians, But his own divine volitions. Reprimanding mean ambition, Fearless he in admonition, Scorn for ostentatious giving, Lauding her who gave her living. XI. Infinite in comprehension, Naught too small for his attention, Mary from the Master learning, Martha for his comfort yearning. XII. Even little children blessing, His own hand their heads caressing : Woman's tears his feet bedewing, He her contrite heart renewing. XIII. Him whose life was benefaction, Grace and love in every action — They who came in faith appealing Found in Jesus balm and healing. HYMNS, 77 XIV. Words of matchless wisdom talking While with his disciples walking, Making pastures richly vernal With the seeds of truth eternal. xv. What the grace he manifested When at Jacob's well he rested, Leading frail Samaria's daughter To the well of living water ! xvi. Precious truths did he deliver On the mount, the lake, the river; From the field of nature gleaning Parables of weighty meaning. XVII. Men of craft could not entrap him, Nor in sophist-robes enwrap him ; Curses on his head they mutter' d When the truth by him was utter'd. XVIII. His the master-key unlocking Secrets dee]) that had been mocking Man from time of the creation Till he brought the revelation. - 78 HYMNS. XIX. Sparrows had a place of nesting, Foxes had their holes for resting, Oft had he no couch when weary, Nor a home while faint and dreary. xx. Mount of the Transfiguration ! Angels giving ministration, To foreshow his heavenly glory E'en in visions transitory. XXI. O how tender every saying ! O how comforting his praying ! O the touching words he speaketh While his Father's aid he seeketh ! XXII. After glory comes the sorrow ! Ah the terrible to-morrow ! With the twelve to-night he meeteth, At the paschal feast he eateth. XXIII. Giving thanks, the bread is broken And the wine outpour' d, in token That he gave his life for many, Of them all not losing any. HYMNS, 79 XXIV. In Gethsemane he kneeleth, And as man to God appealeth: Angels hasten while he pleadeth, Bringing strength his manhood needeth. XXV. Ah. the Christ when God forsaken ! Him who on himself had taken Every sinner's ill-deserving Whom he loved with love unswerving. XXVI. Son of God, by man rejected. As an outlaw unprotected: Son of man, with grief acquainted, Treated as a wretch attainted. XXVII. Stung by treachery and denial, In his hour of sorest trial Not a friend is there beside him While the rabid crowds deride him. XXVIII. Mockery's purple robe around him, Blood-enerimson'd thorns encrown'd him : Spat on, scourged, and evil treated. All his words by jeerings greeted. 8o HYMNS. XXIX. Doom'd by cruel foes to anguish, Jew and Roman made him languish On a hill beyond the city, Torture winning not their pity. XXX. Rude the cross whereon they nail him ; By the hands and feet impale him : Through his flesh the spikes are driven, By the spear his heart is riven. XXXI. Two there are beside him dying, One believing, one decrying ; One to Paradise uprising ; One the Lord of life despising. XXXII. In slow agony he dieth : Hark ! the man in Jesus crieth, While the earth and skies are shaken, ' ' Father ! why am I ' forsaken ? ' ' XXXIII. Lo ! the sun forbears its shining, To the darkest night declining, Mighty rocks in fragments rending As if earth itself were ending. HYMNS. 81 XXXIV. Now in consternation flying Sec the crowds, who mock'd him dying, In their ear< a judgment ringing, Curses on their nation bringing. xxxv. In the crypt of Joseph slumbering, N >t a care his bosom cumbering, Christ hath fully wrought redemption, All is done without exemption. xxxvi. Stifling grief by love's devices, Holy women came with spices In the dusk of first-day morning When the early light was dawning. XXXVII. Open was the rock-hewn prison, Christ the Conqueror had arisen: Who could forge a chain to hold him When Almighty Arms enfold him? XXXVIII. When its grasp had fail'd forever Death had tried its last endeavour ; Powers of earth nor powers infernal Could eclipse the Sun eternal. 82 HYMNS. XXXIX. Strange for human comprehension, From the Mount of the Ascension His beloved with wondering vision Saw him rise to realms elysian. XL. Not to mortal heart 'twas given To conceive the joy in heaven When the Christ in God ascended By angelic crowds attended. xli. Earth heard not the jubilant voicings, The seraphic host's rejoicings, When in worlds of space unbounded Praises to the Lord resounded. XLII. Yet in records everlasting, Of our holy Lord's forecasting, All may read the marvellous story Of his wondrous love and glory. xliii. This the man, perfection's highest ! This the God whom thou deniest, Soul the lost, if thou remainest In thy sin, and him disdainest. HYMNS. 83 XLIV. Lean not thou on thy behaviour In the stead of Christ thy Saviour, On him be thy sole reliance, With him be thy heart's affiance. xlv. Glory be to God eternal ! Over all the King supernal ! Holy Father, Son and Spirit, By thy grace we heaven inherit. 84* HYMNS. CXXXVI. .... 7's. 5 am \\\i gootj r thou art the Sovereign God. 1899. 86* HYMNS. CXXXVII CM. 5t tB (goto, ttjat saiti, ILtgtjt stall sfjtnr out of fcarktuss, infto sf)t'ntl> in our tirarts.— 2 Cor. iv. 6. I. '"PHERE'S sunshine on the other side, Though dark the clouds to-day, And fogs the flowery landscape hide, And birds have flown away. 11. Betimes the chilling storm will pass, The howling tempest cease, And o'er the fields of glistening grass Will shine the bow of peace. in. As flowers give out their sweetness through The sunshine after rain, The word of God gives comfort to A bosom in its pain. HYMNS. *87 IV. The joy of joys beneath the sky His sunshine in the soul, A boon that rubies ne'er can buy, No language can extol. v. It gives a beauty to the face Beyond the reach of art, The smile of heavenly love, a grace Without a counterpart. VI. It wears the signet after death, A grace forever given ; It fails not with the parting breath, For 'tis the badge of heaven. i*99- 88* HYMNS. CXXXVIII io's. Bratf) sftall bt no moir, nntrjrr srjall trjrrr or mourning, nor rrrjing, nor pain, ann morr. — Rev. xxi. 4. 'T^HE night is past, the morn of joy hath come ; The desert cross' d, the weary is at home: His armour taken off, the battle o'er, The victor's crown is his forevermore. 11. No more a chair unfill'd beside his own, No more the absence of a gentle tone, No missing of a footfall sweet to hear Nor smile of love that tinted life with cheer. in. The ticking of the clock of time foretold That earth was slipping from his passive hold : Above her changing sunniness and gloom A light was coming from beyond the tomb. HYMNS. *8o. IV. Were not his own beloved ones at the gate That giveth entrance to the blessed state ? And but a step between him and the place Where he shall see his Saviour face to face ! v. His heaven began ere he had enter'd there; He often found his Lord in musing prayer; But now a glory on his pathway lay. The glory sent to light the pilgrim's way. VI. No darkness where the Lord of glory is, The Christ who gave His mortal life for his! O earth, how short thy day of toil and pain ! O heaven, how vast the soul's eternal gain! ^9- 1 >♦/ • 9 o* HYMNS. CXXXIX 7's. let us not be toearn. in foelUootng; for in Due season tut sijall reap, if toe faint not.— Gal. vi. 9. I. lWT ASTER ! bid me rest awhile ; I have journey' d many a mile O'er a dark and toilsome way; May I rest awhile to-day? 11. Long I've known 'tis good for me Patiently to follow thee: Pardon me when I forget That my way by thee is set. III. Thornier paths by thee were trod, Thou the sinless Son of God ; Should I then cast down my load While I tread an easier road? HYMNS. *9i IV. Lord ! thy gracious voice I hear : 1 ' Weary child ! be this thy cheer, Thou art ever in my sight, Even in the darkest night. v. Mine thy burden ! bear it on Till thy time of rest shall dawn : Light as morning's lightest beam Shall my yoke of service seem." VI. Rise, my soul ! whate'er thy lot, Stand therein, and fear it not: Ever go where Jesus leads : He provides for all thy needs. 1899. &&*£& 92* HYMNS. CXL 7, 7, 7- f^e stjall gibe gou another Comforter, trjat f)r man bf fcottfj gou fors rfacr, rbrn tfjc Spirit of Crutrj.— John xiv. 16. TTOLY Spirit! But for Thee What were man? A barren tree On the brink of Sodom's sea. ii. Holy Spirit! Thou the root Whence the trees of healing shoot, Yielding an immortal fruit. in. Holy Spirit ! Comforter ! Thou dost on the soul confer Richer gifts than gold or myrrh. IV. Holy Spirit ! By thee taught, Sinful man to Christ is brought: None can turn thy work to naught. HYMNS. *93 v. Holy Spirit! God of power! On the church thy blessings shower, So that every plant shall flower. VI. Holy Spirit ! God of ^race ! Lighten every darken' d place Where abides the fallen race. VII. Holy Spirit ! Glory be To the Father, Son, and Thee, God in wondrous trinity. 1899. 94* HYMNS. CXLI L. M. tf)f ligrjt of tfje morning forjtn tfje sun rtsrtfj, a morning fcnttftout rlouos. — 2 Sam. xxiii. 4. I. A RAY of sunshine on the way, A face of sunshine every day Will scatter all the clouds that loom, And bring a paradise of bloom. 11. Beside the hearth and in the street, Let whomsoever we may meet, Of all degrees, in freeness share The fragrance floating in the air. in. Some patient woman, sighing sore For early days that come no more, Some weary man, may catch the grace That glorifies the smiling face. HYMNS. *95 IV. If there be darkness in the lane, A turn may show a sunny plain; The quicken'd eye in glancing o'er Will beauty see unseen before. A gracious act may be the key That fits the lock of mystery, Wherein are treasures stored away For all who sow and toil and pray VI. The seeds of loving- kindness sown, Alike in home or highway strown, Will grow e'en while the sowers sleep; The harvest many a heart will reap. VII. True, storms may break in every life, When good and evil meet in strife ; Yet in love's potency he stands Whose hand is in the Saviour's hands. 1899. 96* HYMNS. CXLII CM. ffie tftat sattf) \\t abitirtf) in ^iiim outjbt fjimsdf also to foalft ruen as $e tnalfuO.— i John ii. 6. I. OHALL we not walk as Jesus walk'd Mid wanderers in their woe? Shall we not talk as Jesus talk'd While in his paths we go? n. It needeth but the glowing coal To warm a cheerless room : One seed of truth dropt in a soul May bring immortal bloom. in, The friendly word ingrain 'd with love Hope's kindling spark may be; Go, speak the word, and it may prove A boon likewise to thee. HYMNS. *97 IV. A bitter word may sting a heart As long as it shall live: And he who spake may feel the smart Too late to cry ' ' Forgive ! ' ' v. A kindly greeting to the poor Ennobles him who bends ; Who lays a gift at sorrow's door To Christ his Master lends. VI. 'Tis Christ, whose love is over all, Who came the lost to find : Not one so humble nor so small He beareth not in mind. VII. Perchance no other world afar Has dropt from heavenly bliss, Nor Christ hath done for any star What Jesus did for this. 1899. 9 8* HYMNS. CXLIII CM. ffit indinrtJ unto mr, ano fjrarTj mg rrn. fEjf orougijt mr up alao out of a tjorrible pit. — Psalm xl. i, 2. A WANDERER drowning in a pit, The water near the brim : Shall we not help him out of it, And save a man in him? 11. A hapless one hath fallen low : Whose hand will lift her up, And save her from the utter woe That's hidden in her cup? in. Is there a child that may not see The right way from the wrong : May not that child be train' d to be One of the angel-throng? HYMNS. *99 IV Is there a man whose locks are gray, Whose soul is black with sin: I- there no hope for him to-day? Why not invite him in? v. There is a gracious, pitying One Who came to seek the lost; 'Twas even God's beloved Son Whose life their ransom cost ! VI. Shall it not be our daily care To follow where he leads, And with our blessed Master bear A cup for sorrow's needs? 1899. ioo* HYMNS. CXLIV CM. £2Et*tf)« tfjou rrfusc, or toi]rtrjfr ttjou rfioosf.— Job xxxiv. 33. C\& threads of gold our passing years ^-~^ May be with jewels strung, A galaxy of brilliant spheres By hands angelic swung. II. Our days may be as thorns that grow Along a stony lane, And sting the feet that to and fro Must walk the path of pain. in. Man makes his portion what he will, For better or for worse : He chooses happiness or ill, The blessing or the curse. //y.vxs. *ioi IV For thirty pieces in his hand The traitor sold his Lord: He scorch' d his heart as with a brand, He died the death abhorr'd. v. Her little all the widow cast Within the treasury -chest ; Her name, unknown, to heaven was pass'd As one by Jesus blest. VI. All they who sit at Jesus' feet And strive to serve him well, Will surely more acceptance meet Than man in cloister' d cell. 1899. . flg^': s - ■ t) io2* HYMNS. CXLV CM. JFrom ^salin xviii. I. T LOVE the Lord : he is my shield, My God in whom I trust, A buckler and a refuge tower For man, the child of dust. ii. Yea, in the dark and dreadful hour Jehovah was my stay: Delivering me from cruel men, He open'd up my way. III. Around me were the snares of death, Destruction's flood was near; The underworld encompass' d me And struck my soul with fear. IV. I call'd on God in my distress, My voice arose on high ; He heard me from his royal seat, And listen' d to my cry. HYMNS. *io3 v. The heavens he bow'd, and he came down, Thick darkness 'neath his feet; A.S on a cherub he did fly, No wings of wind so fleet. VI. Jehovah thunder' d in the heavens, The Highest spake aloud: The hailstones o'er the earth were driven, His lightnings rent the cloud. VII. He shot his fiery arrows forth, And routed every foe : The deep foundations of the earth Were bared to depths below. VIII. He p'd me from the watery deep, Prom enemies nearby Who hated me, and in their power Were mightier than I. IX. Except Jehovah, who is God? ( )r who but God my rock ? He girdeth me with strength to bear The mightiest foeman's shock. ....... 104* HYMNS. CXLVI C. M. Jfrom ^salm xc. /^\UR refuge in all ages Thou Before the earth was born, From everlasting thou art God, Ere time's remotest morn. II. A thousand years are in thy sight But as a yesterday When it is gone, or as a watch Departs with night away. in. Thou sweepest man as with a flood ; They fall asleep, and pass ; At morn they grow, at eventide They wither as the grass. HYMNS. -105 IV. But threescore years and ten our life Or if fourscore they be, Yet at their best they're empty toil, And swift away we flee. v. Teach us to measure all our days : So we in wisdom's path May sing for joy, O Lord ! for thou Hast turn'd away thy wrath. io6* HYMNS. CXLVII L. It Jfrom JSsalm xci. 1. w HO dwelleth in the secret place Of Him most high, the Lord of grace, Shall bide beneath his shadowing arm, A shelter-place from every harm. ii. My refuge and my fortress thou, My God, to whom I trustful bow, From pestilence and fowler's snare Wilt keep me with a father's care. in. Beneath the pinions of his wings, My refuge he from evil things ; His truth my shield and buckler too, I will not fear what foes can do. HYMNS. -107 IV Nor fear the terrors of the dark, Nor arrow flying to its mark, Nor plague that prowleth in the night, Nor sickness in the noonday light. v. The Lord will give his angels charge To keep thee in thy walks at large ; And safely bear thee as his own, Nor let thv foot dash on a stone. VI. Because his love is set on Me, Saith God, I'll lift him high, for he Doth know my name, and he shall cry, And I will not his prayers deny. VII. I will deliver nim, and give Xot only length of days to live, But he in holy paths shall And I will my salvation show. io8* HYMNS, CXLVIII CM. JFrom ^salm xcviii. f~\ SING a new song to the Lord! ^^^ Who marvellous things hath done His own right hand and holy arm The victory hath won. ii. For his salvation he hath shown In every nation's sight: He hath reveal' d his righteousness In characters of light. in. To Israel his grace and truth Borne in his mind have been The utmost ends of all the earth Have his salvation seen. HYMNS. *io9 IV. Shout to Jehovah, all the earth ! Break forth with joy and sing ! Sing praises with the voice and harp Before our Lord and King. v. Let oceans roar, and let the world And all its living throng, With all the rivers, clap their hands, While mountains join the song. VI. Let all rejoice before the Lord, Who comes with righteousness To judge the world: his equity All peoples shall confess. 1899. 10 no HYMNS. ONE LORD, ONE FAITH. CXLIX. OUT one in faith, if not in form, The church of God must be ; Like Jesus 1 bosom, ever warm With truth and charity. We have not yet anointed eyes, Our sight is dim and short ; We cannot pierce the upper skies Bevond the outer court. A glance may show the form of man, The shading of his face ; But in his soul what eye can scan The work of saving grace? //y.i/.vs. in We know not how the Spirit's breath Hath moved on him within. And brought to Life - >ul from death And cleansed away its sin. As it may list the wind doth blow : Then need we question why Or when the soul begins to go Its journey to the sky. Who loves the Lord whom we adore, He hath a brother's claim To stand with us on mercy's floor And praise His blessed name. All marching to the home above, Our Leader full in view, The church together bound in love. Will all her foes subdue. 1899. ii2 HYMNS. TWENTY-THIRD PSALM. HPHE Lord is my shepherd: Xo want shall I know : He makes me lie down Where the green pastures grow. By rest-giving waters He leadeth my feet, Refreshing my soul With promises sweet. In paths of the righteous He guideth my way For the sake of His Name, And I shall not stray. E'en though in death's valley I walk through the shade, Yet while Thou art with me I am not afraid. //) WXS. 113 Thy rod and Thy staff, They comfort me still, Defending my soul From all that is ill. A bountiful table r. :< ore me is spread, Despite of my foes By enmity led. My head is anointed With unction of grace: My cup runneth OYer With blessings apace. Both goodness and mercy Shall follow my days, And eYer I'll dwell In the house of Thy praise. 1899. 10* ii 4 HYMNS. FIFTY-FIRST PSALM. 12, II, 10. T7ROM the end of the earth " Unto Thee will I call; Attend to my prayer ; Lord ! hear my cry. When my heart is o'erwhelmed, And afflictions befall, Lead me to the Rock That is higher than I. As a refuge of strength Unto me Thou hast been, A tower unshaken, Protecting from foes. In Thy tent is my dwelling ; Safe sheltered therein, My covert Thy wings, How sweet my repose ! 1899. HYMNS. n.s FROM ISAIAH XXVI. . . . C. M. T^HOr keepest him in perfect peace Whose mind on Thee isstay'd: Because he trusteth in the Lord IK shall not be afraid. Trust ye forever in the Lord! The Rock of Ages! all Who trust in Him a refuge find When raging storms appall. The lofty one- He bringeth down: The city of their trust He layeth low, e'en to the ground, And makes it as the dust. n6 HYMNS. Lord ! when Thy hand is lifted up The wicked will not see : They shall behold, and be ashamed Before Thy majesty. The just will walk in righteous ways, For Thou that upright art Directest all the steps of him Who trusts Thee in his heart. Enter thy chambers, saith the Lord, And make the shutters fast, And hide thee for a little time Till wrath be overpast. 1899. HYMNS. 117 CXLIX 8, 7 . Confrasional Doiologg. T BELIEVE in God the Father, . I believe in God the Son, I believe in God the Spirit : Lord Jehovah ! Three in one. Him, whose word begat creation: Him, who for the fallen died; Him, the sealer of salvation, By whom man is sanctified. All the universe his dwelling, From the depths to heights above ; Every world his glory telling, God of Right and Truth and Love ! 1899. v ■ Batzv (poeme* EVENED BY CHRIST. COME things in this world Seem tangled and mix'd, The threads of a skein All knotted betwixt: And how to unravel them Who can portend ? Yet all will be even'd By Christ in the end. There are wiser than kings Though not on a throne : There are greater than queens, Uncrown* d and unknown: The high may he honour' d. The low be contemn' d, Still all will be even'd By Christ in the end. ti9 i2o POEMS. With luxury's trappings The proud are begirt ; While others are spatter' d With squalor and dirt, The spiritless creatures That have not a friend Yet all will be even'd By Christ in the end. A glorified angel May sleep in that child, The girl that is barefoot, Dishevell'd, and wild: O for a mother This lambkin to tend ! But all will be even'd By Christ in the end. A hero immortal, To rank with the great, May hide in that Arab Who plays at your gate O men ! to the rescue ! Like Christ condescend : Know all will be even'd By Him in the end. POEMS. . 121 Ye servants of Jesus, The Crucified One ! With smoke on the glass Eclipse not the Sun, Nor seek to interpret What none comprehend, For all will be even'd By Him in the end. High critics ! who cut With a double-edge knife, In trimming the Bible Ye peril its life. God's message to man Has He call'd you to mend? Know all will be even'd By Him in the end. Ye hoarders of millions ! How much have ye given As tokens of gladness For treasure in heaven? Forget not the widow, That Christ did commend, For all will be even'd By Him in the end. n 122 . POEMS. Ye children of Anak, Who trample on all, And crush out the weaker To gain by their fall, A time of accounting Doth surely impend, When all will be even'd By Christ in the end. Profaners of Sabbaths, Misleaders of youth, Who polish a lie Till it shines like a truth, Why deaden the conscience By poisons ye vend? Know all will be even'd By Christ in the end. Ye rulers who sit In the lawgiver's chair, And wink at a bribe With a sinister air, The ermine of justice In vain do ye rend, For all will be even'd By Christ in the end. POEMS. 123 Remember the Christ That hallow 'd the earth, The One that was scorn'd As of Nazarene birth ; Betimes to His teachirj And warnings attend, For all will be even'd By Him in the end. In the moment uncertain Fast coming" to all, When the trump of the angel Shall ring out its call, Who then with Jehovah Will dare to contend? For all will be even'd Bv Him in the end. 124 POEMS. THE PASTOR'S CALL. " /^OD bless you, my brother!" The words that he said : A kiss on my forehead Was all that he gave ; And, kneeling, to Jesus He tenderly pray'd. The tempest of sorrow Was suddenly stay'd: 'Twas calm on the ocean, 'Twas light in the shade. With peace in my bosom I look'd on my dead, And hope as an angel Enhalo'd her grave. EMS, 12 VICTORIA THE QUEEN ! T~*HE queenliest of queens, — the womanly Of womanhood, — the excellent of wives, — No scroll historic of immortal lives Enshrines, queen ! a counterpart of thee. Thy brow with truth's bright diadem is crown "d ; Thy wand of power is conscience tutor' d by The Law Divine : thy purpose pure and high, For justice, faith and honour, world re- Down'd. The queen of gentle hearts through three- re years Of loving rule, thy influence benign Hath held a sway of potency sublime, Like Sirius mid the multitudes of spheres. This crowning glory. Empress-Queen ! is thine. Transcending Sheba's in her palmy prime. 1 1 126 POEMS. PHILLIPS BROOKS. ^THUS, childlike, "I am going home!" he said, And spake no more. The great, good heart lay still, The ma jest}' of death encrown'd his head, And holy silence all the room did fill. The nation's pulse, smit with a sudden chill, Beat feverish strokes that, like a midnight knell Wild pealing from the lofty -tower 'd bell, Sent through the homes of men a startling thrill. Well fill'd his part, the man of spotless fame The missioner from Jesus Christ to all, So earnest, tender, yet so nobly grand, With human heart set in a heavenly frame, At morning-dawn he heard his Father's call And homeward pass'd into his Father's land. POEMS. 127 PHILIP SCHAFF. \X7ITH Christ! . . . Xo idling time was life to thee, O friend beloved ! Thy feet right onward press'd. Snn-like, from morning east to evening west, Thou wert what man. if truth-inspired, can be. Thy walk, like Enoch's, proved thy high degree. Thy vision, grasping much, still seem'd in quest Of something higher, grander, e'en the best That God vouchsafes to our humanity. Outreaching to the far, receding days When marvellous man was in his infancy — The days of old that darken as we look — And yet alert to passing thought and ways, Thy mind became a many-languaged book, Thy life a stalwart, many- fruited tree. 128 POEMS. WILLIAM C. CATTELL. A FRUITFUL life of deeds not born to die, Of wise beginnings brought to full fruition, His works remain as a perpetual mission To humankind while tides of time flow by. Alert to duty's call, its welcome cry Went in his soul. The foremost of the van, He battled on the side of right and man, And in God's name achieved his purpose high. A true, sweet spirit sway'd his dauntless mind While wielding silently an arm of power. In his minuter duties as in great The Christ was Lord, and Him he walk'd behind, Doing his will. When came life's parting hour, He pass'd to heaven through morning's sunlit gate ! POEMS. [29 A MEMORY. "TTHE Master calleth thee!" She rose, and bow'd Before his Presence. 'Twas a step, but one, From home to heaven. Her life, on earth begun, Hath now its perfect garniture, endow' d With eyes that see, with ears that hear, with heart That taketh in the glories of the place, The peace, the joy, the fulness of the grace, The Lord to his beloved doth impart. O happy home, that land of Paradise! No sin, no pain, no sorrow evermore, With perfect bliss and lasting treasure stored : And lo ! its King, whose beauty fills her ey Hath brought her in upon its golden floor To be with Him! Forever with her Lord! 130 POEMS. CALLED IN THE MORNING. PONE in the morn of day While nearing to the line That lies between the time of play And manhood's coming sign : Before the summer sun Were half -meridian high, Or ere his fancy had begun To sketch the by-and-by. Not order' d for the march And battle of this life, Not his to pass beneath the arch Of glory-giving strife. Not his to bear the brunt Amid the push of man, To stand a soldier at the front, The foremost of the van. POEMS. 131 His was a gentler lot ; God only knnweth why The time is set, the way, the spot, All sons of man must die. Blest are the call'd of God Ere come the evil days: Thrice blest are they who long have trod In love and wisdom's ways. 132 POEMS. UP AND AT IT. CAY ! is this world an idling place For man, with hands unlifted, To let life's current flow apace Till to the brink he's drifted? Is it a couch whereon to moan And magnify a sorrow? And sigh whene'er the day is gone As if there were no morrow? Is it a place wherein to fret And turn all work to travail, Or dream our lot on earth is set Old mysteries to unravel? Why close our tent at morning-dawn And, lazily reclining, Growl out, with many a sleepy yawn, The sun is never shining? POEMS. 153 To whine o'er trouble as we may Will make its weight no lighter, And grumbling o'er a cloudy day Will make the skits no brighter. Light always shines within the heart Of every man right-minded, But he who splits its rays apart Beeometh colour-blinded. The clipper swiftly skims the seas, A fairy-bird of ocean : The hulk drifts slowly in the breeze With forward-backward motion. Shall we not lend a lifting hand To him whose foot may stumble? For who can hope he'll always stand Without a slip or tumble? Unhappy man with naught to do! A blessed boon is labour, When steadfastly our way we hew And envy not our neighbour 12 134 POEMS. His bundle has its crooked sticks, Whatever be his station ; His heart may have annoying pricks That sting to desperation. Then covet not another's pelf, A sting is in the honey ; Who works for God works for himself, And lays up heavenly money. POEMS. [35 -UNITE, OR DIE ! " "1 FNITE, or die!' Prophetic phrase The ancient penny bore In onr heroic fathers' days, The glorious days of yore. "Unite, or die!' The legend true Befits this later age, When demagogues — a medley crew — At Freedom's portal rage. • Unite, or die ! ' Behold the foe ! The shouts of battle ring ! While Anarchy is crouching low To make a stealthy spring. "Unite, or die!' Xo tribal name, No bickering to-day ! Let Nero laugh at Rome in flame, Let careless jesters play. 136 POEMS. "Unite, or die!' Is this the hour To waken party strife? Why yield to Anarchy the power To take our nation's life? "Unite, or die!' Why give up all Our fathers built so well? Arise, ye freemen ! Man the wall Of Freedom's citadel ! "Unite, or die!" Look not askance, Be men in deed and name ! Remember how fair, sunny France The sport of Death became. <®^gM^ POEMS. 137 ISLAM SHALL BE BROKEN. ARMENIA hath been whelm d 111 blood, A sea ot crimson waters, And Kurope calmly saw the flood Engulf its sons and daughters! O, Britain ! where' s thy faith of old? Dost fear to risk thy treasure? O, Teuton kings, once brave and bold, Await ye Hamid's pleasure? I- there no man among ye alP No Christian king heroic? Must Greece a martyr nation fall, And ye supine and stoic? Lo ! tiny Crete, the long oppress' d, Dares strike at the ag And Greece, the mother, bares her br To shield her from oppressor- 12* 1 38 POEMS. O for a year of Cromwell's sway ! His whisper was live thunder, That made the vultures drop their prey And flee in fear and wonder. The man is coming for the hour ! The Grecian isles have spoken ! The Lord Almighty give the power And Islam shall be broken ! POEMS. THK WAGGING WORLD. \ N olden man with fatherly eye- Beholds the crowds that are flitting by, Like children chasing a butterfly. His step is slow and his eye is dim : So near the verge of its outer rim The world has little that's strange to him. Full well he knows the good and the ill, The tempting sweet and the bitter pill ; They haunt the halls of memory still. A fool is wont to grumble and fret, As if he were a grandmother's pet And all mankind to him were in debt. Around the world there is room for all, But some will push the weak to the wall And set their foot on any that fall. 140 POEMS. Each soul on earth is a single star : Some seem anear and others afar, But all should move without any jar. 'Tis simple truth that a real man Will aim to live on the Master's plan, And all should work wherever they can. Some claim a sphere that is not for them ; Their daily bread their palates contemn : They long for fruit from a golden stem. 'Twas so to him in his far-off days, But when he reach' d the parting of ways, The upward path led out of the maze. The tree that beareth a heavenly fruit, With not a worm on branches or root,. A dainty taste seems never to suit. Yet all must eat of the tree or die ; And none need question the reason why ; For Christ the loving utters the cry. POEMS. 141 And all may choose the uppermost path Open'd by Christ, that saveth from scath, As many a weary wayfarer hath. A '.as for all in the downward way ! Their sins bear interest they must pay ; How vast the sum on settlement day ! A sweet-faced woman came leading along A waif she'd saved from horrible wrong: Sure there were angels hid in the throng ! The old man leaning upon his cane Thought in himself, "And still it is plain Our Lord came not to the world in vain. For hymns of praise and the thankful prayer Hallow the morning and evening air In happy homes, and the Lord is there. The earth is bless' d with heavenly fanes, :ses of healing for ills and pains, And sheltering nests from tempests and rains. 142 POEMS. The generous spirit is growing more rife To check the rage for carnage and strife, To hold the olive, and bury the knife. The Lord our God, the fountain of truth, Will quicken all the nations forsooth, Till Eden blooms in its primitive youth." The ancient's mind grew hopeful and calm, His after-thoughts were comforting balm As he sought his home intoning a psalm. POEMS. 14;, GEORGE W. CHILDS. HPHE world hath lost a man. His path he strew* d With gentle kindnesses and words of grace. From all degrees of men his open face Won high regard or earnest gratitude. With sturdy honesty and truth endued, His soul was written on his countenance, And all might read him at a casual glance, As on a world-wide pedestal he stood. By unclean pelf his hand and heart un- stain'd, Strong for the right, and turning not aside Whene'er the public weal was in debate, He justified the honour he had gain'd. If specks in marble envious eyes espied, His faith in God was his sure armour- plate. 144 POEMS. APHORISMS. TI7HY bend upon a slavish knee To folk of misty ages, As men ordain 'd of Heaven to be The wisest of all sages? Why in a sombre conclave sit Enwrapt in murky vapours Within a cobwebb'd grotto lit By error's flickering tapers? The world hath had its babyhood, Its time of simple prattle, When, infant-like, its highest good Was found in bell and rattle. Long years the ghostly sciolists Sat round tradition's table, With eyes obscured by smoky mists, Till history rivall'd fable. POEMS. 145 Now philosophes of mental twi^t O'er solveless questions wrangle, Until the skein of truth, I wist, Becomes a matted tangle. The critic's diatribe may be Conceitedly dogmatic ; He needeth eyes with power to see From cellar unto attic. 'Tis devil's play to stir up strife Entailing harm and sorrow; A quarrel hath too long a life : Postpone it till the morrow. The tittle-tattle of a town May set a blizzard whirling: The stone that struck a giant down Was of a stripling's hurling. It is not wise to pitch a tent Beside a pool that's quiet: As simple he whose time is spent In tilts of wordy riot. 13 146 POEMS. Forbear the double-edged sneer, A blade too keen to handle : Drop not within a gossip's ear A seed that groweth scandal. A single stick of dynamite May rend a steamer's metal ; Let turbid waters stand o'er night, The sediment will settle. The world is not a cricket-field For knocking out a brother ; The sharpest weapon we can wield Is love to one another. Of all the graces Paul doth cite The chief is loving-kindness; So do not haste a man to smite Who staggers in his blindness. The word of God is perfect light Unsever'd by our prisms: One colour kept alone in sight May lead to error's isms. POEMS. 147 The truth is truth in every age Wherever writ or spoken : Who wisely pores the Bible page His faith will ne'er be broken. Despite the highest critic's knife, Despite the skeptic's libel, The only Way, the Truth, the Life, Is Jesus of the Bible. Ho, all the world! the Christ hath died, And died for man the sinner ; And, whatsoever may betide, The Christ will be the winner. 148 POEMS. GRANDDAUGHTER DOROTHY, "the gift of god." pvOROTHY! Behold she sleepeth, In the hall of silence lying, Where is neither pain nor crying, Not a grief nor any sighing ; Watchful guard her angel keepeth. Dorothy ! Behold she waketh, God's own lamb, in realms of splendor To the Shepherd, her defender, All its love her heart doth render: Of his love the child partaketh. Dorothy ! What precious meaning, Gift of God ! In its completeness, Redolent with love and sweetness; For this lamb a special meetness, On the Shepherd's bosom leaning! P( V:\JAS*. 149 Dorothy ! The gift remaineth, Hidden, yet in memory's keeping; Unto us not dead, but sleeping ; Faith forbidding sighs or weeping, For our Lord the soul sustaineth. April, 1899. i3< i5o POEMS. THE VOYAGERS OF YORE. /^AST off the hawser ! Let the good ship go ! The flag of glory flapping In the wind to and fro Sung the sailors' chorus, Hoy ! yho ! heave ho ! As she glideth down the river Hearts of gentle women quiver With a yearning, fond emotion Deep as love's unfathom'd ocean; Yet beyond a looming sorrow Hope foresees a shining morrow. Fair the breezes, brisk and steady, And the ship, far off already, In the dim horizon fadeth And the keenest eye evadeth. * i si Where-away? What lies before her]* Will the skies be cloudless o'er her? Or will murky fogs benight her, Or the lightning-arrow smite her? Will a cyclone hurl her, drifting O'er the wayward waters, shifting Hither, thither, Every -whither, A- the blast may haply sweep her? Will her helm from stranding keep her, Or will she, with crash like thunder, Rive on hidden rocks asunder, — Ship and crew go down together In the battle with the weather? Where-away ? The point magnetic, With the needle sympathetic. Shows the lighthouse of creation — Faithful Pole-Star! — on its station, Beacon to the navigator While he steer- for the equator. Down the South Atlantic hasting, Not an inch of canvas wasting, Till the Cape the vessel reaches Where the windy tempest screeches: 152 POEMS. Spite of beetling waves terrific, Proudly entering the Pacific. Like a swan the vessel's motion O'er the earth's sublimest ocean: Touching at enchanted islands, Verdant lowlands, rocky highlands— Trafficking with nations olden, Peoples raven-hair' d or golden — Striking many a fair-hand bargain With the tribes of tangled jargon, Gathering bijoux oriental, Curious, rare, or ornamental, O'er which cultured vision lingers, Deftly wrought by cunning fingers — ■ Carpetings of weird devices, Silks and shawls, and odorous spices- Wares of use and freaks of fancy Rivalling tales of necromancy. Rarer cargo never floated Save the one in Scripture noted, When the Ark, a special wonder, Rode o'er hill-tops buried under. Up with the anchor ! Turn about the prow: To the freeman's country Point her steady bow ; POEMS. All is taut above her, All is snug below : With Providence her keeper Let the good ship go ! 33 Where-away? Is patience dying? Why is time so slowly flying? Irksome is the silent waiting: O how fast is hope abating ! Pining 'neath a needless burden 'Stead of seeking heavenly guerdon, Oft a heart the worst is fearing Near the morning-hour of cheering. Lo ! the Moses in the rushes ! Ere her fears the mother hushes, He who floated on the water Is the ward of Pharaoh's daughter ! Hark ! beyond a jutting islet Signal guns forewarn a pilot. 'Tis the ship! All staunch and glorious, Over storms and calms victorious, Up she cometh, treasure-laden For the mother, wife, and maiden ! 154 POEMS. Chief of all, the boon she bringeth Is the joyful heart, that singeth Praises to the Lord and Master Who hath warded off disaster. We see not the Hand that holds us, Nor how Providence enfolds us : Man nor vessel ever faileth That by heavenly guidance saileth : Seamen with the storm may wrestle, Frayers of faith insure the vessel. 1899. POEMS. i s 55 THE OLD BATTLE. £f)r Christ toill triumph at tfjr last. HTHE battle that of old began Between the Good and Evil, Still rages in the heart of man Mid tumult and upheaval. Beelzebub, the prince of lies, In secret sets his pickets, Unwary mortals to surprise In snares and pits and thickets. No truce between these deadly foes ; Tis conquer or surrender! Sin strikes at truth incessant blows, But God is her defender. 1 56 POEMS. At times the foe 'comes rashly bold, But soon in dust he wallows, For truth, like Aaron's rod of old, The root of error swallows. The tempter hidden 'neath a veil Sings softly like a charmer, The spear of truth breaks through his mail Atween the joints of armor. 1896. POEMS. 157 THE MAX WITH THE HOE. SAY the happiest man in the land Is he who grippeth a hoe in his hand, And merrily sings, while stepping along, His heart always beating time with his song. The hoe need not be of iron or steel, Nor aught so gross that fingers can feel 'Tis simply a talent Providence lends For generous uses and brotherly ends. The man with the hoe ! the hero who sweeps The dust of error to bottomless deeps : He setteth no lie to ride on the truth. Nor twists the conscience of credulous youth. The man with the hoe ! What boots it to him That over broad oceans his vessel must skim, That high mountain tops he climbeth upon To note when Miss Venus kisses the Sun. 14 158 POEMS. The man with the hoe ! He strikes for the pole The icy leaves of the earth to unroll : For wondering men the book to explain, He beareth the blast, the hunger, the pain. The man with the hoe ! digs wisely and deep, Unearthing the secrets that nature doth keep : He delves in the mines for beautiful things Surpassing the gems in chests of the kings. The man with the hoe ! He burrows the plains To read the ruins where mystery reigns ; The rolls of papyrus he biddeth to speak And history tell, unknown to the Greek. He tilleth the soil and pileth it round The succulent roots that sleep in the ground He carefully tends the up-coming shoot, And hungry people partake of the fruit. The man with the hoe ! is he who stands up And sweetens for others their sorrowful cup ; Who carries a burden for them that are weak, Who treadeth the wilds a wanderer to seek. POEMS. 159 With spunk in his soul and grit in his brain, The man with the hoe his place will attain : He battles his way through thick and through thin, And, watching his time, he bravely goes in. And certes it is the man with the hoe Will never be found the last of the row : The shade of his footstep always will fall Where he may become a helper to ail. Some men of the hoe have gold by the ton, Yet work on Gods plan till set of the sun: Not theirs to dally till destiny's daw And pass as the dew in mid-summer's ray. Yet 'tis not the gold that maketh the man : Tis doing the best wherever he can ; Who stands in his lot with hearty good will. And handles the hoe with patience and skill. His house may be plain from cellar to roof, But love is therein the warp and the woof ; A texture of life witli colours inwrought. It^ tints from the west at SUn-setting caught. i6o POEMS. To every one there is given a hoe, To work for his weal or ply for his woe ; The fault is in him who scorneth to do The measure of toil God calleth him to. One spurneth the hoe that falls to his lot ; But let him work on, 'tis the best he has got ; Just let him evince by his work and his wit, That for some larger tool he is suitably fit. A lazy man is humanity's bane, A tree without leaf, a field without rain, A hoe without handle, a elapperless bell, A knife without edge, a bucketless well. Not him who sulks in a slatternly room, Unlit by even a flower in bloom, But him the comforting man with the hoe, Who droppeth a seed in hope it may grow. If seeds that are ripe burst out of the shell, They grow into plants that none can excel ; The least on the earth the greatest in heaven The worth of a man depends on his leaven. EMS. 161 All treasure is God's: by Him it is lent, And man must account for how it is spent ; If rich or if poor is naught to the Lord: Who labours for Him will have his reward. Who works with the Master, he shall find rest ; W'lio toils in His vineyard, he shall be blest ; All pity for man not born with a hoe, In earth or in heaven no place can he know. The man or the woman who doeth His will, The chief end of life will better fulfill ; What's all the world, contrasted beside The wondrous orbs that in high glory ride? God reckons not by cloekmaker's time; The smallest doings to Him are sublime; The rudest of rock proclaimeth His praise As well as the diamond's manifold rays. 'Tis folly to weep o'er the man with a hoe, When God in His wisdom created him so, Who hath him in forming for station so high Not all the wealth of a Croesus could buy. 1 62 POEMS. The man with the hoe that filleth his part, With trust in the Lord and grace in his heart, Is more than a prince in poverty's guise, The son of the Highest to seraphims' eyes. The man with the hoe ! The symbol of all On whom the mantle of labour may fall ; To toil with the arm or toil with the brain, Till muscle shall shrink or intellect wane. The Master is wise, the Master is just : He cheateth himself who fails in his trust ; Who worketh for God finds comfort and health For body and soul and heavenly wealth. i8 99 . ■*o**£& POEMS. 163 GUDE PETER BOYD. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SAINT ANDREW SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 25, 1S99. G UDE Peter Boyd, this please to say To brithers on Saint Andrew's day: Nay, nay, gude friends! I eanna gae From Germantown so far away, Especially o' nichts. E'en if St. Andrew wink'd to me To come ayont the salty sea To Scotia's vales and heights, I'd have to answer: Andy, nay! I'm ower auld for social play, And bear the load of many a year, — Ay ! more than friends would care to hear; 1 64 POEMS. I canna risk my weary banes Upon the town's hard-hearted stanes, In these cauld and wintry times, That chill the writer of these rhymes: Else, I'd be very apt to show Myself a dancing vertigo. St. Andrew's men are friends indeed To ilka brither in his need ; And they have help'd the widows, too, And orphan children not a few. Now three times fifty years have gane, And they have done their work amain, Yet many fifty years may they Turn sorrow's night to cheerful day. 1899. POEA/S. 165 NEW YEAR SALUTATIONS FROM DIARY. IS95. 1VJ INETY-FIYE has just gone out, Passing through Time's winter gate: Ninety-six has entered in, Walking with becoming state ; And it means to make a stay One day longer on its way Beneath the canopy of heaven Before it bows to Ninety-seven, To take a stall among the past, Its robe of days around it cast, Within the Memory Hall of Time, Immortal mummies in the cave That forms its immaterial grave : Days of goodness, days of shame, Days of wonders most sublime, Since our Lord and Master came. May Ninety-six a blessing be To you, dear friends — to all — to me. 1 66 POEMS. 1896. Good-by, Old Year! Some care — more cheer! To God be praise and thanks sincere For all His mercies to us here. Come in New Year, Young Ninety-seven ! With the graciousness of heaven To all lands in goodness given; While sweet and clear Be our spirit's atmosphere. POEMS. 167 1897. Old Ninety-seven has jumped the track, Young Ninety-eight is at his back To watch the world wag on its way As has been done for many a day. 'Twas twelve o'clock on Friday night The old year slipped away from sight, The young one mounting in his place To run a solitary race ; And never early, never late, 'Twill move at the accustom' d gait, Nor ever fast, nor ever slow, Though folk will often fancy so. As deaf and dumb as any sphinx It onward goes and never winks ; Yet all along the world must go, Nor ever utter yes or no, In ways of weal or ways of woe. May the Great Giver of the year Make all our pathways plain and clear From every hidden stumbling-stone : All praise be unto Him alone! 1 68 POEMS. 1898. 'Twill no longer wait, And in befitting state Goes out the midnight gate To enter in the door That leads to nevermore, The sea that has no shore, And not a breeze blows o'er. 1899. Robed in snow-white raiment fine Entereth young Ninety-nine On this hallow' d Sabbath-day, — Grace attend her steps, we pray; Sweet and gentle be her sway. May the Lord his blessing lay On us all along the way ! REST IN CHRIST. m -. r- 1 Lie thee down and : t mv soul ; 19 r n • | ; i i g] 2 : s $ -J — m "1 " ^ • Be thou com - fort M. ~±L M. m 9 ■ Cll and m - m still : |= _ t- * * 1 r - 1- -t 1 L-f ~ 3 : ^: If a - round thee troub - les roll, - -*- -*- — >3 IZ * S I I I il I gr them come a- God may will. A - MEN. C r 15 169 " 1 ONWARD, COMRADES! MOVE ALONG! ^2-4 q_ Katherine — i a H- MacKellar. - -J . On - 1 * ward, 1 — — « * — com - rades ! 1 m m move 5 a - long ! ^ -^ iK « _s f_ L r — c ^l yb=j: -J 1- S^?i --T- High - er up! High -er up! Sing - ing faith's tri :tz: 1 r- -*- -«- -(=- 3= 1 | I 1 r- B=^*~- a=zt --I- 12± -r um - phal song! High - er up! High - er up! .ja. a .*. ^a. ±=: -Ml :t=: £ ^ -* — * — *" ~l I- =t -* — ip — s^- -^-- I 1- 3 ' «; =* Strike the tim-brel on the way, Let the sil - ver E* t~ -*— I — I— i 170 *=3: ^•1 r cor - net play, With the trora - bone i w : :• . S 1 r -m -•— — m— — • — ' Jit and day, High-er up! High-er up! ^" :: & r- ztr .-- ^ i 1— T *MMf 1 7 i THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM OF GLORY. Katherine MacKellar. The wav to the kinsr-dom of glo - rv — m ■ m — m m — m— ■ — &~-± * ±lz^ tn P _|^=^_L ig I K Be - gin - neth at Beth - le - hem - town, ft ft? "^S •* : f: :t: PX W~^ — ¥t— •-- Where Je - sus the mar - vel of sto - ry- ^ jt. * -ft. e £\ £ £E -|- is—. — 1» » S i» — —fr — /T\ Came, God, in hu - man - i - ty, down §gg^iij|^i^illEEfll|l • l*<- U» U* U* l«» U* 172 :t^=rt The an - gels from heav-en, be - hold - ing m * m w * * * =v ,* — -<%- _? — m- ^Ir^-i- II The sin and the sor - row of man, $=f*-l=Zf« 3* -l >-=fr N *. -j Sang glo - ry to God for un - fold - ing i m * -*. -r- I .* m- -1^=^-4- id * Re-demption's most mer - ci - ful plan. • • ■ m m £ ~ 5 * =*_ * * * * Si/ 15* GENTLE SHEPHERD! --i- — \ -m Katherine MacKellar. ^s g: Gen - tie Shepherd ! in Thy grace, Lead us dai - ly Z=-~%.Z±-\-% PSE^i -r :t: :pz -i 1— — I * 3E? r £ L— ^ i± - N, 4 guilt ac-quit-ted; That un-der seal with His own hand, w » — v — |— :»=xrt=5: 1 76 lit! 1 in It! tfri i I Iff ft : H t'l i in I'l HHbHHirI