i tihvaxy of t:he t:heolo0ical ^emmarjo PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY •3 ^^8* Part of the Addison Alexander Library which was presented by Messrs. R.L. and A. Stuart BSI95 .2,L77 •/ / . / C iT^^ Yc^' i-^ c t- C i^ i^^ ^ c^i^ t t^n^t: ;^. v - /J'; 7 / r/ ^7jw^ I cere Ai- ^i y^^:(£l^,_^£A£^!^L^21^i£lh: LITERAL TRANSLATION PSALMS OF DAVID. Cilir c^y vmA/ttixJ/^ixrz^ Unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the only wise God, be lionour and glory, for ever and ever." Amen. — iTlM. i. 17. LONDON: . Printed for SAMUEL BAGSTER, No. 15, Paternoster-Row; AT THE WAREHOUSE FOR BIBLES, NEW TESTAMENTS, PRATER BOOKS, AND PSALTERS, IN ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. M.DCCC.XXX. ^ This work was first published in 18C5, under the title of " A Literal Tran'^lation of the Psalms of David: solely upon the authority of the Rev, .1. Parkhurst, M.A." t^5. AS A MEMOUIAL OF TIME AGREEABLY SPENT, AND ENCOURAGEMENT MOST KINDLY GIVEN: THIS PRODUCT OF LABOUR, DICTATED BY LOVE AND REVERENCE FOR IS INSCRIBED TO HENRY HAWKINS, ESQ. AND HIS SISTER LETITIA MATILDA HAWKINS, BY THEIR RESPECTFUL AND VERY MUCH OBLIGED FRIEND, THE TRANSLATOR. June 16, 1826. »v % THE PREFACE. The Public is so often told, that the works pre- sented to it were never intended for its inspection ; that a similar assertion in the present instance may not meet with the indulgence it deserves ; but hap- pily in this case, it is known as an undoubted fact among my friends, and also to characters both publicly and privately estimated for ability and integrity ; and I hope this will secure favour to a work begun for individual gratification, and re- ligious improvement. It will naturally be expected, that I should shew how the above remark is connected with the appearance of this Translation in print. When my delightful task was completed, it was viewed in a partial light by a critical fiiend ; to whom it was submitted, and I was urged to pub- lish it, on the ground that it had been produced with the sole assistance of Parkhurst's Lexicon. I possess no knowledge of the learned lan- guages, and I offer therefore, only a patient, dili- gent, and literal Translation from the Hebrew itself. 1 made it, to obtain a profitable employ- ment for mind and time ; and it may comfort those who know less than myself on this interesting sub- subject, to reflect, that the word of God is the same in all material points, whether translated by II THE PERFACE. the pen of the learned^ or the diligence of the novice. 1 deprecate criticism from those who know more, by disclaiming- all pretension^ and conclude with the words of the pious Bishop Horne^ "The '' fairest production of human wit^ after a few pe- '' rusals, like gathered flowers, wither in our hands, ''and lose their fragrancy; but these unfading " plants of Paradise become, as we are accustomed ''to them, still more and more beautiful; their "bloom appears to be daily heightened; fresh " odours are emitted, and new sweets extracted "from them. He who hath once tasted their ex- " cellencies, will desire to taste them yet again ; "and he who tastes them oftenest will relish them " best." ADVERTISEMENT At first it was my intention to print carefully in Italics^ every variation which I have made ; bnt in many instances the alterations are so minute, or effected merely by the transposition of words ; that I found it almost impossible to be as accurate as I considered requisite, if I would not mislead my readers. I have therefore omitted the Italics altogether, and those who wish to know where I have varied, may themselves compare this Tran- slation with the authorized one, in our English Bible. * I had so much pleasure in preserving the Original Epithets applied to God, in my manu- script, when written for my own private use, that I have retained them in this printed copy, and for the sake of the unlearned, I refer to Bishop Hors- ley's Biblical Criticisms, Vol. I. page 20. It cannot be supposed that this Translation will excite very general attention; and therefore few copies have been printed, which will apolo- gize to Purchasers for the price being somewhat higher than is usual for books of this size. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM I. 1 . XA APPY is that man who walketh not in the counsels of the wicked, and standeth not in the ways of sinners, and sitteth not in the seat of the scorn er. 2. But in the laws of Jehovah is his delight, and upon his laws he will meditate day and night. 3. And he will be like a tree planted near streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season ; his leaf shall not wither, and every thing which he doeth shall prosper. 4. Not so the wicked; for in truth, they are like chaff which the wind driveth away. 5. Therefore the wicked shall not stand against judg- ment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6. For Jehovah knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish. PSALM IL 1. Why assemble ye tumultuously, O ye nations, and meditate vainly, O ye people? 2. The kings of the earth stand firm, and the counsel- lors have resolved together against Jehovah, and against his Messiah . 3. Their foundations shall be rooted out, and their cords cast away from us. 4. Adoni who sitteth in heaven will laugh them to scorn : and he will deride them. 5. Then he will speak to them in his anger, and with his fury he will affright them. 2 THE PSALMS. 6. But I am anointed king, upon my holy hill of Zion. 7. I will relate the ortlinance Jehovah spake to me: Thou art my son, this day I have begotten thee. 8. Ask of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance: and the ends of the earth for thy possession. 9. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron : and shall scatter them as an earthen vessel. 10. And now be wise, O ye kings, and be ye restrained, O ye judges of the earth. 11. Serve ye Jehovah with fear: and rejoice with trembling. 12. Eagerly desire the son, lest he be angry, and ye perish immediately, if his anger be kindled ever so little : happy are all who trust in him. PSALM 111. A Song- of Diivid, in Iiis flig-lit from the presence of Absalom, his Son. 1. O Jehovah, how are my enemies increased! many rise up against me. 2. Many say to my soul, there is no salvation for it in Elohim. Selah. 3. But thou, Jehovah, art my shield, my defence, my glory, and the lifter up of my head. 4. My voice shall cry aloud to Jehovah, and he will answer me from his holy hill. 5. I lay down, and slept: I shall be waked up, for Jehovah will support me. 6. I will not fear the myriads of people who are in array round about me. 7. Rise up, O Jehovah, save me, O my God: smite the jaw-bone of all my enemies, and break the teeth of the wicked. 8. Salvation belongeth to thee, O Jehovah: and thy blessing is upon thy people. THE PSALMS. J PSALM IV. TO THE ETERNAL. For Stringed Instruments. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . VV HEN Icry, answerme, O righteous God, in trouble set me free: have mercy on me, and hear my supplication. 2. Ye sons of men, how long will ye despise my glory: will ye love vanity, will ye seek falsehood? Selah. 3. Know that Jehovah distinguisheth the very good for himself: Jehovah will listen when I cry unto him. 4. Tremble, and sin not: commune with your heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. 5. Sacrifice a holy sacrifice: and trust to Jehovah. 6. Many say, who will shew us any good? wave over us the light of thy countenance, O Jehovah. 7. Thou hast put joy in my heart since their corn, and their wine increased. 8. In entire peace I will lie down, and sleep: for thou alone, O Jehovah, causest me to dwell safely. PSALM V. TO THE ETERNAL. The God of the Inheritance. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . (x I VE ear to my words, O Jehovah : and consider my meditations. 2. Listen to the sound of my cry, my king, and my God: for unto thee will 1 pray. 3. O Jehovah! early shalt thou hear my voice: early will I be prepared for thee, and will watch. 4. For thou art not a God pleased with wickedness : and evil shall not dwell with thee. * THE PSALMS. 5. Insolent boasters shall not stand before thy eyes: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 6. Thou wilt destroy the speakers of falsehood : Jehovah abhorreth the murderer and the deceitful man. 7. But through the greatness of thy mercy, I shall come to thine house : and shall worship towards thy holy temple in fear of thee. 8. O Jehovah I lead me in thy righteousjiess, because of my insidious enemies : make thy way straight before me. 9. For in their mouth there is no truth: their inward thoughts are iniquitous : their throat is an open sepulchre, their tongues flatter. 10. Cause them to be punished, O Elohim, they shall fall by their own counsels, for the multitude of their trans- gressions they shall be cast out : for they rebel against thee. 1 1 . All who trust in thee shall rejoice : they shall shout aloud always, for thou protectest them ; and those who love thy name shall rejoice in thee. 12. For thou wilt bless the righteous, O Jehovah! as a shield thou wilt encompass them with thy favour. PSALM VI. TO THE ETERNAL. For Stringed Instruments — Concerning- abundant Kindness. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. O Jehovah, do not in thine anger rebuke me: and do not in thy wrath chastise me. 2. Have mercy upon me, O Jehovah, for I am very weak: heal me, O Jehovah, for my bones are agitated, 3. How long shall my soul be extremely affrighted, O Jehovah ? 4. Turn back, O Jehovah, deliver my soul : save me for thy mercy's sake. 5. For there is no remembrance of thee in death : in the grave who shall give thee praise? THE PSALMS, 5 G. I am exhausted with my groaning, I meditate deeply through the wliole night upon my bed : my couch is» wa- tered with my tears. 7. My eyes are quite consumed with vexation, and sunk on account of all my great distresses. 8. Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity: for Jehovah heareth the voice of my weeping. 9. Jehovah heareth my supplication : Jehovah accepteth my prayer. 10. All my enemies shall be ashamed, and exceedingly affrighted : they shall turn away, and be suddenly ashamed. PSALM VII. An irregular Psalm of David, which he sang- to Jeiiovah, concerniiio- the words of Ciish, the Benjauiite. 1. O Jehovah, my God^ in thee do 1 trust; save me from all my persecutors, and deliver me. 2. Lest he tear me in pieces like a lion, and he devour me, and there be no deliverance. 3. O Jehovah, my God, if I have done this, if iniquity be found in my hands. 4. If I have requited evil to him who was at peace with me, and without cause have stripped my enemy; 5. Then let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; let him trample down my life upon the earth, and let my glory dwell in the dust. Selah. 6. Arise, O Jehovah, in thine anger; be lifted up against the rage of my enemies ; and excite within me the judgment thou hast commanded. 7. The congregation of the nations surrounds thee; ascend, return up on high. 8. Jehovah judgeth the people: judge me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness, and according to my integrity, 9. The wickedness of the wicked cometh to an end; 6 THE PSALMS. but the righteous thou wilt establish, and try the heart and the reins, O righteous P^lohini. 10. My shield is Eloliim, and my safety uprightness of heart. 11. Elohim judgeth the righteous, and is not always enraged. 12. If man will not turn back, he will sharpen his sword; his bow is bent, and made ready. 13. The instruments of death are prepared for him ; his arrows are contrived to be ardent pursuers. 14. Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, he conceiveth mischief, and bringeth forth falsehood. 15. He cutteth out a pit, and diggeth it, and falleth into the snare he contriveth. 16. His mischief shall return upon his own head, and upon his own skull shall come down his violence. 17. I will praise Jehovah according to his righteous- ness, and I will praise the name of Jehovah most high. PSALM VIII. TO THE ETERNAL. Concerning- the Vintage. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . O Jehovah, our Adoni, how glorious is thy name in all the earth ; and thy glory which thou extendest over the heavens. 2. From the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained strength, so that thy enemies, the evil spirit, and the avenger shall be turned back. 3. For I behold thy heavens, the work of thy fingers; the moon and the stars, which thou hast prepared : 4. What is man, that thou rememberest him; and the son of man, that thou respectest him? 5. Thou hast made him little inferior to angels, and with glory and honour thou hast crowned him. THE PSALMS. 7 6. Thou hast given him dominion over tlie works of thy hands: thou hast placed every thing under his feel. 7. All sheep and oxen, yea, the beasts of the field. 8. The birds of heaven and the fish of the sea, which pass through the paths of the seas. 9. O Jehovah, our Adoni, how glorious is thy name in all the earth. PSALM IX. TO THE ETERNAL. Concerning the death of a Son. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. I WILL praise thee, O Jehovah, with all my heart; and I will relate all thy wondrous works. 2. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing of thy name, O thou most High. 3. When my enemies are turned back, they shall stum- ble, and they shall perish at thy presence. 4. For thou hast maintained my right and my cause; thou sittest on thy throne judging righteously. 5. Thou rebukest the heathen, thou destroyest the the wicked; their name thou hast blotted out for ever and ever. 6. O thou enemy! everlasting destructions are com- pleted; and the cities are razed to the ground; the remem- brance of them is perished. 7. But Jehovah endureth for ever: his throne is firmly established for judgment. 8. And he will judge the world in righteousness, he will judge the people with uprightness. 9. And Jehovah will be a refuge to the contrite, a re- fuge in times of trouble. 10. But they who know thy name will trust in thee: for thou hast not forsaken those who seek thee, O Jehovah. 8 THE PSALMS. 11 . Sing ye to Jehovah, who dwelleth in Zion: declare his acts among the people. 12. But he searcheth out murderers, he remembereth them : he forget teth not the loud cry of the afflicted. 13. Have mercy upon me, O Jehovah; behold my afflictions from those who hate me; raise me up from the gates of death : 14. That I may tell all thy glories in the gates of the house of Zion: I will rejoice in thy salvation. 15. The heathens have sunk into the trap they made; in the net they hid their feet are taken. 16. Jehovah is known, he executeth justice; the wicked is ensnared, meditating upon the works of his hands. Selah. 17. The wicked shall be turned back to the state of the dead, and all the nations that forget Elohim. 18. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the hopes of the afflicted shall not perish for ever. 19. Arise, O Jehovah, let not frail man prevail; let the nations be judged in thy sight. 20. Appoint them for an instructor, O Jehovah; that the nations may know themselves to be frail men. Selah. PSALM X. 1. Wherefore, O Jehovah, standest thou far oflF: and art thou concealed in the time of distress? 2. With pride, the wicked eagerly pursue the afflicted: they shall be taken in the devices which they invent. 3. For the wicked exults in the desires of his soul: and the covetous man blesses what Jehovah despises. 4. The wicked, in the pride of his anger, enquireth not : Elohim is not in all his thouglits. 5. His ways are grievous: at all times thy judgments are far above out of his sight: he puffeth at all his enemies. 6. He saith in his heart, I shall not be moved: from generation to generation, I proceed without being in adversity. THE PSALMS. 9 7. His mouth is full of cursing, deceit and fraud : under •his tongue is mischief and iniquity. 8. He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages, in secret places he murders the innocent, his e3'es observe the afflicted. 9. He lieth in wait secretly like a lion in a den: he lieth in v^^ait suddenly to seize the poor, he catcheth the poor when he draweth him into his net. 10. He humbles himself, he stoops down, and the af- flicted fall by his strength. 11. He saith in his heart, God forgets: he hideth his face he will never see it. 12. Arise, O Jehovah, O God, lift up thy hand ; forget not the afflicted. 13. Why does the wicked despise Elohim, and say in his heart he will not enquire. 14. Thou hast seen it, for mischief and anger thou discernest, requiting them with thine hands: unto thee, the afflicted committeth himself, thou art the helper of the fatherless. 15. Break the arm of the wicked and evil man: thou wilt thresh out his wickedness as chaiF, till it shall not be found. 1 6. Jehovah is king for ever and ever : the heathen shall perish from his land. 17. The desires of the afflicted thou hast heard, O Je- hovah: thou wilt prepare their hearts, thou wilt incline thine ear. 18. To judge the fatherless and afflicted, that the frail man of the earth may never again terrify. PSALM XL TO THE EVERLASTING GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . An Jehovah is my trust : how say ye to my soul, Hoe swiftly to your hills. C 10 THE PSALMS. 2. For behold, the wicked bend the bow, they prepare their arrows upon the string ; directing them secretly towards the upright of heart. 3. For the fixed foundations are destroyed: what can the righteous do? 4. Jehovah is in his holy temple, Jehovah's throne is in heaven; his eyes behold, his eye-lids try the children of men. 5. Jehovah trieth the righteous: but the wicked who love violence, his soul abhorreth. G. He shall rain upon the wicked, snares, fire, brim- stone, and pestilential wind : their allotted cup. 7- For the righteous Jehovah loveth righteousness: the upright shall behold his countenance. PSALM XII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning his abuixlant Mercy. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . (xiVE help, O Jehovah, for virtue faileth : and the faithful diminish among the sons of men. 2. Every one with his companion speaketh vanity: they speak flattering and deceitful language. 3. Jehovah shall cut off every flattering lip, and the tongue that speakest proud things; 4. Who say, wc are powerful; our tongues and our lips are our own, who shall be our director? 5 . Because of the destruction of the aflflicted, and the groaning of the submissive : I will arise, saith Jehovah, I will place in safety him who is puffed at. 6. The words of Jehovah are pure words: silver puri- fied in an earthen crucible, well strained off seven times. 7. Thou, O Jehovah, wilt carefully keep them, thou wilt preserve them from this generation for ever. 8. The wicked walk about, as the proud vile sons of men. THE rSALMS. 11 PSALM XIII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. How long, O Jehovah, wilt thou forget me, for ever: how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? 2. How long shall I consult with my soul, and grieve daily in my heart: how long shall my enemies be raised above me? 3. Behold my great afflictions, O Jehovah my God: enlighten my eyes, lest I sleep mortally ; 4. Lest my enemies say, I have overcome him : my enemies will rejoice if I slip. 5. But I have trusted in thy abundant mercy: my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. I will sing to Jehovali^ for he rewardeth me. PSALM XIV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PS.\LM OF DAVID. 1. The villain saith in his heart, there is no Elohim : his actions are corrupt and abominable, he doeth nothing well. 2. Jehovah from heaven looketh upon the sons of men, to behold if any one wisely searched out Elohim. 3. They all turned aside together; they are grown cor- rupt, none doeth well; no, not even one. 4. The workers of iniquity, the devourers of my people, do they not all know they eat bread, and call not upon Je- hovah. 5. There they shall greatly fear; for Elohim is with the generation of the righteous. 12 THE PSALMS. 6. Ye confound the counsel of the afflicted : but Jeho- vah is his refuge. 7. Who out of ZIon will give salvation to Israel? when Jehovah bringeth back the captivity of his people: Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. PSALM XV. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. O Jkhovah, who shall sojourn in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 2. He who walketh perfectly upright: and acteth righteously, and speaketh truth in his heart. 3. Who slandereth not with his tongue, doeth no evil to his companions, and taketh not up a reproach against his neighbour. 4. In whose eyes the vile are contemptible; but who honoureth those who fear Jehovah, who is made security for a friend, and who changeth not. 5. He who giveth not his money upon usury: and taketh not a bribe against the innocent. He who doeth this shall never be moved. PSALM XVL AN ENGRAVED P8ALM OF DAVID. 1. Preserve me, O God: for I trust in thee. 2. Say thou to Jeliovah, thou art Adoni: my goodness exalteth thee not. 3. Those who are holy and excellent in the earth; in them is all my delight. 4. Their sorrows shall increase, who hasten after ano- ther God, their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out ; and I will not take up their names upon my lips. THE PSALMS. * 13 5. Jehovah is my allotted portion, and my cup; thou hast enlarged my lot. 6. The portions of land fell to me in pleasant places: yea, a beautiful inheritance fell to me. 7. I will bless Jehovah, who counsels me: verily by night my loins rebuke me. 8. I place Jehovah always before me, he is at my right hand, I shall not slip. 9. Therefore my heart rejoices, and my glory exults; verily my flesh dwelleth confidently. 10. For thou wilt not leave my soul in the place of the dead: thou wilt not let thy holy one behold corruption. 1 1 . Thou wilt teach me the path of life; abundant joy is in thy presence : at thy right hand are everlasting plea- sures. PSALM XVII. A PRAYER OP DAVID. 1. O RIGHTEOUS Jehovah, listen attentively to my cry; give ear to my prayer, which cometh not from deceit- ful lips. 2. Let my sentence come forth from thy presence: and let thine eyes behold the righteous. 3. Thou pro vest my heart, thou visitest me by night ; thou hast tried me without finding wickedness ; my mouth shall not transgress. 4. When thy lips spake of the deeds of man, I kept from the paths of the destroyer. 5 . Hold up my steps in thy path ; that my feet slip not. 6. I will cry to thee, for thou wilt answer me, O God: incline thine hear to me, listen to my speech. 7. Thy wonderful loving kindness saveth those who take shelter in thy right hand, from insurgents. 14 * THE PSALMS. 8. Preserve me as the very substance of the receptacle of the eye : hide me under the shadow of thy wings ; 9. Because of the wicked who destroy me: the enemy himself goeth about against me. 10. They are enclosed in their own fat: their mouths speak haughtily. 11. Now they surround our paths: they fix their eyes inclining towards the earth. 12. They are like a lion, pale for want of prey, and as a young lion seated in secret places. 13. Arise, O Jehovah, go before, and bring down his countenance : save my soul from the wicked man who is thy sword. 14. From mortal men who are thy agents, O Jehovah! from mortal men, whose transitory portion is in this life: thy hidden treasures fill their belly, they satisfy their children, and settle the remainder upon their babes. 15. But I shall behold thy face in righteousness: and I shall be satisfied with thy likeness when I wake up. PSALM XVUI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID, Wliicli the servant of Jehovah spake to Jehovah, in the words of this soiig^ ill the day Jehovali delivered him from tlie hands of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. And then he said — 1. i LOVE thee intensely, O Jehovah, my strength. 2. O Jehovah, my rock and my fortress, my deliverer ; my God, my rock, I will trust in him, my shield, my horn of salvation, and my high tower. 3. I will proclaim praise to Jehovah, and I shall be saved from my enemies. 4. The pangs of death encompassed me on all sides: and streams of ungodly men affrighted me. THE PSALMS. ^5 5. The pangs of hell surrounded me: the snares of death were before me. 6. In my distress I called upon Jehovah : and to my God 1 cried out, and he heard my voice from his temple: and my cry came into his presence, even unto his ears. 7. And the earth trembled exceedingly, the foundations of the hills were moved, and shook, because he was wroth, 8. The smoke ascended from his nostrils: and a de- vouring iire from his mouth, flashes of fire were kindled at it. 9. He bowed down the heavens, and descended: and thick darkness was underneath his feet. 10. And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he flew swiftly upon the wings of the wind. 1 1 . He made darkness his hiding place : dark waters and the clouds of conflicting ether was the pavilion which surrounded him. 12. Brightness was before him, clouds passed over him, hail and fiery meteors. 13. Jehovah thundered in the heavens, and the Most High sent forth his voice: hail and fiery meteors. 14. Then he sent forth his arrows, and scattered them; and much lightning, and he discomfitted them. 15. Torrents of water were seen, the foundations of the world were uncovered at thy rebuke, O Jehovah; at the breath of the spirit of thy anger. 16. He sent from on high, he will take, he will search me out of many waters. 17. He sheltered me from my strong enemies, and those who hated me; for they were too powerful for me. 18. They went before me in the day of my calamity: but Jehovah was a support to me. 19. He brought me forth into a large place; and freed me from danger, for he delighted in me. 20. Jehovah rewarded me according to my righteous- ness : according to the purity of my hands, he repayed me. 21. For I have kept the ways of Jehovah: and have not acted wickedly towards my God 16 THE PSALMS* 22. For all his judgments are before n\e: and his sta- tutes I have not turned aside from one. 23. And I will be very perfect with him: and keep myself from Iniquity. 24. And Jehovah will reward me according to my righteousness : and according to the purity of my hands in his sight. 25. With the very good thou wilt be very good: and with the perfect man thou wilt be perfect. 26. With the pure man thou wilt purify thyself; and with the perverse man thou wilt be perverted. 27. But thou wilt save the afflicted people, and the haughty looks thou wilt humble. 28. But thou wilt light up my lamp: O Jehovah, my God, enlighten my darkness. 29. For by thee I will run as a troop: and by my God I will leap a wall. 30. The ways of God are perfect ; the word of Jehovah is tried; it is a shield to all who trust in him. 3 1 . For who is God, except Jehovah ; and who is a rock, except our God ? 32. God girdeth me with strength: he maketh my ways upright. 33. He maketh my feet to resemble hind's feet, and upon high places he causes me to stand. 34. He teaches my hands to war: and the bow of brass is broken by my arm. 3.5. Thou hast given me thy protecting shield, and thy right hand has upheld me ; and thy humblings have made me great. 36. Because thou hast extended my steps, the soles of my feet do not totter. 37. I will pursue my enemies, and overtake them; and I will not turn back till they are consumed. 38. I will wound them deeply, and they shall not be able to stand : and they shall fall under my feet. 31). Thou hast girded me with strength for the battle; thou hast humbled those who rose up under me. THE PSALMS. 17 40. Thou hast given me the neck of my enemies: and I will destroy those that hate me. 41 . They called aloud to Jehovah, but there was no de- liverance : he answered them not. 42. But I will beat them as dust before the wind: I will cast them out as the mire of tiie streets. 43. Thou wilt deliver me from the contentions of the people: thou hast made me head over the heathen, a people that knew me not, shall serve me. 44. Listening attentively, they will hear me : the sons of strangers will deceive me. 45. Strangers shall consume away : and they shall trem- ble in their places of confinement. 46. Jehovah liveth, and blessed be my rock : and the God of my salvation shall be exalted. 47. God has given me revenge : and subdued the people under me. 48 . He deli vereth me from my enemy ; yea, thou exaltest me above those who rise up against me: from the violent man thou hast sheltered me. 49. Therefore I praise thee, among the nations, O Je- hovah : I will sing of thy name. 50. He giveth great deliverance to his king : and shew- eth abundant mercy to his anointed, and to David, and to his seed for ever. PSALM XIX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. X^HE heavens recount the glory of God: and tlie firmanent testifieth the work of his hand. 2. Day unto day uttereth speech : and night unto night declareth knowledge. 3. There is no speech or words: their voice is heard without. D 18 THE PSALMS. 4. The measurement of them goeth forth through all the earth, and their sound to the end of the world. Among them he hath set a tabernacle for the sun. 5. And he is like a bridegroom who cometh forth from his chamber, brisk like a strong man running over the path. 6. His going forth is from one end of the heavens, and his circuit to their termination: and there is nothing hid from his heat. 7. The law of Jehovah is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of Jehovah is faithful, making wise the simple. 8. The appointments of Jehovah are upright, rejoicing the heart: the commands of Jehovah are piu-e, enlightening the eyes. 9. The fear of Jeiiovali is purity, enduring for ever: the judgments of Jehovah are altogether truly just. 10. To be more greatly desired than gold, than much fine gold; sweeter than honey and virgin honey in the honey- comb. 1 1 . Verily, thy servant is instructed by them : in keep- ing them there is great reward. 12. Who discerneth his errors? cleanse thou me from secret sins. 13. Also from presumptuous sins keep back thy servant : let them not reign over me : then shall 1 be upright and in- nocent of great transgressions. 14. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable before thee, O Jehovah, my rock and my redeemer. PSALM XX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSAbM OF DAVID. 1 . •Tehovah will answer thee in the day of distress; tiie name of the God of Jacob will exalt thee. THE PSALMS. ]9 2. He will send thee help from the sanctuary, and sus- .tain thee out of ZIon. 3. He will keep in remembrance all thy oblations, and thy burnt offerings shall be reduced to ashes. Selah. 4. He will grant thee according to thy heart's desires, and accomplish all thy counsels. 5. We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our standard: Jehovah will fulfil all thy petitions. 6. Now I know that Jehovah saveth his anointed: he will answer him from his holy heavens, and his right hand will save him with great pov/er. 7. Some place their fame upon chariots, and some upon horses: but we upon the na^ne of Jehovah our God. 8. They are subdued and fallen down; but we rise up, and stand firm. 9. O Jehovah, Saviour and King, answer us when we cry aloud. PSALM XXI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. O Jehovah, the king will rejoice in thy strength; and in thy salvation how greatly will he rejoice. 2. Grant him the desires of his heart, and do not with- hold the betrothing of his lips. Selah. 3. For thou precedest him with goodly blessings: thou hast set upon his head a crown of pure gold. 4. He asketh life of thee, and thou gavest him days lengthened out for ever and ever. 5. His glory is increased by thy salvation: thou hast placed upon him glory and respect. 6. For thou hast made him everlastingly blessed: and thou hast gladdened him with the joy of thy countenance. 7- For the king trusteth in Jehovah: and in the abun- dant mercy of the Most High he shall not slip. 20 THE PSALMS. 8. Thy hand shall find out all thy enemies; thy right hand shall find out all that hate thee. 9. Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven, when thou turnest away : Jehovah in his anger will swallow them up : fire shall devour them. 10. Their fruit shall perish from the earth, and their seed from among the sons of men. 11. For they spread evil over thee; they devised mis- chief, but they shall prevail not. 12. For thou shalt make them turn their back, thy bowstrings are directed against their faces. 13. Rise up, O Jehovah, in thy strength: we will sing and praise thy power. PSALM XXII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Conceniiiig' an inteiposing' Glooin. A I'SALM OF DAVJD. 1. JVLy God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? and art far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring. 2. My God, 1 cried daily, but thou answerest not; and nightly, I am not silent. 3. But thou art holy, thou who remainest the glory of Israel. 4. In thee our fathers trusted: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. .5. They cried aloud to thee, and were rescued; they trusted in thee, and were not ashamed. 6. But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, the scorn of the people, 7. All who see me sneer at me: they open the lip, and shake the head. 8. He trusted in Jehovah, let him deliver him: and shelter him, if he delight in him. THE PSALMS. 21 9. For thou broughtest me forth from the womb: causing me to cling upon my mother's breasts. 10. I cast myself upon thee from the womb; from tlie womb of my mother thou hast been my God. 11. Go not far from me, for distress is nigh; for there is none to help. 12. Many bulls surround me: strong bulls of Bashan encompass me. 13. Ravening lions open their mouth at me, and roar. 14. I am poured out like water, all my bones are dis- jointed: my heart is like melting wax in the midst of my bowels. 15. My strength is dried up like ploughed land, my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast placed me in the dust of death. 16. For dogs surround me; the assembly of the wicked inclose me : they pierce my hands and my feet. 17. I can count all my bones : they stare and look upon me. 18. They divide my garments among them, and for my raiment they cast lots. 19. But thou, O Jehovah, be not far from me; hasten to my help, and my defence. 20. Deliver my soul from the sword ; my only one from the power of the dog. 21. Save me from the mouth of the lion: and answer me from the horns of the unicorn. 22. I will tell thy name to my brethren : in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee. 23. O ye, who fear Jehovah, praise him: all ye seed of Jacob glorify him ; and fear him all ye seed of Israel. 24. For he does not despise nor abhor the low estate of the afflicted, nor hide his face from them ; but when they cry to him, he hearkeneth. 25 . My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation : I will pay my vows in the presence of those who fear him. 26. The meek shall eat and be satisfied; they who seek Jehovah shall praise him : your heart shall live for ever. 22 THE PSALMS. 27. AH the ends of the world shall remember, and turn again to Jehovah: and all the families of the nation shall worship before him. 28. For the kingdom is Jehovah's; he is ruler over the nations. 29. All the fat ones of the land shall eat, and prostrate themselves; all who descend to the dust are brought down before him, for not one quiekeneth his own soul. 30. A seed shall serve him ; the Lord shall declare it to the generation. 31. They shall come, and shall declare his righteous- ness unto a people appointed to be born. PSALxM XXUI. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. Jehovah is my shepherd; I shall want nothing. 2. Upon refreshing grass he causeth me to lie down : he gently leadeth me to calm water. 3. He recovereth my soul : he leadeth me into the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4. Yea, for I walked in the valley of the shadow of death, and feared not evil : for thou wert with me ; thy rod and thy staff comforted me. 5. Thou wilt prepare a table for me in the presence of mine adversaries : thou hast anointed my head with oil ; my cup is full. 6. How has goodness and abundant mercy pursued me all the days of my life: for I have dwelt with l&ngthened days in the house of Jehovah. PSALM XXIV. A I'SALM OF DAVID. 1. Xhe earth is Jehovah's, and its contents; the world, and those who dwell therein: THE PSALMS. 23 2. For he founded it upon the waters, and established it upon the floods. 3. Who shall ascend the hill of Jehovah? who shall stand upon his holy place ? 4. He whose hands are innocent, and whose heart is pure, who hath not lifted up his heart to vanity, and has not sworn deceitfully. 5. He shall receive a blessing from Jehovah, and justification from God shall save him. 6. This generation shall diligently seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 7. Ye gates, lift up your heads; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah exceedingly strong and mighty, Jehovah powerful in battle. 9. Lift up, O ye gates, your heads; and be lifted ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10. Who is he, this King of glory? It is Jehovah of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. PSALM XXV A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. To thee, O Jehovah, I will lift up my soul. 2. My God, in thee do I trust: let me not be con- founded; let not mine enemies triumph over me. 3. Yea, none shall be confounded who eagerly expect thee: the empty hypocrites shall be ashamed. 4. Make me to know thy ways, O Jehovah; teach me thy paths. 5. Direct me to thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation ; I am eagerly expecting thee all the day long. 6. Remember thy tender mercies, O Jehovah, and thy abundant kindness ; for they are from everlasting. 24 THE PSALMS. 7. Remember not the sins and transgressions of my youth, according to thy abundant mercy: remember me for thy goodness sake, O Jehovah. 8. Jehovah is good and upright; therefore he willteach sinners the way. 9. He will direct the meek with judgment, and teach the meek his way. 10. All the paths of Jehovah are abundant mercy and truth, to those who observe his purifying sacrifice and his testimonies. 1 1 For thy name sake, O Jehovah, pardon my iniquity; for it is great. 12. That man, whoever he be, that feareth Jehovah : he shall be taught the way he shall choose. 13. His soul shall remain at rest; and his seed shall inherit the land. 14. The secret of Jehovah is with those that fear him ; and he causes them to know his purifying sacrifice. 15. My eyes are always turned towards Jehovah; for he bringeth out my feet from the net. 16. Turn to me, and be very merciful; for I am deso- late and afflicted. 17. The distresses of my heart are increased : O bring me away from my oppressors. 18. Behold my afflictions, and my toils; and pardon all my sins. 19. Behold my enemies; for they are numerous; and they hate me with violent hatred. 20. Guard my soul and protect me: 1 shall not be confounded, for I trust in thee. 21. Integrity and uprightness will restrain me: fori anxiously expect thee. 22. Redeem Israel, O Elohim, from all his distresses. THE PSALMS. 25 PSALM XXVI. A PSALM OP DAVID. I . cP UDGE me, O Jehovah ; for I walk in my integrity : and because I trust in Jehovah, I shall not slip. 2. Examine me and try me, O Jehovah ; prove my loins and my heart. 3. For thy abundant mercy is before my eyes; and I walk about in thy truth. 4. I have not sat with vain mortals, and have not walked with dissemblers. 5. I have hated the assembly of the wicked; and have not sat with evil doers. 6'. 1 will wash my hands in innocency: and I will oft times encompass thy altar^ O Jehovah : 7- Declaring and relating, with a voice of thanksgiving, all thy wondrous works. 8. O Jehovah, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thy glory dwelleth. 9. Do not let my soul be mingled with sinners, nor my life with men of blood ; 10. Who have wicked devices in their hand, and whose right hand is full of bribes. II. But I will walk in my integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me. 12. My foot standeth upon level ground : in the con- gregations I will bless Jehovah. PSALM xxvn. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. Jehovah is my light and my Saviour; of whom shall I be afraid ? Jehovah is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid ? 26 THE PSALMS, 2. When the wicked, my adversaries and enemies, ap- proached towards me to devour my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 3. If an army shall encamp against me, my heart will not fear; if war be raised against me, on him will I rely. 4. One thing I have asked of Jehovah, which I will en- deavour to obtain ; that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, beholding the beauty of Jehovah, and surveying his temple. 5. For he will hide me in his pavilion : in the day of evil he will hide me in the secret place of his tent: when distressed, he will raise me up. 6. And now my head shall be exalted over my sur- rounding enemies: I will offer a sacrifice in his tabernacle. I will sing aloud, I will sing praises to Jehovah. 7. Hear me, O Jehovah, I will cry with my voice : have mercy upon me, and answer me. 8. My heart saith to thee, seek ye my face. Thy face, O JehovaJi, I will seek. 9. Hide not thy face from me; turn not aside from thy servant in thine anger: thou art my help, leave me not, do not forsake me, O God my Saviour. 10. If my father and my mother forsake me, Jehovah will receive me. 1 1 . Teach me thy way, O Jehovah, and lead me in the path of uprightness, because of my enemies. 12. Give me not up to the will of my enemy: for false witnesses and the breath of violence have risen up against me. 13. But I have depended upon beholding the goodness of Jehovah, in the land of the living. 1 4. Expect God Jehovah : be strong and strengthen thy heart, and earnestly expect God Jehovah. THE PSALMS. 27 PSALM XXVIII. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. I WILL cry unto thee, O Jehovah, my rock; be not deaf to me, lest thou be silent to me, and I be like those who go down to the pit. 2. Hear the voice of my supplication when I cry to thee, when I raise up my hand towards thy holy oracle. 3. Let me not be drawn aside with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, who speak peaceably with their neighbours, while mischief is in their hearts. 4. Do to them according to their deeds, according to the evil of their actions do unto them : according to the works of their hands render to them their reward. 5. Because they do not discern the deeds of Jehovah, nor the works of his hands, he will destroy them, and will not build them up. 6. Blessed be Jehovah, for he hath heard the voice of my supplication. 7. Jehovah is my strength and my shield, in him my heart trusteth, and I am helped; my heart will exult, and my song shall openly confess him. 8. Jehovah is their strength : he is a saving strength to his annointed. 9. Save thy people, and bless thy inheritance : feed them and raise them up for ever. PSALM XXIX A SONG OF DAVin. 1. Ascribe unto Jehovah, O ye mighty, ascribe ye to Jehovah glory and strength. 2. Give ye to Jehovah his glorious title: bow down to Jehovah in the holy sanctuary. 28 THE PSALMS. 3. The voice of Jehovah raises the sea: the glorious God thunders; Jehovah raises the mighty waters. 4. The voice of Jeiiovah is strong; the voice of Jeho- vah is majestic. 5. The voice of Jehovah breaketh the cedar trees: Jehovah will break the trees of Lebanon. 6. He causeth them to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like young unicorns. 7. The voice of Jehovah divideth the flames of fire. 8. The voice of Jehovah shaketh the wilderness ; Je- hovah shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh. 9. The voice of Jehovah causes the hinds to bring forth, and maketh bare the forests : and in his temple every one speaketh of his glory. 10. Jehovah sitteth upon the floods; Jehovah sitteth King for ever. 1 1 . Jehovah giveth strength to his people ; Jehovah will bless his people with peace. PSALM XXX. A Song or Psalm nt the derlication of the house of Darid. 1. I WILL greatly extol thee, O Jehovah; for thou hast drawn me out, and has not let mine enemies rejoice over me. 2. O Jehovah, my God, I cried out to thee, and thou hast healed me. 3. O Jehovah, thou hast raised up my soul from the grave; thou hast kept me alive, and from going down to the pit. 4. Sing to Jehovah, O ye saints, and openly profess the remembrance of his holiness. 5. For his anger is momentary; in his favour is life: weeping endureth for a night, but joy cometh with the morning. 6. And in my prosperity 1 said, I shall never slip. THE PSALMS. 29 7. O Jehovah, by thy favour thou hast caused my hill to stand firm: thou hiddest thy face, and I was terrified. 8. To thee, O Jehovah, I will cry ; and to Jehovah I will make supplication. 9. What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to corruption? can the dust confess thee? will it declare thy truth ? 10. Hearken, O Jehovah, and have mercy upon me: O Jehovah, be thou my help. 11. Thou hast changed my mourning to dancing; and hast unbound my sackcloth, and girt me with gladness. 12. Therefore I will sing of thy glory, and will not be silent. O Jehovah, my God, I will give thanks to thee for ever. PSALM XXXI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . In thee, O Jehovah, I put my trust : let me nevei* be confounded; in thy righteousness deliver me. 2. Incline thine ear to me: shelter me speedily, be to me a strong rock, a house of defence to save me. 3. For thou art my rock, and my fortress: for thy name's sake, lead me and guide me. 4. Bring me forth from this net, which they hid for me: for thou art my strength. 5. Into thy hand I commit my spirit: thou redeemest me, O Jehovah, God of truth. 6. I hate those that observe false vanities: but I trust in Jehovah. 7. I will rejoice and be glad, in the abundant kindness which thou hast shewn to my afflictions : thou hast known my soul in distress. 8. Thou hast not given me into thehands of the enemy : thou causest my feet to stand firm in a large place. IM) THE PSALMS. 9. Have mercy upon my distress, O Jehovah : my eyes, my soul, and my belly are entirely consumed with vexation. 10. For my life with grief, and my years with sighing are consumed; my strength tottereth, because of my iniquity: and my bones are entirely consumed. 11. To all my enemies I am a reproach, especially to my neighbours: and a terror to those who know me, those who see me in the street, flee quickly away from me. 12. I am quite forgotten like a dead man, I am like a broken vessel. 13. For I have heard many evil reports: fear was on every side ; in their secret assemblies they united against me, they purposed stedfastly to take away my life. 14. But I put my trust in thee, O Jehovah: I have said, thou art my God. 15. My time is in thy hand; shelter me from the hands of my enemies: and my persecutors. 16. Make thy countenance to shine upon thy servant: save me in thy abundant mercy. 17. O Jehovah, let me not be confounded, fori have called upon thee : the wicked shall be ashamed, and silenced in the grave. 18. The lying lip shall be silenced: which speaketh against the righteous with perverse pride and contempt. 19. How great is thy goodness, which thou reservest for those who fear thee : thou dost act, for those who take shelter in thee, in the presence of the sons of men. 20. Thou shalt hide them with the protection of thy countenance, from the combinations of men : thou shalt hide them in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. 21. Blessed be Jehovah: for his wonderful loving kindness to me in a distressing commotion. 22. But I said hastily, I am cut off from thy presence: surely thou dost hear the voice of my supplication, when f cried aloud to thee. 23. Love ye Jehovah, all ye his saints: Jehovah pre- serveth the faithful, and will requite to the uttermost the j)roud doer. THE PSALMS. 31 24. Be courageous, and strengthen your heart; all ye who are expecting Jehovah. PSALM XXXIl A PSALM OF DAVID. For instruction. 1. Happy is he whose transgressions are pardoned, and whose sins are covered. 2. Happy is the man to whom Jehovah imputeth no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. 3. For I am torn to pieces, my bones waste away; with my roaring all the day long. 4. For by day and night thy hand is heavy upon me; my moisture is changed to the drought of summer. Selah. 5. My sin I will acknowledge to thee, and my iniquity I will not conceal ; I said, I will openly confess my trans- gressions to Jehovah; and thou forgavestthe iniquity of my sin, Selah. 6. Therefore every one who is godly will intercede with thee, while thou mayest be found : yea, the overflowing of many waters shall not come nigh him. 7. Thou art my hiding place from distress; thou pre- servest me; thou encompasseth me about with songs of de- liverance. Selah. 8. I will make thee wise and direct thee; I will counsel thee in the way in which thou shalt walk; my eyes are upon thee. 9. Be not like a horse, and mule without understanding, with a bit and bridle in their mouth ; to prevent them from approaching unto thee. 10. Many griefs belong to the wicked: but he that trusteth in Jehovah, shall be surrounded by abutidant mercy. 1 1 . Rejoice in Jehovah, and be exceedingly glad, O ye righteous ; and shout for joy all ye upright of heart. .32 THE PSALMS. PSALM XXXIII. 1. IxjEJOiCB, ye righteous, in Jehovah: to the upright praise is becoming. 2. Glorify Jehovah upon the harp, and ten stringed instruments, sing ye to liim. 3. Sing ye to him a new song: play skilfully with a loud sound. 4. For the word of Jehovah is right: and all his works are done with faithfulness. 5. He loveth righteousness and justice: the tender mercy of Jehovah filleth the land. 6. By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made: and with the breath of his mouth all the hosts of them. 7- He gathereth together the water of the sea, as a heap: the mass of water he laid up in a storehouse. 8. Fear ye Jehovah, all ye earth ; of him be ye afraid, all the inhabitants of the world : 9. For he spake, and it came to pass; he commanded, and it was established. 10. Jehovah destroyeth the counsel of the heathen : he frustrateth the devices of the peoples. 1 1 . The counsel of Jehovah endureth for ever, and the thoughts of his heart from generation to generation. 12. Happy is the nation which has Jehovah for its God; and the people he chooses for his heritage. 13. From the heavens Jehovah looketh ; he beholdeth all the sons of men. 14. From the foundation of his habitation, God atten- tively beholdeth all the inhabitants of the earth. 1.5. He formeth their hearts alike; God discerneth all their works. 16. No king is saved by the greatness of his army: the mighty man shall not escape by great strength. 17- The horse is a false thing for safety: and with his great strength he rescueth not. THE PSALMS. 33 18. The eye of Jehovah beholdeth those who fear him; those who anxiously expect his abundant mercy. 19. Delivering their souls from death, and their lives during the famine. 20. Our soul waiteth for Jehovah ; he is our help and our shield. 21. For in him our lieart shall rejoice; for in his holy name we trust. 22. Thy abundant mercy, O Jehovah, shall be upon us, because we anxiously expect thee. PSALM XXXIV. A PSALM OF DAVID, Wlien he cliang-ed )iis beliaviour in the presence of Abimelech, who drove hiiii away, and he departed. 1. X WILL bless Jehovah at all times; his praise shall be continually in my mouth. 2. In Jehovah my soul shall exiilt : the meek shall listen and rejoice. 3. Magnify ye Jehovah with me, and let us greatly ex- tol his name all together. 4. I sought Jehovah, and he answered me, and from all my terrors he rescued me. 5. They looked towards him, and were enlightened; and their faces were not ashamed. 6. This afflicted man cried out, and Jehovah heard and saved him from all his distresses. 7- Behold the angel of Jehovah encompasses those who fear him, and delivereth them. 8. O taste and see how good Jehovah is: happy is the man who trusteth in him. 9. Fear ye Jehovah, O ye his saints: for those who fear him have no want. 10. The lions are desolate and famished : but they who seek Jehovah shall want no good thing. F 34 THE PSALMS. 11. Come ye children, listen to me; I will teach you to fear Jehovah. 12. Thou, O man, who desirest life, and lovest to see good days, 13. Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking deceit. 14. 'i'urn aside from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. 1 5 . The eyes of Jehovah are turned towards the righte- ous, and his ear towards their cry. 16. The face of Jehovah is against those who do evil ; cutting off the remembrance of them from the earth. 17- They (the righteous) ciy aloud, and Jehovah hearkeneth, and delivereth them from all their troubles. 18. Jehovah is nigh the broken hearted; and will save the contrite spirit. 19. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but from all of them, Jehovah will deliver him. 20. He preserveth all his bones: not one of them shall be broken. 2 1 . Affliction shall slay the wicked : and those who hate the righteous shall be desolate. 22. Jehovah will redeem the soul of his servants; and those who trust in him shall not be desolate. PSALM XXXV. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . Plead, O Jehovah, my cause ; and fight my battle. 2. Seize hold of the shield and buckler, and rise up to my help. 3. Break the spear, and shut up the proclamation of my pursuers: say to my soul, I am thy Saviour. 4. They shall be confounded and ashamed who seek my soul; they shall be turned back and disgraced who devise my hurt. THE PSALMS. 35 5. They shall be as chaff before the wind; and driven away by the angel of Jehovah. 6. Their ways shall be dark andi slippery; and tlie angel of Jehovah shall pursue them. 7. For without cause they hid a destructive net for me; without cause they digged for my soul. 8. Destruction shall come unawares, and the net which he hid shall catch himself: into that destruction lie shall fall. 9. But my soul shall rejoice in Jehovah: it shall greatly rejoice in his salvation. 10. All my bones shall say to Jeliovah, who is like unto thee; delivering the meek from those who are stronger than him ; the afflicted and needy from the spoiler. 1 1. Unjust witnesses rose up against me; what I knew not, they questioned me about. 12. They rewarded me evil instead of good, to the be- reavement of my soul. 13. But I in their sickness was clothed in sackcloth; 1 humbled my soul with fasting, but my prayer was returned upon my own breast. 14. I humbled myself, as for my brother: I walked about, as one mourning for his mother: T bowed down mournfully. 15. But in my extremity they rejoiced, and assembled together; the reprovers were assembled against me, and I knew it not; they wrested the truth, and were not silent. 16. Through profligacy, the scoffers deridingly gnashed their teeth at me. 17. O Adoni, how long wilt thou look on? turn away my soul from their destructions, and my united one from the lions. 18. I will confess thee in the numerous congregations: among a powerful people, I will greatly praise thee. 19. My enemies shall not rejoice over me; nor the hyprocrites who hate me, without cause wink their eyes. 20. But they speak not peaceably; and against the quiet of the land, they devise words of deceit. 36 THE PSALMS. 21. They open their mouth against mc, they say, ah! ah ! our eyes behold him. 22. Thou hast seen this, O Jehovah ; do not be silent: O Adoni, be not far from me. 23. Be stirred up, and roused to do me justice; O my God and my Adoni, plead my cause. 24. Judye me, O Jehovah my God, according to thy justice; and they shall not rejoice over me. 25. They shall not say in their heart, ah ! we have de- sired it: they shall not say, we have swallowed him up. 26. They shall all be ashamed and disgraced, who re- joice at my hurt; they shall be clothed with shame and dis- honour, who magnify themselves against me. 27. Those who delight in my justification, shall rejoice and be glad ; they shall say always, great is Jehovah, who rejoiceth in the prosperity of his servants. 28. My tongue shall speak of thy righteousness, and thy praise daily. PSALM XXXVI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID, Tlif Servant of Jeliovali. 1 . A. HE guilty man speaketh to the wickedness within his heart; and has no fear of Elohim before his eyes. 2. For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, hating to find out his iniquity. 3. The words of his mouth are iniquitous and deceit- fid : he ceaseth to be wise and good. 4. He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he is steadily fixed in a path which is not good; he abhorreth not evil. 5. O Jehovah, thy tender mercy reacheth to the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. 6. Thy righteousness is like the strong mountains; thy THE PSALMS. 37 judgements like the great deep: thou savest man and beast, O Jehovah. 7' How precious is thy tender mercy, O Elohim! and the sons of man sliall put their trust under the shadow of tliy wing. 8. They shall be satiated with the fatness of thy house ; and of the rivers of thy pleasure they shall drink. 9. For with thee is the spring of life : and in thy light we behold light. 10. Prolong thy loving kindness to those who know thee : and thy justice to the upright of heart. 1 ] . Let not the foot of pride come against me, nor the hand of the wicked remove me. 12. There the workers of iniquity fall away: they are cast out, and are not able to stand. PSALM XXXVII. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . h RET not thyself because of the wicked : nor envy ,he workers of iniquity. 2. For as grass upon the hills they shall be hastily cut own : as the tender shoot of grass they shall wither. 3. Trust in Jehovah, and do good : inhabit the earth, and feed securely. 4. Delight thyself in Jehovah : and he will grant to thee the prayer of thy heart. 5. Commit thy proceeding to Jehovah, and trust in him : and he will execute it. 6. Thy righteousness shall come forth as light: and thy judgments as the noon day. 7. Be silent to Jehovah, wait patiently for him : fret not thyself, when the man who acteth deceitfully prospers In his ways. 8. Moderate thy anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself even at evil. 38 THE PSALMS. 9. For the evil doers shall be cut off: but those who wait patiently for Jehovah, they shall inherit the land. 10. But yet a little while, and there shall be no wicked: and thou shalt establish thyself in his place, and he shall not be. 1 1 . But the meek shall inherit the land : and delight themselves in the abundance of prosperity. 12. The wicked plotteth against the righteous: and grindeth his teeth at hin). 13. Adoni derideth him: for he sees that his day is come. 14. The wicked have drawn the sword, and bent their bow : to cast down the afflicted and meek, and to slay those of upright conversation. 15. Their sword shall enter their own heart: and their bows shall be broken. 16. The little the righteous have: is better than the great abundance of the wicked. 17. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but Jehovah sustaineth the righteous. 18. Jehovah knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. 19. They shall not be ashamed in evil times: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. 20. But the wicked shall perish; and the enemies of Jehovah shall be consumed as the fat of lambs : into smoke, they shall be consumed. 2 1 . The wicked borroweth, and restoreth not : but the righteous is exceedingly merciful and giveth. 22. For the blessed shall inherit the land: and the greatly accursed shall be cut off. 23. Jehovah confirms the steps of the strong man : and delighteth in his ways. 24. If he fall, he shall not be cast down : for Jehovah upholdeth his hand. 25. I was young, and verily now am old: but I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed seeking food. THE PSALMS. 39 26. He is always exceedingly merciful, and lendeth : and his seed is blessed. 27. Turn away from evil, and do good: and continue for ever. 28. For Jehovah loveth the j ust : and will not forsake his saints, they shall be preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. 29. The righteous shall inherit the land: and dwell for ever upon it. 30. The mouth of tlie righteous uttereth wisdom : and his tongue pronounceth judgment. SI. The law of his God is in his heart : his steps shall not be tottering. 32. The wicked observetli closely the righteous, and seeketh his death. 33. Jehovah will not leave him in his power, nor con- demn him when he is judged. 34. Wait patiently for Jehovah, and observe his ways, and he will greatly exalt thee to inherit the land : thou shalt behold when he cutteth off the wicked. 35. I have seen the wicked very formidable, spreading out like a flourishing cedar tree : 36. But he passed away, and, lo, he was not: and I sought him, but he was not to be found. 37. Mark the perfect, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is prosperous. 38. But transgressors shall be destroyed altogether: the end of the wicked is cut short. 39. The salvation of the righteous is from Jehovah; it is their strength in the time of distress. 40. And Jehovah will help them, and effectually de- liver them from the wicked; and save them who trust in him. 40 THE PSALMS. PSALM XXX VIII. A PSAIiM OF DAVID. For a Memorial. 1. O Jehovah, rebuke me not in thy wrath; nor re- prove me in thy displeasure. 2. For thine arrows have pierced me through, and thine hand is come down upon me. 3. Tliere is no soundness in my flesh, because of thy anger; there is no peace in my bones, because of my sins. 4. For my iniquities pass over my head; as a heavy burthen too heavy for me. 5. My wounds stink, and are corrupt; because of my folly. 6. I wander about; I am bowed down exceedingly ; I walk about mournfully all the day. 7. For my loins are filled with ignominy; and there is no soundness in my flesh. 8 . For I am exceedingly faint and bruised ; I roar for the agitation of my heart. 9. O Adoni, manifest to thee are all my desires; and my sighs are not hid from thee. 10. My heart fluttereth exceedingly, my strength faileth me : and the light of my eyes, tiiat has also left me. 1 1 . My lovers and my friends stand at a distance from my plagues: my kinsmen remain far off". 12. Those who seek my life, are laying snares: those who seek my hurt, they speak mischievously, and utter de- ceit all the day long. 13. But 1 am as a deaf man, I will not hear: as a dumb man, who will not open his mouth. 14. I am as a man who will not hear: and in whose mouth is no reproof. 15. But for thee, O Jehovah, do I anxiously wait; thou wilt reply, O Adoni my God. 16". For I have said, perhaps they will exult over me: and magnify themselves against me, when my foot slippeth. THE PSALMS. 41 17. Verily I am ready to slip, and my grief is always before me. 18. For I will make known iny iniquity; and be troubled at my sin. 19. For my enemies are active and powerful; and they who hate me wrongfully increase. 20. And they who return evil instead of good ; oppose me instead of pursuing good. 21. Do not forsake me, O Jehovah : my God, do not be far from me. 22. Hasten to help me, O Adoni my Saviour. PSALM XXXIX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A Public Confession. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. X SAID, I will keep guard over my ways, that with my tongue I may not sin : 1 will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked are before me. 2. I was entirely silent: I forbore to speak even kindly; but my grief was excited. 3. My heart was heated within me ; while I meditated, the fire was kindled ; and I spake with my tongue. 4. Make me know my end, O Jehovah, and what is the measure of my days; then 1 shall know how transient I am. 5. Behold thou hast made my days a palm's length, my life is as nothing before thee : verily every man is a confirmed vanity. Selah. 6. Verily man walketh through unsubstantial sha- dows ; verily he is disquieted in vain : he collecteth masses together, and knows not who will gather them. 7. And now, O Adoni, what do I wait for? it is for thee I hope anxiously. 8. Deliver me from all my transgressions ; make me not the reproach of the contemptuous. 42 THE PSALMS. 9. I was silent, and opened not my mouth; for thou ordainedst it. 10. Turn away thy plague from me: I am consumed because of the motion of thy hand. 1 1 . With reproofs thou correctest the iniquity of man ; his beauty is consumed like a moth : verily, every man is a shadow. Selah. 12. Hear my prayer, O Jehovah, and hearken to my cry ; do not be silent at my tears : for I am a stranger with thee, a sojourner, as all my fathers were. 13. Save me and refresh me; before I go away, and am no more. PSALM XL. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. I WAITED anxiously for Jehovah: he inclined to me, and heard my cry. 2. He raised me up from the pit of destruction ; from the overwhelming mud, he established my foot upon a rock, and confirmed my proceedings. 3. He put into my mouth a new song of praise to our God : many beheld and feared, and put their trust in Jeho- vah. 4. Happy is the man who putteth his trust in Jehovah; he turneth not towards the proud, and goeth not to and fra to deceive. 5. The wondrous works which thou dost are numerous, O Jehovah my God, and thy contrivances for us, no one can in regular order declare them to thee; but I will speak of their mighty number. 6. Sacrifice and meat offerings thou desirest not : mine ears hast thou opened : burnt offerings and sin offerings thou demandest not. 7. Then I said, behold I come: in the volume of the book it is written concerning me ; THE PSALMS. 43 8. T delight to do thy will, my God; and thy laws are in the midst of my heart, 9. I have preached thy righteousness in the great con- gregation : lo, thou knowest I have not restrained my lips, Jehovah, iO. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart ; 1 have spoken of thy faithfulness and salvation ; I have not concealed thy abundant mercy and truth from the great con- gregation, 1 1 . Thou, O Jehovah, hast not held back thy affectionate kindness from me; thy abundant mercy and truth hath always preserved me. 12. But innumerable evils surround me on every side; my iniquity causes me to err, and I am not able to look up : they are more numerous than the hairs of my head ; and my heart faileth me. 13. Be pleased, O Jehovah, to save me: O Jehovah make haste to help me. 14. They shall be ashamed and altogether confounded who seek to put an end to me; they shall recede back and be ashamed, who desire my hurt. 15. They shall be desolate, because of their shameful conduct, who say to me, ah, ah ! 16. They shall all be glad and rejoice in thee, who seek thee : those who love thy salvation shall always say^ great is Jehovah . 17. But I am afflicted and needy; O Adoni, think of me: thou art my helper and deliverer; do not delay, O my God. PSALM XLl. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. xxAPPy is he who acteth wisely towards the poor; in the day of evil Jehovah will deliver him. 44 THE PSALMS. 2. Jehovah will guard him, and he shall live prospe- rously in the land: he will not give him up to the will of his enemies. 3. Jehovah will sustain him upon his bed of sickness; he will entirely change his bed during his sickness. 4. I said, O Jehovah, have mercy upon me; heal my soul, for I sinned against thee. 5. My enemies will speak evil against me; when will he die, and his name perish ? 6. And if he come to look, he talketh to no purpose: his heart collecteth iniquity to itself; he goeth abroad to talk. 7. They whisper together against me: all who hate me contrive mischief against me. 8. The sentence of wickedness shall be issued forth against him ; and when he lieth down he shall not again rise up. 9. Even the peaceable man in whom I trusted, who had eaten my bread, he raised up the heel against me. 10. But thou, O Jehovah, have mercy upon me, and raise me up, and I will requite them. 11. By this I know that thou delightest in me, because my enemies do not triumph over me. 12. But in my integrity thou boldest me up, and thou wilt fix me firm before thee for ever. 13. Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, for ever and ever. Amen, and Amen. PSALM XLII. TO THE ETERNAL COD. For instruction to the Sons ot" Rorali. 1 . As the hart eagerly desires streams of water : so my soul longeth for thee, O Elohim. 2. My soul thirsteth for Elohim, for the living God: when shall I go and behold the face of Elohim. 3. My tears are my food day and night: when they say to me every day, where is thy God ? THE PSALMS. 45 4. This I will remember, I will pour out my soul with- in me : therefore I will go into the tabernacle, I will remove speedily into the house of Elohim, with the sound of joy and thanksgiving, and the multitude dancing. 5. Why art thou so much absorbed, O my soul, and ' so confused vvithin me ? wait patiently for Elohim : verily I will yet openly praise him, for the salvation of his coun- '^'/''tenance. 6. O my God, my soul is deeply absorbed within me: therefore I will remember thee, from the land of Jordan, and the Hermonites, and the little hill. 7. Deep calleth unto deep, at the noise of thy water- spouts: all thy billows and waves pass over me. 8. Jehovah commandeth forth his abundant mercy daily : and in the night, song and prayer shall be with me, to thee O God of my life. 9. I said to God, O my rock why hast thou forgotten nie: why go I mourning, while the enemy oppresses? 10. My enemies insult me, with a sword through my bones, when they say to me every day : where is thy God ? 1 1 . Why art thou so absorbed, O my soul : and why '^<' ' art thou so disquieted within me ? wait patiently for Elohim : >'* verily I will openly praise him, the Saviour of my countenance, ^^ and my God. r PSALxM XLllI. 1. Judge me, O Elohim, plead, my cause against the nation which is not merciful, against the deceitful man : and deliver me from the iniquitous man. 2. For thou art the God of my strength, why hast thou cast mc off: why should I walk about mournfully, because of the oppression of the enemy. 3. Send forth thy light and thy truth, they shall guide and lead me to thy holy hill, and to thy habitation. 4. And I will go to the altar of Elohim, to the God of 46 THE PSALMS. ^, joy and gladness: and I will openly praise thee, upon the harp, O Elohim my 6s9i/ ILpii^y,^ . 5. Why art thou so deeply absorbed, O my soul, and Ci 5**4 /.c^ ^^y ^^^ t^^ou tumultuous within me? Wait patiently for ' ^ ''Elohim; for I will yet p ublicly praise him, the Saviour of ' t L ^ ^ f r , ,^y countenance, and my God. PSALM XLIV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Fi)i- instruction to tlie Sons of Korah. 1. \} Elohim, with our ears we have heard, our fathers have related to us, the deeds thou performedst in their days, and the days of old. 2. With thy hand thou didst cause them to inherit the nations, and didst settle them ; thou didst afflict the people, and didst cast them out. 3. For with their own sword they got not possession of the land, and with their own arm they saved not themselves; but it was thy right hand, and thy arm, and the light of thy countenance, for thou didst delight in them. 4. It is thou who art my King, O Elohim : who or- dainedst the Salvation of Jacob. 5. Through thee, we will strike at our adversaries; in thy name, we will trample upon them who rise up against us. 6. For in my bow I will not trust, and my sword wiU^ not save me. 7. But thou savest us from our adversaries, and makest those ashamed who hate us. 8. In Elohim we exult all the day, and thy name we will praise for ever. Selah. 9. Yea, thou hast cast us afar off, and we are ashamed; and thou goest not forth with our hosts. 10. Thou makest us to turn back from the adversary; and those who hate us plunder us themselves. 1 1 . Thou hast given us as sheep for food ; and scattered us among the nations. THE PSALMS. 47 1 2. Thou sellest thy people for nothing, and dost not increase their value. 13. Thou niakest us a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to those who surround us. 14. Thou makest us a proverb to the heathen, an ob- ject to shake the head at among the nations. 1 5 . My shame is always present with me, and the shame of my face covers me. 16. Ignominy , reproach and blasphemy j because of the enemy and avenger. 17. All this is come upon us ; but we have not forgot thee, nor falsified thy covenant. 18. Our heart has not turned back, nor our steps de- clined from thy ways . 19. But thou hast humbled us into the place of dragons, and covered us over with the shadow of death. 20. If we have forgotten the name of our G ' od , and ^'^W^*i have stretched out our hands to a strange God; 21. Will not Elohim diligently seek it out? for he knoweth the secrets of the hearts. 22.^For thy sake we are killed every day; and are reckoned as sheep for slaughter. 23. Be roused, why sleepest thou, O Adoni? be waked up, do not drive us far off for ever. 24. Why dost thou hide thy face, thou forgettest our '^ afflictions and our oppressions I — ■ — ""^ 25. For our soul is humbled to the dust; our belly cleaveth to the ground. 26. Arise, help us, and deliver us for thine abundant 7 mercy's sake. PSALM XLV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning' the Victories. — For instruction to tlie Sons of Korah. A SONG OF LOVES. 1 . JVl Y heart is agitated with a worthy subject : I speak of the performance of the King; my tongue is the pen of an expeditious scribe. 48 THE PSALMS, 2. Thou art more beautiful tlian the sons of man ; pace is poured out into thy lips: therefore Elohim hath blessed thee for ever. 3. Gird on thy sword upon thy thigh; mighty is thy glory and thy majesty. 4. Thy majesty prospers, it rides upon the word of truth, meekness, and righteousness; thy right hand teacheth wonderful things, 5. Thine arrows are exceedingly sharp, the peoples shall fall beneath thee, in the midst of the enemies of the king. 6. Thy throne, O Elohim, endureth for ever and ever: the sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 7. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness, therefore Elohim, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of triumph more than any of thy companions. 8. All thy garments are myrrh, and aloes, and cassia: out of the ivory temple, whereby they have made thee glad. 9. Daughters of kings are among thy splendours, the bride standeth at thy right hand, with stamped gold of Ophir. 10. Listen, O daughter, and understand, incline thy ear : forget thy own people, and the house of thy father. 1 1 . For the king will desire thy beauty : for he is thy Lord, and prostrate thyself to him. 12. The daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift : the rich among the people will patiently expect thy presence. 13. The daughter of the king is all glorious within: her garment is open work of gold. 14. She shall be brought to the king in variegated work, the virgins her companions shall follow her, when going towards thee. 15. They shall be brought with joy and gladness: they shall go into the king's palace. 16. Instead of thy fathers, thy sons shall be appointed princes in all the earth. 17. I will cause thy name to be remembered in every generation : therefore the peoples shall publicly confess thee, for ever and ever. THE PSALMS. 49 PSALM XLVI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. For the Sons of Korah. A SONG CONCERNING HIDDEN THINGS. 1. Elohim is our refuge and strength: we have found him a great help in distress. 2. Therefore I will not fear, when the earth is broken up : and when the hills are swiftly moved into tlie midst of the sea. 3. The waters shall be agitated and disturbed, the hills shall shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. 4. The river whose, streams shall rejoice the city of Elohim, the holy tabernacle of the Most High. 5. Elohim is in the midst of it, it shall not be removed : Elohim will help it at the return of the morning. 6. The nations are con fused , and the kingdoms shaken : he giveth out his voice, and the earth is dissolved. 7. Jehovah of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. 8. Come, and behold the works of Jehovah, what deso- lations he hath placed upon the eartli. 9. He hath made wars to cease unto the end of the earth ; he hath broken the bow, and quite cut through the spear; and hath burned the chariots with fire. 10. Submit, and know that I am Elohim; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth. 1 1 . Jehovah of hosts is with us ; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. PSALM XLVn. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. For the Sons of Korah, A PSALM. 1 . CyLAP your hands, all ye peoples ; shout to Elohim with a voice of thanksgiving. H 50 THE PSALMS. 2. For Jehovah is most exceedingly to be feared; a great King over all the earth. 3. He will subdue the peoples under us, and the nations beneath our feet. 4. He will ehoose our inheritance for us, and the eleva- tion of Jacob, whom he loved. Selah. 5. Elohini is gone up with a shout; Jehovah at the sound of the trumpet. " 6. Sing ye very harmoniously to Elohim; sing ye very harmoniously to our King. 7. For Elohim reigneth over all the earth: sing ye with understanding. 8. Elohim reigneth over the nations : Elohim sitteth upon his holy seat. 9. The nobles of the peoples are gathered together, the people of the God of Abraham ; for Elohim, the defence of the land is very highly exalted. PSALM XLVIII. A song- to bf sung by the Sons of Korali. 1. Cjtreat is Jehovah, and very exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God, his holy hill. 2. The hill of Sion is of beautiful extent, rejoicing all the earth ; on the north side is the city of the great King. 3. Elohim is known in her palaces for a refuge. 4. For, lo, the kings met, they passed away together. 5. They looked, and so they were astonished; they feared and hasted away. 6. Terror seized upon them there; anguish as upon a woman in labour. 7. The ships of Tarshish were destroyed with the east winds. 9. According to what we heard, so have we seen in the city of Jehovah of hosts, in the city of our God: Elohim will establish it for ever and ever. Selah. THE PSALMS. 51 9. We wait silently for thy loving kindness, O Eloliim, in the midst of thy temple. 10. According to thy name, so is thy praise, O Elohim, to the extremities of the earth : thy right hand fulfilleth righteousness. 11. Mount Zion shall rejoice, and the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments. 12. Go round Zion, encompass her, count her towers. 13. Consider her strength, view her palaces, that ye may give an account to future generations. 14. For this Elohim is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide unto death. PSALM XLIX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A Psalm for the Sons of Korali. 1. XI EAR this, all ye peoples; listen all ye inhabitants of the earth : 2. Yea, ye sons of human nature, yea, ye sons of men, rich and poor altogether. 3. My mouth shall speak wisdom; and the meditations of my heart shall be of understanding. 4. 1 incline my ears to a parable, and I will explain my sublime discourse upon a harp. 5. Why should I be afraid in the days of evil, when I am surrounded by the iniquity of those who supplant me ? 6. Of those who trust in their own strength, and boast of the multitude of their riches. 7. Man cannot possibly redeem his own species, nor make an atonement for them to Elohim ; 8. The redemption of their sftul is set at a great price, and he for ever is transitory. 9. But the soul it shall live for ever, and shall not see corruption. 10. But he shall behold wise men die, the fool and the 52 THE PSALMS. ignorant shall perish together: and they willleave their riches to their posterity. 1 1 . Inwardly they think their houses are everlasting : their habitations upon the lands they call by their names from generation to generation. 12. But man continueth not in honour : he is like the dumb beasts that perish. 13. This is the folly of their proceedings: and their posterity are pleased with their sayings. Selah. 14. As sheep they are put into the grave, death feedeth upon them there ; they go down, the upri ght inquire con - cerning them ; their strength is wasted away, and their ha- bitation is the grave. 15. Verily Elohim will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he will receive me. Selah. IG. Be not afraid if a man grow rich, if the glory of his house increase ; 17. For at his death he shall take nothing away : and his glory shall not descend after him. 18. For he was blessed during his life: thou shalt be praised, if thou benefittest thyself. 19. He shall go to the generation of his fathers; and moreover they shall not see light. 20. Man in honour, without discretion, resembles the dumb beasts. PSALM L. A PSALM OF ASAPH. 1 . CroD, Elohim, Jehovah speaketh, and he calleth to the earth, from the rising of the sun unto its going down. 2. From Zion, in perfect beauty, Elohim shined forth. 3. Our God came, and was not silent; fire devoured before him, and an exceedingly violent storm surrounded him . 4. He shall call to the heavens above, and to the earth . he will judge his people. THE PSALMS. 53 5 . Collect my saints together, who have made a covenant with me at my altar. 6. And the heavens shall declare his justice: forElohim himself judgeth. Selah. 7. Attend, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, I will testify against thee: I am Elohim, thy God. 8. I rebuke thee not because of thy sacrifices, and thy burnt offerings, which are always before me. 9. I will not receive the bullock from thy house, nor the he goat from thy folds. 10. For to me belongeth all the beasts of the forest, and the cattle ypon a thousand hills. 11 . I know all the fowls of the hills ; and the animals of the fields are mine. 12. If 1 hunger, I will not tell thee: for the world is mine, and its contents. 13. Shall I eat the flesh of mighty bulls, and drink the blood of he goats ? 14. Offer unto Elohim thanksgivings; and fulfil thy vows to the Most High : 15. And invoke me in the day of distress; and I will free thee from trouble, and thou shalt glorify me. 16. But to the wicked Elohim saith, Why dost thou preach my precepts, and takest my purification sacrifice in thy mouth? 17- And hatest reproof, and castest behind thee my words. 18. If thou beholdest a thief, thou art pleased with him : with the adulterers thou hast thy portion. 19. Thy mouth sendeth forth evil, and thy tongue is connected with deceit. 20. Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother; and pourest out calumny against thy mother's son. 21 . These things thou didst, and I was silent; and thou thoughtest that I AM was like to thee ; I will reprove thee, and set them in array before thy eyes. 22. Now consider this, ye who forget God, lest I tear you to pieces, and there be no protector. 54 THE PSALMS. 23. He who offers the sacrifice of praise, glorifieth me: the manner is appointed : I will shew him the salvation of Elohim. PSALM LI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID, When Nathan tlie Prophet went to him, after he had been to Bathsheba. 1 . Have mercy upon me, O Elohim, according to thy abundant mercy; according to the great number of thy loving kindnesses blot out my sins. 2. From the multitude of my iniquities cleanse me, and purify me from my sins. 3. For I acknowledge my transgressions; and my sins are always before me. 4. Against thee only have I sinned, and have done evil in thy sight; therefore thou art just in thy sentence, and clear in thy judgment. 5. Behold, in iniquity I was brought forth; and in sin my mother conceived me. 6. Lo, thou earnestly desirest truth in the inner parts; and in the inner man thou causeth me to know wisdom. 7. Thou wilt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean : thou wilt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 8. Thou wilt cause me to hear joy and gladness; thou wilt cause the bones thou hast broken to rejoice. 9. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquity. 10. Create a pure heart within me, O Elohim ; and con- firm a new spirit within me. 11. Cast me not away from thy presence; and thy holy spirit take not away from me. 12. Let thy joyous salvation return to me: and let thy spirit freely sustain me. 13. I will teach sinners thy proceedings: and trans- gressors shall be turned back to thee. THE PSALMS. 55 14. Shelter me from murderers, O Elohim, O God of my salvation: my tongue will greatly rejoice at thy righteousness. 15. O Adoni open thou my lips, and my mouth will declare thy praise. 16". For thou desirest not sacrifice, or I would give it: thou desirest not a burnt offering. 17. The sacrifice of Elohim is a broken spirit : a broken and afflicted heart Elohim will not despise. 18. With thy kindness do good to Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. 19. Then wilt thou delight in the sacrifices of right- eousness, the burnt offering and the whole sacrifice : then bullocks shall be offered up upon thy altar. PSALM LII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. INSTRUCTION. — A PSALM OF DAVID. ■When Doeg the Edoinite, went and declared to Saul; saying- to him, David is gone to the house of Aliinielech. 1. Why dost thou boast of wickedness, O mighty man: the abundant mercy of God endureth always. 2. Thy tongue meditateth injustice: as a sharp razor it worketh deceitfully. 3. Thou lovest evil more than good: and falsehood rather than to speak truth. Selah. 4. Thou lovest all destructive words, O deceitful tongue. 5. Verily God will destroy thee everlastingly : he will destroy thee, he will pluck thee down from the tent, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah. 6. The righteous shall look on, and fear: they shall laugh at it. 7. Behold the mighty man who placed not his strength in Elohim : but trusteth in the multitude of his riches, and was confident in his injustice. 8. But T am like a very flourishing olive-tree in the 56 THE PSALMS. house of Elohini: I will trust in the abundant mercy of Elohim for ever and ever, 9. I will praise thee for ever, for what thou dost; I will wait patiently for thy name, for it is right to declare thy abundant mercies. PSALM LIII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning Profaneness. — Instnictioo. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . 1 HE vile man saith in his heart, there is no Elohim ; they are corrupt, they are abominably iniquitous: no one doeth good. 2. Elohim looketh down from heaven upon the sons of men: to see if they had the discernment to seek Elohim. 3. They all turned back together, they are corrupt: none do good, no not one. 4. Do not the workers of iniquity know, they are de- vourers of my people? they devour bread, but they call not upon Elohim. 5. There they feared greatly where there was no fear: for Elohim scattered the bones of those encamped against thee; they were confounded, for Elohim despised them. 6. Who will give salvation to Israel out of Zion? when Elohim bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel will be glad. PSALM LIV. To the chief Musician of string'cd instruments. A PSALM OF DAVID, For instruction. — When the Zephinis came, and said to Saul, does i^of David hide himself from us? 1. O Elohim, by thy name save me: and by thy might judge mc. THE PSALMS, 57 2. O Elohim, liear my prayer: give ear to the words of my mouth. 3. For strangers rise up against me, and violent people seek my soul; they place not Elohim before them. Selah. 4. Behold, Elohim is my help: the Adoni is with those who uphold my soul. 5. He will return evil to my enemies: in thy truth cause their destruction. 6. With free-will offerings I will sacrifice to thee; I will praise thy name, O Jehovah, for it is right. 7. For from distress he has sheltered me; and mine eyes have looked upon my enemies. PSALM LV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. For stringed iustruiiients. A PSALM OF DAVID. — FOR INSTRUCTION. 1. CxiVE ear, O Elohim, to my prayer; and hide not thyself from my supplication. 2. Attend to me, and answer me: in my meditations I am humbled and discomforted; 3. Because of the contempt of the enemy, and the op- pression of the wicked : for they slide mischief over me, and in wrath bear malice against me. 4. My heart is agonised within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me. 5. Fear and tremour are come over me, horror hath overspread me. 6. And I said, who will give me a pinion like a dove? I would fly away and be at rest. 7. Lo! I would remove away quickly, and dwell in the desert. Selah. 8. I would hasten my escape, and rush from the wind and violent tempest. 9. Destroy, O Adoni, and make a divi sion of tongu es ; for I see violence and contention in the city. I 58 THE PSALMS. 10. Day and night they surround her walls; and mis- chief and sorrow are in the midst of her. 11. Injustice is within her; and wickedness and deceit are not withdrawn from her market-place. 12. For it is not an enemy that has reproached me, nor one that hated me who has triumphed over me, for I should have hid myself from him. 13. But it was thou, a mortal man, of disposition like myself, my guide, my intimate. 14. Who united with me in sweet counsel ; in the house of Elohim we walked in company. 1 5 . Death shall come upon them : the quick shall go down to the grave, for evil is in the midst of their dwellings. 16*. I vvill call upon Elohim; and .lehovah wijl save^me. 17. Evening and morning, and at noon day, I will me- ditate and be agitated ; and he will hear my voice. 18. He entirely rescued my soul from the assaults that were against me: for there were many with me. 19. God will hear and afflict them; he will bring back their former state . Selah. Because they do not change, and do not fear Eloliim. 20. He sendeth forth his hand against their peace, who violate his purificati on sacrifice. 21 . Smoother than butter are the words of their mouth, but in their heart is war : their words are softer than oil, yet they are unsheathed swords. 22. Cast th y gift upon Jehovah, and he will supply thee : he will never suifer the righteous to be moved. 23. But tliou, O Elohim, wilt bring down to the pit of destruction, the murderers and hypocrites: they shall not live half their days; but I will trust in thee. PSALM LVI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning- the oppressed band of men dispersed. Am engraved Psalm of David, when the Philistines seized him in Gath. 1 . It. AVE mercy upon me, O Elohim, for men swallow me up all the day long : they fight eagerly against me. THE PSALMS. 59 2. My adversaries swallow me up all the day long : for they are numerous who fight against me, O Most Highest. 3. I am daily afraid, but I will trust to thee. 4. I will greatly boast of the words of Elohim : in Elohim I will confide; I will not fear what flesh shall do to me. 5. All day long they wrest my words: all their machi- nations are injurious towards me. 6. They stir up strife, they look around, they watch my footsteps, as if they lay in wait for my life. 7. Through iniquity is there deliverance for them? In anger Elohim has brought down the peoples. 8. Thou enumeratest my agitations: thou puttest my tears in thy bottle : are they not in thy book ? 9. Then shall my enemies be made to turn back, when I call aloud; then I shall know that Elohim is for me. 10. In Elohim's word I will greatly exult; in Jehovah's word I will greatly boast. 11. In Elohim I trust : I will not fear what man will do to me. 12. On me, O Elohim, are thy vows : wholly unto thee I will make public confessions. 13. For is it not thou who saved my soul from death, and my feet from falling. That I might walk before thee, O Elohim, in the light of the living ? PSALM LVII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. AN ENGRAVED PSALM OF DAVID. That he mig-lit not be destroyed when he fled from Saul in the Cave. 1 . Have mercy upon me, O Elohim, have mercy upon me; for in thee my soul trusteth: and in the shadow of thy wing I will take shelter, till injustice be passed over. 2. I will call to the Most High Elohim : to God who acteth for me. 3. He will send from heaven to save me from the re- 60 THE PSALMS. proacb of those who would swallow me up. Selah. Elohim will send forth his mercy and his truth. 4. My soul is among lionesses; I lie down among the raging sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a polished sword. 5. Tho u art exalted above the heavens, O Elohim; and thy glory is above all the earth. 6. They prepared a net for my feet ; my soul was greatly bowed down : they digged a pit before me, they are fallen into the midst of it. Selah. 7. My heart is confirmed, O Elohim, my heart is con- firmed; I will sing very melodiously. 8. Awake up, my glory; awake lute and harp; I will wake up early. 9. I will publicly praise thee among the peoples, O Adoni; I will sing of thee among the nations. 10. For thy abundant mercy extendeth to the heavens, and thy faithfulness unto the clouds. 1 1 . Exalt ed above the heavens, O Elohim, and above all the earth istKy glory. PSALM LVIII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Ag-ainst destruction. AN ENGRAVED PSALM OF DAVID. 1. JL B faithful band of men, speak ye righteously; and ye sons of men judge uprightly. 2. Verily, in the heart ye work iniquitously upon the earth ; and with your hands ye meditate violence. 3. The wicked go astray from the womb ; they go astray from the birth : they are speakers of falsehood, 4. Their .inflammatory poison resembles the inflam- matory poisonous serpent; it is like the deaf adder, which stoppeth its ears. 5. Which will not listen to the sound of enchantments, however curiously combined. THE PSALMS. 61 6. O Elohim, utterly destroy the teeth in their mouth; the grinders of the young hons break to pieces, O Jehovah. 7- ^et them be despised, Uke running waters: hke his arrows which he directeth at them, they shall be broken to pieces. 8. Like a snail they shall consume away; as a woman's birth is put away, they shall not behold the sun. 9. Before your pots shall discern the thorn, those that are fresh, like those that are heated, shall be hurried away. 10. The righteous man shall rejoice, when he beholdeth vengeance : his steps shall be wetted with the blood of the wicked. 11. And man shall say. Verily, this is the fruit of jus- tice: verily, Elohim is judging the earth. PSALM LIX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Against destruction. AN ENGRAVEU PSALM OF DAVID. When Saul sent, and tliey watched the house to kill hiin. 1. Shelter me, O my God, from my enemies: give me refuge from those who rise up against me. 2. Shelter me from the workers of iniquity, save me from the men of blood. 3. For behold they lie in wait for my soul, the mighty men are stirred up against me; not for my transgressions, nor my sins, O Jehovah. 4. Not being afflicted, they are delighted and confirmed : arise at my call and behold it. 5. And thou, O Jehovah, Elohim of hosts, O God of Israel, awake to punish all the heathen : be not merciful to any iniquitous hypocrites. Selah. 6". They return in the evening; they howl like a dog, and encompass the city. 7. Behold they utter words with their mouths: swords are in their lips; but who doth listen? 62 THE PSALMS. 8. Thou, O Jehovah, hiughest at them; thou hast all the heathen in derision. 9. To thy strength will 1 go, 1 will watch, for thou, O Elohim, art my refuge. 10. My God of his abundant mercy goeth before me: Elohim maketh me look at my enemies. 1 1 . Slay them not, lest my people forget : with thy strength scatter them, and subdue them, O Adoni our defence. 12. For the sin of their mouth, and the words of their lips; in their pride they shall be taken; they talk of cursing and falsehood. 13. In wrath he will utterly consume them, and they shall be no more; and they shall know that Elohim reigneth over Jacob, and unto the ends of the earth. Selah. 14. In the evening they turnback ; and howl like dogs, and encompass the city. 1 5 . They wander about for food : if they are not satisfied they howl. 16. But I will sing of thy power; and I will sing of thy abundant mercy early in the morning: for thou art my refuge and shelter in the day of my distress. 17. O ray strength, unto thee will I sing, for Elohim is my refuge; my God is abundantly merciful. PSALM LX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning' the testimony of Victory. AN ENGRAVED PSALM OF DAVID. Teaching when be strove with exalted Floods and with pride, and then Joah returned, and smote of Edom, in the Valley of Salt, 12,000. 1. O Elohim, thou hast cast us oif, thou hast scat- tered us, thou art very angry; O return to us again. 2. Thou hast shaken the land and burst it open ; heal its wounds, for it is moved. 3. Thou hast caused thy people to see affliction; thou hast made us drink of wine greatly agitated. THE ^SALMS. 63 4. Thou hast given a standard to those who fear thee, to display itself for the sake of the truth. Selah. 5 . That thy beloved may be delivered ; thy right hand will save and answer us. 6. Elohim saith in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will exactly divide Sichem, I will punctually measure out the Valley of Succoth. 7. Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraini is my chief strength; Judah is my lawgiver; 8. Moab is my washpot; over Edom I will cast my shoe: shout aloud, O Philistia, on account of me. 9. Who will lead me into a fortified city? who will lead me into Edom ? 10. Hast thou not scattered us, O Elohim, and wilt thou not go forth, O Elohim, with our armies? 1 1 . Give us help from trouble : for vain is the help of man. 12. Through Elohim we shall act valiantly; and he will trample upon our enemies. PSALM LXI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. For string-ed instriuiients. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. Hear my cry, O Elohim; attend to my prayer. 2. From the extremity of the earth I will cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed : lead me to a rock that is higher than myself. 3. For thou art my hope and great strength, in the face of the enemy. 4. I will dwell in thy tabernacle for ever ; and will trust in the covert of thy wing. Selah. 5. For thou, O Elohim, hast heard my vows : thou hast given an heritage to those who fear thy name. 6. Days upon days are added to the king's life: his years are as many generations. 64 THE PSALMS. 7. He shall dwell for ever in the presence of Elohim: abundant mercy and truth are appointed to preserve him. 8. Thus I will sing praises unto thy name for ever, and daily perform my vows. PSALM LXII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning- Jedutlinn. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. Verilv my soul rests upon Elohim: from him Cometh my salvation. 2. Verily he is my rock and my salvation, my refuge, I shall not greatly slip. 3. How long will ye be against one man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a wall ye shall bow down, as a fence ye shall be pushed down. 4. Surely they delight to take counsel how to push him down from his height; deceitfully they bless him with their mouth ; but they curse him inwardly. Selah. 5. Verily upon Elohim my soul rests : for from him is my hope. 6. Verily he is my rock and my salvation, my refuge, I shall not slip. 7. Elohim is my salvation, my glory, and strong rock ; in Elohim is my trust. 8. Trust in him at all times; ye people pour out before him your hearts : Elohim is our hope. Selah. 9. Verily the sons of man are a shadow, the sons of man are deceitful ; when weighed they mount up, they are al- together vanity. 10. Do not trust in oppression and in robbery : be not vain if riches increase, nor set your heart upon them. 11. Once, Elohim spake; and a second time I heard this; that strength belongeth to Elohim. 12. Abundant mercy is thine, O Adoni, for thou re- w^ardest man according to his works. THE PSALMS. 65 PSALM LXIII. A PSALM OF DAVID, Wlien lie was in the wilderness of Judea. 1. O ELOHiM,thouart my God; I will diligently seek thee: my soul tliirstetli for thee, my flesh earnestly desires thee, in a parched and exhausted land without water. 2. Thus I beheld thee in the sanctuary, displaying thy powder and thy glory. 3. For thy abundant mercy is better than life; my lips shall praise thee. 4. Thus in my life I will bless thee: in thy name I will lift up my hands. 5. As my soul is satisfied with fat and oil, so shall my lips rejoice, and my mouth exult. 6. I have remembered thee upon my bed, while watching 1 have meditated upon thee. 7. For thou hast been my help, and under the shadow of thy wing I will greatly rejoice. 8. My soul pursueth after thee: thy right hand hath laid hold upon me. 9. But they seek my soul to destroy it, they shall go into the nethermost places of the earth. 10. They shall be afraid because of the edge of the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes. 1 1 . But the king will rejoice in Elohim ; every one shall exult who sweareth by him : but the mouth of the speaker of lies shall be stopped. PSALM LXIV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . Hear my voice, O Elohim, during my meditation: preserve my life from the terror of the enemy. 2. Hide me from the secret assembly of the wicked; from the multitude who work iniquity : K 66 THE PSALiMS. 3. Whose tongues are a sharp sword^ they direct their arrows, even bitter words. 4. Shooting in secret at the perfect: they shoot sud- denly, and fear not. 5. They encourage themselves to speak evil : they count their hidden snares, and say, Who will see them ? 6. They free iniquity from incumbrances; they entirely set it free : the inward thoughts of each one, and his heart are deep. 7. Elohim directeth an arrow at them; and they shall suddenly be wounded. 8. Their tongues shall be a stumbling block to them- selves: all who look upon them shall flee swiftly away. 9. And all men shall fear and acknowledge the work of Elohim ; and they shall understand his doing. 10. The righteous shall rejoice in Jehovah, they shall trust in him : the upright of heart shall exult. PSALM LXV A PSALM, OR SONG OF DAVID. 1. I^RAISE is fitting for thee, O Elohim, in Zion: and to thee shall my vows be performed. 2. O listen to supplication, unto thee shall all flesh come. 3. Words of iniquity prevail against me: our transgres- sions thou wilt atone for. 4. Blessed is the man whom thou wilt choose, and unto whom thou drawest nigh : he shall inhabit thy courts, and be satisfied with the benefits of thy house, and thy holy temple. 5. Dreadful in justice, thou afflictest us, O God of our salvation ; thou art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of the distant sea. 6. By his strength the hills are established, and girded by his might. 7. He assuageth the tumultuous noise of the sea, the tumultuous noise of the waves, and the tumults of the nations. THE PSALMS. 67 8. They who dwell in the extremity of the euith shall fear thy tokens; the going forth of the morning and evening shall give great joy. 9. Thou visitest the earth and vvaterest it plentifully, thou hast enriched it; Elohim has filled the rivers with water: it is adapted for corn, because thou hast prepared it accordingly. 10. Its furrows are well watered with abundant showers; they are well softened : thou blessest their produce. 11. Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy clouds distil fatness. 12. The wilderness will distil pleasure; and thou shalt encircle the mountains with joy. 13. The pastures are clothed with sheep; and the vallies are covered with corn: they shout aloud, yea they rejoice. PSALM LXVl. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM, OR SONG. 1. iShout aloud to Elohim, all the earth: 2. Singtheglory of hisname; make ye hisname glorious. 3. Say ye to Elohim, how terrible are thy works ! through thy great strength thy enemies fall before thee. 4. All the earth shall bow down before thee, they shall sing to thee, and praise thy name. Selah. 5. Come and see the works of Elohim: his doings are wonderful towards the children of men. 6. He changeth the sea to dry land : tliey passed over the river on foot: in it there was rejoicing. 7. By his strength he ruleth forever; his eyes survey the nations: the rebellious shall not raise themselves up. Selah. 8. Bless, O ye peoples, our God, and cause the sound of his praise to be heard. 9. He appoints our soul among the living, and doth not sulTer our foot to slip. 68 THE PSALMS, 10. For thou trlest us, O Elohim: thou provest us as silver is tried. 11. Thou bringest us into a defile; thou puttest restraint upon our loins. 12. Thou causest men to ride over our heads: we went through fire, and through the sea, and thou didst bring us out fainting. 13. I will go into thy house with burnt offering; and 1 will perform my vows unto thee, 14. Which my lips have spoken, and my mouth uttered in my distress. 15. Burnt sacrifice of fatlings I will offer up to thee, with incense of rams: I will offer up a bullock with he goats. Selah. 1 6. Come and listen, and I will tell all who fear Elohim, what he has done for my soul. 17. My mouth called out to him, and he was greatly extolled by my tongue. 18. If 1 had shewed iniquity in my heart, the Adoni would not have listened. 19. Verily, Elohim has listened; he has hearkened to the voice of my prayer. 20. Blessed be Elohim, who hath not turned aside my prayer, nor his loving kindness from me. PSALM LXVII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. For striiig-«'d instruments. A PSALM TO BE SUNG. 1. O Elohem, have mercy upon me, and bless us; and let his countenance shine upon us. Selah. 2. Make thy way to be known upon earth, and thy sal- vation to all nations. .3. The peoples shall praise thee, O Elohim ; the people all of them shall praise thee. 4. The nations shall rejoice and be glad; for thou wilt THE PSALMS. 69 judge the peoples righteously, and wilt have compassion upon the nations of the earth. Selah, 5, The peoples shall praise thee, O Elohim ; the peoples all of them shall praise thee. 6. The earth shall give its produce; Elohim our God shall bless us. 7- Elohim will bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. PSALM LXVIII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM, OR SONG OF DAVID. 1. JtiiLOHiM will arise, his enemies shall be scattered; and those who hate him shall flee before him. 2. As smoke is speedily driven away : as wax melteth before the fire, so shall the wicked perish from before Elohim . 3. The righteous shall be glad and rejoice before Elohim : they shall rejoice with great joy. 4. Sing ye to Elohim, praise his name: extol him who rideth in the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him. 5. Elohim, in his holy habitation, is the father of the fatherless, and judgeth the widows. 6. Elohim setteth the solitary in the midst of a family: he bringeth out those who are bound by righteousness ; but the rebellious shall dwell in parched land. 7. O Elohim, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness; Selah. 8. The earth shook, yea, the heavens also dropped at the presence of Elohim : this Sinai at the presence of Elohim, the God of Israel. 9. O Elohim, thou showerest down abundant rain upon thy inheritance, and dost strengthen it when it is faint. 10. Thy living creatures dwell in it; O Elohim, thou preparest in thy goodness for the poor. 70 THE PSALMS. 1 1 . Adoni spake the word : a numerous assembly spread it abroad. 12. Kings of armies fled speedily away: and the habi- tations of the family was divided for spoil. 13. There was among the fire ranges, the wings of a dove cov^ered with silver, and the pinions with very bright native gold. 14. Wiien the Almighty scattered the kings for her, it snowed in Salmon. 15. The hill of Elohim, is tlie hill of Bashan; a high hill is the hill of Bashan. 16. Why do ye look towards the high hills? this is the hill Elohim hath chosen for his dwelling; yea Jehovah will inhabit it for ever. 17. The chariots of Elohim are twenty thousand, a thousand times repeated : Adoni is among them on holy Sinai. 18. Thou hast ascended up on high, thou hast led cap- tivity captive: thou hast procured gifts for man; even the rebellious: there dwelleth JAH, the Elohim. 19. Blessed be Adoni, who daily beareth the burthens for us; is he not our Saviour ? Selah. 20. Is he not to us the God of salvation ? and to Je- hovah, the Adoni, belongeth the issues of death. 21. Verily Elohim deeply wounds the head of his ene- mies, the hairy crown of such a one as proceedeth in his trespasses. 22. The Adoni said, I will bring back from Bashan, I will bring them back from the depths of the sea : 23. Therefore thy foot shall be plunged in the blood of the enemies, the tongue of thy dogs shall have its portion. 24. They behold thy proceedings, O Elohim ; the going of my God, the King, into the sanctuary. 25. The singers precede, the minstrels follow; in the midst are the damsels playing with the timbrels. 26. Bless ye Elohim in the congregation, Adoni the fountain of Israel. 27. There is little Benjamin, their ruler, the princes of THE PSALMS. 71 Judah their bulwark, the princes of Zebulon, the princes of Nephtali. 28. Tliy God lias ordained thy strength: confirm, O Elohim, what thou hast wrought for us. 29. For thy temple in Jerusalem, shall kings bring presents to thee. 30. Restrain the crocodile; the assemblage of bulls; the calves of the people, trampling upon the broken pieces of silver: scatter the peoples who delight to assault. 31. The Chasmoneans shall come from Egypt; Ethiopia will quickly extend their hands towards Elohim, 32. The kingdoms of the earth shall sing to Elohim : they will sing praises to Adoni; Selah. 33. To him who went before, riding in the heaven of heavens ; lo he giveth out his mighty strong voice. 34. Ascribe ye strength to Elohim; his majesty is over Israel, his strength is in the clouds. 35. O Elohim, thou art terrible out of thy sanctuary: thou givest strength to Israel, and power to the people. Blessed be Elohim. PSALM LXIX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning- Triumphs. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. (Save me, O Elohim; for the waters are come unto my soul. 2. 1 am sunk in deep mire, and there is no firm fooling : I am come to the depths of the sea, and the currents have overwhelmed me. 3. I am weary with crying out: my breath passes vio- lently through my wind-pipe: my eyes are consumed with waiting anxiously for my God. 4. Those who hate me without cause are more than the hair of my head : my false enemies who would destroy me are mighty; what I took not away by violence I gave back. 73 THE PSALMS. 5. O Elohim, thou knowest my folly ; ray trespasses are not hid from thee. G. Let not those who wait upon thee be ashamed on account of me, O Adoni, Jehovah of Hosts : those who seek thee shall not be confounded on account of me, O God of Israel. 7. For on thy account I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face. 8. I am estranged from my brethren, and am a stranger to my mother's son. 9. For the zeal of thy house hath consumed me; and the reproaches of those who reproach thee are fallen upon me. 10. I wept away my soul with fasting: it was made a reproach to me. 11. I made sackcloth my clothing; I became a bye- word to them . 12. For those who sat in the gate meditated seriously against me, and I was the song of those who drank strong drink. 13. But I will pray to thee, O Jehovah : in an acceptable time, O Elohim, in the multitude of thy tender mercies answer me, in confirmation of thy salvation. 14. Deliver me out of the mud, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from those that hate me, and from the depths of the sea. 15. Let not the rush of the sea overwhelm me, nor the depths swallow me up, and close not over me the mouth of the pit. 16. Answer me, O Jehovah; for thy abundant mercy is good, according to the multitude of thy compassion turn to- wards me. 17- Hide not thy countenance from thy servant, for I am distressed: answer me quickly. 18. Draw nigh to my soul, and redeem it: deliver me, because of my enemies. 19. Thou knowest my disgrace, and my shame, and my dishonour: my enemies are all before thee. 20. Disgrace and grief have broken my heart : I expected THE PSALMS. 73 sympathy, but there was none; and for consolation, but I found none. 21. With my food they gave me deadly poison ; and for my thirst they caused mc to drink vinegar. 22. Their table shall be a snare to them, and their peace offering, a trap. 23. Their eyes shall be prevented from seeing; and their loins always be tottering. 24. Pour out thine indignations upon them, and thy fiery anger shall overtake them. 25. Their palaces shall be desolate, and no one shall dwell in their tents. 26. For they persecute him whom thou smltest; and minutely detail the soreness of those whom thou hast wounded. 27. Thou wilt add affliction to affliction; and they shall not come into thy justification. 28. They shall be blotted out of the book of the living, and they shall not be written down among the justified. 29. But I am afflicted and grieved : let thy salvation, O Elohim, exalt me. 30. I will praise the name of Elohim in song, and mag- nify him with thanksgiving. 3 1 . This will be more pleasing to Jehovah than beeves or heifers, than horns or hoofs. 32. The afflicted shall behold it and rejoice: and ye who seek Elohim, your hearts shall live. 33. For Jehovah listeneth to the poor, anddespiseth not his prisoners. 34. The heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that creep therein, shall praise him. 35. For Elohim shall save Zion, and build up the cities of Judah; and they shall dwell there, and inherit it. 36. And the seed of his servants shall inherit it; and they who love his name shall dwell therein. 74 THE PSALMS, PSALM LXX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID TO EXCITE REMEMBRANCE. 1. O Elohim, saveme; O Jehovah, hasten to help me, 2. Tliey shall be ashatned and confounded who seek my soul: they shall draw back and be ashamed, who delight in my hurt. 3. They shall be turned back disgracefully, because they say, Aha I aha ! 4. All who seek thee shall rejoice and be glad in thee: all who love thy salvation shall say always, let Elohim be magnified. 5. But I am afflicted and poor; O Elohim, hasten to help me, and deliver me; do not tarry, O Jehovah. PSALM LXXL 1. In thee, O Jehovah, do I trust; I shall never be ashamed. 2. In thy justice thou wilt deliver me, and rescue me; incline thine ears to me, and save me. 3. Be to me a habitation of strength, to which I may always go : thou hast commanded my salvation ; for thou art my rock and my fortress. 4. Deliver me, O God, from the hand of the wicked, from the hand of the iniquitous and fretful. 5. For thou hast been my hope, O Adoni : Jehovah has been my dependance from my youth. 6. By thee I have been sustained from the womb : thou hast taken me away from the bowels of my mother: of thee shall my praise be always. 7- I am as a miracle to the multitude: but thou art a strong refuge. 8. My mouth shall be filled with thy praise, and thy glory all the day. THE PSALMS, 75 9. Cast me not off In the time of old age; do not for- sake me when my strength is consumed. 10. For my enemies speak against me; and those who watch for my life take counsel together, 11. Saying, Elohim hath forsaken him; pursue him, and take him, for there is none to deliver him. 12. O Elohim, be not far from me: my God make haste to help me. 13. They shall be confounded and ashamed who perse- cute my soul ; they shall be covered with disgrace and shame who seek my hurt. 14. But I will always hope, and be repeating thy praise. 15. My mouth shall relate thy righteousness, and thy saving acts, every day; for I know not the number of them. 16. I will go in the might of Jehovah the Adoni: I will remember only thy righteousness. 17. O Elohim, thou hast taught me from my youth up: and until now I have declared thy wonderful works. 18. Yea, during old age and decrepitude, O Elohim, thou wilt not forsake me, till I have declared thy strength to this generation, and thy might to every one that is to come. 19. And thy righteousness, O Elohim, is very exalted, it executeth great things: O Elohim, who is like to thee? 20. Wlio hath caused us to see many distresses and evils ; return and revive us : and from the depths of the earth turn back and raise us up. 21. Encrease my greatness, and encompass me with compassion. 22. Yea, I will praise thy truth upon stringed instru- ments: I will sing to thee upon the harp, O Holy One of Israel. 23. My lips shall greatly rejoice, for I will sing of thee; and my soul which thou wilt redeem. 24. Yea, my tongue all the day shall talk of thy righteousness: for they are confounded and ashamed who seek my hurt. 76 THE PSALMS. PSALM LXXII. FOR SOLOMON. 1. O Elohim, give to the king thy judgments, and thy righteousness to the king's son. 2. He will judge thy people with justice, and thy afflicted with discernment. 3. The hills shall bring happiness to the people, and also the gibbous mountains righteousness. 4. He will judge the afflicted of the people, he will save the children of the needy, and humble the oppressor. 5. They shall be afraid of thee in the presence of the sun and moon, through all generations. 6. He cometh down like rain upon new mown grass : as abundant showers watering the land. 7. In his days, righteousness shall flourish; and abun- dance of peace, till there be no moon. 8. Then he shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth. 9. The inhabitants of the wilderness shall bow down to him ; and his enemies shall lick the dust. 10. The kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall return with presents : the kings of Sheba and Seba shall approach with gifts. 11. Then shall all the kings bow down to him: all nations shall serve him. 12. For he will deliver the needy who crieth out; and the afflicted, and him who hath no helper. l.S. He will have pity upon the poor and needy, and will save the souls of the meek. 14. From deceit and violence he will redeem their souls : and their blood shall be precious in his sight. 15. And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be blessed. 16. There shall be a small quantity of pure corn upon THE PSALMS. 77 the land, upon the top of the hills ; its fruit shall shake like Lebanon : and the people of the city shall flourish like grass upon the earth. 17- His name shall endure for ever: liis name shall be propagated in the open day: all the nations shall bless him, and call him happy. 18. Blessed be Jehovah Elohim, the God of Israel, who alone doeth wonderful things. 19. And blessed be his glorious name for ever and ever; and his glory shall fill all the earth : Amen, and Amen. The prayers of David, the son of Jesse, are concluded. PSALM LXXIII. A PSALM OF ASAPH. 1 . Uow good is Elohim to Israel, and to the pure of heart. 2. But my feet had nearly turned aside; and my steps had almost slipped. 3. For I was envious of their boasting; I beheld the prosperity of the wicked. 4. For there are no perplexing difficulties in their death : they are very plump and stupid. 5. They are not in grievous trouble; and are not plagued like other men. G. Therefore pride surrounds them; violence is a gar- ment to cover them. 7. Their eyes start with fat: the imaginations of their heart are surpassed. 8. They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression : they talk haughtily. 9. They set their mouth against heaven, and their tongue pointeth to the earth. 10. Therefore his people shall come back afflicted, and abundance of water shall be wrung out of them, 11. And they say. How shall God know? and is there knowledge in the Most High ? 78 THE PSALMS. 12. Behold, these are wicked men, and they are always at ease: their riches increase. 13. Verily in vain have I cleansed my heart, and washed my hands in innocency. 14. And I have been plagued all day, and am chastened every morning. 15. If I utter such a declaration, behold 1 shall deceive the generation of thy children. 1 6'. And I devised how to understand this, it was griev^ous in my sight ; 17- Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then T un- derstood their end. 18. Verily thou placest them in a slippery place: thou wilt cast them down for destruction. 19. Verily they are destroyed, as it were suddenly ! they are swept off, and destroyed entirely : 20. As a man waking from a dream, in a city; O Adoni, thou wilt despise their vain shew. 21. But my heart was exasperated, and my loins in- flamed. 22. But I was foolish, and without knowledge: and I was in wrath with thee. 23. And I will always be with thee: thou hast held me by my right hand. 24. With thy counsel thou shalt lead me, and afterwards thou wilt receive me with glory. 25. Whom have I in heaven? compared with thee, I have no pleasure in the earth. 26. My flesh and my heart are consumed: Elohim is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. 27. For, lo, those who are far from thee shall perish: thou wilt cause the destruction of all who commit fornication against thee. 28. But it is pleasant to me to approach thee, O Elo- him : I put my trust in thee, Jehovah the Adoni, and I re- late all thy works. THE PSALMS. 79 PSALM LXXIV. For instruction. A rSALM OF ASAPH. 1. Why, O Elohini, wilt thou cast us oflF? shall thy anger for aver smoke against the sheep of thy pasture ? 2. Remember thy congregation, purchased of old; thou hast redeemed the tribe of thy heritage, this Mount Zion in which thou dwellest. 3. Thy feet are lifted up, for the perpetual destruction of all the evil the enemy hath done in the sanctuary. 4. The adversaries roar in the midst of thy congregation ; they have set up their ensigns for signals. 5. They are known for bringing their axes over the in- terwoven trees. 6. And the carved work they brake down at once with hammers and axes. 7. Into the fire they have cast thy consecrated vessels, to the earth they have profaned the dwelling place of thy name. 8. They say in their heart, we will oppress them together: they have burnt all the assemblies of God in the land. 9. Our warnings we do not perceive: there is no longer any prophets : how long will they not impart any knowledge to us ? 10. How long, O Elohim, shall the enemy reproach? shall the enemy despise thy name for ever ? 1 1 . Why dost thou draw back thy hand ? is thy right hand restrained from approaching thy bosom ? 12. And Elohim is my King of old, the worker of salvation in the midst of the land. 13. Thou hast divided the sea: with thy power thou breakest the head of the dragon upon the waters. 14. Thou breakest to pieces the head of the leviathan, thou givesthim for food to the people inhabiting the wilderness. 15. Thou cleavest the fountain and torrent; thou driest up the impetuous rivers. 80 THE PSALMS. 16". The day is thine, the night is thine also: thou hast prepared the light and the sun. 17. Thou hast firmly settled the boundaries of the earth : the summer and the winter thou hast formed. 18. Remember this, O Jehovah, the enemy reproaches; and the foolish people blaspheme thy name. 1 9. Do not give to the wild beast the soul that is search- ing thee out: the life of thy afflicted people do thou never forget. 20. Look toward t lie purification sacrifice : for the dark places of the earth are filled with valuable plunde r. 21. The contrite shall not sit down ashamed: the af- flicted and needy will praise thy name. 22. Arise, O Elohim, plead thy own cause: remember that the vile man reproacheth thee daily. 23. Forget not the voice of thy adversaries: the tumult that rises up against thee increases continually. PSALM LXXV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Ajfainst destruction. »A,. — - A PSALM OF ASAPH T O BE SUNG. 1 . W E give thanks to thee, O Elohim, we give thanks : thy wondrous works declare the near apgrcmch^of thy name. 2. For I will receive the congregation, I will judge uprightly. 3. The earth and all the inhabitants are dissolved : but I have firmly Jixe d all its pillars. Selah. 4. I said to the foolish, be ye not foolish ; and to the wicked, do not lift up the horn : 5. Lift not on high, your horns: speak not with a dis- torte d neck, 6. For exaltation cometh not forth from the western , nor the eastern hills. 7. For Elohim is judge : this one he humbleth, and that he exalteth. THE PSALMS. 81 8. For the cup is in the hand of Jehovah, and the wine is disturbed: it is much mixed wit h the lees, and he pouretlx 6ut from it: yea, its dregs are pressed out, all the wicked of the land shall drink. 9. But I will always declare, and sing praises to the God of Jacob. 10. All the horns of the wicked shall be demolished; the horns of the righteous shall be exalted. psAlm lxxvi. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. For stringed Instruments. A PSALM OF ASAPH TO BE SUNG. 1. In Judah Elohim is known: his name is great in Israel. 2. His tab ernac le is in Salem, and his habitation is in Zion. 3. There the fiery bow is broken, the shield, the sword, and the battle. Selah. 4. Thou art more magnificently glorious than the hills for hunting prey. 5. The stout hearted are become mere spoil, they sleep soundly: none of the men of might have recovered their power. 6. Because of thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, the rider and the horse are ovewhelmed with sleep. 7. Thou thyself art terrible: who shall stand before thee during thy wrath ? 8. From the heavens thou has!_paused judgment to be heard; the earth sa\s.it, and was still. 9. Then Elohim arose to judge, and save all the afflicted of the land. Selah. 10. For the rage of man shall praise thee: the remain- der of wrath shall be restrained. 1 1 . Make vows, and fulfil them to Jehovah your God : ^ "■ M 82 THE PSALMS. hU ye who are round about; bring ye presents to him who ought to be feared. 12. He will restrain the spirit of princes: he is terrible to the kings of the earth. PSALM LXXVII. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning Joduthan. A PSALM OF ASAPH. 1. X CRIED unto Elohiin, my voice cried aloud to God Elohim; and he heard me. 2. In the day of my trouble, I sought Adoni: at night I stretched out my hands and was not faint : my soul refused consolation. 3. I remembered Elohim, and was agitated : I medi- tated, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah. 4. Watchfulness has seized hold of my eyes: I am agi- tated, I cannot speak. 5. I have thought on former days; on the years of for- mer times. 6. I remember my song in the night; I commune with my heart; my spirit is unrestrained. 7. Will Adoni for ever cast us away? will he not any more be favourable? 8. Will his abundant mercy cease for ever? will his promise fail from generation to generation ? 9. Has God forgotten to be gracious ? yea, through anger his compassion is restrained. Selah. 10. And I said, I am weak: these vicissitudes are effected by the right hand of the Most High. 11. I will remember the deeds of JAH; yea, I will remember thy former wondrous works. 12. I have meditated upon all thy works, and upon thy deeds I have thought deeply. i THE PSALMS. 83 13. O Elohim, thy way is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as Elohim. 14. Thou art the God who doeth wonderful things, thou causest thy power to be known among the peoples. 15. With thy arm thou has redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah. 16'. The waters saw thee, O Elohim, the waters saw thee, they were agonized; yea, the depths were disturbed. 17. The clouds poured out water; the skies sent forth a voice; yea, thine arrows went abroad. 18. Thy thunder sounded in the whirlwind; flashes of lightning lighted the world; the earth trembled and quaked. 19. In the sea was thy path, and thy path was through many waters ; and thy footsteps were not known. 20. Thou didst lead thy people like sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron. PSALM LXXVIII. FOR INSTRUCTION.— A PSALM OF ASAPH. 1. O MY people, give ear to my law, incline thy ears to the words of my mouth. 2. I will open my mouth in parables ; I will utter the dark sayings of former times. 3. Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have related to us. 4. We have not hid them from their children, but re- lated to future generations the praises of Jehovah, his great strength, and the wonderful works which he has done. 5. He established a testimony with Jacob, and appoint- ed a law with Israel ; which he commanded our fathers to teach their children : 6'. That future generations, the sons who shall be born, shall stand up and relate tliem to their children : 7. Then they shall place their confidence in Elohim, and not forget the deeds of God; but keep his commandments: 84 THE PSALMS. 8. And they shall not be like their fathers, a very re- volting and rebellious generation; whose heart was not steady, and whose spirit was not faithful to God. 9. Sons of Ephraim, in armour, who raised the bow, who changed sides when the day approached. 10. They kept not the purification sacrifice of Elohim, and in his laws they refused to walk ; 11. And they forgat his deeds, and wondrous works which he shewed them. 12. In the presence of their fathers he did wonderful works ; in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan. 13. He cleaved the sea, and they passed over; and the sea stood firm like a heap. 14. Then he lead them with a cloud by day, and all the night by the light of fire. 15. Then he cleaved the rocks in the wilderness, and they drank abundantly as from the great depth. 16. And he brought forth streams from the rocks, and the waters ran down like rivers. 17- And yet again they sinned against him; revolting against the Most High in the wilderness. 18. In their heart they tempted God, asking food for their lusts. 19. And they spake against Elohim, and said, is God able to prepare a table in the wilderness? 20. Lo, he smote the rock, and the waters flowed, and the streams overflowed : is he able to give bread also ? and to prepare flesh for his people ? 21. Therefore Jehovah heard, and was wroth; and the fire burnt fiercely against Jacob ; yea, anger was against Israel: 22. For they believed not in Elohim, and they trusted not in his salvation: 23. He commanded the clouds from above, and he opened the doors of heaven. 21. And he rained upon them manna for food, and he gave them the corn of heaven. 25. Man ate strengthening food; and he sent them food unto satiety. THE PSALMS. 85 26. The east wind rushed forwards through the heavens : and with his power he brought the south wind. 27. And lie rained upon them flesh Uke dust, and winged fowl like the sand of the sea: 28. And it fell in the midst of the camp, round about their habitations. 29. Then they did eat, and were quite satiated; and he granted to them their desires : 30. They were not estranged from their lusts. While the food was in their mouths, 31. The anger of Elohim came upon them, and slew them in their strength : the chosen men of Israel sank down. 32. For all this they sinned again, and believed not in his wonderful works. 33. And he consumed all their days in vanity, and their years with consternation. 3 4. If he slew them, then they sought him: and they anxiously returned to God. 35. And they remembered that Elohim was their rock, and the most high God their redeemer. 36'. With their mouths they flattered him, and with their tongues they lied to him. 37. And their heart was not true to him, nor did they believe in his purification sacrifice. 38. But he was merciful, and forgave iniquity, and de- stroyed not: and his great anger he turned away, and did not stir up all his wrath. 39. And he remembered that they were but flesh ; a breath that goeth away, and returneth not. 40. How often did they revolt against him in the wil- derness, and grieve him in the desert. 41. They turned back and tempted God, and the Holy One of Israel they challenged. 42. They remembered not his hand, the day he redeemed them from the adversary. 43. The signs he appointed in Egypt, and his miracles in the field of Zoan. 86 THE PSALMS. 44. And he changed their rivers into blood; and the streams they could not drink. 45. He sent among them flies, which devoured them; and frogs which destroyed them . 46'. He gave the produce of the earth to the caterpillar, and their labour to the locust. 47- And he destroyed the vines with hail, and tlie sycamore trees with frost. 48. And he gave up the brute animals to the hail, and their cattle to the lightnings. 49. And he sent among them the fury of his wrath; great anger, and rage, and trouble, were the deputed mes- sengers of evil. 50. He made smooth the path for his anger: he kept not back their body from death, and he gave up their beasts to the pestilence. 51. He smote all the first born in Egypt; the first of their strength in the tent of Ham. 52. His people he removed like sheep, and he led them like a flock in the wilderness. 53. And he led them safely, and they were not afraid; but the sea overwhelmed their enemies. 54. And he brought them to the consecrated boundary, to this hill; the purchase of his right hand. 55. He drove out the nations before them, and the inheritance fell to them by line, and the tribes of Israel dwelt in their tents. 56. But they tempted and rebelled against Elohim, the Most High, and kept not his testimonies. 57. And they turned back, and dealt treacherously, like their fathers; and turned aside like a deceitful bow. 58. And they vexed him with their high places, and excited his jealousy with their graven images. 59. Elohim listened, and was very wroth, and was ex- ceedingly disgusted with Israel : 60. Then he abandoned the tent of Shiloh, the tent he had inhabited among men. THE PSALMS. 87 61. Then he gave his strength into captivity, and his glory into the hand of the enemy. 62. Then he gave up his people to the sword; and against his heritage he was greatly enraged. 63. Fire consumed their choice men; and their virgins they did not praise. 64. His priests fell by the sword; and the widows made no lamentations. 65. Then Adoni woke as from a sleep, and like a strong man shouting because of wine. 66. He smote his enemies in the back : and put them to perpetual reproach. 67- And he rejected the tent of Joseph, and chose not the tribe of Ephraim. 68. But he chose the tribe of Judah, and the Mount Zion which he loved. 69. And he built his sanctuary like a palace, like the earth he laid the foundation to endure for ever. 70. And he looked with affection upon David his ser- vant, and he took him from sheepfolds. 71. From following sucklings, he brought him to feed with Jacob his people, and with Israel his inheritance. 72. And he fed them with uprightness of heart; and with his discerning hand he conducted them. PSALM LXXIX. A I'SALM OF ASAl'H. 1. O Elohim, the heathen are come into thine in- heritance; they have defiled thy holy temple; they have made Jerusalem a heap of ruins. 2. The dead bodies of thy saints they have given for food to the birds of heaven, the flesh of thy saints to the beasts of the earth. 3. They have poured out their blood like water, round about Jerusalem; and none are burying them. 88 THE PSALMS. 4. We are a reproach to our neighbours, a derision and sport to those around us. 5. How long wilt thou be very angry, O Jehovah? will thy jealousy burn like fire for ever? G. Pour out thy wrath upon the nations which know thee not, and upon the kingdoms which do not call upon thy name. 7. For they have devoured Jacob, and laid waste his dwelling-place. 8. Do not remember against us, the iniquity of former times : let thy tender mercy speedily precede us, for we are greatly exhausted. 9. Help us, O God of our salvation, because of the glory of thy name ; deliver us, cover over our sins for thy name's sake. 10. Why shall the heathen say. Where is their God? let him be known among the nations; before our eyes avenge thou the blood of thy servants which is shed. 1 1 . The sighing of the prisoner shall come before thee ; according to the greatness of thy strength, set free those who are appointed to die. 12. Render to our neighbours sevenfold in their bosom, the reproach with which they reproach thee, O Adoni. 13. But we thy people, and sheep of thy pasture, we will always make public confession to thee ; we will relate thy praise from generation to generation. PSALM LXXX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning' tlic joy of the Covenant. A PSALM OF ASAPH. 1. O SHEPHERD of Israel, give ear, lead Joseph like sheep; thou that dwellest between the cherubim, shine forth. 2. Before Ephrahim, Benjamin, and Menasseh, stir up thy might, and come to save us. THE PSALMS. 89 3. Cause us to return, O Elohlm; make thy face to shine, and we shall be saved. 4. O Jehovah Elohim of hosts, how long wilt thou be violently angry with the prayer of thy people ? 5. Tears are their chief food; and their drink a three- fold quantity of weeping. 6'. Thou makest us to be a strife to our neighbours : and our enemies scotF among themselves. 7. O Elohim of hosts, cause us to return; make thy face to shine, and we shall be saved. 8. Thou didst remove the vine out of Egypt ; thou didst expel the heathen, and didst plant it. 9. Thou turnedst towards it, and it took deep root, and It filled the land. 10. Its shadow covered the hills, and the cedars of God put forth branches. 11. It sent forth its branches into the sea, and its suckers to the river. 12. Why hast thou violently broken down its fences; all who pass by the way crop her. 13. The boar from the wood roots it up, and the animals of the field devour her. 14. O Elohim of hosts, return I pray, look down from heaven, behold, and visit this vine; 15. And build up what thy right hand hath planted, and the branch which thou didst strengthen for thyself. 16. With fire it was burnt up as refuse; it perished at the rebuke of thy countenance. 17. Thy hand shall be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou didst strengthen for thyself. 18. We will not draw back from thee: revive us, and we will call upon thy name. 19. O Jehovah Elohim of hosts, cause us to return: make thy face to shine, and we shall be saved. 90 THE PSALMS. PSALM LXXXI. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. CONCERNING THE WINE PRESS. A PSALM OF ASAPH. 1 . Shout aloud to Elohim, our strength : call aloud to the God of Jacob. 2. Take up a psalm; cause the drum, the agreeable harp, with the stringed instrument, to give forth sound. 3. Blow the trumpet in the new moon, upon the day the solemn feast is appointed. 4 . For it is an ordinance to Israel, it is a regulation of the God of Jacob. 5. A testimony established with Joseph, when he went forth to the land of Egypt, and heard a language I did not understand. 6'. I turned aside his shoulder from the burthen: and his hands from the baskets were turned away. 7. Thou calledst out in distress, and I delivered thee; 1 answered thee in secret tlmnder; I tried thee at the water of strife. Selah. 8. Hear, O my people, and I will testify against thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me; 9. Let no strange God be with thee; and do not worship any strange God. 10. I am Jehovah tliy God, who brought thee up from the land of Egypt : who opened wide thy mouth, and filled it. 11. But my people listened not to my voice: and Israel did not submit to me. 12. And I sent them the desires of their hearts; and they walked by their own counsels. 13. O that my people had listened to me, and that Israel had walked in my ways. 14. I would suddenly have humbled their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries. 15. Those who hate Jehovah should have submitted to him : and their time shall endure for ever. H). And he would have fed them with the most nutri- cious wheat: and honey from the rock shall satisfy thee. THE PSALMS. 91 PS/VLM LXXXII. A PSALM OF ASAPH. 1. Elohim standeth in the congregation of God: Elohirn will judge in the midst. 2. How long will ye judge iniquitously, and accept the person of the wicked? Selah. 3. Judge the poor; act justly towards the afflictions of the fatherless and desolate. 4. Rescue the poor and needy: save them from the hand of the wicked. 5. They do not know, they do not understand; they walk about in darkness : all the foundations of the earth are shaken. 6. And I said, are ye Gods? and all of you the children of the Most High ? 7. Verily, as man ye shall die; as one of the princes ye shall fall. 8. Arise, O Elohim, judge the earth: for thou wilt divide the inheritance among all the nations. PSALM LXXXIII. A PSALM OF ASAPH TO BE SUNG. 1. O Elohim, be not thou silent: be not deaf, be not inactive, O God. 2. For behold, thy enemies are tumultuous; and those who hate thee lift up their head. 3. Against thy people they have craftily held secret counsel, and consulted against thy holy of holies. 4. They say, Come let us remove them out of sight of the nations; and the name of Israel shall be no more re- membered. 5. For they have heartily consulted together; against thee they have made a covenant. 92 THE PSALMS. 6. The tents of Edom, and of the Ishmaelites^ and of Moab, and of the Hagarenes ; 7. Gebal and Amnion, and Amalekj the Philistines; with the inhabitants of Tyre ; 8. Yea, Assur is joined with them : they are the seed of the children .of Lot. Selah. 9. Do to them as to the Midianites : as to Sisera, as to Jabin, as at the torrent of Kison ; 10. They were destroyed at Endor: they were manure to the land. 11. Make their princes like Oreb and Zeeb; and all their anointed princes like Zebah and Zalmunna: 12. Who said, We will possess ourselves of the desirable things of Elohim. 13. O God, make them like thistledown; as stubble before the wind. 14. As fire burnetii the forrest, and as flame setteth the hill on fire. 15. Thus thou pursuest them with thy tempest, and hurriest them away with tiiy sweeping wind. 16". Fill their faces with ignominy; and they will seek thy name, O Jehovah. 17. They shall be ashamed, and for ever in consterna- tion; they shall be confounded and destroyed. 18. And they shall know that thy name is Jehovah; thou alone art the Most High, above all the earth. PSALM LXXXIV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. Concerning- the Wine Press. A PSALM FOR THE SONS OF KORAH. 1. How lovely are thy dwellings, O Jehovah of hosts. 2. My soul languishes ; yea, it is fainting for the open courts of Jehovah; my heart and my flesh proclaim the living God. THE PSALMS. 93 3. Yea, the sparrow finds a house, and tlic turtle dove a nest for herself, where she may deposit her young ones; even thy altars, O Jehovah of hosts, my king, and my God. 4. Happy are those who inhabit thy house : they will be perpetually praising thee. Selali. 5. Blessed are mankind, whose hearts are elevated by confidenee in thee. 6. Who passing through the valley of Beca, drink abun- dantly from a fountain : yea, the rain overspreadeth the pools. 7. They shall go on from strength to strength; and shall behold the God Elohim in Zion. 8. O Jehovah Elohim of hosts, listen to my supplica- tion; give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah. 9. Behold, O Elohim our shield, look down upon the face of thine anointed. 10. For one day is better in tliy courts than a thousand elsewhere. I prefer to be a door-keeper in the house of God, than to dwell in the tents of the wicked. 11. For Jehovah the Elohim is a sun and shield; Jehovah bestoweth favour and glory: he will not withhold good from those who walk in uprightness. 12. O Jehovali of hosts, liappy is the man who trusteth in thee. PSALM LXXXV. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM FOR THE SONS OF KORAH. 1. Thou art gracious to thy land, O Jehovah; thou hast restored the captivity of Jacob. 2. Thou hast borne the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sins. Selah. 3 . Thou hast withdrawn all thy wrath ; thou hast turned away thy fierce anger. 4. Turn towards us, O God of our salvation, and let thy vexation against us be dissipated. 5. Wilt thou be greatly angry with us for ever? will thine anger be protracted from generation to generation ? 94 THE PSALMS. 6. Wilt thou not return? revive us: that thy people may rejoice in thee. 7. Shew us thy tender mercy, O Jehovah, and grant us thy salvation. 8. I will listen to what the God Jehovah saith: for he will speak peace to his people, and to his saints: and they will not return to folly. 9. Surely his salvation is nigh those who fear him; causing glory to dwell in our land. 10. Abundantmercy and truth have met together; jus- tice and reconciliation have touched together. 11. Truth has sprung up from the earth; and justice has looked from heaven. 12. Yea, Jehovah granteth what is good; and our land yieldeth its increase. 13. Righteousness shall go before him; and point out the path of his steps. PSALM LXXXVI. A PRAYER OF DAVID. 1 . Xncline thine ear, O Jehovah, and answer me ; for I am afflicted and needy. 2. Preserve my soul, for 1 am holy : save thy servant, O my God, who trusteth in thee. 3. Have mercy upon me, O Adoni : for I call out to thee every day. 4. Rejoice the soul of thy servant : for to thee, O Adoni, will I lift up my soul. 5. For thou, O Adoni, art good, and ready to forgive; and art abundantly merciful to all who call upon thee. 6'. Hearken, O Jehovah, to my prayer; and attend to my earnest supplications. 7. In the day of my distress I will call upon thee; for thou wilt answer me. 8. Among the gods there are none like thee, O Adoni; there are no deeds like thine. THE PSALMS. 95 9. All the nations which thou hast established shall come and bow themselves before thee, O Adoni ; and glorify thy name. 1 0. For thou art great and doeth wonderful things : thou alone art Elohim. 11. Teach me, O Jehovah, thy way: and I will walk in thy truth : unite my heart to fear thy name. 12. I will praise tliee, O Adoni my God, with all my heart : and I will always glorify thy name. 13. For thy abundant mercy is great towards me: thou hast saved my soul from the lowest hell. 14. O Elohim, the proud have risen against me, the assembly of violent men seek my soul ; and they do not set thee before their eyes. 15. But thou, O Adoni, art a compassionate and gracious God; slow to anger, but abundantly merciful and true. 16. O turn to me, and have mercy upon me ; give thy strength to thy servant, and salvation to the son of thy hand- maid. 17- Give me a token for good; that those who hate me, may see it and be ashamed: for thou art Jehovah, thou helpest me, and hast compassion upon me. PSALM LXXXVII. A PSALM FOR THE SONS OF KORAH. To be Sung', being- settled in the Holy Mountains. 1 . Jehovah loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. 2. Glorious things are diligently spoken in thee, O city of Elohim. Selah. 3. I will cause Rahab and Babylon to remember to know me: behold ye Philistines, andTyrians, and people of Cush. This man shall certainly be born there. 4. And to Zion it shall be said, The very man shall be born in her; and he shall establish her superiority. 96 THE PSALMS. 5. And Jehovah shall particularly relate, when he writeth to the peoples: This man shall be born there. Selah. 6. And to the singers, and the players upon flutes: and those who dwell in thee. PSALM LXXXVIII. A PSALM TO HE SUNG BY THE SONS OF KORAH, TO THE CHIEF MUSICIAN UPON MAHALATH LEANNOTH. For Instruction to Heman the Ezraliitc. 1. O Jehovah, God of my salvation, I have cried out day and night before thee : 2. Let my prayer come before thee : incline thine ear to my cry. 8 . For my soul is filled with trouble ; and my life draweth near to the grave. 4. I am reckoned as one who is going down to the pit: 1 am like a man without strength : 5. Free among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more: and who are cut off by thy hand. 6. Thou hast put me into the lowest pit, in the dark places of the deep. 7. Thy wrath presses hard upon me, thou hast afflicted me with all thy billows. Selah. 8. Thou hast put far from me all my acquaintance ; thou hast made me an abomination to them : I am shut up, I cannot go out. 9. My sight faileth because of my affliction : I have called out to thee daily, O Jehovah ; 1 have spread out my hands to thee. 10. Wilt thou perform wonderful things towards the dead ? if the dead rise again, will they publicly confess thee ? Selah. 11. Is thine abundant mercy spoken of in the grave? or thy truth in destruction ? THE PSALMS. 97 12. Are thy wonderful works known in tlie dark? or thy righteousness in the land of oblivion ? 13. But to thee, O Jehovah, I cry out; and in the morning my prayer shall come before thee. 14. Wherefore, O Jehovah, hast thou cast off my soul? hast thou hidden thy face from me ? 15. I have been afflicted and smitten from my youth; and have borne thy terrors: I am distracted. 16. Thy fierce anger passeth over me; thy terrific deeds have destroyed me. 17. They encompass me daily like water; they wholly surround me. 18. Thou hast put far from me my lover and my friend, and my acquaintance thou hast kept back. PSALM LXXXIX. For Instruction to Ethan the Ezrahite. 1. Of thy everlasting mercy, O Jehovah, I wi'l sing from generation to generation : and I will make known thy faithfulness with my mouth. 2. For I said, everlasting mercy built the heavens: thy faithfulness is established in them. 3. I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn to David my servant. 4. Thy seed I will establish for ever, and build up thy throne from generation to generation. Selah. 5. And the heavens shall praise thy wonderful works, O Jehovah; yea, thy faithfulness in the congregation of the saints. 6. For who in the heavens can be compared to Jehovah ? or who can be likened to Jehovah among the sons of the mighty ? 7- God is revered greatly in the congregation of saints, and reverenced by all who are about him. 8. O Jehovah, God of hosts, who is like thee? JAH o 98 THE PSALMS. endowed with great strength. Tliy faithfuhiess eneompasseth thee. 9. Thou rulest the swelling of the sea: when its waves arise, thou stillest them. 10. Thou hast broken down Rahab, like one that is slain: with thy strong arm thou hast scattered thine enemies. 1 1 . The heavens are thine ; yea, the earth is thine : the habitable world arwi its contents, thou hast founded them. 12. The north and south thou hast created them: Tebor and Hermon shall greatly rejoice in thy name. 13. Thine arm is powerful, thy hand strong, and thy right hand is raised up. 14. Justice and judgment are the foundation of thy throne: abundant mercy and truth go before thy face. 15. Happy are the people who know the joyful sound: O Jehovali, they will walk in the light of thy countenance. 16. In thy name they will rejoice all the day: in thy righteousness they shall be exalted. 1 7 . For thou art the glory of their strength} and through thy favour our horn shall be exalted. 18. For Jehovah is our shield: the Holy One of Israel is our king. 19. Then thou spakest in a vision to thy saints, thou didst say, I have ordained help to the mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people. 20. 1 have found out David my servant; with my holy oil I have anointed him. 21. With whom my power shall be established; verily, my arm shall strengthen him. 22. The enemy shall not lay a burthen upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him. 23. I will beat down his enemies before him, and smite those who hate him. 24. And my faithfulness and abundant mercy shall be with him; and in my name his horn shall be exalted. 25 . And I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. THE PSALMS. 99 26. He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. 27- Yea, I will make my first born higher than the kings of the earth. 28. My tender mercy shall always preserve him, and my purification sacrifice shall be steadily with him. 29. I will make his seed endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. 30. If his sons forsake my laws, and in my judgments do not walk ; 31. If they profane my statutes, and do not obey my covenants; 32. Then I will visit their transgressions with a rod, and their iniquity with stripes. 33. My tender mercy I will not take away from him, nor shall my faithfulness fail. 34. My covenant I will not break, nor revoke what is gone out of my lips. 35. Once I have sworn by my holiness, verily I will not be false unto David. 36. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun in my presence. 37. As the moon it shall be established for ever; a faithful witness in the skies. Selah. 38. But thou hast cast off, thou hast rejected, thou art excessively angry with thy anointed. 39. Thou hast cast away the purification sacrifice of thy servant; his crown is profanely cast upon the ground. 40. Thou hast violently destroyed his fences, and made his strong hold a ruin. 41. All who pass that way shall plunder him: he shall be a reproach to his neighbours. 42. Thou hast raised up the right hand of his adversa- ries; and caused all his enemies to rejoice. 43. Thou hast turned aside the edge of his sword, and hast not made him to stand up in the battle. 44. Thou hast put an end to his unsullied honour, and hast cast down his throne to the ground. 100 THE PSALMS, 45. The days of his youth thou hast mowed down : and thou hast covered him with shame. Selah. 46. How long, O Jehovah, wilt thou be concealed? shall thy fierce wrath burn like fire for ever? 47. Remember how transitory I am: wherefore hast thou created all the sons of man in vain ? 48. What man shall live, and not see death? or who can save his soul from the power of the grave? Selah. 49. Where, O Adoni, is thy former abundant mercy, which verily thou didst swear unto David? 50. Remember, O Adoni, the reproach of thy servants; I have borne in my bosom that of many peoples. 51. With which thy enemies reproach, O Jehovah; with which they reproach the footsteps of thine anointed. 52. Blessed be Jehovah for evermore. Amen, and amen. PSALM XC. A PRAYER OK THE MAN MOSES. 1. O Elohim, Adoni, thou hast been our dwelling- place through all generations. 2. Before the hills were brought forth, or thou hadst produced the earth and the world, thou wert God from ever- lasting to everlasting. 3. Thou causest infirm man to return to dust; but thou sayest, Return again, ye children of men. 4. For a thousand years in thy sight are as a day that is past, which is passed over as a watch of the night. 5. Thou overwhelmest them with sleep ; they are in the morning like grass that springeth up afresh. 6. In the morning it blossoms, and springeth up afresh ; towards the evening it is cut down and withered. 7. For in thy anger we are consumed, and in thy fury wc are terrified. 8. Thou hast set our iniquity before thee, our secret actions in the light of thy countenance. THE PSALMS. 101 9. For all our days are past away in thy wrath: our years are consumed Hke a thought. 10. The days of our years are seventy years; and if through strength they attain eighty years, their pride is labour and sorrow ; for they are quickly cut off, and we are flown away. 1 1 . Who knoweth the power of thy anger ? according to thy wrath, so art thou feared. 1 2. According to the allotment of our days, so teach and bring the heart to wisdom. 13. When wilt thou retui'n, O Jehovah, and have com- passion on thy servants? 14. Let thy abundant mercy satisfy us in the morning; and we will shout and be glad all our days. 15. According to the days of our afflictions, and the years we have beheld evil ; let us rejoice. 16. Shew thy servants thy work, and thy glory to their children. 17. And the Adoni, our God, shall be our delight; the works of our hands shall be confirmed to us ; yea, the works of our hands shall be confirmed. PSALM XCl. 1 . rXE who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, abideth under the shadow of the Almighty. 2. He saith to Jehovah, Thou art my refuge, my for- tress : my God, in whom I will trust. 3. For he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the grievous pestilence, 4. With his pinion he will protect thee; and under his wing tiiou shalt take refuge : his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. 5. Thou shalt not fear alarm by night; nor the arrow that flieth by day; 102 THE PSALMS. 6. Nor the pestilence that goeth about ia the dark; nor the destruction that demohshes in noonday. 7. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and myriads at thy right hand; it shall not come nigh thee. 8. With thine eyes only shalt thou see, and behold the rewards of the wicked. 9. But thou, O Jehovah most high, hast made thy ha- bitation my refuge. 10. No evil shall happen to thee, nor plague approach thy tent. 1 1 . For his angels have orders concerning thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12. Upon their hands they shall bear thee up, lest thou strike thy foot against a stone. 13. Thou shalt tread upon a lion and an adder: thou shalt trample upon a young lion and a dragon. 14. For he shall be attached to me, and I will deliver him: I will exalt him because he knows my name. 15. He will call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble ; I will deliver him, and will honour him. 16. With length of days I will satisfy him, and will shew him my salvation. PSALM XCII. A PSALM, TO BE SUNG ON THE SABBATH DAY. 1. It is right to give praises to Jehovah, to sing thy name, O thou Most High; 2. To declare thy abundant mercy in the morning, and thy faithfulness in the night ; 3. Upon a ten stringed instrument, upon a psaltery, and upon the murmuring harp. 4. For thou hast rejoiced me, O Jehovah, with thy works; I will triumph in the works of thy hands. THE PSALMS 103 5. How great are thy works, O Jehovah! exceedingly .deep are thy thoughts. G. The brutish man doth not know; and the fool doth not consider this. 7. When the wicked spring up like grass, and all the workers of iniquity shall flourish j then they shall be everlast- ingly destroyed. 8. But thou, O Jehovah, art Most High for evermore. 9. For behold thy enemies, O Jehovah, behold thy enemies shall perish: and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered; 10. But my horn thou shalt exalt like that of the uni- corn: I am thoroughly anointed with very fresh oil. 11. Mine eyes behold; and my ears hear the tidings which the wicked raise up against me. 12. The righteous, like a palm tree, shall shoot forth ; he shall grow luxuriantly like a cedar upon Lebanon. 13. Those that are planted in the house of Jehovah, in the courts of our God, they shall sprout out. 14. Moreover they shall bud out in their old age; they shall be very flourishing and vigourous. 15. Shewing that Jehovah my rock is upright: and there is no injustice in him. PSALM XCIII. 1. Jkhovah reigneth, he is very majestically clothed; Jehovah is girt about with strength, he hath also established the world, it shall not be shaken. 2. Thy throne was established of old : thou art from everlasting. 3. The rivers have raised up, O Jehovah, the rivers have raised up their voice; the rivers have lifted up their waves. 4. Jehovah on high is more glorious than the sound of many waters, than tlie magnificent waves of the sea. 5. Thyproofsare well affirmed: to thy house, O Jehovah, belongeth the beauty of holiness for a length of days. 104 THE PSALMS. PSALM XCIV. 1. O Jehovah, thou avenging God 3 thou avenging God, shine forth. 2. Arise, O Judge of the earth, and fully retaliate upon the proud. 3. How long shall the wicked, O Jehovah, how long shall the wicked triumph ? 4. They talk and speak iniquitously: all the workers of iniquity boast themselves. 5. Thy people, O Jehovah, are oppressed, and thy in- heritance are afflicted. 6. The widow and the stranger are slain, and the fa- therless are murdered. 7. They say, JAH will not see it; the God of Jacob will not regard it. 8. Understand, ye brutish among the people : and ye fools when will ye be discreet? 9. He who planted the ear, shall he not hear? and he who formed the eye, shall he not see ? 10. He who reproved the heathen, shall he not chastise? shall he not teach mankind knowledge ? 11. Jehovah knoweth that the thoughts of men are vanity. 12. Blessed is the man when thou restrainest him, O JAH, and teachest him thy laws. 13. Thou wilt give him rest in the days of evil, until the pit be digged out for the wicked. 14. For Jehovah will not abandon his people, and his inheritance he will not forsake; 15. For justice shall be restored unto the righteous, and to all the followers of uprightness of heart. 16. Who will rise up for me against the evil doers? who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity ? 17. Unless Jehovah had helped me, my soul would have remained almost silent. THE PSALMS. 105 18. If I said, my foot slippetli, thy abundant mercy. O .Jehovah, .sustainedth me. 19. In the multitude of my anxious thoughts, thy con- solations rejoiced my soul. 20. Shall iniquity be joined with thy throne? Shall mischief be formed by statutes? 21. They declare themselves against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. 22. But Jehovah shall be my defence; and my God my firm refuge. 23. He will requite them for their iniquity; Jehovah our God will utterly destroy them for their own wickedness. PSALM XCV 1 . O COME, we will cry aloud to Jehovah ; we will shout to the rock of our salvation . 2. We will come before his face with thanksgiving; we will shout aloud to him with songs. 3. For he is the great God Jehovah, and a greater king than all gods. 4. Who has in his hands the minutest parts of the earth; and the high tops of the hills are his. 5. The sea is his, and he made it; and his hands formed the dry land. 6. O come, we will worship and bow down: and kneel before Jehovah, who made us. 7. For he is our God; and we the people of his pas- ture, and the sheep of his hand. To-day, if ye will hear his voice, 8. Do not harden your heart, as in the rebellion; in the day of trial, in the wilderness : 9. When your fathers tempted me, proved me ; yea, be- held my works. 10. Forty years I was disgusted with the generation, and p 106 THE PSALMS. said. It is a people whose hearts go astray, and who do not know my ways : 1 1 . Of whom I sware in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest. PSALM XCVI. 1 . Sing ye to Jehovah a new song; sing ye to Jehovah all the earth. 2. Sing ye to Jehovah, bless ye his name: spread abroad the tidings of his salvation from day to day. 3. Tell of his glory among the heathens, and of his wonderful works among all the peoples. 4. For Jehovah is great, and very highly to be praised : and is more to be revered than all gods. 5. For all the gods of the peoples are worthless things: but Jehovah made the heavens. 6. Honour and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. 7. Give to Jehovah ye kindreds of the peoples, give to Jehovah glory and strength. 8. Bring gifts to Jehovah, glorify his name : bring gifts, and come into his courts. 9. Bow ye down to Jehovah with reverential holiness: and wait patiently in his presence all the earth. 10. Say among the nations, Jehovah reigneth: yea, he hath established the world, so that it cannot be moved : he judgeth the peoples uprightly. 1). Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea and its contents roar : 12. Let the fields rejoice, and all that is in them: then let all the trees of the forest shout aloud, 13. In the presence of Jehovah: for he cometh, for he conicth to judge the earth: he will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with faithfulness. THE PSALMS. 107 PSALM XCVII. 1. Jehovah reigneth; let the earth rejoice ; let the numerous isles rejoice. 2. Thick clouds and darkness surround him : righteous- ness and justice are the foundations of his throne. 3. Fire goeth before him, and consumeth his surrounding enemies. 4. His lightning enhghteneth the earth: the earth beheld it, and was agonized. 5. The hills melted as wax before Jehovah, before the Adoni of all the earth. 6. The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the peoples behold his glory. 7. All who serve graven images, and who boast of their worthless idols, shall be confounded. Bow down to him all ye gods. 8. Hear it, O Zion, and rejoice and be glad ye daughters of Judah ; because Jehovah is thy judge. 9. For thou, O Jehovah, art most high above all the earth : thou art exalted much above all gods. 10. Ye who love Jehovah, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints ; and delivers them from the hands of the wicked. 1 1 . Light is spread abroad for the righteous, and glad- ness for the upright of heart. 12. Rejoice in Jehovah, O ye righteous ; and give thanks for the remembrance of his holiness. PSALM XCVIIL 1. Sing unto Jehovah a new song; for he hath done wonderful works : his right hand and holy arm hath wrought salvation. 2. Jehovah hath made known his salvation: to the sight of the heathen he hath revealed his righteousness. 108 THE PSALMS. 3. He rcmcmberetli his abundant mercy and faithful- ness to the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth behold the salvation of our God, d. Siiout aloud to Jehovah all the earth, malte a joyful sound; shout repeatedly and sing. 5. Sing to Jehovah upon the liarp; upon the harp make an harmonious sound. 6. With wind instruments, and the sound of a trumpet, shout aloud before the King, Jehovah. 7- The sea and its contents shall be violently agitated; and the world, and they who dwell therein. 8. The rivers shall applaud; the hills shall rejoice together, 9. At the presence of Jehovah; for he cometh to judge the earth : he will judge the earth with righteousness, and the peoples with equity. PSALM XCIX. ri^ 1. JLremble, ye peoples, Jehovah reigneth; he in- habiteth the cherubim; let the earth be bowed down. 2. Jehovah is great in Zion ; he is exalted above all peoples. 3. They shall praise thy great name; it is awfully sacred. 4. And thou art a powerful King, loving justice; thou hast established equity, thou hast executed justice and righteousness towards Jacob. 5. Extol very highly Jehovah our God, bow down to his footstool; for he is holy. 6. Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among those who call upon his name: they called upon Je- hovah, and he answered them. 7. In the cloudy pillar he spake to them : they kept his testimonies, and the statutes he gave tliem. 8. Thou answerest them, O Jehovah our God : thou art to them a God who pardons; but thou takest vengeance on evil doers. THE PSALMS. 109 9. Extol Jehovah our God very highly, and bow down at his holy hill: for Jehovah our God is holy. PSALM C. A PSALM OF THANKSCIVI^'G. 1. Shout aloud to Jehovah, all ye lands. 2. Serve Jehovah with gladness; come ye before him with loud shouts. 3. Know that Jehovah he is Elohim : he made us, and are not we his people, and the sheep of his pasture ? 4. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise: give thanks to him, and bless his name. 3. For Jehovah is good, his abundant mercy is ever- lasting ; and his truth endureth from generation to generation. PSALM CL A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . I WILL sing of abundant mercy and justice : to thee, O Jehovah, I will sing. 2. I will walk discreetly in the way of uprightness: when wilt thou come to me ? I will conduct myself in my liouse, with a perfect heart. 3. 1 will not set before my eyes a wicked thing: I hate him who committeth transgressions, he shall not be united with me. 4. A perverse heart shall be turned away from me : an evil person 1 will not know. .5. He who slandercth his friend in secret, him I will destroy : he that looketh haughtily, and hath an insatiable heart, him I will not sufter. 6. Mine eyes shall be upon tlie faithful people of the land, that they may dwell with me: he who walketh in the way of perfection, he shall minister to me. 110 THE PSALMS. 7. He who acteth deceitfully, shall not dwell in my house; he that telletli lies shall not be estabUshed in my sight. 8. I will seek out the wicked of the land to destroy them, and will cut oflF from the city of Jehovah, all the workers of iniquity. PSALM ClI. A prayer of the afflicted when he is overwhelmed, and pouring out his meditation hefore Jehovah. 1. O Jehovah, hear my prayer; and let my cry come unto thee. 2. Do not hide thy face from me in the day of my distress; incline thine ear unto me: when I call answer me speedily. 3. For my days are consumed in smoke, and my bones are burned up as a fire-brand. 4. My heart is smitten, and withered like grass; so that I forget to eat my food. 5. Through the noise of my groaning, my bones cleave to my flesh. 6. I resemble the pelican in the wilderness; I am like the owl in desert places. 7. I watch, and am like a solitary bird upon the roof of a house. 8. All the days my enemies reproach me; those who are enraged, swear against me. 9. Therefore, I have eaten dust as food, and I have mixed my drink with tears; 10. Because of thy indignation and wrath : for thou didst raise me up, but hast cast me down. 1 1 . My days are like a shadow which declineth ; and I am withered like grass. 12. But thou, O Jehovah, shalt remain for ever, and thou shalt be remembered from generation to-ge«€ration. 1 3 . Thou shalt rise up, and have compassion upon Zion : THE PSALMS. Ill for now is the time to liave mercy upon her, for the appointed time is come. 14. For thy servants liave pleasure in her stones, and have mercy upon her dust. 15. And the heathen shall fear the name of Jehovah: and all the kings of the earth thy glory. 16. Jehovah has built up Zion, he is seen in its glory. 17. He regards the prayer of the entirely destitute, and does not despise their petitions. 18. This shall be written for future generations; and a people that is to be created shall praise JAH. 19. For he looked about from the height of his sanctuary; Jehovah from the heavens looked down towards the earth ; 20. To listen to the groans of the prisoner, to set at liberty the sons of mortality ; 21. To declare in Zion the name of Jehovah, and his praise in Jerusalem. 22. When the peoples and tlie kingdoms assembled to serve Jehovah. 23. He humbled my strength in the way ; he cut short my day. 24. I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years endure through all generations. 25 . Before the foundations of the earth were laid : the heavens were the work of thy hands. 26. They shall perish, but thou shalt stand firm ; and all of them shall wear out like a garment ; and as a vesture thou shalt change them, and they shall be changed. 27. But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. 28. The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall be established in thy presence. PSALM cm. AI'SALMOFDAVID. I. Xjless Jehovah, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 112 THE PSALMS. 2. O my soul, bless Jehovah, and do not forget any of his rewards. 3. He forgiveth all thy iniquities ; and healeth all thy ulcerations. 4. Who delivereth thy life from destruction ; and whose abundant mercy encompasseth thee. 5. Who moreover satisfieth even thee with good things; thy youth is renewed like an eagle's. 6. Jehovah executethjustice and judgment over all who are oppressed. 7. He made known his ways to Moses, and his deeds to the children of Israel . 8. Jehovah is merciful and kind, slow in being angered, but abundant in mercy. 9. He will not always contend: he will not for ever be watching. 10. He does not act towards us according to our sins; nor requite us according to our iniquities. 11. But according to the height of the heavens above the earth, so great is his tender mercy towards those who fear him. 12. As the east is distant from the west, so is the distance of our sins from us. 13. As the compassion of a father towards his children, so is the compassion of Jeliovah towards those who fear him. 14. For he knoweth our formation; he remembereth that we are but dust. 1 5 . The days of Infirm man are like grass : he flourisheth like the blossoms of the field. 16. For the wind passeth over him, and he is no more; and his place is no longer recollected. 17- But the tender mercy of Jehovah is everlasting, and endureth for ever towards tliose who fear him, and his righteousness towards their childrens's children; 18. Towards those who keep his covenant, towards those who remember his commandments to obey them. 19. Jehovah in the heavens has fixed his throne; and his dominion is over every kingdom. THE PSALMS. 113 20. Bless Jehovah, O ye his angels who are very strong to execute his commands, who cause the sound of his word to be heard. 21. O ye his host, bless ye Jehovah ; O ye his servants who execute his pleasure. 22. O all ye his works, bless ye Jehovah, in every place of his dominion : bless Jehovah, O my soul. PSALM CIV. 1 . Bless Jehovah, O my soul : Jehovah my God, thou art exceedingly great ; thou art clothed in majesty and glory. 2. He is covered with light as a garment: the heavens are stretched out as a curtain. 3. His chambers are the watery vapours of the sea; and he maketh the clouds his chariots: he walketh upon the wings of the wind : 4. He maketh the winds his messengers, and flames of fire his ministers. 5. He hath firmly fixed the earth on its foundation, so that it can never be moved. 6. The deep covereth it as a garment: the waters stand over the hills. 7. At thy rebuke they flee; at the noise of thy thunder they hurry away. 8. They ascend the hill; they descend to the vallies, to the place which thou hast fixed for them. 9. Thou didst fix a boundary which they cannot pass over, nor turn back again to cover the earth. 10. Thou didst send their springs among the vallies: they run between the hills. 1 1 . All the beasts of the field drink of them : and the wild asses quench their thirst. 12. Above them, the fowls of heaven dwell,, which sing among the branches. Q 114 THE PSALMS. 13. From his chambers, the hills are watered: from the fruits of thy works the earth is replenished. 14. Grass spriiigeth up for the cattle, and herb for the use of man; that food may come forth from the earth; 15. And wine to rejoice the heart of infirm man, and oil to cause his face to shine, and bread to sustain the heart of man. 16". The trees of Jehovah are abundantly supplied: the cedars of Lebanon which he planteth; 17- There the birds make their nests : the fir-tree is the house for the stork. 18. The high hills are for the wild goat, the rocks are a refuge for the rabbits. 19. The moon he made for its' appointed season; and the sun knoweth the west. 20. Thou makest darkness, and it is night, in which all the beasts of the forest creep about. 21. The young lions roar for prey, and seek their food from G'od. 22. The sun rises, they withdraw together, and lie down in their dens. 23. Man cometii forth to his labour, and to his work, until the evening. 24. How numerous are thy works, O Jehovah ! in wis- dom thou hast made them all: thy riches fill all the land. 25. This great sea is extended on all sides; there are reptiles and beasts innumerable, small and great. 26. There go the ships; and the leviathan which thou didst form to sport therein. 27. All of them look towards thee; thou givest them their food in due season. 28. Thou givest to them, they take: thou openest thy hand, they are filled with good things. 29. Thou hidest thy face, and they are agitated; thou takest away their breath, they are smitten, and return to their dust. 30. Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created, and thou renewest the face of the earth. THE PSALMS. ] 15 31 . The glory of Jehovah shall endure for ever : Jehovah will rejoice in his works. 32. He looketh towards the eartii, and it trembles; he smiteth the hills, and they smoke. 33. I will sing to Jehovah while I live; I will sing to my God wliile I exist. 34. My meditations concerning him will be delightful : I will rejoice in Jehovah. 35. Sinners shall be consumed out of the earth, and the wicked shall be destroyed. Bless Jehovah, O my soul. Praise ye J AH. PSALM CV. 1. GriVE thanks to Jehovah; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples. 2. Sing to him, sing to him: meditate upon all his wonderful works. 3. Glorify his holy name: rejoice heartily, ye who seek Jehovah. 4. Seek ye Jehovah, and be strong; seek ye his face always. 5. Remember the wonderful works which he doth; and his marvellous deeds, and the judgments of his mouth; G. Ye seed of Abraham his servant, ye sons of Jacob his chosen. 7. He is Jehovah our God; his judgments are in all the earth. 8. He remembereth for ever his purification sacrifice; the command he spake to a thousand generations. 9. The covenant which he made with Abraham, and the oath he made to Isaac; 10. And he confirmed it with Jacob for a statute, and with Isaac for an everlasting covenant; 1 1 . Saying to thee, I will give the land of Canaan, for the portion of your inheritance : 116 THE PSALMS. 12. When ye were a few men in number, and strangers there. 13. Then ye went from nation to nation, from one king to another people. 14. Man ceased not to oppress them; and he reproved kings for their sakes. 15. Touch not mine anointed, and injure not my prophets. 16. He called for a famine upon the land : he destroyed the whole staff of bread. 17- He sent the man Joseph before them, to be sold for a servant ; 18. His feet were afflicted with chains : the iron entered his soul; 19. Until his word came; the word of Jehovah tried him . 20. The king sent, and sought him; the ruler of the people then let him be released. 21. He was made ruler over his house, and he had au- thority over all his possessions; 22. Restraining his princes at his pleasure, and teaching his elders wisdom. 23. He brought Israel into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham. 24. And his people increased exceedingly, and he made them stronger than their enemies. 25. He changed their heart to hate his people, causing them to act deceitfully towards his servants. 26. He sent Moses his servant, and Aaron with him, whom he had chosen. 27. He established his plagues and his signs among them, and his miracles he shewed, in the land of Ham. 28. He sent darkness, and it was darkj but they changed not at his plagues. 29. He changed their waters to blood, and their fish died. 30. Their land produced abundance of frogs, in their king's chambers. 3 1 . He spake, and noisome flies came in all their boun- daries. THE PSALMS. 117 32. He gave heavy rain, hail, and flames of fire in all their land. 33. And he smote their vines, and their fig-trees; and he destroyed their wooden land-marks. 34. He spake, and the locusts and insects innumerable came, 35. And ate all the herbage in their land, and ate the fruit of their ground. 36. And he smote all the first-born in their land, the chief of all their strength. 37. And he brought them forth with silver, and with gold; and there was no stumbling among their tribes. 38. Egypt rejoiced when they went forth; for fear fell upon them. 39. He spread out a cloud for a covering, and fire to give light by night. 40. They petitioned, and he brought quails, and the heavens satisfied them with food. 4 1 . He opened the rock, and the waters flowed a stream through the dry places. 42. For he remembered his holy word to Abraham his servant. 43. And he brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with shouts. 44. And he gave to them the land of the heathen : and they inherited the labour of the nations ; 45. That they might keep his statutes, and preserve his laws. Praise ye J AH. PSALM CVI. 1. Praise ye J AH. Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 2. Who can utter the mighty acts of Jehovah; and make all his praise to be heard. 3. Happy are they who observe justice, and execute righteousness at all times. 1 18 THE PSALMS. 4. Remember mc, O Jehovah, with the favour due to thy people: and visit me with thy salvation. 5. Cause me to see the goodness of thy chosen, to re- joice in the joy of thy nation, and to exult with thy inheritance. 6. We have sinned with our fatiiers, our iniquity con- demn eth us. 7. Our fathers did not understand thy wonderful works in Egypt; they did not remember the multitude of thy abundant mercy; and they rebelled at the sea, even the Red Sea. 8. He saved them for his name's sake; he made them to know his power. 9. He rebuked the Red Sea, and it was dried up ; and he made them to walk through the depth, as through a desert. 10. And he saved them from the hand of hatred ; and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. 11. But the sea covered their enemies: not one of them was left. 12. They believed in his word; they sung his praises. 13. They soon forgat his works; and waited not for his counsel. 14. They lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and they tempted God in the desert. 15. And he granted them their requests; but he sent leanness into their souls. 16. And they envied Moses in the camp, and Aarop the saint of Jehovah. 17. The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the congregation of Ablram . 18. And a fire burnt among their company; the flame consumed the wicked. 19. And they made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image. 20. And they changed the object of their honour into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass. 2 1 . They forgat God their Saviour, who had executed great deeds in Egypt ; THE PSALMS. 119 22. Wonderful works in the land of Ham; terrible things in the Red Sea. 23. Then he would have commanded their destruction, if Moses his chosen had not stood in the breach before him, to turn aside his desolating wrath. 24. They despised the very desirable land, they believed not his word. 25. They murmured in their tents, they listened not to the voice of Jehovah. 26. Then he raised his hand against them, causing them to fall in the wilderness, 27. And he caused their seed to fall away among the nations, and he dispersed them in the lands. 28. And they joined Bael Peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. 29. And they enraged him with their deeds : and the plague burst forth among them. 30. Then Phinehas stood up, and executed judgment: and the plague was stopped. 31. And it was reckoned to him for righteousness unto all generations for evermore. 32. And they enraged him at the waters of strife; and Moses he afflicted on their account. 33. For they grieved his spirit, and he spake rashly with his lips. 34. And they destroyed not the peoples, concerning whom Jehovah had spoken to them. 35. And they mixed among the heathen, and learnt their doings. 36. And they served their highly-wrought images: and they were a snare to them. 37. And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the devils. 38. And they poured forth innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to their highly-wrought images of Canaan : and the land was polluted with their blood . 120 THE PSALMS. 39. Then they were defiled with their works, and com- mitted fornication with tlieir inventions. 40. And the wrath of Jehovali was kindled against his people, and he abhorred his inheritance. 4 1 . And he delivered tliem into the hand of the heathen ; and those who hated them ruled over them. 42. And their enemies oppressed them, and they were humbled beneath their hands. 43. Many times he delivered them ; but they displeased him with their consultations, and they were humbled for their iniquity. 44. But he looked upon their distress, when he heard their cry. 45. And he remembered his covenant with them, and consoled them; according to the greatness of his abundant mercy. 46. And he excited the compassion of all those before whom they were made captives. 47. Save us, O Jehovah our God, and collect us from the nations, to praise thy holy name, to take pleasure in thy praise. 48. Blessed be Jehovah, God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the peoples say Amen. Praise ye JAH. PSALM CVII. 1. GriVE thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 2. Let the redeemed of Jehovah speak, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; 3. And he gathered them out of the lands from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south. 4. They wandered in the wilderness, in the desart path; they found no city for a dwelling. 5 . They were hungry and thirsty ; their soul within them was overwhelmed. THE PSALMS. 121 G. They cried aloud to Jehovah in their affliction, and lie saved them from their distresses. 7. He caused them to go into the right road, to a city that was inhabited. 8. Give thanks to Jehovah for his great goodness, and for his wonderful works to the sons of men. 9. For he satisfieth the eager soul, and the famished soul he fiUeth with benefits. 10. Those who sit in darkness, and the shadow of death, bound in affliction and iron. 1 1 . For they rebelled against the words of God, and despised the counsels of the Most High ; 12. And he humbled their hearts with labour; they stumbled, and there was no help. 13. And they cried aloud to Jehovah in their distress, he saved them from their oppressions. 14. He brought them forth from darkness and the shadow of death, and brake asunder their bonds. 15. Give thanks to Jehovah for his abundant mercy, and for his wonderful works to the sons of men ! 16. For he brake the doors of brass, and demolished the bars of iron. 17. Fools treading the path of their transgressions, and their iniquities are humbled : 18. Their soul abhorreth all food; and draweth nigh the gates of death. 19. They cry aloud to Jehovah in their distress; and he saveth them from their afflictions. 20. He sent forth his word, and he healed them ; and he delivered them from their oppressors. 21. Give thanks to Jehovah for his abundant mercy, and for his wonderful doings to the children of men. 22. Offer up sacrifices of thanksgivings, and tell of his wondrous works with shouts. 23. They who go down to the sea in ships, who have employment in great seas ; 24. They behold the works of Jehovah, and his won- derful doings iu the broad deep. u 122 THE PSALMS. 25. Then he spake, and he sustained the stormy wind; and with it he lifted up the waves. 26. They ascend up to heaven, and go down to the abyss; their soul is melted with distress. 27. They wander, and reel about like a drunkard; and all their wisdom is swallowed up. 28. Then they cry aloud to Jehovah in their distress, and he bringeth them out of their afflictions. 29. He raises up a storm, and quiets it; and the waves are quieted. 30. Then they rejoice because they are calm ; and he bringeth them to their desired haven. 31. Give thanks to Jehovah for his abundant mercy, and for his wonderful deeds to the sons of men. .32. Extol him highly in the congregation of the people, and praise him greatly in the abode of the elders. 33. He maketh rivers a desert, and springs of water dry ground. 34 . A fruitful land barren, because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it. 35. And he maketh the desert a pond of water, and the parched land springs of water, 36. And there the famished shall dwell, and establish an habitable city. 37. And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which shall yield increase of fruit. 38. Then he blessed them, and they increased exceed- ingly, and their cattle diminished not. 39. Then they were diminished, and humbled through restraint, affliction, and sorrow. 40. He poured out contempt upon their nobles, and caused them to wander in the wilderness without a path. 41. Then he raised the needy from their afflictions, and made their families like a flock of sheep. 42. The upright shall see it, and rejoice; and the mouth of all iniquity shall be stopped. 43. Whoever is wise, will observe this, and it will make him to understand the tender mercies of Jehovah. THE PSALMS. 123 PSALM CVUl A PSALM OR SONG OF DAVID. 1. IVlY heart is fixed, O Elohim, I will sing; yea, I will sing of my glory. 2. Awake stringed instrument and harp : I will awake up early. 3. 1 will publicly confess thee among the peoples: O Jehovah, I will praise thee among the nations. 4. For thy tender mercy is greatly above the heavens; and thy truth reaches the clouds. 5. O Elohim, thou art exalted above the heavens; and thy glory is above all the earth. 6. Therefore thy beloved shall be set free; and thy right hand shall save and answer me. 7. Elohim spake in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will di- vide Shechem, I will accurately measure out Succoth. 8. Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is the strength of my head ; Judah is my lawgiver. 9. Moab is my wash-pot; over Edom I cast my shoe ; in Philistia I will make a very loud noise. 10. Wlio will bring me to the fortified city? who will lead me to Edom ? 1 1 . Hast thou not, O Elohim, cast us off? and wilt thou notj O Elohim, go forth with our hosts ? 12. Give us help out of distress: for vain is the help of man. 13. In Elohim we will have confidence: he will tread down our enemies. PSALM CIX TO THE ETERNAL COD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. O GrOD of ray praise, do not thou be silent. 2. For the mouth of the wicked, and the mouth of tlie 124 THE PSALMS. deceitful is opened against me: their false tongues speak against me. 3. Words of hatred surround me; and they make war against me without cause. 4. Instead of love, tliey bear malice against me: but I will pray. 5. They put evil upon me instead of good; and hatred instead of love. 6". A wicked man shall be set over him : and Satan shall stand on his right hand. 7. When he is judged, his guilt shall come out; and his prayer shall be a sin. 8. His days shall be few, and another shall take his appointment. 9. His children shall be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10. His children shall always be wandering about and begging; and seeking their own destruction. 1 1 . Creditors shall ensnare all that belongs to him ; strangers shall plunder the produce of his labour. 1 2. Abundant mercy shall not be extended towards him ; and his fatherless children shall not find favour. 13. His posterity shall be cut off; in another generation their name shall be blotted out. 14. The God Jehovah will remember the iniquity of his father's; and the sin of his mother shall not be blotted out. 15. They shall always be manifest to Jehovah, and the remembrance of them shall be cut off from the land. 16. Because he remembered not to shew great mercy; but he persecuted the afflicted and needy man, and mortally wounded their heart. 17. And he loved cursing, and it shall come to him : he delighted not in blessing, therefore it shall be far from him. 18. He put on cursing as a long robe, and it shall enter into his inward parts as water, and as oil into his bones. 19. It shall be to him as a garment to cover him, and as a belt which shall always gird him. 20. This shall be done to my enemies by Jehovah, and to those who speak evil against my soul. THE PSALMS. 125 21. But thou, O Jehovah my Adoni, act for me for thy name's sake : because of the greatness of tliy abundant good- ness save me. 22. For I am afflicted and needy, my heart is greatly wounded within me. 23. I walk about like an attenuated shadow: I am agi- tated like a locust. 24. My knees totter through fasting, and my flesh wants fat. 25. I am reproached by them : they behold me, and shake their heads. 26. Help me, O Jehovah my God, save me according to thy abundant mercy : 27. And they shall know that this is thy power, that thou, O Jehovali, doest it. 28. They will curse, but thou wilt bless: they will rise up, but they shall be confused ; and thy servant will rejoice. 29. My adversaries sliall be clothed with shame; as a mantle, their shame shall cover them. 30. I will give great thanks to Jehovah with my mouth ; and in the midst of the multitude I will praise him. 3 1 . For he will stand at the right hand of the afflicted, to save his soul from condemnation. PSALM ex. A PSALM OF nAVID. 1. Jehovah saith solemnly to Adoni, sit down at my right hand, till I have made thy enemies a stool for thy feet. 2. The rod of thy strength, Jehovah will cast forth out of Zion : bring it down in the midst of thy enemies. 3. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. 4. Jehovah hath sworn, and he will not change. Thou art a priest for ever, according to the order of Melchizedek. 126 THE PSALMS. 5. Adoni, on thy right hand will deeply wound kings in the day of his wrath. 6. He will judge among the heathen, he will fill the place with the dead bodies ; and deeply wound the chief of many countries, 7. He will drink from the torrent in the way: therefore he will lift up the head. PSALM CXI. 1. Praise ye JAH. I will give thanks to Jehovah with all my heart, in the secret assembly, and the congrega- tion of the upright. 2. The works of Jehovah are great; they are sought out by all who delight in them. 3. Majestic and glorious are his works: and his righteousness standeth firm for ever. 4. He maketh his wonderful works to be remembered : very gracious and compassionate is Jehovah. 5. He giveth food to those who fear him: he remem- bereth his covenant for ever. 6. The strength of his works he maketh manifest to his people, giving to them the heritage of the heathen. 7. The works of his hands are faithfulness and justice; all his appointments are just. 8. They are upheld for ever and ever, being done in truth and equity. 9. He sent redemption to his people, he appointed an everlasting purification sacrifice : holy and reverend is his name . 10. The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom: it instructs all, and it directs to every good: his glory is firmly established for ever. PSALM cxn I. Praise ye JAH. Happy is the man who feareth Jehovah, who has great delight in his commandments. THE PSALMS. 127 2. His seed shall be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright shall be blessed. 3. Great riches shall be in his house: and his righteous- ness shall be established for ever. 4. In darkness light shall be diffused : to the upright he is gracious, compassionate, and just. 5. A good man is very merciful, and lendeth; he will regulate his affairs with judgment. 6. He will never be shaken ; the righteous shall be re- membered for ever. 7. He feareth no evil tidings; his heart is fixed; he trusteth in Jehovah. 8. His heart is upheld, he will not fear, even when he looks upon his enemies. 9. He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor : his righteousness standeth firm for ever, his horn shall be exalted with honour. 10. The wicked shall see it, and with rage gnash his teeth, and decay away; the desire of the wicked shall perish. PSALM CXIII. 1. "raise ye JAH; praise Jehovah, ye servants, praise ye the name of Jehovah. 2. Blessed be the name of Jehovah, from this time forth for evermore. 3. From the rising of the sun, unto its going down, praised be the name of Jehovah. 4. Exalted above all nations is Jehovah, his glory is above the heavens. 5. Who is like Jehovah our God, whose dwelling is on high ; 6. Who humbleth himself to behold the heavens, and the earth. 7. He raiseth up the poor from tlie dust j and the needy he lifteth up from the dunghill. 128 THE PSALMS. 8. Causing him to dwell with princes, with the nobles of his people. 9. The barren woman he causes to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye JAH. PSALM CXIV. 1. \Vhen Israel came forth from Egypt, and the house of Jacob from a powerful people. 2. Judah was his consecrated tribe, and Israel his do- minion. 3. The sea beheld it, and fled; Jordan turned back. 4. The hills skipped like rams, and the high hills like a lamb. 5. What ailed thee, O sea, that thou fleddestr and thou Jordan, that thou didst turn back? 6. Ye hills, that ye skipped like rams; and ye high hills, like a lamb ? 7. At the presence of Adoni be greatly pained, O earth ; at the presence of the God of Jacob ; 8. Who changed the rock into a pool of water, and the solid rock to fountains of water. PSALM CXV 1. J\oT unto us, O Jehovah, not unto us, but unto thy name be given the glory, for thy abundant mercy, and for thy truth. 2. Wherefore shall the heathen say, Where is now their God? 3. Our God is in heaven, and doeth whatsoever he pleaseth. THE PSALMS. 129 4. Their highly- wrought idols of silver and gold are the works of the hands of men. 5. They have a mouth, but cannot speak; and they have eyes, but they cannot see. 6*. They have ears, but they cannot hear; they have a nose, but they cannot smell. 7. Their hands cannot feel about; their feet cannot walk; and they cannot utter words with their mouth. 8. They who make them, and all who trust in them, resemble them. 9. Israel trusteth in Jehovah ; he is their help and their shield. 10. The house of Aaron trusteth in Jehovah; he is their help and their shield. 11. Those who fear Jehovah, trust in Jehovah; he is their help and their shield. 12. Jehovah is mindful of us; he will abundantly bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron. 13. He will bless those who fear Jehovah, the small with the great. 14. Jehovah will enrich you; you and your children. 15. Ye are the blessed of Jehovah, maker of heaven and earth. 16. The highest heaven belongeth to Jehovah : but the earth he giveth to the sons of men. 17. The dead shall not praise J AH, nor any who go down into silence. 18. But we will praise J AH from this time, and for ever and ever. Praise ye J AH. PSALM CXVI. 1. I LOVE Jehovah, because he has listened to the voice of my supplication. 2. For he inclineth his ear unto me, and during all my days I will call upon him. s 130 THE PSALMS. 3. The pangs of death closely surrounded me; 1 felt the distresses of the grave: I experienced trouble and affliction. 4. And upon the name of Jehovah I called : O Jehovah, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. 5. Very gracious and righteous is Jehovah; our God is compassionate. 6. Jehovah will preserve the precipitate: I was ex- hausted, but he saved me. 7. Return to thy rest, O my soul; for Jehovah, hath be- stowed a reward upon thee. 8. For my soul thou deliveredst from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. 9. I shall walk in the presence of Jehovah, in the land of the living. 10. I am confirmed, therefore I will speak: I was afflicted greatly. 11. I said hastily, all mankind are deceitful. 12. What return to Jehovah shall I make, for all his benefits to me ? 13. I will receive the cup of salvation, and will call upon the name of Jehovah. 14. I will fulfil my vows to Jehovah now, in the pre- sence of all his people. 15. Precious in the sight of Jehovah is the death of his saints. 16. For verily, O Jehovah, I am thy servant; I am thy servant, the son of thy handmaid: thouhast loosened my bonds. 17. I will offer to thee a sacrifice of thanksgiving; I will call upon the name of Jehovah. 18. I will fulfil my vows to Jehovah, now in the pre- sence of all the people. 19. In the court of Jehovah's house, in the midst of Jerusalem. Praise ye J AH. THE PSALMS. 131 PSALM CXVII. 1. Praisr ye Jehovah, all ye nations: laud him all ye people. 2. For his tender mercy is great towards us: and the truth of Jehovah is everlasting. Praise ye J AH. PSALM CXVIIL 1. GriVE thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; for his abundant mercy is everlasting. 2. Let Israel now say, that his abundant mercy is ever- lasting. 3. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his abundant mercy is everlasting. 4. Let those who fear Jehovah now say, that his mercy is everlasting. 5. Through distress I cried unto JAH: it was in the greatness of my affliction. 6. Jehovah is for me; I will not fear what man will do unto me. 7. Jehovah is with those who help me; and I will look upon them that hate me. 8. It is better to trust in Jehovah, than to rely upon man. 9. It is better to trust in Jehovah, than to rely upon princes. 10. All nations surrounded me: but in the name of Jehovah I will cut them off. 1 1 . Yea, they encompassed me closely about ; but in the name of Jehovah I will cut them off. 12. They encompassed me about like bees ; they are ex- tinguished like a fire of thorns : for in the name of Jehovah I will cut them off. 13. The thrust impelled me to fall : but Jehovah helped me. 14. JAH is my strength and my song, and he is my Saviour. 132 THE PSALMS. 15. The sound of rejoicing and loud shouting, is in the tents of the righteous : the right hand of Jehovah performeth great things. 16. The right hand of Jehovah Is highly exalted; the right hand of Jehovah performeth great things. 17. I shall not die, but live: and will tell of the works of JAH. 18. JAH has severely rebuked me: but he has not given me over unto death. 19. The gates of righteousness were opened to me: I will go into them, and give thanks to JAH. 20. This is the gate of Jehovah; the righteous will enter into it. 21. I will give thee thanks ; for thou answerest me, and thou art become my salvation. 22. The stone the builders refused shall become the chief key-stone. 23. This will proceed from Jehovah ; this is wonderful in our eyes. 24. This is the day Jehovah hath appointed; we will rejoice and be glad therein. 25. Save now, I beseech thee, O Jehovah: now, O Jehovah, 1 implore prosperity. 26. Blessed be he who cometh in the name of Jehovah: we of the house of Jehovah will bless you. 27 . God Jehovah shines upon us : bind ye the periodical sacrifices with cords, upon the horns of the altar. 28. Thou art my God, and I will give thanks to thee; my God, I will highly extol thee. 29. Give thanks to Jehovah; for he is good: and his mercy endureth for ever. PSALM CXIX. 1. JjLEssED are they who proceed uprightly, and walk in the laws of Jehovah. THE PSALMS. 133 2. Happy are those who keep his testimonies, and seek them vvitli all their hearts. 3. They will not commit iniquity: they will walk in his ways. 4. Thou hast commanded thy testimonies to be strictly kept. 5. I labour greatly that my ways may be prepared to keep thy statutes. 6. I shall not be ashamed, when I give my mind to all thy con)mandments. 7- I vvill openly confess thee with uprightness of heart, while I teach thy righteous judgments. 8. I vvill keep thy statutes: do not utterly forsake me. BETH. 9. How shall a young man purify his ways? by watching himself according to thy word. 10. With all my heart I have sought thee: let me not wander from thy commandments. 11. In my heart, I have reserved thy word, that I may not sin against thee. 12. Blessed art thou, O Jehovah : teach me thy statutes. 13. With my lips I have declared all the judgments of thy mouth. 14. In the paths of thy testimonies I have rejoiced, more than in all riches. 15. On thy appointments I have meditated, and I have directed my looks towards thy paths. 16. In thy statutes I will greatly rejoice: I will not forget thy word. GTMEL. 17. Recompence thy servant; I shall revive and keep thy word. 18. Uncover my eyes, I shall behold the wonders of thy laws. 19. I am a stranger in the land; do not hide thy com- mandments from me. 20. I am worn out for the love I have at all times for thy judgments. 134 THE PSALMS. 21. Thou rebukest the proud, the accursed, and those who wander from tliy commandment. 22. Remove from me disgrace and shame, for I have kept thy testimonies. 23. Verily princes did sit and talk against me, but thy servant will meditate upon thy statutes. 24. Yea, the men of my counsel shall greatly delight in tliy testimonies. » DALETH. 25 . My soul cleaveth to the dust : quicken me according to thy words. 26. I have related my proceedings, and thou answerest me: and teach me thy statutes. 27. Make me understand the way of thy appointments: and I will meditate upon thy wonderful works. 28. My soul moulders away with moaning; raise me up, according to thy word. 29. Turn me away from the false way; but attach me to thy laws. 30. 1 have chos6n the true path ; I have placed before me thy judgments. 31. I have cleaved to thy testimonies: O Jehovah, make me not ashamed. 32. I will run the way of thy commandments, for thou enlargest my heart. HE, 33. Teach me, O Jehovah, the way of thy command- ments; and I will observe the end. 34. Make me to understand, and treasure up thy laws; and I will keep them with all my heart. 35. Make me to tread in the path of thy ordinances; for in them is my delight. 36. Incline my heart to thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. 37- Make my eyes pass away from seeing vanity: make me to live in thy way. 38. Establish thy word with thy servant who fears thee. THE PSALMS. 135 39. Cause my disgrace which I feared, to pass over: .for thy judgments are good. 40. Behold, I love thy appointments j revive me with thy righteousness. VAU. 41. Let thy abundant mercy, O Jehovah^ come to me; and thy salvation, according to thy word. 42. I was afflicted by words of reproach ; but I trust in thy word. 43. Do not utterly take away from my mouth the word of truth ; for I patiently wait for thy justice. 44. I will always keep thy laws, for ever and ever. 45. And I will walk about at large; for I seek thy appointments. 46. And I will talk in thy assemblies, in the presence of of kings, and will not be ashamed. 47. And I will take great delight in thy ordinances, which I have loved. 48. And my hand shall be raised toward thy command- ments, which I have loved ; and I will meditate upon thy statutes. ZAIN. 49. Remember the promise to thy servant, which thou has caused me to wait anxiously for. 50. This is my comfort in my affliction : for thy word reviveth me. 5 1 . The proud deride me exceedingly : from thy laws I have not turned aside. 52. I have remembered thy judgments from of old, O Jehovah ; I have comforted myself. 53. Mental horror seizes me, because of the wicked who forsake thy laws. 54. Thy statues are my songs, in the house of my pil- grimage. 55. I remember thy name in the night, O Jehovah, and I observe thy laws. 56. This I did, because I kept thy appointments. 136 THE PSALMS. CHETH. 57. I said, my portion ls,0 Jehovah, to keep thy word. 58. I have patiently waited for thy favour with all my heart: have mercy upon me, according to thy word. 59. I have thought upon my ways, and turned my feet towards thy testimonies. 60. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy com- mandments. 61. Bands of the wicked have plundered me: but thy laws I have not forgot. 62. At midnight I will arise to give praises to thee, con- cerning thy righteous judgments. 63. I will associate with all who fear thee, and who keep thy appointments. 64. Thy abundant mercy, O Jehovah, lilleth the land : teacli me thy statutes. TETH . 65. Thou hast acted kindly with thy servant, O Jeho- vah, according to thy word. 66. Teach me accurate discernment and knowledge; for 1 have believed thy commandments. 67. Before I was afflicted I erred greatly: but now I observe thy word. 68. Thou art exceedingly good, teach me thy statutes. 69. The proud have fastened a lie upon me: but I have treasured up thy statutes with all my heart. 70. Their heart is insensible, like fat: I am greatly de- lighted with thy laws. 71. It was good for me that I was afflicted; because I learned thy statutes. 72. The law of thy mouth is better than thousands of gold and silver. JOD. 73. Thy hands made me and prepared me: give me discernment, and I shall learn thy commandments. 74. Those M'ho fear thee, will see me and rejoice: for I have patiently waited for thy promise. THE PSALMS. I 37 75. I know, O Jehovah, that thy judgments are just; •and that thou afflictest me justly. 76. Let thy tender mercy, I pray, comfort me; accord- ing to thy promise to thy servant. 77- Thy tender mercies shall come to me, and I shall revive: for I delight in thy laws. 78. The proud shall be ashamed for they acted deceit- fully and perversely: I will meditate upon thy appoint- ments. 79. Those who fear thee shall return to me, and they shall know thy testimonies. 80. My heart shall be perfectly devoted to thy precepts; so that I shall not be ashamed. CAPH. 81. My soul fainteth for thy salvation: I will wait pa- tiently for thy word. 82. Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying. When wilt thou comfort me? 83. Fori am like a leathern bottle in the smoke; I will not forget thy statutes. 84. How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute justice upon my persecutors ? 85. The proud have digged pits for me, which is not according to thy laws. 86. All thy commandments are faithful : they persecute me falsely: help me. 87. They had nearly consumed me in the land: but I did not forsake thy appointment. 88. According to thy abundant mercy revive me; and I will keep the testimonies of thy mouth. LAMED. 89. Thy word, O Jehovah, is for ever firmly fixed in the heavens. 90. From generation to generation thy faithfulness has established the earth, and it continueth firm. 91. According to thy judgments they are fixed this day; for all are thy servants. T 138 THE PSALMS. 92. Unless thy laws luid been my delight, I should then have perished in my afflietions. 93. I will never forget thy appointments : for with them thou revivest me. 94. I am thine, save me ; I seek thy appointments. 95. The wieked laid wait for me to destroy me: thy testimonies I consider. 96". Of every perfection I see an end: thy command- ments are exceedingly extensive. MEM. 97. How T love thy law ! it is my meditation all day. 98. Thou hast made me wiser than my enemies with thy commandments; for they are always with me. 99. I am more discreet than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my meditation. 100. 1 have more understanding than the elders, for I keep thy appointments. 101. From every wicked way I restrain my feet, that I may keep thy word. 10'2. From thy judgments I have not turned aside; for thou instructest me. 103. How much sweeter to my palate is thy word, than honey to my mouth. 104. Through thy appointments I get understanding; therefore 1 hate every false path. NUN. 105. Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. 106. I have sworn, and I will firmly keep thy righteous judgments. 107. I am much afflicted: O Jehovah, revive me ac- cording to thy word. 108. Accept now the free-will offerings of my mouth, O Jehovah, and teach me thy judgments. 109. My soul is always in my hand: and I will not forget thy laws. 1 10. The wicked spread a snare for me: but from thy appointments I will not stray. THE PSALMS. 139 111. Thy testimonies are my perpetual heritage : for • they are the joy of my heart. 112. My heart I have always inclined to perform thy precepts unto the end. SAMECH. 113. Violent persons I hate: but thy laws do I love. 114. Thou art my covert and my shield: I wait pa- tiently for thy word. 115. Depart from me, ye evil people : I will treasure up the commands of my God. 116". Support me according to thy word, and I shall live : and make me not ashamed of my expectations. 117- Sustain me, and I shall be saved: and I will always have respect to thy precepts. 118. Thou hast laid prostrate all who wander from thy precepts : for they are exceedingly deceitful. 119. The dross, all the wicked of the land, thou turnest away : therefore I love thy testimonies. 120. My flesh shivers through fear j and I am afraid of thy judgments. AIN. 121. I have acted justly and righteously : do not leave me to the oppressors. 122. Besurety for the benefit of thy servant: let not the proud oppress me. 123. Mine eyes are consumed with looking for thy sal- vation, and the promise of thy righteousness. 1 24. Deal with thy servant according to thy abundant mercy, and teach me thy precepts. 125. I am thy servant; give mean understanding, and I shall know thy testimonies. 126. It is time for thee to act; O Jehovah, they have broken thy laws. 127. Therefore I have loved thy commandments more than gold, or than pure gold. 128. Therefore all appointments I observe exactly; I hate every false way. 140 THE PSALMS. PK. 129. Thy testimonies are wonderful : therefore my soul observeth them. 130. The declaration of thy word will enlighten the understanding of the simple. 131. My mouth I opened wide, I gasped: fori ear- nestly desired thy commandments. 132. Turn towards me, and have mercy upon me, ac- cording to thy custom towards those who love thy name. 133. Direct my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity reign over me. 134. Deliver me from the oppression of man: and I will keep thy appointments. 135. Cause thy face to shine upon thy servant, and teach me thy statutes. 136. Streams of water run down my eyes, because they keep not thy laws. TSADDI. 137. Righteous art thou, O Jehovah; and upright are thy judgments. 138. Thou ordainest testimonies extremely just and faithful. 139. My zeal consumeth me: because my adversaries forget thy word. 140. Thy word is exceedingly pure, and thy servant loveth it. 141. I am small and despicable; I have not forgot thy appointments. 142. Thy righteousness is for ever just, and thy law is steadfast. 143. Trouble and distress found me: but I greatly de- lighted in thy commandments. 144. Thy righteous testimonies endure for ever: give me understanding and I shall live. KOPH. 145. I have cried out with all my heart; answer me, O Jehovah, I have treasured up thy statutes. THE PSALMS. 141 146. 1 have cried out to thee ; save me, and I will keep thy testimonies. 147. I preceded the twilight, and cried out: I waited patiently for thy word. 148. Mine eyes precede the watch, to meditate upon thy word. 149. According to thy tender mercy listen to my voice: O Jehovah, have mercy upon me, according to thy custom. 150. Those who pursue mischief draw nigh : from thy laws they are far off. 151. Thou art near, O Jehovah ; and all thy command- ments are true. 152. Of old I knew thy testimonies, that they were established for everlasting. RESH. 153. Behold my afflictions, and set me free: for thy laws I will not forget. 154. Plead my cause, and deliver me : thy word shall revive me. 155. Safety is far from the wicked; for they seek not thy statutes. 156. Thy compassion is great: according to thy cus- tom strengthen me, O Jehovah. 157. My persecutors and enemies are many : I have not declined from thy testimonies. 158. I have seen hypocrites; and have greatly loathed those who kept not thy word. 159. Behold I have loved thy appointments: O Jeho- vah strengthen me, according to thy abundant mercy. 160. Thy word is true from the first; and all thy righteous judgments endure for ever. SCHIN. 161. Princes have persecuted me without cause: and my heart feareth thy word. 162. I have rejoiced at thy word, as one who findeth great spoil. 163. I hate and abhor falsehood; thy law I love. 142 THE PSALMS. 1G4, Seven times a day will I praise thee: because of thy righteous judgments. 165. Abundance of peace sliall be given to those who love thy law : and for them there shall be no stumbling. ■ 166. I have looked for thy salvation, O Jehovah; I have executed thy commandments. 167- My soul has preserved thy testimonies, and loved them exceedingly. 168. I have kept thy appointments, and thy testimonies : for all my ways are before thee. TAU. 169. My cry shall approach thy presence, O Jehovah: give me understanding according to thy promise. 170. My prayer shall come before thee : deliver me ac- cording to thy word. 171. My lips shall utter praise, for thou hast taught me thy statutes. 172. My tongue shall answer to thy word, for all thy commands are righteous. 173. Thy hand shall help me: for I have chosen thy appointments. 174.1 have loved thy salvation, O Jehovah ; thy law is my great delight. 175. My soul shall live, and praise thee; and thy jus- tice will help me. 176. I have gone astray, like a lost sheep: seek thy ser- vant; for I have not forgot thy commandments. PSALM CXX. A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1 . To Jehovah in my distress I cried, and he answered me. 2. O Jehovah, deliver my soul from false lips, and a deceitful tongue. THE PSALMS. 143 3. What shall be given to thee, and what shall be added unto thee, O false tongue ? 4. The arrows of the mighty are much sharpened with the live coals of the Genista. 5. Woe is me, for my pilgrimage is protracted, and I dwell in the tents of mourning? 6. Thou hast prolonged the continuance of my soul, with him who hateth peace. 7. I am peaceable: but, if I speak, they are for war. PSALM CXXI. A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THK STEPS. 1. X WILL lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2. My help is from Jehovah, who made the heavens and the earth. 3. He will not let thy foot slip: thy preserver will not slumber. 4. Behold, the guard of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 5. Jehovah is thy guard; Jehovah is thy deliverer upon thy right hand. 6. By day the sun shall not burn thee, nor the moon by night. 7. Jehovah will keep thee from all evil: he will pre- serve thy soul. 8. Jehovah will guard thy going out, and thy coming in; from this time forth, for ever more. PSALM CXXIL A PSALM OF DAVID. To be sung upon the Steps. 1. JL REJOICED when they said to me, we will go into the house of Jehovah. 144 THE PSALMS. 2. Our feet will stand firmly in thy gates, O Jerusalem. 3. Jerusalem is built like a city which is wholly united together: 4. Thither the tribes go up, the tribes of JAH, the congregations of Israel, to give praises to the name, Jehovah. 5. For there are set the thrones of justice, the thrones of the house of David. 6. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper who love thee. 7. There shall be peace with thy army, and quietness in thy palaces. 8. For the sake of my bretliren and companions, I vdll now say, Peace be within thee. 9. For the sake of the house of Jehovah our God, I will seek to do thee good. PSALM CXXIll. A SONG TO BE SUNG ON THE STEPS. 1. To thee I lift up my eyes, O thou that dwellest in heaven. 2. Behold, as the eyes of servants look towards the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid servant to the hand of a mistress; so our eyes look towards Jehovah our God, until he will have mercy upon us. 3. Have mercy upon me, O Jehovah, have mercy upon me : for we are very exceedingly despised. 4. Our soul is greatly filled with the derision of the in- solently confident, and the contempt of the haughty. PSALM CXXIV. A SONG OF DAVID, TO BE SUNG ON THE STEPS. 1. Unless Jehovah himself were with us, now will Israel say; THE PSALMS. 145 2. Unless Jehovah himself were for us, when man rose up against us: 3. Then had they swallowed us up alive, when the fury of their wrath was upon us. 4. Then the waters would have overwhelmed us, the torrent would have passed over our soul. 5. Then the swelling waters would have passed over our soul, 6. Blessed be Jehovah, who has not made us a prey to their teeth. 7. Our soul is like a bird delivered from the snare of the fowler: the snare is broken, and we are reseued. 8. Our help is in the name of Jehovah, who made the heavens and the earth. PSALM CXXV. A SONG TO BK SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1. Those who trust in Jehovah, are like the hill of Zion, whieh shall not be shaken : it will abide for ever. 2. The hills of Jerusalem surround her, and Jehovah surroundeth his people, from this time forth for evermore. 3 . For the sceptre of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous set forth their hands unto iniquity. 4. Do good, O Jehovah, to those who are good and upright in their heart. 5. But those who turn aside, and are very perverse, make them go, O Jehovah, with the workers of iniquity. Peace be upon Israel. PSALM CXXVL A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1. When Jehovah turned aside the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. u 146 THE PSALMS. 2. Then our mouths were filled with laughter, and our tongues rejoiced : then they said among the heathen, Jeho- vah is doing great things with them. 3. Jehovah is doing great things for us, we are rejoicing. 4. Turn away our captivity, O Jehovah, as streams in the south. 5. Those who sow weeping, shall reap with joy. 6. He who goeth forward and weepeth, who carrieth and casteth forth the seed ; he shall certainly come back with joy, bearing his sheaves. PSALM CXXVII. A SONG OF Solomon's. — to be sung upon the steps. 1. Xf Jehovah build not the house, the builders labour in vain about it : if Jehovah guard not the city, the watchman waketh in vain. 2. It is in vain for ye to be early risers, and late retirers to rest, eaters of hardly earned bread, unless Jehovah give sleep to his beloved. 3. Behold, children are the heritage of Jehovah: the fruit of the womb is a reward. 4. As arrows in the hands of a strong man: so are young children. 5 . Happy are the men whose quivers are filled with them : they will not be ashamed, if they speak with their enemies in the gate. PSALM CXXVIIL A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1. Happy is every one who feareth Jehovah; who walkcth in his ways. 2. For thou shalt eat the labour of thy hands: thou shall be happy, and it shall be well with thee. THE PSALMS. 147 3. Thy wife shall be like the fruitful vine by the side of the house: thy sons like olive-trees around thy table. 4. Lo 1 thus shall the man be blessed who feareth Je- hovah. 5. Jehovah will bless thee from Zion: and cause thee to behold the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. 6. And thy children's children shall behold the peace of Jerusalem. PSALM CXXIX. A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1. ]\Xany have been my great afflictions from my youth, now may Israel say; 2.. Many have been my great afflictions; yet they have not overcome me. 3. Upon my back the ploughers have ploughed; they lengthened their furrows. 4. The righteous Jehovah hath entirely cut through the cords of the wicked. 5. All who hate Zion shall be ashamed and turned back; 6. They shall be like grass upon a roof, which withereth before it is unsheathed; 7. Which filleth not the hand of the mower, nor has a place in his bosom. 8. And passengers will not say, The blessing of Jehovah is upon you : we bless you in the name of Jehovah. PSALM CXXX. A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1 . From deep places I have called unto thee,0 Jehovah. 2. O Adoni, hear my voice; let thine ears attend to ^' voice of my supplications. 3. If thou, O JAH, observest iniquities; O Adoni, w. shall stand? 148 THE PSALMS. 4. But with thee is forgiveness, therefore thou shalt be feared. 5. I am expecting Jehovah, my soul expectethj for his word I wait patiently. 6. My soul is watching at t]\e earliest morning watch, for Adoni. 7- Israel shall patiently wait for Jehovah: for with Je- hovah is abundant mercy, and with him is ample re- demption. 8. He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. PSALM CXXXl. A SONG OF DAVID. — TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1 . O Jehovah, my heart is not proud, my eyes are not raised up : and I am not employed about great matters, and with things too wonderful for me. 2. Verily 1 have levelled, and likened myself to a child weaned from his mother: my soul resembles a weaned child. 3. Expect anxiously Jehovah, O Israel, from this time forth, for evermore. PSALM CXXXIL A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1. O Jehovah, remember David, and all his griefs. 2. What he sware to Jehovah, and vowed to the mighty one of Jacob. 3. Verily I will not go into the tabernacle of my house, I will not go upon the mattress of my couch. 4. Verily I will not give sleep to my eyes, nor slumber to my eye-lids, 5. Till I have found a place for Jehovah, a habitation for the mighty one of Jacob. 6'. Lo! we heard it in Ephrata; we found it in the fields of the wood. V THE PSALMS. 149 7. We will go into his habitation j we will fall prostrate at his foot-stool. 8. Establish, O Jehovah, thy resting-place; and the ark of thy strength. 9. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and thy saints shall greatly rejoice. 10. For the sake of David thy servant, turn not away the face of thy anointed. 1 1 . Jehovah hath firmly sworn to David, and he will not turn from it, "The fruit of thy body I will place upon thy throne." 12. If thy sons will keep my covenant, and my testi- mony which I will teach them ; verily their sons for ever shall sit upon thy throne. 13. For Jehovah hath chosen Zion: he desires it for his habitation. 14. This is my resting-place, here will I dwell for evermore: it is my pleasure. 15. I will greatly bless her provisions: her poor I will satisfy with food. 16. And her priests I will clothe with salvation; and her saints shall shout for joy. 17. There I will cause the horn of David to shoot up: and will set in order the lamp of my anointed. 18. His enemies I will cause to be clothed with shame; and upon himself shall his crown emit splendour. PSALM CXXXIII. A SONG OF DATID. TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1. JjEHOLD, how profitable and pleasureable it Is for brethren to dwell together. 2. It resembles the precious oil upon the head, which descended to the beard ; yea, the beard of Aaron ; which de- scended to the edge of his garments. 3. It resembles the dew of Hermon, which descends upon the hill of Zion: for there (in that union,) Jehovah hath ordained the blessing of life for evermore. 150 THE, PSALMS. PSALM CXXXIV. A SONG TO BE SUNG UPON THE STEPS. 1. Lo! bless ye Jehovah, all ye servants of Jehovah, who stand in the house of Jehovah by night. 2. Lift up your consecrated hands and bless Jehovah. 3. Jehovah will bless thee from Zion : he made the heavens and the earth. PSALM CXXXV. 1. GrLORiFY JAH. Glorify the name of Jehovah; glorify him, ye servants of Jehovah. 2. Ye who stand in the house of Jehovah, in the courts of the house of our God. 3. Glorify ye the JAH; for Jehovah is good: sing to his name for it is pleasant. 4 . For JAH has chosen Jacob for himself, and Israel for his own peculiar possession. 5. For 1 know that Jehovah, and our Adoni, are greater than all gods. 6. Whatsoever it pleases Jehovah that he doeth, in the heavens, and in the earth, in the sea, and in the abyss. 7- He causes the vapours to ascend from the extremity of the earth ; he maketh the lightning to occasion rain ; he bringeth forth wind from the store-houses. 8. Who smote the first born of Egypt, from man unto the beast. 9. Who sent forth signs and miracles, in the midst of Egypt; upon Pharoah and all his servants. 10. Who smote many nations, and slew mighty kings; 11. Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan: 12. And he gave their land for an heritage, an inherit- dge for his people Israel. THE PSALMS. 151 13. Thy name, O Jehovah, shall endure for ever; and ' thy memorial from generation to generation. 14. For Jehovah judgeth his people, and giveth con- solation to his servants. 15. The highly-wrought images of the heathen are silver and gold, the labour of men's hands. 16. A mouth is given to them, but they speak not; eyes are given to them, but they see not. ' 17. Ears are given to them, but they hear not; verily there is no breath in their mouths. 18. Like them shall be those who make them, and all who trust in them. 19. O house of Israel, bless ye Jehovah : O house of Aaron, bless ye Jehovah. 20. O house of Levi, bless ye Jehovah : ye who fear Jehovah, bless ye Jehovah. 21. Blessed be Jehovah of Zion, who dwelleth at Je- rusalem. Glorify ye JAH. PSALM CXXXVI. 1. Openly confess to Jehovah; for he is good: his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 2. Openly confess to God Elohim: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 3. Openly confess to Adoni, the Adonim : for his abun- dant mercy endureth for ever. 4. Who alone doeth wonderful acts : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 5. Who with skill made the heavens: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 6. Stretching out the land over the waters : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 7. Who made great lights: for his abundant mercy en- dureth for ever: 8. The sun to rule the day: for his abundant mercy en- dureth for ever : 152 THE PSALMS. 9. The moon and the stars for rulers in the night: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 10. Who chastised Egypt in their first-born: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 1 1 . Who brought Israel out from among them : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever : 12. With a vigorous hand, and stretched out arm : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 13. Who divided the Red Sea into two parts: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever: 14. Who caused Israel to pass over in the midst : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever : 15. He shook off Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea : for liis abundant mercy endureth for ever. 16. Who led his people through the desert: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 17. Who smote great kings: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever: 18. Who slew illustrious kings: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever : 19. Sihon, king of the Amorites: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever : 20. Og, the king of Bashan : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever : 2 1 . Who gave their land for an heritage; for his abundant mercy endureth for ever: 22. An heritage to Israel his servant: for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 23. Who remembered us in our low estate : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever : 24. Who rescued us by force from our enemies : for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 25. Who gave food to all flesh ; for his abundant mercy endureth for ever. 26. Openly confess the God of heaven : for his abun- dant mercy endureth for ever. THE PSALMS. 153 PSALM CXXXVII. 1 . 13 Y the rivers of Babylon there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. 2. Upon the willows, in the midst of it we hanged our harps. 3. For there they who made us captive ; and they who made us cry out, asked of us the words of a song : Sing to us a song of Zion. 4. How can we sing a song of Jehovah in a foreign land ? 5. If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand be forgotten. 6. Let my tongue cleave to my palate, if I do not re- member thee ; if I do not prefer Jerusalem above my chief joy. 7. Remember, O Jehovah, the sons of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Lay its foundations thoroughly in ruins. 8. O house of Babylon, which shall be utterly destroyed ; those shall prosper who completely requite to thee what thou hast recompensed to us. 9. Those shall prosper, who seize and dash thy infants upon the rock. PSALM CXXXVIIL A PSALM OF DAVID. 1. 1 WILL confess to thee with all my heart : O Elo- him, I will openly sing unto thee. 2. T will bow myself down towards thy holy temple, I will confess thy word, because of thy abundant mercy and thy truth : for the greatness of thy name and word is above every thing. 3. In the day that I cried out, thou didst answer me; thou didst excite vigour in my soul. 4. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Jeho- vah, when they hear the words of thy mouth. 5. Sing ye concerning the ways of Jehovah : for Jeho- vah is greatly to be glorified. 154 THE PSALMS. 6. For Jehovah is exalted; but he beholds the humble, and the proud he knowetli afar off. 7. If I walk through the midst of trouble, thou wilt re- vive me : against the wrath of the enemy thou wilt send forth thy hand, and thy right hand shall save me. 8. Jehovah will complete what concerneth me : thy abundant mercy, O Jeliovah, endureth for ever : thou wilt not enfeeble the works of thy hands. PSALM CXXXIX. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A I'SALM OF DAVID. 1 . O Jehovah, thou searchest me minutely, and thou knowest me. 2. Thou knowest my sitting down and my rising up, thou discernest my proceedings afar off. 3. Thou examinest thoroughly my path, and my em- ])loyments, and all my ways thou treasurest up. 4. For there is no word on my tongue, but lo, Jehovah, thou knowest the whole. 5 . Thou didst form me behind and before, and didst lay thy hand upon me. 6. This knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too exalted, I am not able to reach unto it. 7. Where shall I go from thy spirit? and where shall I flee from thy presence? 8. If I ascend to the heavens, thou art there; if I am stretched out in the grave, lo! there thou art. 9. If I rise upon the wings of the early dawn, and dwell in the farthest parts of the sea; 10. Verily there will thy hand lead me, and thy right hand seize hold of me. 11. I said, at least the darkness will cover me; but the night was light for me. 12. Moreover the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night is light as the day : as is the light, so is the darkness. 1 THE PSALMS. 155 13. But thou possessest my reins: thou didst over- sliadow me in the womb of my mother. 14. I will openly confess thee; for 1 am awfully and wonderfully made: thy works are wonderful; and my soul knoweth it full well. 15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was secretly being formed in the lowest parts of the earth. 16. Thy eyes beheld my unformed parts; and on thy book were all of them written ; they were daily, forming but at first there was none of them. 17. And to me, how precious are thy proceedings, O God ! how powerful is their sum total ! 18. If I should number them, their number is greater than the sand of the sea : I shall awake up, and be again with thee. 19. Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: and the men of blood shall be turned away from me. 20. They rebel who execute vain, proud, and false devices against thee. 21. Shall not I, O Jehovah, hate them, who hate thee? and shall not I greatly loathe those who rise up against thee ? 22. 1 will perfectly hate them; and they shall be my enemies. 23. Search me minutely, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; 24. And see if there be any grievous v/ays in me, and lead me into the way of everlasting. PSALM CXL. TO THE ETERNAL GOD. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . jJeliver me, O Jehovah, from the wicked man : and from the violent man preserve me : 2. Who meditate mischief in their heart: every day they provoke war. 3. Theirtongues are very sharp, like serpents; theinflam- matory poison of an adder is underneath tiieir lips. Selah. 156 THE PSALMS. 4. Keep me, O Jehovah, from the hand of the wicked; from violent perverse men, who are contriving to thrust down my feet. 5. The proud conceal a snare for me, they have spread out a net of cords : by the side of the path they lay snares for me. Selah. 6. I said to Jehovah, thou art my God: listen, O Je- hovah, to the voice of my supplication. 7. O Jehovah Adoni, n)y powerful Saviour, thou co- verest my head in the day of battle. 8. Grant not, O Jehovah, the desires of the wicked; promote not his haughty machinations. Selah. 9. Let the chief of those who surround me be over- spread with the mischief of their own lips. 10. Live coals shall come upon them: they shall be cast into the fire ; and into the deep pits, and shall not rise up again. 11. The slanderer shall not be established in the earth : evil shall eagerly pursue the man of violence for destruction. 12. 1 know what Jehovah will do, he will plead for the afflicted, and will judge the needy. 13. Verily the righteous will publicly confess thy name; the upright shall dwell in thy presence. PSALM CXLI. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 . O Jehovah, I cry unto thee: hasten to me; listen to my voice, when I cry unto thee. 2. My prayer is set forth as incense before thee, the lifting up of my hands shall be an evening sacrifice. 3. O Jehovah, place a guard upon my mouth; keep the door of my lips. 4. Do not incline my heart to any thing evil, to deeds of wickedness with men who act iniquitously: and let me not be fed with their dainties. THE PSALMS. 157 5. The righteous man will chastise me mercifully; and reprove me: the excellent oil will not oppress my head: for yet I will pray during their calamities. 6. The judges are dismissed, by the sides of the rock; tliey shall hear my words, for they were pleasant. 7. As a fragment, and something broken up in the earth, our bones are scattered at the mouth of the grave. 8. For O Jehovah Adoni, my eyes look to thee : in thee is my trust, do not let my soul be destitute. 9. Guard me from the snare they lay for me, from the snares of the workers of iniquity. 10. The wicked shall fall together into their own nets, but I shall pass over them. PSALM CXLII. FOR INSTRUCTION. — A PSALM OF DAVID. A Prayer when lie was in tlie Cave. 1. 3ll.Y voice was raised to Jehovah: my voice cried out: to Jehovah I made supplication. 2. I will pour out before him my meditations: my dis- tress I will declare to him. 3. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path: in the path where I walked they concealed a net for me. 4. I looked towards the right hand, and behold, there was no recollection of me : it had perished, it had fled from me; no one enquired for me. .5. I cried aloud to thee, O Jehovah: I said, thou art my refuge, and my portion in the land of the living. 6. Attend to my cry, for I am much exhausted : deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than I. 7. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may publicly confess thy name: the righteous will encompass me: for thou wilt deal bountifully with me. 158 THE PSALMS. PSALM CXLIII A PSALM OF DAVID, 1. O Jehovah, hear my prayer; give ear to my sup- plication: in tljy faithfulness and truth answer me. 2. Enter not into judgment with thy servant, for no man living can be justified in thy presence. 3. For the enemy pursue my soul; my life is humbled to the earth : I am made to dwell in dark places, as a man long dead. 4. My spirit is overwhelmed within me: my heart within me is quite desolate. 5. I call to remembrance the days of old; I meditate upon all thy works : I deeply reflect upon the acts of thy hands. 6. I spread out my hands to thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, as thirsty land. Selah. 7. Answer me speedily, O Jeliovah; my spirit is con- sumed; do not hide thy face from me, nor let me be like those who go down to the pit. 8. Cause me to hear of thy abundant mercy in the morning; for in thee I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I shall walk; for to thee I lift up my soul. 9. Shelter me from my eoemies, O Jehovah : by thee I am concealed. 10. Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God : let thy good spirit lead me into the land of the upright. 11. For thy name's sake, O Jehovah, revive me; In thy righteousness bring my soul out of distress. 12. And in thy abundant mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies, and cause to perish all the adversaries of my soul, for I am thy servant. PSALM CXLIV. A PSALM OF DAVID. 1 xJlkssed is Jehovah, my rock; who teachcth my hands to assault, and my fingers to fight. THE PSALMS. 159 2. My most merciful defender; my fortress and high tower, my deliverer, my shield in whom I trust; who en- tirely subdueth my people under me, 3. O Jehovah, what is man that thou hast distinguished him ! the son of fallen man that thou hast esteemed him ! 4. Man is like a vapour, his days are like a passing cloud. .5. O Jehovah, bow thy heavens, and come down: touch the hills, and they shall smoke. 6. Send forth lightning, and scatter them, shoot forth thy arrows and destroy them. 7- Send forth thy hand from above, and set me free : save me from great waters, from the hand of strange children ; 8. Whose mouths speak vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood. 9. O Elohim, I will sing a new song to thee: upon a ten stringed instrument, I will sing to thee. 10. Who givetli salvation to kings : who setteth free his servant David from the destroying sword. 1 1 . Set me free, deliver me from the hands of strange children, whose mouths speak vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood : 12. That our sons may be as plants growing up in their youth : our daughters, as the model of the carved corners of the temple: 13. That our store-houses may pour forth their fulness, store upon store ; and may our sheep bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our courts. 14. Our oxen be carrying burthens: let there be no violence, and no going away, and no crying out in our mar- ket-places. 15. Happy are the people who are like this: happy are the people who have Jehovah for their God. PSALM CXLV. DAVin's PSALM OF PRAISE. 1. X WILL greatly extol my God, O king; I will bless thy name for ever and ever. 160 THE PSALMS. 2. Every day 1 will bless thee, and will extol thy name for ever and ever. 3. Great is Jehovah, and exceedingly to be extolledj and his greatness cannot be minutely searched into. 4. One generation shall laud thy works to another ge- neration; and they shall declare thy might. 5. I will deeply meditate upon the glorious majesty of thy glory, and on thy wonderful proceedings. 6. And they shall speak of the great power of thy ter- rible acts, and they shall tell of thy greatness. 7. They shall talk of the renown of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness. 8. Jehovah is very gracious and compassionate; slow in being angry, but of very great mercy. 9. Jehovah is good to every one; and his compassion is over all his works. 10. All thy works praise thee, O Jehovah; and thy saints bless thee. 1 1 . They speak of thy glorious kingdom, and talk of thy might; 12. Causing the sons of men to know his strength, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. 13. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom^, and thy kingdom endureth through every generation. 14. Jehovah sustaineth all who fall, and maketh erect all who are much bent down. 15. Every eye looketh towards thee, and thou givest them their food in due season. 16. Thou openest thy hand, and satisfieth the desires of every living creature. 17. Jehovah is just in all his proceedings, and very bountiful in all his works. 18. Jehovah is nigh to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him with faithfulness. 19. He acteth graciously to those who fear him: he will hear their cry, and will save them. 20. Jehovah preserveth all who love him : but will cause the destruction of all the wicked. THE PSALMS. 161 21. My mouth shall speak the praise of Jehovah: and all flesh shall bless his holy name for ever and ever. PSALM CXLVt 1 . GrLORiFY J AH: greatly glorify Jehovah, O my soul. 2. I will glorify Jehovah vv^hile I live: I will sing of my God while 1 have my being. 3. Do not trust in princes, nor in any son of man, with whom there is no safety. 4. His breath goeth forth, and he returneth to his earth; in that day his glories perish. 5. Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, his hope is in Jehovah his God ; 6. Who made the heavens, and the earth, the sea, and every thing which is in them ; he preserveth faithfulness for ever. 7. He judgeth the oppressor; he giveth food to the hungry. Jehovah setteth free the prisoners. 8. Jehovah openeth the eyes of the blind: Jehovah maketli erect those that are much bent down : Jehovah loveth the righteous. 9. Jehovah preserveth strangers ; he preserveth the fatherless and the widow : and he overturneth the way of the wicked. 10. Jehovah thy God, O Zion, shall reign for ever, from generation to generation. Glorify J AH. PSALM CXLVIL 1. Gtlgrify JAH, for he Is good: sing ye to our God, for it is delightful ; praise is becoming. 2. Jehovali hath built up Jerusalem : he hath gathered together the outcasts of Israel. 3. He hath healed the broken hearted, and bound up their griefs. 162 THE PSALMS. 4. He reckoneth the number of the stars ; he calleth them all by name. 5 . Great is our Adoni, and great is his strength : his un- derstanding is infinite. 6. Jehovah earcfuUy preserve th the afflicted : but the wicked he hunibletii unto the ground. 7. Sing to Jeliovahwitli thanksgiving; sing to our God upon the harp. 8. Who covereth the heavens with clouds, who pre- pareth rain for the earth, who causeth the grass to grow upon the hills. 9. He giveth food to the cattle, and to the young ravens which call upon iiim. 10. He delighteth not in the power of the horse ; in the legs of a man he hath no pleasure. 11. Jehovah hath pleasure in those wlio fear him, and in those who wait patiently for his abundant mercy. 12. O Jerusalem, laud ye Jehovah; glorify thy God, O Zion: 13. For he strengthens the bars of thy gates ; and blesses thy children in the midst of thee. 14. He places peace in thy boundaries, and the finest wheat shall fill thee. 15. He sendeth forth his word upon the earth: his word runneth swiftly. 16. He giveth snow like wool, and scattereth the hoar frost like dust. 17. He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold ? 18. He sendetli forth his word, audit is melted: his wind bloweth, and the waters flow. 19. He declareth his word to Jacob, his statutes and his judgments to Israel. 20. He hath not acted thus to every nation : his judg- ments they do not understand. Glorify JAH. THE PSALMS. 163 PSALM CXLVIII. 1 . CxLORi FY J AH ; glorify Jehovah from the heavens : glorify him in the hii^hest places. 2. Glorify him all ye his angels: glorify him all ye his host. 3. Glorify him, O sun and moon: glorify him all ye stars of light. 4. Glorify him ye heaven of heavens, and ye waters which are above the heavens. 5. Glorify the name of Jehovah: for he commanded, and they were created. 6. For he established them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not be passed over. 7. Glorify Jehovah from the earth, O ye dragons, and all abysses. 8. Fire and hail, snow and vapour; the stormy wind fulfils his word. 9. Hills and all mountains; fruit trees, and all cedars. 10. Beasts, and all cattle; reptiles, and flying fowl: 1 1 . Kings of the earth, and all nations ; princes, and all judges of the earth : 12. Choice men and virgins; the old with the young: 13. Glorify the name of Jehovah : for his name only is excellent; his majesty is above the earth and the heavens. 14. He exalte th the horn of his people, he maketh all his saints illustrious; the children of Israel are the people who approach hirri^ Glorify J AH. PSALM CXLIX. 1. CxLORiFY JAH: sing to Jehovah a new song; praise l^ilm in tlie congregation of his saints. 2. Israel shall rejoice in his maker : the children of Zion shall be joyful in their king. 164 THE PSALMS. 3. Glorify his name upon the stringed instrument : upon the timbrel and harp sing ye to him. 4. For Jehovah delighteth in his people : he will glorify the meek with salvation. 5. The saints shall rejoice in glory: they shall shout aloud upon their beds. 6. The high praises of God shall be in their throats, and a two-edged sword in their hand ; 7- Executing vengeance upon the nations, and chastise- ments upon the people ; 8. Binding their kings with fetters, and their illustrious people with instruments of iron ; .9. Executing upon them a written judgment: this ho- nour have all his saints. Glorify ye JAH. PSALM CL. 1. GtlgrifyJAH: glorify God in his sanctuary: glorify him in his powerful firmament. 2. Glorify him in his mighty acts : glorify him according to his excellent greatness. 3. Glorify him with the sound of the trumpet: glorify him with the stringed instruments and the harp. 4. Glorify him with the timbrel and wind instruments: glorify him with the stringed instruments and the organ. 5. Glorify him with the loud cymbals : glorify him with the clanging cymbals. 6. Let every thing that breathes glorify JAH. Glorify ye JAH. FINIS. Johnson, Typ. Brook Street, Holbora. DATE DUE BS195.2 .L77 Literal translation of the Psalms of Princeton Theological Semmary-Speer Library 1 1012 00049 2191