sin 91 f ■ ■ ~I**'£t? Q Q _ > 2 < Z b. Z H Ul U (O s. CD 2 U. J B! I o < < Q ^ >■ u ■ J & S ffi < ■ < o n J OS q a Ul I Ul Ul CD I 3 Ul I H N < Ul H z H Ul I Z Ll a u. to Ul B t 5 z c j Q. > Sc/V .237/ H E Biiptift confejfion of faith: rth in 164.5 > aftttwards enlarged, publi&cd by an aflcmbly of tielcgates -1 Great Eritain) met Vn Lon- July ;, I6S9 5 adapted by the aflbciation 12, 1743 y and novf churches of the fame denominate .'can colonics. I, A fliort treatift of "ne :c!phia> printed by Ar.t. Armhrttflcr in Rac*- f;nct> 1765. C 3 ) THE Baptift confeffiofi of faith. ] CHAP. I. Of th$ HOLY SCRIPTURES. THE Holy Scripture is the only fufficienr, cer- tain, and infallible, (a) rule of all faving knowledge, faith, and obedience s alrho the (J?\ light of nature, and the woiks of creatioa and providence do fo far manifeft the goodneis, wif- dom and power of God, as to leave men unexcufable; yet are they net (wfruientto give that knew-e^ge of God and his will, which is need? :on. (r) Therefore it ple-fcd the lord at fuhefry timet, and in divers manners, to rcj^eal hirr.felf, *nd to declare that his wilUim* his v»r.] for the better pr< f :h« truth, and for the mere lure eftablilhment, a • a 2 Tim. 3. 19 16, 17. 2 fa. 8. 20. tuft 16. 20, 2 20. b Rem. 1. 19 20, 21? &c, ch. Z 9 14 ? I<. Pfklm 19. I 2, 3. c LYy. 1. J. I 4 C/ tls Holy Scripture. fort of the church againft the corruption of the flefa, and the malice of Satan, and of the world, rocom- tnit the fame wholly unto (d) writing; winch maketh the holy Scriptures to be moft ncceflary, thofe former ways of God's revealfng his will unto his people being now ceifed, i. Under the name of holy Scripture, or the word of God written, are now contained all the books of the old and new Teftamcnt, which are thefe : Of the OLD TESTAMENT. Genefn, Zxetjus, Leviticus, Numbers y Deuteronomy, Jefouab, Judges Ruth, i Samuel 2 Samuel, I Kings, 2 Kings, 1 ChrlnicUs> 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Kehemiahy Eft.oer, Job, Vjalms, Pro-vtrb i9 Bcckjiofies> 1 he Song of Songs. Ijn'tah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Eze iel % Daniel, Hofea, J»tl, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Aiicak* Nahum y Hakikkuta Zefbaniah, Haggai, Zacbariah* Malachi, O/WN/Ef TESTAMENT. Matthew, Mark* Luke, John, The Acts of the Apojiles, PahTj ZfiJILe to the Rcm*ns, Corinthians* 2. Corinthians, Galatians^Tfibefiam, Ehiltptia??s, Cif- lojpans, 1 Thejfilonians, 1 Theffalonians } 1 Th 2 Timothy d ?rcv. 22.29, : 5. 4. % ft** I* 19) 50. :?t) Scriptures. ^ thg M . e of James, the firff and feconi tnel amd third cpt files ef ]oh.. lie tfjttihi m. All whick arc the (#J iiifpirarion of God, to be the :ul? of faith and life. %„ The books commonly called Jtpoerypha, nnt kg of if) divine infpiration, arc no parr of the n (or rule) of rhc Scripture^ and therefore arc o the church of God, nor to be any otherwife approved] or nude ufc of than other human v%; 4. Tht authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, dependcrh nor upon the teftimonv of any man, or chinch, but wholv upon (g) is troth ir felf) the author there- of* • it is the word of God. c,. \Y'e may be moved and induced by the teftl* monyef the church of God to an high and reverent eitccm of the Holy Scripture ; ar.d the heavcnlistfs atrcr, the efficacy of the doctrine, and the c ft le, the confenr of a/1 the parts, the fcopc of tie whole, (which is to give allg 1 to God ) the full difcovery ir makes of the only way of man's GrJvation, and man irrc mparaWo :cs> and intirc peifcc'tions thereof, are ar- gents whereby it do;h abundantly evidence it feff to e 2 Tim. $. *6, f 7.// V 24. 27. 44. Rom. }. 3* £ 2 Pet. 1. 19,20. w. 2 Ur», J. l6> Z2. Ti 2. 13. 1 y$hn 5, 9, 6 Of the Holy Script i to be the word of God > vet fiocwithftanding; our (h) full perfusion, and afluradrc of rhc infallible tra a*d divine authority thereof) is from the inward i*ork of the holy Spirit, bearing wirnefs by and * word in ©ur hearts. 6. The whole counfel of God concerning all things ($) necefiary for his own gion, nun's tal- vation, faith and life, is cither expreflv fee down, or neceflarilv contained in the Holy Scripture; un- to which nothing atanytimeis tobeaddech whether j by new revelation of the Spirit, or traditions of men, NcYc&hclefs we acknowledge the (>f) in rninarion of the Spirit of God, to be necefl for the fav>ng undtrlianding of fuch rhings a> levelled in the word) and that there are foine cir- fiances concerning the worfhip of God, and government of the chinch, common to human actions and lonelier which are to be(/) ordered i t [j - ; of nature, and chrtftian prudence, 2K> cording to the general rules of 'the word, which . fl*way$ to be observed. 7, Ali thing* in Scripture arc noralike ( m) plain itmfelveSj nor alike clear unto all, yet th gs vlach are ncccflary to be known, believed, and h J*ln l6. I 3 ; 14. I Cor. 2. 10, 1 1, it. 1 I* 2> 20. 27. i %fim. j., 15, 16, 17. 1*9. GmL I. % 9. k John 6. 45. I Cor. 2. 9, 10, 1 1, 12. 1 I Cor. 11. ij, 14. & C 40, IB I ?«/, 3. l6? Of the Holy Strip tares. 7 cleailv pro- cc ofScsipture e learned, but the 01 means, may attain to a ( ficicfli ondi hem. g. The ol :l*« in(o) liibrew, ( native language of the , cf old) and the r. ., hich (ar the tin c of m r.nuwn to the nations, being immediately b» Ccd, and by . providence kc] . all as in all of religion, the church is finally to nro them (7 >. But becanfe l n to all ti a u hate a right utito, riptures, arr cnmr..anotri in tl.e l f men, and fpirits, are to be examined, and in wiioft femence we are to reft, can be no other but :he ho- ly Scripture delivered by the fpirie, into which (xj Scripture fo delivered, our faith is finallv refclvcd. CHAP. II. * Of GOD) and ef the holy Trinity. I. f | "^ H E Lord our God is but (a, one only living, and rrue God; whofe (b) (ubliilence is in and ofhitnfeif, (c) infinite in being, and perfection, whole effence cannot be comprehended by any bin him ft If i (d) a moft pure {pirn, (e) in- vifible, without body, parts, or paffions, who only hatb immortality., dwelling in the right, which no man can approach unco, who is (/ ) in murable, (3) immenfe, (&) eternal, incomprehensible, (/) almighty, # x Mat, 12. 29. jx. Ebb. 2. 20. J(&j ig. 2\\ a I Cor, g. 46. Dent. 6. 4* b Jer. 10. 10, If a. 48. 12. c Excd, 3. 14. d John 4. 24. c I lim 1. 17. Deur. 4. i$, 16. f AUl, 3, 6. g 1 Kin& g # 27. Jer> 2$. 2 J. h P/*/in go. i. i G*tf. 17,1. Of Gtd, *nd of the H. Trinity. 9 way infinite, (v) meft holy, moft , iiie>ll abfolute, (/) working all . to the counfcl ofbis ov\n immuta- ble and meft righteous will (w) for Lis owl lj long fur: abundant in goodrefsand truth, foigiving iniquity, greflion and fin, (») the rewardcr of them tha: diligently fcek him, and wittial meft juft, (*) and rcrrihlc in his judgments, (/>) hating all iin, and wi!! by no means clear the ( q ) f*i*ty. 2. God, having all ( r) life, (s y glory (f) ffdnefs, in and of him (elf. is in. and un:o hiir.fclf all-fufficient, not(«) (land- ing in need of any creature which he hath made, living any fclory from them, but only cmni- untOi and upon them, he is the alone fountain of all being, (.v) of whom, through v\hom and to whom arc all things, and he hath meft fovereign (y)dominicifi overall creatures, to do by them, ror them, or upon them, wlmtfo- ever bimielf pTeafeth ; in his fight (i) all things are open and maniicrT, his knowledge is (4) infinite, • A c. infallible k lfa. £. j. I Vjalm 115. ;, //1. 46. r o. v.\ ,16.4. Rom. 11*36. n Ex*d»\4 6,7. Htb. ir. 6. o Keh 9. 32. 31. p rjzlw f. $ 6*. q :6. s Vial. 148. I}, t V . b, 22. 2. J. X ' '-. J j, '8- lo of God, and of the H. Trinity* infallible, and independent upon the creature, fo as nothing is to him contingent or uncertain; he is moil holy in all his counltls, in (b) all his works, and in all his commands ; to him is due (c) from angels and men, whatfoever worfliip, fervice, or obedience, as crearures they owe unto che creator, and whatever he is further pleafed to require of them. }, In this divine and infinite being t'sere are three fubiiftsnces, (^) the father, the word, for Son) and Hoi) Spirrr, of one fub (lance, power and eter- nity, each having the whole divine eilence, (6., 12 Of God's dec res. others being left to act in rheir fin to their (*) juffc condemnation, to the praife of his glorious jufticc. 4. Thefe angels and men thus pre -detonated, and fore ordained, are parrkalailv, and unchangeab- ly defignedj and their (/) number fo certain, and definite, that it cannot be either increafed, or di- miniilied, 5. Thofe of mankind, (I) that arc pre-dcftinaT-* cd to life, God before the foundation of 'the vnorld was laid, according to his eternal and immutable purpoie, and the fecret counfel and good pltaiurc of his will, hachchofen in Chrift unto cverlafting gloiy, out of his mere free grace and love; (w) without any other thing in the creature as a c. Virion ot caufe moving him thereunto. 6. As God hath appointed the elect unto glorv, fo he hath by the eternal and molt tree fmrpofc of his will, fore-ord.aned (#) all the mean* therein wherefore they who are elected, being rall'n in Ada* (/>) arc redeemed by Chrift, are cffcdtually (q) cal- led unto faith in Chrilfc, by his Spirit working in due (eafon, arc juftified, adopted, iancliikd, and kept by his power throng!: faith [r) unto falvation.j neither arc any other redeemed by Cbiift, cr effec- tually i Rom 9.22, 2$. Jude ^ k 2 Tim 2. 19. Joh* IJ,r8 1 E/>/>. I. 4. 9> U- Rem. g. 30 2 lim. 1. 9. XTkcf 5. 9. m Rom, 9. 13. 16. Epb % 6. 12. O I let 1 2. 1 hef 2 I}, p 1 j^Wf 5 9. I?, q &w». 8 # 30, 2 !&<# 2, 13. r aP^ 1. 5. v of prc- . cd with fpccial prudence 6k Cod rc- :d, and ) mcc there- in che ceitair.ty of their eft :red of tl J election; io ihi of puifc. reverence, and adir.iiarion of G^d, and (\ C H A r. IV Of Ctearitu* God the l i:, for the man ifc (la- eternal power, wildom* ue or ma r ;$ the world, and all CO whether vihVc cr inviliblc, in tvs, and all very good. i. Ali^i God had nude a!l other creatures, he i (;j 6. ^4, t j 5- 2 Pw'f. i. 10. u Ef>h. I. 6. Rom. u* 3 J. x Row. |2. y 6. > Late 10. 20. a Jchn\. KeK I. 2.Jol>26. n.bKom.i.zo. c O/, j^ J*, Gf*. 5. ij 2. d Qcn % j, 27. c G** t 2.7, 14 creation* fonablc and immortal fouls, rendiing them fit unto iha: life to God, for which they were ere*: ^f) made after ihc image of God, in knowledge, r.ghteoulntfs, and. true holincfi; having the law cr Goj, ( 9» ■ *« k G*fl. 2. 26, 28. a J*«£ # r. v J*£» $8- '!■ J/*. 46.10, 11. P/i//» ij. c. 6. b Mttth. 10.26, Jo, ji. 1$ villi to the priife of tlic n ro the fore-knowledge, id> the fi: it ciuic. all things c isnot Ht his - :o fill o i: C of fecend caufcs- :r,ilp\ ;. God in iii or »« (g) inakerh tift of means i \c: is free ( /; ) ro woik vs. (i ) above, zr\£(k ) againft rhem at his pleasure. 4.. 1 . tdom,and nfelves ,-, that his determinate counid (/) ■ .1 all other ns both of angels and men i [andr- . ich alio he raoft wifely rrrally (m) bomderh, anjotl-.crwife orde- : I ( n) en. Is: vet fo, as the (infulnefs only from the ctea m iLa and c Epb. 1. 11. d A&$ 1.2%, e Prc-j 16. 33. f Gen. 8- 22. £ ^tfj £7. } !. j 5 . 10, 1 1 # -. k !>;*. 1. is I \C Of divine pr«~j?den:e. and not from God; who being moft holy and righteous, neither is ncr can be, the author or (o) ppprever of fin. 5. The m oft wife, righteous, and gracious Gpdt Apth oftentimes, leave for a feaion his own children to manifold temptations, and' the conuptiens of their own heart, ro chaflife them for former fins, or to dHcover unto them the lidder firerght of cor. ruption, and deeeirfulnefs of their beans, .'/> v that they mar be humbled; and to raife them to a mose c!o'e and cor. dan t dependence fcr t! eir fnp^ port upon himfelf; and to. make them more watch- ful againfl all future cccaticr.s of fin, and for other Juft &v,£ Lc?ly ends. So that whatfoever befalls any of his cVCt is by his appointment, for lis glory, ( cj J and their good* 6. As fot rhofe wicked and ungodly men., wh^m Cod a', a righteous j;dge, for former fn rfotl (r) blind and harden ; from them he not only hoJdcth his ( s) gra^c, whereby they might have been enlighrned in their underftanding, and wrought rpon in their hearts; but fometimes alfo withdraw- rth.(r) the gifts which they had, and expofeth them to fiich [u] obje&s as their corruptions make eccafion cf tin > and withal, (x) gives them .over to_ o Vfalm 50 2\ l^fabn t. 16. p 1 Chron. 32. 2 $,16,] 1. 2 Sam. 24 1. 2 Ccr. 12. 7,8. 9 c\Rom. g. 23. r Rom, 1, 14. iy. 23 Ch. 11 7 8. 5 Debt. 2.9.4. r A**^*. r *- I2 » K ^ ' f7 2 P- ir 12. ij.% P v tf/,v;gi.ii 12* 2lhc£.t.l?, ii r .t2. Of tbef*U of m*n, of y n> an4 t? bi ami temptations of - us to pafs, ntclves, even u ; ing or others. >th in genera! i :c fpecia] ?, and difj good thereof. C H A P. VI. *• cf fin, and of the pHnijkmei - / J. A Lchough Gcdire:*tt.i m*n upright, an L k kept it, ( j neJ death upon the breach thereof* yel he uid n ic in rliis honour; (£) Sjtan uiing i it to feduce Eve> then by bei fediK. ; , *ho wit! out any compulsion, di ;efs the law of rhcii 1 nand given unto them, in eating die forbid- den fruit i which God was pleafcd according to his wifc and holy counfel to permit; hatirg purpofc to otvlcr k* to bis owr, glory, B t 2. G >i y Exod.%. ic, ;a. ifk 6. ?> 10. i Vet, a. ;■ 2 i Tim. 4 io.^f/awo.g, o. //*4*. ]*4> $. «* C 2t-i6»i7-» k G*». 3 i2> ij. z Or, 1 1 . Ig Of the pumjhmsnt thereof, 2. Our fitft partnts by this fin, fell from thcit (f) original rightcoufnefs ao do ( m ) proceed all a&ual tun Igit (Turns. $. This corruption of nature, during this Jif c , doth ( n ) remain in thofe that are regenerated : and although it be through Chrijl pard med, and morti- fied, let both itfclf, « .otions tl : arc tr : C H Of G 1 4 r~TA H E difbrce between a creature is fo great that although rcaf<»nub!e cra- tftres Jo owe obdikncr unto hill creator, »uld never have attained t\ e lite, but by fomc (a) voluntary con. c> his holy /fir it, to make them willing, and able to believe. ;, This eo-jenxnt is revea'ed in the £ofpel firft of all to Adam in the pton.ife of falvation bv the M- 'the o Rom. 7. 24, 2v Gal. f. 17^ a tuti 17. 10, Job $$• 7- • 3 K G*4 ;. 'O. Rim.f. 2oii t c k*m. 8- }♦ ***>* 16 ie, 16. y#*» } # .x6,d£*^'. 36,26. XT* J^9>44 45. /*/*//» no. j* •2^ Of Go J' $ covenant* (t) feed of the woman and afterward by farther iicps, untill the fail (/) difcovery thereof was conapjea/ed in the new teftament; asd it is founded in that (*j eternal covenant traniaction, tl^at was sen the T&thtr and tlie Son abouc the rcden-p- tion of the eltcf^ and it is alore by the glace of this covtnanti rhat all of ihe pofUrity of fallen Adam> that ever were <%) laved, did obtain life and bleiled immortalit) ; man being now utterly uncapa&ls of acceprance with God upon thok fuerms on which Adam flood in his itate of innocency. G H A P. VJII-r 0/ Chrijl the jheiUtcK 1. |T plcafeth God > in his ctcr . ;e, to A chufc and ordiio the Lord Jcju^ his only begotten }on> according to the covenant made be- tween them both, (*) to be the mediate* between Go^and mxn\ the i &J prophet, ( # i* 2 g tf#£. II. 6. I}. Kern. 4. i>z.&c.A&s4 12* J*£/?8.'c6.' a i/ki 42 l« b iPet.j. 9, io« £#«£. S- f> *• d Pfal.2.6. Luke 1. 33. £/>£. 1. ^.Htb, 1.2,.. Acts 17.31. tttor. 21 i to be ius time redeemed, called, 2. 1 I of one, and W \\Q Up- •c with J snd fcn*,mcn i? of ( ?) \a without conceived by the Mfffh wpmb rhc /x'// < // /r// ' coming down upon I ; the mofi ligh over- her (A) ar.d fo w.^s nude cfa w* of the . rhe C^cd o ) and did perfectly faiffl it, and underwent the (u) puni&ment due to us,. which we fliould have born and fuffcrcJ, being made (x) fin and a curfe tor us; end' £riev< is (y ) in his foul ; and mofr painmi Coffering s in his b >d) ; was rrucMicd, and died, and xe nained in the flaw of the dexdi yet (aw no (z.) corruption; on the (#; third day he arofe fr dead, wiin tie Lme (£j bo |I. L**e 2:. 44.. Mitt 2 z ^#513. if, a 1 C^. t v =, 4. b ^'W/« 20, 2s 27. c A*/*/* 16. 16. ^^ 1. 9; 10; 11. * r ( d ) :!d. S Tl :rfccT: ^bctiicnccand ugh the eternal o Co^, (/) hath fu!i\ &«. - nciiiation, ami purchased an evc ! .nrheking- aven, (g ) 1 • ic whom the l . en unto him. i was not \ ar7iaticn t virtuc> eft c act, and benefit tl ft in all ages (ucci/livclj, in and b) •. iicietn he was reveal. of the woman, which ;; c the (ei pint's hcac ; (b) and the , arJtfor e-jer. - c brilti'i :!c wotk of medtxrton avffeth accor- :ii natures by each nature doing thac i is propel toitfelf; } cr bj rcafojj of the unity loo, that •■ . icpcr ro one nature, aes in Jcripttoc attributed to the perfon ( o 8» To "K 8 54. ^^.9.2 42. K*tf*. 14. 9*10, ^#j I. 10, t" £te£. 9. 14. Cb. io # 14. rjn 17,2. /ir^.9 # If. * J Or, 1. 1 *>et m 1. 10. 11. h Rtv. 13. 8. i 1 J, 8. k J^» ;. 15. Aftiio, 18. 2 4 Of Chrift tie mediator \ 8 To all thofc for whom Chrift hath obtained c teriul redemption, he doth certainly and effectual ly (/) apply, and communicate the fame ; making interceffion for them; uniting them to bimfelf h) hisSpiiiti (m) revealing unto them, in and bj rh< word, the myftery of (aivarion; perfwacfirig them tc bdieve, and obey* (#) governing their, hearts b) his word and fpijit, and (0) overcoming all their enemies by his almighty power, and wifdorni ir fuch manner and ways, as are moll confonant tohif wonderful,- and (/>) unfearchablcdifpenfar.ien > and all of free, and abiolute grace, without any conditi on fcrefeen in them, to procure it. 9, This office of mediator between God and man, is proper (q ) only to Chrift, who is the prophet, prieft, and king of the church of God.i and may not be either in whole, or any part thereof ttans^er- r'd from him to any orher. 10. This nuiibcr and order of offices h ntcefla- ry j for in refpect; of onr (r) ignorance, wc ftaud in need of his prophetical office ; and in refpeel: of our alienation from God ; (5) and imperre&ion of the beftof our fervices, we need his piieitiy office, to reconcile 11s and prefenr us, acceptable unto God : and in refpeel of our averfenefs, and utter ina- bility 1 John 6, 37. Chap. 10, rj, 16. & Ch h 17. 9 K&m. $. io* m John 17.6. Eph+ 1. 9- *Jobn 5. 20. n Rem.$. 9, 14. pfalm. no, r. 1 Cor. 5.2^ 26. pjohn 3. g. Epb. 1. 8. q 1 Tim. 2. 5. tjohn I« J8. i'.C*k r t 21. Gal. 5. 17 ro return to God, and for our refcue, andfevj- »m fpiritua] adversaries, wc nt*cd his vC, fuklur, draw, u , and pjcfc heavenly kingdodu CHAT. IX. 0/ />** wiUt i, (T^O ^ ' iat ^ i»«focd the will oi \JT that natural liberty ard power of a upon choice, that ic is !e. fo chat he might fall from it. Ian by l>i$ fti! into a ftateof fin, hath whof- ly loft [d all ability of will, to an\ (piritual gi oJ ring fa I rationj fo as a natural man altogether averfe from that good, e and dead in hn, is notable, by his own ftxengthi ro ' f con- vert hiniicrf, or to prepare bimieli thereunto. C 4. >X f "cn hn 16 8* ffalw no. }. Ltt'e 74. 7*. a 17- 12. Jaw, r. 14 Dtut jo. ro. b £r- */*;. 7. 29. c Ge*. $.6. d tow. c. 6. O;. g. 7, ?. 2. 1 j, f 1/7. 3. 3, 4, j, John 6. 44. 26 Oftjft&ual calling. 4, Wncn God cenveits a firmer, and tranfiates him into the ftate of grace, Q) he freeth him rrom bis natural bondage under fin, and by his giace a- lone, enables him (£) freely to vyill, and to do that which is fpiriruallv good; vet fo as that, by reafon of his ( /) remaining corruption*, he doth not perfectly nor- only will char which is good, bur doth alfo will that which is evil. 5* The will of man is made (k) perfectly and immutably free to good alone in the ftatc of glory only. CHAP. X. Of ejfiftual calling. l 4 r*TlHofe whom God hath predeftinated unto life, he i's pleafed in his appointed and accepted time (a) effectually to call by his word and fpirit, out of that ftate of Cn and death, in which they arc by nature, to grace and falvation (£) by Jefus Chrift, cnlightnirg their jninds, fpiritually and favingly, io(c) underftand the g Col. i. i^>Jobn%. 36. h Phi 2. lj.i Row. £. 1*5, l8> J9> 22,2;. k Epb. 4. 15. A f#w. 8. 30. Rom. 1 r« 7. Epb, i, 10. 11.2. Theffi, J. 1;, 14. b Epb. 2. .V-6. c A8s 26. 18* fyh *• 7- J8. Of effel H*l celling 27 1 king «w*f ftonc, 1 n a heart of ftrflu r; ermi- vi, and cl they . being made willing b;» bif pace. 2. This cffe&aal call is of God's free and fpecial • . po sl: v»: agency in the co werki bis fpecia) grace; ( re being wholly paJEtc therein, bungdeaJin fins and rrefpafles, until being quick ncd and 1 cd bv ifitj he is thereby enabled to an- this call, and to embrace the « r ace offered ed in ir, and that bv no lets ( i ) power which raiftd up Chrift fionvfhe dead. % HJccl infants dj ing in infancy, are ( A ) legtnc- fatcd and faved by Cluift thro' the Spirit, who .% hen, and where, and (/) how he plealet!: : To alfj are all other fled peifons, who aie uncapablc of being outwardly called by t: :ac word, 4. Ochcis not cycled, aitho* they may be called by d Ezti 1 6. 26, e D.nt % jo, 6. ?•**. }5. 27. r. 19. I Tj*lm 11, % 5% £s*t< U 4. £2 1. 0, E f' ; 2. 3. h 1 Cjr. 2. 14 ^A 2. $, 9. IV i ^ 7. 129 ;^, k ;,;'] 6, 1 John j. S. 23 Of JHJlificaticu. hy the mini dry of the word, (w)*and mar have iome common operations of the fpiriu yet, not being effectually drawn by the father, they neitiier will, nor can truly { n come coChriit; and there- for* cannot be iavcd : much lefs can men that re- ceive net rhe chriftian religion o\ be (z\z&» be they never io diligent to frame their lives according to the light of nature, and the law of that religion th:v do profefs. CHAP. XI. Of j-uftifieation. j, rTlH O 5 E whom God eifedually calletS he alto freely {a juftificth, Hot by mhi- fog righteoufnefs into them, butby;£) pardoning their fins, and by accounring and accep- ting their perfens as ( c ) righteous j not for any thing wrought in them, or done by them, but for ift's fake alone? not by imputing faith itielf the aft of believing, or any other (d) evangelical obedience to them, as their righteoufnefs, but by imputing m HtkK 22. 4. C'. I J. 20 2i. Heb. 6. 4. e # n ]oh» 6. 44. 4S> 6 v rj«**.a. -4' 25. ° Afts\. 12. ]obn 4> 21. Ch m 17. 5. a Rom. %. 24. Cb* g. joi b Rom. 4. v *> 7* 8« EpK V 7* c * Cr?r - I. 30. $r. Ron* <>. 17, is, 19. d AMI J* 8> 9» ^ a. 3, 9* 10. 0/ '*. imputing ChriiVs a&ivc obedience onto t!*e whole ;nd ptfTWt ct in his death, for whole and fole rightcoufnefs J thej ( ) receiving - on him, and his righteoufnek by which they Lave not of thcmfelvcs i it is the gift of God. 2. Fait* thus receiving and refringon Chrifl and his righreoufncf r >, is the [f) alone inftrument of juflification : yet ic is not abne in the pcrfon jus- tified, but is ever :u : companicd with all other faving f;raccs, and is n© dead faith, I g) but worketh by ovc. }. Chrifl, by his obedience and death, didfuHj difebarge the debt of allrhofe thacare juftified; and did by the facrificc of himfelf, in the blood of his crofs, undergoing in their*(tcad the penalty due un- to them, make a proper, real and full fnis faction /; to God's julhce in their behalf; yet inafmuch as l.e was gi\en by tie Father for them, and his o- bedience and fatisracYion accepted in their (lead, anj both(/) freely, not for any thing in them, their juf- lification is only cf fiee grace, that bo:h the exact- juftice and rich grace of God rr.ight be k glo- rified fa ation of finneis. 4. God did fvoro all eternity decree co J )u\- Ci *fy :hn i. ii . f Rom. j. 23- g QaL c;^ 6. Jama z 16. h Heh.ii- 14. I fez. i. 18. 19. If**, f $. 5 6. i Rem. 8- }2. I Cor. 9. Si. k Rem. j. 26. Eph. r. 6, 7, Cba. %. J; fco Of Adoption. tiry all the demand ChriftdiJfa the fulncfs of time die for their fins, and (ai) rife agiin for th^ir j if- rification; nevertheless thev are notjuftified perfo* Uallf, until the holy Spirit doth in due time ( » } a&uallv apply Chrift unto rhem. $. God doth continire to {* ) forgive the fins of thofc that art juftified; and although thev can never fail from the (late of (/>)) j-iftification, yet they may by their fins fall under God's (^) fatherly difplca- fure; and in that condition, they have nor ufuaily rhe light of his countenance reftored unto them, until they (r) hfimble themfelves, confefs thtir fins, b^g pardon, and sene at their faith and repen- tance. 6 The juftificauVfi of believers under the old tcPurrum, was :n all tittle refpeds ( s) one and rhe ftrre with the justification or believers under the new tc (lament.. A C H A P. XII. Of *dipti9m L L rhofe that are juftified, God vouchfafed in and ror the fake o; iiis only fen J* #' Chrtfi, to. rn L\om. 4. 2f. n Col. i 21,12. Tit. ; 4 $,6, 7 # . o Mat. 6. 12. Ij'ol?ii.J9. p John 10. ig. q //*/;» 89 j i,j 2. 3 J t Pfalm }i. S.&$l. Mat. a6. 7c # s G*/. 3*9. taw. 4. 22. 23. 2 f. .idepticn. j j to make parrakers of the price (a) of nd ire taken into I \ t lh< thefpirit o'\ a4 >ption, ( e ) ha*c accefe to the throne of . wirhboldncfs; u to cry.y/ ') [': r ic* : , ;'<=) protected, (#) provided tor, and ( him, as bf \ tarhcj ; - et never (/J call off, butfcalcd (/tf)to the day of re, tion, and inherit thepromifes, (*) as heirs of ever* lading falvati C H A P. XIII. Of fanHtification* *. f I ^ HEY who are anited to Chriir, effco I tiulljr ca'icd, and re. haying a new beast and a ne« fpirit cleared in thevn, through the virtue of Quid's death and rtfune&i- Ite alfo Qm ) farther fardificd, really and per- fonally, through the 6n e virtue* (&) by his word Cj and a Epbef i c. G*/. 4 4, c # b John j. 12. Bern. 8.1". c 2O.6. 18 ft*t> 3. '2. d / ;*. 8-^f. tG*i + 6 £/>//* . 2. 18 f P/V06 cj 1 j. g Pr^i/. 14 26. i l ret. j. 7. k lice. 12. 6. 1 Jjatdb C4. 8, 9. £«*. j. jr. m Fffc. 4, ;o, n Heb. r. 14. Ca?a/>. 6. 12 ayf/?<20 32. few 6 <;> 6 bjtbmij. J % Of fan&ificai ion. and fpirit dwelling in them; (r) the dominion of the whole body of fin is deftroved, (d) and thefe- vcral iufts thereof, are more and more weakned, and mortified; and they more and more quickned, and (.* ) ftrengrhned in all faving graces, to the (/) prac- tice of all true holinefs, without which no man mall fee the Lord. t. This fan edification is (g) throughout in the whole man, yet imperfect (/?) in this life > there abideth (till fomc remnants of corruption in every part, whence arifeth a (#) continual and irreconci- lable war; the flefli luftin^ againft the fpirit, and the fpirk againft the flcih. j. In which war, although the remaining cor- ruption for a time way much (&) prevail, yet through the continual fupply of ftrength, from the fan&ify ing fpirit of Chr >ft, (/) the- regenerate part «Joth overcome; and fo the faints grow in grace, per- fecting holinefs in the fear of Gcd, ( m) pre lung af- ter an heavenly life, in evangelical obedience to all the commands which Chrift, as head and king, in his word hath prefcribed. to them, CHAP, — i —————— — — . ii *• c Rem. 6. 14* d Gal. y. 14. 24. e Col. 1. n. f 2 Cor. J. 1. Heb. 12. 14. g 1 Theft 5.2J. h Rom. 7. 1$. *. 1 Gal. 5. 17. I Pet. 2. ». k Rom. 7. %l. 1 Row. 6. 14, id £/>£. 4, 15, 16. 2 Ctfr* |.l8* Cia^-J. I, C 33 ) CHAP. XIV. Of/dvini faith. J. r 1 ^ H I grace of /.##/£, whereby the elefl arc JL enabled co believe to the laving of lheir fouls, is the work or the fpirit of Chrtjf (a ) in s, and is ordinarily wrought by the mini- (try of the (£J word; by which alfo, and by rhe iitratiun of iaftijm, and the Lord's fi and other rrrtAns appointed of God> it is in- crcaled, (r) and llrengthned. 2. By this /*#/£, a chriftian believeth to be true, * whatfoever is revealed in rhe word, for the au- thority of God himfelTj and alfo apprchendcth an excellency therein (';. z 8. b Rom. io # 14. 17, 1 17. 5. i.2V/« 2. 2. -r4£; 20. ;2. * vf?/ 14, 14. d tfmlm 19. 7, 8> 9- io- ?>/» 119. 7*. c i I*/*, r. ia. f y^* IS* *4. g Jj\66. 2. J 4 Of repentance un*o lift and falvat h». bracing the(&) promifes of God, for this life, and that which it ro come: but the principal acls of faving faith, hath immediate reLtion to Chr$ft> accepting, receiving, and reding upon (#) him a-, for jaftificadon, fandificarion, and eternal Jife, hi virtue of the covenant of grace. ; This faith, although it be different in de- g ec c , and mar be weak, (.£) or ftrong, yet it is in the ieaft degree ol it, different in the kind, and na- ture of ir (as is all other Living grace) 'iom the fafffi ( ) and common grace of temporal) believers i and re, tho' itma\ be many times aflailed and wcaknedi yet it gets (#* ) the victory, growing; up in many to the attainment of a hill (*) aflu- rance through Chrifii w ho is both the au;hoi ( I>, ii. k Heb. $, i j, 14: Matt. 6. j.o. Fiom, 4 19. 20. 1 2 Fet, 1. |. m 16. lj^*S*4*S- n Fieb.6.11, iz* CoJ.2.2*0 Reb. ia. 1. a lit. }.. 2, 3»4> 5- Ofrefentance unto life and fu'vation. J 5 pleafurei, God in chcii c feci nai calling givcth them repenr^nce unto lite. 2. Whereas there is none that doth good, and (innctli (£ ) not, and thebeft of men may, through ri.e power and deccirfulnefs of their cotruptu n "ing in them, with the prevailency of temp- n, tall into grcarcr fins and provocations, God hath in the covenant of grace, mercifully provided that brlicvers (o finning and falling,^) be renewed through repentance unro falvarion. ;. This faving repentance is an ( d) evange- lical grace, whereby a per (on, being by rhe holy Spirit, made fenhble or the manifold evils of his fin, doth, by faith in Chrift, humble himfelf for it, with gcdly lonow, deteilarion of ir, and felf- abhorrencyj (*) praving foi paidon ard ftrcngtb of grace, wirh a pwpoie and endeavour b> fup- plies of the jfvit to (/) walk before God unio all well plealing in all things. 4, As cepefltanee is re be continued through the whole tourfe of oui \w \ \ -c of the boo) of death, and tl c \ (hereof; fo it is ever^ man's 1 pent ci his (3) particular • n fim, jar ic 'arly. c. Such js the provifon which God hath m.^de •ft in rhc covenant <>t grace, for tlic P rc \ h Eel 7. 20. c Lue 11. ;i> \\ \ Zch. 12. jo Ads \\ t 18. e Ezji 36 j 1. 2 -. • r. f ?J*lm 119. 6. Fjdlm 119. ng. j; EmU *o. 8, I Itm. 1 j. 15. %6 Of icod works, prefervarion of believers unto falvation, char al- though there is no fin Co fm-all, but it deferves (/.?) damnation; yet there is no fin fo greac, that it fhall bring damnation on them that (/') re- pent; which makes the conftant preaching of re- pentance neceffary. CHAP. XVI. Of good works l * f^l OOD works art only f«ch as God hath ^-* (a) commanded in his holy word, and rot fuch as without the warrant theteof, are de- vifed by men, out of blind zeal, (&) or upon any pretence of good intentions, 2» Thefe good works, done in obedience to God's commandmencs, are the fruirsand evidences (<:) of a true and licvely faith; and by them be. Jievers manifeft their £d) tbankfulnefs, ftrengthen their (e) aflurancc, cdifie their (f) brethren, adorn the proFcllion of tie gofoel, ftop the mouths of the adverfaries, and glorifle (?) God whofe workman- flifp they are, created in Chrifl Jefus (/^thereun- to, ■ « > » h i»»^^— ^— — — — ■ ■ ■ ■ — — —^— i — — —— — ^ h Horn. C 2;. i if a. 1. 16, 17. If*. $$. 7. aMic 6. 8- W^. l}.2r. b Mar, iy. 9. I/a, 19, j j. c Jam. 2. 18. 2-2. d Pfalm 116. I2> If. c 1 J ohm. J> $. 1 P^, I, 5--ii> f Mat. c. \(u 'g 1 Tim. 6. I. J Vet. i # 1 j* P/tf7. 1. 1 1, h £/>/?*/. 2, io* Of good work:. 5^ their fruit unro hoiifiefsj t!»«v may i ) ctctrul ;. 1 icy to Jo good works, is not at all Ives, but wholly from the (pint (*)of ; and that the/ n?ay be enabled thereunto, be- ucs rlicy have already received, there is actual influence of the fame l.ol/ Spiiic to woik in them to will, and to do oi his goo J plcafure ; yet arc they not hereupon to grow ncgli- .:re not bound to perform any duty, a [\ ecial morion of the Spirit, but they be diligent in (/w) ilirring up the grace of God that is in them, i. They who in their obedience attain to the greateft beighth which is pofiiblc in this life, are fo •m being able to fupcrcrogarc, a*d to do* more 1 requires, as that { n) they fall fhoic of much v\!.kh in duty they arc bound to do, <;. \X'c cannot by our beft works ifccrit pardon of fin, or eternal life at the hand of God, by r< of the gicat disproportion that is between them and the gloiy to cone, and the infinite dittance c between us and God, whom b> them we can neither nur fatibfy, for the debt of our (0) former vve havt done all we can, we have done but our duty, and are unprc ritablc (ervanrs: D and — • ,,n c. 21. k Joh*i$* 4,c. 1 iCo\^. c; # ij. m Phil. 2. 12. H§h* 6» Hi 12. 1/1.64. 7. n 'Job?. 2, $. G^/. v 17. L;:.e 1J, 10. o Rom* 1> ^O. Efbi 2, 8> 9. Rom. 4,6, J 3 Of good works. and becaufc as they arc good, they proceed from his (?) fpirit, and as they are wrought by us, they arc defiled, (9^ and mixed with fo much weak- nefs and impel fe&ion, that they cannot endure the fevtrity of God's judgment, 6. Yet notwithftanding the perfons of believer* being accepted through Chrift, their good works alfoare accepted ia (r) faimj not as though they were in this life wholly unblameable and unrepro. vablc in God's fight* but that he looking upon them in his Son, is pleafed to accept and reward that which is (i) finccre, although accompanied with many weaknefles and imperfections. 7. Wetks done by u®eneratc rren, although for tht matter of them, they may be things which God commands, and of good ufc, both to them* fclves and f *) others; yet bceanfe they proceed not from a heart purified by (*) faith, nor are done in a light manner according to the (5^) word, nor to a right end the (#) glory of God, they are finful, and cannot pleafe Go*!, nor make a man mttt to receive grace from (y) God; and yet their neglect of them is more finful, and (*,) difpleafing to God. CHAP. p Gal, 5. 22. 2} # q If*. 64, 6. Vfalm 145 2. r 2pb.l.6. I ?*/• 2. $♦ S MAtt. 2{.2t,2;. Heb % 6. jo. t 2 Kings 10, 30. PKbigs zi. 17, 29. u G*. 4.9. He£. 11.4,6. yv 1 Or. 1 j, 1. x M*tt.6. 2,$, y Amos $, 21,11, LJ>m><), 16- r*>«;. f. z Job. l>l« 14, 15, MMt.24^ 43* C 39 ) CHAP. XVII. Of perfevtratee *f the JAints, I. r I ^Hofc whom God hath accepted in the be!o- X ved. effectually called and Ian elided by his fpirit, and given the precious faith of his elect un- to, can neither totally nor finally fall from the (late of grace. ( *) but (ball certainly pcrfevcrc therein to thr .-rd> and be eternally faved, feeing the gifts and call ngs of God are without repentance, (whence he fti 1 begcis and nourilhcth in them faith, repel* ranee. lo\C> j^y» hope, and all the graces t fpirit into immortality) and though many ftorms and Mo ds arifc and beat againil them, yet they (ha)l never be able to take them off that foundation and rock which by faith they are fattened upon: not- wichfbnJing, through unbelief and the temptations of Sarin, thcfcntiblc tight of the light and love o£ Go i, may for a time be clouded, and obfeured from (b) them, yctieisftill the fame ( c ) and they lhall be uic to be kept bv rhe power or Cod unto falva* tion, where thev (ball enjoy thcit purchafed poffef- lion, they being engraven upon the palm of his hand;, und their names having b*en written in the book af life irom all eternity. Dj; 2. Thit a "fohn io. 28 29 T'biL 1. 6. 2 Tim. 219, : 2> 19. b Pj*t»> 89. J 1. 3 x. iG?r. ir,22. cMii. ]•• 6. 4<> Of perfeveranc* tf the f flints, 2. This perfeverance of tue faints, depends not upon their own free will, but upon the iaimutabi- Jity of the decree of (^) election, flowing from the free and unchangablc love of God the father, upon the efficacy of the merit and intercdHon of Jcfus Chrift ( e ) and union wioh him, the (/) oath of God, the abiding of his fpirit> and the (j) feed of God within them, and the nature of the (f) covenant of grace* {xt>m all which ariferU alto the certainty and infallibility thereof. j„ And though they may, through the remptati- cn of Satan, and of the world, the prtvalency cf co txtiption remaining in them, and the neglcd of means of their prefervation, fj!, into grievous ( i) fins > and fot a time continue therein > whereby they incvr (/£) Cod's difpleafurc, and grieve his hoiy ipi rit, come to have their graces and (/> comforts im paired, have their hearts hardened, andthefceqn* fcic nces wounded, (*«) hurt, and fcandalize ethers, and bring temporal judgments (n) upon them fe Ives, yet they (hall renew rheir (e) repentance, and be pre ferved, through faith in Chrift Jcfus, to rhe ?nd. ^^^ CHAP. d R^m 3^3. Cb*p. o, ii, i<. e Rom, c. 9, 10. John 14. ic. f Heb. 6. 17, 18. g 1 Join $. 9. h Jer, $t. 40. i Matt, 26.70, 75. 74. k lfa, C 4.. ^9. £/&.'4 ;c. 1 Pfa> ^i, 10. j 2- m />/*♦ $ z. j, 4. fc 2S*/?? 52.24 o Lu':$2%.\t h ?wd *.6u G2* ( 4i ) c H A p. xviir. 0/ : ice of gr.ict and f*lu*tion. !• A Lthoogh Temporary believers, and c: Ji\. vinre^'-nerare men, may vainly deceive themfclvcs with fal(e hopes, and carnal prefnrrpti- or" in tl c Favour of Cod, and Ilate of ich Lope of theirs, (hall f cxifh ; jet fiich as truly believe in the Lord Jefus, and love bias h (incerity, endeavcurinp ro walk in all d confeience before him, may in tl is Jife be \in\y afliircd, (A) that they are in tl c (late of v rejoice in the hope of the g!°ry of God, which hope (hall never make them (O aflu- 2. This crrainrv is rori bare conjectural and pro- bable per fuahV ed upon (d) a fallible hope, bur an in: d on tl e ghteoufnefs of CI till (c ) trvealed ia ihegofpel; and alfc upon tl c inward (Yj evidence of thole graces of tbt (; irfr unto i*H Set are made, and on the - Ire (£) fpirjl of adoption, witneffirg vtitu our fpiits, tbar we D $ arc 4 8 fh T 4. M '* 7- 2a* *f, k I ^°^ n 2i j. r'\ ?. 14. 18, ■ 9.11,24. Ch.$ P ii % c Rem (* 2, f. d Hf£. 6. ii, 19. e Heb.6. 17, 18. £ a P*** I. 4) 5> io> u> g R^»i 1 15- 1$. 4* Of ajjurancc cf grace and f*lv*tien. are the children of God; and, as a Truic thereof, keeping the heart both (£) humble andhoJy. 3, This infallible aiThrance doth not fo belong to the elTence of faith, bur that aortic believer may wait long; and conflict with mam difficulties, be fore he be (1) partaker of it; yet being enabl thefpirit, to know the things which are freely given him of God, he may, without extraordinary reve- lation, in the right ufe of means ( k ) attain 1 unto j ard therefore it is the dcty of every one, t» give all diligence to make their calling ard election fure, that thereby i is hem may be enlarged 10 peace and joy in the holy fpiric, in love a~d thank- fulnels to God- an'd in ftrengrh and cheaifulnefs in the cjjries of obedience, the proper (/} frurs of this aiTurince; fo far is it (#?) from inclining men toleofnefs. 4. True believers may have the alTurancc of their falvation divers ways fhaken, diminimed, and intermitted; as ( n ) by negligence in pre(er- vin* ofit, bv (0 ) falling into foxe fpecial fin, which woandeth the conscience, and grievcrh the fpiri-; by fomefudden, or {£ verier: - j b y h 1 John 3. 1,2,3. i Ifa. co. 10. Pfxlm S3 & Tfalmyj I — n. k 1 John 4. ij. Heb. 6 f ll, 12. 1 Rom.$. 1,1, e. Ch. i±. 17, Pfalm 1 19, 32. in Fsm. 6. fi 2. Ti\ 2 ; 11, 12? 14. n Cant. 5. 1, j, 6. o Tj'alm 51. 8, 1 a, 14. p P/*. 116. ix. P,*. 77. 7. 8, j/tf/w 3 I. 22. Of the Ian t{< 4 3 . c, and fufi ivc no lij arc rhejr nc- - tC of the (r) feed Ct CoJ. : ( htift, and the brethfti - Iicnrr, a . " > out of .isailuiancc in due time be (r ) e ( i ) preferred from inter >air. CHAP. Of the Un> cf Go.l. I, (~^0 D gave to Ad*m a law ofunivcrfal obc- >J" dience, ten in id's heart, and a parrienlat pfectpl of nor eating the frtrff oftkt tree . of good and cviJ ; by which he bound 1 iti, and p< i tortal, enriic, c Irtd p< rpetua! (£) obedience; promiled life upon the tuiiiling, and (c) threatned death upon the breach of it, and indued him wi:ii power and abili- ty to keep k. 2. Ti.c lame tar/ that was flrft wiirten in the D_4 heart c] Tf*'m ;o. 7. r j Join}. 9. s Luke 22. }2. t ¥f*lm 42. j, 1 1. u £*">. $• 2 ^ 27 -- }i. 1i Ct** I, 27. Ecclt,y.29* b ***».!©, $, c G*/. j, Jc,,t2» 44 Cf the l%w of God. heart of man (/) continued to be a petfcot rule ef righteouihefs after the fail, and fl Cod upon mount ?£***, m (* ) ten command and written in two tables, the four firft con:, our duty towards God, and the other lix o*r dory to matii 3. Bciides this law, com n. only called moral, Cod was pleafed to give to the peoj w bv tutionj their genera! ( i) equity only being oi ral ufe. y. The moral law doth for ever bird 1&\ ( k) as well juflified perlons as others, to the obrdic :c thereof, an*d that not only in regard o( the matter contained in it, butalio itrrefpccl of the (/) aticho- rity_ d Rom. 2, 14, ic. e Dent ro. 4. f Heh 10 T. Col.2. 17. g 1 Or. c. 7. h O/ 1.14 :6 * 7 2,14, 16. i 1 Or. 9 i,S :o. kfam Jl&jplC* Of tie liw of God. 4 c tor» who give its fa Ckrif in the gofpclany way diiioive, (r») but much ftrengchen tins cb'jg-iri^n. 6. Although true bditvers re not under the law. as a covenant of works* (») cobc therecs juftificd or condemned, ?ct ii i< of p.ear nfc ID them, as t, as a rolt of life, in for* tl tin ' l tl c will of Co J, and rcdh and bir^s I ilk Accordingly; (0) difc«vcria . icii nat ires, and lives, foas examining rhemfclvci the the) may come ro further conviction of bum en for, and barred again ft fin • together with a clearer fight of the nzed they have or Chiift, and lion of his obedience: it is likewile of the regenerate, to icft aifl rluir corrup:ion c , ir. that ; andthe chrratnirgs of it fervc tn thcil £ns 'cfcrvr, and wh?t af- may ex peel: for them, al- jh freed from the curie and un allayed iigour thereof. The prom if es of it likewise flicw them ion of obedience, and what bh flings t€t ?ipon the performance thereof, I as due to them b. the law as a cotc- fo ?r rain's doing co< lc ) and rc- rh iD the one, a- 1 cvi- D ; dmce '.14. *. 8- I» C 4^10.4. o iv0/7J. 3.2 5, 46 Of the gofpeh and cf the dcncc of his being (/>) under the lav?, and not un- der grace. 7. Neither are the fotemenrioned ufes of tic law (^)cc*ntrary to the grace of the gHpel, but do fweetly comply with ir, the fpirir of Chtift fubduing (r) and inabbng the will of man to do that freely and clicarfttllv, which the will of God. revealed in the law, rccjuireth to be done. C H A P. XX. Of th gofpel> and of the extent $f the grace thereof* l« ' I *H E covenant of works being broken by JL fin, and made unprofitable unto life, God was pleafed to give forth the promifc cf Cbrift, (a) the feed of the woman, as the means of calling the eledt. and begetting in them fairh and repen- tance ; in this promife, the (£) gofpel, as to the iubftancc ofit, was revealed,, and therein effe&ual, for the converfion and faltatfon of finncrs. This promife of Ch*ifi and falvarion by him, is revealed only by (^) the word of God; ntichei do th Rom. 6 12,13, 74. 1 fei % 3. %. -1$. cj Gc-.\ ?. 21. t Ezet. J7-2I. a G«»*J. IU b Rcv- Icls, that men, deftnure of the reve- the promifc, orgofjxl, (e) (hould be enabled thereby, to attain faving faith, ot repen- tance. j. The revelation of rke £ofpel unto finncrs, made in divers times, and by fundry parts, with viicion oi ptcmiiles, and precepts, for the o- lcc required therein, as to rhe nations, and is, to whom it is earned, is meerly of the (/) foveteign v% i !] and good pleafure or God, not annexed by virtue of am promifc, to the due improvement of men's natural abilities, by vir- comrr.on light received without it; which HOIK ever did(jj) make, or C3n (o do : andthcie- foic in al! ages the preaching of the gcfpel hath granted utito pcrlbns and nations, as to ihc extent, of fticightning ©f it, in great variety, ac- cording to the counfel of the will of God. 4. Although the gofpcl be the only outward of revealing Chrift:, and faving g;ace, and is as Inch, aboundantly fulTicienr thereunto ; yet that men, who are dead in trc!p.ifies, ma\ be bom again, quickred or regenerated, there is moreover nccellary, an effectual infuperablc (h) work of rhe holy Spirit, d P\om. 10. 14. h'» 17. ?rov> 29. 18. #i« 2v 7. with Cb 60.2. ] f rf*lm 147, 10. Aclj 16 Rem. I. !%>&c, h ?J Aim lip. J. 1 Cor. 3. 14. Efh. I.I9» 2Q# 43 Ofckrifitt* liberty, tndtiforty rf confe'tenee. Spirit, upon the whole foul, for the producing in them a new f\ ;: without which no other me*ns will c#ed (/') their conversion unto God. CHAP XXI. Of thrift i a,n liberty > and liberty of confeience, *- r I^HE liberty which Chrifi hath purchafed for •*- believers under the gofpel, confifts in their freedom fiom the guilt of fin, the condemning wrath of G - :^our and (*) helaw, and in theit being delivered from this prefent evil {b) world, bondage to CO ' ' dominion (a)oi<]n } from 'rhc ( e) evil c f afflictions, the fear, and (ting (/) of death, the vi&oiyof the and (g) everlallirtg damnation; as alfo in their (/?) tree accefs to God, and theit fielding obedi- ence unto him, not our of aflfcvifli fear, (/) buta ; like love, and willing mind, Al! which were common aHfoto under the law O ) for the ftibftance of them ; but thentvY tefhment, rhc- liberty of c is fur- ther enlarged in their freedom fro i of the ceremonial law, to which the jewfi church was fuh jeered i %£»&»•& 2^.4.4 6. *Q*k I H hGal. I # 4. c Acts zCii% M d torn* 8. V c JM». 8- *?« f iC^r, I5.S4.S5 jM* S *»»/•'. 10. hSM. 8,15. e £^i?7$rt 3^**4- '& k G***J i 9>*4' 49 to tat in fulhr communications of belicvcis under v- of. . cute, an I eft it hee from die doctrines and comnund- rnems of men (») which ire ii ng contrary to his \*ord, 01 not c in ir. S > lieve ! ce, O) is to betray true liberty ofcon- fciencv; ind Mi'h. bedience, is to deftroy li- ;. 'i i upon pretence t , a-s prevent the u ■. fo thev who . ( r) the end cred one of the e 'he I'Mil -, in holii nefs before eur livtf. B CHAP. . r. jg ;o. ;;rv ro re :n 21. m 14 4 n 7 2] Ail'/, ic, 9. 1 to 22 :]. pi Con -. 6. 1, 2. 1 GW. 5.13, :. i3» *»• C 5 o ) C H A P. XXI Of religions Wdrfhlp, and the S*W>*th Jay. M* ' I ^ H £ light of nature fl;ews that there is JL a God, who hath lordfhipand fovcrcignty over ail; is ]uft, % good, and doth good unto alii and is therefore co be feared, ioved, praifed, called upon, tiiifted in, and farved, with ail the heart, and all the foul (#) and with all tr.e might. Bin the acceptable way of woiihiping the true God, is ($J|nftitutcd by hii^felf, and fo limited bv his cwn revealed wi.l, that he uaav not be woiiiipcd according to the imaginations and deviecs of jr;en> or thcfuggelhons or Saran, uadsxany viable repie- fentarions, or (r) any other v^ay, not prefciibed in the he! j- fcriptiires, Retire u worfiiip is to be ohznivGod the father) fin and holy jp hit , and ro him ( *0 alone, nor to angels, Jahits, or an;-- other (£) tr%Aiw**\ and (inee the falh not without a (/) mediator* nor in the fmdi&so* or any other but (g) Chiiu alone. 5. praver, with rhanktutnets, being one fpecial pare ofnamral WctOilp* is by God required ot(h) ____ all a y*r. 10. 7^ Mark j%. 5 $ t h Dent, n, $ 1, c Ex* i t S.O'4%- f*fo>9$. 1,7. tffdm 69 2. Of reltg:<*Ms Wttjh K *v *th D*y, $1 a r I, i: is to fee rhf (#) m > b) the help (* ) i under- ftar , faith, love, an.; ; knoitn be made for things lawful, and inc «]] : , [a / (hall livchcrc- nrr for thofe of w'.oin ic m hr.ncd (^ ) thefin uru« 5, Tl.c (^) rsadftiffGf the failures, preaching* ', teaching ard aJ^ other in p&lmsj hymns, and {\A» 14 k £ 12. y 15, 1. e&v. P 5 1 Of r t lig lo us ;; -o rjh if , a n rf tie f*lb*iY ■. \ worfliip, is new, under the gofpel, tied unto : Be n 1 crea- ture. I I alone, ( f '..uc and : s : but cal vows, ( r) ctial fing'c li far fn being degrees ire fupetftitious, (/) and fintul (hares, in •rnic . ;;c hiiiilwlf. c a A p. :• Of the ci*tl mmpfirMitm U /^OD, t-e fupicire !oid, aro kii>p #f all the VJ world, hath ordained vivil (* ) maglftiatcs to b: under him, over the peoj !e, for lis cwn g!crv, good ; an«J to ti is end hath ar:ned cluirt wi h tbi po*ir ct the Lword, for defence and c»* coin, uf tfcerh thjft do goed, and for the punifniv.ent vi c vi\ dotrs< ,♦. It is lawful tot chtiftiansco accept and execute office of a v, v>hcn called rh ere unto j in the 1 :nt whereof, as rhej orj;ht cfpecialljr to g Pfal 2^.4. h JV^':6. 11. GcM R # ftO ? 29« 22. i 1 C>. ;. ; 9, k Jjt. 4. rg f 1 M.r, 19 u* a *#jar, ij. 1, 2. 3, 4. • ro maintain (") juflficcj and peace, according to the wholcfome laws of ea.h kingdom, and con fo for that end they may lawfully no/v un- ci ji the new tefhment (c) wage war upon juft and ary occafions. ;. Civil ma? ift rates being fet Up bv God, for :J, fcbjeclion in ail lawful things co ai man Jed by them, ought to boieloed by u<« in the Lord, not only tor wrath (d r con- Lciencc fake ; and we ought to make Amplications and prayers for kings, and a ; l that are in authority (t) that tinder them we maj| live a quiet and peace- able life, in all gcdlinefs and henefty; C H A P. XXVI. Of marriage, i # X /f*Aniacje is f o be betweenor :• one X\i v>ow(*n\ (*) neither is it law( man ro have rfloie than one wife* nor for any wo- man to have more than or.« hup and at the tirae. 2. Marn??e wa: 01 I help ( b) of X^ Wand n ; //£, (*;fprtfce lAttetfc of mankind wicn b i Sfm\;il. ;. f/*/. 82. 3: 4- c ***« 5- r 4- d *. i;.^6>7. iff/. 2. I?, e i 7i.-». 2, i>*. a G*».2.24. jfat.1.11, Mfit. 10.5 6. bG*».Z, 3 g, c Ge». 1, 28. irch. 1 7 venting of )• II * rrv, ni'cnc; yet it ■ ry in the L*rd,* 2nd.. *4 profefsthe rruere. :Id not matry wirl. * ) or iJo- >C unequally with fuch ;s aic wicked in their life, or a 4. Marriage ought not ro be within the degrees rjfanguinity ( h ) or . .ibid Jen in the word i nor can fuch inccfluous rr.*rria?e ever be /an or confent of parries, (/) Co as tb< ,c together is man anj m C H A P. XXVII. 0/ *. ' J ^ H JL [ ■* ti.e of t] . E oi tl at d \.C*f;?* 2 % e > ' ; 15. 4. 1 Tim\4< J?*f* . , ? , : ; 26, 27. h - 1. a #«& 3 2. 1 !« l£. si Of the church. that have been, arc, Of (hall be gathered into one, tm- «cr Chrift> the head thereof; and is the fpoufc, the body, the fulnefs ot him that fillctli all in all. 2. AH pferibns, throughout the world, profemng the faith c.f the gofpe.!, andobediencc unto God by Chriit, according unto it, not de&ro) irg thci* own proldfion by any errors everting the foundation, or Uiihoiinefs of conversion, (£)are, and ma\ be Called vt&blc him:,; (c) and r>f (uch ought all par* ticular congregations to be conftitffrcd, 3, The pureft churches under heaven are fubjccl (#') co mixture, and ertor; and forne have (o de- gc Lecated ;s to become (*> no churches of Chrifti |at fynagogues of A«*.*/?; nevertheiefs Chrift always harh had, and ever] have a (/) kingdom in this world, io»th* end thereof of iuch u believe in bira, and make profeilion or his name, 4* The lord. Jelu.s Chrlft is the head of the church, in whom, by t\i^ appointment of the Father, (^) all pow:r for tbe calling, indication, order, or go- vernment of the church, is invefted in a fupreme and foverdgn manner, neither can the Pope of Rome in any fenfe be head the-ieof, »at is('#) that an* tichrift, that man of hn> and ion of perdu ion y that exs-lreth b I C-r 9 1.2 Atts 11,26. c Rem, i. 7, Eph. I, 2 2 :> 22. d I Cor. i 5. Rev, 2 % *nd chap, $ # e Rev. 13. 2. 2 Thejfc 2. 1 1, ra, f Jtf**. 16 j 8. ty*/« 72. *7. & ?f*l y°2. 18. ^vtv, 12. 17, g C»//. 1. id. hMrth. 59 oxd Hull di f . 1 er whcrenirh- kc otd Jcfos ca c h, our < i;y oi his i - fjurit, (f thofc tli-r trc gircn him, k in all r obedience, which he prefer i- bcrh ro chcrr n thus caled, he comn: icrics, it murmi edification and -^f that public worihip, wL-ch lie requifcth cf si. em in the world. 6 t rs of rhefc chinches arc (*w)4 Iv irurfiftfl . - ' u cnt of ves c > tie Lord and one d, (* ) in p!( Cubjcfl cs or rn< 7 # Tv> each of • thcie chnrebe d ac- dcclircd in lis ifordj given ali ;ha: ( c ) powtr a? J lUtlioritJ, _ any & dap. 12, ^2* k AJ*t. fg. 20. t A^.i<.ij, 2C m^w, rj, i Or, i 2.nAfts 2.41 o. r j. o M*/. ;8* 17.2?. iC^, c»4 5 brfWti], 2 CVr 1. 6, 7* 8. €o Of the church. any way heedfrtl for their (having on rfrat order in woruhip and discipline, which he Lath in ft i tared for tli&m to obfcrve, with commands and rules, for the due and right exerting an) biftiops, or ciders, and deacons. 9. The way appointed by Chrifi for the balling of any peifon. fitted and gifted iff the holy Spirit* unto the office or bifhop, cr elder, in a church, is, that he be cRolen thereunto [v.- the common (^) |uffrag€ of the church itfelfj and (oirmn!v f.?t apart by fafting and prayer, with imp Tuion of hands of the (r) e' lerfhip of the church, if there be an\ be- fore configured therein: and of a deacon (*) that he be chofen by t' e like (ufFrage, and fer apart by prayer, and the like i to. The work ofpdtVrs being ccmfhr.tly to at- tend the iervice of Chnft in ! is cl in the miftiftry of the word, and prayer, (*) with ware h- i n cr „. _____ _. _^^_«_ P. _ p Aft. 20 1 J. i+frh verfe 28. Phil. t. 1. q Acls 14. 2 V Sge-tfo original r 1 ?*«*. 4. 14. $ Act* 6. J> c, 6. t -45; 6. 4. Rcl< J}. 17. / chnrd). 6t \y\» fvr click fouls, *as rhcy rhat mnft *;ve an ac- . 1 1 i: is i n€S to ifter, n k i re tkeit) a : (//) but a. Co to communicate to tUm of all thcii £o g ru clicir abilirv, io :m> hive j con n it o t be- Jvts(x) entangled ju fccalar affairs j and I required b> ihc I fc .Mel's oi.Jcr ur ot Li id fh'.c tacs tiiir j»:c*. I ' gofpcl, I r. . Li he HlCU.nbcQi o"! r:e Ivfh ^ps or nt ir* prca< K the wo | :a - i jarlt confined to bit tba kied by ti.e iot it, an bv the op rrfoi m ir. j 2. As ill believm arej icn and wberc Co ail chat *re admitted unpi Ufa I £ ) andei fl e tvernmohc thcrcofj according to t! e I 5. No cUurcb-ftK mints, itponanj offence tal t.n ' b* u t lim • 7. K 2 ^itfJ. 2. 4. y 1 Jim j 2 z 1 Car 6. i 4 t I r. J 9, fco* 11 1 <>/. 4 iw\ Ji. u i -/« £ ). 14. z ?.6, 14 IS- 6z Of the churchy fey them, baving performed theft duty required of them towards theperfba they are offended at, ought to difturb any church order, or abfent thcmfclvcs from theaiTeinbu'cs of thechurch, or administration of any ordinances, upon the account of fuch offence at any of their fellow-members, but to wait upon Chriih (^)in further proceedings of the church. 14. As each church, and all the members of it, are bound to(^) pray condnually, for the good and proCperity of all the churches of Cbrift, in all places, and upon alloccafions to further, [everyone within the bounds of their places and callings, in the cxercife of their gifts and graces] fo the churches [when planted by the providence of God, foasrhcy may enjoy opportunity and advantage for it] ought to hold(*; communion amongft thcmfclvcs, for their peace, incieafe of love and mutual edification. 19. In cafes of difficulties or differences, either in point of doctrine or adminiftrationi wherein ci- ther the churches in general arc concerned, or any one church, in their peace, unian, and edification; or any member, or members of any church are in- jured, in ©r by any proceedings in cenfures not a- grceable to truth and order : it is according to the mind of Cbrift, that many churches holding com- munion together, do by their mtffengers meet to confider, c Mitt. lS> t ^, 16,17. E?.b.4. z> J. d£/>/; 6. 18. Tfalw, 131, 6. e Rom. i6 f I, f # $. John 8- 9« Of tht communion of /amis* 6} er, ( f) ami give ti e:r a.jvice in or abnut that matter, nee. t© be ftponed to all the choreics concerned; howbeit theie mcfkngcis aflcmbhd, are not inrrulred with any church-power propcrlv io , cv with any jtiriQi flion oTer the el tK-rrnfrlves. to cxercifc any •er.fures eirhei over any ics, otpttfonti pt(g) tp-impafe their deter- mination on ;hc churches ur officers. CHAP. JXXVI1I. C/ /£# communion of fonts. I. ALL Ciints that are united to Jcfus Chrift j[\ their head, by his fpirit, and faith, al- ii the) are not marie thereby one prrfon wit* have (a } fdlowfliip in his graces, (uforings. reforrcclion and glory ; and being united to one ano:hcr in love, they b) have communion in each et. cis gifts mA prices, and arc obliged to the p^ifonmncc or fjch duties, publie and private, in fen orderly way, (c ) as do conduce to their mutual good, both in the inward and outward man. F_2 2. Saints f M&i iv 2 4 *. *^d 21,1 r', 25. g 2 Osr % \. 24, I fib* 4 I. a I Join i. ;. John i . j 6. J ■ 6 ^ 6. b Lp : \ 4. \ J, J S. iGr.u. 7, I Cjt. ;. ii ii> « ;. c 1 ;/';?. f. j 1 14. ftf II. 1 y*;.-w 1, 17. 1 8- GaL 6.10. e $4, Of faftifm and the Lords fufttr. 2. Sair.ts bv proftfCon, \ire b^und to maintain an holy ftllowltip and cow it ruftipn in rir« w orftttp of God, and in performing fecli c\er fpiritual fe'nrh Ccs, (*\ I. T^ Apcifn and the Lord's (upper, are©rcinan- [j ces of pohcive and Sovereign inftitaaon, appointed by the Lcrd Jefus tl.t only law- giver, to be continued in his church (a) to the end of the A-ot'c l. 2. Thefe d Ht!>. 10. 24*2$. Hfifb Chap. ;. It, l? # c Afts J 2 Z9 ;o/r £/\6-4. £ f Cor. 1%. 14. 17. h A 3s Of itftifa 6 c t Tlrxfc holvappoinrivcncsare to be adminiftrei b* thofe only, vtho arc qualified, and thercuniocalU cd according (i) to thccoimnifllon of Chrift # CHAP. XXX. Of bAftifm, I. VV\ptiftn is an ordinance of the ne* reft*- |3 ment, < rdaiscd by JcfusChrift, to be unto the partv baptized, align of his fellowflv;> with him in -ms Jcach (a ) and re(urre of (£) [cmifliorr of iln-; m I or h#s (r y„ivii'g up himfclf wnto God, Jcftn C hrift, to live afd walk in newntfs of life. z. Th^lc a'Iio do afttully pr<4"{s (i) repen- Hmcc towards Gcd, faith in, and obedience to our .> be tizid, in :. of ti.e .u.lct, and of the fon, and or the hoi fpirit. 4» librae rkon, or dipting; of the perfo* ( f) [{ F 3 water, b Afritt 2>. 19- ' Cfcr, 4 I. a K<^. 6 - ]. 4. $," ; 27 b M*rk 1. 4 A0s2b, 16. c fc#*i. ^'^4. d AUrl 16. 6. >*#.. 8- J7 J8 t MAttJtl&i 19,20. Wff6 ^tf* o- }S« f M*tth, J, l4 y#W 3. X}, H Of lading *n*f l.andK water, is necefTary to the due adoiiniftrarion oft! i$ ordinance. CHAP. XXXI. Of laying on of hwdu XXJ E bc'icvc that (a} laying on of hands* [ *ith *^ prayer] upon b abt iz,ed believers, asjuch, is an ordinance cf Chrift, and ought to be (ubmitt-ed un- to by all foch peifons that are admitted to pa-rtake cf. the Lord's fuppcr; and that the tnd of this or- dinance is not for the extraordinary gifts of the fpirit, but for (by a farther reception of the holy Spiw't of promife, or for the addition of tht graces of the Spin":, and the influences thereof j to confirm, ftrengh&en, and comfort thtrn in Chrift Jefus; it being Tatified and eftabliflied by the (c ) extraordinary gifts, of the fpirit in the primi- tive times, to abide in the church, as meering to- gether- on the firft day of the week was Acls ? 9 . ** that being the day cf worftiip, or chriftian Sabbath nndrr the gofpel; and as preaching the word v\a*> A&s, \ o. 44, and as baptifm was, Mat, 3. 16. and prayer was ABi^^\\. and hnging pfaJm?, &c. was Acts 1$. 2t 4 26. fo thfs of laying on of hands was, Acli% & ch. jo. for as the whole gofpel tras can- firm e A* — _ i . ■ ■ ■ a IJtb. $.12 *nd 6. 1,2. Ac7s % .17. i.g, and JS>>6* b Efki.ijj 14, c 4L&i.**dJ9'6> firm , :\fid dryer; mh*c!fs Mnd gi'ts of t l jras every c in Jikc manocf coq^irmed in particular. C H A P. XXXIT. c/ //>* L*r/j [*}&*• i 4 rT^ H E fupper of the L«t/**/. 26,26, 27. . 63 Of th$ Lords furper. God cr b^ an? ftli , is re] (0 a ^ ne » buc even rr eth t r ( ; nature df the < . aod hath btcn, and is tl e eaufc of manifold fuperftiiions! )ea, of grofs : -. Hforth) receiver*, outwardly partaking i m i is ordinance, do 1 1 . v n all lira!!/ rporaMv, bat fpifirualK recciv< on Cbrift crucified, (/) and a] of Lis , the body and blood of Chuftbeing r>,tn noc corporally cr carnally, but : . prtfcflt 1 fait b of believers in i rnients thcmfelvcs are ro tl eir outward fenfe*, 8. AH i pcrfons, as they art urfit to erijfoj communion (wj with Chriit, fo a r c i •. • d'srable, and carrot wit&- oni great fin againft him, v\kile they remain (:'c u , pirrake cf rhefe ho!v mxlKrics (;?) or be ad tl.creu 1: receive un/.on/ ily, arc Parley of the bodv and b!< |, car- ing and drinking judgment t W C H A P. i ^^ }. 2r. tmh 2\. (>. & tfa\ ;o. k i Cor. . 2c. 1 i Cor. jo. 1 5. c£, t r. 2$, --- 26. jm a Or. 6. 14. j c. n 1 Or. xi. 29. Mau,?. 6. C 70 ) CHAP. XXXIIL Of the ft ate of man nfter death, and of the refurret* ti(m of the diad* *' i I * * ^ "bodies of men a f ter death return to JL duft (a) and fee corruption j but their fouls*, [ which neither die nor ilcep] having an immoral fubiiitvnce, immediately (&, return to God who gave them : the fouls or the righteous bcin^ than madeprrfe&in holinefs, are received into paradife, where they are with Chrift, and behold the face of God in light and (O glory, wakingfor the full re- demption oi their bodies 5 and the fouls of the wick- ed are caft into hcH, where they remain in torment and utter darknefs, referved to (d) the judgment of the guatday; bdides ihefe two peaces, for fouls | fcparared from their bodies, the fcripcurc acknow- kdgeth none. # 2. At the laft day, fuch of the faints as are found alive, (lull not deep, b^t be (*) changed; and all the dead foall be raifed up with the felf-iame bodies, and (/') none oth?r ; although with different (#) qualities, which mall be urriced again to their fouls ior ever, 2 The a Gen, 5,19. Afts if. 56. b £ccl 12 7. c Lu K e 2\\\. 2C^f,i,6,8 ¥hiL 1,2%. Hjb. 12. i\. d Jud*4+7 m l Fet.\ 9. Lu'.t \6. 2} 24 C l C~r. IS- 1 Thjf,4 17. f Job. 19. 29, 17, g I Cor. 15. 42 4-3* Of the Ujt judgment. 7 1 i. 11 e bodic? of the BH > by fhc p<-wer .:(}, be tailed to < the jofti by his fpirir, unto honour, (U) and be made conformable to lis own glcriou* bod). CHAT, *XXIV # 0/ the l*(t judgment. J# /^ O D hath appointed a day.wherein he vsili yj£ e wcrld in rightccuinefs, b) (»i N Jc- fui Chrifti to whom all power and judg- ment is given of the Father! in winch day nor only the (*) apefhtc angels ihail be judged, but like- wise all perfons that have lived upon the earth, &all appear before the tribunal of Chiiff, (O to | give an account of their thoughts,- words and deeds, and to receive according to whar the) have done in the body, whether good or evil, 2. The end of .God's appointing this d t \\y is, for the mamfeftation of the glory of lis meres in the eternal faJvarion of the ek&j () to deter all men from fin, and, for the greater / k ) confoiftjon > f i%e g dl i ii their advafity, 1» wll: he have r' 1 at div unkn >'vrn to men, that tncy [kike off all ck\r:\\ fecurrr ? and be aUavs qrarrhtuli bec^nfe the) know t*>t a: whatboar the f A Lord will come* and may c*er be prepared ro fa) (.:) come Lord Jtj*h cutne quic'.lj. Am-n, 26 Mir. 9.43 2 Tff ! ~ 8- 9 I o. g 2 C*r. <* ic -if. h 2Thf.i^ (>• 7 i AtfJrt*}. 35,56.37. &***« i$.3v> 6 - * &' J * 22, 20# ' P«?J| ( 73 ) Short treatife of church-difcipHtoe. Concerning a true And orderly g'{( el church. BEFORE chert can he any orderly dis- cipline among a chriftian aflcmb'v, they mud be orderly conftirutcd inro a churcrt fUrc, according t& thcinftiitition oi Chrift in (he go!, t. Avifible gefpe! cfcvftf) is made h\ gathering divers (cried peiic.ns unto Jcfus Cf rirt, in a (piri : tual bodv, ard relation to him as their political head, Ezei\ ^ , x % j^f 2 J# hifllfclf being he great flvpherd, that firft fecks them, and pre- Dares tl em bv the work of renewing grace, ibrluch tual building 1. Chrift as th« mediator rf the new covcranf, wdcreth rhe everlafting gofpe! to be \ r »c ] ed, an J il with his holy Spiii^blclTeth h to ►he turning or men from darknefs to lighr, wcrk- B ing 74 -* fi"t trta/ifi ing faith and lore in them. Eph. *. 17. Afti 26 f. j. When finners arc thus wrought upon effectu- ally, to fuch a fuitable number, as may be an eflcn- tial church, 1. §„ fo many as may act properly and orderly as a church, hlxth \% if,— 17. that then it will be proper for them by their mutual confent, to propofe to be conftkured a church, or that o- thers feeing the expediency thereof may encourage the fame. Acts 1 1 4. For the accompliflment of fo glorious a work, it is necelTary that a day of fjftipg and prayer be appointed bv and among fuch believers, and that fuch procure fuch neighbouring helps as they can, cfpecully of the mimftry. Afts 8 14. I Mef, 5 The perfons being firft orderly baptifed, accor ding to tre command of Chrift in Mtth. 28. 19* and b^ingall fuisiled of the graces and qualifications of each" other, and b-jng willing in the feir of God to take the laws of Ch rift upon rhem, and do* by one naurual confent give up themfelves ro the Lord, and r o 'tv- ano: icr in the Lord, 2 Or. g- <;. fo- lcmnlv fubiniding to the government oficbwft in his church, and being unired, thev are to be de- elated a aofpcl-cKu;ch of Jefus Crtrift, Phil- 2 2. j, 4. Rom 4ti 7. Clhxpi 12. 1. A&*. 2 4'- 42. 6 h uunbrr of belic/rrs thusunixed uniler Thrift their medical head, are become a church tiThethh and as (uch is the firft and p«f*pet fubjefr of rhe k«yfc» and have power and privilege to govern 'hem- felves $f church-difciplinc. 7f frlves, and ro clmofe our rleir own miniftcrul of- ficer*. Atti 14. 2 }. Chnp. 6. J. Qevcerning /ninf(lers> &c AC H U R C H thus conftiruTccf, isnoryct complearcd, while wanting fuch rriniftcrial helps, as Chrift hath appointed for irs growth and well being; and wanting c!. 4. t~ 10. a'l Wfhfcn ir.Utt be fc.und in them, in tome good degree and it is the dot) or the church 'o try the perlons, bv tie rue or the word# ubjeftion. But what mail a chinch do, in cafe rhc\ can have nunc among tlien) fit to bear office acroi ling ro tie rule or the w rd ? Anfw. (r.) That to expect to have officers per- fect in the hi^heft decrees of thofc qua ificatilical and extraortiinaxy ceafed gifts in ordinajy (2 ) U rone among the members of a church be found fit in Come meafarc f»>r rue mlmftry, a neighbouring church mav and ough:, ifpufllble, to (upply them, C*nt. 8. 8. f}J lee fuch as tlies have, if they have any that item hopeftrl, be 1 while upon tryah anJ the ptrfon thac the Lord (liil! chufe, will flcurifli in fome good mealurc with Aaron's rod among the tods of the tribes. a. A 76 Ajhotttrettif* 2. A church being de&itufie of mlnifterial fcefps, Biiy, after mature and often deliberate confutation^ and ftrious prayers to God, pi?*h upon fomeperfon er p?rfons in particular, giving him 01 t !i cm a lolemn invitation to the woik cf the miniftry upon tnal y and if fuch accept of the church's* call, let fuch be upon ryal, to fee if fuch fear God, make god- Jincfs their buiinefs. and be adicted to the n-arjk of the miniftry, feeking to further the inter eft of Chrift, and the edification of his people in found and wholefome do&iine; and to fee if any vices or imoraUry appear in their advances., i. Cor. jg. +Lil. i. 2">, 21. Read the qualifications in 1 Tim. *. And in cafe a church mould call a be their miniiter, who is a mcrr bcr of fomc fifker- church, and he accept then call to he their mjnif- tcr> le muft in the tuft place gfVjt himfelf a mem- ber with the church io calling him, thar fo they mav chafe him a -nong themfclves, as Afts 6. J. After uken all dut-care to chufe one tor the woik of the miniftry, they arc, by and with the unanimous confent or fuffrag.e of the church, to proceed to his ordination; which is a folemn fer- ting apart of iuch a pe (on for the facred function ( in this wifey by fettin* aparra day offaftiig and pray- er, Afti 1$. 2, 5. the whole church being prefent, he is to have t'.e hands of the prefbytcry of that chinch (or neighbouring eiders called and authorir 7,zd by that church) whereof fuch a pcrfon is a mem* ber, Lolemnly laid upon him, j Jim. c. %l. lit. j t . e,. ABs 14. 2 J. I* Tin. 4. 14* and thus Inch a perfon ijf Aufth perfoa k to be recommended into the work of L©rd, an J to cake particular cue of the flock of wkom be isthis choicfl, Atl> 20. 28. 4. The minifter being thus put upon his work, proceeds (^ to preach rhe word of God unrothem : thereby to feci the flock, and therein ought to be 1 ful and laborious, ftudving to ihew himfclf a w itkman thac ncedcth not to be aihamed, rightly dividing the word or' truth, 2 Tim* 2, If. * s he is a iKwaid of God in the m) (ferries of the gofprl,- I Cor, 4, 1 2. and therefore ought to be a man of •d underjtanding and experience, be found the faith, not a novice, or a double- minded un» (table man, nor fuch as is light Ipiriiedor «fa tful- l>w u'.der (landing, but one that is learned in the irr fteries of the kingdom, becaufc he is to feed the' people wich knowledge and understanding, Jer. j;- 15. he muff be faithful in declaring the whole eounfelof God, Acts 20. 20. he is to inihuci them in all godlincfs, fa\ ing before them their manifold duties, and to uige them upon their cor.fcieno Jit, 2. I- if. 1. ?*i*k 4-6 (2) he muff watcfe over them, as one that miiftgive an account to God, Btb. 1 j. 17. fuch muff have an eye upon every mem- ber to fee bo* they behave in the houfe of God, where the prefence of the Lord is more emincr.tljrv and where a ! fo the angels do ahways attend,* and al~ fo their b'.haviour in the families they belong re and their con verfation abroad: according to their capacities, they are not ro rleep under their charge, (i) He is to viAt his flock, to know tbeir ftate, in A 78 A fior: trtmtifc erder to minift-rfuicable doctrinal relief umo them, and that he m ay know what difordcrs there may be amonglt rh«m, that the unruly may be reproved* Vrov, 27. 13. 1 Tocff. c. 14, ic. (4) He is coad- minister all the ordinances of Chuftamongfl them: as boprifm, and the Lord's fcpper, and herein he *null be careful to .follow the primitive pattern, thereby to hold forth the great end, whcrcroic they were ordained. (<;) He muft be rnftan-c with God, in his prayers for and with them, as openunitv may fcrve, . (6) He mud mew them a good example in al! refpects, in conversation, (obrietv, charkv, faith, and purity, 1 Tim. 4, 12 behaving hirniclrirnpar- riaJ unto all, nor, pr.-fer ring the rich before the pour, nor lordiflg it over God's heritage, nor-airume gi ea- ter power thin God hath given him, James 2. 4. I Tim, 5 n. 1. Pet. 5. j, 5. Of ruling eldtrs. RULING ciders are fuch perfons as ate endutdwith gilt>, roafnft the paftec or teach- er in the government or the church; it was as a ftatutt inliraef, Exod. 18 Di*t.$ rj The works t>f teaching and ruling belong both to the paftor, but in cafe he be unable, or the work of ruling too i»reat for him, Cod hath provided fuch for his af- iftance, and they are called ruling elders, 1 /*># t # 17. helps, 1 C*r. 12. 2$. governments, or he thatxulctb* torn. xa. 8. They zzz qualified Tor, tad #/ chare !rnc. 7f amd called unto, one put of die work: .nn J experi- ence teacheth us the life and I :uch iulcrs in tiic church* in eating clic palt p or teachei the honouf ofi Their cjua- ire fuch as are r< > rule, askrrow- nJ as tf> ciie man- ner oj i.rion umo other . irig and pra. er, with imposition of hands. Thei onK relateth toruleand order, in the chuich of Gorf, and doth nor include i c ehtuch findcth they have gifts and abilities to be ufcful in teaching, they mav be put upon trval, and it approved, ti,ev may be called and folemnlv fet apa»t by ordination, k being wholly adiftinct olftct r'rom the former, which nlv to rule well, and not CO labour in word and doctrine. Cf deacons. • DE A C O N S are men called forth bv the church* to fc:ve in the out war 4 concern* thereof > whotcoffice is ro lerve tables. A&$ 6 2- 7. they are to be ennufted with the frock of the chinch, out of which flock they arc to affill the members of the church, and to provide bread and wine ror the Lord's table, and alio -o have re- gard to the mini tier's table; and moirovtr they fhould fee that ail the members of the chinch do contribute towards the proper ufes or the church, (that 8® A % Jkort treatifi (that therefrom x\ neccflTary occasions may be Ap- plied ) as God hath given them, they to the po«r> fo that none be negle&ed, i Cor. if. 2. h) the faithful difciurse of which office they (hall pur* chafe to chemfelvcs a good degree and great bold- nefs in die faith, i Tim. j i;. The qualifications or chafe officers are kid down i Tim, j* 8 - i}. A&s 6. JJ— gi O/ f£* admtjftoH of church mgmbert, TH E Lord Tefus Chrift hath committed the ufc and power of the keys, in tmtters of go- vernment, to every virible congregational church, to be ufed. according to the rules and directions that he ha^h given in his word, in his name and to his glory: the keys are the power of Chrift, which lie harh given to every particular congregation, to open and (hut itfelt by} and ro do all t.iings in 6rd&r to the great things propofed, viz. his glory &»d his peoples fpiritnal benefit, in peace and purity, lj*$ 9. 7. Chap. ZZ, 22. ReViL.}. 7. Heb'> ;. 6, Epb, 1. j?- 22. Math* 1 6, 19. Jchn 20 2;* By virtue of the chartex* arsd pjowcr afore- faid, which Chrift hath given to his church, hisfpi- litual corporation, they are enabled to rccvive mem- bers in, and to exclude unworthy members as oc-- coflon may require, as way appear by divers exam- ples, Horn. 14. I. A6t$ 2. 41. 1 Cor, 5. 4, 9. Jd4f. 18. It alM 2. 6, 14^ I* of church difcipli/tc. 8' isca r c, a ith to do, either with non- jnembets, or tho(c thirarc rr,ernbcrsf>l othef church- es ; is to non-members propofing fh on into r c c uccki the paftor, teacher and elects or the Itch ate robe a'Cjiuinted therewith, and the bo- dv or rb« rhusch alio, in ouier that rhcy may know the in icnd of inch pcrfon or } erfons. A conveni- ent meeting is necclfarv. When chcchutch is come together, and rLc perfon propofing being prefent, after praver to God for di.e&ioa, rhe ir.irifler or paftor of rre c'.urch, is to pur ftveial q':dtions ro t.c pcrfon propofing. (i) Concerning the pround and reafon of his hope, i Ve\ 3. J c_ *he r crn is to be enquired, what experience he hath o the ma- nifold giac&s t>( tie h< I) \\ -:rir, A'orkiny in him repentance fr^m jdad works as Acis 2. ;8. H§k. <•», 2. md fai'h rowuds cur Lcrdjcfus Chriiun wha alone is fa'vaticn hoped f<-r, ^ 20. 1 1, il.tlcm. «,. f U r< be font* good grounds in the jijdgmenr of charity, rha.t fuca an 1 ^c is a new creature, the door of adn iflton is i& for that would be abuiing the privileges of the houfe of (Jod, therefore all due and ic^uiii care, is rotten, rfsl t6 16. ABs^. 27. 1 //>■. v 5T1ut competence of knowledge, in the prin • eipal docfrincs of faith and order, fuel hi rh acquired, iTim. 2>4-6 whether tech pcrfon be well infhuclcd in the knowledge of God, in his glorious attributes, in the do&rine of tie trinity, or ore G:>d in three pcifons, the pcrfon, natures and offices of Chrifti the nature of the lawi of original fin; of the pollution oF man, by reafon of fin, and loft an^ %t Afhort tretrift undone eftatc thereby, and of his beirg a child of wrarh by nature; or the nature of the redemption wrought by Chrift, his fufficiency to fatisfie divine jufticej o£ the reconciliation of finners to God, by the death of his fon; of our fins being imputed to Chrift, and his rightcoufnefs imputed to us for justification, bring received by faith alone ; of the refurte&ion of Chrift'* body, and his afcenfion in- to heaven, and of his coming tiaence the fecond time, to judge rhe quick and the deid; and of the refurreclion of the dead bodies of men, and of the eternal judgment; and of fuch propofing pet- fon's refolution to perfeverc in the profeflion of thefe truths unro the end* Such things are need- ful to be enquired into, by rcafon that too many in our day do build their conversion upon their conviftions, and fomc genera! notions of the chtif- mn religion when indeed they arc utter ftrangers unto and vcrv ignorant of the great myft'eries of the gofpeU Y+ j. 8. This regular catcfulr 4 ds if an ladilpcnhbl* dut\ of all regular churches to ufc in t: .c admiflion ©r members ; and tho' all due care be ufed, )«t fome unlound ami rotten proltflors will creep in una.vaies, and have citptinro the pureft churches. Jade vcr. 4 i obn 2. 19 Act* e. Ails 20. 19, JO, Cat 2 4. and thr fallibility or churches in this matter, is not to be urged, as an argument or ground to negied the dut» imuaibent on rhe churches, ac- cording to the rule of the word. And after (u h examinau. n, the rjucfUon is tnbe put to ;he church, whct.'ie: tbc] a;ea!i ;ati^fitd wi h the partA conLffion and convert nion; and il the a^fwer be in rhe afrit n -stive, then the paftor or Oljniftci is to proc-ed, to atk the pact* pn pofing, if he be willing!' ido.v.d t as Cod fball give abili- t) ) to walk in a pi«>tc fled fubjrclion ro the com- mands and i-fticjtjons ot Chrift revealed in the g Ipe'. and to give himself a member of that chinch in particular, /tf.'M2, 1. Chap ic.7.8.9. 2 Cor. 8 c. and to continue in the communion, faah nd order thereof according tn the gofpcl rules- and directions, a' d after the pen'on is baptifed ac- cording to t ! e inftj uuon and command ot CI. till, and com* under the impohrion of tuc hands of the elders 84 A jhort trettife ciders •( the church, according to the practice of the apoftles, Afts%. 14--17. Hebr.69. the paftor, minifter or elders, as presiding in the ads of the church's power, do receive fach an oncintothe com- munion and felbwfhip of that church in particular* Bur if the church is not fatified with the perfons's and fo unconcem'd, and thofe that are mem- bcres live remote and k> under an impoiTibility to occupy their place, (\) This in the tendency of it, is to remove the bounds of churches, which is to contift of fuch members, as can, with the utmoft conveniency, meet together in one p1ace> for both, worfhip and :ovemment> j Cor. 11.20. Chap. 14. 33. (4) This hath a tendency to alter the conftitu- tion of particular churches, from being congregati* onal corporations) into rhe national or univerfal no- tien of rhe church \ which unfverlal church we be- lieve t® be the myftical body of Jefus Chrift, which as fuch is nor the feat of inftituted worihip and ordinances, Alfo it is not reafonableto diimifs to the world at large, nor to difmifs a member to a church, with which tfce church difmiffiug, cannot hold commufiion. Of the duties of church- members. TH E members of churches, owe all their du- ties in a way of obedience to the will of God ie\ e iled in his word, and their duties are to bepeiror- audj in love to our Lord jtfus Chrift, John 14. i$# WiiO is the great prophet, prieft and king of his chuichi which he hath purchased with his own blt>od# ASi 2,0. 2i* Rtv. 1, $. a. Cor. 5. 15. am© whom 3(11 of church-difciplinc. |o all power in heaven and earth is given, Mstk. ig. l8- and is thrrcfoic our Lord and lawgiver, //*#, 5 j. 22. who alone is head of his church, Ephef, I. 22. his perfon is to be honoured, and aJl his commands are to be obferved, Meh. i. 2. John e. 2t. all worlliip is to be afcribed unro him. as God ble(Ted for ever, Rom, 9. r . all church members* therefore, are under the ftrifteft obligations to do and cbferve whacfecver Chiift enjoy ncth on the*), as mutual duties towards one another. The officers of the church, whom Chrift hath ap- pointed, arc to be refpefted. (1) The deacons of the chyrch (tho 1 they officiate but in the outward concerns of the church, as in the fc<5Hon about dea- cons is noted) if they are faithful, do purchafc un- to themfclvcs a good degree, 1 Tim. j. ij. arc therefore to be reipecled. (2) Ruling elders alf® arc ro be refpe&ed, feeing they are fitted of God, and called by the church to go before the church, or to prefide in acls of government and rule, 1 Tim. ?• !/• 0) Miniftcrs, who are the (rewards of the myfteritsof the gofpel, are in an eminent manner to be regarded, as being the erabaiTadors of peace, t Cor. c. 20. tho' they arc not to hunt for it> as the pharifeesof old, Math 2J. c. 5, 7, Tht d«- tics of church members, towards their elders, teach- ers, minitUrs and paftors, may be inclnded in their ' (1) Praying foi them, that God wouki openxcteox of utterance unto them, to unfold the myfteireS If£. 6. ig» *9> 2°. (a) To obey them in rh<*. lord> in whatlbevcichev admonitK them* according^ po A jkort rreatije to the word of God, Heb. ij. 17, 22. (^Infl- owing their example and footfteps, as far as war- ranted by the word, 1 Cor, 4, 16. Chap. 11. i» P/?/7* 3. 17. Heh.ii* 7. (4) In (landing by them, iu all their tryals and afflictions, and in defending them in all good caules, as far -as in them lies; in 2 Tim. I, i.e. thofe of Aji* *rc blamed, for turning away, or not (landing by the apoftlc. (j) Tn not expofing their perfons for. their infirmities, as far as may be, confidering the profperity of rhc gof- pel much depends on their good report, Acls i\\ 5; (6) In contributing towards their maintenance, that they may attend wholiy on teaching and give themfelves-to the rainidry of the vvord and to prav- er, jicls 6. 4^ the reafons thereof is evident by a threefold law* (1) the law of nature, from whence theapoftle argues, r Cor. 9. y.-~ n. (2) The le- vitical law, 1 Cor. 9. 1$. (5) The gofpel enjoyn- e*b and xequketh the fame, Gal. 6. 6. 1 Cor. 9. 1 4. Let thefe above-cited places of fcripture, be coniidered, with- many other of like importance^ . and the natare and tendency of the work of the mi- niftry be well weighed, and it will be clear ic is a duty required of Gcd hiir.felf; and that not in a way of alms, as to the poor, which is another {landing ordinance of Chriii, but is to be perform- ed in love to Chrift, arfc) obedience to his laws, in order to fupport and carry the mtcrell of the gof- peL. Yet tins is not to be given to any one that Aiay pretend ro be a minifter, or thrufl. himfelf ^£ona church, or to ran without * njiiTion */ church dii ?I Vithv lucres (akc> but churches ought ro rake a fptcial care who ro call fAth o the work or rhc miniftp , g to the rule or n given bv ini;>iution or God, be rfic\ Pruned or unlearned as to human l< bi tl tj rich 01 poor, as to liberality of the people ( if they be able) aid (ut mount the neceffity of the minifter, fb as that be ma) cxercife ti.ofe a niiler, there it is not only lawfu 1 , but the duty of fuch miniiters to labour with their hands; for ro leave fuch a congregation deftirure, to fonguifli without the miniftn, would be very uncharitable^ and fmell very much or h! hy lucre; and ro expert from a people, more than they are able, would be c^preflion or cxiortion. of 92 A [hart trtatifi Of the manifold duties of cbriftitnS) eff tially to the houfkould of faith. SO M E of them arc thefe. ( i ) Lave unfeigned and without diflimularion, for all their things ought to be done in love, "John i}„ 54, 3 c. Rom. I2 r 9, 10.^, 1 J.8>9. 10, (2) To layout to keep the unity of the fpirit in the bond of peace, Ep':ef 4.;. (3) Endeavour for the edification, and ipi- rituai benefit of the whole body, that they all may grow up to be a holy temple in and for the Lord, I Cor. 14,12, 26, Ephef 4 12, 16, 29. chap 2 21* ti. (4) That they ail watch over one anothet for good, Phil. 2. 3, 4. (f) That they do pray with and for one another, James 5*16. (6) That they neglecl sot the affembling of themfelves to- gether, for the celebrating of divine worfhip, and (© promote one anothers fpiritual benefit, Heb t 20 2$. Acis 2. 42. {*/ ) That they ufe all means to keep the houfc of God in due order and cleanefs, walk- ing Hnoffenfive towards one another, and ail others, with confeientious diligence, and fo unanimoufly :o contend for the faith and truth ence delivered to the faints, in the purity thereof, according to the holy fcripture, Pjal. 93. $, Zech. 14, 20, 21* I Cor, 14. 33, 40, Chap. 11. 2* Of church cemfures, HAVING fpoken of the gathering together of a particular gofpel ckurch, and it's officers, G 5 «*4 - 0f chut< . h -difcipline* 9? and the rules whereby wc arc to be cniidcd in ehooi- ing and ordaining ofthem, and of the admiffion of members, &c. it is meet to give a m<>it view of a church's duties and authority, in reff cftof cenfurcs upon offender*. lirf}, of admonition. (i) Admonition is a holy, tender and wife en- deavour, to convince a brother, that hath offended in natter of h£l, or eKc is fallen into a way, where- in to contfnue is like to be p-reju iicial to the party himfelfor Ionic others j where the nutter, whate- ver it be, and the (inrulncfs thereof, with the ag- gravating circumftanccs attending it istebe charg- ed on his conference, in the fight of God, with due application of the word of God, which con. cerns his condition ; thereby leading him to his duty aid true reformation. (2) A dnionirioti is private by one or more of the or more public by the whole church. (1) VC'h-n one brother tp.fpaiTes again ft another, the offended brother is not to divulge the offence, but to go in a gofpcl wav to the nfii >»«•• «rwJ •.-, ( -'^ | -5 endeavour to reclaim his brother j and if he repenrsj the offended brother ought to forgive him, Ala;th. 18. r S . Lu e 17. j. b«t if the offending brother will not hear, then the orftndcd brother ought to take # two or three other brethren, and them luch as mar be moft likely to gain upon the offender 5 but if this ad-monition alio takes no effect, it is to be brought before the church, Math, r 8. 16, 17. (2) The church when matters come thus before rhem, fcall admonifh and endcarour to reclaim the of- fender* 94 7, jo, iia 14, iv (ueh is not robe ace© on- tcd as an tmmv, burro be exhorred as a blather in tho' not in comrr.unior $ but if fuch an one remain impenitent and incorrigible, the church (af- IC waiting for his reformation) is to proceed to excommunication, M*th;i$. j~. for that wool d be a not bearing the chinch jnthe higheft degree. xrdlffi °f excommunication. Excommunication is a judicial act or ccnlure of the church, upon an offender, by the authority of Je- fus Thrift, and by his direction, delivered re his church by himfelf or his apoftles, in the new tc(- tament, which a gofpe] church ought to pur in e, when matters of fad require, according to gcrfpd ruie: as firft, when a member (after all due admonition ) continues obftinare, and will hear co reproof, Mwt % 18. 17* Secondly, When a member hath coin muted a grofs fin, which is directly again ft -.v, and being notorious and fcandalous, and proved bpyond difpOtCs 1 Cor. 5, 4, c # 1 Tim M . i Cur. 10, 6. ti:en a church is i mine diar. ly to 9 6 A flnrt treat ije to proceed unto cenfure (notwithftandig any prc-i fenc figns of conviction or remorfe) for the necef-1 fary vindication of the glory of God, the vmdi-1 cation of the church alfo, and their holy profeillon;] and to manifeft their juft indignation and abhor- rence againit fuch wickednefs, i Cer c. i — 1%> Thirdly, When amembetis found to be erroneous, j defective, or heretical in fomc fundamental point, or to fwerve from the right faith, in the principles of the chriftian religion, i Tim. i. 19, 2«. The manner of proceeding unto this great and awful inftituted ordinance, is: the chwrch being ga- thered together; the offender alfo having notice to come to make his anfwer and defence (if he comes not, he aggr»avaets his offence by defpifing theautho* rity of Chrift in his church) the body of the church is to have knowledge of the offender's crime fully * and the full proof thereof as of plain matter of fa&s and after mature deliberate eonfideraticm an-d con- futing the rules of diredion given in the word of God (whether the offender be prefent or abfent)thc minifler or elder puts the queftion to the whole church, whether they judge the perfon guilty of fuch crime now proved upon him, is wonhy of the cen- fure of the church for the lame? to which the mem- bers in general give their judgment; which if it be in the affirmative, then the judgment of the mem- bers in general being had, or the majority of them, the paftor, minifler, or elder fums up thelentence ot the church, opens the nature or the crime, with the fuitablenefs of the cenfure, according to gofpel rule J of cl euh-difc'j i: c. 9J proceeded* \ proper time is in exeedtiot), ac le pa ft or, uuniitcr or elder of the clun to lav open the lui- 1, with all the aggravating cir- r'^ereof, and (hewi^ w a: an ab • an offender is become to r on, * our ic is to. God, <£v. applying the ilar places or fcripture that are proper to the 1 charge the offence home upon the if pief:nt, that others g a'io the infill nat ire of this grear cenfurc. and the main end thereof-, for the ialvrtiun and not the defhudjori oi the (oui, aid Mich foiemnirv in rbe wl sill g up >n God rot bis gracious ptdlrnce, and his I is lacrcd or n incc • 1 if end ti 1 mch harh mich the great humili 1 1 .1 ©Ml and Qi'c ; r in The fo 4 paft >x mi 1 c Chsiit, i n Ij and bv and vi h 1 | t> rbe' judicial fententfc oft , cuts d les del) an one fro* m Dunion < r cic 1 hatch b^ f . t;ar ( :cn a peti in is not «Ik e be looked o I, drcinc 1 a church, uxicii <^ Ktn .x^JLxn oy :q:ct< anu. I \( hick 99 Ajkort treatife Which exclusion carries in it the full fenfc ©f out fcord't words, M*t. ig. ij. Let him be unto the* Ms an heathen man and * publican* or of theapoftle, t Cot. j. $. to deliwr jueh an one to latum which is an authoritative putting of fuch a pcrfon out of ihc communion of the church, the kingdom of hea- ven; into the world, the kingdom of Satan, the prince *f the power of the air, the (pirit that now workcth %n tht children of diiobeditnee, in order to his be* ing humbled and broken under a fight and fenfc of his fins, which is meant by thedeftruclionotthe flefti, tnd to the end that the fpirit *»a; be fated in the day of the Lord. Amongft the many diiordcrs, which church-mem- bers may be guilty of, and for tht obftinate con- tinuance therein a church may and ought to ufe the Jower that Chrift hath given to exclude them from ei communion ; that is ene, which is when a mem- ber doth feclude himfelt and that not in any regu- lar way, but contrary to all rule and order : for ojhen a church-member, by reaion of iomc offence fco hath taken at the church orfomeof tht members thereof, and hath not done his duty according to the rule of the word, or elfe is a dying away in re- ligion, by one means or another, a* by the love of the world, change of condition in marriage, not kaving his expected preferment in the church, or the like, doth as it were excommunicate himfejf, the chureh according to their duty ought to ufe their endeavours to reclaim fuch; which endeavours, if the; prove fruitlcfs, and the party obfhnarr, the anarch ought not to acquiefce in his irregular fiep&ittte from thciDt as if all tiicir bonds of (tk4* of church-crifciph'ne. IcJ on and duty were over, ar.d no more was to b# party hath uiliiped the power of . the chuich therefore muft main* tan the powei trtai Chfift h*tb committed unto \t% tru>' i: canrsor hinder tn; inordinate and unruh paf- s of luch an one if Gad leaves kirn to it. He I run away from the church, renting himfelflchii'- rruticaliv orf y bicakin^ thro' a!i order and covenant Rations in oppoiition to brotherly tnJeavourfc to hindrr him, and to ftav him in his pUceJ the church is to proceed judicially to turn the key upon a (infui diicrderlv departer; and publickly to declare, thit as (uchan one bv name hath bicn guil- ty .of Inch a thing (naming his diforder) he i* no Jevigcr in their communion, nor under their watch and caiCi &c % and that fueh a per Ton is not t<> fcturfi to heir communion, until he hath given fatisfaftion i the church, Rem. 16. 17. Such a reparation of dcpaiture is very iinfut, tor thele and the like rca- fons. (1) Becaufc the church is a corporation pa* vilcged wich JaAS and rules for admittance and 3i- DUCtancc. which ought to be obft tved # Matth. ig, torn. 12. 4, c.. it) Mich a departure is rude k in- decent, therefore difhonourablc, r Or. 14. 40, (}) Became if membcts may take this liberty, all the officers of the church, miniftcis, ruling elders &dea* cons may rake the fame liberty, which would foon on church any church, or at leaft be deftruclirt to its beamy, tomrorr A edification, Joh. t. 67. (4) I All members do covenant the contrary> Ifst. 44 f s \ and therefore it is a breach of covenant* which i* ; Id A J!:ort treatife a b!*ck charter, 2 Tim. 3. ; (cj It defrroys totally the relation between cldeisand people, Ki.ich God hath, Mattfoj, 36. (6) It is anuluip- ing of the ke\s* or lather fttaJing <;f them, Amos 6. i}/ (7J It is : if there is inch a thing in the world> it is of particular churches, 1 Cor. 11. Ig. cli. 12. %u {%) It is a high contempt of Chrift in the government of his church, jude 18* Q- 2 ?et> 2 JO, 11. (9) Ir is to break the fbrT of beauty £wvtnant] and of bands and brotherhood too, Zecb . 1^. jo 14. (10) Ic argues either fome great un- dilccvered guilt lyin^ on the party., or fume by ends in his fir ft (eeking admi/licn into fueh 2 church*. Ail which put together, it declares • tjhe great unity ©fa congiegational g.ofpel-churck ; asd the finfulncfs of inch diioicetly peiions in breaking off without a juft taufe : -but if any chinch becomes heretical m p&intip'es cr idolatrous in w'orfliip. or immoral in life, it is lawful for per (oris, alter they -tave difchar- ged their conscience and duty in reproving and bear- ing witnefs againft inch grolV defections, to departs Qdier diftrdus a«d caufes of di r cordsin chutehes 3te theic,and man v of the like ; (j) When members of churches, by their ignorance of the rules ofdifci- phne & right government of the church of Ci-rift, do not 3d according to tbei.r dutv j particularly when th^LZ rule, M*t*h, 18. ic» 16, is not obfervvd ; and -hit is, either .1)- \Y h«n offended members, in. ftead of going; to the offender, to tell.hin* hi* fault, Wi4i be divulging it diiorcerly to others wK'her if church difcipfine. ItX member* #rnonracmbers. (a> When offended nun* bers inftcad of acting according to the lai i rule, da conceal the matter from the offender and every bo- dy clie, Icit thev mould be looked upon as conten- tious perfons; and rhereby they lufleriin upon their brother, and arc become guilty of other men'* fins, and rhereby thev fuifcr the name of God, their hoLy profeflion, and the church, to lie undct * reproach by their negled; either of which ways is yery firv {ul. at being conmry to the cxprefs rule given hj our Lord Chrift; and fiich ought (as being thcrcb/ become offenders tl.cmiclvcs) to be in a gofpd-way dealt with. (a) ty hen an elder or a church do know that Tome of the members arc immoral and fcandalous in lifc t or heretical in marten of faith aid judgement, and yet bear with them, oc connive at tbcrn. (j) When members of churches take liberty r# go to hear to other placet, when the church it af- ic.nbled to worflnip God, which is dircclly contrary to Htb. 10. i%, and is no ltfs that breaking co- venant *irh the church thev belong unto, and may foi n dillMvc and unchurch any particular church J for, by the fame rule that one member takes fuch libcrtv, another may, \e*> all the members may, •mil their afl-mbling entirely ccafc And) more- over it is cafting great contejrpt on the rainiftrf of fuch a church, and mar caufe others to be difaf* fedted, t » the dextrine taught in fuch, tho* founi and orthodox. Yet no re 11 taint ought to belaid on members g^ing to hear at other placet, where found dwcUinc is uug;n, at other ci*ts> (4) When i©J A Jhort trettift (4) 'When members rake liberty to go to hear men chat are corrcpr in do&riri.e, and (o fuck in fume unfound notions oi religion, and entxavour to cor- rupt oners with w hat they hare imbibed thtrnfelves. And ala. ! how inany in our unhappy da) sate ccr- rup ed with Armmianijmj Socinianijm, and what riot ? Such cauie rroubk and. great diiordciS; (e) Another disorder that may caufe difcord, is, when members are received witbout the general and un- animous confentot i cr when any arc ad- mitted, widr whofe confeflion or life & convention, xhc gencrs,liry of the members are not iatis fled : or when elders and minifters or leaders of .the church, are iemiis and carelcfsin the reception of members* , (d| When a church (hall receive a charge againft $ member (it being an offence given by one bro- ther to another brother) before an: orderly procedure has been made by the. offended brother, according to the rule, Matth.^it. I (7) 'When judgment paiTes with partiality, or . /bxne are connived at ouooi favour or afTe&ion, and. others ecn fared c*u of envy c r without due conviction, Levi was not to know his father.* mother or chilcrsn ir* judgment. Deut. ;^. g£ (8.) .When the charges of a church arenot equally bfcrni by t) c members according. to their fcyeral abJkles, but fomeaie.burthencd when others do lit- de or .nothings * (9) 'When accusations a*e received againft an el-. .4&i,XQMMi to the. rule, i Tim. 5. }i. which .re- guises •f i c 4 Mires two or rhrcc wi?ne!T< carter of facT n >i of tl I f 4. 1 1 .aad nc read of do di (parity betweca them, ot */. : ^c. t%6 them, chat fhotild r<-s r :c a Ciap. 16. $J4* xc. Ste ulfo Dr. Owen, on the nature of the £(>Jffl church, chapr. 1 1. and Dr. Goodwin, Vol, 4. Bo. c, clup 8^ 9> 10, Hi eye, of the govern* mtnt of the churches oj Chriil. THE END. The Contents. Oftht hoty fcripture$. Page j , i, and the heHy Trinity. f Qf G*ds Decree. H Qf Creation. Xj Cf divine providence, 1^ O/ the jail, of fin, and its funifhment \-j O/ Grd's covenant. jp O/ Chrifl the me d at or, 20 O/ jree will, 2C, Cf eff ft* 4/ calling, 26 O/ )Ujitfication. 2% ioptton, jO Oj j**8*fie*tiwn, }l i 0/ Offyvsng faith. Oj refentsnce nnt7 life and falvxthn Of go d wot !'/. Of perfcverance of the faints. Of the affurnnce of grace and falvathn m Of the Law of G d, Or the gojfeli and of the extent of the grace th: v eof 4.5 Of c- njthn li!?ery, and. ente, O* re Li J us worjhip, and the J abb at h day. Of fi ii'il of pjalms, &c. O/ l*>vjf'*l oaths ant tjou *+ O- the civil majorat e % Of m&rriage. Of the church* Of the comnrUnion of faints.. O] biprt m a ,d the Lords fuyper. C ; ^-ti/.n. Of Laying on o r hath. Of toe L ra*i fstpger, Offbe (tate - man after death* and refurrefthn. Of the la. 1 ju -g nent. ' % I C * true and orderly gojf el y&Httin 7 % C'nceritn* miv:;j;ers, &c. 75 p/ ru ii] eUers, 78 j Of deavot*. 79 O the ad vtfflon f -' n*ch members. go O/ the duties oj care 88 Of the duties of c rijians &c. 92 O f ek toe j ct n j ures. 91 Q> f,?e c mwuniori of cku ches. 1 04 Enaium. iw indtnd itt&tntent* p. 'Sl.i 7*