Cibrarjp of Ithe trheolojical Seminary PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY •a^t- PRESENTED BY Jolin Stuart Conning, D.D, CV ZDZU . i)J Scott, Delaware Walter. Christianity and the Jew / 4: CHRISTIANITY AND THE Jjt Jin Jippeal to the Church of Christ to Preach the Gospel to the Jew ,^^H Of mntji rV By DELAWARE W. SCOTT Wilh Foreword by FRANK M. THOMAS, D.D. Methodist Episcopal Church South CINCINNATI The Standard Publishing Company Copyright, 1914, by The Standard Publishing Company To my faithful and loving wife^ Frances Smith Scott, who has toiled with me in the preparation of this work, this book is affectionately dedicated. CONTENTS PAGE I. Christianity and the Jew 13 II. The Jew and the Great Commission 19 III. The Cost 29 IV. Christianity and the Great Commission 36 V. Christianity's Debt to the Jew 45 VI. The Jew in Ancient History 52 VII. The Jew in American History 59 VIII. The Jew in Literature, Arts and Science 67 IX. The Jew's Contribution to Religion 75 X. The Spiritual Unrest of the Jewish People 85 XI. The Hand on the Dial 93 5 FOREWORD A book like this needs no introduction. It speaks for itself on one of the greatest themes that can come before mankind. For the final explana- tion of the relation of Jew to Christian is the explanation of human life. The secret of the pres- ent universe lies unfolded there. Hence this book is epochal. It deals with the two greatest facts in history — Judaism and Christianity. It is a timely book because never has the Church of Jesus Christ been so interested in her Jewish brethren as now. It is an interesting book because it portrays in telling and eloquent language the infinite debt which Chris- tianity owes to Judaism and the mighty part the Jew has played in history. It is a significant book, appearing at a time when Judaism is facing the third great crisis in its history. It is a noble book, marked by sanity and brotherly love, breathing the true spirit of Christ. It is a providential book because it will help to focus the kindly feeling now rising throughout Christendom toward Israel into a mighty tidal wave of genuine affection before which the veil that hides the true Messiah from that people must melt away, and they, too, shall see our King in his glory. It gives me a holy joy to commend it to every Jew and to every Christian, May the Spirit of Jehovah make it a ministering 8 FOREWORD angel toward the bringing in of that day when we shall be no more twain, but one in Christ Jesus our Lord. Frank M. Thomas. Eastertide, 1914. INTRODUCTION It is with no little trepidation and anxiety that this unpretentious volume is sent forth. This little book and I have had many pleasant hours together. We have chatted by the fireside, we have walked in the moonlight, and have lain on the same pillow. We have been companions together for many long and weary months. "Christianity and the Jew" is the child of prayer. Years ago, in my youth, I formed a deep and lasting admiration for the Jewish people. I loved the heroic in the races of men, and no history gripped me with such force as that of the Jews. When a child they played for me in the role of warriors, and I stood with them on many a battle- field ; when in college they played for me in the role of the torch-bearers of civilization; but now they are playing for me in Jehovah's plan of the world's redemption through Jesus Christ. Years ago I wondered no little why the Jews were so hated and so mistreated by the Gentile nations. I heard men speak well of other races — the German, the French, the Spanish, the English, the Japanese — but no man had a good word for the Jew. Then I saw churches standing every- where, their doors flung open wide, giving a wel- come to every race and tongue in the world, but 9 10 INTRODUCTION none to the Jew. I heard preachers pray for every nationality under the sun, but never did I hear a prayer offered that the Jew might be saved. Then I watched the missionaries go out to every tribe and family of earth, but none went out to the Jew. The plea of this little book may be weak and clumsy, but surely it is timely. Its message may not reach very far, but my earnest prayer is that it may reach deep. If it can rouse a few souls to join with Paul in his prayer that "all Israel might be saved," I shall be amply repaid. If this book comes to you, receive it kindly, and hear its message. And then, as one who loves Christ and his people, think — think — think. The wise man of old said, "As a man thinketh within himself, so is he." As we think about God, so are we; as we think about Christ, so are we; as we think about the commission of our Lord, so are we; as we think about the Jew, so are we. Evidently we have been doing some very wrong and very narrow thinking in these past few hundred years. We have done a great deal of thinking about the Jew. And our thinking has grown into deeds, and deeds have grown into history, and history has created a sort of sub- conscious mind in us that the Jew is not worth saving. The language of the Psalmist fittingly describes the condition of the Jews throughout the world to-day : "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, Thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walk INTRODUCTION 11 Have they hidden a snare for me. Look on my right hand and see; For there is no man that knoweth me: Refuge hath failed me; No man careth for my soul." The church is making provision for the salva- tion of the Japanese, for the people of China, and India, and Africa, and the islands of the sea. Is it not high time that we were beginning to pay a debt that reaches back across the ages to the times of our Lord and Saviour, when he gave his great commission to a few Jewish apostles and evangelists, "Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations"? From whom did you receive this good news of Christ? From a Gentile preacher? Yes. But from whom did he receive the good news? From another Gentile preacher. But from whom did he receive it? From another Gen- tile preacher. And thus we trace it back, back, back, through generation after generation to the time when these Jewish apostles and evangelists "went everywhere preaching the word." The light of all the ages converges upon us to-day, and the divine compulsion that once sent Paul forth to preach Christ to the world should also lead us to exclaim, 'T am debtor both to the Jews and to the Gentiles, both to the wise and to the foolish. So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to every creature — including the Jew." Delaware W. Scott. Louisville, Ky., March 10, 1914. I. Christianity and the Jew. How strange it seems to us to-day, as we approach the subject of "Christianity and the Jew," that we immediately become conscious of the fact that we are strangers. Can it be that we never met before? "Have I been so long time with you, and dost thou not know me?" Did you ever hear a sermon on the subject? Did you ever hear a preacher pray for the conversion of the Jews to Christ? Is it one of the adjourned ques- tions in the realm of Christianity? Rabbi Shanfarber, of the city of Chicago, recently said: "We Jews have given religion to the world, but we have little ourselves. We gave God to the world, yet we have little of God in our hearts. The Jews are not studying their Bible — other people are studying it. Our tremendous indifference is our worst ailment. We are troubled with the teaching of agnostic atheism, materialism, and Christian Science." No races of men have ever been so intimately related and associated together through all the ages as the Christian nations and the Jews. And yet no two races could possibly be further apart. They live, as it were, in two distinct and separate social and religious hemispheres of the same great world. 13 14 CHRISTIANITY AND THE JEW The Jew has purposely swung completely away from Christianity, and Christianity has shamelessly swung away from the Jew. There are two great and fundamental reasons for this world-wide gulf existing between Christians and Jews. First: The Jew Himself. His hatred for Gen- tiles dates back to the time when he established an iron-clad law that "the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans." And the long years of bitter trials, and persecution, and plunder, and robbery have not tended to soften his heart. Then, the Jews as a nation openly rejected their Messiah, and repudiated his claims upon them as his chosen messengers to the world, nineteen hundred years ago. There has never been any relenting nor shadow of turning to this day. They steadfastly set their faces against the gospel of Christ, and to-day they are just as resolute in their hostility to Jesus Christ as when they stood in Pilate's judg- ment-hall to cry, "Away with him! Crucify him!" Second: The Unchristlike Spirit of Chris- tianity. "The Elect Lady," "The Bride," "The Lamb's Wife," has shamelessly and malignantly abused and neglected the Jewish people. The Church of Christ, through her intolerance and bigotry, has forced the Jews to stand where they now stand in their attitude toward Christianity. It is not the Christ enthroned in human hearts, but rather the absence of the Christlike spirit in the church, that has driven the Jews to assume their relentless hostility toward Christianity. The Chris- tian nations have robbed, and plundered, and hated, and hunted, and slaughtered the Jew in the name CHRISTIANITY AND THE JEW 15 of religion through all these centuries, and who can really condemn him for his contempt for it? The Christian nations have treated him no better than Nineveh, and Babylon, and Syria, and Persia, and Greece, and Rome, and Turkey, and Spain, and Russia have treated him. The world to-day despises Mohammedanism for her merciless war- fare on defenceless women and children of Chris- tian faith. But how much better have the Christian nations treated the Jew, and for the very same reasons? Even in our most cultured Christian communi- ties we find this spirit of bigotry, hatred, and intolerance manifesting itself. The children in our Christian homes soon learn to think and to speak in terms of contempt for the Jew. And where do they learn it? They learn it from Christian fathers and mothers. In the public schools of Christian lands the children of Jewish parentage are twitted all day long by such infamous terms as "Jew," "Sheney," "Christ-killers," and "Crucifiers." The effect of this unchristlike spirit is enough to drive the Jewish child to despise the Christian relig- ion. What hope can we have of ever winning such a child to love and honor the Christ whom we profess to love and honor? In Louisville, Kentucky, a short time ago a Jewish child came into her father's store weeping bitterly. The father asked her what the trouble was, and she told him how the children of Christian parents had called her a "Christ-killer." The father had his storm of rage — and who can blame him? If your children should be insulted and abused 16 CHRISTIANITY AND THE JEW every day because of your faith, would you not soon learn to despise the system of religion that gave birth to the insult? If the children of Moham- medan parents would heap insult after insult upon your child, would you not soon learn to despise Mohammedanism ? He was a Jew who declared in the early ages of the church, "But I would not, brethren, have you ignorant of this mystery, lest ye be wise in your own conceits, that a hardening in part hath befallen Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in ; and so all Israel shall be saved : even as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer: He shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: And this is my covenant with them, When I shall take away their sins" (Rom. 11:25-27). "Brethren, my heart's desire and my supplication to God is for them, that they might be saved" (Rom. 10: 1). "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek: for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich unto all that call upon him : for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent?" (Rom. 10: 12-15). God has made no distinction between the Jew and the Gentile. Christ made no distinction between the Jew and the Gentile. The Holy Spirit made no distinction between the Jew and the Gen- tile. Who, then, made the distinction? And who CHRISTIANITY AND THE JEW 17 makes the distinction to-day ? Both Jew and Gentile are responsible — the Jew, through his contempt for Christianity, and the Christian, through his con- tempt for the Jew. Thus a gulf, as wide as the ocean itself, has come between two races, which only the love of Christ can ever bridge. "For the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich unto all that call upon him," but the Jew never hears it, he never feels it, he never sees it. Can Christianity exist without the Jew? Some would say, "Yes, certainly Christianity can exist without the Jew!" Yes, Christianity will march triumphantly onward without his presence in the ranks of the church and his voice in her councils. But this is not the question under consideration. The question is. Can the Jew exist without Chris- tianity? But can Christianity exist without the influence of the Jew? The Jewish nation launched forth Christianity on her heaven-born mission, and gave her the machinery and the power for her con- quest of the world for Christ. They gave Chris- tianity its holy background, they gave it its spirit, its enthusiasm, its zeal, its faith, and its courage. And we can no more separate Christianity from Jewish influence, and expect it to stand, than we can separate the mortar from a great building, and expect it to stand. Christianity drew its heart-blood out of Jewish veins, and it is the very child of Jewish parentage. The very warp and woof of Christianity was woven in the loom of Judaism. And while we may exist without his bodily presence in the Church of Christ, we can not exist without his influence and his con- 2 18 CHRISTIANITY AND THE JEW tribution to the faith once delivered unto the saints. The whole plan of Go