&S2«!fi5ixn.W'*«tr?„r.:j'Jj„.-..w^ •-•r':M-:.r!r': ~A BX 8949 .B43 1877 Blayney, J. McClusky History of the First Presbyterian church of fa.-^^-«.^s«sg4gtf^aU''i-fTilVYiMn- -^'-^' HISTORY OP THE First Presbyterian Church of Albany, N.T. LISTS OF ITS OFFICERS, COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF ITS MEMBERS FROM ITS ORGANIZATION. PREPARED BY THE PASTOR, REV. J. McCLUSKY BLAYNEY. ALBANY : JENKINS & JOHNSTON. 1877. HE substance of this sketch was delivered to the congregation in a couple of discourses on Sabbath, the 25th of October, 1876, being the seventh anni- versary of the pastor's installation. Its publication has been delayed several months, in hopes that the Records of the old Dutchess County Presbytery might be obtained, which would doubtless furnish some facts concerning the organii&ation of the church nowhere else to be had. They were in posses- sion of Dr. Johnston of Newburg, and his daughter writes that at his death about twenty years ago all Presbyterial documents were passed into the hands of the Stated Clerk of the North River Presbytery. Since that time no trace of them appears. This fact is put on record for the benefit of any future historian of the church. Albany, February 23d, 1877. Sip ;;-;b^|s^ f^m^m^-<^'ii^^ HISTORY FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Know therefore that the Lord thy God, He is God, the faith- ful God, avhich keepeth covenant and i^iercy with them that LOVE him and keep HIS COMMANDMENTS TO A THOUSAND GENERxX.- tions. Deut. 7: 9. HE faithfulness of our covenant keeping God is strik- ingly illustrated in the history of every individual church. The establishment of a church in any community is the working of God's providence there accom- plishing the declaration, " I will make known my words unto you." Every soul added to any church from year to year, and generation to generation, is in remembrance of the Father's great covenant with the Son, '• A seed shall serve him," " Thy seed will I establish forever, and build thy throne to all generations. Selah." God's care of all the congregations of his people when they are weak, and in times of trouble, and when errors abound, is the fulfiUing of the promise concerning the church that " the gates of hell 6 shall not prevail against it." It is good for us, therefore, to " remember the days of old," and " consider the years of many generations," that we may behold in God's gracious dealings with our fathers His never failing faithfulness to his covenant engagements with His Son and His church. In this spirit, let us to-day glance at the history of our own church, and recall the way in which God has cared for it, and led it on from the feeblest beginnings, building it up and mak- ing it strong, until it has become the venerable parent of churches in this community. The city of Albany dates the beginning of its history back to the year 1611 or 12,^ and next to Jamestown is the oldest settlement in the United States, Its first settlers were Hol- land traders, and for many years, indeed up to 1630, it continued to be little more than a trading post of the Dutch West India Company, named Fort Orange after the Prince of Orange, who at that time presided over the New Nether- lands, — as the Dutch possessions of America were then called. In 1629, a new charter was granted to this company to encourage the settling of colonies in the New Netherlands, ceding large tracts of land to any of its members who within four years would plant a colony of fifty souls, and giving them almost imperial authority over such colonies under the title of" Patroon." The only condition required by this charter, 1 Mather and BrockeWs Geography of JSf. Y. 7 in order to the absolute acquisition of these lands, was that they should be purchased from the Indians, which usually was done with but a few trinkets. Under the operation of this charter, several of the members of the company hastened to become " Patroons of New Netherland," Among this number was Kilaen Van Rensselaer, a wealthy and enter- prising pearl merchant of Amsterdam, and one of the "Lords Directors" of the company. In the year 1630, he, through his agents, purchased a large tract of land on the Hudson river comprising the greater part of this and several adjacent counties, and the same year sent over a colony to settle it; and thus by the terms of the charter became " Patroon." This settlement was henceforth known by the name of Rensselaerswyck, and the hamlet which was gathered on the site of Albany, was called Beaverwyck. Thus the infant city of Albany, and all the surrounding territory, became the private property of one of the directors of the Dutch West India Company ; which fact, to a great extent, determined both the civil and religious history of the settlement for well nigh a century. In the year 1642,^ the Patroon sent over, at his own ex- pense, the first Christian minister of the colony of whom any- thing is certainly known, the Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, a member of the Dutch Classis of Alkmaar, who the next ^ MunselVs Annals. 8 year organized a Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, which is now the large and influential First Reformed Church of this city. Being the only congregation of the colony, it was largely maintained from the public revenues, and even after the British government acquired the possession of the New Netherlands, public aid was allowed. After the incorporation of the city in 1686, a grant of one hundred and fifty acres of land lying westward was made to that church; and, as late as the year 1786, an application was made for an additional grant of two hundred and thirty-seven acres. This seems to have been the occasion of a petition of the members of our own church, which I find recorded on the first page of the Book of Minutes of the Board of Trustees, asking for a similar grant. From the wording of this petition of the Presbyterians however, it would appear that it was designed more to put a stop to such grants of the public domain to particular denominations of Christians than to secure any- thing for themselves. And possibly it is owing to this peti- tion, or protest in effect, that we have not here now a great religious corporation, owning a large proportion of the ground covered by the present city. Having for many years a monopoly of the religious privi- leges of the settlement, the Dutch Church was slow to re- cognize the rights of other Christian denominations. The first of these, which claimed the right to exist here along side of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, was the Lutheran. At a very early period, there seems to have been a con- siderable element of this persuasion among the settlers of the colony ; but in all their attempts to organize a church of their own faith, they encountered the determined opposition of the dominant church party. At first they were allowed no privileges whatever. Parents were compelled to have their children baptized in the Dutch Church, and declare their belief in the doctrines of the Synod of Dort, contrary to their convictions. They were "permitted to worship in their own houses,"^ although denied the privilege of assem- bling in a public way. In the year 1664, the province of the New Netherlands came into the possession of the English government, and British rule brought in with it full permis- sion for the Lutherans to worship according to their own predilections, — a proclamation to this effect having been issued by Gov. Lovelace, Oct. 13, 1669. Sometime within the next ten years, the congregation of the Lutherans was organized (the precise date of which is not known), and it has continued with interruptions to the present time, — the Evangelical Lutheran Church on Pine street being its out- growth. I have already mentioned that in 1664 the Dutch territory ' 3IunselPs Annals. 2 10 of America passed into the hands of the EngUsh. The name of Beaverwyck was then changed to that of Albany, that being one of the titles of the Duke of York for whom the state was called. With the change of government, the English element was introduced into the little community. Early in the next century, the place was first visited by missionaries of the Church of England sent out to tlie Indians by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. In the year 1708, there was a chaplain of the Church of England at the fort who conducted the services in the Dutch language, showing that as yet there was a very small element of English speaking people in the place. For seven years this congregation met in a small Lutheran chapel, and in November 171G the first English church was opened for service. Soon after this the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel withdrew its sup- port, and the church ceased to have a minister till 1728.^ This organization has its development in the venerable St. Peter's Church on State street. The next church organized in this city was the First Presbyterian, known for many years as the " Presbyterian Church in the city of Albany." I have thought fit thus to advert to the settlement of the city, and the organization of its churches hitherto, in order to show the religious condition of the community ' 3IunseU''s Annals. 11 when Presbyterianism was introduced; and especially, to account for what seems to some a remarkable fact, that, although Albany is the second oldest settlement in the country, and long one of the most important, no Presbyterian church should have been established here for so Ions; a time after Presbyterianism had gained a foothold in other parts of the land. It thus appears; that this was peculiarly a Dutch settlement, and had an established church of its own ; that about half a century after the conquest of the colony by the English, there were not even then enough English speak- ing people here to justify the chaplain in the fort in con- ducting the services in the English tongue. Indeed, up to the year 1776, there had not been an English sermon preached in the Reformed Church, and not till 1782, were the services of that church conducted in English.^ The settlement was almost as thoroughly Dutch as Holland itself, and the people were well nigh as universally identified with the Dutch Church as in the mother country. The small English element, which came in with the new government was of course as naturally allied to the Church of England. But now a new religious element is introduced into the commun- ity. During the French war, which continued from 1754 to 1760, several families from the north of Ireland settled here, who had been trained up in the principles of the Church of ' MunselVs Annals. 12 Scotland. These brought with them their attachment to their church and soon sought to have its worship established among them. The exact date and circumstances of the organization of the Presbyterian Church in this city, I have not been able to ascertain. The earliest mention I have found of Presbyte- rianism in Albany, is in the Minutes of the Synod of New York and Philadelphia, which, before the organization of the General Assembly, was the highest judicatory of the Pres- byterian Church. And to the fact, that the Synod then ex- ercised many of the functions now regarded as belonging exclusively to the Presbyteries, we are indebted for this inci- dental notice of how Presbyterian ism here struggled into life. In the records of that Synod, sitting in Philadelphia May 26, 1760, is found this minute — ''A very pressing application being made by the English Presbyterian gentlemen of Albany for supplies, the Synod appointed Mr. Hector Alison to sup- ply them till the second Sabbath of July, if it suits his con- venience." Also, at the same session, Revs. Andrew Bay, Wm. Tennant, Kettletas, Woodruft', Smith and Richards, were appointed to supply at Albany on subsequent Sabbaths. The following year, these appointments were reported as having been fulfilled. The Rev. Hector Alison, therefore, was the first Presbyterian minister, of whom we have any information, that ever visited Albany : the time of his visit 13 was June and July of 1760. In all the published notices I have ever seen of the organization of this church, it is uniformly set down as having occurred in the year 1763. But this is probably a mistake ; and has grown out of the fact, that in October of that year, a deed was executed by the corporation of the city to John Macomb, David Edgar, Samuel Holladay, Robert Henry, Abraham Lyle, and John Munro, as trustees of the Presbyterian congregation of Al- bany, for a lot of ground on which to build a house of worship. The organization of the church, however, was probably ef- fected a year or more earlier. Among some old files of papers, belonging to the Presbytery of Albany, and preserved in the fire proof building of Union College, I found a brief manu- script sketch of the history of this chqrch, which was pre- pared by the Rev. John McDonald, the first pastor of the church after the revolution, and reported to Presbytery in 1793. In this sketch it is stated, that the Presbyterian families in Albany, "in 1762, associated themselves into a religious society and solicited subscriptions for building a church." It would therefore appear; that from June 1760, there was preaching here by supplies appointed by Synod ; and, that in 1762, organization of some sort was effected, al- though, as the church had as yet no Presbyterial connection, that organization was not perfect as we now understand it. The first Presbyterial relation of this church was with 14 the Dutchess County Presbytery ; which was informally or- ganized in October of 1762, and in the spring of 1763, was recognized by Synod. Webster, in his history of the Pres- byterian Church, refers to the manuscript Minutes of the Presbytery, and says that soon after its organization, "they received the church in Albany under their care with its minister William Hanna." But the reference of this quotation is so vague, it is of no special value in determining the exact date of the first connection of this church with Presbytery. It serves, however to indicate that somewhere about the latter part of 1762 or the early part of 1763, this church came into Presbyterial relations. In May, 1775, the church petitioned Synod to be transferred from the Dutchess County Presbytery to the Presbytery of New York ; which request was granted, and its connection continued to be with the New York Presbytery till the erec- tion of the Presbytery of Albany in 1790. (7) CAMPBELL. (H) LUDLOW. (9) BLAYNEY. MINISTERS OF THE CHURCH. 1 Rev. William Hanna. T is uniformly stated that the Rev. William Hanna was the first^^asro?- of this church. John McDonald, bS^ ' in his sketch to Presbytery in 1793, states that " AVilliam Hanna, a candidate for the Gospel ministry, received a call from the congregation, and was ordained and installed their pastor." But this must be a mistake. The name of William Hanna never appears in the roll of the ministers of the Presbyterian church excepting in connec- tion with the Dutchess County Presbytery- ; and that he was not ordained by that Presbytery, is evident from a minute I find in the Records of the Synod for 170^. It is as fol- lows : — '■ The Dutchess County Presbytery reported that since their organization they had received into their number William Hanna and Mr. Dunlap, ordained Mr. Wheeler Case, and licensed John Clove." Mr. Hanna, therefore, was not ordained by that Presbytery, or the fact would have been so reported along with that of the ordination of Mr. Case ; but he was " received " into Presbytery as a regularly ordained minister from some other body. And, that he was never regularly installed pastor of the 16 church is shown by the fact, that no report of his installa- tion was ever made by Presbytery to Synod according to the custom of the times. He, however, exercised all the functions of the pastoral office during his stay among this people, which lasted about two years. It was during his ministry the first house of worship was built. Soon after the termination of his connection with tliis church his labors as a Gospel minister seem to have ended. ^ 2. Rev. Andrew Bay. The name of Andrew Bay first appears in the roll of Pres- byterian ministers, in connection with the Synod of New York in 1748. He had, therefore, been about twenty years in the exercise of his ministry in connection with the Pres- byterian church in this country, before coming to this city. For several years after the removal of Mr. Hanna, the church was left without the stated ministry of the word — the Synod in response to applications from the church, sending them occasional supplies. In 1767, it was reported to Synod that many vacancies existed in the neighborhood of Albany ; and Mr. Kennedy was appointed "missionary in tliose parts." Dr. Rodgers, also, in response to a request from Albany, was appointed to take a journey " to Albany and adjacent places" and supply. In 1768, the Synod appointed Mr. ' Minutes of Synod of New York and Philadelphia for 1768. 17 Bsty, a member of the New Castle Presbytery in Pennsyl- vania, — who had previously been appointed to make long missionary tours through Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia — to make a journey to the northward and "sup- ply vacancies above the city of Albany for six Sabbaths." It was probably during this missionary tour in the summer of 1868, that Andrew Bay visited the Albany church, then vacant, and began his ministry in this place. The next I can find of him, he appears in Synod at Philadelphia in 1770 " from the church of Albany with his elder Robert Henry." The church at this time made to Synod a state- ment of their financial distress, and asked to be recommended to the churches for help; which was done. Mr. Bay continued his labors here for about five years ; but he was never regularly installed pastor of the church, as is generally stated, because at no time did he become a mem- ber of the Presbytery to which this church at that time belonged. After his removal from Albany, he labored some years with the church at Newtown within the bounds of the Presbytery of New York, and in the year 1776, because of a decision of Synod against him, he solemnly announced to that body his determination to withdraw from their jurisdic- tion, and his name disappears from the roll of the ministers of our denomination. From the departure of Mr. Bay till the close of the revo- 3 18 lutionary war, there was no regular minister with this church. The people were supplied occasionally with preaching by missionaries journeying in this direction, and by special appointments of Synod. Although without a pastor, it is stated upon what I regard as trust-worthy authority, that the meetings of the congregation for prayer were regularly maintained during the entire period of the war ; and, that it was the only church in the city whose public services were not all intermitted. No records of the church were kept up to this time, or at least none were preserved. 3. Rev. John McDonald. The first regularly installed pastor of this church was the Rev. John McDonald. He was a licentiate of the church of Scotland, under the care of the Presbytery of New York, when, on the 12th of July, 1785, a call from this church was made for his pastoral services. He was ordained to the Gospel ministry and installed pastor of this people on the 8th of November, 1785. From this time forward the stated ministry of the Word has been regularly maintained. About eighteen months after the installation of Mr. McDonald, we have the first intimation of the size of the church. The first communion under Mr. McDonald's ministry was on the 15th of April, 1787. The number of communicants, who partook of the Lord's Supper at that time, was one hundred 19 and sixteen. Since then the number of additions to the church from time to time is regularly given, and after Sep- tember, 1795, we have the names also. The relative strength of the different religious denomina- tions of this city, as represented to Presbytery by Mr. Mc- Donald in 1793, was as follows : — " Divide the city into ten equal parts. Of these the Dutch have at least four parts in numbers, and in wealth a much greater proportion. The Presbyterians will hardly claim full three parts in numbers, and still less in real wealth. Two parts of the inhabitants will be the full proportion of the Episcopal church ; but in real wealth they will reach higher. The Lutherans, German Calvinists, and Methodists, will amount to no more than one of these parts of the inhabitants, but not perhaps near that proportion of the real wealth of the whole." Thus from this estimate, it would appear that the Presbyterian church had already outstripped the Episcopal and Lutheran churches, which had the start by more than half a century, and was fast gaining on the progress of the Dutch Reformed Church with the advantage of more than a century of a start. In the year 1790, the Presbytery of Albany was erected by the decree of Synod, and held its first meeting in this city and John McDonald was chosen its first Moderator. The pastorate of Mr. McDonald continued till September, 1795, when Presbytery dissolved the relation. He after- 20 wards preached a number of years in Albany, and gathered about him the nucleus of what is now the United Presby- terian Church, on Lancaster street. He died here, Septem- ber 1st, 1821. He was a man of great power and popularity, and lived and died with the esteem and affection of a large circle of friends. 4. Rev. David S. Bogart. After the retirement of Mr. McDonald, the church was again for nearly three years without asettled pastor ; although a portion of this time it enjoyed the stated ministry of Mr. David S. Bogart, then a licentiate of the Dutch Classis of New York. All accounts make the period of his labors with this people about two years, when in reality it was scarcely one. He was supplying the Presbyterian church of South- ampton, L. I., when on Sept. 27th, 1796, the call of this church was made out for his pastoral services. " After much consideration in his own mind, and consultation with judi- cious friends,"-^ he concluded to accept this call and remove to Albany, " where he arrived in the beginning of January, 1797."^ In August, of the same year, not yet having been installed pastor, he signified to Presbytery his determination to decline the call of the Albany church, assigning as his reason in a letter to Presbytery, " ill health, apprehension of ' Funeral Sermon of 3Ir. Bogart preached by Dr. DeWitt of N. Y. 21 inability to discharge the duties of the office in such a man- ner as would be expected of him, and changed circumstances in the congregation." He returned to Southampton in De- cember of the same year he had left there. ^ He continued in charge of that church for sixteen years, refusing a number of calls to other places on account of the affection of his peo- ple, and spending a long and most useful life in the service of that and several other churches in that region. He was a man of the most scholarly attainments, and popular both as a preacher and pastor, wherever he labored. He died in New York, July 10th, 1839, in his seventieth year. 5. Rev. Elipiialet Nott, D.D., LL.D. In August, 1797, Mr. Nott, a young man and a licentiate of the Congregational Association of New London, was re- ceived under the care of Presbytery. For about a year he preached mostly to the congregation of Cherry Valley, occa- sionally supplying at Albany. The following year a call was made by this church for his pastoral services, and on October 3d, 1798, his installation took place. Standing where we do to-day — looking back over his splendid career as preacher, educator and philanthropist — the fame of his name still re- verberating through the land — it may seem strange to us that any opposition should have been made to his settlement as ' Letter of his dausrhter. 22 pastor here. But the fact may here be stated ; because it can now work no injury to his venerated name fortified around with the record of his usefulness : and especially, be- cause it serves to illustrate conspicuously how much better it is for a minority in a church to acquiesce in the decision of the majority lawfully expressed, accepting it as the will of the Great Head of the church. The brief pastorate of Mr. Nott was a most fortunate circumstance in the history of this church. But the great promise of this young man did not at first appear to all the people. A most determined opposition was made to his settlementover this charge, which at one time seriously threatened the continued unity of the congregation — a portion of the people going so far as to peti- tion the trustees for the use of the old house of worship, that they might organize a new church, and " get another min- isier to suit themselves." The minister to suit them, they describe to be, " one who will compose with accuracy, speak correctly, and preach without reading." But he rapidly grew in the community, attracted large congregations, and built up for himself a high reputation as a preacher. His field was a difficult one for a young and inexperienced pastor — his audiences were "critical and cultivated." " Among the constant attendants at this church were such men as Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and Brockholst Livingston." But he had confidence in himself, and all this 23 did not daunt him; but served to stimulate and call forth his splendid powers. A special intimacy sprang up between himself and Hamilton, and when the latter fell at the hand of Burr, the city authorities invited Nott to preach a funeral discourse. It was upon this occasion, that he preached his sermon against duelling, which obtained such wide celebrity, and placed him in the very foremost rank of the preachers of that day. One who confesses to having been " drawn nolens voJens into the Presbyterian church" hy his preaching, judges him to have been " by far the most eloquent and ef- fective preacher of the period."^ After having served this church for about six years, he resigned its pastorate, in 180i, to accept the presidency of Union College ; which largely owes to him its present high position among the educational institutions of the land, and stands as his most illustrious monument to future generations. In the service of this institution the remainder of his life was spent. In 1811, he was raised to the highest position of honor within the gift of the Presbyterian church, by being made Moderator of the General Assembly for that year. He died in Schenectady, January 29, 1866, at the ad- vanced age of ninety-three. 1 Life of Dr. Nott. 24 6. Rev. J. B. Rometn, D.D. On the loth day of October, 1804, a call was made out by this congregation for the Rev. J. B. Romeyn of the Presby- terian Church of Schenectady. He was a young man yet, although he had been for several years in the ministry. He was licensed to preach by the Dutch Classis of Albany at the age of twentj-one. He was ordained to the full work of the ministry by the Classis of Poughkeepsie, May, 1799. In 1803, he accepted a call to the Church of Schenectady, and removed to that place, and labored theie about one year, when he was called here. As a young man he awak- ened the highest expectations of his friends for his future success ; but at this time he seems to have had serious mis- givings about accepting the call of this church. Sprague, in the Annals of the American Pnlplt, speaking of his hesitancy to come to this place, says: — " This being the only Pres- byterian Church at the capital of the state, it had gathered into it a large amount of cultivated intellect and professional eminence, and his two predecessors had been men of remark- able powers and various attainments and under their preach- ing the congregation had become sufficiently fastidious not to be satisfied with pulpit efforts of a mere ordinary character." The care of such a church was a charge a young man might 25 well hesitate to undertake. But, by the advice of his friends, he was finally induced to accept the call, and was installed pastor, December 5th, 1804. He was but twenty-seven years of age when he assumed the charge of this church ; but he sustained himself with reputation and fully met the expect- ations of his friends. He is said to have been " an earnest worker, a vast reader, an animated and forcible but not brilliant preacher." He continued to be pastor of the church for about four years, when in August, 1808, he received two calls almost simultaneously to the city of New York, — one to the Cedar street Presbyterian Church and the other to the Reformed Dutch Church; the former of which he accepted, and re- moved to that city in November of that year. Just before leaving this city, says Sprague,^ " He preached two sermons on the occasion of a fast appointed by the General Assembly. These discourses discover extensive knowledge of history and fjrophecy and a great dread of the influence of Roman- ism and Infidelity on our national institutions. These ser- mons were published by request. They were regarded at the time as among the ablest published discourses of the class to which they belong." The remarkable reputation he had already acquired in the church at large, is shown by the fact that in the spring of 1810, though so young a ' Annals of the Pulpit. 4 26 man, he was elected Moderator of the General Assembly. He continued in charge of the church to which he removed from this place, till the time of his death, which occurred, February 22d, 1825, in the forty-eighth year of his age. Less than two weeks before his death he preached from the text; " It is finished," and administered the sacrament, and intimated that he expected it to be his last communion on earth. 7. Rev. William Neill, D.D. William Neill was a native of Western Pennsylvania, graduated at Nassau Hall, Princeton, in ISOo ; where he re- mained two years as Tutor in the College. During the time of his tutorship, he studied theology under Dr. Kollock, then pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Princeton, and was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, October, 1805. He immediately received an invitation to supply the church at Cooperstown, which he accepted, and in November of 1806 was ordained to the full work of the ministry, and installed pastor of that church by the Presbytery of Oneida. In September, 1809, a call was made out for his pastoral services by this church, which was accepted, and he was in- stalled pastor on the 14th day of the same month and year. For about seven years he continued to be the pastor of this 27 church, and during his ministry it continued to be in a highly flourishing condition. He was a man of scholarly attain- ments, and a most profound student and lover of the Word of God. His high standing in the Presbyterian Church was recognized by his election to the position of Moderator of the General Assembly in the spring of 1815. A strong attach- ment sprang up between himself and his church, which was most reluctantly broken up by his accepting a call to the Sixth Presbyterian Church Philadelphia, and removing to that city in the summer of 1816. The pastoral relation was dissolved by Presbytery, August 20th, of that year. His health being feeble, he was advised not '• to risk a longer residence" in the severe climate of this region. He con- tinued to be pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian Church Phila- delphia for about eight years, when he was elected to the Presidency of Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, which office he filled for several years, when he became Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Education. But the duties of this position proving too arduous for his feeble health, he returned to the active work of the ministry. Though never again regularly settled over any charge, he con- tinued to preach the Gospel in and about the city of Phila- delphia as opportunity offered. For a number of years he regularly supplied one of the churches of Germantown. He died August 8th, 1860, after a most painful sickness of two 28 weeks' duration. He died with these words on his lips — "at rest in God." His age was eighty-two. During the year 1815, the Second Presbyterian Church of this city was organized ; and admitted into Presbytery in October. A little more than a year after this, the Third Presbyterian Church was formed ; and put upon the roll of Presbytery, February 18th, 1817. To both of these churches our own dismissed some of its members. 8. Rev. Arthur J. Stansbury. Dr. Neill was succeeded in the pastorate of this church by the Rev. Arthur J. Stansbury, who came from the Associ- ate Reformed Presbytery of New York — his installation occurring, September 30th, 1817. During his connection with this church, an enterprise was begun, which, it is to be regretted, has not been carried forward to the present time. A Minister's Library was established, and a commit- tee, with the pastor as chairman, was appointed to have charge of it, and to make a purchase of books which at that time was not to exceed in value $1000. An annual collec- tion was ordered for its maintenance. Had the liberal pro- vision then made for this library been carried out, a most valuable collection of books would at this time have adorned the shelves of the minister's room. As it is, a considerable number of rare works are now the property of the church, 29 and a slight addition from year to year would soon make the collection exceedingly valuable to any minister. During the ministry of Mr. Stansbury there were large accessions to the communion of the church. He was pos- sessed of a mind of much versatility, and enriched by large acquisitions of knowledge. His sermons are still remem- bered by some in this congregation for the profound impres- sions they made, and his expositions of Scripture are said to have been of a most remarkable character. His pastorate terminated in February of the year 1821. After his removal from this city, he ceased to oxercise the office of the Gospel ministry. He went to reside in the city of Washington, and for about thirty years was the reporter of Congressional Debates for the National LiteUigencer, and acquired a wide reputation in his new calling. I have heard it remarked of him, that " Clay thought he could not make a speech unless he had Stansbury to report him." At times, he would throw himself with great zeal into the Christian work of the church with which he was connected in that city ; and his addresses and prayers are still remembered there, as characterized by remarkable ability and earnestness. After leaving Wash- ington he removed to Philadelphia, where he spent the re- maining years of his life, and where he died, September 27th, 1S65, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. 30 9. Rev. Henry R. Weed, D.D. On the 7th of May, 1822, the Rev. Henry R. Weed was installed pastor of this church. He was graduated from Union College and Princeton Seminary, and ordained and installed paster of the church at Jamaica, L. I., January 4th, 1816, where he continued a much esteemed and success- ful minister till his removal to this city. He was " remark- able for his plain, practical and scriptural preaching," and for the boldness with which he rebuked, with the authoritj^ of God, whatsoever his Bible taught him was sin. He was the first minister at Jamaica who set his face against the use of ardent spirits at funerals, where it was the custom to pass them around to those assembled on such occasions : and the earnestness with which he here reproved certain society cus- toms, which he regarded as sinful, is still fresh in the memory of some amongst us. He was instrumental in accomplishing much good here in a quiet winning way he had of preaching the Gospel from house to house. His health was always feeble. This led him to offer to Presbytery his resignation of this charge, and to accept an appointment as Synodical Missionary. The pastoral relation was dissolved in No- vember, ]829. He afterwards accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church of Wheeling, Va., where he spent the remainder of his active life, and succeeded in gathering about 31 him a large, wealth}^ and influential church. He became widely known in that region and acquired great influence in the judicatories of the church. He ceased the active duties of his office there on account of failing strength and advancing years ; and leaving the care of his church in the hands of his co-pastor, he removed to Philadelphia ; where he passed a serene old age and died in the full hope of the Gospel, December 14th, 1870, at the age of eighty-three. During the time of Mr. Weed's pastorate here, the church at Greenbush was organized, and on June 28, 1827, a num- ber of the members of this church were dismissed to unite with it. During the latter part of his pastorate, the Fourth Presbyterian Church of this city was organized, and admitted to the roll of Presbytery February 4th, 1829, to which, also, some of this congregation went forth. 10. Rev. John N. Campbell, D.D. The man, who of all others left the most abiding impression of himself on this congregation, was John N. Campbell. This was owing not merely to the length of his pastorate, which lasted for nearly thirty-four years, but to the distin- guishing qualities of the man. His regal presence, his urbane manner, his versatile talents, his intellectual acquirements, his eloquence as a preacher, his knowledge of human nature, his instinct of government, his decision of character — all 32 combined to fit him to be " the Pope" he was called in his own church, and to make him the man of mark he was in the community and in the state. It would appear that Dr. Campbell was educated privately, with the exception of a period spent in the University of Pennsylvania. But, that his training was thorough is shown by the fact, that very early in life he was for a time Professor of Languages in Hampden Sydney College, Virginia. He was licensedby the Presbytery of Hanover, Va., May 10th, 1817. In 1820, he was chosen Chaplain to Congress: in 1823 he was assistant to Dr. Balch of Georgetown : and not long after, he became the pastor of the New York Avenue Church, Washington. Whilst there, he was brought into association with many of the distinguished men of that day whose fame even yet is in all the land, and in some instances this associa- tion ripened into intimacy. He was a welcome and familiar visitor at the President's House during the administration of Jackson, until the General made the mistake of undertaking to regulate the affairs of the church to suit his own imperi- ous will ; when he found he had met one, who recognized the fact, that in his own sacred sphere he was clothed with an authority far superior to that of president, and who had the courage to maintain it. Chief Justice Spencer, a member of this church, then in Washington, was witness of " this un- seemly attempt of power to coerce the right ;" and recognizing 33 the sterling qualities of the man who so successfully resisted it, recommended Mr. Campbell to this church. This led to his call to this conGrreoration on June 7th, 1830. He was in- stalled pastor over this people, September 11th, 1H31. He soon commanded the high position in this city which he occupied till the day of his death. Daring his long ministry here he filled his own pulpit with a regularity rarely ever equalled. He seldom ever allowed any person or anything, excepting sickness, to pre- vent him from preaching the Gospel at the appointed time to the " flock over which God had made him overseer." Upon one occasion, when spoken to on this subject, he re- plied — " God has appointed me to preach the Gospel and to preach it Aere," — showing it was a matter of principle with him, and illustrating the scrupulous conscientiousness with which he adhered to his conviction of duty. It is almost uniformly conceded that as a preacher he possessed unusual power. His sermons were all prepared in a manner pecu- liar to himself; written out in a delicate exact hand, inter- lined and abbreviated, so that the entire matter of the dis- course was contained on a sheet of ordinary commercial note paper, which he had before him in the pulpit. They were brief, pre-eminently Scriptural both in thought and illustra- tion, and "constructed with great simplicity;"^ but delivered ' Sprmjue's Funeral Sermon. 5 84 with the "force and grace" for which he was noted, they rarely failed to make a deep impression on his audiences. About the year 1846, began the most serious controversy in the history of this church, which at (me time threatened the continuance of the pastoral relation. It grew out of a movement for a new church, and finally terminated in the withdrawal of a large number of members, on the removal of the congregation to their new building. These remained in the old church, organized themselves into a Congrega- tional Society, and now worship in their new edifice on Eagle street. Through this long and painful controversy, the pastor bore himself with great tact and ability : and under his ministry in the new church, the congregation continued to grow in wealth and influence. In March 1851, Dr. Campbell was elected by the Legisla- ture a Regent of the University ; and was one of the most active and efficient members of this Board. He was m.ade one of the Commissioners for the erection of the State Li- brary Building ; and the present structure on State street is largely the monument of his architectural taste. He occu- pied various positions of responsibility in the church at large, and filled them all with distinction. After a few da3^s' illness, he died on Sabbath morning, March 27th, 1864, just as the congregation were gathering to observe the holy communion which he had expected to administer. His last 35 sermon preached the previous Sabbath, was from the text, " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." His death produced a profound impression on the whole com- munity, and was made a subject of comment by all the papers of the city, and by correspondents of both secular and religious papers in New York and Philadelphia. It was formally announced in both Houses of the Legislature, and each adjourned in honor of his memory. His funeral took place from this church on March olst; and among the vast concourse of people assembled to do honor to his remains were — the Governor of the state, the heads of the state departments, and the Regents of the University. Few men of the sacred calling have been so honored while living, so revered when dead. During Dr. Campbell's ministry two Presbyterian Churches were organized in this city, besides the Congregational Church already noticed. December, 1831, the Fifth Presbyterian Church was organized and admitted into Presbytery, and the Rev. Alfred Welton of Poughkeepsie was called to be pastor. This people worshiped for a time in the "old City Hall, corner South Market street and Hudson, " and proposed to erect a church on the corner of Green and Hamilton streets. But in the course of a few years this or- ganization became extinct. Its name was stricken from the roll of Presbytery, October 15th, 1834. In 1861, the State 36 Street Presbyterian Church was organized. To each of these chi went out. these churches some of the members of this congregation 11. Rev. James M. Ludlow, D.D. After tlie death of Dr. Campbell the church most naturally felt lost and bewildered. More than a generation had passed away during his ministry. Many in the congregation did not know what a change of pastors meant. With their grief fresh in their minds, it seemed little short of sacrilege to see any other man standing in that sacred desk, which all their lives they had been accustomed to see filled with the venerated form of their dead pastor. They knew not where to look. During the summer, a young man, just graduated from Princeton Seminary, was invited to supply the pulpit a Sab- bath ; and so favorable was the impression he made, that a call was not long after made out for him, and thus the Rev. James M. Ludlow, a licentiate of the Presbytery of Passaic, New Jersey, became the pastor of this church — his installation occurring, January 19th, 1865. During his pastorate, several enterprises were set on foot> which had for their object the call- ing into activity the latent energies of the church. Among these, was the establishment of a mission Sabbath school in Alexander street, for the religious instruction of the neglected children in that part of the city.^ The young element of 1 See Mission School. 37 the church was called out and organized, and various changes Vv'ere introduced. Mr. Ludlow was " an earnest worker, a chaste and elegant writer and a finished speaker." During the summer of 1868, he received a call to the Colle- giate Dutch Church of New York city, which he accepted, and his pastoral connection with this church was dissolved, No- vember liTth, of that year. 12. The Present Pastorate. After the removal of Mr. Ludlow to New York, the church was without a settled pastor for about a year. The pulpit was filled by supplies from week to week till the spring of the following year, when the present pastor then laboring in Frankfort, Kentucky, received the invitation of this people to serve them for a time as Stated Supply; and removed to this city and began to preach statedly to tiiis congregation on the second Sabbath of May, 1869 ; and continued to supply here, excepting during the usual vacation, up to the time of the formal constitution of the pastoral relation in the autumn of the same year. June 28th, a call was made out which in the course of a few weeks was accepted. On the evening of October 24, 1869, seven years ago to-night, the installation occurred. This constituted the first regular settlement of the present pastor; although he had been in the active ministry previously between seven and eight years, principally in 38 Virginia and Kentucky. Owing to the disturbed state of af- fairs there in consequence of thehite war, he declined the calls of the churches he served, thinking more good could be ac- complished without formal relations. Of what has been done or left undone during the present pastorate, I do not propose to speak. We have however reason for gratitude to day that our covenant keeping God has not forgotten this people. Let us " love him and keep his commandments," and his faithfulness and mercy are pledged " to a thousand generations." THE SESSION. HE Minutes of Session date back to January 31st, 1786. In a few brief notes concerning the condi- tion of the church at this time, which are to be found in the beginning of the first Book of Records, it is stated that tliere were "only two Elders in the congregation at the time of Mr. McDonald's ordination. These were Robert Henry and Matthew Watson, who were probably ordained at the organization of the church. But as the congregation was now largely composed of members over whom they had never been set, " a day was appointed for the re-election of these two gentlemen and for some new members in addition to them." At this election, Robert Henry was re-elected to the office of Elder, and several other persons nominated for ordination, who, having been duly examined, were installed January 1st, 178G. At their first meeting tliej' adopted a series of resolutions, which indicate their high appreciation of their duties and responsibilities, and the sincere and earnest spirit with which they entered upon their discharge. At their meeting, December 6th, 1786, among other things it was resolved to " enjoin on the sexton his utmost attention in preserving order during the time of public worship ;" and, that " without special reasons" " no marriage shall be so- 40 lemnized in the congregation without three several intima- tions given in public." The qualifications required for the office of Elder at that time may be inferred from the nature of the examination to which they were subjected. The minute in one instance reads thus. " The Moderator examined into his acquaint- ance with tlie general doctrines of the Christian religion, and the sense in which he understood those that have been subjects of dispute — the nature and design of the sacra- ments, and the subjects to whom they should be ad minis tered — his views of the order, government and discipline of the church — and his resolution in God's strength to support and defend them against innovation and error. He also inquired into the influence of religion on his own soul, and his determination to stud}^ an exemplary walk in his pub- lic deportment and private carriage." From the organization of the church up to the year 1820, the Deacons were in the habit of meeting with the Session, and taking part in all its deliberations as if they had been set apart to rule. The respective duties of the coordinate branches of the church's government were not well under- stood. At one time, there was quite a conflict of authority between the Session and Board of Trustees. The Board claimed, and for many years exercised, exclusive control of all moneys gathered from the church for any purjDose what- 41 soever. No collections were allowed to be taken for the poor, nor for any charitable or missionary purpose, without their permission. The office of Elder in those days was no sinecure. Gov- ernment was more than a name. For a great many years, and indeed down to a comparatively recent date, the Session had regular monthly meetings, and if for any cause no meet- ing was held the reason was entered on the records. Each elder had a particular district of the congregation assigned him for visitation and oversight ; and reports of the conduct of the members in their respective districts were made to the Session. One elder had the oversight of members of the church who spoke the Gaelic language. At first it was Daniel Mclntyre. On his removal from the congregation, Donald McLeod was elected elder on account of his acquaint- ance with that dialect, and assigned to the care of the Gaelic members. Previous to each communion, tokens^ were distri- buted by the elders to persons expecting to partake. This was a custom designed to guard the sacramental table from the approach of persons not especially allowed by the officers of the church. Long tables were spread across the church in front of the pulpit and along the aisle, at which all com- municants took their seats while the elements were passed along by the elders. When thus seated, and before the 1 A small metal piece. 6 42 sacrament was dispensed, the tokens wliicli had previously been given out were taken up, thus rendering it impossible for any one disallowed by the Session to partake without being observed. Thus, too, the communicants were brought under the special observation of the Session, and those who were frequently absent were remarked, and called upon to give their reasons for thus absenting themselves from the Lord's table. Discipline was rigid. Under the strict supervision of the Session, it was almost impossible for any one to be guilty of inconsistencies or immoralities without the fact becoming known to some of the elders ; when the party was immedi- ately summoned for trial. Indeed, the trial of offenders against the discipline of the church, at some periods, consti- tuted the large proportion of the business of the Session at their monthly meetings. The charges most frequently met with in a review of the old Sessional Records, are — absence from public worship, violation of promises, severity in the collection of money, unchristian language, defamation, scandal, profanity, violation of the Sabbath, intemperance, etc. The penalty usually imposed was suspension from the privileges of the church, until the person gave evidence of repentance. But the Session did not regard those thus sus- pended as being outside the church. They continued to keep a careful watch over such, appointing a committee 43 frequently, to look after them and endeavor to bring them to repentance. And now perhaps it is asked what was the re- sult of all this inquisitorialness ? After a careful examination of the Minutes of Session, during the period of this exercise of strict but paternal discipline, I am compelled to say it proved a great benefit to the disciplined. I have been sur- prised to find how many, thus dealt with and watched over, were brought back from the error of their way and restored to their fall standing in the church. But if they continued in a course of sin, not heeding the admonitions and en- treaties of those whom God had made rulers over them in spiritual things, then they were warned of excommunica- tion ; and if they proved utterly incorrigible Session pro- ceeded solemnly to cast them out of God's church. This, however, was very rarely the case. I am not sure but the church is letting go one of God's ordinances for salvation, when it permits discipline to become a thing of the past. In these early timei^, Session not only kept a careful watch over the practice of the people, but also upon the preaching from the pulpit. Just before the call was made for Mr. Nott, a supply one Sabbath promulgated what they deemed unsound doctrine. A committee of Session was appointed to draw up a statement to Presbytery of the errors contained in the sermon. Their report is drawn with all the accuracy of a trained theologian, representing among other things, 44 that the preacher had " positively denied the doctrine of imputed guilt, asserting that man became guilty of Adam's sin by approving it, and not otherwise." The Records of Session sufficiently testify that this church has been fortunate in its choice of men to administer its spiritual affairs. They have almost uniformly been men who have exhibited a high degree of diligence in the exer- cise of their office, — men of intelligence, prudence, piety and sincere devotion to the interest of the church. Among those whose services to this church deserve more than a mere general commendation, may be mentioned the name of Robert Henry, one of the elders elected at its organization. He seems to have been the leading spirit of the little band who organized the church ; and it was largely through his efforts and liberality, that the first house of worship was erected.^ The name of Anannias Piatt, also, still lingers in this church with fragrant memory, on account of his humble, devoted Christian walk, his great faithfulness in the dis- charge of his official duties, and the remarkable " amount of his benefactions to the cause of Christian benevolence." The name of Boyd is one which figures most prominently in the history of this church. It appears on almost every page of the Records, both of the Session and Board of Trustees, from the time of the reorganization of the congregation at the ^Minute of Sy7iod quoted p. 51, 45 close of the revolution, down to the present. The fifth gen- eration of this family is now connected with the church ; and three generations of it, covering the entire time of the church's existence, have successively constituted a leading element in its governing power. Among the later members of Session, whose names should be borne in grateful remem- brance by this people, are Green Hall, Amos Fasset and Thomas McMullen — all of whom have deceased. To the faithfulness and piety of each of them. Session has borne unqualified testimony in its minutes. And I desire here to record my appreciation of the Session of this church as at present constituted.^ I doubt if in its history, the congrega- tion has had over it men better qualified for their duties, or more devoted to its interests, than those who now bear spirit- ual rule over this people. " Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor." ' See list of elders. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. HE persons, to whom was first committed the care of the temporalities of this church, were those whose names appear in the deed the city made to this congregation for a lot on which the first house of worship was erected/ So far as we have any information, they were the only Trustees of the congregation till after the close of the revolutionary w^ar. Under the operation of an act of the Legislature passed in the year 1784, this congregation became regularly organized as a Body Corporate, by an election of a Board of Trustees, on the 5th of October, 1785. From that time to the present, we have perfect records of their proceedings kept with great care and accuracy. They held their first meeting for the purpose of organizing, on the 7th of the same month, and elected Robert Henry " Mode- rator." Some minutes occur in the records of the early meetings of the Board which will doubtless prove interestin<^ to the curious. I give a few specimens. Their first corporate act, after tlie meeting to organize, w^as to resolve " that a public dimier be given to the gentlemen appointed to ordain Mr. McDonald." Soon after, it was "resolved that the clerk take three shillings for making publication of marriage, and sixpence for every person christened," " that the price of burying a person under *Page 13. 47 tlie clnu'cli be, three pounds for an adult, and tliirty shilling for a per- son under fourteen years." The pay of the sexton was fixed at "Three shillings per Sabbath during the winter season. The duties of the sex- ton were enacted as follows. " 1, See that the doors and window shutters of the church are seasonably opened. 2. See that the fires be made in the stoves, in the season thereof, and the snow cleared to the doors of the church. 3. See that the stoves be removed the first day of May, and return them the first day of November. 4. See that children and servants behave with decorum during service. 5. Endeavor, upon ap- proach of strangers, to conduct them to seats. Attend funerals in the congregation, for which a perquisite be taken by him. 6. Keep the Corporation seat for them, and such persons as they introduce. 7. Close the church." A jierson was appointed to "the office of warning the people to funerals and walking before the corpse," for which he re- ceived a " perquisite of twelve shillings." It was resolved " that one thousand coppers be stanqied clmrch penny ^ ' and placed in the hands of the treasui-er, for tlie purpose of exchanging with the congregation at the rate of twelve for one shilling, in order to add respect to the weekly collections." August 5, 1817, the Board procured the jiassage of a law, which allowed two chains to be stretched across the street at each end of the church, in order to prevent vehicles from passing during service. These chains continued in place till about the year 1832. One of the first acts of the Board, was to resolve to rent the pews of the church. This however did not prove acceptable ; and the congregation, " in a body, solicited the Board, that the former resolve respecting the letting of the pews be rescinded, and that they be exposed to public vendue." This request was complied with ; and soon after, the pews were offered at public sale, — a yearly rental being attached to each pew, to be paid by the purchaser for the 'Que of these coppers found some years since sold for $25. — Munsell. 48 support of the church. This is the practice for raising the revenues for the congregation at the present time. As the yearly rentals did not cover the ordinary and necessary ex- penses, an annual subscription was taken for that purpose. This subscription, for expenses the pew rents were not sufficient to cover, continued till the occupation of the pre- sent church building. The committee to take the first sub- scription, were directed to call upon the Patroon, and securing his signature, they were authorized to tender him his choice of the pews of the church. He made choice of pew number four, and was granted " liberty to make what improvements on it" he wished. " The front seat on the right hand, going in the chief door, " was appropriated for the use of the Cor- poration of the city ; and " its opposite to the Governor." " The pew next to the pulpit on the right hand, " was re- served for the minister; and " the one next the pulpit on the left, " was for elders and deacons. When the second house of worship was built, " a suitable cushion " was ordered for the minister's pew. It was also directed, that the in- side of the pew should be " painted a peagreen color and the top of the book board covered with a green cloth fastened with brass nails." The annual income of the church as reported for the year 1787, was £381, about $900. In 1800 the in- come from rents and subscriptions and weekly collections amounted to $1115.81. 49 The management of the finances of a large city church is a work of no small magnitude. As the organization grows expenses grow, and sometimes when the congregation is largest the annual deficit is largest also. To the men, who have given themselves to this difficult task of managing the finances of this congregation in suc- cessive generations, we to-daj^ owe a debt of gratitude which ought not to be forgotten. To serve the church in this sphere costs time, thought, and anxiety, and oftentimes the exercise of great liberality. The value of the services rendered by many of those whose names appear in the list of Trustees is beyond all computation. To mention all those, who deserve a place in the grateful remembrance of this peo- ple for their faithful services in this office, would require us to go well nigh through the entire list, both of the dead and living. One of the most onerous duties of the Trustees of this church has been to provide suitable accommodations for the growing wants of the congregation. Three different times they have been called upon to erect new houses of worship. They have builded two Session Houses, besides making repairs and enlargements involving, each time, a large outlay of funds. EDIFICES. First House of Worship. N the year 1762, according to the sketch of John McDonald, subscriptions were solicited for the purpose of building a church In 1763, as before stated, a piece of ground was deeded to certain persons as Trustees for the same purpose. It was bounded on the south by Hudson street, on the west by Grand street, on the north by Beaver street, and on the east by William street. This ground was then known as " the gallows hill," and is described as being " very steep." The first church building was erected on this lot during the year 1764. A stairway winding around the hill, and very difficult of ascent during the winter season, was the only means of approach to the church. The house was built of wood, and is described as being " of a respectable size, though not of a verv elegant appearance." It was covered with a flat roof and surmounted with a tower and s^^ire, the tower containing a bell. It was painted red, and stood fronting the east. In the Records of the Sjnod of New York and Philadel- phia for 1770, I find a minute which gives the only account of the cost of this building any where to be found. And, as 51 it gives some interesting details concerning the circumstances of the congregation at that time, I give the minute entire. "An application was made in behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Albany reporting that they are deeply involved in debt, and praying that Synod would recommend them to the assistance of charitable and well disposed persons within their bounds. The Synod referred it to Messrs. P. V. B. Living- ston and Elihu Spencer as a committee to examine and make report of the state of their accounts. The said committee reported that it appears by the papers produced to them by Robert Henry, one of the elders of said church, that they erected a building for the public worship of God, the expense of which amounted to £2813, 9.9. od., York currency,^ — that they received from sundry subscribers £811, lOs. %d. for that purpose, which left the sum of £2001, ISs. deficiency to be paid by three persons only, of which Mr. Henry has paid out of his own pocket £1086, los. 6f/., and is liable for part of what still remains unpaid of said debt. The Synod there- fore do cheerfully and cordially recommend them to the as- sistance of well disposed charitable persons within our bounds." There is no where to be found any intimation of the result of this effort to procure financial relief abroad. It was not probably very successful ; for, several years after the second edifice was occupied, on Dec. 22, 1801, the old building was 1 About $7,033. 52 deeded in trust to Robert R. Henrj " for the payment of the principal and interest of the debt which had been contracted with Mr. Robert Henry, deceased, by the congregation in building the old church ;**='= and for such other debts proportionately as may be legally established, having been contracted in like manner." The condition of the deed was, that Robt. R. Henry should " completely indemnify this Board, and their successors, against all legal demands, etc' Thus, the old house passed out of the hands of the Board, and in the course of time was torn down, and the lot sold. The Second Buildk^g. Owino" to the increase of the conirreiiation, durin"- the ministry of Rev. John McDonald, it was found necessary to provide enlarged accommodations ; and it was determined to take steps for the erection of a new and commodious edifice. For this purpose, the Board of Trustees, on the 15th of February, 1792, appointed a committee to purchase a " lot on the plains; " which they succeeded in doing for the sum of £65. It was situated on what is now the corner of South Pearl and Beaver streets. The foundation of the building was laid under the supervision of the Board. For work thus done, I find a bill was ordered paid, amounting to £376, 146-. Sd. March 16th, 1794, the Board resolved to advertise for proposals to build the walls and do the outside 53 The Second Edifice. carpentering and Jfloor- ing; and the contract was awarded to Elisha Putnam on the 17th day of March, 1795, for the sum of £3250. Subse- quently, a contract was entered into with the same party to do the inside carpenter work ibr the sum of £963 ; to which amount £50 were afterwards added by the Board, "in Heu of ma- terials of the old church," which the contract al- lowed to be used. The lathing and plastering was done by Garrit Keating for £300. I have nowhere found a statement of the entire cost of this house; but, put- ting the above items together, which constitute- the main expense of the building, it gives a total cost, not including the lot, of £4939, 14.s. 8(/., or about $12,347. Various other incidental expenses would doubtless increase this sum a few thousand dollars. There appears to have been much diffi- culty in raising this am.ount of money. After the subscrip- 54 tions had been exhausted, a number of gentlemen advanced .£200 each to forward the work, to be refunded from the sale of pews, when the church should be completed. The pastor and one of the Board were directed to proceed to New York, and other places, to solicit contributions for the purpose of completing the structure. Still the enterprise delayed ; until on July 22d, 1796, an association of share holders was formed, and the needed means raised ; when the work was progressed, and the house finished, and first occupied, No- vember 2d, of the same year. Dr. Smith, of Union College, preached two sermons on the occasion. The steeple was not finished for nearly twelve years afterwards. The pews were sold, January 16th, 1797, — within a few days of five years from the time the movement began. The sum realized from the sale of the pev/s was $8398.75; and the annual income was $525.50. In one of the papers of the day, this house was described as being, " a handsome building sixty- four feet by seventy-six, eligibly situated in Washington street corner of Beaver. The inside of the church is in modern style, and the workmanship very elegant." During the summer of 1831, this building was enlarged by an addition of sixteen feet on the north end, and the interior remodelled and much improved ; and it became " the most elegantly finished church in the city." The expense of these improvements was $4,600. 55 As thus remodelled, this building is well remembered by a large proportion of our citizens. In this form it appears in the accompanying plate. The congregation continued to worship in it, till their removal to the present edifice in 1850. It then passed into the possession of the Congrega- tional Society of this city, and was occupied by them, till within a few years ; when they removed to their new church on Eagle street. It was then sold, and has since been used for business purposes, and is now known as Beaver Block, on South Pearl street. In 1815, the Session House, belonging to the old church, was erected at a cost of $5,000. The Present Edifice. In looking at the imposing structure, in which this con- gregation now worships, no one would dream that it was the outcome of an embarrassed state of church finances. But, strange as it may seem, it was so. In a paper adopted by the Board of Trustees, October 2d, 1846, and addressed to the congregation, it was represented, — that the pew rents did not cover much more than half the running expenses of the church, — that the individual subscriptions made for that purpose, were not sufficient to meet the balance, and were falling off from quarter to quarter, leaving each year a large and increasing deficit, amounting the current year to 56 the sum of $800, — and that there already was a large debt upon the corporation, which, at the present rate of increase, would in a few years " be so great as to cover all their pro- perty." In view of these facts, the board suggested two plans to get out of their present difficulty. The first was — to reorganize the congregation in the old house of worship, doubling the pew rents, and assessing the pews, in addition, a sufficient amount to meet the debt. The second plan was — to build a new church. At a meeting of the pew holders held, October 5th, 1846, the latter plan was adopted. In view of this action of the congregation, it is evident, that the financial stress was rather the occasion, than the cause, of the movement for a new church building. No set of men, in sober reason, would incur liabilities amounting in the ag- gregate to over $100,000, in order to escape a debt of between three and four thousand dollars. It was evidently a desire, on the part of a majority of the people, for a house of worship more in keeping with the progress of the times and the wealth and standing of the congregation, which was the primary motive in the whole movement. Although this action of the congregation, looking to the erection of a new church building, was opposed by a large minority of the people, it vf as forwarded with much energy. Papers were circulated and liberal subscriptions secured. A lot of ground, on the corner of Hudson street and Philip, 57 was purchased, in September of 1847, upon which, in the course of the same autumn, was begun " the erection of a church edifice, after the model of the First Presbyterian Church, New York." The main building was completed early in the year 1850. On Sabbath, March 3d, an interest- ing farewell service was held in the old church. Dr. Camp- bell preaching an appropriate discourse, taking for his text, James 4 : 17. — " Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, it is sin" — being the same text from which he had preached,* when he assumed charge of the congrega- tion, twenty years before. On the following Sunday, March 10th, 1850, the new edifice was opened for public worship, the pastor officiating alone in the dedicatory services. The text on this occasion was, Haggai 9 : 2. — " The glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of hosts ; and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts." The discourse is described as having been " truly eloquent and impressive." The house was filled to its utmost capacity, and large numbers were compelled to leave, being unable to gain admittance.-^ During the year 1855, steps were taken looking to the erection of a Session House. After various negotiations, additional ground was purchased in rear of the church building; and dui^ing the summer of 1856, a Lecture Room was erected, completing the design of the building as it now ' MunselVs Annals, vol. ii, pp. 255-6, 1st ed. 8 58 stands.^ It was dedicated in the evening of June 17th, 1857. The entire cost of the church edifice, as thus com- pleted, was about $115,000.^ This amount was raised vari- ously, — by the sale of the old property, by subscriptions, loans, and mortgages, running through a period of a dozen years. The last of it, being a balance of $12,332.91 neces- sary " to clear the church fully and finally from debt," was provided for by a subscription made through the con- gregation in December of 1858. The wisdom of this twelve years' experience was embodied in a resolution, which was adopted by the Board, December 31st, 1858, and in these words : — " It is finally and unalterably — Resolved — That hereafter, no debt shall be contracted against this corporation, unless by a vote of two-thirds of all the Trustees elected under its charter, to be recorded on the minutes, with the names of the Trustees voting thereon." It was also further — '■^Resolved: — The above resolution shall be read at each meeting of the Board." These resolutions, together with a recent action of the Board according to which the consent of the Pastor must be obtained, constitute a very effectual bar against the incur- ring of debts upon the church. It is a gratifying fact, that, - See Frontispiece. ■^ This information I get from the present efficient President of the Board of Trustees, who was one of the building committee, and gave much personal attention to all the details of the work. 69 at the present time, the finances of this congregation are being administered in accordance with the spirit of the above resolutions, and the scriptural injunction, "owe no man anything." In the spring of the year, 1870, it was found that owing to the settling of the tower, extensive repairs were needed to render it secure. The entire inner wall of the tower, from the foundation to the organ loft, was removed, and re- built with heavy granite blocks, procured through the New Capitol Commissioners ; and for which the Board paid the sum of $733.46.^ The mastic on the outside of the church was also removed ; the interior refrescoed and refurnished ; and a new organ put in. The cost of these repairs was about $14,000 : the entire amount of which was raised and paid, leaving no debt upon the corporation. This concludes the account of the church buildings, with the exception of the Mission Chapel in Alexander street. But as it was the result of a voluntary movement, and not the doing of the Corporation of the church, any notice of it belongs more appropriately under the head of the Mission School, which will be noticed hereafter. ' I am thus exact here, because at one time it was alleged, that the Capitol Commissioners had made no charge for this stone, and that the State was thus defrauded. The vouchers are in the possession of the Treasurer. PRAISE. N no respect has the worship of this church changed so much, as in that of praise. For many ^E^JSgJiS ' years after its organization the singing of the congregation was led by a precentor. This was an office of emolument and honor ; although, doubtless the honor was much more prized than the emolument. The amount of salary at first was<£5^ a year; and for more than a quarter of a century, it was less than one hundred dollars. The duties of the office were " lining the Psalm," and " leading the singing." The incumbent occupied a position a little lower than the minister, in front of the pulpit. After the Psalm had been announced, and duly read through and "explained" by the minister; the precentor began and read two lines, and then led the people in the singing of the same, then two lines more, and so on in the same way, reading or "lining" and singing, until the whole Psalm was gone through. It was no small accomplishment to be able to " turn the tune well," — to multiply one syllable, at the end of a line, sometimes into three to make it fit the tune — and to gracefully glide from singing to reading, and vice versa; '$12.50. 61 but so accomplished did some become through long practice, that it might be difficult to determine exactly when the singing ended and the " lining" began ; and tradition tells of the great disgrace that fell upon presuming individuals, who aspired to this office without the requisite gifts and training. The first innovation in this part of the worship was made in the year 1800. At its meeting, March 4th, of that year, Session directed each elder to inquire among the members in his district, if any would be opposed to the abolition of the custom of lining the Psalms as they were sung. At the next meeting, it was reported that there was " no material objection ; " and accordingly, notice was given, that, on the first Sabbath of the following month, it would be discon- tinued ; and requesting the people to supply themselves with " Psalm Books," — Session also ordering some copies to be dis- tributed by the deacons among the poor. At their meeting, September 19th, 1803, Session received a petition signed by one hundred and two persons, praying them to introduce the Books of Psalm.s and Hymns recommended by the General Assembly, and abolish the use of the old version of the Psalms. There was, however, strong opposition to the in- troduction of uninspired hymns into the worship of God. For two years the petition was allowed to remain unan- swered; when the change asked for was made, going into 62 effect the second Sabbath of September, 1805. Some per- sons withdrew from the church in consequence of this change. The precentor, at this time, seems to have created dis- satisfaction, on account of the music he was introducing in leading the singing. The Session adopted a very simple method of regulating the evil. September 2d, 1805, a com- mittee was appointed to " make a selection of tunes proper to be sung in the church." This committee reported at the next meeting, recommending twenty-seven tunes, of the dif- ferent metres, as suitable to be sung. Tlie report was adopted, and the precentor furnished with the list, from which he was to make his selections. This list contains a number of the " good old tunes" most acceptable to the church at the present time. Some such action, on the part of the Session at this time, was very necessary; as persons were asking for letters of dismissal, assigning as their reason, the kind of music which was being used in the worship of God's house. The singing at this time being wholly congregational, it was of importance that the people, as far as possible, should be qualified to join harmoniously in the exercise. Both the Session and the Board of Trustees recognized this fact ; and, the facilities for receiving a musical education being exceed- ingly limited, andenjoyed by thefewest, various arrangements were effected, from time to time, for exercising the people in 63 singing. " Singing schools" were organized, the precentor was required not only to lead the singing in the church, but also to teach the people during the week — for which extra salary was allowed — and, at times, the congregation were asked to meet, before or after the usual Wednesday evening lecture, for the purpose of " improving themselves in psalm- ody." Thus was the praise of the congregation conducted up to about the year 1829 or 30. November 22d, 1829, a committee was appointed by the Session to " regulate the singing in our church in the gallery ;" and, at the next meeting, they " reported that they had attended to that duty, and that pews had been assigned for that purpose." This action, doubtless, marks the time of the introduction of the choir into this church. Other ad- vances soon followed ; each of them in turn shocking the pious sensibilities of some of the good people of the congre- gation, and occasioning no small dissatisfaction. Among some old files of papers, I find a petition to the Session on the subject of church music, signed by thirty-three prominent male members of the congregation. Although it bears no date, yet, from circumstances, it must be assigned to the early part of the year 1830. In it, the petitioners ingen- iously argue ; — that church music is a " part of the worship of the church militani, more nearly allied to that of the church triumphant, than any other," — that, " where there is a spirit 64 of singing, there is a spirit of prayer," — tliey declare them- selves "extremely anxious to cultivate to its true standard that interesting, important, and too much neglected part of the public worship of God," — and as a means for the attain- ment of these most desirable ends, they ask "permission for the choir — To stand iij) when they sing — and, To use instrumental accompaniments to assist their voices in lveei)ing tone and time." Of course, no church Session would care to record them- selves against this extreme desire to more nearly ally the church militant to the church triumphant and to increase a spirit of prayer ; and if they had any doubts as to the effi- ciency of the means suggested to accomplish these ends, they gave no official utterance to them. I find no minute of any action having ever been taken on this petition, nor any re- ference whatsoever to it. But, on Sabbath, the 18th day of August, 1830, the choir both stood up when they sang, and had an instrumental accompaniment to help them keep " tone and time."^ The instrument then introduced was a large bass viol. To this was added, not long after, a violon- cello, a violin, and two flutes. AVhen the new church was finished, in 1850, an organ was built in at an expense of $2,000. About six years ago, this organ was made to give ' In a scrap book made by Jacob Vanderzee, there is a woodcut picture clipped from one of the papers of tlie period caricaturing the choir as it appeared on that day. 65 place to the large, noble instrument, which occupies the organ loft at the present time. Up to about the year 1861, the choir was what is generally known as " amateur," — the best musical talent of the church volunteering to lead the singing of the congregation, — only the leader or organist receiving pay. During the autumn of 1861, paid singers were introduced; and the choir has been composed of such, with one exception, from that time to the present — the expense ranging between $1000 and $1,500. It would, however, be doing great injustice to those who have now for many years led the music of this congregation, to class them with the ordinary professional choir. Without exception, they have always shown themselves accommodat- ing and obliging, and have taken a deep interest in all that pertains to the welfare and prosperity of this congregation. One of them/ who is a member of our own church, has given his services in this direction, wholly gratuitously, for a period of now nearly twenty years ; and I avail myself of this op- portunity to express to him the sincere thanks of this entire congregation. 1 A. P. Stevens. SABBATH SCHOOLS. Church School. ROM the beginning, this church has shown great concern for the careful religious training of its children. The old records of the church show, that, during the last century, the catechetical instruction of the young was one of the reguLar services of the Sabbath ; and various plans were adopted, from time to time, looking to the more efficient discharge of this important duty. During the early years of this century, the Sabbath School movement began to attract attention in this country. Up to 1813, schools had been organized at the following places ; ^ — New Brunswick, N. J., 1709 ; Greenwich Village, N. Y., 1804; Bath, N. H., 1805; Pittsburgh, Pa., 1809; New York City, and Beverly, Mass., 1810 ; Somerville, N. J., 1811 ; Boston, and Salem, Mass., 1812. Then came the first organization of the kind in this city. March 21st, 1813, Mr. and Mrs. Upfold opened a " Sunday Free School" in Van Tromp street, " where several branches of an English education" were taught. This enterprise, however, did not continue long. Again, in January 1816, Mrs. Upfold and Mrs. Booking opened a " Sabbath ^ History S. S. Union by J. Ferris. 67 School for the instruction of African females." Soon after this, another school was opened, in the Uranian Hall, for males. These two enterprises were afterwards united, and continued for a number of 3ears to do a most excellent work for the colored population of this city. In June of this year, also, some ladies of the Reformed Dutch Church opened a school for girls in Green street, which continued through that summer, and then was closed on account of the severity of the winter, and not opened again for some two years. None of tliese enterprises were permanent ; neither were any of them admitted into any of the churches. The first Sabbath School organized in this city, which proved permanent, was the First Presbyterian. Three lady members of thij church, in July, 1816, opened a school for girls at house No. 20, Beaver street. Their names were Miss Oakie, Miss Berbank, and Miss Aimes now the venerable Mrs. James, widow of Rev. Dr. James, and at the present time a member of this church. This school was an immediate suc- cess, and soon removed to the basement of the church, and was recognized as a church school. That its relation to the church was fully and speedily recognized, is evident from a minute I find on the Session book, dated May 9th, 1817 : — " A memorial signed by Miss M. L. Ames, in behalf of the Sunday School Society belonging to this congregation, and praying for a collection," etc., was " referred to the Board of 68 Trustees, with a request that the prayer of the petition might be granted." In September^ of 1816, three other schools were started, — one by some members of the Methodist church, — one by Mr. Young, who was also connected with the Upfolds in their first enterprise — (neither of these continuing long), — and one for boys, September 1st, by the Young Men's Society, in a schoolroom in Green street. This latter school soon filled up the room in which it met ; and the year following applicants for admission were turned over to a school, started in August, ] 817, by Mr. Dillingham, on the corner of Chapel and Steuben streets. These schools were afterwards merged into one and became the Second Presbyterian. The order of time, therefore, in which some of the earlier schools were organized in this city, and which have survived uninter- ruptedly to the present, seems to be about as follows : — July, 1816, First Presbyterian. September 1st, 1816, Second Presbyterian. January 1st, 1818, St. Peters. 1818 or 1819, Middle Dutch.^ November 13th, 1819, First Baptist. April 30th, 1820, Lutheran. December 17th, 1820, North Dutch. ' Report of Superintendent Briggs for 1876. ■' MunselVs Annals. 69 When first organized our own school was designed only for girls, but soon the plan was enlarged to admit boys also. Its main object seems to have been, to furnish instruction of a religious character to poor and neglected children, whom the ordinary Sabbath instruction failed entirely to reach. The Sabbath School idea did not then, and, rightly understood, does not now, presume to take the care of the church's children out of the hands of Christian parents, their Divinely appointed guardians and instructors. Parents cannot leave the religious education of their offspring to any merely human institution, no matter how excellent it may be, without proving themselves neglectful of a most sacred and heaven imposed duty. The Session of the church continued to give the same careful attention to the catechetical instruction of the young, after, as before, the organization of the Sabbath School in connection with this congregation. September 1st, 1820, it was resolved that the elders should " attend in rotation, on Wednesday afternoon, to aid and countenance the pastor in instructing the classes in the Bible and Catechism ; " and in 1838, Session "appointed a committee to make arrange- ments, in the Sunday School of our church, for appropriating- a part of the time each Sabbath, to the teaching of the children the Assembly's Catechism." Thus it appears, that until comparatively recent years, the Sabbath School had 70 not superseded those useful catechetical exercises, maintained and conducted by the pastor and Session from the organi- zation of the church. For many years the chief officer of the school was called " Principal." The first Principal of whom we have any information was Mr, Warner. It is to be regretted that no minutes of the school have been kept back of 1840. As perfect a roll, however, of Principals and Superintendents, as can be made, will be found among the lists of the officers of the church. The school has maintained a vigorous exist- ence from the beginning. But in more recent years it has become so largely a church school, reaching so small a por- tion of that element of our community for whom it was originally intended, that it was felt by many, that some new enterprise of a Sabbath School character ought to be set on foot by our church, looking more to the care of poor and neglected children. This eventually took shape in the organization of the '■o'- Mission School. A meeting of the friends of such an enterprise, was held in the Lecture Room of the church, March 30th, 1866. Great interest was manifested ; the movement was at once fully inaugurated, and afterward vigorously carried forward. Various committees were appointed, to choose a site for a 71 Chapel, — to ask the assent of the Session and Board of Trustees to a canvass of the congregation for subscriptions — and to solicit contributions. Unanimous consent was given, by the officers of the church, for a committee to call on the members for means to forward the enterprise, on the condi- tion, that the object should simply be stated, and "the money should be voluntarily offered for this purpose and not solicited," so that it might " not interfere with the regular revenues of the church," On this condition, the money was soon obtained and a house built on a lot which had been procured in Alexander street. The whole cost of the ground and chapel was $4,779.68. September 10th, 1866, a meeting was held to organize the school. Twenty-two persons volunteered their services as teachers; Mr. Joseph F. Winne was elected superintendent; and other officers were chosen. The enterprise was now fully organized and officered, — only lacking the important element of scholars to teach. From the beginning of the movement, it was walking " by faith and not by sight." What if after all this effort, outlay of means, and organiz- ation, no scholars could be induced to attend ? The most sanguine could scarcely hope for more scholars at first, than the number of teachers and officers they now had. It was with no little anxiety on the part of the originators of the movement, that the opening day was awaited. Sabbath 72 afternoon, September 16th, 1866, the house was dedicated with appropriate exercises ; and one week from that time, September 23d, it was opened for school purposes. Nor was the faith which inspired the movement hitherto disappointed, so far as visible promise of success was concerned. Two hundred and one scholars were present the first day; and the number continued to increase from day to day, until the accommodations of the house proved inadequate. November 27th, 1867, it was resolved by the teachers^ to endeavor to raise funds for the purpose of building on an addition to the Chapel ; which was successfully accomplished during the following winter. This addition made the entire cost of the property about §6000. This house was destroyed by fire in the early morning of September 13th, 1869. It was immediately rebuilt, and rededicated December 5th, of the same year. Mr. A. P. Stevens was elected Superintend- ent, September 15th, 1869, and continues to fill the ofiice at the present time. The school has always been largely attended, and is now in successful operation. Though the work is necessarily one of a difficult, and in some of its as- pects, discouraging character, yet the faithful toilers in this field have, for their great encouragement, the promise of " the faithful God," which keepeth covenant and mercy to a thousand generations." •' As the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth 73 the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater : So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth : it shall not re- turn unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I send it." " In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand : for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good." 10 BENEVOLENCE. i'OR many years, tliere does not seem to have been much attention given to the subject of benevolence. I The Board of Trustees received all moneys gathered in the church into their treasury. When Presbytery or General Assembly made calls for contributions for various objects, the Board voted such sums as they deemed " to be adequate ;" which were usually very small, averaging but a few pounds. Of course, under such a system, there was no opportunity for the growth of a spirit of benevolence. This plan was abandoned somewhere about the year 1800. In 1804, a charity collection for the poor was taken in the church, after a special sermon on the subject by Mr. Nott. The sum realized on that occasion was $327, and was re- marked " as the most liberal collection ever taken in the city."^ This amount may seem small, as compared with nearly $3000 given by this church last year to the poor in our own midst ; but when we remember that this was among the earliest efforts of the congregation in the way of charity contributions, and also take into consideration the compara- tive ability of the church then and now, we need not think 1 MmiseWs An7ials. 75 strange that it should be remarked as a very Uberal contri- bution. Up to 1830, there was little exercise of the spirit of li- berality, — the collections generally running under $100. But about that time, there is a very marked change, and rapid improvement from year to year, which has continued to the present time, — the aggregate of the contributions during the past year being the largest in the history of the church. If, therefore, we are not financially stronger than we have ever been ; then, what is better, we are more liberal. The sum total of moneys gathered in the congregation for all purposes during the last seven years is something over |105,000. It is a curious fiict, well worth noting, that in those years when the church raised the largest amounts for necessary expenses at home, its contributions to the various causes of benevolence abroad have also been largest, — illus- trating the important truth, that the more a people give the more they are disposed to give. SPIRITUALITY. |1KE all churches, this one has had its seasons of quickening, and times of coldness and formality; but it has not been subject to those regular oscil- lations from one of these states to the other, that character- ize the life of churches sometimes. Its growth has not been spasmodic, but rather gradual and healthy. It has not en- joyed many great revivals ; but it has continually enjoyed a good degree of the favor of the church's Great Head. Its roll of members shows that in all the years of its existence, but few communion seasons have passed without some ac- cessions. From the character of the people who have always largely composed this church, meetings of a highly emotional nature could never find encouragement. As a consequence, when the means of grace, on rare occasions amounting only to three or four during the church's existence, have been in- creased, they have been unmistakably called for by the quickened state of the church at the time. Meetings " to o-et up a revival" have never been resorted to. The labors of " Evangelists" have never been sought. When meetings have been multiplied, as in 1831, 1840, and 1872, they have been conducted wholly by the pastor ; and they have been characterized by such an entire absence of every external de- monstration of excitement, that sometimes the congregation 77 had but little conception of the extent of the work of grace going on in their midst. The results of these meetings have been the very best possible. The fruits of each one of these ingatherings are found in the church now, and constitute a part of its most active and efficient element. From the or- ganization of this church up to June 21st, 1843, — the time of the publication of the last catalogue, — the whole number received into its membership is set down at 1680, From that time up to the beginning of the present ministry, 405 were added. During the present pastorate, the accessions have been 188, — making a total of 2273 souls. My brethren, this is a goodly number; but is it quite what we should like to behold as the result of the work of such a church as this for more than a century ? Might it not have been reasonably expected, that this large church, standing in the midst of this community, for so long a time, with its powerful influences, would have drawn into it a larger number than it has ? May it not be, that its historic con- servatism has tended somewhat to repress and hinder its aggressive power ? I like conservatism. It is prudent : it is cautious : it is safe : its language is that of the apostle, " Prove all things, hold fast that which is good." If it does not build so rapidly ; it builds more securely. If it does not go on so fast ; it goes more surely. I am grateful that the Great Head of the church has assigned me to labor in a 78 field, where the " progressive spirit of the age " is not re- cognized as of any special authority, — among a people, with whose views concerning some of the church measures of the day, my own are in such entire accord. In this re- gard, " the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places." And yet, my brethren, let us remember we may mistake here. There is such a thing as too straight a conservatism, one that may keep us too much shut up within ourselves ; and which may prevent us, as a people, from reaching and sav- ing as many as we might. God grant that this church may ever stand in this community as a bulwark of the old doc- trines of the Gospel, and the good old ways ; but at the same time, God ' grant, that no conservatism of old ways, simply because they are old, may stand in the way of its utmost efficiency for the salvation of souls. It is jm en- couraging fact that the spiritual power of this church is on the increase. The yearly average of accessions to our com- munion during the past seven years, is more than one-third larger than that of the previous seven, and almost double the average for fourteen years immediately preceding. Only let us bear in mind that the Master has called us each to work in his vineyard, — let us gird ourselves with the grace of his Gospel, and this healthy increase of efficiency may be multiplied many times. Let us remember the poor. Let us not forget, that one of the great distinguishing features of the New Testament 79 dispensation is, that " the poor have the Gospel preached unto them," It should be the great ambition of every church, to fulfil and illustrate this Divine ideal, and make the propehcy history. Let us, therefore, neglect no influence that is calculated to reach, with the saving grace of Christ, this large class, to whom above all others, the church is especially commissioned by its Lord to go. Brethren, the past is beyond our reach : its history is made for eternity : but the future is ours to improve, or neglect. Our church occupies a vantage ground for useful- ness to-day never surpassed in its existence. Let us learn from the past, let us take courage from the present, let us be inspired by the future, and address ourselves to its duties as never before. Our generation will soon be num- bered with those of the past. Our works will soon be studied by posterity, as we study to-day those of the generations dead. God help us to fill well our brief day, that it may be written of us — "They were a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, * * * a peculiar people ; " showing " forth the praises of him " who called them " out of darkness into his marvellous light." And the God of our fathers, " the faith- ful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy, with them that love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations," own and prosper the works of our hands ; and to his own Great Name be praise, evermore. Amen. OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH FROM ITS ORGANIZATION. Kev, Willium Haiiiia, Rev. Andrew Bay, Rev. Jolm IMcDonald, Rev. David S. I3ogart, Rev. Eliphalet Nott, Rev. Jolm ]>. Roiueyn, Rev. William Neill, Rev. Arthur J. Stanshiuy, Rev. Henry R. Weed, Rev. Jolm N. Campbell, Rev. James M. Ludlow, Rev. J. McClusky Blayney, PASTOllS. Stated Supply, IKiS-llGB. " lYGS-lYVS. Pastor, Nov. 8, 1775-Sept., 1705. Stated Supply, Fel). IT, 1797-Dec., Rastor, Oct. -A, 1798-Sept., 1804. " Dec. 5, 1804-Nov., 1808. " Sept. 14, 1809-Aug. 20, 181G. " Sept. 80, 1 8 1 7-Fel)., 1821. " May 7, 1822-Nov., 1820. " Sept. 11, 1831-March 27, 18G4 " Jan. 19, 1865-Nov. 27, 1868. Oct. 24, 1869- 1797. ELDERS. When ordained. Office vacated. Probably at Organization of tlu; church about 1762 or 63. Robert Henry. Matthew Watson. Jan. 1, 178(). Daniel Mclntyi'e. Peter Sim. John Boyd. April 1st, 1787. Joseph Newlands. John Folsom. March 21, 1790. Donald McLeod. Name ai))>ears last Jan. 7, 1786. Died. Ceased acting. Not re-elected Jan. 1, 1786. Removed from city A})ril 17, 1789. Name appears last Sept. 17, 1796. Name appears last Oct. 4, 1793. Name appears last Sept. 2 7, 1792. Removed from city, Feb. 12, 1797. Resigned Dec. 2, 1800. 11 82 August 29, 1790. Abraham Eights. Hunloke Woodruff. A. D., 1'794. James Boyd. Isaac Ilutton. April 28, 1805. Elias Willard. Gilbert Stewai-t. John Boardman. Dec. 27, 1812. Anannias Piatt. Nehemiah B. Basset. Jan. 31, 1819. John Woodvv^ortli. Theo. V'W. Graliani. Timothy P'asset. Sept. 3, 1820. Peter McHench. Peter Boyd. June 22, 1823. Green Hall. Stephen l^ider. Name appears last Oct. 12, 1819. Died. Died July 4, 1811. Died August IG, 1832, age 90, Ceased to act, May, 1819. Died March 20, 1827, age 72. Dismissed to church in Aurora, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1820. Dismissed to 2d Pres. Ch. at organization, Dec. 14, 1815. Died April 10, 1842, age 80. Removed to Schenectady, May 2, 1820. Resigned September 22, 1841. Died July 5, 1822. Dismissed to 4th Pres. Ch., June 1, 1830. Died Oct. 25, 1822. Died July 3, 184G, age 71. Died September 8, 1863. Ceased acting, September 9, 1863. Between July 1, Sept. 2, 1823. Josiah Sherman. Died July 17, 1832, age 63. Oct. 7, 1831. Israel Williams. Sept. 22, 1837. Amos Fasset. Elias Warner. Dec. 23, 1842. Elihu Russell. Daniel Fry. Died April 26, 1840. Died Feb. 21, 1858, age 75. Dismissed to 2d Pres. Ch., April 5, 1843. Died June 24, 1862, age 78. Died Aug. 28, 1850. 83 Joined the Quakers, Dec. V, 1853. Died April IV, 1853. Acting now. Died, March 24, 1869. Acting now. Acting now. Acting now. Frederick S, Pease. Thomas McMiiUen. June 24, 1853. James P. Boyd. Wm. G. Brown. Dec. 23, 1863. Thos. P. Crook. Peter C. Don. Chas. B. Nichols. April 26, 1868. Robert K. Cunningham, Dismissed, May 31, 1869, toRef. Ch. Mohawk, N. Y. Acting now. Dismissed, Oct. 26, 1874, to 1st Pres. Ch., Poughkeepsie. Acting now. Stewart McKissick. LeRoy C. Cooley. Clarence T. Jenkins. DEACONS. Ordained. Jan. 1, 1786. James Boyd. John Folsom. 1794 A.D. Peter McHench. James Chestney, April 28, 1805. James Hodge. Andrew Hoffman. Dec. 27, 1812. Chester Bulkley. Sept. 3, 1820. Green Hall. Stephen J. Rider. Service Ceased. Elected elder 1794. Elected elder 1787. Elected elder Sept. 3, 1820. Resigned Nov. 4, 1800. Resigned March 7, 1814. Died April 3, 1806. Dissmissed Dec. 14th, 1815 to become elder in the 2d Presbyterian church, city. Elected elder June 22, 1823. Elected elder June 22, 1823. 84 June 22, 1828. Abraham Covert. Marcli 2:5, 1S32. Walter R. ^forris. Sept. 25, is;]r,. Amos Fasset. Sept. 22, 1S;{V. Kliliu Ilnssell. William (i. IJrowii. June 24, ls.5.i. Charles Gay. Dec. 28, ]S03. Howard lioyd. William Wendell. Dismissed to 4th Pres. eh., eity, June 1, 1S30. Name .•ij»]»ears last Jan. 2], 188"). P]lected elder Sept. 22, 1887. Elected elder Dec. 28, 1 S42. Elected elder June 2 4, lSo8. Died April i, 1858. Acting noM . Acting now. Name. T^oltert IFenry, Mathew Watson, Theodorus VAV. (indiani, Daniel JNIcTntyre, James Boyd, John Robeson, John W. Wendell, Robert ISIcClelland, Hunloke Woodruff, James Bloodgood, James Caldwell, Aliraham Eights, Richard Sill, Alexander Chestnut, Charles R. Webster, Enock Leonard, John V. Ileiny, TRUSTEES. Period of Service. 1785-170]. 1 785-1791. ]7S5-n7, 180U-8, IS 10- 12, IS! 7-20. 17S5-1787. 1785-1787. 1785-1787, 1 700-1 7!)2. 1785-1789, 1791-1800. 1785-1789, 1802-1808. 1785-1807. 1 787-1 79G. 1787-1700, 1705-1 70S. 1787-1700. 1780-1 700. 1789-1705. 1790-1796, 1828-1824. 1791-1804. 1792-1807, 1815-1821. 85 ATilliam McClelland, Iim-\19^, 1803-1818. Elisha Kane, 1796-1801. Francis Bloorlgood, 1797-180.3. George Pearson, 1797-1801. James Barkley, 1799-1802. John Grant, 1799-1801. Peter Sharp, 1801-1805. John Cuyler, 1801-1802. Gilbert Stewart, 1802-1820. William P. Beers, 1803-1810. William Caldwell, 1803-1806. James Kane, 1803-1806. Andrew Brown, 1804-1807. Isaac Hntton, 1805-1817. Thomas Mather, ' 1806-1807. Gecn-ge Webster, 1806-1809, 1812-1823. Eleazer V. Backus, 1807-1813. John Boardman, 1807-1816. Hugh Boyd, 1807-1810. Robert R. Henry, 1807-1815. John Wooodworth, 1809-1821. Charles S. Pratt, 1810-1816. William Boyd, 1811-1840. Peter Boyd, 1813-1846. Isaiah Townsend, 1816-1838. John Marvin, 1816-1822. William James, 1820-1833. Elisha Dorr, 1820-1832. Isaac Hamilton, 1821-1824. William McIIarg, 1821-1835. Willard Walker, 1 822-1 841 . William Fowler, 1824-1845. James Kinar, 1824-1841. ^&5 Rufus H. King, 1832-1848. Robert Gilchrist, 1835-1836. 86 James McNaughton, 1835-1845. Levi Philips, 1836-1855. Andrew E. Brown, 1838-1875. Joliii Gibson, 1840-1847. Alden March, 1841-1869. Benjamin Tibbitts, 1841-1845. William White, 1 845-1 8G3, 1869- -present. Isaiah Townsend, 1845-1847. Wm. Mitchell, 1845-1868. Daniel Fry, 1846-1850. Robert Boyd, 1847-1848. John D. HeAvson, 1847-1851. A. M. Strong, 1848-1866. Wm. C. Durant, 1848-1850. H. H. Martin, 1 85 0-p resent. Thos. McMullen, 1850-1853. Hooper C. Van Vorst, 1851-1853. Jaraes P. Boyd, 1853-present. Franklin Townsend, 1853-1862. Thos. P. Crook, 1855-present. Borden H. Mills, 1863-1872. B. P. Learned, 1863-1866. William Wendell, 1866-present. Rnfus H. King, 1866-present. P. M. Carmichael, 1868-present. Wm. H. Hamilton, 1872-present. Matthew Hale, 1875-present. SABBATH Names. Elias Warner, Green Hall, Charles Little, Israel Williams, Thos. McMullen, Daniel Fry, D, G. Eaton, A. E. Williams, Wm. G. Brown, C. Gay, Wm. G, Brown, 8. B. Woolworth, C. B. Nichols, J. H. Pratt, Clarence T. Jenkins, Erastus M. Briggs, Wm. H. Hamilton, Erastus INI. Briofffs, SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. CiiuEcii School. Period of Service. Not known. Not known. Not known. Service ceased, Dec. 9, 1840. Dec. 9, 1840-Nov. 27, 1844. Nov. 27, 1844-Dec. 12, 1849. Dec. 12, 1849-July 28, 1851. Aug. 4, 1851-Dec. 1, 1852. Dec. 1, 1852-Nov. 30, 1853. Nov. 30, 1853-Nov. 15, 1854. Nov. 15, 1854-Dec. 8, 1858. Dec. 8, 1858-Dec. 28, 1859. Dec. 28, 1859-Nov. 16, 1865. Nov. 16, 1805-Nov., 10, 1867. Nov. 16, 1867-Nov. 16, 1870. Nov. 16, 1870-Nov. 16, 1873. Nov. 16, lS73-Nov. 16, 1875. Nov. 16, 1875-present. Joseph F. Winne, A. P. Stevens, Mission S<;hool. Sept. 10, 1866-Sept. 15, 1869. Sept. 15, 1869-present. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS. Admitted to the Church from the year 1 785. Previously to that year, there are no Records of Session nor List of Members admitted. Abreviations are w. wife ; dau. daughter ; s. son ; *admitted on certificate. The first communion after reorganization of the church was on the lotli of April, 1787. Since then admissions liavebeon as follows : April 15. 116 members were admitted. 1787. Sept. 16. ?,Ci members were admitted. April 15. 44 members were admitted. 1788. Sept. 17. 12 members were admitted. April 13. 15 members were admitted. 1789. Sept. 8. 15 members were admitted. April 13. 10 members were admitted. 1790. Sept. 14. 20 members were admitted. April 13. 10 members were admitted. 1791. 8ej)t. 13. 12 members were admitted. April 10. 16 members were admitted. 1792. Sept. — 11 members were admitted. Sept. — 10 members were admitted. 1793. 327 Whole number to this date. Sept. 18. Mrs. Grizel McIIarc:, 89 1795. Mrs. Sberman. IVOO. April 16. Mrs. McLaren, wife of Finlay, Mrs. Treat, widow, Joim Grant, Mary Grant, wife of John, Mrs. Kane, April. Mrs. Campbell, Diua, a colored woman. Sept. 17. Finlav McLaren. 17t)7. Nov. 17. Administration of the Sacrament post- Duncan Menzie, poned for want of a minister to offi- Donald Menzie. ciate. Do. do. in Sept., but administered. April 4. Alexander Watson, John Menzie, Janet Menzie, wife of John, Mrs. Trimblcss, Miss Younff. 1798. Sep)t. 13. Mrs. Jemima Hatfield, James Mason, Janet Mason, wife of James, Margaret Hutton, wife of Isaac, John Robison. 1799. April 12. Margaret Dean, wife of Stewart, Elisha Kane, Samuel Woodruff, Paul Todd, Mrs. Earle, wife of John, Jane McCready, Catharine McCreadj^ Elizabeth McKenny, wife of Joseph, Nehemiah B. Bassett, Mrs. Bassett, wife of Nehemiah B., Mrs. Shaw, wife of Ezra, John Oliver, Mrs. Wells, wife of Melancthon, Benjamin Latliniore, William Forman, Judson, Mrs. Judson, Wm. Bell, Janet Bell, wife of William, Mrs. Russell, wife of Joseph. Sept. 13. Mrs. Hodge, wife of James, 12 90 Marp^aret Chesney, Mrs. Montgomery, widow, Mr. Osborn, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Todd, wnfe of Paul, Robert Scott, Mrs. Scott, wife of Robert, Elizabeth Mack, widow, William Wood. 1 son. Ajml 18. Catharine McKown.wife of William, Mrs. Woodbridge, wife of William, Mrs. Forman, Avife of William, Andrew Anderson, David Gibson, Samuel Haven. Mary Brown, wife of William, Mrs. Van Deusen, wife of Jacob, Mrs. Hay, wife of Udncy, Sally Nott, wife of Rev. E., Mrs. Radclitr, Nathan Cogswell, Samuel Davis. Sept. 19. John Guest, jr.. 1801. April 17. Mrs. Guest, wife of John, Gilbert Stewart, Gilbert Mclntosli, Jenne, a woman of color, Abijah Hunt, Mrs. Roberts, wife of Jesse, Nancy Printier. Se2:>t. Anannias Piatt, Margaret McDonald, Reddington, Mrs. Reddington, Loomis, Mrs. Loomis, Nancy Finch. 18. 1 802. A2ml 16. Lydia Piatt, wife of Anannias, Milecent Stewart, wife of Gilbert, Patty Hoffman, wife of Andrew, Elias Willard, Isaac Lucas, Racliel McCrady, Catharine Ward. Se2)t. 17. Stewart Dean, Mordecai Lester, Mary Trimbless, wife of Eliphalet, Mary McCullock, Nancy McCage. 91 April 15. Ann Williams, wife of David, Nancy Young, Catharine Tillman, M. Wilson, Eleanor Oakie, Margaret Latimore, Hulda Carlisle, Naomi Brigden, Lucinda Skinner, Thomas Latimore, Chester Bulklcy, James Mcintosh, A.nthony McMurdy, Hannah Randell, 1803 David Williams. Sept. 16. Jane Brown, wife of Andrew, James Brown, Elizabeth Brown, wife of James, John L. Winnie, Rachel Winnie, wife of John L., Catharine Willard, wife of Elias, Elizabeth Groosbeck, wife of David, Jane Bloom, Smith Weed, Mary Weed, wife of Smitii. Mary Haight. 1S04. April 13. Elizabeth Tillitson, Avife of Thomas, Olive Mahew, wife of Thomas, Andrew Hoffman, Mrs. Pomeroy, wife of Thaddens, Jane Lyon, wife of Henry, William Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell, wife of William, Rebecca Randell, Mary Wallace, Ebenezer Pemberton, Sarah Pemberton, wife of Ebenezer, Harriet Backus, wife of Eleazer F., Robert O. K. Bennett, James McCrea. Sept. 14. Hannah Hawkins, wife of Abel D., David Milholland, Susan Milholland, wife of David, William Eraser, ]\Iary Lester, wife of Modecai, Eleazer F. Backus, Sarah Merchant, wife of Elihu, Sarah Lucas, wife of Isaac, Susan Gallespie. 1805. April 19. Elizabeth Bloodgood, wife of Fr., Henry Lyon, David Smith, Timothy Bussing, James D. Simons, Mary Cuyler, wife of John, Mrs. Goodrich, Azcnath Murray, wife of Alexander, Kitty McMurdy, dan. of Anthony, Samuel Whiting, Billy Buckley, Mary Buclvlcy, wife of Billy, James Gibson, 92 Mary Gibson, wife of James, Mary Haiglit, wife of James, Harriet Romeyu, wife of Rev. J. B., Nabby Whiting, wife of William B. July 19. Samuel Hillman, Ann Ilillman, wife of Samuel, Sail}' Lucas, wife of Lucas, Ann Simons, wife of James D., Ann Cobbin, Ann Burnet, Ann Nixon, Eunice Hall, Laura Spencer, wife of Ambrose. Oct. 18. George Merrell, John Dunn, Elizabeth Merchant, wife of George, Sarah Jenkins, wife of Elislia, Mary Burke, Dina Hagener, woman of color, Dina Harmon, Avoman of color, Martha Johnson, Catharine James, wife of William. :i80(i. Jan. 17. Elizabeth Bloodgood, wife of Abm., Elizabeth Parlcer, Thomas McMahon, Dina, wife of Benjamin Lattitnore, woman of color, Jude Wright, wife of George, do Esther Burris, widow, Eliphalet Gillctt, Helena A. Gillctt, wife of Eliphalet, Mrs. Isabella Bell, Jesse Joy. April 18. Mrs. Sarah Smith, Elizabeth Ackerman, wife of Gid., Miss Mary Williams, Mrs. Wells, Hector, a man of color. July 18. Sarah Lonnington, wife of Thomas, Jeanette Hatfield, wife of Edward, ]\Iargaret Baxter, Mrs. Baker, wife of John, Robert Grant. Oct. 17. Betsey Jackson, woman of color, Jesse Randel, Horace Bnlkley, Abigail Easton, wife of William, 1S07. Jan. 10. Hannah B. Wliiting, wife of Samuel, Edmund Hatfield, Catharine Gra}^ wife of John, Joanna Baxter, Catharine Hallenbeck, Peggy Thompson, a woman of color, Rebecca Eights, John Gibson, Elizabeth Gibson, wife of John. April 14. Flora Coventry, a woman of color, Christopher Beekman, jr., 93 Abraham Randel, John Gray. July 12. Elizabeth Backus, wife of Eleaz. F., Sarah Brown, Nathan Hand, Louis Hand, wife of Nathan, John McKiuley, Nancy Penniman, Affy B. Joluison, Mrs. Mary Wilson. Oct. No names recorded. 1808. Jan. 11. Elizabeth Thomi)son, wife of Tlios. Jolin Kandel, jr. April 11. Sarali M. Rose, wife of S. Visscher, William I. Guest, Julia Ann Guest, Avife of William, Mary Lagrange, wife of James, Caleb Abbott, Hannah Abbott, wife of (.'aleb, Margaret Ramsay, Rebecca Wari'en, Deborah Lathrop, Hannah JVIudge, William Battle, Martha Battle, wife of William. Triphenia Abbott, Zabiac Seymour, wife of Truman, Sally Shumway, wife of Nehemiah, Rebecca Warren, Harmony Farman, Catharine B. Thompson, Hannah Mudge, wife of Silas. Oct. 12. Rachel Webster, wife of George, Jol)n Gordon, Jane Gordon (now Humi)lirey), wife of John. Richard Duncan, Abigail Baker, Joanna Baker, William Baltell, Martha BattcU, wife of William. July 15. Jane Steele, 1809. Jan. 27. Hannah Price, a woman of color. AtKj. 20. David Jenkins, Nehemiah Shumway, Timothy Fasset, Lucy Fassett, wife of TimoHij^, Elizabeth Root, wife of Lyman, Nanc3^ Ainsley, wife of William, Mercy Hodge, wife t)f James, Isaac Teller, Lncinda Teller, wife of Isaac, Nancy TiflFany. 94 Jan. 19. Mrs. Sarah Mott, Ester Stow, -widow, Deborah Lathrop, Miss Ilannali Museiir. May 4. Amos Fassett, Hannah Fassett, wife of Amos, Stephen Wells, Lois Wells, wife of Stephen. Avg. 17. Robert Boyd, Mary Boyd, wife of Robert, Ann Goodrich, Temperance Steele, March 13. Sarah Van BcMithuj^sen, Maria Dederick, Pheby Pngsley, Mary Hasuilber, Solomon Smith, Semantha Smith, wife of Solomon, Frances Neill, wife of Rev. Wm. July J). Catharine Jermain, wife of Syl. P. , March 13. Nancy Brown, wife of Allen, - Judith Russell, wife of William, Hannah Moore, wife of James, Philip Ford, Noah Smith, A'^nes Treat, wife of Doct., 1810. Sophia McHarg, wife of William, Zinas Gary, George Lundon, Nathan Chittenden, Lois Chittenden, wife of Nathan, Mary Clark, Abby Steele, Mable Abby. Nov. 16. Thomas Mahew, Samuel Sherwood, Cynthia Webster, wife of Charles R. Elizabeth Potts, wife of Jesse, Seth Jenna, Betty Jenna, wife of Seth. 1811. Mary Underwood, Josephus Stewart, John Wood worth. Nathaniel Cogswell, Elizabeth Carman, Abigail Collins. mn\ 15. Sarah Piatt, wife of Charles Z., Elizabeth Galusha, wife of Zackeus, George Lockwood. 1812. Maria Tallmage, wife of Henry, Harriet Bisshop, Tilly Allen. -^ Jxtly 17. Rachel Ackerman, wife of Abraham, Aaron Hand, 95 Cynthia McFarlan, Green Hall, Joseph D. Kittridge, Lucy Thayer, wife of Amos, Sally Hand, wife of Eli. Nov. 13. Catharine Davis, wife of Nathaniel, Mary Merrifield, wife of William, Henry Morgan. 1813. Marcli 19. Margaret Duncan, wife of Richard, Andrew Lightbody, Peter Boyd, Margaret Boyd, wife of Peter, Isabella McMurdy, Tamer Hand, wife of Aaron, Volkert Vedder, Delila Vedder, wife of Volkert, William Annesley, Mary Hewson, widow of Burgher, Jane Ackerman, William McHarg, Eliphalet llawley, Reuben Fuller, Betsey Russell, wife of Joseph. March 18. Elizabeth Huttou, wife of George, Elizabeth McMurdey, Jane Maria Sherman, Priscilla Price, Jane McMurdey, Beda Melvin Batcheldor, Martha Russell, wife of .John, Samuel Pliipps, Ruth Phipps, wife of Samuel, Asa Fassett. July 15. Mary Mascraft, wife of William, July 13. Abraham B. Pugsley, Julius Bartlitt, Eliza Bartlitt, wife of Julius, Betsey Bartlitt, daughter of do, Sarah Rice. Nov. 1. Mary Allen, wife of Tilly, Sophia Fort, widow, Hannah Boyd, wife of William, Ann Henry, widow of William, Jeremiah Piatt, Sarah W. Smith. 1814. Lucy Herring, wife of Thomas, Clarissa Gibson, wife of James N., Mary Fisher, wife of John, Abigail Boardman, wife of John, Mary Hinkley, wife of Gershum, Benjamin Fassett, Pamela Batcheldor, Elizabeth Price, Charles Webster, -Lydia Watson, widow, Mary Price, widow, Roger Sheldon, Mary Sheldon, wife of Roger, John Coe. 96 Nov. 18. Theodorns Van Wyck Graliara, Magdalemx Graham, wife of do, Charlotte Killian, wife of EUphalet, Eleanor Anniver, Nancy Henry, Nancy Bridt^e, wife of Nathan, Abraham Watcrhouse. March 15. Lydia McCammon, wife of Enoch, Rachel Stewart, Abraham Covert, Nancy Gordon, Jacob Pouier, Eunice Burbank, Uriah Marvin, Ann Wood, wife of William, Hannah Bulkley, wife of Chester, Catharine Bonner, Sally Waters, wife of Solomon, Reubal Clark, wife of William, Sarah Baker, Lucy James, wife of Daniel. July 14. Jaunett Duncan, wife of Thomas, Ann Wood, Elsie L. Oake, Harriet B. Mahew, Elizabeth Pierson, Elizabeth Wendell, ]\Iary Warner, Sylvester Scovel, William L. Cande, Lydia Pritchard, wife of William, Almira Rice, Walter Badger, March 15. Mary Griffiths, wife of Johi), Jedadiah Burchard, Sheldon Mallery, 1815. Hettee W. Warner, wife of EUas, Joanna P. Musier, Luke Lyons, Jonah Scovel, Sally Scovel, wife of Jonah, IMary Mead, Jonas Piatt, Helen Piatt, wife of Jonas.. Oct. S. John E. Miller. Nov. 17. Abigail Malaroy, wife of Sheldon, Rufus Putnam, William H. Bryan, John Gibson, Hezekiah Scovel, Marcia L. Ames, Luciuda Packard, wife of Isaac, Martha Riley, wife of Asher, Lucy Fassctt, wife of Benjamin, Stephen Van Schaick, Abigail Sanford, Erastus Hills, Joseph O. Acklcy, E. Haddam, Dina Till, a woman of color. 1816. Matthew B. glokem, Mary Slokem, wife of Matthew B., William Sever, Naomy Sever, wife of William, 97 Sarah McAiiley, Elisba Dorr, Abraham C. Shelden, Solomon Scofield, Ehzabeth Parkinson, Susan Lyon, Martha Luther, wife of Robert, Azel Danford, Elizabeth Howel, Mary Bartholomy, wife of Andrew, Sarah Wendell, widow of Pbilip, Daniel Hewston, Elizabeth Rider, wife of Stephen J., Harriet Moore, wife of James, Nancy Vronian, a woman of coloi', Stephen Covert, Matthew Cutton, Margaret Barker, Jane Barker, Nancy Fobes, wife of Philander, Ai'atbusa Hodgins, Alanson Jermaiu. July 19. Mary Shelden, wife of Alanson, Stephen J. Rider, Elizabeth Mayell, Alanson Shelden, John Tiplady, Mary Morison, Joseph Ashley, Harvey Raymond, Susan Ford Phillips, Sarah Mochell, Eliza Fuller, Leonard Burgiss, Henry Mochell, Adaliue Mochell, wife of Henry, Mary Sophia Day, Louisa Wilson, Abigail L. Rancky, Sophia Jones, wife of Marshall, Mehitable Hall, wife of Abijah, Margaret McHarg, Thomas Barker, Ann Barker, wife ot Thomas, Elizabeth Dorr, wife of Elisha, Lucia M. Mervin, wife of John, Dolly Holmes, wife of Samuel, Elizabeth Scott, Thomas Duncan, Margaret Fowler, wife of William, Elizabeth Ackerman, Joseph Foster, Mary Knapp. Nov. 16. Elizabeth Lockwood, wife of Jared, Sarah Doris Covert, wife of Stephen, Ann Van Schaick, wife of Stephen, Eliza Aspenwall, wife of Lewis, Joseph Torrey. 1817. July 4. Mary Randel, daughter of John, Hannah McCoy, widow, Frances Conner, widow, Sarah Boyd Dorus, Ann Brock, widow, Lucretia (Jackson), woman of color, Sarah Stone, Mary Hammond, Margaret Allen, Grizzel Rutherford, Susanna Slansbury. Oct. 33. Lois Easton, daughter of James, Helen Caldwell, daughter of James, 13 98 Ann J. Willard, daughter of Elias, Peleg Cornell, Catharine Randel, daughter of John, Josiah Sherman. James V. Henry, Jan. 9. Rutli Bloodgood, wife of Lynot, Natlian Hinkley, Olive Hinkley, wife of Nathan, William Fowler, Robert Boyle, Hannaii Slierman, wife of Josiah, Mary Bigelow, wife of Erastus, Elizabeth Chesebrongli, wife of B., Robert Patterson, Mary Burgess. June 2(5. Ruth Pliipps, daughter of John, Jacob L. Winne, Julia Ann Winne, wife of Jacob L. Sarah Fuller, wife of Reuben, Hannah Towusend, Avife of Isaiah, Elizabeth Wait, wife of Levi, John Hazard, 1818. Hannah Hazard. Dec. 25. Margaret Hall, wife of Green, Maria Blackall, wife of William, Magdalane Kelly, wife of Philip, Catharine Spencer, wife of Ambr., Ann Charles, wife (^f George, Willard Walker, Ann Tiplady, daughter of Martin, Margaret McPherson, Dorcas Olmsted, wife of David, Laura I. Spencer, daughter of Am., Clarissa Silliman, wife of Levi, Ann Maria Goodrich, dau. of Zac. G., Sarah Webster, wife of George, Mary Monroe, wife of Isaac, Philip Kelly, Ann jMatilda Visscher, daughter of Seb. , Margaret Moodie. March 26. Maria Fuller, daughter of Reuben, Eliza Kelly, daughter of Elijah, Sarah Ann Fasset, daughter of Tim., Maria Willard, daughter of Elias, Louisa Cooper (now Crosby), Ann Sawyer, wife of Luther, Deborah Avery, Samuel Sloan, Margaret Sloan, wife of Samuel, Jeanet Easton, daughter of William, Amelia Burton, daughter of John, Mary Huested, wife of Joseph, 1819. Abraham B. Hutton, Mary Knapp, wife of Hubbell, Levi Silliman, Cicily McDonald, daughter of Donald, Thomas Burgess, Edward Brown, Elizabeth Carmichael, Mary Brown, wife of Edward, Hannah Gould, daughter of Joseph, Helena W. Owen, wife of Thomas, Fletcher W. Norton, John Carmichael, Electra Dewey, 99 Statira Bigelow. July 2. Susanna Norris, wife of John, William Blackall, Achsah Clarke, Elizabeth Watson, daughter of Lydia, Susanna Hewson, daughter of Daniel, Margaret Mather, wife of Caleb, Sarah Trotter, wife of John, Catharine Bradt, daughter of Albert, Daniel Learned, Marshal Jones, Eleanor Denniston, wife of Isaac. Sept. 34. Mary Black, wife of James, Abigail Russell, wife of Elihu, John C. Hind, 18 Jan. 6. Catharine McClark, wife of Aaron, Phebe Ann Raymond, wife of Harvey, Ann Varick, daughter of Gillian, Elizabeth S. Willard, daughter of Elias, Aurelia Fobes, daughter of Philander, Ann Jones, wife of Elisha, Mary Ann Spencer, wife of William, Catharine Morris, wife of Richard, Margaret A. Van Allen, dau. of G. I., Hamilton Boj^d, James Bloodgood, Marilla Goodrich, Josiah Sherman, Jane Maria Sherman, daughter of Josiah. Jane Carmichacl, wife of James, Hannah Sherman, wdfe of Josiah. March 24. Elizabeth Cure^n, widow of John, Elizabeth Legrange, wife of Christian, Catharine Clinton, wife of De Witt, Ebenzeer Watson, Mary Van Der Zee, wife of Walter, John Everson, a colored man, William Barclay, Francis Maria Barclay, wife of William, Ebenezer H. Watson, son of Ebenezer, Robert Evans, Maria Hewson, daughter of Burgher, Peter McHeuch, Ann JMcHench, William McHench, Margaret McHench, wife of William, John McHench, Jane Black, daughter of Mary, Emma Stansbury, daughter of Arthur J. , Mary Lamb, wife of Anthony. 20. Mary Wallace, Mary Smith, wife of Nathaniel, Francis Thorn, Charles Lockrow, Lewis Lockrow, Delight Bartlett. June 20. Lydia Jones, Mary Gilchrist,dau. of Robert, deceased. Sarah Mochell. Sept. 30. Jotham Hancock, Ann Eliza Sherman, daugliter of Josiah, Eliza Maria Cuyler, daughter of Tobias, Peter Moschell, Mary Ann Boyle, daughter of Thomas, Patience Hicks, a woman of color, Benjamin Stickuey. "" 100 Bee. 29. Mary Ann Boyd, daughter of Hamilton, Martha Gould, daughter of Joseph, Emily Gritten, Cai'olina Conklin, daughter of Ahiel, Francis B. Keown, Jane Keown, J. J. Berard, Hepseha Berard, wife of J. J., March 23. Sarah Ann Graham, dan. of T. V. W., Eli/aheth Perry, daughter of Israel. June 23. Margaret S. Bates, dau. of Sarah, wid. 1821. Margaret Smith, daughter of Anthony, Susannah Truax, daughter of Isaac. Sept. 29. Mary Harbison, wife of Samuel, Maria Koon. 1S22. June 27. Jennett McClasky, wife of James, Ellen Bradt, wife of Peter, Mary Dow, wife of Alex., Jane Parr, wife of Richard, Margaret Annesley, dau. of WiiUani, Henrietta Fassett, daughter of Tinioth}- Elizabeth Hazard, daughter of John, Phebe R. Weed, wife of Kev. H. R., Maria Biggs, daughter of John, Hannah Whitnej^ daugliter of Daniel. 1 March 25. Ruth Thompson, wife of Francis, Diltha Blanciiard, wife of Calvin, June 25. Martha Swain, wife of Robert, Marj' Dusette, wife of John, John Gibson, Isabella Gibson, wife of John. Sept. 24. Eunice Wendell, daughter of Philip,' James R. Boyd, son of Robert, Renette McCarter Ford, wife of T. W., Sept. 23. Jane Eights, daughter of Abraham, Catharine Watson, dau. of Ebenezer, Mary Evans, wife of Robert, Wm. M. Cannichael, son of James. Dec. 24. John Trotter, Frances McDonald, dau. of Donald, Sarah Ann McMichael, dau. of Daniel, Mary Gold, wife of M. T. C 823. James Holladay. Bee. 25. Mary L'Araoreaux, wife of James, Harman Bussing, Charity Jackson, woman of color, Martha Jackson, woman of color, Catharine Barager, daughter of Henry, William Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell, wife of William, Jared Levenwortli, Jane Levenworth, wife of Jared, Olive Penniman, wife of Sylvanus J., Ann Davidson, wife of Alexander. 101 1824. March 25. Margaret IMahen, wife of Stephen S. Naomi Fasset, widow of Asa, Robert Strong, Ann Gifford, wife of Luke, Anil Palmer, wife of Levi H., Eleanor McCounel, wife of Robert, Loritta Warner, dau. of Austin, Elizabeth McAlpin, dau. of Jolin, Hiram P. Goodrich, Elizabetli Dubois, Harry Garetson, a man of color. Jane 24. Marj' Young, dau. of James, Mar^' Fassett, dau. of Amos, Cjaithia HoUadaj^ wife of James, Caroline Mitchell, wife of Jesse P., Walter R. Morris, son of Staats, Alcenienia Phipps, wife of Samuel, March 24. Susannah Spencer, widow of John, John Gardiner, IMrs. Gardiner, widow of Barent, Mrs. Keuney, wife of John, Cecelia Watson, widow of Doct., Phebe Holladay, dau. of James. Sept. 23. Daniel W. Talcott, Levicy Talcott, wife of Daniel, Melancthon Abbott, son of Caleb, Nancy Wilcox, wife of Elisha W., Ann Spencer, dau. of John, Margaret Ruebanks, dau. of Abraham, Mary Arrol, widow, Edward Fay, Dee. 34. Lucia Welch, widow of Samuel, Josiah Wright, Lucy Suydam, wife of Henrj^ Elizabeth Dale, Sarah Bates, widow, Diana Oatfield, a woman of color. 1825. Deborah Castle, wife of Elijah, Caroline Castle, dau. of do, Cj^nthia Castle, dau. of do, Eliza Hewson, wife of John D., Ann Maria Olmsted, dau. of David. Jime 23. Cornelia Poineer, dau. of Charles, Gilbert Morgan, T. student. Sci)t. 29. Bersheba Jackway, wife of Joseph, Sarah Annesley, dau. of William, Maria Walker, wife of Willard, Henry Hoyt, Dec. 31. Sarah Maria Wait, dau. of widow Wait, William Griffiths, Elizabeth Griffiths, wife of William, Margaret Williams, wife of John W., Ann Germond, wife of Peter G., Sally Pettit, sister of do, Philena Otis, Thomas Owen. 102 March 23. Nancy Whitney, wife of James, John Williams, James Jackson, a man of color. June 21. Mrs. Balt. 24. Edward Jordan, March 33. Hester Johnson, widow, George Russell, Polly Treat. June 22. Mary Putnam, dau. of Elisha, Susan Fisk, Mary Hardie, widow, Harriet Brower, wife of S. D., Martha Putnam, dau. of Elisha, Earl P. Pease, ]\[ary Pease, wife of Earl P. 108 Mary McKay, widow. Dec. 33. Maria McGomkey, wife of William, James F. Crosby, Eunice Crosby, Avife of James, Thomas Curson, Lydia Carson, Avifc; of Thonuis, William S. Rossiter, Hannah Rossiter, wife of William, Marion McArthur, Avidow, Harriet Veeder, Avidow, Blandina Morris, Avife of Walter. is;i(;. Sept. 14. Doi'othy Mounsey, wile of Thomas, Elizabeth, Walters, Avife of David, Louisa Wiune, dau. of Jacob L., Isaac P. Cole, Otis Churchill. Dec. 31. Mary Elizabeth Stiles, dau. of Samuel, Rebecca Harford, dau. of John, James Gibs(m, Mary Gibson, Avife of James, Helen Jamieson. 183: March 33. Laura White, wife of William, William Gibson, RoAvland Jones, James M. McAllister. June 21. Elizabeth McKay, dau. of AvidoAV ]\Iary, Sarah Ilagerman, Mary McKay, do do, Sarah GoodAvin, Avidow, John G. Whitney, Charlotte Cowls. Daniel F. Robertson, Elizabeth Hill, Margaret Ann Hilton, wife of Judge. Sept. 30. Archibald Campbell, Susan P. Churchill, 109 Dec. 27. Christiua Mills, widow of Thomas P., John T. Wellings, Mary Bulkley, Frederick S. Pease, Julia Pease, wife of Frederick S., JMari^aret Grant. Marcli 21. Louisa Wright, wife of Chauncey L., Nancy McKercher, wife of Duncan, Jerusha Meers, wife of Stephen, Rachel Anabella Fasselt, dau. of A., Henry Flavel, Mary Gormley, wife of Mathew, Harriet Guyer, wife of Richard, Chloe Niles, wife of Hiram, Margaret T. Griffiths, dau. of William, Mary Thomas, dau. of John. June 20. Christiana Humphrey, widow of John, 1838. Eliza Wellings, wife of John T., Sarah Fisher, Phebe Titus, widow. Oct. 3. Eliza Russell, dau. of Elihu, Rachel Webster, dau. of George, George Merchant, Catharine Many. Dec. 26. Mary Haskell, Mary Coates. 1839. March 27. Margaret Ann McHench, dau. of Wm., Euphemia McHench, dau. of do, Isabella McKay, dau. of Mary, dec'd. June 26. Maria Cameron, wife of Daniel, Angeline Bromley. Sept. 25. Lucia Ann Killing, a woman of color, Mary Moir, widow of Joseph, Martha Gill, wife of James, Rebecca Whitney, wife of John G. Dec. 25. Abraham E. Williams, Mrs. I. Keeler. 1840. March 18. Anna T. Many, wife (jf Charles C. Robert Blackall, Jane Blackall, wife of Robert, Henry Russell, Jane Russell, wife of Henr}', Charles Gay, Elizabeth Gay, wife of Charles, Mary T. Austin, dau. of Jeremiah, Eve Wright, dau. of Elisha, 110 Delia A. Olmsted, clan, of Charles S., Eliza Marshall, dan. of Richard, Mary Benliani,gr. dau. of wid. E. Potts, Elizabeth Benham, gr. dau. of do, William Blackall, son of Robert, Levi Steele, son of Levi, deceased, Daniel S. Durrie, sou of Horace, do, Henrietta McMullen, wife of Thomas, Emma Williams, dau. of Henrj^ A., Abby Whitney, dau. of Charles, Alvord Mahala, wife of Edmund, Catharine E. Boies, dau. of Joseph, Mary E. Carson, dau. of Thomas, Sarah E. Rider, dau. of Stephen J., Ann Magee, wife of Thomas, Ann M. Norton, dau. of L. K., Caroline Savage,,wife of James, Sarah H. Swain, dau. of Robert, Catharine Boyd, dau. of William, Margaret Dickson, wife of James, Sarah A. Scovel, dau. of Ashley, Catharine Marshall, wife of Richard, James A. Whitney, son of James, Charles E. Whitney, son of do, Mary E. Whitney, dau. of do, Catharine L. Howe, dau. of E., dec'd, Jane Olmsted, wife of George G., Daniel Fry, Caroline Fassett, dau. of Benjamin, Caiharine Blakeman, dau. of David, William N. Strong, son of Robert, Isabella Strong, dau of do,, Mary N. Strong, dau. ot do, Tliomas I Boyd, son of Peter, Maria L. Boyd, dau. of do. Sarah Harbison, dau. of Samuel, Elizabeth S. Boyd, dau. of Robert, Frederick W. White, Ciiarles Scovel, James Gill, William Gray, son of Alexander, George E. Pomeroy, Helen Pomeroy, wife of George E., Margaret Robinson, Gitty Coughtry, Sarah Woodbridge, Sarah Rice, Thomas McMullen, Sarah M. Pugsley, Deborah G. Williams, wife of J. H., Barent S. Boyd, Elizabeth Boyd, wife of Barent S., Elizabeth Strain, dau. of Joseph, Elizabeth Johnson, dau. of widow Jane, Maria L. Sharts, dau. of John, Margaret Wharton, widow of William, Harriet Williams, wife of Henry A., Joseph Blackall, Jane Black, cousin of widow Potts, Hannah I. Morrow, dau. of Wm., dec, John Scattergood, Janet Alexander, wife of James. June 24. Lucy Watson, dau. of widow Lydia, Ann C. Wellings, adopted dau. J. T., Jane Parr, dau. of Rachel, Margaret Parr, do, Lorane Virgil, wife of Ebenezer, Eliza D. Hoffman, dau. of Benjamin H., Harriet Brown, wife of William G., Thomas Harbison, son of Samuel, John Hunter, sister of Edward, dec'd, Caroline Jane Scattergood, wife of J., John Marvin, George Mc Kenzie, Anna Bloodgood, widow of Francis, Eliza Austin, dau. of widow Maria, Phillis Topp, Mrs. C. Vandewater, Donald McDonald, Eleanor Russell, wife of David. Ill Oct. 7. Sopbia Scovel, dau. of Hezekiali, Eliza Ferguson, dau. of James, Dauiel D. T. Charles. George Wait, Mary Sharts. Dec. 23. March g4. June 33. Jane Ann Evans, dau. of Robert, William Keeracher, Margaret Keeracher, wife of William. William Wallace. Israel S. Ward, James Morgan, Ellen Harvey Many, Elizabeth Little, widow. 1841. Eliza Ann Harlam, wife of William, Stephen Mix, Eliza Mix, wife of Stephen. Dec. 22. Hooper C. Van Vorst, Sept. 22. Robert Taylor, March 23. William B. Emerson, William C. Hall. June 22. Louisa Moon, wife of Edward, Lindsley Higham, Eunice King, Daniel S. Dlirrie. Sept. 28. Ferdinand I. Ilsley, 1842. Robert McFarlaue, Ann McFarlane, wife of Robert, Ann Smith, Deliuda Clark. Dec. 21. Hugh Dickson, Walter Foulton, Isabella Foulton, wife of Walter, Mary Gumming. 1843. March 22. James B. Emerson, William Moore, Elizabeth Cooper Hall, dau. of Asahel, Eliza Cobham Hall, grand, dau. of Fr. Bloodgood, Peter C. Don. Catharine Knapp, dau. of Ilubbell, Mary Elizabeth Fliipps, dau. of Samuel, Sophia Whitney, dau. of Sellick, Jane Ann Blackall, dau. of Robert, Benjamin Hoffman. June 21. Anna Boyd, dau. of Barent S., Maria L. Boyd, dau. of Thomas, Sarah Johnston, dau. of Thomas, Mary Holliday, dau. of James, Mary S. Gould, dau. of James S., Elizabeth W. Arrol dan. of Mary, Cecelia A. Watson, step dau. ofWm. Mitchell, 112 Amanda M. Duu, wife of Peter C, Peter M. Carmichael, sou of Daniel, Christopher Jorclou, son of Edward, James N. Hortou, son of George P., Alden March, M.D., James McNaughton, M.D., Caroline McNaughton, wife of James, Clinton P. Scovel, son of Ashley, Sept. 20. Walter C. Maney, March 27. Anna T. Martin, wife of Henry H., Violet Barrett, wife of William.* June 20. Mary Stewart, Robert Lyie, Mary Lyle, wife of Robert,* Mary Husted,* March 26. Duncan McKercher, Mary Snodgrass, wife of Andrew, Jane Ann Winne, wife of Jacob J. Lillias Houston,* Elizabeth Rusk,* James Blackall,* Sarah Blackall, wife of James,* Wm. Cessford,* Isabella Cessford, wife of Wm.* Daniel Cameron, Jane H. Gray, wife of William, Janet Van Der Heyden Gifford, dau. of Ann, widow^ Caroline A. Worcester, dau. of Eldad, Mary Ann Risk. Dec. 27. Maria Weed.dau. of Thurlow, Ann Mason Borthwick, dau. of Alex. 1844. Anna Barrett * Anna Sexton.* Sept. 25. Margaret Van Benthusen, w. of Garrit, Mary Kelso,* Amelia Ward, wife of Isaac,* Jane Wilson,* Sally McAuley.* 1845. Marion Gibson, wife of Joseph,* David Thomas,* Hannah Thomas, wife of David,* Jane F. Burton, wife of Charles E.,* Nancy Covert,* William J. Gibson, son of John.* Sept. 24. Christina Houston,* Jane Houston, dau. of Christina.* June 25. Ann Campbell, dau. of Andrew, Joseph Gibson,* March 25. Helen Amelia Scovel, dau. of Ashley, Mary Lindsey.* Bee. 24. James C. Kennedy.* 1846. July 8. Jane M. Gould, dau. of James S., Catharine Taylor, wife of John,* 113 J. Williiim Taylor * William L. Butler* Sept. 23. Darwin G. Eaton * June 23. Andrew Ligbtbody,* Mary Ligbtbody, wife of Andrew.* Sept. 27. Robert Evans, jr. , V Hester S. Emerson, wife of W. B.,* Margaret Fubr,* March 22. Mary Ann Boynton, Ann J. Hawley, Margaret A. Jordan. June 21. Elizabetb Harbison, wife of Saml. H. jr. Sarab Justina Fassett, dan. of Amos, Isaac Carpenter,* Emeline Carpenter, wife of Isaac,* Edgar A. Barber,* Agnes Barber, wife of Edgar.* 184^ Lithau Algee,* Eliza Algee, wife of Litlian.* Dec. 23. Mary Bendall, wife of Henry. Dec. 22. Mary Cbarles, wife of Daniel T., Francis W. Payne,* Olive Ann, wife of F.,* S. Adelaide Strong, wife of Wm. N. Amelia C. Ward.* 1848 Sept. -M. Eloisa Hoffman, widow, of Levi S., Emeline F. Williams, dan. of Jobn H.. Sarab Knupp, dan. of Hubbel, John W. Ligbtbody, son of Andrew, Rosanna Visscher. Dec. 27. Sarab Owen,* Ann Eliza Haslem,* Mrs. Jobn Sessions,* Cornelia Sessions, dan. of Mrs. J.,* Margaret Brown. March 21 . Margaret C. Nott, dan. of Joel B., June 20. Elizabetb Augusta Steele, George W. Robinson, Eliza M. Noyes. Sept. 26. Emma Carpenter, dan. of Isaac, 1849. James Crosby,* Eunice Crosby, wife of James,* W. W. Wrigbt.* Dec. 27. Ann C. Jobnson, wife of James J., Elizabeth W. Austin, wife of Jeremiah, Jr.* Elizabeth McNee,* 15 114 1850 March 27. Esther E. Gregory, wife of Edward H., Mary Whalen * Martha Belden,* Joseph S. Curtis.* June 2G. Hauuah E. Whituey, daughter of James, Emily E. Greer, wife of P.,* Abel Babcock,* Olive Babcock, wife of Abel,* Mary Babcock.* Sciit. 25. James Nichols,* Julia Nichols, daughter of James.* Dec. 25. Joseph W. Gould, son of James, Wm. Wendell, Joseph Nelligar, James Wright, Ann J. Eaton, wife of D. G.,* Samuel Morgan,* Eliza R. IVIorgan, wife of Samuel.* 1851. March 26. Helleu Many, wife of Wm. W. June 25. Isabel C. Low, daughter of W. S., Betsey Dorr. Sept. 24. Sarah H. Palmer, wife of L. M.,* Edwin H. Smith.* Dec. 24. Cluirles Boyd, son of Dr. James P., Joseph F. Winne, Joanna March, daughter of Dr. Alden, Alida Winne, wife of Joseph F.,* Almira Mix, wife of Visscher,* Harriet M. Townsend, wife of Robert,* Clarissa Coolidoe.* 1852. March 24. Loania V. Norton, daughter of Daniel, James E. Debaufer, Charlotte Debaufer, wife of James, Stephen H. Mix, son of Stephen, Cornelia S. Nott, daughter of Joel B. June 23. Minerva Wait Scovel, dau. of Charles S., Annie Olmstead Rider, dau. Stephen J., Isabella Gibson, daughter of John, Mary A. Brown, daughter of Andrew E., Gertrude Mary Nott, dau. of Joel B., Sarah Maria Nott, dau. of Joel B., Loyd R. Harbison, son of Samuel, Laura A. Malburn, wife of Wm. P., Martha Rogers, dau. of Mrs. Olmstead, James Cohen, William Nieoll,* Ellen Xicoll, wife of William.* Seiit. 22. Sarah Jane Brown, dau. of Edward, Lavinia L. Steele, daughter of Oliver, Annie M. Olmstead, dau. of George G., Edward Harbison, son of Samuel, 115 Thomas P. Crook,* Amelia J. Crook, wife of Thomas.* Dec. 22. Emma H. McMnllen, dan. of Thomas, Anna Steele, wife of Oliver, Jane Scott, William White, Samuel B. Woolworth,* Mrs. Woolworth, wife of Samnel,* John W. Richardson,* Mary L. Sntliff, wife of Ezra A.,* Maro-aret E. Wilson.* IS.5,3. March 23. Dec. 21. Alonzo T. McMullen, son of Thomas, Milton O. Hutchings, John B. Hoffman,* June 22. Anna HotTinau, wife of John,* Mary T. Walker, w. of Col. Wm. H. H. Robert Blake,* Mrs. Frances E. Wendell,* Eliza Blake, wife of Robert.* SejJt. 20. Mrs. Lavinia Wheeler.* 3Iarch 23. Mrs. Martha Edmonds. 1854. Mary Martin, wife of James, Jane H. Many.* June 21. Mrs. Lavinia Hutchings,' Harriet L. Worcester, Elmira A. Stewart. Sejjt. 20. Emily S. O. Brown,* James Martin, MarcJi 31. Harvey D. W. Leonard,* Stew.irt McKissick,* Eliza McKissick, wife of S.* Emily McKissick, dau. of S. ,* Margaret Brown.* Sept. 26. Dessie Edmonds, Dec. 27. Mrs. Mary J. Babcock,* Sarah E. Udell, Isabella Crew, Helen Sessions, Lucy J. Hays, Mrs. Lucretia Howell, Mrs. Laura L. Harris.* 1855. Samuel T. Thorburn,* Sarah Thorburn, wife of Samuel,* Dec. 26. Dr. Howard Townsend, Justine Van Rensselaer, w. of Dr. H. T.,* 116 March 26. William Roberts * Caroline Roberts, wife of Wm.* June 26. David Blake, son of Robert, James Blake, son of R., George Blake, son of R., Robert Strong, son of A. M., March 25. W. C. Durant. Ann Elizabeth, wife of W. C, Mrs. Sally Ann McClusky,* June 17. Mrs. Frances ]\I. Johnson, Susan Mary Dexter, B. P. Learned,* Mary W. Learned, wife of B. P.,' Jan. 30. Mrs. John W. Richardson. March 24. Adeline Scovel, wife of Henry, Elizabeth M. Lathroj), wife of Ralph Esther J. White, dau. of William, Mary Green Hall, dan. of Green, Jennie Perry, dau. of Milo, Margaret Mills, Mary A. Boyd, wife of Howard, Mrs. Margaret Ann Reynolds, wife John H. June 23. Mary Boyd, dau. of James P., Margaret Boyd, dau. of James P., 1856. P. Schuyler Simpson.* Sept. 24. Mrs. Harriet T. Wolverton, Mrs. Sarah Jane Penny.* Dec. 24. Mrs. Ann E. Mascord,* Ann Pool.* 1857. Albert P. Stevens,* Sept. 23. Mary N. Learned, dau. of B. P.. Lydia C. Learned, dau. of B. P. Dec. 23. Mary Elizabeth McGourkey dau. of Wm. Jenny Williams, dau. of John H., Mary Butler.* 1858. Sarah E. Brown, dau. of William G., Harriet Henry, dau. of Caroline, Augusta Russell, dau. of Henry, Mary Williams, dau of John H., Jenny Artcher, dau. of Michael, P., Ellen Moran, Sarah Campbell, dau. of Andrew C, Elizabeth Brown, dau. of A. E., Catherine P. Cook, dau. of James M., Sarah Lousia Strong, wife of Thomas J., Reuben H. Mead, of Emaline H. Mead, wife of R. H., Richard Marvin Strong, son of A.M., Howard Boyd, Henry March, son of Alden M., John N. Many, son of Wra. N., Charles B. Nichols, son of James N., 117 Michael Artcher, Mrs. Artcher, wife of Michael,* Elizabeth Strong, dau. of A. M. Sept. 33. Mrs. Amelia, wife of Rufus H. King. March 33. George Croiuby, James Whitney,* Nancy Whitney, wife of James,* Elizabeth H. Hutchings, w. Milton O.,* John H. Hickox,* John H. Wardwell.* Dec. 33. Catharine Mary Bennett, w. of Michael' Louis Collins, Grace Collins, wife of Louis, Mary H. Morrell, dau. of James.* 1859. Dec. 38. J. Campbell Boyd, son of Dr. James P., Mrs. Cornelia Wardwell,* Mrs. Adela McMartin, wife of James,* Sarah J., Hickox, wife of John H.* SeiJt. 7. Margaret Ellen White. March 31. Mrs. A. P. Kelsey.* June 6. Mrs. Alexander Strain.* 1860. Dec. 36. Mrs. Helen A. White, wife of J. P., Mrs. Martha D. King, * Earnest C. Craft,* Mrs. Craft, wife of E.* Oct. 8. Ann McGlachlan. March 37. Mrs. A. E. Thatcher.* 18G1. Sept. 35. Susan Coughlry, wife of A. H.,* J^lne 36. Mrs. L. M. Gilford. MarcJh 36. Robert Evans,* L. C. Cooley,* Mrs. R. Cooley, wife of L. C.,* Martin L. James.* June 35. James Robertson, 1862. Leonard Burgess,* Susannah Burgess, wife of L.,* Sarah M. Burgess, dau. of L. ,* Mrs. Jessie Robertson.* Dec. 34. M. P. Cavert, Susan B. Cavert, wife of M. P. 118 1868. March 4. Mary McKissick, daughter of Stewart, Lydia Shafer, wife of I., Clarence T. Jenkins, Louisa J. Jenkins, wife of C. T. June 24. Annie Slieffield Brown, dau. Andrew E. Dec. 23. Robert II. Cunningham,* Elizabeth Cunningham, wife of 11. H.,* Mrs. Phelps,* Sarah J. Littlefield,* Harriet March.* 1804. Dec. 21. Julia McKissick, daughter of Stewart, James Duncan,* Rebecca Duncan, wife of James,* Mary F. Duncan, daughter of James,* Emma Jane Morlej-, Harriet Philips, wife of Levi,* Mrs. Harriet Harris.* 18G5. March 22. Loise G. Wolverton, wife of Mortimer, Mar}' Malvina Potter, wife of Arnold V. Dionysus R. Vanderlip,* Margaret L. Vanderlip, wife of D. R.,* Sarah A. Crook, daughter of T. P., Ella Many, daughter of W. V., Jessie Pennie, daughter of John, Abbie S. McKissick, dau, of Stewart, Thomas D. Newcomb,* Theodore F. Sanxay,* Henry D. Baker,* Frances McMullen, wife of John.* June 21. Sophia Jane Mills, wife of B. H., John H. Crombie, Rowland B. Lloyd, Ann Sarah Lloyd, wife of R. B., Mariah Thrift, Alice Babcock, dmighter of H. H., Phcebe F. Moas, daughter of Rev. Moas, Mary L. Gay, daughter of Charles, Anna Eliza Christ, Sarah E. Crosby, daughter of James F., Blanche B. Littlefield, daughter of D. G., Frances E. Norton, daughter of L. K., Jenny Patterson, daughter of William, B. H. Mills,* Adeline Wood, wife of D. S.,* Fanny M. March, wdfe of Dr. Henry.* Dec. 27. Blanch Roberts, daughter of James. Feh. 7. William H. Shepherd,* Adelaide C, wife of Wm. H.* 1806. March 21. Emma J. Ludlow, w. of Rev. James M.,* Henry J. Sheldon, 119 Mrs. Paul F. Cooper,* Franklia Slosson.* June 25. Isabella Vine, daughter of James, Anna Rice, daughter of George, Dr. Albert Vanderveer, Frederick T. Martin, sou of H. H., Anna D. Mix, wife of Stephen H., James H. Pratt,* Sophia H., wife of J. H.,* Julia C. Pi-att, daughter of J. H.* Sept. 26. Eliza G. Lansing, wife of John, Louis B. Smith,* Anna Smith, wife of Louis B.,* Dec. 29. D. T. Wild, wife of Alfred,* Andrew Campbell, Mrs. Jenny Ford, David Newland,* Susannah L. Newland, wife of D.* 186 March 27. Theodosia Dexter, wife of Chauncey, Isaac Newton Dexter, son of C, Catharine M. Wooster, wife of B. F., James R. Harris, Caroline Harris, wife of J. R., Frances H. Roberts, daughter of James, Edward E. Doty, Frederick M. Orr, sou of David, John H. Reynolds, Jr. ,* Myron Davis.* June 26. Alice Martin, daughter of II. H., Carrie Boyd, daughter of Howard. Sejit. 25. Sarah C. Don, daughter of Peter C, Isabella White, daughter of Andrew.* Dec. 26. Susan E. Underbill, wife of Daniel, Lucy Deming, wife of William, Charles H. Mills, son of B. H., Isabella Fairburn,* Margaret E. Vanderveer, wife of Dr. A.,* Mrs. Fanny Stearns,* James E. Fellows,* William Gordon,* Robert H. Moore.* 1868 March 25. Edward McKissick, son of Stewart, Thomas Craik, Anna Craik, wife of Thomas, Mrs. Jane Crew, Emeline S. Crounse, w. of Geo. Crounse. March 27. Teressa Luke, wife of Henry,* AVm. H. Hughes,* Elizabeth B. Hughes, wife of Wra. H.,* Jane E. Hughes, dangliter of Wm. II.,* Anna E. Hughes, daughter of Wm. H.* June 24. Mary E. Wooster, dau. of Benjamin W., Mrs. Mary E. Watson, Charlotte E. Holt, daughter of Chas. B., George H. Mills, Rufus H. King, Elizabeth W. Austin, wife of J. J.,* Sarah W. McGuigan,* Mary W. Hinckley.* Sept. 23. Frances Clara Brown, dau. of Andrew E. March 34. Isabella Luke, dau. of Hemy. June 23. Joseph II. Bullock, Marietta Bullock, wife of J. H. Sarah J. Patterson, Lizzie Deakiu. 120 1869. Dec. 24. Benjamin F. Quackenbush, Mary Eliza Quackenbush, wife of B. F., Mrs. Minnie Fenn Lathrop.* Dec. 31. Mrs. A. D. Hoadand. 1870. March 23. Mrs. Catharine Iggett, Juliette Palmer Brown, d. of Andrew E., Eleazer Blackwell, Mary B. Newcomb, wife of Thomas D., Gilbert J. Dickson.* June 22. Lilla U. Mills, wife of George H., Anna W. Jordan, wife of Christopher, Frances A. Rice, Jennie F. Merrill, James P. Boyd, jr., William G. McGourkey, Dr. O. C. Alexander,* M. J. Alexander, wife of Dr. O. C.,* Flora Argersiuger, w. of Chauncey E.* June 20. Mrs. Thomas J. Strong.* Oct. 19. Mary L. Worcester, wife of E. D., Edwin Dean Worcester, jr. , son of E.D., Mrs. E. F. Lansing* Mrs. Charlotte M. Woodward,* Oct. 21. Philip F. Gardineer. Dec. 21. Kate-King, wife of David V., Sarah Laurence wife of James, Erastus Merrick Briggs, Joseph T. Rice, son of Alexander D., Sarah P. Briggs, wife of E. M., Mrs. Margaret Davidson.* 1871. March 22. John Henry Quimby, Mary Louisa Quimby, wife of J. H. , Agnes Henry, dau. of Mrs. James, Gussie Hill Wendell, adopted dau. Wm. Josephine E. Seaman.* Ma,rch 24. Willie A. Alexander, son of Dr. O. C. James Laurence, Mrs. Margaret Thornton, Mary Jane Don, dau. of P. C, Emil King, 121 Robert F. Macfarlane * Mrs. Thomas Spencer Lloyd,* Mrs. Mary Browu.* March 35. William Demiug.* June 21. Royal Woodward, Mrs. Margaret A. Hitchcock,* Robert Macfarlane,* Annie G. Macfarlane, wife of R.,* James Doran,* Annie Doran, wife of James,* Edward Field,* Charles E. Boland.* June 23. Frances Adelaide Strong, d. of Wm. N. William J. Patton,* Laura Patton, wife of Wm. J.,* Sept. 20. Olive H. Vanduseu. * Dec. 27. James R. Boy n ton, Catharine Eliza, wife of J. R. , Miss Lizzie Hoofnagie, Jessie D. Thorburn, dan. of S. T. Miss Mary E. Melius,* Mrs Sarah Reese.* Dec. 29. Emma Luke, dan. of Henry. 1872. March 27. Frederick C. Bliss, sou of Chester, Elias J. Bliss, son of Chester, Mary Louise Bliss, dau. of Chester, William H. Hamilton, George P. Lynd, jr., son of G. P., Mary P. Holt, wife of Charles B., Frances McG. Hinckley, Margaret E. Dumary, dan. of C. M. , Mary E. Deming, Susie J. Hewsou, Sarah H. Osborn, Kate Lathrop, dau. of Ralph P., Mrs. Mary E. Rice, Miss Angeline Weaver, Miss Jane E. Schofield, Sarah C. Wooster, dau. of B. W., Grace M. Wolverton, dau. of H. M., Edith A. Wolverton, dau. of H. M., Visscher Brown, son of Mrs. Wm. G., Susie DeLancey Cooper, dau. of P. F., Margaret W. Boyd, dau. of David I., Hattie J. Gay, dau. of Mrs. Charles, Jennie L. Kibbee, dau. of Mrs. O., Harriet S. Mills, dau. of B. H., Julia Humphrey, dau. of James H. , James D. Johnson, Mrs. Martha J. Sugden, Clark Cooley, son of Leroy C . , Heleue B. Cooley, dau. of Leroy C . , John M. Bettman,* Mary P. Bettman, wife of J. M.* March 21» . Elizabeth K. Boyd, dau. of D. I., Lucy L. Blayney,wife of Rev. J. McC.,* Merrit E. White, Abbie S. White. 16 122 May 4. Suniuel D. Slicpard. June 20. Louis J. Swinburne, son of Dr. J. S., George Swiibs, Ann E. Swabs, wife of George, Justine V'R. Townscml, d. of Mrs. II., IVIiiggie W. Reynolds, dau. of J. II., Mrs. Elizabelli A. Keblnin,* Mrs. Catliarine Plunketl.* Sept. 25. George II. Mills,* Maggie M. C'allieott , dau. of Thomas. Dec. 2G. Mrs. Thomas Craik,* j\Iary P. Roberts,* Ellen C. Roberts,* Peter H. Crounse,* Anna R. Cronnse, wife of P. H.,* Ida L. Uulluek, dau. of Mrs. J. H. March 2G. Annie II. Pcnnie, dau. of .John P., jr., Janet A. Cannichacl, dau. of P. M., Solon F. Bliss.* April W. Miss Jane E. Morrell. June 25. Elizabeth II. Buss, daughter of ('has.. 187;?. Mrs. Jane 0. Gould,* Lydia S. Gould, dau. of Mrs. J. C* Sept. 24. Julia Iloyt, daughter of Charles, Anna Babfock, danghter of II. 11. Dec. 24. Margarcit E. ('hristie, wife of Frederick, Agnes S. Christie, daughter of F. March 15. Mary Patterson, daughtei- of Wni. P. Lyman C. Lewis, Fleta W. Vose, Frankie A. J. Vose, Jennie E. Arnold, ]\Iary S. W. Fairburn, Anna R. W. Fairl)urn, Kate E. B. Lewis, wife of L. C* June 24. Anna E. Fidler, wife of E. D., Philip Luke, Harris Fellows,* Abbie L. Fellows, wile of Harris.* IS74. June 20. , Theresa fjoynton, wife of .Tames R.,* Mrs. Philii) Luke. Sept. 2:1 Marcus Gardineer. Dec. 2:J. Helen M. Dickerman, wife of J. S.,* William L. Coffin, Anna ColHn, wife of Wm. L.,* Mrs. Charlotte Gay, Agnes L. Gay, Anna A. Hill,* Almira Keene, wile of James,* 123 Dec. 25. Mrs. Isabella E. Coleman * Lawson Ewing * Margaret Y. Ewing, wife of L. * Jane Ewing, daughter of L.* March 24. Ella M. Phelps, daughter of A. J., Harriet W. Learned, daughter of B. P. , Robert M. Peunic, son of John P., jr., A. J. Phelps,* Sarah M. Phelps, wife of A. J.,* Laura A. Lewis.* Dec. 27. Thomas T. Beebe,* Marion Beebe, Avifc of Thomas.* 1875. Dr. Linzee Morrill,* Netti(3 M. Morrill, wife of L. T.,* Sept. 23. Franklin E. Worcester, son of E. D. Dec. 23. John Pennie jr.* 3rarrJi 26. Marshall H. Runkle, son of H. C. Dec. 24. Mrs. Andrew E. Brown. Jiine 23. Harriet E. Baldwin, wife of Wm. P., 1876. March 23. Anna P. Blackwell, daughter of Eleazer, William P. Baldwin, Mary L. Harcourt, wife of John R., Rebecca Young, daughter of Samuel, Carrie March, daughtei- of Dr. Henry. 3[avch 24. Mary Young, daughter of Sanuiel, Lydia E. Wait, Jtine 31. Fannie F. Cook, daughter of James C, Whole number 3373. Dwiglit King, Andrew G. White, Townsend H. Fellows, sou ofH. L, Ella A. Wilbor, wife of Samuel jr., Katie J. Martin, daughter of John J., Joseph McAuley, Anna Reese, daughter of Aaron, Agnes Gr. White, wife of Andrew G, Sept. 20. Mrs. Oliver H. Johnson, IMrs. Margaret Trotter. Added since October, 187G. Dec. 27. Thomas B. Cole,-< Sophia H. Cole, wife of Thomas B.,* Peter Vos. 124 1877. MarcJi 21. William D. Macfarlane, Nora Leone Macfarlane, wife of Wm. D., Mrs. J. II. Nelson, Annie S. Jordan, daii. of Mrs. C. Chas. J. Sulliff, son of E. A., Blanche Fellows, daughter of Dr. H. I., Harriet A. McClaskey, w. of Edward J., John M. Hurst,* Mrs. Sarah J. Bachcller,* Campbell Brown, son of Mrs. Wm. G., Mrs. Bella Hurst Sutlitf, wife of John H. May 18. Donald Munro, Catharine W. Munro, wife of Donald. June 20. George H. Crouuse, Charles L. Weaver, James Carmichael, son of Peter M., John Knox Rhodes, Barbara R. Munro, wife of George, Josephine March Boyd, dau. of David I. Josie Luke, daughter of Henry, Hatlie L. Patterson, daughter of Wm., Eliza Stewart,* Cathe Vos, wife of Peter,* Charles H. Mills,* Mrs. Ann M. Miller,* Mrs. Margaret Seymour,* Mrs. Harriet Gardiner.* 9AAy^^^'} Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01250 8471