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Seventh edition; en- larged and greatly improved.' The right whereof he claims a.s proprietor, in con- Ibrmily with an act of Congress, enritlcd ' An act to ajneiid the several acts respecting copy-rights.' JOHN H. HAXXA, Clprh of (Jie District of KenU'cky. PREFACE. Christian Reader : Desiring and hoping to do some religions good, 1 again publish a new edition of nw selection of Hymns^ in which I have added a number of Hymns and Songs not contained in the former editions. The compiler has taken much pains to collect, connect, and place under one rimning head, hymns on the same subject, for the convenience of ministers of the Gospel and teachers of sacred music ; ibr the comfort of doubtmg, pious Christians, and for the encouragement of the penitent soul. Beloved brethren in the Lord, although I have re- moved from Kentucky to Tennessee, 1 have not for- gotten my Kenmcky brethren. Many sweet and com- fortable hom-s have I had with you, my dear brethreru Although we are far separated, yet I hope one spirit unites us to our blessed Immaxuel. Thus we are o?ie in Christ — happy, — thrice l^lessed ! — if we are united to Jesus. Not all our affliction, turmoil and pain, shall spoil our future b!i?s, or keep us from our Father's* house. Soon we shall see Jesus, and meet each other my dears, never to part ! Perhaps this is the last salu- tation I may make you in life. My lungs yet continue too weak to bear public preaching. I beg you to im- plore the Divine Majesty to make yom* very unworthy brother Starke Dupuy useful in some way while he lives ; to support him under all his trials, and especially to fit him for heaven, " the chief of sinners." And i also beg your prayers in behalf of all my family, par* ticularly one son, who is sorely afflicted ivith fits. O, that my blessed Jesus may make loe of some Janning veri«8 x seiisnce to arouse iti «cure, and bring some precious, thoughtless sinner to see his ios( condition, and lead him to his lo\'ing arms, that he may obtain pardon and salvation. Dear, precious sinner pray consider that you are condemned by God's holy Law ; that you are mifit for heaven ; that the wrath of Almighty God abideth on you ; and that, dying un- converted, your immortal soul must }>erish eternally !II O, flee to Jesus for salvation. To conclude, your unworthy servant would implore the kind bestower of every good, to crowTi his feeble work with success. He would humbly dedicate it to all who love sincerely our blessed IMMAXUEL ; and may the Spirit of all Grace bear on celestial wings tliese sacred lines, " And smile on each divine attempt To spread the Go?pel rays." May his sacred influence inspire each humble breas/ to praise KING JESUS, while sinners learn his name and join the sacred song in sweetest harmony. STARKE DUPUY. j Tennessee, near Memphis. HYMNS. MORNING HYMNS. BuRKETT.] 1, C. M A Morning Hymn, MY God was with me all the night, And gave me dweet repose ; My God did watch e'en wliile I slept. Or I had never rose. 2 What terrors have I 'scaped this night, Which have on others fell I Nmnbers have, doubtless, slept their last. Perhaps have waked in hell I 3 Sweet sleep restores tliat strength to me Which nature did devour ; My body did in weakness rest. But it is raised in power. i Lord, for the mercies of the night, JMy humble thanks I pay, And mito thee I dedicate The first fruits of the day. 5 Let this day praise thee, O my God, And so let all my days ; And O, let my eternal day Be thy eternal praise. 2. C. M. A Morning Hymn. rilHE veil of night is now withdrawn, -■- And day salutes our eyes ; Fatigued and spent we laid us down, RefreshM and hale we rise. 6 MORNING HYMNS. 2 Safe guarded by th' Almighty arm, Securely we have slept. While he wlio never sleeps, from harm Our senseless bodies kept. 3 Come, then, let's early thanks repay, To him who never sleeps ; He shades the night, he gilds the day, Our sleeping dust he keeps. 4 Let's live to him wliose quick'ning voice A dying life prolongs ; As daily he renews our joys, Let us repeat our songs. 3. C. M. A Morning Hymn, \ WAKE, my soul, to meet the day : -^^ Unfold thy drowsy eyes. And burst the pond'rous chain that loads Thy active faculties. 2 God's guardian shield was round me spread In my defenceless sleep ; Let him have all my waking hours, Who doth my slumbers keep. 3 Pardon, O God, my former sloth, And arm my soul with grace ; As, rising now, I seal my vows To prosecute my ways. 4 Bright Sim of Righteousness, arise, Tiiy radiant beams display, And guide my dark, bewilder'd soul To everlasting day. 4. L. M. A Morning Hymn. WAKE, my soul, and with the sun ■ Thy dail}" stage of duty rmi ; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise, To pay the morning sacrifice. A MORXING HYMNS. 7 2 Glory to God, who safely kept, 4nd hath refrcsh'd nie wliile I slept; Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless life partake. 3 Walie, and lift up thyself, my heart. And with the angels bear thy part, Who all the ni^ht miwearied sing-, • All glory to th.e heavenly King. Dr. Watts.] 5. C. 31. A Morning Song. ONCE more, my soul, the rising dsy Salutes thy waking eyes ; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay To him that rules the skies. 2 Night mito night his name repeats. The day renevrs tlie sound. Wide as the heaven, on whicli he sits To turn the seasons round. 3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame ; My tongue shall speak his praise ; My sins would rouse his wrath to liame, And yet his wrath delays. 4 [On a poor worm thy power might tread, And I could ne'er vnthstand ; Thy justice might have crush'd me dead, But mercy held thy hand. 5 A thousand wretched souls ore lied Since the last setting sun, And yet thou length'nest out my thread, And yet my moments run.] 6 Dear God, let all my liours be tliinc, Whilst I enjoy the light; Then shall my sun in smiles decline, Knd bring a pleasant night i MORNING HYMNS. Daniel.] 6. L. M. rilHIS morning- let my praise arise -*- To Him, who all my wants supplies ; He has preserv'd me all tliis night, To see once more the morning light. 2 Ten thousand, since the setting sun, To an eternal world have gone ; Ten thousand more on beds of pain, While I, in life and health, remain. 3 May I, this day, by grace pursue The work designed for me to do ; And, w4ien my work on earth is done, May angels bear my spirit home. 4 There to behold my Saviour's face. And praise his rich, redeeming grace. And, through a long eternity. Give praise to the Eternal Three. Watts.] T. L. M. GOD of the morning, at whose voice The cheerful sun makes haste to rise< And, hke a giant, doth rejoice To run his journey through the skies. 2 Oh I like the sun, may I fulfil Th' appointed duties of the day, With ready mind and active will, March on and keep my heavenly way, 3 Give me thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to thy bliss; All my desires and hopes beside Are faint and cold, compared witli this. M Watts.] §. L. M. A Song for Morning or Evening. Y God, how endless is thy love ! Thy gifts are every evening new; And morning mercies from above Gently distil like early dew. 2 Tliou spread'st the curtains of the nighty Great Guardian of my sleepuig honrs ; Thy sovereign word restores the light, And qidckens all my drowsy powers. 3 I yield my powers to thy command; To thee I consecrate my days ; Perpetual blessings, from thy hand, Demand perpetual songs of praise. EVEXLXG IIYMXS. 9, S. ^I. .4/2 Evening Hymn, THE day is past and gone, The evening shades appear ; O, may we all remember well, The night of death is near, 2 We lay our garments by, Upon our beds to rest j So deatli will soon disrobe us all Of what we now possess. S Lord, keep us safe this night, Secure from all our fears, Beneath the pinions of thy love, Till morning light appears. 4 And when we early rise. And view tii' unwearied sim, May we set out to win the prize. And after glory run. A2 10 EVENING HYMNS. 5 And when our days are past, And we from time remove, O, may we in thy bosom rest, The bosom of thy love. 10. C. M. An Evening Hymn. TVrOW, from the altar of our hearts, -^^ Let warmest thanks arise; Assist us, Lord, to offer up An evening sacrifice. S This day God vras our sim and shield Our keeper and our guide ; His care was on our weakness shown. His mercies multiplied. 3 Minutes and mercies multiplied, Have made up all this day ; Minutes came quick, but mercies wero More swifl and free than they. 4 New time, new favours, and new joy\ Do a new song require — Till I shall praise thee as I would. Accept my heart's desire. 11. C. M. An Evening Hymn. NOW, one day more of life is gone, A doubtful few remains ; Come, then, review what thou liast doa Eternal life to gain. 2 Dost thou get forvrard in thy race. As time still posts away ? And die to sin and grow in grace. With every passing day ? 3 O, do not pass this life in dreams;, To be siu-prisM by death, And sink, unthinking, dovm to flamcSt When God demands thy breath. mfm^ EVENING HYMNS. U 4 No ; every day thy course review, The real case to learn ; And, with renewed zeal, pursue Thy great and chief concern. 12. L. M. An Evening Hymiu GLORY to thee, my God, this night. For all tlie blessings of the ligJit ; Keep nie, O keep me, King of kings^ Beneath thine own almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for tny dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That witli the world, myself, and the«, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, tliat I may dread The grave as little as my bed : Te^ch me to die, tiiat so I may Rise glorious at the av/ful day. 4 O, kt my soul on tliee repose I And may sweet sleep my e2/e-nd3 close ; Sleep, that shall me more vigorous make. To serve my God, when I awal;e. 5 If in the night I sleepless lie, My 8oul v.'itli heavenly thoughts supply ; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest- Praise God, &c. Dr. Watts.] 13. C. M. An Evening Sonff, DREAD Sovereign, let my evening song Like holy incense, rise ; Assist the offerings of my tongue. To reach the lolly skies. Q Through all the dangers of the day, Thy hand was stiU my guard ; 12 PROVIDENCE. And still, to drive my wants away, Thy mercy stood prepared. 3 Perpetual blessings from above, Encompass me around ; But O, how few returns of love Hath my Creator found. 4 What have I done for him that died To save my wretched soul ? How are my follies multiplied. Fast as my minutes roll I 5 Lord, with this guilty heart of mine, To thy dear cross I fice. And to thy grace my soul resign, To be renew'd by thee. 6 Sprinkled afresli with pard'ning blood, I lay me down to rest, As in th' embraces of my God, Or on my Saviour's breast. PROVIDENCE. Addison.] 14, C. M. 'Providential mercies reviewed. Ps. ciii. 1. 5. ^HEN all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys ; Transported with the view, I'm lost Li wonder, love and praise. 2 Unnumber'd comforts to my soul Tiiy tender care bestow'd, Before my infajt heart conceiv'd from whom those comforts flow'd. 3 When in the slippery paths of youth With heedless steps I ran. Thine arm, unseen, conveyM me safe, And led me up to man. GOD. 13 4 Through every period of my life Thy goodness I'Jl pursue, And after death, in distant worlds. The pleasing theme renew. 5 Through all eternity to thee A grateful song Fll raise : But, O! Eternity's too short To utter all thy praise. GOD. Williams's Psalms.] 15. L. M. The unity of God. Dcut. vi. 4. ETERNAL God I Almighty Cause Of earth, and seas, and worlds unknown; All things are subject to thy laws, All things depend on thee alone. 2 Thy glorious being singly stands, Of all within itself possest ; Controll'd by none are thy commands, Thou from thyself alone art blest. 3 To thee alone oiu'selves wc owe, Let heaven and earth due homage pay ; All other gods we disavow, Deny their claims, renounce their sway. 4 Spread thy great name thro' heathen lands, Their idol-deities dethrone ; Reduce the world to thy commands. And reign, as thou art God alone. 16. L. M. The spirituality of God. John iv. 24. TIIOU art, O God ! a spirit pure. Invisible to mortal eyes ; Til' immortal and th' eternal King, ''^he great, the good, tlie only wise. 14 GOD. 2 Whilst nature changes, and her works Corrupt, decay, dissolve and die; Thy essence pure, no change shall see. Secure of immortality. 3 Thou great Invisible I what hand Can draw thy image, spotless fair? To w^hat in heaven, to vvhat on earth. Can men th' immortal King compars? 4 Let stupid heathens frame their gods Of gold and silver, wood and stone ; Ours is the God that made the heavens, Jehovah Ae, and God alone. 5 My soul, thy purest homage pay, In truth and spirit him adore ; More shall this please than sacrifice. Than outward forms, delight him more* Dr. Watts.] 17. CM. God's Eternity, RISE, rise, my soul, and leave the ground Stretch all thy thoughts abroad. And rouse up every tuneful sound. To praise tli' eternal God. 2 Long ere the lofly skies were spread, Jehovah fill'd his throne, Or Adam form'd, or Angels made, The Maker liv'd alone. 3 His boundless years can ne'er decrease, But still maintain their prime; Eternity's his dwelling place, And ever is his time. 4 While like a tide our minutes flow, The present and tlie past. He fills his own immortal now And sees our ages waste. GOD. 15 5 The sea and sky must perish too, And vast destruction come ; Tlie creatures — look I how old they grow, And wait their fiery doom. 6 Well, let tlie sea shrink all away, And flame melt down the skies; My God shall live in endless day, When th' old creation dies. Watts.] IS. C. M. IJie divine glories above our reason. HOW wondrous great, how glorious bright, Must our Creator be, Who dwells amidst the dazzling light Of vast infinity I 2 Our soaring spirits upward rise Towards the celestial throne ; Fain would we see the blessed Thre« And the Almighty One. 3 Our reason stretches all its wings. And climbs above the skies ; But still, how far beneath thy feet Our grov'lling reason lies I 4 [Lord, here we bend our humble soola^ And awfiilly adore ; For the weak pinions of our minds Can stretch a tliought no more.] 3 Thy glories infinitely rise Above our lab'ring tongue ; In vain the highest seraph trie« To form an equal song. fi [Jn humble notes our faith adore* The great mysterious King, WTiile angels strain their nobler powcra, And sweep lb' immortal string.] 16 GOD. 19. L.M. A song of praise to the ever Messed Trinity^ God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. T3LESS'D be the Father aiid liis love, -■-' To whose celestial source we owe Rivers of endless joys above. And rills of comfort here below. 2 Glory to thee, great Son of God, From whose dear womided body roils A jirecioiis stream of vital blood, Pardon and life for dying souls. 3 We give thee. Sacred Spirit, praise. Who, in our hearts of sin and woe, Makes living streams of grace arise. And into boundless glory flow. 4 Thus God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit we adore. That sea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom or a sliorc. Watts.] 20. L. M. God supreme and self-snfficienf. WHAT is our God, and what Jiis name. Nor men can learn, nor angels teach ; He dwells concealM in radiant fianie. Where neither eyes nor thought can reach 2 The spacious worlds of heavenly light Compar'd with him liow short they fall 1 They are too dark, and lie too bright. Nothing are they, and God is all. 3 He spoke the wondrous word, and lo I Creation rose at his command : Whirlwinds and seas their limits know, Bound in tlie hollow of his hand. _j GOD. 17 4 There rests the earth ; there roll the spheres There nature leans, and feels her prop : But his own self-sufficience bears The weight of his own glories up. 5 The tide of creatures ebbs and flows, Measuring their changes by the moon : No ebb his sea of glory knows ; Plis age is one eternal noon. 6 Then fly, my song, an endless round ; The lolly tune let Gabriel raise ; All nature dwell upon the sound ; But we can ne'er fulfil the praise. Watts.] 21. C. M. Infinity. rjlHY names, how infinite they be ! -*- Great, everlasting One I Boundless thy might and majesty, And unconfin'd thy tlirone. 2 Thy glories shine, of wondrous size, And wondrous large tliy grace ; Immortal day breaks from thine eyes, And Gabriel veils his face. 3 Thine essence is a vast abyss, Which angels cannot sound ; An otcan of infinities, Where all our thoughts are drowTi'd. 4 The myst'ries of creation lie Beneath enlighten'd minds ; Thoughts can ascend above the sky, And fly before the winds. 5 Reason may grasp the massy hills, And stretch from pole to pole; But half thy name our spirit fills, And overloads our soul. 18 GOD. 6 In vain our haughty reason swefls, For nothing- 's found in tliee But boundless inconceivables, And vast eternity. Watts.] 22. L. M. God exalted above all praise. ETERNAL pov\'er I whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God : Infinite length, beyond the bounds Where stars revolve their little rounds. The lowest step about thy seat Rises too high for Gabriel's feet ; In vain the tall archangel tries To reach the heiglit witli wond'ring eyes. Lord, what shall earth and ashes do ? We would adore our maker too : From sin and dust to thee we cry, The Great, tlie Holy, and the High. Earth, from afar, has heard thy fame, And worms have learn'd to lisp thy Name ; But, O, the glories of thy Mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind ; God is in heaven, but man below ; Be short our tunes ; our words be few ; A sacred reverence checks our songs, And praise sits silent on our tongues. S. Stennett.] 23. C. M. Mercy and truth met together. Ps. Lxixxv. 10. WHEN first the God of boundless grace Disclos'd his kind design To rescue our apostate race From Hiis'ry, shame and sin, GOD. 19 2 Quick through tlie reahns of light and bliss The gospel tidings ran ; Each heart exulted at the news That God would dwell with man. 3 Yet, midst their joys, they paus'd awhile, And ask'd, with strange surprise, * But, how can injured Justice smile, ' Or look with pitying eyes ? 4 [*Will the Almighty deign again ' To \'isit yonder world, 'And hither bring rebelhous men, ' Whence rebels once were hurPd ? 5 'Their tears and groans and deep distree^s ' Aloud for mercy call ; ' But, ah ! must truth and righteousness ' To mercy, victims fall ?' 6 So spake the friends of God and man, Delighted, yet surpris'd. Eager to know the wondrous plan That wisdom had devisM.] 7 The son of God, attentive, heard. And quickly thus replied ; ' In me let mercy be reviv'd, 'And justice satisfied. 8 'Behold, my vital blood I pour, ' A sacrifice to God ; 'Let angry justice now, no more ' Demand tlie sinner's blood.' 9 He spake ; and heaven's high arches rung With shouts of loud applause ; ' He died !' the friendly angels sung Nor cease their rapt'rous joys. 20 CREATION. CREATION. Needham.] 24. L. M. A summary view of the Creation. Gen. i. LOOK up, ye saints, direct your eyes. To him who dwells above the skies With your glad notes, his praise rehearse Who form'd the mighty miiverse. 2 He spoke, and from the womb of night, At once sprung up the cheering light ; Him discord heard, and at his nod, Beauty awoke, and spoke the God. 3 The word he gave, th' obedient sun Began his glorious race to run; Nor silver moon, nor stars delay, To glide along th' ethereal way. 4 Teeming with life, air, earth, and sea. Obey th* Almighty's high decree ; To every tribe, he gives tlieir food, I'hen speaks the wliole divinely good. 5 But to complete the wondrous plan. From earth and dust he fashion'd man ; In man the last, in him the best, Tlie Maker's image stands confessM. 5 Lord, while thy glorious w^orks I view Form thou my heart and soul anew; Here bid thy purest light to shine. And beauty glow with charms divine. Dr. Doddridge.] 25. L. M. God^s goodness to the Children of Men, YE Sons of Men, with joy record The various w^onders of the Lord, And let his power and goodness sound, Thro' all your tribes the world around. THE FALL. 21 2 Let the high heavens your songs invite, Those spacious fields of brilliant light. Where sun and moon and planets roll, And stars that glow from pole to pole. 3 But O, that brighter world above I Where lives and reigns incarnate love ! God's only Son, in flesli array'd, For man a bleeding victim made I 4 Thither, my soul, in rapture soar. There in the land of praise adore ; The theme demands an angel's lay, Demands an everlasting day. THE FALL. Dr. Watts' Lyric Poems. 26, L. M. Original sin, or the first and second Adam ADA3I, oiu: father and our head, Transgress'd, and justice doom'd us dead; The fiery law speaks all despair. There 's no reprieve nor pardon there. 2 Call a bright council in the skies ; Seraphs the mighty and the wise, Speak, are you strong to bear the load, The weighty vengeance of a GOD ? 3 In vain we ask, for all around Stand silent throuH"h the heavenly ground, There 's not a glorious mind above, Has half the strength, or half the love-. 4 But O ! unmeasurable grace ! Th' eternal Son takes Adam's place ; Down to our world the Sa\'iour flies, ^ Stretches his arms, and bleeds and dies. 5 Amazing work ! look down, ye skies, Wonder and gaze with all your eyes, Ye saints below and saints above, All bow to this mysterious love. 22 rHE FALL. Dn. Doddridge.] 27. L. M. The effects of the Fall lamented. Psalm cxix 136—158. ARISE, my tenderest tlioiiglits, ai'ise ; To torrents melt my streaming eyea And thou, my heart, with anguish feel Those evils which thou canst not keaL 2 See human nature sunk in shame ; See scandals pour'd on Jesus^ name , The Father wounded through the Son ; The world abused ; the soul undont 3 Sec the short course of vain delight, Closing in everlasting night ; In flames that no abatement know, Though briny tears for ever flow. 4 My God, I feci the mournful scene ; jNIy bowels yearn o'er dying men ; And fain my pit}^ would reclaim, And snatch the firebrands from the flame. 5 But feeblt? m.y compassion proves. And can but weep where most it loves ; Thy own all-saving arm employ, And turn these drops of grief to joy. Dr. Watts.] 2§. L. M. The fall and recovenj of man ; or, Chnst and Sa tan at enmity. Gen. iii. 1, L5, 17; Gal. iv. 4 Col. ii. 15. yiECEIV'D by subtle snares of hell, -"-^ Adam, our head, our father, fell, When Satan, in tlie serpent hid, Propos'u the fruit tliat God forbid. 2 Death was the threat'ning ; Death began To take possession of the man ; His unborn race receiv'd the wound, And heavy curses .smote tlie ground. THE FALL. 23 3 But Satan found a wor?e reward ; Thus saith tlie vengeance of the Lord, *Let everlasting- liatred be, * Betwixt the woman's seed and thee. 4 ' Tlie woman's seed shall be my Son ; ' He shall destroy wliat thou hast done ; 'Shall break tliy head, and only feel * Thy malice raging at his heel." 5 [He spake ; and bid four thousand year? Roll on ; — at length liis Son appears ; Angels with joy descend to eartli. And sing the young Redeemer's birtli, 6 Lo, by the sons of hell he dies ; But as he hung 'twixt earth and skies. He gave their prmce a fatal blow. And triumph'd o'er the powers below.] Watts.] 29. C. :\L Oris'inal sin^ or the ^first and second Adarn, Romans v. 12, 6. Ps. li. o. Job xiv. 4. BACKWARD, with humble shame, we look On our orin;inal, How is our nature dash'd and broke In our first flither's fall ! 2 To all that's good averse and blind, But prone to all that's ill. What dreadial darkness veils our mind '. How obstinate our will I 3 [Conceiv'd in sin, (O, wretched state !) Before we draw our breath. The first young pulse begins to beat Iniquity and death. 4 How strong in our degenerate blood, The old corruption rei^^ns. And, mingled with the crooked flood. Wanders tli rough all our veins I] 24 INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 5 [Wild and unwholesome as the root, Will all the branches be ; How can we hope for living* fruit From such a deadly tree? 6 What mortal pow'r, from things imclean Ccin pure productions bring ? Who can command a vital stream From an infected spring ?] 7 Yet, mighty God, thy wond'rous love Can make our nature clean. While Christ and grace prevail above The tempter, death, and sin. 8 The second Adam shall restore The ruins of the first : Hosanna to that sovereign power That new creates our dust I INCARNATION OF CHRIST. Medley.] 30. C. M. The incarnation of Christ. Luke ii. 14. MORTALS, awake ; with angels join And chant the solemn lay ; Joy, love, and gratitude combine To hail th' auspicious day. 2 In heaven the rapturous song began, And svv^eet seraphic fire Through all the shining regions ran, And strung and tun'd the lyre. 3 Swift through the vast expanse it flew, And loud the echo roll'd ; The theme, the song, the joy was new, 'Tv/as more than heaven could hold. 4 Down through the portals of the sky, Th' impetuous torrent ran; INCARNATION OF CHRISl'. 25 And ang-els flew with eager joy ; To bear the news to man. 5 [Wrapt in the silence of the night, Lay all the eastern world, When bursting, glorious, heavenly light The wondrous scene unfurl'd.] 6 Hark ! the cherubic armies shout. And ?-lory leads the song ; Good--^/-iil and peace are heard throughout Ih' harmonious heavenly throng. 7 [O for a glance of heavenly love, Our hearts and son^s to raise. Sweetly to bear our souls atK)ve, And mingle witli our lays !] 8 With joy the chorus we'll repeat, " Glory to God on high ; "Good- will and peace are now complete, " Jesus was born to die. " 9 Hail, Prince of Life, for ever hail ! Redeemer, Brother, Friend ! Though earth, and time, and life, should fell Thy praise shall never end. 31. The song of the Axgels. 7s. HARK, the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new-born King; "Peace on earth and mercy mild, " God and sinners reccncil'd. " 2 Joyful, all ye nations, rise. Join the triumph of the skies ; Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace, Hail the Son of Righteousness. 3 (Mild he lays his glory by, Bom, that man no more might die » Bom to raise the sons of earth ; Born to give them second birth.) B 26 INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 4 Come, desire of nations, come, Fix in us thy humble home ; Rise, the woman's promisM seed, Bruise in us the serpent's head. 5 Glory to the new-born King", Let us all the anthem sing-, ** Peace on earth, and mercy mild, ** Grod and sinners reconcil'd. " Steele.] 32. C. M. The Incarnation, John i. 14. A WAKE, awake the sacred song" •^^ To our incarnate Lord : Let ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue Adore th' eternal Word, 2 That awful Word, that sovereign pow' By whom the worlds were made, (O, happy morn ! illustrious hour I) Was once in flesh array'd. 3 Then shone almig-lit.y power and love In all their glorious forms. When Jesus left his throne above To dwell with sinful worms. 4 To dwell with misery below The Saviour left the skies, And sank to wretchedness and woo That worthless man might rise, 5 Adoringr angels tun'd their songs, To hail the joyful day; With rapture, then, let mortal tongues Their grateful tribute pay. 6 What glory. Lord, to thee is duel With wonder we adore ; But, could we sing as angels dO| Our laghest praise were poor. THE UFE 0¥ CHRIST. 27 33. L> M. Song of the angels at the birth oj ChrisL Luke ii. 13, 14 HARK the melodious, heavenly son^ Bursting from glory rolls along Down to my joy-enraptiu-'d heart ; Celestial choirs the notes impart. 2 ' Glory on high,* they sing, ' to God, *And peace on earth,' they sound abroad, * Good-will to men ;' they loud proclaim, * Tlirough an Incarnate Saviour's iiajn©/ 3 My soul, arise and join this host's Blest song, blest tidings to the lost ; With angel bands aloud proclaim * The Savioiu 's born in Bethlehem.' 4 Let the glad tidings echo round : Extend from earth to heav'n the sound, Hail ! the blest day, when Christ came down. To make his love to mortals known, 5 Sing of his love in sweetest strains ; Tell the whole world our Jesus reigns. * Good-will, and peace, ajid glory,' sing, * To Christ, our Saviour, God and King/ THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Dr. Watts.] 34. L. M. The example of Christ. TLTY dear Redeemer and my Lordl -'''-■- I read my duty in thy word; But in thy life the law appears, Drawn out in li\dng charaa^rs. I tiioi yrii thy truth, «£&a suoa thy laali 28 THE DEATH OF CHKIST. Such love, and meekness so divine, I virould transcribe, and make them mine. 3 Cold mountains and the midnight air, Witness'd tlie fervour of thy prayer, Tlie desert thy temptations Imew, Tliy conflict, and thy vict'ry too. 4 Be thou my pattern ; make me bear More of thy gracious image here ; Then God, the Judge, shall own my name Amongst the followers of the lamb. THE DEATH OF CHRIST. Whitfield's Collection.] 35. L. M. Behold the man. Job xix. YE that pass by, behold the man, The man of grief, condemn'd for you The Lamb of God for sinners slain, Weeping, to Calvary pm'sue. 2 His sacred limbs they stretch, they tear; With nails they fasten to the wood His sacred limbs, expos'd and bare, Or only cover'd with his olood. 3 See there ! his temples crown'd with tliorns, His bleeding hands extended wide. His streaming feet transfix'd and torn. The fountain gushing from liis side. 4 Thou dear, tho'i suffering Son of God, How does thy heart to sinners move I Sprinkle on us thy precious blood, Ajid melt us with thy dying love. 5 The earth could to her centre quake, Convuls'd when her Creator died; O, may our inmost nature shake, Aid bow with Jesus crucified! THE DEATH OF CHRIST. 29 6 At thy last gasp, the graves displayed Their horrors to the upper skies; O, that our souls might burst the shade, And quicken'd by the death arise I 7 The rocks could feel thy powerful death, And tremble and asunder part; O, rend with thy expiring breath The harder marble of our heart. Dr. S. Stexnett.] 36. CM. The attraction of the Cross. John xii. 3, 2. YOXDER — amazing sight ! — I see Th' Incarnate Son of God Expiring on the accursed tree, And welt'ring in his blood. 2 Behold a purple torrent run, Down from his hands and head ; The crimson tide puts out the smi, His groans awake the dead. 3 The trembling eartli, the darken'd sky Proclaim the truth aloud ; And with tlie amaz'd centurion cry, 'This is the son of God.' 4 So great, so vast a sacrifice, ^lay well my hopes revive ; If God's own Son thus bleeds and dies, The sinner sure may live. 5 O, that these cords of love divine, Might draw me. Lord, to thee I Thou hast my heart, it shall be thine — Thine it shall ever be I Steele.] 3T, L. M. A dying Saviour. ^TRETCH'D on the cross, tlie Sanour ^^ dies ; Hark I his expiring groans arise I m THE DEATH OF CHRIST See, from his hands, his feet, his side. Runs down the sacred crimson tide. 2 But life attends the death-bell soimd. And flows from every bleeding wound , The vital stream, how free it flows, To save and cleanse his rebel foes. 3 To suffer in the traitor's place. To die for man, surprising- grace ! Yet pass rebellious angels by — O, why for man, dear Saviour, why ? 4 And didst tliou bleed, for sinners bleed? And could the sun behold the deed ? No, he v/ithdrew his sick'ning ray, And darkness veil'd the mourning day. 5 Can I sm-vey this scene of woe, Where mingling grief and wonder flow ; And yet my heart mimov'd remain, Insensible to love or pain ? 6 Come, dearest Lord, thy grace impart. To warm this cold, this stupid heart; Till all its powers and passions move, In melting grief and ardent love. Watts.] 3§. CM. Godly soirows arising from the sufferings of Christ ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed I And did my Sovereign die I Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2 [Thy body slain, sw^eet Jesus, thine, And bath'd in its own blood. While, all expos'd to wrath divine, The glorious suff'rer stood I] 3 Was it for crimes, that I had done, He groan'd upon the tree ? THE DEATH OF CHRIST. 31 Amazing pity I grace unknown I And love beyond degree I -4 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut Iiis glories in, When God, the mighty I\Iak^r, died For man, the creature's sin. 5 Thns might I hide my blushing face While his dear cross appears : Dissolve, my heart, in tiiankfulness, And melt, my eyes, to tears. 6 But drops of grief can ne^er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all tliat I can do. Watts.] 39. CM. Look on him^ ichorn they pierced^ and mourn. TNFINITE grief! amazing woe I -*- Behold my bleeding Lord I Hell and the Jews conspir'd his death, And us'd the Roman sword. 2 Oh, the sharp pangs of smarting pain My dear Redeemer bore. When knotty whips and jagged thorns His sacred body tore I 3 But knotty whips and jagged thorns In vain do I accuse ; In vain I blame the Roman bands And the more spiteful Jews. 4 *Twere you, my sins, my cruel sins, His chief tormentors were ; Each of my crimes became a nail, And unbelief the spear. 5 *Twere you that pull'd the vengeance (k)^nj Uoon his guiltless head* 32 THE DEATH OF CHRIOT. Break, break, my heart ; O, burst, mine eye« And let my sorrows bleed. 6 Strike, mighty grace, my flinty soul. Till melting" waters flow. And deep repentance drown mine eyes In undissembled woe. 40. (8. 8. 6.) A view of Christ on the Cross. \ S near to Calvary I pass, -^^ Methinks I see a bloody cross, Where a poor victim hangs — His flesh with rugged irons tore, His limbs all dress'd in purple gore, Gasping in dying pangs. 2 Surprised this spectacle to see, I ask'd, 'Who can this victim be, ' In such exquisite pain ? * Why thus consign'd to woes V I cried ; * 'Tis I,' the bleeding God replied, ' CrushM with the curse of sin.* 3 * A God, for rebel mortals, dies I ' How can this be V my soul replies ; ' What ! Jesus die for me ?' * Yes,' says the suif 'ring Son of God, *I give my life, I spill my blood * For thee, poor soul, for thee.' 4 Lord, since thy life, for mine, is giv'n To raise my wretched soul to heav'n, And bless me with thy love, I, therefore, at thy feet would fall. Give thee my life, my soul, my all, For thee would live and move. 5 Ajid, when this mortal life shall cease, O, may I leave this world in peace, And soar to realms of light ; THE DEATH OF CHRIST. ^ There, where my heav'nly Lover reigiis, 1*11 join to raise immortal strains, With lull, supreme delight. 41. S. M. Desiring to live before the Cross. UP, haste to Calvary, My soul ; a journey take. To view thy Lord 'twixt earth and sky, Without the city gate. 2 Before his bloody cross I'd bow and kiss the ground , 'Twas there my guilt and woe I lost, And ready pardon found. S Lord, tune anew my strings, Now on the willow dry ; Take off my thoucrhts from worldly things Bind them to Calvary. 4 For glorious is the plan ; Though *tis without the gate, Ther«, Lord, I'll sing thy grace, And fox thy blessing wait 42. L. M, Gratitude to Christ for shedding his blood, ^O Him, who, on the fatal tree, T Pour'd out his blood, his life, for me, In grateful strains my voice I'll raise. And, in his service, spend my days. To hst'ning multitudes I'll tell How he redeem'd my soul from hell. And how, reposing on his breast, I lost UT/ MJes, and found my re«t» B2 34 RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. 3 Tliroug-h him my sins are all fbrgiv'n He ever pleads my cause in heav'n : I'll build an altar to his name, And to the world his grace proclaina. Stennett.j 43. L. M. It isjinished. * 'rillS finish'd !' so the vSaviour cried, -*- And meekly bow'd his head, and diet * 'Tis linisli'd — yes, the race is run, *The battle fought, the vict'ry won. 2 * 'Tis finish'd — all that heav'n decreed, * And all the ancient prophets said, * Is now fulfill'd, as was design'd, * In me, the Saviour of mankind. 3 * 'Tis finish'd — this, my dying groan, * Shall sins of ev'ry kind atone ; * Millions sliall be redeem'd from death ' By this my last expiring breath. 4 * 'Tis finish'd — heaven is reconcil'd, * And all the powers of darkness spoil'd * Peace, love and happiness again 'Return and dwell with sinful men.' RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. 44. 7s. The Resurrection. 1 Cor. xv. 6. CHRIST, the Lord, is ris'n to-day Sons of men and angels say ; Raise your joys and triumphs high I Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply. Love's redeeming work is done ; Fought the fight ; the battle won ; Lo ! the sun's eclipse is o'er , Lo ! he sits in blood no more. RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. 35 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal ; Christ hath burst the gates of hell : Death in vain forbids his rise ; Christ hath open'd paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious king ; * Where, O death, is now thy sting ?* Once he died our souls to save ; ' Wiiere 's thy vict'ry, boasting grave ?' 5 Soar we now, where Clirist has led, Following our exalted Head : Made like him, like him we rise ; Ours the cross, the grave, tlie skies. 6 What though once we perish'd all, Partners of our parents' faU ; Second life let us receive, In our heav'nly Adam live. 7 Hail, the Lord of earth and heaven I Praise to thee by both be given I Thee we greet, triumphant now, Hail the resurrection — thou. Doddridge.] 45. C. 'M. Comfort to those who seek a risen Jesus. "V^E humble souls, that seek the Lord, -^ Cliase aU your fears away, And bow, with pleasure, down to see The place, where Jesus lay. 2 Thus low the Lord of life was brought ; Such wonders love can do ; TImis cold in death that bosom lay, Which throbb'd and bled for you. 3 A moment give aloose to grief; Let grateful sorrows rise ; And wash the bloody stains away With torrents from your eyes. 36 RESURRECTION OF CHRIST 4 Then dry your tears^ and tune ycwr songs. The Saviour lives again; Not all the bolts and bars of death The Conqueror could detain. 5 High o'er th' angelic bands he rears His once dislionour'd head ; And through unnumber'd years he reigiia. Who dwelt among the dead. C With joy like his shall ev'ry saint His empty tomb survey ; Then rise, with his ascending Lord, To realms of endless day. Watts.] 46. C. M. The IjOVcVs day, or the Resurrection of Christ BLESS'D morning, whose young dawn ing rays Beheld our rising God, And saw him triumph o'er the dust. And leave his last abode. 2 In the cold prison of a tomb The dear Redeemer lay, Till the revolving skies had brought The tJiird, tli' appointed day. 3 Hell and the grave unite their force. To hold our God, in vain ; T})e sleeping Conqueror arose, And burst their feeble cham. 4 To thy great name, almighty Lord, We sacred honours pay. And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day. 5 [Salvation and immortal praise To our victorious King; Let heaven and earth and rocks and eesm With glad hosannas ring.] ASCENSION OF CHRIST. 37 TTie Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. ANGELS : roll the rock away ! Death! yield up thy mighty prey I See I he rises from the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom. Hallelujah. 2 *Tis the Saviour I Angels, raise Fame's eternal trump of praise ; Let the earth's remotest bound Hear the joy-inspiring sound. Hal. 3 Now, ye saints, lift up your eyes, Now to glory see liim rise Now trimnphant, through the sky^ Up to waiting worlds on high. HaL 4 Heav'n displays her portals wide ; Angels attend on ev*ry side ; King of glory I mount the throne, Thy great Father's and thy own. HaL 5 Praise him, all ye heay'nly choirs I Praise, and sweep your golden lyres I Shout, O earth I in rapturous song, Let the strains be sweet and strong. Hal 6 Ev'ry note witli wonder swell : Sin 's o'erthrown and captiv'd hell I Where is hell's once dreadful king ? Where, O death, thy mortal sting ? Hal^ THE ASCEXSIOX OF CHRIST. Watts.] 48. L. M. Christ's Ascension and the gift of the Spirit. Ps. bniii. 17, 18. LORD, when thou didst ascend on hig\ Ten thousand angels fill'd the eky : 38 ASCENSION OF CHRIST. Those heav'nly bands aromid thee wait. Like chariots that attend thy state. 2 Not Sinai's mountain could appear More glorious, when the Lord was there; While he pronounc'd his dreadfid law, And struck the chosen tribes with awe. 3 How bright the triumph none can tell, When the rebellious pow^'rs of hell, That thousand souls had captive made, Were all in chains like captives led. 4 Rais'd by his Father to tlie throne, He sent the promis'd Spirit down, With gifts and grace for rebel men, That God might dwell on earth again. Watts.] 49. L. M. Sa\nts dwell in Heaven; or Chrisfs Ascension, Ps. XX iv. THIS spacious earth is all the Lord's, And men. and worms, and beasts, and birds; He rais'd the building on the seas, .And gave it for their dwelling place. 2 But there's a brighter world on high, Thy palace, Lord, above the sky : Who shall ascend that blest abode. And dwell so near his maker, God ? 3 He that abhors and fears to sin, Whose heart is pure, whose hands are clean ; Him shall tlie Lord, the Saviour bless, And clothe his soul with righteousness. 4 These are the men, the pious race. That seek the God of Jacob's face ; These shall enjoy the blissful sight, And dwell in everlasting liglit ASCENSION OF CHRIST. 30 5 Rejoice, ye shining- worlds on high, Behold tlie King of Glory nigh ! Who can this King of Glory be ? The mighty Lord, the Saviour 's he. 6 Ye heav'nly gates, your leaves display, To make the Lord, the Saviour, way ; Laden with spoils from earth and hell. The Conqu'ror comes Vv'itli God to dwelL 7 Rais'd from the dead, he goes before ; He opens heaven's immortal door To give his saints a blest abode, Neai^ their Redeemer and their God. 50. L. M. Chrisfs Ascension. Ps. xxiv. 7. ^^UR Lord is risen from the dead, ^^ Our Jesus is gone up on high; The pow'rs of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 2 There liis triumphal chariot waits. And angels chant the solemn lay, • Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ! ' Ye everlasting doors, give way I' 3 Loose all your bars of massy light. And wide unfold the radiant scene ; He claims those mansions as his right ; Receive the King of Glory in. 4 * Who is the King of Glory, who V The Lord, that all his foes o'ercame. The world, sin, death and hell overthrew, And Jesus is the Conqu'ror's name. 5 Lo I his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay, * Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates * Ye everlasting doors, give way I' 40 EXALTATION OF CHRIST. 6 * Who is the King of Glory, who V The Lord, of boundless power posscsa*ct. The King- of Saints and Angels too, God over all, for ever blest. Steele.] 51. L. M. COME tune, ye saints, your noblest straijia. Your dying, rising Lord to sing. And echo to the heavenly plains The triumphs of your Saviour King. 2 In songs of grateful rapture tell. How he subdu'd your potent foes ; Subdu'd the powers of earth and hell. And dying, hnish'd all your woes ; 3 Then to his glorious throne on high Return'd, wiiile hymning angels round, Through the bright arches of the sky, *The God I the conqu'ring God l' resound 4 Almighty love ! victorious power I Not angel-tongues can e'er display The wonders of that dreadful hour, The joys of that illustrious day. 5 Then well may mortals try in vaia, In vain their feeble voices raise; Yet Jesus hears the humble strain, And kindly owns our wish to praise. 6 Dear Saviour, let thy wond'rous grace Fill ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue, Till the full glories of thy face Inspire a sweeter, nobler song. II THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST. ftrEELE.] 52. L. M. The exalted Saviour, NOW let us rai?e our cheerful strains An^ joia the bli&eful dioir aboye ; IiYTERCESSION OF CHRIST. 41 There our exalted Saviour rei^s, And there tliey sing" his wond'rous love, 2 While seraphs tune th' immortd song, O, may we feel the sacred flame ; And ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue Adore the Saviour's glorious name I 3 Jesus, vi'ho once upon the tree In agonizing pains cxpir'd ; Who died for rebels ; yes, 'tis he I How bright ! how lovely ! how admir'd ! 4 Jesus, who died that we might live, Died m the wretched traitor's place ; O, what returns can mortals give For such immeasurable grace ? 5 Were miiversal nature ours, And art, with all her boasted store ; Nature and art, with all their powers. Would still confess the off 'rer poor. 6 Yet, though for bounty so divine We ne'er can equal honours raise, Jesus, may all our hearts be thine, And all our tongues proclaim thy praise ! THE INTERCESSION OF CHRIST. Steele.] 53, L. M. The Intercession of Christ. Heb. vii. 25. HE lives, the great Redeemer lives ; (What joy the blest assurance gives I^ And now, before his Father, God, Pleads tlie full merit of his blood. Repeated crimes awake our fears. And Justice, arm'd with frowns, appears ; But in the Savioinr's lovely face Sweet mercy smiles, and all is peace. 42 EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. 3 Hence then, ye black despairing thonghU Above our fears, above our faults ; His pow'rful intercessions rise. And guilt recedes, and terror dies. 4 In ev'ry dark distressful hour. When sin and Satan join their power; Let this dear hope repel the dart, That Jesus bears Us on his heai't. 5 Great Advocate I almighty Friend J On thee our humble hopes depend ". Our cause can never, never fail, For Jesus pleads, and must prevdJl THE EXCELLENCIES OF CfimST Dr. Watts' Miscellany. | 54 L. M. The humiliation^ exaltation and triumphs of Christ Phil ii 8, 9 ; Col. ii. 15. THE mighty frame of glorious grace, That brightest monument of praise That e'er the God of ^ove design'd, Employs and fills my lab'ring mind. Q Begin, my soul, the heavenly song, A burden for an angel's tongue ; When Gabriel sounds these awful things, He tunes and summons all his strings. 8 Proclaim inimitable love ; Jesus, the Lord of worlds above, Puts off the beams of bright array, And veils the God in mortal clay. 4 He that distributes crowns and thrones, Hangs on a tree and bleeds and groans The Prince of Life resigns his breath. The King of Glory bows to death. But see the wonders of his power I "^e triumplis in his dying hour ; EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. 43 And while, by Sataji's rage he fell, He dash'd the rising hopes of hell. 6 Thus were the liosts of death subdu'd, And sin was drown'd in Jesus' blood ; Thus he arose, and reigns above, And conquers sinners by his love. 7 Who shall fulfil this boundless song ? The theme surmounts an angel's tongue; How low, how vain are mortal airs. When Gabriel's nobler harp despairs. 55. CM. Desire of all nations. Hag. ii. 7 ; Cant. i. 3. INFINITE excellence is thine, Thou lovely Prince of grace ! Thy uncreated beauties shme With never-fading rays. 2 Sinners from earth's remotest end Come bending at thy feet ; To thee their prayers and vows ascend. In thee their wishes meet. 3 Thy name, as precious ointment shed. Delights the church aroimd ; Sweetly the sacred odours spread Through all Immanuel's gromid, 4 Millions of happy spirits live On thy exhaustless store ; From thee they all their bliss receive, And still thou givest more. 5 Thou art their triumph aaid their joy ; They find their all in thee ; Thy glories will their tongues emplt • Through all eternity. 44 EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. S. Stexxett.] 56. CM. Chief among ten thousand ; or, the excellencies of Christ. Cant. v. 10, 16. TO Christ, the Lord, let ev'ry tongue Its noblest tribute bring- ; When he 's the subject of the song, Who can refuse to sing ? 2 Survey the beauties of his face, And on his glories dwell ; Think of the wonders of his grace, And all his triiunphs tell. 3 Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Upon his awful brow ; His head with radiant glories crown'd. His lips with grace o'erflow. 4 No mortal can with him compare, Among the sons of men ; Fairer is he tlian all the fair That fill the heavenly train. 5 He saw me plung'd in deep distress. He flew to my relief; For me he bore the shameful cross. And carried all my grief 6 His hand a thousand blessings pours Upon my guilty head ; His presence gilds my darkest hours And guards my sleeping bed. 7 To him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have ; He makes me triumph over death, And saves me fi'om the grave. 8 To heaven, the place of his abode, He brings my weary feet, Shows me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete. EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. 45 Since from his bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be thine. CowPER.] 57. C.ISL Praise for the fountain opened. Zech. viii. 1. THERE is a fountain fill'd with blood, DraA\Ti from Immanuel's veins, And sinners plung'd into tliat flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoic'd to see That fountain in his day ; O, may I there, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away I 3 Dear, dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransom'd church of God Be sav'd, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing womids supply, Redeeming love has been mj^ theme, And shall be, till I die. 5 When this poor lisping stammVing tonguo Lies silent in the grave. Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save. 6 Lord, I believe thou hast prepar'd (Unworthy though I be) For me a blood-bought, free reward, A golden harp for me. 7 'Tis strimg and tun'd for endless years, And form'd by power divine To sound in God the Father's ears No other name but thine. 46 EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. Newton.] 58. C. M. The name of Jesus. Sol. Song, i. 3. HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounda In a believer's ear ! It sootlies his sorrows, heals his wounds. And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole. And calms the troubled breast; ^Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Dear name I the rock on which i build. My shield and hiding place, My never-failing treasury, iill'd With stores of boundless grace. 4 By thee my prayers acceptance gain, AlthougJi with sin defil'd ; Satan accuses me in vain, And I am own'd a child. 5 Jesus my shepherd, husband, friend. My prophet, priest, and king, My lord, my life, my way, my end. Accept the praise I bring. 6 Weak is the effort of my heart. And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. 7 Till then I would thy love proclaim. With ev'ry fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. Newton.] 59. L. M. Is this thy kindness to tky friend ? 2 Sam. xvi 17 'II^X)K, wsak KTti worthless thou^ ] c ^ I kaT9 a r»:;^ tixBigh!.f tfi^tm EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. 4? Jesus, the Saviour, is his name ; He freely loves and without end. 8 He ransom'd me from hell with blooa, And by liis power my foes controU'd ; He found me wandering- far from God, And brouglit me to his chosen fold. 8 He cheers my heart, my wants supplier And says that I shall sliortly be Enthron'd witli him above the skies ; O, what a friend is Christ to me I 4 But ah I my inmost spirit mourns. And well with tears my eyes may swim. To think of my perverse returns; I've been a faithless friend to him- 5 Often my gracious friend I grieve, Neglect, distrust, and disobey ; And often Satan's lies believe. Sooner tlian what my friend can say. 6 He bids me ahvays freely come, And promises whate'er I ask ; But I am straiten'd, cold and dumb, And count my privilege a task. \ Before the world that hates his cause, My treach'rous heart has tlirobb'd witJl shame ; Loth to forego the world's applause, I hardly dare avow his name. Sure was I not most vile and base, I could not thus my friend requite ; And were not he the God of grace, He'd frown and spurn me from his sigE ■> 60. CM. I'VE found the pearl of greatest prLcQ| My heart doth sing for joy , 48 EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. And sing- I must, a Christ I have, O, what a Christ have 1 1 2 Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life; The wdij to God on high. Life to the dead, the truth of types, The truth of prophecy. 3 Christ is a Prophet, Priest and King; A Prophet full of light, A Priest that stands 'twixt God and man A King- that rules with might. 4 Christ's manhood is a Temple where The Altar, God, doth rest; My Christ, he is the Sacrifice, My Christ, he is the Priest. 5 My Christ, he is the Lord of Lords, He is the Khig- of Kings ; He is the Sun of righteousness, With healing in his wings. 6 My Christ, he is the Tree of Life, Which in God's garden grows; Whose fruit doth feed, whose leaves do heal. My Christ is Sharon's rose. 7 Christ is my meat, Christ is my drink, My physic and my health ; My peace, my strength, my joy, my crown, My glory and my wealth. 8 Christ is my father and my friend, My brother and my love ; My head, my hope, my counsellor. My advocate above. 9 My Christ he is the heaven of heavens— My Christ what shall I call ? My Christ is first, my Clffist is last, My Christ is all in all. EXCELLE^XIES OF CHRIST. 40 Dr. Watts.] 61. L. M. Thi description of Christ, the beloved. Cant. V. 9-12, 14-16. rWlHE wond'ring world inquires to knov, -■- Why I should love my Jesus so ; * What are his charms,' say they, * aboro • The objects of a mortal love ?' 2 Yes, my beloved to my sight Shows a sweet mLxture, red and white; AU human beauties, all divine, In my beloved meet and shine. 3 [White is his soul, from blemish free; Red with the blood he shed for me; The fairest of ten thousand fairs ; A sun amongst ten thousand stars. 4 His head the friiest gold excels ; There wisdom in perfection dwells, And glory, like a crown, adorns Those temples once beset with thomi 15 Compassions in his heart are found. Hard by the signals of his wound; His sacred side no more shall bear The cruel scouige, the piercing spear.] [His hands are fairer to behold, Than diamonds set in rings of gold ; Those heavenly hands, that on the tree Were nail'd, and torn, and bled for me. ? Though once he bow'd his feeble kneee Loaded with sins and agonies, Now on the throne of his command. His legs hke marble pillars stand.] 3 [His eyes are majesty and love. The eagle temper'd with the dove; No more shall trickling sorrows ruu Through those dear windows of his bcajL] C 50 EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. 9 His moutli that poiir'd out longf complaintft, Now smiles and cheers his fainting saintai His countenance more graceful is Than Lebanon with all its trees. ]0 All over glorious is my Lord; Must be belov'd, and yet ador'd ; His worth, if all the nations knew, Sure the whole earth woidd love him tooi 62. L. M. OF him who did salvation brin^, I could for ever tliink and sing J Arise ye guilty, he'll forgive ; Arise ye needy, he'll relieve. . ^ S Ask but his grace, and lo ! 'tis given. Ask, and he turns your hell to heaven ; Though sin and sorrow v/ound my soul^ Jesus, thy balm will make it whole. 3 To shame our sins he blush'd in blood, He clos'd his eyes to show us God ; Let all the world foil down and know, That none but God such love could show 4 'Tis thee I love, for thee alone I shed my tears and make my moans V/here'er I am, where'er I move, I meet the object of my love. 5 Insatiate, to the spring I fly, I drink, but yet am ever dry; Ah ! who against thy charms is proof? All I who that loves, can love enough ? Gregg.] 63. L. M. Glorying in the Cross of Christ, rESUS! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee ? EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIST. SI AshamM of thee, whom angels praise. Whose glories shine through endless days. 2 AshamM of Jesus ? Sooner far, Let evening blush to ot\ti a star; He sheds the beams of light divine. O'er this benighted soul of mine. S Asham'd of Jesus ? Just as soon Let midnight be asham'd of noon ; *Tis midnight with my soul, till he, Bright Morning Star, bids darkness flee. 4 Asham'd of Jesus ? That dear friend. On whom my hopes of heaven depend? No ; when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 5 Asham'd of Jesus ? Yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away, No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. 6 Till tiicn — nor is my boastmg vain— Till then, I boast a Saviour slain ; And O, may this my glory be. That Christ is not asham'd of me- t His institutions would I praise. Take up the cross, the shame despL<«» Dare to defend his noble cause, And yield obedience to his laws. 64. L. M. Joseph, my son, is yet alive. Gen. xiv. 26, 28* "V^E mourning souls, dry up your tears* •*- Dismiss your gloomy, groundless feat^ And let your hearts with this revive, Jesus, the Lord, is yet alive. ft His saints he loves and nevsr leaTC^ » Til* chief of sinners he receiyes ; 53 EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIOT. Then let this truth your souls retivt^ The friend of sinners is alive. 3 His saints he'll guard from ev'ry iH, To them his promises fulfil; Then let your hearts with tliis revive* Jesus, tlie Lord, is yet alive. 4 We need not fear to launch away, And leave this tenement of clay ; His voice shall make our dust revive For Christ, the Lord, is yet alive. 6 Abundant grace he will afford Till we are present with the Lord, And prove what we have heard befiM* That Jesus lives for evermore. Beddome.] 65. L. M. Gift of God. John iv. 10. JESUS, my Lord, my soul's delight For thee I long, for thee I pray^ Amid the shadows of the night, Amid the business of the day. 9 Jesus, thou art the gifl of God To sinners weary and distrest. The first of all his gifts bestow'd, And certain pledge of all the rest^ 3 Could I but say, 'This gift is mine,' I'd tread the world beneath my fee\ No more at poverty repine, Nor envy sinners rich and gi-eat A The precious jewel I would keep, And lodge it deep within my neai\ At home, abroad, awake, asleep, It nerer should &om thence depca% FREE GRACE. C Medley.] 66. L. M. One thing needful. Luke x. 42L JESUS, engrave it on my heart. That thou the one thing- needful artx I could from all things parted be, But never, never, Lord, from thee. 3 Needful art thou to make me live ; Needful art thou all grace to give; Needftil to guide me lest I stray, Needful to help me every day. 3 Needful is thy most precious blood; Needful is thy correcting rod ; Needful is thy indulgent care. Needful thy all-prevailing prayer. 4 Needful thy presence, dearest Lord, True peace and comfort to afford; Needful thy promise to impart Fresh life und -vigour to my heart 5 Needful art thou to be my stay Through all life's dark and stormy way; Nor less in death thou'lt needful be, When I yield up my soul to thee. 6 Then shall my soul, with joy supreme^ Dwell on the dear, delightful theme ; Glory and praise be ever his, * The one tbinjj needful' Jesus is. FREE GRACE, Davies.] 67. Tlie pardoning God. Micah vii. 181 GREAT God of wonders, all thy way» Are matcliless, godlike and divine; But the fair glories of thy face More godlike and uuriviill'd shine. !^ FREE GRACE. Who is a pardoning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free 7 2 Crimes of such horror to forgive, Such guilty daring worms to spare, Tliis is thy grand prerogative, And none shall in the honour share* Who is, &c. 3 Angels and men, resign your claim To pity, mercy, love and grace ; This glorious croA\Ti Jehovah's nama AVith an incomparable blaze. Who is, &:c. 4 In wonder lost, with trembling joy, We take the pardon of our God, Pardon for crimes of deepest dye, A pardon seal'd with Jesus' blood. WJio is, &c. 5 O, may this strange, this matchless gract^ This godlike miracle of love. Fill the wide earth with grateful praise. And all th' angelic choirs above. Who is a pardoning God like thee ? Or who has Pfrace so rich and free? 68. L. M. Grace united icith justice and truth, TNFINITE grace ! and can it be -*- That heaven supreme should stoop so lov To visit one so vile as I, One who has been his bitt'rest foe I Can holiness and wisdom join With truth, with justice and with gracc^ To make eternal blessings mine, And sin, with all its guilt, erase? FREE GRACE. 55 3 0 love ! beyond conception great. That formM the vast stupendous plan. Where all divine perfections meet To reconcile rebellious man. 4 There wisdom shines in fullest blaze, And justice all her rights maintains ; Astonish'd angels stoop to gaze, While mercy o'er the guilty reigns. 5 Yes, mercy reigns and justice too ; In Christ harmoniously they meet; He paid to justice all her due, And now he fills the mercy-seat. 6 Such are the wonders of our God, And such th' amazing depths of grace, To save from wrath's vindictive rod The chosen sons of Adam's race. 7 With grateful songs then let our souls Surround our gracious Father's throne ; And all between the distant poles His truth and mercy ever own. 69. L. M Salvation hy grace, and not by works, QJELF-righteous souls on works rely, ^ And boast their moral dignity ; But if I lisp a song of praise, Each note shall echo grace, free grace. 2 Grace ! 'tis a most delightful theme ; *Tis grace that rescues guilty man ; *Tis grace divine, all conqu'ring, free, Or it had never rescued me. 3 *Twas grace that quicken'd me when dead. And grace my soul to Jesus led ; Grace brought me pardon for my sin, And grace subdues my lust^ within. 56 FREE GRACE. 4 Tis grace that sweetens every cross, And grace supports in every loss; In Jesus' grace my soul is strong; Grace is my shield, and grace my song. 5 *Tis grace defends when danger's near, By grace alone I persevere ; *Tis grace constrains my soul to love. And grace will bear me safe above. 6 O, grace, free grace alone I boast. And 'tis in grace alone I trust; And when I rise to heaven, my home, J'll shout free grace I free grace, alone I 70. CM Election by Grace, ELECTION! 'tis a word divine; ' For, Lord, I plainly see * Had not thy choice influenc'd mine *I ne'er had chosen thee.* Why so offensive in men's eyes Doth God's election seem? Because they tliink themselves so wise. That they have cliosen him. Not so the needy, helpless soul Prefers his humble prayer ; He looks to him who works the whole. And seeks his treasure there. His language is, * Let me, my God, *0n sovereign grace rely, *And own 'tis free, because bestow'd * On one so vile as I. * Empty and bare I come to thee * For righteousness divine ; * O, may thy matchless merits be * By imputation mine 1' FREE GRACE. 07 Tl. S. M. Siilvatian by grace^from first to last. Eph. &• t. GRACE I 'tis a charming sounds Harmonious to tiie ear ; Heaven with the echo shall resound. And all the earth shall hear. 8 Grace first contrived a vraj To save rebeUious man ; Ajid a.11 the steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. 3 [Grace first inscribed my name In God's eternal book; •Twas grace that gave me to the Lajatb, Who all my sorrows took.] 4 Grace led my roving feet. To tread the heavenly road. And new supplies each hour I me«t. While pressing on to God, 5 [Grace taught my soul to pray, And made my eyes o'erflow ; Twas grace which kept me to this daj. And will not let me go.] ^ Grace all the work shall crown. Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. Watts.] 72. TO him that chose us first. Before the world began ; To him that bore the curse To save rebellious man ; To him that form'd our hearts anew Is endless praise and glory due. (| The Father's love shall run Through our immortal son^a C2 We bring to God, the Son, Hosannas on our tongues : Our lips address the Spirit's nam^ With equal praise and zeal tlie mitiJ^ Let every saint above, And angel round the tlirone, For ever bless and love The sacred Three in Onei Tkus heaven shall raise his honoufs hig\ What earth and time grow old and die. LORD'S DAY. TO. L. M. Sabbath morning, Rfev. \. 10. COME, dearest Lord, and bless this day , Come, bear our thoughts from earth away* Now let our noblest passions rise With ardour to their native skies. S Come, Holy Spirit, all divine, With rays of light upon us shin^ And let our waiting souls be blest On this sweet day of sacred rest. 3 Then when our Sabbaths here are o"*6> And we arrive on Canaan's shore, With all the ransom'd we shall spend A Sabbath which shall never end. 74. C. M. Sabbath morning* COME, let us join, with sweet acisordi In hymns around the throne^ This is the day our rising Lord Hath made and call'd his own. 9 This is the day, which God huth i)ie«i*d, The brightest of the sev'n; Type of that everlasting rest The saints enjoy in heav'xi. LORD'S DAT. fip Watts.] T5. CM. For the Lord's Day morr^9^ T ORD, in tlie morniiig tliou shalt hear -*-^ My voke ascending- high; To thee will I direct my pFa}^r, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Up to the hills where Chi'ist is gone Tik plead for all his saints. Presenting at his Father's throne. Our songs and our complaints. 8 Thou art a God, before whose sight The wicked shall not stand; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight^ Nor dwell at tliy right hand. 4 But to thy house will I resort To taste tli}' mercies there; I will frequent thy holy court. And worsliip in tliy fear. 5 O, may th}- spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness; Make ev'ry path of duty straight ^d plain before my face. Dr. Watts.] 76. S. M. TTie LorcVs day ; or, delight in Ordinance$. ^XrELCOME sweet day of rest, • ^ That saw the Lord arise ; Welcome to this reviving breast^ And these rejoicing eyes I 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day ; Here we may sit, and see him herc^ And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day amidst the place Where my dear God hath been* I3 sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. eQ PRAYER- 4 My willing^ soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlastino: bliss. Watts.] 77. CM. ChrisVs resurrection and our salvatiotu Ps. ccviii. rilHIS is the day the Lord hath mads» -■- He calls the hours his own; Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad. And praise surround the throne. 3 To-day he rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell ; To-day the saints his triumphs spread And all his wonders tell. 3 Ilosanna to th' anointed King ! To David's holy Son ! Help us, O Lord! descend and briig Salvation from thy throne. 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men With messages of grace. Who comes in God, his Father's nam© To save our sinful race. ^ Hosanna! in the highest strains The church on earth can raise: The highest heavens, in which he reigiia, Shall give them nobler praise. PRAYER Medley.] T8, CM. flUTE hour of prayer once more is oora^ -■- Once more, O Lord, we meet: Thanks to thy name, there yet is room To bow beneath thy feet PRAYER. m 9 Out God, our hope, our heavenly friend. Our father and our all, Our first great cause, and last g^reat end. On thee for help we call. 3 Tlic helpless, poor and needy soul. The tempted and distrest, Dear Lord, relieve, support, make wholes And calm the troubled breast. 4 The faith and hope, the joy and love. Of all thy saints increase ; Hardness and prejudice remove. And fill our hearts with peace. Hart.] 79. L. M. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thes. v. 17. 13RAYER was appointed to convey -^ The blessings God designs to give^ Long as tliey live should Cliristians praj For only while they pray, tliey live. 9 The Christian's heart his prayer indites; He speaks as prompted from witliin; The Spirit his petition writes, And Clirist receives and gives it la. And wilt thou in dead silence lie. When Christ stands waiting for thy pray'* My soul, thou hast a friend on high, Arise and try thy interest there. 4 If pain afflict, or wrongs oppress, If cares distract, or fears dismay, If guilt deject, if sin distress, The remedy 's before thee — pray. 5 *Tis prayer supports the soul that's weak* Tho' thought be broken, language lam^ Pray, if thou canst or canst not speak ; Buw pray with faith in Jesus' nam^ 08 PRAYER 6 Depend on him, thou canst not feil; Make all thy wants and wishes knowi:^ Foar not, his merits must prevail; Ask what thou wilt, it shall be done. CowpER.] 80, L. M. Exhortation to prayer. X^THAT various hindrances we m€e^ » » In coming to a mercy-seat,; Yet, who that knows the worth of prayef But wishes to be often there ? 2 Pray'r makes the darken'd cloud withdraw Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw ; Gives exercise to faith and love, Brings every blessing- from above. 5 Restraining prayer, we cease to fight ; Prayer makes the Christian's armour bright ; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees, 4 While Moses stood with arms spread wide Success was found on Israel's side ;* But when tlirough weariness they faiVd^ 'I'liat moment Amaleck prevail'd. 5 Have you no words ? Ah, think again ; Words flow apace when you complain. And fill your fellow-creature's ear, With the sad tale of all your care. 6 Were half the breath thus vainly spent, To heaven in supplication sent, Vour cheerfii. song would ofl'ner b©* Hear what the Lord has done for me,' "■■'■■ 1 1 1 III i» ♦ f;xod^3 jjvii. XI, MISSIONS. C8 MISSIONS. 81. L. M. And they went and preadied everywhert, ^~^ O, missionaries, and proclaim ^^ The kind Redeemer you have found; Publish his ever precious name To all the wondering nations round, 2 Go tell th' unletter'd, wretched slave Who groans beneath a t^Tant's rod, You bring a freedom bought with bloody The blood of an incarnate God : 3 And tell the panting sable chief On Ethiopia's scorching sand, You come with a refreshing stream^ To cheer and bless his thirsty laiid- 4 Go^ tell on India's golden shores. The Ganges, Thibet, and Boutan, That to enrich their deathless mind You come — the friends of God and maA 5 Tell all tlie distant isles afar, That lie in darkness and the grave, You have the glorious light to show, Jesus has come to seek and sa-ce* 6 Say the religion you profess Is all benevolence and love, And, crown'd with energy divine. Its heavenly origin wiU prove. §2. L. M. Jl£ fad of Babylon indicated from the ^rrmding of the Gospel. PROUD Babylon yet waits her dooin, Nor can her tott'ring palace iall. Till some blest messenger arise "l^e fipacious heathen World to call* 4 MISSIONS, S And see the glorious time approach 5 Behold tlie mighty angel fly The gospel tidings to convey To every land beneath the sky, 5 O, see on both tlie Indies' coasts. And Africa's unhappy shore, The untaught savage press to hear. And, hearing, wonder and adore. 4 [See, while the joyful truth is told, ' That Jesus lefl his throne in hearea, *And sulier'd, died, and rose again, * That guilty souls might be forgiven $ See what delight, unfelt before, Beams in his fix'd, attentive eye ; . And hear him ask, ' For wretched me ' Did the divine Redeemer die ? 6 * Ah ! why have ye so long forborne *To tell such welcome news as this? 'Go now, let every sinner hear, *And share in such exalted bliss.'] t The islands, waiting for his law. With rapture greet the sacred sound, And, taught the Saviom*'s precious namftj Cast all their idols to the ground. 83. L. M. TO distant lands thy gospel send. And thus thy empire wide extend i To Gentile, Turk and stubborn Jew, Thou King of grace, salvation shew, 8 Where'er thy sim or light arise. Thy name, O God ! immortalize ; May nations, yet unborn, confess Thy wisdom, power and rigliteouaiea*. MISSIONS. QB 84. L.M. More labourers wanted. LORD, where we cast our eyes abroad. And see on heathen altars slain, Poor helpless babes for sacrifice, To purge their parents' dismal stain, 2 We can't behold such horrid deeds Without a groan of ardent prayer ; And, while eacli heart in anguish bleeds, We cry. Lord, send thy gospel there. 3 For tliem we pray, for them we wait. To them tliy great salvation shew, Thy harvest. Lord, is truly great. But faithful labourers are few. 4 O, send out preachers, gracious Lord, Among tliat dark, bewilder'd race; Open their eyes, and bless thy word, And call them by thy sovereign grace. 85. Othou great source of light and love. Look down in mercy from above On all the pagan race ; Send thy victorious w^ord abroad To bring lost sinners home to God; O, save them by thy grace I 2 Ye messengers of Jesus, rise ; Proclaim the bleeding sacrifice Throughout the heathen world ; Point out their lost estate, and tell The love of King Immanuel, Though half can ne'er be told. 3 Proclaim inimitable love. Which brought the Saviour from above; Such love 's in God alone : For us he wept, and pray'd and criefe Wisdom descends to heal the blind, And chase the darkness of the mind. S Our guilty souls are drown'd in teajSj Till his atoning blood appears; Then we awake from deep distress, And sing, 'the Lord our righteousness^* 3 Our very frame is mix'd with sin ; His spirit makes our natures clean ; Such virtues from his suif'rings flow. At once to cleanse and pardon too. 4 Jesus beholds where Satan reigns. Binding his slaves in heavy chains ; IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS. 71 He sets the prisoners free, and breaks The iron bondage from our necks. B Poor helpless worms in thee possess Grace, wisdom, power and rig-liteousness? Thou art our mighty All, and we Give our whole selves, O Lord, to thee. B^ Hart.] 92. CM. Wlio of God is made unto us loisdom^ and righU eousness^ and sanctijication^ and redemption 1 Cor. 1. 30. •ELIEVERS own they are but blind; They know themselves miwise ; But wisdom in the Lord they find, Wlio opens all their eyes. B Unrighteous are they all, when tried ; But God himself declares, In Jesus they are justified ; His righteousness is their's. 5 That we're unholy needs no proof; We sorely feel the fall ; But Christ has holiness enough To sanctify us all. 4 Exposed by sin to God's just wratk We look to Clirist, and view Redemption in his blood by faith, And full redemption too. 5 Some this, some that, good virtue teach, To rectify the soul ; But we first afler Jesus reach, And richly grasp the whole. 6 To Jesus join'd, we all that's good, From him, our head, derive; We eat his flesh and drink his blood, And by and in him live. ^t ALMa ALMS. 93. L.M. Collection for the poor. The beneficence of Christ for our imitation, WHEN Jesus dwelt in mortal clay, What were his works from day to day f Sweet miracles of power and grace, That spread salvation through our raoa 2 Teach us, O Lord, to keep in view Thy pattern, and thy steps pursue ; Let alms bestow'd, let kindness donc^ Be witness'd by each rolling sun. 3 That man may last, but never lives, Who much receives but nothing giveft, Whom none can love, whom none can thanks Creation's blot, creation's blank. 4 But he who marks, from day to day, In generous acts his radiant way, Treads the same path his Saviour trcK^ The path to glory and to God. 94. L. M. Of thine own have ice given thee. 1 Chron. xxix. 14 THE Lord who rules the world's affair* For me a well-spread board preparea^ My grateful tlianks to him shall rise ; He knows my wants, those wants suppli» 2 And shall I grudge to give his poor A mite from all my generous store ? No, Lord; the friends of thine and thee Shall always find a friend in me. 3 My gratefiil heart shall feel their woe% For their relief shall interpose ; And, of the bounties I receire, I cheerful will a portion give. WASfflNG 'JPHE SAINTS* FEET. 73 WASHING THE SAINTS' FEET. 95. L. M. %e command of Christ to wash one another'^s feet, JESUS, tliou great exalted King, Thy love, thy matcliless love I sing; Descending from tliy lofly seat, I see tlice wash thy servants' feet 2 Here I behold, at once displayM, The God, in mortal flesh array'd, And an example set for me. Set, Christian, by thy Lord, for thee. 3 Let us attend our sovereign Lord, And all his works and acts record ; * I have you an example set, * That you should wash each other's feet* 4 My Sa\4our, I obey tliy voice. And in thy word and ways rejoice ; Would humbly wash thy followers' feet ; O, let me here thy presence meet 9(fi, CM. Washing the Sair** 'ut. John xiii. 2. 5. 14 DISROB'D of all his heavenly dress, The Saviour c*rae to earth, Cloth'd in a veil of roortal flesh, And bow'd his head in death. I That awiul night, in whJrh, betray'd. He introduc'd the feast Which we, my friends hare seen displayM^ Where each has been a guest \ The solemn scene about to close, To make the whole complete, He meekly from commimion rose. And wash'd his servants' feeL 74 ORDINATION OF MINISTERS. 4 *Let each,' he said, 'to others do * As I, your Lord, have done ; * The heavenly pattern still pursue ' In form as I have shown.' 5 Since Christ has the example set By his o^^^l blessed hand. We'll humbly wash each other's feet. Obedient to command. ORDINATION OF MINISTERS. 96* L. M. People's prayer for their minister. J "^O^ITH heavenly powder, O Lord, defend ^ * Him, whom w^e now^ to thee commend^ His person bless, his soul secure, And make him to the end endure. 2 Gird liim with all-sufficient grace; Direct his feet in paths of peace ; Tiiy truth and faithfulness fulfil, And liclp him to obey thy will. 3 Before him thy protection send ; O, love him, save him to the end ; Nor let him, as a pilgrim, rove Without the convoy of thy love. 4 Enlarge, inflame, and fill his heart. In him thy mighty power exert, That thousands yet unborn may praise The wonders of redeeming grace. i W Hammond.] 9§« 7s. After the charge. Prov. xi. 30. OULD you win a soul to God ? Tell him of the Saviour's blood j ORDINATION OF DEACONa 75 Say how Jesus' bowels move ; Tell liim of redeeming- love. 8 Tell him how the streams did glide From his hands, his feet, his side ; How his head with thorns was crowned. And his heart in sorrow drown'd. 3 Tell him how he sutTer'd dcatli. Freely yielded up his breath, Died and rose to intercede, As our advocate and head. 4 Tell him it was sovereign grace Wrought on you to seek his face; Made you choose the belter part ; Brought salvation to your heart, 5 Tell him of that liberty. Wherewith Jesus makes us free : Sweetly speak of sins forgiven, Earnest of the joys of heaven. ORDINx\TION OF DEACONa J. B. Cook.] 09. L. M. At the choice of a Deacon, THOU sacred spirit, heavenly dovo. Distil thy dews of joy and love ; O'ersprcad our souls with rays of lightt And guide our errin* judgment right % From our dear brethren taught lliy word. Fain would we choose a Deacon, Lord ; One, who may fill the office well, And in the faith of Christ excel. 8 In thee we trust, on thee depend, Our constant never-failing fi-iend ; Assist us, Lfid, and bless our choice Aiid in thy n.une we will rejoice 76 BEFORE SERMON. RECEIVING OF FELLOWSHIP. 100. CM. After Baptism. EXTERNAL God, now smile on thoee, -*-^ AVho, hoping in thy word, This day have pubhcly declared That Jesus is their Lord. With cheerful feet may they advance. And run the Christian race, And, through the troubles of the way, Find aU-sufficient g-race. 101. L. M. Admission of new members. Gen. xxiv. 31. WELCO:\IE, ye well-belov'd of God, Ye heirs of grace, redeem'd by blood Welcome, with us your hands to join, As partners of our lot divine. 2 With us the pilgrim's state embrace ; We're trav'lling to a blissful place ; The Holy Ghost, who knows the way, Conducts us on from day to day. 3 Embrace the cross and bear it on ; It shall be light and not be long; Soon shall we sit with Jesus down. And wear an everlasting crown. BEFORE SERMON. 102. CM. Casting the Gospel net, Luke v. 5 ; John xid. 6| [OW, while the Gospel net is cast, Do thou, O Lord, the effort own| W BEFORE SERMON. 77 From numerous disappointments past. Teach as to hope in thee alone. Maj this be a much-favour'd hour, To souls in Satan's bondage led ; O, clothe thy word with sovereign power, To break the rocks and raise the dead. To mourners speak a cheering- word, On seeking pouIs vouchsafe to shine ; Let poor backsliders be restor'd, And all thy saints in praises join. [O, hear our prayer, and give us hope. That when thy voice shall call us horoe^ Thou still wilt raise a people up. To love and praise thee in our room.] Newton.] 103. CM. fV'OW, Lord, inspire the preacher's heart, ■^^ And teach his tongue to speak; Food to the hungry soul impart, And cordials to the weak. Furnish us all with lig-ht and powers To walk in wisdom's ways ; So shall the benefit be ours, And thou shalt have the praise. Hart.] 101. C. M. i^NCE more we come before our God. ^^ Once more his blessing ask ; O, may not duty seem a load. Nor worship prove a task. Father, thy quick'nins" Spirit send From heaven, in Jesus' name, To make our waiting- minds atteiK^ And put our souls in frame. 73 BEFORE SERMON. 3 May we receive the word we hear, Each m an honest heart ; Hoard up the precious treasure tliert^ And never with it part. 4 To seek thee all our hearts dispose, To each thy blessings suit; And let tlie seed thy servant sows, Produce a copious fruit. 5 Bid the refreshing north wind, wake; Say to the south wind, blow; Let every plant thy power partake. And all the garden grow. 6 Revive tJic parch'd with heavenly showers,! The cold witli warmth divine ; | And as tlie benefit is ours, , Be all the glory thine. t I Dr. \Vatts.] 105. L. M. [ 7^< books of Nature, and of Script iwe compared or^ the glory and success of the Gospel. rilllE heavens declare thy glory, Lord, -*- In every star thy wisdom shines ; But when cur eyes behold thy word, We read thy name in fairer lines. 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And nigJits and days thy power confess| But the bless'd volume thou hast writ. Reveals thy justice and thy grace. 3 Sun, moon and stars, convey thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand J So when thy truth began its race, It toucli'd and glanc'd on every land. 4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest. Till through the world thy truth has run J Till Christ hath all the nations blest, That see the light or feel the sun. BEFORE SERMON. 79 * 5 Great Sim of Righteousness, arise, Bless the dark world with heavenly li^^ht; Thy gospel makes the simple wise, Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 6 Tliy noblest wonders here we view. In souls renew'd, and sins forgiven ; Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew. And make thy word my guide to heaven. Dr. Watts.] 106. L. M. Longing after God ; or. the love of God letter than life. 4^ REAT God, indulge my humble claim ; ^^ Thou art my hope, my joy, my rest The glories that compose thy name, Stand all engag'd to make me blest. 2 Thou great and good, thou just and wise. Thou art my Fatlier and ni}^ God 1 And I am tliine by sacred ties ; Thy son, thy servant, bought with blood 3 With lieart and eyes, and lifted hands. For thee I long, to thee I look ; As travellers, in tiiirsty lands. Pant for the cooling Vv'ater brook. 4 With early feet, I love t' appear Among thy saints, and seek thy face ; Oil; have I seen thy glory there. And felt tlie |K)wer of sovereign grace. 5 Not fruits nor vrines that tempt our taste, Nor all the joys our senses know, Could make me so divinely blest. Or raise my cheerful passions so. 6 My life itself, without thy love. No taste of pleasure could afford ; Twould but a tiresome burden prove, If I were banish'd from the Lord. eO BEFORE SERMON. 7 Amidst the wakefiil hours of night. When busy cares afflict my head, One thought of thee gives new delight, And adds refreshment to my bed. 8 I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice, While I have breath to pray or praise , This work shall make my heart rejoice, And spend the remnant of my days. Dr. Watts.] 107. L. M. The enjoyment of Christ ; or, delight in worship Xj^AR from my tlioughts, vain world, be •*- gone,^ Let my religious hours alone : Fain would my eyes my Saviour see; I wait a visit, Lord, from thee. 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire. And kindles with a pure desire ; Come, my dear Jesus, from above, And feed my soul with heavenly lov^ S [The trees of life immortal stand, In fragrant rows at thy right hand ; And in sweet murmurs, by tlieir side. Rivers of bliss perpetual glide. 4 Haste then, but with a smiling face, And spread the table of thy grace ; Bring down a taste of truth divine. And cheer my heart with sacred wine.J 5 Bless'd Jesus, what delicious fare ! How sweet tliy entertainments are 1 Never did angels taste above, Redeeming grace, and dying love. 6 Hail, great Immanuel, all divine ! In thee tliy Father's glories shine ; Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest one, Thai eyes have seen, or angela known. BEFORE SERMON 81 Newton.] 108. CM. THY promise, Lord, and tliy command. Have brouglit us here to-day ; And now we humbly waiting stand, To hear what thou wilt say.* 2 Meet us we pray, with words of peace ; And fill our hearts with love ; That from our follies we may cease. And henceforth faithful prove. Dr. Watts.] 109. L. M. Li/e, the day of Grace and Hope. Eccles. ix. 4, 6, 10. LIFE is the time to serve tlie Lord, The time t' insure the great reward*' And while the lamp holds out to burn, The vilest sinner may return. 2 [Life is the hour that God hath given, To 'scape from hell, and fly to heaven ; The day of grace, and mortals may Secure the blessings of the day.] 3 The living know that they must die, But all the dead forgotten lie ; Their mem'ry and their sense is gono, Alike unknowing and unknown. 4 [Their hatred and their love is lost. Their envy buried in the dust ; They have no share in all that's doiie Beneath the circuit of the sim.] 5 Then what my thoughts design to do. My hands with all your might pursue; Since no device, nor work is found. Nor faitli, nor hope, beneath the ground. * Psalm Ixxxv. 8. D2 82 BE'nVEEN PRAYER 6 There are no acts of pardon passM In tlie cold grave, to which we haste ; But darkness, death, and long" despair, fieign in eternal silence there. Dr. Watts.] 110. C. M. Breathing after the Holy Spirit; or, fervency q/ devotion desired. Ip^O^IE, holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, ^ With all thy quick'ning powers. Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look, how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys ; Our souls can neither fly nor go, To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord, and sliall we ever live At tliis poor dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great ! 5 Come holy Spirit, heavenly Dove ; With all thy quick'ning powers; Come shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. BETWEEN PRAYER AND SERMON, T 111. CM. The divinity of Christ* frP.E we aaoic, erernal Wordi The Father's equal sen ,* AND SERMON. 8S Bj heaven's obedient hosts ador'd, Ere time its course begun. 2 The first creation has display'd Thine energy divine ; For not a single thing was made By other hajids tlian thine. 3 But ransom 'd sinners, with delight, Sublimer facts survey ; The all-creating Word unite Himself to dust and clay. 4 See the Redeemer clothed in flesh, And ask tlie reason 'Why ?' The answer fills my soul afresh, * To suffer, bleed and die I' 5 What wonders in thy person meet. My Saviour, all divine ! I fall with rapture at thy feet^ And vrould be wholly tiiine. L 112. 7s. A hlesswg hujnhhj requested. ORD, we come before thee now; At thy feet we humbly bow ; O, do not our suit disdain; Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain ? 2 In thy own appointed way Now we seek thee ; here we stay ; I-rord, from hence we would not go Till a blessing thou bestow. 3 Send some message from thy word. That may joy and peace afford ; Let thy spirit now impart Full solvauon to each heart 84 BETWEEN PRAYER 4 Grant that all may seek and find Thee, a God supremely kind ; Heal the sick ; the captive free ; Let us all rejoice in thee. 113. 7s. Love of Jesus* LOVE divine, how sweet tlie sound. May the theme on earth abound ; May the hearts of saints below With the sacred rapture glow. 2 Love amazing-, large and free ; Love unknown, to tliink on me ! Jesus, of thy love possess'd, I am now, and shall be blest. 3 Better than this life of mine, Saviour, is thy love divine ; Drop the veil and let me seo Oceans of this love in thee. BEDD03IE.] 114. S. M. He beheld the city, and wept over it. Luke xix. 41. DID Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry ? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from ev'ry eye. 2 The Son of God in tears Angels with wonder see ; Be thou astonish'd, O my soul ! Those tears were shed for thee. 3 He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear : In heaven alone no sin is found. Afid there 's no weeping there. AND SERMON. 89 115. L. M. fllHOU, who for sinners once wast slaii^ -■- Once dead, but now alive again ; Give nic to know, to taste and prove Tlie power and sweetness of thy love. 2 Give me to feel my sins forgiven, And know myself an heir of heaven ; My conscience sprinkle with thy blood, And fill me with the love of God. 116. 8, 7, 4. Prayer for minister and people. DEAREST Saviour, help thy servant To proclaim thy wondrous love ; Pour thy grace upon his people, That thy truth they may approve : Bless, O bless tiiem. From thy shinmg courts above. 2 Now thy gracious word invites them To partake the gospel feast L#et thy spirit sweetly draw them, Ev'ry soul be Jesus' guest I O, receive us. Let us find tlie promised rest 117. L. M. ^ty in heaven for a repenting sinner. Luke xv. 1 "¥X7'H0 can describe the joys that rise • • Throuofli all the courts of paradise. To see a prodigal return, To see an heir of glory born ? 2 With joy the Father doth approve The fruit of liis eternal love ; The Son with joy looks down and seea Txie purcliase of his agonies. 86 BETWEEN PRAYER 3 The Spirit takes delight to \dew The holy soul he form'd anew ; And saints and angels join to sing The growing- empire of their King. Watts.] 11§. C. M. A Messed Gospel BLEST are tlie souls that hear and know The Gospel's joyful sound; Peace shall attend the path they go, And light their steps around. 3 Their joy shall bear their spirits up, Tlirough their Redeemer's name ; His righteousness exalts their hope, Nor Satan dares condemn. 3 The Lord, our glory and defence. Strength and salvation gives; Jesus, our King, for ever reigns, Our God for ever lives. 119. ^~^H I my God I and hast tho-t sent ^^ Me here to preach to-day? Oh, baptise my soul witli fire, And point me out the way. While I draw the gospel bow, Lord, let thy arrows fly ; May each sinner feel this day That Christ for him did die. 2 Lord, we have assembled here To hear what tliou wilt say. Some from tlie east, some from the west. Some north and south, to pray; If I'm sent to preach thy word, O God, display thy power ; May we have a pentecost, A sweet, refresiiing shower. AND SERMON. 87 8 Sinners, Lord, arc trembling now, Their tears are trickling down : Keen conviction's on their brow Wliile they behold thy fro-wn. Oh, for justifying grace, And thy convicting power ; Lord, we beg, for Jesus' sake, A sweet refreshing shower. Watts.] 120. L. 31. Hope in the Covenant. Heb. vi. 17 — 19* HOW oft have sin and Satan strove To rend my soul from thee, my GxA i But everlasting is tliy love, Ajid Jesus seals it with his blood. 2 The oath and promise of the Lord Join to confirm the wondrous grace ; Eternal power performs the word, And fills all heaven witli endless praise, 8 Amidst temptations sharp and long, INIy soul to this dear refuge flies, Hope is my anchor firm and strong, Wliile tempests blow and billows rise, 4 The gospel bears my spirit up ; A faithful and michanging God Lays the foundation of my hope In oaths, in promises and blood. Steele.] 121. C. M. JESUS ! in thy transporting name What blissful glories rise ! Jesus, tlie angels' sweetest theme, The wonder of the skies ! f^ Well might the skies with wonder riev A love so strange as thine ! Ho thought of angels ever knew Compassion so divine. 8 BE'nVEEN PRAYER 3 Jesus, and didst thou leave the sky For miseries and woes ? And didst thou bleed, and groan, and dio^ For vile, rebellious foes ? 4 fVictorious love I can language tell The wonders of thy power, Which conquer'd all the force of hell In that tremendous hour ? 5 ^yhat glad return can I impart For favours so divine ? O, take my heart, this worthless heart, And make it only tliine.] 122. S. M. Hungry for spiritual food, HUNGRY, and faint, and poor, Beliold us. Lord, again Assembled at thy mercy's door, Tiiy bounty to obtain. 2 Thy word invites us nigh. Or we must starve indeed ; For we no money have to buy, No righteousness to plead. \ The food our spirits want Thy hand alone can give ; O, hear tlie pray'r of faith, and grant That we may eat and live. DossEY.] 123. S. M. Divine assistance invoked, ASSIST thy servant. Lord, The gospel to proclaim ; Let power and love attend the word, And every breast inflame. S Bid mibelief depart ; Banish the fear of man ; AND SERMON. Take full possession ot* his heart. And glorify thy name. 8 Make stubborn sinners bend To thy divine control ; Constrain the wand'ring- to attend, And make tlie wounded whole. 4 Extend thy conqu'ring arm, With banner wide unfurPd, Until thy glorious grace shall charm And harmonize tlie world. Watts.] 124. L. M. THIS life 's a dream, an empty show ; But the bright world, to which we gr% Hath joys substantial and sincere ; When shall I wake and find me there? 2 O glorious hour ! O blest abode I I shall be near and like my God ; And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. 8 My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyflil sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. 1*25. L. M. Desiring communion with God, "pL/TY rising soul, with strong desires, -•-^-^ To perfect happiness aspires ; With steady steps would tread the road, That leads to heaven, that leads to God 2 I thirst to drink unmingled love From tlie pure fountain-head above : My dearest Lord, I long to be Empty of sin and full of thee. 90 AFTER SERMON. 4 For thee 1 pant, for thee I burn; Art thou withdrawn ? again return ; Nor let me be the first to say Thou wilt not hear when sinners pray Watts.] 126. L. M. The love of Christ shed abroad in the heart, COME dearest Lord, descend and dwell, By faith and love, in ev'ry breast; Then shall we Imow, and taste, and feel. The joys that cannot be express'd. 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength ; Make our enlarged souls possess And learn the height, and breadth, and length, Of thine iinmeasurable grace. 3 Now to the God, whose power can do More than our tlioughts and wishes know, Be everlasting honours done By all the church througli Christ his Son AFTER SERMON. Newtox.J 127. C. M. Fa\ifi*8 review and expectation. 1 Chron. xviL 16,17. AIVIAZIXG 2frace ! (how sweet tlie sound !) That sav'd a wretch like me ; I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see ! 2 *Twas grace that tauglit my heart to fear. And grace my fears reliev'd ; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believ'd ! 3 Through many dangers, toils and snares* I have already come ; AFTER SERMON. 91 Tlfl grace has brought me safe thi/S far, And grace will lead me home. 4 The Lord has promis'd good to me ; His word my hope secures ; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. 5 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall foil, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the vail, A life of joy in peace. 6 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine ; But God, wlio call'd me here below. Will be for ever mine. 128. L. M. DISMISS us with thy blessing, Lord^ Help us to feed upon thy word, All that lias been amiss forgive. And let tliy truth within us live. 2 Thougli we arc guilty, tJiou art good; Wash all our souls in Jesus' blood, Give every fctter'd soul release, And bid us all depart in peace. 129. S. M. ONCE more before we part. We'll bless tlie Saviour's name. Record his mercies, every heart, Sing every tongue the same. S Hoard up his sacred word. And feed tliereon, and grow ; Go on, and seek to know the Lord And practise what you know. 02 AFTER SERMON. 130. ORD, dismiss us with thy blessings L^ Fill oiir hearts with joy and peao« Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us, O refresh us. Travelling through this wilderneea 9 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy Gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound; Ever faithful, ever faithful To the truth, may we be found. 8 So, whene'er the signal 's given, Us from earth to call away, Borne on angels' wings to heaven. Glad the summons to obey. May we ever, may we ever Reign with Christ in endless day. Dr. Watts.] 131, S. M. The passion and exaltation of ChrisL COME, all harmonious tongues. Your noblest music bring; Tis Christ the everlasting God, And Christ the man we sing. S Tell how he took our flesh, To take away our guilt; Sing the dear drops of sacred blood. That hellish monsters spilt. 3 [Alas ! the cruel spear Wont deep into his side, And the rich flood of purple gore Their murd'rous v^^eapons dyed.1 AFTER SERMON. 93 4 [The waves of swelling- grief Did o'er his bosom roll, And mountains of Almighty wratii Lay heavy on his soul.] 5 Down to tlie shades of death He bow'd liis awful head ; Yet he cLTose to live and reign When death itself is dead. 6 No more the bloody spear, The cross and nails no more ; For hell itself shakes at his name. And all the heavens adore. 7 There the Redeemer sits, High on the Father's throne : Tlie Father lays his vengeance by, And smiles upon his Son. 8 There his full glories shine With uncreated rays, And bless liis saints' and angels eyea» To everlasting days. Doddridge.] 132. C. M. 2^e condescending grace of Christ. Mat. XX. 28« SAVIOUR of men, and Lord of love, How sweet tiiy gracious name I With joy that errand we review, On which thy mercy came. 2 While all thy owti angelic bands Stood waiting on the wing, Charm'd with the honour to obey Their great eternal King;. 3 For us, mean, wretched, sinful mei^ Thou laid'st that glory by, Firsts in our mortal flesh to serre} Then, in that flesh to die 04 AFTER SERMON. 4 Bought with thy service and t]iy bloodi We doubly, Lord, are thine ; To tliee our hves we would devote» To thee our death resign. Watts.] 133. L. M. ^O let our lips and lives express ^ The holy gospel we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honours of our Saviour God, When the salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sink 3 Our flesh and sense must be denied, Passion and envy, lust and pride ; While justice, temp'rance, truth and love Our inw^ard piety approve. 4 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope. The briglit appearance of the Lord, And faith stands leaning on his wor^* 134. 7s. THANKS for mercies past receiT^i Pardon of our sins renew ; Teach us henceforth how to live, With eternity in view. 2 Bless thy word to old and young; ;> Grant us. Lord, thy peace and loTt^ M And, when life's short race is run^ » Take us to thy house above. I AFTER SERMON. 05 135. Parting Song. NOW brethren, ere we part, Let 's join to praise our God ; His love fill every lie art. While we are on the road : 'Tis sweet to feel our Saviour's love. But sweeter still in heaven above. 2 There we shall meet again, Should we ne'er meet on earth ; We'll see our Saviour's face, And sing- our heavenly birth ; Our parting end, while we adore Our blessed God for ever more. ^ But let us ne'er forget To beg our children dear To come to Clirist, our Lord, And seek him vrhile he 's near : ^lay we all meet in heaven above, And join to praise redeeming love. 136. L. M. RAISE God, from whom all blessings flo\^ Praise him, all creatiu"es here below ; Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son, and Holv Ghost. P W^^TTs.] 137. C. M. r ET God the Father, and the Son, ■-^ And Spirit, be ador'd. Where there are works to make liim knoxn^ Or Saints to love the Lord. o 138. S.M. JTR Father God adore, And praise his equal Soa| 96 THE CHRISrriAN. The spirit bless for evermore, Three mysteries in one. 139. L. M. TO God the Father, God the Son, And God tlie Spirit, three in one, Be honour, praise and glory given By all on eartli, and all in heaven. 140, CM. TO praise the Father and the Son And Spirit, all divme, The one in three, and three in one. Let saints and angels join. 141. L.M. TTAIL, Father I hail, eternal Son ! -■"•- Hail, sacred Spirit, three in one I Blessings and thanks, and power diWne, Thrice holy Lord, be ever thine I THE CHRISTL\N. CowpER.] 142. CM. TTie contrite heart. Isaiah Mi. 15. THE Lord will happiness divine On contrite hearts bestow ; Then tell me, gracious God, is rain© A contrite heart or no ? I hear, but seem to hear in vain, Insensible as steel; If aught is felt, 'tis only pain, To find I cannot feel THE CHRISTIAN. 97 9 I sometimes think myself iiiclin*d To love thee, it* I could ; But often feel another mind, Averse to all that's good. 4 My best desires are faint and few» I fain would strive for more ; But when I cry, ' my strengtli renew, Seem weaker than before. 5 Thy saints are comforted I know, And love thy house of prayer ; I therefore go wiiere others go, But find no comfort there. 6 O, make this heart rejoice or ache. Decide this doubt for me ; And if it be not broken, break. And heal it, if it be. CowpER.] 143. CM. Jehovah our righteousness. Jer. xxiii. 6. l^/f'Y God, how perfect are thy ways! -^'-■- But mine polluted are ; Sin twines itself about my praise, And slides into my prayer. |2 If I would speak what thou hast doDO To save me from my sin, I cannot make thy mercies known, But self-applause creeps in. 3 Divine desire, that holy flame Thy grace creates in me, Alas ! impatience is its name, When it returns to tliee. 'I This heart, a fountain of vile thoughla^ How^ does it overflow ' ' While self upon the surface floats, Still bubbling from below. 08 THE CHRIOTIAN. 5 Let others in the gaudy dress Of fancied merit shine ; The Lord shall be my righteousness. The Lord for ever mine. If.;: m^i Dr. Doddridge.] 1 44» C. M. Jesus, precious to them that believe, 1 Peter ii. 7. TESUS, I love thy charming name ; *^ 'Tis music to my car ; Fain would I sound it out so loud. That earth and Iieaven might hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust ; Jewels to thee are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 AH my capacious powers can wish, In thee doth richly meet ; Nor to my eyes is lic^ht so dear, Nor friendship half so su'^ect. 4 Tliy grace sliall dwell upon my heart. And shed its fragrance there ; The noblest balm of all its wounds, Tiie cordial of its care. 5 ril speak the honours of thy name, With my last laboring breath ; And dying, clasp thee in my arms. The antidote of deatii. Self-denial. 145. CM. Mark viii. 34 ; Luke ix. 23, AND must I part with all I have, My dearest Lord, for thee ? It is but right, since thou hast done Much more than this for me. THE ClIRISnA.W. i 9 Yes, let it go; one look from the« Will more than make araendfl For all the losses I sustain, Of credit, riches, friends. 3 Ten thousand worlds, ten thousand liTca, How worthless thej appear. Compared with thee, supremely good. Divinely bright and fair I 4 Saviour of souls, could I from thee A single smile obtain. Though destitute of all things else, I*d glory in my gain. Dr. Watts' Lyric Poems.] 146. S. AL Confession and Pardon. 1 John i. 9 ; Pro?, xxviii. 18. TLTY sorrows, like a flood, -^^■^ Impatient of restraint. Into thy bosom, O my God, Pour out a long complaint. I 2 This impious heart of mine I Could once defy the Lord ; Could rush with violence on to sin. In presence of thy sword. 3 How often have I stood A rebel to the skies, And yet, and yet, O matchless gr&ot! Thy thunder silent lies. 4 O, shall I never feel The meltings of thy love ? Am I of such hell-harden'd steel That mercy cannot move ? 0*ercome by dying love, Here at thy cross I lie; 100 THE CHRISTIAN. I And throw my flesh, my soul, nry a33, And weep, and love, and die. 6 * Rise,' says the Saviour, * rise, Behold my wounded veins; Here flows a sacred, crimson flood. To wash away thy stains,' 7 See, God is reconcil'd I Behold his smiluig- face ! Let joyful cherubs clap their wing^ And sound aloud his grace. 3 Newton.] 14T. L. M. Prayer answered by crosses. IASK'D tlie Lord that I might grow In faith, and love, and every grace; Might more of his salvation know. And seek more earnestly his face. 3 *Twas he, who taught me first to pray, And he, I trust, has answer'd prayer; But it has been in such a way. As almost drove me to despair. I hoped that in some favour'd hour, At once he'd answer my request; And by his love's constraining power. Subdue my sins and give me resL 4 Instead of this, he made me feel The hidden evils of my heart, And let the angry powers of hell Assault my soul in every part ^ Yes, more ; with his own hand he seemM Intent to aggravate my woe ; Cross'd all the fair designs I schem'd, Blasted my gourds, and laid me low. % * Lord, why is this ?' I trembling cried, * Wilt thou pursue thy worm to deaUl I IHE CHRISTIAN. 101 *Tris in this way,' tlic Lord replied, * I answer prayer for grace and faith» * These inward trials I employ, * PVom self and pride to set thee free » * And break thy schemes of earthly joy, * That thou may'st seek thy all in me Fawcett.] 14 §. CM Inward Religion. James i. 27. RELIGION is the chief concern Of mortals licre below ; May I its great importance learn, Its sovereign virtue know. More needful this, tlian glittering wealth ^ Or aught the world bestows ; Not reputation, food, or health, Can give us such repose. Religion sliould our thoughts engage Amidst our youthful bloom ; 'Twill fit us for declining age, And for the awful tomb. O, may my heart, by grace renew'd* Be my Redeemer's throne ; And be my stubborn will subdu'd. His government to own. Let deep repentance, faith, and love Be join'd with godly fear ; And all my conversation prove My heart to be sincere. Preserve me from tlie snares of Rin, Through my remaining days ; And in me let each virtue shine To my Redeemer's praise. 102 THE CHRISTIAN. 7 Let lively hope my soul inspire; Let warm affections rise ; And may I wait with strong desire. To mount above the skies 149. L. M. A WAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, -^^ And sing thy great Redeemer's praii5 He justly claims a song from me ; His loving kindness, O how free I 2 He saw me ruin'd in tlie fall, Yet lov'd me notwithstanding all He savM me from my lost estate. His loving-kindness, O Iiow great I 5 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and liell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along ; His loving-kindness, O how strong ! 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick, and thunder'd louo. He near my soul has always stood ; His loving-kindness, O how good I $ Often I feel my sinful heart tiune from my Jesus to depart; But though I Jiave Jiim oft forgot. His loving-kindness changes not. 6 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail; O, may my last expiring breath His loving kindness sing in death I ? Then let me mount and soar away To the briglit world of endless day, And sing with rapture and surprise His loving-kindness in tJie skies. THE CHRISTIAN. UX\ Wesley's Collection.] 150, S. M r WANT a heart to prny, ■■- To pray and never cease ; Never to murmur at thy stay, Or wisli my suff 'rin^^s less, 2 Tliis blessin;^ above all. Always to pray, I want ; Out on the deep on thee to call. And never, never faint 3 I want a true regard, A singfle, steady aim, UnmovM by threat'ningrs or reward. To thee ajid thy great name. 4 A jealous, just concern For thine immortal praise; A pure desire, tliat ail may lea.\n And glorify thy grace. 5 I want with all my heart. Thy pleasure to fulfil ; To know myself, and what thou art. And what thy perfect will. 6 I want, I know not what ; I wcint my wants to sec ; I want — alas I what want I not When tliou art not in mc ? Newton.] 151, S. M. TJit good that I icoulf}^ Ida not, Rom. rii. 19. T WOULD, but cannot, sing ; -■- Guilt has untunM my voice ; The serpent, sin*s envenom'd stingy, Has poison'd all my joys. 9 I know the Lord is nigh. And would, but cannot, pray; 104 THE CHRISTIAN. For Satan meets me when I try, And frights my soul away. 3 1 would, but can't repent, Though I endeavour oft; This stony heart can ne'er relent. Till Jesus make it soft. 4 I would, but cannot, love, Though woo'd by love divine; No arguments have power to move A soul so base as mine. 5 I. would, but cannot, rest In God's most holy will ; I know what he appoints is best» Yet murmur at it still. 6 0, could I but believe. Then all would easy be ; I would, but cannot — Lord, relieve. My help must come from tliee. 7 But if indeed I woiildy Though I can nothhig do; Yet the desire is something good, For wliicli my praise is due. 8 By nature prone to ill, Till thine appointed hour, I was as destitute of will, As now I am of power. 9 Wilt thou not crown, at length, The work thou hast begun ; And with a will, aiford me strengtli. In all thy ways to run ? Newton.] 152. C. M. Of that I were as in months past I Job xxix. 2. SWEET was the time when first I felt The Savio^or's pard'ning blood, I THE CHRISTIAN 1(B Applied to cleanse my soul from gulltf And bring me liome to God ! fi Soon as tlie morn the light revcaPd, His praises tunM my tongue; And when tlie evening shades prevail*d. His love was all my song. S In vain the tempter spread his whiles ; The world no more could charm j I liv'd upon my Saviour's smiles, And lean'd upon his arm. 4 In prayer my soul drew near the Lord, And saw his glory shine ; And when I read his holy word, I call'd each promise mine. 5 Then to his saints I oftei> spoke, Of wJiat his love had done ; But now my heart is almost broke. For all my joys are gone. 6 Now, when tlie evening shade prevails. My soul in darkness mourns ; And wlien the morn the light reveal*. No light to me returns. T My prayers are now a chatt'ring nolse« For Jesus hides his face ; I read, the promise meets my eyes» But will not reach my case. .8 Now, Satan threatens to prevail. And make my soul his prey ; Yet, Lord, thy mercies camiot fa3» O, come without delay. o CowpER.] 153. C M. Walking mth God. Gen. v. 24. HI for a closer walk with Go4* A calm and heav'nly frame*' £2 106 THE CHRISTIAN. A light to shine upon the road, Tliat leads me to the Lamb I 2 Where is the blessedness I knew, When I obej'd the Lord? Where is the soul-refreshing riew, Of Jesus, and his word ? 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoy'di How sweet tlieir memory still ! But they liave left an aching void. The world can never fill. 4 Return, O, holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest ; I hate the sins that made thee mourn. And drove thee from my breast 5 The dearest idol I liave known, Wliate'er that idol be, Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; So purer light sliall mark the road. That leads me to the Lamb. Dr. W^\tts' Sermons.] 154. C. M. O that I knew where I might find him. Job xxiii. 3, 4. OTHAT I knew the secret place. Where I might find my God I I*d spread my wants before his faCQ, And pour my woes abroad. 2 rd tell him how my sins arise, What sorrows I sustain ; How grace decays and comfort die% And leaves njy heart in pain. He knows what arguments I'd takoi, To wrestle with my God; I THE CHRISTIAN. 107 rd plead for his o\vii mercy's sake, And for my Saviour's blood. My God will pity my complaints, And heal my broken bones ; He takes the meaning of his saints, The language of their groans Arise, my soul, from deep distress, And banish every fear ; He calls thee to his throne of grace, To spread thy sorrows there. 155. C. M. True happiness. HOW happy is the Christian's state! His sins are all forgiven ; A cheering ray confirms the grace. And lifts his hopes to heaven. 2 Though in the rugged path of life, He heaves the pensive sigh; Yet, trusting in his God, he finds Delivering grace is nigh. 3 If to prevent his wand'ring steps. He feels the chast'ning rod, The gentle stroke sliall bring him back To his forginng Gud. 4 And when the welcome message comes. To call his soul away, His soul in rapture shall ascend To everlasting day. Newton.] 156. 7s, Graces of the Spirit. TIS a point I long to know, (Ofl it causes anxious thought,) Do I love the Lord, or no? Am I his, or am I not ? 108 THE CHRICTIAN. 2 If I love, why am I thus ? Why this dull and lifeless frame? Hardly, sure, can they be worse, Wlio have never heard his name* 3 Could my heart so hard remain, Prayer a task and burden prove* Every trifle give me pain, If I knew a Saviour's love? 4 When I turn my eyes within, All is dark, and vain, and wild ; Fill'd with unbelief and sin, Can I deem myself a child ? 5 If I pray, or hear, or read. Sin is mix'd with all I do ; You that love the Lord indeed. Tell me, is it thus with you? 6 Yet, I mourn my stubborn will ; Find my sin a grief and thrall ; Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at all ? 7 Could I joy his saints to meet, Choose the ways I once abhorr'd, Find at times the promise sweet, If I did not love the Lord ? 8 Lord, decide the doubtful case ; Thou who art thy people's Sun, Shine upon thy work of grace, If it be indeed begun. 9 Let me love thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray ; l£ I have not lov'd before. Help me to begin to-day. Fawcett.] 157, C. M. WITH melting heart, and weeping eye^ ^ My guilty soul for mercy cries ; THE CHRISTIAN. 100 What shall I do or whither flee, T' escape that vengeance due to me 1 Till now, I saw no danger nigh : I liv'd at ease, nor fear'd to die ; Wrapt up in self-conceit and pride, * I shall have peace at last,' I cried. But when, great God, thy light divine Had shone on this dark soul of mine, Then I beheld, with trembling awe, The terrors of thy holy law. How dreadful now my guilt ap|)ears, In childhood, youth, and growing years ! Before thy pure, discerning eye, Lord, what a filtliy wretch am 1 1 Should vengeance still my soul pursue* Death and destruction are my due ; Yet mercy can my guilt forgive, And bid a dying sinner live. Does not thy sacred word proclaim Salvation free, in Jesus'* name ? To him I look, and humbly cry, * O save a wretch condemn'd to die I** Dr. S. Stenxett.] 158. S. M. Praise for conversion. Psalms Ixvi. 16. COME, ye that fear the Lord, And listen while I tell. How narrowly my feet escapM The snares of death and hell. The flatt'ring joys of sense Assail'd my foolish heart. While Satan, with malicious skill, Guided the poisonous dart. I fell beneath the stroke ; But fell to rise again; 110 THE CHRISTIAN. My ang-uish rous'd me into life, And pleasure sprung- from pain. 4 Darkness, and shame and grief, Oppress'd my gloomy mind ; I look'd around me for relief, But no relief could find. 5 At length to God I cried ; He heard my plaintive sigh; He heard, and instantly he sent Salvation from on high. 6 My drooping head he raised. My bleeding wounds he heal'd, Pardon'd my sins, and with a smile The gracious pardon seal'd. 7 O, may I ne'er forget The mercy of my God ; Nor ever want a tongue to spread His loudest praise abroad. 159. L M. OHOW shall I myself assure That I am safe in Christ, secure, Or that I do in him believe. And from him grace for grace receive When I with Christians do compare My daily exercise, and prayer, I seem to fall so far behind. That gloomy fears o'erwhelm my mind. I read the precious v/ord of God, Which Jesus ratified with blood ; And while I read my fears arise, And hide the promise from my eyes I go to meeting as the rest, j To hear and learn, and to be bless'd , I But while they're comforted in bliss. My heart 's just like a rock of ice. I THE CHRISTIAN'S CONFLICT. HI 5 Or, if I*m ever made to weep, And, weeping-, rank with Jesus' sheep. Those comforts are but transient ^uesta. My blessings make but partial feasts. 6 Sometimes I seek some lonely place, To muse and pray for greater grace; But there can only groan and sigh, O, what a wretched soul am I ! 7 Others, I hear, say they have found The Saviour precious all aroimd ; But I am mostly cold and dead, Which often makes me sore afraid. 8 Some Christians, when they come to die Seem full of joy, and long to fly ; Bat I have oil a tortur'd mind. Lest I should tlien be lefl behind. 9 Come, Christians dear, of every tongu^ Whose hearts and lips agree in one, Unfold the truth, and let me know If it indeed be so with you. 10 Are these the trials, which you know I Is this the gloomy way you go ? Come, tell me quick, for Jesus' sake. Or my poor heart will surely break. THE CHRISTIAN'S CONFOCT, 160. S. M. The evils of the heart lamented^ ASTONISH'D and distressed, I turn my eyes within ; My heart with guilt oppress'd, The seat of every sin. \% What crowds of evil thoughts. What vile aifectiona there! 113 THE CHRISTIANAS CONFLICT. Distrust, presumption, artful g-uile. Pride, envy, slavish fear, 3 Almig-hty King of saints, These tyrant lusts subdue, Expel the darkness of my mind. And all my powers renew. 4 This done, my cheerful voice Shall loud hosannas raise ; My soul shall then rejoice. My lips proclaim thy praise. 161. CM. A Christian's changes. STRANGE that so much of heaven t»l hell Should in one bosom meet! Lord, can thy spirit ever dwell Where Satan has a seat ? 2 Now I am all transformed to love, And could expire in praise • Anon, not all the joys above One cheerful note can raise. 3 By faithless hopes and golden dreami, I'm tortur'd or betray'd ; Still toss'd between the two extremes. Too vain, or too dismay'd. 4 Decide the dubious, awful case, By some assuring sign : And O, may thy all-conquering grace. Demonstrate I am thine 162. L.M. Flesh and spirit in struggle. HOW sad and awfiil is my state! The very thing I do, I hate; I THE CHRISTIAN'S CONFLICT. 113 When I to God draw near in prayer, I feel the conflict even there. 2 I mourn because I cannot mourn ; I hate my sin, yet cannot turn ; I grieve because I cannot grieve ; I liear the truth, but can't believe, 3 Yet Lord, the blood, which thou hast spilt, Can make this rocky heart to melt ; Thy blood can make me clean within. Thy blood can pardon all my sin. 4 On this rich blood my faith is found, And on this hope I fix my ground ; Soon shall I reach the eternal shore, Where doubts and fears prevail no more* S. Stennett.] 163. L. M. In-dwelling sin lamenttd. WITH tears of anguish I lament. Here at thy feet, my God, My passion, pride, and discontent, And vile ingratitude. 2 Sure there was ne'er a heart so base, So false as mine has been ; So faithless to its promises, So prone to every sin. 3 My reason tells me thy commands Are holy, just and true ; Tells me whate'er my God demands, Is his most righteous due. d Reason I hear, her counsels weigh. And all her words approve ; But still I find it hard t' obey, And harder y?t to love. J How long, dear Saviour, shall I feel These struggles in mj breast? 114 THE CHURCH. When wilt thou bow my stubborn will, And give my conscience rest. 6 Break, sovereign grace, O break the chainSi And set the captive free ; Reveal, almighty God, thine arm, And haste to rescue me. THE CHURCH. Watts.] 164. L. M. The Church the garden of Christ. Cant. iv. 12, 15^ WE are a garden wallM around. Chosen, and made peculiar ground ; A little spot inclos'd by grace, Out of the world^s wide wilderness. 2 Like trees of myrrh and spice we stand, Planted by God the Father's hand ; And all his springs in Zion flow To make the young plantation grow. 3 Awake, O heavenly wind, and come. Blow on this garden of perfume ; Spirit divine, descend and breathe A gracious gale on plants beneath. 4 Make our best spices flow abroad To entertain our Saviour, God ; And faith, and love and joy appear, And every grace be active here. Watts.] 165, L. M God the glory and defence of Zion, HAPPY the church, thou sacred place, The seat of thy creator's grace ; Thy holy courts are his abode. Thou earthly palace of our God. TIIE CIIURCIL llJt ' 9 Thy walls are strcng^th, and at thy galea A guard of heavenly warriors waits ; Nor shall thy deep foundations move, FixM on his counsels and his love. 3 Thy foes in vain designs engage; Against his throne in vain they rage, Like rising waves, with angry roar, 'J'hat dash and die upon the shore. i Then let our souls in Zion dwell, Nor fear the wrath of Rome and hell; His arms embrace this happy ground, Like brazen bidwarks built around. 5 God is our shield, and God our gun ; Swift as the fleeting moments run, On us he sheds new beams of grace, And we reflect his brightest praise. Watts.] 166. C. M. T^e safety of the Church. Isa. xxvi. 1 — 6 XIOW firm, how blissful is the place. -■-■■ Where we adoring stand ' Zion, the glory of tlie earth, And beauty of the land. 2 Bulwarks of miglity grace defend The city where we dwell ; The walls, of strong salvation made, Defy th' assaults of hell. 3 Lift up the everlasting gates; The doors wide open fling; Enter, ye nations that obey The statutes of your King. 4 Here shall you taste unmingled ]oy%^ And live in perfect peace ; You tliat have known JehovaJi*s namei And venturM on his grace. 116 THE CHURCH. 5 Trust in the Lord, for ever trufit, And banish all your fears ; Strength in the Lord Jehovah dwells. Eternal as his years, 167. S. M. TTOW charming is the place, •*--■- Where my redeemer, God, Unveils his beauteous face. And sheds his love abroad I 2 Not the fair palaces, To which the great resort, Can be compared with this, Where Jesus holds his courL 3 Here, on the mercy-seat. With radiant glory crowned, Our eyes behold him sit. And smile on all around. 4 To him their prayers and cries Each humble soul presents ; He liears their broken sighs. And grants them all their wants 5 To them his sovereign will He graciously imparts. And, in return, accepts The tribute of their hearts. 6 Give me, O Lord, a place Within thy blest abode, Among the children of thy grace, The servants of my God. Watts.] 168. L. M. HOW pleasant, how divinely fair O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings aiO With long desire my spirit faints To meet th' assemblies of thy saintg. HEARING EXPERIENCES. 117 2 My flesh would rest in thine abode ; My panting- heart cries out for God ; My God I my King I why sliould I be So far from all my joys and thee I 3 Blest are the saints who sit on high, Around thy throne above the sky ; Thy brightest glories shine above, And all tlieir work is praise and love, 4 Blest are the souls that find a place Within the temple of tliy grace ; There they behold thy gentle rays, And seek thy face, and learn thy praise. 5 Blest are the men, whose hearts are set To find the way to Zion's gate; God is their strength, and tlirough the road. They lean upon their helper God. 6 Cheerful they walk witli growing strength. Till all shall meet in heaven at length, Till all before tJiy face appear. And join in nobler worship there. HEARING EXPERIENCES. 160. L. M. The church waiting to hear experiences, THY church have met, O God, to hear Thy infant children now declare The triumphs of abounding grace O'er sin and guilt and deep distress. 2 Sweet Saviour, help them to proclaim Salvation througli thy powerful name ; Assist thy cluirch to hear and sing The glorious triumphs of their King, 8 We too, once trembling near the brink Of hell, exclaim'd, * O Lord, we sink I* 118 BAPTISM. Salvation flew on mercy's wing", Rcliev'd our souls, and bade us sing. 4 O may we ne'er forget that hour, When truth and justice, love and power, MarkM out the way with streams of biood To lead our ransom'd souls to God. 170. CM Come in, thou blest of the Ijord. Gen. xxir. 3. COME in, ye blessed of our God, And join his children here ; Wash'd in the Saviour's cleansing bloody For liini, your Lord, appear. 2 Stay not within the wilderness, Nor waiting at the door ; Sweet Jesus will your woes redress. Were they ten thousand more. 3 Though fearing, trembling, rise and come ; Yield to the Saviour's voice; For hung'ring, thirsting souls there's roomi O, make the blissful choice. 4 Room in the Saviour's gracious breast, That breast which glows with love ; Room in the church, his cliosen rest, And room in heaven above. 5 Why will you longer ling'ring stay, When Jesus says there 's room ? Now is the time, th' accepted day : Arise I he bids you come. BAPTISxM. J. StExVnett.] 171. C. M. Immersioru THUS was the Great Redeemer pluo^'d In Jordan's swelling flood. BAPTISM. To show he must be soon baptised In tears, and sweat, and blood. 2 Thus was }iis sacred body laid Beneath the yielding wave ; Thu3 was his sacred body rais'd Out of tJie hquid grave. 3 Lord, we thy precepts would obey, In thy own footsteps tread ; Would die, be buried, rise witJi tlice. Our ever-living head. 119 172. 8,7. Buried with Chiist in Baptism. Rom. vi. A» JESUS, mighty King in Zion, Tliou alone our guide slialt be ; Thy commission we rely on. We would follow none but thee. 2 As an emble^n of thy passion, And thy victory o'er the grave. We, who know thy great salvation. Are baptis'd beneath the wave. 3 Fearless of the world's despising, We the ancient path pursue ; Buried with our Lord, and rising To a life divinely new. J. Stennett.] 173. L. M. THE Great Redeemer we adore, Who came the lost to seek and save ; Went humbly down from Jordan's shore, To find a tomb beneath its wave I 2 *Thus it becomes us to fulfil All righteousness,' he meekly said ; Why should we then to do his will, Or be asham'd, or be afraid ? 120 BAPTISM. 3 With thee, into thy watery tomb, Lord, His our glory to descend ; 'Tis wondrous grace that gives us room, To he interr'd by such a friend. 4 Yet, as the yielding waves give way, To let us see the light again; So, OQ the resurrection day. The bands of death prov'd weak and vain 5 Thus, when thou shalt again appear. The gates of death shall open wide; Our dust thy mighty voice shall hear, And rise and trimnph at thy side. 1'74« 8s. Christ baptised in Jordan. IN Jordan's tide the Baptist stands, Immersing the repenting Jews ; The Son of God the rite demands, Nor dares the holy man refuse : Jesus descends beneath the wave. The emblem of his future grave. Wonder, ye heavens ! your Maker lies In deeps conceaPd from human view ; Ye saints behold him sink and rise, A fit example thus for you : The sacred record, while you read, Calls you to imitate the deed. But lo ! from yonder opening skies. What beams of dazzling glory spread t Dove-like, the Eternal Spirit flies. And lights on the Redeemer's head ; Amaz'd they see the power divine Around the Saviour's temples shine. But hark, my soul, hark and adore I What sounds are those that roll aloD^ Not like loud Sinai's awful roar, BAPTISM. 121 But soft and sweet as Gabriers song 7 * This is my well beloved Son ; * I see, well pleased, what he hath done. • 5 Thus the Eternal Father spoke, Who shakes creation witli a nod ; Tliroug-h parting skies the accents broke, And bid us hear the Son of God : O, hear the awful word to-day, Hear, all ye nations, and obey. Fawcett.] 175# HUMBLE souls, who seek salvation, Througli the Lamb's redeeming blood, Hear the voice of revelation. Tread the path that Jesus trod. Flee to him your only Saviour, In his mighty name confide ; In the whole of your behaviour, Own him as your sovereign guide. Hear the blest Redeemer call you, Listen to his gracious voice : Dread no ills that can befall you. While you make his ways your choice. Jesus says, *Let each beUever * Be baptised in my name ;' He himself, in Jordan's river. Was immers'd beneath the stream. Plainly here his footsteps tracing, Follow him without delay ; Gladly his command embracing, Lol'your captain leads the way. View the rite with understanding; Jesus' grave before you lies ; Be interr'd at his commanding, After his example rise. F 122 BAFnSM. ITO. L. M. ' O teach the nations, and baptise. G' Aloud the ascending Jesus cries; His glad apostles took the word, And round the nations preach'd their Lord- 2 Commission'd thus, by Zion's King, We to Iris holy laver bring These happy converts, who have known And trusted in his grace alone. 3 Lord, in thy house they seek thy face; O, bless them with peculiar grace ; Refresh their souls w^tli love divine ; Let beams of glory round them shine. Itr. L. M. The Candidates : tkeij tcere baptised ^ both men and loomen. Acts viii. 12. GREAT God ! we in thy courts appear, With humble joy and holy fear, Thy wise injunctions to obey ; Let saints and angels hail the day. 2 Great things, O everlasting Son, Great tilings for us thy grace has done i Constrain'd by thy almighty love. Our willing feet to meet thee move. 3 In thy assembly, here we stand, Obedient to thy great command; The sacred flood is full in view, And thy sv/eet voice invites us through. 4 The Word, the Spirit and the Bride, Must not invite and be denied; Was not the liord who came to save, Interr'd in such a liquid grave ? BAPTISM. 128 6 '^ms we, dear Saviour, own thy nam^, Receive us rising from the stream; Then to thy table let us come, And dwell in Zion as our home. i 17S. f^ O, read the third of Matthew, ^^ And read the chapter through? It is a guide to Christians, To tell tiicm what to do. In those days came John the BapUs' Into the wilderness, A preaching of the gospel Of Jesus' righteousness. S Tlien came to him the Pharisees, For to baptised be ; But Jolm forbade them, saying. Repentance bring with thee ; Then I'll baptise you freely, When you confess your sin. And own your Lord and Master, And tell how vile you've been, 3 When John was preaching Jesua, The all-atoning Lamb, He saw the blessed Saviour, And said, ' Behold the man, Appointed of the Father, To take away your sin. When you believe in Jesus, And own him for your king 4 Then came the blessed Saviou For to b:iptiscd be. And was baptis'd in Jordan, The Scripture reads to me He came ou • if the water The Spiri Tr^s nb^ve, 124 BAPTISM. Descends and lights on Jesus, In likeness of a dove. 5 The heavens then were opened. As you may plainly see; A witness to the people, That thus it ought to be. A voice from heaven proclaimed, * This is my only Son ; And I'm well pleas'd with Jesus, In all that he has done.' 6 All you who say you've Jesus, Come prove you love the Lord ; Come follow his example. Recorded in his word. Take up your cross as freely, As Jesus did for you; I leave you all to Jesus, And bid you all adieu. 179, CM. NOW, to this place I'm come to iV}f Baptised for to be, In honour of my heavenly King, Who died on Calvary. 2 This is the way my Lord did go^ His path will I pursue ; His body was interr'd by John, A pattern saint's for you. 3 His cross I'll take, the shame despise^ For he did more for me ; He rais'd my soul from death and ein. And gain'd the victory. 4 O, for thy spirit's friendly aid, Whilst I pursue the rite ; When from the liquid grave I rise. Be witli me day and night. I BAPTISM. 125 5 I thank thy name, O Lord of hosts. For such displays of grace, That taught my heart to love thy ways. And run the heavenly race. 6 It is a new and living way, And much delights my heart ; United to my bretliren here ; I hope we ne'er shall part. Dr. Watts.] 1§0. L. M. Believers huned with Christ in Baptism. Rom vi. 3, &c. DO we not know that solemn word, That we are buried with the Lord ? Baptis'd into his death, and tlien Put off tlie body of our sin. 2 Our souls receive diviner breath, Rais'd from corruption, guilt and death; So from the grave did Christ arise, And lives to God above the skies, 3 No more let sin or Satan reign Over our mortal flesh again ; The various lusts we serv'd before, Shall have dominion now no mores 1§1, C. M. After Baptism. GAZE on, spectators, and behold This blest command of God ; And wonder how you can forbear, To tread this path of love. S • Come see the place where Jesus lay,' An angel said of old ; We say the same — his grave you majj In water, here behold. 9 Buried in Jordan was our Lord, As well as iji the tomb ; 128 BAPTISX And in obedience to his word, We imitate the Lamb. 4 This ordinance is plainly given; 'Tis left upon record ; Though not to save, or take to heaven, But show we love the Lord. 1§2. S. M. CONSTRAIX'D by love we come Down to this water-side, To imitate God's only Son, The Christian's only guide. 2 He has commanded us To be baptis'd with him. And cheerfully we bear the cross, Renouncing every sin. 3 Here then, we would begin His blessed cross to bear ; In token of our death to sin. We would be baptis'd here. 4 Here we would show iiis death. And resurrection clear ; Ajid him thro' grace, while we have breath. We'll w^orship, love and fear. 5 Come all who love his name, What now can hinder you ? Here's water, you believe in Christ, Then be baptised too. 6 Sinners, this is the way, Christ and the Apostles saith. Believe and be baptis'd to-day, We're sure you will be blest 7 As servants here w^e sing. And that for joy of heart; We have believ'd and will obey; O God I thy grace impart BAPTISM. vh 183. L. M. DOWN by the water-side we meet, To tread the path that Jesus trod* His name to us is ever sweet. We'll follow him, he is our God. 2 In Matthew third, there we behold, Jolm did immerse the Son of God, Laid liim beneatli the yielding wave, An emblem of his future grave. 3 Out of tlie w^ater, up he came, Young converts come and do the same. His resurrection here we see : Our death to sin, — our liberty. 4 Buried in baptism with our Lord, To life we rise ; — obey his word, And soon our mould'ring dust sliall rise Like him, — and meet him in the skies. 5 ' Go teach the nations and baptise,' Aloud the ascending Jesus cries ; Tiiy precept, Lord, we would obey, And follow thee without delay. 6 Come precious souls that love the Lord, Fulfil this rite, — obey his word ; With cheerful hearts join in his praise, And love and serve him all your days. 184. L. M. WHATE'ER to thee, our Lord, belongs. Is ahvay worthy of our songs ; And all thy works, and all thy ways Demand our w^onder and our praise. 2 Hosanna to our Saviour God, Who suffer'd in our room and stead ! He was immersM in Jordan's flood, And tlien immers'd in sweat and blood. 128 BAPTISM. 3 Behold the grave where Jesus lay! Before he shed his precious blood, How plain he mark'd the humble way To sinners through the mystic flood. 4 Come, ye redeemed of the Lord, Come and obey his holy word; He died and rose again for you; What more could the Redeemer do? 5 We to this place are come to show What we to boundless mercy owe ; The Saviour's footsteps to explore. And tread the path he trod before. 6 Eternal Spirit, heavenly dove On these baptismal waters move ; That we, through energy divine, May have the substance with the sign. 7 All ye, that love ImmanuePs name, And long to feel th* increasing flame ;] *Tis you, ye children of the light, The Spirit and the Bride invite ; 8 Ye, who your native vileness mourn. And to the great Redeemer tm-n, Who see your wretched state by sin. Ye blessed of the Lord, come in. 9 Jesus, my Saviour, and my all, Methinks I hear thy gentle call; These are the sounds that chide my stay Arise, my love, and come away. JO Amazing grace, and shall I still Prove disobedient to thy will ? Ah I no ; dear Lord, tlie watery tomb Belongs to thee, and thee alone. ♦ Apostles trod this holy ground ; My Jesus in this way was found; This is the road believers go; I chargM my soul to tread it too* k/i\ BAPTISM. 129 12 With lowly minds and lofty tonnes Be Christ the burden of our songs. Let all admire tlie Saviour's grace, Th' immortal glory of his face. 13 To Father, Son and Holy Ghost, If, when in great affliction lost. We humbly dedicate our powers^ Immortal liappiness is ours. Daniel.] 1§5. S. M. ChrisVs baptism an example to tis. THE glorious Son of God To John the Baptist came, Went meekly into Jordan's stream. Ana was immersed by hinv 2 Let each believer view This blest example given. And prove their Ionc of his commands. And follow him to heaven. Daniel.] 186. L. M. Primitive practice perpetuated, TXT' HAT lovely band is this I see, ^ » All singing in sweet harmony ; Uniting round the water-side, And praising Jesus crucified I 2 These are the followers of the Lamb ; Here they are come to own his name ; Their humble strains ascend the skies; In faith they're come to be baptiz'd. 3 This brings to view the ancient days i No other mode was then devis'd: When first the gospel chnrch was rais^di Believing souls were then baptiz*(i F2 130 THE LORD'S SUPPER. 4 Baptiz'd into tlie Saviour's death, Giving to Christ, tlie Lord, the praise. Arising-, liv'd the life of faitli By walking- in liis humble ways. THE LORD'S SUPPER. Dr. Watts.] l§r. L. M. 'mWAS en that dark, tliat doleful night, -*- V/lien powers of earth and hell arose, Against the Son of God's delight. And friends bctray'd him to his foes: 2 Before the mournfol scene began, He took the bread and bless'd and brake . What love through all his actions ran ! Wliat wondrous words of grace he spaVg. 3 *This is my body, broke for sin, * Receive and eat the living food ;' Then took the cup and bless'd the w*ine, * 'Tis the new cov'nant in my blood.' 4 For us his flesh with nails was torn, He bore the scourge, he felt the thorn ; And justice pour'd upon his head, Its heavy vengeance, in our stead. 5 For us his vital blood was spilt. To buy the pardon of our guilt ; When for black crimes of biggest size, He gave his soul a sacrifice. 6 * Do this,' he cried, ' till time shall end, * In mem'ry of your dying friend ; * Meet at my table, and record * The love of your departed Lord.' 7 Jesus, thy feast we celebrate. We show thy death, we sing thy namo.. Till thou return, and we shall eat The marriage supper of the Lamb. 1 THE LORD'S SUPPER. 131 Dr. Watts.: 1§§. C. M. HOW condescendinfr, and how kind. Was God's eternal Son I Our mis'ry reach'd iiis heavenly mind. And pity brought him down. 2 When justice, by our sins provokM, Drew forth its dreadful sword, He gave his soul up to the stroke, Witliout a murmuring word. 3 He sunk beneath our heavy woes. To raise us to his throne ; There 's ne'er a gill his hand bestows. But cost bis heart a groan. 4 This was compassion like a God, That when tiie Saviour knew Tlie price of pardon was liis blood, His pity ne'er withdrew. 5 Now, though he reigns exalted high. His love is still as great ; Well he remembers Calvary, Nor lets his sahits forget. 6 Here we behold his bowels roll As kind as when he died, And see the sorrows of his soul Bleed tJirough his wounded side. 7 Here we received repeated seals Of Jesus' dying love ; Hard is the wretch that never feels One soil affection move. 8 Here let our hearts begin to melt. While we his deatli record ; Aiid, with our joy for pardon'd guilj Mourn that we pierc'd the Lord. 133 THE LORD'S SUPPER Dr. J. Stennett.J 189. C. M. T ORD, at thy table I behold -■-^ The wonders of thy grace ; But most of ail, admire, that I Should find a welcome place. 2 I, that am all defil'd with sin, A rebel to my God ; I, that have crucified his Son, And trampled on his blood. 3 What strange, surprising grace is thi^ That such a soul has room ! My Saviour takes me by the hand, My Jesus bids me come. 4 * Eat, O my friends,' the Saviour cried, *The feast was made for you; • For you I groan'd, and bled, and died, 'And rose and triumph'd too.' 5 Witli trembling faith, and bleeding hetnis Lord, we accept thy love ; *Tis a rich banquet we have had, What will it be above ? 6 Ye saints below, and hosts of heaven. Join all your praising powers ; No theme is like redeeming love ; No Saviour is like ours. 7 Had I ten thousand hearts, dear Lor^ I'd give them all to thee; Ilad I ten thousand tongues, tliey aB Should join the harmony. Dr. S. Stexnett.] 190. C. M. My flesh, is meat indeed. John vii. 53->5A HERE at tliy table. Lord, we meet. To feed on food divine; THE LORD'S SUPPER. 133 Thy body is tlie bread we eat. Thy precious blood, tlie wine. 2 He that prepares this rich repast. Himself comes down and dies ; And then invites us thus to feast Upon the sacrifice. 3 The bitter torments he endur'd, Upon the shameful cross, For us, his welcome guests, procurM These heart-reviving joys. 4 His body, torn with rudest hands. Becomes the finest bread ; And with the blessings he commands^ Our noblest hopes are fed. 5 His blood, that from each opening Tcii^ In purple torrents ran. Hath flll'd this cup with generous wiuQ, That cheers both God and man. 6 Sure there was never love so free, Dear Saviour, so divine ! Well thou may'st claim that heart of me Which owes so much to tliine. 7 Yes, thou shalt surely have my he^rt. My soul, my strength, my all ; With life itself Til freely part, My Jesus, at thy call. L^ Dr. Watts.] 191. S. M. ET all our tongues be one. To praise our God on high ; Who from his bosom sent his Son, To fetch us strangers nigh. 0 Nor let our voices cease To sing the Saviour's name . .Vawa th' Ambassador of peace, Uot< cheerfully he came^ 134 THE LORD'S SUPPER. 3 It cost him cries and tears, To bring us near to God ; Great was our debt, and he appears To make the payment good. 4 My Saviour's pierced side Pour'd out a double flood; By water we are purified, And pardon'd by the blood. 5 Infinite was our guilt, But He, our Priest, atones ; On the cold ground his life was spilt, And offer 'd with his groans. 6 Look up, my soul, to him, Whose death was thy desert, And humbly view the living stream Flow from his breaking heart. 7 There, on the accursed tree, In dying pangs he lies ; Fulfils his Father's great decree, And all our wants supplies. S Thus the Redeemer came, By water and by blood ; And when the spirit speaks the same. We feel the witness good. 9 While the eternal Three, Bear their record above, Here I believe he died for me, And'seal'd my Saviour's love. 10 Lord, cleanse my soul from sin. Nor let thy grace depart ; Great Comforter ! abide within, And witness to my heart THE LORD'S SUPPER. 135 Beddome.] 192, L. M. Jesus wept — he died; see how he loved us. John xi. 35. SO fair a face bedew'd with tears ; What beauty e'en in grief appears ! He wept, he bled, lie died for you ; What more, ye saints, coidd Jesus do ? 2 Enthroned above with equal glow, His warm affections downward flow ; In our distress he bears a part, And feels a sympathetic smart. 3 Still, his compassions are the same, He knows tlie frailty of our frame ; Our heaviest burdens he sustains, Shares in om- sorrows, and our pains. I Steele.] 193. CM. 4 ND did the holy and the just, -^"^ The Sovereign of the skies, Stoop down to vrretchedness and dust, That guilty worms might rise ? 2 Yes, the Redeemer left his throne, His radiant throne on high; [Surprisincr mercy 1 love unknown I) To suffer, bleed a_nd die. 3 He took the dying traitor's place, And suffer'd in his stead, For man, (O miracle of grace !) For man, the Saviour bled ! 4 Dear Lord, what heavenly wonders dwell In thy atoning blood I By this are sinners snatch'd from kell, And rebels brought to God. 5 Jesus, my soul adoring bends, To love so full, so free; 136 THE LORD'S SUPPER. And may I hope that love extends Its sacred power to me ? 6 Wliat glad return can I impart. For favours so divine ? O, take my all — this vi^orthless heai% And make it only thine. Dr. Doddridge.] 194. C. M. Room at the Gospel Feast. Luke xiv. 22. THE King of Heaven his table spreada» And dainties crown the board; Not Paradise, with all its joys, Could such delight afford. 2 Pardon and peace to dying men, And endless life are given, Through the rich blood that Jesus shc4< To raise the soul to heaven. 3 Ye hungry poor that long have stray M In sin's dark mazes, come ; Come from your most obscure retreats And grace shall find you room. 4 Millions of souls in glory now, Were fed and feasted here ; And millions more, still on the way, Around the board appear. 5 Yet is his house and heart so large. That millions more may come ; Nor could the whole assembled world E'er fill the spacious room. 6 All things are ready, come away^ Nor weak excuses frame ; Crowd to your places at the feast, AwJ bless the founder's name. TII£ LORD'S SUPPER 137 Steele.] 195. CM. Praise to the Redeemer. TO our Redeemer's glorious name Awake the sacred song ; O, may his love (immortal flame I) Tune every heart and tongue. 2 His love, what mortal thought can reach? What mortal tongue display ? Imagination's utmost stretch In wonder dies away. 3 lie left his radiant throne on high. Left the bright realms of bliss, And came to earth to bleed and die ! Was ever love like this ? 4 Dear Lord, while we, adoring, pay Our humble thanks to thee. May every heart with rapture say, ' The Saviour died for me.' 5 O, may the sweet, the blissfm theme Fill every heart and tongue, Till strangers love thy charming name, And join tlie sacred song. J^ Dr. Watts.] 196. S, M. OommuniGn with Christ and with saints. 1 Cor X. 16, 17. ESUS invites his saints To meet around his board ; Here pardon'd rebels sit, and hold Communion with their Lord. 2 [For food he gave his flesh ; He bids us drink his blood; Amazing favour, matchless grace, Of our descending God I] 138 THE LORD'S SUPPER. 3 This holy bread and wine Maintains our fainting- breath, By union with our living Lord, And int'rest in his death. 4 Our heavenly father calls Christ and his members one; We, the young children of his love, And he, the first-born Son. 5 We are but several parts Of the same broken bread ; One body hath its several limbs, But Jesus is the head. 6 Let all our povv^ers be join'd. His glorious name to raise ; Pleasure and love fill every mind. And every voice be praise. Dr. Watts.] 197, L. M. The memorial of our absent Lord. John xvi. lOi Luke xxii. 19 ; John xiv. 3. JESUS is gone above the skies, Where our weak senses reach him no^ And carnal objects court our eyes, To thrust our Saviour from our thought S He knows what wand'ring hearts we have. Apt to forget his lovely face ; And, to refresh our minds, he g-ave These kind memorials of his grace. 3 The Lord of life this table spread. With his own flesh and dying blood; We on the rich provision feed. And taste the wine and bless the God* 4 Let sinful sweets be all forgot. And earth grow less in our esteem; THE LORDS SUPPER. 130 Christ and his love fill every thought. And laitli and liopc be fix'd on him. 5 Wliile lie is absent from our si^ht, "Tis to prepare our souls a place, T^iat we ma}' dwell in heavenly light, And live for ever near his face. 6 [Our eyes look upwards to the hills Whence our returning Lord sliall come ; We wait tJiy chariot's awful wheels, To fetch our longing spirits home.] Dr. Watts.] 19§. L. M. ^rrueifixion to the World, by the cross of Christ, Gal. vi. 14. ^T/'HEX I survey tlie wondrous cross, ' ^ On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. * Forbid it. Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Clirist, my God ; All tiie vain tilings that charm me most, I sacriiice them to his blood. ' See, from his head, his hands, his feet. Sorrow and love tiow mingled down] Did e'er sudi love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so ricli a crowTi? I [His dying crimson, like a robe, Spreads o'er his body on the tree; Then am I dead to all tlie globe. And all the globe is dead to me.] 5 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my hfe, my alL w 140 THE LORD'S SUPPER Dr. Watts.] 199. CM. The agonies of Christ, row, let our pains be all forgot, ■ Our hearts no more repine ; Our suff 'rings are not worth ja thought, When, Lord, compared with thine. 2 In liveiy figures, here we see The bleeding Prince of love ; Each of us hopes he died for me. And then our griefs remove. 3 [Our humble faith here takes her risOi While sitting round his board ; And back to Calvary she flies, To view her groaning Lord. 4 His soul, what agonies it felt WJien his own God witlidrew ! And the large load of all our guilt Lay heavy on him too. 5 But the divinity within. Supported him to bear; Dying he conquer'd hell and sin. And made his triumph there.] 6 Grace, wisdom, justice, join'd, and wroug^hl The wonders of that day ; No mortal tongue, nor mortal tliought, Can equal thanks repay. 7 Our hymns shall sound like those abov^ { Could we our voices raise ; Yet, Lord, our hearts shall all be love, And all our lives be praise. Dr. Watts.] 200. C. M. 7%e triumphal feast for Chrisfs victory over ffff" death and hell. COME, let us lift our voices tught High OS our joys arise; THE LORD'S SUPPER. 141 And join the songs above tlie sky, Where pleasure never dies. 2 Jesus, the God that fouorht and bled. And conquer'd when lie fell ; That rose, and at his chariot wheels Dragg'd all the powers of hell. 3 [Jesus, tlie God» invites us here. To this triumphal feast, And brings immortal blessings down. For each redeemed guest.] 4 The Lord, how glorious is his face ! How kind his smiles appear ! And O, what melting words he says To every humble ear I 5 * For you, the children of my love, It was for you I died ; Behold my hands, behold my feet, And look into my side. C * These are the womids for you I bore, The tokens of my pains, When I came down to free your souls From misery and chains. 7 ' Justice unsheath'd its fiery sword^ And plung'd it in ni}^ heart; Infinite pangs for you I bore, And most tormenting smart. 5 * When hell and all its spiteful pow*r^ Stood dreadfiil in my way. To rescue those dear lives of yours, I gave my own way. ' * But while I bled, and groan'd and die<^ I ruin'd Satan's throne ; High on the cross I hung, and spied The monster tumbling do\\Ti. ♦Now you must triumph at my feas^ And taste my flesh, my blood; 142 THE LORD'S SUPPER. And live eternal a^es bless'd, For 'tis immortal food.' 11 [Victorious God I wliat can we pay, For favours so divine ? We would devote our hearts away, To be for ever thine.] 12 We give thee, Lord, our highest praise The tribute of our tongues ; But tliemes so infinite as these, Exceed our noblest songs. Dr. Watts.] 201. L. M The compassion of a dying Christ. ^^L'R s})irits join t' adore the Lamb , ^^ O, that oiLr feeble lips could move. In strains immortal as his name, xAjid melting as his dying love I ' 2 Was ever equal pity fomid ? The prince of heaven resigns his breadd^ And pours his life out on the groimd, To ransom guilty worms from deatlk 3 [Rebels, we broke our Maker's laws ; He from tlie threat'ning set us free, Bore the full vengeance on his cross, And naii'd the curses to the tree.] 4 The law proclaims no terror now. And Sinai's thunder roars no more ; From all his wounds new blessings flow, A sea of joy, without a shore. 5 Here we have wash'd our deepest stains. And Jieal'd our wounds with heav'nly blood Bless'd foimtain I springing from tlis veijli Of Jesus, our incarnate God. J 6 In vam our mortal voices strive. To speak compassion so divine. THE LORD'S SUPPER. 143 Had we a thousand lives to give, A thousand lives should all be thine. H Dr. Watts.] 202. CM. Divine love making a feast, and calling in ike guests. Luke xiv. 17, 23, 23. OW sweet and awful is the place, With Christ witliin the doors, Wliile everlasting" love displays The choicest of her stores I 2 Here every bowci of our God, With soft compassion rolls ; Here peace and pardon, bought witli blood, Ls food for dying souls. 3 [While all our hearts, and all our songs, Join to admire the feast, Each of us cry, with thankful tongues, ^ Lord, why v/as I a guest ? • 4 'Wliy v.as I made to hear thy voice, 'And enter while there's room; * When thousands make a wretched choice * And rather starve than come ?'] 5 *Twas the same love that spread the feast, Tiiat sweetly forcM us in ; Else we had still refus'd to taste. And perish'd in our sin. 6 [Pity the nations, O our God I Constrain the earth to come ; Send thy victorious word abroad, And bring the strangers home. 7 We long to see thy churches full, That all the chosen race May with one voice, and hci^t, and SGiil^ Sing thy redeeming grav,c.] 144 INVITATION. INVITATION. 203. L. M. SINNERS, obey the gospel word, Haste to the supper of the Lord, Be wise to know your gracious day; All things are ready — come away. 2 Ready the Father is to own, And kiss his late returning son ; Ready, the loving Saviour stands. And spreads for you his bleeding hands 3 Ready, the spirit of his love, Just now the stony heart to move ; T' apply and witness with the blooa, And wash and seal you, sons of God. 4 Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your best estate, Tuning their harps, they long to prais The wonders of redeeming grace. 5 Come then, ye sinners, to your Lord, To happiness in Christ restorM ; His profFerM benefits embrace, The plenitude of gospel grace. 204. CM. COME, guilty souls, and flee away To Christy and heal your wounds This is the welcome gospel-day. Wherein free grace abounds. 2 God lovM the world, and gave his Son To drink the cup of wrath ; And Jesus says, he'll cast out nono That come to him by faith. 3 Although your sins like mountains risc^ His blood shall cover allj INVITATION. Ho. And blessings from the higher skies, In gentle streams shall fall. 205. L. M. ^ SINNERS, fly to Jesus' arms, ^^ Enjoy his everlasting charms, He calls you to a heavenly feast, 0 come, poor starving souls, and taste. 2 Say, will you be for ever blest. And with tlie heavenly Jesus rest ? He'll save you from your guilt and pain And you shall in fiill glory reign. 3 Make now the choice, and halt no more, For Christ is waiting at the door ; Say now, poor soul, what will you do ? Say, will you have this Christ or no ? 4 Once more I ask you in his name, 1 know his love is still the same ; Will you be sav'd from endless woe ? Say, will you have this Christ or no ? 5 To-day, if you will hear his voice ; Now is the time to make your choice ; Say, will you to Mount Zion go ? Say, will you have this Christ or no ? Dr. Watts.] 206. C. M. lie invitation to the Gospel ; or spiritual food and clothing. Isa. Iv. 1, &c. LET every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice ; The trumpet of the Gospel sounds, With an inviting voice. d Ho ! zJl ye hungry, starving souls, That feed upon the wind, G 146 mVITATION. And vainly strive vv^ith earthly toys To fill an empty mind. 3 Eternal wisdom has prepar'd A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. 4 Ho ! ye that pant for living streams^ And pine away and die ; Here you may quencli your raging thirst. With springs that never dry. 5 Rivers of love and mercy here, In a ricli ocean join : Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. 6 [Ye perishing and naked poor, Who work with mighty pain. To weave a garment of your own, That will not hide your sin. 7 Come, naked, and adorn your souls In robes prepared by God, Wrought by the labours of his Son, And dyed in his own blood.] 8 Dear God I the treasures of thy love Are everlasting mines. Deep as our helpless mis'ries are. And boundless as our sins. 9 The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day ; Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. Dr. Watts.] 20T. CM. 77*c promises of the covenant of grace, Isa. Iv. 1, 2; Zech. xiii. 17 ; Mic. vii. 12 ; Ezek. xxxvi. 25, &o IN vain we lavish out our lives, To gather empty wind| INVITATION. 147 The choicest blessings earth can yield. Will starve a hungry mind. 2 Come, and the lord shall feed our souls With more substantial meat; With such as saints in glory love, With such as angels eat. 3 Our God will every want supply, And fill our hearts with peace, He gives by covenant and by oath, The riches of his grace. 4 Come, and he'll cleanse our spotted so^ils. And wash away our stains. In the dear fountain that his Son Pour'd from his dying veins. 5 [Our guilt shall vanish all away, Though black as hell before ; Our sins shall sink beneath the sea. And shall be found no more. 6 And lest pollution should o'erspread, Our inward powers again. His spirit sliall bedew our souls, Like pm-ifying rain.] 7 Our heart, that flinty, stubborn tiling, That terrors cannot move ; That fears no threatening s of his wrath, Shall be dissolv'd by love. 8 Or he can take the flint away. That would not be refin'd, And from the treasures of his grace, Bestow a softer mind. 9 There shall his sacred Spirit dwell, And deep engrave his law ; And every motion of our souls, To swift, obedience draw. 148 FOR THE CONTRITE. 10 Thus will he pour salvation down, And we shall render praise; We, the dear people of his love, And he our God of grace. FOR THE CONTRITE. Beddome.] 208. L. M. The Prodigal Son; oi\ the repennng Sinner ac- cepted, Luke XV. 32. rilHE mighty God will not despise -*- The contrite heart for sacrifice ; The deep-fetch'd sigh, the secret groan. Rises accepted to the throne. 2 He meets, with tokens of his grace ; The trembling lip, the blushing face ; His bowels yearn when sinners pray, And mercy bears their sins away. 3 When fill'd with grief, o'erwhelm'd with shame, He, pitying, heals tlieir broken frame ! He hears their sad complaints, and spies His image in their weeping eyes. . | 4 Thus, what a rapt'rous joy possess'd 1 The tender parent's throbbing breast; To see his spendthrift son return. And hear liim nis past follies mourn. Dr. Watts.] 209. L. M. Chrisfs^ invitation to sinners ; or humility and pride. Matt. xi. 28, 30. * ^^OME hither, all ye weary souls, ^^ Ye heavy-laden sinners, come; I'll give you rest from all your toils. And raise you to my heavenly home* FOR THE CONTRITE. 149 * They sliall find rest, that learn of me ; I'm of a meek and lowly mmd; But passion rages like the sea, And pride is restless as the wind. 'Bless'd is the man whose shoulders take My yoke, and bear it with Selight ; My yoke is easy to his neck, My grace shall make the burden light' Jesus, we come at thy command ; AV'ith faith, and hope, and humble zeal, Resign our spirits to thy hand. To mould and guide us at thy will. Edmund Jones.] 210. C. M. / icill go unto the King. Esther iv. 18. /^O^IE, humble sinner, in whose breast ^^ A thousand thoughts revolve ; Come, with your guilt and fear oppressed, And make this last resolve. 2 ' I'll go to Jesus, though my sin Hath like a mountain rose ; I know liis coiu-ts, I'll enter in, Whatever may oppose. 3 Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, And there my guilt confess ; I'll tell him I'm a wretch undone, Without his sovereign grace. 4 I'll to the gracious King approach, Whose sceptre pardon gives ; Perhaps he may command my touch, And then the suppliant lives. 5 Perhaps he will admit my plea, Perhaps will hear my prayer j But if I perish I will pray, And perish only there. 150 FOR THE COM'RITE. 6 I can but perish if I go; I am rcsolv'd to try, For if I stay away, I know I must for ever die.' Br. Watts.] 211. L. M. A penitent pleading for pardon. ^HOW pity, Lord I O Lord, forgive ^^ Let a repenting rebel live ; Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee ? 8 My crimes are great, but can't surpass The power and glory of thy grace ; Great God I thy nature hath no bound. So let thy pard'ning love be found. 3 O, wash my soul from every sin, And make my guilty conscience clean , Here, on my heai-t, the burden lies, And past offences pain my eyes. 4 My lips with shame my sins confess, Against thy laws, against thy grace : Lord, should thy judgment grow severe, I am condemn'd, but thou art clear. 5 Should sudden vengeance seize my breath, I must pronounce thee just in death; And if my soul were sent to hell. Thy righteous law approves it well. 6 Yet, save a trembling sinner. Lord, Whose hope, still hov'ring round thy word, Would iiglit on some sweet promise there. Some sure support against despair. Newton.] 212. S. M. TYie pool of Bethesda. John v. 2 — 4 BESIDE the gospel pool, Appointed for the poor, FOR THE CU.NTRITE. 151 From year to year, my helpless soul Has wailed for a cure, 2 How often have I seen The liealing waters move, And others roimd me, stepping iit, Their efficacy prove I 3 But my complaints remain, I feel tiio very same ; As full of g"uilt, and fear and pain, As when at first I came 4 O, would the Lord appear. My malady to heal ; Pie knows how long I've languish'd here And what distress I feel. 5 How often have I thought, Why should I longer lie ? Surely the mercy I have sought, Is not for such as I. 6 But whither can I go ? There is no other pool. Where streams of sovereign virtue flow, To make a sinner whole. 7 Here, then, from day to da}^ I'll wait, and hope, and try ; Can Jesus hear a sinner pray, Yet suffer him to die ? 8 No, he is full of grace; He never will permit A soul til at fain would see his face, To perish at his feet 213. L. M. The grieved Spirit entreated not to depart, ^TAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay; '^ Though I have done thee such despite, 152 HYMNS ON Cast not a sinner quite away, Nor take thy everlasting flight 2 Tliough I have most unfaithilil been. Of all who e'er thy grace receiv'd; Ten thousand times thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved 3 But O I the chief of sinners spare. In honour of my great High Priest; Nor in thy righteous anger swear, I shall not see thy people's rest. 4 If yet thou canst my sins forgive, E'en now, O Lord, relie^ e my woes ; Into thy rest of love, receive And bless me with a calm repose. 5 E'en now my weary soul release, And raise me by thy gracious hand; Guide me into thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promised land. HYMNS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. Dr. Doddridge.] 214. C. M. Lovest thou me? DO not I love thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart, and see ; And turn each cursed idol out. That dares to rival thee. 2 Do not I love thee from my soul? Then let me nothing love; Dead be my heart to every joy. When Jesus cannot move. 3 Is not thy name melodious still To my attentive ear ? Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound My Saviour's voice to hear ? VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 158 4 Thou know'st I love thee, dearest Lord; But O I I long to soar Far from this sphere of mortal joys, And learn to love tliee more. Wesley's Collection.] 215. C. M. The glories of Jesus, and the blessings of his grace. OFOR a thousand tongues, to sing My dear Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace. 2 My gracious blaster and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread tlirough all the earth abroad, The honours of thy name. 3 Jesus, the name that calms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; *Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and joy, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancell'd sin. He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make tlie foulest clean, His blood avail'd for me. 5 Look mito him, ye nations, own Your God, ye fallen race ; Look and be sav'd through faith alone. Be justified by grace. Wesley's Collection.] 216. S. M The anxious inquiry, AND am I born to die ? To lay this body dowm ? And must my trembling spirit fly Lito a world unknown— C2 154 HYMNS ON 2 A land of deepest shade, Unpierc'd by human thought; The dreary regions of the dead, Where all tilings are forgot ? 3 Soon as from earth I go, What will become of me ? Eternal happiness or woe Must then my portion be. 4 Wak'd by the trumpet's sound, I from my grave shall rise. And see the Judge with glory crown'd. And view the flaming skies. 5 How shall I leave the tomb? With triumph or regret ? A fearful or a joyful doom, A curse or blessing meet ? 6 Shall angel bands convey Their brother to the bar ? Or devils drag my soul away. To meet its sentence there ? 7 Lord, teach my soul to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe ; That when thou comest on thy throne, I may with joy appear. Newton.] 217. C. M. BelsJiazzar. Daniel v. 5, 6. POOR sinners, little do they think With whom they have to do ; But stand securely on the brink Of everlasting woe. Belshazzar thus, profanely bold, The Lord of hosts defied ; But vengeance soon his boasts controll'd. And humbled all his pride. VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 155 3 He saw a hand upon the wall, (And trembled on his throne,) Which wrote his sudden, dreadful fall. In characters unknown. 4 Why sliould he tremble at the view Of what he could not read ? Foreboding- conscience quickly knew His ruin was decreed. 5 See him o'erwhelm'd with deep distress; His eyes with ang-uish roll ; His looks and loosen'd joints express The terrors of iiis soul. 6 His pomp and music, guests and wine, No more delig-ht afford ; O sinner, ere this case be thine, Begin to seek the Lord. 7 The law like this hand-writing stands. And speaks tlie wrath of God ;* But Jesus answers its demands. And cancels it with blood. Dr. Watts.] 218. C. M. Redemption by price and power. JESUS, with all thy saints above My tongue would bear her part; Would sound aloud thy saving love, And sing thy bleeding heart, 2 Bless'd be the Lamb, my dearest Lord, Who bought me with his blood, And quench'd his Father's flaming sword* In his own vital flood. 3 The Lamb that freed my captive soul From Satan's heavy chains, * Colossians ii. 19. 156 HYMNS ON And sent the Lion down to howl Where hell and horror reigns. 4 All glory to the dying Lamb, And never-ceasing praise, While angels live to know his name, Or saints to feel his grace. W Dr. Watts.] 219. L. M. Advice to youth ; or, old age and death in an un converted state. Ecc. xii. 1, 7; Isa. Ixv. 20. [OW in tlie heat of youthful blood, Remember your Creator, God ; Behold the months come hast'ning on, W^hen you shall say, * My joys are gone,' 2 Behold, the aged sinner goes, Laden with guilt, and heavy w^oes, Down to the regions of the dead, With endless curses on his head I 3 The dust returns to dust again ; The soul, in agonies of pain. Ascends to God not there to dwell, But hears her doom, and sinks to helL 4 Eternal King, I fear thy name ; Teach me to know how frail I am ; And when my soul must hence remove. Give me a mansion in thy love. Dr. Watts.] 220. L. M. Believe and be saved. John iii. 16 — 18. NOT to condemn the sons of men, Did Christ the Son of God appear ; No weapons in his hands are seen. No flammg sword, nor thunder thero* 2 Such was the pity of our God, He lov'd the race of men so well, VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 157 He sent his Son to bear our load Of sins, and save our souls from hclL Sinners, believe the Saviour's word, Trust in his mig-hty name and live ; A thousand joys his lips afford, His hands a thousand blessings give But vengeance and damnation lies On rebels who refuse the grace , Who God's eternal Son dcs])ise. The hottest hell shall be tlieir place. Dr. Watts.] 221. L. M. Salvation in the Cross. TTERE, at thy cross, my dying God, -■"■-I lay my soul beneath thy love, Beneath the droppings of thy blood, Jesus ! nor shall it e'er remove. Q Not all that tyrants think or say, With rage and lightning in their eyes, Nor hell shall fright my heart away. Should hell with all its legions rise. 3 Should worlds conspire to drive me thence. Moveless and firm this heart should lie • Resolv'd (for that's my last defence) If I must perish, there to die. 4 But speak, my Lord, and calm my fear : Am I not safe beneath thy shade ? Thy vengeance will not strike me here. Nor Satan dare my soul invade. 5 Yes, I'm secure beneath thy blood, And all my foes shall lose their aim : Hosanna to my dying God, And my best honours to his name. I 158 Hi^xM.\S ON Dr. Watts.] 222. L. M. Parting with carnal joys. SEND the joys of earth away ; Away, ye tempters of the inhid, False as the smooth, deceittul sea, Aiid empty as the whistling wind. 2 Your streams were floating- me along-, Down to the gulf of black despair ; And whilst I listen'd to your song, Your streams had e'en convcy'd me there, 3 Lord, I adore thy matchless grace. That warn'd me of that dark abyss ; That drew me from those treach'rous seas, And bid me seek superior bliss. 4 Now to tlie shining realms above I stretch my hands and glance mine eyes O, for the pinions of a dove. To bear me to the upper skies ! 5 There, from tlie bosom of my God, Oceans of endless pleasures roll , There would I fix my last abode. And dru^\^l tlie sorrows of my souL Dr. Watts.] 223. L. M. Longing to praise Christ letter. LORD, when my thoughts with wonder roll O'er the sharp sorrows of thy soul, Ajid read my Maker's broken laws Repair'd and honour'd by thy cross ; 2 When I behold death, hell, and sin, Vanquish'd by that dear blood of thine ; And see the man that groan'd and died. Sit glorious by his father's side ; VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 150 3 My passions rise and soar above ; I'm wingM with faith and fired with love ; Fain would I reacli eternal tiling's, And learn the notes that Gabri'i sings. 4 But my heart fails, my tongue complams, For want of their immortal strains ; And in such humlle notes as tliese, Must fall below thy victories. 5 Well, the kind minute must appear, When we shall leave these bodies here. These clogs of clay ; etnd mount on high To join the songs above the sky. I Newtox.] 224. The meal and cruse of oil. 1 Kings xvii. 16. T>Y the poor widow's oil and meal -■-' Elijah was sustain'd ; Though small the stock, it lasted well, For God the store maintain'd. 2 It seem'd as if, from day to day, They were to eat and die ; But still, though in a secret way. He sent a fresh supply. 3 Thus to his poor he still will give Just for the present hour ; But for to-morrow they must live Upon his word and power. 4 No barn or store-house they possess, On which they can depend ; Yet have no cause to fear distress ; For Jesus is their friend. 5 Then let no doubts your mind assail ; Remember, God has said, *The cruse and barrel shall not fail, My people shall be fed.' 160 HYMNS ON 6 And thus, though faint it often seems, He keeps their grace alive ; Supplied by his refreshing streams, Their dying hopes revive. 7 Though in ourselves we have no stock, The Lord is nigh to save ; His door flies open when we knock, And *tis but ask and have. Newton.] 225. C. M. Looking at the Crosw* IN evil long I took delight, UnawM by shame or fear ; Till a new object struck my sight, And stopp'd my wild career. 2 I saw one hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood, He fixM his languid eyes on me. As near his cross I stood. 3 Sure, never to my latest breath. Can I forget that look; It seem'd to charge me with his death, Though not a word he spoke. 4 My conscience felt, and own'd the guilt. And plung'd me in despair ; I saw my sins his blood had spilt. And help'd to nail him there. 5 Alas I I knew not what I did. But now my tears are vain ; Where shall my trembling soul be hid ? For I the Lord have slain. f A second look he gave, which said, * I freely all forgive ; This blood is for thy ransom peiid ; I'll die, that thou may'st live.' Thus, while his death my sin displays, In all its blackest hue, VARIOUS SLTBJECTS. 161 i^Such is the mystery of grace,) It seals my pardon too. 8 With pleasing^ grief arid mournful joy, My spirit now is fill'd, That I should such a life destroy, Yet live by him I kill'd. Hart.] 226. L. M. Backsliders, "O ACKSLIDING souls, return to God ; -*^ Your faithful God is gracious still ; Leave the false ways ye long have trod, And he will all backslidings heal. 2 Your first espousals call to mind ; 'Tis time ye should be now reclaimed ; What fruit could ever Christians find. In things whereof tliey are asham'd? The indignation of the Lord Awhile endure, for 'tis your due ; But firm and steadfast stands his word ; Though you are faitJiless, he is true. 4 Poor, famish'd prodigal, come home; Thy father's house is open yet ; Much greater mercy bids thee come, Than all thy sins, though these are great 5 The blood of Christ (a precious blood !) Cleanses from all sin, (doubt it not,) And reconciles the soul to God, From every folly, every fault. Hart.] 227. C. M. Backsliders. TTkESERTERS, to the camp return; -^-^ Resume your former post ; Bewail your crimes, your baseness mourn, For yet ye are not lost. 2 Your*s is a sad, a dangerous case , Be humble and repent; 162 HYMNS ON Mercy you'll find, thoug-h e'er so base, The moment you relent. 3 Sinners are sav'd by Jesus' blood, How vile soe'er they be ; Eternal life's the gift of God, And gifts are always free. 4 'Tis not by works of righteousness. Which any man has done ; But God has sent his Son to bless ; Return and kiss the Son. Hart.] 228. L. M. The stony heart. OH I for a glance of heavenly day. To take this stubborn stone away And thaw, with beams of love divine, This heart, this frozen heart of mine. 2 The rocks can rend, the earth can quako The seas can roar, the mountains shak». Of feeling, all things show some sign, But this unfeeling heart of mine, 3 To hear the sorrow^s thou hast felt, Dear Lord, an adamant would melt; But I can read each moving line, And nothing move this heart of mine. 4 Thy judgments, too, unmov'd I hear, (Amazing thought !) which devils fear ; Goodness and wrath in vain combine. To stir this stupid heart of mine. 5 But something yet can do the deed. And that dear something much I need, Thy Spirit can from dross refine. And move and melt this heart of mine R Hart.] 229. CM. EPENTANCE is a gift, bestow'd To save a soul from death; VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 163 Gospel repentance towards God, Is always joinM to faith. 2 Not for an liour, a day, or week. Do Baints repentance own ; But all the time the Lord tliey seek ; At sin they grieve and groan. 3 Nor is it such a dismal thing-, As 'tis by some men nam'd ; A sinner may repent and sing, Rejoice and be asliam'd. 4 *Tis not the fear of hell alone. For that may prove extreme ; Repenting saints the Saviour own, And grieve for grieving him. 5 If penitence be quite left out, Religion is but halt; And hope, tliough e'er so clear of doubt. Like otf'rins: without salt. Hart.] 230. L. M. Good works. IN vain men talk of living faith, When all their works exhibit death ; When they indulge some sinful view, In all they say, and all they do. 2 Tlie true believer fears the Lord; Obeys his precepts, keeps his word , Commits his works to God alone. And seeks his will before his own. 3 A barren tree that bears no fruit. Brings no great glory to its root ; When on the boughs rich fruit we see, 'Tis then we cry, * a goodly tree I' 4 Never did men, by faitli divine, To selfishness or slotli incline ; 164 HVMNS ON The Christian works with all his poweff And grieves that he can work no more. Hart.] 231. S. M. Good works. "WTAIN man, to boast forbear ^ The knowledge in thy head ; The sacred scriptures this declare, Faith without works is dead. 2 When Christ, the Judge, shall come To render each his due, He'll deal thy deeds their righteous doom, And set thy works in view. 3 Food to the hungry give ; Give to the thirsty drink; To follow Christ is to believe ; Dead faith is but to think. 4 The man that loves the Lord, Will mind whate'er he bid ; Will pay regard to all his wora And do as Jesus did. 5 The dead professor counts Good works as legal ties ; His faith to action seldom mounts ; On doctrine he relies. 6 But words engender strife; Behold the Gospel plan ; Trust in the Lord alone for life. And do what good you can. Hart.] 232. L. M. Hell THE devil can self-denial use, And that with devilish selfish views; His bt;ing and his state disown. And teach that devil or hell there's noiwi £1 VARIOUS SUBJECTS. IGp 2 But liear the word of God, O man I 'Sinners, amongst you all, who can Witli everlasting- burning dwell ? The wicked shall be cast to hell.* 3 Hell is that woful, dreadful place, Where Jesus never shows his face ; Where sinners damn'd, with devils remain, In hopeless horrors, endless pain I 4 God's wrath without liis mercy 's there ; Wratli witJiout mercy, who can bear ? How hot the fire, how huge the load. Thy sufferings show, thou Son of God. 5 O man I let goodness make tliee melt ; Consider what the Lord has felt; Repent, and to thy Saviour turn. Who burn'd that thou might'st never burn. I Newton.] 233. L. M. Christ crucified, WHEN on the cross my Lord I see. Bleeding to death for wretched me, Satan and sin no more can move ; For I am all dissolv'd in love. 2 His thorns and nails pierce thro' my heart, In every groan I bear a part ; i. I view his wounds with streaming eyes ; But see I he bows his head and dies. 13 Come, sinners, view the Lamb of God, ^ Wounded and dead, and bath'd in blood ; Behold his side, and venture near ; The well of endless life is here. 4 Here I forget my cares and pains ; I drink, yet still my thirst remains : Only the Fountain-head above Can satisfy the thirst of love. 166 HYMNS ON 5 Oh, that I thus can always feel ! Lord, more and more thy love reveal ! Then my glad tongue shall loud proclaim The grace and glory of thy name. 6 Thy name dispels my guilt and fear, Revives my heart, and charms my ear; Affords a balm for every wound. And Satan trembles at the sound. 234. L. M. Tj^TERNITY is just at hand ; -*-^ And shall I waste my ebbing sand. And careless view departing day. And throw my inch of time away ? 2 Eternity ! tremendous sound ! To guilty souls a dreadful wound ; But oh ! if Christ and heaven be mine. How sweet the accents ! how divine I 3 Be this my chief, my only care. My high pursuit, my ardent prayer. An interest in tlie Saviour's blood, My pardon seal'd, and peace with God, 4 But should my brightest hopes be vain— ' The rising doubt, how sharp its pain I My fears, O gracious God, remove; Confirm my title to thy love. 5 Search, Lord, O search my inmost heart And light, and hope, and joy impart; From guilt and error set me free. And guide me safe to heaven and thee* . c Dr. Watts.] 235. L. M. Desiring to love Christ. OME, let me love ; or is my mind Hardened to stone, or froze to ice? VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 16^ I see the blessed Fair One bend, And stoop t' embrace me from the skiea 2 01 'tis a thought would melt a rock, And make a heart of iron move ; That those sweet lips, that heavenly look, Sliould seek and wish a mortal's love I 3 I was a traitor doom'd to fire. Bound to sustain eternal pains; He flew on wings of strong desire, Assum'd my guilt and took my chains. 4 Infinite grace I Almiglity charms ! Stand in amaze, O earth and skies ! Jesus, the God, with naked arms, Hangs on a cross of love, and dies. 5 Did pity ever stoop so low, Dress'd in divinity and blood ? "Was ever rebel courted so ; With groans of an expiring God ? 6 Again he lives, and spreads his hands, Hands that were nail'd to tort'ring smart; * By these dear wounds,' says he, and stands, And prays to clasp me to his heart 7 Sure, I must love ; or are my ears Still deaf, nor will my passions move? Then let me melt tliis heart to tears ; This heart shall yield to death or love. Dr. Watt-;, 236. CM. ^ritual and eternal joy ; or the beatific sight of Christ, FROM thee, my God, my joys shall rJFa, And run eternal rounds, Beyond the limits of the skies, And all created bounds. 168 HYMNS ON 2 The holy triumphs of my soul Shall death itself out-brave, Leave dull mortality behind, And fly beyond the grave. 3 There, where my blessed Jesus reigns In heaven's unmeasured space, I'll spend a long eternity, In pleasure and in praise. 4 Millions of years my wond'ring eyes Shall o'er thy beauties rove. And endless ages I'll adore The glories of thy love. 5 [Sweet Jesus ! every smile of thine Shall fresh endearments bring, And thousand tastes of new delight From all thy graces spring, b Haste, my Beloved, fetch my soul Up to thy blest abode ; Fly, for my spirit longs to see My Saviour and my God.J Dr. Watts.] 237. C. M. Christ Jesus ^ the Lamb of God, worshipped by a^ the creation. Rev. v. 11, 13. COME, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys arb one. 2 ' Worthy the Lamb that died,' they cry, . * To be exalted thus ;' * Worthy the Lamb,' our lips reply, * For he was slain for us.' 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine; VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 169 And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever tliine. 4 Let all that dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thine endless praise. 5 The whole creation join in one. To bless the sacred nanie Of liim that sits upon the throne, And to adore tlie Lamb. 238. L. M. CO!ME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above ; Be thou om- guardian, thou our guide, O'er every thought and step preside. 2 Conduct us safe, conduct us fcU* From every sin and hurtful snare ; Lead to thy word, that rules must give, And teach us lessons how to Hve, I 3 The light of trutli to us display, And make us know and choose the way Tlant holy fear in every heart, That we from God may ne'er depart |4 Lead us to holiness, the load That we must take to dwell with God Lead us to Christ, the living way. Nor let us from his pastures stray. Lead us to God, our final rest, In his enjojnnent to be blest; Lead us to heaven, the seat of bliss, Wfaere pleasure in perfection is. H 170 HYMNS OiN^ Dr. Watts.] 239. C. M. God's presence is light in darkness. MY God I tlie spring of all my joys. The life of my delights^ The glory of my brightest days, Aiid comfort of my nights I 2 In darkest shades, if he appear, My dawning is begun ; He is my sours sweet Morning Star, And he my rising Sun. 3 The opening heavens romid me shine, With beams of sacred bliss, While Jesus shows his heart is mine. And whispers, ' I am his.' 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay. At that transporting word ; Run up with joy the shining way, T' embrace my dearest Lord. 5 Fearless of liell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe ; The wings of love, and arms of faith, Sliould bear me conqu'ror through. Dr. Watts.] 240. L. M. A song of prahe to God and the Redeemer. LET the old heathens tune their song. Of great Diana and of Jove ; But the sweet theme that moves my tongu© Is my redeemer and his love. 2 Behold, a God descends and dies. To save my soul from gaping hell I How tlie black gulf where Satan lies, Yawn'd to receive me when I fell I VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 171 3 How justice fro^vTi'd, and vengeance stoed, To drive me down to endless pain I But the great Son propos'd his blood, And heavenly wrath grew mild again. 4 Infinite Lover I gracious Lord I To tiiee be endless honours given ; Thy wondrous name shall be ador'd, Round the wide earth and wider lieaven. Dr. Watts.] 241. C. M. Praise to the Redeemer. "pLUNG'D in a gulf of dark despair, ^ We wretched sinners lay, . Without one cheerful beam of hope. Or spark of glimm'ring day. 2 With pitying eyes, the Prince of Grace Beheld our helpless grief; He saw, and (O amazing love I) He ran to our relief 3 Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste he fled. Enter 'd the grave m mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 4 He spoil'd the powers of darkness thix?,^ And broke our iron chains ; Jesus hath freed our captive souls From everlasting pains. 5 [In vain the baffled prince of lieH His cursed projects tries ; We that were doom'd his endless slaves Are rais'd above the skies.] O ! for this love, let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break ; And all harmonious human tongues The Savioiij's praises speak- 172 HYMNS ON 7 [Yes, we will praise thee, dearest Lord ' Our souls are all on flame ; Hosaiina round the spacious earth, To thine adored name. 8 Angels, assist our mighty joys ; Strike all your harps of gold ; But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told.] Dr. Watts.] 242. S. M. God all and in all. Ps. Ixxiii. 25. MY God, my life, my love. To thee, to thee 1 call; I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art all in all. 2 [Thy shining grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell; 'Tis Paradise when thou art here; If thou depart, 'tis hell. 3 The smilings of thy face. How amiable they are ! *Tis heaven to rest in thine embrace And nowhere else but there. 4 To thee, and thee alone. The angels own their bliss ; They sit around tliy gracious throne, Ajid dwell where Jesus is. 5 Not all the harps above Can make a heavenly place, If God his residence remove, Or but conceal his face.] 6 Nor earth, nor all the sky, Can one delight afford; No, not a drop of real joy, Without thy presence, Lord. VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 173 7 Tliou art the sea of love, Where all my pleasures roll ; The circle where my passions move, And centre of my soul. 8 [To thee my spirits fly, Witli infinite desire; And yet, how far from thee I lie ! Dear Jesus, raise me higher.] Dr. Watts.] 243. C. M. God my only happiness. Ps. Lsxiii. 25. MY God, my portion, and my love, My everlasting all ; I've none but tliee in heaven above. Or on this earthly ball. I [What empty things are all tlie skies. And this inferior clod ! There 's nothing here deserves my joys, There 's nothing like my God. 3 In vain the bright, the burning sun. Scatters his ieeble light ; *Tis thy sweet beams create my noon ; If thou withdraw, 'tis night. 4 And whilst upon my restless bed, Amongst the shades I roll. If my Redeemer shows his head, 'Tis morning with my soul.] 5 To thee we owe our wealth and friends. And health and safe abode ; Thanks to thy name for meaner things, But they are not my God. 6 How vain a toy is glitt'ring wealth. If once compar'd to thee ! Or what 's my safety or my health, Or all my fi-iends to me ? 174 HYMNS ON 7 Were I possessor of the earth, And call'd the stars my own, Without thy graces, and thyself, I were a wretch undone. 8 Let others stretch their arms hke seas, And grasp in all the shore ; Grant me the visits of thy face. And I desire no more. Hart.] 244. C. M. Tribulation, rjlHE souls that would to Jesus press -*- Must fix this firm and sure ; That tribulation, more or less, They must and shall endure. 2 From this there can be none exempt; 'Tis God's most wise decree ; Satan the weakest saint will tempt. Nor is the strongest free. 3 The world opposes from without. And unbelief within ; We fear, we faint, we grieve, we doubt And feel the load of sin. 4 Glad frames too often lift us up, And then how proud we grow I *Till sad desertion makes us droop, And do\vn we sink as low. 5 Ten thousand baits the foe prepares, To catch the wandering heart; And seldom do we see the snares, Before we feel the smart. 6 But let not all this terrify ; Pursue the narrow path ; Look to the Lord with steadfast eye, And fight witli hell by faith. Kii VARIOt'S SUBJECTS. 175 7 Though we arc feeble, Christ is strong ; His promises are true; We shall be conquerors all, ere long, And more than conquerors too. Dr. Watts^ Lyric Poems.] 245. L. M. Lov6 to Christ, present or absent. OF all the joys we mortals know, Jesus, thy love exceeds tlie rest; Love, the best blessing here beiow, The nearest image of tlie blest. 2 While we are held in thy embrace, There's not a thought attempts to rove Each smile upon thy beauteous face. Fixes, and charms, and fires our lo^'c. 3 Wliile of thy absence we complain. And long, or weep, in all we do. There's a strange pleasure in the pain, And tears have their own sweetness too. 4 When round thy court by day we rove, Or ask the watchman of the night, For some kind tidings of our love, Thy very name creates delight 5 Jesus, our Gqd, yet rather come; Our eyes would dwell upon thy face ; 'Tis best to see our Lord at home, And feel the presence of his grace. Dr. Doddridge.] 246. C. M. God hath commanded all men, everywhere, to repent, EPENT, the voice celestial cries, Xor longer dare delay ; The wretch that scorns the mandate, dies. And meets a fiery day. R^ i76 HYMNS ON 2 No more the sovereign eye of God O'erlooks the crimes of men ; His heralds are dispatch'd abroad, To warn the world of sin. 3 The summons reach through all the earth , Let earth attend and fear ; Listen, ye men of royal birth, And let your vassals hear. 4 Together m his presence bow. And all your guilt confess ; Embrace the blessed Saviour now, Nor trifle with his grace. 5 Bow ere the awful trumpet sound, And call you to his bar ; For mercy knows th' appointed bound. And turns to vengeance there. () Amazing love, that yet will call, And yet prolong cur days ! Our hearts, subdued by goodness, fall, And weep, and love, and praise. Newton.] 247. CM. Will ye also go away ? John vi. 67, 69. WHEN any turn from Zion's ways, (Alas ! what numbers do I) Methinks I hear my Saviour say, *Wilt thou forsake me too?* 2 Ah ! Lord, with such a heart as mine, Unless thou hold me fast, I feel I must, I shall decline, And prove like them at last 3 Yet, thou alone hast power, I know, To save a wretch like me ; To whom, or whither could I go. If I should turn from tnee ? VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 177 4 Beyond a doubt, I rest assur'd, Tliou art the Christ of God, Who hast eternal life secured, By promise and by blood. 5 The help of men by angels join'd. Could never reach my case ; Nor can I hope release to find, But in tliy boundless grace. 6 No voice but thine can give me rest, And bid my fears depart ; No love but thine can make me blest. And satisfy my heart. , What anguish has that question stirr'd. If I will also go ? Yet Lord, relying on thy word, I humbly answer, No. 248. CM. The Flower. LOVE is the sweetest bud that blows; Its beauty never dies; On earth, among tlie saints, it grows, Ajid ripens in the skies. 2 Pure, glovring red, and spotless whifc», Its perfect colours are ; In Jesus all its sweets unite. And look divinely fair. 3 The finest flower that ever blow'd^ Open'd on Calv'ry's tree. When Jesus' blood in rivers flow'd, For love of worthless me. i Its deepest hue, its richest smeU, No mortal sense can bear ; Nor can the tongue of angels tell How bright the colours are. H 2 !7S HYMNS ON 5 Earth could not hold so rich a flower, Nor half its beauties show ; Nor could the world and Satan's power, Confine its sweets below. 6 On Canaan's banks, supremely fair, This flower of wonders blooms, Transplanted to its native air, And all the shores perfumes. 7 But not to Canaan's shores confm'd, The seeds from which it blow, Take root witliin the human mind, And scent the Church below. 8 And soon on yonder banks above. Shall every blossom here, Appear, a full, ripe flower of love, Like Him, transplanted there. 249. L. M. JESUS, my Saviour and my God, Thou hast redeem'd me with thy bloofj By ties both natural and divine, I am and ever will be thine. 2 But ah I should my inconstant heart. Ere I'm aware, from thee depart. What dire reproach would fall on me, For such ingratitude to thee! 3 The thought I dread, the crime I hat«. The guilt, the shame I deprecate; And yet, so mighty are my foes, I dare not trust my warmest vows. 4 Pity my frailty, dearest Lord ; Grace in the needful hour aflford ; O, steel this tim'rous heart of mine^ With fortitude and love divine. VARIOUS SUBJEC'l'b. 17\> 5 So shall I triumph o'er my fears, And gather joys from all my tears ; So shall I to the world proclaim, The honours of the Christian name. CowPER.] 250. C. M. Light shining out of darkness. GOD moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform ; He plants his footsteps on the sea. And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sov'reign will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take. The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace : Behind a frowning Providence, He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast. Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the flow'r. 251. L. M. Rising to God. jV'OW let our souls on wings sublim% -^^ Rise from the vanities of time ; Draw back the parting veil and see The glories of eternity. Born by a new celestial birth. Why should we grovel here on earth ? 180 HYMNS on Why grasp at transitory toys, So near to heaven's eternal joys ? 3 Shall aught beguile us on the road, When we are walking back to Gf^? For strangers into life we come, And dying is but going home. 4 Welcome sweet hour of full discliarge, That sets our longing souls at large ; Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell, And gives us with our God to dwelL 5 To dwell with God, to feel his love, Is the full heaven enjoy M above ; And the sweet expectation now. Is the yomig dawn of heaven below. Watts.] 252. CM. Christ^s Commission. COME, happy souls, approach your Goo With new melodious songs; Come, tender to almighty grace The tribute of your tongues. 2 So strange, so boundless was the love That pitied dying men, The Father sent his equal Son To give them life again. 3 Thy hands, dear Jesus, were not arm'd With a revenging rod, No hard commission to perform The vengeance of a God. 4 But all was mercy, all was mild, And wrath forsook the throne. When Christ on the kind errand came, And brought salvation down. 5 Here sinners you may heal your wcnindS; And wipe your sorrows dry; VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 181 Trust in the miglity Saviour's name, And you shall never die. 6 See, dearest Lord, our willing souls Accept thine olfer'd grace ; We bless the great Redeemer's love, And give the Father praise. Dr. Watts.] 253. L. M. The almost Christian. BROAD is the road that leads to death, And thousands walk together there ; But wisdom shows a narrower path ; With here and there a traveller. 2 Deny thyself and take thy cross, Is the Redeemer's great command : Nature must count her gold but dross, If she would gain the heavenly land. 3 The fearful soul that tires and faints. And walks the ways of God no more, Is but esteem'd almost a saint. And makes his own destruction sure. 4 Lord, let not all my hopes be vain. Create my heart entirely new ; Which hypocrites could ne'er obtain, Which false apostates never knew. 254. S. M. Christian Vnioru BLEST be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love I The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers : Our fears, our hopes, our aims are raw. Our comforts and our cares. 182 HYMNS OiN 3 We share our mutual woes ; Our mutual burdens bear ; And oflen for each other flows The sympathizing" tear 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain : But we shall still be join'd in heart, And hope to meet again. 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil and pain, And sin, w^e shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reigr To all eternity. 255. L. M. The good old icay. TNQUmiXG souls who long to find -■- Pardon of sin and peace of mind, Attend the voice of God to-day, Who bids you seek the good old way 2 The righteousness, th' atoning blood Of Jesus, is the way to God : O may you then no longer stray, But walk in Christ the good old way. 3 The prophets and apostles too Pursu'd this path while here below : Then let not fear your soul dismay, But come to Christ the good old way 4 With cautious zeal and holy care^ In this dear way I'll persevere. Nor doubt to meet, another day, Where Jesus is, the good old way. VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 183 256. L.M. WHEN converts first begin to sing, Their happy souls are on the wing ; Their theme is all redeeming love, Fain would they be with Christ above, ^ Witli admiration they behold The love of Christ that can't be told : Tliey view themselves upon the shore, And think tlie battle is all o'er. 3 They feel themselves quite free from pain, And think their enemies are slain; They make no doubt but all is well. And Satan is cast down to hell. 4 They wonder why old saints don't sing, And make the heavenly arches ring — Ring with melodious, joyflil somid. Because a prodigal is found. 5 But 'tis not long before tlicy feel Their feeble souls begin to reel ; TJicy think their former hopes are vam. They're lill'd witli sorrow, grief and pain. 6 O foolish child, why didst thou boast In the enlargement of thy coast? Why didst thou think to fly away Before thou leav'st this feeble clay ? ^ Come take up arms and face the field. Come gird on harness, sword and shield. Stand fast in faith, fight for your King, And soon the victory you shall win. 6 When Satan comes to tempt your minds, Then bravely meet him with these lines Jesus our Lord hath took the Jield^ 4n/f •r(*V/» d f>l prtnin' d not t9 yield. D^ 184 HYMNS ON VARIOUS SUBJECXa 257. S. M. Suhmission under affliction, |OST thou my profit seek, And chasten as a friend ? O God, I'll kiss the smarting rod, There *s honey at the end. Dost thou, through death's dark vale. Conduct to heaven at last? The fiiture good will make amends, For all the evils past. Lord, I would not repine At strokes in mercy sent; If the chastisement come in love, My heart shall be content. 25§. CM. God is love. COME, ye that know and fear the Lor(3^ And lift your souls above ; Let every heart and voice accord To sing that God is love. 2 This precious truth his word declares. And all his mercies prove ; Jesus, the gift of gifts appears To show that God is love. 3 Sinai in clouds, and smoke, and fire, Thunders his dreadfiil name ; But Sion sings, in melting notes. The honours of the Lamb. 4 In all his doctrines and commands. His councils and designs. In every work his hands have framed. His love supremely shines. 5 Angels and men the news proclaim Through earth, and heaven above, PSALMODY. 185 The joyfiil and transporting^ news, That God, the Lord, is love Wesley.] 259. L. M. Old age. IN ag-e and feebleness extreme, Who shall a helpless worm redeem ? Tis only Jesus, by his blood, Can raise a sinking soul to God. 2 Jesus, my only hoj>e thou art ; Strength of my failing flesh and heart ; O, could I catch a smile from thee, And drop into eternity I PSALMODY. Dr. Watts.] 260. CM. 7%c Messiah^s corning and kingdom. Tune — Rochester. JOY to the world, the Lord is come I Let earth receive her King ; Let every heart prepare him room, ^Ind heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns I Let men their songs employ I While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains. Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sms and sorrows grow. Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make his blessings flow. Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. 188 PSALMODY. Dr. Watts.] 261. S. M. Dangerous prosperity; or^ daily devotion d ncoum Tune — Flor ida. *r ET sinners take their course, -^-^ And choose the road of deatli; But in the worship of my God, I'll spend my daily breath. 2 My thoughts address his throne. When morning- brings the light ; I seek his blessing every noon, And pay my vows at night. 3 Thou wilt regard my cries, O my eternal God ! While sinners flourish in surprise. Beneath thine angry rod. 4 Because they dwell at ease, And no sad changes feel, They neither fear nor trust thy name, Nor learn to do thy will, 5 But I, with all my cares, Will lean upon the Lord ; I'll cast my burdens on his arm, And rest upon his word. 6 His arm sliall well sustain The children of his love ; The ground on which their safety stands, No earthly power can move. T Dr. Watts.] 262. C. M. The vanity of man^ as mortal. Tune — SuFFiELD. EACH me the measure of my days, Thou Maker of my frame ,* PSALMODY. 187 I would survey life's narrow space, And learn how frail I am. 2 A span is all tliat we can boast, AJi inch or two of time ; Man is but vanity and dust. In all his flower and prime. 3 See the vain race of mortals move, Like shadows o'er the plain ; They raore and strive, desire and love. But elII tlieir noise is vain. 4 Some walk in honour's g^audy show ; Some dig for golden ore ; They toil for heirs, they know not wha And straight are seen no more. 5 What sliould I wish, or wait for, then, From creatures, earth and dust ? Tliey make our expectations vain. And disappomt our trust. 6 Now I forbid my carnal hope^ My fond desires recall ; I give my mortal interest up, And make my God my all. Dr. Watts.: 263. S. AI. Christ's cofninission. John iii. 16, 17. Tune — Ninety-Third. RAISE your triumphant songs. To an immortal time ; Let the wide eartli resoimd the deeds Celestial grace hath done. 2 Sing, how eternal Love Its chief Beloved chose, And bid him raise our wretched race From their abyss of woes. 3 His hand no thunder bears, Nor terror cloUies his brow ; 188 PSALMODY. No bolts to drive our guilty souls To fiercer flames below. i 4 Twas mercy fill'd the throne, ' And wrath stood silent by ; When Christ was sent with pardons dow% To rebels doom'd to die. 5 Now, sinners, dry your tears ; Let hopeless sorrow cease ; Bow to the sceptre of his love. And take the offer 'd peace. 6 Lord, we obey thy call ; We lay an humble claim To the salvation thou hast brought, And love and praise thy name. Dr. Watps.] 264. C. M. The pilgrimage of the Saints ; or, Earth and Heavti Tune — Tribulation. LORD, what a wretched land is this. That yields us no supply ; No cheering- fruits no wholesome trees, Nor streams of living joy ? 2 But pricking thorns, thro' all the ground, And mortal poisons grow ; And all the rivers that are found. With dangerous waters flow. 3 Yet, the dear path to thine abode Lies through this horrid land ; Lord, we would keep tlie heavenly road, And run at thy command. 4 [Our souls shall tread the desert tlirough, , With undiverted feet; PSALMODY. ISO And faith and flaming" zeal subdue The terrors that we meet. 5 A tliousand savage beasts of prey, Around the forest roam; But Judali's Lion guards the way, And guides the strangers, home. 6 Long nights and darkness dwell below. With scarce a twinkling ray ; But the biught world to which we go, Is everlasting day. 7 By gUrani'ring hopes, and gloomy fears, We trace the sacred road; Thro' dismal deeps and dang'rous snares We make our way to God.] 8 Our journey is a thorny maze ; But we march upward still ; Forget these troubles o^ iht, Ta.ys, And reach at Zion's hill. 9 [See the kind angels at the gates. Inviting us to come I There Jesus, the forerunner, waits, To welcome trav'llers home.] 0 There, on a green and fiow'ry mount Our weary souls shall sit. And with transporting joys recount The labours of our feet 1 No vain discourse shall fill our tongue, Nor trifles vex our ear ; Infinite grace shall fill our song. And God rejoice to hear. 8 Eternal glories to the King That brought us safely through ; Our tongues shall never cease to ang And endless praise renew. 190 PSALMODY. Dr. Watts.] 265. L. M. Tfie enjoyment of Christ; or^ delight in worsk Tmie — ^ Vernon. r ORD, what a heaven of saving grace -*-^ Shines through the beauties of thy face^ And lights our passions to a flame ! Lord, how we love thy charming name I 2 When I can say, my God is mine ; When I can feel thy glories shine, I tread the world beneath my feet, And all the earth calls good or great. 3 While such a scene of sacred joys Our raptur'd eyes and souls employs, Here we could sit, and gaze away A long and everlasting day. Well, we shall quickly pass the night. To the fair coasts of perfect light; Then shall our joyful senses rove O'er the dear object of our love. 5 There shall we drink full draughts of bliss. And pluck new life from heavenly trees ; Yet now and then, dear Lord, bestow A drop of heaven on worms below. 6 Send comforts down from thy right hand, While we pass through this barren land; And in thy temple let us see A glimpse of love, a glimpse of thee. Robinson.] 266. P. M. Tune — Olney. COME, thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace " Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudsst praise. PSALMODY, 191 TeacJi me some melodious somiet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount, O fix me on it, Mount of God's unchanging love. 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Hither by thy grace I*ve come : And I hope, by tJiy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He, to save my soul from danger, Interpos'd his precious blood. 3 O I to grace how great a debtor. Daily I'm constrain'd to be I Let that grace. Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring lieart to thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it ; Prone to leave the God 1 love ; Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, Seal it for thy courts above. Watts.] 267. P. M. God our Preserver Tune — Delight. UPWARD I lift mine eyes; From God is all my aid; The God that built the skies. And earth and nature made God is the tower To which I fly; His grace is nigh In every hour. ^ ! My feet shall never sUde, And fall in fatal snares. Since God, my guard and guide, Defends me from my fears 192 PSALMODY. Those wakeful eyes, That never sleep, Shall Israel keep, When dangers rise, 3 No burning heats by day, Nor blasts of evening air Shall take my health away, If God be with me there. Thou art my sun, And thou my shade, To guard my head By night or noon. 4 Hast thou not given thy word. To save my soul from death ? And I can trust my Lord, To keep my mortal breath. I'll go and come, Nor fear to die. Till from on high Thou call me home Dr. Watts.] 268, L. M. Chrisfs presence makes death easy. Tune — All Saints. WHY should we start, and fear to die? What tim'rous worms we mortals are * Deatii is the gate of endless joy. And yet we dread to Miter there. 2 The pains, the groans, and dying strife, Fright our approaching souls away; Still we shrink back again to life, Fond of our prison and our clay. 3 O, if my Lord would come and meet, My soul should stretch her wings in haste^ Fly fearless through death's iron gate, Nor feel the terrors as she passed. PSALMODY. 193 4 Jesus can make a dying* bed Feel soft as dowTiy pillows are, While on his breast I lean my head. And breathe my life out sweetly there. Dr. Watts.] 269. S. M. Triumph over deaths in hope of the resurrection Tune — Aylesbury. AND must this body die ? This mortal frame decay ? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in tlie clay ? S Corruption, earth and worms, Shall but refme this flesh, Till my triumphant spirit comes To put it on afresh. 3 God, my Redeemer, lives, And often from the skies Looks dowTi and watches all my dust, Till he shall bid it rise. 4 Array'd in glorious grace, Shall these vile bodies shine, And every shape, and every face. Look heavenly and divine. 5 These lively hopes, we owe To Jesus' dying love ; We would adore his grace below, And sing his power above. 6 Dear Lord, accept the praise Of these our humble songs. Till times of nobler sounds we raiae^ With our immortal tongues, I 194 PSALMODY. Dr. Watts.] 2 TO. S. M. Heavenly joy on earth. Tune — America. ^OME, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord, C^ And thus surround the throne. 2 Tlie sorrows of the mind Be banish'd from this place ; Religion never was design'd To make our pleasures less. 3 Let tliose refuse to sing, Tliat never knew our God ; But fav'rites of the heaveiily King May speak their joys abroad. 4 [The God tliat rules on high, And thunders when he please ; That rides upon the stormy sky, And manages the seas.] 5 This awful God is ours; Our Father, and oiu- Love; He shall send down his heavenly powers, To carry us above. 6 There shall we see his face. And never, never sin ; There, from the rivers of his grace, Drink endless pleasures in. 7 Yes, and before we rise To that immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bliss Should constant joys create, 8 [The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celestial fruits on earthly ground. From faith and hope may grow.] PSALMODY. laD 9 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the lieavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets. 10 Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; We're marching thro' ImmanuePs ground. To fairer worlds on hisfh. 271. P.M. Tune — Heavenly Traveller. CO]\IE, all ye weary travellers, Come, let us join and sing The everlasting praise Of Jesus Christ, our King. We've had a tedious journey, And tiresome, 'tis true ; But see how many dangers The Lord hath brought us through. At first when Jesus found us. He call'd us unto him, And pointed out the danger Of falling into sin ; The world, the flesh, and Satan, To us would prove a snare. Unless we would reject them. By faith and humble prayer. But why our disobedience. With sorrow we confess. We have had long to wander In a dark wilderness, Where we might all have fainteclf In that enchanted ground. But now and then a cluster Of pleasant grapes we found. 196 PSALMODY. 4 The pleasant fruits of Canaan Give life, and joy, and peace, Revive our drooping spirits, And strength and love increase To confess our Lord and Master, And run at his command. And hasten on our journey Unto the promis'd land. 6 In faith, and hope, and patience, We're made for to rejoice ; And Jesus and his people For ever are our choice. In peace and consolation We now are going on. The narrow way to Canaan, Where Jesus Christ is gone. 6 Sinner, why stand you idle, As we do march along ? Hath conscience never told yon. That you are going wrong, Dowm the broad road to ruin, To bear an endless curse ? Forsake your ways of sinning. And come and go with us. 7 But, if you will refuse it, We must bid you farewell : We're on the way to Canaan, And you the road to hell. We're sorry for to leave you. And rather you would go; Come, try a bleeding Sa'^lour, And see the waters flow. 8 O sinners, be awakenM To see your wretched state Repent and be converted, Before it be too late. PSALMODY. 197 Turn to the Lord by prayingf, And daily searcli his word; And never rest contented, Until you find tlie Lord. Now, to the King immortal Be everlasting praise ; And in his holy service We long to spend our days, Till we arrive at Canaan, The celestial world above. There, in eternal raptures, To praise redeeming love. 272. L. M. T LONG to see the season come •*- When sinners shall come flocking hom^ To taste tlie sweets of Jesus' love, And seek tlie joys tliat are above. S Hark ! how the glorious Gospel sounds. Inviting sinners all around ; Behold, your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bleeding hands* 3 Attend, poor sinners, to his word ; Kiss him, yea, own him as your Lord ; He'll wash you in atoning blood, And seal you heirs and sons of God, 4 A few more days, and you must go To realms of joy or endless woe ; In worlds of light, with Christ to dweD, Or sink beneath his fro\\Tis, to hell. 5 Come, then, dear sinners, counsel take. And all your sinful ways forsake ; The world give o'er, leave friends behind * In Christ you shall redemption find. 6 Take your companion by the hand. And all your children in a band. 198 PSALMODY. And give them up at Jesus' call To pardon, bless and save them all. 7 Thus, when the day of Christ shall com» And he collect his children home. On Zion's mount you then shall stand. And join the bright angelic band. 6 O, what a glorious company ! May I be there, that sight to see, And join in praise to Jesus' name, All glorious in Jerusalem. 2T3. P.M. Tune — Solemn Sound. B^^ROM whence doth this union arise -■- That hatred is conquerM by love ? It fastened our souls in such ties. As nature and time can't remove. 2 It cannot in Eden be found. Nor yet in a Paradise lost; It grovv^s on Immanuel's ground. And Jesus' rich blood it did cost. 3 My friends are so dear unto me, Our hearts are united in love ; Where Jesus is gone we shall be, In yonder bright mansions above. 4 O, why then so loth for to part. Since there we sliall all meet again 7 Engrav'd on Immanuel's Iieart, At a distance we cannot remain. 5 And when we shall see that bright day And join with the angels above. There, free from these bodies of clay, We'll dwell with Christ Jesus above. With Jesus we ever shall reign. And all his bright glories we'll see; PSALMODY. 199 There sing hallelujah, amen; Anien, even so let it be. 274. C. M. The Mariner's Psalm, Tune — OcKAN. THY works of glory, mighty Lord That rules the boist'rous sea. The sons of courage shall record, Who tempt the dang'rous way. 2 At thy command the winds arise, And swell the towering waves; The men astonish'd moimt the skies, And sink in gaping graves. 3 'Tis God that brings them safe to land Let stupid mortals know, That waves are under his command. And ail the winds that blow. 4 O, that the sons of men would praise The goodness of the Lord ; And those who see thy wondrous ways Thy wondrous love record. 275, P. M. ChrisVs ascension. Tune — MiDDLETOwx. TXAIL the day that saw liim rise, -■"*■ Ravish'd from our wistful eyes I Christ, a while to mortals given, Reascends his native heaven. There the pom|>ous triumph wait*?, * Lift your heads, ye crystal gates ; Wide unfold the radiant scene, Take the King of glory in.' S Him who highest heaven receives, Still he loves the world he leaves; aOO PSALMODY. Though returning to his throne. Still he calls mankind his own ; Still for us he intercedes ; Prevalent, his death he pleads; Next himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 3 Master, (may we ever say,) Taken from our head to-day, See thy faithful servants, see, Ever gazing upon thee ; Grant, though parted from oior sight, Far above yon azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rise. And follow thee beyond the skies. 4 Ever upward let us move. Wafted on the wings of love ; Looking when our Lord shall come, Longing, grasping after home. There we shall with thee remain. Partners of thy endless reign ; There thy face unclouded see; Find our heaven of heavens in thee. Dr. Watts.] 276. L. M. Glory and grace in the person of ChrisU Tune WlLUAMSTOWN. NOW to the Lord a noble song; Awake my soul, awake my tongue; Hosanna to th' eternal Name, And all his boundless love proclaim, 2 See, where it shines in Jesus' face, The brightest image of his grace I God, in the person of his Son, Hath all his mightiest works outdoneu 3 The spacious earth and spreading flood. Proclaim the wise and powerful God; PSALMODY. 201 And thy rich glories, from afar, SparJvIe in every rolling- star ; 4 But in liis looks a glory stands, The noblest labour of thine hands ; The pleasing lustre of his eyes, Outshines the wonders of the skies. 5 Grace I 'tis a sweet, a charming theme. My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name; Ye angels, dwell upon the sound ; Ye heavens, reflect it to the ground. 6 O, may I live to reach the place, Where he unveils his lovely face ; Where all his beauties you behold, And sing his name to harps of gold. W 2rr. c. M Tune — Sherburn. HILE shepherds watch'd tlieir flock by night, All seated on the ground. The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. * Fear not,' said he, (for mighty dread Had seiz'd their troubled mind,) * Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. *To you, in David's town, this da3r Is born, of David's line. The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, And this shall be the sign : 'The heavenly babe you there shall findi To human view display'd. All meanly wrapt in swathing bands^ And in a manger laid.' 12 202 PSALMODY. 5 Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith AppearM a shining throng Of angels, praising God, and thus Addressed their joyful song: 6 *A11 glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace ; Good-will, henceforth, from heaven to men, Begin and never cease.' Dr. Watts.] 2T8. CM. The Morning of a Lord's Day, Tune — Montgomery. Xj^ARLY, my God, without delay, -■-^ I haste to seek thy face ; My thirsty spirit faints away, Without thy cheering grace. 2 So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky. Long for a cooling stream at hand, And they must drink or die. 3 IVe seen thy glory and thy power. Through all thy temple shine ; My God, repeat that heavenly hour That vision so divine ! 4 Not all the blessings of a feast. Can please my soul so well. As when thy richer grace I taste, And in thy presence dwell. 5 Not life itself, with all its joys. Can my best passions move. Or raise so high my cheerful voice. As thy forgiving love. 6 Thus, till my last expiring day, I'll bless my God and King* PSALMODY. 208 UnuB will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing. Dr. Watts.] 279. P.M. Praise to God^ for his goodness and truth. Tune — Livonia. T'LL praise my maker with my breath, -■- And when my voice is lost in death. Praise shall employ my nobler powers ; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last. Or immortality endures. 2 Why should I make a man my trust? Princes must die and turn to dust; Vain is the help of flesh and blood ; Their breath departs, their pomp, and power, And thoughts, all vanish in an hour ; Nor can they make their promise good. 3 Happy the man, whose hopes rely On Israel's God ; he made the sky. And earth, and seas, with all their train ; His truth for ever stands secure ; He saves the oppress'd, he feeds the peor. And none shall find his promise vain. 4 The Lord hath eyes to give the blind ; The Lord supports the sinking mind ; He sends the labouring conscience peac« ; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless, And grants the pris'ner sweet release. 5 He loves his saints, he knows them well. But turns the wicked down to hell ; Thy God, O Zion I ever reigns ; Let every tongue, let every age. In this exalted work engage ; Praise him in everlasting strains. 204 PSALxMODY. 6 I'll praise him while he lends me breathy And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers; My days of praise shall ne'er be past. While life, and thought, and being last. Or immortality endures. Dr. Watts.] 280. L. M. The prosperity of sinners cursed. Tune — Greenwich. LORD, what a thoughtless wretch was 1^ To mourn and murmur, and repine, To see the wicked, placed on high. In pride and robes of honour shine 7 2 But, oh I their end, their dreadful end I Thy sanctuary taught me so ; On slipp'ry rocks I see them stand, And fiery billows roll below. 3 Now, let them boast how tall they rise ; I'll never envy tliem again; There they may stand with haughty eyes, Till they plunge deep in endless pam. 4 Now, I esteem their mirth and wine Too dear to purchase with my blood; Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine, My life, my portion, and my God* 281. P.M. Tune — New Monmouth. LO, he Cometh ! countless trumpets Blow, to raise the sleeping dead ; *Midst ten thousand saints and angelsj See their great, exaJted Head; Hallelujah, Welcome, welcome, Son of God. PSALMODY. 206 9 Now his merit, by the harpers, Through the eternal deep resounds ; Kow resplendent shine his nail-printa Every eye shall see liis wounds; They who piercM him, Shall at his appearance wail. 3 Full of joyful expectation, Saints boliold the Judge appear; Truth and justice g-o bcibre him ; Now the joyful sentence hear ; Hallelujah, Welcome, welcome, Judge dirme : 4 *Come, ye blessed of my Father, Enter into life and joy ; Banish all your fears and sorrows. Endless life be your employ Hallelujah, Welcome, welcome to the skies.' 5 Now at once they rise to glory : Jesus brings tliem to the King; There, with all the hosts of heaven, They eternal anthems sing ; Hallelujah, Boundless glory to the Lamb. Dr. Watts.] 2§2. CM. X^ sufferings of Christ for our salvatiom Tmi8 — Sutton. ^AVE me, O God ! the swelling floodi ^^ Brccik in upon my soul, I sink, and sorrows o'er my head Like mighty waters roll. * I cry till all my voice be gone In tears I waste the day My God, behold my longings •vet And shorten thy delay. 206 PSALMODY. 3 *They hate my soul without a cause. And still their number grows, More than the hairs around my head» And mighty are my foes. 4 * 'Twas then I paid the dreadful debt. That men could never pay ; And gave those honours to thy law, Which sinners took away.' 5 Thus in the great Messiah's name, The royal prophet mourns ; Thus he awakes our hearts to grief^ And gives us joy by turns. 6 * Now shall the saints rejoice, and find Salvation in my name ; For I have borne their heavy load Of sorrow, pain and shame. 7 * Grief, like a garment, clothed me round. And sackcloth was my dress. While I procured for naked souls A robe of righteousness, 8 * Amongst my brethren, and the Jews, I, like a stranger, stood, And bore their vile reproach to bring The Gentiles near to God. 9 * I came in sinful mortals' stead, To do my Father's will ; Yet when I cleans'd my Father's house, They scandaliz'd my zeal. 10 'My fastings, and my holy groans, Were made the drunkard's song; But God, from his celestial throne. Heard my complaining tongue. 11 * He sav'd me from the dreadful deep, Where fears beset me round ; He rais'd, and fix'd my sinking feet On weil-e?5tablished ground. PSALMODY. 20T Q. 12 **Twas in a most accepted hour, My prayers arose on high ; And for my sake my God shall hear The dying sinner's cry.* Hart.] 2§3. P.M. Put on the whole armour of God. Eph. iv 12. Tune — Christian Soldier. GIRD thy loins up, Christian soldier, Lo ! thy Captain calls thee out ; Let the danger make thee bolder, War in weakness, dare in doubt. Buckle on thy heavenly armour ; Patch up no inglorious peace ; Let thy courage wax the warmer, As thy foes and fears increase. 2 Bind thy golden girdle round thee ; Truth to keep thee firm and tight; Never shall tlie foe confound thee, While the truth maintains thy fight. Righteousness within thee rooted, May appear to take thy part ; But let righteousness imputed, Be the breast-plate of thy heart. 3 Shod with Gospel-preparation, In the paths of promise tread; Let the hope of free salvation, As a helmet, guard thy head. When beset with various evils, Wield the Spirit's two-edg'd sword; Cut thy way through hosts of devils, While they fall before the Word. 4 But when dangers closer threaten. And thy soul draws near to death ; When assaulted sore by Satan, Then object the shield of faith. 208 PSALMODY. Fiery darts of fierce temptatiens. Intercepted by thy God, There shall lose tlieir force in patience, Sheath'd in love, and quench'd in blood 5 Though to speak, tliou be not able. Always pray and never rest ; Prayer 's a weapon for the feeble ; Weakest souls can wield it best. Ever on thy Captain calling, Make thy worst condition known ; He shall hold thee up when falling, Or shall lift thee up when down. 284. P.M. Longing to see Jesus. Tune — Cox\auERiNG Soldier, OWHEN shall I see Jesus, And reign with him above, And from the flowing fountains Drink everlasting love ? When shall I be deliver'd From this vain world of sin, And with my blessed Jesus, Drink endless pleasures in ? 2 But now I am a soldier. My Captain's gone before, He's given me my orders. And tells me not to fear ; And as he has prov'd faithful, A crown of life he'll give, And all his valiant soldiers Eternal life shall live. 8 Through grace I am determined To conquer, though I die; And then, away to Jesus, On wings of love Til fly. PSALMODY. 801 Farewell to sin and sorrow; I bid it all adieu ? And you, my friends, prove faithfU, And on your way pursue. 4 And if you meet with troubles And trials on the way, Then cast your care on Jesus, And don't forget to pray ; Gird on the heavenly armour, Of faith, and hope, and love, Ajid when the battle's ended, You'll reign with him above. 5 O, do not be discourag'd. For Jesus is your friend, Ajid if you lack for knowledge. He'll not refiise to send ; Neither will he upbraid you. Though often you request ; He'll give you grace to conquer, Ajad take you up to rest, Dr. Watts.] 285. CM. 7^ hopes of heaven our support under trials an earth. Tune — Ninety-Fifth. WHEN I can read my title clear, To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear. And wipe my weeping eyes. 3 Should earth against my soul engage. And hellish darts be hurl'd, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning w^orld. 8 Let cares like a wild deluge come. And stones of sorrow fall ; IB 210 PSALMODY. May I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all ; 4 There shall I bathe my weary soul In seas of heavenly rest. And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. Dr. Watts.] 286. C. M. Not ashamed of the Gospel. 2 Tim. i. 12, Tune — FiDuciA. T'M not asham'd to own my Lord, -■- Or to defend his cause, Maintain the honour of his word, The glory of his cross. 2 Jesus, my God ! I know his name ; His name is all my trust ; Nor will he put my soul to shame. Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm as his throne, his promise stands ; And he can well secure What I've committed to his hands, Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will he own my worthless name, Before his Father's face. And in the New Jerusalem Appoint ray soul a place. Dr. Watts.] 287. C. M. Salvation. Tune — Twenty-Fourth. ^ ALVATION ! O the joyful sound I ^^ 'Tis pleasure to our ears ; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. PSALMODY. 211 S Buried in sorrow and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay , But we arise by grace divine, To see a heavenly day. 3 Salvation I let the echo ily The spacious earth around, While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. Pope.] 288. P.M. Tune — Cl.\remont. VITAL spark of heavenly flame, Quit, O quit this mortal frame ; Trembling, hoping, ling'ring, flying", O the pain, the bliss of dying ! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife, And let m" languish into life. 2 Hark I they whisper — angels say, Sister spirit, come away ; What is this absorbs me quite. Steals my senses, shuts my sight. Drowns my spirits, draws my breath. Tell me, my soul, can this be death ? 3 The world recedes, it disappears, Heaven opens on my eyes, my ears With sounds seraphic ring ; Lend, lend your wings, I mount, I fly O grave, where is thy victory ? O death, where is thy sting ? 289. L. M. Tune — Seasons. THE name of Christ, how sweet it sounds, How sweet the mention of his wounds 212 fSALMODY. How gocd, how excellently good. Is the dear name of Jesus' blood I 2 What makes it so to me, is this : All that is Christ's, my portion is ; I'm his, and all I e'er shall be, And all he has he gives to me. 8 O, what a great estate have I ! A heaven to all eternity ; I'm rich, my Lord hath made me so Nor would I greater riches know. 4 What did my Saviour at his death, To me, unworthy me, bequeath ? All that he had, his merit, blood, He left me when he went to God 5 His new eternal testament I read, and much sweet time is spent In searching every verse and line, How much my Jesus' will Is mine, 6 My dearest Lord I'll ever bless, For his most glorious righteousness, I'll sing how black, how vile I am. How fair and comely in the Lamb. 7 For black and vile I know I am, Yet comely through the blessed Lambt And hope ere long to mount above. Ever to praise redeeming love. I 290. L. M. Tune — New Salem. AM a stranger here below, And what I am 'tis hard to know, I am so vile, so prone to sin, I fear that I'm not born again. When I experience call to mind, My understanding is so blind, PSALMODY. 213 An feeling sense seems to be gone, Which makes me fear tliat I am wrong. 3 I find myself out of the way ; My thoughts are often gone astray; Like one alone I seem to be — Oh I is there any one like me ? 4 It's seldom I can ever see Myself as I would wish to be ; What I desire I can't attain, And what I hate I can't refrain. 5 So far from God I seem to lie, Which makes me often weep and cry ; I fear at last that I shall fall ; For if a saint, the least of alL 6 I seldom find a heart to pray, So many things step in my way ; Thus fill'd with doubts, I ask to know, Come, tell me, is it thus with you ? ? So, by experience I do know, There's nothing good that I CEin do; I canr'^t ^'^tisfy the law. Nor . ope x>. comfort fi-om it draw* 8 My nature is so prone to sin. Which makes my duty so unclean. That when I count up all the cost. If not free grace, then I am lost 291. P.M. Exceeding great and precious promises 2 Peter i. 4. Tune — Foundation of Hope. HOW firm a foundation, ye sainta of Cfas Lord, i^ la laid for your faith in his excelleat wocd* 214 PSALMODx What more can he say, than to you h* hath said ? You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled. 2 In every condition, in sickness, in health, In poverty's vale or abounding in wealth. At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea, * As thy days may demand, sliall thy strength ever be. 3 ^Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dis- may'd, I, I am tliy God, and will still give thee aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand 4 * When thro' the deep waters I call thee to go^ The rivers of woe shall not tliee overflow ; For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 5 ' When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie. My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. 6 ' Even down to old age, all my people shall prove, My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And when hoary hairs shall their temple« adorn. Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. 7 * The sou] that on Jesus hath lean'd for repose. / will not^ I will not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all hell should endeavour to shake. Til never^ no nevery no never forsaJce.'* PSALMODY. 215 292. P.M. ^ Tune — Indian Philosopher. WHEN tliou, my righteous Judge, shall come, To fetch thy ransom'd people home, Shall I amongst them stand ? Shall such a worthless worm as I, Who sometimes am afraid to die. Be found at tliy rigiit hand ? 2 I love to meet among them now, Before thy gracious feet to bow, Though vilest of them all ; But (can I bear the piercing thought?) What if my name should be lefl out, When thou for them shalt call I 3 Prevent, prevent it by thy grace ; i Be thou, dear Lord, my liiding place, ' | In this th' accepted da)^; Thy pardoning voice, O let me hear, To still my unbelieving fear ; Nor let me fall, I pray. 4 Let me among thy saints be found: Whene'er th archangel's trump shall sound, To see tliy smiling face ; Then, loudest of the crowd I'll sing, While heaven's resounding mansions ring With shouts of sovereign grace. Dr. Watts.] 293. C. M. Repentance at the Cross. Tune — Repentance. OH ! if my soul were formed for woe, How would I vent my sighs ! Repentance should like rivers flow, from both my streaming eyes. 210 PSALMODY. 2 'Twas for my sins my dearest Lord Hung on the cursed tree, And groanM away a dying" life, For thee, my soul, for thee. 3 O how I hate those lusts of mine, That crucified my God ; Those sins, that piercM and nailM hia fles^ Fast to the fatal wood. 4 Yes, my Redeemer, they shall die; My heart hath so decreed; Nor will I spare the guilty things That made my Saviour bleed. 5 Whilst with a melting, broken heart, My murder'd Lord I view, I'll raise revenge against my sins, And slay the murd'rers too. 294. P.M. Tune — Pilgrim's Farewell. FAREWELL, farewell, farewell, mj friends, I must be gone ; I have no home nor stay with you; I'll take my staff and travel on, Till I a better world can view, Farewell, farewell, farewell, my loving frienda, farewell. fi Farewell, &c. my friends, time rolls alon^. Nor waits for mortal cares of bliss, I'll leave you here and travel on, Till I arrive where Jesus is. Farewell, &c. 3 Farewell, &c. my brethren in the Lord ; To you I'm boimd with cords of love ; Yet we believe his gracious word, We all, ere long, shall meet abow^ Farewell. *- PSALMODY. 217 4 Farewell, &c old soldiers of the cross , You've struggled long- and hard for heaven : You've counted all things here but loss ; March on, the crown shall soon be given, Farewell, &.c. 5 Farewell, Ana ixace us n their stead, DEATH. 223 Then would our spirits learn to fly, And converse with the dead. 4 Then should we see tlie saints abovo. In their own glorious forms, And wonder why our souls should love To dwell with mortal worms. 5 [How we should scorn these clothes of flesh These fetters, and this load ; And long for evening to undress, That we may rest with God.] 6 We should almost forsake our clay Before the summons come, And pray and wish our souls away To their eternal home. DEATR Hart.] 303. CM. VAIN man thy fond pursuits forbear, Repent, thy end is nigh ; Death, at the farthest, can't be far ; O, think before thou die. 2 Reflect, thou hast a soul to save ; Thy sins, how high they mount! What are thy hopes beyond the grave ? How stands that dark account ? 3 Death enters, and there 's no defence ; His time there 's none can tell ; He'll in a moment call thee hence. To heaven, or, to hell. 4 Thy flesh, perhaps thy chiefest care, Shall crawling worms consume ; But ah ! destruction stops not there ; Sin kills beyond the tomb. r^ 22A DEATH. 5 To-day, the gospel calls to-day j Sinners, it speaks to you ; Let every one forsake his way. And mercy will ensue. 6 Rich mercy, dearly bought with blood; How vile soe'er he be, Abundant pardon, peace with God, All given entirely free. 1 Hart.] 304. S. M. YE bold, blaspheming souls, Whose conscience nothing scares Ye carnal, cold, professing fools, Whose state's as bad as theirs; 2 Ye strong, deluded lights, Whose faith 's too stout to pray ; And ye, whom proud perfection cheats^ As free from sin as they ; 3 The awful change, not far. Dissolves each golden dream ; Death will distinguish what you art^ From what you only seem. 4 Repent, or you're undone , And pray to God with speed , Perhaps the truth may yet be knowDi And make you free indeed. 5 The hour of death draws nigh ; *Tis time to drop the mask; Fall at the feet of Christ, and cry} He gives to all that ask. 6 Good Shepherd of the sheep, Abolisher of death, O, give us all repentance deep, And purifying faith* JUDGMENT. 225 Dr. Watts.] 305. C. M. Death dreadful^ or delightful. DEATH : 'tis a melancholy day To those that have no God, When the poor soul is forc'd away, To seek her last abode. 2 In vain to heaven she lifts her eyes ; But ^uilt, a heavy chain, Still drag's her downward from the skies. To darkness, fire and pain. 3 Awake, and mourn, ye heirs of hell ; Let stubborn sinners fear ; You must be driven from earth, and dwell A long FOR EVER there, 4 See how the pit gapes wide for you. And flashes in your face I And thou, my soul, look downward too^ And sing recovering grace. 5 He is a God of sovereign love, That promis'd heaven to me, That taught my tlioughts to soar aboYC, Where happy spirits be. 6 Prepare me. Lord, for thy right hand; Then come the joyful day ; Come death, and some celestial band. To bear my soul away. JUDGMENT. Hart.] 306. L. xM. The day of Judgment. Awake, ye sleeping souis, awake, And hear the God ©f Israel speak < His word is faithful, firm and true ; Sinners, attend, he speaks to you. K2 226 JUDGMENT. 2 '"Mercy and vengeance in me dwell ; One lifts to heaven, one casts to hell ; My favour's more than life, my wrath Will burn beyond the bounds of death.' 3 Short is the space, and death must come ; And after death, the day of doom ; When quick and dead the Judge shall caJ! And deal their due deserts to alL 4 Fix'd in their everlasting state, Could men repent, 'twere then too late ; Justice has bolted Mercy's door, And God's long suff 'ring is no mora 5 *Tis now the gospel message sent, Commands repentance — now repent; Wisely be warn'd, to reftige run ; Obey the Father, kiss the Son. 6 In Christ, receive the gitl of God, Complete redemption through his blood; Mercy triumphant, sin forgiven, And everlasting life in heaven. Hart.] 307. S. M. BEHOLD, with awfid pomp, The Judge prepares to come ; Th* archangel sounds tiie dreadful txun^ And wakes the general doom. 2 Nature, in w'ild amaze. Her dissolution mourns; Blushes of blood the moon deface, The sun to darkness turns. 3 The living look with dread ; The frighted dead arise; Start from their monumental bed. And lifl their ghastly eyes. 4 Horrors all hearts appal ; They quake, they shriek, they aji JUDGMENT. 227 Bid rocks and mountains on them fall; But rocks and mountains fly. 5 Ye wilful, wanton fools, Let danger make you wise ; Carnal professors, careless souls, Unclose your lazy eyes. 6 *Tis time we all awake ; The dreadftil day draws near ; Sinners, your proud presumption check. And stop your wild career. 7 Now is til' accepted time ; To Christ for mercy fly ; O, turn, repent, and trust in him, And you shall never die. 8 Great God, in whom we live, Prepare us for tliat day ; Help us in Jesus to believe. To watch, and vrait, and pray. Dr. Doddridge.] 308. S. M. 77ie Jinal sentence and misery of the wicked* Matt. xxiv. 41. AND will the Judge descend ? And must the dead arise? And not a single soul escape > His all-discerning eyes ? 9 And from his righteous lips, Shall this dread sentence sound, And through the numerous guilty throng Spread black despair around? 3 * Depart from me accurs'd. To everlasting flame. For rebel angels first prepar'd. Where mercy never came.* 4 How will my heart endure Tlie terrors of tliat day, 228 JUDGMENT. When earth and heaven, before his fac^ Astonish'd, shrink away ? 5 But, ere that trumpet shakes The mansions of the dead, Hark! from the Gospel's cheering sound. What joyful tidings spread I 6 Ye sinners, seek his grace, Whose wrath ye cannot bear : Fly to the shelter of his cross, And find salvation there. 7 So shall that curse remove, By which the Saviour bled, And the last awfijl day shall pour His blessings on your head. President Davies.] 309. L. M. Sinners and Saints, and the icreck of NaturOk Isa. xxiv. 18—20. HOW greats how terrible that God, Who shakes creation with a nod I He frowns — earth, sea, all Nature's frames Sink in one universal flame. a Where now, O I where shall sinners seek For shelter in the general wreck ? Shall falling rocks be o'er them thrown ? See rocks, like snow, dissolving down I S In vain for mercy now they cry ; In lakes of liquid fire they lie ; There, on the flaming billows tossM, For ever, O I for ever lost. 4 But saints, undaunted and serene. Your eyes shall view the dreadful scene ; Your Sa\dour lives, the world expire, And earth and skies dissolve in fire. 5 Jesus, the helpless creature's friend. To thee my all I dare commend , JUDGMENT. 229 Thou canst preserve my feeble soul, When lightnings blaze from pole to pokw Dju Watts' Lyric Poems.] 310. L. M. Come, Lord Jesus. WHEN" shall thy lovely face be seen? When shall our eyes behold our God 7 What lengths of distance lie between, And hills of guilt, a heavy load 1 3 Our months are ages of delay, And slowly every minute wears ; Fly, winged time, and roll away These tedious rounds of sluggish yeara. d Ye heavenly sratcs, loose all your chains ; Let the eternal pillars bow ; Blest Saviour, cleave the starry plains, Ajid make the crystal mountains floTSfc 4 Hark, how thy saints unite their cries. And pray, and wait the general doom ; Come, Thou, the soul of all our joys, Thou, the Desire of Nations, come. 5 Put thy bright robes of triumph on, And bless our eyes, and bless our ears» Thou absent Love, thou dear Unknown, The fairest of ten thousand fairs. Hart.] 311. CM. ^ INNER, that slumb'rest on the brinl *^ Of hell's devouring lake, O, think on death, on judgment think. What mean'st thou, sleeper? Wake J Soon shall the Lord himself descend. The clouds before him driven ; 830 JUDGMENT. A sudden shout the earth shall rend, And shake the powers of heaven, 3 Myriads of angels bright shall wait, His orders to obey ; And ransom'd saints triumphant meet. As bright and blest as they. 4 The King shall send his summons forth, His messengers shall speed, From east and west, from south and north. To cite the quick and dead. 5 But, ah ! what pale, what ghastly looks When guilty wretches come. To hear from God's imerring books. Their just, though dreadful doom I 6 Convinc'd of every wanton word, Of every daring sin, Of speeches hard against the Lord, And thoughts and acts uncleau 7 Save us, O Jesus ! by thy death, And cleanse us in thy blood ; Give us to live and die in faith, And wait the trump of God. Dr. Watts.] 312. CM. 27ie everlasting absence of Gody intolerahlek THAT awful day will surely como, Th' appointed hour makes haste, When I must stand before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. 2 Thou lovely Chief of all my joys. Thou Sovereign of my heart, How could I bear to hear thy voice Pronounce the sound, * Depart ?* 8 [The thmider of that dismal word. Would so torment my ear, JUDGMENT 231 Twould tear my soul asunder, Lord^ With most tormenting fear.] 4 What! to be banish'd for my life, And yet forbid to die ? To linger in eternal pain. Yet death for ever fly ! 5 O I wretched state of deep despair, To see my God remove, And fix my doleful station where I must not taste his love. 6 Jesus ! I throw my arms around, And hang upon thy breast ; Without a gracious smile fi-om thee, My spirit cannot rest. 7 0 I tell me tliat my worthless name Is graven on thy hands ; Show me some promise in thy book, ^\^lere my salvation stands. 8 Give me one kind assuring word, To sink my fears again ; And cheerfully my soul shall wait. Her threescore years and ten. Dr. S. Stexnett.] 313. C. M. The last Judgment. HE comes I he comes ! to judge the worWi Aloud the archangel cries ; While thunders roll from pole to pole ; And lightning cleaves the skies. Th' affrighted nations hear the sound. And upwards lifl their eyes; The slmnb^ring tenants of the groun(H In living armies rise. Amid the shouts of numerous friend^ Of hosts divinely bright, S32 JUDGMENT. The judge in solemn pomp descends, Array 'd in robes of light. 4 His head and hair are white as snow; His eyes a fiery flame ; A radiant crown adorns his brow, And Jesus is his name. 5 Writ on his thigh bis name appears. And scars his vict'rios tell ; Lo ! in his hand the Conqu'ror bears The keys of death and hell. 6 So he ascends the judgment-seat, And at his dread command, Myriads of creatures round his feet In solemn silence stand. 7 Princes and peasants here expect Their last, their righteous doom ; The men who dar'd liis grace reject. And they who dar'd presume. 8 * Depart, ye sons of vice and sin,' The injur'd Jesus cries; * While the long, kindling wrath within. Flashes from both his eyes. 9 And now, with words divinely sweet, W^ith rapture in his face, Aloud his sacred lips repeat The sentence of his grace : 10 *Well done, my good and faithfiil sons, The children of my love ; Receive the sceptres, crowns and throneg Prepar'd for you above.' Dr. Watts. 314. C. M. The last judgment ; or, the Saints rewarded, THE Lord, the Judge, before his throaei Bids the whole earth draw nigh; The nations near the rising sun, And near the western sky. JUDGMENT. 233 ^ No more shall bold blasphemers say, ^Judgrnent shall ne'er begin;* No more abuse Iiis long" delay, To impudence and sin. 8 Thron'd on a cloud, our God shall come; Bright flames prepare his way ; Thunder and darkness, fire and storm, Lead on the dreadful day. 4 Heaven from above his call shall hear. Attending angels come ; And earth and hell shall know and fear. His justice and their doom. 5 * But gather eJl my saints,' he cries. That made their peace with God, By the Redeemer's sacrifice. And seal'd it with his blood. 6 Their faith and works, brought forth to light, Shall make the world confess. My sentence of reward is right. And heaven adore my grace. SPIRITU.VL SOXGS, RRANGED ALPHABETICALLY 1. The Prodigal Son. A FFLICTIONS, though they seem severo, -^^ Arc oft in mercy sent, They stop the prodigal's career, And cause him to repent. Although he no relenting felt, Till he had spent his store, His stubborn heart began to melt. When famine pinch'd him sore. *What have I gain'd by sin,' he said, * But hunger, shame and fear ? My father's house abounds with breads While I am starving here. I'll go and tell him all I've done, Fall down before his face ; Unworthy to be call'd a son, I'll seek a servant's place.' His father saw him coming back ; He saw, and ran, and smil'd. And threw his arms around the neck Of his rebellious child. * Father, I've sinn'd ; but O ! forgive'— * Enough,' the father said ; •Rejoice, my house, my son's alive. For whom I mourn'd as dead. Now let the fatted calf be slain. And spread the news around ; My son was dead, but lives again, Was lost, but now is found.' 285 Si:\RlTllAL SONGS. Tis thus the Lord his love reveals, To call poor sinners home; More than a father's love he feels. And welcomes all that come. Come, then, poor sinners, come away, We call you all around; *Tis the accepted, promis'd day, When gospel grace abounds. Come, mourning souls, to Jesus come, Whose blood for you atonM ; His heart, his hands, and church, have row We therefore bid you come. AH, lovely appearance of death I r What sight upon earth is so fair ? Not all the gay pageants that breathe. Can with a dead body compare. With solemn delight I survey The corpse when the spirit is fled; In love with the beautiful clay, * And longing to lie in its stead. i a How blest is our brother, berefl I Of all that could burden his mind I t How easy the soul, that has left This wearisome body behind I Of evil incapable, thou Whose relics with envy I see. No longer in misery now, No longer a sinner like me. 8 This earth is affected no more With sickness, or shaken with pain The war in the members is o'er, And never shall vex him again; No anger, henceforward, or shame, ShaH redden this innocent clay; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 237 Extinct is the animal flame, And passion is vanish'd away. This languishing head is at rest. Its tliinking and aching are o*er; This quiet immovable breast Is heav'd by affliction no more. This heart is no longer tlie seat Of trouble and torturing pain ; It ceases to flutter and beat ; It never shall flutter again. The lids he so seldom could close, By sorrow forbidden to sleep, Seal'd up in eternal repose. Have strangely forgotten to weep* The fountains can yield no supplies; Those hollows from water are free ; The tears arc all wiped from his eye^ And evil they never shall see. To mourn and to suffer is mine, While bound in a prison I breathe! And still for deliverance pine, And press to tlie issue of death. What now with my tears I bedew, O, might I this moment become { My spirit created anew, My flesh be confm'd to the tomlk Biggs' Collection.] 3. The curious observer, ALL you that profess to be going to glory, Be patient a wliile, and to you I'll relate Ofl times I have trod in the paths of tran*. gressors ; I hope you rVon't share in my unhappy fiite, But still my desires towards God are a. flowing ; {k>metimes my soul his lore ia enjoy ii^^ 38 SPIRITUAL SOINGS. The highway to heaven I aim to be goiiJ To follow the Lamb to his glory above 2 But, pray let me tell you, I feel most unhapjf Under sad division that's lately arose ; Listead of the w^atchmen being helpmate together, The one, the other endeavours to oppos5 The Scripture exliorts us to love one anothe And he that loves Jesus, will sm-e love hi brotlier ; I The Christian that lives in his duty, vA never J: Despise a weak brother that travels ttj way. I 3 Here's one, he gets perfect, and he can 0' from it ; The other, he meets with in-dwelling si One preaches and holds to believers, baptisii The other denies it, and so they begin I thmk. that in stewardship men ought be faithful. And no gospel righteousness should t] pear hateflil ; And they who follow Jesus, must follow hi careful, Or never expect to enjoy him above. 4 Here's one persevering, the other is perieci The one he goes on, the other he stands For he who 's got perfect, he can get : farther, Ajid his Christian warfare is all at an er But Paul, he exhorts us always to be runnin For he who is standing, is always bac turning. Come on, brother trav'lers, and eye t high calling. And press for the glories of eternity^ SPIRITUAL SONG& 23D h And if you expect to arrive at perfection, I pray you go on, that tho prize you may win ; And let not tlie enemy fill you with notions, That you have got perfect before you begin. Some say John the Baptist was no gospel preacher ; But surely St. Paul was an honest old teacher ; And he that climbs over the wall is a traitor, And ne'er shall be own'd as a sheep in the fold. 6 The herald for Jesus, sure, was John the Baptist ; Glad tidings he brought to a perishing world ; He points fortli tlie Saviour, to save the be- liever ; The light springs from darkness, the Go9- pel's unfurl'd. But some to destroy tlie weight of this preacher Do sneeringly say he was a Jewish teacher ; Then Isaac, and Jacob, and Joseph, and Jesus, May all be condemn'd to die tlie same w^ay. 7 If God is all-knowing, then what is he doing ? Why does he make choice of one who's so gay, To marry a stranger to the blessed Redeemer, For him to divorce her for ever away? Or is power lacking, to keep his possession ? Then Satan may glory and triumph for joy. If sinners not saved, saints may be bereav'd Then where 's the advantage of knowing tlie Lord ? 8 I pray you, don't think tliat I speak as a bcaster, Nor yet as a scoffer, your zeal to reprovD" MO SPIRITUAL SONGS. I only desire to give God the glory, And credit religion that comes from abo*^ The way of hmnility leads to the Saviour, And they that walk in it, will sure find hin favour ; The Scriptures your guide, press on, and don't waver, The angels shall meet you on Jordaa^« cold stream. ALMIGHTY love inspire My heart with sacred firc^ And animate desire, My soul to renew ; I love the blessed Jesua, On whom each angel gazes. And sympathy increases Above the ethereal blue. Thou tender-hearted Jesus, Thy love my soul amazes, Who came for to save us. When lost and undone. No seraph could retrieve UA. No angel could redeem us. No arm could relieve us, But Jesus alone. Come, tliou, the sinners' friend My simple prayer attend, And save me to the end, From the evil to come ; Afford me the favour, That issues from the Saviour, And O I forsake me never, Until I get home. In him I have believed, He hath my soul receive*^ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 241 From sin he hath redeemed My soul, which was dead ; And now I love my Saviour, For I am in liis favour, And I hope witli him for ever The golden streets to trca'e ; To take away our guilt and shame, See him descending from above. Our sins and griefs on him were laid ; He meekly bore tJie mighty load; Our ransom price he fully paid In groans, and tears, and sw^eat, and blooLOW ye the trumpet, blow -■-^ The gladly solemn sound ! Let all the nations know. To earth's remotest bound. The year of Jubilee is come ; Return^ ye ransom'd sinners, home. 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, The sin-atoning Lamb ; Redemption by his blood Through all the world proclaim. The year, &c. 3 [Ye, who have sold for naught The heritage above. Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jesus' love. The year, &c.] 4 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive : And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live. The year, , I'm going where Jesus for ever doth reign ; I'm going to Jesus, 'tis him I adore, With saints and bright angels to dwell evermore. 6 And when we meet Jesus in the mansions above. Where angels in glory are fiU'd with his lovo, O, theu I shall look for these mourners that 's here ; How glad we shall be, to meet each othcf there! 41. ^^OME on, my partners in distress^ ^^ My comrades in the wilderness, Who still your bodies feel ; Awhile forget your griefs and fears, ■ And look bevond this vale of tears, To that celestial hill. S Beyond the bounds of time and space. Look forward to that heavenly place. The saints' secure abode ; On faith's strong, eagle pinions rise. And force your passage to the akies. And. sc^le the mount of God. 884 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3 Who suffer with our Master here, We shall before his face appear. And by his side sit down ; To patient faith the prize is sure. And all who to the end endure The cross, shall wear the crown 4 Thrice blessed bliss-inspiring hope« It lifts the fainting' spirits up, It brings to life the dead ; Our conflicts here will soon be past, And you and I ascend at last. Triumphant with our head. 5 The Father shining on his throne« The glorious co-eternal Son, The Spirit, Three in One, Conspire our raptures to complete ; And lol we fall before his feet. And silence heightens heaven. 6 In hope of that ecstatic pause, Jesus, we now sustain thy cro»», And at tliy footstool fall ; Till thou our hidden life reveal. Till thou our ravish'd spirits fill» And God is all in all. 7 That great, mysterious Deity, We soon with oi>en face shall lee The beatific sight ; Shall fill the heavenly courts with pral» And wide diffuse the golden blazo Of everlasting light. 49. COME, saints and sinners, hear ma to& The wonders of Immaiyukl ; Who saved mc from a burning hell. And brought my soul with him to dwW]« And gave me heavenly union. SPIRITUAL SONG& 285 8 When Jesus from his throne on high. Beheld my soul in ruin lie, He lookM on me with pitying" eye. And said to me as he pass'd by, With God you have no union. 3 TTien I began to weep and cry; I look'd this way and that, to fly ; It griev'd me sore that I must die; I strore salvation for to buy ; But still I had no union. 4 But when I hated all my sins, My dear Redeemer took me in ; And with his blood he washM me cleai^ And O, what seasons have I seen, Oft, since I felt this union I 5 I praised the Lord, both night and day. And went from house to house to pray, And if I met one on tlie way, I found IM always something to say, About this heavenly union. (J I wonder why the saints don't sing. And praise the Lord upon tlie wing, And make the heavenly arches ring, With loud hosannas to their King, Who brought them to this union. 7 Come, O backsliders I come away, And mind to do, as well as say. And learn to watch, as well as pray, And bear your cross, from day to day, And then you'll feel this union. 8 We soon shall quit all things below, And leave these climes of pain and woe ; And then we will to glory go, And there we'll see, and hear, and knoVt And feel this perfect union. 296 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 9 Come, heaven and earth, unite your layi^ And give to Jesus endless praise ; And, O my soul, look on and g'aze, He bleeds, he dies, your debt he pays, And gives you heavenly union. 10 O, could I, like an angel, sound Salvation through the earth around. The deviPs kingdom to confound, I'd triumph on Immanuel's ground, And spread this heavenly union. 11 Help us, O Lord, thy name t' adore And publish round Columbia's shore. The hills and valleys to explore, Till nations, tongues and kindred o'er, Join in this blessed union. 43. COoME, soldiers of Jesus, awake from your sleep; The trav'llers to Zion, how slowly they creep ! The wicked outrun us, in their sinful way, Who serve the worst master, and hell is their pay. 2 Our Jesus invites us, in mercy's sweet voice ; 'Tis nmsic so charming, we all should re- joice. And leave all behind us, and fly to his arms, Though sinners reject him, for stores and for farms. 3 Remember you're passing from life unto death, A few scenes remaining, will finish your breath ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 23^ Your friends will desert you, in yoVtf dusty bed, And pass by your dwelling" with a solemn dread. 4 How blest are the spirits, whom angels convey To regions of glory, where always 'tis day. To dwell with sweet Jesus, bright angels and saints, Wliere all are so happy, they have no com- plaints ! 5 With gladness they leave all tilings here below, For heavenly treasure, which they there enjoy ; Their bodies may moulder and crumble to dust. Till the resurrection of just and unjust. 6 But when Gabriel sounds the dread, sliriD alarm, He'll call all the righteous to Jesus's arm ; With shouts all triumphing, their bodies shall rise. And fly to meet Jesus, our Lord, in the skies. Hart.] 44. 8, 7. ^^OME, yc Christians, sing tlie praises ^^ Of your condescending God ; Come, and hymn the blessed Jesus, Who hath wash'd us in his blood. We are poor, and weak, and silly. And to every evil prone ; Yet our Jesus loves us freely. And receives us for his own. 2 Though we're mean in man's opinion. He hath made us priests and kings; 989 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Power, and glory, and dominion, To the Lamb, the sinner sings. Leprous souls, unsound and filthy, Come before him as you are; 'Tis the sick man, not the hejJthy, Needs the good Physician's care. 3 Hear the terms that never vary: *To repent and to believe,' Both of these are necessary ; Both from Jesus we receive. Would-be Christian, duly ponder These in thine impartial mind ; And let no man put asunder, What the Lord has wisely joined. 4 O ! beware of fondly thinking God accepts thee for thy tears; Are the shipwreck'd savM by sinkuL^ Can the ruinM rise by fears ? O I beware of trust ill-grounded ; *Tis but fancied faith at most, To be cur'd and not be w^ounded; To be sav'd before you're lost. 5 No big words of ready talkers. No dry doctrine will suffice ; Broken hearts, and humble walkers^ These are dear in Jesus' eyes. Tinkling sounds of disputation. Naked knowledge, all are vain; Every soul that gains salvation. Must and shall be born again. Hart.] 45. Come and welcome to Jesus Christ. COME, ye sinners, poor and wretched^ Weak and wounded, sick and sere^ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 2S9 Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity joinM witii power; He is able, he is able, He is willing, doubt no more. 2 Ho ! ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief, and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh, Without money, without money. Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger. Nor of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness he requireth. Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you, this he gives you, *Tis the Spirit's rising beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruis'd and mangled by the fall ; If ye tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. Not the righteous, not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus cajne to call. 5 View him grov'l.Ung in tlie garden; Lo I your ]Maker prostrate lies ; On the bloody tree behold him. Hear him cry before he dies, * It is finish'd, it is finish'd I' Sinner, will not this suffice? 6 Lo ! th' incarnate God ascended. Pleads the merit of his blood : Venture on him, venture wholly — Let no other trust intrude ; None but Jesus, none but Jesus, Can do helpless sinners good. 7 Saints and angels join'd in conce.''*, Sing tlie praises of the Lamb, N 290 SPIRITUAL SONGS. While the blissful seats of heaven, Sweetly echo with his name ! Hallelujah ! hallelujah I Sinners here may sing- the same. 46. L. M. /'^OME ye that know the Lord indeed, ^-^ Who are from sin and bondage freed, Submit to all the ways of God, And walk the narrow, happy road. 2 Great tribulations you shall meet, But soon shall walk the golden street Though hell may rage and vent her spite. Yet Christ will save his heart's delight, 3 The happy day will soon appear. When Gabriel's trumpet you shall hear Sound through the earth, yea, down to hell. To call the nations great and small. 4 Behold the earth in burning flames ! The judge the sentence now proclaims. On sinners, who are doom'd to hell, In everlasting pain to dwell. 6 Beiiold the righteous marching home, And all the angels bid them come, Whilst Christ, the Judge, with joy proclaim^ '■ Here come my saints, I own their name,s 6 Ye everlasting doors, fly wude ! Make room for to receive my bride; Ye harps in heaven sound aloud. Here comes the purchase of my blood.' 7 In grandeur, see the royal line. In glitt'ring robes, the sun outshine I See saints and angels join in one. And march in splendour to the throne! SPIRIT L'AL SONGS. 291 8 Tiiey stand with wonder and look on^ They join in one eternal song-, Tlieir great Redeemer to admire, While raptures set their souls on fire* 47. 8,7. B~^ARK and thorny is the desert, -■-^ Througfh which {)ilgrims make their way But beyond this vale of sorrow. See the realms of endless day. Dear young- soldiers, do not murmur At the troubles of the way ; Meet the tempest ; fight with courage ; Ne\er faint; you'll win the day. 2 He, whose thunder shakes creation ; He that made the planets roll ; He thdt rides upon the tempest. And whose sceptre sways the whole ; Jesus, Jesus will defend you ; Trust in him, and him alone ; He has slied his blood to save you, And will bring- you to his throne. 3 There, on flow'ry fields of pleasure, And the hills of endless rest, Joy, and peace, and love shall ever Reign and triumph in your breast: There a million flaming seraphs Fly across the heavenly plain ; Tliere they sing immortal praises ; Glory, glory is their theme. 4 But, methinks, a sweeter concert Makes the crystal arches ring; And a song is heard in Zion, Which the angels cannot sing. Who can paint those sons of glory, Eansom'd souls that dwell on high, 292 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Who, with golden harps, for ever Sound redemption through the sky. 5 See the heavenly hosts, in rapture, Gazing on this shining band, Wond'ring at their cosily garments, And the laurels in their hand : There, upon the golden pavement. See the ransom'd march along, While the splendid courts of glory Sweetly echo with their song. G Here I see the under-shepherds, And their flocks they fed below ; Here, with joy they dwell together ; Jesus is their shepherd now. Hail ! ye happy, happy spirits ! Welcome to the blissful plain I Glory, honour, and salvation ! Reign, sweet Shepherd, ever reign. D Newton.] 4§. The Day of Judgment. AY of judgment, day of wonders I Hark the trumpet's awful sound, Louder than a thousand thimders, Shakes the vast creation round ; How the summons Will the sinner's heart confound ! 2 See the Judge, our nature wearing, Cloth'd in majesty divine ! You who long for this appearing. Then shall say ' this God is mine ;* Gracious Saviour, Own me in that day for thine. 3 At his call the dead awaken. Rise to life from earth and sea; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 293 All the powers of nature, sliaken By his looks, prepare to flee ; Careless sinner, What will then become of thee 7 4 Horrors, past imagination. Will surprise your trembling- heart, When you hear your condemnation, * Hence, accursed wretch, depart I Tliou, with Satan And his angels have thy part.' 5 Satan who now tries to please you. Lest you timely warning take. When that word is past, will seize you. Plunge you in the burning lake ; Think, poor sinner. Thy eternal all 's at stake. 6 But to those who have confessed, Lov'd and serv'd the Lord, below, He will say, * Come near, ye blesse Fast my sun of life 's declining, Soon 'twill set in dismal night ; But my hopes, pure and reviving. Rise to iairer worlds of light Cease this trembling, mourning, sighing, Death shall burst this sullen gloom ; Tlien my spirit, flutt'rmg, flying, Shail be borne beyond the tomb. 67. HARKI brethren, don't you hear the somidf The martial trumpets now arc blowing, Men in orders list'ning round, And soldiers to the standards flowing ; Bounty ofler'd, joy and peace ; To every soldier this is given, V>lien from toils of war they cease, A mansion bright, prepar'd m heaven. SPIUITUAL SO^GS. 315 2 Those wlio long in debt Iiave laid, And felt the hand oi* dire oppression, All their debts are freely paid, And they endowM with large possession. Those who're siek, or blind, or lame, Their maladies are also healed, OutlawM rebels, when tliey come. Receive a pardon freely sealed. 3 The battle is not to the strong-. The burden 's on our Captain's shoulder : None so aged, or so young-. But he may list and be a soldier. Those who cannot fight or fly. Beneath his banner find protection, None who on his name rely. Shall be reduc'd to base subjection. 4 You need not fear, the cause is good, Come, who vrill to the crown aspire ? In this cause the martyrs bled, Or shouted victory in the fire ; In this cause let's follow on, And soon we'll tell tlie pleasing- story, How by faitli we g-ain'd the crown. And fought our vray to life and gloiy. 5 The l)attle, brethren, is begun. Behold the army now in motion. Some by faith behold tlie erovrn. And almost grasp their future portion. Hark ! the victors singing loud, Immanuel's chariot wheels are rumbling ; Mourners weeping through the crowd, And Satan's kmgdom down is timibling. G Hark I ye rebels, come and list, The otTicers are now recruiting ; Why will you in sin persist, Or spend your time in vain disputing'/ 816 SPIRITUAL SONGS. All your cavil sure is vain ; For if you do not sue for favour, Down you'll sink to endless pain, To bear the \yrath of God for ever 68. TTARK ! how the Gospel trumpet sounds ! -^-^ Through all the world the echo bounds* And Jesus, by redeeming blood, Is bringing sinners home to God ; And guides them safely, by his word, To endless day. 2 Hail, all-victorious, conqu'ring Lord, By all the heavenly hosts ador'd I Who undertook for fallen man, And brought salvation through thy narae, That we with thee might live and reign. In endless day. 3 Fight on, ye conqu'ring saints, fight on. And vrhen the conquest you have won. Then palms of victory yon shall bear, And in his kingdom have a share. And crowns cf glory you shall wear, In endless day. 4 Thy blood, dear Jesus, once was spilt. To save our souls from sin and guilt ; And sinners now may come to God, And find salvation through thy blood. And sail by faith upon that flood. To endless day. 5 Through storms and calms by faith we steer By feeble hope and gloomy fear ; Till we arrive at Canaan's shore. Where sin and sorrow are no more, We '11 shout, our trials are all o'er, To endless da v. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 317 6 TJierc we shall in sweet chorus join, With saints and angels all combine, To sing- of liis redeeming love, When rollmg years shall cease to move. And this shall be our tlieme above, In endless day. 69. Make ready. HARK I listen to the trumpeters, they sound for volunteers, O'er Zion's bright and flowery mount behold the officers ; Their horses v.hite, their garments bright, witli crowns and bows in hand, Enlisting soldiers for the King, to march for Canaan's land. - It sets my heart all in a fiamc- — a soldier I Will be ; I will enlist, gird on my arms, and fight for liberty, They want no cowards in their band — they will their colours fly ; They call for valiant-hearted men, that's not alraid to die. 3 The army is nov\- on parade — how martial they appear I All dress'd and arm'd in miiform, they look like men of war. They follov.- their great General, the great eternal Lamb ; His garments stain'd in his own blood. King Jesus is his name. 4 Tlie trumpet sounds, the armies shout, and drive the hosts of hell ; How dreadful is our God in arms, the great Immaniiel I 318 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. Sinners, enlist with Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, And march, with us to Canaan's land, beyond the swelhng flood. 5 There, on a ^reen and flowery plain, where fruits immortal g"row, All clothed in wliite, with angels bright, who our Redeexmer know. We'll shout and sing for evermore, m that eternal world, While Satan, and his armies too, shall int/> hell be hurPd. 6 Hold up your heads, ye soldiers bold, re- demption 's drav.'ing nigh ; We soon shall hear the trumpet sound, to sliakc both earth and sky ; In flaming cliariots we shall fly, and leave the world on fire. Then bend around the starry throne, and tune th' immortal Ivre. TO. P. M. HARK ! lo, we hear the Turtle Dove, The token of redeeming love ; From hill to hill we hear the sound, The neighbouring valleys echo round, O Zion, hear the Turtle Dove, The token of redeeming love ; She came the barren lands to cheer, And welcome in the Gospel year. 2 The spring has come, the summer view, All things appear divinely new; I'he winter 's past, the rains are o'er, We feel the chilling blast no more. On Zion's hill the watchmen cry, Tlie resurrection 's drawing nigh ; SPIKI 1 UAL SONGS. oi\J Behold the nations far abroad, All ])rcssing' to the nioiuit of God. 3 The trumpet sounds, both far and nigli, 0 sinners I turn, why will you die ? How can you sligfht those inn'cent charms ? Enlist with Chrisl, and ground your arms. These are the days that were foretold, In ancient times, by prophets old ; They long'd to see this glorious light. But all have died without the sight. 4 The latter days have now come on, And fugitives are marching home ; See, how they crowd the Gospel road. All pressing to the mount of God I O, then, I haste to join that band; 1 hear my Captain's great command Farewell to Satan's rebel throng, I fly I I shout tiie heavenly song I 5 His banner soon will be unfurl'd. When he will come to judge the world On Zion's mount we then may stand, Surrounded by fair Canaan's land ; The sun and moon shall darken'd be, And flames consume the land and sea I When worlds on worlds together blaze, I'll sing the great Redeemer's praise. COWPER.] Tl. 7s. Lovest thou me ? John xxi. 16. "FXARIv, my soul, it is the Lord ; -*--*- 'Tis thy Saviour, hear his word Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee, * Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me ? 2 ' I deliver'd thee when bound. And when womidcd heal'd tliy wound 320 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Sought thee wand'ring, set thee right, Turn'd tliy darkness into light. 3 * Can a woman's tender care Cease toward the child she bare ? Yes, she may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee. 4 ' Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above. Deeper than the depths beneath ; Free and faithful, strong as deatli. 5 ' Thou shalt see my glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be — Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me?* G Lord, it is my chief complaint, That my love is weak and faint; Yet I love thee, and adore ; O, for grace to love thee more I 72. 8, 7. fT ARK I the Gospel trumpet's sounding -^-^ Sinners, hear the call, and come ; Christ, in pard'ning love abounding, Now invites the weary home. Turn to the Lord, and seek salvation ; Sound the praise of his dear name ; Glory I honour ! adoration ! Jesus Christ to save us came. Though your crimes have reachM to heaven And of deepest dye appear ; Ask, and they shall be forgiven. Seek, and you shall find him near. Cast your load of guilt behind you; To the Lord for mercy flee ; Though the strongest fetters bind yoa, Jesus Christ can set you free. \ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 321 Turn, dear sinners, turn to Jesus, Bow your hearts unto iiis call ; Sec your loving-, bleeding Saviour, Waiting" to receive you all. 4 Free from hell's eternal prison ; Unbcliers tormenting chain ; Free from endless woe, perdition ; Free from everlasting pain I 5 Broken hearts, with sin distrest. Come to Jesus, come to-day ; Poor and needy, lost and wretched; Come, you need not stay av/ay. ^ Hark I ye blind, the Saviour calls you , Wait no longer ; there is room ; Cast your rags of sin behind you ; Rise I the Sa\*iour bids you come. 7 Angels, join with saints forgiven ; Sound the praise of Jesus' name I Let the world, the church, and heaven. Sweetly echo with the theme. Glory I honour I and salvation ! To the Lamb that once was slain I Honour I praise I and adoration I Reign, sweet Jesus I ever reign I 73. XT ARK I the jubilee is sounding -■"*- O, the joyful news is come ; Free salvation is proclaimed, In and through God's only Son ; Now we have an invitation To the meek and lowly Lamb ; Glory, honour, and salvation, Christ, the Lord, is come to reign. 2 Come, dear friends, and don't neglect it, Come to Jesus in your prime; O 2 •22 SPIRITUAL SONG9. Great salvation, don't reject it, O, receive it, now's your time; Now the Saviour is beginning To revive his works again. Glory, honour, &c. 3 Now let each one cease from sinning-, Come and follow Christ, the way ; We sliall all receive a blessing-, If from him we do not stray. Golden moments we've neglected, O, the time we've spent in vain I Glory, honour, ^c. 4 Come, let us run our race with patience. Looking unto Christ, the Lord, Wlio doth live and reign for ever, Witli his Father and our God ; He is worthy to be praised. He is our exalted King. Glory, honour, vfcc. 5 Come, dear children, praise your Jesus, Praise him, praise him ever more ; May his great love now constrain us, His great name for to adore ; O, then let us join together. Crowns of glory to obtain. Glory, honour, Iidst flaming worlds he mounts on higli, To meet his Saviour in the sky, And see the face of Jesus. The soul and body re-unite. And fill'd with glory infinite ; 332 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Blessed day I Christians, say,^ Will you pray, tliat we may All join that happy company, To praise the name of Jesus ? §2. TTOW happy 's every child of grace, -*-^ Who feels his sins forgiven I This world, he cries, is not my place, I seek a place in heaven ; A countr}'' far from mortal sight. Yet, 01 by faith I see Tlie land of rest, the saints' delight, A heaven prepared f(3r mc. 2 A stranger in this world below, I calmly sojourn here ; Nor can its happiness or woe Provoke my hope or fear. Its evils in a moment end. Its joys as soon are past : But, O f the bliss to wliich I tend, Eternally shall last. 3 To tli.nt Jerusalem above. With singing, I'll repair ; Wliile in the tiesli, by hope and love My heart and soul are there. There my exalted Saviour stands, My merciftd Hie-li Priest, And still extends his wounded hands. To take me to his breast, 4 What is there here to court my stay, And keep me back from home, Vv'licn angels beckon me away. And Jesus bids me come? Shall I regret my pxirtcd friends, Hero in this vale coufin'd? SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 33^5 Nay, but wlieneVr my soul ascends, They will not stay behind. 5 The race we all are running now, And if I first attain, Tiicy too their willing- heads shall bow, They too the prize shall gain. Now on the brink of deatli I stand, And if I pass before, They too shall all escape to land, And hail me on that shore. 6 Then let me suddenly remove. That hidden life to share ; I shall not lose my friends above. But more enjoy them there. There we in Jesus' praise shall join, His boundless love proclaim, And solemnize, in songs divine. The marriage of tiie Lamb. 7 O, what a blessed hope is oars, While here on earth we stay 1 We more than taste the heavenly powers And antedate that day ; We feel the resurrection near. Our life in Christ conceal'd. And with his glorious presence here. Our earthen vessel 's fill'd. 8 O, would he more of heaven bestow. Then let this vessel break, And let my ransom'd spirit go. To grasp the God I seek ; In rapturous awe on him to gaze. Who bought that sight for me, And shout, and wonder at his grace, Throuofh all eternity. 334 SPIRITUAL SONGS Newton.] 83. The good Physician. HOW lost was my condition, Till Jesus made me whole ! There is but one Physician Can cure a sin-sick soul. Next door to death he found me, And snatched me from the grave, To tell to ail aromid me, Ilis wondrous power to save. 2 The worst of all diseases, Is light, compar'd with sin; On every part it seizes. But rages most within. 'Tis palsy, plague, and fever. And madness all combin'd ; And none l)ut a believer. The least relief can find. 3 From men great skill professing I thought a cure to gain ; Bat tliis proved more distressing. And added to my pain. Some said that nothing ail'd me, Some gave me up for lost ; Thus every refuge fail'd me. And all my hopes were cross'd. 4 At length this great Physician, (How matchless is his grace I) Belield my lost condition. And undertook my case. First gave me sight to view him ; For sin my eyes had seal'd; Then bade me look unto him — I look'd, and I was heal'd. 5 A dying, risen Jesus, Seen by the eye of faitli. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3^5 At ojice from danger frees us, And saves the soul from death. Come, then, to tliis Physician, His help he'll freely g-ive ; He makes no iiard condition, 'Tis only, look and live. §4. CM. The inspired icord a syste?n of knowledge and joy. Psalms cxix. 105. HOW precious is tlie book divine. By inspiration given ; Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine. To g-uide our souls to heaven. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts. In this dark vale of tears; Life, light and joy it still imparts. And quells our rising fbars. 3 This lamp, througli all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way. Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal dav. H Xewtox-i §5. L. 31. ^one upon ecrih I desire beside iJiee. Ps. lxxiii.25. OW tedious and tasteless the hours, When Jesus no longer I see ! Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flowers, Have lost all their sweetness with me . The mid-summer sun shines but dim, The fields strive m vain to look gay; But when I am happy in Him, December 's as pleasant as May. 2 His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter, than music his voice j ?^ SPIRITUAL SONGS. His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice. I should, were he always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to fear ; Nor mortal so happy as I, My summer would last all the year. 3 Content with beholding his face, My all to his pleasure resign'd, No changes of season or place Would make any change in my mind While bless'd with a sense of his love, A palace a toy would appear. And prisons would palaces prove. If Jesus would dwell with me there 4 Dear Lord, if indeed I am thine, If thou art my smi and my song Say, why do I languish and pine. And why are my winters so long? O, drive these d;irk clouds fi'om my sky Thy soul-cheering presence restore ; Or take me unto thee on high. Where winter and clouds are no more. §6. HOW vam are the pleasures of time ! How fond are vain mortals of life ; There's naught but the heavens sublime, There s naught but confusion and strife, My wife, the dear bride of my youth. Lies panting and gasping for breath. More pleas'd with the beauties of truth, Ajid blest in th' embraces of death. % Her struggles are long and severe. While struggling and cooing she smiles Saying, 'Jesus hath made me his care, I soon shall forget all my toils.' SPIRITUAL SONGS. 337 Slie calls for the chariots of Christ- How slowly tliey move on their way How long-, my Lord Jesus, she cries, How long have I here yet to stay ? 3 Still Jesus is faitliful to me, He pities the pains now I feel ; I shall not stay out his decree, He gives mo his love as a seal. Farewell, my dear husband, said she ; Now from ^^our kind bosom I leap, With Jesus, my Bridegroom, to be ; 3Iy flesh in the tomb then shall sleep 4 And tlius slie continued to cry For patience to wait for the world. Till at length she did leap and did fly, For ever to dv.-ell with the Lord. Now, like a disconsolate dove, I'm leil all alone here to mourn ; O, may the kind powers above, Show pity to me wliile alone. 5 I look through the rooms of my house, Each door on its hinges doth mourn ; In searching I find not my s})ouse, Nor will slie to me e'er return. How lonesome my table to me I Hovr empty the place where she sat I What lonesome devotion I pay, Where once we so sweetly did meet I G But, oh I what still heightens my grief, My sons a kind motFier have lost; They can't go to her for relief; O, may they in God put their trust. My passion will lead me too far ; My grief I will leave with the Lord ; I trust I will shortly go v/here Vain passion can't flee from his w^rd. P 338 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 87. S. M. HOW various and how new, Are thy compassions, Lord ? Eadi morning shall thy mercy show, Each night thy truth record. 2 Thy goodness, like the sim,. Dawn'd on our early days. Ere infant reason had begun To form our lips to praise. 3 Each object we beheld Gave pleasure to our eyes ; And nature all our senses neld, Li bands of sweet surprise. 4 But pleasures more refin'd Awaited tliat bless'd day. When light arose upon our mind. And chas'd our fears away. 5 How new thy mercies then I How sovereign and how free I Our souls that had been dead in sin. Were made alive to thee. 6 Xow we expect a day Still brighter far than this, When death shall bear our souls away To realms of light and bliss. 7 There rapturous scenes of joy, Shall burst upon our sight; And every pain, and tear, and sigh, Be drown'd in endless night. 8 Beneath thy balmy wing, O, Son of righteousness, Our happy souls shall sit and sing The wonders of thy grace. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 33l^ 9 Nor shall that radiant day So joyfully begun, In evening shadows die away Beneatli the setting- sun. 10 How various and how new Are thy compassions, Lord I Eternity thy love shall shew, And all thy truth record. 8§. Christ ever lives our intercessor. i J" KNOW that my Redeemer lives/ -*- What comforts this sweet sentence gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead, He lives, my ever-Uving head I 2 He lives, triumphantly and brave, He lives, eternally to save. He lives, all glorious in the sky,' He lives, exalted far on high 1 3 He lives, to bless me with his love, He lives, to plead my cause above. He lives, my hungry soul to feed, He lives, to help in time of need. 4 He lives, to give me full supplies, He lives, to bless me with his eyes, He lives, to comfort me when faint, He lives, to hear my soul's complaint, 5 He lives, to crush the fiends of hell. He lives, and doth within me dwell. He lives, to heal, and keep me whole, He lives, to guide my feeble soul. 6 He lives, to banish all my fears, He lives, to wipe away my tears. He lives, to calm my troubled hetort. He lives, all blessings to impart. 340 SPIRITUAL SO^^GS. 7 He lives, my kind and o^racious friend, He live?, and loves me to th-e end ; He lives, and while he lives I'll sinfr, He lives, my Prophet, Priest and King. 8 He lives, all glory to his name, He lives, my Jesus still the same ; O the sweet joy this sentence gives, * I know that my Redeemer lives.' §9. "T'LL s'lnrr niy Saviour's grace, -°- And liis dear name I'll praise. While in this land of sorrow I remain ; My trouhles soon will end, Tiien will my soul ascend. Where I shall hunger, thirst, nor mourn again A pilgrim here belov/. In this vain world I go ; I live an exile, mourning like the dove ; My days vritli sorrow rcll, And my poor weary soul, With earnest longing, pants to mount ahovQ Though few my days have been. Much trouble I have seen, And deep affliction I have waded through For thorny is the way To everlasting day ; Yet forward do I press, my God to know. Another day is gone. And the declining sun Has vcil'd its radiant beams in silent shades , While gloomy darkness reigns O'er the extensive plains, And awful silence close the solemn scene. Then rapid flies away The next succeeding day, SPIRITUAL SONGS. ^41 And life's declining li^fht draws to a close, This life's short, setting sun, "Will soon in death go down. And lay my v\-cary limbs in sweet repose^ ) On eagles' wings of love I shall then mount above, And find ni}^ passage safe to endless day * Then happy, sweet surprise, What wonders will arise, When free from this dull clog of cumbrous clay ! 7 O, what a glorious siglit, Mix'd with extreme delight. Will strike my ravish'd e^'c, when I bcliold Fair Salem's gates appear. And I a drawing near 7'o those bright streets of pure, transparent gold I 8 In raptures I sliall blaze, \Vhilc on my King I gaze, The man who suffer'd, groan'd and died for me ; Who bore my loral of sin, i