•■.f.i>i.rtpni'>>-. '"■•-!>.■. LIBRARY OF PRINCETON MAR - 6 2005 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY J Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Princeton Tiieoiogicai Seminary Library littp://www.arcliive.org/details/foxlioytsquadrennOOfoxli V rn tffi ry ^ . \ ^} Ji FOX AND HOYT'S QUADRENNIAL REaiSTER OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, AND Hnbcrsal (Ilntrrl) ^^a^ettecr. ^ 1853-6. HARTFORD : CASE, TIFFANY & CO.— WM. JAS. HAMERSLEY. ON SALE AT METHODIST BOOK CONCERNS, NEW YORK, CINCINNATI, BOSTON, &C. MAY BE OBTAINED ALSO OF METHODIST MINISTERS, GENERALLY. 1852. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, By henry J. FOX and VV. B. HOYT, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the District of Connecticut. STEREOTYPED BY » PRESS OF RICHARD H. HOBBS, CASE, TIFFANY & CO. HARTFORD, CONN. HARTFORD, CONN. PREFACE. In presenting to the American Public the first number of a contem- plated series of Q,uadrennial Registers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, we believe we have met. in part at least, a long existing want. It has been painfally obvious to us for some lime, that the members of our own, and of sister churches, were laboring under great mistakes with regard to our denofHinational peculiarities and strength, and that w^e were destitute of comprehensive and rehable data for the removal of their errors. With the exception of the Almanac, published by the New York Book Concern, (necessarily very limited in its scope,) our Church has hitherto been without any publication exhibiting our sta- tistics, economy, and institutions, in a popular form. The Annual Minutes, it is true, have partially supplied the information desired by ministers, but their peculiarities of arrangement and style, have pre- vented them from having any thing like a general circulation. We have not the presumption to suppose that we have presented the Church with a work absolutely free from error. Such a thing were im- possible in the very nature of the case. The first issue of a work of this nature must, necessarily, be imperfect. Every thing, however, that toil, liberal expenditure, and care could effect, w^e have done. Our in- formation, both with regard to our own and other churches, has been obtained from original and authentic sources. It has been our special desire to secure for the work a character for reliability. IV PREFACE. Our thanks are due to the Secretaries of various Conferences, Sy- nods, Associations, Benevolent Institutions, and to individuals connected with Colleges, Seminaries, Charitable Funds, &c., for the assistance they have rendered us ; and we respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors if the sale of the present number should warrant a future issue. HENRY J. FOX, WM. B. HOYT. Hartford, June, 1853. CONTENTS. PAGE. Abstract of Discipline, 179 Admission into the Church, 188 African M. E. Church, (Zion's,) 239 Albright's 241 Almanac, Sabbatical, 7 Alphabetical Directory, 74 American Bible Society, 274 American and Foreign Christian Union, 276 Amish Church, 272 Annual Conferences, 180, 190 Associate Presbyterian Church, 257 Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church,.. 257 Baltimore Conference, 65, 163 Baptist Church, Benevolent Institutions,. . . 231 Baptist Church, Free-Will 252 Baptist Church, Statistical Table of,. 250 Baptist Churches, Summary of, 255 Baptist Colleges in the United States, 251 Baptists, German, 255 Baptists, German Seventh-Day, 254 Baptists, Seventh-Day, 253 Benevolent Institutions of the Baptist Ch., . 251 Benevolent Institutions of the Free-Will Baptist Church, 253 Benevolent Institut'ns of the M. E. Church, 220 Bethel, Methodist Church, (Colored,) 241 Bible Society, American, 274 Bishops and their Duty,, 181, 192 Black River Conference 44, 145 Book Concern of M. E. Church, 217 Book Concern of M. E. Church, Table of Stock of, fcc, 218 California and Oregon Conference, 71 Campbellites, 253 Centenary Funds, 224 Chaplains 289 Chartered Fund of M. E. Church 223 Christians, 266 Chronology of History of M. E. Church,.. . 201 Church of God 270 Churches in Great Britain, 281 Churches in Scotland, 282 Colleges and Universities, 205 Conference Directory, 33 Conferences, Statistics of, 186 Congregational Church, 258, 272 Dates of alterations in the Discipline,. , . , , . 189 Deacons, , 183 Directory, Alphabetical,, . , , 74 Directory, Conference, 33 Disciples of Christ, 253 Discipline, Abstract of, 179 1* PAOX. Discipline, Alterations of, 189 Dunkers, 255 Dutch Reformed, 264 East Genesee Conference 53, 152 East Maine Conference, 42, 143 Elders, 182 Episcopal Visitations, for 1852, 1 .198 Erie Conference, 46, 147 Evangelical Lutheran Church, 262 Female Guardian Society, American, 280 Foreign Missionary Societies, 226 Friends 262 Free-Will Baptist Church 252 Gambling, Association for Repression of, . . 278 Genealogical Chart of M. E. Church, 16 General Conference, 179 General Conference of 1852, 17 Genesee Conference, 58, 156 German Baptists, 255 German Reformed Church, 262 German Seventh-Day Baptists, 254 Hicksites, 263 Illinois Conference, 61, 159 Indiana Conference, 63, 161 Itinerancy, 198 Iowa Conference, 52, 151 Jews, 270 Jews, A. S. F. M. C 279 Ladies' Home Miss. Society of M. E. Ch., . 225 Ladies' Union Aid Society, 225 Latter Day Saints, 276 Laws Affecting Ministers, 281 Liberia Conference, 64, 162 Liquors, Intoxicating, , , 90Q Local Preachers, , . 186, 196 Lutheran Evangelical Church, 262 Magdalen Society, New York, 278 Maine Conference, 48, 146 Membership, Condition of, . , 18? Mennonites, , ,,...,,,,,. 27Q Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 227 Methodist Episcopal Church, Canada, 237 Methodist Episcopal Church, AA-ican, . 239 Methodists, New Connection, Canada, .... 237 Methodists, New Connection, England,. .. . 237 Methodists, Primitive Connection, England, 238 Methodists, Primitive, United States, 239 Methodists, Primitive, Canada 239 Methodists, Protestant, 238 Methodists, Reformed, 239 Michigan Conference, 56, 155 Millerites, , . , , . 378 6 CONTENTS. PAGE. Mission District, 298 Missionary Association, America, 279 Missionary Society, American Home 276 Missionary Society, Foreign, 226 Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, . . 220 Missions, American Baptist Ch. F., 275 Missions, Presbyterian Board 276 Missouri Conference, 55, 155 Moravians, 262 Mormons, 271 Mortality, 291 New Connection, Methodist, Canada, 237 New Connection, Methodist, England, 237 New England Conference, 72, 168 New Hampshire, 34, 137 New Jersey Conference, 68, 166 New Jerusalem, 270 New School Presbyterian Church, 256 New York Conference 33, 136 New York, East, Conference, 35, 138 North Indiana Conference, 54, 153 North Ohio Conference, 50, 150 Ohio Conference, 59, 157 Old School Presbyterian Church, 255 Oneida Conference, 49, 149 Oregon and California Conference, 71, 163 Ormish Church, 272 Papers and Periodicals of M. E. Church,. . . 219 Philadelphia Conference, 67, 165 Pittsburg Conference, 40, 142 Preachers' Duty 183, 195 Preachers' Aid Associations, 224 Presbyterion Church, Associate, 257 Presbyterian Church, Associate Reformed,. 257 Presbyterian Church, Cumberland, 258 Presbyterian Church, New School, 256 Presbyterian Church, Old School, 255 Presbyterian Church, Reformed 257 Primitive Methodist Connection, Canada,. . 239 Primitive Methodist Connection, England,. 238 Primitive Methodist Connection, U. S., 239 Presiding Elders, and their Duty, 182, 194 Progress of Races 290 Protestant Episcopal Church, 246 Protestant Dutch Church Reformed, 264 Providence Conference, 70, 167 Quakers 262 Quarterly Conference, 191 Receiving Preachers 183 Reformed German Church, 262 Reformed Methodist Church 239 Reformed Presbyterian Church, 257 Bc'formed Protestant Dutch Church 262 PAGE. Restorationists, 267 Rock River Conferences, 48, 148 Roman Catholic Church, 243 Schwenkfelders 272 Seamen's Friend Society, American, 278 Second Advent Believers, 272 Seminaries 211 Seventh Census, 289 Seventh-Day Baptists, 253 Shakers, 263 Slavery, 199 Slavery, Anti , Societies, 279 Slaves, Manumitted and Fugitive, 291 Stillwellites, 242 Sunday School Union of the M. E. Ch., ... 221 Sunday School Union, American, 277 Swedenborgians, 270 Tract Society, American, 277 Trial of Members, 188 Troy Conference, 37, 139 Universalists, 267 United Brethren, 262 United States Army, 289 United States Government, 291 United States Navy 289 Un itarians, 266^ Unitarian Baptist, 266 Vermont Conference, 39, 141 Wesleyan Methodist Association, 238 VVesleyan Methodist Church, Canada, 236 Wesleyan Methodist Church, Great Britain, 231 Wesleyan Methodist Church, Ireland, 236 Wesleyan Methodist Church Mission, 23 Wesleyan Methodist Connection, 238 Wesleyan Methodist New Connection, .... 238 Western Virginia Conference, 38, 141 Wisconsin Conference, 43, 144 TABLES. Growth of the Methodist Epis. Church, ... 173 Financial Stotistics of English Methodism,. 174 Number of Ministers and Members of M.Ch. 175 Numerical Progress of Methodism, 176 Financial Statistics of American Meth.,... 170 Ministerial Age of Preachers, 177 Average Ministerial Age, 178 Abstract of Discipline, 179 Summary of Protestant Dutch Church, .... 265 . Sunday School Statistics, 222 Foreign Missionary Societies 226 Summary of Methodism, 242 Statistics of Baptist Church, 250 Summary of Denominational Statistics, . . . 273 SABBATICAL ALMANAC. MEITIORAIVDA.— 1853. Date. Appointments. Text. Date. Appointments. Text. > -3 M. A. E. CO — « CO o I- > o 2 M. A. E. M. A. E. A. E. 6 <5 M. A. E. 6 < M. A. E. > o M. A. E. M. A. E. > o M. A. E. CL. M. A. E. 2^ > o z M. A. E. ' Eh ci »— < Eh' Ph M. A. E. Q M. A. E. M. A. E. d Q M. A. E. 8 SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1853. Date. Appointments. Tevt. Date. Appointments. Text. •-f w M. A. E. o O 5 M. A. E. MEimORANDA.— 1853. < < M. A. E. • pi < M. A. E. M. A. E. < M. A. E. < M. A. E. cu < M. A. E. M. A. E. M. A. E. <: to ca M. A. E. cu M. A. E. M. A. E. M. A. E. d < M. A. E. < M. A. E. M. A. E. QC < M. A. E. ca M. A. E. < M. A. E. to si 1=5 M. A. E. < M. A. E. M. A. E. ci < M. A. E. SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1853. 9 Date. Appointments. Te\t. Date. Appointments. Text. M. A. E. ^ V2 M. A. E. si M. A. E. 1—* p M. A. E. si w M. A. E. 00 a Eh' 02 M. A. E. 1 >5 M. A. M. A. E. 5 E. >• M. A. E. O M. A. E. M. A. E. O M. A. E. >< ►J -5 M. A. E. I— ( o M. A. E. M. A. E. o o M. A. E. M. A. E. o M. A. E. >< ■^ t-' M. A. E. > o M. A. E. < r1 M. A. E. CO I— ( >■ O M. A. E. - 6 < M. A. E. > o M. A. E. 6 t-3 < 00 M. A. E. > O M, A. E. < \0 SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1854. Date. Appointments. Text. Date. Appointments. Text. a M. A. E. 00 d Q M. A. E. 6 w Q M. A. E. 6 Q M. A. E. ITIEI?IOKAIVI>A.— 1854. < M. A. E. oi Pi < S M. A. E. 00 M. A. E. < M. A. E. I-t M. A. E. to d < M. A. E. §1 M. A. E. d <: M. A. E. C5 •-J M. A. E. < M. A. E. m M. A. E. CO d CL, M. A. E. 03 EC4 M. A. E. M. A. E. PQ fa M. A. E. d M. A. E, M. A. E. M. A. E. M. A. E. < M. A. E. SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1854. 11 Date. Appointments. Text. Date. Appointments. Text. < M. A. E. o d 5 M. A. E. X < M. A. E. 6 < M. A. E. •-s M. A. E. 7. M. A. E. 1-4 i-H M. A. E. o Eh M. A. E. 00 M. A. E. Cm 02 M. A. E. M. A. E. 02 31. A. E. si •-J M. A. E. o M. A. E. C3 M. A. E. 4 ad E-( O o M. A. E. D M. A. E. 16 M. A. E. > M. A. E. si Eh' M. A. E. 3 M. A. E. M. A. E. < M. A. E. > M. A. E. 1—* < M. A. E. M. A. E. 12 SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1855. Date. Appointments. Text. Date. Appointments. Text. ci > M. A. E. d ci M. A. E. to >■ O M. A. E. d M. A. E. d M. A. d M. A. E. M. A. E. * ME]TI0KA:V»A.— 1S55. <: —> M. A. E. ci < M. A. E. < 1-5 M. A. E. I-H 1—1 S M. A. E. i-H M. A. E. 00 < S M. A. E. w » id < M. A. E. ci M. A. E. CQ M. A. E. 1—1 fli M. A. E. W M. A. E. 00 31. A. E. ^ od M. A. E. M. A. E. W Cm M. A. E. < M. A. E. ... SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1855. 13 Date. Appointments. Text. Date. Appointments. 1 Text. < M. A. E. ' >< M. A. E. < M. A. E. < M. A. E. < 3 M. A. E. < M. A. E, < M. A. E. d < M. A. E. < M. A. E. <1 M. A. E. M, A, E. M. A. E. d I— ( a M. A, E. A. E. M. A. E. CO M. A. E. a Si; "-5 M. A. E. M. A. E. 1-^ > iM. A. E. M. A. E. do M. A. E. o o M. A. E. M. A. E. 1—1 o M. A. E. & •-s M. A. E. O O M. A. E. u SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1856. Date. Appointments. Text. Date. Appointments. Text. O O M. A. E. (A d Q M. A. E. > o M. A. v.. si d o M. A. E. > o M. A. E. d w A. E. 1-1 > O M. A. E. d Q M. A. E. > O M. A. E. d CO d Q M. A. E. 1WE3IORAIVDA.— 1856. CO < 1-S M. A. E. IT ca t— 1 M. A. E. < •-5 M. A. E. S M. A. E. < M. A. E, CJ si M. A. E. < M. A. E. d r-i M. A. E. CO M. A. E. < M. A. E. d » tin M. A. E. d < M. A. E. 1—1 M. A. E. d 03 < M. A. E. ,-, SABBATICAL ALMANAC. — 1856. 15 Date. Appointments. Text. Date. Appointments. Text. a* < M. A. E. M. A. E. 55 < M. A. E. >• M. A. E. d — H < M. A. E. D M. A. E. > < M. A. E. M. A. E. —I < M. A. E. d M. A. E. 30 1 M. > A. < 1 S , E. < M. A. E. M. A. E. rr <: M. A. E. rA I M. < M. A. E. A. E. 00 -1 M. a. a M. A. E. A. E. 1 1 5 M. A. E. 02 M. A. E. M. A. E. a 03 M. A. E. si a z ■-J M. A. E. a 02 M. A. E. o •-3 M. A. E. o o M. A. E. c_ w o i! *."< T o CO to ^ S' H > »^ o > a H ro o o > •^' j< , M ■^ r- 1 ^2. o i"oo n > !z! »2 if ' lAh X " w S. CAROLINA. GEORGIA. Macon, Jan. 26, 1831. • :? 00 ^ w 2 p CO 00 » • • S 2 J cn o H — o 2° S -< :e CO S! Ln to E" r >• ».■ » CO PC Oi > a o "-2. *;i 003 ■"■«£*- rr w cr u ** o C" CCX. ^ ^ V s -< ^^ DO f CC-3 O ■ to o - - 63 - » 90 p 3 -?s K^ — c Sr-WH o ja 2S 2.2 J"-S 00" a OC 3 -i S c^ rD f^ ;> "= o » 2= «: o «=' re • m c/s ^ s 5 ?t ■-J n V* s ^ tm* K c;i ^ ■i o g £3 CO e r r—" O > sS -:r 2 ?^ >fc =: W Jtf adelph , ]773 2 ^ p i^J > :» •9 c a 9! H O V tr-" o CD I— I CD t?3 •ft- f CD :^ ►^ b=3 cn OQ CD •^ »-^ CO I— I CO 1-3 t— < CO r:? CD c:3 PART I. DIRECTORY OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. GENERAL COXFEREXCE. METHODIST EPISCOPAL BISHOPS, FROM 1784 TO 1852. Francis Asbury, ordained December 25, 1784. Died March 31, 1816. - May 1800. " 1806. ~ 1835. 1828. 1843. Richard Whatcoat, William McKendree, .... Enoch George, Robert Richford Roberts, Joshua Soule, Elijah Hedding, James O. Andrew John Emory, Beverley Waugh, , Thomas H. Morris Leonidus L. Hamline, ... Edmund S. Janes, ... f. . . Levi Scott, Matthew Simpson, , Osmon C Baker, Edward R. Ames , (I « « « 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Gen'l Con. held at Bait., Nov. 1792. Oct. 1796. May 6-20, 1800. " 7, 1804. " 1, 1808. " " " N. Y., " 1, ) (First delegated Gen'l Conference,) ) Geii'i Con. held at Bait., May 1812. 1816. 1820. 9th Gen'l Con. 8th " 9th " 10th » 11th " 12th " 13th " 14th " 1800. 1808. 1816. 1816. 1824. 1824. 18.32. 1832. 1836. 1836. 1848'. .'.Resigned 1848. .■• 1852. 1852. 1852. 1852. held at Bait., " " Pitts., " " Phil., " " Cin., Bait.. N. Y., Pitts., Boston, 5, Aug. 23, March 26, April 9, Dec. 16, 1852. 1835. 1852. May, (I 1824. 1828. 18.32. 1836. 1840. 1844. 1848. 1852. •u-r 3 ? ■U FOURTEEXTH GENERAL CONFERENCE, 1852. Held at Boston, May 1st, in the Broomfield Street Church. OFFICERS. BISHOPS. Beverley Waugh, elected 1836. I L. L. Hamline, elected 1848. Thomas H. Morris, " 1836. | Edmund S. Janes, " 1848. Levi Scott, i Elected at this session \ 0*mon C. Baker, Matthew Simpson, \ JLiected at t/ii^ session | Edward R. Ames U- SECRETARIES. Rev. Joseph M. Trimble, Secretary Rev. Charles Adams, Rev. Benj. Griffin, Rev. Wm. M. Dailey J- ■Assistant Secretaries. BOOK AGENTS. Thomas Cirlton Zebulon Phillips ;1 JVew York. L Swormstedt, | Cincinnati. Adam Poe, ) t* 18 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. EDITORS. Gen. Cat. & Quar. Review, J. M'Clintock, D. D. Sund. school Books & Adv., D. P. Kidder, D.D. Missionary Advocate, J. P. Durbin, D. D. Tracts and New Montiily, Rev. A. Stevens. Ladies' Repository, Prof. W. C. Larraliee. Cliristian Advocate &. Journal, Dr. T. E. Bond. Western Christian Advocate, Dr. C. Elliott. Pittsburg California " " Northern " " North Western Christ. " Christian Apologist, H.J. Clarke, D.D. S. D. Simons. William Hostner. J. V. Watson. Dr. Win. Nast. DELEGATES. Elected, by each Annual Conference, on a representative basis of one delegate for every twenty-one members. N. YORK CONFERENCE. George Peck, Pliineas Rice, Peter P. Sand ford, Abiather M. Osbon, Joseph Holdich, John C. Lyon, Jarvis Z. Nichols. Reserves. Daniel Smith, Benjamin Griffin. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ^ Osmon C. Baker, Elisba Adams, Reuben Deiirborn, Elihu Scott, Elijah Mason. Reserves. Silas Quimby, Justin Spaulding. TROY. Stephen D. Brown, Barnes M. Hall, A. Witherspoon, John Clark, Zebulon Phillips, Timothy Benedict, Desivignia Starks, John Frazer, Reuben Wescott. Reserves. Ephraim Goss, Seymour Coleman. NEW YORK EAST. Stephen Olin, Nathan Bungs, Hemiin Bangs, Bartholomew Creagh, Janies H. Perry, Seymour Landon, Edwin E. Griswold. Reserves. Laban Clark, Nicholas White. WESTERN VIRGINIA. S. G. J. Worthington, Moses Tichnell. Reserve. Harrison Z. Adams. EAST MAINE. Nathan D. George, Wm. H. Pillsbury, Albert Church, Asahel Moore. Reserves. Daniel Clarke, George Pratt. PITTSBURG. Thomas M. Hudson, Homer J. Clarke, Robert Hopkins, Andrew Magee, John Coil, William Hunter, Samuel Wakefield. Reserves. John J. Swayse, Cornelius D. Battelle. VERMONT. Joseph C. Aspenwall, Andes T. Bullard, Edmund Copeland. Reserves. John Currier, Nathan W. Scott. WISCONSIN. Chauncey Hobart, Wm. H. Sampson, Henry Summers. Reserves. Washington Wilcox, Elmore Yocum. BLACK RIVER. George Gary, Hiram Mattison, Isaac L. Hunt, Arza J. Phelps, Gardner Baker, Burroughs Holmes. Reserves. George G. Hapgood, E. E. E. Bragdon. MAINE. George Webber, Joseph H. Jenne, Charles C. Cone, Aaron Sanderson, Stephen Allen. Reserves. Daniel B. Randall, Heman Nickerson. ERIE. Calvin Kingsley, Hiram Kinsley, Wm. Patterson, Bryan S. Hill, Wm. H. Hunter, Edwin J. L. Baker, James H. Whallon. Reserves. Samuel Gregg, Niram Norton. ROCK RIVER. Asahel E. Phelps, l.uke Hitchcock, Ste()hen P. Keyes, Richard Haney, John Chandler. Reserves. Hooper Crews, John Sinclair. ONEIDA. David Holmes, Elias Bowen, Daniel W. Bristol, William Reddy, Lyman SjiCrry, Isaac Parks, Ephraiin B. Tenny, John M. Snyder, Silas Comfort. Reserves. David A. Shepard, Henry Bannister. NORTH OHIO. Edward Thompson, John H. Power, Henry Whiteman, Thomas Barkdull, John Qtuigley, Adam Poe, Hiram M. Shaffer. Reserves^ Leonard I>. Gurley, William L. Harris. IOWA. Henry W. Reed, Jose|)h Brooks, Jacob G. Dimmitt. Reserves. Isaac I. Stewart, Levin B. Dennis. EAST GENESEE. William Hosmer, Moses Crow, John Dennis, John G. Gulick, Benjamin F. Tefft, Nathan Fellows. Reserves. Horatio N. Seaver, Benjamin Shipman. NORTH INDIANA. George M. Beswick, William H. Goode, Samuel T. Gillet, John L. Smith, Joseph Marsee, John Daniel. Reserves. Jacob M. Stallard, Samuel C.Cooper. MISSOURI. Joseph H. Hopkins, Christopher J. Houts. Reserves. Abraham Still, Moses Trader. MICHIGAN. Wellington H. Collins, Elijah H. Pilcher, Edward McClure, Daniel D. Whedon, Francis B. Bangs. Resin Sapp. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 19 Reserves. Ransom R. Richards, James V. Watson. GENESEE. Thomas Carlton, Eleazer Thomas, rhilo E. Brown, Israel (yhamberlayne. Reserves. Glezen Fillmore, Schuyler Seager. OHIO. William Nast, Joseph M. Trimble, Jacob Young, Charles Elliott, George W. Walker, Granville Moody, John F. Wright, Uriah Heath, Zechariah Connell, Cyrus Brooks, Alfred M. Lorrain, Michael Murley, Robert O. Spencer. Reserves. Frederick Merrick, William Ahrens. ILLINOIS. Peter Akers, Peter Cartwright, James B. Corrington, George Rutledge, Philip Knhl, Colton D. James. Reserees. George W. Fairbank, John S. Barger. INDIANA. Matthew Simpson, William M. Daily, Edward R. Ames, James Havens, Elijah Whitten, Lucien W. Berry. Reserves. Enoch G. Wood, Calvin W. Ruter. BALTIMORE. N. J. B. Morgan, Alfred GritEth, John Davis, Norvul Wilson, John A. Collins, John Bear, Henry Slicer, John A. Gere, S. Samuel Roszell, Aquiia A. Reese. Charles B. Tippett, Benj. N. Brown. Reserves. Eldridge R. Veitch, George Hildt. PHILADELPHIA. Francis Hodgson, Levi Scott, John P. Durbin, David Daily, T. J. Thompson, William Barnes, Elijah Miller. James Cunningham. Reserves. Thomas S. Quigley, Robert Gerry. NEW JERSEY. John McClintock, George F. Brown. Daniel P. Kidder, John S. Porter, Jefferson Lewis, James Ayars, Thomas McCarrol}, Isaac Winner. Reserve. John K. Shaw. PROVIDENCE. David Patten, Abel Stevens, Erastus Benton, Wm. T. Hnrlow, Daniel Webb, Daniel Wise. Reserves. Robert Allyn, B. Otheman. NEW ENGLAND. Miner Raymond, Charles K. True, Jerterson Hascall, Charles Adams, James Porter, Amos Binney. Reserves. Edward T. Taylor, Abraham D. Merrill. STANDLXG COMMITTEES. EPISCOPACY, P. P. Sanford, E. Scott, N. Banss, T. Benedict, S. G. J. Worthington, E. H. Pilcher, A. T. Bullard, 1. Chamberlayne, S. Wakefield, Jacob Young, W. H. Pillsbury, Peter Akers, Henry Summers, L. W. Berry, George Garv, Alfred Gritfith, George Webber, D. Daily, Hiram Kinsley, Daniel Webb, Richard Hanev, Jefferson Haskell, John S. Porter, Elius Bowen, John FI. Power, Henry W. Reed, Wm. Hosmer, Wm. H. Goode, Joseph H. Hopkins. ITINERANCY. J. Z. Nichols, O. C. Baker, Heinan Bangs, B. M. Hall, S. G. J. Worthington, E. Copeland, John Coil, N. D. George, W. IT. Sampson, I. L. Hunt, Joseph H. Jenne, E. J. L. Baker, A. E. Phelps, J. M. Snyder, Adam Poe, Jacob G. Dimmitt, H. N. Seaver, G. M. Beswick, C. J. Houts, F. B. Bangs, Philo E. Brown, Zechariah Connell, J. B. Corrington, Elijah Whitten, John Davis, Wm. Barnes, David Patten, Jefferson Lewis, Miner Raymond. BOOK CONCERN. A.M. Osbon, John A. Collins, Elisha Adams, TlKjmas J. Thompson, Zebulon Phillips, Daniel Wise, Laban Clark, D. Kidder, M. TichneH, James Porter, A. T. Bullard, Andrew Ma gee, Asahel Moore, Wm. H. Sampson, A. J. Phelps, Stephen Allen, Wm. H. Hunter, S. P. Keyes, David Holmes, John Quigley, Joseph Brooks, B. F. Tefft, Joseph Marsee, C. J. Houts, E. McCIure. Eleazer Thomas, John F. Wright, Geo. Rutledge, Wm. M. Daily. 20 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Charles Elliott, Joseph Holdicli, Wm. Hunter, D. W. Bristol, BIBLE CAUSE. A. A. Reese, J. H. Whallon, Gardner Baker. EDUCATION. Mnttliew Simpson, Homer J. Clarke, George Peck, Elijah Mnson, Bartholomew Creugh, John Clarke, S. G. J. Worthington, E. Cojieland, Homer Clark, Alhert Church, Phineas Rice, Justin Spaulding, E. E. Griswold, Hesivignia Starks, Moses Tichnell, J. C. Aspenwnll, Thomas M. Hudson, Asahel Moore, D. D. Whedon, Moses Crow, S. S. Roszel, Lyman Sj)erry, MISSIONS. Chauncey Hobart, Hiram Mattison, Charles C. Cone, B. S. Hill, L. Hitchcock, Silas Comfort, Henry Whitman, Joseph Brooks, John G. Galick, S. T. Gillet, Joseph K. Hopkins, Resin Sap[), Thomas Carlton, Alfred M. Loraine, C. D. James, E. R. Ames, BOUNDARIES. Peter Cartwright, Chauncey Hobart, Borroughs Holmes, Aaron Sanderson, Calvin Kingsbury, John Chandler, I. Parks, Hiram M. Shaffer, Joseph Brooks, John Dennis, John L. Smith, Joseph H. Hopkins, Wellington H. Collins, Philo E. Brown, George W. Walker, James Havens, Abel Stevens. N. J. B. Morgan, Erastiis Benton, J. P. Durbin, Geo. F. Brown, Charles K. True, Eleazer Thomas. John A. Gere, Elijah Miller, Wm. T. Harlow, James Ayars, Amos Binney. REVISALS. George Peck, O. C. Baker, Ste|)hen U. Brown, Seymour Landon, S. G. J. Worthington, Wm. H. Pillshury, Thomas M. Hudson, A. S. Bullard, Henry Summers, George Gary, George Webber, E. J. L. Baker, A. E. Phelps, Wm. Reddy, Edward Thompson, H. W. Reed, John Dennis, Wm. H. Goode, C. J. Houts, Wellington H. Collins, Thomas Carlton, Michael Marley, Peter Ackers, James Havens, Norval Wilson, Francis Hodgson, John McClintock, Daniel Webb, James Porter. SABBATH SCHOOLS AND TRACTS. Henry Slicer, D. P. Kidder, Hiram Kinsley, Francis Hodgson, Wm. Patterson, Andrew Witherspoon, Thomas Barkdull, Jefferson Haskell, TEMPERANCE. Lncien W. Berry, 1 Granville Moody, Isaac Winner, E. B. Tenney, John Daniel. B. N. Brown. H. Slicer, E. Bowen, G. Peck, C. B. Tippett, G. W. Walker, E. Thompson, SPECIAL COMMITTEES. COURT OF APPEALS. J. F. Wright, B. Creagh, Gecrge Webber. NOMLNATION OF NEW YORK BOOK COMMITTEE. John Clark, | C. K. True, | G. Gary. NOMINATION OF CINCINNATI BOOK COMMITTEE. J. L. Smith, I R. Haney, | James Haveni. PAKT I. — CHUKCH DIKECTORY. 21 TEMPORAL ECONOMY. ITeman Bangs, TIk)s McCarroll, Uriah Heath, C. B. Tippett, John Bear, Elijah Bowen, Laban Clark, Levi Scott, John Fraser, John Bear, James Cunningham, Cyrus Brooks, Thomas Carlton, H. M. Shaffer. EXPENSES OF DELEGATES. John M. Snyder, | Andrew Magee. I CHURCH MEMORIAL FROM WASHINGTON CITY. I E. E. Griswold, | E. Thompson. | NEW CATECHISM. I J. H. Powers, | George Webber. | APPEALS. H. Kinsley, S. W. Berry, J. Porter. T. J. Thompson, James Porter, H. J. Clarke, Daniel Webb, CHARTERED FUND. I Peter Akers, [ James Porter, | ON REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TEMPORAL ECONOMY, Isaac Winner, | Peter Akers, I John Dennis. I BISHOP m'kENDREE's MONUMENT. I Peter Cartwright, | George Gary. TO PREPARE A FRATERNAL LETTER TO THE WESLEYAN CONFERENCE IN ENGLAND. Alfred Griffith, I George Webber, I L. W. Berry. J. McClintock, €leo. Peck, FUNERAL SERVICES FOR BISHOP HEDDING. Laban Clark, Nathan Bangs, Daniel Webb, Alfred Griffith, James Porter. REPLYING TO INVITATIONS RECEIVED FROM THE MAYOR OF BOSTON, AND OTHER CITT AND STATE OFFICERS. J. A. Collins, I E. R. Ames, I M. Raymond. I PREPARING SUBSTITUTE FOR THE THIRD RESTRICTIVE RULE. E. R. Ames, John Davis, Levi Scott, John F. Wright £. R. Ames, Henry Slicer, J. McClintock, I M. Raymond. CHURCH SUIT. Matthew Simpson, Miner Raymond, Robert O Spencer, James H. Perry, GERMAN WORK. P. Rice, P. Cartwright, Wm. Nast, John C. Lyon, I I Thomas Carlton. I Philip KubL MONUMENT TO DECEASED BISHOPS. I Zebulon Phillips, | Uriah Heath. 22 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. MEMORIALS IN RELATION TO LAY DELEGATIONS. MatthcAv Simpson, Phinens Rice, O. C. Baker, J. Phillips, B. Creigh, S. G. J. Worthington, N. D. Georse, Homer J. Clarke, J. C. Aspen\A:all, Chnuncey Hobart, Gardiner Baker, J. H. Jennv, J. H. Whallon, R. Harvey, S. Comfort, Adam Poe, J G. Dimmitt, John G. Gnlick, Joseph Marsee, C. J. Houts, Elijah H Pilcher, Israel Chamberlayne, Jacob Young, Peter Cartwright, Alfred Griffith, Francis Hodgson, George T. Brown, David Patten, Miner Raymond. Charles Elliott, George Gary, PASTORAL ADDRESS. J. McClintock, John A. Gere, Abel Stevens. SECURING RELIGIOUS PRIVILEGES TO PROTESTANTS IN ITALY AND OTHER CATHOLIC COUNTRIES. Charles Elliott, George Peck, J. P. Durbin, I J. P. Durbin, | \Vm. T. Harlow. | MEMORIAL OF FOREIGN AND CHRISTIAN UNION. George Webber, I William Nasi, I J, Davis. SYNOPSIS OE THE BUSINESS OF THE SESSION. FIRST DAY. OPENING. The Conference commenced its session in Bromfield Street Church, Boston, May 1st. Bishop Waugh presiding, assisted by Bishops Morris and Janes. The devotional exercises were opened by the presiding Bishop, reading the 96 Psalm, and the 14 chapter of the Gospel by John. Hymns were sung, after which prayer was offered by Brothers Laben Clark, Jacob Young, Peter Cartwright, and George Gary. The roll was called by the Rev. J. Trimble and Rev. Charles Adams. One hundred and thirty- two delegates of the one hundred and seventy-eight elected, answered to their names ; eighteen more than a quorum. Ballot for Secretaries. — Whole number of votes, 165. Necessary for a choice, 81. Brother J. M. Trimble of the Ohio Conference, had 82 and was elected. Hour of meeting fixed at 8 A. M. ; adjournment at ISj P. M. Editors of General Conference papers, with the editor of Zion's Herald, constituted a committee to employ a reporter and to super- intend the publication of the proceedings of the Conference. The presiding elders and ministers of Boston and Charlestown, appointed a committee on public worship. RULES. I. The Conference shall meet at eight o'clock, A. M., and adjourn at half past twelve, P. M., but may alter their time of meeting, and adjourn at their discretion. II. The President shall take the chair precisely at the hour to which the Conference stood ad- journed, and cause the same to be opened by the reading of the Scriptures, singing, and prayer. And, on the appearance of a quorum, shall have the journals of the preceding day read and ap- proved, when the business of the Conference shall proceed in the following order, namely: — 1st. ReporU, first of the standing and then of the select committees. 2d. Petitions, memorials, and appeals. III. The President shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Conference; »but in case of such appeal, the question shall be taken without debate. IV. He shall appoint all committees not otherwise specially ordered by the Conference; but any member may decline serving on more than one committee at the same time. V. All motions or resolutions introduced by any member shall be reduced to writing, if the Presi- dent, Secretary, or any two members request it. VI. When a motion or resolution is made and seconded, or a report presented, and is rend by the Secretary, or stated by the President, it shall be deemed in possession of the Conference ; but any motion or resolution may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before decision or amend- ment. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 23 VII. No new motion or resolution shall be made until the one under consideration is disposed of; which may be done by adoption or rejection, unless one of the following motions should inter- vene, which motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are placed, namely: — Indefi- nite postponement, lying on the table, reference to a committee, postponement to a given time, amendment, or a substitute, which also may be amended. VIII. No member shall be interrupted when speaking, except by the President, to call him to order when he departs from the question, uses personalities or disrespectful language ; but any member may call the attention of the President to the subject when he deems a speaker out of order. And any member may explain, if bethinks himself misrepresented. IX. When any member is about to speak in debate, or to deliver any matter to the Conference, he shall rise in his seat, and respectfully address himself to the President. X. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, nor more than fifteen minutes at one time, without leave of the Conference, nor shall any person speak more than once until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken. XI. When any motion or resolution shall have passed, it shall be in order for any member who voted in the majority to move for a re-consideration. XII. No member shall absent himself from the service of the Conference without leave, unless he is sick, or unable to attend. XIII. No member shall be allowed to vote on any question who is not within the bar at the time when such question is put by the President, except by leave of the Conference when such member has been necessarily absent. XIV. Every member who shall be within the bar at the time the question is put, shall give his vote, unless the Conference, for sjjecial reasons excuse him. XV. No resolution q,ltering or rescinding any rule of discipline shall be adopted until it shall have been at least one day in the possession of the Conference. XVI. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. XVII. It shall be in order for any member to call for the yeas and nays upon any question before the Conference, and if the call be sustained by twenty-five of the members present, the vote thereon shall be taken by yeas and nays. SECOND DAY. ASSISTANT SECRETARIES. The whole number of ballots for Assistant Secretaries was 155. Necessary for a choice, 78. Charles Adams had 125, Benjamin Griffin 11'2, and were declared elected. Wm. M. Daiiey had 48, and, on motion, was elected by a rising vote. The remainder of the session was occupied in the reception of petitions, memorials, and the appointment of committees. THIRD DAY. MONUMENT TO DECEASED BISHOPS. The following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That a committee of three he appointed to receive the voluntary contributions of the members of this General Conference, to aid in the project of the Baltimore brethren, for the erection of a monument to the memory of our deceased Bishops. FOURTH DAY. The Conference was engaged during the day in the reception of memorials, petitions, and resolutions. FIFTH DAY. FUNERAL SERVICES OF BISHOP BEDDING. The committee appointed to make arrangements for the funeral services of the lamented Bishop Hedding, offered a report in the following resolution : — Resolved, That the said services be solemnized in this house on Thursday, the 13th day of May, at 3 o'clock, and that the senior Bishop be respectfully requested to preach a sermon on that occasion. The report Was adopted. SIXTH DAY. APPEAL OF EZRA SPRAGUE, TROY CONFERENCE. ' Resolved, By the delegnfes of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in General Conference assemble.l that the action of the Troy Conference, in the case of Ezra Sprague, be and the same hereby Ja affirmed. The resolution was adopted, by a vote of 110 to 37. 24r PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. SEVENTH DAY. BOOK-ROOM CLAIMS. The committee on Book Concern offered the following resolutions: — Re.to/ved, That the request of T. R. Stover, contained in his memorial to this Genera! Con- ference, to he released from the claim held against him, by the book agents at New York, be not granted. Passed. Resolved, That the Book Committee be discharged from further consideration of the memorial of William M. Mellinger. Passed. Resolved, First, that the book agents at Cincinnati make no claim against sister Hensley, for the payment of the old note referred to in her memorial, and that they be and hereby are directed to cancel the same. Passed. Resolved, Second, that if on examination, the agents find indorsements of credit on the old note, for moneys paid since the death of brother Hensley, they be and hereby are instructed to enter said payments upon the other note of later date. Passed. Resolved, That the claim of brother H. C. Sheldon, of $724 83, and the claim of D. Prirhard, of $113, be referred to the book agents, to be settled at their discretion. Passed. CHEAP COMMENTARY. Resolved, That in the judgment of the General Conference, it is desirable that a cheap Com- mentary on the Bible should be published by our Book Concern as soon as practicable. APPEAL. OF J. M. PEASE. The action of the Conference, from which an appeal was taken, was in withholding from Mr. Pease his allowance for two years, at different periods, as a superannuated preacher. It was Resolved, That the action of the New York East Conference, in the case of J, M. PeasCi be reversed, and that brother Pease be paid from the funds his dividends, with interest. EIGHTH DAY. FOREIGN MISSIONS. It was Resolved, That the time has fully come when the Methodist Episcopal Church ought to increase the number and extent of its foreign missions. Also Resolved. That in view of the just and increasing demand, at home and abroad, for min- isters' labor, which we are unable to supply, this General Conference recommend to the several Annual Conferences, to set apart a day of fasting and prayer, at such time as they respectively shall judge expedient, to implore the great head of the Church to raise up and send forth more laborers into the harvest. DEATH OF BISHOP HEDDING. The following preamble and resolution were adopted : — Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom, to remove from among us by death, our senior Bishop, the Rev. Elijah Hedding, who died in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., April 9th, 1852, in the 72d year of his age, and in the 52d of his ministry. Therefore, Resolved, That this General Conference make this record upon its journal as a token of profound respect for the deceased, as a minister of unblemished reputation, deep theological knowledge, sound experience in the things of God, of childlike simplicity, and holy tempers as a Christian — as an able and impartial administrator of the discipline of the Church, sweetly and delightfully blending together the dignity of the Bishop with the urbanities of the Christian gentleman — and who at last died in peace and holy triumph, with a well-grounded hope of immortality and eternal life. May we follow him as he followed Christ. CHURCH AT WASHINGTON. The committee appointed on the memorial from Washington city, in regard to the building of a new house of worship there, reported a series of resolutions, expressing their hearty concurrence in the objects of the memorialists, and pledging the individual e.xertions of the delegates in the Annual Conferences to aid the measure proposed. The resolutions were adopted. NINTH DAY. RESIGNATION OF BISHOP HAMLINE. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted : — Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God deeply to afflict our beloved Bishop Hamline, and whereas, he has been laid aside from active service, hereby, therefore, PART I. — CIIUP.CH DIRECTORY. 25 Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with our beloved superintendent in his afflictions. Resolved, That, after having fully examined his administration for the last four years, his ad- ministration and character be and hereby are approved. Whereas, Bishop Hainline has tendered his resignation in the following language, to wit : — "And now, I think that the circumstances warrant my declining the office. Eight years ago, I felt that Divine Providence had strangely called nie to the office. I now feel that the same Providence permits me to retire. I therefore tender my resignation, and request to be released from my official responsibilities, as soon as the way is prepared by the Episcopal committee." Therefore, Resolved, That the resignation of Bishop Hamline of his office as a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America, be and the same hereby is accepted. Resolved, By the delegates of the several Annual Conferences in General Conference assembled, that the Bishops be and hereby are respectfully requested to convey to Bishop Hamline the ac- ceptance of his resignation as superintendent of the General Conference, accompanied with a com- munication expressing the profound regret of this body, that the condition of his health has, in his judgment, rendered it proper for him to relinquish his official position ; assuring him also of our continued confidence and affection, and that our fervent prayers will be offered to the Throne of Grace, that his health may be restored, and his life prolonged to the Church. Resolutions passed. TENTH DAY. The appeal of John S. Inskip against the action of the Ohio Conference took up the entire session ELEVENTH DAY. Appeal of J. S. Inskip continued. TWELFTH DAY. BISHOP WAUGh's discourse ON THE DEATH OF BISHOP HEDDING. The following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That it was with heartfelt satisfaction and with deep interest that we listened to the sermon delivered yesterday by Bishop Waugh, in compliance with our request, on the recent death of our venerated senior Bishop, the Rev. Elijah Hedding; and Bishop Waugh is hereby earnestly and respectfully requested to furnish a copy of his very appropriate discourse to the book agents at New York, for publication, at his earliest convenience. THIRTEENTH DAY. BOOKS FOR GERMANY. Resolved, That the book agents at Cincinnati be and they hereby are instructed to establish such commercial arrangements for the importation of German books, and the exportation of our Anaer- ican publications as they may find practical and useful. Resolved, That in conformity with the recommendation of the Board of Managers of the Mis- sionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, we liereby authorize the book agents to allow our mission in Germany an open credit for our American publications, not exceeding $500. Resolved, That said publications be furnished to our missions in Germany at the largest discount allowed by the agents on the sale of books. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EPISCOPACY. Dr. Sandford, in behalf of the committee on Episcopacy, offered the following report, which was adopted. The committee on the Episcopacy report, in part, that they have examined carefully the admin- istration of Bishops Waugh, Morris, and Janes, in the several Annual Conferences, and having found no cause of complaint, they recommend the adoption of the following resolutions :— Resolved, That the character and administration of Bishops Waugh, Morris, and Janes, for the last four years, be and hereby are approved. Resolved, That the book agents be and hereby are directed to pay Bishop Morris the balance of $39 24, due him for traveling expenses. EXTENSION OP PROBATION OP TRAVELING PREACHERS. It was Resolved, That it is not expedient at this time to make any change of our rule of disci- pline on that subject, and that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. 26 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. CLAIM OF WIDOW DOUD. The committee on Itinerancy reported on the memorial from Letitia H. Doud, the widow of a late member of the East Genesee Conference, setting forth that she had been denied her dividend the last year, and requesting the General Conference to take such action on the subject as would secure to her the allowance. ,^„ ^ r t.**j* .v The committee reported, in substance, that the East Genesee Conference be instructed to pay the dividend. Report adopted. APPEAL OF JOHN S. INSKIP VS. OHIO CONFERENCE. Resolved, By the delegates of the several Annual Conferences, in General Conference assembled, that the decision of the Ohio Conference, in the case of John S. Inskip, by which it voted that he had been guilty of violating his pledge, and of contumacious conduct, be and hereby is reversed. Passed ; 87 in the affirmative, 64 in the negative. FOURTEENTH DAY. OBITUARY OF BISHOP HEDDING. Resolved, That the Bishops be and hereby are respectfully requested to prepare an obituary notice of our late loved and venerated senior superintendent, for insertion in the minutes. APPEAL OF I. N. MACCABEE. The following preamble and resolution were adopted : — Whereas, Rev. I. N. Maccabee alledges, that since the decision of the Piltsbiirg Annuu! Con- ference, at its session in June, 1850, whereby he was expelled from the Methodist Episcopal Church, important testimony has been adduced in his behalf Therefore, Resolved, By the delegates of several Annual Conferences in General Conference assembled, that the case of Rev. I. N. Maccabee be, and the same hereby is, referred back to the said Pittsburg Annual Conference, for a new trial. FIFTEENTH DAY. APPEAL OF J. M. STAFF. Thii appeal was from the action of the North Indiana Conference, in locating him, without his consent. On motion, the action of the Conference was reversed. SIXTEENTH DAY. APPEAL OP GEORGE TAYLOR. The following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That the decision of the Michigan Conference, from which brother George Taylor appeals to this body, be and hereby is affirmed. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CITY HOSPITALITIES. Whereas, His Honor, the Mayor of Boston, in behalf of the city authorities, invited the members of this General Conference to an excursion among the Islands in the harbor of Boston, and the invi- tation was accepted by a unanimous vote of the Qonference ; and whereas, said excursion occurred on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 18, 1852, in which the Mayor and city authorities, nearly all of the members of the General Conference, clergymen of different denominations, and citizens of Boston, participated, and was an occasion of great interest and enjoyment; and, whereas, the members of the General Conference are deeply impressed with the kindness and attention of the Mayor and city authorities, and are desirousof expressing their appreciation of the same, therefore, Resolved, By the delegates of the several Annual Conferences in General Conference assembled, that the thanks of the members of this body are due and are hereby given to the Mayor and city authorities of Boston, for the signal and refined hospitality manifested toward them by the excur- sion among the Islands in the harbor of Boston ; — that the whole-hearted welcome extended to the Conference by his honor the Mayor — the social enjoyment — the Christian, liberal, and patriotic sentiments uttered on the occasion of this mark of public favor, entitle it, and the authors and originators of the excursion, to a firm hold upon our fondest recollections, and we will cherish it and them in pleasing remembrance, and pray that the choicest blessings of Almighty God may rest upon them and the citizens of Boston. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolution be sent to the Mayor of Boston, accompanied with the respectful request that they be communicated to the city authorities. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 27 FREE MASONS AND ODD FELLOWS. The committee on Itinerancy offered the following resolution, which was adopted : — Resolved, That the action of the North Ohio Conference in 1848, in finding guilty of imprudence, several of its members, for disregarding its advice, given in 1845, was unauthorized by the discipline. DEATH OF DR. OLIN. The following preamble and resolution were adopted: — JVkerea.t, It has pleased Almighty God to remove by death the Rev. Stephen Olin, D. D., LL. D., late President of Wesleyan University, who was a member elect to this General Conference, from the N. Y. East Conference: therefore, Resolved, That while we desire to bow with humble submission to this dispensation of the Divine hand, we unfeignedly mourn the departure of one who, by his soundness of faith, purity of life, comprehensiveness of intellect, and extensive learning, was so well qualified to be a light and a guide in our Israel ; but while we regret that we can not enjoy the benefit of his counsel in this General Conference, and that the church militant is deprived of his eminently useful labors, we rejoice in the satisfactory assurance that he has left the Church on earth to be united to the Church in heaven, and that in life and death he had made manifest the power and exceliency of redeeming grace. SEVENTEENTH D.4Y. CALIFORNIA BOOK CONCERN AND PAPER, The following resolutions were adopted : — Resolved, That the book agents at New York be and they hereby are, instructed to establish a book depository in San Francisco, California, with all reasonable dispatch, and with such an amount of stock as they may judge the interests of the work in that section require. Resolved, That a weekly paper, to be denominated the California Christian Advocate, be estab- lished in San Francisco, under the patronage and control of the General Conference, and that the Conference accept the pa]>er of that name now published in San Francisco as the nucleus of that enterprise. A third resolution, instructing the book agents at New York to inquire into the expediency of Eurchasing a lot of land in San Francisco, and erecting thereon a suitable building for the use of the ook depository, was also taken up and passed. BOOK CONCERN AND PAPER AT CHICAGO. The following resolution was offered and adopted : — Resolved, That the book agents at Cincinnati, be and hereby are instructed to establish a book depository and weekly paper, to be denominated the North Western Christian Advocate, at Chi- cago, Illinois. EIGHTEENTH DAY. COMPLAINT OF WM. HERR. The committee on itinerancy recommended that the prayer of the petitioner, who complained that injustice had been done him in the journals of the Ohio Conference, be not granted. The recommendation was adopted. LIBERIA. It was Resolved, That measures be taken to insure the due exercise of the powers of Ordination in the Liberia Annual Conference. EPISCOPAL VISITATION OF LIBERIA. Resolved, That the General Conference recommend to the Bishops that they make arrangements so that one of their number shall visit Liberia, once or more during the coming four years, as they shall judge expedient. NINETEENTH DAY. CHURCH SUIT. The committee on the Church Suit, offered a report, concluding with the following resolutions: — Resolved, That the decision of the question of appeal from the decision of Judge Nelson, and 28 PART I. — CHUECH DIRECTORY. the settlement of the whole business at New York be referred to a commission of five persons, in- cluding the book agents at that place ; and that the case in Cincinnati, in like manner, be referred to a commission of five persons, including the book agents at that place. Resolved, That the additional members of said convention be appointed by ballot, and that each commission is clothed with full power to act. The report was adopted. • PREVIOUS QUESTION. It was Resolved, That it shall be in order to move that the question be taken without further debate on any measure pending before the General Conference, and if sustained by a vote of two- thirds, the question shall be so taken. AMENDING SUBSTITUTES. It was Resolved, That a substitute may not be amended before it is accepted by vote in the place of the original proposition, but when accepted by vote, may be amended as an original proposition. ^ HISTORY OF THE CHURCH. Resolved, That Dr. Thomas E. Bond, sen., be and he hereby is requested to prosecute to com- pletion his history of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ANNUAL CONFERENCE RECORDS. It was Resolved, That the resolution of the General Conference of 1848, which requires the secretaries of the Annual Conference to record all reports of cases and all testimony in the trial of preachers upon the journal of the Conference, or in a separate book, instead of filing the docu- ments and referring to them, be and hereby is rescinded. BOOK DEPOSITORY AT ST. LOUIS. It was Resolved, That the book agents at Cincinnati, be and are hereby authorized and in- structed to establish a depository for books, and a weekly paper to be denominated , in the city of St. ijouis ; to be under the direction and control of the book agents ; provided that, in the judgment of the agents, such a book depository and periodical can be established and sustained with safety to the interests of the Book Concern. The blank to be filled by the book agents. MONUMENT TO BISHOP MCKENDREE. It was Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed, to take into consideration the pro- priety of erecting a suitable monument to the memory of the venerable bishop McKendree, and, if deemed expedient, to submit a plan by which the object may be secured. FRENCH AND NORWEGIAN DISCIPLINE. Resolved, That the committee on the Book Concern be instructed to inquire into the expediency of publishing the Methodist Discipline in the French and Norwegian languages. Adopted. APPEAL OF DANIEL J. SNOW. This appeal was from the action of the Illinois Conference, who located him without his consent. The action of the Conference was reversed. CHARTERED FUND. 1. It was Resolved, That the manner in which the trustees of the Chartered Fund have managed the trust during the last four years, merits the cordial approval of this General Conference. 2. Resolved, By the delegates of the several Annual Conferences in General Conference assem- bled, that the amendments to the charter of the Chartered Fund, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America, passed by the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, on Feb- ruary, 1849. and a copy of which has been presented to this General Conference, be, and they are hereby ratified and confirmed. 3. Resolved, That the action of the trustees in relation to the legal proceedings, which have been commenced against them, as set forth in their report, meets the entire approval of the General Conference. 4. Resolved, That the election of William P. Hacker, by the trustees of the Chartered Fund, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of George Ireland, be approved. 5. Resolved, That the thanks of the General Conference be tendered to the trustees of the Char- tered Fund for their care and fidelity in the discharge of their duties. 6. Resolved, That the apportionment of the funds in hand which is made by the trustees on the PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 29 first of January, in each year, among the existing Annual Conferences, shall not be altered by the formation of any new Annual Conference or Conferences, during the current year ; but the amount which any Conference would have drawn, had it remained undivided, shall be equitably divided between the two, for the current year, after it shall have been divided. 7. Resolved, That the secretary be requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing report and resolutions to the trustees of the Chartered Fund. TWENTIETH DAY. CANADA BOOK CONCERN. It was Resolved, That the agent of the Book Concern of the Canada Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, shall have the privilege of purchasing our books at New York on the same terms as the Book Concern at Cincinnati, and paying the duties on the same and the exj>ense of transportation. MISSION TO ITALY. It was Resolved, That we recommend to the favorable consideration of the General Conference and of the board of managers at New York, the establishment of a mission with a view to benefit Italy, as soon as may be found practicable. SEAT OF THE NEXT GENERAL CONFERENCE. It was agreed that when a vote was taken, the first place having a majority of the Conference should be the designated place. Accordingly a count was had as follows : — Detroit, 12 in favor, 91 against; Cleveland, 20 in favor, 81 against; Chicago, 50 in favor, 83 against; Indianapolis, 77 in favor, 69 against. And Indianapolis was declared the place selected. TRACTS. (First item of report No. 1, adopted,) viz: — There shall be at New York an editor of the Monthly Magazine and of tracts, who shall also be the Corresponding Secretary of our Tract Society. As editor of tracts, he shall have charge of the publication of tracts in our own and foreign languages, and it shall be his duty to make arrange- ments with the book agents for the cheap publication of any book or books specially adapted to the promotion of experimental and practical religion. As Corresponding Secretary of the Tract Society, it shall be his duty to raise funds in behalf of the society, to promote the formation of Conference and other auxiliaries, and to co-operate with auxiliary societies, and to make all proper efforts for the general diffusion of religious reading. DEATH OF J. D. COLLINS, LATE SUPERINTENDENT OF CHINA MISSION. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted : — Whereas, We have heard of the decease of our beloved brother, the Rev. J. D. Collins, late su- perintendent of our China mission, therefore. Resolved, That we receive this information with profound regret and sorrow, and that we sin- cerely sympathize with his friends in the loss they have sustained. Resolved, That we sympathize with the mission in China, and with the Church generally in the loss sustained by the death of brother Collins. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered on the General Conference journal, as a testimony of the profound respect we entertain for the memory of our brother, who has fallen a martyr to the cause of missions among the heathen. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the friends of the deceased, and that th^y be published. TWENTY-FIRST DAY. EXPENSES OP DELEGATES. The committee on the expenses of delegates, presented a final report, which was accepted. The whole amount of expenses had been .$7,533 65; the whole amount of receipts $5,275 50; leaving a deficit of i§2,258 15. The large sum was met by a draft on the Book Concern for $2,200 ; and various sums to the amount of $67 15 had been received from sources unknown, thus leaving a surplus in the hands of the committee of $11 00, which, by authority of the General Conference, was given to the Assistant Secretary, Rev. B. Griffin, in payment of his traveling expenses. ELECTION OF BISHOPS. Messrs. Henry Slicer, George W. Walker, and Charles H. True, were appointed Tellers. 3* 80 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. The ballot resulted as follows : — Whole number of votes cast, 173 Necessary for a choice, 87 Levi Scott had, 113 Matthew Simpson, 110 OsmanC. Baker 90 Edward R. Ames, 89 Edward Thompson, 68 George Webber, 59 Cttlvin Kingsley, 40 George Gary, 27 George Beck, 23 Nicholas J. B. Morgan, 11 Peter Cartwright, 5 Liicien W. Berry, 4 John F. Wright, 4 Elias Bowen, 4 Scattering, 34 ELECTION OF EDITOR OF THE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE AND JOURNAL. Whole number of votes, 172 Necessary for a choice, 87 Dr. Thos. E. Bond had 67 A. Stevens, 64 Dr. D. D. Whedon, 17 There was no choice. Dr. Whedon and Holdich withdrew their names. Dr. J. Holdich, 16 Scattering, 8 SECOND BALLOT. Whole number of votes, 172 Necessary for a choice, 87 Dr. Thos. E. Bond 91 I Scattering, 6 Abel Stevens, 75 | Dr. Thomas E. Bond was consequently declared elected editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal for the next four years. ♦ ELECTION OF MISSIONARY SECRETARY. Whole number of votes, 171 Necessary for a choice, 86 Dr. J. P. Durbin had, 157 | Scattering 14 Dr. Durbin was declared elected. ELECTION OF OTHER OFFICERS. Editor of the Quarterly Review and Books of the General Catalogue. Dr. J. McClintock was nominated, and elected, by 163 votes. Editor of the Northern Christian Advocate. Wm. Hosmer was nominated, and elected, by a vote of 145. Editor of the Sunday-school publications. Dr. Kidder was nominated, and elected, by a vote of 156. Editor of the Christian Apologist and German books. Dr. Wm. Nast was elected by 165 votes. Editor of the Western Christian Advocate. Dr. Charles Elliott was elected by 148 votes. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ITINERANCY NO. 1. PULPIT EXCHANGES. On the memorial from a Quarterly Meeting Conference in Williamsburg, New York, asking that a system of pulpit exchanges may be organized for cities and large towns. The committee recommended the following resolution : — Resolved, That it is inexpedient to grant the prayer of the memorialists. Report and resolution adopted. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ITINERANCY NO. 2. MEMORIAL OF E. H. THOMAS. The committee report that they have considered the memorial of E. H. Thomas, setting forth that her husband was a member of the Philadelphia Conference, and while suffering under de- rangement, was permitted to withdraw from his connection with that body, thus excluding herself and six children from their claim on the Conference, and asking that the dcision of the Conference may be reversed ; and the committee offer the following resolution : — Resolved, That this General Conference has no jurisdiction in the above case, and therefore, the prayer of the memorialist ought not to be granted. ARBITRATION WITH THE CHURCH SOUTH. Report No. 4 of the committee on the Itinerancy was read, in regard to the vote of the several Annual Conferences on the recommendation of the General Conference to authorize the book PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 81 a^nts to propose an arbitration witli the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The committee re- ported the vote of the Annual Conference, and concluded with a resolution asking that they be discharged from further consideration of the subject. The report was accepted and the resolution adopted. MOxNTHLY MAGAZINE. It was Resolved, That the General Conference highly approve of the proposition of the book agents of New York, to publish a monthly journal or magazine of current and religions literature, and that they be authorized to commence such a publication as soon as they think it safe for the Concern. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE ON EPISCOPACY. The committee to whom was referred the resolutions proposing the collection and publication of Episcopal decisions, reported that it was inexpedient to act thereon. Also, that on the resolution asking alteration in the discipline by the substitution of the word " consecrate" for " ordain," in several places named, no change should be made. Also, that on the resolution relative to delegates to the Wesleyan bodies of England and Canada, it was inexpedient to send a delegate to the former, but that Bra. George Gary be appointed to visit the latter some time within the next four years. Report and resolution accepted. FRATERNAL LETTER TO THE BRITISH CONFERENCE. A motion was adopted ordering the appointment of a committee of five to prepare a fraternal letter to the Wesleyan Conference in England. TWENTY-SECOND DAY. BIBLE CAUSE. It was Resolved, That we, the members of this delegated General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, highly appreciate the importance and value of the American Bible Society, as well as its zeal and efficiency ; that we acknowledge the great blessings that we and our sister churches are receiving from its wise and liberal exertions in scattering abroad multiplied copies of the word of God: and that we will cordially unite in its support, and encourage our ministers and people everywhere to do the same. NORTH WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. Resolved, That there shall be an editor of the North W^estern Christian Advocate, at Chicago, Illinois ; and, if chosen from among the traveling preachers, he shall be a member of such Annual Conference as he may, with the approbation of the bishops, select. ELECTION OF CINCINNATI BOOK AGENT. Whole number of ballots, 161 Necessary for a choice, 81 L. Swormstedt had 150, and was declared elected. ELECTION OF NEW YORK BOOK AGENT. FINAL BALLOT. Whole number of votes, 167 Necessary for a choice, 84 Thomas Carlton, 103 j Zebulon Phillips 64 Thomas Carlton was declared duly elected. ELECTION OF ASSISTANT NEW YORK BOOK AGENT. FINAL BALLOT. Whole number of votes, 167 Necessary for a choice, 84 Zebulon Phillips 103 James Porter 33 A. A. Reese, 30 Scattering 1 Zebulon Phillips was declared duly elected. MEMORIAL OF E. CONKLING. The following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That we reaffirm our former position approving the administration of the bishops in matters complained of by £. Conkling. 32 PAET I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. TWENTY-THIRD DAY. ' VERBAL REVISION OF DISCIPLINE. It was Resolved, That the verbal revision and arrangement of the discipline, on the points passed by the committee on revisals, be referred to the editors at New York to be carried out. LAY DELEGATION. It was Resolved, That it is inexpedient so to alter theeconomy of the Church as to introduce lay delegation into the General and Annual Conferences. The vote was as follows :— Yeas, 168 ; Nays, 3 ; Absent, 6 ; Excused, 1. ORDINATION OF BISHOPS. At eleven o'clock the following elders were consecrated to the general superintendency : — Levi Scott, Matthew Simpson, Edward R. Ames, Osman C. Baker. ELECTION OF EDITOR OF NORTH WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. J. V. Watson was nominated, and elected by a vote of 110. TW^ENTY-FOURTH DAY. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GENERAL MISSIONARY COMMITTEE. It was Resolved, That a special meeting of the general missionary committee may be called at the missionary rooms in New York, by the board of managers of the missionary society, with the concurrence of at least two of the bishops, one of whom shall be the superintendent of Foreign Missions ; or by the bishop just mentimied, with the concurrence of the board, and that the cor- responding secretary be charged with calling the committee when required, as provided in this resolution. CONSTITUTION OF MISSIONARY SOCIETY. It was agreed to alter the thirteenth article of the constitution, by striking out the words " a majority of bishops," and insert " the bishop who has charge, or who is to have charge of the work proposed." APPEAL OF N, R. PECK. The action of the Black River Conference was confirmed. BOOK CONCERN. It was Resolved, That the publishing committee of the Pittsburg Christian Advocate be author- ized to draw upon the agent of the depository in Pittsburg for the amount of the claims of Rev. Z. H. Coston and of Rev. Or. Elliot against the Pittsburg Christian Advocate, provided they do not exceed $2,600, to be paid at the earliest convenience of said depository, and entered to its credit at the general Book Concern in New York. Resolved, That the amount due from the Pittsburg Christian Advocate to the Pittsburg Book Depository, provided it does not exceed ^400, be, and the same hereby is, remitted. Resolved, That on careful examination of the affairs of the Northern Christian Advocate, we are gratified to find that its circulation has increased by about one-half, during the last four years ; and that, notwithstanding it is published at the exceeding low price of $1 per annum, its finance is in a healthful condition, affording a handsome dividend yearly. We are also happy to believe that the paper is lending most valuable aid in establishing and extending our cause in the field of its patronage. Resolved, That the agents at New York be instructed to establish depositories of our books at Buffalo and Auburn, N. Y., at their discretion. Resolved, That we deem it inconsistent with our economy, for brethren indebted to our Book Concerns to memorialize the General Conference to remit their debts, without having first applied to the agents, and failed of obtaining from them n satisfactory settlement. Resolved, That the petitions presented to the General Conference for the remission of debts, be referred to the agents of the Concern to which said debts are due, the agents being the proper repre- sentatives of the General Conference in the premises, and endowed with full power to settle all claims at their discretion. Resolved, That the propriety of publishing a pronouncing Bible, and also the propriety of pub- lishing the discipline of the Meth. Epis. Church, in the French and Sweedish languages, be referred to the book agents, editors, and book committee, at N. Y., to be disposed of at their discretion. [For the remainder of the doings of the General Conference, see Part V., page 292.] CONFERENCE DIRECTORY. NEW YORK CONFERENCE. BOUNDARIES. New York Conference consists of the territory now included in the Poughkeepsie, Rhine- beck, Delaware, and Newburg Districts, and that part of New York District lying north and west of the charges of Norwalk, Stanford. Poundridge, Highridge, New Canaan, Greenwich, King street, Port Chester, Rye, New Rochelle, East Chester, West Chester, and West Farms, in West Chester County, and the State of Connecticut, and of those charges in the city of New York lying north and west of a line running through the Third Avenue, Bowery, Chatham street, and Broadway, to the Battery. Next session to be held at Bedford street Church, New York, June , 1852. Charles W. Carpenter, 1828, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (6.) Benjamin Griffin, J^ew York District, Phineas Rice... Povg-hkeepsie " Jarvis Z. Nichols, Rhrinebeck " Ent. Trav. Con. 1811 1807 1823 Ent. Tray. Con. Seymour Van Deusen, Delaware District, 1835 Stephen Martindale, ..JVewftur^ " 1809 John C. Lyon, German Mission " 1828 Eut. Trav. Con. Andrus, Loyal B 1843 An)erman, Oliver V 1827 Beach, John B 1833 Bainbridje, Thomas .... 1836 Brown, Paul R 1828 Brown. Oliver E 1844 Blake, William 1837 Birch, James 1843 Buck, David 1837 Bancroft, George C 1839 Chalker, Richard A 1840 Carter, Thomas 1847 Crawford, Morris D'C. . . 1840 Clark, Davis W 1843 Clark, Lorin 1825 Coles. George 1819 Campbell, John 1842 Croft, Joel 1845 Donnelly, Francis 1832 Davies, John 1836 Doering, Charles H 1841 (Missionary to Germany.) Dickerson, Josiah L 1835 Davis, Abraham 1845 Davy, John Ellis', Thomas 1839 Edwards. Thomas 1833 Foster, Randolph S 1837 Fitch, Silas 1846 Ferris, William H 1843 Ferguson, Alexander H. 1846 Ferris, Ira 1824 Fields, Andrew C 1837 Genung, Benjamin M. . . 1843 Gould, William F 1837 Graw, John J 1846 Hoklich, Joseph 1822 ELDERS, (108.) Ent. Trav. Con. Hedstrom, Clif. G 1835 Hagany, John B 1831 Holmes, David 1826 Hoyt, Philip L 1834 Haven, Erastus 1848 Hunt, Jr. Aaron 1842 Ham, Jeremiah 1836 Hermnnce, John P 1845 Humphrevs, Humphrey. . 1822 Isham, Charles 1842 Jost, Caspar 1844 Kokine, J. B 1846 Keys, Charles C 1835 Keeler, C. Denton 1833 Keer, George 1844 Keeler, Richard W 1845 Knapp, Samuel M 1833 King. Lucius H 1844 Lindsey, John W 1843 Luckey, John 1821 Lewis, Zephaniah N 1837 Lee, Addi 1844 Lent, Isaac H 1845 Lent, Marvin R. 1844 Lamont, Hiram 1839 Lull, William 1833 Lounsbury, Henry 1841 Lakin, Arad S. .1 1837 Mulnix, Amos N 1844 Mercein, Thomas F. R. . . 1846 Marks, David L 1839 Mitchell, William B. ... 1847 Newman, Thomas 1831 Oaklev, Peter C 1824 Osborn, Elbert 1823 Osbon, Abiather M 1829 Osborn, Theron 1834 Ent. Trar. Con. Oldrin, Edward 1831 Peck, George 1816 Putnev, Rufus C 1844 Perry,' Salmon C 1838 Pelton, Charles F 1827 Peck, Luther W 1845 Robinson, Jonathan N. . . 1844 Rogers, Aaron 1834 Romer, James H 1828 Rice, Nathan 1819 Stocking, Davis 1831 Sing, Charles B 1840 Sandford, Peter P 1807 Sparks, Thomas 1832 Shaffer, James N 1835 Stebbins, Stephen J 1838 Smith, William C 1843 Sillick, Alonzo F 1834 Scoby, Zephaniah D. . . . 1845 Scott, Russel S 1840 Smith, William H 1840 Stout, Edward S 1833 Smith, Daniel 1831 Stillwell, William S 1838 Still, John K 1840 Seys, John 1830 Sauter, John 1846 Suahlen, John 1839 Turner, David B 1835 Vincent, Leonard M 1837 Van Deuzen, Seymour . . 1835 Ward, Pelatiah 1846 Wells, Jason 1839 Washburn, Jacob C 1843 Wright, Daniel 1 1814 34 PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent, Tray. Con. Ackerly, Ananias 1839 Bloomer, Reuben H 1835 Bullock, Daniel 1834 Carpenter, Charles W. . . 1828 Chatterton, J. C Andrus, Luman 1801 Clark, Theodosius 1812 Hunt, Aaron 1791 Adams, B. M 1848 Browning, William G. .. 1848 Bangs, Nathan H 1848 Brenner, William F 1848 Chatterton, J. C 1848 Curtis, M. M 1848 Elliott, Joseph 1849 Ent. Trav. Con. Richardson, Marvin 1809 Sellick, Bradley 1822 Tackaberry, J 1826 BUPERNUMERARIE8, (13.) Ent. Trav. Con. Denniston, Eli 1821 Furguson, Samuel D. . . . 1819 Jewett, William 1830 Lefevre, Jno. W 1825 Pease, Lewis M'K 1843 SUPERANNUATED, (7.) Howe, Bezaleel 1823 | Thatcher, William Mead, Luther 1828 Seaman, Richard 1823 | 1797 DEACONS, (20.) Gibson, David 1849 Griman, C. F Hill, Edmund A 1849 Kerr, Robert 1849 Knapp, George W 1848 Lyman, David 1847 Messiter, Uriah 1848 Matthews, O. P 1848 Ostrander, William 1848 Schwartz, William 1848 Stevens, S. G 1847 Vail, Adee 1845 Van Gaasbeck, D. C 1849 PREACHERS REMAINING ON TRIAL, (17.) Brown, Charles S 1850 Couchman, Milo 1849 Dikeman, Joseph B 1849 Dinger, Frederick Wm... 18.50 Goss, William 1850 Hunt, Andrew J 1850 Hauxhurst, James Harvey 1850 Hertel, Augustus 1850 Lovett, Noble 18.50 Mead, Henry B 1850 Millard, Jeremiah 1850 Macomber, James W. . . 1849 Nelson, William M. Palmer, Charles . . . . Smith, Thomas P. .. Smith, James W. .. Zimmerman, Simon 1850 1850 1850 1849 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (10.) Housh, Asahel M 1851 Kindler, Jacob 1851 Afflerbach, Christian H. 1851 Brush, William 1851 Burr, Bradley M 1851 j Newman, Sven. Bernard 1851 Gratz, F. G 1851 | Prindle, Cyrus G 1851 Rusk, James 1851 Wulsworth, Lyman W. 1851 NEW HAMPSHIRE CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT BARRE, VERMONT, JUNE 23d, 1830. BOUNDARIES. The New Hampshire Conference includes all the State of Vermont, except that part lying west of the top of the Green Mountains embraced in the Troy Conference. Next session to be held at Nashua, June , 1852. Osmon C. Baker, 1839, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (3.) Ent. Trav. Con. Elisha Adams Dover District, 18.36 Charles N. Smith, Concord " 1842 Ent. Trav. Con. Reuben Dearborn, Haverhill District, .... Ent. Trav. Con. Adams, James 1834 Adams, Ezekiel 1844 Aspinwall, Nathaniel W. 1823 Burr, Charles C 1844 Blodget, Lorenzo D 1834 ELDERS, (63.) Ent. Trav. Con. Baker, Osmon C 1839 Barrows, Freeman Q,. . . . 1842 Barber, Daniel W 1846 Cromack, Jos. C 1835 Cass, William D 1827 Ent. Trar. Con. Chase, Charles H 1839 Chase, Nathaniel L 1842 Clarke, Geo. W. H 1834 Dearborn, George S 1843 Emmerson, Jos. C 1844 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 35 Ent. Trar. Con. Eastman, Benjamin C. . . 1832 English, John 1838 Evans, Warren F 1844 Eastman, Stephen 1846 Furber, Franklin 1840 Folsom, Abraham 1838 Green, Silas 1831 Gould, John 1831 Hill, Henry 1844 Hadlev, Kimbal 1843 Hartw'eil, Henry H 1841 Hewes, William 1843 Heath, Abel 1829 Hoyt, Benjamin R 1809 Huntley, Isaac W 1843 Hewes, Frederick A 1844 Ent. Trav. Con. Hayes, Joseph 1840 Howard, Lewis 1839 Holman, Calvin 1846 Holman, Sullivan 1843 Johnson, Jonathan G. . . 1845 Jasper, Orlando H 1840 Johnson, John W 1839 Kelly, Samuel 1822 Lovejoy, Charles H 1834 Mason, Elijah 1829 M'Laughlin, John 1847 Manson, Albert C 1845 Nutter, Henry 1834 Newhall, Matthew 1825 Nexvhall, Richard 1827 Osgood, Abraham M. . . . 1839 Pike, James Parker, John Quimby, Silas Rust, Richard S Rogers, George W. T Spaulding, Justin .. . . Swetland, Ira A Scarritt, .Tosiah A. . . . Scott, Elihu Sjiencer, Jesse W. . . . Thurston, James . Taplin, Horatio N. . . Tilton, Rufus Tenney, Amon S. . . , Wells, George F Wood, Harvey C. . . . EoU Trav. Con. 1841 1822 1831 1844 1843 1823 Boynton, Pickins SUPERNUMERARIES, (3.) 1838 1 Perkins, Jared 1824 | Smith, Eleazer 1825 1841 1839 1840 1834 1828 SUPERANNUATED (19.) Adams, John F Boydon, Jesse 1838 Culver, Newhall 1833 Corving, Charles Hines, Orlando 1810 Kidder, Amos 1830 Ladd, Nathaniel 1827 Lee, Daniel 1831 Norris, Samuel 1818 Oiin, Charles 18.35 Smith, John 1830 Stevens, Jacob 1835 Smith, James G 1826 Spaulding, Russel H 1828 Worthing, Amos H Woodward, Charles B. M. 1839 Wilbur, Warner 1824 Wiggans, Silas 1836 Young, James M 1834 Bryant, George W 1849 Eastman, Larnard L. . . . 1848 DEACONS, (4.) Hall, Jonathan 1847 [ Warner, Greenleaf P. . . . 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (3.) Draper, Lorenzo 1850 i Heath, Simeon P 1850 | Leavitt, Dudley P 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (5.) Blake, John M 1851 Carter, Ira 1851 Eastman, Benjamin C. .. 1851 | M'Indoe, David 1851 Hartwell, James M 1851 NEW YORK EAST CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT MIDDLETOWN, CONN., MAY 30tH, 1849. BOUNDARIES. New York East Conference embraces the territory included in the Hartford, New Haven, and Long Island Districts, and that part of the New York District not included in the New York Conference. Next session to be held at Hartford, Connecticut, June , 1852. James Floy, 1835, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (4.) Ent. TraT. Con. Nathan Bangs, J^ew York East District, 1802 Seymour Landon, . . Long Island " 1818 Ent. TraT. Con. Heman Bangs, JVcw Haven District, .... 1815 Jno. B. Stratton, Hartford 1811 Ent. TraT. Con. Abbott, Ira 1839 Adams, C. R 1842 ELDERS, (106.) Enf. Tiar. Con. Brown, George 1834 Buck, Valentine 1826 Ent. Trar. Con. Bangs, William M'K 1831 Burton, Henry 1849 56 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Tray. Con. Burton, James D 1835 3ates, CO 1837 Brewer, W.W 1834 Bartlett, Charles 1843 Bangs, William H 1837 Brainard, Cephus 1835 Collins, William F 1834 :hase, Henry 1825 ^rawford, John 1835 :urry, Daniel 1841 :reagh, B 1827 Dhamberlin, Parmele .... 1823 :;odling, Robert 1845 IJamp, Harvey 1834 :iarke, S. H 1835 DeVinne, D 1820 Davenport, Z 1834 Sdmonds, J. A 1840 i^loy, James 1835 rrost, Joseph H 1835 ''ield, Julius 1821 ''rancis, A. S 1832 -'uller, G. L 1836 ?ox, Henrv J 1846 Jriswold, E. E 1829 Gilbert, Gad S 1842 Jothard, William 1837 ioodsell, B 1814 Jilder, J. L 18:«) 5ay, William 1844 5orse, Charles 1840 lenson, Joseph 1839 lebard, E. S 1837 lusted, Harvey 1832 Jushnell, Asa 1825 lili, Aaron S 1826 Bowen, Josiah 1815 Jartlett, Horace 1822 Jell, James J 1847 :ook, Phineas 1803 :;henev, La ban C 1829 :;hitteFiden, C 1833 :iark, Laban 1801 ►I'Bride. James 1849 lowland, Seneca 1848 -.ounsbury, D. W 1849 Jottom, Francis 1850 Jurch, Thomas H 1850 /reevey, George C 1850 il'Alister, Alexander .... 1851 youtant, Xiouis 1851 lubbeir, Gilbert 1851 lill, William A 1851 Ent. Tmt. Con. Hoyt, William C 1836 HoUis, George 1842 Hatfield, H 1818 Hill, Moses 1826 Hill, F. C 1844 Hill, Morris 1836 Hubbell, George H 1845 Hare, G. S 1847 Hoyt, William B 1844 Jessop, Robert 1849 James, E. L 1832 King, S. W 1836 Kennaday, John 1823 Kelsev, Charles 1843 Kirby', R. D 1846 Law, Joseph 1830 Latham, H. D 1843 Lovejoy, T. A 1847 Lawrence, W^illiam 1850 Lewis, N. C 1843 Matthias, J. J 1817 Mallory, C. T 1842 Merwin. J. B 1833 Mead, N 18.35 Miller, David 1816 Mitchell, J. S 1827 McAlister, William 1845 Norris, William H 1825 Nickerson, L. D 1844 Nash, Albert 1^37 Olmsted, M. N 1845 Osborne, T. G 1844 Osborn, David 1834 SUPERNUMERARIES, (5.) Seney, Robert 1820 Scofield, Seth 1837 SUPERANNUATED, (19.) Gilbert, Raphael 1827 Kellogg, N 1827 Law, Samuel W 1841 Marshall, J. G 1827 Nixon, John 1821 Pierce, Gershom 1803 Sykes, Oliver 1806 DEACONS, (7.) Loomis, Reuben H 1848 Pillsbury, Benjamin 1848 Smith, William F 1845 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (9.) Chandler, T. B 1850 Glover, Henry C 1850 Pegg, Jr., John 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (11.) Nash, David ia5] Robinson, David 1851 Russell, William H 1851 Silverthorn, William .... 1851 Ent. Trar. Con. Olin, S 1824, died 1851 Perry, James H .' 1838 Pease, H. F 1834 Pease, John M 1834 Pulling, A. B 1846 Redford, B 1844 Revnolds, R. K 1840 Reid, John M 1844 Rushmore, S 1844 Stoptbrd, William K. ... 1833 Scudder, M. L 1837 Sellick, J. A 1834 Smith, F.W 1825 Shaw, Jacob 1835 Smith, Jn«. G 1833 Seaman, S. A 1842 Stoddard, Parley 1844 Sizer, F. W 1825 Searles, John E 1844 Stearnes, Charles 1834 Smith, S.W 1834 Sandford, 1 1840 Taylor, George 1844 Tibballs, N 1841 Whitecar, C. H 1835 Worth, J. 1847 Wood, J. W. B ]832 White, Nicholas 1813 Waterbury, George 1839 Weed, H. N 1845 Woodruff, G. W 1845 Youngs, T. C 1841 Silliman, Cyrus 1818 Strong, S. S 1833 Thomas, N. W 1803 Trippett, John 1832 Travis, Robert 1823 Washburn, Ebenezer .... 1801 Weed, Levi L. 1849 Perry, Levi P 1850 Piatt, Smith H 1850 Wildey, Joseph 1850 Simpson, John W 1851 Smith, Samuel H 1851 Stillman, George 1851 I PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 37 TROY CONFERENCE. nRST SESSION HELD AT TROY, AUGUST 28tH, 1833. BOUNDARIES. The Troy Conference includes the Troy, embracing Kenderhook circuit, Albany, Saratoga, Poultney, Burlington, Plattsburg, and St. Albans' District. Next session to be held at Plattsburg, Clinton Co., N. Y., , 1852. J. B. Houglitaling, 1828, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (7.) Em. Trav. Con. Zebulon Phillips, Troij District, 1834 John Clarke, Jilbany Desevignia Starks, .. .Saratoga Sandford Washburn, Poultney Ent. Trav. Con. Arnold, Joseph T Atwell, P. P 1843 Avres, Joseph 1846 Brown, Stephen D 1837 Belknap, John W 1832 Bowen, J. E 1846 Benedict, Timothy 1817 Brown, Richard 1833 Bullard, Ward 1837 Barber, C 1837 Burnham, J.D 1836 Blanchard, Hiram 1836 Brown, Valentine 1839 Brown, Z. H 1846 Chipp, William M 1835 Cook, John L 1846 Chase, John 1842 Chamberlain, Chester . . . 1834 Chase, Hiram 1827 Colmnn, Seymour 1828 Campbell, Alexander 1839 Connor, Joseph Craig, Jesse F 1834 Covel, Samuel 1821 Cox, B 1842 Champlin, Albert, 1834 Dunn, Hiram 1836 Devol, Charles 1836 Dodgson, Thomas 1844 Eames, J 1826 Farr, A. A 1839 Frazer, W.N 1836 Fuller, Clark 1842 Foster, E. H 1845 Ford, Abel 1843 Foster, William W 1846 Fassett, John 1842 Ford, William 1842 Fenton, Asa F 1839 Ford, S.S 1843 Goss, Ephraim 1829 1820 1831 1833 Ent. Trav. Con. A. Witherspoon, Burlington District, . . 1833 J. M. Wever, Plattsburg " . . 1829 John Frazer, St. Albans " . . 1831 ELDERS, (123.) Burnham, Benjamin S. Burrows, James F 1812 Ent. Trav. Con. , Gray, William P 1837 Giddings, Charles E 1842 Garvin, Alanson W 1843 Graves, John 1834 Gilbert, C. C 1844 Graves, William P 1844 Gold, George S Griffin, W 1835 Gregg, Orin 1836 Hawley, Bostwick 1839 Harwood, John 1834 Halbert, Sanford 1846 Haslam, John 1833 Hewes, Samuel 1842 Hall, B. M 1834 Hurd, William F 1831 Hitchcock, P. M 1834 narrower, P. P 1834 Hubbard. E. B 1834 Hart, Jeremiah S 1843 Hulburd, D. P 1834 Hazeltine, W. B 1843 Hall, Anr(m 1840 Isbell, Bishop 1833 Johnson, A 1835 James, Lester 1833, 1840 Leonard, Jacob 1827 Lodge, Thomas Lyon, A 1831 Little, Warren 1847 Loveland, D. H 1842 Meeker, B. 1838 Miller, William A 1840 Morris, C. R 1829 Meeker, Cyrus 1826 Meeker, Hiram 1822 Mott, J. S 1844 Osgood, David 1839 Osborn, Amos 1840 Parks, Stephen 1840 Patterson, Jas. H 1833 SUPERNUMERARIES, (15.) Chamberlain, Josiah P.. . 1812 Houghtaling, James B. . . 1828 3 Ent. Trav, Con. Pierce, W. W 1840 Pomeroy, Charles 1822 Potter, Lewis 1830 Pierson, Thomas W. .... 1839 Pomerov, Benjamin 1835 Pegg. John 1832 Quinlan, James 1818 Robins, Alvin 1841 Robinson, R. H 1845 Rose, A. C 1846 Stover, P. R 1842 Saver, Ezra 1834 Starks, H. L 1834 Seymour, Truman 1829 Spicer, O. E 1^35 Sanford, L. A 1830 Stiles, Stephen 1833 Stover, Ensign 1839 Smith, Peter H 1833 Stillman Stephen L 1823 Squier, Joel 1829 Smith, H. S 1843 Sherwood, Lorenzo D 1837 Stewart, M. H 1831 Smith, H.H 1842 Taylor. Henry B 1845 Thompson, John 1840 Townsend, Gideon H. . . . Townsend, Micajah 1837 Van Arken, M Wilkins, Coles R 1833 Witherill, Manly 1834 Wade, Richard T 1841 Williams, Henry 1834 Wells, George C 1845 Wescott, Reuben 1829 Williams. S. P 1830 Watson, E White, J. D 1834 White, Myron 1842 Wood, Newton B 1840 Hull, William H 1842 Hall, Jeremiah 1838 38 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Kelley, Roswell, 1821 Noble, Edward 1839 Poor, David Amer, William 1832 Beeman, Jacob 1808 Brown, Josinh H 1832 Burrows, James F 1848 Cooper, Alden S 1830 Dickson, Alexander 183fi Ensign, Datus 1804 Bedell, William 1848 Burdick, Chester F 1848 Bolster, Cvnis 1850 Cutler, Mortimer F 1848 Clemens, Sylvester W. . . 1843 Dudley, H. C. H 1848 Griffin, Richard 1849 Gardner, Simeon 1849 Hagar, Charles L 1848 Barmard, John 1850 Bates, Merritt 1850 Brown, William R 1850 Bedell, Caleb C 1850 Eaton, Bennet 1850 Anderson, Charles M 1851 Dayton, Durell W 1851 Edgerton, James M 1851 Howe, Edward N 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Poor, Joshua 1825 Pier, Orrin 1819 Spicer, Tobias 1812 SUPERANNUATED, (21.) Eames, Henry 1800 Emerson, Oliver 1834 Gridley, Cvprian H 1808 Howe, Samuel 1802 Hall, Jacob 1817 Haff, Elisha B 1845 M'Kean, Andrew 1802 DEACONS, (26.) Hancock, Samuel H. .. Hongsinger, Asahel H. McElory, Robert M'Kenzie, David B McGilton, Andrew.... Pratt, Rufus Ransom, Halsey W. .. Rose, Daniel Rogers Silas M 1849 1849 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 Ent. Trar. Con. Taylor, Robert M 1846 Walker, Jason F 1843 Wade, Alpheus 1838 Liscomb, Cyrus 1832 Leonard, Charles H 1836 Minor, Sherman 1815 Richards, Alansou 1833 Stead, Henry 1804 Smith, Henry 1835 Young, Samuel 1833 Saxe, George G 1848 Simmons. George C 1844 Squires, Osgar J 1849 Taylor, Robert M 1846 Tiffany, William H 1849 Walker, Jason F 1848 Washburn, Reuben 1846 Yates, Jeremiah F 1848 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (14.) Gould, David W 1850 Marshall, Lorenzo 1850 Merrill, Sherman M 1850 Pearson, Thomas B 1850 Patterson, Robert 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (10.) Jutkins, Andrew J 1851 Kierman, John 1851 Phillips, Jonas 1851 Spier, John 1851 Phillips, James G 1850 Pollock, John 1850 Ransom, Hawley 1849 Tubbs, James 1850 Whitney, Stephen B 1851 Whitman, Nelson 1851 WESTERN VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD JULY 5tH, 1852. BOUNDARIES, Western Viroinia CoNrERENCE includes the whole of Western Virginia, and so much of the Western shore of Maryland, as is not included in the Baltimore and Pittsburg Conference. Next session to be held at Morgantown, Monongahela Co., Va., June 10, 1852. Alexander Martin, 1847, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (5.) Ent. TraT. Con. H. Z. Adams, Morgantown District, 1843 Moses Ticknell, Clarksburg " 1830 B. F. Sedwick, JVew Martinsville " 1833 Isaac M'Clasky, Parkersburg District, Gideon Martin, . . . Charleston " Ent. Trav. Con. 1837 1837 Ent. Trav. Con. Brooks, R. L 1846 Battelle, Gordon 1845 Clark, James L 1841 Craig, Jesse, 1845 ELDERS, (26.) Ent. TrsT. Con. Dawson, S. R 1847 Doluir, J. J 1843 Dudley, J. M 1842 Dixon, A 1832 Ent. Trar. Con. Eaton, M. M 1847 Guthrie, F. H 1846 Green, Philip 1817 Hare, Jeremiah 1847 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 39 Ent. Trav. Con. Ison, Benjamin 1845 Lvda, A. J 1843 M'Carty, W. C 1845 Martin, A 1847 M'Ginnis, David A 1846 Ent. Tray. Con. Nixon, G.J 1846 Nichols, Addison 1846 Patterson, J. S 1841 Reger, J. W 1848 Reger, A. A 1841 Ent. Trav. Con. Reed, David 183a Snodgrass, J. W. . .' 1843 Worthington, S. G. J. . . . Wilson, William 1846 Birkett, John BUPERNUMERARIES, (2.) 1845 I Reed, F. H 1834 \ Cartwright, Richard 1849 Connell, John 1849 Deemer, George 1849 Hindman, W. S 1849 Brooks, Robert 1849 Dix, D. H. K 1850 Freelnnd, Jesse 1849 Hall, James S 1650 Burns, Silas 1851 Conner, Calvin 1851 Moray, Cyrus 1851 DEACONS, (11.) Hall, Ashford 1849 Monroe, Thomas H 1849 Stevens, Henry 1849 Stevens, Asby 1848 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (10.) Hill, Lorenzo Dow 18.50 Hagnr, Benjamin 1850 King, Spencer 1850 Park, Levi 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (9.) Smith, Lawson A 1851 Steele, Samuel 1851 Totton, John A 1851 Taylor, Timothy B 1849 Woddell, Daniel 1848 Williams John A 1848 Smith, William 1849 Yeager, Jacob 1850 Vaughan Mordecai D. , . . 1851 Wilson, Thomas R 1851 Woodyard, Richard L. . . 1851 YERiTOXT CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT TROY, AUGUST 28tH, 1833. BOUNDARIES. The Vermont Conference includes the State of Vermont, except that part lying west of the top of the Green Mountains, embraced in the Troy Conference. Next session to be held , , 1852. H. Eastman, 1837, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (3.) Ent. Tray. Con A. T. BuUard, Montpdier District, 1831 John Currier, . . Dansvillc " 1839 Ent. Trav. Coa^ Joseph C. Aspenwall, Springfield District, 1832 Ent, Trar, Con, Button, A. G 1835 Chamberlain, S 1828 Copeland, A.J 1839 Gushing, H. P 1842 Copeland, E 1833 Cooper, A. L 1846 Carter, Albert 1842 Dunbar, 1831 Dow, J. G 1822 Dailey, Frederick T 1831 Eastman, Hubbard 1837 Fales, C 1833 Field, D 1831 Hill, L 1836 ELDERS, (41.) Ent, Trav, Con, Hitchcock, A 1843 Hitchcock. H 1840 Haynes, Zadock S 1842 Ingraham, Chester D. . . . 1846 Jones, H. T 1837 Johnson, Haynes 1839 Kellogg, C. W 1845 Kidder, W.J 1831 Merrill, P 1843 Morris, Ozias S 1844 Mason, Perez 1835 Packer, D 1841 Pettingill, Erastus 1836 Robinson, E 1843 Ent, Trav, Con, Ray, Putnam 1844 Scott, N. W Spinney, J. S 1844 Smith, Isaac 1843 Sherborne, Joseph A Spencer, Moses 1842 Smith, Anson C: 1835 Smith, John L 1832 Webster, A 1837 Woolley, H. J 1827 Whitney, J Willis, D 1843 Webster, Norman iO PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent, TwLV, Con, \ldrich, Smith 1848 Bullard, Mulfred 1849 ii^ushman, Lewis P 1849 Granger, P.N 1837 larding, C. R \ustin, Leonard 3emis, J. W 1846 3eard, Ira 1834 ^rost, P 1841 lowe, Nathan 1823 3all, Aaron 1850 ?rown, Robert 1850 Dexter, Deming S 1846 :o1burn,S. H 1851 Enright, Joseph 1851 DEACONS, (8.) Ent. Trav. Con. Dickinson, L.C 1848 Hopkins, Enos D 1849 Newton, Adria 1846 SUPERNUMERARIES, (5.) Morgan, C. B Norris, J. B. H 1822 Ent. Trav. Con. Roberts, John L 1849 Webster, Harvey 1848 Smith, J 1817 SUPERANNUATED (15.) Huston, G. B 1831 [ Scott, E. J 1828 Jordan, E 1827 | Spear, E 1819 Lewis, M 1831 I Twitchell, Z 1830 Putnam, George 1824 Wells, Eleazer 1806 Sias, Solomon 1806 [ Wells, Dennis 1830 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (9.) Kellogfr, S. G 1850 King, J. E 1850 Malcom, W. D 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (4.) Howard, Abner 1851 i Huntington, De Witt C. . 1851 Pntee, Moses 1848 Tarbell, S 1850 Wood, J. A 1850 PITTSBURG CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT PITTSBURG, SEPTEMBER 15tH, 1825. BOUNDARIES. PiTTSBFRG Conference is bounded on the north by the Erie Conference ; on the east by a ine running along the top of the Alleghany Mountains to the southern line of the State of Penn- ylvania; thence west along said line to the southwest corner of said State; thence the nearest vay to Fish creek ; thence down said creek to the Ohio river; thence down the Ohio river to the nouth of the Muskingum river; thence up said river, exclusive of the towns of Marietta and ^anesville, to the Tuscarawas river; thence up said river, inclusive of the town of ftlassillon, to he line of the Erie Conference. Next session to be held at Washington, Pennsylvania, June 24, 1852. Wesley Kenney, 1832, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (9.) Ent. Trav. Con. 7. Cooke Pittsburg District, 1820 ^ara H. Coston Uniontown " 1820 rhomas M. Hudson, . Wheeling " 1821 Jideon D. Kinnear, Barnesville " 1832 ames C. Taylor, . . . Cambridge " 1822 Ent. Trav. Con. John Spencer, .. Steubcnville District, .. 1828 Joshua Monroe, Beaver .Tohn J. Swayze, . .Jllleghavy John Coil, Blairsville 1808 1831 1833 Ent. Trav. Con. Ulld, J. T. W 1848 Uhy, Walter 1827 ^nsiey, John 1846 Jirkett, Edward 1835 Slackburn, W. P 1840 Jattelle, Cornelius D. . . . 1833 Jaker, John W 1844 Jjshop, Mordecai 1839 ELDERS, (110.) Ent. Trav. Con. Boyd, Robert 1815 Brav, James M 1838 Bradshaw, Harvey 1832 Baird, Isaac xN 1838 Babcock, Samuel E 1830 Brockunier, Samuel R. . . 1818 Clarke Homer J 1829 Cox, William 1839 Ent. Trav. Con. Cross, David 1838 Cook, Pardon 1827 Cheney, Shadrach 1821 Cramer, Jonothan D. ... 1843 Cooper, William 1840 Covert, John J 1842 Cranage, George 1843 Deens, James L 1846 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 41 Ent. Tray. Con. De Hass, Frank S 1843 Deeves, Abraham 1845 Drummond, James 1836 Davidson, William A. . . 1847 Day, Samuel W 1840 Dillon, Josiah 1844 Diviney, William 1836 Dunlap, Samuel B 1838 Dallas, Israel 1838 Dempsev, D. L 1835 Edmonds, Peter G 1847 Foster, Caleb 1836 Gilmore, W. N 1830 Gordon, David 1838 Grant, John 1846 Griffin, Edward B 1846 Gibson, Josiah 1843 Hunter, William 1833 Henderson, James 1842 Holmes, Charles A 1847 Hamilton, W^C.P 1840 Hare, John 1837 Holmes, Georse S 1825 Henderson, William C. . . 1824 Higgins, Thomas J 1846 Huston, John 1843 Huston, Andrew Hopkins, Robert 1823 Hes«, David 1838 i Jones, Garrett 1843 Knox, Jeremiah 1835 Armstrong, Richard 1819 Archbald, Israel 1835 Callender, N 1825 Cree, Hamilton 1839 Ebbert, J. H Becom, Lancelot 1849 Baker, Sheridan 1«48 Becom, James 1848 Barker, John 1848 Coleman, Dennis B. D. . . 1848 Cunningham, Robert .... 1848 Borbidge, James 1850 Brown, Walter 1850 Coen, John 1850 Crook, George 1850 Dallas, Marion W 1850 Green, Elias H 1850 Arnold, George W 1851 Blackburn, Williams. .. 1851 Crous, Samuel 1851 Chapman, Henry L 1851 Campbell, David B 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Haines, Daniel A 1847 Jimeson, Moses P 1840 Jones, P. E 1842 Irwin, John L 1831 Jackson, Abner 1832 Janney, Lewis 1834 Jacob. E. P 1840 Jackson, Cornelius H. 1840 Jordan, Richard 1843 Kennev, Wesley 1832 Lanck; William F 1838 Lemmon, William D. .. . 1836 Laughlin, Robert 1843 Long, Warner 1834 Lowman, Gustavus A. . . 1841 Lynch, William 1840 Longden, Samuel 1843 M'Clearv, Thomas 1842 Miller, Hiram 1847 M'Cull, Hosea 1835 xMansell, Josiah 1846 M'Gowan, Peter M 1826 Montgomery, Joseph . 1837 Moore, Franklin 1845 Morrison, Chester 1834 Ma?ee, Andrew 1840 MoJfitt, John 1839 Mitchell, Daniel P 1844 Merriman, James C 1833 Ent. TniT. Con. Miller, Jacob K 1828 Murray, John 1836 Neil, Dias 1837 Nesley, John F 1845 Nesbit, Samuel H 1847 Philips, Jeremiah .. 1830 Petty, Ludwell 1836 Rankin, John M 1846 Rich, Abraham 18.39 Ruter, Marcellus A 1841 Summers, William 1832 Sansom, James G 1819 Shirer, John W 1847 Swaney, J. A 1846 Sawhill, B. F 1837 Shaw, Joseph 1841 Tipton, William 1822 Thomas, Aaron H 1847 Thorn, Charles 1820 White, Robert J 1842 Weekly, Martin L 1836 Wakefield, Samuel 1834 White, John Wharton, Henry 1834 Wolfe, Simon P 1846 Weirich, Christian E. . . 1836 White, James H 1837 Winstanly, Thomas 1840 SUPERNUMERARIES, (4.) M'Cue, P. K 1835 1 Rich, John D 1841 SUPERANNUATED, (15.) Hill, Ileaton 1839 Jamieson, Thomas 1817 Kearn, H. R 1839 Leeper, William 1830 Reed, J. L 1833 DEACONS, (17.) Dales, Lewis J 1849 Fisher, Hugh D 1848 Hamilton, Robert 1849 Hudson, George B 1848 M'Cormick, Andrew D.. . 1848 M'llyar, James J 1848 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (16.) I Grimes, Washington M. . 1850 Horner, Joseph 1850 I Jackson, J. J 18.50 Knox, John D 1850 M'Gaw, John E 1849 Mercer, Jacob C 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (15.) Endslev, Andrew J 1851 Gilleland, John 1851 Hassler, Samuel 1851 M'Ginnis, James 1851 Minor, Stephen F 1851 3* Stevens, William 1804 Taylor, E. H Wright, Joseph 1835 Welliug, D. S 1841 West, John B 1822 M'Ready, David A 1849 Roup, William W 1849 Snyder, Henry 1848 Woodroffe, Joseph 1848 Worthington, N. G 1848 M'Carty, John 1850 Pershing, Israel C 1850 Turner, James D 1850 Wright, John 1850 Montgomery, Hugh 1851 Means, James R 1851 Watters, George G 1851 Weller, Z. S 1851 Williams, Albert G 1851 42 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. EAST MAINE CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT BANGOR, AUGUST 2d, 1848. BOUNDARIES. East Maine Conference includes that part of the State of Maine not included in the Maina - Conference. Next session to be held at Milltown, Washington County, Maine, , 1852. Albert Church, 1833, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (3.) Nathan D. George, Bangor District,. Albert Church, . . Rockland " Ent. Trav. Con. 1836 1833 Ent. Trav. Con. William H. Pilsbury, Bucksport District, 1834 Ent. TraT. Con. Atwell, John 1811 Benson, John 1840 Brav, Sullivan 1818 Blair, Zina H 1845 Beale, Seth H 1841 Burgess, Peter 1842 Bvrne, Benjamin B 1843 Bryant, Ep'hraim 1846 Curtis, Reuben B 1845 Clongh, Miice R 18<9 Crawford, William H. . . 1844 Clarke, Daniel 1842 Doner. Charles B 1842 French, Luther P 18.39 Foster, Abial 1843 Fowler, Enoch M 1843 Godfrey, Alfred C 1846 ELDERS, (49.) Higgins, Josiah Helmerhausen, Edwin A. Higgins, Phineas Higgins, David Hopkins, Mark R Harriman, Jesse Johnson, Charles H. A. . . Knox, L. L Latham, Harry W Mansfield, Daniel H Moore, Asnhel Mitchell, Barnet M Morrill. Piiscal P Pratt, George Pingree, John G Phenix, Cvrus Pilsbury, C. D Ent. Tray. Con. 1832 1843 1840 1842 1840 1836 ]843 1840 18.34 1845 1836 1842 ]827 1838 1838 1842 1843 Ent. Tray. Con. Richards, Robert R 1841 Soule, F, A 1838 Scammon, Cyrus 1837 Sprague, Benjamin F. .. 1839 Strout, George D 1830 Staples, Daniel 1843 Small, Eph. H 1845 Tilton, Hez. C 1841 Thompson, David P 1836 Tupper, Thomas B 1846 Witherbee. Sela F Whitney, Eph. H 1842 Walker, Richard 1846 Webb, Nathan Wilson, William J I Cox, Daniel SUPERNUMERARIES, (2.) 1829 I Partridge, S. W 1839 Bragdon, Charles P 1835 Bacheldor, John 1830 Donnel, Moses 1829 Hall, Joshua SUPERANNUATED, (12.) Hall. A. H 1846 Kendall, A 1841 Marsh, Jeremiah 1816 Marsh, William 1811 Wiley, Ephraim Norris, Nathaniel 1825 Scammon, Eliakim 1836 Stimson. David 1803 1818 Adams, Truman P 1848 Bracket, Edward 1841 Dixon, Rufus S 1849 Elliott, Gould F 1849 Adams, Alfred S 1850 Soule, J. H 1850 Jenkins, Otis F 1851 Priuce Ammi 1851 DEACONS, (11.) Jewell, William T 1849 Lunt, Abraham R 1848 Meservey, K. N 1848 Patterson, H. F. A 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (4.) Tupper, Charles F 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (4.) Shaw, Levi L 1851 Prince, John C 1847 Rogers, Isaiah P 1846 Wentworth, Lewis 1845 Wardwell, L.D 1850 Whitney, Nelson 1851 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 43 WISCONSIN CONFEEENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT SOUTHPORT, JULY IStH, 1848. BOUNDARIES. Wisconsin Conference includes the territory embraced in the State of Wisconsin, with the addition of so much of Hazel Green and Monroe circuits as lie within the State of Illinois, and that part of the Minesota territory not included in the Michigan Conference. Next session to be held at Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, , 1852. William H. Sampson, , Secretary. Ent. Trav. Con. Platteville District, . . 1829 Elmore Yocum, Chauncey Hobart,.. Minesota Mission, Washington Wilcox, Madison District, Boyd Phelps Fox River " , PRESIDING ELDERS, (7.) fcnt. Trar. Con. Wesson G. Miller, Fond du Lae Mission, 1845 Isaac M. Leihy, Miltoaukie District, 1843 Henry Summers, Racine " 1832 1836 1830 1829 Enl. Trav. Con. Allen, Alexander P 1846 Brunson. Alfred 1820 Barnes, Richard W 1843 Brooks, David 1844 Bennet, Philo S 1838 Close, Benjamin 1846 Callender, Aurora 1823 Everdell, Robert 1833 Ford, Seth W 1845 Frink, Hiram W 1837 Crumley, Edward S Harvey, Rufus J 1842 Coleman, Henry R 1831 Comfort, Orrin F 1833 Bunce, Edwin S 1849 Butler, Nelson 1849 Bean, John 1846 Holmes, Edrick 1847 Nolan, John 1844 Bunce, Ebenezer S 1850 Blackburn, Robert 1850 Barnes, James 1850 Conable, Curtis G 1850 Cochran, Levi M 1850 Dana, Joseph C 1850 Hall, O. E 1850 Hay ward, Robert S 1849 Agrelius, Charles P 1851 Brown, Samuel L. 1 . . . . Colban, Robert 1851 Chester, George 1851 FuUerton, Thomas M. 1 . . ELDERS, (36.) Ent. TraT. Con. Halstead, Jesse 1837 Hinebaugh, Matthias .... Jones, Eli C 1840 Lewis, David 1811 Lathrop, Curtis G 1842 Lawton, Russel P 1846 Latti n, Wesley 1845 Martin, Samuel W 1844 Osborne, William 1846 Orbison, Thomas Pearsall, Joseph 1826 Prescott, John S 1846 SUPERANNUATED, (5.) Hanson, Garret N 1844 Hanson, Abraham 1846 DEACONS, (13.) • Pardum, Jesse 1847 Requa, Henry 1847 Randall, Asa B 1846 Stevens, Enos 1849 Stansbury, Daniel 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (24.) Hersey, Hiram 1848 Leonard, Samuel L 1850 Lawson, James 1850 M'Intosh, Allen 1849 Maxen, James M. S 1850 Marshall, John 1850 Mills, Job B 1850 Newcomb, Carman A. . . 1849 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (24.) Dyer, John L 1851 Dudgeon, Richard 1851 Golden, Thomas 1851 Green, Nelson S 1851 Jones, David 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Putnam, Jonathan W. . . 1846 Searls, Isaac 1841 Snow, Jonathan M 1838 Stone, Samuel M 1847 Sampson, William H. .. . J838 Thorp, Samuel R 1847 Thomas, S. C Wood, Asa 1843 Wood, John W 1847 Wood, Reuben R 1847 Walker, Joseph M 1845 Williams, John L Whitford, James G 1839 Smith, Cornelius 1848 Williard, William 1847 Walter, Alfred H 1847 Owens, William 1849 Roberts, Henry 1850 Sanford, Carlos P 1850 Shroff, William 1850 Scott, James H 1850 Thomson. William H. . . 1850 Watts, Samuel 1850 Willerup, Christian 1850 Moffatt, Rowland , 1851 Merrill, E. W 1851 Mayne, Nicholas 1851 Orbison, Thomas 1851 Pryer, James T 1851 44 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Enl.Trav. Con. Rowbotham, 1st, William 1851 Richardson, George W. . . 1851 Rowbotham, 2d, William 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Train, Harrison V 1851 Tasker, Enoch 1851 Tucker, Ezra 1851 Ent. Tray. Con. Wells, James M 1851 Wood, Henry 1851 Woodley, Matthias 1851 BLACK RIYER COXFEREXCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT VVATERTOWN, SEPTEMBER IST, 1852. BOUNDARIES. Black River Conference includes, together with Rose circuit, that part of the State of New York west of the Troy Conference, not embraced in the East Genesee Conference, as far south as the Erie canal and all the societies on the immediate banks of said canal, except Utica and Canistota, Montezuma, and Port Byron. Next session to be held at Ogdens'burg, St. Lawrence County, New York, , 1852. Hiram Mattison, 1836, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (7.) Ent. Trav. Con. Isaac L. Hunt, Rome District, . . 1834 G. G. Hapgood, Syracuse " . . 1833 George Sawyer, Oswego " . . 1835 George Gary, Adams " . . 1809 Ent. Trav. Con. Gardner Baker, .... Watertown District, 1824 H. Shepard, Ogdenshi:rg " 1831 Geo. C. Woodruff, . . . Potsdam " 1830 Ent. Trav. Con. Adams, Aaron 1830 Alden, Byron 1839 Arnold, Ebenezer 1838 Austin, Charles H 1842 Adkins, L. L 1836 Alden, J. T 1842 Bruce, Eli C 1846 Bingham, J. S 1843 Barber, R. N 1844 Barnard, Daniel 18.39 Bragdon, E. E. E 1842 Brown, John N 1843 Brown, T. B 1847 Brown, B. F 18.35 Bigelow, A. F 1844 Castle, Allen 1836 Chapin, Almon 1843 Crowley, P. M 1844 Dayan, J. F 1844 Diefendorf, B. I Dempster, J 1816 Demming, Charles L. . . . 1833 Erwin, James 1834 Furgerson, David 1838 Giles, Charles 1805 Arnold, Josiah 1840 Coope, J. W 1841 Allen, E. W. R 1825 Barney, G. W 1829 Chapin, H 1832 Chidester, D 1838 Chapin, H. E 1835 ELDERS, (75.) Ent. Trav. Con. Gillet, M. D 1838 Gavlord, Miles H 1827 Gorrie, P. D 1836 Holmes, Burroughs 1835 Hawkins, William H 1841 Houghton, Royal 18.33 Hall, Isaac 1838 Hunt, Ward W 1848 Jennings, James P 1847 Kinslev, Harris 1836 King, Rufus E 1841 Latiirop, O. C 1840 •Lamb, J. H 1841 Lyon, Moses 1836 Lewis, J. R 1844 Legate, O. M 1842 Mitchell, Thomas D 1842 Mattison, Hiram 1836 Nickerson, A. S 1847 Nichols, W. A 1843 Pease, Ebepezer 1845 Phillips, Benjamin 1829 Peck, William 1841 Parke, J. M 1846 Phelps, A. J 1835 SUPERNUMERARIES, (4.) Lathrop, Oran 1844 SUPERANNUATED, (14.) Hawkins, Franklin 1836 Jones, John W 1838 Leet, C. W 1833 Puffer, J 1809 Penfield, J 1832 Ent. Trav. Con. Reynolds, Reuben 1836 Rogers, D. M Stebbins, L. D 1843 Stone, David 1840 Smith, Elijah 1833 Slee, John 1840 Salisbury. Nathaniel .... 1822 Squires, Orra 18.36 Smith, David B 1845 Simonds, Darius 1829 Smith, A. M 1829 Staunton, F. H 1832 Slater, Silas 1838 Strutton, Royal 1846 Turney, Isaac 1842 Tuller, Anson 1824 Thurston. Thomas W. . . 1845 Tilden, H. 1837 Tripp, William 1836 Wheeler, Elisha 1826 Whitcomb, Lewis 1830 White, L. D 1846 Wh i pple, Eleazer 1824 Wightman, A. S 1846 Woodruff, Hiram 1843 Munson, A. E 1831 Stoddard, J. E 1836 Turner, Warren 18.38 Turtelot, S 1848 Wright, B. S 1844 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY 45 DEACONS (18.) Eut. Trav. Con. Corban, J. H 1849 Cole, O. C 1847 Dewey, Sanger 1849 Fergerson, L. D 1849 Hunt, Ward W 1848 Jones, VViJliam 1849 Blancbard, William .... 1850 Brown, L 1849 Hunt, Ward J 1850 Humphreys, Humphrey. . 1850 Barker, Peleg 1851 Budge, Henry 1851 Crosier, Samuel B 1851 De Larme, Joseph 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Jones, E. W 1848 Kinnev, S. C 1848 Munger, E. H 1849 Miller, Allen 1848 Plank, G.W 1847 Parker, D. D 1848 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (10.) Livingston, Joseph A. . . . 1849 I Pierce, Mial R 1850 | Roe. A. M 1850 Richards, William J. . . . 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (11.) Foote, John B 1851 Griffin, Smith 1851 Humphrey, James L. . . . 1851 Joice, William P 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Redhead, Richard 1849 Ronev, D. W 1848 Sleeper, T. D. 1848 Turtelot, S 1848 Vandercook, J. C 1848 Zimmerman, Josiah 1849 Salisbury, Samuel 1850 Wells, Alonzo 1850 O'Farrel, Francis A 1851 Ritchie, Thomas 1851 Wiles, Phineas 1851 MAINE CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT GARDINER, JULY 7tH, 1825. BOUNDARIES. Maine Conference includes that part of the State of Maine lying west of Kennebeck river from the mouth of the Great Bend, below Skowhegan, and of a line running from thence north to the State line, (including Skowhegan and Augusta stations, in Maine Conference,) and that part of New Hampshire, lying east of the White Hills, and north of the waters of the Ossipee Lake. Next session to be held in Chestnut Street Church, Portland, Maine, July 8th, 1852. D. B. Randall, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (3.) Ent. Trav. Co». D. B. Randall Portland District, . . 1828 Heman Nickerson, Oardmer " .. 1321 En'.. Trar. Con. George Webber, Readfield District, 1828 Eut. Trav. Con. Atkins, John W 1828 Albott, H. B 1847 Allen, Charles 184.3 Andrews, Charles 1838 Allen, John 1835 Allen, Stephen 1837 Alton, Abel 1828 Ambrose, Samuel 1840 Barnard, A. F 1832 Blake, E. F 1843 Blake, T. P Blake, Henry M 1838 Brackett, Silas B 1842 Cone, C. C 1834 Colby, Joseph 1844 Covin, C. C 1842 Colby, E. H 1844 Crumner, John 1836 Copeland, David 1824 Clough, John 1835 Cummings, S. S 1840 Emerson, S. M 1842 Eaton, Herrick M 1840 ELDERS, (67.) Ent. Trav. Con. Farrington, W. F 1829 Foster, Benjamin 1839 Fletcher, E. B 1826 Foster, William H - 1844 Green, Asa 1842 Gerry, Joseph 1833 Hooper, Josiah 1847 Hobart, Noah 1842 Hatch, A 1836 Hill, Theodore 1836 Hillman, Abner P 1830 Hawkes, Joseph 1840 Jones, W. D Jenne, Joseph H 1831 Jaques, Parker 1837 Lufkin, Benjamin 1840 Lord, Isaac 1831 McDonald, William 1843 Morse, C. W 1830 Mitchell, John 1836 M'Millan, James 1843 Munger, Charles 1841 Mugford, C 1830 Ent. Trav, Con. Mason, C. C 1842 Masseure, Francis 1830 Pierce, S. W 1838 Perry, John C 1837 Palmer, Moses 1834 Richmond, P. C 1626 Rice, John 1834 Robinson, Ezekiel 1823 Sanderson, Aaron 1824 Stone, Jesse 1824 Stone, Cornelius 1843 Sanborn, A. P 1842 Summersides, William . . 1844 Soule, N. A 1843 Stinchfield, Rufus H. ... 1838 True, J. W 1838 Torsev, H. P 1848 Vail, Stephen M 1842 Waterhouse, Daniel .... Wight, Marcus 1832 Young, John 1837 46 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Ayer, R. J 1826 Burnham, Benjamin .... 1844 Bailey. R. C 18'i6 Cobb, Allen H 1802 Crafts, F. A 1843 Clifford, N. C Downing, Isaac 1829 Ford, R. H 1836 Chase, Seth B 1849 Cobb, John 1848 Clifford, Nathaniel 1847 Ayer, Francis C 1849 Hastings, Joseph 1850 Gerrv, Ebenezer 1851 Knight, Luther B 1851 SUPERNUMERARIES, (3.) Ent. Trav. Con. Day, Rufus 1834 SUPERANNUATED, (19.) Greely, Gorhana 1821 Greenhalgh, Thomas 1832 Heath, Asa Hutchinson, David Harrington, James 1826 Linscott, H. L 1837 Perry, Dan 1802 Ent. TrRT. Con. Farrington, James 1833 Shaw, Eaton 1836 Tavlor, Joshua Thurston, Ira T 1836 Wentworth, Daniel 1809 Whitney, C.C 1843 DEACONS, (7.) Jones, John 1847 Moore, John 1848 Rideout, Uriel 1846 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (6.) Hillman, Thomas 1849 Lovewell, Alpheus B. . . . 1849 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (4.) Robinson, Francis A. .. . 1851 Wyman, William 1846 Ranks, Swanton 1850 Turner, Alpha 1849 True, Thomas J 1851 ERIE CONPEEENCE. FIRST SESSION HELI> IN MKADVILLB PA. 1836. BOUNDARIES. Erik Conference is bounded on the north by Lake Erie ; on the east by a line commencing at the mouth of Cattaraugus creek; thence up said'creek to the village of Lodi, leaving said village in the Genesee Conference ; thence to the Alleghany river, at the mouth of Tunanquant creek ; thence up said creek, eastward to the ridge dividing between the waters of Clarion and Sinnamahoning creeks; thence east to the head of Mahoning creek; thence down said creek to the Alleghany river; thence across said river in a north-westerly direction to the Western Reserve line, including the north part of Butler and New Castle circuits, except Petersburg ; thence west to the Ohio canal ; thence along said canal to Lake Erie, including Akron and Cleveland city. Next session to be held at Jamestown, N. Y., July 15, 1852. Niram Norton, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (7.) Ent. Trar. Con. J. C. Ayres, Cleveland District, . . 1828 H.N.Stearns Revenna " .. W.^S Timothy Goodwin,.. rTarren " .. 1818 William Patterson, Meadville " . . 1836 Ent. Trar. Con. W. F. Wilson Franklin District, 1837 William H. Hunter, Jamestown E. J. L. Baker, Erie 1836 1835 Ent. Trav. Con. Abbott, John 1842 Bain, John 1835 Beers, H. W Brown, O. P 1842 Brown, A. M 1831 Benn. Thomas 1836 Bear, W. M 1846 ELDERS, (98.) Ent. Trav. Con. Burroughs, P 1836 Blinn, T. D 1837 Burgess. A 1840 Bettis, M. H 1837 Bear, R. M Barris, Alexander 1839 Chirk, Lewis 1840 Ent. Trar. Con. Cole, H. D 1843 Chapman, C. R 1837 Crum, John 1836 Clarke, G. W 1835 Chapin, J. E 1834 Chamberlain, H. M 1845 Deming, John 1836 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 47 Ent. Trav. Con. Day, W. F 1845 Eddy, Ira 1817 Ely,L. VV 1843 Edwards, Reuben 1843 Freer, S. C 1842 Fouts. Allen 1837 Flower, Josiah 1835 French, VVarehum 1836 Forrest, Samuel N GrKhnm. John 1844 Gregg, Samuel 1832 Kurd, Steven 1837 Hill, J. VV 1824 Hawkins, G. B 1842 Holmes, J. L 1832 Hubbard, Stephen 1S34 Hall, Albina 1833 Hammond, J. B 1844 Hull, Edwin 1840 Henrv, J. N 1847 Hill.'B. S 1834 Hill, Moses 1837 Hallock, J. K 1831 Ingraham, S.W 1833 Jones, Ezra 1845 Jack, D. H 1843 Ent. Trar. Con. Jennis, C. S 1847 Kellogg, Hiram 1843 Kinney, E. J 1835 Kinslv, Hiram 1836 King.'D Kingsley. C 1841 Keller, Ahab 1832 Leslie, Joseph 1836 Lock, J. R 1834 Lyon, J. R. 1846 Lane, E. B. . 7: 1841 Lowe, J. VV 1836 Luce, Hiram 1833 Maltby, W. VV 1840 M'Clelland, I. T. C 1839 Maltby, G. VV 1843 M'Lean, John 1828 Munks, William 1842 Moore, H. H 1846 Norton, Niram 1838 Norton, J. D 1847 Norton, Albert 1841 Prosser, Dillon 1834 Prosser, L. D 1827 Plant, J. M 1839 Rogers, L 1834 Eut. Trar. Con. Reeves, Asahel 1835 Reeser, G. F 1840 Robinson, John 1832 Rich, J. 1835 Sullivan, Potter 1845 Smith, Darius 1834 Sampson, William 1847 Ptubbs. Thomas 1833 Stedman. J. J 1831 Stever, DM 1846 Sullivan, S. B 1847 Scofield, Isaac 1837 Scott, John 1825 Tagg. John 1843 Tribbv, John 1847 Tait, T. B 1842 Uncles, Joseph 1843 Vorse, D. VV 1839 Whallon, J. H 1830 Walker, A 1843 W^ilson, J. W 1843 Winans, H. S 1835 Wrigglesworth, J 1844 Whippo, J 1847 Wilder, Alva 1842 Preston, David SUPERNUMERARIES, (3.) 1830 I Plympton, B. 1822 | Stearns, Daniel M 1832 Alworth, R. A 1820 Aikin, J.E 1832 Brown. Caleb 1828 Carr, Thomas 1816 Davis, Joseph W Elliott, Henry 1835 Blackmarr, Ransom Ij. . . 1849 Caruthers, Richard A 1848 Guy. Thomas 1849 Greer, James 1849 Little, George L 1849 Langdon, Benjamin F. . . 1849 BUPERANNUATED, (16,) Gilmore, James 1812 Horton. Peter D 1824 Lloyd, W. B 1835 Mix, L. D 1834 Miller, Alexander L 1837 Norris, Ira ,.-. 1835 DEACONS, (18.) Latimer, E. C 1849 M'Crearv, Thomas G. . . . 1848 Matson, 'William A 1849 Norton, Roderick 1848 Peat, John 1849 Parker, Creb 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (11.) Day, D. E Hurlburt, Russell H Hinebaugh, Benjamin D. Lake, Valons Akers, John Bowers, Abraham H. , . Bignell, William , Boyle, John J Chesbrough, George W. 1850 1 Loud, Henry M 1850 1850 , M'Arthur, John 1 18.50 1850 [ Moran, Robert S 1849 1850 I Muse, Fauntley 1849 Prosser, John 1835 Parker, Rufus 1830 Richev, Daniel 1829 Stoddard, Goodwin 1813 Radcliff, Thomas 1849 Reno, William N 1849 Reynolds, Samuel 1849 Stocking, George 1848 Wheeler, E. T 1849 Wright, Dean C 1851 Paden, Samuel K 1850 Sherwood, Parker 1849 Vance, John H 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (14.) 1851 I Dobbs. Abram S 1851 1851 I Graves, James B 1851 1851 Henderson, H. P 1851 1851 Johnson, W. R 1851 1851 Lytic, J. S 1851 Mizner, David 1851 Thompson, John G 1851 Wade, Ezra 1851 Wood, Madison 1851 48 PART I, — CHURCH DIRECTORY. ROCK RRER CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT PINE CREEK, AUGUST 26tH, 1840. BOUNDARIES. Rock River Conference includes that part of the State of Illinois not embraced in the niinoia and Wisconsin Conferences, Next session to be held at St. Charles, Keane Co., Illinois, , 1852. Richard Haney, ) ^ and > Secretaries. Philo Judson, ) PRESIDING ELDERS Ent. Trav, Con, John Sinclair, Chicago District, . . 1824 Ora A. Walker, Ottawa " .. 1839 John Chandler, Peoria " . . 1824 Milton Bourne Knozville " . . 1837 (7.) Ent, TruT, Con, Asnhel E. Phelps, . . Rock Island District, 1828 Richard Haney, .Mount Morris " 1834 Luke Hitchcock, Belvidere " 1834 Ent. Trav. Con. Agard, John W 1845 Atkinson. William B 1845 Appledee, Benjamin, 1846 Batchelor, Chas. W Bolles, Sins 1838 Beggs, Stephen R 1822 Best, Charles C 1834 Brown, Henry P. M 1847 Best, Joseph S 1841 Benttey, Robert 1844 Brown, Edwin 1844 Blanchnrd, Richnrd A. .. 1840 Bibbins, Robert H 1847 Cummings, Wm. C 1822 Cartwright, Barton H 1834 Crews, Hooper 1829 Deming, Solomon F 1842 Devore, John F 1842 Ellis, Lewis R 1845 Earley, Alfred M 1840 Flowers, John W 1840 Giddings, Uriel J 1845 Grundy, John 1845 Batchelor, Wesley . . 1831, 1836 Burr, Samuel P 1835 Goodrich, James R 1828 Goddard, Abbot 1843 Averill, Mvron L 1849 Chaflfie, James F 1848 Fidler, William S. ...... . 1848 Field, AlvaroD 1848 Fouts, William 1849 Baume, James 1850 Bingham, Charles 1850 Brooks, John P 1850 ELDERS, (69.) Ent. Trav. Con. Guyer, Simpson 1847 Heath, Nathaniel P 1839 Holmes, George 1844 Hall, Zndock 1832 Humphrey, Hector J 1845 Haney, Milton L 1846 Head, Allen 1847 Haney, William 1836 Hanna, Matthew 1835 Hinman, Justus M 1845 Hedstrom, Jonas J 1848 Hodges, John 18134 Jewett, Nathan 1838 Keys, Stephen P 1834 Kirkpatrick, Joseph L. . 1838 Luccock, John . .-. 1831 Lovesee, George 1846 Lazenby, Christopher . . . 1847 Lowe, Boyd 1845 M'Lane, James 1847 Minard, Henry 1837 Munger, Obadiab W. ..'. 1836 Muffatt, Reuben H 1837 SUPERANNUATED, (10.) Judson, Philo 1840 M'Kean, James 1827 Pillsbury, Samuel 1836 Vallette, William, 1839 DEACONS, (15.) Fisher, Alexander 1849 Jones, William P 1848 Little, George L Palmer, William auinby, Jesse B 1848 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (17.) Calhoon, William 1850 Dodge, John B 1849 Erickson, Anders 1850 Ent. Trar. Con. Morse, Roswell N 1847 Morey, John 1835 North, Thomas 1847 Pool, Isaac 1836 Pinkard, John C 1839 Pierce, Andrew G 1845 Royal, Thomas F 1846 Rowley, R. C 1839 Read, Francis A 1847 Riach, George Stoughton, Jonathan C. . 1846 Stover, Seymour 1841 Swartz, Benjamin C 1847 Smith. Francis 1843 Smith, Samuel B 1843 Stone, Elijah 1847 Stuff, Geo. L. S 1841 Stocking, Sophronius H.. 1822 Taylor, James Wool iscroft, Absalom... 1828 Whipple, Lorenzo 1840 Wiley, Amos 1836 Walker, Leander S 1833 Whitehead. Henry 1840 Worthington, G. G 1835 Rhodes, Pierce T 1849 Smith, William J 1848 Vance, Janies P 1849 Wilmot.W^illiam 1848 Wilson, Joseph 1849 Irvine, William 1850 Jewett, Samuel A. W. . . 1850 Jenkins, John L 1850 PAET I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 49 Ent. Trav. Con. Keegan, William 1850 M'Kaig, Wilbur W 1850 Moore, Joseph H. D 1850 Adams, Albert L 1851 Beck, William J 1851 Baker, Samuel B 1851 Cordrv, Lorenzo H 1851 Craig,' Jesse B 1851 French, Charles 1851 EnU Trav. Con. Murphy, George W 18.50 Ritchie, Henderson 1850 Stogdill, John W ld.50 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (17.) Fiilkenburv, Don Alonzo 1851 Holcomb, "Osborn 1851 M'Causlin, Andrew T. .. 1851 Miller, George W 1851 Ransom, Elijah 1851 Swedeborg, Anders G.. . . 1851 EnU Trar. Con. Searl, Silas 1850 Trumbull, Horace S 1850 Sweet, Martin P 1851 Whipple, Henry 1851 Wright, Charles F 1851 Wing, David 1831 Read, Chas. W OXEIDA CONFEEENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD IN , , 1829. BOUNDARIES. Oneida Conference includes that part of the State of New York, east of Cayuga Lake not embraced in the New York, Troy, and Black River Conferences, and the Susquehannah and Wyo- ming Districts, in the State of Pennsylvania. Next session to be held at , 1853. Daniel W. Bristol, Secretary. presiding elders, (8.) Ent. Trav. Con. S. Comfort, Caienovia District, 1827 L. Sperry Oneida " 1829 W. Reddy, Chenango " .... 1837 L Parks, Otsego " 1834 Ent. TraT. Con. Fitch Reed, J^ewark District, . . 1817 E. Bowen, Cayuga *' . . 1814 Z. Paddock,. . .Sus^'weAannoA " .. 1818 D. A. Shepard Wyoming " . . 1824 ELDERS, (124.) Ent. Trav. Con. Anderson, L 1837 Atwell, James 1827 Armstrong, J. W 1842 Bristol, D. W 1834 Blakeslee, Charles 1844 Bowdish, L 1833 Beach, Lyman 1828 Bannister, H 1842 Brown, E. C 1842 Beebe, E. P 1845 Beecher. E. P 1840 Bixbv, William 1837 Burnside, W 1842 Brooks, Asa 1842 Bush, E. G 1837 Benjamin, A 1836 Burritt, CD 1844 Brown, S. H 1842 Barnes, Z 1834 Burlingame, A. G 1836 Breckenridge, E. W 1836 Bnrtlett, P Blakeslee, G. H 1841 Brownscombe, H 1841 Crawford, John 1835 Cook, R 1844 Cobb, William N 1842 Cobb, Daniel 1843 Cross, A 1842 CoTvell, V. M Clark, II. R Cooper, J. B Davis, L. D Dana, A.J Dunham, M Davies, David Daniels, A. E Davison, J. W Dean, William De Witt, N. S Elliott, D. T Elliott, G. C Elwell, King Fancher, D Fox, Wesley Foster, Isaac Fox, R Grimes, J. M Graves, A. S Gorham, B. W Giddings, C. W Higgins, F. D Hall, Jno.H Hesler, Oliver Holmes, David 1826, Hartwell, Joseph Hamilton, A Hall, H. C Ent. Trav. Con. 1828 1844 1844 1846 1839 1839 1833 1834 1840 1841 1844 1843 1843 1835 1834 1840 1839 1831 1844 1847 1836 1832 1839 1841 1840 1834 1838 1840 1844 Ent. Trav. Con. Hoag, Eph 1841 Harvev, C. H 1841 Ives, B.J 1845 Jerome, William 1848 Kern, Moses L 1846 Lathrop, S. G 1842 Lamkin, D 1840 Lane, George 1805 M'Dowell, O. M 1843 Marvin, M 1831 Minier, Sylvester 1830 Mason, Benajah 1833 Mulkey, John 1841 Morse, O.F 1847 North, E. L 1833 Nelson, Reuben 1840 Owen, E 1840 Paddock, Z. D 1846 Pearne, William N 1833 Parsons, George 1837 Pitts, Levi 1839 Pearne, Wm. H 1836 Perkins, Charles 1842 Peck. G. M 1845 aueal, Wm. G 1846 aueal, A 1845 Row, H. F 1825 Round, William 1828 Rose, R. S 1841 50 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Rockwell, T. B 1837 Rounds, Nelson 3831 Ruger, Morgan 18-29 Stanley, L. H 1835 Stocking, Selah 1829 Starr, Charles 1834 Southworth, Wm 1840 Searles, J. M 1841 Soule, Justus 1837 Snyder, J. M 1827 Silsbee, William 1845 Safford, J. D 1844 Smith, Erastus 1832 Ent. Trav. Con. Torry, J. D 1834 Thufston, D. \V 1844 Tremain, II 1839 Thurston, E. D 1844 Tooke, M. N 1842 Tryon, L. D 1842 Torrey, O. L 1847 Tenney. E. B 1833 Tavlor,C. E 1842 Williams, E. P 1842 Wadsworth, E. L 1832 Wheldon, D, A 1846 White, P. G 1835 SUPERNUMERARIES, (4.) Barker, Abel 1836 I Eddy, Lyman A 1836 Benham, John B 1834 | SUPERANNUATED, (27.) Arnold, John 1815 Adams, Moses 1830 Bibbins, Elisha 1812 Bridgman, P. G 1836 Bennett, L. S 1834 Dennison, Edwin 1833 Ercanbrack, Henry 1825 French, Milton 1822 Harman, George 1807 Andrews, Edward G 1848 Arnold, Calvin V 1848 Beebe, Raslus 1849 Chulbuck, Francis S 1849 Cuykendall, Ezekiel N... 1848 Colegrove, George 1844 Brigham, Lawson D 1850 Bronson, Asahel 1850 Cobb, William R 1850 Davis, Reece 1850 Ent. Trav. Con. Warren, J. D. 1833 Wells. A. R 1847 Wright, J. T 1839 Worden, P. S 1839 Wire, T. D 1834 Wood, Alonzo 1833 Weaver, L. G 1834 White, W. W 1834 Whitham, Joseph 1842 Wilcox, Thomas 1838 Wyatt, Wm 1835 Ellis, Benjamin 1833 Bridge, George 1851 Brown, Abijah 1851 Barter, Samuel S 1851 Clarke, Richard H 1851 Carrier, Marcus 1851 Dutcher, David C 1851 Giles, Henry T 1851 Harris, C. W 1829 rialstead, Henry 1827 Ingalls, Rossman 1833 Johnson, Ahira 1835 Judd, Gaylord 182J Kimberlin, John 1808 Northrup, Charles 1814 Pierce, Marmaduke 1811 Pomroy, Jesse 1822 DEACONS, (18.) Hyde, Ami B 1848 Jerome, Walter 1849 M'Koun, Jacob L 1849 M'Donald, William C. .. 1849 Kellogg, Ziba S 1847 Leach, George W 1847 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (12.) Hewett, Jasper 1848 Mead, Amos P 1850 Newman. John P 1849 Olmsted, De Witt C 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (19.) Gray, Simon Peter 1851 Gee, Hiram 1851 Hartsough, Lewis 1851 Olin, William H 18.51 Pratt, J. Wesley 18.51 Pendell, D. L 1851 Roberts, William 1851 Peck, Andrew 1818 Phinney, S. C 1839 Paddock, B. G 1810 Ransom, J. C 1836 Reddington, L. K J829 Rundel William W 1818 Rogers, L. C 1831 Torry, Alvin 1817 Torrey, Daniel 1829 Mattison, AbnerT 1849 Miller, Wesley H 1849 Orcutt, Samuel 1848 Porter, George P 1848 Sperry, Aaron C 1849 Wells, James L 1849 Rice, Charles L 1850 Schoonmaker, A. H 1849 Wilbar, John F 1850 York, William E 1850 Shelp, William 1851 Steele, J. W 1851 Southworth, Reuben S... 1851 Williams, De Witt 1851 ■^ebber, Shepherd S 1851 NOKTH OHIO CONFEEENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD , SEPT. 9tH, 1840. BOUNDARIES. North Ohio Conference embraces all that part of the State of Ohio, not included in the Ohio, Pittsburg, and Erie Conferences. Next session to be held at Delaware, Oh., August 5th, 1852. William L. Harris, Secretary. PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 51 PRESIDING ELDERS, (8.) Ent. Trav. Con. John Quigley, Delaware District, . . 1835 S. Lynch, ....Mount Vernon " .. 1833 A. Pbe, Mansfield " . , 1826 T. Barkdull, fVooster " ..1835 Ent. Trav. Con. H. Whiteman Elyria District, . . 1833 William B. Disbrovv, ..Tiffin " .. 1839 William C. Pierce, ..J>/a«7ftee " ..1839 Wesley Brock Sidney " . . 1834 Ent, Trav. Con. Alderman, S. H 1841 Albriglit, Jacob S 1846 Blampied, John 1835 Burgess, Oliver 1836 Biggs, Richard 1840 Bradley, H. S 1840 Boggs, William 1841 Brandeberry, C. B 1838 Brown, Jacob A 1834 Breckenridge, G. W 1836 Beatv, S.M 1841 Chubb, R. H 1838 Coleman, Austin 1836 Conant, Daniel M 1834 Caples, J. T 1846 Dubois, H. G 1843 Dodge. Darius 1840 Elliott, James 1846 Evans, James 1846 Fribly, James W 1840 Fant, Stephen 1846 Gavitt, E. C 183] Goodman, W. D Gurlev, L. B 1828 Gray,"David 1835 Graham, John 1844 Guiberson, S. B 1838 Holmes, J. M 1846 Harris, W. L 1837 Heustiss, Wm. C 1838 Barker, Nathan H 1840 French, Mansfield 1845 ELDERS, (90.) Ent. Trav. Con. Hook, Elisha 1844 Hitchcock, Wm. M 1845 Humphrey, Hiram 1845 Herbert Benjamin 1847 Harmount, Alexander . . . 1843 Hill, Leonard 1830 Jewett, John R 1843 Jewett, E. R 1840 Johnson, L. S Kalb, J. S 1843 Kenedy, Joseph F 1844 Kellani, J. T 1834 Kellam, James A 18.34 Lambert, Daniel 1839 Lunt, W. S 1846 M'Killips, George Mitchell, John 18.30 Mitchell, Orin 1834 Mower, Samuel 1843 Morrow, James M 1843 M'Nabb, John 1838 Nelson, Alexander Norton, Z. C 1840 Nickerson, Wm. H 1841 Orr, John 1841 Owens, C. H 1843 Plummer, Philip 1845 Pilcher, H. E 1829 Phillips, G.S 1841 Parish, H. L 1837 Ent. Trav. Con. Power, J. H Prentice, Liberty 1838 Parker, S. C 1836 Pope, Thomas J 1843 Roberts, Evan 1843 Rumfield, A 1846 Roseberry, Philip R 1845 Seymour, S. D 1841 Shaffer, H. M 1832 Spafford, W. M 1841 Scoles, John 1838 Sheldon, H.O Seelev, W. H 1845 Thomson, Edward 1833 Thomas, Charles 1835 Thompson, Thomas 1828 Thatcher, William 1843 Taylor, Nathan 1841 Warner, Lorenzo 1843 Warner, Henry Wells, W. J 1835 Wareham, Philip 1832 Wilson, Thomas H 1842 Warner, Jesse 1837 Worden, N. S Wheeler, James 1833 Wykes, Joseph 1847 Wilcox, Robert 1842 Ward, Lafayette 1844 Yourtee, Samuel L 1840 SUPERNUxMERARIES, (4.) Jones Joseph 1838 Raymond, Elnathan 1837 SUPERANNUATED (11.) Allen, Samuel M 1833 Clarke, Wesley C 1834 Parker, Leonard 1837 I Sterling, Jolm 1847 Pounds, L. M 1843 | Williams, Edward Hazard, John 1835 i Starr, Matthew 1834 Waters, Octavius 1848 M'Mahon, James 1833 | Shaw, Samuel P 1825 | DEACONS (24.) Burkholder. Jacob F 1849 Crabbs, John 1849 Cutler, John S 1849 Conant, William M 1849 Craven, Chitton 1847 Chapman, Henry 1846 Foote, Chester L 1849 Ford, John K 1849 Fairchild, Samuel Fegtley, Jacob Foster, Alanson Gard, Thomas J Hagar, Richard Hartley, Charles M'Kean, John Mattison, Daniel D. T. 1848 1848 1847 1849 1849 1849 1849 1848 Meredith, Samuel 1848 Ocker, David W 1849 Oldfield, Reuben D 1849 Richards, Uri 1849 Safford, Heman 1849 Taylor, Nathan 1849 Wflson, Nelson B 1849 Wait, Tracy L 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (12.) Bush, Enrotas H 1850 I Collier, George W 1850 1 Frownfelter, John 1850 Baker, William A 1849 \ Durbin, Jesse 1850 | George, Stillman 1850 52 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent, Trav, Con, Hodson, William 1850 Hitchcock, Ira M 1850 Bevens. Henrv 1851 Burns, Henry •? 1851 Close, H. M 1851 Close Newell J 1851 Eaton, George S 1851 GaskilJ, Allan 1851 Hibbard, Moses B 1851 Hildreth, Thompson ..,, 1851 Ent, Trav, Con, Mudge, John A 1850 Parker, Thomas 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (22.) Havs, Joseph 1851 Hai-d, M.K 1851 Knapp, William 1851 Lee, Simon A 1851 Lyon, George G 1851 Matlock, Joseph 1851 Marriott, Franklin 1851 Reeves, O. T 1851 Ent, Trav, Con, Rutledge, David 1850 Vertican, Frederick W... 1848 Rogers, Lorenzo 1851 Sheldon, Henry B 1851 Shannon, John A 1851 Taylor, William H 1851 Wolf. Joseph 1851 Wilcox, James M 1851 IOWA CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AUGUST 23d, 1844. BOUNDARIES. Iowa Conference includes all the Iowa Territory. Kext session to be held at Burlington, , 1852. Jacob G. Dimmitt, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (6.) Ent. Trav. Con. Andrew Coleman, ..Defunoines District, 18:25 Isaac J. Stewart, . . . Burlington " 18.36 Alcinous Young Dubuque " 1830 Ent. Trav. Con. Henry W. Reed, . . . Upper Iowa District, 1833 David Worthington,../oica C/fy " 1840 John Hayden,. .F<;rt Z^esmomc^ " 1841 ELDERS (39.) Ent. Trav. Con. Brooks, Joseph 1840 Blackford, Ira Bouman, George B 1835 Cowles. William F..<... 1843 Clark, Samuel Case, Laban 1843 Cary, Francis H 1837 Coleman, James T 1847 Dean, Henry C Dimmitt, Jacob G 1839 Gibson, Hugh Greenup, Stephen H 184fi Hammond, James Q, 1847 Ent. Trav. Con. Hnrdy, Joshua B Harris, John Hulburt, William Hare, Michael H Hewett, J. W. B Haines, Sanford Jay, John Jamieson, Joseph Jennison, George H Johnson, Allen W Kirkpatrick, Thomas M., Kelley, John L Lathrop, Erastus 1842 1845 1843 1845 1846 1846 1845 1847 1846 184-5 1837 1849 Ent. Trav. Con. Lnrkins, George 1845 M'Dowell, Joseph 1825 Shinn, Moses F 1840 Simpson, Wm Suenringen, Richard .... 1846 See, Michael 1845 Taylor, Landon 1845 Twining Edward W 1846 Taylor Joel B 1843 Teas, George W 1849 Wilbur. Horatio N 1848 Walker, John 1845 Wright, Ansel J847 SUPERANNUATED, (2.) Maxon, Joseph W 1843 | Smith, David N 1832 Brooks, Strange 1848 Farlow, Samuel 1847 Blake, Wesley R 18.50 Cameron, Joseph 1850 Armstrong, William .... 1851 Briggs, Elias L 1851 Burlcy, Hiram J 1851 DEACONS, (5.) Smith. James C 1847 Vail, Solomon T 1849 RExMAINING ON TRIAL, (5.) Guilee, John 1850 King, Nelson 1849 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (17.) Bishop, Alfred 1851 Corkhill, Thomas E 1851 Clark, George W 1851 Woodford, Lucas C 1848 Rawley, Loveland T 1850 Evans, Francis W 1851 Hawn, Robert G 1851 Kynett, Alpha J 1851 I PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 53 Ent. Trav. Con. M'Donald, James ]851 Mann, William P 1851 Newton, Isaac 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Ricker, Rufus 1851 Sweem, David 1851 Skinner, Lewis 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Trimble, Robert VV 1851 Taylor, Harvey 1851 EAST GENESEE CONPEEENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AUGUST 16tH, 1848. BOU.XDARIES. East Genesee Conference contains all that part of the State of New York west of the Black river and Oneida Conferences, and east of the Genesee river, including the whole of the city of Rochester, together with so much of the State of Pennsylvania as is embraced in the Seneca Lake and Wellsborough districts, and Ulysses circuit. Next session to be held at Honeoye Falls, Monroe County, New York, , 1852. William H. Goodwin, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (6.) Ent. Trav. Con. F. G. Hibbard,. . Geneva District,. John Dennis, Rochester " John Copeland, . . Lima " Ent. Trav. Con. Alden, S. W 1838 Ashworth, Joseph 1842 Benson, Jonathan 1829 Brown, John N 1841 Buck, Daniel D 1837 Bown, Charles L 1841 Brownell, Vcranus 1841 Buck, Z. J 1829 Barber, William A 1846 Baker, A. S 1847 Bradlev, William 1844 Beers, N. N 1844 Beach, R. M 1844 Chubbuck, x\ustin E. . . . 1844 Colson, Ebenezer 1844 Cranmer, Enoch H 1840 Chase, Daniel S 1839 Caine, John 1843 Congdon, S. L Clapp, Ralph 1844 Chapman, Joseph 1832 Cochran, Wesley 1835 Craw, Moses 1835 Coats, Calvin S 1831 Crow, Jr., David 1842 Dodge, Jonas 1828 Edgar, A. D Ferris, David 1839 Burch, Robert Durham, James 1831 Mandeville, John 1838 Chase, Abner 1810 Castle, Levi B 1827 1835 1821 Ent. Tray. Con. David Nutton, Bath District, 1837 Nathan Fellows, Corning " 1831 A. N. Fillmore, . . Elmira " ; 1830 ELDERS, (84.) Ent. Trav. Con. Gulick, John G 1835 Goodwin, William H. . . 1835 George, A. C 1847 Grandin, J. L. S 1843 Gould, Carlos 1836 Hutchins, Delos 1834 Harris, Horace 1843 Hancock, Robert T 1836 Hotchkiss, Edward 1830 Hall, James 1813 Hosmer, William 1831 Hudson, Thomas B 1840 Harrington, Rausley 1835 Hogoboom, Robert 1846 Haskell, William M 1847 Hickok, Henry 1843 Huntley, Alexander C. . . 1845 Kellogg, Israel H 1839 Luckey, Samuel 1811 Latimer, Ebenezer 18.33 Laman, Albert G 1844 M'Elhenney, Theodore . . 1837 M'lSIahon, Isaiah 1839 M'Kinstrv, Porter 1838 Mandeville, William W. 1844 M'KJjiey, I. J. B 1830 NoWl^av. Luther 1842 Nichols, Samuel 1839 Ent. Trav. Con. Nevins, John W 1831 Parker, John 1831 Powell, John 1842 Plumley, Albert 1843 Parker, Robert 1820 Pinder, William E 1842 Potter, William 1847 Rooney, Samuel B 1845 Raines, Jr., John 1845 Rogers, Lewis L 1844 Robinson, John 1830 Stacy, Thomas 1842 Shipman, Benjamin 1826 Seaver, H.N 1834 Shaw, John 1831 Still well, R. L 1842 Southerland, Andrew . . . 1846 Trowbridge, Orrin 1839 Tuttle, J. K 1838 Tinkham, J. K 1838 Teift, Benjamin F 1836 Townsend, E. G 1836 Tooker. Manly 1820 Wood, Elijah 1845 Wheeler, Chandler 1831 Wright, Alpha 183G Wheeler, Martin 1846 Watts, Jonathan 1846 SUPERNUMERARIES, (7.) Orcutt, Asa 182J t3te*e«E BWa-. 1833 Parker, Samuel .^.0830 :.t )"V i yf Z^- Sandford, Hiram .'"•>■ 'i 'i //«>». SUPERANNUATED, (17.) ' ^\ J^ Dobson, Nathan B. I DooHttle, Sheldon •. r:f',^\l828 Draper, Gideon ........... j$03 .LFair baajt,. I» . . . .i .1-^ 11811 64 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Heustis, J 1809 Hebard, Elijah 1811 Hemingway, James 1824 Jones, William 1816 Bull, John M 1849 Brown, John J 1848 Clark, Daniel 1849 De Pew, Nelson A 1849 Bradbury, Charles J 1850 Brooks, Ralph D 1850 Day, John H 1850 Gardner, Charles M 1850 LoDdreth, James 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Jewitt, William D 1830 Judd, Salmon 1831 Osband, Gideon 1828 Roberts, Palmer DEACON'S, (11.) Edson, James L 1848 Leisenring, Daniel 1849 Parcel, Ashbel Sweet, Elisha 1848 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (10.) Mattison, William C. ... 18.50 Manning, William 1850 Runner, William A 1850 Shurtleff, Alonzo H 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (1.) Ent. Trav. Con. Snow, William 1806 Storv, Cyrus 1818 Wright, Richard 1820 Spinks, John 1848 Towsey, Thomas 1848 Wilson, James 1849 Wood, Levi . . West, Anson T. 1850 1850 NORTH INDIANA CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT FORT WAYNE, OCTOBER IGtH, 1844. BOUNDARIES. The North Indiana Conference includes that part of the State of Indiana north of the National Road, the eastern charge in Indianapolis, with all the towns that are immediately on tbo road to the eastern line of the State, together with Terre Haute in the west. Next session to be held at Terre Haute, Indiana, August 25th, 1852. S. T. Gillet, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (12.) Ent. Trav. Con. William H. Goode, Indianapolis District, 1836 Richard Hargrave, Greencastle Jacob M. Stellard, Terre Haute George M. Boyd, Crawfordsville Joseph Marsee, L,afayette John H. Bruce, .... Logansport Ent. Trav. Con. Aldrich, Ithamar H 1847 Birt, John B 1837 Benson, Henry C 1842 Beswick, P. 1 1842 Beswick, George M 1831 Barnes, H. N 1841 Bartlett, Thomas 1834 Bad ley, Henry H 1841 Badley, Arthur 1842 Bradshaw, John W 1841 Boyden, Orville P 1843 Campbell, Samuel N 1847 Cozad, Jacob 1842 Calvert, Robert H 1840 Cooper, Samuel T 1846 Carey, Abram 1843 Cooper, Josiah J 1838^ 1824 1835 1836 1827 1836 Ent. Trav. Con Walter L. Huffman, Peru District, 1839 John L. Smith, Ijoporte Hawley B. Beers, iMgravge Samuel C. Cooper, Fort fVayne George W. Bowers, .... Marion Samuel T. Gillet,. . . Centcrville 1840 1836 1827 1837 1837 ELDERS, (72.) Ent. Trav. Con. Colclazer, Jacob 1836 Demotte, John B 1840 Demott, Daniel 1835 Donaldson, John S. . . . ||ri839 Doud, Eventus ^^^34 Daniel, John 1832 Davis, J. R 1845 Edwards, John 1837 Fen ni more, Matthew .... 1847 Forbes, William J 1837 Greene, Nelson 1842 Guild, George 1843 Hall, Emmanuel 1847 Hetfield, J. S 1846 Hays, Hayden Holstock, Enoch 1839 Hull, John H 1838 Ent. Trav. Con. Johnson, Michael 1843 Johnson, James 1844 Larrnbee, William C. ... 1833 Leach, John 1843 Lamb, Samuel 1843 Lemon, Orange V 1841 Mershon, Jared B 1836 Miller, Charles W 1840 Mahin, Milton 1841 Monson, Lonson W 1843 Medsker, J. C 1841 Nutt, Cyrus 1838 Parret, J. W 1842 Posey, Wade 1837 Preston, Elam S 1847 Pettijohn, J. G. D 1847 Richmond, Francis M. . . 1836 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 65 Ent. Trav. Con. Robinson, Reuben D. . . . 1845 Smith, John W 1815 Smith, John C 1830 Smith, Hezekiah 1844 Salisbury, A 1844 Strite, Daniel F 1838 Stafford, George W 1838 Ent. Trav. Con. Stout, S. f 1846 Thompson, James L 1821 Taylor, Franklin 1843 TaVlor, Luther 1843 Tansev, John R 1842 Vredenburc;, Hakaliah .. 1820 Wilson, William 1837 SUPERNUMERARY, (1.) White, Joseph 1832 | SUPERANNUATED, (10.) Ent. Trav. Con. Webb, Thomas S 1847 U^arner, George W 1843 Wood, Aaron 1823 Wood, Enoch 1832 Wheeler, William F. . . . 18.38 Winans, Benjamin 1843 Webster, Brinton IS40 Burns, Robert 1826 I Beach, Ansel 1830 Brown, Thomas J 1821 Huffaker, Miles Bradbury, B. H Reed, Samuel 1839 Brenton, Samuel | Robins, James C Scott, James 1819 Smith, Willium H 1822 Anderson, William 1848 Birch, W. S 1849 Burgner, C. S 1849 Ball, Herman B 1848 Cosper, W. 1 1849 Clarey.D. B 1848 Dean, Isaac 1849 Elrod, J. J 1849 Graham, W^illiam 1848 Blake, William 1850 Black, Michael 1850 Bowman, Benjamin F. . . 1850 Burgess, Harrison 1850 Cox, Francis 1849 Gee, Allen A 1850 Greenman, Almond 1850 Armstrong, James 1851 Beemer, Valentine M. 1. . Brakeman, Nelson L. . . . 1851 Black, James 1851 Barnhart, Abram C 1851 Colclazer, Thomas 1851 Dunham, David 1851 Gillam, Nelson 1851 Godfrey, Samuel 1851 DEACONS, (25.) Hardin, F. A 1849 Hill, Jesse 1848 Hazen, Edward A 1848 Hnun, Milton M 1848 Kent, LB 1849 Latta, R. S 1849 Morrison, M. S 1844 Manville, Nicholas E. ... 1847 Maynard, Ezra 1845 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (19.) Hamilton, William 1850 Hollmsworth, William P. 1849 Koontz, Abraham 1850 Moore, Leyi 1850 Martin, C. C 1850 Osborn, John G 1850 Roberts, Lewis 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (26,) Hines, William E 1851 Jones, Charles 1851 Ketcham, Charles 1851 Mark, Moses 1851 Millnor, Philip F 1851 Metts, William H 1851 Nebeker, Lucas 1851 O'Neal, John 1851 Pearce, Jacob 1851 Newton, Richard A 1847 Pavton, J. H 1849 Rogers, J. M 1849 Rickets, James 1846 Reed, James C 1848 Sewell, James 1849 White, J. C 1849 Reeder, David 1850 Rammel, Eli 1850 Reed, Joseph C 1850 Sale, Francis A 1850 Sparks, Jesse 1850 Smith, Benjamin 1851 Smith, William T 1851 Spinks, James 1851 Snyder, Evan 1851 Watkins, Wilev P 1851 Welch, John W 1851 Wood, Moses 1851 Youngker, WUliam 1851 MISSOURI COMEEENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD IN -, 1816. BOUNDARIES. Missouri Conference embraces the States of Missouri and Arkansas, and the territory west and north of these States, extending to the Rocky Mountains, not included in the Iowa Conference. Next session to be held at St. Louis, ^ — , 1852. Levin B. Dennis, Secretary. 6Q PAET I. — CHUECH DIRECTORY. PRESIDING ELDERS, (6.) Ent. Trav. Con D. N. Smith, St. Louis Miss. Dist., 1842 R. Bird .Arkansas " " 1828 J. H. Hopkins, Independence " " 1842 Ent. TraT. Con. G. VV. Robins Platte Miss. Dist., 1821 Abraham Still, Grand river " " 1818 C. J. Houts, Hannibal " " 1836 ELDERS, (17.) Ent. Trav. Con. Buren, John J Bewley, Anthony 1829 Burns, Isuac 1848 Crane, Caleb 1822 Dennis, Levin B Dennis, John H Nelson, Henry Cannon, Joseph T 1850 Carlisle, Stewart H 1850 Duree, Peter W 1850 Ferril, William Fish, Pascal 1849 Bonney, George A 1851 Boyer, Thomas D 1851 Burton, John E 1851 Ferril, Thomas J 1851 Foote, Jesse L 1851 Greene, Jesse 1851 EnU Trav. Con. Evans, Moses B 1833 Gage, William D 1842 Heath, Stephen P Kelly, Charles H 1846 New, James F 1844 Robertson, Mark Eut. Trav. Con. Trader, Moses 1812 Van Cleve, John Wilson, Robert J 1843 Waugh, Lorenzo 1833 Witten, James 1817 SUPERANNUATED (1-) DEACONS, (9.) Alderman, James R 1848 Chivington, John M 1848 Gibson, William P 1849 Henderson, William M... 1848 M'Coy, Asa S 1849 M'Knight, John 1848 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (15.) Harer, .Tames 1849 Plarer, Wilson 1849 Jones, Wiley .. . , 1850 James, John Ketcham, Charles 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (16.) Gillam, William 1851 Hughs, William K 1851 Hess, Hiram ]&51 Kane, Theodore B 18.51 Klepper, Michael T 1851 Lee, James 1851 Mark ham, Thomas B. Reeder, Henry Taylor, John W 1848 1848 Powers, James M 1850 Swaggerty, John S 1849 West, Jonathan R 1850 Wilson, Benjamin F. . . , 1850 Waller, Emery L Pugh, IMonson M 1851 Rich, Hiram C 18.51 Wilson, George W 1851 Wall, Andrew J 1851 MICHIGAN CONFEREXCE. FIRST SESSION HELD IN , , 1836. BOUNDARIES, Michigan Conference includes the State of Michigan, and the Ojibway Missions on the waters of Lake Superior, formerly embraced in the Rock River Conference. Next session to be held at Niles, Berrien County, Michigan, September 8th, 1852. E. H. Pilcher, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (8.) Ent. Trav. Con. .Tames Shaw, Detroit District, 183G AV. H. Collins, ^nn Jirhor R. R. Richards, . . Monroe '* E. M'Clure, .... Marshall " 1838 1837 1836 Ent. Trav. Con. F. B. Bangs, Kalamazoo District,.. 1840 David Burns, .. Grand river " .. 1833 George Bradley Flint " .. 1838 J. H. Pitezel, Indian Mission " . . 1835 Ent. Trav. Con. Abbot, J. C 1844 Bessey, S 1844 ELDERS, (80.) Ent. Trav. Con. Baughman, J. A. 1823 Blanchard, Jonathan .... 1838 Ent. Trav. Con. Borden, E. W 1847 Bigelow, W. E 1841 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 67 Ent. Tray, "Con. Bird, Robert 1845 Barnum, N Bennett, Isaac 1836 Boynton, V. G Buchanan, P. G 1846 Brockway, W. H 1833 Bruce, C. A 1843 Blades, F, A 1844 Bell, Andrew 1845 Brown, H.N 1846 Brown, G. W ]838 Benson, William 1846 Carter, Thomas Crawford, R. C 1841 Collins, I.F 1823 Collins, J. D 1846 Campbell, Alexander . . . 1845 Curtis, D. A 1844 Camburn, M. B 1844 Crane, E 1833 Cogshall, Israel 1843 Dubois, Robert 1844 Davidson, James F 1831 Doughty, B. F 1847 Day, E.'H 1845 Ent, Trav. Con. Erkenbrnck, J 1821 Eldred, A.J 1846 Fitch, A. M 1836 Fassett, Noah 1847 Gardner, T. C 1843 Gillett, John K 1839 Granger, T. B 1843 Gage, Franklin 1839 Glass, Francis 1846 Hickev, Manasseh 1845 Hinman, C. T 1841 Hall, H 1842 Holt, Joseph W 1846 Jacokes, D. C 1840 Jennings, Joseph 1842 Kelly, William 1845 Law, Hiram 1842 M'Connell, Richard 1844 Mothersill, William 1840 Morgan, H 1842 Mount, Nathan 1847 Osborne, S. A 1845 Pilcher, E. H 1829 Pengelly, Richard 1842 Pentield, H 1843 Ent. Tray. Con. Russel, John 1843 Reed, Seth 1844 Stambaugh, M. W 1846 Seelv, Thomas 1844 Smith, George Ig32 Sharp, Peter 1832 Stringham, S. C 1840 Sapp, Resin 1828 Shaw, A. C 1844 Stonise, Wm. G Stonex, Wm. G 1842 Sutton, Joseph S 1846 Steele, Ebenezer 1839 Spates, Samuel 1839 Steele, Salmon 1845 Taylor, George . . 1817 or 1837 Thomas, David 1840 Wakeland, Thomcis .... Warren, F.W 1844 Wheedon, D. D 1834 Woodward, S. C 1841 Worthington, Henry .... 1842 Westlake, Eli 1841 Whitmore, Orrin 1846 Britton, F. BUPERNUMERARIES, (2.) 1837 I Chatfield, L 1835 Billings, Alvin 1828 Comfort, W. C 1841 Grant, Lorin 1809 Gray, John 1839 SUPEiftANNUATED, (12.) Judd, W. P 1842 Minnis, Adam 1837 Price, L. D 1842 Sabin, Benjamin 1810 Triggs, Robert 1835 Todd, William Taylor, William 1836 Witson, J. V 1832 Arnold, John M 1849 Abbott, Norma n 1846 Belknap, George N 1848 Bignell, George W 1848 Clemens, Samuel 1849 Calkins, Sylvester 1848 Goodell, Ransom 1849 DEACONS, (21.) Glass, Wm 1848 Hendrickson Samuel ... 1849 Hoag, George W 1847 Johnson, Peter 1848 Kfthbeege, John 1840 Mosher, Curtis 1848 Marksman, Peter 1847 Olds, Carmi C 1848 Prichard, Benjamin F. . . 1848 Summerville, James .... 1849 Smart, James S 1848 Taylor, Isaac 1849 Wakefield, Amos 1849 Young, Erasmus D. .. . . . 1849 Burnham, John H 1850 Boynton, Jeremy 1850 Clark, Thomas 1850 Crane, Rufus C 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (11.) Harris, Henry 1850 Johnson, Welcome W. . . 1850 Jackson, Henry 1850 Livingston, John 1850 Lee, Samuel P 1849 Mahon, Wm 1850 White, O.D 1850 Bignell, Thomas H. Bartlett, A. R. . . . , Chamberlin, I. B. . Davis, H. G Donaldson, P. S. . . , Dunton, Alfred A. ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (17.) 1851 Ethridge, N. C 1851 1851 Earl, Lewis W 1851 1851 Harder, J. H 1851 1851 M'Alii.'^ter, Jesse E 1851 1851 M'anig, Lee 1851 1851 Measures, James 1851 May, Franklin 1851 Perrine, Wm. H 1851 Pierce, D. H 1851 Robinson, J. W 1851 Warner, S.P 1851 58 PART I. — CHURCH DIEECTOEY. GMESEE CONFERENCE. nRST SESSION HELD AT LYONS, JULY 12tH, 1840. BOUNDARIES, Genesee Conference includes that part of the State of New York l)'ing west of a line running south from Lake Ontario, by way of Cayuga Lake, to Pennsylvania, not embraced in the Erie Conference, and so much of the north part of the State of Pennsylvania as is included ia Seneca Lake, Dansville, and Cataraugus Districts. Next session to be held at Lockport, ' , 1853. James M. Fuller, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (5.) Ent. Trav. Con. Asa Abell, Genesee District, .... 1821 Glezen Fillmore, J^iagara " .... 1818 ThomsiaCa.T\toa,.. Buffalo " 1829 Ent. Trav. Con. A. D. Wilber, Olean District, 1843 P. E. Brown, Perry " 1833 Ent. Trav. Con. Buck, Wm. D 1831 Burlingham, CD 1840 Baker, S. H 1844 Bowman, John 1840 Buck, E. M 1847 Baker, C. S 1835 Benedict, G 1831 Cheeseman, J. K 1846 Church, Samuel C 1835 Conable, F. W 1839 Chambers, E. E 1843 Cooley, Wm 1842 De Puy, Wm. H 1845 Fuller, J. M 1828 Fuller, Johri M 1840 Gridley, J. J Hard, Amos 1837 Hunt, Sandford 1847 Hurd, Zenas 1846 Hines, Gustavus 1833 ELDERS, (59.) Ent. TraT. Con. Hager, Jacob 1840 Houghton, D. C 1843 Hood, Hiram Hines, J. W 1846 Jenkins, J. B 1838 Kent, J. P 1815 Kingsley, I.C 1838 Lanckton, J. B 1828 Lawton, D. B m. 1841 Luce, A. W 1847 M'Creary, Jr., J 1845 May, Hiram 1824 M'Clelland, James 1846 Mason, J. F 1843 M'Ewen, John 1845 Nettleton, K. D 1847 Parsons, D. F 1830 Parker, Schuyler 1844 Ripley, H. M 1840 Robie, J. E 1834 Foot, Reuben C. SUPERNUMERARIES, (2.) 1836 I Vaugn, John W 1832 Chamberlain, Israel .... 1813 Everts, R. M 1812 Lanning, Gideoa 1812 Baird, Chauncey C 1848 Derr, John F 1849 Furman, E. Smith 1849 Hines, Harvey K. 1848 Barrett, Wm 1850 Butlin, Henry 1850 Bush, Wm 1850 De Laraatyr, Gilbert 1850 SUPERANNUATED, (7.) Nichols, David 1831 Sanborn, E. C 1833 St. John, Marshall 1833 DEACONS, (12.) Kendall, Wm. C 1848 Kennard, John Latham, Jr., Joseph 1848 Miller, Jason G. 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (12.) Eaton, Thomas W 1849 Fuller, Wm. 1850 Gorden, Walter 1850 Keys, Edwin R 1850 Ent, Trav. Con. Ripley, A. P.-. 1839 Seager, M 1818 Smith, S. C 1840 Smith, H. R 1838 Slaughter, Wm. B 1845 Seager, S 1836 Steele, ARen 1831 Scott, Milo 1843 Tilton, A. H 1833 Thomas, Elenzer 1838 Timmerman, John 1844 Tuttle, Wm. S 1844 Thomas, R. E 1844 Terrv, George W 1845 Wallace, John H 1824 Waite, R. L 1831 Woodworth, Philo 1826 Woodward, CM 1844 Williams, Benajah 1818 Terry, A. G. 1836 M'Neal, Benjamin F. . . , 1848 Roberts, Benjamin T. . . , 1848 Shelling, Charles 1849 Stiles, Loren 1847 Newton, Alonzo 18.50 Noble, John C 1850 Packard, Loren ISM Reasoner, Nelson 1850 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 59 Ent. Trav. Con. Hammond, Stephen Y. . . 1851 Leak, Wm. L 1851 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (5.) Ent. Trav. Con. Reed, Miles N 1851 Watts, James 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Wentworth, John B 1851 OHIO COXFEREXCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT CHILLICOTHE, OCT. IST, 1812. BOUNDARIES. The Ohio Conference commences at the mouth of the Great Miami river, running north with the State line to the line of Dark county, excluding Eiizabethtown ; thence eastwardly along the line of the North Ohio Conference, so as to exclude the circuits of Greenville, Sidney, Belfontaine, Richwood, Marion, Delaware, and Roscoe, to the Muskingham river; thence down said river so as to include the towns of Zanesville and Marietta, and Kanawha District, in Virginia ; thence down the Ohio river to the place of beginning. Next session to be held at Zanesville, Muskingham Co., Ohio, • , 1852. J. M. Trimble, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERSj (18.) Ent. Trav. Con. John F. Wright, East Cincinnati District, 1815 Augustus Eddy, West Cincinnati " 1824 Charles Elliott, Dayton " 18J8 Michael Marley, Urbana " 1831 William I. Ellsworth Xenia " 1834 William Simmons, .Hillsborough " 18-20 Stephen F. Conrey, .... Kentucky " 1835 Ent. Tray. Con, Cyrus Brooks, Columbus District, 1833 Jacob Young, Zanesville " 1802 Zuchariah Connell, Lancaster " 1818 Uriah Heath Marietta " 1835 Robert O. Spencer, . . Portsmouth " 1823 James M. Jamieson, ..C'AiV/i'cofAe " 1829 John Geyer, Cincinnati " 1842 GERMAN MISSION. Peter Wilkins Pittsburg District, 1843 Nicholas Nuhfer, ...JVor^A OAio '" 1847 John Kisling JVorth Indiana District, 1840 George A. Breunig, Indiana " 1840( Ent. Trav. Con. Alexander, Augustus M. . 1835 Atkinson, Lewis A 1846 Armstrong, James Ahrens, VVilliam Bontecou, James T Bennett, Moses G 1847 Botkin, Jesse 1842 Baker, Milton G 1845 Brown, Arza 1824 Blair, James G 1842 Brown, Samuel " 1841 Baker, Henry 1814 Black, William H 1848 Brown, Joseph S 1837 Blackford, Ira Boring, Ezra M 1843 Brooks, Ancil 18.36 Bing, Elijah V 1837 Bruner, Joseph A 1840 Barringer, Joseph 1838 Bateman, Samuel, 1838 Bowman, Moses T 1843 Barth, Sebastian 1844 BaldufF, John V 1847 Brodbeck, Paul 1845 Baker, Peter B ELDERS, (178.) Eat. Trav. Con. Barth, John H 1843 Bahrenburg, John H 1842 Bier, John 1842 Crum, George C 1831 Couden, Truman S 1846 Chalfant, James F. . ;. . . 1843 Clayton, S. D 1847 Crow Thomas D 1846 Conrey, Jonathan F 1837 Chase, Ebenezer B 1830 Clarke, John W 1825 Cunningham, Levi 1842 Creighton, Joseph H 1846 Cartlich, Abraham 1842 Cherrington, W. W 1846 Carroll, Andrew 1835 Cadwallader, David 1828 Cartlich, Isaac B 1838 Davis, Werter R 1835 Dinkins, Alexander 1842 Davison Daniel D 1812 Dustin, Mighill 18.36 Dillon, John 1840 Doughty, Richard 1837 Dillon, Isaac 1844 Danker, George 1841 Ent. Trar. Con. Ellsworth, Jeremiah B... 1838 Ellis, Benjamin 1832 Estell, Edward 1834 Fowble, John W 1842 Field, Elijah H 1823 Fee, William J 1842 Ferguson, Charles 1842 Fitch, John 1837 Fleming, Archibald 1842 Fry, Benjamin St. James 1847 Fish, Isaac B 1848 Gasner, Joseph 1836 Gorsuch, Thomas 1841 Gaddis, Maxwell P 1836 Gossard, Thomas M 1846 Gafch, Joseph M 1841 Gurley, James 1830 Grover. James L. ....'.■.". 1837 Gahn, Conrad 1846 Holtsinger, Peter F 1843 Herr, William 1828 Howard, Solomon 1837 Harlan, Lorenzo D 1837 Hooper, James 1835 Harvey, Samuel 1833 Havens, John C 1825 60 PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent, Tray. Con. Hand, William T 1835 HoUiday, James T 1839 Hoppen, John 1844 Helevig, Charles 1846 Henke, Henry 1847 Inskip, John S 1836 Ingals, Pearl P 1843 Jackson, William B Kemper, David 1834 Kaetter, Adolph 1847 Klein, John A Koch Henry Louton, Charlos H 1846 Lorrain, Alfred M 1823 Langarl, William 1834 Lauder, William H 1833 Lourey, Asbury Laus, James 1809 Lewis, David 1842 Longman, John F 1839 Lybrand, Charles C. . . . . 1830 Litzinger, William R.,.. 1842 Lovi^e, Barton 1842 M'Cutchens, James H. . . 1831) Meharry, Alexander M'Cabe, Lorenzo D 1843 Mitchell, John T Miley, John 1838 Morrow, William S 1830 Moody, Granville 1833 Murphy, Andrew 1837 Meredith, Charles G 1846 Miller, Levi P 1830 Matthews, Joseph Rl'D.. . 1831 Austin, J. B 1833 Elliot^ A. W 1818 Brown, John 1848 Barton, John 1839 Finiey, J. B 1809 Hamilton, Samuel 18J5 Keely, J. W 1843 Adams, Jacobs 1848 Bealls, Isaac J 1849 Brush, George W 1849 Bier, Conrad 1848 Brownmiller, Bernard .. , 1849 Becker, Frederick 1849 Bright, Samuel M 1848 Bail, James T 1848 Blackburn, Joseph 1848 Curry, Hiram M 1848 Day, Isaac D 1849 Dierking, Charles 1849 Doer, Philip 1849 Frampton, Stephen C 1849 Fitzgerald, William 1849 Floerke, William 1849 Fleming, Alanson 1849 Ficken, John 1848 Ent. Tray. Con. Merrick, Frederick 1841 Merritt, Stephen M 1846 Mitchel, James 1843 Mark, Banner 1846 Maddux, Samuel 1838 Merrick, Clinton W Metcalf, William T 1835 Mather, Daniel D 1842 Morris, Joseph S 1836 Munsell, Levi M 1841 Muifinger, John M Newson, Josepli 1833 Nation, Philip 1833 Nast, William 1835 Neppent, Lewis 1846 Perkhisar, Micah G 1835 Phillips, T. A. G 1833 Pitzer, Richard 1844 Porter, William 18^6 Prose, John R 1847 Parker, Sheldon 1834 Quarry, William J 1846 Rowe, Wesley 1834 Routiedge, William 1843 Roe, Edward D 1832 Rcthueiler, Jacob 1846 Riemenschneider, E 1840 Swormstedt, lierov 1818 Sutherland, William H, . 1843 Smith, Joseph W 1836 Smith, Moses 1842 Strickland, William P. .. 1832 Sargent, David II 1843 Smith, James 1811 BUPERNUMERARIES, (5.) Goff. Abner 18J9 Lovell, Charles 11 1833 SUPERANNUATED, (13.) Martin, Jacob 1831 Miller, Adam 1831 Rnper, William H 1810 Schmucker, Peter 1838 Stone, J. W 1836 DEACONS, (54.) Fry, Jacob 1847 Glasscock, Benjamin .... 1849 Guyer, William 1849 Given, James F 1848 Hall, Edward P 1849 Howard, De Witt C 1849 Hypes, William L 1849 Hopkins, James H 1849 Heller, Frederick 1846 Heiss, Levi 1848 Hill, Henry S 1848 KaufTman, Michael C. . . 1848 Lee, Thomas 1849 Leavitt, John M 1849 Loyd, John F 1849 Merrick, Edward C 1849 Muth, Conrad 1849 Middleton, Samuel 1848 Ent. Trav. Con. Swain, Charles W 1831 Sears, Clinton W 1842 Sutton, William 1829 Smith, David 1837 Sharp, David 1813 Spahr, Barzilla N 1843 Shelton, Orville C 1836 Steele, John W 1836 Stewart, William F 1843 Sheets, Michael 1846 Stewart, .John Schimmelpfennig, Fred. . 1847 Strnuch, John 1847 Shelper, Charles 1844 Tibbitts, Allen W 1840 Trimble, Joseph M 1828 Tomlinson, Joseph S 1825 Wilber, P. B 1839 Westerman, Nathaniel , . 1842 Walker, George W 1827 White, Levi 1822 Weakley, John W 1837 Warnock, David 1834 Webster, Wesley 1842 Whitmer, David 1844 West, George G 1840 Warren, Charles H 1843 White, John W...1834 or 1828 Wharton, Henry 1835 Widtenbach, Christian . . 1844 Young, John W 1835 Young, William 1830 Owen, Ebenezer 1837 Wharton, Z 1834 Whitcomb, David Young, David 1805 Neff, Isaac 1849 Peregrine, James S 1849 Phetzing. John 1846 Riker, Samuel C 1849 Ross, John W 1848 Smith William M 1849» Spencer, Oliver M 1849 Simmons, T. I. N 1849 Snyder, Peter 1849 See, Andrew B 1848 Sellman, Horace S 1847 Townlv, Gilbert C 1848 Vogel, Christian 1849 Vancleve, Lafayette 1848 Wheat, Benjamin P 1848 Westerfelt, John H 1848 West, Enoch G 1848 Ziiik, Milton P 1849 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 61 Ent. Tray. Con. Baker, Peter B 1850 Bennett, Silas 1850 Beall, Alfred 1850 Collett, Thomas 1850 Cassett, John VV 1850 Creighton, Samuel T. , . . 1850 Cavin, James M 1850 Dressier, William 1849 Harris, George \V 1350 Bradrick, Isaiah A 1851 Benjamin, David C 1851 Damm, John H 1851 Dennett, \Vesley 1851 Engei, William 1851 Edier, Charles 1851 Fulton, Robert C 1851 Green, Henry F 1851 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (26.) Ent. Tray. Con. Heidmyer, Frederick .... 1849 Lukemyer. Henry 1850 Loyd, Thomas L 1850 Magill, Henry T 1850 Murlev, John F 1850 Maddv, John C 1850 Morris, William 1850 Nachtrieh, Gottlieb 1850 Reiter, George 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (22.) Grange, William 1851 Kaetter, William 1851 Krehbiel, Jacob 1851 Kendall, James 1851 Lonis, H.I Morris, Benjamin F 1851 Mann, David 1851 Ricker, Gustaft' 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Rehm, Hughes 1850 Reed, Joseph C 1850 Reed, George H 1849 Smith, William G 1849 Thrawls, Thomas M 1850 Thompson, John J 1850 Wilson, Amos 1850 Wones Timothy ... 1848 Robinson, .Tessa M'D 1851 Sheeks, Samuel B 1851 Shannan, William Q 1851 Vierhoof, Augustus 1851 Wahl, Gottlieb 1851 Wilke, Henry . . ., 1851 ILLEsOIS CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD IN -, 1825. BOUNDARIES, Illinois Conference includes that part of the State of Illinois south of the following line, namely : beginning at Warsaw on the Mississippi river, and running thence to Augusta; thence to Doddsville ; thence to the mouth of S))oon river; thence to Bloomington ; thence to Danville; thence to the Indiana State line, embracing Warsaw town, Havannah mission, Bloomington sta- tion, and Danville circuit. The next session to be held in Winchester, Scott Co., Illinois, , 1852. James Leaton, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (16.) Ent. Trav. Con. Peter Cartwright, Quincy District, 1804 Wm. D. R. Trotter, Greggsvillc " 18.30 Collen D. James, . ./?/oonu'«^fon. " 18.'M Peter A kers, Springfield " 1821 John S. Bnrger, Jacksonville " 1823 George llutledge, Mton " 1835 Ent. Trav. Con. James B. Carrington, ..Lebanon District, 1838 James H. Dickens, Joncshorongh " W. W. Mitchell, Mount Vernon " 1834 Norman Aliyn, ..Jilount Carmcl " 1835 George W. Fairbank, .Danville " 1822 GERMAN MISSION. Philip Kuhl St. Louis District, 1845 Frederick Kerhman, J\Iisso:.ri " 1846 Henry Koeneke, Quincy " 1841 John Plank loica District, 1846 George L. Mulfinger, Wisconsin " Ent. Anderson, John . . . . Atkinson, Charles .. Anderson, Lewis Butler, Milo Blundell, William C, Bradshaw, Arthur .. Brown, Harvey Buck, Hiram Barth, Philip Trav Con. 1834 1837 1837 1843 1837 1829 1843 1845 ELDERS, (73.) Ent. Trar. Con. Cromwell, Je^^se Crane, James L 1846 Corringtori Elijah 1836 Cummings, Anson W 1837 Cliffe, William 1843 Don Carlos, Americus . . . 1840 Drever, Henry 184.5 Elliott, Samuel 1841 Eiseninayer, Coiirod 1845 Ent. Trav. Con. Fairbank, Daniel . . . 1840 Finlev, James C .... 1837 Feigenbaum, Wm... .... 1847 Garner, Greenbury . . .... 1847 Goodfellovv, William .... 1844 Guthrie, Robert E... .... 1841 Gillham, John .... 1837 Hatton, Daniel H . ... 1840 Hindall, William . . . .... 1837 o 62 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav, Con. Houts, James B 1839 Holliday, Charles M 1825 Hill, John H 1847 Hellwig, Peter 1847 Hollman, Charles 1847 Haas, Jacob 1846 Jaquess, James F 1845 Joy, Ephraim 1842 Jacoby, Ludwig S 1841 Johnson, William E 1845 Johnson, John T 1826 Kimber, Isaac C 1845 Koeneke, Charles 1842 Koeneke, Henry F 1847 Korfhage, August 1846 Kunz, Lewis 1847 Brittingham, John A. . . . 1843 Deneen, William L 1828 Amould, Christian 1848 Barton, William B 1849 Boheshenz, George 1848 Borland, John 1848 Caldwell, John W 1849 Dolson, James H 1849 Estep, Jeremiah S 1849 Ellers, William 1848 Feisel, Jacob 1849 Funk, Philip 1848 Fiegenbaum, Henry 1848 Andrus, Reuben 1850 Bennett, George W 1850 Bennett, William T 1850 Bernreuter, Conrad 1850 Baldwin, Caleb P 1849 Campbell, Abraham 1850 Eaton, James A 1850 EUerbeck, Henry 1850 Foster, John T 1850 Hoeck, Christopher 1850 Allyn, Henry 1851 Baker, John CI Boun, ChristofF 1851 Blackwell, Henry C 1851 Bischoff, John 1851 Bonney, George A 1851 Coooer, Larkin W 1851 Culver, Slocum H 1851 Davis, Richard N 1851 Davidson, James 1 1851 English, Levi 1851 Forte, Jesse L 1851 Hollovvay, Joseph H 1851 Hall, Christian 1851 Haldeiman, John A 1851 Horstman, Francis 1 Hutl'man, Samuel 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Lewis, Calvin W 1837 Leaton, James Magee, Thomas 1843 Moore, William G. ..... 1847 Mattison, Spencer 1843 Mason, Russel Z 1844 Massey, James M 1830 Munsell, Charles W.C... 1846 Newman, Benjamin 1843 Newman, Wingate J. . . . 1847 Nail, Richard J 1839 Norton, Ruel C 1844 Nuelsen, Henry 1845 Piper, William G 1841 Pitner, Wilson 1832 Pitner, Levi C 1845 SUPERANNUATED, (6.) Falconer, Enoch G 1840 Lane, Joseph 1843 DEACONS, (32.) Groves, Isaac 1849 Halev, Jan)es 31 1848 Jay, Charles F 1849 Johnson, James 1848 Kalb, Absalom J 1849 Kellner, Augustus 1848 Keck, John 1847 Long, John C 1849 Lalk, Philip 1848 Muller, Jacob 1849 N iedernieyer, Wm 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (28.) Holzbaylein, Andreas.... 1850 Havighorst, Rudolph .... 1850 Henners, Peter 1850 Jung, Jacob 1850 Kost, John G 1850 Lahrman, Henry 1850 M'Call, Solomon 1848 Merten, Frederick 1850 Northcott, Benjamin F... 1850 Parish, Braxton 1849 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (49.) Ent. Trav. Con. Rucker, James C 1844 Rutledge, William J 1841 Rogers, Austin F Risley, Asahel L 1827 Shinn, Sampson 1843 Shunk, Michael 1837 Shepherd, John 1836 Schreck, Wra 1842 Tolle, Calel J. T 1847 Thatcher, John 1835 Taylor, William H 1836 Wilson, William 1837 Wallace, Harden 1839 Wood, Blatchley C 1820 Randall, Barton 1831 Williams, William T.. . . 1835 Owen, William 1848 Pallett, William M 1849 Prentice, William S 1849 Reitz, Nicholas 1849 Roth, Henry 1849 Robinson, James A 1849 Ridgley, Vincent 1848 Schmidt, John 1849 Travis, Reuben W 1847 Walls, Francis H 1848 Rutledge, Edward 1850 Ransom, Albert 1850 Sterrett, Samuel f 1850 Stevenson, William 1850 Vosholl, Henry 1859 Witthorn, Henry 1850 Wenz, Christian 1850 Zimmerman, Joseph .... 1850 Hurne, David 1851 Hill, Henry B 1851 Hausam, John 1851 Jay, Nelson D 1851 Johnson, John W 1851 Koch, Hermann 1851 Kopp, Frederick 1851 Kruze, John D 1851 Klippel, Adam 1851 Lambert, Carey 1851 Langer, Charles F 1851 M'Elfresh, William M'K. 1851 Maginnis, Samuel W. . . . 1851 Milke, Frederick 1851 Miller, James 1851 Moore, Wm. H.H.I .... Munsell, Oliver S. ? Piercy, Zelah R 1851 Raus, John 1851 Richardson, Jas. I. ? Shelly, Levi 1851 Stublefield, David H 1851 Schuster, Frederick 1851 Scarritt, Jotham 1851 Shepherd, Moses. . .• 1851 Sears, Hiram 1851 Stofregen, Frederick .... 1851 Timken, Gearhard 1851 Van Gundy, Charles 1851 Van Gundy, Hiram 1851 Walther, John L 1851 Waggoner, George W. . . 1851 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 63 INDIANA CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD IN -, 1832. BOUNDARIES. Indiana Conference includes that part of the State of Indiana south of the National Road, with Elizabethtown in Ohio, and the western charge in Indianapolis, with all the towns that are immediately on the road to the State line, except Terre Haute. Next session to be held at Madison, , 1852. Matthew Simpson, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (12.) Ent. Trav. Con. James Havens, .... Indianapolis District, 1820 Joseph Tarkington, . Oreensburg " J825 Enoch G. Wood, ... Conner.^v/We " 18-27 John A. Brouse, . .Z/Oicre7ice&Mro- " 1833 Calvin W. Ruter, Madison " 1817 Edward R. Ames, .Jeffersonville " 1830 Ent. Trav. Con. John Kegir, JVew Albany District, 1837 William C. Smith, Paoli " 1840 Elijah Whitten, Evansville " 1832 Richard S. Robinson, Vincennes " 1829 William Meginnis, Putnamville " 1837 William M. Daily, Bloomington " 1831 Ent. Trav. Con. Ames, George W 1839 Beharrel, Thomas G 1846 Burrus, Elijah W 1845 Bussy, Amos 1837 Beck, Asa 1828 Butt, Wm 1829 Berry, Luciea W 1838 Coffin, B. Y 1847 Crawford, James 1838 Crawford, Samuel P 1842 Crawford, Thomas C. . . . 1842 Curran, Charles 1846 Clifford, Zelotes 1843 Cadwell, Elisha W 1842 Crary, Benjamin F 1845 Crawford, David 1841 Dale, John W 1835 Daniel, Wm. V 1834 Davis, Thomas S 1816 Davidson, Charles B Eddy, Thomas M 1842 Fraley, Wm. M 1840 Forbes, Lealdes 1847 Gilmore, Hiram 1831 Goodwin, Thomas A. . . . 1840 Dane, Henry S 1833 Jones, Constant B 1835 Jones, James 1835 Blowers, Rufus L 1849 Barnes, James S 1849 Boyer, Henry M 1849 Bruner, Othniel 1848 Carter, Wm. S 1849 Cornelius, Wm. H 1849 Chapman, Henry O Deal, David 1849 ELDERS, (75.) Ent. Trav. Con. Holmes, Daniel N 1843 Havens, Lnndy 1838 Hurlburt, Lewis 1834 Hollidav, Fernando C. . . 1834 Hollida'y, Courtland C. . . 1844 Hill, James 1838 Hester, Francis A 1843 Hamilton, James B 1847 Havens, George 1838 Johnson, Levi 1847 Kerns, John 1827 Kemp, Ezra L 1836 Lynch, Thomas H 1838 Lathrop, James B 1847 Locke, John W Long, Elijah D 1845 M'Intyre, Daniel 1840 Miller, John V. R 1839 Mellender, John W 1840 Miller, John 1842 Mitchell, James 1843 Myers, Jacob 1837 Nisbet, Alfred B 1841 Noble, James H 1846 Prather, Basil R 1847 SUPERANNUATED, (7.) Morrow, Wm 1830 Miller, Miltiades 1837 Oglesby, Joseph 1803 DEACONS, (23.) Jackson, Wm. H 1849 King, Julius C 1848 Lewis, Salem A 1849 Long, Aaron 1849 Long, Wm 1849 Linderman, James P 1848 M'Kee, Josiah Y 1849 M'Mulleii, John W. T. . . 1849 Ent. Trav. Con^ Powell, John W 1845 Rucker, Thomas H 1844 Ray, Thomas 1833 Robinson, Anthony 1836 Rawson, Silas 1837 Ryan, Thomas J 1843 Smith, Giles C 1844 Sabin, Elias H 1846 Sullivan, John W 1835 Smith, Seth 18aS Snyder, Wm. W 1845 Simpson, Matthew 1833 Sinex, Thomas H 1843 Shumate, Nathan 1845 Terrell, Williamson 1841 Tincher, Sampson 1846 Talbott, John 1838 Tower, Nath. F 1846 Whiteman, Jacob 1841 Wallace, John 1843 Wilkinson, Asbury 1840 Weeks, Samuel Walker, George W 1839 Williams, James R 1839 Williamson, David 1846 Shanks, Wm 1812 Potts, Francis S 1848 Rawlins Benjamin F 1849 Stallard, John J 1848 Thickston, Andrew J. . . . 1849 Triplett, Ajax H White, Francis W 1849 Williams, Jesse 1849 64 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. REMAINING ON TRIAL, (22.) Ent. Trav. Con. Brock way, Jesse 1850 Brooks, Thomas S 1850 Bratton, Thomas B 1850 Charles, James D 1850 Cloud, Daniel 1850 Dale, Lewis 1850 Falkinburgh, Somers B. . 18.50 Flemming, Eli 1850 Beswick, Robert H 1851 Benton, Morris VV 1851 Chafee, John G 1851 Jackson, John W 1851 Knoy, Alexander 1851 Lileston, Elijah 1 Ent. Tray. Con. Greene, John M 1850 Gaskins, Elias 18.50 Hester, Wm. M 1850 Mitchell, Matthew 1850 M'Caw, James Mason, Wm. F 1850 Richardson, Harmon .. .. 1850 Rose, ElihuE 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (17.) M'Cnn, James F 1851 Maupin, Wm 1851 Robins, John C 1851 Shrodes, Wm. L 1851 Sheets, Wm 1851 Sutton, Stephen B 1851 Ent. TrsT. Con. Stryker, Almon W 1850 Sparks, Jeremiah B 1850 Taylor, George B 1850 Taylor, James 1850 Wilher, George M 1850 Young, Winthrop 1849 Talbott, Henrv S. ? Thornburg. Peter F 1851 Tucker, Elbridge G 1851 Williams, Thomas 18.51 Whorten, Joseph 1851 LIBERIA CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT MONROVIA, iLIBERIA AFRICA, JAN. 5tH, 1837. BOUNDARIES. Western shore of Africa. Next session to be held at Millsburg, January 9th, John W. Roberts, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (3.) Ent. Trav. Con. J. W. Roberts, Monrovia District, 1838 J.S.Payne Baasa " Ent. Trav. Con. Byrd, James 1840 Harland, John W 1849 Matthews, H. B 1837 1840 ELDERS, (8.) Ent. Trav. Con. | Morris, J.L 1847 Russell, A. F 1840 Simpson, Gloster Ent. Trav. Con. Francis Burns,. . . . Cape Palmas District, Ent. Trav. Con. Wilson, B. R. Ware, D Williams, A. D. SUPERNUMERARIES, (2.) 1 Moore, James 1818 | DEACONS, (2.) Byrd, James 1845 ( Blattbews, H. B | REMAINING ON TRIAL, (2.) Harlund, J. W 1849 I Morris, J.L 1847 [ ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (4.) Hutt, Plato 1851 Matthews, S. J Idol Simpson, J. G 1851 Tyler, W.J 1851 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 65 BALTIirOUE CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT BALTIMORE, , 1797. BOUNDARIES. Baltimore Conference shall include all that part of Virginia not embraced in the Ohio, PitUburg, and Philadelphia Conferences, and which is bounded by a line commencing at the mouth of the Rappahannock river, running with said river to the head waters thereof, (including Fredericksburg;) thence by the Blue Ridge to New river, taking in Floyd circuit; thence by New river to the boundary of the Ohio Conference ; the western shore of Maryland, except a small portion included in the Pittsburg Conference, and that part of Pennsylvania lying east of the Alleghany Mountains and west of the Susquehannah river, including Huntington and Northum- berland Districts, Next session to be held at Hagerstown, Maryland, , 1853. John A. Collins, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS (10.) Ent. Tray. Con. John Bear, Baltimore District, 1814 N. J. B. Morgan, J\r. Baltimore " 1829 Nerval Wilson, Potomac " 1821 E. R. Veitch, Lewisbiirg " 1831 A. A. Reese, Rockingham " 1833 Ent. Trav. Con. George Hildt, Winchester District, 1826 E.P.Phelps, Cumberland " 1835 T. H. W. Monroe, Huntingdon " 1827 J. A. Gere, . . J^orthumberland " 1823 C. B. Tippett, Carlisle " 1820 Ent. Trav. Con. Allen, Edward E 1827 Brown, Richard 1827 Busey, Thomas H 1837 Brooke, George G 1829 Busey, Ezra F 1842 Brown, B. N 1833 Bowen, John 1823 Brooke, Benjamin F 1842 Blake, Samuel V 1835 Baird, Wm. S 1842 Ball, Dabney 1843 Bull, J. W 1843 Brison, Samuel 1821 Bunting, James 1842 Butler, Elisha 1838 Beers, Robert 1835 Brown, James H 1829 Brittain, Alem 1830 Berkstresser, George .... 1836 Buckingham, N. C 1843 Barnhart, Thomas 1845 Bowman, Thomas 1839 Brads, James 1836 Buhrman, Alfred 1848 Champion, W. H Chinowith, George D 1833 Chambers, R. D 1845 Clarke, James M 1832 Chenoweth, A. G 1834 ' Crever, Benjamin H 1840 Chapman, Wm. L 1848 Collins, Isaac 1823 Cooper, George W 1848 Conser, S. L. M 1840 Clemin, W. T. D 1840 Cornelius, Samuel 1848 Cullum, J. W 1832 Davis, James N 1848 ELDERS, (177.) Ent. Trav. Con. Dorsey, Edwin 1826 Dice, John C 1848 Dulin, E. L 1842 Dosh. John H. C 1848 Dill, HenrvG 1833 Dnshiell, Robert L 1843 Durborow, James R 1844 Day, G. H 1840 Dyson, Franklin 1839 Ege, Oliver 1827 Edwards, Wm. B 1830 Eskridge. A. A 1830 Eakin, James N 1848 Eggleston, Wm. G 1837 Ewing, John W 1842 Elliott, J. W 1844 Furlong, Henry B 1843 France, Joseph 1842 Gamble, James 1837 Griffith, A 1806 Gearhart, Franklin 1845 Griffiths, Samuel H 1848 Guyer, John 1834 Gorsuch, John S 1846 Gilbert, John L 1842 Guest, Job 1806 Grindin, Joshua M 1845 Gwvnn, Wm 1842 Green, J. M 1839 Goheen, M 1833 Graham, Cambridge .... 1845 Guyer, George 1837 Hartman, Daniel 18.33 Hank, Wm 1820 Hamline, Benjamin B. . . 1848 Hamilton, Wm 1818 Harden, Wm 1848 Hedges, John W 1845 6* Ent. Trar. Con. Hoover, John W . 1844 Hawley, M, L 1846 Hildebrand, H 1838 Holland, Horace 1834 Howe, Wesley 1831 Hirst, Wm 1838 Hoffman, H 1841 Haughawout, John W.. . 1837 Israel, George W 1838 Israel, F 1845 Jameson, Enoch G 1841 Jones, John M 1837 Krebs, Wm 1842 Kelly, J. W 1844 Larkin, Jacob 1819 Linthicum, Charles G. .. 1848 Lanev, Wm. H 1838 Lananan, John Lipscomb, P. D 1822 Lipscomb, R. M 1831 Lemon, Thomas B 1840 Lloyd, John 1846 Lambeth, Job W 1842 Lee, Joseph S 1834 Morgan, L. F 1834 M'Mullen, S 1832 Myers, Thomas 1835 Maclay, Robert S 1846 Macartney, Francis 1823 McElfresh, Charles 1844 Montgomery, J 1843 Meminger. Wm. M 1845 McClure, Thomas F. . . . 1842 March, James H 1842 Myers, Andrew J 1848 Martin, John S 1835 Melick, Justus A 1848 McGee, Thomas 1816 m PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Maclay, John 1841 Mills, Wm. R 1840 McMurrav, Jacob S 1845 McKee, VVni. A 1846 Moorhead, John 1840 Mitchell, Thompson 1839 McKeehan, J. G 1836 Munroe, J 1834 McCoUum, Ephraim .... 1838 Nadal, B. H 1835 Owen, E. D 1840 Poisal, John 1827 Peck, Jesse T 1832 Prettyman, Wm 1814 Phelps, Joseph T 1842 Parkison, Christopher . . . 1829 Pearce, John J 1844 Rogers, Samuel 1848 Riley, J. McK 1844 Register, Samuel 1840 Reese, Thomas M 1842 Best, Hezekiah 1826 Barry, Basil 1815 Collins, J. A 1830 Evans, Wm 1836 Enos, Wm. H 1829 Ewing, James 1809 Furlong, H. B 1817 Bromwell, Jacob L 1817 Barnes, Robert 1807 Cook, Israel B 1813 Cadden, Robert 1815 Davis, John 1810 Fish. Nathaniel L 1840 Forest, Josiah 1828 Houston, Wm 1804 Beatty, James 1850 Bland, Henry J 1850 Bellman, Henry W 1849 Bouse, George "W 1849 Barnitz, Alexander M. . . 1849 Coombs, John N 1850 Cassady, Francis S 1850 Champion, Wra 1850 Cronin, Cornelius C 1849 Black, R. Wesley 1851 Botcler, J. Wesley 1851 Buckingham, Wm. E. .. 1851 Coleman, James A 1851 Conway, Moncure D. ... 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Reid, Charles A 1843 Roszel, S. S 1838 Rescorl, Philip 1832 Rothrock, Joseph Y Richey, F. H 1843 Reese, Philip B 1839 Ross, Joseph A 1839 Sanks, James 1828 Smith, Robert 1846 Start, John W 1845 Spangler, Joseph N 1845 Smith, Amos 1820 Stine, John Stevenson, George 1841 Sargent, Thomas B 1825 Spottswood, Wilson E. . . ^^43 Slicer, Henry 1822 Smith, Samuel 1834 Shoatr, David 1848 Switzer, Thomas H 1841 Schlosser, Noah 1848 SUPERNUMERARIES, (19.) Gibbons, J. L ... 1822 Hanson, J. M ... 1809 Hamilton, M. G ... 1837 Keppler, Samuel . . . . ... 1827 Lumsden, Wm. O. . . ... 1824 Morgan, T. A ... J837 Miller, John ... 1806 SUPERANNUATED, (23.) Harding, Thomas S 1833 Hildebrand, Stephen .... 1837 McEnnailv, Jacob 1829 Monroe, VVm 1810 ftlills, Francis M 1832 Monroe, Levi N 18.36 Smith, Henry 1794 Steele, David 1820 DEACONS, (26.) Cnstleman, David 1849 Dougherty, Thomas 1850 Deale, John L 1849 Gritfith, Samuel B 1850 Goodfellow, Thomas M. 1850 Gibson, Isaac 1850 Gibson, Alexander E. ... 1849 Haughenberry, Adam . . . 1849 Hartman, Albert 1849 Ent. Trav. Con. Tarring, Henry 1827 Trout, David 1837 Thomas, David 1833 Ton2;ue, John W 1844 Torrence, J. H 1843 Tebbs, F. C 1845 Tiffany, O. H 1846 Thrush, John 1845 Tanevhill, Thomas 1828 Vinto'n, Robert S 1818 Wilson, Wm. H *. 1844 Wilson, Samuel L 1848 Wolfe, John W 1846 Wickes, Wm Waugh, J. Hoffman .... 1842 Wirgman, O. P 1846 White, Wm. R 1844 Welty, E 1842 Waters, Plummer E 1844 Wvsong, Thomas T 1842 Young, Charles B 1821 Pugh, M. L 1845 Pitcher, Wm. H 1846 Smith, Stephen 1830 Turner, M. A 1838 Turner, James 1846 Sewell, Thomas 1838 Thomas, John 1807 Wells, Josiah 1789 Ward. James 1792 Wolfe, David Watts, James 1804 Young, Jared H 1834 Lemon, James H. M 1850 Landstreet, John 1848 M'Cauley, James A 1850 Rvland, John H 1849 Stansberrv, John T 1850 Steele, VVm. C 1850 Speake, Wm. F 1850 Waring, Edmund H 1850 Aldridge, Sylvester H. . . 18.52 Arnold, David W 1852 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (15.) Downs, Wilfred 1851 Demoyer, John A 1851 Eakin, Joseph T J851 Gibson, Andrew W 1851 Hank, J. Newman 1851 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (23.) Bothrock, Joseph Y 1852 Berry, George M 1852 Marlatt, Archibald G 1851 Ridgeway, Henry B 1851 Smi"th, Bennett H 1851 Slusser, Francis M 1851 Worts, David C 1851 Barnett, James M 1852 Chew, Thomas 1852 PAET I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 67 Ent. Trav. Con. Curns, James 1832 Dean, John P 1852 Deshiell, John A 1852 Ewing:, Henry W 1852 Ewing, James Hervey ., 1852 Elthison, Jason 1852 Ent. Trav. Con. Gantt, Walter C 1852 Hank, A. Summerfield . . 1852 Hamilton, Charles 1852 Hildebrand, Josiah 1852 Kelley, Joshua 1852 Langley, John W 1852 Ent. Trav. Con. McDnniel, Humphrey ... 1852 Shaffer, Nathan 1852 Sargent, Joseph J 1852 West wood, Henry C. . . . 1852 Wilson, Henry 1852 PHILADELPHIA COXPERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, BOUNDARIES, -, 1797. The PmLADELPHiA Conference includes the eastern shore of Maryland and Vir-rinia the fetate of Delaware, and all that part of Pennsylvania lying between the Susquehannah and Dela- ware rivers, except so much as is included in Baltimore, Oneida, and New Jersey Conferences Next session to be held at , , . , Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (6.) Ent. Trav. Con R. Gerry, . . J^orth Philadelphia District, 1826 T. J. Thompson, 5. Philadelphia " 1826 J. D. Curtis, Reading " 1837 Ent. Trav. Con. A. Atwood Wilmington District, 1825 T. J. Quigley, Easton " 1836 D- Daily, Snow Hill " 1812 Ent- Trav. Con. Ashton, J. Y 1841 Arthur, J. W 1S40 Atmore, H. S 1839 Aspnl, J 1840 Anderson, J. R 1844 Annear, S Ayres, J. B 1829 Allen, J 1841 Bartine, D. W 1832 Brisbane, W. H 1S48 Bishop, W 1841 Barnes, Wm 1817 Bowen, G. D 1844 Bell, John 1827 Boyd. J. H 1816 Brmdle, J. A 1843 Crooks, G. R 1843 Castle, Joseph 1823 Calloway, H. R 1843 Cunningham, James 1834 Cranch, C. J 1833 Cooper, Wm 1828 Cooper, J. T 1835 Cookman, A 1848 Coombe, P 1835 Cummins, John 1847 Carrow, G. D 1843 Carlisle. Joseph 1837 Colder, J Colclazer, H Cox, P.J. '/.;;; ]84i Cooper, S. M 1844 Durbin, J. P ]819 Dickerson, J 1848 England, Wm. E. ...... 1845 Edwards. John 1831 Elliott, Wm. H 1839 ELDERS, (124.) Ent. Trav. Con. Freed, Abram 1843 Fernley, T. A 1845 Flanerv, James 1836 Gray, W. L 1841 Gray, V 1839 Greenbank, R. M 1829 Gillinghnm, S. R 1848 Gilroy, H. E 1840 Gilder, Wm. H Houston, J. L 1833 Hallo well, Peter 1845 Heston, Newton 1844 Hand, James 1837 Hodson, Francis 1828 Humphries, Joshua 1829 Hurn, H. F Hare, S. G Hazzard, J. T 1835 Hargis, James 1836 Hill, Charles 1845 Hough, John 1848 John, Allen 1833 Johnston, T. S 1841 Johnston, H. M Kettell, G. F Kurtz, M. D 1838 Karsner, Charles 1836 Kemp, R. E 1831 Lybrand, G. W 1844 Lambdin, Daniel 1823 Lore, D. D 1837 Mecaskey, J. W 1844 Mason, J 1838 Murphy, T.C ]843 McMichael, W. W 1837 Major, Wm 1848 McCombs, W 1839 Ent. Trav. Con. Miller, Elijah 1834 McCullough, J. B 1846 McCarter. J 1842 Manger, H. B 1843 Meredith, J. E 1845 Maddux, George 1848 Mullen, Wm 1842 Manship, A 1843 Massev, J. A 1827 Merrill, J. R 1841 •iilby, A. W 1842 Newman, Thomas 1842 Orem, G 18.38 Onins, J. D 1835 Patterson, Stearns 1844 Pasterfield, Jereminh 1848 Pancoast, Samuel 1844 Price, David A 1848 Patterson, D. L 1842 Pattison, R. H 1846 Quiglev, G 1842 Ryan, Wm. M. D Ruth, J 1837 Roche, J. A 1835 Rink, Wm 1845 Sewell, J Sisty, M. H 1839 Sutton, H 1837 Sanderson, Henry 1845 Scott, Levi 1826 Storks, Levi 1824 Shields, John 1844 Sumption, T 1838 Smith, V 1840 Shock, C 1838 Turner, J. H 1845 Tafl, J.L 1833 68 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Turner, C. F 1848 Townsend, Stephen 1835 Thomas, J. C 1843 Turner, Jonathan 1846 Thompson, C. J 1848 Barton, George 1835 Gilder, Wm. H 1833 Grace, Samuel 1818 Higgins, Samuel H 1840 Henry, John 1822 Ledmun, John 1823 Lorin, Matthew 1823 Alday, John H 1850 Bosvvell, Wm. L 1849 Burrell, Wm. H 1849 Boon, John F 1850 Brindle, George W 1850 Hubbard, James 1850 Caldwell, J. McHenry ., . 1851 Cook, Joseph S 1851 Gregg, Joseph 1851 Hammersly, .Tames W. . . 1851 Hobbs, Henry A 1851 Ames, Wm. F 18.52 Becklev, Levi B 1852 Chaplain, John F 18.52 Curry, Charles R 1852 Day, Michael A 185!ff Ent. Trav. Con. Thomas, D. R 1845 Urie, Wm 1832 Watson, J. A 1837 Williams, E. R 1837 Wythes, J. H SUPERNUMERARIES, (13.) King, H. G 1819 Lacey, George 1835 Long, J. D 1840 Mitchell, James Neil, James 1836 SUPERANNUATED, (4.) White, Henry DEACONS, (16.) Illman, Frederick 1850 Jones, John J 1850 Lightburn, James H 1850 Merrill, Wm 1849 Owen, Reuben 18.50 Pettit, Lewis C 1850 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (15.) King, James N 1851 McLaughlin. Geo. W. .. 1851 Meredith, John F 1851 Palmeter, Silas C 1851 Robinson, Wm. C 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Walton, Wm. B 1848 Wav, E. J 1840 Wallace, A 1848 Cluin, Wm 1817 Reed, E 183J Tally, John 1819 Wiltshire, George 1824 Quigg, John B 1850 Steinman, Charles L. ... 1849 Thompson, John 1849 Wood, Wm. B 1850 Simpers, Thomas W. Thomas, T. S Thomas, Samuel W. Titlow, Daniel Wiley, Isaac W. ... 1851 1851 1851 1849 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (15.) Dyson, John 1852 Dennison, John B 18.52 Gracey, John T 18.52 Harvey, Francis B 1852 Howard, Abel 1852 Longacre, Andrew 1852 Manlove. W. E 1852 Miller, Thomas B 185'2 O'Neil, John 1852 Townsend, Edward 1852 KEW JERSEY CONFERENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT -, 1837. BOUNDARIES. The New Jersey Conference includes the whole State of New Jersey, Staten Island, and so much of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, as is now included in the Paterson District. Next session to be held at Bridgeton, , 1853. Jefferson Lewis, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (7.) Ent. Trav. Con. T. M'CarrolI, JSTewark District, 1829 W. A. Wilmer, Patergon " 1830 Manning Force JVewton " 1811 C. A. Lippincott, Rahway •' 1830 Con. Ent. Trav. I. K. Shaw Trenton District, 1825 Isaac N. Felch, Burlington " 1831 T. Sovereign, Camden " 1827 Ent. Trav. Con. Ayars, James 1829 Ashbrook, Joseph 1830 ELDERS, (115.) Ent. Trav. Con. Atwood, Joseph 1837 Andrew, B 1829 Ent. Trav. Con. Burrows, Waters 1816 Burroughs, W. M 1839 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 69 Ent.TraT.Con, Badglev, O Brice, A. L 1847 Brvan, James R 1848 Beegle, H. B 1842 Burr, Jonathan K 1848 Banghart, George 1812 Brown, G. F Brown, Henry M 1846 Beegle, John S 1837 Ballard, A. E 1844 Barrett, John W Brooks, VVm. A 1838 Corbit, VVm. P 1841 Corbit, Israel S 1844 Campfield, T. T 1844 Cross, Isaac 1847 Coit, C. S 1847 Christine, W. W 1846 Crane, John N 1833 Crane, J. T 1845 Canfield, J. F Dobbins, Joseph B 1842 Dandy, James H 182G Daily, Jacob P 1845 Day. B Dunn, Lewis R 1840 Decker, S. W 1839 Duffeli, David 1839 Downs, Charles S 1838 Ellison, M. E 1842 Edwards, Noah 1839 Fort, John Fort, Jacob P 1844 Frambs, D. E 1846 Flemming, Caleb K 1847 Green, Enoch 1848 Gevin, Robert 1844 Boehm, Henry 1802 Crouch, John F Chattle, Joseph 1829 Dav, Peter D 1833 German, Matthias 1837 Ilance, Edmund Pitman, Charles 1818 Arndt, Ralph S 1849 Adams, Joseph R 1850 Belles, Amos H 1849 Chamberlain, Walter 1849 Cline, Philip 1850 FauU, John 1850 Adams, E. W 1851 Day, Edwin A 1851 Day, Wm 1851 Darrow, VVm. V 1851 Dedrick, T. S 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Griffith, Edward M 1844 Gilmore, Alex 1837 Gearhart.A 1829 Gaskil!, Z 1834 Gaskill, Joseph 1842 Graves, David 1842 Hugg, Isaac 1845 Herr, Martin 1844 Hill, Charles E 1846 Harris, Robert S 1846 Hilliard, S. VV 1846 Hughes, George 1844 Herr, Levi 1844 Hitchens, George 1637 Jaquett, Samuel 1835 Jeffreys, VVm. H 1848 Kidder. D. P 1836 Kellv, B Kline, P Lenhart, John L Longheed, Samuel D 1844 Laren Charles 1847 Lummis, Fletcher 1842 Loudenslnger, J 1833 Lewis, Jefferson 1830 Morrow, John J 1846 M'Clintock, J 1835 M'Cormick, J. P 1845 Morrell, Francis A 1831 Monroe, Samuel Y M'Dougall, J. VV 1833 M'Farland, J. H 1830 Nelson, Warren C 1836 Owen, Abraham 1836 Porter, John S 1829 Perry, Wm. E 1839 Pulmer, B. D 1846 SUPERNUMERARIES, (15.) Long, James 1818 Morison, R. E 1833 Neal, Thomas 1808 Nelson, VV. C 1828 Page, Edward 1817 SUPERANNUATED, (6,) Ravbold. George A 1833 Smith, VVm 1830 DEACONS, (16.) Freeman, James M 1850 Hanley, Joseph J 1849 Hurd, Henry 1850 Hornor, Joseph 1850 Reed, Davton F 1850 Trotter, Isaac 1849 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (14.) Hill, John B 1850 Heisler, John S 1851 Lockwood, R. B 1851 Morell, James F 1851 Stokely, Nehemiah 1851 Ent. Trav. Con. Palmer, A. M 1842 Parker, Samuel 1848 Post, Samuel E Policy, Clark 1848 Pierson, Joseph M 1838 Robertson, W 1836 Rogers, James 1836 Stakes, Elwood H 1844 Snyder, G. R 1845 Swaime, John S 1834 Stokes, M. C 1847 ^Scarlett, John 1841 Sleeper, J. J 1837 Summerill, Joseph C 1844 Street, A. K 1831 Trumbower, H 1844 Townsend, Socrates 1840 Talley, C 1834 Truet, A.J.J 1838 Tunison, VVm 1847 Vansant, Jr., Nicholas. , . 1842 Vansant, Samuel 1844 Vanhorn, G Vunhorn, Richard 1842 Vancleve, C. S 1836 Vandewater, A. C 1840 Wakelv, J. B. (trans, to N.'Y. E, Con.) Wiggins, Wm. G 1844 VVinsar, George 1639 Weed, B Winner, John 1848 W^inans, Rodney 1838 White, James .'. 1838 Went worth, Erastus 1848 Yard, Robert B. 1848 Reed, Benjamin N 1835 Rusling, S 1827 Sanders, Edward 1834 Tuttle, James M 1836 Winner, Isaac 1822 Stout, Edward 1814 Vansickel, Reuben Titus, Wicks S 1850 Walters, Thomas 1849 Waters, Edwin 1850 Wilson, Thomas S 1850 Smith, Thomas H 1850 Seran, John W 1850 Shackara, Swain 1851 Wolf, Francis S 1850 70 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Clark, Cornelius 1852 Cole, J. Wesley 1852 Dickerson. Wm. H 1852 Hickman, John W 1852 Hays, John L 1852 Haff, Isaac VV 1852 Hudson, Samuel M 1852 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (19.) En(. Trav. Con. Jones, George Henry .... 1852 Moore, Samuel T 1852 Mathis, John B 1852 M'Curdy, Daniel 1852 Primrose, James H 1852 Stockton, Wm. S 1852 Smith, Geo. Walters 1852 Ent. Trav. Con. Sanders, John L 1852 Teed, David 1852 Walters, David 1852 Woolston, Benj. F 1852 Wythe, Wm. W 1852 PEOYTDENCE CONFERENCE. BOUNDARIES. The Providence Conference includes that part of the State of Connecticut, lying east of the Connecticut river, all the State of Rhode Island, and that part of the State of Massachusetts lying south east of a line drawn from the north east corner of the State of Rhode Island to the mouth of Neponset river, which line shall so run as to leave the Walpole station and Quincy Point within the bounds of the New England Conference. Next session to be held at Fourth st., New Bedford, , 1853. Daniel Wise, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS, (3.) Ent. Trav. Con. David Patten, Providence District, B. Otheman, J^cw London Ent. Trav. Con. Allen, Ralph W 1833 Atwater, Horace C 1845 AUyn, Robert 1842 Alderman, Meritt P 1837 Albiston, Roger 1843 Butler, J. C 1839 Brown, Samuel C 1844 Burnham, Geo Bemis, Nath 1843 Blood, Lorenzo W 18.39 Benton, Sanford 1830 Burton, Erastus 1833 Brewster, Geo. W 1842 Bentley, Lorenzo D 1847 Blake, Ebenezer 1807 Bradford, E. B 1835 Chase, Moses . . . .- 1833 Cady, Lawton 1842 Cone, Wm 1844 Collins, L. C 1837 Carpenter, Geo. M 1842 Cady, Jonathan 1832 Case, John W 1822 Coggshall, Sam. W 1832 Cooper, John 1843 Cady, Wm. 1847 Crandon, Philip 1835 Daggett. Jr., Levi 1842 Dean, Sidney 1843 Donkersley, Richard .... 1835 1814 P. T. Kenny, Ent. Trav. Con, . Sandwich District, 1833 ELDERS, (87.) Ent. Trav. Con. 1847 1828 1833 1844 1846 1847 1843 1842 1846 1836 Dorchester, Jr., Daniel Emerson, Warren Ely, Thomas Fox, Samuel , Grant, Elihu , Gilford, John E , Goodrich, Nelson ..... Gardiner, Abel , Gould, John B Garitt, Franklin , Hobart, John Hatfield, R. M. (trans, to N. Y. E. Con.) 1841 Harlow, W.T Houghton, Horatio W. . . 1844 Hasted, J. B 1826 Howson, John 1840 Hunt, J. Burleigh 1847 Hinckley, E. B 1845 Huse, Obidu Lovejoy, John 1816 Livesey, Richard 1834 Lyon, Edward A 1839 Leffiingwell, Lyman .... 1839 Livese}', Jr., John 1844 •Leonard, Wm 1845 Livesev, Wm 1830 Mayo, Henry 1823 Mather, James 1844 Morse, Charles 1845 Ent. Trav. Con. M'Gonegal, Robert 1848 Paine, Nothan Parke Albert F 1844 Palmer, Anthony 1838 Rogers. Geo. W 1846 Richards, Wm. H 1835 Robinson, Andrew H 1846 Swinerton, A. M Standish, Edmund A 1837 Simmons, Wm. S 1839 Stearns, Geo. W 1837 Spilsted, Thomas 1846 Smith, Henry H 1835 Sayer, Benjamin L 1845 Stebbins, Dixon 1842 Turkington, Wm 1845 Torbush, Henry 1837 Titus, Charles H 1844 Talbot, Jr., Micah J 1845 Upham. Frederick 1821 Wise, Daniel 1840 Wooding, G. W 1845 Walker, R. M 1834 Webb, Daniel 1798 Wheeler, A. B 1840 Winchester, Geo. H 1843 Worcester, James M 1848 Weeks, James B 1846 Puffer, Stephen. SUPERNUMERARIES, (2.) 1825 I McReading, Joseph 1841 | PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 71 EiU. Trav. Con. Bates, Lewis 1804 Balies, Henrv Bidwell, Ir.iM 1824 Bonney, Isaac 1808 Carter, C. A 1836 Dane, Francis 1810 Gurney, Theopholus B... 1847 Hazard, Charles S 1850 Hammond, Charles 1849 Allen, Albert A 1851 Banning, Carlos 1851 Bodfish, Asa 1851 Bates, Lewis B 1852 Conant, Henry W 1852 Kellen, Wni 1852 SUPERANNUATED, (18.) Ent. Trav. Con. Dorchester, Daniel 1816 Fifield, Moses 1816 Fillmore, Daniel 1811 Goodrich, J. C 1828 Kent, Asa 1802 Lamberton, Sewall DEACONS, (9.) Hincks, Ezekiel F 1850 Hatfield, E. H 1848 *Kellen, William 1852 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (8.) Blake, Thomas D 1848 King, John D 1850 Mather, Peter S 1850 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (7.) Loomis, Wilber F 1852 McKeown, Andrew 1852 Mason, Charles 1852 Ent. Trav. Con. Perry, Heman 1830 Pierce, Lozein 1835 Ramsdell, H. S 1825 Robins, 1826 Sticknev, E. VV 1822 Townsend, Paul 1828 *McKeown, Andrew *Stetson, VVm. H. . , , Sheffield, John F Pilbrook, Nathan P. White, Lorenzo ... 1852 1852 1848 1851 1851 Stetson, Wm. H 1852 OREGON AND CALIFOIiNIA MISSION CONFERENCE. ' FIRST SESSION HELD AT SALEM, OREGON, SEPT. 3d, 1851. BOUNDARIES. The Oregon AND California Mission Conference includes Oregon, California, and New- Mexico. William Roberts, Superintendent of the Mission and Superintendent ;?ro tern, of the Conference. PRESIDING ELDERS, (3.) Ent. Trav. Con. Wm. Roberts, pro tern. Oregon District, l834 Isaac Owen, California " 1834 Ent. Trav. Con. E. G. Nicholson, ..JsTew Mexico District, 1842 Ent. Trav. Con. Briggs, Martin C Bateman, A. L. S 1848 Bannister, Edward 1842 Blain, J. D 1842 Bland, Adam 1845 Corwin, James 1841 Doane, Nehemiah Dryden, David A Helm, Wm. ELDERS, (23.) Ent. Trav. Con. Flinn, John 1848 Fish, J. P Hoyt, Francis S 1846 Hunter, James 1848 Kingslev, C. S 1844 M'Elroy, Isaac 1835 Miller, John W ..... 1849 Merchant, Elijah 1850 SUPERNUMERARIES, (2.) I Leslie, D 1822 I Ent. Trav. Con. Maclav, Charles 1842 Maclay, Wm. J 1851 Pearne, Thomas H 1839 Simonds, S. D 1835 Wilbur, James H 1842 Waller, A. F 1833 Woodward, L. T 1850 PREACHERS NOT ELDERS. ENUMERATED AMONG THOSE REMAINING ON TRIAL Gibbons, Alex 1849 M'Kinney, John M'Lean, Alexander Rayner, James O. Rogers, James Smith, Joseph S. . Taylor, William. * Not enumerated here but with thoge admitted on trial. 72 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY, I NEW ENGLxiND COKPEEENCE. FIRST SESSION HELD AT LYNN, MASS., JULY 17tH, 1801. BOUNDARIES. New England CoNFERENCEshall include all the State of Massachusetts lying east of the Green Mountains, not embraced in the New Hampshire and Providence Conferences. Next session to be held at , , . Charles Adams, Secretary. PRESIDING ELDERS (4.) Ent. Trav. Con. Jefferson Hascall, Boston District, 1830 Amos Binney, Charlestown " 182G Phineas Crandall,. , Charles Baker Ent. Trav. Con. , . Worcester District, 1820 . Springfield " 1820 Ent. Trav. Cou. Atkinson, Kinsman 1843 Adams, Charles 1833 Adams, J. Augustus 1846 Bannister, Daniel K 1834 Boyden, Luman 1836 Bigelow, Increase B 1839 Bagnall, VVm. R 1843 Braman, VVm. A 1844 Bridge, .1. D 1834 Bridge, H. M 1845 Brownson, Hector Butler, VVm Casey, John G 1848 Cummings, Joseph 1846 Crowell, Loranus 1844 Cableigh, Nelson E 1844 Cook, Edward Cox, GersbamF 1830 Collier, J. J. P Clapp, VVm. A Clark, VV. R 1844 Cushing, Stephen 1833 Chapin, Daniel E 1844 Cadvvell, John Clark, J. M 1848 Dennison, Joseph 1843 Day, John S 1843 Degen, H. V D wight, Mosely 1831 Dunham, Howard C Dunbar, George 1845 Dadman, John W 1842 Eastman, Cyrus L 1844 Esty, Jonathan L Green, George W 1836 Ireson, J 1812 Brown, T. G 1831 Cook, A. A 1842 Cushing, S. A 1832 Easterbrook, R. D 1828 ELDERS, (100.) Ent. Trav, Con. Fisk, Frank 1836 Frost, Geo. VV 1842 Field, Chester 1839 Flagg, Algernon S 1846 Gordon. Wm 1834 Griswold. Francis A 1843 Hempsted, Henry E 1843 Hatch, Wm. H.." 1834 Horton, Jotham Hanaford, Jeremiah L. . . 1845 Howe, Moses A Kilburn, David Lncount, Wm. F .<... 1847 Loveland, James S Leffingwell, Marvin Lewis, T. W 1849 Lewis, Joseph VV 1835 Manning, Edward A 1843 Macreding, Charles S.... 1831 Morrill, Nathaniel J 1843 Merrill, John VV 1842 Marcev, Ichabod 1841 Merrill, Abraham D 1822 Mudge, Ziichariah A. . . . 1840 Moulton, Horace 1828 Mann, Wm. M 1837 Mowrv, James VV 1830 Mudire, Thomas H 1843 M'Curdv, Converse L.. . . 1834 Noble, Charles 1830 Nichols, Henry M 1848 Olds, VVm. B. 1843 Pentecost, VV^ M 1849 Porter, James 1830 SUPERNUMERARIES, (5.) Ent. Trav. Con. Putnam, Simon 1843 Pettee, John T 1844 Perkins, John W Paulson, John 1845 Rice, VVm 1841 Richards, Daniel 1842 Ricketts, John 1845 Raymond, M 1838 Savage. Isaac A 1841 Street, Thomas Sargent, Aaron D 1822 Smith, John 1848 Smith, Isaac Smith, Willard 1839 Staples, Mark 1831 Shepherd, James 1833 Steel, Daniel Spalding, Newell S 1822 Stone, VVm. R 1825 Sherman, David 1843 Scott, Ephraim 1846 Taylor, Edward T 1818 Trafton, Mark 1831 Tupper, Samuel 1844 True, Charles K 1833 Thayer, Lorenzo R 1841 Twombly, John H 1844 Webster, M. P 1833 Wallingford, Philander.. 1843 Winslow, David L 1836 Ward, Windsor 1834 Wood, Pliny 1845 King. D. S 1830 Merrill, David K 1842 Paine, Benjamin .... .... 1823 SUPERANNUATED, (22.) Flagg, A. L 1846 Hall, H. P 1842 Marcy, T Merrfll, J. M .... 1835 ... 1842 Kibby, E Newell, E. F Lambord, B. F Nutting, B. F PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ent. Trav. Con. Otis, Erastus Parker, John Sanborn, J Spaulding, N.S 1822 Bailey, Augustus F 1850 Bow ier, George 1849 Chapman, George E 1850 Andrews, H. P 1850 Best, E. J 1851 Crosby, J 1850 Ent. Trav. Con. Spaulding, R 1827 Taylor, A Tucker, T. W 1812 Virgin, C 1807 DEACONS, (9.) Estey, J. L Howe, Oliver S Judd, B 73 Ent. TraT, Con. 1850 REMAINING ON TRIAL, (9.) Haven, Gilbert 1851 High, W. C Hubbard, W.M 1851 Whitman, J. Willard, E. . Kilgore, Damon Y 1850 Studley, Wm. S 1850 Wilson, Jaivis. Newhall, F. H 1851 Steele, G. W 1851 Wait, Daniel 1651 ON TRIAL FIRST YEAR, (3.) Atkins, D 1852 | Fish, Linus 1852 1 Page, A. W. 1852 NoTK. — The names of those preachers marked by a 1, are found in their respective Conferences for the first time, but as their relation can not be determined by the minutes, they are enumerated among those on trial the first year. 74 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Names. Abbott, H. B Abbott, John Abbott, J Abbott, J. C Abbott, Norman . . . Abell, Asa Ackerly, Ana Adams, Anron Adams, Albert L... Adams, A. S Adams, B. M Adams, Cliarles . . . Adams, C. R Adams, E. W Adams, Ezek Adams, Elisha .... Adams, H. Z Adams, Jacob S.. . . Adams, James .... Adams, J. Augustus Adams, Jos. R Adkins, L. L Adams, True P Afilerbach, C. H.... Agard, John W Agrelius, Charles P. Ahrens, Wm Akers, John Akers, Peter Albiston, Roger . . . Albright, Jacob S. . Alday, John H Alden, Bvron ..., Alden, J.'T Alden, S. W Alderman, J. R. . , Alderman, M. P... Alderman, S. H. . , Aldrich, J. H Aldrich, Smith . . , Aldridge, Sylvester H Alexander, A. M. . . Allen, Albert A Allen, Alex. P Allen, Charles Allen, Edw.H Allen, J Allen, John Allen, Ralph W Allen, Stephen Allyn, Henry Allyn, Norman .... Allyn, Robert Alton, Abel Ambrose, Samuel . . Amerman, O. V.. . . Ames, Edw. R Ames, Geo. W Ames, Wm.F Amould, Christian . Anderson, Chas. M. Standing in Ministry. E. E. E. E. D. P. E, Su. E. Tr. Tr. D. E. E. Tr. E. P. E. P. E. D. E. E. D. E. D. Tr. E. Tr. E. Tr. P. E. E. E. D. E. E. E. D. E. E. E. D. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. P. E. E. E E. E. P. E. E. Tr. D. Tr. Conference. Appointment. ^ — 1852-3. . . Me. Saccarappa. . . Erie , , Cooperstown. .. N. Y.E , , Ridgefield. Mich. , , Washington. .. Mich. • • Albion Fem. Coll. Ins. .. Gen. ,. Genesee District. .. N. Y. Middletown. .. B. Riv, , ^ Trenton. .. R. Riv. . , Lockport. . . E. Me. , , Harmony. .. N. Y. . , Amenia. .. N. E. , , C/ambridge. . . N. Y. E. , . Colebrook River. . . N. J. , , Red Mills. . . N. H. • • Rindge Mission. .. N. H. . . Dover District. . . W. Vt. , . Morgantown District. .. Ohio , . Baltimore. . . N. H. • . Sandown. .. N. E. Saugus. .. N. J. • • Columbia. . , B. Riv. • • New Bremen. . . E. Me. , • M' Lanes' Mills. .. NY. • • Buffalo. . . R. Riv. Chicago. . . Wis. Norwegian Mission. .. Ohio Cincinnati. . . Erie Sjjringfield. .. III. • • Springfield District. . . Prov. • • Marlborough. .. N.Ohio Port Jefferson. .. Phil. Easton. .. B. Riv. • • Syracuse. . B. Riv. Massina. . E. Gen. Penfield. . Mo. Linens. . Prov. Willimantic. . N. Ohio Millersburg. . N. Ind. Lebanon. Vt. South Royalton. . Bait. Hillsborough. . Ohio Royalton. . . Prov. Somers' Mission. ., Wis. Union. . . Me. Bath. . Bait. East Baltimore. . Phil. Northampton. . Me. New Portland. . . Prov. Fall River. . Me. Waterville. . 111. Highland. III. Mount Carmel District. . Prov. Prin Con. Academy. . Me. Strong. . Me. Wilton. . N. Y. Goshen. . Ind. Jeffersonville District. . Ind. Indiana Asbury University. . Phil. Laurel. 111. Urbnna. . Troy Knox. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 75 Names. Standing in Ministry. Conference. Appointment. — 1SS2-3 . Anderson, John .... E . 111. .. Warsaw Mission. Anderson, J, R .... E . Phil. .. Chester. Anderson, L .... E . One. . . Lenox. Anderson, Lewis , . .... E 111. .. Sullivan. Anderson, Wm • ••• •••• •• .... D . N. Ind. .. Wesley. Andrew, B .... E . N.J. .. Bridgeport. Andrews, C .... E . Me. . . South Paris. Andrews, Edw. G. . .... D . One. .. Cooperstown. Andrus, L. B .... E . N. Y. .. Bedford. Andras, Reuben . . . .... Tr . 111. .. Illinois Wisconsin University. Annear, S .... E Phil. .. Easton. Ansley, John .... E Pitts. . . Lenia. Applebee, Benj. . . . .... E R. Riv..., Moline. Armstrong, Jnmes.. .... Tr N. Ind. .. Shawnee Prairie. Armstrong, J. W. . . .... E . One. . . Oneida Con. Seminary. Armstrong, James. . .... E . Ohio .. Sinking Springs. Armstrong, Wm. . . .... Tr lo. . . Brighton. * Arndt, Ralph S. . . . .... D N. J. . . Barnardsville. Arnold, Calvin V... .... D One. . . Susquehannah. Arnold, David W. . .... Tr Bait. .. Highland. Arnold, Ebenezer . . .... E B. Riv. .. Me.xico. Arnold, G. VV .... Tr Pitts. . . Wheeling Creek. Arnold, John M. . . . .... D Mich. .. St. Clair. Arnold, Jos. T .... E Troy . . Albany. Arthur. J. W .... E Phil. ,. South "Philadelphia. Asay, E. G .... E Phil. .. Port Carbon. Ash brook, .los .... E N. J. . . Gloucester. Ashton, J. Y .... E Phil. . . Attleborough. Ashworth, Jos .... E E. Gen. .. Jerusalem. Aspinwall, J. C. . . . ....P. E Vt. .. Springfield District. Aspinwall.N. W. .. .... E N. H. .. Marlow. .... E Phil. .. Middletown. Athy, Walter .... E Pitts. . . Lowell. Atkins, Daniel .... Tr N.E. .. Wales. Atkins, John W .... E Me. . . Kennebunkport. Atkinson, Chas. . .. .... E 111. .. Golconda Mission. Atkinson, Kinsman .... E.".... N. E. .. Dedham. Atkinson, Lewis A. .... E Ohio .. Wheelersburg. Atkinson, W. B .... E R. Riv. .. Farmington. Atmore, H. S .... E Phil. .. Norristown. Atwell, Jnmes .... E One. . . Chittenango. Atwell, John .... E E. Me. .. Castine. Atwell, P. P .... E Troy . . East Whitehall. Atwnter, H. C .... E Prov. . . New Bedford. Atwood, A ....P. E Phil. .. Wilmington District. Atwood, Joseph .... .... E N.J. .. Sharpstown. Auld, J. T.W .... E Pitts. . . Wellsburg. Austin, Chas. H .... E B. Riv. .. Weedsport. Averill, Myron L. . . .... D R. Riv. .. Lee Center. Ay res, Jos .... E Troy .. Troy Conference Academy. Ayer, Francis C ... .... Tr Me. . . South Biddeford. Avres, J. C ....P. E Erie . . Cleveland District. Ayres, J. B .... E Phil. .. Centerville. Ay res, James .... E N.J. .. Haverstraw. B. Badcock, Samuel E .... E. .... . . Pitts. . . Alleghany City. Budglev. O .... E N. J. . . Harmony. Badlev, Henry H. . .... E N. Ind. . . Miami. Bngnall, Wm'. R. .. • • • • III. • • • • N. E. .. Shrewsbury. Bahrenburg, J. H. . • ••• Xi Ohio .. Louisville. Bail, James T .... D Ohio . . Worthington. Bniley, Augustus F .... .... N. E. .. Gloucester. Bain, John .... j^. .... Erie . . Cleveland. Bainbridge, Thomas .... E. .... N.Y. .. Harlem. 76 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Baird, Chauncey C. Baird, Isiiac N. Baird, Wm. S. , Baker, A. S. ... Baker, Charles , Baker, C. S. ... Baker, E. J. L. . Baker, Gardner Baker, Henry . , Baker, John C. . . . Baker, John W. . Baker, Milton G. Baker, Osmon C. Baker, Peter B. . . Baker, Samuel B. Baker, Sheridan Baker, S. H. . . . Baker, Wm. A. Balduff, John V. Baldwin, Caleb B. Ball, Aaron Ball, Dabney .... Ball, Herman B. . Ballard, A. E. ... Bancroft, G. C. .. Banghart, George Ban^s, F. B Bangs, H Bangs, N Bangs, N. H Bangs, W. H. . . . Bangs, Wm. M. K. Bannard, Jonathan Banning, Carlos . .. Bannister, Daniel K. Bannister, Edward Bannister, H. . . .^, Barber, C , Barber, De W Barber, R. N Barber, Wm. A. .. , Barger, John S. . . Barkdull, T Barker, John Barker, Peleg .... Barnard, A. F. Barnard, Daniel . . Barnes, H. N Barnes, James Barnes, James S. . Barnes, Richard W. Barnes, Wm Barnes, Z Barnhart, Abram C. Barnhart, Thomas . Barnitz, A. M. . . Barnum, N Barrett, John W. Barrett, Jesse Barrett, William Barringer, Joseph Barris, Alexander Barrows, F. Q,. . . Barter, Samnel S. Barth, John H. . . Earth, Philip .... Standing' Minisiry D. E. E. E. P. E. E. P. E. P. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. D. E. Tr. E. Tr. Tr. E. D. E. E. E. P. E. P. E P. E. D. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. P. E. P. E. D. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. D. E. E. E. Tr. E. D. E. E. E. Tr- E. E. E. Tr. E. E. Conferences. Gen. Pitts. Bait. E. Gen. N. E. Gen. Erie B. Riv. Ohio 111. Pitts. Ohio N.H. Ohio R. Riv. Pitts. Gen. N. Ohio Ohio 111. Vt. Bait. N. Ind. N.J. N. Y. N.J. Mich. N. Y. E. N. Y. E. N. Y. N. Y. E. N. Y. E. Troy Prov. N. E. Or.&Cal. One. Troy N.H. B. Riv. E. Gen. III. N. Ohio Pitts. B. Riv. Me. B. Riv. N. Ind. Wis. Ind. Wis. Phil. One. N. Ind. Bait. Bait. Mich. N.J. Bait. Gen. Ohio Erie N. H. One. Ohio 111. A ppoihtment. — 1852-3. Sardinia. New Philadelphia. West Hartford. Naples. Springfield District. Castile. Erie District. Watertown District. West White Oak. Sangamon. Sharon. Greenfield. Biblical Institution, Concord. Angola. Henry. Springfield. Cambria. Spencer. Cincinnati. Waverley. Orange. Liberty. Pleasant Grove. Princeton. Saugerties. Hope. Kalamazoo District. New Haven District. New York East District. Liberty. Newtown. Astoria. Dalton. Little Compton. Newton Upper Falls. California Wesleyan College. Oneida Conference Seminary. Bristol. North Haverhill. Vienna. Ridge. Jacksonville District. Wooster District. Allegiiany College. North Manlius. Yarmouth. Union Square. Lognnsport. Black Earth. Versailles. Manitowoc. Manayunk. Amber. Angola. Bloomingdale. Carlisle. Kewawenon. Perth Am boy. Dickinson's Seminary. Youngstown. Mount Pleasant. Q,uincy- Walpole Mission. Brooklyn. Indianapolis. Watertown. PARI ^ I. CHUR CH DIREC TORY. 7 Names. Standing ia Miiustry. Conferences. Appoiiumeni. — 1852-3. Barth, Sebastian .... E .. Ohio .. Cincinnati. Bartine, D. W .... E .. Phil. .. North Philadelphia. Bartlett, A. R .... Tr . . Mich. . . Hastings. Bartlett, C .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Bethel. Bartlett, P .... E . . One. . . Leraysville. Bartlett, Thomas .... E .. N. Ind. .. Delphi. Barton, Wm. B .... D .. III. Island Grove. Batchelor, C. W . . . R. Riv. . . Little Rock. Bateman, A. L. S '.'.'.'. E ..Or.&Cal... El Dorado. Bateman, Samuel .... E .. Ohio .. Piketon. Bates, Lewis B .... Tr . . Prov. . . South Yarmouth. Bates, Merritt .... Tr . . Troy . . Bennington. Battelle, Cornelius D .... E . . Pitts. . . Wheeling. Battelle, Gorden .... E . . W. Va. . . Charleston. Baugliman, J. A .... E .. Mich. .. American Bible Society. .... Tr . . R. Riv. . . Peoria. Beach, J. B .... E . . x\. Y. . . New York. .... E . . One. Onondaga Indian. Beach, R. M .... E . . E. Gen. . . Chemung. .... E . . E. Me. . . Newcastle. Beall, Alfred .... Tr .. Ohio .. Goshen. Bealls, Isaac I .... D . . Ohio . . Harrison. Bean, John .... D . . Wis. , . Albion. Bear, R. M .... E . . Erie . . Williamsfie'd. Bear, W. M .... E . . Erie Middlebury. Bear, John ....P. E . . Bait. . . Baltimore District. Beates, E. O .... E . . N. Y. E. , . Rockaway. Beatty, James .... D . . Bait. . . Jefferson. Beatty, Robert .... E . . R. Riv. . . Belvidere. Beatty, S. M .... E . . J^'. Ohio . . Milan. Beck, Asa .... E .. Ind. Brazil Mission. Beck, VVm. J .... Tr .. R. Riv. .. Marietta. Becker, Frederick .... D .. Ohio .. Mount Vernon. Beckley, Levi B .... Tr .. Phil. .. Pottstown. Becom, James .... D . . Pitts. . . Somerset. Becom, Lacelot .... D . . Pitts. . . Centerville. Bedell, Caleb C .... Tr . . Troy . . Northampton. Bedell, Wm .... D . . Troy . . Vergennes. Beebe, Raslus O .... Tr . . One. . . Vernon Center. .... E . . One. . . Mount Upton. Beecher, E. P .... E . . One. . . East Hamilton. Beegle, John S .... E .. N.Ind. .. New Egypt. Beegle, H. B .... E .. N.Ind. .. Boundbrook. Beemer, V. M .. N.Ind. .. Knightstown Circuit. Beers, Hawley B '.'.'.'.P. E.'.'.'.'. .. N.Ind. .. Lagrange District. . . Erie . . Westlield. Beers, N. N '.'.'.'. E. .'.'.'. .. E. Gen. .. Mecklenburg. Beers, Robert .... E . . Bult. . . Concord. Beggs, Stephen R .... E .. R. Riv. .. Flagg Creek. Beharrel, Thomas G .... E .. Ind. Manchester. Belknap, George N .... D .. Mich. .. Flushing. Belknap, John VV .... E . . Troy . . Troy. Bell, A .... E .. Mich. .. Clarkeston. Bell. J .... E .. Phil. .. Greensborough. Belles, Amos H .... D .. N.J. .. New Prospect. .... D . . Bait. . . Bedford. Benedict, G .... E .. Gen. .. Covington. .... E . . Troy . . North White Creek. Benjamin, A .... E . . One. . . Mentz. .... Tr .. Ohio .. Barlow. Benn, Thomas .... E . . Erie . . Evansburg. .... Tr 111. .. New Albany. Bennett, J .... E .. Mich. .. South Albion. Bennett, Moses G .... E . . Ohio . . Addison. Bennett, Philo S .... E . . Wis. . . Beliot. Bennett, Silas .... Tr . . Ohio . . Winchester. 78 PAET I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Bennett, VVm. T. . . . Bennett, Wm.T. ... Bemis, Nathaniel . . . Benson, Henry C. .. . Benson, John Benson, Jonathan ... Benson, William .. . Bentley, Lorenzo D. . Benton, Eriistus . . . . Benton, Morris W. . Benton, San ford Berkstresser, George Bern renter, Conrad . Berry, George M. . . . Berry, Lucien W. . , Bessy, S Best, Edward S Best, Charles C Best, Joseph S Besvvick, George M. Beswick, P. J Beswick, Robert H. . Bettis, M.H Bevens, Henry Bewlev, A Bibbins, Robert H. . Bier, Conrad Bier, John Biggs, R Bigelow, A. F Bignell, George Bignell, Thomas H. . Bignell, William ... Bigelow, Increase B. Bigelow, W. E Bing, Elijah V Bingham, Charles .. . Bingham, J. S Binney, Amos Birch, James Birch, W. S Bird, Richard Bird, Robert Birkett, Edward Birt, John B Bischoff, John Bishop, Alfred Bishop, Mordecai ... Bishop, W Bixby, W^illiani .... Black, James Black, Michael Black, R. Wesley ... Black, Wm. H Blackburn, Joseph .. Blackburne, Robert . Blackburn, W. P. . . Blackburn, W. S. . . Blackford, Ira Blackmnrr. R. L. . . . Blackwell, H. C. ... Blades, F. A Blain, J. D Blair, James G Blair, Zena H Blake, Ebenezer Sianiiing in Minisiry. . E. . . Tr. . . E. .. . E. ., . E. .. . E. . . . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. Tr. . '. E. .*; . E. .. . Tr. .. . Tr. ,. . E. .. . E. .. . Tr. . . . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . Tr. . . . E. .. . Tr. . . . E. .. . E. .. . D. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . a .. . Tr. . . . Tr. . . . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . Tr. . . . E. .. .P. E... . E. ., . D. .. .P. E... . E. .. . E. .. , E. .. . Tr. . . , Tr. .. , E. .. , E. .. , E. .. , Tr. .. , Tr. .. , Tr. . . , E. .. , D. .. Tr. .. E. .. Tr. . . E. .. D. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. Conferences, . . 111. III. . . Pr'^v. N. Ind. ,. E. Me. , . E. Gen. , . Mich. , . Prov. , . Prov. ,. Ind. . Prov. . Bait. . 111. . Bait. • . Ind. . Mich. ■ . N. E. ' . R. Riv. ■ . R. Riv. ■ . N. Ind. ' . N. Ind. ■ . Ind. ; . Erie . N. Ohio ■ . Mn. ■ . R. Riv. ■ . Ohio ■ . Ohio ■ . N. Ohio * . B Riv. ; . Mich. . Mich. ; Erie . N. E. ■ . Mich. * . Ohio . R. Riv. . B. Riv. ■ . N. E. ■ . N. Y. ' , N. Ind. ■ . Mo. . Mich. ; . Pitts. . N.Ind. . 111. lo. . Pitts. . Phil. . One. . N. Ind. . N. Ind. . . Bait. . . Ohio . . Ohio . . Wis. . . Pitts. . . Pitts. , lo. . . Erie . . III. . Mich. . • Or.&Cal.. . Ohio . . E. Me. . . Prov. . Appointment. — 1853-3. Mechanicsburg. Wareham. Ind. Asbury University, Dover. Canoga. Carp River. Fisherville. Norwich North. Linton. Warren. Penn's Valley. Madison. Mifflin. Indiana Asbury University. Dearbornville. South Hadley Falls. Peoria. Cedarville, Lafayette, Clinton. Milton. Springfield. Springfield, Chemung. West Union. Evansville. Chesterville. Buck's Bridge. Hastings. Otsego. W'aterford. Brookfield. Saline. Granville, Union Ridge. Syracuse. Charlestown District. Ellenville. Bluffton. Ark:insas, Mississippi District. Flat Rock. Pittsburg. Yorktown. Manitouwoc. Yellow River. Senecaville. Columbia, Cincinnatus. Paw Paw. Winchester, Hereford. Montgomery. Orangeburg. Bristol. East Liberty. Elderton, Sabula, Leon. Cairo, Mississippi. Grand Rapids. Greenfield Seminary. West Pittston, N. W, Bridgewater. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 79 Names. Blake, E. F Blake, Henry M. . . Blake, John M. ... Blake, Samuel V... Blake, T. P Blake, Thomas D. . Blake, Wesley R. .. Blake, William.... Blake, William . . . Blakeslee, Charles . Blakeslee, G. H Blampied, John . . . Blanchard, H Blanchard, Jonathan Blanchard, R. A. . . Blanchard, William Bland, Adam Bland, Henry J. . . . Blinn, T. D Blodget, L. D Blood, Lorenzo W. Bloomer, R. H Bloomer, William . Blowers, Rufus L. . Blundell, Wm.C. .. Bodfish, Asa Boggs, Wm Boheshenz, George Bolles, Sias Bolster, Cyrus Bonney, George A. Bontecou, James T. Boon, John F Borbidge, James .. . Borden, E. W Boring, Ezra M. ... Borland, John Boswell, Wm. L. . . Boteler, J. Wesley . Bothrock, Joseph Y. Botkin, Jesse Bottom, Francis . Boun, Christoff .. Bourne, Milton . . Bouse, G. W. . . . Bouton, James D. Bowdish, L Bowen, E Bowen, G. D. ... Bowen, John .... Bowen, J. E Bowers, A. H. ... Bowers, George W Bowler, George ... Bowman, Benjamin F Bowman, George B. Bowman. J Bowman, Moses T. Bowman, Thomas , Bown, Charles L. Boyd, George M. Boyd, J. H Boyd, Robert, . .. Boyden, Luman . Boyden, Orville P Boyer, Henry M. Sianding in Minisiry. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. D. E. E. E. Su. E. D. E. Tr. E. D. E. D. Tr. E. D. Tr. E. E. D. D. Tr. Tr. E. Tr. Tr. P. E. D. E. E. P. E. E. E. E. Tr. P. E. D. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. P. E. E. E. E. E. D. Conferences. Me. Me. N. H. Bait. Me. Prov. lo. N. Y. N. Ind. One. One. N. Ohio Troy Mich. R. Riv. B. Riv. Or.&Cal. Bait. Erie N. H. Prov. N. Y. N. Y. Ind. III. Prov. N. Ohio 111. R.Riv. Troy Illinois Ohio Phil. Pitts. Mich. Ohio III. Phil. Bait. Bait. Ohio N. Y. E. III. R. Riv. Bait. N. Y. E. One. One. Phil. Bait. Troy Erie N. Ind. N.E. N. Ind. lo. Gen. Ohio Bait. E. Gen. N. Ind. Phil. Pitts. N.E. N. Ind. Ind. Appointment. — 1852^. Kennebunkport Center. Augusta. Whitefield. Great Falls. Pownal. Truro. Montezuma. Hancock. Spencerville, Preble. Nichols. Marseilles. Chazy. Ann Arbor. St. Charles. Philadelphia. California. Sweet Springs. Gerry. East Sanbornton. Hazardville. North Newburg. New Windsor. Vincennes. Waynesville. North Dighton. East Union. Mascoutah. Elgin. Jonesville Academy. Cape Gerondeau Circuit. Miami. Oxford. Greensburg. Livingston, Zanesville. Belleville. Mauch Chunk, Suel Valley, Lock port, Meriden. Desmoines. Knoxville District, Western port. South Huntington, Morrisville. Cayuga District. Germantown. East Baltimore. Albany. Concord. Marion District, Watertown, New Corydon, Mount Vernon, Aurora. Waverley. Dickinson's Seminary. Newark. Crawfordsville District. Greensborough. Norwich. Salem. Sagro. Liberty. 80 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Boyer, Thomas D Boyle, John T Boynton, Jeremy Boynton, V. G Bracket, Edward Bracket, S. B Bradbury, Charles J. ... Bradford, E.B Bradley, Arthur Bradley, George Bradley, H.S Bradley, Wm Bradrick, Isaiah A Brads, James Bradshaw, Arthur Bradshaw, Harvey Bradshaw, Jonathan W. Bragdon, E. E. E Brainard, Cephas Brakeman, N. L Braman, VVm. A Brandeberry, C. B Bratton, Thomas B. Bray, James M , Bray, Sullivan Breakenridge, G. W. Breckenridge, E. W. Brenner, W. F Breunig, George A , Brewer, W. W Brewster, George W Brice, A. L Bridge, George Bridge, J. D Bridge, H. M Briggs, Elias L Briggs, Martin C Brigham, L. D Bright, Samuel M Brindle, J. A Brindle, George W Brisbane, W. H Brison, Samuel Bristol, D. W Brittain, Alem Brittingham, .Jonathan . . Brock, Wesley Brockunier, S. R Brockway, Jesse Brockway, W. H Brodbeck, Paul Bronson, Asahel Brooke, Benjamin F Brooke, George G Brooks, Ansel Brooks, Asa Brooks, Cyrus Brooks, David Brooks, John P Brooks, Joseph Brooks, Ralph D Brooks, Robert Brooks, R. L Brooks, Strange Brooks, Thomas S Brooks, Wm. A Standing- in Mmisiry. . Tr. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . D. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. .P.E. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E, . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . D. .P E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. , Tr. . E. . Tr. . D. . E. . D. . E. . E. . E. . E. . D. P. E. , E. , Tr. . E. , . E. , Tr. , E. . E. , E. . E. . P.E. . E. . Tr. . E. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . D. . Tr. , E. . Conferences. . Mo. Erie . Mich. . Mich. . E. Maine . Me. . E. Gen. . Prov. . N. Ind. . Mich. . N. Ohio . E. Gen. . Ohio , Bait. . III. . Pitts. . N. Ind. . B. Riv. . N. Y, E. N. Ind. N. E. N. Ohio Ind. Pitts. E. Me. N. Ohio One. N.Y. Ohio N. Y. E. Prov. N.J. One. N. E. N. E. lo. Or.&Cal. One. Ohio Phil. Phil. Phil. Bait. One. Bait. 111. N. Ohio Pitts. Ind. Mich. Ohio One. Bait. Bait. Ohio One. Ohio Wis. R. Riv. lo. E. Gen. W. Va. W. Va. lo. Ind. N J. Appointment. — 1852-3. Lancaster. Pleasantville. Dewitt. Girard. Lincolnville. Solon. Bristol. Sandwich. Whitehall. Flint District. Marion. Potter. Wheelersburg. Frederick. Carlinville. Deersville. Granville. Faliey Seminary. Burlington. Union. Oxford. Wadsworth. Greenville. Deersville. South Vttssalborough. Milan. Brooklyn. Callicoon. Indiana District. Fairfield Mission. iVorth Manchester. Haddonfield. Marcellus. Springfield. Blandford. Charlton. Sacramento City. Coventry. Nelsonville. Accomac. Mount Joy. Allentown. Georgetown. Cazenovia. Warrior's Mark. Sidney District. Manchester Mission, Mount Auburn. Albion Female College Inst W^heeling. Northmoreland. East Baltimore. Whatcoat. Lancaster. Berkshire. Columbus District. Lawrence University. Galena. Burlington. Tyrone. Fayette. Elk River. Marengo. Martinsville. Port Elizabeth. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 81 Names. Brouse, John A Brown, Abijah Brown, A. M Brown, Arza Brown, B. F Brown, B. N , Brown, Charles .... Brown, EC Brown, Edwin Brown, George Brown, G. F Brown, G. W Brown, Harvey Brown, Henry M Brown H. N. , Brown, H. P. M. ... Brown, Jacob A. . . . Brown, James H. . . . Brown, Jolin J Brown, John N Brown, John N Brown, Joseph S. . . . Brown, L Brown, Oliver E. . . . Brown, O. P Brown, P. E Brown, P. R Brown, Richard Brown, Richard . . .. Brown, Robert Brown, Samuel . Brown, Samuel C. .. Brown, Samuel L. .. Brown, Stephen D... Brown, S. H Brown, T. B Brown, Valentine. . . Brown, Walter Brown, Wm. R Brown, Z. H Brownell, Veranus .. Browning, W. G. . . . Brownmiller, B Brownscombe, H.... Brownson, Hector. . . Bruce, C. A Bruce, Eli C Bruce, John H Bruner, Joseph A.. . , Bruner, Othniel Brunson, Alfred . . . . Brush, George W. . , Brush, VVm Bryan, James R. . . , Bryant, Ephraim.. , , Bryant, George W. , Bryne, Benjamin B., Buchanan, P. G. .., Buck, Daniel D Buck, David Buck, E. M Buck, Hiram Buck, V Buck, William D... Buck. Z. J Buckingham, N. C. Standing in Minisury. ,.P. E. ,. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. D. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. ..P. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. E. , E, , E. , E. . Tr. . Tr. , E. , E. . D. . D. . E. . E. . E. . E. .P. E. . E. . D. . E. . D. . Tr. . E. . E. . D. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. Conferences. . Ind. , One. Erie Ohio ■ B. Riv. , ' Bait. , • N. Y. , ■ One. ' R. Riv. , • N. YE. , • N. J. , • Mich. , • 111. , • N.J. , ■ Mich. , ' R. Riv. ■ N. Ohio , ' Bait. ■ E. Gen. B. Riv. E. Gen. Ohio " B. Riv. NY. '.'. Erie Gen. N. Y. Troy Bait. .". Vt. . . Ohio . . Prov. .. Wis. . . Troy . . One. .. B. Riv. .. Troy . . PitU. . . Troy .. Troy .. E. Gen. .. N. Y. .. Ohio . . One. . . N. E. . . Mich. .. B. Riv. .. N. Ind. .. Ohio .. Ind. . . Wis. . . Ohio . . N. Y. . . N. J. . . E. Me. .. N.H. . . E. Me. . . Mich. . . E. Gen. . , NY. Gen. ., 111. .. N. YE. .. Gen. . . E. Gen. . . Bait. Appointment. — 1852-3. Lawrenceburg District. Taylor. West Fnrmington. South Charleston. Chateaugay. North Baltimore. Sugarloaf. Smyrna. Sycamore. New York. Trenton. Shiawassee. Jacksonville. New Germantown. Hadley. Washington. Brunswick. Lewistown. Cohocton. Champion. Lodi. Blendon. Russel. Lenox. Mentor. Perry District. Yonkers. Arlington. Baltimore City. Berlin. Highland. Taunton. Aztalan. Troy. Moravia. Brownville. Clifton Park. Salem. Johnstown. Franklin. Conesus. New Concord. Columbus. Providence. American Bible Society. Kalamazoo. Floyd. Logansport District. Circleville. Moorefield. Mineral Point. Newark. Stockport. Beverly. Columbia. Unity. Cherryfield. Jonesville. Lyons. Wurtsborough. Friendship. Paris. New Rochelle. Kendall. Mount Morris. Mifflin. 82 PART CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names, Buckingham, W. E. . . Budge, Henry Buger, M Buhrman, Alfred Bull, John M Bull, J. VV Bullard, A. T BuUard, Mulford Bullard, Wurd Bullock. Daniel Bunce, Ebenezer S. . . , Bunce, Edwin S Bunting, James Burch, Thomas H. . . , Burdick, C. F Buren, John J Burgess, A Burgess, Harrison Burgess, O Burgess, Peter Burgner, C. S Burkhoider, J. F , Buriey, Hiram J Burlingame, A. G Burlingham, CD Burnham, George Burnham, J. D , Burnham, J. H Burns, David , Burns, Francis , Burns, Henry , Burns, Isaac Burns, Silas Burnside, W Burr, B. L , Burr, Charles C Burr, Jonathan K Burrell, Wm. H , Burritt, C. D Burroughs, P , Burroughs, W. M. Burrows, Waters Burrus, Elijah W. .... Burton, Henry , Burton, John E , Busey, Ezra F , Busey, Thomas H. .. . , Bush, E. G Bush, Eurotas H Bush, Wm Bussy, Amos Butler, E Butler, J. D Butler, Milo Butler, Nelson Butler, Wm Butlin. Henry Butt, Wm Button, A. G Byrd, James Stan'liiiK in Ministry. Cadwallader, David E. Cadwell, Elisha W. .. Cadwell, John Tr. Tr. E. E. D. E. P.E. D. E. Su. Tr. D. E. Tr. D. E. E. Tr. E. E. D. D. Tr. E. E. E. E. Tr. P.E. P.E. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. D. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. E. D. E. Tr. E. E. D. E. E. E. Conferences. c. . Bait. . B. Riv. . One. . Bait. . E. Gen. . Bait. . Vt. . Vt. . Troy . N. Y. . Wis. . Wis. . Bait. . N.Y.E. . Troy . Mo. . Erie . N.Ind. . N. Ohio . E. Me. . N. Ind. . N.Ohio . lo. . One. Gen. Prov. . Troy . Mich. . Mich. . Lib. . N. Ohio . Mo. . W.Va. . One. . N, Y. . N. H. . N.J. . Phil. . One. . Erie . N.J. . N. J. . Ind. . N. Y. E. . Mo. . Bait. . Bait. . One. . N. Ohio . Gen. . Ind. . Bait. . Prov. . III. . Wis. . N. E. . Gen. . Ind. . Vt. . Lib. Ohio Ind. N. E. Appointment.— 1862-3. Bloomsburg. Ellesburg. Page Brook. Deerfield. Pittsford. Foundry. Montpelier District. Plainfield. Benson. Cannonsville. Palmyra. Lodi. St. Mary's. Flatbush. St. Alban's. Selma. Ellington. North Salem. Mount Gilead. Brocksville. Byron. Vanwert. Sigourney. Green. Albion. Westport Point. Ticonderoga. Plymouth. Grand River District. Cape Palmas. Port Jefferson. Bethany. Monongalia. Otego. Colchester. Amesbury Mission . Orange. Mount Lebanon. Ithaca. Pieasantville. Stillwater. Greenville. Paris. Huntington. Princetown. Emery. Baltimore City. Elbridge. Fairfield. Franklinville. Charlestown. Frostburg. Providence. Ciuincy. Baraboo. Shelburn Falls. Bethany. Gosport. Danville. Robertsville. Welsh Mission. Bloomfield. Weston. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 83 Names. Cndy, Jonathan. .. Cady, Law ton Cndy, William O.. Caine, John Caldwell, J. McHenry Caldwell, John W... Calkins, Sylvester... Callender, Aurora. . . Calloway, H. R Calhoun, William .. Calvert, Robert H. . . Camburn, M. B Cameron, Jos Camp, H Campbell, Abr Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Alexander Campbell, David B Campbell, John Campbell, Samuel N Campfield. T. T... Can field, J. F Cannon, Jos. T. . . Caples, J. T Carey, Abram .... Carlisle, J Carlisle, S. H Carlton, Thomas . Carpenter, C. W. . Carpenter, G. M. . Carrier, Alarcus. . . Carroll, Andrew . . Carrow, G. D Carter, Albert .... Curter, Ira Carter, Thomas. . . Cnrter, Thomas... Carter, Wm. S Cartlich, Abr Cartlich, Isaac B.. Curtwright, B. H.. Cartwright, Peter . Cartwright. R Caruthers, Richard A Cary, Francis H.,.. Cary, John G Case, John W Case, Laban Cass, Wm. D Cassady, Francis S. Cassett, John W. . . Castle, Allen Castle, J Castleman, David.. Cnvin, James M Chaffee, John G.... Chaffie, James F. .. Chaifant, James F.. Chalker, R. A Chamberlain, C. Chamberlain, H. M. Chamberlain, S. . . . Chamberlain, W. .. Chamberlin, J. B.. . Chamberlin, P Chambers E. E. ... Standing in Ministry. E. E. E. E. Tr. D. D. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. P. E. Su. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. D. E. E. E. P. E. D. D. E. E. E. E. D. Tr. E. E. D. Tr. Tr. D. E. E. E. E. E. D. Tr. E. E. Conference. Prov. Prov. Prov. E. Gen. Or. & Cal. III. Mich. Wis. Phil. R. Riv. N.Ind. Mich. lo. N. Y. E. 111. Mich. Troy Pitts. N.Y. N. Ind. N.J. N.J. Mo. N. Ohio N.Ind Phil. Mo. Gen. N.Y. Prov. One. Ohio Phil. Vt. N. H. N.Y. Mich. Ind. Ohio Ohio R. Riv, III. W. Vt. Erie lo. N. E. Prov. lo. N.H. Bait. Ohio B. Riv. Phil. Bait. Ohio Ind. R. Riv. Ohio N.Y. Troy Erie Vt. N.J. Mich. N. Y. E. Gen. Appointment. — 1SS2-3. j Mystic Bridge. I South Somerset. I Colchester. Castleton, Middle Alton Mission. Lapeer. Geneva. North Philadelphia. Lafayette. Monticello. Battle Creek. Crawfordsville. Suffield. Albion. Tecumseh. Salem. Indiana. Cold Spring. Anderson. Springfield. Bargaintown. Maryville. Bellefontaine. Valparaiso. Springfield. Carthage. Buffalo District. Plattehill. Norwich. Lackawaxen. Gallipolis. Pottsville. Barnard. Marlborough. New York. Detroit. Heltonville. Barlow. Jackson. Buffalo Grove. (iuincey District. Coal River. Shippensville. Bloomfield. Topsfield. Mansfield. Ottumwa. Salem. Fincastle. Quincy. Clay. North Philadelphia. Bald Eagle. Jamestown. Wilmington. Monmouth. Oxford. New York. Pownal. Espyville. Montpelier. Stanhope. Bennington. Easton. Tonawanda. 84 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Standing in Ministry. Conference. Chambers, R. D .... E .. Bait. ., Champion, Wm . D. . . Bait. . . Champion, W. H . E. .. Bait. .. Champlin, A . E. . . Troy . . Chandler, John .P. E. „ R. Riv. .. Chandler, T. B . Tr. .. N.Y. E. .. Chapin, Almon . E. .. B. Riv. .. Chupin, Daniel E . E. . . N. E. . . Chapin, J. E . E. . . Erie . . Chaplain, John F . Tr. . . Phil. . . Chapman, C. R . E. Erie . . Chapman, George E N. E. .. Chapman, H. L ' Tr, Pitts. . . Chapman, Henry . D. " N.Ohio .. Chapman, Henry O D. ,. Ind. .. Chapman, Joseph . E. . E. Gen. .. Chapman, Wm. L . E. . Bait. . . . Tr. Ind. .. Chase, Charles H . E. .. N.H. .. Chase, Daniel S . E. .. E. Gen. .. Chase, Ehen. B . E. .. Ohio .. Chase, Henry . E. .. N. Y. E. .. Chase, Hiram . E. . . Troy . . Chase, John . E. . . Troy . . Chase, Moses . E. . . Prov. . . Chase, Nath. L . E. .. N.H. ., Chase, Seth B . D. . . Me. . , . Su. .. N.Y. .. Cheeseman, J. K . E. .. Gen. .. Cheney, S . E. . , Pitts. . . Chenowoth, A. G . E. . . Bait. . . Cherrington, W. W . E. .. Ohio .. Chesbrough, G. W Tr. . . Erie . . Chester, George Tr. . . Wis. . . Church, Samuel C . E. .. Gen. .. Chew, Thomas Tr. . . Bait. . . Chi no with, George D E. . . Bait. . . Chipp, Wm. M E. . . Troy . . Chivington, John. M . D. .. Mo. .. Christine, W. W . E. .. N.J. .. Chubb. R. H E. .. N.Ohio .. Chiibbuck, A. E . E. .. E. Gen. .. Chubbuck, F. S D. .. One. .. Church, Albert E. .. E. Me. .. Clapp, Ralph E. .. E. Gen. .. Clapp, Wm. A E. .. N. E. .. Clarey, D. B D. .. N. Ind. .. Clark, Cornelius Tr. . . N. Ind. . . Clark, Daniel D. .. E. Gen. .. Clark, Davis W E. . . N. Y. . . Clark, George W Tr. lo. . . Clark, H.R • • . E. . . One. . . Clark, Jas. L E. .. W. Va. .. ' ' ' E. . . N. E. . . Clark, Lewis E. .. Erie ., Clark, Lorin E. .. N.Y. .. Clark, Samuel • • • • E. . . lo. . . Tr. . .. Mich. ,. Clark, Wm.R • • ■ 4 . . N. E. . . E. .. E. Me. .. Clarke, G. W E. .. Erie .. Clarke, G.W. H E. .. N.H. .. Clarke, Homer J E. . . Pitts. . . Clarke, James M E. . . Bait. . , Clarke, John P. E. . . Troy . . Clarke, John W « • • E. . . Ohio . . Appointment. — 1852-3. Woodstock. Clearfield. Havre de Grace. Alburg. Peoria District. Plymouth. Camden. Webster. Randolph. Cambridge. Windsor. Chester. Murraysville. Oregon. Owensville. Rogersville. Newburg. Unity. Port Gibson. Marysville. New York. Fort Plain. Sandlake. Providence. Canaan. Rumford. Plattekill. Brookport. I^eesburg. Berkeley. M'Arthur. Fredonia. Prairie la Cross. South Barre. Calvert. Staunton. West Troy. St. Joseph. Lafayette. Ashland. Jacksonville. Mehoopany. Rockland District. Livonia. South Belchertown. Huntington. Higbtstown. Wellsburg. Poughkeepsie. Bloomfield. Carbondale. Monongalia. American Bible Society. Welloughby. Dutchess. Birmingham. St. Joseph. Maiden. Orriiigton. Alleghany, Plymouth. Pittsburg. East Baltimore. Albany District. Grovesport. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 85 Names. Clarke, Richard H Clarke, S. H Clayton, S. D Clemens, Samuel Clemens Sylvester VV Clemm, W. T. D Cliife. William Clifford, N. C Clifford, Zelotes S Cline, Philip Close, Benjamin Close, H. W Close, Newell J Cloud, Daniel Clough, John Clough, Mace R Coats, Calvin S Cobb, Daniel Cobb, John Cobb, Wm. R Cobb, Wm. N Cobban, Robert Cobbey, Jos. E Cobleigh, Nelson E Cochran, Levi M Cochran, Wesley Codling, Robert Coen, John Coffin, Bartlett Y Cogslmll, Israel Coggeshall, S. W Coil, John Coit, C. S. Colburn, S. H , Colby, E. H Colby, Joseph , Colclazer, H , Colclazer, Jacob Colclazer, Thomas Colder, J Cole, H.D Cole, J. Wesley Cole, O. C Colegrove, George Coleman, A Coleman, Andrew , Coleman, D. B. D Coleman, James A , Coleman, J. T Coles, George , CoUett, Thomas Collier, George W Collier, J. J. P Collins, J. D Collins, J. F Collins, Isaac Collins, L.C Collins, W. H Collins, Wm.F Coleman, Seymour Colson, Ebenezer Comfort, S Conable, Curtis G Conable, F. W Conant, Daniel M Conant, Henry W Standing ia Ministry. Tr. E. E. D. D. E. E. D. D. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. , E. , E. . E. . E. . D. . Tr. . E. . Tr. , D. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. '. E. . E. .P. E . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. . D. . D. . E. .p. E . Tr. - Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. . Tr. . E, . E. . E. . E. . E. .p. E . E. . E. . E. .p. E . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. Conferences. One. N. Y. E. Ohio Mich. Troy Bait. III. Me. Ind. N. J. Wis. N.Ohio N.Ohio Ind. Me. E. Me. E. Gen. One. Me. One. One. Wis. 111. N. E. Wis. E. Gen. N. Y. E. Pitts. Ind. Mich. Prov. Pitts. N.J. Vt. Me. Me. Phil. N. Ind. N. Ind. Phil. Erie N.J. B. Riv. One. N.Ohio lo. Pitts, Bait, lo. N. Y. Ohio N.Ohio N. E. Mich. Mich. Bait. Prov. Mich. N. Y.E. Troy E. Gen. One. Wis. Gen. N. Ohio Prov. Appointment.— 1852-3. Cardiff. South Brooklyn. Ohio Wesley an University. Jackson. Fairfax. York. Mount Carmel. Morgantown. Medford. ' Hamilton Grove. Vermilion. Bettsville. Boonville. Winslow. Hopewell. Court] and. Scarborough. Morrisville. Skaneateles. Metoman . Boston. Milton. Groveland. Westbrook. Sharon. Madison. Almont. Thompsonville. Blairsville District. New Brunswick. Danville. W^aterford. Gardiner. Port Deposit. Muncie. Deerfiel(f. China Mission. Freedom. Rome. Oswego. Tully. Jeromeville. Desmoines District. Somerset. Westminster. Colesburg. Peekskill. New Burlington. Mel more. Lowell. Chinese Mission. Farmington. Cumberland Mission. Stafford. Ann Arbor District. Rye. Easton. Dresden. Cazenovia District. Omro Mission. Newfane. Shanesville, Quarryville. 86 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Conant, Win. M. . . Cone, C. C Cone, William Congdon, S. L Connell, Zachariah Conner, Calvin .... Conner, Jos Conrey, Jonathan F Conrey, Stephen F. Conser, S. L. M Conway, Moncure D Con well, John Cooley, William. .. Cook, JEdward .... Cook, Jno. L Cook, Jos. S Cook, Pardon Cook, R Cooke, C Cookman, A Coombe, P Coombs, John N. .. Cooper, A. L Cooper, Geo. W. . . Cooper, J. B Cooper, J. T Cooper, John Cooper, Josiah J. . . Cooper, Lark in W.. Cooper, Samuel C. Cooper, Samuel T.. Cooper, S. M Cooper, W Cooper, Wm Copeland, A. J Copelund, David... Copeland, E Copeland, John . Corban, J. H Corbit, Israel S. . . . Corbit, Wm. P Cordry, Lorenzo H. Corkhill, Thomas E Cornelius, Samuel . Cornelius, Wm. H Corrington, Elijah . . . Corrington, James B. Corwin, James . . Coryell, V. I\l Cos per, W. J. . . . Coston, Zara H. . Couehman, Milo. Coutant, Lewis. . Covent, Jno. J. . . Covin, C. C Covel, Samuel Cowden, Truman Cowles, Wm. F.. Cox, B Cox, Francis .... Cox, Gersham F. Cox, P.J Cox, Wm Co/ad, Jacob. . . . Crabbs, Jolin Cruig, Jesse Standing in Ministry. D. E. E. E. P. E. Tr. E. E. P. E. E. Tr. D. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. P. E. E. E D. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. P. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. P. E. D. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. 1). E. P. E. E, E. D. P E. Tr. Tr. E, E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. D. E. Conferences. Appointment. — 1853-3. . N.Ohio .. Keene. . Me. . . Saco. . Prov. , . East Greenwich. . E. Gen. ,. Clifton. . Ohio .. Lancaster District. . W.Va. .. Hughes' River. . Troy . . Rock City. . Ohio .. Wilmington. . Ohio .. Kentucky District, . Bait. . . Lewisburg. . Bait. .. Frederick. . W.Va. .. Blacksviile. Gen. . . Williamsville. . N. E. .. Boston. • Troy . , Castleton. . Phil. . . Fulton. . Pitts. . . M'Connellsville. ■ One. . . New Hartford. . Pitts. . . Pittsburg District, • Phil. .. West Chester. • Phil. .. Lancaster. . Bait. . , Harper's Ferry. • Vt. . . Barton Landing, • Bait. .. Lewisburg. . One. .. Hawley. • Phil. .. Village Green. • Prov. . . South Manchester. • N. Ind. .. Allen. • 111. .. Mount Pleasant. • N. Ind. .. Fort Wayne District. • N. Ind. .. Michigan City. ■ Phil. .. Church Hill. • Phil. .. South Philadelphia. • Pitts, . . Temperanceville. • Vt. Waitsfield. • Me. . . Wayne. • Vt. . . Newbury. • E. Gen. . , Lima District. • B. Riv. .. Morristown. • N. J. .. Jersey City. • N.J. .. Newark. • R. Riv. .. Paw Paw. • lo. Middletown. . Bait. . . Castle Finn. Ind. . . Leesville. III. .. Whitehall. III. .. Lebanon District. Or.&Cal... Sonoma. One, . . Orwell. . N. Ind. .. Lockport. Pitts. . . Uniontown District. . N. Y. ., Walton. . N.Y. E. .. Gaylord's Bridge. . Pitts. . . Connellsville. . Me. , . East Poland. . Troy . . Addison. , Ohio , . Amelia. lo. . . Keokuk. , Troy . , Leicester. , N. Ind. . . Frankfort. . N. E. , . Lowell. . Phil. .. Milford. . Pitts. .. Wheeling. . N. Ind. .. Shawnee Prairie. . N.Ohio .. Sylvan ia. . W. Va. . . Marion. PAKT I. — CHURCH PIRECTOEY. 87 Naraes. Ministry. Conferences. AppoinUnent.— 1852-3. Craiff, Jesse B .... Tr .. R. Riv. .. Brimfield. Cra ig, Jesse F .... E . . Troy . . Jessups' Landing. Cramer, Jon. D .... E . . Pitts. . . Canton. Crannge, George .... E . . Pitts. . . Kittanning. Crandall, Phineas ....P. E .. N. E. .. Worcester District. Crandon, Philip .... E . . Prov. . . Phenix. Crane, Caleb .... E . . Mo. . . Fredericktown. Crane, E .... E .. Mich. Constantine. Crane, J. T .... E . . N. J. ■ ' Pennington Male Seminary- Crane, James L .... E . . 111. • ■ Jacksonville. Crane, John N .... E . . N. J. • Hackettstown. Crane, Rufus C .... Tr . . Mich. ' ' Nottaway Indiana Mission. Crnnmer, E. H .... E . . E. Gen. " " Pultneyville. Crary, Benjamin F .... E .. Ind. ■* Bloomington. Craven, Chilton .... D .. N.Ohio " Chesterville. Crawford, David .... E .. Ind. •■ Indianapolis. Crawford, J .... E . . N. Y. E. ■ ■ Brooklyn. Crawford, James .... E . . Ind. ■ ■ Greensburg. Crawford, John .... E . . One ' ■ Georgetown. Crawford, M. D'C .... E .. N. Y. " New York. Crawford, Samuel P .... E . . Ind. • • Aurora. Crawford, Thomas C .... E Ind. * ' Hartford. Crawford, Wm. H .... E E. Me. ■ ■ Dresden. Creagh, B .... E N. Y. E. •■ Williamsburg. Creevey, George C .... Tr N. Y. E. ' ■ Essex. .... E Ohio ■' Marietta. Crcightnn, Samuel T .... Tr Ohio Eaton. .... E Bait. ■ ' Jersev Shore. Crews, Hooper .... E .. R. Riv. •• Rock River Seminary. Croft, Joel ^ Cromac-k, Jos. C .... E .. NY. ■' Glenham. .... E . N. H. " Rochester. Cromwell, Jesse .... E III. • ■ Rushville Circuit. Cronin, C. C .... D Bait. ■ ■ South Fork. Crook, George .... Tr Pitts. Cadiz. Crooks, G. It .... E Phil. North Philadelphia. Crosby, Judah N. E. North Blandford. Crosier, S. B .... Tr .. B. Riv. Butler. Cross, A .... E . . One. Asburv. Cross, David .... E. ..'.. .. Pitts. Barnesville. Cross, Isaac .... E . . N. J. Asbury. Crouch, C. J .... E .. Phil. Bustleton. Crous, Samuel .... Tr . . Pitts. Liverpool. Crow, Jr., David .... E .. E. Gen. .. Fairport. .... E .. E. Gen. .. Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. Crow, Thomas D .... E . . Ohio . . Ohio Wesleyan University. Crowell, Loranus .... E . . N. E. . . Boston. Crowford. R. C .... E .. Mich. .. Birmingham. Crowlev, P. M .... E .. B. Riv. .. Sommerville. Crum, iSeorge C .... E .. Ohio .. East Cincinnati. Crnm, J .... E .. Erie .. Hartford. Crumner, John .... E . . Me. . . East Reading. Cullum, J. W .... E . . Bait. . . Montgomery. Culver, Slocuni H .... Tr .. 111. .. .Terse yville. Cummins, J .... E . . Phil. . . Halifax. Cummings, Anson W .... E .. 111. .. M'Kendree College. Cummings, Joseph .... E . . N. E. . . Boston. Cummings, S. S .... E . . Me. . . West Cumberland. .... E .. R. Riv. .. Washiiiffton. Cunningham, J .... E .. Phil. .. Frankford. Cunningham, Levi .... E . . Ohio . . Rushville. Cunningham, R .... Tr . . Pitts. . . Cannonsburg. Curns, James .... Tr .. Bait. .. Berwick. Curran, Charles .... E . . Ind. . . Leavenworth. Currier, John ....P. E . . Vt. . . Danville District. Currv, Charles R .... Tr . . Phil. . . Dauphin Mission. Curry, Daniel .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Brooklyn. 88 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Curry, Hiram M.. Curtis, D. A Curtis, J. D Curtis, M. M Curtis, Reuben B. Cushing, H. P. .. Gushing, Stephen Cushman, L. P. . Cutler, John S. . . Cutler, Mortimer F Cuykendall, E. N Dadman, John W. . . , Daggett, Jr., Levi Dailey, Frederick T. , Daily, D Daily, Jacob P Daily, Wm. M Dale, Lewis Dales, Lewis J Dallas, Israel Dallas, Marion W. , . . Damm, John H Dana, A. J Dana, Jos. C Dandy, James H Daniel, John Daniel, Wm. V Daniels, A. E Danker, George Darrow, Wm. V Dashiell, Robert L. ., Davenport, Z Davidson, Charles B., Davidson, James J Davidson, J. F Davidson, Wm. A.... Davies, D Davies, John Davis, Abr Davis. H.G Davis, James Davis, J. R Davis, L. D Davis, Reece Davis, Richard N. . . . Davis, Thomas S Davis, Werter R Davison, Daniel D.... Davison, J. W Davy, John Dawson, S. R Day, B Day, D. E Day, Edwin A Day, E. H Day, G. H Day, Isaac D Day, John H Day, John S Day, Michael A Day, Samuel W Day, W. F Day, William ....... Tr. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E, E. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. D. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. Standing ia Ministry. . D. . E. .P. E. . D. . E. . E. . E. . D. . D. . D. . D. . E. . E. . E. .P. E. . E. .P. E, . Tr. . D. . E. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. £. . E. D Conferences. Ohio Mich. Phil. N. Y. E. Me. Vt. N. E. Vt. N. Ohio Troy One. N. E. Prov. Vt. Phil. N.J. Ind. Ind. Pitts. Pitts. Pitts. Ohio One. Wis. N.J. N. Ind. Ind. One. Ohio N.J. Biilt. N. Y. E. Ind. 111. Mich. Pitts. One. NY. N. Y. Mich. Bait. N. Ind. One. One. 111. Ind. Ohio Ohio One. N. Y. W.Va. N.J. Erie N.J. Mich. Bait. Ohio E. Gen. N. E. Phil. Pitts. Erie N.J. Appointment. -1852-3. Montgomery. Palmyra. Reading District. Cortlandt. Frankfort. Northfield. Wilbraham. Walden. Kalida. Ansable Forks. Spufford. Monson. Mystic. Norwich. Snow Hill District. Sandyston. Bloomington District. North MadisoD. Carrolton. Alleghany City. Richmond. White Water. Utica. Prairie du Chien. Woodbridge. Laporte. Paoli. Middlefield. • Portsmouth. Atlantic. Washington. Westport Mission. New Albany. Beardstown. Adrian. Woodsfield. Lisle. Mellenville. Norfolk. Manchester. Olin and Preston's Institute. Hagarstown. Manlius. Utica. Winchester. Gentryville. Lebanon. New Carlisle. Waverley. Franklin. Clarksburg. Rockland. Quincy. Bergen. Ontonagon. Dickinson Seminary. Union. Springfield. Lunenburg. Salisbury. Leesburg. Franklin. Succasumry Plain*. PART I. — CHtJECH DIEECTORT. 39 Names. Dayan, J. F Dayton, D. W Deal, David Deale, John L Dean, Henry C Dean, Isaac Dean, John P Dean, Sidney Dean, William Dearborn, George S. Dearborn, Reuben . . Decker, S. W Dedrick, T. S Deemer, George .... Deens, James L Deeves, Abr Degen, H. V De Hass, Frank S. . . De Lamatyr, Gilbert De Larme, Joseph . . Deming, John Demott, Daniel Demotte, John B.,.. Demoyer, John A. . . Dempsey, D. L Dempster, J Dennett, Wesley.... Denning, S. F Dennis, John Dennis, John H Dennis, Levin B. . . . Dennison, E Dennison, John B. . . Dennison, Joseph ... De Pew, Nelson A. . De Puy, Wm. H. . . . Derr, John F Deshiel, John A De Vinne, D Devol, Charles Devore, John F Dewey, Sanger De Witt, N. S Dexter, D. S Dice, John C Dickens, James H. . . Dickerson, J Dickerson, J. L Dickerson, Wm. H. . Dickinson, L. C Dierking, Charles . . . Diefendorf, B.I Dikeman, J. B Dill, Henry G Dillon, Isaac Dillon, John Dillon, Josiah Dimmitt, Jacob G. . . Dinger, F. W Dinkens, Alexander . , Disbrow, Wm. B.. Diviney, Wm Dix, D. H. K Dixon, A Dixon, Rufus S. . . Doane, Nehemiah. Standing in Ministry. . E. . Tr. . D, . D. ! D. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. .P. E. . E. . Tr. . D. . E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. , E. P. E. , E. , E. , Su. . Tr. . E. . D. , E. . D. . Tr. , E. , E. , E. . D. , E. . Tr. . E. • P. E. . E. . E. , Tr. . D. . D. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. , Tr. . E. .P. E, . E. . Tr. . E. . D. . E. Conferences. B.Riv. Troy Ind. Bait. Iowa N. Ind. Bait. Prov. One. N. H. N.H. N.J. N.J. W. Va. Pitts. Pifts. N. E. Pitts. Gen. B. Riv. Erie N. Ind. N. Ind. Bait. Pitts. B. Riv. Ohio R. Riv, E. Gen. Mo. Mo. NY. Phil. N. E. E. Gen. Gen. Gen. Bait. N. Y. E. Troy R. Riv. B. Riv. One. Vt. Bait. 111. Phil. N.Y. N.J. Vt. Ohio B. Riv, N.Y. Bait. Ohio Ohio Pitts, Iowa NY. Ohio N. Ohio Pitts. W. Va. W, Va. E, Me, Or, «k Gal 9 Appointment. — 1852-3. Fairfield. Hinsdale. Mount Sterling. Warrenton. Muscatine. Baubaugo. York Springs, Danielsonville. M'Lean. Peterborough. Haverhill District. New Egypt. Sparta. VVayne. Elizabeth. Redstone. Lynn. Pittsburg. Olean. Lawrence. Waterford. Indiana Asbury University. Indianapolis. Bloomingdale. Greensburg. Professor in the Bib. Institute. Vienna. Newark. Rochester District. Lagrange, Hannibal, Monticello. Delaware City. Boston. Orange. Genesee Wesleyan Seminary . Cuba. Great Falls. East Chester. Middleburg. Free port. Marcy. Conklin. Craftsburg. Georgetown. Jonesborough District. Lancaster. Spencertown. North Belleville. Putney. Rockford. Little Falls. Marbletown. Berwick. Kingston. Rehoboth. Brighton. Cascade, Callicoon. Concord. Tiffin District. Paris. Fayette. Williamsport. Penobscot. Oregon City % 90 PART I. — CHUECH DIRECTORY Names. Dobbins, Joseph B.. . Dobbs, Abram S. . . . Dodge, Darius Dodge, Jno. B Dodge, Jonas Dodgson, Thomas. . . Doer, Philip Doering, Charles H. . Dole, John W Doliver, J. J Dolson, James H. . . . Don Carlos, Americus Donaldson, Jno. S... Donaldson, P. S Donkersley, Richard Donnelly, Francis... Dorchester, Jr., Daniel Dorsey, Edwin Dosh, John H. C Doud, Eventus Dougherty, Thomas. Doughty,"B, F Doughty, Richard. . . Dow, J. G Downs, Charles S.. . . Downs, Wilfred .... Draper, Lorenzo . . . Dressier, Wm Dreyer, Henry Drummond, J Dryden, David A. .. Dubois, H.G Dubois, Robert Dudgeon, Richard. . . Dudley, H. C. H. ... Dudley, J. M Duffell, David Dulin, E. L Dunbar, George Dunbar, O Dunham, David .... Dunham, H. C Dunham, M Dunlap, Samuel B... Dunn, Charles B. . . . Dunn, Hiram Dunn, Lewis R Dunning, Charles L. Dunton, Alfred A. . . Durbin, Jesse Durbin, J. P Durborow, James . , , Duree, Peter W Dustin, Mighill Dutcher, David C. . . D wight, Mosely Dyer, John L Dyson, Franklin .... Dyson, John Standing ia Ministry. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. D. E. E. E. D. E. E. Tr. E. nE. E. E. E. E. D. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. D. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. . E. , Tr. , E. , Tr. E Eakin, James N.. Eakin, Joseph T. Eames, J Earl, Lewis W. . Conferences. . N. J. Erie . N.Ohio . R. Riv. . E. Gen. . Troy . Ohio . N.Y. , Ind. . W. Va. . 111. . HI. . N. Ind. . Mich. . Prov. . N.Y. . Prov. . Bait. . Bait. . N. Ind. . Bait. . Mich. . Ohio . Vt. . N.J. . Bult. . N.H. . Ohio . HI. . Pitts. .Or.&Cal. . N. Ohio . Mich. . Wis. . Troy , W. Va. . N. J. . Bait. . N. E. . Vt. . N.Ind. . N. E. . One. . Pitts. E. Me. Troy N.J. B. Riv. Mich. N. Ohio Phil. Bait. Mo. Ohio One. N. E. Wis. Bait. Phil. Appointment. — 1852-3. Hoboken. Cooperstown. Freemont. Chicken Grove. Avon. Burlington. Madison. Missionary to Germany. Napoleon Mission. New Martinsville. Williamsburg. Monticello. Covington. Albion Female Coll. Institute. North Fairhaven. Bedford. Woodstock. South Baltimore. Pine Creek. Dayton. South Branch. Ganges. Johnstown. Barre. Allowaystown. Augusta. Cornish Mission. Malaga. St. Louis. South Wheeling. Santa Cruz. Plymouth. Ingham. Geneva. Greenbush. Elizabeth Mission. C'ape Island. Calvert. Lynn. Corinth. Williamsport. Walpole. Warren. Alleghany City. North Bucksport. Tomhannock. Elizabethtown. Oswego. Burlington. Norwalk. Sec. Miss. Soc. New York. Newville. Athens. Hillsborough. Decatur. Springfield. Elk Grove. Boonsborough. Haddington. E . . Bait. . . Huntersville. Tr . . Bait. . . Lewisburg. E . . Troy . . Beekmantown. Tr . . Mich. . . Wayne. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 91 Names. Earley, Alfred M.. Eastman, B. C. . . . Eastman, Cyrus L. Eastman, Hubbard Eastman, L. L. Eastman, Stephen. Eaton, Bennet Eaton, George S. . Eaton, H. M Eaton, W. M Eaton, Thomas A. Eaton, Thomas W. Eddy, Augustus . . Eddv, Ira Eddy, Thomas M.. Edgar, A. D Edgertown, James Edier, Charles Edmonds, J. A Edmonds, P. G Edson, James L Edwards, John Edwards, J Edwards, Noah Edwards, Reuben . . Edwards, Thomas. . Edwards, Wm. B. . Ege, Oliver Eggleston, Wm. G. Eisenmaver, Conrod. Eldred, A. J Ellerbeck, Henry . . Ellers, Wm Elliott, Charles Elliott, D. T Elliott, G. C Elliott, Gould F.... Elliott, James Elliott, Jos Elliott. J. W Elliott, Samuel Elliott, Wm. H. . . . Ellis, Benjamin .... Ellis, Lewis R Ellis, Thomas Ellison, M. E Eirod, J. J Ellsworth, Jer. B... Ellsworth, W.J..., Elthison, Jason .... Elwell King Ely, L. W Ely, Thomas Emerson, S. M Emerson, Warren.. Emerson, J. C Endeley, A. J Engel, Wm England, Wm. E... English, John English, Levi Enright, Jos. . . , Erickson, A. . . Erkenbrack, J. Erwin, James . , Erskridge, A. A M Standing in Ministry. .... E. .... Tr. . • . . £j. .... E. .... D. .... E. .... Tr. .... Tr. .... E. .... E. Tr. '.'.'.'. Tr! ....P. E. .... E. .... E. .... E. .... Tr. .... Tr. .... E. .... E. .... D. .... E. .... E. .... E. > • . • £• . . . . Xj. . . • • £i. .... E. .... E. .... E. .... E. Tr. '.'.'.'. D. ....P. E. .... E. .... E. .... D. .... E. .... D. .... E. .... E. .... E. .... E. ... E. , . . . E. ... E. ... D. .... E. ...P. E. ... Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. Conferences. . R. Riv. . N. H. . N. E. . Vt. , . N. H. , . N. H. , . Troy , . N.Ohio . . Me. . . W. Va. , . 111. Gen. , Ohio Erie Ind. . E. Gen. . . Troy . . Ohio . N.Y.E. . . Pitts. . . E. Gen. . . N. Ind. . . Phil. . . N. J. . . Erie . . N. Y. . . Bait. . . Bait. . . Bait. . . 111. . Mich. . . III. . 111. • Ohio . . One. . One. . E. Me. . . N. Ohio . . NY. . . Bait. . . Illinois . . Phil. . . Ohio . . R. Riv. . . N. Y. . .N.J. . . N. Ind. . . Ohio . . Ohio . . Bait. . . One. Erie Prov. . Me. . Prov. N. H. . Pitts. . Ohio . Phil. . N. H. . 111. . Vt. . R. Riv. . Mich. . B. Riv. . Bait. . Appointment. — 1 852-3. Hanover. Henniker. Whitinsville. Wilmington. Warren. Alexandria. Morristown. Bellevue. Kent's Hill. Pleasant Valley. Vandalia. Eden. West Cincinnati District. Concord. Madison. Knox vi He. Chatham. Boonsville. Sag Harbor. Sharon. Bethel. Danville. Radnor. Cape May. Warren. Pleasantville. Alexandria. Severn. Jefferson. St. Louis. Niles. Perry. St. Louis. Dayton District. Madison. Ames. Unity. Richfield. Delhi. Cattawissa. Quincy Mission. Reading. Baltimore. Lacon. Great Barrington. Paterson. Hartford. Union. Xenia District. Lexington. Barton. Edinburg. New London. Buxton. East Haddam. Raymond. Addison. Ann Arbor. Kelly St. City Mission. Deering. Palestine. Lunenburg. Swede. Gilead. Fulton. Augu.sta. 92 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Estell, Edward . . . Estep, Jeremiah S. Esty, Jonathan L.. Ethridge, N. C... Evans, F.W Evans, James . . . . Evans, Moses B... Evans, W. F Everdell, Robert . . Evving, Henry W.. Ewing, J. H Evving, John W... Fairbank, Daniel . . , . Fairbank, George W. Fairchild, Samuel ... Fales, C Falkenbury, D. A. ... Falkenburgh, S. B. . . Fancher, D Fant, Stephen Farlow, Samuel Farr, A. A Farrington, W. F. ... Fassett, John Fassett, Noah Faull, John Fee, Wm. J Fegtley, Jacob Feigenbaum, Wm. .. . Feisel, Jacob Felch, Isaac N Fellows, Nathan Fenniniore, Matthew . Fentori, Asa F Ferguson, A. H Ferguson, Charles . . . . Ferguson, Samuel D. . Fernley, T. A Ferril, Thomas J Ferril, Wm Ferris, David Ferris, Ira Ferris, W\ H Ficken, John Fidler, Wm. S Fiegenbaum, H Field, Alvaro D Field, Chester Field, D Field, Elijah H Field, Julius Fields, Andrew C. . . . Fillmore, A.N Fillmore, Glezen . Finley, James C Fish. J. P Fish, Linus Fish, Pascal Fisher, Alexander . . . Fisher, Hugh D Fisk, Franklin Fitch, A. M Fitch, John Standing in Ministry. E. D. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. P. E. D. E. Tr. , Tr. E. , E. , D. E. , E. , E. E. D. , E. D. . E. , D. P. E. .P. E. . E. . E. , E. . E. . Su. . E. . Tr. '. E. . E. , E. . D, . D. . D. . D. ; E. . E. . E. . E. .P.E. .P E, . E. . E. '. Tr. . D. . D. '. E. . E. F, Conferences, Ohio 111. N. E. Mich. lo. N. Ohio Mo. N.H. Wis. Bait. Bait. Bait. Appointment. — 1852-3. Frankfort. Edwardsville. South Royalston. Ingham. Pittsburg. Wood Mission. Deep Water. Newport. Oshkosh. Boonsborough. East Rockingham. Bath. III. . . Chili. III. .. Danville District. N. Ohio . . Florence. Vt. . , Rochester. R. Riv. . . Troy Grove. Ind. . . Liberty. One. .. Fayetteville. N.Ohio .. Port Clinton. lo. Andrew. Troy . , Albany. Me. . . Portland. Troy . . Granville. Mich. . . Greenville. N. J. . . Clinton. Ohio . . Ripley. N. Ohio . . Belleville. 111. Beardstown. 111. . . Brunswick. N. J. . . Burlington District. E. Gen. . , Corning District. N. Ind. .. Little Walnut. Troy . . Elizabeth town. N.Y. .. Hillsdale and Egremont. Ohio .. East White Oak. N.Y. .. Ciiarlotte. Phil. .. Manayunk. Mo. . . Troy. Mo. . . Columbus. E. Gen. .. Rush. N.Y. .. Coeymans. NY. , . Poughkeepsie. Ohio .. Defiance. R. Riv. .. Ottowa Circuit. III. Muscatine. R. Riv. .. Horse Creek. N. E. .. Lynn. Vt. .. W'oodstock. Ohio .. Aberdeen. N. YE... Newtown. N.Y. .. Sugurloaf. E. Gen. . . Elmira District. Gen. . . Niagara District. 111. Randolph Grove. Or.&Cal... California. N. E. . . Gloucester Harbor. Mo. .. Shawnee. R. Riv. .. Centerville. Pitts. . . Brighton. N. E. .. Southampton. Mich. . . Western Seaman's Friend Soc Ohio . . Worthington. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 93 Names. Standing iu Ministry, Conferences. Fitch, Silas .... E . . N. Y. . . Fitzgerald, Wm .... D .. Ohio .. Fianery, J .... E .. Phil. .. Fleming, Alanson .... D . . Ohio . Fleming, A .... E. .... . . Ohio , . Fleming, Eli .... Tr. .... .. Ind. Fleming, C. K .... E. .... . . N. J. . . Fletcher, E. B .... E .. Me. Flinn, John .... E. .... ..Or. &Cal... Floerky, Wm .... D. .... ,. Ohio .. Flowers, John W .... E. .... .. R. Riv. .. .... E. .... , . Erie . . Floy, James .... E. .... N. Y. E. . . Folsom, Abram , .... E. .... N.H. .. Foote, Chester L .... D. .... N. Ohio .. .... Tr ■■ B. Riv. .. Forbes, Lealdes Ind. .. Forbis, Wm. J .... E. ;::: N. Ind. .. Force, Manning ....P.E..... !. N.J. .. .... E. .... .. Troy .. Ford, John K .... D . N.Ohio .. .... E Wis. . . Ford, S. S .... E .. Troy .. Ford, Wm .... E . . Troy . . Forest, S. N • • • . . Erie Fort, Jacob P .... E .. N.J. .. Fort, John .... E. .... .. N.J. .. .... Tr . . Mo. Foster, Abial .... E .. E.Me. .. Foster, Alanson .... D . . N. Ohio . . Foster, Benjamin .... E . . Me. . . Foster, Caleb .... E . . Pitts. . . Foster, E. H .... E . . Troy . . Foster, Isaac .... E .. One. Foster, John T .... Tr .. 111. .... E .. NY. .. Foster, Wm. H .... E . . Me. Foster, Wm. W .... E . . Troy . . Fonts, Allen .... E. .... . . Erie . . Fonts, Wm .... D .. R. Riv. ,. Fowble John W .... E .. Ohio .. Fowler, E.M .... E .. E.Maine .. Fox, Henry J .... E .. N. Y. E. .. Fox, R .... E . . One. Fox, Samuel .... E . . Prov. . . Fox, Wesley .... E . . One. Fralev, Wm. M • ••• •••» . . Ind. . . Frambles, D. E .... E . . N.J. . . Frampton, S. C .... D .. Ohio .. .... E . . Bait. . , Francis, A. S .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Frazer, John .... P. E . . Troy . . Frazer, W.N .... E . . Troy . . Freed, A .... E .. Phil. .. Freeland, Jesse Tr .. W. Va. .. .... D .. N.J. .. Freer, S. C .... E . . Erie .... Tr . . R. Riv. . . French, L. P .... E .. E.Me. .. .... E . . Erie Friblv, James W • • • • -'-'• • • • • .. N.Ohio .. Frink, Hiram W .... E .. Wis. .. Frost, George W • ».. •«•• . . N. E. . . .... E .. N. Y.E. .. Frownfelter, J .... Tr .. N.Ohio .. • • » • j^* • • • • . . Ohio . . Appointment. — 1852-3. New York. Fairfield. Millington. Chester. Pickerington. New Washington. Winslow. Poland. Mary's River. Columbus. Ottowa. Clarksville. New York. Hookset Mission. Brunswick. Belleville. New Philadelphia. Vigo. Newton District. Pawlet. East Union. Green Bay. Sheldon. Rutland. Springfield. New Providence. Bethel Station Island. Bloomington. Belfast. Q,uincy. Bowdoinham. Monongahela City. Canajoharie. Oneida Depot. Marshall. New York. Farmington. Argyle. Twinsburg. Paw Paw. Amelia. Orland. Hartford. Millford. East Glastenbury. Cuyler. Brookville. Staten Island. Deavertown. Danville. Flushing. St. Alban's District. Watervliet. Springfield. Oakland. New Brunswick. Chardon. Wheeling. Bucksport. Columbus. Millersburg. Grafton. Assalet Village. Bushwick. Marseilles. Portsmouth. 94: PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Fry, Jacob , Fuller, Clark , Fuller, G. L , Fuller, J. M Fuller, John Fuller, Wm. O. . . , Fullerton, T. M. ... Fulton, Robert C... Funk, Philip Furber, Franklin ., Furgerson, David . . Furgerson, L. D. . , Furlong, H Furmun, E. Smith , Gaddis, Maxwell P Gage, F Gage, Wm. D. . Gahn, Conrad .. Gamble, James . Gantt, Walter C. Gurd, Thomas J. Gardner, Abel .. Gardner, Charles M Gardner, Simeon Gardner, T. C. . Garner, Greenbury Garvin, A. W. . . Gary, George. . . . Gaskill, Alle.T . . , Gaskill, Joseph . . Gaskill, Z Gaskins, Elias .. . Gasner, Joseph . . Gatch, Joseph M. Gavitt, E. C Gavitt, Franklin . Gay, Wm Gaylord, Miles H. Gearhart, A Gearhart, Franklin Gee, Allen A. ., Gee, Hiram . . ., Genung, B. M. , George, A. C. . . George, Nathan D George, Stillman Gere, J. A Gerry, Ebenezer Gerry, Joseph . . Gerry, R Geyer, John Gibbons, Alexander Gibson, Alexander E Gibson, Andrew W. Gibson, David .. . Gibson, Hugh ... Gibson, Isaac .. . Gibson, Josiah .. Gibson, Wm. P. Giddings, C. E. , Giddings, C. W. Giddings, Uriel J Gifford, John E. . Minisirv. D. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. D. E. E. D. E. D. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. D. E. Tr. D. E. E. E. P. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. P. E. Tr. P.E. Tr. E. P.E. P.E. D. D. Tr. D. E. D. E. D. E. E. E. E. G Conferences. Ohio Troy N.Y.E. Gen. Gen. Gen. Wis. Ohio III. N. H. B. Riv. B. Riv. Bait. Gen. Appointment. — 1852-3. Erie. Guilderland. Ponset. Leroy. Cliurchville. Stafford. St. Paul. West Jefferson. Dubuque. Northfield. AVilliamstown. Three Mile Bay. Hagerstown. Clarksun. Ohio .. Mich. . . Piqua. Paw Paw. Mo. Lexington. Ohio .. Cleveland. B;tlt. .. Baltimore City Mission. Bait. .. Pine Creek. N. Ohio . . Prov. . . Upper Sandusky. Uncasville. E. Gen. .. Jefferson. Trov , . East Hebron. Mich. .. iNJonroc. 111. . . Havana. Troy . . B. Riv. .. South Adams. Adams District. N.Ohio .. Newcomerstown. N. J. . . Fairfield. N. J. . . Clffrksborough. Ind. Lexington. Ohio .. West Cincinnati. Ohio . . Covington. N.Ohio .. Ohio Wesleyan University. Prov. . . Cochesett. N. Y. E. . . Middlebury. B. Riv. . . Washingtonville. N. J. . . Pittsgrove. Bait. . . Suminerfield. N. Ind. .. Newtown. One. Marathon. N. Y. . . Fishkill. E. Gen. .. Rochester. E. Me. . . Bangor District. N.Ohio .. Plymouth. Bait. .. Northumberland District, Me. . . Me. . . Phil. .. Phippsburg. Fayette. North Philadelphia District. Ohio . . Cincinnati District. Or.&Cal... Bait. .. Baltimore City. Bait. .. Bellefonte. N. Y. . . Kortright, lo. .. Pittsburg. Bait. .. Bladensburg. Pitts. . . Johnstown. Mo. Oregon. Troy . . One. .. Seward. Pittston. R. Riv. .. Brimfield. Prov. . . Millvilie. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 95 Names. Gilbert, C. C. . . Gilbert, Gad S. . . Gilbert, John L. . Gilder, J. L Gilder, Wm. H. . Giles, Charles Giles, Henry T. . Gillam, Nelson . . Giilam, Wm Gilleiand, John .. Gillet, M. D Gillet, Samuel T. Gillet, John K. .. Gillham, John .. . Gillingham, S. R. Gilmore, Alexander Gilmore, Hiram Gilmore. W. N. Gilroy, H. E. . . . Given, James F. Given, Robert Glass, Francis .. , Glass, William . , Glasscock, Benjami Glover, Henry C. Godfrey, A. C. .. Godfrey, Samuel Godman, W. D. . Goheen, M Gold, George S. . Golden, Thomas . Goode, Wm. H. . Goodell, Ransom Goodfellow, T. M. Goodfellow, Wm. Goodrich, Nelson Goodsell, B Goodwin, Thomas A. Goodwin, Timothy Goodwin, Wm. H. Gordon, David . . Gordon, Walter . Gordon, William Gorham, B. W. . Gorrie, P. D Gorse, Charles .. . Gorse, William .. Gorsuch, John S. Gorsuch, Thomas. Goss, Ephraim Gossard, Thomas M. Gothard, Wm. . , Gould, Carlos . . , Gould, D. W. . . Gould, John Gould, John B. ., Gould, W. F. ... Gracey, John T. Graham, Cambridge Graham, John .. Graham, John .. Graham, Wm. . Grandin, J. L. S. Grange, William.. Granger, T. B. Grant, Elibu ... Standing in Ministry. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. P. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. D. E. E. D, D. Tr. E, Tr. E. E. Tr. P. E. D. D. E. E. E. E. P. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. Conferences. Troy N. Y. E. Bait. N. Y. E. Phil. B. Riv. One. N. Ind. Mo. Pitts. B. Riv. N. Ind. Mich. 111. Phil. N.J. Ind. Pitts. Phil. Ohio N. J. Mich. Mich. Ohio N. Y. E. E. Me. N. Ind. N. Ohio Bait. Troy Wis. N. Ind Mich. Bnlt. 111. Prov. N. Y. E. Ind. Erie E. Gen. Pitts. Gen. N. E. One. B. Riv. N. Y. E. N. Y. Bait. Ohio Troy Ohio N. Y. E. E. Gen. Troy N.H. Prov. NY. Phil. Bait. Erie N. Ohio N. Ind. E. Gen. Ohio Mich. Prov. Appointment. — 1352-3. Fort Ann. South Brooklyn. West River. Reading. Flushing Female Institute. Oriskany. Otego. Westfield. Fort Smith. Butler. Lowville. Centerville District. Dundee. Ewington Mission. Zion. Crosswicks. New Albany. New Philadelphia. Smyrna. Pomeroy. Plainfield. Allegon. New Port. Miami. Ammaganset Mission. Brewer. Valparaiso. Worth ington Female Seminary. Rockingham. Charlotte. Cascade. Indianapolis District. Grass Lake. Sunbury. Illinois Wesleyan University. Wapping. Hempstead. Indiana Asbury University. Warren District. Rochester. Springfield. Somerset. Newburyport. New Troy. Canton. Cheshire. Prattsville. Patuxent. Dayton. Troy. W^in Chester. Southtown. Jasper. Berkshire. Epping Mission. Edgertown. Coeymans. Springfield. Alleghany. Mount Jackson. Toledo. Lafayette. Henrietta. Orangeburg. Medina. Bristol. 96 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Grant, John Gratz, F. G Graves, A. S Graves, David Graves, James B Graves, John Graves, Wm. P Graw, John J Gray, David Gray, Simon P Gray, V Gray, W. L Gray, Wm. P Green, Asa Green, Enoch Green, Elias H Green, Henry F Green, J. M Green, Nelson S Green, Philip Green, Silas Greenbank, R. M. . . . Greene, Jesse Greene, John M Greene, Nelson Greenman, Almond . . Greenup, S. H Greer, James Gregg, Joseph Gregg, Orin Gregg, Samuel Gridley, J. J Griffin, Benjamin Griffin, Edward B Griffin, Richard , Griffin, Smith Griffin, VV Griffith, A , Griffith, Samuel B Griffiths, Edward M Griffiths, Samuel H. ... Grimes, J. M Grimes, Washington M. Grimm, C. F Grindin, Joshua M Grisvvold, E. E Grover, James L Groves, Isaac Grumley, E. S Grundy, John Guernsey, J. W Guest, Job Guiberson, S. B Guild, George Guilee, John Gulick, John G Gurley, James Gurley, L. B Gurney, Theodore B. . . Guthrie, F. H Guthrie, Robert E Guy, Thomas Guyer, George Guyer, John Guyer, Simpson Guyer, William Gwynn, Williann Siaudiiiw ill Ministry. ,. E. .. . . Tr. . . .. E. .. .. E. .. .. Tr. .. .. E. .. .. E. .. .. E. .. .. E. .. .. Tr. .. .. E. ,. .. E. .. .. E. .. .. E. .. .. E. .. .. Tr. .. . . Tr. . . .. E. .. .. Tr. .. . . E. . . .. E. .. .. E. .. .. Tr. .. .. Tr. .. . . E. . , .. Tr. .. .. E. .. .. D. .. .. Tr. .. .. E. .. .. E. ., ... E. .. ,..P. E.. ... E. . ... D. . ... Tr. . ... E. . ... E. . ... D. . . . . E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... Tr. . ... D. . ... E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... D. . ... E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... Tr. . ... E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... D. . ... E. . ... E. . ... D. . ... E. . ... E. . ... E. . ... D. . . . . E. . Conferences. . Pitts. . . N. Y. . . One. . N. J. . . Erie . . Troy . . Troy . . N. Y. . . N. Ohio . . One. . Phil. . . Phil. . . Troy . . Me. . N. J. . . Pitts. , . Ohio , . Bait. . , . Wis. . ,. W. Va. . . . N. H. . .. Phil. , . . Mo. . . Ind. . . N. Ind. , . . N. Ind. , . . lo. , . . Erie .. Phil. , . . Troy , . . Erie Gen. .. N.Y. . . Pitts. . . Troy .. B. Riv. . . Troy . . Bait. . . Bait. • . N. J. . . Bait. . . One. . . Pitts. . . N. Y. . . Bait. . . N. Y. E. . . Ohio 111. .. Wis. • • R. Riv. • . N. H. . . Bait. • - N. Ohio . . N. Ind. .. lo. • . E. Gen. . . Ohio .. N.Ohio • • Prov. .. W.Va. 111. . • Erie . . Bait. . . Bait. . . R. Riv. .. Ohio . . Bait. Appointment. — 18S2-3. Hanover. Brooklyn. Ithaca. Penn's Neck. Gustavus. Greenfield. WilHston. Albany. Republic. Hamilton. Fairview. North Philadelphia. North Adams. Norway. Mount Horeb. Fayette Springs. Washington. Lexington. Mayville. Lumberport. Greenland. South Philadelphia. Batesville. Evansville. Rockville Circuit. Ossian. West Union. Youngstown. Talbot. Swanton. Erie. Covington. New York District. Tarentum. Fairhaven. Rossie. Keeseville. Summerfield. Rockingham. Dover. Stafford. Union. M'Connellsville. Bloomingdale. Fairfax. New York. Chillicothe. Marshall. Council Hill. Camden. Lancaster. Alexander City Mission. Vanwort. Harrisonville. Farmington. Geneva. Hebron. Wooster. South Abington Mission. Harrisville. Springfield. Chardon. Clearfield. Patapsco Station. Geneva. Delaware. Wrightsville. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 97 H. Names. Haas, Jacob Hadlev, Kimbal Haff, Isaac W Hagany, J. B Hagar, Charles L Hagar, Richard Hager, Benjamin Hager, Jacob Haines, Daniel A Haines, Sanford Halbert, Sanford Halderman, J. A Haley, James M Hall, Aaron Hall, Albina Hall, Ashford Hall, B. M Hall, Edward P Hall, Emmanuel Hall, H Hall, H. C Hall, J. H Hall, Isaac Hall, James Hall, James S Hall, Jonathan Hall, O. E Hall, Zadock Hallock, J. K Halloway, P Halstead, Jesse Ham, Jeremiah Hamilton, A Hamilton, Charles Hamilton, James B Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, W. C. P Hamilton, William Hamilton, William Hamline, B. B Hammersly, J. W Hammond, Charles Hammond, J. B Hammond, J. Q , Hammond, S. Y Hanaford, Jeremiah L Hancock, Robert T , Hancock, S. H , Hand, J , Hand, Wm. T , Haney, Milton L , Haney, Richard , Haney, William Hank, A. S Hank, J. Newman Hank, William , Hanley, Joseph J , Hanna, Matthew Hapgood, G. G , Hard, A , Hard, M. K Harden, William Harder, J. H Staridina: in Miiiisirv. .... E. .. . . , . E. .... Tr. .. . . . . E. . . .... D. .. .... D. .. Tr. '.'.'.'. E. ".'. . . . . E. , . .... E. .. .... E. .. .... E. .. .... D. .. .... E. .. .... E. .. .... D. .. .... E. .. .... D. .. .... E. . . .... E. .. .... E. .. .... E. ,. . . . . E. . . .... E. .. .... Tr. .. .... D. .. .... Tr. .. .... E. .. .... E. .. .... E. .. .... E. .. .... E. .. .... E. .. .... Tr. .. .... E. .. '.'.'.'. E. '.'. .... Tr. .. .... E. . . .... E. .. .... Tr. .. .... D. .. .... hj» • . .... E. • . .... Tr. .. .... £. .... £• .... D. .. .... E. .. .... E .. .... E. . . ....P. E... .... E. .. .... Tr. .. .... Tr. .. .... E. .. .... D. .. .... E. . . ....P. E... .... E. .. .... Tr. .. .... E. . , .... Tr. .. Conferences. 111. . . N. H. . . N. J. .. N. Y. : .. Troy . .. N.Ohio .. W. Va. ■ . . Gen. . , Pitts. [ Id. .. Troy . . . 111. 111. .. Troy . . , Erie . . W. Va, . . Troy . . Ohio , .. N. Ind. , . . Mich. . . One. . . One. . . B. Riv. .. E. Gen. .. W.Va. . . N. H. . . Wis. . . R. Riv. . . Erie . , Phil. . . Wis. .. N.Y. . . One. . . Bait. . . Ind. . . PitU. . . Pitts. .. N. Ind. . . Bait. . . Bait. .. Phil. . . Prov. . . Erie lo. . . Gen. .. N. E. .. E. Gen. . . Troy .. Phil. .. Ohio .. R. Riv. .. R. Riv. .. R. Riv. . . Bait. . . Bait. . . Bait. .. N.J. . . R. Riv. . . B. Riv. . . Gen. . , N. Ohio . . Bait. . . Mich. Appoiutment. — 1852-3. St. Paul. Milton. Fort Lee. New York. Champlain. Wadsworth. Logan. Wales. Elderton. Fort Desmoines. Williamstown. Greenfield. Palestine. Red ford. Greenville. Walnut Grove. Schenectady. Asbury. Lagrange. Edwardsburg. Owasco. Otsego. Black River. Milo. Glenville. Keene Mission. Oak Creek, Peru. Wattsburg. Haddington Mission. Brothertown Indian Mission. Hartsville. Summer Hill. Covington. Orleans. Cambria. Cumberland. Rensselaer. Washington City. Williamsport. Princess Ann. Cumberland. Wilmington, Eddyville. Cowdersport, Mendon. Trumansburg. Sandlake. Pottstown. Ironton. Abington. Mount Morris District Berwick. Patapsco. Winchester. Westminster. Columbus. Union Grove. Syracuse District. Parma. Bucyrus, Frederick, Lyons. 9 98 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names, Hardin, F. A Hardy, J. B Hare, G.S Hure, Jeremiah . . . . . Hare, John Hare. M. H Hare, S. G Harer, James Harer, Wilson Hargis, J Hargrave, Richard . . . Harlan, Lorenzo D. .. Harland, J. W Harlow, W.T Harmount, Alexander , Harriman, Jesse Harrington, R Harris, George W Harris, Henry Harris, Horace Harris, John Harris, Robert S Harris, W. L narrower, P. P Hart, Jeremiah S Hartley, Charles , Hartman, A Hartman, Daniel Hartsough, L Hartwell, H. H Hartwell, J Hartwell, J. M Harvey, C.H Harvey, F. B Harvey, Rtifus J Harvey, Samuel Harwood, John Hascall, Jefferson Haskell, Wm. M Haslam, John Hassler, Samuel Hastings, Joseph Hatch, A Hatch, Wm. H Hatfield, E. H Hatfield, H Hatfield, R. M Hatton, Daniel H Haughawout, J. W. . . Haughenberry, A Haun, Milton M , Hausam, John , Haven, E. O , Haven, Gilbert Havens, George Havens, James Havens, John C Havens, Landy Havighorst, Rudolph . . . Hawkes, Joseph Hawkins, G. B Hawkins, W. H Hawley, Bostwick Hawley, M. L Hawn. R.G Hawxhurst, J. H Standing in Ministry. ... D. ... . . . E. . . . ... E. ... ... E. ... ... E. ... ... E. ... ... E. ... .. Tr. ... .. Tr. ... .. E ..P.E . . E .. Tr .. E .. E .. E .. E .. Tr .. Tr .. E . . E . . E . . E . . E .. E .. D. .... .. D. . .. .. E. .... .. Tr .. E. .. E. :::: .. Tr. .... • • E. .... . Tr . E . E . E. •P.E....: . E . E . Tr . Tr • E . E . D . E . E . E • E . D . D • Tr . E . Tr • E P.E • E • E . Tr • E. ... • E. ... • E. ... . E. ... ■ E. ... ■ Tr, ... . Tr. ... Conference. .. N. Ind. .. lo. . . N. Y. E. .. W.Va. . . Pitts. . . lo. .. Phil. , . . Mo. . . Mo. .. Phil. . . . N. Ind. . . . Ohio . .. Lib. . , . Prov. . N. Ohio . . E. Me. . . E. Gen. . . Ohio . . Mich. . . E. Gen. . . lo. . . N. J. . . N.Ohio . . Troy . . Trov . . N.Ohio . . Bait. . . Bait. . . One. . N. H. . . One. . N.H. . . One. . Phil. .. . Wis. . . . Ohio ., . Troy . , . N. E. . . . E. Gen. . . . Troy . . . Pitts. . . . Me. . Me, . N. E. . . Prov. N. Y. E. . . N. Y. E. . . 111. .. Bait. . . Bait. . . N. Ind. .. 111. NY. . . N. E. . . Ind. Ind. . . Ohio .. Ind. III. Me. Erie B. Riv. ., Troy . . Bait. . . lo. N. Y. . . Appointment.— 1852-3. Augusta. West Point. Bloomfield. Sistersville. Currolton. Iowa City. Cochranville. Washington. Bentonville. Church Creek. Greencastle District. Tremont. New Cess Mission. Providence. Lima. Sullivan. Palmyra. Kings Creek. Eaton Rapids. Junius. Mount Pleasant. Windham. Ohio Wesleyan University. Northampton. Middletown. Canal Dover. Orangeville. Greencastle. Lenox. Newmarket. Homer. Gilmanton. Wyoming. Cochranville. Munroe. Roseville. New Lebanon. Boston District. Angelica. New Ashford. Kittanning. Bortlett. Livermore. Cambridge. Somerset. Port Jefferson. Perry, Bloomfield. Warrior's Mark. Decatur. Florence. Red Hook. Northampton. Mooresville. Indianapolis District. Alexandria. Milford. St. Louis. Mount Vernon. Warren. Adams. Lansingburg. Cumberland. Adell. Southfield. PART I. — CHUECn DIRECTORY. 99 Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. Hayden, John ....P. E . . lo. Fort Desmoines District. Hayes, Josei)h .... E .. N.H. .. Gilsom Mission. Haynes, Zadock S .... E . . Vt. . . Londonderry. Hays, Hayden .... E .. N. Ind. .. Greencastle. Hays, .John L .... Tr .. N.J. .. Harmony. Hays, Joseph .... Tr .. N. Ohio .. Dalton. Hayward, Robert S .... Tr . . Wis. . . Plover Mission. Hazard, Charles S .... D . . Prov, . . Attleborough Mission. Hazeltine, VV. B .... E . . Troy . . Crown Point. Hazen. Edward A .... D .. N. Ind. .. Ladoga. Hazzard, J. T .... E ., Phil. .. Dover. Head, Allen .... E .. R. Riv. .. Macomb. Heath, Abel .... E .. N.H. .. Rye and Newington Mission. Heath, Nathaniel P .... E .. R. Riv. .. Chicago. Heath, S. P .... Tr . . N. H. . . North Charlestown. Heath, Stephen P .... E . . Mo. Gulatin. Heath, Uriah ....P. E .. Ohio .. Marietta District. Heberd, E. S .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Williamsburg. Hedges, John W .... E .. Bait. .. Washington City. Hedstrom, J. J .... E .. R. Riv. .. Swede. Hedstrom, O. G .... E . . N. Y. . . New York. Heidmyer, Frederick .... Tr .. Ohio .. Marietta. Heisler, John S .... Tr ..N.J. .. Trenton. Heiss, Levi .... D .. Ohio .. Aurora. Heller, Frederick .... D .. Ohio .. Louisville. Hellwig. Peter .... E 111. .. St. Joseph. Helmerhausen, Edvvin A .... E . . E. Me. . . Oldtown. Helwig. Charles .... E .. Ohio .. Birmingham. Hempstead, H. E .... E . , N. E. . . Charlestown. Henderson, H. P .... Tr . . Erie Mavville. Henderson, James .... E . . Pitts. . . St. "Clairville. Henderson, W. C .... E .. Pitts. .. Salem. Henderson, Wm. M .... D . . Mo. Ashley. Hendrickson, S .... D .. Mich. .. Shiawassee. Henke, Henry .... E .. Ohio .. Pomroy. Henners, Peter .... Tr .. III. Springfield. Henry, J. N .... E . . Erie Ashville. Henson, Joseph .... E . . N. Y. E. . . East Brooklyn. Herbert, Benjamin .... E .. N. Ohio .. Defiance. Hermance, J. P .... E .. N. Y. .. Naponock. Herr, Martin .... E . . N. J. . . Newton. Herr, Levi .... E , . N. J. . . Moorestown Herr, William .... E .. Ohio .. Urbana. Herring, Amos • ••• •••• .. Lib. .. Sinoe. Hersey, Hiram .... Tr . . Wis. . . Spring Valley. Hertel, Augustus .... Tr . . N. Y. . . P()Ughkeej)sie. Hesler, Oliver .... E . , One. , . Nurfield. Hess, David .... E . . Pitts. . . Birmingham. Hess, Hiram .... Tr . . Mo. North Fork. Hester, Francis A • ••• •••• ., Ind. Edinburg. Hester, Wm. M .... Tr . . Ind. New Albany. Heston, N .... E .. Phil. .. Reading. Hetfield, J. S • • • • £ .. N. Ind. .. Logansport Circuit. Heustiss. Wm. C • . . . Xi. • , . . .. N.Ohio .. Plymouth. Hewes, Frederick A .... E .. N.H. .. Concord. Hewett, Jasper .... Tr . . One. Flemingville. .... E . . lo. West Liberty, Hewes, Samuel .... E . . Troy . . Petersburg. Hewes, Wm .... E .. N.H. .. South Newmarket. Hibbard, F. G ....P. E .. E. Gen. .. Geneva District. Hibbnrd, Moses B .... Tr .. N. Ohio .. Lima. Hickey, Mantisseh .... E .. Mich. .. Ann Arbor. Hickman, John W .... Tr ..N.J. .. Cape May. Hickok, Henry .... E .. E. Gen. .. Elmira. Higgins, David .... E . . E. Me. . . Wiscasset. Higgins, F. D » • • • JCj* • • • • . . One. . . Guilford. 100 PARI ' I.- —CHURCH DIREC TORY. Names. Standing in Minislry. ConferenceB. Appointment.— 1852-3. Higgins, Josiah .... E .. E. Me. .. Dexter. Higgins, Phineas . . E. . . . E. Me. . . Harbor Mission. Higgins, Thomas J. E. . . . Pitts. . . Canton. High, Wm. C Tr. . .. N. E. .. Danvers. Hildebrand, Josiah Tr. .. Bait. .. Karthaus. Hildebrand, T E. . . Bait. . . Front Royal. Hildreth, Thompson. Tr. .. N.Ohio .. Belleville. Hildt, George P. E., . . Bait. . . Winchester District. Hill, B. S E. . . . Erie M'Kean. Hill.C E. . .. Phil. ,. Cambridge. Hill, Charles E E. . .. N. J. .. Alentown. Hill, Edwin A D. . . . N. Y. . . Canaan, Hill, F. C E. . . . N. Y. E. , . Bridgehampton. Hill, Henry E. . .. N.H. .. Great Falls Mission. Hill, Heary B Tr. .. 111. Harrisonville Mission. Hill, Henry S D. .. Ohio ,. Waverley. Hill, James E. . . . Ind. JefFersonville. Hill, Jesse D. .. N. Ind. .. Burlington. Hill, JohnB Tr. ..Or.&Cal... Hill, John H E. . . III. . . Mount Vernon. Hill, J. W E. . . Erie . . Parkman. Hill, L E. . . Vt. . . Gaysfield. Hill, Leonard E. .. N.Ohio .. Risdon. Hill, Lorenzo D.. . . Tr. .. W. Va. .. Beverly. Hill, Morris E. . . N. Y. E. . . Stratford. Hill, Moses . E. .. N. Y.E. .. Hartford. Hill, Moses . E. . . Erie . . Harmony. . E. . . Me. . . Fairfield. Hill, Wm. A . Tr. .. N. Y.E. .. Wilton. Hillard, S. W . E. .. N.J. .. Belvidere. Hillman, A. P . E. . . Me, . . Skowhegan. Hillman, Thomas .. . Tr. . . Me. . . Peru. Hincbaugh, M . E. .. Wis. ,. Sheboygan Falls. Hinckley, E. B. ... . E. . . Prov. . . Barnstable. Hincks, Ezekiel F., . D. . . Prov. . . Gales' Ferry. Hindull, Wm . E. .. 111. .. Clinton, Hindman, W. L. .. . D. .. W. Va. .. Wayne. Hinebaugh, B. D... . Tr. . . Erie . . Gerry, Hines, Gustaviis .. . . E. .. Gen. .. Lancaster, Hines, Harvey K. . . . D. Gen. Wyoming, Hines, J. W • E. .. Gen. .. Warsaw. Hines, Wm. E . Tr. . , N. Ind. . . Somerset. Hinman, C. T • E. .. Mich. .. Albion Female Coll. Institute. Hinman, Justus M.. • E. .. R. Riv. .. Wethersfield. Hirst, Wm • E. . . Bait. . . Loudoun. Hitchcock, A • E. . . Vt. . . Randolph, Hitchcock, H . E. . . Vt. . . Peacham. Hitrhcock, IraM... • Tr. .. N.Ohio .. Orange. Hitchcock, Luke .. • P. E. . . K Riv. . . Belvidere District, Hitchcock, P. M. .. ■ E. . . 7'roy , . Mechanicsville, Hitchcock, Wm. M. • E. .. N.Ohio ,. Brooklyn, • E. .. N.J. .. Camden, Hoag, E • E. . . One. New York Mills. Hoag, George W... . D. .. Mich. .. Talmadge. Hobart, Chauncey . .P. E. . . Wis. . . Minesota Mission District. Hobart, Noah . E. . . Me. . . South Berwick. Hobbs, Henry A. .. . Tr. .. Phil. .. Village Green. Hobent, John . E. . . Prov. . . Providence. Hodges, John . E. . . R. Riv. . . Crystal Lake. Hodson, F E. .. Phil. .. Wilmington. Hodson, Wm . Tr. .. N.Ohio .. Fort Recovery. Hoeck, Christopher. . Tr. .. III. Manchester. Hoevener, G. H. , ., E. . . N. Y. . . Newark. Hoffman, H . E. . . Bait, . . Sinamahoning. Hogoboom, Robert. . E. . . E. Gen. . . Geneseo. Holcomb, Osborn . . . Tr. . . . R. Riv. . . Groveland. PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 101 Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences, Appointment. — 1852-3. Holdich, Joseph .... E .. N.Y. .. New York. Holl. Christian . Tr . . 111. . . Wheeling. Holland, Horace E . . Bait. . . Hillsborough. Holliday, Charles M E . . 111. Alton City. Holliday, Courtland C . E . . Ind. Petersburg. Holliday, F. C E .. Ind. Lawrenceburg. Holliday, .lames T . E .. Ohio .. Burlington. Hollinsworth, W. P . Tr .. N. Ind. .. Jonesborough. Hollis, George . E . . N. Y. E. . . North Hempstead. Holl man, Charles . E .. III. Quincy. HoUoway, Joseph H . Tr .. III. Greenville. Holmni), Calvin . E . . N. H. . . Bristol. Holman, Sullivan . E .. N.H. .. Littleton Mission. Holmes, B , E . . B. Riv. . . Holmes, Charles A . E . . Pitts. . . Coshocton. Holmes, D . E . . One. . . Auburn. Holmes Daniel N E . . Ind. . . St. Louis. Holmes, David . E . . N. Y. . . Greenburg. Holmes, Edrick . D . . Wis. . . Princeton. Holmes, George . E .. R. Riv. .. Momence. Holmes, George S E . . Pitts. . . Beaver. Holmes, J. L E .. Erie .. Southington. Holmes, J. M E .. N.Ohio .. Kenton. Holstock, Enoch E .. N. Ind. .. Bristol. Holt, Joseph W E .. Mich. .. Fentonville. Holtsinger, Peter F E . . Ohio . . Germantown. Holzbaylein, Andreas Tr .. 111. Oregon. Hongsinger, A. H D . . Troy . . Wilton. Hood, Hiram E . . Gen. Bolivar. Hook, E E .. N.Ohio .. Congress. Hooper, James E . . Ohio . . Blendon. Hooper, Josiah E . . Me. . . Kittery. Hoover, John W E . . Bait. . . East Rockingham. Hopkins, Enos D D . . Vt. Pittsfield. Hopkins, James H D .. Ohio .• E .. Ohio .. Wilksville. Hopkins, Joseph H P. E . . Mo. . . Independence Mission District, Hopkins, Mark R E .. E. Me. .. Searsport. Hopkins, Robert E . . Pitts, • • Sewickly. Hoppen, John E . . Ohio • . Pittsburg. Horner, Joseph Tr . . Pitts. • . Sewickly. Horner, Joseph D . . N. J. • . Middlesex. Horstman, Fruncis • • ■ • . . III. Monroe. Horton, Jotham E . . N. E. • • Dorchester. Hosmer, \Vm E . . E. Gen. . . North. Christian Advocate. Hotchkiss, Edward E .. E. Gen. .. Bellona. Hough, A. M Tr .. N.Y. .. Hancock. Houffh, J E .. Phil. .. Georgetown. Houghton, D. C E . . Gen. Genesee College. Houghton, H. W E . . Prov. . . Fairhaven. Houghton, Royal E . . B. Riv. . . Turin. Houston, J. L E .. Phil. .. Milestown. Houts, Christopher J P. E . . Mo. . . Hannibal Mission District. E .. III. .. Taylorville. Howard, Abel Tr . . Phil. . . Brandywine. Howard, Abner Tr . . Vt. Calais. Howard, De Witt C D . . Ohio . . Patriot. Howard, Lewis E . . N. H. . . Claremont. Howard, Solomon E .. Ohio .. Ohio Conference High School. Howe, Edward N Tr . . Trov . . Milton. Howe, Moses A E . . N. E. . . Ipswich. Howe, Oliver S D . . N. E. . . South AVilbraham. Howe, Wesley E . . Bait. . . Newport. D . . N. Y. E. . . Jamaica. Howson, John E . . Prov. , , Wellfleet. Hoyt, Benjamin R ..., £• • • > • . . N. H. . . North Salem. 9* 102 PART I. — CH [UR( OH DJREC TORY. Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. Hoyt, Francis S .... E ..Or.&Cal... Oregon Institute. Hoyt, P. L .... E. .. NY. .. West Fishkill. Hoyt, VVm. B .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . Wolcottville. Hoyt, Wm. C .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . Williamsburg. Hubbard, E. B .... E. . . Troy . . Fort Ann. Hubbard, James . . . .... D. .. Phil. .. Cinakertown Mission. Hubbard, Stephen. . .... E. .. Erie .. Conneautville. Hubbard, VVm. M. . .... Tr. .. N. E. .. Colerain. Hubbell, George H. .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . Fairhaven. Hubbell, Gilbert . . . .... Tr. . . N. Y. E. . . Washington Hill. Hudson, George B. .... D. . . Pitts. . . Florence. Hudson, S. M .... Tr. ..N.J. .. Bridgeton. Hudson, Thomas B. .... E. .. E. Gen. .. Walworth. Hudson, Thomas M. ....P. E. . . Pitts. . . Wheeling District. Huffman, Samuel.. .... Tr. .. 111. .. Charleston. Huffman, W. L.... ....P. E. .. N. Ind. .. Peru District. Hugg, Isaac .... E. . . N. J. . . Rome. Hughes, George. . . . .... E. . . N. J. . . Jersey City. Hughs, Wm. K. . . . .... Tr. . . Mo. . . W'ashington. Hulbard, D. P .... E. . . Troy . . Wey bridge. Hulbert, Wm .... E. . . lo. . . Dubuque. Hull, Edwin .... E. .. Erie .. Hendersonville. Hull, John H .... E. .. N. Ind. .. Centerville. Humphrey, H. J. . . .... E. . . R. Riv. . . Hennipin. Humphrey, Hiram . .... E. .. N.Ohio .. Berea. Humphrey, J. L... . .... Tr. . . B. Riv. . . Hopkinton. Humphreys, H .... Tr. .. B. Riv. .. Welsh Mission. Humphreys, H .... E. .. NY. .. Monroe. Humphries, J .... E. .. Phil. .. W^ilmington. Hunt, Jr., Aaron. . . .... E. . . N. Y. . . West Taghkanic. Hunt, Andrew J. . . .... Tr. . . N. Y. . . Hyde Park. Hunt, J. B .... E. . . Prov. . . Monument. Hunt, Isaac L ....P. E. . . B. Riv. . Rome District. Hunt, Sanford .... E. .. Gen. Royalton. Hunt, Ward J .... Tr. .. B. Riv. .. Herkimer. Hunt, Ward W .... D. .. B. Riv. .. Herkimer. Hunt, Ward W .... E. .. B. Riv. .. Evans' Mills. Hunter, James .... E. ..Or.&Cal. . Hunter, Wm .... E. .. Pitts. .. Editor of Pittsburg Chris. Adv Hunter, W. H ....P. E. .. Erie Jamestown District. Huntington, De Witt C .... Tr. . . Vt. . . Thetford. Huntley, Alexander C .... E. .. E. Gen. .. Millport. Huntley, J. W .... E. .. N. H. .. Manchester. Hurd, Stephen .... E. . . Erie Franklin. Hurd, Henry .... D. .. N.J. .. Rockaway. Hurd, Wm. F .... E. . . Troy . . Minaville. Hurd, Z .... E. .. Gen. .. Buffalo. Hurlburt, Lewis . , . .... E. .. Ind. .. Milton. Hurlburt, R. H .... Tr. .. Erie Geneva. Hum, H. F .... E. .. Phil. .. Elkton. Hume, David .... Tr. . . 111. Lexington. Huse, Obidu .... E. . . Prov. . . Westerly Mission. Husted, Harvey .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . Green Point. Husted, J. B .... E. . . Prov. . . Newport. Husted, And * • ■ • . . Pitts. . , Petersburg. Huston, John .... E. . . Pitts. . . Liverpool. Hutchins, Delos . . . .... E. . . E. Gen. . . Clyde. Hutt, Plato .... Tr. .. Lib. .. Sinoe. Hyde, Ami B .... D. . . One. Oneida Conference Seminary. Hypes, Wm. L .... D. T . . Ohio . . Franklin. lUman, Frederick i • • • • Ut • • • * .. Phil. .. Stoddartsville. Ingals, Pearl P • • • « Jt!j* • • • • .. Ohio Chillicothe. iDgrabam, CD.... • • • • £i« • • • • 1 • • V t* • • Athens. PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 103 Names. Ingraham, S. W. Inskip, John S. . . Irwin, John L. . . Irvine, Win Isbell, Bishop Isham, Charles . . Ison, Benjamin . . Israel, F Israel, George W. Ives, B. J S (and ill g in Ministry. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. Conference. . Erie , Ohio . Pitts. . R. Riv. . Trov . N. Y. . VV. Va. . Bait. . Bait. . One. Appointment. — 1852-3. Ellsworth. Troy. Triadelphia. Newark. Esperance. New Paltz Landing. Selbysport. Berryville. Wesleyan Female Institute. Stockbridge. Jacob, E.P Jacoby, Ludwig S.. Jack, D. H Jackson, Abner Jackson, C. H Jackson, Henry Jackson, J. J Jackson, John VV. . Jackson, Wm. B. . . Jackson, VVm. H... Jacokes, D. C James, Collon D. . . James, John Jamieson, Enoch G. Jamieson, J. M. . . . Jamieson, Joseph . . James, E. L James, Lester Janney, Lewis Jaques, Parker Jaquess, James F... Jaquett, Samuel . . . Jasper, Orb. H Jay, Charles F Jay, John Jay, Nelson D Jeffreys, W. H Jenkins, J. B Jenkins, John L.. . . Jenkins, Otis F. . . . Jenne, Joseph H. . , Jennes, C. S Jennings, Joseph Jennings, J. P Jennison, G. H Jerome, Waiter Jerome, W^illiam . . Jessop, Robert Jewell, W. T Jewett, E. R Jewett, John R. . . . Jewett, Nathan Jewett, S. A. W. . . Jewett, Wm Jimeson, M. P John, A Johnson, A Johnson, A. W. . . . Johnson, C. H. A.. . Johnson, Haynes. . . Jonnson, James.... Johnson, James Johnson, Jno. T.. . . . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . D. . E. .P. E. '. E. .P. E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . D. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . D. . E. . E. . D. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . Su. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . D. Pitts. . . New Philadelphia. 111. .. Mission to Germany. Erie . . Espyville. PitU. , . Cannonsburg. Pitts. . . Steubenville. Mich. . . Kazier Indian Mission. Pitts. . . Lowell. Ind. . . Cannelton. Ohio .. Batavia. Ind. Springville. Mich. ^- Mount Clemens. 111. .. Bloomington District. Mo. Brunswick. Bait. . . Monroe. Ohio . . Chillicothe District. lo. .. Crawfordsville. N. YE. .. Bridgeport. Troy . . Jonesville. Pitts. . . Grave Creek. Me. Winthrop. 111. Illinois Conference Fem. Coll N. J. . . Kevport. N. H. . . New Ipswich. 111. Edwardsville. lo. Montrose. 111. Cumberland Mission. N. J. . . Middletown Point. Gen. Alabama. R.Riv. .. Napierville. E. Me. . . Weston. Me. Hallowell. Erie Mayville. Mich. .. Romeo. B. Riv. .. Ogdensburg. lo. Washington. One. Morris. Ohio . . W^infield. N. Y. E. . . New York. E. Maine . . North Ranger. N. Ohio . . Mariner's Bethel. N.Ohio .. Avon. R. Riv. .. Mount Morris. R.Riv. .. Libertyville. N. Y. . . Poughkeepsie. Pitts. , . Brownsville. Phil. . . South Philadelphia. Troy . . Orwell. lo. .. Knoxville. E. Me. .. Milltown. Vt. West Windsor. N. Ind. .. South Bend. 111. Duquoin. lU. Lawrenceville. iU4: PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Staniiing- in Minisiry. Conferences. Appointment.— 1852-3. Johnson, Jno. W .... E N.H. .. Tuftonborough. Johnson, John W .... Tr. . III. M'Leansborough Mission. Johnson, Jonathan G .... E. . N. H. . . Wilmot. Johnson, Levi .... E. . Ind. Cory don. Johnson, L. S • • • ■ • N.Ohio .. Florence. Johnson, Michael .... E. . N.lnd. .. Augusta. Johnson, Peter O .... D. . Mich. .. Janesville Indian Mission. Johnson, Wm. E .... E. . III. Carrolton. Johnson, W. R .... Tr. . Erie Riceville. Johnson, Welcome W .... Tr. . Mich. .. Lexington. Johnston, H. M .... E. . Phil. ., Dickinson College. Johnston, T. S .... E. . Phil. .. Asbury. Joice, Wm. P .... Tr. . B. Riv. .. Henderson. Jones, Charles .... Tr. . N. Ind. .. Rossville. Jones, David O .... Tr. . Wis. , . Patch Grove. Jones, Eli C .... E. . Wis. , , Lancaster. Jones, Esra .... E. . Erie Akron. Jones, E. W .... D. . B. Riv. ., Bombay. Jones, George H .... Tr. . N. J. . . Clarton. Jones, H. T .... E. . Vt. .. Cabot. Jones, John .... D. . Me. . . Bethel. Jones, Jr., John .... D. . Phil. . . Grove. Jones, John M .... E. , Bait. . . Chambersburg. Jones, P. F E. Pitts. . . Mo. Cookstown Jones, Wiley .... Tr. . Independence. Jones, Wm D. B. Riv. Cape Vincent. Alfred. Jones, W. D .... E. . Me. ; ! Jones, Wm. P .... D. . R. Riv. . , Waukegan. Jordan, Richard .... E. . Pitts. . . Murraysville. Jost, Caspar .... E. . N.Y. .. New York. Joy, Ephraim .... E. . 111. Chester Mission. Judd, Brutus .... D. . N. E. . . Hubbardstown. Julian, John W • • • • Ind. Carlisle. Jung, Jacob .... Tr. . 111. Platteville. Jutkins, A. J .... Tr. . Troy . . Esperance. K. Kaetter, Adolph .... E. . .. Ohio ,. Lawrenceburg. .... Tr. . Ohio .. Sidney. Kahleege, John .... D. . Mich. .. Nottaway Indian Mission. .... D. . 111. Metropolis City. Kalb, J. S .... E. . N. Ohio .. Cherokee. .... Tr. . Mo. .. Fort Smith. Karsner, C .... E. . Phil. .. Strasburg. Kauffman, M. C .... D. . . Ohio .. Lockland. Keck, John .... D. . III. Highland. Keegan Wm .... Tr. . R. Riv. .. Mount Morris. Keeler, Denton .... E. . N.Y. .. Richmond. .... E. . N. Y. . . Stockbridge. Kellam, J. T .... E. . N. Ohio . . Dutton. Kellum, James A .... E. . . N.Ohio .. Sandusky City. Kellen, Wm .... D. . . Prov. . , South Truro. Keller, Ahab .... E. . . Erie Curlsville. Kelley, Joshua .... Tr. . . Bait. . . Milton. .... E. . lo. Garnaville. Kellner, Augustus .... D. . . 111. Sheboygan. Kellogg, C. W .... E. . . Vt. Chelsea. Kellogg, J. H .... E. . . E. Gen. . . Penn Yan. .... E. . . Erie Edinburg. Kellogg, S.G .... Tr. . . Vt. Union Village. .... D. . . One. . . Salem. Kelly, B .... E. . . N.J. .. Staten Island. Kelly, Charles H .... E. . .Mo. Independence. Kelly, J. W .... E. . . Bait. . . Covington. Kelly, Samuel .... E. . ... . N.H. .. Lawrence. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 105 Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. Kelly, Wm .... E .. Mich. .. Dexter. Kelsey, Charles .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . Farmington. Kemp, EzrH L .... E. . .. Ind. .. Indiana Asbury Female Coll. Kemp, R. E .... E. . .. Phil. .. Lewis. Kemper, David .... E. . .. Ohio .. Eaton. Kendall, James .... Tr. . .. Ohio .. Tremont. Kendall, Wm. C .... D. . . . Gen. Pike. Kenedy, Joseph F .... E. . .. N.Ohio .. Mount Vernon. Kennaday, Jno .... E. . . . N. Y. E. . . Brooklyn. .... D. . . . Gen. Otto. Kenney, P. T . . . . P. E. . , . Prov. . . Sandwich Distriet. Kenney, Wesley .... E. . . . N. J. . . Newark. Kent, J. P .... E. . .. Gen. Parma. Kent, L. B .... D. .. N. Ind. .. Terre Haute. Kerkmann, Frederick ....P.E. . .. 111. Missouri District. Kern, Moses L .... E. . . . One. . . Springfield. Kerns, John .... E. . .. Ind. New Albany. Kerr, George .... E. . . , NY. . . Tyringham. Kerr, Robert .... D. . .. NY. .. Franklin. Ketcham, Charles .... Tr. . .. N. Ind. .. Albion. Ketcham, Charles .... Tr. . . Mo. Indian Mission. Kettell, George F .... E. . .. Phil. .. Philadelphia. Keyes, Stephen P .... E. . . . R. Riv. . . Chicago. Keys, Charles C .... E. . . N. Y. . . Morrisiana. Keys, Edwin R .... Tr. .. Gen. Niagara Falls. Kidder, D. P .... E. .. N.J. .. Newark. Kidder, W. J .... E. . . Vt. Bradford. .... Tr. . . Troy . . Waterbury. Kegir, John ....P.E. . . Ind. New Albany District. Kilbtirn, David .... E. .. N. E. .. Enfield. Kilgore, Damon Y .... D. .. N. E. .. Winchendon. Kiinber, Isaac C .... E. . . Illinois . . Winchester. Kindler. Jacob .... Tr. . . N. Y. . . Rochester. King, D .... E. . . Erie Alleghany College. King, James N .... Tr. .. Phil. .. Strasburg. King, J. E .... Tr. . . Vt. Newbury Seminary. King, John D ^ .... Tr. . . Prov. . . North Cohasset. King, Julins C .... D. . . Ind. Elletsville. King, L. H .... E. .. N. Y. .. Charlotte. King, Nelson .... Tr. . . Id. Cedar Rapids. King, RufusE .... E. . . B. Riv. . . St. Regis Indian Mission. .... Tr. . . W. Va. . . Barbour. King, S. W .... E. .. N. Y.E. .. Norwalk. Kingsley, C .... £• . . Erie Alleghany College. Kingsley, C. S .... E. ..Or.&Cal... Portland. Kingsley, J. C .... E. .. Gen. Lockport. Kinimr, G. D ....P. E. . . Pitts. . . Barnesville District. Kinney, E. J .... E. . . Erie Meadville. Kinney, S. C .... D. . . B. Riv. . . New London. Kenney, Wesley .... E. ... Pitts. .. Wheeling. Kinsley, Harris .... Xi. .. B. Riv. .. I^ysander. Kinslv, Hiram .... E. . . Erie Newcastle. Kirby, R. D .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . Wethersfield. Kirkpatrick, J. L .... E. .. R. Riv. .. Laharp. Kirkpatrick, T. M .... E. . . lo. Salem. Kisling, John .... E. .. Ohio .. North Indiana District. Klein, John A .... E. .. Ohio .. Detroit. Klepper, Michael T .... Tr. . . Mo. Knoxville. Kline, P .... E. . . N. J. . . .... Tr. . . 111. Boonville. Knapp, G. W .... D. .. N. Y. .. Pawlings. Knopp, S. M .... E. .. N. Y. .. Pleasant Valley. Knapp, Wm .... Tr. .. N. Ohio .. Galena. Knight, Luther B .... Tr. . . Me. Leeds. Knox, John D .... Tr. . . Pitt*. . . Deersville. .... E. .. E.Me. . Conference Seminary. 106 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Knoy, Alexander . Kuch, Henry , Koch, Hermann . . , Koeneke, Charles . Koeneke, Henry . . , Koeneke, Henry F. Kokine, J. B , Koontz, Abraham.. Kopp, Frederick , . , Korf hage, August. , Kost, John G , Krebs, Wm Krehbiel, Jacob . . . Kruze, John D Kuhl, Philip Kunz, Lewis Kurtz, M. D Kynett, Alpha J. , . Lacount, Wm. F., Lahrman, Henry. , Lake, Valous Lalk, Philip Lakin, Ariid S Laman, Albert G... Lamb, J. H Lamb, Samuel . ... Lambdin, D Lambert, Carey . . . Lambert, Daniel... Lambeth, Job W.. . Lamkin, D Lamont, Hiram. . .. Lanahan, John .... Landon, Seymour. . Landstreet, Jr., Jno. Lane, E. B Lanckton, J. B Luncy, Wm. H. . ., Lane, George Langarl, Wm Langdon, B. F Langer, Charles F.. Langley, John W. . Laren, Charles Lark ins, George . . . Larkin, Jacob Larrabee Wm. C... Latham, H. D Latham, H. W. ... Latham, Jr., Joseph Lathrop, Curtis G. . Lathrop, Erastus. . . Lathrop, James B. . Lathrop, O. C Lathrop, S. G Latimer, Ebenezer. Latimer, E. C Latta, R. S Lattin, Wesley .... Lauck, Wm. F Laughlin, Robert . . Law, Hiram Law, Joseph Standing' in Ministry. .. Tr. .. E. .. Tr. . . E. ..P.E. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. Tr. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. Tr. .. Tr. ..P.E. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. Tr. '.'. Tr. .. D. .. E. .. E. . . E. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. ..P.E. .. D. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. . . E. .. D. .. Tr. .. Tr. . . E. .. E. .. E. . . E. I .. E. .. E. .. D. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. -, E. .. D. .. D. .. E. • • £i. .. E. • • £• Conferences. Ind. Ohio III. 111. 111. 111. N.Y. N. Ind. 111. HI. III. Bait. Ohio HI. 111. III. Phil. Iowa N. E. 111. Erie 111. N.Y. E. Gen. B. Riv. N. Ind. Phil. 111. N. Ohio Bait. One. N.Y. Bait. N. Y. E. Bait. Erie Gen. Bait. One. Ohio Erie 111. Bait. N.J. Iowa Bait. N. Ind. N. Y. E. E. Me. Gen. Wis. lo. Ind. B. Riv. One. E. Gen. Erie N. Ind. Wis. Pitt. • . X . C, , > • • £ia « . , . . Tr. . . Macartney, Francis Mackreading, Charles S. M. E. E. Conferences. . N. J. . . Troy . . Ind. . Ind. 111. . . Pitts. . . Ind. . Phil. , . Pitts. . , Ohio . . Ohio . , N. Y. E. . . Prov. , Phil. . . Ohio , , Me. . Erie . N. J. . N. J. . N. Y. E. . N. Y. . N. H. . Prov. N. Y. E. . Troy . N. E. . R.Riv. . N. Y. . Me. Ohio . R.Riv. . Erie . . Pitts. . , Ohio ,. Ohio . . Ohio . . R. Riv. . . Gen. Erie NY. . . E. Gen. . . Me. Ohio N. Y. .. N. J. . . E. Gen. . . E. Me. . . N. Ohio . . Ohio . . Phil. .. W. Va. .. N.Y. .. Ind. N. Ohio . . Pitts. . . Troy . . Prov. . . N. Ohio . . Erie N. Y. . . B. Riv, .. Erie Bait. N. E. Appointment. — 1852-3. New Dover. Ballston Spa. Rome. Franklin Mission. ShelbyviUe. Carmichaeltown. St. Omer. Chestnut Hill Mission. Chartiers. Rushville. Darbyville. Williamsburg. Providence. Buenos Ayres^. A. Mi^!sion. Fulton. Monmouth. Hartford. Glassborough. Rockland Lake. Warren and Bantan Falls. Saugerties. East Haverhill. Woonsocket. Hamden. Cambridge. Cambridge. Oquaka. Charlotte. Loveil. Washington. Elizabeth. Fredonia. Beallsville. Xenia. Clarksville. Johnstown. Canton. Belfast. Seagertown. New York. Rochester. West Cumberland. Huntingburg. Cannonsville. Lower Rahway. Addison. Cornish. Findlay. Putnam. Smyrna. Parkersburg. Lexington. Indianapolis. Mount Vernon District. Elizabethtown, Northampton. West Thompson. Sylvan ia. Mahoning. German Mission District. Clayton. Clintonville. East Baltimore. Boston. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 109 Namea. Standing' in Ministry. Maclaughlin, G. W Tr. . . Maclay, Charles E. . . Maclay, John E. . . Maclay, Robert S E. . . Maclay, Wm. J Tr, . . Macomber, J. W Tr. . . Maddux, George E. . . Maddux, Samuel E. .. Maddy, John C Tr. . . Magee, Andrew E. . . Maffee, Thomas E. . . Magill, Henry T Tr. . . Mnginnis, SamuelW Tr. . . Mahin, Milton £. .. Mahon. William Tr. . . Major, William E. .. Mulcom, W. D Tr. . . M'Aiister, Alexander Tr. . . M'Aiister, William , E. .. M'Aiister, Jesse E 'I'r. . . Mallory, C. T E. . , MaUby, G. W E. . . Maltby, W. W E. . . Mandeville, W. W E. ,, Manlove, W. E Tr. .. Mann, David Tr. . . Mann, Wm. M. E. .. Mann, Wm. P Tr. . . Manning, Edward A E. .. Manning, Wm Tr. .. Munsell, Josiah E. .. Mansfield, D. H E. .. Manship, A I E. .. Manson, A. C E. . . Manville, N. E D. .. March, James H '. E. .. Marcy, Ichabod E. . . Mark, Banner E. .. Mark, Moses Tr. . . Markhnm, Thomas B , D. .. Marks, D. L i E. . . Marksman, Peter D. . . Marlatt, A. G ! Tt. . . Marlay, Michael j P. E... Marley, John T j Tr. . . Marriott, Franklin I Tr. ., Marsee, Joseph .... P. E. , , Marshall, John Tr. , , Marshall, L Tr. ,, M'Arthur, J. J .... Tr. .. Martin, A E. . . Martin, C. C Tr. . Martin, Gideon i ... .P. E.. Martin, John S j E. . Martin, Samuel W I E. . Mnrtindale, S I P. E.. Marvin, M I E. . Mason, B . . | , . , . E. . Mason. C. C j E. . Mason, Elijah i , . . . E. . Mason, J | .... E. . Mason, J. F j . . . . E. . Mason, Perez j . . . • E. . Mason, Russel Z .... E, . Mason, Wm. F Tr. . Masseure, F .... E. . Conferences. . Phil. . .Or.&Cal.. . Bait. . . Bait. . .Or.&Cal.. . N. Y. . . Phil. . . Ohio . . Ohio . . Pitts. . . III. . Ohio . . III. . N. Ind. . , Mich. . . Phil. . . Vt. . N. Y. E. . . N. Y. E. . , , Mich. , .. N.Y.E. . , . Erie , . Erie .. E. Gen. . .. Phil. . .. Ohio . . N. E. , . . Iowa . . N. E. , . . E. Gen. , . . Pitts. , . . E. Me. . . Phil. . . N. H. .. N. Ind. . , Bait. .. N. E. . . Ohio . . N. Ind . . Mo. . . NY. . . Mich. .. Bait. . . Ohio . . Ohio .. N.Ohio .. N. Ind. . . Wis. . . Troy . . Erie .. W. Va. .. N. Ind. .. W. Va. . . Bait. . , Wis. . . NY. . . One. .. One. . . Me. . . N. H. . . Phil. • . Gen. .. Vt. . . III. . . Ind. . , Me. Appointment. — 1852-3. Rockdale. San Jose. McConnellsburg. Mission to China. New York. Chester. Logan. Madisonville. Adamsville. Illinois Wesleyan University. Hanging Rock. Vienna Mission. Fort Wavue. Flint. Doylestown. St. Johnsbury. Green port. New Milford. Litchfield. Westville. Morgan. Chagrin Falls. South Sodus, Accomnc. Amesville. Worcester. Newton. Dorchester. Wellsborough Circuit. West Newton. Bangor. Wilmington Female College. Winchester. North Manchester. Church vi lie. North Andover. Royalton. Warren. Ilarrisonville. Hudson. Fond du Lac. Lockhaven. Urbana District. Milford. Q,uincy. Lafayette District. Byron. Winooski. Mahoning. North Western Vir. Academy. Pendleton. Charleston District. Winchester. Kingston. Newburg District. Schenevas. Ludlowville. Fryeburg. Nashville. North Philadelphia. Java. Springfield Wesleyan Sena. M'Kendree College. Point Commerce. HoUb. 10 110 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. SianUin*'' in Names. Ministry. Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. Massey, J. A • . • • £• • • • • . . Phil. . . Talbot. Mussey. James M .... E. . . III. Equality. Matiock, Joseph .... Tr. . , N. Ohio . . Wellington. Mather, Daniel D .... E. . . . Ohio . . Coolville. Mather, James .... E. . . Prov. . . Warehouse Point. Mather, Peter S .... Tr. . , . Prov. . . Franklin. Mathis, John B .... Tr. . . N. J. . . Bridgeport. Matthews, H. B .... D. .. Lib. .. Monrovia. Matthews, Joseph M*D .... E. .. Ohio .. Oakland Female Seminary. Matthews, S. J .... Tr. . .. Lib. .. Bassa Circuit. Matthews, Orrin P .... D. .. N.Y. .. Durham. Matthias, J. J .... E. . . . N. Y. E. . . New York. Mattison, Abner T .... D. , . . One. . . Camillas. Mattison, D. D. T .... D. . . . N. Ohio . . Mount Eaton. Muttison, Hiram .... E. .. B. Riv. .. Mattison, Spencer .... E. .. Ill- .. M'Kendree College, Mattison, Wm. C .... Tr. . .. E. Gen. .. Wellsborough. Matson, Wm. A .... D. . . . Erie Morgan. Maupin, Wm .... Tr. . . Ind. . . Azalia Mission. Manger, H. B .... E. . . Phil. . . Schuylkill Haven. Maxen, James M. S .... Tr. . . Wis. . . Fall River, Maynard, Ezra .... D. . .. N.Ind. .. Orland. May, Franklin .... Tr. . .. Mich. .. Schoolcraft. May, Hiram .... E. . . . Gen. , . Byron. Chippewa River, Mayne, Nicholas .... Tr. . .. Wis. .. Mayo, Henry .... E. . , , Prov. , . Hoperville. M'Bride, James .... D. . . . N. Y. E. . . Huntington. M'Cabe, Lorenzo D .... E. . . . Ohio . . Ohio Wesleyan University. M'CnII, Hosea .... E. . . . PitU. . . Cumberland. M'Cali, Solomon .... Tr. , .. 111. London City. M'Can, James F .... Tr. . . . Ind. Rockport. M'CarroIl, T ....P.E. . . . N. J. . . Newark District. M'Carter, J .... E. . , . Phil. . . Port Carbon. M'Carty, John .... Tr. . . Pitts. . , Georgeville. M'Carty, W. C .... E. .. W.Va. .. Milford. M'Cauley, James A .... D. . . Bait. . . Wesleyan Female Institute. M'Causlin, A. T .... Tr. . . R. Riv. . , M' Henry. M'Caw, James .... Tr. . . Ind. West Union. M'Clasky, Isaac ....P. E. ..W.Va. .. Parkersburg District. M'Clearv, Thomas .... E. . . Pitts. . . Martinsville. M'Clella'nd, James .... E. . . Gen. . . Springville. M'Clelland, J. T. C .... E. ■■. . Erie . . Evansburg. M'Clintock, J .... E. . . N. J. . . Editor of Quarterly Review. M'Clure, E ....P.E. .. Mich. .. Marshall District, M'Glnre, Thomas F .... E. . . Bait. . . Little Levels. .... E. . . Bait. . . Gettysburg, M'Combs, W .... E. .. Phil. .. Bristol. .... E. .. Mich. .. Rome. M'Cormick, A. D .... D. . . PitU. . . Brownsville, M'Cormick, J. P .... E. . . N. J. . . Clinton. M'Coy, Asa S .... D. . . Mo. St. Louis. M'Creary, Thomas G .... D. . . Erie Washington. M'Creery, Jr.. J .... E. . . Gen. Ogden. M'Cullough, J. B .... E. . . Phil. . . Minersville. M'Curdy, Converse L .... E. . . N. E. . . Natick. M'Curdy, David .... Tr. . . N. J. . . New Germantown. M'Cutchens, James H .... E. . . Ohio . . Gallipolis. M'Daniel, Humphrey .... Tr. .. Bait. .. Huntington. M'Donald, James .... Tr. lo. . . Leclare. M'Donald, Wm .... E. . . Me. Biddeford. M'Donald, Wm. C .... D. . . One. . . South New Berlin. M'Dougall, J. W .... E. . . N. J. . . Flemington. M'Dowell, Joseph .... E. lo. . . Fairfield. M'Dowell, O. M .... E. . . One. North Danby, Mead, A. H • • • • . . N. J. . . Paterson. Blead, Alexander H .... E. . . N. J. . . Acquackanonk. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ill Names. Mead, Amos P Mead, H. B Mead, N Means, James R Measures, James Mecaskey, J. W Medsker, J. C Mesker, Cyrus Meeker, Hiram Meeker, VV. H Meginnis, Wm Meharrv, Alexander. . . . M'Elfresh, Charles M'Elfresh, Wm. M'K. . M'Elhenney, Theodore . Melick, Justus A Meltender, J. W M'Elroy, Isaac M'Elroy, Robert Meminger, W. M Mercein, T. F. R Mercer, Jacob C Merchant, Elijah Meredith, Charles G. . . . Meredith, J. E Meredith, John F Meredith, Samuel Merrick, Clinton W. . . , Merrick, Edward C. . . , Merrick, Frederick . . . , Merrill, Abraham D. . . Merrill, E. W Merrill, J. R Merrill, John W Merrill, Nathaniel J. . . Merrill, P Merrill, S. M Merrill, S. M Merrill, William Merriman, James C . . Mershon, Jared B Merten, Frederick Mervvin, J. B Meservey, K. N Messiter, Uriah Metcalf, Wm. T Metts, Wm. H M'Ewen, John M'Farland, J. H M'Gaw, John E M'Gee, Thomas M'Gilton, Andrew . . . . M'Ginnis, David A. . . M'Ginnis, James M'Gonegal, Robert M'Gowin, Peter M. . . . Middleton, Samuel ., . . Milby, A. W Miley, John Milke, Frederick Millard, Jeremiah . . . . Miller, Allen Miller, Charles W Miller, David Miller, E Miller, George W Standing in Ministry. , Tr. . , Tr. . , E. . , Tr. . , Tr. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . !p«e. ! . E. , . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . D. . E. . E. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. . D. . E. . D. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . D. . E. . E. . Tr. .. E. ,. D. ,. D. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. D. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. D; .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. Tr. .. D. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. Conferences. . One. . N. Y. . . N. Y. E. . , Pitts. . . Mich. . . Phil. . . N. Ind. . . Troy . . Troy . . Troy . Ind. . Ohio . . Bait. . . 111. . , . E. Gen. . . . Bait. . ,. Ind. . , .Or.&Cal.. , . Troy . , . Bait. , .. N. Y. . , . Pitts. . ..Or.&Cal.. .. Ohio . . . Phil. . .. Phil. . . . N. Ohio . . . Ohio . . . Ohio . .. Ohio . .. N. E. . . . Wis. . .. Phil. , .. N. E. , . . N. E. . . . Vt. . . . Ohio . . Troy .. Phil. , . . Pitts. . .. N. Ind. , 111. . . N. Y. E. . . E. Me. .. N. Y. , . Ohio . . N. Ind. . . Gen. . . N. J. .. PitU. . . Bait. . . Troy .. W.Va. . . Pitts. . . Prov. . . Pitts. .. Ohio .. Phil. .. Ohio 111. . . N. Y. .. B. Riv. .. N. Ind. ..NY. E. .. Phil. .. R. Riv. Appointment. — 1852-3. Cayuta. West Point. Waterbury. Indiana. South Hillsdale. North Philadelohia. Williamsburg. Pittsford. Middlebury. Champlain. Putnamville District. Ohio Wesleyan University. East Baltimore. Rushville Circuit. Towanda. Luzerne. Lexington. Chekalim. Johnshurg. Christiansburg Rhinebeck. Brownsville. Batavia. Tamaqua Mission. Tremont. Mansfield. Harmer. Ohio Wesleyan University. Med ford. Seaford. Saxonville. Waltham. W^illiamstown. Marysville. Washington. Annamessex. Warrenton. Newtown. Iowa City. Danbury. Dixmont. Dutchess. Athens Circuit. Knightstown. Wilson. Bordentown, Westchester. Winchester. Schoharie. Ripley. Norwich. Chilmark. Bridgeport. Deer Creek. Ciuantico. West Cincinnati. Washington. New Platz. Brasher. Peru. Goshen. South Philadelphia. Mackinaw. 112 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Miller, Hiram Miller, Jacob K Miller, James Miller, Jason G Miller, John Miller, John V. R Miller, John VV Miller, Levi P Miller, Thomas B Miller, Wesley H Miller, Wesson G Miller, Wm. A Millner, Philip F Mills, Job B Mills, Wm. R M'llyar, James J Minard, Henry M'lndoe, David Miner, S Miner, Stephen F M'Intosh, Allen M'lntyre, Daniel Mitchell, B. M Mitchell, Daniel P Mitchell, J Mitchell, James Mitchell, James Mitchell, John Mitchell, J. S Mitchell, JohnT Mitchell, Matthew Mitchell, Orin Mitchell, Thomas D Mitchell, Thompson Mitchell, W. B Mitchell, Wm. W Mizner, David M'Kiiig, W. W M'Kean, John M'Kee, Josiuh Y M'Kee, Wm. A M'Keehan, J. G M'Kensie, D. B M'Keown, Andrew M'Killips, George M'Kinney, J. J. B M'Kinney, John M'Kinstry, Porter M'Knighl, John M'Kown, Jacob L M' Lane, James M'Laughlin, John M'Lean, Alexander MT^ean, John M'J\Iahon, Isaiah M'Michael, W. W M'Milian, James. Standing in Mi nisi ry. M'Mullen. J. W. T.. M'Mullen, S M'Mtirrav, Jacob S. MolTatt, Reuben" H. . Mf>ffatt, Rowland ... Moffit, John Monroe, Joshua .... Monroe, Samuel Y. , Monrje, T. H. W. .. ... E. ... ... E. ... ... Tr. ... ... D. ... ... E. ... E. '.'.'. e! '.'.'. ... E. ... ... Tr. ... ... D. ... ...P. E.... ... E. ... ... Tr. ... .... Tr. ... .... E. ... ... D. ... ... E. ... .... Tr. ... , . . . £. . . . Tr. '.'.'.'. Tr. '.'.'. .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... . . . . Tr. . . . .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... ....P. E.... . . . . Tr. . . . . . . . Tr. . . . .... D. ... .... D. ... .... E. ... . . . . E. . . . .... D. ... .... D. ... .... E. ... .... E. ... . . . . Tr. . . . .... E. ... .... D. ... . . . . E. .... E. ... Tr. .... E. '.'.'. . . . . £. .... E. ... .... E. ... .... D. ... .... E. ... .... E. .., .... E. ... . . . . Tr. . . . .... E. .., ....P. E..., .... E. .. ....P. E... Conferences. . Pitts. . . . Pitts. . . . 111. . Gen. .. Ind. . Ind. .Or.&Cal... . Ohio .. . Phil. . . . One. . Wis. . Troy . . ,. N. Ind. .. . Wis. . . Bait. , Pitts. . . . R. Riv. .. . N. H. . . . . One. , . Pitts. . . , . Wis. . . , . Ind. , . E. Me. . . . . Pitts. . . , . N.Ohio .. , . Ohio , . Ind. . . Me. , . N. Y. E. . . .. Ohio .. .. Ind. . . N. Ohio .. .. B. Riv. .. . . Bait. .. . . N. Y. . . 111. .. . . Erie . . R. Riv. .. . . N. Ohio . . .. Ind. . . Bait. . . . . Bait. . . Troy . . . . Prov. , . N.Ohio .. . . E. Gen. . , . .Or. &Cal.., . . E. Gen. ., . . Mo. . . One. . . R. Riv. . . . . N. H. . ..Or. &Cal.., . . Erie .. E. Gen. . .. Phil. ., . . iVle. .. Ind. . . Bait. . . . Bait. . .. R. Riv. . . . Wis. . . . Pitts. . .. Pitts. . . . N. J. . . . Bait. . Appointment. — 1852-3. Braddocksfield. Georgetown. Carmi. Gainsville. Hanover. Clarksburg. Yamhill. Williamsburg. Dover. M'Grawville. Fond du Lac Mission District. North Chatham. Mexico. Palmyra. Lewistown. St. Clairsville. Blue Island. Campton. Slatersville. New Somerset. Waupacca. Princeton. Union. Cadiz. Galena. Alexandria. Indiana State College Society. Elliot. New York. East Cincinnati. Canaan. •Teromeville. Wiimurt. Williamsport. Prattsville. Mount Vernon District. Wattsburg. Knoxville. Chesterfield. Indianapolis. New Washington. Lockhaven. Ellenbnrg. New Bedford. Sullivan. Chemung. Cnlipooia. Webster. St. Louis. Newark Wesleyan Institute. Mazon. Nashua. Lenoma. Rockville. Vienna. Port Richmond. Gorham. South port. Baltimore City. Bellefonte. Chillicothe. Aztalan. Flushing. Beaver District. Newark. Huntingdon District. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 113 Names. Monroe, Thomas H. . Monson, Lonson \V. , Montgomery, Hugh .. M'Na'bb, John M'Neul, Benjamin T. Montgomery, J Montgomery Joseph . , Moody, Granville Moore, Asahel Moore, Franklin Moore, H. H Moore, John Moore, Joseph H. D. . Moore, Levi Moore, Samuel T Moore, Wm. G Moore, VV. H. H Moorhead, John Mornn, Robert S Morell, James F Morey, Cyrus Morey, John Morgan, H Morgan, L. F Morgan, N. J. B Morrell, Francis A. . . Morrill, P. P Morris, Benjamin F. . Morris, C. R Morris, Joseph S Morris, J. L Morris, Ozias S Morris, Wm Morrison, Chester . . . . Morrison, M. S Morrow, Jnmes M Morrow, John J Morrow, Wm. S Morse, Charles Morse, C. W Morse, O. F Morse, Roswell N. . . Mosher, Curtis , Mothersill, Wm Mott, J. S Moulton, Horace Mount, N Mower, Samuel Mowry, James W. ... Mudge, John A Mudge, Thomas H. . Mudge, Zachariah A. Mugford, C , Muker, BO , Mulfinger, George L. Muifinger, John M. . Muikey, J Mullen, Wm , Mulier, Jacob Muliiix, A. N Munger, Charles .... Munger, E. H Jlunger, Obadiah W. Munks, Wm Munroe, J Munsell, G W. C... Standin"' in Ministry. D. E. Tr. E. D. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. P. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. D. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. D. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. P. E. E. E. E. D. E. E. D. E. E. E. E. Conferences. W. Va. N. Ind. Pitts. N. Ohio Gen. Bait. Pitts. Ohio E. Me. Pitts. Erie Me. R. Riv. x\. Ind. N.J. 111. 111. Bait. Erie N.J. W. Va. R. Riv. Mich. Bait. Bait. N.J. E. Me. Ohio Troy Ohio Lib. Vt. Ohio Pitts. N. Ind. N. Ohio N.J. Ohio Prov. Me. One. R. Riv. Mich. Mich. Troy N. E. Mich. N. Ohio N. E. N. Ohio N. E. N. E, Me. Troy III. Ohio One. Phil. 111. N.Y. Me. B. Riv. R. Riv. Erie Bait. 111. A ppointment. — 1852-.^. Weston. Wabash. Carmichaeltown. Amity. Middleport. Schellsburg. LTniontown. Springfield. Hampden. Washington. Wesleyville. York. Prophetstown. Crown Point. Keyport. Greenville. Edgar. Northumberland. Randolph. Kingwood. California Mission. New Boston. Marshall. Baltimore City. North Baltimore District Long Branch. Woolwich. Venice. Schaghticoke. Bainbridge. Lanesborough. Newfane. Burlington. Claysville. Kokoma. Medina. Bloomfield. Franklin. Greenville. Portland. Newport. Lancaster. Burlington. Hudson. Moriah. Hardwick. Litchfield. Massillon. Three Rivers. Republic. Spencer. Worcester. Otisfield. Troy. Wisconsin District. Captina. Montrose. Mount Salem. Jackson. Shrub Oaks. Brunswick. East Canada Creek. Wilmington. Conneautville. Carlisle. Danville. 10* 114 PAKT I. — CHUKCH DIRECTORY. NameB. Munsell, Levi W Munsell, Oliver S.. . , Murphy, Andrew . . , Murphy, George VV. Murphy, T. C Murray, John , Muse, Fauntley Muth, Conrad , Myers, Andrew J.. . , Myers, Jacob , Myers, Thomas., .. M'Q.uig, Lee , M'Ready, David A., Nachtrieb, Gottlieb. . . Nadal, B. H Nail, Richard J Nason, Charles Nast, Wm Nash, Albert Nash, David Nation, Philip Neff, Isaac Neil, Dias Nelson, Alexander . . . Nelson, R Nelson, Wm. M Nesbit, S. H Nesley, Jno. F Nettleton, K. D Neviris, Jno. W New, James F Newcomb, C. A Newhall, Fales H Newhall, Richard. . . . Newhall, Matthew... Newman, Benjamin., Newman, John P Newman, S. B Newman, T Newman, Thomas . . , Newman, Wingate J. Newson, Joseph . Newton, Adna , Newton, Alonzo . . . . Newton, Isaac , Newton, Richard A. Nichols, Addison Nicholas, Henry M. . Nicholas, J. Z Nichols, Samuel . Nichols, W. A Nicholson, E. G Nickerson, A. S Nickerson, H Nickerson, L. D Nickerson, W. H Niedermeyer, Wm. . Nippert, Lewis Nisbet, Alfred B. ... Nixon, G. J , Nobell, Charles Noble, James H Noble, John C Siandin^ in Minisiry. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. D. E. E. E. Tr. D. N. . Tr. .. . E. .. . E. .. . Tr. .. . E. .. . E. .. . Tr. .. . E. .. . D. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . Tr. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. ,. Tr. .. ,. Tr. .. , . E. . . ,. E. .. , , E. ,. Tr. ., ,. Tr. .. . . £• , . E. . , .. E. .. .. E. .. .. D. .. .. Tr. .. .. Tr. .. . . E. . . E. ..P. E. ., .. E. . .. E. ., ..P.E. ., .. E. ., . . P. E. . , .. E. .. .. E. . .. D. . .. E. ., .. E. . • . £• .. E. . . . £. . .. Tr. ., Conferences. Appointment.— 1852-3. . . Ohio . . Richmond. .. 111. .. Danville Seminary. . . Ohio Clarksville. . . R. Riv. . . Middleport. .. Phii. .. North Philadelphia. . . Pitts. . . Bridgewater. . . Erie Tionesta. .. Ohio .. Terre Haute. . . Bait. . . Baltimore. .. Ind. New Harmony. . . Bait. . . Annapolis. . . Mich. . . Hudson. . . Pitts. . . Florence. > .. Ohio .. Woodville. . . Bait. . . Baltimore City. 111. .. W^alnut Hill. . . Prov. . . South Dartmouth Mission. .. Ohio .. Editor of Apologist. .. N. Y.E. .. Winsted. . . N. Y. E. . . North Madison. . . Ohio . . Vienna. .. Ohio .. Camden. . . Pitts. . , Flushing. .. N. lo. ., Taffin. ., One. Wyoming Seminary , .. NY. .. Deposit. . . Pitts. . . Blairsville. . . Pitts. . . New Lisbon. . . E. Gen. . . Clarence. .. E. Gen. .. Havana. . . Mo. Memphis. . . Wis. . . St. Anthony Falls. . . N. E. . . Wilbraham Academy. .. N. H. .. Lisbon. . . N. H. . . Hampton. . . 111. Beardstown. . . One. Cherry Valley, .. N.Y. .. New York. . . Phil. . . Denton. .. NY. .. Monroe. . . 111. Sulphur Spring. . . Ohio . . King's Creek. . . Vt. . . Guildhall. .. Gen. Collins. lo. Cascade. .. N. Ind. .. Tipton. . . W. Va. . . Morgantown. . . N. E. . . Williamsburg. . . N. Y. . . Rhinebeck District. . . E. Gen. . . Avoca. .. B. Riv. .. West Stockholm. ..Or. fcCal... Santa Fee, N. Mexico District. .. B. Riv. .. Steuben. . . Me. Gardiner District. .. N. Y.E. .. Southbury. .. N.Ohio .. Fredericksburg. . . 111. . . Palmyra. . . Ohio . . Mission to Germany. .. Ind. Rising Sun. . . W. Va. . . Brandonville. . N. E. . . Chicopee Falls, .. Ind. Evansville. . . Gen. Centerville. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 115 Names. Nobeker, Lucas Nolan, John Northcott. Benjamin F.. Northwav, L Norris, Wm. H North, EL North, Thomas Norton, Albert Norton, J. D Norton, Niram Norton, Reiiel C Norton, Roderick Norton, Z. C Nuelsen, Henry Nuhfer, Nicholas Nutt, Cyrus Nutten, David Nutter, Henry Oaklev, P. C Ocker, David W O'Farrel, F. A Oldfield, R. D Oldrin, Edward Olds, Carmi C Olds, William B Olin. Wm. H Olmsted, De Witt C Olmsted, M. N O'Neal, John O'Neil, John Onins, J. D Orbison, Thomas Orcutt, Samuel , Orem.G Orr, John , Osbon, Alexander M , Osborn, Amos , Osborn, Elbert, Osborn, Jno. G Osborn, Theron Osborne, D , Osborne, S. A Osborne, T. G Osborne, W. M Osgood, Ab. M Osgood, David Ostrander, Wm Otheman, Bar Owen, Abraham Owen, E Owen, E. D Owen, Isaac Owen, Reuben Owen, William Owens, C H Owens, Wm Standing iu Ministry. . Tr. . D. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . D. . E. . E. .P. E. . E. .P. E. . E. . E. . . D. . . Tr. . . D. . . E. . . D. . . E. . . Tr. . . Tr. . . E. . . Tr. . . Tr. . . E. . . Tr. . . D. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . Tr. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. , . E. . . E. , . D. , .P. E. . E. . E. . E. .P. E. .. D. .. D. .. E. .. Tr. Conferences. .. N. Tnd. . . Wis. . . Illinois . . E. Gen. . . N. Y. E. . . One. .. R. Riv. . . Erie . . Erie . . Erie . . 111. . . Erie , . N. Ohio . . 111. . . Ohio .. N. Ind. . . E. Gen. . . N. H. O. .. N.Y. . .. N. Ohio . .. B. Riv. . .. N.Ohio . .. N.Y. , .. Mich. . . . N. E. . . . One. . . One. . . N. Y. E. , .. N. Ind. , .. Phil. , . , Phil. , . . Wis. , . . One. . . Phil. , . . N. Ohio , . . N. Y. , . . Troy , .. N.Y. , . . N. Ind. , . . N. Y. . . N. Y. E. . . Mich. . . N. Y. E. • • Wis. .. N.H. • • Troy . . N. Y. • • Prov. • . N. J. . . One. . • Bait. ..Or.&Cal. . . Phil. . . 111. .. N. Ohio . . Wis. P. Appointment. — 1853-3. Packard, Loren. Packer, D Paddock, Z Paddock, Z. D. , ... Tr. . ... E. . , . . .P. E. . ... E. . Gen. Vt. One. One. Middletown. Hazle Green. Mount Sterling. Benton. New Haven. Cardiff. Dixon. Youngsville. Windham. Painsville. Georgetown. Asbury Seminary. Nashville. Mission to Germany. North Ohio District. Whitewater Female College. Bath District. Kingston. Yorkville, New York. Evansport. Central Square. Wapaukonnetta. Marbletown. Saginaw. Leicester. Deansville. Tunckhannock. Poundridge. AUisonville. Fulton. Elkton. Wauwatora. Vernon. Lebanon. Gallion. Newburg. Essex. Putnam Valley. Kingsbury. Woodstock. Humphreysville. Berrian. Birmingham. Prairie du Lac. Henniker. Essex. Hillsdale and Egremont. New London District. Staten Island. Candor. Strawbridge. California District. Oxford. Virginia. Ohio City. Welsh. Ellicottville. Derby. Susquehannah District. Onondaga. llt> PART r. — CHURCH DIRECT( 3RY. Names, StanUiiig in Ministry. - Conference. A ppointment. — 1852-3. Paden, Samuel K .... Tr. ... . . Erie Seagertown. Page, Asa W .... Tr. .. N. E. .. West Springfield, Paine, Nathan .... E. . . Prov. . . Centerville. Pallett, Wm. M .... D. .. 11!. Hillsborough, Palmer, A. M .... E. ..N.J. .. Lambertville. Palmer, Anthony .... E. . . Prov. . . Eastliam. Palmer, B. D .... E. ..N.J. .. Freehold. Palmer, Charles .... Tr. . . N. Y. . . Delhi. Palmer, James .... D. . . R. Riv. . . Chicago. Palmer, Moses .... E. .. Me. Mercer. Palmeter, S. C .... Tr. . . Phil. . . Vernon Mission. Pancoast, S .... E. .. Phil. .. Salisbury. Parcel, Ashbel .... D. .. E. Gen. .. Kennedyville. Pardun, Jesse .... Tr. .. Wis. .. Black River. Parish, H. L .... E. . . N. Ohio . . Olivesbnrg. Park, Levi Tr. .. W. Va. .. Hiirrisville. Parke, Albert F .... E. . . Prov. . . New Haven. Parke, J. M .... E. .. B. Riv. .. Victory. Parker, D. D .... D. . . B. Riv. , . Phoenix. Parker, John .... E. .. E. Gen. .. Vv^uterloo. Parker, John .... E. . . N. H. . . Auburn. .... D. . . Erie Parker, Robert .... E. .. E. Gen. .. Rushville, Parker, S .... E. . . Gen. . . Olean. Parker, Samuel .... E. . . N. J. . . Harrisonville. Parker, Sheldon .... E. .. Ohio .. Gallia. Parker, S. C .... E. ., N.Ohio .. Richfield. Parker, Thomas .... Tr. . . N. Ohio . . Bryan. Parkinson, Charles .... E. . . Bait. . . ^V^ardensville. Parks, J ....P. E. . . One. Otsego District. Parks, Stephen .... E. . . Trov . . Pittsfield. .... E. .. N. Ind. .. Russelviile. Parish, Braxton .... Tr. . . 111. Lebanon. Parsons, D. F .... E. .. Gen. .. Knowlesville. Parsons, George .... E. .. One. .. Freysbush. Pasterfield, J .... E. .. Phil. .. Federalsburg. Patee, Moses .... Tr. . . Vt. . . Holland. Patten, David ....P. E. . . Prov. . . Providence District. Patterson, D. L .... E. .. Phil. .. Annamessex. .... D. .. E. Me. .. West Hampden. Patterson, James H .... E. . . Troy . . Glenn's Falls. Patterson, J. S .... E. .. W.Va. .. Fairmount. Patterson, Robert .... Tr. . . Troy . . Ferrisburg. Patterson, S .... E. .. Phil. .. Phcenixville Mission. Patterson, Wm ....P. E. . . Erie Meadville District. Pattison, R. H .... E. .. Phil. .. Snowhill. Paulson, John .... E. . . N. E. . . Greenfield. Payne, J. S ....P. E. .. Lib. .. Bassa District, Payne, W. H .... D. . . Lib. . . Cape Mount. Payton, J. H .... D. . . N. Ind. . . Auburn. Pearce, Jacob .... Tr. .. N. Ind. .. Columbia. Pearce, John J .... E. . . Bait. . . Jersey Shore. Pearne, Thomas H .... E, ..Or.&Cal... Oregon. Pearne, Wm. H .... E. .. One. Binghampton. Pearne, Wm. N .... E. . . One. . . M'Donough. .... E. . . Wis. . . Dartford. Pearson, Thomas B .... Tr. . . Troy . . Sudbury. Pease, Ebenezer .... . . B. Riv. . . Bangor. Pease, H. F .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . New York. Pease, Jno. M .... E. . . N. Y. E. . . New York, Pease, Lewis M'K .... Su. . . NY. . . New York. .... D. .. Erie Portland. Peck, George .... E. .. N. Y. .. New York, Peck, G. M .... E. . . One. Mount Pleasant, Peck, Jesse T .... E. . . Bait. . . Washington City. Peck, Luther .... E. , .. N.Y. .. Sheffield. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 117 Names. Standing in Ministry. Pegg, John Pegg. Peck, Win .... E E. Jr., John Tr. Pelton, Charles F Pendell, D. L Penfield, H Pengeily, Richard Pentecost, William . , Peregrine, J. S Perishing, Israel C. .. Perkhisar, Micah G. , Perkins, Charles Perkins, John W. .. . Perrine, Wm. H. .... Perry, James H Perry, John C Perry, Levi P Perry, S. C Perrv, Wm. E Petherbridge, R. W. Pettengill, Erastus . . Pettee, John T Pettijohn, J. G. D. . . Pettit, Lewis C Petty, Ludwell Phelps, Asahel E Phelps, A. J Phelps, Boyd Phelps, E. P Phelps, Joseph T. .. . Phenix, Cyrus Phetzing, John Philips, Jeremiah ... Phillips, Benjamin .. Phillips, G. S Phillips, J. G Phillips, Jonas Phillips, T. A. G Phillips, Z Pierce, Andrew G. .. Pierce, D. H . . Pierce, Micah R. . . . Pierce, S. W Pierce, Wm. C Pierce, W. W , Piercy, Zelnh R. . . , Pierson, Joseph M. , Pierson, Thomas W, Pierson, T. W Pike, James Pilbrook, N. P Pilcher, E. H Pilcher, H. E Pillsbury, Benjamin Pillsbury, CD. ... Pillsburv, W. H. . . Pinder, Wm. E. . . . Piiigree, Jno. G. .. . Pinkard, John C. .. Piper, Wm. G Pitezel, J. H Pitner, Levi C Pitner, Wilson .... Pitts, Levi Pitzer, Richard Plank, G. W. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. ., E. .. D. ., Tr. ,. E. ., E. , E. . Tr. . E. . E. . . Tr. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . D. . . E. . .P. E. . . E. . .P E. . .P. E . . E. . . E. . . D. . . E. . . E. . . E. . . Tr. . . Tr. . . E. . .P. E.. . E. . . Tr. . . Tr. . . E. . .P. E.. . E. . . Tr. , . E. , . E. , . E. . E. , . Tr. ,. E. ,. E. ,. Tr. .. E. ..P. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. E. ..P. E. E. £. E. D. Conference. Appointment.— 1852-3. ., B. Riv. .. New Haven. . . Troy . . Jav. .. N. Y. E. .. West Granby. . . N. Y. . . Cortlandt. . . One. Westford. ., Mich. ^. Centerville. . . Mich. . . Northville. , . N. E. . . Charlemont. .. Ohio .. West Cincinnati. . . Pitts. . , Greensborough. . . Ohio New Richmond. , . One. Bethany. . . N. E. . . Newbury port. . Mich. .. South Albion. . . N. Y. E. . . New York. Me. North Gorham. . . N. Y. E. . . Clinton. .. N.Y. .. New York. .. N.J. .. Paterson. ,. N.J. .. Camden. , Vt. East Barnard. . . N. E. . . Hopkinton. .. N. Ind. .. Cambridge. ' Phil. .. Denton. 1 .. Pitts. .. Hanover. ' R. Riv. .. Rock Island District. ' v. B. Riv. .. Watertown. , Wis. .. Fox River District. Bait. Cumberland District. ' .. Bait. .. Moorfield. 1 . . E. Me. . . Bristol. ; . Ohio .. VV^averley. ■ .. Pitts. .. Woodstield. : .. B. Riv. .. Newport. ' .. N.Ohio ,. Mansfield. i .. Troy .. Hyde Park. . . Troy . . North Pittstown. .. Ohio Mechanicsbiirg. . . Trov . . Troy District. .. R. Riv. .. Roscoe. .. Mich. .. Eaton Rapids. . . B. Riv. . . Natural Bridge. . . Me. Baldwin. . . N. Ohio . . Maumee District. . . Troy . . Fonda. .. III. Jerseyville. .. N.J. .. Swedesborough. . . Troy . . Castleton, Vermont. .. N.J. .. Staten Island. .. N. H. .. Great Falls. . .. Prov. .. Duxbury. . .. Mich. .. Detroit. . .. N.Ohio .. Ohio Wesleyan University. . . . N. Y. E. . . Guilford. . .. E.Maine . . East Maine Seminary. . . . E. Maine . . Bucksport District. . .. E. Gen. .. Hammondsport. . . E. Maine . . East Pittston. . .. R.Riv. .. Henry. . .. III. Pulaski. . . . Mich. . . Indian Mission District. . .. 111. Springfield Mission. Mount Pulaski Mission. . .. 111. . .. One. South Danby. . .. Ohio .. Asbury. . .. B. Riv. .. Heuvelton. 118 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Plank, John Plant, J. M Piatt, Smith H , Plamley, Albert Plummer, Philip Poe, A Poisal, John Polley, Clark Pollock, John Pomeroy, Benjamin .. Pomeroy, Charles Pool, Isaac Pope, Thomas J Porter, George P Porter, James Porter, John S Porter, Wm Posey, Wade Post, Samuel E Potter, Lewis Potter, Wm Potts, Francis S Powell, John Powell, John W Power, J. H Powers, James M. . . . Prather, Basil R Pratt, George Pratt, J. Wesley Pratt, Rufus Prentice, Liberty .... Prentice, Wm. S Prescott, John S Preston, Elam S Prettvman, Wm Price', D. A Price, Robert Prichard, Benjamin F. Primrose, James H. . . Prince, Ammi , Prince, Jno. C , Prindle, S. G Prose, John R Prosser, Dillon Prosser, L. D Pryor, James T Pugh, Monson M Pulling, A. B Putnam, Jonathan W. Putnam, Simon Putney, R. C Quarry, W. J. . , Queal, A Queal, Wm. G. . Quigg, Jno. B. .. Quigley, G Quiglev, John ... Quigley, T.J Ciuinby, Jesse B. Quinby, Silas.... Quinluu, James.. Standing in Ministry. .P. E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. .P. E. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. , . E. , E. . , E. . , D. . , E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . I). . E. . E. . Tr. E. Tr. D. E. D. E. E. E. E. Tr. D. Tr. Tr. , D. Tr. , E. , E. , E. , Tr. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . . E. . . E. . . E. . D. ., . E. ., .P. E.., .P. E... . D. .. . E. . E. .. Q Conferences. . . 111. . . Erie . . N. Y. E. . . E. Gen. . .. N.Ohio , . . N. Ohio , . . Bait . . N. J. , . . Troy . . . Troy . . . Troy . .. R. Riv. . . . N. Ohio . . . One. . . . N. E. , .. N.J. . .. Ohio .. N. Ind. . . . N. J. . . . Troy . . . E. Gen. . . . Ind. . . E. Gen. . . . Ind. . , N. Ohio . . . Mo. . . Ind. . . E. Maine . . . One. . . Troy . . . N. Ohio . .. 111. . . Wis. . . . N. Ind. . . . Bait. . . . Phil. . '. '. Mich. ." . . N. J. . . . E. Maine . . . E.Maine . . N. Y. . , . Ohio . Erie . Erie , . Wis. . . Mo. . . N. Y. E. . . Wis. . . N. E. . . N. Y. . Ohio One. One. Phil. Phil. N. Ohio Phil. R. Riv. N.H. Troy Appointment.— 1852-3. Iowa District. Braceville. Cornwall. Nunda. Waldo. Mansfield District. Baltimore City. May's Landing. North Hero. Peru. Halfmoon. Wheeling. Perrysburg. Binghampton. Boston. Mount Holly. Hebron. Independence. Woodbury. Cohoes. West Addison. JefFersonville. Townsendville. French Lick. Western Book Concern. Shelbyville. Vernon. Rockland. Port Byron. Raymertown. Fairfield. Danville. Fond du Lac. Lima. Rockville. Princess Ann. Oxford. New Egypt. Mount Desert. Damariscotta Bridge. Copake. Dun barton. Cleveland. Edenborough. Council Hill. Dardinel. Pleasant Valley. Wauwatora. Princeton. New York Germantown. Exeter. Brookfield. Berlin. North Philadelphia. Delaware District. Easton District. Nauvoo. Manchester. Schuylerville. PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 119 R. Names. Radcliff, Thomas Raines, Jr., John Rammel, Eli .... Randall, Asa B. . Randall, D. B. .. Rankin. J. M. ... Ranks, Swanton . Ransom, Albert. . Ransom, Elijah. . Ransom, Hawley Ransom, Halsey W Raus, John Rawlins, Benjaraii Rawson, Silas ... Ray, Putnam .... Ray, Thomas . . . Raymond, Miner Rayner, James O. Reach, George . . Read, Francis A. Reasoner, Nelson Reddy, W Red ford, B Redhead, Richard Reed, David Reed, Dayton F. Reed, Fitch Reed, George H. . Reed, Henry W. Reed, James C. .. Reed, Joseph C. . Reed, Joseph C . Reed, Miles L. . . Reed, Seth Reeder, David ., . Reeder, Henry . . . Reese, A. A Reese, Philip B. . Reese, Thomas M. Reeser, G. F Reeves, Asahel . . Reeves, O. T. ... Reger, A. A Reger, J. W Register, Samuel Rehm, Hughes . . Reid, Charles A. Reid, John M. ... Reiche, Gustavus Reiter, George ... Reitz, Nicholas ,. Reno, Wm. N. . . Requa, Henry . . . Rescorl, Philip . . Reynolds, Reuben Reynolds, R. K. . Reynolds, Samuel Rhodes, Pierce T. Rice, Charles L. . Rice, John Rice, Nathan . . . Rice, Phineas . . . Rice, William ... Rich, Abraham.. Standing in Ministry. D. E. Tr. D. P. E. E. Tr. Tr, Tr. Tr. D. Tr. D. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. P. E. E. D. E. D. P. E. Tr. P. E. D. Tr. Tr. E. Tr. D. P. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. D. D. D. E. E. E. D. D. Tr. E. E. P.E. E. £. Conferences. Erie E. Gen. N. Ind. Wis. Me. Pitts. Me. 111. R Riv. Troy Troy 111. Ind. Ind. Vt, Ind. N. E. Or. & Cal. R. Riv. R. Riv. Gen. One. N. Y. E. B. Riv. W. Va. N.J. One. Ohio Iowa N. Ind. N. Ind. Ohio R. Riv. Mich. N. Ind. Mo. Bait. Bait. Bait. Erie Erie N. Ohio W. Va. W. Va. Bait. Ohio Bait. N. YE. Ohio Ohio 111. Erie Wis. Bait. B. Riv. N. Y. E. Erie R. Riv. One. Me. N.Y. N. Y. N. E. Pitts. Appointment. — 1852-3. Kinsville. Lima. Greenfield. Marcellon. Portland District. West Newton. Harrison. Caledonia Mission. Crystal Lake. Milton. Rensselaerville. Weston. Elizabethtown. Fredericksburg. North Wardsborough. Patriot. Wilbraham Academy. Astoria. Cedarville. Rockford. Portageville. Chinango. Gravesend. Delta. Point Pleasant. Pennington Seminary. Newark District. West White Oak. Upper Iowa. Union. Rock Creek. Lexington. Mount Carroll. Ypsilanti. Davidsonville. Shawnee. Rockingham District. Milton. East Baltimore. Brookville. Mesopotamia. Baldwin Institute. Fish Creek. Pruntytown. Baltimore City. Delaware. Patapsco. Middletown . Marietta. Gallion. Warren. Poland. Oneida Indian. South Branch. Cleveland. Farmingdale. Morgan. Farmington. Skinner's Eddy. West Kennebunk. Marlborough. Poughkeepsie. Chicopee. Steubenville. 120 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Rich, Hiram C Rich, J. O Richards, Daniel Richards, R. R Richards, R. R Richards, Uri Richards, Wm. H Richards, Wm. J Richardson, G. W Richardson, Harmon Richardson, James J Richey, F. H Richmond, F. M Richmond, P. C Ricker, GustafF Ricker, Rufus Rickets, James Rickets, John Rideout, Uriel Ridgeway, H. B Ridgley, Vincent Riemenschiieider, Engelhart . , Riker, Samuel C Riley, J. M'K Rink, Wm , Ripley, A. P Ripley, H. M , Risley, Asahel L , Ritchie, Henderson Ritchie, Thomas Robbins, George W Robbins, John C , Roberts, Benjamin T Roberts, Evan Roberts, Henry Roberts, J. W Roberts, Jno. L Roberts, Lewis Roberts, Wm Roberts, Wm Robertson, Mark Robertson, W Robie, J. E Robins, Alvin Robinson, Anthony Robinson, A. H Robinson, Ezekiel Robinson, David Robinson, E Robinson, F. A Robinson, James A Robinson, Jesse M'D Robinson, J. N Robinson, J. W Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, R. D Robinson, R. H Robinson, Richard S.. Robinson, W. C Roche, J. A Rockwell, T. B Roe, A. M Roe, Edward D Rogers, Aaron Rogers, Austin F Standing in Miiiistrv. > t « • « t < . Tr. .. . E. .. . E. .P. E... . E. .. . D. .. . E. .. . Tr. .. . Tr. .. Tr . £j. . . . E. .. . E, .. . Tr. .. . Tr. .. . D. .. . E. .. . D. .. . Tr. .. . D. .. • • < . D. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . E. .. . Tr. ., . Tr. . .P. E... . Tr. ., . D. . . E. . . Tr. . .P.E. . . D. . . Tr. , . Tr. , .P. E. , . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . Tr. . D. . Tr. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. • P. E. . Tr. . E. . E. . Tr. . E. . E. Conferences. , Mo. . Erie . N. E. . . Mich. . , E. Me. . . N.Ohio . . Prov. . . B. Riv. . . Wis. . . Ind. . 111. . Bait. . . N.Ind. . . Me. . Ohio lo. . N.Ind. . . N. E. . . Me. . Bait. . . 111. . Ohio . Bait. , . Phil. . . Gen. . Gen. . 111. . R. Riv. , . B. Riv. , , . Mo. . . Ind. , . Gen. ,. N.Ohio . . Wis. .. Lib. .. Vt. .. N.Ind. . . One. ..Or.&Cal. . . Mo. .. N.J. . . Gen. . . Troy . . Ind. . . Prov. . . Me. . . N. Y. E. .. Vt. . , Me. .. 111. .. Ohio . . N. Y. , . Mich. . , Erie . , E. Gen. .. N.Ind. .. Troy . . Ind. .. Phil. . . Phil. . . One. .. B. Riv. . . Ohio . . NY. .. 111. Appointment. — 135Q 3. Bloomfield. Forrestville. Lynn. Monroe District. East V'asselborough. Maumee. North Rehoboth. East Canada Creek. Stillwater. Sugar Creek. Xenia. Woodberry. Rochester. Cornish. Spring Rock. Cole Creek. Phillipston. Cape Elizabeth Point. Loudoun. Brighton. Mission to Germany. Dublin. North Baltimore. Berlin. Perry. West Carlton. M'Kendree College. Lancaster. Moria. Platte Mission District. Mount Carmel. Rush ford. Welsh Mission. Welsh Mission. Monrovia District Millsburg. Bellows* Falls. Greencastle. Broome. Oregon District. Greenbrier. Nyack. Buffalo. Berne. Utica. Portland. Lewiston Falls. Riverhead. Iras burg. Maine Wesleyan Seminary. Nashville. Aberdeen. North East. St. Joseph. Jamestown. Hector. Fort Wayne. Galway. Vincennes District. Bridesburg. Wilmington. Verona. Martville. Yellow Springs. Cattskill. Jone.'iborough Mission. PART I. — CHUKCII PIRECTORY. 121 Names. Staiidiii;r in Miiiistrj". Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. Rogers, D. M .... E .. B. Riv. .. Stickett's Harbor. Rogers, George W .... E . . Prov. . . Quincy Mission. Rogers, George VV. T .... E . . N. H. . . Chichester. Rogers, Isaiah P .... D .. E.Me. .. Rogers, James O .... E . . N. J. . . Trenton. Rogers, James .... Tr ..Or.&Cal... Sacramento Sem. California. Rogers, J. M .... D . . N. Ind. . . Rossviile. Rogers, Lewis L .... E .. E.Gen. .. Whitesville. Rogers, Lorenzo .... Tr ,. N.Ohio .. Gallion. Rogers, L .... E . . Erie Cuyahoga Falls. Rogers, Samuel .... E . . Bait. . , Leesburg. Rogers, Silas M .... D . . Troy . . Saranac. Romer, James H .... E . . N. Y. . . Rossviile. Rooney, Samuel B .... E .. E.Gen. .. Sodus Ridge. Rone^, D. VV .... D .. B. Riv. .. Cato. Rose, A. C .... E . . Troy . . Brandon. Rose, Daniel .... D . . Troy . , Wells. Rose, Elihu E .... Tr . . Ind. . . Sullivan. Rose. R. S .... E . . One. . . Sandford. Roseberrv, P. R .... E .. N.Ohio .. Palestine. Ross, John W .... D .. Ohio .. Maysville. Ross, Joseph A .... E . . Bait. . . Sunbury. Roszel, S. S .... E . , Bait. . . Washington City. Roth, Henry .... D .. 111. Pekin. Rothrock, Joseph Y .... E . . Bait. . . Muncy. Rothweiler, Jacob .... E .. Ohio .. Dayton. Round, Wm .... E . . One. Windsor. .... E . . One. . . Wilksbarre. Roup, Wm. VV .... D . . Pitts. . . Clarington. Routledge, Wm .... E .. Ohio .. North Bend. Row, H. F .... E . . One. . . Hampton. Rowbotham, 1st., W .... Tr . . Wis. . . Root River. Rowbotham, 2d., W .... Tr . . Wis. . . West Bend. Rowe, Wesley .... E. ..,. .. Ohio ., West Cincinnati. Rowley, L. T .... Tr. ..:. .. lo. Winchester. Rowley, R. C .... E .. R. Riv. .. Lewistown. Royal, Thomas F .... E .. R. Riv. ., Libertyville. Rucker, James C .... E . . 111. Decatur. Rucker, Thomas H .... E .. Ind. .. Laurel. Rumtield, A .... E . . N. Ohio . . Berea. Runner, Wm. A .... Tr . . E. Gen. . . Ulysses. Rushmore, S .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Woodbury. Rusk, James O .... Tr .. N. Y. .. Cortlandt.' Russell, A. F .... E . . Lib. . . Monrovia. Russell, John .... E .. Mich. .. Detroit. .... Tr . . N. Y. E. . . Bristol. Rust, Richard S..» .... E .. N. H. .. Portsmouth. Ruter, Calvin W ....P. E .. Ind. Madison District. Ruter, M. A .... E .. Pitts. ,, Wellsville. Ruth, J .... E .. Phil. .. South Philadelphia. Rutiedge, David .... Tr . . N. Ohio . . Greenville. Rutledge, Edward .... Tr .. 111. Columbus. Rutiedge, George ....P. E . . 111. Alton District. .... E . . 111. Illinois Conference Fern. Coll. Ryan, Thomas J • . • • iu, • • • • . . Ind. Livonia. Ryan, W. M. D .... E .. Phil. .. North Philadelphia. Ryland, J H .... D . . Bait. . . Alexandria. Sabin, Elias H , Safford, Heman , Safford, J. D Sale, Francis A Salisbury, A Salisbury, Nathaniel S. E . . Ind. . . Columbus. D . . N. Ohio . . Westfield. E . . One. Beech Pond. Tr .. N. Ind. .. Leesburg. E .. N. Ind .. Plymouth. E .. B.Riv. .. Pulaski. 11 122 PART I. — CHUECII DIRECTORY. • Names. Siaiidliig in Miinstr_v. Conferences. Appointment. -1852-3. Salisbury, Samuel .... Tr. . . . .. B. Riv, ., Redlield. Sampson, William . E. .. Erie Kiiigsville. Sampson, Wm. H . E. . . Wis. . . Kenosha. Sanborn, A. P . E. . . Me. Lisbon. Sanderson, Aaron . £. . . Me. Portland. Sanderson, H . E. .. Phil. .. Dauphin Mission. Sanford, Carlos P . Tr. . . Wis. . . Reedsburg. Sandford, J E. .. N. Y.E. .. Brookfield. Sanford, L. A E. •• VVr •• Saratoga Springs. Sandford, P. P E. . . NY. . . Tarry-town. Sanks, James E. .. Bait. .. East" Hartford. Sansom, James G E. . . Pitts. . . Beallsville. Sapp, Resin , E. .. Mich. .. Albion. Sargeant, Aaron D E. . . N. E. . . Quincy Point. Sargent, David H E. . . Ohio . . Franklin. Sargent, Joseph J Tr. . . Bait. . . Concord. Sargent, Thomas B E. . . Bult. . . Dickinson College. Sauter, John E. . . . N. Y. . . Philadelphia. Savage, Isaoc A E. . . N. E. . . Holliston. Sawhill, B. F E. . . Pitts. . . Chartiers. Sawj-er, George P. E. .. B. Riv. .. Oswego District. Saxe, George C D. . . Troy . . Bakersfield. Sayer, Benjamin L E. . . Prov. . . West Sandwich, Sayer, Ezra E. •• P^? •• Middlefield. E. . . . E. Me. . . Orono. Scarlett, John E. .. N.J. .. Red Bank. Scarritt, Jotham Tr. .. 111. Bunker Hill. Scarritt, J. A E. . . N. H. . . Grantham. Schimnielpfennig, Frederick .. E. . . Ohio , . Newport. Schlosser, Noah E. . . Bait. . . Canton. Schmidt, John D. .. 111. Belleville. Schneider, Peter . . Ohio . . Sandusky City. Schoonmaker, A. H Tr. . . One. . . Northmoreland. Schreck, Wm E. . . 111. Milwaukie. Schusler, Frederick Tr. .. III. Clayton. Schwartz, William D. . . N. Y. . . East Baltimore. Scoby. Z. D E. .. N.Y. .. Durham. Scofield, Isaac E. .. Erie Perrysburg. Scoles. John E. . . N. Ohio . . Olivesburg. Scott, Elihu E. . . N. H. . . Lebanon. Scott, Ephraim E. .. N. E. .. Feeding Hills. Scott, James H Tr. . . W^is. . . Bristol. Scott, John E. . . Erie . . Wrightsville. Scott, L E. .. Phil. .. New York, Book Agent. Scott, Milo E. .. Gen. .. Alexander. Scott, N. W E. . . Vt. London. Scott, R. S E. . . N. Y. . . Middletown. Scudder, M. L E. . . N. Y. E. . . New York. Seager, M E. ., Gen. Churchville. Seager, S E. .. Gen. .. Buffalo. Seaman, S. A E. . . N. Y. E. . . Southold. Searl, Silas Tr. .. R. Riv. .. Rock River Seminary. Searles, J. M E. . . One. . , Oneonta. Searles, Jno. E E. . . N. Y. E. . . New Haven. Searles, Isaac E. . . Wis. . . Platteville. Sears, Clinton W E. .. Ohio .. Columbus. Sears, Hiram Tr. .. 111. Benton. Seaver, H. N E. . . E. Gen. . . Genesee College. Sedwick, B. F P. E. .. W. Va. .. New Martinsville District. See, Andrew B D. . . Ohio , . Dublin. See, Michael E. . . lo. . . Albia. Seeley, W. H E. . . N. Ohio . . Beilevue. Seely, Thomas E. . . Mich. . . New Haven. Sellick, Bradley Su. . . N. Y. . . Yorkville. Sellick, J. A E. . . . N. Y. E. . . Greenwich. Sellman, H. S D. . . Ohio . . Lewisburg. PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 123 Names. Seran, John W. Sewell, James . , Sevvell, J , Seymour, S. D. , Seymour, Truman Seys, John . . , Shaffer, H. M. Shaffer, James N Shaffer, Xalhan Shannan, 2d., VVi Shannon, Jno. A Sharp, D Sharp, Peter . , . Shaw, A. C. ... Shaw, J. K Shaw, J Shaw, James. . . Shaw, John .... Shaw, Joseph , . Shaw, Ijevi L. . Shoeks, Samuel Sheets, Michael. Sheets, William Sheffield, John T Sheldon, H. B. . Sheldon, H. O. . Shellin», Charles Shellv, Levi. Shelp, William . Shelper, Charles Shelton, Orville C Shepard, D. A. . Shepard, H Shephard, James Shephard, John. Shephard, Moses Sherberne. Joseph Sherman, David . Sherwood, Lorenzo Sherwood, Parker Shields, J Shinn, Moses F. Shinn, Sampson Shipman, Benjam Shirer, John W. Shoaff, David . . Shock, C Shrodes, Wm. L Shroff, William Shumate, Nathan Shunk, Michael Sburtleff, A. H.. Sillick, A. F.... Silsbee, William Silverthorn, Wm. Simmons. G. C . Simmons, T. I. N Simmons, William Simmons, Wm. S Simonds, Darius . Simonds, S. D. . . Simpers, Thomas Simpson, J. 6. . . Simpson, Jno. W. Simpson, Matthew Simpson, Wm. . . . Standintf in Ministry. Tr. D. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. P. E. E. P. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. D. Tr. Tr. E. E. P. E. P. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. D. D. P. E. E. E, E. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. E. Conferences. N.J. N. Ind. Phil. N. Ohio Troy N.Y. N. Ohio N.Y. Bait. Ohio N. Ohio Ohio Mich. Mich. N.J. N. Y. E. Mich. E. Gen. Pitts. E. Me. Ohio Ohio Ind. Prov. N. Ohio N. Ohio Gen. 111. One. Ohio Ohio One. B. Riv. N. E. 111. III. Vt. N. E. Troy Erie Phil. lo. III. E. Gen. Pitts. Bait. Phil. Ind. Wis. Ind. III. E. Gen, N.Y. One. N. Y. E. Troy Ohio Ohio Prov. B. Riv. Or.&Cal. Phil. Lib. N. Y. E. Ind. lo. Appointment. — 1852-3. Delaware. Monmouth. North Philadelphia. Richwood. Amsterdam. Agent Col. Soc. Md. Martinsburg. Sing Sing. Penn's Valley. Sinking Springs. Wood Mission. Darbyville. Ridgeway. Nottaway Indian Mission. Trenton District. New Canaan. Detroit District. Tyrone. Ligonier. Brownville. Lewisburg. Chester. Paris. East Hartford. Richwood. Congress. Attica. Scottsville. Brooklyn. Laughery. Deavertown. Wyoming District. Ogdensburg District. Melrose. Olney. Fairfield. Perkinsville. Southbridge. Hartford. Wilmington. Brandywine. New London. Columbus. American Bible Society, Newport. Blue Sulphur. Dorchester. Lanesville. Patch Grove. Mount Vernon. Barry. Covington. Cattskill. Sf>eedsville. Hedding Mission. Gallopville. Piketon. Hillsborough District. Rockville. Jordan. San Francisco, Richmond. Marshall. Hitchcocksville Editor of West. Christ. Adv. Council Bluffs. 124 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. Sinclair, John ....P. E . . R. Riv. . . Chicago District. Sinex, Thomas H .... E .. Ind. Indiana Asbury Fem. College. Sing, Charles B .... E . . N. Y. . . White Plains. ' Sisty, M. H .... E .. Phil. .. Newtown. Sizer, F. W .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Patchogue. _ Skinner, Lewis .... Tr . . lo. Otter Creek. Slater, Silas .... E .. B. Riv. .. Gouverneur. Slaughter, VVm. B .... E . . Gen. Buftalo. Slee, John .... E . . B. Riv. . . West Turin. Sleeper, J. J .... E . . N. J. . . Tuckerton. Sleeper, T. D .... D .. B. Riv. .. Edwards. Slicer, Henry .... E . . Bait. . . Frederick City. Slusser, Francis M .... Tr . . Bait. . . Northumberland. Small, E. H .... E . . E. Me. . . Lubec. Smart, James .... D . . Mich. . . Utica. Smith, Amos .... E . . Bait. . . Shirleysburg. Smith, Anson C .... E • . Vt. Brattleborough. Smith, A. M .... E .. B. Riv. .. Rodman. Smith, Benjamin .... Tr .. N. Ind. .. Windsor. Smith, Bennett H .... Tr .. Bait. .. Lexington. ....P. E .. N.H. .. Concord District. Smith, Cornelius .... D . . Wis. . . Exeter. Smith, Daniel .... E .. N.Y. .. Kingston. Smith, David .... E . . Ohio . . London. .... E . . B. Riv. . . Hannibal. Smith, David N ....P.E . . Mo. St. Louis Mission District. Smith, Darius .... E . . Erie . . Ashtabula. Smith, Elijah .... E .. B. Riv. .. Boonviile. .... E .. One. .. Springville. Smith, Francis .... E .. R. Riv. ., Groveland. .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Stamford. Smith, George .... E . . Mich. . . Plymouth. Smith, George W .... Tr .. N.J. .. Cranberry. Smith, Giles C .... E .. Ind. Indianapolis. Smith, H. H .... E . . Troy . . Warren. Smith, Henry H • > • • XIj- • . • ■ . . Prov. . . Pawtucket. Smith, Hezekiah .". . .... E . . N. Ind. . . Roinney. Smith, H. R .... E . . Gen. Medina. Smith, H. S .... E . . Troy . . Poultiiey. Smith, Isaac .... E .. Vt. Springfield. Smith, Isaac .... E . . N. E. . . Milford. Smith, James .... E .. Ohio .. Fletcher. Smith, James C .... D .. lo. Mequoketa. ' Smith, James W .... Tr .. N.Y. .. Jefferson. Smith, John .... E .. N. E. .. Chesterfield. Smith, John C .... E .. N. Ind. .. Terre Haute. .... E. .... . . N. Y. E. . . Brooklyn. Smith, John L .... E . . Vt. Vernon. Smith, John L ....P.E .. N. Ind. .. Laporte District. Smith, John W .... E .. N. Ind. .. Noblesville. Smith, Joseph S ..Or.&Cal... Mary's River. Smith, Joseph W .... E. .'..'. .. Ohio .. Highland. Smith, Lawson A .... Tr .. W.Va. .. Forks of Coal. Smith, Moses .... E .. Ohio .. East Cincinnati. Smith, Peter H .... E . . Troy . . Wilton. Smith, Robert .... E . . Bait. . . Charles. Smith, Samuel .... E. .... . . Bait. . . Gettysburg. Smith, Samuel B .... E .. R. Riv. .. Pleasant HiU. Smith, Samuel H .... Tr . . N. Y. E. . . Haddam. Smith, Seth .... E . . Ind. . . Fairfield. Smith, S. C .... E . . Gen. . . Hulberton. Smith, S. W .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Stepney. Smith, Thomas B .... Tr .. N.Y. .. Liberty. Port Jarvis. Smith, Thomas S .... Tr .. N.J. .. Smith, V .... E .. Phil. .. Dorchester. Smith, Willard .... E .. N. E. .. Milbury. PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTOEY. 125 Names. Smith, William . . . Smith, William C. Smith, William C. Smith, William F. Smith, William G. Smith, William H. Smith, William J. Smith, William M. Smith, William T. Snider, Evan Snod^ass, J. W. . . Snow, Jonathan M. Snyder, G. R Snyder, Henry Snyder, J. M. Snyder, Peter Snyder, Wm. W. . . Souders. John L. . . Sonle, F. A Soule, J Soule, J. H Soule, N. A Southworth, R. S. . Southworth, Wm. . Sovereign, T Spafford, W. M. ... Spahr, Barzilla N. . Spangler, Joseph N. Sparks, Jeremiah B. Sparks, Jesse Sparks, Thomas Spates, Samuel .. . . Spaulding, Justin . . Spenke, Wm. F. .. . Spencer, John Spencer, Jesse W. . Spencer, Moses Spencer, O. M Spencer, Robert O. Sperry, Aaron C. . . Sperry, L Spicer, O. E Spicer, John Spilsted, Thomas . . Spinks. James Spinks, John Spinnev, J. S Spottswood, W. E. Sprague, B. F Squier, Joel Squires, Orra Squires, Oscar J. . . Stacy, Thomas . . . . Stafford, George W, Stallard, Jacob M. . Stnllard, John J. ... Stiimbaugh, M. W. Standish, E. A Stanley, L. H Stansbury, Daniel. . Stansberry, John T. Staples, Daniel . . . . Starks, Desevignia . Starks, H. L Starr, Charles Start, John W Standing: i>i Mniistry. Tr. P.E. E. D. Tr. E. D. D. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. D. E. D. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. P E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. E. E. D. P.E. E. E D. P.E. D. P.E. E. Tr. E. Tr. D. E. E. E. E. E. D. E. E. P.E. D. E. E. E. D. D. E. P.E. E. E. E. Conterences. W. Va. Ind. N. Y. N. Y. E. Ohio NY. R. Riv. Ohio N. Ind. N. Ind. W. Va. Wis. N.J. Pitts. One. Ohio Ind. N.J. E. Me. One. E. Me. Me. One. One. N.J. N. Ohio Ohio Bait. Ind. N. Ind. N. Y. Mich. N. H. Bait. Pitts. N. H. Vt. Ohio Ohio One. One. Troy Troy Prov. N. Ind. E. Gen. Vt. Bait. E. Me. Troy B. Riv. Troy E. Gen. N. Ind. N. Ind. Ind. Mich. Prov. One. Wis. Bait. E. Me. Troy Troy One. Bait. Appointment. — 1852-3. Kingwood. Paoli District. Gilboa. Southampton. Rockville. Kortright. Marietta. Venice. Lagrange. Columbia. Barbour. Madison. Newark Circuit. Wellsburg. Owego. Indiana High School. Medford. Exeter. Butternuts. Aroostook. Hanover. Richmondville. Laurens. Camden District. Martinsburg. Newark. Cassville. Wilmington. Marion. Newcastle. Sandy Lake. Dover. Front Royal. Steubenville District, Moultonborough. Marlborough. Ohio University. Portsmouth District. Vestal. Oneida District. Pleasant Valley. Hoosick. Stoughton. Perrysville. Middlesex. Barton. Huntingdon. Washington. Stillwater. Palermo. Essex. Ovid. Richmond. Terre Haute District. Cannelton. Pontiac. Windsorville. Clinton. Janesville. Jacksonville. Surry. Saratoga District. Albany- Plymouth. Franklin. 11 * 126 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Staunton, F. H Stearns, C Stearns, George W. .. Stearns, H. N Stebbins, Dixon Stebbins, L. D Stebbins, S. J Stedman, J.J Steel, Wm. C Steele, Allen Steele, Daniel Steele, E Steele, George M. . . . Steele, J. W Steele, John W Steele, Samuel Steele, S Steinman, Charles L. Sterling, John Sterrett, Samuel T. . . Stetson, Wm. H Stevens, Asby Stevens, Enos Stevens, Henry Stevens, Samuel G. . . Stevenson, George . . . Stevenson, Wm Stever, D. M Stewart, Isaac J Stewart, John Stewart, M. H Stewart, Wm. F Stiles, L Stiles, Stephen Still, Abraham Still, John K Stillman, George . . . . Stillman, S. L Stillwell, R. L Stillwell, Wm.S Stinchfield, R. H Stine, John Stocking, Davies .... Stocking, George Stocking, S Stocking, S. H Stockton, Wm. S. . . . Stoddard, Parley Stofregen, Frederick , Stogdill, John W. . . , Stokely, Nehemiah . , Stokes, E. H , Stokes, M. C Stone, C ■ Stone, David , Stone, Elijah Stone, Jesse Stone, Samuel M. . . Stone, Wm. R Stonex, W. G Stopford, W. K Storks, L Stoughton, Jonathan Stouise, Wm. G. . . . Stout, Edward S. ... Stout, S. T. C. »f»i»»«t»»t»««t«» Standing- in Minisiry. ,. E. ,. E. ,. E. ,.P. E. ,. E. ,. E. ,. E. ,. E. ,. D. . . E. ,. E. .. E. ,. Tr. ,. Tr. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. D. .. D. .. Tr. .. E. .. D. .. D. .. D. .. D. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. ..P. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. D. .. E. ..P.E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. D. .. E. .. E. .. Tr. .. E. .. Tr. .. Tr. .. Tr. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. .. E. • t Si Conferences. . B. Riv. . N. Y. E. . Prov. . . Erie , . Prov. . B. Riv. . N.Y. . . Erie , . Bait. . . Gen. ,. N. E. . . Mich. . N. E. . . One. . . Ohio . . W. Va. . . Mich. .. Phil. • • N.Ohio III. Prov. . . W. Va. . . Wis. .. W. Vn. . . N. Y. . . Bait. 111. . . Erie lo. . . Ohio . . Troy . . Ohio . . Gen. . . Troy . . Mo. . . NY. .. N. Y.E. . . Troy .. E. Gen. .. NY. . . Me. . . Bait. .. NY. . . Erie One. .. R. Riv. . . N. J. . . N. Y. E. 111. .. R. Riv. .. N.J. .. N.J. .. N.J. . . Me. .. B. Riv. .. R. Riv. . . Me. . . Wis. . . N. E. .. Mich. . . N. Y. E. .. Phil. .. R. Riv. . . Mich. . . N. Y. ., N, Ind. Appointment. — 1852-3. Watertown. Wilton. Holmes' Hole. Ravenna District. Cotuit Port. Rome. South Canaan. Poland. Hancock. Batavia. Leominster. Sault St. Marie. Wilbrnham Academy. North Lansing Tarlton. Weston. Eagle River. Church Creek. Fancy Creek. Falmouth. Buckhannon. Round Prairie. Beverly. Callicoon. Hancock. Petersburg. Clintonville. Burlin^'ton District. Deer Creek. Belcher. Athens. Alden. Malta. (Jrand River Mission District. Middletown. Madison. Waterford. Frenchtown. Bloomingburg. New Sharon. Milton. New York. New Lebanon. Oxford. Cherry Valley. Freehold. West Hampton. Nauvoo. La Salle. Tuckerton. Newark. Ramapo. Richmond. Frankfort. Carthage. Berwick. Lowell. Dudley. New York, North East. Napierville. Sturges. Jefferson. Windsor. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 127 Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment.— 1862-3. Stover, Ensiga .... E . . Troy . . Union Village. Stover, P. R .... E . . Troy . . Kinderhook. Stover, Seymour .... E .. R. Riv. .. Plainfield. Stratton, J. B ....P.E .. N. Y.E. .. Hartford District. Stratton, Royal .... E .. B. Riv. .. Malone. Strauch. John .... E . . Ohio . . Fort Wayne. Street, A. K .... E . . N. J. . . Millville. Strickland, W. P .... E .. Ohio .. Dayton. Stringham, S. C .... E .. Mich. .. Franklin. Strite, Daniel F .... E .. N. Ind. .. Goshen. Strout, Genrge D .... E .. E.Maine .. Georgetown. Strvker, Almon W .... Tr .. Ind. New Lebanon. Stubbs, Thomas .... E .. Erie Ravenna. .... Tr .. 111. Carlisle. Studiev, W. S .... D . . N. E. . . Cbarlestown. Stuff, George L. S .... E .. R.Riv. .. Rock Island. Sullivan, Jno. VV .... E .. Ind. Shelbyville. Sullivan, Potter .... E . . Erie Geneva. Sullivan, S. B .... E .. Erie Silver Creek. Summerville, J. C .... E .. N.J. .. Cedorvilie. Summers, Henry .... P. E . . Wis. . . Racine District. Summers. Wm .... E . . Pitts. . . Short Creek. Summersides, W .... E . . Me. Durham. Summerville, James .... D .. Mich. .. Cold Water. Sumption, T .... E .. Phil. .. Kent. Sutherland, A .... E .. E. Gen. .. Catherine. Sutherland, W. H .... E .. Ohio .. East Cincinnati. Sutton, H .... E .. Phil. .. Safe Harbor. Sutton, Joseph S .... E .. Mich. .. Lj-ons. Sutton, Stephen B .... Tr .. Ind. .. Jonesville. Sutton, Wm .... E . . Ohio . . West Jefferson. Swaggerty, Jno. S .... Tr . . Mo. Dardinal. Swahlen, John .... E . . N. Y. . . Buffalo. Swain, Charles W .... E .. Ohio .. Fairfield. Swaine, J. S .... E . . N. J. . . Bridgeton. Swaney, J. A .... E . . Pitts. . . Washington. Swartz, Benjamin C .... E .. R. Riv. .. Joliet. Swayze, J. J ....P. E . . Pitts. . . Alleghany District, Swearingen, Richard .... E . . lo. Red Rock. .... Tr . . R. Riv. . . Swede. Sweem, David .... Tr . . lo. Three Rivers. Sweet, Elisha .... D . . E. Gen. . . Troy. Sweet, Martin P .... Tr .. R.Riv. .. Princeton. Swetland, Ira A .... E . . N. H. . . East Salisbury. Swimmerton, A. M .... E . . Prov. . . Chatham. Switzer, Thomas H .... E . . Bait. . . York Springs. Swormstedt, Leroy .... E . . Ohio . . East Cincinnati. Tackaberry, Jno. . . Tafl, J. L Tagg, John Tait, T. B Talbott, Henry S... Talbott, John Talbott, Jr., M. J... Talley, C Taneyhill, Thomas. Tansey, Jno. R Taplin, Horace N. . Tarbell, S Tarkington, Joseph Tarring, Henry . . . . Tasker. Enoch . . . . Taylor, C. E . Sa. . E. . E. . E. '. E. , E. , E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. P.E. . E. . Tr. E. N.Y. Phil. Erie Erie Ind. Ind. Prov. N.J. Bait. N. Ind. N. H. Vt. Ind. Bait. Wis. One. New York. Easton. Charlestown. Parkman. Belleville. Lanesville. Nantucket. Uahway. Bloomsburg. Mishawaka. Enfield Miesion. Albany. Greensburg District. North Baltimore. Madison. Skinner's Eddy. 128 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names, Taylor, Edward T Taylor, Franklin. Taylor, George . . Taylor, George . . Taylor, George B. Taylor, Harvey . . Taylor, H. B Taylor, Isaac .... Taylor, James . . . Taylor, James. , . Taylor, James C. Taylor, Joel B. . . Taylor, John W. Taylor, Nathan. . Taylor, Landon . . Tavlor, Luther . . Taylor, T. B Taylor, William. Taylor, William H Taylor, Wm. H. Teas, George W. Tebhs, F. C. ... Teed, David Tefft, Benjamin F Tenney, Amon S Tenny, E. B Tepton, William Terrell, Williamson Terry, George W Thackara, Swaine Thatcher, John . Thatcher, William Thayer, Lorenzo R Thickston, Andrew Thomas, A. H. , Thomas, C Thomas, David, Thomas, David, Thomas, D. R. , Thomas, E Thomas, J. C. . , Thomas, R. E. , Thomas, S. C Thomas, Samuel Thomas, T. S Thompson, C. J. . Thompson, D. P. Thompson, James Thompson, John Thompson, Jno. . Thompson, J. G.. Thompson, J. G.. Thompson, J. J. . Thompson, T. J.. Thompson, Thom Thomson, W. H. Thomson, E Thorn, Charles . . Thornbiirg, Peter '. Thorp, Samuel R. Thrawls, T. M... Thrash, John . Thurston, D. W.. Thurston, E. D. . Thurston, James. Thurston, Thomas W Stixmlin^ 111 Miiiislr E. E. E. E. Tr. Tr. E. D. Tr. Tr. P. E. E. D. D. E. E. D. Tr. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. D. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. Tr Tr E. E. E. D. E. Tr. Tr. P. E E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. Conferences. . N. E. . N. Ind. . N. Y. E. . Mich. . Ind. . lo. . Troy . Mich. . Ind. . R. Riv. . Pitts. . Iowa . Mo. . N.Ohio Iowa . N. Ind. . W. Va. .Or.&Cal. . N. Ohio . II!. . lo. . Bait. . N.J. . E. Gen. . N. II. . One. . Pitts. . Ind. . Gen. . N.J. . III. . N. Ohio . N. E. . Ind. . Pitts. . N.Ohio , Bait. . Mich. . Phil. . Gen. . Phil. . Gen. . Wis. . Phil. . Phil. . Phil. . E. Me. . N. Ind. . Phil. . Troy . Lib. . Erie . Ohio . Phil. . N. Ohio . Wis. . N. Ohio . Pitts. . Ind. . Wis. . Ohio . Bait. . One. One. . N. H. . B. Riv. Appointment. — 1852-3. Boston. Poolsville. Brooklyn. Detroit. Rushville. Anamosa. Warren. Clinton. Milan. Macomb. Cambridge District. Dubuque Circuit. Pleasant Green. Bucyrus. Davenport. Frankfort. Maiden. San Francisco. Port Clinton. American Bible Society. Oskaloosa. Loudoun Mission. Vernon. Genesee College. LandafF. Osborn Hollow. New Somerset Madison. Pavilion. Madison. Marion. Amherst. Chelsea. Mount Vernon. Lenia. Nashville. Martinsburg. Float River. Millington. Buffalo. Dickinson College. Smithport. Milwaukie. Frederica. Newark. Centerville. Orrington Center. Bainhridge. North Philadelphia. i Whitehall. Cape Pal mas. ^ Hendersonville. Lockland. South Philadelphia. Wellington. Waupon. Ohio Wesley an University. Sharpsburg. Bowl Watertown. North Lewisburg. Williamsburg. Sanquoit. Bainbridge. Suncook. Wolcott. ling Green. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 129 Names. Tibballs, N Tibbitts Allen W... Tichnell, Moses Tiffany, O. H Tiffany, W. H.... Tildon, H.O Tilton, A. H Tilton, Hezekiah C. Tilton, Rufus Timken, Gearhard Timmerman, J.. .. Tincher, Sampson Tinkham, J. H Tippett, C. B Titlow, Daniel ... Titus, Charles H. . Titus, VV. S Telle, Caleb J. T.. Tomiinson, J. S.. . Tongue, John W Tooke, M. M Tooker, Manley . . Torbush, Henry. . , Torrence, J. H... , Torrey, O. L , Torry, J. D Torsey, H. P Totton, Jno. A Tower, Nathaniel F. Tovvnly, Gilbert C. Townsend, Edward Townsend, E. G. . . Townsend, G. H. . . Townsend, Michael Townsend, S Townsend, S Towsey, Thomas . . Trader, Moses Trafton, Mark Train, H. V Travis, Reuben W. Tremain, H Tribbv, John Trimble, Joseph M. Trimble, Robert W.. Triplett, Ajax H. .. Tripp, William Trotter, Isaac ■Jrotter, VV. D. R... Trout, David Trowbridge, Orrin . True, Charles K.... True, J. W True, Thomas J. . . Truet, A. J. J Trumbower, H Trumbull, H. S. . . . Tryon, L. D Tubb», James Tucker, Elbridge G. Tucker, Ezra Tuller, Anson Tunison, William.. Tapper, C. F Tupper, Samuel . . . Tupper, Thomas B. Slantling' in Ministry. E. E. P. E. E. D. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. P. E. Tr. E. D. E. E. E. E. E, E. E. E. E. E. Tr. D. Tr. E. E. E. E. E. D. E. . E. Tr. E. E. E. E. Tr. D. E. D. P. E. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. E. Conferences. . N. Y. E. . Ohio . W.Va. . Bait. . Troy . B. Riv. . Gen. . E. Me. . N. H. . 111. . Gen. . Ind. . E. Gen. . Bait. . Phil. . Prov. . N.J. . 111. . Ohio . Bait. . One. . E. Gen. Prov. . Bait. . One. . One. . Me. . W. Va. . Ind. . Oliio . Phil. . E. Gen. . Troy . Troy . Phil. . N.J. . E. Gen. . Mo. . N. E. . Wis. . 111. . One. . Erie . Ohio Iowa . Ind. . B. Riv. . N.J. . 111. . Bait. . E. Gen. . N. E. . Me. Me. N.J. N.J. R Riv. One. Troy Ind. Wis. B. Riv. N.J. E. Maine N. E. E.Maine Appointment. — 1852-3. Orient. Jamestown. Clarksburg District. Dickinson College. W^estport. Pamelia Corners. Albion. Bangor. Sandwich. German Creek. Akron. Bedford. Springwater. Carlisle District. Snowhill. East Weymouth. Pennington Seminary. Salem. Ohio University. Shephardstown. New Berlin. Canandaigua. East Hampton Mission. American Bible Society. Virg;il. Oneida Indian. Maine Wesleyan Seminary. Suttonville. Butler Mission. Milford. Vernon Mission. Bath. Schroon. Waterville. Newark. Lawrenceville. Dundee. Savannah. Roxbury. East Troy. Bloomington. Lowell. Hudson. Zanesville. Bellevue. No Creek. Pillar Point. Blackwoodtown. Griggsville District. Shrewsbury. Victor. Wesleyan University. North Berwick. Vienna. Blackwoodtown. Madison. Dundee. Dry den. Brunswick. Brownstown. Fall River. Liverpool. Belleville. Steuben. Townsend. Machias Mission. 130 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Turkington, Wm.. . Turner, Alpha . , . . Turner, C. P Turner, D. B Turner, James D... Turner, J Turner, J. H Turney, Isaac Turtlelot, S Tuttle, J. K Tuttle, William S.. Twining, E. W Twombly, John H. Tyler, W. J Uncles, Joseph . . . Upham, Frederick Urie, William..,. Witt Vail, Adee Vail, Stephen M. . Vail, S. T Van Auken, M. . . Vance, James P... Vance, Jno. H. . . . Vancleve, C. S Van Cleve, John.. Vancleve, L Vandercook, J. C. . Van Deusen, Matthew Van Deusen, S.. . . Vandewater, A. C. Van Gaasbeck, De Van Gundy, C Van Gundy, H.. .. Vanhorn, G Vanhorn, Richard. Vansant, J. N Vansant, S Vanghan, M. D. . . Veitch, E. R Vertican, F. W. . . Vierhoof, Augustus Vincent, L. M. ... Vinton, Robert S.. Vegel, Christian . . Verse, D. W Voshell, Henry . . Vredenburg, H... . Waddell, Daniel . . Wade, Ezra Wade, Richard T. Wadsworth, E. L.. Waggoner, George Wahl, Gottlieb . . . Wait, Daniel Wait, Tracy L. . . Waite, R. L Wakefield, Amos . W. Standing in Ministry. E. Tr. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. D. E. E. E. E. Tr. E. E. E. , D. . E. , D. . E. . D. . Tr. . E. . E. . D. . D. . E. .P. E, . E. . D. . Tr. . Tr. . E. . E. . E. . E. . Tr. .P. E, . Tr. . Tr. . E. . E. . D. . E. . Tr. . E. D. Tr. E. E. Tr. Tr. Tr. D. E. D. Conferences. . Prov. . Me. . Phil. . N. Y. . Pitts. . Phil. . Phil. . B. Riv. . B. Riv. . E. Gen. . Gen. . Iowa . N. E. . Lib. u. V. w. Appointment. — 1852-3. Plainfield. Newfield. Pottsville. Amenia. Waynesburg. Laurel. Summerfield Mission. Salina. Dansville. Gowanda. Marion. West field. Lower Caldwell. Erie North East. Prov. . . Fall River. Phil. , . Harrisburg. N. Y. . . Monticello. Me. Biblical Institute, Concord lo. .. Big Woods. Troy . . Monkton. R. Riv. .. Pekin. Erie Libert)'. N. J. . . Burlinffton, Mo. St. liouis. Ohio .. Lockland. B.Riv. ., Fort Covington. N. Y. . . Rondout. N. Y. . , Delnware District. N. J. . . Dickinson College. N. Y. . . Croton. Hi. Middletown Mission. 111. Randolph Grove. N. J. . . Vernon. N. J. . . Newark. N. .T. . . New Brunswick. N.J. .. Morristown. W. Va. .. Sumnierviile. Bnlt. . . Lewisburg. N.Ohio .. Defiance Mission. Ohio .. New Richmond. N. Y. . . Matteawan. Bnlt. .. Hereford. Ohio ., Chiilicothe. Erie .. Gerard. Ml. Cook. N. Ind. .. Prairieville. W. Va. .. Charleston. Erie Ellsworth. Troy , . Gloversville. One. Litchfield. *' HI. Waterloo. Ohio .. Terre Haute. N. H. . . South Amherst. N. Ohio . . Roscoe. Gen. . . Caryville. Mich. .. Climax. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 131 Siandinff" in Names. Ministry. Conferences. Appointment.— 1852-3. Wakefield, Samuel .... E . . Pitts. . . Redstone. Wokeland, Thomas .... E .. Mich. .. Detroit. Wakely, J. B .... E . . N. Y. E. . . Walker, A .... E . . Erie Newburg. Walker, B.M .... E . . Prov. . . Eastford. Walker, George W .... E .. Ohio .. West Cincinnati. Walker, George W .... E . . Ind. Washington. Walker, Joseph M .... E . . Wis. . . White Water. Walker, John .... E . . Id. Detroit. Walker, Leunder S .... E .. R. Riv. .. M'Henry. Walker, Ora A P. E .. R. Riv. .. Ottowa District. Walker. Richard .... E .. E.Me. .. Goose River. Wall, Andrew J .... Tr . . Mo. . . Milan. Wallace, A ^ .... E .. Phil. .. Lewis. Wallace, Hardin ^ .... E .. III. Griggsville. Wallace, John .... E .. Ind. Palestine Mission. * Wallace, John H .... E . . Gen. . . Scottsville. Waller, A. F .... E ..Or.&Cal... Salem. Waller, Emery L .... Tr . . Mo. Bloomington. Walliiigford, P .... E .. N. E. .. North Brookfield. Walls, Francis H .... D .. 111. Fayetteville Mission. Walsworth, L. W .... Tr .. N.Y. .. Lattintown. Walter, Alfred H .... D . . Wis. . . Potosi. Waters, David .... Tr . . N. J. . . Newton. Walters, Thomas .... D .. N. J. .. Barryville. Walther, .John L .... Tr .. 111. Burlington. Walton, Wm. B .... E .. Phil. .. New Castle. Ward, Lafuvette .... E . . N. Ohio . . West Liberty. Ward, Pelnt'iah .... E .. N.Y. .. Salisbury. Ward, Windsor .... E . . N. E. . . Ware Village. Wardwell, L. D .... Tr . . E. Maine . . Calais Mission. Ware. D .... E .. Lib. .. Lower Caldwell. Wareham, P .... E . . N. Ohio . . Mount Gilead. Waring Edmund H .... D . , Bait. . . New Castle. Warner, G. P .... D . . N. H. . . Columbia Mission. Warner, George W .... E . . N. Ind. . . Rockville. .. N.Ohio .. Melmore. Warner, Jesse .... E. '.'.'.'. .. N. Ohio .. Roscoe. Warner, L .... E .. N.Ohio .. Delaware. Warner, S.P .... Tr . . Mich. . . Oakville. Warnock, David .... E . . Ohio . . NoTth Lewisburg. Warren, Charles H .... E .. Ohio .. Rehoboth. Warren, F. W .... E .. Mich. .. Manchester. Warren, J. D .... E .. One. North Pitcher. .... E . . N. Y. . . North Newburg. Washburn, Reuben .... D . . Troy . . Berkshire. Washburn, S ....P. E . . Troy . . Poultney District. Waterbury, George .... E .. N. Y. E. .. Nichols' and Daniels' Farms. Waterhonse, Daniel . . Me. Phillips. Waters, Edwin .... D . . N. Ind. . . Iowa River. Waters, Octavius .... D .. N. Ohio .. Waters, Phmimer E .... E . . Bait. . . Birmingham. Watkins, W. P .... Tr .. N. Ind. ,. St. Joseph. Watson, E .... E . . Troy . . Moores. Watson, J. A .... E .. Phil. .. Stroudsburg. Walters, George G .... Tr . . Pitts. . . M'Conneilsville. Watts, James .... Tr . . Gen. Newfane. Watts, Jonathan .... E . . E. Gen. . . Corning. Watts, Samuel .... Tr . . Wis. . . Wyoming. Waugh, J. Hoffman .... E . . Bait. . . Fincastle. Waugh. Lorenzo .... E . . Mo. Fremont. Way, E.J .... E .. Phil. .. Delaware City. Weakley, J. W .... E .. Ohio .. Springfield. Weaver, L. G .... E . . One. . . Scipio, Webb, Daniel .... E . . Prov. Hingham. Webb, Nathan .... E .. E.Me. .. Boothbay. 132 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment.— 1852-3. Webb, Thomas S .... E .. N.Ind. .. Greencastle. Webber, George ....P.E. . . Me. Redfield District. Webber, S. S .... Tr. . . One. . . Bainbridge. Webster, A .... Agent to American Bible Soc. Webster, Brinton ...'. E. '.'. N.Ind. .*,* Newcastle. Webster, Harvey .... D. . . Vt. East St. Johnsbury. Webster, Moses P .... E. . . N. E. . . Ashburnham. Webster, Norman .... E. . . Vt. Hartlond. Webster, Wesley .... E. . . Ohio . . Lexington. Weed, B .... E. .. N. J. .. Pemberton. Weed, H. N .... E. .. N. YE. .. Windsor. Weed, Levi S .... D. .. N.Y.E. .. Southport. Weekly, Martin L .... E. . . Pitts. . . East Liberty, ^'ortsniouth. Weeks, James B .... E. . . Prov. . . Weeks, Samuel .... E. . . Ind. Poseyville. Weirich, Charles E .... E. .. Pitts. .. Westchester. Welch, John W .... Tr. . . N. Ind. . . Enterprise. Weller, Z. S .... Tr. . . Pitts. , . Adamsville. .... Tr. .. B. Riv. .. Lisbon. Weils, A. R .... E. . . One. . . Westville. Wells, George C .... E. . . Troy . . Charlton. Wells, George F .... E. . . N. H. . . Hudson. Wells, James L .... D. . . One. . . Augusta. Wells, Jason .... E. . . NY. . . Windham. Wells, James M .... Tr. . . Wis. . . Sun Prairie. Wells, W. J .... E. . . N. Ohio . . Kenton. Welty, E .... E. . . Bait. . . Harper's Ferry. Wentworth, E .... E. .. N.J. .. Dickinson College. Wentworth, J. B .... Tr. . . Gen. Cowdersport Academy. Wentworth, Lewis .... D. . . E. Maine . . .... Tr. .. 111. East Troy. Wescott, Reuben .... E. . . Troy . . Hampton. .... Tr. .. E. Gen. .. Canton. West, George G .... E. . . Ohio . . Irville. West, Enoch G .... D. .. Ohio .. East Cincinnati. West, Jonathan R .... Tr. ..Mo. Van Buren. Westerfelt, J. H .... D. .. Ohio .. Tiffin. Westerman, N .... E. . .. Ohio .. Goshen. Westlake, Eli .... E. . .. Mich. .. Duplains. Westwood, Henry C .... Tr. . . . Bait. . . 1 Lewistown. Wetherbee, Sela F .... E. . . . E. Maine . . Dover Village. Wever, J. M. ...P.E.. . . Troy . . Plattsburg District. Whallon, J. H .... E. . . Erie Cleveland. Wharton, Henry .... E. . . Pitts. . . Barnesville. Wharton, Henry .... E. .. Ohio .. Kingston. Wheat, Benjamin P .... D. .. Ohio .. Monroe. Whedon, D. A .... E. . . One. Norwich. Whedon, D. D ! .... E. . . Mich. . Michigan University. Wheeler, A. B Wheeler, Chandler .... E. .... E. . . Prov. . . E. Gen. . . North Bridgewater. Granger. Wheeler, E.T .... D. . . Erie Shippensville. Wheeler, Elisha .... E. .. B. Riv. .. Red Creek. Wheeler, James .... E. .. N.Ohio .. Frederick. Wheeler, Martin .... E. . . E. Gen. . . Prattsburg. Wheeler, Wm. F .... E. .. N.Ind. .. Crawfordsville. Whipple, Eieazer .... E. . . B. Riv. . . Martinsburg. Whipple, Henry .... Tr. .. R. Riv. .. Medina. Whipple, Lorenzo .... E. .. R. Riv. .. Dover. Whippo, J .... E. .. Erie .. Curlsville, Whitcomb, Lewis .... E. . . B. Riv. . . Van Buren. White, Francis W .... D. . . . Ind. Connersville. White, James .... E. . .. N.J. .. Gloucester Circuit. White, James H .... E. . . . Pitts. . . Richmond. White, J. C .... D. . . . N. Ind. . . Pendleton. .... E. . . . Troy . . Schuyler's Falls. Portsmouth. White, John W . . , . E. . . Ohio . . PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 133 Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. White, John .... E . . Pitts. . . Waynesburg. White, L. D .... E .. B. Riv. .. Baldwinsvilie. White, Levi .... E . . Ohio . . Camden. White, Lorenzo .... Tr . . Prov. . . Plymouth Mission. White, Myron .... E . . Troy . . Clintonville. White, Nicholas .... E .. N. Y.E. .. Brooklyn. White, O. D ... Tr . . Mich. . . Charlotte. White, P. G .... E . . One. Sherburne. White, Robert J .... E .. Pitts. .. Pittsburg. White, Wm. K .... E . . Bait. . . Olin and Preston's Institute. White, W.W .... E . . One. Groton. Whitekar, C. H .... E . . N. Y. E. . . New York. Whiteman, Jacob . . . .... E .. Ind. Greenwood. Whiteman, H ....P. E . . N. Ohio . . Elyria District. Whitham, J .... E . . One. . . Broome. Whitman, Nelson .... Tr . . Troy . . Wallingford. Whitmer, David .... E .. Ohio .. West Union. Whitmore, Orrin .... .... E . . Mich. . . Lansing. Whitney, E. H .... E ., E. Me. .. Lincoln. Whitney, J . . Vt. South Hardwick. Whitney, Nelson '.'.'.'. Tr. '.'.'.'. .. E. Me. .. Friendship. Whitney, S. B .... Tr . . Troy . . Essex. Whitten, Elijah ....P. E .. Ind. Evansville District. Whorten, Joseph .... Tr .. Ind.. .. Putnamville. Wickes, Wm .... E . . Bait. . . Carlisle. Widtenbach, Christoph er .... E . . Ohio . . Cincinnati. W/ iggins, Wm. G .... E .. N.J. .. Bloomingdale. Wight, Marcus .... E . . Me. Cape Elizabeth. Wightman, A. S .... E . . B. Riv. . . Carthage. Wilber, George M .... Tr . . Ind. Anderson Mission. Wilber, P. B .... E . . Ohio . . Wesley an Female College, Wiibor, A. D ....P. E . . Gen, . . Olean District. Wilbur, John F .... Tr . . One. . . Abington. Wilbur, H.N .... E . . lo. Yellow Springs. Wilbur, James H .... E ..Or.&Cal... Portland. Wilcox, James M .... Tr . . N. Ohio . . Bryan. Wilcox, R .... E .. N. Ohio .. St." Mary. Wilcox, Thomas .... E . . One. . . Canaan. Wilcox, Washington . ....P. E . . Wis. . . Madison District. Wilder, Alva .... E , . Erie Luthersburg. V\ ildey, Joseph .... Tr . . N. Y. E. . . Stanwick. Wiles, Phineas .... Tr . . B. Riv. . . Huron. Wiley, Amos .... E . . R. Riv. . . Little Rock. Wiley, Isaac W .... Tr .. Phil. .. China Mission. Wilke, Henry .... Tr , . Ohio . . Palestine. Wilkens, Peter ....P. E .. Ohio .. Pittsburg District. Wilkins, Coles R .... E . , Troy . . West Troy. Wilkinson, Asbury ... .... E . . Ind. Mooreshill. Willerup, Christian . . , .... Tr . , Wis. . . Norwegian. Williams, A. B .... Tr . . Pitts. . . Butler. Williams, Benajah .... E . . Gen. . . Bradford. ^ Williams, De Witt.... .... Tr . . One. . . Litchfield. Williams, E. P .... E . . One. . . Utica. Williams, E. R .... E .. Phil. .. South Philadelphia. Williams, Henry .... E . . Troy . . Luzerne. Williams, James R. .. .... E .. Ind. Prairieton. . Williams, J. A .... D .. W. Va. .. West Union. Williams, Jesse .... D .. Ind. Spencer. Williams, J. L . . Wis. . . Dodgeville. Williams, S. P '.'.'.'. E. '.'.'.'. . . Troy . . Plattsburg. Williams, Thomas ... . • •■• Ml* •••• . . Ind. Columbia. Williamson, David ... .. Ind. Mount Sterling. Willard, Wm '.'.'.'. D. '.'.'.'. . . Wis. . . Oconomewoc. Willis, D .... E . . Vt. Sutton. Wilmer, W. A • . . • ....P. E . . N. J. . . Paterson District. Wilmot, Wm .... .... D .. R. Riv. .. Aurora. 12 134 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Names. Standing Ministry in Conferences. Appointment. — 1852-3. Wilson, Amos .... Tr. . . Ohio . , Athens Circuit. Wilson, Benjamin F. . Tr. . . Mo. Versailles. Wilson, B. R . E. .. Lib. Upper Caldwell. Wilson, George W. .. . Tr. . . Mo. Deep Water. Wilson, Henry . Tr. . . Bait. . . Cumberland. Wilson, James . D. .. E. Gen. .. Hornellsville. Wilson, Jarvis D. . . N. E. . . Marlborough. Wilson, J. W E. .. Erie Harrisville. Wilson, .Joseph D. . . R. Riv. . . Middleport. Wilson, Norva! P. E. . . Bait. . . Potomac District. Wilson, N.B D. .. N.Ohio .. Gilboa. Wilson, Robert J. . . . E. . . Mo. Osage. Wilson, Thomas H. . E. .. N.Ohio .. Mount Vernon. Wilson, Thomas R. .. Tr. .. W. Va. .. MilforjJ. Wilson, Thomas S. .. D. . . N. J. , . Milford. Wilson, Samuel L. .. E. .. Bait. .. Hollidaj'sburg. Wilson, Wm E. . . . 111. Payson. Wilson, Wm E. . . W. Va. . . Guyandotte. Wilson, Wm E. .. N. Ind. .. Indianapolis. Wilson, W. F P. E. . . Erie Franklin District. Wilson, Wm.H E. . . . Bait. . . West River. Wilson, Wm. .1 E. . .. E. Me. .. Robbinston. Winans, Benjamin... E. . .. N. Ind. .. Attica. Winans, H. S • E. . . . Erie Gustavus. Winans, Rodney E. . .. N.J. .. Ciuakertown. Winchester, George H. E. . . . Prov. . . Pembroke. Winchester, Jno. S. .. . , Ind. Milroy. Wing, David Tr. '. R. Riv. .. Lighthouse Point. Winner, John O E. . .. N J. .. Newark. Winslow, David L. .. E. . . . N. E. . . West Brookfield. Windsor, George .... E. . .. N.J. .. Pennington. Winstanly, Thomas .. . E. . . Pitts. . . Smithfield. Wirgman, O. P E. . . . Bait. . . Springfield. Wire, T. D E. . . . One. . . Freetown. Wise, Daniel E. . . . Prov. . , New Bedford. Witherill, Manly E. . . . Troy . . Bethlehem. Witherspoon, A P. E.. . . Troy . . Burlington District. Witten, James E. . . , Mo. Indian Mission. Witthorn, Henry Tr. . .. 111. Phitteville. Wolfe, Francis S Tr. . . . N. J. . . Roadstown. Wolfe, John W E. . . . Bait. . . Lewisburg. Wolfe, Joseph Tr. . . . N. Ohio . . Dresden. Wolfe, Simon P E. . . . Pitts. . . Washington. Wones, Timothy Tr. . .. Ohio .. Augusta. Wood, Aaron E. . . . N. Ind. . . American Bible Society. Wood, A E. . . . One. Ledyard. Wood, Asa E. . .. Wis. .. Fort Winnebago. Wood, Blatchley C. . . E. . 111. .. Upper Alton. Wood, Enoch E. . . . N. Ind. . . Newport. Wood, Enoch G P. E.. . . Ind. Connersville District. Wood, Elijah E. . . . E. Gen. . . Seneca Falls. Wood, Harvey C E. . .. N.H. .. Marlow. Wood, Henry ^ Tr. . .. Wis. .. Franklin. Wood, J. A Tr. . . . Vt. . . Winhall. Wood, .John W E. . .. Wis. .. Sylvania. Wood, J. W. B.^.... E. . , . N. Y. E. . . Brooklyn. Wood, Levi Tr. . .. E. Gen. .. Southport. Wood, Madison Tr. . . . Erie Clarksville. Wood, Moses Tr. . .. N. Ind. .. Numa. Wood, Newton B E. . . . Troy . . Grand Isle. Wood, Pliny ... - • . . E. . . . N. E. . . Ballard Vale. Wood, Reuben R E. . . . Wis. , . Delavan. Wood, Wm. B D. . . . Phil. . . Stroudsburg. Woodford, L. C E. . . . lo. Grandview. Wooding, G. W E. . . . Prov. . . Btirrilville. Woodley, Matthias . . , ... Tr. . . Wis. . . Pine River. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 185 Names. Standing in Ministry. Conferences. Appointment.— 1852-3. Woodroffe, Joseph .... D Pitts. . . Summerfield. Woodruff, G. VV. . . .... E N. Y. E. . . New Britain. Woodruff, George C ....P.E B. Riv. .. Potsdam District. Woodruff, Hirotn . . .... E B. Riv. .. De Kalb. Woodward, C. M. . .... E Gen. Genesee College. Woodwiird, L. T, . .... E Or.&Cal... Calipooia. Woodward, S. C .... E Mich. .. Trenton. Woodworth, P .... E Gen. Yates. Woodyard, R. L. . . . . . . Tr W. Va. .. Buckhannon. Wooliscroft, A .... E R. Riv. . . Knoxville. Woolley, H.J .... E Vt. .. East Corinth. Woolston, B. F . . . . Tr N. J. . . Tom's River. Worcester, James M • •••••■•■ .... E Prov. . . Scituate. Worden, N. S .* .... E N.Ohio .. Newcomerstown. Worden, P. S .... E One. Newark. Worth, J. O .... E N. Y. E. . . New York. Worthington, David ....P. E lo. Iowa City District. W«rthington, Henry .... E Mich. . . Hillsdale. Worthington, N. C .... D Pitts. .. Summerfield. Worthington, S. G. J .... E W. Va. .. Morgantown. Worts, David C . . . . Tr Bait. . . Newport. Wrigglesworth, J. . . .... E Erie .. Brady's Bend. Wright, Alpha .... E E. Gen. . . Genesee College. Wright, Ansel .... E lo. Tipton. Wright, Charles F. . Tr. R.Riv. .. Chemung. Wright, Daniel J. . .... E NY. .. Saugerties. Wright, Dean C. . . . .... D Erie Hubbard. Wright, John .... Tr Pitts. . . Summerfield. Wright, John F ....P. E Ohio .. East Cincinnati District. Wright, J. T .... E One. .. Hartwick. Wyatt, Wm .... E One. Honesdule. Wykes, Joseph .... E.* N.Ohio .. Sidney, W^yman, Wm .... D Me. Sidney. Wysong, T. T .... E Bait. . . Bedford. Wythe, Wm. W. . . .... Tr N. J. . . Millville. Wythes, J. H .... E Phil. . . Grove. Y. Yard, Robert B | .... E . N.J. .. Somerville. Yates, Jeremiah F. .... D . Troy . . Shelburn. Yeager, Jacob .... .... Tr . W. Va. . . Westernford. Yocum, Elmore . . . ....P. E . Wis. . . Platteville District. York, Wm. E .... Tr . One. Fabius. Young, Alcinous ,, ....P.E . lo. . . Dubuque District. Young, Charles B. . .... E . Bait. . . Bladensburg. Young, Erastus D. . .... D . Mich. . , Kazier, Indiana Mission. Young, Jacob ....P.E . Ohio . . Zanesville District. Young, John .... E . Me. American Bible Society. Young, J. W .... E . Ohio .. Hanging Rock. Young, Wm .... E . Ohio , . West Cincinnati. Young, Winthrop . .... Tr . Tnd. Mount Carmel Youngker, Wm. .. . .... Tr . N. Ind. .. Maumee. Youngs, T. C .... E . N. Y. E. . . Cornwall. Yourtree, S. L .... E . N. Ohio . . Elyria. ■^ z. - Zimmerman, J .... D . B. Riv. .. De Peauville. Zimmerman, Joseph Tr . 111. . . Hermann. Zimmerman, Simon .... Tr . NY. .. West Baltimore. Zink, Milton P .... D . Ohio . . East White Oak. CONFERENCE STATISTICS. NEW YORK CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 6; elders, 108; deacons, 20; supernumeraries, 13; superannuated,?; preach- ers remaining on trial, 17 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 10 ; local preachers, 137 ; members, 23,375 white, 235 colored, 4,102 j.robationers, 27,712. Total, 28,030. NEW YORK DISTRICT. whites. Duane street, . . . r 380 Swedish Bethel mission, . . 60 Vestry street, 189 Greene street, 425 Center street mission, (no rep.) Mulberry street, 220 Sullivan street, 382 Bedford street, 800 Jane street, 268 Eighteenth street, 419 Thirtieth street 302 Forty-third street, 118 Fiftieth street, 42 Yorkville, 44 Harlem, 90 Morrisiana mission, 38 White Plains, 225 Greenburg, 173 Yonkers, 152 Tarrytown, 150 prob. 21 ig 70 60 43 105 54 60 43 35 9 3 4 13 2 60 17 20 col. 1 1 2 i 2 5 rOUGUKEEPSIE DISTRICT. Poughkeepsie — Washington street, 365 Cannon street, 221 Dutchess, 368 Amenia, 276 Pawlings, 228 Cortlandt, 540 Bedford, 488 Newcastle and Pinesbridge, 227 Pleasantville, 247 Peekskill, 217 Shrub Oaks, 147 Sing Sing, 2.50 Croton, 128 Putnam Valley, 226 Cold Spring, 216 West Point, 116 Matteawan, 170 Glenhum, 119 Fishkill 224 West Fishkill, 153 50 10 48 163 33 142 24 26 28 10 10 96 20 42 43 22 16 9 36 20 10 6 8 1 8 3 2 7 9 4 Total,.... 4,926 848 60 RHINEEECK DISTRICT. Rhinebeck, 127 Red Hook mission, 84 West Taghkanic, 127 Hudson, 185 Stockport, 73 Mellenville, 132 l.p. Total, 4,477 638 13 26 20 4 o 1 3 55 2 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 3 I 1 5 1 1 3 whites. Spencertown, 140 New Concord, 91 Canaan, 64 Lenox, 54 Lee, 118 West Stockbridge,...:. .. 112 Stockbridge, 80 Hartsville, 92 Tyringham, 31 Sheffield 140 Great Barrington, 82 Hillsdale and Egremont,. . 210 Norfolk, 171 South Canaan, 83 Salisburv 174 North East, 72 Pine Plains, 1.50 Copake, 146 Hyde Park, 56 Pleasant Valley, 130 prob. 30 8 4 2 9 5 22 28 25 2 34 40 30 16 38 42 22 40 17 9 Prattsville, 271 Gllboa, 280 Coevmans, 388 Cattskill, 320 Durham, 390 Livingstonville 265 Windham, 3.53 Lexington, 215 Middletown 220 Colchester, 271 Beaverkill, 151 Kortright, 346 Delhi 140 Walton, 100 Deposit, 54 Cunnonsville, 143 Chchocton, 123 Jefferson, 557 Charlotte, 264 Franklin, 264 col. l.p. 1 1 6 .. 2 'i 2 .. 1 .. Newburg, 375 North Newburg, 115 Rossville, 100 Marlborough, 195 Plattekill, 131 New Piatz, l]5 New Paltz Landing, 228 Kingston, 188 Rondout, 105 I 2 '5 2 3 8 1 1 3 2 Total, 2,924 508 45 16 DELAWARE DISTRICT. 46 2 1 14 , , 3 6 2 2 33 8 • • ^ ^ 4 73 , , 5 24 , , 2 101 1 3 15 , , 90 2 3 51 , , 1 45 1 65 ,. 10 , , 22 3 41 1 1 42 I 30 3 54 5 46 2 Total,.... 5,115 810 22 35 NEWBURG DISTRICT. 20 , ^ 2 90 , , 1 45 , , -, , 50 , , 14 5 1 20 5 1 10 ^ , 1 33 4 • • 6 1 1 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 187 whites. Saugerties, 135 Saugerties circuit, 271 Woodstock 260 Marbletown, 385 EllenviUe 248 Naponock, 75 Wurtsborough, 200 Monticello, 402 Liberty, 320 Callicoon, 55 Bloomingburg, 191 Montgomery, 253 Goshen, 125 Middietown, 83 Sugar Loaf, 221 Monroe, 310 Southfield 151 New Windsor, 115 prob. col, I. p. 48 . . . . 64 .. 2 11 .. .. 63 58 22 30 152 4 25 85 10 10 32 40 70 18 4 3 2 1 33 5 1 5 2 2 3 Total,.... 5,352 1,012 94 24 GERMAN MISSION DISTRICT. white*, prob. eol. I. p. Second street, 143 77 . . 1 Washington street, 15 14 . . . . Bloomingdale 72 26 .. 1 Brooklyn, (no report,) Williamsburg and Astoria, 20 8 Poughkeepsie, 43 7 1 Callicoon and EUenville,.. 22 28 Albany and Troy, 12 11 Schenectady, 10 3 ■ .. Rochester, 26 11 Buffalo and Tonawanda, . . 40 31 Newark 50 7 . . 2 Philadelphia, 42 24 . . 1 East Baltimore, 63 33 .. 3 West Baltimore, 23 6 .. 1 Total,.... 5S1 286 1 9 NEAV HAXPSHIEE CONPERENCE. Presiding elders, 3 ; elders, 63 ; deacons, 4 ; supernumeraries, 3 ; superannuated, 19 ; preachers remaining on trial, 3 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 5 ; local preachers, 78 ; members, 8,663 white, 1,481 probationers, 10,144. Total, 10,322. DOVER DISTRICT. mem. Dover, 180 Salmon Falls mission, 23 Great Falls, 275 Rochester, 200 Newmarket, 110 South Newmarket and Exeter, . 69 Kingston, 50 East Kingston, 28 Amesbury mission 52 East Salisbury, 89 Seabrook, 68 Hampton 54 Portsmouth 270 Rye and Newington mission,. . . 78 Greenland, 106 Epping mission, 57 Raymond, 95 Poplin, 40 Sandown, 93 North Salem, 86 Salem 117 Lawrence, 165 Derry, 81 Auburn, 64 Manchester — First church, 80 Elm street, 340 Suncook and Pembroke, 80 Chichester and Loudon miss., . . 135 Northfield, 222 East Sanbornton, 73 Gilmanton mission, 106 Total,.... 3,486 617 CONCORD DISTRICT. Concord, 165 Fishervile, Warner, Salisbury, and Boscawen, 92 prob. I. p. 10 1 3 , , 101 93 1 20 , , 3 , , 20 1 , , 1 17 2 8 1 32 11 i 37 7 2 1 , , , , 1 15 , , , ^ 1 5 2 5 .. 12 35 1 18 .. 22 .. 18 ^ , 34 4 10 2 20 , , 33 • • 8 2 19 1 617 24 17 9 21 Hopkinton, 25 Hooksett and Bow, 74 Goffstown, 53 Nashville 95 Nashua, 54 Hudson, 49 Amherst and Milford, 22 New Ipswich mission, 60 Rindge, 58 Peterborough, 72 Marlborough 65 Richmond and Fitzwilliam, .... 43 Winchester, 191 Chesterfield and Hinsdale, 112 Walpole mission, 40 Gilsum mission and Alstead, . . . 100 Marlow 127 North Charlestown and Charles- town, 55 Lempster Unity, and Lempster, 159 E. Unity, Goshen, and Wendell, 55 Claremont, 219 Cornish mission 52 Newport, 46 Grantham, 119 Deering and Hillsborough, 75 Washington and Windsor, 37 Henniker, 94 Danbury and Wilmot, 90 prob. I. p. 5 • • 29 • • 30 • • 14 1 57 1 7 1 12 1 5 1 1 , , 4 • • 14 • • 9 • • 6 • • 22 ■ • 1 • • 11 1 8 • • 1 • • 15 1 2 • • 7 2 10 , , 10 , , 11 1 5 1 35 2 30 1 6 • • Total,.... 2,498 393 35 12 HAVERHILL DISTRICT. Haverhill Corner and North Haverhill, 120 East Haverhill and Benton 80 Lebanon, 118 Hanover, Enfield, * 29 138 PAKT I. — CHUKCH DIRECTOKY. mem. Canaan, '. 160 Bristol, 198 Hill, 27 Alexandria, Hebron, and Groton, 167 Plymouth 167 West Plymouth, Campton, and Woodstock, 121 Sandwich, 181 Moultonborough and Taniworth, 98 Tuftonborough and Wakefield,. 59 Wolfborough, Brookfield, and Milton Mills, 84 prob. I. p. 10 , , 14 3 7 , , 27 2 36 1 16 2 21 I 65 • • 35 ^ , 11 mrm. prob. Warren,Wentworth, and Orford, 140 39 Lyman and Bath, 420 10 Lisbon, 116 8 Landaff, 127 13 Littleton miss, and Bethlehem,. 100 41 Whitefield and Dalton, 110 16 Lancaster, 136 12 Stark and Milan mission, 102 7 Columbia and Pittsburg miss. . . 148 47 I. p. 4 1 Total 2,679 471 19 NEW YORK EAST CONEERENCE. Presiding elders, 4; elders, 107; deacons, 7; supernumeraries, 5; superannuated, 19; preachers remaining on trial, 9; preachers on trial, 1st year, 11 ; local preachers, 126; members, 20,074 white, 3,505 j)robationers, 23,579. Total, 23,867. NEW YORK EAST DISTRICT. mem, prob. I. p. New York city — Johnstreet, 245 30 1 Madison street, 220 22 1 Forsyth street, 405 12 1 Mariners' M. E. Church, 138 16 3 Willett street, 541 97 Allen street, 680 42 . . Asbury M. E. Church, 352 257 3 Second street, 472 94 3 Ninth street, 216 52 1 Seventh street 350 27 2 Twenty-seventh street, 333 52 2 Sixteenth street mission, .... 35 1 1 Eastchester and West Farms, . . 136 46 1 NewRochelle, 301 9 1 King street, 108 2 Greenwich, 233 3 Stamford, 142 8 1 Norwalk, 210 102 . . New Canaan, 170 3 .. Pound Ridge, 230 50 Total 5,517 925 21 LONG ISLAND DISTRICT. Brooklyn — Sands street, 425 75 2 York street 316 40 3 Washington street, 272 32 I Centenary Church, 317 90 1 Pacific street, 215 13 2 Carlton avenue, 145 5 1 Fleet street, 54 8 1 Brooklyn Home mission, 104 20 1 East Brooklyn, 94 4 Gowanus, 35 15 Gravesend and New Utrecht,. . 74 5 Flatbush, 19 17 .. Williamsburg, — First Church 327 35 2 North Fifth street, 92 13 1 Greenpoint mission, 34 4 South Fifth street, 148 10 2 Grand street, 140 12 1 Bushwick, 56 5 . . mem. prob. I. p. Newton, 80 53 Astoria, 40 25 1 Flushing 104 69 North Hempstead 170 10 2 Huntington and Northport, 354 11 1 Smithtown, 184 12 2 Port Jeffersoi 164 4 1 Middle Island, 60 20 .. Riverhead and Jamesport, 83 10 Southold and Cutchogue, 133 4 Greenport, 45 5 Orient, 64 7 .. Sag Harbor, 270 40 1 Ammagansett mission Bridgehampton, 106 15 _. . Southampton, 60 7 1 Good Ground, 100 18 3 Westhampton and Moriches,. . . 143 43 Patchogue, 180 85 3 South Huntington, 251 47 3 Farmingdale, 218 30 2 Hempstead, 312 30 2 Rockaway, 428 21 Jamaica, 114 10 Total, 6,530 979 40 NEW HAVEN DISTRICT. New Haven — First Church 325 235 St. John street, 250 85 Derby 223 10 Southbury, 134 3 Middlebury and Naugatuck mis. 112 8 Waterbury, 200 18 Fair Haven, 89 60 Hamden, 109 15 Westville, 68 32 Bethany, 41 Milford 31 2 Stratford, 155 2 Bridgeport 255 170 Fairfield mission, 34 26 Southport 1.34 3 Westport and Poplar Plains, . . . 135 43 Wilton 236 80 2 4 3 1 3 3 3 i 3 PART I.- v mem. Riflgefield, 256 Danlniry, 189 Long Ridge and Bethel, 153 Reading, 160 Easton, 108 Stepney, 130 Newtown and East Village, 112 Nichol's and Daniel's Farms,. . . 120 Birmingham, 205 Meriden, 125 Cheshire and Yaleville 86 Guilford, 114 Madison, ^. . 70 Clinton, 92 Westbrook, 62 Essex, Saybrook, and Chester,. 170 Haddam, 85 Ponset and Killingworth 147 North Madison, 70 Durham, 13G -CHURCH DIRECTORY. 139 prob. I. p. 6 7 .. 3 .. 60 3 39 .. 3 2 4 1 8 .. 24 2 10 1 22 1 21 .. 16 .. 10 .. 5 .. 15 1 15 1 3 1 13 .. 11 1 To«a/,.... 5,111 1,087 37 HARTFORD DISTRICT. Middletown, 430 4 14 Middlefield, 60 Hartford, 276 44 2 Windsor 62 4 1 Bloomfield, 55 6 Windsor Locks and Poquonoc mission, 36 7 1 mem. Suffield, 50 East Granby, 34 West Granby 62 Simsbury and North Canton,, . . 108 Washington Hill, 58 Coiebrook River, 55 Hitchcocksville and Hartland,. . 80 Pleasant Valley and New Hart- ford mission, 55 Winsted, 110 Goshen 80 Litchfield, 145 Cornwall and Ellsworth, 121 Warren and Northville, 46 Wolcottville, 69 Plymouth and Watertown, .... 70 Woodburv, 136 New Milford 45 Gaylord's Bridge and Sherman, 140 Brookfield and Southville, 85 Bristol, 68 Burlington and Collinsville, 82 Farmington, 50 New Britain, 117 Berlin, 44 Wetliersfield, 41 Rocky Hill, 22 Newington, 24 Total,.... %916 5 • • • • 3 .. 10 2 11 .. 15 .. 6 1 4 26 9 39 145 5 9 16 3 17 14 7 1 8 62 27 514 28 TROY COXFEREXCE. PREsiDiNa ELDERS, 7 ; elders, 123; deacons, 26; supernumeraries, 15; superannuated, 21; preachers remaining on trial, 14; preachers on trial, 1st year, 10 ; local preachers, 160: members, 22,289 white, 2,909 probationers, 25,198. Total, 25,574. TROY DISTRICT. mem. Troy- State street, 280 North Second street, 317 Congress street, 155 Third street 40 West Troy- Washington street, 175 Ohio street 66 Lansingburg, 208 Greenbush, 83 Castleton. 45 Sand Lake, 350 North Chatham, 74 Chatham, 228 Kinderhook, 148 Brunswick, 323 New Lebanon, 180 Nassau, 138 Pittsfield, 250 Dalton, 77 Hinsdale, 60 Middlefield and W.Worthington, 75 Washington 73 North Adams 271 Stamford mission, 17 prob. I. p. 6 3 2 • • 49 3 10 • • 11 3 16 1 13 1 2 1 4 , , 30 2 6 7 , , 56 , , 35 2 7 3 19 1 24 2 24 1 5 15 • • 9 • • 32 2 7 • • mem. prob. I. p. South Adams and Cheshire, 88 8 Williamstown, 94 11 1 Pownal, 112 12 1 New Ashford, 76 6 .. Bennington, 173 7 2 Hoosick, 50 4 Petersburg 100 2 Schaghticoke, 82 4 Tomhannock, 149 34 North PitUtown, 154 6 Total,.... 4,711 483 29 ALBANY DISTRICT. Albany — Hudson street, 290 36 Garrettson station, 181 50 Ferrv street, 147 17 Washington street, 98 43 Arbor Hill, 112 14 Watervliet, 159 12 Bethlehem, 59 8 1 Guilderland, 206 36 2 Schenectady, 250 10 4 Amsterdam, 208 6 3 Minaville 89 1 1 140 PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Johnstown 97 Fonda, 83 Gloversville 207 Pleasant Valley, 140 Canajoharie, BO Fort Plain, 40 SBeward and Cohleskill, 327 Esperance and Root, 200 Middleburg, 165 Schoharie, 44 Gailupville, 114 Berne, '. 136 Knox, 298 Rensselaerville, 150 Total,.... 3,880 SARATOGA DISTRICT. Saratoga Springs, 310 Ballston Spa mission, 103 Malta, 73 Schuylerville 195 Easton and Cambridge, 260 North White Creek, 189 Arlington. 74 Salem and Shushan, 116 Union Village 194 North Greenwich, 35 Rock City, 98 Greenfield, 205 Wilton 280 Gal way, 105 Charlton 170 Jonesville, 100 Halfmoon 141 Amity and Rixford's Flatts, 70 Waterford, 133 Cohoes, 175 Stillwater, 113 Mechanicville, 142 Northampton, 408 Lake Pleasant mission, 86 prob. I. p. 21 43 i 1 2 2 1 48 3 66 2 35 1 56 1 6 1 8 2 16 2 Total,.... 3,'7'75 464 POULTNEY DISTRICT. Poultney, 91 8 Fairhaven, 86 4 Pawlet and Granville, 182 27 Hartford, 34 11 Fort Ann 439 37 Glens Falls, 166 15 Argyle, 100 5 Rutland and Wallingford, 150 8 Pittsford 105 9 Benson, 76 6 Warren 320 76 Johnsburg, 100 Whitehall and East Whitehall, 150 4 Hampton, 107 8 Middletown and Wells, 118 20 Dorset and Danby, 120 Castleton, 147 3 Schroon, 250 37 Adirondack mission, 24 3 East Hebron, 46 5 Luzerne, 215 60 Tota/,.... 3,026 346 539 28 49 12 7 6 40 17 7 II 34 2 9 25 74 5 40 3 12 15 4 7 7 26 47 5 1 1 4 2 16 26 BURLINGTON DISTRICT. tnem, Burlington, 144 Sheiburn, 101 Charlotte, 41 Ferrisbiirg and Vergennes, 132 Panton and Bridgeport, 94 Moriah 75 Crown Point, 126 Ticonderoga, 80 I^eicester, 189 Salisbury, Weybridge, 55 Middlebiiry 175 Bristol and Monkton, 180 Starksborough, 151 Hinesburg, 60 Williston, 54 Brandon, 70 Orwell, 45 Total, 1,772 PLATTSBURG DISTRICT. Plattsburg 139 Chazy, 100 Champlain, 104 Moores, 126 Beekmantown, 297 EUenburg mission, 75 Bedford, 30 Saranac, 86 Saranuc River mission, 56 Peru, 164 Keesevilie, 170 Clintonville 184 .Tny and Wilmington, 300 Essex, N. v., 234 Elizabethtovvn, 168 Westport 152 Schuyler's Falls, 155 Total, 2,540 ST. ALBANs' DISTRICT. St. Albans', 130 Fairfax 150 Cambridge 77 Milton and Georgia, 148 Winooski, 68 Waterbury and Stowe, 203 Morristown 134 Hyde Park and Johnson, 90 W'aterville, 71 Bakersfield, .";;•.•. 82 Berkshire, 198 Swnnton 159 Essex, Vt., 235 Colchester, 73 Grand Isle, 83 North Hero 41 Alburg and Isle La Mott, 150 Sheldon, 219 Franklin, 274 Total,. . .2,585 prob. I. p. 38 3 100 .. 24 '2 3 .. 7 1 • • • • 27 2 71 .. 10 .\ 65 1 50 .. 25 2 11 .. 16 .. 1 .. 7 .. 455 11 6 10 6 26 14 3 4 18 2 5 4 22 41 53 23 22 9 1 1 1 2 5 1 i 2 3 i 1 3 1 1 4 268 28 10 • • 59 * • 25 1 25 2 15 • • 7 2 6 • • 15 • • 8 1 7 1 19 1 18 2 36 4 10 • • 2 • • • • • • 4 2 36 3 52 3 354 22 PART I. — CHUECH DIRECTORY. 141 WESTERN YIRGIXIA CONPERENCE. Presiding elders, 5; elders, 26; deacons, 11 ; supernumeraries, 2 ; superannuated, — ; preach- ers remaining on trial, 10; preachers on trial, 1st year, 9; local preachers, 143; members, 12,196 white, 371 colored, 2,552 probationers, 15,119. Total, 15,325. MORGAXTOWN DISTRICT. ■whites, col, prob. Morgantown 148 23 21 Monongalia, 488 . . 97 Palatine 618 6 243 Selbvsport 208 5 60 Oakland and Snowy Creek, 200 2 55 Westernford and Dry Fork, 190 8 10 Kingwood 250 6 31 Blacksville and Dunkard,. 178 ,. 32 Brandonville, .254 ., 34 Barbour, 749 4 179 Clarksburg 99 Beverly and Randolph mission, 343 Buckhannon, 501 Weston, 467 Pruntytown, 488 Marion 603 Fish Creek 132 Pleasant Valley, 104 Lumberport, 357 Milford, 543 16 10 4 5 56 4 2 i 5 33 118 84 98 81 4 18 112 82 I. p. 3 4 5 4 2 3 1 3 4 Total,.... 3,'-283 54 762 29 CLARKSBURG DISTRICT. Total,.... 2.637 103 636 48 PARKERSBURG DISTRICT. tfhites. col. prob. I. p. Parkersburg, 115 7 20 Elizabeth, 262 1 23 5 Riplev and Mill Creek, ... 200 . . 126 6 Point Pleasant 150 2 10 4 Spring Creek and Ka- nawha 223 1 8 3 Harrisville 444 2 40 7 Weston Union 172 1 16 2 New Martinsville, 216 5 20 3 Middlebourne, 161 ..10 I Sisterville, 180 2 25 1 Williamsport and Tyler,.. 291 3 51 3 Total,.... 2,41A 24 349 35 CHARLESTON DISTRICT. Charleston and Salines,... 172 125 109 Walnut Grove, 163 21 81 1 Guyandotte, 217 2 113 3 Wayne 259 6 62 5 Logan 439 6 65 2 Coal River 400 25 96 5 Fayette and Raleigh, 149 1 81 4 Summersville, 278 2 87 6 Suttonville, 374 ..24 2 Elk River and West Fork, 264 . . 35 2 Charleston Circuit, 147 2 52 1 Total, . , .2,862 190 805 31 VERirONT COXFEREXCE. Presiding elders, 3; elders, 41 ; deacons, 8 ; supernumeraries, 5; superannuated, 15 ; preach- ers remaining on trial, 9; preachers on trial, 1st year, 4 ; local preachers, 61; menobers, 7,003 white, 1,029 probationers, 8,032. Total, 8,178. MONTPELIER DISTRICT. mem. Montpelier, 95 Worcester, 60 East Montpelier, 57 Plainfield, 94 Moretown, 78 Middlesex, 65 Waitsfield, 85 Warren, 62 Rochester, 147 Pittsfield 98 Gavsville, 103 Bethel 86 Randolph 86 South Royalton, Tunbridge and Sharon, 163 Chelsea, 155 Corinth 106 East Corinth, 87 Bradford 127 West Bradford, 50 prob. I. p. 4 1 19 , , 9 1 5 , , 61 3 5 2 10 2 i 4 18 , , 9 2 17 1 2 2 10 21 1 7 , , 20 2 23 4 1 Williamstown, 140 Northfield, 1.39 Barre, 102 Berlin 56 Orange and Washington, 49 11 2 9 2 17 • • 4 • • 10 • • Total, ... .2,290 301 2J DANVILLE DISTRICT. Danville, 186 Peacham, 115 Groton, 46 Newbury, 196 St. Johnsbury, 77 East St. Johnsbury and Kirby,. 100 Lunenburg, 90 Guildhall, 120 Lvndon, 126 Sutton and Burke, 180 Barton and Glover, 93 Coventry, Newport, Browning- ton, and Charleston, 151 62 2 29 • • , , 1 26 2 10 -r • 14 3 10 2 3 2 14 • • 17 3 15 • • 10 142 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. mem. prob. I. p. Barton Landing, 19 13 Derby, 117 24 Holland and Morgan, 62 10 Westfield, 141 8 Irasburg, 70 15 Albany 120 13 South Hardwick, 56 19 Cabot 95 25 Calais 62 7 Craftsbury, 99 18 Walden 75 5 Total 2,396 367 16 SPRINGFIELD DISTRICT. Springfield and Chester, 227 Proctorsville, 76 Perkinsville 82 West Windsor and Felchville,. . 128 36 3 o 8 , , 17 2 Woodstock, 211 Barnard, 100 East Barnard, 155 Londonderry, 172 Winhall 105 North Wardsborough, 110 Newfane and Brookline, 68 Wilmington, 129 Marlborough, 30 Whitingham, Dover, 49 Green River, 32 Brattleborough, 80 Putney, 57 Athens, 107 Bellows Falls, 53 Hartland 113 Hartford and Norwich, 82 Union Village and Thetford,. . . 151 Total,. . .2,317 rob. I. p. 90 4 14 1 25 ,, 31 2 18 2 8 1 12 , , 35 2 5 • • 7 1 1 • * 10 2 4 2 13 1 1 • • 8 1 8 • • 8 , , 361 24 PITTSBURG CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 9 ; elders, 110 ; deacons, 17 ; supernumeraries, 4 ; superannuated, 15 ; preach- ers remaining on trial, 16 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 15; local preachers, 231 ; members, 31,583 white, 161 colored, 5,45-1 probationers, 37,198. Total, 37,615. PITTSBURG DISTRICT. whites. Pittsburg — Liberty street, 300 Smithfield street, 467 Wesley Chapel, 194 Asbury Chapel, 154 Welsh mission, 53 East Liberty 170 Braddocksfield, 104 M'Keesport, 145 Elizabeth 173 West Newton 303 Monongahela City, 167 col. prob. I. p. 3 16 11 4 3 15 13 5 11 30 UNIONTOWN DISTRICT. 3 4 Uniontown, 220 Brownsville, 193 Bridgeport, 121 Fayette Springs, 45 Addison 285 Centerville, 257 Redstone 291 Cookstown and Belle- vernon, 207 Fayette, 230 Greensborough, 176 Mount Morris, 197 Carmichaeltown, 235 8 1 7 15 8 20 62 22 81 40 12 30 25 75 To«a/,.... 2,457 20 397 Total,. .. .2,230 3 111 20 1 3 18 18 WHEELING DISTRICT. Wheeling — Fourth street, 329 30 14 3 North street 121 1 40 1 Chaplin street, 155 . . 28 . . whites. Ritchietown, 114 Ohio 273 Wellsburg 147 Washington, 301 Beallsville 520 Waynesburg, 383 Claysville 276 Triadel[phia 208 Elizabethtown, 140 Grave Creek, 406 Cannonsburg, 312 col. 5 9 14 1 3 2 prob. 35 19 7 48 177 223 13 18 159 99 BARNESVILLE Barnesville, St. Clairsville, Martinsville, Clarington, Woodsfield, Brownsville, Newport, Lowell, M'Connellsville, Sharon Somerfield, DISTRICT. 1,044 . . 518 1 261 4 365 130 24 40 91 197 42 86 141 31 345 I. p. 2 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 4 To«o/,.... 3,685 65 680 22 5 3 2 2 4 5 1 3 3 5 13 Total,.... 6,303 5 1,492 46 CAMBRIDGE DISTRICT. Washington and Cam- bridge 521 .. 154 3 Senecaville, 262 . . 48 4 Norwich 1,074 . . 329 3 Coshocton, 343 Flushing, 690 2 41 6 Cadiz 366 .. 9 1 Deervsille 482 3 210 2 New Philadelphia, 596 ..117 7 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 143 whites. Cumberland, 530 Westchester 800 proh. 3 col. 75 76 6TEUBENVILLE DISTRICT, Steubenville — South street, Ha inline Chapel. Richmond, Springfield, Knoxviile, Carrolton, VVellsville, Leesburg, Smithfield Warrentown, Georgetown, 300 186 286 383 418 317 137 596 351 160 232 Total, ... .3,366 BEAVER DISTRICT. Beaver, 127 Bridgewater, 118 Brighton, 385 Petersburg, 252 Salem, 371 Lima, 231 Canton, 354 Paris 374 Hanover, 219 New Lisbon, 92 Liverpool, 102 50 24 73 56 22 82 11 203 40 46 l.p. 1 6 Total,.... 5,6&i 8 1,059 33 607 15 15 , , 1 47 6 52 2 41 3 133 3 50 2 • • 3 , , 6 1 ALLEGHANY DISTRICT. Total,.... 2,6^ 5 378 27 whites, prob. col, l.p Alleghany — Beaver street, 450 South Common, 284 Chestnut street, INlanchester, 250 Sewickley, 150 Butler 143 Tarentum, 300 Birmingham, 127 South Pittsburg, 86 Chartiers, 249 Florence, 226 Temperanceville, 150 2 25 15 74 60 11 6 5 10 rota/,.... 2,415 8 190 28 BLAIRSVILLE DISTRICT. BlairsviUe, 371 . . 59 6 Johnstown, 188 ..52 1 Cambria mission, 38 . . 40 Somerset, 157 3 44 1 Ligonier, 430 3 51 3 Connellsville, 300 ..117 1 Murraysville, 182 ..10 3 Kittanning, 391 1 25 2 Elderton « 231 ..62 1 Georgeville, 180 . . 44 1 Indiana, 370 40 30 3 Total 2,838 47 534 22 EAST MAINE CONFERENCE. PRESiniNG ELDERS, 3; clders, 49; deacons, 11; supernumeraries, 2; superannuated, 12; preachers remaining on trial, 4 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 4 ; local preachers, 69 ; members, 8,296 white, 1,754 probationers, 10,050. Total, 10,204. BANGOR DISTRICT. mem. Bangor — Brick Chapel, 134 Summer street, 140 Brewer mission, 76 North Bangor and Upper Still- water, 38 West Hampden and Carmel,. . . 116 Di.xmont, 178 Harrnonv, 139 Guilford', 100 Exeter and Stetson, 102 Dexter 90 Corinth Ill Kirkland and Levant, 45 Palmyra and Corinna, 200 Orono, 62 Oldtown mission, 87 Frankfort mission, 78 West Frankfort 80 Hampden 174 Brown ville and Sebec, 123 Dover and Saugerville, 118 prob. l.p. 2 1 25 2 13 • • 32 25 4 29 4 25 1 8 2 16 o 9 . . 7 1 21 1 17 • • 14 1 32 28 t> 40 3 34 1 22 1 mem. Lincoln mission, . ,, 80 Patten mission, 51 Houlion, 73 Aroostook mission, 42 Total,. . .2,437 THOM ASTON DISTRICT. East Thomaston 134 Camden mission, 129 Belfast mission, 80 Searsport, 137 Searsmont, Lincolnville, and Northport, 350 Montville 106 East Hallowell and Windsor,.. . 136 West Pittston 46 East Pittston, 120 Dresden 152 Woolwich and Westport, 118 Georgetown and Arrowsic, . . . 114 Wiscassett, 158 Boothbay and Townsend, 187 prob. l.p. 32 3 17 1 39 ^ ^ 40 I 527 31 10 • • 65 2 12 , , 42 2 75 3 33 3 9 1 13 • • 40 , . 65 • • 18 1 2 • • 45 • • 37 1 IM PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. mem, Newcastle, 98 Damariscotta Bridge, 74 Bristol and Bremen, 275 Waldoborough, 78 '''riendshij), 103 Washington, 76 Union, 96 M'Lanes' Mills, 25 Unity 220 Winslow and Clinton, 202 East Vassalborough, 142 South Vassalborough, 125 Viualhaven, 76 Total,. . .3,557 prob. I. p. 8 30 2 10 • • 57 • • 11 2 32 1 16 , , 17 5 18 4 15 1 28 1 708 29 BUCKSPORT DISTRICT. Bucksport, 93 Orland mission, 44 12 North Bucksport, 170 26 mem. Orrington, 179 Orrington Center, 104 Penobscot, 145 Castine, 70 Brooks villa mission 116 Surry 117 Mount Desert, 134 Sullivan, 100 Steuben and Millbridge, 70 Cherryfield mission, 63 Columbia, 77 Machias mission, 220 Weston, 50 Milltovvn 87 Calais mission, 78 Robbinston and Pembroke,.. . . 198 Eastport mission, 49 Lubec and Vv^est Lubec, 138 Total,. . .2,302 519 prob. I, p. 40 .. 22 1 3 .. 13 .. 45 3 70 46 23 27 23 31 8 44 12 21 13 37 WlSCOIs^Sm CONFERENCE. Presiding klders, 7 ; elders, 36 ; deacons, 13 ; supernumeraries, — ; superannuated, 5 ; preachers remaining on trial, 24 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 24 ; local preachers, 207; members, 7,565 white, 10 colored, 2,295 probationers, 187 Indians, 10,057. Total, 10,373. PLATTEVI£X,E DISTRICT. Platteville, 130 70 Potosi, 40 19 Lancaster mission, 102 59 Patch Grove 82 10 Franklin, 128 89 Wyoming mission, 42 41 Arena mission, 77 47 Dodgeville and Linden,. . 194 101 Welsh mission, 16 2 Mineral Point, 137 40 Monroe 194 32 Exeter mission, 70 40 Hamilton Grove, 194 18 Council Hill, 450 150 Hazel Green, 164 12 Elk Grove, 69 28 Total,. . .2,089 758 MINESOTA DISTRICT. St. Paul's 41 6 St. Anthony's Falls mission, 29 . . Point Douglass mission,. . 20 . . Stillwater mission, 28 . . Chippewa River mission, Black River mission,. . . 19 Round Prairie mission,. . 41 Prairie du Chien mission, 35 Adams, 127 Prairie du Sac, 72 Total,. . .412 mem. prob. col. In. I. p. 2 17 19 27 18 FOND DU LAC DISTRICT Fond duLac 117 24 . Byron 90 14 . Mayville mission 68 8 . 5 1 1 ■i 1 6 8 • • 1 2 1 2 19 3 1 55 2 8 2 15 Lowell mission, 100 3 Beaver Dam mission,. . . 90 60 Waupun 141 19 Marcellon mission, 57 9 Welsh mission, 39 6 Kingston mission, 72 28 Plover mission 56 4 Fall River 228 83 Dartford, 100 44 Metoman, 63 7 Omro mission, 102 33 Oshkosh mission, 105 8 Appleron mission, 91 11 Oneida Indian mission,. . 3 . . Green Bay mission, 55 Brothertown Indian miss, 27 Manitowoc mission, 13 11 Sheboygan mission,, 31 2 Sheboygan Falls mission, 150 37 GreenBush, 50 32 mem. prob. col. In. I. p. 9 5 123 64 MILWAUKIE DISTRICT. Milwaukie — Spring street, 153 63 Reed street, 29 27 . Oak Creek, 48 12 . Root River, 69 11 . Grafton, 76 10 . West Bend, 136 40 . Albion, 64 . . . Sun Prairie, 70 20 . Aztalan, 136 57 . Watertown mission,.. . , 21 7 . Oconomewoc, 135 12 . Hartford mission, 21 25 . Bark River mission 51 4 . Palmyra, 145 55 . Waukesha 105 20 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 6 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 Total,. . .1,848 457 2 187 51 3 1 2 3 2 4 2 3 3 4 1 7 4 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY 145 mem. prob. col. In. I. p. Wauwatora, 183 13 3 .. 5 Lodi, 73 60 .. .. 1 Madison mission, 104 36 . . . . 5 JNorwegian mission, 69 Total,. . .1,619 541 6 . . 52 RACINE DISTRICT. Racine, 94 40 . . . . 1 Kenosha 84 60 . . . , 4 Sylvania, 267 95 2 . . 8 mem Geneva 224 Delevan, 154 Beloit, 73 Spring Valley mission,.. . 100 Janesville, 126 Union, 208 Milton, 130 Whitewater mission, 66 East Troy, 71 prob. col 19 73 37 29 15 30 42 3 In. Total,. . .1,597 450 2 • * 2 2 2 4 5 1 34 BLACK RITEIl CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 7; elders, 75; deacons, 18; supernumeraries, 4; superannuated, 14; preachers remaining on trial, 10 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 11 ; local preachers, 168 : members, 16,368 white, 2,544 probationers, 18,912. Total, 19,219. ROME DISTRICT. mem, Rome 208 Marcv, '''8 Floyd' 114 Oriskany mission, 50 Herkimer 101 Frankfort, 135 Lee 133 Delta 128 New London, 88 Newport 245 Fairfield 60 Little Falls 192 East Canada Creek, 352 Wilmurt mission, 100 Boonville, 246 Steuben 219 Welsh mission, 87 prob, I. p. 37 2 29 6 16 46 12 14 50 1 7 72 10 100 43 SYRACUSE DISTRICT. Syracuse, 211 Syracuse mission, 67 Salina 78 Liverpool, 50 Clay 118 Phoenix 80 North Manlius, 367 Central Square, 161 Williamstown, 142 Redfield 118 Camden, 199 Vienna, 244 Cleveland, 100 Pulaski, 228 Mexico, ." 271 Mexico circuit, 197 43 22 23 25 43 8 18 3 70 7 15 25 28 5 87 Total,. . .2,536 443 29 Total,. . .2,631 422 29 OSWEGO DISTRICT. Oswego — West Charge 176 86 .. East Charge, 187 26 . . Fulton, 251 30 3 prob. I' p. 10 9 94 6 31 2 54 • ■ 38 3 30 5 4 ■ • 15 • • 28 1 64 , ^ 26 2 50 2 35 3 23 • * 29 1 Palermo, 430 Hannibal, 351 Victory, 164 Cato 192 Martville 197 Red Creek, 124 Wolcott, 110 Rose, 149 Butler 182 Weedsport, 230 Jordan, 180 Lysander 220 Van Buren, 170 Baldwinsville, 131 Huron mission 75 Total,,,.. 3,519 673 37 ADAMs' DISTRICT. Adams, 156 Ellisburg, 60 Bellville, 140 Henderson, 43 Smithville 87 Snckett's Harbor, 119 Brownville, 78 Pillar Point, 172 Rodman, 183 Copenhagen, 175 Champion, 116 New Boston mission, 40 Lowville, 148 Martinsburg, 123 Turin, 188 Washingtonville, 222 New Bremen mission, 68 8 • • 1 • • 20 2 7 1 2 1 18 2 30 • • 50 1 10 2 26 • ■ 21 8 34 • • 5 1 8 • • 18 2 , , 2 22 1 Total,.,., 2,118 280 23 WATERTOWN DISTRICT. Watertown — Arsenal street, 178 State street, 162 Black River, 150 Evans' Mills, , 124 Pamelia Corners .'.^y...'. 35 15 32 25 2 2 8 13 146 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. mem. proh. I. p. Carthage 99 6 . . Natural Bridge, 155 43 2 Philadelphia, 61 14 2 Theresa 158 40 2 Alexandria 75 19 4 De Peauville, 148 25 3 Hammond, 157 13 5 Morristown, 131 71 DeKalb, 122 3 2 Russell mission, 75 Gouverneur, 137 50 Somerville and Sprague's Corners, 90 4 2 Edwards' mission, 75 13 Rossie mission, 50 20 Clayton 115 18 . . Three Mile Bay, 103 3 . . Cape Vincent mission. La Fargeville and Omer, 110 34 2 Total,..., 2,5m 448 30 POTSDAM DISTRICT. Potsdam, 194 15 Canton, 110 5 .. South Canton, 182 Buck's Bridge, 131 Norfolk 235 Massena, 156 Lisbon 120 Brasher 185 Fort Covington, 81 Bombay, 105 Malone", 213 Chateaugay, 190 West Stockholm, 122 Hopkinton, 160 Parishville mission, 152 Ogdensburg, 155 Heuvelton and De Peyster, 150 Moria 138 Bangor, 156 Westville mission, 67 St. Regis mission — whites, 14 " " Indians, 13 St. Lawrence mission, 26 prob. I. p. 9 3 5 .. 1 29 '2 22 13 "3 10 .. 19 10 28 10 20 18 12 13 3 3 15 8 2 2 1 Total,.... 3,05i 278 20 MAINE CONFERENCK Prksidinq elders, 3 ; elders, 67 ; deacons, 7 ; supernumeraries, 3 ; superannuated, 19 ; preachers remaining on trial, 6 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 4 ; local preachers, — ; members, 9,649 white, 1,497 probationers, 11,146. Total, 11,255. PORTLAND DISTRICT. mem. mem. prob. Portland- Chestnut street, 377 Pine street, 215 Cumberland 30 Yarmouth and Freeport, 50 Casco Bay Islands 59 West Cumberland, 64 Gray and Raymond, 127 Windham 25 Cape Elizabeth 93 Wells York and Scotland, 133 Kittery 104 Elliot 80 South Berwick, 62 Alfred, 131 Hollis 188 Newfield,. , , 60 W. Newfield,. 119 Baldwin, 159 Cornish, 78 Brown's Hill 51 Scarborough 65 Saco, 163 Biddeford 215 South Biddeford, 85 Berwick 62 Kennehunkport, 123 Kennebunk Center, 72 Kennebunk Village, 25 West Kennebunk, 43 Porter, 44 Buxton, 84 46 10 5 6 3 8 10 13 18 6 i9 51 15 35 18 4 7 5 39 80 6 22 2 3 7 4 8 North Gorham and Standish, 66 Stnndish Cape, 64 Gorham 65 Saccurappa, 101 prob. 13 30 12 30 Total, ... .2,482 535 GARDINER DISTRICT. Gardiner,.. 254 186 Richmond 107 1 Bowdoiiiham, 69 13 Bath 221 12 Phippsburg, 67 3 Brunswick, 65 Lisbon, 83 6 Durham 155 20 Pownal 126 65 East Poland, 90 10 Danville 79 7 Poland 101 3 Lewistown Falls mission, 43 14 Harrison and Naples, 98 16 Otisfield 76 11 Waterford, 101 4 Lovell, 160 18 Fryeburg 54 27 Bartlett, 80 4 Stowe 30 5 South Paris, 145 22 Oxford 42 5 Norway 114 15 North Paris, Bethel 246 3 Rumford, 157 3 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 147 metn. Peru 91 Livermore, 107 Monmouth, 142 prob. 11 15 9 Total,.... 2,10^ 514 READFIELD DISTRICT. Hallowell, 14D 41 Augusta, 262 45 East Readfield and Sidney, 132 15 Fairfield 101 11 Kendall's Mills, 70 15 Skowhegan, 128 17 Mercer and Norridgewock 1 16 14 New Sharon, 143 45 , fnem. prob. Solon 200 11 Industry yjo 24 New Portland and Anson, 281 67 Strong ]88 18 Pl'illips. 130 8 Salem mission, 32 Farmington, Jig 26 Wilton 190 27 Foyette, 250 11 Wayne, gg 22 Leeds 95 12 Kent's Hill mission, 57 3 Mount Vernon, 59 12 Winthrop, 88 4 Total,.,.. 2,0^ 448 ERIE CONFEREXGE. Presiding ELDKRS, 7; elders, 98; deacons, 18; supernumeraries, 3 ; superannuated, IG ; preach- ers remaining on trial. 11 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 14 ; local preachers, 231 ; members. 19 408 white, 2,959 probationers, 22,367. Total, 22,765. » . "" CLEVELAND DISTRICT. Cleveland — St. Clair street, 160 Erie street, 81 Newburg 303 Chagrin Falls, 350 Wiloughby, 216 Painesville 273 Chardon 296 Concord, 233 Geneva, 367 Ashtabula 103 Kingsville 302 Morgan, 383 metn. prob. I. p. 35 40 48 7 11 27 13 24 39 34 120 RAVENNA DISTRICT. Ravenna, 103 Franklin 141 Cuvahoga Falls 102 Akron 100 Middlebury 195 Cliarlestown, 53 Hudson, 62 Twinsburv, 107 Parkman,' 283 Freedom 180 Edinburg, 346 13 Total, 1,672 WARREN DISTRICT. Warren,. 136 Braceville 148 Windham, 74 Nelson, 46 Southington, 126 Mesopotamia, 358 Windsor 180 Ellsworth 240 Total, 3,067 398 36 Youngstown, 81 Poland 155 Hubbard, 279 Hartford, 281 Gustn vus, 365 Wiiliamsfield, 346 prob. 2 3 66 69 106 17 1 2 9 , , 16 4 1 1 7 , , 3 2 7 4 17 7 74 30 12 2 12 •• '7 i 61 5 20 • • 15 2 MEADVILLE DISTRICT. Me.idville, 300 Rockville 2i5 Wnterford, 167 Cassawaga 87 Seagertown, 324 Conneautvilie, 417 Salem 501 Clarkesville, 442 Greenville 105 Mount Jackson, 163 Wilmington, 247 Newcastle, 253 Mercer 180 Harrisviile, 146 10 3 12 6 150 72 57 45 4 31 61 49 16 89 .p. 2 1 2 4 2 Total 2,815 390 21 8 2 2 2 4 7 G 4 1 1 5 2 1 2 Total,.... 3,5i7 605 47 FRANKLIN DISTRICT. Franklin 175 27 1 Hendersonville, , 345 37 3 Clintonville 279 78 2 Curlsvilie 295 57 4 Mahoninir, 208 56 3 Brookville, 178 22 6 Clarion 142 9 .. Shippensville, 244 118 Washington, 150 50 4 Pleasantviile 248 23 3 Cooperstown, 2G9 209 3 Total, 2,733 685 31 148 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. JAMESTOWN DISTRICT. mem, Jamestown, 149 Ashville 272 Randolph, 182 Leon, 311 Gerry 225 Ellington, 145 Forrestville and Vilianoviu, 390 Silver Creek, 89 Perrysburg, 143 Fredonia 183 Portland, 197 Warren, 104 Youngsville, 140 Kenzua, 83 Tionesta and Ridgeway mission, 35 Total, 2,648 prob. I. p. 16 1 47 5 32 o 10 4 21 2 10 4 30 5 , , 22 34 o 24 1 41 ^ ^ 25 3 10 1 17 •• 344 25 ERIE DISTRICT. mem. prob. I. p. Erie 166 17 2 M'Kean and Girard, 329 38 6 Springfield 474 67 6 VVeslevville, 273 48 4 North East, 184 24 1 Quincv 144 33 2 Westfield 135 17 .. Harmony, 220 26 1 Wattsburg 393 62 8 Spring Creek mission, 170 90 1 Columbus, 166 15 7 Mayville, 272 26 3 Toto/,.... 2,926 463 41 ROCK EITER COXFEREXCE. Presiding eldeiis, 7; elders, 69; deacons, 15; supernumeraries, — ; superannuated, 10; preachers remaining on trial, 17 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 17 ; local preachers, 262; members, 14,854 white, 14 colored, 3,617 probationers, 18,485. Total, 18,882. CHICAGO DISTRICT. whites, prob. Chicago — Clarke street 365 6 Canal street 124 10 Ind iana street, 44 17 Union Ridge mission, 56 5 Wheeling, 233 57 Waukegan, 123 22 Liberty ville, 200 25 Elgin 142 86 Dundee 126 46 Napierville, 160 43 Flag Creek, 50 10 Total,.... 1,6^ 327 OTTOWA DISTRICT. Ottowa, 75 4 Newark 316 20 Plainfield, 168 59 Joilet, 37 15 Lockport, 114 31 Kankakee, 67 15 Horse Creek, 43 58 Middleport 434 37 Wilmmgton, 145 47 Livingston, 116 43 Mazon 95 30 Peru mission 53 6 Total,.... I,m3 365 PEORIA DISTRICT. Peoria station, 205 36 Farmin^ton, 448 83 Brimfield 236 73 Chillicothe, 155 94 Lancaster, 162 123 Pekin 53 33 eol. I. p. 3 1 1 • • 2 3 1 2 4 5 3 1 1 4 23 1 1 8 3 1 1 4 1 4 8 3 3 2 1 39 4 . . 9 1 2 • • • • • • 1 • • 2 whites. Groveland, 146 Washington, 266 Ijacon, 147 Hennipin 200 Pleasant Hill, 175 Mackinaw mission, 123 prob. 38 37 44 31 41 Total 2,315 633 KNOXVILLE DISTRICT. Knoxville, 496 136 Abington, 194 86 Canton 280 56 Centerville, 226 34 Lewistown, 130 2 Marietta 360 103 Macomb 309 70 Carthage, 199 39 Nauvoo, 51 24 Laharp, 225 36 Oquaka 200 38 Monmouth, 350 110 Total,.... 3,020 729 ROCK ISLAND DISTRICT. Rock Island, 100 Camden, 205 New Boston, 179 Lafayette, Wethersfield 173 Swede mission, 176 Henry, 209 Princeton, 261 Troy Grove, 76 Prophetstown, 125 Union Grove, 155 Moiine, 117 eol. I. p. 3 5 2 6 6 3 43 2 4 2 5 3 6 5 3 1 8 39 20 . ■ • • 20 . 7 45 . 1 19 .. 4 32 . 1 63 . 6 33 4 5 20 . 1 53 . 2 2 . 5 56 . 2 Total,.... 1,716 303 4 34 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. U9 MOUNT MORRIS DISTRICT, tvhites. prob. Mount Morris 299 93 Rockford, 218 51 Roscoe 150 14 Sugnr River 257 68 Freeport mission, 96 46 Cedar Creek, 227 236 Millville mission, 35 19 Galena 158 112 VVupello 93 27 Elizabeth 93 54 Mount Carroll, 105 14 Buffalo Grove, 193 22 eol. 1 Total 1,924 753 •^8 4 4 8 1 3 1 3 1 37 BELVIDERE DISTRICT. whites, prob. eol. I. p. Belvidere, 92 6 .. 4 Cherry Valley, 183 36 . . 3 Svcamore, 291 79 . . 7 Lighthouse Point, 242 34 . . 5 Dixon 113 85 .. 3 Lee Center, 128 27 . . 2 Little Rock 141 25 . . 3 St.Charles 347 32 .. 4 Paw Paw mission, 102 23 . . 2 Crystal Lake, 394 32 . . 9 M'Henrv, 182 20 .. 2 Chemung, 318 45 . . 3 Total,.... 2,533 444 47 ONEIDA COXFEREXCE. Presiding elders, 8 ; elders, 124 ; deacons, 18 ; supernumeraries, 4 ; superannuated, 27 ; preach- ers remaining on trial, 12 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 19 ; local preachers, 223 ; members, 25,532 white, 4,827 probationers, 30,359. Total, 30,794. ' CAZENOVIA DISTRICT. mem. prob. I. p. Cazenovia, 278 33 1 Manlius, 158 16 Favetteville, 88 11 2 Ca'millus 107 18 .. Marcellus, 119 27 2 Onondaga, 206 32 4 Cardiff; 400 60 3 Fabius, 75 3 Preble 75 4 .. Tully, 91 11 1 Truxton 189 36 5 Woodstock, 87 32 .. Delphi 55 99 1 Georgetown, 239 30 1 Morrisville, 244 110 3 Hamilton, 106 3 .. Madison 110 68 1 Stockbridge, 160 158 2 Lenox,...-. 367 18 7 Chittenango 120 2 1 Oneida Indian mission, 60 28 1 Ononduga Indian mission, 55 TotoZ,.... 3,389 799 35 ONEIDA DISTRICT. Sauquoit, 300 Utica— Bleeker street, 320 State street 123 Welsh mission, 46 New York Mills, 260 New Hartford 106 Clinton, 75 Hampton, 145 Lowell, 100 Verona, 121 Vernon, 69 Vernon Center, 63 Augusta, 94 Deansville, 83 36 75 , , 20 14 44 39 ii • " 3 • • 13 80 68 2 Winfield 125 Brookfield, 95 Litchfield, 169 Warren,. 108 Oneida mission, 37 proh. I. p. 16 .. 27 7 2 38 CHENANGO DISTRICT. Norwich, Oxford Smyrna, Plymouth, Earlville, , Sherburne, Guilford Mount Upton, Bainbridge, Coventry, South New Berlin Cincinnatus, North Pitcher, East Hamilton, M'Donough and Smithville,.. . New Berlin. Triangle and Whitney's Point, 156 125 133 128 120 190 204 121 376 39 120 160 116 126 112 120 146 24 17 23 5 10 10 45 39 148 30 9 74 75 22 27 56 2 OTSEGO DISTRICT. Otsego 108 Milford 186 Cooperstown, 74 Middlefield and Westville 234 Cherry Valley, 98 Ames, 194 Frevsbush, 174 Springfield, 109 Hartwick, 184 Laurens, 152 Oneonta, 92 Exeter 186 1 4 1 Total,.... 2,4.3^ 553 24 1 1 1 2 2 2 Tota/,.... 2,492 616 13 • • 1 3 3 23 • • 27 1 10 2 5 1 , , 4 1 1 5 1 11 1 4 1 14 3 13' 150 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Westford, 175 Decatur 142 Richmondville, 109 Louisville, 103 Gilbertsville, 122 Otego, 225 Total,. . .2,667 I. p. prob. 9 2 25 17 3 19 178 24 NEWARK DlSTRlGf. Owego, . . i i J 1 ; 4 i J i t i i . i i i i i I ■ "^17 10 1 Newark, 154 32 .. Candor, 139 28 1 Barton 297 104 6 Berkshire, 104 JO .. Nevvfield 183 12 1 Slatersville 202 40 2 North Danby 146 44 1 Spencer and South Danby 180 21 1 Flemingville, Ill 45 Speedsville 142 59 .. Cavuta 230 99 4 Union, 264 30 6 Marathon, 133 19 Freetown, 133 10 .. Dryden, 107 10 .. Virgil 183 17 1 TotaZ,.... 2,925 590 24 CAYUGA DISTRICT. Auburn 309 Skaneateles, 156 Elbridge mission, 80 Ithaca 355 Cortlandville, 144 M'Crawville 87 Homer, 168 Cayuga, 80 North Lansing, 75 Ledyard 132 Groton, 134 M'Lean 106 Moravia, 140 Varna 148 Scipio 123 Aurora, 104 Mentz 300 Port ByroH, 72 Owasco, 115 7 2 45 2 2 [42 3 56 , , 27 1 88 , , 10 2 45 8 , , 5 2 41 • • 39 , , 3 1 10 1 21 • • 12 • • 4 , , 6 1 mem. prob, I. p. Summerhiil, 86 12 Spafford, 119 22 1 Amber, 139 8 3 Asbury, 242 20 ., Total,.... 3AH 633 19 BUSQUEIIANNAH DISTRICT. Binghamton 4l5 Broome, 232 Greene, 192 Page Brook 260 Windsor mission, 137 Conklin, 174 Osborn Hollow, 179 Lanesborough, 290 Brooklyn 439 Dundaff, 147 Montrose 193 Leraysville, 290 Orwell, 406 Nichols, 335 Vestal 355 Conklin Forrest mission, 102 90 17 5 51 11 45 8 63 71 41 62 35 19 82 10 4 WYOMING DISTRICT. Wilkesbarre 350 Newport and Blackman's Mines mission, 104 Wyoming, 126 New Troy, 119 Northmoreland, 543 Pittston, 265 Providence, 12.5 Abington 332 Carbondale, 141 Canaan, 125 Salem, 207 Honesdale 243 Bethany and Mount Pleasant, . . 223 Beach Pond 212 Hawley mission, 131 Lackawuxen mission, 82 Skinner's Eddy, 192 Springville 336 Mehoopany, 124 Tunckhannock, 80 22 14 16 24 146 30 15 168 40 46 63 30 35 31 2 13 27 95 10 11 7 3 2 o 4 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 6 3 1 Total,.... 4,UQ 614 49 6 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 Total 4,060 844 35 NORTH OHIO CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 8; elders, 90; deacons, 24; supernumeraries, 4; superannuated, 11; preachers remaining on trial, 12; preachers on trial, 1st year, 22 ; local preachers, 270 ; members, 24,763 white, 21 colored, 3,265 probationers, 28,049. Total, 28,490, DELAWARE DISTRICT. WHITES. mem. prob. Delaware, 407 Richwood, 402 16 Kenton, 545 83 Cherokee 201 37 Marseilles, 331 12 Upper Sandusky 78 6 COLORED. mem. prob. I. p. 6 7 10 1 1 VPHITEg. mem. prob. Mount Gilead 590 3.5 Chesterville, 570 72 Galena, 486 6 Waldo, 385 26 Marion, 209 37 Welsh mission 18 1 Total 4,222 331 COLORED. mem. prob. ■'6 7 7 1 1 50 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORy. 151 MOUNT VERNOX DISTRICT. WHITES. niern. Mount Vernon, 231 Amity 484 Murtinsburg, 477 Enst Union, 383 Tloscoe 804 Newcornerstown, ... 368 Keene 199 Nnshville 398 .Teromeville, 415 Frederick 481 prob. CO 132 120 61 141 81 23 10 22 COLORED. mem. prob. Total 4,240 6.^5 WOOSTER DISTRICT Wooster, 170 Daltnn 360 Mnssillon 92 Cannl Dover 252 Ph.inesviHe 210 Miilerslxirsr, 396 Fredericksburg, 207 Congress 425 Western Star, Ill Richfield 290 Mount Eaton, 180 20 20 4 17 39 80 10 49 5 10 20 Total,.... %G93 274 ELYRIA DISTRICT. Elvria 110 3 Dfner 152 27 OhioCity 109 6 Brooklyn, 116 Beren, ". 320 19 Brunswick, 310 25 Medina 339 20 Amherst 331 30 Florence 320 20 Vermilion, 77 17 Baldwin Institute, rota/,....2,184 167 TIFFIN DISTRICT. Tiffin 160 Republic 227 Beilevue 267 Norwalk, 76 Milan 282 Sandusky City, 147 Fremont, 344 Risdon, 306 I. p. 3 7 4 3 4 o 1 2 6 5 37 4 1 4 1 26 26 7 2 9 3 40 3 17 1 37 3 22 1 37 5 33 . 2 Oregon mission,. . Melmore, 342 Bucyrus, 306 WWTKS. mem. prob. 358 J20 17 37 COLORED. mem. prob. 2 .. Total 2,815 376 MAUMEE DISTRICT. Maumee, Toledo Sylvania," Chesterfield, Bryan, Evansport mission,. , Defiance mission,... Gilboa mission, Findlny, Wood mission, Perrysburg mission,. 90 74 255 236 18 4 40 26 394 122 133 12 214 268 455 163 69 9 73 56 32 12 2 ■ • 1 Total,.... 2,356 404 SIDNEY DISTRICT. Total 3,263 600 MANSFIELD DISTRICT. Mansfield, 265 Belleville, 345 Gnllion 223 Olivesburg, 483 Plymouth 437 Fairfield 399 Wellington, 263 Sullivan, 184 Orange 200 Ashland, 191 40 49 1 57 120 87 16 68 20 Total 2,990 458 I. p. 5 2 6 33 3 2 4 4 4 3 2 2 4 2 3-1 30 Sidnev 185 14 2 3 Port Jefl^erson, 343 100 • • 2 Palestine, 253 51 • • 6 Greenville, 174 25 • • 4 Fort Recovery mission, 223 88 • • 4 St. Mary's mission,. . 185 25 • • 2 Vanwert and Sec. 10, 420 58 • • 3 Lima, 595 83 2 7 Wapaukonnetta mis- sion 145 42 1 1 Bellefontaine, 213 37 • * 2 West Liberty, 527 77 2 5 39 2 4 3 1 4 5 3 5 I 1 29 IOWA COXFEREXCE. FREsiniNG ELDERS, 6; elders, 39; deacons, 5; supernumeraries, — ; superannuated, 2; preachers remaining on trial, 5; preachers on trial, 1st year, 17 ; local preachers, 146 ; members 10,005 white, 16 colored, 2,291 probationers, 12,312. Total, 12,532. * DE6MOINES DISTRICT. tchites, prob. Keokuk 145 34 Mount Rose 187 60 Farmington, 103 53 Winchester, 385 9 eol. I. p. 2 4 1 5 tchites. Birmingham, 449 Keosauqua, 125 Ottumwa, 300 Eddyville 200 Oskaloosa, 223 prob. col. I. p. 85 10 25 1 80 3 34 5 43 4 152 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. whites, prob. Pittsburg, 303 60 Bloomfield, Centerville, 165 31 Knoxville 497 94 Albia, 313 53 Total, 3,400 661 BURLINGTON DISTRICT. Burlington City 285 63 Burlington City mission, Fort Madison, 169 West Point, 282 14 New London, 484 33 Yellow Springs 269 100 Crawfordsville, 400 30 Mount Pleasant, 322 8 Fairfield, 187 108 Brighton, 275 40 Locust Grove, Grand View, 162 60 Totrt/,.... 2,835 456 IOWA CITY DISTRICT. Iowa City mission, 86 2 West Liberty, Washington, 210 29 Montezuma, 176 82 Newton 89 709 Three Rivers, Fort Desmoines, i 123 28 Boone mission, 88 15 Meringo, 101 60 col. 9 9 I. p. 5 3 1 3 1 5 4 2 5 4 2 4 5 4 39 ichiici. Cedar Rapids 67 Council Bluffs, 95 prob. 24 28 eol. I. p. Total,.... \fi2?> 2m 2 14 DUBUQUE DISTRICT. Dubuque City, 174 72 Bellevue,. . ," 127 74 Mequoketa, 154 47 Snbula, 101 1 Dewitt mission, 79 18 Davenport, 98 14 Leclare 134 37 Tii)ton 163 13 Fairport, 118 60 Muscatine, 189 20 97 50 UPPER IOWA DISTRICT. Cascade, 107 10 Ananiosa, 90 80 Mount Vernon, 180 40 Marion 140 20 Big Woods 39 3 Otter Creek 65 9 Yellow River mission, 76 22 Garnaville, 171 40 Colesbury, 163 27 Dubuque circuit, 270 140 TVtaZ,.... 1,301 391 1 5 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 Total,.... l,A-o\ 406 3 20 4 3 2 2 3 2 9 26 EAST- GEXESEE CONFEREXCE. Presiding elders, 6 ; elders, 84 ; deacons, 11 ; supernumeraries, 7 ; superannuated, 17 ; preach- ers remaining on trial, 10; preachers on trial, 1st year, 1; local preachers, 152; members, 15,806 white, 2,872 probationers, 18,678. Total, 18,966. GENEVA DISTRICT. mem. Lyons, 221 Ciyde 129 Junius, 180 Waterloo 155 Seneca Falls, 170 Canoga 206 Sheldrake and Covert, 82 Ovid, 120 Lodi 173 Townsendville, 69 Trumansburg, 195 Jacksonville, 110 Vienna, 198 Bellona 86 Penn Yan 190 Milo and Dresden, 215 Geneva, 206 prob. I. p. 86 24 54 23 8 3 9 , , 4 . , 3 25 o 7 , , 61 o 1*^ 7 , , 1 , ^ 32 2 30 1 Tofa/,.... 2,705 377 18 ROCHESTER DISTRICT. mem. prob. I. p. St. John's .360 " Thi.d Church, 112 North street, 62 Penfield, 138 Webster 175 Pullney ville, 190 Walworth, 219 Pulmvra Ill Port Gibson, 1.36 Newark, 194 Castleton and Manchester, 168 Canandaigua, 141 V ictor, 257 Pittsford, 86 Sodus 160 Fairville and Lock Berlin, 262 20 26 11 21 90 90 29 26 70 13 28 3 13 10 79 76 3 3 1 1 i 1 Total,. .. .2,111 605 28 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 153 LIMA DISTRICT. mem. prob. I. p. Lima, 169 '" Honeoye Falls, 141 Rush and Henrietta, 157 Rochester, First Church, 243 Avon, 100 Livonia, 140 Conesus, 100 Dansvilie, 184 Springwater and Canadice, 126 Geneseo, 57 Groveland, 63 Mount Morris, 131 Ridge, 48 Nunda, 240 Granger, 148 Angelica, 155 Rogersville, 184 37 27 25 19 2 ■7 12 3 4 45 11 1 91 15 22 Total 2,386 321 BATH DISTRICT. Bath, 163 21 Avoca 286 23 Coshocton, 269 38 Naples, 195 Middlesex 177 97 Coke's Chapel and Bristol, 127 20 Hopewell, 106 39 Rushville, 150 150 Bethel, 95 8 Benton, 145 3 Potter, 118 7 Jerusalem, 260 5 Prattsburg 40 18 Hammondsport, 148 12 Hornelsville, 155 55 34 Total, 2,434 496 20 CORNING DISTRICT, Corning, 133 Caton, 36 7 5 mem. prob. I. p. Addison 82 6 1 West Addison, 139 51 .. Painted Post, 91 26 Jasper, 204 48 2 Whitesville 249 23 6 Ulysses mission, 92 75 1 Chatham mission, 86 80 3 Knoxville mission, 175 17 3 Wellsborough, 129 56 Tioga, 101 27 .. Covington mission, 79 8 1 Columbia, 183 34 3 Orange 222 27 6 Jefferson, Ill 5 1 Tyrone, 155 19 4 Starkey, 107 .. .. Dundee, 191 44 Barrington, 66 Total,. . .2,631 563 31 ELMIRA DISTRICT. Elmira, 320 15 2 Southport, 92 18 1 .lackson, 153 96 2 VVellsburg mission, 77 4 .. Burlington, 319 111 3 Springfield, 126 20 1 Towanda,. 148 88 1 Loyalstock mission, 140 37 1 Cherry, 98 35 .. Canton, 183 10 4 Catharine, 130 8 1 Hector, 211 6 2 Mecklenburg, 174 23 Havana, 86 . . 1 Enfield, 89 6 .. Millport, 148 10 .. Chemung, 235 13 1 Fairport and Big Flat 150 10 1 Total,. . .2,879 510 21 NORTH INDIANA CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 12; elders, 72; deacons, 25; supernumeraries, 1; superannuated, 10; preachers remaining on trial, 19 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 24 ; local preachers, 289 j members, 26,949 white, 37 colored, 5,189 probationers, 32,175. Total, 32,627. GREENCASTLE DISTRICT. WHITES. mem. prob. Greencnstle — First Charge 140 36 Second Charge,.. . 150 1 Terre Haute — Asbnry Chapel,.. . 165 10 North Chapel, 115 6 Vigo 169 4 Numa 235 4 Little Walnut, 213 42 Rockville 175 7 Rockville^ircuit, ... 600 64 Russelville, 319 42 COLORED. m.evi. prob. I. p. 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 COIX>RKD. mem. prob. WHITES. mem. prob. Bainbridge 248 16 Greencastle circuit,.. 302 38 Clinton, 285 8 Total,. . .3,116 27^ 5 INDIANAPOLIS DISTRICT. Indianapolis — Roberts' Chapel, . . 363 69 . . Depot mission, . . . 134 33 Danville, 339 46 .. Augusta, K. . . . 390 30 Westfield 350 129 4 3 1 29 9 2 5 154 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. WRTTKg. COLORED * mem. prob. mem. prob. I. p. Noblesville, 363 76 Allisonville, 314 Pendleton, 176 Anderson, 379 Fall Creek, 176 62 80 30 30 Greenfield, 428 304 .. Total,. . .3,712 889 5 CENTERVILLE DISTRICT. Centerville 148 16 1 Richmond 230 15 Williamsburg, 300 60 1 Winchester, 346 140 .. Windsor, 275 73 Miincie, 311 13 Hagerstown, 235 45 Cambridge and Dub- lin 294 25 .. Newcastle 270 100 1 Knightstown, 261 132 .. Total,. . .2,670 619 3 MARION DISTRICT. Peru, 148 20 Miami 324 92 Marion, 330 66 Hartford 414 103 Granville, 610 156 Portland, 251 21 Warren, 173 25 La Gro 90 18 Wabash 214 55 North Manchester, . . 103 38 Wesley, 201 32 Total,. . .2,858 626 LOGANSPORT DISTRICT liO^ansport, 158 19 Rossville 309 82 Frankfort 340 168 Tipton mission,. . .. 336 18 Kokomo, 300 106 Rock Creek mission, 200 25 Paw Paw, 190 Mexico 220 Rochester, 226 Pleasant Grove 414 Plymouth mission, . . 183 Lockport, 117 30 60 14 54 32 44 Total,. . .2,993 652 I CRAWFORDSVILLE DISTRICT. Crawfordsville, 165 5 Covington, 76 27 Ladoga, 307 24 2 Attica 496 123 .. Newtown, 365 53 Romney, 191 19 Dayton, 413 42 .. Lebanon, 360 20 Middletown, 261 36 . . 32 2 3 3 30 1 7 1 2 10 2 3 3 3 2 34 5 1 2 5 4 2 5 3 1 1 1 33 WHITKS. mem. prob. Lodi mission, 90 16 North Salem 403 63 COLORED. mem. prob. Total,. . .3,147 428 2 LAFAYETTE DISTRICT. Lafayette — Western Charge,. . 150 6 Eastern Chnrge,.. . 212 20 Delphi and Pittsburg, 90 10 Monticello 250 60 Rensselaer, 352 113 Harrisonville, 238 31 Poolsvilie, 104 53 Independence, 363 21 Williamsport, 153 71 Perrysville, 226 44 Newport, 275 . 11 Total,. . .2,473 440 LAPORTE DISTRICT Lnporte, 174 51 Michigan City miss., 41 9 Crown Point,." 178 52 Valparaiso, 285 77 Union 312 27 Kingsbury mission,.. 30 45 Byron ]P0 32 Whitehall, 175 24 South Bend, 153 33 Mishawnka 194 120 St. Josejjh's mission, 68 18 Total,. . .1,790 488 FORT WAYNE DISTRICT. I. p. 1 6 34 2 i>4 Fort Wayne 119 For Wayne mission,. .50 Spencerville, 187 Allen 232 Columbia 292 Huntington, 195 Ossian, 150 Bluffton 227 New Corydon mission, 93 Decatur 205 Monmouth, 217 20 15 33 43 12 21 12 04 38 98 50 11 Total,.... 1,'JG7 406 11 LAGRANGE DISTRICT, Lagrange, $280 Lima 149 Bristol, 231 Goshen, 249 Leesburg, 211 Warsaw, 255 Albion 122 Lisbon mission, 145 Auburn. 285 Angola mission, 179 Orland, 117 19 23 15 28 27 49 36 20 74 4i) 27 Total 2,223 363 2 29 PAKT I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY loo inSSOIJRI CONFERENCE. Presidino elders, 6; elders, 17; deacons, 9; supernumeraries, — ; superannuated, 1 ; prench- ers remaining on trial. 15 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 16 ; local preachers, 79 ; members, 4,537 white, 170 colored, 901 probationers, 5,608. Total, 5,751. ST. LOUIS DISTRICT. WHITES. COLORED. mem. prob. mem.prob. I. p. Ebenezer, 220 32 . . .. 1 Mound 26 5 .. .. 2 South St. Louis,. ... African, 107 14 3 Selma 220 190 3 ., 3 Beilevue, 35 6 Fredericktown 95 18 3 .. 3 Cape Girardeau, .. .. 95 13 .. .. 3 Bloomfieid, 50 30 .. .. 1 Steelville, 150 27 1 .. .. Total,.... mi 321 114 14 16 ARKANSAS DISTRICT. Batesville 161 43 .. .. 5 Greenbrier 36 21 .. ., 3 North Fork 36 Dardinel 18 11 .. .. 1 Fort Smith, 75 70 7 . . 2 Van Buren, Washington, Huntsviile, Neosho, 50 10 Sarcoxie 193 21 4 .. 1 Springfield 122 8' 1 .. 3 Bentonville, 76 17 Total,.... 107 201 12 .. 15 INDEPENDENCE DISTRICT. Pleasant Green, 190 Columbus, 96 Lexington, Independence, 61 Harrisonville, 106 Miami, 50 Fremont, 56 Warsaw, 20 Osage 29 Versailles, 89 , ^ 4 1 4 • • •• 8 1 8 2 6 1 4 2 6 . , , 11 1 9 . 2 WHITES. COLORED. mem., prob. mem. prob. l.p. Gasronnde, 140 14 1 .. 1 Richland, 72 19 Total, 839 89 6 PLATTE DISTRICT. Indian mission, 192 4 Western 65 St. Joseph, 132 32 Oregon 68 Maryville 72 6 Rochester 42 Plnttsville, 74 4 Liberty, 45 20 Total, 690 66 GRAND RIVER DISTRICT. Galatin 105 Mavsville, (not rep.) Alliens 181 Princeton, HI Milton 97 Linens, 170 Bethany, 136 26 15 30 16 30 23 Total, 800 140 12 12 HANNIBAL DISTRICT. Hannibal, 85 14 Lagrange, 41 8 Lanctister 106 31 3 Bloomington, .32 She^bvville 63 .. 6 AshleV 46 14 3 Louisiana, (not rep.) Troy 79 17 .. Chambersburg, 98 Mexico, (not rep.) . . Total, 550 84 12 10 7 6 2 1 3 23 2 3 1 MICinGAN CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 8; elders, 80; deacons, 21 ; supernumeraries, 2 ; superannuated, 12; preachers remaining on trial, 11 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 37 ; local preachers, 190; members, 14,734 white, 723 Indians, 2,095 jjrobationers, 17,552. Total, 17,893. DETROIT DISTRICT. WHITES. tnem, prob. Detroit — ." First Church 212 51 Second Church, . . 163 50 Lafayette street, . . 79 15 IWDIAUfS. mem. prob. l.p. 2 3 3 WHITES. mem. prob. Birmingham, 2.55 45 Pontiac, 112 45 Utica 193 16 Mount Clemens, .... 78 10 New Haven, 92 8 Dearbornville 279 43 INDIANS. mem, prob. I 3 156 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. WHITES. INDIANS. ^ mem. prob. mem. prob. I. Farmington, 323 47 St. Clair,... 142 Port Huron, 65 17 Lexington, 80 25 Total, 2,073 372 .. ANN ARBOR DISTRICT. Ann Arbor, 226 27 . . . . Ypsilanti, 151 5 Plymouth 321 49 .. Northville, 96 Milford 265 Livingston, 2G6 42 Ingham, 200 30 . . Dexter, 102 Jackson, 75 5 Grass Lake, 171 34 Manchester, 227 21 .. Saline 173 20 .. .. Tofa/,.... 2,273 2H3 ., .. MONROE DISTRICT. Monroe, 78 5 D undee, 245 . 15 OakviUe, 1(>3 28 Flat Rock, 175 26 Trenton 47 7 Tecumseh, 224 48 Franklin, 1(0 13 Palmyra, 84 12 Adrian, 265 24 Medina 280 91 Rome 263 36 Hudson 22) 14 Hillsdale 49 26 South Hillsdale, 105 5 Tofa/,....2,303 350 MARSHALL DISTRICT. Marshall ....142 13 .. Albion 175 5 .. South Albion, 390 30 Tompkins, 250 58 Eaton 280 61 .. Battle Creek, 239 12 Burlington, 365 40 .. •.. Litchfield, 357 47 Coldwater 103 3 . . Girard, 126 12 Gilead, 85 24 .. Nottaway Ind'n mis. 2 . . 108 47 rota/,.... 2,514 305 108 47 3 22 3 5 3 5 1 2 2 2 2 4 24 40 KALAMAZOO DISTRICT. WHITES. INDIANS. mem. prob. mem. prob. I. Kalamazoo, 97 5 Climax 137 34 .. Schoolcraft, 83 8 Centerville, 424 37 .. .. Constantine, 154 8 Edwardshurg,.. 300 5 Niles 100 8 .. Berrien, 300 58 St. Joseph, 89 30 .. .. Paw Paw, 100 5 . . Wayne, 127 22 .. .. TofaZ,. . .1,911 220 .. .. GRAND Rn'ER DISTRICT. Grand Rnpids, 104 14 Paris, 100 16 Talmadge 132 10 .. Muskegon, Flat River 253 48 .. Hastings, 145 88 AUesan, 117 41 .. Otsego, 107 18 . . Lyons, 233 62 . . Pewitt 126 43 . . Duplains 126 10 .. .. Lansing, 75 20 Bennington 120 19 Shiawassee, 146 44 TotaZ,. . .1,784 433 .. FLINT DISTRICT. Flint 120 10 .. Genesee 386 11 Sngnnaw 32 4 Fentonville, 285 35 Oxford, 195 36 Hadley, 129 36 .. Lapeer, 116 2 Almont 175 1 Lakeville, 105 16 .. Rmneo, 180 6 Richmond 72 15 Kazier Indian mis., 270 Janesville Ind. mis., 157 12 12 Total,.... \, 1^5 172 427 24 INDIAN MISSION DISTRICT. Sault St. Marie, 5 .. 58 10 Kewawenon, 30 . . 44 1 Sand V Lake and Mill Lac 2 . . 4 Eagle River, 32 10 Ontonagon, 12 1 1 1 9 1 1 6 3 2 25 1 6 2 1 4 3 4 3 o 1 2 2 '2 2 25 Total,. 81 10 106 11 GENESEE CONFEEENCE. Presiding ELDERS, 5; elders, 59; deacons, 12; supernumeraries, 2; superannuated, 7; preachers remaining on trial, 12 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 5 : local preachers, 119 : members, 9,761 white, 1,095 probationers, 10,856. Total, 11,077. PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 157 GENESEE DISTRICT. mem. prob. /. p. Batavio, 10-2 Stafford, 54 3 2 LeRoy 140 1 3 Scottsville 56 8 1 Chili and Churchville, 173 10 3 Byron, 46 8 Elba 45 7 1 Caryville 98 14 4 Alabama, 129 4 1 Murray, 150 1 2 Brockport, 128 21 1 Ogden 125 3 1 Parma 232 19 1 Chirkton, 122 9 1 Kendall, 228 23 2 Covington, 282 25 2 Pavilion, 65 3 Total, 2,175 159 25 NIAGARA DISTRICT. 7 -'- ->-. 207 74 227 21 ^ : : 79 4 niv. 174 4 Mil'.v ".le 203 45 Knowlesville, 125 4 Albion 176 3 JtVi;st Carlton 101 4 ■"_ ates 148 2 tyymerset, 79 8 *fewfune, 188 12 Wilson 150 22 Youngstown, 100 4 Cambria, 121 27 Niagara Falls mission, 64 8 Tonawanda, 153 8 Pekin 117 4 Total,.... 2,^12 254 31 BUFFALO DISTRICT. Buffalo— Ningara street, 145 12 2 Swan street, 225 23 2 mem, prob. I. p. Elk street, Pearl street, 170 23 2 Seneca street mission, 14 Black Rock, 40 2 .. Williamsville, 55 17 Clarence, 80 10 2 Akron 116 26 1 Eden and Hamburg, 228 28 3 Aurora, 149 15 1 Lancaster, 92 20 Wales, 105 19 2 Java 158 15 2 Darien, 69 10 1 Attica, 92 7 1 Alexander, 103 2 1 Bethany mission, 61 2 .. Wyoming, 87 18 .. Warsaw, 93 3 2 Gainsville, 181 73 4 Castile 179 10 1 Perry, 156 7 2 Total,, . .2,598 342 29 RUSHFORD DISTRICT. Portageville mission, 46 Centerville 121 Belfast, 234 Cuba 63 Friendship, 223 Bolivar 97 Cowdersport mission, 95 Olean 250 Frnnklinville, 260 Ellicottville, 103 Otto 154 Gowanda, 64 Collins, 101 Springville, 146 Sardinia, 75 Pike 104 Rushford 225 Smithport 120 Tunungwant mission, 95 39 21 19 30 9 16 15 12 16 23 16 ii 14 20 74 1 3 1 4 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 5 I 3 Total, 2,576 340 34 OHIO CONFEPtEXCE. PRKSiDiNa ELDERS, 18; cldcrs, 178; deacons, 54; supernumeraries, 5 ; superannuated, 13; preach- ers remaining on trial, 26 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 22 ; local preachers, 524 ; members, 60,713 white, 415 colored, 6,947 i)robationers, 68,075. Total, 68,915. EAST CINCINNATI DISTRICT. WHITES. mem. prob, Cincinnati — Wesley Chapel,... 3.54 45 Ninth street 300 11 Asbury 238 27 New street and East Cincinnati miss., 40 5 Bethel 175 28 Covington, 114 13 COLORED. mem. prob. 151 50 l,p, 8 4 6 3 3 2 Asbury circuit, 203 17 Fulton 330 45 New Richmond, 679 98 Amelia, 589 167 Madisonville, 475 25 Goshen 447 40 Milford, 628 27 WHITES. COLORED. mem. prob, mem. prob. I. p. 4 2 6 4 2 6 8 Total,..., ^,512 548 154 50 58 158 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. WEST CINCINNATI DISTRICT. CHILLICOTHE DISTRICT. WHITES. COLORED. mem. proh. mem. prob. I. p. Cincinnati — Morris Chapel, . . . . 504 ^1 4 Christie, 435 300 50 28 9 Piirk street, 1 York, 93 12 • • Salem, 71 225 12 2 I Oxford, 2 Hamilton and Ross ville 208 2 • • North Bend, 400 473 35 23 3 Miami, 5 Venice, 431 434 72 42 i 2 Monroe, 6 Gerinantown, 391 28 • • 1 Lockland, 270 73 2 2 Toia^,.... 4,235 415 DAYTON DISTRICT. Dayton — Wesley Chapel,.. . 335 Finley Chapel,.... 314 Troy 165 Lebanon, 187 Xenia, 408 Union, 556 New Carlisle, 335 Franklin, 556 Lewisburg, 393 Eaton 425 Camden, 341 Concord, 297 35 6 4 12 53 3 21 55 68 16 27 82 Total 4,312 379 URBANA DISTRICT. Urbana, 404 49 Springfield- Columbia street,.. 375 High street, 194 Tremont 742 Fletcher, 226 PiquB, 341 Lockport, 186 Mechanicsburg, 247 King's Creek, 321 Vienna, 454 South Charleston,. .. 221 North Lewisburg,... 507 Yellow Springs, 129 Fairfield, 343 10 10 27 20 21 13 15 37 37 26 60 5 12 Total, 4,690 342 HILLSBOROUGH DISTRICT. 12 17 7 63 Hillsborough, 281 Greenfield, 184 Wilmington, 174 Highland, 961 Lexington, 674 223 Washington, 708 218 Jamestown, 488 85 New Burlington,. ... 260 48 Clarksville, 660 Winchester, 784 Dumbarton, 283 1 1 89 78 8 27 1 4 1 1 1 10 4 1 2 4 3 4 36 Total,.... 5,457 848 3 2 2 43 6 2 1 4 5 8 5 1 10 7 3 52 Chillicothe— Main street,. . . . Walnut street, . . Deer Creek, Frankfort, London, .. 314 .. 209 .. 908 .. 590 .. 740 23 18 18 51 77 Circleville, .. 240 25 Tarlton, .. 363 28 Kingston, .. 402 65 Waverley, Bainbridge, Blue Creek, .. 562 ..1230 .. 112 7 50 13 WHITES. COLORED. mem. prob. mem. prob. Total,.... 5,670 375 1 OHIO DISTRICT. Maysville, 124 .. 71 Lewis 342 136 5 Montgomery, 97 42 5 Augusta 316 36 106 Rockville 329 23 1 West Union, 482 33 . . Aberdeen, 937 82 3 Ripley 240 30 .. EastWhiteOak 742 136 .. West White Oak,... 968 19 2 Batavia 1010 32 Total 5,587 569 193 COLUMBUS DISTRICT. Columbus — Town street, 340 5 Wesley Church,... 231 17 Worthington, 375 19 Blendon 521 21 Johnstown, 543 75 Groveport, 740 124 Baltimore, 504 48 Lancaster, 329 21 Royalton 510 45 West Jefferson, 393 72 Darby ville, 736 296 Marysville, 603 4 Total, . .5,835 747 ZANESVILLE DISTRICT. Zanesville — Second street, 332 2 Seventh street,. . .. 550 .. 1 Irville 764 26 .. Newark — Eastern Charge,... 147 26 Western Charge,.. 264 15 3 Granville, 432 51 .. Hebron 530 7 .. Rushville, 746 57 Rehoboth, 1009 134 .. Asbury, 548 81 Roseville, 424 48 Putnam, 228 31 Total,.... 5,914 478 4 I. p. 47 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 159 MARIETTA DISTRICT. WHITES. COLOTIED. mem. prob. mem. prob. I. p. Marietta 210 East Mission, 28 20 Harmer 180 8 . . .. 2 Barlow 508 27 2 .. 3 Amesville, 673 91 ., .. 5 Deavertown, 618 76 . . . . 6 Logan 767 86 .. .. 6 Mount Pleasant,.... 655 39 .. .. 8 Coolville 437 30 .. .. 2 Chester 633 69 .. .. 6 Pomeroy 180 30 2 .. 2 Athens circuit, 731 17 .. .. 6 Athens station, 152 39 Total, 5,772 532 4 .. 46 PORTSMOUTH DISTRICT. WHITES. COLORED. mem. prob. viem. prob. I. p. Portsmouth 300 2 Gallipolis station. )95 25 .. .. ] Gallipolis circuit,... .575 49 .. .. 11 Gallia 270 40 .. .. 1 Piketon, .520 23 .. ,. 9 Richmond, 298 50 .. .. 7 Ironton 250 200 . . . . 3 VVheelersburg 280 141 .. .. 2 Burlington, 368 63 .. .. 3 Patriot 600 50 .. .. 3 M'Arthurstown, 442 40 .. 7 Jackson, 581 126 .. .. 6 Total, 4,685 807 . . . . 55 GERMAN MISSION DISTRICTS. CINCINNATI DISTRICT. Cincinnati — Race street 190 30 Everett street, 131 14 Buckeye street,. . . 98 23 Newport and Coving- ton 45 35 Lawrenceburg, 91 5 Dayton 124 12 Hamilton, 14 28 Sidney, 74 7 Defiance, 144 8 .. Angola 103 23 Fort Wayne 18 7 .. PITTSBURG DISTRICT. Total,. . .1,032 197 NORTH OHIO DISTRICT. Columbus 92 Chillicothe 70 Delaware, 122 Gftllion 93 Sandusky City, 26 Cleveland and Liver- pool 70 TiflSn 35 Woodville, 105 Detroit, 100 Ann Arbor, 15 Saginaw, 33 8 24 42 8 20 12 40 55 1 Total, 728 243 Pittsburg and Birm- ingham, 1.50 Wheeling, 103 Captina, 153 Malnga, 106 Marietta, 136 Muskingum, Pomeroy 100 Portsmouth, 207 West Union 95 21 10 17 31 8 20 22 8 Total, .... 1,050 137 INDIANA DISTRICT. 2 2 i 1 2 *i 9 Evansville, 136 116 83 144 70 110 158 27 166 60 44 31 .. .. 28 . . . . 34 . . . . 20 . . . . 13 .. .. Blount Vernon,. . . Boonville and Hunt- in2b\ir2, 3 1 New Albany, Louisville, 1 3 Louisville and Jeffer- sonville r Madison and Marion, Rocktbrd, 1 28 . . . . 59 . . . . 48 .. .. 8 ., .. 58 . . . . 1 Wabash, 1 1 Laugherty and Brook- ville 1 Aurora, Indianapolis, • • Total,. . .1,IU 330 ILLINOIS CONPERENCE. Presiding elders, 16; elders, 73; deacons, 32; supernumeraries,—; superannuated, 6; preachers remaining on trial, 28 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 40 ; local preachers, 490; members, 28,332 white, 35 colored, 4,994 probationers, 33,361. Total, 34,046. QUINCY DISTRICT. whites, prob. col. I. p. Quincy, 121 35 2 2 Quincy mission, 41 17 . . 1 Pittsfield, 203 43 .. 7 whites. Hardin mission, 68 Columbus, 859 Warsaw mission, 40 Griggsville, 72 prob. col. I. p. 68 • • 1 142 1 15 13 , , , , 18 , ^ 5 160 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. whites, prob. col. Perry, 270 30 .. Barry, 301 20 .. Puyson, 218 42 .. Pulaski 289 60 .. Mount Sterling, 292 112 .. Rushville station, 126 21 3 Rushville circuit, 569 28 Total,.... 3,469 649 6 BLOOMINGTON DISTRICT. Bloomington, 372 25 Mount Pulaski, 97 47 Havana, 280 67 .. Fancy Creek, 140 20 .. Mechanicsburg, 398 132 Waynesville, 243 38 . . Monticello 270 15 Randolph Grove, 272 66 1 Decatur 256 102 . . Mount Pleasant, 574 29 Total,.... 2,002 541 1 SPRINGFIELD DISTRICT. Springfield 176 12 2 Springfield mission, 87 23 Taylorsville, 347 55 Sangamon, 513 15 Island Grove, 39 4 Petersburg 340 32 . . Beardstown, 358 28 Carlinville 300 20 .. Hillsborough, 226 35 .. Total,.... 2,386 224 2 JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT. Jacksonville — Eastern Charge, 196 11 Western Charge 115 10 Jacksonville circuit, 438 35 Waverley Cummington, 317 52 Winchester, 279 15 Naples 74 40 Whitehall, 307 69 Greenfield, 491 52 Jersey ville, 427 101 Total,.... 2,6U 385 ALTON DISTRICT. Upper Alton, 126 75 Middle Altdn mission,.... 60 15 Alton city, 98 6 Brighton 216 53 Edwardsville, 399 56 Bunkerhill, 196 55 l.p. 3 6 1 6 4 2 8 61 7 2 6 1 6 5 2 3 5 6 43 2 2 4 9 '7 3 5 3 35 • • 10 4 1 8 7 • • 1 * " "7 10 6 53 whites. Highland 271 Greenville, 514 Vandalia, 525 IllJnois town, 19 prob. 7 269 31 1 eol. Total,.... 2,i2i 568 LEBANON DISTRICT. Lebanon, 384 23 Carlyle 274 49 Belleville, 118 3 Waterloo,... 235 47 Chester mission, Murphysborough mission, 175 58 Jonesborough mission, .... Caledonia mission, 191 Vienna mission, 266 42 Metropolis mission, 239 50 Total 1,882 272 MOUNT VERNON DISTRICT. Nashville 530 .. Duquoin, 213 55 Benton, 468 83 Marion 439 50 Golconda mission, 191 73 Equality 200 30 M'Leansborough mission,. 404 82 Carmi, 434 76 Fairfield 395 58 Mount Vernon, 809 80 l.p. .J 8 8 38 • 6 , 12 , 1 2 3 5 5 • • « • • 2 7 3a 11 .. 7 , ^ 9 .. 12 3 3 , , 1 8 6 7 8 2 13 Total,.... 4,083 587 13 77 MOUNT CARMEL DISTRICT. Mount Carmel, 214 26 .. Lawrenceville, 643 90 Palestine, 444 51 Marshall .307 48 . Cumberland mission, 249 Ewington mission, 467 55 Salem, 461 85 . Xenia, 439 97 . Olney, 295 142 . Total 3,519 594 . DANVILLE DISTRICT. Danville, 486 100 . Georgetown, 273 52 Urbana 179 19 . New Albany, 272 43 Sullivan 251 32 . Shelbyville, 151 26 . Charleston, 246 30 Edgar 312 34 Paris, 229 79 7 8 8 6 5 11 9 10 8 72 Tota^,.... 2,399 415 41 GERMAN MISSION DISTRICTS. BT. LOUIS DISTRICT. St. Louis — Wash i ngton street, 232 50 Columbus street, 41 4 Broadway 23 5 Fourth street, 23 Manchester, 21 Iron Mountain, 4 Jackson, 90 Chester, 49 Monroe, 78 9 • • • 10 • • • 21 • • 22 1 6 • • • 17 1 \ PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 161 whites, Belleville 44 Mascoutah, 72 Highland, 76 Total,. . .752 prob. 15 32 30 221 MISSOURI DISTRICT. Herman 66 12 Union circuit, 47 37 Jefferson city 50 28 Florence circuit, 110 8 Boonville, 37 12 Lexington, 25 3 Weston 36 3 St. Joseph, 36 14 Brunswick, 31 4 Warren, 193 21 St. Charles, 67 4 Total,.... 698 146 QUINCY DISTllICT. Quincv 125 Mill Creek 60 Beardstown, 45 Pekin 30 Springfield, 58 Palmyrii, 47 Nauvoo, 63 col. I. p. 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 12 38 . 1 20 . 1 6 . . 26 . 1 10 . . 13 . o 20 . . xehitei. Burlington, 56 Desmoines, 65 prob. col. I. p. 6 .. 1 13 . . . . Total,.... 549 152 IOWA DISTRICT. Iowa city, 17 9 German Creek, 65 Mtiscatine, 45 6 Dubuque, 104 Galena 64 14 Platteville, 38 16 Minesota 50 Total, 333 95 WISCONSIN DISTRICT. Milwaukie, 39 19 Chicago, 48 32 Cook 37 20 East Troy 38 3 Watertown, 37 19 Madison 21 2 Washington, 32 4 Sheboygan 26 15 Manitouwoc, 14 14 Oshkosh, 17 Total,.... ^2 145 1 3 1 1 1 INDIANA CONFEEEXCE. Presiding elders, 12; elders, 75; deacons, 23; supernumeraries, — ; superannuated, 7; preachers remaining on trial, 22; preachers on trial, 1st year, 17 ; local preachers, 269 ; members, 33,217 white, 138 colored, 5,865 probationers, 39,220. Total, 39,645. 87 33 30 51 33 40 40 INDIANAPOLIS DISTRICT. whites, prob. col. Indianapolis — Wesley Chapel, 250 20 Western Charge, 116 16 Southern Charge, 354 40 I Greenwood, 284 27 Edenburg 96 34 Mount Auburn, 263 72 St. Louis, 360 50 Franklin 64 20 Columbus 147 10 Sugar Creek 154 114 Total, 2,088 403 GREENSBURG DISTRICT. Greensburg 249 1 Milford 600 200 St. Omer 405 Palestine, 300 Burlington, 268 Rushville, 136 Milroy 422 Clarksburg 245 Shelby ville 200 I. p. o 2 2 i 1 1 i 10 Total,.... 2,825 515 19 CONNERSVILLE DISTRICT. whites, prob. East Connersville, 241 West Connersville, 318 Milton 310 Liberty, 308 Brownsville, 137 Fairfield 436 Mount Carmel, 308 Brook ville, 260 La urel, 184 Napoleon mission, 267 col. I, p. 23 .. 2 2 , ^ « • 20 • • , , 38 • • 4 4 , , • • 56 , ^ , ^ 48 1 4 15 2 2 7 2 80 • ■ 2 Total, 2,769 293 LAWRENCEBURG DISTRICT. Lawrenceburg, 225 Aurora 215 Elizabethtown 160 Manchester, 392 Wilmington .591 Rising Sun, 219 Patriot, 157 Mount Sterling, 577 Hartford, 248 Milan, 336 Logan 224 15 40 77 79 35 18 27 38 88 42 83 16 2 4 4 *i 5 1 3 3 Total,,... 3,3i4 542 162 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. MADISON DISTRICT. whites, prob, col. l.p^ Madison — Wesley Chn pel, 130 4 Third street, 210 10 St. Jobn's 81 7 Walnut street 70 North Madison 114 9 Moorfield, 278 48 Vevay 125 20 Versailles, 226 37 Canaan, 291 31 Vernon, 305 26 Paris, 549 66 Total,.... 2,379 258 JEFFERSONVILLE DISTRICT. Jeffersonville 290 25 Port Fulton, 30 24 Utica 341 .. Charlestown, 407 35 New Washington, 328 28 Lexington, 273 49 Hanover, 202 13 Vienna 312 81 New Philadelphia, 212 52 Total, 2,495 307 NEW ALBANY DISTRICT New Albany — Wesley Chapel, 300 10 Centenary 313 3 Western "Charge, 110 6 New Albany circuit, 145 97 Portland, 47 15 Lanesville, 300 40 Corydon 289 67 Greenville, 220 51 Fredericksburg, 417 41 Salem, 258 52 Total,.... 2,H)8 382 FAOLI DISTRICT. Paoli 170 27 Orleans, 408 47 Livonia 490 93 Leavenworth, 291 43 Rome 177 10 Cannelton 117 97 Gentryville, 415 65 Anderson mission, 275 134 Jasper mission, 290 86 Mount Pleasant, 127 49 6 1 10 1 4 3 1 1 4 4 6 24 3 6 2 4 "5 20 23 1 5 3 5 2 '5 3 4 1 TotaZ,.... 2,760 651 EVANSVILLE DISTRICT. Evansville, 175 7 Evansville city mission,,. . 29 whites. Mount Vernon, 300 New Harmony 200 Cynthiana, 432 Princeton, 336 Boonville, 275 Newburg 300 Rockport, 347 Ijynnville, 193 No Creek, 224 Green River, 186 Total, 2,968 prob. eol. I. p. 125 1 3 95 2 163 5 55 • • 86 4 119 3 84 3 50 2 2 • ■ 5 5 65 8 • • VINCENNES DISTRICT. Vincennes, 120 8 White River mission, 107 51 Petersburg, 300 75 Washington, 552 60 Scotland, 3G9 99 Linton, 359 17 Sullivan, 313 67 New Lebanon 339 59 Carlisle 366 114 Green county mission, .... 168 97 Clay county mission, 119 42 Total, ... .3,112 689 PUTNAMVILLE DISTRICT. Putnamville, 320 20 Prairieton, 185 Lockport 2G0 40 Brazil 175 30 BowlingGreen 311 27 Point Commerce 200 Spencer 320 30 Gosport 349 60 Mooreville, 474 160 Belleville 550 69 Martinsville, 265 24 Total,.... 3,409 460 BLOOMINGTON DISTRICT. Bloomington, 136 33 Elletsville, 283 47 Springville, 324 76 Bedford, 158 16 Leesville 325 75 Heltonville, 345 117 Morgantown, 411 10 White Creek, 407 74 Brownstown, 209 27 Azalia, 62 41 Total,. . .2,660 516 849 16 30 4 5 "3 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 18 1 3 I 1 4 2 2 5 4 4 2 29 3 2 2 2 4 3 8 2 13 26 LIBERIA CONFEREXCE. Presidino elders, 3; elders, 8; deacons, 2; supernumeraries, 2; superannuated. preachers remaining on trial, 2; preachers on trial, 1st year, 4; 1,074 white, 112 probationers, 1,180. Total, 1,225. local preachers, 18 ; members, PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 163 LIBERIA DISTRICT. mem. prob. I. p. Robertsville nnd Heddington,. . . 49 4 Millsbnrg and Wliite Plains,... 85 10 3 Upper Caldwell circuit G4 2 1 Lower Caldwell circuit, 126 10 2 Wonrovia, 221 8 4 mem, Bassa or Edina circuit, 150 Marshall circuit,* 34 Mount Emory or Cape Palmas,. 211 Since circuit, 134 Total, prob. I. p. 12 7 2 57 5 1 3 .1,074 112 18 OREGON AND CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. pREsmiNO ELDERS, 3; elders. 23 ; deacons, — ; supernumeraries, 2 ; superannuated, — ; preach- ers remaining on trial, 7 ; preachers on trial 1st year, — ; local preachers, 38 ; members, 985 white, 222 probationers, 1,207. Total, 1,280. OREGON DISTRICT. mem. prob. I. p. Oregon city and Portland, 48 8 2 Salem 149 26 8 Mary's River, 97 20 3 Yamhill 99 22 4 Total, . .393 76 17 CALIFORNIA DISTRICT. San Francisco, 100 9 4 Santa Cruz 22 9 5 San Jose, 57 Stockton 28 Sacramento city, 151 Bethel, (colored,) 27 El Dorado circuit, 50 Nevada city, 65 Feather River 25 Sonoma, 37 prob. 60 2 4 50 12 l.p. 1 4 1 3 3 Total,.... 592 146 21 BAimrORE CONFERENCE. Presidikg elders, 10; elders, 177; deacons, 26; supernumeraries, 19 ; superannuated, 23 ; preachers remaining on trial, 15; preachers on trial, 1st year, 23; local preachers, 338; members, 48,260 white, 15,059 colored, 7,096 probationers, 70,415. " Total, 71,046. BALTIMORE DISTRICT. whites. Baltimore city, 1,419 Seaman's mis. stati'n, 93 Charles street, 180 Fayette street, 983 South Baltimore,. . .. 550 Columbia street, 568 Whatcoat, 163 Emory, 185 Strawbridge 282 Sharp St. and Ashury, Baltimore city missi'n, Baltimore circuit,. . . 463 Summerfield, 400 Patapsco station, 248 Patuxent, 425 Severn 600 Annapolis, 290 West River, 431 Calvert, 435 prob. col. •^ i-w . . 32 54 145 120 75 23 9 39 33 100 18 42 3,112 105 58 300 200 ,355 1,068 823 l.p. 12 3 1 11 2 2 1 2 2 16 5 8 2 3 4 4 76 3 Total, .... 7 J15 902 6,019 87 NORTH BALTIMORE DISTRICT. North Baltimore, 1,619 133 .. 4 East Baltimore, 850 35 . . 4 Caroline street, 626 80 . . 2 High street 392 32 . . 2 Dallas street, 401 vehite). Canton and Asbury,. . . . 51 Great Falls, 480 Hereford 400 East Harford 400 Havre de Grace, 69 West Harford, 481 Castle Finn 401 Shrewsbury, 403 Westminster, 560 Liberty, 509 Montgomery, 354 Patapsco, 399 prob. 8 78 21 24 100 38 48 39 35 15 32 col, l.p. 80 110 254 9 48 3 34 100 311 136 117 Alexandria, Alexandria city mission, Washington city — Foundry and Asbury,. Wesley Chapel, McKendree, Ebenezer, Ry land Chapel, Union Georgetown, Fairfax, Stafford Fredericksburg, St. Mary's, 290 56 273 250 362 312 357 200 130 350 400 195 1)5 202 20 518 20 5 87 197 19 75 71 461 21 23 8 100 10 16 7 1 3 5 3 2 3 4 5 Tofo/,.... 7,994 718 1,611 45 POTOMAC DISTRICT. 4 5 2 2 2 2 40 226 164 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. whites, Charles, 182 Bladensburg, 35i Rockville, 387 probi col. 23 411 54 ],021 22 318 Total... .4,087 544 3,561 LEWISBURG DISTRICT. Lewisburg station, 130 18 127 Lewisburg circuit 379 70 52 Greenbrier, 383 95 35 Covington, 290 38 7 Lexington, 375 3 137 Fincastle, 480 43 1J9 Salem 243 25 90 Jacksonville, 212 52 3 Christiansburg, 255 85 143 Newcastle, 181 46 27 Sweet Springs, 385 20 7 Monroe 368 41 28 Huntersville, 532 32 4 Tota^,.... 4,213 543 ROCKINGHAM DISTRICT. Staunton, 110 25 Augusta 308 8 Churchville, 167 7 Rockingham 332 179 East Rockingham, 277 42 West Rockingham, 87 21 Deerfield, 178 27 Highland, 277 15 Franklin, 366 84 South Fork, 141 11 Moorfield 267 91 South Branch, 416 Woodstock, 196 32 Front Royal 390 26 Total,.... 3,512 568 WINCHESTER DISTRICT. Winchester station, 330 80 Winchester circuit 471 90 Jefferson, 514 106 Martinsburg, 128 8 Berkeley, 350 46 Bath 194 3 Springfield 256 34 Wardensville 351 12 Shepherdstown, 210 8 Harper's Ferry and Boli- var, 301 22 Hillsborough, 484 154 Leesburg, 114 11 Loudoun, 458 112 Warrrenton, 75 13 225 95 69 69 50 6 82 25 19 5 134 105 19 49 952 211 77 148 57 99 4 30 9 98 170 118 110 Total,.... 4,236 699 1,133 CUMBERLAND DISTRICT. Cumberland station,. . .. 235 30 60 Cumberland circuit,... 287 89 7 Frostburg 383 254 13 Schellsburg 175 14 1 Bedford station, 172 55 Bedford circuit, 221 51 3 HoUidaysburg, 168 4 2 31 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 4 2 o 5 2 29 1 ' 1 1 ! 3 16 1 4 5 i 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 29 whttes. Williamsburg, 345 Cassville 460 Sliirleysburg, 388 Concord, 378 McConnellsburg 262 Hngerstown, 158 Hancock, 154 Alleghany, 237 prob. 55 44 46 30 56 35 24 56 col. I. 1 2 55 92 26 Total 4,4H 723 NORTIIU.MBERLAND DISTRICT Sunbury, 150 100 Northumberland 299 81 Middleburg mission,.... 11 Danville, 201 58 Berwick, 329 14 Luzerne, 206 48 Bloomingdale, 680 101 Lewisburg, 159 66 Bloomsburg, 600 65 Milton 175 92 Milton circuit 342 43 Muncy, 327 43 Williamsport, 378 54 Jersey Shore, 511 43 Pine Creek 149 47 Lockhaven, 406 73 P- 5 1 2 3 Total,. . .4,023 843- 262 23 HUNTINGDON DISTRICT. Lewistown station, 197 14 Lewistown circuit, 491 52 Huntingdon 490 142 Birmingham, 229 20 Warren's Mark, 392 70 Bald Eagle 87 22 Penn's Valley, 304 .. Bellefonte, 496 74 Clearfield 370 100 New Washington, 202 28 Sinamahoning, 150 65 Caledonia, Knrthans, 60 54 Mefflin 275 Newport, 433 75 Bloomfieid, 238 12 Total,. . .4,923 928 CARLISLE DISTRICT. Carl isle station, 155 26 Carlisle circuit, 300 40 Newville 211 20 Shippensburg, 88 3 Chambersburg, 216 19 Greencastle 381 23 Boonsborough, 286 40 Frederick city, 163 200 Frederick circuit, 348 53 Berlin, 110 35 Gettysburg 296 29 York Springs, 326 38 York 118 22 Wrightsville 145 75 r«7fa/,.... 3,143 623 563 123 2 2 2 2 • * 3 1 9 1 2 1 • " *i ^ 2 24 4 , , 2 , , 1 1 1 10 28 5 3 • • 2 •• 1 2 • • I 5 , , 113 2 250 5 157 3 5 1 17 2 9 1 ■ • 2 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 165 PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 6 ; elders, 124 ; deacons, 16 ; supernumeraries, 13 ; superannuated, 4 ; preach- ers remaining on trial, 15 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 15 ; local preachers, 264 ; members, 38,278 white, 8,952 colored, 5,134 probationers, 52,364. Total, 52,821. NORTH PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT. vihitet. St. George's, 750 Trinity 330 Eighth street, 746 Fifth street, 527 St. John's, 430 Kensington, 610 Sanctuary, 190 New Market street, 286 Twelfth street 341 Cohocksink mission, 125 Bethlehem mission, 140 N. City H. mission, 103 Zoar, Summerfield mission, 74 Port Richmond, 55 Milestown 302 Lehman's Chapel and Fair- view, 64 Frankford, 315 Bridesburg, 46 Bustleton, 338 Bristol 120 Attlehorough, 206 Newtown, 336 Allentown mission, 34 Quakertown mission, 47 Easton 250 Richmond, 117 Stroudsburg, 295 prob. col. I. p. 250 1 4 8 18 97 84 80 20 66 93 7 8 51 155 20 34 28 20 32 25 10 7 45 127 4 is 20 12 1 2 12 SOUTH PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT. Union, Nazareth, Mariner's Bethel, Ebenezer, Wharton street, St. Paul's, Salem, Western Church mission, John Wesley Kelly street city mission, Asbury, Haddington and Monroe- ville mission, Radnor West Chester mission,. . . . Springfield, Lancaster — 1st Church, 2tl Church, Columbia, Marietta, 911 804 336 730 456 400 671 218 165 90 283 170 670 165 43 262 291 28 43 44 45 169 63 45 29 ie 61 67 75 89 36 17 17 102 1 48 READIXG DISTRICT. Reading, Ebenezer, 175 28 " St. Peter's mission,. . 130 23 Total,.... 7, 177 1,184 177 57 4 4 3 9 10 5 4 5 Total,. . .6,665 946 53 64 whites. Pottstown 301 Phosnixville mission, 140 Norristown, 190 Bethel and Evansburg, 108 Manayunk — Mount Zion 248 Ebenezer, 112 Germantown, 280 Chestnut Hill 79 Chester circuit, 346 Bethel station, 73 Mount Hope circuit, 391 Lebanon circuit, 236 Harrisburg, 307 Dauphin, 136 Halifax, 304 Tremont and Pine Grove mission, 42 Minersville,, 117 Pottsville — 1st Church and St. Clair, 194 2d Church 100 Schuylkill, Haven and Port Clinton mission, 44 Port Carbon, 130 Tamaqua and Summit Hill mission, 100 Mauch Chunk, 130 Stoddartsville, 127 prob. col. l.p 25 , , n 10 , , • • 10 • • ^ , • • • ■ 1 31 5 20 • • , , , , 2 1 10 • • 1 4 • • 1 17 , , 1 40 3 1 23 13 2 27 • • 2 64 1 1 61 •• 4 12 1 • • 20 « • 3 34 1 3 10 • • 1 18 • * • • 52 •• • • 55 • • 3 56 • • , , 42 , , 3 Total,.... 4,540 692 21 37 WILMINGTON DISTRICT. Wilmington — Asburv 621 St. Paul's, 175 Union mission, 245 Mount Salem, 125 East Zion, Delaware city, 302 Newark ' 306 Cecil 326 Elkton 306 Oxford 306 Zion 208 North East, 350 Port Deposit, 200 Fulton, 350 Strasburg 200 Cochranville 300 Brandy wine, 350 Grove, 350 Old Chester, 146 100 43 106 75 31 27 12 60 61 22 oo 377 90 14 7 20 9 11 30 10 108 58 4 100 .. 35 .. 40 1 40 1 11 .. 2 1 1 o 6 6 1 4 1 6 1 2 3 4 1 Total,.... 5,166 853 632 40 EASTERN DISTRICT. Middletown and Cantwell's Bridge 178 22 67 1 Smyrna, 220 40 33 2 Smyrna circuit, 637 67 238 5 Dover 516 148 311 1 166 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. whites, prob. col. I. p. Frederica, 712 37 155 2 Vernon 164 25 30 1 Milford 808 22 268 2 Denton 518 74 232 4 Greensborough, 582 36 393 2 Talbot, 612 48 304 1 Easton 486 9 206 2 Centerville 348 74 445 . . Church Hill, 740 80 499 5 Kent 345 104 372 3 Millington, 346 45 400 1 To«a;,....7,212 831 3,953 32 ' SNOW HILL DISTRICT. Seaford 620 35 245 . . Dorciiester, 670 21 692 4 tchites. Cambridge, 376 Church Creek, 552 Salisbury, 500 Quantico, 192 Princess Ann, 612 Aunamessex, 411 Accomac, 531 Nortjmmpton, 290 Snowhill, 485 Berlin 743 Worcester mission, 192 Georgetown, 764 Laurel, 580 Total,. . .7,518 prob. eol. I • P- 24 325 3 20 419 2 50 284 1 19 141 • • 78 400 5 73 200 3 53 269 , ^ 20 267 7 20 420 3 30 237 2 10 42 1 95 30 1 10 145 2 628 4,116 34 NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 7; elders, 115; deacons, 16 ; supernumeraries, 15; superannuated, 6; preachers remaining on trial, 14 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 19 ; local preachers, 196 ; members, 29,829 white, 271 colored, 4,768 probationers, 34,868. Total, 35,256. NEWARK DISTRICT Newark — Halsey street,. .. , Franklin street,. Clinton street,. . Union street,. .. , Central Churcli, . Quarry street,. . , Newark circuit,, Jersey city — Trinity St. Paul's, Bergen, Berijen Point, Hoboken, Fort Lee, Belleville, North Belleville,. .. Orange, Bioonifield, Vernon , Springfield, &.c.,.. .. Clmton, &,c.,.. .. • . . Madison Chatham, Morristown, Dover, &c., Flanders, Farsippany, Rockaway, SIKH.^ 1. i'hitet. col. prob. I .p. 485 • • 23 2 450 1 150 4 1 394 , , 35 2 134 • • 17 ± 1 187 , , 12 132 , , 32 , , 57 1 9 1 1 230 40 75 , , 15 . , 65 , , 17 38 • • 42 , . 109 , , 17 57 3 7 , , 110 11 50 67 , , 5 , , 95 5 160 95 5 • • 103 , , 98 • , 95 1 120 , . 78 , , 9 2 157 2 43 3 ' 50 , , 31 , . 205 • • 12 1 98 , , 37 1 204 2 12 1 195 • • 71 3 7 2 50 Total,.... 4,042 33 1,114 2.-^ PATERSON DISTRICT. Paterson — Cross street 335 2 4 2 Prospect street, 134 . . • . 1 Acquackunnonk, 57 ,. 8 .. Rd. Mills and Ilackensack, 40 6 4 .. Nvuck, 102 3 4 1 R. Lake and N. City, 80 3 . . 1 ichites. Rockland 99 Ramapo and N. Hv 250 Haverstraw, 162 New Prospect, 136 Bloomingdaie, 123 Rome, fcc, 300 Otisvilie 115 Port .Tarvis, 183 Barrvville, Saiidyston, 137 Delaware 275 xMilford, &LC., 113 Newton, &c., 320 Lafavelte 149 Stillwater 194 Ilackettstown 240 Stiinhope, 165 Sj)artn, 140 Vernon, 290 col. 16 "4 3 8 4 1 7 ] 2 2 2 prob. I. p. 1 .. 1 4 2 17 1 34 3 5 2 21 1 75 .. 14 .. 20 2 12 .. 6 15 10 2 11 15 54 1 2 1 Toted,.... 4,139 68 336 21 RAHWAY DISTRICT. Rahway, ^ 148 1 5 Ijower Ruhway, 123 .. 27 Staten Island — V\^oodrow, 165 3 16 Bethel 225 1 10 Asbury 167 .. 23 Mar. Harbor, 57 Port Richmond, 107 5 4 Quarnntine, 57 . . 3 Elizabethtown, 215 .. 37 Perth Amhoy, 90 . . 10 VVoodbridjje, 106 4 New Dover, 55 . . 4 New Providence, 127 3 5 1 Piaiiifield 191 1 10 1 Mount Horeb, 170 1 5 .. Boundbrook, 39 5 4 ., Penpack, 82 1 11 Asburv, 416 3 20 . . PART CHURCH DIRECTORY. 167 whites, col, Harmony, 288 Mendham, 114 7 N. Germantown, 430 3 Hope 301 4 Columbia, &c., 126 Clinton 404 8 Belvidere, 95 4 Total, ... A,2d8 54 TRENTON DISTRICT. Trenton — Green street, 540 Front street, 180 Crosswicks, 232 Bethel, &c., 90 8 Allentown, 340 7 Middlesex, 63 1 Princeton 101 Princessville, 100 3 Long Brancii 307 1 Middletown Point, 200 18 Kevport, 363 11 New Brunswick, 300 2 Somerville, 89 10 Pennington 172 1 River Church 130 3 Flemington, 203 1 Kingwood, 180 4 Quakertown, 2 Lambertville, 120 Red Bank, 180 Freehold 725 10 Mount Zion, 75 Total,.... 4,690 82 BURLINGTON DISTRICT. Burlington, 494 4 Beverly 146 Mount' Holly, 360 3 Bordentown, 267 Medford, 449 4 prob. I. p. 42 37 60 15 44 68 450 13 24 1 125 2 53 3 23 1 103 5 10 o 14 , , 10 , ^ 16 1 68 3 100 4 122 3 40 2 10 2 20 1 28 1 185 1 13 2 75 2 13 2 282 5 1 1,334 44 23 1 52 ^ , 58 1 12 60 1 rehites. Bethel. &c. 190 Hoddonfield 81 Winslow, &c 240 Bargaintown, 813 Tuckerton, 435 Tom's River, 468 New Egypt, 459 Pemberton, 202 Columbus, 160 Moorestown, 296 col. prob. l.p , .58 3 ^ 3 2 , 17 1 2 53 6 3 8 6 2 132 1 2 10 4 , 8 2 3 50 2 ^ 69 4 Total,.... b,(m 23 613 34 CAiMDEN DISTRICT. Camden — Third street 330 Fifth street 223 Gloucester city, 98 Woodbury, &c., 180 Glassborough, 190 Gloucester, 903 Sharpstown, &c. , 257 Clarksborough, &c., 130 Swedesborough, 190 Sculltown, 365 Penn'sNeck, 395 Sulem 400 Allowaystown, &c., 356 Harrison ville, &c., 172 Pittsgrove, 225 Bridgeton — Commerce street, 334 Fay street, 153 Cedarville, &c., 151 Cumberland, 1071 Cape May, 765 Cape Island, 57 Atlantic 275 Springtown 215 Mount Zion, 165 48 4 19 1 12 1 50 3 20 152 6 16 2 5 , , 36 1 40 3 4 1 30 1 20 3 42 2 10 •• 36 3 11 1 8 180 7 140 7 5 1 7 2 15 3 15 4 Tofa/,....7,600 11 921 56 PROYIDEXCE COXFEREXCE. Presidino elders, 3; elders, 87; deacons, 6; supernumeraries, 2; superannuated, 18; preachers remaining on trial, 8; preachers on trial, 1st year, 7 ; local preachers, 89 ; members, 12,983 white, 1,697 probationers, 14,709. Total, 14,840. PROVIDENCE DISTRICT. mem. Providence — Chestnut street, . . . 280 Power street, 224 Matthewson street, 183 Federal street, .... 44 New Bedford— Elm street 262 Fourth street, . . . 267 Pleasant street,. 126 Fall River— First Church^, 283 Second Church,.. , . 150 Warren, 205 Bristol 277 Newport, 221 Portsmouth, 48 Little Compton, 62 Westport Point, 52 prob. /.p. 19 3 26 1 17 « • 11 1 30 2 116 • • 13 1 10 • • 5 1 10 1 35 10 3 17 20 mem. Taunton, 115 Whittington, 15 North Rehoboth, 62 North Dighton, 70 Somerset, 42 South Somerset, 22 Wareham, 140 Middleborough and Rochester,.. 45 Fairhaven, 87 North Fairhaven, 72 South Dartmouth 56 Millville and Slatersville, 58 Woonsocket, 142 Cumberland and Attleborough,. 67 Pawtucket, 135 Burrilville 42 Smithfield and New Providence, 44 prob. I. P' 7 5 2 9 3 1 is 32 3 11 17 14 9 24 11 2 168 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. mem. East Greenwich, 156 Centerville and Natick, 99 Phenix 75 Westerly, 56 Tota/,.... 4,344 531 17 prob. 16 2 8 2 I. p. NEW LONDON DISTRICT. New London, 216 Lyme and East Lyme, 78 Mystic, 103 Mystic Bridge 109 Gales' Ferry and Groton, 69 Uncasville, 46 Montville and Salem, 76 Norwich, 181 Norwich Falls, 101 North Norwich and Franklin,.. 135 Greenville and Lisbon, 165 Voluntown and Griswold, 95 Hopeville, 40 Danielsonvilie, 173 West Thompson, 160 Fisherville, 81 East Thompson, 63 Woodstock, 121 Eastford, 117 Wiilimantic 140 South Coventry, 68 Mansfield, 85 Tolland and Willington, 88 Stafford, 95 Square Pond, 57 Somers, 54 Scitico 81 Warehouse Point, 84 Thompsonville 94 Windsorville and Ellington, 76 Wapping, 70 Rockville, 135 South Manchester, 146 North Manchester, 100 Bolton and Andover, 57 Hebron, 54 East JIartford, 108 South Glastenbury, 68 East Glastenbury, 128 Portland, 58 East Hampton, 35 East Hnddam Ill Haddam Neck, 60 Colchester 89 11 3 5 1 1 2 1 8 2 8 • • 3 1 11 4 26 13 1 36 2 7 3 3 , , 4 4 12 1 19 , , 3 2 11 2 3 2 65 1 12 1 1 , , 6 2 5 , , 1 1 14 13 12 ^ ^ 6 7 , , , , 1 11 , , 35 , ^ 35 2 14 , , 2 1 14 3 7 , , 7 1 22 1 12 1 4 • • 5 I 30 « • mem. prob, l.p, Marlborough 40 11 Plainfield and Canterbury, 144 27 2 Total,.... 4,i5i 564 47 SANDWICH DISTRICT. Nantucket — Center street, 250 Fair street, 121 Edgartown, 226 Holmes' Hole and North Shore, 143 Chilmark, 84 Duxbury, 84 West Duxbury, 76 Pembroke, 61 Marshfield, 62 South Scituate, 43 Scituate, 78 Cohasset and Hull, 90 Hingham, 75 East Weymouth, 122 Quincy 33 South Abington, 26 North Bridge water, 117 Cochesett, 115 North West Bridgewater, 57 Easton, 49 Stoughton, 82 Mansfield, 84 Provincetown Center, 327 Wesley Chapel, 154 South Truro, 96 North Truro, 23 Truro 92 Wellfleet 312 South Wellfleet, 40 Eastham, 132 Orleans, 49 Chatham, 141 East Harwich 46 West Harwich, 14 South Yarmouth, 42 Yarmouth Port, 52 Barnstable and Hyannis, 24 Osterville 37 Marston's Mills, 45 Cotuit Port 10 Falmouth, 76 Monument, 96 South Sandwich 30 West Sandwich, 81 Sandwich, 128 1 2 27 38 14 6 5 4 1 • • 2 6 4 5 7 2 40 23 6 9 12 4 20 14 29 'a 45 14 25 2 21 10 3 16 5 17 76 19 41 17 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 i 1 Total,,,.. 4,125 602 25 KEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Presiding elders, 4; elders, 100; deacons, 9; supernumeraries, 4; superannuated, 23: preachers remaining on trial, 9 ; preachers on trial, 1st year, 3; local preachers, 77 ; members, 13,127 white, 2,234 probationers, 15,361. Total, 15,590. BOSTON DISTRICT. mem. Boston — Hanover street, 364 Brownfield street, 500 Church street, 230 North Russell street, . . 190 Meridian street, 210 Centenary Church,. .. . 151 prob. I. p. 38 2 104 2 30 1 80 2 18 • • 60 2 mem. Redding Church 100 Mariner's Church, .... Chelsea, 270 Roxbury, 164 Dorchester, 152 2d Church, 47 Q.uincy Point, 34 prob. l.p. 20 • • 42 4 3 1 6 , , 20 1 15 • • PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 169 mem. Dedham, 52 Walpole, 71) Newton Upper Falls 75 EasfNeedham, . 20 Natick and Needliam, ](J5 Saxon ville, 80 Holliston J70 Hopkinton, 4'A Milford, 91 Mendon, Farnumsville 7 New England Village, 31 Boylston, 15 Clinton, 75 Luenburg, 68 Townsend, 40 Marlliorougli and Harvard, lOG Sudbury, Assabet Village, prob. 8 I. p. 1 1 1 3 .. 1 2G 3 lUG 1 5 O.) 14 11 3 51 7 20 3 Total, 3,572 CIIARLESTOWX DISTRICT. Cliarlestown — H igh street, 151 Union Church,. . . 125 East Cambridge, 84 Harvard street, 135 Harvard square, 27 Watertown, 69 VValtham, 92 Weston, 79 Lowell— St. Paul's 507 VVorthen street, 370 liyno — Union street • 173 Common street 320 Willow street, Sonth street 190 A[n()ie street, 43 Nahant, Saugus 106 Salem 123 Marblebead, 162 D.I n vers, 98 Gloucester Harbor, 105 Gloucester Purish, 89 Ipswich, 181 Newburyport — Liberty street,... 199 Adelpiii street,. , 8G Topsfield .56 Groveland 30 North Andover, 24 Ballardvale, 29 Melrose, 108 Maiden 125 Medford, 75 Woburn, 40 Chelsea Point, 25 South Reading, 41 26 40 11 10 7 21 28 3 62 92 2 49 1 12 5 67 18 5 54 12 11 28 13 3 4 6 9 22 27 Total, 4,127 WORCESTER DISTRICT. ^Vorceste^ — Park street, 184 Laurel street 109 Leicester and New Worcester, . . 59 Princeton 77 Rutland, 38 Holden 34 Fitchburg 128 Leominster, 104 16 27 35 4 4 16 3 653 15 mem Ashburnham, 1 10 Wiiichetidon, 109 South Rovalston, 36 Phillipston, 49 Tem[-,leton, .32 Hubbardston 126 Barre and Oakham, 88 Hiirdwick, 45 Spencer, 98 Brooktield 92 North Brookfield, 42 Ware Village, 140 Thomdyke, 65 Three Rivers and Palmer Depot, 90 Wales, 48 Monson 47 Wilbraham and Jenksville, 138 South Wiibraham, 44 Ludlow 70 Charleton 53 Southbridge 126 Dudley 95 Webster, 200 Oxford, 125 Milburv 110 Whitinsville, 50 Shrewsbury, 81 Total 3,050 SPRINGFIELD DISTRICT. Springfield — Union street, Pyncheon street,. Chicopce, Chicopee Falls, South Hadley Falls, West Springfield, Feeding Hills and Agawam,. . . Westfield West Parish, Blandford North Blandfjrd Chester Factories and Village,. Montgomery, Southampton, Northampton, Leeds, Williamsburg, Chesterfield, Cummington, Savoy, Charlenioiit Rovve, Coleraine, Leydon, , , . Sheiburn Falls, Buckhind Greenfield, Gill Sonth Deerfield South Amherst and New Belch- ertown, Granby, Pelham. Lock's Pond, Prescott, Enfield, 165 200 199 70 56 46 33 231 51 62 40 32 29 77 60 80 36 40 47 94 30 96 48 46 54 66 51 68 33 37 69 90 44 prob. 4 ^» I 7 4 2 11 14 20 25 50 8 25 6 10 18 10 25 7 12 24 23 ie 24 18 8 6 I. p. 2 4 i 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 489 18 2 6 12 6 8 4 / 1 8 2 54 1 23 6 20 6 o 38 5 14 1 18 30 5 10 13 o 10 30 5 26 15 Total,.... %37d 375 I '2 • » 1 • » 3 21 170 PAKT I. — CHUECH DIRECTOEY. a. • Ed o P ^ m H t-^ 2 5 « o < H 02 O I— I «2 CZ2 < Q O •2 3 I. o C =.5 o •3 ■a »; "^ 3 a) cj '- w t-i — 3^ ■•a « ■OS •n " y. o rt-O ^ M H 'jaqraai^ jaj •suonoa[{03 w '-'OaCCCCiO'T'OOCO — C0fM--0 3DC0t*t~3;OlftC0 i-i ':oc^>noococ^co'r''-ccn'3-c?if3o]Tra:<3o^T'—< O 000--OOOOOOCOOC50COOOO<-« Q O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o (c cX'0;'0'o:£>trgo'r'GociLDc>oC-'0>— C5i— i-^t-C7iCO— « •— ■-r O CDOgecC- OJ-:T'C0C»C*'^ai^-t":D*O00co odc^ •J3qUl3J\[ J3 J M ^-^^coc:— oocDCJcrioc:* c^ooo w C 00000 0'00000<:=00 oooo <-•' fl o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooo •suoi;oa[|03 2 CJCO'Ori'OJOOOSOO'T — r-.-iO t-oocco o ■J rrc'cooojocc — c^ — coo»-«a» locs-hos oo Q u^O — GC'^CCrr'"' "^ "^^ OTHER CLAIMANTS. •sosuadxa a •aAr)03j5a 3 .J o a -H I/: CD c: CO -.S" CO oo c^ t- c£> lo l< o l* oo c£> o w^coTTC^-o^ac^ — oe fc-coco5i — ro^ co •sjuapnsj .uuadng 2 Q ooo — cjocnc^'Ococor-'-r-oow^co c;i-o— o CM OCC — — O O 0> O t- -^ CD « — OD O -^ t- ifl CM COTf^— . cot^iOO^CJ — circcjirf ff'^ CDC^ •sn^qdjo 3 a 35 60 3 45 19 S2 20 00 12 42 9 60 6 72 22 44 30 96 26 10 13 44 48 00 •SM.opiAl a O a coTrcomvoa>'J3cocoaivo^cocv:comTf'^aio»u5 Csn-^OOJ-r'M'^OJCOOlOOOU^C*— -^TT — OCCtJ< tocsoQOcQt^eo'rcg — 'S'oj— Oi lO t-^ to --T -rr c JCM(MOIOJOJ0gOJOJ03CNjOJOl oo oocoaooocoaoGrJCCoocoooaooocooDCCoorooooo H u Ed ti •pjox . loocccooiocncooi — !Xt- — in-— i/;t-cint-ai W) cc0"rj"»0'^ooo>c^a: — X'<3r-foirrTrir5u^^ H oooi'O^oosa^iGOot-cjiCGoojccoiaioc — •J TTlCOCOOJCTiClOJOOi/S— •?'lr»007C71t-Tr — ooo C OJCCC^'^ODQOC*;7)OtOO«OOQCC*OOtD — a> — c« OJ— . C* ^^— r*J^^-^^ cT-T ^cg .2 3.0 W CO iJ CO o » Q o TT OJ O oo o CO o — c-o o o o o o o o 00 — COOlOOujO-fOOffOOJ-** CO — C'oojr?^oo;oo — CO OOOOOOOC:OOo — OOOOOOOOOOOO 00 CO O TP — -r CO f- CO ^ CS 05 00 -T CO CO CM ^ ■i — ocjt--— ^mujOiomt-CTi jCi— .OOOOCt-C'oj — iO^OT — l-irtvft'^iOCOCiClOC^OO COOJOOOX-OJ tOirtOl — It* •pan^ j£jBna)a93 o ^-* lO — CO .—I •pun^ p3j3}jBq3 J o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c3 •0^5 'saioESa'j iO ^ puapTAtQ nioo>i Tjoog n3 OCDOOOOOOOOCJOOOOOOO-OOO O "ZJOOOOOOCOOO-OOOOOOOOOOO 2 0CCC0000 CO 3,475 13 1,3:^1 95 1,537 99 3,785 0! 3,8y5 43 1 ,797 41* 3,409 08 cococ£):ccof^r>o> croooooo-; CO d en •!> O^ — PO 'X) CTj -^ C£>C5aiO'Vf'^CO f-g — t— o^nOt-co cj -^ -r 'J t-T CO e- «^ »n rr ^5 ^Tj CO c- co^oo CM CQ r-^ CJ — cvi CO g § ooddoooo CTi Ci <3V c-l CO C^ C] C^J 20 CO 8 34 2 OS CO oooooooo oooooooo (»oooC'a>-j'«3'Tr->r OJ 7,083 33 10,843 5'2 4,961 70 1 1 ,906 53 not ans'd 6,105 70 9,'209 70 8,336 00 o 00 CD Ohio, . . Illinois, Indiana, • Baltimore, Philadel., N. Jersey, Providence, N.England, 'o W2 w (11 o e-i « D Oh H 13 W hJ o ;> w ^ w n Pi o h H U ei ^ a K ta Pi Ss U b* ^ tf O O J < «! tD ^ > ^ - r» <— — « c» CO C3 -^ -x" dcddddddd t-t'cccr. — xou^cs <^xrrx^<:ccceca> Genesee, Ohio, Indiana, * Philadelphia, Providence, New England, (?J'^;-;fOCOO'T^O{M ■09- -TCDOOaiC'OOCi^— . ci'^ •^x;_c-^o oc or^;:^ X c£-So^oC:y^^iCco CO r 5 Erie, Oneida, North Ohio/ East Genesee, North Indiana,* ...... Missouri, Michigan, ^ t^ — en 00 -^ t'OOiO ■^OJ-rcooF-TJ-^^C^ dodddddddd c»C"'»ooiOTr'Xi — ococ» OiXCOt'^CCOXrT'— «I^ Tr_^^ X — -» T X •/:. "O X New Hampshire,* New York East, . Troy, Western Virginia, • • • • t- c > a Pittsburg, . . East Manie, Wisconsin, . , Black River, . B .a flB ■0 •» 0) S 5 V .a c M •^ •a ■** la S -o r\ O O >• J^ "^ .a •^ E ■5 " •a V h fc .2 .■a " > s. » 1 •a f. 1 C3 O > < CO" fc - a u a 2 OJ — > ,« >=J a o t-'o >> LO C( lO 2 " a o <»■ 0) - u t^ -a o > c* s"!"! *© a< S^£l j3 O s-ri£ = -^^ c t^ o 1^ -: 2 o a; >. c o O u CO § u T3 m V. tj E £5 S-o < o .2- "g +.» t«2i.b- J3 c C cd u C a 3 0^—3 O ■;: • — b4 E C3 S^="i 2F'?3 j3 d tM o £■£ S ° Eh c2.= ^ i3 .a a." '- u « c.= ♦"O c ^ C-3 — ■Sc • Gff . = » 2 rt 1; — ■^ c a •C t^ 0'"" -5 rt ■So T3 V J3 •£§•11 ES = S c »== « S2i -«-* C C (y tfl a 3 lo n a C.2 o 2 o o ui £.2 S Sill *• .0 172 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. m Q I— I a o 5 ^ o pac SJ3) ■ SllltJ^ JO ■ok IBIOX o n 00 lo « '^— *' ci^c»T 5» t~ 00 ^-_^■>r »fl ci o r--__OD o O5_o «:_c»_a»_o x^(j»_aD •^ ■Bjaqinaj^j JO -ON lEJOX 0:'r>OOOG-JM35~0-*tOOOt^O»!3>000«*'t--l5>>«»'-IOJ'»*'>0«aO-^05t- Tf ??» O >n '-C C-. 5t -H GC -O "* C; Tf iX — m M < J^ 05 lO 00 O T 1.0 G^ i~- O -^ X s» 1^ rs c< o -^ — " o s» — lo i^ u^ M -^ 00 ^tt i> c; o x^-^^^s*,!?* t-^!o o_r- (n 1 ^' o erf ic o 00 r^ C5 C2 :; " 'I f 00 C5 00 ©» oc ©f >rt t-^ s' 00 c»f rT i-T .-^ o' cf L'"" TjT ^ -^ C5 i^ X O S: 05 -»• C5 O -^ S» Oi 01 !0 C-. M ff» o< 00 -^c; o o CJ_C5 30,-^ 5^ ® ^'"i* (^l l^ n O tS 00 G^ *-^ a 1-i ^^ o HM o o T— 1 1— < M l^ o (M CO I— I r-t C? rl n i^ ^ « :^ i' 111 IC l^ l-l f r-< O O ~. G< i-T lO 00 i^ --C i - X ci ~ X :r, ?c o -»■ o L-; •rs ts » o -^ M ro ;c — C-: — I oo -^ i- c^ g> o M » c: 5» ^ o '■': i» rt ifl ts •^ X ".'5 c^ o X 35 >o t^ t^ t- c»7 5» C5 Gt 51 X c; »^ « X o c> 7* o — ' X -.s t- oi cri -v L-t -r o ic "J ■* ■* ci c; X M c» c«s<^ M 1-1 1-11-1 (i«(> 'J >/l "^ — < O n M i?> -H CI « ur — — CI 1.? S( r: ~ C2 ~ M o 1— IrnrOi— 11— 1 Cli— ^ 1-1 •JBtl} uo Silt -UlEU13-}£ t^M O-* O 55 "O -^ 3 -ij" O -H |-~ (?> CI Ifl O Si !'> 1—* 1—1 CI I— 11-^r— »— 1 1— ir-11— 1 — c> -^ nc c» c» i^ '-'? >o -^ X OS 'I I— 1 -» C» C< I— I 1—1 1—1 c> o •p3}T!nn .uBjaJng t^ C5 n — ( ifl ifl ct -f "t Si o o f^ -^ 5) t^ c; 1— 1 c> l^ ri '.c 1^ r-. — C* r-i— .1-1^ „^„ct^ r-l— 1 i-l i-l M Tf ^ X M C5 CI 1— C» LT C^ M lO l,^ Ct Ifl ^ c» ■* 1— I ^- n M •^ Tfl t--* o c< o C! 51 C3 re lO CI ■* 1—1 1—1 1—1 •<* »— t •suoDEag , ifr^ '-^ ^ xr- "MX ?ll>00li^X-f»O — 10C5 — ^ c> -^ c> ^^ C» 13 tcooo -* CI c« — ^ 1—1 -H 1— i r-( — 1—1 r-lCJ 1-1 c« c» 1-1 L-T r^ CI CJ X X fi r- en •o 1—1 —^ c; lo -.c i^ 00 35 -»• s 35 -# C» »^ C 35 X y: 15 X r5 f — r 15 I- ,^ I» •saapia u_ ■^ o Cl CI 'J' -^ 1«< i- M to CIO C» 35 fOXt^-^ X»^ r-i- 1- CJt- 51 — X ^ 35 1—1 T— 1 1—1 rl I-l 1—1 1—1 1—1 1—1 cf Si-3 -d !Tl<{--.U5f5C5r5l~-t^C5i>l^XXO»C>taxu5X»5>fOe5'S«St-r5'ti I— 1 1— 1 r-^ I— ( 1—1 a. 3 ■a g u id o u k. C kri O rf o & s: & O) 0) 4) ha o o ^ aj o c ■^ s sicz: • a; c . a> - c t. cj a> o— "" '5 si ■- c k< O -3 C a be 0) S-^r i; c r- PART I. — CIIUECil DIRECTORY. 173 TABLE No. 2. THE FOLLOWING TABLK SHOWS THE GROWTH OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. FOR THE THIRTEKN YEARS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWIXG THE FIRST CONFERENCE. Year. Preachers. Members. Increase. 1773 10 1,160 1774 J7 2,073 913 1775 19 3, J 48 1,075 1776 24 4,921 1,773 1777 36 6.y(>8 2,047 1778 29 6,095 1779 49 8,57ir 2,482 1730 42 8.504 1781 54 10,539 2,025 1782 59 11.785 1,246 1783 83 13.740 1,955 17t^4 83 14.988 1,248 1785 104 18,000 3,012 AVERAGE INCREASE OF THE CHURCH BY DECADES, Average No. of Preachers. White Members. Colored Members. Total average. Average increase. 224 326 630 970 40,734 63,236 142,453 230,337 FROM 1786 to 1796. 10,122 50,856 79,850 178,128 273,695 4,229 5,965 9,122 13,703 1796 to 1806. 10,613 1806 to 1816. 33,675 1816 to 1826. 43,359 Av. No. of Preachers . Local Preachers. White Members. Colored Members. Indians. Total average. Average increase. 2,033 3,718 3,777 6,537 433,093 734,492 1826 to 1836. 68,644 2,401 2,740 503,846 840,941 30,433 59,060 11,170 -^-^ 1836 to 1845. 100,400 5,070 023,00 4 1845 to 1851.* 28,523 800 002,- -73 * After the Cliiircli was divided into North and Soutli, tills table contains only the numbers ia the former. 15* 174 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. m t— ( O W Eh K XJl t— I O o GQ O H H < H <^ 1— t o C1-* c to c?oo « CD ^ to 00 LO ej Q 00^ i-icfoo iC O O^O^O CO O 0.00 CI « 05 -* 1—^ •* o'lft rt'cTfos Qo'td' c-* 't' 1- to" irt" too'&f 1— < cazDaiisoivnr-ir^ §gl " cs o\ 00 rr SJ ■f i-i i-i to w to «» I-< «9 ^ «j _- « 4) C0 00
  • ~ _ • • "tS-a 4) 3 .V?3 - . Im • be 0) fe a> ^ cj •B§toJ .§ . • 3 H ,_^ «] ^ j= _r . <^^ a .2 •^ 3 r9 ■s o o o ::g CD P3 aa 6 ® ::: o3 c3 OT i^ O Eh 4) S ' — . 3 J3 •- 3 •- • c « bC 3 - . _- g :g S g J t- ^ CD •= ^ S '- .3 > t- <1 3 o a i*r a! ti 3 •-s c;;2 '^ S " o |1h Li e ..J o c c 3 2 S '-5 ci S y' § Q tf S £ ^ " 2ii c ^, M =i - <" ':: to Eh O < m -A O H O £f 3" ? = !3 D > aj ^ ==^S' a c S >^o=^ - S 1- = v^ g H a; ^ =1 a; - 1, - j: -2 K > =^ « =3 *^ E be 2 bo '- =r s i-S-S.5 ti o -0 CH ^ ^ bjj '' ^— ' t« >.^-^ -v^^ ^v>^v^^-3 m ZC; o • • • oT • • ' i ' ' • • • o • * • • • • J3 4^ . . • o . • . • . 02 s . . . dj . • • ^ . • > . • . o . s" ^ .OS • " • I-I • »__■—• »i '^ 3 CO O 3 ^ OJZ^L ^ 4-> OT 1 1 "S| - ^ '-■^ J: OT OT *j ill _. :■< ~ Em -^ "^ c >.-= 3 ^g-O 3 * C n ^ a. ss r s C^ n 11 4)aj«J4) i: a j:j5-cj:_c-- x x — ; ^a: e- ■- (U .3 hfHHHH^HWfi: >, «> ** M ,3 4-3 3 Q> 4-* O g n tn be C •T3 I-I eS M 'So J3 ■*^ n J3 "3 3 4-3 2 •5 3 3 0) ■*-3 tft fc* .a «) a •a C JH r3 •4.4 a to 'S ♦-» on A "3 B 3 E S s >. :H ei 0) to CO M "73 s; V § ^ •4^ Q0_ J3 CO y-^ cj d M 1 m " 1 S .2 ^ 00 '3 -4-3 0) ■4.3 l-t pa bO ^ gl c" 4-3 to ei .^r «? ■*J Ed •5 ^ ■" 2 £ b£ 2 a} "3 n 3 •0 £ c) Ui ■«! l4 O) K 15 H T3 3 _o (fi m J= a > n •< •4-3 3: c». •4-3 v 3 C 3 cT a) C ri3 H 4-3 1 J3 bfi 3 J3 3 Jj ^ 3 ;5 a, To 3 W bfl 3 C '4-3 ■^ s ■5 a oT -4-3 -"1 3 a, as a S d M > ■4J -^3 u> I-I Bi £> aj Ed > c ,3 pa "d £ c " E 3 >. E aj E "3 3 _. J3 •4-> -3 o-^ V. *J -3 bo 3 E E^ 5 si = S = §.!! £^ "O ic 3- " " 1 -" a; -3 SE 00 0) g £ a^ 3 a) a) *^ a) » E > ■5 aj J3 c c I— 1 i -B 4J -3 ti.2 •4-3 ts 11 s no notice taken of f the calculations ar s it is chiefly in the contributed by the 11 3 1-- 3 'oC •3 cj 4) ^ aj 1- .t a) r- OT og .— ^ -* »5 > 0) ■ 4-3 oj ^ zi ^ OT -^ -g'^ T "^ 1 ■= c: _c r-^ -^ c -7" ^ 1 HS^;^' E- = i: = ^ S . :o I— 1 _ 5< r^ -^ „- 1.T t ;3 »■ 2 5 0^ U ■** PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. 175 Q o g 121 S B 2 >< o u 03 t— I O ^ S u N s iB— 1 H f^ O M 2: S 1^ t— 1 l« > P r^ n Q -< P^ H^ H s O p H Iz; u O |z; S K o o o 5 Z BS Tf) » M f^ z CH K £d W BJ O M Oi bs ^ a o w E- m l«H CrS f^ o <: H Ed Q >« ^ E- O <^ s a o z; . •cr o a o ;»; t~ t^ C> Tp t^ f- O 'C oc cs' Ct C^ Ci — < 1-1 O r^ O CI -H to o C-. fix &« O " L-; C5 o ~r 00 o ct *:• X o I— ( lO o ^ Xi -^ ■^ i^ o 00 5£ O ^ G O O O t5 tC CI l?> »o • t- t^ oc 00 ■< 1— 1 1— 1 1— ( I— < c s* ?■ « i» ir t. m »- 9^ q; *- cj — ^ 2 2 E ^ aj "a = c'— c rt jj o =* £ -< to O _ ^ ■" c **) r. c t t;*?;t? o Eh "^ C O C '"^ m • — o n "- j= S a o 0) > c > >. c 2iJ Zi > '^ !~ O 2 v " o g = (— oo — •5 2 ^ O ;i o O '^ "d j: o „ "^■5 2 E c% -^ ™- *^ c S = E 2 0) s rr '-J o c = — K! JJ « C-ii'o OJ £ m - • ■ t" 5 tc fc/, o c 5 = S oj .E .ti .E o V QJ 0) S Oj la^ Efi 2 I" -g £*= — — > >- .ti _ -. cri — ^ -^ i5 -2 .^ o S ,« tj >, OJ 6. — <'■ -=i a r- ■•-> 2i 5 ..-~ 02 rs of p her is t of tl o c^ » S-3^ ,^-^i^ ^, 1" " = £-£=: ?^I = ^gCIs r- (>! O ^ m 2 c ^ h- C' o ^ = 4^ o l-i a > t— ■ es -3 o ^ . -• £=- os'?^ 2 o ?i r; '^ !'=?§■ j^ •< 2.^ p ^ " n> S 2 = ~ ;:; -»5 3* CD § Cu 3 £i, <4 O^ M ''rS "■ ? r»IQ ca !^ 3-C c- o P CD « PS? B 5" u e fB a i ^ )^ Soi •«! o -'" 2 «• » 3 (« H =■3 P i§^ -1 3 B3 = --— ^ -•Mo B S 3 CO a^ CO 1— > O (19 f ^ 5«^ 1 ►1 => ■^ s a 05 ^. ^ n C.; P- S P fl OD ►< ^ ID V* S.H 3" 3 04 B 9' 5 ja o < IS ■3 — "5 :5 ffV i«ii O! S 35 P )m. « -n 3 «-♦ i« n) \M ^.S^. S ^ 3 «! =r •-i « ?R S C;i -1 >• 3 3 •« o- at ?» a •3 CO S 53 " o sr S^3 cj o d — ^ s «j ^ ^ ^ f6 P ^ 3 <- s . p ,o O -« M ^ 3- 3" S-' . 3- a re 'C or ,-c oc 'T> ^t -} -1 i.T *» w jii I— c; ?c 00 ^i oscocoooo JO J-' i-i '^Vi'lj rs ^1 •t^ hS ^ >~' I— C CS in n — :0 ^1 O Number of. >*> Oi »« " "-J 1— '-' O I— "i* -^ .t* ;^ tk U )S I— > I— > O *. W it- >3 JS Cn wT iC 5£ JC ^ to 53 O C in Vi *- 'ic en CO 'ife. 1-0 00 t-i ci to ~. ~- re o -^C0>— ;£00k-0CC!C5 Number of. in c; 00 ^j C5 io to 1-1 j(» iC J— jt» 1£ ,"j^ *- "oo in o "^ *. to '^? Cb. >*«■ 35 35 to O! no W to rf- tS IS K- ^ to 00 >0 C5 .TO C! 'O to 00 *0 4^ H- ^ = 35 C5 M ^ <0 Number of. JO^ j-i 0~JO»OtO l-" ^ oc O C: iT 35 00 *» ^ 4>. O w O in Increase in ten years. 1— ' 00 >&■ to '-' O w ^I O! .-.? 35 in jfc- _►— _3-. jS jU *. in 00 35 in ^X0i035t3t00 I0 4»;ooc:i— I— .t^ Number of. CO CO to l-J O to i— 00 = 4». jO in 33 to O^J)3 "^ "35 "to 'to "35 "i O k— to in 35 CO 35 35 to to I— CO O 3) to -^ Increase in ten years. _10 jO ^ "35 c "o to 00 in 01 (O ^ to ^ to « 00 4». M Number of. C5 tr -J to CO.IC CO 00 I-" in to — 33 --J Increase in ten years. CO to -J 31 O 00 -I jr. 5c CO in 00 in "^j "to to "b to ""-J to to ^ - J :3 o -J 35 35 to to 4^ Number of. in to C3 35 ^! 33 GfJ 35 to "►t- b'lO'-r^ C3 i-i =: X -o K- C rt» X Increase in ten years. 13 > o S 1) » > V— 1 p -J jb. jSv-" in'Cb.^"^Ja.^TintOi— ' Number of. > C3.i^in^l4».tOk— H-tO 1— GDOOQOSt— 0100 to CJ*.^ Increase a 0) w- to S3 -J ^1 to to 1 in ten H-oQotoo— one 1 • ioostocctointo to v-* iT-O in to 1— i-i 33 in to X 35 ^J (0 in K) 35 *- X to to '.3 X Number of. no ^ -O VI (0 33 ■— to 4i 2 at M 91 to no in to X *. -.o 0-1 C5ioc;>-cnon04^»- in in *>^ to 1-1 C 35 (0 X in -> to M *'K-C535t0 3;OQ0 Increase " -} to *. to 35 rf. no 00 in ten CO*it0.fc.tOin^4- iOtonOH-i— CtnO CO O 3 3 c^ o a. O 3 3 2 m "S. O o -3 O 3- n 3- 3- O *; p •-I o' s u> o- o a -3 o 3- .n o c crq 3" O s 3- o ►id t> 1— t f ^ O :^ •q H Q eg W >; W i> (Xl PI Oi > ?3 on >=d *»! c1 ^ g >■ w fd U cc 1—1 >► t^ o> ^ W 1— ' 00 H >- bj 2 Q tr" W 05 i^ • Or PAliT I. — CnUItCH DIKECTOliY. 17; CO- w o o u en >— ( Ph P^ H CO I— ( O W H D m 02 Pi >-r1 o i-H H- 1 H O ly I— I P2 H W o HH •av ^ OS 1 r^ ^H c» « 1 \a •savaA 6i7 | — »-l •SHvaA ft 1 •-* •^ •SHV3A IP \ — " CI •SHVaA 9J7 1 — — ' •" •SHVaA St 1 — < ::< — ' •SHVaA fp 1 ■SHV-3A St- 1 -H — c* — M CI -H — « h- •SHvaA 51- 1 — "" -< ~-.rtC«-» « mi e»"HC jo«-c CNCO-^-"«— C1C< fl 11 1-^ 10 1-^ — I-i I-l •savaA S5 1 •sHva.n^j •SHvaA 85 1 coc< — CCNCMHe?) •«C>-i « i-i-^rr-i i-'!>! CO CO C< CO •1 e<-*i-l-H ^eo *n^^c^f-ic£> 1-1 C'-TC>»^-^CO'-H C »-i — ^-C» — C* •SHvaA t^ 1 c>s cK >n — c< CO —1 com — P^Trc*^ (M-^rtCCC^ — '^C^m s •savaA 15 1 ■savaA 05 1 E^ S* CV3 C*? ifl CO ^ iO >oc< -^cco— ^-< cnii — .-a"* c< U5(?aC< W3C*^^C^C«C^CC^ — C0COCO^C0C^^t-*c^ C^ CO— « CO •savaA PI f^rustvj'-oto eoo -^CTC^Crcoc-u5C^cot* cr*^— 'OirsM CO •savaxfl 1 »^uai-nocococ^t-i»^ 00 CO CO OC id CO CM C» ?D C5 «o -^ CO 00 —< ci; •savaA 81 | COUJiOCCi-UCCOCOOO CO TT CO « C — t -^ 10 CK e«3 — » TJ" TJi -a- CO Tf ~ •savaA 51 1 o»ocoeo^cc-T-^oo — o-^-HT3"irii/3cco5oococg»o ^otococococo ?3 •savaA 11 1 Wit-t-^C'COCMCOeOCM CO -H CO -^ .« U3 1 CO CO C3i 0^ 1 CO ^O U3-— otO-^ " •savaA 01 1 •savaA 6 | — TMSt-e^COOOr-C'lOdt^l^COt-— lOCOiO 1-1 (M « I' or r!'»oooi:-eo«>ooocO'»oiot-ir- •savaA 8 ] ^CiODlftCOOit'i-tiO COCOi^t-W3COCO-Ni^ CTi-^ 1-1 1 t- T CO '"' t* •savaA I 1 COC500iO*OC»'7'C-'

    :-«>coiooc5t-c35cDC<-i'io CO •savaA 8 | ^TticOrJi00C5»O^Ot*— lOO-^lOriitDOiriiOCr. l-*CC^ 1 •savaA g 1 »n.-H-»-'-fcOCOCO — •^t»t-*orr05C30(M0C(C!3^O-^Ot-X^i-' — ^-SO c< •HvaA I 1 C0C0»0Oe0Om«OCT>'^»rt'^'r«-^w?C-35C^»^i-i^<0t-U303T'fl' a, H ^ « S w PS "J?; 5 w z; rt p5 =; ^ I-) •ca C5 0) u t/l m £ '^ ■•• > V ir r> t4 > 3 t, OJ-j ii > a to CS 3 sie a; ^ CO 2°i > c u cl O t« »)- " ■" s »> - =•« £ 2j< , a ed o 4> ■" - ^ O ~ 3 a -^ „ "■=.2 ^iJ T3 -^ S - " B-° o 5 4) ■— 4J > aj •=02 — X 3 ==Sa •** 4) rt »-H -fc-* "^^ CO O ^H O) 178 PART I. — CHURCH DIRECTORY. Missouri, . Michigan, Genesee, . Illinois, Indiana, . Liberia, . Ohio, . . Baltimore, . . . Philadelphia, . Providence, . . . New Jersey, . . New England, . New York, . , New Hampshire, . New York East, Troy Western Virginia, Vermont, . , . Pittsburg, . . East Maine, . . Wisconsin, , . Black River, Maine, . . . Erie, .... Rock River, . . Oneida, . . . North Ohio, . . Town, .... East Genesee, . North Indiana, . s o s • • • >3 "O 0) ^ni j'^' 1—1 h-* 1— 1 CO h^ ^— O h- ca k— Wt-i»0C0t>. OO^WWClOtOCJi-' Died in four years. 3 - Under "25. >• > H P) > H X \o to t-i H- to I—" 1—1 1—1 K) H-l 25 to 30. O C i_ii_i !_• i-'>t>.i— il-il— 1 I— iJOi-'l— 'tOI— ' I-Jt-'IO 30 to 35. if to Id-" to to 1-1 to to h-1 l-ii-i iOWi-1 (--to 35 to 40. 3 (-■ M t-i to to i-i k- to to 1— to to 40 to 45. re 3 ID I-" h-l 1—1 1—1 to 1—1 h-il— Ih- ilO 1—1 45 to 50. n. 50 to 55. 'O. c I—" h-" 1— 1 55 to 60. >5' 3 »— I 1—1 1— » )— 1 h^ t— I J— 1 60 to 65. HH >-l to WJ to W H-1 65 to 70. ' en O 3_ IS k— i-ii-i to toi-iwi-iwwi-' Above 70. Cci-i ,;>. U ^ w to h- h-i to i-i l-J h-1 to 1-1 to Not ascer- tained. 2, o W .(.. c *. tn fi iii O f-t- r* r* «-»- o o o c *- Ol S5 *. C O = OT Ol O O VI Ct Ot w Oi O O C Ot Ol ti Ol — tl O O Ol o o oooccoooooo ocooocooo OJ c»5 *. c: >u tn >t' c-T w cn oi .*>. c; ct 4^ c; -I wi io tn >*>. O tn Oi O O O Oi O ti Vi Oi O C O C ti< c; 4n Oi O Oi > B < K n . p S' 1—1 wto 1-1 l-l|-iCOI— il-i V-1 1—1 h-l^' Under 5. •i <5 H » > OQ g >< > H B H X o t« t-l l-> l_i hU i-i t- H- to ^^ l-i to ^ to w to 5 to 10. o r: to tOh- to to 1-11-1 h-i CO I— 1 1-1 >-■ to 10 1—1 to to 10 to 15. p 5- K) 1— • h-l >-> 1—1 l-itO^ 1—1 1— to >— 1—1 t/T to to 15 to 20. t-" 1-1 ^- to 1—1 to 1— 1 i-i >-i 20 to 25. "2- )0 t—i t-^ 1-^ )— 1 25 to 30. I-" I—" 1-1 to 30 to 35. s. s »3 ^J l_i ,t» h-i 35 to 40. 1-^ 1—1 1—11—1 1—1 1—11—1 to 40 to 45. 01 O c to to 1-11-1 45 to SO. 3* n n E. n s. I—" to 1-1 1—1 1—1 to »-i 50 and above. l—i fc- 1 W 1— 1 o o o o c~i o VI ci< p . !=: t^ , t:; " '^ "-^ '2 's 1-1 to to to to 10 " to to 3 tnOOiCiOtntnoCTwiO OOfciOOtnOOO (D OOOOOOOOOOO OOoOOOOOO w !r*r;"'='r;»2iSir;""r' cotoi-totowi-toto *^" OtnCOtnOOtnOOOi tii4notntn©4n trtn > < a 3 ?d Q Q U GO o o ° H K O o G ?3 B > W 2 D CT GO • O H w o o I— I (73 1— ( O W c| O PART II. ABSTRACT OF THE DISCIPLINE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF 1848.* CONFERENCES. GENERAL CONFERENCE. Ques. 1 . Who shall compose the General Conference, and what are the regula- tions and powers belonging to it ? Ans. 1. The General Conference shall be composed of one member for every twenty-one members of each annual conference, to be appointed either by seni- ority or choice, at the discretion of such annual conference : yet so that such rep- resentatives shaU have traveled at least four full calendar years from the time that they were received on trial by an annual conference, and are in full connection at the time of holding the conference. 2. The General Conference shall meet on the first day of May, in the year of our Lord 1812, in the city of New York, and thenceforward on the first day of May, once in four years, perpetually, in such place or places as shall be fixed on by the General Conference from time to time : but the general superintendents, with or by the advice of all the annual conferences, or if there be no general superin- tendent, all the annual conferences, respectively shall have power to call a General Conference if they judge it necessary at any time. 3. At all times when the General Conterence is met, it shall take two-thirds of the representatives of all the annual conferences to make a quorum for transacting business. 4. One of the general superintendents shall preside in the General Conference ; but in case no general superintendent be present, the General Conference shall choose a president pro tern. 5. The General Conference shall have full powers to make rules and regula- tions for our church, under the following limitations and restrictions, viz. : — 1. The General Conference shall not revoke, alter, or change our articles of re- ligion, nor establish any new standards or rules of doctrine, contrary to our pres- ent existing and established standards of doctrine. 2. They shall not allow of more than one representative for every fourteen mem- bers of the annual conference, nor allow of a less number than one for every thirty : provided, nevertheless, that when there shall be in any annual confer- ence a fraction of two-thirds the number which shall be fixed for the ratio of representation, such annual conference shall be entitled to an additional dele- gate for such fraction ; and provided, also, that no conference shall be denied the privilege of two delegates. 3. They shall not change or alter any part or rule of our government, so as to do away episcopacy, or destroy the plan of our itinerant general superintendency. 4. They shall not revoke or change the general rules of the United Societies. 5. They shall not do away the privileges of our ministers or preachers of trial by a committee, and of an appeal : neither shall they do away the privileges of our members of trial before the society, or by a committee, and of an appeal. 6. They shall not appropriate the produce of the Book Concern, nor of the Char- ter Fund, to any purpose other than for the benefit of the traveling, supernu- mary, superannuated and worn out preachers, their wives, widows, and child- * For the alterations of 1352, see additions at the end of the book. 180 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. ren. Provided, neverlheless, that upon the concurrent recommendation of three-fourths of all the members of the several annual conferences, who shall be present and vote on such recommendation, than a majority of two-thirds of the General Conference succeeding shall suffice to alter any of the above re- strictions, excepting the first article : and also, whenever such alteration or alter- ations shall have been first recommended by two-thirds of the General Confer- ence, so soon as three-fourths of the members of all the annual conferences shall lave concurred as aforesaid, such alteration or alterations shall take effect, ANNUAL CONFERENCES. Ques. 3. Who shall attend the yearly conferences ? Ans. All the traveling preachers who are in full connection, and those who are to be received into full connection. Ques. 4. Who shall appoint the times of holding the yearly conferences ? Ans. The bishops ; but they shall allow the annual conferences to sit a week at least. Ques. 5. Who shall appoint the places of holding the annual conferences ? Ans. Each annual conference shall appoint the place of its own sitting. Ques. 6. What is the method M'herein we usually proceed in the yearly con- ferences ? Ans. We inquire, 1. What preachers are admitted on trial ? 2. Who remain on trial ? 3. Who are admitted into full connection ? 4. Who are the deacons ? 5. Who have been elected and ordained ciders this year ? 6. Who are located this year ? 7. Who ai'e the supernumeraries ?* 8. Who are the superannuated or worn-out preachers ? Every superannuated preacher, who may reside without the bounds of the con- ference of which he is a member, shall annually forward to his conference a certifi- cate of his Christian and ministerial conduct, together with an account of the num- ber and circumstances of his family, signed by the presiding elder of the district, or the preacher in charge of the circuit or station within whose bounds he may reside ; without which, the conference shall not be required to allow his claim. 9. Who have been expelled from the connection this year? 10. Who have withdrawn from the connection this year ? 11. Are all the preachers blameless in life and conversation ? 12. Who have died this year? 13. What is the number of members in society, and what of probationers in society ? 14. What amounts are necessary for the superannuated preachers, and the wid- ows and orphans of pi-eachers, and to make up the deficiencies of those who have not obtained their regular allowance on the circuits? 15. What has been collected on the foregoing accounts, and how has it been applied ? 16. What has been contributed for the suppoi't of missions, what for the publica- tion of tracts, and Sunday-school books, and what to aid the American Bible "Society and its auxiliaries ? * A supernumerary preacher is one so worn out in the itinerant service as to be rendered incapable of preaching constantly ; but at the same time is willing to do any work in th« ministry which the conference may direct, and his strength enable him to perform. PART IT. — DISCIPLINE ^^^D INSTITUTIONS. 181 17. Where are the preachers stationed this year ? IS. Where and when shall our next conference be held ? A record of the proceedings of each annual conference shall be kept by a sec- retary, chosen for that purpose, and shall be signed by the president and secre- tary 5 and let a copy of the said record be sent to the General Conference. BISHOPS AND THEIR DUTY. Ques. 1. How is a bishop to be constituted ? Ans. 1. By the election of the General Conference, and the laying on of the hands of three bishops, or at least of one bishop and two elders. Ques. 2. If by death, expulsion, or otherwise, there be no bishop remaining in our Church,' what shall we do ? Ans. 2. Tlie General Conference shall elect a bishop ; and the elders, or any three of them, who shall be appointed by the General Conference for that purpose, shall ordain him according to our form of ordination. Ques. 3. What are the duties of a bishop ? Ans. 1. To preside in our conferences. 2. To fix the appointments of the preachers for the several circuits, provided he shall not allow any preacher to remain in the same station more than two years succes- sively ; except the presiding elders, the general editor, the general book steward and his assistant, the editor and assistant editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal, the editor of the Sunday school books, the corresponding secretaries, editors and agents at Cincinnati, the supernumerary, superannuated and worn-out preachers, missionaries among the Indians, Welsh, Swedes, Norwegians, and other missionaries among foreigners (not including the Germans,) and where supplies are difficult to be obtained, missionaries to our people of color and on foreign stations, chaplains to state prisons and military post and naval stations, those preachers that may be appointed to labor for the special benefit of seamen and for the American Bible Society, also the preacher or preachers that may be stationed in the city of New Orleans, and the presidents, principals, or teachers of seminaries of learning, which are or may be under oar superintendence •, and also, when requested by an an- nual conference, to appoint a preacher for a longer time than two years to any seminary of learning not under our care : provided, also, that, with the excep- tions above named, he shall not continue a preacher in the same appointment more than two years in six ; nor in the same city more than four years in succession ; nor return him to it after such term of service till he shall have been absent four years. He shall have authority, when requested by an annual conference, to ap- point an agent, whose duty it shall be to travel thi'oughout the bounds of such conference, for the purpose of establishing and aiding Sabbath schools, and distribu- ting tracts, and also to appoint an agent or agents for the benefit of our literary institutions, and an agent for the Gei'man publishing fund. 3. In the intervals of the conferences, to change, receive, and suspend preachers, as necessity may require, and as the discipline directs. 4. To travel through the connection at large. .5. To oversee the spiritual and temporal business of our Church. 6. To ordain bishops, elders, and deacons. 7. To decide all questions of law in an annual conference, subject to an appeal to the General Conference ; but in all cases the application of law shall be with the conference. 8. To point out a course of reading and study, proper to be pursued by candi- dates for the ministry, for the term of fom* years. 16 182 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 9. To form tlie districts accoi'ding to their judgment. 10. The bishops may, when they judge it necessary, unite two or more circuits or stations together, without affecting their separate financial interests, or pastoral duties. Ques. 4. If a bishop cease from traveling at large among the people, shall he still exercise his episcopal office among us in any degree ? Ans. If he cease from ti*aveling without the consent of the General Conference, he shall not thereafter exercise the episcopal office in our Church. TRIAL OF A BISHOP. Ques. 1 , To whom is a bishop amenable for his conduct ? Ans. To the General Conference who have power to expel him for improper conduct if they see it necessary. PRESIDING ELDERS, AND THEIR DUTY. Ques. 1 . By whom are the presiding elders to be chosen ? Ans. By the bishops. Ques. 2. By whom are the presiding elders to be stationed and changed. Ans. By the bishops. Ques. 3. How long may a bishop allow a presiding elder to preside in the same district ? Ans. For any term not exceeding four years 5 after which he shall not be ap- pointed to the same district for six years. Ques. 4. What are the duties of a presiding elder ? Ans. 1. To travel through his appointed district. 2. In the absence of the bishop, to take charge of all the elders, and deacons, traveling and local preachers, and exhorters, in his district. 3. To change, receive, and suspend preachers in his district during the intervals of the conferences, and in the absence of the bishop, as the discipline directs. 4. In the absence of a bishop, to preside in the conference ; but in case there are two or more presiding elders belonging to one conference, the bishop or bish- ops may, by letter or otherwise, appoint the president ; but if no appointment be made, or if the presiding elder appointed do not attend, the conference shall in either of these cases elect the president by ballot, without a debate, from among the presiding elders. 5. To be present, as far as practicable, at all the quarterly meetings ; and to call together at each quarterly meeting, a quarterly meeting conference, consisting of all the traveling and local preachers, exhorters, stewards, and leaders of the circuit, and none else, to hear complaints, and to receive and try appeals. The quarterly meeting conference shall appoint a secretary to take down the proceed- ings thereof, in a book kept by one of the stewards of the circuit for that purpose. 6. To oversee the spiritual and temporal business of the Church in his district, and to promote, by all proper means, the cause of missions and Sunday schools, and the publication, at our own press, of Bibles, tracts, and Sunday school books ; and carefully to inquire, at each quarterly meeting conference, whether the rules respecting the instruction of children have been faithfully observed, and report to the annual conference the names of all traveling teachers within his district who shall neglect to observe these rules. 7. To take care that every part of our discipline be enforced in his district. And to decide all questions of law in a quarterly meeting conference, subject to an ap- peal to the president of the next annual conference ; but in all cases the applica- tion of law shall be with the conference. PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 183 8. To attend the bishops when present in his district ; and to give them when absent, all necessary information, by letter, of tlie state of his district. 9. To direct the candidates, who are admitted on trial to those studies which have been recommended by the bishops. 10. To explain to those preachers who are on trial as well as to those who are in futm-e to be propounded for trial, that they may be either admitted or rejected without doing them any wrong. Ques. 5. Shall the presiding elder have power to employ a preacher who has been rejected at the previous annual conference ? Ans. He shall not, unless the conference should give him hberty under certain conditions. ELECTION AND ORDINATION OF TRAVELING ELDERS, AND THEIR DUTY. Ques. 1. How is an elder constituted ? Ans. By the election of a majority of the yearly conference, and by the laying on of the hands of a bishop, and some of the elders that are present. Ques. 2. What is the duty of a traveling elder ? Ans. 1. To administer baptism and the Lord's supper, and to perform the oflSce of matrimony, and all parts of divine worship, 2. To do all the duties of a traveling pracher. ELECTION AND ORDINATION OF TRAVELING DEACONS, AND THEIR DUTY. Ques. 1. How is a traveling deacon constituted? Ans. By the election of the majority of the yearly conference, and the laying on of the hands of a bishop. Ques. 2. What is the duty of a traveling deacon ? Ans. 1 . To baptize and perform the office of matrimony, in the absence of the elder. 2. To assist the elder in administering the Lord's supper. 3. To do all the duties of a traveling preacher. Ques. 3. What shall be the time of probation of a traveling deacon for the office of an elder ? Ans. Every traveling deacon shall exercise that office for two years, before he be eligible to the office of elder ; except in the case of missions, when the annual conferences shall have authority to elect for the elder's office sooner, if they judge it expedient. METHOD OF RECEIVING TRAVELING PREACHERS, AND THEIR DUTY. Ques. 1. How is the preacher to be received on trial ? Ans. 1. By the annual conference. 2. In the interval of the conference, by a bishop, or the presiding elder of the district until the sitting of the conference. But* no one shall be received unless he first procure a recommendation from the quarterly meeting of his circuit. W^e may then, if he give us satisfaction, receive him on trial. And before any such candidate is received into full connection, or ordained deacon or elder, he shall give satisfactory evidence respecting his knowledge of those particular subjects which have been recommended to his consideration. DUTY OF PREACHERS. Ques. 1. What is the duty of a preacher ? * When a preacher's name is not printed in the minutes, he must receive a written license from a bishop or presiding elder. 184: PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. Ans. 1. To preach. 2. To meet the societies, classes, and general bands. 3. To visit the sick. 4. To preach in the morning where he can get hearers. We recommend morning preaching at five o'clock in the summer, and six o'clock in the winter, wherever it is practicable. DUTIES OF THOSE WHO HAVE THE CHARGE OF CIRCUITS. Ques. 1. What are the duties of the elder, deacon, or preacher, who has the special charge of a circuit ? Ans. 1. To see that the other preachers in his circuit behave well, and want nothing. 2. To renew the tickets for the admission of members into love-feast quarterly, and regulate the bands. 3. To meet the stewards and leaders as often as possible. 4. To appoint all the leaders, and change them when he sees it necessary. 5. To receive, trj', and expel members, according to the form of discipline. 6. To hold w^atch-nights and love-feasts. 7. To hold quarterly meetings in the absence of the presiding elder. 8. To take care that every society be duly supplied with books. 9. To take an exact account of the members in society, and of the probationers in their respective circuits and stations, keeping the names of all local elders, dea- cons, and preachers, properly distinguished, and deliver in such account to the annual conference, that their number may be printed in the minutes. 10. To give an account of his circuit every quarter to his presiding elder. 11. To meet the men and women apart, in the large societies, once a quarter, wherever it is practicable. 12. To overlook the accounts of all the stewards. 13. To appoint a person to receive the quarterly collection in the classes. 14. To see ihaX public collections be made quarterly, if need be. 15. To encourage the support of missions and Sunday schools, and the publica- tion and distribution of Bibles, tracts, and Sunday school books, by forming socie- ties and making collections for these objects in such way and manner as the annual conference to which he belongs shall from time to time direct. 1 6. If the annual conference to w hich he belongs should not give any direction on the subject, to take up a collection in the course of the year, or raise a sub- scription, as he may judge expedient, the proceeds of which shall be at his dispo- sal in the purchase and distribution of tracts. 17., To lay before the quarterly conference, at each quarterly meeting, as far as practicable, to be entered on its journal, a written statement of the number and state of the Sunday schools in the circuit or station, and to report the same to his annual conference according to the fyrm published by the Sunday School Union, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, together with the amount raised for the sup- port of missions, and for the publication of Bibles and tracts. 18. To take an annual collection in aid of his appointment in behalf of the Sun- day School Union. 19. To raise a yearly subscription in those circuits that can bear it, for building churches, and paying the debts of those which have been already erected. 20. To choose a committee of lay members to make a just application of the money where it is most wanted. Ques. 2. What other directions shall we give him ? Ans. Several. PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. ' 185 1. To take a regular catalogue of the societies in towns and cities, as they live in the streets. 2. To leave his successor a particular account of the circuit, including an ac- count of the subscribers for our periodicals. 3. To see that every band leader has the rules of the bands. 4. To enforce, vigorously, but calmly, all the rules of the society. 5. As soon as there are four men or women believers in any place, to put them into a band. 6. To suffer no love-feast to last abo\ e an hour and a half. 7. To warn all from time to time, that none are to remove from one circuit to another, without a note of recommendation from the preacher of the circuit in these words : — " A. B.^ the bearer^ has been an acceptable member of our Church in C. ;" and to inform them that, without such a certificate, they will not be re- ceived into the Church in other places. 8. To recommend every where decency and cleanliness. 9. To read the rules of the society, with the aid of the other preachers, once a year in every congregation, and once a quarter in every society. 10. On any dispute between two or more of the members of our Church, con- cerning the payment of debts, or otherwise, which can not be settled by the par- ties concerned, the preacher who has the charge of the circuit shall inquire into the circumstances of the case ; and shall recommend to the contending parties a ref- erence, consisting of one arbiter chosen by the plaintiff, and another chosen by the defendent ; which two arbiters so chosen shall nominate the third 5 the three arbiters being members of our Church. But if one of the parties be dissatisfied with the judgment given, such party may apply to the ensuing quarterly meeting conference of the circuit for a second arbi- tration, and if the quai'terly meeting conference see sufficient reason, they shall grant a second arbitration. ****** Whenever a complaint is made against any member of our Church for non-payment of debts ; when the accounts are adjusted, and the amount ascertained, the preacher having the charge shall call the debtor before a committee of at least three, to show cause why he does not make payment. The committee shall determine what further time shall be granted him for payment, and what security, if any, shall be given for payment ; and in case the debtor refuses to comply, he shall be expelled ; but in such case he may appeal to the quarterly meeting conference, and their decision shall be final. And in case the creditor complains that justice is not don.e him, he may lay his grievance before the quarterly meeting conference, and their decision shall be final ; and if the creditor refuse to comply, he shall be expelled. 1 1 . The preacher who has the charge of a circuit shall appoint prayer meetings wherever he can in his circuit. 12. He shall take care that a fast be held in every society in his circuit, on the Friday preceding every quarterly meeting : and that a niemorandum of it be written on all the class papers. 13. To license such persons as he may judge proper to officiate as exhorters in the Church, provided no person shall be so licensed without the consent of the leaders' meeting, or of the class of which he is a member, where no leaders' meet- ing is held ; and the exhorters so authorized shall be subject to the annual exami- nation of character in the quarterly meeting conference, and have their license annually renewed by the presiding elder, or the preacher having the charge, if approved by the quarterly meeting conference. 16* 186 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. LOCAL PREACHERS. Ques. 1. What directions shall be given concerning local preachers? Ans. 1. The quarterly conference shall have authority to license proper persons to preach, and renew their license annually, M^hen in the judgment of said con- ference their gifts, grace, and usefulness will warrant such renewal ; to recom- mend suitable candidates to the annual conference for deacons' or elders' orders in the local connection, for admission on trial in the traveling connection, and to try, suspend, expel, or acquit any local preacher in the circuit or station against whom charges may be brought. Provided^ that no person shall be licensed to preach without the recommendation of the society of which he is a member, or of a leaders' meeting. Nor shall any one be licensed to preach, or recommended to the annual conference to travel, or for ordination, without first being examined in the quarterly conference on the subject of doctrines and discipline. 2. A licensed local preacher shall be eligible to the office of a deacon, after he has preached four years, from the time he received a regular hcense, and has ob- tained a testimonial from the quarterly conference, after proper examination, signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary ; and after his charac- ter has passed in examination before, and he has obtained the approbation of the annual conference. 3. A local deacon shall be eligible to the office of an elder, after he has preached four years from the time he was ordained a deacon, and has obtained a recom- mendation from the quarterly conference of which he is a member ; certifying his qualifications in doctrine, discipline, talents, and usefulness signed by the presi- dent, and countersigned by the secretary. He shall, if he can not attend, send to the annual conference such recommendation, and a note certifying his belief in the doctrine and discipline of our Church. The whole being examined by the annual conference, and if approved he may be ordained : provided, nevertheless, no slave- holder shall be eligible to the office of an elder or deacon, where the laws will admit of emancipation, and permit the liberated slave to enjoy freedom. 4. Every local elder, deacon, and preacher, shall be amenable to the quarterly meeting conference, where he resides, shall have his name recorded on the journal of said conference, and also enrolled on a class paper, and shall meet in class, or in neglect thereof, the quarterly conference, if they judge it proper, may deprive him of his ministerial office. And when a preacher is located, or discontinued by an annual conference, he shall be amenable to the quarterly conference of the circuit or station where he had his last appointment, or at the place where he shall reside at the time of liis location. Whenever any elder, deacon, or preacher shall remove from one circuit or station to another, he shall procure from the presiding elder of the district, or from the preacher having charge, a certificate of his official standing in the church at the time of his removal, without which he shall not be received as a local preacher in other places. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Ques. 1 . T\Tiat directions shall be given for the establishment of uniformity in public worship among us, on the Lord's day ? Ans. 1. Let the morning service consist of singing, prayer, the reading of a chapter out of the Old Testament, and another of the New, and preaching. 2. Let the afternoon service consist of singing, prayer, the reading of one or two chapters out of the Bible, and preaching. 3. Let the evening service consist of singing, prayer, and preaching. PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 187 CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP. (From the General Rules.) There is only one condition previously required of tliose who desire admission into these societies, " a desire to flee from the wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins.-' But wherever this is really fixed in the soul, it will be shown by its fruits. It is therefore expected of all who continue therein, that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation. First, By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind, especially that which is most generally practiced : such as. The taking of the name of God in vain. The profaning the day of the Lord, either by doing ordinary work therein, or by buying or selling. Drunkenness ; buying or selling spiritous liquors ; or drinking them ; unless in cases of extreme necessity. The buying and selling of men ^ women, and children, with an intention to enslave them. Fighting, quarreling, brawling, brother going to law with brother ; returning evil for evil ; or railing for railing ; the using many words in buying or selling. Tlie buying or selling goods that have not paid the duty. The giving or taking things on usury, i. e., unlawful interest. Uncharitable or unprofitable conversation : particularly speaking evil of magis- trates or of ministers. Doing to others as we would not they should do unto us. Doing what we know is not for the glory of God : as, The putting on of gold and costly apparel. The taking such diversions as can not be used in the name of the Lord Jesus. The singing those songs, or reading those books, which do not tend to the knowledge or love df God. Softness and needless self-indulgence. Laying up treasure upon earth. Borrowing without a probability of paying ; or taking up goods without a proba- bility of paying for them. It is expected of all who continue in these societies, that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation. Secondly, By doing good, by being in every kind merciful after their power, as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all men. To their bodies, of the ability which God giveth, by ^ving food to the hungry, by clothing the naked, by visiting or helping them that are sick, or in prison. To their souls, by instructing, reproving, or exhorting all we have any inter- course with ; trampling under foot that enthusiastic doctrine, that " we are not to do good unless our hearts be free to it.'''' By doing good, especially to them that are of the household of faith, or groaning so to be ; employing them preferably to others, buying one of another, helping each other in business ; and so much the more because the world will love its own, and them only. By all possible diligence aud frugality, that the Gospel be not blamed. By running with patience the race which is set before them, denying them- selves, and taking up their cross daily; submitting to bear the reproach of t 188 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. Christ, to be as the filth and offscouring of the world ; and looking that men should say all manner of evil of thern falsely for the Lord's sake. It is expected of all who desire to continue in these societies, that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation, Thirdly, By attending upon all the ordinances of God : such are, The public worship of God : The ministry of the word, either read or expounded : The supper of the Lord : Family and private prayer : Searching the Scriptures, and Fasting or abstinence. ADMISSION INTO THE CHURCH. Ques. 1. How shall we prevent improper persons from insinuating themselves into the Church ? Ans. 1. Let none be received into the Church until they are recommended by a leader with whom they have met at least six months on trial^ and have been baptized; and shall on examination by the minister in charge^ before the Churchy give satisfactory assurances both of the correctness of their faith .^ and their willingness to observe and keep the rules of the Church. Nevertheless, if a member in good standing in any other orthodox Church shall desire to unite with us, such applicant may, by giving satisfactory answers to the usual inquiries, be received at once into full fellowship. 2. Let none be admitted on trial, except they are well recommended by one you know, or until they have met twice or thrice in class. 3. Read the rules to them the first time they- meet. BRINGING TO TRIAL, FINDING GUILTY, AND REPROVING, SUSPENDING, OR EXCLUDING DISORDERLY PERSONS FROM SOCIETY AND CHURCH PRIVILEGES. Ques. 1. How shall an accused member be brought to trial ? Ans. 1, Before the society of which he is a member, or*a select number of them, in the presence of a bishop, elder, deacon, or preacher, in the following manner : — Let the accused and accuser be brought face to face ; but if this can not be done, let the next best evidence be procured. If the accused person be found guilty by the decision of a majority of the members before whom he is brought to trial, and the crime be such as is expressly forbidden by the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, let the minister or preacher who has the charge of the circuit expel him. If the accused person evade a trial, by absenting himself, after suflficient notice given him, and the circumstances of the accusation afford strong presumption of guilt, let him be esteemed as guilty, and be accordingly excluded. Witnesses from without shall not be rejected. 2. But in cases of neglect of duties of any kind, imprudent conduct, indulging sinful tempers, or words, the buying, selling, or using intoxicating liquors as a beverage, or disobedience to the order and discipline of the Church : First, let private reproof be given by a preacher or leader ; and if there be an acknowl- edgment of the fault, and proper humiliation, the person may be borne with. On a second offense, the preacher or leader may take one or two faithful friends. On a third oflfense, let the case be brought before the society, or a select number, and if there be no sign of real humihation, the offender must be cut off. PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 189 3. If a member of our Church shall be clearly convicted of endeavoring to sow dissensions in any of our societies, by inveighing against either our doctrines or discipline, such person so offending shall be first reproved by the senior minister or preacher of his circuit, and if he persist in such pernicious practices, he shall be expelled from the Church. 4. Nevertheless, if in any of the above-mentioned cases the minister or preacher diflfcr in judgment from the majority of the society, or the select number, con- cerning the innocence or guilt of the accused person, the trial, in such case, may be referred by the minister or preacher to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting Conference. 5. If there be a murmur or complaint from any excluded person, in any of the above-mentioned instances, that justice has not been done, he shall be allowed an appeal to the next Quarterly Meeting Conference : except such as absent them- selves from trial, after sufficient notice is given them : and the majority of the traveling and local preachers, exhorters, stewards, and leaders present, shall finally determine the case. After such forms of trial and expulsion, such persons shall have no privileges of society or of sacraments in our Church, without contrition, confession, and satisfactory reformation. DATES OF DTPOETANT ALTERATIONS IN THE DISCIPLINE FROU 1773 TO 1852. GENERAL CONFERENCE. The first General Conference was held at Baltimore, 1784, — sixty preachei's out of the eighty-three in the connection being present. At this Conference it was unanimously agreed to form a separate body under the denomination of " The Methodist Episcopal Church." The Episcopal form of Church government was adopted, and the episcopacy made elective and amenable to the Conference. Tlie form of discipline adopted was substantially the same as the large minutes. 1792. To the question, " Who shall compose the General Conference?" it was answered : " All the traveling preachers who shall be in full connection at the time of holding the Conference." 1800. An additional qualification added, namely, to "have traveled four years." 1804. Provided that the "four years" should date "from the time that they were received on trial by an Annual Conference." 1808. Resolved to have in future a delegated General Conference, regulated accordinor to the followinfj answers : — Ans. 1. The General Conference shall be composed of one member for every five members of each Annual Conference, to be appointed either by seniorit)- or choice at the discretion of such Annual Conference ; yet so that such representatives shall have traveled at least four full calendar years from the time that they were received on trial by an Annual Conference, and are in full connection at the time of holding the Conference. 2. The General Conference shall meet on the first day of May, in the year of our Lord 1812, in the city of New York, and theneeforvt'ard on the first day of May, once in four years perpetually, in such place or places as shall be fixed on by the General Conference, from time to time. The general superintendents to have power, by the advice of all the Annual Conferences, to call a General Conference if they judge it necessary. 3. Two-thirds of all the representatives of all the Annual Conference to make a quorum. 190 PART II. — DISCIPLIKE AKD INSTITUTIONS. 4. One of tlie general superintendents to preside. If none be present, a presi- dent to be chosen. 5. The General Conference to have power to make rules and regulations for the Church under six restrictive articles. 1. The General Conference shall not revoke, alter, or change our articles of religion, nor establish any new standards or rules of doctrine contrary to our present existing and established standard of doctrine. 2. They shall not allow of more than one representative for every five members of the Annual Conference, nor allow of a less number than one for every seven. 3. They shall not change or alter any part or rule of our government, so as to do away episcopacy, or destroy the plan of our itinerant general super- interidency. 4. They shall not revoke or change the general rules of the United Societies. 5. They shall not do away the privileges of our ministers or preachers of trial by a committee, and of an appeal : neither shall they do away the privileges of our members of trial before the society, or by a committee, and of an appeal. 6. They shall not appropriate the produce of the Book Concern, nor of the chartered fund, to any purpose other than for the benefit of the traveling, supernumerary, superannuated and worn-out preachers, their wives, widows, and children. Provided, nevertheless, that upon the joint recommendation of all the Annual Conferences, then a majority of two-thirds of the General Conference succeeding shall suffice to alter any of the above restrictions. 1816. The ratio of representation altered to one for every seven. 1824. A collection ordered to be taken up in each circuit and station to defray the expenses of the delegates to the General Conference. 1832. The former proviso, at the close of the restrictive rules, was struck out, and the following substituted : " Provided, nevertheless, that upon the concurrent recommendation of three-fourths of all the members of the several Annual Con- ferences, who shall be present and vote on such recommendation, then a majority of two-thirds of the General Conference succeeding shall sufl[ice to alter any of the above restrictions, excepting the first article : and also, whenever such alteration or alterations shall have been first recommended by two-thirds of the General Conference, so soon as three-fourths of the members of all the Annual Conferences shall have concurred as aforesaid, such alteration or alterations shall take effect. 1836. The ratio of representation was altered to one for every twenty-one; and to allow this, the second of the restrictive rules was changed to the following : — 1. They shall not allow of more than one representative for every fourteen members of the Annual Conference, nor allow of a less number than one for every thirty : provided, nevertheless, that Avhen there shall be in any Annual Conference a fraction of two-thirds of the number which shall be fixed for the ratio of repre- sentation, such Annual Conference shall be entitled to an additional delegate for such fraction ; and provided, also, that no Conference shall be denied the privilege of two delegates ANNUAL CONFERENCES. There was nothing in relation to Annual Conferences until 1792. When, in answer to the question, " Who are the members of the District Conferences ?" the following answer was given : " All the traveling preachers of the district or districts who are in full connection." It was decided that they should meet annually — that they should represent not less than three, or more than twelve circuits — that the bishops be authorized to unite two or more districts to- gether — fix their boundaries, and appoint the time of holding the Conferences. PAET II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 191 1796. All the traveling preachers in full connection and those to be received to attend the Annual Conference. To be six Conferences in the year. 1800. A record of the proceedings ordered to be kept and a copy sent to the General Conference. Each Annual Conference to pay its proportion toward the support of the bishops. 1804. Bishops to allow the Annual Conference to sit a week at least. Each Annual Conference to appoint the place for its own sitting. 1833. Decided that every superannuated preacher shall annually forward to his Conference a certificate of his Christian and ministerial conduct, &c. QUARTERLY CONFERENCES. 1780. Recommended that Quarterly Meetings be held on Saturdays and Sabbaths. 1784. Made the duty of those having charge of circuits to hold Quarterly Meetings in the absence of the presiding elder. 1792. Made the duty of the presiding elder to travel through his district, — to be present at all the Quarterly Meetings, — to call together, at said meeting, all the traveling and local preachers, exhorters, stewards, and leaders of the circuit, to hear complaints and to receive appeals, — to oversee the spiritual and temporal business of the societies, and to see that every part of the discipline be enforced in his district. Made the duty of the official preacher to read, at every Quarterly' JNIeeting, the names of those received or excluded. 1796. Quarterly Meetings to examine and license local preachers, who have obtained a recommendation from the societies of which they are members. 1816. Quarterly Meeting Conferences to appoint a committee to build or rent bouses for the preachers — to appoint a committee to estimate the table expenses of the preachers — also to appoint a steward to attend the district meeting for the purpose of estimating the house rent, table expenses, &c., of the presiding elder. Made the duty of the presiding elder to personally examine, before the Quarterly Conference, all applicants for license to preach, touching the doctrines of the Church. 1828. Trustees made responsible to the Quarterly Conference, and required to present an annual report. 1836. Made the duty of the Quarterly Conference to take cognizance of all local preachers — and inquire into the gifts, labors, and usefulness of each preacher by name. Authorized to renew the licenses of local preachers, and to recommend candidates for orders, and for admission into the traveling connection. 1840. Made the dut)' of the Quarterly Conference to appoint a secretary, and keep a record in a book kept by one of the stewards. The presiding elder au- thorized to decide all questions of law, subject to an appeal at the Annual Con- ference, and required to ascertain whether the rules respecting the instruction of children have been faithfully observed. Preachers required to lay before the Quarterly Conference at each meeting, to be entered upon its journal, a written statement of the number and state of the Sunday schools, within their circuits or stations. All Sabbath schools, and Sabbath school societies, put under the super- vision of the Quarterly Conference. 1 844. Made the duty of presiding elders to see that a committee of the Quar- terly Conference, consisting of not less than five, or more than nine, be appointed, to be called the committee on missions. Made the duty of Quarterly Conferences to fill any vacancies in said committee. Committee to have a right to sit in the Quarterly Conference during its action on the subject of missions. 192 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. BISHOPS. 1779. For the following reasons the Conference were of the opinion that brother Asbury ought to act as general assistant in America. 1. His age. 2. He was originally appointed by Mr. Wesley. 3. He was joined with Messrs. Rankin and Shadford by express order from Mr. Wesley. It was agreed that after hearing every preacher for and against whatever was in debate, the right of determination should be with brother Asbury. 1784, Authority given to the superintendents to form yearly Conferences in the interval of the General Conference. Agreed that the superintendents be paid by the Conferences proportionably. The functions of a superintendent defined as follows : To ordain superin- tendents, elders, and deacons ; to preside as a moderator in our Conferences 5 to fix the appointments of the preachers for the several circuits ; and, in the intervals of the Conference, to change, receive or suspend preachers, as necessity may re- quire ; and to receive appeals from the preachers and people, and decide them. N. B. No person shall be ordained a superintendent, elder, or deacon, without the consent of a majority of the Conference, and the consent and imposition of hands of a superintendent, except in the instance provided for in the twenty-ninth minute. The superintendent made amenable for his conduct to the Conference, who were to have the power to expel him for improper conduct, if they saw it necessary. On his ceasing to travel, without the consent of the Conference, it was decided that he should not thereafter exercise any ministerial function whatsoever in our Church. If by death, expulsion, or otherwise, there should be no superintendent remain- ing in the Church, the Conference were to elect a superintendent, and the elders, or any three of them, were to ordain him according to the Liturgy. 1787. In the discipline of this date, the superintendents are first called bishops. This year the question, " Is there any other business to be done in the Con- ference," was answered as follows: "The electing and ordaining of bishops, elders and deacons." (This, it will be remembered was prior to the distinction between General and Annual Conferences.) 1780. The superintendents made amenable to the Conference, who have power to expel them for improper conduct. 1792. The following questions were asked, and the accompanying answers given : — Ques. 1. How is a bishop to be constituted in future ? Ans. 1. By the election of the General Conference, and the laying on of the hands of three bishops, or at least of one bishop and two elders. Ques. 2. If by death, expulsion, or otherwise, there be no bishop remaining in our church, what shall we do ? Ans. 2. The General Conference shall elect a bishop, and the elders or any three of them, that shall be appointed by the General Conference for that purpose, shall ordain him according to our office of ordination. *llf[ade the duty of the bishop. 1 . To preside in our Conferences. 2. To fix the appointments of the preachers for the several circuits. 3. In the intervals of the Conferences to change, receive, or suspend preachers, as necessity may require. 4. To travel through the connection at large. 5. To oversee the spiritual and temporal business of the societies. 6. To ordain bishops, elders, and deacons. PART II. — ^DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 193 This year the bishop was authorized to unite not less than three, or more than twelve circuits together, to form a District Conference^ and to appoint the time of its meeting. The bishop also authorized, in connection with the District Confer- ence, to draw two hundred and sixty-six dollars and one-third per annum from the book fund, for the benefit of distressed preachers 5 also sixty-four dollars per annum, for the benefit of district schools. 1804. It was provided that the bishop should not allow any preacher to remain in the same station more than two years successively, excepting presiding elders, editors, book stewards, supernumerary and worn-out preachers. This year the following were added to the disciphne : " No accusation shall be received against a bishop except it be deUvered in writing, signed by those who are to prove the crime, and a copy of the accusation shall be given to the accused bishop. The bishops directed to allow the Conferences to sit a week at least." 1808. Resolved, that one of the general superintendents shall preside in the General Conference, but in ease no general superintendent be present, a president shall be chosen pro tem. 1820. Tlie rule requirmg a bishop not to appoint a preacher more than two years to the same station modified, so as to make the following exceptions : " Mis- sionaries among the Indians, and the presidents, principals, and teachers of semina- ries of learning." 1824. The book agents and the book committee in New York, appointed a com- mittee to estimate the amount necessary to meet the family expenses of the bishops, which expenses the book agents are authorized to pay out of the funds of the Book Concern. 1828. The bishops authorized to exempt from the application of the two years rule. The editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal ; preachers appointed to labor for seamen ; also, the preachers stationed in the city of New Orleans. This year the bishops were authorized to di-aw upon the missionary society for the sup- port of missions. 1832. The following additional exceptions made to the two years rule. The general editor, assistant editor of Christian Advocate and Journal, missionaries to people of color and our foreign stations ; also, when requested by an Annual Confer- ence, those who may be connected with any seminaries of learning not under oxa care. Made the duty of the bishops to give notice of all missionary appointments to the treasurer of the missionary society. 1836. The annual allowance of the married bishops fixed at two hundred dol- lars and their traveling expenses. The following additional exceptions made to the two j'^ears rule. " The corres- ponding secretary, editors and agents at Cincinnati." Authority given to the bishops, when requested by an Annual Conference, to appoint an agent to travel through its bounds for the pui'pose of establishing Sabbath schools and distributing tracts. 1840. The following additional exceptions made to the two years rule. Corres- ponding secretaries, chaplains to public prisons, military posts, and those appointed to labor for the American Bible Society. The bishops authorized to appoint agents for the benefit of our literary institutions ; to decide all questions of law in an Annual Conference, subject to an appeal to the General Conference, and to unite two or more circuits or stations together without affecting their separate finan- cial or pastoral duties. 1844. The following additional provision was made respecting the appointing of preachers. The bishop shall not continue a preacher in the same appointment more than two years in six, nor in the same city more than four years in succes- 11 194 PAKT II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. sion, nor return him to it after sucli term of service till he shall have been absent four years. This year the course of reading and study (which was to be prescribed by the bishops alone) was extended to four years. PRESIDING ELDERS. 1792. Distinction mtroduced into the discipline between " presiding" and " trav- eling" elders. Presiding elders to be chosen, stationed, and changed by the bishop, who shall not allow them to remain more than four successive years on the same district. Their duty defined as follows : — 1. To travel through their appointed districts. 2. In the absence of a bishop to take charge of all the elders, deacons, traveling and local preachers, and exhorters in his district. 3. To change, receive, or suspend preachers in his district during the intervals of the Conference and in the absence of the bishop. 4. In the absence of a bishop to preside in the Conference of his district. 5. To be present, as far as practicable, at all the Quarterly Meetings ; and to call together, at each Quarterly Meeting, all the traveling and local preachers, ex- horters, stewards and leaders of the circuit, to hear complaints, and to receive appeals. 6. To oversee the spiritual and temporal business of the societies in his district. 7. To take care that every part of our discipline be enforced in his district. 8. To attend the bishop when present in his district, and to give him when absent, all necessary information, by letter, of the state of his district. To be supported by any surplus of public money on the various circuits of his district. In case of deficiency, to share proportionably with the preachers of his district. 1800. Made the duty of the presiding elder to see his district supphed with books. 1804. The presiding elder shall not employ a preacher rejected by an Annual Conference, unless liberty is given him under certain conditions. 1816. Made the duty of the presiding elder to see that parsonages are provided for the preachers on his district, and that a committee be appointed by the Quar- terly Meeting Conference to raise money for that purpose ; to see that a steward from each station or circuit on the district be appointed to meet with him, to take into consideration the temporalities of the district, and to furnish a house, fuel, and table expenses. 1820. Presiding elder authorized to hold annually in his district a District Con- ference, of which all local preachers who have been licensed two years should be members. The presiding elder to be president and to appoint the time for each session. 1828. Authority given to presiding elders to appoint trustees for church pro- perty, where new boards are to be formed. 1832. Made the duty of presiding elders to promote the cause of missions and Sabbath schools, and the publication at our own press, of Bibles, tracts, and Sunday school books. 1836. Made the duty of the district committees to apportion the entire claims of the presiding elder among the different circuits and stations on the district. 1840. Made the duty of the presiding elder to inquire at each Quarterly Con- ference whether the rules respecting the instruction of children have been faith- PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 195 fully observed. Authority gives him to decide all questions of law in a Quarterly Meeting Conference. 1844. Made the duty of the presiding elder to report to the Annual Conference the names of all traveling preachers who neglect the rules respecting the instruc- tion of children. Bishops not to appoint presiding elders to the same district, until six years shall have elapsed from the previous appointment. Made the duty of presiding elders to bring the subject of missions before each Quarterly Meeting Conference on his district. 1848. "Resolved, by the General Conference, that our bishops shall not be re- strained or embarrassed by any advice on the part of Annual Conferences with regard to the reappointment of presiding elders who may have served two terms. PREACHERS IN CHARGE. 1784. Made their duty " to see that the other preachers in their circuit, behave well and want nothing." " To renew the tickets quarterly and regulate the bands." "To appoint all the stewards and leaders, and change them when they see it necessary." " To keep watch-nights and love-feasts." " To hold Quar- terly Meetings." " To take care that every society be duly supplied with books." " To take exact lists of his societies and bring them to Conference." " To send an account of his circuit every half year to one of his superintendents." " To meet the married men and women, and the single men and women, in the large socie- ties once a quarter." " To overlook the accounts of the stewards." " To take a catalogue of the societies as they live in house-row." "To leave a particular account of the circuit for their successors." " To warn the members against re- moving without a certificate." " To read the rules of the society once a year in every congregation, and once a quarter in every society." " To appoint referees in cases of disputes between members." " To expel bankrupts who may not have kept fair accounts." " To see that none preach or exhort without a note of permis- sion, and to insist upon such note being renewed annually." 1789. Made the duty of a preacher in charge, to give an account of his circuit to his elder every quarter. " To appoint a person to receive the quarterly collec- tion in the classes, and to be present at the time of receiving it." To take an annual collection for building churches. To recommend, in cases of dispute between members, a reference to arbiters, one to be chosen by the defendent, one by the plaintiff, wliich two so chosen shall nominate a third. The decision of the two to be final. To expel those who refuse to abide the decision of arbiters, or who enter into a law-suit with another member before these measures are taken. To desire two or three judicious members to inspect the accounts of those who fail in business, or who contract debts wliich they are not able to pay. To suspend until their credit is restored all who behave dishonestly, or who have borrowed without a probability' of paying. To appoint prayer meetings in large societies wherever he can. To appoint at every Quarterly Meeting a fast for the Friday following. 1792. Made the duty of a preacher in charge, "to meet the stewards and leaders as often as possible." " To receive, try, and expel members according to the form of discipline." " To hold Quarterly Meetings in the absence of the pre- siding elder.'''' To meet the men and women apart wherever it is practicable. To appoint the quarterly fast the Friday preceding the Quarterly Meeting. Being present when the quarterly collections are taken in the classes, made optional. Made his duty " to take care that no ordained local preacher or exhorter in his circuit, shall officiate in public without fii'st obtaining a license from the presiding 196 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. elder or himself." To insist that every unordained local preacher and exhorter has his license renewed annually. 1796. Made the duty of a preacher in charge, to enforce fully and strenuously our rules against dishonest insolvencies and frauds. To do every thing in his power to recover debts due the book steward. 1800. Made the duty of a preacher in charge to keep an exact account of all the deaths in the societies for the Conference minutes. To expel members who behave dishonestly or borrow without a probability of paying. 1812. The power to appoint stewards taken away. On complaint against a member for non-payment of debts, the preacher in charge to call the debtor before a committee of not less than three, who are to de- termine as to what further time and what further securities are to be given for payment. 1816. Authorized to license, with consent of leader's meeting, or class where there is no leader's meeting, such persons as he may judge proper to officiate as exhorters in the Church. 1824. Made the duty of a P. in C. to obtain the names of the children belonging to his congregation, to form them into classes, to instruct them regularly himself, and to leave his successor a correct account of each class. 1828. Authorized to appoint trustees where new boards of trustees are required. 1832. Made his duty to lay before his last Quarterly Meeting a written state- ment of the number and state of the Sabbath schools on his circuit or station. To leave his successor an account of the subscribers to our periodicals, 1836. To keep the names of aU local elders, deacons, and preachers, properly distinguished in his account for the Annual Conference. , 1840. Made his duty to give a written statement concerning Sabbath schools quarterly. To form Sunday schools wherever ten children can be collected. To preach on the subject of Sunday schools and religious instruction in each congre- gation at least once in six months. To form and superintend Bible classes, personally. To exhort all parents to dedicate their children to the Lord in bap- tism. To insti'uet all baptized children in the nature, design, pi'ivileges, and ob- ligations of their baptism. To advise those children who are truly serious to join societies as probationers. 1844. Made the duty of a preacher in charge to organize missionary societies. To take up annually in each congregation a collection in aid of missions, and ap- point missionary collectors in every class. LOCAL PREACHERS. 1779. In 1779 the following regulation was adopted. "Every exhorter and local preacher to go by the directions of the assistants, where, and only where they shall appoint." 1780. Strictly enjoined that no local preacher speak in public without taking a note every quarter, also that they be examined by the assistant vdth respect to their lives, qualifications, and reception. 1783. Assistants required to deal faithfully and plainly with those local preach- ers who hold slaves contrary to the laws which authorize their freedom, also an intimation given, that after the Conference it might be necessary to suspend them. 1784. Agreed that the local preachers who refused to emancipate in Virginia, should be tried another year, but that those in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylva- nia, and New Jersey, should be suspended. 1789. The bishops obtained liberty by the suffrages of the Conference, to ordain local preachers to the office of deacons, provided they obtained a testimonial from PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 197 the society to which they belonged, and from the stewards of the circuit, signed by three traveling preachers, three deacons, and three elders, (one of them being a presiding elder,) the names of those nominated being read in the Conference pre- vious to their ordination. 1792. The clause requiring the names to be read struck out, and it was only required that the testimonial should be signed " by three elders, three deacons, and three traveling preachers." 1796. Required that before a person be licensed as a local preacher, he obtain a recommendation from the society of which he is a member, and be examined and approved by the Quarterly Meeting of his circuit. A local preacher made eligible to the office of a deacon after he has preached four years with a regular license. The preacher having oversight of a circuit directed in case of charges being brought against a local preacher, deacon, or elder, to summons three or more local preachers, or, for want of local preachers, so many leaders or exhorters ; and if a majority of them judge the accused guilty, to suspend him from all public offices till the ensuing Quarterly Meeting, and in such a case the Quarterly Meeting shall have authority to clear, censure, suspend, or expel him. In case of condemnation, the local preacher, deacon, or elder, shall be allowed an appeal to the next yearly Conference. 1800. Required that every local preacher meet in class, if the distance of his residence from any class be not too great. In neglect thereof, his license forfeited. 1804. Required that the testimonial of a local preacher, applying for deacon's orders, be " from the society to which he belongs ; and from the stewards of the circuit, signed also by nine traveling preachers ; three of whom shall be elders ; three others elders or deacons ; and the other three elders, deacons, or preachers." 1808. Required that the testimonial be "from the Quarterly Meeting of the circuit to which he belongs, after proper examination, signed by the president, and countersigned by the Secretary." Required, also, that he pass an examina- tion before the yearly Conference and obtain its approval. 1812. A local deacon, made eligible to the office of an elder, after preaching four years from the time of his being ordained a deacon, he having, also, obtained a recommendation from two-thirds of his Quarterly Meeting Conference. Pro- vided, that no one shall be eligible to the office of an elder who holds slaves where the laws will admit of their emancipation. 1816. The rule so modified that a person, bringing a recommendation from his society or class, might be licensed as a local preacher after personal ex- amination by the presiding elder, or preacher in charge, before the Quarterly Conference, touching the doctrines of the Church. The presiding elder, or, in his absence, the preacher in charge, to sign the license. The hcense to be renewed annually. Provided, this year, that no local preacher should be eligible to the office of a deacon who held slaves where the laws would permit them to enjoy their freedom. 1820. The recommendation for orders no longer required to be by " two-thirds" of the Conference. District Conferences organized. Each Conference was to embrace a presiding elder's district. All the local preachers, who had been licensed two years, made members. The presiding elder to be president. Authority given to said District Conferences to grant and renew licenses ; to examine and recommend candidates for orders and for admission into the traveling connection to the Annual Con- ference ; and to try, suspend, expel, or acquit any local preacher, against whom charges might be brought Local preachers required on removal to procure a certificate of their official standing, that they might be received as local preachers in other places. 17* 198 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. The following rule was also adopted this year : " No preacher among us shall distill or retail spirituous liquors, without forfeiting his official standing." 1824. Quarterly Conferences authorized to transact the business of the District Conference, in case it should fail or refuse to hold its sessions. District Conferences only to recommend those for admission into the traveling connection who have been first recommended by the Quarterly Conference. The rule requiring local preachers to meet in class, restricted to those who were " licensed." 1828. It was provided that no person should be licensed to preach who had not been recommended by the society of which he was a member, or of a leader's meeting. 1836. District Conferences abolished. The cognizance of local preachers given to the Quarterly Meeting Conferences. Every " local elder, deacon, and preacher, required to meet in class ; to obtain a certificate on removal, and to abstain from distilling or vending spirituous liquors." 1848. All local elders, deacons, and preachers, made amenable to the Quarterly Meeting Conference, where they reside. Their names to be recorded upon the journal of said Conference; also enrolled on a class paper ; and if they neglect class, authority given to the Quarterly Conference to deprive them of their minis- terial office. ITINERANCY. 1774. The following regulation adopted : " All the preachers to change at the end of six months." 1792. The bishop authorized to allow a presiding elder to preside in the same district for any term not exceeding four years successively. 1794. In the annual minutes of this year, there is the following note : " IST. B. The bishop and Conferences desire that the preachers would generally change every six months, by order of the presiding elder, whenever it can be made convenient." 1804. Made the duty of the bishop not to allow any preacher to remain in the same station more than two years successiA'ely, excepting the presiding elders, the editor and general book steward, the assistant editor, the supernumerary, super- annuated and worn-out preachers. 1820. The following were added to the list of exceptions : " Missionaries among the Indians, and the presidents, principals, or teachers of seminaries of learning, which are, or may be, under our superintendence." 1828. The following: "The editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal," preachers appointed to labor for seamen ; also, the preacher or preachers that may be stationed in New Orleans. 1832. The following: The general editor and the assistant editor of the Christ- ian Advocate and Journal, missionaries to our people of color, and on foreign sta- tions 5 and when requested by an Annual Conference, a preacher appointed to any seminary of leai'ning not under our care. 1836. The following : The resident corresponding secretary, editors, and agents, at Cincinnati. 1840. The following : Tlie corresponding secretaries, those appointed to labor for the special benefit of prisoners in public prisons, military posts, and the Amer- ican Bible society. 1844. The following additional proviso was added, respecting the appointing of preachers : " Provided, also, that with the exceptions above named, he shall not cojatijiue a preacher in the same appointment more than two years in six ; nor in PAET 11. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 199 the same city more than four years in succession ; nor return him to it after such term of service, till he shall have been absent four j'ears." SLAVERY. 1780. The Conference formally acknowledged slavery to be contrary to tho laws of God, man, and nature ; and contrary to the dictates of conscience and pure religion. Expressed its disapprobation of all its friends who kept slaves and advised their freedom. 1783. Made the duty of assistants to deal faithfully and plainly with local preachers holding slaves in States where they might enjoy their freedom. 1784. Those local preachers in Marj'land, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, who refused to emancipate their slaves, to be suspended. Agreed that those traveling preachers who were, or who might be possessed of slaves, and re- fused to manumit them, should be employed no more. 1784. Several new rules adopted for the extirpation of slavery. The first, re- quiring every member within twelve months after notice being given by the assist- ant, to emancipate all slaves in their possession under the age of forty-five, either immediately, or within certain periods. The second, requiring the assistant to keep a record of aU slaves owned by his members 5 their names and ages ; and the date of any instrument executed for their manumission, which list was to be handed down to his successor. The third, giving permission to all those who would not comply with these new terms of communion to withdraw, and provid- ing that non-compliance should be followed with expulsion. The fourth, excluding from the supper of the Lord all who thus withdrew. The fifth, requiring all who held slaves, to comply with these rules before partaking of the communion. In a note, those members were exempted from the operation of these rules, who might be living in States where the laws would not admit of emancipation. In the same note, the brethren in Virginia, were allowed two years for consideration after the gi\ing of the notice. It was agreed, also, that all who bought, sold, or gave away slaves, unless it was for the purpose of freeing them, should be expelled. 1785. Concluded that the rule on slavery would do harm, and its execution sus- pended " for the present." 1789. The following appears in the general rules : " Tlie buying or selling the bodies and souls of men, women, and children, with an intention to enslave them." 1792. This year the words '' bodies and souls" omitted. 1796. The Conference declared itself, more than ever, convinced of the evil of slaver)', and recommended the Conferences, and those having charge of districts and circuits, to be exceedingly cautious in admitting persons to official stations in the Church ; and to require security of them for the emancipation of their slaves. It was agreed that no slaveholder should be admitted into the Church, until the preacher had spoken freely and faithfully with him on the subject of slavery; also, that every member selling a slave should be excluded ; also, that the Quar- terly Meeting should determine, in case a member bought a slave, the number of years required for said slave to work out the price of his purchase ; also, that upon such determination, the purchaser should be required to execute an instrument for his manumission at the expiration of such term ; also, that in case of refusal, tho member should be excluded. It was provided that in the case of a female slave, the instrument should secure not only her emancipation, but the freedom of all her male children at the age of twent}--five, and the female at the age of twenty- one, if the member did not see fit to fix the date of their manumission earlier. 1800. The Conference agreed that any traveling preacher who became an 200 PART II. — ^DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. owner of slaves, and failed to emancipate them, should forfeit his ministerial standing. Also, that the Annual Conferences urge, by petition and otherwise, the various State legislatures to enact laws for the gi-adual extinction of slavery. 1804. The following exceptions made to the rule requiring emancipation ; when the slave requested that he mighty or mercy and humanity required that he should not be manumitted. Such cases, however, were to be submitted to the judgment of a committee of male members appointed by the preacher. The members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, ex- empted from the operation of the rules respecting slavery. The preachers instructed to admonish all slaves to render due respect and obe- dience to their masters. 1808. The whole subject referred by the General Conference to the Annual Conferences, who were to form their own regulations relative to buying and seUing slaves. 1812. Slaveholders made ineligible to the office of elder. 1816. Also, to the office of deacon, or any official station in the Church. 1820. The authority of Annual Conferences to make their own regulations about buying and selling slaves recinded. 1824. Preachers instructed to prudently enforce upon their members the ne- cessity of teaching their slaves to read the word of God 5 and of allowing them time to attend public worship. 1840. The General Conference this year, passed a resolution declaring that the simple holding of slave property in States where the laws did not allow of eman- cipation, constituted no barrier to the election or ordination of ministers of any grade. 1848. Tlie resolution referred to above was recinded. RULE RESPECTING INTOXICATING LIQUORS. 1743. Mr. "Wesley's original rule: " Drimkenness, buying, or selling spirituous liquors, or drinking them, unless in eases of extreme necessit3^" 1780. The preachers agreed to disown those who would not renounce the practice of distilling grain into liquor. 1783. Agreed that none should be permitted to make spirituous liquors, sell, or drink them in drams. 1784. The preachers enjoined not to touch drams, or spirituous liquors, unless it should be medicinally, and to enforce vigorously the rule on the subject. 1789. The words " unless in cases of extreme necessity," struck out of the rule. In 1790 they were restored, and " buying and selling" omitted instead. 1791. Band members required not to taste spirituous liquors, or drams, of any kind, unless prescribed by a ph5'^sician. 1796. The section, "of the sale and use of spirituous liquors," introduced into the discipline. In this section, it was provided that, "if any member of our so- ciety retail or give spirituous liquors, and any thing disorderly be transacted under his roof on this account, the preacher who has the oversight of the circuit, shall proceed against him as in the ease of other immoralities ; and the person accused shall be cleared, censured, suspended, or excluded, according to his conduct, as on other charges of immorality." 1820. The following was added to the discipline on this subject : " No preacher among us shall distill or retail spirituous liquors, without forfeiting his official standing." PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 201 1840. The section, " of the sale and use of spirituous liquors," omitted from tLo discipline entirely. ' 1848. Mr. Wesley's original rule restored, [For the alterations 1852, see additions at the end of the book.] CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF THE PRINCIPLE EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE METH. EPIS. CHURCH. 1703. John Wesley was born June 17, at Epworth, Linconshire, England. 1729. A small society formed at Oxford, of which Mr. Wesley was one, the members of which were in derision called Methodists. 1739. The first class formed in London, in the month of November, from which the history of Methodism properly dates. 1743. Mr. Wesley drew up the " general rules." 1766. Mr. Philip Embury, a local preacher, delivered the first Methodist sermon in America. The first Methodist society in the United States, formed in New York. 1768. The first Methodist Church in the United States, built in John street, New York. Dedicated October 30. 1 769. Richard Boardman and Joseph Pillmore, the first itinerant Methodist preach- ers in America, arrived in Philadelphia, from England, October 26. 1771. Francis Asbury and Richard Wright, landed at Philadelphia, October 7. 1772. Mr. Asbury appointed general assistant of the Methodist societies in Amer- ica, by Mr, Wesley. Appointment received, October 10, Mr. Asbury visited Kent County, Maryland ; Mr. Pillmore, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia ; and Mr. Boardman made a tour as far north as Boston, Mass. 1773. Thomas Rankin, appointed by INIr. Wesley general assistant in the place of Francis Asbury, arrived in Philadelphia, June 3. The first regular Conference held in America, met in Philadelphia, July 4, 1774. Messrs. Boardman and Pillmore returned to England. 1776. Freeborn Garretson joined the Conference. 1777. New York dropped fi-om the list of appointments until 1783, on account of circumstances growing out of the revolutionary war. Mr, Rankin returned to England. 1779. Mr. Asbury, by vote of the Conference, appointed superintendent in the place of Mr. Rankin. The first ordination of Methodist ministers, as such, performed at a meet- ing of the preachers of the south, in Fluranna County, Virginia, May 18, by brethren elected by the meeting for the purpose. This step gave offense to the northern preachers so that a division followed. 1780. The eighth Conference met in Baltimore, Md., April 24, at which stringent resolutions, in reference to slavery and distilling spirituous liquors, were passed. The difficulty between the north and the south, amicably settled : the south- ern preachers consenting to desist from administering the sacraments. 1784. Mr. Wesley ordained Richard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey presbyters, and Thomas Coke superintendent for America, (the latter to perform the duties of superintendent jointly with Mr. Asbury,) They arrived in New York, Nov. 3. The Christmas Conference held in Baltimore, Md. 202 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 1784. At this Conference tlie Methodist societies were organized with the title of Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Asbury was ordained deacon and elder, and was then consecrated to the office of superintendent. Twelve other ministers were ordained elders. Articles of religion adopted, and discipline formed. 1785. Ml'. Garretson and James O. Cromwell visited Nova Scotia. Foundation of Cokesbury college laid. Three Conferences held this year ; in North Carolina, Virginia, and Balti- more, respectively. Origin of the office of presiding elder. 1787. The Conference refused to ordain Richard Whatcoat joint superintendent with Mr. Asbury, though it was the wish of Mr. Wesley they should do so. The superintendents first styled bishops. Mr. Garretson penetrated New York, and bishop Asbury crossed the Alle- ghany Mountains. 1789. At the request of the Conference, held in New York, bishops Asbury and Coke addressed a congratulatory letter to Gen. Wasliington, on his elec- tion as first president of the United States. Jesse Lee visited and preached in Norwalk, Conn., June 17. Tlie first Methodist society in Connecticut, formed in Stratford, September 26. A general council appointed by the Conferences, to consist of the bishops and presiding elders. A book room opened in Philadelphia, under the direction of a book steward appointed by Conference, and first book published. 1790. Sabbath schools commenced. Methodism again introduced into Boston by Jesse Lee. 1791. First Methodist Episcopal Church in Massachusetts, built in Lynn. Upper Canada visited by Wm. Losee. John Wesley died in London, Eng., March 2. 1792. First General Conference held in Baltimore, November 1. Mr. O'Kelley's secession. 1795. Cokesbury college destroyed by fire. 1796. General Conference met in Baltimore, October 20. The number of Annual Conferences fixed at six. Chartered fund incorporated. Captain Webb, one of the pioneers of Methodism in America, died. 1800. General Conference met in Baltimore, May 20, at which bishop Whatcoat was ordained. Camp meetings introduced. General Conference met in Baltimore, May 7. 1804. N. Bangs visited Detroit, and Benjamin Young appointed missionary to Illinois. Book Concern removed to New York. 1805. First Methodist Episcopal Church in Rhode Island, built in Bristol. 1806. Methodism introduced into Louisiana. Bishop Whatcoat died. 1807. Missouri visited by John Travis. 1808. General Conference met in Baltimore, May 1. Wm. McKendree ordained bishop. Consent given to Dr. Coke to remain in England, at his own request. Delegated General Conference appointed to meet perpetually once in four years, on the 1st day of May. 1810. Genesee Conference formed. PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 203 1812. First delegated General Conference met in New York. Local deacons made eligible to ordination as local elders. The western Conference divided into Ohio and Tennessee. 1814. Dr. Coke died at sea, May 3, on a missionary voyage to the East Indies. 1816. Bishop Asbury died March 31. Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. Richard Allen elected and ordained bishop by themselves.* General Conference held its session in Baltimore. Enoch George and Robert Richford Roberts, elected and ordained bishops. Jesse Lee died August 12. Methodist Episcopal Sunday School A ssociation organized in the city of N. Y. 1817. Mississippi and Missouri Conferences formed. Tract society of Methodist Episcopal Church formed. Asbury Female Mite society organized for the relief of necessitous ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the widows and orphans of de- ceased preachers. 1819. Missionary and Bible society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Fe- male Missionary society and the Missionary society of the Methodist Epis- copal Church in Philadelphia Conference, were all organized this year. 1820. General Conference assembled in Baltimore. Addition of the words " with free seats" appended to the rule respecting the building of Churches. District Conferences for local preachers appointed. Kentucky Confer- ence formed. Secession of Wm Stillwell in New York. Book Concern at Cincinnati commenced. 1823. Augusta college founded by the Kentucky Conference. 1824. General Conference met in Baltimore. Joshua Soule and Elijah Hedding elected and ordained bishops. Five new Conferences formed. Printing office in Crosby street, New York, commenced by agents of the Book Concern. 1826. Madison college, Uniontown, Pa., established by Pittsburg Conference. Henry B. Bascom, president. First number of the Christian Advocate issued September 9. 1827. Sunday School Union of Methodist Episcopal Church formed in New York. Freeborn Garretson died. 1828. General Conference met in Pittsburg. The Canada Conference, at its own request, released from the jurisdiction of the General Conference. Secession of the Associated Methodist Reformers, who changed their title to the ".Methodist Protestant Church." 1831. The Wesleyan University at Middletown, Conn., under the charge of Wil- bur Fisk, D. D., as president ; the Randolph and Macon college, at Boydston, Va., with Stephen Olin at the head of its faculty ; and La Grange college, located in La Grange, Ala., under the direction of Robert Paine, were established. 1832. General Conference met in Philadelphia; James Osgood Andrew and John Emory elected and ordained bishops. The Troy, Indiana, and Alabama Conferences formed. The buildings of the jNIethodist Book Concern erected in Mulberry st., N. Y. Melville B. Cox, first missionary to Liberia from Methodist Episcopal Church, sailed from Norfolk, Va., October 6. 1833. Dickinson college in Carlisle, Pa. ; J. P. Durbin, president ; and the Al- leghany college in Meadville, Pa., under the charge of Dr. Ruter, were founded. 204 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 1834. Jason and Daniel Lee appointed missionaries to Oregon. M'Kendree college founded at Lebanon, 111. ; Joseph A. Merrill, President. 1835. Missions to South America commenced by Fountain E. Pitts. Bishop M'Kendree died, March 5 ; and bishop Emory was killed by being thrown from a carriage, December 16. 1836. The buildings, in New York, of the Book Concern, destroyed by fire in February. . General Conference assembled in Cincinnati, Ohio. Liberia Conference formed. Beverly Waugh, Willbur Fisk, and Thomas A. Morris, were elected and (with the exception of Willbur Fisk who was absent in Europe) ordained bishops. German missions commenced in Cincinnati, by William Nast. Emory college in , Georgia, founded ; Ignatius Few, President. 1838. College founded in Rutersville, Texas. 1839. Centenary of Methodism ; about $600,000 collected for missionary and educational purposes, and for the support of the worn-out preachers, and the widows and orphans of deceased preachers. Indiana Asbury University, at Grcencastle, and St. Charles college, St. Charles, Mo., established. Willbur Fisk died. 1840. General Conference met in Baltimore, 1843. Bishop Roberts died March 26. 1844. General Conference assembled in Green Street Church, New York. The action of Baltimore Conference, which suspended F. A, Harding from ministry for refusing to manumit certain slaves which came into his pos- session by marriage, sustained. Bishop Andrew requested to desist from the exercise of his office, on account of his connection with slavery. A protest to this action was entered by the minority. Dr. Capers pre- sented a resolution for tv^^o General Conferences, one north and one south. A committee of nine appointed to consider the difficulties arising out of these questions. The action of the last General Conference re- jecting the testimony of colored people, rescinded. Leonidus L. Ham- lain and Edmund S. Janes, elected and ordained bishops. Committee of nine recommended division of the Church, and the alteration of re- strictive rules on certain contingencies. Report adopted. 1845. Louisville convention held May 5. D. L. Pierce, Chairman •, Rev. S. N. Ralston, Secretary. 1846. First General Conference of the Church, south, held at Petersburg, Va., May 1. Bishop Andrew presiding. 1848. General Conference held at Pittsburg, Pa. Rev. Robert W. Emary, D. D., died May 18, aged 34. Professor Caldwell died June 6. 1849. Noah Levings died January 10, aged 53. 1850. General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, south, held May 1st, at St. Louis. Bishop Andrew presiding. Dr. Summers, Secretary. Henry Bascom elected bishop. Bishop Bascom died September 18. 1851. Suit of the Church, south, commenced May 19. Rev. Stephen Olin, D. D., died August 16. 1852. Bishop Hedding died April 9. General Conference met at Boston, May 1st. Bishops Waugh, Morris, and Janes, presiding. COLLEGES AND UNIYERSLTIES UNDER THE DIRECTION AND PATRONAGE OF THE METH. EPIS. CHURCH. WESLEYAN UOTYEESITY, MIDDLETOWN, CONK PRESIDENTS FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE INSTITUTION. Accessus. Ezitus. 1831. * Rev. Wilbur Fisk, S. T. D. 1839. 1839. * Rev. Stephen Olin, D. D. LL. D 1841. 1841. Rev. Nathan Bangs, D. D. 1842. 1842. * Rev. Stephen Olin, D. D. LL. D. 1851. 1851. Rev. John McClintock, D. D. (Presidentelect.) FACULTY. Rev. John McClintock, D. D., President elect. Augustus W. Smith, LL. D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. John Johnston, LL. D., Professor of Natural Science. Rev. Charles K. True, D. D., Hedding Professor of Moral Science and Belles Letters. Harvey B. Lane, M. A., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. Rev. J. W. Lindsay, M. A., Professor of the Latin and Hebrew Languages. Albert S. Hunt, B. A., Tutor in Logic and Rhetoric. Rev. Jacob F. Huber, M. A., Teacher of Modern Languages. Rev. J. W. Lindsay, M. A., Librarian. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Seniors, 24 Juniors, 24 Sophomores, 41 Freshmen, 28 Total, 117 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. Candidates for the Classical Course, must be well acquainted with the rudiments of English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Davies' First Lessons in Algebra, McClintock's First Book in Latin, or Andrews' and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, Eight Books of Virgil's .^neid, Anthon's Cicero, Caesar's Commentaries, or Sal- lust, Kuhner's Elementary Greek Grammar and the Greek Reader, or McClin- tock's First and Second Books in Greek. Those who wish to take only the Literary and Scientific Course, must be ac- quainted with the preceding branches, except the Latin and Greek. Candidates for admission must be at least fourteen years of age. CALENDAR FOR ACADEMIC YEAR, 1851-52. 1851. — Fall term commences Thursday, Sept. 4th, at 9 A. M. Fall examination commences December 2d. Fall term ends with the exercises of the day, December 3d * Deceased. 18 206 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. WINTER VACATION OF EIGHT WEEKS. 1852. — Spring term commences Thursday, January 29th, at 9 A. M. Spring examination begins May 4th. Junior exhibition, May 5th. Spring term closes with the exhibition in the evening May 5th. SPRING VACATIOxV OF TWO WEEKS. 1852. — Summer term commences Thursday, May 20th, at 9 A. M. Senior examination commences July 7th. Annual examination commences July 29th. Commencement, the first Wednesday in August. VACATION OF FOUR WEEKS. Fall term begins Thursday, Sept. 2d, at 9 A. M. Candidates for admission will be examined on Monday, August 2d ; also, on the first day of the next term. EXPENSES. The annual charges in the treasurer's bill are, For instruction, $33 00 For room rent, from $7 50 to $9 00, average, 8 25 For use of library, 2 00 For general repairs — ^lighting, warming, sweeping, &c., about 4 00 Amount per year, . $47 25 Instruction in the modern languages, will be an extra charge. Most of the students board in private families in the city, and the price varies from $1,25 to $1,75 per week. All find their own beds and furniture. ALLEGHANY COLLEGE, MEADYILLE, PENN. FACULTY. Rev. John Barker, D. D., President, and Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy and Belles Letters, Rev. George W. Clarke, A. M,, Vice-President, and Professor of the Greek La,nguage and Literature. Rev, Calvin Kingsley, A, M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Rev. Jonathan Hamnett, A. M,, Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. Rev. L, D, Williams, A, M., Professor of Natural Sciences. G. W. Clarke and G. S. Wardwell, Tutors. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Senior class, 13 Junior class, 20 Sophomore class, 25 Freshman class, 48 Preparatory department, 184 Total 290 EXPENSES. Each student is taxed $2,00 per term, to defray the current expenses of the college. These expenses are of various kinds, such as for fuel, services of janitor, PART II. — ^DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. ^7 printing, and the ordinary repairs of the college buildings. The contingent fee must invariably be paid in advance. BOARDING. Board can be had in families at a price varying from $1,25 to $1,75 per week, including room, lodging, fuel and lights. Those who associate and furnish their provisions, can procure their cooking done in families for about 25 cents per week. On this plan the whole expense is about 75 cents per week. GEKESEE COLLEGE, LIMA, N. T. FACULTY. Rev. B. F. Teffl, D. D., President. James L. Alverson, M. A., Professor of Mathematics and Civil English. Rev. Geo. C. "Whitlock, M. A., Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. Rev. James Douglas, M. A., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. Lockwood Hoyt, M. A,, Professor of the Greek L&nguage and Literature. William Wells, Ph. D., Professor of Modern Languages. Rev. Wm. H. De Puy, Professor of Law. Number of students, 100. OHIO WESLEYAN ITNIYEESITT, DELAWARE, OHIO. FACULTY. Rev. Edward Thomson, D. D., President, and Professor of Moral Science and Belles Letters. Rev. Frederick Merrick, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and Natural History. Rev. Lorenzo D. McCabe, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy. William G. Williams, A. M., Professor of Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. , Professor of Hebrew and Biblical Literature. Rev. Thomas D. Crow, A. M., Principal of the Preparatory Department. Rev. W. L. Harris, A. M., Principal of the Academical Department. Owen T. Reeves, A. B., Tutor in Languages. Marvin Edgerton, Assistant in Academical Department. George F. W. Willey, Teacher of Modern Languages. John Braden, Teacher of Vocal Music. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Col. Course : Seniors, 5 Juniors, 11 Sophomores, . . 12 Freshmen,. ... 18 — 46 Pre. Depart. : Senior section, 23 Junior section, 180 203 Bib. Course: Senior section,. 6 Middle section, 5 Junior section, 19 30 Omit, collegia's, 7 — 23 SciE. Course : Senior section,. 4 Junior section, . 230-234 Total, 506 2^6 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. TERMS AND VACATIONS. The collegiate year is divided into three sessions and two vacations. The first session commences seven weeks after the last Wednesday in July, and continues till the first of January. The second session commences on the second of January, and continues till the first Wednesday in April. The third session commences three weeks after the close of the second session, and continues till the last Wednesday in July. PUBLIC EXERCISES. Commencement^ on the last Wednesday in July. Exhibition of undergraduates, at the end of the second session. Convocation. — The convocation is composed of the faculty, the principals of the several academies under the patronage of the Ohio and North Ohio Conferences, all who have received honorary degrees from the university, and all alumni of the second degree. With this body rests the responsibility to nominate all candidates for literary honors. It mee^Js annually the day before Commencement. EXPENSES AND PAYMENTS. Tuition in the collegiate depart- ment per year, $30 00 Tuition for half collegiate recita- tions, 25 00 The above charges are payable by the session, in advance. Boarding in private families at from $1,50 to $2 per week Tuition in the preparatory de- partment, $20 00 Room rent, $1,50 per session,. 4 50 Incidental expenses, $1, 3 00 M'KENDEEE COLLEGE, LEBANON, ILL. FACULTY. Anson W. Cummings, D. D., President, and Professor of Mental and Moral Science. Spencer Mattison, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Literature. James Leaton, A. M., Professor of Natural Science. Russell Z. Mason, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Ridson M. Moore, A. B., Classical and Mathematical Tutor. Spencer Mattison, A. M., Librarian. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Graduated at last commencement, . 7 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 6 Sophomores, 6 Freshmen, 14 Classical preparatory, 70-110 Second year, scientific, , . 14 First year, scientific, 15 Preparatory scientific, 59- 88 Total for the year, 198 TERMS AND VACATION. The collegiate year opens on the first Wednesday of October. Commencement for 1852, the first day of July. Annual examination begins one week before the annual commencement. A vacation of twelve weeks follows commencement. No other vacation or recess during the year. PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 209 EXPENSES PER TERM. Contingent expenses, fall and winter terms each, 1 50 Contingent expenses, spring term, 1 00 Koom rent, per an., from . .$6 to 10 00 Board is Si, 50 per week. Many students board themselves in their own rooms for 50 to 80 cents per week. Washing and ironing 50 cents per dozen. Fuel from $1,50 to $1,75 per cord. Tuition — Scientific preparatory,. $6 00 " Scientific, 8 00 " Classical preparatory, . 7 00 " Collegiate, 8 00 DICKINSON COLLEGE, CARLISLE, PA. FACULTY. President and Professor of Moral Science. Rev. Erastus Wentworth, D. D., Professor of Natural Science and Curator of the Museum, Rev. Herman M. Johnson, A. M., Professor of Philosophy and English Literature. James W. Marshall, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages. Rev. Otis H. Tiffany, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. Charles E. Blumenthal, A. M., Professor of Hebrew and Modern Languages. Samuel D. Hillman, A. B., Principal, pro tern., of the Grammar School. Amos F. Mussehnan, A. B., Assistant in the Grammar School. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Undergraduates — Senoirs, .... Juniors, .... Sophomores, . Freshmen, . . 21 16 27 41 —105 Preparatory department, . Total, TERMS AND VACATIONS. The college year is divided into two sessions, the first beginning on the 15th of September, and ending on the Friday before the 1st of April ; the second begin- ning at the termination of the first, and ending at the Commencement on the second Thursday in July. Vacation from Commencement to the 15th of Sep- tember ; a few days recess at the discretion of the faculty at Christmas, and at the end of the first session. ANNUAL EXPENSES. The college bills are to be paid to the treasurer in advance each session, and are as follows, viz. : — First session. Second session. Tuition fee,. $20 00 $13 00 Fee for use of library and recitation rooms, and for printing, 3 50 2 00 Janitor's services, 2 00 I vv Students lodging in college pay for room rent from $4,00 to $6,00 for the first session, and from $2,00 to $3,00 for the second. Those who do not employ the janitor, pay 50 cents per session for keeping the halls in order. 18* 210 PAET II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. METHODIST GEKEEAL BIBLICAL INSTITUTE,. CONCOED, K H. As early as the year 1838, a call was made on the friends of ministerial educa- tion in the Methodist Episcopal Church, to meet at Boston, in convention, to con- sider the subject of establishing an institution for this purpose. A theological institution was resolved upon, and its location for the time being was fixed at Newburg, Vt. The first professors chosen, were Rev. O. C. Baker, A. M, and Rev. "Wm. M. "Willett, A. M., who entered upon their duties in 1843. In the spring of 1845, Rev. John Dempster was called to instruct in theology. In 1846, he was made agent to secure an endowment. Inasmuch as the Newburg charter did not admit the trustees of the Conferences to act, it was resolved to remove the institution to Concord, N. H., where an excellent building was offered for its accommodation. Accordingly, in April, 1847, the institution was reorganized and recommenced at Concord, under the title of the " Methodist General Biblical Institufe.^^ Rev. John Dempster, D. D., Rev. Osmer C, Baker, A. M., and Rev. Charles C Adams, A. M., were chosen professors. Prof. Adams resigned his office in the latter part of 1848, and Rev. Stephen M. Vail, A. M., was chosen in his place. The school was reopened with 7 students ; and before the end of the year, the number increased to 30 : the second year to 40 ; the third year to 48 ; the fourth year to 50 ; and at the present time, April, 1852, the whole number is 58. The endowment and real eastate of the institution, is now estimated at $40,000. The buildings will accommodate about 50 students, afibrding, also, three large lecture rooms, a chapel, and the rooms needful for the boarding association. The school is patronized by eight Annual Conferences, viz. : Maine, East Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New England, Providence, Troy, and Black River Confer- ences. These Conferences have an equal voice in the management of the insti- tution through five trustees appointed from their respective bounds. The following is the rule for admission : — ■ " Applicants for admission to the seminary, who belong to the Methodist Epis- copal Church, must present a written recommendation from a Quarterly or An- nual Conference of said Church. Applicants belonging to other churches, must present satisfactory written recommendations from clergymen of their denom- inations." TERMS AND VACATIONS. The academical year commences on the first Wednesday in February, and closes on the first Thursday of November following. The year is divided into three terms. Spring term commencing first "Wednesday in February. Summer term commencing first Wednesday in May. Fall term commencing first Wednesday in August. The spring and summer terms will be succeeded by a vacation of one week each. LIBRARY. The library contains nearly 2,000 volumes, to which the students have access without any additional expense, EXPENSES. No charge is made for tuition. Board and washing about $1,25 per week. Room and use of furniture, 12^ cents per week. PAET II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 211 COLLEGES AND UNIYERSITIES UNDER THE DIRECTION AND PATRONAGE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. NAMX OF INSTITUTION. Wesleyan Institution, Dickinson College, . . Ind. Asbury University, . Alleghany College. . . . OhioWiscon. University, M'Kendree College, . . Genesee College, . . . Lawrence University, General Biblical Institute, Emory Henry College, CHURCH SOUTH. Randolph Macon, . . . Emory, La Grange, . . . , . Centenary, Augusta, St. Charles, IX>CATIOir. Middletown, Conn., Carlisle, Penn., Greencnstle, Ind., Meadville, Pa., Delaware, Ohio, Lebanon, 111., . Lima, New York, Appleton, Wis., . Concord. N. Hamp., Emory, Wash, co., Va. Mecklenburg cc, Va Oxford, Ga., Lagrange, Ala., Jackson, La., . Augusta, . . St. Charles, . . bc2 "S"— X •=,£. Cm o ^ k ** °a a X° Estim value Prope Numb volui in Lib 1831 §71,206 12,000 117 1817 104,00e 9,000 1842 89,000 3,000 50 1835 46,290 5,000 198 1848 125,000 6,000 100 1847 1843 43,000 2,000 58 1838 40,000 7,807 100 1832 150,000 8,000 80 1837 1830 60,000 3,700 77 1839 100,000 5,000 94 1825 1837 25,000 500 30 SEMINARIES UNDER THE DIRECTION AND PATRONAGE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. NEW TORK Amenia Seminary, Ainenia. — Principal, J. W. Beach, M. A. Charlotte Boarding Academy, Charlotte, Del. co. — Principal, S. J. Ferguson. Fully Seminary, Fulton. — Principal, E. E. E. Bragdon, M. A. Flushing Female Institute, Flushing, L. I. — Principal, W. H. Gilder, M. A. Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima. — James L. Alverson, M. A. Jonesville Academy, Jonesville, Saratoga county. FACULTY. Hiram A. "Wilson, A. M., Principal, Teacher of Physiology, Rhetoric and Latin. Rev. Samuel Hall, A. M., Teacher of Mathematics, Book-Keeping and Greek. William H. Poor, Teacher of Natural Science, Penmanship and Vocal INIusic. Charles W. Raymond, Assistant Teacher of Mathematics and Common English. Miss Josephine J. Thompson, Preceptress, Teacher of French and Instrumental Music. Miss Elizabeth McLean, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Rev. David Poor, Steward. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Gentlemen, 129 Ladies, 52 Total, 181 Gouvcrneur Seminary, Gouverneur. — Principal, J. "W. Armstrong. Hempstead Seminary, Hempstead, L. I. — Principal, C. Rutherford, M. A. 212 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. New York Conference Seminary^ Charlotteville. — Principal, Alonzo B. Flack, B. A. Oneida Conference Academy^ Cazenovia. FACULTY. Rev. Henry Bannister, D. D., Principal, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. Rev. John W. Armstrong, M. A., Professor of Experimental Philosophy. Rev. Ammi B. Hyde, M. A., Professor of Languages. Richard Ellis, M. A., Professor of Mathematics. George Jackson, M. A., Professor of Astronomy and English Literature. Mrs. E. Miranda Wymond, Preceptress. Mrs. Sophia B. Groff, Teacher of Music. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Gentlemen, 273 Ladies, 205 Total, "478 NEW JERSEY. Newark Wesleyan Institute, Newark. — Principal, Sidera Chase, M. A. Pennington Male Seminary, Pennington. — Principal, J. Townley Crane, M. A. Pennington Female Seminary, Pennington. Bordentoion Female Institute, Bordentoicn. — Principal, Rev. John H. Brake- ley, M. A. [See advertisement, page .] OHIO. Ashury Seminary, Chagrine Falls. — Principal, G. B. Hawkins. Baldwin Institute, Berea. FACULTY. Rev. W. L. Harris, A. M., Principal. G. M. Barber, Assistant. Miss Julia D. Sheldon, Preceptress. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Gentlemen, 134 Ladies, 127 Total, 2G1 Crreenfield Seminary, Greenfield. — Principal, James G. Blair. Buckland Female Seminary, Hillsborough. FACULTY. Rev. Joseph M'D. Matthews, Principal, and Teacher of Geometry, Ancient Languages, &c. Miss Emilie L. Grand-Girard, Teacher of the French Language, Mental Science, &c. Miss Elizabeth Underbill, Teacher of History, Mythology, Algebra, &c. Miss Margaret M. Ervine, Principal of the Primary Department. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Primary department, 17 First year, 23 Second year, 42 Junior year, 20 Senior vear, 13 Graduates this year, 6 Whole number during the year, 121 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 213 Ohio Conference High School, Springfield. — Principal, Sol. Howard, M. A. Wesleyan Female College, Cincinnati. — Principal, J. B. Wilbur, M. A. Worthington Female Seminary.^ Worthington. — Principal, IVIrs. H. L. Porter. FACULTY. Rev. W. D. Godman, A. M., Principal, Teacher of Mental and Moral Science. Mrs. H. L. Porter, Teacher of Natural Science. Miss E. O. Sampson, Teacher of Mathematics. Miss Julia Sheldon, Teacher of English Literature. Miss INIary Ellis, Teacher of French. Mr. Charles G. A. Willey, Teacher of Music. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Resident graduate, 1 Academic department, 57 Preparatory department, 37 Primary department, 6 Total, ioT Classical department, 4 French department, 9 Musical department, not enrolled, . . 14 VERirONT. Bakersfield Academy, Bakersfield. — Principal, J. Moore, M. A. Newhurg Seminary, Newhurg. — Principal, J. E. King, B. H. Troy Conference Academy, West Poultney. — Principal, John Newman, M. A. Wesleyan Seminary, Springfield. — Principal, Harvey C. Wood, M. A. PENNSYLVANIA. Wyoming Seminary, Kingston. — Principal, Reuben Nelson, M. A. Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport. FACULTY. Rev. T. Bowman, A. M., Principal, Teacher of Latin and Greek Languages. Rev. J. W. Barrett, A. B., Teacher of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences. D. Baker, Teacher of Common English. Charles R. Zschiegner, Teacher of German, French, and Instrumental Music. J. Y. Rothrock, Teacher of Vocal IMusic. J. Montayne Green, M. D., Lecturer of Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Miss H. C. Clarke, Preceptress, and Teacher of the Ornamental Branches. Mrs. Eliza W. McDowell, Assistant in Female Department. J. I. McCoy, Esq., Steward. INDIANA. Fort Wayne Female College, Fort Wayne. — Principal, George H. Pound, M. A. Jefferson Springs Seminary, Jeffersonville. FACULTY. Rev. H. B. Hibben, M. A., Principal, and Teacher of Latin, Greek, and Mathematics. ^ Professor of Mental and Moral Science. Mrs. H. F. Hibben, Governess, and Teacher of Piano Music, &c. 214 PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. Miss Mary B. Wirt, Preceptress of Female Academical Class. Mr. S. M. Hibben, Teacher of Preparatory Male Department. Miss Rebecca Sullenberger, Teacher of Preparatory Female Class. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Females — Senior class, " Junior class, " Second year, 26 " First year, 32 " Preparatory class, 24 Females — Ornament, branches only 1 Males — Academic class, 55 " Preparatory class, 29 Total, .167 ILLINOIS. Illinois Conference Female Academy, Jacksonville. — Principal, James F. Jaques, M. A. Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris. — Principal, C. C. Olds. MAINE. Maine Wesleyan Seminary, KenVs Hill. — Principal, Henry P. Torsey, M. A. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New HampsJiire Conference Seminary, Northfield. — Principal, Richard S. Rust, M. A. ^TRGINIA. N. W. Virginia Academy, Clarksburg. — Principal, G. Battelle. Wesleyan Female Institute, Staunton. CONNECTICUT. Preparatory School, Middletown. ► FACULTY, D. H. Chase, A. M., Principal and Proprietor. A. White, C. W. Bennett, F. Hannahs, A. Ethridge, and G. H. Opdyke, As- sistants. J, Ramsey, Professor of Music. Number of pupils, 134. RHODE ISLAND. Providence Conference Academy, East Greenwich. — Principal, Robert Allyn, M. A. FACULTY. Rev. Robert Allyn, A. M., Proprietor, Teacher of Moral and Mental Science and Belles Lettres. PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 215 Isaac T. Goodnow, A. M., Teacher and Lecturer in Natural Science. Rev. Willbur F. Loomis, A. B., Teacher of Mathematics. Rev. Ormando N. Brooks, A. B., Teacher of Ancient Languages and German. Ohver W. Pollard, Teacher of English Branches and Book-lieeping. Miss Susan E. Smith, Preceptress, Teacher of French and History. Miss Hannah P. Hinkley, Teacher of Spanisn and Ornamental Branches. Miss Nancy A. Browne, Teacher of Music. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Gentlemen, 165 | Ladies, 104 Total, 269 AGGREGATE BY TERMS. Summer term, Gentlemen, 63 Fall term, Gentlemen, 80 Winter term, Gentlemen, 97 Spring term, Gentlemen, 99 Ladies, 55, 118 Ladies, 52, 132 Ladies, 50, 147 Ladies, 51, 150 Total by terms, 547 Ladies, 208 | Gentlemen, 339 Total, 547 Aggregate last year, 407 ( ^Tiole number last year, 211 MASSACHTSETTS. Wesleijan Academy^ Wilbraham. FACULTY. Rev. Miner Raymond, A. M., Principal, and Teacher of Mental and Moral Science. William H. Bussell, A. M., Teacher of Ancient and Modern Languages. Oliver Marcy, A. M., Teacher of Mathematics. Tales H. Newhall, A. M., Teacher of Natural Science. George M. Steele, A. B., Teacher of Mathematics and Ancient Languages. Sarah North, Preceptress, and Teacher of Ornamental Branches. Cordelia M. Kettelle, Teacher of ^Nlusic. John M. Merrick, Esq., Steward. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Whole number of gentlemen, . 194 | "V\nioIe number of ladies, 179 Total, 373 AGGREGATE BY TERMS, Winter term, 1 35 Spring term, 190 Fall term, 201 Total, 526 DELAWARE, Wesleyan Female Colored Institute, Wilmington. — Principal, S. Prettyman, M.A. 216 PART II. — DISCIPLIN-E AND INSTITUTIONS. MICHIGAN. Albion Female Collegiate Institute and Wesleyan Seminary^ Albion. FACULTY. Rev. Clark T. Hinman, A. M., President, and Professor of Moral and Intellectual Science. Rev. Elijah W. Merrill, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Elocution. Rev. Norman Abbott, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. Lewis R. Fisk, A. B., Professor of Natural Sciences. Isaac C. Cochran, Professor of Primary English Literature. Miss Sarah Hunt, Principal of Female Department, and Teacher of Belles Lettres. Miss Mary E. Adams, Teacher of Modern Languages and the Fine Arts. Miss Mary E. Church, Teacher of Music. Joseph Chamberlain, Teacher of Indian Department. Joseph French, Esq., Steward. Rev. William H. Brockway, General Agent. Rev. William P. Judd, Endowment Agent. NUMBER OF STUDENTS. College — Senior class, 7 Middle class, 8 Junior class, 27 Preparatory, 22 Total, 64 Seminary — Ladies, 147 Gentlemen, 197 Indians, 11 Total, 355 NEWBUHY SEITINART, VT. CALENDAR. Summer term, 10 weeks, begins May 13th. Fall term, 11 weeks, begins August 26th. Winter term, 11 weeks, begins November 18th. Spring term, 11 weeks, begins February 17th. FACULTY. Rev. Joseph E. King, M. A., President. Professor Henry S. Noyes, M. A. Rev. Charles W. Gushing. Rev. George N. Abbott, B. A. Caroline J. Lane. Jane P. Chase. Sophia W. Stevens. Tliis seminary was organized in 1834. Tlie collegiate institute, chartered by the Vermont legislature, was organized in 1850. STATISTICS OF STUDENTS ENROLLED FOR THE FOUR YEARS PAST. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. Summer term, 37 students. 50 students. 53 students. 90 students. Fall term, 144 " 204 " 243 " 250 " Winter term, 70 " 82 " 100 " 130 " Spring term, 182 " 228 " 312 " 313 " Aggregate, 433 " 564 « 708 " 783 " PART II. — DISCIPLINE AND INSTITUTIONS. 217 The institution is out of debt. Has a fine cabinet of minerals ; apparatus to the value of S700 ; 600 selected volumes in library. Buildings in good repair. 185 students have been converted during the four years. METHODIST BOOK CONCERN. PRESENT LOCATION, 200 MULBERRY STREET, NEW YORK. Agents. — Thomas Carlton and Zebulon Phillips. This now gigantic establishment was, in its commencement, exceedingly small. Its history begins in 1789, with the appointment of John Dickens as book steward. He was the first agent and editor. The business was carried on in Philadelphia, where Bro. Dickens was then stationed. The first book published was Mr. Wes- ley's edition of" Thomas a Kempis.'' Its capital was $600, loaned by the agent. In 1797 a book committee was appointed, to whom were submitted all works in- tended for publication. In 1798 John Dickens died. In 1799 he was succeeded by Ezekiel Cooper. In 1808, the end of Bro. Cooper's term, the capital stock had increased to about .$45,000. In 1808, the General Conference appointed John Wilson, principal, and Daniel Hitt, assistant editor. After the death of John Wilson, which occurred in 1810, Daniel Hitt carried on the business alone until 1812, when Tliomas Ware was made assistant editor, and steward. In 1816 Joshua Soule and Thomas Mason were made agents. In 1820 Xathan Bangs was elected agent, and Thomas Mason re-elected assistant agent. In 1822 the basement of the Wesleyan Seminary, Crosby street, was fitted up as a bindeiy. The General Conference of 1824, elected John Emory as assistant book agent, in the place of Thomas Mason. This year the Wesleyan Seminary was bought and fitted up as a printing-office. On the 9th of September, 1826, the first number of the " Christian Advocate" was issued, under the editorial direction of the senior agent and Mr. Badger. In 1820 the General Conference authorized the establish- ment of a branch concern at Cincinnati, of which INIartin Ruter was appointed agent. At the General Conference of 1828, John Emory and Beverley Waugh were appointed agents. Its premises in Crosby street being too confined for the increasing business of the concern, the five lots on which the "Book Concern" now stands were purchased. As Di-. Emory was made bishop in 1832, Beverley Waugh was appointed the principal agent, and T. INlason assistant. In 1833, the new buildings in INIulberry street were finished, and the entire establishment re^ moved there. A very little time after, however, the who'e was consumed by fire. In a few hours the Church lost not less than $250,000. ^'his disastrous event oc- curred in February, 1836. To repair this loss, $88,346 ^ was contributed by the Church at lai'ge, and $25,000 realized from insurances. In 1836 Beverley Waugh was elected bishop, and Thomas Mason appointed in his place, with George Lane for an assistant. This year the ^ '>neral Conference approved a plan for the new buildings, which were soon- after\ wd finished. In 1840, C. B. Tippett was elected assistant book agent ; and in 1844, his terrft having expired, L. Scott was appointed in his place. The magnitude and importance of this great institution may be ii ferred from the following tables, which we have prepared with great care from ite books of the Concern. 19 218 PABT II. — DISCIPLmE AND INSTITUTIONS. tcc< ^ 3 o o rs . X- O O O g) '-=! (X) rr I- C5 5» i^ oc i-_ cf C5 re' cf '*■" ''^ of rt O X to c-i to 1-1 o t- ct o o po t^ • C5 (?» -^ O O X o OO 00 rt o o c» o >fl -# lO '^ C lO c» -^ GC rt M L'^ r--_t>-_ o^ss_ i^ffft-'cTrr" to't--'" Ti< O O Tr rl }2i C» O O O O C5 -H 9i M SllO O O l^ 00 W w C» ifl CO o o o o ^ CJ ■* 00 C lO O 1-1 iXt 05 C5 C5 rt_^ l-._ — __0 o 8 riiiiiii'O-^ lo'oT H -*< ce r1 to rH C»05 C5 L'" c» 1^ •?^ sT (?>' 35" ro "^ tti w< C» 1 SI w g to -1 >« uo r- -^ r • 'J" -*" Cl » pl^ « fO t- M CO o ^ — -., -H to i-O » rt s c» CO •J w t- !?l CO CO D to >-H H s fA C» X to to w o ^ X r- o CO »* o c«; CO — to s «< c^ ^ to 1.0 CO CO >rt t-- H) -< X SI IC 00 S'J 00'to'-o" 00 — 1 rr 5> Q rt CO ^ 02 • ■ • • • • • v: fe • • • • O . • oj r^ . ..|.ir P^ 5 X JS -^ w:5 m- — i^ tt. fi t^ < CO . . c . © CO <= CO C *-' ^-% 1 © M 2 :^ XT '- rO ^ =r> T:t '^J* 05 1—1 Ci r- tJ •^ oz a- t^ "*^ tc © '© -^ © © ick and decision ;i, (inclu n3 2 k 3 6 13 © '^ 3 s an er tl e3 -1^ 02 K e5 B ^ a-<2i ■3 C^ ^ isho k, a: " EC © aa ^ e capit k, due hurch ends, . paid b al stoc © - © © »f dividends,, mount paid b: f ('anital stoct e of th w Yor opal C mount f capit © ■-a © 1 -• s J' s c3 tc « ca © © c © ■i :: © 1 ,£5 5 -t-^ OS © • • ID « rt I :: 3 > .a hefo uded i3 N. - P^ S t5 p ^ -^ H © 0^ ., ^w ^^ &M © iM ^ ^ oS ^ ^ CO C:> M GC C. ,— t- 0: 'tJ* m r- 00 >— IC 00 C^ i CO • CO CO (M Cl- > 0: • t- c- ! io C5 c< c t c: >< iC 1— 1 -^ cc J— r-H r-l a ^ T"— Bj C|_0_cr^J> U C^ -^ E- CO 10 CO ir; ) cc ^ cTcTi-'o- r 10 €© c^ >-i =6^ CO Ed ^ fd • ^ Ed ca J 'rt 13 ■ ^ : ^ H S : ^ E^ ^ 03 CD U a *i ^^ < < OQ m Ci< b E- ^ Z ^ » D S g GO 05 i-H t» Oi 1*^ 50 4!» Ji. K) W pi t-i to J-0 i-" ^-' 4^ to to 00 k-i W K)j^1 to 01 til !S It- Oi O b.>t>. g 01 to 00 ^ to I— 1— 1)— 'I— 'lOtOk-ii*-lOlOi— 'I— 'to 1— ' 1—1 to 1—1 I— 1 I— II— 'to tO0D«TtnO5tOH.^tO10tSG;t0©:T:C-. -l^tO tOC5^Jt0j-4tOS:2t;i4-©_3; *- ^ ^ © t- as to QD to ^ QO O C; -O to t-T — QC ~.J ~- 1.T I— to to *. to to *» -1 ©CCtOtOtO»0 334i»tOtnt04»it- — — ©h-'tO^tOClCSC*'*-^'— tntO tO©t04*tOtDwJ-~JtOClH-w^ to t^ 1—1 t-to i5 01 CC tn COQC Number of Volumes in Library. V© §5^ i-i totOi-^tAMW^-dstO^^tOi— '1— 'tO>t>- i-ii— i^-)-i to k- ii-itn rf^tOtOCS-JtOCOtO©tn^Cs:o©QC--l*.i-' OCtOOOOtO-J©t£b-tO*- ©■^tnSoc©OOtOtniO<0©t,TlOtOtOH--aoitOt;i.*-^©tOtO-lQi^© tn 00 tn OC OS i_i t-i toi— I't'-toj-'tob-'v-' ^ i~' i^ i"" i"" 5*' to *■ to *."io Qc'^-i 01 'to "*• to 05 to '-I to © 01 --1 to to 01"*. -I'tO to to tn Cn ij X to © ^ oi w -J -I © to -J; ^1 to -J " on i-".i to X to i— © © c © © -1 5lOW©tbtOiOl©taCOOtOtnOi©tClO*-4^X©ai't-©^tOi— 0D©tO Number of Bible Classes. Number of Scholars in Infant Classes. (—1 © i_i v-i i-i to to tn to tn to to to io^^ k-j t-1 JO ^^to i-' Qci (^ © to ^ QoV OT ©'to © 00 X i-i *. in O'l © >-'© to 1 '--1 '-1 '"t^ -:; rJ Vj '5 =; •3 to iS © *- E 00 ^ ^ ob VI 00 © to © to ^( -» >*>■ to -J 1 h- © ^ to w to © -J C5^to©Qcvioi©oot;i.t^-ioi©to©©*^-ioo ©©*.t>l©©©© Expenses of Schools last year. 1—1 Ot © QOOD t-t ^©00i-'t0tOl-iK)©tO|l-' to tOi-'lOl-' ^ ^ tntn*^Ct0^aDtO 00 ©00 CnOD — ^J©>b-J»-tO oSS3©lt.oi*-io®©©oto>-© ©4».QDto«;itotoooDtoo©t;i Amount raised for the S. S. Union. © »• 00 1-1 © to to to ^ to <» to j-i © t;»_© to JUS _^ jO *o to jO v^ to ^ j*k to to'>«».'©"->"''j'— "^-'''--»'to'Qc'to'©'*.'to"to''^j "cr'© ^i'*- ©"©'to'© ©'© yi fO-1w — 0D00©©©Ol©^tO^-'©©t0t,T&-t0©©--ltn l—,*kWi*>.vitoto©©©f-oito©©©©H-o©ooto©ODaooo>t'to*.;o Sunday School Advocates taken. to t— 1 !0 14,557 11,398 b^ )— 1 tOtOlO>t»>t»-lO0000 •-j'tn J!>.©O0*-^*.t;i i-itO*.©4i.tOtnk-'*-tOO ^iJtoSw.*«Q0tStO^-t0tn>-tOtO©^©tO-J©^©H-tO©-ti— tOtO W©0©»-tOOcKoprbyshire ; College of the Immaculate Conception, Leicestershire. Religious Houses of Men. — Archdiocese of Westminster, 2 ; diocese of South- wark, 1 ; York, 1 ; Salford, 1 ; Clifton, 2 ; Plymouth, 1 ; ISTottingham, 3 •, Bir- mingham, 6-, total, 17. Convents. — Archdiocese of Westminster, 9 ; diocese of Southwark, 9 ; Hex- ham, 2 ; York, 2 ; Liverpool, 1 ; Salford, 1 ; Shrewsbury, 1 ; Clifton, 5 ; Ply- mouth, 5; Nottingham, 4; Birmingham, 13; Northampton, 1 ; total, 53. Priests in England and Wales. — Archdiocese of Westminster, 113; dioceso of Southwark, 67; Hexham, 70; York, 69; Liverpool, 113; Salford, 61; Shrewsbury, 33 ; Newport and Menevia. 22 ; Clifton, 49 ; Plymouth, 25 ; Not- tingham, 53; Birmingham, 124; Northampton, 27; total, 826. Priests in Scotland. — Eastern District, 29; Western District, 51 ; Northern District, 32; St. INfary's College, Blairs, 6; total, 118. Grand total of priests in Great Britain, including bishops, 972. Total increase of priests, as compared with 1850, 43. IRELAND. Archdeacons, 4 Bishops, 28 Parish priests, 985 Curates, 1 ,366 Churches, 2,205 Convents, 63 Nunneries, 99 Monasteries, 48 Colleges, 26 Regular clergy, 301 Total of all Catholic clergy, 2,552 Catholic population, 7,000,000 AECHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN AMERICA. Most Rev. P. F. Turgeon, D.D., Archbishop of Quebec, L. C. Right Rev. Charles F, Baillargeon, D. D., Coadjutor of Quebec. Right Rev. Ignatius Bourget, D. D., Bishop of ^Montreal, L. C. Right Rev. .John C. Prince, D. D., Coadjutor of Montreal. Right Rev. Amandus Charbonnel, D. D., Bishop of Toronto, U. C. Right Rev. Remigius Gaulin, D. D., Bishop of Kingston, U. C. Right Rev. Patrick Phelan, D. D., Coadjutor of Kingston. Right Rev. Dr. Guigne, Bishop of Bytown, U. C. ' Right Rev. John J. Mullock, D. D., Bishop of St. John's, N. F. Right Rev. Wm. Walsh, D. D., Bishop of Halifax, N. S. > Right Rev. Ariehat, N. S. Right Rev. B. D. McDonald, D. D., Bishop of Charlottetown, Prince Edward's Island. Right Rev. William Dollard, D. D,, Bishop of New Brunswick. Right Rev. J. N. Provencher, D. D., Bishop of St. Boniface, N. W. Right Rev. Dr. Tache, Coadjutor. Right Rev. Modest Demers, D. D., Bishop of Vancouver's Island, Oregon Ter- ritory. Most Rev. Richard P. Smith, D. D., Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad. Right Rev. B. Fernandez, D. D., Vicar Apostolic of Jamaica. Right Rev. Wm. Duquesney, D. D., Coadjutor of Jamaica. Right Rev. John Hynes, D. D., Vicar Apostolic of British Guiana. 21* PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. DIOCESAN COMENTIONS FOR 1852. Florida, Jan. 1 6 South Carolina Feb. 1 1 New Hampshire, May May Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Texas, " Pennsylvania, " Massachusetts, " Virginia, " North Carolina, " Indiana, " Louisiana, " New Jersey, " Delaware, " Maryland, " 5 6 13 18 19 19 19 24 25 26 26 26 u Missouri, Michigan, June Rhode Island, " Connecticut, " Wisconsin " u Mississippi, Illinois, Kentucky, July Maine, " Western New York, Ohio, Vermont, New York, a u Sept. u u 27 2S 1 8 8 9 16 21 1 14 18 8 15 30 SUCCESSION OF AfflSRICAN BISHOPS. 1. The Right Rev. Samuel Seabury, D. D., of Connecticut, was consecrated at Aberdeen, in Scotland, Nov. 14, 1784. Died February 25, 1796. 2. The Right Rev. William White, D. D., of Pennsylvania, was consecrated in the chapel of the Archiepiscopal Palace, at Lambeth, in England, on Sunday, Feb- ruary 4, 1787. Died July 17, 1836. 3. The Right Rev. Samuel Provoost, D. D., of Nev.' York, was consecrated at the same time and place. Died September 6, 1815. 4. The Right Rev. James Madison, D. D., of Virginia, was consecrated in the ehapel of the Archiepiscopal Palace, at Lambeth, in England, on Sunday, Sep- tember 19, 1790. Died March 6, 1812. 5. The Right Rev. Thomas John Claggett, D. D., of Maryland, was consecrated in Trinity Church, New York, on Monday, September 13, 1792. Died August 2, 1816. 6. The Right Rev. Robert Smith, D. D., of South Carolina, was consecrated in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Sunday, September 13, 1795. Died October 28, 1801. 7. Tlie Right Rev. Edward Bass, D. D., of INIassachusetts, was consecrated in Christ Church, Philadelphia, May 7, 1796. Died September 10, 1803. 8. The Right Rev. Abraham Jarvis, D. D., of Connecticut, was consecrated in Trinity Church, New Haven, on Wednesday, October 18, 1797. Died May 3, 1813. 9. The Right Rev. Benjamin Moore, D. D., of New York, was consecrated in St. Michael's Church, Trenton, on Friday, September 11, 1801, Died February 27, 1816. 10. The Right Rev. Samuel Parker, D. D., of Massachusetts, was consecrated in Trinity Church, New York, on Friday, September 14, 1804. Died Decem- ber 6, 1804. 11. The Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D. D., of New York, was conse- PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 247 crated in Ti-inity Church, New York, on Wednesday, May 29, 1811. Died September 12, 1830. 12. Tlie Right Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D., of the Eastern Dioeese, was consecrated at the same time and place. Died February 15, 1843. 13. Tlie Right Rev. Theodore Dehon, D. D., of South Carolina, was conse- crated in Christ Chiu'ch, Philadelphia, on Thursday, October 15, 1812. Died August 6, 1817. 14. The Right Rev. Richard Channing Moore, D. D., of Virginia, was conse- crated in St. James' Church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, May 18, 1814. Died November 11,1841. 15. Tlie Right Rev. James Kemp, D. D., of Maryland, was consecrated in Christ Church, New Brunswick, N. J., on Thursday, September 1, 1814. Died October 28, 1827. 16. The Right Rev. John Croes, D.D., of New .Jersey, was consecrated in St. Peter's Chiirch, Philadelphia, on Sunday, November 19, 1815. Died July 30, 1832. 17. The Right Rev. Nathaniel Bowen, D. D., of South Carolina, w'as conse- crated in Christ Chui-ch, Philadelphia, on Thursday, October 8, 1818. Died August 25, 1839. 18. The Right Rev. Philander Chase, D. D., of Illinois, was consecrated in St. James' Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, February 11, 1819. 19. The Right Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, D. D., LL. D., of Connecticut, was consecrated in Trinity Church, New Haven, on Wednesday, October 27, 1819. 20. The Right Rev. John Stark Ravenscroft, D. D., of North Carolina, was consecrated in St. Paul's Chui'ch, Philadelphia, on Thursday, May 22, 1823. Died March 5, 1830. 21. The Right Rev. Henry Ustick Onderdonk, D. D., was consecrated in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, October 25, 1827. Suspended October 21, 1844. 22. The Right Rev. William Meade, D. D., of Virginia, was consecrated in St. James' Church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, August 19, 1829. 23. The Right Rev. William Murray Stone, D. D., of Maryland, was conse- crated in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, on Thursday, October 21, 1830. Died Februaiy 26, 1838. 24. The Right Rev. Benjamin Tredwell Onderdonk, D. D., of New York, was consecrated in St. John's Chapel, New York, on Friday, November 26, 1830. Suspended January 3, 1845. 25. The Right Rev. Levi Silliman Ives, D. D., LL. D., of North Carolina, was consecrated in Trinity Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, September 22, 1831. 26. The Right Rev. John Henry Hopkins, D. D., of Vermont, was consecrated in St. Paul's Chapel, New York, on Wednesday, October 31, 1832. 27. The Right Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith, D. D., of Kentucky, was con- secrated at the same time and place. 28. The Right Rev. Charles Petit M'llvaine, D. D., of Ohio, was consecrated at the same time and place. 29. The Right Rev. George Washington Doane, D. D., LL. D., of New Jer- sey, was consecrated at the same time and place. 30. The Right Rev. James Hervey Otey, D. D., of Tennessee, was consecrated in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, January 14, 1834. 31. The Right Rev. Jackson Kemper, D. D., Missionary Bishop for Wisconsin and Iowa, was consecrated in St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, on Friday, Septem- ber 25, 1835. 248 PAKT IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 32. The Right Rev. Samuel Allen McCoskry, D. D., of Michigan, was conse- crated in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, July 7, 1836. 33. The Right Rev. Leonidas Polk, D. D., of Louisiana, was consecrated in Christ Church, Cincinnati, on Sunday, December 9, 1838. 34. The Right Rev. William Heathcote DeLancey, D, D., LL. D., of Western New York, was consecrated in St. Peter's Church, Auburn, on Thursday, May 9, 1839. 35. The Right Rev. Christopher Edwards Gadsden, D. D., of South Carolina, was consecrated in Trinity Church, Boston, on Sunday, June 21, 1840. 36. The Right Rev. William Rollinson Whittingham, D. D., of Maryland, was consecrated in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, on Thursday, September 17, 1840. 37. The Right Rev. Stephen Elliott, Jr., D. D., of Georgia, was consecrated in Christ Church, Savannah, on Sunday, February 28, 1841. 38. The Right Rev. Alfred Lee, D. D., of Delaware, was consecrated in St. Paul's Chapel, New York, on Tuesday, October 12, 1841. 39. The Right Rev. John Johns, D. D., of Virginia, consecrated Assistant to Bishop Meade in the Monumental Church, Richmond, on Thursday, October 13, 1842. 40. The Right Rev. INIanton Eastburn, D. D., of Massachusetts, was conse- crated in Trinity Church, Boston, on Thursday, December 29, 1842. 41. The Right Rev. John Prentis Kewley Henshaw, D D., of Rhode Island, was consecrated in St. John's Church, Providence, on Friday, August 11, 1843. 42. The Right Rev. Carlton Chase, D. D., of New Hampshire, was conse- crated in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Sunday, October 20, 1844, 43. The Right Rev, Nicholas Ilaraner Cobbs, D. D., of Alabam.a, was conse- crated at the same time and place. 44. The Right Rev. Cicero Stephen Hawks, D. D., of Missouri, was consecrated at the same time and place. 45. The Right Rev. William Jones Boone, D. D., Missionary Bishop of Amoy, in China, was consecrated in St, Peter's Church, Philadelphia, on Saturday, Octo- ber 26, 1844. 46. The Right Rev. George Washington Freeman, D. D., Missionary Bishop of Arkansas, and the Indian Territory, south of 36^ degi-ees, with supervision of the Church in Texas, was consecrated at the same time and place. 47. Tlie Right Rev. Horatio Southgate, D. D., Missionary Bishop in the de- pendencies of the Sultan of Turkey, was consecrated at the same time and place. 48. The Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., LL. D,, of Pennsylvania, was con- secrated in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, September 23, 1845. 49. The Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., of Maine, was consecrated in Christ Church, Hartford, on Sunday, October 31, 1847. 50. The Right Rev. George Upfold, D. D., of Indiana, was consecrated in Christ Church, Indianapolis, December 16, 1849. 51. The Right Rev. William M. Greene, D. D., of Mississippi, was conse- crated in Trinity Church, Natchez, February 24, 1850. 52. The Right Rev. John Payne, D. D., Missionary Bishop of Western Africa, was consecrated in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, on Friday, July 11, 1851. 53. Rev. Francis Huger Rutledge, D. D., Bishop elect of Florida. 54. Rev. John Williams, D. D., Assistant Bishop elect of Connecticut, was consecrated in St. John's Church, Hartford, 1851. 55. Rev. Henry J. Whitehouse, D. D., Assistant Bishop elect of Illinois. 56. Rev. William Creighton, D. D., Provisional Bishop elect of New York. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 249 GENERAL STATISTICAL SUMYART FOR 185L Dioceses, 29 ; Bishops, 33 ; Priests and Deacons, 1 ,572 ; whole number of Clergy, 1,605 ; Clergy died, 16 ; Ordinations — Deacons, 49 ; Priests, 66 ; Candi- dates for orders, (in 15 Dioceses,) 145. Baptisms, (estimated for 25 Dioceses,) Adults, 1,925, Children, 11,682, total^ 13,607 ; Confirmed, (estimated for 27 Dioceses,) 6,133 ; Communicants, (esti mated for 26 Dioceses,) 67,206. Marriages, (in 24 Dioceses,) 3,711 ; Burials, (in 23 Dioceses,) 6,413 ; Sunday school teachers, (in 19 Dioceses,) 4,66C) ; Scholars, (in 22 Dioceses,) 40,507. Churches consecrated, (in 23 Dioceses,) 54 ; Corner stones laid, (in 10 Dio- ceses,) 20 ; Contributions, (in 25 Dioceses,) .$330,533 01. INSTITUTIONS OF THE CHURCH. GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES, LOCATED AT CHELSEA SQUARE, CITY OF NEW YORK. INCORPORATED APRIL 5, 1822. The Board of Trustees consists of all the bishops of the Church ex-officio, one trustee from each diocese, one additional trustee for every eight clergymen canon- ically resident in the same, one more additional trustee for every $2,000 of money contributed, within the same, until the said contribution amount to $10,000, and then an additional trustee for every $10,000 contributed. Treasurer. — Abel T. Anderson, Esq., No. 142 Broadway, New York. Secretary. — ^Rev. Edward N. Mead, No. 20 John street. New York. Qualifications for Admission. — Either a certificate of being a candidate for Holy Orders, with /uZZ qualifications ; or a certificate of religious and moral char- acter, of classical and scientific attainments, of attachment to the Protestant Epis- copal Church, and of such dispositions and habits as may render the individual apt and meet to exercise the ministry ; and then passing a satisfactory examination on the following subjects : — (1.) the iPrimary Elements of the Hebrew Tongue ; (2.) the Greek Grammar, and the Gospels and Acts in the Original ; (3.) the rules and principles of English Composition, with a specimen of Composition. These examinations are strictly enforced, in all cases. Number of students in 1851, 43. The library consists of 10,512 volumes. The next session of the General Convention will be held in the city of New York, Oct. 1853. BAPTIST CHURCH. There being no minister in New England who had been baptized by immersion, Roger Williams received the rite at the hands of Ezekiel Holliman, an ordained minister of the English Episcopal Church, in March, 1639, and immediately after- ward administered the rite to ten others. This may be regarded as the formation of the Baptist Church in the United States. STATISTICS. STATES. Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, , . . . North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, TERRITORIES. District of Columbia, Minesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Indian, Total, 17 26 7 5 42 20 27 16 2 14 21 5 8 25 5 No. of Associa- tions. Church- es. 18 525 9 120 1 4 7 114 • • 2 3 51 34 716 22 338 35 516 2 43 42 727 6 96 13 295 1 26 14 245 10 185 458 402 420 96 97 803 452 456 328 51 409 522 43 104 568 72 6 3 "7 30 8,872 446 216 238 25 370 40 200 17 258 102 211 268 74 96 738 212 304 218 40 212 300 28 71 277 52 5 3 2 5 28 Ordain'd Licens'd Minis- Minis- ters. ters. 230 53 65 27 4 • • 118 10 2 1 25 8 111 42 26 4 125 12 17 3 16 12 44 69 4 16 91 57 65 52 8 39 81 9 9 70 8 1 12 5,509 1,103 Communi- cants. 38,126 3,752 53 16,222 352 2,115 57,362 16,431 22,636 1,365 64,017 3,749 19,850 2,134 31,344 9,320 24,277 20^630 8,244 12,531 85,858 37,231 24,325 29,331 7,519 41,794 36,731 1,897 6,964 86,219 3,361 729 28 4 152 2,740 719,290 PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 251 BAPTIST COLLEGES U THE UNITED STATES. Name. Place. Presidents. Founded. Waterville College, . . Waterville, Me., David N. Sheldon, D. D.,. . 1820 Brown University,. . . Pi'ovidence, R. I., Francis Wayland, D. D., . . 1764 Madison University,. . Hamilton, N. Y., Stephen "W. Taylor, LL. D., 1819 Central College, McGrawville, N.Y., . . C. P. GrosvenoV, A. M.,. . . 1848 Rochester University, Rochester, N.Y., Hon. Ira Harris, LL. D. Ch. 1850 Lewisburg University, Lewisburg, Pa., Howard Malcom, D. D.,. . . 1848 Columbian College, , . Washington, D. C, . . . Joel S. Bacon, D. D., 1821 Richmond College,. . . Richmond, Va., Robert Ryland, A. M., .... 1832 Rector College, Pruntytown, Va., 1839 Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N.C., . . John B. White, A. M., 1838 Mercer University, . . Penfield, Ga., John L. Dagg, D. D., 1833 Howard Universit}-',. . Marion, Ala., S. S. Sherman, A. M., .... 1841 Union University, , . . Murfreesboro', Tenn., . J. H. Eaton, LL. D., 1840 Georgetown College, . Georgetown, Ky., .... J. L. Reynolds, D. D., .... 1829 Granville College, . . . Granville, Ohio, Silas Bailey, D. D., 1832 Franklin College, Franklin, la., 1844 ShurtlefF College,. . . . Upper Alton, 111., .... N. N. Wood, A. M., 1835 William Jewell Coll.,. Liberty, Mo., E. S. Dulin, A. M., 1849 Baylor University,. . . Independence, Texas, . R. C. Burleson, A. M., 1845 Oregon College, Oregon City, George C. Chandler, A. M., 1850 BRITISH PROVINCES. Montreal College,. . . . Montreal, Canada East, Benjamin Davies, D. D. Acadia College, ...... Horton, Nova Scotia, . . J. M. Cramp, D. D, BEXEYOLEXT IXSTITUTIOXS. AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. Receipts, $120,826 35. Of this amount, $14,750 was from the American and Foreign Bible Society ; $1000 from the American Bible Union ; $3000 from the American Tract Society ; $4000 from the United States' government. Monthly issue of the Macedonian was 30,000 ; missions, 18 ; missionaries and assistants, 119. The next annual meeting will be held at Pittsburg, Pa., May 16, 1852. AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSION SOCIETY. Receipts, $32,120 34. Missionaries and agents employed, 140. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Receipts, $45,373 41. AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Receipts, $40,597 71. Value of stock in books and plates, $23,988. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION. Receipts, (Foreign Board,) $21,789 01; missions, 46, in Africa and China. Receipts, (Domestic Board,) $13,922 85 ; missionaries and agents, 50. SOUTHERN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Receipts, $21,875. Colporteurs, 4. AMERICAN INDIAN MISSION ASSOCIATION. Receipts, $20,245 65. Missionaries and assistants, 33. 252 PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. AMERICAN BAPTIST FREE-WILL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Receipts, $10,000. Missionaries, 15 ; agents, 4. AMERICAN BIBLE UNION. Receipts, $5,595. FREE-WILL BAPTIST CHTIICH. The first Church of this denomination was organized 1780, by Elder Benjamin Randall, in New Durham. They reject the doctrines of Calvin, and believe in a general rather than a partial atonement. The government of the Church is con- gregational. The fourteenth General Conference of this body was held at Providence, R. L, October 2—11, 1850. OFFICERS AND STATISTICS. Martin Cheney, Moderator. Thomas Perkins and J. W. Darling, Assistant Moderators. Silas Curtis, Secretary. Ebenezer Knowlton and G. H. ^a\\,' Assistant Clerks. YEARLY MEETINOS. New Hampshire, a Maine Western, 6 Kennebec, c Penobscot, d Vermont, c Rhode Island and Massachusetts,/. . , , Holland Purchase, g Genesee, h Susquehannah, i New York and Pennsylvania,^' St. Lawrence, k Union, I New York Central, m Pennsylvania, n Ohio and Pennsylvania,© Ohio Northern, p Ohio, q Ohio River, r Marion, s Indiana, t Indiana Northern, u Michigan, v St, Joseph's Valley, w , . . Illinois Northern, z Wisconsin, y F. W. & F. Communion B, Y. M. of Canada West, z Q. M,'s not connected, No. of Ordained Licensed No. of Com- Churches. Preachers, Preachers. 1 municants. 135 128 15 9,936 78 65 3 4,436 108 98 2 5,288 91 67 13 3,079 88 59 10 2,953 38 45 5 4,292 48 35 8 1,725 36 28 8 1,607 33 21 7 837 33 26 5 805 23 13 6 056 18 17 6 817 30 28 8 1,498 12 8 1 365 54 33 16 1,978 35 22 8 1,036 10 9 4 482 24 11 5 1,178 23 12 4 809 11 6 2 330 24 15 1 512 52 37 6 1,258 9 6 2 168 38 28 6 990 47 34 12 1,109 18 6 ^_^ 630 12 14 2 156 1,128 871 165 48,930 Shovsdng a decrease of 356 communicants. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 253 TIME HELD. a. Friday before 2d Saturday in June. h. 3d Wednesday in June. c. 4th Wednesday in June. d. 3d Wednesday and Thursday in August, e. 2d Satur- day in September. /. 2d Tuesday in September, g. Friday before 3d Sabbath in June. h. 4th Friday in June. i. Saturday before 4th Sabbath in June. j. Friday before 2d Sabbath in June. k. Thursday preceding 1st Sabbath in July. /. Friday before 3d Sabbath in June. m. Friday before 4th Sabbath in June. n. Friday before 2d Saturday in iNIay. o. 3d Friday in June. p. 1st Sabbath in June — Conference, Friday preceding, q. Friday before 1st Saturday in September, r. 2d Saturday in August, s. Friday before 2d Saturday in June. t. Friday before 3d Saturday in June. u. 4th Friday in June. v. Friday be- fore 2d Sabbath in June. ii\ Friday before 4th Sabbath in May. x. Friday be- fore 1st Sabbath in June. y. 3d Friday in June. z. Not given. The next session will be held in the State of New York, at some place to be designated by a committee, on the first Wednesday in October, 1853. This body has a Book Concern, the estimated value of which is $28,433 69. The profits for the three years ending 1850, was $7,634 94. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETY. HOME MISSION SOCIETY Income, $4,668 46. Income, $1,894 75. EDUCATION SOCIETY. Income, from 1840 to 1851, $16,700 70. GAMTBELLITES, OR DISCIPLES OF CHRIST The formation of this society dates from September, 1810. It was organized at Brush Run, Washington Co., Pa., by T. Campl)ell, a secessionist from the Irish Presbyterian Church, and his son, Alexander Campbell, avowedly for the purpose of effecting a union of the pious of all parties. They regard immersion as a re- mitting ordinance through which the penitent obtains an assurance of pardon. They practice open and weekly communion. They set apart the first day of the week for worship, but do not regard it as a Sabbath. In interpreting the Scrip- tures they confine themselves to its literal import, and profess to hold all the doc- trines of the reformation. STATISTICS. Churches, 1,700; ministers, 1,100; members, 130,000. SEYENTH-DAY BAPTISTS. The peculiar views of this denomination were introduced into the United States by Mr. Stephen Mumford, who came from England in 1665, and settled in New- 22 254: PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. port, Rhode Island. The first Church was formed in 1681. They differ from other Baptists in refusing to admit that the Sabbath was changed by divine ap- pointment from the seventh day to the first. The congregational form of Church government has been adopted by the body. STATISTICS. There are 67 Seventh-day Baptist Churches in the United States, as follows : Rhode Island, 8 5 Connecticut, 2 ; New York, 36 ; Pennsylvania, 4 ; Virginia, 4 ; Ohio, 5 ; Wisconsin, 5 •, Illinois, 1 ; Indiana, 1 5 Iowa, 1 ; ministers, 61 ; hcen- tiates, 16. The number of communicants is 6,351. The following benevolent institutions are under the patronage of the denomina- tion : Seventh-day Baptist Missionary Society, American Sabbath Tract Society, and Seventh-day Baptist Publishing Society. A yearly meeting of the Seventh-day Baptists in America was established at a very early period, and from it originated the Seventh-day Baptist General Confer- ence — a body which held its meetings annuaPy from 1805 to 1846, when it was agreed that the meetings should henceforth be held triennially. The next meeting of the Conference is to be held at Plainfield, N. J., commencing September 9, 1852. The Seventh-day Baptist denomination was divided into associations in 1835. There are now six associations, each holding its annual meeting. The Eastern Association embraces the churches in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and that part of New York lying east of the Hudson river ; its next meeting will be held at Waterford, Ct., on the 20th day of May, 1852. The Central Associa- tion embraces those churches in New York lying between the Hudson river and the small lakes ; its next meeting will be held at Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., on the 8th day of June, 1852. The Western association includes the churches in Western New York and Pennsylvania ; its next meeting will be held at Genesee, Alleghany Co., N.Y., on the 24th day of June, 1852. The South- Western as- sociation embraces the churches in Virginia, and meets September 2d, 1852, at Lost Creek, Harrison Co., Va. The Ohio association includes all the churches in Ohio, and meets at Jackson, Shelby Co., O., October 7th, 1852. The North- West- ern Association is composed of the churches in Illinois and Wisconsin, and meets at Albion, Dane Co., Wisconsin, September 29th, 1852. The Seventh-day Baptists have two Literary Institutions, designed to furnish the means of securing a thorough education. One of them, called the DeRuyter Institute, is located at DeRuyter, Madison Co., N. Y., and was founded in 1837, at an expense of between twenty and thirty thousand dollars. The other is located at Alfred, Alleghany Co., N. Y., and called the Alfred Academy and Teachers' Seminary. They have also several smaller academies, one of which is located at Shiloh, Cumberland Co., N. J., and another at IVIilton, Rock Co., Wisconsin. GERMAN SEVENTH-DAT BAPTISTS. This Church was first formed by Conrad Beissel, a native of Germany, who in 1 725 seceded from the Dunkers, and retired secretly to a cell on the banks of the Cocalico, Pa. On being discovered by his followers, they settled in solitary cot- tages around his cell, and adopted his views of the Sabbath. In 1732 they aban- doned their solitary mode of hving and established a monastic society, and assumed the habit of the Capuchins. Their first buildings were called Ephrata. In 1777 they began to decline, and now only two small branch societies remain. They number 400 naembers and have 4 ministers. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 255 GERMAN BAPTISTS, OR DUNKERS. This denomination was formed by the German Baptists who emigrated to tliis country between the years 1718 and 1730. Though commonly called Dunkers, the name assumed by themselves, and by which they desire to be known, is " Brethren." They hold many views in common with the Quakers, and maintain in their teaching the doctrines of general redemption. As they keep no statistics, it is impossible to give any accurate account of their number. They do not proba- bly exceed 8,000. They have 250 ministers. STJIDIART OE THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Regular, Free-will, Campbellites, Seventh-day, German Seventh-day, Dunkers, Associa- Churches. Ordained Licentiates. tions. Ministers. 458 8,872 5,509 1,103 26 1,128 871 165 1,700 1,100 6 67 61 16 4 250 490 11,767 7,795 1,284 Members. 719,290 48,930 130,000 6,351 400 8,000 912,971 PRESBYTERIAi^ CHURCHES. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (old school.) This body of Christians had its origin with those churches in Germany, Switzer- land, France, and Holland, which were organized at the reformation on the plat- form of the purity of the ministry. The doctrines of the Church are strictly Cal- vinistic. In the government of the Church the ministry associate with themselves a body of laymen called ruling elders. The courts of the Church include consis- tories, classes, and synodical assemblies. Tlie first presbytery of this Church was formed in Philadelphia in 1706 5 the first synod in 1717 ; first general assembly in 1789. OFFICERS AND STATISTICS. CLERKS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. John Leyburn, D. D., Stated Clerk. Office, No. 265 Chestnut street, Pliila- delphia. A. T. McGill, D. D., Permanent Clerk, Alleghany City, Pennsylvania. TRUSTEES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Rev. Wm. Neill, D.D., President. Hon. Joel Jones, Vice-President. 256 PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. Rev. John McDowell, D. D. Rev. John M. Krebs, D. D. Rev. C. Van Rensselaer, D. D. Rev. Robert Steel, I). D. Rev. T. L. Jane way, D. D. Thomas Bradford, Matthew Newkirk. James Bayard. Hon. John K. Kane. A. W. Mitchell, M. D. Alexander Symington. James N. Dickson. James Dunlap. Stephen Colwell. George H. Van Gelder, Esq., Treasurer. Office, No. 80 Walnut street, Philadelphia. James Bayard, Esq., Secretary. Office, No. 159 Walnut street, Philadelphia. STATISTICS. Synods in connection with the general assembly, 23 Presbyteries, 1 34 Candidates for the ministry, .... 381 Licentiates, 237 Ministers, 2027 Churches 2675 Licensures, 81 7,892 2,918 10,994 Members added on certifi- cate, Adults baptized, Infants baptized, Whole number of communi- cants reported, 210,306 Amount contributed to con- gregational purposes,. . . .$1,056,023 Amount contributed to other religious objects, $406,692 Ordinations, 87 Installations, 116 Members added on examinations, 10,852 The next General Assembly to be held on the 3d Tliursday in May, 1852, at Charleston, S. C. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (new school.) SEPARATED IN 1838. Tlic last General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, met in the city of Utica, on Thursday, the 15th day of May, A. D. 1851. OFFICERS. Rev. Albert Barnes, Moderator^ Philadelphia. Rev. Edwin F. Hatfield, D. D., Stated Clerk, No. 202 Henry street, New York. Rev. E. W. Gilbert, D. D., Permanent Clerk, Philadelphia. Rev. Samuel M. Hopkins, Temporary Clerk, Auburn, New York. Anthony P. Ilalsey, Esq., Treasurer, No. 48 Wall street, New York. STATISTICS. General Assembly, 1 ; Synods, 21 ; the Synod of Wabash having been erected by the last assembly. Presbyteries, 104 ; the Presbyteries of Greencastle, Minesota, and Milwaukie, having been constituted during the past year ; and the Presbyteries of Peoria and Knox having been united. Ministers, 1,490; an increase of 17, while 31 have been removed by death. Licentiates, 140 \ an increase of 3. Candidates, 64; an increase of 4. Churches, 1,579; an increase of 11. Additions, on examination, ^,%1^ — on PAKT IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 257 certificate^ 4,203 5 an increase over the previous year in both particulars, and more than in any other year since 1837. Communicants, 140,076 ; an increase of 279. Baptisms, 1,607 adults; 4,126 ivfants~a decrease of 107 adults, and an in-- crease of 30 infants. Contributions, Commissioners^ Fund, $2,365 06 ; Contingent Fund, $350 75 —an increase to the former of $843 84, and to the latter of $122 22. The next General Assembly is to be held in the Fourth Presbyterian Church m the city of Washington, on the 3d Thursday of May, 1852. ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. A branch of the Church of Scotland, holding the doctrines of the ' cformation as set forth in the standard of the Westminster Assembly. The first Presbytery in the United States was formed by Messrs. Gellatly and Arnot, in November, 1754, under the name of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania, This society is confined chiefly to the Middle and Western States. Tliere are a few small congregations, however, in the State of Vermont and in Canada. The judicatories of this Church consist of a Synod, which is composed of all the ministers and one ruling elder from each congregation, and meets annually ; and 16 Presbyteries which meet as often as circumstances require. STATISTICS. Synods,!; presbyteries, 16 ; ministers, 1 20 ; congregations, 214; communi- cants, 18,000. The theological seminary connected with this Church is situated at Cannons- burg, Pa., and has two professorships — one of didactic theology and the other of Church history, pastoral theolog}- , and biblical literature. There is but one term each year — from the first Monday in November to the last of March. Four terms are necessary to the completion of a course. Tlie text-book in didactic theology is " JoHANNis Markii Christians Theologize Medulla." ASSOCIATE REFORilED PRESBYTERIAN CHIIRCH. A branch of the Church of Scotland. Introduced into the United States by the Burgher congregation which emigrated in 1764, under the pastoral charge of the Rev. Mr. Clark. The doctrines of the Church are the same as the Associate Presbyterian Church. The first Synod was constituted in 1782, in Philadelphia. statistics. Synods, 4 ; presbyteries, 20 ; ministers, 219 ; congregations, 332 ; communi- cants, 26,340. REFOR^IED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. This branch of the great Presbyterian body traces its origin to the reformed Church of Scotland, which grew out of the labors of John Knox, about 1560. Their first Church organization in the United States bears date from 1743. The first Presbytery was formed in 1798. The first Synod in 1808. The doctrinal standards of the Church are the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, and her Declaration and Testimony, published in 1843. 22* 258 PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. STATISTICS. Synods, 2 ; presbyteries, 7 ; ministers, 80 12,000. churches, 100 ; communicants, CUITBERLAND PRESBYTERTAXS. This denomination appears to have been formed by the Rev. Messrs. Finis Ewing, Samuel King, and Samuel McAllen,in February, 1810, who at that time separated from the Presbyterian Church. The ground of separation seems to have been a difference of view with regard to the doctrine of predestination, and also with regard to the licensing and ordaining of ministers. The lowest judicature of the Church is a congregational session, the next a presbytery — then a synod, and then a gen- eral assembly, which is the highest. The first session of the General Assembly was held at Princeton, Ky., May, 1829. STATISTICS. General Assembly, 1; synods, 12 ; presbyteries, 45 5 ministers, 350 ; churches, 480 ; members, 50,000. SUMMARY OF PRESBYTERIAXISM. Synods. Presbyteries Ministers. Churches. Communi- cants. Old School, 23 21 12 1 2 134 104 45 16 7 2,027 1,490 350 120 80 2,675 1,579 480 214 100 210,.306 140,076 50,000 18,000 12,000 New school, Cumberland, Associate, Associate Reformed, Total, 59 306 4,067 5,048 430,382 CONGREGATIOl^ALIST. The organization of the first Congregational Church in England, is usually ascribed to Robert Browne, in 1583. John Robinson, however, seems to have been the father of modern Congregationalism. He was born in the year 1575. In 1592-3, the " Exile Act" for the punishment of persons refusing to attend Church was passed by the British Parliament. In 1 592-4 the seperatists retired to Holland, where in 1598 they published their Confession of Faith. James insist- ing upon conformity, in 1608 Robinson and Brewster escaped to Holland. In 1 620 Robinson sailed for America, where he arrived on the 25th of December. The Congregational Church planted by the Puritans at Plymouth, was the first Church organized in New England. In 1648, the Congreg dional Churches adf)pted,as a doctrinal basis, the Westminster Confession of Faith. In 168 , a Synod convened at Boston approved a Confession of Faith which had been adopted by the English Congregational Churches in 1658, and which is to this day regarded as a cor- rect exposition of Congregationalism. In 1708 the churches of Connecticut adopted what is known as the Saybrook Platform. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 259 GENERAI. ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK. Kichteenth animal session held in Brooklyn, September 3, 1851. T. S. Clarke, Moderator. B, P. Parsons, Clerk. STATISTICS. Parishes. Ministers. Licentiates. Members. Oneida association, 25 16 12 20 26 12 9 26 17 8 14 17 9 8 5 1,468 1,093 698 1,300 657 495 293 Black river association, Essex consociation, St. Lawrence consociation, Western New York consociation,. . . . Susquehannah association, Loner Island association. CJ I Total, 120 99 5 6,024 The next session to be held the Wednesday preceding the next meeting of the A. B. F. jM. in the city of Brooklyn. GEXERAL ASSOCIATION OF CONNECTICUT. Held its 142d session at Bridgeport, third Tuesday in June, 1851. Hiram P. Arms, Moderator. S. W. S. Dutton and S. J. M. Merwin, Scribes. STATISTICS. ASSOCIATIONS. Hartford Xorth, . . . Hartford Central, . , Hartford South, . . , New Haven West, , New Haven East, , New London,. . . . , Fairfield West, . . . , Fairfield East, Windham, Litchfield North, . . Litchfield South, . . . Middlesex, Tolland, Not reported, Total, Churches. 17 18 17 25 20 28 23 11 27 23 19 18 21 49 296 Ministers. 18 14 16 22 14 23 20 11 19 19 14 18 21 230 Members. 2,006 2,447 3,048 2,895 3,270 3,604 2,170 1,321 3,509 2,361 1,869 2,937 1,764 33,101 The next session of this body will be held at Bethel, third Tuesday in June, 1852. 260 PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF MASSACHUSETTS. Held its session at Werentham, June 24, 1851. Constantine Bladgett, Moderator. Smith B. Goodenow, Scribe. STATISTICS. ASSOCIATIONS. Andover, Berkshire, Brewster, Bridge water, Brookfield, Essex North, Essex South, Franklin, Hampden East, . . . Hampden West, . . Hampshire, Hampshire East, . . Harmony, Mendon, Middlesex South, . . Middlesex Union, . . Norfolk, Old Colony, Pilgrim, Salem, Suffolk North, Suffolk South, Taunton, Vineyard Sound, . . Woburn, Worcester Central, Worcester North, , Churches. Total, 17 36 12 7 17 24 16 30 16 17 18 17 14 14 15 15 32 13 9 12 20 15 14 14 16 19 15 467 Pastors. 12 26 8 5 16 20 16 22 13 9 16 13 10 12 9 10 29 11 3 10 16 14 7 7 15 18 11 358 Members. 3,460 4,954 1,267 694 2,610 3,263 2,934 2,720 2,702 1,716 3,491 3,123 1,816 1,799 1,913 2,313 3,492 1 ,504 776 1,.577 3,899 4,008 2,078 1,231 1,684 4,228 1,865 67,017 Next session to be held at Lowell, fourth Tuesday in June, 1852. EYANGELICAL CONSOCIATION OE RHODE ISLAND. Held its last session at Central Falls, R. I., June 16, 1851, Timothy A. Taylor, Moderator. Orfin A. Otis, Scribe. STATISTICS. Churches, 25 ; ministers, 23 ; members, 3,096. Next session to be held at Little Compton, R. L, on the second Tuesday in June. PAET IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 261 GENERAL CONVENTION OP YERMONT. Held its last session at Bradford, June 17, 1851. Rev. James Anderson, Moderator. Rev, A. G. Pease, Scribe. Rev. W. B. Bond, Assistant Scribe. STATISTICS. Associations, 14 ; ministers, 207 ; churches, 196 •, members, 18,558. Next General Convention to be held at Castletou, on the third Tuesday in June, 1852. GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Held its last session at Acworth, August 26, 1851. Rev. Alvin Tobey, Moderator. Rev. William Murdock, Scribe. Rev. T. S. Norton, Assistant Scribe. STATISTICS. Associations, 14; churches, 178 ; ministers, 165; members, 17,605. Next session to be held at Pittsfield, Maine. Of this general association we have been unable to obtain returns. GENERAL ASSOCIATION OE MICHIGAN. Held its last session at Clinton, May 27, 1851. Rev, A. S. Kedgie, Moderator. Rev. E. N. Bartlett, Scribe. STATISTICS. Associations, 7 ; churches, 81 ; ministers, 78 ; members, 3,399. Next session to meet in Jackson, on the last Tuesday in May, 1852. GENERAL ASSOCIATION OE IOWA. STATISTICS. Associations, 4; churches, 48; ministers, 41 ; members, 1,694. SUMMARY, Ministers, , 1,415 Members, 150,474 General associations, 9 Associations, 86 Churches, 7,211 If to these were added the associations not heard from, the numbers would probably stand nearly as follows : — churches, 8,500 ; ministers, 1.700 ; members, 200,000. (See additional page, 272,) GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH. (For Dutch Reformed Church, see page 264.) This Church comprises that portion of the family of reformed churches who speak the German language, and their descendants, and as such is distinguished from the Dutch Reformed, &c. The founder of the Church was Ulric Zwingli, a native of Switzerland, who was born in 1484. Its doctrinal system is contained in the Heidelberg Catechism. The government of the Church is Presbyterian. Its Church courts consist of consistories, classes, synods, and a general convention. The Church in the United States is divided into two friendly bodies. BTATISTICS. Ministers, 260 ; churches, 600 ; members, 70,000. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHUECH. This Church had its origin with the Diet of Augsburg, in the year 1555. It was established in America by the Dutch emigrants who settled in New York, (then New Amsterdam,) in 1621. The government and discipline of the Church is essentially Presbyterian. The doctrinal standard is the Augsburg Confession. STATISTICS. Synod, 1 •, churches, 30 ; members, 5,000. irORAVIANS, OR UNITED BRETHREN'S CHURCH. The founders of this Church were Boliemians and Moravians, who, being per- secuted for their non-conformity, founded a colony on the estate of Count Zinzen- dorf in Upper Lusatia, in the year 1 722. In consequence of the success of their missions, to the interests of which they are specially devoted, they have succeeded in establishing congregations and communities in Germany, England, Holland, America, &c. The government of the Church is a litnited episcopacy. Their principal missions are to the negroes in the West India Islands, the Esquimaux in Greenland and Labrador, the Hottentots and CafFres at the Cape of Good Hope, and to the Indians of North America. STATISTICS. Bishop, 1 5 ministers, 27 ; congregations, 22 5 members, about 3,000. QUAKERS, OR FRIENDS. This religious society arose in England about the middle of the seventeenth cen- tury. George Fox, its founder, was born at Drayton, Leicestershire, in the year 1624. About the year 1655, several of this denomination emigrated to America, and landed at Boston. They suffered greatly from persecution ; various punish- ments were inflicted upon them ; and, finally, four of them were put to death by the gallows. In 1682, a large number of this body, under the patronage of Wra. Penn, left England and founded the flourishing colony of Pennsylvania. PART IV. — CHUECH GAZETTEER. 263 STATISTICS. Yearly meetings, 8. New England, held at Ne\vport, Rhode Island. New Tork, held in that city. Pennsylvania and New Jersey, held in Philadelphia. Maryland, held in Baltimore. Vii^ginia, held at Getter Creek and Simmerton al- ternately. North Carolina, held at New Garden. Ohio, held at Mount Pleasant, and Indiana, held at Richmond, Wayne Co. Number of members about 3,000. HICKSITES. This body seceded from the Friends in the year 1827, in consequence of the efforts made to prevent Elias Hicks from promulgating his views respecting the miraculous conception, divinity, and atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. These doctrines he denied, as he also did the authenticit}' and divine authority of the Holy Scriptures. They number about 200 congregations, and 2,000 members. SHAKEES. At the beginning of the year 1780, this society consisted of but about 10 or 12 persons, who all came from England. The largest body at present is at New Lebanon, situated about 2 3 miles south of Lebanon Springs, in the county of Columbia, State of New York, about 25 miles south-east from Albany, and con- tains at present between 5 and 600 persons, including old and young, male and female. There is also one at Watervliet, about 7 miles north-west from the city of Albany, in the same State ; .this was established soon after the Church at New Lebanon, and now contains upward of 200 members. One at Hancock, in the county of Berkshire, and State of Massachusetts ; this is situated about 3 miles south-east from New Lebanon, and 5 miles from Pittsfield, and contains about 500 members. One at Tj'ringham, about 16 miles south from Hancock, in the same county, which contains about 100 members. One at Enfield, county of Hartford, m the State of Connecticut, about 5 miles east from the Connecticut river, and about 18 miles north-easterly from Hartford, which contains about 200 members. One at Harvard, in the county of Worcester, and State of Massachusetts, about 30 miles north-easterly from Boston, which contains about 200 members. One at Shirley, county of Middlesex, in the same State, about 7 miles west from Harvard, which contains about 150 members. One at Canterbury', in the county of Rock- ingham, in the State of New Hampshire, about 12 miles north by east from Con- cord, which contains upward of 200 members. One at Enfield, county of Grafton, in the same State, about 12 miles north-east from Dartmouth College, which con- tains upward of 200 members. One at Alfred, county of York, about 30 miles south-westerly from Portland, in the State of Maine, which contains about 200 members. One at New Gloucester, county of Cumberland, about 25 miles north- west from Portland, same State, which contains about 150 members. These were all the societies formed prior to the year 1805. There are at present, also, two societies in the State of Ohio ; one at Union Vil- lage, in the county of Warren, about 4 miles west from the village of Lebanon, and 30 miles north by east from Cincinnati. This is the oldest and largest society in the Western States, and contains nearly 600 members. The other is at Water- vliet, on Beaver Creek, in the county of Montgomery, about 22 miles north from Union Village, and 6 miles south-east from Dayton, which contains about 100 264 PART IV. — CHUECH GAZETTEER. members. There are also two in Kentucky, one at Pleasant Hill, in Mercer county, about 7 miles easterly from Ilarrodsburg, and 21 south-easterly from Lexington, which contains about 4 and 500 members. The other is at South Union Jasper Springs, in Logan county, about 15 miles north-easterly from Rus- sellville, and contains between 3 and 400 members. The fifth and last is at West Union, Knox county, in the State of Indiana ; it is situated on Busseran Creek, near its confluence with the Wabash, about 16 miles above Vincennes, and con- tains upward of 200 members. There are also numbers in various parts of the United States who have em- braced the faith of the society, but whose circumstances have not, as yet, admitted of their being gathered into a regular body. Tlie numbers of believers contained in all the societies, both in the Eastern and W^estern States, exceeds 4,000. Two-thirds, at least, of this number have been added since the commencement of the present century. DUTCH EEFORIIED CHURCH. This is the oldest Church in the United States under a Presbyterian form of Church government. It is a branch of the National Chm*ch of Holland. Its first ministers were brought to this country by the Dutch West India company. Up to the year 1737, the Church was under the control of the synod of North Holland ; in that year, however, some of the most prominent ministers of the Church a ecRtus, and thus cut themselves loose from the parent classis. This Church has adopted in its creed the confession of faith, revised in the national synod of the Council of Dort, in the years 1818-19, which consists of thirty-seven articles. These articles are precisely the same as those adopted by the Protestant Episcopal Church, with the exception of the one which relates to diocesan bishops, which they reject, believing that every presbyter is a bishop. The form of govern- ment is congregational. The primary court of the Church is the consistory, which consists of bishops, elders, and deacons. The next court is the classis, which is composed of a minister and elder from each Church. The next is the particular synod, which consists of two ministers and two elders irom each classis. The highest court, and from which there is no appeal, is the general synod. It is com- posed of three ministers and three elders from each classis throughout the entire Church. OFFICERS AND STATISTICS. One general synod. Last session held at Albany, June 4-12, 1851. President. — Rev. Alexander M. Munn. Assessor. — Rev. Runsford Wells. Clerks, pro tern. — Rev. Thomas C. Strong and Rev. Ralph Wells. Stated Clerk. — Thomas M. Strong. Next session to be held in the Reformed Dutch Church, Williamsburg, on the first Wednesday in June, 1852. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 265 o 1:2 H Q t O Ph P5 o o H •< ►: *^0 ^ -s c ■ o o c 0) -2 *■■ 5-5 32 . S a; -EC -■S SJ 0> -c • IccO ^•= - - - _ i-n M * 3 3 (3 4) S 02 . c a n 3 < 5 "O - M 103 JO [EJOX •saajsiutj^ CCi— (O^""* I— f^Hf— ("Hi—t »— If— t f-SI— If— II— If— ( •S3qoinq3 C^ C<»-l I— Hf— I 1—1^^ i-i— < I— If— If— CJi-^ z Cm j^ O o .52 'S — — 3 I? 3 ? V Q s> 4:rs c = be tc C 3 . o O o '.2. CO So £ ^ n 3 ice .~ 3 c •J ^ ii 0) o « £■'= I ■= "5 ^- f 1^ ~ c3 aj s a; ^ J!. >-'a o -- c/i <« O « a u ■< & Rev. N.J. Marselus,D.D. " S. H. Meeker, . . " 1). D. Demarest, . . " A.H.Wnrner, . . " John A. Stunts, . . " John H. Duryea, . " R. 0. Currie, D. D., " T. C. Strong, . . . " T. B. Romeyn, . . " A. M. Mnnii, . , . " Irn C. Uoicc, . . . " S. V. E. Westfall, . " I. N. Wyckoft; D. D., " C. L. Van Dyck, . " E. Ncvius, . . . " J. H. Pitcher, . . '• D. Van Olincla, . . " Jacob West, . . . " A. J. Svv'its, . . . " J. B. Ten Eyck, . . " J. M. Compton, . . '* J. A. Lansing, . . " D. McNeish, . . . •sjEioqog JO jaqtunjj ii^ '^ — ' LI L'^ ^ 53 -H r^ ifl r^ •?» 1.'; i-i -^ L-i ic (»» ^ M 3 •-C c» -1 X •;» r: rt .- r? r- C2 ->» C5 rt t- -: irl 1- h- ci f=^ 5l IS** 00 X_^t^ » » •<»•_ -O r-( X C»^ Ci S< t- l^ OS « ^ UO i-l cfi-J'i-Tr-r r-T r-T i-T •sjooqDg njEq C<— l-f^l— i«r-l— iS^r-ICJ rHrOG^ -^ r-t 'I G\ Zl CO .0103 JO inoj. X t^ C» L'l -f5 IT 1.-5 =; a O", -O X X f*" LO l^ 35 X C-; — 1 «» 1.-5 x_^o ci_x t-_^o^u^ of^Lo^rc (j< 5* -"r^ lo -^ (j<__-o '^'»*,x t> jt» >-i n r^ n r~i rHf— ! r-^i— ti^ C^C^i— 1 i-^ 1-^ r^ r^ •sarjTtnEj JO iaqiunij s^tocii^f^x-^i/i-^xsnxoit^f^ff^^c^citfxij^ QD — 1 -» t-- i- S3 X *» ff« — 1 »» '--5 f^ » 35 1^ fi- lO i- in i^ tt»_X (?» l-^SJ 10 1-- X I- CS f-* »rt ■^♦^-H CC Olifi C3 M Oys -"I" I-H 1 •sajBpipuBQ l-H >-( p-l w c ^ Ctf fW bcc a o: 3£ = J£5^o-t;-S5'Sii;;^~o 23 266 PART IV. — CHUECn GAZETTEER. UNITAEIANS. This body dates its origin in New England, back to the middle of the last cen- tury. The society worshiping at King's Chape], Boston, was the first to exclude trinitarian sentiments. In the year 1815, there commenced in New England what has been called the unitarian controversy. In this controversy Drs. Chan- ningand "Worcester took a prominent part, and it finally terminated in the separa- tion of the congrogationalists into two distinct bodies, the Orthodox and Unitarian. The first Unitarian Association was held in Boston, 1825. STATISTICS. ASSOCIATIONS. Massachusetts, .... Maine, , New Hampshire, . . , Vermont, , Connecticut, , Rhode Island, New York, , New Jersey, , Pennsylvania, , Maryland, District of Columbia, South Carohna, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Canada, Churches, Total, 169 15 13 4 4 3 13 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 249 Ministers. 133 13 14 2 4 4 11 1 2^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 Members. 9,500 750 650 200 200 150 650 50 1,400 202 13,550 CHEISTIANS, (UNITARIAN BAPTISTS.) This denomination originated between the years 1793 and 1801, in secessions from the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian Churches. They reject the doc- trine of the trinity, and refuse all creeds. Their views of baptism are in accord- ance with those held by the baptists generally. Each Church is an independent body, governing itself, and transacting its own affairs. They have now spread into all the States and into Canada ; and are found in England. In New England they number 227 churches, over 200 ministers, and 10,896 communicants. And in the United States and Canada, they number 1,500 churches, over 1,500 ministers, and 325,000 communicants. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 267 RESTORATIONISTS. OR UNIYERSAIISTS, This name is taken by those who believe that all men will ultimately be made happy. This doctrine was first preached in this country by Murray and Winches- ter in 1775, and was afterwax-d advocated by Drs. Chauncey Rush and Smith. The first universalist society was organized at Gloucester, Mass., in 1779. STATISTICS, ETC. The United States Convention, composed of four clerical and six lay delegates from each State and territorial convention in fellowship, meets on the third Wed- nesday in September. Rev. J. M. Austin, Auburn, JST. Y., Standing Clerk. MAINE. State Convention meets on the last Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in June. Rev. G. Bailey, Oldtown, St. Clerk. Summary. — Convention, 1 ; associations, 8 ; periodical, 1 ; schools, 2 ; tract, 1 ; missionary, 1 ; education, 1 ; sunday school state societies, 1 ; societies, 130 ; meeting-houses, 107 ; preachers, 60. NEW HAMPSHIRE. State Convention meets on the third Wednesday and Thursday in June. Rev. John Moore, Concord, Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; associations, 5 ; schools, 2 ; societies, 70 : meeting-houses, 55 ; preachers, 25. VERMONT. State Convention meets on the fourth Wednesday and Thursday in August. Rev. S. C. Eaton, North Montpelier, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; associations, 5 ; societies, 108 ; meeting- houses, 88 ; preachers, 40. MASSACHUSETTS. State Convention meets on the first Wednesday and Tliursday in June. Rev. R. Tomlinson, Plymouth, Clerk. Summary.— State convention, 1 ; slate sunday school association, 1 ; pei'iodicals, beside annuals, 7 ; schools, 2 ; associations, 6 — 2 of which have missionary socie- ties employing 3 missionaries ; societies, 150 ; meeting-houses, 140 : preachers, 142. RHODE ISLAND. State Convention meets on the third Wednesday and Thursday in May. Rev. J. Boyden, Jr., Woonsocket, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 •, societies, 10 ; meeting-houses, 5 ; preachers, 4. CONNECTICUT. State Convention meets on the fourth Wednesday and Thursday in August. Rev. W. A. Stickney, Cromwell, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; state sunday school association, 1 ; state mis- sionary society, 1 ; associations, 3 5 societies, 33 5 meeting-houses, 28 : preachers, 16. NEW YORK. State Convention meets on the last Wednesday in May. Rev. H. L. Hayard, Genoa, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; state sunday school association, with a large 268 PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. auxiliary for Western New York, 1 ; state relief fund, 1 ; liigli school, 1 ; periodicals, 2 ; associations, 16, (15 of which have sunday school conferences at- tached ;) societies, 209 ; meeting-houses, 159 ; preachers, 124. PENNSYLVANIA. State Convention meets on the first Wednesday and Thursday in June. Rev. A. B. Grosh, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 6 5 associations, 5 5 societies, 40 ; meeting-houses, 22 5 preachers, 23. NEW JERSEY. State Convention meets on the second Wednesday and Thursday in June. Rev. Asher Moore, Hightstown, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 •, societies, 6 ; meeting-houses, 2 ; preachers, 3. OHIO. State Convention meets on the second Friday in June. Rev. D. Bacon, Mt. Healthy, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; state tract society, 1 ; periodicals, 3 ; high school, 1 ; associations, 12 5 societies, 128 ; meeting-houses, 68 ; preachers, 71. MICHIGAN. State Convention meets on the second Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in January, Rev. J. II. Sanford, Lansing, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; periodical, I5 associations, 3 ; societies, 35 ; meeting-houses, 11 ; preachers, 24. INDIANA. State Convention (old) meets on Friday, preceding first Sunday in September. State Convention (new) meets on the first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in September. Rev. W. C. Brooks, Fairfield, St. Clerk. Summary. — State conventions, 2 ; high school, 1 ; periodical, 1 ; associations, 10; societies, 64 5 meeting-houses, 20 ; preachers, 17. ILLINOIS, State Convention meets on the second Saturday and following Sunday in June. Rev. A. R, Gardner, Farmington, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; associations, 5 5 societies, 35 ; meeting-houses, 9 ; preachers, 24. KENTUCKY. State Convention meets on the Friday before the fourth Sunday in August. Rev. A. G. Gaines, Florence, St. Clerk. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; associations, 4 ; societies, 15 ; meeting-houses, 12 •, preachers, 11. WISCONSIN. Summary. — State convention, 1 ; societies, 7 ; meeting-house, 1 ; preachers, 11. IOWA. State Convention meets on the Friday before the fourth Sunday in June. Bro. M. Hull, Overman's Ferry, St. Clerk. Summary. — Periodical, 1 ; meeting-houses, 2 ; preachers, 2. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 269 TENNESSEE, No general organization. Societies at Memphis and Fayetteville 5 and meeting- houses at Mempiiis and in Giles county. SuMxMARY. — Societies, 2 5 meeting-houses, 2 ; preachers, 3. MARYLAND. Societies. — Baltimore, Elkton, Woodborough, each has a meeting-house. Summary. — Societies, 3 ; meeting-houses, 3 5 preachers, 2. VIRGINIA. Societies. — Elk Creek, Wheeling, Richmond, Ljmchburg, Belle Haven, Grave Creek, each has a meeting-house ; Norfolk — 7 societies and 6 meeting- houses. Summary. — Societies, 7 ; meeting-houses, 6 ; preachers, 2. NORTH CAROLINA. State Convention meets in November. Bro. W. Funior, Hullsville, St. Clerk. Summary. — Convention, 1 ; societies, 2 ; meeting-houses, 30 ; preachers, 3. SOUTH CAROLINA. State Convention meets in August. SuaiMARY. — Convention, 1 ; societies, 4 ; meeting-houses, 9 ; preachers, 2. GEORGIA. State Convention meets in August. Rev. James C. Kendrick, Plains of Dura, St. Clerk. Summary. — Convention, 1 ; societies, 3; meeting-houses, 10; preachers, 10. ALABAMA. Summary. — Periodical, 1 ; society, 1 ; meeting-houses, 6 ; preachers, 7, LOUISIANA. 1 Preacher. MISSISSIPPI. 2 Meeting-houses. FLORIDA. 1 Preacher and 1 meeting-house. TEXAS. 1 Preacher. CALIFORNIA. 3 Preachers. CANADA, WEST. 1 Association, 8 societies, 1 meeting- house, and 3 preachers. CANADA, EAST. — Societies, 3 meeting-houses, and 2 preachers. NEW BRUNSWICK. 9 Societies and 2 meeting-houses, NOVA SCOTIA. 2 Societies, 1 meeting-house, and 1 preacher. Total of British Provinces. — Association, 1; societies, about 15; meeting- houses, 7 ; preachers, 5. 23* 270 PAET IV. — CHUECH GAZETTEER. GENERAL SUMMAEY. United States and Territories. — General convention, 1 ; general historical society, 1 ; general reform association, 1 ; state and territorial conventions, 19 ; state organizations for sunday schools, 4 ; for home missions, 4 ; for tract distribu- tion, 3 ; and for educational purposes, 1 5 state relief fund, 1 . Associations, com- posed of delegates from societies, 82 ; sunday school, 16, missionary, 8, and sev- eral tract associations connected with these — making in all, national, 3 ; state, 32 j and sectional organizations, 112. These are sustained by 1,069 churches or societies; owning 799 meeting- houses wholly or in part, and supplied by 643 preachers, North America. — The total for the continent is — general convention, 1; state conventions, 19 ; associations, 83 ; periodicals, 20 ; churches or societies, 1,084 ; meeting-houses, 806 5 preachers, 648. . SWEDENBOHGIANS, OR NEW JERUSALE\r CnrRCH. This body owes its origin to Emanuel Swedenborg, and professes to have re- ceived a new dispensation of doctrinal truth. It first assumed to be a Church in England, in the year 1783. Its doctrines were introduced into the United States by a Mr. Glen, in the year 1784. The clergy are divided into three classes; ministers, pastors, and ordaining ministers. They use a liturgy in public worship, and profess to be connected, in some way, with the Church of England. They have 42 churches, 30 ministers, and about 3,000 members. JEWS. The Jews first settled in this country about the year 1G60, when J^ew Amster- dam was under the Dutch government. They were mostly Spaniards and Por- tuguese, who fled first to Holland, then to America, to escape from the bloody inquisition. Tliey are now found in all the States. Each congregation is inde- pendent of any other ecclesiastical authority. It elects its own minister, who is inducted into his office without any formal ordination, and retains it at the vnil o^ the majority. Synagogues, about 20 ; numbering not less than 8,400 members. CHUECH OF GOD. This society originated with the Rev. John Winebrenner, of ITarrisburg, Pa., in the year 1820, who separated himself from the German Reformed Church, on account of the opposition of some of its members to his views of revivals. The confession of faith adopted does not differ from that of evangelical Christians gen- erally, except that it insists upon the literal washing of the feet of the saints as an ordinance obligatory upon all Christians. Each Church is formed avowedly upon the principles of a free and independent republic. Within the last 25 years, the Church has extended her boundaries from Penn- sylvania into Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa. She has now six annual elderships, (or conferences,) composed of the teaching and ruling elders of the various churches in the bounds of each eldership. She has also a general eldership, which meets triennially, composed of dele- gates from the several annual elderships. PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 271 In the several elderships, the number of preachers, churches, members, and preaching places, are about as follows : Clerks. , G. U. Ilarn and J. Halfleigh. Elderships. Speakers. East Pennsylvania, "Wm. McFadden,. West Pennsylvania, J. M. Klein, J. Hovis Ohio, Wm. Adams, H. Murray. Indiana, John Martin, T. Hickernell. Michigan, A. B. Slyter, J. Drake. Iowa, J. Hawk, S. Scott. ELDERSHIPS. No. of Preachers. No. of Churches. No. of Members. Preaching Places. East Pennsylv^ania, 65 20 25 10 5 5 100 40 70 30 15 13 7,000 3,000 4,000 1,500 500 500 150 70 100 50 25 20 West Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana Michigan Iowa, Total, 130 168 17,500 415 MORMOXS, OR LATTER DAT SAIXTS. The founder of this strange communit}' was Joseph Smith, who was born in Sharon, Vt., December 23, 1805. PTe professed to have received many visits from the angels of God. He affirmed that on the 22d of September, 1827, the angel of the Lord delivered into his hands a new revelation, written on plates of gold. The so-called " Church of Jesus Christ, or Latter-day Saints," was or- ganized in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York. In 1839, after expulsion from various places, they commenced a city in Hancock county, III., to which they gave the name of Nauvoo. Here they erected an immense building, which they dignified with the name of " The temple of God." They afterwai'd left Nauvoo and settled in Utah, near the great salt lake. They have sent mis- sionaries into every part of Europe and America, and have succeeded in gathering together a large community. Their doctrines, if they may be dignified by such a name, are a mixture of fanaticism and licentiousness. Their government is socialistic. We give the following statistics on the authority of the representative in Con- gress from Utah. There are about 14,000 Mormons in the territory of Utah; 10 or 12,000 in Iowa, two-thirds of whom will probably remove to Utah the coming season ; there are, also, several thousands at St. Louis, Mo., and a few thousands in other parts of the Union. In England, there are 40 or 50,000 ; in Wales, there are 7 or 8,000 ; and in other parts of European Countries, they are to be found in considerable numbers. The Mormons of Utah have purchased a tract of countiy in California, 16 square leaETues in extent, called St. Bernardino, at a cost of §73,500, on which they have paid $25,000. 272 PART IV. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. SEC0:ND ADTE^^T BELIETERS, (HILLERITES.) This body is divided on various points of doctrine. The following, however, are held in common. The speedy advent of the Messiah. The literal resurrection o* the dead at his appearance. The renewal of the earth as an eternal home for the saints. A majority believe in the unconscious state of all the dead until the resur- rection ; also, that after the general j udgment the wicked will die a second -death, and be forever as though they had not been. They have 3 weekly and 1 semi-weekly papers, with a united circulation of over 9,000. Preachers, about 100. They claim to number from 15,000 to 20,000 be- lievers in the United States. ME^^XONITES. This sect takes its name from Menno Simon, who was born in Friesland, 1495. Though originally a catholic priest, he subsequently counseled with Luther and other reformers, and formed many reformed communities in various parts of Europe. In 1683, the Mennonites being persecuted in Europe, a number fled into America, and, at the invitation of William Penn, settled in and about Germantown, Pa. Their articles of faith have been translated and published in the English lan- guage. They hold the leading truths of the gospel, and live in great simplicity. Their number are supposed not to exceed 25,000. They have 240 ministers and 400 congregations. OiTISH, OR A3IISn CHURCH. This society is a branch of the Mennonite community, and hold the peculiar doc- trines of that body in a milder form. They take their name from Jacob Amen, though they disavow his being their founder. They profess to adhere rigidly to the confession of faith adopted at Dortrecht in 1632. Their number have been computed by themselves at 120,000. SCHWEXKFELDERS. TTiis body takes its name from Casper Schwenkfeld von Ossing, who was born in Lower Silesia, 1490. The descendents of the followers of this man emigrated to this country in 1734, They settled in Montgomery, Berks, Bucks, Lehigh counties, Penn., where their grandchildren now reside. They hold the leading truths of the gospel, and live in great purity and temperance. They have 5 churches and about 800 members. COXGREGATIONALISTS. The following additional statistics have been received since the previous article was in type. ILLINOIS. One General Association. Annual meeting the third Thursday in May. Minor associations. Illinois. — Churches, 13 ; communicants, 1,000. Congregational Union of Fox River. — Churches, 42 ; ministers, 30 ; licentiate, 1 ; communicants, 2,000, The largest Church has only about 200 members, the smallest 15 or 20. Tlie oldest Church in this body was organized July 19, 1833. Central Association. — Churches, 26 ; ministers, 21 5 communicants, 1,510. PART lY. — CHURCH GAZETTEER. 273 Winnebago and Ogle Association. — Churches, 9 ; ministers, 8 •, communi- cants, 550. Morgan Association. — Churches, 6 ; ministers, 4 ; communicants, 400. SUinrAEY OF CONGREGATIOXALISTS IN ILLINOIS. Churches, 100 JVUnisters, 80 Communicants, 5,660 Churches. Ministers. Communicants. Illinois Association, 13 42 26 9 6 4 12 30 21 8 4 5 1,000 2,000 1,510 550 400 200 Fox River Union, Central Association, Winnebago and Ogle Association, . . , IMoro'an Association, Elsewhere, Total, 100 80 5,660 SrsniARY OF DENOmNATIONAL STATISTICS. UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Methodist, Roman Catholic, Protestant Episcopal, . . . Baptist, Presbyterians, Congi'egational, Dutch Reformed, German Reformed, Lutherans, Moravians, Quakers, (Otho.,) " (Hicksites,) ... " (Shakers,) Unitarians, " (Christians,) . Universalist, Swedenborgians, Jews, Church of God, Second Advent, M^nnonites, Ornish, Mormons, Schwenkfelders, Total, Churches 1,411 11,767 5,048 1,500 296 600 30 22 249 1,500 806 42 20 168 400 Ministers. 1,242 1,605 7,795 4,067 1,700 309 260 27 202 2,500 648 30 130 100 240 IMembere. 1,600,000 67,206 912,971 430,382 200,000 34,586 70,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 4,000 13,550 328,000 3,000 8,400 17,500 15,000 25,000 120,000 98,000 800 PART V. GENERAL INFORMATION. BENEVOLENT INSTITUIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. AJIERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY OFFICERS, Hon. Theodore Freylinghuysen, LL. D., President. 29 Vice-Presidents. Rev. John C. Brigham, Secretary. Rev. Joseph Holdicli, D. D. Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, Special Secretary. William Whitlock, Jr., Esq., Treasurer. Joseph Hyde, Esq., General Agent and Assistant Treasurer. RECEIPTS OF THE SOCIETY EACH YEAR 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th nth 18th u u li a (( u (( u u u u II il u u a 1st Year, 1816-17, $37,779 35 1817-18, 36,564 30 1818-19, 53,223 94 1819-20, 41,361 97 1820-21, 47,009 20 1821-22, 40,682 34 1822-23, 52,021 75 1823-24, 42,416 95 1824-25, 44,833 08 1825-26, 53,639 85 1826-27, 60,194 13 1827-28, 75,879 93 1828-29, 101,426 72 1829-30, 143,449 81 1830-31, 116,900 74 1831-32, 86,875 18 1832-33, 83,556 03 1833-34, 86,537 63 Tliere have been added to the society during the year 73 life directors, 1,190 life members, and 63 auxiliaries. The receipts of the year, from all sources, amount to $308,744 81 ; being an in- crease of $31,842 28 beyond those of the previous year; and $24,130 67 more than was ever received before by the society during any single year. The number of bibles printed during the same period is 239,000, and of testa- ments, 476,500, making a total of 706,500 copies. The number of bibles distributed is 221,450, and of testaments, 444,565, making a total for the year of 666,015. This is an increase of 73,583 over the issues of the previous year, and makes an aggregate, since the formation of the society, of 8,238,982 bibles and testaments. The society has had in its employ 31 agents through most of the year, including 2 in Texas and 1 in California. Grants of bibles and testaments, in greatly increased numbers, have been made SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION. 19th Year, 1834-35, $98,306 29 20th " 1835-36, 101,771 48 1836-37, 83,259 79 1837-38, 79,545 24 1838-39, 91,904 57 1839-40, 94,880 24 1840-41, 116,485 05 1841-42, 132,637 08 1842-43, 124,728 77 1843-44, 153,678 05 1844-45, 159,738 08 184.5-46, 196,182 48 1846-47, 203,494 63 1847-48, 251,804 68 1848-49, 236,428 94 1849-50, 284,459 59 1850-51 276,882 53 21st 22d 23d 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d 33d 34th 35th a u a a u a a u u li a PAKT V. — GENERAL INFORMATION. 275 by the board to local auxiliaries ; to the various missionary boards ; to Sunday schools ; to seamen and boatmen ; to the blind ; and to individuals for gratuitous distribution among the destitute, both at home and abroad. Besides the grants of books, $30,900 has been granted by the board in money to aid in publishing the Scriptures in foreign lands, especially in China, Northern and Southern India, and in Turkey, France, and Russia, under the direction ©f various missionary boards and bible organizations. The society has purchased grounds, and commenced the erection of a new Bible House in Astor place, the present house being now quite too small. AMERICAN BOAED OF COMMISSIOXERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. OFFICERS. Theodore Frelinghuysen, LL. D., President. Thomas S. Williams, LL. D., Vice-President. Hon. William J. Hubbard, Charles Stoddard, Esq., John Tappan, Esq., Nehe- miah Adams, D. D., Rev. Augustus C. Tliompson, Hon. William T. Eustis, Hon. John Aiken, and Hon. Daniel SafFord, Prudential Committee. Rufus Anderson, D. D., Rev. Selah B. Treat, and Swan L. Pomroy, D. D., Secretaries for Correspondence. Samuel M. Worcester, D. D., Recording Secretary. Henry Hill, Esq., Treasurer. Moses L. Hale, Esq., and Hon. Samuel H. Walley, Auditors. RECEIPTS OF THE BOARD DURING THE YEAR ENDING JULY 31, 185L Donations as acknowledged in the Missionary Herald, $244,521 43 Legacies " " « 28,169 36 Interest on General Permanent Fvmd, ($23,000 being invested in the missionary house,) 1,878 80 Interest on Ashley Fund, 148 00 Avails of Maumee lands, 48 99 " of land of Stockbridge mission, 135 63 274,902 21 Balance for which the Board is in debt, carried to new account, August 1, 1851, 43,999 40 Total, $318,901 61 The Board has 25 missions under its care, embracing 110 stations and 33 out- stations. In connection with these missions there are 151 ordained missionaries, and 2 licensed preachers 5 7 physicians ; teachers, printers, » JUST PUBIilSHED. LAND OF HOPE REMINISCENCES OP LIBERIA AND CAPE PALMAS, -- WITH INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE BY REV. WM. B. HOYT, UlTK MISSIONARY OF THB METHODIST EPISCOPAI. CHT7RCR. The above is a neat 18mo. of 220 pp. Price, 37| cents. Sent by mail, (postage paid,) if within 1500 miles, for 40 cents. Address FOX AND HOYT, Hartford, Conn. SOO ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAM JAMES HAMERSLEY, HARTFORD, CONN., PUBLISHES THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE BOOKS. School and College Series. "WooDBRiDGE AND "Willard's UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY. — Accompanied by an Atlas, Physical and Political. This is the only Geography suitable for High Schools. It is adopted in many of the principal seminaries in the Union. The work has been translated into the German language, and is used as a text-book in some of the first schools in Germany. Willard's Ancient Geography and Atlas. — This work has been re- cently revised by the author, with the assistance of Mr. Walter, Profes- sor of Geography in the Royal Schools of Berlin, Prussia. Woodbridge's Modern School Geography. — Accompanied by an Atlas, Physical and Political. The attention of school committees and others is particularly invited to this work. Wherever introduced it has given great satisfaction. It is confidently claimed to be the best School Geog- raphy before the public. It is recommended in the highest terms by Rev. T. H. Gallaudet ; Rt. Rev. Thomas 0. Brownell ; Prof. Goodrich, of Yale College ; Rev. Dr. Bushnell ; Wm. A. Alcott, Esq. ; Bishop Potter, of Pennsylvania ; Rev. Sirason North, President of Hamilton College ; Emer- son Davis, Esq., of Mass. ; and by numerous practical teachers and other Mends of education. Flint's Surveying. — New and Revised Edition. RoBBiNs' Outlines of History. — New Edition, enlarged and improved. The Class Book of Nature. — Containing Lessons on the Universe, the Three Kingdoms of Nature, and the Form and Structure of the Human Body. With Questions, and numerous Engravings. Highly recom- mended and extensively used. The Practical Spelling-Book. — By T. H. Gallaudet and H. Hooker — on a new plan. The attention of teachers is respectfully invited to an examination of the peculiar features of this work. First Lessons on Natural Phelosophy. — Parts 1 and 2. — ^By Mary A. Swift. — These Books, for clearness of explanation and illustration, are unequaled by any other work on the subject for young children. They are used in every State in the Union. Youth's Book on the Mind. — Embracing the outHnes of the Intellect, the Sensibilities, and the Will : introductory to the study of Mental Phi- losophy. By Cyril Pearl. With Questions, by Rev. J. N. Murdock. Although but recently published, this work has been received with great favor, and is regarded as superior as an elementary book to the treatises either of Abercrombie or Watts. ADVERTISEMENTS. 801 Oreek Series. Some of the higher works in the following series are used in the princi- pal colleges of the Union : Sophocles' Greek Grammar. " " Verbs. " " Lessons. " " Exercises. " First Book in Greek. Felton's Greek Reader. Crusiu's Homeric Lexicon. W. J. H. ALSO PUBLISHES, The Book of Nature. — Bj John Mason Good, LL. D., F. R. S. ALSO, The Colujibian Drawing Book. — Embracing a progressive series of studies, adapted from the first masters, by C. Kuchel. With instructions, by Gervase Wheeler — the Drawings by D'Avignon, Kuchel, and others. This is the most elegant Drawing Book published in the country. ALSO, Whisper to a Bride. — By Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney. Price, in scarlet cloth, gilt edges, 63 cents; elegant white watered silk, gilt edges, $1,25. Persons in any part of the country, wishing single copies, can be fur- nished by mail, postage prepaid, on remitting the price to the publisher. Sums of less than one dollar can be remitted in postage stamps. W. J. H. publishes the following "Illustrated Series," suitable for school Ubraries and family reading. Book of the Army, with numerous Engravings. " " Navy, " " " " Colonies, " " " " Indians, " " " of Anecdotes, " " " " Good Examples, " " Also, the following "Miniature Series." Gift for Young Men, b}^ Rev. Joel Hawes, D. D. " " " Ladies, by Emily Vernon. Poetic Gift, by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith. The Voices of Flowers, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. The Weeping Willow, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. The Primrose, by Rev. C. AY. Everest. The Harebell, by Rev. C. W. Everest. The Ladies' Vase, by a Lady. recently published, The Seventh Edition of Memoir of Mrs. Mary E. Van Lennep, only daughter of Rev. Joel Hawes, D. D., by her Mother— with a Portrait. ALSO, The String of Diamonds. — Gathered from many Mines, by a Gem Fancier. Being selections from American, English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian Poets. 26 "EICHES OF GRACE." A VOLUME CONTAINING THE EXPERIENCE OF OVER SIXTY PERSONS, ON THE SUBJECT OF BIBLE HOLINESS. It includes the remarkable Experience of Bishop Hamline, Dr. Upham, and President Mahan. Extracts from the Religious Diary of Mrs Upham. Also the Testimonies of Eminent Christians, both Male and Female, occupying various Positions IN the Church of Christ. This Book has already accomplished much, under God's blessing, for the promotion of Christian purity. It is capable of accomplishing much more. The Price of the Book, (450 pages,) neatly hound in cloth, is One Dollar. RECOMMENDATIONS. Rev. Nathan Bang^, D. D. I have rend the book entitled " Riches of Grace," with deep interest, and think it admirably calcula- ted to promote the experience and practice of Christian holiness. It may be relied upon as au- thentic, because the narratives therein recorded are no fanciful sketches, but are drawn from real life, the witnesses giving their own account of what they have " felt and seen" of the workings of the Holy Spirit. I therefore heartily recommend it to all who wish a correct and scriptural view of the work of grace upon the human heart. JVew York, Jan. 21, 1852. N. BANGS. Rev. J. S. Mitchell, D. D. Pastor of M. E. Church, JsTorfolk street, JV. York. This is indeed a remarkable book. * * * Sixty- two witnesses of various denominations of Chris- tians, all breathing the same spirit — love, perfect love. * * * Most of these witnesses are still liv- ing, and can testify — yea, are testifying — to the same momentous truths ; others are fallen asleep, bearing their last testimony in their dying words. This book can not be read without profit. These experiences are eminently calculated to set forth holiness as a doctrine of the Bible, and not merely the doctrine of a sect, the testimonies being from persons of various denominations. No truly enlightened believer can read this volume without feeling that it is one which commends itself to Christians of every name. PHCEBE PALMER. Jan. 15, 1852. ^ Mrs. Dr. Palmer, Author of " Way of Holiness," " Faith and its Effects," Src. " The Riches of Grace" contains the testimony of sixty-two accredited witnesses of perfect love. Such is the pious influence of these witnesses, that the mention of their names, if expedient, would in- •pire the religious public with unlimited confidence. Applications for agencies to be addressed to & CO.- Hartford, Conn. Rev. Moses Hill, Pastor of First jyi. E. Church, Hartford, Con. Like as history teaches philosophy by examples, the " Riches of Grace" teaches Christian holiness by the testimony of unimpeachable witnesses. * * * * The moral integrity of all these witnesses is such, that the positive testimony of any two of them would be sufficient to estiiblish any fact in a court of justice. They have no personal interest in the issue of the case ; they are not swayed by the peculiarities of a sect, but are from different religious denominations, and many of them are possessed of highly cultivated minds, and all of them eminently qualified to testify. They not only announce the fact of having actually attained the blessing of Christian holiness, but give us the inte- resting details of the process by which they attained it; and though differently educated, and surround- ed by different classes of circumstances and influ- ences, there is a surprising agreement in these details. I have read the book with great interest and profit, and earnestly recommend it to others. m. hill. Hartford, Jan. 21, 1852. Rev. HENRY J. FOX, or CASE, TIFFANY ADVERTISEMENTS. 303 CHVUCH AI^D rARIiOZl OB.aAZV'S. A. & J. DAYTON continue to build Church and Parlor Organs which they can furnish to societies or individuals on reasonable notice, of any size or pattern. Also, — They continue to manufacture MELODEONS AND SERAPHINES. Having every facility for manufacturing to the best advantage, with ex- perienced and skillful workmen in all branches of the business, together with an extensive water-power and factory, which foj, size and adaptation to the business, is unequaled. We can furnish Melodeons or any other styles of Reed Instruments of every size, from four to six octaves, with all the late improvements, and of the best quality of tone, at the lowest prices. All orders promptly executed. A. & J. DAYTON. Wolcottville, Conn., April, 1852. 304 ADVERTISEMENTS. STANDARD WORKS. PUBLISHED BY HARPER 8l BROTHERS. 329 PEAKL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK. The Works of Stephen Olin, D. D., LL. D., late President of the Wesleyan LTniversity In two volumes, 12mo , Muslin, $1 each. Vol. I. Sermons and Sketches — Vol. II. Lec- tures and Addresses. Harpers' Family Library. This valuable series, extending to 187 volumes, comprises a rich and varied collection of works in the several departments of literature, forming a complete circle of useful, instructive and entertaining knowledge, adapted for popular use. Each work sold separately, being complete in itself, neatly printed in 18mo., and strongly bound in Muslin, gilt, 45 cents each. Most of the works are Illustrated by En- gravings, Maps, &c. Price by the set of 187 volumes, $80.00. Harpers' School District Library of Valuable Standard Literature. Embracing the most approved works in the various departments of human knowledge, including History, Voyages and Travels, Biography, Natural History, the Physical Sciences, Agri- culture, Manufactures, Arts, Commerce, Belles-Lettres, the History and Philosophy of Education, &c, ]8mo., half Sheep. 294 volumes or 5 series. Price, each series $19.00. Each volume sold separately, at 38 cents. The School Library, sanctioned by the Massachusetts Board of Education. 12 mo.. series. — Comprising 26 volumes, neatly half bound. Price 75 cents per volume. Juve- nile series. — Comprising 12 volumes, neatly half bound. Price 37^ cents per volume. Harpers' Family Classical Library. — Comprising the best translations of the most emi- nent Greek and Latin authors. 37 volumes, 18mo., Muslin, gilt, embellished with Por- traits, &c. Each volume sold separately, 45 cents. Price per set, $16.30. Harpers' New Miscellany of Popular Sterling Literature. Elegantly printed in 12mo., on fine paper, and bound in extra gilt, fitted for permanent preservation in the ibrary. 26 volumes, price only 45 cents a volume. Boy's and Girl's Library. Containing 32 volumes, embellished with numerous Engrav- ings. 18mo., Muslin, gilt. Sold separately or in sets. Price $10.75 per set. Harpers' Fireside Library. Muslin 37? cents each ; Muslin, gilt edges, 45 cents each. Dr. Anthon's Classics. Embracing all the Latin and Greek books required in Schools and Colleges. (See Harpers' Catalogue ) Dr. McClintock's Classical Series. (See Harpers' Catalogue.) Prof. Loomis' Mathematical Series. (See Harpers' Catalogue.) Dr. Upham's Works. Abbott's Works. Barnes' Notes. Abbott's Illustrated Histories. Comprising Cleopatra, Josephine, Madame Eoland, Xerxes the Great, Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, Alexander the Great, Hannibal the Carthaginian, Julius Cfesar, Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, dueen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, Charles the First, Charles the Second, Marie Antoinette. Illumi- nated Title-pages and numerous Engravings. 16mo., Muslin, 60 cents each; Muslin, gilt edges, 75 cents each. Notes on the New Testament, for Bible Classes and Sunday Schools. By Rev. Albert. Barnes. Maps and Engravings. 11 volumes, 12mo., Muslin, 75 cents per volume Each volume sold separately. Comprising Notes on the Four Gospels, 2 vols. ; on the Acts of the Apostles ; on the Epistle to the Romans ; on the first Epistle to the Corinthi- ans, on the second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the Epistle to the Galatians ; on the Epistles to the Ephesians, the Colossians, and the Philippians ; on the Epistles to the Thessa. lonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon ; on the Epistle to the Hebrews ; on the genera i Epistles of James, Peter, .Tohn and Jude; on the Revelation — Questions on the above. 18mo., 15 cents per volume. As follows: Vol. I. on Matthew ; II. on Mark and Luke : III. on John; IV. on Acts; V. on Romans; VI. on First Corinthians ; VII. on Hebrews. A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament. By Edward Robinson. D. D.' LL. D. A new edition, revised, and in great part re-written. Royal 8vo., Muslin, $4.50 ' Sheep, $4.75 ; Calf, $5.00. The English Language, in its Elements and Forms. By William C. Fowler, M. A 8vo., Muslin, $1.50; Sheep, $1.75. ADVERTISEMENTS. 305 A Greek Grammar for the use of High Schools and Universities. By Philip Buttmann Revised and enlarged by his son. Alex. Buttmann. Translated from the 18th German edition, by Edward Robinsos, D. D., LL. D. 8vo . Sheep, $-2.00. A Greek-Enolish Lexicon, based on the German Work of Francis Passow. By Henry G. LiDDKLL, M. A., and Robert Scott, M. A. With Corrections and Additions. By Henry Drisler, M, A. Royal 8vo., Sheep, ^5.00. A Latin-English Lexicon, founded on the larger Latin-German Lexicon of Dr. William Frecnd. With Additions and Corrections from the Lexicons of Gesner. Facciolati, Schellor, Georges, etc. By E. A. Andrewts, LL. D. Royal 8vo , Sheep, $5 00. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. By Benson J. Lossing, Esq. With over 600 Engravings on Wood. Publishing in Numbers, 8vo., Paper, 25 cents each. Vol. L now ready, splendidly bound, price §3.50. History of the United States, from the first Settlement of the Country to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. By Richard Hildreth, 3 volumes, 8vo. Muslin, $6.00 ; Sheep, $6.75 ; half Calf. $7.50. History of the United States, continued from the adoption of the Federal Constitution to the End of the Sixteenth Congress. By Kichard Hildreth, Esq. 3 volumes, 8vo., Muslin, $6 00 ; Sheep. $6.75 ; half Calf, §7.50. History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Abdication of James H., 1688. By David Hume. 6 volumes, 12mo , Cloth, $2.40 ; Sheep, $3 00. History of England, from the Accession of James IL By Thomas B. Macaulay, Vols. I. and IL Library Edition, 8vo., Muslin, 75 cents per vol. ; Sheep, extra, 87? cents per vol.; Calf backs and corners, $1.00 per vol. — Cheap Editions, 8vo., Paper, 25 cents per vol. ; 12mo., (uniform with Hume,) Cloth, 40 cenLs per vol. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon. With Notes, by Rev. H. H. Milman and M. Guizot. Maps and Engravings. 4 vols . 8vo., Sheep, extra, $5.00. Anew Cheap Edition, 6 vols., l2mo., (uniform with Hume,) Cloth, $2.40 ; Sheep, $3.00. History of Europe. By Archibald Alison, F. R. S. In addition to the Notes on Chapter LXXVL, which correct the errors in the original work concerning the United States, a copious Analytical Index has been appended to the American Edition. 4 vols., 8vo. Muslin, $4.75 ; Sheep, extra, $5.00. History of Greece. Mainly based upon that of Bishop Thirlwall. By Dr. L.Schmitz, F. R. S. E. 12mo., Muslin, $1.00. History of Rome. By Dr. L. Schmitz, F. R. S.E. With Questions. By J. Robson, B. A* 18mo., Muslin, 75 cents. Observations in the East. By Rev. J. P. Durbin, D. D. Engravings. 2 vols., 12mo.. Muslin, $2.00. Observations in Europe, principally in France and Great Britain. By Rev. J. P. Durbin, D. D. Engravings. 2 vols., 12mo„ Muslin, $2.00. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petr^ea, and the Holy Land. By the Rev. Dr. Olin. 12 Engravings. 2 vols., 8vo., Muslin, $2.30. Harpers' Illuminated and Pictorial Bible, including the Apocrypha. Superbly embel- lished by over Sixteen Hundred Illustrations, exquisitely engraved by Adams, after Designs by Chapman, exclusive of a Series of rich Illuminations in Colors, comprising Frontispieces, Presentation Plate, Family Record, Title-pages, &c. The whole forming a sumptuous folio volume, magnificently Bound in Turkey Morocco, super extra gilt, $22.50 ; copies with Beveled Sides, $24 00 ; and with Paneled Covers, $25.00. Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers, D. D., LL. D. Edited by his son-in-law, Rev. William Hanna, LL. D. Complete in nine volumes, ]2mo.. Muslin, $1.00 per vol.; Sheep, $1.25 per vol. Comprising Daily Scripture Readings, 3 vols.; Sabbath Scripture Readings, 2 vols. ; Sermons, from 1798 to 1847, 1 vol. ; Institutes of Theology, 2 vols. ; Prelections on Butler's Analogy, Paley's Evidences of Chris- tianity, and Hill's Lectures on Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures and four Ad- dresses delivered in the new College, Edinburgh, 1 vol. Life and Writings of Washington", being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages and other Papers, Official and Private, selected and published from the original Manuscripts, with a l.ife of the Author, and Notes and Illustraiions, &c. By Jared Sparks, LL. D. With numerous Engravings. 12 volumes. Muslin, $18.00 ; Sheep, $21.00 ; half Calf, $24.00. 306 ADVERTISEMENTS. CHURCH BELLS— CHURCH ORGANS. The subscriber is the proprietor of the oldest established Bell Foundry in America, and from long experience, and great pains taken to improve and obtain the most satisfactory results, he is warranted in recommending his Bells to the public, as equal to anything of the kind yet produced, — having received two Gold and four Silver Medals at the different Fairs, at Boston, New York and other places. Also, has cast over 3,000 Church Bells, which is the best reference that can be given for the community to continue to patronize him. Bells hung with Cast Iron Yokes, and Cast Iron Frames ; Springs attached to the tongue, whereby the sound is prolonged and the vibrations made clear. CHURCH ORGANS. (Of the firm of Holbrook & Ware.) Having built and put up over one hundred Church Organs. Residing about twenty miles from Boston, where they have no rent to pay, and labor being less than can be obtained in the city, they can build Organs lower than can be obtained in Boston, New York, or elsewhere. Societies wanting Organs are respectfully invited to call and see their work. All the modern improvements will be found in their Organs. We warrant them equal to any ever made, and second to none ever built. Come, see and hear. Orders respectfully solicited. Address, GEORGE H. HOLBROOK, East Medway, Mass. ADVERTISEMENTS. 307 GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES, In A9niost Siidlcss Taricty. COXSISTIXG IX PART OF Wooden, Willow, Britannia, Iron, Japanned, Tin and other Wares. Brushes, Dusters, Brooms, Mats, Bird Cages, Toys and Fancy Articles. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Carriages, Wagons, Cabs, Propellers, Velocipedes for children, Cheap for Cash, Clergymen and their families supplied at a discount. J. KELLOGG, 128 Canal Street.^ New York. Basement Store. BORDENTOWN FEMALE INSTITUTE, BORDENTOWN, N. J. Rev. JOHN H. BRAKEIiEY, A.M., Principal. This Institution for tlie Education of Young Ladies, is beautifully situ- ated on the banks of the Delaware Eiver, near the grounds of the late Joseph Bonaparte, and commanding the same magnificent view of the river and surrounding country. The railroad constituting the great thoroughfare between the North and South passes through the place, thus rendering it accessible at all seasons of the year. The branches taught embrace all comprised in a thorough education, including Common and Higher English, the Natural Sciences, Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Drawing, Painting, and Music on the Piano and Guitar. The charges vary from $65 to $90 per session of five months. The latter sum is the maximum charge for any or all the branches, including all necessary expenses except for books and stationery. The year is divided into two sessions of five months each. The summer session commences May 1st, and the winter, November 1st. For Cata- logues containing particulars, address the Principal. BoRDENTOA\Tsr, N. J., April 12th, 1852. 308 ADVERTISEMENTS. Church, Factory, Steamboat and Locomotive Bells, con- stantly on hand, and Peals or Chimes of Bells (of any number) cast to order. Improved Cast-Iron Yokes, with movable arms, are attached to these Bells, so that they may be adjusted to ring easily and properly, and Springs also, which prevent the clapper from resting on the Bell ; thereby prolonging its sound. Hangings complete, (including Yoke, Frame and Wheel,) furnished if desired. An experience of thirty years in this business by their late father, enabled him to ascertain the best form for Bells, the combination of metals, and degree of heat requisite for securing in them the greatest solidity, strength, and most melodious tones ; which improvements, together with his very ex- tensive assortment of patterns, are now held by the subscribers, who have grown up in the business, and who will use every endeavor to sustain the reputation which the establishment has heretofore enjoyed both in this and foreign countries ; the Bells from which have repeatedly received the highest awards of the New York State Ajjricultural Societv and American Institute ; and at which were completed Chimes and heavy Alarm Bells for different parts of the Union and Canada. Mathematical Instruments will still be manufactured by the subscri- bers, of which they will have constantly on hand an assortment of Transit Instruments, Levels, Surveyors' Compasses, (plain, nonious and improved,) &c. Also, Brass or Composition Castings of any size cast to order. All communications promptly attended to. ANDREW MENEELY'S SONS. West Troy, (Albany County,) N. Y., May, 1852. GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AI^B OAPS OF THE LATEST FASHIONS, Always on hand and constantly manufacturing, unsurpassed by any for Elegance, Durability or Cheapness. UMBRELLAS AiND TRAVELING BAGS. Country Merchants supplied with Hats by the case, at the lowest city prices, /or Cash. Clergymen and their families supplied at a discount. At the One Price Store, 128 Canal street. New York. J. W. KELLOGG. ADVERTISEMENTS. 309 BOOK FOR THE TII?IE8. CAUGHEY'S REVIVAL MISCELLANIES. EIGHTH EDITION. Nearly Seven Thousand of this work have been sold since the first of January, — a sale almost unprecedented in the history of Methodist publications. Read the following notices : — " Altogether, this is a remarkable volume ; * * glowing Tvith a high and holy spirituality." — Richmond Christian Advocate. " We unhesitatingly recommend the circulation of this book." — South- ern Christian Advocate. " We are exceedingly pleased with it, and think it one of the best pop- ular religious works which has been given to the American public." — Holston Christian Advocate. " It is full of the strong and original traits of the author, who is one of the most remarkable men of our times." — Zion's Herald. " It will doubtless have a great sale." — Western Christian Advocate. "It is a book for the times, full of burning thoughts." — New Bedford Standard. " It is an excellent book, full of interest, and must do good." — Fall River Monitor. Eighth Edition ready soon. Sold by Mr. James P. Magee, 15 Washington street, Boston ; Lane & Scott, New York ; Rev. John Early, Richmond, Va. ; Swormstedt &; Power, Cincinnati, O. ; Rev. J. L. Read, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Rev. Edward Stevenson, Louisville, Ky. ; Mr. John W. Stoy, Charleston, S. C. ; C. P. Bragdon, Auburn, N. Y. ; J. P. Cooke, Baltimore ', and S. HiGGiNS, Philadelphia. Agents wanted to sell the work in every part of the United States. Liberal discount offered. Address, Rev. R. W. ALLEN, Fall River, Mass. 310 ADVERTISEMENTS. WISE'S YOUNG MAN'S AND YOTJNG LADY'S COUNSELORS. The fact that FOURTEE^' thousand copies of these books have been pub- lished in little more than a year, shows that the popular verdict agrees with the opinions of Editors as seen in the following notices. " The style of the Young Lady's Counselor is flowing like the limpid» transparent brook over its pebbly bed, diffusing health and pleasure where- ever it goes. For its object it is one of the best works we have ever seen." — Northern Christian Advocate. " We deem the Youn& Lady's Counselor the best book for. young WOMEN, NEXT TO THE BiBLE, We have ever read," — Adv. and Fam. Guard. " Among the multitude of books specially adapted to young men, we know none which combines more good qualities than the Young Man's Counselor. Mr. Wise's style is graphic and agreeable, and his various reading and observation furnish him with abundant illustration." — Meth- odist Quarterly Review. " This is a superior book." — Puritan Recorder. " One of the most readable, sprightly and attractive of books for young men." — Daily Evening Traveler. " We know not of any similar work which is more happily adapted for the object for which it is designed." — Boston Mercantile Journal. "An entertaining and instructive book " — Christian Adv. and JournaL *' A handsome, well written book.'^N*^. (S. Advocate. For sale at all the Meth. Book Depositories. Published by Lane & Scott. In preparation : The Girl's Counselor, with engravings. Also, a work for young Christians on the Conflicts of Faith, considered with special reference to growth in grace. IIVHAL.mG TUBES, FOR LUNG AND THROAT DISEASES, ASTHMA, &c. The use of the tube daily for a few months will permanently increase the volume of the Lungs and the size of the Chest, and so toughen the parts as to enable one to bear exposure to the weather without taking cold. It is the most valuable of all rem- edies for Bronchitis and Pulmonary Consumption, entirely recov- ering the patient when any human means can do it. A pamph- let with explanations can be had gratuitously by addressing Dr. J. M. Howe, 227 Grand Street, New York. p. S. Price of Tube and directions, 81.50. Tubes can be forwarded by mail or express. Letters post-paid attended to. ADVERTISEMENTS. 311 IS YOUR LIFE INSURED? Lord Lyndhurst, High Chancellor of England, in one of his discussions pronounced from the highest judicial bench in the world, said, " a Policy of Life fnsurance is always an evidence of prudent forethought : and no man with a family dependent upon his labors or existence, is free from reproach if his life is not insured." THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Was organized in 1846, upon a strictly mutual plan ; is no