//. 9 . /o ^.i^^ ^^^ ^i i\\t Wolagicui PRINCETON, N. J. '^A % '^ sec Division.. Section.. * NOV 9" 1910 FORI^T YEARS AT liARITAK. Eight MemoPiIAl Sermons. NOTES FOR A HISTORY OP THE REFORMED DUTCH CHURCHES IN SOMERSET COUNTY, N. J. ABRAHAM MESSLER, D.D., PASTOR OF THE CHURCH OF UARITAN. New- York : A. LLOYD, No. 7 2 9 BROADWAY 1873. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1873, By AARON LLOYD, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. The first four sermons were originally published in 1852. They are republished now, because they have been long out of print. The whole includes a record of the views, sentiments, and labors of forty years in one congregation, and are intended as a legacy to friends. The appendix is added to dispose of matter collected through all these years, and which it is thought ought not to be lost. We are indebted to the Plistorical Discourses of Rev. Dr. Steel and E. T. CoRWix for man J' things relating to New-Brunswick and Millstone. These discourses are almost invaluable. Other friends have aided as they could, and have our thanks. The Avhole vol- ume is a contribution of the heart to my own people, and gene- rally to the churches in Somerset County. ABRAHAM MESSLER. SoMERViLLE, N. J., November, 1872. TABLE OF CONTEIS^TS. PREFACE. PAGE iii Sermon I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. A PASTOR'S MEMORIAL. The Pastor longing for the Salvation of his People /i The Revivals in the Church op Rauitan 20 Experience and Death instructing Men 40 An Improvement of thp: Past , 58 Remembrance of former Days 75 The REHEARS.A.L OF THE PaST FOR INSTRUCTION 91 Former Things to be remembered and improa'ed . . 106 God with us Forty Years 125 THE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF DR. MESSLER'S PASTO- RATE. — The Prepai'atioiis — Cler Church. — Organization — House erected — Pastors, J. Wyckoflf", K. Van Amburgh, J. Fehrnian 317 Clinton Station Church. — Organized out of Lebanon and supplied by J. A. Van Doren 317 German Churches 317 Plainfield Church 318 Charter of the Five Churches 318 General Index 324 A PASTOR'S MEMORIAL. THE FIEST SEKMON. PiJEACiiED Oct. 29Tn, 1837. THE PASTOR LONGING FOR THE SALVATION OF HIS PEOPLE, " On ! tliat my head were waters, aud mine eyes a fountain of tears, tliat I might weep day and night for the slain of the daugliter of my people." — Jeremiah 9 : 1. The immediate occasion prompting tliis patlietic language on the part of tlie propliet was tlie anticipated destruction of tlie city of Jerusalem, as a consequence of the sins and apostasy of its inhabitants. He could not see that sacred city where was the sanctuary of Jehovah, and where " the tribes went up to worship, even the tribes, in the temple of the Lord," given to desolation, and all his kindred involved in its ruin, without tears. The " slain of the daughter of his })coplo" awaked his tenderest sympathies and made him feel as if he ought to weep, even more than nature allowed him to do. When he saw the dreadful scene, it appeared to him that he was not adequately aifected by it— his conceptions were not as vivid and his heart as sensible as the magnitude of the evil rendered proper ; and he prayed for " a fountain of tears," that they might flow continually ; for his " head to dissolve in waters," that he might " weep day and night." "When he considered the state of the people, ho did not find any thing in their moral condition to afford him any hope ; nor did their obstinacy seem to forebode any thing but a cer- tainty that God Avould execute his threatened vengeance, lie had not even pleasure in associating with them, on account 1 6 MEMOEIAL SERMONS. of their marked impiety, and tlie filtlij conversation of the wicked which pained his ears ; and he longed for the solitude of the desert, where he might be alone and unvexed. " O that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men, that I might leave my people and go from them." On every side their provocations seemed rapidly to increase ; and from every place the evidence of their apostasy appeared to rise np, convincing him that it was impossible that the threatened vengeance should fail. Nineveh had repented and its guilty inhabitants been spared; even Sodom would not have been consumed if there had been found five righteous men in it ; but for Jerusalem, in its abounding corruptions, and hardened impenitency, there w^as no hope : from the peo- ple even to the priest, all did wickedly — all perverted judg- ment, and hastened on the direful calamity that was to sweep them almost entirely from the face of the earth, and make their name a by-word among the nations. Was not the prophet justified in manifesting such deep emotion? Was the fervor of his feelings'any thing but what the scene, as he saw it before him, was calculated to produce? The text admits of a natural and profitable application to our circumstances. There is no sin more heinous in tlie sight of heaven than the ingratitude and impenitence of a Christian l)eople. There is none which sooner and more certainly calls down the vengeance of God. Have w^e any of it ? And shall we then hope to escape ? Ah ! indeed, w^hen we consider what our privileges have been and how we have improved them ; what hardness, impenitency, and worldliness we have exhibit- ed in our conduct ; how many warnings of his providence have been in vain, and how many solicitations of his love have failed ; what years of provocation and rebellion we have spent ; we may well tremble; and our pastors and Christian friends may well seek to move us, and express their sympathy for us in the affecting language of Jeremiah, " Oh ! that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my peoj^le." Here is a striking and beautiful sentiment. Let us en- deavor to improve it by making it the theme of our present HEMOEIAL SERMONS. 7 meditations. It may express the solicitude with wliich, after so many years of vain effort, we regard you to-day. If we consider it carefully we shall find it to yield us most important and varied instruction. We remark — I. It shows us the feelings of a Christian pastor, when his w^arnings are unheeded, his expostulations fail, and he sees his people stupid, imj)enitent, and hardened, while wickedness in- creases and the word is as if it were sown amonix thorns or on a rock. Without feigning any thing or pretending what is not ex- perienced, I appropriate it to myself, as I stand up before you this morning, on the anniversary of my settlement as your -pastor, and, after five years of earnest and prayerful expostu- lation, find so many of you yet in your impenitence. If weep- ing would effect any thing, I could weep over you ; if tears had in them power to move, my tears could flow in copious showers. Like the prophet, I could wish to weep even more than nature allows ; exhausting the fountain of sympathy in my heart, in order to reach yours, and subdue their enmity to love. There is in the condition of impenitent men, under tlie means of grace, everything to induce such feelings in the heart of a faithful pastor. Let us consider this for a moment ; it may be you have not reflected upon it, and are not prepared to accredit what we avow ; and therefore the appeals which we make to you may not reach that place in your heart in which we would fain lodge them. They are more intimately con- nected with your eternal state than you imagine. The ministry of reconciliation is the only instrument which grace in its deep compassion has determined to employ for the salvation of sinners — and it is a sufficient instrumentality. A faithful ministry makes constant appeals to the understand- ing and the heart, to convince the one of sin and win the other to God. No one can attend such a ministry, and remain in a state of impenitency, without making constant opposition to his convictions of right and to the dictates of his conscience. The process which is going on necessarily, in the mind of every impenitent man under the Gospel, is a hardening process. In awakening appeals which every Sabbath are sounded from the sacred oracles, there is created a necessity for renewed and in- 8 MEMORIAL SERMONS. creasing opposition, if he refuse to hear them and submit to Grod. Under sncli an influence it is impossible to remain un- affected — the heart of necessity grows harder, and the mind becomes more insensible to the interests of eternity and to the salvation of the soul. Every day is therefore in eflect a step backward from the path of life, and renders the probability increasingly certain that no means will be found so efficient, no warnings so importunate, no expostulations so affecting, as to brins: the rebel to the foot of the cross and bow his stub- born neck to Christ. Estimate now, if you can sufficiently, the demerit of such a state. All sin is a gi-eat evii in tlie sight of God ; but impeni- tence is a dreadful and aggravated evil. Its character is hate- ful and its consequences are most appalling. It not only turns our hearts awa}^ from God, but it makes him our enemy. " It is an evil and a bitter thing (says the prophet) that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that his fear is not in thee." It produces a blind insensibility to all the mercy and compas- sion of God, and leads us to disregard his vengeance and to dare his Avrath. It obscures the understanding so that we can not see our true interest, and hardens the heart so that we can not estimate the danger of our position and our relation to eternal things. It has an infatuating power which produces blindness and leads us to call evil good, and good evil, and waste upon the pleasures of sense and the vanities of time the treasures of immortal glory. Impenitence is opposed to the character of God, and the claims of his righteous law. It contravenes directly his right in us and the authority whicli he claims to rule over us. It can not exist in any of his creatures without obligations of the utmost moment, in the moral government of the world, being violated, and claims the most affecting and tender being dis- regarded. Impenitence makes the cliaracter of man as a creature of God hateful in the sight of his Maker by making him a de- spiser of his goodness and long suffering. There are no cir- cumstances possible which can so mitigate its evil or extenu- ate its ingratitude as to deprive it of this hateful feature, or prevent this fearful result. Hence he can not away with it. MEMORIAL SERMONS. f) Hence his deteriniiiatloii to punish it; because if it were sut- fered to continue in this his moral empire, it would not only destroy his right to reign as a sovereign, but absolutely endan- ger the health of all his creatures. To refrain from punish- ing it would be to abandon his cherished purpose, forego the most solemn declarations of his truth, and prove unfaitli- ful to himself where both his authority and our dearest inter- ests were involved. Hence there are so many threatenings of wrath, so many warnings, so many assurances that the sin- ner shall certainly die, and that all the impenitent shall per- ish forever from his presence in the burnings of his indigna- tion. " The wages of sin is death." The sinner, though an hundred years old, shall die. " God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon the wicked and rain it upon them." The Gospel furnishes to an apostate world the only means of escape from the consequences of impenitence, which grace has been enabled to devise, and in which God can be just and the sinner obtain salvation. In the Gospel, the character and work of Jesus Christ are clearly exhibited, and all suitable promises of encouragement presented, to persuade us to em- brace his righteousness by faith, and live ; while in its moral influence we have the most effectual means to overcome the enmity of our hearts and the pride of our unbelief. Through the enlightening and sanctifying influences of the Holy Ghost, it is " the power of God and the wisdom of God " to renew the heart and cleanse the soul from sin. If this great instru- ment fails and these means prove ineflicient, there remains to a sinner no more hope ; for there is no other sacrifice for sin, no other ]iame by which we can be saved, no other instrument to awaken us to life. This tlie faithful pastor knows, knows it well. He has a double evidence of this soleuni truth. He has the determina- tion of God as expressed in liis word, and a consciousness re- sulting clearly from the work of grace in his own heart. He has seen God's truth fructifying in the humble and contrite lieart, and producing a meetness for heaven. He has witness- ed, too, how upon the impenitent it produces hardness and blindness, and how, the savor of it being lost, it works deatli. If he be a true Christian, he has, besides this, experienced 10 MEMORIAL SERMONS. in his own soul tlie terrors of the wrath of God, and felt the fearful dread of his indignation against sin. When he pleads with men, he speaks, consequently, with all the earnest impor- tunity of i*eal conviction, and with all the persuasive elo- quence inspired by a sense of the danger which he sees ; de- claring what lie hath seen, and urging what he hath known in ]iis own experience. In many cases, moreover, he feels a peculiar interest. For some he is conscious of strong affection, for he is dealing with those whom he loves; in others a yearning tenderness, for he is pleading Avith those for whom he would willingly im])art not the Gospel only but his own soul also to bring tliem to Christ. "What affecting associations at the same time urge him on in his work, and point tlie language in which he addresses them ! He has seen them in affliction — he has sought to comfort them in their sorrows. He has stood by their sick-bed to warn — ^by their death-bed to entreat. He has met them in the path of pleasure as a faithful mentor, and in the vale of sor- row as a tender, sympathizing friend. He has borne them on the arms of faith and prayer, in his retirement, at the throne of grace, and with many strong cries and teare sought to bring down the blessing of God upon their souls. For many long- years he has followed them, and endeavored to impress their minds with a sense of sin, and win their hearts to holiness. But all seems to be in vain. Every means which he has con- trived, every instrument which he has adopted, fails. All the avenues to their heart appear to be closed, and insensibility grows more insensible — impenitence more impenitent. Yeai*s roll on — death approaches — judgment draws near, and the day of grace is just ended ! What is he to do ? He knows they must die; he knows just as well that they are not prepared to die. Shall he abandon them? shall he throw off from his mind and heart all interest in their welfare ? How can lie do this ? They are associated with all his recollections of tlio past. Their name rises up in all the solemn scenes of his life, and their image is entwined with the tenderest feelings of liis heart. He must therefore be sad, very sad, when thinking of tlieir end ; and many gloomy, very gloomy anticipations must crowd upon his mind as he follows them to the conclusion of MEMORIAL SERMONS. 11 their course. lie expects to stand by tlieir deatli-bed, wlien tlio hand of the destroyer is npon them, and the swellings of flordan come into their souls : and he knows that that last druggie must be a fearful one — that that last hour must be Avitliout hope. Can he then cease to feel for them, to warn them, to pray for them? Ah no! no! Like the prophet he will weep in secret, and complain that the fountain of his emotion is dried up. lie knows too well the whole of their dreadful condition, and sees but too certainly the whole terror of their fearful doom. If his head were waters and his eyes a fountain of tears, he would weep daj" and night for the slain of the daughter of his people. This is one application of the sentiment in our text. It is almost literally that of the Prophet himself. He saw a tem- poral ruin coming upon his friends and fellow-citizens. We have described the spiritual and eternal ruin which awaits the impenitent. This is as certain as that which he foresaw, and infinitely more awful in its consequences. If the vision of the former tilled his mind with dreadful forebodings and drew a flood of tears from his eyes, how much more must the latter overwhelm an aflectionate Pastor with sorrow ! O impeni- tent man! you do not know how much prayer and kindness it becomes necessary for you to oppose and prevent in order to hold on your guilty course. You do not know how much you grieve the heart of your friend. How affectionately desirous he is of your peace ; and how truly he can say with Paul, " We are w^illing, not only to impart unto you the Gospel of God, but our own souls also, because ye are dear to us !" Oh ! when will you be wise, and cease to grieve his heart, and the heart of that aflfectionate Saviour, who once died for you on the cross, and still pleads for you in heaven ? Need I pause to tell you personally to-day how much I de- sire your peace ? Need I remind you that I have been seeking it earnestly for five years ? Shall I call to your remembrance all the prayers sent up to heaven in your behalf, which you have prevented; all the warnings, urged witli importunity, which you have disregarded; all the expostulations, earnest and repeated, whicli you have set at naught? May I not ask vou, isit nothing tliat all this has been in vain? Are there 12 MEMORIAL SERMONS. 110 forebodings in it? Does it give no evidence of a moral state, or a coming retribution ? Five years of earnest eifort to save you, but in vain ! Then you liave iive years of neglect- ed gospel privilege to answer for, and I charge you to look to it ; for your eternal interests are involved in the answer you will give to God when you stand in judgment. II. Anotlier illustration is furnished in the feelings which grow up between Christian friends. Suppose the existence of strong bonds of affection between two individuals. Such en- dearments are often formed to cheer and bless this scene of misery through which we are passing in our earthly pilgrim- age. They may have resulted from habitual intercourse and many acts of reciprocated kindness. They may be the effect of f amih'' alliance leading to intimacy and the appreciation of mutual good qualities, as in the instance of David and Jona- than. Or perhaps they result from similarity of sentiment and taste — from kindred feelings and attractive accomplish- ments. Love may have endeared the sacred bond, an antici- pation have desired and agreed that it should be cemented and consecrated at the matrimonial altar. The two hearts are now perfectly united in sentiment and feeling, in taste and desire ; but there is one subject where their views separate, and they have nothing in common. The one is a follower of the Lamb — the other rejects Christ and his Gospel. The one sees a beauty in Christ and loves him ; the other is more than indif- ferent, he tramples him under his feet. The one experiences all the power of faith and hope, and tastes all the sweetness of communion with God ; the other knows only the pleasures of sense, and is moved alone by the fascinations of the world. They are one_in all things, except that which is the most im- portant to be agreed in, because it is capable of exciting the strongest feelings, and really has the largest share in forming character and shaping our destiny. Here they are obliged to separate. Here there is no common bond of sympathy; and they are mutnally afraid to touch the tender chord lest its vi- brations should produce discord — perhaps even excite feelings of dislike. Is all this nothing to their happiness ? It is ; for how can the voice of affection and conscience be silenced, the thoughts of eternity be prevented? MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 13 In this state of tliln'gs, tlierefore, how will the Christian be affected ? lie knows the importance of the grand reality ; hnt how shall he commnnicate his sense of it ? He is deeply con- vinced of its value in every point of view, and for every pur- pose of life, now as well as hereafter ; but how shall he impart his convictions, and persuade hh friend to entertain the same sentiments? Can he prevent his thoughts from wandering to death and judgment ; or his imagination from picturing the awful condition of tliat very friend^ Avhen the soul is lost ; or fail to feel the anguish of a separation forever ? Think of all his love — how often he has borne that friend on the arms of prayer to the mercy-seat, how many contrivances he has adopted to win his heart from sin and bring him to Christ, how closely he is bound to him, and how many ties must be broken in a final separation. Is there nothing now in such a scene as we have painted \ Will it not naturally engender the greatest anxiety, and pro- duce the strongest yearnings of heart — anxieties and yearn iugs proportioned to the blessings to be secured and the evils avoided ? It is not a mere temporal good which is souglit ; but an interest in the grace of God. The pearl is the pearl of great price; and no earthly treasure has ever been desired more ardently than Christian love hath often sought to enricli the object of its affection with that priceless gem, or than it has striven to turn away the wrath of God from him who is d earto it. Tears have been copiously shed ; and oh ! how man \' ardent prayers have ascended to heaven ! Think of it ! How can we suffer a friend whom we love to go down to destruc- tion without efforts to save him ? How can we day by day see his onward course and not attempt to draw him back ? How can we realize the wretchedness of his condition, and his hope- less end, without feeling impelled 'by the interest which he has in our hearts, to endeavor to arrest his career, and turn his feet from death ? Ah ! yes indeed ! Many a tender Christian heart hath wept in secret bitter tears — many a friend impor- tuned Heaven to have mercy upon and spare his friend. Many a pious wife or daughter pleaded long and earnestly for husband or father ; and even sorrowed like the Prophet, after the fountain of lier tears was dry, that she could not weep on 14 MEMORIAL SERMONS. and make tliem flow night and day. If tears and prayers could save souls, tears would flow and prayers ascend perpetu- ally to accomplisli that end ; hut they will not always succeed. Impenitence is proof even against the power of the heart; and who can tell the anguish experienced Mdien hope is lost and despair throws its dark mantle over such a loving spirit ? Oh ! that the impenitent knew how much they always resist to continue in their sin ! The church prays for them, their Christian friends pray for them, and their associates and bosom companions in secret weep over their condition, and by strong cries and tears seek to move Heaven to save them from perdi- tion. Oh! that the impenitent knew what anguish of heart their ungodly course causes those who love them to suffer • Yes, and there are some of you who do know this, but it does not move you. Your nature is so perverted — your heart so hard, you love your idols so well — that after them you will go, even though friends and lovers should weep ever so much. Let me tell you, however, that you are sinning against your own souls as much as you are sinning against affection ; and that the bitterest dreg in your cup of trembling will be the thought of what you have done all your life, in resisting so stoutly the kindness of Christian affection. Is it necessary now to remind you. Christian brethren, that I stand related to each one of you individually as a friend ; that I experience all the solicitudes of that relation ; that all the earnest importunity that love has ever engendered in the heart and employed in prayer, has been employed for you — employed for these five long years ; and that all the bitterness of disappointment mingles in the cup which you commend necessarily to my lips, by your remaining in sin ? l^eed I ap- peal to you on this ground, and remind you, as the apostle did his Philippian converts, that " I have you in my heart V that I liave been willing to impart to you all the treasures -whiijli grace has laid up for us in Christ ? If kindness could have won you, it must have done so before to-day ; or if importu- nity had power to overcome your disinclinations to holiness, it must have brought you to the feet of the Redeemer. Alas ! that it has not ; and that the close of a cycle of years finds you yet in the attitude of an opposer to Christ's authority, and MEMORIAL SERMONS. 15 a rejector of liis niercj'. Will you continue so until you die? Ill, We may suggest another application of the sentiment in our text. Tlie anguish of parental bosoms when their in- structions, prayers, warnings, and expostulations all prove vain. Many a bleeding heart has felt the import of the pro- phet's language. Oh ! that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might %veep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people ! Among the interesting relations which are formed by that ordinance of heaven which has " placed man in families upon the earth," none is more sacred — none is stronger, than that which exists between parents and children. On the one hand there is all the instinctive love of a father or mother for their offspring, strengthened by the care which it has rendered neces- sary and the kindness which it has prompted. On the other there is all the gratitude which a consciousness of these expres- sions of love originates. ]N^o ties can be more sacred than these, and no relation involves more feelings that are natural- ly calculated to awaken sentiments of interest and kindness. A parent experiences pleasure in seeking the welfare of his child in all possible Avays. lie subjects himself to toil and la- bor, to lay up for him a store of good things for the present life. He denies himself many gratifications which he furnish- es willingly to him ; and in doing so he regards not the self- denial — he does not even count it a sacrifice ; for he finds sat- isfaction in it — so deeply solicitous is he to advance the inte- rests and secure the welfare of those he loves. If he could be- stow a thousand times more, and deny himself a thousand times oftener, he would not grudge it, could he only shower down all upon the object of his affectionate solicitude. Such is parental affection — so deep — so self-denying — always so full of anxious concern — always so ready to make sacrifices. It is a noble, a heaven-derived endowment. In it God's wis- dom and his mercy to his creatures are both displayed. How much the world is benefited by it ! But the affection of a Christian parent, what is it? Has it not the same deej) and instinctive feelings ? Has it not all of these ennobled^ consecrated^ and directed to higher ends ? Does he 16 MEMORIAL SERMONS. not as a Christian necessarily experience a strong desire that his chiklren shonld enjoy the liopes of religion, and be brought un- der the a?g'is of its protecting power ? He knows how much it will benefit them, for he has himself tasted of its fruits in his own pilgrimage. He is sensible how much the heart of man needs such a kind hand to soothe its anguish in the hour of trial ; for he has himself been pelted by adverse storms. He is conscious, from his own errors, that nothing can so effectu- ally guard in temptation — guide in perplexity — and restrain when corrupt desires importune, as'tliat blessed monitor. He has tasted the bitterness of sin — has trembled before the aw- ful judgment-seat — has gone down into " the valley of Baca, weeping," and saw no " springs of water" there — and knows well that there is no hope but in the consolations Avhich the Gospel of Jesus Christ imparts. His knowledge and experience both confirm the declarations of divine Revelation, and con- vince him that nothing but its influence, in converting the soul and sanctifying the heart, can make salvation sure. The depth and orce of these convictions may be shown from several circumstances. You may consider the motive of those careful instructions in the doctrines and duties of religion. What was it but the manifestation of a desire on the parent's part to bring his child acquainted with its power ? You may consider the motive of Jiis example^ walking carefully before his house — what was it but that he might be a guide to one w'hom he knew to be prone to err and hard to be convinced ? You may listen to his ijraye7^s ; and if you do so, you will clearly perceive how affection deepens their tone of earnestness and kindles an ardent flame of his devotion as soon as his little ones engage his heart, and he begins to plead in their behalf. But suppose now, that Christian parent called in providence to witness the infatuated course of a prodigal — all his in- structions despised — all his affectionate counsel disregarded — all his prayers and pleadings in vain ! Sin, the monster sin, proving too strong for all the barriers which he has opposed to its power ; and like a victorious conqueror capturing one after an- other the defenses set to protect the citadel of the heart against its assaults. That beloved child who Avas trained so carefully for lieaven, going forward in the forbidden way until his feet MEMORIAL SERMONS, 17 take hold on liell. Wliat are his feelings now ? Is any pen adequate to describe the bitterness of his heart, or paint the an- guish of his bosom ? Ah! it is horrible ! There is a sense of disappointment, a feeling of indignation, and a sentiment of abhorrence and disapprobation, all mingling their bitter dregs in the cnp which is presented to his lips, and which he is forced to drink, which almost dries np his spirit. So many fond an- ticipations are blasted, and so much enjoyment prevented, that he can not cease. Tears are shed, and bitter tears, as often as he remembers the lost one. lie almost feels, sometimes, as if he could have given his life's blood, if it would have redeemed that child from ruin. He never goes to a throne of grace but lie remembers him there. He never bows himself in confes- sion before God, but the bitterness of his sorrow is brought to remembrance. The slain idol of his affections — the cherished jewel of his fond desires — how can he forget him? "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim ?" is his constant cry ! " Oh ! that Ishmael my son might live before thee" — his daily prayer — and often the anguish of his sj)irit breathes itself forth in the language of David, " O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom ! would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son !" " Oh ! that my head were waters, and my eyes a foun- tain of tears, that I might weep day and niglit for the slain of the daughter of my people." And istliere not, in the relation of pastor and people, evenj ^A?;?.^ that gives force and tenderness to that of a parent and his offspring ? What then, I ask you, are my feelings to-day, in being obliged, after five years of patient toil, to see you yet Avith- out an interest in Christ ? Some of you may conceive of them from experience. Perhaps your prodigal has wandered from the shadow of your roof, and spent all his substance in riotous living — ^perhaps your son has boon blind to the obligations of duty, and the instincts of self-preservation, and lived in sin un- der a plenitude of gospel light and influence. Perhaps you liave often sought to M'in him, but in vain ; and now can only yearn and yearn, even though hope seems denied. Ah Christian parent ! you know the feelings of our heart. You can tell what a weight lies upon it to-day — and why it is, that we endeavor to give utterance to its deep emotions in the prophet's words. 18 MEMORIAL SERMONS. " Oil ! tliat my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people." Application. — Let ns now for a moment consider what mo- tives the snbject presents to the impenitent to turn from sin. We do not at the present time " reason with you of righteous- ness, temperance, and a judgment to come ;" we do not seek to move you by the love of Jesus Christ, or the grace of the Holy Spirit ; we do not entreat you by the worth of your souls or the joys of heaven ; nor warn you to beware, for there is wrath. All this has often been done ; and alas ! with many it has been in vain ! "We seek to-day an avenue to your hearts less trodden, and we hope, on that account, more sure of success. Perhaps your feelings have become jaded by the frequency with which ap- peals have been made to them — Gospel-ridden and grace-har- dened, you have ceased to feel tlie force of religious obligations. We tell you then to-day how much your pastor loves you — how often he prays for you — what distress of mind your continued impenitence causes him. Do you love him ? Are you sensible that he is your friend, and that he is seeking to do you good I Oh ! grieve no more his aifectionate heart ! Give him no more cause to cry unto God, " O that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people." He can have no rest while you live in sin. He can, as a minister of Christ, know no comfort but in seeing your joys abound and your hearts melting for the beatitudes of heaven. We come also to tell you how your Christian friends and companions feel, when they see you rejecting the only Saviour and madly following after ruin. How they regret that amid all the bliss of communion, and the pleasure arising from asso- ciation of friend with friend in heaven, they can not anticipate the joy of seeing you there. That their hearts now yearn over you, and ceaseless prayers ascend to heaven in your behalf : and to ask you whether all this tenderness, solicitude, and affec- tion is to be in vain ? and shall it indeed be in vain ? We come to call up to your remembrance the tears and prayers of that parent who is perhaps now in heaven, looking MEMORIAL SERMONS. 19 down from liis serene abode, and -watching yonr course — tliosc prayers and tears Avliicli yonr welfare prompted, and wliich your impenitence multiplied ; and to ask you, wlietlier tliey are to be in vain. To remind you of that parental instruction and example, under the influence of which your earliest years were blessed, and to ask you, whether you are going to forsake it finally and render it all abortive ? "We come to claim a place in your hearts to-day, for we are speaking in the name of those who have the best right to speak to you, and to ask you wheth- er you have forgotten their love, and mean to disappoint their hopes, disavow their counsels, and Avound them in their ten- derest affections ? Think how many hearts are burning to sec you in the way of life. How many prayers have made you consecrate to God. How many affectionate, how many solemn motives urge you to-day to make your choice. Five years of warning and solici- tude, of i^rayer and privilege, is no small account to answer for to God. Shall they all prove vain ? Eternity will answer the question, though you do not. THE SECOND MEMOEIAL SERMON. Preached Oct. SOtii, 1843. THE KEVIVALS OF RELIGION IN THE CHURCH OF RARITAX. " Remember ye not tlie former tilings ; neitlier consider the tilings of old."— Isaiah 48 : 18. The inquiry of the Propliet implies astonisliment that any men of consideration could be so reckless as to neglect the in- struction of the past ; and well might he be surprised. "What is our experience but the memory of former things, and the judgment of reason in regard to them ? What is our prudence but avoiding the evils of the present as we have learned them in former days ? A course of life in which prudence and ex- perience should both be neglected would be sure to end in disaster. It is wise therefore always to remember " the for- mer things" and " consider the things of old." When it is Y^ossible for us to do so, it is also im23ortant to embody it in the form of a narrative, that its lessons, being faithfully and impressively presented, may the more deeply imj^ress our minds and influence our hearts. History therefore has by the general sense of mankind been considered as one of the most important sources of knowledge. All men seem to be aware how much " that which hath been" is " that which shall be," and how necessary it is for us to know it, in order to judge right and live to advantage. There is, however, a moderation to be observed in the reverence Mdiich we attach to " the things of old," and the use which we make of their teachings. The manner in which it is sometimes spoken of would almost lead us to infer, that it was regarded as having embodied all truth and righteousness ; and that all wisdom and good conduct have since failed from the earth ! Such extravagance is unwise and mischievous. It arises from MEMORIAL SERMONS. 21 tliat indiscriminate admiration, in wliicli neitlier reflection nor jndgment lias been exercised. Lord Bacon seems to have stated exactly the use of antiquity. " It deserveth that reve- rence that men should make a stand thereupon, and discover wliat is the best way ; but when the discovery is well takeu. then to make progression." It is good as a Teacher, but not safe or proper as a resting-place. On the other hand, to disregard entirely, as some are disposed to do, the experience of the past, and boldly launch out into the stormy sea of life without a chart to guide us, may display a venturous spirit, and be commended as such ; but certainly it is not a mark of prudence or of wisdom. Says Burke, " "When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss can not possibly be estimated. From that moment we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what ])oint we steer." This is true : and the wisest and best men luive been those who were neitlier slavish in their reverence of the past and their subjection to it, nor heedless of the many lessons which it teaches ; not unwisely trammeled by it, nor yet so self-confident as to rush forward without its guiding Avisdom and instruction in the conduct of life. It deserves to be well considered, but not " rested in." Bacon's '"progres- sion" is the watchword of improvement, and by listening to it the world has arrived at her present stage of advanced per- fection, in almost every branch of human wisdom — to have rested would have prevented all. To-day seems to be a point from which it may be proper to take a retrospective view of the dealings of Divine Providence with us as a people. It is the anniversary of the tenth year of my ministry among you : and I purpose to erect an Ebe- nezer here and offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving. God's good- ness has been great, and should be recognized ; and the poet tells us " 'Tis greatly wise to talk of our past hours, And ask tliem what report they bore to heaven, And how they might have borne far welcomer news." There is inuch in the past that will be "of real advantage to us by way of encouragement in the future. In reviewing the history of this church only in one particular — the amount of 2 22 MEMORIAL SERMONS. spiritual influence wliicli God lias deigned to besto-s^' upon ns, I have been so miicli delighted, as to indnce me to arrange the facts in their order, and present tliem in the form of a succinct narrative. Adopting the recommendation of inspired -wisdom, to remember the former things and consider the things of old, I shall present tlie history of those spiritual communications with which God has been pleased to accompany the dispensa- tion of the word and ordinances among the people of this conm-esation. I believe there are but few churches in the land that have records so full of the manifestations of divine good- ness, or a history more rich in evidences of divine care. During the first twenty years after the organization of this church — March 9th, 1699 — it enjoyed only occasionally the means of grace. The records would seem to indicate that tivice, or sometimes thrice, in the course of the year, some preacher visited them, and then children were baj)tized and the Lord's Supper administered. From such a scanty seeding of the ground no adequate crop could be anticipated ; and yet, by the blessing of God, the church did increase, at least in the number of those who attended on the means of grace and aided in supporting them, until in process of time it began to feel strong. About 171 S, in connection with New- Brunswick, Six-Mile-Run, and North Branch,* the church of Raritan ventured upon the effort to call, and agreed to provide for the support of a pastor. The important docu- ment, after having been duly prepared, was dispatched to Holland, and the Classes of Amsterdam was expected to select the pastor and send him out by their authority and with their recommendation. It was an anxious tin\e among those who loved Zion and prayed for her prosperity, and these prayers were happily answered. The call was accepted by Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen, and he arrived in Kew-York in Janu- arj'-, 1720. As early as February he assumed the duties of liis pastoral relation, embracing in the wide range of it almost the entire county of Somerset at that time sparsely settled and almost destitute of roads and bridges and other facilities of intercommunication. * Now called Readinfrton, MEMORIAL SERMONS. 23 It is impossible to ascertain accurately wliat was tlie state of the cliiirclies at the time when Mr. Frelinghuysen as- sumed the pastoral charge of them. Xo record remains, if any ever existed, of those who had been admitted into its communion previous to his day. There occur, however, on tlie list of baptisms tlie names of about seventy families belong- ing to the congregation. This indicates its numerical strength ; and there had been three hundred and eighty children and two adults baptized, during the preceding tM-enty-one years. There must therefore have been at least a general external regard to the ordinances of God's house by the first settlers of this sec- tion of our State, and some benefit resulting from the occasion- al services which they had enjoyed under all the disadvantages of their circumstances, or these facts- would not remain as materials of historj^. The baptism of the adults proves that a church existed, preserving order and providing fur the admi- nistration of sacraments ; and that the preaching of the Gospel Avas blessed to the conversion of some. But although the records of the church arc so meagre, we are happily furnished with testimony from another source, wliich will not be disputed, to aid us in forming an estimate of the spiritual state of the church, though not immediately referring to it. This testimony will show that althougli tliere might be an external observance of the forms and the sacra- ments of the Christian religion, yet that an experience of their power was by no means a general accompaniment of such observance. There must have been a great want o£ practical and serious Christianity. It was the tViult of the ag;e' and the natural result of the destitution of tlie cliurch. It was the common fault of all the churches at that tim.e-, and was true not only of Karitan but also of many other parts- of the country. Christianity, as it is revealed in the Bible, is always the same, beautiful, bright, and pure — an emanation of divinity ; but as it exists in practical life, embodied in* the faith and conduct of different nations, communities, and ages, it exhil)its almost an infinite variety of aspects and pliascs; Some of tliem are dark, amounting almost to a total extinction of its light and spirit, Mhile others are In'iglit and animwatdng, displayii'.g all it^ 24 MEMORIAL SERMONS. excellencies iu prominent relief for the edification of mankind. It lias always been so, and will continne to be so until the end of time. The age succeeding the great Reformation, when the churches in this country were planted, may be characterized by a single word. It was a trcmsition state. It retained some of that firm attachment to doctrine and purity of fiiith which had dis- tinguished the period when martyrs shed their blood freely in attestation of the truth ; but, by association with the spirit of the world, in days of prosperity and peace, it had learned to be content with a name to live, and rested in a faith without works. Its vital piety had almost ceased, and the fruits of godliness were stinted and scanty, though the forms and doc- trines of a better time remained. Emigrating from the father- land, our ancestors left behind tlieni, not only their pleasant homes on the vine-clad hills of France and the verdant meadows of the Low Countries, but also, for a season at least,_ all the ennobling influences of their early associations and their church privileges. In this wilderness they found no Sabbath^ — no " sound of church-going bell," and no minister of Christ to instruct, admonish, and lead them to the cross. As a necessary consequence of such destitution their children grew up almost in a state of nature, without any of the in- fluence of those teachings and associations in which their fathers had been nurtured. AVhen there was no persecutor to endear by his violence the very faith he sought to destroy, that faitli was less esteemed and had less power. Their fathers' example and prayers, in the nature of things, would not be entirely lost upon them ; but it was too much to expect that they would transmit to their descendants the spirit of their piety, or that the children would become what they would liave been if the sanctuary and the Sabbath had lent their aid to enforce parental precepts and example. Hence the natural eflect of the position of the early settlers here would be, to impart to them a veneration for their fiithers' faith, but to leave them without the savor of its divine influence. !Now that this was a fact, and that we have given a true picture of their moral condition, is proved by competent witnesses, bear- ino: testimonv of others in the same circumstances. Savsone, MEMOMAL SERMONS. 25 ''The difference between tlie clmrcli and the world was vanish- ing away, church discipline was neglected, and the growing lax- ness of morals was invading the church. The young were aban- doning themselves to frivolities and amusements of dangerous tendency; and party spirit was producing its natural frnit among the old. The progress of Arminianism had beconu' so manifest as to cause alarm." This is a picture of the Puri- tan churches at this time, and there can be but little question that the features Avere general, and applied as well to the state of things in New-Jersey as in Connecticut and Massa- chusetts. We produce another. Tlie Ilcv. Samuel Blair, one of the fathers of the Presbyterian church in America, employs the following language in reference to the state of the churches in Pennsylvania": " A very lamentable ignorance of the main essentials of true practical religion, and the doctrines nextly relating thereto, very generally prevailed. The nature and necessity of the new birth was but little known or thought of. The necessity of a conviction of sin and misery, by the Holy Spirit opening and applying the law to the conscience, in oi-der to a saving closure with Christ, was hardly known at all, to the most. There was scarcely any suspicion at all, in gene- ral, of any danger of depending upon self-righteousness^ and not upon the righteousness of Christ alone for salvation.'' But we havel;estimony which is still more applicable. We come into the bounds of Mr. Frelinghuysen's very charge itself ; and we hear Gilbert Tennant saying of the state of the church in Kew-Brunswick in 1744, a little before the time when Mr. Frelinghuysen's labors closed, " I examined many about the grounds of their hope of salvation, which I found in most to be nothing but as sand." He is speaking of his own people, and not of those who had been converted under Mr. Frelinghuysen's labors, as we shall show presently by another extract from the same account. Now this was the aspect of the field which was to be culti- vated ; at least its moral condition could not have been more tavorable than those of which we have given testimony ; and if we consider the fact that for more than thirty years, most of the inhabitants of this section of the country had been living 26 MEMORIAL SERMONS. in a wilderness without the Gospel, ye may think it neces- sary to regard it as being even less favorable tlian they indi- cate ; and this wonld be nearer to the truth. Now mark the effect. Mr. Frelinghuysen commenced by preaching pointedly and seriously the necessity of a new heart, lie insisted on Christian experience as a preparation for church membership and communion ; and restored disci- pline to its legitimate place in the house of God. There was immediately clamor, resistance, reproach;* but he was not a man to be turned away from a course which he considered it his duty to follow, by any such influences: and besides the Holy Spirit had already begun to testify to the truth and ren- der it the power of God and the wisdom of God to the salvation of souls ; how could he refrain from j)reaching it 'i As early as 1726, when there were probably not more than twenty members in communion in the whole congregation, and only six years from the time of his first settlement, during all of which opposition and defamation had been rife, there were admitted to the communion seven at one time on con- fession of faith. It must have been a day of joy to his heart, and of triumph to the cause of truth. It was indeed a great day. Seven added to twenty is equal to an addition of forty in a church composed of one hundred members ; and this would, even now, be regarded as an extraordinary work. But ^^ we must consider that this was the fruit of his work try^^ mT RaHtaii. Now if the same state of things existed at Nortli- Braiich, Six-Mile-Run, and New-Brunswick — and that it did all traditional history asserts — and a corresponding number were introduced into the churches in each of these congrega- tions, it was indeed a great day for Zion. But it did not end liere. There is evidence that it continued in subsequent years. There were also accessions to the church of more than ordinary numbers in 1729 and 1734. Jjut the greatest blessing seems to have been enjoyed in 1739, simultaneous with the revival at Northampton under * See tlie complaint published by a part of his Consistory, in which it is ^attempted to be shown that his doctrine of regeneration is not the doctrine of the CliurGli^r^ftud exceptions are taken to his whole course, especially his discipline. MEMORIAL SERMONS. 27 Jonatlian Edwards ; and between tliese two revivals in other respects there was a striking similarity. They both originated in pointed doctrinal discussions, brought on a conflict between formalism and practical Christianity, and stirred up some of the worst passions in tlie luiman heart ; but while Edwards was ejected from his charge, Mr. Frelinghuysen not only maintained his place and his influence, but perpetuated the work, until, finally, in the days of his successor. Dr. Ilarden- bergh, even the hearts of his enemies were conquered. The eifect of this state of things was to give an entirely new aspect to the state of the congregation. Religion became a.n object of almost universal attention and concern, and increased the desire and necessity for pastoral labors so much that Mr. Frelinghuysen was constrained to adopt an expedient, which seems to have been original with him ; indeed, we have no knowledge of its having been adopted at any time anywhere else. lie appointed from among the most gifted and experi- enced of his male members certain individuals whom he called " helpers^'' whose ofiice was to expound the Scriptures in the meetings for prayer and conduct theni'with order, visit and converse with the anxious and inquiring, and to catechise the youth. This step was considered as a bold departure from long-established usage in the Dutch Church by those who ex- cepted to Mr. Frelinghuysen's course, and would even no^v be regarded as a " nevj measure''' of very questionable propriety and usefulness. It may be that it was, upon the whole, nei- ther wise nor safe ; although, from the character of the indivi- duals, their prudence, zeal, and godliness, its eifects were seen in the most favorable light ; but it is certain that his latter days were greatly embittered with strife, arising from the strong disapprobation expressed by some of the most influen- tial members in his church of the course which he thought proper to adopt. But whether it would have been possible, with his views of truth, to avoid such a contest, may admit of a doubt. It seems, at least, to be certain that in some sections of the church, whatever the ostensible pretenses may have been, the great contest of Coetus and Conferentie was, in fact, a struggle of formalism against vital godliness — of the law of progress against the inertia gendered by an admiration of the 28 MEMORIAL SERMONS, past. It was the spirit of tliis age and of tins land fighting for liberty "svhen the attempt was made to bind it down by forms, customs, and veneration for the fatherland ; and it conquered then, as it always will conrpier in any future struggles. The records of the church warrant us in estimating the fruit of this year as having been the conversion of at least fifty souls Avithin the bounds of Mr. Freliughuysen's pastoral charge. Of this number, ten are recorded as having united with the church at Raritan on confession. The accession is again equal to about one third of the Avhole number in com- munion. The records of the other congregations have perish- ed, or, we have no doubt, our conjecture would liave been confirmed, by their names actually appearing upon them. In summing up, then, the results of the ministry of Mr, Frelinghuysen, we arrive at the following facts : There were thirty-eight added to his churches on confession in 1720, there were sixteen in each of the ^^ears 1729 and 1<34, and there were fifty in 1739 ; the whole amount is one hundred and twenty. We do not say that these numbei-s are abso- lutely correct ; but we do say that the data furnished us by the records of the church of Raritan fully sustain them, and even more than sustain them. From the records of JS^ew- Ik-unswick we have the following facts : About sixty persons were admitted to the communion. Many names are undoubt- edly omitted from the list, as some are not found there who are known to have been in the communion. The largest number received in any one year was in 1741, when there was an addi- tion of twenty-two persons. If we add these numbers together, we shall have in the two principal churches of his charge one hundred and eighty added on confession. This may Avell be regarded as evidence of a great revival. And when we consi- der the work of grace in connection with the external cir- cumstances of the age and the church in which it occurred, it magnifies itself greatly in our estimation. There was much ignorance, much laxity of moral principle, a leaning to Armi- nianism, few preachers, and but little opportunity of hearing or meeting to encourage one another. That one man should wield such an influence, and be able to sustain himself and MEMORIAL SERMONS. 29 liis principles in the very midst of the fire kindled to consnme liini and them, is snrely an evidence of the divine favor, and of special spiritnal communications from above. In fact, the wliole work is as clearly marked with power and sanctifying grace as any of those with Avliich the clnn'ches in other places were blessed about this period, and stamps the ministry of Mr. Frelinghuyseii as having l)een peculiarly favored and nseful. The whole of its })ower we shall probably never know. There is also one other circumstance worthy of notice. Several of the converts in this revival lived until within the memory of some Avho are yet with us, and were uniformly distinguished for their deep experience and ardent piety. Fathers and mothers in Israel were they truly, always abounding in every good word and work, Gilbert Tennent, of JSTew-Brunswick, alludes to them in his letter to Mr. Prince, of Boston, in ITII:. " The labors of Mr. Frelinghuy- sen were much blessed to tlie people of JSTew-Brunswick and places adjacent about the time of his coming among them, which was about twenty-four years ago, (in 1720.) When T came there, wdiich was about seven years after, divers of his hearers, with whom I had opportunity of conversing, ap- peared to be converted persons, by their soundness in prin- ciple. Christian experience, and pious practice ; and these ])ersons declared that the ministrations of the aforesaid gen- tleman were the means thereof." This is conclusive as to the spiritual character of the work. Here we are disposed to award the honor which the zeal and piety of this good man seem to demand from us. We regard him as being the instrument, in the hand of Provi- dence, to plant first the seed of truth and righteousness upon tliis soil, where, in subsc(piont years, such abundant harvests have been gatliered. He broke up the fallow grouiul and prepared it for the glorious crop. He met and conquered the spirit of worldliness, self-righteousness, and carnal security, which had possession at least of the popular mind, if not of the church itself. This whole region owes his memory a debt of gratitude whicli it can never repay. Ilis labors were the means of introducing earlu into the churches liere, a tone 30 MEMORIAL SERMON'S. of piet}'-, and a form of religious sentiment, wliicli lias been a blessing to tliem ever since. Their spirituality and jDeace are tlie fruits of it ; and we are yet enjoying the benefit of his labors in many ways. In order to understand the effect of his ministry, we must remember that the doctrine of the necessity of a new heart had almost entirely been lost sight of, and that formalism and self-righteousness almost universally prevailed. Christians were not ashamed to ridicule Christian experience, and many had become very resolute in opposing it. " The common names," says Blair, in reference to Pennsylvania, " for soul- concern were melancholy^ trouhle of mind., or despair. The necessity of first being in Christ, and in a justified state, before our religious services can be well-pleasing and accepta- ble to God, was very little understood or thought of ; but the common notion seemed to be, that if people were aiming to be in the way of duty as well as they could, as they imagined, there was no reason to be much afraid." Upon this mass of corruption and worldliness the pastor's denunciations of the wrath of God were unceasingly poured out, warning, exhort- ing, and entreating all men, with all long-suflfering and gen- tleness. In his public disconrses he laid open the depravity and selfishness of the human heart, showed its entire aliena- tion from God, and insisted upon the absolute necessity that it should be regenerated. His doctrine had no sympathy with that heartless Arminianism which teaches the availa- bility of sincere but imperfect obedience ; but plainly incul- cated the great truth, that " the law is spiritual," and we are '•'carnal, sold under sin," and therefore must be made new creatures in Christ Jesus ; and that we are justified freely through his grace, by the redemption of the Mediator, l^o wonder that the slumbering lion was aroused, and shook his mane in menace, when his den was thus invaded ; nor, on the other hand, that God owned his truth, and attested it by the quickening operations of his Spirit. It is only what he has promised always to do. We have spoken of " helpers " who were appointed in the different congregations. Those for Karitan were Ilendrick Fisher and Andrias Yer Meulen ; for Six-Mile Run, Euluf MEMORIAL SEEMONP, 81 l^evius cand Elbert Stotlioif ; and for Kortli Branch, Peter Van Arsdalen and Jolm WyckofF, The years 1750 and 1751 are marked on the records of tlie chiircli as having witnessed more than an ordinary blessing upon the ministrations of the second pastor of this chnrch — the Rev. John Frelinghuysen. Twenty-seven were added to the communion of the chnrcli on confession of faith. This we record as the Second lievival at Raritan ; and it must have had the effect of again strengthening and encouraging the hopes of the pious. To understand its influence we must recollect that now the whole church was rent to atoms. Party spirit l)revailed to an alarming extent, and embittered the common intercourse of life. In some places even personal violence was done at the very doors of the churches on the Sabbath morning ; and Raritan was one of the centres from which this influence emanated, and where some of its bitterest spirit had been exhibited. The church had divided, and, however wrongfully, at least a respectable minority protested against the course of the pastor and consistory. That in such a state of things godliness should have triumphed, and brought so many to confess a meek and lowly Saviour, can be accounted for only by the presence of the " Spirit of peace." The ministry of Jacob Rutsen Ilardenbergh, who succeeded Jolm Frelinghuysen about 17G3, and continued to serve this church until 17S1 — a period of eighteen years — was not marked by any special revival of religion. There are, how- ever, abundant evidences of his zeal and faithfulness in his Master's work, his earnest efforts to build up the church, and his ability as a clear, sound, and practical preacher, to attest his character. In fact, if we remember that his ministry em- braced the period of the Revolution, when all minds must have been so entirely absorbed in civil affairs ; that the army of Washington was encamped, for a time, within the bounds of his congregation, and he himself was obliged to desert his own house to secure his personal safety ; that there must have been a flood of iniquity spreading itself through the whole community as the effect of this state of things, no surprise can be experienced that it should be so : a revival could not be expected. And besides all this, the church edifice was 32 MEMORIAL SERMONS. l)urnt to tlie ground, and never restored until after lie had re- signed liis charge ; so that tlie people were without a house of worship. In such a time of trial, to save the " foundations of truth and godliness from being removed" was honor enough ; and this is the praise which his exertions and faithfulness de- mand from us. He was a great and a good man. His influ- ence was second to no minister of his time ; and the church manifested her estimate of his excellence by appointing him, soon after his removal from Raritan, to the presidency of Queen's College, in New-Brunswick, where he ended his days and was gathered to his fathers. He was a student of John Frelinghuysen, and subsecpiently married his widow, a woman whose piety has left a sweet savor in the midst of us. Juf- vrow Hardenbergh, among the aged, was a pattern of all that was good and gentle and sanctiiied ; and they have taught even the youth to reverence her. The period embraced between the years 1785 and 1789, im- mediately after the death of the Kev. Theodorus Frelinghuy- sen Romeyn, and the settlement of the Rev. John Duryea, ap- pears to have been characterized by another outpouring of the Spirit upon the word and ordinances. Eighty-two were added to the church on confession of faith during this time — and we record this as the Third Revival in the Church of .Rar item. It extended through the first five years of Mr. Duryea's ministry, and materially increased the amount of vital godliness in the church. Many circumstances seem to have conspired to pro- duce a favorable influence just then. The war of the Revolu- tion had closed, bringing peace and independence to these Uni- ted States ; and many had seen and acknowledged God's hand in the result. The church now enjoyed almost the whole ser- vice of her pastor, for Mr. Duryea only preached at Bedmin- ster once in three weeks. The ministry of Romeyn had been unusually spiritual and fervent, and had closed most impres- sively in his sudden and early death. He was a gifted and ex- traordinary young man, and his brief career left a deep im- pression upon the hearts of many ; and God made his successor, who was far inferior to him in pulpit talent, the instrument of gathering the harvest which he had sown. Again in 1802-3 and 4, there was a visible outpouring of the MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 33 Holy Spirit upon the labors of the Rev. Jolm S. Yredenbiirgli, wlio had assumed the pastoral charge of the congregation in 1800 — seventy-seven individuals were received on confession of their faith. This we record as the Fourth lievival of Religion which God in his mere}" has granted to this church to edify and build her up. And again in 1812-13 and 14 there were added forty-six members to tlie communion, on confession of faith, in the space of three years. We shall not enumerate this as a distinct revival, but oidy refer to it as we pass on. In 1821, Mr, Vredenburgh died suddenly after liaving con- tinued to exercise the pastoral office for nearly twenty-one years ; and as he descended to his rest, the Spirit came down to bless his labors and raise up the seed which he had sown with so much patience and prayer. This was a mighty shaking in the valley of dry bones. In a year and a half, three hundred and sixty-eight were added to the communion of the church. This Fifth Revival of Religion will long remain as one of the most remarkable eras in our history as a church. It was indeed a Pentecostal season. The influence pervaded all ranks, embodied all conditions in life, moulding and blend- ing them into one mass, upon which the fear and love of God was indelibly impressed. For months, religion seemed to oc- cupy completely and almost exclusively the attention of tlie whole community, and neither business nor pleasure was suffer- ed to interrupt its services. ]3ut to record all the interesting- incidents connected with it would require a volume to be writ- ten. Its great distinction from many which have been more loudly proclaimed, was its noiseless progress, its power and pu- rity. It was a work remarkably solemn, deep, powerful, spi- ritual ; and its results were such as are anticipated from sucli ti'aits — permanent and abiding. Only two or three cases of discipline have l)ecome necessary, in the whole multitude wliich came thronging to the table of the Lord. This is the nu)re worthy of note because it is so rare, and so distinctly indicates tlie gracious nature of tlio wliole work, and how much of the Spirit of God was in it. The effect I need not describe, since there are here so many who witnessed it, and to whom its recullec- tion is almost as sacred as that of Pentecost was to tlie early Christians. Tlie cloven tono'ues of lire were not visible to the 3-i MEMORIAL SERMONS. eve of sense, but tliey burned in every heart ; and what the eye coukl not see the soul felt and enjoyed. Durhif^ the whole time that tliis work of grace was in pro- gress tlie congregation was destitute of a pastor, and continued so until the settlement of the E-ev. R. D. Yan Kleek in 1824. The public services were maintained by the generous assistance of the neighboring ministry ; and a sermon of the Rev. Dr. Livingston on the Sabbath succeeding the death and burial of Mr. Vredenburgh was referred to by many of the converts as a time when their first convictions were felt. The Consistory also eno;ao;ed for six months the services of tlie Rev. Truman Osborn, whose visits from house to house and various labors and exhortations had a most happy effect in carrying out and assisting the work. He seems to have been a man formed for exactly such a scene, and in the kind providence of God was sent to Raritan very opportunely for the accomplishment of the Lord's work. He is yet affectionately remembered by many of the converts of that Revival ; and his very dust will be sacred in their eyes. He has entered into his rest, and his works will follow him. You must now allow" me to speak of things still more recent, and pardon the necessary personality. They belong to a complete view of the subject, and can not be omitted with pro- priety. We have yet to record another which we shall denom- inate the Sixth Revival of Religion enjoyed by the church of Raritan. In the years 1837 and 1838 there is recorded an addition of eighty members to the communion of the church ,* the larger portion were received on two occasions, and were the result of a very manifest blessing upon the word and ordi- nances. They compose at the present time, to some extent, the efficiency of the church ; and we should be ungrateful if we did not record the mercy of our God, and speak forth our gratitude by building up an Ebenezer of praise for the ful- fillment of his promise to own and bless his truth. The whole number of communicants whose names are re- gistered on the books of the church is one thousand and sev- enty-nine. Of them how large a portion are numbered M^ith the dead, having been called to the service of the sanctuary on high! Of this number three hundred and thirty-seven are MEMORIAL SERMONS. 35 at present in actnal commnnion, traveling to the same inlicri- tance of immortal blessedness and jo}'. The past ten years have been most eventful years. That little flock Avliose jonrney throngh the wilderness we have traced in tlie preceding memorials, and which we have seen in- creasing in number under the care and labor of faithful pastors employed to edify it, and the dews of divine influence sent from heaven upon it — has during these years been divided into two bands. When this event occurred it j^roduced necessarily a disruption of many tender ties and hallowed associations — and was not eflected without many tears. This was to be expected ; but now Ave are prepared to acquiesce in it, and concede that it was right. The number in our communion has already been so iucreased, by the blessing of God, as to exceed what it was previous to the division ; and the accession in families is nearly equal to the loss : so that the actual strentgh of the church is not materially impaired by what has occurred. The edifice in which our fathers so long worshiped has also been replaced by one more commodious and better adapted to the wants of the congregation ; and thus all those vexed questions, which arose out of the necessity of enlargement or reconstruction, and operated to the injury of our peace, are put at rest for a long time. Unanin^ity exists to as great an extent among all the members of the church, as it ever did at any pre- ceding period. If we could only witness a deeper spirit of de- votion in the house of God on the Sabbath day, and an enlarged measure of prayer animating the Christian bosom, we should be encouraged to hope for much. As it is, there seems to be danger of a Laodicean temper springing up among us, saj'ing, " AVe are rich and increased with goods, and have need of noth- ing ;" while in spirituals we may become actually " poor, and miserable, and blind, and naked." The oldest living meml)er in the communion of this church has now been connected with it fifty-flve years. This indivi- dual sat with us at tlie table of the Lord on the last commu- nion season. All those who were here when he united himself with the people of God have gone to rest ; he alone remains, to link the past with the present — the only remnant of a for- mer half-century. During this long period, he has worshiped 36 MEMORIAL SERMONS. almost every Sabbatli-day arouiul the same altar. He Las welcomed with joy all those who came to confess Christ, and monrned at the graves of all the departed. Few in this chang- ing world have been permitted to serve God so lojig in one l)lace — very few to spend so many Sabbaths and communion seasons in one house of Avorship — and fewer still have had the privilege to welcome eight hundred and forty-four to the fel- lowship of the church. Honored servant, may his end be peace ! During the period we are commemorating there have been numerous changes in this community. Many, called in provi- dence to other places, have been cheerfully and honorably dis- missed, and some have gone to form for themselves another place of worship and other associations. But this is not all ; the de- stroyer has also been at work. The leaders of the host have fallen in great numbers and with frightful rapidity. Among those who welcomed me here and gave me their confidence, when with fear and trembling I consented to assume the pas- toral charge of this numerous people, but who are not here to- day and will not be here again, are Howell, Talmage, Yeghte, Frelinghuysen, Yan Doren, Vroom, Van Arsdalen, Van Dyke, Van Arsdalen ; besides all the mothers in Israel, whose ardent prayers were accustomed to rise like morning incense to hea- ven and bringdown showers of blessings upon this heritage of the Lord. So busy has the destroyer been among the strong men and the aged, that now, when we look around, there are only a few venerable heads remaining to counsel and encou- rage. The jDillars of the sanctuary are falling around us — the men Avho bore the ark disappearing — and as they fall, we feel in each stroke as if we had one friend less. Deatli ! great proprietor of all ! tis tliine To tread out empire and to quench the stars ; The sun himself by thy permission shines, And one day thou shalt pluck him from his sphere ! The complete number of deaths in our communion I have not the means of ascertaining, but it has been large. The number added on confession during ten years is two hundred and thirty-two ; the number of intants baptized two hundred and forty-live. Thus " one generation passeth away and an- MEMORIAL SERMONS. 3/ otlier cometli''' — tliG liviiii^ are taking tlie i)lacGS of the dead, and treading upon their steps. From the cradle to the tomb is only a span, but it is all we have to prepare for that va^t eternit}' Mdiich ensues. It is like the vestibule to some mag- nificent temple, the glory of which swallows up all our impres- sions of what went before, and proves those only to be Avise who so live as to secure an everlasting rest in heaven. Application. — The practical lessons which we are taught from this view of the past seem evidently to be, that God has recorded his name here, and in that record left the promise^ sure to be fulfilled, " I will come and bless." It would seem to be sinful to doubt this, after what he has done ; and to form any other expectation than that which embraces the fulfillment of this promise would be culpable unbelief. There will be seasons of dearth, and cold and chilling winters — the church must pass through these ; but there Avill also come showers from heaven, and the s})riug-tide will appear, with its profu- sion of springing blades and opening fiowers, giving presage of the fertility of the summer, and the fruits of autumn, to re- Avard the faith and the toil of those who seek the good of Zioit. Glorious things are spoken of thee, Zion, city of our God ! The effect of all the jjast is encouragement. If we abound in the work of the Lord, he will cause that our labors shall not be in vain in the Lord. When we wait upon him, he liears, and answers, and sends his Spirit down. But if we turn from him, he will hide his face from us, send his judgments to afflict us, and bring all our designs to naught. Should not a people, therefore, seek unto the Lord their God \ Seek him with all your heart, and he will be found. It would not be just if we did not also notice here the fact that in the relation of pastor and people we have enjoyed ten years of uninterrupted peace. I acknowledge the kindness with which. I have been uniformly treated, the favor with which all my public services have been received, and the promptness with which every failure (and 1 am conscious of more than you seem to have noticed) has been passed over. I liave been with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling; l)ut wliat 1 have attem])ted has been sincere and with a good conscience. I have labored Ibi" y(»ur j)rt»ilt, and 3 38 MEMORIAL SERMONS. never furnished any but heaten oil for tlie light of the sanctua- ry. This luTS not been always regarded in the right point of view. There are some who would rather have a social visit from their pastor than a good sermon, and there are some, too, so unreasonable as to expect both ; but I can not consider them wise or just. There may be others who think that it costs noth- ing to preach well, bnt tliey know nothing. There are ministers vrho shake their sermons out of their sleeves ; but are they worth " the shaking" after they are out ? The flock soon shows the kind of pasture npon which it has been subsisted. For myself I do not know a more heartless thing, or one more wicked, than for a minister to ascend the pulpit on the Sab- bath, and, when souls are hungry for the bread of life, talk nonsense in the name of the Lord ! If I have never done it, it has not been for the want of temptation, nor from a disinclina- tion to social intercourse ; but because I have been afraid. I could not so trifle with your souls and my own responsibilities. It is much easier^ and much more agreeahle likewise, to spend an afternoon in a social circle, than in close and laborious think- ino- in a silent chamber. It has not been for want of inclina- tion that I have never been a great visitor, but because my conception of what a faithful pastor ought to be embraced higher traits of character than those which are gratified with admiration in a lady's parlor; and if you are wise, and seek the good of the church, you will allow me unmolested to pur- sue this course : so far it has been well. One generation passeth away and another cometh ! We are now the living ; our children will be in a few years what we are to-day ! We are passing away ; and they will take our places. This solemn thought intrudes itself, like those efligies of the dead with which the Egyptians adorned their feasts, into our most sacred, as it does also into our most joyful, assemblies and associations. The hand of the destroyer is upon us all, and the gaping tomb waits to receive us. Oh ! if we could see to- day what ravages another ten years will make, how deeply Avould we be afl'ected. Who is to die? The pastor? Which of the flock? If we are wise, we shall so live as to make our calling sure ; and if we can conceive adequately of our responsi- MEMORIAL SERMONS, 39 bilities to tlie cliurcli, the world, our own souls, work while the day lasts ! To the youth, the return of this anniversary Sabbath makes a special appeal. You have seen how the blessing of God has attended his word and ordinances, converting souls to God ; how the ark has been sustained and carried forward ; how the Lord has been with his church here, blessing her and making her a blessing. The responsibilities which your fathers have so nobly borne in past years, arc now coming upon you. Prove yourselves worthy of the trust reposed in you. These walls must be dear to you by many hallowed associations. They are not only consecrated to holy things, but baptized by the Holy Ghost and by prayer. AVithin this sacred inclosure the Spirit has sealed your parents as the sons of God. If you desert them, or ever suffer them to remain desolate, you will be as guilty as though you liad suffered the sepulchres of your fathers to be profaned. It has likewise another voice by which it speaks. You have enjoyed ten years of earnest appeal from the word and ordi- nances of God. Why has it not resulted in your salvation ^ Can you give any good account why you are yet in your sins i Oh ! be persuaded to turn to God and live. Keligion is design- ed for man. It is necessary to his happiness. lie is never what he ought to be, nor does he ever enjoy what he is capable of enjoying, without it. It sweetens every joy, destroys the edge of grief, and helps to bear the cross. It is the cordial of life — a sun to gild our path through the world, to light our steps when they arc verging toward the dark valley, and to shine upon us in noonday effulgence in heaven. Make it yours. Where so much prayer has been answered, come and consecrate yourselves to the service of the covenant-keeping- God of your fathers, and make him your God and portion. To-day is the accepted time — now is the day of salvatior:.. May God bless his truth I Amen. 40 MEMORIAL SERMONS. THE TIIIED MEMORIAL SERMON. Preaceed Oct. 31st, 1847. EXPERIENCE AND DEATH INSTRUCTING MEN. " Inquire, I prav tliee, of the former ago, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers : shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart? "—Job 8 : 8-10. IIisTOKY, it lias been said, is " pliilosopliy teaching by exam- ])le." " God," says D'Aubignc, " is in history." If this strik- ing sentiment is true, then it mnst be important for us to bo acquainted with tlie records of the past, because we shall bo able to draw from them many practical lessons, enabling us not only to live more wisely in the present, but to secure every advantage from the future. A poet has said of experience as it is taught us in history — " 'Tis very pregnant ; The jewel that we find, we stop and take it, Because we see it : but what we do not see, We tread upon and never think of it ; Therefore be in eye of every exercise !" Want of reflection, which is in fact inattention to the instruc- tion of the past and a neglect of the lessons which it teaches, is one of the most indubitable marks of a frivolous mind — a mind that will not become wise, however great its advantages •or its acquaintance with life. In Scripture such neglect is ■characterized as a sin, and is charged as one of the occasions of the punishment of the Jews. "Israel doth not know ; my peo- ple do not consider." " If thou hadst known, even thou, in this thy day, the things which belong to thy peace ; but now they are hid from thine eyes." Inconsideration then constitutes the ■very centre and heart of that afl:ectionate lamentation which our Saviour poured upon Jerusalem, as he looked upon it from the Mount of Olives, and foresaw how by rejecting and ■crucifying the Saviour, sent to redeem it from ruin, vengeance •TA-ould be armed against its gnilty people and fall upon them MEMOllIAL SERMONS. 41 ill utter desolation. Inconsiclerateness was in tlie case of that doomed city the occasion of lier destruction. There is, tlierefore, not only an intrinsic but also a personal interest in the records of the past. It has tliose lessons to teach us, wliicli we can not well be wise and neglect ; tliose instruc- tions to give, which, if we refuse, we shall be almost certain to regret. If God is in history, it must be important for all God's creatures, if they would understand the order of his provi- dence, to acquaint themselves with it ; for there they may de- serve the w^ays of God — -how" he blesses those that seek him, and destroys transgressors out of his sight ; proving in his works what he has declared in his word, that " the willing and the obedient eat the fruit of the land, but those that refuse and rebel perish without remedy." Barrow has expressed himself so justly and appropriately iii- regard to the use of history, that we adduce his language : " The perusal of history, how pleasant illumination of the mind, how useful direction of life, how spriglitly inccntivx'S to virtue doth it afford ! How doth it supply the room of experience', and furnish us with prudence at the expense of others, inibrm- ing us about tlie ways of action and tlie consequences thereof l)y examples, without our own danger or trouble ! How ma v it instruct and encourage us in piety, while therein m'c trace the paths of God in men, or observe the methods of divine providence, how the Lord and Judge of the world in due sea- son protecteth, prospereth,blesseth, rewardeth innocence and integrity; how he crosseth, defeateth, blasteth, curseth, j)un- isheth iniquity and outrage ; managing things with admirabh' temper of wisdom, to the good of mankind, and the advance- ment of his own glory." If there are such lessons to be taught us in history, and such benefits to be derived from it, we Ciin not well be wise, guide ourselves properly, or secure all the ad- \antages of our position without making the study of it a pai-r of tlie serious busiiiess of our life. And what is history but an aggregation of in(li\i(hial Uh' and experience- — a record of that special care wliicli is extend- ed by our Heavenly Father to each of his little ones? It is, in fact, individuality in its social combinations. The men of a nation, each o'.ie ga/.ingiq'on his oir/i jxvt/'nit, in tlie pictni\' 42 :memokial sehmoxs. which it presents to view — the good and evil of eacli separate life seen in tlie common record of the whole. It is a snmming lip of innumerable items, to enable us to conceive more impres- sively the gross amount. And as God is the same yesterday, to-da}^, and forever, there must be a certain degree of uniformi- ty in his providence and Avays. What "has been is that whicli siiall be, and there is no new thing under the sun." The future is foreshadowed in the past. If we are anxious to know what will be, we may read the record written in broad characters upon tlie scroll of time. Hence there is an important indivi- dual applicability in the recommendation of Bildad, the friend of Job, as it stands in our text — " Inquire I pray thee of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers • shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart ?" We intend on the present occasion to make a special, and to some extent a personal, application of these words, and shall not therefore spend any more time in illustrating their general import or in enforcing their importance. This is a Sabbath of peculiar interest — to me not only, but to you. It ought to have a \oice and a jDower by which to speak to our hearts, so that they shall not need to be spoken to again. The thoughts of the past which it recalls and the emotions of the past which it |)rompts are almost overwhelming. It completes fifteen years <»f labor and care as thepastor of this church ; andwhenl tliink of it — all the weight of responsibility involved in all those years — the idea so burdens my spirit that I exclaim, " Who is suffi- I'ient for these things V and tremble to realize that it must all 1)0 brought into account at the judgment. May God be merci- ful to us for the sake of Jesus Christ ! I can see no other hope, and have contidencein no other name. Grace affords the only possible refuge. WJien Joshua had l)rought the tribes over Jordan and they actually stood within the precincts of their land of rest, he took twelve stones out the river, and pitched them in Gilgal, the ])lace where the tribes first rested, as a pillar of memorial — " a heap of witnesses'^ — and spake unto the children of Israel, say- ing, " When your children shall ask, saying, wdiat mean these stones? then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 43 came over tliis Jordan on dry land ; for tlie Lord yonr God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed over, that all the people might know the hand of the Lord, that he is mighty, that ye might fear the Lord your God forever." Such a memorial of the past we mean to erect this morning ; not in a pillar of stones — ^' a heaj) of ■witnesses''' — but by recall- ing names and awaking memories once fresh in your minds, and thus marking upon the tablets of your hearts, as deeply as aifection and sentiment will enable us to do, the track of years. They have been more or less eventful to every one of us, and their passage has left traces upon our feelings, which all tliG friction of the fnture, however tvcaring it may be, will not ul)litorate. They have brought to us many lessons which are destined to be- come '"'•fixed things'''' in eternity, constituting the matter of our joy and sorrow, our weal and woe, throngliout the intermi- nable revolution of all Us ages. Fifteen years, according to political economists, is half a generation; and we may there- fore consider ourselves to-day as standing amid the graves of half of those who commenced this period of time with us, and whom we have seen passing away under our own eyes. Here is indeed a great " heap of witnesses" of what the Lord has been doing by the instrumentality of " the king of terrors." In our cemetery there are more than '' twelve stones," the witness- es of " death's doings," the frail memorials of (crushed hearts — efforts made by affection to make the dead live in the mem- ories of the living. We must speak of some of them, and re- call their image to your thoughts. Their names have indeed (some of them ut least) huig since ceased to be heard in our streets ; but \xo may repeat them in this sanctuary, and we shall do it, but not without reverence. Many of them were ^''Fathers and Ifothers in Israel," ami the memory of their holy life and the testimony of their faith belongs to the church for her encouragement and edification. Tliey were " pillars in the house of God; " let piety and affection crown them with flowers and perfume them with incense, an offering of grati- tude appropriated to them where they stood, and wliere they still stand, " distinct in memory's eye," as prominent helpers and benefactors of the cliurch. Tlie first Subbatli of these fit'- 44 MEMORIAL SERMONS. teen years is renewed to-day to my consciousness ; and I see it all, almost as distinctly as I saw it then. Two days before, I had stood beside my mother's open grave, and saw it shrond lier venerated form forever from mortal eyes ; and wlien its morning dawned, instead of the cheerf nl vibration of the clnirch- iroinir bell, there was a sound of death. We met for the first time, not in the courts of Zion, but in a house of mourning ; and my first exhortation to you was, " Prepare to meet your God." Death had thus met me on the threshold with his sable pall, and he strode on before me like a giant, dealing his fatal blows in rapid succession, until Veglite, Frelinghuysen, Van Doren, Talmage, and Howell — all men of consecrated hearts, eminent for piety and influence, were no more — all gone before two years had elapsed. I stood appalled amid their graves, and anxiouslj- inquired, " What hath not the Lord done V Ilath he indeed forgotten to be gracious ? Will he draw out his ano^er to all venerations ? I remember that it has been said, that just before the Babylonish captivity the pious and es- ])ecially the aged in Israel died in rapid succession. It is men- tioned as a well-known historical fact, in illustration of the lan- guage of Isaiah, " the righteous perisheth and no man layeth it to heart ; and merciful men are taken away ; none consider- ing that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come." To the mind of the prophet the circumstance seemed so noto- rious, and the efi'ect of the loss of their example and influence so disastrous to religion, that he says, " Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof , if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth." It seemed as if the godly had all ceased, as if all the merciful men were taken away, and that the nation was ready for the execution of delaying vengeance. " Go ye up and down her walls and destroy ; take away her battlements, for they are the Lord's," was the commission to the avengers, and the eflect of it which followed — " abroad the sword devoureth ; at home there is death." So, in our circumstances, such a succession of bereavements excited many fears that heaven had in store for us some approaching judgment. There was more than one mind sym- MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 45 pathizing witli their feelings, and waiting with anxious solici- tude for the leadings of Providence, It seemed indeed as if some sore calamity was certainly impending over iis. But in the result all our fears were disappointed ; the clouds in due time passed away, and mercy was revealed instead of judg- ment. "When I recall that first Sabbath, and look around me for those who sat here in the house of God, I am reminded of the absence of many besides those already named. Vroom and Davis and Tunison ; Van Arsdalen, the Bryants, Van Arsdalen ; Taylor, Dumont, Ilardcastle, Van I^este, Quick, Black, and Kerriot are all gone ; they have ceased from their labors, and been promoted from a seat in these courts below, to a place among the company of the redeemed who serve God in their Avhito robes in the temple of glory. So faith judges, so hope wliispers, and so imagination paints them to our view ; while a rt'ection stands weeping beside their graves, and rears up her frail monuments, inscribing upon them, " These all died in faith.'''' How ])rivilcged ! how honored in their resting- [>laco, rejDOsing as they all do on that magnificent couch — " With patriarchs of the ancient world, with kinos, The powerful of the earth — the Avise, the good. Fair forms and lioary seers of ages past, All in one mighty sepulchre ! The hills Rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun ; the vales, Stretching in pensive quietness between ; The venerable woods ; rivers that move In majesty ; and complaining brooks. That make the meadows green : Old ocean's gray and melancholy wastP, Are but the solemn decorations all Of the great tcnnb of man ! The golden sun, Tiie i)lanets, all the infinite host of heaven, Are shining on the sad abodes of deatli Through the still lapse of ages ! All that tread The globe are but a handful to the tribes That slumlxu" in its bosom !" And, what is more comforting for us to know, for it may teach us how to die like them, they all " had hope in, their death P'' Thev passed throuo-h " the swellings of JonhuT' 46 MEirORlAL SERMONS. " Sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust ! They neared the grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." Nor must we omit to call to mind among tliat congregation " those mothers in Israel " whose piety consecrated the me- mories of the domestic iireside and hallowed all its associa- tions, by breathing from thence toward heaven a perpetual stream of incense, which warmed the fervor of Christian love and drew down blessings upon the church. Many of them were largely her benefactors, and we should be not only delinrpient in duty, but ungrateful, did we not cherish the recollection of their piety and engrave their names upon her recoi"ds. I see before me, in imagination, the Mrs. Talmage, Yeglite, AVhite- nack, Wortman, Stryker, Davis, Porter, Brokaw, Yroom, Yan Derveer, Gaston, Yan Arsdalen, Yeghte, Taylor, Rockafeller, Miller,"Tunison, Polhemus, Staats, Yan Neste, Beekman, Yan Derveer, Black, Jobs, Cooper, Castner, Durling, Dumont, Brokaw, Quick, Tunison, Hedges ! " And these too all died in faith^'' and their precious dust was in succession gathered to its mother, in whose faithful embrace every particle of it will be preserved as seed, from which will spring up in the morning of the resurrection so many glorified spiritual bod- ies to inhabit Paradise. They Avalked with God, serving him in their day and generation, and they are not, for God took them, and their end was peace. They spent their last Sabbath of privilege here in the worship of the sanctuary ; sat with us the last time at the Supper of the Lord, attesting their hope in Christ as a Bedeemer, and then, as if weary of sin and panting for that heaven which they kept so uear in view and longed so much to reach, broke away from all the ties which bound them to earth, and soared up on high to join the company of the white-robed saints in glory. There the eye of faith has often contemplated them singing in the choir of the church above, and longed to be with them, exclaiming, " Happy songsters ! Wlien shall I your chorus join?" Besides these, there were others who were not in the com- munion of the church, who gave their bodies to the dust, and entered the eternal state, as Campbell, Gore, Sergeant, Tunison, MEMORIAL SEllMONS. 47 Torbert, Quick, Van Middleswortli, Beckmaii, Dolliver, and tlie Mrs. Tunison, Vroom, and Fisher — and others still, sojonrn- iiio- with ns for a season, as Perrine and son, Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Eockafeller. Tlic -whole nuniLer of deaths among the members of the chnrch has been sixtj-six. Sad memorial of the power of the destroyer! But we have not jet called to mind all the trophies of the king of terrors, nor recorded the names of all who were once here, but are now in eternity. The yonng have died likewise — ^William and Martha Bryan, John and Edward Griffith, Elizabeth and Daniel Polhemns, Harriet Toms and Elizabeth Kockafeller, yonng A''oorhee3 and Gaston. I have laid my hand upon tlieir fair white brows when they were as cold as marble, and seen them dressed out clean and beautiful, as if for a bridal, to be wedded in their early youth to the dust. All the fond love, all the passionate grief of parents and friends, all the bright hopes of future good, all the strength of their young life, could not restrain the inexorable archer, or shield them from his arrow! His bow was bent, and the fatal shaft, true to its aim, sped, and they lay prostrate in the dust. All that was left for friendship and sympathy was to shed tears over their clay, and carry them to their rest among the cold sleepers of the cemetery. Monuments have perpetuated tlieir names, but their voices are silent. Pale flowers have been planted around their graves, and watered with many tears; but {\\o floicer.'< will fade as they did, and drop tlieir withered petals on their graves. "VVe have often mused over these signs of affection, and felt the eloquence with which they spoke, when the leaves of summer, touched by an early frost, lay scattered thickly in the forest. Tlie poet was interpreter to our thoughts : " Thou ]ovely eartli ! Since kindred steps From tliy jrreen paths have fled, A dimness and a hush have fallen O'er all thy beauties spread ! Tlie silence of the absent soul Is on lue and around ! My heart liatli echoes but for thee. Thou still small warning sound ! The sky-lark sings out as he sang When they were by my side ; And inournfal tones are in the wind Unheard before they died !" 48 MEMORIAL SERMONS. And yet there are more claiming a record in tliis sad memo- rial. Those " blossoms of being born and gone," which the universal mother of all tlie living hath gathered back to her cold bosom — "the early lost," as nature regards them, but ''the early saved," as the visions of our scripture faith teach us to esteem them, wlien in her holy records she points ns to the Saviour's words, " Suffer the little cliiklren to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Tdnrjdoiii of GodP Tliere are many, very many short graves in yonder cemetery, and I never look upon them but I think liow loving and faith- ful the Saviour is to his people, in taking so many of their "'little ones" to himself, and garnering them in heaven before sin could have power to pollute them, or tlie world ensnare their feet in its slippery paths. We ought to thank him for every one which he claims and takes home. There are so many things to be dreaded, that the very tears wliich affection sheds when she enshrouds tliem ought to be accompanied with a consenting heart, and our loudest grief should be taught to say, "lie hath done all things well." Our loss is their gain. There are so many shipwrecks on the ocean of human life, that it ought to be regarded more as a matter of congratula- tion than of regret, to see one of these frail vessels launched upon its surging waves, reaching early and safely the haven of eternal rest. " God has made every thing beautiful in its sea- son." How is it that we fall so much to discern the '■^heautf of his providence and love in gathering the buds and opening flowers of humanity into his own garner, before they have here had time to wither and the bliglit to touch them ? I can not be ftiith ; it is only nature that impels these gushing tears. AVe must teach nature to cluisten her strong yearnings by the power of faith's revealings, and become willing to thank (lod if we have children in heaven. AVe must learn to gaze ni)ward and " stretch our sight," until we see them in their white robes among "the shining ones" in glory; and then, coming back to our cares and toils, think how much happier they are in having escaped them all. We must make our love to them a living power to elevate ns above the influence of our nature and our sin, and strengthen us until we are victors in the conflict, and have permission to come away and join MEMORIAL SERMONS. 49 them wliere we shall part no more. It is a divhie liopo, in- deed, to tliiiik of meeting our loved ones in glory. It seems to make lieaven nearer and dearer to us. We realize its exist- ence as we could not do but from the fact that it is the home and resting-])lace of those we love. They have not ceased to be, because God has taken tliem ; they are only veiled from our sight; death reached but the mortal part, and brouglit the material form to the dust — the soul is with God. The blos- som which withered here upon its stalk in the spring of its beauty lias been transplanted there in a place of endurance, and will expand in perfection and dift'usc its fragrance eternal- ly, to gladden and refresh that spirit which now weeps out au affection that has been sorely bruised. Oh! that our faith could see this when Ave mourn the loss of departed ones. It would assist us to say, "There, like a dew-drop shrined Within a crystal stone. Thou art safe in heaven, my dove ! Safe with the source of love, The everlasting One. And when the hour arrives From flesh to set me free, Thy spirit will await, Tlie fii'st at heaven's gate. To meet and welcome me." II. There have also been many changes besides those result- ing from death. Since the small beginnings of 1699, through a period of one hundred and forty-eight years, this church has m)t only experienced a variety of fortune and favor, but as the effect of all, by the blessing of God, it has waxed strong and become numerous. In thinking of those days in comparison with the present, we may a])propriate the words of Jacob, "With my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I am become two bands." It was natural that the pro])riety of a division should, at the time it was made, be strongly doubted even by tlu; wisest. The end of it could iu)t be foreseen — its effect upon time-honored associations was feared: and perhaps we lacked faith in the promise of God, which is as true of the church as it is of an individual — "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." The parting hour was therefore an hour of sorrow. 50 MEMORIAL SERMONS. We felt that we liad reason to be sad. But at tlie present time douLt is at an end, and even fear is removed. There is no one who does not consider it a blessing, and is not prepared heartily to pray, " Send now, O Lord, prosperity, I beseech thee." The interests of religion generally, and of our own denomination especially, have been materially strengthened in this community as the effect of it. Oar neighbors have been blessed abundantly, and from a mere handful grown up to be a respectable church ; while at the same time our own numbers have gone on increasing in a progressive ratio, equal at least to what it was before, perhaps greater. So confident do both these "bands" now feel in their strength, that they have re- cently united in the erection of a commodious and beautiful house of worship, which they intend to make the nucleus of a " Third Church ;" and our prospects will need to be very sud- denly beclouded, if such an organization is not actually effect- ed before another year elapses. Fifteen years since, when my ministry commenced here, the communion of the church con- sisted of three hundred and forty-seven members; at the j^res- cnt time there are the names of four hundred and seven record- ed on our books. During this time there have been received in all three hundred and fifty- one. If there had been no deaths or removals, our communion would at the ])resent time have been six hundred and ninety-eight ; but on account of them, the actual increase has only been sixty. AVhat a change this fact makes necessary ! It is almost equal to an entire re- newal of the whole congregation, in the space of fifteen years. The difference, however, is not in fact so much ; for on looking around me I recognize here to-day many familiar faces — fami- liar during the whole time that I have ministered where I now do. They have been- here constantly when the tribes went up, even the tribes of the Lord, to worship in his sanctuary. Many of those who came to us have remained but a little Avhile; but the great body of the church has been permanent, and the larger number of changes has been confined to the jiubGtuating and the transient. Except wdiere death has come in to perform his work, few have left us. Fifteen years of Sabbaths ! Seven hundred and eighty days in which we have sat together in God's holy house and heard MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 51 his Gospel! It is along time. It embraces a vast amount of privilege. You have probably heard in that time fifteen hun- dred and sixty sermons. It has brought you acquainted witli a vast amount of instruction, and it involves deep responsi- bilities. So much opportunity of learning Christ ought to liave enriched your minds with a wide range of gospel truth and a rich experience of its power and sanctification. Paul speaks of Andronicus and Junia as being of note among the Christians at Home, because " they were in Christ before him ;" as if their age and experience gave them a special claim to attention and consideration. And ought it not to do so ? Is it not a special privilege to have been in Christ early? to have been long in his school? Yes, indeed, age is a blessing. A long life is a j^rivilege, especially when its years have been spent in the acquisition of knowledge and in the service of God. It has a richness in experience, a maturity of under- standing, a sobriety of judgment, a settled conviction of truth, and a wisdom in discerning what is real from what is mere semblance, the efiect of transient feelings and not of spiritual influence and grace, which renders it always safe to walk by its counsels when difficulties oppose or dangers are imminent. It may not display the fervor of youth nor manifest the ardor of its untried affections, it may sometimes be even too cau- tious and sluggish ; but then it will have the advantage of having fewer mistakes to correct and less frequent occasion to repent and turn back. That, however, Avliich constitutes its highest good is the opportunity which it aflbrds of doing so much for religion, bearing so much fruit for Christ and pro- moting the interests of righteousness so long — "laying up," in the words of the Saviour, " a treasure in heaven with the mammon of unrighteousness." AVitli such an end in view, a Christian may well rejoice in a long life. But when avarice, the vice of old age, is allowed to grow and canker in the heart, and the veteran of years lives only to hoard his treasures — when no heavenly liglit shines upon its declining course and no religious topics sanctify the end of its days, the sight of it saddens and distresses us. We can not hide from ourselves the conviction that the rust of that unemployed gold, accumulating year by yeai*, will be a terrible witness i>l MEMORIAL SERMONS. against those white locks as an unprofitable steward, and we confess it would have been a blessing not to have lived so long. Among us there are but a few of the old disciples remaining, and this makes that small number who have been our friends from the beginning more endeared. AYe can not therefore re- frain from uttering one specific petition for them : may they live long to adorn the religion they profess, and then, when all their work is done, sleep peacefully in the bosom of that Saviour whom they have loved and served. Our sentiment for them to-day is — a long life of piety and a sweet rest in glory. May they enjoy both ! In noticing the changes of fifteen years, what is most admo- nitory and impressive is, that death has been more busy among the aged than the young. This is not ordinary. The spoiler generally delights in " a shining mark." His most numerous victims are the beautiful and the young. His mansions are filled with lovely forms, and his favorite work is to destroy bright hopes. But such has not been his course among us ; the hoary head, and the form bending under a weight of years, have more frequently been taken to rest than " the strong staff has been broken and the beautiful rod." So great has the mortality among the aged been, that only a few of the old pa- triarchs, once the strength of the church, remain. This has subjected us to a sore trial. We feel their loss deeply ; their influence touched the cause of truth and righteousness in this community in many important points ; and what is still more to be lamented is, that in some instances they have left no re- presentatives on whom their mantle could fall. The promise leads ns to hope that " in the place of the fathers there shall be their children," but in these cases the promise yet seems to fail. May God work it out in his own time and way, for he is able to do it, even though it should be necessary out of " the stones to raise up children unto Abraham" ! In this way the wealth which once was ours now seeks other channels, and the influence which aided us is neutralized or turned against us. We however do not mean this as a complaint. With all our losses we are strong — increasing in strength in many ways. What we need most is a higher tone, a wider range of piety, and a greater abounding of our liberality. Deadness MEMORIAL SERMONS. bS to the world and an earnest anxiety to do something for the <;'lory of God wouki be a perfect remedy for all tliat we regret. With a mind to work, wo should lind it eas}'' to meet every re- quisition which the church imposes. The want of it has made us groan, when we ought to have been singing songs of thanks- giving and joy. in. But all has not been change. Amid all that we have mourned as we have seen it passing away, there is one thing over the permanency of which we could drop a tear, a bitter tear. It is the fixed, the unchanging, the unjdelding impeni- tence of some of our people. We can not conceal it from our- selves that there are some yet out of Christ who were here iif - teen years ago, and w^ere then impenitent. They Avere halting between two opinions then, and they are yet in the same posi- tion ; they were almost Christians then, and they are only al- most Christians now. Then they Avcre waiting for better evidence, and now they are waiting for better evidence ; and how much longer will they wait ? Fifteen years of Sal>- baths, and strivings of the Spirit, and admonitions of Provi- dence ! Is it not enough 'i How wonderful that heavcTi should be so patient ! Where is there another friend that would consent to stand so long and solicit a place in our hearts ? AYhat love, other than the everlasting and the un- speakable love of Jesus Christ, is so enduring — so inexhausti- ble, lon£!;-sufferino-, and unabatino; ! The best friend would have forsaken us, and, in despair for so much hardness, given us over to ruin ; but the faithful, loving Spirit conies again and again ; the tender, compassionate Redeemer renews his solici- tations year after year, unwilling that any sinner, even though he be an hundred years old, should perish while he stands on " mercy's ground," and death and a fixed eternity have not made his state irreversible ! It is wonderful to think of it. It, gives us a most solemn view of the obstinate infatuation of im- penitence — a living picture of the apostle's words, '" The natu- ral man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God ; for they are foolishness unto him ; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." It is a mournful proof of tlie prophet's words, " Tlie heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked ; who can know it?" What must tlie 4 54 MEMOIllAL SERMONS. moral state of sucli individuals be ? To "what can Ave compare their hearts? Are they not akin to those eternal icebergs which surround the "pole" — congealed at the beginning of creation, when God first spake the earth into being, and never giving forth a drop since, but remaining always sharp and hard and fixed in tlieir forbidding impenetrability, and des- tined to remain so, until the coming eternity shall have passed ? Or like those seas of ice on the Alpine heights, glittering in the beams of the sun and in perfect defiance of their power, sending back his raja from their adamantine surface, ever since the day when the power of Omnipotence upheaved them from the solid crust of the earth and fixed them on their ever- lasting foundations — emblems of hardened impenitence ? It is a sad state to be in ; the thought of it is enough to move any mind to tears ! Fifteen years of impenetrable obduracy to all the invitations of the Gospel, all the solicitations of God's most gracious Spirit, all the warnings of Providence, and all the admonitions of the dying ! Oh ! it is too much to think of. Has heaven done so much for us in vain ? Have we lived so long, and only lived to heap up wrath and indig- nation against the revelation of God's righteous judgment ? lived so long only to make our death-bed more cheerless, and our eternity a more intolerable depth of woe ? To return again to our text : is there nothing in the former age, in the experience of the fathers, that may teach you ? Is their experience of no advantage to guide you ? Is your own without instruction ? What profit have you had from all the worldly things which you have pursued ? Have they compen- sated you for that neglect of your souls which they have in- duced ? Is a life of irreligion, in fact, an advantage ? We are willing to leave the question with your own judgment and con- science. Does it bring you an increase of happiness ? Does it enable you to drink from the cup of life a sweeter draught ? Does it make your social joys more exhilarating and your sor- rows less oppressiv^e ? What is your answer ? If you are si- lent and ashamed to speak, or if you have not marked any definite results of experience, we can answer for you. It has done none of these things ; and you ought to have known, be- fore you adopted such a course, that it could not do any of these MEMORIAL SERMONS. * 55 tilings. But slionld von inifortunately doubt and be disposed to try it further, or should you be in search of information, we commend to you the recommendation in our text," Inquire, T pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers : shall not they teach thee, and tel^ thee, and utter words out of their heart ?" " Can the rush grow up without mire ? Can the flag grow without water 'i While it is yet in its greenness and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb ; so are the paths of all that forget (lod ! And the hypocrite's hope shall perish ! His hope shall be cut off, and his trust shall be a spider's web ; and the dwell- ing-place of the wicked shall come to naught ! Have ye not asked them which go by the way ? and do ye not know their tokens, that the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction '( They shall be brought forth to the day of wrath : and the- sinner, even though he be an hundred years old, shall be ac- cursed." Is this the testimony of experience ? Does the voice of the- past age and of the fathers speak in this wise ? Then you are- condemned as one that is living unwisely and running in the face of evil. It is, in fact, one of the most singular phenomena of human reason that impenitent men should read these denun- ciations in the Bible, acknowledge them to be from God and to be expressions of his determinations in regard to sin, and yet live on in their rebellion. It amounts to this : that rea- sonable beings are capable of acting very unreasonably, even where the most important interests are at stake ; and, if any thing can do so, proves most conclusively that the dlfliculty with the impenitent man is not in his reason but in his heart :. and if you mean to change him, it is to be done, not by argu- ment, but ]n()ral influence. It is not because there is any want of evidence in religion, but because the)' are opposed to it, and therefore unwilling to be convinced by evidence or to listen tO' the voice of reason, that most men continue in sin. This is the testimony of Scri})ture : "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked," and will not of itself come to God.. This is the best explanation ever given of impenitence — the onl}'- one that reaches all the facts of the case. But do you not perceive that this only makes your condition more hopeless * r.D MEMORIAL SERMONS. Such a lieart can not be lia])j)j without God, and it is unHtte*! for enjoyment with hiin. It is therefore morally disqualified for heaven. Holy enjoyments in its sensual state are a contra- diction ; the supposition that it can feel them is an absurdity ; it must be changed ; conversion or destruction is the only alternative. And so we conclude fifteen years of expostulation with you, and begin another. "When will your hearts be al)le t(T realize its privileges or turn cordially to its duties ? A]}])l{cation. — It would seem as if one end, at least, of th(> various changes of human life was to instruct men. Attention to them will teach us wisdom. They are a mirror in which we may see the image of the future ; and if we arrive at a proper understanding of their character, it will tend to prepare us to meet what is to come, if it does not enable us to avoid all the evils it brings with it. Surprisals find us unguarded. An unexperienced evil is greater on that account. Even death becomes familiar by seeing it often. How much instruction, as to the transitory nature of all earthly things, the changes ofthe past bring ! We have loved, but where are the loved ones now ? We have toiled for treasures and built garners for our hopes, but they have all faded like a frost-bitten flower. Some of you stand alone who once had companions to assist you in bearing your burdens and share with you the sufferings of your mortal state ; others have carried their children to the nar- row house appointed for all the living. All feel that the pas- sage of years lias wasted many things which they regarded as jewels ofthe heart ! Learn, then, not to set your affections on things upon the earth, but to lay your treasure up with God. " Tliey build too low, who build on aught beneath the skies.'' Heaven alone is pure, unchanging, and never fades aw'ay ! It would seem as if the past was intended to encourage us. In the midst ot all the changes, losses, and disappointments which it brings, there are things that remain unchanged and can not be lost. God is our Father still. In Christ we have an undiminished portion of peace, enjoyment, and hope. Heaven yet invites us, and waits with wide-expanded doors to receive us into its mansions of rest. With God, and Christ, and heaven, have we not enough ? Let us thank God. then, and take coura2:e. MEMORIAI; SERMOXS. 57 It would seem as if tlie past also admonislied us. Is it gouo i Mas it been wasted ? Does tlie tliouglit of it bring regrets ? Let the time past of our lives suffice us to liave wrought the will of the flesh ; henceforth let us live soberly, and righteous- ly, and godly. Unprofitableness ought to induce repentance, and repentance wisdom, zeal, and diligence. The time is short ; the work is great. We have no more days that we can afford to lose. Another may be tlie last ; and to lose it may be to in- cur the loss of all things. May God make us wise and success- ful in working out our salvation while it is called to-dav ! THE FOUETH MEMORIAL SEEMOK. Preached Oct. 31st, 1852. AX IMPROVEMENT OF THE PAST. " I "WILL remember the years of the right hand of the Most Higli." — Psalms 77 : 10. The Psalmist is recording a struggle M'liicli lie had in hh inind with unbelief. He sought the Lord in liis trouble ; his sore ran in the night and ceased not ; his soul refused to be comforted. All around him was gloom and discouragement ; but when he communed with his own heart, he found strengtli and hope. He advanced in his inquiries, he made diligent search, and said, "Will the Lord cast oft" forever? Will ho be favorable no more ? Is his mercy clean gone forever "i Doth his promise fail for evermore ? ' Hath God forgotten to 1)6 gracious ? Hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies ?" Xo, this is "an infirmity;" to believe so is sin. It is in fact a denial of all God's care and kindness as they are shown in his providence ; because the obvious and necessary inference from the past is, that he is "long-suffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin." It is, there- fore, instrnctive and important to "remember the 3"ears of the right hand of the Most High." God's " right hand " is the emblem of his power — " the years of his right hand " are therefore those years in which any event of providence displaying God's power has occurred ; and "re- membering" them, is not only impressing their recollection on the mind, but making a memorial of them for the purpose of instruction and encouragement ; and our text is a scriptural warrant and example for us to do so. Perhaps we ought to do it more frequent!}^ than we have been accustomed. To-day it is twenty years since I assumed the responsible <-liarge of the pastorate in this congregation, and it has seemed MEMOEIAL SERMOXS. o9 to me to he necessary to make a memorial of it — to erect an Ebenezer here, and remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. The text suggests our method. "We sliall group together some of the occurrences of this period with a view to our en- couragement and inqu'ovement in faith and piety. Twenty years is ahnost one third of the period allotted to man. It is a " score," and he has but " threescore and ten." When tiiey are numbered, his strength is gone, his siglit dimmed, his head bowed and blanched, and liis tottering stej)K admonish him of the grave. One tlurd of a life is no small thing to give to any cause or any object. To have given it, supposes an obligation as to the effect of its devotion of n(» small magnitude. I came herein comparative youth and inex- perience. I had indeed but little, besides an honest purpose to be useful, and some fortitude and courage in followinir tlie opening path, to bring here and devote to you, as a return for the confidence which you expressed in calling me. I came, however, " as soon as I was sent for," and at the close of a score of years, can only adopt the language of an apostle and say, " I have been witli you in weakness and fear, and much trembling, and my speech and my preaching has not been with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." If any thing has been efi'ected, the glory is the Lord's. His spirit has given strengtli to weakness, made the foolish wise, and pulled down the strongholds of the enemy in the heart. Without feigning humility, we own his hand in all, and render praise to his name. His goodness has been far greater than our deserts, and his mercies liave exceeded in. number tlie most sanguine expectations we have ever felt it riglit to clierish. Twenty years ! Will you go back with me in memory to that Sabbath morning — some of you can do it ; and let us first mark the things as they were, and then the changes that have been induced. You retnember the old walls and seats — they v/cre narrower than they are now, they were plainer, they were less comfortable, they were not worthy of you as a people, they did not indicate either your respect for God or your zeal n his service ; and they were soon made to give place to otliers. 60 MEMORIAL SERMONS. You remember how we praised them for the good they had done, and then bade them fiirewell with tears, as we wonkl liave done " okl frieAds." They had been witnesses of many solemn hours, and were copiously baptized with the Holy Spirit. God has never wrought for himself and for your souls in this house as he did in that. Three hundred and sixty-eight as the fruit of one outpouring of the Spirit ! It was like Pen- tecost. And some of you are yet here who enjoyed it, to weep over it, rejoice in it, and pray to have it repeated. May God in his mercy hear those prayers! Ah! the recollection of that morning comes up in my memory as fresh as if it were only yesterday. I can recall dis- tinctl}^ many faces whom I shall sec no more; the warm pres- sure of many hands, and some tea,rs, (were they of joy ?) which fell there. I recollect the text and the sermon ; and I remember a pledge which I gave you. I have sometimes almost thought the time would come for me to redeem it, but not quite. It was something like this : " If tlie time ever comes that I shall cease to have the prayers and cooperation of Christians here, that day will be the last to see me in this pulpit." I hold it good yet to-day; and will be as ready to re- deem it at any future time, as I have been always in the past. I will not for a slight cause break the ties which bind us ; but I would not remain a day, if I thought that I had lost your regard and your prayers ; if there was even a respectable mi- nority cherishing such feelings. But when I bring that first Sabbath in connection with to- day, and mark the changes, it almost appalls me. Among the dead since, I reckon some of the best, the kindest, the truest friends I have ever had, or ever expect to have in this world. Some of them were great men in their day, and they stood in this sanctuary like pillars with wreathed capitals for ornament and for strength. They were " good men and full of the Holy Ghost ;" or they were " mothers in Israel " like Jael, Deborah, and Abigail. Women who knew how to pray, and who knew how to act. They had hearts and hands both. We might re- cite their names, but they do not need any eulogium. Tlieir memorial is in heaven, and there they are reaping their reward. Happy if we can make sure of the same rest, by imitating MEMORIAL SERMONS. 01 tlieir patience and their faith. Let ns strive as the_y did to enter in at tlie strait gate. On that morning, there was but one pLace in which to wor- sliip God in this vilhage, and even Avithin miles of it. Then the whole strength of Christian influence and example centred in one point ; and from this pnlpit went forth the only warning to a sin-enthralled world, IIow they have multiplied ! How various too the denominations, where all were one ! In the midst of the present variety, it is at least to be hoped that all may be pleased and profited. May it appear in the end that in the diversity of gifts there is one spirit. May that spirit be C/hrist's ; and may the work of Christ's grace be promoted. There is but one " church redeemed with blood," and but one " company of the saints around the throne;" but some do not seem to think so, and seem to hope in a change of forms and creeds to find an easier way to heaven. What chance of success they have it is easy to determine. The whole number of professing Christians in this church at the time of my settlement (and it was the whole number in the community) was about three hundred and fifty. Our two churches now contain about nine hundred. This one fact is suflicient to show what an extension of visible Christianity, at least, there has been as the effect of the means of grace ; and proves conclusively the necessity of onore churches, if not of so many denominational divisions. The strength of no one man could liave proved adequate to the labor connected with their instruction and edification ; and every Christian will rejoice that they have found in other com- munions what they could not have enjoyed so fully in ours, and will pray that they may be "built up in faith and good works," and " sanctified for heaven." To the original number of three hundred and fifty, there has been added since, four hundred and thirty-five — of which two hundred and fifty-three have made a confession of faith, and four ; which occurred in 1834r, when the congregation was divided by the organiza- tion of the second church ; and during which year, in conse- quence of being without a convenient place of worship, con- fined to the old lecture room, there was but one communion season observed by the church. Of the three hundred and fifty in the commmiion of the church at the time of my settlement, there are now only about fifty remaining in actual attendance on the spiritual ordinan- ces. All the others have either departed this life, or removed to other places. Such has been the effect of the lapse of time, and so rapid the changes which it has produced. Can you wonder that I feel this morning almost as if I were standing in the midst of another generation and ministering to another peo- ple ? The circumstance originates mingled emotions in my bo- som. It brings to my heart the memory of past joys, sweet and pleasant to the soul. With many who are gone I had formed pleasant associations, and often walked with them to the house of God. With others friendships were only commenced, destined to endure but for a little while and then pass away like those gleams of sunshine which break from a clouded sky. The recollection of the pleasure is saddened by regret for the lost. I see in it a picture of human life, with its transitory joys, its fading liopes, its failing promises. It is at best but a journey in which we become acquainted with various passengers, and then at its different stages part with them again, each one to pursue his own course and seek after his own interests. It is a troubled sea, navigated with a frail vessel, from which one and another is continually falling, to disappear forever beneath the foaming waves. We inquire for them, but the answer is. They ai-e gone. Gone ! Ah, where? Gone many of them to a long eternity. They shall not return to us, but we must go to them. Oh ! if we can oidy meet them on the happy shores of immortality. There^ there will be no partings nor farewells, but associations such MEMOKTAL SERMONS. C'3 as spirits Ibrm with spirits, and enjoyments sueli as flow from that higher life the full glory of which they taste ! But all is not sadness^ that this memory of the past, as it mingles itself with the present, produces. In place of the fathers here are the children. Individuals and families have happily perpetuated themselves, in many instances, in the communion and support of the church ; and the sad remem- brance of the departed mingles itself with the joyful recog- nition of those who remain. Ties in many instances have been severed with the one, only to be re-formed more pleas- antly and hopefully with the others. It has in this way been our privilege to see the covenant of God faithfully perpetuated and its blessings descending from fiithers to sons, and from mothers to daughters, to become a witness to the truth of the promise, "to you, and to your children, and to thorn tliat are afar off — even as many as the Lord our God shall call ;" and many a dying patriarch has been comforted concerning the church and the altars of his God, by the reflection that the place which he left vacant in his holy lionse would be filled after his departure by one bronght up upon his knees, and his falling mantle, like Elijah's, come upon the shoulders of some Elisha to carry on and complete the work which he com- menced. Nor is the fact without its interest in this point of view — that notwithstanding all the clumges, there are so many of Xhafast and tried friends of the church who have perpetua- ted themselves in its communion in their children. It ought to be so. The place where our fathers worshipped is rendered more sacred to us by that association. Is it not pleasant to think, and does it not add to the impressiveness of our worship, that these very walls which M'itnessed their joy and heard their prayers, witness ours ? Does it not make the scene more holy to ns to reflect that at this very communion table they also, who are now in heaven, sat down and were fed with living bread ? Can we ever consent to wander from these sacred ways where they found so much peace, and Avere so effectually sanctified for the enjoyment of everlasting bliss? The whole number reported as having been dismissed in good standing, and at their own request to become connected with other churches, is one hundred and sixty-two. Of this 04 MEMOEIAL SERMONS. number fifty-six went into the second 'cliurch, eitlier at the time of its organization or immediately afterward ; and at least thirty more have been separated from us for the purpose of effecting the organization of the different churches built up around us. The whole number is not large ; and the interest in these statistics is in the fact, that they so clearly demon- strate a warm feeling of attachment on the part of our mem- bers to their own communion. It is not a small thing that detaches from us any one who has once thrown in his lot here. Tlie members of this church have not been given to change. The majority of them at least, certainly, have never been troubled with itching ears. The force of circumstances alone has taken those from us who have come to ask for dismissions. There is hardly an instance where dissatisfaction with the church or the pastor has been the moving cause of a separation. May it always be so. Such bonds ought not to be easily or rudely sundered. Passion certainly should never furnish the motive ; and it is no commendation to any Christian to have been given to change, or to have belonged to many churches. He is seldom benefited by it ; and more seldom still better satisfied after the changes have been made. In twenty years, only sixty-three communicants are report- ed as having died. This number is unquestionably lower than the reality, but there are no means of correcting it, and we are therefore obliged to take it. It is to be accounted for in two ways. The deaths have not always been all reported, and some have died elsewhere, but not called for their dismission previously, so that we have had no means of ascertaining it until it was forgotten. In this way it becomes necessary every few years to correct the lists of communicants in order to preserve accuracy in numbers. The number, however, is sufiicient to originate many solemn reflections. In some instances, whole families are gone ; in others, there are one or two left ; while in others still, the " strong staff was broken and the beautiful rod ;" and yet in others, " tlie desire of eyes" has been " taken away with a stroke." The place of the dead has had to be enlarged, from the multitude crowding into it. In all these scenes, so mournful and moving, I have shared a part — into these habitations, filled MEMORIAL SERMONS. Gl) witli lamentation and wo, carried tlie consolations of Christ's blessed Gospel, tlie balm of wounded hearts. Some of those scenes can never be effaced from my memory. They will livi,' in vivid impressions among its records of the past, as long as consciousness remains. I count them jewels of the heart, and hope to derive from them a chastening power and a sanctify- ing influence ever while I live. I would not forget them if I could. I should regard the wish to do so as traitorous to myself, and a dereliction of a most sacred duty. But not- withstanding all our losses and all the changes going on around us, we have been able to preserve and gradually to increase our strength — at least in numbers. The communion has at times exceeded four hundred ; but this year it falls a little short of it. One thing ought to be remarked as an en- couragement — no more church organizations seem to be called for, and the increase of population will therefore, in a very short time, even with an ordinary blessing, restore all our wastes and close up all our breaches. Only the fathers who are gone can not return to us ; and yet God, who has power to raise up children unto Abraham out of the stones, may give us those who Avill be mightier in prayer, and faith, and good works than they were, to fill their places. It is a pleasing hope that it will be so ; let us indulge it. From this view of the changes we pass naturally to the labors of the past twenty years. In speaking of them, I feel it necessary to estimate them as Paul did his at Corinth, as being performed " in weakness and in much fear ;" and to avow that I am sensible of very many imperfections — probably more than any of you have ever observed. In preaching I have not studied to please men, but to speak " in demonstra- tion of the spirit and of power, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." No one can form a lower estinnite of the quality of my services than I do ; and a review of them gives occasion at least for //?/WM7/c^^^/o/^ if not for self-reproach. All I can say is this: I have done what I coidd ; I have not sought yours but you ; I have endeavored more to edify and instruct than to seek your npjilause; I have not kept back the counsel of God, but by alarming the sinner and attracting the self-righteous, sought to (36 MEMORIAL SERMONS. draw them to Clirist and humble them at the foot of the cross. If some have occasionally felt that I was too earnest, and search- ing, and exclusive in preaching a salvation only tJiroiigh grace and not by works, my answer is, that it is " so that I ha\-e learned Christ." I know of no other trust or foundation to rest upon " than Christ in you the hope of glory ;" and knowing of no other, I can not preach any other to the lost and mined. For me to do so, would be to invent another Gospel ; and this I would not do to gain the undivided applause of the whole world. I have yet to learn how the cross can be preached and the offense of it avoided. I do not wonder, therefore, that some have been found who could not endure such a cross, and have sought relief either by absence, or by adopting other denominational distinctions and another theology; or else forming other connections in the hope of being better pleased. For their satisfaction I now say, that it was always my aim to push them to such extremities as to force them to become Christians or to do something else. I know of no condition more pregnant with evil, than the state of a self-satisiied, un- godly man, and I have therefore labored to make all such men entirely dissatisfied with themselves. My study has been to knock from under them in succession every prop they were leaning upon. I know of no Gospel which will make an un- renewed man satisfied with himself, and I have never preached with such an aim — those who do are welcome to their success. [ might have daubed with untempered mortar, and been lauded to the skies. I could not purchase their smiles or their suj^port at the price demanded for them, and experience therefore no disappointment in the result. May they be happier and holier wliere they are ! In a very few instances, we might say, " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him tliat called you in the Gospel." In twenty years I have preached not far from two thousand sermons to my people ; one half of which have been written every word with this right hand. I say nothing of the toil and thought which have been required to perform such an amount of labor, because it has been a pleasure to me. I have loved this kind of employment, and been cheerful and happy under it. My estimate of what is the duty of a minister of MEMORIAL SERMONS. 67 Christ's word has been such as to make this course uecessary, I could have preached with far less study — perhaps with equal, if not greater acceptance, by preaching without the labor of composing ; but I have never dared to utter crude thoughts and " words without knowledge," or to bring husks to those who were hungering for the bread of life. At the conclusion of such a protracted course, I am ready to avow my convic- tions of it being the best; and, therefore, if it was again to be undertaken, I would not change my practice, at least in this respect. Besides sermons, I have preached some five hundred weekly lectures. In these I have studied freedom from logical order and restraint — endeavoring to bring in as wide a range of sub- jects and remark as was consistent with attention to the mind of Christ. The substance of many of these has been repeated more than once ; but the words, rising to my mind as the oc- casion and circumstances prompted, could never be recalled. In this way, even though tlic text were the same, it has often happened that almost an entirely new discourse has been called fort. Indeed, in all cases the natural variation pre- vented sameness. I have kept no account of the number of funeral sermons and catechetical lectures, and therefore can not estimate them except in general terms. They must, however, have amounted to five hundred or more. So that during the course of my ministry among you, I have at least on three thousand different occa- sions commended the Lord Jesus Christ to your regard, and urged you to accept of his mercy. There have been in all this time five hundred and sixty-four children admitted to the ordinance of baptism — and thirty- three adults on confession of their faith — making in all five hundred and ninety -seven baptisms. There have also been two hundred and twelve marriages, at which we have been present and officiated in confirming tlie sacred union. In these vari- ous services, joy and sorrow have often been brought in close proximity ; and I have been called even from the gnive of my fiither to the festive circle to mingle in the joy of the nuirriage supper. Human life is in many respects a strange scene, verg- ing rapidly from one extreme to anotlier ; but how much stran- G8 MEMORIAL SERMONS. ger is the life of a minister of the Gospel ! lie is often called from the house of mourning to the house of feasting. He sees life in all its various phases, from high to low — from the grave and solemn and serene to the extremes of joy and sorrow. He is present with all as a friend, a counselor, a helper ; and seems to be equally necessary to each one. To enable him to meet all the calls thus made upon him, he needs an iron frame; and untiring perseverance : jierves capable of enduring the pressure of the most various circumstances ; the purity and love of an angel mingled with the prudence of the most perfect wisdom ; and yet all these high qualities and gifts would not suffice to save him from becoming the occasion of offense to some, falling under the reproach of others, and doing acts of kindness to maiiy, from whom he receives no acknowledgment or gratitude. It is not a soft pillow upon which a minister lays his head, and if he makes his calculations of finding ease and pleasure, there is no one man more certain of being disap- pointed. Nor have the vicissitudes, of which Ave have been speaking, all been witnessed in your habitations. In my own, too, joy and sorrow ha\'e been interchanging guests. Sickness once laid its sore hand upon me ; and twice has death come knock- ing at my door ! My beautiful, my angel child sleeps where so many of yom* parents and children sleep ; but I mourn not as those who have no hope. " God hath done all things well." I often see her among those who wear white robes in heaven, one of those " little ones" of which the Saviour has said, " of such is the kingdom of God ;" and when faith is clear, rejoice that I have one child in Paradise enjoying the beatitudes of immortality. The twenty years whicli I have spent in the service of this church, constitute the best portion of my life. I have gather- ed, it is true, a larger experience than I brought here ; and have accumulated stores of knowledge Avhile pursuing the duties of i]iy calling. The advantage of these you may expect to enjoy ; but I can not promise any greater activity, any increase of ardor, any higher vigor. Like many of those wdio now constitute " the bone and sinew" of this church, after a few more years, my life will pass into the sear and yellow leaf, and the autumn MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 69 of its (lays come on. "We liave lived in liarmonj so lono-, that I cherish no apprehensions but that we shall he able to con- tinue it to the end. Where I have buried my dead it may bo that my ashes will also rest ; and when my work is done, that I shall leave only the memorial of a grave by which to hold a place in the thoughts of the living. If it should be so, may I meet yon all in heaven to spend a happy eternity in the enjoy- ment of the rest of God. What blessedness to have all my friends with me in glory ! When I look back to-day over the past years, many pleasing inemories likewise rise up to view. I have to acknowledge almost universal kindness, respect, and attention, on tlie part of all the members of this congregation. When I look over the face of this wdiole audience I see a friend in CYery one. In many of you such firm, fast, tried, lasting friends, as few minis- ters, even in our happy connection, have been permitted to claim. There are even some of the J^athers here who selected me as their pastor and sent for me ; to doubt them would bo to doubt mankind, and disavow all faith in truth and honoi'. Here, too, are others who have cast in their lot with us, and already proved that they are not a whit behind the foremost and the best, in devotion to the chui-ch and willingness to main- tain her interests ; and a noble band of youth, strong in their love of the truth, earnest in their piety, and ardent in their do- sire not to prove themselves unworthy of the just expectations formed of their character as men and as Christians ; besides many godly women whoso hearts have always been warm, and whose hands have ever been ready, where any affection was to be shown and any work to be done — they are all here and will be here, until God has need of them in his higher work, and translates them to his own house in heaven ! There is, however, one thought which comes in like a dark cloud, tool)scure the sunshine which illumines this happy dav- it is the knowledge that there are some here in the same condition in which they were here twenty years ago. They were strangers to renewing grace then, and they are strangers to renewing grace now. They have been warned of their danger, reasoned with, expostulated with, and entreated, but all in vain. Twenty years of Sabbaths and gospel privilogos 5 70 , MEMORIAL SERMONS. is no small item in the account of eternity. How will they meet it ? What can I do for them ? I know of no argn- ments to prevail with them which have not been employed, no depths in the love of Christ Avhicli have not been displayed, 710 heights in his mercy which have not been shown, no at- tractions in his cross which have not been unfolded, no joys flowing from communion with God which have not been paint- ed, no power in heavenly things which has not been urged again and again ! I can not preach stronger, clearer, more earnestly, or more affectionately than I have preached. I can not tell you any more of Jesus than I have told you ; nor can r paint the value of your souls in stronger colors than I have painted it. What, then, can be done for you ? Must I leave you 'i Ixave you ! where ? In sin — enemies to God and his govern- ment — unregenerated and unmatured for heaven ! To lea^o you where you are, is to leave you to perish, with all your sins upon your souls. I can not leave you thus. You must hear me to-day, if you have never been willing to hear me before. You must not leave me to Avitness against you at the bar of God, when I come to give an account of my stewardship as your ])astor ! You must come to Christ ! Above all others you are bound to repent and believe on the Saviour. So much grace has been expended upon you, so much long suffering has waited on you, so much compassion has entreated you, that vou must not throw it all away, and like a mariner perishing in sight of land, die on the borders of heaven. There is an obliii'ation upon you which rests not upon others. You have had vour cup of mercies running over. You are Chorazinand Bethsaida in the days of Christ, " exalted to heaven," and if you are recreant to all at last, you will like them be thrust down to hell— the lowest, darkest, most des^^airing portion in the '• horrible pit." Oh ! how much the misery of the lost will be increased by their mercies and Sabbaths on earth. AVhat sorrowful reflections will be inspired by these solemn assemblies where God comes to woo and to win us to himself ! My dear friends, you must not leave your Saviour. You must not let the world ensnare you and cheat you out of your souls. They are too valuable to be trifled with. Tlte estimation of them in the sight of God is too high, for you to barter them MEMORIAL SERMONS. 71 for a promise wliicli will prove to be but an empty shadow. Hear us then, when we plead with 3'ou to-day, though you may have refused to hear for twenty years ; and as you liear turn tu God and live. Nor would we forget another and an opposite class of our hearers to-day — the rising youth. To them my heart turns with infinite yearnings. Many of them I have consecrated to God by sprinkling upon theni the Avater of baptism ; and all their life long, I have prayed that God would add his bless- ing, and sprinkle upon them clean ivate7\ that they may be clean — communicating the regenerating influences of the Holy Spirit to make them new creatures, the children of God. Many of them I have instructed carefully in the excellent formulas of our faith, and made them acquainted with the way of life. Should I not rejoice to see them entering upon it ? My young friends, when I think how soon you are to be in the place of your fathers and mothers, the responsibilities of the church and the w^orld resting upon you, I feel the deepest solicitude that 3^ou should prove yourselves worthy of your privileges, your instruction, and your oi:)portunities. More is anticipated from you than from them, because you have grown up under a bet- ter train of influences, and have enjoyed what was denied to them. You must be better Christians than they have ever been. Your benevolence must be larger, your zeal warmer, your piety more active. This age of the church calls you to many duties from w'hich, in providence, they were exempt. There are things for you to do, Avhicli they had not the privi- lege of doing. All our missionary operations and our Sabbath- schools are lights of this generation ; and they open to you wider departments of labor, and furnish pleasing opportunities of displaying a Christianity of a purer typo, than that which performed the duties and met the responsibilities of the past generation. Let the examples of the Scriptures encourage you. Samuel, the chief among the prophets under the Old Testament, ministered to God in his childhood — his mother " lent him to the Lord," and he grew up, as it were, in the very temple of God. Josiah, one of the very best of the kings, had a heart that was tender toward God in his tender years. AVhen Christ Avas on earth, and the priests and the Sanhc- 72 MEMORIAL SERMONS. (.Irim rejected and insulted liim, tlie children went out to meet liim in the way, and sang joyful ITosannas in his praise. Timothy, one of the most interesting characters in the Kew Testament, and one of the most successful among the early mis- sionaries of Christ's Gospel, was from a child acquainted with the Scriptures, "which are ahle to make us wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ." l^ay, there is a point of higher interest still to he remarked in the piety of this young apostle. He was a child of the covenant — " the faith that was in him had dwelt first in his grandmother Lois, and in his mother Eunice." Like some of you he was born of prayers and baptized early with the dews of divine influences. The house in which he grew up had been a Bethel, where God was present often, even when unknown. Oh ! if Timothy, the son of such parents and privileges, had proved recreant to his holy obligations, what a wretch he must have been ! And yet there are such in this world of sin — sons who renounce their bap- tism, shame the piety of their parents, and deliberately turn away, even from that heaven where those parents are living and waiting to receive them, for the sake of the baubles and the lies of this deceitful world. My young friends, let me warn you against this — let me entreat you to avoid so un- natural a sin. Devote your early years to wisdom, and give your young affections to Christ and heaven. God claimed in ancient times the " first-fruits" for himself. Carry your " green ears" to the sanctuary, and lay them upon the altar as an offering and an emblem of the consecration of your- self, soul and body, to be the Lord's. Give the pleasures of sin to those who know of no better portion. They are at best but vain delights. Their honeycomb has always a sting in it : and it is like the little book of John, sweet in your mouth, but wormwood and gall when you have eaten it. Keligion offers you in their place " sjnritucil delights, sweet and pleasant to the soul." It will bring you to a banquet- ing house," and spread over you such a banner of love," that you will be made to rejoice with " joy unspeakable and full of glory." In regard to the future — I neither have any new plans of usefulness to announce, nor any methods or measures of doing MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 73 <]^ood to recommend, with wliicli you are not already acquainted. I have not in fact even any new promises to malce. I do not expect to Labor more than I liave done, to preach in a different way, or indeed to try any experiments whatever : but as long as I remain the pastor of this church, I shall preach what I think to be the truth — truth as I learn it in the Bible ; and I shall not preach it any the less because it is unwelcome to some, but the more / because in the unwelcomeiiess I shall find both the need of it and the motive to enforce it. I shall ex- pect the cooperation, sympathy, support, countenance, and prayers of all the pious among my people. I must have them. The claim is not put forth as a favor, it is demanded as a right — and if you withhold these things from me you will d*) yourselves more harm than you will do me. I may in such an issue seek another place, and secure from others what you deny, but you can not avoid the consequences of delinquency in a duty so important. I shall expect that these prayers will be something more than a form ; for the form and the words are nothing without the heart, without faith. " Eight believ- ing," says one, " is powerful praying." The knees, eyes, and tongue bear the least share in prayer. The whole of the work lies upon the soul, and particularly upon faith in the soul, which is the life and power of prayer. Faith can pray with- out words, but the most eloquent words, even the " tongues of angels," are not wortliy to be called prayer witliout faith. This is not only a solemn truth, but an important reality. And now, in conclusion, let me remind you that one volume of our mutual accountability, as jiastor and people, is closed ; and another commences to-day. In the past, alas, there is too much written against us ! Records of neglect and an imper- fect spirit testify to the want of zeal and love in the service of our God — records which we shall not be able to meet at the judgment seat of Christ, uidess tlic pardoning l)lood of tlic Saviour shall be imputed to us to wash their guilt away. Let us first seek for grace, to enable us to secure to ourselves tlic cfHcacious virtue of that Ijlood, and then let us arm our souls Avitli faith, and so warm them with love — love to God as the effect of communion with liim around the mercy seat — that in all the future we shall be enabled to abound so much in M'orks 74 MEITOEIAL SERMONS. of righteousness, as to "prove our title clear to mansions in the skies." "VVe are standing, many of us, on the borders of Immamiel's land. We can almost look across the dark vale, and see the shining hills on the immortal shores ; we can almost hear the music that is swelling there, as they sing and are joyful in God. Let the thought of this home cheer our spirits amid the toils of the way, and strengthen us to run patiently the race set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Oh ! it will be sweet indeed for the weary to come and rest " on Canaan's calm and peaceful shore ;" and before another twenty years have run their course, many who are here now, will be there. Oh ! that avo might all be sure of coming there at last. Let us all strive so to live as to consummate this highest good. And now may the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect in every good word and work, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. THE FIFTH MEMOPJAL SERMON. Pkeached Oct. 1st, 1857. A P R O r E i; A X D PROFITABLE R E M K M B R A N C E . " Call to remembrance the former days." — II eb. 10 : 32. In our text, this reminiscence of tlio past is referred to fc»r tlie purpose of increasing the confidence of the Hebrew C/hristians in the favor and protection of God, -wliile suffering the obloquy and persecution of their enemies. It is not, there- fore, witli the same design that we propose to " call to renieni- l)rance former days," for we have had no such oblocpiy to meet, and no such afflictions to endure. Our reminiscences of tlie past reveal tnercy and not judgment j and we have more of the kindness of our God to record than any visitation of his anger against our sins to acknowledge or to deplore. AVc can truly say, " Loving-kindness and tender mercies have fol- lowed us all the days of our life," and by the help of God we continue until the present time the witnesses of his long-suf- fering favor. This is the twenty-iifth anniversary of our settlement in the pastoral charge of this congregation, and we propose to im- prove it by a special recognition. We have been accustomed to notice this event at intervals of five years, and this is the fifth anniversary. For a quarter of a century, we liave stood in this place, preaching the Gospel of the grace of God to this congregation. It is a long time to minister to one people ; and the fact of the pastoral relation having continued for o many years, must bring up to view many things worthy to be recollected and recorded. It is bv no means common, in this 76 MEMORIAL SERMONS. age of fickleness, excitement, and perpetnally recnrring novel- ties, for a minister and his peoj^le to continue so long united. It must certainly be owing as mucli to your steadfastness, as it can be to my faithfulness and earnestness in the perform- ance of my duties. Many a pastor, more faithful than I have been, has been rudely discarded and dismissed ; while not a few have allowed themselves to be attracted by more inviting fields, or the prospect of less onerous service, and have left their people to mourn ! I feel, therefore, and you ought also to feel, that we have mutually reason to thank God, not only that these ties have not been sundered, but that they are, apparently, more lasting and tender to-day than at any for- mer period of our connection. It is not in a spirit of boasting that I call you to witness publicly that " I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God," and that I have kept back nothing of all that I have been taught, either of doctrine or of practice, as essential to life and godliness ; and it is certainly no slight commendation of your Christian character and your love of the truth, that you have been willing to hear it all. That I have always been wise in the mode and time of utterance is more than I feel at liberty to claim, but whatever faAlure there may have been in the ex- hibition of truth, or the improvement of providential dispensa- tion, your charity has been abundantly willing to excuse it. One thing I w^ill affirm, that I have never intended, by per- sonal allusions, to wound any one ; nor have I ever left the Gospel to preach on " the topics of the day," or to favor the peculiar views of any set of men, on politics or any thing else ; and of the propriety of this course I am more than ever con- vinced. I might have gained notoriety, produced excitement, and been lauded by certain persons, if I had pursued another course ; but I have preferred to be faithful to my duty, and to honor the Gospel, rather than seek any temporary advantage or ephemeral eclat ! In " calling to remembrance former things," and especially in the review which I propose to take of the last five years of my ministry here, there are both trials and joys which claim notice. Life is always made up of these two predominant tilements. It is like a picture composed of light and shade. MEMORIAL SERMONS. 77 Both are necessary to a proper and proportionate exlin)itIon of the objects represented. It is the contrast wliich brings them out in their mutual reLatiou to one another, and shows their dependence and connection. I begin, then, witli some of the sad memories of these years. How can we ever forget that we are living among the dying ? Death is always stand- ing at our door, waiting the permission of God's providence to enter and do his work ; and if he has not found admittance into all our houses, it is because the angel of the covenant has guarded them and kept the entrance closed. Where he has come, he has been the messenger of woe, and his presence has been known by sorrow and tears. In this respect I have been no more favored than yourselves. If j^ou have carried darlings to the tomb, so have I ; and if some of your hearts have been painfully tried in these sad bereavements, so has mine. An- other of my little ones sleeps in yonder cemetery — and the sorrow came in an unexpected hour, and far from liome; but shall I therefore refuse to bless God and bow to his sovereign will ? I can not ! I feel thankful that anotlier one is safe from the snares of sin ; that I have anotlier child in heaven ; another tie to bind me to the things tliat are above ; anotlier motive to live to God and press onward to that glorious prize which is set before us. God intends these things for our good ; he tells us so, and that is enough ! In reviewing, however, the progress of the great destroyer in the midst of us, we have rather occasion for tJicmlfalness that he has removed so few, than any real cause for grief on ac- count of those who have been called and taken. Our old men, and wise men, and godly men are most of them spared to us to enable them to edify the church a little longer by their prayers and example ! Few churches can boast of so many. Two have numbered more tlian fourscore and ten years ; and others are approaching fourscore ! But, while we notice the preservation of the fathers as occasions of thankfulness, we are also obliged to record with regret those who are not. Jolm Garretson, John Herder, Frederick Cox, Peter Tillman, John 1). Cannnan, Isaac Uavis, Christian Miller, Job Squire, and Ferdinand Yander- vcer are here no more ! To us they arc not, for God has taken them. Thcv have fullilled the duties of their calling in the - 78 MEMOEIAL SERMONS, clinrch below, and are united with the church above, enjoying in its fullness the rich grace of that Saviour whom thej pro- fessed before men, and served in sincerity all the days of their lives. A glorious transition it is indeed, when time becomes eternity, and we exchange this world of sorrow and sin for the bliss of heaven ! "With what wonder and gratitude must their eyes have opened upon the splendors of the Kew Jerusalem, and the throne of the great King ; and with what rapture must they have heard the songs of the blessed in heaven ! No Avonder that the apostle felt it to be " far better to depart and be with Christ." I^o wonder that the saint, when heaven in all its glory and rapture opens to his view, longs to be released, and cries out in his anxiety for its " hallowed rest," "Come quiclvl}', come, Lord Jesus!" Oh! that it may be so with us when we are called away ! May we have a holy calm in our liearts, and a bright hope of heavenly fellowship in our souls, and the eye of faith piercing completely through the gloom of the narrow vale and looking upon the Canaan beyond, assuring us that there are the mansions of rest in our Father's house waiting for us ! We shall then, indeed, scarcely " feel death's cold embrace," while " Christ is in our arms" and our souls are borne away in " songs of most surpassing grace," up to the very presence-chamber of the Divine Being himself ! It is a 2)rimlege to die when we can so calmly breathe our spirits away in the arms of Christ ! Kor can we fail to speak also of those " mothers in Israel," several of whom have now been kept so long, by increasing infir- mities, from the house of God and from the communion-table. Under a weight of years and wasting feebleness, they have been still able to maintain a strong faith, and testify habitu- ally of the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Waiting for the coming of the Redeemer to release them from the bonds of clay, they are looking with anxious expectation to the hour of their departure, " hoping in the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ," and prepared to hear him say, " Come up higher !'* Tlie mansions in our Father's house'are prepared, and a seat at his right hand waiting, and they will soon go to rest in it. There care will cease and sin no more annoy, wliile the rapture of glory fills the joyful soul. MEMORIAL SERMONS. 79 Among those " wlio are not," ^ve may mention Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Toms, Mrs. Dollwer, Mrs. Yoorliees, Mrs. Conklin, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Bangliam, Mrs. Doty, Mrs. Cammann, Mrs. Yreedenburgli, Mrs. Yan Yegliten, Mrs. A. Yoorliees, and Mrs. P. Yoorliees, Mrs. Garretson, Mrs. Quick — all " godly women," who lived by faith and died in peace, after witnessing a good confession. In this way, while the number of our cliurch on earth has been diminished, the number of the church in heaveu has been increased. We have lost, but they have gained. The savor of their holy life, and the encouragement of their exemplary piety, is ours no more, but the triumph of redeem- ing grace in sanctifying and perfecting souls for heaven has l)een completed. It is God who hath wrought all this, and therefore it is not for us to complain. Their absence from the family circle has, in many ways, been painfully felt, but their joys are complete, and so our loss is their gain. Even their ilesh rests in hope, waiting the sound of the archangers trump and the voice of God to wake the sleeping dead, and perfect in them tlie beauty of renovated life ; and when the morning of the resurrection dawns, and the Prince of life claims all the trophies of his conquest, they will appear with him in glory to inlierit the rest Avaiting for the people of God. This is a glorious hope indeed ! It revives the courage of the saints in their pilgrimage of sorrow, and sheds its light upon the soul in the dying hour. All God's people may have the comfort of it, and, like the apostle, feel that " to die is gain." May it be ours when we see the dark shadows gathering around our last day, and our timd farewells are t(,) be said. Other changes have resulted from the force of circumstan- ces. Providence has called some of our members to other portions of the vineyard, and they have been honorably dis- missed with a cheerful benediction ; while a few have given preference to other communions in our immediate vicinity, and have left us. One tiling, however, 'deserves to be remarked, and that is the uniform steadfastness which a very large pro- portion of those who have been received into fellowship in this church have manifested for it in their permanent attach- ment. Discipline is rarely necessary, and complaints that any 80 MEMOEIAL SERMONS. are carried away by otlier " winds of doctrine" are almost en- tirely prevented. In so large a communion as ours, this feature is remarkable. Divisions are unknoM'n. Fends are discounte- nanced. Alienations seldom occur. The bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood are too strong and permanent for disruption. It may safely be stated as a fact, that at no previous time in its long history has this church been more perfectly of one mind than at this moment. This is a cause of thankfulness and encouragement, and presents an aspect of hopefulness for the future which it is delightful to contemplate. If it shall continue, we may hope that there will soon be experienced a blessing which will gladden every heart that loves and prays for the prosperity of Zion. And. why shall it not be so ? " Be- hold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity !" A united church is a strong church. The Holy Spirit is a spirit of peace, and loves to seal, with quicken- ing and sanctifying influences, the hearts of all those that pray for the peace of Jerusalem ! We turn noAV to consider some of the lights which enter into the picture we are endeavoring to sketch. The past live years have been years of prosperity to our beloved church. Prayer has been mercifully answered, and converting grace bestowed in numerous instances. "While there has been no wide and extended revival of religion to gladden us, no excitement which has moved masses and affected multitudes, there has been what is more desirable— a constant, a pleasant, and a healthful growth in the church ! Not one communion season has passed in which some have not come forward to take upon themselves the vows of God, and attest the living power of the Gospel. This is one of the most remarkable features in our history. Few churches can claim such remembrance before God. Few, indeed, are so highly favored. More com- monly a season of ingathering is succeeded by long seasons of barrenness, in which aridity and death prevail ; but upon our heritage the dew of heaven has constantly descended, and every year has been fertilized with refreshing influences, and yielded its harvests ! The whole number received during the last Ave years is one hundred and twelve, more than twenty in each year. Of this MEMORIAL SERMONS. 81 miinber seventy-nine liave made confession of faith, more than sixteen in each year ; and thirty-three have come from otlicr chnrclies. This increase, notwithstanding the deaths whicli have occurred, and the constant pressure upon us from the organization and growth of new churches around us, lias kept our numbers equal to what they have ever been even in our most prosperous times ; and the wdiole number in communion to-day is only three less than it has been at any time when the number of families was far greater, and the district of country embraced by the congregation much larger; while there are nearly one hundred more than there were when this church stood alone and included all the professors of religion in this whole region, where there are now five other churches, besides two others which were formed imrtly from families once in connection with us. If we had ever been disposed to give way to despondency, this would forbid it. If we had ever feared that the Lord might withdraw his favor from us, this would dispel it. But we have not been disheartened. We have seen no reason to be ! In all our losses we have recognized the hand of providence, and been prepared to bid those God-speed who " went out from us," to prepare for themselves a more con- venient place in which to worship and enjoy the instruction of the Gospel. The largest number added to the church in any one of the last five years was thirty-two, and the smallest eighteen. And this again is remarkable — remarkable as an evidence of the special favor and blessing of God. In how many places are there barren years % In how many are they re])eated until hope is well-nigh wearied out ! Many churches think they are favored in welcoming two or three to their connnunion, and they are right. It is a great blessing — it is a sufficient blessing — to encourage eflbrt, when only one sinner is con- verted to God. But our covenant-keeping God, in his kind- ness to us, has enabled us to reckon our increase by the score ! It is to be recognized as a memorial of his faithfulness, and not gloried in on account of any thing we have done ! The truth is, this is evidently holy ground. These altai-s where wo worship have been hallowed by the prayers of so many good raen, who have stood here before us, to proclaim '"the un- 82 MEMORIAL SERMONS. searchable riches of Christ," tliat the Holy Spirit seems to de- light to linger around them, shedding down his choicest in- fluences upon the dispensation of his holy word, and working in humble and penitent hearts his richest gifts and graces. If it is true that "wherever he records his name, that is Zion, there he dwells," how much more must it be true that he de- lights to be where he pours down in perpetual streams the influences of his grace and love, to convert sinners and edify the people of God. It is a privilege indeed for the church to liave such an inheritance of perpetual blessing in the faith and prayers of those who have labored for her good, and prepared for heaven in her communion. It will redound to her future increase and her perpetual prosperity. The prayer that is laid up before God and waits an answer is just as valuable and just as Aveighty as that which is now daily ascending u]> before him from the assemblies of his saints. They are both memorials which his people have presented, and which he stands pledged to recognize and answer, by His covenant en- gagements. His faithfulness in either it is not right to doubt ; and he will make this manifest in his own time ! Think, then, how much future good there must be in store for us ; how much we owe to the piety of those holy men and women, Avho in past years have borne this church in all its interests so faithfully and so frequently before the throne of grace ; and how confldent Ave should be that, in days to come, the Lord Avill remember his covenant, and send the early and latter rain in its season, multiplying the plants in his vineyard, and making those flourishing and green which are already planted there ! Certainly there are days of blessing in store for this church, and whether I shall minister here, or another, they w^ill come and be enjoyed ; and those who see them will be glad and rejoice in beholding the right hand of the Lord. Every year that I live and labor as a minister increases my conviction of our absolute dependence upon the influence of the Holy Ghost, to give the word eflicacy and to convert sinners. Every year that I live convinces me more and more, not of the vanity only, but also of the mischievousiiess, of all contri- vances, measures, and plans w^hich look more to a human ao-ency than to one that is divine, in carrying forward the' MEMORIAL SERMONS. 83 work of the cliurcli. It is of God, of God absolutely, to in-- clirie us " to vu'dl and to do, of his own good pleasure."' •' Every good and every perfect gift cometh down from tlie Father of lights ;" and our hope and confidence in their con- tinuance is, that " with iiim there is no variableness, nor any shadow of turning." Prayer has prevailed in the world ; it has prevailed in securing blessings of a most extraordinary charac- ter, and of a most gracious efficiency upon this very church ; and prayer has lost none of its power. It can be employed with tlie same success and effect now, and in all our future exigencies, that it has been in the past. Tliis is certain. " The effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man ever availeth much." It ever lias been so ; it ever will be so ; and we must reinember this, and engage our hearts constantly and fervently in pleading with God. This church has lived in prayer, been built up and rendered prosperous by prayer ; and in the future can only be preserved by its continuance. Tlie ricliest inheri- tance that God has given to it — and he has given it much — is to be found in the prayers of those godly men and women who have loved this Zion, and so earnestly sought her good ! We thank his grace that there are so many ; and we value their power before the throne more than all the wealth and worldly influence that others have brought to her, or may hereafter bring ! Tliese have their appropriate spheres, and are not to be despised ; the other is an absolute necessity which no cliurch can do without and eminently prosper. It would not be proper that I should pass in silence over the kind leave of absence which was extended to me by the con- sistory and members of this church in the summer of ISS-l, which enabled me to see " foreign lands," and to refresh mind and l)ody with travel, or the pecuniary assistance which was offered on that occasion. I have never regretted tlie time or the money expended for that purpose; on the contrary, I tliiuk the only mistake was in not doing it sooner. You would then have experienced the benefit of it earlier as well as myself. There is an enlargement of mind, a correction of misappre- hensions, a realization of things both of interest and imjwr- tance ; an understanding of history, and a conception of men and governments, resulting from such a tour, which can be 84 MEMORIAL SERMONS. acquired in no other way. I feel that now I know things Avjiich I never could have known — know them as 1 could not liave conceived of them, but from actual sight and acquain- tance. History is to me a new world ; pomp and power and royalty more vain than ever. After having sat . down upon the thrones of half the kings of Europe, and done it probably Avitli quite as much comfort as they ever did themselves, it seems to me a small thing to he a king, but a high and noble one to be 2ifree Tnan, the citizen of a free land., where every one is a sovereign — and so more than a king — in his own sphere of action ; for many of them live in sad trepidation, and are more enslaved than the very people whom they so much oppress. It is a miserable system in every way, tliis absolute power. I have brought home with me convictions in regard to our Protestantism, our free Bible church, in its connection Avith our civil rights and the preservation of our political in- stitutions, which I could not have had but for what I have seen abroad. I feel that in having here " a church without a bishop, and a state without a king," we have a boon granted, by the ftivor of God, to no one else ; and I am afraid when any one proposes to bring the first one in, for I know so well liow soon and how certainly he will in his turn help to bring in the second ! I have no patience with those who propagate among us the customs and opinions of the Old World, I care not whether they be political or religious. It oifends me to hear our in- stitutions lightly spoken of and undervalued ; and I can not lielp thinking that any man Avho allows himself, on any account, or in connection with any subject which he may be discussing, even by implication, to say that the blessed union of these free States can ever be annulled, ought to be publicly reprimanded, if not punished ; and I do not care who lie is, or in what connection, or for what end, he may commit the offense. There are some things too sacred to be touched ; some too important to be questioned ; some which we guard with such tenderness that we will not allow any one even to approach them ; and this to me is such a one ! Now, this I can not help, after what I have seen ; for I think at once of the op- pressed peoples of the Old World. There I realized, for the first time, how low this glorious image of God impressed upon man MEMOKIAL SERMON.^. 85 can be degraded I How vile tlii.- beiiiij:;, made in tliat imago, can l>e rendered! I have seen men -wlio seemed to liave bnt little more self-respect tlian brutes, and but little more ambitioii than a Avorni ; and I have seen who made them so — the king, the noble, the ])riest ! And how do thej keep them so ? I>y l-<'i'p'uh(j them diculed. AV'hat could not Italy — poor priest- I'idden Italy I — do to-day if she was only united? And Ger- many, that noble, beantif 111. and mighty land, full of strong men aiul great thinkers, how is Ciermany kept under that galling yoke, and almost the last drop of her blood sucked out of her veins by a horde of petty little princes, so despicable for their Avantof maidiood,tliat if we had them here we would spit upon them and spurn them from our streets ! Germany is di\ided ; Germany is just what we will be if our Union is ever broken, and this comes to be a divided countr}', nnule up of separate states with separate and conflicting interests. I know I am approachiug things which are considered to belong to other men, and to other connections ; but upon this subject I will not be silent. It is vital to every thing! It is the keystone to the whole arch. Tak'c it away, and the whole building be- comes a mass of ruins. Our state not only, but our churches, would soon fail ; and as long as I hav^e breath I will protest against this worse than suicide, and brand every man as a trmtov who fjivors it. These pleasant Sabbaths Avhicli w(; now so much enjoy ; these blessed spiritual intiuences, under the culture of which our souls are rij^ening for heaven; this ivstraining sense of religious obligation, Avhich guards our children from the seducticuis of vice; these peaceful family circles, in whicli religion difiuses its hallowed control — I can iu)t see them destroyed ; they would all be if such a thiui:; should happen. Our free commerce, and onr personal libertv to go and come as we please, would likewise have an end, and even our life itself would hardly i-ctaiu any thiii^- worth naming enjoyment; and for me to stand by and see the wav prepared for it all, in silence, is more than I can do ! There is a hecuity which to be known must be seen, for it can not be described ; and there is pleasure which, to be felt, must be realized, or a sense of it can not be brought home to the mind. So there ai'c delicate acts of kindness, a thouirhtful 86 .AlEMOPJAL SEJmOXS. (onsideration for tli3 feslings of others, a wakeful attention to their Avants, a deference to their opinions and sentiments, to their trials and griefs, which is to be experienced in order to he known, for it can not be written or spoken! How much of this, liow timely, how affectionate it has been, and how often repeated on the part of many of my people, I can not exhibit in any sensible v/ay. But it is treasm-ed np in my hearU and memory will love to recall it and dwell npon it, nntil death comes and silences its pulsations and chills up the fountain of its emotions ! Every tiling^ it is true, has not heen of this character, and the conduct oi every one has not been so considerate and tender toward me ; bnt as we live to err we should also live to forgive ; and when I come to review the whole of my personal intercourse with my people, I can not but feel thankful that there has been so little that I could even wish had been otherwise ! When I look over the audience which assembles before me on the Sabbath morning, they are all my friends. I feel I could trust them all with my welfare and my most treasured sentiments, Avithout any distrust. This is no small comfort. It has a tendency to warm my heart when I am engaged in speaking to them the words of life. It draws out yearning and earnest desires, when I bear their interests up before the mercy-seat. It gives importunity to my plead- ing's that they would be wise and consider their latter end. The comfort of it is mine, but the benefit is theirs. It is just as it should be, for it helps me to preach to them, to pray for them, and to labor to do them good. It makes my whole effort in study and in preaching an offering of affection ! I could not have done what I have, had it been otherwise ; and when it ceases, I shall be content to cease to preach to them or to pray for them ! Twenty-five years — a quarter of a centmy ! It is a long- time for any man to stand before any people and preach to them. Think what it implies : 2600 sermons, 1300 lectures, half as many catechizings ; besides the funerals which have been attended, the sick-beds visited, the affiictod comforted, the anxious instructed, the erring reclaimed ! And you have always come here on the morning of the Sabbath expecting to hear things new rather than old, things to edify, instruct. MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 37 uud comfort you. If 3'ou ]i:ivc been sonietimes disappointed, there is certainly nothing strange in that, it might easily have been far more frequent ! " Who is sufficient for these things?" Are the treasures of the mind never to be ex- hausted? ,Can any liuman soul be always so fresh and active and self-renewing as to be proof against weariness and a perpetual taxing of its powers ? Let me warn you not to expect too much. There is a limit to every thing — to know- ledge, to thought, to fancy, to feeling ! In these twenty -five years you have had presented to }'ou m\- best thoughts, my most strenuous efforts — the cream of my life ! What I have done has been done cheerfully, and from a sense of duty. It has been done earnestly and for your good ; and, on a review of it, I may say without disguise, " I have done what I could !" I have been honest and earnest in the efforts which I have made to instruct and edify all M'ho have waited on my ministry, and I can not do any thiu"- more or better than this in the future. And now, as to tln& future, I can not toll what Providence maj direct. But one thing I do know, I shall be willing to stay, or willing to go, whenever and Avherever the path of duty may be made clear. If there is one feeling which grows stronger and stronger every day in my consciousness, it is that I am not my own — that I can not devise iny own wavs, nor tell wliat a day may bring forth. I see a sj^ecial guiding Providence in }nj beiug here to-day, and, seeing it, I am con- tent ! What he points out to me, I mean to do ; -where he directs, I mean to stay ; and when he calls me, I mean to go ! More than e\'er can I say, " O God I do thou thy will : I will be still, I will not stir !" I have many pleasant thoughts to-day. I look around and see here a multitude whom I claim as my cliihh'on, and the seals of my ministry ! and indeed there is not a small number.. They are not all here, for some have already " been taken uj) higher,''' and are •'entered into their rest,'' and some have re- moved to other places ; l)ut if they wore all here, there Avould lie some three hundred and twenty all told — almost a congregation in themselves. Ihit there are enough to give tone and senti- ment to the church; and should I not feid safe witli thi'Ut 88 MEMORIAL SER]\[ONS, — a freedom to s])cak to them, and an assurance of kind con- sideration and affection ? I do feel it. 1 liave a right to feel it ! I know their hearts and I confide in them ! I wonld be asliamed if I did not do it, sorely grieved if one of them shonld fail me ! I liave a word to tliem to-daj. I speak to them as children, and I say, " See that ye walk worthy of the vocation where- M'ith ye are called." I rejoice in your piety and devotion to the cause of Christ, In your attachment to this church, its doctrines and its ordinances; in the prayers which I know you are constantly putting up before the throne of grace, for its prosperity and for me its pastor! The assurance that I liave those i)rayers strengthens me. I feel honored in the high tone of piety which many of you manifest, and in your zeal in the cause of the blessed Master. " Ye are our epistle, known and read of all men ;" and Avhilc you prosper and increase in sanctification we shall rejoice. Those who do not stand in this tender relation to me, I know will excuse this special reference. It is not intended to imply that no others have the same confidence, or inspire the same feelings ; for to many of them I sustain the most intimate connection. jSTo one ever thinks of reproaching a parent be- cause he best loves his children, nor does he feel neglected in the expression of that love. It is so Jiere. To my own children in the faith I can not but feel special attachment, and express in them the fullest confidence; and I know it will never, in any number of instances, be betrayed I And there are others still: how shall I speak of them ? and what shall I say ? I have said all that it is possible for ]ue to say, and all that I know to say ; and I have repeated it many times, and they have heard it ; and yet, alas ! they have not been properly affected ! The harvest is past, the sum- mer is ended, and thej^ are not saved ! For a quarter of a century they have sat almost every Sabbath under the instruc- tion of the divine word, and the dews of divine grace, and yet it has not been enough! They are yet in their sins ; and the most gloomy thought of all is, they have not seen or felt the necessity of Hying for refuge from them to Christ's aton- ing blood ! Twenty-five years of waiting and ]iaticnce, on the ME-MOUIAL SEllMO^;S, 89 part of a aTacious Saviour 1 Twenty-five years of importunate pleading on tlie part of their pastor, lias not sufficed to ovei-- conie their unbelief and carnal pride! AYhat, then, will suffice ? How much longer will the patience and forbearance of God extend themselves ? It seems to me there is every thing to alarm them, to arouse them, to impel them, now " to attend to the things which belong to their peace." I can do no more. I take you all here to witness this day that I am free ii-om the blood of their souls, " for I have not forborne to de- clare to them the whole counsel of God.'' It is not, surel,y. ignorance that tliey can plead, for the Avay of life has been fullv set before them, in all the amplitude of its provisions, and all the graciousness of its invitations I What is it, then 'i And there is yet another portion whom I see around me here, of Avhom it may be said, that if the former are almost hopeless in their long delay, they are hopeful in their early life, for upon them is now the dew of youth. Many of them have grown up here as plants in the ^•ineyal•d. Their parents dedicated them to God before these altars, and the emblema- tic water of regeneration was sprinkled upon their foreheads. They have been trained in our Sabbath-schools and cateche- tical classes, and are Avell instructed in all the great doctrines of the Christian religiort. The)' stand, not only in a position of privilege, but also in a relation to this church, which is very solemn and affecting. We hope great things from their future — -hope to welcome them to the communion of Cbrist's little ones, and then to see them maturing for heaven, and spreading all arouiul them the savor of their holy life and pious conversation ! In the ardor of our love, and the earnest- ness of our desire for their growth in grace, we now ^'com- mend tliem to God and to the word of his grace, which is al)le to sanctify them and ]>resent them before the throne of his power with exceeding glory !" And now, another volume of our life-history is closed, and a new one opens to-day. It is, to all of us, a matter of momen- tous concern that it should only be filled with such records as we shall be willing to meet when we stand before God, to " be judged for the deeds done in the body." To the consistory of this church we say, " Study such things as make for peace, 00 MEMORIAL SEBMOXS, and tend to edify tlie body of Christ, Be examples to tlie flock over which jou have been placed, in prayer, in faith, in (.'liarity ; de^'ise liberal thing-s, and Avork faithfully in yonr calling !" To the members of the church Ave say, Live to- gether in peace ; love one another sincerely ; pray for the church, its pastor, and communicants. Hold not back your hand from any thing that is good. '•' Be sober, be diligent, and in due time you Avill reap, if you faint not !" To the congregation, young and old, I say. Wait here faith- fully on the means of grace, and be diligent in the hearing of Clod's Avord. Stndy to approve yonrselvcs to him, and prc- ])are to meet him in judgment. '' The faithful and obedient sludl eat the fruit of the land !" And noNA^, " May the God of ])(?ace, that bronght again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting coA^enant, make yon perfect in every goodAvork to do his Avill, Avorking in you that Avhicli is Avell pleasing in Tlis sight, tlu'ongh Jesus Christ, to Avhom bo g'lory forever and ever." Amen. Someua'iij.t:, X. J., October 1st, 1857. THE SIXTH MEMORIAL SEP.MO]^. PiiEACiiED O.rr. 23t:i, 1852. THE UEIIE.UISAL OF THE PAST FOR IXSTRIJCTION'. " Hear this, ye old men, aa;I give oar. all ye inliabitauts of tlie land. Tell ye your cUiklren of it, and let your cliildreu tell their chihlren, and their children another generation." — Joel 1 : 2-3. " We have heard -with our ear^;, God, oar fathers hav(! told u.>, what things thou didst of old." — Psalm 41 : 1. " And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that (Jod had done with them." — Acts 14 : 27. Tins laiiiijuagG is a sufficient warrant for tlie service v^'liieh "WO propose to observe to-claj. The circuuistance that tliese were jadgnients wliicli the prophet commanded to be kept in memorial, offers no real ar^'ument against, but ratlier increases and intensiiies the significance of tlie direction in our text. In point of fact, tliere is much in God's providence every day, which it would be instructive to remember, and we should be all wiser if we treasured up more carefully the teachings of the divine hand. The years repeat themselves ; and though not in such an unvaried succession as to make one in all re- spects the pattern of the other, yet with so much sameness as to give occasion to the observation of the Avise nnin, " The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that whicli is done, is that which shall be done ; and tliere is no new thing "under the sun." The most careful observer <_>£ providence, if this be true, is likely to bo the one Avho is best pre[)ared for its events, and the least surprised eitlier 1)y judgments or mercies ; for if he "understands its nature, ho will anticipate both and know that neither the one nor the other is likely to continue "svitliout change. Memorials are useful as reminders of what has been. When 02 3ik:mchial sermox^. tlio Israelites had safely crossed over Jordan, " Joslma took twelve stones out of the waters, and pitched them in Gilgal " as a nionnment in coninienioration of that event, and said, '' When yonr children ask their fathers, in time to come, "What mean these stones? then vc shall let yonr children know, say- inp:, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land, for the Lord yonr (lud dried np the M^aters of Jordan from hefore yon,nntil ye "were passed over, as the Lord yonr God did the Red Sea, which ho dried np hefore us, until v»'e were j^one over." In the same way Moses had before directed, in reference to the passover, "When your children shall ask. What mean ye by this service ? ye shall say. It is the sacrifice of the Lord's passover, who passed over the houses of the childreu of Israel in Egypt when he slew the Egyptians." In both instances remembrance is enjoined, and a memorial provided for. This is Avhat we are now intending to do. It may be an humble imitation, but it can not be said to be without warrant. We ]nay compare small things with great, but it can not be afhrmed that the great things are not found in the Scriptures with which we seek comparison and plead as our warrant. Let us then proceed to " gather the stones" out of which we shall endeavor to compose our monument to-day. It is a memorial Sabbath, and to us it is a most interesting, not only, but a most important period, in the history of our ministerial life. It reminds us of a whole generation, most of whom are no more, and recalls the various vicissitudes of its passing- years. To-day it is thirty years since I came here in obedience to the call of your fathers (for there are only a few left who united with them in that act) and occupied this pulpit for the iirst time ; and to-day likewise is the sixth anniversary of the ,f(/'i/i year,s which we have been accustomed to observe in com- memoration of that event. The records of live of these ])eriods have previously been made, and four of them have been printed and are in your hands. We do iiot propose to repeat any thing which has already been remarked, but to confine our- selves to present circumstances, and principallj^ to the last period of five years. Tliere is more than enough, even in this confined view and this brief time, to occupy us fully and in- MEMORIAL SEliMON^. 93 terest us abimdantly. In many ways these years liavc been memorable and pregnant years. Events liavc passed wliicb will iiever be forgotten; some of tliem joyful, and demanding praise ; some sorrowful, and calling fur resignation and the exercise of faith in the benevolence and justice of the divine hand ! Thirty years is a generation. At its conclusion, those who were the men of action when it connnenced are nmnbered among the dead, while another race has come upon tlie stage, assumed the control of things, and holds tlie place tjf inliuencc and power! This is strikingly manifested in the audience which sits before me to-day, as compared with that which as- sembled to listen to my lirst discourse thirty years ago. A few are left, it is true. I see here and there one whom I re- member as being present on that occasion, but the nundjcr is so small as to make them exceptions to the general rule, rather than facts to prove tlnit it is not true. We look around on tlie new faces, and exclaim in sadness and regret as we think of the departed, ''The fathers, where are they ? and the pro- phets, do they live forever V^ We recollect among the absent many kind friends, many excellent Christians, many firm supporters of this church, many men of prayer and faith, strong men for influence, for resistance of the wrong and the advocacy of the right, and laithful men in fulfilling promises and the acknowledgment of obligations ; and as tliey were removed in succession, we stood by their graves and sighed because we felt each time tliat) another prop was removed and another staff to lean u])on taken away ! This has occurred so often that our coniidence would long since have failed, had it not been that God has been pleased, in great kindness toward us and toward his church here, to enable us to say, " Instead of the fathers here are their children." Yes, aiul tliey havcproved that. they were no " degenerate sons," unworthy of such an honorable pater- nitv. It is one of the peculiarities of this church, that it has in it, now, nnmy representatives of its very first members. Names have been perpetuated in the friends and officers of tlie church from tlic very commencement nntil the ])rescnt time — -names that are homjred even yet. This gives it peculiar -9-i ilEMORIAL SERMONS. streiigtli. It is surely more pleasant and even more profitable to know that we are worshiping now jnst where our parents and our ancestors worshiped before us. It is more impres- sive to worship there than it could be in any other place. May we not also believe that God is more propitious to the prayers and praises which are offered in places so long devoted to his service than he is elsewhere l In the temple at Jeru- salem he claimed a special ownership. And many accepted prayers are onh' fulfilled in generations to come. Fathers offer them and their children inherit the blessing. One gene- ration in this way labors in sowing- the seed, and breaking u[) the fallow ground, and another is honored in bringing in the sheaves into the garner. Both are equally useful, both are equally employed in God's service, and neither has the right to exalt himself and depreciate the other, as if he alone was worthy to be commended. Some men seem to think that the church has nothing to do but to make a record of conversions. Some are so ignorant as to begin to be discouraged as soon as they cease, even for a single year or part of a year. Should they not consider. Is it always harvest-time? Has the winter season no necessary agency to perform in completing the glo- ries of the year?' Even in tropical climes, though there is no winter, the activities of the vegetable world cease for a time, and every thing lies dormant, as if it were rej)osing for the purpose of recuperating its energies and displaying more vigor when the waking comes again. It ought to be so in the church. It must he so in order to preserve her in a healthful condition. A church with a perpetual revival would be a church with a most unnatural life, and could not fail to be- come sickl}'-, excitable, and unfit for the Avork assigned to every church — that of training souls for glory ! In accordance witli this, we have to lament our losses as well as to record our increase. AVe remember our hai'ven years, and are glad to know that there have been some also that have been fruitful. We have seen our winters as well as our summers. AVe have shed tears over the graves of the dead, and we have uttered shouts of gladness when the .young converts like sheaves were brought into the garner. Thus our experience has been only a picture of human life, composed of MEMORIAL SERMONS. 95 Kiinsliinc and clondr;, of dayliglit and darkness. AVhat is most encouraging to faitli is, that God lias given us strengtli as our day and brouglit us hitherto in safety. We erect an Ebenezer on this spot, and inscribe upon it, tlie " Lord our lielper." It wouhl not be proper to speak of those wlio are lost to ns Avithout also remembering those who have been gained. Some of our honored femilies are stronger and more numerous in the church at the jn-esent moment than they ever were, while there are others v/ho have cast in their lot with us, who arc not behind the very best. In fact, the church has, probably, at no period of her previous histor}^, embraced as much wealth or as much intelligence as she does at this moment. What we really need is not more strength or greater numbers, but more zeal, more prayer, inore devotion to our appropriate work, each in the sphere Avhere God has placed us, minding the apostolic rule, "he that teacheth, on teaching; he that cxhorteth, on exhortation ; he that givetli, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, Avith diligence; lie that showeth mercy, with cheerfulness." Our list of communicants is larger than it ever was, though for the last three years the increase has not been much more than to make up for the losses Avliich death and removals have produced ; while the real sentiment of the church promises harmony in action and a coincidence in feeling, from which almost perfect iniit// may be expected in lier future course upon all the great questions and interests wdiich claim attention. In this unity her greatest strength will be found to reside, either in enduriug or in working, and with it we are invincible ! During the five years which Ave are now reviewing, there have been received into the communion of the church on con- fession 84 persons, and l)y certificate 42, making the whole number of members received in full communion 126, and giv- ing an average of more than 25 in each year ! These have come from all the difh'rent classes of the population embraced in the congregation ; but a large nmjority have been trained in our Sabbath-schools and been of the youth of our charge. There is, of course, a great diversity in the character and use- fulness to be observed in such a numl)er. Some of them, in process of time, become efficient and eminent Christians, re- 96 iyiE]\[OUIAL SERMONS. maining witli us for life and i^iviiig tlie force of their character and the devotion of their prayers and example to the canse of religion ; others, inactive and undevoted, can merely increase the strength of the church by numbers, and hang as a weight upon her skirts; while others still remain with us only for a little while, and then are called in providence to other places and unite .Avith other churches. This difference can not bo avoided;' all have not the same measure of grace, nor have all a permanent lot in providence, and a.s Ave welcome them when they come, Ave cherish them Avhile Avith us, and dismiss them cheerfully Avhen they go away, ha]>py to give to otliers Avhat circumstances do not allow us to retain as our own, if they are only useful in their sphere. Out of this number of 120, Ave have dismissed Gl honorably to other churches, Avliile 16 have died and gone, as Ave are privileged to hope, from tlie associations and enjoyments of the church below to the general assembly of the saints in heaven. The Avhole number thus dismissed and parted AvIth in death is 77, leaving 49 as the actual increase of the com- munion during the space of time included in our present review. This amounts to one less than 10 in each year as the permanent enlargement of the membership of the church by confession and certificate during this period. This, though not large, is still an encouraging fact, demonstrating the constant presence of the Holy Spirit in his active efficiency, and prov- ing that Ave have had at no time any real canse to complain Avith the prophet, " All day long have I stretched forth my hands to a disobedient and a gainsaying people !" The in- crease might have been much larger, and in some periods of the history of our church it has been so; but it might also have been much smaller, and in the past there have also been times .Avhen.it Avas so. Other churches in our land have enjoyed a more abundant prosperity ; but avo doubt Avhether there is one in this immediate vicinity Avhich has been, upon the Avhole, more highly favored. We do not make this obser- A'ation in a spirit of boasting, but in order to sot in a proper ])u!nt of light the favor Avhich God has extended toward us. That more earnestness in preaching, and more prayerfulnes.-^ and zeal on the part of all the members of the church, Avould MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 97 liave secured a mncli larger increase, "\ve most sincerely believe ; but in the measure of earnestness to wliicli each has attair.ed and been able to manifest, tlie faithful fultilhuent of (iod's promise has not failed or been wanting. The %ohole review certainly atiords matter for hopeful encouragement, and, if properly considered, ought to stimulate us all to add to our faith virtue, and to our diligence godliness, earnestness, and activity. The. Lord is not in any sense slack concerning any of his ])romises. The hand of thediligent maketh rich in spiritual things just as certainly as it does in temporal things. The smallest service done for (lod always secures a rich re- ward, and it conies to ns in many ways of which we may long continue to be ignorant, but which Avill make themselves clearly manifest at least in the future world and in the higher life. It is a blessed thing to do good under any circumstances. They who turn many to righteousness will shine as stars in the firmament, and even a cup of cold water given to a disci- ple in the name of Christ will be remembered in heaven and receive the commendation of the Saviour when he makes uj) his jewels and calls his redeemed ones home ! The whole number which have been admitted to the coni- ]nunion of the church since my ministrj^ commenced here, is C12. This gives an average of more than 20 in each year, and in comparison with the whole number admitted from the first organization of the cliurch, in 1(599, is probably nearh^ equal to one half. The highest nund)er admitted to communion during this ])eriod in any one year was 49. The snuillest number was 9. The first occurred in 188S, and the latter in 1>;59. Between these extremes the average falls, and it is renuirkal)le what a nniformity it indicates. Now, if we consider these facts attentively, they must be re- garded as, upon the whole, higldy expressive and encouraging. Amid all the variety of feeling and sentiment which have arisen out of the vicissitudes of in-ovidence, God's power has been constantly manifest in the church, in the blessing attendant on the AVord and ordinances. His truth has not been proclaimed in vain in any one year, nor hath he left himself without a Avitness. The rain from heaven lias no more certainly de- 08 MEMORIAL SEHMOXS. ricended and fructified tlio earth and matured tlie harvest, to be gathered into the garner of the husbandman, than the good seed of tlie hhigdom of lieaven, sown in the chnrch, has yiekled a liarvest of souls to be brought into the house of God. We are, therefore, all witnesses this day to the stability of the covenant, and the rich abundance of its blessings. We derive a new assurance that none that seek the Lord shall in any wise fail in finding his promise true. His church is ever be- fore him, and all her interests are remembered in his thoughts of love, and provided for constantly through his grace ! Thirty consecutive years in which there has not been one barren one, and only two communion seasons in the whole series in w^hich none w^ere added on confession, and only a single one in wdiich some were not received by certificate, is surely proof of this. (For thirty years there has only been one communion that w^as entirely barren and fruitless in appearance ; even this was not so in reality.) We do not insist upon this for the purpose of self-praise, far from it ; but we doubt whether there are many other churches wdiich can show such a record. God has in- deed been good to us, and his loving-kindness and favor really reach even unto the clouds. Let us remember it to his praise, and to the prevention of any despondency in any futm-e try- ing hours that may come upon us, in whatever troublous times God may please to send. Durinrepared for death and eternity as when my ministry commenced. Thirty 104 MEMORIAL SERMONS, years of profitless attendance on the ordinances of tlie sanctu- ary is an appalling reflection ! It brings np a long array of misspent Sabbaths and misiniproved privileges ; and these are to meet you at the judgment-bar. How will you answer to God and your conscience for such a vast evil ? How will you reconcile this to your conscience when you come to die ? The reflection which is forced home upon my mind, from this fact, is one of the saddest of this day. For your good I have at least labored in vain, and spent my strength for naught ; but I take you yourselves to witness this day, that I am free from the blood of your souls. I have not withheld from you any part of the counsel of God. I have warned you, expostulated with you, and entreated you ; and I warn you again, and now beseech you to give attention to the things of your peace. Let me inquire here what it is that has kept you back from Christ ? You know there is no other salvation, and you con- fess this l)y coming here from Sabbath to Sabbath to hear the Gospel. But the hearer of the Word is not saved ; only he that obeys enters into rest. Your hearing will not secure to you the benefits of Christ. Obedience is your life. Many hearers of the Gospel will, in the daj^ of accounts, be adjudged as worthy of the sorest condemnation, because they knew the will of God, but did not obey him. How shall I convince you and bring you to a decision ? I know of no arguments Avhicli have not already been employed; of no motives that have not already been presented, of no entreaties which have not already proved in vain. What can I do ? If tears would avail, I would willingly shed them in rivers from mine eyes. If you would listen to us, we would gladly come down from this sacred desk, and take hold of you and drag you to the foot of the cross. But this would not avail. It is the motion of your own heart, arising out of a spontaneous desire, that is needed. When you feel this and put it forth, you will be near the kingdom of heaven, and until 3'ou do feel and put it forth, even an angel could not save you. Hasten, then, to embrace the Saviour offered to you freely. Only believe, and you will know the joy of sin forgiven, and the peace that passeth all understanding. I have now oidy to thank my kind friends — true friends, always friends, for their affectionate attachment to my person MEMORIAL SERMONS. 105 niul ministry. Tlicir eiieonras^cmGiit lias been my i-cward (lurinii; this long and difficnlt service, and upon them I rely in the future. How long Providence will allow me to continue to minister to you in holy things, I can uot to-day foresee nor determine. All that I can say is, that I M'ill cheerfully labor on, as I have done, until my work is done ; and when it is done, no one will be more rejoiced to cease than I shall ! T have devoted to your spiritual instruction the cream aiul llowcr of my life. The increase of years may give more experience and wisdom, but it can not bring back the vigor which lias been spent, nor the energies of youth which are wasted and gone. I do not expect to learn any new thing, nor to ado})t any new methods of doing good. I am, in fact, becoming more and more thoroughly convinced that the old wine is the best. I have received but one Gospel, and I can only preach ■what I have learned from the Scriptures and may yet learn from them. To exhaust the great theme would require a thousand lives, and we have only one to give in teaching and in hearing, and that is short — oh, how much too short for the great work laid upon it ! I can not even promise to try to do any thing different from what I have done, for I do not be- lieve I shall sec reason to change opinions fixed so long, and can not on any account, or to please any man or party of men, consent to do what I do not in my heart believe to be right. And as to being dictated to, I am entirely too old for that ! In concliTsion, then, I cast myself npon the care of Provi- dence and the affection of my friends, thankful that I have so much faith in both, because neither has ev^er yet failed me. What I can, I will endeavor to do in the fear of God and with an earnest spirit. What I cannot, I know no one will be dis- ]"»oscd ever to expect. 1 iLet us cast ourselves upon Providence. God has blessed ns, and God will bless ns again. And now may the blessing of the God of Jacob, whose covenant faith- fulness hath never failed those who put their trust in him, come upon you with a fulness of power and a richness of com- munication which shall cause you to abound in all things, antl make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitfid in the work of the Lord, and then bring you safe into his kingdom, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory, forever and ever. Amen. THE SEVENTH MEMOEIxYL SERMOK PuEACiiED October 27tit, 1807. FORMER THINGS TO BE REMEMBERED AND IMPROVED, "Remember ye not the former tilings, neitlier consider tlie things of old." — IsAiAii 43 : 18. The prophet, l)j divine direction, is reproving the people for their nmneroiis sins of forgetfnhiess ; and lie has, in what he says, special reference to their propensity to idolatry. He considers it as having its origin in a failure to reTnember what (lod had done for them in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in Canaan. Surely he had given sufficient evidence that he was the supreme God — greater than any of the idols of the hea- then ; and if they had only remembered their own history, tliey would have known better than to fall away to idols. No idol-god could possibly present so many claims to obedience and service as the Almighty presented, in his own behalf, to the people he had chosen, defended, and settled in the inheri- tance promised to their fathers. They had only to recall the facts of their own history to become perfectly satisfied of this. This is, in fact, a duty which every one owes to himself. '' The years of the right hand of the Most High" are precious mementoes. There are enough of them in the experience of every cliurcjh and every individual to form a rich treasure, from which to draw abundant lessons of instruction, encou- ragement, and admonition. Life repeats itself Avith certain variations and improvements ; but the great facts and the principal experiences have a certain uniformity, always suffi- cient to enable us to anticipate what will be from what we know has been. This is necessarily so. God is the same, and humanity is essentially the same likewise. The variations M-hicli are found in the action of the one upon the otlier are only what belong to times, circumstances, and relations ; and they form a small part, exceptional to the unity and the uni- formity. Political foresight, sagacity, and prudence are only MEMORIAL SERMONS. 107 tlie results of a wise judgment, formed after this uniformity and variation have been M'ell considered, compared, and weighed. Hence it becomes an important duty to ''remember the former things." They have instruction in tliem which is vahiable, and Avliich we need. Tlie most complete idea of imprudence and rashness is forgetfulness of the past, and a disregard of tlie lessons of experience. An imprudent man is self-opinioned.; a rash man is heedless ! Both throw away the lessons of the past, and trust to their own sagacity. Both reject the instruction of a teacher wiser than they are them- selves, and. hence both err proverbially, and lead those astray who trust in them. Indeed, it seems to be a misimprovement of tlie faculty of memory to refuse the lessons of experience; and it is ditHcult to say why it has been given, if not for this purpose. This is, to me at least, a day of memorial. It is thirty -five years now since I came here and preached my first sermon as the pastor of this church. They have been eventful years, and their memory to me is deeply impressive. If I had known all that was before me, it is questionable whether I would have had courage to undertake the work I have done, or to meet the trials I have met. I do not mean to be understood as saying or believing that either have been greater than ought to have been expected. Only I had but little experience then, and Avas therefore as sanguine as inexperience habitually is ; hoped more than I have since learned to hope, and attempted more than I would now be willing to attcm[)t. There arc but few here to-day who heard that first sermon, and have gone with me through all those 3'ears. If they were all here, I might appeal to them whether I have not been faithful to tho promise made "to know nothing among them, save Jesus Christ and him crucified ;" '^' whether I have not ])reaclicd the Gospel " in season and out of season;'' whether I have not gone "from house to house"' preaching it; whether I have not " exhorted, reproved, rebuked, with all long-suil'er- ing and gentleness." I have not " withheld the ti-utli," nor •'dealt treacherously M'ith it,"' nor "daubed with uutempered * This is the text from wLicli the first sennon was prciichcd. '108 MEMORIAL SERMONS. mortfir," nor " liandled tlie word of God deceitfully." I have not forgotten that the human heart is deceitful, that it fears the truth, and is full of all unrighteousness. I have never ex- pected ungodly men to love the truth as I preached it, and I have not sought to gain their influence and friendship by a sacrifice and betrayal of the truth. I know but too well that converts who are only nominally such, made from interest, are of little w^orth, and that the time will come, and come soon, wdien they will need to be more converted. Changes there will therefore be ; fickleness in man is proverbial, and those who are hot will grow cold. Yet I can not say that I made my account for all that has been, for I did not know men as I now know them, and thought of them far more favorably than I have since learned to think. Favor is deceitful, pro- fessions are liable to be forgotten, and ingratitude is one of the most common sins of our weak and corrupt humanity, and ministers know as much of it as any other class of men. But there is one thing I know and can testify to : hitherto the Lord liath helped me. I desire to thank him to-day for his help, and pray that the memory of it may strengthen my faith and increase my steadfastness. It has been seasonable, kind, and ever present ; and because it has been such, I erect this Ebene- zer to-day, and inscribe upon it, "The Lord is my helper." Blessed be his name, he has enabled me continually to " trust and not be afraid." The ministerial work is a great work. It is not appreciated by the world as it ought to be. The Christian minister finds but little sympathy from men who are not in heart the disci- ples of Christ. Hence he is obstructed in many ways from going forward in his eftbrts to do good. It does not cost a great deal to maintain the church, but no money seems to be so grudgingly paid as that which is given for that purpose ; and many a zealous minister spends all his life in labors to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of his fellow-men, while every year he is obliged to take from his private income to meet his wants and those of his family. This is expected from no other class of men, and exists in no other ofiicial rela- tion. The laborer is worthy of his hire; and if he labors at the altar, it is right, and Christ gives him authority', that he MEMORIAL SERMONS. 109 sliould live from it. But there are even Cliristian men M'lio would be willing to leave both the altar and the priest to maintain themselves, and still expect to be served as faithfully as if they did their whole duty. If this arose from a misunderstanding of their responsibili- ties, it would be more excusable than it is ; but it is too often to bo traced, not to ignorance, but a base love of pelf. But that man who loves the world so much, and is so greedy of its gain as to let tlie cause of religion suffer, surely can have but little to expect when God comes to judge him ! It is wisdom as well as piety to " make to ourselves friends with the mam- mon of nnrighteonsness, that when we fail they may receive ns into everlasting habitations." A treasure laid up with God will bring us the largest and the most satisfactory revenue of any investment. There it neither cankers nor rusts, nor is there danger that it will witness against us at the judgment- bar for having been unrighteously withheld from the cause of piety and human well-being when they both demanded it. The relation of the Christian minister to the welfare and advancement of human society is most intimate and inost im- portant. His instructions and influence, even in an economi- cal point of vievv', can not be parted with without loss; just as any community becomes irreligious and vicious, its material interests suffer, and its necessary expenses are increased. It is far cheaper to maintain the church than the poor-house and the ])rison ; and to prevent vice is far better than to punish it. From doing the one or the other you can not escape. The inconsistency is, that so many men enjoy all the benefits of a ])ublic ministry which otliers maintaiu. Even in the church there are some men who attempt to have all the comfort and spiritual jiower of religion, without any expense and without denying themselves. It is a vain attempt, and, in common with other s(;liemes involving dishonor and dishonesty, never succeeds. . AVith (lod we must, at least^ be candid. In the period through which my ministry has extended in this congregation, I have seen many things which have an intimate relation to these reflections. I have seen the course in which prosperity flows, and the course in which it does not flow. I have seen families passing away, and others rising up ' 110 MEMOIUAL SERMONS. and becoming strong. I have seen wealth, and influence, and an honorable name sacrificed, and others coming forward to stand np in the vacant places. I have learned that good prin- ciples, industry, and piety are a safer and better inheritance than any worldly position or paternal excellency. I have seen a thousand instances to prove the truth of the wise mairs re- commendation, " Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it ;" as well as the converse, that improper training, or the want of it, is a prepa- ration to follow the broad way that leads to destruction. The generation which has passed away has left many important lessons which the living would do well to heed. There were good men among them, who " fought a good fight " and " wit- nessed a good confession." They loved this clnirch, and did what they could to promote its growth and prosperity ; and their reward will be great in the kingdom of God. The savor of their godly life is " like ointment poured forth." We re- member them with pleasure. This church has long been favored in having so many men of noble endowments and eminent gifts among its members. They have given it a power at home and a name abroad whioli is at once honorable and advantageous. But alas ! many of them are no more. We have mourned their departure, and felt how much we had lost when they were taken. In some instances their places have been Avell supplied, and in some not. But, upon the whole, the church has really advanced in her material and spiritual interests from year to year. Con- gregations have grown up around us, mostly from those who were once attached to us ; but our numbers have not been diminished. Not a single year has ever occurred, except when the second church was oroi;anized, in which the increase of members in communion has not been more than the loss from all sources. In this way, in the formation of new churches, by creating other centres of influence, more good has been done, witliout entailing on us any serious loss or inconveni- ence. In fact, if we consider how many new congregations have been almost entirely formed out of our church, its con- stant and almost uniform increase is one of the completest MEMORIAL SEEMONS. Ill evidences that God has been \vith as and Llessed us from year to year, that could be given. During tlie thirty-five years wliicli have passed, there liave been received into the communion of this church 698 mendjers. This amounts to 100 in every live years, and more than 20 each year — a number which, though not large for any one year by itself, is yet remarkable "when it runs through 35 years, and shows clearly that the Holy Spirit has been among us continually, hovering like a holy dove over our habitations, and sending down his converting influences, now on one and then on another, to bring them to God. The largest number in one year was 63 ; the smallest 4, the year succeeding the division of the church by the organization of a second church. The increase of which we have been speaking is all the more important and encouraging, from the fact that it has been emi- nently a home-increase. We have been glad to welcome those who came to us from other communions, and some of them have been important accessories, both in their character and influ- ence ; but the number is small in comparison to tliat which shows how the AVord has wrought, and the ordinances have been blessed, among those who have grown up in the church as her own children. The occasions for suspension from the communion and for the exercise of the Christian discipline, have also been remarka- bly few. There has been " a falling away," but it has been an exception alwaj's, aiul recurring at such long intervals as to show clearly that the conversions have almost always been genuine and of a saving character. Consistency has been maintained in almost all cases, though a high state of S2)iritu- ality has not been as frequent as we have desired to see, or as the responsibilities of the Cln-istian life demand. More zeal and prayer would have])roduced more usefulness, and resulted in bringing more to the knowledge of the truth ; and we shouUl sec to it that a higher scale of spiritual-mindechiess is set up, and more strenuous eflbrts are made to elevate all to it, as the only state wliicli is acknowledged to be a fair sample of wliat every Christian should be. During the past thirty-live years, I luive baptized 680 children, and 31 adults on confession of their faith. This is an evidence 112 MEMORIAL SERMONS. tliat to a good degree, at least, the ordinance of baptism lias been regarded as a sacred duty which parents owe to their children, and that the ancient faith of our church, that there is a blessing in the covenant of which baptism is the seal,which it is important to secure, was still preserved among ns. And we notice this fact, in this connection, with the more pleasure, because through the prevalence of false notions in regard to it, there are places where the baptism of children has come to be extensively neglected ; and we are not overstating the sub- ject when we add, greatly to the injury of the children them- selves, and to the cause of religion where such negligence has obtained. The promise loas from the beginning, '•' to you and to your children ;" the apostle includes children in the cove- nant, as the heirs of life together with their parents; and now if they are born in the covenant, and born subjects of the pro- mise of the convenant, who can say that the seal of the cove- nant ought not to be applied to them ? It is a wrong done to them not to apply it ; and there are numerous facts to prove that God does not favor the wrong or bless it. Prudence says to every parent. Throw every guard around your child that it is possible for you to employ ; store his mind with truth, and fill his heart and conscience with holy memories. The time will come when he will feel the need of them all, to enable him to resist temptation and breast the tide of passion which is bearing him onward to ruin. You do not love him loeJl and wisely if you do not do it. Your scrupules may prove his de- struction. You had better lay them aside for his sake, if not for j-our own. I have also performed the marriage ceremony on 328 occa- sions, and, with a few exceptions, with the most happy results. It is not possible now to enumerate the funerals which have been attended. For many years it was not usual to keep any account of the deaths which occurred, and so, until recently, no record was made. One thing is certain, however, that the ravages of the destroyer have been destructive and constant in the midst of us. Perhaps the results have not been more fatal than the laws of human mortality necessitate, but they have broken up many happy homes, left many hearts deso- late, and affected seriously, for a time, the prosperity and MEMORIAL SKliMONS. 113 strcng-tli of tlie cliiii'cli of our God. Some of our best men, strongest men, most zealous and attaclied men, have been taken from us bj death. Their counsels were always wise, their in- fluence was directed to do most good, and their hands were uniformlj'- open when the interests of religion required them to give. Few churches have had so many devoted and pray- ing men to uphold the honor of the Redeemer's name, and bring down blessings from above. They lived to do good, and their memory is cherished. It remains in the midst of us as a divine odor, and makes it pleasant to recall it in our solemn services. It will be preserved long to their praise, and will never cease to be honored in the congregation of the children of God on high. "When we begin a survey of what was this congregation thirty- five years since, and go from house to house, the clianges are al- ]nost universal. On the south side of the river there are only four houses occupied as they were on the day when I commenced to minister here. On the north side of the river there are but three. In the village there are three, and one which belongs to the other church. And of the families who occupied all of them, there are only two which remain as they then were ; and ail the rest are l)roken — many broken up entirely, and scattered. Happy homes they were — at least, many of them ! Tliev had their altars, and the mornino; and evenino- incense ascended daily, far mure generally than, I fear, it now does. They had not lost tlie pov/ei" of that great outpouring of the Spirit which had just been experienced. There was an unc- tion and a tenderness in their piety which our colder and more fornuil spirit fatally lacks. They were "a generation fearing God and keeping his commandments." Their love was warm, because it had been kindled wlien the fires burned brightlv. I slK>uld like to recite their names, but 1 can not trust myself to begin the catalogue. My veneration for them is too deep, too delicate, and too tender to pci-init it. They welcomed me here when I was young, and sanguine, and inexperienced; they cherished and supported me while they lived; they were my friends, counselors, and protectors. My reputation was precious to them, and they guarded it ; my labors were appreciated more than they merited, and they ac- ] IJ: MEMORIAL SERMONS. ceptcd tliem ; iny wants were anticipated and supplied, as only kindness knows liow to supply. They did not regard it as a charity, but performed it as a duty, and expected to be blessed as they w^re blessing. I shall venerate them as long as I live, and hope to go to join them in the assembly of the blessed, where they are now praising God for the redemption of his Son. These are some of "• the former things," and, if not '■'old.;'' are at least ^>«.s-^. We now proceed to notice specifically some of the events of tlie last five years. In estimating the character of this portion of our history, it is important to consider the state of the pub- lic mind. It opened in the midst of that great convulsion^ which will ever be remembered in our annals, because of the intensely interesting events which were crowded into it, and the important changes which have resulted from it. These do not belong to such a review as we now contemplate, except in the personal exigencies which they created. A great national excitement can not pass without affecting the church ; and this to which we refer embodied in it so many questions connected with morals and Christian sentiment that it shook almost every church to its centre. Ministers had to mark out a path for themselves; and the difiiculty in following it, when marked out, was found in the division of sentiment among the people, and the uncharitableness with Avhich each party, and almost every individual, regarded those who diifered from them. We decided early, and adhered to our convictions, and have never yet seen any reason to regret the course we pursued. We could not pursue any other. We had promised in the begin- ning to "know nothing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified." We claimed tlie right to have our private opi- nions, but publicly we adhered " to the law and to the testi- mony," and preached the Gospel and nothing but the Gospel. We allowed the right of private judgment in others, and en- deavored to maintain charity with all men, but insisted that the Sabbath was sacred to religion, and the pulpit only rightly employed when teaching it, and it alone. AVe were always sure that calmer hours Avould justify such a com-se, and results prove it to have been wise and safe. We have not been dis- appointed. To-day, as a cliurch, we occupy a proud eminence. MEMORIAL SERMONS. 115 God has blessed us, and we bless God tliat lie enabled iis to be faithful ! Our numbers have gone on increasing, our pros- perity has been uniform, and now we are at peace, and we are overflowing. The place is too strait for us, and the crj comes up on our ears every day, " Lengthen the cords of your taber- nacle and strengthen the stakes ; make room, that the people may dwell comfortably." We have received into our communion during the last live years lOi individuals. This is more than 20 each year, and is re- markable in the uniformity which it exhibits with the increase of the whole period of thirty-five years. The fact is, it could hardly have been expected, considering the state of the public mind. AYar is a dreadful evil. It debauches the public mind so rapidly, and demoralizes the public heart so extensively; it occupies the public attention so entirely, and debases and destroys so many things that are holy. It is worse than the pestilence, for it sweeps so many young men into bloody graves, and corrupts so fatally those who live and return. We were, indeed, mercifully spared in being called to give so few to the slaughter, to the diseases incident to a camp-life, and the corruptions engendered there. That the cliureh should have grown and prospered as much during the storm and the convulsion as in sunshine and in ])eace, can be ascribed to nothing so much as to the special favor of heaven. Let us remember it to the praise of God and to the confirmation of our faith. It proves that it is best always to do right, and leave the Almighty to defend it. lie is " a munition of rocks," and his servants " never trust in him in vain." There have been only about thirty children bapti/cd during the five years we are reviewiuix. This number is exceedinjrlv small, and I am led, on this account, to call attention to it. It can be accounted for only in two ways : First, that a large proportion of our families are aged, or at least past middle life ; or, second, that there is a growing carelessness in regard to the importance of consecrating their offspring to God. To which of these is the fact whi(;h exists to be attributed ? We are disposed to believe, to neither the one nor the other exclu- sively, but in a measure to both. There is an actis'c denomi- 110 MEMOKIAL SERMON'S. nation who oppose infant baptism, and it wonld be strano-e if their perpetual efforts to excite attention to the subject did not produce some effect. Now, this ought to be considered bj us, and corresponding efforts made in resistance to such a great evil, for it is unquestionably a great evil. We could adduce facts to prove it to be such. It is seen in its effect upon tlie young, who grow up witliout that sense of intimacy of relation to God which a baptized child has, and are therefore more subject to temptation. It is seen in its effects upon parents, who imagine they are less responsible for the training of their unbaptized children than they w^ould have been if they conse- crated them to him and promised to bring them up in his fear. "VVe regard the growing indifference of parents, therefore, to the baptism of their children as a serious evil, and one which will soon make itself manifest in a laxity of life and a thought- less disregard, on the part of the young, to the duties of reli- gion. Youthful impiety is, in fact, becoming an alarming evil. Our young men seem to be imbibing principles and adopting practices among themselves which are rapidly de- praving them. If some remedy is not found and some restraint thrown over their courses, many of them are destined to ruin. There is no foresight required to predict this. But this is not all. The church needs these young men. They ought to be her Sabbath-school teachers, her choir-singers, her Bible-dis- tributors ; but instead of this, you meet them in the street with a filthy pipe between their teeth, scenting God's pure air with their vile breath, and making every thing abominable around them — making themselves every thing but what a youno; irentleman ouii:;ht to be. The past five years, though filled with agitation and excite- ment in the outer world, have been years of peace and har- mony in this cliurch. The few who fell away in its commence- ment we could well afford to lose ; and their places have been supplied by those who were one ^\\t\\ us in sentiment and feel- ina:. The church has been growins: more and more homo- geneous every year, and the bands that bind it together have become stronger and stronger. Our peace in the future seems assured, and will be perpetual, unless we foolishly and reck- lessly disturb it ourselves. This I am persuaded you will not MEMORIAL SERMONS. 117 do. It is too great a sin to be tlie means of scliism and strife and divisions in tlie house of God ; and if you do not do it, you have only to go on and prosper. Death has been busy during a part of this period ; and we liave suffered more through his doings than througli any other ao-encv. We have lost laro-elv in numbers, and those who were taken have been some of our strongest and Ijest men. The green grass whicli grows on their graves is not as fresh as tlieir memories will long bo, and the sear and yellow leaves which are falling on them to-day are not as mournful as the thoughts which come over our hearts as we recall their many virtues, now forever faded and gone ! "We could ill afford to lose them — so, at least, we thought ; but God took them be- cause their work was done, and their rest waiting for them. The prayers of some of them had edified us long ; and tlic example of all had been a testimony for good to all who knew them. They gave generously out of their means to every good cause, and were faithful in their day and generation, and went to a treasure which was laid up for them before God. They were good men, and " goodness," says the poet, " is beauty in its highest state." Ills end is peace ; for the " angels are round the good man to catch tlic incense of his prayers," and bring him with it into heaven. "And they fly to minister kindness to those for whom lie pleadeth ;" and what a benefit and blessing to our poor and suffering humanity, to give wings to such swift messengers, and speed tliem on their errands of compassion, lov^e, and humanity ! It is a vocation which the best might well covet. and make an effort to share. It is an honor more to be coveted than to shine in courts, or to be caressed by the ga3^ Yes, " Some tliere are, by tlieir good deeds exalted, Lofty minds and meditative, authors of delight And happiness, which to the end of time Will live, and spread, and llourish." It has been said that '' doing good is the only action of man's life that is certainly happ}', and that can never retui-n to him in sorrow or regrets." How happy, then, some of thorn must have been wlio did so much good ; and how glorious their reward must be before God, where they are now reaping the fruits of their labors in joy and ]»rai>c. 8 118 MEMOEIAL SERMONS, Passing now from tlie memory of tlie dead to a consideration of tlie living present, we notice and remark the state in Avliicli we find onrselves. AV^e have a nnnierous and increasing con- 2;reo;ation in the midst of this thriving commnnity, o-rowino* in intelligence and in wealth every day. We can not and onght not to shnt onr eyes to this great fact. It presents a problem which we shall be called upon necessarily to solve ; and the solution we give to it will affect us in spite of ourselves. As we have said, the place is too strait for us. lumbers are standing at our doors and asking to be admitted to a share in our privileges and our prosperity: shall we attend to their request or deny it ? There are fourteen families asking for seats in our sanctuary ; not for a single person, or for two or three, but sgats to accommodate them as we ourselves are accommodated. It is said there is room for them all, and so there is. We could take them into our pews, and seat them ; but this is not what they require. They want pews of their own, for themselves and for their cliildren, I have said once already that if we fail to give them room Ave shall make the greatest mistake we have ever made, and I repeat it again to- day. They may stand at our door for a little wdiile longer and w^ait our pleasure, but we can not expect them to continue to stand there. We Avould not ourselves stand there in their position long. If they come in, they Avill share in our pros- perity, and assist us in bearing the burdens which we bear. If we refuse tliem a Avelcome, they wdll carry it all to some other place ; and they will do it soon ! Can we afford to let them do this ? Are w^e prepared to see another congregation organized in this village, and growing up out of our strength ? I retain a vivid recollection of the struggle which a similar state of things entailed upon us when I first came here, and Avhcn, because the place w^as too strait, and there was no dis- position to Aviden it, the congregation broke up into two bands, each striving for a mere existence, almost, for years. We Avaited then until it Avas too late, and Ave may do so again. But I Avarn you of Avhat is coming; and I beseech you to attend to it in time. There is danger in delay, and cA^ery moment increases it. We can not move too soon. It cost those Avho made the mistake before thousands to maintain MEMORIAL SERMONS. 119 their position, and it will not cost us any less. AVe must arise and build, or sit here and see others rejoicing in the prosperity which we refuse to appropriate to our own enlargement. Prudence never waits until the evil is upon it. It foresees it and provides against it before it comes. Jh-ethren, be warned in time. It is not for myself I plead. I shall, probably, have finished my labors.liere before it comes ; but some of you will be here to repent at leisure, when repentance has come too late. We have already lost the summer which ought to have seen us to-day in this house, enlarged and beautified, with capacity enough to receive all who desire to share with us in our worship, our communion, and our praises. When the second temple was partially rebuilt, and then, because the people had become supine and careless, was left imiinished, the prophet was sent to cry in the ears of the people, " Is it for you, O ye, to sit in your ceiled houses, and this house to lie Avastef We repeat this cry to-day in your ears, and say. Build, build, build ! You owe it to yourselves and to the in- terests of righteousness in this community ; and he is not a wise friend who advises you to any thing else, or refuses to lend a helping hand. Xo, he shuts his ears supinely to the lessons which every day are being repeated to him louder and louder. The action of the congregation on Monday last is a step in tlie right direction. That step has been greatly needed, and will result in great good to the church. When we have be- come accustomed to it, we will never think of changing to the old form. For a short space of time it will have the eti'ect of making room for tliose who are standing at our doors; and the labor which has been requij'cd to keep the financial affairs of the church in a prosperous condition, can now be directed to other important ends by which all will be benefited. And now as to practical things, AV^e need to cultivate a more liberal s]>irit. " The love of monc}'," says the apostle, " is the root of all evil." This is true, and it is specially true in religion. '* There is that givetli and yet increaseth ; and that withholdetii more than is meet, aiul it tendeth to poverty." Blessing others is the surest way of being blessed ourselves. I have felt occasion to say before, and repeat it again, that we 120 MEMORIAL SERMONS. are faulty, not so inucli in not giving, as in nut giving wisely. There is a principle in Clu'istian charity ; there is the mani- festation of a spirit of obedience to God. Giving from excite- ment, under pressure, or from emulation, is not doing it as unto the Lord. AVe should give as we pray, as we deny our- selves, as wo mahe sacrifices of obedience ; and a certain amount of giving is necessary to our own s'piritual prosperity" and growth in grace. A high state of religious enjoyment and comfort is inconsistent with a penurious spirit. It is natural that it is so, and it is, moreover, a fact. There are thousands who are not liberal enough to be rich, and numerous exaniples prove it. "VVe need to cultivate a higher tone of religious sentiment. Progress, enjoyment, profit in spiritual things, all depend upon warm-hearted piety. There is a state of outward de- cency that is as good as nothing ; and tliere is also a state of fervent, elevated piety that brings with it almost all things. There are those who advance, and there are those, too, who hardly know whether they believe and love, or whether they do not. Onr social meetings show the depressed state in wliicli the spirit of piet^^ exists among us Just nou\ It is not what it once was, nor what it ought to be. Like many other good things of the past, it seems to me sometimes as almost to be dying out. Those who once attended constantly all our social meetings have forgotten and deserted them. Our young peo- ple seem to find something to interest them more, and seldom come ; and some of those, even, who have professed religion seem to think that it is not necessary for them to attend any other than the Sabbath services. All this is an evil that needs correction, and until it is corrected the church will not pros- per as it ought. We beseech you to see that it is corrected. We need a refreshing of the Holy Spirit. Tliis alone can connnunicate the power which converts, elevates, enlivens, and enlarges the church : and it is a heavenly gift ; a gift to be sought by special ])rayer ; a gift which God has special plea- sure always in bestowing, and which he never withholds any longer than it is necessary that it should be withheld in order that we may profit by it. Let ns ask it. Let us agree to ask it in the faitli of the promise, " If two of you shall agree on MEMORIAL SERMONS. . 121 cai'tli, as toncliiiig any tiling that tliey shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in lieaven.'' The youth belonging to the congregation need to have a higher sense of the value and the importance of religion as a possession brought home to them by Christian example. It is the pearl of great price. It is the noblest possession and en- joyment to be found. It makes us rich in all things, and the want of it makes us poor, even though we should be rich in every thing else. Our .young people do not seem to think this, or believe it ; but, on the other hand, appear to feel that the consideration of the subject may be postponed without any thing being lost. Some are so frivolous and so vain that they apparently scarcely think at all. Pleasure is their god, and they idolize it. Sin is sweet, and they live for it. God and eternity are afar off, and they neglect them. O foolish youth! How much repentance there is created a necessity for; all this irreligion and Avrong will be food for remorse, or the evil of it will pursue you through this world aiul into the next. We need a more general activity in the whole church. As long as only a few labor to do good, the work will bo onerous and but little will be effected. In our Sunday-schools, in our prayer-meetings, wherever good is to be done, we need the activity of all our Cliristian men. There is room for them all, and there is need for the work of all. Christians are required to feel this, and occupy themselves until their Master comes, and they should make conscience of it. The greatest evil we have to struggle with is the isolati<»n in which the few active spirits are left. Our prayer-meeting is made up of a few, our lectures are attended by a few. lousiness is the excuse ; but remember, you will have to make time to die ; and when you (^ome to that solemn hour, you" will feel that you ought to have made leisure to prepare for it. In conclusion, we are now to enter upon another division of time. AVhat is bt'fore us I can not j)rognosticate or detine. The generation Avhich has ])assed away, I knew and trusted. The generaticm which now is, I do not pretend to know as well. We have tiic promise that instead of the fathers their children shall be. They are here, but will they be like their 122 * MEMORIAL SERMONS. fathers — as zealous, as enduriiio-, as faitliful ? God only knows, and the future only can determine. We are disposed to be hopeful, and trust in his name and grace, as we have hitherto trusted, "We have faith that our trust will not prove to be " a vain confidence." Our life has passed beyond its bloom and its freshness. Its summer is past and its autumn is coming. The fresh strength of youthful days is gone, and the activity wdiich once was, is no more. We can not, therefore, promise any thing which we have not given. Experience ought to teach wisdom, but it sometimes brings fear as well ; and caution may become inactive. We have not discovered any new things, and we can not propose any new methods of doing good. We believe in the efficacy of preaching and prayer, and we do not believe in any thing else as better, or more likely to win souls, edify the cliurch, and promote the glory of our Redeemer's kingdom. We expect to meet discouragements as we have met them ; and we hope to be able to surmount them. We do not expect to please all, or to win all. The Saviour is still in his thresh- ing-floor, with his fan in his hand, winnowing his wheat, and the chaft' will be blown oft' and rejected. Of the power of the Gospel to convert souls we never expect to despair. We in- tend to preach it, and mean to do it faithfully and in simpli- city. The power is from above ; " Paul may plant and Apollos \vater, but the increase is from God.'' We have adhered to the Gospel and preached it alone, and we mean to adhere to it in the future. We have found this course to be right and successful, and we expect to find it so to the end. Whether we shall live to see and to improve another anni- versary or not, is known only to God. I can not say that I am anxious to do so. The time will come when we shall cease to admonish and warn you ; but we protest before God that " we are free from the blood of all men."' Tliose who have not lieard us, nor attended to our earnest efforts to instruct and to save them, will soon go to their account, as we shall also to ours. AVc tremble to think how much they have misimproved and lost. May they yet turn and live! To' a large extent the church which is here to-day is com MEMORIAL SERMOXS. 123 posed of those wliom we liave gatlierecl in. Tlicy are tlie fruits of our own labors and prayers, and we liave coniidence in tlieni tliat tlicy Avill be our friends until death. We expe- rience daily great yearnings of heart that they may be faithful, become eminently pious, and find a rich and lasting reward in the kingdom of heaven. We have borne them on our heart, and Avc mean to bear them there, even in death ; and when the honr of separation comes we will " commend them to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to keep them, and present them faultless, without spot, before the throne in glory." (_)ver the waywardness of the impenitent we have mourned, and may yet iiavc to mourn ; but we pray them to pause and tliink before it is too late. It will be an awful thing to be obliged to meet them and testify against them at the judg- ment-bar, and we appeal to them not to make this necessary. Repentance may yet be found by them all, and an entrance secured into the kingdom of life. What can we do for tliem that we have not already done ? How can we present Christ more effectually M'hen all his attractions have already been cxliibited ? We have unfolded all the depths of his love and tlie tenderness of his compassion ; what can iwe do more i Hear us, we pray you, and turn, that you may live. And now the moment is at hand when this protracted ser- vice is to end. We have spoken freely but kindly ; hear ye what we have said. AVe have drawn from the former things some of the lessons which they teach. Those lessons we com- mend to your serious and prayerful consideration. Another volume of accounts closes here, and a new one will be hence- f ortli opened. It is your business and interest to make it such as you Avill desire it to be, when you come, to meet it at the judgment-seat of Christ. Bretln-cn, I have done S]>eaking to you to-day, but I can not conceal from my own mind, and ought not to conceal from you, that we are both to meet the consequences of this speak- ing and hearing at a future day, and to that day time is roll- ing us on with ceaseless motion. We shall all soon be tliere, but what will it bring 'i Are m'c prepared to meet it ? AVill it be a day of joyful deliverance and of happy recognition, or will it be the contrary? This is the important matter to ns 12-i MEMORIAL SERMONS. HOW. I entreat you to ponder it well. God lives. Eternity is coming. The judgment is prepared. Heaven must receive us, or perdition be our portion. God grant tliat vre may all enter into the joy of the Lord ! AVe commend you to God and to the word of his grace. There is but one hope of life. It is in Christ. See to it that you build on that foundation, and may God help you I Amen. THE EIGHTH MEMOEIAL SEEMON. Pkeached Tuesday, Oct. 29Tir, 1872. G O D "W I T ir U S F O K T Y Y E A II S . "These forty years the Lord thy God hath been with thee." — DEUTERO- NOMY 2 : 7. These words were originally spoken to Moses, and were in- tended as an encouragement to liini in view of future difficul- ties. We employ tliem as an appropriate motto, suggestive of many of the thoughts which crowd upon our memories, and press for utterance, in connection with these commemorative services. We feel no one sentiment more deeply than the ac- knowledgment that " God has been with lis these forty years,'' We are jierfectly conscious that nothing hut his supporting, guiding, and instructing presence could have enabled lis to do the work, support the burdens, and meet the responsibilities of such a protracted service in the position we have occupied. AVe are here, and Ave are what we are, and have done what has been done, because he has enabled us to do it. We ac- knowledge God's favor in all, and we erect here our " Ebene- zer," and praise his great and holy name ! The day is an anniversary, and we intend to devote it to a review of the work tliat lias been done, and to the making of a record of God's gracious hel}). We are fully prepared to testify that " goodness and mercy have followed us all our days," and, when we think of our own agency, to exclaim, "Kot unto us, O Lord, but unto tliy name, be the })raise !" God has been khuUn with us all these forty years ; and no one can feel more vivid i_y than we do, that if he had not been "our h('l})er," we could not have continued here so long to witness for him ! We ai'e sensible of a great pleasure, and we enjoy a great triunipli ; but, at the same time, we experi- "126 MEMOEIAL SERMONS. ence emotions of tlie most varied and opposite kinds. Our joy and onr triumph is mixed with sadness. Here, in the presence of tlie living, we remember tlie dead ; and " the dear departed ones," how many of them rise up to our Adew ! And they were so kind to us ! Many of them were such eminent Christians ; and they were so long our friends — our trusted friends ! The forty years Avhieh Ave are to review have been Avit- uesses to some most mighty changes in the affairs of our Avorld ; and the advances Avhicli have been made Avill ever continue to be menu)rable. Europe has changed its political aspect almost entirely. The spirit of liberty has been victo- rious in every field of conflict. Light has radiated upon some of the darkest places in the moral Avorld. The Avork of missions has been prosecuted Avith marked success, and many almost uidooked-for results have been reached. The poAver of the Papacy has crumbled and dwindled aAvay until it is almost nothing, and the Avhole Avorld now is open to the Gospel ! The navigation of the ocean by steam, the transmission of intelligence by the telegraph, the system of railroad-travel — all fall Avithin the limits of the last forty years. The Bible Society, the Tract Society, and the A^arious missionary societies, though some of them had been organized, may still be said to have commenced their work, and to have become conscious of their strength, only as the action included in tlie last forty years has given them exiperience. The position Avhich has been reached to-day is far in advance of that AAdiich they occupied at the commencement of the period of Avhicli we speak. In fact, a great work has been done and a great triumj)li Avon Avithin the past forty years ! In our OAvn Ancinity the beginning of this period was the beginning of cdmost every thing. The canal connecting the Avaters of the DelaAvare Avitli the Raritan, one of the most im- portant avenues of commerce in Avliich Ave pride ourselves, and from Avhich Ave reap most important advantages, was just then being opened. All the railroads across the State, except the one from Amboy to Camden, have been built since. Tl)c Avater-poAver AAdiich has occasioned tlie existence of another MEMORIAL SERMONS. * 127 Yillao'G in (»nr imincdiate vicinitv, alrciidv almost equal to our own, and destined, at no distant day, perhaps, to outstrip it, was planned and completed after this period commenced. The agricultural community around us Avas just bcginnina- to awake to a sense of their advantages, and to the importance of improving their condition and their lands. Two bushels, and in not a few instances three bushels, of grain, are now gathered where the land then produced only one ; and the farm-houses, and all the appointments of the farmsteads, have been advanced in an equal proportion. The wealth and com- fort of the whole community have even been bettered to more than a corresponding amount. All the former evidences ot rudeness and discomfort have disappeared from the prosperous farmer's home, and a commendable refinement and taste have taken their places. At the time of which we are speaking, Somcrville was a small village of some sixty-two dwellings, with the addition of the court-house, church, and academy. It had three taverns, three stores, and perhaps five mechanic shops. There were sixty-two families living in. it, embracing about four hundred and fifty souls. It had a single newspaper, and its academy had, in former years, proved a very great advantage to it, in the education of its young people, and in the diffusion of some taste for reading and mental culture. The inhabitants of Somcrville were noted for their intelligence, the high social position which many of them occupied, the pure morals which prevailed among them, their excellent religious character, and their general prosperity and happiness as men and citizens. There was no village in the State which claimed mo7'e of all these social advantages, and none which enjoyed them in a larger and fuller measure. And yet, how different from the Somcrville of today ! Tt had been built along the public road, afterward the turnpike ; and had but one street, on which all the houses, except per- haps six, stood. It liad no sidewalks, no shade-trees besides the few single ones which had been planted as fruit-bearing trees ; and in winter the mud was sometimes literally fearful for pedestrians to encounter. The passage across the public square in front of the church would become, in certain states "128 • ME]\[ORIAL SERMONS. of the atniosplicre, a veritable '* slougli of daspond ;" females dared not attempt it. The old church stood on tliis very ground. It^vas a mode- rate-sized brick-building, which had been enlarged by an addition of twenty feet in the rear, with a small cupola and a fine-toned bell. Internally it was exceedingly plain. The pews had straight high backs ; the wood- work around the pulpit was unpainted, the ceiling formed of pine boards ; and it had long been so crowded that the consistory had given np their •places and consented to sit on chairs in front of the pulpit. Efforts had been made to have this building repaired, enlarged, or a new house erected, but had proved in vain. Every body saw and felt the inconvenience and insufficiency of the house for the proper accommodation of the people who assembled in it for worship, but all the remedies were in succession nega- tived by the popular vote. It was a strange infatuation, a wonderful want of a proper spirit ; but it was unconquerable. This unwillingness to enlarge and refit the church edifice finally led, in connection with another feeling existing at the time, to tlie division of the congregation and the formation of the second church. It was a providential infiuence, but cer- tainly no such idea was taken into account in the action had by the people. In this house, in 1S32, there worshiped a congregation of at least two hundred and seventy families, with three hundred and twenty-eight members in communion, and thirteen hun- dred souls. On pleasant Sabbath days it was completely filled — even the galleries were crowded ; and the state of re- ligious sentiment was more earnest, active, and fervent than it has been at any time since. Many who had experienced convictions during the season of the great revival, were ma- turing as Christians, and at every communion season uniting with the church. This continued to increase our numbers for several of the first years of my ministry, and seemed like the gleanings of the great harvest. The organization of the second church was eftected entirely out of individuals who had been attached to this congregation, and at the end of the first year they reported seventy-six families as belonging to their communion ; and yet our church :m e:\iorial sei;:\[oxs, 121) wa^ not really affected in any perinaiieut way by such a loss. It liad in it still abundant "wcaltli and strength of numbers, and it went on prospering. The strength in the number of families was less in one aspect, but its ability was quite equal in another; and this the future has demonstrated. Iti 1S52 we reported one hundred and seventy families, and four hun- dred and thirty-four in communion ; in 1802, one hundred and ninety families, and four Imndred and fifty-six in com- munion ; and this year, two hundred families, and hve hun- dred and twelve in communion. In the mean time, besides the second church organized in 1834, the church at Boundbrook beginning in 1810, the third church in Ilaritan village in 1848, Brancliville in 1850, each in turn took away from us some of our important families ; while the Methodist church organized in 1833, the Baptist church in 1845, the Episcopal church in 1851, either drew away from us or -were the means of preventing some from uniting with ns. Indeed, when we consider all the circum- stances, our constant growth and prosperity is not a little wonderful. It shows us that diligence, carefulness, prayerful- ness, with a study of "the things that make for peace," will never fail in obtaining a blessing from the Lord. We have given from our own to increase the strength of everv churcli around ns, while we have been growing in strength ourselves! The one f;ict tliat in 1832, with two hundred and seventv families, and after the wonderful ingathering of tlie great re- vival in 1822, bringing into the church more than three hun- dred members on confession of faith, there were only three Inmdred and twenty-eight in communion, but now, with two hundred families, we have live hundred and twelve members on our records, is, in its.elf, a sufficient warrant for all that we claim; and, if we add to this immber the three hundred and ninety-eight members of the second church, and also the two hundred and seventy of the third churcli, in all fourteen hun- dred and eighty, we shall have the fact of the general prospe- rity of our denomination in this favored communitv most abundantly confirmed. 1'lie blessing attendant upon the dis- ])ensation of the Gospel has been great indeed in all these churches. 130 MEMORIAL SERMONS. There is anotlier fact wliicli demands our recognition. Tliis cliurcli has been a gushing fountain from which the Christian ministiy lias been generously supplied. We find on our records the following names : Jolm Leydt 174.5 Ferdinaiulus Freliiiylinysiui 1753 llynier Van Neste 1753 Elias Van Benschoten 17G9 Matthew Leydt 1778 Isaac Blauvelt 1778 Conrad Ten Eyck 1793 Abraliam Brokaw 1793 Isaac Van Doren 1 795 Jeliiel Talmage 1813 Isaac N. WyckoiF. 1814 Brogun B. HnflF 1814 Samu3l K. Tahnage 1818 Jonathan F. Morris 1819 Ferdinand Vanderveer 1830 Frederick F. Cornell 1823 Garret J. Garretson 1833 James R. Talmage 1833 Alexander M. Mann 1833 Hugh G. Hedges 1889 Abel J. Stewart 1840 John A. Todd 1840 John Simonson 1840 J3hn Steele 1843 George J. Van Neste 1843 Nathaniel Conklin 1843 Warren Taylor 1843 John Gaston 1843 Augustus F. Todd 1846 Peter Stryker Talmage 1846 David K. Vaudoren 1856 A. M. Quick 1861=33 There are other facts requiring notice. The whole nuniber of members in communion of this church, from the beginning on the 9th of March, 1699, as now recorded on our minutes, is fifteen hundred and twenty-nine (1529), and the whole num- ber received since October 29th, 1832, wdien I began my ser- vices here, is seven hundred and sixty-four, wliicli is only four less than one half of the Avhole number received from the be- frinninjr: that is, the church has c;athered from the world as MEMOllIAL SEHMOXS. 131 many, lackinij; four, in forty years, as it jiad done in one Imn- drcd and thirty-three years previous. I leave this fact to make its own impression. It is necessary also that we should state another fact. The proportion between those wlio liave entered our cliurch on certificate and on confession of faith has been as follows : Of the former there have been two hundred and sixty-seven, of the latter four hundred and ninety-seven. Tliese numbers show a large preponderance of special spiritual influence in the pro- gress of the church. And, adding to this another fact, we have the evidence of the constant presence of the Holy Ghost in our Sabbath-day assemblies ; and that fact is, that in our various communion seasons, during all these forty years, there has been but one without any one uniting with the church on confession of faith ; and even on that one occasion there were two who united on certiiicate. AVlien I have mentioned this fact to other ministers, it has always been received with surprise. Indeed, I believe there are few churches in our land of which it is true, during such a protracted series of years. And we may as well in this place introduce the other statistics which belong to our subject. AVe have baptized seven hundred and twenty-three individuals; of Avhicli num- ber six hundred and seventy-live were infants, and forty- eight adults on confession of their faith ; and we have con- lirmed the mati'imonial vows of three hundi-ed and sixty- nine couples. AVe have had in our consistory, not a few times, individuals whom we had first baptized and then welcomed to the cummuniun of tlie church. AV^e have married persons, baptized their children, received them into tlie communion, and again baptized their grandchildren ! In this way strong- ties have been formed with many families, and as tlie efl'ect of their existence, we have found here ever strung and i'aithfnl friends. Again, my pastorate in this churcli has been the longest of all wlio have jireceded me. The first Frelinghuysen could not have ministered more than twenty-eight years, perhaps only twenty-six, as the date of his decease is not accurately ascertained. The second John Frelinghuysen died when he had been pastor only about three and a half jcars. Jacob ' 132 MEMORIAL SERMONS. Itiitsen ITaivleiibnrgli continued liis ministry for the space of nearly twcnty-tliree years. His successor, Theodore Frclingliuy- sen Ilomeyn, lived to preach here only a little more than ten months. John Dnryea, his successor, was pastor t^velve years and some months. John S. Yredenburgh continued to serve the church twenty-one years, and died, leaving to his people a most fruitful legacy in the glory of his memory and in the power of his piety, which blossomed and matured in a great harvest over his grave. He was succeeded, after an interval of nearly five years, by Richard D. Yan Kleek, who continued his labors less than five years. The whole period comprehend- ed in these seven pastorates embraces ninety-four years ; and, deducting from the whole period of one hundred and thirty- three years the first twenty, which elapsed before the Rev. Theodore J. Frelinghuysen came here from Holland, it leaves as vacant years less than nine in the whole remaining period. This fact indicates a strong love for the ordinances of Christian worship as having prevailed among the people always, leading them to seek for another pastor as soon as death or other causes had removed the one who had before gone in and out in the midst of them. Strange as it may be, the longest vacancy was during and after the great revival. We may also remark how seldom their pastors have left this church for other fields of labor. Theodorns J. Freling- huysen, John Frelinghuysen, Theodore Frelinghuysen Ro- meyn, and John S.Yredenburgh, all died in the harness in the full tide of their success ; only Hardenburgh, Yan Kleek, and Duryea left for other fields of labor. And why should they ? Here was enough to be done ; hero work was appre- ciated when done. They were treated kindly, as pastors ought to be, and their wants were properly supplied by those to whom they ministered, and they had the enjoyment of seeing " the pleasure of the Lord prospering in their hands."' The church was at peace with itself, and able to com- mand so much of the regard of the world as to control more or less the forms and customs of society, mailing it a pleasant field to labor in. It is an acknowledged fact that religious sentiment is more general, and religion is more universally respected, in Somerset County, than in almo.-^t any other part MEMORIAL SEIIMOXS. 133 of our favored laiid. It is the effect of the earnest and evan- _li;clical ministry which the churches liavc enjoyed, and of the blessing which lias rested upon their labors. In its character, this ministry, too, has been highly devoted and pure. The grccit discriminating doctrines of the Gospel have been fully and faithfully preached, and a high tone of piety has, from the Ijeginning, been insisted on, as alone sufiicient to give a good hope of life eternal. " Christ, and him crucified," has been the burden of all the preaching to which the people have been called to listen ; sensationalism has had no countenance here. Every one of my predecessors in this pulpit have been godly men, faithful men, and earnest men ; and their ministry has liad a blessing resting on it, making their memory precious to many when they liad ceased from their labors and entered into their rest. But I am forgetting. My theme is '•'foHy years,'"' and the help of God during all that time; and in a dying, changing world like this, there is much to say of what has been, but is not now. The whole of one generation, and nearly one third of another, have passed away ! When I think of what was here on the first Sabbath when I began to preach to this con- gregation, and then look to see what is here now, lam almost overwhelmed. I remember them all, many of them affection- ately, but I do not sec them. They were among the living on that day ; they are among the dead on this day ! Some of their children are here, but many of them have no repre- sentatives among ns. Whole families are either extinct or scattered ! I believe I am correct in saying that there are only fi\'e or six men living who, as heads of families, were concerned in making out my call and effecting my settlement as pastor of this church. There are some who were not licads of families, and some who were not witli us then ; but with these exceptions, I am preaching to-day to a people wlio liave come to take the places of those who were here when I began my work. I have passed over in my memory the homesteads of that day, and find on the south side of the river only three which have not passed into other hands ; on the east side of the village there are only two; noi th of it there are none; west 9 134 MEMOEIAL SERMONS. of it tliere are none ; and, in tlie village itself, only two, and one belongs to a jnember of the second clinrcli. Sncli is time ; Bncli are the changes which a few gliding years })]'odace ; snch are the changes which are coming in the future ! AYhen I think of it all I am almost in despair. Hlxefathei's, where are thej ? and the children, where are they ? The ])romise is that " they] shall be in the place of their fathers ;" but, alas ! alas ! how many of them are not ! In not a few instances, parents and children both are not ; in others, they have re- moved from among ns to dwell elsewhere. But God's cove- nant has not failed, nor has his church been deserted. In his wise providence he has provided for all this. The church lives even when her members " are gathered to their fathers." God is not dependent npon one generation, or one set of men, to do his work. lie holds the hearts of all men in his hands, and moves them when he requires them to do what has been appointed to be done. This is our confidence ; and yet there is a duty incumbent on every generation. It requires them to do tlie work of their calling in an earnest, manful spirit • — to support the church, to provide for its enlargement, to maintain its ordinances, to secure it all the means necessary to enable it to do all its work effectually, in preaching Christ xmd converting sinners to God. Promptness in meeting all these responsibilities is not duty alone, it is also economy and wisdom. Procrastination and sluggishness arc hindrances, and sometimes as ruinous in the church as in the business affairs of hnman life. In the families who worshiped in this church when I came here, there has been as mncliof a change as in the other things around us. All of them have had breaches made in them by death, except one or two ; all of them are broken up, except some five or six. There are representatives of some ; and in a few, one of the heads remains ; but the names even of many are no more spoken among lis ! They have mingled wn'th that great crowd which has passed through the gate of death into the spirit-land. "We have the impression of their character and the fruits of their life, and hold them in honored remem- brance as good men and true, the friends of truth, the pillars of this sanctuary, and the honored examples of practical godli- ]^[Ei[ORIAL SERMONS. 135 iiess; but they are not auioiig the living. AVe have known no better men than some of them were, and we shall lionor their memory until our last hour has come. Tliey were lielpers in our work and in our joy. Our village has changed as much as the other things around us. Instead of the sixty-two dwellings of which we have spoken, tJiere are now nearly four lumdred, of which fifty-seven arc tlie habitations of colored people. Instead of three stores, there are now forty-three stores and shops ; and the four hun- dred and lifty inliabitants of forty years ago have become at least two thousand. And, then, Raritan has grown, out of two houses, into a prosperous village containing more inhabitants than Somer- ville could boast then. So, too, tlie surrounding country has almost everywhere two liouses where there was tlicn oidy one, while the value of the lands is three times what it then was. Customs and habits of life have changed as much as the people. There were only tin-ee conveyances which came to our church-door which were any thing more than the common red farm-wiigon with its linen cover, and these could hardh^ be called carriages. They had springs, indeed, and cushions, and calesh top, but otherwise were very plain and unimposing vehicles. The dress of the people was good, but simple. Fasliion had very little influence in Somerville in those primi- tive but sensible days ; and its grand absurdities, since so con- spicuous and obtrusive, were almost unknown. Tlie people were social and met frequently, especially the ladies, at each other's houses in the afternoon. AVe have memories of many ''Hea-drlrihings'^ of those days, Avhich are refreshing yet! They seemed to us to be jnst Avhat such social gatherings among Christians should l)e — hearty, without restraint, and pro- motive of good-fV'llowsliip and Christian affection without show or expense. There may be a little of the weakness of age in all this, saying " the former days were better than these ;" but if there is, we are sure there was much in those days to praise, and not a little the loss of which is to be regretted. Advance- ment is not always improvement, or progress toward the good and the true ; and there is a good deal of what is now called culture that needs cultivation. I am sure oursocietv has not 130 MEMORIAL SERMONS. increased iu godliness, and I am not sure that it has really attained verv iiiuch in any other desirable excellency. In the year 1835, in connection with William J. Hedges, Leonard Bunn, and William B. Gaston, and others I com- menced a weekly prayer-meeting on Saturday evening. At first it met in the houses of the citizens. It began at once by being well attended, and during a season of more than ordi- nary religions interest in 1837 and 1.838, the rooms were often crowded, and a deep solemnity pervaded all the exercises. That prayer-meeting has continued until the present time. It has had no interruptions, except occasionally from stormy weather, during all this period; and I sincerely hope it may never be given np. It has been a fountain of life to this churcli. There are yet a few living who were present on the ■first evening when it met, and have almost always been present ever since. I know they feel, as I do, that it has been one of the great blessings of their life to have been able always to attend its sessions. When it fails, if it ever is allowed to fail, many other things will have failed, and the end of the greatest good of this church be near. Nothing has so much to do with the real prosperity of a church as the devotional spirit kept active and glowing among its members. When the pastor's hands are not held up by the prayers of his people, he soon comes to feebleness, and resembles the sower whose seed falls by the wayside or among thorns. Nothing else can compen- sate for the loss. His people may be active, charitable, and even zealous, but the blessing will not come down from heaven. There maybe full houses and eloquent sermons, but the renew- ing and sanctifying Spirit will not rest upon the sermon or the assembly. I feel, every day I live, more and more the encouragement which I li-ave received, and the assistance which has been rendered to me in my work, by '' the praying band," who have never ceased to stand by and help me in my work. Blessings on them ! They have been a comfort to me, and they have done much good. One pleasure I am providentially denied, the presence hero to-day — and he desired so much to be here, but could not — the presence of that one man who had more to do with my coming than any other one, and whose friendship and kindness MEMORIAL SERMONS. 137 has been one of the perpetujil comforts of my life, lie advised my call, signed it, nrged its acceptance, and, though living apart, has never felt as if he could suffer himself to be sun- dered from us. If he had been able to be \vilh us, my gratifi- cation would have been increased greatly. I refer to ex- Governor A room. May he live long yet to enjoy his works of Christian devotion, and, when called to his rest, be joyful in the vision of glory ! A forty years' close friendship is almost a rarity in such a changing world as this, and I feel all the obligations of it every day more and more. I have, indeed, many obligations to acknowledge, and many pleasant memories to cherish, as the result of these forty years. In the associations which have been formed, in the social in- tercourse of my ministerial life, in the kindness done to mc by my people here, I feel that I have laid up a treasure which will be pleasant to me even in the other life and in the heavenly slate. I have always loved to dwell upon these memories, and expect to cherish them more and more, until the end of my days has come. I have never intentionally offended any one. I have tried to be courteous and to do good to all, and I have therefore no apologies to make and no offenses to acknowledge. I have not been able to please all, and therefore have never been obnoxious to the woe pro- nounced u]>on the man of whom all men speak well. I could not do otherwise than I have done, and abide therefore in the consciousness of havinir intended richtwhen others considered me in the wrong. In conclusion, I luivc nothing special to announce as to the future. I am willing to ])reach the Gospel as long as God ffives me strength to do it. It has been the work of mv life, and I liave loved it. I have tried to preach it simply, com- prehensively, and efficiently. It has been the Gospel as I liave learned it and understood it, that I have preached. No one can say that I have ever held back the truth, or modified it, to please men. Honestly I can say that " I have not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God.*' My study has been more to find things to profit than to please ; and I have ])reachcd nothing but the Gospel. Upon the whole, in look- ing over my past life, and the course which I have pursued, 138 MEMORIAL SERMOXS. I find regrets only in tliat I liave not been able to abound more, and not in wliat I liave earnestly tried to do. I liave not made myself a standard for others, and I have not suffered others to be a standard for me. I have felt that there was a sphere marked out for me, and I hav^e been constrained to fol- low it, sometimes even in the midst of gainsayings. I have no idea to-day how much longer I shall continue to serve in my pastorate here. It depends upon Providence, and not upon me, to say when the service should close. When Providence indicates his will, I shall obey it. I have expressed a desire to continue and to see this day, and I have seen it ; and now I am in the hands of my Master, and I desire to have no will of my own, but only to follow his will with a cheer- ful, trnsting heart ! I have confidence in those who have uniformly been my friends, that they will never urge me except to do what is right ; that they should act against me I do not expect, I know my work is nearly done, and I hope to rest contented when the end of it has come. I dismiss all anxiety as it respects the future. It will be well ; and I hope to be able to say " it is weU,^'' whatever it may be ! But I have some anxiety about this churcli. I have labored for its good so long that I can not be indifferent to its future. It is a consecrated thing to me. I must charge 3'ou, on whom it depends, to be earnest, zealous, active, generous, and prayer- ful. I have sometimes thought that you would not under- stand what was for your best interests. I most earnestly hope that nothing but a wise and generous Christian spirit will ever characterize a church where I have preached a self-denying Saviour so long. Promptness in meeting responsibilities and providing for exigencies is always the wisest and least expen- sive policy. God loves a cheerful giver, and gives the most to those who find it in their hearts to give to him, and to the advancement of the kingdom of his dear Son. There is such a thing, and Providence indicates in a thousand ways that there is such a thing, as " withholding more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty.'' If you deny Christ what belongs to him, he will be very apt to deny you some of the things you have set your heart u])on. A high standard of action is always MEMORIAL SERMONS. 139 most efficient, and a generous coni'se with tlie clnircli results always in the greatest good to the individual, as well Jis to the interest of the church. If I should be obliged to live to see this church, to which I have devoted so mnch time and labor, in any state but one of activity and prosperity, it would bo a great grief to nie. I charge you, to whose care it will soon be passed over, by your own devotion to Christ, and l)y your veneration and respect for your ancestors, to keep it always in a high state of prosperous activity. This church has always been like a watered garden. The Spirit has been present through almost all its years, and given efficacy to the Gospel preached in it ! All its pastors have been blessed in their work, and prospered in the conversion of souls. Its record in this respect is peculiar. Its first pastor had a great revival — great considering the day and the circumstan- ces. Under the second it continued, and under the third and fourth ; then came the great outpouring ; and now for forty years we have been reaping almost a perpetual harvest ! It is wonderful ! It is of God! and it is the most effective argument to urge us on to diligence, God blesses those who wait upon him and labor sincerely to do his work ; and he will bless us if we are ftiithful, earnest, and active in seeking him and serving him. With this assurance as om* encouragement, we close this memorial discourse by appropriating the words of another, as expressive of our sentiments and feelings : Churcli of my sires, my love to tliee Was nurtured in my infancy ; And now maturer thoughts approve The object of that early love. liinked to my soul with hooks of steel, By all I siiy, and do, and feel ; By records tliat refresh my eye, In tlie rich page of memory ; By blessings at tliine altars given, By scenes which lift the soul to lieaven ; By monuments that humbly rise, Memorials of the good, the wise ; By graves forever sad and dear, Still reeking with my constant tears ; Wliere those in honored slumb(!r lie. Whose deaths have taught vie how to die. 140 MEMORIAL SEiniOXS. And sliall I not, witli all my powers. Watch round tliy venerable towers? And can I bid the pilgrim flee To holier refuge than to thee? Cliurch of my sires, my heart's best home ! From thee I can not, will not roam ! And now, may tlic God of the everlastino- covenant continue to be onr covenant-keepinp; God, and the God ot our children in all generations * Amen. October 29tli, 1872. TiiK exf:iicises of the fohtietii axxiyersauy OF llEY. BR. MESSLER'S rASTOIIAl The Consistory of the First llefonnecl Duteli Clmrcli of Rarilan, liaving determined to observe the fortieth anniversary of tlieir pastor's settlement, had invited the presence of the neigliboring ministers, especially of those who had been reared in this churcli, and other friends Avho Avould be interested in the event. Tuesday, the 29th day of October, was selected, because on that day of the month, in 1832, Dr. Messier preached his first sermon after accepting the call of the people. The weather proved propitious, tlie skies being clear, and tlie air genial and bracing, and calculated to elevate the feelings of all in joyful harmony with the important services of the day. The ladies had tastefully decorated the church — the pulpit especially having been wreathed Avith evergreens, decked -with garlands of flowers. On the right of tlie pulpit was placed the date 1832, while 1872 Avas displayed njion the left. The word "Anniversary" spaimed the pulpit Avith a graceful arch which seemed sus^^ended over it by an invisible })Ower. The ladies Averc prepared Avith an abundance of good cheer to refresh their guests, and the choir added the influence of their musical skill to increase the pleasures of the occasion. At 10^ o'clock, the church Avas Avell filled Avith an audience Avho manifested their deep and earnest interest in the important ser- A'ices of the day. ]>esi(les the ordinary attendants upon the church, there Avere many laymen ])resent from other churches in kSoinerset and Hunterdon Counties, Avilli quite a large number of clergymen. ^Vmong tlie latter Avere John F. iNIesick, D.D., Pastor of the Second Church of Karitan ; Gabriel LudloAV% D.D., and Peter D. Oakey, of Neshanic ; P. M. Doolittle and Horace Doo- little, of North-l>ranch ; William Bailey, of White House; Joliii (iardner, of Harlingen ; William ]]. Voorhees, of Bhiwenburgh ; Charles H. Pool, of Bedminsler ; R. K. llodgers, D.D., of J>ouud- brook ; Paul D. Van Clcef, D.D., of Jersey City ; A. IMcW^illiam, of Fas'. -Millstone ; James B. Wilson, of Long Branch ; A. Messier 142 ANNIVERSARY, Quick, of Franklin; George J. Van Nestc, of Little Falls; Na- thaniel Conkling, of New-Vernon ; Augustus F. Todd, of Bloom- ingburgh, N. Y. ; John Steele, of Paterson; John A. Todd, D.D., of TarrytOAvn, X. Y, ; John C, Lowe, of Rotterdam, N. Y. ; Frederick F. Cornell, "Wm. A. Cornell, and Charles M. Jameson, of Somerville ; John Garretson, D.D., of New-Brunswick ; Gus- tavus Abeel, D.D., of Newark ; and Aaron Lloyd, of New- York. The choir sang an appropriate anthem as an introduction to the services of the day. The Rev. George J. Van Neste pre- sided, and announced the various exercises. The Rev. Augustus F. Todd invoked the divine presence and blessing. The Scrip- tures v/ere read by the Rev. A. Messier Quick. The audience then united in singing the 471st Hymn, " Kiudred in Clirist, for liis dear sake." The Rev. G. Ludlow, D.D., then offered the following simple and comprehensive j^i'fvyer: " Great God of heaven and earth, Ave come before thee in all our littleness and unworthiness. What a Aast chasm there is be- tween thee and the most exalted of thy creatures, but especially between thee and us. Tiiou art from everlasting, while we are only of yesterday ! Thou art Almighty, and we are encompassed with infirmity. Thou changest not, wliile we are constantly changing in body and mind. Thou art holy without spot, but we are sinful in our nature and practfce. Yet thou art the God of the covenant, the God of salvation, and especially the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and for his sake and through him, our Father most condescending and gracioxis. Thus we are encouraged to approach thee. We are but atoms in thy almost boundless universe of worlds and creatures, and were we stricken out of existence, the space left would be small and easily filled by thy ci-eative power. Yet thou wilt deign to look down upon us and hear and answer our petitions, and accept our poor defective services and offerings. We come not before thee on this interesting occasion for purposes of ostentation, vainglory, and display, but to acknowledge thy wonderful and xinmerited goodness. We come, too, to profit by the experience of thy ser- vant — an expei'ience extending through so many years in the gos- pel ministry ; and although some of us are somewhat older than he, we are willing to sit at his feet as little children and listen to his Avords of wisdom. We are Avilling to learn and add to our stores of knoAvledge while Ave live and have opportunity, perad- vcnture avc may be better fitted for instructing those AAdio are AXNIVEESARY. 1 1-3 committed of tliee to our cliargo and cure. Lord help liim to speak edifyingly. Tlio\i liast distinguished tlie cluirch and con- gregation Avorsliiping witliin these walls, and their fathers he- fore them, with very special favor. Those of us who are far ad- vanced in life, liave not only heard of the marvelous interposi- tion of the Spirit of grace in bringing many sons and daugliters into thy spiritual family here, hut have been eye-witnesses of Avhat has been done. Wc give thee onr liuinble and hearty thanks for all this. We have not forgotten i(, and we trust wc never shall. We give thanks to thee, O Lord ! for thy goodness to these people through an extended pastorate of forty years. We thank thee for all the instruction, warning, and exhortations addressed to them by thy sei'vant who has so long broken to them the bread of life, and for the good results Avhicli his ministrations have been instrumental in producing. We thank thee for the additions, larger and smaller, made to the communion of this church at almost every communion season. We give glory to thy name in this behalf, for we know that whoever may plant or whoever may water, thou, O our God ! must give the increase. " We thaidc thee for thy goodness to thy servant and his family, through so many eventful and trying years, lie has had, indeed, his dark days, but they have been few in number compared with his bright ones. Surely goodness and mercy have followed h'un thus far all the days of his life, and those days have been many. We trust that when the end comes (all this depends on thy good pleasure) he will dwell in thy house on high forever. Yet, though advanced in years, may he still be spared many years to 1)6 useful in this church, and in the church of liis fathers, and in the church generally. May he through grace be enabled to bring forth fruit, much fruit, substantial, ripe, pleasant fruit in his old ago, and may his rest be glorious, and thus may it be Avith all tliat are dear to him. Also grant to him, O God, many among his people who shall be jewels in his crown of rejoicing at that day, the day when tlie jNFaster shall say to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.' "Command a blessing, () Lord, upon all thy servants who are here to-day, and on all the people to whom they minister in lioly things. We all feel our dcpciulenfe upon thee, both as disciples and ministers of Jesus Chi'ist. If it Avere not for the pi-eeious assiu-ance Avhich the INfaster has given, ' Lo ! I ani Avith you al- Avay, even mito the end of the Avorhl,' we should be niterly dis- heartened. Jjook graciously, O Loi'd ! \\\)on all thy ministering l-ii ANNIVERSARY, servants, find upon all the churches everywhere in our State and in our heloved hind, yea, tln-ougliout the worUl. Thou seest liow tliy cause is struggling against opposition manifold, what giant forces are at work to destroy it utterly ! But thou hast said, Lord Jesus, tliat the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, and tliy word must and will stand, and ' when the enemy eometli in like a flood, thou Avilt set np a hanner against him ;' so do, Lord God. Amen. " The loth Hymn, " Source of light and power divine," was next sung. The llev. Dr. Messier then delivered his Eighth Memorial Ser* mon, which was listened to with close attention and deep interest by the audience. The Ilev. 11. K. Rodgers, D.D., then read the 33d Hymn, " The Lord Jeliovali lives, And blessed be my rock," which was sunsr hy tlie audience standing. KEV. DR. TODd's ADDRESS. The Eev. John A. Todd, D.D., one of the ministers raised up from this church through the labors of Dr. Messier, delivered the following address, on behalf of his brethren, which was lis- ened to with interest : I need hardly say to you. Christian friends, how deeply I en- joy the privilege of being here in the old church to-day, and lis- tening once more to the voice of my loved and honored pastor. 1 call him my pastor, for he is mine as well as yours, and perhaps I might say, so far as some of you are concerned, that he is even more mine than he is yours. lie is the only pastor I ever had, and all my impressions, whether as boy or man, of Avliat a pastor is, in person and office, are inseparably mingled with n)y ideas and memories of him. I can truly say that I never desired to have another, and that all my associations with him, as they often rise imbidden in the mind, are among the pleasantest recollections of my life. I shall never forget them, never lose their influence out of my heart, until that heart shall have ceased to beat. Or rather, may I not say, that when the heart has been hushed to rest, and the journcyings and toils of life are ended, those associations, as their influence will then be more clearly seen in the destiny of the immortal AXNIVERSAKV. 145 spirit, will become more vivid and more deliglitful far than they ever can be licre? And so, too, as there is an association that binds me peculiarly to this pastor, there is also a kindred association that binds me peculiarly to this church. I was born here, baptized here, taught in the Sunday-school here, by that noble Christian layman and elder, Ciovernor Peter D. Vroom, clarion et vencrahile nomen, and I still have at home, as a cherished memorial of the past, the very Bible which he gave mo as a token of his friendly interest, and an en- couragement to my heart. In this church I was received into the full communion of God's children, and here, on a bright Sab- bath morning in the early summer, I sat down for the first time at the table of the Lord. Through the influence of this pastor, and the kind words of sympathy uttered by members of this flock, I was led to turn my thoughts to the work of the Christian ministry, and when, in due time, the preparatory course Avas com- pleted, and I had received my certificate of licensure from the classis, my first sermon was preached in this church. The dear- est kindred I had on earth sat that day in the congregation, and I well remember. how my mother — now, I trust, a partaker with the church triumphant in heaven — spoke to me afterward of the throbbing of her heart, and the tremulous feeling she had, as she saw me going up the aisle, and following Dr. Messier into the pulpit. Here, also, my father and mother held their membership, under the same pastoral care, as manj'- of you know, almost up to the time of their death; and though in the allotments of Providence their connection Avas necessarily transferred, in consequence of having changed their place of residence, yet they always looked back to this church and to this pastor Avith an affection that never changed. It Avas in this church, indeed — ^just there, in front of the pulpit — that I looked for the last time upon the lace of my father, as he lay calmly sleeping in death. And never, until all that the heart holds dear sliall fade out and be lost to memo- ry, shall I forget the Avords of comfort that Avere then spoken by this pastor, from ] tomans 0:8, " Noav if Ave be dead Avith Clirist, we believe that Ave shall also live Avith him," Is it strange, then, dear friends, that Avith such associations binding me to this church and its minister, I should bear my humble part in the c\-ercises of this day with an interest and a feeling which it is difficult for language to ex]»ress ? This is the fortieth anniversary of the setllement of Abraham 146 ANNIVERSARY. Messier as the pastor of this clnircli. Forty years ! How large a part do they constitute of an ordinary human life ! What changes have they wrought in this church, in this comniunit}-, in this nation, in the world ! It seems like a dream. AVe can scarcely make ourselves believe that the reality is true. We Avake up to consciousness, like the soldier who had been wounded in the liead in battle, and yet lived on for years with a pressure upon his brain that made him insensible to tlie flight of time and the succession of passing events. But at last the surgeon's skill relieved liini. And then, coming to liimself, his thoughts Avau^ dered in a momentary bewilderment. " Wiicre are we ?" said he. " Yesterday we were at Manassas. But where are we to-day ?" The whole intervening time was lost. He could not tell where lie was, nor how the time had passed. We are like him. We, too, may ask the question, Where are we? But yesterday we were in tlie midst of other scenes, and now every thing is changed around us. The world is rushing on, and we are rushing with it, at such a fearful rate of speed that we have to stop and think be- fore we can tell wliere we are. Here is a pastorate of forty years' duration ! How strange a phenomenon it is in tlie midst of this changing world ! But not more strange than honorable alike to the pastor and the jjcople. W'heu I received the kind invitation to be present, and read tlie words, " The Fortieth Anniversary," they struck me so singular- ly that I began to wonder whether it might not be an intimation of the world's return to the good old Bible times. For there, in the Bible, that period of forty years is so frequently recurring as to suggest the idea of some particular sacredness, or some special Divine purpose in regard to it. Thus we learn that Moses spent forty years of his life at the court of Pharaoh, forty years in Midian, and forty years in performing his great mission as the leader and lawgiver of his people. Thus we read that Israel wandered forty years in the wilderness, and that they were fed witli manna from heaven through all the forty years they Avere there. And thus in other places, too, we have the period of forty ^^ears spoken of, as, for example, to specify the duration of David's reign. Wliy is it ? Does the period of forty years indicate any thing peculiar ? Docs it intimate any thing like the special government, guardian- ship, and fatherly care of God ? If it does, then wliy can we not say that it has a parallel significance liere ? Tliere^t's something sacred, something divine, about this long-continued relation be- AXMVEKSAUY. 147 twecii one of Chrisrs faithl'al iiiiiiisU'rs and the coiiijjany of disci- ples wliich the great Sljeplierd and Jjisliop of souls lias com- mitted to his care. It is a relation that forms, and should form, the basis of precious memories and hopes and thanksgivings to all those whom its inlhience has tended to ennoble and to bless. Take the memories that grow out of this relation ; for it is to them that the day especially points. They are a priceless inheri- tance from the past. It is true, the office of the ministry has its labors, its cares, its privations, and its trials, and sometimes they are hard to be borne. But it has another side, too. It brings the minister into the most intimate and endearing relations Avitli his people. There grows up a feeling of mutual interest, of mu- tual confidence, and of mutual love. And sanctified, as it often is, by a common Christian faith and hope, it leads to a genuine Christian sympathy, and a corresponding communication of moral support to each other, that should be ranked among the sweetest elements that are mingled in the cup of life. From such an experience a minister is always gathering up new facts, incidents, and impressions that go to swell the treasures of memory, and to bind him by enduring associations to his fiock. True, some of his people may be dead, others may be living, but "whether living or dead, the bond of connection still exists, and neither time nor eternity can destroy it. Think of the various scenes through which he has passed ; follow him in imagination on his round of weekly service ; and the eftbrt may jjerhaps give you some idea of the memories that must be stored in his mind. There is the church, the prayer-meeting, the catechetical class, the afternoon or the evening lecture in the school-house, or in the home of some parishioner who has thrown open his doors and in- vited friends and neighbors to come in and hear the C4ospel. Forty years of such service is ecpial to two thousand and eighty Aveeks ; or, to state it differently, it is equivalent to almost six years of Sabbath-days. What impressions they must have left upon the mind! But to all these we arc to add tlie more private relations that connect him with lamilies and individual persons — his social comnuuiion, as friend and neighl)or, with those who compose his congregation; his visits to tlie sick, the afflicted, the sorrowing ; liis mingling in sad funereal scenes, Avhere the drapery of death, and the solemn silence that reigns in the house of bereavement, are but the outward token of feelings too deep for the tongue to utter. How many such occasions must have been crowded hito 1 18 ANNIVEKSAin'. tliat period of forty years ! And tliere, too, passing from over the darker to tlie brigliter side, from the tears of grief to the smiles and festal joy of marriage-scenes, are tlie bonds of memory that hind him to tliose upon whose union of hearts and destinies, for time, he pronounced the sanction and the blessing of heaven. What numberless points of contact there are where a minister's life glides on with the life of his people, and what a wealth of memories must they both gather up as the mingled currents of their history roll on ! memories sad, tender, joyous, happy, now unsealing the fountain of tears ; now sending smile after smile over the face in rippling Araves of mirth or pleasure ; now illumi- nating the eyes with that calm and beautiful light that never fades in the soul, the lingering brightness of " days well spent and duties well performed." God bless this pastor ! and may his memories grow brighter to the end, until, at last, they shall blend their beams in an evening glory like tlie glory of the setting sun ! But if the pastor has his juemories, so also do the people have theirs. His are connected with them all; theirs, in turn, are con- nected with him. His radiate from a centre upon many points ; theirs converge from the circumference upon one. He has more ; they have less. But if the number is smaller, the greater will their vividness be. Tiiink what memories this congregation must have of a minister who has served them, in all the various duties of the pastoral oflice, for a period of forty years ! Think Avhat they would be, if all who were living when he entered upon their service, and all who have lived in the intervening time down to this hour, could be here to-day ! Each one would have his own peculiar memory of him. Each would refer back to him in some different circumstance or relation. This, in sorrow ; that, in joy. This, burdened with sin ; that, happy in a new-found Christian ho[)e. This, coming for the first time to the table of the Lord ; that, bidding both pastor and church farewell, and turning away to seek a distant home. This, about to be united in the dearest bonds of domestic life ; that, fast approaching the gates of eter- nity, and waiting for the invitation from on high. And so on, through the almost endless catalogue of experiences, states, and conditions that give diversity to the lives of men. Suppose this congregation could gather up all its memories of its pastor, and of his faithful wife, performing her less conspicuous but most im- portant and honorable part, through these forty years, and write AXXIVERSARY 149 tlicm ill a book, Avliat a strange, mingled, interesting record it ■would bo ! Xet me give you a spoeimeu contribution to it. Why it is, avc do not always kno\v, but there are some events, some circum- stances in every one's life, that leave a more enduring imj)ression upon the mind. They seem to go with us, while others, in the on- ward march, are dropped out and forgotten. I, for instance, have certain memories in regard to this pastor. I remember that one day, when he was going to the post-office, and I was coming from it, he met me in front of tlie old store of William J. Hedges, now deceased, and spoke to me in regard to my soul, adding the kind advice to give my heart at once to my Saviour. I remember also going to his house one evening to see him when I had become in- terested in my salvation, and how, after giving me friendly coun- sel, he knelt down with me, and prayed for the Holy Spirit to en- lighten and guide me. I remember, still earlier, Avith what feel- ings I heard that he was coming into our part of the congrega- tion to catechize the children, and the severe labor I performed in preparing to recite my first Lord's Day of the Heidelberg Catechism. I see now, as I did not then, that the whole glorious Gospel of Christ is briefly and beautifully expressed in that question and answer, and I thank Dr. Messier for his faithfulness in instructing me and the youth of this church in tliat good old catechism. These are but examples (the graver and the more cheerful) of thousands of memories that cling to the minds of the people, and connect the pastor with his flock. Smiles and tears, lights and sha- dows, the darker and the brighter hues, all woven together, side by side, in the warp and the woof of life ! What a strange ex- istence is ours ! Coming into time from the past, going on in ceaseless march under this great archway of heaveu toward tlic gates of the endless future, how mysterious and even awful our very being is ! But how mucli more so would it be, did Ave not know that Christ, the glorious Son of God, has swept aside the darkening vail, and brought life and immortality to light ! And here it is that avc can turn from our memories, dear as tliey are, to our hopes, Avhich are still dearer. What is all tlie past, but preparation ? We have the memory of it, indeed, but Ave have also the hope of seeing its gladdening fruits hereafter. Tlic farmer soavs his seed, and he remembers it. For days and Aveeks together his thoughts turn back to the past. But at length there 10 150 AXXIVERSARY. comes a time wlicn their tendency is toward the future. Then it is expectation, liope rising in the bi'east, and looking for the re- Kults of the past in the Avaving golden harvest. So it is here. We have the memories, it is true, but our hopes also anticipate the results in the future. And what blessed results they will be ! The membership of this church tlirough forty years all gathered Iiome at last to heaven! Husbands and Avives, parents and chil- dren, brothers and sisters, kindred and friends, pastor and people, all re-united there ! " There, parted friends again sliall meet In union lioiy, calm and sweet. And light shall glance on every crown From suns that never more go down." We come with full hearts to celebrate this anniversary to-day. But, oh ! a fairer scene, a deeper enjoyment, a more glowing breast, and songs more soaring and triumphant, are just before ns in the future. It is the day when this pastor shall stand before the lledeemer's throne, and, pointing to us, shall say, " Here am I, and the children whom thou hast given me !" We have had the past. We wait for the future. If the expe- rience of the one, and the promise of the other, do not inspire us with loving gratitude to God, then surely nothing can. Let us go to our homes with three Avords graven deeply on our hearts : Memory^ Hope., ThcmJcsgiving. The opportunity was here afforded for short addresses by min- isters and friends present, especially those who had gone forth from the communion of this church to preach the everlasting Gospel of Christ. r.Ev. MR. quick's addeess. The Rev. A. Messier Quick, one of the children of the church, named .after the present jjastor, and baptized by him, addressed tlie audience as follows : "My friends, although I Avould not prolong these already pro- tracted, though exceedingly interesting exercises by any lengthy words of mine, still I Avill give A'ent to some of the rising emotions of my heart that the present occasion inspires. We, who a few years ago went forth from this paternal roof to preach the un- searchable riches of Christ, have come home to-day to exchange friendly greetings, and say, llow do you do, father ? how do you do, brethren and friends ? ANXI VERSAR Y. 1 5 1 "As we gatlicr in tliis family circlf, let us recall tlic past, wlien "sve used to sit within these consecrated walls, before we went forth to proclaim those truths which were first instilled in and impressed upon our hearts in this sanctuary, by this our beloved and honored pastor. This is our natural and spiritual birth})lace, and, conse(][uently, hallowed and blessed memories cluster here. From this centre our lives have radiated forth into the respective fields where the Lord has placed us, to promulgate those truths which here first inflamed our souls. Among the many honored sons who liave gone forth from this church to preaclx the ever- lasting Gospel of Christ, I stand before you as the youngest, among my brethren, and the onl}^ one Avho bears the lionored name of our pastor; and I believe I am the only one of them who can boast of having received upon my brow the water of lioly baptism from his hand. Here my mother brought me to conse- crate me to the Lord, and upon this spot I received the seal of the washing away of sin by the blood and spirit of Christ ; and I hope and trust it was not in vain. I feel that it is but due my pastor, when I say that I owe more, under God, to him than any- one else for leading me to the position I now occupy in the vine- yard of my Master, and doubtless my brethren can bear the same testimony. Here in our childhood and youthful days we listened regularly on the Sabbath to the faithful presentation of the Gos- pel from the lips of liim who now for forty years has broken unto this people the bread of life. Gradually tliose truths became in- stilled into our minds, and finally impressed our hearts. Wv were thus led to embrace Christ, and afterward constrained to proclaim a crucified Redeemer to a peris^hing race. That system also of regular and faithful catechetical instruction which was then the custom of our 2-)astor, was of incalculable benefit to us, giving us clear views of tlie plan of salvation and method of grace, and indoctrinating us in that system of revealed truth Avhich is in accordance with our Keformed faith. By the value we thus received we learned the importance of catechetical in- struction among the children of our own congregations, and arc better qualified to interpret these truths. IJut not only for tlu^ faithful inculcation of divine truth from this pulpit, and by cate- chetical instruction, do we feel deeply indebted to our pastor, but also for his valuable and timely counsels during our course of study. We ever felt that we had in him a safe counselor, anle and faith- ful minister of the everlasting Gosi)el of the grace of God. And now, Lord, we pray thee that liis bow may abide in strength, and his hand may be made strong by the arm of the mighty God of Jacob, for the reuiainder of his life-work, and until he shall be called up higher, to receive the award of the faithful. And may tlie people of his charge likewise be faithful and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; fulfilling their jiart of this covenant relationship more fully and freely than ever be- fore. And now may the God of peace, who wrought again," etc. The audience at the close united in singing the grand old doxo " Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," etc. The benediction was pronounced by the Kev. John Garretson, D.D., and thus ended the interesting public exercises of this memorial day — a day to live for many years in the memory of the people of the church of Raritau and of all their friends who were present to particij^ate in them. The clergy and fiiends from abroad were invited to the house of Dr. Messier, where they par- took of a bountiful collation spread by the pastor for his intimate friends. While refreshing the outer man, a pleasant opportunity was afforded for renewing old friendshijos and social ties. In genial intercourse the hours passed pleasantly, until the waning day warned those from a distance of the necessity of their bid- ding adieu to this scene with its pleasant associations. The evening was devoted by the people of the church to the pleasant work of honoring their revered pastor, and partaking of the good things he had provided for them. They came in great numbers to testify their esteem and tender him their congratula- tions. They mingled with one another in pleasant social groups, and thus made a cheerful and agreeable use of the occasion. AVhile thus testifying their intelligent and hearty appreciation of this memorial day, they showed a true appreciation of the bene- fits of the relation which has so long subsisted between them and their pastor, by giving him not only pleasant words and kind compliments, but also substantial tokens of their esteem, tending to smoothe the declivity of life, and cement the tics which have so long bound them to one another. Before taking their departure they presented him with a handsome purse amounting to more than $500, and thus afforded him additional evidences of their friendship and love in this renewed expression of their kind es- teem, and desire to promote his welfare and comfort. 156 ANNIVERSAEY. An interesting incident connected withti)e exercises of tlie day- was the presentation of the following note to Rev. Dr. Messier, by the gentlemen Avhose names are appended. " Bloomingburg, N. Y., Nor. 22, 1872. " Rev. Dr. Messler : Dear Friend and Pastor : Inclosed yoo will please find a check drawn to your order, which paper we shall make bold to call a purse. It is presented by those whom you are pleased to designate as your 'young men 'or, in other words, those who have entered the ministry from the church of which you are the honored pastor. " We are well aware that the amount is not large, scarcely wortli a mention, nevertheless beg you to accept it as a slight expression of our high regard for one whose name and memory we cherisli as that of friend and pastor. "We congratulate you on your having been spared and permit- ted to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of your settlement as minister of the First Reformed Church of Raritan ; to which ven- erable 'elect lady' we have the honor to claim a near and spiritual relationship. Long may your love abide in strength, and the truths you utter be 'as a two-edged sword.' May the blessing of our covenant God and Saviour be upon you and yours, and upon the church you have served ' these forty years.' "Very truly yours in the gospel of a blessed Saviour. George J. Van Neste, N. Conklin, Abel T. Stewart, Joiiiv Gaston, John Steele, John A. Todd, A. Messleu Quick, Aug. F. Todd." HISTORICAL NOTES EE FORM El) DUTCH CIlURCnES COUNTY OF SOMERSET, N. J. THE CHURCH OF EARITAN. There Avere no permanent inhabitants in Somerset Count)- earlier than 1681 ; and there is no record of any ecclesiastical or- ganization before March 9th, 1699, when elders and deacons were chosen at Raritan, and ordained by the Rev. Guliam Bartliolf, of Ilackensack. The country was originally almost entirely covered by a primitive forest. The lowlands along the Raritan, above Bound Brook, were, in some places, destitute of trees, and had been used by the Indians to raise corn, beans, and pumpkins. This open meadow, abounding in grass, and fit at once for the plow, formed one of the principal attractions to the first inhabi- tants. Cornelius Van Tienhoven, Secretary of New-Netherlands, in his tract in relation to taking up lands in 1650, says, "The dis- trict inhabited by a nation called Raritangs is situated on a fresh water river, that flows through the centre of a lowland which the Indians cultivated. This vacant territory lies between two high mountains far distant the one from the other. This is the handsomest and pleasantest country that man can behold. It furnished the Indians with abundance of maize, beans, pumpkins, and other fruits. This district was abandoned by the natives for two reasons : The first and principal is that, finding themselves unable to resist the southern Indians, they migrated further in- land. The second, because this country was flooded every spring, like Rensselaer's colony, frequently spoiling and destroying their supply of maize, stored in holes under ground. " Through this valley pass large numbers of all sorts of tribes on their way north or east. This land is, therefore, not only adapted for raising grain and rearing all descriptions of cattle, but also very convenient for trade with the Indians." — Doc. Ilistori/, vol . 4, page 29. When the settlement of tlie country commenced, a few families came from New- York, as White, Codrington, Royce, and possibly others, and settled on the lands they had ])urchased. Then Cor- nelius and John Tunison and Peter and Jerome Van Xest emi- 160 HISTORICAL NOTES. o-rated from Long Island and located on the Raritan, near So- mcrvillc, about 1683. John Inians, a merchant of New-York, pur- chased, November 10th, 1681, a tract of land on the Raritan, em- bracing the territory on which the city of IsTew-Briinswick was afterward built, and others soon bought up nearly the whole space subsequently included in the Three-Mile Run and Six-Mile Run congregations. Inians fixed his residence on his land near the river, and established a ferry near what is now the foot of Albany street. A road or bridle-path had been opened at an early day from Eliza- beth to Trenton, on an old Indian trail, which crossed the river at the place where Inians's ferry was located. We have a notice of the existence of this path as early as leVY, Avhen William Edmundson, a preacher among the Quakers in England, attempted to pass between these two points with an Indian guide, and lost his way ten miles west of Ne \v -Brunswick, and was a whole day occupied in retracing his steps, camping out during the night by a fire in the wilderness. This path became the first public tho- roughfare across the State, and exists still in " the old road " between New-Brunswick and Trenton. The importance of it as a means of communication by land, between New-Amsterdam and Virginia, Avas so great that Inians obtained a grant for his "ferry" December 2d, 1697, by promising to pay an annual rent of five shillings sterling. On this " old road " the first settlements were made west of NcAV-Brunswick. When the upper parts of the Raritan began to be visited, another path first, and then a road, branched off on the east side of the "ferry," and following mainly the river bank on the north side, reached Bound Brook, and gra- dually penetrated westward to the forks of the north and south branches. By this road the first settlers about Somerville must have come, or else they made their way up the river in small boats or canoes, from Inians's ferry and Amboy. Soon after the Tunisons and Van Nests settled, Cornelius Vroom, Michael Hansson, Andries Aullyn, Derick Middagh, Michael Van Veghten came and joined them. Frederick Gar- retson, William Morrison, John Oatman Wortman, Jacob Sebring, Isaac Bodyn, Edward Drinkwater, Reuben Jonsen, Johannes Dameld, Gabriel Lebertstein, Ilendrick Reyniersen, John Roelof- son, Thomas Posselle, Folkerd Hendricksen, Pieter Dumont, John TIanse Hoeverden, Josias Merlett, Cornelius Powelsen, William Claessen, and others soon found their way to Raritan. In the vicinity of Three-Mile Run the earliest names derived from the church records are Roclcf Sebring, Ilendrick Brics, lIISTOJilCAL NOTES, IGl Roelf Lucas Van Yoorlioes, Aavt Arisen, Isaac Van l>yke, Johannes Folkersen, Jan Aten, Laurens AVilliains, Jacob Oukc, Roelef Nevius, Charles Fonteyn, ILins Stoothuff, and Tliomas Bowman.* Contemporary with these names we have, in tlie year ] TOS, a list of persons at Three-Mile Run subscribing for the expense of pro- curing a minister from Holland, namely, Dolis liegeman, Tunis Quick, Ilcndrick Einans, Thomas Cort, Jacob Probasco, Nicholas Wyekotf, Aaron L. Draver, Michael L. Moore, John Schedeman, Nicholas Van Dyke, John Van Ilouten, William Bennet, Fol- kerd Van ISTostrand, Isaac Bennet, ITendrick Fanger, Abraham Bennet, Cornelius Peterson, Philip Folkersen, George Anderson, Stophel Probasco, Isaac La Priere, Simon Van Winkle, Cobes Benat, Garrit Oatman, Lucas Coevert, Brogun Coevert, William Van Duyn, John Folkerson, Jost Benat. These names embrace the nucleus out of "which the churches of Three-Mile Run and Six-Mile Run were subsequently organized. They were here before Theodorus J. Frelinghuysen was called to labor in this part of New-Jersey. Others were in time added to them by emigration, as the country improved. We find, for in- stance, in the records of Raritan the following : Derich Volkerse, Garret Bolmer, Jan Lavor, Simon Wickkolf, William Claesse, Pieter Iloff, Garret Dorlandt, Andrics Boert, Jan Broka, James Fontejm, Adrian Molenar, Jacob Rappelyea, Joris Hael, Jan Laeten, William Lambers, Pieter Kinne, Jacob Stoll, LTendrick Traphagen, Luykes Schermcrliorn, Jan Ilendricksen, Joris Van Middles waert, Johannes Fisher, Jeremias Field, Lnyckas Wessels, Jacob Koersen, Nicholas Hayman, Cornells Van Ouwegen, An- drics Ten Eyck, William Dey, Manuel Van Allen, Abraliam Elemetcren, Johannes Siegeler, Cornells Van Ondeyen, 'Wilem Ilerrite, Jurijen Remer, and oihers. Some of these names are yet borne by persons among us, honored in church and state; but liow many have ceased to have any living representatives ! " One generation passeth away anil another followeth," and in tlic wrecks of time the proudest names perish. It is a necessity grow- ng out of our transitory existence, and the reign of death. The earliest record of an ecclesiastical character which has been preserved, relating to the churches of Somerset County, is dated March 9th, ] 699, and being translated reads as follows : "The follow- ing persons Avere chosen, (tneaning as a consistory,) namely, John Tuynesen as elder, and Pieter Van Nest as deacon, and were in- * Wo give tlic spelling in the record. 1G2 HISTORICAL NOTES. Stalled before the congregation by Guliam BertliolfF. At the same time the ordinance of the holy sacrament Avas administered to the communicants by the above named person," This is all tlie record we have in reference to the organization of our chur(;h, the first organized religious society in the county ; and there are no docu- ments and no traditions pointing out where these services were held, or of any building for religious worship in our vicinity prior to 1*721. It is liardly credible that some jDlace had not been pro- vided before this. There is reference to a church building at Three-Mile Run as early as 1703, and such a building was erected at Six-Mile Run in 1717, and at ISTortli-Brancb in 1710, It is hardly probable that the people of Raritan were the last to move in such an important matter ; but if they had any building, where was it ? We are inclined to the opinion that all their meetings were at some private house, perhaps in a barn belonging to John Tunison or Peter Van Nest, Rev. Guliam Betholf, the actor in this important transaction, was originally a schoolmaster and " voorleser, " or clerk, in the church at Hackensack. lie Avas sent by the congregation to Holland in 1693 to be licensed and or- dained, and seems to have commended himself to the chassis of Amsterdam, for they clicorfally granted the request of the people of Hackensack, and sent him back to them as an ordained minis- ter. He is said to have been the second person who went from Xew-Netherland to Holland for this important purpose. On his return he preached at Hackensack and Acquackanonk statedly, and was for fifteen years the only settled preacher in New-Jersey. He had, in consequence, a general suj^ervision of all the churches in the colony, and may be said to have been a domestic mission- ary at large, and very much on his own charges at the same time. Tappan, Tarrytown, and Staten Island as well as Raritan in their records show evidence of his presence and of his labors. It is also known that he ofiiciated at Ponds, Pompton, Bellvillc, and other places from time to time. He is said to have possessed " a mild and placid eloquence which persuaded by its gentleness, and attracted by the sweetness which it distilled, and the holy savor of piety which it diffused around." His hand was largely in " the beginnings" of several of our Dutch churches, and if all the other hands had been guided by such a kindly spirit as he breathed, the " beginnings" would have taken hold faster, and their progress would certainly have been more efiectual in promoting godliness. From 1G81 to 1699, a period of eighteen y-nrs, the families niSTOlUCAL XOTES. 16o wliicli had made this portion of the State, or colony, as it then Avas, their home had had few or no religious privileges. It is probable that occasionally, at least, some clergyman from New- York or Long Island visited them and preached the Gospel to them ; at least this may have been done during the latter years of this period ; but yve have no documentary evidence to that eftect. And again, from 1699 to 1717 or 1718 there were evidently only occasional services in any of the churches then existing. The re- cords of baptisms at Raritan are September 19th, 1099, April 30th, 1700, September 26Lh, 1700, March 11th, 1701, Xovember 18th, 1701, April 21st, 1702, October 27th, 1702, March 23d, 1703, January 30th, 1703 ; and so on nniformly twice in each year, through the whole period. There is one entrance which is pecu- liar : Cornelius Powelson and his wife had eight children, namely, Maritie, Lisabel, Maria, Cornells, Benjamin, Josias, William, and John, baptized as sjwnsors. These were probably their grand- children, as the names of the parents are omitted in the record — they may have been deceased. In 17 04, there are three days noted on which children were admitted to the ordinance of bap- tism, namely, April 20th, August 1st, and January 1 7th. These records until April, 1717, arc all evidently made by the same hand, and if the notice of the first ordination of consistory on March 9th, 1699, Avas made by the Rev. G. Bartholft' himself, then he seems to have preached at Raritan ordinarily twice during the year, in the spring and in the autumn, when he also administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the church. The call from Raritan, Three Mile Run, Six-]Mile Run, and Xorth-Branch must have been prepared and sent forward to the classis of Amsterdam as early as 1717 or 1718 ; for it is stated that when Theodoras J. Frelinghuysen accepted it, it had been waiting two years. This is evidence that there must have been churches already regarded as having been regularly constituted in all these three districts, but we have no other evidence of this iuiportant fact. Of any church editices we only know that the Tliree-]\Iile Run church was l)uilt on the main road about three miles west from New-Brunswick, and the burying-ground around it is still preserved, and marks the spot Avhere it stood. The North-Branch church was constructed of logs, and stood on the Second river-bank, directly west of the Two Bridges, on the north side of the road to Readington. As early as 1703, the people of Three-Mile Run had moved in the matter of a preacher of the 16-1 HISTORICAL XOTES. Gospel, and raised a sum of money amounting to £10 18s. Gd. to pay the expense of procuring one from Holland. There may have been a church edifice in that vicinity as early as this time, but it is hardly probable. There was none at Raritan, certainly, earlier than 1721. This edifice was erected on land donated by Michael Van Vechten, and it stood on the knoll on the north side of the river, one fourth of a mile below the present bridge across the Karitan, known as " tlie old bridge." The road from Bound Brook to Somerville ran, at that time, a few yards north of it. It re- mained standing fifty-eight years, until it Avas burned by the Bri- tish dragoons, known as the Queen's Rangers, commanded by Colonel Symes, on the 27th of October, 1779. If we consider the circumstances by which the people in Som- erset County had been surrounded, we shall easily form a proper conception of their spiritual condition. They had been living nearly forty years in a new and uncultivated country. Hearing the Gospel only a few times in the year, a whole generation had been born and educated without public worship. The schools were no better than the churches. A state of manners and of morals must have been gendered under such circumstances which was any thing but favorable to religion. The country in which they lived was rude, and it could hardly be expected that the people would be otherwise. The outward forms had in some measure been maintained, but the spirit of religion must have been largely wanting. We have then, at the time Mr. Frelinghuysen took charge of the religious hiterests in tliis vicinity, three churches, more or less completely organized. Raritan in 1699, Three-Mile Run in l703, and North-Branch in 1719. In process of time the Three- Mile Run church was divided, one portion going to New-Bruns- Avick, and the other to Six-Mile Run. This took place early, as it appears a church Avas organized there in l7lO. The division proba- bly was gradual, and resulted from the preponderance of interest in the Three-Mile Run church, centering in NcAV-Brunswick. There is a list of members of " the Church of the River and LaAvrcnce Brook " dated 1717, and including seventy-three individuals, name- ly, Adrien Bennet and wife, Aart Artsen and Avife, Isaac Van Dyke and Avife, Roelef Sebring and Avife, Johannes Folkersen and Avife, Hendrick Bries and Avife, Roelef Van Voorhees and Avife, Laurens Willimse and Avife, Roelef Nevius and Avife, Jan Van Voorhees and Avife, Minne Van Voorhees and Avife, Jacobus Oukee and Avife, HISTORICAL NOTES. lOo Johannes Stootliofl'and wife, Abraliani P>eniu't and w ife, Jakis Fon- teyn and wife, Siarles Fonteyn and wife, Jakobus Buys and wife, Thomas Auten and Avii'e, Thomas Davidts and Avife, William Klaasen and wife, Thomas Bouwman and wife, Andries Wortinan and wife, Johannes Koevert and wife, Ilendrick Meecli and wife, IJernardus Kuelor and wife, Christofel Van Arsdalen and wife, Jakop Corse and wife, Cornelius Suydara and wife, Joris Anderse and wife. Marten Van der Iloeve, Johannes Metselaer, Samuel Montfort, Jan Aten, William Moore, Nicckhis Bason, Maria Fre- lanth,Elizabet Bries, AnnaticFolkerson, Ileelena Iloglandt, Mare- geretie IJeynierse, Barbara Janse, Geartic Smock, Elizabet Smock, and Katrina Boyd. Thes(* were the original members of the Xew-Brunswick church. This list adds to the names ah-eady given only twelve, namely, Trelanth, Bries, Buys, Van der Iloeve, Bason, Meech, Kuetor, Metselaer, Smock, ^'an Arsdalen, Boyd, Suydam. At Xortli-Branch, we have Andries Ten Eyck, Abraham Dubois, John Purscll, Josua Chrison, Jan Ilendi'icksen, Daniel Sebring, Coenrad Ten Eyck, Derick and Michael A'an Veghteii, •Alexander McDowall, Jan Van Sicklen, Benjamin Bart, Jacob Stoll, Tennis Van Middleswaert, George Hall, Albert Lou, Wil- liam Kosa, Paulus Bulner, Lucas Schermerhorn, Pieter Van Neste, William Krom, John Cock, Joris Van Neste, Emanuel Van Etten, Johannes Grau, Jolni Emmens, Coert Jansen, George Dildein, John 1 leading, Gerret Van Vliet, Hendrick Rosenboom, Frans Wal- dron, Godfried and Philip Peters, David Cussart, David Subaii-, Isaac Bodine, Abraham Broca, all before 1T23. . The following notice of Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen, the , first minister of these churches, was prepared some years since/ and recently published in Sprague's A>mals of the Americans Pulpit.^ It embraces all that has been collected concerning his , person, life, and ministry. It is iiot as much as ought to liave been preserved, but it is all that we have been able to collect from all known sources of reliable information ; a large portion is tradition, but we believe it is reliable. Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen Avas born at Lingcn, in East- Frieslang', now the northwest i)art of the kingdom of Llanover, about the year 1G9L He was the son of Johannes Ilenricus Fre- linghuysen. pastor of the Peformcd Dutch churcli in tliat j)lace, and a l»rother of Matthias David Frelinghuysen,w]io settled in llorligen, Holland. He seems to have received his education chieHy in his * See Steele's Hist. Discourse, page 209. 11 166 HISTORICAL NOTES. native place, under the instruction of the Rev. Otto Verbrugge, Avho afterward became a professor at Groningen. lie was or- dained to tlie pastoral oiftce at Embden in his native countrj^ by Johannes Brunius, in the year 1*717. He came from Holland to America in the ship King George, Captain Goclet, in 1*720, or per- haps the end of 1719, as he preached in New- York January 17th, l720, and settled immediately as the pastor of the Reformed -Dutch church at Raritan, Somerset County, IST. J, He preached liis first sermon at Raritan, January 31st, 1720, from 2 Cor. 5 : 20 : " Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us : we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." A call from this church hatl been sent some two years previous to the classis of Amsterdam for their approval, wliich, according to the usages of their cliurch in this country, they were expected to fill up with tlie name of a suitable person, and, after ordaining him, send him out to fulfill its duties. Tn this way all vacancies were supplied, and a Christian ministry furnished to the ■congregations which had been collected in their colonies in America. The Rev. Mr. Sicco Tjady, a godly minister belong- ing to that classis, it is said, interested himself, through the inMu- ence of the Rev. Bernardus Freeman, of Long Island, in procuring an evangelical and pious man to fill this station. While the call from Raritan was waiting and inquiries were being made for some one willing to accept it, young Frelinghuysen ])assed through the place of his residence, from East-Friesland, on his way to Emb- den, having been invited to the rectorship of the academy in that city. He ])ut up for the night at the house of one of the elders of the church of which Rev. Sicco Tjady was pastor. The eve- ning Avas spent in religious conversation, and when the time for family worship arrived, the young stranger was invited to con- duct it. He readily consented, and after reading a chapter of the Word of God, gave a short and familiar exposition of its promi- nent truths, and concluded with ])rayer. The elder was much gratified wilh his remarks, the fervor of his prayer, and his pre- vious conversation, and so entirely convinced of his piety and spiritual-mindedness, that in the morning, when he was about to proceed on his journey, lie exacted from him a promise on his re- turn to call upon him again, and then hastening immediately to his pastor, exclaimed, " I have found a man to accept the call from x\merica." Frelinghuysen, after visiting Embden, returned, according to his promise, to the house of the elder, was introduced HISTORICAL KOTES. 107 to Sicco Tjady, consulted in I'cfi'ix'nce to the call, and linall v ai:^recd to aecejtt it. The circumstances appeared providential, and, it is said, Avere always regarded by himself, as having been a divine iuLimation, poiuiing out to him the path of duty, lie felt as if when leaving the land of his birth and the house of his fathers, 7 lie was, like the patriarch, following the direction of the Al- ; mighty. AVhen lie arrived and entered upon the duties of his ministry, he found immediately a wide field of usefulness opening before him. Tlic church at Karitan had been organized since 1696, but Avas still feeble and scattered. It had. enjoyed previously to this time only occasional religious services, perhaps not oftencr than three or four times a year. In such a condition piety could not be expected to flourish, nor the Gospel to produce much fruit ; and the state of things which Mr, Frelinghuysen found existing on his arrival, did not prove the contrary. The form of relio-ion was retained, but there were only a few in the church who mani- fested any eftect of its ^Jowcr. The territory embraced in his charge was great for one indivi- \ dual to supervise. It extended from New-Brunswick to the ' north and south branches of the Raritan River, in length from fifteen to twenty miles, and in breadth from ten to tw^elve, com- < prehending nearly the Avhole of the present county of Somerset, ' east of the mountain, and at this time occupied by sixteen con- • gregations of the Reformed Dutch' church. The place of his residence was about three miles west of New-Brunswick; and thence he visited and preached at all the different points where his services were required. Near his residence was a small church, known at that time as the church at Three-Mile Run, since removed to New-Brunswick, and now divided into two sepa- rate charges. The other points where places for public- worship liad been provided, besides Raritan, were Six-Mile Run, and North- Branch, in all four churches. But his heart was not appalled bv tlie extent and weight of his responsibilities, nor his zeal abated by the difficulties and discouragements which it encountered. For twenty-seven years, at least, he labored in this extensive field Avith unceasing diligejice and most remarkable success. "The wilderness was converted into a fruitful field,'' flourishing like " tlie garden of the Lord," and nuiltitudes rejoiced in the hope of salvation. Here W'hitefield found him in 1739, and made the? following record in his journal : ' '7 1G3 HISTORICAL NOTES. '•At Xow-Brunswick some tliousands gathereJ from various parts of the country, among Avhom there had been considerable awakening by the instrumentalities of Mr. Frelinghuysen, a Dutcli minister, am\ the Messrs. Tennent, Blair, and Rowland." Jona- than Edwards refers to this awakening in his narrative of several revivals of religion in Xew-England in 17-iO, in the following- words : " And also at another place, under the ministry of a very pious young gentleman, a Reformed Dutch minister, whose name, I remember, was Frelinghuysen." Gilbert Tennent also, in 1744, writing to the Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston, notices the same revival of religion as the effects of his preaching. " The labors of the Rev. Mr. Frelinghuysen, a Dutch Calvinistic minister, were much blessed to the people of New-Brunswick and places adjacent, especially about the time of his coming among them, which was about twenty-four years ago. When I came there, which was about seven years after, I had the pleasure of seeing much of the fruits of his ministry. Divers of his heai'ers, with whom I had an opportunity of conversing, appeared to be converted people by their soundness in principle, Christian experience, and pious prac- tice, and these persons declared that the ministrations of this aforesaid gentleman were the means thereof. This, together with a kind letter which he sent me respecting the necessity of \ dividing the Word aright and giving to every man his portion in due season, through the divine blessing, excited me to greater earnestness in ministerial labors." These are the only records remaining of a most extensive and powerful revival of religion, the history of which has never been written, and now it can not properly be done, for the materials l)ave nearly all perished. In attempting, at this late day, to do the subject some justice, we necessarily depend almost wholly upon tradition. This agrees in representing the work to have been general, powerful, and evangelical, resulting in the saving . conversion to Christ of many precious souls. It characterizes tlie J piety of those who experienced its power as being warm, practi- 1 cal, and self-denying. Among its subjects the young were the most numerous, and thi'ough a long life they continued to manifest the genuineness of the change wrought in all their views and aifections, being most of them eminent as examples of faith, of piety, and of prayer. What Tennent saw and admired in those Avitli whom he conversed, was, to a greater or less extent, common to all. No one who had known in himself the power of the grace of God, could IIISTORICAL NOTES. 169, fail to recognize in them " the ima2;e of the Iieavenly," or refuse to acknowledge the agency of the Holy Spirit, hy which they had been renewed and sanctified. Years have rolled away, and the last of them has long since been translated to the joys of immor- tal life ; but neither the sense of the value of their influence for good, nor the conviction of the depth and reality of tlieir piet}^ has ceased to be felt in tliis part of the Church. After careful researches in every jtlace wliere there was any prospect of obtain- ing information as to the precise number who embraced religion, as the fruits of this gracious work, I have been obliged to aban- is opposers, that in visiting the sick and dying, he began by I preaching " the terrors of the lau'," and sometimes left them even \ without a word of comfort, though he could not know that he would ever see them again, and in some cases did not. Now, all this was in striking contrast to what the people had been accustomed to. Evangelical sentijnents were by no means common even among the ministry of the church in that day. They adhered to the doctrines of the Reformation ; but the power and spirituality of that great religious movement, and that most copious effusion of the Holy Ghost, had in a gi'eat measure ceased to exist. All were not in such a lifeless state, indeed, but many were, and the course of Air. Frelinghuysen was spoken against in high places. He was called an enthusiast, because he insisted upon the necessity of a change of heart. But he heeded not the clamors. Pursuing a uniform and energetic course, and waxing stronger and stronger as he gathered around hini those in whoso conversion he had been instrumental, and securing the confidence of that part of the ministry of the church who Avere men ot spiritual-mindedncss, he waited jxatiently for the great triumph of his principles. The most extensive inquiry into the character of the revival under his ministry Avhich has yet been made, has uniformly resulted in a conviction of its purity — the dee])ly experimental character of the work, and the scriptui-al piety which it produced. My own convictions in this respect harmonize witli those of all HISTORICAL NOTES. 171 the others with wliom I have conversed. It is believed that even at this day we are enjoying some of the fruits of that blessed woi-k, in tliat general attention to gospel ordinances and the wide diftusion of the spirit of piety which characterize the cliurches now existing in the sphere of its influence. The change effected was a great one. Tlie wliole spiritual life of the churches was aifi?cted by it. It weut to uproot ancient customs; it attacked, cherished hopes and convictions, made those last who had been first, and showed the confident and the secure that, while " having a name to live, they were dead in trespasses and sins." It required all his energy to meet the crisis — all liis love of truth to prevent him from sacrificing it for the sake of avoiding difficulties. But lie never paused for a moment. He had known the love of God in himself ; how could he refrain from re- commending its peace to his dying fellow-men ? He believed that tlie blood of Christ alone cleanses from sin; how could he fail to direct tlie inquirer to the life-giving fountain ? In a charge so extensive, and under circumstances requiring so much labor and attention to the spiritual interests of individuals, ]Mr. Frelinglnu>- sen found himself straitened beyond measure. The expedient which he adopted as a relief was as novel as it proved to be ju- dicious and successful. At the present day it would be regarded ~-si,Sr-Si-V4Ptf~nei0~mea&ure.\IIe could not depend npon, or to any extent secure, the assistance of his brethren in the ministry, for there were none nearer than Ilackensack and New- York. Perhaj is he had confidence in only a few of them, and the anxious could not be left without instruction and prayer ; he therefore appointed two of his most intelligent and pious elders in each of his congre- gations, and termed them helpers. In his absence they conducted the meetings for prayer, conversed Avith the anxious and awa- kened, and instructed the youths by catechetical recitations. The effect of this expedient was happy at the time. The selection, too, ^eems to have been eminently judicious ; and the individuals con- tiinied to be regardccl and ttt act as leaders in the religious ser- vices, and guides to the people, as long as they lived. They Avere viewed as a kind of under-shepherds, and several of them are still remembered as being particularly eminent in their piety, gifted in prayer, and happy in the influence which they exerted. It has been noticed too, in more than one instance, that very special blessings seemed to rest on their descendants, as if their piety had been transmitted as an inheritance from their ancestors. 172 [ HISTORICAL NOTES. ]>iit it must not be supposed that such a course did not incur cen- sure, or tliat a ministry so efficient and discriminating in holding up to view the difference between formalism and true piety — the religion of the heart as distinguished from that which is satisfied with a fruitless faith — could be exercised without opposition. Some of those who had been most prominent as the friends of the church J felt themselves condemned by many of the doctrines which Mr. Frelinghuysen i^reached. His views of regeneration, and especially his insisting so earnestly upon evidence of a new lieart as a preparation for tlie communion of the Lord's Supper, were at once resisted. " ITow can he know if the heart is changed?" said they. " He sets himself to be the judge of men's hearts;" and consequently his whole course was condemned, and his preaching treated with ridicule, as visionary and enthusiastic. Several of his sermons were specified, and particular passages and expressions seriously censured. This led him, as early as 1721, to ])ublish a small volume containing these same discourses, in order to show what doctrines he really preached, and against what sen- timents his opponents objected. The subject of the first is, "The Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit," Isa. 00 : 2 ; of the second, "The Lord's Supper," 1 Cor. 11 : 29; of the third, "Christian Discipline, or the Power of the Keys," Matthew 10 : 19. That I have formed a correct judgment in reference to the cause of the opposition to the ministry of Mr. Frelinghuysen, and that I am not unjust in attributing it to the doctrines which he preached, and especially to the fact that he insisted so strongly upon the necessity of spiritual influence and a change of heart, and held up prominently the difference between vital godliness and a mere belief of doctrines without practice, will be abun- dantly evident from the very vindication itself, which his oppo- nents thought it necessary for them to prepare and publish. It is contained in a pamphlet of one hundred and forty-six pages; and is an able and most ingenious defense of its own principles, but only on that account the more clearly justifying, to an enlight- ened Christian understanding, the whole course of Mr. Freling- luiysen ; and proving tlie evangelical nature of his preaching and his principles. This pamphlet Mr. Frelinghuysen answered, fully vindicating his whole course, and explaining and proving his doc- trines to be those of the Reformation, and especially of the church of the Netlierlands. This refutation, unfortunately, is lost. Thus, it seems that the same spirit which drove Jonathan Edwards from JIISIOlilC'AL NOTES. 173 Nortlianiptoii filso Mustered and became angiy along tlie Raritan, wlieu it was pressed by the (iospel; but liere it was eoinpletely etuKjuered aud driven from the field. His language, in one of his sermons in reference to the oblocpiy which he met, is, "I may not liere speak of what I suiter personally; so I have made noiiupiiry of what the opposition of na^tural men has led them to say behind my back, avIio speak not according to the truth of God's Avord, but according to their own crooked conceptions. They deceive themselves greatly in attempting in this way to silence me, for I would rather sufier a thousand deaths than not preach the truth." As a specimen of the way in which, at other times, he saw fit to meet the obloquy of his enemies, I may mention that he ])rinted on the back of his sleigh the following doggerel : Niemands tonof, iio;^ nieniands pen, Maakt my amders dan ik ben ; Spreek quaad-spreekers, spreek vonder end, Niemands en Avord van u. gesclicnd. Xo one's tonjjue, nor no one's pen, Makes me other than I am ; Speak evil speakers, speak without end, No one heeds a Avord you pretend. ]3ut perhaps you Avill think that in this last proceeding there Avas a si)ice of human nature. Be it so; I do not suppose the good man to have been faultless, or incapable of provocation. I paint no perfect character. In process of time, Avhat at first was mere dissatisfaction Avith the doctrines of Mr. Frelinghnysen became organized and poAverful opposition, and embraced some of the most Avealthy and resjiect- able families in his pastoral charge. It Avas, no doubt, fostered by several clergymen of eminence in his own denomination, who ])rofessed great attachment to the ancient forms and customs of the fatherland. They eventually allii'orts Avere, he characterized them as " old Avives' fables." 'J'he indi- viduals referred to in this last charge seem to have been Hendrick 176 HISTORICAL NOTES, Fisher, and his friend and brother-in-law, Scliureman, tlie teacher. Against both these men a violent popular clamor liad been excit- ed, mostly, it seems, because they sympathized with the dominie, and supported him. Schureman came with him from Holland, and acted as a school-master ; and they accused him of being unwilling to teach the children the Lord's Prayer, because it was a " form," and the use of it encouraged " formalism." Tliey also pretend that the results of his preaching px'oduced dissension and divisions, even in pr'vate families, and bring forward a letter of young Peter Wortman to his parents, as an instance in jioint. The letter is most unfortunate for the cause which it is given to strengthen. Rei^ding it dispassionately, it seems to us strange that so much could have been atlemj^ted to be made of it. It is simjjly a fer- vent and affectionate appenl from a pious young man to his father and mother, to pause and consider and turn to the Lord. Just such a lecte:' as we have no doubt has often been written to other parents when all the joy and peace of a recent conversion were present to an ingenuous mind. We think better of the heart of that young man, and worse of the spirit of the cause attempted to be advanced by quoting it. Besides these main facts, a great variety of other circumstances are enumerated ; for instance, that at North-Branch, at the first communion, he partook first of the elements himself, and then winked and beckoned to certain women to come forward, an.d gave next to them ; that at Six-Mile Itun he gave it to Schureman alone, and made an address, and then afterward to others who are named ; that lie refused to baptize certain cliildren, because he said their parents belonged to Claas Ilayman's people ; that in his family visitations he was very severe, and, as they expressed it, "knocked down" the hopes and confidence, even of those who had long belonged to the church ; that he expressed a want of confidence in the religious character of persons who were unim- peached ; that he would not comfort the sick, but alarmed them by preaching the necessity of conversion, especially when they did not belong to his party. But the burden of the whole is, " valse leer" and " wedergeborte," that is, false doctrine and regenera- tion ; and the fact that after he had cited them and they refused to appear, he had suspended them from the communion of the church. As the result, then, of the whole complaint, as stated by their own advocate, we arrive at the following conclusion : The oppo- iii.-;toi;ical ^:0T]•:s. 177 sition at first liad Its origin in a disrelisli of plain, practical, and earnest preaching on the part of men Avho were really more for- malists than any thing else ; that it was fostered by a partisan view of the question, Avhat were the rights and M'hat the interests of the churches in America, and how far they ought to remain sub- ordinate to the ecclesiastical authority in Holland ; that the ques- tion in the church at large was embittered by conflicts of feeling — perhaps ambition and influence ; that it continued, because there could be no compromise, since principle, faith, and Christian expe- rience were involved in it ; while, on the other hand, at Raritan there was no abatement of the first disrelish of evangelical preach- ing, but rather an increase of dislike, as the work of grace went on, and the power of the truth became more and more manifest in the numei-ous conversions in all the churches to which Mr. Fre- linghuysen ministered. Thus is our judgment formed from read- ing their complaint. The fact is, that in Somerset County, and more so elsewhere, the Coetus men were the men of evangelical life and sentiment — the men of progress, of practical piety, prayer, and godliness ; that the others were the men of exact order, forms, rules; and they felt it to be necessary to maintain all this, at any expense of convenience or of progress. It was the Fatherland, the churches in the Fatherland, their authority and ecclesiastical supremacy ; and not what the circumstances and exigencies of the churches here demanded. Time has justified the liberality and advancement contended for by the one, and condemned the con- tracted and illiberal spirit manifested by the others. Our college, our seminary, our advancement in every necessary enterprise arc all results of what was then contended for. The success of Con- fcrentle would have beeii ulliniately destructive to every churcli which had been planted in Xew-Amstordam and her dependencies. The}' may have been good men, and honest and sincere in their views and in their course; but we can not commend either their spirit or their ])lans of action. There was no adaptation to cir- cumstances, and no provision for progress and enlargement. The war of Avords was long and bitter, but it ended where such conten- tions always end — in a victory for liberty, advancement, and action. We have also ol)tained from this old pamphlet some interesting historical facts. Frelinghuysen was a minister in East-Friesland before he came over to America, and a member of the Synod of Kniberlandt. The call which he accepted was sent to Holland by 178 HISTORICAL XOTES. the Rev. Bernanlus Fj-eemnn, of Flatbiisli, Long Island, and was approved by the above synod. lie came to the Classis of Am- sterdam on recommendation anU dismission, and having been re- ceived by tliem, ^vas commended earnestly to the ministers and churches in Xew-Xetherland. He arrived in Xew-York in the winter of l7l9 and 1720, and preached for Dominie Boel in one of the collegiate churches on the IVth of January, l720. This was his first public service, and propeidy his recognition by the church. lie can have been here biit a few days previous to this date. On this occasion he omitted the use of the Lord's Prayer, both on the 0})ening and conclusion of the service. This led to a conversation 1 between himself and Boel, which seems to have resulted in a loss of confidence on the part of both. They ascertained that there was between them a wide difterence and diversity of view and spirit ; and Frelinghuysen afterward termed such men as Boel '''' forinallsteny Schureman is reported to have said that the church at Xew-York was "ecu heydense kerk" — a heathenish church. In May, 1720, the widow Coevers testifies that he had not then yet been four months in his pastoral charge. This is a confirma- tion of the date of his arrival being about January 1st, and of his Jiaving taken l)is charge about the 1st of February. When he I came, it is said the people were generous to him, and instead of I the five acres promised in the call, provided fifty acres for him, ' and built him a large house. On the 3d of March, 1720, a month after liis settlement, he wrote from Xew-Brunswick, l)y Schureman, to Dominie Boel, re- i questing him to purchase for him " een sulver sak liorologe" — a silver watch; and in a concluding paragraph of his letter append- ed a warm practical exhortation to the practice of true piety, which was afterward quoted against him as presuming^ in so I young a man ; and another instance to the same effect is given of the same thing in a letter to Dominie Duboise. The complaint, besides the names of Simon AVyckoft', Peter Dumont, and Ilendrick Yroom, is signed by sixty-four heads of families, of which fourteen had been either elders or deacons, five church masters, and two justices of the peace. These names are evidently gathered from all the congregations, and formed the strength of the opposition. It is certainly not a formidable force ; but it contained enough to make — as it did — a lasting trouble. Frelinghuysen never saw the end of it. We give these names to HISTORICAL NOTES. 179 indicate the weii^lit of tlie o})position, in otlicr -words, llio Coiifc rentio men at this time, namely, Cornelis Tnnisen, Jan Tunisci , Jan llendricksen, Jan Broca, Pieter Kinne, Jeronimus Van Xesi, Aart Aarsen, Albert Low, Adrian Lane, Esq., Lneas Scliermer- lioorn, Coert Jansen, Adrian liegeman, Jan Vliet, Ilendrick Jan- sen, Ary Molonaai', Ary Boerem, Jacob Bnys, Jan Wot'rtman, Adrian Ten Eyck, Ilendrik Enunans, Nicolas Ileyl, Jan Xnn Sickclen, Fredrick Van Leewen, Jacobus ]]ennet, Sen., Jacobus Benuet, Jun., Pieter lloff, Jacob Probasco, widow Johannes Coe- vers, Christofcl Hooglandt, AVilem Van Duyn, Gysbert Krom, Wilem Krom, Abram Le Foy, Hannes Specter, Frans Waldron, Nicolas Ilayman, Coos Vroom, Joost Scliamp, Jacobus Stryker, Sarah Brinkerhoff, widow of Jacob Kapelje, Leendert Smak, (icorge Anderson, Thomas Bort, Abraham Gray, John PifFenger, Andries Andriesen, ]Michel Moor, Adolf Ilardenbrook, Pieter Bo- dyn, Tunis Van Middleswaert Cornelisen, Cornelis Teunissen, Jan Middleswaert, Jun., Gideon Mertel, Burgon Coevei-s, Gilysbert Lane, Abraham Selover, Denys Van Dujni, Ilendrik Smak, Cor- nelis De Hart, Isaak Bennet, Adrian Bennet — and of the dead Ilendrik Tra[ihagcn for his widow, Danielm de Voor, David Marines, Cristofel Beekman for his Avidow. The church officers, on March 28th, 1723, were Joscs Van Neste, Johannes Sebring, of the consistory of Raritan, Barent De Witt, Dirck Van Arsdalen, Six-Mile Hun ; Roelif Nevius, Minnc Voor- liees, Three-Mile Hun ; Cornelius Bogaardt, Andries Ten Eyck, North-Branch, and Elbert Stoothoff" clerk. These names are ap- pended to a citation to the ojjponents to apjiear before consistory. May 9lli, 1'723, a second citation is signed by Joses Van Nest, Ilendrik Bries, Barent De Witt, Jan Stryker, Thomas Boerum, Emanuel Van Netten, Andries Ten Eyck, Elbert Stoothoff, clerk. Tli(> dissatisfaction, it seems, began as soon as ]Mr. Frelingliuy- seu settled. As early as 1721, the Messrs. Boel, the Dominie and Advocate, had written a letter of encouragement to the disaffect- eil, which led 3Ir. Frelinghuysen to stigmatize them as "adxisers to evil, and miscliief-makers;" and it is sufficiently evident that throughout the whole course of the dispute, these men, witii others, by countenance and advice, strengthened and embittered the opposition. When a difficulty arose about salary, they were at once consulted ; but after Coers Vroom had been sued before justices Ilendrik Iloseboom and Jacob Sebring, and had been mulcted in expense, there v;as no more refusal to jjay subscrijitions. 180 iriSTOUICAL NOTES. On December lltli, 1721, a letter was obtained from Micliael Van Vegliten, npon whose land the " new church " was built, and which was now nearhj completed^ (this fixes the date of the first church edifice at llaritan,) to the eftect that Schureman should clear himself from the scandal attached to him, before the consis- tory, and in this way peace be restored, or Frelinghuysen should not go in the pulpit. A compromise was effected, and it was agreed that he might preach, provided he would publish a meet- ing of the four United Consistories from the pulpit, in reference to this matter; but it is added, that it all eventuated in nothing. The Consistory of Karitan at this time were Joses Van Nest, Jan Bogaardt, elders ; Jan Sebring, Tennis Van Middleswaert, deacons. As early as 1721, Mr. Frelinghuysen published his sentiments in regard to spiritual or experimental Christianity and church dis- cipline, and gave offense; and in July, 1723, he printed a refuta- tion of what is called " a letter without a name, or a warning to all the lovers of the ti'uth." This pamphlet seems to be lost ; a small fragment is all that we have ever seen. In 1722, about the time of Easter, Hendrik Fisher was appoint- ed a deacon in the church at Six-Mile Run, and Johannes Tol- kertsz and Charles Fonteyn, elders ; Fisher being at that time a young man. This appointment was objected to by Simon "Wyck- off, on the ground of rinfavorable reports against his character. Witnesses were examined in the presence of David Marines, Esq., namely, Adrian Bennet, Willem Van Gelder, and Paul Auten ; but Frelinghuysen, convinced there was no ground for the reports, proceeded to ordain him. This created also a great clamor. In the midst of all, however, the friends of practical piety re- mained firm in their attachment to their pastor, falling back jilways upon the manifest power of liis preaching, and the con- stant witness and presence of the Holy Spirit in the conversion of \ sinners; and results have justified them fully. In the beginning of liis ministry, Frelinghuysen and Schiyeman ' boarded together at the house of Hendrik Keynierez ; but where exactly he lived is not ascertained. It was somewhere in the vicinity of the Three-Mile Run church. Even this intimacy be- I tween the dominie and liis school-master occasioned mifavorable ]-emarks. Afterward they married sisters, daughters of All)ert Terhune, on Long Island. jNIrs. Frelinghuysen's name was Eva ; and tlie early piety of her five sons and two daughters shows fairly what a woman she must have been — a helper of her husband HISTORICAL NOTES. 181 ill all his work, and most in his own house ! Schureman, in some way, did not succeed in securing tlie confidence of the community, and may have increased the difficulties of Mr, Frelinghuysen's situation. Even his friend Dominie Freeman, of Long Island, is reported to have said, " Had Frelinghuysen dat esel Schureman iiiet mede gebraghte, sonde nooyt so ver gekomen zyn,nog so een trouble of sporting gehadt." The candor of this opinion remains unimpeached so far as facts testify. Previous to his accepting the call and coming to America, Fre- linghuysen had published a catechism, in the preface to which he complimented Jacobus Koelman, a Holland divine, as " a bright star in the firmament." This led Boel, of New- York, to stigmatize him as " a Koelmanist and Labbadist ;" but in what these divines were heterodox we are not able to say. In a word, results have proved that in the spirit of his course, if not in every detail, he was in the right, and his enemies in the wrong. Charity leads us to add, that much of their wrong Avas due to the opinions and the spirit of their associates. We proceed to some account of Dominic Frelinghuysen's chil- dren. His eldest son was named Theodore, and was born at Three- MileKun in 1'724 or 1725. Ho graduated at Princeton College in 1749 — it would seem while his father was pastor at Albany, as he was settled there in 1745, immediately after his return from Hol- land, Avhere he had been licensed, after studying theology Avith Goetchius. This was during his father's lifetime. lie was the suc- cessor of Rev. Cornelius Van Shie, whohad died August 15th, 1744. He remained at Albany for fifteen years, and was becoming a man of influence and power in the churches, earnest in his advocacy of the independence of the church from the Classis of Amsterdam,, and one of the most strenuous advocates of an institution in Avhich a ministry could be properly taught and trained. He was so pro- minent in this matter that the contemplated seminary and college was commonly called by the Conferentie party, " Frelinghuysen's academy." He was its most earnest and constant advocate, and drew upon himself the reproach of its opponents. At last he felt impelled to j^reach a very pointed sermon against fashionable amusements, and especially theatrical representations. He was induced to do this by the circumstance of a regiment of royal troops being stationed in the city at that time, the officers of wJiich had encouraged and pi'omoted these things. On Monday morning he JFound at his door an image with a statt', a silver coin, a pair of 12 ,182 HISTORICAL NOTES. shoes, and a loaf of bread. He construed this as an intimation for him to leave, and at once determined to do so. Amission had been assigned him some time previous, by the Coetus, to collect funds in Holland for the purpose of founding a literary and theo- logical institution in which he had taken a very deep interest, as we have seen. Such an institution was demanded by the wants of the church, and the founding of it urged as necessary in order to free the churches from dependence upon the Classis of Amster- dam, and secure to them a cultivated native ministry and the right of ordination. There was, moreover, special encouragement for such an effort at that time. Michael Schlatter, of Pennsylvania, had just returned from Holland with more than £30,000 for the support of schools and the ministry, among the German Reformed in that State. Mr. Frelinghuysen sailed from New- York October 10th, 1759, and never returned. His memory was long precious among the godly people in his pastoral charge at Albany, and they spoke of him as " the apostolic and much beloved." He was a man of more than ordinary abilities and culture, and published a catechism in 1748, which received the approbation and indoi-se- ment of the Coetus. He left a young widow, but no children. She married again, and recently a will has been discovered which, it is said, promises to become the occasion of legal proceedings, on account of its devises never having been executed. John Frelinghuysen, second son of T. J. Frelinghuysen, was born at Three-Mile Run in 1727. He seems to have studied pi-incipally with his father, then went to Holland, and was absent when his father died. He was licensed by the Classis of Amsterdam in 1750, and received an invitation from the churches in Somerset County to return and occupy his father's place. A copy of this call is found in the minutes of Raritan, dated May 18th, 1747. This call was approved by the classis in 1749, and he arrived at Raritan, after a long and tedious passage, in midsummer, I7o0, and preached at Raritan. He preached his introductory sermons at Raritan, Au- gust 3d, from the words of the Psalm, " Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children," and at North-Branch on the succeeding Sabbath (the 10th) from Zech. 4:6," Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of Plosts ;" and again in the afternoon from Zech. 6 : 12, "Behold the man whose name is the Branch ;" and at Millstone on the succeeding Sabbath, the 17th, from the 133d Psalm, " Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." He commenced his ministry in the three HISTORICAL NOTES. 183 congregations, formerly a part of his fatlier's charge, uudor pro- mising auspices. His first effort was to heal divisions, but the troublesome Aroncleus was among his people laboring to prevent it. He built himself a house in Somerville with bricks wliicli liad been sent over with him from Holland, and commenced by liim- self a theological school, in which several young men were fitted for the ministry ; and every thing promised fair in the future, when he was suddenly arrested by death. He died on Long Is- land, probably at the house of his mother's parents, on his way to the Coetus, on the 15th day of September, 1754, when he had preached only three years and one month to his people. He married Dinah Van Bergh, of Amsterdam, a woman of extraordinary culture and piety, who was afterward known as JaflTvrow Ilardenbergh, and is yet remembered at Karitan by the children of those who had enjoyed the savor of her piety. He was the only son of T. J. Frelinghuysen who left descendants, and is, therefore, the ancestor of all who have since borne that name. Jacobus Frelinghuysen, another son of T. J. Frelingliuysen, graduated at Princeton 1750, studied theology under Goetchius, went to Holland, and was licensed by the Classis of Utrecht, 1753. He had been called by the churches of Warwarsino-, Rochester, and Marbletown, in the county of Ulster, but died on his passage to America, it is said, from small-pox. Ferdinandus Frelinghuysen, another son of T. J. Frelinghuysen, was with his brother in Holland, and licensed at the same time. He studied under Dorstius and Goetchius, and had been called to Kinderhook, but on his way home, in the same vessel with liis brother, he also died ; and so perished on the sea two of the most l)romising young ministers which the church in that day had in ex- ])ectatiou — a sad commentary on the absurd doctrine that the churches in America ought not to have the privilege of ordaining their own ministers after she had educated them. Henricus Frelinghuysen, another and the youngest son of T. J. Frelinghuysen, studied theology under Dorstius and Goetchius, but did not go to Holland for licensure. The fate of his two brothers seems to have deterred him. Indeed, it had much to do with the result, soon after reached, and the determination of the Coetus to licej)se their own candidates. He seems, in fact, to have been jn-eaching at Warwarsing, llocliester, and Marbletown for almost a year before he Avas really authorized to preach; but in 1755 he 18-i HISTORICAL NOTES. was formally admitted to the ministry, and settled in the above- mentioned churches, disappointed in the death of his brother Jaco- bus. When Theodore of Albany communicated to them the news of the disaster at sea, they immediately oiFered the position to Henricus. But disaster seemed to be the order of Providence in regai-d to the young Frelinghuysens ! John died in 1754, Jacobus and Ferdinandus in 1753, and now Henricus, in 1757, deceased at the house of Mrs. Bevier, at Naponock, of small-pox, only a fortnight after he had been ordained at Marbletown. His remains were interred in the last-named church, under the pulpit. In 1759, two years subsequently, Theodore went to sea, and was never heard from. In this way, in less than ten years after the deatli of the father, T. J. Frelinghuysen, the whole of his five sons were in their graves, leaving a little child named Frederick, the only son of John, and a daughter named Eva, as the only rej^resenta- tives of the name in America. The two daughters, Anna and Margaret, botli connected them- selves by max-riage with clergymen. Anna married the Rev. Wil- liam Jackson, long pastor of the church of Bergen. The follow- ing epitaph is inscribed on the stone at the head of her grave : " Anna Frelinghuysen, consort of Rev. William Jackson, who de- parted this life May 3d, 1810, aged 72 years." Her husband. Rev. William Jackson, departed this life July 25th, 1813, aged 81 years. Margaretta Frelinghuysen, wife of Rev. T. Romeyn, was born November 12th, 1737, married June 29th, l756, died at Jamaica, Long Island, December 23d, 1757, leaving an only child, T. F. Romeyn, successor of Dr. Hardenbergh, at Raritan. She was the eldest of the two daughters of T. J. Frelinghuysen. Thus Anna F., Mrs. Jackson, of all the children, lived to the period of a good old age, surviving as the last of her family from l759 to 1810. The last years of Mr. Frelinghuysen's ministry are left in ob- scurity. Even the time of his death is only approximately ascer- tained as being previous to April, 1748. His residence during the last years of his life was on a farm of 200 acres, bought of Daniel Hendrickson for £550, near Three-Mile Run, forming a part of the land now or lately owned by John Brunson. It is described as being bounded on the south-east by the land of Daniel Hen- drickson, north-east by the pretended line of the heirs or assigns of Peter Sonmans, north-west by David Seguire, south-west and north-west by Cornelius Bennet. He lived at one time in Biirnet street, ISTew-Brunswick ; but the exact locality can not be satisfac- HISTORICAL NOTES. 185 torily ascertained. lie lives in his deeds, and liis monument is found in the results of his life, and his abounding labors for Christ's church. After the sudden death of John Frelinghuysen, in 1754, the atten- tion of the congregation Avas directed to Jacob Rutzen Ilardenbergh, one of his students, who resided in his family at tlie time of his deatli, and subsequently became the husband of his widow, Dinah Van Bergh. Ilardenbergh was tlie son of Colonel Johannes Ilarden- bergh, of Rosendale, the original proprietor of the "Ilardenbergh patent" in Ulster County, and was born in 1738. Tlie date of this ])atent is April 23d, 1708, and the associates of Ilardenbergh were Leonard Lewis, Philip Rokeby, William Nottingham, Benjamin Fanuel, Peter Fauconer, and Robert Livingston. It embraced the whole of Sullivan County, and all that part of Delaware east of the west or MohaAvk branch of Delaware River. After his marriage to Mrs. Frelinghuysen, Ilardenbergh took her to his father's house, and continued his studies until he was licensed in 1758. lie immediately returned to Raritan to occupy the house built by John Frelinghuysen, and had charge of Raritan, North- Branch, Neshanich, and Millstone. lie continued in this charge until 1761, Avhen he went to Holland to bring out from thence his wife's mother, then a widow, and was accompanied from London by llov. Hermanns Meyers, afterward settled at Kingston. In 1763, Mill- stone and Ilarlingen separated from the other congregations, and called the Rev. I. M. Van Ilarlingen, leaving Hardenbergh Raritan, North-Branch, (since Readington,) and Bedminster. He received the honor of D.D. from Princeton College in 1770, while pastor here. In 1781, he resigned his charge in Ne^v- Jersey and removed to his fither's residence, taking charge, in the mean time, of the churcii of Rochester, in its immediate vicinity. The following notice of J. R. Ilardenbergh was originally written and published in Sprague's Annals. "We reclaim it for ourselves, now, and present it as containing all that is known of its subject. Jacobus Rutzen Ilardenbergh was born at Rosendale, in the pre- sent county of Ulster, (N. Y..) in the year 1737. He belonged to what has sometimes been denominated "the Dutch aristocracy of the State of New-York." His ancestor, Johannes Hardenbergh, who v^-as by birth a Prussian, migrated to this country some time after the middle of the seventeenth century, and is said to have been connected, as an officer, with the British service. He left two sons, one of wliom set- tled on Long Island and the other at Rosendale, about eight miles 186 HISTORICAL NOTES. southwest of tlie village of Kingston, In connection with Robert Livingston lie purchased a patent of land, comprehending the whole of the present county of Sullivan, and all that part of Delaware which lies east of the west or Mohawk branch of the Delaware River, and is yet known in the history of New-York as " the Plardenbergh patent." His grandson, Colonel Johannes Hardenbergh, the fother of J. R. Hardenbergh, inherited a large share in this immense estate, and resided in the original manorial mansion, where the subject of the present notice was born. His early education, and especially his knowledge of the classics, was probably obtained at the academy of Kingston. How long he remained in this seminary, or to what extent he pursued the study of the Latin and Greek languages, is not known. It is presumed, liowever, that it did not embrace a very thorough coui-se, as every historical notice of his education agrees in asserting that he had not enjoyed the same advantages of learning as most of his contempo- raries in the ministry of the Dutch Church. Indeed, the want of sufficient early learning is one of the most prominent facts in his history, as it has been transmitted to posterity in those brief notices of his life which remain. Nor are we able to give any account of the circumstances or the time of his convei'sion. His father belonged to the Coetus or evan- gelical party in the church, which indicates that he enjoyed the ad- vantages of early religious instruction and a pious example at home. That there was nothing remarkable in it may be inferred from the fact that no tradition of it exists among his posterity. In 1^54, when John Frelinghuysen died so suddenly at Raritan, in the very springtide of his influence and usefulness, Ave find young Hardenbergh (together with Rynear Van Nest and Matthew Leydt) a student of theology, residing in the family. He seems to have remained there at least several months after this time, if the anecdote referring to the marriage Avith the Avidow be correct. This marriage took place Avithin a year of the death of her husband, under circum- stances somewhat peculiar. Mrs. Fi'elinghuysen (Dinah Van Bergh) Avas a native of Amster- dam, in Holland, and Avas married to John Frelinghuysen, it is said, in opposition to the Avish of her father, and she accompanied her hus- band on his return to his native country, after completing his theo- logical course, and receiving license from the classis of Amsterdam. His father, the Rev. T. J. Frelinghuysen, had died during his ab- sence, and he returned, by invitation, to take charge of the congrega- HISTORICAL NOTES. 187 tlons which liad thus become vacant. Iler early bereavement, after living with lier husband — for whom slie had left all — only about three years, far from her friends, and in a strange land, made her situation trying in the extreme. After a few months, she determined to return, like Naomi, to her native laud, and claim again the slieltcr and protection of the paternal roof for herself and her two children. Tiie preparations were all made, and the day appointed to leave Karitau for the purpose of embarking at New-York, Avheu young Ilardenbergh surprised her by an oiFer of marriage. He had con- templated it for some time, and had consulted with some of the offi- cers of the church in regard to its propriety ; but, on account of the yet so. recent death of lier husband, only brought himself to the point of making an avowal of his feelings when it could be no longer post- poned. She is said to have received it with an exclamation of sur- prise : " My child, Avhat are you thinking about ?"' The result, how- ever, was that the arrangements to remove were countermanded, and the voyage to Holland abandoned. They were married soon after, and slie went to reside Avith his father at Rosendale, until he had finished his theological course and received license to preach the Gospel. He was ordained by the Coetus in 1757, and was the first minister in the Dutch Church in America who had not been obliged to go to Holland for the purpose of study, examination, and licensure. His ministry at Raritan commenced on the 1st of May, 1758, where he occupied the ample mansion which John Frelinghuysen had just finished at the time of his decease, and w^hich he intended for a theo- logical institution. Thus a few years brought the widow back again to the scene of her first domestic enjoyments and trials, and placed her in the circle of her first and best friends. In August of the same year he Avas regularly installed as the pastor of the five united congregations of Raritan, North-Branch, Bedminster, Millstone, and New-Shannack. Here he labored diligently and acceptably in this immense field until October, 17G1, Avhen Millstone and New-Shan- nack separated, and called the Rev. John jNL Van Harlingen as their l)astor, and Hardenbergh continued to preach to the other three. In the mean time, during the years 1762 and 1763, or part of each, he had made a voyage to Holland for the purpose of bringing over the mother of his Avife, who, having become a widow, preferred to migrate to America, that she might enjoy the society of her daugh- ter, rather than remain in her loneliness in her native land. Tdat he should do so, is said to have been one of the stipulations of tlie 188 HISTOEICAL NOTES. marriage contract. He was tlie first American minister who ap- peared in Holland after the flames of the celebrated contest of Coe- tus and Conferentie had been enkindled. He returned in safety, having accomplished the design of his voyage, and gave the shelter of his home ever after to his mother-in-law, who finally died at his house at Raritan, where her remains repose. Soon the memorable contest for independence commenced, and during two winters the army of Washington was encamped within the bounds of his pastoral charge. On the 26th of October, 1779, a company of the Queen's Rangers, under the command of Lieutenant- Colonel Siracoe, made an incursion into Somerset County for the pur- pose of burning some boats which had been transported from the Delaware, and were lying in the Avater of the Raritan, near Van Vechten's bridge, a few yards above the church ; and, not satisfied with accomplishing successfully their object, also set fire to and burned the church edifice to the ground. In the account which Colonel Simcoe has given of this outrage he excuses the act, by say- ing that the church had been made a depot of forage, and that a rifle-shot was fired at the soldiers from the opposite side of the river. The forage consisted of some roj^es and tackle — used in bringing the boats from the Delaware — left outside of the church, and the shot was from a young man who had been out shooting pigeons, and when he saw the dragoons engaged in setting fire to the boats, from a dis- tance of some two hundred yards, discharged his shot-gun to alarm them, and then ran off" to escape pursuit. These facts we have learned from an eye-witness, and they admit of no question. They leave the barbarity of the action without excuse, to call down upon it the indignation of all right-thinking men. From Raritan the Rangers proceeded to Millstone, where they also burnt the court-house of Somerset County ; but in the neighborhood of New-Brunswick they Avere met by some militia, hastily drawn from that city, Avho shot the horse of Colonel Simcoe, and made the colonel himself a prisoner, his men escaping, by the fleetness of their horses, to South River, Avhere an ambuscade had been prepai-ed to protect them by a column of the British army under General Armstrong. This expedition is spoken of by military men as one of the handsomest exploits of the Avar. It Avas so, indeed ; pity that it should have been stained by such a wanton act of barbarity as the burning of a house dedicated to the Avorship of almighty God, when, according to all the testi- mony of all the parties, there Avas not a human being near it Avhom, as an enemy, it could have sheltered, and so provoked an attack. HISTORICAL NOTES. 189 The effect was most disastrous to the cause of religion in this com- munity, for, amid the pressure of tlie war, and the general derange- ments of all civil affairs, it was several years before the people Avere in a condition to provide themselves with another liouse of worship. Indeed, it was not effected until after Mr. llardenbergh had closed his labors at Raritan. The ministry of Mr. llardenbergh at Raritan, embracing a period of twenty-five years, furnished abundant and incontestable evidence of his energy, his evangelical spirit, his uncompromising oj^position to every form of evil, and his ardent love for the souls of men and the glory of God. The church, however, although it gradually in- creased in numbers and strength, does not appear at any time to have enjoyed any special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. IIow could it ? Such a state of things was not to be expected. The ministry of Mr. Hardenbergh embraced the period of the Revolution — more nn- favorable to spiritual religion than any other period since the first settlements of the country. This great convulsion in the political world shook the very foundations of society to their centre, gave a loose rein to every immoral influence, and brought in a flood of "wickedness, impiety, and intemperance into the laud. The records of the church show in many places how impetnously it rolled on, and how nobly the godly man struggled against it. More than one solemn protest is recorded there against the increasing dissoluteness of manners resulting from the war. It was strange enough, circum- stanced as he Avas, in the very scene of action, armies marching fre- quently, and sometimes encamping for months in the very heart of his charge, that he was not entirely displaced and driven away — as so many of his brethren were in other places even less exposed — and that in such a state of things he should be able, by his prudence, to escape unscathed amid the fire, lie was a devoted friend to the jjopular cause, and took no pains to conceal his opinions. Says one of his descendants: " I have heard my grandmother say, that during that dark period, when the American army had retreated before their enemies, and lay encamped in the county of Somerset, General Washington was a frequent visitor at their house, and, when in the neighborliood, made it his headquarters; that the old gentleman was an ardent patriot, who took occasion frequently to stir up the people from the pulpit; that the British general offered a reward of one hun- dred pounds for his apprehension ; that he always slept witli a loaded musket in his room, and Avas often obliged to leave his home with arras in his hands, and roam about the country, to prevent being 190 HISTORICAL NOTES. seized by tlie Tones. The old lady has told me that, out of six or seven individuals who undertook his arrest, and offered to produce him to the British general, every one had died within a few weeks of each other — several of them by tlie small-pox. But, besides all this, there was also a revolution in the church in progress at the same time, the effect of which must have been, to some extent, detrimental to the growth of practical piety. This contest is known, in the history of the Reformed Dutch Church, as the dispute between the Coetus and Conferentie, and its bitter fruits continued until near the close of the ministry of Mr. Hardenbergh. In such a state of things revivals of religion were out of the question, and it is sufficient praise for Mr. Hardenbergh to be able to record his stead- fast, unwearied, and onward course, increasing daily in the affections of the people and in his power to do them good. Could any thing more have been reasonably anticipated ? In 1770, application was made to the governor of New-Jersey for a charter of incorporation for a college and theological institution, to be known as Queen's College. In effecting this object, Dr. Harden- bergh (for he had now just received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Princeton College) was chiefly instrumental. He was, at that time, one of the most prominent and influential individuals named in the grant and petition. To the presidency of this institution he was imanimously elected by the trustees in l7S6. During the interven- ing period, from the time of the granting of the charter, a professor and tutor had been employed to teach the students that might at- tend. But, for part of the time, New-Brunswick was occupied by the British army, and I have seen an advertisement giving notice that the exercises of the college would be continued at a private house at the head of liaritan, during one of these years. In 1781, Dr. Hardenbergh resigned his pastoral charge at Raritan, and removed to Rosendale, and, while there, continued to serve the church — known at present as Rochester — until, in consequence of being chosen to the presidency of Queen's College, he removed to New-Brunswick. The fact of his election to such a responsible place is sufficient evidence of the estimation in which he was held in the church, when it is recollected that there were such men as Laid- lee, Westerlo, Meyer, and Romeyn to compete with. Considering the deficiency in his early training, (to which reference has been made,) it must have required no small share of industry, perseve- rance, and mental power to win such a reputation and fit himself for such a place, all the duties of which he pei'formed, with perhaps HISTORICAL NOTES. 191 a single assistant; so that lie was, in fact, a teacher of the whole cir- cle of the sciences and liberal arts ! During the time of his presi- dency he also served the church at New-Brunswick as pastor. The labor of filling the two places must have been immense, aud it is said to have been connected with the loss of his health and his speedy dissolution, lie Avas spared only four years to devote him- self to the interests of learning in an institution Avhich he had, as it were, created by his personal influence and exertions. But any notice of Dr. Ilardenbergh which should attempt to ac- count for his usefulness and his success Avould be incomplete, if it failed to recognize the fact that a large share of it was attributable to the influence of his wife, Dinah Van Bergh. She was the daugh- ter of Louis Van Bergh, a merchant of Amsterdam, who had accu- mulated a large fortune in the East-India trade. She was born (says one of her descendants) in a house on the Prince Graaft — an engraving of which she brought with her and often showed — on the 10th of February, 1725. Her father Avas a man of fashion and of pleasure, devoting much of his time to the amusements of the day, and with- out any special regard to religion. lie had but two children, both daughters, one of whom died in early life. The survivor he intended to educate and introduce into all the gayeties and fashion of the luxurious metropolis, and her education certainly was superior. Her mind was stored with all the solid parts of learning, and her taste cultivated in an eminent degree. But Providence designed her to move in a different sphere, and thwarted all his schemes. Her religious impressions commenced as early as her fourteenth year, and soon created, on her part, a strong disrelish for all amusements and fashionable frivolity. On one occasion, she refused to attend the dancing-school to Avhlch her father wished her to go. This so en- raged him that he immediately ordered the carriage to be got up, and took her there himself. She, however, persisted in refusing to dance, aud as soon as he left hid herself behind the seats. This is su])posed to have occurred when she was only fourteen years of age. In her diary, however, she assigns the beginning of the year 1747, when she was in her twenty-first year, as the time Avhen she decid- edly and forever gave herself unto the Lord, to his service, and to his people, to be his, and to live for him alone. It was in the middle of the night — after twelve o'clock — when she had been engaged in prayer, that she felt her heart drawn out to Christ. The promises came home with power, and she took him to be her Saviour and Re- deemer, and relied alone upon the merits of his blood to pardon all 192 HISTORICAL NOTES. her sins and bring lier to God. *' Oh, how sweet," says she, " was the happiness Avhich my soul then first knew, and how I longed to liave all that which Avas old in me taken away, and to have more and more of that which was new wrought in me by the Holy Ghost ; and how I rejoiced in the fullness of the provisions of his gracious covenant !" The manuscript journal from which I have quoted, and which now lies before me, consisting of sixty folio pages written in a small, lady-like, and beautiful hand, furnishes abundant evidence of her deep spiritual-mindedness and piety, as well as of her literary taste and culture. It abounds with passages breathing the" most ardent Christian love, the deepest sense of dependence, tlie strongest faith in Jesus Christ as the only and all-sufficient Saviour, and the most earnest supplications for grace and strength. She adverts to the enjoyment which she found in a little praying circle of young females of her own age, and records many of the sub- jects which they were accustomed to make a matter of special inter- cession — the church, the interests of religion in her native land and in the world, their country in war with France, Scotland, the English Church in Amsterdam, the Stadtholder and Prince of Orange, the Princess in her hour of peril. She records many special answers to prayer, which she received, one of which I will relate in an abbreviat- ed form. She was in the constant habit of making every thing which concerned her a matter of intercourse with the Throne of Grace — even her visits among her friends. On one occasion, she received an invitation to spend some time with a Christian friend, in the city of Rotterdam. She felt at first indisposed to accept, but afterward thought that, in answer to prayer, she had received an invitation that would result in good. She Avent, but was soon j^rostrated with a se- vere illness, Avhich brought her very low, and continued for several months. Her physician, whom she represents as an unbeliever in the doctrine of a special providence, told her at last that her case Avas hopeless, and intimated that she ought to abandon the idea of life, or of returning again to her friends, and jDrepare for death. But at nightj Avhen alone, she lifted up her heart to God, and thought she had an intimation that on a certain day — the 16th of September — she Avould leave her bed and become convalescent. She mentioned it to hsr in- timate friend, and confidently trusted in God to bring it to pass. The day came, and although previous to that morning she had been so Aveak as to be unable to help herself from her bed to the sick-chair, yet she arose, and Avith a little assistance Avalked several times across HISTORICAL NOTES. 193 tlie room, and was soon able to retuvn to licr father's house. The circumstance Avas so striking, that it became the means of awaken- ing and converting the unbelieving physician, for he felt that the hand of God must have been in it. One of the most remarkable features of her diary is the pleasure Avliich she habitually expresses in the public worship of God. Several individuals whose preaching she heard are named, but she styles Dominie Temmink her dear and heart-loved father in the Gospel. She seems to have been jieculiarly sensitive to the influence of the reli- gious affections — a very woman Avith a heart gushing with feeling and sensibility — a poetess in fact, not only in sentiment, but in practice. Many of her poetic effusions were in existence among her descendants long after her decease. A manuscript is spoken of as containing poems which she composed after each of the visits which she received from Mr. Frelinghuysen, before her marriage to him, with many others, breathing out her religious affections, and commemorating the various dealings of God with her soul. But the crowning virtue of her character was the deeply spiritual nature of her piety. Slie drank copiously at the fountain of love, and delighted to bask in the sun- shine of the divine favor! To the close of her life, she Avas eminently devotional, and habitually made the most ordinary occurrences of life an occasion of 2)ious discourse. In the fields, every tree and shrub and flower aftbrded an emblem of some gospel truth. In the spring, the first floAvers Avere affectionately sent to her by her intimate friends, and in the summer she seldom sat down Avith her needle, Avithout having first gathered and placed before her a vase of floAV- ers ; and then she Avould gaze upon them, drink in their fragrance, spiritualize their beauties, and seem to be filled Avith an endless and boundless admiration of their forms, their tints, and their aroma. With such endowments of mind, and such rich experiences of the influence of the Gospel, it is not strange that she should have been regarded by the pious as a safe counselor in their various trials, and that she should have been resorted to by so many for direction and advice. It is said that Dr. Condit, during the time that she resided in New-Brunswick, after the death of Dr. Ilardenbergh, seldom en- tered his ])ulpit on a Sabbath morning Avitliout pausing for a mo- ment at the pew of this excellent Avoman, to listen to a remark of en- couragement or comfort, Avhich she Avas sure to have in store for him ! She Avas, indeed, a Avoman eminent in her knoAvledge of experi- mental godliness, and Avi.^e in si»iiitual things. Like Mary, slie de- lighted to sit at the feet ol" Jesus. Like Hannah, she devoted allthat 194 HISTORICAL NOTES. she had to the Lord. Like Harriet Newell, she forsook her home, her native Land, the refinements of polished society, the pleasure of literary culture, the fellowship of her church and her Christian com- panions, and the instruction and care of her heart-loved, spiritual father, and went forth as a missionary, the wife of a missionary, into a distant, uncultivated, almost inicivilized land, never again to see the faces of those she loved, or to feast her eyes with the beauty of those pleasant faces upon which her heart dwelt with unmingled rap- ture, or to commune with familiar friends, or repose under the shelter of parental love. Noble woman ! Noble resolution, that could at- tempt so much ! Noble piety, that could make such sacrifices for the love of souls ! Nor did she, when they were made, repine in secret at the experience of the painful reality. Her courage never forsook her, her confidence in God never failed ; nor did she, in her exile, ever *' cast one longing, lingering look behind. " She lived for the cause which she had chosen, and died in the land of her adoption. Now, have I not justified the opinion already expressed, that Dr. Hardenbergh owed much of his success as a minister, and of the emi- nence and usefulness to which he attained, to his wife. With such a companion to counsel and stimulate him to activity, it was hardly possible that he should be only an ordinary man. In person. Dr. Hardenbergh was slender, but his appearance Avas grave and dignified. His habit Avas consumptive, and he finally fell a victim to a pulmonary afiection. Says one of his contemporaries ; ' His mind was not only strong, but distinguished by the power of nice discrimination. He was thoroughly read in theology, and pos- sessed, besides, a large stock of general learning for the times ; and, to crown the whole, he was distinguished for his jiiety. Wherever he went a blessing attended his labors. As might be expected from such endowments, he maintained a high standing in the ministry. Large confidence was reposed in him, and his influence in the church seemed scarcely to have a limit." The following tribute to Dr. Har- denbergh is from an address delivered by Dr. Livingston at the com- mencement of Queen's College, in September, 1810: "At the close of the Revolutionary War, the trustees made some efiforts to revive it, (Queen's College,) and called the Rev. Dr. Hardenbergh to be the president. That great and good man, in his zeal for religion and attachment to the Dutch Church, accepted the invitation. He devot- ed his distinguished talents and precious life to the arduous task of bringing the institution, still destitute of patronage, into the public notice and successful operation. But the task was too severe. Un- HISTORICAL NOTES. 195 der the additional weight of parochial duties, which at the same time he sustained to this church, (New-Brunswick,) he gradually wasted his strength, and sank under a burden too heavy for one man, however fortified with genius or industry, to sustain." On his tomb, in the city of New-Brunswick, the following inscrip- tion has been placed : " Here lies the body of J. R. Hardenbergh, D.D., late Pastor of this Church, who departed this life the 30th day of October, 1*790, aged 52 years — months — days. He was a zealous Preacher of the Gospel, and his life and conversation afforded, from his earliest days, to all who knew him, a bright example of piety. He was a steadfast Patriot, and in his public and private conduct he manifested himself to be the enemy of tyranny and oppression, the lover of freedom, and the friend of his country. He has gone to his Lord and Redeemer, in whose atonement he confidently trusted. He is gone to receive the fruits of his labors and the reward of a well- spent life. Reader, while you lament the loss of society and his friends, go walk in his virtuous footsteps, and Avhen you have finished the work assigned you, you shall rest with him in eternal peace," After the decease of her husband, Mrs. Hardenbergh made the house of her youngest son her home, and her widowhood was pro- tracted for seventeen years. A part of this time she spent at Rarltan, amid the scenes of her early life, and the people who first Avelcomed her when she came as a stranger in a strange land, and Avho always cherished a deep respect for her character, and her many excellent qualities ! Finally, however, she returned again to the city of Xew- Brunswlck, and died in 1807, and her remains repose amid the honor- ed dust in the crowded cemetery of the Reformed Dutch Church. The monument dedicated to her memory contains the following in- scription : " This monument is erected to the memory of Dinah Har- denbergh, relict of the Rev. J. R. Hardenbergh, D.D., S.T.P. Of high attainments here in grace, now resting in glory. Died the 2Gth day of March, 1807, aged 81 years. " Tell liow she climbed tlio everlasting hills. Surveying all the realnia above ; Borne on a strong-winged faith, and on The fiery wheels of an immortal love." The church of Raritan was vacant after the resignation of Dr. Har- denbergh, In 1781, for the space of two and a half years, until the Rev, Theodore Frelinglniysen Romeyn, the only child of Rev. Thomas Romeyn and Margaretta Frelinghuysen, was called and took charge of it in 1784. He was born on Long Island, in 1760, studied under 196 HISTORICAL NOTES. Dr. Livingston, and was licensed by a convention of ministers and elders in 1783. He was a young man of talents, amiability, and great promise — a warm-hearted, earnest preacher, and the impression which he made upon the people of his cliarge remained long after his death. We have a perfect recollection o£ more than one among the aged who professed to have imbibed their first serious impressions from his ser- mons; but his labors were brief, being included in a space of only ten months. He died of fever, in August, 1785, and his remains were deposited in the graveyard around the old church, on the banks of the Raritan. But, iu 1826, they were disinterred, together with those of Jolin Frelinghuysen, and deposited in the same tomb in wliich John S. Vredenburgh had been buried. The monument is in good preservation, and is known as "The Ministers' Tomb." The inscrip- tion is in the following words : " This monument, erected by tlie Ra- ritan congregation, to the memory of their three deceased pastors, Avhose remains are here deposited." It then recites the inscription given of Jolin FreliDghuysen, and then proceeds, " The Rev. Theo- dorus Frelinghuysen llomeyn departed this life in August, 1785, aged 25 years. A short but fixitliful ministry; mysterious providence, that one so useful, so filled with love to God and man, should be so early taken ! It is the Lord." With him, the last descendant of Theodo- rus J. Frelinghuysen, who devoted himself to the work of preaching the Gospel, was no more. The piety of their great ancestor seems to continue, but there is no one to take up the work since Romeyn laid it down. Almost immediately after the death of Rev. T. F. Romeyn, tlie churches of Raritan and Bedminster called the Rev. John Duryea to be their pastor. He was born on Long Island, in 1760, and received his academical education at Hackensack, under Dr. Peter Wilson. He studied theology under Dr. Livingston, and was licensed by the General Synod, at an extra session, on May 18th, 1784, in New-York, and accepted the call from Rai'itan, wliich had been given him, as the 7ninutes state, October 14th, 1785. The first minute of consistory after his settlement is dated March 3d, 1786, and he continued to serve the church until 1799, when he resigned his charge. We have in our possession the original subscription whicli was cir- culated by consistory to raise a salary for him, and we copy it as a remnant of former times, certainly not unsuggestivo : " We, the sub- scribers, members and others belonging to the Ref ' Dutch Church' of Raritan, in order to obtain tlie privilege of having the Gospel preach- ed among us, do promise to pay, or cause to be j^aid, unto the elders HISTOEICAL NOTES. ' 197 and deacons of the churcli, or tlieir successors in office, the sum an- nexed to our respective names, at the expiration of every six months, as a salary for the Rev. Johannes Duryea, in case he shall accept the joint call of this congregation and the congregation of Bedminster, and by Avhich call he shall be bound to perform two thirds of his ser- vice atRaritan, and one third at Bedminster — and one-half of his ser- vice in the Dutch, and the other half in the English language — the salary to commence on his accepting the call ; as witness our hands this 16th day of October, 1785. Signed, Richard Van Veghten, 7s. 6d. ; Fred. Ver Muel, 5s. ; Corn's Ver Muel, 5s. ; Edes Ver Muel, 5s. ; Andries Cadmus, os. 9d. ; John Sebring, 3s. 9d. ; Jolm Sebring, Jr., 5s. ; George Sebring, 3s. 9d. ; Michael Field, 3s. 9cl. ; Abraham Sebring, 3s. 9(1.; Pebe Freman, 3s. ; Whitehead Leonard, 3s. 9d. ; Garret Tunison, 7s. 6d. ; Henry Blackwell, Is. lOd. ; Archibald Campbell, Is. ; Thomas Arrosmith, 3s. 9d. ; George Romer, Is. 6d. ; Ab'ra Tunison, Gs. ; Mary Auten,ls. lOd. ; DanielWaldron, Is. lOd. ; Peter Harpending, 3s. 9d. ; Leonard Smock, 3s. lOd.; Matthew Harrison, 5s.; Tobias Van Orden, Os. ; Peter Van Norden, Is. lOd. ; Michael Van Norden, Is. lOd. ; John Hutchins, Ss." This list does not embrace the names of the principal families, or the wealthier portion of the congregation. Their sub- scriptions must have been much more liberal to secure the object and pay the stipend. Upon the settlement of Mr. Duryea, the congregation immediately ordered the repair of the parsonage, and then proceeded to provide a house in which they might worship. On the 15th of June, 1784, at a public meeting, it was resolved that we immediately proceed to build a house for the public worship of Almighty God. On the 15th of August following, it Avas reported that £195 Os. 6d., was subscribed in order to have the church built at Somerset Court-House ; £177 7s. 6d> to have it at Van Veghten's Bridge ; and £4 IBs. 6d., without designat- ing any place. It was, therefore, resolved that the church be built at Somerset Court-IIouse ; and Isaac Davis, Andreas Ten Eyclc, Robert Bolmer, Jacobus Winterstein, Peter Harpending, and Samuel Beekman were appointed to collect the subscriptions taken, and pay them into the hands of Peter D. Vroom, the treasurer. Subsequently^ Andreas Ten Eyck was api)ointed manager, and Rynier Voglite, Ab'm Van Neste, Peter D. Vroom, John Hardenbergli, Robert Bol- mer, and Jacobus Winterstein, a committee to superintend and assist. Tiie building erected was of brick, 40 feet by GO, with a small cupola and bell; probably the most commodious and cx])ensive church in the- County of Soincrset at tliat lime. It Avas no HiiIl; praise for Mr. 13 198 HISTORICAL NOTES. Din-yca, that he had been able to succeed in accomplishing such an object so soon after his settlement. His miuistiy at Raritan was blessed in the beginning of it very- much. The church increased from time to time by members on confession and by certificate. But, in 1799, Mr. Duryea resigned his charo-c. Dissatisfiiction had grown up. He was never a student, and was accustomed to preach Avithout writing his sermons; and did not satisfy the more intelligent portion of his people. But he was a fyood man — loved to preach, and did preach, even in his old age. He had his work in providence, and did it like a godly man. The final arrangements with Mr. Duryea were effected on the 22d of October, 1798. The consistory agreed to pay up all arrearages, and allow him his salary until the 4th day of January, with the use of the parsonage until May, 1799. He continued to serve the church of Bedminster for another year, and also preached occasionally in the vicinity of White House and Potters Town, in Hunterdon County. Finally, he received a call from Fairfield, in Essex County, where he resided for many years, until he died finally at the Notch, not far from Little Falls, Essex County, in 1836. His remains rest in the cemetery attached to the Presbyterian Church at Caldwell, Essex County, by the side of his daughter, Mrs. Crane. He married late in life, and left a widow surviving him. He had been without a pastoral charge for many years, had given all his property to his children, and was himself often in straitened circumstances, but never in want. The Lord provided for him. From May, 1799, until November, the church of Raritan was Avith- out a pastor. On the 11th of that month, however, the congregation met and resolved to offer a call to the Rev. John S. Vredenburgh. On the 6th of February, 1800, it was executed and signed. This call Mr. Vredenburgh accepted, and he was ordained in the cliurch of Raritan, on the last Sabbath in June; and he continued in his charge until October 4th, 1821, dying suddenly in a fit of epilepsy. John Schureman Vredenburgh, son of Peter Vredenburgh and Mar- caret Schureman, was born in the city of New-Brunswick, on the 20th March 1776. He obtained his early education in his native city, and graduated in Queens (now Rutgers) College in the class of 1794. He served one year as clerk in a store. During this year his views and feelino-s experienced an entire change, and he became, as he ever hope- fully believed, a true Christian. Almost immediately he resolved to devote himself to the work of preaching the Gospel, and soon com- menced the study of divinity under Dr. Livingston. On the comple- HISTORICAL NOTES. 199 lion of liis course, he received licensure from the classis of New-Bruns- wick, at their spring session in 1800. lie soon attracted the atten- tion of the cliurcli at Karitan, and after preaching for them received tlieir call. In this connection he was happy and useful, leaving an impression which survives in some freshness even until to-day. He was a truly excellent man, devoted to his work, though retired and unob- trusive. Every year witnessed to his faithfulness and success, by those who, under his persuasions', renounced the world and made confession of their failh. lie succeeded ingathering into his church a large body of excellent and eminent men, such as seldom are found in any com- munity; and the impression of his life and labors was extensive — in- deed, almost all-pervading in the whole community. We quote from a notice prepared by his daughter, Mrs. Woodward, for Dr. Sprague: "About six years before his death, lie was induced to add to his other labors the superintendence of the Somerville Academy ; but this proved too great a tax upon his constitution, which was naturally not very strong ; and very soon he Avas overtaken by that fearful disease — epilepsy. Tiie fits occurred at intervals of from three to six weeks, till within a year of his death ; and though the dis- ease produced no visible eifect upon his mind, yet it had so far reduced liis bodily strength and his ability to labor, that he felt constrained to resign his pastoral charge. So strongly were his congregation at- tached to him, however, and so highl}'- did they prize his ministrations, that they declined to accept his resignation, preferring that he should remain with them, and perform only as much service as his enfeebled health would permit. During the last year of his life, the malady from which he had been suffering was suspended, and, he had hoped, en- tirely broken ; in consequence of which, he Avas enabled to prosecute liis labors more vigorously than he had done in several precedin"- years, lie had been engaged for three successive days, in company with one of his elders, in visiting his flock; and his heart had been greatly cheered, by finding not a few among them who were deeply concerned in respect to their immortal interests; and this pi-oved to be the commencement of a revival of great power, which, however, he was not permitted to witness, unless it were from heaven. Returning home much fatigued at the close of the third day, some apprehension was expressed that he might have overtasked his strength; but he replied with emphasis, that he was exceedingly anxious to finish his visitation on that day; from which it was inferred, by some, that he had a presentiment of his approaching dei)arture. After taking leave of a foreign missionary (Rev. Mr. Harris) and his wife, (Miss 200 HISTORICAL NOTES. Laturette,) whom he had married a short lime before, lie conduLled his family devotions, and then retired to rest. Just after he had fallen asleep, his epileptic fits returned upon him -with unusual violence, and by one o'clock the next morning he had breathed his last. His death occurred on the 4th of October, 1821. The tidings took his congregation by surprise, and overwhelmed them with sorrow. His funeral sermon was preached to an immense congregation, by the Rev. John Ludlow," one of the professors in the Theological Semi- nary at New-Brunswick. The wife of Mr. Vredenburgh was' Sarah Caldwell, daughter of the Rev. James Caldwell, of Elizabeth, of Revolutionary fame, and they were married on the 23d of April, 1 800. Mrs. Vredenburgh survived her husband five years, and died in the city of New-Brunswick. She was a woman of fine culture, eminent endowments, and a most sincere and active Christian. They had eleven children, two sons and nine daughters. The sons died young. The daughters married: one Rev. Dr. Paynter, another Mr. Montgomery, another R. Van Pelt, another Rev. Edgar Freeman, and perished with her husband in the Sepoy war in India, another Mr. Woodward, another Mr. Van Pelt, and two died in their early womanhood in New-Brunswick. To the above tribute of a daughter's afiection we add part of a letter from Dr. Ferris, of New-York, who in early life was an associate of Mr. Vredenburgh as pastor in the same classis : " Mr. Vredenburgh was rather below than above the medium stature, and firmly and compactly built. You could not call him a handsome man, and yet the expression of his countenance Avas both intellectual and benevo- lent ; it was a mirror that reflected at once the sound, vigorous mind, and the generous and confiding heart. And his character was just what you could infer from his external appearance. His mind was acute and discriminating, patient in its investigations, and careful in its conclusions. Though he could not be called an eminent scholar, Ills general acquirements were very respectable, and in theology ho was deeply and thoroughly read, as was evident from the manner in which he conducted the examinations of students who were candi- dates for licensure. He possessed great kindliness of spirit; and while he manifested this in all his intercourse, it was especially apparent in his manner of treating young men. Such was the confidence which our students reposed, not only in his kindness but his wisdom, that it Avas not uncommon for them, when they were in difiiculty, to go out to Somerville to solicit his counsel and aid ; and whatever it was in his power to do for them, they were sure would be done. He was re- HISTORICAL NOTES. 201 mavkablc for liis thoughtful regard for the interests of others. I be- lieve he never lost an opportunity of doing good. "As ^preacher, he held deservedly a high rank. His discourses were full of well-digested evangelical thought, expressed in a simple, per- spicuous, and correct style, but without any attempt of artificial orna- ment. His manner was animated and earnest, though it varied in tliis respect not a little with the changes in his physical condition, llis preaching, without being of the most popular cast, was always ac- ceptable ; and was most highlj' appreciated by the most intellectual and pious portion of his hearers. It was rather of a revival cast, and Avas very faithftd in its dealings with the consciences of sinners. " He was distinguished by a profound knowledge of the principles and workings of human nature; and yet, while he made good use of his knowledge in both his public and private relations, it was accom- panied with that perfect transpai'ency and guilelessness of spirit that always kept it from being suspected of any purposes of a doubtful nature. This ijeculiar quality was constantly manifested in his inter-, course with his consistory; he had the faculty, without seeming to exert any influence over them, to make them carry out his wishes to the letter. This, too, was one of the qualities that made him a most valuable member of a church court ; his influence in classis and synod was scarcely exceeded by that of any of his contemporaries. He was also one of the best pastors; his devotion to the interests of his flock was untiring, and tlieir attachment to him and confidence in him scarcely knew a limit. "Mr. Vredenburgh's ministry had, literally, closed before its most blessed results had begun to develop themselves. Shortly after his decease, a revival of religion took place among his people, Avhich might be considered the joint product of his life and his death. I visited the congregation during this period, and conversed with many of the anxious inquirers, and was struck with the fact that, wdiile they had received their impressions under his ministry, they had been deepen- ed and matured and developed by his deatli. Upward of three hundred (344) made a public profession of their faith during that re- vival, most of whom, no doubt, may be reckoned as gems in hisci'own of rejoicing. "]\[y <\\\tY would not be complete did I not call attention to the fact that my excellent friend was blessed with a wife whose admi- rable qualities aided him unusually in his work. Suttering, as he did, from occasional attacks of illness, which for weeks would interruj)t liis work, it was her habit to mingle much with the sick, the poor, and tiie 2Q2 HISTORICAL NOTES. afflicted, and by counsel and prayer to make up for the want of his services. For this she was remarkably qualified by education and piety." She had a martyred mother ; and was a babe in her arms wlien she was shot by a British soldier, after the battle of Springfield, in a jirivate house, remote from the scene of strife and without any justification whatever — in gratification of a deep feeling of malice Avith Avhich, for interested reasons, the troops had been inspired. " The revival spoken of Avas, in truth, one of the most blessed and re- markable works of gi'ace of which we have any record. It took place Avhile the church was without a pastor, and in its continuance and progress depended for guidance very much upon the elders of the church. They conducted the prayer-meetings, supplied the church Avith the kind of preaching needed, and in Rev. Truman Osborn found the very man required. He had a talent for exhortation, for conver- sation with the anxious, for family visitation. He went from house to house, and attended meetings for prayer and instruction, almost every day. He seemed to understand just Avhat Avas to be done, and did it, making liimself a blessing indeed to many." Among its striking results were, not only the lai-ge number of hopeful converts, but their consistency afterward. Only three gave occasion of discipline, after uniting Avith the church ; and a very large proportion lived and died in the exemplification of the better and higher type of Christian character. Of the number given above, it is also remarkable that 23 Avere colored persons, residing as servants in the diiferent families of the congregation. Indeed, the number ot colored people belonging to the church in Somerville at this time, and for some years afterward, is too remarkable to be left in silence. On one occasion, as the writer of this remembers perfectly, there came 08 such persons from the galleries and sat down at the Lord's table. It Avas a custom in many of the households to have their servants al- Avays present at family Avorship, and to insist on their constant attend- ance on public Avorship on Sabbath day. The results noticed are, therefore, only such as ought to have been expected from their train- ing and example. Mr. Vredenburgh's remains are covered by Avhat is known as "the Ministers' Tomb" in the Raritan Cemetery, on Avhich is the following inscription: "Rev. John S. Vredenburgh departed tliis life October 14th, 1821, aged 55 years, 6 months, and 24 days. He Avas prudent, amiable, and devoted to the service of God. He labored successfully in this gospel vineyard 21 years, sowing much seed and Avatering it Avith tears. His Avork being finished, the Lord of the harvest came HISTORICAL NOTES. 203 and gatliered in many souls which will appear as his crownsof rejoic- ing in tlie last great day. What I do ihou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter." From October, 1821, until January, 182G, more than four'years, the church remained vacant. On the 25th of that month, the candidate, ]tichard D. Van Kleck, was conducted from New-Brunswick by two of the elders, and welcomed to Somerville, after having accepted the call. Pie continued to serve the church after his ordination, until tlie 5th day of August, 1831, Avhen, on account of ill-health, he resigned his charge. He was a native of Poughkeepsie; graduated at Union College Avith honor in the class of 1S22. In the autumn of the same year, having been a convert in the revival in the college in the winter of 1819 and 1820, he entered the Theological Seminary at ISTew-Brunswick, and was licensed by the classis of New-Brunswick in May, 1825. It was probably not wise in the congregation to call a young man, nor prudent in him to accept their call. The duties of so large a charge proved to be so exhausting, that his health soon began to suffer ; and, not too soon to save a little remaining strength, he laid down the onerous burden. He had, and left behind him, many warm friends; but none of them could say that he had not done wisely. He went to Basking Ridge and taught the academy, left vacant by the removal of Dr. Brownlee to a professorship in Kutgers College. In 1834, he assumed the pastorship of the church at Canajoharie, in the valley of the Mohawk. The next year he served the churches of Berne and Beaverdam, in the county of Albany. In 1843, he became principal of Erasmus Hall Academy, in the village of Flatbush, Long Island. In 1860, he went to Jersey City and taught a jirivate classical school, and closed his life there May 2'7th, 1870. Mr. Van Kleck was an accurate classical scholar, a man of literary culture, a good preacher, a gentleman; and in social life, genial, con- fiding, and agreeable. He had made many friends, and died generally lamented. He married, soon after his settlement at Somerville, Sarah Johanna JMellison, of New-Brunswick. One of their daughters became the wife of Kev. Mr. MacNair. The widow resides in Jersey City. His remains were interred in Bayside Cemetery, at Communipaw, Bergen County, and on his tomb is inscribed: "To the memory of Kev. Richard D. Van Kleck, born October 30th, 1804, and died May 27th, 1870. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." 204 HISTORICAL NOTES. In 1832, the present pastor was called, and began his labors no Sabbath, the 29th of October. He has been with his jieople in weak- ness and in strength ; and his labor has not been in vain in the Lord ; and to God's name and grace be ascribed the glory. A pastorate embracing forty years is as much an honor to the people as to the laboi'er himself. No church, except one that is well ordered and that loves the Gospel, can possibly be satisfied with any one man so many years. We append a list of the young men who have entered the ministry from the church of Raritan: John Leydt, 1745; Ferdinandus Fre- linghuysen, 1753 ; EliasVanBenschoten, 1769 ; Matthew Leydt, 1778 ; Isaac Blauvelt, ditto; Rynier Van Nest, 1786; Conradt Ten Eyck, 1788 ; Jehiel Talmage, 1803 ; Isaac N. Wykoff, 1814 ; Brogun Huff, ditto; Jonathan Ford Morris, 1819; Ferdinand Vanderveei', 1820; Frederick F. Cornell, 1822; Garret J. Garretson, ditto; James R. Talmage, 1822; Alexander M. Mann, ditto; Abraham XL Dumont, 1823 ; Hugh G. Hedges, 1839, died just before receiving licensure; John A. Todd, 1840 ; John Steele, 1842 ; George J. Van Neste, 1842 ; John Gaston, 1843 ; Nathaniel Conklin, 1843 ; and Augustus F. Todd, 1843, These dates mark the time when they united with the church. NEW-BRUNSWICK: THE CHURCH OF THE RIVER AND LAWRENCE'S BROOK. The church of New-Brunswick is properly the successor of the old church of Three-Mile Run. For some time after it came into exist- ence it Avas called the "Church of the River and Lawrence's Brook," The time when the settlements began in New-Brunswick and its vicinity is fixed by the dates of the land titles. John Inians & Co. obtained a title to 10,000 acres of land, in June, 1781, at a place called by the Indians Ahanderhamock. November 10th, 1681, Inians secured a title for himself to 1280 acres of this tract, joining immedi- ately on the river. This purchase included the land on which the city of New-Brunswick was subsequently built. The first settlers are known to have come almost immediately after this date. They arrived (at least some of the first of them) as early as 1684. Several of them were Hollanders, or descendants of Hollanders ; as, for HISTORICAL NOTES. 205 instance, IToiuli-ick Vroom, at the landing, George Andersen, Jacob Probasco, Nicholas Van Diiyn, and others. Some were of Huguenot origin, as indicated by such names as La Priere, De Peyster, Rap- palje. La Montes, Montfort, Fanger, Le Queer, La Montague. John Inians and wife obtained a license to ferry passengers over the river December 2d, 1697, paying an annual rent of five sliillings sterling. This ferry, known long afterward as "Inians's Ferry," was in connection with one of the two earliest roads across the State, and at first this road was only a bridle-path. The other road ran from Amboy to Bordentown. Besides Inians, there were, soon after the above date, others who settled near him. Tiie first house for the worship of God in the county of Somerset was built on " the old burying-ground," on the road to Six-Mile Run, about a mile and a half beyond the present limits of the city of New- Brunswick, and was known as the " Church at Three-Mile Run."* The date of the building and the organization of the church are not known. All the records, if there ever were any, have perished. Its form and appearance are also unknown, except from tradition. Some remnants of its foundation were visible a few years since. It stood, however, more than sixty years, and is said to have been at last destroyed by the British troops during the war of the Revolution. It was never finished, and is spoken of in 1729 as being in such a state as to render it questionable whether it could be i;sed for reli- gious worsliip. The prominent elders of this organization seem to have been Ilendrick Vroom and Frederik Van Lieuwen. The earliest record referring to religious Avorship is in a subscrip- tion list, recently discovered by Ralf Voorhees, Esq., of Middlobush, on which are the following names, namely : Dollius Ilageman, Teunis Quick, Hend. Emans, Thos. Cort, Jacobus Probasco, Neclas WyckofF, Michael L. ]\[oor, John Sohcdeman, Neclas Van Dyke, John Van Ilouten, William Bennet, Folkerd Van Nostrand, Jacobus Bennet, Ilendrik Fanger, Abram Bennet, Cornelius Petersen, Philip Folker- sen, Dave L. Draver, George Anderson, Stobel Probasco, Isaac L Priere, Simon Van AVinkelen, Cobus Benat, Garret Oatman, Lucas Covert, Brogun Covert, William Van Duyn, Dennis VanDuyn, John Folkerscn, and Jost Benat. Tiiis subscription is dated l703,and the amount is £10 IGs. Gd. The object was to procure a minister from Holland to preach the Gospel to them. In addition to these names, * On the road from Inians's Ferry to Trenton, called the Kinjj's IIi;i:hway, there were rivulets called the Mile Run, Three-Mile Run, Six-Mile Run, Ten-Mile Run, each so many miles from the river, and crossing the road. 206 HISTORICAL NOTES. at an early day we find the otliers, as Enoch Frclandt, John Van Nnise, Johannes StoothofF, Gose Vandenbergh, Roelef Sebring, Hen- drik Bries, Martin Salem, Jacobus Ouke, Coert Van Voorhees, Roelef Voorhees, Isaac Van Dyke, Laurence Williamse, Peter Kinne, Steven Philips, Siba Mart, Cornelius Solems, Hendrik Vroom, and others. In the mean time the settlement around " Inians's Ferry " had begun to increase into a town, and created a necessity for some place of Avorship for the families residing there. Accordingly, instead of finishing the old church at Three-Mile Run, they bent their energies to the erection of a new church in the town. The house was built, according to an old map of the city of New-Brunswick, previous to the year 1717. Dr. Steele thinks there is reason for believing it was as early as 1714. It stood on the corner of Burnet and Schureman streets. The building fronted the river, and occupied the corner lot. It was a wooden structure, 50 feet in front and 40 feet in depth. There were seven pews on each side of the pulpit, and eight along the middle aisle — in all fifty pews, capable of seating 300 persons. It was only completed after standing several years, and the people worshiped in it for fifty years or more. The project of transferring the worship from Three-Mile Pun to the town on the river, did not proceed, however, without opposition, The old congregation was reluctant to part with its members who lived east and northeast of the church ; and some of the people west of the church also resisted it. Several public meetings of the people Avere held to discuss the matter, but on the 12th of April, 171 7, a decision was reached. It was recorded in the following words : " In order to ^^I'event disturbance and contention, and thereby establish peace in the church," the following plan was harmoniously agreed to : "That the church built near Abraham Bennet's — the Three-Mile Run church — shall be considered as belonging to the church of Lawrence's Brook and on the river, and that the members of the congregation residing in the neighborhood of Six and Ten-Mile Run shall also build a church for themselves at either of these places, or at some point intervening, as they may agree." It was also determined that "the church in the town and at Three-Mile-Run shall each have a con- sistory, who shall cooperate with each other, and, notwithstanding there are two places of worship, the two congregations shall form one church ; and in matters of great importance the two consistories shall meet as one body, and transact such business as may come before them for the establishment of the Christian cliurch." This was evidently an arrangement made with reference to the feelings of HISTORICAL NOTES. 207 the older members, and ceased in time, all the regular services being transferred to tlie church in town. This arrangement was in existence during the first part of T. J. Frelingliuysen's ministry. Roelef Sebring was appointed elder for the new congi-egation, Ilendrik Bries, and Roelef Lucas, (Voorhees,) deacons ; and this num- ber was increased afterwards to three elders and tliree deacons, namely, Aart Aartsen, Isaac Van Dyke, Roelef Sebring, elders, and Johannes Folkersen, Ilendrik Bries, and Roelef Lucas, (Voorhees,) deacons. At tlie same time, in furtherance of the agreement referred to, Peter Kinne Avas appointed elder for the church at Six-Mile Run, and Elbert StoothofF deacon, and that church became a distinct organization. Now, it certainly will aj^pear not a little remarkable that all these things were transacted, and yet there are no documents whatever showing what religious services were held in these churches, or who conducted them. There were religious services, unquestionably, for children were baptized and the holy sacrament administered in all the three churches. The first register at New-Brunswick is dated August 14th, 1717, when three children were baptized, namely, Eliza- beth, daughter of Johannes Stoothoff", Cornelius, son of Martin Salem, and John, son of Jacob Ouke ; and in the three succeeding years there were twenty-nine children admitted to the ordinance of baptism. All this was before the settlement of Frelinghuysen. "VVe can only speak from probabilities when we say that the settle- ments in Somerset County, being mostly formed from Long Island, must have been supplied in some way with occasional services by the ministers from the same place. That these ministers exercised an influence in these churches is shown in various Avays. They were consulted, they advised, their peculiar sentiments had representa- tives, and Bernardus Freeman Avas the agent in having Frelinghuy- sen's call made out and sent to Holland. If their handwriting could be compared with the baptismal records, it is not improbable Ave should be able to ascertain who made them, and so arrive at dates Avhen they supplied the churches; and this may yet be done. The following is a list of the families composing the Church of the River and Lawrence's Brook in 1717. It is preserved as being the ?iz«'/e?el, but it had, perliaps, more to do with tlie law and its penalty than Avith those themes which may be considered as peculiaily evangelical. He was rather an awakening than a com- * We quote from Sprague's Annals. HISTORICAL NOTES. 215 fortlng preacher. He dwelt much on tlie importance of a deep reli- o-ious experience ; but perhaps was not accustomed to go into a rigid analysis of those operations of the mind in which such experience consists. His sermons were remarkable for terseness of expression and condensation of thought. He Avas not distinguished either for taste or imagination ; but the turn of his n\ind was rather mathe- matical than metaphysical, giving to his preaching an argumentative cast, thougli it did not render it obscure. His manner was stiif and awkward, and he used but little gesture ; but there was an honesty and an earnestness fitted alike to arrest the attention and open a way to the conscience. He left the impression on your mind that he was aiming at a single object — the glory of his Master and the salvation of men. " As a pastor he was eminently laborious and faithful. Though not remarkably free in his intercourse with his people, he was, in the best sense, their friend ; and their spiritual interests, especially, were iden- tified with the great object for which he lived. In public bodies he was discreet, energetic, and influential. His general influence in the community was extensive and salutary."* Dr. Cannon then notices how he heard him on his death-bed give his dying testimony ; it was simply, "I do feel that I love God above all." This he repeated the second time after a short interval. His disease was typhus fever. His son had died a few days before him. His remains are deposited in the church-yard in ISTew-Brunswick. His monument is inscribed, "The tomb of Rev. Ira Condict, who was born February 21st, 1764; ordained at Newton, Sussex, 1787; installed in the Dutch Church, New-Brunswick, 1794. Pious and leai'ned, prudent and zealous; successful in his ministry and greatly beloved. He finished his course and entered into the joy of his Lord, June 1st, 1811." Dr. Condict was succeeded in the pastorate of the church of New- Erunswick by Rev. John Schureman, D.D, His call is dated May 25th, 1812. The people were in the midst of a strenuous effort to erect for themselves an edifice worthy of their number, wealth, and position ; and their new pastor saw it completed (except the steeple) and dedicated on the 27th of September of the same year. Dr. Liv- ingston pi-eached the sermon from Ezek. 43:12 to a large and inte- rested audience. * This notice is abridged. 216 HISTORICAL NOTES. Dr. Schureman was born October 19th, 1Y7S, near New-Brunswick ; and was the son of Hon. James Schnreraan, and the grandson of Jacobus Schureman, tlie schoobnaster who accompanied Rev. T. J. Frelino"liuvsen from Holland. He graduated from Queen's College September 30th, 1*795, before he was seventeen years of age; made a profession of religion under Dr. Condict, April, 1V97, studied under Dr. Livingston, and was licensed in 1800. He first settled at Bed- minster in 1801, and he continued to serve that church faithfully for six years. Then he was called to the church at Millstone, and served it for two and a half years; then he preached in the collegiate .churches of New- York for two years. His health had failed in New- York, and it did not recuperate. He resigned his pastorate at New- Brunswick after serving a little more than a year, having been elect- ■ed in October, 1815, professor of ecclesiastical history and pastoral theology in the seminary. He died of typhus fever, M:iy loth, 1818. Dr. Livingston says of him: "He was mild and pleasant; discern- iin, provide what was necessary, and their preaching and their lives souglit to promote spiritual and evangelical Christianity. Their success is our prosperity. We are reaping what they sowed. At the same time, the following persons were appointed helpers in the difl"erent churches — following, as was aflirmed, the example of Paul in 1 Cor. 12 : 28 : " God hath set some in the cliurch, first apostles, secondarily propliets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues'"' — namely : In New-Brunswick, lioelef Nevius, Hendrick Vischer, Abraliam Ouke; Raritan, Hendrick Bries and Tlieunis Post; North-Branch, Simon Van Arsdalen ; Six-Mile Run, Elbert Stoothoff. These per- sons, after being chosen, were set apart to their work as eatechize- masters and leaders in the prayer-meetings, and they were empowered to hold their exercises publicly, even in the church, in the absence of the pastor. They were also directed to have an oversight over all the mem- bers of the church, teaching them, guiding them, and encouraging them in their Christian life and duty. In 1737, jNIarch 4th, another important step was taken in the de- termination to build a new church at North-Branch, and Joris Hall, Jan Van Sickelon, Nicholas Wyckoff", and Martin Reyersen were ap- pointed to carry this resolution into effect. The contemplated enter- prise was happily carried into effect, and on the 7th of October, 1739, the first sermon was preached in tiie new churcli of North-Branch, from Psalm 48 : 9, "We have thought of thy loving-kindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple," by Dominie Frclinghuysen. It was also 242 HISTORICAL notes/ decided, at the same meeting, that the consistory should meet four times in each year, once uniformly just before the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed. The minutes are continued regularly, and the yearly election of elders and deacons noted, until 1744, when Jan Van Neste, Abraham De la Meter, and Pieter Wortnian were the elders, and Nicholas Wyckoff, Jacob Ten Eyck, and Martin Reyersen deacons, and then a broad line is drawn across the page, and we are left in darkness as to all that passed in the congregation until the year 1750. What intervened in these six years we can not know, only Dominie Fre- linghuysen died in 1748, and his son succeeded him. Anno 1750. The first sermon was preached by Johannes Freling- huysen — called to the churches of his honored and beloved father — . in the church of Raritan, August 8th, from Psalm 45 : 16, " Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children ;" in the church of North-Branch, on the 10th, from Zech. 4:6," Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts;" at Millstone, on the 17th, from Psalm 133 : 1, " Behold, how good .and how pleasant it is for breth- ren to dwell together in unity!" Theodoras Jacobus Frelinghnysen was dead, his son was in his place ; but where he died, when he died, and where his remains rest, are strangely omitted in the minutes ef all his churches. The register of baplisms in North-Branch commences promptly on the 21st of February, 1720 — the very day when T. J. Frelinghnysen preached his first sermon — and records the baptism of Matthew, a son of Andreas Ten Eyck, one of the first deacons chosen on the first organization of the church. It is a beautiful register, .and seems to have been kept by Albert Stoothoff until December 7th, 1783. It notices a variety of important circumstances in passing on its course, as, for instance, the death of John Frelinghnysen on the 15th of Sep- tember, 1754; that T. J. Frelinghnysen the younger baptized three children on the 3d of May, 1747, apparently just before his father's decease ; that Dominie Fryenmoet b.aptized nine children December loth, 1746 ; thatEricksen baptized three March 31st, 1748, and again, on the 6th July, 1748, ten, both evidently after the decease of T. J. Frelinghnysen, and while he was temporarily supplying the pulpit ; ag.ain, eighteen by Fryenmoet in 1750, when he Avas a second time on his errand of strife in the congregation ; John Frelinghuysen's introductory sermon, August 5th, 1750; the introduction of the " New Style" on the 3d day of September, 1752, when, in place of HISTORICAL NOTES. 243 tlie 3(1, the true reckoning was tlie 14th of that month. It is, in- deed, one of the neatest and best-kept registers we have ever seen. From this register we derive the following names of persons who offered their children for baptism to the intruding ministers of the Conferentie party, namely : Elbert Voorhees, Adrian Hageman, Joris Middagh, Abram Van Hoorn, Matthias Brewer, Jacob Kinne, Lode- wick Ilardenbrook, Cornelis Wyckoff, Willian Poling, Adrien Sut- phin. Marten Myer, Benjamin Louw, Cornelis Van Campen, Rynier Van Sicklen, William Van Neste, Hendrik Null, Abm. Van Sicklen, Hendrik Vroom, Lodewyk Richtmeier, Abm. Van Neste, Jan Staatsz, Jan Sickelse, Jan Van Neste, Hendrik Van Wagenen — baptized by Fryenraoet, May, lY50; and previously, in 1746, by the same j^erson, at Neshanic, but recorded at North-Branch, Abm. Van Neste, Har- nien Lane, Peter Middagh, William Poling, Jost Schamp, Jan Anten, Peter Beekman, William Hall, Jacobus Kinne ; also, by Errickson, in 1748, Benjamin Louw, Derik Louw, Denys Strycker, Isaac Bogert, Matthys Kaalsie. But John Frelinghuysen's short and earnest ministry of three and a half years came to an end suddenly and very unexpectedly to all his people. It was a severe dispensation of providence, and he was mourned greatly. Zion appeared to lay waste and desolate. IIo})e there seemed to be almost none. Ministers could not be procured in Holland without great expense and delay, and the church was divided on the policy of raising a ministry of her own. It was, indeed, a dark and gloomy day, and almost four years passed before any thing was effectually done. Then, at last, a young man was found to take Ids place, and called to enter into this wide and invit- ing field. It was the Rev. Jacob Rutsen Ilardenbergh, a student of Frelinghuj'-sen, and the husband of his widow. But, before proceeding to notice his ministry, we turn to some reminiscences of an earlier date, derived principally from Dr. John Van Liew's dedication sermon. We have noticed that a house — said to have been of logs — was built for the })urpose of holding religious services in this vicinity as early as 1019 or 1620. It stood near the junction of the north and south brandies of Raritan River, on the second bank, nearly oppo- site the residence of Andrew Ten Eyck. Tiie land is now owned by Mr. John Vosseller. In this rude l)uilding T. J. Frelinghuysen preached his first sermon on the 21st of February, 1720. Tliis house served as the ordinary place of meeting for the iidiabitants of that 244 HISTORICAL NOTES. district for about eighteen years. Tradition says it was burned down. The population increased during this term of years, and spread ■westward. The location appeared to be too near to the Raritan church, and a change was called for, in view of the erection of a better and more commodious house of worship. The result was that the new church was built about three miles further west, wliere the church of Readington now stands. It was a frame building, quite commodious, built in the ordinary form of churches in our State in those days, with the side to the street, the main entrance in the centre, and the pulpit directly opposite to it, with a centre aisle, and galleries in the ends on the right and left of the pulpit. The dimen- sions we are not able to state. Mr. Frelinghuysen preached the first sermon in this building, and, by being repaired, refitted, and painted, it continued to suffice as a place of worship for ninety-five years. In the mean time, the congregation had increased in numbers, the ministry in it had been blessed, and it had grown up to be one of the most respectable churches in Somerset County — not Somerset, for the change of location had not only given it a new name, but had also transferred it into Hunterdon County. N"evertheless, a large portion of the people — at this time, at least — resided in Somerset. Being in the township of Readington, it took that name and became incorporate by that title, and, in effect, the old church of ISTorth- Branch became extinct. The new church at Readington was built in 1833, under the ministry of the Rev. John Van Liew. It was 51 feet in breadth by 71 in length. It was dedicated by a sermon from the pastor founded on 2 Chronicles 7 : 1, "And the glory of the Lord filled the house." It stood thirty-one years, and was consumed by fire in March, 1864, but replaced at once by a larger, better, and more beautiful house, 56 feet by 76, and dedicated July'2lst, 1805, by a sermon from the same pastor, from Haggai 2:9," The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saitli the Lord of hosts : and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts." The dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Gabriel Ludlow, of Neshanic, and the sermon and prayer published. Before this, Mr. Van Liew had been honored with the degree of D.D. by Rutgei's College, New- Brunswick. During the ministry of T. J. Frelinghuysen the church of North- Branch formed part of his charge, and enjoyed its share of his labors. HISTORICAL NOTES. 245 It again united with Raritan and Millstone in calling his son, John Frelinghuysen, as pastor. A copy of tliat call is recorded in the minutes of the consistory both of Raritan and North-Branch, dated May 18th, 1747. But it has no signatures, and apparently was not considered as of any importance, being not the instrument itself, but only a copy. At a meeting of the great consistory of the three united congrega- tions, on the 21st of August, 1750, (the minutes of which were re- corded in the book belonging to Raritan,) we find the first record of church officers under John Frelinghuysen. It is stated tbere that a new consistory was chosen for North-Branch, consisting of two elders and one deacon, namely, Jan Van Neste and Peter Montfort, as elders, in the place of Jan Van Neste and Abraham Lametre ; for deacon, Abraham Dumont, in the place of Nicholas Wyckotf. This election was made by an agreement which looked to the set- tlement of the disputes existing in the congregations, as recom- mended by the Coetus, that two elders and two deacons should be taken from Dominie Frelinghuysen's friends, and one elder and one deacon from among the disaifected. On the 15th September, 1751, the case was again brought before the Coetus — in session in New-York — and the following record is found in the published minutes of that session : " North-Branch, — This case, it was determined, should be taken up to-morrow, [Septem- ber 12th, forenoon.] In the case of North-Branch and Raritan the decision of the reverend Coetus was, that the disaffected should choose out of their numbers six persons ; that Dominie Frelinghuysen, with Ijis consistory, sliould choose two out of the six — that is, an elder and a deacon — who, being ordained, two of Dominie Frelinghuysen's consistory should resign, whereupon the former, being associated with the rest, should be recognized as the consistory, all expenses to be borne in proj)ortion by each ; so shall all error and dissatisfaction be done away with at once." On this basis on the 25th of September the new consistories were chosen, and the following was the result: For Raritan, as elders . Jeronimus Van Neste, Peter Willimse, Jan Van Middleswaert ; as deacons, Pieter Van Neste, Pieter Stryker, Frans Cusaert. For North-Branch, Jerometan Neste, Pieter Montfort, Daniel Sebring elders; Marten Ryerse, Jan Dumont, and Pieter Schomp, deacons. In the mean time, John P''relinghuysen having died, (September 1754,) liis congregations were left vacant. Those Avho had sympa- 16 -246 HISTORICAL NOTES. thized with tlie party opposed to him and liis father at Nortli-Branch took this opportunity to endeavor to further their own views. We quote from a letter to the Classis of Amsterdam from the Conferentie party, dated November 9tli, 1756 : " We turn to the Raritan congre- gation, made vacant by tlie death of Dominie John Frelinghuysen, where for two years they liave been left almost watliout any divine service, althougli the congregation is large and scattered, and affords ■work for more than two ministers. A great f)art of the congregation •was induced to call Dominie Fryenmoet, a fugitive minister who had heen obliged to leave his place through danger of the public foe." 'Tlie place he left was Warwarsing. The foe must have been the 'Indians, for it was in the midst of the French war. " But a com- mittee, or circle of the Coetus, was called in, who did what they could to remove him, and now have succeeded.'" " The consequences of this can not be other than bitter, all the service now being rendered by those wlio call themselves the Coetus, to the dissatisfaction of the greater portion of the people." Ao-ain we quote: "Another instance of injury to the church is seen in the complaint of a committee from the North-Branch portion of the congregation at Raritan. The origin of the dispute there was the neglect of the consistory of Raritan and the associate congrega- tions to provide suitable ministerial service after the death of Dominie John Frelinghuysen, only three or four sermons having been preached '*by Low-Dutch ministers in the course of two years. Dominie Fryenmoet, fleeing before the public enemy, came to North-Branch, nnd was several times asked by the consistory there to officiate, which he did with so much accej^tance that many members of the four united congregations requested that he might preach in all the -churches; but the consistories in the other three villages refused, no ■doubt because of their engagements to a certain Hardenbergh, who liad married the widow of Dominie Frelinghuysen. The adherents of Dominie Fryenmoet being by far the greater number in tlie four -cono-regations, bestirred themselves to obtain a subscription to have him for their lawful minister; but the consistory opposed this with •all their might, and the dispute arose so liigh that each party called in the circle* to settle it. The proceedings of the circle were so manifold that we can not mention them; withal, not obscm-ely show- ino- partisanship, that we can not relate them. But we must men- ition one thing, namely, that the adherents of Dominic Fryenmoet * Equivalent to a classis or committee. HISTORICAL NOTES. 247 promised to raise the whole salary for him, and offered, further, if the others would call any lawful minister whom they preferred, (seeing the congregation required two,) that they would assist in paying him. Still they could not agree, and Dominie Fryenmoet had to go away. " An elder and two deacons of North-Branch, consulting together without the knowledge of two elders and another deacon, their asso- ciates, requested Dominie Leydt to preach there and choose a new consistory. When the time came to carry out the plan, they niade it known to the others, and wished them to aid in making the choice ; but they protested against it, as almost the whole congregation after- w^ard did, as being opposed to the church orders and the ancient usage of the church. Notwithstanding, the election was had, and, immediately afterward, the ordination also, which compelled the re- maining lawful members, after the lapse of four months, (for they could not side with the newly chosen, and the old ones who went out would not act with them,) to make, with their ' consalent ' Dominie Dh Ronde, a new filling up of the consistory, in order to heal the bi-eaoh, and, as such, they have sought to maintain the church in the right. "The nQ\y consistory, together with the consistories of the other three villages, have made and executed a call upon the so-called stu- dent Hardenbergh, who was examined and qualified before the con- gregation as minister by those who style themselves the Coetus, who yet had no proper business with that call, not only because of the things above stated, but becixuse the student was an unfit person, not having made the least proficiency in what belongs to the ministe- rial office, and having been, by the acknowledgment of all, under the instruction of a teacher only two years at the farthest. Besides, he was qualified without the order of either classis or synod. They cannot, therefore, but separate from those who thus act, and they re- quest the aid of the classis to provide tliein a minister from the classis." This letter is signed by Ilagehoort, jNIancius, Retzema, De Ronde, Fryenmoet, Rubel, Rosenkrantz, and Schuyler. We have thus allowed them to tell their own story, and put in a j)lea for their own cause, and the result is, we believe, in the estimation of all, that they were prejudiced men, men of rule and law, and not of candor, pru- dence, and earnestness in the pursuit of great ends in the midst of no ordinary emergencies and difficulties ; " jiien of one idea.'''* The 248 HISTOEICAL NOTES. church could not have been built up by them. They would have allowed a thousand things to be undone, because some rule, in their estimation at least, forbade the doing, but not because it was not riglit that they should be done. Evidently tiiey meant to bring in at North-Branch a man of their own views, in order to strengthen their adlierents there, and they were bitterly disappointed when not able to do it. Properly understood, their case condemns itself Their sneers at Hardenbergh are in bad taste, and tlie results proved that they were nnjust, and would have been unfortunate in their re- sults. We proceed, after having allowed the malcontents to state their case. The next record is dated June 14th, 1758, after the Rev. Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh had been called and settled over the five united congregations of Raritan, North-Branch, Millstone, Neshanic, and Bedminster. It states that Andrew Ten Eyck was chosen elder in the place of Nicholas WyckofF, and Pieter Montfort, in the place of Francis Waldron, and as deacon, Harmanus Lane, in the place of Derick Sebring. Again, June 15th, 1759, consistory met at the house of Andrew Ten Eyck, and chose, as elder, Jan Van Neste, in the place of Pieter Wortmau, and Cornelius Bouwman, in place of Johannes Pittenger, deacon. Again, April 2Gth, 1760, at the house of Andreas Ten Eyck, were admitted to the communion of the church, on confession of faith, Petrus Van Neste, Mattheus Ten Eyck, and Maria Van Arsdalen, wife of Dirck Sebring. August 4th, 1760, the consistory elected were, Teunis Post and Johannes Pittenger, in the place of Pieter Montfort and Andreas Ten Eyck, elders; and Matthaes Ten Eyck, in the place of David Van Duyne, deacon. December 14th, 1761, as elder, Andreas Ten Eyck, in the place of Jan Van Neste ; as deacon, David Van Duyne, in the j)lace of Har- manus Lane. January 12th, 1762, received, on confession, Nicholas Egbort and Jannetie Corse, wife of Edward Harrinton. January 2d, 1764, as elder, Teunis Post, in the place of Andreas Ten Eyck, and, as deacons, Harmanus Lane and Michael De Mott, in the places of David Van Duyne and Peter Van Neste. December 31st, 1764, ad- mitted to communion, on confession, Derick Sutphin and Petrus Nevius, from Bedminster, and Catherine Buun, wife of Edward Bunn, Neeltije Montfort, wife of Abraham Montfort, and Catherine Sutphin, wife of Peter Sutphin. November 4th, 1773, a meeting of the consistories of Raritan, North-Branch, Bedminster, and New-Millstone convened at the house HISTORICAL NOTES. 249 of Ryniei' Van Neste, in view of calling Dominie Christian F. Foering as a colleague of Dominie Hardenbergli, and admitting New-Mill- stone into the united charges. At this meeting it was agreed that a new church was to be built uear Cornelius Van Horn's, and arranf^-e- ments were made to have it supplied by the two collegiate pastors; and, as the old and new churches are both mentioned and provided for, it api)ears that services were intended to be held — at that date, at least — in both places; but the whole effort was a failure, from Dominie Foering declining the call. The last minute relating to North-Branch which we sliall co]')y from the Raritan records is a meeting of consistory at the house of Michael De Mott, January 10th, 1'7V4, when Jacob Bogert and wife, Cathe- rine Albertsen, and Margaretta De Mott, wife of Jacob De Mott, were received into the communion of the church on certificate, and AVilliam Van Vliet, Albert Cornell and his wife Antje Stryker, Jo- hanna Stoothoff, wife of Abraham Daraont, Jr., Lea Simonson, wife of Jan Snediker, and Marya Dorlandt, wife of Cornelius Metzelaer, were received on confession of faith. Rev. J. R. Hardenbergh con- tinued to serve the church until 1781, when he resigned his call and resnoved to Rochester, New-York, taking possession of the Harden- bergh manor-house, and preaching to that people for a short time. He was then^ called to the presidency of Queen's College, and re- moved to New-Brunswick, serving, at the same time, as pastor of the church. We have given these extracts from the minutes of Raritan, as sup- plying a hiatus in the North-Branch book, which, from 1757 to 1781, contains no records whatever. September 11th, 1781, the consistory met at the liouse of Peter Duinont, and fixed upon a line between it and Bedminster. Again, March 7th, 1782, at Abraham Dumont's, and decided to take up the call sent to Rev. Dirck Romeyn, unless he should have concluded to accept it. June 19th, they met again at Peter Dumont's, and consulted as to the way in wiiich they might succeed in having divine service performed in the congregation. This eventuated in the calling of Simeon Van Arsdalen. The first minutes signed by l\im are a meeting of consistory at the house of John Simonson, Esq., January 15th, 1784. We have noticed the disaffection toward Hardenbergh on the part of a ihw people. When he had left, the same individuals, for a time, were supplied by Gerrit Leydecker, a licentiate of the Conferentie party. His name occurs first on their minutes June 20th, 1764, re- 250 HISTOKICAL NOTES. questing tlio assembly to unite in his behalf to tlie Chassis of Amster- dam for liberty to ordain him. To this the olassis assented, and recommended him in the strongest terms as one "taught from hia youth in Latin and Greek, and also as having studied four years in the College of New-Jersey under President Burr, and received the degree of A.M., and then spent a year and a half, under Dominie Ret- zema, in divinity, and in Hebrew, under Dominie Kals." He was examined October 8th, 1705, and licensed as a candidate. He lias, however, left no trace on the minutes of being at North-Branch at all, tliougli it is known from other sources that he preaclied thei'e in 1769 for some time. He settled, finally, in the English Neighbor- hood in 1770, remained until 1776, became a Tory, fled to New-York, then to England, and died at the liouse of his son, in Pentonville, near London, in 1794. In 17S3, after a vacancy of two years from the resignation of Dr. Hardenbergh, the candidate Simeon Van Arsdale preached at Read- iiigton, and received the call. He was a native of Bucks County, Pa , gi-aduated at Princeton, studied under Livingston, it is said, and applied for examination to the general meeting of ministers at Mill- stone, October 1st, l782. "After a well-arranged and agreeable exvercise upon Romans 8 : 32, he was subsequently carefully exa- mined by Messrs. Dirck Romeyn and Hermanns Meyer in the sacred languages and principal points of sacred theology, both positive and controversial, and, by his ajjpropriate answers, aiforded such satisfac- tion that tlie reverend body feel the freedom to receive him among the licentiates." He was again examined for ordination at New- Paltz, October 7-9th, 1783, and the Rev. Messrs. John M. Van Har- lingen, Solomon Froeligh, and Benjamin Dubois were appointed to ordain and install him, the time being left to be fixed by tliem. They reported the fulfijhnent of their commission to the general meeting in New-York in May, 1784, and thus he became, to the satis- faction of all parties, pastor of Readington. He is remembered as one of the most amiable and accomplished young men of his day. He possessed both eloquence and power as a preacher, was untiring in his pastoral work and ardent in his piety. He received, soon after his ordination, a call from the collegiate churches in New- York, but declined it on account of his youth. His beautiful life came to an early and sudden close in less than three years. His remains lie in the church-yard at Readington, with the following inscription on the tablet erected at the head of his grave; "'In memoi'y of the Rev. HISTORICAL NOTES. " 251 Simeon Van Arsdale, who departed this life the 2GLli day of May, 1786, in tlie thirty-tliird year of liis age. " Here lies entombed a servant of the Lord, A faithful preacher of his sacred word, Who now with Clirist in glory is set down, Decked in white robes and honored with a crown." He was succeeded, the same year, in his pastoral cliarge by the candidate Peter Studdiford. Mr. Studdiford was born in tlie city of New-York; studied under Livingston, and was licensed by the synod in New-Yori: May 1st, 1787, and arrangements made for his ordina- tion, at the same time, on the 2Sth, and J. R, Hardenbergli, John M. Van Harlingen, Jr., and Jolm Duryea were appointed to perform that sei'vice, the sermon to be preaclied by Dr. Hardenbergli. Mr. Stud- diford preached at Bedminster, in connection with Readington, until 1800, and then at Readington alone until his deatli. His long pas- torate fills up a large portion of the history of tlie congregation. He is remembered as one of the most efficient ministers of his day. Rev. Dr. Van Liew has said of him, " The records show that, for years after he commenced his labors in this place, there were large acces- sions to the church. At the time of the great ingathering in the church at Somerville there was a considerable ingathering also here." His ministry lasted about forty years. Another says, "Pie had readiness and aptness as an extempore preacher which lew pos- sess, almost transcending himself when suddenly called upon to take the place of an absentee. Instances of this we have often heard re- lated. Such efforts would seem to have all the finish and even more than the force of elaborate pre])aratioi)s." He died in his own house at South-Branch Mills. His remains lie at Readington, beside those of Simeon Van Arsdale, and the following inscri[)tion is engraven on his tomb: "Beneath this tablet lie the remains of the Rev. Peter Studdiford, who, after a long and laborious ministry, died on No- vember 21st, A.D. 1826, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. He was born in the city of New-York, a.d. 1763. Having completed his collegiate and theological studies in the place of his birth, he was installed pastoi- of the Dutch Reformed church of North-Branch. Here he continued to labor with unabated zeal and diligence, until visited by the sickness which issued in his death. Possessing en- arged views of divine truth and a rich store of various knowledge, he was ready, instructive, and forcible in his preaching. lie loved ^ 252 HISTOPJCAL NOTES. his Master's work, and slirunk not from labor in its performance. As a pastor he was affectionate and faithful ; as a citizen, ti-uly patriotic; as a neighbor, benevolent, candid, and obliging; and as a Christian, humble, devout, and liberal." He married in early life, and his wife sleeps beside him. Her tombstone is inscribed, "Sacred to the )neraory of Phoebe, wife of the Rev. Peter Studdiford, and only daughter of James and Lavinia Van- derveer, of the township of Bedminster and county of Somerset. She departed this life March IVth, 1S08, aged thirty-three years nine mouths and eleven days. " As tlirongli life religion was lier stay. So, in her dying hour, Through its triumphing power. With joy she hailed the reahns of day." Later in life he married Maria Van Horm, who long survived him, and died in Somerville at the house of Jier daughter, Mrs. Ruckel. Mr. Studdiford was succeeded, in 1828, by the Rev. John Van Liew. He was called May 1st, 1827, and died October 18th, 1869, at the hoiise of his daughter, Mi"s. Randolph, in Bloomfield, Essex County, N. J., after laboring in his pastorship for forty- two years. He was a son of Dennis and Maria (Sujdam) Van Liew, and was born at Neshanic September 30th, 1798. He gra- duated at Queen's College October. 1816, studied in the theologi- cal seminary at New-Brunsvvick, and was licensed by the Classis of New-Brunswick June, 1820, He welcomed to the communion, during his ministry at Readington, 560 persons, and baptized 1119 infants and 85 adults. As a minister he was faithful, able, devoted ; as a man, social, kind, generous, and the very soul of honor — a Christian gentleman. His funeral sermon, by Rev. Henry P. Thompson, of Peapack, a member of his cliui'ch, was published, and to it we refer for an ample description of his labors and his character. He was entombed in the new ceinetery near his church, and the following is the inscription on his monument : " Erected to the memory of Rev. John Van Liew, D.D., Avho died October 18th, a.d. 1869, aged seventy-one years and nineteen days. For forty-eight years he served the blessed Master in the gospel ministry ; for forty-three years he was the faithful pastor of the Reformed Church at Readington. Living we loved him, HISTORICAL NOTES. 253 dead wo cherish his memory, glorified we will meet him in the heavenly world." A few months before his death, in consequence of his enfeebled health and inability to continue his pastoral duties, he had been succeeded by J. G. Van Slyke, who was ordained and installed July 1st, 1869, Mr, Van Liew assisting in the service and offering the ordaining prayer. He then went away to the house of his daughter to rest ; but he rested soon in his grave, to labor and son-ow ijo more. Mr. Van Slyke was called to Jamaica, on Long Island, the next year, and left tlie congregation. It is now under the care of the Rev. J. H. Smock. / 7 HARLINGEN, OP DE MILLSTONE, ^{^OURLAND, ETC. This church was organized by the Rev. Henricus Cocns, of Acquackanonk, on the 18th of May, 1|27, and the first church edifice was built on the south-east corner of the old cemetery. The location of both was determined by a land-grant of one hundi-ed and sixty acres, received from "the proprietors," who held nearly 9000 acres in the vicinity, and donated this tract for the benefit and behoof of the minister and consistoiy of a church to be gathered there, upon the basis of the confession of faith adopted by the Synod of Dort, or Dordrecht, in 1618 and 1619. This deed bears date June, I7l0, and seems to have been kept in reserve for seventeen years before it was really claimed, and the grant rendered permanent by occupancy and the necessary organi- zation of the church provided for in it. What was the character of the house erected is not known ; but it stood on the south- cast corner of the cemetery, and was for some time in the pos- session of the malcontents to whom Aroudiieus preached and over Avhomhc Avas installed. Like the otiier early church edifices, it was very contracted in dimensions and rude in structure. The people did wliat they could to provide a place for religious wor- shi]), anil it was not much ; but it showed their zeal. Tiie first consistory consisted of tw'o elders and two deacons, namely, Abraham Reyters and Geribrant Peters, elders ; Johannes Koelbagh and Resol vert Waldron, deacons; and the church was 264: HISTORICAL NOTES. "the Church op de Millstone." They were chosen unanimously, as stated, at the house of Reynier Veghte on the 18th of May, 1727, under the direction of Dominie Henricus Coens, of Aequacka- nonk, after calling upon the revered name of Almighty God, by all those who feared God and sought to build up his church ; which persons, after they had been published to the congregation, were on the same day ordained and installed into their respective offices. Henricus Coens seems to be as little known as almost any minister who has ever exercised his gifts in the Dutch Cliurch, His name does not occur in any of the published documents which we have seen ; nor are we able to state when he came from Holland. It must have been as early as 1725, for in that year he is found ministering in the churches of Acquackanonk, Bellville, • Pomjiton, and Ponds : and he continued his ministry among this people for five years. He wrote to Holland a detailed account of the troubles in the churches of Acquackanonk and Bellville, (or Second River, as it then was called.) He died in 1735, but when and where his remains were interred we are not able to gay. His ministry and death both antedate our published Minutes, and hence there is no trace of him excepting the re- cords of the churches where he labored. All the circumstances seem to indicate that the organization Avas in the interest of " the Conf erentie party," then beginning to be active in the affairs of the church. They were opponents of Frelinghuysen ; they held the church for a time ; and they were supplied by ministers belonging to that party, and Rynier Veghte was at that time a strenuous partisan in their favor. Harlingeu for a time Avas the centre of their operations and influence. We are not prej^ared to condemn them entirely, but certainly circum- stances in aftertimes proved that they were in the wrong. They were many of them conscientious men, no doubt, but prejudiced and partisan to a very large extent. In the year 1729, the elders at Harlingen were Johannes Koel- bagli and Resolvert Waldron ; the deacons, Guysbert Bogert, Casparus Van Nostrand, and Abraham Hoover. In 1734, May 9th, at the house of Rynier Veghte, under the superintendence of Dominie Antonidus, preacher on Long Island, after invoking the name of God, the following persons Avere chosen : For Millstone, (Harlingen,) for elders, Koert Voorhees and Daniel Polhemus ; HISTORICAL NOTES. 255 for Threc-Mile Run, elders, Simon Wyckoff and Hendrick Vroom ; for deacons, Simon Van Wickelen and Denys Van Duyn ; for North-Branch, for elders, Daniel Scbring and Pieter Kinne ; deacons, William Rose and Frans Waldron, and they were installed before the congregation. From the records in the other cliurches it would seem tliat the ordination was in the Three-Mile Run Church. This record is an anomaly, and can only be explained, it seems to us, by supposing that these consistories were chosen out of the disaffected in these congregations ; and how such a man as Antonidus should have done such a thing is almost marvelous. It is not in accordance with his spii'it ; but things were loose and many irregularities perpetrated, Dom. Vincentius Antonideus came out to New-Amsterdam in 1705, and preached at Brooklyn", Flatlands, and Flatbusli, and Bushwick, New-Utrecht, and Gravesend until 1744, when he died. His name does not seem to occur as having been present in any of the meetings of Coetus or Conferentie, and a paper of that day says of him "that he was a gentleman of extensive learning, of an easy, condescending behavior and conversation, and of a regular, exemplary piety, endeavoring to practice him- self what he preached to others ; was kind, benevolent, and cha- ritable to all according to his ability ; meek, humble, patriotic, and resigned under all his losses and afflictions, his misfortunes and calamities, which befell him in his own person and family. It is not> therefore, anywhere stated what his leaning was in the emergen- cies of the times, but certainly his ordaining these consistories in Mr. Frelinghuysen's charge must be considered as an unjustifiable and irregular proceeding. It was really the organization and the commencement of a division in these churches which lasted until the General Convention of l77l. Tliey actually took pos- session themselves of the church, and obligt'd the others to build themselves a new house of worship. The disaffection was encouraged and stimulated by a very dif- ferent person in tlie years 1745, 1740, and 1747. Dom. Johannes Arondeus, also a preacher on Long Island from 1742 to 1747, when he was finally suspended by the Coelus, came and preached among these people. He actually had himself installed in IMay, 1747, though he liad no dismission from the churches on Long Island, in the very churches and congregations under the pastoral 256 HISTORICAL NOTES. supervision of T. J. Frelinghuysen, through the co-operation of Fryenmoet, and remained until June, 1748, when he went away as suddenly as he had come and in the same irregular way. He meanwhile preached and baptized children, the records of which are still existing in the baptismal books of Harlingen and Read- ington. The whole number from the diiFerent congregations araouiits to 100 ; but the names of the parents for the most part, as they are given in the record, do not embrace those who really were the staid, intelligent, and better class of the religious people, though a few most honored names are found among them. This is particularly true of Raritan, with which our acquaintance is more thorough. Of this trouble in Israel, Rev. Mr. Corwin says, " He was a very headstrong and contrary man. The civil and ecclesiastical records constantly refer to him, but only to present him in an unenviable character. He was a violent opponent of the Coetus. He went so far as to have himself installed pastor of the cliurclies in Somerset County by Fryenmoet, and minis- tered there among the enemies of Frelinghuysen. The Harlingen records were taken possession of by his party, and his ecclesias- tical acts recorded in them, for all the surrounding churches." After a long and factious resistance to the efforts of the Coetus to bring him to terms and prevent contention, the following minute, prepared by Dom. Ritzema and the Elder Hendrick Fisher, was passed April 16th, ] 752 : " It is hereby made known to you that the decision of the Rev. Classis made Sept. 14th, 1750, and confirmed by the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, Jan. 12th, 1751, in relation to the question of the lawfulness and unlawfulness of ministry of Dom. John Arondeus in Kings County, must take effect. Thus Dom. U. Van Sinderen is to be recognized as lawful minis- ter in Kings County, and Dom. John Arondeus as unlawful, and therefore not authorized to administer the word and sacrament in the Hollandish churches on Long Island. So that each and every one whom it concei*ns, professing to be a member of the Netherlandish Church and under the church orders established in the National Synod at Dordrecht, 1618 and 1619, is to show himself obedient to the foregoing action, which the assembly ex- pects. Done in our meeting in the Consistory Chambers, New- York, this 16th April, 1752. "In the afternoon, Dominie Arondeus and his friends askel for a copy of the proceeding. The request was granted, on condition of their paying for it. HISTORICAL NOTES, 257 " Then advice was asked, 1. What was to be done about tlie non-2)ayment of sahuy by the subscribers to Dom. Van Sinderen's call ? Ans. They are referred to the previous action of the assembly. 2. What is to be done with those who were admitted as church members during Dom. Ai'ondeus's irregular sojourn on the island ? Ans. It is referred to the prudence of Dom. Van Sinderen and his consistory. 3. How is Dom. Arondeus and his consistory to be treated ? Ans. The minister being disapproved the consistory must be also ; consequently the church property must be restored, to Dom. Van Sinderen and his consistory." Finally, Sept. loth, 1753, the conclusion seems to have been effectually reached. " The sentence before pronounced upon Aron- deus, ratified, by the Rev. Classis, at last executed in their name, and again confirmed on certain conditions, must hold good, so that he can no longer be a minister among you." After this the name of the factious troubler disappears from the records, and he died in disgrace. On the loth January, 1749-50, the congregation met and re- solved to build a church near Hendrick Canada's, on the land of Jan Van Dyke. This church was finished in 1752, and the minutes of consistory contain a beautifully written agreement for the heading of a subscription, stating the object, the condi- tions, and the several privileges of the subscribers in regard to pews and other necessary arrangements. The subscription amounted to about £400. The building committee was Peter Nievins, Johannes Strycker, Garret Dorlandt, Abraham Van Ai"s- dalen, and Koelof Van Dyke. The old " Conferentie Church" at the burying-ground. Avas finally left to itself, and after a time demolished. The church so {provided for and built was the one which was erected by those who did not sympathize with Arondeus or with " the Conferentie party," and the location was the same as the one now occupied by the Ilarlingen Church. The edifice erected is represented as " being in the Dutch style of architec- ture, with high gables and steep roof, an aisle on one side, from which a door opened. Along the sides were short pews for the men, wliile the body of the church was divided into small squares occupied by chairs on which sat the women and children." About this time the church left off the name "op de Millstone," and Avas called the Church of Sourland. The articles agreed -. 258 HISTORICAL NOTES. upon are sensible and proper : " Every one having a seat in the churcli, it is provided, shall agree to and stand by the following articles; and if any shall be. disposed hereafter to sell his seat, the purchaser shall be in duty bound to agree to and come un- der the said articles, bj^ subscribing to them. And 2d. If the owner of one or more seats shall die, his nearest heir is the next owner, to have and occupy the same." It then goes on in the same careful way, to provide that the church shall be for a Low-Dutch Reformed preacher, lawfully called and sent. "The plan of the building shall be such as the building committee think best and approve of. What every person subscribes shall be a free gift thereto ; and for every pound subscribed by each, he will be in duty bound to work in proportion, whenever the building com- mittee think it necessary, with wagon and horse, or otherwise Avith a liand by the day ; and if he fails to come, when warned out by the committee, his fine shall be four shillings per day ; and if he fails turning out Avith wagon and horse, when notified, his fine shall be eight shillings per day. For this building five men shall be chosen by the present meeting, to carry on and com- plete the same, and to collect the money subscribed for it. When the building is finished, the committee shall have the seats num- bered and recorded in a book kept for that purpose. The com- mittee shall make an estimate of the money advanced by sub- scribers, and proportion it on the different seats, according to their value, so that all the seats go regularly to the subscribers in proportion to tlie money advanced by them." Then follow some minor regulations; and then it is agreed, "That three church masters must be chosen out of the congregation, to whom the building committee shall account for all moneys received and paid out by them, and deliver over all books and papers to then), respecting tlie building of the church; and in each succeeding year, there shall be an election of church masters, Avhen two new ones are to be chosen, to serve in the place of two who are to go out and retire ; and those going out of office are strictly to ac- count to those elected in their places, and deliver over to them all property, books, and papers belonging to the church. And fur- ther, we, the subscribers, do hereby bind ourselves and our several heirs, and all those who occupy seats in this church, to stand by these foregoing articles, and to pay the suras set opjDOsite our respective names, as by us subscribed." HISTORICAL NOTES. 259 The church masters appointed on tlie ;iOth day of Dccemher, 1754, were Jan Van Dyck, Henry Canada, and Cornelius Van Arsdalen. They were succeeded, in 1754, by John Staats, Ceysbert Lane, and Cornelius Van Arsdalen. In l7o9, Derick Gulick and John Van Nuyse took the jilace of Jan Staats and Henry Canada, and the catalogue is continued until 1786. From the organization of the Harlingen church, in 1727 to l750, it experienced great vicissitudes and changes. It was not served by T. J. Frelinghuysen except, perhaps, occasionally, and mainly depended upon the minister on Long Island for what religious services it enjoyed; yet it was kept alive, and seems to have had its communion seasons twice in each year, when the children were admitted to the ordinance of baptism. We can not give the original members who composed it ; but between 1727 and 1742, the following were received on certificate, namely, Auguts 25th, 1721, Geribrandt Peterse, Johannes Koelberg, Resolvert Waldron, An- netje Waldron, Maria Cortsibrus, Jannetje INIeycrs and Jannetje Stienmets. October 25th, 1727, Jan. Firkeyk, April 3d, 1728, Isaac Gouverneur, Willem Koos, Jannetje Coermans (Coejemans), Geer- tray Staats, Elizabeth Krom, and Magdalena Gouverneur ; and on confession, Christina Roelers and Susanna Roelers. June 19th, 1728, on certificate, Hendrick Smock, Johannes Van Iloute, Tryntje Peterse, Anna Geertraid Everse, and Anna Woertman j on confession, Cosparus Van Nostrand and Abraham Slover. Sept. 11th, 1728, on confession, Creesje Runyen. Nov. 6th, 1728, on confession, Lucus Schermerhoorn and Sophia Schermerhoorn, Aug. 11th, 1729, on certifixcate, Dina Kouvvenhoven. April 15th, 1730, Marrietje Lange. June 10th, 17;30, on certificate, Johanna Gouverneur. Oct. 11th, 1730, on certificate, Mitje Van Winke- len. Oct. 14th, 1731, on certificate, Asje Van Home ; on confession Helena Van Lieuven. March 29th, 1732, on certificate, Denys Van Deuyne and his wife ; on confession, Simon Van Winkelen. Dec, 16th, 1732, on certificate, Philip Yong, Jacob Wynand, Eva Thiese, MarietjeTliiesc, and Marietje Slover. April 18th, 1746, on certificate, Machteltie Van Duyn, wife of Hendrick Staats. Then follows the following list certified as being in the communion, but without date, namely, Albert Low, Abraham Dubois, RynierVan Veghten, Jan Staats, Rem Ditmars, Jovis Bergen, Cornelius Low, Abraham Hageman, Reynier Van Angelen, Abraham Polhemus, Hendrick Herder, Johaimes Gribling, (probably Sebring,) Peter 260 HITORICAL NOTES. Couenoveii, Susanna Low, Deyna Van Lieuven, Helena Van Lieuven, Meria BackAvier, Goertie Follemer, Antie Couwenhoven, Maria Herder. These were probably tbe malcontents in a body, brought by Arondeus to strengthen Jiis hands and form a com- pany to support him. On the 9th of April, 1752, John Frelinghuysen records on the minutes the following names as having been received on confes- sion of faith, namely, Gertrey Ammermar, wife of Jacobus Van Nuyse, Gysbert Zutphin, and Antie Schenck, wife of John Gorden. A better day had at last dawned. Harlingen had become one of the associate charges of a man who sought only to do good and preach the Gospel in its simplicity ; but alas ! his life was too short to effect much. After the death of John Frelinghuysen, on September loth, 1V54, the church remained vacant until 1762, when it was associated with Neshanic in a call upon the Rev. Johannes Martinus Van Har- lingen. His ministry was a long one, extending to 1795, when he died in the service of these churches, and his remains were inter- red under the pulpit, and when the church was rebuilt, transferred to the buryingrground on the old parsonage farm, on which he had resided during the whole period of his service. " He was the son of Johannes Martinus Van Harlingen, a native of Amsterdam, who emigrated when a young man, and settled at Harlem, N. Y., where he married Maiia Bussing, and soon remov- ed to Lawrence's Brook, near New-Brunswick." It is said that John M. Van Harlingen, the son of the above, was born near Millstone. After commencing his theological course he went to Holland, for the double purpose of obtaining a more thorough preparation for the ministry, and of being ordained by the Classis of Amsterdam. After completing his theological course at one of the universities of Holland, and receiving ordination, he returned to America. He entered upon his ministry in 1762, and served, bis double charge with zeal and fidelity for thirty-tliree years, when he fell asleep, universally beloved and lamented. He preached exclusively Dutch until toward the close of his life, when, the younger part of his charge requiring English sermons, he preached occasionally in that language. He was an evangelical preacher, a faithful pastor, and a patron of learning. He Avas a member of the origi- nal Board of Trustees of Queen's College, and labored for its first endowment. Dom. Van Harlinijen was twice married. His HISTORICAL NOTES. 261 first wife Avas Sarah Slryker, by whom he had two children ; liis second, Elizabeth Van Deursen, who was the mother of three, one of whom died in infancy, and the others survived him. His name has passed away, but his descendants are quite numerous in Som- erset ; one of tliem is Rev. P. D. Van Cleef , of Jersey City. The following words are inscribed on his tomb, in the Harlingen Cemetery : " To the memory of the Rev. Johannes Martinus Van Harlingen, ])astor of the Reformed Dutch congregations of Sour. land and N"ew-Shanick, who died Dec. 23d, 1795, in the Vlst year of his age. " Van Harlingen, recalled by Zion's Kiiifr, Finislied in haste his embass}' abroad ; Then soarint? up to heaven on seraph's winfj, Blessed angels haihid the ambassador of God." The want of English preaching was now increasingly felt in all the churches ; and a year before Mr. Van Harlingen's death the United Consistories of Harlingen and iSTeshanic provided for it in their congregations by calling the Rev. William Richmond Smith as his colleague, to preach in the English language exclu- sively, one Sabbath at Harlingen and two at Neshanic. Mr. Smith was a native of Lancaster County, Pa. His father, Rev. Robert Smith, D.D., was minister of Pequea ; and his mother was a sister of the celebrated brothers Samuel and Jo! n Blair, eminent men in their day in the Presbyterian Church. He had also two distinguished preachers as brothers : Samuel Stan- liope Smith, of Princeton College, and John Blair Smith, at one time President of Union College, Schenectady, and afterward of Hampden Sidney, in Virginia. He was a man of sound mind and an edifying preacher ; a man highly esteemed and revered by the people to whom he ministered through the long period of twenty-five years ; a couiteous, gentlemanly man. He was stricken with pai-alysis on the Sabbath day, while preaching to his people. He survived the attack for se \ eral years, but was a wreck in mind and body, during the whole remainder of his life. His remains rest among the people of his charge in a rural cemetery near Flagtown; and he being dead yet speaketh. He died on the 23d of February, 1820, His funeral, on the 2Gth, was attended by a vast concourse of peoi)le, anxious to testify their esteem for a faithful pastor and friend. The Rev. Peter Labagh preached 17 262 HISTORICAL NOTES. the Bermon from 2 Timotliy 4 : 7, 8. William R. Smith was not a popular man in the sense of attraction, but extensively popular in the sense of almost imiversal esteem ; and he was a good man, a faithful man, and left behind him a memory which ephemeral popularity seldom attains — in converts who were real Christians. In 179S — three years after the death of J. M. Van Harllngen — the united churches called the Rev. Henry Polhemus. He was a native of the congregation, born at Harlingen in 111 2, graduated at Princeton College 1*794, studied theology with Dirck Romeyn, ajid was licensed in 1798. Almost immediately upon receiving his commission, he Avas offered the call from Harlingen and Ne- shanic as a colleague of W. R. Smith. He was to ])reach two Sabbaths at Harlingen and one at Neshanic alternately, Smith preaching two at Neshanic and one at Harlingen. He continued in this charge until 1809, when he received and accepted a call from English Neighborhood, in Bergen County, N. J. He re- mained there until 1813, when he settled at Shawangunk, New- York, and died in 1816, after laboring there two years. He is represented as having been an earnest and acceptable preacher, laborious and conscientious in the performance of his duties, and humble and pious in his walk and conversation. He did a good work in his day, and left a tair reputation behind him, when he died, as being a man of zeal, devotedness, and single-heartedness in all his intercourse with men, but especially in his ministry. In ISOl, the congregation became incorporate under the laws of New-Jersey, and determined to change its name from Sourland, by which it had been known since 1750 or even earlier, to Harlingen, in memory of their deceased pastor. The next year, 1802, the people in the southern part of the congregation at Blauwenburgh moved in the matter of providing themselves with a house of worship. The matter was brought before the Consistory of Har- lingen, who promised to refer it to the great consistory ; but no definite action seems to have been had, and for a time the matter appears to have been held in abeyance. The next year a motion was made to repair the church. On examination, it was pro- nounced not to be worth repairing, and a subscription was circu- lated to rebuild it ; but there was a failure in obtaining the requi- site amount. In September the matter was resumed. The great consistory was at first convened, and then the heads of families, and finally a committee was appointed, consisting of James D. niSTOKICAL NOTES. 263 Stryker, Samuel Beekman, William Davis, Ezekiel Blew, Garret Quick, Henry Borcaw, William Duryea, John I^aird, and Abra- ham Skillman, to advise with and aid the consistory in effecting the desirable object of giving the congregation a new church edi- fice. On the 4th of November, it was unanimously resolved to proceed early in the next season, and Abram Stryker, Samuel Beekman, Cornelius Kersliow, and William Davis were appointed manao-ers. The work was uro-ed forward with such energy that the house was completed and nearly all the pews sold before the beginning of January, 1804. The cost of tlie l)uilding, including the fence, was -$4,410.89. This was the third church in which the people of Harlingen liad worshiped God ; and it stood, with some occasional repairs, until it was superseded by the present commo- dious structure. After the Kev. Henry Polhemus resigned, in June, ISOS, an effort was made to obtain the services of the Rev. Peter D. Froe- ligh, a son of Dr. Solomon Froeligh, of Hackensack and Sclialen- burgli ; but when the same movement was made in Neshanic, it met with opposition, and was finally abandoned. The name of the Rev. Peter Labagh, then pastor of the churches of Kaats Kill and Oakhill, was introduced to the atten- tion of the people, and a call was extended to him, which he accepted, and moved into the parsonage in July, 1809. He was installed soon after by the Ptcv. Peter Studdiford, of Readington. He served the two churches as Mr. Polhemus had done, preacliing two Sabbaths at Harlingen and one at Neshanic, and alternating in tliis way with the other pastor, the Rev. W. R. Smitli. In this- hxborious service he continued for twelve years until tlie death- of jMr. Smith. Three years of this term he was, in effect, sole- pastor of both churches, his colleague being incapacitated all tliat time for any kind of service. An effort was made to supply the place of Mr. Smith, and retain the arrangement between the two churches as it had hitlierto existed; but it was not successful. Harlino;en voted to give a call to Rev. I. N. Wyckoff, and Nesha- nic preferred the candidate Isaac Ferris. The result was that the connection was dissolved, and Harlingen agreed to retain Mr. Labagh's services, leaving Neshanic to provide for herself. The dissolution of the combined arrangement was amicably eff^'cted and proved mutually beneficial. From 1821 until 1844, the good old man went on in his work, preaching most efiiciently, attend- -264 HISTORICAL NOTES. ing Bible classes in the different districts of his congregation, and fostering and encouraging his Sabbath-schools. Harlingen be- came a famous place for gathering the largest audiences in Som- erset County on the anniversaries of her Sunday-schools, and the meetings were spirited, addressed by popular and eminent men, and proved largely instrumental in diffusing throughout the whole county an interest in the Sabbath-school Avork. But old age had come upon him in his active life. He had entered upon his seventy- first year. His voice, never either fall or fine-toned, had been im- paired by disease. He could not be well heard, especially by the ^ged. He began to feel that his work was done, and he laid down his armor gracefully and retired to the residence of his daughter, and tliere, in reading, fishing, and walking for exercise, went down to his grave in a dignified, devotional, and honorable way, and good men carried him to his burial. Late in life he had been honored by Mercer College (Pennsylvania) with a degree of D.D., but he hardly ever assumed the title in any very general way. He was best known and most extensively honored, in Somerset County especially, as Dominie Labagh, and there his name and influence will never be forgotten. His numerous spiritual children will honor him to the end. Peter Labagh was born in Beaver street, in the city of New- York, November 10th, 1773. When the British army approached the city, his parents escaped to Hackensack, N. J., and made it a permanent residence. He commenced the study of Latin under William Kuypers, and continued it, under Alexander Miller, in the academy at Hackensack, afterward at Flatbush, under Dr. Wilson, and finally he completed his theological course Avith Dr. Froelio-h and Dr. Livingston. His professional certificate was •dated July 7th, 1796, and he was licensed by the Classis of Hack- ensack soon after this date. Almost immediately he went on a mission to the State of Kentucky, where many families from Ber- gen and Somerset Counties (New-Jersey) had settled. He orga- tnized two churches at a place called Salt River, and returned at the end of the year. He was soon called to the churches of Kaats Kill and Oakhill, (New- York,) which he continued to serve until he came to Hai'lingen in 1821. A biography of Dr. Labagh has been published, to wliich we refer those who desire special information. Instead, therefore, of following out the events of his life in detail, we prefer to give the HISTORICAL NOTES. 265 estimate of tlic man and the minister and character which has been drawn of him hy two of his most intimate friends. Dr. Lndlow says, " He was a man of much more than ordinary powers of mind, lie was remarkably rapid in apprehension, sound in judgment, and correct and delicate in his taste. His faculties were Avell balanced, and he had a large measure of what is ordi- narily called common sense. Without any thing in appearance, manner, or voice to recommend him, he was, nevertheless, a veiy profitable preacher, especially when he prepared his discourses with some care. He was an earnest speaker, and had much of the practical and experimental in his discourses, while, at the same time, his doctrinal statements were sound and scriptural. He was very much at home in deliberative ecclesiastical assem- blies, large and small, and exercised great influence in them. He was very much attached to his own denomination, while he felt a deep interest in the welfare of every part of the church of Jesus Christ. He was eminently social and genial in his disposition and habits, far beyond what his expression and manner would seem to indicate. He had a power of sarcasm and satire about him that was rather formidable, and a talent for retort and repartee which it was not easy to cope with. He was widely known in our church, and was greatly instrumental in promoting her interests. He had a large share in the confidence of his brethren in the ministry. He might have made much more of himself than he did, considering his natural powers and advan- tages ; yet he was a very valuable and useful man, and his memory will always be cherished." To all this we can witness ourselves. Dr. Bethune, who admired and loved him greatly, says, " Of Fatlier Labagh's early, or even riper years, I know little, and that little only by hearsay ; the grateful, unanimous testimony of all who had the pi'ivilege of association with him, to his devotional spirit, fidelity, sagacity, and consistent virtues as a man, a Chris- tian, and a minister is abundant. " I call him Father Labagh ; for by that affectionate name all the members of our classis, much younger than he, were accus- tomed to greet and address him. He Avas our father, to whom we gladly yielded the place of superior authority ; whose council was at once sought, and very seldom, if ever, overborne in every ques- tion of disputed doctrine, method of business, or ecclesiastical --266 HISTORICAL NOTES, policy. Ilis prayers, occasional exiiortations, and informal talks had, for us, the nnction and pleasant authority of the aged disciple among his little children. He resembled, in our minds, the apostle of love, not only in the kindness of his speech, but also in the searching casuistry Avhich he had acquired from a long experience of a Cliristian and ministerial life. Never arrogant or severe, but ever direct and faithful; never assuming, but ever thankful for our ready deference, he could not avoid being conscious of the rank we assigned him in our f ellowsliip ; yet he ever treated the youngest and meekest of us with the respect and sympathy of true Christian friendship. It was this character that drew me to him with a love and veneration which increased with every oppor- tunity I had of enjoying his society. Perhaps this very manifest regard for him inclined him to think kindly of me; for he always treated me so as to make the hours I passed in his company very pleasant and profitable then, and the recollection of them will be cherished while my memory lasts. He liad a keen sense of the ludi- crous, and often showed it in pointed epigrammatic sayings, and even in sarcasm, the sharpness of whicli was relieved by his good humor. He never shrank from the duty of rebuke, which none who received it had a right to be otherwise than thankful for. He read characters with instinctive skill, and was shrewd enougli to avail himself of every advantage in an lionorable strife ; nor was he disingenuous enough to conceal his pleasure in a plain victory. The special grace of his disposition was its unfading youthfulness. Whenever he grew old, it was not in his heart. The generosity which moved him to forget himself or his personal power in the advancement of the church was not lessened but increased by age. He Avas always on the side of true progress, never fearful of enterprise or enlargement ; but, on the contrary, ready, even eager, to give his aid and advocacy to whatever promised increase of usefulness. He grew neither dull nor morose, nor pragmatical, but was che3rful as mor;iiug, loving the sunshine rather than the shade, and symjiathetic with the happiness of others, fully appre- ciating the wisdom of the ins})ired maxim, that "a merry heart doeth good like medicine." Frugal, temperate, and self-regulated, he was as free from asceticism as he was from Avorld -worship. Young people never felt his presence an unwelcome restraint, and conversation was enlivened by his sprightly reminiscences and witty pleasantries." HISTORICAL NOTES. 267 ''We have greater pleasure in giving- tliese discriminating esti- mates of Dr. Labagli tliau we could have in adding any tiling otu'- selves. In 1841, feeling the infirmities of age, he clieerfully gave place, as we have already said, to a successor, and rested from his labors. He had been the instrument during his ministry of bringing into the church more tlian 500 communicants, and lie had besides introduced, from his own communion, eight young men into the Christian ministry, namely, Brogun Huff, Cornelius Van Cleef, J. T. B. Beekraan, J. P. Labagh, (his only son,) P. S. Williamson, J. P. Stryker, missionary to India, N, D. William- son, C. S. Ilageinan, besides David Cashing, Av^hom he induced to study, and aided materially in his course. Of the original mem- bers of his church, numbering about sixty, only four remained when he resigned. The dissolution was acted on in chassis on the lOth November, 1841-, when he had completed his seventy-second year, upon Avhicli occasion he preached his last sermon from Revelation 22 : 21, "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." Ilis closing years were quiet. He was respected and frequently visited by his brethren in the ministry, and lie died in a good old age — " an old man and full of years." He deceased on Monday, October 2oth, 1838, aged 84 years 11 niDuths and 15 days. His funeral was attended on the 27th at the house of his son-in-law, Lawrence Vanderveer, Esq., where Rev. Dr. Van Vran- ken, of New-Brunswick Theological Seminary, offered prayer, and then at the Harlingen Church, where Rev. Dr. G. Ludlow preach- ed a sermon — published afterward as an appendix to his memoir by Rev. J. A, Todd. It was a bright and beautiful autunmal day, and the withered leaves, falling thickly in the forests, seemed to say to the gathered throng in solemn accents, " AVe all do fade as the leaf." The remains of D)\ Labagh were, in the first instance, deposited in the old Harlingen Cemetery, but were subsequently removed to Rock Hill, in the certain hope of a joyful resurrection to im- mortal life. Upon his tomb we read the following inscription : "In memory of Rev. Peter Labagh, D.D., born Nov. lOth, 1773, died Oct. 25th, 1858. The faithful pastor who liere slee])s in Jesus was ordained to the ministry in 179G, missionary to Ken- tucky in 1797, called to the pastoral otlice of the Reformed Church of Catskill in 1798, of Harlingen in 1809, of Avhich he continued pastor for 35 years. As a preacher he was solemn, earnest, per- 268 HISTORICAL NOTES. siiasiv'e, and always instructive; as 'a' pastor, attentive to his flock in sickness and in health; as a member of the different church courts, wise in council, strong in debate ; and in all the relations of life, husband, father, friend, devoted and sincere. The memory of the just is blessed." On the 21st of August, 1844, j^receding Dr. Labagh's last ser- mon, the consistory had resolved to call as his successor John Gardener, a licentiate from the seminary. Tliis call was ap- proved on the 15th of October, and on the 14th November he was ordained and installed pastor of the church. Rev. G. Ludlow again preaclung the sermon, from 2 Timothy 4 : 5. He still remains the minister of the church. THE CHURCH OF NESHANIC. The records of the church commence on the 25th of August, 1752, and recite that the consistory of North-Branch, on account of the necessity of establishing the Christian ordinances and hav- ing the Gospel preached, had consented to dismiss Bernardus Verbryck and his wife, Abraham Dubois, Sen., Abraham Dubois, Jr., Albert Low and his wife, William Low, John Duraont and his wife, John Montfort and his wife,, in all eleven persons, for the purpose of forming a new congregation, and continues to give notice tliat Bernardus Verbryck and Abraham Dubois were chosen for elders, and Johannes De Mott and William Low dea- cons in said cliurch and congregation of Neshanic. Tliis record is in the handwriting of Dominie Johannes Frelinghuysen, of Raritan, and gives us the date of the organization of the Nesha- nic cliurch, and the names of the first consistory. On a preceding page, but without date, referring evidently to the same matters, are certain articles of agreement between j>er- sons formerly belonging to the church of North-Branch, with certain others from other congregations, agreeing or covenanting to call a neighboring minister belonging to the " Coetus^ and maintaining the doctrines of the Articles of the Synod of Dort, 1618 and 1619, and to provide a proportionate maintenance for HISTORICAL NOTES. 269 him, according to tlic service which he may render ; to ignite, for tliis purpose, with the congregations of Raritan, North-Branch, and Millstone ; to commence the building of a church for said new congregation between the residence of David Genoe and " the Lawrence Line," the site to be determined by a majority of voices of those Avho have subscribed toward its erection, with other minor considerations, all showing how deliberately they entered upon the work of establishing a new church. This cove- nant is subscribed by Bernardus Verbryck, Abraham Dubois? Sen., Abraham Dubois, Jr., John De Mott, Laurence De Mott, William Post, John Dorlant, Cornelius Van Arsdalen, Jacobus Nevius, Pieter Van Dyke, Pieter Montfort, Jan Mont- fort, Lucus Nevius, Derick Low, Albert StothofF, Adrian Hage- man, Joichira Gulick, Jacobus Gulick, and John Brower, men of substance and character, and enough to warrant the undertaking. •To this list there is appended a subscription of nearly £100, for the purpose of carrying out the agreement recited above. Then, on the 11th of October succeeding, it is recorded that the site for the church was determined by a majority of voices to be on the Amwell Road, between the residences of Lawrence and John De Mott, on the Knoll, on the north side of said road. This appears to be all that was accomplished during the lifetime of John Fre- linghuysen. The inference is that the work undei'taken with so much deliberation was carried forward to a successful conclusion during the winter and the summer of 1753 and 1754. Mr. Frc- linghuysen died on the 15th of September, 1754, and probably never preached in the church. The next record is dated May 21st, 1757, and refers to the election of a consistory under the direction of Rev. JohnLeydt, of New-Brunswick, at the house of Andreas Ten Eyck. John De Mott Avas chosen elder, and John Montfort deacon ; and then it recites that they were ordained on the 13th January succeeding, in the church at North-Branch, by Dominie Romeyn. This was Thomas Romeyn, who had mariied Margaretta Frelinghuysen, the elder daughter of Theodorus J. P^relingliuysen. The register of baptisms commences May 23d, 1760, with the names of Jan and Sarah WycofF presenting a daughter, Neeltjie, and .Tacobus and Elizabeth liegeman, a son, Pieter, and Daniel and Catleyntie Hunt, a daughter, Catlyntie — all on the same day. This register is complete, and has been continued until the .. 270 HISTORICAL NOTES. present time. We gather from its earlier years some names which it may he of interest to preserve, as belonging to the congregation in its beginnings, such as John ITufF. George Ber- gen, More Beyaert, John Cox, Bernardus Van Zant, Thomas Hall, Peter Petersen, Hendrick Dilts, Dominions Stryker, John Van Nest, Abraham Voorhees, Tennis Cornell, Hendrick Jansen, Heugh Higse, Dominicus Van Dyke, Joris Broca, and Hendrick Pippenger. The list, as contained in the first book, ends Jannaiy 24th, 179i, with the baptism of Sarah, daughter of Rulcph Peter- son. These were some of the first supporters of the Neshanic church. On the 28th of August, 1758, under the superintendence of Rev. John Leydt, Rem Vanderbeek was appointed elder, and Lawrence De Mott, deacon ; and again July 29th, 1759, tlie Rev. J. R. Hardenbergh presiding, Bernardus Verbryck was ordained as eider, in the room of Johannes De Mott, Avhose term of service had expired. This last record indicates the time when Neshanic had united with the other congregations in Somerset County, in calling the Rev. Jacob Rutsen Hendenbergh as their pastor. They had all been vacant since John Frelinghuysen's death, in 1754. Their attention had been directed to him, probably, from the fact that he had married Mr. Frelinghuysen's widow. It was a time of great distraction in all tlie Dutch churches, but perhaps especially in those in Somerset County. Fryenmoet, one of " the Conferentie preachers," had been preaching to those who were disaiFected toward the Freliughuysens, and at North-Branch esj^ecially a strong effort had been made to effect his settlement. He had spent some months there preaching and baptizing chil- dren, and endeavoring to gain the confidence of the people, but had not succeeded. Hardenbergh had been licensed in May, and was now already living in the house in Somerville, which had been built with the bricks sent over from Holland, in the same ship Avhich brought out John Frelinghuysen and his Avife, Dinah Van Bergh. Neshanic was organized as a Coetus church, and did not sympathize with the malcontents, as many families in the other churches had done. This connection continued to exist until 1761, when Harden- bergh went to Holland for the purpose of bringing over his wife's mother. It is not ascertained exactly how long he was absent, but probably during nearly the whole of the year 1762. It was HISTOEICAL NOTES. 271 during- tliis, tlio 3-car of liis absence, that Neslianie witlulrew from its connection with tlie other four cliurclies, and formed a union with Ilailingen, or Sourland as then called, to obtain the services of Rev, Johannes Martinus Van Harlingen. This proved to be a lasting connection, and continued until it was dissolved, in 1V95, by Mv. Van Ilarlingon's death. In 1780, in order to obtain more preaching, however, Neshanic united with Millstone in obtaining a part of the services of Solomon Froeligh, and tliis connection continued for six years, until 1786. Then, feeling the necessity of liaving preaching in the English language, for the benefit of the junior members of the congregation, she called, in conjunction with Harlingen, the Rev. William R. Smith. He was to preach two Sabbaths at Neshanic, and one at Harlingen. He was thus more entirely identified with the people of Neshanic than of Harlingen. He also made his residence in the bounds of the congregation, living on a parsonage farm, less than two miles east of the church. The impression of his character and preaching was left very, permanently on the people of Neshanic, and his grave is with them, as a perpetual reminder of what he was and what lie did to win them to the w^ays of righteousness and peace. His long ministry, continuing in its activity until 1817, and ending only with his death in 1820, was a great blessing to the people in every sense. It was an earnest and a faithful ministry; and was blessed by an increase of the church, and an elevation of the standard of piety among the whole community. Ho did a blessed, an extensive, and a lasting work at Neshanic. Ivcv. William Richmond Smith was born at Pequea, Lancaster County, Pa., in 1752. He was a younger son of the Rev. Robert Smith, D.D., of Pequea, and his mother was a sister of the cele- brated Samuel Blair, of New-Londonderry, Pa., the father of Dr. John Blair, both ministers of wide influence and usefulness in the Presbyterian Church. He had also two distinguished brothers, Samuel Stanhope Smith, the successor of Dr. Witherspoon in the presidency of Princeton College, and John Blair Smith, the first president of Union College, Schenectady, and subsequently of IIam|iden Sydney College, in Virginia. Though not, perhaps, equ il in mental endowments or in ])ulpit talents to his celebrated brothers, he was a man of sounil mind, of a deep and ardent piety, and a truly edifying preacher. Jlence he became a man highly esteemed and revered by the people to whom he ministered 272 HISTORICAL NOTES. through the long period of five and twenty years, a conscientious, gentlemanly man, " endeared and loved." He was stricken with paralysis while preaching to liis ^Jeople. He survived the attack for several years, but was a wreck in mind and body during the remainder of his life. His remains are interred in the cemetery near Flagtown, and he " being dead yet speaketh." His funeral, on the 20th of February, 1820, was attended by a vast concourse of people from the surrounding country, anxious to testify their esteem and veneration for so faithful a pastor and friend. Rev. P. Labagh, his colleague of Harlingen, preached the sermon from 2 Tim. 4 : 7, 8, " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith : henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me in that day." On the tablet which stands at the head of his grave you read, " Sacred to the memory of William Smith, for twenty-five years one of the ministers of the united congregations of Shannock and Harlingen. He died February 23d, 1820, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. The memory of the just is blessed." Beside him rests his wife, and on her tablet we read, " In memory of Rachael Stidman, relict of Rev. William R. Smith ; born July 8th, l770 ; died December 8th, 1840." She survived her husband nearly twenty years, and was finally united with him in his rest. Neshanic had now been united with other churches in the sup- port of a minister for the space of sixty-eight years. Her growth as a congregation had not been rapid, but it had been substan- tial. Her people had increased in numbers and in wealth. It Avas time for her to enjoy the benefit of the labors of a pastor for herself, and she determined to make the effort. A call Avas given to the candidate Gabriel Ludlow, recently from the seminary in New-Brunswick, and was accepted. He entered upon his labors on the 5th September, 1821. Fifty years from that date, Septem- ber 5th, 1871, he preached an anniversary sermon commemorative of his long and jjatient labors among the people of his charge. It was attended by many of his bretliren in the ministry, and a reception and collection were given at his house after the exer- cises in the church had closed ; a purse was donated to him con- taining nearly |1000, and many kind things said by his ministe- rial brethren during the afternoon for his encouragement and comfort. He is yet in the harness, standing uj) and preaching HISTORICAL NOTES. 273 Christ witli almost youthful vigor ; and may he be spared to do so for long years to come ! The history of his ministry, when it comes to be written, will be an example for all. MILLSTONE, NEW-MILLSTONE, HILLSBORO. The first religious organization in the village of Millstone was effected through the agency of the presbytery of New-Brunswick. The English settlers in that vicinity j^etitioned them to give them regular religious services. At their meeting at Baskingridge, October 3Uth, 1759, this petition was acted on and provision made for stated supplies. Some of the Dutch families united with this organization, and a house of worship was erected about the year 1760. It was, for a time, occupied once a month by the Rev. Israel Reed, the pastor of the Presbyterian church at Bound Brook. At the same time the Dutch families had the ministers of their denomination serving them about as often, thus giving the people a public religious service at least once in two weeks. Rev. John Leydt, of New-Brunswick, Van Harlingen, of Harlingen, and especially J. R. Hardenbergh, of Raritan, participated in render- ing these services. The church which had been built was not large and was never really completed. It stood south of the present church, on land now owned by Mr. Van Cleef, a barn-like structure without paint or any thing inviting about it. In process of time difficulties in regard to its occupancy sprung up among the people, and tliose who were attached to the doc- trines and orders of the national church in Holland determined to erect another church for themselves. The Presbyterians had sup- plies given them by presbytery, and continued their own services for many years, a Mr. Elmore preaching for tliem, among the last, at or near the beginning of tlie present century. There was even a long correspondence between the presbytery and classis in reference to their I'espective riglits to the territory in and about Millstone. Finally their church edifice became unsafe, and was taken down in the year 1809. It was a small house with a very steep roof, without cupola, and plain in its profile. When re- 274 HISTORICAL NOTES. moved, the laud was sold and the avails divided among the heirs of the original donor, a Mr. Ten Eyck, and so the Presbyterian interest in Millstone ceased. On the 26th July, 176(5, seventy heads of families, namely, Peter Schenck, Cornelias Van Liew, Ilend. Probasco, Ab. Van Beuren, Heud. Schenck, Jice Smock, John Vanderveer, Lawr. Vauderveer, Rem. Ditmars, Bergun Coevert, Jr., Sara. Brewer, John Vandoren, John Smock, Peter Stryker, Dan. Coeverfc, Jac. WyckofF, Jac. Van Nostrand, Hendk. Wilson, Jerh. Douty, Jan Stryker, Cor. Lott, John Probasco, Christian Van Doren, Ab. Van Doren, Phil Folkerson, John Blanco, Peter Blanco, Ab. Metzelaer, Peter Perrine, Bergon HufF, Jer. Stillwell, Jac. Stryker, William George Prall, Mary Arrismith, Jacob Metzelaer, Ai-on Van Doren, William Spader, Peter Cavaleer, Peter Wilson, John Chris- topher, John Brokau, John Iloogelandt, John Coevert, Mindert Wilson, Isaac Brokau, Joseph Arrismith, Joseph Vanderveer, Rem. Garretson, Juryee Van Cleef, Derrick Croesen, Peter WyckofF, John Powelson, Steplien Terhuue, Douwe Ditmars, Hendk. Vanderveer, Luke Rynierson,ReynierVan Hengelen, Sam- uel Gerretson, Jac. Gerretson, StofFel Van Arsdalen, Gerret Ter- huue, Josh. Cornell, Barent Stryker, Gertje Cornel, John Ditmars, Roelof Terhuue, Marritje Van Nuys, and William Corteljou, ad- dressed a ^^ ■petition'''' to the Dutch ministers and elders of Raritan, New-Brunswick, Six-Mile Run, and over the Millstone, (now Har- lingen,) as follows : " We, the undersigned, belonging to the afore- said congregations, and living where the four congregations meet, finding it very inconvenient, and sometimes impossible, to attend the Dutch church or Dutch sei-vices with our families, which, in view of God's command and our baptismal vows, we feel to be the duty of ourselves and our children, and also for other reasons which we might present, therefore we have deliberated whether a new congregation ought not to be established, by taking some from each of these congregations ; and having considered it advi- sable, we request respectfully your counsel and advice. If our desire be approved — and our prayer is that it may prosper — and we, on the Lord's day, once a month, or as often as possible, may be served by our three ministers, then. For the accomplishment of the same, we will provide a place of worship and a salary. This petition we sign with respect, submission, and love, praying Al- mi«-hty God to overrule all things for the best. And further- HISTORICAL NOTES. 275 more, tlie salary, -is is usual, shall be paid by eacli one of us. The reverend ministers above mentioned are invited, with elders from each of the congregations, to come together at the house of Peter Suhenck, on Monday, the 11th day of August proximo." Accordingly, on the Uth day of August, 1766, Kev. John Leydt, pastor of tlie churclies of New-Brunswick and Six-Mile Run, with an elder respectively from each, namely, Ilendnck Fisher and Abraham Voorhees ; Kev. Jacob K. Hardenbergh, of Raritan, with the elder Reynier Van Neste, and the Rev. J. M. Van Harlingen, of Neshanic and Sourland, with elders Simon Van Arsdalen and Johannes De Mott, met together at the house of Peter Schenck, and, after prayCr, each of the points of the peti- tion was thoroughly discussed, and the petition and plan were approved, except that the new congregation should not have the eeraces of the three ministers without the consent of their re- Bpective congregations, as it would infringe on their calls. They at once, after arriving at these conclusions, proceeded to elect a consistory and to establish the congregation under the name of ^'- JSFeio- I\IUlstone.'''' Joseph Cornell and Peter Schenck were chosen the first elders, and Johannes Hoogelandt and Abraham Van Doren, M.D., the first deacons. Dominie Leydt, of New- Brunswick, was appointed to ordain the new consistory on a sub- sequent day, (date not given ;) but, being prevented from per- forming this service by an accident. Dr. Hardenbergh, of Raritan, attended to it in his place, and the church was regularly ushered into being, the first regular organization in the county of Somer- set. The three neigliboring ministers, by an arrangement Avith their congregations, preached each at Millstone four Sabbaths in a year, giving them, in this way, one service in a month. This, however small it seems to be, continued to be the arrangement for eight years. The first thing the consistory attempted, in furtherance of tlieir purpose to secure for themselves and their children the ordinances of the church, was to erect a house of worship. A subscription was circulated as early as December of the year 1766, which amounted to £446, or $1115. The subscribers agreed to pay their quotas in four installments, at intervals of six months, beginning on IMay 1st, 1767. The conditions of subscription provided that the house should be built on land near " Somerset Court-house" — 276 HISTORICAL NOTES. Millstone being then the county-seat — the land to be bought of John Smock, and that the church should unite with the " Coetus party," the party of liberty and advancement, as then understood. Aid pecuniarily was sought both in New- York and Long Island, and a subscription amounting to |260 obtained. The land for, this church was ultimately given by John Van Doren, immedi- ately north of the present parsonage lot. It is, at present, in- cluded in the garden of Di*. Fred. Blackwell. But John Smock, who owned the site where the church now stands, being willing to exchange it for his land, considered more eligible, it was taken, and the deed stands in his name, dated January 7th, 1767, and gives it to seven trustees, for the use of the congregation. Their names are Rem. Ditmars, Hendrick Wilson, John Probasco, John Vanderveer, Cornelius Van Liew, John Van Doren, and Henry Probasco. It comprised 8^ tenths of an acre, and was valued at £10. It has been enlarged by three different purchases since, and now includes a little more than one acre. The house of worship was completed in about a year and three months from the date of the organization of the church. Like the churches of that day it was longer in front than in depth. It contained in all sixty pews. In the Revolution it was greatly damaged by the use to which it was subjected by the ti'oops at different times ; but, being repaired, it stood for sixty years, and was finally succeeded by the present house, the corner-stone of which was laid on the 8th of June, 1828. The baptismal register commences April 3d, 1767, with Eva, a daughter of Dr. Van Beuren. At this time the church numbered only fifteen members in communion, including the elders and dea- cons. Ten were added in confession and two by certificate, while the first arrangement of supplies from neighboring ministers continued, and about $40 per year was paid bj' the Church of Millstone to the different consistories for the services of their pastors in that church. In the year 1774, on the 23d of July, contemplating the settle- ment of a pastor for themselves, the congregation purchased a pai'- sonage farm, containing about fifty-three acres. It is now the resi- dence of J. H. Wilson, Esq. The house on it needed repairs, and these were provided for at once ; and now, being, as they believed, fully px'epared to sustain public worship among themselves, they renewed tlieir call upon the Rev. Christian Frederick Foer- HISTORICAL KOTES. 277 ing, of the t::ty of New- York, a preacher in the German Chnrch, and then- call was accepted October, l774. He liad been called as co-pastor with Dr. Hardenbergh, of Raritan, in November of the preceding year, but had declined. He represents, in a letter, that the Dutch language was rapidly passing away from Mill- stone, and that he was expected to preach only in English, so that we have the time fixed when English preaching only began in Millstone. Rev. C. F. Foering was a native of Hanover, German}^ ; was e;lucated at Germantown, Pa., probably under G. H. Dorstius a contemporary and friend of T. J. Frelingliuysen ; was called to the German Reformed churcli of Germantown, in 1771 ; and on the 21st of March, 1772, received a call to New- York City, as successor to the Rev. Mr. Kern. In process of time he had trans- ferred his ecclesiastical relations to the Coetus, which prepared the way for his entering into connection with the Dutch Church. He was di'iven from his home by fear of the British soldiery, constantly ravishing the district of Millstone during the winter of 1779. He was sick, and from the exposure contracted a cold which led to phthisis, and he died on the 29th of March, 1779. His remains were interred under the pulpit of his cliurch, and still rest there. He was eminently a good man and a most faithful pastor. In the mean time the court-house in the village had been burned by Lieut.-Colonel Simcoe's Queen's Rangers on the 2Gth of the preceding October, and the people from all their suffering-! and losses were almost in despair; but Providence interposed and sent them, unexj)ectedly. Rev. Solomon Froeligli, who became their pastor. He appeared in Millstone in the spring of 1780 as an exile from Long Island. The people at once, through the influence and advice of the Rev. J. M. Van Harlingen, nego- tiated with him for his services. He declined a temporary arrange- ment, but offered to accept a call. It was instantly made out for him, and he accepted it and moved into the parsonage on the 5th of June the same year. It was not competent for him to obtain a dismission from his charge on Long Island, and hence the synod meeting in October, at New-Paltz, took the unusual measure of empowering a committee, raised to settle the dispute of boundaries between ^rillstone and the neighboring congrega- tions, in case they succeeded, to approve the call and grant him 18 278 HISTORICAL NOTES. a dismission from his charge on Long Island, that he miglit be able to accept the call and become the pastor of Millstone. The minute of this action is of sufficient importance to quote : " At the same time, the conmiittee are hereby authorized, in the name of this reverend body, to approve the call made by the con- gregation of New-Millstone upon Mr. Solomon Froeligh, and there- upon (in this very unusual case) to dismiss him from his former oono-regations on Long Island, from which, having been driven by the enemy in these disturbed times, he can obtain no regular ecclesiastical discharge, being fully satisfied of his blameless, profitable, and edifying converse in these congregations, as also in others in which he has since served ; and as a committee for this purpose Drs. Hermanns Meyers, Dirck Romeyn, Samuel Ver- bryck, and Benjamin Duboise, or any two of them, are appointed, each with an elder from his congregation." (Minutes of Coetus, Oct. 3d, 1780.) In the mean time, before the settlement was consummated, Neshanic applied for a participation in Mr. Froeligh's services, though it constituted, with Sourland, a part of the pastoral charo-e of J. M. Van Harlingen. Articles of agreement were entered into, and the call, as finally approved, embraces the two churches, and is dated Sept. 4th, iVSO. He was to preach tAvo Sabbaths out of three at Millstone and one at Neshanic, and alternate the Dutch and English languages. At Neshanic, in the lono- days of summer, he was to preach twice a day, after a short intermission, and was to receive from Millstone 160 bushels of o-ood wheat, and from Neshanic 108. It was changed April! 2th, l781, to £120 proclamation money, divided between the two congregations, Neshanic providing £40 and Millstone £80 of the sum total. On October 1st, 1782, the synod convened at Millstone, but it consisted only of nine members. Dr. Derick Romeyn preached the opening sermon from Isaiah 4 : 5, and Dr. Hermanns Meyer, of Pompton, presided. At this meeting the Rev. Simeon Van Arsdalen was examined for licensure. He became soon after tlie pastor of Readington, and died early. Solomon Froeligh labored in his charge in Somerset county about six years. He then received, 1786, a call from the united cono-regations of Hackensack and Schralenbergh, which he accepted. Here he labored and died Oct. Sth, 1827. The latter HISTORICAL NOTES. 279 part of Ills career was unfortunate botli to hiui and to the church. He was the principal occasion of the secession of cer- tain ministers in 1823 in Bergen County, and on the Mohawk, calling themselves tlie True Reformed Dutch Church ; was deposed and never restored to his functions as a minister and professor. The temporary union between Neshanic and Mill- stone ceased when Froeligh left. Mr. Leydt having also in the mean time died, N^ew-Brunswick and Six-Mile Run became dis- connected, and a new alliance was formed. It was now determined to unite Millstone witli Six-Mile Run, and to call the Rev. John M. Van Harlingen, a young man just licensed by the synod convened in New- York, October, 1780. The call is dated May 1st, 1787. The churches were to pay him £130 in equal parts, and to have equal services. In Millstone one half the service was to be in English, and at Six-Mile Run one third. We have given the history of this pastorate in our notes on Six-Mile Run. The same union continued to exist under Dr. Cannon. He was ordained and installed at Millstone May 1st, 1797, and continued to serve the people until 1807, when the connection between the two churches was dissolved and Dr. Cannon became the pastor of Six-Mile Run alone, and Mill- stone called the Rev. John Schureman. He was called from Bedminster April 20th, 1807. He was a native of New-Bruns- wick, a descendant of Jacobus Schureman, who came from Hol- land with Frelinghuysen and married a sister of his Avife, a Miss Terhune, of Long Island. He was born Oct. 19th, 1778, gra- duated from Queen's College 1795, studied under Dr. Livingston, and was licensed in 1800. He had been settled at Bedminster about six years. He lived during his residence at Millstone in the place occu}»ied by Mr. Jacob Van Cleef, near Blackwell's Mills. His connection with Millstone was very brief. He re- ceived a call from the Collegiate Church in New- York, and the Consistory of Millstone agreed to unite with him in a request for a dissolution of their connection Nov. l7th, 1809. John Schureman was not robust in his health, and soon left the city for a place in the college and died there May 15th, 1818. Dr. Gabriel Ludlow, who knew him well, says of him, "He was one- of the worthiesof our church, a man greatly beloved and confided in. He had nothing very remarkable in his appearance or man- ner. A stranger on meeting liim or passing him would proba- ■280 HISTORICAL NOTES. bly have tliought or said, ' There goes a sensible, kind-hearted man, an unpretending, humble man.' His constitution of body- was rather frail from his childhood, and needed care on his own part and indulgence on the part of those to whom lie ministered, to keep him at all in a proper condition for the pastoral Avork. When called to New- York, he sustained his reputation and cora- |)eted successfully with some of the most popular city ministers. He could not preach anything but a solid, judicious discourse, logically arranged, and therefore lucid in every part and symme- trical. In his style he was not strong or sparkling, but simple, 'dear, neat, direct. In manner not rapid or fervid or impas- sioned, but distinct in his enunciation, just in emphasis, affection- ate in tone, with not much but proper and rather graceful gesti- culation ; altogether making the impression of a man that felt in his own soul the power of the truth and was desirous that his hearers should be profited by his ministrations. His course was a short one, though useful while and as long as it lasted. It was a melancholy day when the tidings came that Dr. Schureman was no more, and it was another melancholy day when those who loved him (and they were many) assembled to commit his remains to their long resting-place. Even the tolling bell was mute in mercy to the stricken, bereaved widow. The character- istics of the man, on only a short acquaintance, were amiability, solidity, and Christian discretion. These qualities showed them- .selves everywhere and at all times, in his family, among his pupils and his people when lie had a pastoral charge, and in all bis intercourse. If Dr. Schureman had showed himself harsh, selfish, frivolous, rash, every one that knew him would have been astonished with great astonishment. Such manifestations would have been thought foreign to the man. People would almost have thought that there was something like a temporary metem- psychosis in the case. It is now nearly if not quite half a cen- •tury since he passed away from among us, but we who survive him among his pupils still think of him with a mournful plea- sure, and make powerful draughts upon memory that we may .recall all that is possible of such a man and such an instructor." His remains sleep beside the other professors in the churchyard in ISTew-Brunswick. We have given a fuller account of him .already as one of the pastors of the church in that city. Perhaps :we ought to have been satisfied Avith what was said, but we felt HISTORICAL NOTES. 281 like giving a wider publication to Dr. Ludlow's admirable sketch of the man. It is a finished picture. When Dr. Schurenian left Millstone the church seemed to be almost in despair. It was a great loss indeed; but that kind Providence which watched over the interests of the yet feeble congregation interposed and gave relief. The attention of the people was directed to the Rev. John L. Zabriskie, settled over the united churches of Greenbush and Winantskill, near Albany. He preached at Millstone for t)ie first time in the month of February, iSlO, and took charge of the church, moving his family into the village in the month of May, 1811. He was, installed by Dr. Cannon, and he remained with the church as one of her most faithful pastors until he died Aug. 15th, 1850— 39 years and three months. John L. Zabrfekie was, it is said, of Polish extraction, a de- scendant of Albert Saborowiski, who arrived in tliis country in the Fox, in 1GG2, and of the fourth generation; born March 4th, 1779. He graduated at Union College, Schenectady, in the very first class, in 1798; studied theology with Dr. Derick Pomeyn, and was licensed by the Classis of Rensselaer in 1801. He settled as successor to the Rev. J. V. C. Romeyn almost imme- diately at Greenljush and Winantskill, and continued to serve these churches faithfully and acceptably for eight years. The church at Millstone Avas comparatively weak, having only about 70 members in its communion and 84 families, when he consented to take charge of it. After preaching eighteen years in the old church, he succeeded finally in inducing his people to build a new one, the present building — sufficiently commodious and convenient for all who desire to attend the services in it, at least at the pre- sent time. The present writer preached his funeral sermon, and afterward gave in Corwin's Manual the following as his conception of what the man was, what he deserved to be esteemed, and how he had labored in the Gospel for so many years. During his long and faithful pastorate at Millstone he main- tained his influence and his standing nnto the end. He was a man of many excellences ; kind, social, vmaffected, and sincerely and zealously pious, a gentleman of the old school, simple in his tastes, unostentatious in his life, and unsophisticated -282 HISTORICAL NOTES. in his dail)'^ conduct. All who knew him loved him, and those who knew him best loved him most. He was one of the most laborious and successful pastors in Somerset County. He preached and lectured more, visited more families, and attended more carefully to all his public duties, than almost any minister of his time. He was considered by all an example not only, but also a monitor, in his official life. His talents were good. His mind was more judicious, solid, and safe than brilliant or endowed with genius. He was a wise man, a sensible man, a man to be depended on. His counsel was always judicious, and no one ever erred much in following it. Hence, he himself made no mistakes of importance, had no con- troversies ; and, Avhile his friends were numerous, his enemies belonged to those whomhis principles and his holy life necessarily brought in contact of opposition to him. ' He was an excellent preacher ; and though he seldom wrote his sermons, they were solid, sensible, full of evangelical thought, and listened to with profit by all the earnest-hearted and godly in his congregation. His knowledge of the Gospel was full, distinctive, and clear; and when he had discussed any one of its doctrines, his hearers felt that they had had very important matters brought to their consideration, in a way which was calculated both to im- press their minds and edify their hearts. Few men could si>eak more judiciously and appropriately from the impulse of the moment, on any ordinary subject, than he did. Often there was a neatness, terseness, and directness which made his discourse highly pleasing ; always he was edifying and instructive. Then he was a genial man ; and in his social intercourse could astonish you by his wit, his sarcasm, and even drollery. But this was only occasionally, and when he seemed to be carried out of his ordinary sphere. Habitually he was grave, thoughtful, and, though never reserved, by no means a facetious man. He was too earnest and full of thought for any trifling or levity at any time. His life was unstained by even a breath of evil. No one ever doubted his piely, or the sincerity of his admonitions, when he reprobated vice and reproved iniquity, for they knew his pure heart impelled him. By his simple habits and economy, Avhile in the receipt of only a small stipend, he was able to accumulate a large estate and leave it as an inheritance to his children. This, however, resulted HISTORICAL NOTES. 288 chiefly from tlie early possession of his own patrimony, managed with priiclence and care, and not h'om any savi?u/s out of his salary. In a word, he was a good mini, full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, useful in his day, lamented when he passed away ; and he lias left a name which will have a savor of excellence for many generations — especially among those for whose spiritual good he labored, and whose fathers and mothers he was the instruuieut of bringing into the kingdom. lie sleeps in view of tlie front door of his church, and his chil- dren have inscribed upon his monument these words : " In memory of John Lansing Zabriskie, born March 4th, 1779 ; died, August 15th, 1850. For more than 50 years a minister of God : from 1811 until his death, pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church of Mill- stone. Pure in life, sincere of purpose, with zeal, perseverance, and prudence, devoted to the service of his Master. Here amid the loved people of his charge, his earthly remains await the resurrection of the just." On his wife's monument is Avritten : "Sarah Barrea, wife of Kev. J. L. Zabriskie, born May 11th, l78G ; died December 21st, 185G." A colleague had been provided for him just before he died, but had not yet been installed. The Rev. John De Witt ministered at Millstone from 1850 to 1863', when he was chosen Professor of Languages in the Seminary at New-Brunswick, and was suc- ceeded by the present incumbent, Kev. E. Tanjore Corwiii. In 1855, the congregation was divided, and the inhabitants on the east side of the river became organized as the Cliurch of East-Millstone. Giles Vandewall served them for two years. Rev. David Cole for five years. Rev. Mr. Berger for three years. Rev. Mr. Phraner for two or more, and Rev. IMr. Williams is the present incumbent, and the church is prosperous. THE CHURCH OF BEDMINSTER. Bedminstek was originally an outpost of Raritan, and tlie necessity of a church there grew out of the settlement of certain fixmilies of influence in that vicinity. We may mention Jacobus and Peter Vanderveer, Matthew Lane, Guisbert Sutpliin, and others as anionic these families. Tlie first record which remain.s. 284 HISTOEICAL NOTES. having reference to the chnrcli at Bed minster, is found in the Book of Minutes belonging to the church at Raritan, and is dated December 25th, 1758. It is in the handwriting of J. R. Harden- bergh, and recites that at a meeting of the consistories of North- Branch, Neslianic, Bedminster, Millstone, and Raritan, at the house of J. R. Hardenbergh, in Soraerville, Dominies Leydt and Hardenbergh, "a proponent," beiuu: present, when it is stated, among other things, that the elders, Jacob Banta and Jacob Van- derveer, and the deacons, Rynier Van Neste and Cornelius Lane, were chosen as overseers (opsienderen) for the first time in the congregation of Bedminster, This, then, is the first consistory, and tliis is properly the organization of the Church of Bed- minster. The next is dated December 13th, 1759, and proceeds to fix upon a line between Bedminster and Raritan, and states that this shall be the lane or line running easterly and westerly between Paulus Auten and Hendrick Van Arsdalen, provided the persons on either side were willing to go to Bedminster or Raritan respec- tively. Again, June 24th, 1759, the following persons were ap- pointed " helpers" in the respective congregations : For Raritan, Cornelius Kozyne ; Bedminster, Fredrick Banta ; Millstone, Jaco- bus Van Arsdalen. In 17G1, November 25tli, at a meeting of the consistory of Bed- minster, at the house of Jacob Vanderveer, Johannes Haas and Jan Voorhees were admitted to communion on confession of their faith, and Matthew Lane by certificate. March 8th, 1762, Jacob Vanderveer was continued as an elder, and John Voorhees chosen deacon, in the place of Ryniei* Van Neste. December 31st, 1 764, Maria Folkerson, wife of Folkert Folkerson, Maria Woertman, wife of Jan Woertman, and Cathrine Bordt, wife of N. N. Bordt, were admitted to communion on confession of faith, and on the 1st of April were baj^tized. We have gather- ed these items from the minute-book of the Raritan Church, in the handwriting of Dr. Hardenbergh. Tliere are no records which enable us to determine when the first house of worship was built, but it was probably commenced tliat same year, or the next at furthest, making its date 1759 or 1760. It was built upon land donated by Jacobus Vanderveer. It HISTORICAL NOTES. 285 was a wooden structure, and stood fronting to tlie south on the same ground upon which tlie present cliurch stands. The front door was directly opposite tlie pulpit, and the galleries were in the two ends. It was longer in front than in depth, never painted, but had a board ceiling and pews, and in its general appearance resembled the old church at Readington, after which it was pro- bably patterned. It stood until 18 IG, when it was removed to make way for a new building. The present register of baptisms dates November loth, 1801, when the ministry of John Schureman began, and has been con- tinued until the present. The first infant baptized was Jane, daugliter of Peter Lane ; and the same day Simon Ilageman, John Van Duyn, Cornelius Powelson, and Cornelius Doty had their children baptized. The history of the churcli of Bedminster is involved in that of the church of Raritau from its first organizatioii, in 1758, to the close of the ministry of Theodor F. Romeyii. It had one third part of the services of Dr. Hardenbergh, as well as of Romeyn, during this period extending to 1787. Then Peter Studdiford supplied it, in connection with Readington, for thirteen years up to 1800. PVom the time when John Duryea resigned his call at Raritan he served this church, in connection with an unorganized body of hearers at Potterstown and Wliite House, for a year or more. During all this time the most of what was done in receiv- ing members into the communion and choosing elders and deacons is to be sought for in the records of these more promi- nent churches. The pastors recorded, as was natural, in the Book of Minutes of their own churches the ministerial acts they performed in Bedminster. But tlie days of its pupilage were now ended. It had grown into i)rosperity scanty as the supi)ly of spiritual food had been, and felt the developing energies of mature life. It determined to call a pastor of its own. The individual upon whom their choice centred was John Schurenian, a native of New-Brunswick, a graduate of Queen's College, a [)U])il and friend of Dr. Livingslon, and a descendant of that Scliureman who came over from Holland with Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen in 1720 as a friend, an assistant, and a teacher. His call was dated Nov. 13th, 1800. He was in the 23d year of his age when he accepted, and gave to Bedminster the freshness of his mind as well as his religious afiections. That 286 HISTORICAL NOTES. such a young man as Schureman was should be greatly admu-ed and more loved in Bedminster was no more natural tlian it was necessary. His memory is yet cherished in many households, and his name connected with not a few. He served the church faithfully for six and a lialf years, and went on, being called, to Millstone; to New-York, after being there only two years, and then to New- Brunswick and to an early grave in 1818, regretted by all who knew liim. His dismission is dated May 25th, 1807. In July, 1808, Charles Hardenbergh was called from Warwick, New- York, and served until May, 1820, twelve years, and then went to New-York City as pastor of the church in Greenwich Village, and died there of yellow fever after a little more than a year's service. His remains were first deposited in a vault belonging to the church, but were subsequently removed to Woodlawn Cemetery, and the tablet erected to his memory inserted in a monument, where it can yet be seen. He did a great work in Bedminster; a new church was built in 181 7 and 1818, a classical school founded, and the cause of education generally encouraged and elevated. The sermon which he preached at the dedication of the church, April IStli, 1818, was published, and remains an evidence of his scholarship as well as his piety. It has become exceedingly scarce. Charles Hardenbergh was a native of Rosendale, in the County of Ulster, and was a direct lineal descendant of Johannes Hardenbergh, the proprietor of the Harden bei-gh Patent, and Avas born about lYSO. He studied under Dr. Froeligh and was licensed by the Classis of Paramus in 1802. He preached as a candidate for more than a year in several churches, and finally settled in 1804 in the church at Warwick. Here he was ordained and commenced his pastoral work. He came to Bedminster a comparatively young man. He had a fine presence and a nobly developed person. His voice was sonorous and sweet, and his accentuation proper, impressive, and indicative of fine taste. It was his habit, in discussing any point, to glide away from argu- ment and illustration into a strain of devotion. In this way one third of his sermon was in reality a prayer. The effect Avas often impressive and solemn. He was in the effects he produced a winning preacher. His countenance preached; and his voice and accentuation had as much effect as his matter. This, liowever, was always sensible and scriptural. Under his labors the HISTORICAL NOTES. 287 churcli grew to be one of the largest nnd most eflicieut congre- gations in Somerset County. It was a day of weeping in Bed- minster when he left, and there were many wlio never hoped ever to see his like again. After remaining vacant for one year, the church, July, 1821, called the candidate Isaac Morehead Fisher. He came to Bed- minster in his youth, served faithfully for seventeen years, went away for one year, and came back to her with her second call to him in his hand, and died February 14th, 1840, aged 44 years. Mr. Fisher was a native of New- York City, and was born in 1796. He graduated at Columbia College 181*7, and from the Theological Seminary at New-Brunswick, and was licensed in 1820. Mr. Fisher was a zealous, eai-nest man, and did his work in the spirit of a devoted Chi'istian man. He was a powerful and im- pressive preacher, highly evangelical and practical in his matter and in the tone in Avhich he put it forth. In the pulpit he was active, full of gesture and varied in the intonations of his voice. He made you feel that he was in earnest and desirous of convinc- ing every one of his hearers. He had a military air, and his walk and action indicated authority, self-reliance, and command. Yet he was genial, social, and attractive in his familiar inter- course. He wrote his sermons, especially in his younger years, and delivered themmemoriter ; hence there was freedom, fullness, and command of language, Avhich became at times truly impres- sive. He was rigidly orthodox, and had the system of Christian theology fully before his mind in all his parts, and he was a man of many sorrows. Dr. Ferris, his classmate, said of him, " He was a capital theologian and a most able defender of the doctrines of our church. No man among us in the seminary was so familiar with the system of Dr. Livingston and could more intelligently explain and illustrate it. His critical acumen had been sharp- ened by the great Hopkinsian controversy, which had pervaded the New- York churches a few years before ; and Avith all its points, both theological and metaphysical, he had made himself at home. A most honest and upright man in his principles, he enjoyed the confidence of all who knew him, and the renuxrkably uprhjht physical man seemed the index of the s[)irit within." Ho was, as we ourselves can well testify, all this. His people mourned him truly when they carried him to the grave. His wife haf Lebanon, and organized by a committee of tlie Chassis of Raritan, consisting of Revs. R. Van Amburgh, J. Lefever, and P. ]M. Doolittle, January 1st, 186G. The first consistory was, Archibald Huftnian and John II. Cregen, elders, and George M. Freeh and George II. Rowland, deacons. Tlie people worshiped for a time in a public hall in the village, but in 1868 began to build. The house was finished and dedicated, classis beiiig in session, by the pastor, J. A. Vandoren. ]\[r. Vandoren acted first as stated sup- ply from October 1st, 18GG, to October 7th, 18G9, when he ac- cepted the call, and continues to labor, being useful and beloved. The cliurcli numbers 44 families and 47 members in communion. Tiie village is now called Aniiandale. Besides these churches, a church was organized out of German families in Warren Township, in 185G, and after having sustained 3 IS HISTORICAL NOTES. for many years, it revolted, and is now under the Congregation- aliste. Another German cliurch was organized in Plainfield, and the Central Church of Plainfield has placed itself also in connection with Congregationalism. A German church was also formed in New-Brunswick in 1851, and is prospering. One remark must close our notice of these young churches, and that is, they are following on in the footsteps of the elder, and each one has prospered according to the measure of their steadfastness, and the energy manifested in their proper work. Our detail more than justifies the complimentary epithet applied to the churclies in Somerset County : they are indeed the "garden of the Dutch Church." CHARTER OF THE FIVE CIIURCFIES : NEW-BRUNS- WICK, RARITAN, SIX-MILE RUN, MILLSTONE, AND NORTH-BRANCH. Granted Juxe Tth, 1753. George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of tlie Faith, etc. To all whom tliese presents shall come, greeting : Whereas, divers and sun- dries of our loving subjects inhabiting within the several Coun- ties of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Middlesex, in our Province of New-Jersey, in behalf of themselves and others, being of the Dutch Protestant Reformed Church, by their humble jjetition presented to our trusty and well-beloved Jonathan Belcher, Esq., Captain General in Chief in and over our Province of New- Jersey and territories thereon depending in America, Chancellor and Vice-Admiral in the same, etc., setting forth that the peti- tioners are very numerous and daily increasing, and consist of five churches and congregations, to wit, the church and congre- gation of Raritan, the church and congregation of North- Branch, the church and congregation of New-Brunswick, the church and congregation of Six-Mile Run, the church and con- gregation of Millstone ; that the niost advantageous support of religion among them requires tliat some persons among them HISTORICAL NOTES. 319 should be incorporated as trustees for tlic community, that they may take grants of lands and chattels, thereby to enable the petitioners to erect and repair public buiMings, for the worship of God, school-houses and alms-houses, and for tlie maintenance of the ministry and poor, and that the same trustees may plead and may be impleaded in any suit touching the premises, and have perpetual succession ; and we having nothing more at heart than to see the Protestant religion in a flourishing condition tliroughout all our dominions, and being graciously pleased to give all due encouragements to such of our loving subjects Avho are zealously attached to our person, government, and the Pro- testant succession in our royal house, and to grant the request of petitioners in this behalf: know ye, that we of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, liave willed, ordained, con- stituted, and granted, and by these presents for us, our iieirs and successors, do will, ordain, constitute, and appoint, that the Ilev. John Light, John Frelinghuysen, Ministers, John Van Middle- mirth, Peter AVilliams, Peter Van Ess, Andrew Ten Eyck, Daniel Cybyrn, Peter Mountford, Ilenrick Fisher, Cornelius Bennot, William Williams, Luke Vorhees, David Nevius, Simon Van Arsdalen, John Strieker, Reynior Vechten, elders, and Frans Cusart, Andrew Monton, John Brocaw, Ilarman Lean, Cornelius Whykoff, Peter Schamp, Ilendrick Van Deursen, John Messelaer, Abraham Ilize, Cliristopher lloglan. Rem Garretson, Cornelius Van Arsdalen, Andrew Hagaman, Abraham Hagaman, and James Van Arsdalen, deacons, of the Dutch Reformed con- gregations above-named, and the counties aforesaid, and their' successors hereafter, the minister or ministers, elders and dea- cons of the respective churches or congregations, which at or any time hereafter, be duly chosen or appointed, shall be and remain oae body politick and corporate in deed and fact, by the name of the trustees of the Dutch Reformed Church of Raritan, North-Branch, Xew-Bi-unswick, Six-Mile Run, and Millstone, in the counties aforesaid, and that all and every one, the ministers, elders, and deacons, before herein expressed, shall be the first trustees of the said churches and congregations now by these presents constitute and made one body politick by the name of the trustees of the Protestant Dutch Reformed Church, and shall so renaain until others are duly called, chosen, and put into 320 HISTORICAL NOTES. their respective place or places, and that they, tlie said body politick and corporate, shall have perpetual succession in deed, fact, and name, to be known and distinguished by the name of tlie Trustees of tlie Dutch Reformed Cliurch ; and all deeds, grants, bargains, sales, leases, evidences, or otherwise whatsoever, which may anywise relate or concern the corporation, and also that they and their successors, by the name of the Trustees of the Dntcli Reformed Church of Raritan, North-Brancli, New- Brunswick, Six-Mile Run,, and Millstone, in the counties afore- said, be and forever hereafter shall be, persons able in law to purcliase, take, hold, or enjoy, any messuages, houses, buildings, lands, tenement, rents, or whatsoever in fee and forever, or for time of life, or lives, or in any other manner, so as the same exceed not at any time in the yearly value of seven hundred pounds sterling, per annum, beyond and above all charges, and reprizes, the statute of mortmain, or any otlier law to tlie con- trary notwithstanding, and also goods, chattels, and all other things to what kind soever, and also that they and their succes- sors, by the name of the Trustees of the Reformed Dutch Church, shall and may give, grant, demise, or otherwise dispose of all or any of the messuages, houses, buildings, lands, tenements, rents, and all other things as to them shall seeni meet, at their own will and pleasure ; and also that they and their successors, be and for- ever hereafter shall be persons able in law to sue and be sued, plea and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended in all courts and places, before us, our heirs and suc- cessors, and before us, or any of the judges, officers, or minis- ters of lis, our heirs and successors, in all and all manners of actions, suits, complaints, pleas, causes, matters, and demands what- soever; and also that the same trustees of the Dutch Reformed Churches above named for the time being, and their successors, shall and may forever hereafter have and use a common seal, with such device or devices as they shall think proper, for sealing all and singular deeds, grants, conveyances, contracts, bonds, articles of agreements, and all and singular their affairs touching or concerning the said Corporation. And we do now further ordain, will, or grant, that all and every such lands, tenements, and hereditaments corporeal or incorporeal, money, goods, and chattels, which at any time before or after the date of these our HISTORICAL NOTES. 821 letters patent have been, or shall be, devisoil, given, or granted to all or any of the particular churches above named, within the said several counties of Hunterdon, Somerset, and Middle- sex:, or to any person or persons, in trust for them, shall be and remain in the peacea\)le and quiet possession of the Corporation, according to the true intent or meaning of such device or devices, gift or gifts, grant or grants, that t!ie trustees by these presents appointed, shall continue and remain the trustees of the Dutch Reformed Church of liaritan, North-Branch, New- Brunswick, Six-Mile Run, and Millstone, in the counties aforesaid, until others shall be chosen according to the manner, customs, and methods now in use among the said Protestant Dutch Reformed Churches, which persons so-called, elected, and chosen, shall have all the powers and authorities of the above-named trustees, and all and every such jjerson or persons so newly called, elected, and chosen, as aforesaid, shall remain until other fit persons in like manner be called, elected, and chosen, in their respective rooms and places, and so, toties quoties. And we do further ordain, give, grant, that there be a meeting of the several trustees of the churches aforesaid, at the Raritan pub- lic place of worship, in the County of Somerset, on the first Tues- day of August next after the date of these our letters patent, and thereafter at such time or times, place or places, within the said counties as to them or the major part of them shall seem meet and convenient ; and then and there, by plurality of votes, choose a president out of them, for the time being, who shall have the custody of the seal or seals of the said Corporation, and all books, charters, deeds, and writings, any way relating to the said Corporation ; and shall have power from time to time, and all times hereafter, as occasion shall require, to call a meeting of the said trustees, at such a i^lace within the said counties as he shall think convenient, for the execution of all or any of the powers hereby given and granted ; and in case of sicknes<5, removal, or death of the president, all tlie powers by these presents granted to the president, shall remain on the senior trustee upon record, until the recovery of the president, or until a new president be chosen as aforesaid. And we do further will, ordain, give, or grant that every act and order of the major part of the said trustees consented or airreed to at such meeting as aforesaid shall be 322 HISTORICAL NOTES. good, valid, and efFiictual to all intents and purposes as if the said number of the Avhole trustees had consented and agreed thereto. And we do further will and ordain that all the acts of the said trustees, or any of them, shall from time to time be fliirly entered in a book or books, to be kept for that purpose by the president of the trustees, tOL^ether with the seal of the said cor- poration ; and all charters, deeds, writings whatsoever, any way belonging to the said Corporation, shall be delivered over by the former president to the president of the said trustees newly elect-, ed, as such president shall hereafter successively from time to time be chosen. And w^e do further of our special certain know- ledge and mere motion for iis, our heirs and successors, by these presents give and grant unto the said trustees of the Dutch Re- formed Church, the ministers, elders, and deacons above-named, and their successors forever, that they and their successors, all and singular, the rights, privileges, powers, benefits, emoluments, and advantages to be hereby granted, shall and may forever here- after have, hold, enjoy, and use without hindrance or impediment of us, our heirs or successors, or of any of the justices, sheriffs, escheaters, coroners, bailiffs, or other officers and ministers, what- soever of us, our heirs or successors ; and that these our letters being entered upon record in our secretary's office of New-Jersey, and the record and the enrollments thereof, and either of them and all and every thing therein contained, from time to time and at all times hereafter, be and shall be firm, valid, good, sufficient, and effectual in law towards and against us, our heirs and suc- cessors according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and in and through all things shall be construed and taken and expound- ed most benignly and in flivor for the greatest advantage and profit of the trustees of the said Dutch Reformed Church of Raritan, North-Branch, New-Brunswick, Six-Mile Run, and Mill- stone in the counties aforesaid, and their successors forever, not- Avithstanding any defect, default, or imperfection may be found therein, or any other cause or thing whatsoever. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the great scale of our province to be hereunto affixed, and the same to be entered of record in our secretary's office of said Pro- vince of NcAV- Jersey in one of the books of record therein remain- ing. Witness our well beloved and trusty Jonathan Belcher, Esq., HISTORICAL NOTES. 323 our Captain-General, and Governor-in-Chicf in and over our said Province of Xew-Jersey, Chancellor and Vice-Adniiral of the same, by and with the advice and consent of our council of our said Province at Burlington, the seventh day of June, and in the twenty-sixth year of our reign. (Signed) JONATHAN BELCHER, Gov. INDEX Anderson. W. Pastor of Peapack, 311. Antonitles, F. Ordains a Consistory at Six- Mile Run irrei^iilarly. 225 ; also at Ihrce- Mile Run, 24(» ; sketch of, 255. Arondeiis, J. Assists those disaffected to Frelinghuysen, 255 ,' action of the Coetus respecting, 250. Bailey, W. Settles at Wliite House, .301. Bartliolf, G. Ordains elders and deacons at Raritan, 1.5'.t, KJl ; his zeal and labors, 162. Bedminster Church, 283. Bers, II. C. Pastor at Kocky-IIill, 315. Berber. M. L. Pastor at East-Millstone, 315. Blair. R. J. Sketch of. 289. Blawenbun.' Church, 262. 303. Boundlirook Church, 3(i9. Braiichville Church, 312. Campbell, J. K., 302. Cannon, J. S. Settled at Six-Mile Run and Millsione, filled the chair of Eccle^insti- cal History. 230; sketches by Dr. John I'roiidfit and Dr. G. Ludlow, 231. Carroll. F. P.. Pastor of I'ottersville, 316. Chambers. T W Settled in Second Church of Haritan, 307. Charter of the Five Churches, 318. Clinton Station Church, 31". Clover Hill Church. 306 Coens, Ilcnricus. Organizes the church of Harliiigen, 253; an active minister, 254. Cole, D. Settled at East-Millstone, 314. Comfort, L. L. Pastor at While House. 301. Condit, Ira. Settles at New-Brunswick, be- comes Vice-President of the College, Dr. (Gannon's sketch. 214. Conklinir, N. Payer, 1.^4. Cornell. E. Pastor of Stanton, 30.S. . J. A. II. Pastor of Raritan Third, 311. Craven, E. R. Labors four years in the Se- cond Church of Paritan, 307. Dalliker, F. Ministers at Lebanon, 293. Dater, H. Ordained and installed at Branch- ville, 312. Demarest, C. T. Ministry at White House, 299. , D. D. Pastor of New-Brunswick Se- cond Church, 308. , W Settled at Clover Hill, 300: at Boundbrook, 310. Doolittle, H. Settled at Stanton, 308. , P. M., .302. Duryea. J. Called to Raritan, 196 ; third revival extends into his pastorate, 32; he resigns and preaches at Bedminster, White "House, etc., 198. Dutcher, J. C, 310. East-Millstone Church, 283, 313. Easton Churcli, 312. Edgar, C. H. Second i)astor at Eastcn, 313. Fehrman. J. Pastor at High-Bridge, 317. Ferris, Isaac. Pastor at New-BrunBwick, Albany, and New- York, 220. Fisher, G. H. Setthcl at North-Branch, 302. , I. M. Sketch of, 287. Foering, C. F. Called to Millstone, 270; ske'ich of. 277. Fonda, J. Settles at Nassau, and removes to New-Brunswick, sketch by Dr. Forsyth, Frelinghuysen, T. J. Called from Holland, 20, 103, 20S ; experimental i)reaching of 20, 109: lesiilts of bis niinistrv, 28, 169, sketch of, 105; Whitefield iind G Ten- nant attest his faithfulness. liiS. 210; op- positidH to. 172 ; bis scholarship. 174,175 ; the Advocate and Complaint, 175: his in- timacywithSchuremaii, 180; latteryears, 184 ; date of death uncertain. 174. , Theodore. Pastor at Albany, 181 ; visits Holland as agent of the Coetus, and never returns, 182. , John. Settles in his father's place, 182; founds a theological school and dies, 183; revival under, 31. , Jacobus and Ferdinandus. Licensed by the Classis of Utrecht, but die on the voyage home, 183. , Henricus. Licensed by the Coetus, 183; ordained at Marbletown and dies of small-pox, 184. Froeliijh. S. Preaches at Neshanic, 271 ; called to Millstone and call acted upon by Coetus. 277: removes to Hackeiisack, secedes, and founds the True Reformed Dutch Church, 278, Fryeiimoet, 1). Endeavors to settle in Rari- tan, 240-8. Gardener, J. Pastor at Ilarlingen, 208. German Churcbes in Warren, Plainfield, and New-Brunswick. 317. Ge