M 'I .2.1 . /S- ^ PRINCETON, N. J. ^^ Presented by *c3V-i C/ (^ \-A-V\n o T*. Dhiision - ■• Section {.^X^^C- , n Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/davisfamilyhisOOdavi THOMAS KIRBY DAVIS THE DAVIS FAMILY A HISTORY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM DAVIS AND HIS WIFE, MARY MEANS BY v/ THOMAS KIRBY DAVIS OF WOOSTER, OHIO When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought. Shakespeake, 30th Sonnet IMPRrNTED FOR THE FAMILY BY THE PLIMPTON PRESS NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS FOREWORD THE privilege of expressing a word of thanks to our distinguished kinsman. Dr. Thomas K. Davis, for his patient and arduous labors in the preparation of this family history, is mine only by right of seizure, not because I am qualified to adequately voice the gratitude of the large connection, most of whose names I would not have known without Dr. Davis' labor of love. I am sure we are all united in appreciation of the magnitude and the value of the task which he ha^ so successfully accom- plished. If any of our attainments fail to appear under our respective names it is not because we were not given frequent opportunities to supply them; and judging from the tardiness of the responses among some of my own family and the forbearance of Dr. Davis, I should say that patience is one of his most striking characteristics. I know of no one who in his search for information followed more consistently the old adage, "If at first you donH succeed, try, try again.'' To his patience he added unfailing courtesy and unremitting industry, and these have brought the book to a successful close — though a family history is one of the things which can never be said to be finished. The inspiration of knowing Dr. Davis personally has come to some of us since he began the preparation of this book, and he seems to us to be, like Dorothy Words- worth, "over eighty summers young, without a single winter in his heart." Life is still full of interest and joy for him, and he has the rare gift of imparting his enthu- iv FOREWORD siasm to others. His physical and intellectual powers are remarkable — and second only to his spirituality, which shines through all that he does and says. His humor and sympathy make him the most delightful of companions, and we hope he may long be spared to honor the Davis family by his noble life. This inadequate tribute to Dr. Davis has been prepared and inserted with the co-operation of several members of the family, without his knowledge, and since the MSS. left his hands. I must ask his forgiveness for the liberty I have taken. My justification will come not only from the many now living who will enjoy the fruits of his labors, but from the generations still to come, who may use this book as a guide to further study of the Davis family history. E. B. C. June, 1912 PREFACE THE compilation of these records has been to me a great source of pleasure and a labor of love. When I began gathering the items, more than twelve years ago, I had no thought of making them complete or of pub- lishing them. It was for my own gratification and that of my children. I had not proceeded far until I became interested, and I saw that all the friends to whom I applied for information seemed to take it for granted that I would publish what records I could gather. This led me to think of issuing a pamphlet containing merely the statistics of as many families as I could reach; but as letters, obituary sketches, and newspaper clippings were placed at my disposal, the idea of a bound volume gradu- ally grew upon me. And I thought the more of it for another reason. I was much struck by the noble char- acter and real piety of our common ancestors, William Davis and Mary Means, and the number of earnest Christians of different denominations among their de- scendants led me to think of the covenant which God graciously makes with believers in Christ and their children, and of how remarkably it seems to be exempli- fied in the case of our honored ancestors. This thought led to another. Reading the record of our ancestry, consecrated to God's service, and of their children for several generations following in their steps, might be of great benefit to our children, and to theirs after them, and have a real and powerful influence for good upon their characters and lives. For what Daniel Webster once said is most true: "It vi PREFACE is a noble faculty of our nature which enables us to con- nect our thoughts, sympathies, and happiness with what is distant in place or time, and looking before and after to hold communion at once with our ancestors and our posterity. There is a moral and philosophical respect for om* ancestors which elevates the character and im- proves the heart. Next to the sense of religious duty and moral feeling I hardly know what should bear with stronger obligation on a liberal and enlightened mind than a consciousness of an alliance with excellence which is departed, and a consciousness, too, that in its acts and conduct, and even in its sentiments and thoughts, it may be actively operating on the happiness of others that come after it." This simply means that "a Family Record, whether written or traditional, is of great value, and has great power in molding the character and influencing the actions of men." For as a rule good and worthy parents produce good and worthy sons and daughters. The son who is reared in the belief that his ancestors were gentle, brave, and manly, is not likely to stoop to dishonorable deeds. "If, as Seneca said, * Virtue is the only nobility,' he is doubly a nobleman who is not only descended from a virtuous ancestry, but is himself virtuous." And Tennyson has expressed the same sentiment in purest English. "How e'er it be, it seems to me, 'Tis only noble to be good; Kind hearts are more than coronets. And simple faith than Norman blood." Since writing the above I have found my thought so well expressed in that charming book, "The Life of Alice Freeman Palmer," that I must quote it: "No one of us starts as an individual, or can ever after become such, being essentially social, a member merely, a part of a larger whole. It is therefore of extreme consequence, PREFACE . vii if our life is to be a fortunate one, that the family of which we are portions shall be noble and have a high descent. That was the case with Alice Freeman; for though on both sides, so far as I am aware, few of her ancestors figured in the newspapers, or had any considerable share of wealth or learning, they were of that sturdy stock which has been the glory of America — men and women who in quiet homes pride themselves on duty and intelli- gence, who think about each day's work and carefully accomplish it; people on whom neighbors can rely, and who are willing to be overlooked in the public interest." That high honor and supreme advantage belong to the now living descendants of William and Mary Means Davis. Let us be grateful to Heaven, then, for giving us a noble ancestry — men and women who were moral and religious, industrious and honest, lovers of their country and of their fellow-men, excellent specimens of the people who made America free, and were terribly aroused and did their part in the memorable struggle to preserve the Union in the dark days of the Civil War. As our forebears helped to make America free, and others of our kin helped to keep her united, may their children and children's children help to make our country still greater and stronger than ever, through the triumph of sound morals, civic righteousness, and pure Christianity. "All that past times have given us May we employ aright. And live a grand and godly life. Full worthy of our light. We follow in the awful march Of all the mighty dead. Eternal Father, succor us When all our years have fled." It may be interesting to note that among the descend- ants of William and Mary Davis, about forty have been viii PREFACE college graduates, fully as many have been soldiers in the service of their country, seven have been ministers of the Gospel, a score at least have been Presbyterian elders, and many have been officials in other churches, mostly in the Protestant Episcopal and Methodist Episcopal Churches. Eight at least have held some office in the state, but I think that not one half tlie cases of those holding minor offices in the church or state have been reported. I would be ungrateful not to mention here that, while nearly all to whom I have written for information have been most cordial and helpful, I am specially indebted to Mrs. Dr. Cotton, of Germantown, Pa., Mrs. Eliza H. Gordon, of Wilkinsburg, Pa., and Mrs. Belle Hassler Welty, of Meadville, Pa., for their indefatigable efforts to assist me in disentangling the knotty threads of kin- ship, and in deciding "Who was Who" among the Jameses, the Marys, the Samuels, etc., who turned up in the course of our researches. And I wish to express my sense of obligation and my gratitude to Mr. Henry L. Davis, of Germantown, Pa., without whose sympathetic encourage- ment and generous pecuniary assistance the publication of the volume could scarcely have been possible. CONTENTS PAGE HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 1 JAMES THE FIRST 6 WILLIAM AND MARY 10 I. Joseph 21 II. James 31 in. William 89 IV. John 145 V. Patrick 183 VI. Henry 205 VII. Samuel 223 INDEX 241 ILLUSTRATIONS Rev. Thomas Kirby Davis, D.D Frontispiece Old House Standing on Site of James Davis' Home Facing page 7 Side View of Old Presbyterian Church at Deep Run 11 Red Hill Presbyterian Church 12 Rocky Spring Presbyterian Church (Near Chambersburg) 13 Thomas Davis (Son of Joseph) 22 James Davas (Son of James) 33 William Davns, Jr 34 Mrs. William Davis, Jr 35 James J. Davis 37 Mrs. James J. Davis 37 J. C. Cotton, M.D 37 Mrs. Mary D. Cotton 37 James P. Hassler, M.D 45 Mrs. James P. Hassler 45 William W. Davis 45 Mrs. William W. Davis 45 Mrs. Henry L. Davis * 51 Mrs. Henry L. Davis ^ 51 X THE DAVIS FAMILY. Emma E. Davis 51 Henry L. Davis 51 Hem-y L. Davis, Jr 53 Mrs. Hem-y L. Davis, Jr 53 Hem-y C. Davis {Brother of William, Jr.) 60 James Davis Haymaker 71 Mrs. James Davis Haymaker 72 William Stewart Davis 90 Mrs. A. H. Senseny 94 William Stewart Davis 94 A. H. Senseny, M.D 94 William V. Davis 94 Mrs. Thomas Kirby Davis 110 Dr. James Wallace 116 Rev. John M. Davies 117 Rev. John P. Davis 119 Robert S. Davis 122 Robert Davis 128 Rev. P. M. Semple 130 Rev. W. M. Pocock, D.D 131 Rev. Homer B. Henderson 132 Rev. A. S. MilhoUand, D.D 135 Mrs. John M. McFaden 148 John M. McFaden 149 Mrs. Henry John Bailey 153 Henry John Bailey 154 Mrs. Bailey and Group of thirty around her 158 Mrs. Jemima Davis Powell 197 Mr. and Mrs. Justus W. Davis 220 J. Haymaker Davis (Son of Samuel) 226 George Stewart Davis (Son of Haymaker) 226 William Davis (Son of Samuel) 226 Frank K. Davis (Son of William) 226 John Davis (Son of Samuel) 235 THE DAVIS FAMILY HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION OUR common ancestor, Samuel Davis, was born near Drumquin, in County Tyrone, Ireland, in the year 1669, and died at his son James's in Tinicum, Bucks County, Pa., in 1758, being 89 years of age. His wife, Margaret Stewart, was born in 1676, and died in 1756, when 80 years old. Their son, James Davis, was born near Drumquin, March 1, 1699. He married Eliza Jennings January 3, 1729. They emigrated to America in 1735, and thus James Davis became the head and founder of our family in this country. Tyrone County, in the Province of Ulster, is famous in Irish history. It was the scene of the great "Tyrone Rebellion" which broke out in 1597, in the days of Queen Elizabeth, under the leadership of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone. This rebellion was prolonged for a number of years, but it was finally subdued under the leadership of Lord Mountjoy. During this period were erected many of the castles, the ruins of which remain to this day, monumental records of this stirring episode in the history of Ireland. These ruins add much to the picturesque character of the fine scenery of Tyrone. A famous one is Castle Caulfield, built by Sir Toby Caulfield, afterwards Lord Charlemont. Soon after his accession to the English throne, King James the First, having secured the flight and outlawry of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel, seized upon their vast estates in the fertile Province of Ulster. Upon this 2 THE DAVIS FAMILY territory he commenced planting a colony of Scotch and English people in the year 1609. In history this is known as the *' Plantation of Ulster." Scotch-Irish is the name commonly given to these British settlers in Ulster. The colonists were mostly from Scotland. Some were from England, and some, I suppose, from Wales. For our ancestral name is Welsh. As Edwards, Johns, Richards, etc., are Welsh family names from Edward, John, Richard, etc., so Davids is a Welsh family name from David. And Davis is, for the sake of euphony, an abbreviation of Davids. Davies is only another form of Davis. David, a Bible name, meaning the beloved, is a fine family name. With the superstitious, St. David is the patron saint of Wales, as St. George is of England, St. Patrick of Ireland, and St. Andrew of Scotland. It was not long before Ulster, with its fertile soil and intelligent Protestant population, was transformed from a waste desolate region into one of great beauty and prosperity. It became one of the most attractive spots in Europe. This state of things continued until about 1633, when repression and oppression began. Charles the First was king. The Earl of Strafford and Archbishop Laud were the instruments through whom oppression in the state and in the church was brought about. They were kindred spirits. The former wished the king to have absolute power, and labored with all his might to secure it for him. The latter was devoted to a religion of rites and ceremonies, and he labored with a furious zeal to abolish dissent and secure conformity. From that time on the Ulster men were trained through trials and sufferings, for some great work. In 1641 the Civil War, then prevailing in England, supplied the Irish Romanists with a favorable opportunity for throwing off the English yoke, and getting rid of the new religion. In that year an insurrection broke out in Ulster which soon spread to all parts of the Island. No mSTORICAL INTRODUCTION 3 fewer than forty thousand Protestants perished in Ulster, and anarchy prevailed in Ireland until 1649, when Crom- well appeared on the scene, and order was restored. At the time of the Revolution of 1688, when King James II was banished from England, and better times came under William and Mary, the troubles of our fore- fathers in Ulster increased. The banished king took refuge in Ireland, and gathering an army of his co-religion- ists endeavored to re-establish himself. It was then in 1689 that one of the most extraordinary events in the history of Ireland occurred — the siege of Derry, or Londonderry as it is now called, when a few thousand Protestants defended themselves for months against the besieging army of James. Military men pronounced it an impossibility to hold a place so weakly fortified as was Derry, against a far superior force. But the spirit of the Ulster men was equal to the occasion, and, after unparalleled sufferings and losses from starvation and pes- tilence, they were finally relieved by the arrival of provi- sions from England, when the enemy abandoned the siege. I have not a doubt that our common ancestor, Samuel Davis, and others of the family to which he belonged, were with that noble band. For Drumquin was not far from Derry, and when the Earl of Antrim and his troops appeared on the opposite side of the river Foyle, and demanded the surrender of the city, mes- sengers were sent out, under cover of the night, to the Protestants of the neighboring counties, who promptly obeyed the summons. Within forty-eight hours hundreds of horse and foot came on the various roads leading to the city. Samuel Davis was then twenty years of age, and that he responded to the call and was imbued with the heroic spirit of the defenders of Derry, I infer from the fact that his son James, after his migration to Pennsyl- vania, exhibited so much of the military spirit that he and his two oldest sons were officers in the continental army 4 THE DAVIS FAMILY during the French and Indian War. Every young per- son in our families should read an account of the siege of Derry, to know of what sort of stuff Scotch-Irish people are made. Soon after the accession of William and Mary, the English Parliament passed stringent laws for the repress- ing of manufactures in Ireland. Manufacturing indus- tries had become very prosperous in Ulster, to which the Huguenot element of the population had largely contrib- uted. The result was that a hundred thousand operatives were driven out of Ireland. It was estimated that three thousand men alone left Ulster annually for America. These Ulster exiles were nearly all Protestants, and mostly Presbyterians. One of their earliest settlements in America was made in Pennsylvania in 1699. From that time on a steady stream of emigrants flowed into Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas. Some of them also found their way into New England. This accounts for the fact that from an early day some Presbyterian churches have existed in New Hampshire and northeastern Massachusetts. It was not merely the operatives in factories who were driven out of fair Ulster by a government that was acting absurdly, as well as with cruelty, but the farming popu- lation, who had turned Ulster from a desert into a garden spot, were also discouraged and driven out. Our ances- tors were tillers of the soil, and religious folk, and the restrictions to which they were subject in their dissenting churches were among the chief reasons for their leaving Ireland. The first Ulster emigrants settled in Chester, Phila- delphia, and Bucks Counties — the only ones then or- ganized in Pennsylvania. Many who first settled there afterwards moved south into Delaware, Maryland, Vir- ginia, Kentucky, and other states, and constituted a large and important element of the population in preparing for HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 5 and in carrying through the great struggle for inde- pendence. It thus became apparent for what the Lord had been preparing the composite population of Ulster in the school of persecution and trial. Mr, Bancroft, the historian, says, "The first public voice in America for dissolving all connexion with Great Britain came, not from the Puritans of New England, the Dutch of New York, nor the planters of Virginia, but from the Scotch- Irish Presbyterians." Every one knows that the first Declaration of Independence was made in 1775 by a convention of Scotch-Irishmen in Mecklenburg, North Carolina; it is not so generally known that the second came from a convention of Presbyterians held at Carlisle, Pa., in the same year. They were the back-bone of the colonists in the dark days of the Revolutionary War. Washington's generals were nearly all of that staunch and sturdy race. Their political, social, and religious influence, since the organization of the Federal Govern- ment, has been proportionate to their numerical strength. The Presbyterian Church owes its origin on this continent to the incoming of the Scotch-Irish, and its growth and influence to their increase. Many of the leading Presby- terians of the country, such as the Alexanders and the Wishards, trace their family history back to the hills and vales of County Tyrone. Of course, the Scotch-Irish are not all to be found in the Presbyterian Church to-day. Nearly every Protestant denomination finds much of its, strength in its ministers and members who belong to that sturdy and well-seasoned race. Senator Hoar, who, like Bancroft, did not belong to us at all, speaking of the Scotch-Irish, said: "There never was a better stock. Our country has owed much to the intelligence, the energy, and the steadfastness of this admirable race." From all this I hope our boys and girls will see how much and how great things will be expected from them, both in the church and in the state. 6 THE DAVIS F.\MILY In looking into the history of County Tyrone, I met with a narrative which interested me very much and which I hope will interest others, because it relates to a matter of living interest. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hall, celebrated travelers and writers of the last century, were greatly delighted when they visited Tyrone to find nestled amid the wild scenery of that region a factory, established by the Messrs. Herd- man, which employed seven hundred peasants — four hundred men and three hundred women and girls. These gentlemen seem to have been far in advance of their time, which was prior to the middle of the last century. They manifested a personal sympathy with their employees and exercised a kindly care for them; which alas! is not very common even in our day, and at that time was very rare. We have some employers, like the Messrs. Patter- son of the National Cash Register Company, at Dayton, Ohio, who take great pains to make their employees com- fortable, and to give them time and opportunities for per- sonal improvement, so that their humanity has excited the admiration of the entire country. But the Messrs. Herdman had as much care for the moral and religious improvement of their people as they had for their physical comfort. They established a Sunday school among them the result of which was, according to the testimony of the Halls, that, from being a lot of idle, straggling, starv- ing creatures, they were transformed into industrious, comfortable, self-respecting, and happy people. JAMES THE FIRST JAMES DAVIS, son of Samuel, was born near Drumquin, March 1, 1699. On January 3, 1729, he married Eliza Jennings, who was born May 3, 1706, and died in Tinicum township, Bucks County, Pa., in 1746. In 1735 James, his wife, and two children, William « JAMES THE FIRST 7 and Patrick, were among the large number of those who crowded the vessels sailing to America that year. So great had been the exodus from Ulster of the best and most desirable part of its population, that the British Government took measures, that very year, to put an end to this emigration. Our ancestor, however, suc- ceeded in reaching America with his little family. Set- tling in Pennsylvania, in what later became Tinicum township, Bucks County, he purchased two hundred acres of land upon which he established a home, and occupied the same until his death in 1760, ^ He was a prominent and active citizen in his com- munity. His name appears in the County Records as auditor, appointed by the Court, in the settlement of difiFerent estates, as a road commissioner, etc. In the winter of 1747-1748, when the whole frontier was threat- ened with the depredations of Indians, "the inhabitants above the Tohicon," in common with the people of other districts, organized a military company for the defense of the frontiers. Its officers were Capt. James McLaughlin, Lieut. James Davis, and Ensign John Hall, all of Tinicum township, and all duly commissioned. ^ This company was in active service on the frontiers of Northampton County as late as 1755, under the same captain and lieutenant.^ After coming to America James and his wife had four other sons. Eliza died in 1746. The lieutenant married a second wife, whose name was Mary. Her family name is not now known. He was an interested member of the Presbyterian Congregation of Tinicum, which was organ- ized in 1738, not long after the Davises settled in the neighborhood. The graveyard in which the Tinicum people were interred still remains in its stone- wall enclosure. But it is so overgrown with trees and bushes 1 Pa. Arch. Ser. 2. Vol. 24. p. 122. 2 Pa. Arch., Ser. 2, Vol. 2, p. 433. Colon. Records, Vol. 5, p. 247. » Pa. Arch., Ser. 28, Vol. 2, pp. 443-444. 8 THE DAVIS FAMILY as to be almost impenetrable. The church-building dis- appeared long ago. Mr. Davis and his first wife were no doubt among the charter-members of this church. He was, we know, one of its trustees. The lieutenant and his second wife had seven children who, with their mother, survived Mr. Davis, who passed away on his farm in Tinicum early in February, 1760. The inventory of his property, which may be seen in the Probate Office in Doylestown, Pa., was made February 10, 1760. Let- ters of administration of his estate were granted to his widow, Mary Davis, and his second son, Capt. Patrick Davis, March 10, 1760. In September, 1761, Capt. Patrick Davis presented a petition to the Orphans' Court of Bucks County setting forth that his father died seized of two hundred acres of land, and that he left thirteen children; that William Davis, the eldest son of the said James Davis, deceased, was advanced by his father, in his lifetime, more than the double share of the estate to which he was entitled as the eldest son, and praying for a partition of the real estate of the said James Davis to and among his other children, as the law directed. Whereupon a jury was appointed to value and divide the said land. Two of the jury were the decedent's old comrades in arms — Capt. James McLaughlin and John Hall. Before this proceeding was concluded Patrick Davis died, and on June 14, 1763, William, eldest son of the said intestate, appeared in Court, and refused to accept the real estate, whereupon it was adjudged to the third son of said intestate, viz., James Davis. ^ I have taken the facts and references to Pennsylvania Archives given above from a paper prepared by Mr. Warren S. Ely, genealogist, and Index Clerk in the ^ Records and Files in the OflBce of Register of Wills of Bucks County at Doylestown, Pa., and Records of Orphans' Court of said County. O. C. Record No. 1, pp. 265, 286, 293, 294, 309, 316, 352, 411, etc., etc. JAMES THE FIRST 9 Orphans' Court of Bucks County, and affirmed and sub- scribed by him before Charles F. Meyers, Notary Public at Doylestown, Pa., on April 28, 1903. And I have been thus particular for the reason that if any of the descend- ants of Lieut. James Davis desire to enter chapters of the Colonial Dames of America, the facts above given will be sufficient to secure their admission to the same. And the same facts will be helpful to those who wish to enter chap- ters of the Sons or Daughters of the American Revolution. We know the names and order of the children of James the First — the father and founder of our branch of the large Davis family in America. They were: 1. William, 2. Patrick, 3. James, 4. John, 5. Samuel, 6. Joseph, 7. Isaac, 8. Margaret, 9. Nathaniel, 10. Robert, 11. Mary, 12. Ann, 13. Elizabeth — the first six boys the children of Eliza Jennings, a daughter of the green isle of Erin, and the other seven sons and daughters the children of Mary, in all probability from the same lovely isle, the birth-place of witty and courageous sons and of winsome and attractive daughters. It would be very interesting to be able to follow the history, however brief, of each of the thirteen children. But, alas ! we know nothing of the career of any of them save the first three — William, Patrick, and James. Of James we know only this, that he was the first of the family born in America, and that he purchased the farm left by his father, and paid the widowed mother and his brothers and sisters their several shares. Of the other six sons — John, Samuel, Joseph, Isaac, Nathaniel, and Robert — the oldest was about thirty-five and the youngest eighteen or twenty years of age, when the Revolutionary War broke out. Without any doubt the most, if not all of them, took part in that desperate struggle. We can find the names of perhaps all of them in the muster-rolls of the Colonial forces, as preserved and published. But it is impossible for us to tell whether they 10 THE DAVIS FAMILY are the names of our John, Samuel, etc., or whether they belong to other branches of the Davis family. With regard to our ancestor William being in the Revolutionary army we not only find his name where we would expect to find it, but we have the family tradition to support the claim. Patrick Davis, the second son, was commissioned as lieutenant in Captain Thomas Lloyd's company, in "the Augusta regiment," April 4, 1756, under Major James Burd. Major Burd, in his published Journal, makes frequent mention of Lieutenant Davis, and the record shows that he was frequently detailed to take command of expeditions to different posts requiring the utmost discretion and daring. For his fidelity and bravery he was promoted to the rank of Captain, December 22, 1757.^ Captain Davis was commissioned Justice of the Peace in 1761 for a term of three years. He was married to Elizabeth Williams, May 11, 1762. After serving in his new office a little over one year, his death occurred when he was about thirty years of age. The inventory of his belongings, which is still in existence in the Office at Doylestown, Pa., indicates that he was prospering in the world and well able to provide for a wife and family. Capt. Patrick Davis was a capable and forceful charac- ter; and had not his career been cut short, as we have every reason to believe, by his strenuous life and expo- sures in the army, his history might have furnished an interesting chapter in our book. WILLIAM AND MARY WILLIAM DAVIS, the eldest child of the large family of James (the first), was born in Ireland, near Drumquin, County Tyrone, May 15, 1730. He and Patrick were brought by their parents to America in the year 1735. He grew up on the farm in Tinicum, receiv- 1 Pa. Arch., Ser. 2, Vol. 2, pp. 461, 462, 468, 478, 521, 649. 652, 655, 674. WILLIAM AND MARY 11 ing such an education as was attainable at that early day, and being carefully instructed and trained, relig- ously and morally, by intelligent and loving parents. He was at the same time acquiring habits of industry, fru- gality, and thrift under their watchful care. He inherited a patriotic and military spirit, and in 1747- 1748, when he was not more than eighteen years of age, we find him serving as ensign in the regiment commanded by Col. Alexander Gray don. This was during the French and Indian War.^ Among the Presbyterian families of that part of the country was that of Mr. and Mrs. William Means. It was a prominent family of the Deep Run Congregation. Their daughter Mary was a bright, attractive, and capable girl. William Davis, having reached his twenty-seventh year, and having saved money towards buying a farm and going to housekeeping, wooed and won the charming lass, and we soon find them on a farm of two hundred acres adjoining that of his father, James Davis, who was prospering, and who assisted William in the purchase of this farm, advancing him the double portion to which he was entitled by the law of primogeniture, which was in force at that time. Mary Means was born in Bucks County, December 12, 1735. It was in 1757 that she was married to William Davis. To this well-mated couple were born children as follows: 1. Joseph, 2. James, 3. William, 4. John, 5. Patrick, 6. Margaret, 7. Henry, 8. Elizabeth, 9. Eliza, 10. Samuel. They were all born in Tinicum township, Bucks County, Pa. The family tradition is that William Davis and his son James volunteered, and entered the service of their country in those dark days of the Revolutionary strug- gle, when Washington was retreating before the enemy across the state of New Jersey. When he had crossed 1 Pa. Arch., Ser. 2, Vol. 2, p. 505. 12 THE DAVIS FAMILY the Delaware with his troops, the Da vises, whose home was not far distant, were among the first to furnish much-needed suppHes to the small and discouraged army. William Davis and James his son were in the battle of Trenton, which it will be remembered roused the whole country from despondency, and was a turning point in the history of the great struggle. Mary, the wife and mother, was deeply imbued with the spirit of patriot- ism. She sat up all night before the battle of Trenton, with her younger children, scraping lint and making bandages. So ardent was she in her love for the cause of liberty that she refrained from drinking tea during the entire period of the war, partial as she was to that bever- age, which was indeed considered a great luxury by the colonists. When the Revolutionary War was at an end, and American independence secured, William Davis sold his farm and moved to Franklin County in 1784. He there purchased from William Peebles "315 acres and 97 perches of land, and 6 acres for roads and highways; also 10 acres and 23 perches, and the usual allowance for roads and highways, for the sum of £850 lawful money of Pennsyl- vania in gold and silver." This farm was not very far from the town of Strasburg, often called Upper Strasburg, which was at that time a rather important point at the foot of the first mountain — the Kittochtinny or North Mountain — going west on the "three-mountain road." This road ran along the north side of the Davis farm. It was along this road that President Washington passed in 1794, when return- ing from the West whither he had gone to quiet the boys who had engaged in a "whisky insurrection." It was then that William Davis had the pleasure of seeing once more his old and much-loved commander. On this farm the family lived eleven years, until 1795, when they caught the Western fever and decided to undertake the a o o WILLIAM AND MARY 13 long and toilsome journey to the unsettled wilds of what afterwards became Crawford, but was then a part of Allegheny County, Pa. Although the treaty of 1784 with the Six Nations gave to the state of Pennsylvania all that portion of the country, yet the Indians continued to be very troublesome to the first settlers, especially from 1791 to 1794. Tho crushing defeat of the Western Indians by General Wayne on August 20, 1794, relieved the French Creek Valley as well as the rest of the Western country, and opened the way for the removal of the Davis families to this valley. It was the treaties of August 3 and November 9, 1795, with the Western tribes and the Six Nations respectively that gave permanent peace, and from that time this part of the state began to improve rapidly. The last raid made by the Indians within the present limits of Crawford County was on June 3, 1795. James Findlay and Barnabas McCormick were engaged making rails, about six miles south of Meadville, when the Indians surprised and shot and scalped both men. During the eleven years sojourn in Franklin County the family attended the Rocky Spring Presbyterian Church, five or six miles distant from their homes, and four miles from Chambersburg, the county-seat. My friend and school-mate, William C. Lane, M.D., wrote for the Cumberland Valley Sentinel a very interesting account of this historic church. It may also be found in the "Churches of the Valley," by Dr. Alfred Nevin. I shall make free use of it, that my readers may know something of the persons and places which interested our common ancestors. Presbyterial records now in existence show that there was preaching at Rocky Spring as early as 1739. Just when the church was organized we do not know. The original log church was built somewhere in the seventeen forties. The Rev. John Craighead was installed as pastor in 1768. He was the son of Mr. John Craighead, who 14 THE DAVIS FAMILY lived on his farm near Carlisle, Pa., and a cousin of the Rev. Thomas Craighead, pastor of the Big Spring Presby- terian Church in the presbytery of Carlisle. The Rev. Richard Craighead, who was for a long time pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Meadville, was of the same family. It was in the old log church that Mr. Craighead preached for many years. It was there that in glowing terms he preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the only hope of salvation, and after the delivery of his sacred message he exhorted the young men of the congregation in eloquent and patriotic strains to rise up and join the noble band then engaged under Washington in struggling to free our beloved country from British oppression. It is related that upon one occasion the patriotic preacher declaimed in such burning and powerful terms against the wrongs they were then suffering, that all the men in the congregation rose from their seats, and declared their willingness to march to the conflict. There was but one, tradition says, in the entire as- sembly who was not overcome by the stirring appeal; and that was an aged woman, in whom maternal affection, recently caused to bleed, completely mastered both a sense of propriety and the love of liberty. "Stop, Mr. Craighead," she exclaimed, "I jist want to tell ye, agin you loss such a purty boy as I have, in the war, ye will na be so keen for fighting; quit talking, and gang yersel to the war. Yer always preaching to the boys about it, but I dinna think ye'd be very likely to gang yerself. Jist go and try it." A company was soon organized, and after an eloquent appeal to the Almighty, the reverend Captain placed himself at their head, and the noble band marched off to the war. Captain Craighead engaged vigorously in the war, and during the hours spent in camp habitually acted as WILLIAM AND MARY 15 chaplain to the soldiers. ^Vhen the war was at an end he returned to his charge, and faithfully watched over his congregation until his death in 1799. Thus we see the character of the minister who preached to the Davis family from 1784 to 1795. As the old log church gave place in 1794 to a new brick building, and as this was a year before the Davises began their movement to French Creek Valley, they no doubt took part in erect- ing what is still standing and known as the "Old Rocky Spring Church." During the War of the Revolution and for some time after it the inhabitants of the Cumberland Valley were much annoyed by the inroads of the Indians who mur- dered the people, burned their houses and barns, destroyed their crops, and committed the atrocities usually charac- teristic of savage warfare. The inhabitants were obliged to work in their fields after night, for fear of being sur- prised and murdered by their subtle foes. The farmer would drop seed corn, as he ran through the fields, and cover it with his foot while he held a rifle in his hand, and feared to stoop lest he might be attacked by the lurking Indian. In the neighborhood of Strasburg and Roxbury the Indians were particularly troublesome. One of the stones in the churchyard at Rocky Spring was erected in memory of James McCalmont, Esq., who died July 19, 1809, aged seventy-two years. The occupant of this tomb was a neighbor and friend of William Davis, and was a remarkable character. He was a major in the Revolutionary War, and became distinguished as a brave and accomplished soldier. After the war, when the Indians at any time made an inroad. Major McCalmont was generally selected as the leader of the parties sent in pursuit of the savages after the perpetration of their numerous hostile acts; and from his success in discover- ing their haunts, and inflicting summary vengeance upon them for their atrocities, he became quite celebrated as 16 THE DAVIS FAMILY an Indian hunter, and was considered by the savages as a daring and formidable foe. As a bush-fighter he was quite equal to the most wily Indian. One day, when alone in the woods near his residence at Strasburg, he met a tall, desperate-looking savage. Happening to see each other simultaneously, they took to trees, and each en- deavored to get a shot at his antagonist. After evading each other for some time, the Indian incautiously peeped from behind his tree, and instantly received a ball from the rifle of his dexterous enemy. Upon another occasion, while returning home from Chambersburg, he was pur- sued by a party of Indians who were bent on securing the scalp of their long-time foe. After running for a consider- able distance, he darted into a barn which stood near by, escaped from the other side, and secreted himself in a thicket unobserved by his pursuers. The savages, sup- posing he was yet in the barn, set it on fire, and stood around it yelling in exultation at their supposed success in capturing their foe. When they discovered that they were baflfled, they commenced searching for the Major. They soon found his trail, and again joined hotly in the pursuit. The Major was remarkable for his swiftness of foot, and succeeded in outrunning the Indians, who pur- sued him to the fort at Shippensburg. They often chased him to this fort, we are told, and, on several occasions, he selected men from the garrison, and in turn pursued the Indians and avenged himself by returning with their scalps. One day, in harvest time, he was work- ing in the field with several other persons. The guns of the party were in a distant part of the field. A party of prowling savages suddenly sprang from the thicket, and one more bold than the rest ran for the guns. McCalmont also started off on the same errand and, although the Indian had the advantage of the ground, reached the guns first, one of which he snatched from the stack, and with it shot the savage dead. The settlers coming up WILLIAM AND MARY 17 soon after the Major, the Indians retreated. He was considered by the Indians quite as swift a runner as they, and fully equal to themselves in all the wiles and strategy of their peculiar warfare. In consequence of his extraor- dinary fleetness and agility, they bestowed on him the appellation of "supple McCalmont." On the south- western side of the town of Strasburg there is a cave, called " McCalmont's Cave," in which he was accustomed to hide, when closely pursued by the Indians. It was in the midst of a thicket, and so covered by thick vines and bushes that it afforded an admirable retreat in times of danger. The Major was a tall, muscular man, of modest and unpretending manners. In private life his quiet, diffident deportment gave no indication of the dauntless spirit of the man, of which he presented so many evidences in his encounters with the Indians, as well as with the British army, during his campaign under General Washington. After the conclusion of the war, he was appointed one of the associate judges of Franklin County soon after its formation. He died at Strasburg in 1809. Patriotism has ever been a predominant feature in the character of the Presbyterians in the Cumberland Valley. In 1774 a number of them met at Carlisle,* in Cumberland County, of which Franklin then formed a part, and passed a series of patriotic resolutions, expressing their sympathy with the cause of oppressed America, and in the name of the Lord of Hosts declaring their willingness to participate in the dangers of the struggle whenever the government might demand their services. Patriotism then pervaded all classes from the minister down to the humblest mem- ber of his flock, and was something more than a wild roving spirit of adventure. It was a higher and nobler feeling — a principle of resistance to oppression, and a firm, unconquerable desire to establish the liberty of America, and secondarily that of the whole world. 18 THE DAVIS FAMILY William and Mary, on reaching French Creek Valley, located on a farm, a few miles north of the small village of Meadville. They became charter-members of the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. Davis was elected one of the elders. He and his son James, and his brother-in- law, Mr. Beatty, were ordained and installed as elders, at the same time with the installation of the Rev. Mr. Stockton as pastor of the lately organized church. Mrs. Davis died at their home in Mead township, February 9, 1813. Whether her husband continued living on the farm after her decease, or whether he sold the farm that he might live with one of his sons, we do not know. But we do know that he was blind for sixteen years before his death, that is, from 1808, and that he spent the closing years of his life, and passed away from earth, at the home of his son Samuel in Vernon township. William Davis died September 20, 1824, in the ninety- fifth year of his age. The Meadville Messenger, speaking of this "venerable and highly esteemed" man, said, "Of the deceased it may truly be said that he was a devout and sincere Christian, an honest and upright man, and one who practised every social and religious duty. " Few arrive at the great age he attained, and very few, like him, descend to the tomb with that inestimable character, that they have not left behind them a single enemy, nor one who can with truth speak of them one hard or improper word. "He died, as he had lived, in the service of his God, retaining his mental faculties to the last, and has gone to enjoy the pleasures of Heaven, which will last forever- more." The American Sunday School Magazine for March, 1825, contained a sketch of Mr. Davis, as a Christian, of which I give a part : "The venerable William Davis, of Fairfield, in the vicinity of Meadville, Pa., is supposed to have been the WILLI AI^I AND MARY 19 oldest person in Crawford County. . . . For sixteen years prior to his decease 'those that look out of the windows were darkened,' and he was totally debarred the privilege of reading the Word of God, which from childhood he had been taught to revere, and which, during a great part of his life, had been precious to his soul. It was with him a matter of grateful acknowledg- ment that, in youth through the care of his parents, he had committed to memory many chapters from the Bible, and many of Erskine's ' Gospel Sonnets.' These were so thoroughly impressed upon his mind that he could repeat them with great correctness at the close of his pilgrimage; and they afforded him a continual heart-cheering repast — an important memento for all who in the morning of life have the opportunity of treasuring up much from the Holy Scriptures in Sabbath Schools. "The evening of his long protracted day was greatly cheered by the accounts he heard of the wonderful opera- tions in different parts of the world for the dissemination of religious truth. Of these the Sabbath School institu- tions were not the least interesting to him, as they are so happily calculated to promote the temporal and eternal welfare of millions of young immortals; and it was a source of no small delight to this good old man, to listen to his children's children when repeating the chapters they had learned from an exercise in these most useful establishments. "The Monthly Concert of Prayer was held at his humble mansion on the first Monday in March, 1823, in which his soul appeared much to rejoice. This circum- stance is mentioned in order to add that Mr. Davis was the mouth of the little assembly to the throne of grace in the closing prayer of the occasion. "It was truly an interesting scene to behold this vener- able patriarchal disciple of Jesus, whose life had extended through more than a nineteenth part of the Christian era. 20 THE DAVIS FAMILY tottering on the verge of eternity, longing to be with his blessed Redeemer, yet patiently waiting till his change should come, uniting with the myriads of Christendom in pouring forth his petition for the prosperity of Zion, for the influence of the Holy Spirit to descend like a shower from Heaven on all the dwellers upon earth, praying for the latter-day glory of the church, when there shall be one fold and one Shepherd, and when every knee shall bow to the name of the Incarnate God. " N. N." January 31, 1825. Who would not rather trace his ancestry back to a man of God, like William Davis, whose one intense desire was that, through the spread of Gospel truth, the world might be filled with peace and righteousness, with brotherly love and holy joy, than to a multi-million- aire, whose accumulations of wealth had been made in a questionable manner, or to a royal personage whose personal character and influence were anything but good? And Mary Means, our common ancestor, was a woman worthy of such a husband as William Davis. Mrs. Horner, the mother of my informant, Mrs. Gordon, in her youth knew her grandmother, and often described to her children the many excellences of character which belonged to that good woman. To the unaffected piety of a Hannah More or an Isabella Graham she united the sagacity, the faculty, to use Mrs. Stowe's word, which is described in Proverbs xxxi, which gives a beautiful picture of the wise and capable woman, whose "children rise up, and call her blessed." Of the ten children of William and Mary Davis, three were daughters, and seven, sons. I learned from Mr. George S. Davis, of Parral, Chihuahua, Mex., who received the information from his aunt and foster-mother, Mrs. Emily Davis Smith, that Margaret and Eliza both died JOSEPH 21 in infancy, and Elizabeth lived only six or seven years. The seven sons all lived to be old men. The different families descended from William and Mary, with many of whom I have formed a delightful acquaintance and friendship, are descended either from Joseph, James, William, John, Patrick, Henry, or Samuel. These are the heads of tribes. I. JOSEPH Joseph Davis, the first child and oldest son of William Davis and Mary Means, was born in 1758 in Tinicum township, Bucks County, Pa., and died in Ross County, Ohio, in 1811. He appears to have been of an enterprising spirit, and disposed to see something of the world. He, in all probability, was in the army of the Revolution. We find him in 1783 in Northumberland County, Pa., on the Susquehanna River, where he married Sarah Shoch in that year. Seven children were born to them in Northumberland County, Pa. Their names were: 1. Lot, 2. Mercy, 3. William, 4. Sarah, 5. Ruth, 6. Thomas, 7. Joseph. Sarah Shoch, as her name indicates, was of German origin. She was born in 1765, and died at her daughter Ruth's, in Beaver County, Pa., in 1841. Her brother, Michael Shoch, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. In 1810 Joseph Davis and his wife, with Lot, Sarah, and Joseph, moved to Ohio. Mr. Davis settled near Chillicothe, Ross County, and there died in 1811. Mrs. Davis returned to Pennsylvania and spent the remainder of her life with her daughter Ruth, in Beaver County. A. Lot Davis was born June 10, 1785. In 1810, when he was twenty -five, he moved to Ohio. Whether he married before leaving Pennsylvania or after he moved to Ohio is not known. But he married, and secured a 22 THE DAVIS FMIILY farm in Franklin County, not far from Columbus, where he spent his life. Mrs. Judge Cullen, of Rushville, Ind., recollects going with her father, Thomas Davis, to visit her Uncle Lot, and his family, but she was so young at the time that she does not retain any particulars concerning the trip from Rising Sun, Ind., or of the family they visited, except that there was in it a daughter, Mary Davis. B. Mercy Davis was born March 2, 1787, and died February 25, 1829. Mercy was an interesting character, and kept up a correspondence with her brother Thomas in Indiana. It is to her letters that the descendants of Thomas are indebted for what knowledge they have of their ancestry — the reasons for which will appear when we come to speak of Thomas. C. William Davis was born May 10, 1789. He married, and spent his life in Pennsylvania. D. Sarah Davis was born April 4, 1791. She went with her parents to Ohio, married there, and spent her life in or near Zanesville. E. Ruth Davis was born May 3, 1793, was married in 1810 — the same year in which her parents moved to Ohio, and spent her life in Beaver County, Pa. It was with her that the mother found a home from 1811 until her death in 1841. F. Thomas Davis was born February 20, 1795, and died at Rising Sun, Ind., July 15, 1864. Like his father, he wanted to see something of the world. So, at the age of twelve years, that is, in 1807, he ran away from his home east of the Susquehanna, and found his way to Pittsburg. Here he apprenticed himself to a shoemaker, and learned the trade. From Pittsburg he went to Cin- THOMAS DA^'IS {Son of Joseph) a JOSEPH 23 cinnati where he worked at his trade and married, Septem- ber 21, 1815, Mary Ford, a young widow. They had one child, Frances E. Davis, born in 1817, who died in 1834. IVIrs. Ford had one child by her first husband, Catherine B. Ford, who died in 1830. After the death of his wife, Mr. Davis married a second time. And the way he found a second wife was on this wise. Thomas appears to have been partial to widows. He had met one from Dearborn County, Ind., when she was visiting in Cincinnati, and he determined that he would go over and court her. But Divine Providence ordered otherwise. On the way he was caught in a storm; he found shelter in a farmhouse, and in it he met his fate. It was the home of Jonathan Lewis, who had a daughter who was a young widow, ELannah Lewis Langdon, and Thomas went no farther. They were married February 6, 1830, lived in Harrison, 0., then in Cincinnati. They afterward moved to Rising Sun, Ind., where they spent the rest of their lives. Thomas Davis was successful in business, and became a river merchant, loading boats and sending them down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, with merchandise for the planters. The chief part of his cargo always was boots and shoes. He never became rich, however, for his early struggle with poverty had made him generous, especially toward boys starting in life. He always had a number of them in his home and business, teaching them to help themselves and others. In 1834 his brother, Lot Davis, visited him at Rising Sun. This was the first member of his family he had seen since he ran away from home in 1807, although he had kept up a correspondence with his sister Mercy. In 1840 he, with his wife and two youngest children, Frances and Rodman, visited his sister Ruth in Beaver County, Pa. This was a timely visit, for there he met his mother, after a separation of thirty-three years, and she passed away from earthly scenes the next 24 THE DAVIS FAMILY year. Some years later he took with him his daughter Frances, and visited his brother Lot, and his sister Sarah. It was because he left home at such an early age, that Mr. Davis left so little knowledge of their ancestry to his children, and grandchildren. They only knew that Thomas's father was named Joseph, and that Joseph was the son of William Davis, who was born in 1730, and died in Crawford County, Pa., in 1824, in the ninety-fifth year of his age. But some of them had a very strong desire to know more. So that, in April, 1910, Mrs. Dr. Sexton, of Rushville, Ind., wrote to the postmaster of Meadville, Pa., inquiring whether any descendants of William Davis, described as above, were living in Crawford County. The postmaster handed the letter to Mrs. Belle Hassler Welty, who forwarded it to me. This resulted in a pleasant correspondence, and in a very delightful visit to Rushville and Rising Sun in October, 1910, where the descendants of Joseph Davis were as friendly and agree- able as if we had known each other all our lives. This was an additional assurance to me that they are "sure- enough" descendants of our William and Mary, and that the sterling qualities of that noble couple are inherited by all branches of the family. Hannah Lewis Langdon had a daughter, Adelia, by her first husband, Jesse Langdon. She married a Mr. Carey and lived in Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis had five children: 1. John Q., 2. Clara A., 3. Frances S., 4. Agnes, 5. Rodman L. 1. John Quinct Davis was born in Hamilton County, O., December 1, 1830. He married Julia E. Close July 22, 1860, and died September 14, 1891. He was a prominent and successful business man of Rising Sun, Ind. Like his father he was in the shoe business. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Davis were: 1. Myra C, JOSEPH 25 2. Thomas E., 3. Benjamin C, 4. Paul A., 5. Mary E., 6. Hannah L. 1. Myra C. Davis was born April 29, 1861, was married to Dr. Robert G. Langsdale October 25, 1882, and died July 30, 1883. 2. Thomas Elbridge Davis was born December 20, 1862, and died August 16, 1864. 3. Benjamin Calvert Davis was born July 31, 1866, and died January 24, 1867. 4. Paul Allen Davis was born January 24, 1870, and married, in Cincinnati, O., Sara Frances Johnson, June 6, 1894. To them was born a daughter, Pauline Frances Davis, November 27, 1898. Mr. P. Davis is in the shoe business, and is one of the leading citizens of Rising Sun. 5. Hannah Lewis Davis was born August 16, 1875, was married, October 15, 1903, to Ethan Allen Ander- son, of Rising Sun, a clothing merchant. They have a daughter, Mary Davis Anderson, born December 12, 1907. 6. Mary Ellison Davis was born August 16, 1875, was married, January 2, 1906, to William T. Burns, of Rising Sun, a traveling salesman. They have a son, William Davis Burns, born December 12, 1907. These twin sisters, interesting and attractive ladies, have been favored in marrying fine men, of whom they may well be proud. Mrs. Julia Davis still lives, hale and hearty, intelligent and friendly. She and her son, Mr. Paul Davis, and his little daughter Pauline, occupy a pleasant home, in the central part of the quaint and restful old town, Mrs. Burns next door, and Mrs. Anderson one door beyond. Is not that a nice arrangement for a mother and her son and daughters .^^ 2. Clara Augusta Davis, second child of Thomas Davis, was born in 1832. She was married in 1861 to 26 THE DAVIS FAMILY Benjamin C. Calvert, of Rising Sun, and died in 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert had two children, Fanny A., born in 1862, who died in 1865, and Louisiana, born in 1864, who died in 1867. 3. Frances Sarah Davis was born at Harrison, O., August 7, 1834. She spent her early life at Rising Sun, Ind., where she was married, October 14, 1857, to William Allen Cullen, a young lawyer of Rushville, Ind. Judge William Allen Cullen was born at Patriot, Ind., in 1834. His parents were quite poor, and he attributes his education and success in life largely to the indomitable courage and persistence of his mother. He entered Hanover College in 1854, changed afterward to Wabash, and later to De Pauw University, where he was graduated in 1857 in the law department. That same year he opened an office in Rushville. His next step upward was to marry Frances Davis. He was at that time a Democrat, and became editor of the Jack- sonian, the leading party organ in Rush County. But at the breaking out of the war he espoused the cause of the Union and antislavery, and became a Republican. He was a personal friend of Oliver P. Morton, Indiana's famous war governor, and was kept from enlisting by the plea that his fiery eloquence was needed at home in aiding Morton, and in persuading others to enlist. But he finally enlisted and became lieutenant-colonel of the 123d Indiana Volunteers, Hovey's Division, and served with honor, especially in the battle of Resaca. After the war he was elected judge of the Court of Common Pleas and later of the Circuit Court, serving in all thirteen years. He then resigned in order to devote his entire time to criminal practice. He was twice a member of the Senate of his state. In the Republican National Convention, at Chicago, where he was a dele- gate, he made the speech which held the Indiana delega- I I JOSEPH 27 tion together for his Hfelong friend, Benjamin Harrison, and thus secured him the nomination. Mr. Harrison acknowledged this, and later offered him "anything he wanted." He declined for himself, but he spoke a good word for his friend, John K. Gowdy, who was sent to Paris, as consul-general, where he served for eight years. Judge Cullen is a stanch Presbyterian and an elder in the church, a Mason, and a member of the G. A. R. On account of increasing deafness he has devoted himself exclusively, for the last ten years, to his large and beauti- ful farm in the vicinity of Rushville, and to the Rush County National Bank, of which he is vice-president. I had the great pleasure of meeting Judge and Mrs. Cullen in October, 1910, at the home of Mrs. Sexton, their only daughter. For some years they have both been laboring under some of the infirmities of age, and at times suffering considerably. I was favored in finding them reasonably well, and able to add greatly to the pleasure of my visit. They have one child — a daughter — Hannah Cullen, born at Rushville in 1858, and wedded to Dr. J. C. Sexton September 27, 1882. John Chase Sexton was born at Rushville in 1858. His parents were Dr. Marshall Sexton and Elizabeth Brooks, his wife, who were married in 1844. Mr. Sexton was graduated from the high school of his native place in 1876. He entered Hanover College in 1878. After spending two years there he entered Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, graduating in 1882. He began the prac- tise of medicine and surgery, in Rushville, very success- fully; but in the course of time he became more and more interested in surgery, so that in 1894 he built a small hospital, and confined himself exclusively to that noble branch of his profession. In 1902 it was necessary to replace this building by the present larger and finely equipped one; and this hardly meets his 28 THE DAVIS FAMILY present needs. In 1904 he accepted the chair of Abdomi- nal Surgery in the State College at Indianapolis, and a clinic in the State Hospital; this was afterward consoli- dated with the State University at Bloomington, and he was again called to the same chair. He delivers lectures each season to the senior class, and has found it necessary to open an office in the city also. His private work, how- ever, is nearest his heart. The hospital at Rushville, designed and built according to his own ideas, is visited by members of the profession, from far and near. He is looked upon as the only man who has successfully estab- lished a hospital, in a small town, on a paying basis. Not long since "Who's Who and Why" devoted some space to him and his work, being one out of two hundred and fifty-eight Indianians sketched in the book. Personally Dr. Sexton is a simple, gracious, earnest man, doing much in a quiet way for humanity, and hating, above all things, shams and pretension. I had the great pleasure of spending a day or two with Dr. and Mrs, Sexton in their elegant and hospitable home, and of seeing with my own eyes that work of the Doctor's brain, the hospital, on his own green lawn, with its bevy of trained nurses, and its immaculate and well-furnished apartments. Dr. and Mrs. Sexton have two children: 1. Frances Elizabeth, born in 1886, and married, in 1910, to D. C. Green. Their home is in Albany, Oregon. It was the only infelicity of my trip to Indiana to see the descend- ants of Joseph Davis, that I did not meet Mrs. Green, who was expected soon to visit her old home and friends. 2. Cullen, born in 1896. A youth of fourteen, he appeared to me to be a young man. Bright and intelli- gent, and making a good use of his advantages, he will, I trust, be a joy to his parents and friends, and a blessing to the world. 4. Agnes Davis, an infant, who died in 1835. JOSEPH 29 5. Rodman Lewis Davis was born in 1836, and died June 30, 1904. He studied law under Judge Cullen in Rushville, Indiana, and on October 10, 1862, married Frances Wolfe, of the same place. In that year he entered the army, and was made First Lieutenant of Company C, 16th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Colonel Wolfe, the father of Mrs. Davis, was commander of the regiment. Lieutenant Davis saw severe service, notably at Richmond, Ky., where Colonel Wolfe was slain while bravely rallying his men against an overwhelming force. After the war he went to Rising Sun, Ind., and re- sumed the practice of law. His abihty and energy soon made him a prominent figure in his own community and elsewhere. He was prosecuting attorney for the Seventh Judicial District for fourteen years, and mayor of Rising Sun for five years. He was a member of the Presby- terian Church, and one of its trustees for more than twenty years. He was an active member of a number of societies, and was noted as an eloquent public speaker. As a husband he was ever kind and loving; as a father, wise and tender. To his children he was indeed a com- panion and playmate; always bringing sunshine into his home and into the social circle. Three children were born to Mr. and IVIrs. Rodman Davis: 1. Harry W., 2. John L., 3. Edward W. 1. HL^RRY Wolfe Davis was born November 8, 1864, but died in 1872. 2. John Lewis Davis was born November 21, 1869, and died December 28, 1901, aged 32 years. He was graduated from the High School of his native town. After two years spent in Washington as assistant clerk in the House of Representatives, he went to De Pauw University, where he was graduated from the Law Department in 1892. He was graduated also from the Military Department, and the same year received a Captain's Commission. He was then associated with his 30 THE DAVIS FAMILY father in the practice of law until 1895, when he re- moved to Greensburg, Ind. He attained a high standing in his profession, and was elected prosecuting attorney in the Eighth Judicial District in 1898. This excellent young man was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and, by his genial and kindly disposition and pleasing manner, he endeared himself to all who knew him 3. Edward Wolfe Davis, born August 11, 1877, and died April 28, 1910, in his thirty-third year. He was graduated from the High School at Rising Sun in 1896. and then entered the Indiana State University at Bloom- ington, where he spent two years. Called from home by the serious sickness of his brother, he after a time entered the Law Department of the State University, and was graduated therefrom in 1904. He was meeting with marked success in his chosen profession in Indian- apolis, when he was called home again by the illness and death of his father. He spent two years in Rising Sun, having been appointed deputy prosecuting attorney, and settling up the business of his father in a very capable manner. He then returned to Indianapolis, where he was forging his way to the front, when disease overtook him, and death ere long claimed him for its own. But a short life nobly lived is not lost. To a Christian death does not "end all," nor is it in any sense a calamity. It is only a transition and a promotion. I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Rodman Davis, in Cincinnati, in the fall of 1910. It appeared to me that affliction and sorrow had wrought in her that blessed work they are intended to produce in all who are "rightly exer- cised thereby." They had ripened and mellowed a lovely character. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. G. Joseph Davis, seventh child and fourth son of Joseph Davis. I have failed to obtain any other data concerning this son. I n. JAMES James DA^^s, the second son of William and Mary- Means Davis, was born in 1760 in Tinicum township, Bucks County, Pa. The better part of his education he received in his good Christian home, and he grew up on the farm of two hundred acres which his father owned in Tinicum. In 1783, at the age of twenty- three, he married Rachel Stewart. A year later he and his young wife moved, with his parents and their family, to Franklin County, where they spent eleven years on a fine large farm near Strasburg. In 1795, the year in which William and Mary moved westward, James also, ^\'ith his wife and four children, moved to the "back woods," and settled in what afterward became Cravs-ford County, about six miles southeast of where the village of Meadville had been lately started by David Mead. The farm which James Davis purchased, prob- ably covered with timber at that time, was in what after- ward became Vernon township. He there spent the remainder of his life. Allegheny County comprised the whole country from Pittsburg to Lake Erie. Mead township at first embraced the whole of what became Crawford and Erie counties. The County of Crawford was organized in 1800. It was named after Col. William Crawford, one of the most distinguished frontiersmen of western Pennsylvania, and the friend of General Wash- ington. He figured honorably in the Revolutionary War. In 1782 he was sent with troops against the Wyandot and Delaware Indians. In a conflict with them he was greatly outnumbered. While the main body of his men made their escape. Colonel Crawford and a few others were taken prisoners, and put to death, the brave Colonel being tortured with fire for many hours by his savage foes. This occurred about three miles north of where Upper Sandusky, Ohio, now stands. 32 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mr. James Davis was a substantial and excellent man, and when a Presbyterian Church was organized in Mead- ville, he and Mrs. Davis were among the charter-mem- bers, and he was made an elder, the others being his father, his cousin John Beatty, and Abram Williams. Young Mr. Stockton was ordained and installed as pastor in June, 1801, together with the four elders already named. The session of the First Church was at that time largely in the family. It included Mr. Stockton, the uncle of Sarah Stockton, who afterwards became Mrs. James H. Davis; William and James Davis; and John Beatty, the son of a sister of Mary Means. Mr. Bates, in his "History of Crawford County," says that the farm of James Davis was the one afterward owned and occupied by his son James, who was succeeded in its ownership and occupancy by his son, James Stewart Davis. But the present occupant of the farm, Mr. James V. Davis, told me that he has always understood that the first James owned and lived upon a farm which lay a short distance south of the one occupied by his three descendants and namesakes. Mr. James Davis died July 20, 1819, in his sixtieth year, at the home of his son James. His wife Rachel had preceded him to the better land April 18, 1801, at the age of thirty-nine. Their children were four in number: 1. William, 2. James, 3. Mary, and 4. Rachel. A. William Davis was born May 14, 1784, in Bucks County, in all probability. He was a lad of eleven when the family moved to the West. As he approached man- hood, he went to live in Meadville. Mrs. J. C. Cotton writes, "Mr. John Reynolds told me that William Davis was better educated than most of the business men of Meadville were at that time, so that he was able to teach some of them things they needed to know for the proper JAMES DAVIS {Son of James) n. JAMES 33 conduct of their business." He was elected prothonotary of the county, and served his term of office. After a time he went to Natchez, Miss., to seek his fortune. This very promising young man did not Hve long after going South. An obituary in a Natchez paper of Sep- tember 9, 1809, says: "Died, this morning, IVIr. William Davis late of Meadville, Pa. Unaffected in his manners, of unshaken integrity, with a mind impregnated with useful knowledge, this young man, in a strange country, remote from those endearments of friendship which soften the asperity of disease, has been numbered with the dead. "This will be read with painful regret by those who were acquainted with the many amiable and endearing qualities of Mr. Davis. "To the parents of the deceased the afflictive character of this dispensation of Providence is the more peculiarly distressing, from the circumstance of the death of a daughter, the wife of Frederick Haymaker, Esq., which occurred about the same period, on the banks of the Cuyahoga in Ohio, in her eighteenth or nineteenth year." B. James Davis, the second son, was born June 12, 1786, and died September 3, 1870, in his eighty-fifth year. He was a lad of nine years when his father moved to the woods six miles southwest of Meadville. There he and his father evolved from the primeval forest one, and per- haps two beautiful farms. On October 24, 1811, he married Mary Cotton, daughter of Col. John Cotton, who was a farmer, and an elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville. Both the Colonel and his brother Hugh were elders of that church at the same time. Inheriting the military spirit which was in the family, James volunteered and served as ensign in Captain Witherow's company in the War of 1812. He received two land warrants, of sixty acres each, in recognition of 34 THE DAVIS FAMILY his military services. He contracted the rheumatism in the army, and suffered from it as long as he lived. Mr. Davis was musically inclined, as were some of his children after him. He taught "singing school" occa- sionally; and as a family grew up around him, it was a common thing for them to sing sacred music on Sabbath afternoons. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis were Presby- terians by birth and education. But Mr. Davis did not become a communicant in the church until he was about sixty-five years of age, when he was converted at a re- vival meeting in the Methodist Episcopal Church, which was located not far from where he lived. The children of James and Mary Cotton Davis were seven in number: 1. William, 2. John C, 3. James S., 4. Rachel, 5. Henry C, 6. Robert S., and 7. Hugh C. 1. William Davis was born September 7, 1812, while his father was absent in the service of his country, and died June 20, 1881, in his sixty-ninth year. He grew up on the farm, receiving a common school education, learn- ing how to work, and building up a good physical con- stitution. He gave himself to Christ, and united with, the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville April 23, 1831. It so happened that a certain Miss Mary Johnston united with the same church September 17th of the same year. On April 1, 1834, when he was not yet twenty-two years of age, he and Miss Johnston were married. She was the daughter of Launcelot Johnston, a substantial farmer of Crawford County, who was born in Fermanagh County, Ireland, April 16, 1767. Divine Providence, knowing what was in the young man, took him to Meadville the next year, where he engaged in the shoe and leather business, still carrying on the work of self -education. He was as fine a specimen of manhood as we find among the descendants of Mary I WILLIAM DAVIS, JR. M R S. W I L L I A M DAVIS, JR. n. JAMES 35 Means and William Davis. Physically, morally, and intellectually he became a very superior man. He was a splendid type of what men may become if they strive, as Mr. Davis did, to add spiritual life and culture to natural advantages. He became one of the most highly respected and influential citizens of Meadville, and of Crawrford County, and so continued for many years to be a leading moral and civic force in the community. The main facts of his life are summed up in an obituary, which appeared in the Meadville Daily Republican. It was written by Joshua Douglas, Esq., a Meadville attorney: "Died, Thursday, June 20, 1881, at his residence in this city, the Hon. William Davis, Jr., late Associate Judge of the several courts of Crawford County, in the 69th year of his age. The subject of this sketch received his training from well-informed and pious parents, and the common schools of his district, aided by private instruction. In 1835 he moved to Meadville and engaged in the shoe and leather business, and continued success- fully in this until 1863. His public life began in 1840, when he was elected to the borough council, where he continued for three years. In 1849 he was elected burgess of the borough of Meadville, and held the office for three terms. He was elected county treasurer, on the Whig ticket, in 1849, at a time when the Democrats held a large majority in the county. In 1856 he was chosen one of the trustees of Allegheny College, and held the position, with credit to himself and honor to the institution, until his death. He was elected Associate Judge in 1863, again in 1868, and again in 1873, and dis- charged the arduous duties of this position with credit to his associates, honor to himself, and with eminent satis- faction to the members of the bar. The new constitu- tion of Pennsylvania dispensed with the office of associate judge in this district. The Hon. Pearson Church, the present excellent President Judge of the district, who 36 THE DAVIS FAMILY was a member of the Constitutional Convention which made the change referred to, and who occupied the bench one year with Judge Davis, in remarking upon the Hfe and character of his Associate, regretfully said he missed his Associate very much, that while on the bench he con- sulted with him frequently, and ever found him, although a layman, to have a strong and cultivated legal judgment, and a fine sense of honor and justice, which were a credit to the bench and to the profession. "Judge Davis was a member of our first agricultural society, and did much to aid the valuable work of this and kindred associations, in all of which he took an active and eflBcient part. He has been, for upward of twenty years, a director of the Crawford County Mutual Insur- ance Company, and for several years its faithful treasurer, and at the time of his death was the oldest director in the company. He was also for several years one of the efficient directors of the Bank of Crawford County. He took a deep interest in all the educational institutions of the county, and served most efficiently for several terms as School Director. At the first meeting of the Crawford County Historical Society, Judge Davis was elected one of its honorary members and held this posi- tion while he lived. "He united with the Presbyterian Church early in life, and from that time to his death he was a most constant and devoted member. No one was more regular in at- tendance upon all the appointments of the church ; and his vacant slip will not soon be filled by one so generally loved, honored, and revered by the members of this society. "The Judge was a man of fine physique and most excellent habits. While visiting his old friend James Davis Haymaker, near Kent, Ohio, last spring, he was accidentally exposed to a severe storm, and came home quite unwell. On a calm evening in June, while his wife JAMES J. DAVIS MRS. JAMES J. DAVIS J C. COTTON, M.D. MRS. MARY D. COTTON n. JAMES 37 and children and many dear friends were standing by his bedside, he passed away as peacefully and quietly as a child to its sleep. He died, as he lived, with an un- wavering faith in his Divine Master, and an unswerving devotion to right and duty. Sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust, he approached his grave like one that wraps the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." On the occasion of Judge Davis's retirement from the bench, after fifteen years of service, a banquet in his honor was given by the Meadville Bar. Letters were read from eminent men who could not be present, and speeches were made by many jurists and lawyers. All united, as with one heart and voice, in speaking in highest terms of praise of the unsullied record which Judge Davis had made. He was held up by all as the very model of a just judge, a courteous and affable oflScial, and a true gentleman. The children of Judge and Mrs. Davis were nine in number: 1. Mary, 2. James J., 3. Rachel A., 4. Ellen, 5. Emma E., 6. Henry L., 7. William W., 8. Ida, 9. Harriet E. 1. Mary Davis was born May 11, 1835, and was care- fully trained by one of the best of mothers. How pleasant to have a daughter say, "Our mother was a very fine character, so conscientious and careful in the performance of every duty, so anxious to have carefully trained chil- dren, so that if we did not do well in life it would be owing to no fault of hers." One excellent result of this careful training was that Mary became a communicant in the church at an early age. On August 15, 1855, she became the wife of John Calvin Cotton, M.D. Dr. Cotton became one of the "men of mark" in Meadville and western Pennsylvania. He was born August 31, 1828, near Pulaski, Lawrence County, Pa. He prepared for college in the High School and 38 THE DAYLS FAMILY Academy near his home. He was graduated from Allegheny College, Meadville, and afterward in medicine from the Cleveland Medical College. He had had valuable experience in teaching, having been principal of an academy at Darlington, Pa., and afterward at Whitehall, Ky. But the "ten stroke" in the doctor's life was his wooing and winning Mary Davis, whom he had learned to admire and love while a student at Mead- ville. He then settled in Meadville for his life-work — performing successfully the duties of a "good physician," and enjoying the honor and love always cheerfully accorded such an one. He became a member of the First Presbyterian Church in 1866. Thus Dr. and Mrs. Cotton became one in the most interesting, delightful, and lasting of all the ties that unite kindred souls. After the battle of Gettysburg, Dr. Cotton offered his services as a volunteer surgeon, and was thus engaged for a number of weeks. After the war he was appointed examining surgeon for pensions, and continued to hold that position for many years. In 1870 he was appointed by the Pennsylvania Medical Society censor for the dis- trict of Crawford, Venango, Warren, and Erie counties. In 1872 he became president of the Crawford County Medical Society, and he was sent at different times as delegate to the meetings of the American Medical Association. Dr. and Mrs. Cotton have had four children: 1. Wil- liam D., 2. Edward S., 3. Marian E., 4. Henry A. (a) William Davis Cotton was born December 23, 1859. He stood well in his classes in the public schools, and at the Meadville Academy. When a young man he went to Philadelphia, and entered the office of the Atlantic Refinery Company, where he has been ever since — a faithful and valued employee. For many years he has been the cashier of the company. On February 4, 1883, he married Jean Asay, of Philadelphia, a winsome n. JAMES 39 woman, and a true helpmeet to her husband, in their hospitable home on Walnut Lane, Germantown. (6) Edward Stewart Cotton was born August 26, 1861. This was a dear child who gladdened the hearts and home of the parents for a few months only. He died March 20, 1862. Mrs. Cotton remembers well how hard it was to reconcile themselves to the fact that their child would be better off in the Heavenly Home than in their own. (c) Marian Elizabeth Cotton, born April 23, 1863, was permitted to remain with her parents for only two years. She was a happy, joyous child, who, by her sunny, winsome ways, became dearer to their hearts every day until, on July 25, 1865, it pleased the Heavenly Father to take her to Himself. (d) Henry Austin Cotton was born September 27, 1872. He was a bright, good boy, and ranked high at school and college. He gave himself to Christ when very young, and united with the church. He was gradu- ated from Allegheny College with the class of 1893. While in college he was made captain in the military department, and at the time of the Homestead Riots, in 1892, he enlisted as a private in Co. B, 15th Pennsylvania Regiment. He was made orderly to Lieutenant-Colonel Mechlin, at Provost Guard headquarters. At the close of this service, on the recommendation of his Colonel, he was promoted to be second lieutenant, and received his commission from the Governor of the state. After graduating from college he entered a real estate office in Buffalo, N. Y., where he remained five years. He then entered the service of the American Phosphate Company, of Philadelphia, and became chief accountant of the company at Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. There he made the acquaintance of Aimee Ware Long, whom he wooed and won. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Long, whose family was one of the prominent ones in that 40 THE DAVIS FA^HLY region. Miss Long was a very lovely young woman, and as Harry Cotton was a very fine, promising young man, the wedding which took place at "Woodlawn," July 25, 1900, was a most brilliant and happy one. But alas! it was not long before Mr. Cotton's health declined. Everything was done, that medical skill and parental and wifely devotion could do, to restore the health of the loved one. Parents and wife accompanied him to Denver, to Phoenix, to El Paso, and other places, but all in vain. Death claimed him for his own. He died at El Paso, February 12, 1902. But, says one of his friends, "his manly, honorable life, and his courage in facing an early death, are still the pride and inspiration of those who shared with him his childhood games, his growing successes in young manhood, and his brave journey into the Valley of the Shadow of Death. His all too short life was not lived in vain, for 'No life can be pure in its purpose and strong in its strife, and all life not be purer and stronger thereby.' " The lovely and devoted wife followed him on the twenty-second of the same month, leaving a son, Henry Austin Cotton, Jr., but two weeks old. The sorrowful double funeral took place at Meadville on the eighth of April. Before he had reached his second year the beloved child, so dear to the hearts of his grandparents, was not, for God took him also. All this was an overwhelming sorrow to Dr. and Mrs. Cotton. What could have sus- tained them under it, but the grace of God, and the blessed assurance they had of a reunion with the loved and lost in a brighter and better world .'^ In 1906 Dr. and Mrs. Cotton removed to German- town, Philadelphia, to be near their surviving son. On their leaving Meadville for their own home, the following deserved tribute was paid to this noble couple : "Dr. J. E. Cotton has for many years been the dean of the medical practitioners in Meadville. His practice has 11. JAMES 41 covered a period of fifty-one years, and the value of his services as a skilful and sympathetic physician and friend is kno\\Ti and will be long remembered in many homes in this city and vicinity. " With all his busy practice of over half a century, Dr. Cotton has always found time to aid in all matters of public interest. He has been a leader in the advancement of his profession, and in church work both he and Mrs. Cotton have been a force for good, and an inspiration not alone in their o^n church, but in the entire community. Dr. Cotton has been for a long term of years an elder m the First Presbyterian Church, and both he and Mrs. Cotton were among the most earnest workers in the union movement of three years ago which resulted in the consolidation of the Central and First churches. Mrs. Cotton has been among the foremost in all church mis- sionary work, and a prominent figure for many years in all the work of the women of the church. "A beautiful expression of the esteem in which both are held in the First Presbyterian Church was given at a meeting held recently at which appropriate resolutions were unanimously adopted, and fitting remarks were made by a large number of the members. "Though ripening in years, both Dr. and Mrs. Cotton are in excellent health. They were attended to the train by a large number of friends, and they carry with them to their new home the esteem and best wishes of the entire community in which they have so long resided." An instance of the public spirit and Christian earnest- ness of Mrs. Cotton was exhibited in her laboring, with two others, to have Meadville City Hospital established. Its management has been wise and successful, and it has been a most useful institution. The good it is doing has continued to interest Mrs. Cotton, and to call forth her sympathy and help. This descendant of Mary Means, and daughter of Mary 42 THE DAVIS FAMILY Johnston, seems to have inherited the best that was in the two Marys, for she is indeed a woman of rare sym- pathy, vivacity of manner, kindness of heart, and nobility of spirit. Her hospitality would grace a mansion in the "sunny South," as the writer knows from happy experi- ence. She and her good husband are the kind of people who never grow old — who, when "ripening in years," enjoy with the young around them all the innocent pleasures of life, and who, when the Father calls them to come up higher, "slip awa'," without a regret, and with- out a fear. 2. James Johnston Davis was born in Meadville, Pa., January 26, 1837. He was educated, he says, in the common schools of his native town. May we not add that he received much the more important and precious part of his education in the home presided over by William and Mary Johnston Davis .'^ After the good old way, he learned a trade — that of carpenter and stair builder; and he followed the same for a number of years. He united with the First Presbyterian Church in 1857. In May, 1858, he went to Kansas, traveling by stage from Meadville to Pittsburg, and by steamboat from Pitts- burg to St. Louis and Leavenworth. This visit was made during the exciting conflict which was to decide whether Kansas would be a free or a slave state. After his return Mr. Davis became chief clerk in the large shops of the A. & G. W. R. R. Company. Resigning from this after six years, he engaged in the coal business for a num- ber of years. During this time Mr. Davis married, September 6, 1865, at Wheeling, W. Va.,MARY Carnahan, a teacher in the Meadville Academy. She died, leaving one daughter, Harriet H. Davis, who is now Mrs. Ernest E. Baldwin, of New York. Mrs. Davis was a fine Christian character, exceptionally bright and of winning manner. Mr. Davis twice responded to the Governor's call for n. JAMES 43 state troops during the Civil War. He saw no active service except as Sergeant in Company F, 58th Penn- sylvania Regiment, under Col. Geo. H. Bemis, when that regiment was called into Ohio to assist in capturing Morgan's cavalry then making its famous raid in Indiana and Ohio, as a diversion in favor of Lee's army, which had entered Pennsylvania. While living at Meadville, Mr. Davis served one term in the City Council. He was a trustee of the City Library for many years; and for about twelve years he served as director of the People's Savings Bank. On June 25, 1868, Mr. Davis married Frances J. Matthews of Pulaski, Pa. Their children were : 1. Edith, 2. Isabelle M., 3. Frances M., and 4. Mat- thews E. In May, 1883, he moved to St. Louis, Mo., and assumed the management of the St. Louis Gas Fuel and Power Company. He was a director of the company, and also its secretary and treasurer. In 1890 Mr. Davis moved to New York, and entered into business. He was appointed a Receiver in Bank- ruptcy for a large foundry company. On the final settle- ment of this receivership, Judge Edward Thomas ex- pressed his special satisfaction with Mr. Davis's services and later appointed him to another important receiver- ship, which he had to decline on account of ill health. Mr. Davis still resides in New York. In national politics he has always been a Republican, having cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln. He and all his family are members of the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Dr. Parkhurst being their pastor. Mrs. Davis is the daughter of David and Permelia H. Matthews of Pulaski, Mercer County, Pa. Her ancestors lived at New Haven, Conn., and some of them served in the Continental army during the Revolutionary War. (a) Harriet Hezlep Davis, daughter of James J. and 44 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mary Carnahan Davis, was educated in Meadville, and at Miss Bonnaye's School in Philadelphia. She has lived successively in Meadville, St. Louis, Philadelphia, and New York City. She is the wife of Ernest E. Baldwin, a New York attorney. Mr. Baldwin is the son of the late Judge George E. Baldwin, of Canton, O., a neighbor and personal friend of former President McKinley. Judge Baldwin was held in the highest estimation by the legal profession and citizens of Canton, and honored by Presi- dent McKinley with an important oflSce abroad, that of Consul at Dresden, Germany. Mr. E. E, Baldwin was appointed First Assistant United States District Attorney for New York, and served in that capacity for about seven years, when he resigned and resumed the private practice of the law. Mrs. Baldwin is a lady of beautiful character, possesses sound judgment, and evinces great loyalty to her kindred. She presides, with dignity and grace, over a fine home near Central Park. (6) Of the children of Mrs. Frances J. Davis, Edith was born in 1870, and lived until 1886, when she passed away from earth and loved ones. (c) IsABELLE M. Davis was bom March 21, 1872, and was educated in Meadville, St. Louis, and New York, specializing in art, which study she pursued under Mr. Henry Mosler and at the Art Students' League. Her illustrations have appeared in several American maga- zines, and her exquisite miniatures have been exhibited at the Miniature Exhibition in New York City. She was married, June 5, 1907, to Herbert W. Seymour, son of Thomas H. and Elizabeth Kirby Seymour, of Elizabeth, N. J. He served six months in the Spanish-American War. His father, at the beginning of the Civil War, raised a company in New York and served as Captain until its close. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Seymour are living in Baltimore, JAMES P. HASSLER, M.D. MRS. JAMES P. HASSLER WILLIAM W. DAVIS MRS. WILLIAM W. DAVIS n. JAMES 45 where Mr. Seymour is manager of the Baltimore branch of the Crane Manufacturing Company of Chicago. They have two children: 1. Herbert Crane Seymour and 2. IVIarion Davis Seymour, both born in Washington. (d) Frances Marion Davis was born May 31, 1880, and died May 29, 1902. One who knew her well says of this dear young lady, "She combined a distinct individu- ality of thought and expression with a rare sweetness and gentleness; and all life is sweeter and stronger because she still lives in the hearts of those who loved her." (e) Matthews Erastus Davis was graduated from the Webb Academy in New York, having taken a full course in naval architecture and marine engineering. Since graduation he has been employed in the practice of his chosen profession with the New York Ship Building Company at South Camden, N. J. As a boy he was studious, ambitious, and independent in character, and he has developed into a splendid man. He married Sara Ladd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Ladd, of Woodbury, N. J., who is a noble wife and has won a warm place in the hearts of her husband's family. 3. Rachel Amanda Davis was born January 3, 1839. When a child she had scarlet fever, and never fully recovered from the effects of it. It developed into con- sumption, which proved fatal in her fifteenth year. Amanda was very bright for her age and gave pleasing evidence of early piety. Her intimate school friend was Esther Woodruff, who afterward became Mrs. Joseph H. Davis. 4. Ellen Davis was born December 19, 1840. She was educated in the schools of Meadville. But it was, no doubt, owing to home influences that she became a superior woman and the charming wife of a superior man. She was married to James Power Hassler, of Fayette City, Pa., in the "old home," August 21, 1860. The Rev. John V. Reynolds was the ofiBciating minister. She had 46 THE DAVIS FAMILY a noble spirit, which made her an untiring worker in her home, in her church, and in the community. She was ever ready to do her part, and often to do more than she had the strength for doing. Her house at Cochranton was always open to ministers and to church gatherings. In Meadville Dr. and Mrs. Hassler entertained much, and loved to have about them intelligent and cultured people. Despite the failing health of her last years, she never quite lost her eager interest in life, nor her buoyant, even merry spirits. She had a fine mind, a keen sense of humor, and a sympathetic and winning personality. Her low, sweet voice and her rippling, contagious laughter are indissolubly associated with one's thought of her. Al- though much of her time and strength had to be given to her large family, she always found a way to keep in touch with and generally to lead many outside activities in church and community life. Her natural social instincts and her personal charm would have made her a leader in any environment. This temperament, combined with real strength of character, and the habit of always passing on all the pleasant things she heard about others, made the path she trod very sunny and bright, however in- volved by care her intimate life may have been. Her husband, James P. Hassler, was born February 13, 1835, at Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland County, Pa. He entered Allegheny College at the age of seventeen, and was graduated there in 1856. After teaching school a few years in Kentucky and Michigan, he began the study of medicine with Dr. J. C. Cotton, in Meadville, and was graduated from the Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1864. He practised his profession in and around Cochranton, Crawford County, Pa., for twenty-four years, with great success, and in 1889 he removed to Meadville where he spent the remainder of his life, earnestly and successfully engaged in the practice of medicine. He was a consistent and faithful member II. JAMES 47 of the church from early Hfe. In poHtics he was a War Democrat and independent. At the time of his decease the Mcadville Republican said: "Dr. Hassler was deeply interested in educational affairs, and served for some fifteen years as a member of the Cochranton School Board, and for a much longer term as a member of the Board of Trustees of Allegheny College. In his church affiliations Dr. Hassler was a Methodist, being an earnest and consistent member of the First Church. He was an earnest, thoughtful, big-hearted, generous man, a friend of the poor, prompt to answer the call of distress. He was an honor to his profession, and beloved by all who knew him. He was of a sunny disposition, a polished gentleman, and had always a smile and a kind word for all he met. He will be missed by all who knew him." Dr. Hassler had a fine mind, and, having been well trained, he wrote many an article for the periodical press. The children of Dr. and Mrs. Hassler were as follows: 1. Mary E., 2. Sarah A., 3. Frank P., 4. Emma F., 5. Anna B., 6. An infant son, 7. Harriet E., 8. William D., 9. James H., 10. Eleanor B. All but the first two were born at Cochranton. The first two children died of diphtheria, Mary, when she was not three years old, and Sarah, when she was about ten months old. The sixth child, a son, died when not yet named, April 10, 1872. The seven still living are as follows : (a) Frank Power Hassler was born November 13, 1864. He was educated in the public schools of Cochran- ton and Meadville, and at Allegheny College, and became a newspaper man. He has been on the editorial staff of the Chicago Inter-Ocean for many years. He has been married twice — first to Annie A. Hart, of Alliance, O., who died at the home of Dr. Hassler, August 7, 1892. They had been living in Florida, but ill health compelled her to come North, that she might be under the care of 48 THE DAVIS FAMILY Dr. Hassler, in whose home everything that skill and love could do was done for her, but all was of no avail. Mrs. Frank Hassler was loved by all who knew her, and admired for her sweet disposition and beautiful womanly characteristics. Her sufiFerings in her last illness were borne with Christian patience and resignation, and to her, death came as a sweet relief, as a new birth into life eternal. In November, 1895, Mr. Hassler married Julia Rogers, a bright and beautiful daughter of Mrs. Mary Rogers, of Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Hassler was described as "the well-known, gifted, and popular newspaper man, connected with the Chicago Inter-Ocean." Mr. and Mrs. Hassler have two children: 1. Frank Rogers, born December 2, 1896, and 2. Mary Ellen, born March 1, 1904. (6) Emma Florence Hassler was born February 8, 1867. She was educated in the public schools of Mead- ville, at Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., and at the Pennsyl- vania College for Women, Pittsburg. She is living in Mobile, Ala., to be with her youngest sister Eleanor, who, her health not being very good, is more comfortable in the South. Miss Hassler is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is an intelligent and cultured lady of very pleasing manners. In her studies, she has made a specialty of music in which she is quite proficient. (c) Anna Belle Hassler was born September 28, 1870. She received her education in the public schools, at Allegheny College, and at the Pennsylvania College for Women at Pittsburg. On October 14, 1896, she was married to Mr. Per Lee Welty, of a prominent family in Canton, Ohio. They had two sons, both born in Can- ton: 1. James Allman, August 9, 1897, and 2. Walter Hassler, August 7, 1899. Mrs. Welty is now living at Meadville in the "old home" (of Judge Wm. Davis) on Walnut Street. She is an earnest Christian and a lovely n. JAMES 49 woman, devoted to her two boys. The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Meadville is her church. She is a most unselfish person, ready for every good word and work, as the writer of this Family Record can testify, he having enlisted the services of Mrs. Welty as often as of any one else in our family connection, in searching for necessary information. (d) Hakriet Elizabeth Hassler was born March 1, 1874. She was graduated from the Meadville High School in 1895, and from' the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1898, where she had taken a full course in Library Work. She was then for a time in the Public Library of Buffalo, and later in the Carnegie Library at Pittsburg. It was here that Miss Hassler conceived the idea of in- teresting children in books and reading. Called from thence to the City Library of Portland, Ore., she gave her- self up to the work of interesting and instructing the thirty-six hundred children of the public schools, by means of talks and stories, exhibits and books. She was invited to lecture on this subject in various cities. After five years of service in Portland she was called to New York City where she is engaged in the same work in con- nection with a group of ten or more libraries. Miss Hassler is exceptionally gifted for her chosen work, and being a devoted Christian and member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and as her work often carries her into the slums of the great city, she has a splendid opportunity for doing a grand work for humanity, so that we all may be proud of our kinswoman, and call her by the name given to her by the children of Portland, "Our dear Miss Hassler." (e) William Davis Hassler was born May 7, 1877. He received his education in the public schools, and was graduated from the Meadville Commercial College in the class of 1896. He then became Assistant Manager of the Cudahy Packing Company in New York City. He is now 50 THE DAVIS FAMILY doing a good business in that city in commercial photog- raphy. On June 23, 1904, he married Ethel Gray Magaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Chappotin Magaw of Meadville. Mr. and Mrs. Hassler have a son, William Gray Hassler, born September 1, 1906. They are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. (/) James Herman Hassler was born June 25, 1881. He was graduated from Allegheny College in 1905. He chose for his profession that of civil engineering. He was in the service of the Northern Pacific and other com- panies. He then went to Alaska, where he spent three years. He was an affectionate and devoted son and brother, which is a sure token of a beautiful manly character. (g) Eleanor Bushnell Hassler was born February 14, 1885. She is a beautiful and gifted girl, whose want of perfect health is a sorrow to the many friends who love her. She resides in the South, where she enjoys better health than in the North. She is accompanied by her devoted sister Emma. They seem to make Mobile their headquarters and favorite home, while they are often at other points along our southern coast. Eleanor has been confirmed in the Protestant Episcopal Church in Mobile. 5. Emma Evalina Davis is a fine specimen of the physical perfection, the mental alertness, and the womanly sweetness characteristic of the daughters of Judge and Mrs. William Davis. She is the "free lance of the family," and has a decided individuality. She is a good traveler, a good visitor, and a good hostess. She is welcomed where- ever she goes, for she is bright and cheery, full of humor, fond of good stories, and ready for any occasion that arises. She would grace a palace and is a type of Ameri- can nobility. She proved her nobleness by sacrificing her own interests, and taking charge of the two children of her brother, Henry L. Davis, and remaining with them MRS. HENRY L. DAVIS^ MRS. HENRY L. DAVIS EMMA E. DAVIS HENRY L. DAVIS n. JAMES 51 for many years. She has resided successively in Mead- ville, Philadelphia, and New York. Miss Davis is a mem- ber of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, and takes an active interest in the work of that great church, and also in the affairs of the D. A. R., of which patriotic society she is an honored member. A host of relatives and friends do homage to the "Duchess," as she is called by her friends. She is at home in the Hotel Majestic, New York City. 6. Henry L. Davis, son of William and Mary John- ston Davis, was born at Meadville, May 22, 1846. He was educated in the common schools of Meadville and for some time at Allegheny College. He commenced his business life as a bookkeeper in the general offices of the A. & G. W. R.R. Company, then located at Meadville. After a few months' service he was made bookkeeper in the Bank of Crawford County, where he continued until 1866, when he accepted a similar position in the Oil City Savings Bank. He united with the First Presbyterian Church, Oil City, Pa., in 1867, and was ordained a Ruling Elder in 1872. In 1871 the Oil City Trust Company was organized, and he was chosen its cashier. He resigned this position, in the spring of 1873, to enter the office of Warden, Frew & Co., Phila- delphia, and take special management of the Atlantic Refining Company and the Atlantic Petroleum Storage Company, all engaged in the export oil trade. He be- came the vice-president of the Atlantic Refining Company and afterward its active responsible head until his resignation in October, 1889. The capacity of the works increased over tenfold during his management. He was for years a member of the Board of Directors of the United Gas Improvement Company, the Spring Garden Fire Insurance Company, the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, and is now a director of the German- town Trust Company, a manager of the Germantown 52 THE DAVIS FAMILY Hospital, a Director of the Presbyterian Board of Min- isterial Relief, and member of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln University. Soon after removing to Philadelphia he became iden- tified with the First Presbyterian Church on Washington Square, and in November, 1879, was made a Ruling Elder in that church. In 1882 he removed to Germantown, where he still resides. He united with the Second Pres- byterian Church and since 1888 has been one of its Elders. He was married in 1869 to Eleanor Gray Bushnell, daughter of Daniel Bushnell and Eleanor Gray Bushnell of Pittsburg, Pa., by whom he has two children, Henry Lamont Davis and Eleanor Bushnell Davis. Mrs. Davis died May 30, 1874. She was a rare Christian character, bright and sunny, and greatly beloved by all who knew her. Mr. Davis married Martha Milliken Bodine in 1890. She was a daughter of Samuel T. Bodine and Louisa Milliken Bodine of Philadelphia. She died August 25, 1894. She was a noble, Christian woman. Mr. Davis served about two months in the Emergency State Militia called out by the Governor when General Lee's army invaded Pennsylvania in the summer of 1863. He was a member of Company F of the 58th Pennsylvania Regiment under Col. George H. Bemis. The regiment saw no active service except in assisting in heading off the Morgan raid in Ohio. Henry L. Davis is a type of what a well-born, carefully trained, conscientious and energetic American youth may become. The responsible positions he has held, the oflBces of trust that are thrust upon him, the honor in which he is held, and the universal love of his kindred and friends mark him as a man among men. In a brief sketch I cannot do more than hint at the physical per- fection, the gentlemanly refinement, the spiritual culture and high moral tone, the sympathetic tenderness, and ^ n. JAMES 53 soulful philanthropy, of this much-loved man, whom to know is a benediction. (a) Henry Lamont Davis was born in Oil City, Pa,, September 15, 1870. He attended school in Meadville and in Philadelphia; was graduated from the German- to\NTi Academy in 1888, and then spent three years at Haverford College. He left college in his junior year to enjoy the advantages of a tour in Europe. Upon his return he spent a year in the employment of the Alex- ander Lumber Company in West Virginia. He next spent a year with a decorating firm in St. Louis. At that time he met Miss Willie Webb, who is now Mrs. Henry L. Davis. She was the daughter of William Webb, M.D., from North Carolina, and Mary Castleman, from Kentucky, residents of St. Louis. She is related, through her mother, to the Breckinridges, Cabells, and other distinguished Kentucky families. The lovers of romance will be interested in the fact that Mrs. Willie Davis is a direct descendant of "Pocahontas" and John Rolfe, one of the founders of Virginia. Mr. Davis and Miss Webb were married by the Rev. Dr. John Cannon, of the Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, October 17, 1896. Mr. Davis then engaged for some time in the wholesale lumber business, afterward in the retail trade. But for several years past he has lived in Germantown, assisting his father in looking after his business interests. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have two lovely children: Eleanor BusHNELL Davis, born August 28, 1898, and IVL^ry Castlerian Davis, born March 4, 1907. The family residence is on W. Stafford Street, Germantown, and Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Second Presby- terian Church. Inheriting sound principles and lofty ideals, Mr. Harry Davis's overflowing vivacity and activity find an outlet in such good works as superintending a Mission Sunday School, joining in Philadelphia Rescue Band work, labor- 54 THE DAVIS FAI^HLY ing to reform the politics of the city, and in helping to make Pennsylvania a local-option state. Mrs. Davis has a remarkably serene and sunny dis- position, and possesses the charming trait of natural- ness, so that she has a happy way of approaching life, and, being possessed of good sense and a fine sense of humor, she is admired and loved by all who know her. (b) Eleanor Bushnell Davis was born in Philadel- phia May 30, 1874, and was named after her mother. She was educated at Miss Mary Stevens' School in Ger- mantown, and at Bishopthorpe School, Bethlehem, Pa., being graduated from the latter in 1892. She became a member of the Second Presbyterian Church, Germantown, in 1890. On June 16, 1900, she was married to Morris Llewellyn Cooke, by her pastor, the Rev. C. P. H. Nason. Mr. Cooke was born May 11, 1872, at Carlisle, Pa., the son of William Harvey Cooke, M.D., and Elizabeth Richmond Marsden Cooke. His father came of Welsh- Quaker stock, of Delaware County, Pa. He was named after Morris Llewellyn, who came to this country in 1683, and became one of the founders of the Haverford Meeting. The Llewellyn house, built in 1691, is still standing at Haverford, with M. Llewellyn's initials, and those of his wife, in the wall, with the date. His mother was of Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock, and was of the Grier family which has furnished so many ministers to the Presbyterian Church in this country. One of them was a pastor at one time of the old Tinicum Church where our forefathers worshiped. Mr. Cooke was educated at Ulrich's School and Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., being graduated from the University, as a mechanical engineer, in 1895. During the war with Spain in 1898, Mr. Cooke served as assistant engineer on the United States S. S. Aliantano- moh and Lancaster, and was chief engineer on the United n. J.\MES 55 States S. S. Eagle. He has held various positions con- nected with the book-making industries. He is a promi- nent member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and as an expert in Industrial Management he was selected by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to visit eight of the leading universities and colleges of this country and Canada, make investigations, and report on the best methods of management on the financial and business side of such institutions. Mr. Cooke's able report has commanded the attention of the leading educators in this and other countries. He was recently summoned to the "\Miite House by President Taft for a consultation concerning its management. In recent years Mr. Cooke has taken an active part in civic reform movements in the city of Philadelphia. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Mrs. Cooke, favored by heredity, education, and en- vironment, has developed a charming personality. For years she has been the efficient mistress of her father's hospitable home, as well as the inspiration of her culture- loving husband. Happy the couple whose tastes and acti\'ities so beau- tifully coincide! They admire and cultivate the best in life. They are fascinated by the beauties of nature, art, and literature. They are loving disciples of the true, the beautiful, and the good. 7. Willla:m W. DA^^5, son of William and Mary Johnston Davis, was born December 5, 1848. He re- ceived his education in the public schools, at Allegheny College, and at the Meadville Commercial College. In January, 1869, he went into the service of the Titus\"ille Savings Bank as bookkeeper. In 1871 he was transferred to the Citizens' Bank as teller. In June, 1874, he organ- ized the Jamestown Banking Company, at Jamestown, Pa., and occupied the position of cashier for nine years. 56 THE DAVIS FAMILY He was then induced to return to the oil country in the service of the Commercial Bank of Titusville. On account of impaired health he left the banking business in 1886 and entered the service of the Mahoning Gas Company, at Youngstown, Ohio, where he remained two years. He then went to St. Louis, Mo., and engaged in the manufacture of leaded and stained glass for churches and other public and private buildings. In 1874 he married Mary Frances Tefft who was an excellent wife and admirable woman. She died in 1898. One who knew her well thus wrote to me of her: Mrs. Wm. W. Davis had an unusually bright and winning per- sonality which endeared her to the entire connection, especially to her many nieces and nephews, who, as children, counted greatly upon her for their entertainment and amusement. Her unselfishness and devoted service to all with whom she came in contact, her sympathy for the poor, her care for animals, and above all her sunny, merry spirit have left an indelible impression on the hearts of the family into which she married, and of which she was a much-loved member. 8. Ida Davis, fifth daughter of William and Mary Johnston Davis, was born September 24, 1852, and died March 22, 1853. 9. Hattie E. Davis, sixth daughter of the same parents, was born July 5, 1854, and died May 8, 1855. We have seen what a forceful family was reared by Judge Wm. Davis. When a man of his physique, energy, ability, and religious principles chose for his wife a woman of Mary Johnston's caliber, he proved himself a good judge indeed. The parents of such a family must have been quite ideal. Mary Johnston, I have been told, was a strong character, robust in health, and blessed with a vigorous mentality, even beyond the age of fourscore years. Added to this she had a strong religious faith. n. JAMES 57 which sustained and guided her throughout her long and useful life. As she and her husband were one in purpose and in efiFort, guided by the same fixed principles and upheld by the same unfaltering trust in the God of their fathers, need we be surprised that their "children rise up and call them blessed," and that the world has been made a better world through their rearing of such a family? And two kindred spirits must surely have met, with joy unutterable, when Mary Means and Mary Johnston recognized each other in their Heavenly Father's house — the house of many mansions ! 2. John Cotton Davis, the second son of James and Mary Cotton Davis, was born March 30, 1814, and died May 9, 1880. He grew up on the ancestral farm. His parents showed the same good sense that is shown by the royal family in Germany. The boys all learned trades. John C. learned the trade of a carpenter, so he came to own a farm in Vernon township, on which he lived and died. On July 4, 1844, he married jNLuiy An^ Ander- son, who was born May 21, 1822. ]Mr. and Mrs. John C. Da\'is were members of the (then) Second Presbyterian Church of Meadville and were buried in Greendale Cemetery. They had two children: 1. E^evia, 2. James Ellicott. 1. Emma Davis married INIr. John Purvis. At her death she left three children: Harry, Frank, and Florence. I have not been able to reach them. Harry did live at El wood City, Pa., but my letter addressed to that place did not find him there. I learned that Florence married !Mr. Alonzo WTiite. 2. James Ellicott Davis, born December 13, 1847, married Melissa Evelyn Wilson, who was bom April 14, 1853. They were wedded September 15, 1874. They have two children, Mary and Georgeanna. 58 THE DAVIS FAMILY (a) Mary Davis, born October 3, 1875, became the wife of Harry Lorandi Leberman, of an old and well known Meadville family, on September 14, 1897. Mr. Leberman was born March 19, 1873. They had one son — Harold Davis, born June 2, 1899. He is a bright and promising boy. The family is in the Protestant Episcopal Church. It has been sadly broken and bereaved, since I saw them in 1908, by the death of Mr. Leberman, which occurred December 26, 1908. (6) George ANNA Davis, born June 2, 1877, was mar- ried, April 28, 1907, to Willard Henry Smith, an elec- trician of Youngstown, Ohio. The marriage took place in the Protestant Episcopal Church of Meadville, the Rev. Raymond Harold Edwards, rector, being the officiating clergyman. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith is in Youngstown, where they are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Mr. Ellicott Davis is In the service of the Erie Railway Company, having charge of their store in Meadville, of which he is a very capable and faithful manager. He and Mrs. Davis are members of the First Presbyterian Church. Their home is on Walnut Street, a central and pleasant avenue, on which a number of the Davis families have lived for many years. 3. James Stewart Davis, third son of James and Mary C. Davis, was born February 23, 1816, and died June 26, 1898. On May 2, 1839, he married Susan Van HoRNE, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a niece of the well-known pioneer of French Valley, Cornelius Van Home. She died in 1847, leaving one child, James Van Horne Davis, who was born January 18, 1840. He is living on the farm in Union township on which his father and grandfather lived and died. During the war for the Union Mr. Davis enlisted and served in Company F, 168th Regiment Pennsylvania n. JAI^IES 59 Volunteer Infantry. Mrs. Davis had also a daughter, born in 1844, who died the same year. On October 17, 1848, Mr. J. Stewart Davis married a second wife, Eliza, fourth daughter of Samuel, youngest son of William and Mary Means Davis. They had three children: Henry, born January 13, 1850, who died April 15, 1853; William, born August 11, 1855, who lived only eleven days, and Mary Rosetta, born July 24, 1859. She became the wife of Francis Marion Cutshall, January 1, 1885. [See further concerning Eliza and her daughter Rosetta under Samuel Davis.] Mr. Davis received his education in the log school- house of the olden time. Born and brought up on the farm of his fathers, he naturally chose agriculture as his life's work. He became a fine specimen of the typical American — an intelligent and successful farmer. He was a good citizen, interested in public affairs; in national politics, a Republican. And, what was more important, and what made him a public-spirited citizen, he was an active Christian. Being a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for more than fifty years, he "served his time" as class-leader, Sunday-school Superintendent, steward, trustee, etc. The practical nature of his religion is shown by the fact that he shared his home with a number of relations, who had no families of their own to care for them in their declining years. He rounded out a beautiful life of eighty-two years and peacefully passed on to the Grand Reunion on high. His wife Eliza had preceded him. 4. Rachel Davis, the fourth child and only daughter of James and Mary C. Davis, was born January 6, 1819, and died February 9, 1899, having passed her fourscore years. She grew up on the farm, receiving such an edu- cation as the schools of the neighborhood afforded. On April 20, 1837, she was married to James Johnston. The 60 THE DAVIS FAMILY Johnston farm adjoined that of the Davises. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had four children: Mary C, John C, Nancy A., and Margaret A. 1. Mary C. Johnston was born December 15, 1839, and died June 14, 1864. 2. John C. Johnston was born August 22, 1841, and died December 13, 1907. He married Agnes Hanna, September 20, 1868. They had two children — Margaret and Gertrude. (a) Margaret Johnston became the wife of Frederick Keith Weller. Their only child has died. Mr. Weller is in the service of the Erie Railway Company and their home is in Meadville. (b) Gertrude Johnston and her mother occupy the old home, in Hayfield township, three miles north of Meadville. 3. Nancy Araminta Johnston was born February 6, 1844, and died April 7, 1861. 4. Margaret Ann Johnston was born September 19, 1847, and died July 18, 1866. Mr. James Johnston died August 7, 1848. Nearly thirty years after, on February 8, 1877, Mrs. Johnston became the wife of Mr. Thomas S. Minnis, of Meadville, the Rev. Dr. Reynolds oflBciating at the wedding. From this time until her death, Mrs. Minnis's home was in Meadville. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, a consistent Christian, a fine-look- ing woman, greatly respected in the community and loved by all who knew her. 5. Henry Cotton Davis, the fifth child and fourth son of James and Mary C. Davis, was born August 25, 1822. He grew up on the farm, receiving a common school education, and when twenty-one he went to Mead- ville to learn the trade of shoemaking, and there he spent all the rest of his long life. Until about fifteen years I HENRY C. DAVIS {Brother of William, Jr.) n. JAMES 61 before his decease, he was engaged in the shoe trade, being one of the principal merchants of the city. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church from an early age. He was a good musician. He taught sing- ing-school in the good old way, and was leader of the choir in his church for a quarter of a century. When the present building of the First Church was erected he aided the work by giving "Old Folks' Concerts" in Meadville and other towns. They were very popular and success- ful. Few people have conducted the singing at as many funerals as "Uncle Henry." He was ordained an elder of the First Church in 1887. On October 21, 1852, Mr. Davis married Susan Grier Wilson (whose mother was a Grier). Their only child lived but a few hours. Mrs. Davis was an excellent woman, who for more than forty years added to the comfort and welfare of her husband, and, as a consistent Christian and member of the church, did what she could to make the world better. In the closing years of his life "Uncle Henry" (as he was affectionately called by many others, as well as by his relatives) was rather feeble, but retained his cheerful and happy spirit. He was greatly respected and loved in the community. He found a good home with Mr. and Mrs. Ellicott Davis, and during his last illness had every care- ful attention that love could prompt, and on October 18, 1908, the good and much-loved old man passed peacefully away to join the many loved ones gone before. 6. Robert Stockton Davis, the sixth child and fifth son of James and Mary C. Davis, was born March 25, 1824, and died early in December, 1907. Growing up on the ancestral farm, he received a common school edu- cation, and spent the most of his life on his own farm in Vernon township. An obituary notice, written by his pastor and published in the Christian Advocate, will give 62 THE DAVIS FAMILY us a good idea of what kind of man he was. "In early life he gave his heart to God and was ever a faithful worker in the Lord's vineyard. In September, 1849, he married Jane Wingate, who died in 1883. The follow- ing year he married Mrs. Elizabeth M. Cummings, who preceded him to the heavenly home only six weeks. The past four years they made their home with the latter's daughter, Mrs. A. W. Phillips, at South Sharon. To this home "grandpa" and "grandma" proved a great blessing, and though they have passed from earth their influence will long be felt in the lives of those with whom they were associated. ... At Vernon Chapel, where he was such an active member as a young man, and in the presence of his old friends, his pastor, the Rev. Wm. Branfield, preached his funeral sermon. He was laid to rest beside his wife in Watson Run Cemetery. Another of the long-time readers of the Advocate has gone to rest. He was zealous, faithful, intelligent and self-sacrificing. His testimony and prayers had the ring of one in close touch with the best interests of his church. His life was love, truth, and peace, and helpful to all. -He will be remembered as one of the best of men." While an earnest Christian and church worker, being a class-leader, trustee, etc., he was also a public-spirited citizen, and held various offices of trust in the community in which he lived. In national politics he was a Republican. A niece of Mr. Davis, in writing to me, said of Mrs. Davis, "Aunt Elizabeth was very frail for years, but she was a dear, good woman." 7. Hugh Cotton Davis, the youngest of the family of James and Mary C. Davis, lived only a little over two years. He was born May 10, 1829, and died August 12, 1831. C. Mary Davis, the third child and elder daughter of James and Rachel Stewart Davis, was born December n. JAMES 63 3, 1788. She was but a child when her parents moved from Franklin County to the wilds of Allegheny County, as it was then, and pitched their tent about six miles southwest of Meadville. School advantages were not yet available, but Mary had intelligent and pious parents and she no doubt received a good home education and training. She was wooed and won by John H. Work, of Vernon township, and they were married December 15, 1812. He was a tailor by trade. He purchased and lived on a farm two miles west of Meadville. Mr. and Mrs. Work were excellent Christian people, and raised a very fine family, prospering in the world. Mr. Work was treasurer of Crawford County for a term, and was Asso- ciate Judge of the Courts of the County from 1831 to 1848, respected and honored by all. Judge and Mrs. Work were members of the Associate, commonly called the "Seceder" Church, and, after the union of 1858, of the United Presbyterian Church. Their children were carefully trained in church-going habits, and well instructed in Christian doctrine and duty, so that all of them became members of the church and respected and useful people. Judge Work died January 27, 1852, in his seventy-fifth year. Mrs. Work, being a Davis, survived her husband thirty-four years, passing away August 7, 1886, in her ninety-sixth year. "Aunt Polly Work" was a wise and affectionate mother, a firm and warm-hearted friend, loved and respected, through her long life, by all her kindred and acquaintances. Her funeral was very largely attended, the services being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Donnan. The children of Judge and Mrs. Work were ten in number: 1. Rachel S., 2. William, 3. James D., 4. Mary P., 5. Margaret, 6. Jane, 7. John H., 8. Joseph, 9. Jacob, 10. Henry S. All lived to maturity, except one. 64 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1. Rachel Stewart Work was born June 7, 1815, and, having lived a quiet but useful Christian life for nearly eighty-two years, was called home to her reward February 3, 1897. 2. William Work was born February 5, 1817. He became a farmer and married Mary Johnston April 29, 1845. He did not enjoy a very long life, but passed away February 18, 1855. 3. James Davis Work was born November 21, 1818. On March 27, 1845, he married Ocilla Cochran, who was a daughter of John Cochran, one of the pioneers of Craw- ford County, who once resided in a log house which stood where Cochranton's Railroad Station now stands. Mr. Work was an elder in the Associate Church from soon after his marriage. After the Union in 1858 he was an active elder in the United Presbyterian Church until his death. As a public-spirited citizen he held several positions of honor. He was commissioned by Governor Packer as captain of the Cochranton troop of the uni- formed militia in 1859. In 1860 he was elected Justice of the Peace and reelected in 1865. "Always a Christian, James D. Work was a man firm of character and of sterling worth as a citizen. His death is a loss, not only to his family, but to the church and to the community. His advice and counsel were sought by many, and the record of his life will remain as a good example." Mr. and Mrs. Work had six children: 1. Nancy J., 2. Mary A., 3. John H., 4. William, 5. Ocilla, 6. Ellen M. 1. Nancy Jane Work was born August 14, 1850, and was married to Robert Cooper April 24, 1874. They have had two daughters, Martha J. and Maud. (a) Martha Jane Cooper was born February 21, 1875, and was married to Augustus Stoyer August 13, 1891. n. JAMES 65 Mr. and Airs. Stover are members of the Presbyterian Church of Cochranton and have three children: Freeda, born October "28, 1894; Glendox, born September 8, 190'2; and John, born November '■21, 1904. (6) AL\UD Cooper was born June 17, 1877, and was married to John Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have a daughter named Flora Jane, born August 7, 1897. Their home is in Dunkirk, X. Y., where they are members of the Baptist Church. 2. AL\RY Ann Work was born July 2, 1852. She was married to Willoughby C. Pegan, November 12, 1874. They are living in Cochranton, where Air. Pegan is interested in the liverj' business. They are members of the United Presbyterian Church and are highly respected in the community. They have had three children: Hugh A., Wiluam C, and Clare C. (a) Hugh Andrew Pegan was born January 3, 1876. He married Gertrude Bell, of Franklin, Pa., January 3, 1906. Mr. Pegan is a blacksmith. He and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian Church of Cochranton. (6) William Catherwood Pegan was born September 29, 1877, and married Elvada Steen, January 19, 1902. They have a son named Harold Gordon, bom October 28, 1906. Mr. Pegan is a farmer. He and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian Church of Coch- ranton. ((?) Cl-\re Cochran Pegan was born April 27, 1883, and died September 23, 1884. 3. John H. Work was bom January 17, 1855, and married AL\rgaret McCance December 17, 1881. They have four children: Ocilla. Ella. John McCance, and J.\ME5 Leslie. Air. and Airs. Work are members of the United Presbyterian Church. Air. Work was elected an elder in the church shortly after the death of his father, whose mantle seems to have fallen on him. 66 THE DAVIS FAMILY He is the teacher of a large Sabbath School class, and is a liberal supporter of the church and of the work of the church at home and abroad. The older daughters are active workers, both being teachers in the Sabbath School, and Ocilla being church organist. 4. William Work was born April 25, 1857, and married Martha A. Ramsey October SO, 1884. They are members of the United Presbyterian Church. Mr. Work has been trustee and treasurer, and is a Christian who is ready to serve in any capacity that is likely to further the cause of his Master. Mr. Wm. Work and his brother John seem to be pillars of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Work have a son named Francis Ramsey, born September 24, 1887, who, on October 14, 1908, married Mary Weeder. They are both members of the United Presbyterian Church. 5. Ocilla Work was born June 27, 1859, and was married to Almond Cooper of Guy's Mills, Pa., in Feb- ruary, 1886. They had one child — a daughter named Anna, born December 24, 1890. Mr. Cooper died. The daughter Anna was married to Clifford R. Hunter, September 23, 1909. They are members of the Con- gregational Church of Guy's Mills. 6. Ellen M. Work was born May 31, 1861, and was married to James C. Bean, February 22, 1888. They have had five children: 1. Jennie, born January 21, 1889, 2. Frederick James, born November 16, 1890, 3. Mabel E., born May 26, 1892, 4. John S., born March 2, 1894, and 5. An infant that died December 7, 1902. All of this family are members of the United Presbyterian Church of Cochran ton. 4. Mary Patterson Work, fourth child and second daughter of Judge J. H. and Mrs. Mary Davis Work, was born May 10, 1820. She had a good home training under her excellent parents, and on October 20, 1842, was mar- II. JAMES 67 ried to Henry Blair, who was of a very fine family. His parents were John and Mary Blair of N. Shenango town- ship, Crawford County. They belonged to the Associate Church of S. Shenango township, where Henry professed religion and united with the church in his youth. He was a nephew of the Rev. David Blair of Indiana, Pa., and a cousin of the Rev. Hugh H. Blair of New York. It is the testimony of the oldest daughter of Henry and Mary Blair that they not only professed the religion of Christ, but that they manifested its spirit and power in their daily lives. Soon after their marriage they moved to the farm on which they spent their lives. It was in S. Shenango township and is still the home of the family. After the Union of 1858, the Blairs became members of the United Presbyterian Church of James- town, Mercer County, and that was their church-home during the remainder of their lives, as it is of their children. Mr. Henry Blair had the respect and confidence of the community, and was called to fill various offices of trust, such as that of school director, supervisor of roads, etc. The same may be said of his sons. Mrs. Mary Work Blair died December 7, 1878, in her fifty-ninth year. Mr. Henry Blair died March 9, 1894, in his seventy-fifth year. Mr. and Mrs. Blair had six children, as follows: 1. Melvina, 2. Mary E., 3. John H., 4. Andrew J,, 5. William W., 6. James B. 1. Melvina Blair was born November 10, 1843, and is still living in the old home, and is a faithful member of the church at Jamestown. 2. Mary Elizabeth Blair was born January 9, 1846, and is the companion of her sister in the old home and church. 3. John H. Blair was born October 27, 1847, and died March 14, 1853. 68 THE DAVIS FAMILY 4. Andrew J. Blair was born December 29, 1849. He married Margaret McIlhany of Jamestown, Mercer County, April 29, 1886. Soon after their marriage they settled on the farm in S. Shenango township on which they now reside. They, with their children, are members of the United Presbyterian Church of Shenango. Mr. Blair has for some years been a ruling elder in the church, and a teacher in the Sabbath School. They have four children: Maud E., Anna M., Frank C, and Helen E. (a) Maud Elma Blair was born March 4, 1887, was graduated from the Jamestown High School in 1905, then taught school for four years, and has since been graduated from the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Butler County, Pa. (6) Anna Mary Blair was born August 13, 1889. She also was graduated from the Jamestown High School in 1905, taking the honors of the class. That fall she entered the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, and was graduated in 1907. She is now in her fourth year as a teacher. (c) Frank Clement Blair was born May 27, 1893, and is attending the High School of Jamestown. (d) Helen Elizabeth Blair, born December 22, 1895, is attending the District School near her home. 5. William Work Blair bom December 10, 1851, married Martha C. Smith of Cochran ton, March 11, 1886. They then moved to the farm in Sudsbury town- ship, on which they resided until Mr. Blair's death, August 11, 1891. They were members of the United Presbyterian Church of Hartstown. 6. James B. Blair, born June 5, 1856, married Florence A. Ellis of Hartstown, May 23, 1905. They live in the old home. They have two daughters, Mary Margaret, born October 25, 1906, and a daughter born September 12, 1909. n. JAMES 69 5. ^L\RGARET Work was born October 24, 1822, and died March 24, 1906, in her eighty-fourth year. She was a faithful member of the United Presbyterian Church. 6. Jane Work was born October 18, 1824, lived a consistent and useful Christian life, and on May 17, 1894, was called up to her reward. 7. John Henry Work was born September 30, 1826. His career was a short one. On July 27, 1840, when he was not yet fourteen, scarlet fever claimed him as one of its victims. 8. Joseph Work was born July 27, 1828. WTiile all his brothers became farmers, Joseph learned the trade of a carpenter. On December 20, 1859, he married Eliza H. WiLLi-\MS. He died October 28, 1899, in his seventy- second year. 9. Jacob Work was born x\ugust 27, 1830. He spent his life as a farmer, never married, was a good member of the United Presbyterian Church, and died August 18, 1903, when nearly seventy-three years of age. 10. Henry Stew^\rt Work was born November 19, 1834. He was a life-long invalid, passing away Febru- ary 19, 1863, when twenty-eight years of age. D. Rachel Davis, fourth child and second daughter of James and Rachel Stewart Davis, was born April 15, 1791. She was married to Frederick Haymaker, Esq., April 22, 1808. Mr. Haymaker was one of the pioneers, having come to the village of Meadville in 1793. He was the first postmaster of the town, and a justice of the peace. He belonged to a family prominent in the early history of the West, and was a man of education and intelligence. He was the private secretary of Aaron Burr at the time of the alleged conspiracy troubles. However it may have been with the ambitious Burr, 70 THE DAVIS FAMILY Frederick, it is well known, was at all times loyal to his country. He was the son of Jacob Haymaker. Jacob was the son of Stophel, or Christopher Haymaker, a native of Germany, who came to this country and settled in Allegheny County, Pa., in colonial times. He died in 1788. Jacob Haymaker became a very wealthy man for those times. The family tradition is, that he loaned the State of Virginia eighty thousand pounds, and that he helped the government in equipping vessels, fitting out a regiment of soldiers, in building forts and block-houses, to such an extent that he used up all his fortune in aiding to carry on the Revolutionary War. The government could not repay him. He was informed that he would have to wait till a gold mine was discovered. The debt has never been paid. "Jacob was a good mechanic," says George S. Davis, one of his descendants, "and we have in the family a coffee-mill that he made, which ground the first coffee that ever was ground in Pittsburg. It was the only coffee-mill in the town, and people would bring their coffee to be ground, and leave the hopper full as toll." Jacob Haymaker had four sons — John, George, Frederick, and Jacob, and four daughters — Margaret, Catherine, Sarah, and Eve. John was the friend and companion of Brady, the famous Indian scout, and was the first to measure the distance Brady had leaped across the Cuyahoga, when he escaped the pursuing Indians.^ John, George, and Fred- erick all died near Newton's Falls, O. Their brother Jacob died in Allegheny County, Pa., and is buried in Plum Creek Cemetery. Catherine Haymaker became the wife of Samuel Davis, an uncle of Rachel, and was the ancestress of many who will be named under Samuel. Rachel Davis must have been a very bright and attrac- tive girl of seventeen to win the heart and hand of Frederick Haymaker. Soon after their marriage they went ^ Twenty-two feet. JAMES DAVIS HAY M A K E R n. JAMES 71 to Franklin INIills, now Kent, O., in Franklin Township, comprising sixteen thousand acres, which was bought for twelve and a half cents an acre by Aaron Olmstead, of Hartford, Conn. As early as 1803, Benjamin Tappan and others built a bridge over the river a few yards from the spot where Brady had made his great leap. The first set- tlers were Jacob Haymaker and his family. They bought six hundred acres of land, built a mill, and lived for a time in a small building which had been erected by Olmstead's surveyors. In this cabin (it was nothing more) on the banks of the Cuyahoga, Jajmes Davis Hayimaker was born September 2, 1809. And, sad to relate, about ten days after the birth of this child, the young and lovely mother passed away from earth. Mr. Haymaker's sister, Catherine, carried the babe on horseback from Franklin Mills, O., to James Davis's in Crawford County, Pa.^ In the home of his grandparents the first ten years of his life were spent. Among his playmates was his cousin, young William Davis, whose father lived on a neighboring farm. William afterward became Judge Davis, one of Meadville's best and most useful citizens. The friend- ship formed in early boyhood was strong and lasting on both sides. It was while visiting his old friend, Davis Haymaker, that Judge Davis was exposed to a rain- storm and contracted a cold which brought on the illness that resulted in his death. At ten years of age the lad returned to live with his father, who had married again, and was living at Brady's Run, Beaver County, Pa. Four years later his father moved back to Franklin Mills, O., and the boy was on his "native heath." Here he received all the schooling he ever had. Home employment hindered his obtaining much school education. But he had a good mind, and a strong character, and he grew up securing a good * Frederick Haymaker, the husband of Rachel Davis, and father of James Davis Haymaker, was married three times, and had twenty-one children. 72 THE DAVIS FAMILY self -education. After two years he went into the woolen factory, and there he worked for four years. He then engaged in the business of making wooden pails, tubs, and wooden ware. At this he continued for two years. Next an aunt of his at Fairport, O., sent for him to come and assist her in "keeping tavern," as it was called in those days. So he spent two years in that business. Being now about twenty-five years of age he settled down in 1834 upon the place which he owned as long as he lived. He first bought eighty-six acres of land covered with timber, and went to work clearing it, while living in a log cabin, his sister Rachel keeping house for him. He had a period of hard work and great expos- ure while clearing this land, and preparing the materials for a house and barn. In June, 1835, he was ready for the "raising," and it was the first "cold-water raising," that is, the first in all that region, at which no intoxicating liquor was furnished to the men who assisted. The very next day he proceeded to carry out a plan he had thought out while hard at work. He invited Mary Rosetta Olin, the daughter of a neighbor, to take a pleasure ride with him. This ride proved to be the beginning of a courtship which resulted in a wedding, and a life-long and blessed attachment. In 1851 he "bought out" his neighbor, David Longcoy, and left the house he had built in 1835, and moved into a larger and better one, which he occupied as long as he lived. It was on November 29, 1835, that J. D. Haymaker and Mary Rosetta Olin were married. The bride was born in Perry, Wyoming County, N. Y., February 22, 1820, the daughter of Arvin Olin and Betsy Bennett, his wife. The Olin family is one widely known, with exten- sive connections, having branches in Vermont, New York, Ohio, and Michigan. An interesting history of the Ezra Olin family has been published, prepared by George S. Nye, one of the descendants. To it I am indebted for MRS. JAMES DAVIS HAYMAKER n. JAMES 73 nearly all that I am able to give concerning Rachel Davis and her descendants. A notable event in the history of James Davis Hay- maker and his wife was the celebration of their golden wedding in 1885, when over two hundred friends re- sponded to invitations, and nine of their ten surviving children were present. The congratulations of their friends, the reception of beautiful gifts, sweet music, poetry, and song, with the beauty and fragrance of flowers, all united in making the occasion a most happy one, and one long to be remembered. With long-continued failing health, Mr. Haymaker was brought down gradually to the closing scene of life, which ended gently and peacefully, January 31, 1889, in his eightieth year. Mrs. Haymaker died in Ravenna, January 27, 1907, in her eighty-seventh year. They were active and liberal members of the Univer- salist Church. Their children were fourteen in number: 1. Franklin, 2. Oscar F., 3. Rachel Davis, 4. Ann M., 5.Arvin O., 6. JVIary R., 7. James A., 8. Clara L., 9. An unnamed infant, 10. Almira E., 11. Martha A., 12. Cora E., 13. William J., 14. Abbie M. 1. Franklin Haymaker was born December 16, 1836, In his fifteenth year he accidentally fell in front of a moving hand-car on the railroad which was being con- structed near his home, and was injured, so that death resulted in a few days, on April 30, 1851. He was buried in Standing Rock Cemetery. ■ 2. Oscar F. Haymaker was born May 21, 1838. He received his education in the public schools. For nearly thirty years he was a very successful teacher, known in educational circles as "Old Reliable." On May 21, 1862, he married Mary S. Burlingame in Philadelphia. She was born June 26, 1842, in Newberry, Geauga County, O. 74 THE DAVIS FAMILY Her father, a practising physican, moved to Streetsboro Center, Portage County, when she was nine years of age. Mr. Haymaker was a very capable man, and was called to fill many important offices, having the respect and confidence of the people to an unusual degree. He prospered in his affairs, securing a large farm with a fine homestead. He attributed his success in life to his always having simply "aimed to be trustworthy." But may it not have been partly owing, as it generally is in the case of happy and successful men, to the possession of a sensible and capable wife.'^ Mr. Haymaker died May 4, 1907. Mrs. Haymaker is living in Kent, loved and honored by all. She is a mem- ber of the Universalist Church. Their family consisted of three daughters and an adopted son: 1. Ida A., 2. Coea M., 3. Lillie E., and 4. Edward C. (a) Ida A. Haymaker was born February 27, 1863. She received her education in the district school and at Buchtel College. She was married to Frank A. Merrill, December 21, 1882. Mr. Merrill was born in Franklin, November 25, 1859. He received a good common school education, and studied at Western Reserve College until impaired eye-sight compelled him to abandon study for a time. He became a very successful teacher in Ravenna, being principal for one year, and Superintendent for eighteen, retiring finally on account of his health to his farm near Kent. They have four children: 1. Grace E., 2. Gladys M., 3. Mary B., 4. Margaret F. (a) Grace Estelle Merrill was born September 13, 1883. She was graduated from the Ravenna High School, was a student in the Woman's College of Western Reserve, Cleveland, for two years, and taught school for two years in Ravenna. She has the gifts and taste of an artist. On October 10, 1908, she was married to Carl Freeman Foote, of Kent, who was born December 16, II. JAMES 75 1881. He is bookkeeper and salesman in the Goodman Piano Store in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Foote have their home in Ravenna. They have one child, Caroline Martha, born August 26, 1909. Mr. Foote is a member of the Universalist Church. (/3) Gladys IVIartha Merrill was born February 24, 1887. She was graduated from the Ravenna High School, and has for several years been stenographer for Mr. W. J. Beckley, an attorney of Ravenna. On June 14, 1911, she was married to Edgar Greene, a worthy young man, having a shoe-store in Ravenna. (y) Mary Burlingame Merrill was born October 31, 1889. She was graduated from the Ravenna High School, and studied for two years at the Woman's College in Cleveland. (5) Margaret Frances Merrill was born April 24, 1891, and has been graduated from the Ravenna High School. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill and their daughters are members of the Congregational Church in Ravenna. Mrs. Merrill and all her daughters have a taste and talent for music. Mrs. Merrill is a member of the choir in their church. (6) Cora M. Haym.\e:er was born October 16, 1864. She attended the public schools at Earlville and Kent, and was a student at Buchtel College for three years. On August 4, 1886, she was married to Elmer E. France, who was born in Franklin Township April 22, 1863. He is in the mercantile business in Kent, in company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. France have two children: 1. Carl H, born in Kent, June 8, 1887. He is the head of a dyeing establishment in Norwalk, Conn. 2. IVIarjory B., born in Kent, January 12, 1891. She is a student at Buchtel College. (c) LiLLiE E. Haymaker was born September 25, 1866. She attended the district school at Earlville, then the High School in Akron, and studied three years at Buchtel 76 THE DAVIS FAMILY College. On March 11, 1891, she was married to Her- bert A. Swan, who was born at Everett, Summit County, O., January 20, 1866. His father was a farmer, and the son followed the same occupation for some years. But he is now in the mercantile business in Kent, with his brother-in-law, Mr. France. (d) Edward C. Haymaker was secured from the Cleveland Orphan Asylum, and was adopted by O, F. and Mary S. Haymaker, December 31, 1882, he being at that time seven years old. On May 25, 1898, he married Miss Netta Bortz, of Kent. They have three children: 1. Carlton Bortz Haymaker, born February 16, 1899, 2. Gladys Lucile Haymaker, born July 10, 1901, 3. Stanley Oscar Hay- maker, born August 16, 1909. Mr. Haymaker is an engineer in the employ of the Bessemer Steel Company, Youngstown, O., where Mr. and Mrs. Haymaker own their home, and are members of the Lutheran Church. 3. Rachel Davis Haymaker, third child and oldest daughter of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born May 17, 1840. Her education was received in the district school and in a select school in Kent. On August 20, 1868, she was married to McKendree D. Norton, who was born in Wadsworth, Medina County, O., March 6, 1836. When he was thirteen years old his father moved to Franklin Township, Portage County. McKendree worked on the farm until the war broke out, in 1861, when he volunteered, and was mustered into service at Columbus as a member of the 9th Ohio Volunteer Artillery. He was in very active service during the entire period of the war, being mustered out of service at Chattanooga, June 16, 1865. During the greater part of the time he served as a non-commissioned officer. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Norton, Mary Jennett Norton, was born January 28, 1874, and died August 20, 1876. She was n. JAMES 77 buried in Standing Rock Cemetery. Mr. Norton has passed away from earth; and Mrs. Norton is living in her pleasant home in Kent, a Christian lady, respected and loved by all who know her. 4. Ann M. Haymaker, fourth child and second daughter of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born May 15, 1842. After the usual education in the district school and select school in Kent, she was married, November 28, 1861, to Stephen H. Green, who was born October 28, 1838, in Franklin township. He possessed a fine farm in the southern part of Streetsboro township, and was described to me as a very cheerful, jovial man, and a successful farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Green have both passed away, Mrs. Green on May 12, 1893, at the age of fifty-one, Mr. Green on October 10, 1901, in his sixty-third year. They had five children: 1. Carrie R., 2. Luella E., 3. Otis H., 4. Mary A., and 5. Wilbur S. (a) Carrie R. Green was born October 17, 1863. She attended first the district school at home, and afterward the Union School in Kent. On May 2, 1883, she was married to Elwood H. Bosworth, who was born in Newberry, Geauga County, O., March 26, 1861. In 1866 his father moved to Streetsboro township, Port- age County, to a farm which he had purchased. After Elwood's marriage he took charge of this farm, his father having died. Mr. and Mrs, Bosworth have four children: 1. Lorena, 2. Anna G., 3. Bernice R., and 4. Lyiman G. (a) Lorena Bosworth was born August 1, 1886, attended the district school, was graduated from Ravenna High School in 1904, taught school successfully for three years, and then entered Hiram College, which she was obliged to leave before graduation, on account of the ill- ness of her mother. She is now (1910) at Hiram College again. 78 THE DAVIS FAMILY (/8) Anna Grace Bosworth was born April 2, 1889, attended the public school, was graduated from Ravenna High School in 1907, taught school successfully for two years, and then entered Hiram College. She was married, August 10, 1911, to Mr. Vaughn Webb, a graduate of Hiram, and a teacher. (y) Bernice Rosetta Bosworth was born November 16, 1895, and is now in the high school at Streetsboro Center. (8) Lyman Green Bosworth was born October 13, 1897, and is attending school at Streetsboro Center. One of the young people in this family circle writes: "We still live on the Lyman Bosworth homestead. All intend and will try to live straight-forward Christian lives; and, if the children only follow in the footsteps of their parents, they will be citizens of whom all may well be proud." (6) Luella E. Green was born March 27, 1866. The formal part of her education was received in the district school; the real part of it at home. She was married, September 17, 1884, to Oscar G. Selden, who was born June 30, 1863, at Hudson, O. He was reared on a farm, and when seventeen years of age went to Streets- boro Center to learn blacksmithing. Here he carried on this business for some years. He then removed to Akron, O. By industry and integrity Mr. Selden has prospered. He is now engaged in the manufacture of wagons and automobile tops, having a number of men in his employ. He and Mrs. Selden are members of the First Baptist Church, and are actively engaged in Christian work. Mr. Selden is a deacon, and one of the official board of the church. Mrs. Selden^is a mem- ber of the Y. W. C. A. and of the W. C. T. U., as well as of one or two literary clubs. They have two children: Howard G. and Anna M. (a) Howard Green Selden was born in Streetsboro, n. JAMES 79 February 24, 1886. He attended the public schools in Streetsboro, and the high school in Akron. He then studied in Buchtel Academy, and in Buchtel College. He has devoted much time to the study of art, both in college and under private instructors. (^) Anna Marie Selden was born in Streetsboro March 14, 1889. She attended the public schools of Akron, and was graduated from Buchtel Academy in 1909. She has had some of the best music teachers in Akron and Cleveland, and has become so proficient that she is now giving part of her time to instruction on the piano. (c) Otis H. Green was born August 10, 1870, and took a full course in the public schools of Streetsboro, graduat- ing from the high school. He then farmed with his father for two years. Then he and his brother-in-law, Mr. Bradley, cultivated the farm for three years. On October 4, 1893, he married Rella Burroughs, who was born April 30, 1872. In the spring of 1896 he took pos- session of the farm of one hundred and thirty-three acres which he now owns and cultivates. Mr. and Mrs. Green have three sons: Leonard Stephen, born June 11, 1896; Harry Bernard, born February 20, 1898; and Kenneth Burroughs, born January 22, 1900. They are fine, healthy, stirring boys. They attend the Streets- boro Centralized School, and are carried to and fro, each school-day, by one of the township vans. (d) Mary A. Green was born in Streetsboro February 5, 1874. She attended the district school and the high school in Kent. She then made her home with her sister, Mrs. Bosworth, until her marriage, October 5, 1893, to Ora Dennis Bradley, who was born in Stow, Summit County, O., November 3, 1876. He is a farmer, and resides in Hudson township. He attended the public schools, worked on his father's farm for a time, and then attended and was graduated from Clark's Business Col- 80 THE DAVIS FAMILY lege, Erie, Pa. After their marriage he and Mrs. Bradley lived on her father's farm for two years. They then bought a farm in Hudson township, on which they lived until about 1908, when they purchased an adjoining farm on which they now live. For ten years past Mr. Bradley has been a member of the Hudson School Board, acting as president and clerk. He attributes his success as a farmer to his early asso- ciation with the farmers' organization — the Grange. Since nine years of age he has attended Grange meetings, and so he has a multitude of friends among the farmers of northern Ohio. He was instrumental in establishing the N. Ohio Milk Producers' Association, and he is one of the directors of the Summit County Farmers' Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley have four children: 1. Paul Green, born October 16, 1894, 2. Norma Annetta, born September 19, 1897, 3. Lemoine Dwight, born May 8, 1901, and 4. Leatha Elizabeth, born November 7, 1906. Paul is in the Hudson High School, Norma and Lemoine are in the rural school. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and Paul are members of the Congregational Church. They have a pleasant, happy home. The children are bright and full of promise. As a friend says of them, "They are splendid specimens of American youth." (e) Wilbur S. Green was born July 28, 1876. While attending Western Reserve College at Hudson, he was stricken with brain-fever. Death ended his terrible sufferings February 18, 1893, in his seventeenth year. 5. Arvin Olin Haymaker, fifth child and third son of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born April 5, 1844. He grew up on his father's farm. His education was re- ceived in the district school and at Mount Union College. On April 5, 1866, he married Hattie E. Norton, in Bromfield, O. She was born in Edinburg, Portage County, September 3, 1846. Mr. and Mrs. Haymaker then went to housekeeping on their fine farm, in the n. JAMES 81 northern part of Franklin Township, where Mr. Hay- maker still lives. Mrs, Haymaker died April 7, 1869, leaving two chil- dren: 1. Charles A., born October 26, 1867, 2. Hattie E., born March 29, 1869, only nine days old when her mother passed away. (a) Charles Anson Haymaker attended the district school, passed two years in Kent Union School, and spent several terms at Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware. (6) Hattie Eliza Haymaker received her education in the district school, at Kent Union School, and at the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware. Mr. Haymaker married again on May 26, 1870. The bride was Harriet Powell, who was born March 14, 1843. They were married at her father's home in Colum- biana County, near Alliance, O. Mr. Powell was one of the first settlers in that part of the state. He and Mrs. Powell lived together fifty-eight years, and both passed their fourscore years. Harriet attended the common school and spent several terms at Mt. Union College. She became the mother of four children: 1. Homer A., 2. Deborah J., 3. Franklin P., and 4. Abbie R. (c) Homer Anthony Haymaker was born August 31, 1871. He was graduated from the Kent High School and from the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware in 1897. He taught for several years, and then established an office in Pittsburg, where he is representing the Mer- riam Publishing House, of Springfield, Mass. On August 10, 1907, he married Lotta Carter, of Bellaire, a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University. (d) Deborah J. Haymaker had the same educational advantages as her brother Homer, graduating from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1898. She has been a very capable and successful teacher — for some years past teacher of English and Latin in the Central High School of Pittsburg. 82 THE DAVIS FAMILY (e) Franklin P. Haymaker was born May 10, 1875. He enjoyed good advantages in the way of education and training, attending the Ohio Wesleyan University, and is located in Pittsburg, Pa., where he is engaged in manufacturing. (/) Abbie Rosetta Haymaker was born October 2, 1885, and after the usual home training and educational advantages, she was married, June 27, 1908, to J. Paul Teas, of Salem, O. They have a son, Jean Paul Teas, Jr., born December 10, 1910. Their home is in Harris- burg, Pa., where Mr. Teas is with the McFarland Publicity Company. 6. Mary R. Haymaker, sixth child and third daughter of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born April 15, 1846. She was not destined to live long; but her short life of twenty years was a beautiful one. Mary was amiable and affectionate, and universally esteemed and loved. On Tuesday, July 24, 1866, she went to visit her sister, Mrs. Stephen Green, and on Friday evening following she passed into the eternal world. Her funeral was largely attended from the same church in Kent, in which she had publicly made profession of her faith in Christ, just four weeks before. 7. James A. Haymaker, seventh child and fourth son of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born June 21, 1848, and died at Gunnison, Colo., June 14, 1911. He received his education in the district school near Earlville, and at Mt. Union College, where he spent several terms. In January, 1865, when he was between sixteen and seven- teen years of age, he enlisted in the 193d Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry and became one of the "boys in blue," ready to fight, or die, if need be, in defense of the Union. After a few months of active service in Virginia, he wax mustered out August 12, 1865. Young Hay- maker then taught school for a number of years. In 1871 he located a homestead in Butler County, Kan., n. JAJMES 83 and returned to Ohio, where he again engaged in school-teaching. On June 21, 1876, he married in Windham, Portage County, Samantha E. Wilson, who was born July 4, 1851, in Northampton, Summit County. The next spring Mr. Haymaker went with his wife to their Kansas home, where for a few years they were engaged in a heroic struggle with drought, cyclones, grasshoppers, and chinch-bugs. In the spring of 1882 we find him, with wife and children, in Gunnison, Col. Like a true man he was ready for any honest work that offered. He worked in a sawmill, at making railroad ties, mining, cooking, smelting, blacksmithing, prospecting, ranching, and finally engaged in mercantile pursuits in Gunnison. Mr. and Mrs. Haymaker have had five children: 1. ZiLBA Maxwell, born in Butler County, Kan., August 18, 1877, 2. Sullivan W^ilson, born on same farm Sep- tember 11, 1879, 3. Crete Ellene, born at the same place September 23, 1881, 4. Joel Walter, born in Gunnison, June 13, 1887, and 5. Clara Llewellyn, born in Gun- nison August 16, 1894. The dear daughter Crete lived only a little more than eight years. She passed into the eternal world March 30, 1890. Remarkably endowed by nature, and exceedingly attractive, she was a great favorite with all. In a letter received from Mr. Haymaker, in 1910, he says, "Our present occupation is farming. I and my three sons own eight hundred and eighty acres of land in the Gunnison River Valley. Mrs. Haymaker and myself and our daughter Clara are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. We were members of other churches before we came to Gunnison, but not finding the churches of our choice here, we joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, for Christian fellowship and work." That was surely the right thing to do. Mr. Haymaker has served the public as township trustee, as assessor, and for several 84 THE DAVIS FAMILY terms as school director. In 1908 he was honored with the nomination for representative in the legislature of the state by the Socialists of Gunnison County. 8. Clara L. Haymaker, eighth child and fourth daughter of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born August 30, 1850. She spent her early life in the usual way, per- forming home duties, enjoying home advantages, and attending the district school. On October 21, 1874, she was married to George B. Green, who was born in Franklin township, November 26, 1851, and died Novem- ber 26, 1902. He was the son of Seneca Green, one of the pioneer settlers of the township. Mr. George Green inherited the farm on which his father had lived and died. There three children were born: Mabel A., James S., and Walter H. There too they experienced that inter- mingling of joy and sorrow which is the common lot of mortals. But their share of trial and sorrow was more than what is common. For in the summer of 1890 the beloved wife and mother became afflicted with a strange and dangerous form of disease. For a long time she endured with Christian patience and heroism the severest pain. Of this she was finally relieved by successful sur- gery. Although it left her a cripple for life, her children and friends are thankful that the life of one so dear to them was preserved. (a) Mabel Almira Green was born August 28, 1875. She was graduated from the Kent High School in 1894. She then taught school for five years. On September 6, 1899, she was married to John Frank Merkel, of Stow township. He was a native of Minnesota. After their marriage they spent a year in Chicago, where Mr. Merkel was an engineer. They returned to Ohio, and settled on their farm in Stow township. They have two children: Lois Mildred, born August 25, 1900, and George Elliott, born July 29, 1903. (6) James Seneca Green was born May 5, 1880. He n. JAMES 85 was graduated from the Kent High School ; took a partial course in Buchtel College, and a full course in a business college, in Cleveland. He then entered the establish- ment of Williams Brothers' Milling Company in Kent. He is manager of this concern, which turns out one thou- sand barrels of flour per day. He married Harriet Louise Reed, of Kent, October 1, 1908, and has built a beautiful home on Main Street, which they are now occupying. (c) Walter Haymaker Green was born February 26, 1889, had a good common school education, and is now (1911) salesman in the boot and shoe department of the Diamond Rubber Works, Akron, O. 9. An infant, a son, that died before it was named. 10. Almira E. Haymaker, tenth child and fifth daughter of the family, was born January 27, 1854. Brought up in the same pleasant home, and fitted for her life-work in the same way with her older sisters, she was married. May 19, 1875, to Theodore H. Kindice. He was born in Ravenna, May 17, 1848. His father owned a farm which the son helped to cultivate, and so he became a farmer. After his marriage Mr. Kindice rented farms for five years. He then purchased one near Earlville, which has been the home of the family ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Kindice have a son, William J. (a) William J. Kindice, after securing what education circumstances permitted, married, October 15, 1901, Abbie E. Moore, a daughter of one of the nearest neigh- bors. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs, Kindice, Oneta A., born August 10, 1902, and Errol L., born February 14, 1904. After his marriage Mr. Kindice tried different vocations, among others steam-shovel work, and firing on the Erie Railway. He finally bought a small farm in 1905. In 1908 he was working this farm, and the larger one of his father, the one adjoining the other. When I was in that 86 THE DAVIS FAMILY neighborhood in November, 1909, Mr. Kindice was absent from home, working with his steam shovel-plow, in Illinois, for the Carter Construction Company. 11. Martha Amelia Haymaker, eleventh child and sixth daughter of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born May 20, 1856. Her training and education were the same that her sisters had received, and on Christmas Day, 1877, she was married to Maxwell G. Norton, who was born in Franklin township, June 18, 1854. He was brought up on a farm; was then engaged as clerk in a store in Kent, and afterward as traveling salesman for different firms. Mr. and Mrs. Norton had two children: Mary Jennett, born November 16, 1878, who was married on her birthday, in 1898, to John Edward Price. Mr. Price is foreman in the Nicholson File Shop, in Pater- son, N. J., and in that city is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Price; and Claude Haymaker, born January 12, 1881. He attended the public schools of Kent. For five years he was employed in the American Tin Plate Works in New York City. He then traveled two years for the Franco-American Food Company, and is now living in California. Mrs. Norton's second husband is Frederick Harry ViCKERS, a machinist in the employ of the Erie Railway Company. He was born in England December 14, 1844. The family came to this country when he was a child. He grew up in Hudson, O. In 1861, when the Union was in peril, and President Lincoln was calling for troops, Harry Vickers, although very young, volunteered, and served, first, for three months, in the 19th Ohio Regiment, and then, during the war, in the 105th Ohio Regiment. He was wounded four times in the battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and Lookout Mountain. At one time he was, with his regiment, under a steady fire of the enemy, for two weeks. He was one of the detail that escorted the body of Lincoln from Washington to Cleveland. II. JAMES 87 Mr. Vickers has two sons by a former marriage. One is a telegraph operator in Cleveland. The other is in the tinning business in Kent. Mrs. Vickers and her daughter, Mrs. Price, are members of the Universalist Church. 12. Cora E. Haymaker, twelfth child and seventh daughter of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born May 5, 1858, and died February 2, 1859. 13. William J. Haymaker, thirteenth child and sixth son of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born February 2, 1860. He was reared on the old home farm where he lived until 1889. He attended the district school, which, with five terms in the Union School at Kent, comprised his school-days. He rented his father's farm, and worked it for eight years. On March 1, 1882, he married Mary L. Olin, daughter of Elon and Ellen Olin, of Streetsboro, this being a second bond of union between the Olin and the Davis-Haymaker families. Mr. Haymaker purchased his father's old farm in 1900, and maintained the home there for his mother until her death in 1907. He removed to Ravenna in 1901. He has never taken any active part in politics, nor sought any nomination but one, that of city councilman. That office he held for three years, being president of the Council, and chairman of the Public Service Committee for two years. He was a member of the township school board for fifteen years before moving to Ravenna. He is engaged in no other business than having a general over- sight of his two farms (Mrs. Haymaker having inherited one from her father) and his town properties in Ravenna and Kent. On the organization of the Civic League of Ravenna, Mr. Haymaker was elected its first president. He was also a member of the Executive Committee of the Local Option Association of Portage County, which was instru- mental in putting the saloons out of the county. The 88 THE DAVIS FAMILY family are now (1911) living in their beautiful home on the farm in Streetsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Haymaker have two children: (a) FredericIc E., born October 15, 1883, was gradu- ated from the high school of Ravenna. He then took a four years' course in the Ohio State University, gradu- ating from the department of agriculture. He then took charge of the old home farm in Franklin Township. (6) Elizabeth Olin, born August 2, 1886. She was graduated from the Ravenna High School with first honors, and then took a full course in the W. R. Woman's College, receiving the degree of A.B. She is a teacher in the public schools of Kent. 14. Abbie May Haymaker, the youngest of the family, being the fourteenth child and eighth daughter of J. D. and M. R. Haymaker, was born November 27, 1863. The district school furnished the greater part of her edu- cation, which was supplemented at the Union School in Kent. On November 23, 1887, the old home was once more the scene of wedding festivities, when the last of this fine family was married to Edmund W. Case. He was born November 1, 1858, in Hudson Township, where he was brought up on his father's farm, until, when sixteen years of age, he went to Hudson, and learned to be a carpenter and joiner. He found employment in Hudson, Cleveland, and Kent, coming to the last place in 1880. Here he was employed for some time in the car shops of the Erie Railway. He then worked at his trade in Kent and vicinity until 1900, when he moved to South Haven, Mich. In 1906 our friends moved to Pasadena, Cal., where they still reside. Their only child, Lona, was born October 15, 1892, in the "old home," where her mother was born. She is attending school in Pasadena. The parents are members of the Universalist Church. III. WILLIAM William Davis, the younger, was the third child of Wilham and Mary Means Davis, and was born April 22, 1762, in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, Pa. Soon after the Revolutionary War, that is, in 1784, when the younger William was twelve years old, his father sold his Bucks County farm, and moved to Franklin County, Pa. He purchased a large farm near Strasburg, and lived on it until 1795, when he moved farther West. The son William remained on the farm. Another son, Henry, also remained in Franklin County, his home being at Strasburg. On November 23, 1786, William Davis and Sarah Stew^art were married by the Rev. James Grier. They were members of the Rocky Spring Presbyterian Church, and with their family were regular attendants under three successive pastors, viz.: Rev. John Craighead, Rev. Francis Herron, afterward pastor of the First Presby- terian Church of Pittsburg, and Rev. Dr. John McKnight, who had been for many years a pastor in the city of New York. The quaint old brick church, erected in 1794, is still standing. The Scotch-Irish Congress of America, when meeting in Chambersburg, a few years ago, held a religious service out at Rocky Spring. Of this church William Davis, the younger, was an elder for many years. The only time I ever attended church there, so far as I can recollect, was in the summer of 1842. After the service I went into the graveyard to see the graves of my grandparents, which I easily found, marked as they were by appropriate stones. My grandfather died October 6, 1823. That was the "fall of the sickness," which was so often referred to when I was young. My grandmother died April 12, 1825. The children of William and Sarah Davis were seven in 90 THE DAVIS FAMILY number: 1. William S., 2. Robert, 3. Joseph, 4. Eliza- beth, 5. James, 6. John, 7. Mary. A. William Stewart Davis (William the third) born February 19, 1788, grew up on the farm, obtaining such an education as was then possible in rural communities. He was a thoughtful, earnest young man, fond of books and reading, and largely self-educated. When grown up he went to Charabersburg to learn surveying under Thomas Kirby, Esq. On December 29, 1812, my father married Joanna Kirby, the eldest of the four living daughters of Mr. Kirby. She was in her twentieth year, my father being nearly twenty-five. They were married by the Rev. James Walker, of the "Seceder" Church, which was the church of my maternal grandparents. Mr. Kirby, my maternal grandfather, was a noted schoolmaster in Chambersburg from 1790 until his death in 1815. The family to which he belonged had come from Wales, and settled in Virginia. There Thomas was born in 1757. When he was twenty-one years of age, and possessed of a good education for that day, he crossed the Potomac, entered Pennsylvania, and engaged in school-teaching on the Warm Spring Road, about five miles west of Chambersburg. Among his pupils was a pretty lass of eleven named Jean Withney. As time wore on, Jean grew more and more attractive, and Thomas fell in love with her. That Cupid was an active assistant in that schoolroom is evident from the fact that the teacher indited to Jean, when she was but thirteen, two love-songs which are still extant, one dated June 20, 1780, the other August 26 of the same year. Jean's father, William Withney, and his young bride, Nancy Bryan, were among the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians who came to this country between 1760 and 1765. He located a farm on the Warm Spring Road, a portion of which is now owned by Henry Lenherr. There he lived WILLIAM STEWART DAVIS m. WILLIAM 91 and raised his family. This consisted of Arthur, who married Mary Wise and lived in Hagerstown; Jean, who became the wife of Thomas Kirby; Elizabeth, who mar- ried John Kennan; Agnes, who married William Arm- strong, and lived in Greencastle; and John, who lived and died a bachelor. John Kennan was a farm hand employed by William W^ithney. One night Patrick Jack, a neighbor, came over to inquire whether any one was ill, as he heard the whinnying of one of the Withney horses going rapidly to town, and he thought some one must be going for the doctor. Investigation showed that a horse was missing, as well as John Kennan and Elizabeth, one of the daugh- ters of the house. The next morning it appeared that they had gone to town, sought the services of a minister, and returned home husband and wife. The eloping couple were soon forgiven, and, over the customary liba- tion, the matter was amicably settled. John and Elizabeth went to the "Back Woods," find- ing their way to what afterward became Belmont County, Ohio. There they battled with rattlesnakes and hard times. Their son William went to the county-seat, St. Clairsville, became a lawyer, a member of Congress, and a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio. From the Ken- nans are descended the McPhersons, of Cambridge, and the Underbills and Dunhams of Cincinnati. Thomas Kirby married Jean Withney in 1784 and went to Hagerstown, Md. Here were born to them three children, all of whom died young. They then moved to Chambersburg, Pa., where Mr. Kirby found a wider field for the exercise of his scholastic attainments. He opened a school on Queen Street, and soon had as many pupils as he could properly instruct. The young men of Cham- bersburg who wished to go to college were fitted for it by him. Among his pupils was George Chambers, after- ward Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 92 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mr. Kirby is said to have been the best penman, and to have had the best library in Chambersburg. He was made a Justice of the Peace, and served for a number of years. From 1804 to 1809 he was the County Surveyor. He died in 1815, and Mrs. Kirby followed him in 1835. Their graves are in the Falling Spring Cemetery. After their removal to Chambersburg four daughters and one son were born to Mr. and Mrs. Kirby: Joanna in 1793; Jane in 1795; Jemima in 1800; Martha in 1806; and James Ross (named after a noted Pennsylvania educator) in 1809. My father, Wm. S. Davis, married Joanna, December 29, 1812. Jane was married, January 22, 1816, to Silas Harry, a stone-mason and builder of the best bridges in the county. He was from Chester County, Pa. In 1830 Jemima became Mrs. John Cree. Mr. Cree was a furniture dealer from Huntingdon County, and one of the most active and useful Christian men in Chambersburg. Martha was married to William Gilmore, from Cumberland County, a merchant-tailor, then a pub- lic official, such as postmaster, sheriff, etc. He was a con- spicuous figure also at the head of the military forces of the county on the annual muster-days in the month of May. The four sisters and their brother, who married Rebecca Seibert, remained in Chambersburg; all reared families, and what jolly times we cousins had growing up together! The Kirby sisters were all clever, intelligent, and witty; amiable and hospitable, with plenty of Scotch-Irish humor, full of fun and laughter, making their homes attractive centers of good fellowship, and withal good Christian women, devoted to their Lord and Master and their church. William S. Davis was an active, public-spirited and useful citizen. He had the respect and confidence of the people, and did a large amount of business as executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, and the like. He was a Justice of the Peace for many years, and County Sur- . m. WILLL\M 93 veyor for several terms. As such, he became familiar with every part of the county, and acquainted with a great many people. He constructed and published an excellent map of Franklin County. At the time of his decease he was cashier of the Chambersburg Savings Bank, of which he was one of the organizers. As an elder of the Falling Spring Presbyterian Church he was highly esteemed and honored. In the prime of life, and in the midst of useful and honorable activities, he lost his life, through an illness brought on by exposure in the dis- charge of his duties as surveyor. He passed away from earth on the morning of May 4, 1837. Although I have not the fine tribute paid to his life and character in the Franklin Repository, I have never forgotten that it began with Pope's line, "An honest man's the noblest work of God." After the marriage of my father and Joanna Kirby, he taught school for a time in McDowell's schoolhouse, not far from St. Thomas, Franklin County. During the time of their sojourn there, their first child was born — a son named William Vanlear, after his father, and a friend living in that vicinity. My mother had very little school education, but she was self-educated. She was very fond of reading, and read the best books available, remembered what she read, and was always interesting in imparting information. WTien she traveled she was a close observer of men and things, became acquainted with people, and had a great amount of information to communicate to her friends on her return. She loved young people, and as she grew older kept in touch with them. After her children had all gone to homes of their own, she generally had with her one or more young friends, who always found delightful companionship in their "aunt" or "grandma" Davis. My mother lived in her own home on Queen Street till 94 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1864 — the year of her death. Chambersburg, being near the border, was subject to raids from Virginia during the Civil War. She was much disturbed by those, and to escape one of them she sought refuge with us in Middle- town. She was mercifully called to her heavenly home just in time to escape the destructive raid by McCaus- land's troops, when the larger and better portion of Chambersburg was burned — my mother's house and its contents with the rest. William Stewart and Joanna Davis had nine children, as follows: 1. William V., 2, Jane K., 3. Sarah, 4. Eliza- beth, 5. Martha, 6. Thomas K., 7. Joanna, 8. Robert S., and 9. Mary S. 1. William Vanlear Davis (William the fourth) was born October 9, 1813. He grew up in Chambersburg, enjoying better educational advantages than his fathers before him. His best teacher, and the one who made him a remarkably fine teacher himself, was the Rev. Samuel Wylie Crawford, a minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, who was at that time principal of the Chambersburg Academy, and afterwards a more widely known and eminent teacher in Philadelphia. Vanlear pursued his college course at Washington College, Washington, Pa. On September 9, 1834, he married Catherine Wilson Acheson, of a distinguished Wash- ington family. Although he studied law under Judge Alexander Thomson, of Chambersburg, with such fellow- students as Vice-President Hendricks, and United States Senator John Scott, and had talent enough to have succeeded well in the profession he never practised law, but remained a teacher all his life, first as principal of the Chambersburg Academy, and afterward as principal of the Male High School, in Lancaster, Pa. Here he died February 1, 1874, in the sixty-first year of his age, and was buried in the Lancaster Cemetery. n MRS. A, H. S E N S E N Y WILLIAM STEWART DAVIS / ^ H L^ .V J 12,^ ^ M I 1 f f^^B ^^^^ J A. II. S E N S E N Y, M, D. WILLIAM V. DAVIS m. ^\TLLIAJM 95 The Lancaster Daily Express said: "Our community was thro\sTi into no ordinary gloom by the announcement that IVIr. William V. Davis had breathed his last. . . . The hundreds of boys now grown to manhood in this city who sat under his kind, fatherly instruction during the long years that he occupied the position of principal of the Male High School, could scarcely realize the announcement, for all felt toward him as they would toward a faithful parent. As a teacher it is perhaps not saying too much to assert that he was without a superior in the country. Calm, patient, dignified — gentle, yet firm, he had a most genial and attractive manner, draw- ing all persons to him." A Chambersburg paper said: "For many years he taught with great success and bril- liancy, almost every one of the educated men of this place having been trained under his care. His system was thorough, no scholar being too dull to be brightened, and none too bright to be polished, under his wonderful tuition. The youth that passed from his mastership to the colleges always took high position in these institutions, and it was the common observation of the professors that the pupils of Mr. Davis were more thoroughly grounded and trained than any others that entered their halls. There were no royal roads or short cuts in the paths of knowledge over which he presided. His boys had to know and understand the route as they traveled it, and when they attained this knowledge and understanding they were in possession of them forever. Their course was steady and rapid. We can name men now promi- nent in all the professions who are proud to assign to him the honor of their education. An attractive and delightful companion, he was a general favorite. His handsome person, winning smile, and musical voice were gifts bestowed upon few. Well read in classical and modern literature, brilliant as a wit and humorist, he impressed himself upon all who met 90 THE DAVIS FAMILY him. Wherever he went he made friends who never forsook him." Catharine Acheson Davis, his wife, was a faithful, noble Christian lady, a devoted wife and mother, intelligent and attractive in society. The late Dr. Dundas told me, some years ago, that when he was a student at Washing- ton, he was present at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, and he thought he "never in his life saw a handsomer couple standing up to be married." This excellent and beloved lady died at her home in Lancaster December 17, 1886, and was buried beside her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the First Presby- terian Church of Lancaster. Their children were eleven in number, viz. : 1. Mary A., 2. William, 3. Joanna K., 4. David A., 5. Jane S,, 6. Ellen, 7. Lucy, 8. George, 9. Katharine W., 10. Margaret M., 11. Annie M. 1. Mary Acheson Davis, born in Chambersburg (as were all the children), was a very sweet and lovable girl, who brightened the home, and was esteemed and loved by all who knew her. She was a teacher in the Lancaster schools, faithful and useful. But she passed into a brighter realm to be with the Lord she loved, November 9, 1872. 2. William Davis, the fifth William, died in infancy. 3. Joanna Kirby Davis, a bright and promising girl, was not destined to live the long life which all her loving friends hoped might be her lot. She was married in 1873 to George Watson of a most estimable family in Cham- bersburg, and died in that place on May 3, 1875. 4. David Acheson Davis, the second son, named after his maternal grandfather, died in infancy. 5. Jane Senseny Davis, the third daughter, like all her sisters, had a good education, became a fine Christian young woman, faithful in all her relations and duties. She survived her parents for some years, was home- ra. WILLIAM 97 mother and home-maker at the family residence in Lan- caster, where she died November 15, 1897. 6. Ellen Davis was a very pretty and lovable child, but it pleased God to call her to himself when she was about three years of age. 7. Lucy Davis, well educated and trained, grew up to a beautiful and attractive womanhood. She was married to Major Adam Cyrus Reinohl of Lancaster. He was a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, was an oflBcer in the Union Army during the Civil War, and became a prominent citizen of Lancaster, of which city he was the postmaster for some years, while Mrs. Reinohl graced the position which she held in the church and in society. They were members of the First Presbyterian Church. Their children were four in number: 1. Walter A., 2. Mary A., 3. Gertrude L., 4. Albert R. All were born in the home on Duke Street. (a) Walter Allen Reinohl was educated in private schools and was graduated with honors from Franklin and Marshall College. He then pursued graduate studies in the University of Minnesota, and read law under the Hon. John P. Rea, of Minneapolis. For eight or more years he has held a fine position in the United States Revenue OflSce, at Pittsburg. (6) ]VL\.RY Acheson Reinohl was educated in private schools in Lancaster, and at the Hollidaysburg Female Seminary. She became a charter-member of the Iris Club of Lancaster. On January 31, 1900, she became the wife of Walter Wishart Macfarren, of Pittsburg. They were wedded in the First Presbyterian Church of Lancaster by the pastor, Rev. Dr. James Y. Mitchell. Mr. Macfarren was born in Pittsburg, and educated at Pennsylvania State College and at the University of Pittsburg. His profession is that of a mechanical engi- neer. His father was Samuel James Macfarren, and his mother Caroline McClurg. His grandparents on the 98 THE DAVIS FAMILY maternal side were William T. McClurg and Mary Eason. His grandfather was born in Pittsburg in 1799. He traveled around the world. His great-grandfather McClurg was a fine old Irish gentleman who came to this country in 1798 the year of the great but unsuccessful Irish rebellion against the British Government. There is a quite romantic story of his escape from the King's soldiers, and safe arrival in America. His foundry, built where the old Garrison foundry now is, was the first foundry built west of the Alleghany Mountains. He made the cannon-balls that were used in Perry's battle with the British on Lake Erie. When Lafayette visited Pittsburg in 1824 William T. McClurg was on the recep- tion committee. I am sorry that I have not received a record of the Macfarren side of the house. But one who knew her, says of the grandmother on that side, "She was a very handsome and interesting old lady," so that Walter and Mary are of good stock on both sides, and we expect them to live a noble life, and to rear a family that will be a joy to them, and a blessing to the world. Their children are: 1. Dorothy Wood Macfarren, 2. Richard Acheson Macfarren, 3. Gwendolyn Davis Macfarren, 4. Walter Wish art Macfarren. Mr. and Mrs. Macfarren are members of the Shadyside Presbyterian Church, of Pittsburg. (c) Gertrude Laughlin Reinohl was educated in the private schools of Lancaster, and "finished" at Miss Marshall's School in Philadelphia. She is a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and is a very agreeable and attractive young lady. {d) Albert Riegel Reinohl was educated in the private and public schools of Lancaster, and is a member of the First Presbyterian Church. He has a fine position in the Hamilton Watch Company, of Lancaster, and is an active member of the Y. M. C. A. m. WILLIAM 99 8. George Davis, a beautiful and promising child, as I remember him, died in infancy. 9. KL\THARiNE Wilson Davis from an early age has lived in Washington, D. C. She became a member of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in 1875, and, on October 6, 1880, was married to Francis Virgil Walker. An intelligent and cultured lady, Mrs. Walker is the very agreeable mistress of a pleasant home in Washington. Mr. Walker, a native of Maine, is chief clerk in the pay office of the Navy Department, at Washington, which position he has held for many years. This tells the story of his integrity, efficiency, and devotion to duty. (a) Marcus Acheson Walker, their only child, was born September 24, 1881. He was named after his grand- uncle, the Hon. Marcus Acheson, many years Judge of the United States District Court at Pittsburg. He was pre- pared for college in the public schools of Washington, and was graduated from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. On April 12, 1910, he married, at her home in Wasliing- ton, Harriet Naomi Hoover, a most excellent young lady. They reside at Lansford, Pa., where Mr. Walker is engaged as a mechanical engineer, in the service of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. 10. IVLoiGARET McKnight Davis, since the death of her sister Jane, has been the faithful and efficient home- maker at the family residence in Lancaster. She is a member of the First Presbyterian Church. 11. Annie Morrison Davis, the youngest, but not the least stirring and vivacious of the family, lives in Washington, D. C, having a position in the United States Census Bureau. She is a member of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, has sterling qualities of head and heart, is good company at all times, and is deserving of great credit for her energy and perseverance. 100 THE DAVIS FAMILY 2. Jane Kirby Davis, second child of W. S. and J. K. Davis, was born November 21, 1815, She received a good education, and was married, January 16, 1838, to Dr. Abraham Hoover Senseny of Chambersburg. Dr. Senseny died July 17, 1879, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. Mrs. Senseny died in August, 1896, in her eighty- first year. Sister Jane was a woman of a quiet but very pleasing manner. She had a superior mind, but the spiritual part of her nature as being the basis of disposition and character, was regarded by her as more important than the intellectual. Her mind was cultivated and stored with knowledge, but her spirituality was predominant. As a daughter, wife, mother, sister, friend, she was a model. She had far more than the ordinary share of aflBiction, in losing six of her children, four of them sons in the prime of their manhood, and a noble husband. But no one would have known it from anything in her appearance or manner — such equanimity, such a kindly, cheerful spirit had she attained. In an obituary, which appeared in a Chambersburg paper, it was said: "Mrs. Senseny was a member of the Falling Spring Presbyterian Church, and very active in the work of the congregation. She was happy in possessing the esteem of a large number of friends. Sympathetic and helpful, there are many who remember with warmest gratitude the numerous kindly services she rendered them. . . . She was a woman of brilliant literary parts; an omnivorous reader, and assimilated all she read. She had written many essays and historical articles, which were marked by depth of thought and an ornate style which were thoroughly enjoyed by all who were privileged to hear them. Un- fortunately these were few, for Mrs. Senseny depreciated her talents, and allowed only her very intimate friends to peruse the written pages. Her death is mourned by many." Dr. Alfred Nevin's "Men of Mark of Cumberland m. WILLIAM 101 Valley" contains a sketch of Dr. A. H. Senseny — a por- tion of which I will give. He was born in Chambersburg August 25, 1811, and received his education in the famous Academy of that town. He was graduated in medicine from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1835, and began the active practice of his profession in his native town the same year. He continued to practise uninterruptedly for forty-three years, and won a reputa- tion as wide as the state. His father and grandfather had practised in Chambersburg before him, for a great many years. "We have no doubt that he has had a larger and more varied experience than any other physi- cian who has ever practised in his neighborhood. For more than forty weary years he has labored with scarce a relaxation, practising all the branches of his profession, adding luster to the family name, which for almost one hundred years has been renowned in the medical annals of Franklin County. He was an occasional contributor to the medical journals, was an habitual reader of new medical publications, and somehow found time for the perusal of leading works in literature, for which he had a decided taste. " The peculiar characteristics of Dr. Senseny are quick- ness and acuteness of perception, promptness of action, and unwearying energy. With intuition he perceives the nature of a disease, and with great rapidity brings his resources to bear upon its relief. "The Doctor is eminently a social personage of strong attachments and prepossessions. In the case of the seriously sick, he is all gentleness and affection, but emphatic and positive to the querulous and inter- meddling. No member of his community is more quoted for racy anecdotes and quaint and pungent sayings. His great reputation fills his rooms with patients, takes him long journeys from home in consultations, and draws numbers of students to his office." 102 THE DAVIS FAMILY All business was suspended in Chambersburg on the occasion of Dr. Senseny's funeral, and the whole town and county mourned his death. The children of Dr. and Mrs. Senseny were as follows: 1. William D., 2. Alexander H,, 3. Benjamin R., 4. Edgar N., 5. Kate E., 6. George M., 7. Alice D., 8. Jeannette. 1. William Davis Senseny was born November 9, 1838. He was educated at the Chambersburg Academy, and was graduated from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He was a young man of sweet disposition, noble character, and fine talents, and gave promise of becoming a worthy successor of his father. But in con- sequence of too close application to his studies, and ex- posure on a cold, raw day, to witness the launching of a vessel, after a brief illness he passed away on May 17, 1861, a short time after his graduation. 2. Alexander Hamilton Senseny was born Septem- ber 26, 1840, and died July 17, 1866. From his birth he had a heart trouble which affected his health and activity. But he had a fine mind and profited by such educational advantages as his health permitted. He taught for some time at home, and for a time in Kelso's Academy, at Dan- ville, Pa. He had a talent for journalism, and was a fre- quent contributor to the newspapers. "Aleck" was naturally serious and thoughtful, and being converted at a revival meeting in the United Brethren Church, he united with that denomination and became deeply religious in spirit and thoroughly Christian in his life. 3. Benjamin Rush Senseny was born December 12, 1842, and died March 28, 1880. He was handicapped from early life by hip disease, but notwithstanding this, and consequent lameness, he was one of the strongest and most stirring and venturesome boys in the town. After taking an academical course, he studied medicine under his father. In 1862, at the age of twenty, he went before III. WILLL\M 103 a board of army surgeons in Philadelphia, and, passing a creditable examination, was ordered to Cherry Hill Hospital. From that he was transferred to Jefferson Barracks, below St. Louis; then to a hospital in St. Louis. While there he attended lectures in Pope's Medical Col- lege, and was graduated from that institution in 1864. In that year he was ordered to Chambersburg, Pa., to take charge of the hospital there, and he remained at that post till the close of the war. During that time, fifteen hundred soldiers, principally convalescents from the Army of the Potomac, were under his care. On March 22, 1865, he married Rosalie Johnston Murdock, of St. Louis, Mo. He practised medicine in Chambers- burg until 1868, when, broken in health, he went to Cali- fornia. Shortly after his arrival on the Pacific coast, he went to White Pines, Nev. At that place he was appointed president of the Board of Health; and during a terrible epidemic of Asiatic smallpox among the miners of that region, he frequently performed the duties of doctor, minister, and sexton. Returning to Chambers- burg, he spent the latter years of his life in the practice of medicine, and the propagation of bovine virus, in which business he was very enthusiastic. In 1877 he became a member of the Falling Spring Presbyterian Church, under the pastoral care of Dr. Agnew Crawford. Dr. Rush Senseny was a talented man, endowed with many fine qualities of head and heart. He was calculated to win the confidence and esteem of people anywhere; but it was shown remarkably during his several years' sojourn among the miners and others in the West. Bold, energetic, enterprising, approachable, affable, and kind- hearted, he was quickly in touch with the wild moun- taineers. They honored him with positions of trust and responsibility. His professional knowledge and skill were constantly sought, and freely and unselfishly given. 104 THE DAVIS FAMILY It was his lot, during the closing years of his life on earth, to endure great sufferings. These he bore with calmness and fortitude. Often, when racked with intense pain, he would converse with friends, with a smile upon his face, and in a most animated and affable manner. His self-control was marvelous. The crowning beauty of his character was the strong religious conviction and deep and earnest piety which mellowed the last two years of his life. He had set his house in order. Without any fear he heard the approach- ing footsteps of the pale messenger. For the Christian's faith and hope had robbed death of its terrors and illu- minated the darkness of the grave. And so Dr. Rush Senseny was ready to obey the call, and to rise on that glad Easter morning to a brighter and better world. When Rosalie Murdock became Mrs. Rush Senseny, she also became a charming addition to Chambersburg society. Possessed of artistic ability, finely educated, and cultured by foreign travel, she was a lady of most winning personality. Her true Southern hospitality made her delightful home an attractive center. She especially endeared herself to a large circle of relatives for whom she kept open house. None knew her but to love her. Her long-afflicted husband enjoyed the companionship and ministrations of a most devoted wife. On April 5, 1911, this lovely woman was suddenly called away to join the blessed company assembled in the house of many mansions — a glorious promotion for her — but a sore bereavement to the dear daughter who has thus lost not only a loving mother — but a dear sister and comrade — and to the many friends as well, who feel the departure of Rose Senseny to be a great personal loss. (a) Jeannette Latham Senseny, their only child, is a vivacious and lovable young lady, who makes troops of m. WILLIAM 105 friends by her good nature and love of fun. She was well educated in the public schools of Chambersburg, and at Wilson College. Exliibiting a marked talent for music, she was given a fine training in that line, studying abroad for a time. She taught vocal and instrumental music at the famous Indian school at Carlisle for several years; also in the South, and is now one of the faculty of music in the well-known and flourishing Wilson College, Chambers- burg, Pa. By way of relaxation from her taxing duties at the college she assists in rendering the home on Market Street an attractive one to visit, and a hard one to leave. "Jeanne," like her mother before her, is an active member of the Falling Spring Church. 4. Edgar Nevin Senseny was born November 10, 1844, and died October 2, 1884. Educated at the Cham- bersburg Academy, he was graduated with high honor from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1870. Returning at once to Chambersburg, he became asso- ciated with his father, and shared with him the very large practice which the latter had. Of fine physique, of an amiable disposition, and pleasing manners; of agreeable conversational powers, having a kind word for every one, and withal being specially adapted to the practice of medicine. Dr. Edgar soon made a host of friends. And so for a few years, being overworked and exposed to all kinds of weather by day and by night, the seeds of disease were sown, that cost him his life. He was the last of a long line of eminent physicians, and passing away at the early age of forty, his death was a sore bereavement to his mother and relatives, and a disappointment and sorrow to the public in general. 5. EL^TE Elizabeth Senseny was born November 25, 1846, and had a good home-training, and education in private schools and in Rosedale Seminary. She was married by her uncle, Rev. T. K. Davis, on Decem- ber 19, 1866, to William M. McKnight of Pittsburg. 106 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mr. McKnight, born February 19, 1841, was the son of Mr. Joseph McKnight, one of the leading iron and steel men of Pittsburg. His mother was Mary Jane Acheson, a sister of Mrs. Wm. Vanlear Davis. Wm. M. McKjiight was in the war for the Union, and was a member of the famous "Roundhead" regiment. He was discharged from the army, on account of rheumatism contracted in the service. This affected his brain, resulting in nervous prostration and partial paralysis. Notwithstanding this handicap, Mr. McKnight was an active and public- spirited man, and was postmaster of Chambersburg for some years. He died May 30, 1899. Mrs. Kate McKiiight is like her mother, which is say- ing a great deal in her praise. Always vivacious, even when sorrows came, she has been like sunshine in the circle of her friends. Whole-souled and generous, she has spent her life in ministering in the home and com- munity. She has been a good home-maker, and has reared a fine family. Her home is on the banks of the Falling Spring, and near the Falling Spring Church, of which she and her daughters are members. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight have had eight children: 1. Joseph B., 2. Alice S., 3. Edgar S., 4. William A., 5. Elizabeth A., 6. Arthur L., 7. Marcus A., 8. Mary Jane A. (a) Joseph B. McKnight was born in Allegheny, Pa., November 10, 1867. He had good advantages of educa- tion in the Chambersburg Academy, and at the Military Academy at West Chester, Pa. He married in New York City, on November 7, 1897, Sarah West Downs, who was born March 8, 1875. They have one child, Marcus Acheson McKnight, who was born September 27, 1899. Mr. McKnight is a machinist in the Navy Yard, Wash- ington, D. C. Mrs. McKnight is a member of the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, in Washington, of which the Rev. Paul Hickok is pastor. m. WILLIAM 107 (6) Alice Senseny McKnight was born at Monti- cello Furnace, Pa., received a good education in Cham- bersburg, and developed a fine artistic taste and talent. She is a lady of unusual versatility and capability, and has for some years been conducting a very popular boarding- house at Bryn Mawr, Pa. Miss McKnight is a member of the Presbji:erian Church. (c) Edgar Senseny McKnight was born at Monti- cello Furnace, Pa., December 6, 1871, and was educated at the Chambersburg Academy. He married, October 19, 1899, IVIary W. Sipe, who was born at McConnells- burg, Pa., July 4, 1874, and is a member of the United Brethren Church. Their children have been: 1. A son, born October 30, 1901, and died November 4, 1901, 2. Alice Gardner McKnight, born October 28, 1902, 3. Arthur Leighton McKnight, born in Washington, D.C, December 27, 1903. 4. George Sipe McKnight, born in Chambersburg, March 5, 1905. (d) William A. McKnight was born at Monticello Furnace, Pa., April 21, 1874. He died of diphtheria at the home of his grandparents, in Chambersburg, May 26, 1877, to the great grief of his grandparents and other relatives, who had become strongly attached to this fine little boy. (e) Elizabeth Acheson McKnight was born in Chambersburg, and is at home with her mother and younger sister. The two sisters have made a special study of domestic science, in which they have become exceedingly proficient. Elizabeth has also spent a con- siderable time in the Chambersburg Hospital, with a view to fitting herself for the important and humane work of a trained nurse. (/) Arthur Leighton McKnight, one of the gentlest and most lovable of boys, was bom February 22, 1883, and died January 30, 1901, at the German Hospital, in Philadelphia, after an operation for appendicitis. 108 THE DAVIS FAMILY (g) Marcus Acheson McKnight was born April 22, 1886. This was the beloved child who fell into the Fal- ling Spring, flowing through the grounds of the family residence, and was drowned October 8, 1888. (h) Mary Jane Acheson McKnight, the youngest of the family, is at home with her mother and sister. Eliza- beth and Mary Jane have excited the admiration of all who know them by their independence and self-reliance and heroic and successful exertions. 6. George McClelland Senseny, the sixth child of Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Senseny, was born August 8, 1849, and died October 12, 1850. He was named after Dr. Senseny's life-long friend. Dr. Geo. McClelland, of Phila- delphia. 7. Alice Denny Senseny was born September 29, 1851, and had a good home-training, and was educated in private schools. She was married. May 11, 1882, to Mr. John D. Grier, a fine business man of Chambersburg, and an earnest Christian, who died August 10, 1888. On December 18, 1894, Mrs. Grier was married to Mr. A. L. Gardner, of Baltimore, Md. Albert Lafayette Gardner was born May 1, 1848, at Springwater, Livingston County, N. Y., in the pic- turesque valley of the Genesee. His parents were Collins and Harriet Watson Gardner. He attended the public schools and academy at Dansville. At sixteen he went to Syracuse, and was graduated from a Com- mercial School, called Ames's Telegraphic Institute. Then began his railroad career, in which he rose rapidly, being first a telegraph operator; then assistant station master; then successively to fine positions on the Michi- gan Central, the Vandalia Line, and the Cumberland Valley Railroad in Pennsylvania, where he became chief train despatcher. In 1881 he went to Baltimore and was train despatcher for nine years on the Western Maryland. He was then elected manager of the Baltimore Car Ser- ra. WILLIAM 109 vice Association, which position he has held for twenty years. He has been in active railroad service since 1864, and never left an office without going to a better position. In 1875, while in Chambersburg, he united with the Presbyterian Church. In 1878 he married Mary Grier Reed, a daughter of Wm. G. and Rebecca L. Reed. They had one child, Lindsay Watson, who left the Cham- bersburg Academy in 1898 to assist his father in the rail- road service in Baltimore, which position he still occupies. The first Mrs. Gardner having died some years before, Mr. Gardner married Mrs. Grier in 1894. He is an elder in the Northminster Presbyterian Church, and being a man of sterling qualities of head and heart, his influence, both in business circles and in the church, is great and good. Mrs. Gardner has been a blessing every day that she has lived. Of unusual vivacity, good nature, and hos- pitality, she has endeared herself to a large circle of friends. She is a raconteur par excellence, and her stories have lightened and brightened her world, which is one of no small circumference. She is a charming kinswoman, loyal to family connection, faithful in church and mis- sionary work, and is a Christian who is surely laying up treasure for herself in the life to come, for she is faithful, helpful, and uplifting to many in the life that now is. 8. Jeannette Senseny, the youngest of the family, was born November 4, 1854, and died of scarlet fever March 2, 1861. 3. Sarah Davis, third child of W. S. and Joanna Davis, was born April 3, 1818, and named after her grand- mother Davis. She departed this life April 23, 1820. 4. Elizabeth Davis, fourth child of same parents, was born December 17, 1820, and named after her father's sister. She died October 10, 1824. 110 THE DAVIS FAMILY 5. Martha Davis, fifth child of same parents, was born September 23, 1823, and named after her mother's sister, Mrs. Martha Gilmore. She died May 5, 1825. 6. Thomas Kirby Davis, sixth child and second son of W. S. and J. K. Davis, was born February 11, 1826. He was a feeble child, and took a full course of the ail- ments to which young America was subject in those days. The family physician thought he would not live to reach manhood. But he has excellent health at the present time, 1911. He was sent to school from a very early age, and so had the misfortune never to have learned how to work. He believes thoroughly in the necessity and advantage of combining manual labor with intellec- tual pursuits. He was fitted for college, by his brother Vanlear, in the Chambersburg Academy, and, as a result, at the age of nineteen he was graduated with high honor from Yale College with the class of 1845. He united with the College Church in 1843, having been persuaded to give himself to Christ by his classmate, Henry Day, afterward an eminent Christian lawyer in New York. For one year after graduation he had charge of the Academy for boys in Bedford, Pa. He entered Princeton Theological Seminary in 1846 and left in 1849. He then taught in the Chambersburg Academy, and at the same time preached at Fayetteville, until he was called to the pastorate of the Bedford Church. His ordination occurred at Newville in 1850, and he was installed at Bedford and Schellsburg that same year. On August 14, 1851, he married Mary Hays Proctor, of Carlisle, Pa. Her family was an excellent one. The father was an honored elder of the Second Presbyterian Church. The oldest son, Rev. John O. Proctor, was at that time a pastor in Maryland. The health of Mrs. Davis appearing to decline, and the call for more minis- ters on the Pacific coast being very urgent, Mr. Davis MRS. THOMAS K I R B Y DAVIS III. WILLIAM 111 requested and received a release from his pastoral charge, and went with his wife and son to California, via the Isthmus of Panama. The railroad across the isthmus was quite new, and it required an entire day to make the forty miles from Aspinwall to Panama. He supplied the First Church of San Francisco for a few months, and then preached for a year in Los Angeles. He and two other ministers — a Methodist and a Baptist — who preached at El Monte, twelve miles from the "City of the Angels," were the only Protestant ministers in the southern half of California. The First Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles, worshiping in the public school- house, numbered twelve members. There are now thirty Presbyterian churches in that city, one of them having more than two thousand members. Driven away by a serious disturbance on the part of the natives, which stopped all business, and closed the church and schools, he went to Stockton, where he preached for a year or more. The last Sabbath he spent in California he preached in Sacramento. On Monday morning a committee waited on him, and urged him to take charge of the church in that city. But the health of Mrs. Davis not having been benefited by the California climate, he deemed it his duty to return to the "States." He settled at Middletown, Pa., where the manse which was built for them was beautifully located, with a most pic- turesque view of the Susquehanna and its islands. But malarial troubles for several seasons, and a threatened breakdown, rendered it necessary for him to seek a release from this pastorate. After resting for a year in Pittsburg, he preached in Mansfield, O., and labored in that growing young city between three and four years. He then asked for a release, in order to engage in working for the establishment of the Synod's College at Wooster. WTiile successfully engaged in that work he was tempted to accept a call to the church of Hayes- 112 THE DAVIS FAMILY ville, and to the chair of languages in Vermihon Institute, with a view to the education of his growing family. While thus engaged, he organized a live and prosperous little church at McKay, which he supplied while he remained in Hayes ville. Being again called into the ser- vice of Wooster University, he moved to Wooster, where he has resided to the present time. For a few years he traveled over the state as fiscal secretary of the Univer- sity. In 1876 he was made one of its Trustees, and secretary of the Board, and also of the Executive Com- mittee. Since 1877 he has been librarian of the Uni- versity. In connection with this work he has served the churches at Mt. Gilead, Loudonville, Perryville, Lexing- ton, and other places. Foreseeing the great "falling away" that would in- evitably follow from the substitution in education of human reasoning, in place of faith in the revelation contained in Holy Scripture, he has been very much devoted to helping the good men who were endeavoring to build up in Ohio a college that would be truly and out- and-out Christian. He has been a frequent contributor to periodical litera- ture, and in 1880 received the degree of D.D. from Penn- sylvania College at Gettysburg, and from Parsons College at Fairfield, Iowa. Mary Proctor Davis had a good education, for her day. Had she enjoyed such advantages as young women now have, at our higher institutions, she would have taken first rank in scholarship. For she had a fine mind. Her piety gave her character, and made her studious; and her natural ability would have enabled her to make the best possible use of her attainments. She would have made a fine teacher and head of a woman's college. She was a Mary Lyon sort of woman. Always feeble in health, and lacking in physical strength, she had such 1 m. WILLIAM 113 an indomitable spirit, and so much energy, that she reared a large family with eminent success, and ordered her household with the wisdom of the good woman described in the thirty-first of Proverbs. I have no hesi- tation in saying that but for her faith and prayers, and her good practical common sense, we might have been swamped in the storm and stress of life. March 28, 1908, was the coronation day of Mrs. Davis ;^ but her sudden and painless translation from earth to heaven was a sad loss to those for whom she had lived and sacrificed so much. Mr. and Mrs. Davis had the following children: 1. William S., 2. INIary O., 3. Miriam M., 4. Janet M., 5. John P., 6. Gertrude S., 7. Robert S., 8. Elizabeth R., 9. Alice S. 1. William Stewart Davis (William the sixth), born in Bedford, Pa., pursued his studies in the public schools of Mansfield, O., and at Vermilion Institute. He then spent two or three years in the oflBce of the Ashland Times. He then entered Wooster University, unfor- tunately leaving in his junior year to enter the office of the Cleveland Leader. Wliile thus employed \}e married Cecilia Elizabeth Mercer, of Cleveland. Being called to the office of the Herald and Presbyter, in Cincinnati, conducted by the famous family of the Monforts, Mr. Da\as was an invaluable assistant to them for twenty years. For some years he has been the expert proof- reader in the Standard Publishing House, in Cincinnati. For many years Mr. Davis has been an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Madisonville, O. His untiring performance of duty in office, church, and home has developed in him a rare degree of resignation, a strong ^ Mrs. Davis was greatly interested in the Missionary Work of the Church, and in the Temperance Reform of our day. Her health was sadly impaired by the active part she took in the Woman's Crusade of 1874, and by her exposure to severe weather in the trying experiences of that memorable winter. 114 THE DAVIS FAMILY faith, and a brave, earnest Christian piety, rarely seen amidst the rush of urban activities. Mrs. Davis, while never very strong, and often inter- rupted by sickness, has been a good wife and mother. She has raised a fine family, and deserves great credit for her unselfish devotion to her loved ones. She is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have had five children: 1. Edith M., 2. Miriam L., 3. William S., 4. Helen S., 5. Rebecca P. (a) Edith Mercer Davis was born in Cleveland, was graduated from one of the high schools of Cincinnati, and from Wooster University, with the class of 1901. She taught at Burkeville, Va., and at Taos, N. M. But, her hearing becoming impaired, she was compelled to give up teaching, and to abandon her long-cherished pur- pose of going out as a foreign missionary. She is her father's able assistant in the Standard Publishing House. Edith is an earnest Christian worker, as a Sabbath School teacher, missionary speaker, writer for the religious press, etc. She has the talent and piety that would have made her a noble missionary had Providence permitted her to go to the foreign field. (6) Miriam Lettie Davis lived only six months. (c) William Stewart Davis (William the seventh) was born in Cincinnati, and was graduated from the high school of Madison ville in 1907. He then took a business course in a Commercial College in Cincinnati, and was in the office of the "Big Four" Railway Company long enough to prove himself an energetic and reliable young man. He left this to continue his studies at the Ohio State University, where he is now (1911) making a spe- cialty of forestry, and winning praises from all who know him. He was for some time an assistant in the office of the president of the University; as he was, when at 1 m. WILLIAM 115 Winona Lake for a summer, employed as an assistant by the Superintendent. (d) Helen Sinclair Davis was born in Cincinnati, and was almost ready to be graduated from the Madison- ville Pligh School when typhoid fever carried ofif this lovely and well-beloved girl, when she had just passed her seventeenth birthday, Helen had early given her heart to the Saviour, and nothing but the assurance that she had entered upon the grand inheritance of the children of God, could have reconciled her parents and numerous friends to losing her companionship. (e) Rebecca Proctor Davis was born in Madison- ville, and is now in the high school, where she is winning applause for her fidelity and high standing as a pupil. She is an earnest young Christian, and possesses those traits of character which should distinguish the disciples of the Great Teacher. Rebecca and her brother were both very near unto death at the time of Helen's depart- ure. Their friends all trust that they were preserved for useful and honorable careers. 2. Mary Officer Davis was born in Bedford, and named after her maternal grandmother. She was a remarkably beautiful and lovable child, and her sudden death, from croup, at Carlisle, Pa., when her parents were en route to California, saddened their journey. She had been with them seventeen months. 3. Miriam Maud Davis was born in Los Angeles, Cal. She pursued her studies at Vermilion Institute and at Wooster University. From the latter she was gradu- ated with the class of 1879. She became assistant librarian of the University for some years, and since 1888 has had charge of the Reference Department in the Public Library of Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Davis, in addition to winning honors in her class at college, for excellence in scholarship, is considered one of the finest reference librarians in the West. She is a member of the W. C. T.U. 116 THE DAVIS FAMILY and of the A. L. A., an omnivorous reader, an excellent linguist, and is thoroughly equipped for her profession. In the home she was always her mother's devoted helper. She is an ideal daughter, sister, and aunt, if diligence, perseverance, unselfishness, and devotion to those dear to her constitute ideality. 4. Janet Morris Davis was born in Mechanicsburg, Pa. She attended the public schools and University of Wooster. While pursuing the study of Greek in her Sophomore year, Cupid entered the class-room, and the result was the wedding on September 2, 1878, of James Wallace, the Adjunct-professor of Greek, and Janet Davis. In September, 1888, they moved to St. Paul, Minn., Professor Wallace having been called to occupy the chair of Greek in Macalester College. He was ere long called to the presidency of the college, which was overwhelm- ingly in debt. Then began one of the most heroic struggles that ever a college president had, to save the life of a most deserving and useful institution. The times being very unfavorable, it required many years to do it, and it required sacrifices on the part of the president, his family, and the faculty, that but few would have been willing to make. But the plucky descendant of a noble Scotch ancestry came out "on top." The institution was entirely cleared of debt, and Macalester College lives to be an honor and a blessing to the great Northwest. When this object had been attained Dr. Wallace resigned the presidency, and was given leave of absence, for three consecutive years, that he might engage in the congenial and delightful work of teaching in the Bible and Mission- ary Training School under the charge of Dr. W. W. White in New York City. While Dr. Wallace was asked by Dr. White to remain, he returned to Macalester College, being induced so to do by the establishment of a Bible School of which he has charge. The degrees of DR. JAMES WALLACE REV. JOHN M, DAVIES III. WILLIAM 117 Ph.D. and LL.D. were conferred upon Professor Wallace by his alma mater, Wooster University. Mrs. Wallace, had she continued her college course, would undoubtedly have won many honors, for she was highly gifted intellectually, and was possessed of musical and poetical talent. But Providence ordered otherwise, and she has had a life of struggle and self-denial under the circumstances above alluded to. But this has developed a spirituality and strength of character that a more easy and comfortable life would hardly have produced. She has reared a remarkably fine family of sons and daughters, and that is something of which Mary Means, the mother of us all, would highly approve; and who can doubt that she wijl warmly welcome to her heavenly "place," when the time shall come, her bright and saintly descendant, Janet Davis Wallace. The children of Dr. and Mrs. Wallace are as follows: 1. Miriam G., 2. Helen M., 3. Benjamin B., 4. Robert S., 5. William R. D., 6. Janet M., 7. Miriam W. (a) Miriam Gabrielle Wallace, always known and loved as "Gay," was born in Wooster. She was a very interesting and dear child who was taken to her heavenly home March 9, 1887. Even at seven years of age her vivacity justified her name. (6) Helen Margaret W^allace was also born in Wooster. A diligent student and well fitted for college, she was graduated from Macalester, with second honor, with the class of 1902. She was librarian for a time at her alma mater, and later attended the Bible Schools in Wooster and New York. She was married by her grandfather, T. K. Davis, assisted by her uncle the Rev. John P. Davis, August 30, 1906, to the Rev. John M. Da vies. He was of good Welsh antecedents, a graduate of Macalester College, and of Princeton Theological Seminary, and pastor for several years of the Presby- terian Church of Grand Rapids, Minn., and is now pastor 118 THE DAVIS FAMILY of the Seventh Presbyterian Church of Chicago, 111. Rarely is a young pastor favored with a helper more devoted to her wifely and domestic duties, or one more beloved by his people for her incessant efforts to promote Christian activities among them. Mr. and Mrs. Davies have two daughters, Janet Rachel, named for her two grandmothers, born at Grand Rapids, Minn., June 25, 1909, and Helen Dorothy, born August 13, 1911, in Chicago, 111. (c) Benjamin Bruce Wallace, born in Wooster, O., won distinction, even as a "Prep," in Wooster Univer- sity. He was graduated from Macalester College, with first honors, in the class of 1902. He was then an in- structor in his alma mater for two years. He won the Rhodes Scholarship for Minnesota, and spent three years in faithful study at Oxford University, England, spending his vacations in study and travel on the Continent. On his return to America he was selected to take charge of the classes of ex-President Scovel, who had been granted leave of absence for a year from Wooster University. Mr. Wallace then spent two years in post-graduate study, having won a fellowship in the University of Wisconsin, where he expects to win the degree of Ph.D. He was then called to be an Instructor in History in Princeton University, which position he still holds in 1911. (d) Robert Sinclair Wallace, commonly known as "Robin," was born in Wooster, Ohio. He was graduated from Macalester College in 1908, and then entered the Forestry Department of Yale University. He spent his vacations in the forests of Pennsylvania and Louisiana, taking practical lessons in forestry. Since his graduation in 1910 he has been stationed by the United States Gov- ernment at Albuquerque, N. M., and at Womba, Ark. Robin is a fine young man, with sterling qualities of head and heart, excellent musical abilities, and is a general favorite. We expect much from Robin, for he is emi- « REV. JOHN P. DAVIS m. WILLIAM 119 nently practical, and will be a useful man, making "this wilderness here below" brighter and better because of his existence. (e) William Roy De Witt Wallace was born in St. Paul, Minn. He was a student at Northfield, Mass., and at Macalester College. He was for a year assistant cashier in his uncle's bank at Monte Vista, Colo. In the fall of 1910, in order to be with a former "chum" at Macalester College, he entered the University of Cali- fornia, at Berkeley. De Witt has fine gifts, excellent principles, is a good writer, and excels in athletics. (/) Janet Macalester Wallace was born in St. Paul, and while on a visit at her grandparent's, in Wooster, she became ill and died, much to the grief of the family, for she was a remarkably sweet and winsome child. Her body rests by the side of her sister Gay in Wooster 's beautiful cemetery. (g) Miriam Winifred Wallace was "nigh unto death" at the same time with her twin sister Janet. She was mercifully spared to be the joy of her parents and friends. She is now "sweet sixteen." She has studied in Northfield, Mass., and is now attending Macalester College. She is fond of athletic sports, being proficient in basket ball and in swimming, reveling in the water each summer while the family resides on Lake Wappagasset. She has been devoted to the piano since childhood, and her brothers are devoted to her for she is a rarely attract- ive and amiable girl. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace and all their children are mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Wallace has been licensed to preach. 5. John Proctor Davis was born in Middletown, Pa. He was graduated from the Wooster High School, and from the University with the class of 1883, having taken the Latin prize during his course. He was for several years a professor in Biddle University, at Charlotte, N. C. 120 THE DAVIS FAMILY He then entered the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, and was graduated from the same in 1889. On April 24, 1890, he married Blanche Oudry, of Alle- gheny. He was the very acceptable and useful pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Keene, O., from 1889 to 1900. A part of that time he was pastor of the churches of Warsaw and Jefferson, in connection with Keene; and the rest of the time, of Keene and Clark churches. Since 1900 he has had charge of churches at Lorain, O., James- town, N. D., Austin, Minn., and at present is supplying the church at Rawlins, Wyo. Mr. Davis possesses the gifts and qualities which con- tribute to the acceptability and usefulness of a minister. He is a good presbyter also, and has been honored by his co-presbyters with important official duties. As a preacher, he is able and earnest; as a pastor, attentive, sympathetic, and loved. He is versatile and practical, sings well, and writes verses. He is considered a hand- some man, and is as good as he is handsome. Mr. and Mrs. Davis had two children — both born at Keene, O. Philip Proctor Davis was born February 18, 1891. He is a good-looking young man, of excellent disposition and habits. He has had fine educational advantages, and is now a student in the University of Pittsburg. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and is forming a character which will insure him a career of honorable and useful activity among men. Arthur Oudry Davis was born April 28, 1896. He is as yet enjoying the advantages of good public schools. He is a bright boy, of sweet disposition, studious, a church- member, and gives promise of becoming a noble man. 6. Gertrude Sinclair Davis, born in Middletown, Pa., was a beautiful and very dear child. In her second summer, at a time when every child in the family had first the measles, and, immediately after, the whooping- m. WILLIAM 121 cough, and the house was like a hospital, little Gertie was the one to succumb to the complication of diseases. 7. Robert Stewart Davis, born in Mechanicsburg, Pa., and named after his uncle in Pittsburg, a fine, healthy child, lived between ten and eleven months, when sud- denly, by membranous croup,^ the dear Lord took him to a better home on high. 8. Elizabeth Rebecca Davis was born in Mansfield, O. She received her education in the public schools and University of Wooster. In the latter she received a prize in history. She pursued courses in the fine arts at the Cincinnati School of Design, the Philadelphia School of Design for Women, Cooper Institute, N. Y., where she was graduated with high standing, and the National Academy of Design. She was also graduated at Teachers ' College, Columbia University, N. Y. She received in- struction in manual training at the University of IVIinne- sota, and in the arts and crafts, in Columbus, O. IVIiss Davis taught with great acceptance for several years, privately in Wooster and in New York, and in schools in Texas, IVIissouri, Wisconsin, and Minnesota — her branches not always limited to the fine arts. She be- longed to the Art Students' Club and to the Glee Club of Teachers' College, and was a charter member of the Wooster Art Club, and of the Great Events Club. Being fond of literary work, she is considered a good reader and writer, excelling in letter- writing. Her chief characteristics are economy, thrift, wit, and love of nature, art, and architecture. Being versatile, she can adapt herself to circumstances, even when they call her from the studio of an art teacher to remain at home on account of her mother's state of health. Since the death of the latter, in 1908, she has been the capable and efficient home-maker for her father. 9. Alice Senseny Davis was born at Hayesville, O. She attended the public schools and University of Woos- 122 THE DAVIS FAMILY ter, took a course in the Cleveland Summer Library School, and was assistant librarian of the University for many years. Here she gained such a knowledge of the profession, and became so proficient, that she was called to be cataloguer in the Ohio State Library, at Columbus, in 1903, her chief being the Hon. C. B. Gal- breath, one of the best librarians in the country. With such literary advantages, a deep interest in church and missionary work, and the gift of a ready writer and public speaker, she has often appeared before audiences in Columbus and elsewhere. She was a member of the Thursday Club of Wooster for many years, and is a member of the Traveler's Club of Columbus, O. Her distinguishing traits of character are devotion to duty, and to her friends, kindness of heart, unselfish generosity, and the ability to make herself so agreeable wherever she goes, that she reminds one of Mrs. Brown- ing's "Kate." 7. Joanna Kirby Davis was born August 3, 1828. She died of scarlet fever, while yet a child. She and her brother Thomas were very ill of the dread disease at the same time. One was taken and the other left. 8. Robert Stewart Davis was born in Chambers- burg April 8, 1831. He received his education in the Chambersburg Academy. In 1849 he traveled by stage over the old "turn pike" to Pittsburg, where he entered the bookstore of Johnston and Stockton. He united by letter with the First Presbyterian Church, of which Dr. Francis Herron was the pastor. On May 10, 1855, he was married, by his brother, T. K. Davis, to Clarissa Faires Fulton, of a good old Scotch-Irish Presbyterian family. For more than fifty years he has been well known and highly esteemed in Pittsburg as a leading bookseller; and as an elder of the First Presbyterian ROBERT S. DAVIS 1i m. WILLIAM 123 Church from 1862 to the present time. He was treas- urer and secretary of the Board of Trustees of his church for forty-nine years. He was at one time president of the Pittsburg Bible Society, and has been for thirty-five years a member of the Freedmen's Board of the Pres- byterian Church. Being a member of the Board of Trustees of Biddle University, it has been his custom for many years to make an annual visit to that college, and other schools located near it. In 1867 during the first Paris Exposition he visited Paris, where he saw the Emperor and the beautiful Empress Eugenie, King William the First, of Prussia, and the Sultan of Turkey. He is a great friend of Home and Foreign Missions, having visited some of the stations in China and Japan in 1888, making the long trip home in company with his daughter, Annie K. Davis, who was returning on fur- lough. In 1896 he attended as a delegate the Pan-Pres- byterian Council, held in Glasgow, Scotland. Before his return he spent a week in picturesque Norway, and vis- ited London, where he saw Queen Victoria and the bridal party of Princess Maud at Buckingham Palace. Mr. Davis makes and keeps a host of friends. He is a welcome guest wherever he goes, and he loves to travel. He is an upright citizen, a loyal friend, a good host, and altogether a fine character. Mrs. Clara Fulton Davis was a most excellent woman, of superior character, one who commanded the respect and love of all around her, by the quiet, gentle, winning way in which she performed the duties of wife, mother, home-maker, and Christian worker. As she advanced in years she grew in grace; and when, on a lovely day in June, 1907, she quietly, sweetly "slipped awa'" into scenes of eternal beauty and joy, there was a void in her family and large circle of friends which has been keenly felt. 124 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Davis had six children, all born in Pitts- burg: 1. Joanna K., 2. Alice D., 3. Henry F., 4. William S., 5. Robert S., 6. Mary H. 1. Joanna, or "Annie" Kirby Davis was born June 24, 1856. She was educated at the Pennsylvania College for Women, and early in life became a member of the church. Possessing a spirit of Christian devotion, inher- ited from both parents, she offered herself as a missionary teacher to the Presbyterian Board, was accepted and sent to Japan in 1880. There for eighteen years she taught in the Bancho School for Girls, in Tokio, of which Mrs. Maria T. True was principal. She was greatly loved and appreciated by teachers and pupils for her gentle spirit and eflScient work. During all those years she was at home to rest but once; and then she was not idle. Her services were in great demand among the missionary societies of the church for making addresses and infusing the missionary spirit into the women at home. Miss Davis reluctantly retired from the work in 1897, the declining health of her mother requiring her presence in the home. Here her zeal is none the less active though on the Home instead of the Foreign field. In serving on the Board of the Christian Home for Women, in Pittsburg, in her church work, and untiring devotion to the welfare of the family and many visiting friends, she proves her self-sacrificing worth as daughter, sister, kinswoman, and friend. 2. Alice Denny Davis was born April 11, 1858, and was named after her father's Sabbath School teacher in Chambersburg. She was educated in the public schools of Pittsburg, and at the University of Wooster. With her aunt. Miss Elizabeth Fulton, she is conducting a very popular boarding-house at Brushton, in the east end of Pittsburg. In Miss Davis are combined many sterling qualities. She possesses so sweet and amiable a disposition as to m. WILLL\M 125 endear herself to all who know her. She has remarkable versatility, being decidedly practical and very capable, doing well whatever her hands find to do. She is mis- tress of the domestic arts, and proficient in embroidery, china painting, and music. 3. Henry Fulton Davis, better known among his friends as "Harry," was born December 13, 1859. After a course in the public schools, he entered the University of Pittsburg in 1875. He left it at the end of his junior year, entered his father's bookstore, and has been in the book business ever since, having complete charge since his father's partial retirement. Mr. Davis must have a good deal of the military spirit, inherited from his revolutionary^ ancestors, on both sides of the house. In 1880 he enlisted in Company G, 18th Regiment, National Guards, Pennsylvania. During the six years following he served as private, corporal, sergeant, second lieutenant, first lieutenant, and captain. He was regimental adjutant, under Colonel Norman. During the riot at Mt. Pleasant, in 1891, he served with the regiment. In the great strike and riots at Homestead, in 1892, he served for six weeks. In 1896 he was placed on the retired list, at his own request, having served with the 18th Regiment for more than fifteen years. At the opening of the Spanish War he wrote to the governor of the state, asking that he might be transferred from the retired to the active list; and he spent some weeks at Chickamauga and Tampa, having a pass from the Secretary of War, which was good on all transports, etc. The 18th Regiment was to be increased from an 8-company to a 12-company regiment, and, owing to the friendship of Colonel Smith, Mr. Davis was to recruit and command one of the companies. Blit before the order was issued, peace was declared and the regiments were sent home. It was a great disappointment to Mr. Davis not to get into active service during the Spanish 126 THE DAVIS FAMILY War; but he has the satisfaction of knowing that if the war had lasted a Httle longer, he would have been called into service. In 1903, during the riots in the anthracite coal district, he was again transferred to the active list, and served with the 18th Regiment, as quartermaster, during that term of duty. In 1904 he was elected secretary of the American Booksellers' Association, and served in that capacity for four years. In 1906 he was elected commander of the Veteran Corps of the 18th Regiment, and served as such for two years. Mr. Davis has always been deeply interested in polit- ical reform as well as in military affairs. He handles the pen of a ready writer, and has, from time to time, pub- lished articles calculated to promote the public welfare. He married Emma Hall, of an excellent family in Baden, Pa., April 12, 1888. Her father's family came to the neighborhood of Pittsburg from Baltimore, Md. Her mother was a Miss Ewing, of Washington, Pa. Mrs. Emma Davis is an admirable wife and mother, and being a Methodist, and her husband a Presbyterian, the com- bination is a good one. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have three children: 1. Clara Fulton Davis, named for her grandmother, is a bright and attractive girl, with a remarkably sweet disposition and winning ways. 2. Margaret Hall Davis resembles her mother's side of the house, and is full of life and fun, inherited from her vivacious mother. She is a busy schoolgirl. 3. Henry Fulton Davis, Jr., is a fine boy, who, we hope, will grow to be a leading citizen of Pitts- burg, if he combines the steadiness of his grandfather Davis with the versatile talents of his father. 4. Robert Stewart Davis, Jr., was born January 8, 1864. He was educated in the public schools of Pitts- ni. WILLIAM 127 burg and Allegheny. When fifteen years of age he accepted employment as messenger boy in the general freight office of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad in Pittsburg. He was advanced through various depart- ments to the position of voucher clerk. In 1884 he became contracting clerk for the same company, with headquarters in Pittsburg. He was thus engaged until, in 1886, he was offered the same position with the St. Louis, Arkansas, and Texas Railroad. In 1888 this com- pany sent him to Cincinnati as their general agent. In 1891 they sent him to St. Louis as assistant general freight agent. In 1893 he was appointed general freight agent, and served until April 1, 1901. He then severed his connection with this company, and with his family went to Pittsburg and engaged in the book business with his father and brother. But in the latter part of 1902 he accepted service with the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad. In June, 1903, Mr. R. A. Long, president of the Long-Bell Lumber Company and Associated Interests at Kansas City, Mo., proffered Mr. Davis the position of traffic manager of the company. This is about the largest lumber company in the country. They owned about one hundred and sixty miles of railroad. In 1905 the rail- road interests were divorced from the lumber interests, and Mr. Davis was appointed traffic manager of the rail- road above mentioned, which position he still occupies. On April 8, 1891, he married Eleanor Curd Elliott, of Lexington, Ky. She was the daughter of James Mad- ison and Julia Le Grand Elliott. Mr. Elliott was the largest dry -goods merchant in Lexington. His father came to this country from Scotland, and settled in Vir- ginia. Mrs. Davis's grandmother was Mary Morton, who was a daughter of William Morton, at one time the largest land-owner in Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have three children: 1. Eleanor Elliott Davis, born January 8, 1892; 2. Robert Stewart 128 THE DAVIS FAMILY Davis, Jr., born February 12, 1896, 3. Julia Le Grand Davis, born August 9, 1897. They were all born in the city of St. Louis. Mr. Davis still holds his membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg, but he attends the Independence Boulevard Christian Church and Bible School in Kansas City. Mrs. Davis and her daughter Eleanor are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 5. Mary Hartley Davis, the youngest of the family, was named after her maternal grandmother. She was educated in the public schools of Pittsburg and Allegheny, and was graduated from the College for Women at Paines- ville, O. She is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg, and is helping to make the hospi- table home on Atlantic Avenue pleasant for her father, and for the many who visit it. 9. Mary Stewart Davis, the youngest of the family of W. S. and Joanna Davis, was born April 19, 1834. While a healthy and promising babe, she was "carried off" in about a year, April 15, 1835, by one of the many children's diseases, which, in those days, were so destruc- tive of young life. B. Robert Davis, second child of William and Sarah Davis, was born on the farm in Franklin County, July 1, 1790. He spent some years in managing a part of the old home farm, which he had purchased. Disposing of this, he went into mercantile business in Shippensburg. He married Hannah Jameson May 3, 1821, the Rev. John Moody, pastor at Middle Spring, officiating. In the spring of 1837 he moved with his family, his brother James, and their sisters, Elizabeth and Mary, to Ohio. They engaged in mercantile business for a year in Steuben- ville, and then moved on — Robert to Brookfield, Stark ROBERT DAVIS I ni. WILLIAM 129 County, O., James and his sisters to West Lebanon, Wayne County, 0. Uncle Robert lived to a good old age. He died in Bucyrus, O., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Ful- ton, November 11, 1884, in his ninety-fifth year. Mrs. Davis had preceded him to the better world more than twelve years before, having died in the same home August 29, 1872. They were both good Christian people — members of the Presbyterian Church — and raised a fine family of four daughters. Uncle Robert told me the last time I saw him in Bucyrus that he had seen General Washington, when he was a lad four years old. One day, in 1794, his "grand- pap" Davis (William, the elder) said to him, "Bub, would you like to see General Washington.'^" "Bub," of course, would like to see him. They walked across the fields to the "Three Mountain Road," which runs from Shippensburg westward through Strasburg. This was the road which President Washington traveled in returning to the East from Bedford. That was as far west as it was necessary for him to go, the Whisky Insur- rection in western Pennsylvania being about at an end when he reached that point. On the appearance of the President and his party moving eastward, "Grandpap" lifted little "Bub" and seated him on the upper rail of the fence, while he him- self stood leaning against it. As the travelers approached, "Grandpap," who had often seen Washington during the Jersey campaign, said to "Bub," as he pointed to one of the men, "Look now! that's the President of the United States! Remember that you have seen General Wash- ington!" The children of Robert and Hannah J. Davis were five in number: 1. Sarah J., 2. Elizabeth A., 3. Margaret B., 4. Mary S., 5. Isabel. 130 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1. Sarah Jane Davis was born January 14, 1822, and died December 21, 1891. At the age of fifteen she went with her parents to Ohio. On June 29, 1846, she was married to the Rev. Philo M. Semple, pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Mt. Eaton and Berhn, to whom she was ever a faithful and efiBcient helpmeet. I will quote what was said of Mrs. Semple in an obituary notice, as it describes the kind of women so many of the de- scendants of Mary Means have been: "Hers was a life full of energy and purpose; a life which knew no weari- ness where the welfare of those she loved was concerned. She was an unselfish wife and mother, giving the best of her time and energy and care to her own. But though her sympathies lingered about her own hearthstone, they did not rest there. She was kind and thoughtful of the comfort of those with whom she came in contact, taking an intelligent interest in all the questions and reforms of the day, ready to lend a helping hand to every good cause. She was an earnest Christian, a member of the Pres- byterian Church, regular in attendance upon religious services, an active member of the Women's Missionary Society, prompt in obedience to whatever the Master called her to do. It was with her, as with all God's ser- vants, the active service was prompted by a strong faith. She lived in the strong sunlight of God's presence, and those who mourn her death have faith to believe that in the sunlight of that presence she is now and shall be evermore." Mr. Semple was a son of the Rev. Samuel Semple, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Newcastle, Pa. He was one of ten children, and was born July 7, 1810. He was graduated from Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa., in 1837, and from the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, Pa., in 1840. After leaving the Seminary he started West on horseback, with a view to becoming a home missionarv in the "Far West," i.e., in Illinois, which REV. P. M. SEMPLE REV. W. M. POCOCK, D.D. m. WILLIAM 131 was still only a partially settled territory. Stopping to see an uncle, who lived at Apple Creek in Wayne County, O., he learned that Mt. Eaton and Berlin churches were vacant and anxious to obtain a good minister. A visit to them resulted in his remaining in Ohio, and serving those churches as their pastor for sixteen years, and Dalton Church for the twelve following years. He spent his declining years in Wooster, where he died, December 26, 1891, only five days after the decease of Mrs. Semple. He was in his eighty-second year. Mr. and Mrs. Semple had two children: Eugene P. and Laura A. 1. Eugene Payson Semple was born in Berlin, O. April 25, 1850. He spent several years at Vermilion Institute, Hayesville, O., preparing for college, then entered Wooster University at its opening as a sopho- more, and was graduated with the class of 1873. He then taught at Fredericksburg for two years. He was graduated from the Union Theological Seminary, New York, in 1878. He was licensed to preach by the Wooster Presbytery, and spent two or three years in Kansas, preaching to a charge consisting of three churches — Sil- ver Lake, Kingsville, and Rossville. He then became one of the professors in Biddle University, at Charlotte, N. C, and continued in that work for eleven years. From this he proceeded to Poland, O., where he had charge of the Poland Academy for three years. On May 8, 1895, he married Mrs. Cynthia May of Poland. After this, having never been ordained to the work of the ministry, he entered upon a business life. His home is in Poland, O. IVIrs. Semple is an intelligent and excellent Christian lady, who was gladly welcomed into the family circle. 2. Laura Anna Semple was born in Berlin, O., July 8, 1852. She was graduated from W^ooster University, with the class of 1875. On September 13, 1877, she was married to the Rev. William M, Pocock, a graduate of 132 THE DAVIS FAMILY Wooster, of the class of 1874. Mr. Pocock prepared for college at Vermilion Institute, Hayesville, O., where his mother, with her family, resided. He is a man of digni- fied and fine appearance, and an able and earnest preacher. He has done effective ministerial work in Kansas, Mis- souri, and Ohio. He is now pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Blissfield, Mich., and received the degree of D.D. from his alma mater in 1911. Mrs. Pocock is a sweet woman, well fitted by natural disposition and by sincere and earnest piety, to be a useful and beloved "mistress of the manse." Dr. and Mrs. Pocock have had six children: 1. Winn S., 2. Edna W., 3. Paul C, 4. Eugene W., 5. Helen E., 6. ZiLLAH E. (a) Winn Semple Pocock was born July 12, 1878, and died January 26, 1881. (6) Edna Winona Pocock was born August 23, 1880. She attended school at Mansfield, O., two years, and also studied privately. She then spent two years in Wooster University; then one year in the Conservatory of Music, of the same institution. She then devoted two years to music at Delaware, O. On August 16, 1905, she was married to the Rev. Homer B. Henderson, who was born at Iberia, O., December 2, 1879. He was graduated from Cedarville College in 1902, and from Xenia Theo- logical Seminary in 1905. His first charge was that of the United Presbyterian Church of Uniontown, Belmont County, O., from 1905-08. From that charge he was transferred to the pastorate of the Wagner Place United Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo. He has recently accepted a call from the First United Presbyterian Church of Detroit, Mich., and has moved with his family to that city. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson have had two children: Thomas Clark Henderson, born June 17, 1906, died October 19, 1906. / REV, HOMER B. HENDERSON in. WILLIAM 133 John Homer Henderson was born October 3, 1909. (c) Paul Curtis Pocock was born September 23, 1882. He was graduated from the Ohio State Univer- sity in mechanical engineering; and became sales agent for the Hydraulic-Press Manufacturing Company of Mt. Gilead, O., and is now sales agent for the same company in New York City. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and is not only a very capable, but an upright and conscientious young man. (d) Eugene William Pocock was born July 24, 1887. He was graduated from Wooster University with the class of 1911, and is a candidate for the ministry in the Presbyterian Church. He gives promise of becoming an excellent and eflScient minister. He is spending this year as Y.M.C.A. Secretary at Hershey, Pa. (e) Helen Elizabeth Pocock was born June 23, 1890. She is a graduate of the high school at Seven Mile, O.; also of the County Normal School, located at Blissfield, Mich. She is teaching now; but hopes to continue her studies at Wooster University. Helen is a girl full of life and fun; and at the same time a sincere and earnest Christian. (/) Zillah Ernestine Pocock was born January 11, 1898. She is at home — a school girl who "has always made an exceptionally good record." None of the young people in this family were more than ten years of age, some of them being younger, when they became communicants in the church. This the parents regard as a special blessing in their family life. 2. Elizabeth Ann Davis was born September 8, 1823, and died February 13, 1906. She was reared in a good home, and had the advantages of an ordinary school education. On October 24, 1844, she was married to Cochran Fulton, M.D., near Brookfield, Stark County, O. 134 THE DAVIS FAMILY Dr. Fulton was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., February 22, 1818, and died May 9, 1893. Both Dr. and Mrs. Fulton were members of the Presbyterian Church. Soon after their marriage they moved to Bueyrus, where they spent the remainder of their lives, Dr. Fulton prac- tising medicine, and having an interest in the drug busi- ness, which was carried on by his son. The doctor was an ardent Democrat, and quite prominent in the affairs of the city and county. t Mrs. Fulton was a first-rate housekeeper; she was much interested in religion and the Church; she had a warm heart, and was kind and hospitable, taking great pleasure in welcoming her friends to her pleasant home. Dr. and Mrs. Fulton had two children: Anna Z. and Melancthon D. 1. Anna Zillah Fulton was born near Massillon, O., August 5, 1845. In her infancy Dr. Fulton came to Bueyrus with his family, and here she grew to woman- hood. On September 11, 1866, she was united in mar- riage with the Rev. A. S. Milholland, who had been pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Bueyrus for two years during the war, this being his first pastorate. In 1880 he accepted the pastorate at Uniontown, Pa., and that city has ever since been their home. From childhood Mrs. Milholland was a faithful and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, a humble and useful follower of the lowly Nazarene. In her early life the purity and sweetness of her char- acter endeared her to a host of friends in Bueyrus, and in her husband's field of labor. She was his true helpmeet, winning the respect and love of those among whom her life was spent. Her charity was broad, and her heart overflowed with kindness and generosity. Her disposi- tion was sunny, and her manner winning. Her faith was simple, assured, and childlike. She did, without question I REV. A. S. MILHOLLAND, D.D. III. WILLIAM 135 or complaint, the work that came to her hand. Her labors are ended. No longer does she "see through a glass darkly, but face to face," and "knows even as she is known," and for her "death is swallowed up in victory." Alexander Small Milholland was born in Chan- dlersville, O., and was graduated from Muskingum College, O., in 1860, and from the Western Theological Seminary, at Allegheny, in 1863. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Zanesville, May 8, 1862; and ordained to the Gospel ministry by the Presbytery of Marion in 1864. He was pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Bucyrus, 1864-66. He was then pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Millersburg, O., 1866-77. He was pastor-elect at Brownsville, Pa., for two years, when he accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church of Uniontown, Pa.^ where he was a faithful and successful pastor from May 1, 1880, to October 10, 1906. Mr. JVIilholland, while pastor at Millersburg, was elected superintendent of schools, and acted in that capacity for three years. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from the University of Wooster in 1885. He was pastor emeritus of the church at Uniontown just one year, when his death occurred suddenly, October 10, 1906, at the age of sixty-four years. He was buried by the side of his beloved wife in Oakwood Cemeterj^ at Bucyrus. 2. Melancthon Delnar Fulton was born in Bucyrus, December 28, 1847. On June 2, 1871, he married Addie Keplinger of Bucyrus. His business was that of a druggist. He died at his residence, on North Walnut Street, December 27, 1889, and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery. His widow died February 13, 1904, and was buried by his side. 3. Margaret Baird Davis was born December 20, 1825, and died in March, 1829. 136 THE DAVIS FAMILY 4. Mary Stewart Davis was born in Shippensburg, Pa., November 15, 1828. On October 2, 1851, she was married to Rufus Kirk, in Stark County, O. She died at their home in Lamed, Kan., October 12, 1897. She was a faithful and devoted wife, and the wise and tender mother of seven children. Two years after her death Mr. Kirk wrote to me, "I can assure you that the Hght of our home is gone, and I am one of the lonehest mortals on earth. No person but myself can ever imagine the loneliness that I suffer. For when I tell you in truth that we were more like lovers the last year of my dear wife's life than the first year of our married life you can imagine how I miss her." This expression of feeling was greatly to the credit and honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk. He was certainly a man of large and warm heart. His wife, Mary Davis, was a woman, as I well remember, of a bright and joyous spirit, one calculated to cheer and strengthen a husband, and to make a happy home; one to be most sadly missed, when called up higher; one whose "children rise up, and call her blessed; her hus- band also, and he praiseth her." Rufus Kirk died January 1, 1905, at Larned, Kan., lacking but a few days of being eighty years of age. The children of this marriage were six in number: 1. Ada C, 2. Luella M., 3. Mina V., 4. Truman H., 5. Burton D., 6. An infant son, born December 1, 1871, who lived but three days. 1. Ada Clara Kirk was born April 11, 1855, and was married at Freeport, 111., March 17, 1875, to Americus J. Runner, a jeweler of that place. Mr. Runner was a fine Christian gentleman, having only the ordinary education, but one who was self-edu- cated by means of books, which he dearly loved. He was a well informed man, and of excellent judgment. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Since Mrs. Runner was an unusually amiable and sensible in. WILLI.\M 137 young woman, the marriage was a most happy one. But, alas! their happiness was cut short by the death of Mr. Runner September 2, 1880. Three children blessed their union: 1. Robert K., 2. Pansy, 3. Edna. (a) Robert Kirk Runner was a "centennial" child, and a New Year's gift. When about seventeen, his uncle, Mr. Z. T. F. Runner, the only brother of Mr. A. J. Runner, deceased, took charge of Robert, and instructed him in all the details of the business in which he himself w^as engaged — that of building and managing gas plants. He then obtained for him a good position in the gas plant of De Kalb, 111. So satisfactory was Robert's work that he was soon made manager of the concern. Afterward the uncle and Robert decided to go into business for themselves. Robert Kirk resigned his position at De Kalb, and they are now at Charles City, Iowa, members of the Charles City Gas Company, of which Z. T. F. Runner is president, and R. K. Runner, secretary and manager. Robert Runner, without a col- lege education, has been a great reader, like his father, has become possessed of much general information, and, having fine business abilities and being a sincere and earnest Christian, we may safely predict for him a suc- cessful and, what is better and rarer, a happy life. (6) Pansy Runner was born August 30, 1877. She became a trained nurse, having received her training in St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. Among the physicians attending the hospital, at the time she was there, was Dr. Frederick Henry Batman. Cupid does his work in a hospital as well as anywhere else, and as the result Dr. Batman and Pansy were married in De Kalb, 111., Decem- ber, 2, 1906. The doctor had then, as now, an exten- sive practice in Bloomington, Ind., where he had a cozy and comfortable home waiting for the bride. He is a member of the Christian Church. 138 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mrs. Batman has united with the church of which her husband is a member. This happy home was blessed in August, 1911, by the advent of a daughter, Betty Batman. (c) Edna Runner was born October 12, 1879. After her graduation from the high school of Freeport, 111., she attended and was graduated from the Bloomington, 111., Normal School. Miss Runner is very fond of reading and study. She has been teaching for several years with great success. At present her work is in the public schools of Seattle, Wash. 2. LuELLA May Kirk was born December 12, 1856, and died February 23, 1872, in her sixteenth year. 3. Mina Victoria Kirk was born at Freeport, III., November 3, 1860. On December 16, 1879, she was married, at Larned, Kan., to William H. Ziegler, who was born at Reading, Pa., March 16, 1849. He is travel- ing salesman for the Cudahy Packing Company, of Wich- ita, Kan. The family live in the "old home" in Larned. Mrs. Ziegler and all her children are members of the Presbyterian Church. In June, 1909, the writer had the pleasure of visiting this agreeable family in their pleasant home, and has delightful recollections of the friendship and cordiality with which he was received. Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler have had four children: 1. Louise T., 2. Ada F., 3. Henrietta, 4. Rufus K. (a) Louise Taylor Ziegler was born at Larned, Kan., December 27, 1880. She is an intelligent and interesting young lady who is teaching in the public schools of Larned; one of that noble band of young women who have so important a part in forming the character of the next generation, and in deciding the future of our country. (b) Ada Florence Ziegler was born February 28, 1882. She was married, April 26, 1903, to Walter A. Babbitt, of Larned. Their son, Harry Ziegler Babbitt, was born March 24, 1904; and the young mother, dear ni. WILLIAM 139 as she was to so many hearts, passed away, with the Christian's blessed hope, on the thirtieth of the same month. The son, Harry, a fine, healthy, bright little fellow, is one of the pleasant circle in the home of the Zieglers in Lamed. (c) Henrietta Ziegler, a handsome and attractive young lady, was born November 11, 1887, and is book- keeper in one of the principal mercantile establishments of Larned. (d) RuFus Kirk Ziegler was born on Christmas Day, 1892. He is in the high school of Larned, and being full of life and health, and enjoying good advantages, and withal being a Christian youth, it is believed that he will make such a man as his parents and friends will be proud of. 4. Truman Hurd Kirk was born July 14, 1862. He married Mrs. Eva Naylor, of Las Animas, Colo. Their home is in Las Animas. 5. Burton Davis Kirk was born February 25, 1866. He remains unmarried. 5. Isabel Davis, fifth daughter of Robert and Han- nah Davis, was born in Shippensburg, Pa., March 8, 1831, and died at Hutchinson, Kan., March 1, 1895, when almost sixty-four years of age. The family moved to Ohio in 1837. Isabel was married to William John- ston Van Eman in Stark County, October 24, 1848. Mr. Van Eman was born in that county July 5, 1825. After a few years they moved to the near-by county of Richland. They lived in the southeastern part of the county, within the bounds of the Clear Fork Presbyterian Church. From this they moved after a few years to Illinois, where I visited them in the summer of 1866. They were living on a farm near Freeport. They after- ward moved to Kansas, where most of the family are still living. Mr. Van Eman was killed in a cyclone at 140 THE DAVIS FAMILY Langdon, Reno County, Kan., May 17, 1878, when about fifty-three years of age. He was a good man — one who "feared God with all his house." His walk was that of an humble and obedient Christian, and he was well prepared for this sudden translation to the higher and better life. He had been for many years an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Isabel Davis, his wife, was a worthy helpmate of such a man. She was a sincere and earnest Christian; faith- ful in all the relations she sustained to her husband, chil- dren, and to all around her. She lived a quiet and retired life; but in that world to which she has gone, where, in so many cases, the first shall be last, and the last first, the record of the faithful ones will be more brilliant than that of many who in this world are far more conspicuous. Mr. and Mrs. Van Eman had nine children: 1. Robert C, 2. Abram W., 3. Hannah M., 4. Rurus M., 5. Ettie B., 6. Anna M., 7. Charles E., 8. William G., 9. James L. 1. Robert C. Van Eman was born in Stark County, O., August 11, 1849. He married Martha A. Deffen- baugh at Langdon, Reno County, Kan., June 7, 1883. They had one daughter, Frances May Van Eman. Mr. Van Eman is a carpenter and lived for some years in Hutchinson, Kan. Mrs. Van Eman died in Langdon November 3, 1898, her age being fifty-two. The daugh- ter was then only ten years old, and from that time found a home with her mother's sister at Chilton, Mo. She attended a State Normal School in Missouri for two years and taught for a time. She was married, August 3, 1907, to Thomas Dunn, of Forsyth, 111. They are living on a farm near that place. Their daughter, Cath- erine Dunn, was born January 27, 1909. Mr. R. C. Van Eman is with the Dunns at Forsyth, and writes thus in reference to himself and brothers: *'We are all trying to live in this life in such a way that when death comes we shall welcome it as a happy change. i III. WILLIAM 141 No one of us has been very successful, so far as this h'fe is concerned. We have not laid up much of this world's goods. But we firmly believe that it will be well with us in the next life." We hope that even yet these dear cousins may secure more of the good things that beautiful Kansas yields to willing workers. 2. Abram W^iley Van Eman was born in Stark County, O., August 1, 1851. He married Luna Stout, at Hutch- inson, Kan., in 1886. To them were born two daughters: 1. Vera Van Eman, born in Hartland, Kan., January 22, 1887, 2. Maud Van Eman, who was born January 10, 1889, and died March 30, 1891. Mr. A. W. Van Eman is living in Hutchinson, Kan. Vera is cashier in the large establishment of the Morris Packing Company in Kansas City, Kan. Her mother is teaching typewriting and stenography in Central Business College. Their home is in Kansas City, Mo. 3. Hannah IVIary Van Eman was born in Richland County, O., January 30, 1854. She was married to Win- field Scott Deisher, September 12, 1877, in Hutchin- son, Kan. They have had five daughters: 1. Maud, 2. Della, 3. Grace, 4. Florence, 5. Dorothy. (a) Maud Deisher was born November 3, 1879, in Hastings, Neb. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and of the Junior Class in the University of Denver. But it pleased the Lord to take home to Him- self this dear daughter July 22, 1904. (6) Della Deisher was born in Hastings, Neb., and died in infancy. (c) Grace Deisher was born October 29, 1883, in Lincoln, Neb. She completed the junior year in Denver University and was afterward a student in the college at Claremont, Cal., making a specialty of music. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. (d) Florence Deisher was born June 1, 1887, in Holdridge, Neb. Like her sisters, she has had fine educa- 142 THE DAVIS FAMILY tional advantages. And to gratify her special taste and talent she has attended the Cumnock School of Expres- sion in Los Angeles, Cal., and the Emerson School of Expression in Boston, Mass. (e) Dorothy Deisher was born July 14, 1896, in Denver, Colo. She is now enjoying the delights of a schoolgirl's life in one of the high schools of her native city. Mr. Scott Deisher has been a successful business man, having large interests in Nebraska and Colorado. He is an intelligent, upright, and in every way agreeable man; an excellent husband and father. Mrs. Deisher is a member of the Presbyterian Church, a devoted wife and mother; the efficient mistress of a pleasant home; and a very agree- able lady. During the meeting of our General Assembly in Denver, in May, 1909, I enjoyed the hospitality of this delightful Christian family, and found myself as much at home as if I had known them all my life. 4. RuFUS Melancthon Van Eman was born March 14, 1856, in Richland County, O. He has been in Cali- fornia for many years engaged in mining. At last accounts he was living in Fresno. 5. Ettie Belle Van Eman was born July 5, 1860, in Ogle County, 111., and died there April 21, 1863. 6. Anna Myrtle Van Eman was born August 10, 1862, in Ogle County, 111. She lives in her own home in Hutchinson, Kan., is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of that city, and is a very fine young woman, loved by all who know her. She has a kind, sisterly, not to say motherly, care for her three brothers who are employed in Hutchinson. 7. Charles Edwin Van Eman was born May 19, 1865, in Ogle County, 111. He is now living in Hutchinson. 8. William Glenn Van Eman was born September 16, 1868, in Stephenson County, III. In 1399 his oldest brother wrote, "William G. lives in Anaconda, Mont., is a printer by trade, and is unmarried." He afterward m. ^\^LLIAM 143 wrote that he died of pneumonia in Butte, Mont., Janu- ary 1, 1901. His body was brought to Hutchinson, and buried beside those of his parents. 9. James Logan Van Eman was born December 28, 1870, in Stephenson County, 111. When I visited the family in the summer of 1909 the three brothers, Wiley, Charles, and James, were cultivating their farm a few miles from Hutchinson, while their sister, INIyrtle, had her hands very full, between the domestic cares indoors and the cows and chickens out of doors. Since that they have sold the farm and have all returned to Hutchinson. James and Charles have re-entered the service of the Santa Fe Railway Company, and Wiley is in a large grocery establishment. C. Joseph Davis, third son of William Davis and Sarah Stewart, was born March 31, 1792, and died March 28, 1795. D. Elizabeth Davis was born on the old home farm January 15, 1796. She was the oldest daughter of the family, and possessed a good deal of what Mrs. Stowe in her Minister s Wooing calls "faculty." She was indus- trious and thrifty, and an excellent housekeeper. She and her sister Mary and their brother James lived to- gether for some years on the old farm in Franklin County; but as congenial friends were moving westward, and the great congregation at Rocky Spring was becoming very small, they too became restless, sold the farm, and moved to Ohio. Not long after their removal, in 1837, Mary was married, and soon after her brother James followed suit and married. Thereupon Elizabeth made her home with her niece, Mrs. Semple, at Berlin, O. She after- ward made her home with her sister Mary at Centralia, III. In 1874 she came to Wooster and became one of the family of the writer of this record. She was with us 144 THE DAVIS FAMILY from the fall of 1874 until her death in the spring of 1885, when she was in her ninetieth year, "Aunt Betsy" was a woman of deep and strong re- ligious convictions, truly pious and conscientious, mild and gentle in her manners, and worthy to be held in affectionate remembrance. She was no doubt baptized by Mr. Craighead, the hero of Rocky Spring, and received into the communion of the church by Dr. Francis Herron. She had an excellent memory, and having visited Bucks County in her girlhood, to see some of the friends who still tarried there, she could, if I had been as interested in family history while she was with us as I am now, have given me a large amount of information which I would have prized. But it is now lost. There is no one living who can tell us all about the early Davises, the Meanses, the Harts, the Stewarts, and the rest. It is lost until, as a family, we meet in a grand reunion in one of the "heavenly places." E. James Davis was born September 3, 1797. He was a lifelong farmer. He sold and left the old home farm in 1836. I remember seeing him in the summer of that year when he had started on horseback to visit the West- ern country. He bought a farm near West Lebanon, Wayne County, O., where, first with his sisters, after- ward with his wife, Nancy Edgar, he spent the remain- der of his life. He was a quiet, industrious man, highly respected by all who knew him. He and Mrs. Davis were members of the Presbyterian Church of Mt. Eaton. After his death Mrs. Davis sold the farm and bought a home in the village of West Lebanon, where she still lives. F. John Davis was born February 9, 1800, and died September 5, 1805. G. Mary Davis was born April 9, 1803, and was IV. JOHN 145 baptized by Rev. Dr. Herron. She lived in the old home until 1836, leading a peaceful, happy life, the chief events being the Sabbath journey to Rocky Spring, and an occasional visit to Chambersburg, or Shippensburg. She went to Ohio in the spring of 1837, with her brother and sister, Uncle Robert and his family going at the same time. After some years she was married to Stephen Blythe, of Wayne County, O. They went to Centralia, 111., where they lived until Mr. Blythe's death. She then returned to Ohio, and spent the last years of her life at Wooster, in the family of the Rev. P. M. Semple, whose wife was her niece, Sarah Jane Davis. My father, in his Family Record calls her "Maria." In all her early life she was known as "Polly Davis," and she was a very pretty, buxom, and attractive girl. I first knew her and loved her in my childhood as "Aunt Polly." She was of a very cheerful and happy disposition. She was from early life a sincere and consistent Christian, and a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church. The two sisters, Eliza- beth and Mary, lie side by side in the beautiful cemetery on Madison Hill, Wooster. IV. JOHN John Davis, fourth son of William and Mary Means Davis, was born in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, Pa., August 25, 1764, and died at Meadville, Pa., Febru- ary 27, 1839. ^^'^len as yet but a lad, he owned a pair of horses presented to him by an uncle after whom he was named, and which he allowed no one but himself to drive, ^^^len his father wished to send a wagon load of provisions for the half-starved soldiers, John was ready, with his horses, to drive the wagon to Washington's headquarters. The General himself met him, and, shak- ing hands with him, warmly thanked him publicly for his promptness. He told General Washington that he 146 THE DAVIS FAMILY wished to enter the army. The General replied that he was too young for army life, but he kept him at his head- quarters and subsequently made him deputy quarter- master, which position he occupied in 1781.^ Mrs. Lidie H. Gordon says, "We have an old newspaper clipping referring to this period, in which he is called 'Quarter- master Davis.' This episode in grandfather's life I have heard talked over many times by mother, and her brother, Kennedy, and her sisters, upon the occasions of their visits to our home," Mr. Davis went to Meadville, a small village of two or three hundred inhabitants, in 1795. .At a public sale of lots, held in the summer of that year, Mr, John Davis was one of the purchasers. "During the war of 1812 Mr. Davis, with his family, was living at Meadville. The British were expected to attack Erie, Pa., and every able-bodied man, and every boy who could carry a gun, enlisted, and marched to Erie. Mr. John Davis was again to the fore. I have heard my uncle, Kennedy Davis, say that there were only two very aged men left in Mead- ville with the women and young children." (Mrs. Gordon.) It was said of Mr. John Davis that his success in life was due to his possessing good intellectual faculties, his laborious preparation for and performance of every duty undertaken, his rigid temperance in living, great moral courage, and kindliness of heart. He was a wise and peaceful man, and happy in possessing the good-will and confidence of all who knew him. His daughter, Mrs. Homer, said that very often, when cases were to be decided by arbitration, he would be sent for, both during his residence in Pittsburg and, later, in Crawford County. His intelligence and interest in the general welfare, espe- cially in education, was shown in his giving one hundred and fifty dollars (a large contribution for those days) to aid in the establishment of the Meadville Academy. » Pa. Archives, Vol. Ill, p. 698. IV. JOHN 147 John Davis and Mary McGunnegle were married October 14, 1797. George W. McGunnegle was born in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1738. He married Mar- garet Kennedy in 1766, came to America the same year, and settled at Carlisle, Pa. In June, 1789, he moved to Pittsburg, Pa., where he died in 1818, and is buried beside his wife in old Trinity church-yard. Mr. McGunnegle was an ardent churchman, and manifested his zeal in efforts to have an Episcopal church organized in Pitts- burg. The first service of that church was held at his home on Market Street. In 1805 the "Old Round Church," as it came to be called, from its shape, was built, and George McGunnegle was one of the vestrymen. The Rev. John Taylor, or "Father Taylor," as he was lovingly called, was the minister. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, George W. McGunnegle, being a true and ardent patriot, responded at once to the call of his adopted country, and served in the navy for several years. IVIr. and Mrs. McGunnegle had thirteen children, all born at Carlisle, Pa. Anna, the eldest of the family, married INIr. Peter Dick, who settled in Meadville, Pa. Catharine was married to Captain Johnson, of the United States Army, who had command of Fort Fayette, Pitts- burg. He took a prominent part in the War of 1812. Mary, the third daughter, made a visit to her sister, Mrs. Dick, at Meadville, where she met the subject of this sketch. They were wedded in Pittsburg by Father Taylor. They lived in Meadville until 1814, when they moved to Pittsburg. In 1828 they returned to Meadville, or, as I suppose, to Wilson's Run, near Meadville, where Mr. Davis owned four hundred acres of land. There they lived until his death, which occurred February 27, 1839. Mrs. Davis died in the home of her son-in-law, John Horner, Esq., where she spent the last twelve years of her life. She was buried in Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburg. 148 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. John Davis had eight children: 1. George M., 2. Eliza M., 3. William, 4. Kennedy, 5. Mary M., 6. James M., 7. Margaret, 8. Eleanor G. A. George McGunnegle Davis was born at Mead- ville January 28, 1799. He went to Cincinnati in 1820, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He made many warm friends by his charming manners, and sterling qualities of head and heart. He died in that city Sep- tember 3, 1827, in the twenty-ninth year of his age. B. Eliza McGunnegle Davis was born in Meadville June 25, 1800, and died in Pittsburg August 18, 1890. She was married twice — first, to George Russell, of Philadelphia. They had three children: George G., John, and Mary. George G. Russell married Elizabeth James of Philadelphia. He died when still a young man. John Russell is still living. Mary Russell was mar- ried, and had a daughter, Mary, who died when only five years of age. After Mr. Russell's death, Mrs. Russell was wedded to John McFaden of Pittsburg, March 24, 1829. Mrs. McFaden was present at the first Episcopal service held in Pittsburg in the parlor of her grandfather, G. W. McGunnegle. She attended the "Old Round Church" years before the advent of Bishop White, and the consecration of the church. She was confirmed by Bishop White, the second American Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and she was the oldest member of Trinity Church at the time of her decease in 1890. The compiler of this book had the pleasure of a visit from Mrs. McFaden, in company with his mother, Mrs. Davis, of Chambersburg, at his home in Bedford, Pa., in the fall of 1851. Mrs. McFaden was an interesting lady, of gentle spirit and winning manners. She related many reminiscences of the early history of Western MRS. JOHN M. MCFADEX 1 JOHN M. M C F A D E N IV. JOHN 149 Pennsylvania. She and her husband are buried in Alle- gheny Cemetery. Mr. John McFaden was born in Scotland in 1801, and died in Pittsburg, June 29, 1851. He was prominent in the affairs of Pittsburg during the early half of the nineteenth century. The records of the city show his activity, energy, and business tact from the early twenties up to the time of his death in 1851. We find from his diary, under date of 1825, that he and Oliver Evans were the founders of the Stone Steam Flour Mill on Water Street, Pittsburg, and that they took out some of the first patents issued by the United States Patent OflSce for Plows and Flour Mill Machinery. In 1828 John McFaden was Consulting Engineer in the construction of Pittsburg's first waterworks. Pumps were placed at the foot of Cecil's Alley on the Allegheny River. The Basin was on Grant's Hill. This work was completed in 1829. In 1830 he built the first fire engine, organized Pitts- burg's first Volunteer Fire Engine Company, and was the President and Chief Engineer. The name of the engine was "Fame." In 1852, at the request and for the account of the Pitts- burg Insurance companies, John McFaden organized the Firemen's Association of Pittsburg. In 1837 we find on record his name on the list of the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Pittsburg as President and Chief Engineer. In 1838 John McFaden and Company, Canal Basin, Penn Street, have control of the Reliance Portable Boat Line, transporting goods from Philadelphia to Pittsburg in three or four days' less time than any other route via Canal and Portage and Columbia Railroad. John McFaden was a stanch supporter of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, was a member of the "Old 150 THE DAVIS FAMILY Round" Church in the year 1815, and a Vestryman and Treasurer of Trinity Episcopal Church for thirty years. There is a memorial window for him in Trinity Church at the present time. It was under Mr. McFaden, and in the office of the Reliance Sectional Boat Line Company, that those two eminent citizens of Pittsburg, William Thaw and Felix Brunot, acquired their early business experience. After Mr. McFaden had entered into rest, a gentle- man said to Mrs. MacHenry, Mr. McFaden 's daughter, "Mary, your father was a true man; and the simple word of John McFaden was better than many a man's bond." Another said of him: "He was one of God's noblemen." To Mr. and Mrs. McFaden were born seven children: 1. John D., 2. Mary D., 3. Sarah C, 4. James K., 5. Catherine G., 6. Eliza M., 7. Joanna A. Sarah C, James Kennedy, Eliza McGunnegle, and Joanna A. all died in childhood. 1. John Davis McFaden married Jennie E. Nesbit, of Pittsburg, February 13, 1870. He died February 2, 1872, aged forty years. His wife, Jennie, died in the following year, 1873. 2. Mary Davis McFaden was born in Pittsburg December 13, 1833. She was educated in the best pri- vate schools of Pittsburg and Allegheny. She says that she is indebted to her father for a thorough mental train- ing in her school-days. By his wise and careful help she was enabled to study understandingly, and the excel- lent training thus received smoothed away much that otherwise would have been puzzling and repulsive, even in later years. She was married by the Rev. S. G. Fuller, rector of St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church, Pittsburg, to IV. JOHN 151 Charles Walter MacHenry, of Pittsburg, February 7, 1867. Captain MacHenry was born in Pittsburg December 28, 1840. He was fitted for college at the Sewickly Academy, and at the Academy in Lawrence- ville, N. J., and was graduated with high honors from Washington and Jefferson College. He then read law, first, with Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln's great War Sec- retary, and afterward with Col. Edward Simpson, both of Pittsburg. ^\Tien the Civil War broke out, Mr. Mac- Henry volunteered, and was enrolled with the Duquesne Greys, of Pittsburg. He afterward became captain of Company G, 63d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Infantry Gen. Alexander Hayes commanding. This regiment was in Gen. Phil Kearney's Division of the Army of the Potomac. It was in that ill-fated part of the army that was kept in the swamps of the Chicka- hominy, until it was decimated by exposure and disease. It was here that Captain MacHenry contracted malaria to such a degree that he never recovered from the effects of it. It was the cause of his untimely death in 1874, in the thirty-fourth year of his age. Having been wounded in the second battle of Bull Run, he was dis- charged for disability. In 1863 he became deputy pro- vost marshal of Pittsburg, and continued to hold that office until the close of the war. Captain MacHenry was a classical scholar, and a legal light, as well as a brave and efficient soldier. He excelled as a public lecturer. He was moreover a Chris- tian gentleman, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Take him all in all, he was a man of whom his widow and children may be justly proud, and the whole Davis connection may properly revere his memory. He sleeps in the beautiful cemetery of "Oak Hill," Janes- ville. Wis., his resting-place being marked by a gray marble cross, bearing the inscription, "The Ashes of a Soldier." 152 THE DAVIS FAMILY The home of Captain and Mrs. MacHenry was bright- ened and enlivened by the advent of three daughters: 1. LoRENA, 2. Lilian M., 3. Charlesetta W. 1. LoRENA MacHenry was born in Pittsburg April 5, 1868, and was baptized in St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. Wm. Egar, with water brought from the River Jordan, by the late Colonel Foster, of Pittsburg. Her education was received in the public schools of Janes- ville, Wis., and the Church School, known as Kemper Hall, at Kenosha, Wis. 2. Lilian McFaden MacHenry was born in Janes- ville, Wis., and baptized by the Rev. George Wallace, in Trinity Church of that city. She was educated in the public schools of Janes ville, and at Kemper Hall, Kenosha. She was married in Chicago, December 29, 1898, to Mr. Wm. J. Morrison, of Fort Madison, Iowa. On January 10, 1903, this sweet young woman was called away from earthly scenes by One, in whose presence is "fulness of joy, and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore." 3. Charlesetta Wallace MacHenry wag born in Janesville, and baptized in Trinity Church, by the rector, Mr. Wallace. She was educated, as her sisters had been, in the schools of Janesville, and at Kemper Hall. On June 3, 1902, she was married to Alfred Wellman Schaefer, in Memphis, Tenn., by Dr. F. L. Davenport, rector of Trinity Church, in that city. Their home is in Baltimore, Md. Mr. Schaefer was at the time of their marriage, and still is, a trusted traveler for the Albert Dickinson Seed Company. He is a communicant in Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church, of Baltimore, and is a courteous, educated gentleman, honored by all who know him. In 1884 Mrs. MacHenry moved to Kenosha, Wis., to be near Kemper Hall, where her daughters were educated. In 1893 she went to Pittsburg. But in 1899 she returned » I MRS. HENRY JOHN BAILEY IV. JOHN 153 to the West, and to Fort Madison, Iowa, to be near her daughter Lilian. She remained there, to be near the grave of her dearly loved daughter. "I stay," she writes, "for a mound in the cemetery is dearer to me than I can tell, and she does not seem so far away, when I have the privilege of making her resting-place beautiful." 3. Catherine Graydon, fifth child and third daugh- ter of John and Eliza Davis McFaden, was born in Pitts- burg, Pa., April 30, 1838. She attended the public schools and the Pittsburgh Female College, also Dr. Varian's Seminary and Miss Tallent's Private School of Meadville, Pa. Catherine Graydon McFaden was married to Henry John Bailey on August 15, 1865, in St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church of Pittsburg. Her two eldest daugh- ters were also married in this church. This happy union was blessed with nine children: 1. Alice Noble, 2. Eliza McFaden, 3. George Hobart, 4. Katie Kerfoot, 5. ILa-Rry Chantler, 6. John Parke, 7. Gertrude Lilian, 8. Edith Greye, 9. Howard Percy. Of these, John Parke and Howard Percy died in infancy. The first lived one year and nine months; the second only one month. At the present time (1910) twenty-two boys and girls call her grandmother. IVIrs. Bailey, since her children have grown up and settled in homes of their own, has traveled extensively, and taken an active interest in charitable and philan- thropic work. She has visited Mexico, California, Ore- gon, Yellowstone Park, and other parts of the United States, as well as Russia, Japan, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, England, Ire- land, Scotland, Wales, France, Italy, Eg^npt, and the Holy Land. WTiile in the Holy Land IVIrs. Bailey pro- cured some water from the River Jordan which was used at the baptism of her grandson, Franklin Car- 154 THE DAVIS FAMILY lisle Hodkinson, Jr., in Calvary Episcopal Church, Pitts- burg. Alice Noble Bailey, her eldest child, was also baptized, by Dr. Snively, with water from the Jordan River in the old St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, formerly on Hand now Ninth Street, Pittsburg. Mrs. Bailey is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, almost from its organization; of the United States Daughters of 1812; the Colonial Dames, and the Daughters of American Pioneers. Of the latter society, she has been the Regent since the organization six years ago. Twice she has been President of the Travelers' Club, and has also been President of the Pittsburgh Sorosis. Mrs. Bailey has taken an active part in civic work, and done much for Vacation School Playgrounds, the Soho Public Baths, and the Home for Babies, under the auspices of the Daughters of American Pioneers. In the summer of 1908 Mrs. Bailey had her photograph taken with her children and grandchildren, making a group of thirty-one persons. A copy of the photograph is shown in this book. {See Key.) Taken from Pennsylvania Historical and Biograph- ical, Lambing, Historian, 1904 Vol. 2, Page 199 Henry John Bailey, one of Pittsburg's best known and most successful business men, who died at his home, Centerview, corner Center and Aiken avenues, Wednes- day, December 9, 1903, was a native of Pittsburg, born May 30, 1839. He was a son of George and Sarah Chantler Bailey. Mr. Bailey was educated in the old South School on Ross Street, and when a mere boy went into the plumbing business with his father. At the age of eighteen he succeeded his father in the business, and a few years afterward took his brother-in- HENRY JOHN BAILEY IV. JOHN 155 law, John Farrell, into partnership under the name of Bailey, Farrell & Co. In 1865 the firm gave up the plumbing business, and engaged in the manufacture of lead pipe, sheet lead, and shot, as well as brass and iron- work for plumbers and gas-fitters, and mechanical and engine-builders supplies. In this line of industry the Bailey-Farrell Manufacturing Company, incorporated in 1891, has become the largest and best known of its kind west of the Alleghany Mountains. In April, 1903, Mr. Bailey retired from active business, but the control of the company which he organized is still held by his children. Mr. Bailey was a man of strong personality and intellect. His habit of close application and study upon any subject in which he became interested caused him to master quickly its every detail. His ability to acquire accurate knowledge was one of his chief charac- teristics. Among his earliest achievements was the de- velopment of machinery for working lead into sheet, pipe, arid shot. His practical knowledge, united with his excutive ability, placed his company in the highest rank. Mr. Bailey was an indefatigable reader and worker, his large library containing many scientific works. He was the author of several treatises on subjects of interest to the plumbing trade, writing from a practical standpoint. He was very methodical and exact in all his business transactions, and his honesty and integrity were never questioned. Cordial and friendly in his dis- position, he was a good companion and sincere friend. He was a lover of horses, a keen sportsman, and a good shot, and made several trips to the far West for the purpose of hunting and recreation. Mr. Bailey gave considerable money to charitable purposes, much of which was done in a quiet way. Mr. Bailey owned con- siderable real estate in the city of Pittsburg, the great bulk of which is improved with a good class of buildings. One of the principal pieces of his down-town holdings is 156 THE DAVIS FAMILY the old homestead on Fourth Avenue, directly across from the post-office and adjoining the Columbia National Bank building, where three of his children were born. This is to-day one of the most valuable properties in the city of Pittsburg. He took a lively interest in all the city improvements, and had a deep and lasting faith in the city's greatness, lending his time, money, and influence to anything looking toward its growth. He was a member of the Baptist Church, his wife and children being members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He belonged to the Masonic order, and in politics was a Republican. He was a member of the Sportsmen's Association of Western Pennsylvania, and of the Pittsburgh Automobile Club. 1. Alice Noble Bailey, born on the twelfth of June, 1866, was married to Mr. Robert Garland on April 12, 1888. Two children were born: 1. Alice Gertrude, born on February 14, 1889, and 2. Robert, born on November 21, 1897. He died on October 16, 1901. Mr. Robert Garland was born in Charlemont, Ire- land, on September 27, 1862. His father, Robert Gar- land, married Eliza Jane Atwell, the daughter of John Atwell and Maria Oliver. His grandfather, Robert Gar- land, married Mary Ann McCann. His great-grandfather, George Garland, went from Preston, England, to Armagh, Ireland, about the year 1754. He married a daughter of the Green Isle. Robert's father was a sergeant-major in the Crimean War, and received two or three medals for bravery. His son is now wearing a seal ring which was given to his father by Colonel Burgess, whose life he saved during the war. Mr. Robert Garland is president of the Garland Nut and Rivet Company, and a director of the Third National Bank of Pittsburg. He is connected also with several other organizations. This family is in the Protestant Episcopal Church. IV. JOHN 157 2. Eliza McFaden Bailey, born on the first of Janu- ary, 1868, was married on December 1, 1892, to Mr. John Whyte Garland, a brother of Mr. Robert Garland. Mr. John W. Garland was born on May 11, 1867. To Mr. and Mrs. John Garland have been born five children : 1. Robert Mervyn, born on December 8, 1893, 2. Henry Bailey, born on August 4, 1895, 3. Wallace Graydon, born on March 27, 1901, 4. Edith Bailey, born on Jan- uary 24, 1903, and 5. Virginia Louise, born on Decem- ber 12, 1905. Mr. John W. Garland is President of the Safety- Armorite Conduit Company, and a director of the First National Bank of Pittsburg. This family also belongs to the Protestant Episcopal Church. 3. George Hobart Bailey, born on November 30, 1869, married Mary Isabel Atwell on the twenty -fifth of January, 1893. Miss Atwell is the daughter of James Atwell and Isabel Murray Atwell. They have three children: 1. Henry John, born on May 3, 1894, 2. James Atwell, born on August 4, 1899; and 3. Dorothy Isabel, born on January 19, 1904. Mr. Bailey is President of the Bailey-Farrell Manu- facturing Company. This family is also in the Episcopal Church. 4. Katie Kerfoot Bailey, born on November 13, 1872, was married on October 14, 1897, to Mr. Frank- lin Carlisle Hodkinson. Mr. Hodkinson, the son of Thomas Hodkinson and Mary E. Ward, was born on January 1, 1873. To Mr. and Mrs. Hodkinson have been born five chil- dren: 1. Catherine Bailey, born on March 28, 1900, 2. Eleanor Louise, born on June 26, 1902, 3. Lois Emma, born on March 23, 1904, died on January 31, 1905, 4. Emma Bihler, born on May 2, 1905, and 5. Franklin Carlisle, Jr., born October 17, 1909. Mr. Hodkinson is Secretary of the Safety-Armorite 158 THE DAVIS FAMILY Conduit Company. The family is in the Protestant Episcopal Church. 5. Harry Chantler Bailey, born on November 24, 1874, married Miss Mary Alice Craft on the sixteenth of June, 1897. Miss Craft is the daughter of Charles C. Craft and Mary Mallory Craft. To Mr. and Mrs. Bailey was born a son named Harry Chantler Bailey, on November 4, 1898. Mr. Bailey's course on earth was a brief one. He died on the twenty-first of October, 1899. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of which church Mrs. Bailey and her son are also members. 6. Gertrude Lillian Bailey, born on the tenth of May, 1880, was married on the second of April, 1902, to Mr. Robert Willaim Tener. Mr. Tener is the son of Hampden E. Tener and Eliza Frost, and was born in Ireland on March 19, 1867. He is auditor of the United Engineering and Foundry Company of Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Tener have four children: 1. Graydon Bailey, born on August 5, 1903, 2. Robert William, born on March 20, 1906, and Gertrude Catherine and Hampden Frost, twins, born on August 30, 1907. This family is also in the Protestant Episcopal Church. 7. Edith Greye Bailey, born on the fourth of March, 1882, was married on January 10, 1905, to Mr. Robert Ransom Gordon. He is treasurer of the Pressed Radi- ator Company of Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon have two children: 1. Bailey, born on October 31, 1905, and 2. Catherine Graydon McFaden, born on January 18, 1907. Mrs. Gordon is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, while Mr. Gordon, as his fine old Scotch name would indicate, is a member of the Pres- byterian Church. C. William Davis, third child and second son of John Davis and Mary McGunnegle, married Anna Stewart Horner, a sister of Mr. John Horner, of KEY No.l. Mrs. Henry John Bailey. 2. Mrs. Robert Garland (Alice Noble Bailey). 3. Robert Garland. 4. Alice Gertrude Garland. 5. Mrs. John Whyte Garland (Eliza McFaden Bailey). 6. John Whyte Garland. 7. Robert Mervyn Garland. 8. Henry Bailey Garland. 9. Wallace Graydon Garland. 10. Edith Bailey Garland. 11. Virginia Louise Garland. 12. George Hobart Bailey. 13. Mrs. George Hobart Bailey (Mary Isabel Atwell). 14. Henry John Bailey. 15. James Atwell Bailey. 16. Dorothy Isabel Bailey. 17. Mrs. Franklin Carlisle Hodkinson (Katie Kerfoot Bailey). 18. Franklin Carlisle Hodkinson. 19. Catherine Bailey Hodkinson. 20. Eleanor Louise Hodkinson. 21. Emma Bihler Hodkinson. 22. Mrs. Robert William Tener (Gertrude Lillian Bailey). 23. Robert William Tener. 24. Graydon Bailey Tener. 25. Robert William Tener, Jr. 26. Hampden Frost Tener. 27. Gertrude Catherine Tener. 28. Mrs. Robert Ransom Gordon (Edith Greye Bailey). 29. Robert Ransom Gordon. 30. Bailey Gordon. 31. Catherine Graydon McFaden Gordon. 1 IV. JOHN 159 Wilkinsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Davis lived in that place. They had one child, John Means Davis, a beautiful boy, of a singularly sweet disposition, who died, after a brief illness, at the early age of five years. I am truly sorry that I failed to obtain further data concerning this member of John Davis's family, and his loved ones. D. Kennedy Davis, fourth child and third son of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, was born in Meadville, Decem- ber 8, 1804, and died August 19, 1881. He obtained as good an education as could be had in Meadville at that early day. He married Margaret Hurst, a daughter of William Hurst, a prominent citizen of Meadville. In the year 1828 or 1829 he established a tannery on the west side of Water Street, and continued to operate it until the year 1859. In 1852 he was one of the incor- porators of Greendale Cemetery. Inheriting the patriotic spirit of his ancestors, Mr. Davis enlisted during the Civil War, at the same time with his son Frederick, for the defense of Pennsylvania. Their company was stationed for some time at Camp Howe, Pittsburg. He was elected, some years later, Associate Judge of the Courts of Crawford County. He was a man of strict integrity and strong convictions. He was a public-spirited and useful citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Davis and all their children were mem- bers of the Protestant Episcopal Church. To Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Davis were born six chil- dren: 1. IVIary E., 2. George K., 3. Henry H., 4. Fred- erick H., 5. Augustine, 6. Frances I. Mary, George, and Augustine died young. 1. Henry Hurst Davis was educated at Allegheny College, served at First Lieutenant during the Civil War, and is now engaged in business in the neighborhood of Pittsburg. 160 THE DAVIS FAMILY 2. Frederick Hurst Davis was educated at Alle- gheny College, studied law, was admitted to practise in the Courts of Crawford County, and resides in Mead- ville. He is a man of fine literary taste, and spends much of his time in reading and study. He also volunteered at the breaking out of the Civil War, and was accepted as one of the defenders of the Union. 3. Frances Isabel Davis, the youngest of the family of Judge Kennedy Davis, passed into eternal felicity on March 11, 1907. She was a woman of broad culture, and possessed marked executive ability, although an invalid for many years. Her bright mind and enter- taining manner, combined with the Christian faitlj and love which shone through the weariness and .pain of her affliction, won and held admiring friends, not only in the vicinity, but from many cities where lives had been touched by the influence of her forceful personality. Prominent in church and social circles, she had served in various offices, such as Secretary of the Woman's Board of Missions, the Church Charity Guild, and the Woman's Auxiliary. Miss Fanny Davis possessed liter- ary abilities far above the ordinary. Her interest in the culture of her sex led her to organize the Woman's Club of Meadville, in which she served faithfully and effi- ciently as first president. Of Colonial and Revolutionary ancestry on both the Davis and the Hurst side of her house, it was fitting that to her should belong the honor of being the founder and first Regent of the Crawford County Chapter of the D. A. R. Through her efforts all the preliminary work was done with marked success, and many genealogical records were proven after much careful research. In grateful appreciation of this willing service, two of the most prominent members of the Crawford County Chap- ter presented to the Regent the insignia of the society IV. JOHN 161 in a handsome jewel-box; and, in offering this beautiful tribute, voiced unbounded appreciation of her many and unusually high qualities of mind and heart. As a member of the Society of Colonial Dames of Pennsj'lvania, her interest in and enthusiasm for the patriotic work of her sister members in the many organ- izations now banded together widened and increased from day to day. Thus many otherwise weary hours w^ere filled with most pleasurable satisfaction and enjoyment, derived from the thought that even her shut-in life of suffering might share in some small degree in the noble work accomplished by those patriotic societies. E. jVL\.ry Means Davis, fourth in descent from James, the founder of the family in America, and the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, was born in Mead- ville December 12, 1806. After enjoying excellent advantages in a Christian home, and in the schools of Meadville, she was married to John Horner, Esq., of Wilkinsburg, Pa., June 7, 1832. The marriage took place in Christ's Protestant Episcopal Church, at Meadville, Rev. John James being the officiating minister. Her home was thereafter at Wilkinsburg. Brought up in the Protestant Episcopal Church, she now became, with her husband, a member of the Presbyterian Church. "Of a retiring disposition, she was nevertheless exceedingly active and zealous in missionary and charitable work, and endeared herself to a large circle of friends who loved her because of what she w^as, a refined, intelligent, and earnest Christian woman." Descended from those who took part in the Colonial and Revolutionary wars, and the mother of three vet- erans of the War to preserve the Union, Mrs. Horner was truly patriotic and loyal in all her feelings, realizing at the same time that patriotism should be active in the present, as well as retrospective of the past. While honoring in 162 THE DAVIS FAMILY our hearts the brave men who purchased our freedom, we should exhibit a present-day patriotism, and study to be on the right side of every question that comes up. Among Mrs. Horner's memories of her early life in Pittsburg was that of greeting that great friend of Amer- ica, General Lafayette, when he visited the United States, as the "Nation's Guest," in 1824-25, and was given a reception at Pittsburg. Another memory that gave her pleasure to mention was that her mother had been one of a number of Pitts- burg patriotic women who pledged themselves not to wear any article manufactured in England, until peace should be declared. Mrs. Horner, after a lingering illness, attended with great suffering, borne with the sweetest patience and submission, entered into eternal joy February 9, 1887. Throughout life she had exemplified the rarest type of Christian gentleness and refinement. Hers was pre- eminently a beautiful old age. Though well advanced in years, she was not bent with age. She was as erect as in her earlier years. Mrs. Horner was not exempt from trials and sorrows, losing, as she did, so many of the friends who were very dear to her. Especially was the death of her three sons, who may be said to have sacrificed their lives in their patriotic devotion to the Union of the states, a sore and bitter trial to her loving heart. But it was in meeting these trials, and when she herself came to go down into "the valley of the shadow of death," that her sweet and beautiful spirit of submission — of unmurmuring and cheerful resignation to the divine will — was exhibited, and shed its blessed influence upon all around her. Mr. John Horner was born at Wilkinsburg, Pa., May 26, 1799. He was descended, on his father's side, from Huguenot ancestors, who fled from France to Scot- land, and from thence to the north of Ireland. He was IV. JOHN 163 descended also from the Dunnings and McNairs, who, in the Colonial times, and in the Revolutionary struggle, proved themselves noble representatives of the cause of justice and liberty. He was therefore of a family well represented in the conflict for civil and religious liberty both in the Old World and in the New. He was gradu- ated from Jefferson College, at Canonsburg, Pa., in 1822. He then read law, but, for family reasons, on the death of his father he engaged in the drug business in Pittsburg. He was elected Justice of the Peace, and later Clerk of the Courts of Allegheny County for successive terms. During the War of the States he was actively interested in the work of the Christian Commission. Having sent three sons into the service of his country, his fatherly affection went out to all who wore the blue. He was an active and useful member of the Presbyte- rian Church. From earliest childhood he gave evidence of the many good qualities which distinguished him in after life. Truth, generosity, and the keenest sense of honor were his attributes in an eminent degree. He urged the erection of school and church buildings, and was noted for his high regard for everything tending to uplift and save his fellow men. The first public school in Wilkinsburg was held in his father's home, and the first public schoolhouse erected in Wilkinsburg was named the John Horner School. Mr. Horner left these earthly scenes March 19, 1869. He left to his children the precious legacy of an unsullied name, and the record of a pure and sterling character exhibited in the discharge of all his public duties. Mr. and Mrs. Horner had a family of eight children, as follows: 1. James, 2. John D., 3. Mary G., 4. Matilda G., 5. Eleanor M., 6. Eliza M., 7. George K., 8. Wil- liam JI. 164 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1. James Horner, the eldest of the family, was born April 1, 1833. He was educated at Allegheny College, Meadville, and, March 2, 1858, married Margaret S. McFarland, daughter of John McFarland, a merchant of Meadville. Miss McFarland was a graduate of the Moravian Seminary at Bethlehem, Pa. The young couple lived for a time in Minnesota, then removed to Wilkinsburg, Pa. Here Mr. Horner spent the remainder of his life; and here Mrs. Horner, with her children, is still living. Mr. Horner was an estimable and honored citizen. He was elected Burgess of the town for a term of three years. He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church. His death occurred January 8, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. James Horner had three children: 1. John M., 2. Georgia D., 3. Frank. (a) Mr. John McFarland Horner, born January 11, 1859, is in business in Pittsburg. (b) Miss Georgia Davis Horner, born August 2, 1860, is a young woman of fine executive ability. She is engaged in the insurance and real estate business. (c) Frank Horner died young. 2. John Davis Horner was born July 11, 1834. He attended private schools in Wilkinsburg, and the Acad- emy at East Liberty, going back and forth each day in stage-coach or omnibus. In 1861, when the call to arms came from President Lincoln, Davis Horner was among the first to respond. He enlisted in Company G, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, known as the "Anderson Cavalry," under command of Gen. George H. Thomas, of the Army of the Cumberland, and continued in that company until the close of the war. He was on many a hard-fought battle-field, and displayed great bravery, especially in the battles of Chattanooga and Chickamauga. After the war he was in the United States custom-house at Pitts- burg for several years. He took great interest in the IV. JOHN 165 G. A. R., and was also a charter member of the Penn- sylvania Society of the S. A. R. He loved his country's flag, and showed his devotion to it, by having a liberty- pole erected near his residence, from which the starry banner floated in the breeze on all anniversary occasions. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilkinsburg, having united with it in early life, under the ministry of the Rev. Samuel M. Henderson. His death occurred February 18, 1898. His body lies in the family lot in Allegheny Cemetery. 3. Mary George Horner, the oldest daughter of the family, was born September 19, 1836. She attended private schools in Wilkinsburg, and the Academy at East Liberty. Her rich affection, sunny cheerfulness, and beautiful unselfishness filled her home circle with gracious ministries and happiness. She passed into the other life — in her case one of eternal joy — December 2, 1874. 4. Matilda Graham Horner was born November 2, 1838. She was educated, like her sister and older broth- ers, in private schools and at the East Liberty Academy. She is a charter member of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilkinsburg. With her sister, IVIrs. Gordon, she has a beautiful home, with a fine outlook, at Wilkinsburg. While in delicate health, she has been in full sympathy with, and, as far as possible, in cooperation with her sister in literary and benevolent work. 5. Eleanor McGunnegle Horner was born Decem- ber 4, 1840. Her educational advantages were the same that her older brothers and sisters enjoyed. She became the wife of John S. McKelvy. Mr. McKelvy was a graduate of Allegheny College, at Meadville. But deciding to make agriculture his life- 166 THE DAVIS FAMILY work, he entered and was graduated from the State Col- lege of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. McKelvy reside on their farm in the neighborhood of Wilkinsburg. To them have been born six children: 1. Rose C, 2. James P., 3. IVIary H., 4. Elizabeth H., 5. Eleanor G., 6. John S. 1. Rose Cliff McKelvy was born December 3, 1864, and finished her education at the Pittsburg Female Col- lege. She became the wife of Marshall D. McWhinney. Mr. McWhinney was a graduate of the Western Uni- versity, now the University of Pittsburg, and succeeded his father, Matthew McWhinney, in the wholesale and retail hardware business, conducted under the name of Matthew McWhinney & Co., Wood Street, Pittsburg. (a) Their eldest son, Marshall Dean McWhinney, Jr., studied mining engineering at the State College of Pennsylvania. (6) Their only daughter, Eleanor McKelitt Mc- Whinney, is a graduate of Hamilton Institute, at Washington, D. C. (c) Ray McWhinney, their second son, was graduated from the Pittsburg High School, and, at last account, was a student in the mining department of the Carnegie Technical Institute in Pittsburg. 2. James Percy McKelvy was graduated from the High School of Pittsburg when seventeen years of age. He then entered Columbia College, in New York City, from which he was graduated. He then took a position in the Laboratory of the Carnegie Steel Works in Pitts- burg. Later he decided to study medicine, and spent four years in study in New York City, later engaging in hospital work in the same city. He is now successfully practising his profession in the east end of Pittsburg. 3. Mary Horner McKelvy was educated in the public schools, and finished at the Pittsburg Female College. She became the wife of Louis Adams Reisige. IV. JOHN 167 Mr. Reisige's father, a Lutheran minister, came to Amer- ica with his wife, from Hambm-g, Germany, and was located in Philadelphia. The son, Louis, was graduated from the L'niversity of Pennsylvania, and became an architect. He came to Pittsburg, and has here followed his profession with success. 4. Elizabeth Hagan McKeltt received the same education, at the same institutions, with her older sisters. She was married to Dr. Saxderson. Dr. Sanderson's father lives in Montreal, Can., where Dr. Sanderson was bom. He was educated at one of the colleges in Canada. He studied medicine there, and when graduated, he came to Pittsburg, and located in the east end, where he is successfully practising his profession. 5. Eleanor Gray McKel^t was favored with the same educational advantages that her sisters had, and was married to H. W. McIxtosh. He was a graduate of the L'niversity of Pittsburg, pursued post-graduate studies at Yale, and studied law in Pittsburg, where he is engaged in the practice of his profession. The firm is Langfitt & Mcintosh, Attorneys. 6. John Sample McKEL^•T prepared for college in Pittsburg, and was graduated at Yale University. He studied law, and is a practising attorney in Pittsburg. All of the McKehy family are members of the Pres- byterian Church. 6. Eliza M. Horner, sixth child and fourth daughter of John and ^lary M. Horner, was born December 26, 1843. She attended the Wilkinsburg Academy for sev- eral years, then took private lessons in modern lan- guages, and in vocal and instrumental music. Her father, being a good linguist, instilled into Eliza a strong desire for the same accomplishment. \Mien she was eight years of age she began the study of Latin, reciting to her father in the evening, after being at school all day. 168 THE DAVIS FAMILY She was not much older when she began the study of German in the same way. Her knowledge of French and German she has found to be of the greatest value and convenience to her in her frequent travels and long residences in Europe. She was married to Franklin M. Gordon October 17, 1882. Mr. Gordon was born in Baltimore December 29, 1816. He was descended from the Gordons of the old clan country in Scotland. He went to Pittsburg at jan early age, and engaged in business. Later he became associated with the Peoples' National Bank, as its first cashier. He was a very intelligent and public-spirited man, a Christian gentleman, active in the philanthropic work of the city. During the war between the states, he was closely indentified with the work of the Christian Commission, visiting different encampments in the in- terest of the soldiers. With his good Scotch name, he was of course a Presbyterian, and devoted to the work of the Church and Sabbath School. He was a devout and humble follower of the Blessed Saviour, preferring the Bible and Shorter Catechism to books of speculation on the subject of religion. He passed from earth December 9, 1883, to realize the eternal reward of a life spent in serv- ing the Lord, and doing good to his fellow men. Mrs. Gordon was a kindred spirit — having a precious inheritance of faith and piety from a fine Christian ancestry on both sides of her house. She is an enthusi- astic genealogist. The compiler of this book owes his interest in the work largely to Mrs. Gordon and Miss Fanny Davis. At a time when he knew very little indeed of our ancestral history, these two ladies, by the researches they had made, and the interest they manifested, awak- ened a like interest in him. Mrs. Gordon is a little woman, but she has a great heart and a noble spirit. She has an active and well stored mind — too much spirit and intelligence, indeed, IV. JOHN 169 for her little body. I cannot begin to name the organ- izations in Wilkinsburg and Pittsburg of which she is a member — one or two of which she founded; there are literary clubs and philanthropic societies; work for the poor and the sick; church work; work for temperance, and work for missions; a hospital for tuberculosis sub- jects; efforts at ci\'ic improvement and patriotic advance- ment — the latter through the Colonial Dames and D. A. R. WTien at home she has so many of these in- terests pressing upon her that, with her feeble health and "often infirmities," there is soon a collapse, and nothing gives her relief but a trip abroad, and a residence among the mountains of the TjtoI, or elsewhere, where many years of her widowhood have been spent. Nor is she idle there, but, in a climate which gives her relief from some of her home ailments, she finds a new field of endeavor and an outlet for her humane sympathies and Christian enthusiasm. 7. George Kennedy Horner, born in 1845, inherit- ing the spirit, and following the traditions of his fathers, enlisted in company with James Davis Gibson in Cap- tain Huidekooper's Company F, 58th Pennsylvania Mili- tia. This company assisted in the capture of General Morgan and his men, then raiding in Ohio, and with Company C of the same regiment was detailed to take the prisoners to Columbus. George K. Horner in early life was brought under the influence of a true faith in the realities of life and eternity — a faith which deepened and strengthened with the passing years; so that, when the hour of departure ar- rived, he passed into the other life with joy and triumph. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilkinsburg. 8. WiLLL\M Henry Horner, fifth in descent from James Davis, founder and patriot, on his mother's side, and from Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Dunning, through 170 THE DAVIS FAMILY his father's family, was also a brave soldier. Enlisting in Hampton's Battery, Pennsylvania Artillery, when but fifteen years of age, on June 12, 1862, he remained in the army until the close of the war. He was stationed at Harper's Ferry, Va., and took part in many battles and skirmishes. Shortly before the army disbanded he con- tracted the measles, from the effects of which he never fully recovered, his death resulting April 27, 1866, when he was only nineteen years of age. Throughout a long illness William bore his sufferings with unfailing patience and gentleness. As the end approached he calmly said, "I am not afraid to die; I think I shall go to heaven." Thus peacefully did the young patriot's brave spirit pass into the life beyond. His body lies in the family lot in the Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburg. F. James McGunnegle Davis, seventh child and fourth son of John and Mary M. Davis, was born near Meadville December 8, 1808, and died in Philadelphia April 5, 1850. He married Joanna Jones O'Brien, who was born in Ireland and was of the Roman Catholic faith. They lived in Philadelphia, where Mr. Davis was engaged in the transportation business, the firm being Davis and McFaden. They had charge of the Reliance Portage Line of Canal Boats, with terminals in Phila- delphia and Pittsburg, Mr. McFaden being in the latter city. The boats were in sections, and were on trucks, drawn by mules across the portages, and, arriving in Philadelphia, they were again put on trucks, and drawn by mules down Market Street to the warehouse between Ninth and Tenth streets. "I remember," says Mrs. Scully, "the pleasure it gave me to be taken to my father's warehouse, to see the mules drawing the boats, and to hear the noise made by the drivers urging them on." The completion of the Pennsylvania Railroad put an end to this kind of transportation. IV. JOHN 171 Mr. and Mrs. Davis had four children: 1. Mary J., 2. Eleanor G., 3. John K., and 4. James. Mrs. Davis and the children moved to Pittsburg, after Mr. Davis's death in 1850. Mrs. Davis died in Pittsburg. 1. Mary J. Davis was married to Harmer Denny Scully, of Pittsburg, in the Cathedral, November 26, 1857. To them were born four children: 1. James Davis Scully, who died August 11, 1859, 2. Agnes M. Scully, born March 1, 1860. She was married to Edwin A. Mason February 9, 1888. They had two children: 1. Albert Mason, born June 5, 1890, who died June 10, 1891, 2. Edwin Scully Mason, born September 9, 1891. Mrs. Mason died September 27, 1891. Mr. Mason is in the cordage business in Pittsburg. He is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. 3. Genevieve Scully was born in 1862, and died April 28, 1872. 4. Harmer Denny Scully was born July 27, 1864. He is corresponding clerk in the Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburg. G. Margaret Kennedy Davis, sixth child and third daughter of John and Mary M. Davis, was born June 5, 1811, and died October 26, 1857. She was married to William Davis, son of Samuel, February 23, 1836. They had eight children: 1. and 2. twins, George Mc- GuiRE, and Samuel Means Davis, 3. Willie Anne Means Davis, 4. Mary McGunnegle Davis, 5. Francis Kennedy Davis, 6. Eliza C. Davis, 7. Jesse Wilson Dick Davis, and 8. Rosamond Gilliland Davis. Of Margaret's children the first three died young; the fourth, Mrs. Alfred Flick, is living at Hadley, Mercer County, Pa. ; the fifth, Frank, entered the Union Army at eighteen and conducted himself nobly during the war. He died in Kansas in 1882. The sixth, Eliza, died in 1863, in 172 THE DAVIS FAMILY her nineteenth year. The seventh, Jesse, is living at Tahoka, Tex., in the real estate business. He is a live man — full of public spirit — and a great hustler. He has three fine boys — Carl, Jesse, and Lloyd — aged, respectively, twenty, nineteen, and eighteen. The eighth, Rosamond, married James Hopejoy, in 1873, and died in Arkansas, in 1875. For further particulars concerning Margaret, her husband, and her children, see "William" under Samuel. 2. Eleanor Gibson Davis, second daughter of James M. and Joanna J. Davis, was born in Philadelphia, taken when young to Pittsburg, and lived with her mother until the death of the latter. From that time until her death she and her sister, Mrs. Scully, were constant com- panions and mutual helpers. Early in 1911 Eleanor was very suddenly and unexpectedly removed by death, to the great loss and grief of her sister. Our cousin was a fine character, a faithful member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in personal appearance and manner a typical Davis. 3. John Kennedy Davis, third child of James M. and Joanna J. Davis, was born in Philadelphia January 29, 1846. He married Sarah Kirby April 16, 1888. They had two children: 1. Marguerite Davis and Ralph Kennedy Davis. Both are living; but Mrs. Davis has departed this life. H. Eleanor Gibson Davis, the youngest of the family of John and Mary M. Davis, was born in Pittsburg January 20, 1815, and died in Springfield, O., September 6, 1890. She was married to James Herriott Gibson, a dry-goods merchant of Meadville, January 30, 1840. Mrs. Eleanor Davis Gibson was an intelligent and inter- esting lady, who was a faithful member of the Protestant R'. JOHN 173 Episcopal Church, reared a fine family, and was admired and loved by her children and friends. She spent the closing years of her useful life in the home of her son, James Davis Gibson, at Springfield, O. A fall down a stairway resulted in her death. It was a terrible accident to her; to her friends it was a calamity; but to the Heav- enly Father it was a means of bringing to Himself, and to eternal peace and joy, one whom He greatly loved. To Mr. and Mrs. Gibson were born eight children: 1. Henry B.. -2. Mart E., 3. James D., 4. Eliza S., 5. Ellen H., 6. Frances J., 7. Wit j.t \2,i D., and S. EDW^N F. 1. Henry Bosler Gibson was bom December 16, 1840, and died March 8, 1891. He married SaR-\h E. Lewis of Binghamton, X. Y., October 12, 1865. They had one child, Clifford Con"way Gibson, born March 4, 1876, and died December 15, 1878. Mr. Gibson's business for many years was that of financier for such firms as the "\Mieeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Com- pany (from which firm he received a salary of 810,000 a year) and Hall's Safe and Lock Company. He died at the country home of his wife's brother in Pohagon, Mich., where ^L*. and ^L-s. Gibson had gone when he was over- come by ill health. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 2. "^Lkry Ele-O^'OR Gibson, bom May 14, 184'-2, was married, April -26, 1866, to Fil\ncis ^L\rion True, who was born in Mead\'ille February 16, 184'-2. After their marriage ^Lr. and ^NL-s. True lived in Titusville, then in Meadville. For many years past Erie, Pa., has been the home of the family. Mr. True, who died February 16, 1896, was a true patriot and brave soldier. In the War for the Union he belonged to the 150th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry (the "Bucktail Regiment"), 174 THE DAVIS FAMILY and he was in the battles of Bull Run, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness. Mr. and Mrs. True had three children: 1. Ellen F., 2. William D., 3. Arthur W. 1. Ellen Foster True, born March 20, 1867, was educated in the public schools of Erie, learned the art of printing, and is in a large job-printing house in Erie, where she is engaged in press-feeding. But "Miss Nellie True" is an expert, and is capable of almost any kind of work that is required in such an establishment. 2. William Davis True, born December 24, 1871, was killed by a train of cars, at Painesville, O., when he was nearly thirty years of age. 3. Arthur Willis True, born February 15, 1878, is in business in Erie. He is married, and has one daughter, Leona Josephine, who was born January 5, 1901. A correspondent, giving to me the names and places of residence of members of our family circle whom I had never seen, wrote me, "Mary Gibson True is a very handsome, good woman, living in Erie, Pa." When later I had the pleasure of seeing and becoming acquainted with Mrs. True, I found her a very fine type of the women descended from Mary Means. All of this family are in the Episcopal Church. 3. James Davis Gibson, born October 11, 1844, mar- ried Lucy Ellen Ziegler in Dayton, O., December 23, 1869. The officiating minister was Rev. S. D. Clayton, an uncle of the bride. To them were born six children — three sons, all living, and three daughters, all de- ceased: 1. Grace E., 2. Ellie C, 3. John C, 4. Albert D., 5. James A., 6. Lucy C. Mr. Gibson was for many years, during the palmy days of the sewing-machine business, a general agent in that work, but of recent years his occupation is that of looking after his real estate in the city of Dayton. "His char- IV. JOHN 175 acter would bear investigation from the day of his birth to the present time. He is a man of the strictest integ- rity, and he has never in his Hfe used tobacco or hquor." During the ^Ya^ for the Union ]Mr. Gibson enhsted first in a regiment recruited at Pittsburg for ninety days' service. He took part in the capture of Gen. John Mor- gan, and his company was detailed to conduct Morgan and his men to the Columbus, O., penitentiary. After this he served to the close of the war in Company I, 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry. Although wounded in an action at St. Mary's Church, Va., he was present at the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox. ISLc. and ]Mrs. Gibson belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Gibson has for many years been active in church work, being superintendent of the Sunday School, member of the official board, etc. As to Mrs. Gibson, I shall give what she gave me in private correspondence without a thought of its being published. I give it that we may all know what kind of a cousin we have in her, and in hope that it may stim- ulate and encourage some of the younger feminine mem- bers of our family circle: "For ten years past I have devoted a part of my time to teaching domestic science, a profession that holds for me the same charm that art does for some others. Naturally I am domestic in my tastes, and, from the time I had children to care for, I began to study the subject of foods, cookery, etc., for their benefit and my own. Wlien my children were small I took my first course privately with a teacher of domestic science. Years later my sister, li\Tng in Iowa, being president of the Y. W. C. A. of her to\\Ti, prevailed upon me to give for them a course of lectures and demon- strations. Later I was in\'ited to do the same work at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Then the Y. W. C. A. of my own city sought my ser\'ices. Then the National Cash Regis- ter Company engaged me to help them in their welfare 176 THE DAVIS FAMILY work for women, by teaching them to cook. And so the work has grown on my hands, until, for eight winters past, I have conducted courses in domestic science for our Y. W. C. A., our Miami Valley Hospital Nurses, and the National Cash Register Company. When my work closes, early in March, I usually have several engagements for short courses in other cities. That is my present mission in Sandusky, where I have a class of one hundred and twenty-five ladies, all interested in the womanly occupation of home-making. Since my work began to grow upon me, I have continued my studies, and have had the advantage of a course in Teachers' College, Columbia University, and some special courses in the chemistry of foods, nutrition, etc., under the best of teachers, and the more I learn, the more I want to know." Children of James D. and Lucy Z. Gibson: 1. Grace Ellen Gibson, born December 15, 1870, and died in Springfield, O., May 15, 1890. Noticing that Grace was a young woman of nineteen, I requested her mother to tell me something about her. I shall copy her reply, hoping that it may do our hearts good, and be a blessing to the dear young girls in our families. Her mother wrote: "Attractive in appearance, and genial in her disposition, her friends still remember the sweet smile with which she always greeted them. Grace was much taller and heavier than I am, for I am a little woman, and I learned to depend upon her in many ways. We were more like sisters than mother and daughter. She was educated in the Springfield public schools, and at Wittenberg College. "She was blessed with abounding good health until shortly before her death, when she had an attack of la grippe. She was ill only two weeks. When she learned that she must give up her young life at an age when everything seemed so bright before her, she was wonder- fully sustained by her faith and trust in the Saviour, whom rv'. JOHN 177 from her childhood she had loved. Her death was a trans- lation. She almost sang herself through the pearly gates; and with breaking heart, sustained by a power from above, I sang to her the sweet songs of Israel, which seemed to be a great comfort to her in her last days. Together we sang, '*'0h. how sweet it will be in that beautiful land, So free from all sorrow and pain, With songs on our lips, and with harps in our hands. To greet one another again!' Surely she was 'compassed about with songs of deliv- erance.' '"During her illness she several times repeated the ' Gloria in Excelsis,* in which her grandmother Gibson joined her." t2. Ellie Clayton Gibson, born at Bryan, O., Decem- ber 5, 1873, died September 10, 1874. 3. John Clare Gibson was born in Erie, Pa., Decem- ber 20, 1875. He received a good common-school educa- tion, and was graduated from the high school. He entered the ser^'ice of the Bell Telephone Company, and is now one of the state officials of that company. On Jime '24, 1903, he married ^L\ry Cornells HL^rkins of Columbus, 0. She is a daughter of ^Ir. and ^Irs. Cass Harkins. ^Ir. Harkins is a well known business man of Columbus, a manufacturer's agent, equipping plants with machinery of aU kinds. ^Irs. J. C. Gibson is a thor- oughly good woman, practical, sensible, and lovable — one who has a host of friends — and one of whom her husband has reason to be proud. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 4. Albert Davis Gibson was born in Dayton, O., August 15, 1878. He took a full course in the pubhc schools, graduating from the high school. He also is connected with the Bell Telephone Company, being man- ager of contracts, at Painesville, O. On August 11, 1900, 178 THE DAVIS FAMILY he married Erma Belle Noble, of Dayton, O., a grand- daughter of WilHam Chrisman, who, with his family, are among Dayton's well known and highly respected people. Mr. Chrisman is a railroad contractor, having had the contract for constructing the roadbeds of many railroad and traction lines, not only in the vicinity of Dayton, but in different parts of the country. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gibson have a daughter named Erma Lucile Gibson, who was born in Dayton March 9, 1902. Mrs. A. D. Gibson is, through her mother, of English ancestry, and I have excellent authority for saying that she is a very sweet woman, and a good wife and mother. She and her husband are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 5. James Archie Gibson was born at Springfield, O., August 1, 1882. He had the same educational advan- tages with his brothers; and like them he entered the service of the Bell Telephone Company, and is manager of the Contract Department at San Jose, Cal. He also is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 6. Lucy Clayton Gibson, born at Springfield, 0., July 17, 1887, died July 11, 1888. 4. Eliza Susan Gibson was born in Meadville, Pa., Sept. 24, 1846. She was married in Pittsburg, Pa., September 30, 1869, to William Luther David. To them were given five sons: 1. Benjamin G., 2. William L., 3. Harry G., 4. Arthur E., 5. Charles S. William Luther David, Sr., was the son of Benjamin Gans David, who was the son of Jonathan, who was the son of Owen, who was the son of Enoch, who was the son of Owen David. The last-named Owen David came to the United States from Wales, and settled in Philadelphia long before the Revolutionary War. Enoch David was a Baptist minister, who preached in and about Philadelphia and Germantown. The first-named Owen I IV. JOHN 179 David was also a Baptist minister. He came to Craw- ford County, Pa., in 1800. He died near Brownsville, Pa., in 1837. The grandmother of William L. David, Sr., was Cath- erine, the daughter of Benjamin Gans, the son of George, the son of Jacob, the son of George Baltzer Gans, who came from Germany in 1722, and was one of the founders and fathers of the Church of the Dunkard Brethren in the United States. He was a minister, and labored in eastern Pennsylvania, especially at Germantown. A statement in regard to him may be found in the "His- tory of Religions," under the head of Dunkards. He had fled to this country to escape persecution in the home land. Benjamin Gans David, father of W. L. David, Sr., was born December 31, 1820, and was an intelligent, public- spirited, and highly respected man. He was for twenty- seven years a Justice of the Peace in Crawford County. He was clerk of the County Courts, County commissioner, and as such his name is on the corner-stone of the court- house in Meadville. He was also a member of the state legislature. W. L. David, Sr., was actively and continuously in the hardware business from eighteen years of age until six months before his decease. At the time of his death he was senior warden of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, of Findlay, O. He and Mrs. David were active members of that church. With regard to Mrs. David I cannot do better than give what Mrs. J. D. Gibson wrote me, concerning her and her sister, Mrs. True: "I think very highly of each and every one of my husband's sisters and brothers. They are all people of refinement, and have made the most of their opportunities for culture. Mary, Mrs. True, and Lidie, Mrs. David, are very different in dis- position. Lidie is a leader, while Mary requires some one to go ahead and prepare a way for her. Mary is a 180 THE DAVIS FAMILY gentlewoman in appearance and manner, and possesses a natural grace of manner that is very attractive. In speech, dignified and quiet, yet a good converser. Both are true, good women, and both are devout church- women. Lidie is the leading spirit in all of the women's work of the parish, as well as in the D. A. R. Chapter, of which she is a member. She is a capable, efficient worker along many lines. And if she had never accomplished anything else in her life, the family of boys she has reared would alone be a great deal to her credit. For in their community they stand respected by all, as model young men for integrity and right living." This fine and most useful and much-loved woman, Mrs. David, passed away, to enter upon the eternal reward of the faithful, March 4, 1909. The children of W. L., Sr., and Mrs. E. S. David: 1. Benjamin Gans David, the eldest son, was born at Meadville, Pa., June 25, 1870, and died at Cleveland, O., December 15, 1875. 2. William Luther David, Jr., was born at Titus- ville. Pa., February 29, 1872. He had a good education in the public schools, and was admitted to the Bar June 11, 1896, and practised law in Findlay, O., with great success. He was elected prosecuting attorney in Novem- ber, 1902, and was reelected in November, 1905. He proved to be a strong man, and, to have a wider field, he moved to Cleveland, O., where he is in practice with Blandin, Rice, & Ginn, Attorneys-at-Law. Mr. David is an honored member of many societies, but what is of much greater importance, he is a Christian, and a mem- ber of the Protestant Episcopal Church. On July 3, 1903, he received a commission from Gov- ernor George K. Nash as Captain of Company A, 2d Regiment of Infantry, Ohio National Guard. And on March 7, 1905, he received, from Governor Myron T. Herrick, a commission as Major, and Brigade Ordnance IV. JOHN 181 Officer, 1st Brigade, Ohio National Guard, assigned to the staff of Gen. Wm. V. McMaken. On April 5, 1899, Mr. David married Eleanor Lydia Sherk. She was a graduate of the Findlay High School, and had won the degree of Ph.B. from Findlay College. They have a son, George Hamilton DAVid, born June 11, 1904. 3. IL\RRY Gibson David was born in Cleveland, O., August 18, 1875. He was educated in the public schools and was graduated from the business department of Findlay College in 1894. He learned the trade of a machinist, and worked at it for eight years. He then entered into partnership with F. D. Howe, in 1905, in the coal, transfer, and storage business. On September 17, 1902, he married Martha L. Mc- KJELVY, the second daughter of Samuel Lee McKelvy and Mollie Frances Lee. They have a son, Francis Lee David, born January 23, 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Harry David are members of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church. 4. Arthur E. David was born June 13, 1879, at SaegerstowTi, Pa. He was graduated from the Findlay High School in 1899. He then entered Kenyon College, where he remained one year, pursuing a classical course, and becoming a member of Psi TJpsilon Society, and of the College Glee Club. Leaving college, he engaged in newspaper work, in which he has continued ever since, reporting first for the Findlay Morning Republican, then for the Toledo News, and afterward for the Toledo Blade. On October 24, 1907, he married Hazel Wilder Sprague, second daughter of Horace W. and Myrtle Fernside Sprague, of Toledo, O. They are members of the Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, of Findlay, Mr. Arthur David having sung as a member of the vested choir of that church for eleven years. 5. Charles S. David was born at Rome, N. Y., April 182 THE DAVIS FAMILY 22, 1882. He is a railroad engineer, being employed on the main line of the C. H. & D. Railway Co. On July 24, 1906, he married Iva L. Holman, daughter of Jay and Emma Holman. Iva was a city school-teacher for two years before her marriage. They have a son, Jay Robert David, born May 7, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Charles David are members of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church, Mr. David having sung in the choir of that church for a number of years. 5. Ellen Herriott Gibson was born June 11, 1848, and died May 25, 1869, at Janesville, Wis., where she was visiting her cousin, Mrs. Mary D. McArthur. 6. Frances Joan Gibson was born March 19, 1850. "Fanny Gibson," the name by which she was best known and loved, had her home for many years with her sister, Mrs. David; and if ever a family of boys had two mothers at the same time, it was Mrs. David's sons. It was doubtful which of the two had the stronger hold on their affections. Fanny was a professional nurse, and for many years was at work in the service of suffering human- ity. She was a woman of very bright mind, and unusual originality, a strong character, a most womanly woman, a devout church- woman, and one of those people who carry sunshine and cheer to all with whom they come in contact. This grand woman was accidentally drowned, while temporarily deranged, March 4, 1910. The sudden death of her beloved sister caused a nervous collapse, which culminated in acute mania. A few weeks at the State Hospital at Toledo wrought a complete recovery, and she was dismissed as cured. After some time a slight illness was followed by increased nervousness, and a dread that she might have another attack of mania. Leaving the house one evening, apparently in her right V. PATRICK 183 mind, to call upon a friend, she did not do so, but wan- dered off along the river, by a most difficult route, for four or five miles. Her footprints and other circum- stances rendered it certain that her falhng into the river was accidental. 7. Willl\:m Davis Gibson was born May 13, 1852. He has never married, and has become noted for almost never writing a letter, so that his location at present is unknown. He is a man of pleasing personality, making friends wherever he goes; and is loved by all of the family. 8. ED^\aN Foster Gibson was born March 26, 1856. He died at Mlford, :Mich., May 22, 1905. He was a traveling salesman. He was married twice, but left no children. V. PATRICK Patrick DA\r[s, fifth son of William and Mary Means Davis, was born in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, Pa., in 1766; and died on his farm in East Mead Township, Crawford County, Pa., September 22, 1847, being eighty-one years of age. He was named after his uncle, Capt. Patrick Da\'is, who figured in the French and Indian War. He settled in Meadville, Pa., in the summer of 1795; and the next year he opened a tan- yard on Dock Street. In this business he was engaged for many years. He lived where the residence of the late James Porter stands, the tannery being behind his house. His intelligent public spirit is e\ndent from the fact that when the Meadville Academy was founded in 1805, Patrick Da^^s, as one of the founders, gave one hundred and fifty dollars, a large sum in those days. He became the owner of a farm in East Mead Town- ship, on which he lived, with his family, during the latter part of his life. 184 THE DAVIS FAMILY While in Meadville he and his family attended the First Presbyterian Church. When the United Presby- terian Church was built in Cochranton, they attended it. Mr. Davis was married twice. His first wife was a Miss Hart. They had four children: 1. William, 2. John, 3. Alexander, 4. Eliza. A. William Davis, born April 20, 1801, grew up in Meadville. He then went to Ohio, settled in the Western Reserve, prospered in his business, was public-spirited and generous, and became one of the founders and bene- factors of Hiram College. He married, and had three children: 1. William, who lived in Akron, O., and was a druggist; 2. Dexter, 3. Eliza, who became Mrs. Hart. B. John Davis, born September 26, 1803, went West. The report came to Meadville that he perished in a blizzard in Missouri. C. Alexander Davis was born November 9, 1805. I have no other information concerning him. D. Eliza Davis, born June 9, 1807, grew up and be- came the wife of a Mr. Schilling, a farmer of Mercer County, Pa. Patrick Davis's second wife was Isabella Linsley, who was born in Ireland, and died May 24, 1842. They had six children: 1. James H., 2. Alexander L., 3. Samuel M., 4. Aaron S., 5. Jemima, 6. Joseph H. E. James H. Davis was born September 29, 1815, and died May 6, 1894, in his seventy-ninth year. He received a common-school education, and was well trained morally and religiously. In 1839 he married Sarah V. PATRICK 185 Stockton. They were members of the United Pres- byterian Church in Cochranton. Mr. Davis was a good farmer, and his farm became one of the best in the town- ship. During his hfe he paid out $1-2, 550 for land, and became the possessor of a large amount of property, the result of the labor of himself and wife. He built and operated a sawmill on his farm, and had an interest in the \^'arne^ Cheese Factory. He took an active interest in the affairs of the community, and was highly respected and fully trusted by his fellow citizens. He was, at different times, a Justice of the Peace, School-director, Super\"isor, Assessor, and Auditor of Mead ToAMiship. He labored successfully, in his own and neighboring town- ships, to secure the construction of the Xew York, Penn- sylvania, and Ohio Railroad, now the Erie. In politics he was a Democrat. In 184-2 Governor Porter commis- sioned him captain of a militia company, and he held this office until the law governing military organizations in Pennsylvania was changed. ^Irs. Da\-is belonged to the well-known Stockton family, first of Franklin, afterward of Washington County, which later scattered through the West and Xorthwest. Her father was Col. Robert Stockton, a brother of Rev. Joseph Stockton, and himself an elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville. Rev. Joseph Stockton was bom near Chambersburg, Pa., February 25, 1779, In 1799 the Rev. Elisha McCurdy, famous in the annals of the church, and Joseph Stockton, a young licentiate, were sent out by the P^esb^i:ery of Pittsburg, to explore the wilds of the country lying be- tween Pittsbm^g and Lake Erie, and to preach in the new settlements in that region. They were the first who preached the gospel -^"ithin the bounds of what is now Crawford County. Among other places they preached at Meadville. The next year Mr. Stockton received an in\'itation to preach there regularly; and in the autumn 186 THE DAVIS FMIILY of 1800 he and his young wife left the Stockton home in Washington County, and, with some household goods, they journeyed to their new home. On June 24, 1801, Mr. Stockton was ordained and installed as pastor over the church at Meadville, in connection with that of Little Sugar Creek, now Cochranton. For nine years he re- mained the pastor of these churches, at the same time traveling and preaching, as he had opportunity, at differ- ent points in Erie and Mercer counties. When the Meadville Academy was founded, in 1805, Mr. Stockton was chosen as its principal, and he continued that impor- tant work, along with his pastoral duties, as long as he remained in Meadville. Captain and Mrs. Davis celebrated their golden wed- ding in 1889. F. Alexander Linsley Davis, second son of Pat- rick and Isabella Davis, was born February 1, 1817, and died May 17, 1874, in his fifty-eighth year. He spent his life on his farm in East Mead Township. He mar- ried EuPHEMiA McNamara, who was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and whom the writer had the pleasure of meeting in the "old home" in 1905. Alexander Davis was considered a very handsome man. Mrs. Cotton remembers him as "of a very sunny disposition, and one who made many friends, because of his pleasant and cordial manner," and "he was a very kind and thoughtful brother to his sister Jemima." Mrs. Euphemia Davis survived her husband nearly thirty-five years, and continued to live in the "old home" until March 17, 1909, when, after a brief illness from pneumonia, she passed peacefully away, in the enjoy- ment of the Christian's blessed hope, and lamented by the many friends who respected and loved her for her many excellent qualities. V. PATRICK 187 Miss Jane Linsley, a sister of Mrs. Patrick Davis, known among her many friends as "Aunt Jane," made her home in her declining years at Mr. Alexander Davis's. Alexander L. and E. M. Davis had three children: Della J., Mary A., and James S. 1. Della Jane Davis, born August 8, 1860, received her education in a good Christian home and in the public schools. She was married to John C. Limber Septem- ber 3, 1879. He was born in Meadville May 2, 1852. The Limber family of English descent were among the earliest pioneers of Crawford County. John C. Limber received his education in the public schools and Com- mercial College of Meadville, He became a grocer, and continued in that business during his life. He died July 14, 1900, leaving Mrs. Limber in very comfortable cir- cumstances. Mr. Limber was a nephew of the Rev. John Limber, a Presbyterian minister, who was prepared to go out to China as a missionary. With another minister he went to St. Louis on business. He left his companion for a few minutes, saying that he was going to a store just around the corner, to purchase a Bible. From that moment nothing was ever seen or heard of him by his friends. No one knows what happened to him. Search was made, and everything possible was done to find him, or his remains. But all in vain. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Limber had one daughter Evelyn B. 1. Evelyn Belle Limber was born November 8, 1880. She has received a good education in the public schools of Meadville, and at Allegheny College. Both mother and daughter are members of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, of Meadville. 188 THE DAVIS FAMILY 3. Mary Arabelle Davis, born November 5, 1863, received her education in the public schools, and was married April 22, 1892, to Walter B. Denny. I will give a brief sketch of the Denny family, for two reasons. The name is a historic one in Pennsylvania; and the Rev. David Denny was the pastor of our family in Chambersburg when I was a boy. My earliest recol- lections, connected with a minister visiting our family and with the family going to church "over the spring," are of "Pap Denny," as he was aflFectionately called by us youngsters. In 1745 two brothers, William and Walter Denny, moved from Chester County, Pa., to the Cumberland Valley. William, who resided in Carlisle, became a commissary and contractor in the days of the Revolu- tion. His son, Ebenezer Denny, born at Carlisle in 1761, became an ensign in the First Pennsylvania Regiment in the Revolution. In 1794 he was appointed commander- in-chief of the expedition to Le Boeuf. In 1816 Major Denny was elected the first mayor of Pittsburg. Walter Denny, who came with his brother William into the Cumberland Valley, raised a company of volun- teers, and went into the Revolutionary conflict. At the head of his company Captain Denny fell in battle, when his eldest son, fighting at his side, was captured by the enemy. David Denny was the third son of Captain Walter. He was graduated from Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., and was licensed to preach in 1792, by the Presbytery of Carlisle, within whose bounds he spent his life. He was at first pastor of the two congregations in Path Valley, and in 1800 was transferred to Chambers- burg where he was pastor of the Falling Spring Pres- byterian Church for thirty-eight years. He died Decem- ber 16, 1845, in his seventy-eighth year. William Denny, a brother of David, born in Carlisle in 1757, moved to Crawford County in 1801, and pur- V. PATRICK 189 chased a farm four miles west of the \'ilJage of Mead\'ilJe. He had two sons — Walter and William. At his death the farm passed into the possession of these sons. After their death it became the property of William's three sons — Joseph W., Walter B., and James P. — who lived on the farm mitil they were grown up. Joseph remained there all his life. He died in 190S. Walter B., bom at '"Widelawn,'' March ^8, 1S44, was educated in the public schools, in the Mead^"iUe Academy, and in the Business College. He then traveled extensively through the United States and Canada, married Mary A. Davis, as above stated, and is engaged in the business of selling agricultural machinery" and implements, in Mead\"ille. In connection with his brother James P. he owns the old Denny homestead, which has long been known as "Wide- lawn." The farm consists of four hundred acres, with fine buildings, and is one of the best farms in Crawford County. Mr. and ^Irs. Denny have two children: Irexe B. and RoYDOX B. These are fine young people, who are receiv- ing a good education, and who will, I trust, be a source of pride and pleasure to us all. 1. Irene Belke Dexxt was bom March 8, 1893. •2. RoTDOX Be.\ttt Dexst was bom April 8, 1895. The family home is on Walnut Street, Mead\'ille: and both parents and children are members of Christ Prot- estant Episcopal Church, Irene being also a member of the choir. 3. James Stewart Davis was bom September -25, 1S69. received his education in the public schools, grew up on the ancestral farm on which he now lives, and married Cl.vr-\ Ewixg. They have a son. Alexaxder Myrox. Mr. and Mrs. Da\-is are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. G. S-UiTTEL M. Davis, third son of Patrick and Isa- bella Da\-is, was bom October 17, 1818, and died January- 190 THE DAVIS FAMILY 29, 1889, in his seventy-first year. On November 19, 1846, he married Mary Jane Irvin, who was born in Mead Township January 12, 1825. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the United Presbyterian Church of Greenville, Pa., Mr. Davis being an elder and a Sabbath School teacher. Mrs. Davis is still living (1911) in the same place, in her eighty-seventh year. Their four children were Stewart I., James, Henry, and William S. 1. Stewart Irvin Davis was born in 1848. He taught school for several years before his marriage to Della Brawley, May 17, 1871. After that event he taught for three or four years. He then opened a store in Akron, 0. He afterward moved to Meadville, where he became a grocer and confectioner. He and Mrs. Davis were members of the First Presbyterian Church. They had one child, Mary B. Mr. Irvin Davis was a good and useful man, but his life was a short one. He died January 27, 1882 when only thirty-three years of age. Mary Belle Davis was born November 12, 1872. She became a member of the First Presbyterian Church, of Meadville, before she was fifteen. Beside the usual course in the public schools, she took an elocutionary course with Professor Byron King, of Pittsburg, which branch she taught for some years. She was married to Dr. John Ferguson Smith, a dentist of Cochranton, Pa. Their home is in Erie, Pa., where the doctor is practising his profession very successfully. They are members of the Park Presbyterian Church, and are intelligent, wide- awake citizens, interested in everything pertaining to the cause of Christ and the welfare of society. Mrs. Smith is President of the W.C.T.U. of Erie, and is State Super- intendent of Medical Temperance, traveling hither and thither, lecturing on the subject. V. PATRICK 191 IVIrs. Irvin Davis united with the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville in 1875. She became the wife of Malcom Huston McComb, of Cochranton, Pa., June 10, 1888. Mrs. McComb, who is again a widow, is living in Erie, Pa., in the same house with Dr. and Mrs. Smith. She is a member of the Park Presbyterian Church, and an earnest Christian woman. 2. James Davis, second child of Samuel M. and Mary Jane Davis, was born in 1851, but hved only two days. 3. Henry Davis, third child, was bom in 1853, but lived only three months. 4. William Samuel Davis, fourth child, was born March 21, 1856. He is a merchant and traveling sales- man. He travels with silks and velvets for Kohn, Adler, and Company, Philadelphia. He lives at Chautauqua, N. Y., where he and his son are in the dry goods busi- ness. Mr. Davis married Mary Jane Stoopes, of New- castle, Pa. They have two children: James R. and Alice L. 1. James Rea Davis was born June 23, 1888. He took a full course in the public schools, being graduated from the high school. He is now attending the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. 2. Alice Laura Davis was born July 21, 1893. All of this family are members of the Presbyterian Church. H. Aaron Stewart Davis, fourth son of Patrick and Isabelle Davis, was born in Mead Township, Crawford County, Pa., June 14, 1820, and died in Meadville, Pa., January 29, 1889. Upon the completion of his education he became a teacher in the schools of Crawford County, and subse- 192 THE DAVIS FAMILY quently established his residence in Meadville, the county seat. He filled the responsible oflBce of Clerk to the Com- missioners of Crawford County from 1851 to 1854, and in 1854 was elected Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds for Crawford County. Upon the expiration of his term of office he began the study of law in the oflSce of Hon. Gaylord Church in Meadville, and was admitted to the Bar of Crawford County in 1861, from which time to his death he engaged in the active and successful practice of his profession. During his long and honorable career at the Bar, covering a period of nearly thirty years, he was inter- ested in many business enterprises and assisted in the development of Meadville, of which city he was a leading and distinguished citizen at the time of his death. He was a democrat in politics and always a strong and active supporter of his party. For many years he was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Meadville, later transferring his membership to the Park Avenue Con- gregational Church, in the establishment of which he was a leading figure, and a trustee up to the time of his death. Upon the death of Mr. Davis, in 1889, the Crawford County Bar Association, assembled in open Court, adopted the following memorial: "Amidst the turmoil of judicial business and forensic conflict the Bar again, with deep sorrow, suspends its daily routine, and the court listens to the announcement of the death of another of its well known members who has answered the divine summons. "A. Stewart Davis, Esq., a member of this Bar, for years in delicate health, burdened with complicated physical infirmities, departed this life at his home early on the morning of January 29, 1889. He was born in what is now known as Mead Township, Crawford County, on the 14th day of June, 1820, of Scotch-Irish ancestry. V. PATRICK 193 from whom he inherited those principles of economy and industry that characterized his subsequent h'fe. By per- severance and study, under adverse circumstances, he attained a good EngHsh education, quahfying himself for teaching, in which, for several years, he was engaged with eminent success. His educational preparation and business capacity were recognized in his appointment to the responsible position of Commissioners' Clerk in October, 1851, in which he served four years. In 18o-4 he was elected and served in the office of Register and Recorder. At the expiration of his term he entered the law office of the Honorable Gaylord Church, and under the tutelage and instruction of that accomplished law^^'er and jurist he was admitted to this Bar on February ^20, 1861, where his professional life and achievements were commensurate with his untiring industry', legal acumen, and judicial skill. In business relations with his asso- ciates he was pleasant and cordial, in his con\'ictions firm and positive, and in his judgment sound and cir- cumspect. "In his death the Bar has lost a genial companion, the court a devoted friend and admirer, the community in which he lived an exemplary citizen, the church of which he was so long an honored member, his ardent support and influence, and his bereaved family a loving husband and father. "Your committee therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolutions as an expression of the Court and Bar upon some of the \'irtues of our deceased brother : ''Resolved, That the lamented A. S. Davis was a la\^yer of abUity, a respected citizen, and Christian gentleman of many excellences of mind and heart. ''Resolved That the Bar, of which he has long been a respected member, in his death has lost a congenial companion and associate; that we ^ill long cherish the 194 THE DAVIS FAMILY memory of his cheering presence and sorrowfully regret this providential decree, to which all must bow submis- sively. ''Resolved, That as a citizen and neighbor he was exemplary and generous, enterprising and thrifty, econ- omizing and industrious; as many of the comforts that bless his bereaved 'loved ones' of their now unhappy home can attest. ''Resolved, We extend our heartfelt sympathy and con- dolence to his suffering family in their irreparable loss, and pray that the blessings of Him that comforteth the widow and orphan may sustain and console them whose tender, loving ministrations of womanly fidelity and devotion made home for him the dearest place on earth." Mr. Davis was married in 1852 to Miss Mary Wilson, of Meadville, a sister of Mrs. Henry C. Davis. Of this union there was one daughter, Mary Florence Davis, who married Espy D. McClintock, of Meadville. IVIr. McClintock died December 30, 1879, and was survived by his wife and two daughters. Miss Marion McClin- tock, now resident in New York, and Mrs. Ethel McClintock Adamson, the wife of Robert Adamson, of New York, a prominent journalist, and for several years one of the political editors of the New York World. Mrs. Mary Florence (Davis) McClintock was subse- quently married to George F. May, of Atlanta, Georgia, where she made her home for many years, later removing to New York, where she died August 14, 1908. The funeral services were held in Meadville, where the remains are interred in the family lot in Greendale Cemetery. In 1865, after the death of his first wife, A. Stewart Davis married Miss Cassie L. Wood, of Meadville, of which union there was one daughter, Anna M. Davis. Mrs. Davis died in Meadville March 28, 1899, and was buried beside her husband in the family lot in Greendale V. PATRICK 195 Cemetery. Anna M. Davis was educated at Mt. Vernon Seminaiy in Waihington. D. C, and on January 6. 189^, was married in the Park Avenue Congregational Church to Col. Xed Arden Flood, of Mead\"ille, the officiating clergymen being the Rev. Ward T. Sutherland, then pastor of that church, and Bishop John H. Vincent of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Of this union there is one daughter, Josephtsx Flood. The family resi- dence is on TValnut Street in Meadville, Pa. Colonel Flood is a lawyer with offices in the Flood Building in Meadville. He is an active practitioner in several states chiefly in behalf of several large corpora- tions with which he has professional and business relations. He was graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 1S90, received the degree of Master of Arts from Allegheny College in 1898, read law with Hon. John J. Henderson, judge of the Superior Court of Penn- sylvania, and was a law student in the University of Michigan, and subsequently admitted to practice at the Pennsylvania Bar. For several years following his gradu- ation from Johns Hopkins University he was associated with his father, Dr. Theodore L. Flood, of Meadville, in the publication of the Chautauqua periodicals, being an assistant editor of the Chaidauquan Magazine from 1890 to 1898; managing editor of the Chautauqua Assembly Herald from 1SS9 to 1S9S; and superintendent of the Chautauqua-Century Press from 1890 to 1898. From 1895 to 1898 Colonel Flood was lecturer on Pohtical Economy in Allegheny College, and in 1898 became the director of the University Press of the University of Chicago, with the rank of associate professor, which position he held for three years, meanwhile maintaining his residenc-e in Mead^-ille. He resigned his University position and relinquished a permanent academic career to enter upon the active practice of his profession. From 1898 to 1903 he was an 196 THE DAVIS FAMILY aide-de-camp on the staff of Gov. William A. Stone, of Pennsylvania, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, to which position he was reappointed in 1903 by Gov. Samuel W. Pennypacker, and again reappointed in 1907 by Gov. Edwin S. Stuart, and in which he still continues to serve. Colonel Flood was President of the North- western Pennsylvania Association of Sons of Veterans, from 1900 to 1902; President of the Western Pennsyl- vania Alumni Association of Johns Hopkins University from 1901 to 1902; a member of the Meadville Board of Health in 1901; a member of the Municipal Board of Water and Lighting Commissioners of Meadville from 1902 to 1905, and in 1904 its president; in 1902 he was appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania a member of the Board of Trustees of the State Hospital for the Insane at Warren, Pa., which position he still holds, having been reappointed at the expiration of his first term by Gov. Samuel W. Pennypacker, and later re- appointed by Gov. Edwin S. Stuart. He is a member of all the leading societies and clubs in Meadville, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a member of the boards of trustees of Allegheny College, the Pennsylvania Col- lege of Music and the Meadville Commercial College. Colonel Flood has always been an active adherent of the Republican party in politics, and although he has never been a candidate for public office, he is widely known as a Republican platform orator. In the presi- dential campaign of 1904 he was pitted against ex- Governor Charles Thomas, of Colorado, in a joint political debate which opened the campaign in Colorado, subse- quently stumping the state of Illinois for several weeks with the present governor of that state, Hon. Charles S. Deneen, and later occupying the platform in Pennsyl- vania. For many years he has been a familiar figure on the stump in the state campaigns in Pennsylvania, and in the last three presidential campaigns he was heard MRS. JEMIMA DAVIS POWELL V. PATRICK 197 throughout the country. Apart from pohtical discussion Colonel Flood is widely and perhaps best known by his public addresses and lectures which have won for him a high reputation as an accomplished orator. The years have wrought their changes. To-day the only living representatives of the direct line of A. Stewart Davis are his daughter, Mrs. Ned Arden Flood (Anna M. Davis), and his grandchildren, Josephine Flood, Maric^^ McClintock, and Mrs. Robert Adamson (Ethel McClintock). /. Jemima Davis, fifth child and only daughter of Patrick and Isabella Linsley Davis, was born March 13, 1822, and died January 30, 1902, in her eightieth year. She was married to Isaac Powell, a farmer of Cochran ton. Pa., and spent the remainder of her life on the old Powell homestead, one or two miles from Coch- ranton. Jemima Davis Powell was a very superior woman — one of the Mary Means type — respected and admired by all who knew her, and worthy to be held in everlasting remembrance, because she was a true, womanly woman, consecrated to Christ and to duty, rearing a large and fine family, for the benefit of the country and of the Church. Her husband, Isaac Powell, of an ancient and honored Welsh family, was the son of Thomas Powell and Isabella Fulton, and was born February 21, 1821. He was of Quaker lineage on his father's side, while his mother, a bonnie lass born in County Tyrone, Ireland, was a stanch Presbyterian. Isaac Powell and Jemima Davis had ten children: 1. Thomas S., 2. Mary I., 3. Margaret J., 4. Joseph A., 5. Elizabeth, 6. Emma P., 7. Florence A., 8. Marion I., 9. An infant unnamed, living only one day, 10. Frank H. 198 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1. Thomas Stewart Powell was born in 1848. He was a very lovely child, who passed away at the age of two years and a half. 2. Mary Isabella Powell was born June 9, 1850, received her education in the public schools and at the Meadville Academy, and died January 4, 1908. She, like her mother, was of the Mary Means type. Every- body knew and loved her as "Miss Mollie Powell." What was said of her at the time of her decease will be well worth reading, especially by the daughters in all our families. "Miss Powell became a member of the Cochranton Presbyterian Church early in life, and was always one of the most earnest workers in the church, the Sunday School, and the various societies connected therewith, taking a very active part in the missionary societies, and Ladies' Aid Society. It was often said of her that her Christianity was of the genuine kind that governed her actions at all times and gave her content- ment and happiness in doing good and assisting others. "Miss Powell was known and appreciated by many outside her large circle of relatives and near friends, who learned of her death with regret, and will remember her as one whose kind actions and good deeds will be greatly missed in the community. Much could be written about the extended influence of the sterling Christian life and exemplary conduct of this good woman, but nothing we can say would add to the high regard in which she was held by all who knew her. The family and friends will treasure her memory with the assurance that all is well with her." 3. Margaret Jane Powell was born May 3, 1852. On January 4, 1871, she was married to Thomas Presley Moore, a farmer of Waterford, Erie County, Pa. They lived at Waterford one year, and then moved to Cochran- V. PATRICK 199 ton. Pa. Mr. Moore died June 13, 1882, leaving Mrs. Moore and two sons, Hugh and Fred. Mrs. Moore is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Cochran ton. 1. Hugh Howard Moore was born September 19, 1871. He received his education in the pubhc schools, and at Grove City College. He is a merchant tailor in Cochranton, and is prospering. He married Cora Ben- nett, of Meadville. They are members of the Pres- byterian Church of Cochranton. They have a pleasant home, and two children to enliven it. (a) IVIary Margaret Moore was born March 11, 1902. (6) Sarah Elizabeth Moore was born June 27, 1907. 2. Frederick Hemerod Moore attended the public schools and took a business course in the Commercial College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He married Mrs. Anna McDoNOUGH Rose, of Meadville. They have two children, Howard and Marion. Mrs. Moore is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Cochranton. When I was in Cochranton in 1908, Mr. Moore was in the livery business. He had recently met with the misfortune of being burned out, losing barn and horses. But he was plucky, was re-building, and going on as before. (a) Howard Presley Moore was born November 6, 1906. (6) Marion Moore was born September 20, 1908. 4. Joseph Alexander Powell was born in 1854, but died when he was about three years old. 5. Elizabeth Powell was born July 26, 1856. She was the constant companion of her sister. Miss Mollie Powell, first in the old home on the farm, and afterward in their own home on Franklin Street, in Cochranton. Like her sister, she is a highly respected and useful Chris- 200 THE DAVIS FAMILY tian woman, being a member of the Presbyterian Church. A multitude of friends are thankful that Miss Elizabeth still lives, and is active and useful. 6. Emma Phebe Powell was born July 4, 1857. She was educated in the public schools and was graduated from Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. She was teach- ing in Colorado, when on April 16, 1893, at Canon City, she was married to Emanuel Clay Tolle, a rancher of Pueblo. Mr. Tolle w^as one of the earliest pioneers of Pueblo County. He was born at Maysville, Ky., in 1836, and went to Colorado in 1863. He became ex- tensively engaged in cattle raising, and by careful business methods he acquired a large fortune, becoming a great landowner and possessing valuable city property. He was a good, kind husband, and enjoyed the esteem and respect of all who knew him. He died in 1896. Mr. and Mrs. Tolle had a daughter, named Dixie Eva, so- named by her father who loved his native Southland. "A sweeter little blossom was never sent from heaven to gladden the hearts of her parents and friends" than Dixie Tolle. But at the end of eighteen months it pleased God, doubtless for some wise and gracious pur- pose, to take away this little blossom, this comfort and joy of her mother, to bloom and expand in a brighter and better world. Mrs. Tolle is now the wife of Laurel Allison May, an intelligent gentleman, of large experience, and fine business qualities, having been in railway service for a number of years. His mother was a sister of the dis- tinguished United States Senator Allison, of Iowa. Our kinswoman, Mrs. May, possessing a ranch of twenty-three thousand acres, a fine home and other valuable city property, and above all a good husband, is certainly favored by Divine Providence. That she may prove a good stewardess, live a very happy life, V. PATRICK 201 and do a world of good with the wealth God has given her, is the hope and prayer of her many friends. 7. Florence Ann Powell was born September 29, 1858. After attending the public schools, she became a student in the Meadville Academy. On April 10, 1888, she became the wife of Charles Trace, then a farmer on Watson's Run, near Lake Conneaut. Their home is now in Franklin, Pa., Mr. Trace being engaged in the automobile business. Their children are Blanche, Helen, and Harry. 1. Blanche Trace was born April 19, 1891. 2. Helen Trace was born in May, 1894. 3. Harry Charles Trace was born November 23, 1896. 8. Marion Isaac Powell was born January 10, 1860. He grew up on the farm, attending the public schools and later the academy in Cochran ton. He then went to Cleveland, O., and found employment in a gentleman's furnishing store. After two years he married Rosslene Hovis, of Youngstown, O. He then embarked in the coal business with his father-in-law, Mr. Hovis. After this he became a member of a hardware firm. He has landed interests in Georgia, and has prospered in his business enterprises. Mr. and Mrs. Powell have had a daughter, named Dixie Tolle Powell, born March 19, 1895. They were permitted to enjoy so great a treasure only for a short time. She died September 16, 1896. They are active and useful members of the North Pres- byterian Church of Cleveland. 10. Frank Henry Powell, the youngest of the family, was born October 25, 1868. He received his education in the public schools and was graduated from the Mead- ville Commercial College. On October 18, 1893, he mar- THE DAVIS FAMILY ried Lavina Stenger, from near Greenville, Pa. To them were born three children: (a) Edith Powell was born September 4, 1895. (6) Ralph Powell was born November 26, 1899. (c) Marion Powell was born December 1, 1903. Mr. Powell owns the old homestead farm near Coch- ranton, where he resides. Mrs. Powell, being in ill health for some time, went in the fall of 1907 to Pueblo, Colo., with the hope that she might be benefited by a change of climate. Mr. Powell joined her the next year, and was with her till the end came. For the climate had not proved as beneficial as it was hoped it would be. Mrs. Powell died in St. Mary's Hospital in October, 1908. J. Joseph Henry Davis, sixth and youngest child of Patrick and Isabella Davis, was bo[rn October 26, 1824, and named after two of his uncles — brothers of his father. He died September 23, 1906, nearly eighty-two years of age. He married Esther Cornelia Woodruff, daughter of Dr. Wm. Woodruff, for a long time a prom- inent physician of Meadville. Their marriage took place in 1855. Early in their wedded life they went to Inde- pendence, Mo. They returned with their family to Crawford County, Pa., in 1876, and settled on the farm in Mead Township, where they lived until the infirmities of age led Mr. Davis to leave the farm in charge of one of his sons, while he and Mrs. Davis went to Meadville. They were members of the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville, as Mrs. Davis still is. Mr. Joseph Davis was a fine man, highly esteemed by all who knew him. In his later years he was disabled by rheumatism, moving about in a wheel-chair. He was buried in Greendale Cemetery. To Mr. and Mrs. Davis were born six children, as follows: 1. Mary E., 2. Ida, 3. Charles S., 4. James H., 5. William W., 6. Samuel. V. PATRICK 203 1. IVIary Emma Davis was born April 18, 1856. She received a good education and was married, August 14, 1876, to Thomas Kincaid, from near Pittsburg. Their daughter, Ella Kincaid, was born in June, 1877, and died in September, 1878. Mr. Kincaid's health declining, they went to the salubrious mountain region of the West. But all efforts to prolong his life were vain. He died and was buried at Prescott, Ariz. Mrs. Kincaid then became a teacher in the public schools of Pueblo, Colo. She was a young woman of very superior character — a most con- scientious and devoted teacher, judging from the splendid tributes paid to her character and work by the Pueblo and Meadville papers. For hers was an early death. She was principal of the South Pueblo schools. She became ill at her post of duty on Friday, February 10, 1882. Her illness, though very severe, was not of long duration. The end came on the following Sabbath eve- ning, when her pure and sanctified spirit went up into the presence of her Lord and Master, to receive the reward of the faithful. All Pueblo seemed to feel and mourn the loss of their best teacher. The children lamented her death, as though they had lost their best and dearest friend. The state superintendent gave to her the meed of highest praise. She was a leading member of the State Teachers' Association. Her age was only twenty-five; and what rendered her decease the more sad was that she was engaged to be married in a short time to Judge A. B, Patton, a prominent citizen of Pueblo. 3. Ida Davis was born September 21, 1860. She received her education in the public schools and was afterward a student and graduate of the Edinboro Nor- mal School. She then taught for some time, and was married, August 27, 1884, to A. B. Patton, Esq., of Pueblo, Colo., the gentleman to whom her sister Emma was engaged to be married at the time of her decease. 204 THE DAVIS FAMILY Judge Patton is a native of Pennsylvania, in which state he was born in 1847. While he was yet young his parents moved to Iowa. He is a graduate of Iowa Wesleyan College, studied law, and practised in Pueblo, Colo., for twenty-two years. After his marriage to our cousin, they went to Ogden, Utah, where for some years he was the first Judge of the Juvenile Court. He was afterward appointed United States Commissioner and Referee in Bankruptcy. The Judge and Mrs. Patton still reside in Ogden, where they are honored and loved by all who know them. 3. James Henry Davis, the oldest son of J. H. and E. C. Davis, was born March 22, 1863. He died of min- ing fever in a hospital in Boise City, Idaho, in 1889. His brother Charles was with him when he died. 4. Charles Stewart Davis, fourth child and second son of J. H. and E. C. Davis, went West to be with and care for his brother James, who was ill in Boise City, Idaho. After his brother's death Charles went to Spokane, to settle up his brother's affairs. The family never heard from him again. But they afterward saw in a Pittsburg paper that Charles Davis had been killed in jumping from the window of a burning hotel in Spokane. They have no doubt it was their own Charles. It was some time in the year 1889. 5. William Woodruff Davis was born July 16, 1867. He grew up on the farm, attending the public schools. He married Catherine Yocum. They have two chil- dren, Catherine M. and Walter L. Catherine May Davis was born February 9, 1896. Walter Leroy Davis was born November 19, 1903. VI. HENRY 205 When I saw this family in 1905 they were living on the old home farm in Mead Township. In 1908 they were Hving in Meadville. 6. Samuel Davis, the youngest of the family, was born October 31, 1870. He attended the pubHc schools, and also took a course in the Meadville Commercial College. He learned the trade of a carpenter, and is an expert worker in wood. He did all the interior wood- work of the beautiful Ford Memorial Chapel of Allegheny College. His home is with his mother in Meadville. VI. HENRY When William Davis, "the elder," in 1795, moved from the farm in Franklin County to Allegheny, afterward Crawford County, Pa., two of his sons, William and Henry, remained in Franklin County. William bought the farm and remained on it as long as he lived. Henry Davis was born in Bucks County, Pa., in 1770, was a boy of fourteen when the family moved to Franklin County, and when they moved on farther West, he remained behind, having married Margaret, daughter of Hugh Wylie, and settled down in the village of Strasburg. He spent his life there. He was killed by a tree falling upon him — the time not known. In my father's diary is the following entry: "June 4, 1823. Margaret Davis, widow of Uncle Henry Davis, was in- terred at Rocky Spring," from which we learn that Henry and his wife were Presbyterians. They had three children: William Henr¥, Hugh, and Margaret. A. William Henry Davis was born November 16, 1794, and died March 11, 1845. He married Leah ScRiBA, who was born in Berks County, Pa., June 2, 1811. She died May 22, 1897, in the home of her daugh- 206 THE DAVIS FAMILY ter, Mrs. E. R. Miller, in Fannettsburg, in which place Mr. and Mrs. Davis had lived. Their children were seven in number: 1. William H., 2. James V., 3. Eliza- beth R., 4. Mary E., 5. Robert C, 6. Mary C, 7. Mar- garet. The last two died in infancy. 1. William Henry Davis, Jr., was born May 7, 1829. He became a blacksmith, and married Ann R. Kesel- RiNG August 11, 1857. At the opening of the Civil War he enlisted for three months and afterward enlisted for three years — two of which he served faithfully, being in several important battles. He was a sergeant in the Union army. In the battle of Gettysburg he received a serious wound, in consequence of which his third year was spent in the hospital at York, Pa. He was not able to work at his trade after the war, in consequence of the wound received at Gettysburg. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. His death occurred March 29, 1895. His widow, Mrs. Ann K. Davis, who was born November 2, 1839, is still living. She is a member of the Reformed Church, and her home is near Chambersburg. To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis were born eleven chil- dren: 1. Leah S., 2. Ida E., 3. Mary J., 4. William S., 5. Carrie B., 6. James L., 7. Bertous E., 8. John R., 9. Charles H., 10. Thomas E., 11. Hetty V. 1. Leah Susan Davis was born August 23, 1858. In 1881 she was married to Charles Henry Lippy. Their children were four in number: 1. Beulah M., 2. Mary B., 3. John H., 4. William D. (a) Beulah May Lippy was born November 30, 1881. She became the wife of George Rapp, a machinist, and had one child, Charles William Rapp. Mrs. Lippy was a member of the First Lutheran Church of Chambersburg. She died November 29, 1888. Mr. Lippy is employed in Wolff's Planing Mill in VI. HENRY 207 Chambersburg, and is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. (6) IMary Belle Lippy was born January 12, 1884, and died June 13, 1900. (c) John Henky Lippy was born January 18, 1886. He is employed in a shoe factory in Chambersburg. (d) WiLLL\M Davis Lippy was born March 12, 1888. Both these brothers are members of Trinity Lutheran Church, Chambersburg, and are industrious and well- doing young men. 2. Ida Ellen Davis was born April 19, 1860. She was married to John Henry Rudolph, whose home was in Colorado. They moved to San Diego, Cal., where they are now living. 3. Mary Jane Davis was born January 21, 1862. She became the wife of Frank Hetrick, an electrician, who died September 14, 1905. Their children were thirteen in number: 1. Ruth B., 2. Inez E., 3. Benjamin F., 4. Bertous D., 5. William H., 6. James V., 7. Anna v., 8. Ida V., 9. Mary C, 10. Edna H., 11. George W., 12. Beulah J., 13. Herbert V. (a) Ruth Belle Hetrick was born April 8, 1881, and died August 14, 1896. (b) Inez Elizabeth Hetrick was born February 1, 1883. She is the wife of Charles Waltrick, and they live in Chambersburg, where Mr. Waltrick is employed in Wolff's Planing Mill. (c) Benjamin Franklin Hetrick was born July 5, 1887. He lives in Chambersburg, and is in the service of the Cumberland Valley railroad company. (d) Bertous Davis Hetrick was born July 5, 1887. He married Fanny Ferrence. They have a son, Le Roy Ferrence Hetrick. Their home is in York, Pa., where ]\Ir. Hetrick is a lineman on a railroad. (e) William Henry Hetrick was born December 10, 1889. He enlisted in the United States Navy May 3, 208 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1908, and was sent to San Francisco to join the great fleet of battle-ships, then making a tour round the world. (/) James Vanlear Hetrick was born May 7, 1891. (g) Anna Viola Hetrick was born February 23, 1893. She graduated from the Chambersburg High School in 1910, and is a member of the Lutheran Church. (h) Ida Virginia Hetrick was born May 5, 1895. (i) Mary Caroline Hetrick was born January 30, 1897. (j) Edna Hulda Hetrick was born October 12, 1899. (k) George William Hetrick was born October 25, 1901. (Z) Beulah Jean Hetrick was born November 25, 1903. (m) Herbert Victor Hetrick was born January 25, 1905. 4. William Scriba Davis was born October 8, 1865. He married Bertha M. Embich April 8, 1893. Mr. Davis died December 2, 1902. 5. Carrie Belle Davis was born June 2, 1868, and died November 5, 1895. 6. James Lawrence Davis was born January 22, 1871, and died in infancy. 7. Bertous Eberly Davis was born March 10, 1872. He married Ida Dorner in 1893. They have two chil- dren: William E. and Helen M. (a) William Eberly Davis was born February 25, 1894. (6) Helen May Davis was born June 11, 1896. 8. John Robert Davis was born August 1, 1874, and died on August 8. 9. Charles Henry Davis was born August 5, 1875, and was killed by a tree falling on him August 19, 1890. He was a cripple and was gathering kindling to sell, when he was caught by a tree which men were felling. They VI. HENRY 209 cried out to him, but it was too late. He could not run fast enough to escape. 10. Thomas Elmer Davis was born February 13, 1877. He married Ida Bowers April 14, 1903. They have three children: Thomas E., Daniel H., and Ida M. (a) Thomas Elmer Davis, Jr., was born April 26, 1904. (6) Daniel Harold Davis was born August 22, 1906. (c) Ida IVIay Davis was born September 19, 1908. 11. Hetty Virginia Davis was born April 21, 1880, and died October 12, 1904. She was a member of the Reformed Church. 2. J.\JViEs Vanlear Davis, second child of W. H. and Leah S. Davis, was born March 30, 1833. On September 5, 1856, he married Elizabeth C. Beard, who died October 20, 1859, leaving two children: Jonathan W. and Robert B. Mr. Davis married a second time, October 15, 1862. The lady's name was Isabel Ker Montague, who died January 16, 1892. Mr. Davis married again February 22, 1894. The bride's name was Jennie E. Harris. Mr. Davis was paralyzed, and de- parted this life September 30, 1900. His occupation was that of an undertaker and dealer in furniture. His widow is keeping house for her brother, W. E. Harris, in Wash- ington, Pa. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. 1. Jonathan William Davis, elder son of James V. and Elizabeth B. Davis, was born January 20, 1858. He grew up in Fannettsburg, and married Amanda Markward Foreman June 22, 1882. They live in Newport, Pa., where Mr. Davis is in business, dealing in stoves, furnaces, etc. The firm is J. W. Davis & Son. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have had six children: 1. James M., 2. Robert W., 3. George F., 4. William V., 5. John F., 6. Mary C. (a) James Montague Davis was born April 16, 1883, and died November 29, 1893. 210 THE DAVIS FAMILY (6) Robert Wylie Davis was born January 2, 1886. (c) George Foreman Davis was bom July 23, 1887. (d) William Vanlear Davis was born November 1, 1890. (e) John Floyd Davis was born May 1, 1896. (/) Mary Catharine Davis was born September 1, 1898. 2. Robert Beard Davis, second son of James V. and E. B. Davis, was born October 14, 1859. He has always lived in Fannettsburg. On March 23, 1893, he married Emma A. Mears of Mechanicsburg, Pa. They have had four children: 1. Mary C, 2. Samuel A., 3. Robert K., 4. John K. (a) Mary Catherine Davis was born June 27, 1899. (6) Samuel Albert Davis was born December 21, 1903. (c) Robert Kenneth Davis (a twin) was born De- cember 21, 1903, and lived only two weeks. (d) John Keith Davis was born November 29, 1906. Mr. Davis succeeded his father in the furniture busi- ness, and as an undertaker. He is one of the trustees of the Presbyterian Church, of which he and Mrs. Davis are members. 3. Elizabeth Rebecca Davis, third child and eldest daughter of W. H. and Leah Davis, was born January 24, 1838, and was married to George A. Miller, of Fan- nettsburg, December 10, 1857. Mr. Miller had a good common-school education. For many years he was engaged in selling sewing-machines and organs. In the latter part of his life he was engaged in the shoe business. During the War for the Union, he served two enlistments — one as drum-major of the 126th Pennsylvania Regi- ment of Volunteers — and a second, as a private in a signal corps. He was a member of the Lower Path Valley Presbyterian Church, and died February 10, 1885. VI. HENRY 211 Mrs. Miller united with the Lower Path Valley Pres- byterian Church in 1857, during a "communion season," when the editor of this book was assisting the pastor, Rev. J. Smith Gordon. She survived her husband many years, passing away July 21, 1910, in her seventy-third year. Mrs. Miller was a truly consistent member of the church, being always regarded as one of the best women in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had seven children: 1. Charles F., 2. Margaret B., 3. Caroline E., 4. Laura E., 5. Eliza- beth D., 6. Adolphus a., 7. IVIary S. 1. Charles Fremont Miller was born December 12, 1858. He had a good common-school education. He has lived all his life in Fannettsburg, and, as he says, has "run a little shoe business from his boyhood." He has been a Justice of the Peace for three terms of five years each. He was, when he wrote to me, assistant- sergeant-at-arms of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. He married Blanche Virginia Cowan, of Fort Lyttleton, Fulton County, Pa. They are both members of the Lower Path Valley Presbyterian Church, and have had eight children: 1. Emma V., 2. Frances R., 3. Minnie L., 4. William C, 5. Thomas E., G. Ruth E., 7. Mary V., 8. Charles F. (a) Emma Viola Miller was born December 17, 1882. She received the usual education in the public schools, and united with the Lower Path Valley Pres- byterian Church in early life. She was married to Charles McCurdy Milbee, of Chambersburg, Pa., who was a member of the United Brethren Church. Mrs. Milbee transferred her membership to the same church. They have two children, Charles Frederick Milbee and Elizabeth Milbee. (6) Frances Rebecca Miller was born January 3, 1886. She was baptized by the Rev. J. Smith Gordon, and died March 28, 1893. 212 THE DAVIS FAMILY (c) Minnie Larue Miller was born February 14, 1888, became a member of the church afore mentioned at an early age, was graduated from the Township High School, and then attended Wilson College at Chambers- burg for a year. (d) William Clarence Miller was born September 11, 1890. When I heard from the family, he was at home and aiming at graduation from the Township High School, (e) Thomas Ellsworth Miller was born November 27, 1892. He is a member of the Lower Path Valley Presbyterian Church, and when last heard from was still in school. (/) Ruth Elizabeth Miller was born December 28, 1895, and is attending school. (g) Mary Virginia Miller was born September 3, 1899. (h) Charles Franklin Miller was born January 17, 1902. 2. Margaret Bell Miller, second child of George A. and E. R. Miller, was born September 15, 1861. She became the wife of John E. Speck, a farmer, living near Burnt Cabins, Fulton County, Pa. 3. Caroline Elliott Miller, third child of G. A. and E. R. Miller, was born January 3, 1864. She is con- ducting a confectionery and grocery store at Struthers, O. 4. Laura Ellen Miller, fourth child of the same parents, was born August 27, 1868. She is the wife of Charles Wehn, who is in the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. He was born near Lewistown, Pa., April 24, 1873. Their home is in Huntingdon, Pa. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have three children, all born in Huntingdon. Mary Rebecca Wehn was born August 22, 1896, Ruth Delvina Wehn was born April 3, 1900, and Margaret Catherine Wehn was born July 9, 1905. VI. HENRY 213 5. Elizabeth Davis Miller, fifth child in the family, was born April 12, 1870. In 1893 she was married to J. MacStinger, who lived in the neighborhood of Fan- nettsburg. Mrs. Stinger was a consistent Christian woman, having become a member of the Lower Path Valley Presbyterian Church in her girlhood. She was called up to another and better world August 8, 1897. 6. Adolphus Andrew Miller, second son in this family, was born November 20, 1873. He became a stone-cutter and bricklayer, and married Mrs. Lydia Davis, of Altoona, Pa. Three children were born to them, named Paul, Carl, and Thomas. Their home was in Altoona, where Mr. Miller died November 24, 1904. 7. Mary Scriba Miller, the youngest of the family, was born December 23, 1875. She became the wife of Mr. Naugle, of Burnt Cabins, Pa. Mrs. Naugle is a member of the Presbyterian Church of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Naugle have four children, as follows: (a) Harvey Edgar Naugle was born in February, 1898. (6) Gerald Early Naugle was born in September, 1900. (c) Clarence Adolphus Naugle was born in May, 1903. (d) Margaret Elizabeth Naugle was born in June, 1909. 4. Mary Ellen Davis, fourth child and second daugh- ter of W. H. and Leah Davis, was born June 5, 1840, in Strasburg. She went with her mother in 1858 to live in Fannettsburg. She was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Strasburg, but she transferred her membership to the Presbyterian Church at Fannettsburg. On December 29, 1859, she was married, by Rev. J. S. Gordon, to Samuel Allison Gamble. Mr. Gamble was born in Path Valley, January 4, 1834. 214 THE DAVIS FAMILY He learned the trade of a carpenter — but for nearly thirty years past he has been farming. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church and also a trustee. During the war for the Union, Mr. Gamble served for fifteen months in Company I, 201st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Mr. and Mrs. Gamble have had ten children, as fol- lows: 1. William E., 2. Mary C, 3. Eliza A., 4. Oliver J., 5. Leah S., 6. Charlotte B., 7. Samuel A., 8. Robert D., 9. Caroline M., 10. Hetty V. 1. William Elmer Gamble was born August 29, 1861. He has been married twice. His first wife was Ida Stinger. They had three children. His second wife was Martha Reed, of Doylesburg, Pa. The family live in Doylesburg. Mr. Gamble is a laboring man. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. and Mrs. Gamble are members. 2. Mary Catherine Gamble was born October 29, 1863. In 1886 she was married to Theodore Rosen- berry, a farmer. Mrs. Rosenberry is a member of the Presbyterian Church. 3. Eliza Ann Gamble was born September 7, 1869. She became the wife of Hezekiah Edmundson, a laborer. They have four children — two boys and two girls. Mr. and Mrs. Edmundson are members of the Presbyterian Church. 4. Oliver James Gamble was born October 12, 1875. In 1903 he married Nancy C. Creager. Mr. Gamble is farming in Montgomery Township, Franklin County. Mrs. Gamble is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. 5. Leah Scriba Gamble was born April 9, 1878. She became the wife of John Woods, a farmer. They have two children — a son and a daughter. Mrs. Woods is a member of the Presbyterian Church. 6. Charlotte Bell Gamble was born March 13, 1879. On October 12, 1904, she was married to George W. Cramer, a farmer. They have a daughter — Helen VI. HENRY 215 M. Cramer — born May 24, 1908. IMrs. Cramer is a member of the Presbyterian Church. 7. Samuel Allison G-^ible, Jr., was born August 8, 1880. He married Harriet Fleagle in 1901. They have two children: a son and a daughter. ]Mr. Gamble is a laborer. 8. Robert Davis G.amble was born January 9, 1883, but died when only three years old. 9. Caroline ]VL\y Gamble was born May 30, 1885. She became the wife of Ajmos Rosenberry November 24, 1905. They have three children — Alfred Alhson aged five years, Mary Jane aged three years, and an infant daughter — Clara Dell. !Mr. Rosenberry was born January 23, 1874. Mrs. Rosenberry is a member of the Presbyterian Church. 10. Hetty Virginia Gamble was born April 23, 1887. She became the wife of C. T. Hess. To them was born, in 1906, a son named B. F. Hess, who died in September, 1908. ^Ir. and IMrs. Hess are members of the Pres- byterian Church. 5. Robert Cuxntngham Davis, the fifth child and third son of W. H. and Leah S. Davis, was born March 12, 1843. At the opening of the Civil War, when he was only eighteen, he volunteered, entered the army, and served with distinguished merit throughout that terrific struggle. He was wounded in one of the battles, and was a cripple ever afterward. He was a prisoner for some time on Belle Isle. After the war he traveled over many states. He acquired land in Kansas, and in Ala- bama. He died in a hospital in Chicago, December 24, 1882. His papers and all his belongings were stolen. Says Mr. R. B. Davis, "We could find nothing whatever." B. Hugh Davis, second son of Henry and Margaret Da\^s, was born in Upper Strasburg, Franklin County, 216 THE DAVIS FAMILY Pa., May 20, 1802. He went to Knox County, O., in 1820. He appears to have begun while there learning the trade of a tanner. He returned to Pennsylvania in the following year, and completed the learning of his trade. He returned to Mt. Vernon, O., in 1827, where he lived for some time working for James Loverage and Samuel Trimble, who were tanners. On March 28, 1828, he married Martha Skinner Morrow, of Chambersburg, Pa. In 1829 he located in Ashland, O., having purchased a property in the east end of the town. On this he erected a tannery, and the next year began the two-fold business of tanning and harness-making. This he continued very successfully }intil the year 1858, when he had a stroke of paralysis, which disabled him. He was a sufferer, unable to help himself for many years, and died June 13, 1876. His death was hastened by a fall on the floor. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, in the vicinity of Ashland, of which the Rev. Mr. Moody was pastor. The following obituary notice appeared as an editorial in an Ashland paper: "On Tuesday last there passed away from earth one of our oldest citizens, Mr. Hugh Davis, in the seventy- fourth year of his age. Mr. Davis had been a sufferer for eighteen years with paralysis, unable to move without assistance, and demanding constant attention. But his afflictions were borne with patient resignation and Chris- tian fortitude seldom equalled. He passed away without a struggle; the stalwart frame was worn out, and the springs of life and action quietly ran down and stopped without a jar. His funeral took place on Thursday, and was largely attended. Peace to the good old man!" Martha Skinner Morrow was the daughter of Wilson Morrow, Esq., a prominent citizen of Chambersburg, Pa., and was born December 12, 1803. After raising a family of seven children, and waiting on a helpless husband for twelve years with the utmost patience and fidelity, she Yl. HENRY 217 passed away from her home in Ashland to a better home on high, April 8, 1870. !Mr. and [Mrs. Hugh Davis had the following children: 1. Morrow H., '2. Lester F., 3. Justus W., 4. Sylvaxus C, 5. Josephine A., 6. Ilger V., 7. Martha E. 1. Morrow Henry Davis was born December 29, 1829. He married ^Lvrtha An*n Morrow, of Chambers- bm-g. Pa., April 1, 1851. That same year, in company with his brother Lester, and George W. L'rie, of Ashland, he went to California, and stopped in Xapa, not far north of San Francisco. He and his brother di\'ided their attention between mining and farming. In 1854 he A^isited Ashland, and, with wife and child, returned the same year to Xapa, where he gave himself to the business of tanning, which he had learned under his father at home. This business he pursued successfully for many years. He is now h\'ing at Xapa, in a good old age. Martha Ann Morrow, his faithful and beloved wife, was born in Chambersburg, Pa., March 12, 1831, and died at Elk Grove, Cal., February t22, 1898, in her sixty- eighth year. ^Lr. and !Mrs. Morrow Da\'is had eight children: 1. Eldor-U)0 W., 2. Arthur L., 3. Allison V., 4. Irene E., 5. Eugene A., 6. Elba E., 7. Josephin*e M., 8. X'ellie. All except the first were bom near Sacramento. 1. Eldor-ado Wilson Davis was bom in Ashland, O., February 10, 1852. His life, after two years of age, was spent in California. His chosen vocation was that of a musician. He died April 12, 1884, lea\-ing a son, Hugh Wilson Davis. 2. Arthur Lester Davis was bom December 17, 1856. He became a rancher and miner, and never mar- ried. He died at Elk Grove, May 28, 1894, in his thirty- eighth year. 3. Allison Vanlear Davis, a twin brother of Arthur 218 THE DAVIS FAMILY L., was born December 17, 1856, and died at Elk Grove, July 7, 1862, in his sixth year. 4. Irene Estella Davis was born September 9, 1859. On November 29, 1877, she was married to Edward Lanham Coons. E. L. Coons was born in St. Louis, Mo. His occupa- tion is that of a hop-grower. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Coons is near Elk Grove, Cal. They have had seven children: 1. An infant that died at birth, 2. an infant that died at birth, 3. Harry L., 4. Edward W., 5. Lillie I., 6. Lloyd E., 7. Lowell C. (a) Harry Lanham Coons was born in Sacramento, February 28, 1884. (6) Edward Wilson Coons was born in Sacramento, December 24, 1886, and died February 3, 1887. (c) Lillie Irene Coons was born at Elk Grove, June 14, 1890. (d) Lloyd Elba Coons was born at Elk Grove, Octo- ber 14, 1892. (e) Lowell Cutler Coons was born at Elk Grove, September 9, 1893. 5. Eugene Augustus Davis, a twin brother of Irene Estella, was born September 9, 1859. He is a rancher, and has never married. 6. Elba Elbison Davis was born January 5, 1861. He married Serena Kennedy in 1889. He died October 25, 1892, leaving a widow and one child, 7. Josephine Martha Davis was born in 1863. On April 7, 1891, she was married to John Albert Green. Mr. Green was born in Petaluma, Cal., January 21, 1860. He is a druggist in the city of Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. Green have two children: (a) Roy Albert Green was born in Sacramento, May 13, 1897. (6) Thomas Morrow Green was born in Sacramento, June 1, 1904. VI. HENRY 219 8. Nellie Davis was born October 10, 1866. On March 12, 1890, she was married to Charles Stuart Chalmers, who was born in Chatham, Can,, February 28, 1867. He is a farmer and hop-grower, and hves near Elk Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers have three children, all born near Elk Grove: Rollo H., Arthur W., and Harriet M. (a) Rollo Hugh Chalriers was born December 24, 1890. (6) Arthur Wilson Chalmers was born January 6, 1892. (c) Harriet Martha Chalmers was born May 4, 1896. 2. Lester Finley Davis, second son of Hugh and M. S. Davis, was born in Ashland, O., May 14, 1831. He went to California with his brother Morrow in 1851. For some time they farmed and mined, but they after- wards settled in Napa, Morrow as a tanner, and Lester as a butcher. On March 17, 1872, he married Susan Rosa Allen, of Napa. She was the daughter of G. W. Allen, and was born in Monterey, Cal., January 6, 1855. They subsequently went to San Francisco, where they and their children are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis have had eight children. Of these four died young. The other four, all bom in Napa, are as follows: 1. Martha Anna Davis was born in 1874. On No- vember 13, 1891, she was married to John William Bris- TOWE, a shipping-clerk. Their home is in San Francisco. They have three children: (a) Beverly Bristowe was born in 1893. (6) Lester Bristowe was born in 1896. (c) Cuthbert Bristowe was born in 1898. 2. Hugh Bert Davis was born in 1877. His business is that of a cooper. 3. William Edward Davis was born in 1881. He 220 THE DAVIS FAMILY is a railroad conductor. On January 14, 1902, he mar- ried Isabella Mildred Hardesty, daughter of George and Emma Viola Hardesty. 4. George Lester Davis, born in 1885, is a butcher. 3. Justus Wilson Davis, third son of Hugh and Martha S. Davis, was born in Ashland, O., April 13, 1833, on the same lot on which he now resides. He has the distinction of being the oldest native-born citizen of Ashland. The old tan-yard has disappeared, but Mr. Davis has continued in the business of harness-making. On November 11, 1857, he married Catherine Jane Trimble, of Mt. Vernon, O. She was the daughter of Thomas Trimble, Esq., of Carlisle, Pa., where she was born October 31, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Presbyterian Church, and have three children: Horace U., Thomas T., and Mary E. 1. Horace Urie Davis was born January 31, 1861. Like his father, he is a harness-maker. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Ashland. 2. Thomas Trimble Davis was born September 17, 1870. He received his education in the public schools, being graduated from the high school. On October 25, 1897 he married Eva Elizabeth Markley, daughter of John Markley of Ashland. She was born August 25, 1873. The newly- wedded couple went to Cleveland where they resided for eight years, Mr. Davis being in the employ of the Standard Sewing Machine Company. They then returned to Ashland, where he = engaged for a time in the real -estate business. He is now in the serv- ice of the F. E. Myers & Brothers Company, in the pump and haying tools business. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have two children: Helen C. and Martha L. (a) Helen Catherine Davis was born in Cleveland, O., September 29, 1898. VI. HENRY 221 (6) Martha Louisa Davis was born in Cleveland, O., June 9, 1901. They are baptized children of the Covenant, their parents being active members of the First Presbyterian Church. The two girls are specially endowed with musical talent. Their father is a member of the choir of the church. The most out-of-the-ordinary incident in the life of T. T. Davis was his riding, while he was still quite a youth, from Ashland to Washington, D. C, on one of the old-fashioned high-wheel bicycles. 3. IVIary Ellen Davis was born April 24, 1875. She took the regular course in the public schools, being gradu- ated from the high school. She is a very excellent young lady, being an interested and active member of the Pres- byterian Church. She has paid special attention to music, and cultivated her natural talent, so as to be use- ful as an organist at religious services. She is president of the Young Ladies' Missionary Society. 4. Sylvanus Curtis Davis, fourth son of Hugh and Martha S. Davis, was born December 16, 1835. He became a farmer, and lived near Redhaw, Ashland County. He never married. In his seventieth year, July 3, 1905, he was struck by lightning and instantly killed. 5. Josephine Agnes Davis, fifth child of Hugh and Martha S. Davis, was born May 21, 1837, and died in her thirteenth year, December 19, 1849. 6. Ilger Vanlear Davis, fifth son of Hugh and Martha S. Davis, was born December 24, 1838. He became a farmer, and married Susan Snowberger, of Redhaw, September 22, 1861. Mrs. Davis is a member of the Dunkard Church. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have one child: Charles E. 1. Charles Ellsworth Davis was born September 3, 222 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1862. On January 29, 1903, he married Louise Rudy, of Nankin, O. They own a farm in the vicinity of Red- haw, on which they reside. 7, Martha Estella Davis, the youngest of the family, was born November 6, 1844. She received her educa- tion in the pubHc schools of Ashland, and became quite proficient in music, to which she paid special attention. On April 24, 1866, she was married to Hamilton C. Oldroyd. They lived for about two years in Galion, O., after which they returned to Ashland, where Mr. Oldroyd was clerk in a furniture establishment. He was a cabinet-maker. Mrs. Oldroyd died June 26, 1869, leaving a son, named Vanlear. Mr. Oldroyd had been a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War. He died October 26, 1897, in Columbus, O., where he was employed at the State Insti- tution for the Blind. 1. Vanlear Oldroyd was born September 22, 1868. He became a machinist, and married Ida May, of Shreve, O., on Christmas Day, 1892. He was accidentally shot, and killed almost instantly, in Columbus, O., his home, by a non-union man, when on his way home from his work, October 23, 1903. Vanlear and Ida Oldroyd had four children: 1. Virgil, 2. Vivian E., 3. Elverta M., 4. Hamilton C. (a) Virgil Oldroyd was born February 9, 1894. (6) Vivian Estella Oldroyd was born May 9, 1896. (c) Elverta Martha Oldroyd was born October 3, 1897. (d) Hamilton Charles Oldroyd was born February 2, 1900. The children are being well cared for in the Children's Home of the Knights of Pythias, at Springfield, O. C. Margaret Davis, third child and only daughter of Henry and Margaret Davis, was born in Strasburg, Vn. SAMUEL 223 April 14, 1798, and became the wife of William Rey- nolds, a hatter, of Chambersburg, May 27, 1828. The marriage took place in Chambersburg, probably at our house — the Rev. David Denny being the officiating minister. The "infair" was held at Mr. Wm. Means's. Margaret became the mother of two children: John and Hetty. 1. John Reynolds was born August 27, 1829, and was drowned in California about the year 1865. 2. Hetty Virginia Reynolds was born March 15, 1831, and was a very pretty girl, as I remember her, and had become a fine-looking woman, as well as a good one, when I last saw her at her home in Chambersburg in 1898. I received several letters from her in reference to this Family History, in which she was much interested. Among my earliest recollections is that of "Peggy" Davis — the above-mentioned Margaret. Before her marriage she was one of our family, as helper to my mother in the old home on Queen Street, and, of course, in my childhood Peggy was an important personage in my daily life. vn. SAMUEL Samuel Davis, tenth child and youngest son of William and Mary Means Davis, was born in Bucks County, Pa., December 28, 1776. He was between seven and eight years old when the family moved to Franklin County, Pa., and in his nineteenth year when they moved to what is now Crawford County, in Northwestern Penn- sylvania. He subsequently settled on a clearing in what afterwards became Vernon Township (Union, since 1867). His farm was on Wilson's Run, in the northern part of 224 THE DAVIS FAMILY the township. There he spent the remainder of his life. On April 11, 1810, he married Catherine Haymaker. She was a daughter of Jacob Haymaker, of Franklin Mills, now Kent, O., and a sister of Frederick Haymaker, who married Rachel, daughter of James Davis. After the death of Rachel, Catherine carried the babe, James Davis Haymaker, on horseback, from Franklin Mills, O., to James Davis's home, near Meadville, Pa., a long and lonely ride over the primitive roads and through the primeval forests of those early days. This visit in the fall of 1809 led to a wedding in the following spring. Further information about the family to which the bride belonged may be found under Rachel in the chapter on James. Samuel Davis was one of the few who held slaves in that part of the country, and he had but one — a negro woman named Vine. So says George S. Davis, a descend- ant of Samuel. The last-named probably inherited her from his father; for the early court records of Crawford County contain the following item, among others of a similar character: "William Davis, farmer of Mead Township, Crawford County, returns to the clerk of the Peace of said county, one female mulatto child, called Dinah, born on the 25th day of April last, of his negro woman Vine. Sworn and certificate filed January 30, 1804." It was at Samuel Davis's home that his father, William Davis, spent his last days, and from which he passed away from earth. Samuel and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. Samuel died July 6, 1844, and was buried in Meadville in what was called the "Old Burying Ground." But when it was abandoned, on the laying out of Park Avenue, his remains were removed to Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, in Union Township. To Samuel and Catherine H. Davis were born nine children, as follows: 1. Mary, 2. William, 3. Emily, Vn. SAMUEL 225 4. Sarah, 5. Eliza, 6. John, 7. Jacob H., 8. Margaret, and 9. Catherine. A. Mary Davis was born December 23, 1810, on Watson's Run. She had a good common-school educa- tion, and become a very capable and eflBcient woman. She learned the art of weaving, and practised it. She was also a school-teacher. Later she was married to Hiram Morris, a widower with a large family. He owned a farm in East Fairfield Township, six miles from Mead- ville. Mrs. Dr. Cotton, now of German town. Pa., knew Mrs. Morris, and speaks of her capability and excellent qualities, and says that she was a model stepmother to Mr. Morris's children. "Aunt Polly Morris," as she was affectionately called by her friends, bore one child — a daughter named Kate. Mrs. Morris was a member of the Second Presbyterian Church of Meadville, and was buried in Greendale Cemetery. 1. Kate Davis Morris was born November 12, 1854, at Shaw's Landing, Crawford County, Pa. On March 2, 1876 she was married to John W. Anderson, of Utica, Venango County, Pa. To them were born four children: 1. Clara G., 2. J. Ralph, 3. D. Carlton, 4. Wayne A. L. 1. Clara Gertrude Anderson was born February 19, 1877, at Argyle, Butler County, Pa. Inheriting from her mother a taste and talent for music, she has become a fine musician. She is a teacher of piano and violin music in Toledo, O., where Mrs. Anderson, Clara, and Wayne are living. It is said that Miss Anderson is one of the best piano players in Toledo, and, added my informant, one of the best young women in the city. 2. James Ralph Anderson was born November 13, 1878, at Utica, Pa. He was married in April, 1904, to 226 THE DAVIS FAMILY Florence Foster, of Toledo. He is a driller of oil wells, and interested also in the automobile business. Their home at present is at Oakland City, Ind. I have heard that he is a model man. 3. Dean Carlton Anderson was born October 14, 1887, at Allentown, N. Y. He is an automobile machin- ist and salesman, in the service of an automobile com- pany of Rochester, N. Y. He has been called an "ideal young man." 4. Wayne Almon Leroy Anderson was born March 24, 1893, at Woodville, Sandusky County, O. Before he was seventeen he was timekeeper and order clerk in the Overland Automobile Factory, in Toledo. After a short time he was wanted as assistant chief clerk in an estab- lishment employing thirty-five hundred men. He could not be spared from the position he was occupying, but his salary was raised. Here was one of our cousins left to struggle, with four children depending upon her, and certainly the outcome has been greatly to her credit. Mrs. Anderson must have inherited all her mother's good qualities, to have raised so fine a family, under adverse circumstances. She is worthy of the admiration and honor of the whole family connection. B. William Davis, second child and eldest son of Samuel Davis, was born July 15, 1812, on the farm on Wilson's Run. He had a common-school education, and a Christian training. He became a farmer, and married his cousin, Margaret Kennedy Davis, daughter of John Davis and Mary McGunnegle, February 23, 1836. She was born June 5, 1811. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Davis was an intelligent and interesting man, of gentle manners, and a good converser. His wife, Margaret Davis, be- longed to that excellent family which included Mrs. J. HAYMAKER DAVIS (Son of Samuel) GEORGE STEWART DAVIS {Son of Haymaker) WILLIAM DAVIS (Son of Samuel) FRANK K. DAVIS (Son of William) Vn. SAMUEL 227 McFaden, Mrs. Horner, and Mrs. Gibson. She was a true helpmeet of her husband; and I am sorry that we do not know more of the wife of so good a man as William Davis, and the mother of such a man as Frank Davis. I have not a doubt that she was a very superior woman. Her life, however, was not a long one. She died October 26, 1857, when she was only forty-six. To Mr. and Mrs. William Davis were born eight chil- dren: 1. and 2. twins, George M. and Samuel M., 3. Wil- lie A. M., 4. Mary M., 5. Francis K., 6. Eliza C, 7. Jesse W. D., and 8. Rosamond G. On the breaking out of the War for the Union, William Davis, then in his fiftieth year, his son Frank, aged eigh- teen, Jacob Haymaker Davis, brother of William, and James Davis Gibson, a nephew, all volunteered and joined Company I, 2d Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry at Connellsville, Pa, The company was organized by Capt. R. C. Johnson, It was reorganized December 17, 1863, by Capt. M. L. Stone, at Bealton Station, Va. These relations went through the War in the cavalry service, in the same company and regiment. The 2d Regiment took an active part in forty-two engagements, including Second Bull Run, Gettysburg, and South Mountain. Mr. Gibson, of Dayton, O., in a letter to me, says: "Uncle William Davis was a devout and happy Christian, always seeking to do good for others. He was known as 'Father Davis,' and was quite a missionary among the soldiers. . . . Uncle William and his children were all good singers. Wliile we were in winter quarters in front of Petersburg, Va., he conducted a prayer-meeting. Meetings were held in a rude hut, made of logs, and cov- ered with brush." At the close of the war, William Davis and his son Frank went to Missouri, and located on a farm seven miles from Forkner's Hill, Dallas County. After some years, William returned to Pennsylvania. He died about 228 THE DAVIS FAMILY 1882 at the home of J. Stewart Davis, who had married William's sister Ehza. Of the children of William and Margaret Davis: 1. George McGuire Davis, born December 30, 1837, died January 11, 1838. 2. Samuel Means Davis, his twin brother, died Jan- uary 10, 1838. 3. Willie Ann Means Davis, born December 24, 1838, died December 5, 1846. 4. Mary McGunnegle Davis, born January 2, 1841, became the wife of Alfred Flick, a farmer, who was born in 1832. When I discovered the whereabouts of Mr, and Mrs. Flick, they were living at Kennard, Mercer County, Pa. I received several letters from Mrs. Flick, who is very much interested in her reminiscences of her kindred who have passed away, and in our effort to pre- serve their memory in a book. Mr. Flick died in the winter of 1910-11, in his seventy-ninth year. Mrs. Flick, since his death, is living at Hadley, Mercer County, Pa. 5. Francis Kennedy Davis was born January 8, 1843. We have already seen how, at the outbreak of the Civil War, Frank Davis, at the age of eighteen, vol- unteered and joined Company I, 2d Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Cavalry, and went through the war in the same regiment and company. Frank was made sergeant of Company I. In one of the many battles in which the 2d Regiment of cavalry took part, Frank was taken prisoner, and sent to Libby Prison. While there, says Mr. Gibson, he was put in command of a company of Union prisoners, and was held responsible for them. Being a good singer, and a teacher of vocal music, he Vn. SAMUEL 229 conducted a singing-school in the prison, and thus en- abled the prisoners to while away many lonely days. He was exchanged and served till the end of the war. While in winter quarters before Petersburg, Va., he took part with his father in conducting a prayer-meeting. At the close of the war Mr. Frank Davis went to Mis- souri with his father, and took up land near Forkner's Hill. After nine years, he moved to Kansas, where he lived until his death. On December 25, 1866, soon after settling in Missouri, he married IVIargaret Jane Rhodes, of Mercer County, Pa. She was the daughter of Lewis and Sarah Rhodes, and was born January 18, 1844. She died November 28, 1877. They had five children: 1. Florence M., 2. William S., 3. Ira W., 4. and 5, George and Sarah E., twins. William Stewart, born June 23, 1869; George and Sarah Estella, born July 11, 1875; all died when young. 1. Florence May, born November 1, 1867, and Ira Wilhelm, born April 24, 1871, remained with their step- mother in Kansas five years after their father's death. They then went to Pennsylvania and lived with their grandparents in Mercer County. Mr. Frank Davis was an earnest and active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a Sunday-school worker, and a master of vocal music. He was a man of public spirit. While he lived in Missouri, he was a candidate for the Legislature. In Kansas he was a Justice of the Peace for five years. He was an ardent politician, but an honest and patriotic one. Had he lived he would undoubtedly have become knowTi outside of his own community, for no man was held in higher esteem by his fellow-citizens. On July 28, 1881, Mr. Davis married a second wife — Mrs. Emily Elizabeth Norton. She was born in Car- rollton, O. Her parents moved to Iowa. After her mar- 230 THE DAVIS FAMILY riage to Mr. Norton she lived in Kansas, where Mr. Davis became acquainted with her. Mr. Norton was a soldier, in the 11th Kansas Regiment, during the Civil War. Mrs. Norton was a very estimable and excellent lady, and would have been a good wife for Mr. Davis, and a good mother for his children, had he lived. But his death occurred February 11, 1882. His two children remained in the care of Mrs. Davis for a number of years. Her home is in Hallo well, Cherokee County, Kan. Florence May Davis was an interesting girl of sterling qualities. She was but ten years of age when her mother died, yet with some help from her grandfather, William Davis, she filled a woman's place in their Kansas home. Her brother says she was a mother, as well as a sister, to him. She had but a moderate education, yet had win- ning ways, and a bright mind and ready wit, that made her a leader. May was about nineteen when she went to her grandparents in Pennsylvania. There she spent the remainder of her short life. She became a seamstress, and by her cheerful and jovial manner, and her readiness to lend a helping hand to all who needed it, was a favorite with all who knew her. Over-exertion, it is believed, brought on the illness which resulted in her untimely death. May joined the Methodist Episcopal Church when she was about ten years of age, and was a faithful member ever afterward. 3. Ira Wilhelm Davis is a resident of Mannington, W. Va. He had a common-school education, then spent three years at Allegheny College, Meadville, and had some thoughts of becoming a minister of the gospel. But circumstances being unfavorable, he went to Man- nington in 1897, and engaged in business. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Boor & Davis, wholesale and retail dealers in flour, feed, and ice. Being an upright man, diligent in business and of the right spirit, he is esteemed Vn. SAMUEL 231 by his fellow-citizens and is prospering in the world. On October 16, 1905, he married ^Margaret Virginl\ Startz- MAN. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In national politics Mr. Davis has been what he calls a "liberal Republican." I suppose that at this time he would be a Republican of the "insurgent" order. 6. Eliza C. Davis, sixth child and third daughter of William and Margaret Davis, was born December 13, 1844, and died in her nineteenth year, July 11, 1863, at Wilkinsburg, Pa., and was buried in Beulah churchyard. 7. Jesse Wilson Dick Davis, seventh child and fourth son of William and Margaret Davis, was born February 9, 1851, and is now living, with his three boys, in Tahoka, Lynn County, Tex. He was at one time a successful mine operator in Colorado, and is now an extensive land- owner and real-estate dealer. In a letter, dated Decem- ber 22, 1908, he gives me the following sketch: "In the year 1876, 1 began to mine as a helper, in one of the largest mines in Colorado; and worked for two years, when I was promoted to be an underground boss. After serving in this capacity for one year, I was made second in charge of the mine. After filling this place satisfac- torily for two years, I was promoted to the first place, and had full management of the mine till 1888. When I began as a helper, I took up the study of geology, min- erals, and especially chemistry, and this made it easy for me to forge my way to the front. "In 1881 I was married to Marie J. Boon, a highly educated lady, and retired from mining in 1888, when silver was demonetized. The mine was shut down tiU the year 1897. "My wife died February 24, 1889, after which I came to Texas, and married again March 29, 1890, and bought a cotton plantation. The lady I married was a widow. 232 THE DAVIS FAMILY We lived very happily for fifteen years, when a question arose between us which caused a separation, which still exists. A suit followed, in which I was the complainant, and, after a long contest, I won in every count, even the children. "We squandered a large fortune in said contest. Since this separation I am living on the Staked Plains in Lynn County, Tex. I am now preparing to put a large tract of four hundred acres in alfalfa. I am also beginning to set out an apple orchard, which when completed will con- tain twenty-four thousand trees and cover four hundred acres. "My three children are John Carl M. Davis, born January 22, 1891; J. W. D. Davis, Jr., born April 11, 1892; and Lloyd L. Davis, born December 20, 1893." 8. Rosamond G. Davis, eighth child and fourth daugh- ter of William and Margaret Davis, was born December 12, 1853, married to James Hopejoy January 17, 1873, and died, probably in Arkansas, February 2, 1875. C. Emily Davis, third child and second daughter of Samuel and Catherine H. Davis, was born October 14, 1814, and grew up on the farm on Wilson's Run, receiving a common-school education and a good home training. On February 3, 1848, she was married to Stewart Smith, a farmer and owner of a sawmill in Vernon Township. They had three sons: Samuel, John D., and George H. 1. Samuel Smith, born December 18, 1848, died of diphtheria, February 23, 1851. 2. John Davis Smith was born March 8, 1850. He became a carpenter, and followed that vocation as long as he lived. In 1885 he married Jenny M. Stebbins, Vn. SAMUEL 233 who was born April 28, 1862. They had three children: Faith Anna, born February 4, 1889; George Stebbins, born August 6, 1890; and Cora Davis, born October 29, 1893. Mr. Smith died some years ago. When I visited this family in 1908, Mrs. Smith was in charge of a Fraternity House on Highland Avenue, Mead- ville; and Faith was a student in Allegheny College. George and Cora were in the public schools. 3. George Haymaker Smith was born October 12, 1851, is a farmer in Union Township, has remained un- married, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. D. Sarah Davis, fourth child and third daughter of Samuel and Catherine H. Davis, was born February 5, 1817, and died in July, 1824. E. Eliza Davis, fifth child and fourth daughter of Samuel and Catherine H. Davis, was born December 15, 1819, and died April 10, 1902. She joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at the age of thirteen. WTien she was twenty-nine she became the second wife of James Stewart Davis. Their marriage occurred October 17, 1848. i\Irs. Stewart Davis was a fine-looking woman, and a truly good one, as may be inferred from the fact that she took into her home different relatives, who, in their old age, were left without children of their own to care for them. Mr. and IVIrs. Davis had three children: 1. Henry, born January 13, 1850, and died April 15, 1853; 2. Wil- liam, born August 11, 1855, and died eleven days later; 3. jMary Rosetta, born July 24, 1859. On New Year's Day, 1885, she became the wife of Francis Marion CUTSHALL. IVIr. Cutshall, son of Henry and Louisa C, was born 234 THE DAVIS FAMILY July 4, 1855, and died March 1, 1889. He was converted and joined the church at Mt. Pleasant appointment in 1882. He was pressed into the service at once, and as steward and trustee he proved himself worthy the con- fidence of his brethren. He was a man of unblemished character. The high esteem in which he was held was evident from the large congregation attending his funeral services. Mrs. Cutshall, an excellent woman, lives on the old James Davis farm, with her brother James Van Home Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Cutshall had two children: Minnie Davis and Bessie Pearl. 1. Minnie Davis Cutshall was born November 25, 1885. She had to leave the public school before com- pleting the full course, on account of impaired health. After regaining her health she learned millinery and dressmaking in Meadville. She worked at this business for several seasons. But thinking she saw something better, on July 26, 1907, she became Mrs. George Leroy Beers, of Erie, Pa. He was born December 1, 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Beers are on the old homestead farm. They, with Mrs. Cutshall, are members of the Geneva Methodist Episcopal Church. Olive Rosetta Beers was born March 9, 1909. 2. Bessie Pearl Cutshall was born October 6, 1887. She was graduated from the Geneva High School with the highest honors. She then took a full course at the Meadville Commercial College, graduating in June, 1906. On October 10, of the same year she was married to Willis TowNSEND Benedict, telegraph operator at Conneaut Lake, Crawford County, Pa. They have a pleasant home at Conneaut Lake, and three children to enliven it: 1. Frank Willis Benedict, born July 6, 1907; 2. James Davis Benedict, born March 5, 1909; and 3, William Earl Benedict, born November 6, 1910. JOHN DAVIS (Son of Samuel) Vn. SAMUEL 235 Mr. and Mrs. Benedict are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. F. John DA\^s, sixth child and second son of Samuel and C. H, Davis, was born June 16, 1822, and died in the summer of 1906, being eighty-four years of age. He was a farmer, owning a farm in Union To^vuship. He married M\ry McIntyre, July 4, 1852. To them were born six children, as follows: 1. Samuel, 2. Emma, 3. Albert, 4. Lucy L., 5, M. Catherine, and 6. William. Mr. Davis was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, while Mrs. Davis was a Presbyterian. 1. Samuel DA\as, first child of John and Mary Da\as, was born in 1853. He became an engineer on the Erie Railway. On March 14, 1889, he married ]\L\ud Hurl- but, of Kent, O., who was born March 16, 1867. They had a son, Hal Hurlbut, born January 29, 1892. Mr. Davis was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mrs. Davis of the Universalist. WTien only forty, INIr. Davis was killed by the cars near Kent, O. It occurred May 19, 1893. His widow has been married to Bradford D. Russell, a train dispatcher on the Erie Railroad. Their home for several years was in Meadville. They are now (1911) living on his farm at Orangeville, O., where Mr. Russell has charge of the Erie station and telegraph office. Mrs. Russell's son, Hal Hurlbut Davis, is now (1911) fireman on the Erie Railroad, making his home at his aunt, Mrs. Kelso's, in Kent. 3. Emma Davis, second child and oldest daughter of John and Mary Davis, became the wife of James Amos Bresee, of French ancestry, June 27, 1872. Mr. Bresee is a carpenter in the service of the Erie Railway Company. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 236 THE DAVIS FAMILY Mrs. Bresee belongs to the Protestant Episcopal Church. Their home is in Meadville. Their children are: 1. Ger- trude B., 2. Jessie, 3. Alta R., 4. Mary C, 5. John, and 6. Charles. 1. Gertrude Belle Bresee was born July 21, 1874, and is the wife of Thomas Kellam, baggage-master on the Erie Railway. His run is from Kent, O., to Sala- manca, N. Y., in which latter place they reside. They have three children: 1. Carl Robert, who was born in November, 1896, and died September 11, 1897; 2. Mah- LON James, born May 14, 1900; 3. Jessie Marie, born November 9, 1906. Mrs. Kellam is a member of the Congregational Church of Salamanca. 2. Jessie Bresee was married to George L. Max- well, of Meadville, on New Year's Day, 1900. Both had a good common-school education, and Mr. Maxwell was graduated from the Meadville Commercial College in 1900. He is manager of the manufacturing depart- ment of the Keystone View Company. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell are members of the Park Avenue Congregational Church, of which Mr. Maxwell is one of the trustees. It was very pleasant to have Mr. Maxwell say in a letter to me, speaking of Mrs. Maxwell, "All that could be said of a good wife could be said about her. She is a 'Davis,' and you know what that means." Let the dear girls that are growing up in our families "sit up and make a note" of that remark. 3. Alta Roberta Bresee was born February 23, 1878. In January, 1897, she became the wife of Elmer Frederick Hausman, of Kent, O. He is yardmaster of the Erie Railroad Company at that point. Mrs. Haus- man is a member of the Disciples Church, while Mr. Hausman is a member of the Lutheran. They have three children: 1. Hazel Catherine, born June 7, 1898; 2. Russell Elmer, born in July, 1901; and 3. James Anthony, born March 4, 1910. Their pleasant home, in Vn. SAMUEL 237 the residence portion of Main Street, is enlivened and made a very happy one by these bright and promising children. 4. ]\L\RY Catharine Bresee, born February 4, 1881, was married to Fraxk Lee Ricketts, August 2, 1905. He was a machinist in the service of the Erie Railroad Company. Their son Clifton Lee Ricketts was born April 9, 1907. !Mr. Ricketts was killed by the cars at Kennedy, N. Y., October 3, 1907. He was a Presby- terian, while his widow is an Episcopalian. 5. John Bresee married Anna Barnhart, of Phila- delphia, who for a time was a stenographer in Meadville. 6. Charles Bresee, the youngest of the family, is still at home. 3. Albert Davis, third child and second son of John and Mary Davis, was born August 6, 1854. He married Jennie Carman, of Meadville, who was born April 14, 1853. Her mother, still living in Meadville (1908), is a granddaughter of John !Mead, one of the first settlers (1787), of what afterwards became Crawford County, and a brother of Gen. David Mead, a conspicuous figure in the annals of Meadville and French Creek Vallej'. Three sons were born to Albert and Jennie Davis: 1. Jasies McIntyre, born June 18, 1878; 2. Frank Carman, bom September 25, 1880; and 3. Charles, born April 7, 1882. The three brothers are in business together, having a large grocery store on North Main Street, Meadville. They are meeting with good success. Their character is such that, with their pleasing manners and address, they are worthy of the prosperity which they are enjoying. Albert Davis was an engineer on the Erie Railroad. He died at the early age of thirty-one. IVIrs. Davis and her sons have their home in Meadville. She and her son Charles are members of the First Presbyterian Church. 238 THE DAVIS FAMILY 4. Lucy Roberta Davis, fourth child and second daughter of John and Mary Davis, was born September 30, 1856. On October 6, 1892, she was wedded to Fred- erick James Kelso. Their home is in Kent, O., Mr. Kelso being in the service of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company. They have one daughter, Mary Eliz- abeth, a bright and promising girl, studious, and with a gift for music. She was born May 1, 1900. Mrs. Kelso is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 5. Mary Catherine Davis, fifth child and third daughter of John and Mary Davis, became the wife of Andrew Appel, who is in the service of the Erie Railway Company. Their home is on Randolph Street, Mead- ville. They have one daughter, named Rilma. They have also an adopted son, named Roy. All in the family are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 6. William Davis, the youngest of the family of John and Mary Davis, was born October 8, 1866. He attended the common schools, and took a business course in the Meadville Commercial College. He married Anna Quick, who was born in Meadville, October 5, 1870. Her father, A. J. Quick, is a railroad engineer, and has run for forty- five years (1910) without an accident. William Davis was also a railroad engineer. But his course was a brief one. He died of typhoid fever August 30, 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Davis had one daughter, Ethel Marilla, born February 10, 1893, who was graduated in 1909 from the Meadville High School. She is studious and gifted with musical talent. She has been graduated from the Bee- thoven School of Music. The home of Mrs. Davis and daughter is on Mead Avenue. G. Jacob Haymaker Davis, seventh child and third son of Samuel and Catherine H. Davis, was born at the VII. SAMUEL 239 old homestead, June 13, 1825. Early in the Civil War he served for nine months in Company F, 168th Penn- sylvania Infantry. He then enlisted in Company I, 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served most creditably until the close of the War. He was in the same company with his brother William, his nephew, Frank Davis, and his cousin, James Davis Gibson. At the close of the War he returned to his farm in Union Township. He was a member of the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Episcopal Church, and a very consistent, earnest Christian. Although a farmer, "he spent part of his time 'doctoring' diseases of the blood, especially cancers and malignant tumors, curing many cases which had been given up by physicians, as hopeless." He is described as being like his brother William, an intelligent man, gentle in manner, pleasing in address, and disposed to be helpful to those around him. On May 16, 1867, he married Mary Ann Smith, who was born June 11, 1841, in Vernon Township, and died December 8, 1871. She was the daughter of Stewart and Mary Trace Smith, and was a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Mr. and Mrs. Davis had two children: 1. Cora Emily, born November 11, 1868. She died just two years later. 2. George S. 1. George Stewart Davis, only son of J. Haymaker Davis and Mary Ann Smith, his wife, was born in Union Township, Crawford County, Pa., June 25, 1870. His mother died when he was about one year and a half old, and the only mother he ever knew was his father's sister, Mrs. Emily Davis Smith, second wife of Stewart Smith. With her he lived until he was eighteen years old, working on the farm, and going to school in the winter. He was graduated from Bryant & Stratton's Business College, in the class of 1888. He then took a full course of civil engineering in Allegheny College, and was graduated with the class of 1893. 240 THE DAVIS FAMILY He was in the employ of the Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Company, then of the Pennsylvania, and then of the Pittsburg & Western. After this he went to Mexico, where he was with the Parral & Durango Rail- road Company for more than eight years. In 1906 he was appointed chief engineer of this company. On November 16, 1904, in St. Louis, Mo., he married Mary Coffman, of Clarksburg, W. Va. She was the daughter of Capt. John W. and Sarah McCann Coffman, and was born October 10, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have two children: Sarah Davis, born in Parral, Chi- huahua, Mex., December 17, 1905; and Mary Davis, born in El Paso, Tex., April 3, 1909. Mr. G. S. Davis, it will be noticed, is a gentleman of education, force, fine character, and wide experience. A lady correspondent writes, "Mr. George Davis is a large and fine-looking man." H. Margaret Davis eighth child, and fifth daughter of Samuel and Catherine H. Davis, was born July 16, 1827, and died December 8, 1867. She spent her useful life, and died, on the old home farm in Union Township. /. Catherine Davis, the youngest of the family, and named after her mother, was born May 24, 1830, and was married November 1, 1866, to William McGuire, who was born February 13, 1830. They were both members of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. McGuire died June 16, 1901, and Mr. McGuire followed her February 19, 1905. They both died in the hospitable home of J. Stewart and Eliza Davis, and were buried at Harmans- burg. INDEX PART I. —PERSONS NAMED DAVIS • Aaron S 191 Albert 237 Alexander 184 Alexander L 186 Alexander M 189 Alice D 124 Alice L 191 Alices 121 Anna Horner 158 Anna Quick 238 Annie K 124 Annie M 99 Ann Keselring 206 Arthur L 217 Arthur 210 Bertha Embich 208 Bertous E 208 Blanche Oudry 120 Carl 172 Carrie B 208 Cassie Wood 194 Catherine M 204 Catherine Yocum 204 Cecilia Mercer 113 Charles 237 Charles E 221 Charles H 208 Charles S 204 Clara E 189 Clara F 126 Clarissa Fulton 123 Daniel H 209 Delia Brawley 190 Dexter 184 Edith M 114 Edward W 30 Elba E 218 Eldorado Wilson 217 Eleanor BushneH 52, 53 Eleanor Elliott 127, 127 Eleanor G 172 Elizabeth 143 Elizabeth Cummings 62 Elizabeth R 121 Eliza C 171 and 231 Eliza Davis 59 and 233 Emma E 50 Emma Hall 126 Esther Woodruff 202 Ethel M 238 Eugene A 218 Florence M 230 Frances E 23 Frances 1 160 Frances M 45 Frances Matthews 43 Frances Wolfe 29 Francis K 171 and 228 Frank C 237 Frederick H 160 George L 220 George M 148 George S 239 Hal H 235 Hannah Langdon 23 Helen M 208 Helens 115 Henry 205 Henry C 60 Henry F 125, 126 Henry H 159 Henry L 51, 53 Hetty V 209 Horace U 220 Hugh 215 Hugh B 219 Ida Bowers 209 Ida Domer 208 Hger 221 Ira W 230 Isabella Linsley 184 242 INDEX Jacob H 238 James 31,33, 144 James E 57 James H 184, 204 James J 42 James M 170 James R 191 James S 58, 189 and 233 James V 58, 209 Jane Wingate 62 Jennie Carman 237 Jesse W. D 171 and 231, 172 Joanna 170 John 145, 184, 235 John C 57 John K 172 John L 29 JohnP 119 John Q 24 Jonathan W 209 Joseph 21, 30 Joseph H 202 Josephine A 221 Justus W 220 Kennedy 159 Leah Scriba 205 Lester F 219 Lloyd 172 Lot 21 Margaret 171, 240 Margaret H 126 Margaret Hurst 159 Margaret M 99 Margaret Startzman 231 Margaret Wylie 205 Marguerite 172 Marie Boon 231 Mary Acheson 96 Mary Camahan 42 Mary Coffman 240 Mary E 221 Mary Ford 23 Mary H 128 Mary Irvin 190 Mary Mclntyre 235 Mary Proctor 112 Mary Smith 239 Mary Stoopes 191 Mary Tefft 56 Mary Wilson 194 Matthews E 45 Maud Hurlbut 235 MeHssa Wilson 47 Mercy 22 Miriam M 115 Morrow H 217 Myra C 22 Nancy Edgar 144 Patrick 183 Paul A 25 Pauline F 25 Philip P 120 Rachel 45 Rachel Stewart 31 Ralph 172 Rebecca P 115 Robert 128 Robert B 210 Robert C 215 Robert S 61, 122, 126, 127 Robert K 210 Robert W 210 Rodman L 29 Ruth 22 Samuel 205, 223. 235 Sara Johnson 25 Sara Ladd 45 Sarah 22 Sarah Kirby 172 Sarah Shoch 21 Sarah Stewart 89 Sarah Stockton 184 Stewart 1 190 Susan Wilson 61 Susan Van Home 58 Sylvanus C 221 Thomas 22 Thomas E 209 Thomas K 110 Thomas T 220 William, 22, 32, 34, 89, 158, 184, 226. 238 Willie Webb 53 William E 208. 219 William H 205. 206 William S 90, 113, 114, 191, 208 William V 94 William W 55, 204 INDEX 243 PART II. — PERSONS NOT NAMED DAVIS Adamson, Ethel M 194 Robert 194 Anderson, Clara G 225 Dean C 226 Ethan A 25 Flora J 65 Hannah Davis 25 James R 225 John 65 Kate Morris 225 ^ Maud C 65 Wayne A. L 226 Appel, Andrew 238 Mary Davis 238 Babbitt, Ada Z 138 Walter A 138 Bailey, Catherine McFaden ... . 133 George H 157 Harry C 158, 158 Henry J 153, 157 James A 157 Mary Atwell 157 Mary Craft 158 Baldwin, Ernest E 43 Harriet Davis 43 Batman, Frederick H 137 Pansy Runner 137 Bean, Ellen Work 66 Frederic J 66 James C 66 Jennie 66 John S 66 Mabel E 66 Beers, George L 234 Minnie Cutshall 234 Benedict, Bessie Cutshall 234 Willis T 234 Bl.\ir, Andrew J 68 Anna M 68 Florence Ellis 68 Frank C 68 Helen E 68 Henry 67 James B 68 Margaret Mcllhany 68 Martha Smith 68 Mary E 67 Mary W 66 Maud E 68 Melvina 68 WiUiam W 68 BoswoRTH, Bernice R 78 Carrie Green 77 Elwood H 77 Lorena 77 Lyman G 78 Be.\dley, Lemoine D 80 Mary Green 79 Norma A 80 Ora D 79 Paul G 80 Bresee, Anna Barnhart 237 Charles 237 Emma Davis 235 James A 235 John 237 Bristowe, Beverly 219 Cuthbert 219 John 219 Lester 219 Martha Davis 219 Burns, Mary Davis 25 William T 25 Calvert, Benjamin C 26 Clara Davis 25 Case, Abbie Haymaker 88 Edmund W 88 Lona 88 Chalmers, Arthur W 219 Charles S 219 Nellie Davis 219 Harriet M 219 Rollo H 219 Cooke, Eleanor Davis 54 M. Llewellyn 54 Coons, Edward L 218 Harry L 218 Irene Da^^s 218 Lillie 1 218 Lloyd E 218 Lowell C 218 Cooper, Almond 66 Nancy Work 64 OcillaWork 64 Robert 64 Cotton, Aimee Long 39 Edward S 39 Henry A 39 Jean Asay 38 John C 37 Mary Davis 37 William D 38 S44 INDEX Cramer, Charlotte Gamble 214 George W 214 CuLLEN, Frances Davis 26 William A. . . . 26 CuTSHALL, Francis M 233 M. Rosetta Davis 233 David, Arthur E 181 Charles S 181 Eleanor Sherk 181 Eliza Gibson 178 Harry G 181 Hazel Sprague 181 Iva Holman 182 Martha McKeIvy 181 William L 178, 180 Da VIES, Helen Wallace 117 JohnM 117 Deisher, Dorothy 142 Florence 141 Grace 141 Hannah Van Eman 141 Maud 141 WinfieldS 141 Denny, Mary Davis 188 Irene B 189 Roydon B 189 Walter B 188 Dunn, Frances Van Eman 140 Thomas 140 Edmundson, Eliza Gamble 214 Hezekiah 214 Flick, Alfred 228 Mary Davis 228 Flood, Anna Davis 194 Ned Arden 195 FooTE, Carl F 74 Grace Merrill 74 France, Cora Haymaker 75 Elmer E 75 Carl H 75 Marjory B 75 Fulton, Cochran 133 Elizabeth Davis 133 Melancthon D 135 Gamble, Harriet Fleagle 215 Ida Stinger 214 Martha Reed 214 Mary Davis 213 Nancy Creager 214 Oliver J 214 Samuel A 213, 215 William E 214 Gardner, Albert L 108 Alice S 108 Garland, Alice Bailey 156 Alice G 156 Eliza Bailey 157 Henry B 157 John W 157 Robert 156 Robert M 157 Gibson, Albert A 177 Edwin F 183 Eleanor Davis 172 Ellen H 182 Erma L 178 Erma Noble 178 Frances J 182 Grace E 176 Henry B 173 James A 178 James D 174 James H 172 Lucy Ziegler 174 Mary Harkins 177 Sarah Lewis 173 William D 183 Gordon, Edith Bailey 158 Eliza Homer 167 Franklin M 168 Robert R 158 Green, Ann Haymaker 77 Clara Haymaker 84 D. C 28 Edgar 75 Frances Sexton 28 George B 84 Gladys Merrill 75 Harriet Reed 85 Harry B 79 James S 84 John A 218 Josephine Davis 218 Kenneth D 79 Leonard S 79 Otis H 79 Rella Burroughs 79 Roy Albert 218 Stephen H 77 Walter H 85 Wilbur S 80 Grier, John D 108 Hart, Eliza Davis 184 Hassler, Annie Hart 47 Eleanor B 50 Ellen Davis 45 Emma F 48 Ethel Magaw 50 Frank P 47 James H 50 James P 45 INDEX 245 'HASSVER-continued. Julia Rogers 48 Harriet E -49 William D 49 IL^usMAN, Alta Bresee 236 Elmer F 236 Hazel C 236 Russell E 236 Haymaker, Axvin 80 Carlton B 76 Charles A 81 Crete E 83 Deborah J 81 Edward C 76 Elizabeth 88 Franklin 73 Franklin P 82 Frederick 69 Frederick E 88 Gladys L 76 Hattie E 81 Homer A 81 James A 82 James D 71 Joel W 83 Lona 88 Lotta Carter 81 Mary Burlingame 73 MaryOlin 72 Mary R 82 Netta Bortz 76 Oscar F 73 Rachel Davis 69 Samantha Wilson 83 Sullivan W 83 William J 87 Zilba M 83 Henderson, Edna Pocock 132 Homer B 132 Hess, C. T 215 Hetty Gamble 215 Hetrick, Anna V 208 Benjamin F 207 Bertous D 207 Edna H 208 Fanny Ferrence 207 Frank 207 George W 208 Ida V 208 James V 208 LeRoy F 207 Mary C 208 Ruth B 207 William H 207 HoDKiNSON, Catherine B 157 Franklin C 157 Katie Bailey 157 Horner, George K 169 Georgia D 164 James 164 John D 164 John 161, 162 John M 164 Margaret McFarland 164 Mary Davis 161 Mary G 165 Matilda G 165 William H 169 HoPEJOY, James 172 Rosamond Davis 172 Hunter, Anna Cooper 66 Clifford R 66 Johnston, Agnes Hannah 60 Gertrude 60 James 59 John C 60 Margaret Ann 60 Mary C 60 Nancy A 60 Rachel Davis 59 Kellam, Carl R 236 Gertrude Bresee 236 Mahlon J 236 Thomas 236 Kelso, Frederick J 236 Lucy Davis 236 Mary E 238 KiNCAiD, Thomas 203 Mary Davis 203 KiNDicE, Abbie Moore 85 Almira Haymaker 85 Theodore H 85 William J 85 Kirk, Burton D 139 Eva Naylor 139 Luella M 138 Mary Davis 136 Rufus 136 Truman H 139 Langsdale, Robert G 25 Myra Davis 25 Leberman, Harold D 58 Harry L 58 Mary Davis 58 Limber, Delia Davis 187 Evelyn Belle 187 John C 187 LiPPY, Charles H 206 John H 207 Leah Davis 206 Mary B 207 William D 207 £46 INDEX Mason, Agnes Scully 171 Edwin A 171 Macfarren, Mary Reinohl 97 Walter W 97 Mac Stinger, Elizabeth Miller, 213 J 213 Maxwell, George L 236 Jessie Bresee 236 May, Emma Powell 200 Laurel A 200 McCuNTOcK, Espy D 194 Marion 194 Mary Davis 194 McFaden, Eliza Davis 148 John D 150 John 148 McGuiRE, Catherine Davis 240 William 240 McHenry, Charles W 151 Lorena 152 Mary McFaden 150 McIntosh, Eleanor McKelvy ... 167 W. H 165 McKelvy, Eleanor Horner 166 James P 167 John S 165, 167 McKnight, Alice S 107 Arthur L 107 Edgar S 107 Elizabeth A 107 Georges 107 Joseph B 106 Kate Senseny 105 Mary J. A 108 Mary S 107 McWhinney, Eleanor McKelvy, 166 Marshall D 166 Ray 166 Rose McKelvy 166 Merkel, John F 84 Lois M 84 Mabel Green 84 Merrill, Frank A 74 Ida Haymaker 74 Margaret F 75 Mary B 75 MiLBEE, Charles M 211 Emma Miller 211 Milholland, Anna Fulton 134 Alexander S 135 Miller, Adolphus A 213 Blanche Cowan 211 Carl 213 Caroline E 212 Charles F 211 Elizabeth Davis 210 George A 210 Lydia Davis 213 Miiji.ETt-continued. Minnie L 212 Paul 213 Ruth E 212 Thomas 213 Thomas E 212 William Clarence 212 Moore, Anna Rose 199 Cora Bennett 199 Frederick H 199 Hugh H 199 Margaret Powell 198 Mary M 199 Thomas P 198 Morris, Hiram 225 Mary Davis 225 Morrison, Lillian M 152 William J 152 Natjgle, Gerald E 213 Harvey E 213 Mary Miller 213 Norton, Claude H 86 Martha Haymaker 86 Maxwell G 86 McKendree D 76 Rachel Haymaker 76 Oldroyd, Elverta M 222 Hamilton C 222 Ida M 222 Martha Davis 222 Vanlear 222 Virgil 222 Vivian 222 Patton, a. B 203 Ida Davis 203 Pegan, Elvada Steen 65 Gertrude Bell 65 Hugh A 65 Mary Work 65 William C 65 Willoughby C 65 PococK, Eugene W 133 Helen E 133 Laura Semple 131 Paul C 133 William M 131 Zillah E 133 Powell, Edith 202 Elizabeth 199 Frank H 201 Isaac 197 Jemima Davis 197 Lavina Stenger 202 Marion 1 201 INDEX 247 FowEUi-contimted. Mary 1 198 Mary V 212 Rosslene Hovis 201 Price, John E 86 Mary Norton 86 Ptjrvis, Emma Davis 57 Frank 57 Harry 67 Rapp, Beulah Lippy 206 George 206 Reinohl, Albert R 98 Gertrude L 98 Lucy Davis 97 Walter A 97 Reisige, Louis A 166 Mary McKelvy 166 Reynolds, John 223 Hetty V 223 Margaret Davis 223 William 223 RiCKETTS, Frank L 237 Mary Bresee 237 RosENBERRY, Amos 215 Caroline Gamble 215 Mary Gamble 214 Theodore 214 Rudolph, Ida Davis 207 John A 207 Runner, Ada Kirk 136 Americus J 136 Edna 138 Robert K 137 Russell, Elizabeth 148 Eliza Davis 148 George 148 George G 148 John 148 Mary 148 Sanderson, Doctor 167 Elizabeth McKelvy 167 ScH^FEB, Alfred W 152 Charlesetta McHenry 152 Schilling, Mr 184 Elizabeth Davis 184 Scully, Genevieve 171 Harmer D 171 James D 171 Mary Davis 171 Selden, Anna M 79 Howard G 78 Luella Green 78 Oscar G . . . . 78 Semple, Cynthia May 131 Eugene P 131 PhiloM 130 SEMPhE-continued. Sarah Davis 130 Senseny, Abraham H 100 Alexander H 102 Benjamin R 102 Edgar N 105 Jane Davis 100 Jeannette L 104 Rosalie M 103 William 102 Sexton, CuUen 28 Hannah Cullen 27 John C 27 Seymour, Herbert W 44 Isabelle Davis 44 Smith, Cora 233 Emily Davis 232 Jennie Stebbins 232 Faith 233 George 233 George Haymaker 233 Georgeanna Davis 58 John D 232 John F 190 Mary Davis 190 Stewart 232 Speck, John E 212 Margaret Miller 212 Stoyeb, Augustus 64 Freeda 65 Swan, Herbert A 76 Lilhe Haymaker 75 Teas, Abbie Haymaker 82 Jean Paul 82 Tener, Gertrude Bailey 158 Robert W 158 Trace, Blanche 201 Charles 201 Florence Powell 201 Harry 201 Helen 201 Van Eman, Abram W 141 Anna M 142 Charles E 142 Isabel Davis 139 James L 143 Luna Stout 141 Martha DefiFenbaugh 140 Robert C 140 RufusM 142 William G 142 William J 139 ViCKERS, Frederick H 86 Martha Haymaker 86 Walker, Harriet Hoover 99 248 INDEX WAijK.EH-continued. Francis V 99 Katharine Davia 99 Marcus A 99 Wallace, Benjamin B 118 James 116 Janet Davis 116 Miriam W 119 Roberts 118 William R.D 119 Waltrick, Charles 207 Inez Hetrick 207 Watson, George 96 Joanna Davis 96 Webb, Anna G. Bosworth 78 Vaughn 78 Wehn, Charles 212 Laura Miller 212 Mary R 212 RuthD 212 Weller, Frederick K 60 Margaret Johnston 60 Welty, Anna Belle Hassler 48 James A 48 Per Lee 48 Walter H 48 White, Alonzo 57 Florence Davis 57 Woods, Leah Gamble 214 Work, Ella 65 Francis R 66 Henry S 69 Jacob 69 James D 64 James L 65 Jane 69 John 65 John H 65, 69 Joseph 69 Margaret 69 Margaret McCance 65 Martha Ramsey 66 Mary Davis 63 Mary Johnston 69 Mary Weeder 66 Ocilla 65 Ocilla Cochran 64 Rachel S 64 William 64, 66 Ziegler, Henrietta 139 Louise T 138 Mina Kirk 138 RufusKirk 139 William H 138