LIBRARY PBINCETdN, N. J. No. Oise, J . J\o. Book^ - / L4f^ ^""^"t-^^== \ ALBEET NYANZA, CiREAT BASIN OF THE NILE EXPLORATIONS OF THE NILE SOURCES. SAMUEL WHITE BAKEE. Wim MAPS, ILLUSTRATIONS, AND POBTRAITS M A C M I L L A N AND CO J. B. LlPPlJfCOrr AND CO. 1866. LONDON" : K. fl.AY, SOX, AND TAYLOR, PKINTKI KRKAU .STRK1.T HII.I.. Co Der IITost Gracious glaj^sti) TPIE QUEEN 1 DEDICATE, WITH HER PEEMISSION, THIS BOOK, CONTAINING THE STOIiY OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE GREAT LAKE FROM WHICH THE NILE ULTDIATELY FLOWS, AND AVHICH, AS CO>NECTED SO INTIMATELY, AS A NILE SOURCE, WITH THE VICTORIA LAKE, I HAVE VENTURED TO NAME ^^THE ALBERT N^YANZA," IN MEMORY OF THE LATE ILLUSTRIOUS AND LAMENTED PRINCE CONSORT. PEEP ACE. In the history of the Nile there was a void : its Sources were a mystery. The Ancients devoted mucir attention to this problem ; but in vain. The Emperoi' Nero sent an expedition under the command of two centurions, as described by Seneca. Even Roman energy failed to break the spell that guarded these secret fountains. The expedition sent by Mehemet Ali Pasha, the celebrated Viceroy of Egypt, closed a long term of unsuccessful search. The work has now been accomplished. Thret* English parties, and only three, have at various periods started ujDon this obscure mission: each has gained its end. Bruce won the source of the Blue Nile ; Speke and Grant won the Victoria source of the great White Nile ; and I have been permitted to succeed in com- pleting the Nile Sources by the discovery of the great reservoir of the equatorial waters, the Albert N'yanza, from which the river issues as the entire White Nile. Having thus completed the work after nearly five years passed in Africa, there still remains a task before h2 viii PBEFACK me. I must take the reader of tliese volmnes by the hand, and lead him step by step along my rough path from the beginning to the end ; through scorching deserts and thirsty sands ; through swamp, and jungle, and interminable morass ; through difficulties, fatigues, and sickness, until I bring him, faint with the wearying journey, to that high cliff where the great prize shall burst upon his view — from which he shall look down upon the vast Albert Lake, and drink with me from the Sources of the Nile ! I have written " he ! " How can I lead the more tender sex through dangers and fatigues, and passages of savage life ? A veil shall be thrown over many scenes of brutality that I v/as forced to witness, but which I will not force upon the reader ; neither will I intrude anything that is not actually necessary in the description of scenes that unfortunately must be passed through in the journey now before us. Should any- thing offend the sensitive mind, and suggest the unfit- ness of the situation for a woman's presence, I must beseech my fair readers to reflect, that the pilgrim's wife followed him weary and footsore through all his difficulties, led, not by choice, but by devotion ; and that in times of misery and sickness her tender care saved his life and prospered the expedition. " 0 woman, in our hours of ease Uncertain, coy, and hard to please, And variable as the shade By the light quivering aspen made ; When pain and anguish v^rmg the brow, A ministering angel thou ! " PREFACE. ix Iii tlie journG}' now before us I must request some exercise of patience cUmng geographical details that may be wearisome ; at all events, I will adhere to facts, and avoid theory as much as possible. The Botanist will have ample ojjport unities of stray- ing from our path to examine plants with which 1 confess a limited acquaintance. The Ethnologist shall have precisely the same experience that I enjoyed, and he may either be enlightened or confounded. The Geologist will find himself throughout the journey in Central Africa among primitive rocks. The Naturalist Avill travel through a grass jungle that conceals much that is difficult to obtain : both he and the Sportsman will, I trust, accompany me on a future occasion through the " Nile tributaiies from Abyssinia,'' which country is prolific in all that is interesting. The Philanthropist, — what shall I promise to induce him to accompany me ? I will exhibit a picture of savage man precisely as he is ; as I saw him ; and as I judged him, free from prejudice : painting also, in true colours, a picture of the abomination that has been the curse of the African race, the slave trade ; trusting that not only the philanthropist, but every civilized being- will join in the endeavour to erase that stain from disfigured human nature, and thus open the path now closed to civilization and missionary enterprise. To the Missionary, that noble, self-exiled labourer toiling too often in a barren field, I must add the word of caution, " AVait I " There can be no hope of success until the slave trade shall have ceased to exist. X PREFACE. The journey is long, the eoimtries savage ; there are no ancient histories to charm the present with memories of the past ; all is wild and brutal, hard and unfeeling, devoid of that holy instinct instilled by nature into the heart of man — the belief in a Supreme Being. In that remote wilderness in Central Equa- torial Africa are the Sources of the Nile. CONTENTS. Introduction xxi CHAPTEK 1. THE EXPEDITION. Programine— Start from Cairo — Arrive at Berber — Plan of Ex- ploration— The River Atbara — Abyssinian Affluents — Character of Rivers — Causes of Nile Inundations — Violence of the Rain.n — Arrival at Khartoum — Description of Khartoum — Egyptian Authorities — Taxes — The Soudan — rSlave-Trade of the Soudan — Slave-Trade of the AVliite Nile — System of Operations — Inhuman Proceedings — Negro Allies — Revelations of Slave- Trade — Distant Slave Markets -Prospects of the Expedition — Difficulties at the Outset — Opposition of the Egyptian Autho- rities— Preparations for Sailing — Johann Schmidt — Demand for Poll-Tax — Collision before starting — Amiable Boy ! — Tho Departure — The Boy Osman — Banks of White Nile — Change in Disposition of Men — Character of the River — Misery of Scene — River Vegetation— Ambatcli Wood — Johann's Sickness — Uses of Eish-skin — Johann dying — Johann's Death — New Year — Shillook Villages — The Sobat River — Its Character — Bahr Giraffe — Bahr el Gazal — Observations — Corporal Richarii — Character of Bahr el Gazal — Peculiarity of River Sobat — Tediousness of Voyage — Bull Buffalo — Sali Achmet killed — Ilis Burial — Ferocity of the Buffalo — "The Clumsy" on the Styx — Current of \Vliitc Nile — Eirst View of Natives — Joctian and his AVife — Charming Husband — Natron — Catch a Hippopotamus — "Perhaps it was his Uncle" — Real Turtle in Mock Hippopotamus — Richarn reduced to the Ranks — Arrival at the Zareeba — Fish spearing — The Kytch Tribe — White Ant Towers — Starvation in the Kytch Country — Destitution of tho Natives — The Bull of tho Herd — Men and Beasts in a bad Temper — Aboukooka — Austrian ^Mission Station — Sale of tho Mission-House — Melancholy Fate of Baron Harnier — Tho Aliab Tribes— Tumuli of Ashes— The Shir Tribe— The Lotus Harvest — Arrival at Gondokoro — Discharge Cargo. Page 1 — 59 xii CONTEXTS. CHAPTER 11. BAD RECEPTION AT GONDOKORO. Keports of Speke and Grant — The Bari Tribe — Description of tlie Katives — Effects of poisoned Arrows — Hostility of the Bari Tribe — Atrocities of the trading Parties — LaT\dessness at Gon- dokoro — A Boy shot — The tii'st^ Mutiny — Decision of my Wife — The Khartoum Escort — Arrival of Speke and Grant — Gladness at meeting them — Their appearance — Speke and Grant's Discoveries — Another Lake reported to exist — Speke's Instructions — Arrange to explore the Luta N'Zige — Scarcity at Gondokoro — Speke and Grant depart to Khartoum. Page 60 — 75 CHAPTER III. GUN ACCIDENT. (lun Accident — Birds rum the Donkeys — Arrangement with Mahonimed — His Duplicity — Plot to obstruct my Advance — The Boy Saat — History of Saat — First Introduction to Saat — Turned out by Mistake — Saat's Character — Something brewing — Mutiny of Escort — Preparation for the worst — Disarm the Mutineers — Mahommed's desertion — Arrangement with Koorshid Aga — The last Hope gone — Expedition ruined — Resolution to advance — Richarn faithful — Bari Chief's Report — Parley with Mutineers — Conspiracy again — I^'ight Visit of Eadeela — " Quid pro Quo" — "Adda," the Latooka — Arrange to start for Latooka — Threats of Kooshid's People — Determination to proceed — Start from Gondokoro — My own Guide Page 71— 9 (i CHAPTER lY. FIRST night's march. Bivouacking — -Arrival at Belignan— Attempts at Conciliation — I shame my Men — The March — Advantages of Donkeys — Advice for Travellers — Want of AYater — A forced March — Its Difficulties — Delays on the Road — Cleverness of the Donkeys — Party dead-beat — Improvidence of Monkey — We obtain Water — l^ative Tit-Bits — Surrounded by !N'atives — Cross-Examination — Recognition of the Chief — Interest of Natives— The Monkey Wallady— We leave Tollogo — The CONTENTS.] xiu Ellyria Pass — A Eace for Ellpia — Ellyriaii A^illages palli.sarlud — Outmarclied by the Turks — Ibraliini and his Men — Attempt at Eeconciliation — Diplomacy — Peace established — Arrive at Ellyria — Legge, the Chief of Ellyria — Presents to Ibrahim — Legge's Intemperance— Violent Storm — Xo SuppHes — Forma- tion of Skulls Page 97—122 CHAPTEPv V. LEAVE ELLYRIA. Vs'q leave Ellyria — Brutality towards the "Women — Order of March — Bellaal — Drainage towards the Sobat — Game at "Wakkala — Delightful Scenery — Latooka Thieves — Stalking Antelopes — Chase after Waterbuck — Good Service of Eifle — The Turks' Salute — Treacherous Welcome — Maliommed Her — Quarrelling among the Traders — The Eatooka ^Mutiny — Settle the Eingieader — Stop the Mutiny — I pursue a Fugitive, and interpose on his behalf — Held in some Estimation — Desertion of Men — The Natives of Eatooka — Their probable Origin — Tribes hard to distinguish — Tarrangolle — Xative Architecture — Exhumation of the Dead — Coifiure of Natives — Hair Helmets of Eatooka — Fighting Bracelets — The Latooka Women — The Chief's Introduction — " Moy " and his Eadies — Bokke proposes to improve Mrs. Baker — Bokke and Daughter — Extraction of the front Teeth — The Value of Wives — Cows of more value than Women — Destruction of Mahommed Her's People — Death of my Deserters — My Prophecy realized — Appreliensive of an Attack — The Turks insult the Women — 111 Conduct of the Turks — Well done, Bokke I — Eesults of the Turks' ^lisconduct — Interview with Commoro — Awkward Position — The Latooka War Signal — Preparations for Defence — We await the Attack — Parley — Too "wide awake" — Camp at TaiTangolle — Scarcity in View of Plenty — Wild Duck shooting — The Crested Crane, &c. — Adda's Proposal — Obtuseness of Natives. Page 123 — 165 CHAPTEE XL THE FUNERAL DAXCE. Bari Interpreters — Commoro, the Lion — Conversation with Com- moro— Good and bad all die — Failure of the religious Argument — The Camel poisoned — Habits of the Camel — The Hygeen, or riding Dromedary — Dirty Donkeys. Page 166 — IT-t xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. LATOOKA. Herds of the Latookas and Game — Storm — Native Blacksmiths — Elephants — Elephant Hunt — Tetel, my old Hunter — Cowardly Followers — Nearly caught — Tetel distressed — African and Indian Elephants — Height of Elephants — African and Ceylon Elephants — Eifles and Bullets for heavy Game — Character of Country and its Sports— The " Baby "—Elephant PitfaUs— Native hunting — The Bagara Hunters . . Page 175 — 193 CHAPTER VIIJ. Ibrahim's return. The African Black — The Negro — Negro Slave Hunters — Ibra- himawa; or, Sinbad the Sailor — Makkarika Cannibals — My daily Employments — Quarrels with the Latookas — The Latookas seize a Gun — Hope to the South — Journey to Obbo — Enter the Mountains — Arrive at Obbo — Natives of Obbo — Butter Nuts and Emits — Pottery and Utensils — Katchiba, Chief of Obbo — Women of Obbo — Languages of Tribes — Katchiba's Diplomacy — Katchiba "always at Home" — The great Magician — Reconnaissance to the South — An Upset — Shoot a Tetel — Ceremony of Welcome at Earajoke — Elevated Country at Earajoke — Return to Obbo — Katchiba determines to ride — Eirst Attempts at Horsemanship — Recover the lost Horse — Return to Latooka — Beware of Botanists — Baboons — The Maharif Antelope — Hunting Giraffes — Benighted — Regain the Party — Bread-baking on the March — Sickness — Small- Pox — Eirst Clue to the Lake — Brown Men are called White • Page 194—237 CHAPTER IX. THE TURKS ATTACK KAYAL.\. The ''Pleasant Robber" killed — The Life of Women spared in War — Scarcity of Salt among the Latookas — The Turks murder a Native — Country disturbed — Two Thieves — Ibrahimawa's Reminiscences of England — Party recalled to Obbo — White Ants — Cattle stealers at Night — A Thief shot — ^^March to Obbo — Great Puff Adder — Violent Storm — Hostility caused by the Turks — The M.D. attends us — Marauding Expedition CONTENTS. XT — Saat becomes scientific — Will England suppress the Slave- Trade — The Egyptian Scarabajus — Bacheeta, the Unyoro Slave — Intelligence of the Lake — Commerce -with the Interior — Obbo the clothing Frontier — Death of the transport Animals — Morning Call in Obbo — Katchiba's Politeness — " Coming Events," &c. — Fever — Symptoms .... Paje 238 — 267 CHAPTER X. LIFE AT OBBO. Influence gained over the People — Katchiba is applied to for Rain — Rain-making — Katchiba takes Counsel's Opinion — Xight-watch for Elephants — Elephants killed — Wild Boars — Start for the South — The Asua River — Stalking Mehedehet Antelope — Turk's Standard-bearer killed — Arrival at Shooa- • The Neighbourhood of Shooa — Cultivation and Granaries — *' Wheels within AVheels " — Difficulty in starting South — Eatiko Levee — Boundless Prairies — Deceit of the Guide — Arrive at the A^ictoria Nile — Arrive at Rionga's Country — The Karuma Falls — Difficulties at the River — Passage of the River forbidden — The Natives' Dread of Kamrasi — Resolve to cross the River alone — The Ferry of Atada — The Natives are suspicious — Freemasonry of Unyoro — Native Curiosity — TIkj Bark Cloth of L^nyoro — Native Pottery — The Bottle Gourds used as Models — Pronounced to be Speke's Brother — The Escort cross the River — Native Manufactures — March parallel Avith the Victoria ^Nile — March to the Capital — Kamrasi suspects Treachery — Imprisoned on the March — Kamrasi makes a State Visit — The King — Interview with Kamrasi — Exchange Blood and become Friends — Avarice of the King — Ibrahim and Party return north — The Interpreter vdW not Speak — Kamrasi's Chronometer is dead . . Page 268 — 316 CHAPTER XL THE START FOR THE LAKE. The King takes Leave — Kamrasi's Proposal — The King's Apology — Kamrasi's Satanic Escort — The Rout at a Giln-shot — A Disagreeable Escort— Passage of the Kafoor— Misery— Distress --The Pickaxe . . . Pa^ Katchiba and his Hebe on a Journey 225 Overhauling the Giraffes 1*0 face 231 The Obbo War Dance To face 255 Mehedehet Antelope 277 Natives of Lira (1) and Madi(2) in the Camp at Shooa To face 282 My Examination by the Chiefs on entering Unyoro — Eesolved, that I am Speke's Brother .... To face 302 The Start from the M'rooli for the Lake with Kamari's Satanic Escort To face 321 XX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIOyS. PAGF. The Storm on the Albert Lako To face 340 The Eaggera 355 Lepidosiren Aiinecteus 355 'J'he Miirchison Falls, about 120 ft. high from the Victoria Nile or Somerset Eiver to the Level of the Albert Lake To/ace 363 The Welcome on oiu' Eeturn to the Camp at Shooa . To face 444 Head of Black Ehinoceros 454 Tlie Chief of the Lira Tribe 455 Map of Route 510 General ^lap of Country, Xile Basin 510 INTEODUCTION. The primary object of geographical exploration is the opening to general intercourse such portions of the earth as may become serviceable to the human race. The explorer is the precursor of the colonist ; and the colonist is the human instrument by which the great work must be constructed — that greatest and most difficult of all undertakings — the civilization of the world. The progress of civilization depends upon geogra- phical position. The surface of the earth presents certain facilities and obstacles to general access ; those points that are easily attainable must always enjoy a superior civilization to those that are remote from association with the world. We may thus assume that the advance of civilization is dependent upon facility of transport. Countries naturally excluded from communication may, through the ingenuity of man, be rendered accessible ; the natural productions of those lands may be transported to the seacoast in exchanore for foreign commodities : and commerce, thus instituted, becomes the pioneer of civilization. England, the great chief of the commercial world, possesses a power that enforces a grave responsibility. She has the force to ci\dlize. She is the natural colo- c xxii INTRODUCTION. nizer of the world. In the short space of three cen- turies, America, sprung from her loins, has become a giant offspring, a new era in the history of the human race, a new birth whose future must be overwhelming. Of -later date, and still more rapid in development, Australia rises, a triumphant proof of England's power to rescue wild lands from barrenness ; to wrest from utter savagedom those mighty tracts of the earth's surface wasted from the creation of the world, — a darkness to be enlightened by English colonization. Before the advancing ste23S of civilization the savage inhabitants of dreary wastes retreated ; regions hitherto lain hidden, and counting as nothing in the world's great total, have risen to take the lead in the world's great future. Thus England's seed cast upon the eartli's surface germinates upon soils destined to reproduce her race. The energy and industry of the mother country become the natural instincts of her descendants in localities adapted for their development ; and wherever Nature has endowed a land with agricultural capabilities, and favourable geographical position, slowly biit surely that land will become a centre of civilization. True Christianity cannot exist apart from civiliza- tion ; thus, the spread of Christianity must depend upon the extension of civilization ; and that exten- sion depends upon commerce. The philanthropist and the missionary will expend their noble energies in vain in struggling against the obtuseness of savage hordes, until the first steps towards their gradual enlightenment shall have been made by commerce. The savage must learn to vmnt ; he must learn to be ambitious ; and to covet more than the mere animal necessities of food and drink. This can alone be taught by a communication with civilized beings : the sight of men well clothed will induce the naked savage to covet clothing, and will create a ivant ; the supply of this demand will be the first step towards commerce. To obtain the supply, the IXTRODVCTIOX. xxiii savage must produce some article in return as a me- dium of barter, some natural production of his country- adapted to the trader s wants. His wants will increase as his ideas expand by communication with Europeans: thus, his productions must increase in due proportion, and he must become industrious ; industry being the first grand stride towards civilization. The natural energy of all countries is influenced by- climate ; and civilization being dependent upon indus- try, or energy, must accordingly vary in its degrees according to geographical position. The natives of tropical countries do not progTess : enervated by in- tense heat, they incline rather to repose and amuse- ment than to labour. Free from the rigour of winters, and the excitement of changes in the seasons, the native character assumes the monotony of their coun- try's temperature. They have no natural difficulties to contend with ; no struggle with adverse storms and icy mnds and frost-bound soil ; but an everlasting summer, and fertile ground producing with little tillage, excite no enterprise ; and the human mind, unexercised by difiiculties, sinks into languor and decay. There are a lack of industry, a want of intensity of character, a love of ease and luxmy, which leads to a devotion to sensuality, — to a plm^ality of wives, which lowers the character and position of woman. "Woman, reduced to that false position, ceases to exercise her proper influ- ence upon man ; she becomes the mere slave of passion, and, instead of holding her sphere as the emblem of civilization, she becomes its barrier. The absence of real love, engendered by a plurality of wives, is an absolute bar to progress ; and so long as polygamy exists, an extension of civilization is impossible. In all tropical countries polygamy is the prevailing evil : this is the greatest obstacle to Christianity. The Mahom- medan religion, planned carefully for Eastern habits, allowed a plurality of Aw^es, and prospered. The savage can be taught the existence of a Deity, and become a Mussulman ; but to him the hateful law of xxiv INTRODUCTION. fidelity to one wife is a bar to Christianity. Thus, in tropical Climates there will always be a slower advance of civilization than in more temperate zones. The highest civilization was originally confined to the small portion of the glol^e comprised between Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Italy. In those countries was concentrated the world's earliest history ; and although changed in special importance, they preserve their geographical significance to the present day. The power and intelligence of man will have their highest development within certain latitudes, and the natural passions and characters of races will be governed by locality and the temperature of climate. There are certain attractions in localities that induce first settlements of man ; even as peculiar conditions of country attract both birds and animals. The first Avant of man and beast is food ; thus fertile soil and abundant pasture combined with good climate and water communication always ensure the settlement of man ; while natural seed-bearing grasses, forests, and prairies attract both birds and beasts. The earth offers special advantages in various positions to both man and beast ; and such localities are, with few excep- tions, naturally inhabited. From the earliest creation there have been spots so peculiarly favoured by nature, by geographical position, climate, and fertility, that man has striven for their occupation, and they have become scenes of contention for possession. Such coun- tries have had a powerful influence in the worlds history, and such will be the great pulses of civili- zation,— the sources from which in a future, how- ever distant, will flow the civilization of the world. Egypt is the land whose peculiar capabilities have thus attracted the desires of conquest, and with whom the world's earliest history is intimately connected. Egypt has been an extraordinary instance of the actual formation of a country by alluvial deposit ; it has l)een created by a single river. The great Sahara, that frightful desert of interminable scorching sand. INTRODUCTION. XXV stretching from the Eed Sea to the Athmtic, is cleft by one solitary thread of water. Ages before man could have existed in that inhospitable land, that thread of water was at its silent work : through countless years it flooded and fell, depositing a ri(^h legacy of soil upon the barren sand until the delta was created ; and man, at so remote a period that we have no clue to an approximate date, occupied the fertile soil thus l)orn of the river Nile, and that corner of savage Africa, rescued from its barrenness, became Egypt, and took the first rank in the earth's history. For that extraordinary land the w^orld has ever contended, and will yet contend. From the Persian conquest to the present day, although the scene of continual strife, Eg}^t has been an example of almost uninterrupted productiveness. Its geographical position afforded peculiar advantages for commercial enterprise. Bounded on the east by the Eed Sea, on the north by the Mediterranean, -wdiile the fertilising Nile afforded inland communication, Egypt became the most prosperous and civilized country of the earth. Egypt was not only created by the Nile, but the very existence of its inhabitants depended upon the annual inundation of that river : thus all that related to the Nile was of vital importance to the people ; it was the hand that fed them. Egypt depending so entirely upon the river, it was natural that the origin of those mysterious waters should have absorbed the attention of thinking; men. It was unlike all other rivers. In July and August, when European streams were at their lowest in the summer heat, the Nile Avas at the flood ! In Egypt there was no rainfall — not even a di'op of dew in those parched deserts through which, for 860 miles of lati- tude, the glorious river flowed without a tributary. Licked up by the burning sun, and gulped by the exhausting sand of Nubian deserts, supporting all losses by evaporation and absorption, the noble flood shed its annual blessings upon Egypt. An anomaly xxvi INTRODUCTION. among rivers ; flooding in the driest season ; ever- lasting in sandy deserts ; where was its hidden origin ? where were the sources of the Nile ? This was from the earliest period the great geogra- phical question to be solved. In the advanced stage of civilization of the present era, we look with regret at the possession by the Moslem of the fairest portions of the world, — of countries so favoured by climate and by geographical position, that, in the early days of the earth's history, they were the spots most coveted ; and that such favoured places should, through the Moslem rule, be barred from the advancement that has attended lands less adapted by nature for development. There are no countries of the earth so valuable, or that would occupy so im- portant a position in the family of nations, as Turkey in Europe, Asia Minor, and Egypt, under a civilized and Christian government. As the great highway to India, Egypt is the most interesting country to the English. The extraordinary fertility being due entirely to the Nile, I trust that I may have added my mite to the treasury of scientific knowledge by completing the discovery of the sources of that wonderful river, and thereby to have opened a way to the heart of Africa, which, though dark in our limited perspective, may, at some future period, be the path to civilization. I offer to the world my narrative of many years of hardships and difficulties, happily not vainly spent in this gTcat enterprise : should some un-ambitious spirits reflect, that the results are hardly worth the sacrifice of the best years of life thus devoted to exile and sufier- ing, let them remember that " we are placed on earth for a certain period, to fulfil according to our several conditions and degrees of mind, those duties by which the earth's history is carried on." '''' * E. L. Buhver's Life, Literature, and Maimers." ARMS AND INSTRUxMENTS OF VARIOUS TRIBES. THE ALBEET NYANZA. CHAPTEE 1. THE EXPEDITTOX. Ix Marcli, 1861, I commenced an exjDedition to discover the sources of the Nile, with the hope of meeting the East African expedition of Captains Speke and Grant, that had been sent by the English Govern- ment from the South, via Zanzibar, for that object. I had not the presumption to publish my intention, as the sources of the Nile had hitherto defied all ex- plorers, but I had inwardly determined to accomplish this difficult task or to die in the attempt. From my youth I had been inured to hardships and endm-ance in wild sports in tropical climates, and when I gazed upon the map of Africa I had a wild hope, mingled with humility, that, even as the insignificant worm bores through the hardest oak, I might by perseverance reach the heart of Africa. I could not conceive that anything in this world had power to resist a determined will, so long as health and life remained. The failure of every former attempt to reach the Nile source did not astonish me, as the expeditions had consisted of parties, which, when difficulties occur, generally end in difierence of opinion and retreat: I therefore determined to pro- B PROGRAMME. [chap. I. coed alone, trusting in tlie guidance of a Divine Pro- vidence and tlie good fortune that sometimes attends a tenacity of purpose. I weighed carefully the chances of the imdertaking. Before me — untrodden Africa; a o'ainst me — the obstacles that had defeated the world since its creation ; on my side — a somewhat tough (Constitution, perfect independence, a long experience in savage life, and both time and means which I in- tended to devote to the object without limit. England liad never sent an expedition to the Nile sources pre- vious to that under the command of Speke and Grant. Bruce, ninety years ago, had succeeded in tracing the source of the Blue or Lesser Nile : thus the honour of that discovery belonged to Great Britain ; Speke was (m his road from the South ; and I felt confident that my gallant friend would leave his bones upon the path rather than submit to failure. I trusted that England would not be beaten ; and although 1 hardly dared to hope that I could succeed where others' greater than I had failed, I determined to sacrifice all in the attempt. Had I* been alone it would have been no hard lot to die upon the untrodden path before me, but there was one who, although my greatest comfort, was also my greatest care ; one whose life yet dawned at so early an age that womanhood was still a future. I shuddered at the prospect for her, should she be left alone in savage lands at my death ; and gladly would I have left her in the luxuries of home instead of exposing her to the miseries of Africa. It was in vain that I implored her to remain, and that I painted the difficulties and perils still blacker than I supposed they really would be : she was resolved, with woman's con- stancy and devotion, to share all dangers and to follow me through each rough footstep of the wild life before me. And Kuth said, "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee : for whither thou goest I will go, and where thou lodgest I will lodge ; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God : where thou diest will I die, and there will CHAP. I.] START FROM CAIRO. 3 I be buried : the Lord do so to me and more also, if augbt but deatli part thee and me." Thus accompanied by my wife, on the 15th April, 1861, I sailed up the Nile from Cairo. The wind blew fair and strong from the north, and we flew towards the south against the stream, watching those myste- rious waters with a firm resolve to track them to their distant fountain. On arrival at Korosko in lat. 22° 44' in twenty-six days from Cairo we started across the Nubian desert, thus cutting off the western bend of the Nile, and in seven days' forced camel march we again reached the river at Aboii Hamed. The journey through that desert is most fatiguing, as the march averages fifteen hours a day through a wilderness of scorching sand and o:lowino[1:)asalt • rocks. The simoom was in full force at that season (May), and the thermometer, placed in the shade by the water skins, stood at 114° Fahr. No drinkable Avater was procurable on the route : thus our supply was nearly expended upon reaching the welcome Nile. After eight days' march on the margin of the river from Aboii Hamed through desert, but in view of the palm trees that bordered the river, we arrived at Berber, a considerable town in lat. 17° 58' on the banks of the Nile, • Berber is eight days' camel march from Khartoum at the junction of the White and Blue Niles in lat. 15° 30', and is the regular caravan route between that town and Cairo. From the slight experience I had gained in the journey to Berber, I felt convinced that success in my Nile expedition would be impossible without a know- ledge of Arabic. My dragoman had me completely in his power, and I resolved to become independent of all interpreters as soon as possible. I therefore arranged a plan of exploration for the first year to embrace the affluents to the Nile from the Abyssinian range of mountains, intending to follow up the Atbara river from its junction with the Nile in lat. 17° 37' B 2 4 ARRIVE AT BERBER. [chap. I. (twenty miles soutli of Berber), and to examine all the Nile tributaries from the south-east as far as the Blue Nile, ^Yhich river I hoped ultimately to descend to Khartoum. I imagined that twelve months would be sufficient to complete such an exploration, by which time I should have gained a sufficient know- ledge of Arabic to enable me to start from Khartoum for my White Nile expedition. Accordingly I left Berber on the 11th June, 1861, and arrived at the Atbara junction with the Nile on the 13th. There is no portion of the Nile so great in its volume as that part situated at the Atbara junction. The river Atbara is about 450 yards in average width, and from twenty-five to thirty feet deep during the rainy season. It brings down the entire drainage of eastern Abyssinia, receiving as affluents into its main stream the great rivers Taccazy (or Settite), in addi- tion to the Salaam and Angrab. The junction of the Atbara in lat. N. 17° 37' is thus, in a direct line from Alexandria, about 840 geographical miles of latitude, and, including the westerly bend of the Nile, its bed will be about eleven hundred miles in length, from the mouth of its last tributary the Atbara until it meets the sea. Thus, eleven hundred miles of absorp- tion and evaporation through sandy deserts and the delta must be sustained by the river between the Atbara junction and the Mediterranean : accordingly there is an immense loss of water ; and the grandest volume of the Nile must be just below the Atbara junction. It is not my intention in the present work to enter into the details of my first year's exploration on the Abyssinian frontier ; that being so extensive and so completely isolated from the grand White Nile expedi- tion, that an amalgamation of the two would create confusion. I shall therefore reserve the exploration of the Abyssinian tributaries for a future publication, and confine my present description of the Abyssinian rivers to a general outline of the Atbara and Blue Nile, CHAP. I.] ABYSSISIAN AFFLUENTS. 5 sliowing tlie origin of tlieir floods and tlieir effect upon the inundations in Lower Egypt. I followed the banks of the Atbara to the junction of the Settite or Taccazy river : I then followed the latter grand stream into the Abyssinian mountains in the Base country. From thence 1 crossed over to the rivers Salaam and Angrab, at the foot of the magnificent range of mountains from which they flow direct into the Atbara. Having explored those rivers I passed through an extensive and beautiful tract of country forming a portion of Abyssinia on the south bank of the river Salaam ; and again crossing the Atbara, I arrived at the frontier town of Gellabat ; known by Bruce as " Eas el Feel." Marching due west from that point I arrived at the river Kahad in about lat. 12° 30' ; descending its banks I crossed over a narrow strip of country to the west, arriving at the river Binder, and following these streams to their junction with the Blue Nile, I descended that grand river to Khartoum, having been exactly twelve months from the day I had left Berber. The whole of the above-mentioned rivers, i. e. the Atbara, Settite, Salaam, Angrab, Eahad, Dinder, and Blue Nile, are the great drains of Abyssinia, all having a uniform course from south-east to north- west, and meeting the main Nile in two mouths ; by the Blue Nile at Khartoum, 15' 30', and by the Atbara, in lat. 17° 37'. The Blue Nile during the dry season is so reduced that there is not sufficient water for the small vessels engaged in transporting produce from Senaar to Khartoum ; at that time the water is beau- tifully clear, and, reflecting the cloudless sky, its colour has giveu it the well known name of Bahr el Azrak, or Blue river. No water is more delicious than that of the Blue Nile ; in great contrast to that of the White river, which is never clear, and has a disagreeable taste of vegetation. This difference in the quality of the waters is a distinguishing characteristic of the two rivers; the one, the Blue Nile, is a rapid mountain 6 CHARACTER OF RIVERS. [chap. I. stream, rising and foiling with great rapidity; tlie other is of lake origin, flowing through vast marshes. The course of the Blue Nile is through fertile soil ; thus there is a trifling loss by absorption, and during the heavy rains a vast amount of earthy matter of a red colour is contributed by its waters to the general fertilizing deposit of the Nile in Lower Egypt. The Atbara, although so important a river in the rainy season of Abyssinia, is perfectly dry for several months during the year, and at the time I first saw it, June 15, 1861, it was a mere sheet of glaring sand; in fact a portion of the desert through which it flowed. For upwards of one hundred and fifty miles from its junction \\dth the Nile, it is perfectly dry from the beginning of ]\Iarch to June. At intervals of a fcAV miles there are pools or ponds of water left in the deep holes below the general average of the river's bed. In these pools, some of which may be a mile in length, are congregated all the inhabitants of the river, who as the stream disappears are forced to close quarters in these narrow asylums ; thus, crocodiles, hippopotami, fish, -and large turtle are crowded in extraordinary numbers, until the commencement of the rains in Abyssinia once more sets them at liberty by sending down a fresh volume to the river. The rainy season commences in Abyssinia in the middle of May, but the comitry being parched by the summer heat, the first rains are absorbed by the soil, and the torrents do not Jill until the middle of June. From June to the middle of September the storms are terrific ; every ravine be- comes a raging torrent ; trees are rooted up by the mountain streams swollen above their banks, and the Atbara becomes a vast river, bringing down with an overwhelming current the total drainage of five large rivers — the Settite, Eoyan, Salaam, and Angrab, in ad- dition to its own original volume. Its waters are dense with soil washed from most fertile lands far from its point of junction with the Nile, masses of bamboo, and drift wood, together with large trees, and frequently CHAP. I.] CAUSES OF XILE INUXDATIOXS 7 the dead bodies of elephants and buffaloes, are hurled along its muddy waters in wild confusion, bringing a rich harvest to the Arabs on its l^anks, who are ever on the look-out for the river's treasures of fuel and timber. The Blue Nile and the Atbara receiving the entirt^ drainage of Abyssinia, at the same time pour theii* floods into the main Nile in the middle of June. At that season the White Nile is at a considerable level, although not at its highest; and the sudden rush of water descending from Abyssinia into the main channel already at a fair level from the White Nile, causes the annual inundation in Lower Egypt. Dmdng the year that I passed in the northern portion of Abyssinia and its frontiers, the rains con- tinued with great ^dolence for three months, the last shower falling on the 16 th September, from which date there was neither dew nor rain until the followino- May. The great rivers expended, and the mountain- torrents dried up, the Atbara disappeared, and once more became a sheet of glaring sand. The rivers Settite, Salaam, and Angrab, although much reduced, are nevertheless perennial streams, flowing into the Atbara from the- lofty Abyssinian mountains, but the parched, sandy bed of the latter river absorbs the entire supply, nor does one drop of water reach the Nile from the Atbara during the cby season. The wonderful absorption by the sand of that river is an illustration of the impotence of the Blue Nile to contend unaided with the Nubian deserts, which, were it not for the steady volume of the AYhite Nile, would drink every drop of water before the river could passs the 25th degree of latitude. The principal afiluents of the Blue Nile are the Rahad and Dinder, flowing, like all others, from Abyssinia. The Rahad is entii^ely dry during the dry season, and the Dinder is reduced to a succession of deep pools, divided by sandbanks, the bed of the river being exposed. These pools are the resort of 8 ARRIVAL AT KHARTOUM. [chap. I. numerous hippopotami and the natural inhabitants of the river. Having completed the exploration of the various affluents to the Nile from Abyssinia, passing through the Base country and the portion of Abyssinia occupied by Mek Nimmur, I arrived at Khartoum, the capital of the Soudan provinces, on the 11th June, 1862. Khartoum is situated, in lat. 15° 29', on a point of land forming the angle between the White and Blue Niles at their junction, A more miserable, filthy, and unhealthy spot can hardly be imagined. Far as the eye can reach, upon all sides, is a sandy desert. The town, chiefly composed of huts of un- bm^nt brick, extends over a flat hardly above the level of the river at high-w^ater, and is occasionally flooded. Although containing about 30,000 inhabitants, and densely crowded, there are neither drains nor cesspools : the streets redolent with inconceivable nuisances, should animals die, they remain where they fall, to create pestilence and disgust. There are, nevertheless, a few respectable houses, occupied by the traders of the country, a small proportion of whom are Italians, French, and Germans, the European population num- bering about thirty. Greeks, Syrians, Copts, Arme- nians, Turks, Arabs, and Egyptians, form the motley inhabitants of Khartoum. There are consuls for France, Austria, and America, and with much pleasure I acknowledge many kind attentions, and assistance received from the two former, M. Thibaut and Herr Hansall. Khartoum is the seat of government, the Soudan provinces being under the control of a Governor- General, with despotic power. In 1861, there were about six thousand troops quartered in the town ; a portion of these were Egyptians ; other regiments were composed of blacks from Kordofan, and from the White and Blue Nile, with one regiment of Arnouts, and a battery of artillery. These troops are the curse of the country : as in the case of most Turkish and CHAP. I.] EGYPTIAN AUTHORITIES. 9 Eg}^tian officials, tlie receipt of pay is most irregular, and accordingly the soldiers are under loose discipline. Foraging and plunder is tlie business of the Egyptian soldier, and the miserable natives must submit to insult and ill-treatment at the will of the brutes who pillage them ad libitum. In 1862, Moosa Pasha was the Governor-General of the Soudan. This man was a rather exaggerated specimen of Turkish authorities in general, combining the worst of Oriental failings with the brutality of a Avild animal. During his administration the Soudan became utterly ruined; governed by military force, the revenue was unequal to the expenditure, and fresh taxes were levied upon the inhabitants to an extent that paralyzed the entire country. The Turk never improves. There is an Arab proverb that ''the grass never grows in the footprint of a Turk," and nothing can be more aptly expressive of the character of the nation than this simple adage. Misgovernment, monopoly, extortion, and oppression, are the certain accompani- ments of Turkish administration. At a great distance from all civilization, and separated from Lower Egypt by the Nubian deserts, Khartoum affords a wide field for the development of Egyptian official character. Every official plunders ; the Governor-General extorts from all sides ; he fills his private pockets by throwing every conceivable obstacle in the way of progress, and embar- rasses every commercial movement in order to extort bribes from individuals. Following the general rule of his predecessors, a new governor upon arrival exhibits a spasmodic energy. Attended by cavasses and soldiers, he rides through every street of Khartoum, abusing the underlings for past neglect, ordering the streets to be swept, and the town to be thoroughly cleansed ; he visits the market-place, examines the quality of the bread at the bakers' stalls, and the meat at the butchers'. He tests the accuracy of the weights and scales ; fines and imprisons the impostors, and 10 TAXES. [chap. I. institutes n complete reform, concluding liis sanitary and philanthropic arrangements by the imposition of some local taxes. The town is comparatively sweet ; the bread is of fiiir Aveight and size, and the new governor, like a new broom, has swept all clean. A few weeks glide away, and the nose again recalls the savoury old times when streets were never swept, and filth once more reigns paramount. The town relapses into its former state, again the false weights usurp the place of honest measures, and the only permanent and visible sign of the new^ administration is the local tax. From the highest to the lowest official, dishonesty and deceit are ,the rule — and each robs in proportion to his grade in the Government employ — the onus of extortion falling upon the natives ; thus, exorbitant taxes are levied upon the agriculturists, and the industry of the inhabitants is disheartened by oppres- sion. The taxes are collected by the soldiery, who naturally extort by violence an excess of the actual impost ; accordingly the Arabs limit their cultivation to their bare necessities, fearing that a productive farm would entail an extortionate demand. The heaviest and most unjust tax is that upon the "sageer," or water-wheel, by which the farmer irrigates his other- wise barren soil. The erection of the sageer is the first step necessary to cultivation. On the borders of the river there is much land available for agriculture ; but from an almost total want of rain the ground must be constantly irrigated by artificial means. No sooner does an enter- prising fellow erect a water-wheel, than he is taxed, not only for his wheel, but he brings upon himself a perfect curse, as the soldiers employed for the collection of taxes fasten upon his garden, and insist upon a variety of extras in the shape of butter, corn, vegetables, sheep, &c. for themselves, which almost ruin the pro- prietor. Any government but that of Egypt and Turkey would ofi'cr a bonus for the erection of irri- CHAP. I.] THE SOUDAN. 11 gating machinery that would give a stimulus to culti- vation, and multiply the produce of the country ; but the only rule without* an exception, is that of Turkish extortion. I have never met with any Turkish official who would take the slightest interest in plans for the improvement of the country, unless he discovered a means of filling his private purse. Thus in a country where nature has been hard in her measure dealt to the inhabitants, they are still more reduced by oppression. The Arabs fly from their villages on the approach of the brutal tax-gatherers, driving their flocks and herds with them to distant countries, and leaving their standing crops to the mercy of the soldiery. No one can conceive the suflering of the country. The general aspect of the Soudan is that of misery ; nor is there a single feature of attraction to recompense a European for the drawbacks of pestilential climate and brutal associations. To a stranger it appears a superlative folly that the Egyptian Government should have retained a possession, the occupation of which is wholly unprofitable ; the receipts being far below the expenditure, " malgre " the increased taxation. At so great a distance from the sea-coast and hemmed in by immense deserts, tlicre is a difficulty of transport that must nullify all commercial transactions on an extended scale. The great and mo ^t important article of commerce as an export from the Soudan, is gum arable — this is produced by several species of mimosa, the finest quality being a product of Kordofan ; the other natural pro- ductions exported are senna, hides, and ivory. All mearchandise both to and from the Soudan must be transported upon camels, no other animals being adapted to the deserts. The cataracts of the Nile between Assouan and Khartoum rendering the navi- gation next to impossible, the camel is the only medium of transport, and the uncertainty of procuring them, without great delay is the trader's greatest difficulty. The entire country is subject to droughts that occasion 12 SLJFE TRADE OF THE SOUDAN. [chap. i. a total desolation, and tlie want of pasture entails starvation upon both cattle and camels, rendering it at certain seasons impossible to transport the pro- ductions of the country, and thus stagnating all en- terprise. Upon existing conditions the Soudan is worthless, having neither natural capabilities nor poli- tical importance ; but there is, nevertheless, a reason that first prompted its occupation by the Egyptians, and that is in force to the present day. The Soudan sicpplies slaves. Without the White Nile trade Khartoum would almost cease to exist ; and that trade is kidnapping and murder. The character of the Khartoumers needs no further comment. The amount of ivory brought down from the White Nile is a mere bagatelle as an export, the annual value being about £40,000. The people for the most part engaged in the ne- farious traffic of the White Nile are Syrians, Copts, Turks, Circassians, and some few Europeans. So closely connected with the difficulties of my expedition is that accursed slave-trade, that the so-called ivory trade of the White Nile requires an explanation. Throughout the Soudan money is exceedingly scarce and the rate of interest exorbitant, varying, according to the securities, from thirty-six to eighty per cent. ; this fact proves general poverty and dishonesty, and acts as a preventive to all improvement. So high and fatal a rate deters all honest enterprise, and the country must lie in ruin under such a system. The wild speculator borrows upon such terms, to rise suddenly like a rocket, or to fall like its exhausted stick. Thus, honest enterprise being impossible, dishonesty takes the lead, and a successful expedition to the White Nile is supposed to overcome all charges. There are two classes of White Nile traders, the one possessing capital, the other being , penniless adventurers ; the same system of operations is pursued by both, but that of the former will be evident from the description of the latter. CHAP. I.] SLAVE TRADE OF THE WHITE NILE. 13 A man without means forms an expedition, and borrows money for tliis pm^pose at 100 per cent, after this fashion. He agrees to repay the lender in ivory at one-half its market value. Having obtained the required sum, he hires several vessels and engages from 100 to 300 men, composed of Arabs and runaway villains from distant countries, who have found an asylum from justice in the obscurity -of Khartoum. He purchases guns and large quantities of ammunition for his men, together with a few hundred pounds of glass beads. The piratical expedition being complete, he pays his men five months' wages in advance, at the rate of forty-five piastres (nine shillings) per month, and agrees to give them eighty piastres per month for any period exceeding the five months advanced. His men receive their advance partly in cash and partly in cotton stufis for clothes at an exorbitant price. Every man has a strip of j)aper, upon which is written by the clerk of the expedition the amount he has received both in goods and money, and this paper he must produce at the final settlement. The vessels sail about December, and on arrival at the desired locality, the party disembark and proceed into the interior, until they arrive at the village of some negro chief, wdth whom they establish an inti- macy. Charmed with his new friends, the power of \\;iiose weapons he acknowledges, the negro chief does not neglect the opportunity of seeking their alliance to attack a hostile neighbour. Marching throughout the night, guided by their negro hosts, they bivouac within an hours march of the unsuspecting village doomed to an attack about half an hour before break of day. The time arrives, and quietly surrounding the village while its occupants are still sleeping, they fire the grass huts in all directions, and pour volleys of musketry through the flaming thatch. Panic-stricken, the unfortunate victims rush from their burning dwell- ings, and the men are shot down like pheasants in a battue, w^hile the women and children, bewildered in 14 ^'EGRO ALLIES. [chap. I. the clanger and confusion, are kidnapped and secured. Tiie herds of cattle, still within their kraal or zareeba/' are easily disposed of, and are driven off with great rejoicing, as the prize of victory. The women and children are then fastened together, the former secured in an instrument called a sheba, made of a forked pole, the neck of the prisoner fitting into the fork, secured by a cross piece lashed behind, while the wrists, 1)rouglit together in advance of the body, are tied to the pole. The children are then fastened by their necks with a rope attached to the women, and thus form a living chain, in which order they are marched to the head-quarters in company with the captured herds. This is the commencement of business : should there be ivory in any of the huts not destroyed by the fire, it is appropriated ; a general plunder takes place. The trader's party dig up the floors of the huts to search for iron hoes, which are generally thus concealed, as the greatest treasure of the negroes ; the granaries are overturned and wantonly destroyed, and the hands are cut off the bodies of the slain, the more easily to detach the copper or iron bracelets that are usually worn. With this booty the traders return to their negro ally : they have thrashed and discomfited his enemy, which delights him ; they present him with thirty or forty head of cattle, which intoxicates him with joy, and a present of a pretty little captive girl of about fourteen completes his happiness. But business only commenced. The negro' covets cattle, and the trader has now captured perhaps 2,000 head. They are to be had for ivory, and shortly the tusks appear. Ivory is daily brought into camp in exchange for cattle, a tusk for a cow, according to size — a profitable business, as the cows have cost nothing. The trade proves brisk ; but still there re- main some little customs to be observed — some slight formalities, well understood by the White Nile trade. The slaves and two-thirds of the captured cattle belong CHAP. I.] REFELATIONS OF SLAVE TRADE. 15 to the trader, but liis men claim as their perquisite one-third of the stolen animals. These having been divided, the slaves are put up to public auction among the men, who purchase such as they require ; the amount being entered on the papers (serki) of the purchasers, to be reckoned against their wages. To avoid the exposure, should the document fall into the hands of the Government or European consuls, the amount is not entered as for the purchase of a slave, but is divided for fictitious supplies — thus, should a slave be pm^chased for 1000 piastres, that amorint would appear on the document somewhat as follows : — Soap 50 Piastres. Tarboasli (cap) 100 Araki 500 Shoes ■ ... 200 Cotton Clotli 150 1,000 The slaves sold to the men are constantly being- changed and resold among themselves ; but should the relatives of the kidnapped women and children wish to ransom them, the trader takes them from his men, cancels the amount of purchase, and restores them to their relations for a certain number of ele- phants' tusks, as may be agreed upon. Should any slave attempt to escape, she is punished either by l)rutal flogging, or shot or hanged, as a warning to others. An attack or razzia, such as described, generally leads to a quarrel vnili the negro ally, who in his turn is murdered and plundered by the trader — his women and children naturally becoming slaves. A good season for a party of a hundred and fifty men should produce about two hundred cantars (20,000 lbs.) of ivory, valued at Khartoum at £4,000. The men being paid in slaves, the wages should be nil, and there should be a surplus of four or five 16 DISTANT SLAVE MARKETS [chap. I. liundred slaves for the trader's own profit — \\'ortli on an average five to six pounds each. The boats are accordingly packed with a human cargo, and a portion of the trader s men accomj)any them to the Soudan, while the remainder of the party form a camp or settlement in the country they have adopted, and industriously plunder, massacre, and enslave, until their master's return with boats from Khartoum in the following season, by which time they are supposed to have a cargo of slaves and ivory ready for shipment. The business thus thoroughly established, the slaves are landed at various points within a few days' journey of Khartoum, at which places are agents, or purchasers, waiting to receive them with dollars prepared for cash payments. The purchasers and dealers are, for the most part, Arabs. The slaves are then marched across the country to different places ; many to Senaar, where they are sold to other dealers, who sell them to the Arabs and to the Turks. Others are taken immense dis- tances to ports on the Eed Sea, Souakim, and Masowa, there to be shipped for Arabia and Persia. Many are sent to Cairo, and in fact they are disseminated throughout the slave-dealing East, the White Nile being the great nursery for the sup]3ly. The amiable trader returns from the '\^^iite Nile to Khartoum ; hands over to his creditor sufficient ivory to liquidate the original loan of £1,000, and, already a man of capital, he commences as an inde- pendent trader. Such was the White Nile trade when I prepared to start from Khartoum on my expedition to the Nile sources. Every one in Khartoum, with the exception of a few Europeans, was in favour of the slave-trade, and looked Avith jealous eyes upon a stranger ven- turing A\'ithin the precincts of their holy land ; a land sacred to slavery and to every abomination and villany that man can commit. The Turkish officials pretended to discountenance CHAP. I.] PROSPECTS OF THE EXPEDITION. 17 slavery: at the same time every house in Khartoum was full of slaves, aud the Egyptian officers had been in the habit of receiving a portion of their pay in slaves, precisely as the men employed on the White Nile were paid by their employers. The Egyptian authorities looked upon the exploration of the White Nile by a European traveller as an infringement of their slave territory that resulted from espionage, and every obstacle was thro'\\Ti in my way. Foreseeing many difficulties, I had been supplied, before leaving Eg}^t, with a firman from H. E. Said Pasha the Viceroy, by the request of H. B. M. agent, Sir E. Colquhoun ; but this document was ignored by the Governor-general of the Soudan, Moosa Pasha, under the miserable prevarication that the firman was for the Pasha's dominions and for the Nile ; whereas the White Nile was not accepted as the Nile, but was kno^ra as the White River. I was thus refused boats, and in fact all assistance. To organize an enterprise so difficult that it had hitherto defeated the whole world required a careful selection of attendants, and I looked with despair at the prospect before me. The only men prociu'able for escort were the miserable cut-throats of Khartoum, accustomed to murder and pillage in the White Nile trade, and excited not by the love of adventure but by the desire for plunder : to start with such men appeared mere insanity. There was a still gxeater difficulty in connexion with the White Nile. For years the infernal traffic in slaves and its attendant horrors had existed like a pestilence in the negTO countries, and had so exasperated the tribes, that people, who in former times were friendly, had become hostile to all comers. An exploration to the Nile sources was thus a march through an enemy's coun- try, and required a powerful force of well-armed men. For the traders there was no great difficulty, as they took the initiative in hostilities and had fixed camps as " points d'appui," but for an explorer there was no c 18 OPPOSITION OF THE EGYPTIAN AUTHORITIES, [chap. i. alternative but a direct forward march witliout any communications with the rear. I had ljut slight hope of success without assistance from the authorities in the shape of men accustomed to discipline ; I accord- ingly wrote to the British consul at Alexandria, and requested him to apply for a few soldiers and boats to aid me in so difficult an enterprise. After some months' delay, owing to the great distance from Khartoum, I received a reply, inclosing a letter from Ismael Pasha (the present Viceroy), the regent during the absence of Said Pasha, refusing the application. I confess to the enjoyment of a real difficulty. From the first I had observed that the Egyptian authorities did not wish to encourage English explo- rations of the slave-producing districts, as such exami- nations would be detrimental to the traffic, and would lead to reports to the European governments that would ultimately prohibit the trade ; it was perfectly clear that the utmost would be done to prevent my expedition from starting. This opposition gave a piquancy to the undertaking, and I resolved that nothing should thwart my plans. Accordingly I set to work in earnest. I had taken the precaution to obtain an order upon the Treasury at Khartoum for what money I required, and as ready cash performs wonders in that country of credit and delay, I was Avithin a few weeks ready to start. I engaged three vessels, including two large noggm's or sailing barges, and a good decked vessel with comfortable cabins, known by all Nile tourists as a diahbiali. The preparations for such a voyage are no trifles. I required forty-five armed men as escort, forty men as sailors, which, with servants, &c. raised my party to ninety- six. The voyage to Gondokoro, the navigable limit of the Nile, was reported to be from forty-five to fifty days from Khartoum, but provisions were neces- sary for four months, as the boatmen would return to Khartoum vvith the vessels, after landing me and my party. In the hope of meeting Speke and Grant's CHAP. I.] JOUANN SCHMIDT. 19 party, I loaded tlie boats with an extra quantity of corn, making a total of a liundred urdeps (rather ex- ceeding 400 bushels). I had arranged the boats to carry twenty-one donkeys, four camels, and four horses ; which I hoped would render me independent of porters, the want of transport being the great diffi- culty. The saddles, packs, and pads, were all made under my own su^Derintendance ; nor was the slightest trifle neglected in the necessary arrangements for success. In all the detail, I was much assisted by a most excellent man whom I had engaged to accompany me as my head man, a German carpenter, Johann Schmidt. I had formerly met him hunting on the banks of the Settite river, in the Base country, where he was purchasing living animals from the Arabs, for a contractor to a menagerie in Europe; he was -an excellent sportsman, and an energetic and courageous fellow ; perfectly sober and honest. Alas ! " the spiiit was willing, but the flesh was weak," and a hollow cough, and emaciation, attended with hurried respira- tion, suggested disease of the lungs. Day after day he faded gradually, and I endeavoured to persuade him not to venture upon such a perilous journey as that before me : nothing would persuade him that he was in danger, and he had an idea that the climate of Khartoum was more injurious than the AYhite Nile, and that the voyage would improve his health. Full of good feeling, and a wish to please, he persisted in working and perfecting the various arrangements, when he should have been savino- his strenoth for a severer trial. Meanwhile, my preparations progressed. I had clothed my men all in uniform, and had armed them with double-barrelled guns and rifles. I had explained to them thoroughly the object of my journey, and that implicit obedience would be enforced, so long as they were in my service ; that no plunder would be per- mitted, and that their names were to be registered at the public Divan before they started. They promised fidelity and devotion, but a greater set of scoundrels 0 2 20 PREPARATIONS FOR SAILING. [chap. I. ill pliysiognomy I never encountered. Eacli man re- ceived five months' wages in advance, and I gave them an entertainment with abundance to eat and drink, to enable them to start in good humour. We were just ready to start; the supplies were all on board, the donkeys and horses were shipped, when an officer arrived from the Divan, to demand from me the poll-tax that Moosa Pasha, the Governor-general, had recently levied upon the inhabitants ; and to inform me, that in the event of my refusing to pay the said tax for each of my men, amounting to one month's wages per head, he should detain my boats. I ordered my captain to hoist the British flag upon each of the three boats, and sent my compliments to the govern- ment official, telling him that I Avas neither a Turkish subject nor a trader, but an English explorer; that I was not responsible for the tax, and that if any Turkish official should board my boat, under the British flag, I should take the liberty of throwing him overboard. This announcement appeared so practical, that the official hurriedly departed, while I marched my men on board, and ordered the boatmen to get ready to start. Just at that moment, a government vessel, by the merest chance, came swiftly down the river under sail, and in the clumsiest manner crashed right into us. The oars being lashed in their places on my boat, ready to start, were broken to pieces by the other vessel, which, fouling another of my boats just below, became fixed. ' The reis, or captain of the government boat that had caused the mischief, far from apologising, - commenced the foulest abuse ; and refused to give oars in exchange for those he had destroyed. To start was impossible without oars, and an angry altercation being carried on between my men and the government boat, it was necessary to come to closer quarters. The reis of the government boat was a gigantic black, a Tokrouri (native of Darfur) who, confident in his strength, challenged any one to come on board, nor did any of my fellows respond to the invitation. The inso- CHAP. I.] AMIABLE BOY! 21 ]ence of Turkisli goyernment officials is beyond descrip- tion— my oars were smashed, and this insult was the reparation ; so, stepping quickly on board, and brushing a few fellows on one side, I was ol^liged to come to a physical explanation with the captain, which termi- nated in a clelivery of the oars. The bank of the river was thronged with jDeople, many were mere idlers attracted by the bustle of the start, and others, the friends and relatives of my people, wha had come to say a last good-bye, with many women, to raise the Arab cry of parting. Among others, was a tall, de- bauched-looking fellow, excessively drunk and ;noisy, who, quarrelling with a woman who attempted to restrain him, insisted upon addressing a little boy named Osman, declaring that he should not accompany me unless he gave him a dollar to get some drink. Osman was a sharp Arab boy of twelve years old, whom I had engaged as one of the tent servants, and- the drunken Arab was his father, who wished to extort some cash from his son before he parted ; but the boy Osman showed his filial affection in a most touching manner, by running into the cabin, and fetching a powerful hippopotamus whip, with which he requested me to have his father thrashed, or he would never be gone." Without indulging this amiable boy's desire, we shoved off ; the three vessels rowed into the middle of the river, and hoisted sail ; a fair wind, and strong current, moved us rapidly down the stream ; the English flags fluttered gaily on the masts, and amidst the shouting of farewells, and the rattling of musketry, we started for the sources of the Nile. On passing the steamer belonging to the Dutch ladies, Madame van Capellan, and her charming daughter, Mademoiselle Tinne, we saluted them with a volley, and kept up a mutual waving of handkerchiefs until out of view; little did we think that we should never meet those kind faces again, and that so dreadful a fate would envelop almost the enth^e party."' * The entii-e party died of fever on the White ISTile, excepting THE DEPARTURE. [chap. I. It was the 1 8 tli December, 1862, Tliursda}^, one of the most hicky days for a start, according to Arab superstition. In a few minutes we reached the acute angle round which we had to turn sharply into the AYhite Nile at its junction with the Blue. It was blowing hard, and in tacking round the point one of the noggors carried away her yard, which fell upon deck and snapped in half, fortunately without injuring either men or donkeys. The yard being about a hundred feet in length was a complicated affair to splice ; thus a delay took place in the act of starting, which was looked upon as a bad omen by my super- stitious followers. The voyage up the White Nile I now extract verhathn from my journal. Friday, 19th Dec. — At daybreak took down the mast and unshipped all the rigging ; hard at work splicing the yard. The men of course wished to visit their friends at Khartoum. Gave strict orders that no man should leave the boats. One of the horsekeepers absconded before daybreak ; sent after him. The junction of the two Niles is a vast flat as far as the eye can reach, the White Nile being about two miles broad some distance above the point. Saati my vakeel (headman) is on board one noggor as chief ; Johann on board the other, while I being on the diah- biah, I trust all the animals will be well cared for. I am very fearful of Johann s state of health : the poor fellow is mere skin and bone, and I am afraid his lungs are affected ; he has fever again to-day ; I have sent him quinine and wine, &c. 20th Dec. — The whole of yesterday employed in splicing yard, repairing mast, and re-rigging. At 8.30 A.M. we got aAvay with a spanking breeze. The diahbiah horridly leaky. The "tree'' or rendezvous for all boats when leaving for the White Nile voyage consists of three large mimosas about four miles from Mademoiselle Tinne. The victims to the fatal climate of Central Africa were Madame la Baronne Yan Capellan, her sister, two Dutch maidservants, Dr. Steudner, and Signor Contarini. CHAP. I.] THE BOY OSMAN. 23 tlie point of junction. The Nile at this spot about two miles wide — dead flat banks — mimosas on west bank. My two cabin boys are very useful, and Osman s ring- ing laugh and constant impertinence to the crew and soldiers keep the boat alive ; — he is a capital boy, a perfect gamin, and being a tailor by trade he is very useful — this accounts for his father wishing to detain him. The horses and donkeys very snug on board. At 1 P.M. passed Gebel Ouli, a small hill on south bank — course S.W. \ S. At 8.30 p.m. reached Getene, a callage of mixed Arabs on the East bank — anchored. 2lst Dec. — All day busy clearmg decks, caulk- ing ship, and making room for the camels on the noggors, as this is the village to which I had previously sent two men to select camels and to have them in readiness for my arrival. The men have been selecting sweethearts instead ; thus I must wait here to-morrow, that being the " Soog or market day, when I shall purchase my camels and milk goats. The banks of the river very uninteresting, flat, desert, and mimosa bush. The soil is not so rich as on the banks of the Blue Nile — the dhurra (grain) is small. The Nile is quite two miles wide up to this point, and the high- water mark is not more than five feet above the present level. The banks shelve gradually like the sands at low tide in England, and quite unlike the perpendicular banks of the Blue Nile. Busy at gunsmith s work. The nights and mornings are now cold, from 60 to 62 Fahr. Johann makes me very anxious : I much fear he cannot last long, unless some sudden change for the better takes place. 22cZ Dec. — Selected two fine camels and shipped them in slings with some difiiculty. Bought four oxen at nine herias each (155.) ; the men delighted at the work of slaughtering, and jerking the meat for the voyage Bought four milch goats at 9 ps. each, and laid in a large stock of dhurra straw for the animals. Got all my men on board and sailed at 4.30 P.M., course due west ; variation allowed for. I 24 CHARACTER OF THE RIVER. [chap. I. have already reduced my men from wolves to lambs, and I should like to see the outrageous acts of mutiny which are the scape-goats of the traders for laying their atrocities upon the men's shoulders. I cannot agree with some writers in believing that personal strength is unnecessary to a traveller. In these savage countries it adds materially to the success of an ex- pedition, provided that it be combined with kindness of manner, justice, and unflinching determination. Nothing impresses savages so forcibly as the 'power to punish and reward. I am not sure that this theory is applicable to savages exclusively. Arrived at Wat Shely at 9 p.m. 23(i Dec. — Poor Johann very ill. Bought two camels, and shipped them all right : the market at this miserable village is as poor as that at Getene. The river is about a mile and a half wide, fringed with mimosas; country dead flat; soil very sandy; much cultivation near the village, but the clhurra of poor quality. Saw many hippopotami in the river. I much regret that I allowed J ohann to accompany me from Khartoum ; I feel convinced he can never rally from his present condition. 24^A Dec. — Sailed yesterday at 4.5 p.m., course south. This morning we are ofl" the Bagara country on the west bank. Dead flats of mimosas, many of the trees growing in the water ; the river generally shallow, and many snags or dead stumps of trees. I have been fortunate with my men, only one being drunk on leaving Wat Shely ; him we carried forcibly on board. Passed the island of Hassaniah at 2.20 p.m. ; the usual flats covered with mimosas. The high-water mark upon the stems of these trees is three feet above the present level of the river ; thus an immense extent of country must be flooded during the wet season, as there are no banks to the river. The water will retire in about two months, when the neighbourhood of the river will be thronged with natives and their flocks. All the natives of these parts are Arabs ; the Bagara CHAP. I.] 3IISERY OF SCENE. 25 tribe on the west bank. At Wat Sliely some of the latter came on board to offer their services as slave- hunters, this open offer confirming the general custom of all vessels trading upon the White Nile. 25 Dec. — The Tokroori boy, Saat, is very amiable in calling all the servants daily to eat together the residue from our table ; but he being so far civilized, is armed with a huge spoon, and having a mouth like a crocodile, he obtains a fearful advantage over the rest of the party, Avho eat the soup by dipping kisras (pancakes) into it with their fingers. Meanwhile Saat sits among his invited guests, and works away with his spoon like a sageer (water-wheel), and gets an unwarrantable start, the soup disappearing like water in the desert. A dead calm the greater portion of the day ; the river fringed with mimosa forest. These trees are the Soont [Acacia Arabica) which produce an excellent tannin : the fruit, " garra,'' is used for that purpose, and produces a rich brown dye : all my clothes and the uniforms of my men I dyed at Khartoum with this "garra.^' The trees are about eighteen inches in diameter and thirty-five feet high ; being in full foliage, their appearance from a distance is good, but on a closer approach the forest proves to be a desolate swamp, completely overflowed ; a mass of fallen dead trees protruding from the stagnant waters, a solitary crane perched here and there upon the rotten boughs ; floating water-plants massed together, and forming green swimming islands, hitched generally among the sunken trunks and branches ; sometimes slowly de- scending with the sluggish stream, bearing, spectre-like, storks thus voyaging on nature's rafts from lands unknown. It is a fever-stricken wilderness — the current not exceeding a quarter of a mile per hour — the water coloured like an English horse-pond ; a heaven for mosquitoes and a damp hell for man ; fortunately, this being the cold season, the winged plagues are absent. The country beyond the inundated mimosa woods is of the usual sandy character, with thorny 20 RIVER VEGETATION, [chap. I. Kittur busli. Saw a few antelopes. Stopped at a horrible swamp to collect firewood. Anchored at night in a dead calm, Avell out in the river to escape malaria from the swamped forest. This is a precaution that the men would neglect, and my expedition might suffer in consequence. Christmas Day ! 2Q>th Dec. — Good breeze at about 3 a.m. ; made sail. I have never seen a fog in this part of Africa ; although the neighbourhood of the river is SAvampy, the air is clear both in the morning and evening. Floating islands of water-rplants are now very numerous. There is a plant something like a small cabbage {Pisiia Stratiotcs L), which floats alone until it meets a com- rade ; these unite, and recruiting as they float onward, they eventually form masses of many thousands, entan- gling with other species of water-plants and floating wood, until they at length form floating islands. Saw many hippopotami ; the small hill in the Dinka country seen from the mast-head at 9.15 a.m. ; breeze light, but steady ; the banks of the river, high grass and mimosas, but not forest as formerly. Water-lilies in full bloom, white, but larger than the European variety. In the evening the crew and soldiers singing and drumming. 27 til Dec, — Blowing hard all night. Passed the Dinker hill at 3.30 a.m. Obliged to take in sail, as it buried the head of the vessel and we shipped much water. Staggering along under bare poles at about five miles per hour. The true banks of the river are about five hundred yards distant from the actual stream, this space being a mass of floating water- plants, decayed vegetable matter, and a high reedy grass much resembling sugar-canes ; the latter excel- lent food for my animals. Many very interesting water-plants and large quantities of Ambatch wood {Anemone mirahilis) — this wood, of less specific gra- vity than cork, is generally used for rafts ; at this season it is in full bloom, its bright yellow blossoms enlivening the dismal swamps. Secured very fine specimens of a variety of helix from the floating CHAP. I.] JOHANN'S SICKNESS. 27 islands. In this spot tlie river is from 1500 yards to a mile wide ; the country, flat and uninteresting, being the usual scattered thorn bushes and arid plains, the only actual timber being confined to the borders of the river. Course, always south with few turns. My sponging-bath makes a good pinnace for going ashore from the vessel. At 4.20 p.m. one of the noggors carried away her yard — the same boat that met with the accident at our departure ; hove to, and closed with the bank for repairs. Here is an aflair of delay ; worked with my own hands until 9 p.m. ; spliced the yard, bound it with rhinoceros thongs, and secured the whole splice with raw bull's hide. Posted sentries — two on each boat, and two on shore. 28 f A Dec. — At work at break of day. Com^^leted the repair of yard, which is disgracefully faulty. Ke-rigged the mast. Poor Joliann will die, I much fear. His constitution appears to be quite broken up ; he has become deaf, and there is every symptom of decay, I have done all I can for him, but his voyage in this life is nearly over. Ship in order, and all sailed to- gether at 2.15 P.M. Strong north wind. Two vessels from Khartoum passed us while repairing damages. I re-arranged the donkeys, dividing them into stalls containing three each, as they were such donkeys that they crowded each other unnecessarily. Caught a curious fish (Tetrodoji j^hysa of Geof), that distends itself with air like a bladder ; colour black, and yellow stripes ; lungs ; apertures under the fins, which open and shut by their movement, their motion being a semi- revolution. This fish is a close link between fish and turtle ; the head is precisely that of the latter, having no teeth, but cutting jaws of hard bone of immense power. Many minutes after the head had been severed from the body, the jaws nipped with fury anything that- was inserted in the mouth, ripping through thin twigs and thick straw like a pair of shears. The skin of the belly is white, and is armed with prickles. The skin is wonderfully tough. I accordingly cut it into a long 28 JOE ANN DYING. [chap. I. tliong, and bound up the stock of a rifle that had been split from the recoil of heavy charges of powder. The flesh was strong of musk, and uneatable. There is nothing so good as fish-skin — or that of the iguana, or of the crocodile — for lashing broken gun-stocks. Isinglass, when taken fresh from the fish and bound round a broken stock like a plaster, will become as strong as metal when dry. Country as usual — flat and thorny bush. A heavy swell creates a curious eflect in the undulations of the green rafts upon the water. Dinka country on east bank ; Shillook on the west ; course south ; all Arab tribes are left behind, and we are now thoroughly among the negroes. 2dth Dec-. — At midnight the river made a bend westward, which continued for about fifteen miles. The wind being adverse, at 5 a.m. w^e found ourselves fast in the grass and floating vegetation on the lee side. Two hours hard work at two ropes, alternately, fastened to the high grass ahead of the boat and hauled upon from the deck, warped us round the bend of the river, which turning due south, we again ran before a favourable gale for two hours; all the boats well together. The east bank of the river is not discernible — a vast expanse of high reeds stretch- ing as far as the eye can reach ; course p.m. W.S.W. At 4 P.M. the " Clumsy," as I have named one of our noggors, suddenly carried away her mast close by the board, the huge yard and rigging falling overboard with the wreck, severely hurting two men and break- ing one of their guns. Hove to by an island on the Shillook side, towed the wreck ashore, and assembled all the boats. Fortunately there is timber at hand ; thus I cut down a tree for a mast and got all ready for commencing repairs to-morrow. Poor Johann is, as I had feared, dying ; he bleeds from the lungs, and is in the last stage of exhaustion. Posted six sentries. 30 til Dec. — Johann is in a dying state, but sensi- ble ; all his hopes, poor fellow, of saving money in • CHAP. I.] JOIIANN'S DEATH. 29i my service and returning to Bavaria are past. I sat by his bed for some liours ; tliere was not a ray of hope ; he could speak with difficulty, and the flies walked across his glazed eyeballs without his know- ledge. Gently bathing his face and hands, I asked him if I could deliver any message to his relatives. He faintly uttered, '^I am prepared to die; I have neither parents nor relations ; but there is one — she — he faltered. He could not finish his sentence, but his dying thoughts were with one he loved ; far, far a.way from this wild and miserable land, his spirit was transported " to his native village, and to the object that made life dear to him. Did not a shudder pass over her, a chill warning at that sad moment when all was passing away ? I pressed his cold hand, and asked her name. Gathering his remaining strength he murmured, " Krombacli " Es bleibt nur zu sterben." " Ich bin sehr dankbar." These were the last words he spoke, " I am very grateful.'' I gazed sorrowfully at his attenuated figure, and at the now powerless hand that had laid low many an elephant and lion, in its day of strength ; and the cold sweat of death lay thick upon his forehead. Although the pulse was not yet still, Johann was gone. 2\st Dec. — Johann died. I made a huge cross with my own hands from the trunk of a tamarind tree, and by moonlight we laid him in his grave in this lonely spot. "^^"0 useless coffin enclosed his breast, Nor in sheet nor in shroud we wonnd him ; But he lay like a pihjrim taking his rest, . With his manile drawn around him." This is a mournful commencement of the voyage. Poor fellow, I did all I could for him although that was but little ; and hands far more tender than mine ministered to his last necessities. This sad event closes the year 1862. Made sail at 8.30 p.m., the repairs of ship being completed. * Krombach was merely the name of his native village in Bavaria. 30 NEW YEAR. [chap. I. 1863, J'a^L 1st, 2 o'clock a.m. — Melancholy thoughts preventing sleep, I have watched the arrival of the new year. Thank God for his blessings during the past, and may He guide ms through the untrodden path before us ! We arrived at the village of Mahomed Her in the Shillook country. This man is a native of Dongola, who, having become a White Nile adventurer, estab- lished himself among the Shillook tribe with a band of ruffians, and is the arch-slaver of the Nile. The country, as usual, a dead flat : many Shillook villages on west bank all deserted, owing to Mahomed Her s plundering. This fellow now assumes a right of terri- tory, and offers to pay tribute to the Egyptian Govern- ment, thus throwing a sop to Cerberus to prevent intervention. Course S. W. The river in clear water about seven hundred yards wide, but sedge on the east bank for a couple of miles in width. 2d Jan. — The "Clumsy" lagging, come to grief again, having once more sprung her rotten yard. Fine breeze, but obliged to wait upon this wretched boat — the usual flat uninteresting marshes : Shillook villages in great numbers on the terra firma to the west. Verily it is a pleasant voyage ; disgusting naked savages, everlasting marshes teeming with, mosquitoes, and the entire country devoid of anything of either common interest or beauty. Course west the whole day ; saw girafles and one ostrich on the east bank. On the west bank there is a regular line of villages throughout the day's voyage within half a mile, of each other ; the country very thickly populated. The huts are of mud, thatched, having a very small entrance — they resemble button mushrooms. The Shillooks are wealthy, immense herds of cattle swarm throughout their country. The natives navigate the river in two kinds of canoes — one of which is a curious com- bination of raft and canoe formed of the Ambatch wood, which is so light, that the whole afl'air is CHAP. I.] THE SOB AT RIVER. 31 portable. The Ambatcli {Anemone mirabiUs) is seldom larger tlian a man's waist, and as it tapers naturally to a point, tlie canoe rafts are quickly formed by lash- ing the branches parallel to each other, and tying the narrow ends together. 3d Jan. — The Clumsy's " yard having been lashed with rhinoceros hide, fortunately holds together, al- though sprung. Stopped this morning on the east bank, and gathered a supply of wood. On the west bank Shillook villages as yesterday during the day's voyage, all within half a mile of each other ; one village situated among a thick grove of the dolape palms close to the river. The natives, afraid of our boats, decamped, likewise the fishermen, who were harpooning fish from small fishing stations among the reeds. • The country, as usual, dead flat, and very marshy on the east bank, upon which side 1 see no signs of habitations. Course this morning south. Arrived at the river Sobat junction at 12.40 p.m., and anchored about half a mile within that river at a spot where the Turks had formerly constructed a camp. Not a tree to be seen ; but dead flats of prairie and marsh as far as the eye can reach. The Sobat is not more than a hundred and twenty yards in breadth. I measured the stream by a floating gourd, which travelled 130 yards in 112 seconds, equal to. about two miles and a half an hour. The quality of the water is very superior to that of the White Nile — this Avould suggest that it is of mountain origin. Upward course of Sobat south, 25° east. Upward course of the White Nile west, 2^ north from the Sobat junction. Ath Jem. — By observation of sun's meridian altitude, I make the latitude of the Sobat junction 9^ 21' 14". Busy fishing the yard of the Clumsy," and mending sails. The camels and donkeys all well — plenty of fine grass — made a good stock of hay. My reis and boatmen tell me that the Sol)at, within a few days' sail of the junction, divides into seven branches, all shallow and with a rapid current. The banks are flat, 32 BAim GIRAFFE. [chap. I. and the river is now bank-full. Altlioiigli the water is perfectly clear, and tliere is no appearance of flood, yet masses of weeds, as though torn from their beds by torrents, are constantly floating down the stream. One of my men has been up the river to the farthest navigable point ; he declares that it is fed by many mountain torrents, and that it runs out very rapidly at the cessation of the rains. I sounded the river in many places, the depth varying very slightly, from twenty-seven to twenty-eight feet. At 5 p.m. set sail with a light breeze, and glided along the dead Avater of the White Nile. Full moon — the water like a mirror ; the country one vast and apparently inter- minable marsh — the river about a mile wide, and more or less covered with floating plants. The night still as death ; dogs barking in the distant villages, and herds of hippopotami snorting in all directions, being dis- turbed by the boats. Course west. bill Jan.- — Fine breeze, as much, as we can carry; boats running at eight or nine miles an hour — no stream perceptible ; vast marshes ; the clear water of the river not more than 150 yards wide, forming a channel through the great extent of water grass re- sembling high sugar canes, which conceal the true extent of the river. About six miles west from the Sol^at junction on the north side of the river, is a kind of backwater, extending north like a lake for a dis- tance of several days' boat journey : this is eventually lost in regions of high grass and marshes ; in the wet season this forms a large lake. A hill bearing north 20^ west so distant as to be hardly discernible. The Bahr Giraff'e is a small river entering the Nile on the south bank between the Sobat and Bahr el Gazal — my reis (Diabb) tells me it is merely a branch from the "White Nile from the Aliab country, and not an inde- 23endent river. Course west, 10^ north, the current about one mile per hour. Marshes and ambatch, far as the eye can reach. At 6.40 P.M. reached the Bahr el Gazal ; the junction CHAP. I.] BAUR JIL GAZAL 33 has the appearance of a lake about three miles in length, by one in Avidth, varying according to seasons. Although bank full, there is no stream Avhatever from the Bahr el Gazal, and it has the appearance of a back- water formed by the Nile. The water being clear and perfectly dead, a stranger would imagine it to be an overflow of the Nile, were the existence of the Bahr el Gazal unknown. The Bahr el Gazal extends due west from this point for a great distance, the entire river being a system of marshes, stagnant water overgrown by rushes, and ambatcli Avood, through which a channel has to be cleared to permit the passage of a boat. Little or no water can descend to the Nile from this river, otherwise there would be some trifling current at the embouchure. The Nile has a stream of about a mile and a half per hour, as it sweeps suddenly round the angle, changing its downward course from north to east. The breadth in this spot does not exceed 130 yards ; but it is im- possible to determine the actual width of the river, as its extent is concealed by reeds with which the country is entirely covered to the horizon. The AYhite Nile having an upward course of west 10° north, variation of compass 10^ west, from the Sobat to the Bahr el Gazal junction, now turns ab- ruptly to south 10*^ east. From native accounts there is a great extent of lake country at this point. The general appearance of the country denotes a vast Hat, with slight depressions ; these form extensive lakes during the wet season, and sodden marshes during the dry weather; thus contradictory accounts of the country may be given by travellers according to the seasons at which they examined it. There is nothing to denote large permanent lakes ; vast masses of water plants and vegetation requiring both a wet and dry season, exist throughout ; but there are no gi-eat tracts of deep water. The lake at the Bahr el Gazal entrance is from seven to nine feet deep, by soundings in various places. Anchored the little squadron, as 1 wait here D :i4 DIFFICULTIES OF NAVIGATION. [chap. i. for observations. Had the Clumsy's " yard lowered and examined — cut a supply of grass for the animals. Jan. 6th. — Overhauled the stores. My stock of liquor will last to Gondokoro ; after that spot " vive la misere.'^ It is curious in African travel to mark the degrees of luxury and misery ; how, one by one, the wine, spirits, bread, sugar, tea, &c., are dropped like the feathers of a moulting bird, and nevertheless we go ahead contented. My men busy cutting grass, washing, fishing, &c. I^atitude, by meridian altitude of sun, 9° 29'. Differ- ence of time by observation between this point and the Sobat junction 4 min. 26 sees., 1° 6' 30'' distance. Caught some perch, but without the red fin of the European species ; also some boulti with the net. The latter is a variety of perch growing to about four pounds' weight, and is excellent eating. Sailed at 3 p.m. Masses of the beautiful but gloomy Papyrus rush, growing in dense thickets about eighteen feet above the water. I .measured, the diameter of one head, or crown, four feet one inch. Ja7i. 7th. — Started at 6 a.m. ; course E. 10° S. ; wind dead against us ; the " Clumsy " not in sight. Obliged to haul along by fastening long ropes to the grass about a hundred yards ahead. This is frightful work ; the men must swim that distance to secure the rope, and those on board hauling it in gradually, pull the vessel against the stream. Nothing can exceed the labour and tediousness of this operation. From constant work in the water many of my men are suffering from fever. The temperature is much higher than when we left Khartoum ; the country, as usual, one vast marsh. At night the hoarse music of hippo- ^ potami snorting and playing among the high-flooded reeds, and the singing of countless myriads of mos- quitoes— the nightingales of the White Nile. My black fellow, Eicharn, whom I had appointed corporal, will soon be reduced to the ranks.; the animal is spoiled l)y sheer drink. Having been drunk every day in CHAP. I.] CHARACTER OF BAHR EL GAZAL. 35 Khartoum, and now being separated from his liquor, he is plunged into a black melancholy. He sits upon the luggage like a sick rook, doing minstrelsy, playing the rababa (guitar), and smoking the whole day, unless asleep, which is half that time : he is sighing after the merissa (beer) pots of Eg}^t. This man is an illustra- tion of missionary success. He was brought up from boyhood at the Austrian mission, and he is a genuine specimen of the average results. He told me a few days ago that "he is no longer a Christian.'*' There are two varieties of convolvolus growing here ; also a peculiar gourd, which, when dry and divested of its shell, exposes a vegetable sponge, formed of a dense but fine network of fibres ; the seeds are contained in the centre of this fibre. The bright yellow flowers of the ambatch, and of a tree resembling a laburnum, are in great profusion. The men completely done : I served them out a measure of grog. The " Clumsy " not in sight. Jan. 8th. — Waited all night for the Clumsy.'' She ' appeared at 8 a.m., when the reis and several men received the whip for laziness. All three vessels now rounded a sharp turn in the river, and the wind being then favourable, we were soon under sail. The clear water of the river from the Bahr el Gazal to this ]3oint, does not exceed a hundred and twenty yards in width. The stream runs at one and three-quarter miles per hour, bringing with it a quantity of floating vegetation. The fact of a strong current both above and below the Bahr el Gazal junction, while the lake at that point is dead water, proves that I was right in my surmise, that no water flows from the Bahr el Gazal into the Nile during this season, and that the lake and the extensive marshes at that locality are caused as much by the surplus water of the White Nile flowing into a depression, as they are by the Bahr el Gazal, the water of the latter river being absorbed by the immense marshes. Yesterday we anchored at a dry spot, on which grew D 2 36 PECULIARITY OF UIVER SOBAT. [chap. i. iiuiny mimosas of the red bark variety ; the ground was a dead flat, and the river Avas up to the roots of the trees near the margin ; thus the river is quite full at this season, but not flooded. There was no water- mark upon the stems of the trees ; thus I have little doubt that the actual rise of the water-level during the rainy season is very trifling, as the water extends over a prodigious extent of surface, the river having no banks. The entire country is merely a vast marsh, with a river flowing through the midst. At this season last year I was on the Settite. That great river and the Atbara were then excessively low. The Blue Nile was also low at the same time. On the contrary, the White 'Nile and the Sobat, although not at their highest, are bank-full, while the former two are failing ; this proves that the White Nile and the Sobat rise far south, among mountains subject to a rainfall at different seasons, extending over a greater portion of the year than the rainy season of Abyssinia and the neighbouring Galla country. It is not surprising that the ancients gave up the exploration of the Nile when they came to the count-, less windings and difficulties of the marshes ; the river is like an entanoied skein of thread. Wind lioht ; course S. 20"" W. The strong north wind that took us from Khartoum has lonof since become a mere breath. It never blows in this latitude regularly from the north. The wind commences at between 8 and 9 a.m., and sinks at sunset ; thus the voyage through these frightful marshes and windings is tedious and melan- choly beyond description. Great numljers of hippo- potami this evening, greeting the boats with their loud snorting bellow, whidi vibrates through the vessels. JoAi. 9th.^ — Two natives fishing ; left their canoe and ran on the approach of our boats. My men wished to steal it, which of course I prevented ; it was a simple dome-palm hollowed. In the canoe was a harpoon, very neatly made with only one barb. Both sides of the river from the Bahr el Gazal belong to the Nuehr CHAP. I.] BULL BUFFALO. 37 tribe. Course S.E. ; wind very light ; windings of river endless ; continual hauling. At about half an hour before sunset, as the men were hauling the boat along by dragging at the high reeds from the deck, a man at the mast-head reported a buffalo standing on a dry piece of ground near the river ; being in want of meat, the men beo-o-ed me to shoot him. The buffalo was so concealed by the high grass, that he could not be seen from the deck ; I therefore stood upon an angarep (bedstead) on the poop, and from this I could just discern his head and shoulders in the high grass, about a hundred and twenty yards off. I fired with No. 1 Eeilly rifle, and he dropped apparently dead to the shot. The men being hungry, were mad with delight, and regardless of all but meat, they dashed into the water, and were shortly at him ; one man holding him, by the tail, another dancing upon him and brandishing his knife, and all shouting a yell of exultation. Presently up jumped the insulted bufialo, and charging through the men, he disappeared in the high grass, falling, as the men declared, in the deep morass. It was dusk, and the men, being rather ashamed of their folly in dancing instead of ham- stringing the animal, and securing their beef, slunk back to their vessels. Jan. 10th. — Early in the morning the buffalo was heard groaning in the marsh, not far from the spot where he was supposed to have fallen. About forty men took their guns and knives, intent upon beefsteaks, and waded knee-deep in mud and water through the high grass of the morass iu search. About one hour passed in this way, and, seeing the reckless manner in which the men were wandering about, I went down below to beat the drum to call them back, which the vakeel had been vainly attempting. Just at this moment I heard a distant yelling, and shot fired after shot, about twenty times, in quick succession. I saw with the telescope a crowd of men about three hundred yards distant, standing on a white ant-hill raised above 38 SALI JCHMET KILLED. [chap. I. the green sea of high reeds, from which elevated point they were keeping up a dropping fire at some object indistinguishable in the high grass. The death-howl was soon raised, and the men rushing down from their secure position, shortly appeared, carrying with them my best clioush, Sali Achmet, dead. He had come suddenly upon the buffalo, who, although disabled, had caught him in the deep mud and killed him. His gallant comrades bolted, although he called to them for assistance, and they had kept up a distant fire from the lofty ant-hill, instead of rushing to his rescue. The buffalo lay dead ; and a grave was im- mediately dug for the unfortunate Sali. My journey begins badly with the death of my good man Johann and my best choush — added to the constant mishaps of the ^'Clumsy." Fortunately I did not start from Khartoum on a Friday, or the unlucky day would have borne the onus of all the misfortunes. The graves of the Arabs are an improvement upon those of Europeans. What poor person who cannot afford a vault, has not felt a pang as the clod fell upon the cofiin of his relative ? The Arabs avoid this. Although there is no cojflin, the rude earth does not rest upon the body. The hole being dug similar in shape to a European grave, an extra trench is formed at the bottom of the grave about a foot wide. The body is laid upon its side within this trench, and covered by bricks made of clay which are laid across ; — -thus the body is contained within a narrow vault. Mud is then smeared over the hastily made bricks, and nothing is visible ; the tomb being made level with the bottom of the large grave. This is filled up with earth, which, resting on the brick covering of the trench, cannot press upon the body. In such a grave my best man was laid — the Slave women raising their horrible howl- ing and my men crying loudly, as well explained in the wwds of Scripture, "and he lifted up his voice and wept." I was glad to see so much external feeling for their comrade, but the grave being filled, their grief CHAP, t ] FEROCITY OF THE BUFFALO. 39 like all loud sorrow, passed -quickly a^vay and re- lapsed into thoughts of buffalo meat ; they were soon busily engaged in cutting up the flesh. There are two varieties of buffaloes in this part of Africa — the Bos Caffer, with convex horns, and that with flat horns; this was the latter species. A horn had entered the man's thigh, tearing the whole of the muscles from the bone ; there was also a wound from the centre of the throat to the ear, thus completely torn open, severing the jugular vein. One rib was broken, also the breast- bone. As usual with buffaloes, he had not rested con- tent until he had pounded the breath out of the body, which was found imbedded and literally stamped tight into the mud, with only a portion of the head above the marsh. Sali had not even cocked his gun, the hammer being doAvn on the nipples when foimd. I will not allow these men to come to grief in this way ; they are a reckless set of thoughtless cowards, full of noise and bluster, fond of firing off their guns like children, and wasting ammunition uselessly, and in time of danger they can never be relied upon ; they deserted their comrade when in need, and cried aloud like infants at his death ; they shall not again be al- lowed to move from the boats. In the evening I listened to the men conversing over the whole affair, when I learnt the entire truth. It appears that Eicharn and two other men were with the unfortunate Sali when the l)rute charged him, and the cowards all bolted without firing a shot in defence. There was a large white ant-hill about fifty yards distant, to which they retreated ; from the top of this fort they repeatedly saAv the man thrown into the air, and heard him calling for assistance. Instead of 'hast- ening in a body to his aid, they called to him to " keep quiet and the buffalo would leave him." This is a sample of the courage of these Khartoumers. The buffilo was so disabled by my shot of yesterday that he was incapable of leaving the spot, as, with a broken shoulder, he could not get through the deep mud. My 40 THE CLUMSY ON THE STYX. [chap. I. Reilly No, 10 bullet was found under tlie skin of the right shoulder, having passed in at the left shoulder rather above the lungs. The windings of this monotonous river are extra- ordinary, and during dead calms in these vast marshes the feeling of melancholy produced is beyond descrip- tion. The White Nile is a veritable " Styx." When the wind does happen to blow hard^ the navigation is most difficult, owing to the constant windings ; the sailors Ijeing utterly ignorant, and the rig of the vessel being the usual huge " leg of mutton " sail, there is an amount of screaming and confusion at every attempt to tack which generally ends in our being driven on the lee marsh ; this is preferable to a capsize, which is sometimes anything but distant. This morning is one of those days of blowing hard, w^ith the accompani- ments of screaming and shouting. Course S.E. Waited half a day for the " Clumsy,^' which hove in sight just before dark ; the detentions caused by this vessel are becoming serious, a quick voyage being indispensable for the animals. The camels are already suffering from confinement, and I have their legs well swathed in wet bandages. This marsh land varies in width. In some portions of the river it appears to extend for about two miles on either side ; in other parts farther than the eye can reach. In all cases the main country is a dead flat ; now blazing and smoking beyond the limit of marshes, as the natives have fired the dry grass in all directions. Eeeds, similar in appearance to bamboos but distinct from them, high w^ater-grass, like sugar- canes, excellent fodder for the cattle, and the ever- present amljatch, cover the morasses. Innumerable mosquitoes. Jan. 12th. — Fine breeze in the morning, but obliged to wait for the "Clumsy," wdiich arrived at 10 a.m. How absurd are some descriptions of the White Nile, which state that there is no current 1 At some parts, like that from just above the Sobat junction to Khartoum, CHAP. I.] FIRST VIEW OF NATIVES. 41 there is but little, but since we have left the Bahr el Gazal the stream runs from one and three-quarters to two and a half miles per hour, varying in localities. Here it is not more than a hundred yards wide in clear water. At 11.20 a.m. got under weigh with a rattling breeze, but scarcely had we been half an hour under sail when crack went the great yard of the " Clumsy " NUEHR NATIVES COMIXr. TO TH C BOATS. once more. I had her taken in tow. It is of no use repairing the yard again, and, were it not for the donkeys, I would abandon her. Koorshid Aga's boats were passing us in full sail when his diahbiah sud- denly carried away her rudder, and went head first into the morass. I serve out grog to the men when the drum beats at sunset, if all the boats are together. 42 JOCTIAN iM) HIS WIFE. [chap. I. Jan. 13 f Ji. — Stopped near a village on the right bank in company with Koorshid Aga's two diahbialis. The natives came down to the boats — tl^ey are something superlative in the Avay of savages ; the men as naked as they came into the world ; their bodies rubbed with ashes, and their hair stained red by a plaister of ashes and cow's urine. These fellows are the most un- earthly-looking devils I ever saw — there is no other expression for them. The unmarried women are also entirely naked; the married have a fringe made of grass around their loins. The men wear heavy coils of beads about their necks, two heavy bracelets of ivory on. the upper portion of the arms, copper rings upon the mists, and a horrible kind of bracelet of massive iron armed with spikes about an inch in length, like leopard's claws, which they use for a similar purpose. The chief of the Nuehr village Joctian, with his wife and daughter, paid me a visit, and asked for all they saw in the shape of beads and bracelets, but declined a knife as useless. They went away delighted with their presents. The women per- forate the upper lip, and wear an ornament about four inches long of beads upon an iron wire ; this projects like the horn of a rhinoceros ; they are very ugly. The men are tall and powerful, armed with lances. They carry pipes that contain nearly a cjuarter of a pound of tobacco, in which they smoke simple charcoal should the loved tobacco fail. The carbonic acid gas of the charcoal produces a slight feeling of intoxication, which is the effect desired. Koorshid Aga returned them a girl from Khartoum who had been captured by a slave-hunter ; this delighted the people, and they immediately brought an ox as an offering. The "Clumsy s" yard broke in two pieces, thus I was obliged to seek a dry spot for the necessary repairs. I left the village Nuehr Eliab, and in the evening lowered the " Clumsy's " yard ; taking her in tow, we are, this moment, 8.30 p.m., slowly sailing through clouds of mosquitoes looking out for a landing-place in this CHAP. I.] CHARMING HUSBAND. 43 world of marshes. I took the chief of the Nuehr's portrait, as he sat in my cabin - on the Divan ; of com'se he was delighted. He exhibited his wife's arms and back covered with jagged scars, in reply to my question as to the use of the spiked iron bracelet. Charming people are these poor blacks ! as they are termed by English sympathisers ; he was JOCTIAN, CHIEF OF THE NUEHR TRIBE. quite proud of having clawed his wife like a wild beast. In sober earnest, my monkey Wallady " looks like a civilized being compared to these Nuehr savages. The chief's forehead was tattooed in horizontal lines that had the appearance of wrinkles. The hair is worn drawn back from the face. Both men and 44 CATCH A HIPPOPOTAMUS. [chap. I. Avomeii wear a bag slang from the neck, apparently to contain any presents they may receive, everything being immediately pocketed. Com^se S.S.E. Jan. 14:th. — All day occupied in repairing the yard ; the buffalo hide of the animal that killed Sali Achmet being most serviceable in lashinpf. Sailed in the evening in company with a boat belonging to the Austrian mission. Eiver about 120 yards of clear water; current about two miles per hour. Found quantities of natron on the marshy ground bordering the river. Had a turkey for dinner, a " cadeau " from Koor- shid Aga, and, as a great wonder, the kisras (a sort of brown pancake in lieu of l)read) were free from sand. I must have swallowed a gocd-sized millstone since I have been in Africa, in the shape of grit rubbed from the moorhaka, or grinding-stone. The moorhaka, when new, is a large flat stone, weighing about forty pounds ; upon this the corn is ground by being rubbed with a cylindrical stone with both hands. After a few months' use half of the original grinding-stone disappears, the grit being mixed with the flour ; thus the grinding-stone is actually eaten. No wonder that hearts become stony in this country ! Jan. 15th. — We were towing through high reeds this morning, the men invisible, and the rope mowing over the high tops of the grass, when the noise disturbed a hippopotamus from his slumber, and he was imme- diately perceived close to the boat. He was about half grown, and in an instant about twenty men jumped into the water in search of him thinking him a mere baby ; but as he suddenly appeared, and was about three times as large as they had expected, they were not very eager to close. However the reis Diabb pluckily led the way and seized him by the hind leg, when the crowd of men rushed in, and we had a grand tussle. Kopes were thrown from the vessel, and nooses were quickly slipped over his head, but he had the l^est of the struggle and was dragging CHAP. 1.] PEliHAPS IT irJS HIS UXCLEr 45 the people into the open river ; I was therefore obliged to end the sport by putting a ball through his head. He was scored all over by the tusks of some other hippopotamus that had l)een bullying him. The men declared that his father had thus misused him ; others were of opinion that it was his mother ; and the argu- ment ran high, and became hot. These Arabs have an extraordinary taste for arguments upon the most trifling points. I have frequently known my men arg-ue throughout the greater part of the night, and recommence the same aroument on the followino: morning. These debates generally end in a fight ; and in the present instance the excitement of the hunt only added to the heat of the argument. They at leiigth agreed to refer it to me, and both parties approached, vociferously advancing their theo- ries ; one half persisting that the young hi23po had been bullied by his father, and the others adhering to the mother as the cause. I, beino- referee, suo-oested that " perhajjs it was his uncled Wah Illahi salie ! (By Allah it is true !) Both j^^i'ties were satis- fied with the suggestion ; dropping their theory they became practical, and fell to with knives and axes to cut up the cause of the argument. He was as fat as butter, and was a perfect godsend to the people, who divided him with great excitement and good humour. We are now a fleet of seven boats, those of several traders having joined us. The Clumsy's^' yard looks much better than formerly. I cut off about ten feet from the end, as it was topheavy. The yard of this class of vessel should look like an immense fishino- o rod, and should be proportionately elastic, as it tapers gradually to a point. Course S.E. I hear that the Shillook tribe have attacked Clienooda's people, and that his boat was capsized, and some lives lost in the hasty retreat. It serves these slave-hunters right, and I rejoice at then^ defeat. Exodus xx. 16 : "And he that stealeth a man, and selleth liim, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely Ijc put to death." 46 REAL TURTLE IS MOCK HIPPOPOTAMUS. [chap. i. Jan. 16 th. — A new dish ! There is no longer mock- turtle soup — real turtle is mocJc hippopotamus. I tried boiling the fat, flesh, and skin together, the result being that the skin assumes the appearance of the green fat of the turtle, but is far superior. A piece of the head thus boiled, and then soused in vinegar, with chopped onions, cayenne pepper, and salt, throws brawn completely in the shade. My men having revelled in a cauldron of hippopotamus soup, I serve out grog at sunset, all ships being together. Great contentment, all appetites being satisfied. The labour of towing through swamps, tugging by the long grass, and poling against a strong current, is dreadful, and there appears to be no end to this horrible country. " On dit,"*^ that during the dry season there is plenty of game near the river, but at present boundless marshes devoid of life, except in the shape of mosquitoes, and a very few water-foAvl, are the only charms of the White Nile. The other day I caught one of the men stealing the salt ; Richarn having been aware of daily thefts of this treasure, and having failed to report them, the thief received twenty with the coorbatch, and Richarn is reduced to the ranks, as I anticipated. No possibility of taking observations, as there is no landing-place. Jaji. 17 th. — As usual, marshes, mosquitoes, wind- ings, dead flats, and light winds ; the mosquitoes in the cabin give no rest even during the day. Stream about two miles per hour. Course S.E. ; the river averaging about one hundred and ten yards in width of clear water. Jan. ISth. — Country as usual, but the wind brisker. In company with Koorshid Aga s boats. I have bound the stock of Oswell's old gun with rhinoceros hide. All guns made for sport in wild countries and rough riding, should have steel instead of iron from the breech-socket, extending far back to within six inches of the shoulder-plate ; the trigger-guard should like- wise be steel, and should be carried back to an equal CHAP. I.] FISH-SPEJRINO. 47 distance with the above rib ; the steel should be of extra thickness, and screwed through to the upper piece ; thus the two, being connected by screws above and below, no fall could break the stock. Jan, 19 th. — At 8 a.m. we emerged from the appa- rently endless regions of marsh grass, and saw on the right bank large herds of cattle, tended by naked natives, in a country abounding with high grass and mimosa wood. At 9.15 a.m. arrived at the Zareeba, or station of Binder, an Austrian subject, and White Nile trader ; here we found five noggors belonging to him and his partner. Binder s vakeel insisted upon giving a bullock to my people. This bullock I resisted for some time, until I saw that the man was affronted. It is impossible to procure from the natives any cattle by purchase. The country is now a swamp, but it will be passable during the dry season. Took equal altitudes of sun producing latitude 7° 5' 46.'' The misery of these unfortunate blacks is beyond descrip- tion ; they will not kill their cattle, neither do they taste meat unless an animal dies of sickness ; they will not work, thus they frequently starve, existing only upon rats, lizards, snakes, and upon such fish as they can spear. The spearing of fish is a mere hazard, as they cast the har]30on at random among the reeds ; thus, out of three or four hundred casts, they may, by good luck, strike a fish. The harpoon is neatly made, and is attached to a pliable reed about twenty feet long, secured by a long line. Occasionally they strike a monster, as there are varieties of fish which attain a weight of two hundred pounds. In the event of harpooning such a fish, a long and exciting chase is the result, as he carries away the harpoon, and runs out the entire length of line ; they then swim after him, holding their end of the line, and playing him until exhausted. The chief of this tribe (the Kytch) wore a leopard- skin across his shoulders, and a skull-cap of white beads, with a crest of white ostrich-feathers ; but the 48 THE KYTCH TRIBE. [chap. I. mantle was merely slung over liis shoulders, and all other parts of his person were naked. His daughter was the best-looking girl that I have seen among the blacks; she was about sixteen. Her clothmg consisted of a little piece of dressed hide about a foot wide slung across her shoulders, all other parts being exposed. All the girls of this country wear merely a circlet of little iron jingling orna- •HIEF OF KVTCH AND DAUGHTER. meiits round their waists. Tbey came ni numbers, brineino- small bundles of wood to exchange lor a few handfuls of corn. Most of the men are tall, but wretchedly thin; the children are mere skeletons, and the entire tribe appears thoroughly starved, iue language is that of the Dinka. The chief earned a curious tobacco-box, an iron spike about two feet long, CHAP. I.] WHITE AST TOWERS. 49 with a hollow socket, bound with iguana-skin ; this served for either tobacco-box, club, or dagger. Through- out the whole of this marshy country it is curious to observe the number of white ant-hills standing above the water in the marshes : these Babel towers save their inmates from the deluge ; working during the dry season, the white ants carry their hills to so SPAHVIKO BOY Oi KYTCH TRIBE BKGGINn. great a height (about ten feet), that they can live securely in the upper stories during the floods. The whole day we are beset by crowds of starving people, bringing small gourd-shells to receive the expected corn. The people of this tribe are mere apes, trusting 50 STARVATION L\ TH/'J KYTCII COi'KTRy. [chat. i. entirely to the productions of nature for tlieir subsist- ence ; they will spend hours in digging out field-mice from their burrows, as we should for rabbits. They are the most pitiable set of savages that can be imagined ; so emaciated, that they have no visible posteriors ; they look as though they had been planed oft', and their long thin legs and arms give them a peculiar gnat-like appearance. At night they crouch close to the fires, lying in the smoke to escape the clouds of mosquitoes. At this season the country is a vast swamp, the only dry spots being the white ant- hills ; in such places the natives herd like wild animals, simply rubbing themselves with wood-ashes to keep out the cold. Jan. 20th. — The river from this spot turns sharp to the east, but an arm equally broad comes from S. 20 E. to this point. There is no stream from this arm. The main stream runs round the angle with a rapid current of about two and a half miles per hour. The natives say that this arm of dead water extends for three or four days' sailing, and is then lost in the high reeds. My reis Diabb declares this to be a mere backwater, and that it is not connected Avith the main river by any positive channel. So miserable are the natives of the Kytch tribe, that they devour both skins and bones of all dead animals ; the bones are pounded between stones, and when re- duced to powder they are boiled to a kind of porridge ; nothing is left even for a fly to feed upon, when an animal either dies a natural death, or is killed. I never pitied poor creatures more than these utterly destitute savages ; their method of returning thanks is by holding your hand and affecting to spit upon it ; which operation they do not actually perform, as I have seen stated in works upon the White Nile. Their domestic arrangements are peculiar. Polygamy is of course allowed, as in all other hot climates and savage countries ; but when a man becomes too old to pay suf- ficient attention to his numerous young wives, the CHAP. I.] THE BULL OF WE HERD. 51 eldest son takes the place of his father and becomes his substitute. To every herd of cattle there is a sacred bull who is supposed to exert an influence over the prosperity of the flocks ; his horns are ornamented with tufts of feathers, and frequently with small bells, and he invariably leads the great herd to pasture. On starting in the early morning from the cattle kraal the natives address the bull, telling him " to watch over the herd ; to keep the cows from straying ; and to lead them to the sweetest pastures, so that they shall give abundance of milk," &c. niR BOVS WHO IfAVK BECGKD. Ja)i. 21st. — Last night a sudden squall carried away Koorshid Aga's mast l)y the deck, leaving him a complete wreck. The weather to-day is dull, oppressive, and dead calm. As usual, endless marshes, and mos- quitoes. I never either saw or heard of so disgusting a country as that bordering the White Nile from Khar- toum to this point. Course S.E. as nearly as I can judge, but the endless windings, and the absence of any mark as a point, mnke it difficult to give an accurate E 2 52 MEN AXD BEASTS L\ A BAD TEMPER. [chap. i. course — the river about a hundred yards in width of clear water ; alive with floating vegetation, with a current of about two miles per hour. Jan. 22d. — The luxuries of the country as usual — malaria, marshes, mosquitoes, misery ; far as the eye can reach, vast treeless marshes perfectly lifeless. At times progressing slowly by towing, the men struggling through the water with the rope ; at other times by running round the boat in a circle, pulling with their hands at the grass, which thus acts like the cogs of a wheel to move us gradually forward. One of my horses," Filfil,'' out of pure amusement kicks at the men as they pass, and having succeeded several times in kicking them into the river, he perseveres in the fun, I believe for lack of other employment. Hippopotami are heard snorting in the high reeds both day and night, but we see very few. The black women on board are daily quarrelling together and fighting like bull-dogs ; little Gaddum Her is a regular black toy- terrier, rather old, wonderfully strong, very short, but making up in spirit for what she lacks in stature ; she is the quintessence of vice, being ready for a stand-up fight at the shortest notice. On one occasion she fought with her antagonist until both fell down the bold, smashing all my w^ter jars ; on another day they iboth fell into the river. The ennui of this wretched voyage appears to try the temper of both man and beast ; the horses, donkeys, and camels are constantly fighting and biting at all around. Jan. 2Sd. — At 8 a.m. arrived at Aboukooka, the establishment of a French trader. It is impossible to describe the misery of the land ; in the midst of the vast expanse of marsh is a little plot of dry ground about thirty-five yards square, and within thirty yards of the river, but to be reached only by wading through the swamp. The establishment consisted of about a dozen straw huts, occupied by a wretched fever-stricken set of people ; the vakeel, and others employed, came to the boats to beg for corn. I stopped for ten minutes CHAP. I.] JL'STRIJX MIISSION STAT LUX. 53 at the cliamiiug wateriug-place Aboukooka to obtain the news of the country. The ciment at this point is as usual very strong, being upwards of two and a half miles per hour ; the river is quite bank full although not actually flooding, the windings endless ; one mo- ment our course is due north, then east, then again north, and as suddenly due south ; in fact, we face every point of the compass within an hour. Frequently the noggors that are far in the rear appear in advance ; it is a heartbreaking river without a single redeeming point ; I do not Avonder at the failure of all expeditions in this wretched country. There is a breeze to-day, thus the oppressive heat and stagnated marsh atmo- sphere is relieved. I have always remarked that when the sky is clouded we suffer more from heat and op- pression than when the day is clear ; there is a weight in the atmosphere that would be interesting if tested by the barometer. The water is excessively bad throughout the White Nile, especially between the Shillook and the Kytch tribes ; that of the Bahr Gazal is even worse. The reis Diabb tells me that the north wind always fails between the Nuehr and the upper portion of the Kytch. I could not believe that so miserable a coun- try existed as the whole of this land. There is no game to be seen at this season, few birds, and not even crocodiles show themselves ; all the water-animals are hidden in the high grass ; thus there is absolutely nothing living to be seen, but day after day is passed in winding slowly through the labyrinth of endless marsh, through clouds of mosquitoes. At 4.20 P.M. arrived at the Austrian mission-station of St. Croix, and I delivered a letter to the chief of the establishment, Herr Moorlang. Jan. 2it]i. — Took observations of the sun, making latitude 6' 39'. The mission-station consists of about twenty grass huts on a patch of dry ground close to the river. The church is a small hut, but neatly arranged. Herr 54 SALE OF THE MIISSION-HOUSE. [chap. 1. Moi'lang acknowledged, with great feeling, that the mission was absolutely useless among such savages ; that he had worked with much zeal for many years, but that the natives were utterly impracticable. They were far below the brutes, as the latter show signs of aftection to those who are kind to them ; while the natives, on the contrary, are utterly obtuse to all feelings of gratitude. He described the people as lying and deceitful to a superlative degree ; the more they receive the more they desire, but in return they will do nothing. Twenty or thirty of these disgusting, ash-smeared, stark naked brutes, armed with clubs of hard wood brought to a point, were lying idly about the station. The mission having given up the White Nile as a total failure, Herr Morlang sold the whole village and mission-station to Koorshid Aga this morning for 3,060 piastres, £30 ! I purchased a horse of the missionaries for 1,000 piastres, which I christened " Priest," as coming from the mission ; he is a good- looking animal, and has been used to the gun, as the unfortunate Baron Harnier rode him buffalo-hunting. This good sportsman was a Prussian nobleman, who, with two European attendants, had for some time amused himself by collecting objects of natural history and shooting in this neighbourhood. Both his Euro- peans succumbed to marsh fever. The end of Baron Harnier was exceedingly tragic. Having wounded a buffalo, the animal charged a native attendant and threw him to the ground ; Baron Harnier was un- loaded, and wdth great courage he attacked the buffalo with the butt-end of his rifle to rescue the man then beneath the animal's horns. The buffalo left the man and turned upon his new assailant. The native, far from assisting his master, who had thus jeopardized his life to save him, fled from the spot. The unfor- tunate baron was found by the missionaries trampled and gored into an undistinguishable mass ; and the dead Ixxly of the buffalo was found at a short dis- CHAP. I.] MELANCJWLY FATE OF BARON IIARNIEll. 55 tance, the animal having been mortally wounded. I went to see the grave of this brave Prussian, who had thus sacrificed so noble a life for so worthless an object as a cowardly native. It had been well cared for by the kind hands of the missionaries, and was protected by thorn bushes laid around it, but I fear it will be neglected now that the mission has fallen into unholy hands. It is a pitiable sight to witness the self- sacrifice that many noble men have made in these frightful countries without any good results. Near to the grave of Baron Harnier are those of several members of the mission, who have left their bones in this horrid land, while not one convert has been made from the mission of St. Croix. The river divides into two branches, about five miles above this station, forming an island. Upon this is a fishing-station of the natives ; the native name of the spot is Pomone. The country is swampy and scantily covered with bushes and small trees, but no actual timber. As usual, the entire country is dead flat ; it abounds with elephants a few miles inland. Herr Morlang describes the whole of the White Nile traders as a mere colony of robbers, who pillage and shoot the natives at discretion. On the opposite side of the river there is a large neglected garden, belonging to the mission. Although the soil is extremely rich, neither grapes nor pome- granate will succeed ; they bear fruit, but of a very acrid flavour. Dates blossom, but will not fruit. Jan. 25th. — Started at 7 a.m. Course S.E. Ja7i. 26th. — The Bohr tribe on the east bank. No wind. The current nearly three miles per hour. The river about a hundred and twenty yards wide in clear water. Marshes and flats, as usual. Thermometer, throughout the journey, at 6 a.m., 68° Fahr., and at noon 86 Fahr. to 93^ Jan. 27th. — One day is a repetition of the pre- ceding. Jan. 2Sth. — Passed two bivouacs of the Aliab tribe, 56 rCMCLI Of ASIUS. [chap. I. witli great herds of cattle on the west bank. The natives appeared to he friendly, dancing and gesticu- lating as the boats passed. The White Nile tribe not only milk their cows, but they bleed their cattle perio- dically, and boil the blood for food. Driving a lance into a vein in the neck, they bleed the animal copi- ously, which operation is repeated about once a month. Jan. 29th. — Passed a multitude of cattle and natives on a spot on the right bank, in clouds of smoke as a " chasse des mousticjues.'' They make tumuli of dung, which are constantly on fire,^ fresh fuel being con- tinually added, to drive away the mosquitoes. Around these heaps the cattle crowd in hundreds, living with the natives in the smoke. By degrees the heaps of ashes become about eight feet high ; they are then used as sleeping-places and watch-stations by the natives, who, rubbing themselves all over with the ashes, have a ghastly and devilish appearance that is indescribable. The country is covered with old tumuli formed in this manner. A camp may contain twenty or thirty such, in addition to fresh heaps that are constantly burning. Fires of cow dung are also made on the levelled tops of the old heaps, and bundles of green canes, about sixteen feet high, are planted on the summit ; these wave in the breeze like a plume of ostrich feathers, and give shade to the people during the heat of the day. Jem. 3 0^/^.— Arrived at the "Shir" tribe. The men are, as usual in these countries, armed with well-made ebony clubs, two lances, a bow (always strung) , and a bundle of arrows ; their hands are completely full of weapons ; and they carry a neatly- made miniature stool slung upon their backs, in addi- tion to an immense pipe. Thus a man carries all that he most values about his person. The females in this tribe are not absolutely naked ; like those of the Kytch, they wear small lappets of tanned leather as broad as the hand ; at the back of the belt, which .'s.upports this apron, is a tail which reaches to the t'WAP. 1.] THE LOTUS HARVEST. 57 lower portions of the thigiis ; this tail is formed of finely-cut strips of leather, and the costume has doubt- less been the foundation for the report I had received from the Arabs, " that a tribe in Central Africa had tails like horses.'^ The women carry their children very conveniently in a skin slung from their shoulders across the back, and secured by a thong round the waist ; in this the young savage sits delightfully. The huts throughout all tribes are circular, with entrances so low that the natives creep both in and out upon their hands and knees. The men wear tufts of cock's feathers on the crown of the head ; and their favourite attitude, when standing, is on one leg while leaning on a spear, the foot of the raised leg resting on the inside of the other knee. Their arrows are about three feet long, without feathers, and pointed with hard wood instead of iron, the metal being scarce among the Shir tribe. The most valuable article of barter for this tribe is the iron hoe generally used among the White Nile negroes. In form it is pre- cisely similar to the "ace of spades."' The finery most prized by the women are polished iron anklets, which they wear in such numl^ers that they reach nearly half way up the calf of the leg ; the tinkling of these rings is considered to be very enticing, but the sound reminds one of the clanking of comdcts' fetters. All the tribes of the White Nile have their harvest of the lotus seed. There are two species of water- lily — the large white flower, and a small variety. The seed-pod of the white lotus is like an unblown arti- choke, containing a number of light red grains equal in size to mustard-seed, but shaped like those of the poppy, and similar to them in flavour, being sweet and nutty. The ripe pods are collected and strung upon sharp-pointed reeds about four feet in length. When thus threaded they are formed into large bun- dles, and carried from the river to the villages, where they are dried in the sun, and stored for use. The seed is ground into flour, and made into a kind of 58 ARRIVAL AT GONDOKORO. [chap. I. porridge. Tlie women of the Shir tribe are very clever at manufacturing baskets and mats from the leaf of the dome palm. They also make girdles and necklaces of minute pieces of river mussel shells threaded upon the hair of the giraffe s tail. This is a work of great time, and the effect is about equal to a string of mother-of-pearl buttons. Jan. ^\st. — At 1.15 p.m. sighted Gebel Lardo, bear- ing S. 30° west. This is the first mountain we have seen, and we are at last near our destination, Gondo- koro. I observed to-day a common sand-piper sitting on the head of a hippopotamus ; when he disappeared under water the bird skimmed over the surface, hover- ing near the spot until the animal reappeared, when he again settled. Feb. 1st. — The character of the river has changed. The marshes have given place to dry ground ; the banks are about four feet above the water-level, and well wooded ; the country having the appearance of an orchard, and being thickly populated. The natives thronged to the boats, being astonished at the camels. At one village during the voyage the natives examined the donkeys with great curiosity, thinking that they were the oxen of our country, and that we were bring- ing them to exchange for ivory. Feb. 2d. — The mountain Lardo is about twelve miles west of the river. At daybreak w^e sighted the mountains near Gondokoro, bearing due south. As yet I have seen no symptoms of hostility in this country. I cannot help thinking that the conduct of the natives depends much upon that of the traveller. Arrived at Gondokoro. By astronomical observation I determined the lati- tude 4° 55' north. Longitude E. 31° 46' Gondokoro is a great improvement upon the inter- minable marshes ; the soil is firm and raised about twenty feet above the river level. Distant mountains relieve the eye accustomed to the dreary flats of the White Nile ; and evergreen trees scattered over the CHAP, I.] BlISCHARGE CARGO. 59 face of the landscape, A\dth neat little native villages beneath their shade, form a most inviting landing- place after a long and tedious voyage. This spot was formerly a mission-station. There remain to this day the ruins of the brick establishment and church, and the wreck of what was once a garden ; groves of citron and lime-trees still exist, the only signs that an attempt at civilization has been made — " seed cast upon the wayside." There is no town. Gondokoro is merely a station of the ivory traders, occupied for about two months during the year, after which time it is deserted, when the annual boats return to Khar- toum and the remaining expeditions depart for the interior. A few miserable grass huts are all that dignify the spot with a name. The climate is un- healthy and hot. The thermometer from 90° to 95° Fahr. at noon in the shade. I landed the animals from the l^oats in excellent condition, all rejoicing in the freedom of open pas- turage. OHAPTEE II. BAD RECEPTION AT GONDOKORO. All were thankful that the river voyage was con- ckided ; the tedium of the AYliite Nile will have been participated by the reader, upon whom I have inflicted the journal, as no other method of descrijDtion could possibly convey an idea of the general desolation. Having landed all my stores, and housed my corn in some granaries belonging to Koorshid Aga, I took a receipt from him for the quantity, and gave him an order to deliver one-half from my depot to Speke and Grant, should they arrive at Gondokoro during my absence in the interior. I was under an apprehension that they might arrive by some route without my knowledge, while I should be penetrating south. There were a great number of men at Gondokoro belonging to the various traders, who looked upon me with the greatest suspicion ; they could not believe that simple travelling was my object, and they were shortly convinced that I \^'as intent upon espionage in their nefarious ivory business and slave-hunting. In conversing with the traders, and assuring them that my object was entirely confined to a search for the Nile sources, and an inquiry for Speke and Grant, I heard a curious report that had been brought down by the natives from the interior, that at some great distance to the south there were two white men who had been for a long time prisoners of a sultan ; and CHAP. II.] REPORTS OF SPmK JXD (JKANT. 61 that these men had Avonderfiil /?re a'orA'6' ; tlmt both had been very ill, and that one had died. It was in vain that I endeavoured to obtain some further clue to this exciting report. There Avas a rumour that some native had a piece of wood with marks upon it that had belonged to the white men ; but upon inquiry I found that this account was only a report given by some distant tribe. Nevertheless, I attached great importance to the rumour, as there was no white man south of Gondokoro engaged in the ivory trade ; therefore there was a strong probability that the report had some connexion with the existence of Speke and Grant. I had heard, when in Khartoum, that the most advanced trading station was about fifteen days' march from Gondokoro, and my plan of operations had always projected a direct advance to that station, where I had intended to leave all my heavy baggage in depot, and to proceed from thence as a 'point de depart " to the south. I now understood that the party were expected to arrive at Gondokoro from that station with ivory in a few days, and I determined to wait for their arrival, and to return with them in company. Their ivory porters returning, might carry my baggage, and thus save the backs of my transport animals. I accordingly amused myself at Gondokoro, exer- cising my horses in riding about the neighbourhood, and studying the place and people. The native dwellings are the perfection of cleanli- ness ; the domicile of each family is surrounded by a hedge of the impenetrable euphorbia, and the interior of the inclosure generally consists of a yard neatly plastered with a cement of ashes, cow-dung, and sand. Upon this cleanly-swej)t surface are one or more huts surrounded by gTanaries of neat wicker- work, thatched, resting upon raised platforms. The huts have projecting roofs in order to afford a shade, and the entrance is usually about two feet high. 02 THE BAR! TRIBE. [chap. it. When a member of the family dies he is buried in the yard ; a few ox-horns and skulls are suspended on a pole above the spot, while the top of the pole is ornamented with a bunch of cock^s feathers. Every man carries his weapons, pipe, and stool, the whole (except the stool) being held between his legs when standing. These natives of Gondokoro are the Bari : the men are well grown, the women are not prepos- sessing, but the negro type of thick lips and flat nose is wanting ; their features are good, and the Avoolly hair alone denotes the trace of negro blood. They are tattooed upon the stomach, sides, and back, so closely, that it has the appearance of a broad belt of fish- scales, especially when they are ru1:)bed with red ochre, which is the prevailing fashion. This pigment is made of a peculiar clay, rich in oxide of iron, which, when burnt, is reduced to powder, and then formed into lumps like pieces of soap ; both sexes anoint them- selves with this ochre, formed into a paste by the admixture of grease, giving themselves the appearance of new red bricks. The only hair upon their persons is a small tuft upon the crown of the head, in which they stick one or more feathers. The women are generally free from hair, their heads being shaved. They wear a neat little lappet, about six inches long, of beads, or of small iron rings, worked like a coat of mail, in lieu of a fig-leaf, and the usual tail of fine shreds of leather or twine, spun from indigenous cotton, pendant behind. Both the lappet and tail are fastened on a belt which is worn round the loins, like those in the Shir tribe ; thus the toilette is completed at once. It would be highly useful, could they only wag their tails to whisk ofl" the flies which are torments in this country. The cattle are very small ; the goats and sheep are quite Lilliputian, but they generally give three at a birth, and thus multiply quickly. The people of the country were formerly friendly, but the Khartoumers pillage and murder them at discretion in all directions ; CHAP. IT.] EFFECTS OF POISONED ARROWS, 63 thus, in revenge, they will shoot a poisoned arrow at a st!ranger unless he is powerfully escorted. The effect of the poison used for the arrow-heads is very extra- ordinary. A man came to me for medical aid ; five months ago he had been wounded by a poisoned arrow in the leg, below the calf, and the entire foot had been eaten away by the action of the poison. The bone rotted through just above the ankle, and the foot dropped off. The most violent poison is the produce of the root of a tree, whose milky juice yields a resin that is smeared upon the arrow. It is brought from a great distance, from some country far west of Gon- dokoro. The juice of the species of euphorbia, common in these countries, is also used for poisoning arrows. Boiled to the consistence of tar, it is then smeared upon the blade. The action of the poison is to corrode the flesh, which loses its fibre, and drops away like jelly, after severe inflammation and swelling. The arrows are barbed with diabolical ingenuity ; some are arranged with poisoned heads that fit into sockets ; these detach from the arrow on an attempt to withdraw them ; thus the barbed blade, thickly smeared with poison, remains in the wound, and before it can be cut out the poison is absorbed by the system. Fortunately the natives are bad archers. The bows are invariably made of the male l^amboo, and are kept perpetually strung ; they are exceedingly stiff, but not very elastic, and the arrows are devoid of feathers, l^eing simple reeds or other light wood, about three feet long, and slightly knobbed at the base as a hold for the finger and thumb ; the string is never drawn with the two fore-fingers, as in most countries, but is simply pulled by holding the arrow between the middle joint of the fore-finger and the thumb. A stiff bow drawn in this manner has very little power ; accordingly the extreme range seldom exceeds a hundred and ten yards. The Bari tribe are very hostile, and are considered to be about the w^orst of the White Nile. They have been so often defeated by the traders' parties in the 64 ATJiOCJTlES OF THE TH. 11)1 NO PARTJKS. [chap. h. immediate neighlwurliood of Goiidokoro, that they are on their best behaviour, while within half a mile of the station ; but it is not at all uncommon to be asked for beads as a tax for the riolit of sittino: under a shady tree, or for passing through the country. The traders' people, in order to terrify them into submission, were in the habit of binding them, hands and feet, and carrying them to the edge of a cliff about thirty feet high, a little beyond the ruins of the old mission-house : beneath this cliff the river boils in a deep eddy ; into this watery grave the victims were remorselessly hurled as food for crocodiles. It appeared that this punish- ment was dreaded by the natives more than the bullet or rope, and it was accordingly adopted by the trading parties. Upon my arrival at Gondokoro I was looked upon by all these parties as a spy sent by the British Govern- ment. Whenever I approached the encampments of the various traders, I heard the clanking of fetters before I reached the station, as the slaves were l:)eing quickly driven into hiding-places to avoid inspection. They were chained by two rings secured round the ankles, and connected by three or four links. One of these traders was a Copt, the father of the American Consul at Khartoum ; and, to my surprise, I saw the vessel full of brigands arrive at Gondokoro, with the American flag flying at the mast-head. Gondokoro was a perfect hell. It is utterly ignored by the Egyptian authorities, although well known to be a colony of cut-throats. Nothing would be easier than to send a few officers and two hund]:ed men from Khartoum to form a military government, and thus impede the slave trade ; but a bribe from the traders to the authorities is sufficient to insure an uninter- rupted asylum for any amount of villainy. The camps were full of slaves, and the Bari natives assured me that there were large depots of slaves in the interior belonsfinor to the traders that would be marched to Gondokoro for shipment to the Soudan a few hours CHAP. II.] A BOY SHOT. 65 after my departure. I was the great stumblingblock to the trade, and my presence at Gondokoro was con- sidered as an unwarrantable intrusion upon a locality sacred to slavery and iniquity. There were about six hundred of the traders people at Gondokoro, whose time was passed in drinking, quarrelling, and illtreating the slaves. The greater number were in a constant state of intoxication, and when in such a state, it was their invariable custom to fire off their guns in the first direction prompted by their drunken instincts ; thus, from morning till night, guns were pojDping in all quarters, and the bullets humming through the air sometimes close to our ears, and on more than one occasion they struck up the dust at my feet. Nothing was more probable than a ball through the head by accident, which might have had the beneficial effect of ridding the traders from a spy. A boy was sitting upon the gunwale of one of the boats, when a bullet suddenly struck him in the head, shattering the skull to atoms. No one had done it. The body fell into the water, and the fragments of the skull were scat- tered on the deck. After a few days' detention at Gondokoro, I saw unmistakable signs of discontent among my men, w^ho had evidently been tampered with by the different traders' parties. One evening several of the most dis- affected came to me with a complaint that they had not enough meat, and that they must be allowed to make a razzia upon the cattle of the natives to procure some oxen. This demand being of course refused, they retired, muttering in an insolent manner their determination of stealing cattle with or without my permission. I said nothing at the time, but early on the following morning I ordered the drum to beat, and the men to fall in. I made them a short address, reminding them of the agreement made at Khartoum to follow me faithfully, and of the compact that had been entered into, that they were neither to indulge in slave-hunting nor in cattle-stealing. The only effect 66 THE FIRST MUTINY, [chap. II. of my address was a great outbreak of insolence on the part of tlie ringleader of the previous evening. This fellow, named Eesur, was an Arab, and his imper- tinence was so violent, that I immediately ordered him twenty-five lashes, as an example to the others. Upon the vakeel (Saati) advancing to seize him, there was a general mutiny. Many of the men threw down their guns and seized sticks, and rushed to the rescue of their tall ringleader. Saati was a little man, and was perfectly helpless. Here was an escort I these were the men upon whom I was to depend in hours of difiiculty and danger on an expedition in unknown regions ; these were the fellows that I had considered to be reduced " from wolves to lambs 1" I was determined not to be done, and to insist upon the punishment of the ringleader. I accordingly went towards him with the intention of seizing him ; but he, being backed by upwards of forty men, had the im- pertinence to attack me, rushing forward with a fury that was ridiculous. To stop his blow, and to knock him into the middle of the crowd, was not difficult ; and after a rapid repetition of the dose, I disabled him, and seizing him by the throat, I called to my vakeel Saati for a rope to bind him, but in an instant I had a crowd of men upon me to rescue their leader. How the affair would have ended I cannot say ; but as the scene lay within ten yards of my boat, my wife who was ill with fever in the cabin witnessed the whole affray, and seeing me surrounded, she rushed out, and in a few moments she was in the middle of the crowd, who at that time were endeavouring to rescue my prisoner. Her sudden appearance had a curious effect, and calling upon several of the least mutinous to assist, she very pluckily made her way up to me. Seizing the opportunity of an indecision that was for the moment evinced by the crowd, I shouted to the drummer-boy to beat the drum. In an instant the drum beat, and at the top of my voice I ordered the men to " fall in." It is curious how mechanically CHAP. II.] THE KHARTOUM ESCORT. 67 an order is obeyed if given at tlie right moment, even in the midst of mutiny. Two-thirds of the men fell in, and formed in line, ^\^hile the remainder retreated with the ringleader, Eesm-, whom they led away, declaring that he was badly hurt. The affair ended in my insisting npon all forming in line, and upon the ringleader being brought forward. In this critical moment Mrs. Baker, ^\it\\ gTcat tact, came forward and implored me to forgive him if he kissed my hand and begged for pardon. This compromise completely won the men, who, although a few minutes before in open mutiny, now called upon their ringleader Eesur to apologise, and that all would be right. I made theiii rather a bitter speech, and dismissed them. From that moment I knew that my expedition was fated. This outbreak was an example of what was to follow. Pre^dous to lea\dng Khartoum I had felt con- vinced that I could not succeed with such villains for escort as these Khartoumers : thus I had applied to the Egyptian authorities for a few troops, but had been refused. I was now in an awkward position. All my men had received five months wages in advance, ac- cording to the custom of the White Nile ; thus I had no control over them. There ^\'ere no Egyptian authorities in Gondokoro ; it was a nest of robljers ; and my men had just exhibited so pleasantly their attachment to me, and their fidelity. There was no European beyond Gondokoro, thus I should be the only white man among this colony of wolves ; and I had in perspective a difficult and uncertain path, where the only chance of success lay in the complete discipline of my escort, and the perfect organization of the ex- pedition. After the scene just enacted I felt sure that my escort would give me more cause of anxiety than the acknowledged hostility of the natives. I made arrangements ^dth a Cii^cassian trader, Koor- shid Aga, for the purchase of a few oxen, and a fat beast was immediately slaughtered for the men. They were shortly in the best humour, feasting upon masses F 2 68 TRADERS ARRIVE FROM THE SOUTH. [chap. II. of flesli cut in strips and laid for a few minutes upon tlie embers, while the regular meal was being prepared. They were now almost affectionate, vowing that they would follow me to the end of the world ; while the late ringleader, in spite of his countenance being rather painted in the late row, declared that no man would be so true as himself, and that every " arrow should pass through him before it should reach me'' in the event of a conflict with the natives. A very slight knowledge of human nature was required to foresee the future mth such an escort : — if love and duty were dependent upon full bellies, mutmy and disorder would appear with hard fare. However, by having parade every morning at a certain hour I endeavoured to establish a degree of regularity. I had been waiting at Gondokoro twelve days, expecting the arrival of Debono s party from the south, with whom I wished to return. Suddenly, on the 15th February, I heard the rattle of musketry at a great distance, and a di^opping fire from the south. To give an idea of the moment I must extract verhatim from my journal as written at the time. " Guns firing in the distance ; Debono s ivory por- ters arriving, for whom I have waited. My men rushed madly to my boat, with the report that two white men were with them ayIio had come from the sea ! Could they be Speke and Grant ? Ofi" I ran, and soon met them in reality ; hurrah for old Eng- land ! ! they had come from the Victoria N'yanza, from which the Nile springs. . . . The mystery of ages solved. With my pleasure of meeting them is the one disappointment, that I had not met them farther on the road in my search for them ; however, the satisfaction is, that my previous arrangements had been such as would have insured my finding them had they been in a fix. . . . My projected route would have brought me vis-d-vis with them, as they had come from the lake by the course I had proposed to take. . . . All my men perfectly mad with excitement, firing CHAP. TT.] AERIVAl OF SPEKE AXD GBAKT. 69 salutes as usual with ball cartridge, they shot one of my donkeys ; a melancholy sacrifice as an offering at the completion of this geographical discovery/' AMien I first met them they were walking along tlie bank of the river towards my boats. At a distance of about a hundred yards I recognised my old friend Speke, and with a heart beating with joy I took off my cap and gave a welcome hurrah ! as I ran towards him. For the moment he did not recognise me ; ten years' groT\i:h of beard and moustache had worked a change ; and as I was totally unexpected, my sudden appearance in the centre of Africa appeared to him incredible. I hardly required an introduction to his companion, as we felt already acquainted, and after the transports of this happy meeting we walked together to my diahbiah ; my men surrounding us with smoke and noise by keeping up an unremitting fire of musketry the whole way. We were shortly seated on deck under the awning, and such rough fare as could be hastily prepared was set before these two ragged, care-worn specimens of African travel, whom I looked upon with feelings of pride as my own countrymen. As a good ship arrives in harbour, battered and torn by a long and stormy voyage, yet sound in her frame and sea- worthy to the last, so both these gallant travellers arrived in Gondokoro. Speke appeared the more worn of the two ; he was excessively lean, but in reality he was in good tough condition ; he had walked the whole way from Zanzibar, never having once ridden during that wearying march. Grant was in honourable rags ; his bare knees projecting through the remnants of trowsers that were an exhibition of rough industry in tailor s work. He was lookino- tired and feverish, but both men had a fire in the eye that showed the spirit that had led them through. They wished to leave Gondokoro as soon as possible, en route for England, but delayed their departure until the moon should be in a position for an observation for determining the longitude. My boats were fortu- 70 SPEKE AND GRAXrS DISCOVERIES. [chap. ii. natcly engcaged by me for five montlis, thus Speke and Grant could take charge of them to Khartoum. At the first bkish on meeting them I had considered my expedition as terminated by having met them, and by their having accomplished the discovery of the Nile source ; but upon my congratulating them with all my heart, upon the honour they had so nobly earned, Speke and Grant with characteristic candour and gene- rosity gave me a map of their route, showing that they had been unable to complete the actual exploration of the Nile, and that a most important portion still re- mained to be determined. It appeared that in N. lat, 2° 1 7\ they had crossed the Nile, Avhich they had tracked from the Victoria Lake ; but the river, which from its exit from that lake had a northern course, turned sud- denly to the ivest from Karuma Falls (the point at which they crossed it at lat. 2° 17^). They did not see the Nile again until they arrived in N. lat. 3° 32', which was then flowing from the W.S.W. The natives and the King of Unyoro (Kamrasi) had assured them that the Nile from the Victoria N yanza, which they had crossed at Karuma, flowed westward for several days' journey, and at length fell into a large lake called the Luta N'zige ; that this lake came from the south, and that the Nile on entering the northern extremity almost immediately made its exit, and as a na^dgable river con- tinued its course to the north, through the Koshi and Madi countries. Both Speke and Grant attached great importance to this lake Luta N'zige, and the former was much annoyed that it had been impossible for them to carry out the exploration. He foresaw that stay-at-home geographers, who, with a comfortable arm-chair to sit in, travel so easily with their fingers on a map, would ask him why he had not gone from such a place to such a place ? why he had not followed the Nile to the Luta N'zige lake, and from the lake to Gondokoro ? As it happened, it was impossible for Speke and Grant to follow the Nile from Karuma : — the tribes were fighting with Kamrasi, and no strangers CHAP. II.] ANOTHER LAKE REPORTED TO EXIST. 71 could have got througli tlie coiintiy. Accordingly tliey procured their information most carefully, completed their map, and laid down the reported lake in its sup- posed position, sho^dng the Nile as both influent and effluent precisely as had been explained by the natives. Speke expressed his comT.ction that the Luta N'zige must be a second source of the Nile, and that geogra- phers would be dissatisfied that he had not explored it. To me this was most gratifying. I had been much disheartened at the idea that the great work was ac- complished, and that nothing remained for exploration ; I even said to Speke, " Does not one leaf of the laurel remain for me ? " I now heard that the field was not only open, but that an additional interest was given to the exploration by the proof that the Nile flowed out of one great lake, the Victoria, but that it evidently must derive an additional supply from an unknown lake as it entered it at the northern extremity, while the body of the lake came from the south. The fact of a great body of water such as the Luta N'zige extending in a direct line from south to north, while the general system of drainage of the Nile was from the same di- rection, showed most conclusively, that the Luta N zige, if it existed in the form assumed, must have an im- portant position in the basin of the Nile. My expedition had naturally been rather costly, and being in excellent order it would have been heart- breaking to have retm^ned fruitlessly. I therefore arranged immediately for my departm-e, and Speke most kindly wrote in my journal such instructions as might be useful. I therefore copy them verbatim : — " Before you leave this be sure you engage two men, one speaking the Bari or Madi lang-uage, and one speaking Kinyoro, to be your interpreters tlu'ough the whole journey, for there are only two distinct families of languages in the country, though of course some dialectic difierences, which can be easily over- come by anybody who knows the fanfily language. . . . Now, as you are bent on first going to visit Kamrasi 72 report' OF THE LUTA N'ZIGE. [CUAP. II. M^Kamma, or King of Unyoro, and then to see as much of the western countries bordering on the little Luta Nzige, or "dead locust/' lake as possible, go in company with the ivory hunters across the Asua river to Apuddo eight marches, and look for game to the east of that village. Two marches further on will bring you to Panyoro, where there are antelopes in great quantity ; and in one march more the Turks' farthest outpost, Faloro, will be reached, where you had better form a depot, and make a flying trip across the ^Yhite Nile to Koshi for the purpose of inquiring what tribes live to west and south of it, especially of the Wallegga ; how the river comes from the south, and where it is joined by the little Luta N'zige. Inquire also after the country of Chopi, and what' difficulties or otherwise you would have to overcome if you followed up the left bank of the White river to Kamrasi s ; because, if found easy, it would be far nearer and better to reach Kamrasi that way than going through the desert jungles of Ukidi, as we went. This is the way I should certainly go myself, but if you do not like the look of it, preserve your infor- mation well ; and after returning to Faloro, make Koki per Chougi in two marches, and tell old Chougi you wish to visit his M'Kamma Kamrasi, for Chougi was appointed Governor-general of that place by Kamrasi to watch the Wakidi, who live between his residence and Chopi, which is the next country you will reach after passing through the jungles of Ukidi and crossing the Nile below Karuma Falls. Arrived at Chopi, inquire for the residence of the Katikiro or commander-in-chief, who will show you great respect, give you cows and pombe, and send mes- sengers on to Kamrasi to acquaint him of your inten- tion to visit him. This is the richest part of Kam- rasi's possessions, and by a little inquiry you will learn much about the lake. Kamrasi's brother Eionga lives on a river island within one march of this. They are deadly enemies and always fighting, so if you CHAP. II.] SPEKE'S INSTRUCTIONS. 73 made a mistake and went to Eionga's first, as the Turks would wish you to do, all travelling in Unyoro would be cut off. Tell the Katikiro all your plans frankly, and remark earnestly upon my great dis- pleasure at Kamrasi's having detained me so long in his country without deigning to see me, else he may be assured no other white man will ever take the trouble to see him. We came down the river in boats from Kamrasi s to Chopi, but the boatmen gave much trouble, therefore it would be better for you to go overland. Kamrasi will most likely send Kidgwiga, an excellent ofiicer, to escort you to his palace, but if he does not, ask after him ; you could not have a better man. " Arrived at Kamrasi s, insist upon seeing all his fat wives and brothers. Find out all you can about his pedigree, and ask for leave to follow up the lake from it^ junction with the Nile to Utumbi, and then crossing to its northern bank follow it down to Ul- legga and Koshi. If you are so fortunate as to reach Utumbi, and don't msh to go farther south, inquire well about Euanda, the MTumbiro mountains, if there is any copper in Euanda, and whether or not the people of those countries receive Simbi (the cowrie shell) or any other articles of merchandize from the west coast, guarding well that no confusion is made with the trade of Karagwe, for Eumanika sends men to Utumbi ivory-hunting continually. " Eemember well that the Wahuma are most likely Gallas ; this question is most interesting, and the more you can gather of their history, since they crossed the White Nile, the better. Formerly Unyoro, Uganda, and Uddhu were all united in one vast kingdom called Kittara, but this name is now only applied to certain portions of that kingdom. " Nothing is known of the mountains of the moon to the westward of Euanda. In Unyoro the king will feed you ; beyond that I suspect you will have to buy food with beads.'' 74 ABRAKGE TO HXPLORE THE L VTA N'ZIQE. [chap. ii. Siicli was tlie information most kindly written by Speke, wliicli, in addition to a map drawn by Captain Grant, and addressed to the Secretary of the Eoyal Geographical Society, was to be my guide in the important exploration resolved upon. I am particular in publishing these details, in order to show the per- fect freedom from jealousy of both Captains Speke and Grant. Unfortunately, in most affairs of life, there is not only fair emulation, but ambition is too often combined with intense jealousy of others. Had this miserable feeling existed in the minds of Speke and Grant, they would have returned to England with the sole honour of discovering the source of the Nile ; but in their true devotion to geographical science, and especially to the specific object of their expedition, they gave me all information to assist in the com- pletion of the great problem — the " Nile Sources.'^ We were all ready to start. Speke and Grant, and their party of twenty-two people, for Egypt, and I in the opposite direction. At this season there were many boats at Gondokoro belonging to the traders parties, among which were four belonging to Mr. Petherick, three of which were open cargo boats, and one remark- ably nice diahbiah, named the " Kathleen,'^ that was waiting for Mrs. Petherick and her husband, who were supposed to be at their trading station, the Niambara, about seventy miles west of Gondokoro ; but no accounts had been heard of them. On the 20th February they suddenly arrived from the Niambara, with their people and ivory, and were surprised at seeing so large a party of English in so desolate a spot. It is a curious cir- cumstance, that although many Europeans had been as far south as Gondokoro, I was the first Englishman that had ever reached it. We now formed a party of four. Gondokoro has a poor and sandy soil, so unpro- ductive, that corn is in the greatest scarcity, and is always brought from Khartoum by the annual boats for the supply of the traders' people, Avho congregate CHAP. II .] SPEKU AND GRANT DEPART TO KHARIO UM, 75 there from tlie interior, in tlie months of January and February, to deliver the ivory for shipment to Khar- toum. Corn is seldom or never less than eight times the price of Khartoum ; this is a great drawback to the country, as each trading party that arrives with ivory from the interior brings with it five or six hundred native porters, all of whom have to be fed during their stay at Gondokoro, and in many cases, in times of scarcity, they starve. This famine has given a bad name to the locality, and it is accordingly difficult to procure porters from the interior, who naturally fear starvation. I was thus extremely sorry that I was obliged to refuse a supply of corn to Mr. Petherick upon his appli- cation— an act of necessity, but not of ill-nature upon my part, as I was obliged to leave a certain quantity in dep6t at Gondokoro, in case I should be driven back from the interior, in the event of which, without a supply in depot, utter starvation would have been the fate of my party. Mr. Petherick accordingly de- spatched one of his boats to the Shir tribe down the White Nile to purchase corn in exchange for molotes (native hoes). The boat returned with corn on the 11th of March. On the 26th February, Speke and Grant sailed from Gondokoro. Our hearts were too full to say more than a short God bless you !" They had won their victory ; my work lay all before me. I watched their boat until it turned the corner, and wished them in my heart all honour for their great achievement. I trusted to sustain the name they had won for English perseverance, and I looked forward to meeting them again in dear old England, when I should have completed the work we had so warmly planned together. CHAPTER III. GUN ACCIDENT. A DAY before the departure of Speke and Grant from Gondokoro, an event occurred wliick appeared as a bad omen to the superstitions of my men. I had ordered the diahbiah to be jDrepared for sailing : thus, the cargo having been landed and the boat cleared and washed, we were sitting in the cabin, when a sudden explosion close to the windows startled us from our seats, and the consternation of a crowd of men who were on the bank, showed that some accident had happened. I immediately ran out, and found that the servants had laid all my rifles upon a mat upon the ground, and that one of the men had walked over the guns ; his foot striking the hammer of one of the No. 10 Reilly rifles, had momentarily raised it from the nipple, and an instantaneous explosion was the consequence. The rifle was loaded for elephants, with seven drachms of powder. There was a quantity of luggage most fortu- nately lying before the muzzle, but the effects of the discharge were extraordinary. The ball struck the steel scabbard of a sword, tearing off the ring ; it then passed obliquely through the stock of a large rifle, and burst through the shoulder-plate ; entering a packing- case of inch-deal, it passed through it and through the legs of a man who was sitting at some distance, and striking the hip-bone of another man, who was sitting at some paces beyond, it completely smashed both hips. CHAP. III.] BIRTS RUIN TEE DONKEYS. 77 and fortunately being expended, it lodged in the body. Had it not been for the first objects happily in the route of the ball, it would have killed several men, as they were sitting in a crowd exactly before the muzzle. Dr. Murie, who had accompanied Mr. Petherick, very kindly paid the wounded men every attention, but he with the smashed hip died in a few hours, apparently without pain. After the departure of Speke and Grant, I moved my tent to the high ground above the river ; the efflu- vium from the filth of some thousands of people was disgusting, and fever was prevalent in all quarters. Both of us were suffering ; also ^Ir. and Mrs. Petherick, and many of my men, one of whom died. My animals were all healthy, but the donkeys and camels were attacked by a bird, about the size of a thrush, which caused them great uneasiness. This bird is a greenish- brown colom% with a powerful red beak, and excessively strong claws. It is a perfect pest to the animals, and positively eats them into holes. The original object of the bird in settling upon the animal is to search for vei-min, but it is not contented with the mere insects, and industriously pecks holes in all parts of the animal, more especially on the back. A wound once established, adds to the attraction, and the unfortunate animal is so pestered that it has no time to eat. I was obliged to hire little boys to watch the donkeys, and to drive off these plagues ; but so deter- mined and bold were the birds, that I have constantly seen them run under the body of the donkey, clinging to the belly with their feet, and thus retreating to the opposite side of the animal when chased by the watch- boys. In a few days my animals were full of wounds, excepting the horses, whose long tails were effectual whisks. Although the temperature was high, 95° Fahr., the wind was frequently cold at about three o'clock in the morning, and one of my horses, " Priest," that I had lately purchased of the Mission, iDecame paralysed. 78 ARRANGEMENT WITH MAH03IMED. [chap. hi. and could not rise from the ground. After several days' endeavours to cure him, I was obliged to shoot him, as the poor animal could not eat. I now weighed all my baggage, and found that I had fifty-four cantars (100 lbs. each). The beads, copper, and ammunition were the terrible onus. I therefore applied to Mahommed, the vakeel of Andrea Debono, who had escorted Speke and Grant, and I begged his co-operation in the expedition. These people had brought down a large quantity of ivory from the interior, and had therefore a number of porters who would return empty- handed ; I accordingly arranged with Mahommed for fifty porters, who would much relieve the backs of my animals from Gondokoro to the station at Faloro, about twelve days' march. At Faloro I intended to leave my heavy baggage in depot, and to proceed direct to Kamrasi s country. I promised Mahommed that I would use my influence in all new countries that I might discover, to open a road for his ivory trade, provided that he would agree to conduct it by legiti- mate purchase, and I gave him a list of the quality of beads most desirable for Kamrasi's country, according to the description I had received from Speke. Mahommed promised to accompany me, not only to his camp at Faloro, but throughout the whole of my expedition, provided that I would assist him in pro- curing ivory, and that I would give him a handsome present. All was agreed upon, and my own men appeared in high spirits at the prospect of joining so large a party as that of Mahommed, which mustered about two hundred men. At that time I really placed dependence upon the professions of Mahommed and his people ; they had just brought Speke and Grant with them, and had received from them presents of a first-class double-barrelled gun and several valuable rifles. I had promised not only to assist them in their ivory expeditions, but to give them something very handsome in addition, and the fact of my having upwards of forty men as escort was CHAP. III.] LBCEPTION AND PLOT. 79 also an introduction, as they would be an addition to the force, which is a great advantage in hostile coun- tries. Everything appeared to be in good train, but I little knew the duplicity of these Arab scoundrels. At the very moment that they were most friendly, they were plotting to deceive me, and to prevent me from entering the country. They knew, that should I pene- trate the interior, the ivoiy trade of the White Nile would be no longer a mystery, and that the atrocities of the slave trade would be exposed, and most likely be terminated by the intervention of European Powers ; accordingly they combined to prevent my advance, and to overthrow my expedition completely. The whole of the men belonging to the various traders were deter- mined that no ^^nglishman should penetrate into the country ; accordingly they fraternised Avith my escort, and persuaded them that I was a Christian dog, that it was a disgrace for a Mahommedan to serve ; that they would be starved in my service, as I w^ould not allow them to steal cattle ; that they would have no slaves ; and that I should lead them — God knew where — to the sea, from whence Speke and Grant had started ; that they had left Zanzibar with two hundred men, and had only arrived at Gondokoro with eighteen, thus the remainder must have been killed by the natives on the road ; that if they followed me, and arrived at Zanzibar, I should find a ship waiting to take me to England, and I should leave them to die in a strange country.'' Such were the reports circulated to prevent my men from accompanying me, and it was agreed that Ma- hommed shoulcl fix a day for our pretended start in company, but that he would in reality start a few days before the time appointed ; and that my men should mutiny, and join his party in cattle-stealing and slave- hunting. This was the substance of the plot thus carefully concocted. My men evinced a sullen demeanour, neglected all orders, and I plainly perceived a settled discontent upon their general expression. The donkeys and camels 80 THE BOY SAAT. [chap. III. were allowed to stray, and were daily missing, and recovered with difficulty ; the luggage was overrun with white ants instead of being attended to every morning ; the men absented themselves Avithout leave, and were constantly in the camps of the different traders. I was fully prepared for some difficulty, but I trusted that when once on the march I should be able to get them under discipline. Among my people were two blacks : one, ^' Richarn," already described as having been brought up by the Austrian Mission at Khartoum ; the other, a boy of twelve years old, " Saat.'' As these were the only really faithful members of the expedition, it is my duty to describe them. Richarn was an habitual drunkard, but he had his good points ; he was honest, and much attached to both master and mistress. He had been with me for some months, and was a fair sportsman, and being an entirely different race to the Arabs, he kept himself ajDart from them, and fraternised with the boy Saat. Saat was a boy that would do no evil ; he was honest to a superlative degree, and a great exception to the natives of this wretched country. He was a native of " Fertit,'' and was minding his father s goats, Avhen a child of about six years old, at the time of his capture by the Baggara Arabs. He described vividly how men on camels suddenly appeared while he was in the wilderness with his flock, and how he was forcibly seized and thrust into a large gum sack, and slung upon the back of a camel. Upon screaming for help, the sack was opened, and an Arab threatened him with a knife should he make the slightest noise. Thus quieted, he was carried hundreds of miles through Kordofan to Dongola on the Nile, at which place he was sold to slave-dealers, and taken to Cairo to be sold to the Egyptian government as a drummer-boy. Being too young he was rejected, and while in the dealers hands he heard from another slave, of the Austrian Mission at Cairo, that would protect him could he only reach their asylum. With extraordinary energy for a CHAP. III.] FIRST INTRODUCTION TO SAAT. 8] child of six years old, he escaped from his master, and made his way to the Mission, where he was well received, and to a certain extent disciplined and taught ss> much of the Christian religion as he could under- stand. In company with a branch establishment of the Mission, he was subsequently located at Khartoum, and from thence was sent up the White Nile to a Mission-station in the Shillook country. The climate of the White Nile destroyed thirteen missionaries in the short space of six months, and the boy Saat returned with the remnant of the party to Khartoum, and was re-admitted into the Mission. The establishment was at that time swarming with little black boys from the various White Nile tribes, who repaid the kindness of the missionaries by stealing everything they could lay their hands upon. At length the utter worthlessness of the boys, their moral obtuseness, and the apparent impossibility of improving them, determined the chief of the Mission to purge his establishment from such imps, and they were accordingly turned out. Poor little Saat, the one grain of gold amidst the mire, shared the same fate. It was about a week before our departure from Khartoum that Mrs. Baker and I were at tea in the middle of the court-yard, when a miserable boy about twelve years old came uninvited to her side, and knelt down in the dust at her feet. There was something so irresistibly supplicating in the attitude of the child, that the first impulse was to give him something from the table. This was declined, and he merely begged to be allowed to live with us, and to be our boy. He said that he had been turned out of the Mission, merely because the Bari boys of the establishment were thieves, and thus he sufibred for their sins. I could not believe it possible that the child had been actually turned out into the streets, and believing that the fault must lay in the boy, I told him I would inquire. In the meantime he was given in charge of the cook. G 82 TURNED OUT BY MISTAKE. [chap. III. It liappened that, on the following day, I was so much occupied that I forgot to inquire at the Mission ; and once more the cool hour of evening arrived when, after the intense heat of the day, we sat at table in the open court-yard ; it was refreshed by being plentifully watered. Hardly were we seated, when again the boy appeared, kneeling in the dust, with his head lowered at my wife s feet, and imploring to be allowed to follow us. It was in vain that I explained that we had a boy, and did not require another ; that the journey was long and difficult, and that he might perhaps die. The boy feared nothing, and craved simply that he might belong to us. He had no place of shelter, no food ; had been stolen from his parents, and was a helpless outcast. The next morning, accompanied by Mrs. Baker, I went to the Mission and heard that the boy had borne an excellent character, and that it must have been hy mistake that he had been turned out with the others. This being conclusive, Saat was immediately adopted. Llrs. Baker was shortly at work making him some useful clothes, and in an incredibly short time a great change was eflfected. As he came from the hands of the cook — after a liberal use of soap and water, and attired in trousers, blouse, and belt — the new boy appeared in a new character. From that time he considered himself as belonging absolutely to his mistress. He was taught by her to sew ; Eicharn instructed him in the mysteries of wait- ing at table, and washing plates, &c. ; w^hile I taught him to shoot, and gave him a light double-barrelled gun. This was his greatest pride. In the evening, when the day's work was done, Saat was allowed to sit near his mistress ; and he was at times amused and instructed by stories of Europe and Europeans, and anecdotes from the Bible adapted to his understanding, combined with the first prin- ciples of Christianity. He was very ignorant, not- withstanding his advantages in the Mission, but he CHAP. III.] SAirS CHARACTER. 83 possessed the first grand rudiments of all religion — honesty of purpose. Although a child of only twelve years old, he was so perfectly trustworthy that, at the period of our arrival at Gondokoro, he was more to be depended upon than my vakeel, and nothing could occur among my mutinous escort without the boy's knowledge : thus he reported the intended mutiny of the people when there was no other means of dis- covering it, and without Saat I should have had no information of their plots. Not only was the boy trustworthy, but he had an extraordinary amount of moral in addition to physical courage. If any complaint were made, and Saat was called as a witness — far from the shyness too often e\dnced when the accuser is brought face to face with the accused — such was Saat's proudest moment ; and, no matter who the man might be, the boy would challenge him, regardless of all consequences. We were very fond of this boy ; he was thoroughly good , and in that land of iniquity, thousands of miles away from all except what was evil, there was a com- fort in having some one innocent and faithful, in whom to trust. We were to start upon the following Monday. Mahommed had paid me a \dsit, assuring me of his devotion, and begging me to have my baggage in marching order, as he would send me Mtj porters on the Slonday, and we would move off in company. At the very moment that he thus professed, he was coolly deceiving me. He had arranged to start with- out me on the Saturday, while he was proposing to march together on the Monday. This I did not know at the time. One morning I had returned to the tent after having, as usual, inspected the transport animals, when I observed Mrs. Baker looking extraordinarily pale, and immediately upon my arrival she gave orders for the presence of the vakeel (lieadman). There was something in her manner, so different to G 2 84 MUTINY OF ESCORT. [chap. III. lier usual calm, that I was utterly bewildered when I heard her question the vakeel, " Whether the men were willing to march ? " Perfectly ready was the reply. " Then order them to strike the tent, and load the animals ; we start this moment." The man appeared confused, but not more so than I. Some- thing was evidently on foot, but what I could not conjecture. The vakeel wavered, and to my astonish- ment I heard the accusation made against him, that, " during the night, the whole of the escort had muti- nously conspired to desert me, with my arms and ammunition that were in their hands, and to fire simultaneously at me should I attempt to disarm them." At first this charge was indignantly denied until the boy Saat manfully stepped forward, and declared that the conspiracy was entered into by the whole of the escort, and that both he and Eicharn, knowing that mutiny was intended, had listened pur- posely to the conversation during the night ; at day- break the boy had reported the fact to his mistress. Mutiny, robbery, and murder were thus deliberately determined. I immediately ordered an angarep (travelling bed- stead) to be placed outside the tent under a large tree ; upon this I laid five double-barrelled guns loaded with buck shot, a revolver, and naked sabre as sharp as a razor. A sixth rifle I kept in my hands while I sat upon the angarep, with Eicharn and Saat both T\dth double-barrelled guns behind me. Formerly I had supplied each of my men with a piece of mackintosh waterproof to be tied over the locks of their guns during the march. I now ordered the drum to be beat, and all the men to form in line in marching order, with their locks tied up in the lixiterproof. I requested Mrs. Baker to stand behind me, and to point out any man who should attempt to uncover his locks, when I should give the order to lay down their arms. The act of uncovering the locks would prove his intention, in which event I CHAP. 111.] DISARM THE MUTIXEERS. 85 intended to shoot liim immediately, and take my chance with the rest of the conspirators. I had quite determined that these scoundrels should not rolj me of my ot\ii arms and ammunition, if I could prevent it. The drum beat, and the vakeel himself went into the men s quarters, and endeavoured to prevail upon them to answer the call. At length fifteen assembled in line ; the others were nowhere to be found. The locks of the arms wer^ secured by mackintosh as ordered ; it was thus impossible for any man to fire at me until he should have released his locks. Upon assembling in line I ordered them imme- diately to lay down their arms. This, with insolent looks of defiance, they refused to do. " Down with your guns this moment," I shouted, " sons of dogs ! And at the sharp click of the locks, as I quickly cocked the rifle that I held in my hands, the cowardly muti- neers widened their line and wavered. Some retreated a few paces to the rear; others sat down, and laid their guns on the ground ; while the remainder slowly dispersed, and sat in twos, or singly, under the various trees about eighty paces distant. Taking advantage of their indecision, I immediately rose and ordered my vakeel and Eicharn to disarm them as they were thus scattered. Foreseeing that the time had arrived for actual physical force, the cowards capitulated, agreeing to give up their arms and ammunition if I would give them their written discharge. I disarmed them imme- diately, and the vakeel having written a discharge for the fifteen men present, I wote upon each paper the word " mutineer " above my signature. None of them being able to read, and this being written in English, they unconsciously carried the evidence of their own guilt, which I resolved to j)unish should I ever find them on my return to Khartoum. Thus disarmed, they immediately joined other of the traders' parties. These fifteen men were the " Jalyns" of my party, the remainder being Don go- 86 JIJIIOJLVED'S DESERTION. [chap. Ill lowas : both Arabs of the Nile, north of Khartoum. The Dongolowas had not appeared when summoned by the drum, and my vakeel being of their nation, I impressed U230n him his responsibility for the mutiny, and that he would end his days in prison at Khartoum should my expedition fail. The boy " Saat " and " Richarn " now assured me that the men had intended to fire at me, but that they were frightened at seeing us thus prepared, but that I must not expect one man of the Dongolowas to be any more faithful than the Jalyns. I ordered the vakeel to hunt up the men, and to bring me their guns, tlu'eatening that if they refused I would shoot any man that I found with one of my guns in his hands. There was no time for mild measures. I had only Saat (a mere child), and Richarn, upon whom I could depend ; and I resolved with them alone to accompany Mahommed s people to the interior, and to trust to good fortime for a chance of proceeding. I was feverish and ill with worry and anxiety, and I was lying do^\TL upon my mat, when I suddenly heard guns firing in all directions, drums beating, and the customary signs of either an arrival or departure of a trading party. Presently a messenger arrived from Koorshid Aga, the Circassian, to announce the departm-e of Mahommed's party without me ; and my vakeel appeared with a message from the same people, that " if I followed on their road (my proposed route), they would fire upon me and my party, as they would allow no English spies in their country.'' My vakeel must have knoT\Ti of this preconcerted arrangement. I now went to the Circassian, Koorshid, who had always been friendly personally. In an inter- view with him, I made him understand that nothing should diive me back to Khartoum, but that, as I was now helpless, I begged him to give me ten elephant- hunters ; that I would pay one-half of their wages, and amuse myself in himting and exploring in any direction CHAP. III.] THE LAST HOPE GONE. 87 until the foUoAving year, lie to take tlie ivory ; by w'liich time I could receive thirty black soldiers from Khar- toum, with whom I should commence my journey to the lake. I begged him to procm^e me thirty good blacks at Xhartomn, and to bnng them with him to Gondokoro next season, where I arranged to meet him. This he agreed to, and I returned to my tent delighted at a chance of escaping complete failure, although I thus encountered a delay of twelve months before I could commence my legitimate voyage. That accom- plished, I was comparatively happy ; the disgrace of returning to Khartoum beaten, would have been insupportable. That night I slept well, and we sat under our shady tree by the tent-door at sunrise on the following mornino', drinkinpf our coffee with contentment. Pre- sently, from a distance, I saw Koorshid, the Circassian, approaching mth his partner. Coffee and pipes were ready instant er, both the boy Saat and Eicharn looked upon him as a friend and ally, as it was arranged that ten of his hunters were to accompany us. Before he sipped his coffee he took me by the hand, and with great confusion of manner he confessed that he was ashamed to come and visit me. ''The moment you left me yesterday,'^ said he, *' I called my vakeel and headman, and ordered them to select the ten best men of my part}^ to accompany you ; but instead of obeying me as usual, they declared that nothing would induce them to serve under you ; that you were a spy who would report their proceedings to the Government, and that they should all be ruined ; that you were not only a spy on the slave-trade, but that you were a madman, who would lead them into distant and unknown countries, where both you and your wife and they would all be murdered by the natives ; thus they would mutiny immediately, should you be forced upon them." My last hope was gone. Of course I thanked Koorshid for his good-will, and explained that I should not think of intruding myself upon his party, but that 88 EXPEDITION RUINED. [chap. III. at the same time they should not drive me out of the country. I had abundance of stores and ammunition, and now that my men had deserted me, I had suffix cient corn to supply my small party for twelve months ; I had also a quantity of garden-seeds, that I had brought with me in the event of becoming a prisoner in the country ; I should therefore make a zareeba or camp at Gondokoro, and remain there until I should receive men and supplies in the following season. I now felt independent, having preserved my depot of corn. I was at least " proof against famine for twelve months. Koorshid endeavoured to persuade me that my paxty of only a man and a boy would be certainly insulted and attacked by the insolent natives of the Bari' tribe should I remain alone at Gondokoro after the departure of the traders' parties. I told him that I preferred the natives to the traders' people, and that I was resolved ; I merely begged him to lend me one of his little slave boys as an interpreter, as I had no means of communicating ydXh the natives. This he promised to do. After Koorshid's departure, we sat silently for some minutes, both my wife and I occupied by the same thoughts. No expedition had ever been more carefully planned ; everything had been Avell arranged to insure success. My transport animals were in good condition ; their saddles and pads had been made under my own inspec- tion ; my arms, ammunition, and supplies were abun- dant, and I was ready to march at five minutes' notice to any part of Africa ; but the expedition, so costly, and so carefully organized, was completely ruined by the very people whom I had engaged to protect it. They had not only deserted, but they had conspired to murder; There was no law in these wild regions but brute force ; human life was of no value ; murder was a pastime, as the murderer could escape all punishment. ]Mr. Peth crick's vakeel had just been shot dead by one of his own men, and such events were too common to CHAP. III.] RICHARN FAITHFUL. 89 create much attention. We were utterly helpless ; the whole of the people against us, and openly threatening. For myself personally I had no anxiety, but the fact of Mrs. Baker being Tvdth me was my greatest care. I dared not think of her position in the event of my death amongst such savages as those around her. These thoughts were shared by her ; but she, knomng that I had resolved to succeed, never once hinted an advice for retreat. Eicharn was as faithful as Saat, and I accordingly confided in him my resolution to leave all my baggage in charge of a friendly chief of the Bari's at Gondo- koro, and to take two fast dromedaries for him and Saat, and two horses for Mrs. Baker and myself, and to make a push through the hostile tribe for three days, to arrive among friendly people at " Moir,'^ from which place I trusted to fortune. I arranged that the drome- daries should carry a few beads, ammunition, and the astronomical instruments. Eicharn said the idea was very mad ; that the natives would do nothing for beads ; that he had had great experience on the White Nile when with a former master, and that the natives would do nothing without receiving cows as payment ; that it was of no use being good to them, as they had no respect for any "sdrtue but " force ; that we should most likely be murdered ; but that if I ordered him to go, he was ready to obey. " Master, go on, and I will follow thee, To the last gasp, with truth and lo^^alty." I was delighted with Eicharn s rough and frank fidelity. Ordering the horses to be brought, I carefully jDared their feet — their hard, flinty hoofs, that had never felt a shoe, were in excellent order for a gallop, if necessary. All being ready, I sent for the chief of Gondokoro. Meanwhile a Bari boy arrived from Koorshid to act as my interpreter. The Bari chief was, as usual, smeared all over with red ochre and fat, and had the shell of a small land- 90 BARI CHIEF'S BEPORT. [chap. III. tortoise suspended to his elbow as an ornament. He brought me a large jar of merissa (native beer), and said " he had l)een anxious to see the white man who did not steal cattle, neither kidnap slaves, but that I should do no good in that country, as the traders did not wish me to remain." He told me " that all people were bad, both natives and traders, and that force was necessary in this country.'' I tried to discover whether he had any respect for good and upright conduct. " Yes,'' he said ; " all people say that you are different to the Turks and traders, but that character will not help you ; it is all very good and very right, but you see your men have all deserted, thus you must go back to Khartoum ; you can do nothing here without plenty of men and guns." I proposed to him my plan of riding quickly through the Bari tribe to Moir; he replied, *^ Impossible ! If I were to beat the great nogaras (drums), and call my people together to explain who you were, they would not hurt you ; but there are many petty chiefs who do not obey me, and their people would certainly attack you when crossing some swollen torrent, and what could you do with only a man and a boy?" His reply to my question concerning the value of beads corroborated Eicharn's statement ; nothing could be purchased for anything but cattle ; the traders had commenced the system of stealing herds of cattle from one tribe to barter with the next neighbour ; thus the entire country was in anarchy and confusion, and beads were of no value. My plan for a dash through the country was impracticable. I therefore called my vakeel, and threatened him with the gravest punishment on my return to Khar- toum. I wote to Sir R. Colquhoun, H.M. Consul- General for Egypt, which letter I sent by one of the return boats ; and I explained to my vakeel that the complaint to the British authorities would end in his imprisonment, and that in case of my death through violence he would be assuredly hanged. After fright- CHAP. III.] THE CO^FIBACY. 91 ening him tlioroughly, I suggested that he should induce some of the mutineers, who were Dongolowas (his own tribe), many of whom were his relatives, to accompany me, in which case I would forgive them their past misconduct. In the course of the afternoon he returned with the news, that he had arranged with seventeen of the men, but that they refused to march towards the south, and would accompany me to the east if I wished to explore that part of the country. Their plea for refusing a southern route was the hostility of the Bari tribe. They also proposed a condition, that I should " leave all my transport animals and baggage behind me" To this insane request, which completely nullified their offer to start, I only replied by vowing vengeance against the vakeel. Their time was passed in vociferously quarrelling among themselves during the day, and in close con- ference with the vakeel during the night, the substance of which was reported on the foUomng morning by the faithful " Saat." The boy recounted their plot. They agreed to march to the east, with the intention of deserting me at the station of a trader named Chenooda, seven days' march from Gondokoro, in the Latooka country, whose men were, like themselves, Dongolowas ; they had conspired to mutiny at that place, and to desert to the slave-hunting party with my arms and ammunition, and to shoot me should I attempt to disarm them. They also threatened to shoot my vakeel, who now, through fear of punishment at Khartoum, exerted his influence to induce them to start. Altogether, it was a pleasant state of things. That night I was asleep in my tent, when I was suddenly awoke by loud screams, and upon listening attentively I distinctly heard the heavy breathing of something in the tent, and I could distinguish a dark object crouching close to the head of my bed. A slight pull at my sleeve showed me that my wife also noticed the object, as this was always the signal that she made 92 NIGHT VISIT OF FADEELA. [chap. hi. if anything occurred at niglit that required vigilance. Possessing a share of sang froid admirably adapted for African travel, Mrs. Baker was not a screamer, and never even whispered ; in the moment of suspected danger, a touch of my sleeve was considered a sufficient warning. My hand had quietly drawn the revolver from under my pillow and noiselessly pointed it within two feet of the dark crouching object, before I asked, "Who is that ?" No answer was given^ — until, upon repeating the question, with my finger touching gently upon the trigger ready to fire, a voice replied, " Fa- deela." Never had I been so near to a fatal shot ! It was one of the black women of the party, who had crept into the tent for an asylum. Upon striking a light I found that the woman was streaming with blood, being cut in the most frightful manner with the coorbatch (whip of hippopotamus's hide). Hearing the screams continued at some distance from the tent, I found my angels in the act of flogging two women ; two men were holding each woman upon the ground by sitting upon her legs and neck, while two men with powerful whips operated upon each woman alternately. Their backs were cut to pieces, and they were literally covered with blood. The brutes had taken upon them- selves the task of thus punishing the women for a breach of discipline in being absent without leave. Fadeela had escaped before her punishment had been completed, and had narrowly escaped being shot by running to the tent without giving warning. Seizing the coorbatch from the hands of one of the executioners, I administered them a dose of their own prescription, to their intense astonishment, as they did not appear conscious of any outrage; — "they were only Slave women.'' In all such expeditions it is necessary to have women belonging to the party to grind the corn and prepare the food for the men ; I had accordingly hired several from their proprietors at Khartoum, and these had been maltreated as described. I was determined at all hazards to start from Gon- CHAr. III.] "adda;' the latooka. 93 clokoro for the interior. From long experience with natives of wild countries, I did not despair of obtaining an influence over my men, however bad, could I once quit Gondokoro, and lead them among the wild and generally hostile tribes of the country ; they would then be separated from the contagion of the slave- hunting parties, and would feel themselves dependant upon me for guidance. Accordingly I professed to believe in their promises to accompany me to the east, although I knew of their conspiracy ; and I trusted that by tact and good management I should eventually thwart all their plans, and, although forced out of my intended course, I should be able to alter my route, and to work round from the east to my original plan of operations south. The interpreter given by Koorshid Aga had absconded : this was a great loss, as I had no means of communication with the natives except by casually engaging a Bari in the employment of the traders, to whom I was obliged to pay exorbitantly in copper bracelets for a few minutes' conversation. A party of Koorshid's people had just arrived with ivory from the Latooka country, bringing with them a number of that tribe as porters. These people were the most extraordinary that I had seen ; — wearing beautiful helmets of glass beads, and being remarkably handsome. The chief of the party, Adda," came to my tent, accompanied by a few of his men. He was one of the finest men I ever saw, and he gave me much information concerning his country, and begged mc to pay him a visit. He detested the Turks, but he was obliged to serve them, as he had received orders from the great chief "Commoro" to collect porters, and to transport their ivory from Latooka to Gondokoro. I took his portrait, to his great delight, and made him a variety of presents of copper bracelets, beads, and a red cotton handkerchief; the latter was most prized, and he insisted upon wearing it upon his person. He had no intention of wearing his new acquisition for the purpose of decency, but he carefully folded it so 94 ARRANGE TO START FOR LATOOKA. [chap. hi. as to form a triangle, and then tied it round liis waist, so that the pointed end should hang exactly straight hehind him. So particular was he, that he was quite half an hour in arranging this simple appendage ; and at length he departed with his people, always endeavouring to admire his new finery, by straining his neck in his attempts to look behind him. From morning till night natives of all ranks surrounded the tent to ask for presents ; these being generally granted, as it was highly necessary to create a favour- al3le impression. Koorshid's party, who had arrived from Latooka, were to return shortly, but they not only refused to allow me to accompany them, but they declared their intention of forcibly repelling me, should I attempt to advance by their route. This was a grand excuse for my men, who once more refused to proceed. By pressure upon the vakeel they again yielded, but on condition that I would take one of the mutineers named "Bellaal, who wished to join them, but whose offer I had refused, as he had been a notorious ringleader in every mutiny. It was a sine qua non that he was to go ; and knowing the cha- racter of the man, I felt convinced that it had been arranged that he should head the mutiny conspired to be enacted upon our arrival at Chenooda's camp in the Latooka country. The vakeel of Chenooda, one Ma- hommed Her, was in constant communication with my men, which tended to confirm the reports I had heard from the boy Saat. This Mahommed Her started from Gondokoro for Latooka. KoorshicVs men would start two days later ; these were rival parties, both antagonistic, but occupying the same country, the Latooka ; both equally hostile to me, but as the party of Mahommed Her were Dongalowas, and that of Koorshid were J alyns and Soodanes, I trusted eventually to turn their disputes to my own advantage. The plan that I had arranged was to leave all the baggage not indispensable with Koorshid Aga at Gondokoro, who would return it to Khartoum. I CHAP. III.] THREATS OF KOOliSHWS PEOPLE. 95 intended to wait until Koorshid s party should march, when I resolved to follow them, as I did not believe they would dare to oppose me by force, their master himself being friendly. I considered their threats as mere idle boasting, to frighten me from an attempt to follow them ; but there was another more serious cause of danger to be apprehended. On the route, between Gondokoro and Latooka, there was a powerful tribe among the mountains of Ellyria. The chief of that tribe (Legge) had formerly massacred a hundred and twenty of a trader s party. He was an ally of Koorshid's people, who declared that they would raise the tribe against me, which would end in the defeat or massacre of my party. There was a difficult pass through the mountains of Ellyria, which it would be impossible to force; thus my small party of seventeen men would be helpless. It would be merely necessary for the traders to request the chief of Ellyria to attack my party to insure its destruction, as the plunder of the baggage would be an ample reward. There was no time for deliberation. Both the pre- sent and the future looked as gloomy as could be imagined but I had always expected extraordinary difficulties, and they were, if possible, to be surmounted. It was useless to speculate upon chances ; there was no hope of success in inaction ; and the only resource was to drive throng] i all obstacles without calculating the risk. Once away from Gondokoro we should be fairly launched on our voyage, the boats would have returned to Khartoum, thus retreat would be cut off; it only remained to push forward, trusting in Providence and good fortune. I had great faith in presents. The Arabs are all venal ; and, having many valuable effects with me, I trusted, when the proper moment should arrive, to be able to over- come all opposition by an open hand. The day arrived for the departure of Koorshid's 96 START FR03I GONDOKORO, [chap. III. people. They commenced firing tlieir usual signals ; the drums beat ; the Turkish ensign led the way ; and they marched at 2 o'clock, p.m., sending a polite message, " daring " me to follow them. I immediately ordered the tent to be struck, the luggage to be arranged, the animals to be collected, and everything to be ready for the march. Eicharn and Saat were in high spirits, even my unwilling men were obliged to work, and by 7 p.m. we were all ready. The camels were too heavily loaded, carry- ing about seven hundred pounds each. The donkeys were also overloaded, but there was no help for it. Mrs. Baker was well mounted on my good old Abys- sinian hunter " Tetel,'"'" and was carrying several leather bags slung to the pommel, while I was equally loaded on my horse " Filfil ; t " in fact, we were all carrying as much as we could stow. We had neither guide, nor interpreter. Not one native was procurable, all being under the influence of the traders, who had determined to render our advance utterly impossible by preventing the natives from assisting us. All had been threatened, and we, perfectly helpless, commenced the desperate journey in darkness about an hour after sunset. " Where shall we go ? said the men, just as the order was given to start. "Who can travel without a guide ? No one knows the road." The moon was up, and the mountain of Belignan was distinctly visi- ble about nine miles distant. Knowing that the route lay on the east side of that mountain, I led the way, Mrs. Baker riding by my side, and the British flag following close behind us as a guide for the caravan of heavily laden camels and donkeys. We shook hands warmly with Dr. Murie, who had come to see us ofl", and thus we started on our march in Central Africa on the 26th of March, 1863. * "Hartebeest." f " Pepper." CHAPTER IV. FIRST night's MAKCH. The country was park-like, but much parched by the dry weather. The ground was sandy, but firm, and interspersed with numerous villages, all of which were surrounded with a strong fence of euphorbia. The country was well wooded, being free from bush or jungle, but numerous trees, all evergreens, were scattered over the landscape. No natives were to be seen, but the sound of their drums and singing in chorus was heard in the far distance. Whenever it is moonlight the nights are passed in singing and dancing, beating drums, blowing horns, and the popu- lation of whole villages thus congregate together. After a silent march of two hours we saw watch- fires blazing 4n the distance, and upon nearer approach we perceived the trader's party bivouacked. Their custom is to march only two or three hours on the first day of departure, to allow stragglers who may have lagged behind in Gondokoro to rejoin the party before morning. We were roughly challenged by their sentries as we passed, and were instantly told "not to remain in their neighbourhood." Accordingly we passed on for about half a mile in advance, and bivouacked on some rising ground above a slight hollow in which we found water. All were busy collecting firewood and cutting grass for the donkeys and horses who were picquetted H 98 ARRIVAL AT BELIGNAN. [chap. IV. near the fires. The camels were hobbled, and turned to graze upon the branches of a large mimosa. We were not hungry ; the constant anxiety had entirely destroyed all appetite. A cup of strong black coffee was the greatest luxury, and not requiring a tent in the clear still night, we were soon asleep on our simple angareps. Before daylight on the following morning the drum beat ; the lazy soldiers, after stretching and yawning, began to load the animals, and we started at six o'clock. In these climates the rising of the sun is always dreaded. For about an hour before sunrise the air is deliciously cool and invigorating, but the sun is regarded as the common enemy. There is, nevertheless, a difficulty in starting before sunrise — the animals cannot be properly loaded in the dark- ness, and the operation being tedious, the cool hour of morning is always lost. The morning was clear, and the mountain of Belignan, within three or four miles, was a fine object to direct our course. I could distinctly see some enormous trees at the foot of the mountain near a village, and I hastened forward, as I hoped to procure a guide who would also act as interpreter, many of the natives in the vicinity of Gondokoro having learnt a little Arabic from the traders. We cantered on ahead of the party, regardless of the assurance of our unwilling men that the natives were not to be trusted, and we soon arrived beneath the shade of a cluster of most superb trees. The village was within a quarter of a mile, situated at the very base of the abrupt mountain ; the natives seeing us alone had no fear, and soon thronged around us. The chief understood a few words of Arabic, and I offered a large payment of copper bracelets and beads for a guide. After much discussion and bargaining a bad-looking fellow offered to guide us to EUyria, but no farther. This was about twenty-eight or thirty miles distant, and it was of vital importance that we CHAP. IV.] THE ELIYRIA DIFFICULTY. should pass through that tribe before the trader's party should raise them against us. I had great hopes of outmarching them, as they would be delayed in Belignan by ivory transactions with the chief. While negotiations were pending with the guide, the traders party appeared in the distance, and avoiding us, they halted on the opposite side of the village. I now tried conciliatory measures, and I sent my vakeel to their headman Ibrahim to talk with him confidentially, and to try to obtain an inter- preter in retmm for a large present. My vakeel was in an awkward position — he was afraid of me ; also mortally afraid of the government in Khartoum ; and frightened out of his life at his own men, whose conspiracy to desert he was well aware of. With the cunning of an Arab he started on his mission, accompanied by several of the men, including the arch-mutineer Bellaal. He shortly returned, saying, "that it was perfectly impossible to proceed to the interior ; that Ibrahim's party were outrageous at my having followed on their route ; that he would neither give an interpreter, nor allow any of the natives to serve me ; and that he would give orders to the great chief of Ellyria to prevent me from passing through his country." At that time the Turks were engaged in business transactions with the natives ; it therefore was all important that I should start immediately, and by a forced march arrive at Ellyria, and get through the pass, before they should communicate with the chief. I had no doubt that, by paying black mail, I should be able to clear Ellyria, provided I was in advance of the Turks, but should they outmarch me there would be no hope ; a fight and defeat would be the climax. I accordingly gave orders for an immediate start. " Load the camels, my brothers 1 " I exclaimed, to the sullen ruftians around me ; but not a man stirred except Richarn and a fellow named Sali, who began to show signs of improvement. Seeing H 2 100 THE MARCH. [chap. IV. that the men intended to disobey, I immediately set to work myself loading the animals, requesting my men not to trouble themselves, and begging them to lie down and smoke their pipes while I did the work. A few rose from the ground ashamed, and assisted to load the camels, while the others declared the impossibility of camels travelling by the road we were about to take, as the Turks had informed them that not even the donkeys could march through the thick jungles between Belignan and Ellyria. " All right, my brothers I " I replied ; " then we'll march as far as the donkeys can go, and leave both them and the baggage on the road when they can go no farther ; but / go for weirdo With sullen discontent the men began to strap on their belts and cartouche boxes, and prepare for the start. The animals were loaded, and we moved slowly forward at 4. 30 p.m. The country was lovely. The mountain of Belignan, although not exceeding 1,200 feet, is a fine mass of gneiss and syenite, ornamented in the hollows with fine trees, while the general ap- pearance of the country at the base was that of a beautiful English park well timbered and beautified with distant mountains. We had just started with the Bari guide that I had engaged at Belignan, when we were suddenly joined by two of the Latookas whom I had seen when at G-ondokoro, and to whom I had been very civil. It appeared that these fellows, who were acting as porters to the Turks, had been beaten, and had therefore absconded and joined me. This was extraordinary good fortune, as I now had guides the whole way to Latooka, about ninety miles distant. I immediately gave them each a copper bracelet and some beads, and they very good-naturedly relieved the camels of one hundred pounds of copper rings, which they carried in two baskets on their heads. We now crossed the broad dry bed of a torrent, and the banks being steep, a considerable time was occupied in assisting the loaded animals in their descent. The CHAP. IV.] ADVANTJOES OF DOXKEYS. 101 donkeys were easily aided, their tails being held by two men, while they shuffled and slid down the sandy banks ; but every camel fell, and the loads had to be carried up the opposite bank by the men, and the camels to be re-loaded on arrival. Here again the donkeys had the advantage, as without being unloaded they were assisted up the steep ascent by two men in front pulling at their ears, w^hile others pushed behind. Altogether, the donkeys were far more suitable for the country, as they were more easily loaded. I had ar- ranged their packs and saddles so well, that they carried their loads with the greatest comfort. Each animal had an immense pad well stuffed with goats' hair ; this reached from the shoulder to the hip-bones ; upon this rested a simple form of saddle made of tw^o forks of boughs inverted, and fastened together with rails — there were no nails in these saddles, all the fastenings being secured with thongs of raw hide. The great pad, projecting far both in front, behind, and also below the side of the saddle, prevented the loads from chafing the animal. Every donkey carried two large bags made of the hides of antelopes that I had formerly shot on the frontier of Abyssinia, and these were arranged with taggies on the one to fit into loops on the other, so that the loading and unloading was exceedingly simple. The success of an expedition de- pends mainly upon the perfection of the details, and where animals are employed for transport, the first consideration should be bestowed upon saddles and packs. The facility of loading is all important, and I now had an exemplification of its efiect upon both animals and men ; the latter began to abuse the camels and to curse the father of this, and the mother of that, because they had the trouble of unloading them for the descent into the rivers bed, while the donkeys were blessed mth the endearing name of " my brother,'' and alternately whacked with the stick. It w^as rather a bad commencement of a forced march, and the ravine we had crossed had been a cause of serious delay. 102 IJ^ANT OF WATER. [chap. IV. Hardly were the animals reloaded and again ready for the march, when the men remembered that they had only one water skin full. I had given orders before the start from Belignan that all should be filled. This is the unexceptional rule in African travelling — " fill your girbas before starting." Never mind what the natives may tell you concerning the existence of water on the road ; believe nothing ; but resolutely determine to fill the girbas ; — should you find water, there is no harm done if you are already provided : but nothing can exceed the improvidence of the people. To avoid the trouble of filling the girbas before starting, the men will content themselves wdth "Inshallah" (please God) we shall find water on the road, and they frequently endure the greatest sufi'ering from sheer idleness in neglecting a supply. They had in this instance persuaded themselves that the river we had just crossed would not be dry. Several of them had been em^^Ioyed in this country formerly, and because they had at one time found water in the sandy bed, they had concluded that it existed still. Accordingly they now wished to send parties to seek for water; this would entail a further delay, at a time when every minute was precious, as our fate depended in reaching and passing through EUyria before the arrival of the Turks. I was very anxious, and determined not to allow a moment s hesi- tation ; I therefore insisted upon an immediate advance, and resolved to march without stopping throughout the night. The Latooka guides explained by signs that if we marched all night we should arrive at water on the following morning. This satisfied the men ; and we started. For some miles we passed through a magnificent forest of large trees : the path being remarkably good, the march looked propitious — this good fortune however was doomed to change. We shortly entered upon thick thorny jungles ; the path was so overgrown that the camels could scarcely pass under the overhanging branches, and the leather bags of pro- CHAP. IV.] A FORCED MARCH, 103 visions piled upon their backs were soon ripped by the hooked thorns of the mimosa — the salt, rice, and coffee bags all sprang leaks, and small streams of these im- portant stores issued from the rents, which the men attempted to repair by stuffing dirty rags into the holes. These thorns were shaped like fish-hooks, thus it appeared that the perishable baggage must soon become an utter wreck, as the great strength and weight of the camels bore all before them, and some- times tore the branches from the trees, the thorns becoming fixed in the leather bags. Meanwhile the donkeys walked along in comfort, being so short that they and their loads were below the branches. I dreaded the approach of night. We were now at the foot of a range of high rocky hills, from which the torrents during the rainy season had torn countless ravines in their passage through the lower ground ; we were marching parallel to the range at the very base, thus we met every ravine at right angles. Down tumbled a camel ; and away rolled his load of bags, pots, pans, boxes, &c. into the bottom of a ravine in a confused ruin. — Halt! . . and the camel had to be raised and helped up the opposite bank, while the late avalanche of luggage was carried piecemeal after him to be again adjusted. To avoid a similar catastrophe the remaining three camels had to be unloaded, and re-loaded when safe upon the opposite bank. The operation of loading a camel with about 700 lbs. of luggage of indescribable variety is at all times tedious ; but no sooner had we crossed one ravine with difficulty than we arrived at another, and the same fatiguing operation had to be repeated, with frightful loss of time at the moment when I believed the Turks were following on our path. My wife and I rode about a quarter of a mile at the head of the party as an advance guard, to warn the caravan of any difficulty. The very nature of the country declared that it must be full of ravines, and yet I could not help hoping against hope that we 104 DELAl'S ON THE liOAD. [chap. IV. might have a clear mile of road without a break. The evening had passed, and the light faded. What had been difficult and tedious during the day, now became most serious ; — we could not see the branches of hooked thorns that overhung the broken path ; I rode in advance, my face and arms bleeding with countless scratches, while at each rip of a thorn I gave a warning shout — "Thorn ! " for those behind, and a cry of "Hole ! " for any deep rut that lay in the path. It was fortu- nately moonlight, but the jungle was so thick that the narrow track was barely perceptible ; thus both camels and donkeys ran against the trunks of trees, smashing the luggage, and breaking all that could be broken : nevertheless, the case was urgent ; march we must, at all hazards. My heart sank whenever we came to a deep ravine, or Hor ; the warning cry of " halt " told those in the rear that once more the camels must be unloaded, and the same fatiguing operation must be repeated. For hours we marched : the moon was sinking ; the path, already dark, grew darker; the animals overloaded, even for a good road, were tired out ; and the men were disheartened, thirsty, and disgusted. I dismounted from my horse and loaded him with sacks, to relieve a camel that was perfectly done — but on we marched. Every one was silent ; the men were too tired to speak ; and through the increasing gloom we crept slowly forward. Suddenly another ravine, but not so deep ; and we trusted that the camels might cross it without the necessity of unloading ; — down went the leading camel, rolling completely over with his load to the bottom. Now, the boy Saat was the drummer ; but being very tired, he had come to the conclusion that the drum would travel quite as easily upon a camel's back as upon his shoulders ; he had accordingly slung it upon the very camel that had now performed a somersault and solo on the drum. The musical in- strument was picked up in the shape of a flat dish, and existed no longer as a drum, every note having being CHAP. IV.] CLWERNESS OF THE DONKEYS. 105 squeezed out of it. The donkey is a much more cal- culating animal than the camel, the latter being an excessively stupid beast, while the former is remarkably clever — at least I can answer for the ability of the Egyptian species. The expression " what an ass ! " is in Europe supposed to be slightly insulting, but a comparison with the Egyptian variety would be a com- pliment. Accordingly my train of donkeys, being calcu- lating and reasoning creatures, had from this night's experience come to the conclusion that the journey was long ; that the road was full of ravines ; that the camels who led the way would assuredly tumble into these ravines unless unloaded ; and that as the re- loading at each ravine would occupy at least half an hour, it would be wise for them (the donkeys) to employ that time in going to sleep — therefore, as it Avas just as cheap to lie down as to stand, they pre- ferred a recumbent posture, and a refreshing roll upon the sandy ground. Accordingly, whenever the Avord **ha]t" was given, the clever donkeys thoroughly un- derstood their advantage, and the act of unloading a camel on arrival at a ravine was a signal sufficient to induce each of twenty-one donkeys to lie down. It was in vain that the men beat and swore at them to keep them on their legs ; the donkeys were determined, and lie down they would. This obstinacy on their part was serious to the march — every time that they lay down they shifted their loads ; some of the most wilful persisted in rolling, and of course upset their packs. There were only seventeen men, and these were engaged in assisting the camels ; thus the twenty- one donkeys had it all their own way ; and what added to the confusion was the sudden cry of hyenas in close proximity, which so frightened the donkeys that they immediately sprang to their feet, with their packs lying discomfited, entangled among their legs. Thus, no sooner were the camels re-loaded on the other side the ravine, than all the donkeys had to undergo the same operation ; — during which time the camels, how- FABTY DEAD-BEAT. [chap. IV. ever stupid, having observed the donkeys' " dodge/' took the opportunity of lying down also, and neces- sarily shifted their loads. The women were therefore ordered to hold the camels, to prevent them from lying down while the donkeys were being re-loaded; but the women were dead tired, as they had been carrying loads ; they themselves laid down, and it being dark, they were not observed until a tremendous scream was heard, and we found that a camel had lain down on the TOP OF A WOMAN who had been placed to Avatch it, but who had herself fallen asleep. The camel was with difficulty raised, and the woman dragged from beneath. Everything was tired out. I had been working like a slave to assist, and to cheer the men ; 1 was also fatio^ued. We had marched from 4.30 p.m. — it was now 1 A.M ; we had thus been eight hours and a half struggling along the path. The moon had sunk, and the complete darkness rendered a further advance im- possible ; I therefore, on arrival at a large plateau of rock, ordered the animals to be unloaded, and both man and beast to rest. The people had no water ; I had a girba full for Mrs. Baker and myself, which was always slung on my saddle ; this precaution I never neglected. The men were hungry. Before leaving Gondokoro I had ordered a large quantity of kisras (black pan- cakes) to be prepared for the march, and they were packed in a basket that had been carried on a camel ; unfortunately Mrs. Baker's pet monkey had been placed upon the same camel, and he had amused himself during the night's march by feasting and filling his cheeks with the kisras, and throwing the remainder aivay when his hunger was satisfied. There literally was not a kisra remaining in the basket. Every one lay down supperless to sleep. Although tired, I could not rest until I had arranged some plan for the morrow. It was evident that we could not travel over so rough a country with the animals thus overloaded, I therefore determined to leave in the CHAP. IV.] NATIVE TIT-BITS. 107 jungle such articles as could be dispensed with, and to re-arrange all the loads. At 4 A.M. I woke, and lighting a lamp, I tried in vain to w^ake any of the men who lay stretched upon the ground, like so many corpses, sound asleep. At length Saat sat up, and after rubbing his eyes for about ten minutes, he made a fire, and began to boil the coflfee ; meanwhile I was hard at work lighten- ing the ship. I threw away about 100 lbs. of salt; divided the heavy ammunition more equally among the animals ; rejected a quantity of odds and ends that, although most useful, could be forsaken ; and by the time the men woke, a little before sunrise, I had completed the work. We now re-loaded the animals, who showed the improvement by stepping out briskly. We marched well for three hours at a pace that bid fair to keep us well ahead of the Turks, and at length we reached the dry bed of a stream, where the Latooka guides assured us we should obtain water by digging. This proved correct ; but the holes were dug deep in several places, and hours passed before we could secure a sufficient supply for all the men and animals. The great sponging-bath was excessively useful, as it formed a reservoir out of which all the animals could drink. While we were thus engaged some natives appeared carrying with them the head of a wild boar in a horrible state of decomposition, and alive with mag- gots. On arrival at the drinking-place they imme- diately lighted a fire, and proceeded to cook their savoury pork by placing it in the flames. The skull becoming too hot for the inmates, crowds of maggots rushed loele-mele from the ears and nostrils like people escaping from the doors of a theatre on fire. The natives merely tapped the skull with a stick to assist in their exit, and proceeded ^Y\\h their cooking until completed ; after which they eat the whole, and sucked the bones. However putrid meat may be, it does not appear to afiect the health of these people. My animals requiring rest and food, I was obliged 108 ARRIFE AT TOLLOGO. [chap. IV. to wait unwillingly until 4.30 p.m. The natives having finished their boar's head, offered to join us ; and accordingly we rode on a considerable distance ahead of our people with our active guides, while the caravan followed slowly behind us. After ascending for about a mile through jungle, we suddenly emerged upon an eminence, and looked down upon the valley of Tollogo. This was extremely picturesque. An abrupt wall of grey granite rose on the east side of the valley to a height of about a thousand feet : from this perpen- dicular wall huge blocks had fallen, strewing the base with a confused mass of granite lumps ten to forty feet in diameter ; and among these natural fortresses of disjointed masses were numerous villages. The bottom of the valley was a meadow, in which grew several enormous fig-trees by the side of a sluggish, and in some places, stagnant brook. The valley was not more than half a mile wide, and w^as also walled in by mountains on the west, having the appearance of a vast street. We were now about a mile ahead of our party ; but accompanied by our two Latooka guides, and upon descending to the valley and crossing a deep gully, we soon arrived beneath a large fig-tree at the extre- mity of the vale. No sooner was our presence observed than crowds of natives issued from the numerous villages among the rocks, and surrounded us. They were all armed Avith bows and arrows and lances, and were very excited at seeing the horses, which to them were unknown animals. Dismounting, I fastened the horses to a bush, and we sat down on the grass under a tree. There were five or six hundred natives pressing round us. They were excessively noisy, hallooing to us as though we were deaf, simply because we did not understand them. Finding that they were pressing rudely around us, I made signs to them to stand off, when at that moment a curiously ugly, short, humped- back fellow came forward and addressed me in broken CHAP. IV.] CROSS-EXAMINATION. 109 Arabic. I was delighted to find an interpreter, and requesting him to tell the crowd to stand back, I inquired for their chief. The humpback spoke very- little Arabic, nor did the crowd appear to heed him, but they immediately stole a spear that one of my Latooka guides had placed against the tree under which we were sitting. It was getting rather un- pleasant ; but having my revolver and a double- barrelled rifle in my hands, there was no fear of their being stolen. In reply to a question to the humpback, he asked me " Who I was ? " I explained that I was a traveller. " You want ivory he said. " No," I answered, " it is of no use to me." Ah, you want slaves ! " he replied. Neither do I want slaves," I answered. This was followed by a burst of laughter from the crowd, and the humpback continued his examination. " Have you got plenty of cows ? " " Not one ; but plenty of beads and copper." " Plenty ? Where are they ? " " Not far ofl" ; they will be here presently with my men ; " and I pointed to the direction from which they would arrive. ''What countryman are you ? " " An Englishman. ' He had never heard of such people. "You are a Turk?'' '^ All right," I replied ; " I am anything you like." " And that is your son ? " (pointing at Mrs. Baker.) " No, she is my wife." " Your wife 1 What a lie ! He is a boy." " Not a bit of it," I replied ; "she is my wife, who has come with me to see the women of this country." "What a lie!" he again politely rejoined in the one expressive Arabic word, " Katab." After this charmingly frank conversation he addressed the crowd, explaining, I suppose, that I was endea- vouring to pass ofi" a boy for a woman. Mrs. Baker was dressed similar to myself in a pair of loose trousers and gaiters, with a blouse and belt — the only difi'erence being that she wore long sleeves, while my arms were bare from a few inches below the shoulder. I always kept my arms bare as being cooler than if covered. ' 110 TOMBE THE CHIEF. [chap. IV. The curiosity of the crowd was becoming imper- tinent, when at an opportune moment the chief appeared. To my astonishment I recognised him as a man who had often visited me at Gondokoro, to whom I had given many presents without knowing his position. In a few moments he drove away the crowd, screaming and gesticulating at them as though greatly insulted ; reserving the humpback as interpreter, he apologized for the rudeness of his people. Just at this instant I perceived, in the distance, the English flag- leading the caravan of camels and donkeys from the hillside into the valley, and my people and baggage shortly arrived. The chief now brought me a large pumpkin- shell containing about a gallon of merissa, or native beer, which was most refreshing. He also brought a gourd-bottle full of honey, and an ele- phants tusk ; the latter I declined, as ivory was not required. We were now within six miles of Ellyria, and by means of the humpback I explained to Tombe, the chief, that we wished to start the first thing in the morning, and that I would engage the humpback as interpreter. This was agreed upon, and T now had hopes of getting through Ellyria before the arrival of the Turks. My caravan having arrived, the interest first bestoAved upon the horses, as being a new kind of animal, was now transferred to the camels. The natives crowded round them, exclaiming, " that they were the giraffes of our country." They were amazed at the loads that they carried, and many assisted in unloading. I noticed, however, that they stuck their fingers through the baskets to investigate the contents ; and when they perceived twenty baskets full of beads, and many of copper bracelets — the jingling of which betrayed the contents — they became rather too eager in lending a helping hand ; therefore I told the chief to order his men to retire while I opened one bag CHAP. IV.] tut: monkey WJLLJJJT. 1 ] 1 of beads to give him a present. I had a bag always in reserve that contained a variety of beads and bracelets, which obviated the necessity of opening one of the large baskets on the road. I accordingly made the chief happy, and also gave a present to the humpback. The crowd now discovered an object of fresh interest, and a sudden rush was made to the monkey, which, being one of the red variety from Abyssinia, was quite unknown to them. The monkey, being far more civilized than these naked savages, did not at all enjoy their society ; and attacking the utterly unprotected calves of their legs, " Wallady " soon kept his admirers at a distance, and amused himself by making insulting grimaces, which kept the crowd in a roar of laughter. I often found this monkey of great use in diverting the attention of the savages from myself. He was also a guarantee of my peaceful intentions, as no one intending hostility would travel about with a monkey as one of the party. He 'was so tame and affectionate to both of us that he was quite unhappy if out of sight of his mistress ; but he frequently took rough liberties with the blacks, for whom he had so great an aversion and contempt that he would have got into sad trouble at Exeter Hall. " Wallady " had no idea of a naked savage being " a man and a brother." That night we slept soundly, both men and beasts being thoroughly fatigued. The natives seemed to be aware of this, and a man was caught in the act of stealing copper bracelets from a basket. He had crept like a cat upon hands and knees to the spot where the luggage was piled, and the sleepy sentry had not observed him. There was no drum-call on the following morning, that useful instrument having been utterly smashed by the camel ; but I woke the men early, and told them to be most careful in arranging the loads securely, as we had to thread the rocky pass between Tollogo and Ellyria. I felt sure that the Turks could not be far 112 THE ELLYRIA PASS. [chap. IV. behind us, and I looked fonvard with anxiety to getting through the pass before them. The natives of both Tollogo and Ellyria are the same in appearance and language as the Bari ; they are very brutal in manner, and they collected in large crowds on our departure, with by no means a friendly aspect. Many of them ran on ahead under the base of the rocks, apparently to give notice at Ellyria of our arrival. I had three men as an advance guard,— five or six in the rear, — while the remainder drove the animals. Mrs. Baker and I rode on horseback at the head of the party. On arriving at the extremity of the narrow valley we had to thread our way through the difficult pass. The mountain of Ellyria, between two and three thousand feet high, rose abruptly on our left, while the base was entirely choked with enormous fragments of grey granite that having fallen from the face of the mountain had completely blocked the pass. Even the horses had great difficulty in threading their way through narrow alleys formed of opposing blocks, and it appeared impossible for loaded camels to proceed. The path was not only thus obstructed, but was broken by excessively deep ravines formed by the torrents that during the rains tore eveiy thing before them in their impetuous descent from the mountains. To increase the difficulties of the pass many trees and bushes were growing from the interstices of the rocks ; thus in places where the long legs of the camels could have cleared a narrow cleft, the loads became jammed between the trees. These trees were for the most part intensely hard wood, a species of lignum vitae, called by the Arabs "babanoose," and were quite proof against our axes. Had the natives been really hostile they could have exterminated us in five minutes, as it was only necessary to hurl rocks from above to insure our im- mediate destruction. It was in this spot that a trader s party of 126 men, well armed, had been massacred to a man the year previous. Bad as the pass was, we had hope before us, as the CHAP. IV.] A RACE FOR ELLYRIA, 113 Latookas explained that beyond this spot tliere was level and unbroken ground the whole way to Latooka. Could we only clear Ellyria before the Turks I had no fear for the present ; but at the very moment when success depended upon speed, we were thus baffled by the difficulties of the ground. 1 therefore resolved to ride on in advance of my party, leaving them to overcome the difficulties of the pass by constantly unloading the animals, while I would reconnoitre in front, as Ellyria was not far distant. My wife and I accordingly rode on accompanied only by one of the Latookas as a guide. After turning a sharp angle of the mountain, leaving the cliff abruptly rising to the left from the narrow path, we descended a ravine w^orse than any place we had previously encountered, and we were obliged to dismount, in order to lead our horses up the steep rocks on the opposite side. On arrival on the summit, a lovely view burst upon us. The valley of Ellyria was about four hundred feet below, at about a mile distant. Beautiful mountains, some two or three thousand feet high, of grey granite walled in the narrow vale ; while the landscape of forest and plain was bounded at about fifty or sixty miles distance to the east by the blue mountains of Latooka. The mountain of Ellyria was the commencement of the fine range that continued indefinitely to the south. We were now in the very gorge of that chain. Below us, in the valley, I observed some prodigious trees growing close to a Hor (ravine), in which was running water, and the sides of the valley under the mountains being as usual a mass of debris of huge detached rocks, were thronged with villages, all strongly fortified witli thick bamboo palisades. The whole country was a series of natural forts, occupied by a large population. A glance at the scene before me was quite sufficient ; — to fight a way through a valley a quarter of a mile wide, hemmed in by high walls of rock and bristling with lances and arrows, would be impossible with my few men, encumbered by transport animals. Should I 114 OUTMARCHED BY THE TURKS. [chap. IV. the camels arrive, I could march into Ellyria in twenty minutes, make the chief a large present, and pass on without halting until I cleared the Ellyria valley. At any rate I was well before the Turks, and the forced march at night, however distressing, had been successful. The great difficulty now lay in the ravine that we had just crossed ; this would assuredly delay the caravan for a considerable time. Tying our horses to a bush, we sat upon a rock beneath the shade of a small tree within ten paces of the path, and considered the best course to pursue. I hardly liked to risk an advance into Ellyria alone, before the arrival of my whole party, as we had been very rudely received by the Tollogo people on the previous evening; — nevertheless I thought it might be good policy to ride unattended into Ellyria, and thus to court an introduction to the chief. However, our consultation ended in a determination to wait where we then were, until the caravan should have accomplished the last difficulty by crossing the ravine; when we would all march into Ellyria in company. For a long time we sat gazing at the valley before us in which our fate lay hidden, feeling thankful that we had thus checkmated the brutal Turks. Not a sound Avas heard of our approaching camels ; the delay was most irksome. There were many difficult places that we had passed through, and each would be a source of serious delay to the animals. At length we heard them in the distance. We could distinctly hear the men's voices ; and we rejoiced that they were approaching the last remaining obstacle ; — that one ravine passed through, and all before would be easy. I heard the rattling of the stones as they drew nearer ; and, looking towards the ravine, I saw emerge from the dark foliage of the trees within fifty yards of us the hated red flag and crescent, leading the Turks' j9ar^?/ ! We were out- marched ! One by one, with scowling looks, the insolent scoun- CHAP. IV.] IBRAHIM AND HIS MEN. 115 drels filed by us within a few feet, without making the customary salaam ; neither noticing us in any way, except by threatening to shoot the Latooka, our guide, who had formerly accompanied them. Their party consisted of a hundred and forty men armed with guns: while about twice as many Latookas acted as porters, carrying beads, ammunition, and the general effects of the party. It appeared that we were hopelessly beaten. However, I determined to advance, at all hazards, on the arrival of my party; and should the Turks incite the Ellyria tribe to attack us, I intended, in the event of a fight, to put the first shot through the leader. To be thus beaten, at the last moment, was unendurable. Boiling with indignation as the insolent wretches filed past, treating me with the contempt of a dog, I longed for the moment of action, no matter what were the odds against us. At length their leader, Ibrahim, appeared in the rear of the party. He was riding on a donkey, being the last of the line, behind the flag that closed the march. I never saw a more atrocious countenance than that exhibited in this man. A mixed breed, between a Turk sire and Arab mother, he had the good features and the bad qualities of either race. The fine, sharp, high-arched nose and large nostril ; the pointed and projecting chin ; rather high cheek-bones and promi- nent brow, overhanging a pair of immense black eyes full of expression of aU evil. As he approached he took no notice of us, but studiously looked straight before him with the most determined insolence. The fate of the expedition was, at this critical moment, retrieved by Mrs. Baker. She implored me to call him, to insist upon a personal explanation, and to offer him some present in the event of establishing amicable relations. I could not condescend to address the sullen scoundrel. He was in the act of passing us, and success depended upon that instant. Mrs. l)aker herself called him. For the moment he made I 2 110 ])TPimuc)\ [chap. IV. no reply ; but, upon my repeating the call in a loud key, he turned his donkey towards us and dismounted. I ordered him to sit down, as his men were ahead and we were alone. The following dialogue passed between us after the usual Arab mode of greeting. I said, " Ibrahim, why should we be enemies in the midst of this hostile country ? We believe in the same God, why should we quarrel in this land of heathens, who believe in no God ? You have your work to perform ; I have mine. You want ivory ; I am a simple traveller ; why should we clash ? If I were offered the whole ivory of the country I would not accept a single tusk, nor interfere with you in any way. Transact your business, and don t interfere with me : the country is wide enough for us both. I have a task before me, to reach a great lake — the head of the Nile. Eeach it / will (In- shallah). No power shall drive me back. If you are hostile, I will imprison you in Khartoum ; if you assist me, I will reward you far beyond any reward you have ever received. Should I be killed in this country, you will be suspected ; you* know the result ; the Government would hang you on the bare suspicion. On the contrary, if you are friendly, I will use my influence in any country that I discover, that yoti may procure its ivory for the sake of your master Koorshid, who was generous to Captains Speke and Grant, and kind to me. Should you be hostile, I shall hold your master responsible as your employer. Should you assist me, I will befriend you both. Choose your course frankly, like a man — friend or enemy ? " Before he had time to reply, Mrs. Baker addressed him much in the same strain, telling him that he did not know what Englishmen were ; that nothing would drive them back ; that the British Government watched over them wherever they might be, and that no outrage could be committed with impunity upon a British subject. That I would not deceive him in any way ; that I was not a trader ; and that I should CHAP. IV.] PEACE ESTABLISHED. 117 be able to asisist him materially by discovering new countries rich in ivory, and that he would benefit himself personally by civil conduct. He seemed confused, and wavered. I immediately promised him a new double-barrelled gun and some gold, when my party should arrive, as an earnest of the future. He replied, "That he did not himself wish to be hostile, but that all the trading parties, without one exception, were against me, and that the men were convinced that I was a consul in disguise, who would report to the authorities at Khartoum all the pro- ceedings of the traders." He continued, " That he l)elieved me, but that his men would not ; that all people told lies in their country, therefore no one was credited for the truth. However," said he, " do not associate with my people, or they may insult you, but go and take possession of that large tree (pointing to one in the valley of Ellyria) for yourself and people, and I will come there and speak with you. I will now join my men, as I do not wish them to know that 1 have been conversing with you." He then made a salaam, mounted his donkey, and rode off. I had won him. I knew the Arab character so thoroughly that I was convinced that the tree he had pointed out, followed by the words, " I will come there and speak with you," was to be the rendezvous for the receipt of the promised gun and money. I did not wait for the arrival of my men, but mounting our horses, my wife and I rode down the hillside with lighter spirits than we had enjoyed for some time past. I gave her the entire credit of the "ruse." Had I been alone, I should have been too proud to have sought the friendship of the sullen trader, and the moment on which success depended would have been lost. On arrival at the grassy plain, at the foot of the mountain, there was a crowd of the trader s ruffians quarrelling for the shade of the few large trees that ARRIVE AT ELLYRIA. [chap, IV. grew on the banks of the stream. We accordingly dismounted, and turning the horses to graze, we took possession of a tree at some distance, under which a number of Latookas were ah^eady sitting. Not being very particular as to our society, we sat down and waited for the arrival of our party. The valley of Ellyria w^as a lovely spot in the very bosom of the mountains. Close to where we sat were the great masses of rock that had fallen from the cliffs, and upon examination I found them to be the finest quality of grey granite, the felspar being in masses several inches square and as hard as a flint. There was no scaling upon the surface, as is common in granite rocks. No sooner had the trader's party arrived than crowds of natives issued from the palisaded villages on the mountain ; and descending to the plain, they mingled with the general confusion. The baggage was piled beneath a tree, and a sentry placed on guard. The natives were entirely naked, and precisely the same as the Bari. Their chief, Legge, was among them, and received a present from Ibrahim of a lono' red cotton shirt, and he assumed an air CHAP. IV.] LEGGE, THE CHIEF OF ELLYIUA. 119 of great importance. Ibrahim explained to him who I was, and he immediately came to ask for the tribute he expected to receive as "black mail" for the right of entree into his country. Of all the villainous countenances that I have ever seen, that of Legge excelled. Ferocity, avarice, and sensuality were stamped upon his face, and I immediately requested him to sit for his portrait, and in about ten minutes I succeeded in placing within my port- folio an exact likeness of about the greatest rascal that exists even in Central Africa. I had now the satisfaction of seeing my caravan slowly winding down the hillside in good order, having surmounted all their difficulties. Upon arrival, my men were perfectly astonished at seeing us so near the traders party, and still more confounded at my sending for Ibrahim to summon him to my tree, where I presented him with some English sovereigns and a double-barrelled gun. Nothing- escapes the inquisitiveness of these Arabs ; and the men of both parties quickly perceived that I had estab- lished an alliance in some unaccountable manner with Ibrahim. I saw the gun, lately presented to him, being handed from one to the other for examination ; and both my vakeel and men appeared utterly confused at the sudden change. The chief of Ellyria now came to inspect my luggage, and demanded fifteen heavy copper bracelets and a large quantity of beads. The bracelets most in demand are simple rings of copper fths of an inch thick, and weighing about a pound ; those of smaller size not being so much valued. I gave him fifteen such rings, and about ten pounds of beads in varieties, the red coral porcelain (dimiriaf) being the most accept- able. Legge was by no means satisfied : he said, " his belly was very big and it must be filled," which signi- fied, that his desire was great and must be gratified. I accordingly gave him a few extra copper rings ; but suddenly he smelt spirits, one of the few bottles that 120 LEGGE'S INTEMPERANCE. [chap. IV. I possessed of spirits of wine having broken in the medicine chest. Ibrahim begged me to give him a bottle to put him in a good humour, as he enjoyed nothing so much as araki ; I accordingly gave him a pint bottle of the strongest spirits of wine. To my amazement he broke off the neck, and holding his head well back, he deliberately allowed the whole of the contents to trickle down his throat as inno- cently as though it had been simple water. He was thoroughly accustomed to it, as the traders were in the habit of bringing him presents of araki every season. He declared this to be excellent, and demanded another bottle. At that moment a violent storm of thunder and rain burst upon us with a fury well known in the tropics ; the rain fell like a waterspout, and the throng immediately fled for shelter. So violent was the storm, that not a man was to be seen : some were sheltering themselves under the neigh- bouring rocks ; while others ran to their villages that were close by ; the trader s people commenced a fusilade, firing off all their guns lest they should get wet and miss fire. I could not help thinking how completely they were at the mercy of the natives at that moment, had they chosen to attack them ; the trader s party were lying under their untanned ox-hides with their empty guns. Each of my men was pro- vided with a piece of macintosh, with which his gun- locks were secured. We lay upon an angarep covered with a bull's hide until the storm was over. The thunder was magnificent, exploding on the peak of the mountain exactly above us, and in the course of a quarter of an hour torrents were rushing down the ravines among the rocks, the effects of the violent storm that had passed away as rapidly as it had arrived. No sooner had it ceased than the throng again appeared. Once more the chief, " Legge," was before us begging for all that we had. Although the natives asked for beads, they would give nothing in exchange. CHAP. IV.] NO SUPPLIES. 121 and we could purchase notliing for any article except molotes. These iron hoes are made principally in this country, thus it appeared strange that they should demand them. Legge does a large business Avith these hoes, sendino- them into the Berri and Galla countries to the east, with various beads and copper bracelets, to purchase ivory. Although there are very few elephants in the neighbourhood of Ellyria, there is an immense amount of ivory, as the chief is so great a trader that he accumulates it to exchange with the Turks for cattle. Although he sells it so dear that he demands twenty cows for a large tusk, it is a convenient station for the traders, as, being near to Gondokoro, there is very little trouble in delivering the ivory on ship- board. Although 1 had presented Legge with what he desired, he would give nothing in return, neither w^ould he sell either goats or fowls ; in fact, no pro- vision was procurable except honey. I purchased about eight pounds of this luxury for a hoe. My men were starving, and I was obliged to serve them out rice from my sacred stock, as I had notliing else to give them. This they boiled and mixed with honey, and they were shortly sitting round an immense circular bowl of this rarity, enjoying themselves thoroughly, but nevertheless grumbling as usual. In the coolest manner possible the great and greedy chief, Legge, who had refused to give or even to sell anything to keep us from starving, no sooner saw the men at their novel repast than he sat down among them and almost choked himself by cramming handfuls of the hot rice and honey into his mouth, w^hich yawned like an old hippopotamus. The men did not at all approve of this assistance, but as it is the height of bad manners in Arab etiquette to repel a self-invited guest from the general meal, he was not interfered with, and was thus enabled to swallow the share of about three persons. Legge, although worse than the rest of his tribe, 122 FORMATION OF SKULLS. [chap. IV. had a similar formation of head. The Bari and those of Tollogo and Ellyria have generally bullet-shaped heads, low foreheads, skulls heavy behind the ears and above the nape of the neck : altogether their appearance is excessively brutal, and they are armed with bows six feet long, and arrows horribly barbed and poisoned. CHAPTEE V. LEAVE ELLYRIA. Although Ellyria was a rich and powerful country, we had not been able to procure any provisions — the natives refused to sell, and their general behaviour was such that assured me of their capability of any atrocity had they been prompted to attack us by the Turks. Fortunately we had a good supply of meal that had l^een prepared for the journey prior to our departure from Gondokoro, thus we could not starve. I also had a sack of corn for the animals, a necessary precaution, as at this season there was not a blade of grass ; all in the vicinity of the route having been burnt. We started on the 30th March, at 7.30 a.m. and opened from the valley of Ellyria upon a perfectly flat country interspersed with trees. After an hour s march we halted at a small stream of bad water. We had kisras and honey for breakfast ; but, for several days not having tasted meat, I took the rifle for a stroll through the forest in search of game. After an hour s ramble I returned without having fired a shot. I had come upon fresh tracks of Tetel (hartebeest) and guinea- fowl, but they had evidently come down to the stream to drink, and had wandered back into the interior. If game was scarce, fruit was plentiful — both Eicharn and I were loaded with a species of yellow plum as large as an egg ; these grew in prodigious numbers • 124 BRUTALITY TOWARDS THE WOMEN. [chap. v. upon fine forest trees, beneath which the ground was yellow with the quantities that had fallen from the boughs ; these were remarkably sweet, and yet acid, with much juice, and a very delicious flavour. At 11.25 we again started for a long march, our course being east. The ground was most favourable for the animals, being perfectly flat and free from ravines. We accordingly stepped along at a brisk pace, and the intense heat of the sun throughout the hottest hours of the day made the journey fatiguing for all but the camels. The latter were excellent of their class, and now far excelled the other transport animals, marching along with ease under loads of about 600 lbs. each. My caravan was at the rear of the trader's party ; but the ground being good, we left our people and cantered on to the advanced flag. It was curious to witness the motley assemblage in single file extending over about half-a-mile of ground : — several of the people were mounted on donkeys ; some on oxen : the most were on foot, including all the women to the number of about sixty, who were the slaves of the trader's people. These carried heavy loads ; and many in addition to the burdens carried children strapped to their backs in leather slings. After four or five hours' march during the intense heat many of the overloaded women showed symptoms of distress, and became foot- sore ; — the grass having been recently burnt had left the sharp charred stumps, which were very trying to those whose sandals were not in the best condition. The women were forced along by their brutal owners v.ith sharp blows of the coorbatcli ; and one who was 'far advanced in pregnancy could at length go no farther. Upon this the savage to whom she belonged belaboured her with a large stick, and not succeeding in driving her before him, he knocked her down and jumped upon her. The woman's feet were swollen and bleeding, but later in the day I again saw her hobbling along in the rear by the aid of a bamboo. CHAP, v.] ORDER OF MARCH, 125 The traders march in good form ; one flag leads the party, guarded by eight or ten men, while a native carries a box of five hundred cartridges for their use in case of an attack. The porters and baggage follow in single . file, soldiers being at intervals to prevent them from running away ; in which case the runner is invariably fired at. The supply of ammunition is in the centre, carried generally by about fifteen natives, and strongly escorted by guards. The rear of the party is closed by another flag, behind Avliich no straggler is permitted. The rear flag is also guarded by six or eight men, with a box of spare ammunition. AVith these arrangements the party is always ready to support an attack. Ibrahim, my new ally, was now riding in front of the line, carrying on his saddle before him a pretty little girl his daughter, a child of a year and a half old ; her mother, a remarkably pretty Bari girl, one of his numerous wives, was riding behind him on an ox. We soon got into conversation ; — a few pieces of sugar given to the child and mother by Mrs. Baker was a sweet commencement ; and Ibrahim then told me to beware of my own men, as he knew they did not intend to remain with me ; that they were a diff"erent tribe from his men, and they would join Chenoodas people and desert me on our arrival at their station in Latooka. This was a corroboration of all I had heard previous to leaving Gondokoro, therefore I had the promised mutiny in perspective. I had noticed that my men were even more sullen than usual since I had joined Ibrahim ; however, I succeeded in convincing him that he would benefit so decidedly by an alliance with me, that he now frankly told me that I should receive no opposition from his party. So far all had prospered beyond my most sanguine expectations. We were fairly launched upon our voyage, and now that vre were in the wild interior, I determined to crush the mutiny with an iron hand should the rascals attempt to carry their murderous threats into execution. 12G DRAINAGE TOWARDS THE SOB AT. [chap. v. Two or tlirec of tlic men appeared willing, but the original ringleader," Bellard" would literally do nothing, not even assisting at loading the animals ; but swag- gering about with the greatest insolence. After a f^^tiguing march of eight hours and ten minutes through a perfectly flat country interspersed with trees, we halted at a little well of excessively bad water at 7.35 p.m. The horses were so much in advance that the main party did not arrive until 11 p.m. completely fatigued. The night being fine, we slept on a hillock of sand a few yards from the well, rejoiced to be away from the mosquitoes of Gondokoro. On the following morning we started at sunrise, and in two hours fast marching we arrived at the Kanieti river. Although there had been no rain, the stream was very rapid and up to the girths of the horses at the ford. The banks were very abrupt and about fifteen feet deep, the bed between forty and fifty yards wide ; thus a considerable volume of water is carried down to the river Sobat by this river during the rains. The whole drainage of the country tends to the east, and accordingly flows into the Sobat. The range of mountains running south from EUyria is the watershed between the east and west drainage ; the Sobat receiving it on the one hand, and the White Nile on the other, while the Nile eventually receives the entire flow by the Sobat, as previously mentioned, in lat. 9° 22: Having scrambled up the steep bank of the Kanieti river, we crossed a large field of dhurra, and arrived at the village of AVakkala. The village, or town, is composed of about seven hundred houses, the whole being most strongly protected by a system of pali- sades formed of " babanoose,'' the hard iron wood of the country. Not only is it thus fortified, but the palisades are also protected by a hedge of impervious thorns that grow to a height of about twenty feet. The entrance to this fort is a curious archway, about ten feet deep, formed of the iron-vrood palisades, itli CHAP, v.] GAME AT WAKKALA. 127 a sharp turn to the right and left forming a ziggag. The whole of the village thus fenced is situated in the midst of a splendid forest of large timber. The inhabitants of Wakkala are the same as the Ellyria, but governed by an independent chief. They are gTeat hunters ; and as we arrived I saw several parties returning from the forest with portions of wild boar and buffalo. From Gondokoro to this spot I had not seen a single head of game, but the immediate neighbourhood of Wakkala was literally trodden down by the feet of elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, rhinoceros, and varieties of large antelopes. Having examined the village, I ordered my people to unload the animals in the forest about a quarter of a mile from the entrance. The soil was extremely rich, and the ground being shaded from the scorching rays of the sun by the large trees, there was abundance of fine grass, which accounted for the presence of the game : good pasturage, extensive forests, and a plen- tiful supply of water insuring the supply of wild animals. In a few minutes my horses and donkeys were luxuriating on the rich herbage, not having tasted grass for some days ; the camels revelled in the foliage of the dark green mimosas ; and the men, having found on the march a buffalo that had been caught in a trap and there killed by a lion, obtained some meat, and the whole party was feeding. We had formed a kind of arbour by hacking out with a sabre a delightful shady nook in the midst of a dense mass of creepers, and there we feasted uj)on a couple of roast fowls that we had procured from the natives for glass beads. This was the first meat we had tasted since we had quitted Gondokoro. At 5.10 P.M. we left this delightful spot, and marched. Emerging from the forest we broke upon a beautiful plain of fine low grass, bounded on our right hand hy jungle. This being the cool hour of 128 LATOOKA THIEVES. [chap. v. evening the plain was alive with game, including buffaloes, zebras, and many varieties of large antelopes. It was a most enlivening sight to see them scouring over the plain as we advanced ; but our large party, and three red flags streaming in the breeze, effectually prevented us from getting sufficiently near for a shot. I was sorely tempted to remain in this Elysium for a few days' shooting, but the importance of an advance was too great to permit of any thoughts of amusement ; thus, I could only indulge a sportsman's feelings by feasting my eyes upon the beautiful herds before me. At a quarter-past seven we bivouacked in thick jungle. In the middle of the night, the watch-fires still blazing, I was awoke by a great noise, and upon arrival at the spot I found a number of the Turks with firebrands, searching upon the ground, which was literaUy strewed with beads and copper bracelets. The Latooka porters had broken open the bags and baskets containing many hundred- weight of these objects, and loading themselves, had intended to desert with their stolen prize ; but the sentries having discovered them, they were seized by the soldiers. These fellows, the Latookas, had exhibited the folly of monkeys in so rashly breaking open the packages while the sentries were on guard. Several who had been caught in the act were now pinioned by the Turks, and were im- mediately condemned to be shot ; while others were held down upon the ground and well chastised with the coorbatch. I begged that the punishment of death might be commuted for a goocl flogging ; — at first I implored in vain, until I suggested, that if the porters were shot, there would be no one to carry their loads : — this practical argument saved them, and after receiving a severe tln:ashing, their arms were pinioned, and a guard set over them until the moruing. We marched at 5.25 on the following morning. For several hours the path led through thick jungle in Avhich we occasionally caught glimpses of antelopes. At length quitting the jungle we arrived at an open CHAP, v.] STALKING ANTELOPES. 129 marshy plain, upon which I discerned at a great distance a number of antelopes. Having nothing to eat I determined to stalk them, as I heard from the people that we were not far from our halting-place for the day. Accordingly I left Mrs. Baker with my horse and a spare rifle to wait, while the party marched straight on ; I intended to make a circuit through the jungle and to wait for the entrance of the herd, which she was to drive, by simply riding through the plain and leading my horse ; she was to bring the horse to me should I fire a shot. After walking for about a mile in the jungle parallel with the plain, 1 saw the herd of about two hiindi'ed Tetel going at full gallop from the open ground into the jungle, having been alarmed by the Turks and the red flags, who had crossed over the marsh. So shy were these antelopes that there was no possibility of stalking them. I noticed however that there were several waterbucks in the very centre of the marsh, and that two or three trees afforded the possibility of a stalk. Having the wind all right, 1 succeeded in getting to a tree within about two hundred and fifty yards of the largest buck, and lying do^\^i in a dry trench that in the wet season formed a brook, 1 crept along the bottom until I reached a tall tuft of grass that was to be my last point of cover. Just as I raised myself slowly from the trench I found the buck watching me most attentively. A steady shot with my little No. 24 rifle took no effect — it was too high : — the buck did not even notice the shot, which w^as I suppose the first he had ever heard ; — he was standing exactly facing me ; this is at all times an unpleasant position for a shot. Seeing that he did not seem disposed to move, I re-loaded without firing my left-hand barrel. I now allowed for the high range of the last shot ; a moment after the report he sprang into the air, then fell upon his knees and galloped off on three legs ; — one of the fore -legs being broken. I had heard the sharp sound of the bullet, but the shot ./ TirNT. [niAP. V. was not very satisfactory. Turning to look for my horse I saw Mrs. Baker galloping over the plain to- wards me, leading Filfil, while Eicharn ran behind at his best speed. Upon her arrival I mounted Filfil, who was a fast horse, and with my little No. 24 rifle in my hand I rode slowly towards the wounded waterbuck, who was now standing watching us at about a quarter of a mile distant. However, before I had decreased my distance by a hundred yards he started off in full gallop. Putting Filfil into a canter I increased the pace until I found that I must press him at full speed, as the waterbuck, although on only three legs, had the best of it. The ground was rough, having been marshy and trodden into ruts by the game, but now dried by the sun ; — bad for both horse and antelope, but espe- cially for the former : however, after a race of about a mile I found myself gaining so rapidly that in a few moments I was riding on his left flank within three yards of him, and holding the rifle with one hand like a pistol I shot him dead through the shoulder. This little double rifle is an exceedingly handy weapon ; — it was made for me about nine years ago by Thomas Fletcher, gunmaker of Gloucester, and is of most per- fect workmanship. I have shot with it most kinds of large game ; although the bore is so small as No. 24, I have bagged with it rhinoceros, hippopotamus, lions, buffaloes, and all the heavy game except elephants and giraffes ; upon the latter I have never happened to try it. Weighing only eight pounds and three- quarters it is most convenient to carry on horseback, and although I have had frequent accidents through my horse falling in full gallop, the stock is perfectly sound to this day. The best proof of thorough honest work- manship is, that in many years of hard work it has never been out of order, nor has it ever been in a gun- maker^s hands. The operation of cutting the waterbuck into four quarters, and then stringing them on to a strip of its CHAT, v.] THE TURKS' S J LITE. 131 own hide, was quickly performed, and with Eicharn's assistance I slung it across my saddle, and led my horse, thus heavily laden, towards the path. . . After some difficulty in crossing muddy hollows and gullies in the otherwise dried marsh, we at length succeeded in finding the tracks of the party that had gone on ahead. AVe had been steering from Ellyria due east towards the high peak of " Gebel Lafeet,'' that rose exactly above one of the principal to\Aais of Latooka. With this fine beacon now apparently just before us, we had no difficulty in finding our way. The country was now more open, and the ground sandy and interspersed with the hegleek trees, which gave it the appearance of a v^ast orchard of large pear trees. The hegleek is peculiarly rich in potash ; so much so that the ashes of the burnt wood will blister the tongue. It bears a fruit about the size and shape of a date ; — this is very sweet and aromatic in flavour, and is also so rich in potash that it is used as a substitute for soap. After an hour s walk always on the tracks of the party, we saw a large Latooka town in the distance, and upon a nearer approach discovered crowds of people collected under two enormous trees. Presently guns fired, the drums beat, and as we drew nearer we perceived the Turkish flags leading a crowd of about a hundred men, who approached us with the usual salutes, every man firing off ball cartridge as fast as he could reload. My men were already with this lot of raga- muffins, and this was the ivory or slave trading party that they had conspired to join. They were marching towards me to honour me with a salute, which, upon close approach, ended by their holding their guns muzzle downwards, and firing them almost into my feet. I at once saw through their object in giving me this reception ; — they had already heard from the other party exaggerated accounts of presents that their leader had received, and they were jealous at the fact of my having established confidence with a party opposed to them. The vakeel of Chenooda was the man who 132 MJHOMMEl) IIEB. [chap. V, had from the first instigated my men to revolt and to join his party, and he at that moment had two of my deserters with him that had mutinied and joined him at Gondokoro. It had been agreed that the re- mainder of my men were to mutiny at this spot and to join him with my arms and ammunition. This was to be the stage for the outbreak. The apparent welcome was only to throw me off my guard. I was coldly polite, and begging them not to waste their powder, I went to the large tree that threw a beautiful shade, and we sat down, surrounded, by a crowd of both natives and trader's people. Mahommed Her sent me immediately a fat ox for my people : not to be under any obligation I immediately gave him a double-barrelled gun. The ox was slaughtered, and the people preferring beef to antelope venison, 1 gave the flesh of the waterbuck to the Latooka porters be- longing to Ibrahim's party. Thus all teeth Avere busy. Ibrahim and his men occupied the shade of another enormous tree at about a hundred 'and fifty yards' distance. The town was La to me, one of the principal places in the Latooka country, and was strongly palisaded, like the town of Wakkala. I did not go through the entrance, but contented myself with resting under my tree and writing up the journal from my note-book. Before we had been there many hours the two parties of Ibrahim and Mahommed Her were engaged in a hot contention. Mahommed Her declared that no one had a right of way tln:ough that country, which be- longed to him according to the customs of the White Nile trade ; that he would not permit the party of Ibrahim to proceed, and that, should they persist in their march, he would resist them by force. Words grew high ;— Ibrahim was not afraid of force, as he had a hundred and forty men against Mahommed Her's hundred and five ; — insults and abuse were liberally exchanged, w^hile the natives thronged around, enjoy- ing the fun, until at last Mahommed Hers temper CHAP, v.] THE LATOOKA MUTIXY'. 133 becoming outrageous, he was seized by the throat by Sulieman, a powerful choush or sergeant of Ibrahim's party, and hurled away from the select society who claimed the ricrht of road. Great confusion arose, and both parties prepared for a fight, which after the usual bluster died away to nothing. However, I noticed that my men most unmistakeably took the part of Mahommed Her against Ibrahim ; they belonging to his tribe. The evening arrived, and my vakeel, with his usual cunning, came to ask me " whether I intended to start to-morrow ? " He said there was excellent shooting in this neighbourhood, and that Ibrahim's camp not being more than five hours' march beyond, I could at any time join him, should I think proper. Many of my men were sullenly listening to my reply, which was, that we should start in company with Ibrahim. The men immediately turned their backs, and swaggered insolently to the town, muttering something that I could not distinctly understand. I gave orders directly, that no man should sleep in the toTO, but that all should be at their posts by the luggage under the tree that I occupied. At night several men were absent, and were with difficulty brought from the town by the vakeel. The whole of the night was passed by the rival parties quarrelling and fighting. At 5.30 on the following morning the drum of Ibrahim's party beat the call, and his men with great alacrity got their porters together and prepared to march. My vakeel Av^as not to be found ; my men were lying idly in the positions where they had slept ; and not a man obeyed when I gave the order to prepare to start — except Eicharn and Sali. I saw that the moment had ar- rived. Again I gave the order to the men, to get up and load the animals ; . . . not a man would move, except three or four who slowly rose from the ground, and stood resting on then- guns. In the meantime Richarn and Sali were bringing the camels and making it them kneel by the luggage. The boy Saat was evi- 134 SETTLE THE liiNGLEADER. [chap. V deutly expecting a row, and altliougli engaged with the black women in packing, he kept his eyes constantly upon me. I now observed that Bellaal was standing very near me on my right, in advance of the men who had risen from the ground, and employed himself in eyeing me from head to foot with the most determined insolence. The fellow had his gun in his hand, and he was tele- graphing by looks with those who were standing near him, while not one of the others rose from the ground, ail hough close to me. Pretending not to notice Bellaal, Avho was now as I had expected once more the ring- leader, for the third time I ordered the men to rise immediately, and to load the camels. Not a man moved, but the fellow Bellaal marched up to me, and looking me straight in the face dashed the butt-end of his gun in defiance on the ground, and led the mutiny. ^' Not a man shall go with you ! — go w^here you like " with Ibrahim but we won't follow you, nor move a " step farther. The men shall not load the camels ; " you may employ the ' niggers' to do it, but not us." I looked at this mutinous rascal for a moment ; this was the burst of the conspiracy, and the threats and insolence that I had been forced to pass over for the sake of the expedition all rushed before me. " Lay dow^n your gun \" I thundered, and load the camels ! " "I won't" — was his reply. Then stop here !" I answered ; at the same time lashing out as quick as lightning with my right hand upon his jaw. He rolled over in a heap, his gun flying some yards from his hand ; and the late ringleader lay appa- rently insensible among the luggage, while several of his friends ran to him, and did the good Samaritan. Following up on the moment the advantage I had gained by establishing a panic, I seized my rifle and rushed into the midst of the wavering men, catching first one by the throat, and then another, and dragging them to the camels, which I insisted upon their CHAP, v.] SWF THE MUTINY. 135 diately loading. All except three, who attended to the ruined ringleader, mechanically obeyed. Kicharn and Sali both shouted to them to " hurry" ; and the vakeel arri\dng at this moment and seeing how matters stood, himself assisted, and urged the men to obey. Ibrahim's party had started. The animals were soon loaded, and lea\dng the vakeel to take them in charge, we cantered on to overtake Ibrahim, having crushed the mutiny, and given such an example, that in the event of future conspiracies my men would find it difficult to obtain a ringleader. So ended the famous conspiracy that had been reported to me by both Saat and Eicharn before we left Gondokoro ; — and so much for the threat of "firing simultaneously at me and deserting my wife in the jungle.'' In those savage countries success frequently depends upon one par- ticular moment ; you may lose or win according to your action at that critical instant. We congratulated ourselves upon the termination of this affair, which I trusted would be the last of the mutinies. The country was now lovely ; we were at the base of the mountain Lafeet," which rose abruptly on our left to the height of about 3,000 feet, the highest peak of the eastern chain that formed the broad valley of Latooka. The course of the valley w^as from S.E. to N.W ; about forty miles long by eighteen miles wide ; the flat bottom was diversified by woods, thick jungles, open plains, and the everpresent hegleek trees, which in some places gave the appearance of forest. The south side of the valley w^as bounded by a high range of mountains, rising to six or seven thousand feet above the general level of Latooka, while the extreme end was almost blocked by a noble but isolated mountain of about 5,000 feet. Our path being at the foot of the Lafeet chain, the ground was sandy but firm, being composed of disin- tegrated portions of the granite rocks that had washed down from the mountains, and Ave rode quickly along a natural road, equal to the l)est liighway in England. 136 SAVE A FUGITIVE. [chap. v. AVe soon overtook Ibraliiin and liis party, and re- counted the affair of mutiny. The long string of porters now closed together as we were approaching a rebel town of Latooka that was hostile to both Turks and others. Suddenly one of the native porters threw down his load and bolted over the open ground towards the village at full speed. The fellow bounded along like an antelope, and was immediately pursued by half-a-dozen Turks. " Shoot him ! shoot him ! knock him over ! " was shouted from the main body * and twenty guns were immediately pointed at the fugitive, who distanced his pursuers as a horse would outstrip an ox. To save the man I gave chase on *'Filfil," putting myself in the line between him and the guns, to prevent them from firing. After a short course I overtook him, but he still continued running, and upon my closing with him he threw his spear on the ground, but still ran. Not being able to speak his language I made signs that he should hold the mane of my horse, and that no one should hurt him. He at once clutched with both hands the horse's mane, and pushed himself almost undei^ my knee in his eftbrts to keep close to me for protection. The Turks arrived breathless, and the native appeared as terrified as a hare at the moment it is seized by the greyhound. " Shoot him ! " they one and all shouted. " Well done, ' Hawaga ' ! (Sir) you caught him beautifully ! We never could have caught him without your horse. Pull him out ! we'll shoot him as an example to the others ! " I explained that he was my man, and belonged to me as I had caught him, therefore I could not allow him to be shot. " Then we'll give him 500 with the coorbatch 1 " they cried. Even this generous ofier I declined, and I insisted that he should accom- pany me direct to Ibrahim, into whose hands 1 should myself deliver him. Accordingly, still clutching to my horse's mane, the captive followed and was received ])y the main body on arrival with shouts of derision. CHAP, v.] DESKRTIOS OF Jl/JJ. 137 I told Ibrahim that he must forgive him this time, if he promised to carry his load to the end of the journey. He immediately picked up his heavy burden as though it were a feather, and balancing it on his head, stepped along in the line of porters as though nothing had occurred. Trifling as this incident may appear, it was of much service to me, as it served as an introduction to both Turks and natives. I heard the former conversing together, praising the speed of the horse, and congra- tulating themselves on the impossibility of the porters escaping now that they had seen how quickly they could be overtaken. Another remarked, " Wall lUahi, I should not like to chase a nigger so closely while a lance was in his hand. I expected he would turn sharp round aud throw it through the Hawaga.'' Thus I was now looked upon by the Turks as an cdhj, and at the same time I was regarded by the Latookas as their friend for having saved their man ; and they grinned their approbation in the most unmistakeable manner as I rode past their line, shouting " Morrte, morrte, mattat ! " (welcome, welcome, chief ! ) On arriving at a large town, named Kattaga, we rested under the shade of an immense tamarind tree. There was no sign of my men and animals, and I began to tliiiik that something had gone wrong. For two hours we waited for their arrival. Ascendinor some rising ground, I at length • observed my caravan approaching in the distance, and every one of my men, except Eicharn, mounted upon my donkeys, although the poor animals were already carrying loads of 150 lbs. each. Upon observing me, the dismount was sudden and general. On their arrival I found that three of the men had deserted, including " Bel- laal," and had joined the party of Mahommed Her, taking with them my guns and ammunition. Two had previously joined that party ; thus five of my men were now engaged by those slave-hunters, and I little doubted that my remaining men would abscond likewise. 138 THE NATIVES OF LATOOKJ. [chap. V, On the arrival of my vakeel he told me, in face of the men, that so many had deserted, and that the others had refused to assist him in taking the guns from them ; thus my arms and ammunition had been forcibly stolen. I abused both the vakeel and the men most thoroughly, and as for the mutineers who have joined the slave-hunters, "Inshallah, the vultures shall pick their bones ! " This charitable wish — which, I believe, I expressed with intense hatred — was never forgotten either by }ny own men or by the Turks. Believing firmly in the evil eye, their superstitious fears were immediately excited. Continuing the march along the same style of country we shortly came in view of Tarrangolle, the chief town of Latooka, at which point was the station of Ibrahim. We had marched thirteen miles from Latome, the station of Mahommed Her, at which place my men had deserted, and we were now 101 miles from Grondokoro by dead reckoning. There were some superb trees situated close to the town, under which we camped until the natives could prepare a hut for our reception. Crowds of people now surrounded us, amazed at the two great objects of interest — the camels, and a white woman. They did not think me very peculiar, as T was nearly as brown as an Arab. The Latookas are the finest savages I have ever seen. I measured a number of them as they happened to enter my tent, and allowing two inches for the thickness of their felt helmets, the average height was 5 ft. 11-^ ins. Not only are they tall, but they possess a wonderful muscular development, having beautifully proportioned legs and arms ; and although extremely powerful, they are never fleshy or corpulent. The formation of head and general physiognomy is totally different from all other tribes that I have met with- in the neighbourhood of the White Nile. They have Idgh foreheads, large eyes, rather high cheek-bones, CHAP, v.] THi: RIVER CHOL, OR SOBAT. mouths not very large, well-shaped, and the lips rather full. They all have a remarkably pleasing cast of countenance, and are a great contrast to the other tribes in civility of manner. Altogether their appearance denotes a Galla origin, and it is most probable that, at some former period, an invasion by the Gallas of this country originated the settlement of the Latookas. LATOOKA BLACKSMITHS. One of the principal channels, if not the main stream of the river Sobat, is only four days' march or fifty miles east of Latooka, and is known to the natives as the Choi. The east bank of that stream is occupied by the Gallas, who have frequently invaded the Latooka country. There is an interesting circum- stance connected with these invasions, that the Gallas !4() ORIGIN OF THE LATOOKAS. [chap. v. were invariably mounteel upon mules. Neither horse, camel, nor other beast of burden is known to any of the White Nile tribes, therefore the existence of mules on the east bank of the Choi is a distinguishing feature. Both Abyssinia and the Galla being renowned for a fine breed of mules affords good circumstantial evidence that the Akkara tribe of the Choi are true Gallas, and that the Latookas may be derived from a similar origin by settlements after conquest. The great chief of the Latookas, " Moy," assured me that his people could not withstand the cavalry of the Akkara, although they were superior to all other tribes on foot. I have heard the traders of Khartoum pretend that they can distinguish the tribes of the AVhite Nile by their individual type. I must confess my inability on this point. In vain I have attempted to trace an actual difference. To me the only distinguishing mark between the tribes bordering the White Eiver is a peculiarity in either dressing the hair, or in ornament. The difference of general appearance caused by a variety of hairdressing is most perplexing, and is apt to mislead a traveller who is only a superficial observer ; but from the commencement of the negro tribes in N. lat. 12° to Ellyria in lat. 4° 30' I have found no specific difference in the people. The actual change takes place suddenly on arrival in Latooka, and this is accounted for by an admixture with the Gallas. The Latookas are a fine, frank, and warlike race. Far from being the morose set of savages that I had hitherto seen, they were excessively merry, and always ready for either a laugh or a fight. The town of Tarrangoll6 contained about three thousand houses, and was not only surrounded by iron- wood palisades, but every house was individually fortified by a little stockaded courtyard. The cattle were kept in large kraals in various parts of the town, and were most carefully attended to, fires being lit every night to ciiAr. v.] NATIVE AliCHITECTURE. 141 protect them from flies ; and high phitforms, in three tiers, were erected in many pkces, upon which sentinels watched both day and night to give the aL^rm in case of danger. The cattle are the wealth of the country, and so rich are the Latookas in oxen, that ten or twelve thousand head are housed in every large town ; thus the natives are ever on the watch, fearing the attacks of the adjacent tribes. The houses of the Latookas are generally bell-shaped, while others are precisely like huge candle-extin- guishers, about twenty-five feet high. The roofs are neatly thatched^ at an angle of about 75°, resting upon a circular wall about four feet high ; thus the roof forms a cap descending to within two feet and a half of the ground. The doorway is only two feet and two inches high, thus an entrance must be effected upon all-fours. The interior is remarkably clean, but dark, as the architects have no idea of windows. It is a curious fact that the circular form of hut is the only style of architecture adopted among all the tribes of Central Africa, aud also among the xirabs of Upper Eg}^3t ; and that, although these differ more or less in the form of the roof, no tribe has ever yet sufliciently advanced to construct a window. The town of Tarrangolle is arranged with several entrances, in the shape of low archways through the palisades ; these are closed at night by large branches of the hooked thorn of the kittur ljush (a species of mimosa). The main street is broad, but all others are studiously arranged to admit of only one cow, in single file, between high stockades ; thus, in the event of an attack, these narrow passages could be easily defended, and it would be impossible to drive off their vast herds of cattle unless by the main street. The large cattle kraals are accordingly arranged in various quarters in connexion with the great road, and the entrance of each kraal is a small archway in the strong iron-wood fence sufficiently wide to admit one ox at a time. Suspended from the arch is a bell, 142 EXHUMATION OF THE DEAD. [chap. v. formed of the si) ell of the Dolape palm-nut, against which every animal must strike either its horns or back, on entrance. Every tinkle of the bell announces the passage of an ox into the kraal, and they are thus counted every evening when brought home from pasture. I had noticed, during the march from Lntome, that the \dciuity of every town was announced by heaps of human remains. Bones and skulls formed a Golgotha within a quarter of a mile of every village. Some of these w^ere in earthenware pots, generally broken ; others lay strewn here and there ; while a heap in the centre showed that some form had originally been observed in their disposition. This was explained by an extraordinary custom most rigidly observed by the Latookas. Should a man be killed in battle the body is allowed to remain where it fell, and is devoured by the vultures and hyenas ; but should he die a natural death, he or she is buried in a shallow grave within a few feet of his own door, in the little courtyard that surrounds each dwelling. Funeral dances are then kept up in memory of the dead for several weeks ; at the expiration' of which time, the body being suffi- ciently decomposed, is exhumed. The bones are cleaned, and are deposited in an earthenware jar, and carried to a spot near the town which is regarded as the cemetery. I observed that they were not particular in regarding the spot as sacred, as signs of nuisances were present even upon the bones, that in civilized countries would have been regarded as an insult. There is little difficulty in describing the toilette of the natives — that of the men being simplified by the sole covering of the head, the body being entirely nude. It is curious to observe among these wild savages the consummate vanity displayed in their head-dresses. Every tribe has a distinct and unchanging fashion for dressing the hair ; and so elaborate is the coiffure that hair-dressing is reduced to a science. European CHAP, v.] lUTR mUIETS OF LATOOKJ, 143 ladies would be startled at the fact, that to perfect the coiffure of a man requires a period of from eight to ten years ! However tedious the operation, the result is extraordinary. The Latookas wear most exquisite helmets, all of which are formed of their own hair ; and are, of course, fixtures. At first sight it appears incredible, but a minute examination shows the won- derful perseverance of years in producing what must be highly inconvenient. The thick, crisp wool is woven with fine twine, formed from the bark of a tree, until it presents a thick net-work of felt. As the hair grows through this matted substance it is subjected to the same process, until, in the course of years, a compact substance is formed like a strong felt, about an inch and a half thick, that has been trained into the shape of a helmet. A strong rim, of about two inches deep, is formed by sewing it together with thread ; and the front part of the helmet is protected by a piece of polished copper ; while a piece of the same metal, shaped like the half of a bishop's mitre and about a foot in length, forms the crest. The framework of the helmet being at length completed, it must be perfected by an arrange- ment of beads, should the owner of the head be suffi- ciently rich to indulge in the coveted distinction. The beads most in fashion are the red and the blue porcelain, about the size of small peas. These are sewn on the surface of the felt, and so beautifully arranged in sections of blue and red that the entire helmet appears to be formed of beads ; and the hand- some crest of polished copper, surmounted by ostrich- plumes, gives a most dignified and martial appear- ance to this elaborate head-dress. No helmet is sup- posed to be complete without a row of cowrie-shells stitched around the rim so as to form a solid edge. The Latookas have neither bows nor arrows, their weapons consisting of the lance, a powerful iron-headed mace, a long-bladed knife or sword, and an ugly iron bracelet, armed with knife-blades about four inches 144 FiaUTfNG BRACELETS. [chap. y. long by half an inch broad : the latter is usepearance of the original form." 170 FAILURE OF THE RELIGIOUS ARGUMENT, [chap. vi. Commoro. — Exactly so; that I understand. But the original grain does not rise again ; it rots like the dead man, and is ended ; the fruit produced is not the same grain that we buried, but the 2^'i^ochiction of that grain : so it is with man, — I die, and decay, and am ended ; but my children grow up like the fruit of the grain. Some men have no children, and some grains perish without fruit ; then all are ended." I was obliged to change the subject of conversation. In this wild naked savage there was not even a super- stition upon which to found a religious feeling ; there was a belief in matter; and to his understanding everything was material. It was extraordinary to find so much clearness of perception combined with such complete obtuseness to anything ideal. Giving up the religious argument as a failure, I resolved upon more practical inquiries. The Turks had only arrived in the Latooka country in the preceding year. They had not introduced the cowrie shell ; but I observed that every helmet was ornamented with this species ; it therefore occurred to me that they must find their way into the country from Zanzibar. In reply to my inquiries, Commoro pointed to the south, from which he said they arrived in his country, but he had no idea from whence they came. The direction was sufticient to prove that they must be sent from the east coast, as Speke and Grant had followed the Zanzibar traders as far as Karagwe, the 2° S. lat. Commoro could not possibly understand my object in visiting the Latooka country ; it was in vain that I attempted to explain the intention of my journey. He said, Suppose you get to the great lake, what will you do with it ? What will be the good of it ? If you find that the large river does flow from it, Avhat then ? AYhat's the good of it V I could only assure him, that in England we had an intimate knowledge of the whole world, except the CHAP. VI.] THE CAMEL POISONED. 171 interior of Africa, and that our object in exploring was to benefit the hitherto unknown countries by instituting legitimate trade, and introducing manu- factures from England in exchange for ivory and other productions. He replied that the Turks would never trade fairly ; that they were extremely bad people, and that they would not purchase ivory in any other way than by bartering cattle, which they stole from one tribe to sell to another. Our conversation was suddenly terminated by one of my men running in to the tent with the bad news that one of the camels had dropped down and was dying. The report was too true. He was poisoned by a well-known plant that he had been caught in the act of eating. In a few hours he died. There is no more stupid animal than the camel. Nature has im- planted in most animals an instinctive knowledge of the plants suitable for food, and they generally avoid those that are poisonous : but the camel will eat indis- criminately anything that is green ; and if in a coun- try where the plant exists that is well known by the Arabs as the "camel poison,^' watchers must always accompany the animals while gTazing. The most fatal plant is a creeper, very succulent, and so beautifully green that its dense foliage is most attractive to the stupid victim. The stomach of the camel is very subject to inflammation, which is rapidly fatal. I have frequently seen them, after several days of sharp desert marching, arrive in good pasture, and die, within a few hours, of inflammation caused by repletion. It is extraordinary how they can exist upon the driest and apparently most un-nutritious food. When other animals are starving, the camel manages to pick up a subsistence, eating the ends of barren, leafless twigs, the dried sticks of certain shrubs, and the tough dry paper-like substance of the dome palm, al:>out as succulent a breakfast as would be a green umbrella and a Times newspaper. With intense greediness the camel, altliough a hermit in simplicity of fare in hard 172 HABITS OF THE CAMEL. [chap. VI. times, feeds voraciously when in abundant pasture, always seeking the greenest shrubs. The poison-bush becomes a fatal bait. The camel is by no means well understood in Europe. Far from being the docile and patient animal generally described, it is quite the reverse, and the males are frequently dangerous. They are exceedingly perverse ; and are, as before described, excessively stupid. For the great deserts they are wonderfully adapted, and without them it would be impossible to cross certain tracts of country for want of water. Exaggerated accounts have been written respecting the length of time that a camel can travel without drinking. The period that the animal can subsist without suffering from thirst depends entirely upon the season and the quality of food. Precisely as in Europe sheep require but little water when fed upon turnips, so does the camel exist almost without drink- ing during the rainy season when pastured upon succu- lent and de^y herbage. During the hottest season, w^hen green herbage ceases to exist in the countries inhabited by camels, they are led to water every alter- nate day, thus they are supposed to drink once in forty-eight hours ; but when upon the march across deserts, where no water exists, they are expected to carry a load of from five to six hundred pounds, and to march twenty-five miles per day, for three days, without drinking, but to be watered on the fourth day. Thus a camel should drink the evening before the start, and he will carry his load one hundred miles without the necessity of drinking ; not, however, with- out suffering from thirst. On the third day's march, during the hot simoom, the camel should drink if possible ; but he can endure the fourth day. This peculiarity of constitution enables the camel to overcome obstacles of nature that would otherwise be insurmountable. Not only can he travel over the scorching sand of the withering deserts, but he never seeks the shade. When released from his burden he CHAP. VI.] THE HYGEEN, OR RTDINO DROMEDARY. 173 kneels by his load in the burning sand, and luxuriates in the glare of a sun that drives all other beasts to shelter. The peculiar spongy formation of the foot renders the camel exceedingly sure, although it is usual to believe that it is only adapted for flat, sandy plains. I have travelled over mountains so preci- pitous that no domestic animal but the camel could have accomplished the task with a load. This capa- bility is not shared generally by the race, but by a breed belonging to the Hadendowa Arabs, between the Eed Sea and Taka. There is quite as great a variety in the breeds of camels as of horses. Those most esteemed in the Soodan are the Bishareen ; they are not so large as others, but are exceedingly strong and enduring. The average value of a baggage camel among the Soodan Arabs is fifteen dollars, but a good " liygeen," or riding dromedary, is worth from fifty to a hundred and fifty dollars, according to his capabilities. A thoroughly good hygeen is supposed to travel fifty miles a day, and to continue this pace for five days, carrying only his rider and a small water skin or girba . His action should be so easy that his long ambling trot should produce that peculiar movement adopted by a nurse when hushing a child to sleep upon her knee. This movement is delightful, and the quick elastic step of a first-class animal imparts an invigorat- ing spirit to the rider, and were it not for the intensity of the sun, he would willingly ride for ever. The difference of action and of comfort to the rider between a common camel and a high class hygeen, is equal to that between a thoroughbred and a heavy dray horse. However, with all the good qualities of a " Bisha- reen," my best camel was dead. This was a sad loss. So long as my animals were well I felt independent, and the death of this camel was equal to minus five cwt. of luggage. My men were so idle that they paid no attention to the animals, and the watcher who had been appointed to look after the four camels had 1)1 HTY DONKEYS. [chap. VI. amused himself l)y going to the Latooka (hinee. Thus was the loss of my best animal occasioned. So well had all my saddles and pads been arranged at Khartoum, that although we had marched seven days with exceedingly heavy loads, not one of the animals had a sore back. The donkeys were exceed- ingly fresh, but they had acquired a most disgusting habit. The Latookas are remarkably clean in their towns, and nothing unclean is permitted ivithin the stockade or fence. Thus the outside, especially the neighbourhood of the various entrances, was excessively filthy, and my donkeys actually fattened as scavengers, like pigs. I remembered that my unfortunate German Johann Schmidt had formerly told me that he was at one time shooting in the Base country, where the grass had been burnt, and not a blade of vegetation was procurable. He had abundance of sport, and he fed his donkey upon the flesh of antelopes, which he ate with avidity, and throve exceedingly. It is a curious fact that donkeys should under certain circum- stances become omnivorous, while horses remain clean feeders. CHAPTEK VII. LATOOKA. The country in the immediate neiglibonrliood of Latooka was parched, as there had been no rain for some time. The latitude was 4^.35', longitude E. 32°. 55' ; the rains had commenced in February on the moun- tains on the south side of the valley, about eighteen miles distant. Every day there was an appearance of a storm ; the dark clouds gathered ominously around the peak of the Gebel Lafeet above the town, but they were invariably attracted by the higher range on the opposite and south side of the valley, where they daily expended themselves at about 3 P. M. On that side of the valley the mountains rose to about 6,000 feet, and formed a beautiful object seen from my camp. It was most interesting to observe the embryo storms travel from TarrangoUe in a circle, and ultimately crown the higher range before us, while the thunder roared and echoed from rock to rock across the plain. The Latookas assured me that at the foot of those mountains there were elephants and giraffes in abun- dance; accordingly, I determined to make a recon- naissance of the countr}'. On the following morning I started on horseback, with two of my people mounted, and a native guide, and rode through the beautiful valley of Latooka to the foot of the range. The first five or six miles were 170 HERDS OF THE LATOOKAS AND GAME. [ciiAr. vii. entirely de-pastiired by the enormous herds of the Latookas who were driven to that distance from the towns daily, all the country in the immediate vicinity being dried up. The valley was extremely fertile, but totally unoccupied and in a state of nature, being a wilderness of open plains, jungles, patches of forest and gullies, that although dry evidently formed swamps during the wet season. When about eight miles from the town we came upon tracks of the smaller antelopes, which, although the weakest, are the most daring in approaching the habitations of man. A few miles farther on, we saw buffaloes and hartebeest, and shortly came upon tracks of giraffes. Just at this moment the inky clouds that as usual had gathered over Tarrangolle came circling around us, and presently formed so dense a canopy that the darkness was like a partial eclipse. The thunder warned us with tremendous explosions just above us, while the lightning flashed almost at our feet with blinding vividness. A cold wind suddenly rushed through the hitherto calm air ; this is the certain precursor of rain in hot climates, the heavier cold air of the rain-cloud falling into the stratum of warmer and lighter atmosphere below. It did rain ; — in such torrents as only the inhabitants of tropical countries can understand. " Cover up the gunlocks ! — and the pieces of macintosh for that purpose were immediately secured in their places. Well, let it rain ! — it is rather pleasant to be wet through in a country where the thermometer is seldom below 92° Fahr., especially when there is no doubt of getting wet through ; — not like the wretched drizzling rain of England, that chills you with the fear that perhaps your great-coat is not water- proof, but a regular douche bath that would beat in the crown of a cheap hat. How delightful to be really cool in the centre of Africa ! I was charmingly wet — the water was running out of the heels of my shoes, which were overflowing; the wind howled over the flood that was pouring through the hitherto dry gullies, and in the course of ten minutes the whole scene had CHAP. VII.] 177 clianged. It was no longer the tropics ; the climate was that of old England restored to me : the chilled air refreshed me, and I felt at home again. " How de- lightful ! " I exclaimed, as I turned round to see how my followers were enjoying it. Dear me ! I hardly knew my own people. Of all the miserable individuals I ever saw, they were superlative — they were not enjoying the change of climate in the least ; — with heads tucked do TO and streams of water running from their nasal extremities, they endeavoured to avoid the storm. Perfectly thoughtless of all but self in the extremity of their misery, they had neglected the precaution of lowering the muzzles of their guns, and my beautiful No. 10 rifles were full of water. " Charming day ! I exclaimed to my soaked and shivering followers, who looked like kittens in a pond. They muttered some- thing that might be interpreted What's fun to you is death to us.'' I comforted them with the assurance that this was an English climate on a midsummer day. If my clothed Arabs suffered from cold, where was my naked guide? He was the most pitiable object I ever saw; with teeth chattering and knees knocking together with cold, he crouched under the imaginary shelter of a large tamarind tree ; he was no longer the clean black that had started as my guide, but the cold and wet had turned him grey, and being thin, he looked like an exaggerated slate-pencil. Not wishing to discourage my men, I unselfishly turned back just as I was beginning to enjoy myself, and my people regarded me as we do the Polar bear at the Zoological Gardens, who begins to feel happy on the worst day in our English \\inter. We returned home by a different route, not being able to find the path in the trackless state of the country during the storm. There were in some places unmistakeable evidences of the presence of elephants, and I resolved to visit the spot again. I returned to the tent at 4 p.m. satisfied that sport was to be had. On my arrival at camp I found the natives very 178 NATIVE BLACKSMITHS. [CHAr. VII. excited at the appearance of rain, wliich tliey firmly believed had been called specially by tlieir chief. All were busy preparing their molotes (iron hoes), fitting new handles, and getting everything ready for the periodical sowing of their crop. The handles of the molotes are extremely long, from seven to ten feet, and the instrument being shaped like a miner s spade (heart-shaped), is used like a Dutch hoe, and is an efiective tool in gTound that has been cleared, but is very unfitted for preparing fresh soil. Iron ore of good quality exists on the surface throughout this country. The Latookas, like the Baris, are excellent blacksmiths, producing a result that would astonish an English workman, considering the rough nature of their tools, which are confined to a hammer, anvil, and tongs; -the latter formed of a cleft-stick of green wood, while the two former are stones of various sizes. Their bellows consist of two pots about a foot deep ; from the bottom of each is an earthenware pipe about two feet long, the points of which are inserted in a charcoal fire. The mouths of the pots are covered with very pliable leather, loose and well greased; in the centre of each leather covering is an upright stick about four feet long, and the bellows- blower works these rapidly with a perpendicular motion, thus producing a strong blast. The natives are exceedingly particular in the shape of their molotes, and invariably prove them by balancing them on their heads and ringing them by a blow with the finger. The Latookas being much engaged in preparing for cultivation, I had some difficulty in arranging a hunting party ; my men abhorred the idea of elephant hunting, or of anything else that required hard work and in- cluded danger. However, I succeeded in engaging Adda, the third chief of Latooka, and several natives, to act as my guides, and I made my arrangements for a stated day. On the 17th of April I started at 5 a.m. with , my three horses and two camels, the latter carrying water CHAP. VII.] ILEFHANTS. 179 and food. After a marcli of two or three hours through the beautiful hunting-grounds formed by the valley of Latooka, with its alternate prairies and jungles, I came upon the tracks of rhinoceros, giraffes, and elephants, and shortly moved a rhinoceros, but could get no shot, owing to the thick bush in Avhich he started and dis- appeared quicker than I could dismount. After a short circuit in search of the rhinoceros, we came upon a large herd of buffaloes, but at the same moment we heard elephants trumpeting at the foot of the mountains. Not wishing to fire, lest the great game should be disturbed, I contented myself with riding after the buffaloes, wonderfully followed on foot by Adda, who ran like a deer, and almost kept up with my horse, hurling his three lances successively at the buffaloes, but without success. I had left the camels in an open plain, and returning from the gallop after the buffaloes, I saw the men on the camels beckoning to me in great excitement. Cantering towards them, they explained that a herd of bull elephants had just crossed an open space, and had passed into the jungle beyond. There was e^ddently abundance of game ; and calling my men together, I told therp. to keep close to me with the spare horses and rifles, while I sent the Latookas ahead to look out for the elephants : we followed at a short distance. In about ten minutes we saw the Latookas hurrjdng towards us, and almost immediately after, I saw two enormous bull elephants with splendid tusks about a hundred yards from us, apparently the leaders of an approaching herd. The gTOund was exceedingly favour- able, being tolerably open, and yet with sufiicient bush to afford a slight cover. Presently, several elephants appeared and joined the two leaders — there was evi- dently a considerable number in the herd, and I was on the point of dismounting to take the first shot on foot, when the Latookas, too eager, approached the herd; their red and blue helmets at once attracted the attention of the elephants, and a tremendous rush N 2 180 ELEPHANT HUNT. [chap. VII. took place, tlie whole herd closing together and tearing off at full speed. " Follow me !" I hallooed to my men, and touching my horse with the spur, I intended to dash into the midst of the herd. Just at that instant, in his start, my horse slipped and fell suddenly upon his side, falling upon my right leg and thus pinning me to the ground. He was not up to my weight, and releasing myself, I immediately mounted my old Abyssinian hunter, Tetel," and followed the tracks of the elephants at full speed, accompanied by two of the Latookas, who ran like hounds. Galloping through the green but thornless bush, I soon came in sight of a grand bull elephant, steaming along like a locomotive engine straight before me. Digging in the spurs, I was soon within twenty yards of him ; but the ground was so unfavourable, being full of buffalo holes, that I could not pass him. In about a quarter of an hour, after a careful chase over deep ruts and gullies con- cealed in high grass, I arrived at a level space, and shooting ahead, I gave him a shoulder shot with the Eeilly No. 10 rifle. I saw the wound in a good place, but the bull rushed along all the quicker, and again w^e came into bad ground that made it unwise to close. However, on the first opportunity I made a dash by him, and fired my left-hand barrel at full gallop. He slackened his speed, but I could not halt to reload, lest I should lose sight of him in the high grass and bush. Not a man was with me to hand a spare rifle. My cowardly fellows, although light-weights and well mounted, were nowhere ; the natives were outrun, as of course was Eicharn, who, not being a good rider, had preferred to hunt on foot. In vain I shouted for the men ; and I followed the elephant with an empty rifle for about ten minutes, until he suddenly turned round, and stood facing me in an open spot in grass about nine or ten feet high. " Tetel was a grand horse for elephants, not having the slightest fear, and standing fire like a rock, never even starting under CHAP. VII.] TETEL, MY OLD HUNTER. 181 the discharge of the heaviest charge of powder. I now commenced reloading, when presently one of my men, Yaseen, came up upon " Filhl." Taking a spare gun from him, I rode rapidly past the elephant, and suddenly reining up, I made a good shot exactly behind the bladebone. With a shrill scream the elephant charged do^^^l upon me like a steam-engine. In went the spurs. " Tetel knew his work, and away he went over the ruts and gullies, the high dry grass whistling in my ears as we shot along at full speed, closely followed by the enraged bull for about two hundred yards. The elephant then halted ; and turning the horse's head, I again faced him and reloaded. I thought he was dying, as he stood with trunk drooping, and ears closely pressed back upon his neck. Just at this moment I heard the rush of elephants advancing through the gTcen bush upon the rising ground above the hollow formed by the open space of high withered grass in which we were standing facing each other. My man Yaseen had bolted with his fleet horse at tlie first charge, and was not to be seen. Presently, the rushing sound increased, and the heads of a closely packed herd of about eighteen elephants showed above the low bushes, and they broke cover, bearing down directly upon me, both I and my horse being un- observed in the high grass. I never saw a more lovely sight ; they were all bulls with immense tusks. Waiting until they were within twenty yards of me I galloj^ed straight at them, giving a yell that tm^ned them. Away they rushed up the hill, but at so great a pace, that upon the rutty and broken ground I could not overtake them, and they completely distanced me. Tetel, al- though a wonderfully steady hunter, was an uncommonly slow horse, but upon this day he appeared to be slower than usual, and I was not at the time aware that he was seriously ill. By following three elephants sepa- rated from the herd I came up to them by a short cut, and singling out a fellow with enormous tusks, I rode 182 COWARDLY FOLLOIFERS. [chap. VII. straight at liim. Finding liimself overhauled, lie charged me with such quickness and followed me up so far, that it was with the greatest difficulty that I cleared him. When he turned, I at once returned to the attack; but he entered a thick thorny jungle through which no horse could follow, and I failed to obtain a shot. I was looking for a path through which I could penetrate the bush, when I suddenly heard natives shouting in the direction where I had left the w^ounded bull. Galloping towards the spot, I met a few scattered natives ; among others, Adda. After shouting for some time, at length Yaseen appeared upon my horse Filfil ; he had fled as usual when he saw the troop of elephants advancing, and no one knows how far he had ridden before he thought it safe to look behind him. With two mounted gun-bearers and five others on foot I had been entirely deserted through the cowardice of my men. The elephant that I had left as dying, was gone. One of the Latookas had followed upon his tracks, and we heard this fellow shouting in the distance. I soon overtook him, and he led rapidly upon the track through thick bushes and high grass. In about a quarter of an hour we came up with the elephant ; he was standing in bush, facing us at about fifty yards' distance, and immediately perceiving us, he gave a saucy jerk with his head, and charged most deter- minedly. It was exceedingly difficult to escape, owing to the bushes which impeded the horse, while the elephant crushed them like cobwebs : however, by turning my horse sharp round a tree, I managed to evade him after a chase of about a hundred and fifty yards. Disappearing in the jungle after his charge, I immediately followed him. The ground was hard, and so trodden by elephants that it was difficult to single out the track. There was no blood upon the ground, but only on the trees every now and then, where he had rubbed past them in his retreat. After nearly two hours passed in slowly following upon his path, CHAP. VII.] NEARLY CAUGHT. 183 we suddenly broke cover and saw liim triivelling very quietly through an extensive plain of high grass. The ground was gently inclining upwards on either side the plain, but the level was a mass of deep, hardened ruts, over which no horse could gallop. Knowing my friend's character, I rode up the rising ground to re- connoitre : I found it tolerably clear of holes, and far superior to the rutty bottom. My two mounted gun- bearers had now joined me, and far from enjoying the sport, they were almost green with fright, when I ordered them to keep close to me and to advance. I wanted them to attract the elephant's attention, so as to enable me to obtain a good shoulder shot. Eiding along the open plain, I at length arrived within about fifty yards of the bull, when he slowly turned. Eeining Tetel" up, I immediately fired a steady shot at the shoulder with the Eeilly No. 10 : — for a moment he fell upon his knees, but, recovering with wonderful quickness, he was in full charge upon me. Fortunately I had inspected my ground previous to the attack, and away I went up the inclination to my right, the spurs hard at work, and the elephant screaming with rage, gaining on me. My horse felt as though made of wood, and clumsily rolled along in a sort of cow-gallop; — in vain I dug the spurs into his flanks, and urged him by rein and voice ; not an extra stride could I get out of him, and he reeled along as though thoroughly exhausted, plunging in and out of the bufialo holes instead of jumping them. Hamed was on my horse "Mouse," who went three to'^Tetel's" one, and. instead of endeavouring to divert the elephant's attention, he shot ahead, and thought of nothing but getting out of the Avay. Yaseen, on Filfil," had fled in another dh^ection ; thus I had the pleasm^e of being hunted down upon a sick and disabled horse. 1 kept looking round, thinking that the elephant would give in : — we had been running for nearly half a mile, and the brute was overhauling me so fast that he was within ten or twelve yards of the horse's tail, with his 184 TETEL DISTRESSED. [chap, vir. trunk stretched out to catcli him. Screaming like the whistle of an engine, he fortunately so frightened the horse that he went his best, although badly, and I turned him suddenly down the hill and doubled back like a hare. The elephant turned up the hill, and en- tering the jungle he relinquished the chase, when another hundred yards' run would have bagged me. In a life's experience in elephant-hunting, I never was hunted for such a distance. Great as were Tetels good qualities for pluck and steadiness, he had ex- hibited such distress and want of speed, that I was sure he failed through some sudden malady. I imme- diately dismounted, and the horse laid down, as I thought, to die. Whistling loudly, I at length recalled Hamed, who had still continued his rapid flight without once looking back, although the elephant was out of sight. Yaseen was, of course, nowhere ; but after a quarter of an hours shouting and whistling, he reappeared, and I mounted Filfil, ordering Tetel to be led home. The sun had just sunk, and the two Latookas who now joined me refused to go farther on the tracks, saying, that the elephant must die during the night, and that they would find him in the morning. We were at least ten miles from camp ; I therefore fired a shot to collect my scattered men, and in about half an hour we all joined together, except the camels and their drivers, that we had left miles behind. No one had tasted food since the previous day, nor had I drunk water, although the sun had been burning hot ; I now obtained some muddy rain w^ater from a puddle, and we went towards home, where we arrived at half-past eight, every one tired with the day's work. The camels came into camp about an hour later. My men were all now Av^onderfully brave ; each had some story of a narrow escape, and several declared that the elephants had run over them, but fortunately without putting their feet upon them. The new^s spread through the town that the elephant CHAP. VII.] AFRICAN AND INDIAN ELEPHANTS. 185 was killed ; and, long before daybreak on the following morning, masses of natives had started for the jungles, where they found him lying dead. Accordingly, they stole his magnificent tusks, which they carried to the town of Wakkala, and confessed to taking all the flesh, but laid the blame of the ivory theft upon the Wakkala tribe. There was no redress. The questions of a right of game are ever prolific of bad blood, and it was necessary in this instance to treat the matter lightly. Accordingly, the natives requested me to go out and shoot them another elephant ; on the condition of obtaining the meat, they were ready to join in any hunting expedition. The elephants in central Africa have very superior tusks to those of Abyssinia. I had shot a considerable number in the Base country on the frontier of Abys- sinia, and few tusks were above 30 lbs. weight ; those in the neighbourhood of the White Nile average about 50 lbs. for each tusk of a Imll elephant, while those of the females are generally about 1 0 lbs. I have seen monster tusks of 160 lbs. and one was in the possession of a trader, Mons. P., that weighed 172 lbs. It is seldom that a pair of tusks are facsimile. As a man uses the right hand in preference to the left, so the elephant works with a particular tusk, which is termed by the traders el Hadam " (the servant) ; this is naturally more worn than the other, and is usually about ten pounds lighter : frequently it is broken, as the elephant uses it as a lever to uproot trees and to tear up the roots of various bushes upon which he feeds. The African elephant is not only entirely difierent . from the Indian species in his habits, but he also differs in form. There are three distinguishing peculiarities. The back of the African elephant is concave, that of the Indian is convex ; the ear of the African is enormous, entirely covering the shoulder when thrown back, while the ear of the Indian variety is comparatively 186 HEIGHT OF ELEPHANTS. [chap. VII, small. The head of the African has a convex front, the top of the skull sloping back at a rapid inclination, while the head of the Indian elephant exposes a flat surface a little above the trunk. The average size of the African elephant is larger than those of Ceylon, although I have occasionally shot monster rogues in the latter country, equal to anything that I have seen in Africa. The average height of female elej^hants in Ceylon is about 7 ft. 10 in. at the shoulder, and that of the males is about 9 ft. ; but the usual height of the African variety I have found, by actual measurement, of females to be 9 ft., while that of the bulls is 1 0 ft. 6 in. Thus the females of the iVfrican are equal to the males of Ceylon. They also differ materially in their habits. In Ceylon, the elejDhant seeks the shade of thick forests at the rising of the sun, in which he rests until about 5 p.m. when he wanders forth upon the j)lains. In Africa, the country being generally more open, the elephant remains throughout the day either beneath a solitary tree, or exposed to the sun in the vast prairies, where the thick grass attains a height of from nine to twelve feet. The general food of the African elephant consists of the foliage of trees, especially of mimosas. In Ceylon, although there are many trees that serve as food, the elephant nevertheless is an extensive grass- feeder. The African variety, being almost exclusively a tree-feeder, requires his tusks to assist him in pro- curing food. Many of the mimosas are flat-headed, about thirty feet high, and the richer portion of the foliage confined to the crown ; thus the elephant, not being able to reach to so great a height, must overturn the tree to procure the coveted food. The destruction caused by a herd of African elephants in a mimosa forest is extraordinary ; and I have seen trees uprooted of so large a size, that I am convinced no single elephant could have overturned them. I have mea- sured trees four feet six inches in circumference, and about thirty feet high, uprooted by elephants. cHAr. vii.] AFRICAN AND CEYLON ELEPHANTS. 187 The natives have assured me that they mutually assist each other, and that several engage together in the work of overturning a large tree. None of the mimosas have tap-roots ; thus the powerful tusks of the ele- phants, applied as crowbars at the roots, while others pull at the branches with their trunks, will effect the destruction of a tree so large as to appear invulnerable. The Ceylon elephant rarely possessing tusks, cannot destroy a tree thicker than the thigh of an ordinary man. In Ceylon, I have seldom met old bulls in parties — they are generally single or remain in pairs ; but, in Africa, large herds are met with, consisting entirely of bulls. I have frequently seen sixteen or twenty splendid bulls together, presenting a show of ivory most exciting to a hunter. The females in Africa con- gregate in vast herds of many hundreds, while in Ceylon the herds seldom average more than ten. The elephant is by far the most formidable of all animals, and the African variety is more dangerous than the Indian, as it is next to impossible to kill it by the forehead shot. The head is so peculiarly formed, that the ball either passes over the brain, or lodges in the immensely solid bones and cartilages that contain the roots of the tusks. I have measured certainly a hundred bull tusks, and I have found them buried in the head a depth of twenty-four inches. One large tusk, that measured 7 ft. 8 in. in length, and 22 inches in girth, was imbedded in the head a depth of 31 inches. This will convey an idea of the enormous size of the head, and of the strength of bone and cartilage required to hold in position so great a weight, and to resist the strain when the tusk is used as a lever to uproot trees. The brain of an African elephant rests upon a plate of bone exactly above the roots of the upper grinders ; it is thus wonderfully protected from a front shot, as it lies so low that the ball passes above it when the elephant raises his head, which he invariably does when in anger, until close to the object of his attack. 188 RIFLES AND BULLETS FOR HEAVY GAME. [chap, vir. The cliaracter of tlie country naturally influences the habits of the animals : thus, Africa, being more generally open than the forest- clad Ceylon, the ele- phant is more accustomed to activity, and is much faster than the Ceylon variety. Being an old elephant- hunter of the latter island, I was (3xceedingly inte- rested in the question of variety of species, and I had always held the opinion that the African elephant might be killed with the same facility as that of Ceylon, by the forehead shot, provided that a sufficient charge of powder were used to penetrate the extra thickness of the head. I have found, by much expe- rience, that I was entirely wrong, and that, although by chance an African elephant may be killed by the front shot, it is the exception to the rule. The danger of the sport is, accordingly, much increased, as it is next to impossible to kill the elephant when in full charge, and the only hope of safety consists in turning him by a continuous fire with heavy guns; this cannot always be effected. I had a powerful pair of No. 10 poly groove rifles, made by Eeilly of Oxford Street ; they weighed fifteen pounds, and carried seven drachms of powder without a disagreeable recoil. The bullet was a blunt cone, one and a half diameter of the bore, and I used a mixture of nine-tenths lead and one-tenth quicksilver for the hardening of the projectile. This is superior to all mixtures for that purpose, as it combines hard- ness with extra weight ; the lead must be melted in a pot by itself to a red heat, and the proportion of quicksilver must be added a ladle-full at a time, and stirred quickly with a piece of iron just in sufficient quantity to make three or four bullets. If the quicksilver is subjected to a red heat in the large lead pot, it will evaporate. The only successful fore- head shot that I made at an African elephant, was shortly after my arrival in the Abyssinian territory on the Settite river ; this was in thick thorny jungle, and an elephant from the herd charged with such good CHAP. VII.] CHARACTER OF COUNTRY AND ITS SPORTS. 189 intention, that had she not been stopped, she must have caught one of the party. When within about five yards of the muzzle, I killed her dead by a fore- head shot with a hardened bullet as described, from a Reilly No. 10 rifle, and we subsequently recovered the bullet in the vertebrce of the neck ! This extraordinary penetration led me to suppose that I should always succeed as I had done in Ceylon, and I have frequently stood the charge of an African elephant until close upon me, determined to give the forehead shot a fair trial, but I have always failed, except in the instance now mentioned ; it must also be borne in mind that the elephant was a female, with a head far inferior in size and solidity to that of the male. The temple shot, and that behind the ear, are equally fatal in Africa as in Ceylon, provided the hunter can approach within ten or twelve yards ; but altogether the hunting is far more difficult, as the character of the country does not admit of an approach sufficiently close to guarantee a successful shot. In the forests of Ceylon an elephant can be stalked to within a few paces, and the shot is seldom fired at a greater distance than ten yards : thus accuracy of aim is insured ; but in the open ground of Africa, an elephant can seldom be approached within fifty yards, and should he charge the hunter, escape is most difficult. I never found African elephants in good jungle, except once, and on that occasion I shot five, quite as quickly as we should kill them in Ceylon. The character of the sport must vary according to the character of the country ; thus there may be parts of Africa at variance with my description. I only relate my own experience. Among other weapons, I had an extraordinary rifle that carried a half-pound percussion shell — this in- strument of torture to the hunter was not sufficiently heavy for the weight of the projectile ; it only weighed twenty pounds : thus, with a charge of ten drachms of powder, behind a half-pound shell, the recoil was 190 THE " baby: [chap. vii» SO terrific, tliat I was spun round like a weathercock in a hurricane. I really dreaded my own rifle, although I had been accustomed to heavy charges of powder, and severe recoil for many years. None of my men could fire it, and it was looked upon with a species of awe, and was named " Jenna el Mootfah (child of a cannon) by the Arabs, which being far too long a name for practice, I christened it the " Baby f and the scream of this " Baby,'' loaded with a half-pound shell, was always fatal. It was far too severe, and I very seldom fired it, but it is a curious fact, that I never fired a shot with that rifle without bagging : the entire practice, during several years, was confined to about twenty shots. I was afraid to use it ; but now and then it was absolutely necessary that it should be cleaned, after lying for months loaded. On such occasions my men had the gratification of firing it, and the explosion was always accompanied by two men falling on their backs (one having propped up the shooter), and the Baby " flying some yards behind them. This rifle was made by Holland, of Bond Street, and I could highly recommend it for Goliath of Gath, but not for men of a.d. 1866. The natives of Central Africa generally hunt the elephant for the sake of the flesh, and prior to the commencement of the White Nile trade by the Arabs, and the discovery of the Upper White Nile to the 5"" N. lat. by the expedition sent by Mehemet Ali Pasha, the tusks were considered as worthless, and were treated as bones. The death of an elephant is a grand afiair for the natives, as it supplies flesh for an enormous number of people, also fat, which is the great desire of all savages for internal and external purposes. There are various methods of killing them. Pitfalls are the most common, but the wary old bulls are seldom caught in this manner. The j)osition chosen for the pit is, almost without exception, in the vicinity of a drinking-place, and the natives exhibit a great amount of cunning in felling trees across the CHAPrviI.j ELEPHANT PITFALLS, 191 usual run of the elephants, and sometimes cutting an open pit across the path, so as to dii'cct the elephant by such obstacles into the path of snares. The pits are usually about twelve feet long, and three feet broad, by nine deep ; these are artfully made, de- creasing towards the bottom to the breadth of a foot. The general elephant route to the drinking-place being blocked up, the animals are diverted by a treacherous path towards the water, the route intersected by nu- merous pits, all of which are carefully concealed by sticks and straw, the latter being usually strewn with elephants' dung to create a natural effect. Should an elephant, during the night fall through the deceitful surface, his foot becomes jammed in the bottom of the narrow grave, and he labours shoulder deep, T^dth two feet in the pitfall so fixed that extri- cation is impossible. Should one animal be thus caught, a sudden panic seizes the rest of the herd, and in theii' hasty retreat one or more are generally victims to the numerous pits in the vicinity. The old bulls never approach a watering-place rapidly, but carefully listen for danger, and then slowly advance with their warning trunks stretched to the path before them ; the delicate nerves of the proboscis at once detect the hidden snare, and the victims to pitfalls are the members of large herds who, eager to push forward incautiously, put their " foot into it," like shareholders in bubble companies. Once helpless in the pit, they are easily killed with lances. ^ The great elephant hunting season is in January, when the high prahies are parched and reduced to straw. At such a time, should a large herd of animals be discovered, the natives of the entire district collect together to the number of perhaps a thousand men ; surrounding the elephants by embracing a consider- able tract of country they fire the grass at a given signal. In a few minutes the unconscious elephants are surrounded by a circle of fire, which, however distant, must eventually close in upon them. The 192 KATIFE HUXTIXG. [chap. VII. men advance witli the fire, wliieli rages to the height of twenty or tliii'ty feet. At length the elephants, alarmed by the volumes of smoke and the roaring of the flames, mingled with the shouts of the hunters, attempt an escape. They are hemmed in on every side — wherever they rush, they are met by an im- passable barrier of flames and smoke, so stifling, that they are forced to retreat. Meanwhile the fatal circle is decreasing ; bufialoes and antelopes, likemse doomed to a horrible fate, crowd panic-stricken to the centre of the encircled ring, and the raging fire sweeps over all. Burnt, and blinded by fire and smoke, the animals are now attacked by the savage crowd of hunters, excited by the helplessness of the unfortunate elephants thus miserably sacrificed, and they fall under countless spears. This destructive method of hunting, ruins the game of that part of Africa, and so scarce are the antelopes, that, in a days journey, a dozen head are seldom seen in the open prairie. The next method of hunting is perfectly legitimate. Should many elephants be in the neighbourhood, the natives post about a hundred men in as many large trees ; these men are armed with heavy lances specially adapted to the sport, with blades about eighteen inches long and tlu-ee inches broad. The elephants are driven by a great number of men towards the trees in which the spearmen are posted, and those that pass sufiiciently near are speared between the shoulders. The spear being driven deep into the animal, creates a frightful wound, as the tough handle, striking against the in- tervening branches of trees acts as a lever, and works the long blade of the spear within the elephant, cutting to such an extent that he soon drops from exhaustion. The best and only really great elephant-hunters of the White Nile are the Bagara Arabs, on about the 13° N. lat. These men hunt on horseback, and kill - the elephant in fair fight with their spears. The lance is about fourteen feet long, of male CHAP. VII.] THE BAGARA HUNTERS. 193 bamboo ; tlie blade is about fourteen inches long by nearly three inches broad ; this is as sharp as a razor. Two men, thus armed and mounted, form the hunting party. Should they discover a herd, they ride up to the finest tusker and single him from the others. One man now leads the way, and the elephant, finding himself pressed, immediately charges the horse. There is much art required in leading the elephant, who follows the horse with great determination, and the rider adapts his pace so as to keep his horse so near the elephant that his attention is entirely absorbed with the hope of catching him. The other hunter should by this time have followed close to the ele- phant's heels, and, dismounting when at full gallop with wonderful dexterity, he plunges his spear w^ith both hands into the elephant about two feet below the junction of the tail, and Avith all his force he drives the spear about eight feet into his abdomen, and with- draws it immediately. Should he be successful in his stab, he remounts his horse and flies, or does his best to escape on foot, should he not have tinie to mount, as the elephant generally turns to pursue him. His com- rade immediately turns his horse, and, dashing at the elephant, in his turn dismounts, and drives his lance deep into his intestines. Generally, if the first thrust is scientifically given, the bowels protrude to such an extent that the elephant is at once disabled. Two good hunters will frequently kill several out of one herd ; but in this dangerous hand-to-hand fight the hunter is often the victim. Hunting the elephant on horseback is certainly far less dangerous than on foot, but although the speed of the horse is undoubtedly superior, the chase generally takes place upon ground so disadvantageous, that he is liabJe to fall, in which case there is little chance for either animal or rider. So savage are the natural instincts of Africans, that they attend only to the destruction of the elephant, and never attempt its domestication. 0 CHAPTEE YIIL Ibrahim's return. Ibrahim returned from Gondokoro, bringing with him a large supply of ammunition. A wounded man of Chenooda's people also arrived, the sole relic of the fight with the Latookas ; he had been left for dead, but had recovered, and for days and nights he had wandered about the country, in thirst and hunger,, hiding like a wild beast from the sight of human beings, his guilty conscience marking every Latooka as an enemy. As a proof of the superiority of the natives to the Khartoumers, he had at length been met by some Latookas, and not only was well treated and fed by their women, but they had guided him to Ibrahim's camp. The black man is a curious anomaly, the good and bad points of human nature bursting forth without any arrangement, like the flowers and thorns of his own wilderness. A creature of impulse, seldom actuated by reflection, the black man astounds by his complete oljtuseness, and as suddenly confounds you by an unexpected exhibition of sympathy. From a long- experience with African savages, I think it is as absurd to condemn the negro in toto, as it is preposterous to compare his intellectual capacity with that of the white man. It is unfortunately the fashion for one party to uphold the negro as a superior being, while the other denies him the common powers of reason. CHAP. VIII.] THE AFRICAX BLACK. 195 So great a difference of opinion lias ever existed upon the intrinsic value of the negro, that the very per- plexity of the question is a proof that he is altogether a distinct variety. So long as it is generally considered that the negro and the white man are to be governed by the same laws and guided by the same manage- ment, so long will the former remain a thorn in the side of every commumty to which he may unhappily belong. When the horse and the ass shall be found to match in double harness, the white man and the African black will pull together under the same regime. It is the grand error of equalizing that which is un- equal, that has lowered the negro character, and made the black man a reproach. In his savage home, what is the African ? Certainly bad ; but not so bad as white men would (I believe) be under similar circumstances. He is acted upon by the bad passions inherent in human nature, but there is no exaggerated vice, such as is found in civilized countries. The strong takes from the weak, one tribe fights the other — do not perhaps we in Europe ? these are the legitimate acts of independent tribes, authorized by their chiefs. They mutually enslave each other — how long is it since America and ive our- selves ceased to be slaveholders? He is callous and ungrateful — in Europe is there no ingratitude ? He is cunning and a liar by nature — in Europe is all truth and sincerity ? Why should the black man not be equal to the white ? He is as powerful in frame, why should he not be as exalted in mind ? In childhood I believe the negro to be in advance, in intellectual quickness, of the white child of a similar age, but the mind does not expand — it promises fruit, but does not ripen ; and the negro man has grown in body, but has not advanced in intellect. The puppy of three months old is superior in intel- lect to a child of the same age, but the mind of the child expands, while that of the dog has arrived at its limit. The chicken of the common fowl has sufficient 0 2 196 THE NEGRO. [chap. VIII. power and instinct to run in searcli of food tlie moment that it leaves the egg, while the young of the eagle lies helpless in its nest ; but the young eagle outstrips the chicken in the course of time. The earth presents a wonderful example of variety in all classes of the human race, the animal, and vegetable kingdoms. People, beasts, and plants belonging to distinct classes, exhibit special qualities and peculiarities. The existence of many hundred varieties of dogs can- not interfere with the fact that they belong to one genus : the greyhound, pug, bloodhound, pointer, poodle, mastiff, and toy terrier, are all as entirely diffe- rent in their peculiar instincts as are the varieties of the human race. The different fruits and flowers continue the example ; — the wild grapes of the forest are grapes, but although they belong to the same class, they are distinct from the luscious " Muscatel ; " and the wild dog-rose of the hedge, although of the same class, is inferior to the moss-rose of the garden. From fruits and flowers we may turn to insect life, and watch the air teeming with varieties of the same species, the thousands of butterflies and beetles, the many members of each class varying in instincts and peculiarities. Fishes, and even shellfish, all exhibit the same arrangement, — that every group is divided into varieties all differing from each other, and each distinguished by some peculiar excellence or defect. In the great system of creation that divided races and subdivided them according to mysterious laws, iipportioning special qualities to each, the varieties of the human race exhibit certain chiaracters and quali- fications which adapt them for specific localities. The natural character of those races will not alter with a change of locality, but the instincts of each race will be developed in any country where they may be located. Thus, the English are as English in Australia, India, and ximerica, as they are in England, and in every lo- cality they exhibit the industry and energy of their native land ; even so the African will remain negro in CHAP. VIII.] THE NEGRO. 197 all his natural instincts, although transplanted to other soils ; and those natural instincts being a love of idle- ness and savagedom, he will assuredly relapse into an idle and savage state, unless specially governed and forced to industry. The history of the negro has proved the correctness of this theory. In no instance has he evinced other than a retrogression, when once freed from restraint. Like a horse without harness, he runs wild, but, if har- nessed, no animal is more useful. Unfortunately, this is contrary to public opinion in England, where the vox populi assumes the right of dictation upon matters and men in which it has had no experience. The English insist upon their own weights and measures as the scales for human excellence, and it has been decreed by the multitude, inexperienced in the negro personally, that he has been a badly-treated brother that he is a worthy member of the human family, placed in an inferior position through the prejudice and ignorance of the white man, with whom he should be upon equality. The negro has been, and still is, thoroughly mis- understood. However severely we may condemn the horrible system of slavery, the results of emancipation have proved that the negro does not appreciate the blessings of freedom, nor does he show the slightest feeling of gratitude to the hand that broke the rivets of his fetters. His narrow mind cannot embrace that feeling of pure philanthropy that first prompted England to declare herself against slavery, and he only regards the anti-slavery movement as a proof of his own im- portance. In his limited horizon he is himself the important object, and as a sequence to his self-conceit,, he imagines that the whole world is at issue concerning the hlack man. The negro, therefore, being the im- portant question, must be an important person, and he conducts himself accordingly — he is far too great a man to work. Upon this point his natural character exhibits itself most determinedly. Accordingly, he 198 THE NEGRO. [chap. VIII. resists any attempt at coercion ; being free, his first impulse is to claim an equality with those whom he lately served, and to usurp a dignity with absurd pre- tensions, that must inevitably insure the disgust of the white community. Ill-will thus engendered, a Imtred and jealousy is established between the two rtvces, comljined with the errors that in such conditions must arise upon both sides. The final question remains, Why was the negro first introduced into our colonies — and to America ? The sun is the great arbitrator betw^een the white and the black man. There are produ(;tions necessary to civilized countries, that can alone be cultivated in tropical climates, where the white man cannot live if exposed to labour in the sun. Thus, such fertile countries as the West Indies and portions of America being without a native population, the negro was originally imported as a slave to fulfil the conditions of a labourer. In his own country he was a wild savage, and enslaved his brother man ; he thus became a victim to his own system ; to the institution of slavery that is indigenous to the soil of Africa, and that has not been taught to the African by the ivhite man, as is currently reported, but that has ever been the peculiar characteristic of African tribes. In his state of slavery the negro was compelled to work, and, through his labour, every country prospered where he had been introduced. He was suddenly freed ; and from that moment he refused to work, and instead of being a useful member of society, he not only became a useless burden to the community, but a plotter and intriguer, imbued with a deadly hatred to the Avhite man who had generously declared him free. Now, as the negro was originally imported as a labourer, but now refuses to labour, it is self-evident that he is a lamentable failure. Either he must be compelled to work, by some stringent law against vagrancy, or those beautiful countries that prospered CHAP. VIII.] NEGRO SLAVE HUN TEAS. 199 under the conditions of negro forced industry must yield to ruin, under negro freedom and idle inde- pendence. For an example of the results, look to St. Domingo ! Under peculiar gTiidance, and subject to a certain restraint, the negro may be an important and most useful being ; but if treated as an Englishman, he will affect the vices but none of the virtues of civilization, and his natural good qualities will be lost in his attempts to become a " white man." Revenons d nos moutons noirs. It was amusing to watch the change that took place in a slave that had been civilized (?) by the slave-traders. Among their parties, there were many blacks who had been captured, and who enjoyed the life of slave-hunting — nothing appeared so easy as to become professional in €attle razzias and kidnapping human beings, and the first act of a slave ivas to procure a slave for himself! All the best slave-hunters, and the boldest and most energetic scoundrels, were the negroes who had at one time themselves been kidnapped. These fellows aped a great and ridiculous importance. On the march they would seldom condescend to carry their oAvn guns ; a little slave boy invariably attended to his master, keeping close to his heels, and trotting along on foot during a long march, carrying a musket much longer than himself ; a woman generally carried a basket with a cooking-pot, and a gourd of water and provisions, while a hired native carried the soldier's change of clothes and ox-hide upon which he slept. Thus the man who had been kidnapped became the kidnapper, and the slave became the master, the only difference between him and the Arab being an absurd notion of his owti dignity. It was in vain that I attempted to reason with them against the principles of slavery ; they thought it wrong when they were them- selves the sufferers, but were always ready to indulge in it when the preponderance of power lay upon their side. 200 IBRAHBIAIFA ; OR, SINBAD THE SAILOR, [chap. viii. Among Ibrahim's people, there was a black named Ibrahimawa. This fellow was a native of Bornn, and had been taken when a boy of twelve years old and sold at Constantinople ; he formerly belonged to Mehemet Ali Pasha ; he had been to London and Paris, and during the Crimean war he was at Kertch. Altogether he was a great traveller, and he had a natural taste for geography and botany, that marked him as a wonderful exception to the average of the party. He had run away from his master in Egypt, and had been vagabondizing about in Khartoum in handsome clothes, negro-like, persuading himself that the public admired him, and thought that he was a Bey. Having soon run through his money, he had engaged himself to Koorshid Aga to serve in his White Nile expedition. He was an excellent example of the natural instincts of the negro remaining in- tact under all circumstances. Although remarkably superior to his associates, his small stock of knowledge was combined with such an exaggerated conceit, that he was to me a perpetual source of amusement, while he was positively hated by his comrades, both by Arabs and blacks, for his overbearing behaviour. Having seen many countries, he was excessively fond of recounting his adventures, all of which had so strong a colouring of the " Arabian Nights," that he might have been the original " Sinbacl the Sailor." His natural talent for geography was really extra- ordinary; he would frequently pay me a visit, and spend hours in draAving maps with a stick upon the sand, of the countries he had visited, and especially of the Mediterranean, and the course from Egypt and Constantinople to England. Unfortunately, some long story was attached to every principal point of the voyage. The descriptions most interesting to me were those connected with the west bank of the White Nile, as he had served for some years with the trading party, and had penetrated through the Mak- karika, a cannibal tribe, to about two hundred miles CHAP. VIII.] MAKKARIKA CANNIBALS. 201 west of Gondokoro. Both lie and many of Ibrahim's party had been frequent witnesses to acts of canni- balism, during their residence among the Makkarikas. They described these cannibals as remarkably good people, but possessing a peculiar taste for dogs and human flesh. They accompanied the trading party in their razzias, and invariably ate the bodies of the slain. The traders complained that they were bad associates, as they insisted upon killing and eating the children which the party wished to secure as slaves : their custom was to catch a child by its ankles, and to dash its head against the ground ; thus killed, they opened the abdomen, extracted the stomach and intestines, and tying the two ankles to the neck, they carried the body by slinging it over the shoulder, and thus returned to camp, where they divided it by quartering, and boiled it in a large pot. Another man in my own service had been a witness to a horrible act of cannibalism at Gondokoro. The traders had arrived with their ivory from the West, together with a great number of slaves ; the porters who carried the ivory being Makkarikas. One of the slave girls attempted to escape, and her proprietor immediately fired at her with his musket, and she fell wounded ; the ball had struck her in the side. The girl was remarkably fat, and from the wound, a large lump of yellow fat exuded. No sooner had she fallen, than the Makkarikas rushed upon her in a crowd, and seizing the fat, they tore it from the wound in handsful, the girl being still alive, while the crowd were quarrelling for the disgusting prize. Others killed her with a lance, and at once divided her by cutting off the head, and splitting the body with their lances, used as knives, cutting longitudinally from between the legs along the spine to the neck. Many slave women and their children who witnessed this scene, rushed panic-stricken from the spot and took refuge in the trees. The Makkarikas seeing them in flight, were excited to give chase, and pulling the 202 Mr DAILY EMPLOYMEXTS. [chap. VIII. cliiklren from their refuge among the branches, they killed several, and in a short time a great feast was prepared for the whole party. My man, Mahommed, who was an eye-witness, declared that he could not eat his dinner for three days, so great was his disgust at this horrible feast. Although my camp was entirely separate from that of Ibrahim, I was dreadfully pestered by his people, who, knowing that I was well supplied with many articles of which they were in need, came begging to my tent from morning till evening daily. To refuse was to insult them ; and as my chance of success in the exploration unfortunately depended upon my not offending the traders, I was obliged to be coldly civil, and nothing was refused them. Hardly a day passed without broken guns being brought to me for repair ; and having earned an unenviable celebrity as a gun- smith, added to my possession of the requisite tools, I really had no rest, and I was kept almost constantly at work. One day Ibrahim was seized with a dangerous fever, and was supposed to be dying. Again I was in re- quest ; and seeing that he was in a state of partial collapse, attended with the distressing symptoms of want of action of the heart, so frequently fatal at this stage of the disease, I restored him by a very powerful stimulant, and thereby gained renown as a physician, that, although useful, was extremely annoying, as my tent was daily thronged with patients, all of whom expected miraculous cures for the most incurable diseases. In this manner I gained a certain influence over the people, but I was constantly subjected to excessive annoyances and disgust, occasioned by the conduct of their party towards the Latookas. The latter were extremely unwise, being very independent and ready to take oflence on the slightest pretext, and the Turks, being now 140 strong, had no fear, and there appeared every probability of hostilities. I was engaged in CHAP. VIII.] qUARBELS WITH THE LATOOKAS. 203 orectiug huts, and in securing my camp ; and although I offered high payment, I could not prevail on the natives to work regularly. They invariably stipulated that they were to receive theu^ beads before they com- menced work, in which case they, with few exceptions, absconded with their advanced payment. One day a native behaved in a similar manner to the Tm^ks ; he was, accordingly, caught, and unmer- cifully beaten. Half an hour after, the nogara beat, and was answered by distant drums from the adjacent villages. In about an hour, several thousand armed men, with shields, were collected within half a mile of the Turks' camp, to avenge the insult that had been offered to one of their tribe. However, the Turks' drum beat, and their whole force drew up to their flag under arms outside their zareeba, and offered a deter- mined front. I extract the following entry from my journal. " These Tm^ks are delightful neighbours ; they will create a row, and I shall be dragged into it in self-defence, as the natives will distinguish no dif- ference in a scrimmage, although they draw favourable comparisons between me and the Turks in times of peace. Not a native came to work at the huts to-day; I therefore sent for the two chiefs, Commoro and Moy, and had a long talk with them. They said that ' no Latooka should be beaten by common fellows like the traders' men ; that I was a great chief, and that if I chose to beat them they would be content.' [ gave them advice to keep quiet, and not to quarrel about trifles, as the Turks would assuredly destroy the country should a fight commence. " At the same time, I told them that they did not treat me properly : they came to me in times of difii- culty as a mediator, but although they knew I had always paid well for everything, they gave me no supplies, and I was obliged to shoot game for my daily food, although they possessed such enormous herds of cattle ; neither could I procure materials or work- people to complete my camp. The parley terminated 204 THE LATOOKAS SEIZE A GUN. [chap. VIII. witli an understanding that tliey were to sujDply me with everything, and that they would put a stop to the intended fight. In the evening a goat was brought, and a number of men appeared with grass and wood for sale for hut-building.'' The following day, some of my people went to a neighbouring village to purchase corn, but the natives insulted them refusing to sell saying that " we should die of hunger, as no one should either give or sell us anything.'' This conduct must induce hostilities, as the Turks are too powerful to be insulted. I am rather anxious lest some expedition may entail the departure of the entire Turkish party, when the Latookas may seize the opportunity of attacking my innocents. The latter are now so thoroughly broken to my severe laws, "thou shalt not take slaves; neither cattle; nor fire a shot unless in self-defence," that they are resigned to the ignoble lot of minding the donkeys, and guarding the camp. Latooka was in a very disturbed state, and the excitement of the people was increasing daily. Two of my men went into the town to buy grass, and, without any provocation, they were surrounded by the natives, and the gun of one man was wrested from him ; the other, after a tussle, in which he lost his ramrod, beat a hasty retreat. A number of the soldiers immediately collected, and I sent to the chief to de- mand the restoration of the gun, which was returned that evening. I could literally procure nothing with- out the greatest annoyance and trouble. My men, by their mutiny and desertion at Gondo- koro, had reduced a well-armed expedition to a mere remnant, dependent upon the company of a band of robbers for the means of advancing through the country. Instead of travelling as I had arranged, at the head of forty-five well-armed men, I had a miserable fifteen cowardly curs, who wxre employed in driving the baggage animals ; thus they would be helpless in the event of an attack upon the road. I accordingly CHAP. VIII.] HOPE TO THE SOUTH. 205 proposed to make a depot at Latooka, and to travel with only twelve donkeys and the lightest baggage. It was a continual trial of temper and wounded pride. To give up the expedition was easy, but to succeed at that period appeared hopeless ; and success could only be accomplished by the greatest patience, perseverance, and most careful tact and management of all parties. It was most galling to be a hanger-on to this company of traders, who tolerated me for the sake of presents, but who hated me in their hearts. One afternoon some natives suddenly arrived from a country named Obbo with presents from their chief for the Turks, and also for me. Ibrahim received several tusks, while I received an iron hoe (molote), as the news had already extended to .that country, " that a white man was in Latooka who wanted neither slaves nor ivory." The natives reported, that a quantity of ivory existed in their country, and Ibrahim determined to take a few men and pay it a visit, as the people were said to be extremely friendly. I requested the leader to point out the exact position of Obbo, which I found to be S.W. That was precisely the direction that I had wished to take ; thus an unexpected oppor- tunity presented itself, and I determined to start with- out delay. On the 2d of May, 1863, at 9 a.m., we left Latooka, delighted to change the scene of inaction. I left five men in charge of my camp and effects, begging Commoro the chief to look after their safety, and telling him that I had no fear of trusting all to his care. Savages will seldom deceive you if thus placed upon their honour, this happy fact being one of the bright rays in their darkness, and an instance of the anomalous character of the African. The route lay across the park-like valley of Latooka for about eighteen miles, by which time we reached the base of the mountain chain. There was no other path than the native track, which led over a low range of granite rocks, forming a ridge about four hundred feet high. It was Avith the greatest difficulty that the 20G JOURNEY TO OB BO. [chap, viir. loaded donkeys could be hoisted over the numerous blocks of granite that formed an irregular flight of steps, like the ascent of the great p}Tamid : however, by pulling at their ears, and pushing behind, all except one succeeded in gaining the summit ; he was aban- doned on the pass. We were now in the heart of the mountains, and a beautiful valley, well wooded and about six miles in width, lay before us, forming the basin of the Kanieti river that we had formerly crossed at Wakkala, between Ellyria and Latooka. Fording this stream in a rapid current, we crossed mth difficulty, the donkeys wetting all their loads. This was of no great consequence, as a violent storm suddenly overtook us and soaked everyone as thoroughly as the donkeys' packs. A few wild plantains afforded leaves which we endeavoured to use as screens, but the rain drops were far too heavy for such feeble pro- tection. Within a mile of the river we determined to bivouac, as the evening had arrived, and in such weather an advance was out of the question. The tent having been left at Latooka, there was no help for it, and we were obliged to rest contented with our position upon about an acre of clean rock plateau, upon which we lighted an enormous fire, and crouched shivering round the blaze. No grass was cut for the animals, as the men had been too busy in collecting firewood suffi- cient to last throuorhout the nio^ht. Some fowls that we had brought from Latooka had been drowned by the rain ; thus my Mahommedan followers refused to eat them, as their throats had not been cut. Not being so scrupulous, and wonderfully hungry in the cold rain, Mrs. Baker and I converted them into a stew, and then took refuge, wet and miserable, under our untanned ox-hides until the foUowino; morninor. Al- though an ox-hide is not waterproof, it will keep out a considerable amount of wet ; but when thoroughly saturated, it is about as comfortable as any other wet leather, with the additional charm of an exceedingly CHAP, vni.] ENTER THE MOUNTALXS. 207 disagreeable raAv smell, very attractive to hyenas. The night being dark, several men thus lost their leather bags that they had left upon the rock. At 6 A.M., having passed a most uncomfortable night, we started, and after a march of about two miles I was made extremely anxious for the donkeys, by being as- sured that it was necessary to ascend a most precipitous granite hill, at least seven hundred feet high, that rose exactly before us, and upon the very summit of which was perched a large village. There was no help by means of porters ; we led our horses with difficulty up the steep face of the rock — fortunately they had never been shod, thus their firm hoofs obtained a hold where an iron shoe would have slipped ; and after extreme difficulty and a most tedious struggle, we found our party all assembled on the flat summit. From this elevated point we had a superb view of the surrounding country, and I took the compass bearing of the Latooka mountain Gebel Lafeet, N. 45° E. The natives of tlie village that we had now reached had nothing to sell but a few beans, therefore without further delay w(^ commenced the descent upon the opposite side, and at 2.40 P.M. we reached the base, the horses and donkeys having scrambled over the great blocks of stone with the greatest labour. At the foot of the hill the country was park-like and well wooded, although there was no very large timber. Here the grass was two feet high and growing rapidly, while at Latooka all was barren. Halted at 5.20 p.m. on the banks of a small runnino- o stream, a tributary to the Kanieti. The night being fine we slept well ; and the next morning at 6 a.m. we commenced the most lovely march that I have ever made in Africa. Winding through the very bosom of the mountains, well covered with forest until the bare granite peaks towered above all vegetation to the height of about 5,000 feet, we continued through narrow valleys bordered by abrupt spurs of the mountains from 1,500 to 2,000 feet high. On the peak of each was a village ; evidently these impregnable positions 208 ARRIVE AT OBBO. [chap. VIII. were cliosen for security. At length tlie great ascent was to be made, and for two hours we toiled up a steep zig-zag pass. The air was most invigorating; beautiful wild flowers, some of which were highly scented, orna- mented the route, and innumerable wild grape-vines hung in festoons from tree to tree. We were now in an elevated country on the range of mountains dividing the lower lands of Latooka from the highlands of Obbo. "We arrived at the summit of the pass about 2,500 feet above the Latooka valley. In addition to the wild flowers were numerous fruits, all good ; — espe- cially a variety of custard apple, and a full-flavoured yellow plum. The grapes were in most promising bunches, but unripe. The scenery was very fine ; to the east and south-east, masses of high mountains, while to the west and south were vast tracts of park- like country of intense green. In this elevated region the season was much farther advanced than in Latooka ; — this was the mountain range upon which I had formerly observed that the storms had concentrated ; here the rainy season had been in full play for months, wdiile in Latooka everything was parched. The grass on the Avest side of the pass was full six feet high. Although the ascent had occupied al)out two hours, the descent on the west side was a mere trifle, and was effected in about fifteen minutes — we were on an ele- vated plateau that formed the watershed between the east and west. After a march of about twelve miles from the top of the pass, we arrived at the chief village of Obbo. The rain fell in torrents, and, soaked to the skin, we crawled into a dirty hut. This village was forty miles S.AV. of Tarrangolle, my head-quarters in Latooka. The natives of Obbo are entirely diff'erent to the Latookas, both in language and appearance. They are not quite naked, except when going to war, on which occasion they are painted in stripes of red and yellow ; but their usual covering is the skin of an HAP. VIII.] y AT IVES OF OB BO. 209 antelope or goat, slung like a mantle across the shoulders. Their faces are well .formed, with pecu'iirly tine-shaped noses. The head-dress of the Obbo is remarkably neat, the woolly hair being matted and worked with thread into a flat form like a beaver's tail, and bound with a fine edge of raw hide to keep it in shape. This, like the head-dress of Latooka, requires many years to complete. From Obbo to the S.E. all is mountainous, the highest points of the chain rising to an elevation of four or five thousand feet above the general level of the country ; to the south, although there are no actual mountains, but merely a few isolated hills, the HEAD-DRESS OF OBBO(1) AND SHOGGO (2). country distinctly rises. The entire drainage is to the west and north-west, in which • direction there is a very perceptible inclination. The vegetation of Obbo, and the whole of the west side of the mountain range, is diff'erent from that upon the east side ; the soil is exceedingly rich, producing an abundance of Guinea grass, with which the plains are covered. This country produces nine varieties of yams, many of which grow wild in the forests. There is one most peculiar species, called by the natives " Collolollo," that I had not met with in other countries. This variety produces several tubers at the root, and also upon the stalk; it does P 210 BUTTER NUTS AND FRUITS. [chap. VIII. not spread upon the ground, like most of the vines that characterize the yams, but it climbs upon trees or upon any object that may tempt its tendrils. From every bud upon the stalk of this vine springs a bulb, somewhat kidney-shaped ; this increases until, when ripe, it attains the average size of a potato; So prolific is this plant, that one vine will produce about 150 yams : they are covered w^ith a fine skin of a greenish brown, and are in flavour nearly equal to a potato, but rather waxy. There are many good wild fruits, including one very similar to a walnut in its green shell ; the flesh of this has a remarkably fine flavour, and the nut within exactly resembles a horse-chestnut in size and fine mahogany colour. This nut is roasted, and, when ground and boiled, a species of fat . or butter is skimmed from the surface of the water : this is much prized by the natives, and is used for rubbing their bodies, being considered as the best of all fats for the skin ; it is also eaten. Among the best of the wild fruits is one resembling- raisins ; this grows in clusters upon a large tree. Also ft bright yellow fruit, as large as a Muscat grape, and several varieties of plums. None of these are pro- duced in Latooka. Ground-nuts are also in abundance in the forests ; these are not like the well-known African ground-nut of the west coast, but are con- tained in an excessively hard shell. A fine quality of flax grows wild, but the twine generally used by the natives is made from the fibre of a species of aloe. Tobacco grows to an extraordinary size, and is pre- pared similarly to that of the Ellyria tribe. When ripe, the leaves are pounded in a mortar and reduced to a pulp ; the mass is then placed in a conical mould of wood, and pressed. It remains in this until dry, when it presents the shape of a loaf of sugar, and is perfectly hard. The tobacco of the Ellyria tribe is shaped into cheeses, and frequently adulterated with cowdung. I had never smoked until my arrival in CHAP. VIII.] POTTERY AND UTENSILS. 211 Obbo, but having suffered mucli from fever, and the country being excessively damp, I commenced with Obbo pipes and tobacco. Every tribe has a distinct pattern of pipe ; those of the Bari have wide trumpet-shaped mouths ; the Latookas are long and narrow ; and the Obbo smaller and the neatest. All their pottery is badly burned, and excessively fragile if wet. The water jars are well formed, although the potter s wheel is quite un- known, and the circular form is obtained entirely by the hand. Throughout the tribes of the White Nile, the articles of pottery are limited to the tobacco-pipe and the water-jar : all other utensils are formed either of wood, or of gourd shells. By observation, I determined the latitude of my camp at Obbo to be 4°-02'N., Ion. E. .32°3r, and the general elevation of the country, 3,674 feet above the sea, the temperature about 76° Fahr. The altitude of Latooka was 2,236 feet above the sea level : thus we were, at Obbo, upon an elevated plateau, 1,438 feet above the general level of the country on the east of the mountain range. The climate would be healthy were the country sufficiently populated to war successfully against nature ; but the rainfall continuing during ten months of the year, from February to the end of November, and the soil being extremely fertile, the increase of vegetation is too rapid, and the scanty population are hemmed in and overpowered by superabundant herbage. This mass of foliage, and grasses of ten feet in height inter- woven with creeping plants and wild gTape-vines, is perfectly impenetrable to man, and forms a vast jungle, inhabited by elephants, rhinoceros, and buffaloes, whose ponderous strength alone can overcome it. There are few antelopes, as those animals dislike the grass jungles, in which they have no protection against the lion or the leopard, as such beasts of prey can approach them unseen. In the month of January the grass is suf- ficiently dry to burn, but even at that period there is a quantity of fresh green grass growing between the P 2 212 KATCIJIBA, CHIEF OF OBBO. [chap. VIII Avithered steins ; thus the firing of the prairies does not absolutely clear the country, but merely consumes the diy matter, and leaves a ruin of charred herbage, rendered so tough by the burning, that it is Cjuite impossible to ride without cutting the skin from the horse s shins and shoulders. Altogether, it is a most uninteresting country, as there is no possibility of traversing it except by the narrow footpaths made by the natives. The chief of Obbo came to meet us with several of his head men. He was an extraordinary-looking man, about fifty-eight or sixty years of age; but, far from possessing the dignity usually belonging to a grey head, he acted the buffoon for our amusement, and might have been a clown in a pantomime. The heavy storm having cleared, the nogaras beat, and our entertaining friend determined upon a grand dance ; pipes and flutes were soon heard gathering from all quarters, horns brayed, and numbers of men and women began to collect in crowds, while old Katchiba, the chief, in a great state of excitement, gave orders for the entertainment. About a hundred men formed a circle ; each man held in his left hand a small cup-shaped drum, formed of hollowed wood, one end only being perforated, and this was covered with the skin of the elephant's ear^ tightly stretched. In the centre of the circle was the chief dancer, who wore, suspended from his shoulders, an immense drum, also covered with the elephant's ear. The dance commenced by all singing remarkably Avell a wild but agreeable tune in chorus, the big drum directing the time, and the whole of the little drums striking at certain periods with such admirable precision, that the effect was that of a single instru- ment. The dancing was most vigorous, and far supe- rior to anything that I had seen among either Arabs or savages, the figures varying continually, and ending with a " grand galop " in double circles, at a tremen- dous pace, the inner ring revolving in a contrary CHAP. VIII.] WOMEN OF OBBO. 213 direction to the outer ; the eftect of this was excellent. Althouo'h the men of Obbo wear a skin sluno- across their shoulders and loins, the women are almost naked, and, instead of wearing the leather apron and tail of the Latookas, they are contented with a slight fringe of leather shreds, about four inches long by two broad, suspended from a belt. The unmarried girls are entirely naked ; or, if they are sufficiently rich in finery, they wear three or four strings of small white WOMEN OF OBBO. beads, about three inches in length, as a covering. The old ladies are antiquated Eves, whose dress con- sists of a string round the waist, in which is stuck a bunch of green leaves, the stalks uppermost. I have seen a few of the young girls that were prudes, indulge in such garments ; but they did not appear to be 214 LANGUAGES OF TRIBES. [chap. VIII, fashionable, and were adopted faute de mieux. One great advantage was possessed by this costume, — it was always clean and fresh, and the nearest bush (if not thorny) provided a clean petticoat. When in the society of these very simple and in demeanour always modest Eves, I could not help reflecting upon the Mosaical description of our first parents, " and they sewed fig-leaves together." Some of the Obbo women were very pretty. The caste of feature was entirely difi'erent to that of the Latookas, and a striking peculiarity was displayed in the finely-arched noses of many of the natives, which strongly reminded one of the Somauli tribes. It was impossible to conjecture their origin, as they had neither traditions nor ideas of their past history. The language is that of the Madi. There are three distinct languages— the Bari, the Latooka, and the Madi, the latter country extending south of Obbo. A few of the words, most commonly in use, will exemplify them : — Obbo. Latooka. Bari. Water. Fee. Cari. Feeum. Fire. Mite. JSTyeme. Keemang. Karlong. The Sun. T'sean. Narlong. Nyeten. A Cow. Deeang. Kittan. A Goat. Deean. Xyene. Eddeen. Milk. T'sarck. Nkll4. A Fowl. Gw6no. Xakome. Cliok5re. The Obbo natives were a great and agreeable change after the Latookas, as they never asked for presents. Although the old chief, Katchiba, behaved more like a clown than a king, he was much respected by his people. He holds his authority over his subjects as general rain-maker and sorcerer. Should a subject displease him, or refuse him a gift, he curses his goats and fowls, or threatens to wither his crops, and the fear of these inflictions reduces the discontented. There are no specific taxes, but he occasionally makes a call upon the country for a certain number of goats and supplies. These are generally given, as Katchiba is CHAP. VIII ] KATCHIBA'S DIPLOMACY. 215 a knowing old diplomatist, and he times his demands with great judgment. Thus, should there be a lack of rain, or too much, at the season for sowing the crops, he takes the opportunity of calling his subjects together and explaining to them " how much he regrets that their conduct has compelled him to afflict them with unfavourable weather, but that it is their own fault. If they are so greedy and so stingy that they will not supply him properly, how can they expect him to think of their interests ? He must have goats and corn. " No goats, no rain ; that's our contract, my friends,'' says Katchiba. " Do as you like. I can wait ; I hope you can." Should his people complain of too much rain, he threatens to pour storms and lightning upon them for ever, unless they bring him so many hundred baskets of corn, &c. &c. Thus he holds his sway. No man would think of starting upon a journey without the blessing of the old chief ; and a peculiar "hocus pocus is considered as necessary from the. magic hands of Katchiba that shall charm the traveller, and preserve him from all danger of wild animals upon the road. In case of sickness he is called in^ not as M.D. in om^ acceptation, but as " doctor of magic," and he charms both the hut and the patient against death, with the fluctuating results that must attend profes- sionals even in sorcery. His subjects have the most thorough confidence in his power ; and so great is his reputation that distant tribes frequently consult him, and beg his assistance as a magician. In this manner does old Katchiba hold his sway over his savage, but credulous people ; and so long has he imposed upon the public that I believe he has at length imposed upon himself, and that he really believes that he has the power of sorcery, notwithstanding repeated failures. In order to propitiate him, his people frequently pre- sent him with the prettiest of their daughters ; and so constantly is he receiving additions to his domestic circle that he has been obliged to extend his estab- 21(3 KlTCiniiA ''ALWAYS AT noMEr [chap. viii. lishment to prevent domestic fracas among the ladies. He lias accordingly hit upon the practical expedient of keeping a certain number of wives in each of his villages : thus, when he makes a journey through his territory, he is always at home. This multiplicity of wives has been so successful that Katchiba has one hniuhed and sixteen eliildren living — another proof KATCHIBA 'S ELDEST SON. of sorcery in the eyes of his people. One of his wives had no children, and she came to me to apply for medicine to correct some evil influence that had lowered her in her husband's estimation. The poor woman was in great distress, and complained that Katchiba was very cruel to her because she had been unable to make an addition to his family, but that she was sure I possessed some charm that would raise her to the standard of his other wives. I could not get rid of her until I gave her the first pill that came to hand PHAP. VI I l] THE GREAT MAGTCJAN. 217 from my medicine-chest, and with tliis she went away contented. Katchiba was so completely established in his country, not only as a magician, but as " pere de famille," that every one of his villages was governed by one of his sons ; thus the entire government was a family affair. The sons of course believed in their fathers power of sorcery, and their influence as head men of their villages increased the prestige of the parent. Although without an idea of a Supreme Being, the whole country bowed down to sorcery. It is a curious distinction between faith and credulity ; — these savages, utterly devoid of belief in a Deity, and without a vestige of superstition, believed most devotedly that the general affairs of life and the ('ontrol of the elements were in the hands of their old cliief, and therefore they served him — not with a feel- ing of love, neither with a trace of religion, but with that material instinct that always influences the savage ; they propitiated him for the sake of what they could obtain. It is this almost unconquerable, feeling, ever present in the savage mind, that renders his conversion difficult ; he w^ill believe in nothing, unless he can obtain some specific benefit from the object of his belief. Savages can be ruled by two powers- — " force,'* and " humbug ; " accordingly, these are the instruments made use of by those in authority : where the " force " is wanting, " humbug" is the weapon as a "pis aller." Katchiba having no physical force, adopted cunning, and the black art controlled the savage minds of his subjects. Strange does it appear, that these uncivilized inhabitants of Central Africa should, although devoid of religion, believe implicitly in sorcery ; giving a power to man superhuman, although acknowledging nothing more than human. Practical and useful magic is all that is esteemed by the savage, the higher branches would be unappreciated ; and spirit-rapping and mediums are reserved for the 218 RECONNAISSANCE TO THE SOUTH. [chap. viii. civilized (?) of England, wlio would convert the black savages of Africa. Notwithstanding his magic, Katchiba was not a bad man : he was remarkal)ly civil, and very proud at my having paid him a visit. He gave me much informa- tion regarding the country, but assured me that I should not be able to travel south for many months, as it would be quite impossible to cross the Asua river during the rainy season ; he therefore proposed that I should form a camp at Obbo, and reside there until the rains should cease. It was now May, thus I was invited to postpone my advance south until December. I determined to make a reconnaissance south towards the dreaded Asua, or, as the Obbo people pronounced it, the Achua river, and to return to my fixed camp. Accordingly I arranged to leave Mrs. Baker at Obbo with a guard of eight men, while I should proceed south without baggage, excepting a change of clothes and a cooking pot. Katchiba promised to take the greatest care of her, and to supply her with all she might require ; ofi'ering to become personally responsible for her safety ; he agreed to place a spell upon the door of our hut, that nothing evil should enter it during my absence. • It was a snug little dwelling, about nine feet in diameter, and perfectly round ; the floor well cemented with cow-dung and clay, and the walls about fouT feet six inches in height, formed of mud and sticks, likewise polished ofi* with cow-dung. The door had enlarged, and it Avas now a very imposing entrance of about four feet high, and a great contrast to the surrounding hut or dog-kennel with two feet height of doorway. On the 7th of May I started with three men, and taking a course south, I rode through a most lovely country, within five miles of the base, and parallel with the chain of the Madi mountains. There was abundance of beautiful flowers, especially of orchi- daceous plants ; the country was exceedingly park-like and well wooded, but generally overgrown with grass CHAP. Vlll.] AN UPSET. 219 then about six feet high. After riding for about four- teen miles, one of the guides ran back, and reported elephants to be on the road a little in advance. One of my mounted men offered to accompany me should I wish to hunt them. I had no faith in my man, but I rode forward, and shortly observed a herd of ten bull elephants standing together about sixty yards from the path. The grass was high, but I rode through it to ' within about forty yards before I was observed ; they immediately dashed away, and I followed for about a mile at a trot, the ground being so full of holes and covered with fallen trees, concealed in the high grass, that I did not like to close until I should arrive in a more favourable spot. At length I shot at full gallop past an immense fellow, with tusks about five feet pro- jecting from his jaws, and reining up, I fired with a Eeilly No. 10 at the shoulder. He charged straight into me at the sound of the shot. My horse, Filfil, was utterly unfit for a hunter, as he went perfectly mad at the report of a gun fired from his back, and at the moment of the discharge he reared perpendicularly ; the weight, and the recoil of the rifle, added to the sudden rearing of the horse, unseated me, and I fell, rifle in hand, backwards over his hind-quarters at the moment the elephant rushed in full charge upon the horse. Away went "Filfil," leaving me upon the ground in a most inglorious position ; and, fortunately, the grass being high, the elephant lost sight of me and followed the horse instead of giving me his attention. My horse was lost ; my man had never even accom- panied me, having lagged behind 'at the very com- mencement of the hunt. I had lost my rifle in the high grass, as I had been forced to make a short run from the spot before I knew that the elephant had fol- lowed the horse ; thus I was nearly an hour before I found it, and also my azimuth compass that had fallen from my belt pouch. After much shouting and whistling, my mounted man arrived, and making him 220 SHOOT A ti:tei. [CITAP. VITT. dismount 1 rode my little horse Mouse, and returned to tire path. My horse Filfil was lost. As a rule, hunting during the march should be avoided, and I had now paid dearly for the indiscretion. I reached the Atabbi river about eighteen miles from Obbo. This is a fine perennial stream flowing from the Madi mountains towards the west, forming an affluent of the Asua river. There was a good ford with a hard gravel and rocky bottom, over which the horse partly waded and occasionally swam. There were fresh tracks of immense herds of elephants with which the country abounded, and I heard them trum- peting in the distance. Ascending rising ground in perfectly open prairie on the opposite side of the Atabbi, I saw a dense herd of about two hundred ele- phants— they were about a mile distant and were moving slowly through the high grass. Just as I was riding along the path watching the immense herd, a Tetel (hartebeest) sprang from the grass in which he had been concealed, and fortunately he galloped across a small open space, where the high grass had been de- stroyed by the elephants. A quick shot from the little Fletcher 24 rifle doubled him up; but, recovering him- self almost immediately, he was just disappearing, when a shot from the left-hand barrel broke his back, to the intense delight of my people. We accordingly bivouacked for the night, and the fires were soon blazing upon a dry plateau of granite rock about seventy feet square that I had chosen for a resting place. In the saucer-shaped hollows of the rock was good clear water from the rain of the preceding day ; thus we had all the luxuries that could be desired — fire, food, and water. I seldom used a bedstead unless in camp ; thus my couch was quickly and simply made upon the hard rock, softened by the addition of an armful of green boughs, upon which I laid an untanned ox-hide, and spread my Scotch plaid. My cap formed my pillow, and my handy little Fletcher rifle lay by my side be- neath the plaid, together with my hunting knife ; these CHAP. VIII.] CERMIONY OF WELCOME AT FAIUJOKE. 221 faithful friends were never out of reach either by night or day. The cap was a solid piece of architecture, as may be supposed from its strength to resist the w^eight of the head when used as a pillow. It was made by an Arab woman in Khartoum, according to my own plan ; — the substance was about half an inch thick of dome palm leaves very neatly twisted and sewn together. Having a flat top, and a peak both before and behind, the whole affair was covered with tanned leather, while a curtain of the same material protected the back of the neck from the sun. A strong chin strap secured the cap upon the head, and the "tout ensemble" formed a very effective roof, completely sun-proof. Many people might have objected to the weight, but I found it no disadvantage,* and the cap being tolerably waterproof, I packed my cartouche pouch and belt within it when inverted at night to form a pillow ; — this was an ex- ceedingly practical arrangement, as in case of an alarm I rose from my couch armed, capped, and belted at a moment's notice. On the following morning I started at daybreak, and after a march of about thirteen miles through the same park-like and uninhabited country as that of the pre- ceding day, I reached the country of Farajoke, and arrived at the foot of a rocky hill, upon the summit of which was a large village. I was met by the chief and several of his people leading a goat, which was presented to me, and killed immediately as an offering, close to the feet of my horse. The chief carried a fowl, holding it by the legs, with its head downwards ; he approached my horse, and stroked his fore-feet with the fowl, and then made a circle around him by dragging it upon the ground ; my feet were then stroked with the fowl in the same manner as those of the horse, and I was requested to stoop, so as to enable him to wave the bird around my head ; this completed, it was also waved round my horse's head, Avho showed his appreciation of the ceremony by 222 ELEVATED COUNTRY AT FARAJOKE. [chap, viii rearing and lashing out behind to the great discom- fiture of the natives. The fowl did not appear to have enjoyed itself during the operation ; but the knife put an end to its troubles, as the ceremony of welcome being completed, the bird was sacrificed and handed to my headman. I was now conducted to the village, It was defended by a high bamboo fence, and was miserably dirty, forming a great contrast to the clean dwellings of the Bari and Latooka tribes. The hill upon which the village was built was about eighty feet above the general level of the country, and afforded a fine view of the surrounding landscape. On the east was the chain of Madi mountains, the base well wooded, while to the south all was fine open pasturage of sweet herbage, about a foot high, a totally different grass to the rank vegetation we had passed through. The country was undulating, and every rise was crowned by a village. Although the name of the district is Farajoke, it is comprised in the extensive country of Sooli, together with the Shoggo and Madi tribes, all towns being under the command of petty chiefs. The general elevation of the country was 3,966 feet above the sea-level, 292 feet higher than Obbo. The chief of Farajoke, observing me engaged in taking bearings with the compass, was anxious to know my object, which being explained, he volun- teered all information respecting the country, and assured me that it would be quite impossible to cross the Asua during the rainy season, as it was a violent torrent, rushing over a rocky bed with such impe- tuosity, that no one would venture to swim it. There was nothing to be done at this season, and however trying to the patience, there was no alternative. Farajoke was within three days' hard marching of Faloro, the station of Debono, that had always been my projected head-quarters; thus I was well advanced upon my intended route, and had the season been propitious, I could have proceeded with my baggage animals without difficulty. CHAP. VIII.] RETURN TO OBBO. 223 The loss of my horse " Filfil " was a severe blow in this wild region, where beasts of burthen were un- known, and I had slight hopes of his recovery, as lions were plentiful in the country between Obbo and Farajoke ; however, I offered a reward of beads and bracelets, and a number of natives were sent by the chief to scour the jungles. There was little use in remaining at Farajoke, there- fore I returned to Obbo with my men and donkeys, accomplishing the whole distance (thirty miles) in one day. I was very anxious about Mrs. Baker, who had been the representative of the expedition at Obbo during my absence. Upon my approach through the forest, my well- knoAvn whistle was immediately answered by the appearance of the boy Saat, who, without any greeting, immediately rushed to the hut to give the intelligence that " Master was arrived." I found my wife looking remarkably well, and regu- larly installed " at home." Several fat sheej) were tied by the legs to pegs in front of the hut ; a number of fowls were pecking around the entrance, and my wife awaited me on the threshold with a large pumpkin shell containing about a gallon of native beer. " Dulce domum," although but a mud hut, the loving welcome made it happier than a palace ; and that clraught of beer, or fermented mud, or whatever trash it might be compared with in England, how delicious it seemed after a journey of thirty miles in the broiling sun ! and the fat sheep and the fowls all looked so luxurious. Alas ! — for destiny — my arrival cut short the existence of one being ; what was joy to some was death to a sheep, and in a few moments the fattest was slain in honour of master s return, and my men were busily employed in preparing it for a general feast. Numbers of people gathered round me ; foremost among them was the old chief Katchiba, whose self- satisfied countenance exhibited an extreme purity of 224 KATCIHBA DETERMINES TO RIDE. [chap. VIII. conscience in liaving adhered to his promise to act as guardian during my absence. Mrs. Baker gave him an excellent character ; he had taken the greatest care of her, and had supplied all the luxuries that had so much excited my appetite on the first coup d'ceil of my home. He had been so mindful of his responsibility, that he had placed some of his own sons as sentries over the hut both by day and night. I accordingly made him a present of many beads and bracelets, and a few odds and ends, that threw him into ecstacies : he had weak eyes, and the most valued present was a pair of sun- goggles, which I fitted on his head, to his intense delight, and exhibited in a looking- glass — this being likewise added to his gifts. I noticed that he was very stiff in the back, and he told me that he had had a bad fall during my absence. My wife explained the affair. He had come to her to declare his intention of procuring fowls for her from some distant village ; but, said he, " my people are not very good, and perhaps they will say that they have none ; but if you will lend me a horse, I will ride there, and the effect will impose upon them so much, that they will not dare to refuse me." Now, Katcliiba was not a good walker, and his usual way of travelling was upon the back of a very strong subject, precisely as children are wont to ride " pic-a-back." He generally had two or three spare men, who alternately acted as guides and ponies, while one of his wives invariably accom- panied him, bearing a large jar of beer, with which it was said that the old chief refreshed himself so copiously during the journey, that it sometimes became necessary for two men to carry him instead of one. This may have been merely a scandalous report in Obbo ; how- ever, it appeared that Katcliiba was ready for a start, as usual accompanied by a Hebe with a jar of beer. Confident in his powers as a rider across country on a man, he considered that he could easily ride a horse. It was in vain that my wife had protested, and had pro])hesied a broken nock should he attempt to bestride CHAP. VIII.] FIRST ATTE3IPTS AT HORSEMANSHIP. 225 the hitherto unknown animal ; to ride he was deter- mined. Accordingly my horse Tetel was brought, and Katchiba was assisted upon his back. The horse recognizing an awkward hand, did not move a step. "Now then,^' said Katchiba, "go on ! but Tetel, not understandmg the Obbo language, was perfectly igno- rant of his riders wishes. "Why wont he go?'' KATCHIBA AND HIS ABBE ON A JOURNEY. inquired Katchiba. "Touch him with your stick," cried one of my men ; and acting upon the suggestion, the old sorcerer gave him a tremendous whack with his staff. This was immediately responded to by Tetel, who, quite unused to such eccentricities, gave a vigorous kick, the effect of which was to convert the sorcerer into a spread eagle, flying over his head, and landino- very heavily upon the ground, amidst a roar of laughte? Q 226 RECOVER THE LOST HORSE. [chap. viii. from my men, in which I am afraid Mrs. Baker was rude enough to join. The crest-fallen Katchiba was assisted upon his legs, and feeling rather stunned,' he surveyed the horse with great astonishment ; but his natural instincts soon prompted him to call for the jar of beer, and after a long draught from the mighty cup, he regained his courage, and expressed an opinion that the horse was " too high, as it was a long way to tumble down;" he therefore requested one of the " little horses these were the donkeys. Accordingly he was mounted on a donkey, and held on by two men, one on either side. Thus he started most satisfactorily and exceedingly proud. On his return the following day, he said that the villagers had given him the fowls immediately, as he had told them that he had thirty Turks staying with him on a visit, and that they would burn and plunder the country unless they were immediately supplied. He considered this trifling deviation from fact as a great stroke of diplomacy in procuring the fowls. Six days after the loss of my horse, I was delighted to see him brought back by the natives safe and well. They had hunted through an immense tract of country, and had found him grazing. He was naturally a most vicious horse, and the natives were afraid to touch him ; they had accordingly driven him before them until they gained the path, which he then gladly followed. The saddle was in its place, but my sword was gone. The rains were terrific ; the mornings were invari- ably fine, but the clouds gathered upon the mountains soon after noon and ended daily in a perfect deluge. Not being able to proceed south, I determined to return to my head -quarters at Latooka, and to wait for the dry season. I had made the reconnaissance to Farajoke, in latitude 3° 32'', and I saw my way clear for the future, provided my animals should remain in good condition. Accordingly, on the 21st of May, we CHAr. VIII.] RETURN TO LATOOKA. 227 started for Latooka in company with Ibrahim and his men, who were thoroughly sick of the Obbo climate. Before parting, a ceremony had to be performed by Katchiba. His brother was to be our guide, and he was to receive power to control the elements as deputy- magician during the journey, lest we should be wetted by the storms, and the torrents should be so swollen as to be impassable. With great solemnity Katchiba broke a branch from a tree, upon the leaves of which he spat in several places. This branch, thus blessed with holy water, was laid upon the ground, and a fowl was dragged around it by the chief; and our horses were then operated on precisely in the same manner as had been enacted at Farajoke. This ceremony completed, he handed the branch to his brother (our guide), who received it with much gravity, in addition to a magic whistle of antelope's horn that he suspended from his . neck. All the natives wore whistles similar in appear- ance, being simply small horns in which they blew, the sound of which was considered either to attract or to drive away rain, at the option of the whistler. No whistle was supposed to be effective unless it had been blessed by the great magician Katchiba. The ceremony being over, all commenced whistling with all their might ; and taking leave of Katchiba, with an assurance that we should again return, we started amidst a din of "toot too too-ing" upon our journey. Having an immense supply of ammunition at Latooka, I left about 200 lbs. of shot and ball with Katchiba ; therefore my donkeys had but little to carry, and we travelled easily. That night we bivouacked at the foot of the east- side of the pass at about half-past five. Ibrahimawa, the Bornu man whom I have already described as the amateur botanist, had become my great ally in searching for all that was curious and interesting. Proud of his knowledge of wild plants, no sooner was the march ended than he commenced a search Q 2 228 BEWJRE OF BOTANISTS! [chap. VIII. in the jungles for something esculent. We were in a deep gorge on a steep knoll bounded by a ravine about sixty feet of perpendicular depth, at the bottom of which flowed a torrent. This was an excel- lent spot for a camp, as no guards were necessary upon the side thus protected. Bordering the ravine were a number of fine trees covered with a thorny stem creeper, with leaves much resembling those of a species of yam. These were at once pronounced by Ibrahimawa to be a perfect god-send, and after a few minutes grubbing he produced a basketful of fine-looking yams. In an instant this display of food attracted a crowd of hungry people, including those of Ibrahim and my own men, who, not being botanists, had left the search for food to Ibrahimawa, but who determined to share the tempting results. A rush was made at his basket, Avhich was emptied on the instant ; and I am sorry to confess that the black angel Saat was one of the first to seize three or four of the largest yams, which he most unceremoniously put in a pot and deliberately cooked them as though he had been the botanical discoverer. How often the original discoverer sufiers, while others benefit from his labours ! Ibrahimawa, the scientific botanist, was left without a yam, after all his labour of grubbing up a basketful. Pots were boiling in all directions, and a feast in store for the hungry men who had marched twenty miles without eating since the morning. The yams were cooked ; but I did not like the look of them, and seeing that the multitude were ready, I determined to reserve a few for our own eating should they be generally pro- nounced good. The men ate them voraciously. Hardly ten minutes had elapsed from the commencement of the feast when first one and then another disappeared, and from a distance I heard a smothered but unmistake- able sound, that reminded me of the lurching effect of a channel .steamer upon a crowd of passengers. Pre- sently the boy Saat showed symptoms of distress, and vanished from our presence ; and all those that had CHAP. VIII.] BABOONS. 229 dined off Ibrahimawa's botanical specimens were suffer- ing from a most powerful " vomi-purgatif." The angels that watch over scientific botanists had preseryed Ibra- himawa from all evil. He had discovered the yams, and the men had stolen them from him ; they enjoyed the fruits, while he gained an experience invaluable at their expense. I was quite contented to have waited until others had tried them before I made the experi- ment. Many of the yam tribe are poisonous ; there is one variety much liked at Obbo, but which is deadly in its effects should it be eaten without a certain pre- paration. It is first scraped, and then soaked in a runnino' stream for a fortnio;ht. It is then cut into thin slices, and dried in the sun until quite crisp ; by this means it is rendered harmless. The dried slices are stored for use ; and they are generally pounded in a mortar into flour, and used as a kind of porridge. The sickness of the people continued for about an hour, during which time all kinds of invectives were hurled against Ibrahimawa, and his botany was termed a gigantic humbug. From that day he was very mild in his botanical conversation. ; On the following morning we crossed the last range of rocky hills, and descended to the Latooka valley. Up to this point, we had seen no game ; but we had now arrived in the game country, and shortly after our descent from the rocks, we saw a herd of about twenty Tetel (hartebeest). Unfortunately, just as I dismounted for the purpose of stalking them, the red flags of the Turks attracted the attention of a large party of baboons, who were sitting on the rocks, and they commenced their hoarse cry of alarm, and imme- diately disturbed the Tetel. One of the men, in re- venge, fired a long shot at a great male, who was sitting alone upon a high rock, and by chance the ball struck him in the head. He was an immense specimen of the Cynocephalus, about as large as a mastiff, but with a long broTVTi mane like that of the lion. This mane is much prized by the natives as an ornament. 230 THE MAILAUIF ANTELOPE, [chap, viir. He was immediately skinned, and the hide was cut into long strips about three inches broad; the portion of mane adhering had the appearance of a fringe ; each strip was worn as a scarf ; thus one skin will produce about eight or ten ornaments. I sent my men to camp, and, accompanied by Eicharn, mounted on my horse " Mouse," I rode through, the park-like ground in quest of game. I saw varieties of antelopes, including the rare and beautiful maharif ; but all were so wild, and the ground so open, that I could not get a shot. This was the more annoy- ing, as the maharif was an antelope that I believed to be a new species. It had often disappointed me ; for although I had frequently seen them on the south-west frontier of Abyssinia, I had never been able to procure one, owing to their extreme shyness, and to the fact of their inhabiting open plains, where stalking was impos- sible. I had frequently examined them with a tele- scope, and had thus formed an intimate acquaintance with their peculiarities. The maharif is very similar to the roan antelope of South Africa, but is mouse colour, with black and white stripes upon the face. The horns are exactly those of the roan antelope, very massive and corrugated, bending backwards to the shoulders. The withers are extremely high, which give a peculiarly heavy appearance to the shoulders, much heightened by a large and stiff black mane like that of a hog-maned horse. I have a pair of horns in my possession that I obtained through the assistance of a lion, who killed the maharif while drinking near my tent ; unfortunately, the skin was torn to pieces, and the horns and skull were all that remained. Failing, as usual, in my endeavours to obtain a shot, I made a considerable circuit, and shortly observed the tall heads of giraffes towering over the low mimosas. There is no animal in nature so picturesque in his native haunts as the giraffe. His food consists of the leaves of trees, some qualities forming special attrac- tions, especially the varieties of the mimosa, which. CHAP. VIII.] IWNTING GIRAFFES. 231 being low, permit an extensive view to his telescopic eyes. He has a great objection to high forests. The immense height of the giraffe gives him a peculiar advantage, as he can command an extraordinary range of vision, and thereby be warned against the approach of his t wo great enemies, man and the lion. No animal is more difficult to stalk than the giraffe, and the most certain method of hunting is that pursued by the Hamran Arabs, on the frontiers of Abyssinia, who ride him down and hamstring him with the broadsword at full gallop A good horse is required, as, although the gait of a giraffe appears excessively awkward from the fact of his moving the fore and hind legs of one side simul- taneously, he attains a great pace, owing to the length of his stride, and his bounding trot is more than a match for any but a superior horse. The hoof is as beautifully proportioned as that of the smallest gazelle, and his lengthy legs and short back give him every advantage for speed and en- durance. There is a rule to be observed in hunting the giraffe on horseback : the instant he starts, he must be pressed — it is the speed that tells upon him, and the spurs must be at work at the very commence- ment of the hunt, and the horse pressed along at his best pace ; it must be a race at top speed from the start, but, should the giraffe be allowed the slightest advantage for the first five minutes, the race will be against the horse. I was riding " Filfil," my best horse for speed, but utterly useless for the gun. I had a common regulation sword hanging on my saddle in lieu of the long Arab broadsword that I had lost at Obbo, and starting at full gallop at the same instant as the giraffes, away we went over the beautiful park. Unfortunately Richarn was a bad rider, and I, being encumbered with a rifle, had no power to use the sword. I accordingly trusted to ride them down and to get a shot, but I felt that the unsteadiness of my horse would render it very un- certain. The wind whistled in my ears as we flew 232 BENIGHTED. [chap. VIII. along over the open plain. The grass was not more than a foot high, and the ground hard ; — the giraffes about four hundred yards distant steaming along, and raising a cloud of dust from the dry earth, as on this side of the mountains there had been no rain. Filfil was a contradiction ; he loved a hunt and had no fear of wild animals, but he went mad at the sound of a gun. Seeing the magnificent herd of about fifteen giraffes before him, the horse entered into the excite- ment and needed no spur — down a slight hollow, flying over the dry buffalo holes, now over a dry watercourse and up the incline on the other side — then again on the level, and the dust in my eyes from the cloud raised by the giraffes showed that we were gaining in the race ; misericordia ! — low jungle lay before us — the giraffes gained it, and spurring forward through a perfect cloud of dust now within a hundred yards of the game we shot through the thorny bushes. In another minute or two I was close up, and a splendid bull giraffe was crashing before me like a locomotive obelisk through the mimosas, bending the elastic boughs before him in his irresistible rush, which sprang back with a force that would have upset both horse and rider had I not carefully 'kept my distance. The jungle seemed alive with the crowd of orange red, the herd was now on every side, as I pressed the great bull be- fore me. Oh, for an open plain ! I was helpless to attack, and it required the greatest attention to keep up the pace through the thick mimosas without dashing against their stems and branches. The jungle became thicker, and although I was in the middle of the herd and within ten yards of several giraffes, I could do nothing. A mass of thick and tangled thorns now re- ceived them, and closed over the hardly contested race — I was beaten. Never mind, it was a good hunt — first-rate — but where was my camp ? It was nearly dark, and I could just distinguish the pass in the distance, by which we had descended the mountain; thus I knew the direction, CHAP. VIII.] REGJLX THE PARTY. 233 but I had ridden about three miles, and it would be dark before I could return. However, I followed the heel tracks of the herd of giraffes. Kicharn was no- where. Although I had lost the race, and was dis- appointed, I now consoled myself that it was all for the best ; had I killed a giraffe at that hour and distance from camp, what good would it have been ? I was quite alone, thus who could have found it during the niorht ? and before mornino^ it would have been devoured by lions and hyenas ; — inoffensive and beautiful creatures, what a sin it appeared to destroy them uselessly ! With these consoling and practical reflections I continued my way, until a branch of hooked thorn fixing in my nose disturbed the train of ideas and persuaded me that it was very dark, and that I had lost my way, as I could no longer distinguish either the tracks of the giraffes or the position of the mountains. Accordingly I fired my rifle as a signal, and soon after I heard a distant report in reply, and the blaze of a fire shot up suddenly in the distance on the side of the mountain. With the help of this beacon I reached the spot where our people were bivouacked ; they had lighted the ])eacon on a rock about fifty feet above the level, as although some twenty or thirty fires were blazing, they had been obscured by the intervening jungle. I found both my wife and my men in an argumentative state as to the propriety of my remain- ing alone so late in the jungle ; however, I also found dinner ready ; the angareps (stretcher bedsteads) arranged by a most comfortable blazing fire, and a glance at the star-lit heavens assured me of a fine night — what more can man wish for ? — wife, Avelcome, food, fire, and fine weather ? The bivouac in the wilderness has many charms ; there is a complete independence — the sentries are posted, the animals picketed and fed, and the fires arranged in a complete circle around the entire party — men, animals, and luggage all within the fiery ring; the sentries alone being on the outside. There is a 234 BBKJD-BJKIXG OX THE MARCH. [chap. viii. species of iroiiwood that is very inflammable, and being oily, it burns like a torch ; this grew in great quantities, and the numerous fires fed with this vigo- rous fuel enlivened the bivouac with a continual blaze. My men were busy, baking theii* bread. On such occasions an oven is dispensed with. A prodigious fire is made while the dough is being prepared ; this, when well moistened, is formed into a cake about two feet in diameter, but not thicker than two inches. The fire being in a fit state of glowing ash, a large hole is scraped in the centre, in which the flat cake is laid, and the red-hot embers are raked over it; thus buried it will bake in about twenty minutes, but the dough must be exceedingly moist or it will burn to a cinder. On the following day we arrived at Latooka, where I found everything in good order at the depot, and the European vegetables that I had sown were all above ground. Commoro and a number of people came to meet us. There had been but little rain at Latooka since we left, although it had been raining heavily at Obbo daily, and there was no diff'erence in the dry sandy plain that surrounded the town, neither was there any pasturage for the animals except at a great distance. The day after my arrival, Filfil was taken ill and died in a few hours. Tetel had been out of condition ever since the day of his failure during the elephant hunt, and he now refused his food. Sickness rapidly spread through my animals ; five donkeys died within a few days, and the remainder looked poor. Two of my camels died suddenly, having eaten the poison bush. Within a few days of this disaster my good old hunter and companion of all my former sports in the Base country, Tetel, died. These terrible blows to my expedition were most satisfactory to the La- < tookas, who ate the donkeys and other animals the moment they died. It was a race between the natives and the vultures as to who should be first to profit by my losses. CIIAF. VIll.] SICKNESS—SMALL-POX. 235 Not only were the animals sick, but my wife was laid up with a violent attack of gastric fever, and I was also suffering from daily attacks of ague. The small-pox broke out among the Turks. Several people died ; and, to make matters worse, they insisted upon inoculating themselves and all their slaves ; thus the whole camp was reeking with this horrible disease. Fortunately my camp was separate and to wind- ward. I strictly forbade my men to inoculate them- selves, and no case of the disease occurred among my people, but it spread throughout the country. Small- pox is a scourge among the tril^es of Central Africa, and it occasionally sweeps through the country and decimates the population. Among the natives of Obbo, who had accompanied us to Latooka, was a man named Wani, who had formerly travelled far to the south, and had offered to conduct Ibrahim to a country rich in ivory that had never been visited by a trader : this man had accordingly been engaged as guide and interpreter. In an examination of Wani I discovered that the cowrie-shells were brought from a place called Ma- gungo." This name I had previously heard mentioned by the natives, but I could obtain no clue to its posi- tion. It was most important that I should discover the exact route by Avhich the cowries arrived from the south, as it would be my gTiide to that direction. The information that I received from Wani at Latooka was excessively vague, and upon most slender data I founded my conclusions so carefully that my subsequent dis- coveries have rendered most interesting the first scent of the position which I eventually followed with success. I accordingly extract, verbatim, from my journal the note written by me at Latooka on 26th of May, 1863, when I first received the clue to the Albert N'Yanza : — " I have had a lons^ examination of Wani, the guide and interpreter, respecting the country of Magungo. Loggo, the Bari interpreter, has always described Ma- . gungo as being on a large river, and I have concluded 236 FIB ST CLUE TO THE LAKE. [chap. VIII. that it must be tlie Asua ; but, upon cross-examination, I find lie has used the word ' Bahr ' (in Arabic signi- fying river or sea) instead of ' Birke ' (lake). This important error being discovered gives a new feature to the geography of this part. According to his descrip- tion *Magungo is situated on a lake so large that no one knows its limits. Its breadth is such that, if you journey two days east and the same distance west, there is no land visible in either quarter, while to the south its direction is utterly unkno\vn. Large vessels arrive at Magungo from distant and unknown parts, bringing cowrie-shells and beads in exchange for ivory. Upon these vessels white men have been seen. All the comie-shells used in Latooka and the neighbouring countries are supplied by these vessels, but none have arrived for the last two years. "His description of distance places Magungo on about the 2^ N. lat. The lake can be no other than the 'N'Yanza,' which, if the position of Magungo be correct, extends much farther north than Speke had supposed. The ' white men ' must be Arab traders who bring cowies from Zanzibar. I shall take the first opportunity to push for Magungo. I imagine that country belongs to Kamrasi's brother, as Wani says the king has a brother who is king of a powerful country on the west bank of the Nile, but that they are ever at war with each other. "I examined another native who had been to Ma- gungo to purchase Simbi (the cowrie-shell) ; he says that 'a white man formerly arrived there annually, and brought a donkey with him in a boat ; that he disembarked his donkey and rode about the country, dealing with the natives, and bartering cowries and brass-coil bracelets. This man had no firearms, but wore a sword. The king of Magungo was called ^Cherrybambi.'^^ This information was the first clue to the facts that I subsequently established, and the account of the white men (Arabs) arriving at Magungo was confirmed CHAP. VIII.] BROWN MEN ARE CALLED WHITE. 237 by the people of that country twelve months after I obtained this vague information at Latooka. Arabs, being simply brown, are called tohite men by the blacks of these countries. I was called a very white man as a distinction, but I have frequently been obliged to take off my shirt to exhibit the difference of colour between myself and my men, as my face was brown. CHAPTEE IX. THE TUEKS ATTACK KAYALA. On the SOtli May, about an hour before daybreak, I was awoke by a rattle of musketry, which continued sometimes in irregular volleys, and subsided into a well-sustained and steady fire in single shots. On leaving my hut, I found the camp of Koorshid's people almost empty, while my own men were climbing on the roofs of their huts to obtain a view towards the west. Nothing was in sight, although the firing still continued at a distance of about a mile, apparently on the other side of a belt of trees. I now heard that Koorshid's people had started at between three and four o'clock that morning, by Commoro's request, to attack a neighbouring town that had been somewhat rebellious. The firing continued for about two hours, when it sud- denly ceased, and I shortly saw with a telescope the Turks' red ensign emerge from the forest, and we heard the roll of their drum, mingled with the lowing of oxen and the bleating of sheep. Upon nearer approach, I remarked a considerable body of men, and a large herd of cattle and sheep driven by a number of Latookas, while a knot of Turks carried something heavy in their arms. They soon arrived, with about 2,000 head of cattle and sheep ; but they had lost one of their men, killed in the fight, and his body they carried home for interment. It happened to be about the best man of the party ; really a very civil fellow, CHAP. IX.] THE ''PLEASANT ROBBERS' KILLED. 239 and altogether rather a pleasant robber. At Com- moro's instio-ation, the Turks had attacked the town of Kayala ; but the Latookas had fought so well, that the Turks found it impossible to capture the town, which was, as usual, protected by iron-wood palisades, upon which their bullets harmlessly flattened. Not only the Latooka men had fought well, but their women broke up their giinding- stones and defended the entrance by pelting their assailants with the frag- ments ; several of the Turks were wounded by the stones thrown with such force by these brawny ama- zons that some of the gun-barrels were indented. Many of these brave women had been shot by the dastardly Turks, and one was in the act of being carried off by the pleasant robber," when a native, running to her rescue, drove his spear through his chest and killed him on the spot. Unfortunately for the Latookas, some of their cattle had left the town to pasture just before the attack took place ; these were captured by the Turks, but not one hostile foot had been able to penetrate their town. On the following day the party were busily engaged in dividing the spoil, one third belonging to the men as a bonus, while the remainder were the property of the traders' establishment, or " Meri" (government), as they term the proprietor. This portion was to be sent to Obbo as a place of security and good pasturage, and the men were to engage in other razzias in Latooka, and to collect a large number of cattle to be driven south to exchange for ivory. Koorshid s camp was a scene of continual uproar, the men quarrelling over the division of the spoil. Journal — June 2d. — "The Turks are now busy buying and selling, each man disposing of his share of the stolen cattle according to his wants : one exchanges a cow to the natives for corn and meat ; another slaughters an ox, and retails small portions for merissa (beer), fowls, &c., the natives flocking to the camp like vultures scenting flesh ; others reserve their cattle for 240 THE LIFE OF IFOMEN SPARED IN WAR. [chap. ix. the purpose of purchasing the daughters of the natives for slaves under the name of wives, whom they will eventually sell in Khartoum for from twenty to thirty dollars each. My men look on in dismay at the hap- piness of their neighbours : like " A Peri weeping at the gate Of Eden, stood disconsolate," SO may they be seen regarding the adjoining paradise, where meat is in profusion, sweetened by being stolen ; but, alas ! their cruel master does not permit them these innocent enjoyments. Everything may be obtained for cattle as payment in this country. The natives are now hard at work making zareebas (kraals) for the cattle stolen from their o^Ti tribe and immediate neighbours, for the sake of two or three bullocks as remuneration to be divided among more than a hundred men. They are not de- serving of s}Tnpathy ; they are worse than vultm^es, being devoid of harmony even in the same tribe. The chiefs have no real control ; and a small district, con- taining four or five towns, club together and pillage the neighbouring province. It is not surprising that the robber traders of the Nile turn this spirit of discord to their own advantage, and league themselves with one chief to rob another, whom they eventually plunder in his turn. The natives say that sixty-five men and women were killed in the attack upon Kayala. All the Latookas consider it a gTcat disgrace that the Turks fired upon women. Among all tribes, from Gondokoro to Obbo, a woman is respected, even in time of war. Thus, they are employed as spies, and become exceedingly dangerous; nevertheless, there is a general understanding that no woman shall be killed. The origin of this humane distinction arises, I imagine, from their scarcity. A\^iere polygamy is in force, women should be too dear to kill ; the price of a girl being from five to ten cows, her death is equal to the actual loss of that number. CHAP. IX.] SCARCITY OF SALT AMOXG THE LATOOKAS. 24 1 Fortunately for my party, who were not cattle lifters, there was the usual almnclance of game, and I could always supply myself and people with delicious wild ducks and geese. We never were tired of this light food, as we varied their preparation. Sometimes I was able to procure a goat, on which occasion a grand dish was made, the paunch being arranged as a Scotch " haggis " of wild fowls' livers and flesh minced, with the usual additions. My garden was flourishing ; we had onions, beans, melons, yams, lettuce, and radishes, which had quickly resj)onded to several invigorating showers ; the temperature was 85° in the shade during the hottest hours of the day, and 72° at night. Salt is not procurable in Latooka ; the natives seldom use it, as it is excessively difficult to make it in any quantity from the only two sources that will produce it ; the best is made from goat's-dung ; this is reduced to ashes, and saturated ; the water is then strained off", and evaporated by boiling. Another quality is made of a peculiar grass, wdtk a thick fleshy stem, something like a sugar-cane ; the ashes of this produce salt, but by no means pure. The chief of Latooka would eat a handful of salt greedily that I gave him from my large supply, and I could purchase supplies with this article better than with beads. On the 4th of June, Ibrahim and eighty-five men started for Obbo in charge of about 400 cows and 1,000 goats. Shortly after their departure, a violent thunder- storm, attended with a deluge of rain, swept over the country, and flooded the Latooka river and the various pools that formed my game-preserves. I looked forward to good duck-shooting on the morrow, as a heavy storm was certain to be followed by large arrivals. On the morning of the 5th, I was out at an early hour, and in a very short time I killed eight ducks and geese. There was a certain pool surrounded by a small marsh within half a mile of my camp, that THE TURKS MURDER A NATIVE. [chap. ix. formed tlie greatest attraction to the wild fowl. There were two liegleek trees in this marsh ; and it was merely necessary to stand beneath the shelter of either to insure good sport, as the ducks continually arrived at the pool. I was just entering into the sport with all my heart, Avlien I heard a shot fired in the Turks camp, followed by loud yells, and I observed a crowd of Latookas rushing from the camp towards their town. In a few moments later, I heard the Turks' drum, and I saw people running to and fro, and the Latookas assembling from the neighbourhood with lances and shields, as though preparing for a fray. I had only two men with me, and being nearly half a mile from camp, I thought it advisable to hasten towards the spot, lest some contretemps should take place before my arrival. Accordingly I hurried over the open plain, and shortly reached my camp. I found my wife arranging the men at their posts, fearing a disturbance. They had seen me hasto&ing towards them, and I now went to the Turks' camp, that was close by, and inquired the cause of alarm. Never was I more disgusted. Already , the vultures were swooping in circles above some object outside the camp. It appeared that a native of Kayala (the town lately attacked by the Turks) had visited TarrangoUe to inquire after a missing cow. The chiefs, Moy and Commoro, brought him to the Turks' camp, merely to prove that he had no evil intention. No sooner was it announced that he was a native of Kayala than the Turks declared he was a spy, and condemned him to be shot. The two chiefs, Moy and Commoro, feeling themselves compromised by having brought the man into such danger unwittingly, threw themselves before him, and declared that no harm should befall him, as he belonged to them. Tearing them away by the coml^ined force of many men, the prisoner was imme- diately bound, and led forth by his bloodthirsty murderers to death. /'Shoot the spy!" was hardly CHAP. IX.] COUNTRY DISTURBED. 243 pronounced, when a villain stepped forward, and placing tlie muzzle of his musket close to his left breast, he fired. The man dropped dead, thus mur- dered in cold blood. The natives rushed in crowds from the spot, naturally supposing that a general massacre would follow so unprovoked an outrage. The body was dragged by the heels a few paces outside the camp, and the vultures were its sextons within a few minutes of the death. It Avas with difficulty that I could restrain my temper under such revolting circumstances. I felt that at an unlooked-for moment I might be compro- mised in some serious outbreak of the natives, caused by the brutal acts of the traders. Already it was declared unsafe to venture out shooting without ten or twelve armed men as escort. A mixture of cowardice and brutality, the traders' party became exceedingly timid, as a report was current that the inhabitants of Kayala intende^ to ally them- selves to those of Tarrangolle, and to attack the Turks in their camp. I accordingly strengthened my position l)y building a tower of palisades, that entirely com- manded all approaches to my zareeba. Latooka was already spoiled by the Turks : it was now difficult to procure flour and milk for beads, • as the traders' people, since the attack on Kayala, had commenced the system of purchasing all supplies with either goats, or beef, which having been stolen, was their cheapest medium of exchange. Although rich in T)eads and copper, I was actually poor, as I could not obtain supplies. Accordingly I allowanced my men two j)ounds of beads monthly, and they went to distant villages and purchased their own provisions indepen- dently of me. On the lltli June, at 7.20 a.m., there was a curious phenomenon ; the sky was perfectly clear, but we were startled by a noise like the sudden explosion of a mine, or the roar of heavy cannon, almost immediately repeated. It appeared to have originated among the R 2 244 TJFO THIEVES. [chap. IX. mountains, about sixteen miles distant due south of my camp. I could only account for this occurrence by the supposition that an immense mass of the granite rock might have detached itself from a high mountain^ and, in falling to the valley, it might have bounded from a projection on the mountain's side, and thus have caused a double report. June 13. — I shot ten ducks and geese before break- fast, including one of the large black and white geese Avith the crimson head and neck. On my return to camp I weighed this — exactly eleven pounds ; this goose has on either pinion-joint a sharp, horny spur, an inch in length. During my morning stroll I met hundreds of natives^ running excitedly with shields and spears towards Adda s village : they were going to steal the cattle from a village about four miles distant ; thus there will be a fight in the course of the day. The Latooka stream is now full, and has the appearance of a per- manent river carrying a considerable body of water to the Sobat. I met with two thieves while duck-shooting this^ morning — the one an eagle, and the other a native. The beautiful white-throated fish-eagle may generally be seen perched upon a bough overhanging the stream, ready for any prey that may ofier. This morning I shot two ducks right and left as they flew down the course of the river — one fell dead in the water, but the other, badly hit, fluttered along the surface for some distance, and was immediately chased and seized by a fish-eagle which, quite reckless of the gun, had been watching the sport from a high tree, and evinced a desire to share the results. My men, not to be done out of their breakfast, gave chase, shouting and yelling to frighten the eagle, and one of them having a gun loaded with buckshot, fired, and the whirr-r of the charge induced the eagle to drop the duck, which was triumphantly seized by the man. The other thief was a native. I fired a long shot CHAP, rx.] IBRAHBIAWJ'S REMINISCENCES OF ENGLAND. 245 at a drake ; tlie bird flew a considerable distance and towered, falling about a quarter of a mile distant. A Latooka was hoeing close to where it fell, and we dis- tinctly saw him pick up the bird and run to a bush, in which he hid it ; upon our arrival he continued his work as though nothing had happened, and denied a.11 knowledge of it : he was accordingly led by the -ear to the bush, where we found the duck carefully secreted. June 14. — The natives lost one man killed in the fight yesterday, therefore the night was passed in singing and dancing. The country is drying up ; although the stream is full there is no rain in Latooka, the water in the river being the eastern drainage of the Obbo mountains, ivhere it rains daily. Ibrahimawa, the Bornu man, alias " Sinbad the Sailor," the great traveller, amuses and bores me daily with his long and wonderful stories of his travels. The style of his narratives may be conjectured from the following extracts : " There was a country adjoining Bornu, where the king was so fat and heavy that he could not walk, until the doctors opened his belly and cut the fa t out, which operation was repeated annually." He described another country as a perfect Paradise, where no one ever drank anything so inferior as water. This country was so wealthy that the poorest man eould drink merissa (beer). He illustrated the general intoxication by saying, that " after 3 p.m. no one was sober throughout the country, and from that hour the cows, goats, and fowls ivere all drunh, as they drank the merissa left in the jars by their owners, who were all asleep." He knew all about England, having been a servant on a Turkish frigate that was sent to Gravesend. He described an evening entertainment most vividly. He had been to a ball at an " English Pasha s in Black- ivall/' and had succeeded wonderfully with some /^harming English ladies excessively decollete," upon 246 PARTY RECALLED TO OBBO. [chap. IX. whom he felt sure he had left a lasting impression, as several had fallen in love with him on the spot, supposing him to be a Pasha. Such were instances of life and recollections of Ibrahimawa, the Bornu. On June 16, Koorshid's people returned from Obbo, Ibrahim and a few men had remained there, and dis- trusting the warlike spirit of the Latookas, he now recalled the entire establishment from Tarrangolle, in- tending to make a station at the more peaceful country of Obbo. An extract from my journal on that day explains my feelings : " This is most annoying ; I had arranged my camp and garden, &c. for the wet season, and I must now leave everything, as it is impossible to remain in this country with my small force alone ; the natives have become so bad (since the cattle razzia) that a considerable armed party is obliged to go to the stream for water. It is remarkably pleasant travelling in the vicinity of the traders; they convert every country into a wasp s nest ; — they have neither plan of action nor determination, and I, being unfortunately dependent upon their movements, am more like a donkey than an explorer, that is saddled and ridden away at a moment's notice. About sixty natives of Obbo accompanied the men sent by Ibrahim to carry the effects ; — I require at least fifty, as so many of my transport animals are dead.'' Nothing can exceed the laziness and dogged indolence of my men ; I have only four who are worth having, — Hicham, Hamed, Sali, and Taher. All the men in either camp were discontented at the order to move, as they had made themselves comfortable expecting to remain in Latooka during the wet season. The two chiefs, Moy and Commoro, found themselves in a dilemma, as they had allied themselves with the Turks in the attack upon the neighbouring town, de- pending upon them for future support ; they were now left in the lurch, and felt themselves hardly a match for their enemies. CHAP. IX.] WHITE ANTS. 247 A few extracts from my journal will close our sojourn at Latooka : — ''June 18th. — The Avliite ants are a curse upon the country ; although the hut is swept daily and their galleries destroyed, they rebuild everything during the night, scaling the supports to the roof and entering the thatch. Articles of leather or wool are the first devoured. The rapidity with which they repair their galleries is wonderful ; all their work is carried on with cement ; the earth is contained in their stomachs, and this being mixed with some glutinous matter they deposit it as bees do their wax. Although the earth of this country if tempered for house-building will crumble in the rain, the hills of the white ants remain solid and waterproof, owing to the glue in the cement. I have seen three varieties of white ants — the largest about the size of a small wasp : this does not attack dwellings, but subsists upon fallen trees. Thc^ second variety is not so large ; this species seldom enters buildings. The third is the greatest pest : this is the smallest, but thick and juicy; — the earth is- literally alive with them, nor is there one square foot of ground free from them in Latooka. "June 19th. — Had a bad attack of fever yesterday that has been hanging about me for some days Weighed all the luggage and packed the stores in loads of fifty pounds each for the natives to carry. ''June 20th. — Busy making new ropes from the bark of a mimosa ; all hands at work, as we start the day after to-morrow. My loss in animals makes a difference of twenty-three porters' loads. I shall take forty natives, as the bad road will necessitate light loads for the donkeys. I have now only fourteen donkeys ; these are in good condition, and would thrive, were not the birds so destructive by pecking sores upon their backs. These sores would heel quickly by the appli- cation of gunpowder, but the birds irritate and enlarge them until the animal is rendered useless. I have lost two donkeys simply from the attacks of these l)irds ; — 248 CATTLE STEALERS AT NIGHT. [chap. ix. tlie only remaining camel and some of tlie donkeys I liave covered witli jackets made of tent-cloth. ''Jane 2\st.—Wi\. ''June 22d. — We were awoke last niglit by a report from the sentry that natives were prowling around the camp;— I accordingly j)osted three additional guards. At a little after 2 a.m. a shot was fired, followed by two others in quick succession, and a sound as of many feet running quickly was heard passing the entrance of the camp. I was up in a moment, and my men were quickly under arms : the Turks' drum beat, and their camp (that was contiguous to mine) was alive with men, but all was darkness. I lighted my policeman's lantern, that was always kept ready trimmed, and I soon arrived at the spot where the shot had been fired. The natives had been endeavouring to steal the cattle from the Turks' kraal, and favoured by the darkness they had commenced burrowing with the intention of removing the thorn bushes that formed the fence. Un- fortunately for the thieves, they were unaware that there were watchers in the kraal among the cattle : it was a pitch dark night, and nothing could be dis- tinguished ; but the attention of one of the sentries was attracted by the snorting and stamping of the goats, that evidently denoted the presence of something un- common. He then perceived close to him, on the other side the hedge, a dark object crouching, and others standing, and he heard the bushes moving as though some one was at work to remove them. He imme- diately fired ; and the sound of a rush of men in retreat induced both him and the other sentry to repeat the shot. By the light of the lantern we now searched the place, and discovered the body of a native lying close to the fence just above a considerable hole that he had scraped beneath the thorns, in order to extract the stems that were buried in the ground, and thus by drawing away the bushes he would have effected an entrance. He had commenced operations exactly op- posite the sentry, and the musket being loaded with CHAP. IX.] A THIEF SHOT. 249 mould-shot, lie had received the contents at close quarters. Although he had tempted fate and met witli deserved misfortune, it was most disgusting to witness the brutality of the Turks, who, tying rope^ to the ankles, dragged the body to the entrance of their camp, -and wished for amusement to drive their bayonets through the chest. Althougli d}TLng, the man was not dead : a shot had entered one eye, knocking it out ; several had entered the face, chest, and thighs, as he was in a stooping position when the gun was fired. I would not allow him to be mutilated, and after groan- ing in agony for some time, he died. The traders people immediately amputated the hands at the wrists to detach the copper bracelets, while others cut ofi" his helmet of beads, and the body was very considerately dragged close to the entrance of my camp. " June 22d. — Finding that the disgusting Turks had deposited the dead body almost at my door, I had it removed a couple of hundred yards to leeward. The various birds of prey immediately collected — buzzards, vultures, crows, and the great Marabou stork. I observed a great bare-necked vulture almost succeed in turning the body over by pulling at the flesh of the arm at the opposite side to that where it stood. I have noticed that birds of prey invariably commence their attack upon the eyes, inner portions of the thighs, and beneath the arms, before they devour the coarser portions. In a few hours a well-picked skeleton was all that was left of the Latooka." We were to start on the following day. My wife was dangerously ill with bihous fever, and was unable to stand, and I endeavoured to persuade the traders' party to postpone their departure for a few days. They would not hear of such a proposal ; they had so irri- tated the Latookas that they feared an attack, and their captain, or vakeel, Ibrahim, had ordered them immediately to vacate the country. This was a most awkward position for me. The traders had induced the hostility of the country, and I should bear the 250 MARCH TO OBBO. [chap. IX. brunt of it sliouki I remain behind alone. Without their presence I should be unable to procure porters, as the natives would not accompany my feeble party, especially as I could offer them no other payment but beads or copper. The rains had commenced within the last few days at Latooka, and on the route towards » Obbo we should encounter continual storms. We were to march by a long and circuitous route to avoid the rocky passes that would be dangerous in the present spirit of the country, especially as the traders possessed large herds that must accompany the party. They allowed five days' march for the distance to Obbo by the intended route. This was not an alluring pro- gramme for the week's entertainment, with my wife almost in a dying state ! However, I set to work, and fitted an angarep with arched hoops from end to end, so as to form a frame like the cap of a wagon. This I covered with two waterproof Abyssinian tanned hides securely stra23ped ; and lashing two long poles parallel to the sides of the angarep, I formed an excel- lent palanquin. In this she w^as assisted, and we started on 23d June. Our joint parties consisted of about three himdred men. On arrival at the base of the mountains, instead of crossing them as before, we skirted the chain to the north-west, and then rounding through a natural gap, we ascended gradually towards the south. On the fifth day we were, at 5 p.m., within twelve miles of Obbo, and we bivouacked on a huge m.ass of granite on the side of a hill, forming an inclining plateau of about an acre. The natives who accom- panied us Avere immediately ordered to clear the grass from the interstices of the rocks, and hardly had they commenced when a slight disturbance, among some loose stones that were being removed, showed that something was wrong. In an instant lances and stones were hurled at some object l)y the crowd, and upon my arrival I saw the most horrid monster that I have ever experienced. I immediately pinned his head to CHAP. IX.] GREAT PUFF ADDER. 251 tlie ground and severed it at one blow Avitli my Imnt- ing-knife, damaging the keen edge of my favourite weapon upon the hard rock. It was a puflf adder of the most extraordinary dimensions. I immediately fetched my measming-tape from the game-bag, in which it was always at hand. Although the snake was only 5 ft. 4 in. in length, it was slightly above 15 inches in girth. The tail was, as usual in poisonous snakes, extremely blunt, and the head per- fectly flat, and about 2\ inches broad, but unfor- tunately during my short absence to fetch the measure •the natives had crushed it with a rock. They hod thus destroyed it as a specimen, and had broken three of the teeth, l3ut I counted eight, and secured five poison fangs, the two most prominent being nearly an inch in length. The poison-fangs of snakes are artfully contrived by some diabolical freak of nature as pointed tulDes, thi'ough which the poison is injected into the base of the wound inflicted. The extreme point of the fang is solid, and is so finely sharp- ened that beneath a powerful microscope it is perfectly smooth, although the point of the finest needle is rough. A short distance above the solid point of the fling the surface of the tube appears as though cut away, like the first cut of a quill in forming a pen : through this aperture the poison is injected. Hardly had I secured the fangs, when a tremendous clap of thunder shook the earth and echoed from rock to rock among the high mountains, that rose abruptly on our left within a mile. Again the lightning flashed, and, almost simultaneously, a deafening peal roared from the black cloud above us, just as I was kneeling over the arch-enemy to skin him. He looked so Sa- tanic with his flat head, and minute cold grey eye, and scaly hide, with the lightning flashing and the thunder roaring around him; I felt like St. Dunstan with the devil, and skinned him. The natives and also my men were horrified, as they would not touch any 252 VIOLENT ST0E2I. fcHAP. IX. portion of such a snake with their hands : even its skin was supposed by these people to be noxious. Down came the rain ; I believe it could not have rained harder. Mrs. Baker in the palanquin was for- tunately like a snail in her shell ; l)ut I had nothing for protection except an ox-hide : throwing myself upon my angarep I drew it over me. The natives had already lighted prodigious fires, and all crowded around the blaze ; but what would have been the Great Fire of London in that storm ? In half an hour the fire was out ; such a deluge fell that the ravine that was dry when we first bivouacked, was now an impassable torrent. My ox-hide had become tripe, and my an- garep being covered with a mat, was some inches deep in water. Throwing away the mat, the pond escaped through the sieve-like network, but left me drenched. Throughout the night it poured. We had been wet through every day during the journey from Latooka, but the nights had been fine ; this was superlative misery for all. At length it ceased — morning dawned; we could not procure fire, as everything was saturated, and we started on our march through forest and high reeking grass. By this circuitous route from Latooka we avoided all difiicult passes, as the ground on the west side of the chain of mountains ascended rapidly but regularly to Obbo. On arrival at my former hut I found a great change ; the grass was at least ten feet high, and my little camp was concealed in the rank vegetation. Old Katchiba came to meet us, but brought nothing, as he said the Turks had eaten up the country. An extract from my journal, dated July 1, explains the misery of our position. "This Obbo cou.ntry is now a land of starvation. The natives refuse to supply provision for beads ; nor will they barter anything unless in exchange for flesh. This is the curse that the Turks have brought upon the country by stealing cattle and throwing them away wholesale. We have literally nothing to eat CHAP. IX.] HOSTILITl CAUSED BY THE TURKS. 253 except tullaboon, a small bitter grain used in lieu of corn by the natives : tliere is no game ; if it existed, shooting would be impossible, as the grass is impenetra- ble. I hear that the Turks intend to make a razzia on the Shoggo country near Farajoke ; thus they will stir up a wasp's nest for me wherever I go, and render it impossible for my small party to proceed alone, or even to remain in peace. I shall be truly thankful to quit this abominable land ; in my experience I never saw such scoundrels as Africa produces — the natives of the Soudan being worse than all. It is impossible to make a servant of any of these people ; the apathy, indolence, dishonesty combined with dirtiness, are beyond description ; and their abhorrence of anything like order increases their natural dislike to Europeans. I have not one man even approaching to a servant ; the animals are neglected, therefore they die. And were I to die they would rejoice, as they would imme- diately join Koorshid's people in cattle stealing and slave hunting ; — charming followers in the time of danger ! Such men destroy all pleasure, and render exploration a mere toil. No one can imagine the hard- ships and annoyances to which we are subject, with the additional disgust of being somewhat dependent upon the traders' band of robbers. For this miserable situa- tion my vakeel is entirely responsible : had my original escort been faithful, I should have been entirely inde- pendent, and could with my transport animals have penetrated far south before the commencement of the rainy season. Altogether I am thoroughly sick of this expedition, but I shall plod onwards with dogged obstinacy ; God only knows the end. I shall be grate- ful should the day ever arrive once more to see Old England." Both my wife and I were excessively ill with bilious fever, and neither could assist the other. The old chief, Katchiba, hearing that w^e were dying, came to charm us with some magic spell. He found u.s lying helpless, and he immediately procured a small 254 THE 31. D. ATTENDS US. [chap. IX. hrancli of a tree, and filling liis moutli with water, he squirted it over the leaves and about the floor of the hut ; he then waved the branch around my wife's head, also around mine, and completed the ceremony by sticking it in the thatch above the doorway ; he told us we should now get better, and perfectly satisfied, he took his leave. The hut was swarming with rats and white ants, the former racing over our bodies during the night, and burrowing through the floor, filling our only room with mounds like mole-hills. As fast as we stopped the holes, others were made with determined perseverance. Having a supply of arsenic, I gave them an entertainment, the effect being disagreeable to all parties, as the rats died in their holes, and created a horrible effluvium, while fresh hosts took the place of the departed. Now and then a snake would be seen gliding within the thatch, having taken shelter from the pouring rain. The smallpox was raging throughout the country, and the natives were dying like flies in winter. The country was extremely unhealthy, owing to the con- stant rain and the rank herbage, which prevented a free circulation of air, and from the extreme damp induced fevers. The temperature Avas 65° Fahr. at night, and 72° during the day : dense clouds obscured the sun for many days, and the air was reeking with moisture. In the evening it was always necessary to keep a blazing fire within the hut, as the floor and Avails Avere Avet and chilly. The Avet herbage disagreed Avitli my baggage animals. Innumerable flies appeared, including the Tsetse, and in a fcAv Aveeks the donkeys had no hair left, either on their ears or legs ; they drooped and died one by one. It Avas in vain that I erected sheds,' and lighted fires ; nothing AA^ould protect them from the flies. The moment the fires Avere lit, the animals would rush Avildly into the smoke, from which nothing Avould driA^e them, and in the clouds of imaginary protection they Avould remain all day, refusing food. On the CHAP. IX.] ^LlBJrniXG EXPEDITION. 255 16tli of July my last liorse, Mouse, died ; lie had a very long tail, for Avliich I obtained a coiv in exchange. Nothing was prized so highly as a horse's tail, the hau^s being used for stringing beads, and also for making tufts as ornaments, to be susj)ended from the elbows. It was higlily fashionable in Obbo for the men to wear such tufts, formed of the bushy ends of cow's- tails. It was also "the thing'' to wear six or eight polished rings of iron, fastened so tightly round the throat, as to almost choke the wearer, somewhat re- sembling dog-collars. On 18th July, the natives held a great consultation, and ended with a war-dance ; they were all painted m various patterns, with red oclu'e and white pipe-clay ; their heads adorned with very tasteful ornaments of comie-shells, surmounted by plumes of ostrich-feathers, which cbooped over the back of the neck. After the dance, the old chief addressed them in a long and vehement speech ; he was followed by several other speakers, all of whom were remarkably fluent, and the resolution of the meeting was declared " that the nogaras were to be beaten, and men collected to accom- pany the Turks on a razzia in the Madi country." Ibrahim started with 120 armed men and a mass of Obbo people on the marauding expedition. On the following day Katehiba came to see us, bringing a present of flour. I gave him a tin plate, a wooden spoon, the last of the tea-cups, and a tinsel paper of mother-of-pearl shirt buttons, which took his fancy so immensely, that my wife was begged to suspend it from his neck like a medal. He was really a very good old fellow — by far the best I have seen in Africa. He was very suspicious of the Turks, who, he said, would ultimately ruin him, as, by attacking the Madi tribe, they would become his enemies, and invade Oljbo when the Turks should leave. Cattle were of very little use in his country, as the flies would kin them ; he had tried all his magic art, but it was of no avail against the flies ; my donkeys would all assuredly 256 SAAT BECOMES SCIENTIFIC. [chap. IX. die. He said that the losses inflicted upon the various tribes by the Turks were ruinous, as their chief means of subsistence was destroyed ; without cattle they could procure no wives ; milk, their principal diet, was denied them, and they were driven to despair ; thus they would fight for their cattle, although they would allow their families to be carried off without resistance ; cattle would procure another family, but if the animals were stolen, there would be no remedy. Flies by day, rats and innumerable bugs by nighty heavy dew, daily rain, and impenetrable reeking grass, rendered Obbo a prison about as disagreeable as could exist. The many months of tiresome inaction that I was forced to remain in this position, I will not ventm^e to inflict upon the reader, but I will content myself with extracts from my journal from time to time, that will exhibit the general character of the situation. ''Aug. 2d. — Several of ' my men have fever; the boy Saat, upon receiving a dose of calomel, asked, ' whether he was to swallow the paper in which it was wrapped ? ' This is not the first time that I have been asked the same question by my men. Saat feels the ennui of Obbo, and finds it difficult to amuse himself ; he has accordingly become so far scientific, that he has investigated the machinery of two of my watches, both of which he has destroyed. I am now reduced to one watch, the solitary survivor of four that formed my original family of timekeepers. Having commenced as a drummer, Saat feels the loss of his drum that was smashed by the camel ; he accordingly keeps his hand in by practising upon anything that he can adapt to that purpose, the sacred kettle inverted, and a tin cup having been drummed until the one became leaky, and the bottom of the other disappeared. " Saat and the black woman are, unfortunately, enemies, and the monotony of the estal^lishment is sometimes broken by a stand-up fight between him and his vicious antagonist, Gaddum Her. The latter CHAP. IX.] WILL EXGLAKD SUPPRESS THE SLAVE-TRADE P 257 has received a practical proof that the boy is growing strong, as I found him the other day improving her style of beauty by sitting astride upon her stomach and punching her eyes with his fists, as she lay upon the ground furrowing Saat s fat cheeks with her very dirty nails. It is only fair to the boy to say that Gaddum Her is always the aggTessor. " It is absurd to see the self-importance of the .miserable cut-throats belonging to Koorshids party, who, far too great to act as common soldiers, swagger about with little slave boys in attendance, who carry their muskets. I often compare the hard lot of our honest poor in England with that of these scoundrels, whose courage consists in plundering and mm^dering defenceless natives, while the robbers fatten on the spoil. I am most anxious to see whether the English Government will take active notice of the White Nile trade, or whether diplomacy will confine them to simple protest and correspondence, to be silenced by a promise from the Egyptian Government to put a stop to the present atrocities. The Egyptian Government wiU, of course promise, and, as usual with Turks, will never perform. On the other hand, the savages are them- selves bad ; one tribe welcomes the Turks as allies against their neighbours, and sees no crime in murder, provided the result be ^ cattle/ This, of course, pro- duces general confusion. " Aug, 6th. — The difficulties of procuring provisions are most serious : the only method of purchasing flour is as follows. The natives will not sell it for anything but flesh ; to purchase an ox, I require molotes (hoes) : to obtain molotes I must sell my clothes and shoes to the traders' men. The ox is then driven to a distant village, and is there slaughtered, and the flesh being divided into about a hundred small portions, my men sit upon the ground mth three large baskets, into which are emptied minute baskets of flour as the natives produce them, one in exchange for each parcel of meat. This tedious process is a specimen of S 258 THE EGYPTIAN SCARAB JEUS. [chap. tx. Central African difficulties in the simple act of pur- chasing flour. The Obbo natives are similar to the Bari in some of their habits. I have had great diffi- culty in breaking my cow-keeper of his disgusting custom of washing the milk-bowl with cows urine, and even mixing some Avith the milk ; he declares that unless he washes his hands with such water before milking, the cow will lose her milk. This filthy custom is unaccountable. The Obbo natives wash out their mouths with their own urine. This habit may have originated in the total absence of salt in their country. The Latookas, on the contrary, are very clean, and milk could be purchased in their own vessels without fear." Aug. Sth. — Having killed a fat ox, the men are busily engaged in boiling down the fat. Care should be taken to sprinkle a few drops of water in the pot when the fat is supposed to be sufficiently boiled ; should it hiss, as though poured upon melted lead, it is ready; but if it be silent, the fat is not sufficiently boiled, and it will not keep. Three runaway female slaves were captured by Koorshid's people this morning, two of whom were brutally treated. On the whole the female slaves are well kept when very young, but well thrashed when the black bloom of youth has passed." Aug. 11th. — At this season immense beetles are at work in vast numbers, walking off with every species of dung, by forming it into balls as large as small apples, and rolling them away with their hind-legs, while they walk backwards by means of the fore-legs. Should a ball of dung roll into a deep rut, I have fre- quently seen another beetle come to the assistance of the proprietor of the ball, and quarrel for its possession after their joint labours have raised it to the level. This species was the holy scarabaeus of the ancient Egyptians ; it appears shortly after the commencement of the wet season, its labours continuing until the cessation of the rains, at which time it disappears. CHAP. IX.] BACHEETA, THE UNTORO SLAVE. 259 Was it not worshipped by the ancients as the harbinger of the high Nile ? The existence of Lower Egypt depending upon the annual inundation, the rise of the river was observed with general anxiety. The beetle ap- pears at the commencement of the rise in the river level, and from its great size and extraordinary activity in clearing the earth from all kinds of ordure, its presence is remarkable. Appearing at the season of the flood, may not the ancients have imagined some connexion between the beetle and the river, and have considered it sacred as the harbinger of the inundation ? " There is a wild bean in this country, the blossom of which has a delicious perfume of violets. I regret that I have not a supply of paper for botanical speci- mens, as many beautiful flowers appeared at the commencement of the rains. Few thorns and no gums form a strong contrast to the Soudan, where nearly every tree and shrub is armed." " Aug. 13th. — I had a long examination of a slave woman, Bacheeta, belonging to one of Koorshid's men. She had been sent two years ago by the king, Kamrasi, from Unyoro, as a spy among the traders, with orders to attract them to the country if appearances were favourable, but to return with a report should they be dangerous people. *' On her arrival at Faloro, Debono's people captured her, and she was eventually sold to her present owner. She speaks Arabic, having learnt it from the traders' people. She declares that Magungo, the place of which I have heard so much, is only four days' hard marching for a native, direct from Faloro, but eight days' for the Turks; and that it is equi-distant from Faloro and from Kamrasi's capital in Unyoro. She had heard of the Luta N'zige, as reported to Speke, but she knew it only by the name of ' Kara-wootan-N zige.' " She corroborated the accounts I had formerly re- ceived, of large boats arriving with Arabs at Magungo, and she described the lake as a * white sheet as far as the eye could reach.' She particularized it as a pecu- S 2 260 INTELLIGENCE OF THE LAKE. [chap. ix. liar water, that was unlike other waters, as it would 'come up to a water-jar, if put upon the shore, and carry it away and break it/ By this description I understood ' waves/ She also described the * Gondo- koro river,' or AVhite Nile, as flowing into and out of the lake, and she spoke of a ' great roar of water, that fell from the sky/ " I trust I may succeed in reaching this lake : if not, my entire time, labour and expenditure, will have been wasted, as I throw sport entirely aside for the sake of this exploration. Were I to think of shooting in preference to exploring, I could have excellent sport on the Atabbi river during the dry season, as also on the Kanieti, in the vicinity of Wakkala; but I must neglect all but the great object, and push on to Kam- rasi's capital, and from thence to the lake. My great anxiety lies in the conduct of Koorshid's party ; should they make razzias south, I shall be ruined, as my men will be afraid to advance through a disturbed country. I must keep on good terms with the chief of the party, as I depend upon him for an interpreter and porters. " My plan is to prevail on Ibrahim to commence an ivory trade in Kamrasi's country that might be legiti- mately conducted, instead of the present atrocious system of robbery and murder. I like Koorshid, as he is a bold-spoken robber instead of acting the hypocrite like the other traders of Khartoum; thus, as he was the only man that was civil to me, I would do him a good turn could I establish an honest trade between Kamrasi and himself; at the same time, I should have the ad- vantage of his party as escort to the desired countr}\ The case commercially lies as follows : " Kamrasi s country, Unyoro, is a virgin land, where beads are hardly known, and where the king is the despotic ruler, whose word is law. All trade would be conducted through him alone, in the shape of presents, he giving elephants' tusks, while, in return, Koorshid would send him beads and various articles annually. Koorshid would thus be the sole trader with Kamrasi CHAP. IX.] COMMERCE WITH THE INTERIOR. 2G1 according to "Wliite Nile rules, and the abominable system of cattle robbery -would be avoided. " The great difficulty attending trade in a distant country is the want of means of transport, one tribe, being generally hostile to the adjoining, fears to afford porters beyond the frontier. If I can prove that the Lake Luta Nzige is one source of the Nile with a na^dgable junction, I can at once do away with the great difficulty, and open up a direct trade for Koor- shid. The Lake is in Kamrasi's own dominions ; thus he will have no fear in supplpng porters to deliver the ivory at a depot that might be established, either on the lake or at its junction with the Nile. A vessel should be built upon the lake, to trade with the surrounding coasts, and to receive the ivory from the depot. This vessel would then descend from the lake to the White Nile to the head of the cataracts, where a camp should be formed, from which, in a few days' march, the ivory would reach Gondokoro. "A large trade might thus be established, as not only Unyoro would supply ivory, but the lake would open the navigation to the very heart of Africa. The advantage of dealing with Kamrasi direct would be great, as he is not a mere savage, demanding beads and bracelets ; but he would receive printed cottons, and goods of various kinds, by which means the ivory would be obtained at a merely nominal rate. The depot on the Luta N zige should be a general store, at which the vessel ascending from the station above the cataracts would deliver the various goods from Gon- dokoro, and from this store the goods would be dis- seminated throughout the countries bordering the lake by means of vessels. " The only drawback to this honest trade would be the general hatred of an}i:hing honest by the Khar- toumers ; the charms of cattle razzias and slave- hunting, with the attendant murders, attract these villainous cut-throats to the "White Nile expeditions, and I fear it would be difficult to raise the number of 262 OBBO THE CLOTHING FRONTIER. [chap. IX. armed men required for safety, were legitimate trade the sole object of the ivory hunter. " Even in Ol3bo, I believe that printed calicoes, red woollen shirts, blankets, &c. would purchase ivory. The elevation of this country being upwards of 3,600 feet, the nights are cold, and even the day is cold during the wet season, thus clothing is required ; this we see in the first rudiments of covering, the skins of beasts used by the natives ; the Obbo people being the first tribe that adopts a particle of clothing from the Shillook country (lat. 10°) tln^oughout the entire course of the White Nile to this latitude (4° 02'). Kamrasi's tribe are well covered, and farther south, towards Zanzibar, all tribes are clothed more or less ; thus Obbo is the clothing frontier, where the climate has first prompted the savage to cover himself, while in the hot lowlands he remains in a state of nakedness. Where clothing is required, English manufactures would find a market in exchange for ivory ; thus from this point a fair trade might be commenced. " From Farajoke, in the Sooli country, lat. S'' 33', up to this date the most southern limit of my explorations, the lake is about nine or ten days' march in a direct course ; but such a route is impossible, owing to Debono's establishment occupying the intervening country, and the rules of the traders forbid a trespass upon their assumed territory. Koorshid s men would refuse to advance by that route; my men, if alone, will be afraid to travel, and will find some excuse for not proceeding ; from the very outset they have been an absolute burthen upon me, receiving a monthly allowance of two pounds of beads per head for doing literally nothing, after having ruined the independence of my expedition by their mutiny at Gondokoro." " Aug. 23d. — My last camel died to-day ; thus all my horses and camels are dead, and only eight donkeys remain out of twenty-one ; most of these will die, if not all. There can be no doubt that the exces- sive wet in all the food, owing to the constant rain CHAP. IX.] DEATH OF THE TRANSPORT ANIMALS. 263 and dew, is the principal cause of disease. The camels, horses, and donkeys of the Soudan, all thrive in the hot dry air of that country, and are unsuited for this damp climate. " Had I been without transport animals, my expedi- tion could not have left Gondokoro, as there was na possibility of procuring porters. I had always expected that my animals would die, but I had hoped they would have carried me to the equator : this they would have accomplished during the two months of compara- tive dry weather following my arrival at Gondokoro, had not the mutiny thwarted all my plans, and thrown me into the wet season. My animals have delivered me at Obbo, and have died in inaction, instead of wearing out upon the road. Had I been able to start direct from Gondokoro, as I had intended, my animals would have delivered me in Kamrasi's country before the arrival of the heavy rains. " There is an excellent species of gourd in Obbo ; it is pear-shaped, about ten inches long, and seven in diameter, with a white skin, and warts upon the surface ; this is the most delicate and the best-flavoured that I have ever eaten. There are two varieties of castor-oil plant in this country — one with a purple stem and bright red veins in the leaves, that is remarkably handsome. Also a wild plantain, mth a crimson stem to the leaf ; this does not grow to the height of the common plantain, but is simply a plume of leaves springing from the ground without a parent stem.'' " Aug. 30^^.— Mrs. Baker and I made a morning call for the first time upon old Katchiba by his express desire. His courtyard was cemented and clean, about a hundred feet in diameter, surrounded by palisades, which were overgrown with gourds and the climbing yam, Collololo. There were several large huts in the inclosure, belonging to his wives ; he received us very politely, and begged us to enter his principal residence ; it was simply arranged, being the usual 264 A JIOHXIXG CALL LX OBBO. [chap. IX. circular hut, but about twenty-five feet in diameter. Creeping on all fours through the narrow doorway, we found ourselves in the presence of one of his wives, who was preparing merissa. The furniture of the apartment was practical, and quite in accordance ^xit\\ tlie taste of the old chief, as the whole establishment appeared to be devoted to bre^ving merissa. There were several immense jars capable of holding about thirty gallons : some of these were devoted to beer, while one was reserved to contain little presents that he had re- ceived from ourselves and the Tm^ks, including a much- esteemed red flannel shirt; these recherche objects were packed in the jar, and covered by a smaller vessel inverted on the mouth to protect them from rats and white ants. Two or three well-prepared ox-hides were spread upon the ground ; and he requested Mrs. Baker to sit on his right hand, while I sat upon the left. Thus satisfactorily arranged, he called for some merissa, which his wife immediately brought in an immense gourd-shell, and both my wife and I ha\dng drunk, he took a long drauo'ht, and finished the o-om'd. The delio-htful old sor- cerer, determined to entertain us, called for his rababa : a species of harp was handed to him ; this was formed of a hollow base and an upright piece of wood, from which descended eio^ht striners, as shown in the accom- panpng sketch. Some time was expended in carefully tuning his instrument, which, being completed, he asked, ' if he should sing V Fully prepared for some- thing comic, we begged him to begin. He sang a most plaintive and remarkably wild, but pleasing air, accompanying himself perfectly on his harp, producing the best music that I had ever heard among savages. In fact, music and dancing were old Katchiba's delight, especially if combined with deep potations. His song over, he rose from his seat and departed, but presently re-appeared, leading a sheep by a string, which he begged us to accept. I thanked him for his attention, but I assured him that we had not paid him a -^dsit with the expectation of receiving a present, and that CHAP. IX.] KATCHIBA'S POLITEXESS. 2G5 we could not tliink of accepting it, as we had simply called upon liim as friends ; he accordingly handed the sheep to his ^^Tfe, and shortly after we rose to depart. Ha^Tug eflfected an exit by creeping tlu^ough the door- way, he led us both by the hand in a most friendly way for about a himdred yards on our path, and took leave most gTacefiilly, expressing a hope that we should frequently come to see him. " On our retm-n home we found the sheep waiting for us ; determined not to be refused, he had sent it on before us. I accordinoiv retm-ned him a most o-oro-eous necklace of the most valuable beads, and gave the native who had brought the sheep a present for himself and wife; thus all parties were satisfied, and the sheep was immediately killed for diimer. - The following morning Katchiba appeared at my door with a large red flag, made of a piece of cotton cloth that the Turks had given him ; he was accom- panied by two men beating large drums, and a thu'd playing a kind of clarionet : this playing at soldiers was an imitation of the Tm-ks. He was in gTcat spirits, being perfectly delighted with the necklace I had sent him." Oct. 6th. — I have examined my only remaining donkey ! he is a pictm-e of miser}^ — eyes and nose running, coat staring, and he is about to start to join his departed comi'ades ; he has packed ujd for his last joiurney. With his loose skin hanging to his T\4thered frame he looked like the British lion on the shield over the door of the Khartoum consulate. In that artistic effort the lion was equally lean and ragged, having perhaps been thus represented by the artist as a pic- torial allusion to the smallness of the Consul's pay ; the illustration over the shabby gateway utters, ' Be- hold my leanness ! 150/. per annum !' " I feel a touch of the poetic stealing over me when I look at my departing donkey. ' I never loved a dear gazelle,' &c. ; but the practical question, * Who is to carry the portmanteau V remains unanswered. I do 266 " COMING events;' etc.— fever. [chap. ix. not believe tlie Turks liave any intention of going to Kamrasi's country ; they are afraid, as they have heard that he is a powerful king, and they fear the restric- tions that power will place upon their felonious pro- pensities. In that case I shall go on. without them ; but they have deceived me, by borrowing 165 lbs. of beads which they cannot repay ; this puts me to much inconvenience. The Asua river is still impassable according to native reports; this will prevent a general advance south. Should the rains cease, the river will fall rapidly, and I shall make a forward move and escape this prison of high grass and inaction." Oct. 11th. — Lions roaring every night, but not visible. I set my men to work to construct a fortified camp, a simple oblong of palisades with two flanking projections at opposite angles to command all ap- proaches; the lazy scoundrels are sulky in consequence. Their daily occupation is drinking merissa, sleeping, and strumming on the rababa, while that of the black women is c^uarrelling — one ebony sister insulting the other by telling her that she is as ' black as the kettle,' and recommending her * to eat poison.' " Oct. 17th. — I expect an attack of fever to-morrow or next day, as I understand from constant and painful experiences every step of this insidious disease. For some days one feels a certain uneasiness of spirits difficult to explain ; no peculiar symptom is observed until a day or two before the attack, when great lassitude is felt, with a desire to sleep. Eheu- matic pains in the loins, back, and joints of the limbs are accompanied by a sense of great weakness. A cold fit comes on very quickly ; this is so severe that it almost immediately afiects the stomach, producing painful vomiting with severe retching. The eyes are heavy and painful, the head hot and aching, the ex- tremities pale and cold, pulse very weak, and about fifty-six beats per minute; the action of the heart dis- tressingly weak, with total prostration of strength. This, shivering and vomiting continues for about two hours^ CHAP. IX.] SYMPTOMS. 267 attended with great difficult}' of breathing. The hot stage then comes on, the retching still continuing, with the difficult}^ of breathing, intense weakness and rest- lessness for about an hour and a half, which, should the remedies be successful, terminate in profuse per- spiration and sleep. The attack ends, lea\TLng the stomach in a dreadful state of weakness. The fever is remittent, the attack retiu^ning almost at the same hour every two days, and reducing the patient rapidly to a mere skeleton ; the stomach refuses to act, and death ensues. Any severe action of the mind, such as grief or anger, is almost certain to be succeeded by fever in this country. My stock of quinine is reduced to a few grains, and my work lies before me ; my cattle are all dead. We are both weakened by repeated fever, and travelling must be on foot." CHAPTEK X. LIFE AT OBBO. For months we dragged on a miserable existence at Obbo, wrecked by fever ; the quinine [exhausted ; thus the disease worried me almost to death, returning at intervals of a few days. Fortunately my wife did not suffer so much as I did. I had nevertheless pre- pared for the journey south ; and as travelling on foot would have been impossible in our weak state, I had purchased and trained three oxen in lieu of horses. They were named "Beef," "Steaks," and "Suet." " Beef " was a magnificent animal, but having been bitten by the flies, he so lost his condition that I changed his name to " Bones." We were ready to start, and the natives reported that early in January the Asua would be fordable. I had arranged with Ibrahim that he should supply me with porters for payment in copper bracelets, and that he should accompany me with one hundred men to Kamrasi's country (Unyoro), on condition that he would restrain his people from all misdemeanours, and that they should be entirely subservient to me. It was the month of December, and during the nine months that I had been in correspondence with his party I had succeeded in acquiring an extraordinary influence. Although my camp was nearly three-quarters of a mile from their zareeba, I had been besieged daily for many months for everything that was wanted ; my CHAP. X.] IXFLl'EXCB GAINED OVER THE PEOPLE. 2G9 camp was a kind of general store that appeared to be inexhaustible. I gave all that I had with a good grace, and thereby gained the goodwill of the robbers, especially as my large medicine-chest contained a supply of drugs that rendered me in their eyes a phy- sician of the first importance. I had been very suc- cessful with my patients ; and the medicines that I generally used being those which produced a very decided efi'ect, both the Turks and natives consi- dered them with perfect faith. There was seldom any difficulty in prognosticating the effect of tartar emetic, and this became the favourite drug that was almost daily applied for ; a dose of tlu'ee grains en- chanting the patient, who always advertised my fame, by sa}, " He told me I should be sick, and by Allah ! there was no mistake about it." Accordingly there was a great run upon the tartar emetic. Many people in Debono's camp had died, including several of my deserters who had joined them. News was brought that, in three separate fights vdth. the natives, my deserters had been killed on every occasion, and my men and those of Ibrahim unhesitatingly declared that it was the " hand of God." None of Ibrahim s men had died since we left Latooka. One man, who had been badly wounded by a lance thrust through his abdomen, I had successfully treated; and the trading party, who would at one time gladly have exterminated me, now exclaimed, "What shaU we do when the Sowar (traveller) leaves the country ? " Mrs. Baker had been exceedingly kind to the women and children of both the traders and natives, and together we had created so favourable an impression that we were always referred to as umpires in every dispute. My own men, although indolent, were so completely disciplined that they would not have dared to disobey an order, and they looked back upon their former mutinous conduct with surprise at their own audacity, and declared that they feared to return to Khartoum, as they were sure that I should not forgive them. 270 KATCIIIBA IS APPLIED TO FOR RAIN. [chap. x. I had promised Ibraliim tliat I would use my in- fluence witli the King of Unyoro to procure him the ivory of that country ; — I had a good supply of beads, while Ibraliim had none ; thus he was dependent upon me for opening the road. Everything looked fair, and had I been strong and well I should have enjoyed the future prospect, but I was weak and almost useless, and weighed down with anxiety lest I might die and my wife would be left alone. The rains had ceased, and the wild grapes were ripe ; the natives brought them in great quantities in exchange for a few beads. They were in extremely large bunches, invariably black, and of a good size, but not juicy — the flavour was good, and they were most refreshing, and certainly benefited my health. I pressed about two hundred pounds of grapes in the large sponging bath, but procured so little juice, and that so thick, that wine- malang proved a failure ; it fermented, ^nd we drank it, but it was not wine. One day, hearing a great noise of voices and blowing of horns in the direction of Katchiba's residence, I sent to inquire the cause. The old chief himself appeared, very angry and excited. He said, that his people were very bad, that they had been making a great noise and finding fault with him because he had not supplied them with a few showers, as they wanted to sow their crop of tuUaboon. There had been no rain for about a fortnight. "WelV I replied, "you are the rainmaker ; why don't you give your people rain " Give my people rain ! " said Katchiba. " I give them rain if they don't give me goats ? You don't know my people ; if I am fool enough to give them rain before they give me the goats, they w^ould let me starve ! No, no ! let them wait — ^if they don't bring me supplies of corn, goats, fowls, yams, merissa, and all that I require, not one drop of rain shall ever fall again in Obbo ! Impudent brutes are my people ! Do you know, they have positively threatened to kill me unless I bring the rain ? They shan't have a drop ; I will wither the crops, and bring a plague CHAP. X.] RAIN-MAKING. 271 upon their flocks. Til teacli these rascals to insult me I" With all this bluster, I saw that old Katchiba was in a great dilemma, and that he would give anything for a shower, but that he did not know how to get out of the scrape. It was a common freak of the tribes to sacrifice their rainmaker, should he be unsuccessful. He suddenly altered his tone, and asked, Have you any rain in your country ? I replied that we had, every now and then. " How do you bring it ? Are you a rainmaker ? I told him that no one believed in rainmakers in our country, but that we understood how to bottle lightning (meaning electricity). "I don't keep mine in bottles, but I have a houseful of thunder and lightning," he most coolly replied ; "but if you can bottle lightning you must understand rainmaking. What do you think of the weather to day ? " I imme- diately saw the drift of the cunning old Katchiba ; he wanted professional advice. I replied, that he must know all about it, as he was a regular rainmaker. " Of course I do,'' he answered, " but I want to know what you think of it." "Well," I said, "Idont think we shall have any steady rain, but I think we may have a heavy shower in about four days (I said this as I had observed fleecy clouds gathering daily in the afternoon). " Just my opinion ! " said Katchiba, delighted ; "in four or perhaps in five days I intend to give them one shower ; just one shower ; yes, 111 just step down to them now and tell the rascals, that if they will bring me some goats by this evening, and some corn to-morrow morning, I will give them in four or five days just one shower." To give effect to his declaration he gave several toots upon his magic whistle. " Do you use whistles in your country ? " inquired Katchiba. I only replied by giving so shrill and deafening a whistle on my fingers that Katchiba stopped his ears ; and relapsing into a smile of admiration he took a glance at the sky from the doorway to see if any sudden eff'ect had been produced. "Whistle again," he said ; and once more T performed 272 KATCHIBA TAKES COUNSEL'S OPIMOX. [chap. x. like the wliistle of a locomotive. " That will do, we shall have it/^ said the cunning old rainmaker ; and proud of having so knowingly obtained "counsel's opinion on his case, he toddled off to his impatient subjects. In a few days a sudden storm of rain and violent thunder added to Katchiba's renown, and after the shower, horns were blowing and nogaras were beating in honour of their chief. Entre nous, my whistle was considered infallible. The natives were busy sowing the new crop just as the last crop was ripening. It did not appear likely that they would reap much for their labour, as the elephants, having an accurate knowledge of the season, visited their fields nightly, and devoured and trampled the greater portion. I had been too ill to think of shooting, as there was no other method than to watch in the tullaboon fields at night ; the high grass in which the elephants harboured being impenetrable. Feeling a little better I took my men to the field about a mile from the village, and dug a hole in which I intended to watch. That night I took Eicharn, and we sat together in our narrow grave. There was no sound throughout the night. I was well wrapped up in a Scotch plaid, but an attack of ague came on, and I shivered as though in Lapland. I had several rifles in the grave ; among others the "Baby," that carried a half-pound explosive shell. At about 4 a.m. I heard the distant trumpet of an elephant, and I immediately ordered Eicharn to watch, and to report to me their arrival. It was extremely dark, but Eicharn presently sank slowly down, and whispered, " Here they are ! Taking the "Baby," I quietly rose, and listening attentively, I could distinctly hear the elephants tearing off" the heads of the tullaboon, and crunching the crisp grain. I could distinguish the dark forms of the herd about thirty paces from me, but much too indistinct for a shot. I stood with my elbows resting on the CHAP. X.] NWUT-WA'lCLl FOR ELEVHAi\TH. 273 edge of the hole, and the heavy rifle balanced, waiting for an opportunity. I had a paper-sight arranged for night shooting, and I several times tried to get the line of an elephant s shoulder, but to no purpose ; I could distinguish the sight clearly, but not the elephant. As I was watching the herd I suddenly heard a trum- j)et close to my left, and I perceived an elephant quickly walking exactly towards my grave. I waited with the rifle at my shoulder until he was within about twelve paces ; I then whistled, and he stopped and turned quickly, exposing his side. Taking the line of the fore-leg, I fired at the shoulder. The tremendous flash and smoke of ten drachms of powder completely blinded me, and the sudden reaction of darkness increased the obscurity. I could distinguish nothing ; but I heard a heavy fall, and a few moments after I could hear a rustling in the grass as the herd of elephants retreated into the grass jungles. Eicharn declared that the elephant had fallen ; but I again heard a rustling in the high grass jungle within eighty yards of me, and this sound continued in the same place. I accordingly concluded that the elephant w^as very badly wounded, and that he could not move from the spot. Nothing- could be seen. At length the birds began to chirp, and the black- smith'' (as I named one of the first to wake, whose tw^o sharp ringing notes exactly resemble the blows of a hammer upon an anvil) told me that it was nearly daybreak. The grey of morning had just appeared wdien I heard voices, and I saw Mrs. Baker coming along the field with a party of men, whom she had brought down from the village with knives and axes. She had heard the roar of the heavy rifle, and knowing the " Baby's " scream, and the usual fatal effects, she had considered the elephant as bagged. The natives had also heard the report, and people began to accu- mulate from all quarters for the sake of the flesh. The elephant was not dead, but an- as standing about ten yards within the grass jungle : however, in a short time T 274 ELEPHANT KILLED. [chap. x. a heavy fall sounded his knell, and the crowd rushed in. He was a fine bull, and before I allowed him to be cut up, I sent for the measuring-tape ; the result being as follows : — Feet. luclies. From tip of trunk to fleshy end of tail 26 J Height from shoulder to fore-foot in a perpendicular line 10 6J Girth of fore-foot 410i Length of one tusk in the curve 6 6 Ditto of fellow tusk (el Hadam, the servant) ... 511 Weight of tusks, 80 lbs. and 69 lbs. = 149 lbs. The ridiculous accounts that I have read, stating that the height of elephants attains fifteen feet, is simply laughable ignorance. A difference of a foot in an elephant's height is enormous ; he appears a giant among his lesser comrades. Observe the difference between a horse sixteen hands high and a pony of thirteen hands, and the difference of a foot in the heiglit of a quadruped is exemplified. The word being given, the crowd rushed upon the elephant, and about three hundred people were attack- ing; the carcase with knives and lances. About a dozen men were working inside as though in a tunnel; they had chosen this locality as being near to the fat, which was greatly coveted. A few days later I attempted to set fire to the grass jungle, but it would not burn thoroughly, leaving scorched stems that were rendered still tougher by the fire. On the foUowino; evenino; I took a stroll over the burnt ground to look for game. No elephants had visited the spot ; but as I was walking along expecting nothing, up jumped a wild boar and sow from the entrance of a large hole of the Manis, or great scaled ant-eater. Being thus taken by surprise, the boar very imprudently charged me, and was imme- diately knocked over dead by a shot through the spine from the little Fletcher rifle, while the left-hand barrel rolled over his companion, who almost immediately CHAP. X.] WILD BOARS. 275 recovered and disappeared in the grass jungle ; how- ever, there was pork for those who liked it, and I went to the camp and sent a number of natives to bring it home. The Obbo people were delighted, as it was their favourite game, but none of my people would touch the unclean animal. The wild pigs of this country live underground ; they take possession of the holes made by the Manis, these they enlarge and form cool and secure retreats. A bad attack of fever laid me up until the 31st of December. On the first day of January, 1864, I was hardly able to stand, and was nearly worn out at the very time that I required my strength, as we were to start south in a few days. Although my quinine had been long since exhausted, I had reserved ten grains to enable me to start in case the fever should attack me at the time of departure. I now swallowed my last dose, and on 3d January, I find the following note in my journal : "All ready for a start to-morrow. I trust the year 1864 will bring l)etter luck than the past, that having been the most annoying that I have ever experienced, and full of fever. I hope now to reach Kamrasi's country in a fortnight, and to obtain guides from him dii'ect to the lake. My Latooka, to whom I have been very kind, has absconded : there is no difference in any of these savages ; if hungry, they will fawn upon you, and when filled, they will desert. I believe that ten years' residence in the Soudan and this country would spoil an Angel, and would turn the best heart to stone." It was difficult to procure porters, therefore I left all my effects at my camp in charge of two of my men, and I determined to travel light, without the tent, and to take little beyond ammunition and cooking utensils Ibrahim left forty-five men in his zareeba, and on the 5th of January we started. Mrs. Baker rode her ox, but my animal being very shy, I ordered him to be driven for about a mile with the others to accustom him to the crowd : not approving of the T 2 270 START FOR THE SOUTH. [chap. X. expedition, lie bolted into the high grass with my English saddle, and I never saw him again. In my weak state I had to walk. We had not gone far when n large fly fastened upon Mrs. Baker's ox, just by his tail, the eff'ect of which was to produce so sudden a kick and plunge, that he threw her to the ground and hurt her considerably; she accordingly changed the animal, and rode a splendid ox that Ibrahim very civilly offered. I had to walk to the Atabbi, about eighteen miles, which, although a pleasant stroll when in good health, I found rather fatiguing. We bivouacked on the south bank of the Atabbi. The next morning, after a walk of about eight miles, I purchased of one of the Turks the best ox that I have ever ridden, at the price of a doul^le-barrelled gun — it was a great relief to be well mounted, as I was quite unfit far a journey on foot. At 4.30 P.M. we arrived at one of the villaofes of o Farajoke The character of the country had entirely changed ; instead of the rank and superabundant vegetation of Obbo, we were in a beautiful open country, naturally drained by its undulating character, and abounding in most beautiful low pasturage. Vast herds of cattle belonged to the different villages, but these had all been driven to concealment, as the report had been received that the Turks were approaching. The country was thickly populated, hwt the natives appeared very mistrustful ; the Turks immediately entered the villages and ransacked the granaries for corn, digging up the yams and helping themselves to everything as though quite at home. I was on a beautiful grass sward on the gentle slope of a hill : here I arranged to bivouac for the night. In three days' march from this point through beautiful park-like country, we arrived at the Asua river. The entire route from Farajoke had been a gentle descent, and I found this point of the Asua in lat. N. 3^ 12 to be 2,875 feet above the sea level, 1,0.91 feet lower than Farajoke. The river was a hundred and twenty CHAP. X.] THE ASUA RJFFAl. 'Ill paces broad, and from the bed to the top of the per- pendicular banks was about fifteen feet. At this season it was almost dry, and a narrow channel of about six inches deep flowed tln;ough the centre of the othermse exhausted river. The bed was much ob- structed by rocks, and the inclination was so rapid that I could readily conceive the impossibility of crossing it during the rains. It formed the great drain of the country, all its waters flowing to the Nile, but during the dry months it was most insignificant. The country betAveen Farajoke and the Asua, although lovely, was very thinly populated, and the only \T.llages that I saw were built upon low hills of bare granite, which lay in huge piles of disjointed fragments. - On arrival at the river, while the men were wash- ing in the clear stream, I took a rifle and strolled along the margin ; I shortly observed a herd of the MEJIEDEHET ANTELOPE. beautiful Mehedeliet antelopes feeding upon the rich l)ut low grass of a sandbank in the very centre of the 278 STALKING MEHEDEHET ANTELOPE. [chap. X. river. Stalking them to within a hundred and twenty paces they obtained my wind, and, ceasing to graze, they gazed intently at me. I was on the high bank among the bushes, and I immediately picked out the biggest, and fired, missing my mark. All dashed away except the animal at which I fired, who stood in uncertainty for a few moments, when the second barrel of the Fletcher 24 rifle knocked him over, striking him through the neck. Hearing the quick double shot, my people came running to the spot accompanied by a number of the native porters, and were rejoiced to find a good supply of meat : the antelope weighed about five hundred pounds, and was sufiicient to afibrd a good dinner for the whole party. The Mehedehet is about 13 hands high, with rough brown hair like the Samber deer of India. Our resting-place was on the dry, rocky bed of the river, close to the edge of the shallow but clear stream that rippled over the uneven surface. Some beautiful tamarind trees afibrded a most agreeable shade, and altogether it was a charming place to bivouac. Although at Obbo the grass was not sufficiently dry to burn, in tliis country it was reduced to a crisp straw, and I immediately set fire to the prairies ; the wind was strong, and we had a grand blaze, the flames crackling and leaping about thirty feet high, and sweeping along with so mad a fury that Avithin an hour the entire country was a continuous line of fire. Not a trace of vegetation remained behind ; the country appeared as though covered with a pall of black velvet. Eeturning from my work, I found my camping-place well arranged — beds prepared, and a good dinner ready of antelope-soup and cutlets. On waking the next morning, I found that the Turks had all disappeared during the night, and that I was alone with my people. It was shortly explained that they had departed to attack some village, to which they were guided by some natives who had accompanied them from Farajoke. CHAP. X.] TURKS' STANDARD-BEARER KILLED. 279 I accordingly took my rifle and strolled along the margin of the river to look for game, accompanied by two of my porters. Although it was a most likely country, being a natural park well timbered, with a river flowing through the midst, there was a great scarcity of wild animals. At length, in crossing a ravine that had stopped the progress of the fire, an antelope (water -buck) jumped out of a hollow, and, rushing through the high grass, he exposed himself for an instant in crossing the summit of a bare knoll, and received a ball from the little Fletcher in the hind-quarters. Although badly wounded, he was too nimble for my natives, who chased him with their spears for about a quarter of a mile. These fellows tracked him beautifully, and we at length found him hiding in a deep pool in the river, and he was im- mediately despatched. After a long walk, during which I did not obtain another shot, I returned to my resting-place, and, refreshed by a bathe in the cool river, I slept as sound as though in the most luxurious bed in England. On the following morning I went out early, and shot a small species of antelope ; and shortly after my return to breakfast, the Turks' party arrived, bringing with them about three hundred head of cattle that they had captured from the Madi tribe. They did not seem at all in good spirits, and I shortly heard that they had lost their standard-bearer, killed in the fight, and that the flag had been in great peril, and had been saved by the courage of a young Bari slave. The ensign was separated from the main party, and was attacked by four natives, who killed the bearer, and snatched away the flag : this would inevitably have been lost, had not the Bari boy of about fifteen shot the fore- most native dead with a pistol, and, snatching the flag from his hands, ran with it towards the Turks, some of whom coming up at that instant, the natives did not "think it wise to pursue their advantage. A number of slaves had ])een captured ; among others. 280 AlUUFAL AT SHOO A. [chap. X. several young children, one of Avhom was an infant. These unfortunate women and children, excepting the infant, were all tied by the neck with a long leathern thong, so as to form a Hving chain, and guards were set over them to prevent escape. The Bari natives would make good soldiers, as they are far more cou- rageous than most of the savage tribes. The best men among the party of Ibrahim are Baris ; among them is a boy named Arnout ; he is the drummer, and he once saved his master in a fight by suddenly presenting his drumstick like a pistol at several natives, who had attacked him while unloaded. The natives, seeing the determined attitude of the boy, and thinking that the drumstick was a firearm, ran off. We started at day- break on 13th January, and, ascending the whole way, we reached Shooa, in latitude 3° 4'. The route through- out had been of the same park-like character, inter- spersed with occasional hills of fine granite, piled in the enormous blocks so characteristic of that stone. Shooa was a lovely place. A fine granite mountain ascended in one block in a sheer precipice for about 800 feet from its base, perfectly abrupt on the eastern side, while the other portions of the mountain were covered with fine forest trees, and picturesquely dotted over Avith villages. This country formed a natural park, remarkably well watered by numerous rivulets, ornamented with fine timber, and interspersed with numerous high rocks of granite, which from a distance produced the effect of ruined castles. The pasturage was of a superior quality, and of the same description as that of Farajoke. The country being undulating, there was a small brook in every valley that formed a natural drain. Accordingly, the more elevated land was remarkably dry and healthy. On arrival at the foot of the abrupt mountain, we camped beneath an immense india-rubber tree, that afforded a delightful shade, from which elevated spot we had a super!) view of the surrounding country, and could see the position of Debono's camp, about twenty- CHAP. X.J THE NEIGHBOURIIOOI) OF SlIOOA. 281 five miles to the Avest by north, at the foot of the Faioro hills. By Casella's thermometer, I determined the altitude of Shooa to be 3,877 feet — 1,002 feet above the Asua river, and 89 feet lower than Farajoke. These obser- vations of the thermometer agreed with the natural appearance of the country, the Asua river forming the main drain in a deep valley, into which innumerable rivulets convey the drainage from both north and south. Accordingly, the Asua, recei\dng the Atabbi river, which is the main drain of the western face of the Madi mountains, and the entire drainage of the Madi and Shooa countries, together with that of exten- sive countries to the east of Shooa, including the rivers Chombi and Udat, from Lira and Umiro, it becomes a tremendous torrent so long as the rains continue, and conveys a grand volume of water to the Nile ; but the inchnation of all these countries tending rapidly to the north-west, the bed of the Asua river partakes of the general incline, and so quickly empties after the ces- sation of the rains that it becomes nil as a river. By the mean of several observations I determined the latitude of Shooa 3° 04^ longitude E. 32' 04'. We were now about twelve miles south of Debono's outpost, Faioro. The whole of the Shooa country was assumed to belong to Mohammed Wat el Mek, the vakeel of Debono, and we had j^assed the ashes of several villages that had been burnt and plundered by these people between Farajoke and this point ; the entu'e country had been laid waste. There was no great chief at Shooa ; each village had a separate headman : formerly the population had occupied the lower ground, but since the Turks had been established at Faioro and had plundered the neighbouring tribes, the natives had forsaken their vil- lages and had located themselves among the mountains for security. It was the intention of Ibrahim to break through the rules accepted by the '\^^ite Nile traders, and to establish himself at Shooa, wliich, although 2cS2 CULTIVATION AND GRANARIES. [chap. x. claimed by Debono's people, would form an excellent point dJappui for operations towards the unknown south. Shooa was " flowing with milk and honey fowls, butter, goats, were in abundance and ridiculously cheap ; beads were of great value, as few had ever reached that country. The women flocked to see Mrs. Baker, bring- ing presents of milk and flour, and receiving beads and bracelets in return. The people were precisely the same as those of Obbo and Farajoke in language and appearance, exceedingly mild in their manner, and anxious to be on good terms. The cultivation in this country was superior to any- thing that I had seen farther north ; large quantities of sesame were grown and carefully harvested, the crop being gathered and arranged in oblong frames about twenty feet long by twelve high. These were inclined at an angle of about sixty — the pods of the sesame plants on one face, so that the frames resembled enor- mous brushes. In this manner the crop Avas dried previous to being stored in the granaries. Of the latter there were two kinds — the wicker-work smeared with cow-dung, supported on four posts, with a thatched roof ; and a simple contrivance by fixing a stout pole about twenty feet long perpendicularly in the earth. About four feet from the ground a bundle of strong and long reeds are tied tightly round the pole ; hoops of wicker-work are then bound round them at intervals until they assume the form of an inverted umbrella half expanded; this being filled with grain, fresh reeds are added, until the work has extended to within, a few feet of the top of the pole ; the whole is then capped with reeds securely strapped : the entire granary has the appearance of a cigar, but thicker in proportion about the middle. Two days after our arrival at Shooa, the whole of our Obbo porters absconded : they had heard that we were bound for Kamrasi's country, and having received exaggerated accounts of his power from the Shooa CHAP. X.] " WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS:' 283 people, they had determined upon retreat : thus we were at once unable to proceed, unless we could pro- cure porters from Shooa. This was exceedingly diffi- cult, as Kamrasi was well known here, and was not loved. His country was known as " Quanda," and I at once recognised the corruption of Speke's " Uganda." The slave woman, " Bacheeta," who had formerly given me in Obbo so much information concerning Kamrasi's country, was to be our interpreter ; but we also had the luck to discover a lad who had formerly been em- ployed by Mahommed in Faloro, who also spoke the language of Quanda, and had learnt a little Arabic. I now discovered that the slave woman Bacheeta had formerly been in the service of a chief named Sali, who had been killed by Kamrasi. Sali was a friend of Rionga (Kamrasi's greatest enemy), and I had been warned by Speke not to set foot upon Rionga^s ter- ritory, or all travelling in Unyoro would be cut off. 1 plainly saw that Bacheeta was in favour of Rionga, as a friend of the murdered Sali, by whom she had had two children, and that she would most likely tamper with the guide, and that we should be led to Rionga instead of to Kamrasi. There were "wheels within wheels." It was now reported that in the past year, immediately after the departure of Speke and Grant from Gondokoro, when Debono's people had left me in the manner already described, they had marched direct to Rionga, allied themselves to him, crossed the Nile with his people, and had attacked Kamrasi's country, killing about three hundred of his men, and capturing many slaves. I now understood why they had deceived me at Gondokoro : they had obtained the information of the country from Speke's people, and had made use of it by immediately attacking Kamrasi in conjunction with Rionga. This would be a pleasant introduction for me on entering Unyoro, as almost immediately after the departure of Speke and Grant, Kamrasi had been invaded by the very people into whose hands his mes- 284 DIFFICULTY IiV STARTING SOUTH. [chap. x. sengers had delivered them, when they were guided from Unyoro to the Turks' station at Faloro ; he would naturally have considered that the Turks had been sent by Speke to attack him ; thus the road appeared closed to all exploration, through the atrocities of Debono s people. Many of Ibrahim's men, at hearing this intelligence, refused to proceed to Unyoro. Fortunately for me, Ibrahim had been extremely unlucky in procuring ivory ; the year had almost passed away, and he had a mere nothing with which to return to Gondokoro. I impressed upon him how enraged Koorshid would be should he return with such a trifle ; already his own men declared that he Avas neo^lectino^ razzias, because he was to receive a present from me if we reached Unyoro ; this they would report to his master (Koor- shid), and it would be believed should he fail in securing ivory. I guaranteed him 100 cantars (10,000 lbs.) if he would push on at all hazards with me to Kamrasi, and secure me porters from Shooa. Ibrahim behaved remarkably w^ell. For some time past I had acquired a great influence over him, and he depended so thoroughly upon my opinion that he declared himself ready to do all that I suggested. Accordingly I desired him to call his men together, and to leave in Shooa all those who were disinclined to follow us. At once I arranged for a start, lest some fresh idea should enter the ever suspicious brains of our follow^ers, and mar the expedition. It was difficult to procure porters, and I abandoned all that was not indispensable — our last few pounds of rice and cofl'ee, and even the great sponging-bath, that emblem of civilization that had been clung to even when the tent had been left behind. On the 18th January, 1864, we left Shooa. The pure air of that country had invigorated us, and I was so improved in strength, that I enjoyed the excitement of the launch into unknown lands. The Turks knew nothing of the route south, and I accordingly took the CHAP. X.] FAT IK OA LEVEE. •285 lead of the entire party. 1 had come to a distinct understanding with Ibrahim that Kamrasis country should belong to me ; not an act of felony would be permitted ; all were to be under my government, and I would insure him at least 100 cantars of tusks. Eight miles of agreeable march through the usual park-Hke country brought us to the village of Fatiko, situated upon a splendid plateau of rock upon elevated ground, with beautiful granite cliffs, bordering a level table-land of fine grass that would have formed a race- course. The high rocks were covered mth natives, perched upon the outhne like a flock of ravens. We halted to rest under some fine trees growing among large isolated blocks of granite and gneiss. In a short time the natives assembled around us : they were wonderfully friendly, and insisted upon a personal introduction to both myself and Mrs. Baker. We were thus compelled to hold a levee ; not the passive and cold ceremony of Em'ope, but a most active undertaking, as each native that was introduced performed the salaam of his country, by seizing both my hands and raising my arms three times to their full stretch above mv head. After about one hundred Fatikos had been thus gratified by our submission to this infliction, and our arms had been subjected to at least tliree hundred stretches each, I o-ave the order to saddle the oxen immediately, and we escaped a further proof of Fatiko aflection that was already preparing, as masses of natives were streaming doAvn the rocks hurrying to be introduced. Notwithstanding the fatigue of the ceremony, I took a great fancy to these- poor people ; they had prepared a quantity of merissa and a sheep for our lunch, which they begged us tO' remain and enjoy before w^e started ; but the pumping action of half a village not yet gratified by a pre- sentation was too much ; and mounting our oxen, with aching shoulders we bade adieu to Fatiko. Descending the picturesque rocky hill of Fatiko, we entered upon a totally distinct country. We hnd now 28G BOUNDLESS PRAIRIES. [chap. X. before us an interminable sea of prairies, covering to the horizon a series of gentle undulations inclining from east to west. There were no trees except the dolape palms ; these were scattered at long intervals in the bright yellow surface of high grass. The path was narrow, but good, and after an hour's march we halted for the night on the banks of a deep and clear stream, the Un-y-ame ; — this stream is perennial, and receiving many rivulets from Shooa, it forms a considerable torrent during the rainy season, and joins the Nile in N. lat. 3° 32^ at the limit reached by Signor Miani, 1859, the first traveller who ever attained a point so far south in Nile explorations from Egypt. There was no wood for fires, neither dung of animals ; thus without fuel we went supperless to bed. Although the sun was pain- fully hot during the day, the nights were so cold (about 55° Fahr.) that we could hardly sleep. For two days we marched through high dry grass, (about ten feet), when a clear night allowed an obser- vation, and the meridian altitude of Capella gave lati- tude 2° 45' 37". In this interminable sea of prairie it was interesting to watch our progress south. On the following day our guide ' lost the road ; a large herd of elephants had obscured it by trampling hundreds of paths in all directions. The wind was strong from the north, and I proposed to clear the country to the south by firing the prairies. There were numerous deep swamps in the bottoms between the undulations, and upon arrival at one of these green dells we fired the grass on the opposite side. In a few minutes it roared before us, and we enjoyed the grand sight of the boundless prairies blazing like infernal regions, and rapidly clearing a path south. Flocks of buzzards and the beautiful varieties of fly-catchers thronged to the dense smoke to prey upon the innu- merable insects that endeavoured to escape from the approaching fire. In about an hour we marched over the black and smoking ground, every now and then meeting dead CHAP. X.] DECEIT OF THE GUIDE. 287 stumps of palm trees blazing ; until we at length reached another swamp. There the fire had terminated in its course south, being stopped by the high green reeds, and it was raging to the east and west. Again the tedious operation had to be performed, and the grass was fired in many places on the opposite side of the swamp, while we waited until the cleared way was sufficiently cool to allow the march. We were perfectly black, as the wind brought showers of ashes that fell like snow, but turned us into Ethiopians. I had led the way on foot from the hour we left Fatiko, as, the country being uninhabited for five days' march between that place and Kamrasi's, the men had more faith in my steering by the compass than they had in the native guide. I felt sure that we were being deceived, and that the woman Bacheeta had directed the guide to take us to Eionga's. Accordingly that night, when Canopus was in the meridian, I asked our conductor to point by a star the direction of Karuma Falls. He immediately pointed to Canopus, which I knew by Speke's map should be the direction of Eionga s islands, and I charged him with the deceit. He appeared very much astonished, and asked me why I wanted a guide if 1 knew the way?" confessing that Karuma Falls were " a little to the east of the star." I thanked Speke and Grant at that moment, and upon many other occasions, for the map they had so generously given me ! It has been my greatest satisfaction to have completed their great discovery, and to bear testi- mony to the correctness of their map and general observations. The march was exceedingly fatiguing : there was a swamp at least every half hour during the day, at each of which we had the gi^eatest difficulty in driving the oxen, who were above the girths in mud. One swamp was so deep that we had to carry the luggage piecemeal on an angarep by about twelve men, and my wife being subjected to the same operation was too heavy, and the people returned with her as imprac- 288 ARRIVE AT THE VICTORIA NILE. [chap. X. ticable. I accordingly volunteered for service, and carried her on my back ; but when in the middle of the swamp, the tenacious bottom gave way, and I sank, and remained immoveably fixed, while she flound- ered frog-like in the muddy water. I was extricated by the united efforts of several men, and she was landed by being dragged through the swamp. We marched for upwards of ten hours per day, so great were the delays in crossing the morasses and in clearing ofi" the grass jungle by burning. On the fourth day we left the prairies, and entered a noble forest ; this was also so choked with high grass that it was impossible to proceed without burning the country in advance. There had been no semblance of a path for some time ; and the only signs of game that we had seen were the tracks of elephants and a large herd of buffaloes, the fire having scared all wild animals from the neighbourhood. An attack of fever seized me suddenly, and I was obliged to lie down for four or five hours under a tree until the fit had passed away, when, weak and good for nothing, I again mounted my ox and rode on. On the 2 2d February, from an elevated position in the forest at sunrise, Ave saw a cloud of fog hanging in a distant valley, which betokened the presence of the Somerset river. The guide assured us that we should reach the river that day. I extract the note from my journal on that occasion : — "Marched, 6h. 20m., reaching the Somerset river, or Victoria White Nile. 1 never made so tedious a journey, owing to the delays of grass, streams, and deep swamps, but since we gained the forest these obstacles Vv^ere not so numerous. Many tracks of elephants, rhinoceros, and bufialoes ; but we saw nothing. Halted about eighty feet above the river ; altitude above sea- level, by observation, 3,864 ft. I went to the river tO' see if the other side was inhabited ; saw two villages on an island ; the natives came across in a canoe, bringing the brother of Rionga. with them ; CHAP. X.] ARRIVE AT RIONGA'S COUNTRY. 289 tlie guide, as I had feared during the journey, has deceived us, and taken us direct to Eionga s country. On the north side the river all is uninhabited forest, full of buffalo and elephant pitfalls, into which three of our cattle have already fallen, including my beautiful riding ox, which is thus so sprained as to be rendered useless. " The natives at first supposed we were Mahommed Wat el Meks people, but finding their mistake they would give no information, merely saying that the lake was not far from here. They said, 'they were friends of Mahommed's people who attacked Kamrasi, and Eionga being his enemy became their ally.' I must now be very careful, lest the news should reach Kamrasi that I am in Eionga's country, which would cut off all chance of travelling in Unyoro. " The slave woman, Bacheeta, secretly instructed the guide to lead us to Eionga instead of to Kamrasi, precisely as I had suspected. The Karuma Falls are a day s march east of this, at which point we must cross the river. Obtained a clear observation of Capella, meridian altitude showing latitude N. 2° 1 8^'' We could get no supplies from Eionga s people, who returned to their island after their conference with Bacheeta, promising to send us some plantains and a basket of flour ; but upon gaining their secure retreat they shouted, '' That we might go to Kamrasi if wc liked, but that we should receive no assistance from them." Early in the morning we started for Karuma. This part of the forest was perfectly open, as the grass had been burnt by the natives about three weeks ago, and the young shoots of the vines were appearing from the scorched roots ; among other plants was an abun- dance of the prickly asparagus, of which I collected a basketful. Nothing could exceed the beauty of the march. Our course through the noble forest was parallel with the river, that roared beneath us on our right in a succession of rapids and falls between high V 290 TUB K ARUM A FALLS, [chap. X. cliffs covered with groves of bananas and varieties of palms, including the graceful wild date — the certain sign of either marsh or river. The Victoria Nile or Somerset river was about 150 yards wide; the cliffs on the south side were higher than those upon the north, being about 150 feet above the river. These heights were thronged with natives, who had collected from the numerous villages that ornamented the cliffs situated among groves of plantains ; they were armed with spears and shields ; the population ran parallel to our line of march, shouting and gesticulating as though daring us to cross the river. After a most enjoyable march through the exciting scene of the glorious river crashing over innumerable falls — and in many places ornamented with rocky islands, upon which were villages and plantain groves — we at length approached the Karuma Falls close to the village of Atada above the ferry. The heights were crowded with natives, and a canoe was sent across to within parleying distance of our side, as the roar of the rapids prevented our voices from being heard except at a short distance. Bacheeta now ex- plained, that " Speke\s brother had arrived from his country to pay Kamrasi a visit, and had brought him valuable presents." " Why has he brought so many men with him ? inquired the people from the canoe " There are 'so many presents for the M'Kamma (king) that he has many men to carry them," shouted Bacheeta. ^' Let us look at him," cried the headman in the boat ; having prepared for the introduction by changing my clothes in a grove of plantains for my dressing- room, and altering my costume to a tweed suit, some- thing similar to that worn by Speke, I chmbed up a high and almost perpendicular rock that formed a natural pinnacle on the face of the cliff, and, waving my cap to the crowd on the opposite side, I looked almost as imposing as Nelson in Trafalgar Square. I instructed Bacheeta, who climbed up the giddy CHAP. X.] DIFFICULTIES AT THE RIFER. 291 height after me, to shout to the people that an English lady, my wife, had also arrived, and that we wished immediately to be presented to the king and his family, as we had come to thank him for his kind treatment of Speke and Grant, who had arrived safe in their own country." Upon this being explained and repeated several times, the canoe . approached the shore. I ordered all our people to retire, and to conceal themselves among the plantains, that the natives might not be startled by so imposing a force, while Mrs. Baker and I advanced alone to meet Kamrasi's people, who were men of some importance. Upon landing through the high reeds, they immediately recognised the simi- larity of my beard and general complexion to that of Speke ; and their welcome was at once displayed by the most extravagant dancing and gesticulating with lances and shields, as though intending to attack, rushing at me with the points of their lances thrust close to my face, and shouting and singing in great excitement. I made each of them a present of a bead necklace, and explained to them my wish that there should be no delay in my presentation to Kamrasi, as Speke had complained that he had been kept waiting fifteen days before the king had condescended to see him ; that, if this occurred, no EngHshman would ever visit him, as such a reception would be considered an insult The headman repHed that he felt sure I was not an impostor ; but, that very shortly after the departure of Speke and Grant in the previous year, a number of people had arrived in their name, introducing them- selves as their greatest friends : they had been ferried across the river, and well received by Kamrasi's orders, and had been presented with ivory, slaves, and leopard skins, as tokens of friendship ; but they had departed, and suddenly returned with Eionga's people, and had attacked the village in which they had been so well received; and upon the country being assembled to U 2 t 292 PASSAGE OF TEE RIVER FORBIDDEN. [chap. x. resist them, about three hundred of Kamrasis men had been killed in the fight. The king had, there- fore, given orders that, upon pain of death, no stranger should cross the river. He continued : that when they saw our people marching along the bank of the river, they imagined them to be the same party that had attacked them formerly, and they were prepared to resist them, and had sent on a messenger to Kamrasi, who was three days' march from Karuma at his capital M'rooli ; until they received a reply, it would be im- possible to allow us to enter the country. He promised to despatch another messenger immediately to in- form the king who we were, but that we must cer- tainly wait until his return. I explained that we had nothing to eat, and that it would be very incon- venient to remain in such a spot ; that I considered the suspicion displayed was exceedingly unfair, as they must see that my wife and I were white people like Speke and Grant, whereas those who had deceived them were of a totally different race, all being either black or brown. I told him that it did not much matter ; that I had very beautiful presents intended for Kamrasi ; but that another great king would be only too glad to accept them, without throwing obstacles in my way. I should accordingly return with my presents. At the same time I ordered a handsome Persian carpet, about fifteen feet square, to be displayed as one of the presents intended for the king. The gorgeous colours, as the carpet was unfolded, produced a general exclamation ; before the effect of astonishment wore off, I had a basket unpacked, and displayed upon a cloth a heap of superb necklaces that we had prepared while at Obbo of the choicest beads, many as large as marbles, and glittering with every colour of the rainbow. The garden of jewels of Aladdin's wonderful lamp could not have produced more enticing fruit. Beads were extremely rare in Kamrasi's land ; the few that existed had arrived from Zanzibar, and all that I.; CHAP. X.] THE NATIVnS' DREAD OF KAMRASL 293 exhibited were entirely new varieties. I explained that I had many other presents, but that it was not neces- sary to unpack them, as we were about to return with them to visit another king, who lived some days' journey distant. " Don't go ; don't go away," said the headman and his companions. " Kamrasi will ." Here an unmistakable pantomimic action explained their meaning better than words ; thromng their heads well back, they sawed across their throats with their fore- fingers, making horrible grimaces, indicative of the cutting of throats. I could not resist laughing at the terror that my threat of returning with the presents had created ; they explained, that Kamrasi would not only kill them, but would destroy the entire village of Atada should we return without visiting him, but that he would perhaps punish them in precisely the same manner should they ferry us across without special orders. " Please yourselves," I replied ; "if my party is not ferried across by the time the sun reaches that spot on the heavens (pointing to the position it would occupy at about 3 p.m.), I shall return." In a state of great excitement they promised to hold a conference on the other side, and to see what arrangements could be made. They returned to Atada, leaving the whole party, including Ibrahim, exceedingly disconcerted — having nothing to eat, an impassable river before them, and five days' march of uninhabited wilderness in their rear. Karuma Falls were about three hundred yards to our left as we faced Atada ; they were very insignificant, not exceeding five feet in height, but curiously regular, as a ridge of rock over which they fell extended like a wall across the river. The falls were exactly at the bend of the river, which, from that point, turned suddenly to the west. The whole day passed in shouting and gesticulating our peaceful intentions to the crowd assembled on the heights on the opposite side of the river, but the boat did not return until long after the time appointed ; 294 RESOLVE TO CROSS THE BIFER ALONE. [chap. x. • even then tlie natives would only approach sufficiently- near to be heard, but nothing would induce them to land. They explained, that there was a division of opinion among the people on the other side ; some were in favour of receiving us, but the greater number were of opinion that we intended hostilities ; therefore we must wait until orders could be sent from the king. To assure the people of our peaceful intentions, I begged them to take Mrs. Baker and myself alone, and to leave the armed party on this side the river until a reply should be received from Kamrasi. At this suggestion the boat immediately returned to the other side. The day passed away, and as the sun set we per- ceived the canoe again paddling across the river : this time it approached direct, and the same people landed that had received the necklaces in the morning. They said that they had held a conference with the headman, and that they had agreed to receive my wife and myself, but no other person. I replied, that my servants must accompany us, as we were quite as great personages as Kamrasi, and could not possibly travel without attendants. To this they demurred ; therefore I dropped the subject, and proposed to load the canoe with all the presents intended for Kamrasi. There was no objection to this, and I ordered Richarn, Saat, and Ibrahim to get into the canoe to stow away the luggage as it should be handed to them, but on no account to leave the boat. I had already prepared everything in readiness, and a bundle of rifles tied up in a large blanket, and 500 rounds of ball cartridge, were unconsciously received on board as presents. I had instructed Ibrahim to accompany us as my servant, as he was better than most of the men in the event of a row ; and I had given orders, that in case of a pre- concerted signal being given, the whole force should swim the river, supporting themselves and guns upon bundles of papyrus rush. The men thought us CHAP. X.] THE FERRY OF ATADA. 295 perfectly mad, "and declared that we should be mur- dered immediately when on the other side ; how- ever, they prepared for crossing the river in case of treachery. At the last moment, when the boat was about to leave the shore, two of the best men jumped in with their guns ; however, the natives positively refused to start ; therefore to avoid suspicion, I ordered them to retire, but I left word that on the morrow I would send the canoe across with supplies, and that one or two men should endeavour to accompany the boat to our side on every trip. It was quite dark when we started : the canoe was formed of a large hollow tree, capable of holding twenty people, and the natives paddled us across the rapid current just below the falls. A large fire was blazing upon the opposite shore, on a level with the river, to guide us to the landing place. Gliding through a narrow passage in the reeds, we touched the shore and landed upon a slippery rock close to the fire, amidst a crowd of people, who immediately struck up a deafen- ing welcome with horns and flageolets, and marched us up the steep face of the rocky cliff* through a dark grove of bananas. Torches led the way, followed by a long pile of spearmen ; then came the noisy band and ourselves — I to^dng my wife up the precipitous path, while my few attendants followed behind with a number of natives who had volunteered to carry the luggage. ^ On arrival at the top of the cliff" we were about 180 feet above the river, and after a walk of about a quarter of a mile we were triumphantly led into the heart of the village, and halted in a small courtyard in front of the headjoaan's residence. Keedja waited to receive us by a blazing fire. Not having had an}1:hing to eat, we were uncoromonly hungry, and to our great delight a basketful of ripe plantains was presented to us; these were the first that I had seen for many years. A gourd bottle of plantain 296 THE NATIVES ARE SUSPICIOUS. [chap. x. wine was offered, and immediately emptied ; it re- sembled extremely poor cider. We were now sur- rounded by a mass of natives, no longer the naked savages to whom we had been accustomed, but well- dressed men wearing robes of bark cloth arranged in various fashions, generally like the Arab tope," or the Koman toga. Several of the headmen now explained to us the atrocious treachery of Debono's men, who had been welcomed as friends of Speke and Grant, but who had repaid the hospitality by plundering and massa- creing their hosts. I assured them that no one would be more wroth than Speke when I should make him aware of the manner in which his name had been used, and that I should make a point of reporting the cir- cumstance to the British Government. At the same time I advised them not to trust any but white people, should others arrive in my name, or in those of Speke and Grant. I upheld their character as that of English- men, and I begged them to state "if ever they had deceived them ?" They replied, that " there could not be better men.'' I answered, " You must trust me, as I trust entirely in you, and have placed myself in your hands ; but if you have ever had cause to mistrust a white man, kill me at once ! — either kill me, or trust in me, but let there be no suspicions." They seemed much pleased with the conversation, and a man stepped forward and showed me a small string of blue beads that Speke had given him for fer- rying him across the river. This little souvenir of my old friend was most interesting ; after a year s wander- ing and many difficulties, this was the first time that I had actually come upon his track. Many people told me that they had known Speke and Grant ; the former bore the name of " MoUegge (the bearded one), while Grant had been named "Masanga" (the elephants tusk), owing to his height. The latter had been wounded at Lucknow during the Indian mutiny, and I spoke to the people of the loss of his finger; this crowned my success, as they knew without doubt that CHAP. X.] FREMTASONRY OF UNYORO. 297 I had seen him. It was late, therefore I begged the crowd to depart, but to send a messenger the first thing in the morning to inform Kamrasi who we were, and to beg him to permit us to visit him without loss of time. A bundle of straw was laid on the ground for Mrs. Baker and myself, and in lieu of other beds, the ground was our resting-place. It was bitterly cold that night, as the guns were packed up in the large blanket, and, not wishing to expose them, we were contented with a Scotch plaid each. Ibrahim, Saat, and Eicharn watched by turns. On the following morning an immense crowd of natives thronged to see us. There was a very beautiful tree about a hundred yards from the village, capable of shading upwards of a thousand men, and I proposed that we should sit beneath this protection and hold a conference. The headman of the village gave us a large hut with a grand doorway of about seven feet high, of which my wife took possession, while I joined the crowd at the tree. There were about six hundred men seated respectfully on the ground around me, while I sat with my back to the huge knotty trunk, with Ibrahim and Eicharn at a few paces distance. The subject of conversation was merely a repetition of that of the preceding night, with the simple addition of some questions respecting the lake. Not a man would give the slightest information ; the only reply, upon my forcing the question, was the pantomime already described by passing the forefinger across the throat, and exclaiming, "Kamrasi!'' The entire popu- lation was tongue-locked. I tried the children ; to no purpose, they were all dumb. White-headed old men I questioned as to the distance of the lake from this point; they replied, "We are children, ask the old people who know the country." Never was freemasonry more secret than the land of Unyoro. It was useless to persevere. I therefore changed the subject by saying that our people were starving on the other side, and 298 NATIVE CURIOSITY. [chap. X. that provisions must be sent immediately. In all savage countries the most trifling demand requires much talking. They said that provisions were scarce, and that until Kamrasi should give the order, they could give no suppUes. Understanding most thoroughly the natm-al instincts of the natives, I told them that I must send the canoe across to fetch three oxen that I wished to slaughter. The bait took at once, and several men ran for the canoe, and we sent one of our black women across with a message to the people that three men, with their guns and ammunition, were to accom- pany the canoe and guide three oxen across by swim- ming them with ropes tied to their horns. These' were the riding oxen of some of the men that it was neces- sary to slaughter, to exchange the flesh for flour and other supplies. Hardly had the few boatmen departed, than some one shouted suddenly, and the entire crowd sprang to their feet and rushed towards the hut where I had left Mrs. Baker. For the moment I thought that the hut was on fire, and I joined the crowd and arrived at the door- way, where I found a tremendous press to *see some extraordinary sight. Every one was squeezing for the best place ; and, driving them on one side, I found the wonder that had excited their curiosity. The hut being very dark, my wife had employed her solitude during my conference with the natives in dressing her hair at the doorway, which, being very long and blonde, was suddenly noticed by some natives — a shout was given, the rush described had taken place, and the hut was literally mobbed by the crowd of savages eager to see the extraordinary novelty. The Gorilla would not make a greater stir in London streets than we appeared to create at Atada. The oxen shortly arrived ; one was immediately killed, and the flesh divided into numerous small portions arranged upon the hide. Blonde hair and white people immediately lost their attractions, and the crowd turned their attention to CHAP. X.] THE BARK CLOTH OF UNYORO. 299 beef — we gave them to -anderstand that we required flour, beans, and sweet potatoes in exchange. The market soon went briskly, and whole rows of girls and women arrived, bringing baskets filled with the desired provisions. The women were neatly dressed in short petticoats with a double skirt — many exposed the bosom, while others wore a piece of bark cloth . arranged as a plaid across the chest and shoulders. This cloth is the produce of a species of fig-tree, the bark of which is stripped ofi" in large pieces and then soaked in water and beaten with a mallet : in appear- ance it much resembles corduroy, and is the colour of tanned leather ; the finer qualities are peculiarly soft to the touch, as though of woven cotton. Every garden is full of this species of tree, as their cultivation is^ necessary for the supply of clothing ; when a man takes a wife he plants a certain number of trees, that are to be the tailors of the expected family. The market being closed, the canoe was laden with provisions, and sent across to our hungry people on the other side the river. The difference between the Unyoro people and the tribes we had hitherto seen was most striking. On the north side of the river the natives were either stark naked, or wore a mere apology for clothing in the shape of a skin slung across their shoulders : the river appeared to be the limit of utter savagedom, and the people of Unyoro considered the indecency of naked- ness precisely in the same light as among Europeans. The northern district of Unyoro at Karuma is called Chopi, the language being the same as the Madi, and difierent to the southern and central portions of the kingdom. The people were distinct in their type, but they had the woolly hair of negroes, like all other tribes of the White Nile. By astronomical observation I determined the lati- tude of Atada at Karuma Falls, 2? 15'; and by Casella's thermometer, the altitude of the river level above the sea 3,996 feet. 300 NATIVE POTTERY. [chap. X. After the disgusting naked tribes that we had been travelling amongst for more than twelve months, it was a delightful change to find ourselves in comparative civilization : this was evinced not only in the decency of clothing, but also in the manufactures of the country. The blacksmiths were exceedingly clever, and used iron hammers instead of stone ; they drew fine wire from the thick copper and brass wire that they received from Zanzibar ; their bellows were the same as those used by the more savage tribes — but the greatest proof of their superior civilization was ex- hibited in their pottery. Nearly all savages have some idea of earthenware ; but the scale of advancement of a country between savagedom and civilization may generally be deter- mined by the example of its pottery. The Chinese, who were as civilized as they are at the present day at a period when the English were barbarians, were ever celebrated for the manufacture of porcelain, and the difference between savages and civilized countries is always thus exemplified ; the savage makes earthenware, but the civilized make porcelain — thus the gradations from the rudest earthen- ware will mark the improvement in the scale of civilization. The prime utensil of the African savage is the gourd ; the shell of which is the bowl presented to him by nature as the first idea from which he is to model. Nature, adapting herself to the requirements of animals and man, appears in these savage countries to yield abundantly much that savage man can want. Gourds with exceedingly strong shells not only grow wild, which if divided in halves afford bowls, but great and quaint varieties form natural bottles of all sizes, from the tiny phial to the demi-john containing five gallons. The most savage tribes content themselves with the productions of nature, confining their manu- factm'e to a coarse and half-baked jar for carrying water; but the semi-savage, like those of Unyoro, affords an example of the first step towards manu- CHAP. X.] THE BOTTLE GOURDS USED AS MODELS. 301 facturing art, by the fact of copying from nature : the utter savage makes use of nature — the gourd is his utensil ; and the more advanced natives of Unyoro adopt it as the model for their pottery. They make a fine quality of jet black earthenware, producing excellent tobacco-pipes most finely worked in imitation of the small egg-shaped gourd ; of the same earthen- ware they make extremely pretty bowls, and also bottles copied from the varieties of the bottle gourds : thus, in this humble art, we see the first effort of the human mind in manufactures, in taking nature for a model ; precisely as the beautiful Corinthian capital originated in a design from a basket of flowers. A few extracts from my journal vnll describe the delay at Atada : — "Jem. 26th, 1864. — The huts are very large, about 20 feet in diameter, made entirely of reeds and straw, and very lofty, looking in the interior like huge in- verted baskets, bee-hive shaped, very different to the dog-kennels of the more northern tribes. We received a message to-day that w^e were not to expect Karorasi, as * great men. were never in a hurry to pay visits.' None of the principal chiefs have yet appeared. Kidg- ■wiga is expected to-day ; but people are flocking in from the country to see the white lady. It is very trying to the patience to wait here until it pleases these almighty niggers to permit our people to cross the river/' ''Jan. 27 th. — Time passing fruitlessly while every day is valuable. The rains will, I fear, commence before my work is completed ; and the Asua river, if flooded, will cut off my return to Gondokoro. In this district there is a large population and extensive cultivation. There are many trees resembling the Vacoua of Mauritius, but the leaves are of a different texture, producing a species of flax. Every day there is a report that the headman, sent by Kamrasi, is on the road ; but I see no signs of him. "Jati. 28th. — Keports brought that Kamrasi has sent 302 PRONOUNCED TO BE SPEKE'S BROTHER, [chap. x. his headman with a large force, including some of Speke s deserters. They are to inspect me, and report whether I am really a white man and an Englishman. If so, I believe we are to proceed ; if not, I suppose we are to be exterminated. Lest there should be any mistake I have taken all necessary precautions ; but, having only eight men on this side the river, I shall be certain to lose my baggage in the event of a dis- turbance, as no one could transport it to the canoe. Jan, 29th. — Plantains, sweet potatoes, and eggs supplied in great quantities. The natives are much amused at our trying the eggs in water before pur- chase. Plantains, three for one small bead. The headman is expected to-day. A polite message arrived last night from Kamrasi inviting us to his capital, and apologizing for being unable to come in person. This morning the force, sent by Kamrasi, is reported to be within an hours march of Atada. "In mid-day the headman arrived with a great number of men, accompanied by three of Speke's deserters, one of whom has been created a chief by Kamrasi, and presented with two wives. "I received them standing; and after thorough inspection I was pronounced to be * Speke s own brother,^ and all were satisfied. However, the busi- ness was not yet over : plenty of talk, and another delay of four days, was declared necessary until the king should reply to the satisfactory message about to be sent. Losing all patience, I stormed, declaring Kamrasi to be mere dust ; while a white man was a king in comparison. I ordered aU my luggage to be conveyed immediately to the canoe, and declared that I would return immediately to my own country ; that I did not wish to see any one so utterly devoid of manners as Kamrasi, and that no other white man would ever visit his kingdom. " The ejffect was magical ! I rose hastily to depart. The chiefs implored, declaring that Kamrasi would kill them all if I retreated : to prevent which mis- CHAP. X.] THE ESCORT CROSS THE RIVER. 303 fortune they secretly instructed the canoe to be re- moved. I was in a great rage ; and about 400 natives, who were present, scattered in all quarters, thinking that there would be a serious quarrel. I told the chiefs that nothing should stop me, and that I would seize the canoe by force unless my whole party should be brought over from the opposite side that instant. This was agreed upon. One of Ibrahim's men exchanged and drank blood from the arm of Speke s deserter, who was Kamrasi's representative ; and peace thus firmly established, several canoes were at once employed, and sixty of om' men were brought across the river before sunset. The natives had nevertheless taken the pre- caution to send all their women away from the \T.llage." ''Jan. SOth. — This morning all remaining men and baggage were brought across the river, and supplies were brought in large quantities for sale. We are to march to-morrow direct to Kami^asis capital; they say he vdlL give me a guide to the lake. '' The natives of this country are particularly neat in all they do ; they never bring anything to sell unless carefully packed in the neatest parcels, generally formed of the bark of the plantain, and sometimes of the inner portions of reeds stripped into snow-white stalks, which are bound round the parcels vdth. the utmost care. Should the plantain cider, 'maroua,^ be brought in a jar, the mouth is neatly covered with a fiinge-like mat of these clean white rushes split into shreds. Not even tobacco is brought for sale unless most carefully packed. During a journey, a prett}^, bottle-shaped, long-necked gourd is carried with a store of plantain cider ; the mouth of the bottle is stopped with a bundle of the white rush shreds, through which a reed is inserted that reaches to the l)ottom : thus the diink can be sucked up during the march without the necessity of halting ; nor is it possible to spill it by the move- ment of walking. " The natives prepare the skins of goats very beauti- fully, making them as soft as chamois leather ; these 304 NATirF MANUFACTURES. [chap. X. they cut into squares, and sew them together as neatly as would be effected by a European tailor, converting them into mantles, which are prized far more highly than bark cloth, on account of their durabihty : they manufacture their own needles, not by boring the eye, but by sharpening the end into a fine point and turning it over, the extremity being hammered into a small cut in the body of the needle to prevent it from catching. " Clothes of all kinds are in great demand here, and would be accepted to any amount in exchange for ivory. Beads are extremely valuable, and would pur- chase ivory in large quantities, but the country would, in a few years, become overstocked. Clothes being perishable articles would always be in demand to supply those worn out ; but beads, being imperishable, very soon glut the market. Here is, as I had always anticipated, an opportunity for commencing legitimate trade." " Jan. ^Ist. — Throngs of natives arrived to carry our luggage gratis by the king's orders. Started at 7 A.M. and marched ten miles and a half parallel with the Nile, south ; the country thickly populated, and much cultivated with sesame, sweet potatoes, beans, tullaboon, dhurra, Indian corn, and plantains. " The native porters reheved each other at every village, fresh men being always in readiness on the road. The river is here on a level with the country, having no high banks ; thus there is a great fall from Karuma towards the west. Halted in a grove of plantains near a village. The plantains of this country are much higher than those of Ceylon, and the stems are black, rising to 25 or 30 feet. The chief of the district came to meet us, and insisted upon our remain- ing at his village to-day and to-morrow to * eat and drink,' or Kamrasi would kill him ; thus we are delayed when time is precious. The chiefs name is * Matta-Goomi.' There is now no secret about the lake. Both he and all the natives say that the Luta CHAP. X.] MARCH PARALLEL WITH THE VICTORIA NILE. 305 Nzige lake is larger tlian the Victoria N yanza, and tliat both lakes are fed by rivers from the great moun- tain Bartooma. Is that mountain the M'fumbiro of Speke ? the difference of name being local. According to the position of the mountain pointed out by the chief, it bears from this spot S. 45° AV. Latitude of this place by meridian altitude of Capella, 2° 5' 32''. F. (my wife) taken seriously ill with bihous fever/^ Feb. 1st. — F. dreadfully ill ; all the natives have turned out of their villages, leaving their huts and gardens at our disposal. This is the custom of the country should the king give orders that a visitor is to be conducted through his dominions. j The natives of Unyoro have a very superior imple- . ment to the molote used among the northern tribes ; it is an extremely powerful hoe, fitted upon a handle^ similar to those used on the sugar estates in the West Indies, but the blade is heart-shaped : with these they cultivate the ground very deep for their beds of sweet potatoes. The temperature during the day ranges from 80° to 84°, and at night it is cold, 56° to 58° Fahr. It is very unhealthy, owing to the proximity of the river." " Feb. 2d. — Marched five miles. F carried in a litter, very ill. I fell ill likewise. Halted. ''Feb. 3d. — F. very ill. Carried her four miles and halted. ''Feb. ith. — F. most seriously ill. Started at 7.30 A.M. she being carried in a litter; but I also fell ill upon the road, and having been held on my ox by two men for some time, I at length fell in their arms, and was laid under a tree for about five hours : getting better, I rode for two hours, course south. Mountains in view to south and south-east, about ten miles distant. The country, forest interspersed with villages : the Somerset generally parallel to the route. There are no tamarinds in this neighbourhood, nor any other acid fruit ; thus one is sorely pressed in the hours of fever. One of the black women servants, Fadeela, is dying of fever.'' X 306 MARCH TO THE CAPITAL. [chap. X. ''Feb. 5th.— ¥. (Mrs. Baker) so ill, that even the litter is too much for her. Heaven help us in this country ! The altitude of the river level above the sea at this point is 4,056 feet.'' " Feb. 6th. — F. slightly better. Started at 7 a.m. The country the same as usual. Halted at a village after a short march of three miles and a half. Here we are detained for a day while a message is sent to Kamrasi. To-morrow, I believe, we are to arrive at the capital of the tyrant. He sent me a message to- day, that the houses he had prepared for me had been destroyed by fire, and to beg me to wait until he should have completed others. The truth is, he is afraid of our large party, and he delays us in every manner possible, in order to receive daily reports of our beha- viour on the road. Latitude by observation at this point, 1°50'47"N.'' " Feb. 7 ^/i.— Detained here for a day. I never saw natives so filthy in their dwellings as the people of Unyoro. Goats and fowls share the hut with the owner, which, being littered down with straw, is a mere cattle-shed, redolent of man and beast. The natives sleep upon a mass of straw, upon a raised platform, this at night being covered with a dressed skin. Yester- day the natives brought cofiee in small quantities to sell. They have no idea of using it as a drink, but simply chew it raAv as a stimulant. It is a small and finely-shaped grain, with a good flavour. It is brought from the country of Utumbi, about a degree south of this spot." "Feb. 8th. — Marched eight miles due south. The river makes a long bend to E.N.E., and this morn- ings march formed the chord of the arc. Halted ; again delayed for the day, as we are not far from the capital, and a messenger must be sent to the king for instructions before we proceed. I never saw such abject cowardice as the redoubted Kamrasi exhibits. Debono s vakeel having made a razzia upon his frontier has so cowed him, that he has now left his residence. CHAP. X.] KAMRASI SUSPECTS TREACHERY, 307 and retreated to the other side of a river, from which point he sends false messages to delay our advance as much as possible. There is a total absence of dignity in his behaviour ; no great man is sent to parley, but the king receives contradictory reports from the many- tongued natives that have utterly perplexed him. He is told by some that we are the same people that came with Eas-Galla (Debono s captain), and he has neither the courage to repel or to receive us. Our force of 112 armed men could eat the country in the event of a fight, provided that a large supply of ammunition were at hand. The present store is sixty rounds for each man, which would not be sufficient." " Feb. 9th. — After endless discussions and repeated messages exchanged with the king, he at length sent word that I Avas to come alone. To this I objected; and, upon my starting with my men, the guide refused to proceed. I at once tiurned back, and told the chief (our guide) that I no longer wished to see Kamrasi, who must be a mere fool, and I should return to my country. This created a great stir, and messengers were at once despatched to the king, who returned an answer that I might bring all my men, but that only five of the Turks could be allowed with Ibrahim. The woman Bacheeta had told the natives that we were separate parties. " A severe attack of fever prevented me from starting. This terrible complaint worries me sadly, as I have no quinine.'' ''Feb. lO^A.— The woman Fadeela died of fever. I am rather better, and the chief is already here to escort us to Kamrasi. After a quick march of three hours through immense woods, we reached the capital — a large village of grass huts, situated on a barren slope. We were ferried across a river in large canoes, capable of carrying fifty men, but formed of a single tree up- wards of four feet wide. Kamrasi was reported to be in his residence on the opposite side ; but, upon our arrival at the south bank, we found ourselves thoroughly X 2 SOS IMPRISONED ON THE MARCH, [chap, x. deceived. We were upon a miserable flat, level with the river, and in the wet season forming a marsh at the junction with the Kafoor river with the Somerset. The latter river bounded the flat on the east, very wide and sluggish, and much overgrown with papyrus and lotus. The river we had just crossed was the Kafoor ; it was perfectly dead v^ater, and about eighty yards wide, including the beds of papyrus on either side. We were shown some filthy huts that were to form our camp. The spot wn,s swarming with mosquitoes, and we had nothing to eat except a few fowls that I had brought with me. Kamrasi was on the other side of the river, they had cunningly separated us from him, and had returned with the canoes. Thus we were prisoners upon the swamp. This was our welcome from the King of Unyoro ! I now heard that Speke and Grant had been lodged in this same spot.^^ Feb. 10th. — Ibrahim was extremely nervous, as were also my men ; they declared that treachery was intended, as the boats had been withdrawn, and they proposed that we should swim the river and march, back to our main party, who had been left three hours in the rear. I was ill with fever, also my wife, and the unwholesome air of the marsh aggravated the disease. Our luggage had been left at our last station, as this was a condition stipulated by Kamrasi : thus we had to sleep upon the damp ground of the marsh in the filthy hut, as the heavy dew at night necessitated shelter. With great difficulty I accompanied Ibrahim and a few men to the bank of the river where we had landed yesterday, and climbing upon a white ant hill to obtain a view over the high reeds I scanned the village with a telescope. The scene was rather exciting ; crowds of people were rushing about in all directions and gathering from all quarters towards the river : the slope from the river to the town M rooli was black with natives, and I saw about a dozen large canoes preparing to transport them to our side. I returned from my elevated observatory to Ibrahim, who on the low ground CHAP. X.] KAMRASI HAKES A STATE VISIT, 309 only a few yards distant could not see the opposite side of the river owing to the high grass and reeds. AVith- out saying more, I merely begged him to mount upon the ant-hill and look towards M'rooli. Hardly had he cast a glance at the scene described, than he jumped down from his stand, and cried, ' They are going to attack us ! ' ' Let us retreat to the camp and prepare for a fight ! ' * Let us fire at them from here as they cross in the canoes,^ cried others; 'the buckshot will clear them off when packed in the boats.' This my panic-stricken followers Avould have done, had I not been present. " ' Fools ! ' I said, ' do you not see that the natives have no shields with them, but merely lances ? — would they commence an attack without their shields ? Kamrasi is coming in state to visit us.' This idea was by no means accepted by my people, and we reached our little camp, and for the sake of precaution we stationed the men in positions behind a hedge of thorns. Ibrahim had managed to bring twelve picked men instead of five as stipulated ; thus we were a party of twenty-four. T was of very little use, as the fever was so strong upon me that I lay helpless on the ground." In a short time the canoes arrived, and for about an hour they were employed in crossing and re-crossing, and landing great numbers of men, until they at length advanced and took possession of some huts about 200 yards from our camp. They now haUooed out that Kamrasi had arrived ! and seeing some oxen with the party, I felt sure they had no evil intentions. I ordered my men to carry me in their arms to the king, and to accompany me with the presents, as I was determined to have a personal interview, although only fit for a hospital. Upon my approach, the crowd gave way, and I was shortly laid on a mat at the king's feet, fie was a fine-looking man, but with a peculiar expression of countenance owing to his extremely prominent eyes ; he was about six feet high, beautifully clean, and was 310 THE Kim. [chap. X. dressed in a long robe of bark-clotli most gracefully folded. The nails of liis hands and feet were carefully attended, and his complexion was about as dark a brown as that of an Abyssinian. He sat upon a copper stool placed upon a carpet of leopard skins, and he was surrounded by about ten of his principal chiefs. Our interpreter, Bacheeta, now informed him who I was, and what were my intentions. He said that he was sorry I had been so long on the road, but that he had been obliged to be cautious, having been deceived by Debono's people. I replied, that I was an English- man, a friend of Speke and Grant — that they had described the reception they had met with from him, and that I had come to thank him, and to offer him a few presents in return for his kindness, and to request him to give me a guide to the lake Luta N'zige. He laughed at the name, and repeated it several times with his chiefs; — he then said, it was not Luta, but M-wootan Nzige — but that it was six months journey from M'rooli, and that in my weak condition I could not possibly reach it ; that I should die upon the road, and that the king of my country would perhaps imagine that I had been murdered, and might invade his terri- tory. I replied, that I was weak with the toil of years in the hot countries of Africa, but that I was in search of the great lake, and should not return until I had succeeded ; that I had no king, but a powerful Queen who watched over all her subjects, and that no Englishman could be murdered with impunity ; there- fore he should send me to the lake without delay, and there would be the lesser chance of my dying in his country. I explained that the river Nile flowed for a distance of two years^ journey through wonderful countries, and reached the sea, from which many valual3le articles would be sent to him in exchange for ivory, could I only discover the great lake. As a proof of this, I had brought him a few curiosities that I trusted he would accept, and I regretted that the impossibility of pro- CHAP. X.] INTERVIEW WITH KAMRASL 311 curing porters had necessitated the abandonment of others that had been intended for him. I ordered the men to unpack the Persian carpet, which was spread upon the ground before him. I then gave him an Abbia (large white Cashmere mantle), a red silk netted sash, a pair of scarlet Turkish shoes, several pairs of socks, a double-barrelled gun and ammunition, and a great heap of first-class beads made up into gorgeous necklaces and girdles. He took very little notice of the presents, but requested that the gun might be fired off. This was done, to the utter confusion of the crowd, who rushed away in such haste, that they tumbled over each other like so many rabbits ; this delighted the king, who, although himself startled, now roared with laughter. He told me that I must be hungry and thirsty, therefore he hoped I would accept something to eat and drink : accordingly he presented me with seventeen cows, twenty pots of sour plantain cider, and many loads of unripe plan- tains, i inquired whether Speke had left a medicine- chest with him. He replied that it was a very feverish country, and that he and his people had used all the medicine. Thus my last hope of quinine was cut off. I had always trusted to obtain a supply from the king, as Speke had told me that he had left a bottle with him. It was quite impossible to obtain any informa- tion from him, and I was carried back to my hut, where I found Mrs. Baker lying down with fever, and neither could render assistance to the other. On the following morning the king again appeared. I was better, and I had a long interview. He did not appear to heed my questions, but he at once requested that I would ally myself with him, and attack his enemy, Eionga. I told him that I could not embroil myself in such quarrels, but that I had only one object, which was the lake ; I requested that he would give Ibrahim a large quantity of ivory, and that on his return from Gondokoro he would bring him most valuable articles in exchange. He said that he was 312 EXCHANGE BLOOD AND BECOME FRIENDS, [chap. x. not sure wlietlier " my belly was black or Avliite," — ^by this lie intended to express " evil or good intentions but that if it were white I should of course have no objection to exchange blood with him, as a proof of friendship and sincerity. This was rather too strong a dose ! I replied that it would be impossible, as in my country the shedding of blood was considered a proof of hostility ; therefore he must accept Ibrahim as my sub- stitute. Accordingly the arms were bared and pricked, as the blood flowed, it was licked by either party, and an alliance was concluded. Ibrahim agreed to act with him against all his enemies. It was arranged that Ibrahim now belonged to Kamrasi, and that henceforth our parties should be entirely separate. It rained in torrents, and our hut became so damp from the absorption of the marsh soil, that my feet sank in the muddy floor. I had fever daily at about 3 P.M. and lay perfectly helpless for five or six hours, until the attack passed off* ; this reduced me to extreme weakness. My wife sufl'ered quite as acutely. It was a position of abject misery, which wiU be better ex- plained by a few rough extracts from my journal : — ''Feb. 16 th. — All my porters have deserted, having heard that the lake is so far distant ; I have not one man left to carry my luggage. Should we not be able to cross the Asua river before the flood, we shall be nailed for another year to this abominable country, ill with fever, and without medicine, clothes, or supplies." "Feb. 11th. — Fever last night; rain, as usual, with mud accompaniment. One of Kannasi's headmen, whose tongue I have loosened by presents, tells me that he has been to the lake in ten days to purchase salt, and that a man loaded with salt can return in fifteen days. God knows the truth ! and I am pressed for time, while Kamrasi delays me in the most annoying manner. " Kamrasi came to-day ; as usual, he wanted all that I had, and insisted upon a present of my sword, watch, and compass, all of which I positively refused. I told €HAr. X.] AVABICE OF TEE KING. 313 him that he had deceived me by saying that the Lake was so distant as six months journey, as I knew that it was only ten days. He rudely answered, ' G-o, if you like ; but don't blame me if you can't get back ; it is twenty days' march ; you may believe it or not, as you choose/ To my question as to the means of procuring porters, he gave no reply, except by asking for my sword, and for my beautiful little Fletcher rifle." " I retired to my hut in disgust. This afternoon a messenger arrived from the king with twenty-four small pieces of straw, cut into lengths of about four inches. These he laid carefully in a row, and explained that Speke had given that number of presents, whereas I had only given ten, the latter figure being carefully exemplified by ten pieces of straw ; he wished to know * why I did not give him the same number as he had received from Speke V This miserable, grasping, lying coward, is nevertheless a king, and the success of my expedition depends upon him." Feb. 20th. — Cloudy as usual ; neither sun, moon, nor stars will show themselves. Fortunately milk can be procured here. I live upon butter-milk. Kam- rasi came, and gave twenty elephants' tusks as a pre- sent to Ibrahim. There is a report that Debono's people, under the command of Eas-Galla, are once more at Eionga's ; this has frightened him awfully.'^ ''Feb. 21st. — This morning Kamrasi was civil enough to allow us to quit the marsh, the mosquito-nest and fever-bed where we have been in durance, and we crossed to the other side of the Kafoor river, and quar- tered in M'rooli. I went to see him, and after a long consultation, he promised to send ijie to the lake to- morrow. I immediately took off my sword and belt, and presented them to him, explaining that, as I was now convinced of his friendship, I had a pleasure in offering my sword as a proof of my amicable feeling, as I thus placed the weapon of self-defence in his hand, and I sliould trust to his protection. As a proof of 314 IBBAHIM AND PARTY RETURN NORTH, [chap. x. the temper of the blade I offered to cut through the strongest shield he could produce. This delighted him amazingly. I now trust to be able to reach the junc- tion of the Somerset with the M-wootan N zige at Ma- gungo, and from thence to overtake Ibrahim at Shooa, and to hurry on to Gondokoro, where a boat will be waiting for me from Khartoum. " Ibrahim and his men marched this morning on their return to Karuma, leaving me here with my little party of thirteen men. " Should I succeed in discovering the lake I shall thank God most sincerely. The toil, anxiety, the biting annoyances I have daily been obliged to put up with in my association with the Turks, added to our now constant ill-health, are enough to break down the constitution of an elephant. Every day I must give ! — to the Turks, give ! — to the natives, give ! If I lend any thing to the Turks it is an insult should I ask for its return. One hasty word might have upset my boat ; and now, for twelve months, I have had to talk, to explain, to manage, and to lead the brutes in this direction, like a coachman driving jibbing horses. Hosts of presents to Ibrahim, combined with a vivid description of the advantages that he would secure by opening a trade with Kamrasi, at length led him to this country, which I could not have reached without his aid, as it would have been impossible for me to have procured porters without cattle. The porters I have always received from him as far as Karuma for a payment of six copper rings per head for every journey. I have now arranged that he shall leave for me thirty head of cattle at Shooa ; thus, should he have started for Gondokoro before my arrival at Shooa, I shall be able to procure porters, and arrive in time for the expected boat. " Up to this day astronomical observations have been impossible, a thick coat of slate colour obscuring the heavens. To-night I obtained a good observation of Canopus, giving latitude T 38' N. By Casella's ther- CHAP. X.] THE INTERPRETER WILL NOT SPEAK. 315 mometer I made the altitude of the Somerset at M rooli 4,061 feet above the sea, showing a fall of 65 feet between this point and below the falls at Karuma in a distance of 37 miles of latitude. "Just as Ibrahim was leaving this morning I was obliged to secure the slave Bacheeta as interpreter, at the price of three double-barrelled guns to purchase her freedom. I explained to her that she was now free, and that I wished her to act as interpreter during my stay in Unyoro ; and that I would then leave her in her own country, Chopi, on my return from the lake. Far from being pleased at the change, she re- gretted the loss of the Turks, and became excessively sulky, although my wife decked her out mth beads, and gave her a new petticoat to put her in a good humour." ''Feb. 22d. — Kamrasi promised to send me porters, and that we should start for the lake to-day, but there is no sign of preparation ; thus am I delayed when every day is so precious. Added to this trouble, the woman that I have as an interpreter ivUl not speah, being the most sulky individual I ever encountered. In the evening Kamrasi sent to say he would give a guide and porters to-morrow morning. It is impos- sible to depend upon him." After some delay we were at length honoured by a visit from Kamrasi, accompanied by a number of his people, and he promised that we should start on the following day. He pointed out a chief and a guide who were to have us in their charge, and who were to see that we obtained aU that we should require. He concluded, as usual, by asking for my watch and for a number of beads; the latter I gave him, together with a quantity of ammunition for his guns. He sho^Ved me a beautiful double-barrelled rifle by " Blis- sett," that Speke had given him. I washed to secure this to give to Speke on my return to England, as he had told me, when at Gondokoro, how he had been obliged to part with that and many other articles 31G KAMRASrS CHRONOMETER IS DEAD. [chap. x. sorely against his will. I tlierefore offered to give him three common double-barrelled guns in exchange for the rifle. This he declined, as he was quite aware of the difference in quality. He then produced a large silver chronometer that he had received from Speke. " It was dead " he said, " and he wished me to repair it.'' This I declared to be impossible. He then con- fessed to having explained its construction, and the cause of the " ticking,'' to his people, by the aid of a needle, and that it had never ticked since that occasion. I regretted to see such "pearls cast before swine," as the rifle and chronometer in the hands of Kamrasi. Thus he had plundered Speke and Grant of all they possessed before he wpuld allow them to proceed. It is the rapacity of the chiefs of the various tribes that renders African exploration so difficult. Each tribe wishes to monopolize your entire stock of valua- bles, without which the traveller would be utterly helpless. The difficulty of procuring porters limits the amount of baggage : thus a given supply must carry you through a certain period of time ; if your supply should fail, the expedition terminates with your power of giving. It is thus extremely difficult to arrange the expenditure so as to satisfy all parties, and still to retain a sufficient balance. Being utterly cut off from all communication with the world, there is no possibility of receiving assistance. The traveller de- pends entirely upon himself, under Providence, and must adapt himself and his means to circumstances. CHAPTER XL THE START FOR THE LAKE. The day of starting at length arrived ; the chief and guide appeared, and we were led to the Kafoor river, where canoes were in readiness to transport ns to the south side. This was to our old quarters on the marsh ! The direct course to the lake was west, and I fully expected some deception, as it was impossible to trust Kamrasi. I complained to the guide, and insisted upon his pointing out the direction of the lake, which he did, in its real position, west; but he explained that we must follow the south bank of the Kafoor river for some days, as there was an impassable morass that precluded a direct course. This did not appear satis- factory, and the whole affair looked suspicious, as we had formerly been deceived by being led across the river in the same spot, and not allowed to return. We were now led along the banks of the Kafoor for about a mile, until we arrived at a cluster of huts ; here we were to wait for Kamrasi, who had promised to take leave of us. The sun was overpowering, and we dismounted from our oxen, and took shelter in a blacksmiths shed. In about an hour Kamrasi arrived, attended by a considerable number of men, and took his seat in our shed. I felt convinced that his visit was simply intended to peel the last skin from the onion. I had already given him nearly all that I had, but he hoped to extract the whole before I should depart. 318 THE KING TAKES LEAVE. [chap. XI. He almost immediately commenced the conversation by asking for a pretty yellow muslin Tm^kish hand- kerchief fringed with silver drops that Mrs. Baker wore upon her head : one of these had abeady been given to him, and I explained that this was the last remain- ing, and that she required it He " must " have it. .... It was given. He then demanded other hand- kerchiefs. We had literally nothing but a few most ragged towels ; he would accept no excuse, and in- sisted upon a portmanteau being unpacked, that he might satisfy himself by actual inspection. The luggage, all ready for the journey, had to be un- strapped and examined, and the rags were displayed in succession ; but so wretched and uninviting was the exhibition of the family linen, that he simply returned them, and said "they did not suit him." Beads he must have, or I was " his enemy." A selection of the best opal beads was immediately given him. I rose from the stone upon which I was sitting, and declared that we must start immediately. " Don't be in a hurry," he replied, " you have plenty of time ; but you have not given me that watch you promised me.'' . . . This was my only watch that he had begged for, and had been refused every day during my stay at M'rooli. So pertinacious a beggar I had never seen. I explained to him that, without the watch, my journey would be useless, but that I would give him all that I had except the watch when the exploration should be completed, as I should require nothing on my direct return to Gonclokoro. At the same time, I repeated to him the arrangement for the journey that he had promised, begging him not to deceive me, as my wife and I should both die if we were compelled to remain another year in this country by losing the annual boats in Gondokoro. The understanding was this : he was to give me porters to the lake, where I was to be furnished with canoes to take me to Magungo, which was situated at the junction of the Somerset. From Ma- gungo he told me that I should see the Nile issuing from CHAP. XI.] KAMRASrS PROPOSAL. 319 the lake close to the spot where the Somerset entered, and that the canoes should take me down the river, and porters should carry my effects from the nearest point to Shooa, and deliver me at my old station without delay. Should he be faithful to this engage- ment, I trusted to procure porters from Shooa, and to reach Gondokoro in time for the annual boats. I had arranged that a boat should be sent from Khartoum to await me at Gondokoro early in this year, 1864 ; but I felt sure that should I be long delayed, the boat would return ^\T.thout me, as the people would be afraid to remain alone at Gondokoro after the other boats had quitted. In our present weak state another year of Central Africa without quinine appeared to warrant death ; it was a race against time, all was untrodden ground before us, and the distance quite uncertain. I trembled for my wife, and weighed the risk of another year in this horrible country should we lose the boats. With the self-sacrificing devotion that she had shown in every trial, she implored me not to think of any risks on her account, but to push forward and discover the lake — that she had determined not to return until she had herself reached the " M Vootan N'zige." I now requested Kamrasi to allow us to take leave, as we had not an hour to lose. In the coolest manner he replied, " I ^\dll send you to the lake and to Shooa, as I have promised; but, you must leave your ivlfe ivith me ! " At that moment we were surrounded by a great number of natives, and my suspicions of treachery at having been led across the Kafoor river appeared con- firmed by this insolent demand. If this were to be the end of the expedition I resolved that it should also be the end of Kamrasi, and, cbawing my revolver quietly, I held it within two feet of his chest, and looking at him with undisguised contempt, I told him, that if I touched the trigger, not all his men could save him : and that if he dared to repeat the insult I would shoot 320 THE KING'S APOLOOr. [chap. XI, him on the spot. At the same time I explained to him that in my country such insolence would entail bloodshed, and that I looked upon him as an ignorant ox who knew no better, and that this excuse alone could save him. My wife, naturally indignant, had risen from her seat, and maddened with the excitement of the moment, she made him a little speech in Arabic (not a word of which he understood), with a counte- nance almost as amiable as the head of Medusa. Alto- gether the mise en scene utterly astonished him ; the woman Baclieeta, although savage, had appropriated the insult to her mistress, and she also fearlessly let fly at Kamrasi, translating as nearly as she could the complimentary address that Medusa" had just de- livered. Whether this little coiq^ de theatre had so im- pressed Kamrasi with British female independence that he wished to be off his bargain, I cannot say, but with an air of complete astonishment, he said, " Don t be angry ! I had no intention of offending you by asking for your wife ; I will give you a wife, if you want one, and I thought you might have no objection to give me yours ; it is my custom to give my visitors pretty wives, and I thought you might exchange. Don t make a fuss about it ; if you don't like it, there's an end of it ; I will never mention it again." This very prac- tical apology I received very sternly, and merely insisted upon starting. He seemed rather confused at having committed himself, and to make amends he called his people and ordered them to carry our loads. His men ordered a number of women who had assembled out of curiosity, to shoulder the luggage and to carry it to the next village where they would be relieved. I assisted my wife upon her ox, and with a very cold adieu to Kamrasi, I turned my back most gladly on Mrooli. The country was a vast flat of grass land inter- spersed with small villages and patches of sweet pota- toes ; these were very inferior, owing to the want of CHAP. XI.] KAMRASrS SATANIC ESCORT. 321 drainage. For about two miles we continued on the bank of the Kafoor river ; the women who carried the luggage were straggling in disorder, and my few men were much scattered in their endeavours to collect them. We approached a considerable village ; but just as we were nearing it, out rushed about six hundred men with lances and shields, screaming and yelHng like so many demons. For the moment, I thought it was an attack, but almost immediately I noticed that women and children were mingled with the men. My ^men had not taken so cool a view of the excited throng that was now approaching us at full speed, brandishing their spears, and engaging with each other in mock combat. "There's a fight! there's a fight!" my men exclaimed ; " we are attacked ! fire at them, Hawaga." However, in a few seconds, I persuaded them that it was a mere parade, and that there was no danger. With a rush, like a cloud of locusts, the natives closed around us, dancing, gesticulating, and yelling before my ox, feinting to attack us with spears and shields, then engaging in sham fights with each other, and behaving like so many madmen. A very tall chief accompanied them ; and one of their men was suddenly knocked down, and attacked by the crowd with sticks and lances, and lay on the ground covered with blood : what his ofience had been I did not hear. The entire crowd w^ere most grotesquely got up, being dressed in either leopard or white monkey skins, with cows' tails strapped on behind, and antelopes' horns fitted upon their heads, while their chins were orna- mented with false beards, made of the bushy ends of cows' tails sewed together. Altogether, J never saw a more unearthly set of creatures ; they were perfect illustrations of my childish ideas of devils — horns, tails, and all, excepting the hoofs ; they were our escort ! furnished by Kamrasi to accompany us to the lake. Fortunately for all parties the Turks were not with us on that occasion, or the satanic escort would certainly have been received with a volley when they Y 322 THE ROUT AT A OUN-SHOT. [chap. XI. so raslily advanced to compliment us by their absurd performances. We marched till 7 p.m. over flat, uninteresting country, and then halted at a miserable village which the people had deserted, as they expected our arrival. The following morning I found much difiiculty in getting our escort together, as they had been foraging throughout the neighbourhood ; these " devil's own " were a portion of Kamrasi's troops, who considered themselves entitled to plunder ad libitum throughout the march ; however, after some delay, they collected, and their tall chief approached me, and begged that a gun might be fired as a curiosity. The escort had crowded around us, and as the boy Saat was close to me, I ordered him to fire his gun. This was Saat's greatest delight, and bang went one barrel unexpectedly close to the tall chiefs ear. The effect was charming. The tall chief, thinking himself injured, clasped his head mth both hands, and bolted through the crowd, which, struck with a sudden panic, rushed away in all directions, the " devil's own " tumbling over each other, and utterly scattered by the second barrel which Saat exultingly fired in derision as Kamrasi's warlike regi- ment dissolved before a sound. I felt quite sure, that in the event of a fight, one scream from the " baby,^^ with its charge of forty small bullets, would ^^4n the battle, if well dehvered into a crowd of Kamrasi's troops. That afternoon, after a march tlu^ough a most beau- tiful forest of large mimosas in full blossom, we arrived at the morass that had necessitated this great detour from our direct course to the lake. It was nearly three-quarters of a mile broad, and so deep, that in many places the oxen were obliged to swim ; both Mrs. Baker and I were carried across on our angareps by twelve men with the greatest difficulty ; the guide^ who waded before us to show the way, suddenly dis- appeared in a deep hole, and his bundle that he had carried on his head, being of fight substance, was seen CHAP. XI.] A DISAGREEABLE ESCORT. 323 floatiDg like a buoy upon the surface ; after a thorough sousing, the guide reappeared, and scrambled out, and we made a circuit, the men toiling frequently up to their necks through mud and water. On arrival at the opposite side we continued tlu^ough the same beautiful forest, and slept that night at a deserted village, M'Baze. I obtained two observations ; one of Capella, giving latitude N. 1° 24' 47", and of Canopus P 23' 29". The next day we were much annoyed by our native escort ; instead of attending to us, they employed their time in capering and dancing about, screaming, and gesticulating, and suddenly rushing off in advance whenever we approached a village, which they plun- dered before we could arrive. In this manner every place was stripped ; nor could we procure an}i:hing to eat unless by purchasing it for beads from the native escort. We slept at Karche, N. latitude 1° 19' 31". AYe were both ill, but were obliged to ride through the hottest hours of the sun, as our followers were never ready to start at an early hour in the morning. The native escort were perfectly independent, and so utterly wild and savage in their manner, that they appeared more dangerous than the general inliabitants of the country. My wife was extremely anxious, since the occasion of Kamrasi^s " proposal," as she was suspicious that so large an escort as three hundred men had been given for some treacherous purpose, and that I should perhaps be waylaid to enable them to steal her for the king. I had not the slightest fear of such an occurrence, as sentries were always on guard during the night, and I was well prepared during the day. On the following morning we had the usual diffi- culty in collecting porters, those of the preceding day having absconded, and others were recruited from distant villages by the native escort, who enjoyed the excuse of hunting for porters, as it gave them an opportunity of foraging throughout the neighbourhood* During this time we had to wait until the sun was Y 2' 324 PASSAGE OF THE KAFOOR. [chap. XI. liigli ; and we tlius lost the cool hours of morning and increased our fatigue. Having at length started, we arrived in the afternoon at the Kafoor river, at a bend from the south where it was necessary to cross over in our westerly course. The stream was in ^the centre of a marsh, and although deep, it was so covered with thickly-matted water-grass and other aquatic plants, that a natural floating-bridge was estabhshed by a carpet of weeds about two feet thick : upon this wav- ing and unsteady surface the men ran quickly across, sinking merely to the ankles, although beneath the tough vegetation there was deep water. It was equally impossible to ride or to be carried over this treacherous surftice ; thus I led the way, and begged Mrs. Baker to follow me on foot as quickly as possible, precisely in my track. The river was about eighty yards wide, and I had scarcely completed a fourth of the distance and looked back to see if my wife followed close to me, when I was horrified to see her standing in one spot, and sinking gradually through the weeds, while her fcxce was distorted and perfectly purple. Almost as soon as I perceived her, she fell, as though shot dead. In an instant I was by her side ; and with the assistance of eight or ten of my men, who were fortu- nately close to me, I dragged, her like a corpse through the yielding vegetation, and up to our waists we scram- bled across to the other side, just keeping her head above the water : to have carried her would have been impossible, as we should all have sunk together through the weeds. I laid her under a tree, and bathed her head and face with water, as for the moment I thought she had fainted ; but she lay perfectly insensible as though dead, with teeth and hands firmly clenched, and her eyes open, but fixed. It was a coup de soleil. Many of the porters had gone on ahead with the baggage ; and I started off a man in haste to recall an angarep upon which to carry her, and also for a bag .with a change of clothes, as we had dragged her through the river. It was in vain that I rubbed her CHAP. XI.] MISERY. 325 heart, and the black women rubbed her feet, to endea- vour to restore animation. At length the litter came, and after changing her clothes, she was carried mourn- fully forward as a corpse. Constantly we had to halt and support her head, as a painful rattling in the throat betokened suffocation. At length we reached a village, and halted for the night. I laid her carefully in a miserable hut, and watched beside her. I opened her clenched teeth with a small wooden wedge, and inserted a wet rag, upon which I dropped water to moisten her tongue, which was dry as fur. The unfeeling brutes that composed the native escort were yelling and dancing as though all were well ; and I ordered their chief at once to return with them to Kamrasi, as I would travel with them no longer. At first they refused to return ; until at length I vowed that I would fire into them should they accompany us on the following morning. Day broke, and it was a relief to have got rid of the brutal escort. They had departed, and I had now my own men, and the guides supplied by Kamrasi. There was nothing to eat in this spot. My wife had never stirred since she fell by the coiif de soleil, and merely respired about five times in a minute. It was impossible to remain ; the people would have starved. She was laid gently upon her litter, and we started forward on our funeral course. I was ill and broken-hearted, and I followed by her side through the long day's march over wild park-lands and streams, with thick forest and deep marshy bottoms ; over un- dulating hills, and through valleys of tall papyrus rushes, which, as we brushed through them on our melancholy way, waved over the litter like the black plumes of a hearse. We halted at a village, and again the night was passed in watching. I was wet, and coated with mud from the sw^ampy marsh, and shivered : with ague ; but the cold within was greater than all. • No change had taken place ; she had never moved. I had plenty of fat, and I made four balls of about 326 DISTRESS. [chap. XI. half a pound, each of which would bum for three hours. A piece of a broken water-jar formed a lamp, several pieces of rag serving for wicks. So in solitude the still calm night passed away as I sat by her side and watched. In the drawn and distorted features that lay before me I could hardly trace the same face that for years had been my comfort through all the difficulties and dangers of my path. Was she to die ? Was so terrible a sacrifice to be the result of my selfish exile ? Again the night passed away. Once more the march. Though we.ak and ill, and for two nights without a moment's sleep, I felt no fatigue, but mechanically followed by the side of the litter as though in a dream. The same wild country diversified with marsh and forest. Again we halted. The night came, and I sat by her side in a miserable hut, with the feeble lamp fiickering while she lay, as in death. She had never moved a muscle since she fell. My people slept. I was alone, and no sound broke the stillness of the night. The ears ached at the utter silence, till the sudden wild cry of a hyena made me shudder as the horrible thought rushed through my brain, that, should she be buried in this lonely spot, the hyena would . . . disturb her rest. The morning was not far distant ; it was past four o'clock. I had passed the night in replacing wet cloths upon her head and moistening her lips, as she lay apparently lifeless on her litter. I could do nothing more ; in solitude and abject misery in that dark hour, in a country of savage heathens, thousands of miles away from a Christian land, I beseeched an aid above all human, trusting alone to Him. The morning broke ; my lamp had just burnt out, aild, cramped with the night's watching, I rose from my low seat, and seeing that she lay in the same un- altered state, I went to the door of the hut to breathe one gasp of the fresh morning air. I was watching the first red streak that heralded the rising sun, when CHAP. XI.] THE PICKAXE. 327 I was startled by the words, " Thank God," faintly uttered behind me. Suddenly she had awoke from her torpor, and with a heart overflowing I went to her bedside. Her eyes were full of madness ! She spoke, but the brain was gone ! I will not inflict a description of the terrible trial of seven days of brain fever, with its attendant horrors. The rain poured in torrents, and day after day we were forced to travel for want of provisions, not being able to remain in one position. Every now and then we shot a few guinea-fowl, but rarely; there was no game, although the country was most favourable. In the forests we procured wild honey, but the deserted vil- lages contained no supplies, as we were on the frontier of Uganda, and M'tese s people had plundered the dis- trict. For seven nights I had not slept, and although as weak as a reed, I had marched by the side of her litter. Nature could resist no longer. We reached a village one evening ; she had been in violent convul- sions successively — it was all but over. I laid her down on her litter within a hut ; covered her with a Scotch plaid, and I fell upon my mat insensible, worn out with sorrow and fatigue. My men put a new handle to the pickaxe that evening, and sought for a dry spot to dig her grave ! CHAPTEK XII. RECOVERED. The sun had risen when I woke. I had slept, and,, liorrified as the idea flashed upon me that she must be dead, and that I had not been with her, I started up. She lay upon her bed, pale as marble, and with that calm serenity that the features assume when the cares of life no longer act upon the mind, and the body rests in death. The dreadful thought bowed me down ; but as I gazed upon her in fear, her chest gently heaved, not with the convulsive throbs of fever, but naturally. She was asleep ; and when at a sudden noise she opened her eyes, they were calm and clear. She was saved I When not a ray of hope remained, God alone knows what helped us. The gratitude of that moment I will not attempt to describe. Fortunately there were many fowls in this village ; we found several nests of fresh eggs in the straw which littered the hut ; these were most acceptable after our hard fare, and produced a good supply of soup. Having rested for two days, we again moved forward, Mrs. Baker being carried on a litter. We now con- tinued on elevated ground, on the north side of a valley running from west to east, about sixteen miles broad, and exceedingly swampy. The rocks composing the ridge upon which we travelled due west were all gneiss and quartz, with occasional breaks, forming narrow valleys, all of which were swamps choked with immense CHAP. XII.] THE SUGAR-CANE INDIGENOUS. 329 papyrus rushes, that made the march very fatiguing. In one of these muddy bottoms one of my riding oxen that was ill, stuck fast, and we were obliged to abandon it, intending to send a number of natives to drag it out with ropes. On arrival at a village, our guide started about fifty men for this purpose, while we con- tinued our journey. That evening we reached a village belonging to a headman, and very superior to most that we had passed on the route from M'rooli : large sugar-canes of the blue variety were growing in the fields, and I had seen coffee growing wild in the forest in the vicinity. I was sitting at the door of the hut about two hours after sunset, smoking a pipe of excellent tobacco, when I suddenly heard a great singing in chorus advancing rapidly from a distance towards the entrance of the courtyard. At first I imagined that the natives intended dancing, which was an infliction that I wished to avoid, as I was tired and feverish ; but in a few minutes the boy Saat introduced a headman, who told me that the riding ox had died in the swamj) where he had stuck fast in the morning, and that the natives had brought his body to me. " What I replied, " brought his body, the entu-e ox, to me ?" The entire ox as he died is delivered at your door," answered the headman; I could not allow any of your property to be lost upon the road. Had the body of the ox not been delivered to you, we might have been suspected of having stolen it." I went to the entrance of the courtyard, and amidst a crowd of natives I found the entire ox exactly as he had died. They had carried him about eight miles on a litter,, which they had constructed of two immensely long posts with cross-pieces of bamboo, upon which they had laid the body. They would not eat the flesh, and seemed quite disgusted at the idea, as they replied that it had died." It is a curious distinction of the Unyoro people, that they are peculiarly clean feeders, and will not touch 330 CLOSE TO THE LAKE! [chap. XII. either the "flesh of animals that have died, neither of those that are sick ; nor will they eat the crocodile. They asked for no remuneration for bringing their hea^y load so great a distance ; and they departed in good humom- as a matter of course. Never were such contradictory people as these crea- tures ; they had troubled us dreadfully during the journey, as they would suddenly exclaim against the weight of their loads, and throw them down, and bolt into the high grass ; yet now they had of their own free will delivered to me a whole dead ox from a distance of eight miles, precisely as though it had been an object of the greatest value. The name of this village was Parkani. For several days past our guides had told us that we were very near to the lake, and we were now assured that we should reach it on the morrow. I had noticed a lofty range of mountains at an immense distance west, and I had imagined that the lake lay on the other side of this chain ; but I was now informed that those moun- tains formed the western frontier of the M Vootan N'zige, and that the lake was actually within a march of Par- kani. I could not believe it possible that we were so near the object of our search. The guide Rabonga now appeared, and declared that if we started early on the following morning we should be able to wash in the lake by noon ! That night I hardly slept. For years I had striven to reach the " sources of the Nile.'' In my nightly dreams during that arduous voyage I had always failed, but after so much hard work and perseverance the cup was at my very lips, and I was to drink at the mys- terious fountain before another sun should set — at that great reservoir of Nature that ever since creation had baffled all discovery. I had hoped, and prayed, and striven through all kinds of difficulties, in sickness, starvation, and fatigue, to reach that hidden source ; and when it had appeared impossible, we had both determined to die upon the CHAP. xii.J DISCOVERY OF THE ALBERT N'YANZA. 331 road rather than return defeated. Was it possible that it was so near, and that to-morrow we could say, the Avork is accomplished ? " The 14th March. The sun had not risen when I was sjDurring my ox after the guide, who ha^dng been promised a double handful of beads on arrival at the lake, had caught the enthusiasm of the moment. The day broke beautifully clear, and having crossed a deep valley between the hills, we toiled up the opposite slope. I hurried to the summit. The glory of oiu^ prize burst suddenly upon me ! There, like a sea of quick- silver, lay far beneath the grand expanse of water, — a boundless sea horizon on the south and south-west, ghttering in the noon-day sun ; and on the west at fifty or sixty miles distance blue mountains rose from the bosom of the lake to a height of about 7,000 feet above its level. It is impossible to describe the triumph of that mo- ment;— here was the reward for all our labour — for the years of tenacity ^4th which we had toiled through Africa. England had won the som'ces of the Nile ! Long before I reached this spot, I had arranged to give three cheers T\dth all our men in English st}'le in honour of the discovery, but now that 1 looked down upon the great inland sea lying nestled in the very heart of Africa, and thought how vainly mankind had sought these sources throughout so many ages, and reflected that I had been the humble instrument permitted to unravel this portion of the great mystery when so many greater than I had failed, I felt too serious to vent my feelings in vain cheers for victory, and I sincerely thanked God for having guided and supported us tln'ough all dangers to the good end. 1 was about 1,500 feet above the lake, and I looked doA^m from the steep granite cUff upon those welcome waters — upon that vast reservoii' which nourished Egypt and brought fertihty where all was wilderness — upon that great .source so long hidden from mankind ; that source of bounty and of blessings to millions of human beings ; 332 THE ALBERT N'TANZA. [chap. XII, and as one of tlic greatest objects In nature, I determined to honour it with a great name. As an imperishable memorial of one loved and mourned by our gracious Queen and deplored by every Englishman, I called this great lake " the Albert N yanza/' The Victoria and the Albert lakes are the two sources of the Kile. The zigzag path to descend to the lake was so steep and dangerous that we were forced to leave our oxen with a oruide, who was to take them to Mao^uno-o and wait for our arrival. We commenced the descent of the steep pass on foot. I led the way, grasping a stout bamboo. My wife in extreme weakness tottered doA^Ti the pass, supporting herself upon my shoulder, and stopping to rest every twenty paces. After a toilsome descent of about two hours, Aveak with years of fever, but for the moment strengthened by success, we gained the level plain below the cliff. A walk of about a mile through flat sandy meadows of fine turf interspersed Avith trees and bush, brought us to the water s edge. The waves were rolling upon a white pebbly beach : I rushed into the lake, and thirsty with heat and fatigue, with a heart full of gratitude, I drank deeply from the Sources of the Nile. Within a quarter of a mile of the lake was a fishing village named Vacovia, in which we now established ourselves. Everything smelt of fish — and everything looked like fishing ; not the " gentle art" of England with rod and fly, but harpoons were leaning against the huts, and lines almost as thick as the little finger were hanging up to dry, to which were attached iron hooks of a size that said much for the monsters of the Albert lake. On entering the hut I found a prodigious quantity of tackle ; the lines were beautifully made of the fibre of the plantain stem, and were exceedingly elastic, and well adapted to withstand the first rush of a hea^y fish ; the hooks were very coarse, but well barbed, and varied in size from two to six inches. A number of harpoons and floats for hippopotami were arranged in CHAP. XII.] THE LAKE DECLARED TO BE THE SEA. 333 good order, and the tout ensemble of the hut showed that the owner was a sportsman. The harpoons for hippopotami were precisely the same pattern as those used by the Hamran Arabs on the Taka frontier of Abyssinia, having a narrow blade of three-quarters of an inch in width, with only one barb. The rope fitted to the harpoon was beautifully made of plantain fibre, and the float was a huge piece of ambatch-wood about fifteen inches in diameter. They speared the hippopotamus from canoes, and these large floats were necessary to be easily distinguished in the rough waters of the lake. My men were perfectly astounded at the appearance of the lake. The journey had been so long, and " hope deferred" had so completely sickened their hearts, that they had long since disbelieved in the existence of the lake, and they were persuaded that I was leading them to the sea. They now looked at the lake with amazement — two of them had already seen the sea at Alexandria, and they unhesitatingly declared that this was the sea, but that it w^as not salt. Yacovia was a miserable place, and the soil was so impregnated with salt, that no cultivation was possible. Salt was the natural product of the country, and the population were employed in its manufacture, which constituted the business of the lake shores — - being exchanged for supplies from the interior. I went to examine the pits : these were about six feet deep, from Avliich was dug a black sandy mud that was placed in large earthenware jars ; these were sup- ported upon frames, and mixed with water, which filtering rapidly through small holes in the bottom was received in jars beneath : this water was again used with fresh mud until it became a strong brine, when it was boiled and evaporated. The salt was white, but very bitter. I imagine that it has been formed by the decay of aquatic plants that have been washed ashore by the waves ; decomposing, they have formed a mud deposit, and much potash is 334 rACOVIA^SALT-PITSi [chap. XI u combined -witli tlie salt. The flat sandy meadow that extends from the lake for about a mile to the foot of the precipitous clifis of 1,500 feet, appears to have formed at one period the bottom of the lake — in fact, the flat land of Yacovia looks like a bay, as the moun- tain cliff's about five miles south and north descend abruptly to the water, and the flat is the bottom of a horseshoe formed by the cliff's. Were the level of the lake fifteen feet higher, this flat would be flooded to the base of the hills. I procured a couple of kids from the chief of the village for some blue beads, and having received an ox as a present from the headman of Parkani in return for a number of beads and bracelets, I gave my men a grand feast in honour of the discovery ; I made them an address, explaining to them how much trouble we should have been saved had my whole party behaved well from the first commencement and trusted to my guidance, as we should have arrived here twelve months ago ; at the same time I told them, that it was a greater honour to have achieved the task with so small a force as thirteen men, and that as the lake was thus happily reached, and Mrs. Baker was restored to health after so terrible a danger, I should forgive them past off'ences and wipe out all that had been noted against them in my journal. This delighted my people, who ejaculated "Elhamd el Illah!" (thank God !) and fell to immediately at their beef. At sunrise on the following morning I took the compass, and accompanied by the chief of the village,, my guide Eabonga, and the woman Bacheeta, I went to the borders of the lake to survey the country. It was beautifully clear, and with a powerful telescope I could distinguish two large waterfalls that cleft the sides of the mountains on the opposite shore. Although the outline of the mountains was distinct upon the bright blue sky, and the dark shades upon their sides denoted deep gorges, I could not distinguish other features than the two great falls, which looked like CHAP. XII.] GEOGRAPHY OF THE LAKE. 335 tlireads of silver on the dark face of the mountains. No base had been visible, even from an elevation of 1,500 feet above the water-level, on my first view of the lake, but the chain of lofty mountains on the west appeared to rise suddenly from the water. This appearance must have been due to the great distance, the base being below the horizon, as dense columns of smoke were ascending apparently from the surface of the water : this must have been produced by the burning of prairies at the foot of the mountains. The chief assured me that large canoes had been known to cross over from the other side, but that it required four days and nights of hard rowing to accomplish the voyage, and that many boats had been lost in the attempt. The canoes of Unyoro were not adapted for so dangerous a journey ; but the western shore of the lake was comprised in the great kingdom of Malegga, governed by King Kajoro, who possessed large canoes, and traded with Kamrasi from a point opposite to Magungo, where the lake was contracted to the width of one day's voyage. He described Malegga as a very powerful country, and of greater extent than either Unyoro or Uganda South of Malegga was a country named Tori, governed by a king of the same name : beyond that country to the south on the western shore no intelligence could be obtained from any one. The lake was known to extend as far south as Karagwe ; and the old story was repeated, that Eumanika, the king of that country, was in the habit of sending ivory-hunting parties to the lake at Utumbi, and that formerly they had navigated the lake to Magungo. This was a curious confirmation of the report given me by Speke at Gondokoro, who wrote : " Eumanika is constantly in the habit of sending ivory-hunting parties to Utumbi.'^ The eastern shores of the lake were, from north to south, occupied by Chopi, Unyoro, Uganda, Utumbi, and Karagwe : from the last point, which could not be 336 COUNTRIES BORDERTNG THE LAKE. [chap. xii. less than about two degrees south latitude, the lake was reported to turn suddenly to the west, and to continue in that direction for an unknown distance. JSTorth of Malegga, on the west of the lake, was a small country called M'Caroli ; then Koshi, on the west side of the Nile at its exit from the lake ; and on the east side of the Nile was the Madi, opposite to Koshi. Both the guide and the chief of Vacovia informed me that we should be taken by canoes to Magungo, to the point at which the Somerset that we had left at Karuma . joined the lake ; but that we could not ascend it, as it was a succession of cataracts the whole way from Karuma until within a short distance of Magungo. The exit of the Nile from the lake at Koshi was navigable for a considerable distance, and canoes could descend the river as far as the Madi. They both agreed that the level of the lake was never lower than at present, and that it never rose higher than a mark upon the beach that accounted for an increase of about four feet. The beach was perfectly clean sand, upon which the waves rolled like those of the sea, throwing up weeds precisely as seaweed may be seen upon the English shore. It was a grand sight to look upon this vast reservoir of the mighty Nile, and to watch the heavy swell tumbling upon the beach, while far to the south-west the eye searched as vainly for a bound as though upon the Atlantic. It was with extreme emotion that I enjoyed this glorious scene. My wife, who had followed me so devotedly, stood by my side pale and exhausted — a wreck upon the shores of the great Albert Lake that we had so long striven to reach. No European foot had ever trod upon its sand, nor had the eyes of a white man ever scanned its vast expanse of water. We were the first ; and this was the key to the great secret that even Julius Csesar yearned to unravel, but in vain. Here was the great basin of the Nile that received every drop of imter, even from the passing shower to the roaring mountain torrent that dramed from CHAP. XII.] SOURCES OF THE NILE. 337 Central Africa towards the north. This was the great reservoir of the Nile ! The first coup d'ceil from the summit of the chJff 1,500 feet above the level had suggested what a closer examination confirmed. The lake was a vast depression far below the general level of the country, surrounded by precipitous cHffs, and bounded on the west and south-west by great ranges of mountains from five to seven thousand feet above the level of its waters — thus it was the one great reservoir into which everything must drain ; and from this vast rocky cistern the Nile made its exit, a giant in its birth. It was a grand arrangement of Nature for the birth of so mighty and important a stream as the river Nile. The Victoria N yanza of Speke formed a reservoir at a high altitude, receiving a drainage from the west by the Kitangule river, and Speke had seen the M'fumbiro mountain at a great distance as a peak among other mountains from which the streams descended, which by uniting, formed the main river Kitangule, the principal feeder of the Victoria lake from the west, in about the 2° S. latitude : thus the same chain of mountains that fed the Victoria on the east must have a watershed to the west and north that would flow into the Albert lake. The general drainage of the Nile basin tending from south to north, and the Albert lake extending much farther north than the Victoria, it receives the river from the latter lake, and thus monopolizes the entire head- waters of the Nile. The Albert is the grand reservoir, while the Victoria is the eastern source ; the parent streams that form these lakes are from the same origin, and the Kitangule sheds its waters to the Victoria to be received eventually by the Albert, precisely as the highlands of M'fumbiro and the Blue Mountains pour their northern drainage direct into the Albert lake. The entire Nile system, from the first Abyssinian tributary the Atbara in N. latitude 17° 37' even to the equator, exhibits a uniform drainage from S.E. to N.W., every tributary flowing in that direction to the main stream of the z 338 ALBERT LAKE, THE GREAT RESERFOIR. [chap. xii. Nile ; this system is persisted in by the Victoria Nile, which ha\TLng continued a northernly course from its exit from the Victoria lake to Karuma in N. lat. 2° 16', turns suddenly to the west and meets the Albert lake at Magungo ; thus, a line drawn from Magungo to the Eipon . Falls from the Victoria lake will prove the general slope of the country to be the same as exem- plified throughout the entire system of the eastern basin of the Nile, tending from S.E. to N.W. That many considerable affluents flow into the Albert lake there is no doubt. The two waterfalls seen by telescope upon the western shore descending from the Blue Mountains must be most important streams, or they could not have been distinguished at so great a distance as fifty or sixty miles ; the natives assured me that very many streams, varying in size, descended^ the mountains upon all sides into the general reservoir. I returned to my hut : the flat turf in the vicinity of the village was strewn with the bones of immense fish, hippopotami, and crocodiles ; but the latter reptiles were merely caught in revenge for any outrage committed by them, as their flesh was looked upon with disgust by the natives of Unyoro. They were so numerous and voracious in the lake, that the natives cautioned us not to allow the women to venture into the water even to the knees when filling their water-jars. It was most important that we should hurry forward on our journey, as our return to England depended en- tirely upon the possibiHty of reaching Gondokoro before the end of April, otherwise the boats would have de- parted. I impressed upon our guide and the chief that we must be furnished with large canoes immediately, as we had no time to spare, and J started off Eabonga to Magungo, where he was to meet' us with our riding oxen. The animals would be taken by a path upon the high ground ; there was no possibility of travelling near the lake, as the cliffs in many places descended abruptly into deep water. I made him a present of a large quantity of beads that I had promised to give CHAP. XII.] UNHEALTHY CLIMATE. 339 him upon reaching the lake ; he took his departure, agreeing to meet us at Magungo with our oxen, and to have porters in readiness to convey us direct to Shooa. On the following morning not one of our party could rise from the ground. Thirteen men, the boy Saat, four women, and we om-selves, were all down with fever. The air was hot and close, and the country frightfully unhealthy. The natives assured us that all strangers suffered in a similar manner, and that no one could live at Vacovia without repeated attacks of fever. The delay in supplpng the boats was most annoy- ing ; every hour was precious ; and the lying natives deceived us in every manner possible, delaying us purposely in the hope of extorting beads. The latitude of Vacovia was 1° 15' N.; longitude E. 30° 50'. My farthest southern point on the road from M'rooli was latitude 1° 13'. We were now to turn our faces towards the north, and every day's journey would bring us nearer home. But where was home ? As I looked at the map of the world, and at the little red spot that represented old England far, far away, and then gazed on the wasted form and haggard face of my wife and at my own attenuated frame, I hardly dared hope for home again. We had now been tln^ee years ever toiling onwards, and having completed the exploration of all the Abyssinian affluents of the Nile, in itself an arduous undertaking, we were now actually at the Nile head. We had neither health nor su]3plies, and the great journey lay all before us. Not^\dthstanding my daily entreaties that boats might be supplied without delay, eight days were passed at Vacovia, during which time the whole party suffered more or less from fever. At length canoes were reported to have arrived, and I was requested to inspect them. They were merely single trees neatly hollowed out, but very inferior in size to the large canoes on the Nile at M'rooli. The largest boat was 340 ARRANGE CANOES FOR LAKE VOYAGE, [chap. xii. thirty-two feet long, but I selected for ourselves one of twenty-six feet, but wider and deeper. Fortunately I had purchased at Khartoum an English screw auger 1:^ inch in diameter, and this tool I had brought with me, foreseeing some difficulties in boating arrange- ments. I now bored holes two feet apart in the gun- wale of the canoe, and having prepared long elastic wands, I spanned them in arches across the boat and lashed them to the anger holes. This completed, I secured them by diagonal pieces, and concluded by thatchinoj the framework with a thin coatino; of reeds to protect us from the sun ; over the thatch I stretched ox hides well drawn and lashed, so as to render our roof water-proof. This arrangement formed a tortoise- like protection that would be proof against sun and rain. I then arranged some logs of exceedingly light wood along the bottom of the canoe, and covered them with a thick bed of grass ; this was covered tvdth an Abyssinian tanned ox hide, and arranged with Scotch plaids. The arrangements completed, afforded a cabin, perhaps not as luxurious as those of the Peninsular and Oriental Company's vessels, but both rain and sun-proof, which was the great desideratum. In this rough vessel we embarked on a calm morning when hardly a ripple moved the even surftice of the lake. Each canoe had four rowers, two at either end. Their paddles were beautifully shaped, hewn from one piece of wood, the blade being rather wider than that of an ordinary spade, but concave in the inner side, so as to give the rower a great hold upon the water. Having purchased with some difficulty a few fowls and dried fish, I put the greater number of my men in the larger canoe ; and with Eicharn, Saat, and the women, including the interpreter Bacheeta, we led the way, and started from Yacovia on the broad surface of the Albert N'yanza. The rowers paddled bravely ; and the canoe, although heavily laden, went along at about four miles an hour. There was no excitement in Yacovia, and the chief and two or three attendants CHxVr. XII.] VOYAGE UPON TEE LAKE. 341 were all who came to see us off ; they had a suspicion that bystanders might be invited to assist as rowers, therefore the entire population of the village had deserted. At lea\ing the shore, the chief had asked for a few beads, which, on receiving, he threw into the lake to propitiate the inhabitants of the deep, that no hippo- potami should upset the canoe. Our first day s voyage was delightful. The lake Avas calm, the sky cloudy, and the scenery most lovely. At times the mountains on the west coast were not discernible, and the lake appeared of indefinite width. We coasted within a hundred yards of the east shore ; sometimes we passed flats of sand and bush of perhaps a mile in width from the water to the base of the mountain clifis ; at other times we passed directly underneath stupendous heights of about 1,500 feet, which ascended abruptly from the deep, so that we fended the canoes ofi" the sides, and assisted our pro- gress by pushing against the rock with bamboos. These precipitous rocks were all primitive, frequently of granite and gneiss, and mixed in many places with red porphyry. In the clefts were beautiful ever- greens of every tint, including giant euphorbias ; and wherever a rivulet or spring ghttered through the dark foliage of a ra\, it was shaded by the graceful and feathery wild date. Great numbers of hippopotami were sporting in the water, but I refused to fire at them, as the death of such a monster would be certain to delay us for at least a day, as the boatmen would not forsake the flesh. Crocodiles were exceedingly numerous both in and out of the water ; wherever a sandy beach invited them to bask, several monsters were to l)e seen, like- trunks of trees, lying in the sun. On the edge of the beech above high-water mark were low bushes, and from this cover the crocodiles came scuttling .down into the water, frightened at the approach of the canoe. There were neither ducks nor geese, as there 342 DESERTED BY THE BOATMEN. [chap. XII. were no feeding-grounds : deep water was close to the shore. Our boatmen worked well, and long after dark we continued our voyage, until the canoe was suddenly steered to the shore, and we grounded upon a steep beach of perfectly clean sand. We were informed that we were near a village, and the boatmen proposed to leave us here for the night, while they should proceed in search of provisions. Seeing that they intended to take the paddles with them, 1 ordered these important implements to be returned to the boats, and a guard set over them, while several of my men should accom- pany the boatmen to the reported village. In the meantime, we arranged our angareps upon the beach, lighted a fire with some drift-wood, and prepared for the night. The men shortly returned, accompanied by several natives, with two fowls and one small kid. The latter was immediately consigned to the large copper pot, and I paid about three times its value to the natives, to encourage them to bring supplies on the following morning. While dinner was preparing, I took an observation, and found our latitude was 1° 33' N. We had tra- velled well, having made 16' direct northing. On the first crowing of our solitary cock, we pre- pared to start ; — the boatmen were gone ! As soon as it was light, I took two men and went to the village, supposing they were sleeping in their huts. Within three hundred paces of the boats, upon a fine turfy sward, on rising ground, were three miserable fishing huts. These constituted the village. Upon arrival, no one was to be found : the natives had deserted, k. fine tract of broken grass-land formed a kind of amphitheatre beneath the range of clifis. These I scanned with the telescope, but I could trace no signs of man. We were evidently deserted by our boatmen, and the natives had accompanied them to avoid being pressed into our service. On my return to the canoes with this intelligence, CHAP. XII.] PILOT. 343 my men were quite in despair ; tliey could not believe that the boatmen had really absconded, and they begged me to allow them to search the country in the hope of finding another village. Strictly forbidding any man to absent himself from the boats, I congratulated our- selves on having well guarded the paddles, which there was no doubt would have been stolen by the boatmen had I allowed them to remain in their possession. I agreed to wait until 3 p.m. Should the boatmen not return by that hour, I intended to proceed without them. There was no dependence to be placed upon these contradictory natives. Kindness was entirely thrown away upon them. We had Kamrasi s orders for boats and men, but in this distant frontier the natives did not appear to attach much importance to their king; nevertheless, we were dependent upon them. Every hour was valuable, as our only chance of reach- ing Gondokoro in time for the boats depended upon rapidity of travelling. At the moment when I wished to press forAvard, delays occurred that were most trying. Three p.m. arrived, but no signs of natives. " Jump into the boats, my lads !" I cried to my men; " I know the route." The canoes were pushed from the shore, and my people manned the paddles. Five of my men were professional boatmen, but no one understood the management of paddles except myself. It was in vain that I attempted to instruct my crew. Pull they cer- tainly did; but — ye gods who watch over boats ! — round and round we pirouetted, the two canoes waltzing and polking together in their gTcat ball-room, the Albert N yanza. The voyage would have lasted ad injiniium. After three hours' exertion, we reached a point of rock that stretched as a promontory into the lake. This bluflf point was covered with thick jungle to the summit, and at the base was a small plot of sandy beach, from which there was no exit except by water, as the cliff descended sheer to the lake upon either side. It poured with rain, and with much difficulty 344 ENDEAVOUR TO CIVILIZE THE CANOES, [chap. xii. Ave lighted a fire. Mosquitoes were in clouds, and the night was so warm that it was impossible to sleep beneath the blankets. Arranging the angareps upon the sand, with the raw ox-hides as coverlets, we lay down in the rain. It was too hot to sleep in the boat, especially as the temporary cabin was a perfect mos- quito nest. That night I considered the best plan to be adopted, and I resolved to adapt a paddle as a rudder on the following morning. It rained without ceasing the whole night; and, at break of day, the- scene was sufficiently miserable. The men lay on the wet sand, covered up with their raw hides, soaked completely through, but still fast asleep, from which nothing would arouse them. My wife was also wet and wretched. It still rained. I was soon at work. Cutting a thwart in the stern of the canoe with, my hunting-knife, I bored a hole beneath it with the large auger, and securely lashed a paddle with a thong of raw hide that I cut off my well-saturated coverlet. I made a most effective rudder. None of my men had assisted me ; they had remained beneath their soaked skins, smoking their short pipes, while I was hard at work. They were perfectly apathetic with despair, as their ridiculous efforts at paddling on the previous evening had completely extinguished all hope within them. They were quite resigned to their destiny, and considered themselves as sacrificed to geography. I threw them the auger, and explained that I was ready to start, and should wait for no one ; and, cutting two bamboos, I arranged a mast and yard, upon which I fitted a large Scotch plaid for a sail. We shoved off the boat : fortunately we had two or three spare paddles, therefore the rudder paddle was not missed. I took the helm, and instructed my men to think of nothing but pulling hard. Away we went as straight as an arrow, to the intense delight of my people. There was very little wind, but a light air filled the plaid and eased us gently forward. Upon rounding the promontory we found ourselves CHAP. XII.] NATIVES VOLUNTEER AS BOATMEN. 345 in a large bay, the opposite headland being visible at about eight or ten miles' distance. Should we coast the bay it would occupy two days. There was another small promontory farther in shore; I therefore resolved to steer direct for that point before venturing in a straight line from one headland to the other. Upon looking behind me, I observed our canoe con- sort about a mile astern, amusing herself with pointing to all parts of the compass — the lazy men not having taken the trouble to adapt the rudder as I had ordered them. We travelled at about four miles an hour, and my people were so elated that they declared themselves ready to row, without assistance, to the Nile junction. The water was perfectly calm, and upon rounding the next promontory I was rejoiced to see a village in a snug little bay, and a great number of canoes, drawn up on the sandy beach, and others engaged in fishing. A number of natives were standing on the sand close to the water s edge, about half a mile from us, and I steered directly towards them. Upon our close approach, they immediately sat down, and held up their paddles above their heads ; this was an un- mistakeable sign that they intended to volunteer as boatmen, and I steered the boat upon the beach. No sooner had we grounded, than they rushed into the water and boarded us, most good-humouredly pulling down our mast and sail, which appeared to them highly absurd (as they never use sails) ; and they explained that they had seen on the other side the headland that we were strangers, and their chief had ordered them to assist us. I now begged them to send six men to the assistance of the lagging canoe ; this they promised to do, and, after waiting for some time, we started at a rattling pace to pull across the wide bay from point to point. When in the centre of the bay we were about four miles from land. At this time a swell set iu from the south-west. While at Vacovia I had observed that 346 STORM ON THE LAKE. [chap. XII. altliougli the mornings were calm, a strong wind gene- rally arose at 1 p.m. from S. W. that brought a heavy- sea upon the beach. I was now afraid that we should be subject to a gale before we could reach the opposite headland, as the rising swell betokened wind from the old quarter, especially as dark thunder clouds were gathering on the western shore. I told Bacheeta to urge the rowers forward, as our heavy canoe would certainly be swamped in the event of a gale. I looked at my watch : it was past noon, and I felt sure that we should catch a south-wester by about one o'clock. My men looked rather green at the ominous black clouds and the increasing swell, but exclaimed, " InshaUah, there will be no wind." With due deference to their faith in predestination, I insisted upon their working the spare paddles, as our safety depended upon reaching the shore before the approach- ing storm. They had learnt to believe in my opinion, and they exerted themselves to their utmost. The old boat rushed through the water, but the surface of the lake was rapidly changing ; the western shore was no longer visible, the water was dark, and innumerable white crests tipped the waves. The canoe labom^ed heavily, and occasionally shipped water, which was immediately baled out with gourd-shells by my men, who now exclaimed, " Wall Illahi el kalam betar el Hawaga sahhe (by Allah, what the Hawaga says is true !) We were within about a mile and a half of the point for which we had been steering, when we could no longer keep our course ; we had shipped several heavy seas, and had we not been well supplied with utensils for baling, we should have been swamped. Several bursts of thunder and vivid lightning were followed by a tremendous gale from about the W.S.W. before which we were obliged to run for the shore. In a short space of time a most dangerous sea arose, and on several occasions the waves broke against the arched covering of the canoe, which happily protected her in a slight degree, although we were drenched with CHAP. XII.] IsEARLY SWAMFED. 347 water. Every one was at work baling with all their might ; I had no idea that the canoe could live. Down came the rain in torrents, swept along with a terrific wind ; nothing was discernible except the high cliffs looming through the storm, and I only trusted that we might arrive upon a sandy beach, and not upon bluff rocks. AVe went along at a grand rate, as the arched cover of the canoe acted somxcwhat as a sail ; and it was an exciting moment when we at length neared the shore, and approached the foaming breakers that were rolling wildly upon (happily) a sandy beach beneath the cHffs. I told my men to be ready to jump out the moment that we should touch the sand, and to secure the canoe by hauling the head up the beach. All were ready, and we rushed through the surf, the native boatmen paddling like steam-engines. " Here comes a wave ; look out and just as we almost touched the beach, a hea^y breaker broke over the black women who were sitting in the stern, and swamped the boat. My men jumped into the w^ater like ducks, and the next moment we were all rolled in confusion on the sandy shore. The men stuck well to the boat, and hauled her firmly on the sand, while my wife crawled out of her primitive cabin like a caddis worm from its nest, half drowned, and jumped upon the shore. "El hamd el Illah !" (thank God !) we all exclaimed ; " now for a pull — all together ! " and having so far secured the boat that she could not be washed away, I ordered the men to discharge the cargo, and then to pull her out of the lake. Ever}i:hing was destroyed except the gunpowder, that was all in canisters. But where was the other canoe ? I made up my mind that it must be lost, for althous^h much lonoer than our boat, it was lower in the water. After some time and much anxiety, we perceived it running for the shore about half a mile in our rear ; it was in the midst of the breakers, and several times I lost sight of it, but the old tree behaved well, and brought the crew safe to the shore. 348 FALLS OF THE. KAILGIRI RIVER. [chap. xii. Fortunately there was a village not far from tlie spot wliere we landed, and we took possession of a hut, lighted a good fire, and wrapped ourselves in Scotch plaids and blankets wrung out, while our clothes were being dried, as there was not a dry rag in our possession. We could procure nothing to eat, except a few dried jfish that, not having been salted, were rather high flavoured. Our fowls, and also two pet quails, were drowned in the boat during the storm ; however, the drowned fowls were made into a stew, and with a blazing fire, and clean straw to sleep upon, the night's rest was perhaps as perfect as in the luxury of home. On the following morning we were detained by bad weather, as a heavy sea was still running, and we were determined not to risk our canoes in another gale. It was a beautiful neighbourhood, enhvened by a magni- ficent waterfall that fell about a thousand feet from the mountains, as the Kaiigiri river emptied itself into the lake in a splendid volume of water. This river rises in the great marsh that we had crossed on our way from M'rooli to Vacovia. In this neighbourhood we gathered some mushrooms — the true Agaricus cam- pestris of Europe — which were a great luxury. In the afternoon the sea subsided, and we again started. We had not proceeded above three miles from the village, when I observed an elephant bathing in the lake ; he was in water so deep, that he stood with only the top of his head and trunk above the surface. As we approached, he sunk entirely, only the tip of his trunk remaining above the water. I ordered the boatmen to put the canoe as close to him as possible, and we passed within thirty yards, just as he raised his head from his luxurious bath. I was sorely tempted to fire, but remembering my resolve, I refrained from disturbing him, and he slowly quitted the lake, and entered the thick jungle. A short distance beyond this spot two large crocodiles were lying upon the beach asleep ; but upon the CHAP. XII.] SHOOT A CROCODILE. 349 approach of the canoe they plunged into the water, and raised their heads above the surface at about twenty-five paces. I was uncertain about my Fletcher rifle, as it had been exposed to so much wet ; therefore to discharge it, I took a shot at the nearest crocodile just behind the eye. The little rifle was in perfect order — thanks to Ely's " double waterproof central fire-caps,'^ which A\all resist all weathers — and the bullet striking the exact spot, the great reptile gave a convulsive lash with his tail, and turning on his back, with his paws above the water, he gradually sunk. The native boatmen were dreadfully frightened at the report of the rifle, to the great amusement of their countrywoman, Bacheeta, and it was with difficulty that I persuaded them to direct the canoe to the exact spot. Being close to the shore, the water was not more than eight feet deep, and so beautifully clear, that I could, when just above the crocodile, perceive it lying at the bottom on its belly, and distinguish the bloody head that had been shattered by the bullet. While one of my men prepared a shp-knot, I took a long lance that belonged to a boatman, and drove it deep through the tough scales into the back of the neck ; hauling gently, upon the lance I raised the head near to the surface, and slipping the noose over it, the crocodile was secured. It appeared to be quite dead, and the flesh would be a honne-houche for my men; therefore we towed it to the shore. It was a fine monster, about sixteen feet long, and although it had appeared dead, it bit furiously at a thick male bamboo which I ran into its mouth to prevent it from snapping during the process of decapitation. The natives regarded my men with disgust as they cut huge lumps of the choicest morsels and stowed them in the canoes ; this did not occupy more than a quarter of an hour, and hurrying on board, we continued our voyage, well provided with meat — for all who liked it. To my taste, nothing can be more disgusting than crocodile flesh, I have eaten almost everything ; but 350 ELEPHANTS IN TEE LAKE. [chap. XII. altliough I have tasted crocodile, I could never succeed in swallowing it ; tlie combined flavour of bad fish, rotten flesh, and musk, is the carte de diner off"ered to the epicure. That evening we saw an elephant with an enormous pair of tusks ; he was standing on a hill about a quarter of a mile from the boats as we halted. I was aided to resist this temptation by an attack of fever : it rained as usual, and no village being in the neigh- bourhood, we bivouacked in the rain on the beach in clouds of mosquitoes. - The discomforts of this lake voyage were great ; in the day we were cramped in our small cabin like two tortoises in one shell, and at night it almost invariably rained. We were accustomed to the wet, but no accli- matisation can render the European body mosquito- proof ; thus we had little rest. It was hard work for me, but for my unfortunate wife, who had hardly recovered from her attack of coup de soleil, such hard- ships were most distressing. On the following morning the lake was calm, and we started early. The monotony of the voyage was broken by the presence of several fine herds of elephants, consisting entirely of bulls. I counted fourteen of these grand animals, all with large tusks, bathing to- gether in a small shallow lake beneath the mountains, having a communication with the main lake through a sandy beach : these elephants were only knee deep, and having been bathing they were perfectly clean, and their colossal black forms and large white tusks formed a beautiful picture in the calm lake beneath the lofty cliffs. It was a scene in harmony with the solitude of the Nile Sources — the wilderness of rocks and forest, the Blue Mountains in the distance, and the great fountain of nature adorned with the mighty beasts of Africa ; the elephants in undisturbed grandeur, and hippopotami disporting their huge forms in the great parent of the Egyptian river. I ordered the boatmen to run the canoe ashore, that CHAP. XII.] INHOSPITABLE NATIVES. 351 we might land and enjoy the scene. We then dis- covered seven elephants on the shore within about two hundred yards of us in high gTass, while the main herd of fourteen splendid bulls bathed majestically in the placid lake, showerino' cold streams from their trunks over their backs and shoulders. There was no time to lose, as every hour was important : quitting the shore, we once more paddled along the coast. Day after day passed, the time occupied in travelling from sunrise to mid-day, at which hour a strong gale with rain and thunder occurred regularly, and obHged us to haul our canoes ashore. The country was very thinly inhabited, and the villages were poor and wetched ; the people most inhospitable. At length we arrived at a considerable town situated in a beautiful bay beneath precipitous cliffs, the grassy sides of which were covered with flocks of goats ; this was Eppigoya, and the boatmen that we had procured from the last village were to deliver us in this spot. The delays in procuring boatmen were most annoying: it appeared that the king had sent orders that each village was to supply the necessary rowers ; thus we were paddled from place to place, at each of which the men were changed, and no amount of payment would induce them to continue with us to the end of our voyage. Landing at Eppigoya we were at once met by the headman, and I proposed that he should sell us a few kids, as the idea of a mutton chop was most appetizing. Far from supplying us with this luxury, the natives immediately drove their flocks away, and after receiving a large present of beads, the headman brought us a present of a sick lamb almost at the point of natural death, and merely skin and bone. Fortunately there were fowls in thousands, as the natives did not use them for food ; these we purchased for one blue bead (monjoor) each, which in current value was equal to 250 fowls for a shilling. Eggs were brought in baskets containing several hundreds, but they were all poultry. 352 PROCURE SUPPLIES. [chap. XII. At Eppigoya tlie best salt was produced, and we purchased a good supply — also some dried fish : thus provisioned, we procured boatmen, and again started on our voyage. Hardly had we proceeded two hundred yards, when we were steered direct to the shore below the town, and our boatmen coolly laid down their paddles and told us that they had performed their share, and that as Eppigoya was divided into four parts under separate headmen, each portion would supply rowers ! Eidiculous as this a23peared, there was no contesting their decision : and thus we were handed over from one to the other, and delayed for about three hours in changing boatmen four times within a distance of less than a mile ! The perfect absurdity of such a regulation, combined with the delay when time was most precious, was trying to the temper. At every change, the headman accompanied the boatmen to our canoe, and presented us with three fowls at parting ; thus our canoes formed a floating poultry show, as we had already purchased large supplies. Our live stock bothered us dreadfully : being without baskets, the fowls were determined upon suicide, and many jumped deliberately overboard, while others that were tied by the legs were drowned in the bottom of the leaky canoe. After the tenth day from our departure from Yacovia the scenery increased in beauty. The lake had con- tracted to about thirty miles in width, and was decreasing rapidly northward; the trees upon the mountains upon the western shore could be distin- guished. Continuing our voyage north, the western shore projected suddenly, and diminished the width of the lake to about twenty miles. It was no longer the great inland sea that at Vac o via had so impressed me, with the clean pebbly beach that had hitherto formed the shore, but vast banks of reeds growing upon floating vegetation prevented the canoes from landing. These banks were most peculiar, as they appeared to have CHAP. XII.] THE LAKE CHANGES ITS CHARACTER. 353 been formed of decayed vegetation, from which the papyrus rushes took root ; — the thickness of the floating mass was about three feet, and so tough and firm that a man could walk upon it, merely sinking above his ankles in the soft ooze. Beneath this raft of vegetation was extremely deep water, and the shore for a width of about half a mile was entirely protected by this ex- traordinary formation. One day a tremendous gale of wind and heavy sea broke off large portions, and the wind acting upon the rushes like sails, carried floating islands of some acres about the lake to be deposited wherever they might chance to hitch. On the thirteenth day we found ourselves at the end of our lake voyage^. The lake at this point was between fifteen and twenty miles across, and the appearance of the country to the north was that of a delta. The shores upon either side were choked with vast banks of reeds, and as the canoe skirted the edge of that upon the east coast, we could find no bottom with a bamboo of twenty-five feet in length, although the floating mass appeared like terra Jirma. We were in a perfect wilderness of vegetation. On the west were mountains of about 4,000 feet above the lake level, a continuation of the chain that formed the western shore from the south ; — these mountains decreased in height towards the north, in which direction the lake terminated in a broad valley of reeds. We were told that we had arrived at Magungo, and that this was the spot where the boats invariably crossed from Malegga on the western shore to Kam- rasi's country. The boatmen proposed that we should land upon the floating vegetation, as that would be a short cut to the village or town of Magungo ; but as the swell of the water against the abrupt raft of reeds threatened to swamp the canoe, I preferred coasting until we should discover a good landing-place. After skirting the floating reeds for about a mile, we turned sharp to the east, and entered a broad channel of w^ater bounded on either side by the everlasting reeds. This JRBIKIL JT MA(!UN(W. [chap. xit. we were informed was the embouchure of the Somerset river from the Victoria N'yanza. The same river that we had crossed at Karuma, boiling and tearing along its rocky course, now entered the Albert N yanza as dead water ! I could not understand this ; there was not the slightest current ; the channel was about half a mile wide, and I could hardly convince myself that this was not an arm of the lake branching to the east. After searching for some time for a landing place among the wonderful banks of reeds, we discovered a passage that had evidently l:)een used as an approach by canoes, but so narrow that our large canoe could with difficulty be dragged through — all the men walking through the mud and reeds, and towing with their utmost strength. Several hundred paces of this tedious work brought us through the rushes into open water about eight feet deep, opposite to a clean rocky shore. We had heard voices for some time while obscured on the other side of the rushes, and we now found a number of natives, who had arrived to meet us with the chief of Magungo and our guide Eabonga, whom we had sent in advance with the riding oxen from Yacovia. The water was extremely shallow near the shore, and the natives rushed in and dragged the canoes by sheer force over the mud to the land. We had been so entirely hidden while on the lake on the other side of the reed bank that we had been unable to see the eastern, or Magungo shore; we now found ourselves in a delightful spot beneath the shade of several .enormous trees on firm sandy and rocky ground, while the country rose in a rapid incline to the town of Magungo about a mile distant on an elevated ridge. My first question was concerning the riding oxen. They were reported in good order. We were invited to wait under a tree until the presents from the head- man should be delivered. Accordingly, while my wife sat under the shade, I went to the waterside to examine the fishing arrangements of the natives, that were on an extensive scale. For many hundred feet, the edges CHAF. XII. I FISH AND llSlIINrj of the floating reeds were arranged to prevent tlie possibility of a large fisli entering the open water ad- joining the shore without being trapj)ed. A regular system of baskets were fixed at intervals, with guiding- fences to their mouths. Each basket was about six feet in diameter, and the mouth about eighteen inches ; thus the arrangements were for the monsters of tlie lake,- the large bones of which, strewed about the vicinity, were a witness of their size. My men had just secured the half of a splendid fish, known in the Nile as the "baggera." They had found it in the water, the other portion having been bitten off by a crocodile. The piece in their possession weighed about fifty pounds. This is one of the best fish in the lake. It is shaped like the perch, but is coloured externally -EPIDOSIREN ANNECTEUS. like the salmon. I also obtained from the natives an exceedingly good fish, of a peculiar form, having four long feelers at the positions that would be occupied by 356 NATIVE FISHING ARRANGEMENTS. [chap. xii. the limbs of reptiles ; these looked like rudiments of legs. It had somewhat the appearance of an eel ; but, being oviparous, it can have no connexion with that genus. The natives had a most killing way of fishing with the hook and line for heavy fish. They arranged rows of tall bamboos, the ends stuck firmly in the bottom, in a depth of about six feet of water, and about five or ten yards apart. On the top of each was a lump of ambatch-wood about ten inches in diameter. Around this was wound a powerful line, and, a small hole being made in this float, it was lightly fixed upon the point of the bamboo, or fishing- rod. The line was securely attached to the bamboo, then wound round the large float, while the hook, baited with a live fish, was thrown to some distance beyond. Long rows of these fixed rods were set every morning by natives in canoes, and watchers attended them during the day, w^hile they took their chance by night. When a large fish took the bait, his first rush unhitched the ambatch-float from the point of the bamboo, which, revolving upon the water, paid out line as required. When entirely run out, the great size and buoyancy of the float served to check and to ex- haust the fish. There are several varieties of fish that exceed 200 lbs. weig^ht. A number of people now arrived from the village, bringing a goat, fowls, eggs, and sour milk, and, beyond all luxuries, fresh butter. I delighted the chief, in return for his civility, by giving him a quantity of beads, and we were led up the hill towards Magungo. The day was beautifully clear. The soil was sandy and poor, therefore the road was clean and hard ; and, after the many days boating, w^e enjoyed the walk, and the splendid view that lay before us when we arrived at Magungo, and looked back upon the lake. We were about 250 feet above the water level. There were no longer the abrupt cliffs, descending to the lake, that w^e had seen in the south, but the general level of the country appeared to ])e about 500 feet above the water, CHAP. XII.] EXIT OF THE NILE FROM THE LAKE. 35? at a distance of five or six miles, from whicli point the ground descended in undulations, Magungo being situated on the summit of the nearest incline. The mountains on the Mallegga side, with the lake in the foreground, were the most prominent objects, forming the western boundary. A few miles north there appeared to be a gap in the range, and the lake continued to the west, but much contracted, while the mountain range on the northern side of the gap continued to the north-east. Due north and north-east the country was a dead flat, and far as the eye could reach was an extent of bright green reeds, marking the course of the Nile as it made its exit from the lake. The sheet of water at Magungo being about seventeen miles in width, ended in a long strip or tail to the north, until it was lost in the flat valley of green rushes. This valley may have been from four to six miles wide, and was bounded upon its west bank by the continuation of the chain of mountains that had formed the western boundary of the lake. The natives told me that canoes could navi- gate the Nile in its course from the lake to the Madi country, as there were no cataracts for a great distance, but that both the Madi and the Koshi were hostile, and that the current of the river was so strong, that should the canoe descend from the lake, it could not return without many rowers. They pointed out the country of Koshi on the west bank of the Nile, at its exit from the lake, which included the moun- tains that bordered the river. The small country, M'Caroli, joined Mallegga, and continued to the west, towards the Makkarika. The natives most positively refused to take me down the Nile from the lake into the Madi, as they said that they would be killed by the people, who were their enemies, as I should not be with them on their return up the river. The exit of the Nile from the lake was plain enough, and if the broad channel of dead water were indeed the entrance of the Victoria Nile (Somerset) the information obtained by Speke would be remarkably confirmed. 358 THE VICTORIA NILE AT MAGUNGO. [chap. xii. Up to the present time all the information that I had received from Kamrasi and his people had been correct. He had told me that I should be about twenty days from M'rooli to the lake ; I had been eighteen. He had also told me that the Somerset flowed from Karuma direct to the lake, and that having joined it, the great Nile issued from the lake almost immediately, and flowed through the Koshi and Madi tribes. I now saw the river issuing from the lake within eighteen miles of Magungo ; and the Koshi and the Madi countries appeared close to me, bordering it on the west and east. Kamrasi being the king, it was natural that he should know his own frontier most intimately ; but, although the chief of Magungo and all the natives assured me that the broad channel of dead water at my feet was positively the brawling river that I had crossed below the Karuma Falls, I could not understand how so fine a body of water as that had appeared could 23ossil:)ly enter the Albert Lake as dead water. The guide and natives laughed at my unbelief, and declared that it was dead water for a considerable distance from the junction with the lake, but that a great waterfall rushed down from a mountain, and that beyond that fall the river was merely a succession of cataracts throughout the entire distance of about six days' march to Karuma Falls. My real wish w^as to descend the Nile in canoes from its exit from the lake with my own men as boatmen, and thus in a short time to reach the cataracts in the Madi country ; there to forsake the canoes and all my baggage, and to march direct to Gondokoro with only our guns and ammunition. I knew from native report that the Nile was navigable as far as the Madi country to about Miani's tree, which Speke had laid down by astronomical observation in lat.. 3° 34' ; this would be only seven days' march from Gondokoro, and by such a direct course I should be sure to arrive in time for the boats to Khartoum. I had promised Speke that I would explore most tho- roughly the doulttful portion! of the river that he had CHAP. XII.] EXAMINATION OF TUB NILE. 359 been forced to neglect from Karuma Falls to the lake. I was myself confused at the dead water junction; and, although I knew that the natives must be right — as it was their own river, and they had no inducement to mislead me — I was determined to sacrifice every other wish in order to fulfil my promise, and thus to settle the Nile question most absolutely. That the Nile flowed out of the lake I had heard, and I had also confirmed by actual inspection ; from Magungo I looked upon the two countries, Koshi and Madi, through which it flowed, and these countries I must actually pass through and again meet the Nile before I could reach Gondo- koro. Thus the only point necessary to swear to, was the river between the lake and the Karuma Falls. I had a bad attack of fever that evening, and missed my star for the latitude ; but on the following morn- ing before daybreak I obtained a good observation of Vega, and determined the latitude of Magungo 2° 16' due west from Atada or Karuma Falls. This was a strong confirmation that the river beneath my feet was the Somerset that I had crossed in the same lati- tude at Atada, where the river was running due west, and where the natives had pointed in that direction as its course to the lake. Nevertheless, I was deter- mined to verify it, although by this circuitous route I might lose the boats from Gondokoro and become a prisoner in Central Africa, ill, and without quinine, for another year. I proposed it to my wife, who not only voted in her state of abject weakness to complete the river to Karuma, but wished, if possible, to return and follow the Nile from the lake down to Gondokoro ! This latter resolve, based upon the simple principle of " seeing is believing," was a sacrifice most nobly pro- posed, but simply impossible and unnecessary. We saw from our point at Magungo the Koshi and Madi countries, and the Nile flowing out of the lake through them. We must of necessity pass through those countries on our road to Gondokoi'o direct from Karuma via Shooa, and sliould we not meet the river 360 LEAVE MJOUNGO. [chap. XII. in the Madi and Koslii country, tlie Nile that we now saw would not be the Nile of Gondokoro. We knew, however, that it was so, as Speke and Grant had gone by that route, and had met the Nile near Miani's tree in lat. 3° 34' in the Madi country, the Koslii being on its western bank ; thus, as we were now at the Nile head and saw it passing through the Madi and Koshi, any argument against the river would be the argu- mentimi ad absiirdum. I ordered the boats to be got ready to start immediately. The chief gave me much information, confirming the accounts that I had heard a year previous in the La- tooka countries, that formerly cowrie shells were brought in boats from the south, and that these shells and brass coil brackets came by the lake from Karagwe. He called also several of the natives of Mallegga, who had arrived with beautifully-prepared mantles of antelope and goat-skins, to exchange for bracelets and glass beads. The Mallegga people were in appearance the same as those of Unyoro, but they spoke a different language. The boats being ready, we took leave of the chief, leaving him an acceptable present of beads, and we descended the hill to the river, thankful at having so far successfully terminated the expedition as to have traced the lake to that important point Magungo, which had been our clue to the discovery even so far away in time and place as the distant country of Latooka. We were both very weak and ill, and my knees trembled beneath me as we walked down the easy descent. I, in my enervated state, endeavouring to assist my wife, we were the " blind leading the blind ; " but had life closed on that day we could have died most happily, for the hard fight through sick- ness and misery had ended in victory ; and, although I looked to home as a paradise never to be regained, I could have lain down to sleep in contentment on this spot, with the consolation that, if the body had heen vanr^uishcd, we died with the prize in our grasp. CHAP. XII.] VOYAGE UP THE VICTORIA NILE 361 On arrival at the canoes we found everything in readiness, and the boatmen already in their places. A crowd of natives pushed us over the shallows, and once in deep water we passed through a broad canal which led us into the open channel without the labour of towing through the narrow inlet by which we had arrived. Once in the broad channel of dead water we steered due east, and made rapid way until the even- ing. The river as it now appeared, although devoid of current, was an average of about 500 yards in width. Before we halted for the night I was sub- jected to a most severe attack of fever, and upon the boat reaching a certain spot I was carried on a litter, perfectly unconscious, to a village, attended carefully by my poor sick wife, who, herself half dead, followed me on foot through the marshes in pitch darkness, and watched over me until the morning. At day- break I was too weak to stand, and we were both carried down to the canoes, and, crawling helplessly within our grass awning, we lay down like logs while the canoes continued their voyage. Many of our men were also suffering from fever. The malaria of the dense masses of floating vegetation was most poisonous; and, upon looking back to the canoe that followed in our wake, I observed all my men sitting crouched together sick and dispirited, looking like departed spirits being ferried across the melancholy Styx. The river now contracted rapidly to about two hundred and fifty yards in width about ten miles from Magungo. We had left the vast flats of rush banks, and entered a channel between high ground, forming steep forest-covered hills, about 200 feet on either side, north and south : nevertheless there was no perceptible stream, although there was no doubt that we were actually in the channel of a river. The water was clear and exceedingly deep. In the evening we halted, and slept on a mud bank close to the water. The grass in the forest was very high and rank : thus we were glad to find an open space 3(52 CANOE VOYAGE TERMINATES. [chap. xii. for a bivouac, although a nest of mosquitoes and malaria. On waking the next morning, I observed that a thick fog covered the surface of the river ; and as I lay upon my back, on my angarep, I amused myself l)efore I woke my men by watching the fog slowly lifting from the river. While thus employed I was struck by the fact, that the little green water-plants, like floating cabbages {Pistia Stratiotes L.), were cer- tainly, although very slowly, moving to the west. I immediately jumped up and watched them most atten- tively; there was no doubt about it; they were travelling towards the Albert Lake. We were now about eighteen miles in a direct line from Magungo, and there was a current in the river, which, however slight, was never- theless perceptible. Our toilette did not take long to arrano^e, as we had throw^n om'selves down at night with our clothes on ; accordingly we entered the canoe at once, and gave the order to start. The woman Baclieeta knew the country, as she had formerly been to Magungo when in the service of Sali, who had been subsequently murdered by Kamrasi ; she now informed me that we should terminate our canoe voyage on that day, as we should arrive at the great waterfall of which she had often spoken. As we proceeded, the river gradually narrowed to about 180 yards, and when the paddles ceased working we could distinctly hear the roar of water. I had heard this on wakino; in the mornino^, but at the time I hatl imagined it to proceed from distant thunder. By ten o'clock the current had so in- (ireased as we proceeded, that it was distinctly per- ceptible, although weak. The roar of the waterfall was extremely loud, and after sharp pulling for a couple of hours, during which time the stream increased, we arrived at a few deserted fishing-huts, at a point where the river made a slight turn. I never saw such an extraordinary show of crocodiles as were exposed on The Murchison Falls, about 120 feet high, from the Victoria Nile or Somerset River, to the level of the Albert Lake. CHAP. Xll.] THE jfCROinsoy falls. 363 every sandbank on the sides of tlie river ; they kiy like logs of timber close together, and upon one bank we counted twenty-seven, of large size ; every basking place was crowded in a similar manner. From the time we had fairly entered the river, it had been con- fined by heights somewhat precipitous on either side, rising to about 180 feet. At this point the cliffs were still higher, and exceedingly abrupt. From the roar of the water, I was sure that the fall would be in sight if we turned the corner at the bend of the river ; accordingly I ordered ^ the boatmen to row as far as they could : to this they at first objected, as they wished to stop at the deserted fishing village, which they explained was to be the limit of the journey, fm^ther progress being impossible. However, I exj^lained that I merely wished to see the fall, and they rowed immediately up the stream, which was now strong against us. Upon rounding the corner, a magnificent sight burst suddenly upon us. On either side the river were beautifully wooded cliffs rising abruptly to a height of about 300 feet ; rocks were jutting out from the intensely green foliage ; and rushing through a gap that cleft the rock exactly be- fore us, the river, contracted from a grand stream, was pent up in a narrow gorge of scarcely fifty yards in width ; roaring furiously through the rock-bound pass, it plunged in one leap of about 120 feet per- pendicular into a dark abyss below. The fall of water was snow-white, which had a superb effect as it contrasted witli the dark cliffs that walled the river, while the graceful palms of the tropics and wild plantains perfected the beauty of the view. This was the greatest waterfall of the Nile, and, in honour of the distinguished President of the Eoyal Geographical Society, I named it the Murchison Fails, as the most important object throughout the entire course of the river. The boatmen, having been promised, a present of beads to induce them to approach the fall as close as 364 IflPFOFOTJirUS CHARGES THE CANOE. [ciiAr. xii. possible succeeded in bringing the canoe within about 300 yards of the base, but the power of the current and the whirlpools in the river rendered it impossible to proceed farther. There was a sand-bank on our left which was literally covered with crocodiles lying parallel to each other like trunks of trees prepared for shipment ; they had no fear of the canoe until we approached within about twenty yards of them, when they slowly crept into the water ; all excepting one, an immense fellow who lazily lagged behind, and im- mediately dropped dead as a bullet from the little Pletcher No. 24 struck him in the brain. So alarmed were the boatmen at the unexpected report of the rifle that they immediately dropped into the body of the canoe, one of them losing his paddle. Nothing would induce them to attend to the boat, as I had fired a second shot at the crocodile as a " quietus,^^ and the natives did not know how often the alarming noise would be repeated. Accordingly we were at the mercy of the powerful stream, and the canoe was whisked round by the eddy and carried against a thick bank of high reeds ; — hardly had we touched this ob- struction when a tremendous commotion took place in the rushes, and in an instant a great bull hippopotamus charged the canoe, and with a severe shock striking the bottom he lifted us half out of the water. The natives who were in the bottom of the boat positively yelled with terror, not knowing whether the shock was in any way connected with the dreaded report of the rifle ; the black women screamed ; and the boy Saat handing me a spare rifle, and Eicharn being ready likewise, we looked out for a shot should the angry hippo again attack us. A few kicks bestowed by my angry men upon the recumbent boatmen restored them to the perpendicular. The first thing necessary was to hunt for the lost pad- dle that was floating down the rapid current. The hippopotamus, proud of having disturbed us, but doubt- less thinking us rather hard of texture, raised his head CHAP. XII.] CROCODILES. 365 to take a last view of his enemy, but sank too rapidly to permit a sliot. Crocodile heads of enormous size were on all sides, appearing and vanishing rapidly as they rose to survey us ; at one time we counted eighteen upon the surface. Fine fun it would have been for these monsters had the bull hippo been successful in his attempt to capsize us ; the fat black woman, Karka, would have been a dainty morsel. Having recovered the lost paddle, I prevailed upon the boatmen to keep the canoe steady while I made a sketch of the Murchison Falls, which being com- pleted, we cbifted rapidly down to the landing-place at the deserted fishing-village, and bade adieu to the navigation of the lake and river of Central Africa. The few" huts that existed in this spot were mere ruins. Clouds had portended rain, and down it came, as it usually did once in every twenty-four hours. However, that passed away by the next morning, and the day broke, discovering us about as wet and wretched as w^e were accustomed to be. I now started ofi" four of my men with the boatmen and the inter- preter Bacheeta to the nearest village, to inquire whether our guide Eabonga had arrived with our riding oxen, as our future travelling was to be on land, and the Hmit of our navigation must have been well known to him. After some hours the people returned, minus the boati^en, with a message from the headman of a village they had visited, that the oxen were there, but not the guide Eabonga who had remained at Magungo, but that the animals should be brought to us that evening, together Avith porters to convey the luggage. In the evening a number of people arrived, bringing some plantain cider and plantains as a present from the headman ; and promising that, upon the following morning, we should be conducted to his village. The next day we started, but not until the after- noon, as we had to await the arrival of the headman, who was to escort us. Our oxen were brought, and Till'] isL.iNi) OF r.rroo.ix. [chap. XII. if we looked wretclied, the aiiimals were a matcli. They had been bitten by the fly, thousands of which were at this spot. Their coats were staring, cars drooping, noses running, and heads hanging down ; all the symptoms of fly-bite, together with extreme looseness of the bowels. I saw that it was all up with our animals. Weak as I was myself, I was obliged to walk, as my ox could not carry me up the steep inclination, and I toiled languidly to the summit of the cliff*. It poured with rain. Upon arrival at the summit we were in precisely the same park-like land that characterizes Chopi and Unyoro, but the grass was about seven feet high ; and from the constant rain, and the extreme fertility of the soil, the country was choked with vegetation. We were now above the Murcliison Falls, and we heard the roaring of the water beneath us to our left. We continued our route parallel to the river above the Falls, steering east ; and a little before evening we arrived at a small village belonging to the headman who accompanied us. I was chilled and w^et ; my wife had fortunately been carried in her litter, which was protected by a hide roofing. Feverish and ex- Jiausted, I procured from the natives some good acid plums, and refreshed by these I was able to boil my thermometer and take the altitude. On the following morning w^e started, the route as before parallel to the river, and so close that the roar of the rapids was extremely loud. The river flowed in a deep ravine upon our left. We continued for a day's march along the Somerset, crossing many ravines and torrents, until we turned suddenly down to the left, and arriving at the bank we were to be trans- ported to an island called Patooan, that was the resi- dence of a chief. It was about an hour after sunset, and being dark, my riding ox, who was being diiven as too weak to carry me, fell into an elephant pitfaU. After much hallooing, a canoe was brought from the island which was not more than fifty yards from the ciiAr. XII.) SICKNKSS OX 77/ A' .U lh'r!f. mainland, and we were ferried aeross. We were both very ill with a sudden attaek of fever ; and my wife, not being able to stand, was, on arrival on the island, carried in a litter I knew not whither, escorted by some of my men, while I lay down on the wet ground quite exhausted with the annihilating disease. At length the remainder of my men crossed over, and those Avho had carried my wife to the village returning with firebrands, I managed to creep after them with the aid of a long stick, upon which I rested with both hands. After a Avalk, through a forest of high trees, for about a quarter of a mile, I arrived at a village where I was shown a wretched hut, the stars being visible through the roof. In this my wife lay dread- fully ill upon her angarep, and I fell down upon some straw. About an hour later, a violent thunderstorm broke over us, and our hut was perfectly flooded ; we, being far too ill and helpless to move from our positions, remained drip23ing wet and shivering with fever until the morning. Our servants and people had, like all natives, made themselves much more comfortable than their employers ; nor did they attempt to interfere with our misery in any way until summoned to appear at sunrise. The island of Patooan was about half a mile long by 150 yards wide, and was one of the numerous masses of rocks that choke the river between Karuma Falls and the great Murchison cataract. The rock was entirely of grey granite, from the clefts of which beautiful forest trees grew so thickly that the entire island was in shade. In the middle of this secluded sjiot was a considerable village thickly inhabited, as the population of the mainland had fled from their dwellings and had taken refuge upon the numerous river islands, as the war was raging betw^een Eionga and Kamrasi. A succession of islands from the east of Patooan con- tinued to within a march of Karuma Falls. These were in the possession of Eionga, and a still more 368 DIFFERENCE TN WE LEVEL. [chap. XII. powerful chief and ally, Fowooka, wlio were the deadly enemies of Kanirasi. It now appeared that after my departure from M'rooli to search for the lake, Ibrahim had been in- structed by Kamrasi to accompany his army, and attack Fowooka. This had been effected, but the attack had been confined to a bombardment by musketry from the high cliffs of the river upon the people confined upon one of the islands. A number of men had been killed, and Il^rahim had returned to Gondokoro witli a quantity of ivory and porters sup- plied by Kamrasi ; but he had left ten of his armed men as hostages witli the king, to act as his guard until he should return on the following year to Unyoro. Ibrahim and his strong party having quitted the coun- try, Fowooka had invaded the mainland of Chopi, and had burnt and destroyed all the villages, and killed many people, including a powerful chief of Kamrasi s, the father of the headman of the island of Patooan where we were now staying. Accordingly the fugi- tives from the destroyed villages had taken refuge . upon the island of Patooan, and others of the same character. The headman informed us that it w^ould be impossil^le to proceed along the bank of the river to Karuma, as that entire line of country was in possession of the enemy. This was sufficient to assure me that I should not procure porters. There was no end to the difficulties and trouble in this horrible country. My exploration was completed, as it was by no means necessary to continue the route from Patooan to Karuma. I had foUow^ed the Somerset from its junction w^ith the lake at Magungo to this point; here it was a beautiful river, precisely similar in character to the point at which I had left it at Ka- ruma, we were now within thirty miles of that place, and about eighteen miles from the point opposite Eionga's island, where we had first hit upon the river on our arrival from the north. The direction was per- fectly in accordance with my observations at Karuma, CHAP. XII.] BETWEEN KARUMJ AND THE LAKE. 369 and at Magungo, the Somerset rimning from east to west. The river was about 180 to 200 yards in width, but much obstructed with rocks and islands ; the stream ran at about four miles per hour, and the rapids and falls were so numerous that the roar of water had been continuous tlu:oughout our march from Murchison s Falls. By observations of Casella's thermometer I made the altitude of the river level at the island of Patooan 3,195 feet ; thus from this point to the level of the Albert Lake at Magungo, there was a fall of 475 feet — this difference being included between Pa- tooan and the foot of Murchison Falls : the latter, being at the lowest estimate 120 feet, left 355 feet to be accounted for between Patooan and the top of the falls. As the ledges of rock thi^oughout the com-se of the river formed a series of steps, this was a natural dif- ference in altitude that suggested the correctness of the observations. At the river level below Karuma Falls I had mea- sured the altitude at 3,996 feet above the sea level. Thus, there was a fall from that point to Patooan of 801 feet, and a total of 1,276 feet in the descent of the river from Karuma to the Albert N'yanza. These measm^ements, most carefully taken, corroborated the opinion suggested by the natural appearance of the river, which was a mere succession of cataracts through- out its westerly course from Karuma. To me these observations were more than usually interesting, as when I had met my friend Speke at Gondokoro, he was much perplexed concerning the extraordinary difference in his observation between the altitude of the river-level at Karuma Falls, lat. 2° 15', and at Gebel Kookoo in the Macli country, lat. 3° 34', the point at which he subsequently met the river. He hie IV that both rivers were the Nile, as he had been told this by the natives ; the one, before it had joined the Albert Lake— the other, after its exit ; but he had been told that the river was navigable from Gebel Kookoo, lat. 3° 34', straight up to the junction of the B B 370 ALTITUDES, [chap. XII. lake ; tliiis, tlierc eoukl be no great difference in altitude between the lake and the Nile where he met it, in lat. 3° 34'. Nevertheless, he fonnd so enormous a difference in his oliservations between the river at Karuma and at Gebel Kookoo that he concluded there must be a fall betwen Karuma and the Albert Lake of at least 1,000 feet ; by careful measurements I proved the closeness of his reasoning and observation, by finding a fall of only 275 feet more than he had anticipated. From Karuma to the Albert Lake (although unvisited by Speke), he had marked upon his map, ''river falls 1,000 feet by actual measurement I proved it to be 1,275 feet. The altitudes measured by me have been examined, and the thermometer that I used has been tested at Kew, and its error corrected since my return to England : thus all altitudes observed with that thermometer should be correct, as the results after correction by Mr. Dunkin, of the Greenw^ich Eoyal Observatory, are those now quoted. It w^ill therefore be interesting to compare the observations taken at the various points on the Nile and Albert Lake in the countries of Unyoro and Chopi — the correctness of which relatively will be seen by comparison : — 1864. Feef. Jan. 22. Eionga's island, 80 feet above the Nile . . , 3,8G4 „ 25. Karuma, below the falls, river level (Atada) . . 3,99 G „ 31. South of Karuma, river level on road to M'rooli. 4,05G Feb. 21. M'roolilat. F 38' river level 4,061 Mar. 14. Albert jS^'yanza, lake level - . 2,720 April 7. Island of Patooan (Shooa Moru) river level . . 3,195 By these observations it wiU be seen that from M rooh, in lat. 1° 38' to Karuma in lat. 2° 15', there is a fall of sixty-five feet ; say minus five feet, for the Karuma Falls equals sixty feet fall in 3 7' of latitude ; or allowing for the great bend of the river, twenty miles of extra course, it will be equal to about sixty statute miles of actual river from M rooli to Atada or Karuma Falls, showing a fall of one foot per mile. From Mrooli to the head CHA.P. XII.] ALTITUDES. 371 of the Karuma Falls the river is navigable ; thus the observations of altitudes showing a fall of one foot per mile must be extremely accm-ate. The next observations to be compared are those from Karuma Falls throughout the westerly course of th(^ river to the Albert Lake : — Feet. Eiver level below Karuma Falls 3,996 Eionga's island 3,864—80 feet cliff .... 3,784 to the west. River level at island of Patooan (Sliooa Moru) 3,195 from Eionga's island. Level of Albert Lake 2,720 from Patooan to Lake. Prom Karuma .... Feet. = 212 fall = 589 foil = 475 fall . 1,276 fall These observations were extremely satisfactory, and showed that the thermometer (Casella^s) behaved well at every boiling, as there was no confusion of altitudes, but each observation corroborated the preceding. Thc^ latitude of island of Patooan by observation was 2^16': we were thus due west of Magungo, and east of Karuma Falls. B B 2 CHAPTEE XIII. TREACHEROUS DESIGNS OF THE NATIVES. We were prisoners on the island of Patooan, as we could not procure porters at any price to remove our effects. We had lost all our riding oxen within a few days ; they had succumbed to the flies, and the only animal alive was already half dead ; this was the little bull that had always carried the boy Saat. It was the 8 th April, and within a few days the boats upon which we depended for our return to civilization would as- suredly quit Gondokoro. I offered the natives all the beads that I had (about 50 lbs.), and the whole of my baggage, if they would carry us to Shooa direct from this spot. We were in perfect despair, as we were both completely worn out with fever and fatigue, and certain death seemed to stare us in the face should we remain in this unhealthy spot ; worse than death was the idea of losing the boats and becoming prisoners for another year in this dreadful land ; which must inevitably happen should we not hurry direct to Gondokoro with- out delay. The natives, with their usual cunning, at length offered to convey us to Shooa, provided that I paid them the beads in advance ; the boats were pre- pared to ferry us across the river, but I fortunately discovered through the woman Bacheeta their treach- erous intention of placing us on the uninhabited wilderness on the north side, and leaving us to die of hunger. They had conspired together to land us, but CHAP. XIII.] CONFINED IN THE COUNTRY. 373 to immediately return with the boats after having thus got rid of the incubus of their guests. We were in a gTeat dilemma — had we been in good health, I would have forsaken ever}i:hing but the guns and ammunition, and have marched direct to Gondo- koro on foot : but this was utterly impossible ; neither my wife nor I could walk a quarter of a mile mthout fainting — there was no guide — and the country was now overgrown with impenetrable grass and tangled vegetation eight feet high ; — we were in the midst of the rainy season ; — not a day passed without a few hours of deluge — altogether it was a most heartbreaking position. Added to the distress of mind at being thus thwarted, there was also a great scarcity of provision. Many of my men were weak, the whole party having suffered much from fever — in fact, we were completely helpless. Our gTiide Eabonga, who had accompanied us from M'rooli, had absconded, and we were left to shift for ourselves. 1 was determined not to remain on the island, as I suspected that the boats might be taken away, and that we should be kept prisoners ; I there- fore ordered my men to take the canoes, and to feny us to the main land, from whence we had come. The headman, upon hearing this order, offered to carry us to a village, and then to await orders from Kamrasi as to whether we were to be forwarded to Shooa or not. The district in which the island of Patooan was situ- ated was called Shooa Moru, although having no con- nexion with the Shooa in the Madi country to which we were bound. We were ferried across to the main shore, and both in our respective angareps were carried by the natives for about three miles, arriving at a deserted village, half of which was in ashes, having been burnt and plundered by the enemy ; we were deposited on the ground in front of an old hut in the pouring rain, and were informed that we should remain there that night, 374 DESERTED BY THE NATIVES. [chap. XIII. but that on the following morning we should proceed to our destination. Not trusting tlie natives, I ordered my men to dis- arm tliem, and to retain their spears and shields as security for their appearance on the following day. This effected, we were carried into a filthy hut about six inches deep in mud, as the roof was much out of repair, and the heavy rain had flooded it daily for some weeks. I had a canal cut through the muddy floor, find in misery and low spirits we took possession. On the following morning not a native was present ! We had been entirely deserted ; although I held the spears and shields, every man had absconded — there were neither inhabitants nor provisions — the whole country was a wilderness of rank grass that hemmed us in on all sides ; not an animal, nor even a bird was to be seen; it was a miserable, damp, lifeless country. We were on elevated ground, and the valley of the Somerset was about two miles to our north, the river roaring sullenly in its obstructed passage, its course marked by the double belt of huge dark trees that grew upon its banks. My men were naturally outrageous, and they pro- posed that we should return to Patooan, seize the •canoes, and take provisions by force, as we had been •disgracefully deceived. The natives had merely depo- sited us here to get us out of the way, and in this spot we might starve. Of course I would not counte- nance the proposal of seizing provisions, but I directed my men to search among the ruined villages for buried corn, in company with the woman Bacheeta, who, being a native of this country, would be up to the ways of the people, and might assist in the discovery. After some hours passed in rambling over the black ashes of several villages that had been burnt, they dis- 'Covered a hollow place, by sounding the earth with a stick, and, upon digging, they arrived at a granary of the seed known as "tullaboon this was a great prize, 5is, although mouldy and bitter, it would keep us from CHAP. XIII.] 21ISERY AT SHOO A MORU. 375 starving. The women of the party were soon hard at work grinding, as many of the necessary stones had been found among the ruins. Fortunately there were three varieties of pLxnts grow- ing wild in great profusion, that, w^hen boiled, were a good substitute for spinach ; thus we were rich in vege- tables, although without a morsel of fat or animal food. Our dinner consisted daily of a mess of black porridge of bitter mouldy flour, that no English pig would con- descend to notice, and a large dish of spinach. "Better a dinner of herbs where love is," &c. often occurred to me ; but I am not sure that I was quite of that opinion after a fortnight's grazing upon spinach. Tea and coffee were things of the past, the very idea of which made om^ mouths water; but I found a species of wild thyme growing in the jungles, and this, when boiled, formed a tolerable substitute for tea ; sometimes our men procured a little wild honey, which, added to the thyme tea, we considered a great luxury. This wretched fare, in our exhausted state from fever and general efiects of climate, so completely