E-46.111 8 i I. Z O 2 ^ m 2 iL , 5 Q 2 ° < J 0^ o S 3 u ui w 5 o I o E -J " ^ P 2 S ^ '^ tn n ill 5 z q 2 > UI IMTfe, reproach, affliction's hour: *" Follow me ;" I know thy voice ; Jesus, Lord, thy steps I see ; Now I take thy yoke, by choice ; Light thy burden now to me. 83. BALERMA, OR AZMON. C M. How sad our state by nature is ! Our sin how deep it stains I And Satan binds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. But there's a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word : "Hoi ye despairing sinners, come. And trust upon the Lord." My soul obeys the almighty call. And runs to this relief: I would believe thy promise, Lord, help my unbelief. To the dear fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God, I fly : Here let me wash my spotted soul, From crimes of deepest die. 72 PEAELS FOE PKAYER MEETINGS. Stretch out thine arm, victorious King, My reigning sins subdue ; Drive the old dragon from his seat, With all his hellish crew. A guilty, weak and helpless worm. On thy kind arms I fall : Be thou my strength and righteousness. My Jesus and my all. 84. EVAN. c. M. I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, Nor to defend his cause, Maintain the honor of his word. The glory of his cross. Jesus, my God, I know his name. His name is all my trust; Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. Firm as his throne his promise stands, And he can well secure What I've committed to his hands. Till the decisive hour. Then will he own my worthless name, Before his Father's face, And in the new Jerusalem, Appoint my soul a place. THE CONVERTED SINNEE. 73 85. HEBRON. L. M. Jesus, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee ? Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days ! Ashamed of Jesus ! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star ; He sheds the beams of light divine, O'er this benighted soul of mine. Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon Let midnight be ashamed of noon; 'Tis midnight with my soul, till he, Bright Morning Star, bid darkness flee. Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend I No, when I blush, be this my shame- That I no more revere his name. Ashamed of Jesus ! Yes I may, When I've no guilt to wash away, No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. Till then — nor is my boasting vain — Till then, I boast a Saviour slain : And may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me. 74 PEARLS FOB PRAYER MEETINGS. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 86. ROCKINGHAM. L. M. Ah wretclied souls who strive in vain, Slaves to the world, and slaves to sin ; A nobler toil may I sustain, A nobler satisfaction win. May I resolve with all my heart, With all my powers to serve the Lord ; Nor from his precepts e'er depart, Whose service is a rich reward. ! be his service all my joy! Around let my example shine, 'Till others love the blest employ, And join in labors so divine. Be this the purpose of my soul. My solemn, my determined choice. To yield to his supreme control, And in his kind commands rejoice. ! may I never faint nor* tire, Nor wandering leave his sacred ways: Great God^ accept my soul's desire, And give me strength to live thy praise. CHBISTIAX EXPERIENCE. 75 87. ROCKINGHAM OR DUNLAP's CREEK. 0. M. Wren, Thing from the bed of death, O'erwhelmed with guilt and fear, T see my Maker face to face, how shall I appear ? If yet while pardo-n may be found, And mercy may be sought, My heart with inward horror shrinks, And trembles at the thought ; When thou, Lord, shalt stand disclosed, In majesty severe, And sit in judgment on my soul, how shall I appear? Yet never shall my soul despair Her pai'don to procure, Who knows thine only son has died, To make her pardon sure. 88. CONWAY. C. M. Come, let us join our cheerful songs, With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues But all their joys are one. ' 76 PEARLS FOB PRATER MEETINGS. "Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, *' To be exalted thus," ** "Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, "For he was slain for us." Let all that dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thine endless praise. The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the lamb. 89. EVAN, OB ORTONVILLE. C. ! FOR a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame ; A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb. Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and his word ? CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. What peaceful hours I once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still ! But they have left an aching void, The world can never fill. Return, holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest; I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. The dearest idol I have known, • What e'er that idol be, Help me to tear it from thy throne. And worship only thee. 90. ELLIOT. 8, 6. My God, my Father, while I stray Far from my home, on life's rough way, Oh teach me from my heart to say, " Thy will, Lord, be done !" If but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to Thee I leave the rest ; "Thy will, Lord, be done !" Renew my will from day to day; Blend it with Thine, and take away 78 TEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETINGS. What e'er now makes it hard to say, " Thy will, Lord, be done !" 91. HERMON. C. M. Come, let us join our friends above, That have obtained the prize; And on the eagle wings of love, To joy celestial rise. Let saints below his praises sing, With those to glory gone ; For all the servants of our King, In heaven and earth, are one. One family, we dwell in him, One church above, beneath ; Though now divided by the stream The narrow stream of death. One army of the living God, To his commands we bow ; Part of the host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. 92. NO SORROW THERE. C. M., OE ST. THOMAS. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds, Is like to that above. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 79 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers : Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear, And often for each other flowa The sympathizing tear. When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day, From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin we shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign, Through all eternity. 93. AVON. 0. M. How oft, alas! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord ! How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word I 80 PEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETINGS. Yet sovereign mercy calls, " Return," Dear Lord, and may I come ? My vile ingratitude I mourn : take the wanderer home. And canst thou, wilt thou, yet forgive, And bid my ciimes remove ? And shall a pardoned rebel live To speak thy wondrous love ? Almighty grace, thy healing power. How glorious, how divine ! That can to life and bliss restore So vile a heart as mine. Thy pardoning love, so free, so sweet, Dear Saviour, I adore ; keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more. &4. CHRISTMAS, ZERAH, OR MAITLAND. C. M. Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb, And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name ? Must I be carried to the skies, On flowery beds of ease ; While others fouglit to win the prize. And sailed through bloody seas ? CHRISTIAN EXPEXIEXCE. 81 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood ? Is this dark world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? Sure I must fight, if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. 95. KEDEEMINO LOVE. 7*8. Come, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer; He himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring ; For his grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. With my burden I begin. Lord, remove this load of sin ; Let thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set jxa conscience free from guilt. Lord, I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my breast ; There thy blood-bought right maintain, And without a rival reign. 6 82 PEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETINGS. 96. GOLDEN HILL. S. M. Jesus, who knows full well The heart of every saint ; Invites us all our griefs to tell, To pray and never faint. He bows his gracious ear, We never plead in vain : Yet we must wait till he appear, And pray, and pray again. Though unbelief suggest. Why should we longer wait ? He bids us never give him rest, But be importunate. Jesus the Lord will hear His chosen when they cry, Yes, though he may a while forbear. He'll help them from on high. 97. LAB AN. s. M. Mt soul, be on thy guard. Ten thousand foes arise ; • And hosts of sins are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies. watch, and fight, and pray, The battle ne'er give o'er; CHRISTIAN EXPEKIE^CE. ^3 Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. Ne'er think the victory won, Nor once at ease sit down ; Thy arduous work will not be done, 'Till thou hast got the crown. Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God ; He'll take thee, at thy parting breath, Up to his blest abode. 98. EEDBEMINQ LOVE. 7's. ORWESLBT. I WAS a wand'ring sheep, I did not love the fold, I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controlled ; I was a wayward child, I did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice, I loved afar to roam. The Shepherd sought His sheep, The Father sought His child. He followed me o'er vale and hill, O'er deserts waste and wild ; He found me nigh to death, Famished, faint, and lone ; He bound me with the bauds of love, He saved the wand'ring one. 84 PEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETINGS. Jesus my Shepherd is, 'Twas He that loved my soul, Twas He that washed me in His blood, 'Twas He that made me whole ; 'Twas He that sought the lost, That found the wand'ring sheep, Twas He that brought me to the fold, — 'Tis He that still doth keep. No more a wand'ring sheep, I love to be controlled, I love my tender Shepherd's voice, I love the peaceful fold ; No more a wayward child, I seek no more to roam, I love my heav'nly Father's voice,— I love, I love His home. 99. REDEEMING LOVE. T'S. 'Tfs a point I long to know, Oft it causes anxious thought; Do I love the Lord, or no ? Am I his, or am I not ? If I love, why am I thus ? Why this dull and lifeless frame ? Hardly, sure, can they be worse. Who have never heard his name ? Could my heart so hard remain. Prayer a task and burden prove, CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 85 Every trifle give me pain, If I knew a Saviour's love ? When I turn my eyes within, All is ilark, and vain, and wild : Filled with unbelief and sin, Can I deem myself a child ? If I pray, or hear, or read. Sin is mixed with all I do ; You who love the Lord indeed, Tell me — is it thus with you? Yet T mourn my stubborn will. Find my sin a grief and thrall ; Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at all ? Lord, decide the doubtful case. Thou who art thy people's Sun: Shine upon thy work of grace, If it be indeed begun. 100. AUTUMK. 8, 7, D. Holt Father, Thou hast taught us We should live to Thee alone ; Year by year. Thy hand hath brought us, On through dangers oft unknown. When we wandered, Thou hast found us, — When we doubted, sent us light ; 8b PEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETINGS. Still Thine arm has been around us, All our paths were in Thy sight. In the world will foes assail us, Craftier, stronger far than we ; And the strife shall never fail us Well we know, before we die. Therefore, Lord, we come believing Thou canst givethepow'r we need, Through the pray'r of faith receiving Strength, the Spirit's strength, indeed. We would trust in Thy protecting. Wholly rest upon Thine arm ; Follow Avholly Thy directing, Thou our only guard from harm ; Keep us from our own undoing, Help us turn to Thee when tried ; Still our footsteps, Father, viewing, Keep us ever at Thy side. 101. CROSS AND CROWN. C. M, Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free ? No, there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. The-consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free ; CHRISTIAN EXPLRIE.NCE. 87 And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me, Before the great, the heavenly throne, And Jesus' pierced feet, Joyful I'll cast ray golden crown, And His dear name repeat. precious cross ! glorious crown ! resurrection day! Let angels from Thy throne come down, And bear my soul away. 102. DORBANCE. 8, 7. Sweet the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend, Life, and health, and peace possessing, From the sinner's dying Friend. Here I'll sit for ever viewing Mercy stream in streams of blood ; Precious drops, my soul bedewino-, Plead and claim my peace with God. Tmly blessed is this station, Low before his cross to lie; While I see divine compassion Floating in his languid eye. Here it is I find my heaven. While upon the cross I gaze ; 5 PEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETINGS. Love T much ? I'm much forgiven, I'm a miracle of grace. Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears, his feet I bathe ; Constant still in faith abiding, Life deriving from his death. 103. SWANWICK, OR CHRISTMAS. 0. M. To our Redeemer's glorious name AAvake the sacred song ; may His love — immortal flame — Tune every heart and tongue. For us He left His throne on high, Left the bright realms of bliss, And came on earth to bleed and die — Was ever love like this ? •Dear Lord, while we adoring pay Our humble thanks to Thee, May every heart with rapture say, — *' The Saviour died for me." may the sweet, the blissful theme Fill every heart and tongue, Till strangers love Thy charming name, And join the sacred song. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 89 104. LOVING-KINDNESS. L. M. Awake, my soul, in joyful lays, And sing my great Redeemer's praise, He justly claims a song from thee ; His loving kindness, ! how free. He saw me ruined in the fall, Yet loved me, notwithstanding all; He saved me from my lost estate ; His loving kindness, ! how great ! Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along ; His loving kindness, ! how strong I When trouble, like a gloomy cloud. Has gathered thick, and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood : His loving kindness, 1 how good ! Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Saviour to depart; But though I oft have him forgot, His loving kindness changes not. Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale. Soon all my mortal powers must fail ; 0, may my last expiring breath. His loving kindness sing in death. 90 PEARLS FOR PRATER MEETINGS. 105. CHRISTMAS. C. M. Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey ; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. *Tis God's all animating voice, That calls thee from on high ; ^Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. Blest Saviour, introduced by thee. Have I my race begun ; And, crowned with victory, at thy feet I'll lay my honors down. 106. REDEEMING LOVE. 7'g. Now begin the heavenly theme, Sing aloud in Jesus' name ; Ye, who his salvation prove, Triumph in redeeming love. Ye, who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face, CURISTIAN EXPKRIENCK. 91 As to Canaan on ye move, Praise and bless redeeming love. Mourning souls, dry up your tears; Banish all your guilty fears ; See your guilt and curse remove, Cancelled by redeeming love. Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing slaves to death and sin, Now from bliss no longer rove, Stop and taste redeeming love. Welcome all, by sin oppressed. Welcome to his sacred rest ; Nothing brought him from above, Ngthing but redeeming love. 107. BEZA. 7, 6, 8, Lamb of God ! whose bleeding love We now recall to mind, Send the answer from above. And let us mercy find ; Think on us who think on Thee, And ev'ry burdened soul release ; Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. By Thine agonizing pain And bloody sweat, we pray, — 92 PEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETINGS. By Thy dying love to man, Take all our sins away ; Burst our bonds, and set us free, From all i-^iquity release ; Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. Let Thy blood, by faith applied, The sinner's pardon seal , Own us freely justified, And all our sickness heal: By Thy passion on the tree. Let all our griefs and troubles cease : Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. J,08. AUTUMN, 7, 8. D. Jesus, I niy cross have taken. All to leave and follow thee ; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my All shall be ; Let the world neglect and leave me ; They have left my Saviour too ; Human hopes have oft deceived me; Thou art faithful, thou art true. Perish, earthly fame and treasure, Come disaster, scorn, and pain ; In thy service, pain is pleasure ; With thy favor, loss is gain : OHKISTIAN EXPERIEXCE. 93 'tis not in grief to harm me, While thy bleeding love I see ; 'tis not in joy to charm me, When that love is hid from me. 109. MOTTIXGHILL. C. M. My God! my Father! blissful name! Oh I may I call thee mine ? May I with sweet assurance claim A portion so divine? This only can my fears control, And bid my sorrows fly ; What harm can ever reach my soul Beneath my Father's eye ? ' What e'er thy providence denies, I calmly would resign : For thou art good and just, and wise, Oh I bend my will to thine. WTiat e'r thy sacred will ordains. Oh ! give me strength to bear; Let me but know my Father reigns. And trust his tender care. 110. HERMON, OR NOTTIXGHILL. C. H. ! HOW I love thy holy law ! 'Tis daily my delight : 94 PBAKLS FOR PRATER MEET/NGS. And thence ray meditations draw Divine advice by night. My waking eyes prevent the day To meditate thy word : My soul with longing melts away, To hear thy gospel, Lord. Thy heavenly words my heart engage, And well employ my tongue, And in my tiresome pilgrimage Yield me a heavenly song. Am I a stranger, or at home, 'Tis my perpetual feast ; Not honey dropping from the comb So much allures the taste. No treasures so enrich the mind ; Nor shall thy word be sold For loads of silver well refined. Nor heaps of choicest gold. When nature sinks, and spirits droop, Thy promises of grace Are pillars to support my hope ; And there I write thy praise. 111. JESUS IS MINE. Fade, fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine ; CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 95 Break every tender tie, Jesus is mine ; Dark is the wilderness, Earth has no resting-place, Jesus alone can bless, Jesus is mine. Tempt not my soul away, Jesus is mine ; Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine ; Perishing things of clay, Born but for one brief day, Pass from my heart away, Jesus is mine. Farewell, ye dreams of night, Jesus is mine ; Lost in the dawning light, Jesus is mine ; All that my soul has tried, Left but a dismal void, Jesus has satisfied, Jesus is mine. Farewell mortality, Jesus is mine ; Welcome eternity, Jesus is mine ; Welcome, loved and blest. Welcome, sweet scenes of rest, 96 PEAKLS FOR PRAYKR MEETINGS. Welcome my Saviour's breast, Jesus is mine. 112. GIVE. C. M. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want, He makes me down to lie In pastures green : he leadeth me The quiet waters by. My soul he doth restore again, And me to walk doth make "Within the paths of righteousness, Even for his own name's sake. Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale Yet will I fear no ill ; For thou art with me, and thy rod And staff me comfort still. My table thou hast furnished In presence of my foes ; My head thou dost with oil anoint. And my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy all my life, Shall surely follow me : And in God's house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 97 113. NAOMI. C. M. Mt times of sorrow and of joy, Great God are in thy hand ; AH my enjoyments come from thee, And go at thy command. Lord shouldst thou withhold them all, Yet would I not repine : Before they were by me possessed. They were entirely thine. Nor would I drop a murmuring word, If all the world were gone, But seek substantial happiness. In thee and thee alone. 114. NAOMI, OR NOTTINGHILL. C. M. God of Bethel, by whose hand Thy people still are fed ; "Who through this weary pilgrimage. Hast all our fathers led ; Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before thy throne of grace : God of our fathers be the God Of their succeeding race. Through each perplexing path of life, Our wandering footsteps guide ; 7 98 PEARLS FOR PRAYER MEETIN*d, bt ?aith i see 127 According to Thy gracious word 150 Arise, oh King of grace, arise 139 Ah ! wretched souls, who strive in vain 74 Ah ! this heart is void and chill 119 Alas! how changed that lovely flower 113 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed 22 All hail the power of Jesus' name 4 Am I a soldier of the Cross? 80 Amazing grace 1 how sweet the sound. 67 Another six days' work is done 135 And can I yet delay? 58 Approach, my soul, the mercy seat 47 Arise, oh King of grace, arise 139 Awake, ray soul, in joyful lays S9 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve.. ..^ 90 Awaked by Sinai's awful sound ^ 56 Behold THE MORMXG su^ 143 Blest be the tie that binds 78 Blest morning whose first dawning light 133 Brightly gleams a holy radiance 130 Brother, hast thou wandered far? 44 Behold, a stranger at the door 34 Child op sw attd sorrow 35 Come, Holy Spirit, Come 25 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Duve 24 Come, let us join our cheerful songs 75 Come, let us join our friends above 78 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare ~ 81 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice 36 Come, sacred Spirit, from above 27 Come, humble sinner, in whose breasts 42 Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched 37 Come, thou Fount of every blessing 99 157 158 INDEX OP FIRST LINES. Pags Dark was the night, am> cold was the ground 15 Dear Shepherd of Thy people, here 140 Deep in our hearts let us record 151 Dearest of all the names above 10 Delay not, delay not, 0, sinner, draw near 36 Dppth of mercy, can there be 52 Did Christ o'er sinners weep? 16 Didst thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame? 11 Dread Sovereign, let my evening song 101 Fade, FADE EACH EARTHLY JOT 94 Fur from these scenes of night 126 Far from my heavenly home 117 Far from my thoughts, vam world begone... 136 Father, I stretch my hands to thee 64 Father of mercies, m thy word „ 144 For ever with the Lord 131 From the cross, uplifted high 19 From Greenland's icy mountains 105 Gently, Lord, oh! gently lead us 100 Glorious things of thee are spoken 104 " Go preach my gospel," saith the Lord 141 Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims.. 110 Here, at thy cross, incarnate God 62 Hail to the Lord's Anointed 106 Holy Father, thou hast taught us 85 Holy Ghost, with light divine 26 How oft, alas ! this wretched heart 79 How blest the righteous wiien he dies Ill How beauteous are their feet 142 How charming is the place 136 How large the promise, how divine 147 How precious is the book divine 145 How shall the young secure their hearts 146 How happy are they 68 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 5 How sad our state by nature is 71 I HBABD THE VOIOSOF JeSUSSAT 63 INDEX OF FIE8T LINES. 169 Paqb rm not ashamed to own my Lord "72 I love to pt^ftl awhile away 100 I love thy kingdom, Lord 137 I'm but a stranger here 124 I lay my sin? on Jesus '59 I saw One hanging on the tree 13 I was a wandering sheep 83 I was a traitor doomed to die... 55 jEStra, LOVKR OF MT 80UL 15 Jesus. I my cross have taken 92 Jesus, full of all compassion 20 Jesus. I love thy charming name 12 Jesus, thou art the sinners friend 65 Jesus, who knows full well 82 Jesus, save my dying soul .54 Jesus, Master,' hear me now 153 Jesus, immortal King,arise 154 Jesus, with all thy saints above 153 Jesus, and shall it ever be? 73 Jesus, my all to heaven is gone 66 Jerusalem, my happy home 120 Joy to the world I the Lord is come 3 Jaat as I am, without one plea 60 Lamb op God! whose bleeding love. 91 Let every mortal ear attend 31 Life is a span, a fleeting hour 112 Like sheep we went .astray 1 21 Lo! on a narrow neck of land 57 Lord, behold us, few and weak 28 Lord, I hear the showers of blessing 52 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear 144 Lord of the worlds above 138 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing 132 MeRCT .VLOVE CAN MEET MT CASE 48 Must Jesus bear the cross alone 86 My days are gliding swiftly by 118 My heavenly home is bright and fair 128 My God, my Father, blissful name! 93 wo INDKX OF FIRST LINKS. Paqk My God, my Father, while I stray 77 My soul, be on thy guard 82 My times of sorrow and of joy 97 NA.TTIRB WITH OPEN VOLUME STANDS 17 Nearer, my God, to thee 122 Not all the blood of beasts 14 Now begin the heavenly theme 90 Now is the accepted time 42 Now the Saviour standeth pleading 39 Now be the gospel banner 108 O ! COULD I SPEAK THE MATCHLESS WORTH 8 O, for a closer walk with God 76 O, for a thousand tongues 5 O, for the death of those 109 O, happy day, that fixed my choice 66 O, Lord, thy work revive 29 O. .sing to me of heaven 125 O thou that hearest the prayer of faith 69 O thou whose tender mercy hears 51 O thou that hearest when sinners cry 46 O whither should I go? 49 O what amazing words of grace! 33 One sweetly solemn thought 121 One there is, above all others 11 O, how I love thy holy law 93 O, God of Bethel, by whose hand 97 O sacred head, once wounded 152 People of the living God 70 Plunged in a gulf of dark despair 18 Prostrate, dear Jesus, at thy feet 50 Return. wanderer, to thy home 41 Return.O wanderer, return 40 Rock of Ages, cleft for me 7 Saviour, breathe an evening elessing 102 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us 98 Sftviour, visit thy plantation 27 INDKX OF FIBST LINKS. 161 Pagh Say. sinner, hath a voice within 39 See Israel"!? gentle Shepherd stand 147 Sinners, turn, why will ye die? 43 Show pitv. Lord. O, Lord, forgive 53 Sion's King sliall reisn victorious a 103 Soon may the last irlad song arise 107 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing 87 Sweet land of rest for thee I sigh 125 Stay, thou insulted spirit, stay 46 That awful day will surely come 114 Take me. O, my Father, take me 60 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want 96 The Spirit in our hearts 45 The Saviour '. 0, what endless charms ! 9 The Saviour calls, let every ear 30 There is aland of pure delight ^ 116 There is a happy laud - 129 There is no. name so sweet 6 There is a beautiful world 115 There is a Fountain filled with blood 23 To-day the Saviour calls ;« To our Redeemer's glorious name 88 Triumphant Zion! lif thy head li'7 Tis a point I long to know 84 'Twas un that dark, that doleful night 149 uirvbil thy bosom, faithful tomb ^ 110 Welcome, delightful morx 134 Welcome, sweet day of rest 133 When I can read my title clear iJl When rising from the bed of death 75 When I survey the wondrous cross •-'! With tearful eyes I look around 49 With humble heart and tongue 143 Yk WHO IN HIS COCTRTS ARE FOUND 32 Ye wretched, hungry, starving souls 31 THS SND.