| SlHAlojUal f m'mavy X PRINCETON. N. J. Part hf the |)|S(JN ALEXANDER LIBRARY which was presented by Mkksks. R. L. and A. St. akt. PK 6.3T& XSZ ■ v tjuk A old c'J cn^ . i'Uy aU^n J A VOCABULARY PERSIAN, ARABIC, AND ENGLISH; ABRIDGED 1/ FROM THE QUARTO EDITION OF "Jo k n RICHARDSON S DICTIONARY AS EDITED BY CHARLES WILKINS, ESQ. LL.D. F.R.S. BY DAVID HOPKINS, ESQ. — V ASSISTANT SURGE"' N ON THE BENGAL ESTABLISHMENT. — ~~~ =ac * . ”* • \ I LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. AND C. RIVINGTON ; J. WALKER ; CUTHELL AND martin; vernor, hood, and sharpe; j. white and co. ; CABELL AND DAVIES; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORMEJ * LACKINGTON, ALLEN, AND CO. ; J . R ICH A R DSO N ; J. M. RICHARD- SON ; BLACK, PARRY, AND KINGSBURY ; W. MILLER ; S. BAGSTER J J. HARDING; J. ASPERNE; R. SCHOLEY ; AND J. BOHN*, BY W.BULM2R AND CO. C L E V E L AND-R O W, $ T . JAMts’i, 1810. ADVERTISEMENT. THIS Vocabulary is intended for the use of Gentlemen in the Army, in the Service oj the Honourable East India Company, and others, going out to India, who may think Richardson’s Dictionary too bulky or expensive ; but to those Gentlemen in the Civil Service of the Honourable Company, or others who may wish to attain a proficiency in the Arabic or Persian Languages, “ by which they are rendered eligible for Offices of Trust and Responsibi- lity,” the Proprietors recommend the edition in Two Volumes Quarto. 1 Jan. 1810. ? ’ . . PREFACE i The following Extract from Mr. Wilkins’s Preface to his Edition °f Richardson’s Dictionary, will explain the system of orthography of the Persian and Arabic words adopted in that work, and which has been fol- lowed in this Vocabulary. t <£ It is presumed the student is acquainted with the Persian and Arabic alphabets, and knows the intention and importance of the several diacri- tical marks, sometimes used when they would point out the precise form and pronunciation of words, as is the general practice in grammars and copies of the Kuran. a, i, «, [short), as initials, are used to express the powers of [ 1 ], [ ! ], / - [1] respectively; and, as medials or finals of ['], [ __ ], [ ’ ]. C O / Examples. Jl\ agar, If; ibtida , Beginning; uruz, 9 * Earths ; rJL\ ushtar, A camel. a [long], as an initial, is used to express the power of [ 1 ], and as a medial or final, of [ !]> preceded by its homogeneal character [ ' ], C y O the two, coalescing, forming one long vow'el. Example, < >bil aftab, The sun. vi PREFACE. i [long], as an initial, is used to express the power of a silent [ ], preceded by [ \ ] ; and, as a medial or final, of a silent [ ], fol- lowing [ , ], where, in both cases, the two characters, being homo- geneal, coalesce, and form one long vowel. Examples, lecbj tnjd, Here; J f gardidan, To turn. u (long), as an initial, is used to express the power of a silent \j ] after [ \ ] ; and, as a medial and final, of a silent [_. ] following its homogeneal character [ ' ], in both instances the two, uniting, form f * one long vowel. Example, t)j\ ulu , Lords, masters. o (long) and e (long), are used for [ j ] and [ ] when distinguished by the term ^ijo^parst, Persian, or majhul, Unknown ; which terms are used in contradistinction to tail, Arabic, or or matrhf, Known, applied to % and when pronounced / " r in the common way. Examples, j\ 5, He : jjj roi, Day; eshdn, They,^w sher, Lion. o (short), and e (short), are'used when [ ’ ] and [ ^ ], are directed to be so pronounced by the term or J j-ysr*. Examples to beh, / •• " Good;^i-j dokhtar, Daughter. As initials they are seldom found. to stands for a quiescent [j], preceded by a heterogen eal vowel ; and also for the same letter opening upon a vowel. Examples, “6* y s * ** * ' jyai tasaicwar , Imagination, fancy, idea ; jJj icalad, Son ; / / " wiluyat, Country ; wujud, Existence. y stands for a quiescent [ ^1, preceded by a heterogeneal vowel, and for an open [ ], followed by a vowel. Examples, |*bj ayydm. Days ; yuftun, To get, obtain. a stands for [ | final, when to be pronounced as [ \ ], as is often the case in Arabic words. PREFACE. vii * An apostrophe is used to show, that a letter, though written, is not pronounced. Examples, kli’ustun, To want; kh an. Table. b is used for p is used for [<_J >J. / (with one dot under it) is used for s (with one dot under it) is used for j is used for [^] . ch is used for [_]. h (with one dot under it) is used for [ J. kh is used for [i] . d is used for [jJ. z (with one dot over it) is used for [i] . r is used for [j] • £ (with two dots over it) is used for |"j] . j (with two dots over it) is used for the Persian J. s (with two dots under it) is used for sh is used for La]- s (with three dots under it) is used for [^j • z (with three dots over it) is used for [(_/»] • t (with two dots under it) is used for [J?] . z (with four dots over it) is used for Jjj], fc. In the folio edition, this character had no substitute. I have, in imitation of Meninski , used it among our letters, to prevent the hiatus and confusion that would be the consequence of dropping such an essential character. gh is used for 1 ^ J. f is used for [k— ij . viii PREFACE. h (with one dot under it) is used for [ j^}. b (with two dot* under it) is used for • g is used for [l—5^ ] • l is used for [ jj. m is used for [*J . n is used for to is used for when in a state to be considered as a consonant. h (with two dots under it) is used for [ij. t (with three dots under it) is used for £$"]. y is used for [i_f] when considered as a consonant. Double consonants are used to answer to fetters marked with a It has not been my intention, by the foregoing scheme of orthography, to shew the exact pronunciation of every word, for that wrould have been a vain attempt, because, as many of the sounds existing in the Arabic Ian- guage are not known in our own, so we have no characters to represent them ; and I hold it next to impossible to convey the idea of a foreign sound through any organ but the car. All I have attempted, therefore, has been to select from our alphabet as many letters as do exactly correspond with certain letters in the Arabic, and by means of diacritical marks applied to more, to represent such other articulations as do not exist in our language, and for which, consequently, we have no appropriate characters. Thus, by furnishing an alphabet of letters with which the student is familiar, and in which provision is made for the short vowels omitted in Arabic and Persian, I flatter myself he will be assisted in spelling, though not in pronouncing correctly, the words in the original character, particularly all such as are formed of consonants only, and which differ in meaning accord- ing to the vowels with which they are to be pronounced, and which in his own characters are supplied.” A VOCABULARY, PERSIAN, ARABIC, AND ENGLISH. U \ ALIF, is the first letter of the Ara- bic and Persian alphabets. In Persian, when added to a noun, it forms a poetic vocative. a ab, A father. An inventor. p c_. ab , The month of August. a c__d abb, Applying. Purpose. Verdure. r ab, Water, liquor. Tear. Splendour. Honour. The lustre of a diamond. Custom. p \j\ abd (forbl), Strange. Spoon- meat. a a*b^ aba-al, A reed. A plague. A-b! ibdkhal, Extinguishing. p ->b 1 dbdd, A city, house. Peopled. Well done ! Bravo 1 p (j'jbl abdddn, A dwelling, an abode. p qi'-'bl dbdddm , A habitation ; po- pulation. Abundance. f dbdddmdan, To cause to inhabit, cultivate, &c. r dbdddyidan. To praise, p Aili ^jobt abiidi laghaz, A kind of silky paper. p jbl dbdr. Lead, when melted. a j\)\ ibdr, The seed of the palm. a CL^bt ibdrut, Fecundity. Ruin. ■ a jb ] abbaz, The bounding of a deer. A abazir, Spices, sweet herbs. Seeds. a ^jb] abdztm, The buckles or clasps of belts, fkc. «L \ CJ\ 5 A l^—lb' ubdshat, A crowd. Filth. A ubdis , A shrew, a scold. a ^b ' ibdiz , A foot-rope. a bbl aha/, The armpits. A (J-bM abd/tl, Trifles, vanities. A \ iblidd, The beginning. A oIjcj) iblidud, Approaching to attack. a j(Jcj) ibliddr , Running (to arms). a ibtidu Invention, altera- tion. a o(ioj) ibli'zaz, Receipt. Breaking. A J'icu) ibtizdl , Meanness. A com- mon garment. a jv\ abtar, Mutilated. Childless. A iblirdd , Bathing in, or drink. ing, cold water. Coolness. a sj- j\ abtar ah, A disabled camel. a jb'j) ibtiidz, Seizing, rapine. a |*l— ibtisdm, Gladness. Smiling. A abtat All, universal. A l kzA ibtiglid, Wishing, seeking. a JCzi\ iblikdr. Rising early. De- flowering a virgin. a Lj! ibtildi , Temptation. Distress. a ^cj\ ibtilat, Devouring, consum- ing. a ibtildi, Wet. Recovering health. Timid. A bcu) iblind, Building, construct- ing. a ibtihdj, Content. Joy. a JUsj) ibtihdl. Supplication. A ibtiyat., Buying. Selling. a abis, Nimble. Fervent, p L±J&>\ibsds, Revealing, divulging. a absan, Camels at rest after feeding. a £\abaj, Eternity. a ibjul, Contenting, sufficing. \j=f \ abjar. A swelling at the navel, p j?f\ abjar, Ebb tide. a Jjs-'i abjal, A vein in the fore foot of a camel or horse. a bs^( ibhdi, Cutting off, disjunction. a e*jbj>\ ibridat, Causing impotcncy. a abrash, A dapple gray, or pye-bald horse. Variegated, p abrasham , Silk, sewing silk. abrasham}, A silk merchant. A silkworm. Silken. a abras, Leprous. A lizard, a abrai, Pye-bald, black and white. Talk. A stony soil, p y \ abarhahiyd, A cobweb. p ub jU ubarmadardn, A sweet- meat. \aj_d ibrinla, Preparing, p abranjin , A bracelet, p jJj\ abranddj, Drest goat’s lea- ther. a y\ ibrinshdk. Joyful, flourish- ing. Expanding. p »y\ ubru, Dignity. abru, The eye-brow, p \ dbrud, A hyacinth. 4 V. r ^ y\ abru-i.sanam , The man- drake. p 2^al abrah , The outside of a gar- ment. A f&ari, Sharp. A needle-dealer. a j'6nj/a/,The scurf on the head, p abreshim , Silk. a cinT, A bright sword. An ewer- a y\ abi'i , Leaping. Dying suddenly. Aj|jj\ abzdr, Pot-herbs, roots. r db’idrdan , A spice box, a pepper-box. a iy 1 abzakh, Having a lump on the breast. p ! ab'ian, A bathing vessel, fdled with warm water medicinally pre- pared. v dbzah, Water flowing from a fountain. Pincers. a u~A abis, Rebuking. Subduing. Scorn. Rough ground. a jl— ibsdr, Prematurely. Laying bare. a ibsdjt , The beestings in a camel’s udder, v dbsdl, A vineyard. a (Jl— j! ibsdl , Prohibiting. Preserv- ing. Pawning. Killing. A ibsam , Blooming, ripening, p ^ — j I dbsun , A bracelet. a ibsdn, Being beautiful, p — ■ 1 "best, A pregitant woman, A foetus. Orange peel, p tijla*— 1 dbistdnah, A caldron, vat. p ^n~J 1 dbislan, To be in labour. To be pregnant. r aliCv: > 1 dbistangdh , A bed cliam- ber for child-bearing. p ubislani, Pregnancy, con- ception. p a I dbaslah, Ground prepared for sowing. A pregnant woman, p — at absurd, Jelly, a6- i-sard, cold water. p 1 ubsardan, The gonorrhoea, p j! absiydh, Black water, tears. a One who provides for guests. A j\JLat ibshdr, Rejoicing, p jLio! or ilij 1 ab shar, A water- fall. a ibslial. Making haste, p [jsJLi I dbishtan, To hide, conceal, p slSc-ijl or 1 , A privy, p dbishkhur , A cistern, p dbsluim, A cocoon. The re- fuse of silk. Coarse silk, p dbishan, The bridegroom’s shirt. p vJL) 1 absheb, Flowing water. a abis and \ , Swift, fleet. a absat., All, universal. Fool- ish. a abi'i , Binding a camel. Rest. a ibzai, Giving a little. a ibid Lotting lor sale. a ly\ ibf, The arm-pit. Small sand. a liaat ibid, Delay, protracting. a Jilaal abtdl, Heroes. A monk. a Ji2j\ ab/ar, Having a thick upper lip. a *Jajt ablaL , Having the lips whitish. Toothless. a ^JaJ abjan, A vein near the foot- lock. Entrails. a abtt, Belonging to the arm-pit. a Jaat abiar , Uncircumciscd. a UJ abtd, Lending, a loan. 5 * a jlscl ab^dd, Distances. Very dis- ! taut. Ibtiid , Removing far. a ^?bc! abtu'i , Farts of a thing. a Idc! ibataf, Removing to distant pasture. Pride. Ignorance. a U->! ibgha. Seeking one another. Enquiry. a ^bb! ibgha-., Hatred. Hating. a abghas, Dusty, dusky. a dbb! abghusat, Birds of prey, r abaft, A kind of cloth. a i jSj\ abfarah , A stallion. a (Jj\ abak , Hemp. A run- away. a \jj\ ibid, Confirmation, preserving. a jjlib' ibkdk, Loquacious. Fruitful. a Jbb! abldl, Pot-herbs, beans. a ^Jb! abkat, Variegated, piebald. a j^A ubkur, Oxen. Beeves. a ^Jj\ ab/.a, May he live, or be pre- served. P abak, Quicksilver. Watery. The measles. Blisters. a ubb! abaik, A severe season. A selfish man. a lb! ibia, Causing tears. p j!bl dbjdr , A water-carrier. A wine drinker. A distillery. a ,!b! ibkar, The morning, J ~ * o a ,*!b! ibidm. Silencing. Abstain- ing from cohabitation with a wife. p dbb ! dbkdmah, A kind of gruel, p sbol abgdh, A watering place. p dbgdidr, A ford. p j£A abgaiar, A canal. a or-ibl abkashln , A bracelet. a *b! abkam , Dumb. p abkam, A kind of serpent. p d^u-bl dbglnah, A mirror. Foil set under gems. A decanter. a Jj! ibl, A camel, the camel species. a ibl ibid Fatigued (camels). a jib! iblud, Fastening together. a ^ib! iblds, Vexed, sad, astonished. a £_b! ibldgh. Informing, reaching. a db! abulal, Oppression of spirits (from indigestion or bad air). Bu- siness. A fault. A petition. a ^! abluj, Having distant eye- brows. Bright. Evident. a ablakh , A proud man. a ~ .! ablah, Mvrobalan nut. a jb! ablad, Having distant eye- brows. Corpulent. a j_bl ablagh, More or most per- fect. a ,ibl ablah, Pye-bald, party-co- loured. a *bl ablam , Having swelled lips. a --^bl abluj. Sugar-candy, p CJ»b! abluk, A hypocrite, p db! ubilah, A pimple, pustule. a ab! ablah, A fool. Bashful, vain. a b! iblis, The deceiver. a ! b! iblisd, Plain, smooth. p dj! b! ibfisdnah, Diabolically. p d -b! ablisah, A husbandman. a *Jj! iblim, Ambergris. Honey. * t a abatnm, The bass in music. A ibmik, The coulter of a plough. Ploughing oxen. a ^i! ibn or abn, A son. a ^jA abn. Suspicion. Clotting. Reviled. a ^;j! ibnat, A daughter. A vice, stain. Fraud. p ab-nokrah. Quicksilver, li- quid silver. a abnus , Ebony. G r ! dbnosfudan , To be stu- pified. To drink water, p abniyah ., Edifices, fabrics. A y>\ abu, Education. p Abu, A water-lily. a jj] abu, Father. Endowed with, possessed of. a abwdt, Milch ewes. Honour. A J'jjI abwal, Many. Urine. p abuban (or A penitent. a abut, Warmth. Swelling with drinking. A abud, Durability. Ages. A abui, Leaping, springing. a abas, Swift, fleet. A uOf)\ abui, Very swift (horse). a aboolltanjal, Witty, no- vel. A buffoon. p ubumun , A penitent, p (jbjai abuydn, Penitent. A Aj\ abaft, Attention, recollection. a — ib/iaj, Gladness, joy. A ibhdl , Irrigating, Coaxing. A ibhdm, The thumb. Doubt. A ubhat, Splendour, fortune. A j$>\ abhor. The back. A vein. A ibhdl. The juniper, or sabine tree and fruit. A ibham. Dumb, stammering. A ij t abt, Watery, moist. A quince, grapes. A abt, (for Paternal. Abi, Averse, despised. 'M 1 dbiyar, A waterer, sprinkler, p I a by art, Thin linen cloth. A dove. a ibyal , Retention of milk. a A-j) abid, Sempiternal, durable. 9 abiddd , Tyranny, injustice. a j~)\ ubair, A small needle, p yy> \ abh, Sparks of fire. A Hbhh, (or ') , The bridegroom’s shirt. p abesham, The flue of raw silk ; the cocoon. A abyai, White, bright. A sword. Silver. A uterfi abizun, Two days, two months, 8cc. a J-j) abil, A monk. A staff. Sad. a <£Lj\ ubilal , A bundle of grass or hay. p abyun, (or jjy-i)), Opium, p jM ipar, Thyme, sweet marjoram. p_yo) aplii, An urn, pitcher. a cul all. Convincing. Horse flesh. a bi ala , Things floating on water. A blessing. Plenty. a L_>b1 atdb, Short breeches, drawers. a cubi at at, Magnificence, equipage. a u>[j\ at ad, A foot-rope for a cow. a ijbl it dr at, Beholding. Striking with a stick. Reiterating. a Lj'\ itbdb , Debilitating. a jbj) ilbdr, Separated, prohibited. 7 c? a cLjrt ilbdt, Following. a ,-Us^l i/lijoj , Burning, warm, hot. a ittihdd, Union, concord. a Uhaf, A present, oblation. a ‘(ham, Black. a «( -hum} , A striped cloth. a ittikhaz , A receipt, accepta- tion, choosing. a if rub, Having much. Poor. a u-jjyi alraf, Bestowing luxuries. Melting. Ruining. a ulruj, An orange. a ^ y \ alra^j Vehement. Filling. a i sj>\ alraf, Having a lump on the upper lip. a -f f)\ utrunj, An orange. a , • j\ uirur, A tax officer. a w-Jl itlisat, Amplitude. a jjL- jl Misak, Assembling. Com- plete. Absolute. a *\ — ittisam , A signature, mark. Delicious. f \ dlish, Fire, t 1 -! ijarah , Price, emolument, a farm. p e-^jU-1 ijazat, Leave. Taking leave, dismissing. p ijas , A plumb, a pruin. A friend, an intimate, p dju/, Earth, dust. A jJU' ajdlid. Hard, solid. a ajdnib, Foreigners, stran- gers. a ijanat , A stone bottle, cup; water-pot. A ajabb, (A camel) without a bunch. Flat-breasted. a jLs^ ijbdr , Compulsion, con- straint. a (ijbab, Having a large front or face. a <[=.( ajjal. Fervour, warmth. Con- fusion. Inflammation. a ijltbd , Choice, election. a ij ti/'d , Boldness, endeavour. a ijtimdt , An assembly; a heap. a ijlind, Gathering, collecting. a ij/inab , Shunning, remov- ing, going far off. a ijtihdd, Care, effort. A religious war. a ajsa, Hunch-backed. A c-;lsrH ijhuf , Affliction, oppres- sion. a ajham , Having large reef eyes. a qjkha , Lean, meagre. N a A=>-1 yrf, A word used to camels. Robust, compact of body. a ajaddun , Night and day. a ajdtib, Laden with years. Desert, desolate. p j ajdar (for ) A dragon. a cjJo-) a jilat , Amputated, muti- lated in the hand or face. a njdal , A species of hawk. a ajidl, The most eminent parts of a hill. a ajzam , Mutilated in the hand. • a j*-\ ajr, A reward, hire. A marri-' age portion. A file. a y>-\ ajurr , A brick or tile. a yra, Causing to flow. Pro- ducing, satisfying. Performing. a ryraft, Scabby, mangy. a ajarbat. Certain measures of grain. Provision-bags. a j>-\ ujrat , Reward, hire, rent. a ajrad , Bald, bare, barren. a ajranbd , Unbolstered. a ajrun , A brick, tile. a oJlVa’, Custom, manner. a ryaz, Resting the body on the side. a fffirt/, (A camel) galled on the back. p yu =-1 djas/an, To plant, to fix. a 1 ajshar, hoarse, with pain in the breast. a ajshirai ', Corn-sacks. Qui- vers. C 10 A ijtfil, Doing, causing to be done. Promising and performing, A ijfcdal , A herd, flock. A ijfd, Timid. An ostrich. A ajal, Death, fate. Appointed time. Yes, certainly! A ajl, ajil , ijl, Cause, reason. a J.>-( ajl, Gain. Moving. Tending. A ajil , Futurity. Delaying. Concluding. Returning. A ijlab, Camel dealers. A ajlad , The body. Skins. Vo- lumes (of books). a ijlas, Causing to sit. Seated. a i ajldf , Mean ty rants. A car- case of mutton. a J)Ls^ ijldl. Grandeur, dignity, ho- nour. Ajlal , Housings. a ajilal , Eternity, future life. a ^7^1 ujalah , Bald on the forehead. a ajlad , Hard. A ff/fat, Open-lipped. a 4 ajzcas, An arch. Arched work. a ajuj, Much inflamed, red, resplendent. Brackish. a o/’wef, Concave, hollow. Ample, large. a ojaal, A downcast or dis- torted face. Thick-necked. a ajzoal, Dusty ; dusty day. a ajum, Severe. Haunts of wild beasts; marshes. a (jun, Corrupted (water). a j.vs-1 ajhar , Squint or goggle- eyed. A beautiful cast, r ajharah , A kind of prickly shrub. a j£=>4 fl/Auz, Marriage portions a aj/ia’ , Bald. A house with- out a roof. p ^a-\ ijt, The passover, Easter. a ,£=>-1 afij, Burning. a Jua-I (‘jyad, Having a longhand beautiful neck. a •<».! ajtr , A mercenary, slave, ser- vant. p °ftrh Servitude, labour, hire. | a ajil, Slow, deferring, tedious. ^ »«r a afim, Heat, warmth. acbdr, ‘Pickles. Freshness. a JjU-1 achat, A frying-pan. r ichl, A hawk. A vizir. a abb, Coughing. a ihasal , Digging up the earth; sifting or examining it. a -U-l uhdh, Thirst. Rage, grief. Ah! a ihddat , Driving camels fast. A ahddi , Independent pride. ci^jjU-laAarf/SjNews.Traditions. ihdraj ', Answering. i ha shat , Enticing. ibd'zaf, Surrounding. a ihdlat, Passing by. One year old. Sly, deceitful. a jjU-I ah an, Angry, bearing a grudge. a ihtS, Sewing. Plaiting. Mak- ing firm. 4 ihlar, Giving sparingly Tasting. Making firm. a ihiibds , Retaining, con- fining, restraining. Shut up. A ihtijab , Seclusion, re- treat. A iht'jaj, Bringing proofs, pleading a cause. a ihlizar, Avoiding, shun- ning, taking care. A ib/iras, Preserving, guard- ing, preserved, guarded. A ihtiral; , Conflagration. Ar- dour. A ihtirdm , Veneration, ho- nour, respect. a ihtisdb , Esteeming counting. A ihtishdm , Pomp, having many dependents. a IjlLiia-l ihliiui , Delight, happi- ness. a ihfifai, Taking care, guard- ing against. a ihtifar, Digging, excavation. a ihlitur , Contempt. a jl izs>-\ihlibdr, Accumulating, reap- ing, hoarding. a ihtildl , Reposing. Restrain- ing anger. a ihlimash , Enraged, rush- ing to battle. A Jlco-l ihlimul , A burden ; pati- ence. Suspicion. Danger. a ihtizcu, Containing. Enjoy- ing. Collecting. A -.L^s-1 ihtiyaj, Indigence. a ihtiyat , Care, scrupulous- ness. a ihtiydtan, Cautiously, carefully. a JL^sJ ibliyal , Frauds art, deceit. a |*Lsr*“i ihjam, Receding from an agreement. a ahjan , Crooked, hawk- nosed. a abjure, An enigma. a abaci, One. a ihclas, An invention. a (-5^' ahda ’, One. (femin) a ahadiyat, Unity, Concord. abdab, Hump backed. J.Xs.-! ahdul, Paitial. Crooked. *> a ahazz, Thin, small. a ihzar, Care, caution. a ahrar , The free. Sallad. A j\ j>-\ ihraz, Obtaining a reward. a Arab, Burning. 12 u.r a ahram , Sacred places. Ille- gal. Interdiction. a ahrash , An asper. The mange. a ihrinjam , Tumultuous. a ahirrun , Stony countries. a uhfii, A species of saffron. ahiam , Thick, rugged. -\ ahzdn, Care,' grief. a 0»L>I ifysasj Perception, sight. a ihsun, A benefit, gift, cour- tesy. a Is- — ihsinld, Inheritance, pos- session. a alisha, Bowels. Guards. ihshdsh, Foddering. a ah ass , Having thin hair, few feathers. Parched. a Las-4 ihsd, Numeration. Writing. Ordering. Power. a jLa>4 ihsar, Besieging, enclosing, forbidding. a ^Li&4 iliiar , Producing, present- ing, citing. a ah lab, Fire-wood. Very lean. a ihhar , Holding in contempt. a i_-iL=4 alihuf, Hills of sand. a jtlib>4 ih/tdl, Knowing, acting properly. a ahkdb , A wild ass. a Ls>4 ihld, Tying firm, pulling tight. a jLs>4 thldl, Confused, perplexed.,, a pLs-4 ihlam, Fortifying. Com- pleting. Strengthening. a ah iam u l hdlimbi , The judge of judges. a ahall, Feeble In the legs. Buying oil'. a )L»-i ih Id, Becoming sweet. Re- leased. Anointing weak eyes. a ihldbut, Assisting in milk- ing; milk ng. a ,*^..>4 ikldm. Dreaming. Ihlum, Mild: corrupted. a **4 ahamm , Black. Near. i ' a y*c-4 aJimar. Red. Barbarous A new path. a jas>-\ ahmaz, Pricked, tart (wine). a ahmas, Strong, constant. Barren. a ahmal , Foolish, stupid. a l AAa-1 ahnaf , Bow-legged. a ^^s-4 ahna’ , Crook backed. a ahwa'zi, Alert, agile, ready. a jys>\ aliwar, Intellect. a ihwari , Having a soft and shining skin. a ahzca'ii , Nimble, swift. a ahivas, Bold, undaunted. a Lj»4 ahzcat , Tying round. . a ahnal, Blind ofaneye. Sly. a Lu>4 ihiciKd , Of a ruby colour. a alma,’, Black, dusky. a L*4 uhjjd, The living. Tribes. Deserts. Ihgd, Reviving. a liLa»4 ahydndn , Sometimes. Ac- cidentally. a w ahyaf, A country where it does not rain. p i! akh, Ah! a sigh. A creator. A ^\akh, A brother. Fly! Ah! alas! a ,_'U4 ikhdz , Stagnant water, pool, ditch. Taking possession. a ioU' iklidial , A pool. Copyhold. A handle. Accepting, p jli 1 dkhdr , Thrown away. [ p JL>4 dkhdl, Any kind of rubbish. 13 a ikhdlat , Dubious, believing. v .. ,JcJU- 1 dkhunidan, To cause to draw. a ikhatcal, Showing one’s self a brother. a lo4 ikhbd , Extinguishing. Pch- tents. a ikhbds, Corrupting, vitiat- ing. a uklit, A sister, female friend. Equal. Congenial. a -J ukhtaj , A feudatory vassal to another sovereign. a ikh/itum, End, completion, conclusion. a ikhtilam , Employment as a servant. p _/.»! akhtar , A star. Good fortune. A flag. a \j^>\ ikhtird. Honour, reputation. a ikh/irat , Inventing. Con- trivance, artifice. a ikhlirdt , Tearing. Pervad- ing. Patching. a ikhtisar , Abridging, abridg- ment. a ikhtisas, Friendship. Fa- vour, respect. Peculiar. a ikhlisam, Enmity, debate, quarrelling. a ikhtisar , Cutting down any thing green. a < ikhtitaf , Seizing, carrying off by force. a ikhlifd, Withdrawing, con- cealing one’s self. Ashamed. a ikhliias , Seizing, snatching. a ikhtilat , Confusion, mixture. Intercourse. Friendship. a < ikhlilaf, Discord, contrast. Contradiction. Fals hood. a ikhtildl, Confusion. Disor- der, tumult. p iikhlan , To draw. To hang, suspend. To lead. To play, r akhtaJi, Drawn. Trained. A gelding. a ikh/iyir, Election, choice, power. a JL:e=d ikhtiyul , Strutting. a ikhtiyan, Deceiving, be- traying. a akhsam , Flat-nosed. r 4a — sH akhjaslah , The threshold. A purple flower. a L_i_V>d akhdab , A tall slim fellow. A fool. a jSs~\ akhdur , Dark (night). a ukhdud, A furrow. (A blow) cutting the skin. a akhz, Receiving, taking. Ha- bit. Equal. Punishment. akhi'zal , Rigidity. a dkhar, Another, a second. a 1 dkhir , Last. The end. p akhar , A bason, reservoir. Yes, surely! a j>-\ ikhrdj , Producing. Rushing. Expending. A jfj^ikhrdi, Astonishing. Tearing to pieces. Discouraging. r dkhirbin , Provident, be- holding the end. A C-> j=^\ dkhirat, Posterior, last. Life eternal. a i^a-l dkhiratan, In fine, at length. a dkhraj, Variegated. a akhras, Dumb. Silent. Thick (milk). a akhral, Dull, sluggish. Pierced in the ear, and mangled. kU p CJj>\ akharat , A small stable or stall. a akhrarn , Having the lips chapt. Pierced (the ear, 8cc.) a 1 akrinmas , Silence. a 1 ukh.ru/, A walnut. A ahharuna, Others. Posterity. a akharuyi , Relating to ano- ther world. a ilchriyan , At length, the end. f akhriydn, A stupid fellow. Household furniture. a ikhril. Peeled. Turned. •v a akhrin , The last, Posterity. ¥ i-1 ukhaslah , A threshold. A akhsar, Expending. Suffer- ing loss. p akhsamdh , Barley or rice water. p akhash (or Price, value. a akhshab, Harsh. Wootlen. Impudent. Horrible. a y__ o-'.-Ll akhshaf, Mangy. Rugged, p akhshanj , Adverse. a akhsaf, Variegated. a jLiM akh'iur , Verdure. a akh'iar, Green. a a k hint, Humble, submis- sive. Obedient. a Jb^\ikhtar, Remembering. Proud. a c— akhfab, Of a russet brown. a i, qUc! aklitaf , Seizing. a Jlai-l akh'nl, Flap-eared. A hy- ena. Foolishly talkative. a ^>-\ akhlatn, Having a long nose. a ikhfa, Concealment, hiding. A akhfuj , A trembling in the limbs. 4 A fire-brand, spark of fire. Ashes. p J>S*\ akhgar, Charcoal, p Jo.CCi- 1 akhala!;and, A child’s rat- tle, a timbrel. p akhkul , Long-headed. Ear of corn. Chaff. a akh!;am, The rim. A fillet, r wreath. p akh/amr, The crupper of a horse. r akhkubah , A button-hole or loop. p akhiur, A wild pear. Un- ripe. A button-hole, p akh/tuiah , As above. A shuttle. A button. r akhfuish , Unripe fruit. p akhtun, A button-hole, loop, a button. a ikhlds, Candour, piety, truth. Friendship. a ikhlaf , Depravity, corrup- tion. Opposition. a akhlaf, Foolish. Mending. a ukhlij , An excellent swift horse. a akhmar , Drunk, intoxicated. a ij-* akhmas , Hard. Devout. Strenuous. a L— *©4 akhmisa (or-!), Brotherly, friendly. a akhica ■>, Having a loose belly. r jy>- 1 akhur , A stable. Litter. A cistern. A bathing-vessel. a iykl akhur- , Growing sour. a akhzcas , Dimness of sight. a Jjyk’ akhica (■, One-eyed. Deep, f ^,yk' akhun , A theologian, a preacher. A brother, p Jkjys-1 akhund , A tutor. a akhaxDt , Brotherly, sisterly. a ^k) «M7, My brother. a akhydr , Good, the best. a j\ acinar, Perishing, ruined, careless. a adjan, Cloudy, dark, rainy. a adjais , Hairy, having intan- gled hair. r adakh , Good, elegant. Alti- tude. a jU-j! idkhdr, Villifying. a idkhdl , Introducing, enter- ing. A j\ adkhal , Interior, familiar. a jJ>\ adar , The rupture. a j\jS\ idrdr , Agitating. Giving, p idrdr , Cloth sufficient to make a garment. p idrdri , A pension, tribute, revenue. Complement. A i, ~ ( ^ idrai, Comprehension, genius. Adrak , Punishments, p adram , A packing-needle. p adarat or udrat, The rupture. a a,; -J J\ adrujjat , The step of a lad- der. p udarakhish, Lightning, p adarshukh , A pickle, v udurfty A swinging bed ; a swing. a a adram. Fleshy. Toothless. I ^ p i — Ti adarang , Grief, sorrow. A adrazen , A manger. p ar/us, Name of a grain. a adsam , Ash-coloured. A lejl at/^a, Causing adoption. A Icj' idditd , Pretension. Inviting. Wishing. Asking blessing. a -r-.sl adtab, Foolish. adtffj, Blackman. a udtuwal, An enigma. A p A A A A A A A P A A A P P P P P P P A A A P P P P A adghur , A summer-house. u-Jw'' atii//’, A brother’s son. adfdn, hid, covered, o-'l adfa, A large tree. An eagle. ada!:chah , A cover, wrap- per. adlat, Vehement, keen. ad' an. Blackish. Cil>' adat;/;, Broad-backed. Level, tdfa, Throwing, letting down. cuUarn, Swarthy, blackish. Tawny. adam , A ruby. I*jl dda/n, Man, mankind. idmdn , Exercise, practice. ada/naf, The skin, membrane. dda/n gari, Humanity, va- lour. adami, Human. Brown, dusky. jl\ d'zarbu , Name of a red flower; also its root. p 1 dzarkhash , Thunder; a thunder-stone. r dzaras, A salamander, p t— w,j| dzarshab, The angel of fire. Fire, lightning. r t I dzarkushb, A worship- per of fire. p (tzar skin, A salamander, p 1 azarlu, The leaves of the camomile. p I dzariish, A fire-worship- per. . UijjS T dzarrang, Bright, red. Confused. Difficult. Vexation. p dzarnosh, A place where they worship fire. a izra^, Talkativeness. Em- bracing. Measuring, p azram , Equity. Respect. Courtesy. Dignity. Proving. r ' dzarin, A canopy. T diaryiin, Red, flame-co- leured. a i'ztdn , Obedience. Intellect. a az/ar, Praises of God. a Jibl izldtl, Contempt, misery. Mode, state. a (Jtlj) allak, Pointed. Eloquent. a jj\ uin, An ear. A handle. Leave. a firmness. The residue. Ashes. a j\ urd, Flour. Ard, The 25th of the Persian month, p urdd-a , Unbelieving. a i jljil trJrt/1, Riding behind. p dr daw, A demon, evil genius, p IjJ.I drdbu , A kind of pottage. a irdabbat , An aqueduct, p j«a J,' ardabur, A kind of green co- lour. p ardabahisht , The 2nd Persian month, April. The third of the month. pj-jJ;1 drdbii, A sieve, searce, boulter. p a/v/y, Juniper. p ardajun , Certain figures in astrolosv. p drdah alah , A kind of milk- pottage. p drddulah, A beautiful green colour. (Strong lion, milk and flour). A king’s name. a ardam, A skilful seaman, p drdan, A strainer. Raw silk. The oxyacanth. A fruit. a ardanj, Black leather. Vi- triol. p w/'cfw, A camp, p ardzedn, (or j,(), (Strong guard). A prince’s name, p Sdj\ drdah , A mill-stone. A mill. Flour. A kind of gruel, p drdahdlah. Milk-pottage. p drdinah, A kind of gruel. a jj\ arz, The pine, cedar, pitch, ju- niper. Aril, Contracting. A 20 LrJ rjj\arz , Price. Quantity .'Esteem. a jj\ ariiz, {jj rvizz ) , Ric^. a Jjljjl ariah, Riches, effects, move- ables. a irzcitn, Murmur, rattle, p ar'idn, Of small value, p aridrudan , To be of value. To be bought cheap, r ariayanidan , To render valuable To make cheap. a frz«£>, Short, compressed. a irzabbat , A large mallet. a ij^d (trial, Cedar, pine. A lynx, r arzish, Price, value, 8cc. of it. a L ‘ijj\arzal: , Azure, cerulean, p arian, Millet. A name of a hard tree. Stars, sparks, p tyO ijl arlanin , Bread made of millet- p jJjl arid, Desire, will, love, p driunmnd, Desirous, eager, fond, avaricious, wishful, p drzumandi, Desire, wish, p ar'iir (or yjj\ driiz J, Tin, lead. AjJjjWrziz, A trembling. Hoar- frost. Small hail, sleet, p ; J\ arzish, Price, value, esteem, p ariidan, To be worth. r arjan, A species of bitter almond. p ^j\ aras , The juniper tree. a aras, The bank of a river. Ars , Ploughing. A Lid irsd, Firm. Fixing. Land- ing at a port. a c-jLod irsab, Having sunk eyes. a ^Lud arsagh, The footlock joints, v JUd irsdl, An embassy, expedi- tion, dispatching. p y ' ui'asl , The upper part of pack-saddles. Plump (hips). p J\ arrs(u, A domestic swallow. Swallow-wort. a a r salt, Meager. Deformed, ugly (woman). p arsldn , A lion. A surname. p arson, An assembly, com- pany, congregation. a ~ij\ arsusat, A cap, hat, bonnet. a arsa’ , May God confirm. a iyj\ arsh, A mulct; an expiation. Quarrel. A bribe. Instigation. p arish, A measure. The warp of cloth. * a jlid irshdd, Directing, convert- ing. Guiding. Ordering. a arshak, A soporific herb. p arshan, A cloud. a ^oj\ arass, Having the thigh* close. Having the teeth shut. a J^>J\ arsdd, Observations. a L>yaj\ arsusat, A cap in the form of a melon. a ^joJ\ ari, The earth. Low. Rheum. Tremor. Country, region. a Usd ir'id, Satisfying, gratifying. a j\ aria , A bitter tree, p artayun , Intelligent, sly. a J.^,1 Area/, Foolisli. A weak plant. a artan, Loose, lanquid. a artfisut , A stoue in or near a well, on which they sit. p aragh, An apricot, a full nut. u drugh , Belching. p arghdb, The bank of a river. p _Uy arghaj , Yam, the woof. a 3 irghdd, A windlas, capstan. a ^Uy arghdmun , A web in the eye. a arghSmunt, The wild anemone. a arghaj, Bind- weed, p A long thread. r ^srj' arghachi, A long rope, p Jii,' arghad , More or most plea- sant. Arghada , God grant, p arghadah, Covetous. Atten- tive. Savage. Confused. a Ji,) arghal, An easy, agreeable life. p arghamj , A long thread. p c_«fi arghamchi , A long rope. p arghan, A musical organ. A virgin unblemished, p arghanj , A long thread, p Aiiy arghand, Covetous. Intrepid. Testy. Desirous. p iAa^y arghandah , The same : drunkenness. p arghan!;, A slop, library. Brothel, seraglio. p arghanun , A song, p arghauun, A tree. A flower; reed. p arghamuni , Red, purple, p arghua, A musical organ. A wild horse. p / arghidan , To quarrel. To become hard, to wax dry. a i_i ,1 «/-q/", Land-marks, boundaries. a liy w/a, Bringing, drawing near. a _'li y irjdd, Assisting one another. a irfash, Luxury, intemper- ance. a ^Uy arfdgh , Plain, level ground. a *Uy irfiih, Enjoyment. Bestowing affluence : cherishing. a is J\ urfat , A boundary, land-mark. A knot. a Jiy arfed, Dressing or doing awk- wardly. p Jj J\ ark, A canal. Aral;, sleepless. a Uy irka, Causing tears, perspira- tion, See. p yliy arkdlu, A sort of long shirt or shift. a i j'j>y irftdf, Tremor, trembling, terror. a arkam, Books, writings. a J\ irhdy Supplying with meat and drink. A arbdb, Timid birds. Irhdb, Frightening (camels). a —\ij\ irldj, Raising (dust). Rain- ing much. Smoky (house). A irhas , Building. Propping. Lame. Bestowing. A trbd f, Making thin, shar- pening a sword. a ir/idk, Bringing near. Com- pelling. Troubled: dilatory. a aLsO irhdm, Pledging. Estab- lishing. Burying tlte dead, p irhad , A species of grain. a ar/iam , Belter watered. r — _ p ^-,1 dri, (ory), Yes, so also. A bee. a try, A stable ; a manger. Ary , (A bee) making honey. Binding. a dry of, Planted, improved. a i irib , Intelligent, cunning. a cU.' j\ aribal, A large kettle. a .£ J\ arij, Diffusing odours, p Joy arid barid, A kind of drug like a cut onion. a. j)'j\ arir, A shout of victory, noise. a jjJ\ ariz, Frost, hoar-frost, rime. a a/75, A ploughman. A chief. a ansi, A ploughman, p yL> j\ arish, The warp of cloth. a \ ariz, Broad. Worthy. Pure. a \£jj\ aril, Begetting no children, p arigh, Aversion, abhorrence. Hatred. a aril, A throne, sopha. p C/r-' arilah , nashin, Sitting on a throne. a arifrat, Health, healing. A throne, alcove, sopha, a y j\ (trim, One, any one. p jl di, Desire, love. Avarice, p \\ dz, From, of, for, by, out of, with, a j\ A bear. a j\ dzz, Shaking. Burning. Fire, Power. Pulse. Mixture. a \j\ did, Supporting life. A situa- tion. A canal. A cause, prop. a st\j\ didhu. From his country, p u_>'jl dzdb, A baclielor. A re- cruit. p didbistun, New levies. p Jj\ dzud, Free. Noble. Innocent. A maid. p tfjljl dzddah. Free, without care. Excellent, liberal, noble, p ((.did, Liberty. Praise. p j)jl dzdr, Trouble, sickness. Chiding, affronting, p a j\j\ tzar, A veil : covering. A woman. Chastity. A sheep, p i 1 azdr dan, To hurt, offend. Oppress, vex, injury, p 1 aiarish, Molestation, p Jo^< , \j 1 dzannand, A sick or in- firm person. p diari, Like azdr; also Sick, Insolent. a jlj' aiaz, A bubbling noise, p nzagh, Any thing black and viscous inside. a cj-JM izdlaf. Removing. Causing to efface. Recovery, cure, p Jc^c'jl diamond, A miser, covetous person. p ^ Jl dz an, Without honour. {JJfclj! azahil, A fleet horse, p 1 uzayish, A trial, proof, probation. A A diib, Illiberal. Tall. Tib, Short, contemptible. a L-jj\ a'iabb, Hairy. Luxuriant. a [} j\ aiyuf, dipt or bad monies. a L- ^\\ diyub, Alacrity. Cheerful. Terror. A bastard. Water, p \jij\ diird, (for ) ^ j) , Because, p Sj>j\ ait ra/i, A mattock, beetle, smith’s hammer. a y)j\ diTi, A thundering, crashing. Thunder. Frigid. Rapidity. a diayt, A sign, flag. A di- rection-post, a mile-stone. a «_> ;) adgh, Aversion. A saddle d** > ® cover. Loathing. a diyam , (A camel) having no voice. p j\ ajfil , The medlar-tree and fruit. P cJW ajSani A slip- Lazy, dull, p \ ajgahdn, Like the foregoing: also vain, false. p t£J\ djunj, Rheums about the eyes, p jJj't djand , Plaster. Crooked. Muffled. A frown. More, p ' Sjj 1 djanddnidan , To cause to sew. p ts&jj\ ajandah, Bruised, brayed. Perforated. Excavated, p 1 djandan , To prick, dig, sew, file, fold, understand. p djan(t, A wrinkle, frown. Hatred. An image, p &jj\ ajanah , A fore-tooth. A loose tooth. * 1 ajanah liar dan, ( Sterner e lectum). To cover the table. p jjJ\ ujur, Ingenious, perfect. Lazy. p ^jjl djugh, Mouldiness, hoariness. F roth. p 1 ajunah , Contrary, inversely, p t^l ajhan, Lazy, idle. A trifle. ' p Gummy exsudations from the eyes. p Jj t djir, Intelligent, learned, shrewd. Swift. A kettle. Boil- ing. Pious; chaste; a virgin, p ^1 as, Soft, tender. A mill- stone. Hairy. Pointed. a 055, A basis. The heart. The beginning. p Lit 050, Gaping, yawning, stretch, ing. A U 050, Curing. Making peace. A medicine. a asa-at, An offence, crime, sin. a itjU isddut , A cushion, pillow. a ,_£iAA Assadi , One of the tribe of Assad. a jL.1 75or, Binding, captivity. Tak- ing prisoner. A chain. a isdral , A leathern belt or girdle. a jjj .LA asarun, Wild spikenard, asarum. A ^ 1 asds, A foundation, basis. a asdsanu , A wild strawberry. a La — cLA isdtal , Proposing. Caus- ing to observe. Letting loose. a uJLA asaf, Name of an ancient idol of the pagan Arabians. a XsLA asdfat, Grief, pain, servitude, clientship. a ALA as [dial, Projecting, promi- nent. a ALA isdlah , Diffusing. Granting, consenting. a Ac LA asdmut , A lion. h 0500ti, A defendant, debtor, p UL7 77500, Easy, commodious, convenient. p <_iLl 7750777, Facility, case. a C^jLA usdzeat , Medicine, the me- dical art. a ,jr.U asazei, Grieving, sad. p 05 7/ y , Like. Ease, quiet, r ^JcjLLl dsdydtmdan , To pacify. To praise. To lift up. p (JjLl dsdyish, Ease, rest, repose, leisure. p uJu.;U dsdyidan. To rest, to cease. | p i_-vA asb (or i_~A asp), A horse. 27 p c— -G isb , An effort. A nail, claw, hoof. a isb , The fundament, pubes. a isbat , Completing, finishing, p asbaldn , The seed of the wild rue. a asabjanah , A foal. A wild ass. a asbut, A week, p wl/L'U-jl ispana'i , Spinnage. p isparad, Coagulated, curdled. Jelly. ’ p as parish, Complete. Per- fection. p »i irpargham, Name of an herb, p isparit , A dying herb. p asparud , A species of aquatic bird. p ispart, Complete, entire. Perfection. p as parts, A race-course, p --cl usjpus, A louse, A small worm. p -.jl usptisl, Trefoil, clover, p A ispaghul, Seed of flea-wort. The water-lily. Glue, p aspalak, Whistling, p aspah, A colt under one year old. p JU-1 isped, White, p ispedbd, A kind of broth. p asp* The Hippopo- tamus. p aspayush , Indigestion. p -1 isi, The buttocks, hips. a ast, Former ages, eternity. p ast or b-G astd, Praise. Istd, Supine. Naked. Falling (wTall). p U-J Ustd , (Avasla), A commen- tary. a b~J istd, The warp in the loom. Languid. p :! isldkh, Impudent, bold. A drinking-vessel. 9 p jb-i! ustdd, A master. An artifi- cer. Ingenious, celebrated, p JjbwG istdddrudan, To fix, make to stand. p ^jTjb-J ustadgt, A trade. Mas- tership. * p istddan , To stand, stop, dwell. p ,_cjb— ustddi, An art, trade, workmanship. Pjb^J aslur ( or Lining. A mule. p ,b— G isldrjah , A spark of fire.- p isldrah , A star, p i Jcjb— :\ istdiandah , A book ascribed to Abraham. a ,__}b-J astaf, Scented. a istdius, A kind of long sea-crab. p j> bwi\ ustdgar, A master, a skilful artist. 1 p *b»G usldm, Faith. A prop, pillar. A prince, patron. p ^.b— d astan, A threshold. A royal palace. p 0,A:bJ istdndan, To stand. To take, accept. To bear, bring forth. a i_£'b— J istdnif, Beginning, renew- ing. a -bc^J istibdhal , Indulging. a ibb^-G istibd^at. Exposing to sale. Buying. p ^b c~J\islabdn, Seed of the wild rue. a istibdad, Despotism, usurp, ation. Obstinacy. 58 a istibdaly Changing, desir- ing to change. p islabar , Great, thick. A weight of 4000 drams. a \jC-J\istibrd. Discharged, released, purified. p U To produce, to ex- hibit. a jj istabra/i , A thick shot satin. a islibshar , Instructing. a istibsdr , Looking closely. Examining, considering. a islibta , Delaying, expecting. Dull, lazy. p To preserve, keep entire. a islislal, Oppression, im- portunity. a UiCw.4 islisndy Exception, distinc- tion. Praise. a istijab. To be worthy, p istijdbal , Receiving a petition. Consenting. a istijarah, Hiring. Asking assistance. a ijls?**-'! islijaiah. Asking leave. a istijluby Attraction. a cLa-s^I is/ijmdt , Convened, as- sembled. a ijlsiM istikaiak, Declining, shun- ning, flying from. r JlsiM To be impossible, to be absurd. a islihbdb , Contracting friendship, loving a isfthsdn, Approving, praising. a i islihsdfy Confirmed. A stitch. Adversity. a (JLa^wl islihsal , Acquiring, col- lecting. a Calling, citing, summon- ing. a islihfai , Remembering. Guarding. A^l&sr**^ islihkdr , Despising, villi- fying. a islih/td/;, Merit, capacity, genius. a islihl-dn , Prescribing a clyster. a isli/i/dm, Strength, de- fence, securing, promoting. a iLs*"! istihld , Happening, agree- ably, agreeable. Dressing. a i ixtihldfy Adjuring, swear- ing solemnly. a Jilsj — i istihldl , Holding or making lawful. A JUc-1 istihmal , Toleration. Pa- tience. Resignation. a istihmdm , Washing the body, bathing. a L-sr*d istihyd , Blushing. Letting live. Modesty. A as lakh, A goat. a istikhar , Praying for suc- cess, petitioning. a jL-sr~'| istikhbar, Interrogating, desiring advice. a istikhddm , Employing. Asking employment. h ysr'“)l islakhr , A lake, pool, ditch. a istikhraj , Extracting. Choosing. Expelling. a i jUsrH is/ikhfdf, , Despising. Diminishing. a istikhlusy Liberating. Pure. Purity, integrity. 29 A i islikhlaf, Leaving pos- terity. Leaving behind, p uslukh’dn, A bone, kernel. Furniture. Skeleton. a > } .U istiddrah, Surrounding. Round, circular. a istiddrak, Comprehen- sion, penetration. a istiddmat , Assiduity. Steady, eternal. a 1 islitrab , Speaking badly, mixing unskilfully two languages. a 1 isliisar, Apology, excus- ing. a is/aLfa, Desiring the male. Begging. a 4 istiijaf. , Conciliating, insinuating. a p\lax^\isUL.idm, Becoming proud. Admiring. Respect. a U.)C— 4 islitfd , Asking pardon. a < jUjeJ istitfaf , Abstaining, re- straining one’s self. 31 a isti^la, Superiority, desiring promotion. isiitfaj, Curing, seeking a cure. a istiUdm , Asking advice, or news. a isjifjun , Divulged, made public. a JLjc-J istitmal, Use, usage, custom. a isiit&n, Practising. Asking charity. a istighasah , Calling for help. a istighrab, Admiration, amazement, wonder. a istighrak, Immerged. En- grossed. Contemplation. a islighfar, Repentance, de- precation. a Lxwl islighna, Acquiescing, con- tented. Affected, ceremonious. a istaghah , Pregnant. a Sjlib-J istifadal , Profit, fruit. Giving. Pointing out. a istifaiat , Profusion. Re- vealing. Flowing. Dying, p istifaianah, Profusely, &c. a istifdn, A wreath. A net. tie, thorn, pointed stake. a istifaiat , Recovering from Superior. p islafbah , A pregnant woman, (or animal). Satan. a Consulting (a learned man). a (stiff dk , Asking assistance. Demandingsurrender. Conquering. A islifdah, Finding a thing difficult or intricate. a istifrdd , Solitary, fond of solitude, singular. a istifrdr, Absconding, flight. a istifragh , Vomiting, re- jecting. Straining every nerve. a j\ — o— d isjifsar, Asking explana- tion, enquiring. a ;) islifhdm, An interroga- tion. p ist/fi/i, A pregnant woman (or animal). a istikalat , Wishing to speak or to cancel a contract. a istit-dmat , Rectitude, truth, religion. p istikbah , Detesting, hating. a istilbdl , Futurity. Oppo- sition, meeting. a istUbdl't , Belonging to fu- turity. a istikddm , Preceding, ex- celling, emulous. a 1 is t Ur a, Following, travelling. Straining. a j\ istUrar , Confirmation, stop- ping, resting. a istihrai , Borrowing, ask- ing to lend. a istiksam , Demanding one’s portion. Swearing. a Laiii— •! istiksa, Curiosity, eager search. Earnest prying. a isliksar, Diminishing, ab- breviating. a istiksds, Fining. Desir- ing to retaliate. A UuJ istikia, Demanding pay- ment judicially. a jlku-c) isliktar , Distilling, drop- ping, raining. 32 CUj A istiklal, Sovereign authority. Independence. Despotism. a islihanat , Submission, humility. a jLob— istihbar , Arrogance, pre- sumption, pride. a istiktdm, Keeping or desir- ing one to keep a secret. a islifsar , Increasing, asking much. Adding. A ,\JzJ islikrah , Abhorrence. Hating. Abomination. A islihhaf , Discovered, cleared up. A JU^ -j! istihmal , Completion, wishing finished. a jjLxs— istiknan , Concealed, hid. covered up. a islilu, Boiling, melting, puri- fying (butter, &c.). a e_d)b-yc! istildb , Seizing, ravishing, plundering. a :! istiluh , Language, idiom. Phrase. a islila^, Asking information. Enquiry. A Jlbw! islila/, Drawing (a sword, 8cc). a istilam , Submitting, assent- ing. a istilanal , Soothing, using gently. a :l istilzat, Delight. a jIaL— islilzdz, Deeming elegant. Pleased. Tasting. a istilidm, Necessity. Mak- ing necessary. a islilka, Supine. Facing an- other. Wishing to see. a is! Hum, Trouble. A isltmat, Listening, hear- ing. a istimulat. Caressing, en- couraging. Comforting. a islimtat , Enjoying, de- lighted. Reaping the fruit. a istimddd, Asking aid. Extension. A J' islimrur, Perseverance. Departure. a :! istimzaj, Sounding the disposition. a •( istimhal. Asking a delay, wishing opportunity. a islindd, Leaning against. Stopping. Wishing proof. a islind-tstl. Preceding. Inventing. a islinbd, Enquiry, informing one’s self. A istinbal , Extracting (from the Alcoran). a islintdl Leading, preced- ing. a Ur-**-) islinja, Removing. Wash- ing, cleaning. a istinjus, Leading forth against, attacking. a istinjdh, Wishing for success. a istinjad, Asking aid, or protection. Recovering. a l istinsa , Desiring to wait, asking a delay. a isjinsdkh , Copying. Eras- ing. Correcting. a islinshdk , Snuffing up the air, 8cc. a .) islinsdr , Asking, succour. Protected. 33 A istiriiur , Begging delay. Wishing to see. it l inf dr, Running away terrified. a istinkds, Cheapening. Mistaking. a yxi-jl istinlah , Marrying, desi- rous of marriage. r 7&S.J istinkar , Refusing to ac- knowledge. a t istinkaf. , Declining, re- jecting. Blushing. a istinhai , Exciting, rousing. a istizca, Equal, parallel. Pre- vailing. Stopping, r usfuzcdr, Firm, brave, for- tified. p , usluzcdri, Firmness, stabi- lity, strength. p ustuxcdn, Firm, strong, secure, compact, solid, p usluzranah, A cylinder, p uslubaj , Ceruse, white lead. a isfizca Equality. Being parallel. p ttt/ur, A horse, any beast of burthen. p isturmun. An ostrich, p 4 ustum , A bullrush. p ast un. A column, a beam. A kinsman. p d ast ah, A kernel, stone of* fruit. a istihal. Flux, flowing, p islakrush, The bone- breaker (a kind of eagle). a 4 istih'ia , Derision, joke, jest. A •' istihlak , Ruining. Wish- ing ruin. A islihlal , Glad. Giving the first cry (an infant)-. Drawing (a sword) . Appearing (as the new moon) Flowing (tears, See.), p 1 as/i , A heap. The sleeve of a garment. istisak, Strength, firmness. a ^rr~4 usfij, A weaver’s shuttle. a i-jlsrrr**'! ispjab , Worthy, deserv- ing. Approval. a islgar , Hiring, renting. a j' -V~—4 istidad , Covering, being instructed. p 4 istidan , To stand. To be- gin. A beginning, p iJk-5-J isjidah. Standing, See. a istizan, To ask leave, li- berty, dismission. p^-j— •• ' is/ir, Lining of a garment, p iuj— 4 islnah , Contumacious. a 4 "...4 islisar, Easy, in good train, well arranged, obtainable. a La-X-4 islisd, Making a will. a Jl.-.:— 4 isjisal. Destroying, era- dicating. a istitdn, Dwelling, residing. a isli-^db, Asking. Tak- ing. Destroying. a istidad, Fearing, appre- hending. a li-2— 4 istifa, Paying or receiving the whole. Warning. a isiikad, Kindling, lighting (fire). a istilai , Watching, awaken, ing. a isjild , Victory, dominion, power, authority. p jfc-i-sl asfim, A sleeve. Sheath. Lining. p (J-i-jl as/i/, Half a pound. Six dirhems. F I jJl 34 a islmar, Consulting, deli- berating. A isfimun , Begging protec- tion, quarter. Taking refuge. p as fin, A sleeve. A istmas , Familiarity. Sympathy. A istihab , Asking in a pre- sent. a isjah, Pardoning, acquitting, soothing. A jlsrM asjud, Tribute. Af^ •“I asjah , Fine, well propor- tioned (face)- A as jam, Dry in the mouth (a camel). A CX-'lsr) ishat, Destroying, extir- pating. a asham, Black. A horn. The nipple. A cloud. A bottle. A J\'^\ ushuuan, A glutton. A asad, A lion. The sign Leo. A xJ\ asadd, Going the right way to work. A isddf, Unveiling. Open, ing. Showing light (as the aurora). Growing dark (night) . Sleeping. A jfJwct asidat, An enclosure. Trained to hunting. A asdaf, Black. A JaJ asdal, Pendulous, dangling. A asdi, A kind of cloth or garment. A jJ asr , Taking prisoner, binding Fetters, l orm, stature. A j\j~.\isriir. Concealing, discovering. a isriif, Prodigality. Ruin. v isruUdun , To surround, involve. a c_> usrub , Lead. a usraf, An impenetrable coat of mail. A fortress. Kindred. a u?.rufi head, p >£j~>\isranj, Cinnabar, vermillion, red lead. a IjoyJ isrindd , Oppressed. Supe- rior, overbearing. a ms/u£, A kind of worm among pot-herbs. a SyJ\ asro/i, The vowel point k as. rah, (J or i short. P i) asrish, A course or place for exercise. a asa/t, Having long feet. Beard- less. a ijlkJ isjarat, A fable, any thing trifling. a --1 usfumm, The sea. A place where bees swarm. Right. Noble. a XiUk-j! usluvcdnah, A column. A portico. a i .JaJ us f arab, A fable. Story. a isjun, A carrot, having a long neck. a jUJ isiiid, Making happy, bless- ing. aiding, favouring. a (__• a--' istdf, Promoting or finish- ing business. a jtJ\ is tar. Lean. Angry, furi- ous. 35 A at t'f, (a camel) scabby mouthed. r B±i~:\ asghadafy, A firebrand. a t_aJ as if, Anger, vexation. a jU«J isfdr, Dawning. Bald, f -.liUJ isfanaj, Spinnage. A Clover, trefoil. a is Ji{ an , A thorn, prickle. * Aii-ji asuftah , A rag somewhat burnt. A fire-brand, r asfadeh , A duty of one in forty (in Persia). * ifjit'ojt Asparagus. A isfarud , A large water-fowl. a isfunj, A sponge. A kind of dumpling. r \ asalai, A bull-rush. Any straight tree. The tip, point, &c. a as/at, Cracked in the hoof. Leprous. 3 6 a aslagh, Tough flesh, unfit for cooking. a c-JjLji uslub , Order, means, mea- sure, method, manner, form. a (ijulwil uslufal, The husband of a wife’s sisters. A islih , A species of herb. Froth. A camel’s bunch, A ism, A name, noun, p U-J as ama, Heaven. High. a asmar, Nocturnal assemblies. The myrtle. a ctk-il asma^j The ears. Ismd Hearing. p usmdn , Heaven, the celestial ofb. a asmar, Brown, tawny, dusky. f asmand, A lie. Giddy, con- founded, frightened. a •) asmusd, Marjoram, p \ ashluh , A bitter thorny plant. a ishtihu , Appetite, wish, hunger. Thirsting after. © © a ishlihar, Fame, publication, divulging. p asM, Peace, concord. a ishtiyali , Wish, longing desire. p ushaj, Gum ammoniac, galba- num, assa foetida. A ishja, Strangling, throttling. a ashjar, Abounding in trees. a aslijat , The metacarpal joint. A ish-han , Angry, prone to passion. ashkhar, Lixivium, potash. a |*-sH ashkham , Shining. Barren (soil). Black nosed (an ass), p ishkh’an, Flowering. A graff. A flower. Opulence, power. a ushkhiib, The sound made by milking. p ushkhun , A plant, plant- ation, a herb. A ishkhis, The white ca- melion. a ashiddd , Strong, brave, se. vere. Avaricious. a ashddi, A large mouth. a jJL\ ashar , Exulting. Flashing. Exultation. Ashr, sawing. a \j&\ ashirru , Filling (a dish, &c.) A ishrdb, Drinking, water- ing. Announcing. Tinging. a ishrad, Driving away. a iJ\j, ii\ ishrdrul , A perforated wooden vessel. Dried flesh. a ^\jL) ishras, A kind of glue. a tshrak, Splendour, lustre, beauty. Rising (sun). a (- ishra/t , Participating. Ashrah, Partners. a ashrdn , Exulting with joy. a iLil ishrat , Any thing notched. -cPr* 1 ashardan , To bruise, knead, bake. To wash. a ashras, Depravity, malig- nity. a ishrat, Opening a door. Pointing a spear. p eiySj) ashrafi , The gold mhor of Hindustan. A j\jL\ ish'zar , Twisting a cord wrong ; untwisting. a ishsat , Putting on shoes or sandals. a ishsd, Looking up, fixing the eyes. a ishsds, Going far. Refus- ing. Barren. a Uai) ishta, Shooting forth branches. a ishtan , Removing to a dis- tance. a ishiai , Fastening a sack. a isAfctf, Sorrowful. Attacking an enemy on every quarter. a ishtub , Separated from friends, dying. ashtar , Poesy. Scieuces. Ishtdr, Indicating, advising. A Jbuil ish til, Kindling. Sending towards. Spread about, flowing. 39 a ishtda, Dishevelling the h. ir. Attacking the foe. A ash^as, Dishevelled (hair). Soiled with dust. a jxJ*\ ashlar, Hairy. More intelli- gent. p ,Ui' whghdr, A badger. p ushghur , Ail aquatic bird. An animal like a wolf. a $)*.*-£)! ushgurah, A kind of animal. a ashgha’, Having redundant unequal teeth. An eagle. a U«£it ishfa, On the brink of any thing. Recovering, reaching. a ishfak. Pitying, condoling. Affection. p I dshuftamdan, To con- found, make mad. p ashuflag 1, Perturbation, confusion. Tumult, sedition, p ^ruj»| dshuftan , To disturb, change, become foolish, insane. A j\j1AL\ ishfitrdr , Separation, p a*huk, Gum ammoniac, gal- banura, assa feetida. a ishlah, Going far off. Ri- pening, reddening. a jlLi) ishldz, Driving away, re- pelling. a JjL-w) ishkdkul, A species of wild carrot. p L-XUU-il ishlalting, The leg, shank. a ^-*•1 ashkah, Of a clear bright red. A ripening date. ashlar, Of a fine bright red. a ishkirik , A sigh, sob. p £&>\ ashk, A tear. A drop. Dew. a ishkd , Complaining. Check- ing or causing complaints. a ishkad , Giving, bestowing. p ashlar, Clear, manifest. Clearly, visibly, undisguisedly. a ishkd/dman , A species of herb. a v__>ow' ish’df, Ceasing, rejecting, ashamed. p ashfbur, Lamenting, weep- ing. p ashkarah , A hunter, fowler. A hunting-hawk. a jLt>\ ushkui'i, A girth, belt, sur- cingle. p Ciil ishlaslan, To break, com. press, bruise, strain, p ishkak, A rope, ligament, chain. p ishkal, A fetter. a ish/alal, Mode. Want. Puzzling. p ishkam, The belly, womb. a ishlan, The extremity. What belongs to hunting, p ishkambah, The stomach of beasts. p ishlanj, The ulna. The hand, wrist. p ishlanjah , Torment, torture, question. p ishkandan , To break, crush, oppress, strain. ashlanah , A crack ; musical note ; A sort of bread, p ashf.ub, A balcony, open gallery. p jji. i»l ashlur , The seventh hea- ven. p ushlufah,k vomit, vomitingi A bud. Flourishing 40 i^p\ r I ashgunah, Inverse, reverse. Fear. Absurdly. p AJsJw' ashkuhah , A sigh, a sob. p ^ &1>\ ishki , Vinegar. a as/i/, A measure of about forty cubits. p ashai, A disjointed or paralytic hand. a ashlu, Members of the body, joints. p isham , Breeches. Asham, A crime. p ashamm , High. Aquiline nose. Grave. A d-'U»£)l ishmat , Rejoicing (at the, distress of another). A ishmur, Making one to pro- ceed. a ishrnds, Bright, clear (as when the sun shines). A ishmat. , Giving light. A (JU-i) ishmal , Blowing from the north. Gathering fruit. Giving clothing. Wrapping up one’s self. A ishmum, Perfuming. Walk- ing erect. Diverting from. p L-il i ishnd , A friend, comrade. A swimmer. p ishnuflan, To hear, under- stand. a jLil ashnak, Mulcts (for man- slaughter). A ushndn , The herb alkali, and the ashes made from it. p (J 1^1)1 dshndyi, Knowledge. Friend- ship. Swimming. p ashnab , Having a clean mouth and teeth. a w-ll ashnut, Deformed, ugly, hi- deous. p ushnul, A knot, excrescence, also moss. p ashnud, The 362d day of the year, or 2d of the Epagomena. P 1 ushnusah, Sneezing, p \ asha’, A star on the forehead of a horse. Ashi , Feigning, p LJj 1 dshiyd, A nest. Like, as. )1 dsliiydn , A nest. The blessed in Paradise. A ashyab, White, grey haired, p asfugdh , Secret, a privy. a ashy am, Having a mole or other natural mark. A fish, p dshin , A cook, a baker. a ashyah, Base, shameful. a *«, The root, origin. 41 t-jLsA \c^>\ a ooLtfl is/ibai, Rectitude. Reach. mg, forwarding. Contagion. a jLsl iiuil, A morass, marshy ground. A course. a isar, A tent rope. A Sj LI isaral , Filling with desire. a tiLLI isdlal, Firmness, solidity of judgment. a A*jLI asdbiyah , Attaining. a as bah , Black, inclining to red. a iio-.wl usbuhal , The morning, dawn. a aL^I uslummat , The greater part. A conflux. The middle. a Isf! asihha, Complete, perfect. Right. Unblemished. a as.hab, (An ass) white, inclining to red. a asha /, True, just, right. a jliri as-khad , Basking in the sun. a I.X*s| asda, Black mixed with red. Sounds. a jLv^l isddd , Averting, hindering. Purulent, issuing. a isdar, A production. Pro. ducing. Publishing, issuing. a asddgh , The temples. a asdar, Having a large breast. a asda, Skilful in camel. a jJ\ asr, Returning. Containing. Forcing. Breaking, persuading. a i_ isrdb , Giving, bestowing. war , Perseverance, obstinacy. A wraf, Affinity. Asiral , Good- will. a asram Poor, destitute. A asrumuni , Night and day. is/a/ir, The stater, a coin. a istibar, Patience, toleration. a tLkyj) isfabbut , Hemp, tow, oakum. a isfabil, A stable, stall. a us/ur, A pound troy. a CjTii-l is/urat , A sweet gum called storax. a jjia-rl usturah , A Troy balance. a LLjI is/ifa, Choosing, electing. a isfaflin , A carrot. a ^luil astqfa’, Purity, epithet of Muhammad. a isiifdl, Collision. a LiLL isfildh , An idiom ; a correct style. Correctness. a \ astr , Near, neighbouring, ap- proaching. a J-Mtf! asil, Rooted, firm. Noble. The evening. p iu«l asiyah, A kind of gruel or pottage. aUI aia, A gravelly pond. A marsh. a iia-at , Shining, lightning, kindling. a iUo) dial , Stagnant water; a marsh. A yiU tzaz, A sanctuary for health or safety. a lz— jzL?! iidtfil, Ruining. Having many farms or fields. a iLil iidfat, Addition. Attri- bute. Construction. Setting. &j\j>\ iidfat, Increase; stipend, salary. a ij\j>\ izaft, A relative ; relating to. a fjlei] izdn, Abounding in sheep. a izba. Concealing, retaining, suppressing. Impending. a izbdra.l, A collection of books, a miscellany. a dibat, An ambidexter. A lion. Ajls^) lyar, Being vexed, languid. a iz/afc, Causing to recline. Thrusting down, depressing. a tzjat, A wife-hater. a izjam, Distorted in any mem- ber. a Isrl *"£/*«, (A horse) white or grey. Clear. A festival. a Is?®! i'ifiaj , Making to laugh, jeering. a JJiSr ! uihulat, A ridiculous thing, a jest. a •usr’l izhiyat, (A night) serene, clear, cloudless. a tikhani, Corpulent, fat, big. a =' airah, Removing, averting. Corrupting. Spoiling a sale. A Striking, confound- ing. Silencing. a firdt, Making submissive, humbling. a \s\jJ\ airdf, A quiver. a ■ j*s\ iiram , Inflaming. Being set on fire. A t~rU’ A yellow garment of silk. A high bred horse. a iirird, Having the stomach over-loaded. a yc' aiatZy Ill-natured, passionate. a tifirdb , Agitation, pain. Being poor, defective, acid. a t-firdr , Violence. Despair. Being forced. a <— six-;! ozfja/j Alike, equal. Double. Intervals in a book. a lighd, Forcing one to cry out. a ughagh , Having plenty of provisions. Succulent. a azial, Naked. A azall, Misleading. Deviating, O 0 1 erring. A j-Lsl fzlat, Strong thick. a /";/«/, Causing to err, leading astray, seducing. a uilulat, Error, wandering. a /*o I dim, Anger. Alum, Angry. a j'-wl fimdr , Hiding, concealing. Diligence. A fimain, Joining. a iLcLwl iimdmat, A pile (of books), a crowd, herd, troop. a iimihlul , Vanishing, car. ried o(T. A /■£//«, Fruitful, prolific. Ema- ciating, destroying. a The windings of a river. a \}y-s\ diisaf , Foolish, silly. Having a small jaw. a iihdd, Oppressing, treating cruelly and unjustly. a tz/idl, (A palm) bearing ripe dates. a aiydl, Narrow, confined. a Going in a crooked wry way. a itf (it, Setting at liberty. a Becoming dark (night). a Being severe (to a debtor). a Enslaving. Devotion. a ittibar, Esteem, honour. Confidence. Comparing. a ittidd, Injury. Excess. Prevaricating. Hostility. a J' ittidal, Equity. Propriety. Moderation. Equality. a itiadr, An excuse, apology. a \j-jz\ itfird , An accident, chance. A contagion. \ i^tirai, Opposition, obsta- cle, resistance. Reviewing. a -ji\ itfirdf, Confession, ac- knowledgment. a i itfirai, Compression; an engagement. a J\jz£.\, Excelling, overcoming. a initial, Abdication. Schism, dissenting. a itfizam, Appiication, at- tention, endeavour, resolve. a itlisdf , Oppression, in- jury- a itlisdm , Placing lambs near their dams, a itfisam, Preserving one’s self from sin. a itliiad, Begging aid. Propped. Supported. a jlioa:) itliiad, Faith, confidence, belief. . JUict ittiial, Seizing. Binding. Being bound. Tripping. A t jocLt) i^/ilaf, Restraining. Con- stantly praying. 46 a it/ila , Height, exalted- Ex- alting. Advanced (day). a < ittilaj, Pasturage, pas- turing. A itlilal, Weak, sick. Seek- ing a pretext. Diverting from. a iUimad, Faith. A support. Baptized. a Uijel i^Jina, Prosperity, wealth. A uttubat , Altercation, expos- tulation. a ittiyad, Accustomed. Re- turning. Repetition, receiving. a Causing one ter look down. A Jjlle) i Fertile, abounding in produce. A itsatn , Sewing slightly (a purse) . A itfdn , Smoaking (fire). a itjdj, ( Wind) high. Windy, stormy (day). a itjdi, Disappointment. Im- potence. Wonder. Oppressing. A itjuiaf, Any stuffing, quilt- ing, or hoop for the hips. A i slsf) itjaf , Emaciating, making lean. A Jlsf \ itjdl, Hastening, ripening. A itjamy Speaking or writing Arabic incorrectly. A (jbpM itjan , Going on board a ship. A itjab, Wondering, asto- nished. Pleasing. a at jar y Large. Corpulent. Full (purse). a atjdf, Emaciated. a a^jam, A Persian. A barba- rian. Dumb. Brutish. atjarn, A Persian. A bar- barian, ideot. A ) itzdb, Tormenting. Sweet (water). Preventing. Clearing. a A vagabond, wanderer. wjLcl a^rufy Purgatory. a atraj, Lame, cripple. a atrqf , Crested. •-c) atazz, Dear, esteemed. a atidb , A batchelor, maid. a j\jsS itjaiy Magnificence, honour. A itzan, Dividing and sharing any thing. a atzal, Unarmed. A cloud without rain. a itsab, Running away (the wolf). a itjar, Exacting a debt. Suf- fering pain. Offending. a ttsd/n, Stiff in the joints. Aj c) a^sar, Sinister, left handed. a Li-zl it^hd, Making purblind. Supping, giving supper. a <__'uLc^ iijhdb , Grassy, luxuriant. A i iU-cl itdiaf, Indisposed from indigestion. a jLac) itidd, Bending, twisting (the neck) . a i »Lac( ii.sdf, Stormy. Bearing leaves. Passing swiftly. Killing. a i^sam, Attached. Steady (on horseback). a itsan, Distorted, difficult, intricate (business). 47 a ^a£\ atsaj, Bald on the forehead. a J-itl at.saly Much distorted. Crooked. Bow-legged. OO a atsam, Marked with white. a it!iub, Breaking a horn (a sheep). a iLi=l iZjiah, Accusing falsely. A Jail atflfi , Long. a Iktl it [a, Giving, offering. Tractable, obedient (camel). a c—tllail itfab , Ruining, ilestroying. a ittasht Thirsty (cattle), aljllacl itffzd'z, (God) making strong. a j*Uic! it-uin, Honour, respect. Praising. a ‘ -b»<4 atHabb, Large in body. Sickly. a *c/dy, Stopping the mouth of a vessel. a ciljLc! itfdf, Making one to ab- stain (from tilings forbidden). a Jjl iA itfat, Moving unnecessarily. a atjat , Foolish, heavy. Left-handed. a at, fas, One who greatly exposes himself. a lial at/d, Very bitter. Spitting out what is bitter. a C-jliel at!jdb , Posterity. a fcjlLt) itlad, Thickening. Tying'. a jUi' itkar, Astonishing. Possess- ing much. Atlir, Barrenness. A JjUcl itiak, Making water bitter. Rotting. a Jliul i^iul, Informed. Mid-day shadow. Learning wisdom. a j*uc! i&am , Rendering the womb unfruitful. a ifja, Dead. Thick, bunchy, j i^/dr, Making dirty. Having many camels. Dark. a CJ t£. fo/', Changing the colour of the hair. a ^JA u~J;u , Thick on both sides. Bunchy. Dead. a aijdt, Fixed, unsorted, jmnbled. a JjlUl atldk, Terror. Applying leeches. /t/a/-, Fastening. r ,li|, A slipper. The threshold. p ^lil dghdn, A vessel. p dghdridan, To moisten. Macerated, dissolved. a ^Jjjlil, Common agarick. a jlil aghai , A beginning, com- mencement. p Ijli! dghdzd, A tool, instrument. p ^ li I , Recorded. Accumulated. p ! dghdishtan , To accumulate. a bj! (if lab, The sun. y l .— p dftabgir , A parasol, p ji A valley, channel, hollow. a ifbdj, Deviating, retracting. A medium. An interval. a if hash, Speaking scanda- lously, obscenely. A p\st\ ifham, Silencing. Impeding. A Ai), Making haste, approaching. r Ai I (if ad, A nephew. Jfd, Strange ! A Lvi\ ifdd, Exacting ransom, p jAj * afdar, A nephew. G~:A*) ifdasfd, Praise. Bright. A Ai) afazz , An unfledged bird. a yl afar , Laughing. Growing fat. Running. Assaulting. A ) y) ifrd, Cutting. Paring. Blaming. Opening (a vein). a j) tfrbj, Discovering (amurder). Pointing out (the way), p y>\js\ afrdkhtan, To exalt, extend. To fall. To collect. A ifrdd, Singular, solitary. a J\j i ifrdr , Putting to flight. Cleaving. a afrdrah , Flame, p jlyl afrai, Exalted, erect. Height. a ;Ui) if rail Separating. Distribut- ing. Granting. Sequestering, r afraiunidan , To exalt, extol, extend. p afrazdun , A spice-box. p ijjly), Having large cheeks, p afrcizi, Elevation, extension, p afraudan, To exalt, extol, extend. p afrdshamdan, To cause to exalt. p afrdshlagi, Exaltation. v j\ qfrdshthn, To exalt. To be exalted. To fall. a ys'yl ifras, Assisting, favouring. a J>\j\ ifrai, Ordaining. a c \ji\ if rut. Being at the summit. Climbing, descending. A la-aLs) if ratal, Rest, convenience. a ^\ji\ ifragh, Throwing, pouring out, killing. a CJ\j\ ifrai, Ripe or ready for rubbing (corn). A f\j\ ifrum, Filling a vessel. a 'iji\ ufurat, A crowd. Adversity, p iL£j afarlak , Y bung. Full of juice. a Ayi'i if rind, A sword. The lustre of a sword. a iLJ .s\ ifrinsakh , Dispelling grief, p Lm&ji] of rang, Adorned, lovely. Grace, grandeur. A throne, p yCsb-o'i afrokhlagi. Combustion, p qfrokhlan, To burn. To shine. To polish. To uncover the head. p \ , J\ afrd'i. Burning, polishing, p ^ A-J 'j % Ji\ afraiunidan , To set on fire. To polish. p .'Ai afrozandah, A polisher. One who sets on fire, p ^,Ai ; -X afroiidan, To kindle, burn. To polish. f t W) \ jl \ afro. shah, A kind of food, p I'oyi afri/j, Fat after having been very lean. a LA-yi) afriyat, An imaginary monster like a Medusa, p JXsi j 1 dfridagdr, The Creator, p dfridagun, Creatures, created beings. p ^Aj j3\ iifridan, To create. Creat- ing. Creation. A Vji\ afriz, The coping of a wall. An eye-brow. p j^i| dfrm, Creating. A created thing. Praise. Well done! p L- y T df rind, The Creator, p j>\ dfrinash, The creation. a jsl of"-, Assaulting attacking, p Ijj) afia, Increasing. A mover. ta J\y\ af'iar , A trade, art. a j\ji\ ifiaz, Removing, tearing, banishing. Tripping up. a djil if Hit' Frightening. Assist- ing. Awakening. p uf'idnidan, To add, in- crease. To grow. p ufzujjauidan, To cause to add. r afiaidan, To add, to exalt. To fall. p af'id-ish, Abundance, in- crease. a jji\ i if zar , Having a protuberance. p nf:~udan , To add. To abound, overflow. p afiun, More, greater. Manifold. r afiuni, Encreasc, abundance, excess. p ^0,15 1 of jar dan, To throw away. To tie. To press. p afjuldnidun, To cause one to drink. p afjuTidan, To fill, to quench. To stir up. p aJji(^an' T° throw away. a L-M (tfsaa, Deformed. a rLJ! tfsah , Being large, spacious (place). A jL«jl ifsiid, Corrupting, vitiating, destroying - p j\ — :) afsdr, A bridle, halter, rein. p Ji afsardan , To press. To speak idly, obscenely. p jJ—j' afsun , A whet-stone. A bracelet. Fascinating, p ^,k\JliL«j',To cause to tell, relate. p afsanus, The ocean, p lvi£\ iktitdb , Writing. Enrolled. a JL^! illi/i dl, Anointing the eyes. a A aLI ihliddd, Tasking. Impor- tunate. Penury, Abstinence. a ijtisdb, Gain, acquisition. A UL! i/tlifa, Sufficient ; contentment. a ail am, Full-bellied, saturated. a aLs£! iflinah, Scrutinizing, pene- trating. a LL1 illizca, Self praise. Stutter- ing, sputtering. Enraged. a t-ljlii! iisds, Having a thick beard. a its dr, Increasing. Eloquent, talkative. a iisdm , Filling. Retiring. a atsar, Copious. Frequent. a i_sj£\ a/fsare, For the most part. a at sat, Having turgid lips, or gums. a atsam, Wide. Large bellied. Full. Saturated. a CLjiM a/isut, Dodder, p J\ ahaj, A species of wild apple, a medlar. a Jlsr' Mai, (Ground) when first covered with green herbage. a Ai! a!! ad, A belt, rope, girth. a ^Ai! ijtdah , Studying, exerting. a i_J!a£! iidaf , Making a noise with the feet. a j*!a^! ahdam , Firmly bound by compact. a c->lAi! ifzdb, Detecting a lie, com- pelling to lie. a H>» a£! uizubat , A lie, falseliood. a J>\ air, Digging, delving. A perfume. a ! J>\ air a, Hiring. Delaying. In. creased. Decreased. A ihdb , Afflicting, troubling. Hastening. u£\ .» \J\ tiros, Oppressing, giving pain. a ^ .\J>\ilrqj , The being corrupted, mouldy (bread). ifrd^, Exposed. Drinking water (lying on the belly). a « if rdf, Corrupted, rotten (egg). Smelling. a if ram, Honour. Liberality. a ifrdih , Aversion, horror. Hatred. a iji | ufrat , A well, ditch for agri- culture. a ulrumal, Honour, liberality, r ifruhaf, A Persian balsam for wounds. a ihai, Affecting with intense cold. . f\j\ if'zam, Contracted within one’s self. Eating till loathing. 0 O afass, Having short teeth. A chissel. a j( — 51 it sad, A dull (market). a JLi! itsal. Laziness, cowardice. Making lazy. a £“*! afsah , Weak, lame, decrepid. a at sat, Marked with white spots. p L-it — il a Isub, Satin, particularly a black kind. a il aha, Giving liberally. Bet- ter dressed. a _/-~-Sl itsir , An elixir. Essence. a LiSl atsha , Dressing (meat) till it is dry. A o'-l5\ if shad, Purifying (butter), p dcJa I , Strong, firm, bound. a SI afshuf, Bald. Having no helmet or shield. \ i a p-iSl atsham,. Diseased. A kind of wolf spotted and fleet. a Ci-*»JLSl ufshut, Flax-seed. a .^flLesSl ilsds, Flying, ’putting to flight. a jUSl iltjtr, (A boy) b ecotning swag-bellied. a ^USl it tat, Wearing. Checking, repressing. A ittdf, Rushing. Going away in rage. a uU£l if: -an, Languor. a U5! if fa, Overturning. Filling. Inclining. Dividing live stock. a Jliil iffdh, Checking, bridling a horse. a Jjf\ it far. Calling one an infidel. Fixed to the earth, p i-a— iSl aloft, Grief, vexation. a ala/th, Black. a JSl alii, Devouring. A tyrant. Ulul, Victuals. Prudence. a 1151 alia, Lasting long, prolonging. a t_j)lSl iflab , Irritating, provoking. a ^llSl ifldih, Austere in look. Re- storing. a clli! illd^. Making dirty, soiling. a I jalil illandd, Thick. Being con- tracted. Refusing. a JUKI Md, A crown, wreath, garland. p ^^-ii 1 a flit/un, Worked silk or velvet. a c^LSl if mat, (A horse) Of a dark reddish colour. a _U5I i'mdh. Pulling the reins. c " , Budding (a vine) . Conspicuous. a iUSl ilmdkh , Pride, loftinesss. c “ a JUS! if mdl, Perfection, accom- plishing. Performance. 60 ci' a itmun, Laying snares. a \ agar , If; although; unless, p agarcheh, Although, not- withstanding. r tyJLiiT dganbdFtn, Flocks of wool. >_ _ p ^ 1 aganj, A sausage. Flocks for stuffing. p Ugandan, To fill, stuff. To bury. Extol. Take. Fall, p u-uZ 1 (ignis, Stuffing of cotton, wool, See. p uginah, Stuffing, lining, p 1 dgur, (or £ 1 ), A brick, p 1 ugosh, An embrace. An armful. The bosom, p uAJi,/l dghdshidan, To embrace, p 1 dga/i, Knowing, wise, wary. AgaJi , A file. A rib. p 1 dgaht, Knowledge. Wa- riness. PofT agin, Stuffing of pillows, See. a J1 al, The Arabic article answer- ing to (he. a J| ul, Offspring, race. a Jl al, Fraud, finesse. p J| al, Ditch, wall. Laughing. Fiery. Fraud. Noise, beauty. A Jl all , Hastening. Bright. Dis- turbed. Ill, A treaty, Near. a all, God : with the article, D. O. M. a ^ aid, A benefit. Holla! ho! a t aldbib, The heart-string, or pericardium. p dial, A thing which belongs to another. Sort, species, p dtdjak, A kind of tent. a (L*-})1 ilahat, Shining. Going away. Destroying. Avoiding. a Turning about. Trembling. a ildk , Shining, flashing. a ildk at, Sending. An envoy. a <351 ildlat, Beginning the night. r <051 ildlah, A tulip. a uU\ Human, Grace, favour. Pity. a 51 ildh, A god, a pagan deity. a ifcll! ilahat, Worship. An idol. A serpent. a Jk5l iluhi, Divine. O my God. A hymn. p ^i>5l didish, Corruption, impurity. p ^'cJl illub , Necessary. Eating once in the day. a illibds. Obscure, doubtful. Doubt. a ullal, A small present. Perjury. a iltisdm, A kiss, kissing. a illihd, Becoming bearded. a i_?0s^l ill id df , The being covered. a JjLsrH illiliul/, Being joined, ad- hering. a (•Ise’h illihdm , (A wound) healing. Sickness. Growing hot (battle). a jlxJl iltizdz, Tasting, relishing. a il/izdm, Undertaking. Hire. Lease. Embracing. a l^->U01 illifdt, Respect, benevo- lence, cherishing. p C^UOl altqfal. Conversion, turning. a cAiOl ilfi/at, Covering. Covered. a lit!) illihd, An interview, audience. a IrUOl illiluf, Collecting, gathering. Stumbling upon.- a *liO! illikdm. Devouring, swal- lowing. a illimds, Praying, suppli- cating. a illimu c, Shining. Changing colour. Stealing. p U*01 allamgha, Royal diploma. Tax. A freehold. 62 a \j£\ illiica , Complication. A fold. a iltihdb, Inflammation, burning. •w a fjA\ alali, Who, which, that. a jLs!! altiyaz, Flying to, taking refuge with. a illiydm , Obedience, agree- ment ; affability. Concourse. a liJ! tlsa, Wet. Washing. a Usds, Urgent pressing. Con- tinuing. a ilsdk, Wetting. A «_i!) alsa £, Stuttering in pro- nouncing. a Id! ilju, Compelling, forcing. A flscl iljam, Bridling. Bridle, rein. r rJl akan , Eloquent. a la!' alalt, Teeth dropped out. A I?iyi al/Jit, Covering. Aiding in wrong. Joining. Shutting. a cUall that, Licking, lapping. a Dili ilia , Burning, emitting flame. a klia!) il'iai. Assiduous, attentive. a c— A*)) iltfib, Slavering. Causing to play. a —VaII //ay, Kindling wood. a cUM ilta C., Producing its first crop. a yc\ ultftbal , Play, any thing ludicrous. r tdugh, Powerful, great. a U!' ilgha , Excluding, irritating. a c—jUM ilghdb , Fatiguing, vexing. p jliM alghar , Rapine, depredation. a , jUN alghdf, Mincing food for eating. Dispatch. Perfidy. a yOjJ! algharai , In a word. .Lsf-'M alganjar , Hate ; envy. ^ • i, p alghanfidan, To gain, acquire. p alghunah , Rose-coloured, scarlet. a (Herbage) luxuriant. A 'a!' ilfa, Preserving entire. Finding. a ilfaj, Flying for refuge. Poor. a ulfcith, A hyprocrite. a alfat, Friendship. Alaft , A fool, a lover. * alaft, Affliction, madness. t alfalgari , Friendship, company. p CA^l aluflan , To rage. To drive to madness. • A’# p alfakht, Acquisition, gain. p alfakht an, To gain, to acquire. . V p ^**1 alfanj, Gain. Gained. A gainer. p alfanclan , To gain. To do wrong. To palpitate- p alfandtdan, To gain. To envy. r affmah , A pin. a (_*)) all, Shining. A wolf. Mad. a Ul) ilia. Projection. Infusion. Inspiration. Conjunction. a _U)1 illah, Rendering fruitful. Raining. Shaking (the wind). a allot, Straggling, despicable. a i-A-'lilill allaldt, At once, alto- gether. a ilium, Causing to swallow. Trotting (a camel). a ullan, Learning quickly. a Ail) Hint, A she-wolf. Bold. > v * \ Alluran , Reading. The Koran . a allissah, In a word, to be brief. a ^3 alia’, Mad, insane. To meet. a JLsH ulliyat, A question, problem. a dial, Champing the bit. Sending. p lUv!' alii , A mule. Helpless. ; a Jo3l all ad, Fixed, adhering to. ! a ^11 allan, Stuttering, a stammerer, p ullan, Avaricious. Drunk, W drunken. p allani, Stuttering, stam- Sr mering. p ullah, A province, dominion, i possession. p alguiiah, Rose-coloured, red. a Jjl alal, Groaning. Fie 1 pho! a djjl Allah , God: The God. a jjl alum, Grief, care, agony. a U'i Hind, Taking, choosing. Steal- ing away. Denying (a debt) . a ^U)' ilmah , Glancing at. Flashing. ap almas , Kindling into rage. A ilmat , Seizing. Shining. Consenting. a ilmain , Descending, arriving, reaching. Offending slightly. a ilmat , Ingenious, keen, ju- dicious. p ilimun , A lemon, p a/wn, A pillar, or jamb of a door. p alnujtan , To take amiss, to be angry. a alandad , A formidable ad- versary. P lXII, A sort of entrenchment. a c/w. Failing, unequal to. Proud. Able. p jll Lean. The yam, or pota- toe. A plum. a U!\ zfea, Moving. Denied (a debt). Seizing. a ilwa , At first. Possessed off. p alwaz, An asylum, a mountain, p ,.,U! ulzcan khurdan , To devour. p aljJl alwah , A kind of sweet wood. a alwah, Brisk. A high cold wind. a alwal, An oath. a c'- nil alicus , Languid. Mad. Strong. p aluhah , A black wild plum. p Jj!t «/z2c/. Stained, polluted, dirtied. p (jOyl dludagi, Contamination, stain. p ^Jjll dludan, To stain. Defile. Anoint. Covet. p alur, The buttocks. The tail. a aids , A thing, any thing. a ^j!| ulwa%_, Insanity, fatuity. a jjjll alwah. Foolish. a alu! , An embassador, legate. a n~ui, The goat species. a jIaJ, imghad, Drinking much. Suckling. A imghdl, Suckling, whilst pregnant. a ycJ amghar, Red-haired ; red- skinned ; dun. a <_»*! amok, The inside corner of the eye. Atndkk , Lean. Far. a imkar, Bitter, acrid. Insipid. a Jlicl imkul, Ducking one another. a <&*! (link at, Hateful. a imkdn , Possibility. De- clinable. a ^jLe! umkana, It may be. a J*«! amal, Hope. Floping. Large. p J^! Amil, A poet. a 1*! imla, Completing, -writing. a — 1*! imldj, Milking. A JLc\ imlai , Going away (with any one). a ^»Lc! irnlas, Bare or naked. A ^olU! irnlas, Bringing forth a dead child. Abortion. a cl*! imla £, Skinning a sheep. Walking fast. Suckling. a *)L! irnldgh , Mocking. A jU inilak, Reduced to want. Stumbling. Escaping. a J!*! imlal, Wearied out. Dic- tating. Vexing. a .'!*! imldli, (A girl) arriving at puberty. a amlaj. Poor. The myrabolan. a jkLe! umlud, Delicate, tender. a a/nlas, Even, level, steep. a LLc'i nmla/, Without hair. a £_L«! amlagh , Obscene (in talk). a J«Lc! umlud, Tender. Delicate (girl). Umludun, A desert. a LrJ^\ imlis , A barren desert. a imlis, Bringing forth an abortion. a ~c! amam, Near. Manifest. Easy. a (ij*! anian, Security, liberty. Rectitude. p cr«! anian, Circumference, circuit. a ^Cv*! imnah, (A camel) near bring- ing forth. a ^L*! imndn, Fatiguing (journey), r \ ambas, Austere (in look). p (JLol ambash, Grain winnowed. \ a LL— -j] imbisdt. Cheerfulness, j°y- p Frigid, cold, stiffness. a Luj) amba/, (A horse) white bellied. a \imbitus, Proceeding. Send- ing. Cause. Occasion. a ambub , A knot, a root, p \ ambudan , To become tor- pid or abortive. To cast away, p ambuftdan, To rot, decay, p Syj\ Large, ample. A crowd. 70 e-u\ t <—f L&jhJ 1 ambuhnag , Wide ex- teniive. p am buhi, A crowd. Tu- mult, hurry. » ambuytdun , To smell sweetly, to perfume. A ant a, Thou. a W inti , Retiring, or remaining behind. A intaj, Bringing forth. A intagh, Laughing, Smiling, ironical. A jjhjl int ah, Carrying an umbrella. Fasting. A lion lashing his sides. A intan, Stinking, fetid. a intibaz. Retiring to one side. A Eminent, published. A intibat, Existing, living. A aLii! intibah, Vigilance, consi- deration, animadversion. a c-jLsU! Lamenting, shrieking. A jWjt inlihai, Falsely assuming. A Election, selection. a intizat , Capture. Tearing up, extracting. a intisab , Relation, con- nection, belonging to. a jLjJ! Adjusting, regulating. a |*L^jlA breeze, a soft gale. a inlishar, Explanation. Dis- persion. a Jkxx>\ inliiar, Desire, expectation. a inliium , Order, regularity. a Recovering. Rising. a Uadi int if a, Repulsed, removed; retiring. A jJUbdt intifakh , Swelling, blown up. a int if at, Utility, profit, gain. A initial, Carrying. Copying. Dying. Emigrating. t5' A inlihum, Revenge, vengeance. a i — inliluf, Turning away. Shunning a blow. a Uu' inlima, Relation, or regard to. a intiha, The summit, vertex. a intihab, Rapine, spoil, booty. Made a prey of. Ajl^u^ inlihai, Searching, watch- ing for an opportunity. a inlihai, Going; rising. a lL >\xJ\ inlihai!, A violation. a int iy ash, Attacking one another. Leading forth. a \ij>\ unsi, A female. Disparaging. a insaj, Purging, voiding. a jbJ^ insur, Cutting off by sudden death. Levelling. Sneezing. a insa^, Vomiting. Bleeding at the nose. a (Uiil ansiyah, A testicle, p Lsd anja, There, in that place, thither. A 1^*1 inju, Liberating. Revealing. Retiring. Enticing, recovering. A injuh, Prospering. a injad, Helping, serene. AjUsri anjar, The roof of a house. a j\s inja'i, Fulfdlinga promise. a injat, Giving suck. Agree- ing. Efficacious. p jjOp anjaftah far dan, To consume. a ^Iss^l unjalah, So that, by which, there. p anjalidan , To fill. To restrain. To fatigue, to signify, p anjam, The end. An acci- dent. Grief. Occurrence, p anjaman, The end of any thing. r anjamtdan , To finish. To be exhausted. r atydyidan , To be anxious. To consider. A \ anjdbur , A. styptic plant. anjakht , Desire, lust. p anjukhlan, To desire. a tnjizdb , Affection, al- lurement. Becoming moist. a anjar , The anchor of a ship. a \ injh'dr, Protraction. a anjurat, A nettle, p anjusu, The herb buglos. A anji/;, A kind of grain, r atyaslidan, To return. To cheek. p anjamtdan . See — =r'i above. a a/ya/, Long. Open. Wide. a \sfr\ injild, Appearance. Apparent. Shining. Wiping away grief. a jU esr) Congelation, curdling, p anjuman , A company, ban- quet, congress. A multitude. a liasT) injind, Being erooked. r anchundn, Thus, go, in like manner. r anjdmdan , To t^ivide. To afflict, to vex. r *sf \ anju , An island. a ^jrsr\ unjuj, The wood of aloes. p A *ssf \ anjukli , A wrinkle. Flaccid. Dead, flat. Changed. p anjukhtan, To be wrinkled. To gain. To acquire. f anjugh , A sigh. A wrinkle. A fold. Epilepsy. A weevil. r To become wrinkled. r unchah, That which, Who- ever. What. t t tryidan , To crumble. To eat (as a moth). To vex. f jKzf\ anfir , A hole. A fig. 9 Apparatu*. Beaten. ap iryU, An evangelist. a f£\anh , Breathing hard. A miser. a inhdl, Making thin, lean. a ijs^\ anihat , A female miser. Short. a inhirdf, Declination. Deflexion. A disease, defect. a A disease in camels. a L.V? g -j! Jul anddwidan , To plaster. a aA3^ andakh, A doltish man, one of few words. p andar, In, into, on. A kinsman. a ^^Ai! indirds , Erasing, defaced. A desert. pa LjCjjA^ andarbayg, (Admitted) amongst the great. p aU-jAj] andarjdh , An interior place. A supplemental day. p jyi- jdd\ andar khiur , Worthy. Convenient. r andarkhurdan , To de- serve, To be proper, p JjAil andardi, A testament, pre- cept. p andard , Together. Desire; suspended. p ; andar ui , An explorer. Mor- tar. A court-house. a andarun , Within. The inside. p JAj! andii, A bridle, p jjJul anda'ir, Doctrine. a indifdt , Repulsion. Re- pelled. Distant. p andalt , Little, few, small, p amUdfi, A little, littleness. p |*Ail dndam, Then, at that breath, a J\-cAjl, Recovering. Healing, p Aj| To cause to think, p Ai^JLjAjl, Thoughtful, p ~j\ unsul [, Mankind. Cheer- fulness. Society. Custom. a — ■' insiddh , Falling or lying on the back. a A — ’ ' insidtikh , Expanded. a j A— ' insidud , Shut, closed. a j A — j 1 insidur , Hastening, walk- ing fast. Having loose hair. a CSXj! insilal, Entrance, ad- mission. A JJU1, Snatching. Dropping. A CHistWi, A traveller, p j— 1 1 tinsu , Thither, through. That side. From the other side. p Familiar, domestic, tame. 4 inst, The interior part, inside. A - -'I, Familiarity. Custom. a l— > 1 inshti , Beginning, creating. Style. Composition. A 1 inshar, Recovering. Dis- persing. Sprinkling. A ■ inshtis, Banishing. A inshti/, Making brisk. Loos- ing. Fastening. A ^ imhti Putting into the mouth or nose. Paying wager. a inshirtih, Joy, gladness. A c—aLjL’! inshibub, Manhood. A inshiltil , Divided, split. a insuti Owing (a debt). Mak. ing clear. Disclosing, a i jLai! instif, Equity. Taking half. Adjusting. a jUail instil , Taking off, or fixing the head of an arrow or spear, p 1 insibtib , Being poured out. a Cut ofF; completing, a i jl \j^x> I insirdf, Retiring, returning. a IrU-si! insifdf , Fainting. Press- ing against. a Liil initi, Emaciated. Diluting. a initib , Pulling towards. Drawing a bow. a tnzdj, Maturing, cooking. a .Liil unidr, Flourishing. Shining. a inztif, , Breaking wind. a JLii! initil, Fatiguing. a LL-iil iniibtil, Bound, firm, con, firmed. a uniar , Vivid. Gold, silver, p JslsLdJl iniighdt , Fainting. a iniimdm , Increase. Lov- ing. Adjunction. Coercion. a ki! una//, Distant. a i slkil in/uf, Accusing, making notorious. a infdi, Incircling. a ol-iaii inlibdt., Obedience, Dis- ciplined. Complaint. a Ukid, Extinguished, quenched. a jjlLkjl initial; , DismissioQ, de- parture. Divorcing. a initir, Exposing to view. Delaying. Aspect. a filial iriidm, Arranging. Compos- ing verses. A row of pearls. L 74 Uu\ A CjUi) intut, Having a fine figure. a intfs, Proceeding. Pro- digal. A intdsh, Exalting. Raising (the eye). A bier or coffin, a t— si su\intdf, Sitting on a declivity. A JUj) infjil. Shoeing. Putting on shoes. A white pastern mark. a |*Uj) intdm, A gift, largess. Reward. Converted, in- verted, bent. A jUUjl in^ihdd, Bound, fixed, agreed. Coagulated. A in^i/as, Reflection, re- coiling. A UjI ingha, Speaking intelligibly. A ingha s, Making life painful. A inghaz, Waving the head. A JlAil inghul, Altering leather by tanning it. r l anghuh , A wrinkle. a c__cj) anf , A nose. A promontory. a iArj \infdz, Transmitting, causing to pass. A jlw) infaz, Trying an arrow. a ^ li.il inf ash, Allowing to pasture at night unwatched. A iAiil inf at, Having the hand sore, from hard labour. Anointing. A cliil infat, Selling walking-sticks. Profiting. Profitable. a inf ah, Expending. Becom- ing poo.r. Having a quick sale. A (Jliiil anf ill, Plunder, spoil. a ^liil anf im, Large-nosed. Haughty. a anafal, Loathing, disdaining. A iiijl a) fat, The exordium. A jlaiil injilah , Dividing, breaking. Falling. a jUs^'I inftjdr, Bursting out, gush- ing forth. A infajdrii, Exceeding bounds. A ks?J\ infahat, Coagulating of milk. a l^\s*J\infukhdn, Swelling with fat. p . anfakht. Gain, any thing collected. p anfakhlan, To gain, acquire, p anfadah , A boaster, a prater. a infiras, Swooning, fainting. a infiraj, An interval. Glad. A jLiil infirdd, Singularity, p infast , A spider’s web. a jUaij) infisal, Separation. De- ciding. Completing. a ^Laiil infisum , Interruption. A fracture. Abstraction. a ^ol^Liil, Separated, scattered. A infitash , Broken. a injital, Affliction, grief. Ashamed. p iAiiil anfaghdah, Liquid gold or silver. p ^xi\ anfanj , Glue, p —ylil anf if, Contracted, wrinkled. a inJUium, Apprehension. a aid, Joy, gladness. a l&l inld, Choosing. Becoming fat. a ^Ijjjl anhdh, Extracting marrow. Lopping. a oUil Mad, (A tree) shooting forth leaves. a jliil iniaz, Setting at liberty, separating. a jUil Mar, Sparing, setting at liberty. a jlfij) Mai, Killing (an enemy). a ^lijl intdsh, Pressing a debtor. a ^juSinkas, Diminishing, injuring. a ^liiil inf;ui, Sounding. 75 a cliyl inldt, Dissolving. Diluting. Killing (a foe). Hollowing. a inluf, Paring an apple. a JLj! inlul, Mending clothes. a jA&il inf ah , Restoring to health. a Detention. Security. a Akal in lad, A hedge-hog. r jSij 1 ankadar , So many, so much. a jjfllyijl inlirai, End, accom- plishment. p \jjJii! anliridijja, A sigh, a sob. A anlas , A bondman. a inkisdm, Dividing, sepa- rating. a Laijl ini fid , Finished. Termi- nation. Determined. A ini if at, Cutting off, se- paration. Cessation. a anlat, (Drinking) too much. A (-JAii! inlilab , Revolution, change. Conversion. p (dji-'l anlulah , China ginger. a \ anwar, Bright, elegant. A 1 and.?, Familiar. A domestic, p ) ana//, A coin, the 16th of a rupee. An adverbial particle. a \ anhur. Clear, serene. Lucid. a y yj i inhizdm, A defeat, rout. A 1 inhiluk. Endangering, ex, posing one’s self. a inhilal, Pouring (rain). a inhimfik , Diligence, p A companion, friend, p unhan , False. Jesting. A frivolous story, p ' ofi, A kind of hot on. p j%\ azesdr, Enmity. a *3/' azesam , How bare or barren ! a azej, The top. Altitude. Fate. a azejas, An age. a azcjul, Timid, afraid. a azejain, A large track of sand. a itch, A wager. a awhad, Singular, unique. a i azekh, Ah ! alas ! a azeud, Crooked. Awd, Bending. a Jjl ud, Wood. Xylaloe. 78 p dddgh, A circular tent. PJ°j' awdar, A nephew. p udrugh , Frost, hoar-frost. p ^ijjl udrah , A mountainouj place. A azedat , A field-mouse. a awdan, Soft. PjJjl «z«r, Apart. A journey. p jjt azaar, Certainty. Possessing. The 7th heaven. a j jl ojcjV, Hard. Awr, The N. wind, r ur, Foam; froth. r A=>-bj) A publick officer. r awraz, Exalting. f dzordgh. See above. r jjb- ' j*\ ortah , A merchant. r awetrjah , A journal, diary. p si award , A battle ; war. v awardgdh , A field of battle. p duardan, To bring, con- fer, move, throw, set, relate. p 4^4 dwardam , A present. p orj )\ awrdndidan, To be lazy, p awrang , A throne, crown. Glory, power. Wisdom. Humane. - Ji. awrangi, An air of music, p Jj j uru *\ uyd , A lazy, idle fellow, p A mountain. a ) ihbai, Throwing down. a jLb) ihbai , Childless. Speedy. a ihbar , Full of flesh. a £b) ahal, Showing signs of grief. a »Lb) ah Ida , Crook-back’d. a jLb) ihldr, Delirious. a jl-OJb) ihtibdz, Hastening, flying. a )jcjb) ihtidu , Finding the right way. A j)j£Ji>) ihji-di, Agitated. Exulting. a i_jliab) ih.Ofdf, Buzzing in the ear. a j*kxb) ihlildm , Carrying off, going away. a ^Lob) ihtimam, Care, effort, study. a Ls4*) ihjd , Feeding. Paying (debts). Satirizing. a jls?1) ihjdd, Sleeping. a j^l ihjar , Cutting, reviling. a els®) ihjdfr Satisfying hunger. a j*ls®) ihjdm , Quieting. a jy^s*) ihjird , Custom, mode. a Cb^-s®) uhjuiaal , A satire, r uhikhlun, To intend, un- sheath, hang, weigh, accomplish, educate, attend to. a )-\b) ?//(/«, Giving. Showing. a ,)Ab) ihdua, Curved, crook-backed. a i >).Xb) ihddf, Eminent. Exposed. a ,^)Ab) ihddn, Making lean (a horse) . a jAb) ahdar, Swelling (belly). A < >Ab) ah dub , Long eye-lashed. A jAb) ahddl, I.ong-lipped (a camel). a )\ahliyal, Skill. Fitness. a U^l ihma , Tearing, wearing. a cuUjs) ihmdt, Laughing or speak- ing low. a —\ UJi! ihmdj, Straining. Hiding. a JUaI ihtndd,, Rest, Haste. a ihmat, Enraged. Diligent. a jJUjfct ihmdl , Neglect. Delay. a ♦to! ihmdm , Solicitous, anxious. a uhmum, Large headed. ap dhan, Iron. JU , Inheritance. a UjsI ihna, Giving, bestowing, p .JLuJsl dhanbdnah , The neck, r dhanj, Throwing. Drawing. Peace. A tooth picker A wick. Chaff. Drink. Forceps. A rope. r jjiAJlsr-kl , To cause to drink, p ^ dhanjalugh, Pressure. r l ahyugh , Fertile. a ^i-il ah yak, Long necked. a J.-J&1 ahy u l, Spread (sand). a ah yam , Dark (night). Thirsty. a ,_sl i, Yes, indeed, ^fy, To wit. a \jl ayd , Ho! Light, p l»l tTya. Strange! O! ho! Coming. Have a care, in ? um"'- a < >1)1 iyub , Returning. Sun-set. a Ci\j\ iyad, A defence , castle ; a veil. The atmosphere. a j\j\ ay dr, Brass. Air. a — ■ ,\A iydraj , A medicine. Poor, p ij j' iydrah, A gauntlet; a register. a iydis , Despair. a aydgh, A cup- Grace. A gift. a J'jl uydl, Returning, g owing. a uydlal, Dominion, province. a aI)1 aiydrn, Times. Wind, wea- ther. The season of, M C~J\ 82 r *\,\ uyum, A root. Debt. a jjbj aiyan , When ? a \A>! aiydyd, An exclamation. a bo! V>a, Disgusting. Pointing. a jbo! ibad, Separating. A ^~Lq! 76<7s, Drying, withering. a ^Lo! zb ash, Hastening. A tbds, Shining. Glancing. a jbo! ibdh, Destroying, ruining. Ailoj ibdh, Considering, perceiving. a ^-o! aybus, Dry. Having dry legs. a
! tliniar, Submission. Con. suiting. p Joool iland, An uncertain sum or number. a Uo! uiyalaha, Ho ! hola '. a bo! Isa, Making soft, bruising. a L-J&j^tsab, Causing to leap, spring. a jlio! hur, Presenting. Choosing. A ^bj! t?dk, Binding, constraining. a j\ tsan , Giving liberally. a Ur! y77, Repulsing. Giving. Hurting. a <__>U’! Being necessary, a jU’! yV7t/, Invention. a jU! yar, Placing. Replacing. a jUi yaz, Abridgment. a (j-U! yas, Terrified. a i >Ur! yiif, Pushing (camels). a sUi yah, Respectable, celebrated, p g-:.! tch, Any. Now. Fortune. a W1 Via, Suggesting, revealing. a lUI thud, Becoming unique. a ^Wi ihul, Plunging into mud. a ^sU! tklius Sinking and rising. a i_jU! Defaming. Striking. a tkham, Indigestion. a Jo I dyd, Troublesome. Grave. a Jo! ayd, Strength. Powerful. a !jo! Ida, Assistance. Preparing. a < >ljo! iddb, Inviting to a feast. a Jjo! tddh, Submitting. Clean. a ^!jo! iddt, Intrusting (secret). A j!Jo! tdak, Raining. a ^! Jo! iddn, Macerating, dissolving. A a!jo! tdah, Prohibiting, checking, p jJo! idar, Always. Here. Time. The world. A foot. Alone, On this side. Solitary. A £Jo! ayda^L, Saffron. Redwood, p jjJo! idur, A carpenter, p jjjJo! aydun, God. p ^jo! aydun , Thus, so that. S3 p aidah , Flowing, sweating. a t xA ayzd , Whether, when. A \x\\ izd, Injury. Affliction. A Jjo! izdm , Collaring (a clog). Fastening a chain to a bucket. aJa>\ izdn, Explaining. Twitching. r y I dyar, An eruption on the body. a y\ ayr, A scorching wind, ir , Cotton. a ji\ ayyir, A hard stone. a \j}\ irdj Coupling. Hiding. a ^.'1 ird, Since, because that. p <— irdb, Finding joy or a friend. A h as, Making one an heir. a 'trad, Producing, alleging. a j\ irar , Emaciating. A tU. ird/, Driving to destruction. a j;L>J trdl, Producing leaves. Rich, p h'di, Because tliat. p J' ji\ irul, Round about, although. p trmdn, Penitent. A hostage, or substitute. p (jj ji\ irun , Here. Now. a (jj) ha, Propping. Plastering. a , Wandering, travelling. a }y>\ tzar, Assisting. Binding, p t jJ'Jj) tidri, A handkerchief. a hat., Division. Exciting. a hagh, Sprinkling, dropping. a izaf, Causing to hasten. a halt, Causing to leap, p Ctj} hid, God. p oJjjI hide, A gift for God’s sake. p j*y\ tiur, Now. p JjI dyij, Sparks of fire. a ays, Despairing. Force, p l— isa, Now, already. A c-jL-j) isab, Grassy, luxuriant. \sJ\ a ~.l— j\ tsdj. Making (a camel) go faster. a ^L. A isdt, Enlarging. Affluent. a jL-jI halt, Loading (a camel). A yU isdn, A man. Causing to faint. p j\ hid, Standing, p — j) ist adage, Stability, p jjjb — A isldidan . To stand, stay, p istandan , To place, to stir, to stand, to rouse up. p — j|, To place in the middle, p islidan, To stand. a dysur, Left, sinister. a y.A aysha, What? how? why ? a Liu) ishd, Breathing, trying. a XLj\ ishar, Saw ing. a ishd%_, Flourishing. A ishdgh , Voiding slowly. a jlijt isha/t, Adhering closely. a ishak, Making haste. A ishal, Procuring a little (water), drop by drop, p tshanah, Hatching chickens, p 4JL>i dyishah, A spy. A flatterer. a Uu) isa, Counselling, ordering. a L-j\^2i} isdb, Continual. Constant. a jLaJt had, Shutting (the door). a isaf, Of age for service. A jLajl hdl. Sending, causing to arrive. Killing. Acquiring. a sal aysar, A short rope. a ay'i, Returning, repeating. A Ut ayian. The same. Again. Also. Hitherto. Likewise. a ^Loj! hah, Explanation. * a U-Lwj hdhan, Clearly. A hat , Consenting. Spurring. A i’.Usj) Consenting. Mounting. 84 A ifdn, Applying the mind. a Ixj) ltd , Collecting, preserving. A c— A*j) i ttdb , Taking the whole. A itiid, Threatening, a threat. A jU-d itfir, Difficult, rough (road). A jIaj' ttfl'i, Surpassing. Beckoning. a ij/as, Travelling with dif- ficulty through a soft sandy plain. A bbj iyd[, Giving the alarm. A jdu} ighur , Chafing, raging. A tghaf Running. Fatigued, p jk)\ ayghar, A stallion. A lib zfd, Keeping faith. Paying. a l^J.'su\ifdt, Prayer, intreating. A jli. ' 'fad, Sending. Hasting. A jlw /far. Increasing. A jlaa tfai, Hastening. A fjo\JuYy^dz, Causing one to haste. a Jjliu) tfd.lt , Near. Assenting, r jjlib) ifai, A sycophant. A prater. An informer. * i^-ob 1 dyifat , A request. Bu- siness. v a Job) ifadaJi , A coxcomb ; a boaster. A ayh , The ankle joint. A >lib) J//76, Starving, hungry. A Jibl Utah , Impudence. Hard (hoof) . A jUbJ ihud, Lighting, kindling. a olib) Udz, Leaving indisposed. a jlibj liar, Loading. Ruining. a (jalib) ilid'i , Short-necked. A klid ildz, Awaking, stirring up. A V.dt, Causing to happen, p £\jb) ikdgh , A silly fellow. A i i\ij\ Uaf, Stopping. A Vs^n, Certified. Piercing. a Ajyb) ayiunaf, An image. A i.id, Reclining. Raising up. a ildb, Keeping close to a troop (a camel). Irritating. a 7/fcA; Breaking off. Fa- tigued. Refusing: desisting. a Jaj\ t/tad, Confirming, fixing. A J6j\ ildr, Filling. a ^^b\ yds, Spending, wasting. a i (at, Giving strength. Firm. Engaging in difficulty. A ,_jU tlaf, Distilling, dropping. a J&i ilal, Giving to eat. a ll, God. Country, uyul. Muddy. A deer, r (Jal dyil, A door post. a tlaj, Inserting. a ilas, Deceiving. a ilb'zj Exciting, impelling. a ~dbf, Familiar. Learning. a Ham, Afflicting. Strong. a ildh. Assisting, defending, r Uchi > An embassador, envoy. p ,jlskl ilkhdn, An emperor. A general. The face of the earth. a jUia' ilghar, Expedition, p jUJjJ illdr , A courier, runner. a \ ay am, Single. Free. a Uj\ tma, A nod, sign. A hint. a Uj\ ayumd, Whoever. Who? a jU j\ imdr, Multiplying. a zinds, Impudent, shame- less (a woman) . A (bU-d imai , Shining, p imbur , This time. p humid, A plough. A yoke of oxen. a ay min, Free, void of care. a aymamdlahi, By God. 85 r X*.d aymid, Twins. Ploughing oxen. p twin. See . r dyin, A rite, custom. a ~d ayna, Where'. Ayin, Quiet, r in, This. a L.d ~ma, Fatiguing. Detaining. ' a C_>Ld in (is, Producing a girl. a ^,-L.d inds , Familiarity. a ind^, Maturity. a in (if, Making the nose sore. Leading to fresh grass. a ,jU.d biai ■, Pleasing Secure, p L^/U-d indi, Behold 1 p ,Uid tnbdr , This time, p tnjd, This place. Here, p ^AjlsVd injdnidun, To be di- vided. p inchunin, Thus, in this manner. To this purpose, p tnfidan, To crumble, vex, wound, to be cleft, r Jcjt inad, Numeration, p dyandah , Coming, a guest. Future. a inasdin, A lie, fiction, p A_d insii, Hither, p inai;, Behold ! Now. A trifle. a aynumu, Wherever, p 4Aal dynah, A mirror, p ayzcdr , The evening. pa ayzcan, A hall, portico, balcony. A palace ; a villa, p Ay\ ayzcah, Fie 1 pho ! alas 1 a jJ\ ayur, The east wind. v a j»*.d ayyum, Losing a wife. a \ dyidan , To come, p j».j7 diyir, An eruption of the body, p ijo ! dytrdh , A brother, p y~\ dyi'i, A spark of fire, p ttJL' i dyishah, A spy. p 1 dyin, A rite, custom, law. p a, : - ■ i diftnah , A mirror. L-j Ba or Be, The second letter of the Arabic and Persian alphabet, p 'c_-> ba. To, with, in. p b ba, With, possessed of, endowed with, worthy of, &c. p b ba, A kind of spoon-meat. ap i’»b bdial. An inn, a caravansera. a L_>b bub, A gate. The king’s court. A chapter. An affair, man. ner, kind, method. . p c—>b bdb, A father. a btb bdabd, Intelligent. a Ci-'bb bdbat , Happy strong, p ^U-bb baba khan. Father king. a ,_c,bb bdbdn. Pepper, p bdbirah, A bracelet, p bab~an, A spit, a broach, p lLnj'j baba!;, A little father. 86 ♦ A ( habits. A young child. a ij£yu babunaj , Camomile. A &b babah , A father. A cushion, a cLj(j bdbyal , A wonderful thing. a cub 5a//, Cutting. A fool. Drunk. Lean, emaciated. a <__Aj'b bdtdb, Opposition. Like. a y b bdilir, Cutting. A sharp sword, r b 5a lam/, 'm , Majestic. p Ajy b , A falcon marked by art. p b , The same, marked by nature. a ciub 5«.s, Dispersed. f b 5q/, Tribute, impost, tax. A ^tb 5al) , An eruptive disease. a J jb , A club, stake, tent-pole, p il—ob bddsar, Vain, trifling, r ilijb bddshah , A king. P ^Li jb bddshdhi , A kingdom, p bpi jb badi short, A fair wind, i b bddshuh, A king, p ^b^c ob tinun, A swift horse, p jijb bddfar, A top: a fan. p jLi jb bddifardh, A groan. p • jj j yjb , The zephyr, p ijijb bddfar ah, A boaster, p ,.ijb bddfar, A promise-breaker, p alsjb bddgdk, A privy, p ^Sjb bddgar , A whirlwind, p , is u'b find /m/i . A fan. u y ; " p badgunfi , The cholic, p JcO jb bddhund, The same, p badgi, An airy house. a (jl'jb bddxddn. An oyster. a <2jb , Embroidered. The neck, p ^IsL'b bddlijdn, The love apple, f A_'b bdidam, Almond, p *>. « jb , The breath of the Messiah. Endowed, skilful. A ^jb bddin, Old. Fat, thick, p ^bs^ jb , The Brinjdl, or love apple, p t*j jb bad namd. A vane, flag. p jb badisdn , A sail. A shirt. a j/ *jb badvei, A fan. p sjb bddah, Wine. A wine cup. a jb 6«e£, A peasant, a country- man. A cause. An author. a jb jb budydr, A falconer. p ^'jb-'b bddyazeand, Strong. p oA^b jb , Strength, pow'er, force, p jb bdidid, Publicly, p _->ob bddir , A pillar. p j\j bdrbar, A carrier, a porter, p aAjjb bdrbughah, A load. Softly. a £^b bdrih, A sultry wind, p iaas, Adversity. Virtue, p jjbeLib bdsdmun , A good man. Patient. p (jLsb bdssuri, The balm-tree, p bdstar, Equal, alike. One. p ^bwA’ bust tan, Left. Past; date. a ,^-lb biasrahi, Et c set era. a ijJo busirat, Ugly, p L-jb basil, A bed-maker. Distant. a jjbLib busghdl, A viceroy. a Jv-jb basil, A hero. A lion. a b bus hank, A bunch of grapes, p ...U^b bdshingdn, A melon- bed. p Adb bdshidan, To be. To stand, r bdshin. Bark, chips. a -^b bdsir , Ouick-sighted. a CLG^b busiral , The eye, vision. a «_«sb buiit., Cutting, keen. a \i bdkir, Early in the morning. a 'iJXi bdkirat. A spotless virgin. a , tib bdk or, The first spring rain, p ij bdkurah. First fruits. a baft , Weeping. a jb bdl, The heart, soul. State, p Jb , An arm. A wing. Mind. Love, p ilb bddd, Above. High. Height. a ^>--b bi’ldkhir, At length, p Si b bdldd, A baggage horse, p ^_'Jb balds, A kind of fine silk. a jbia^b bi’l ii/trdr, By force, p tyi'Jb bdldf/an, To strain. To turn. a Libs^b btlekliid , From necessity- p ^Jlb bdildn, A rafter. Victuals, p ^JuSb bdldndun , To grow, to make, p (J'.'b bdildru, A head-covering, p jjJwbilb buldjdmdan, To extend, reach, equal, ripen, toss, disturb, p t^rojb baldyin, Above. a ^'jkJb bi’l baddih ah, Suddenly. a <3b bdllal, Moisture. Any good. a (jW!b bi’ t tamdn , Totally. a bulk, Barren (ground). A ^_Ls)b bi’ l hulk. In truth. Truly. a Jlslb bi’lhuldl, Lawfully. a bi’l khatar, Dangerously. A^~_s?b bi’lkhayr , Happily. A Alb bdlid, An inhabitant. a d-'UijJb bi’ ddaftat, Often. a C^ljJb bi’ Hat, In person, p (jtJb , Moving the wings, flying. p *b bdlistan , To bless, N 90 p ^lb bulish, A cushion. Bedding. a <__j) ^.^!b bi’s sawdb , J ustl y . a bi’i 'iarurah, By force. a ^Ib bdligh , Arrived, reached. a (JasSu bi’l fit]', In fact, now. a iXisiilb bal laid, On purpose, v a band, A princess. A bottle, p \jj\j banana, Rich. Warlike, r ij, b bam, A builder founder. a jb 6a aw, Boasting, bragging, p ,^b bawar, True. Truth, faith, r b bawar chi, A cook, p ,^b bdwaridan, To believe, p ^-«b , One of several wives.- p ( a^jb bd wasf, Notwithstanding. p bawd, A large well, p a b 6776, Coitus. So be it. Ah! Body. Desire, adultery. a ib bah, A large area, p i-Xib bd/iadafi , True, just. a ysb bdhir, Superior. Open. a bjib bdhii, Troublesome. a Jjib bahil, Free (a she-camel) . a ilib bdhilal, Free from marriage, p j*Jt>b 6a ham. Together, also, p ytib 677672, A crook. A club, p b bd/ia/i , The sea. Deep water, p ^b bay, A city. a u^-.’b 6%?7, Passing the night. a ibs^'b bdyijal, A misfortune. a rf--^.b bay ill, Fatigued. a ji ;b 6«j/r, Confused. a ub bdyiz, Living at ease, p i’bb— jb bdyistagdh. Wish, p >b bay i si an, To be necessary. a ^jjb bdyii, A deer. a w>b bdyit, A merchant. A cour. tesan. Bargaining. A deer. a £rj b bdyilat, An injury, fraud. a ujbb bdyii;, A line she-camel. a ^b bdyin, Distinct. Evident. a A- crooked dagger, p .4.-^“. baclitch , A whisper. A bahh , Hoarse. Saying Bahbuh a C_>l=s^ bah has , A disputant. p Right, true. A tectasT bahbahul , A crowd, a bahbahi , Gay, plentiful. a Zs-j+ss? buhbuhat, The centre. A da A/, Pure, genuine. A bahhulj Hoarseness. A buhtar , Short and thick. A A->~A do/iy, Debate, dispute. A buhdalaf , Agility. a 6a/ir, The sea. Metre. a bahr, Astonished. a bid} rein. The crisis. a buh rant, Reddish, blood. a bahr at, A country. Clear. A bahrum, Abounding in water. A bahrt , Marine, maritime. A -3^ bahrlt , A pure thing. a — bahzaj, A calf. A dwarf. a bahasbi, According to. a bahsal, Thick, gross, big. a (Jss^ ba halt, By, by the truth. a bahl, A strong impulse. a bahnd, A township. a bah ul at, Pure. a buhuhat , Hoarseness. a buhoyrat , A lake. K bukhdr, A vapour. Steam, p A vein or nerve in the loins. a j A camel braying. a aisyA , O brave ! well done ! a bakht , Striking. p ei bakht. Fortune. Luck. p bakhtigdri, Skill, p jtA bakht ul, A helmet, casque. a bukhlaj , Boiled, cooked. p^£s~ bukhlar, The east, p bukhtigdrah , Levity. t bakhtlu , Happy, fortunate, p bakht u, Thunder, p . A camel with two bunches. Sr p A-iA bakht y dir, Fortunate. a bukhsaral , Filth. p , Broad. Pressed. Vitriol. fc_ p Asr5-. bak/yad, Dross, p bukhjidan, To extend, level. To surround. To trouble one's self. p bakhchah, A garden, p , To roll. To revolve. p bakh.haj, A nest. a _ .xA bakhdaj, Fat (camel’s colt). a bakhar , Stinking, p A~>-* bakhirad, Intelligent. pv , To be in agony. To serve. To be epileptic. 93 a bakhs, Deficient, small, p bakhs, Heat. Anguish, decay, p ^1— 4? bakhsun, Fusible, melting, p ^a. il...^ bakhsdmdan , To melt, p bakhsab , Snoring in sleep, p i” — ^ bakhust, A snore, p bakhuslan, To snore, snort, r y---^ bakhuslu, Confessing, p bakh siidan , To beat. To reap. To saw, shear, hammer, p ^ bakhsidan, To melt. To be in anguish. To become angry. To squeeze, tickle. To snore, p bakhsh , Fortune, lot. A giver. Polished. A castle, wall. Debt, p , Togive.To pity, spare, p bakhshdysh , Pity, favour, p bakhshish , A gift, p O,jy-Lo>^ bakhshiidan , To give, p bukhshah , A portion, p bakhshi, A giver, a paymaster, p bakhshtdan , To give, spare, burn, flash. p bakhshish , A present. a bakhsal , Thick, fleshy. a bakhat, Dying, pining. a bakhai :, Blind of an eye. Having an evil conscience. p bakhlalul, A hard nut. p bakhjtalah , A walnut. A bukhul. Avarice. p bukhlah , A bean. a bukhn , Tall, long. a bukhandut , A woman full grown. Having firm finger joints. a bukhuuk, A cloth pinned under the chin. Fine ointment. A small veil. A locust shell. p bakhnaw, Thunder, lightning, p , To thunder and lighten. p bokh'ar, Boiling hot. p ,.,Jo To labour in mind, p bukhur , Perfume, odour, p To cause one to eat. p ^>- buklwrfi , A perfumer, p ^Ijiya*^ bukhiirddn , A censer, p bukhura /{, A musk-bag. a bukhut, Confessing a debt, p bakhez. An ambush. a bakhil , Covetous, p bakhyah , Sewing thick, p jj 6rr-Jo budhat, The court, area. a U-Aj budakha, Tall, eminent, p ^i-j»>Jo 6ai/ khoyi, Vice. a aAj badad, Straddling. Power. AjJo badr, Integrity, fulness, p jJo in t/ar, Without, p ^Jo badrdm, A pleasant place, p ^UJo badrdn, A kind of dish. a i^.Jo badral, A quick brisk eye. 94 vxJ>- p ^J^A j Indeed, truly. p i A A badrshab, A full. moon. p dJs^wV) badri/rah, A guide, p ^~} jijSi badar navis), Error, p jjS: bad raw, A pack-horse, r JjjJJ badarud , Farewell 1 health, r .^,A budrush, A pass, p ^^,A 6a darogh Falsely, p aA badrah, A weight. A moth, p badusfur, As formerly, p 6a bar dal, Free. Faultless, p <_a \y bardb. Sown and watered, p y\y bardbar, Equal, alike. A zJr]/. bardbari, Equality, p bardbah, A pen-knife, p i\y bar dit, Disgusted, tired. 95 a Ob bartit , A letter. Diploma. a vXa^y biros i Soft level ground. r .L^' j bardjil, Parsley. a Jy buidh, Ending. Receding. a jl j burial , Cold (water). p jj)y bid Jar, A brother, p j bird.ar, A brother. p jly bardr, Peace, bearing ofT. p jXj) a A carrier. A receiver. p i ,'To spread branches (a tree). p jly burd'z, A goad. Harness. A strap. p Jjjy burazad , Fit, elegant. A brother, friend, ornament. p • baraidah , Paste, leaven. > */• p jjyj baraidr, As a brother, p jjd \ij\y bardziddn , To act right, to adorn, agree. To deserve. a L\y bardsd , A body of men. a Jy , A brick building, p y^J\y , To rest, to quiet. a *JiJy bard shim, Seeing clear, p bardshidan, To ask. a yjy bards, A sandy desert. a ,yjy barai , A little drought. a bard/am, Blubber-lipped. a bardi/il, Excellence. P joJl -ly To stimulate, to chase, p ^yhijy bar uflddan. To refuse. a Jjjy barrdt , Flashing, brilliant. a ,i^Jy ^(.iiy Courage 1 courage 1 a Is jy bar did, Firmness in battle. ^ p JX ly baragandah A bribe, a gift. a *jy baram, A handful. r tAr* buran, Sharp, cutting. p barangdr , The left hand. p bardward, An estimate. F y'y For, because. a y barjastan , To break out. a barkh 7, Some. An offering, p barkhei , Rising, revolting, p To extract, shave, fence. To be changed. To loose, reap, rivet, Fnd, invent, magnify, p \j-A~A barkhezd, An insurgent, p gf&-A barkhbt. An offering. A little. a bard, Cold, a cold. Sleep, p Ay bard, An enigma. Stand off! begone ! Reverence, dread. A cap- tive. Bcrid, Striped cloth, p Ay\tiy barddbard, Stand by. jjjl bar dddan, To quit, free, p J^Ay & ar Suspended, exalted. p To repair to. To prepare for. To like. To play ; to sing, to finish, quit, empty. iyki\jy To raise, take, move, prop. a barddin, Cold, patient of cold, p A)\Ay barddnah , Fried bread. jy rM A burdbur, A porter, patient. A tOy bardal A mark upon sheep. a ~Ay baradij, A captive. P j*/- bardar, The lintel over a door. a u~Ay bardas Overbearing, ugly. a bardatfti, Pannel. a z^a barda'cjA saddler, p yy bar dam, A moment, p ^\Ay burdan, To carry, bring, take. To go. To win. To obey. p \j*Ay birdun, A gelding, p barda/i, A captive, a slave. a ±fAy bardi, The papyrus. p l£AjS bardi, A masquerade. Mirth. p To win at play ; to gain. p (_AAy bardik. Ignorant. p Woollen cloth ; a vest. A birzawn, A beast of burthen, p bar ril;. Ignorant, p j \y bari, Grain. Height. Tall. Perfect. a jy bari, Intelligent, temperate. a \jy barid , A wide naked plain. a i\y burial, A modest woman, p 'a buriaj , The roaring of a lion. a ^jy bariakh , A space. A bar. p ^sAjy bar iadan , To raise. To level. a 9jy buriugh, Cheerfulness. Full, p bardighah , A saddle-cloth, p yAjy bariafdi/i, Great, eminent, p CS \y burial; Flax or hemp-seed. a (Jjy burial, Heavy, corpulent, p bar iamdn. Formerly, p ujy barian, A mansion. A street, p lyAjjy , To sow. To agree, to tally, p \y bariiin , A Turkish horse, p sjy bariaJi , Seed. A palace. A ploughing ox. The pile of cloth. An account. 97 f To sow. To agree. A (Jjjyi buritl , A body, society. a ^jyJ bar'i'm, A cup or bottle. p jyi barj , Perfect. H igli. Power. A ijy) bars, A kind of opium. p A bridle, rein, halter. a L,- barasa , A crowd p bar sin, Madness.. The night-mare, wind, pleurisy. Fat. r barsun, An oven, furnace, r bai'sam, A small present. p bursun , A nose-ring. p bar sang, A counterpoise. p barsiyah, Brown. Clack bile* r c"~ < barsm, Clover, p harsh, Ivy. Desire. A halter. The iliac passion. a Li,' barshd, A body, crowd, p |*Li^j bar sham, Keen-eyed. Sharp. a ^Li,' bur shun, Eucharist bread. ■<> burush/an, To fry; roast; bake. a birshit, A large man. A fool. Malignant, ill tempered. p c-Cfy.’ birshal, A press. A belt, girth. A commentary. a burshum, A veil. a brushamat , Keen sight. p barshan. Ivy. p uLi,j bursliunun, Of one faith. p barshahi, Down on birds wings. p j*.£> yj , To hide. a bur tjtm, A bud. a djjZy) bar tils, A serpent. a ^ yj burgh, A dam. A marsh. Distant. A small water animal a jU j barghaz, A calf when able to follow the cow. p , To satisfy. a barghsh, A kind of gnat. p jjJuJ'lli,' , To excite, rouse, p Jyi barghu, A sort of wheel, p fJj-Zy J, Grain (when bruised), r &Jy> barghuh, Dumb, mutilated. p i iyj barf, Snow. Ice. p barfdn, A lamb’s fleece, p y> barfakhj, The night-mare, p barfdan, The gullet. An ice-house. p bar farud, Up and down, above and below. Arched, p ^yj barfanj, Rough, arduous, p Aai,1 barfand, Fraud. A ditch. A zone. Arched. A valley, p j\&!yiyj , A commentator. A singer, p iJci,1 barfamlah, A chest, box. a j-fyi birfir, Purple. a , » j bari, Lightning. Flame. a [iy barld, An eye. p j'y'y bar lun ar, F i rm . Firmly. a (jLij barltdn, A locust. Lightning. a ifyi burial, Coarse ground. a burl at., A lady’s veil, p ^J\Jc.SyJ barlandan, A carnival, p Ji.i,' barlui, An apricot. a J-i barlul, A bullet. O 98 a barb, A troop of camels. C p d£.a baralt, A garment made of camels hair. A short vest, p bar /.(uhlan, To turn. a ^ bar! an, A black habit, p barluvidan , To cut out. a barafal , Abundance. a burial. The breast, p , To weigh by hand, p , To behave modestly. * , To tear up by the root, p J bar last, Flying to God. r , To extract, exhaust, handle, increase. To put off. a barlut., A short man. p barium, Refusal. Delay. p bar lamul, Complete, p barland , A bribe to a judge, p , To tear up, extract. a barlut., A veil. p bahuhan, Melody. Har- mony. The voice of a parrot. pa To instruct. To wound. a 0,4,' barahrahal , A fine woman. - u* barhiliyu, Hay-seed, p yty bar ham, Collected together. a OJi bar/jamal, Fixing the eyes. ? AO,’ barahnah , Naked. Serene (sky). f bar hud, Vain, absurd. p burhudan , To burn, To stray. r oyy barhazean, Separated, p ,_y.' bar}. Remote. Clear, free. p bur yin, Roasted, baked. A <4^ buriyal, People; a creature. P barij, An account. a (jji) *&nw) barihin , A doe. a barid , A measure. A courier. p 5 To send a courier. To cut. a ^y-t.y> barish , A spotted horse. p f~iy* bareshim, Silk. p ^y^-.y- ) The eve of a holiday. A yi baris , Leprous. K ^j.y3. baraytj A bunch of grapes. A ejiyi barU, Lightning. Dazzling. A barti, Plenty. A blessing. 4 barim, Variegated. A wreath. A charm. An army. Aurora. A mob. a baza, A protuberance, p bd'.ucU , A beryl. a j]y> baza'z, A shoe-latchet, a thong. a bdziuz, A dealer ; a trader. p , A market-place. a bu'iat, A young man. Clever. a baiatfd, Polished, well-bred. a j\y> buiah, Spittle, p jV'jj bdibui, Mace. a gyjy) balbalal, Walking fast. a hj btizal, Arms. Figure. A dress of honour. a —yj bay, Boasting. Contending. a ba jamah , A rich dress, p y buzhamid, A she goat. a bdiakh , A protuberant breast and a hollow back, p yy bazar, Light, flame. a yy bdir, Lint-seed. An oil, a r ,jJ biiiaraj, Great, large. p «-/, :j bdir ah, A small seed, r ’ p t— y buzurg , Great. Adult, p y , Grandeur, greatness, p y jj3. buzurgi, Grandeur, See. p ,,jy bazarzzar, Employed, p bdiisldn, A market-place, p uliC tyj biiashih, A physician. a baza Augmented, p bdiagh, A frog. A pond. 100 L*j r basag/i, A cupola. p > -Vs— j basaghdah, Ready, j:-.' bask, Spitting. A bass, Impelling, putting off. a basd, Becoming familiar, p 1 — j basd, Many, some, somewhat, p — 1 — ) basdj, Depravity. Pju basar, The rains. A boy. p j bisurdddan , To plough. a LA — j balds, Length. A H — a bus it, Extensive. A wide plain. Bisul, A bed. A carpet. A p i : Basal, An epitome of the Evangelists. r bisiifidan , To tickle. a J—J 6ar/, Unlawful, a aL-j buslat, The hire of Psylli. a »-~J basin, A smile, a simper. bismi, In the name of. T • - , p uU— ' bismil , Sacrificed. p basrnah, A collyrium. p basunfulan , To conceal. To prepare. ♦ — : basanakfidan , To ferment, p a-.„< basand , Advantage, benefit. p .'wV > batandah , Satisfied. r basank, An horse, p a.— -» basnah , V. basani , A heifer. a 6a.su, Tame, gentle. a lkj basur, Sour. Grim, p busudan , To feel, seize, repel, erase, swallow, mix. a basus, A she-camcl milk- ing hard. a j. basU.li, A sheep with long dugs. a L— J busul, Strong, bold. p u baszcah, A land measure, the > • twentieth part of a bigah. p jo 6a suzw, Towards. Against, p — j 6a«, Many, more and more, p ,U«j bis yar, Many, much. Very, p — j 6«.?y, Arms. An enterprise, p basejtdan, To arm. To prepare for. a 1 basi sat, Flour fried withoil. a 6««/, Level. Spread. Simple. a a!;, — basitat, A simple thing. Surface. A sun dial. A quadrant. a (_L_j Deformed, ugly. a basilat, The wine left in a cup after drinking. a basim , Smiling, jovial. a bashsh, Glad, polite. A hoop, p jLLj bashiir, Scattering (money). a bushurat, Cheerfulness. a bushashat, Joviality, a jUj bashaL, Indigestion. a .LclJL' basha^al, Ill-flavoured. Au- stere. N arrow. Unequal. a (JJ> lie bashsliuk, A liar, p bash/. Stream-turning. p bushturam, A pimple, p bushlukak, A tumulus. ?HS~d bushfir, A mountain-tree, p — ■ bashkh ddah, Compressed. Levelled. Extended. Present. a jLi bashar, Giving joy. Handling. bashar, Man, mankind. a jLi basharr, Maliciously. a i-ij bashurat, The skin. a 4, bashaii, Human. Intellect. a £_JLj bushifr Bad, fetid. a ^L> bushgh, Small rain. a ' ' bashl, Lying. Sewing ill. p i^JLL) basha/f, A lot cast. Dung. Sleet. a ^J^L) bashku*, Going quick (a camel) p bashg'tr, A towel, p bashlidan. To feel. To wash. To explore. ap Li basham, Indigestion. Rime, p bishinj, Business. Baggage. Study. A freckle. Leprosy, p bashu/an, Of bad principles, p bash uluni dan. To agitate, p J~j bashrdidan, To shake. To know. To hear, wish , lose, p basliij, Equal. Death. bashir, A messenger of good news. Beautiful. 102 ,\k> ■* basarat Seeing. A bassasal , The eye. AjU busuh , Spittle when spit out. A basbas , Indefatigable a basbasal , Fawning. • ^w«3j basar, Seeing. Sight, mind. a basral , Stony ground. A k-^j 6m/, A: camel with her colt. a 6as£, A thick linen cloth. A (Uua.' baskat, The higher street of a city. a basal, The onion. A bulb. a busm The space between the tips of the ring and little fingess. a , bamL The worst milkers. • • a bass}, An eunuch. a basir, Seeing, blind. A basiral, Sight, caution. a basis, Flashing, tremor. A basit, Sweating. A A thin skin, fat and soft. A bi'zatal , A stock in trade. * *■ a \j*iL-e j+±> biiran miiran, (Blood was shed) with impunity. a ij-A> bu'iral, In vain. a ba'iu'i, Little water. a bu'i Cutting. Bleeding. Blit, A part. A small number. a bdztul , A part. A remnant. a baiiui , Containing little. a bii'iu-, Loathing, tired. a i ‘ <1. baiul, A sharp sword. a (Water) flowing softly, p k> 6a(, A Goose, a duck. a laJ 6a//, A pot, cup, flaggon. a Veu balti, Slowness, delay. a -.Hu bulafi , A disease. a batak, Raining, drenching a JU> bitul, Sporting; toying. a bath at., The noise in decant' ing. The dawn of youth. a ix*x) bat-bat/xt, Hurry of speech, flight. A <*b buta.t, The colt of a camel. a ba^s, Sending. Rousing. An army. Resurrection. a bi^sal. A mission, detach- ment. Resurrection. a ijZju batsuraf, Fainting. a ki aj but?u[, The middle. a ba^sakat. (Water) leaking. a ^ ba~J , Cutting open. a «X*j batd, After. Hitherto. a &x> baijd 5 Perishing. Distant. Butsl, Distance. Death. Butsl , Little, vile. a batslat , Distance. a (Axi ba^dahu , After, then. a jSai bi^azr, Moving. a jX) ba^r, Extreme poverty- a Sjxx batrat, The wrath (of God). a (jxi ba'-iat, Exciting, dispersing. a tejxx batiakat, Scattering. a ^sxj bats, Leanness. Agitation. a bursas, Slender. The hip. a batsusal, A white, shin- ing insect. a ^jx) ba^i Some, certain. A part. A AJj^dx) ba^zuiat, An insect. a k*a ba^at Turpitude. Killing. A kbu butfat, Small, a dwarf. a Ji&) bu^k, Killing (a camel.) a , Striking (with a sword). a jxj butkur , Cutting. a batf ukul An assembly. a 0Uj batl , A husband. A master, hill. A watered palm. a batnas, A foolish girl. a yu bat& Wronging^ Borrowing. a buijis, An army. a jsy butfii , A gnat, fly. a ffr+xx butjj. Burst in the belly. a Xoo btid , Distan, bsent. A y.x> batjr, A beast of burthen. a batfin , A wooden statue. p. • , a Really, exactly, faithfully. a wJ bugkgh, A little camel. a lb baghd, Playing the whore. a lb baghd , A whore. a lb bughd, Asking. The thing desired. p iiAb baghds, A 9pecies of kite. a jib baghdr, A nail. Bigfidr , A river. p jib baghui, A wedge. a tuslb baghaial , Hatred. Hating. a jjlb bagltdkt Talkative, p ^Ib b ugh an, A wedge, a peg. • jdy lb baghunusk, A fleet horse. ? La-ulb baghdyat, Extremely. a Abb Hastening. Braying. a jyj bughbur, A pagan altar. a * baghsartdan. To scatter, sow. p i_f^b bughsar'i , After. a A b baghsat, Small rain. a ir-bt baghsaral Tumult. A pal- pi tat ion. p ^j±xj baghd/, The first sort of camel. a jo baghar, A di-sease in camels, p j jo bughrdic, Clamour, noise. A i„.b bazhrut , Violent rain. Uj 104 l£> A bagliz, Alacrity, violence. A u~*r baghxh , Small rain, dew. A bughz, Hatred, p (Jij baghal , The arm-pit. a bughgkaZ, Slow, tardy. p b ughl an, Marriage, p jjlalAa baghullu), f, Speech. a ^ bagham ,' An obscure speech- Pjl^-rj baghmdr , A wedge, p ;U.*j bughmuz , Circumference, p JkiAa , An inquiry. A river. a yo baghu , Obstruction. Thought. A £ baghwat , An unripe date. a j bughur, Setting and causing rain (stars). The Pleiades. A , The sound made by docs, p bagbi, Prevarication. A baghi, Injustice, tyranny. Revolt. Brisk. Begging. Rain- ing hard. Searching. A (JU-a j baghis , Wheat. Ajvti ba ghayr , Without, except, unless, besides. a pi-aU baglui , Hatred, p £«/)!, Wrouglit, weaved, p baft ar ah , A lure for a hawk, p b of lari. The yarn beam, p ^ Spittle. A slaverer, p bafjam, Much, many. Co- pious. Money scattered about, p lS jAJ bafarod, Down, downward, p »1> bafrah, A weaving tool. Dillicult. p /-iij , To cause to sow. p (jjo To sow, scatter, disperse, p Jia bafal, A mule, p ,,jb bufanj , Saliva, spittle. a (Jj ball, A fly, a gnat. a l« irt.fw, Firmness. Remainder. Looking upon. Regarding. / Eter» nity. a , A lie. A misfortune. A cudgel. a bulidt, A handful of sour milk. a jjlij bahdh, Talkative. a JUj babkdl, An oil merchant, a giocer. A shopkeeper. a but am, Weak in mind. Coarse wool. Coarse flax or hemp. Jjljj batdwul , Head cook ; a taster. a baJiuwat, Expecting. a ‘CLx.1 bahbalat, Guggling. ap ba hadri, As to, according to. a yh b attar, Black cattle. a iiyh bailin' at, A cow, an ox. a Lju ball, Furniture. A part. Quick. a jjia ba/iut, Various -coloured. Desert. a axil , A place, part. Building. a <&ju bahlal, A pot-herb, a bean, p £ b bah am. Wood like Brazil wood. a iJij bahsat, Observing. a bulzca’, A remainder. a pi bald, A remainder. Stability, p ,Uiu batty dr, A black carpet. a bakam, Dumb. Abstaining. p jb*G bukmar , A conqueror. p jl*0' bukmaz , Wine. Joy. p bukman , Conquering. Dumb. a ^0 , , Having little milk (camel). Crying. a bajuriyal , Primogeniture. p t-l/jOi baluf, A butt to shoot at. p balah , Cheerfulness. Culture. A baiilat, A mixed dish; spoil. a bakim, Dumb, silent, p *10 gdA, The dawn. In good time. p baguidshtan , To dismiss. ■ p , To turn, avert. To walk. To alter. r bugardidan, The' same, p begum, A queen. A lady of rank. A respectable matron, p bald, Without, beyond, p balubal, A nightingale. a ^jib buldsik, Marshes. a j*»-)b baldjud, A black ox. 'p Shj bildkh, Large hipped. The holm (a kind of oak). p ,*=>Gb bala/iam , A sling. A purse, p Si.) buldd, A malefactor. a LZjSh balddat, Stupid. p uSh bilddah , Vain, foolish. a ^ji-> bularij, A stork. a jh biluz , Short. Satan. Grass, p balds, Coarse hair-cloth, p , To wither, wrinkle. a Gib bald /, Level, smooth. A brick. a HSL bulld~at, A common shore. a bulldtjk, Spacious, open. a baldgh , Sufficiency. a c: -r)b balaghaf, Eloquence. Bra- very. a £_iib balalit, Uncultivated, p balakash, Unhappy., p ,Ji)b baldkal, Indian steel. a J)b baldl , Moisture, freshness. a LJlb baldUt, Level ground, pave- ment. P 106 kb <> a iji-' ballon , A cold or hot bath. a balahat, Foolish. Bashful, p balayah , A whore. Laid waste. Poor. An Indian sword. A jJLb balbal, Anxiety, grief. ap JJj bulbul , The bulbul, a bird like the nightingale. A viceroy. A goblet a (J-l! bulbul , Trifling. Active. pa , Butter ; a cup ; a liquor, p balbus , A wild onion. a wi-vJ &a//, Cutting. Cut. Wise. a ballaf, Moist (wind) . Good. a SbAj ballot, Cutting, splitting. iL) ballot, Cunning, crafty- A 5 An empty boaster. A balla bullat. A house. Pavement. a fcaZat, Devouring, piercing. a buljat, The eye of a pul- ley, Sec. a »_* balats, Fat, relaxed. a baita! , Loose - fleshed . Stupid. A kind of date. A ^ bultum, The gullet. A glutton. a The scope, end. Bcu lagh, Consummating. Eloquent. a aZ/ar, Red Russia leather. A jjb ballot, A desert. a 6aZ/aO, Bright-pointed. a bilkul, Short. A bird. J • * ~ p UjiLi bulkiya, A dish of fruits, see. r balk, Very much. A gift. Gain. A leaf. A standard, arms. Balli, But, however. a balak. Mixing, p iL ballon , A machine; a balista, iron crow, See. p balkanj, A play, pastime, p a£L balkeh, But, perhaps; besides. a Jia bulul, Moisture. Conquering. Wicked. Tyrannical. 107 PA bulla , Most certainly. pAj*1L bailin', Crystal, p balmd, Thiel;. A heap, p ^JuUL balmuTidan, To murmur, p \j, A shepherd. p .Juj band sab, Gum mastich. a db-= » W , Therefore, wherefore, p banafar, An architect, p *bj bandm, Celebrated. Fame, p banan. The finger, p ^£bj bandnj, A wife, a second wife. a dibj bunanat, A pleasant garden. Pj^Uj bundimr, Radical. A sore, p !_c\ui bundy, Foundation, plan. a bumbal, A fish, a shark. a bint, A daughter, a girl. a bw bannaf , Smell. Asking. 108 U&J A banj , Henbane. Binj, A root, p binj, A coat button. r A dealer in grain. Waste- land. p banjidan , To befriend. To aid. To break, divide. To do. To rise. p Joj band, A band, chain ; knot, joint. A mound, dam. A vine- yard. Deceit. p , An island. A joint, p bandar , Firm. Knowing. Rich. A forestaller, slave-dealer, r A particle of similitude, p banddflun , Cinquefoil, p jjljy banddk , A mitre-like cap. p jJcj bandar , A city, an emporium. A narrow pass. A harbour, p bandrugh, A large knead- 'ing trough. A dam. p bandisli, Resolve. Fastening, p jJJoj banduli, A firelock. ,A ball, p CiJcj bundok, Cotton cleansed, p band kashdd, A joint, p cj bundkashah , A bolt, p abjeo bandgdh , A joint*, p jjf-XiJ bandagt , Servitude, p bandgir, A fine cement, p bandan, To bind, fasten, propose, desire. p AiJCJ bandanah, A coat button, p jjJoJ hundred , Acid. P i-** -* bandbbasl , A settle- ment for rent or taxes. pj^JoJ bundoi, A packing-needle, p banduk , A inusquet, p jjJoduJ bandidan, To bind. p banrdn, The groin. a bonus , Shunning evil. a (JLjj banush, Remiss. a binsir , The ring-finger. a ^Lky b unity an, A shrew, p banafsaj , A violet. a The root, origin. r bavear, Ruin. Neglected, p baausilah , Because, p , Curious. Libidinous. r ^ly bateau, A narrow pass. 4 r ^ly bite an , A tent pole. p t-yy The King’s palace, p by 6/iid, A kind of meat. A iby bubal, A desert. a yy 'l'lic pupil of the eye, 109 the image reflected from it. Glory. ' A nobleman. Ingenious. a i«j butcal, A hawk. j, V1 r ijy butah, A crucible. A foetus. A butt. Bud, spot. A shrub. F jU-J »J bulimar , Sorroy . A heron. A bates, Enquiring. A Flashing. The dawn. A batch, Evident. Fatigued. Huh, A root. The sun. The soul. a bazekh, Quieting, calming. a i_V inter/, A well. J* p Jy bud, Existence. A dwelling. f hj]jy bo danah, A medicinal seed. r budbush, A^jode ; service. f ^y budan, To be, become, exist, p budanah, A bird of game, f budan}, Possible. Essence. a Jjj inze:, Injury. Poverty. f j«J i«r, A horse. % A ^atcr, Perishing, waste. Fruit- less. Ruined. Slothful. Languid. p b*J inrn, A sack, bag. p buru.nl , A kind of food. ' p (J^jy bur bd, A portico. a burat, A ditch, a pit. buruj, A castle. p burak, A part; a food. p A trumpet, A tube, r iurai, Nitre, borax. Pastry. P A tniIIipet. the point. A split reed. A mat. P 'iji3- ’ ^ mat. A carpet. A case. P J$. burtnah, An ape. p /S3- A- goat. p buznah, An ape. A W**5» A misfortune, p ^.y bos, A kiss, a buss. f bosanah , Humility. d*> p , To cause to kiss, p bos' an, A garden, p L--i. j bus/iyun , An ox. p bust in, Viciousness, r J+L>y A roost-cock. A lapwing, p l~:y bosuh, A kiss. p ^yy bos}, One kiss. Kissing. a ^yy busua *, Adversity, loss, p ^jX^y bostdagi, Rottenness, p ^^y-iy bosidan, To kiss. To rot. p ^j~y batcash, An ornament, a p Batesh, A crowd, great^ plentiful. Gravity. Bush, Swift, p lljJ bushii, Meditation, care. a jli, j bush ud, The rape-root. a iyy batoshi, A poor man. a ^jsy bates, Preceding, hasting Hid. Colour. A woman’s hips. Fatigue. Excelling. a icy batesu, A kind of play, p ^yy bus}, A little boat. a J*yy batesir, The piles. An herb. a \Jzy bazez Standing. Beautiful. ' a *y\ay buldniyal, A black vine. a £cy butat, A crucible. a ay batci, Becomiug fat. a ^y bazctL, Expanding the hand, r Zy bugh, A wrapper. A pouch. a \ay bateghu, , Friable earth. Crazy, p testy bughchah, A toilette. a \yy bughra, A kind of food. p ^yLey bughalman, Borage, p ■eyy bughatij, Black pepper, p Juiu bughand, Bindweed, p ^y bu/i, A trumpet, flute, pipe. p jy buk. Vain, false. Injury. p JlijJ bilked, A tankard. a iSy A thunder shower. pa fX>y , A camelion. Varied. I a iz+jy buklsd, The elm-tree. 110 p lLjmJ , By chance. Meat. Rubbish p Cjy , Fuel. Flatulence. Rubbish. a 1^.' bazcka, Mixture, confusion. v bukarrah , At present, p i!ijj bukah , Perhaps it may. a Jy bazcl, Number. Urine, p Ay bul, The nose. The beak, p ^ y , Lands always in cultivation, p bulhdr, A field of battle, p JusXSjJ, or , A bribe to a judge. Sport, a novelty, p , First fruits. Pastime, p bulkand, A bribe to a judge, p bum , An owl. A country. Earth. A garrison. Home-bred, p {jy*y bumahan , An earthquake. A beam, Excelling. Difference. Excellence. Tent-poles, p ^y , Utility. The root. A son. a djy bawnal , A little dwelling. a ^*y hamuli, A blabber. Clear. a CJ>jy bumuk, Fattening (a camel). Buying or selling, clearing a foun- tain. Confusing. Disturbed. a iy bazch, An imprecation, p *by, Desire, wish. A lapwing, p (_5»J boy , Odour, perfume. Hope, p boyunak , Parsley. p ^ ifjy boygan, The belly, womb, p «, (A privativeparticle or pre. position) Without. When prefixed to nouns, it implies wanting, or being destitute. a <3 bayy, A base-born man. a jLj bayyaby A cup-bearer. a bayed , Surprise by night. p C^V-J baydt, Grief, care. <0 a buyyahal, A fish-net. p , To adorn. To lie. p ^ buyazish, A disease, a baydz, White. A carte- blanche. Paper. Leprosy, p i-a-wL.’ biyazat, Whiteness. a a £L> bayy at., A broker. a , Merchandise, trade. a bayyagh, A horseman, p ^Je«ua bi-dmadan, To come, p (^isrS'cL_' , To mix, mingle, a ^La baydn , Explanation, proof. Relation. Eloquence, p AiLa biydnah, An earnest, pledge, p btydzz'dn, A desert, p ^jljLa bi dizarddn, To contract as joints. To grow worse. 1 I 2 a bib, A canal, or conduit, _ a bayban , A species of willow, p A lady. Good. A saint, p j-JSj-mJ bi pur hez, Wicked. a bayl, A house. A verse. A closet. A family. Noble. A tomb, v bi(, Provisions. r bi tabanah. Instantly, p ij^Ls-rr!. bijuh , An invoice. a One who reveals his secrets, p ^ bi hdzur, Disturbed, of- fended, enraged, p ^ bekh, A root, origin, p bekhal , Birds dung, p jJjzzfbekhawar, Having a root, r ij-Ar^. bikhla{ i, To capture. To render impotent. p iflyd, Perishing. Ruin, Nox- ious. Besides, unless. Because. r A-J bed , A willow. An aspen. A ^A-J ftida, A desert. PjlAjJ biddr, Waking, watching, p &j\ j-j bidarah , Timid. A lover, p bidari , Vigilance, r ^as^A^.' bedanjir , Palma Christi. p t_JyA-j &ar§-, A spear, p Bidpay, Friendship. a jA-J , A barn, p Grain in a barn, p i^A-J bidarah , A black-smith’s-ditch. a JA-j , A pawn at chess. Single, p ^A-j bedi, A willow. a j\ A-j bay'zaz , A scattererof words, r *^A-J bizdrah , Fraud, deceit. a 6tr, A well, a pit. p bir, Lightning. A bed. p bir ail, An old man. p ^ jy bayrdl, A standard. A troop. h birdgi, A wandering Hindu and mendicant penitent. p p\pj , A Muhammadan festival, p b\pj bir ah, A wanderer. A courte- zan. Anger. p bi ray , A fool, ideot. p tjj bayram , An axe, auger, awl. A lever, ring-worm, punch. p •gj/J birij, The herb mallows. p j-f bi roz, Unfortunate. p q}\ birozan, A precious stone. p birun , Without, out, exte- rior. The outside. Foreign. From, p birin, Fetid water. a j*j bay'i, Injury, oppression, p j\jj biidr, Free. Flight. Disgust. Briar, Without disgust, p bizdrah, Magnanimous, p bizari, A royal diploma, p ^Ajj-j tiiiidan , To sift. a bu-is, Misery, affliction, p -- J bhl, Twenty/ Stop! Loss. v Jc — -J bisldr, Redundant, p bisfagi, Impunity, p (jz~. -j bisli, A Persian coin. A — -- baysaka, Alas ! wo ! fy ! A j*—^' baysam, A species of oak. p bisah, Spotted. A magpie, p besh, Much. More, great, p 4-Lj bishah, A forest, wild. Re- venge. Curdled. Blindness, a its, Adversity. a bay*i ESSS- Layins eggs* Whiteness. a La-J bay'ia, White. The sun. A misfortune. Moist grain. A purse. A pot. A noose. p A - » bayiabi, A species of Per- sian writing. a ^La-,) bTzan, White men. a JLa-j bay'iat, An egg. A testicle. Helmet. Head-ach. 113 LT a bay far , A horse-doctor. a buy/t, Commerce. A dealer, r A'U-j bay ~a nab, Earnest- money. a A temple. A contract. A baygh, Ebullition. r V»yAr: bilfukhand. , An assembly. p |*Lj bay lam, The cotton pod. A w imble, auger, gimblet. p <$Lj &/«/;, An eminence; firm, p &m, Fear, danger. p iU-J bimdr, Sick, afflicted. p o^U-J bimari , Disease, sickness. p wta«7, Absurd, vain. p A mill-clapper. Rattles, p bimus, Unleavened bread, p bimuh , Insurance. a ften/n, An interval. p c# Seeing. Excellent. A tA> bayyin, Clear, evident. a u-j bayna , In the mean time, r ^ Seeing, clear-sighted. p bindrab, A gigantic^demon. p binayi, Perspicacity. a blnab, Periwinkle. a Cj bayyinat , Positive proof. p biyanndan. To sift. To be made captive, and impatient. binhli, Vision. Providence. • a U- -i bina /, A weaver. a Uj-w', In the mean time, whilst. p y---» (/in a, A dairy. Butter-milk. Thick, rich, sour milk. a rJyyj baynunut , Separated. An interval. A fissure, p Tlie nose, snout, brain, p j-j Wyt7, A moth ; lath. Dung, p ij\y. j biwdruh, A foreigner, p bhcai, Ouiet ; a bat. p biman. Leave, p To bolt in eating, n biyupuri, A dealer, p biyu/al, Mouse expenses ; an office for registering the effects of deceased persons. House-tax. a A.-J buyud, Ruin. Dying, p jyJ Inwar , Sixty thousand, p bhcarda/i, A thousand. a jyJ %nz, Injury, p igiyrd buyush, Humility. Hope, p To subject, humble. a bimagi, Widow’hood. p biyiiQdan, To hope. a bay tin, (A well) deep and full, p biwah, A widow, widower. a i-J bay has , A lion. Brave, p bay ban, The rosa canina. p J bay hud, Singed cloth, p baybudan, To singe, p bi bosh, Insane, mad. a bibin. Better. Swift. a buy ay l, A small house. a bayid, Ruin. Noxious. a bayirat , Any thing stored. a bayts, Strong, bold, stern, severe. a (J--J bayil, Small, weak. Q 114 V C-J U-J pe, The third letter of the Per- sian alphabet. is interchange- able with i__i ; and often con- founded with <_>. p b pa, The foot, footstep. A cause. a ujApjb paptarift, Raising the uvula of a new born infant, p Fettered. Idle, impotent. p Kissing the feet The heel. p P*ip°shi A shoe, sandal, p Atb'b, Ribbons, straps, wreaths. p jjlj'lj pul (in, Together with. a *jb'b, Plenitude. A cushion. p -b pacha ft, Feet (when boiled), p pdcICdah , A shoe, p ^b pd/ch, Gold or silver unrefined. Adorned. Ingratitude. Vile. Mortar, An envoy, p b, Worn, trampled. A brick, p iti-b pritta/1, A builder. A turtle, p jb parf ( prefixed to a noun), Car- rying off, hindering. Forcing, p j)jb padar, Always; a fleet horse. P piuldsh, Revenge. Reward, p |*)-b paid hang, A rein, bri- dle. The pillory. A noose- p ^/-'b pulay, A led horse, p ^*!b pdlghdz, Ruin, distress. p <_3b jMtlfd, A litter, p <— C!b, A shoe. A bed, a cot. p u (—Cdb , A counterpane, p j! bpa/it, A wart. A pustule. p jjjAu pdludan, To strain. To turn, besmear, purify. P iijJb pdluzah , Smooth, clear. A sweet beverage. r pdlusah, Sickness, grief, p pdlunah, A strainer. f pdlhank , A bridle. A pil- lory. A noose, p JUVj palpal, Always, p To become high, proud. To strike, stand, name, p pdm, A kitchen-garden.. p pdltian , A saddle-cloth. Lib - v p jUb pdmdl, Trampled. Spoil, p j^b, An assistant, intercessor, p jj-«b pa maid, Gain, p ^ «b pumas , Fortification. Im- potent. Idle. pn ^b pan, A species of plant bear- ing an aromatic leaf. A composi- tion for chewing. p puriiahar , The bezoar stone, p <0b pdnah , A bar, a bolt. h jb pazr, A quarter. h jio'Jo paid ah}, A fee. p ib , A weaver’s treadle ; a shuttle, p puicgoshl, A fine, p i pduld, A quarter gold mohur, p pazeanjan, A bracelet, p Jbjb pare and, A fetter, p ib pah, Meat, victuals, p i_bb>b pdhui, The torture, torment, p pdhahidan, To torture, p ^cb pay , The foot. Basis. Trace. An excuse. A stream. Above. Power, heat, end. p pdyufmi , Swift. r j\js\ ^j\j pdyafzdr, Slippers. f ^jbb puyun , The end. Inferior, much, great. p jL\jl ^-b , Shoes with strings. r ,_sb pay drear, Powerful, p ^j;b ^b pay bald , Balance, p ^b pay posh, A shoe, p - ^b pay jamah, Drawers, p ^cb pay /church, Balance, p b, A fetter, a foot-noose, p ^Job pay dan, Perpetual. p pU'payz, The autumn. p ^jab pdyzan, A ruffian, footpad, p Xjj\} pay zah, Exemption, p (yuib pay is! an, To wait. To be firm; to trample on. pcr^. pdyi sukhun , Eloquence. p i_$b pay Idr , Expert, skilful. A b\£jy'paygah, A vestibule. A stable. An inn. A step. Dignity. p ^jb pay gali, Dignity, office- p U^b , Lowest order of priest, p JU^'b pay null. Ruined, trodden, p J,«*ob pdymard , Assistance. p ^b pay in. Low, under, p ^Ijoob pdyandan, A surety, p i-Lob pdyandah, Firm, lasting. p AjU pdyah, A step. A stair-case. The pith. Brave. Dignity. Basis. Vile. Trampling. Quantity. e i pdyhdl, The sole. Vile. p u^.b puyidan, To stand Iv m. To trample, beat, kick. To wait. To be tired with, p jjjjb pay'd, The autumn, p -jb pdyin. The lower part, p jyc ILo pipilumur , The root of long pepper. p papanu, Dried butter-milk, p i --> put, The ship worm, p jba palddah, With a crash, p pula/;, An anvil. A book, p ^sf^spulalclii, A writer, p JiJ patul, A mat. p J&J pul lad , A door-bar. p u-Gu patang, A paper kite, p yj patu, Wollen cloth, p pat wart, An accountant, p pat ah , The white poplar. h Flying, p , To cause to fly. p pardyidan, To adorn. To tan. To prune. To dress hair. y p pur bar, A lading, cargo. • j:y_ parpar, An Iierb like mint. p (*AJ- ’ A y°un§ Partridge. p J) par pan, Purslain. v purpay, A charge for lighting Mussulman temples. ? par tab, A bow-shot. A leap. Shining. p eSc y pur tat, A fleet sound horse, p partalah , A belt, p par laze, A ray, light, p par chain, A lock of hair. A plough. Timber. A standard p 5 A fragment. Cotton cloth, p parchidan, To hammer. i Curved, bent, clenched, f parkh, Deficient. Somewhat. Furniture. Chance. 4 l f ^ - p purkhashjd, Warlike. r parkhu, A magazine. p purkhiir, A partner. p , To root up, shave, fence. P purd, Difficult, obscure, p \jcparda, Two days hence. p Completed, polished. p , To finish, polish, adorn. To spend, empty, leave. To pre- pare, deliver, pluck. r p pur dun, Wise, sage. p CJ^ j purdat, An enigma. Sincere. p pardagi, A chaste woman, p Jjj. j parded, A plate. p purdv, The roof. A balcony, p s&p pardah , A veil, curtain. p LA^zjji Par rckhtan, To moult. p > The firmament, p ijj) puriuh, A fringe. p joA) jj j pariidan, To fill a well. To repair a well. p , To interrogate, p parast, A worshipper, p parast ar, A servant. p c parastdn , Speculative, p paras fish, Worship, p parast at, A swallow, p parastagari, Slavery. To worship. To pray, y p pursish, A question. p pur si, A cess, a fine, p jjdu pursidan , To ask. p , To swallow. To salt. p purfdn, Melancholy. p lLS^j port, Lint-seed. Crackling. p par gar, Compasses. A circle. a ’ A vei1, Li§ht’ Slory* Flight, p , A nuptial entertainment, p pumas, Feeling, touching, p ^Ju«J^j parwasldan, To examine, p | J^\*j) parwash, Negligent, careless, p \jjj puma!, A watch. Echo, p ^1^ , A parrot. A crime, a spectacle, p , A guide, escort, courier, p paricanah, A butterfly, moth, p purzetiicuh , A watch, guard. p pamtiy, Easy. Nimble. PjlTjj. parwardagtir, Omnipotence, p y , To educate, foster, p J parzsarish, Education, p ^JoJJ^j , To pack, to truss, p j pamarah. Fed, educated, p pamari, Fattening, p ) Conserve of roses p uJu JjLp , To nourish. To begin, p jjj jHtmuz, A border. A shirt, p jjL-m y, partistan, People of the same religion or society, p j purun , Filth, nastiness. p JJ jy? pamand , A ruffian, p $ Joo pamtindah, Servants. A bundle, a wrapper, r parzeah , Spoil : a sheet, a star. v j!.}ji;Parzc*!Zi Victorious, charming. p iJJ'jji portcezan, A hair sieve, p purzeen , Filth. p Xjj , The white poplar. A bolt. p > The sun’s disk or orbit, p ^wsrr^j , To teach good manners. p ji&y purhez, Abstinence, conti- nence, sobriety, chastity. Care. p i_sy pari, A good genius. p purl, Plenitude, p par y tin. Silk. Muslin, p parldtiri Magic, p pandagi, Flight, p paridan, To fly. p yy parlr, The day before yesterday, p LL—jj.'ji, , Couvulsed. p jjjLjy pari-roz. V. parlr. p syy parlrah, Golden. Interrupting, p iU^jj , Of the day before yesterday.- p Jc. j j parisjtir, An envoy. p parish , Dispersion, p ^LLo^j parishtin, Dispersed. Anx- ious. Vexed, disgusted, p parlntin, A camel’s hide, p uptyparyun, A tetter or ring-worm, p y paz, A sweet cane, p paitikhlan, To melt, p ^Jujlja paianidan, To cook, p Xj puzd, An enigma, p pdiagh, A young vine shoot, p paightib, A pond, p pad, Side, part, toward, p paudan, To cook, p pourqftan, To accept. T# be grateful. To agree, approve. 119 L.J p v pa-draft, Meal, p Jj pq/, Frost. Lightning. A mountain ; old ; impure. a pajddy Aged. Venerable, p pajumund , A door bolt, p iiiji pujdah, The heel. Receding, p jJj pajar , Bald, p pxjj pajgham, The akacia. p pujghand, Curriers summac. p pi; pajim, Frost. A fog. A cloud, p pajman , Sad, penitent, p l> ) A kind of small pates, p ^ > To faint. To fade, die. p paj-moy, Pock-marked, p ^ pajam , The end of a street, p pajand, A wild gourd. A ne- cessary. Very, little, p ^jppajangar, A tanner. Acurrier. r ijjp pajangarah, A rabbit, p jjppaju, Blood; life, r CiijyJ pajzcdk, An echo. p J pujul, The ankle, p * pujuda/i , A sky. p pajulidan, To provoke. To move, stagger. To want, or cut off the tail or offspring, p pajzcund, A sparrow, p Kjp pijuh, An explorer, p , Enquiry. Armour. Swift, p pijuhidan , To enquire, p ^ ippajism, Filthy. Sordid, p pajah, Arms. A led horse. A staff. A consort. Cloth. A needle. Pujah, , Rime. Grief. Quick. p wU*j pujAan, Jealousy. Envy. p jj *j pqjn, A brass obolus. p U^./i pvjywi A large ship. p pas, After. Then. Finally. But. The last. p ~ipasadal, Credit. L5-V p («l/l J pasdi, Garlands. p Jujl i pasdzoand, Metre, verse. p u_SoJt>Lj A nail. A horse-shoe. V p pas pay, Cross-legged, p pas/, Humble. Base. Marsh ground. Sordid. Wheat winnowed. The axis. The upper mill-stone. A porter, or his knot. p jc : pustad , Red coral. p^“. j pas tar. Posterior. p pusturum , Ice. p i_jC; — jpislai. The jubjube. p , To squeeze, press, p : pislunk, The jubjube tree, p pas/i, Baseness. Swamp, p — i pastendj, A kind of tree, p ey.sr-i pischin, A hard wood. a pas-kh'ar , Fragments of meat or drink. p pisar , A son, a boy. p J pisar ok, A child, p j pas raw, A follower, p pisart, Infancy, p < J > , A lot east. Curling hair, p , Mogul pine. p paskullah , A door bolt. p pasandah , Content, p J , To approve, choose, p aJoJa— j , Grateful. Chosen, p jJLo • pas rsa pesA namudan, To hesitate, waver. a pasin, Posterior. ISO p , Before. A bolt. The mane. A goldsrpitfi. A bubo p ^L.\ pash banihdd, Favour, p push.?, The back. A prop, p j\i- push l khdr, A weapon p LjjjJ 5 A crupper, p pushlaragh, A cup. A shrub, p pushtagam, A pension, p , The loins, p pushtanf, A girth, p j2.Aj , The Afghan language. v push (war, A burthen, p pushlah, A hillock, p lJXJ <&-ij , A rate levied for embanking rivers, p push It, A support, p , A gate bar. A prop, p pashkhudan, To squeeze, p i , Sweetmeats, the desert, p ^ysH pishkhun, A table, a bench, p J ijk-l pash did. Favour, wish, p ujCij pash!/. Even. Love. Sus- pending. A lot. A curling. Grief, elephant’s tooth. A spark. A dice- box. A trivet ; the vamp. A leathern sack. Dew. A cat, h J pushfal , The rainy season, p jjLia pa>h far, A towel, p , To fight. To wrinkle p jiJ-i pashfdi, The grinders, p peshfash, A present, p JXAj pushful, Care. Doubt. r iXLtj pishfilah, A ring, p , To be surrounded, p pushfctnj, The arm. p pushful/, Strong. Eager. Gentle, patient* Nimble, p Jjl---* , Nimble. Keen. Cloth. 5b v p ,*.ia pashm, Wool. Down, p iXsS L^.> pashmugnd. Stuffed, p pishmdn, Penitent, p rpuf, A puff, breathing. p y?a To dam, to hinder. p j-jbj pandilach , A woman whose husband has two wives. p j*Lj pandin, A castle. A silk thread. A charm. Hidden. * > To prohibit, ava’t. p ^ i,an«,i! A charm. Hidden. p pandzaah , Resignation. F aUu pcuiah, An asylum, refuge. p pambun , Going, walking, p patnbah , Cotton, p />««/, Five. The fifth, p paty dJi, Fifty, p l_>oIj ^ parypuyh, A crab, p , A window. A cage, p jyLsH paiyash, A lesson, p panjushi , A sparrow, p panjshin , Good words, p panfiludan. To press, p , Fifty. A leap. A bear. The palm, fist, hand, handle, p punchah , The front, p tV;— Ij.j puldb , A butt to shoot at. p uliuJo pul ant, Penny-royal, p Ignorant, absurd, base. A babbler. Convex. Plain. Empty. b .puja, Worship, p pukh, Gumminess p J>jj ptit/, Food. Bait. .Fuel. A poker. Cloth in the loom. Striped cloths. The warp. The woof. poddr, A weighman. p uV' , Closing the mouth, p pudinah, Mint, p piidah , Empty. A bladder. Food See. The stump of a tree. Old. p pudinah , Mint. Parsley. p pur, A son. Steel, p setff, A pearl. p jy poi, The lip, leg, mouth, nose, p polish , An excuse. Advice. Quantity. Price. A request p ijyi puiah , Wool, pile, p ^jjji puzt, The face, p puitdan , To apologize, p puzinnh , An ape. p J1 £ puj , The leg. The jaw. p . y post, Skin. Bark. A shell. p poslpFtrah , A tanner. Tan- ned leather. p , Leather untanned. p j The cream on milk, p pust'idah. Sec p > Leathern Leather, p posidan, To rot, spoil. To be torn, worn. ^ A jposA, A covering. •• v p Liy posh a, Covering. p , To hide, to clothe. p poshish, A garment. p lUw..1 pushaft , A cat. Puss. p , To gird up the loins. f tdj^y poshalah, Clothing. p , To cover, clothe, dress. p J *i puA A bridge, p Siy pFdad, Steel. A demon, p e_ Fat> g,ease- r payab, Power. A pond p t-riU PaU*Palh SteP by step. p SjLj piyddah , A foot-man, p jLj piyai, An onion. p yj\y piyd'itu, A stinking breath. »’ ^-1,-', ;Lu , A wild onion. p few piyaiwd , Any flimsey food, r piydstu, Large mouth, p piyddah , A cup, a glass, p *\y paydm, News, advice. rji-eLj paydmbar , A messenger, r pvyamegh, Muscular. p bunion , To know. p ^—*-2 /*&*£» Bread, bepissed by mice. A tumour. A louse. H A- large tree. Long pepper, p payband, A fetter, p pilarkhdmah , A reply. p pdluni, A lever. p A wick, match, a lint- stock. p jnjal, Tough. rgylpech, Twisted, crooked. A curl, plait. A woim, a screw. p > Involved, intricate, p ->lsrei pichad, A gem. p pichul, The dung of birds. p pechdn , Complicated. p > To twist, involve, See. p , The rack, anguish. p <-r.'Usr?i , High words, anger. p peckish, Contortion. p >— pcchal, The ship-worm. p peck. lash, A turn-screw. p pichand, A hair, fillet. p ^sri^pechah, An anger. An arbour. Joy. A lock of hair. p ^ 5 Torment, affliction. p ) To twist, bend, coil. To To meet, collect, divulge, assist. p > A tree producing late. s 23 p pekh, A gum in the corners of the eyes. p tUirrri , A helpless prisoner, p .U—srrH , Sick, helpless, confined, p tcJiiysrif. , A beaten path, p -Vj joetf, Fat, grease, p juiydd, Openly, clearly. An invention, discovery. vj^Jjnr, An old man. A chief of a sect. A title of honour, p \y~} peril, One who decorates, po- lishes, or writes with elegance, p , To adorn, &c. To prune, to till. To build a well. To marry, p pirdman, A circuit. About, p , Elderly. A hunter, p , To cause to adorn, See. p piruh, A tanner, currier, p jxrdhun, A shirt, shift. A loose vest. p pil'd /tidan, To tan. p pirdysh, Ornament, p pirdyah, An ornament, p > Abroad, out of doors, p , (Old) born decrepid. p S\ ^ jnr'iad, A medicine* p pirji, Small wares, p *j pay raw, A follower, p jl> j , The most high God. p i piroz, A victory. A con- queror. Victorious, p Jjj* piroiad, Thought, p iJ^Jjyyjnrdzdanl, Red lines, p xjt , A turqnois. A victor, p payram , A train following, p , Bald. Virgin honey. Sugar, p ^tt^ pirahdn, A shirt. p I>irt'> 01d ase- p j-gJ piiar, Name of a disease, p peudan , To sprinkle. I <-k >2f ck x ^yppiian, A sieve, r pijar , A bridle. Winter. p pe s, Leprous, p ^\sw ^j pistan, The past, p Youth. p (— X: — -J, To dose, p A— -j , A small weight. A coin, p Before. In front. For. ward. An example. Chief. Leader, p i^AL^peshdb, Urine, p , Ready money, cash. p c_Jnj , The vanguard', r SjlivJ peshadah, A cake, p jLi-j pc ah dr, Urine. tp , The best side of eloth, p (jLi-j peshurii , The front. pt LjOjll-J , A general. The van. J ^,1 peshbarah, A widwife. p j\: fjL- j pesh bdi, In opposition, p peshlar, He, such a one, Mr. p peshlahlah, A port-feuille. p j*J. Lj peshlar , Prior. Formerly. Greater, preferable, p o pesh lchurd, Parched corn. a jljuLo peshdud , A law-giver. An high office ; bullion, p peshdasl , Clear, evident, p j\L~j peslidar, A frontispiece, p JjJL-j peshdil, Deliberation, p peshraic, A chief. Guide, p , A midwife. Tapestry, p peshkash , First drawn; first-fruits. A present. Tribute, p peshgi , Advance of money, p peshgir, A towel, p peshmtiid, Handsel, p jUJ peshnamcii , A priest, p jU-i-o peshribr, He, some one, Mr. a fuZ*) peshang't, Ancient times. * I . t p , C us topi, law. Design. p 'y-kj peshzca, A model. A chief, p J/, An elephant. The heel, p A'JjLj , A present or douceur, p kxJ&p jnldstah , Ivory, p pilaw, Boiled rice and meat. p pdbdn, An elephant driver, l* pilghosh, Flowers : the Iris. p ljsb*jjHlkan, Fat, gross, thick, p pilot- , An arrow’s head. p u-Ar) jdlgosh. See p JL: pdu, A kind of wood with which the teeth are rubbed, p j^L j pUatcar, A hawker, p pilun, Armssine. p tlLj jnlah , Pedlary. A silk.wonn. The cyc-Iid. 125 r j pdah't-bm , The nostrils, i* y paaymd. A messenger. Rumour. P U-J jxtymd, A. measurer, p pay man, A promise, pledge, p ly A cup, goblet. A measure, r ^JL>by paymdysh , Measure, p^^yo payumbar , An apostle, p paymudan, To measure. r pqj/nir, Cheese, p joy paynardn , A patcher, p pinagi, Slumber. p yj ;«n«, New cheese, p 'ye pi/tah, A patch. The arm-pit. A match. p y y w'y /7 , A bride. A bride-iuaid. A maternal aunt. An elder brother’s wife. A god-mother. Twins, r ^Je^U-e piadridan, To answer, p jjJe ;j'y ptwazidan, To be pleased. To accept. To grant. p (jU-e payaan, A thousand, p yy jutyur, Ten thousand. a jy puyzeur dash l an, To bear, support, carry off. p Sj y payuiah , Great. A sleeve, p s*y^ payujah, Magnanimity, p pityus, Humility. Listening. Hope. A bride, p s^wyj payxcasf , Conjunction, p tyy payioaslan , To join, tie, cause to meet, hope, break, soothe, p payzcusjdan, To submit, hope, pierce. p ^.ty , Greedy, covetous, p ^yiy puyushidan, To become long. To hasten. p ciy A bride. See y . p ^by payicalun, Nuptials, r Aiy payzeand, A chain, shackle. Kindred. Bound. Tending towards. lJj » i* iy pnyzoah , A moth, p tauter, Bending a bow. a laalim , Bursting. a ^j.b laassur , Following. Sadness. a Jj.b taasul, Being noble. Great. Aju-b faasir, Penetration. a Jjb taasil, Nobly born. Rich. pa t\j (dj, A crown. A tiara. a ^y“ib' (aajuj, Burning, p j'.\3 liijir, A merchant. A tavern. Clever, artful. p ulz-f-b tajjardn, An interpreter. a |rb (aaj/j. Inflaming. A^-.a-ib laafir, Making bricks. a J^.b taadl, Delaying, p iX»-»b taahud, Uniting, p A^lj' (d/tad, So far as. a *>-b tdhim, A weaver. a a-b ld(iy, A gardener. a ^b takhkh, Without appetite, p Jb A veil. A tree, firewood. a j[s^t\j(aakha‘z, Receipt, p r>Aj tdkht, Spoil, p crU-b lukhtan, To hasten. Assault. To chase. To twist. To contend. To bore. To spread. a y>tb taakh.khur, Delay. a e>»b laakhkhif Brotherly. A j^s-tb taakJur , Delay. Fortune. a c_>j.b tauddub, Instruction. a JJib taaddud, Happening. a Preparing. a ^i^laadib. Instruction. a ijj.b taadiyat, Causing. A cause. a ^Jjfb taakin. Making a handle. Striking. Twisting. Proclaiming. Pjb /a?', The top. A thread. A cloud. a ,.b taar, Retaliation, p \ ,b lard, A star. r ~bb lurdij, Spoil, plunder. p j\Jj luran, Dark. a ijS . tdrut , A time, a turn. Once p J?^b tar Puli, Embroidery. a aj3 tdr ad , A tike. a \j J idri'i , Hard, withered. a ^,b Idris, Armed. a (^b tdrish, Light. Levity. p t bb (drat, A heap. The top. ^ I — , a L_— ' ,u lari!, Leaving. p i_?;b|b tar tdri, Filligree. p tar !asli, A wire drawer, p J^b tar gal, A cocoa nut. p ^b tarim, A dome, roof, top. A Tartar’s cottage. p jUb' tdrmdr, Dispersed, p tdrmegh, A cloud. Fog. p L—Cjb' (drang, A spider, p ^.j\j tdropud, Existence, p J«j j) ib' laropud, The warp of a web. p ap (drab, The warp. The scale of a balance. Head, p j^b /art, Darkness. A thread. a £i,VJ fdrikh, A history, era. p ,b (aril, Dark, obscure, p clX* jb, A grave, p jb, A career, a race. An assault. 127 p ;Vj taidnu, Pursuing closely. P laidnah, A lash. Correction. ? *f;b luiagi, Frcvmess. p ijb‘ tdiiah, Fresli, tender, young, p ^j\\j lau, An Arabian. ap ^Jj\j tu'u, A gray-hound, p ib la ; 17 (aiydnah , A scourge, p ;b (d'iidan, To run, assault. To be born. To burn. To twist, bend, bore, dispute, wager, p jb (dj, A tent. A scourge, r a las, A cup, dish. Cards, p jb 0-l' (as baz, A juggler, p (dsdnidan , To strangle. a w-i- taassuf, Sighing. A sigh, r JU>b tasah, Grief, care, disgust. a lii (aa.fi, Solacing, p tasldan , To be sad. a . taasis, Foundation. jjib (ash, A crescent painted on the face. A companion. Meat. A Asia (a%at, A measure, p (utis, Perishing, dying, p ^b (agh, A tree. A flag-staff. p (dghosh, Plunging the head. a b, To join, compose, p jb‘, To drink a health, to heat, p j\'J law (for c_Aj) Heat. Strength, fever. Rage. War. p Lb tawd, A frying-pan. p ^jb' Idwdn, Debt. Payment. A fine. A loan. A crime. a JJyjb taawwuk , Fainting. a J^b' tuawzcul, Explanation. a Jjb tdzaal, A calf, a steer. a ij[i tawah, A frying-pan. p ^Jojb, To twist, shine, heat. a *b tali, A plait, perplexity. a i^Jbib taahhub , Prepared. P ^)t-^ To marry, to contract, p j*Jbb la ham, Still, yet a J-Jb-b taahil , Making fit. p i (“2/i Like. A i_^ob (ayb, Repentance. a (dyij, Being crowned. A <\.ub taayud, Confirmed. A y)\j (air, Fagging, p Jujb’ tdyid, Assistance, help. a JuJ*b‘ tuuyul, Corroboration, p uJuab tdyidan, To resemble. a (_^--J.b laayis , Unbracing. a j*j,b taayyum, Unmarried. a ^j.b, Depriving of a w'ife. a lab, A fever. •* a /aA6, Loss, ruin. a tabdbd, Hatred. a lL>Lo tabus, Solicitude, sadness. a jl>Lj tabadur, Outstripping. a JjLj labadul, Changing, change. a ,Lj labor, Destruction. p Jui labor, A people; a tribe. a fabdral, Perishing. a tabdrih, Blessed ; reason. A Lj tabdri, Striving together, p tabdri, Because. Zeal. a tabdiii. Walking wide. a Interchanging good news. a l aba shir, Happy tidings The Evangelists. Chalk, mortar. a cljJ libdt, A consequence. a L-^cbJ tabula!, Following, p labdtut, Penitence. a Acbj labuiud, Distance. a labd^iyal, Obedience. a ^cLj , Reciprocal hatred. a tabdghi, Desire ; fit. a Jjbj tabdl; , A dish. a ^JsLj tabula , Residue. a tabaki, Feigning to weep. a jJw tabdl , Seasoning victuals. A laJLj tabdlut, Fencing. a Pretending ignorance, p Lj tabdn , A kind of flower. A ^.Lj tubban, Short breeches. a lj iabdhah, A light food. r JtLi labdht, Perdition. a labai/ut., Trafficking. a jLj labayin, Opposition, p ^JujbLj, To cause to tremble, to bore, to w arm with a fire. a t__ labab, Loss. a
  • a labattus, Moving, writhing. p To be cut in pieces. A labtjyal, Imitation, p To remove farther. A lab-^ti, To part, divide. a Shewing hatred. A px-j, Crying loud. Ajj.iJ, The beak, nose, snout. a tabaghght, Searching. a tabghiz , Rendering odious. a Muttering. Bleating. a JU labaUiur, Deeply learned. a JJLj' fuba/ihtl, Pasturing. a i-JLo t abliyal, Reserving a part. a j labaUiur, Preceding. a JCj labuMul, Speaking perplexedly. Confusing, opposing, conquering. A tub lab. Growing sour. a lub[ujut , Weeping. A tabllir, Making haste. a , Cutting in pieces. A labial, Hixing. Mixture. a J..J ft'W, tlatred. Weakness. a ^ taballuj , Dawning. Laughing. a ^ laballuh , Wearied, tired. o» a taballukh, Proud, haughty. a jJuJ taballud, Stupidity. a Sjji i -J, Paroxysm. a tab alius, Cropping bare. a £-LJ laballugh , Reaching. Stu- dying. Being content. a Enlarging, widening. a lubhtj, Rejoicing. Adorning. a labhim, Weaning. Staying. a lab }, A tiara or turban. a jjl^J labyan, A declaration, p JcsT tajdit.i Mutilated. a i L'JesC' lajdif, Ungrateful. a /q/rf}/, Levelling. a /«/£«”, Eradicating. a yj jesr iajihn, Amputating. a /o/r, Trading. a L^ssT lajribal , Experience. a tajarrud , Unmarried.. a {ojut'rus, Speaking. a Patient. Swallowing. a tojarri, Wounding. a ^ ysT (ajrih, Wounding muck. a JuysT (qjrid, Separation. a jj jSf lajrtr, Painting well. a Proving. a *_j yS*f lajrit, Causing to drink. a y Iqjrtm, Mulcting. Fining. a *_>y=y, Cutting in pieces (meat). a Utjztm, Filling. Impotent. a tajassud, Becoming corpulent. a ley asms. Exploring. a tajushshu £, Covetous. a (ajuthshum, Labouring hard. a yi~si lajashshu , Belching. a tajihir, Emptying. Iqjsis, Plastering. 133 A (aS~lii Going quick. A fqjatrtub, Prostrate. A ((dat-tud, Curled. A > Curling (the hair). A (ajaffuf, Dried. A Injuring, A <— (“jf'f, Drying, arming. f / ajullub , Clamouring. a (ajaJjul, Agitated. a aLs? , Being stubborn, stern. a ^.Lsf (ajaUus, Sitting as judges. a {(jalli, The epiphany ; lustre. Polishing, making clear. r t, ».J us1 Iqjlib, Crying out. a Abstaining from food. a i — Sjasf tqjavsvcufy Hollow. a j^-e1 tqjaaxouh , Assembled. a ^Jy-E’ , Saying or doing good. a jjyasr1 (ajitoi, Permission, examin. ing, seeking the truth. a v'*^’ > Starving to death. a i — hijicif, Making concave. a / ajzcit , Collecting. a J.j lajaily Surrounding. a , Prepared, adorned. a ltt>a/ifium , Scowling. a iXs£ (ahaddub , Benevolent. a t.L.'Jcsc’ , Narrated, told as new. a , Having a tumour. a u-Ssz? lahaddus , Enquiring. a jiAasT (ahaddu, Opposing. a i -oJcsr (ah (Tib, Hump-backed. a (ahdis, Relating. a , Sharpening, defining. a ^tahdil;, Seeing clearly. a /aAzir, Threatening. a , Eating the remains. A , Abstaining from evil. a ^,y=£r , Careful of one’s self. a 5^=s^ , Changed, inverted. a (aharriti, Burnt, inflamed. a ujfjrsC’ , Moving (intrans). a , Prohibited, sacred. a taharri , Selecting. a l— lahrib , Irritating. a luhrij, Reducing. a lahrid , Provoking. a Writing well. Manumission, p , In writing. Written. A jj (ahriz, Preserving. a ysT l (thresh, Instigating. a tahris, Stimulating. a tahrif, Changing. a elio l.uhril , Moving. a (uhrim, Prohibiting. a (ahailub, Rioting. a (ahazzuz, Notched. *>» a tuhdzium, Preparing. a lahaiiun, Grief. a Notching. a /altzin, Distressing. a i_— — ^ tahassub, Ascertaining. Ay^sT tuhassur, Condolence. p ^ -w. (aha Jus, Exploring. a i tahsib, Contenting. a iiihsil, Deficient. a lahsht, Approbation. a A-’- (ah ash sh ud , Meeting. I , Rising from the grave. (ahashshum, Blushing. r 135 a Refraining. Distressed. a luhut, A mean man. V * a (ahaismur, Haste, anger. a lahawztsiii, Collected, coiled JJ * * S a , Intrepid, hindered. a (ahazaioush , Retiring. a 5 Changed, moving. a (ahazewi, v.jys?. a y-.f*’’ ’ Whitening, iounding. a j: ^ (ahiciz, Driving to water. a (ahwiz, Making a pond. A a) (ahzcif, Inclosing. A JjysT tahwil , Change, return. 1 36 A -sr^~ (dkhjah , A compression, p takhjil, Causing to blush. a j lakhuddur, Concealed. a (akhdid, Emaciated. a yS^takhdir, Torpid, concealing. a ^Lj / akhdish , Scratching. a £_jJcs^ (alchdit., A gross deception. a , Mincing. Circumcising. a lakhul , Despising. V A girl kept reclusely. a takhzim , Cutting well. a / ukharrud , Bashful, silent. a , Flying evil. Polite. a (akharrus, Falseliood. a , Torn, pierced. Profusely. a j Burst. Torn. Pierced. taklirur, Thin-skinned (man) a i (akhrib, Devastation. a ( ukhrjj , Instructing. A i Corn in the first years. a , Loosening the belly. A lakhr'd, Tearing, lying. a lakhaziub , Swelling. a ? Remaining behind. a / akhaziul ’, Hindered. Slowly. U-UaJ 137 A yi ! akh'iir , Straitening. A (ukftufj) Hindering. p Anguish, anxiety. •£- tukhas, A dolphin. •• , « A ^ (<&h sit/at , Playing at nuts. A i/r?***-**- lakh sir , Ruined. Damned. p ? A cross-bow, thumb-ring, r (akhsha, Energetic. A ^ — sr*^- lakhashkhush, Rustling. A fakhashshut, Self-humbling. A / akhashshul , Rejected. Vile. , Stinking (meat). A , Rough (in habit, face.) A 4_5~>- fukhashshi , Dreading. A t^r^~ ( akhshij/al , Frightening. A » Stinking (meat). Drunk. (akhshtn, Exasperating. a L_ lakhsls , Retaining. Pure. lakhsif, Sewing well. a lakhsil, Cutting in pieces. lakhslm , Suing at law. a lakhdziut., Humbled, humble. A lakh'iib , Tinging. a j*a£- lakh'iir, Making green. A lakh'iit, Mincing (meat). Humbling. A >r2^ j Alienating. Passing. a lakhainif, Seizing. a takhatli , Transgressing. a a ij\Jd lakhalhd, Feigning. A Jlii-' , tak hull ul, Inserting, p lakhlah, A staff. A slipper. a , Retiring. Applying. a lakhfib, Deceh ing. A , Vacating. Repudiating. a lakhlid, Perpetuating. a lakhl'is. Rendering pure. a , Mixing, confounding. A , Removing, drawing from. a , Substituting. Behind. a , Completing. Creating. a , Sour, tooth-cleaning. a takhm, The boundary. ’ f A tukhm, Seed. Origin, p , A dart having no wing, p Aj , Taken with bird-lime. A ^jAa ladbtr, Order, disposition. Advice, foresight. a ^_-jAj ladbis, Concealing. a J-.'Aj (ad fitl, Rolling. a *Ai‘ Udal, Fixing firmly (a stake). a .jAj fadassur, Wrapping one’s self in a cloak. Mounting. a j-jSj ladstr, Building a nest. a ^r^Aa fadajjnj, Armed. A _A»-Aa ladajduj, Dark (night). a Aa tadf'j. Clouded (sky). Armed. a J-.;>-Aa » Glossing over. Lying. a Aj (adahruj, Revolved. A Jo-Aj (adakhdukh , Abject. Shrunk. a Jo-Jj , Entering. Introduced. a , Troubled with siuoke. a _yJj tadruj , A pheasant. a — jAJ , Promoted. Advancing. a tadarru, Deceiving, surprising (game). Insulting. A tudari , Wild mustard. A t -OjjJ tadrib, Exercising, Firm. A ,JJ , Advancing by degrees. a \sf j&i , By degrees, slowly. a j~.< jSj , Teaching. Educated. a (adsim , Making fat. a {ados , Spearing. a JjJ , Concealed, skulking. a , Repelling. Subduing. a {adfil, Pouring well. a {adfil, Making thin, fine. Scrutinizing; subtilty. a CiJu (adal, A heath-cock. a JSjJ lada/d- ul. Haughty. a tad/. bn, Inserting. a uJjJ ladallt/f, Approaching. a jJIjJ (adallul, Toying, fondling. a OJo , Putting or letting down. a {adits, Fault-hiding. A {adits, Polishing arms. A {adlU, Chasing. Putting off a dun. a JJjJ (adfil, Wheedling, pleased. a aJj J (adfih, Maddening, love. a , Perishing. Scorning. a (adammut, Weeping. A , Prepared, manured. a , As above. Defiling. A >L~ , Collecting poems, fyc. p iJu (adaJi, Spun. A aJCbJJ , Turned (a stone). a { adahdum , Falling out. a , Hurrying into business. a tudahzcur , Turning from. Speaking well. Adverse. A Jj , Praising. Vicious. a ( adJiish , Confounding. a pJb&j tadhim , Blackening (a pot). A tazrnb, Fixing with a tail. a orJWJ tadhin , Anointing. Ripening at the stalk (a date). r t-i-oJJ, To play the bawd. a ^jAj, Borrowing. Tolerant. A Reducing, enslaving. A Subduing. Taming. a JujJJ, Troubled with worms. A S'-i ladyln , Tolerating. a jj, Cutting each other’s throats. a jj , Mutual remembrance. a Blaming mutually. Care. a Jj.ljj ta'zdwult, Tasting. Wasting. a JaliX; tazayul, Slighted. Humbled. a Palpitation. Doubt. a Jj jj, Stepping majestically (fenf.) A tazbVi , Slaughtering. a tazbir , Writing, or inditing. a la'zarrut, Talkative. Mea- suring. a l air aw, A cock pheasant. a tazrib , Making sharp. a Returning. Retrogade. p /my, A sort of bird, r Jyjy lardjil, Parsley. a j Stoning one another, p To make great haste. a lardkhi, Delay. Remiss. a Jy tar add, Bandying, squabbling a i jjy lardduf ', In succession Carrying double. a ly (aidraJ, Fatness; fat. Fear. p Sj\j“ far dr ah, Timid. A dunghill, p j\y fardz, Beauty. Raw silk, r *\\yj fardiu, A balance. Libra. a , Armed with a shield. a y /or*, Torture. A raddish. a UJy /irft, A friend. Earth. a b y tarbu, Earth, dust. a k_^Jy (arabbub, Being assembled. a ciy y turbat , Earth. A grave, p Excelling. Swinging. a jyy ( arajjui , Rumbling, a i__a>yj' tarajjuf ', Moved. Moveable. a Jyy (arajjui, Walking. a (J^=~y tarjaman, An interpreter. a -y tar ahhum, Pity. a tarahhi, Coiling up. a ^s-y tarhib, Welcoming. a y tarhil , Sending. A Ly tarkh, Scarification. a JU-y tarkhal, Dung of birds. v ^Uy larkhdn, Free. Untaxed, p -y , Being remiss, cheap. v ■fjj*s’~y > The night-mare. A turkham, Mankind. a u^t^y larkhis, Permitting. a tarkhim, Coaxing. a ^j\.o\^y tar (ldmdn, A whore. \t» a ddy, Hesitation. Refusal. Con- versation. Application. a | *J)y , Loving. Worn or torn. Mending. Protracting a law-suit, p ady lardah, A pair. a taruddi, Falling into a well. a Rendering languid. a c-ayy tariff, Bleeding at the nose. Hastening. Filling, p Jjly turghak, A toll. A guard. a yy taraghghum , Braying, angry, p larghand, Stiff, immoveable. a yy , Foaming (a camel). p i^>yy 5 A royal mandate. a y^yy , Wishful. Inflaming. A yy tarkidan, To break, split. A » Adorning, polishing. a ^yyy l arias, Dandling. A j_yjy tartly, Patching. a yyy , Enslaving. Softening. a +y d tarkirn, Writing. a c“jy » Ringing (the beard, &c.) a \y idzdyud , Augmentation. a Joji' , Foaming. Hastening. a , Malignant, irascible. A fdzb'ib, Drying (grapes). A p , Teasing cotton, foaming. a lazbil, Dunging land. a , Adorning a bride. a , Extending and thinning the eye brows, p fc>jj (aicul, A black locust, p SJjj luidah , Belonging to a mill. i j=~y tazakhkhur, Abounding, full? overflowing. a jjj taiar , A summer-house. A tjy , The axle of a mill-stone, p -J taz.ru, A pheasant. a , Defaming (a brother). a y tdzrV;, Dropping. A jJ g tazju , Vermillion. A root. A (azazjlut, Commotion. A (*'=J~’ fazatium, A lie, lying. A '*-r~?r-y laztjb, Brisk, angry. A j Sputtering, foam. p yy ta’ighu , Going to a country and settling. A --P’i , Downy, unfledged. a u_iajJ , Snatching greedily. a tazaUum , Swallowing. a (dztil, Excoriating, p CJy (u-ut, Dung. A dunghi a tuzaklii, Growing. a 1 •• , Filling (a bottle). a IdUiyal , Sanctity. a > Afflicted with a rheum. a ^~£y , Resembling, suspecting. r a tdzallu/i, Tasting. a Jjljj tdzalzul, Agitation. a luzaliut, Cracked, chapped. a i td'.dluj , Proceeding. a .! :'J tdzalliiL Sliding, falling. tdzbj , Living, frugally. a *Jja , Filling (a lake, Sec.) a tdzammul. Modesty. a , Braying, bawling. a y la'iammul, Wrapping up. \y'cp tdiniir, Psalmody, singing p ~jy la ", z.tur. Walking proudly. a xJy tdzmd, Lying, striking fire. a y.'.'jj laimr , Girding (a monk). A p lu'iwuj, A conjunction. a Idzaztmjy Marrying. A ^ %y (dizc/j, Joining, marrying. A y %y tdzmr , Imposture, fraud. a jes v IdiaJihiid , Abstinent, devout. A Jcj iy tdi/iid , Making devout. a tdiayyub , Compact, firm. a tdiuyyul, Ornamenting. j a J'ryj* > Separated, dispersed. U « 146 A ^ lazayyun, Dressing adorned. A v^~-j yj‘ taiyit. Providing oil. A *X*tL 7 fosjtr, Delineating. A 7 (us/in, Strengthening. a jyJ tisut, Nine. a y*—j (asntjjir, Kindled, madness. A «-»-* — 7 (asatsut, Becoming old. a — 7 / asatsin , Ninety. a y, j' /«sfr, Kindling, exciting. a faspf, Mixing perfumes. A j*— *~j fctsglum, Nourishing well. a jk — 7 (asaffur, Travelling. A Li „7 tasaffut , Drinking. A Descending, ignoble, noisy. J , To be split (gold), j t asftf , Claying a cistern. i (asfi t, Intensely hot. fasfil, Letting down. A J (asflli Vilifying. a ki_j Searching, the worst. a i_;.» — 7 tasalluf, Roofed. A fasHyaf, Giving to drink. a i— 7 l as/if, Roofing. A , Making sick. Sick. A — 7 , Contending for trifles. I a tasaiiun, Being poor. a — 7 fasti, Striking dumb. a «*.£ — 7 (astir, Closing the eyes. A fasti t., Wandering. A (os tin, Quieting. a 7 fasallub, Mouming. a e~ A " tasallul, Withdrawing. a lasalluj, Drinking much. a fasalluh, Arming. a , Coimecting. Flowing, cohering. a D 7' fasalluf, Despotism. a «_] J tasaHuj Being split. a ( — cLwJ , Borrowing, anticipating. a ja — 7 tasallul:. Ascending a wall. a Jl 'j tasallul, Withdrawing. a pLj , Occupying. Receiving. a Ju«J fasalli, Consolation. - i a jsrf — ' taslikh, Fleaing. a £vLJ fasph , Causing to arm. a ^-4-j tasks, Arranging. a L-L.J tastif, Making absolute. a tastii^. Cleaving. a u-f-L-j' fuslif, Anticipation. a L— fasti It, Reeling yarn. a (a spin, Saluting, acquiesc- ing. Health, sajety. Delivery, resignation. a iiA — 7' fasammul, Hanging from. a J ( asammut, Listening. ) A fasammul, Elevated, a uU.— J fasammul, Swallowing. tasummun , Becoming fat. 148 s a tasammi , High, eminent. a nr.- 1 fciscizczcuk) Trading. \Jj • .. «** A / » C.j; , Rubbing. Emaciated. a ■" (asdzczcum , Distinguished. a b»~b laszciyd , Equality, chiding, ..y • •• creating anew, vitiating. a Jota- j’ Making black. Injuring. A ,_jj»b, Appointing (or presiding as) a moderator. A moth-eater. a Ljjj-J /o5tR/| Mixing, scourging. a j (asicigh, Permitting. a l. b , Promising, delaying. A yJi tasxik. Sending away. a C. " » Rubbing 1^1C niout^ or tccth with a certain wood. . b .~b iosail, A fictionS A W .*V * • a *.u«b, Sending to pasture, making, an excursion, injuring, training. a , Easy, making smooth. a , Wasting. Watchfulness. A • \i tas-hil, Rendering easy. a ^b , A kind of porcupine.' a j , Walking, travelling. a sJumJ , To be suffocated. A b lasayyu! , To beg. p — j tusyib, Giving. a , Fencing with thorns. t. ’ ° a — j , Making water to flow. ZP 6 a *.~~j fasytr, Sending off. a ■ fasyit , Bedaubing (walls). a j' fasyil , Causing to flow. a ^ib A saw, axe, fire. a j*sUJ , Considering. Ominous. a ^'Ub , Meeting in battle array. a dX'lib las/iabut, Perplexed. a JjILj , Similar, resembling. a tashulum , Mutual. Scolding. A^'bi , Contending, cropping. a _lbb lashahh , Shewing avarice. a ^-o-lib, Discordant, split. a c/iUb , Partnership, society. a , _,-,lbb , Irritating one another. a ^lib (ashatur, Hairy. Versifying. a JiUj , Seizing one another. a ( jlib , Diligent, drinking all. a jUb lashait , Mutual, distress. a , Mutual opposition. a JS'Ub tashaiul , Resembling. a aiLib tashuluh , Like one another. a ^Ub , Complaining mutually. a ^Ub , Hating one another. A jjlbb , Conspiring together. a ^-yUb / ashdious ;, Looking through half-shut eyes. 149 A , Slighting. Fearing. A , Attacking each other. a w;LiJ tashayut , Associating. A tashubbus, Seizing firmly. a fclSLii tashabbu Being mixed. u* A tashabbuh , Resembling. A lashbib, Commending. a lashbih , F.xpanding. a 1 ‘ > Twisting, plaiting, r uL-~ii lushbii , A fish-hook. a , Shutting a purse. Mixing. a ^ jZJ lash rib. Declaration. Dis- secting. Anatomy. Explaining. A A.; j±3 , Dispersing. Defaming. &. jS jLj lashrir, Exposing to the sum or wind. Celebrating. Drawing and flourishing a sword. A j)jLi iashrtz, Punishing. Cuiing. A (ashrit, Leading to water. A u-i; jLi lashrif, Honouring. a (Jj jL J tashrii, Drying in the sun. a elX' Li lashrif:, Associating with. a *.> jLj tashrim, Tearing. Returning. a j jL t ashdziar , Enraged. a ^jL • Opposing (in lasv, &c.). A U , Putting strings to shoes. a lashazzi,, Split into shivers. A Le-oiai j" , Divided, propagated. a LLtL , Stained. Dispersed. a ,jL , Causing hair to grow. A (JxLi lashatLul, Burning. a Li lushtib, Divided intm branches. Repairing a broken vessel. a L-~~xL , Separating. Creeping. a j- rL lashtlr. Signifying. Llairy. A u-LL / ashg/ub, Raising a tumult. A LL tashaffut., Interceding. a la liaff i, Placid, pacified. a LsL lu hf.ijul. Curing. 150 A ^-.Lia > Admitting intercession. A Jk.Lia tushfik , Making small. Weaving ill. A lushahhdt, Split, divided. A LLLj , Making wretched. A ^aL2 tashkth, Reddening (dates). A l^a.JLL'i lashfis , Sharing (partners.) A lash/;, Extreme cold. A ^JLa , Thanking. Praising. A uJ&La lashakkuk , Doubting. A JCiJ , Beautiful. Half-ripe. A tashafjn. Lamenting. A tiXXia lash ft/. Creating doubt. A (J-XiJ l ash I'd, Forming, framing. A tashalshul, Drop by drop. A ^kia , A cushion. Stripping. A , Excommunicating. A •■- 1 , Father like. Entering. 151 A lashyikh , Growing aged. a , Confirming. Raising high. a , Burning up. Emaciated. a ^ - :-'r" , Accompanying. Burning. A tasabi, Inflaming and de- ceiving (a woman). A l-J-'Lsj tasaduf , Meeting. A > Cultivating friendship. A tasddum , Collision. A Cutting one another. A j Hard. Untractable. A tasatud, Superior. Difficult. A tasughur , Displeasing. a tasafuh , Shaking. hands. A jjLr, Joining hands on a bargain. A (osafij Acting sincerely. A tasuluh , Reconciled. A , Feigning to be deaf. A , Calling to one another. A tasabbub , Poured out. v ' * V «*» A ^ , Slumbering at morn. Breakfasting. a tasubbur , Patient. A Elapsing. Audacious. •j* A , (A girl) having a child. A , Saluting in the morning. A tasblr, Desiring patience. a > , Ripening at the stalk. a fasbln, Rubbing with soap. A lasalluL, Going to and fro. Coming naked and alone. A ^^*01 , Springing rapidly. a ujatf** lasahhuf , Comitting an error in reading or writing. Correcting. Arranging. A lasaddur , Taking precedence. A cJusj lasaddut , Cleft, dissipated. a (asadduf, Declining. Averted. a j; A-ai , Alms. Giving alms. A Attempting, daring. A , Clapping the hands. a Aj A-aj , Drawing up an army. a jiiXaj lasdtr, Giving precedence. A A-aj , /The head-ach. Trouble. A JLpWJ /ost/j/, Verifying. A (asarrukh , Crying out. A i tasarruf, Possession, use. Dexterity. Patronage. a aw3j, Rescinded. Obstinacy. A i Drinking sour milk. a '~_y-^ fasrif?, Evidence. A (asrit, Supplanting. Mak. ing two- fold. A i '-.y^ /asrif, Changing. In- flecting. Drinking pure (wine). a tasrim , Breaking. Vi A Jouai' (asattud, Important, difficult. a A~*-a j ta Zjd, Raising. Melting. A /asejr, Making faces. A iasjjtlui, Poverty. A tasghir , Diminution. A Examining minutely. « * A tasaffuk , Obstacle, injury. A 4JL2J lasjiat , Purifying. A ^i-ai' (osfih, Expanding. A A-jbai' (us fid, Fastening, tying, A lasfir, Making pale. lusfjf, Arranging, form- ing in order of battle. a (JlJuu tasftk. Sounding as a blow, as water poured, as a bird flapping its wings, &c. t-CU' 152 • k 2J, Resounding, tinkling. *) A o>Laj' tasallul , Drawing (a sword). A £-Lt> (asallat, Bursting (the sun)- A uiLaj' tasalluf, Boasting. -1 z>, Crying out. In pain. A lasalli , Burnt, singed. A a ' tdiabbul , Besieging. A e , Shutting the door. a - --j luzblt, Pusillanimous. A (diajjur , Agitation. a i‘ <^<—J (diahliul, Mocking. a tazhiyat,, Moving slowly. . ^ Beating one’s self. Moved. A _^jj, Blood-stained. Expanding. a Cy-cj‘ / diarrui. , Submission. a tdiarrum , Kindling. a , Destruction. Depressed. a k_jL-w'; Increasing, dou-, bling, Weakenings 1 5 3 u Aju^dii (uzfir, Twisting (liairj. a *-LiV (diallut , Satiated. a ^.1 S' (dilit, Painting the side (ofavestj. Slicing fa melon). a J-Lai' (ariftl, Seducing, injuring. A (dlammukh, Anointing. a Xtua.' td.animiui, Dressing a wound. a Slender, falling away. a luiammun , Containing. Undertaking for. Insuring. a , Binding the head. A^*y*au, Making lean: feeding. a or~*— i-: (dinun, Repairing damage. Becoming security. Lending. *» A ( Inan fit , Prolific (woman). * V a -- *~jii t diazoiouj , Meandering. k jydii Idiazoisur, Lamenting. a fa'za&aut, Perfumed. a tdzwiyal, Brightening. Declining. Turning away from. a Assembling, meeting. a , Broiling, roasting. a (aiayyuf, Declining (as the sun] . A follower. Met. A (J-ydH, Reduced to straits. Tight. a rgfdi, Diluting milk with water. A ^ laiyit, Losing, defacing. a tdiyif , Treating hospi- tably. Causing to incline or decline. A (diyil, Restraining, pushing. A <_*jlkii latubid , Agreeing. a Feigning deafness. A , Billing (as turtles). a ^IkJ (a(a^un, Piercing mutually. A Jlka (dlall, Standing on tiptoe. a cjUaJ lalu&ut, Giving application. a Jjlki' (alpizul, Tyranny. Proud. a vliaj' taldyur, Fluttering. Scattered. a i. ~1-V, Professing medicine. a Natural. Replenished. a (J^di la/abbul , Equal, congruous. a t a/bib , Shaking (a bottle) to churn butter. a talbikh, Growing. a j-j-lav (dibit, Loading well. Seal- ing. Over filling. Staining. A fj-^si' (dlpll, Comparing, opposing. A jjai (a(ar rid. Embroidering. a ( \j-Jad (a/urrus, Disdaining. p di, Recovering health. A jj ^ki' (a/arrul, Opposition. a talar rum. Stammering. a (alril, Making a. new. a ^pijdi lalrih, Projecting. a dajaj (alrid , Driving away. a Jsj (alriz, Embroidering. A Joj (dins, Dispersing. a i *j Jail , Fighting on the flank. a Jaa , In labour. Folding. a ^*ka' ( dfattum , Tasting, trying. a j*j*xkj, Giving to taste, engrafting. a JoikJ , Intruding to a feast. a A latqjju/i , Feigning ignorance. a • - y*-1 , Growing old. \N eakness. a , Eating to excess. a J.—s^ (aijil, Haste. a , Translating into Persian. I” * - a iUs?-' (atjih, Promoting variance by sarcasm. A quarrel. A J\±xj tatdeid, Numbering. a u'AxJ , Plurality. Ready. A latftddi , Cruelty, excess. a , Averting the face. A JuAxJ , Numbering. Arranging. A JjJmj (afjUl, Equation, adjusting. Justice. Considering lawful. a JcO' latfSm , Annihilating, i " * 156 * a ta’^din, Dunging (ground). A j&xj tutsizzur, Difficulty. Stained, defaced. Deserving excuse. a Ji\*j latazzul , Bearing blame. A i ^iA»7 tatzib, Punishment. » Icr^zir, Doing too little. Apo- logising. Besmearing, Circumci- sing. Defacing. A latSi!;, Lopping (a palm). a latzil, Blame. A y. x'j latsir , Heat of war. a , Oblique, Elevating. Intent. a latarrur , Scabby, mangy, A jyAj (atarrui, Obdurate. Hard. a u^jAJ (alarms, Showing lqve. a (jZjjXJ l a tar rusk, Fixing a resi- dence. Fond of. Attached to. a ijOjAj (atarrui, Obstacle. Loss. a , 5 jX)' tuturruf, Notifying. In quiring. Known. Knowing. a j’ye J latfirrut, Peeling, A e ' --^aj’ (a%rlb, Repeating. a L yxi (acr/yal, Putting ears to a purse. Laying bare, exposing. A , Jnierit upon. Elevating. a Oo yx'J (qtrfd, Taking refuge. a y> yxi Idfjsjr , Manuring. Vexing. a v Iqtriz , Hiding. Corrupting. a ^j-iyiu (Claris, Baiting at eve on a journey, and then proceeding. A j*5 lavish, Propping. Roofing. a ^fOiyX) fatqris, Drying (meat). a {(itfirii, Enlarging. Making clear, obnoxious. Ambiguous, per- plexing. Illegible. Oppress ng. a latr/f. Assertion. , To explain, profess, ap« prove, assert, make agreeable. a (Jj'jAJ (dti'Vt, Causing to perspire. Diluting wine with water. a CS-ijiu •atrlt, Pinching. a j-j yxJ (atrlai, Mixing, A yd latrin , Heading a spear. A , Unmarried. a \yu (atfiz'-ui, Powerful. Rare, Firm, a Jj*3‘ , Removed. Receding. a iJJxJ , Belonging. Consoled. a jxi j Desisting. Far off. a La—.' (a&t/al, Condolence. a (atilr, Correction. A yJ.yAli (atilz, Benefiting. a l atiil, Resigning (office), A fats, Perdition. Ruin. A y—*J (atassur, Difficulty) A , Hunting game. A < (atasnif, Oppression, a (J—aJ latflssut, Assiduous. a xi la^assun, Father-like. a jimJu , Rendering difficult. a J- xi fulfil, Giving honey. a l_— txj , Pasturing, feeding. a ^ la^ ask. shut, Making lov^ a latashshum , Withering. a (atfi'hski, Supping. a i ~JL*J / atshib , Grassy. a (aijhitjal, Supping. A j\-txi latslar, Decimating. a tutus, A spasm, cramp. a i ,-axJ tatflssub , Partiality. A , Pressed (grapes). Refuging. 157 lW A p*a*j , Defended, protected. A !^axi , Beating off. Opposing. A , A bright white insect. a i_ - ',m~ fatfib, Holding to prune or strip. Binding the head. A juaju , Pressing, smoothing. a (a^nl, Delaying. a uOyAxj , A kind of black date. a , Being too narrow. A (a^altur, Perfuming. A ta^atjush, Feigning thirst, wishful. Heat, anger. A (atftituf, Pitying, regarding. A jjkic latfiltul , Idle, vacant. A , Hasting, Begging. a (atllr, Perfuming. a ^..Jr.x'J, Causing to sneeze. A jLAsxj, Keeping long from drink. A k-k*j' (at./)/, Splitting. A Bending wood, favouring. A , Rendering useless. «*) A pk*a latftzium , Grandeur. A (afum, Respect, honour, p , In honour of. A !a&U faj, Going obliquely. A yixj ta^affur, Soiling with dust. •» a L-.Li.xj , Pious, chaste. a tataffun , Putrifying. A (atflffi, Obliterated, loved. a jdixj fa^fir, Rolling in dust. A Tinging with gall apples. a ch**-' (atfif Repelling. A c— tatfil’tub, Reflecting. In- vestigating, ascertaining, railing, a jjbC’ ta^alkul, Tied, tying. a wiijO' , Curved. Crooked. a (Jjbv , Foreseeing, informing. A pi* J' (a^alAum, Irresolution, a ■_ , Following, waiting. a Ju £*j , Twisting, weaving. a jvLxj fat fir Wounding. a l-c-£.xj (a^fif, Curving. a JbJUji (at ftl, Instructing. a p-i*j , Commanding silence. a i -fxi , Solicitous, anxious. a j£*j , Leaning on a stick. wt a , Crawling like a viper. A , Difficult, contracted. a kx*ii , Perplexed, far off. A t_, e.C*j’ (atattuf, Curled (hair). a , Wrinkled (from fat). aj-SjC (at fir, Soiling with dust. a > Leaning on a stick. a , Becoming musty. A >C*j (atfiz, Interrupting. a <_l*J fatal, Swelled jaws. a JlIxj (alalia!/. Parentage, corq. merce, dependent, a landed estate, a JLo , An excuse, refusal. A pkj (a~allum, Taught. a (a^alU, High, recovering, a , Marking, scraping. A , Raising, placing upon. a (afjix, Giviug to taste* Recovering health. a i—aIx! (a^lif. Feeding well. a (jAxj latfl, Suspension. ¥ &ui*J , An account, letter. 158 j** A iJJLSju , Using money well. A (jJjti (atl'iT, Causing one to make an excuse, sooth inn;, eating. A Erudition. , Obliquity, ■writhing. A Attending seriously, baptized. a tJ , Perplexed, uncertain. A , Going deep, stupid. A uIaxj ia-jtmmul, Studying. A iL**j , Blindness, darkness. a uL^yx'j , Beating. Clewing. a , Supporting. Baptizing. a j Repairing. Praying. a (jL***j , Restoring health. a lat.mil, Deepening. Pene- trating. Stupidity. A Giving office or employment. A (atmim, Making universal. a tatm/gidi, Mystery. A tA-AAj , Falling into misfortune, seeking to destroy an enemy. a (Juxj tatannOl , Beginning, unskil- fully, retiring, loathing (meat). a cliojsJ , Difficult to pass (sands). a latimru, Fatigue. Affliction. a ,yx'J , Bearing grapes. A tatiiiyal, Taking a captive. Fatiguing. Titling a book. o o o a , Staying voluntary. A , Inconvenience, reproach. a , Attacking, throttling. A (utyin, Titling a book. Bridling, impotent. X -- yj (atfltDXoty, Bent, crooked. A d>»*j tatfRS/wud , Accustomed, vi- siting the sick, usage. a ilyd (ataiczcuz, Flying (to God) . a jytj , Borrowing, borrowed. a \rjxj tuijiwizut , Averted, delaying. A h yd , Barking, howling. a , Bending. Perverting. a Jo (alzcld, Training. a jo , PrayiAg against evil. a j> yj (at&ir, Blinding, carrying off, refusing, corruting, lending. a u&yj (aims, Catching, with ease (the sense of a verse, &c.) a y> (atmz, Recompensing. a jy yj (atMl, Delaying, averting. a Jj yj tat ml, Conhding, howling. a , A matron. Helping. a , Living by labour. a \ayj tatoyyuf, Exsudations. a J-aj , Walking gracefully. a {J-ju taiayyun, Existence, visible. a i (atyib, Fixing a stigma. a s_~ — -aj , Searching groping. a A— oU , Celebrating a festival. a y-.-Aj' latgir, Causing to blush, a (atyish, Supporting. a kj-Aj {atgV , Crying out. a JA-xj (at yd, Vociferating. a Ju-a j (utgil, Taking into the family. Setting (a horse) loose. a CV*-' (atyin, Assigning. a j-j , A giggle, tittering. a ^Iaj (aghdbun , Defrauding each other. Neglecting, erring. a AaJ / aghghdr , Flowing (blood). 159 • 1 9 p lughdr , The means of living. a i,Ua taghghdrah, Running fast. r ^.Ua lag hare, A bucket. a j\Ju faghaii , Disputing. a JjUa j Soothiog each other. a ^jUa , Neglecting, careless. a bl*a laghal, Plunging in water. a ^^slia laghahLs , Negligent. A Jilia taghqj'ul, Negligence, fiction. a -ll-L? , Overcoming one another. a ^JUa laghal/, Growing tall (grass). a ycJd taghamui , Winking. a taghanly Independent. Aj.Ua lagkdzour , Making inroad* to plunder one another. a b.Ua , Ducking one another. A _e.Uj laghazct Assembling, joining to destroy others. a laghayub , Absent. a Julia , Tender, delicate (girl). a jUa taghdyur , Differing. AlaaUa taghuyui. Irritating each other. a taghab, Corruption, lots, deformed, doubt, vice, filth. a &~Jd laghbiya.t, Hiding. a (J-Jo laghabbu/t , Milking late. a ^^Jd laghblb, Negligent. Ky^Jd laghbir , Raising dust, p laghlagh, A small jar. a , Clatter, laughter. a ^Jeia taghaddan , Staggering. a 0-J*a laghaddi , Eating early. a doJuta tdghdiyal , Causing to dine. a OeAxj' laghdid , Sharing a portion. a laghazzum, Magnificence. a tughuzzi, Nourished. a Feeding. Restraining urine. a ^ yd laghardn, Boiling (pot). a i^yyu tagharruby Foreign. a Jyd , The singing of birds. a j jtj Being in danger. Boiling. a jiju tagharghur, Gargling. a AJ'jiv , Anointing. Gluing, r y>yd , The emperor’s sign manual. a _v , Going or being far oil, banishing, doing any thing strange. a i*Lyyd laghrh, Starving. a y yd laghrir, Endangering, a yd laghrhy Planting. a yj laghrii, Emptying. a Jj' yd , Plunging, sinking. a ^ yd taghrbn, Fining, mulcting. \ &jid , Sending or compelling (people) to go upon an expedition. a laghassul, Washing. a (trfJLxf taghshiyah, Veiling. a JL*zJd taghshishy Deceiving. a u~aj tagha\y A small cloud. •tf a laghaiiub, Provoked. a j»djd taghaizur, Declining. a ^adxj taghaiiuiy Diminished. •** ▲ t— sui ia, Loose, ruined, propitious. Twisting, coiling up. a ,ydjd taghaizun, Wrinkled. a l*Lydd taghziz , Fresh, tender. a ■ , Making loose or flabby. A s^ruiAa' taghiin, Enraged. a ^Jaid tagha/rusy Being angry, proud, unjust, exorbitant. A ^tyajd (aghafrushy blind. a (ag/ialrufy Strutting. Jdzzd laghal Utah y dark (. ight). A Lxkxj' (agha/ghu/, Raging, A ^xj' , Seducing. Thickening milk. a tigha’ , Loud laughter. a / aghayyub , Absent. a taghayyur , Change. a k-jy taghayyui , Enraged* a e.y)' laghayyuf , Nodding. a JUii' laghayyu Blinding. a taghylb, Removing. A j-^xj laghyir , Alteration. A laghyti , Diminishing. A taghyiz, Provoked, furious, A 1 L-xj fughy/f, Pusillanimous. A (agbyii, Confused ; wasting. A J--.XJ, Suckling whilst pregnant. p , Flame. Vapour. Spittle. A Uj tufa, Enraged. Uj Tuff an f Pho! fie! a JsUji ' lafiuud, Inflamed, burnt. a J.Uj lafu.ul , Taking a good omen. A , Prognosticating well. A ^Uj lafdtah, Whispering. Open- ing. Subduing. A jjUj tafcitu, Mature. Noble, li- beral. Appealing to a wise man. A ^.Uj tufdjj, Straddling. A (ufdj/, Wide, distant. a £.Uj luff ah, An apple. a Abusing. Obscenely* a lafakhur , Boasting. a tJjUj', Rescuing. Shunning. A lafdrus , Doing by turns. a lafaruf, Preceding. Sink den afflictions. CUSL> 161 a ^[su tafasuh, Making, room. a JwjliJ lafasud ', Alienated. a hfcnifest, numerous. a tafasuh , Eloqutnt. a J-bUj tafaiul, Pre-eminence, p *Uj' tffugh, The scull. A cup. a Pulling each other’s hair. a ^i\jj tqfalum , Importance. a Jlij {ufat, Spittle, foam. a ^Ua (iffan., A fit time. A C1J.U?, Difference. Distance. a , Equal. Dealing together. A Julia, Helping one another, p faff, Warm. Melting. Spinning (a spider). Swift. a taftdf, An idler. A i" -zJJ tafattut , Broken to pieces. a ■£*-' lafattuh, Open, unbarred. A yjj taf/ar, A book, journal. a (_pJj tafattuk, Split, broken. A (JiiJ tafaltul, Twisted (rope), p yjj t aft an , To burn, twist, X:c. p tejj iff tally Quick. lime. A cobweb. a (Jiia lafallty Mature, noble. a , Breaking, crumbling. A taftih, Opening. Aj>aij’ taf/}r, Relaxing Relieving. a lafttsh, Examination. A (J*~k j taftU, Splitting, loosing. a fcrflM, Carding cotton. p ijffLzJj taftilr , Goats hair of which shals are made. Flax. Worsted. A J-iftj laftil , Twisting (a rope). a y-ZAj taftbi, Seditious. Seducing (fem). Burning, trying, proving. A , Considered as a youth, and prohibited from boyish play. Con- fined at home (a girl) , ■ a cUfti' tafis, Having neglected hair, squalid. Tafs, Purifying. a ^asV > Flowing out. Diffusive. a tafajjus, Lofty, proud. a f'jfajjuiy Afllicted. fafjir, Causing to flow. a j_»as^ (af/it , Lamenting, vexed. | A ^s=Sj , Sitting open-legged. a ^Ls^, Speaking obscenely. a ( (ffahhus , Investigation. A tafuhhul , Living well. A Meaning, tending to. a ♦-ksrfiJ lafhim, Silencing. A Led by admiration. a _vs^ tafakhkhuz , Procrastiliation. a tafakhkhur, Proud. Exalted. a tqfkhizy Separating. A tafkhir , Excelling. a AaJuij', Strutting. Calling out. A jZ’Ssj lafdir, Becoming languid. A Carding. Steam of a pot. A Covering (his mouth). A Fattening. Extending. a tafir , Dirty-looking (man). A i: Jj tqfrat, The lip furrow. a cAaiJ, Dispersed. Fainting. a ~ jiu lajarruj , Recreation. a tifrajaly A rent. Tifrijdy Weak, languid, pusillanimous. A dySJ lafarrudy Singular, stiff. A jjij tafarruiy Chosen, selected. A tyj-ysd tafarrus, Phisiognomising. iiiy Hovering, Spreading. Y 162 U~2-> & A \yu tafarrii/, Preceding. a tafarruf, Propagated. a (afarrugh, At leisure. A jj jiu lafarrult, Discrimination. A ^syu, Smacking the fingers. a yyo tafriial , Division, divorce. A Trembling, blundering. a y* yj tafruk , The stalk. A Split. Flowing through. A yyyj I of rib, Deceiving. A iiJsj (afrit, Lining with skins. A (“fry, Relaxing the mind. Cleaving. Taking flight. A frili, Exhilarating. A ^ yj, Hatching. Sprouting. A Jo yd tufrid, Retiring. Singular. a ^Joyij', To fry. To dry, to rub. A yyd (({friz, Directing. A (afris, Breaking, tearing. A Ju , Spreading. Paving. A uaJ^Ju (afri'z, Cutting, boring. A ki^ij- , Carelessly forgetting. A ^yyj, Produced. Climbing. A j_J yJ (afrigh, Evacuating. a (Jj yo (afrii, Separation, Doubt. * A Uj yi lafriian, Separately. A CS-ljid, Rubbing with the hands. a yyii , Bearing a lively colt. a jjij lafaziur, Splitting. a j_j yu (of lit., Terrifying. A (afassiih, Ample, capacious. A Iqfassulch, Dissolved, broken. a tyJJ lufsiruh , A symptom. a ‘-‘‘r " i Tearing by stretching. A (afud, Destroying. p jj' (afsidan , to warm, to bask. To burn, to be agitated. a (afsir, Explanation. Brisk, p yJii (ufsh, Heat. Foam, froth, p yLsJ lufshiraA , March-pane. 2Jd, Full (ofiblood). a J-iiJ (afashshul, A flowing, p » t t A uLaiu tafai'iul, Excelling. a Inlaying with silver. a faful, Preferring, Soilhig, a jLdJ tafa/lur, Split, divided. a / afattun , Understanding. a ^lio, Making broad. Hewing. a niaij /«/?«*, Breakfasting late. a (jhsj (afftn. Explaining. a j-liiJ lafoMt^, Shameful. a ytij tafaghghum. Expanding. a tafghim, Kissing. 163 U5 • » a iafaJtkult , Blown (a rose). a Juia (afa/Jud, Searcliing for. a tafu'iur, T reaching ( for palms). a / afalhis , Overturned. A yuia tafaitu, Divided, parted. A A , Approaching one another. A | , Mixing in battle. Pure. A (jtfjlaj' , Retaliating. Partaking. a \sj\su , Praising one another. a i jliu latdru £_, Casting lots. A ,liu’ , Associating. Allied. a £^juj , Seasoning for food. a +J&} , Swearing. Sharing. a jjfiUj’ tat ass, Retaliating, equalling. a ^sUi’ latasur , Unequal, pretending inability. Insufficient. a , Dashed to pieces. A UjliiJ tataid, A demand- p i To exact (taxes). a [a tail, Exigence. Forcing. a JbUi" latalur , Distilling. A jJArj tatdtut , Alienated. Cut. A AcUj' , Abstaining, deficient. a , —claj' , Waiting, delaying. oa A JUj l ahull, Thinking as trifling. a j luldmur , Playing games of chance, wagering. A JjUj (atdwul, Conversing together. a , Opposing an enemy. a (atom, Vying with. Money lent to tenants to buy seed. A (Jo ui‘ latdyul, Releasing each other from an agreement. a tatabbub, Entering a vault. a ^.J, Collected, costive, assailing. A jJ-Jii* , Accepting, taking well. a , Putting on the garment Ls. A tat bib, Making an arch. A j Adjusting, preparing. a fatbi/i, Reproof, reproach. A^r.-iii' latbir. Burying. a ya'fSu tat biz, Heaping. Desiring one to take. Giving money. a ,J— i 'i! , Accepting. Kissing i a jlaJD- (at: tut, Swift, rapid. a jjcjti' tattdl , Killing, murder. a latattur, Preparing for battle. Dropping. Retiring. Angry. a t at t a tat, A hard trot. a JcJij' takultul, Accommodating, at- tentive. Graceful.' Killing. a j^ia! tahtir, Sparing of expense. a tut til, Slaughter, murder. a latuhhui, Speaking rudely. a talahhul, Drying, withering. a talahhum, Rushing upon. De- preciating. Scarce (season). a latJiib, Coughing. a j Spitting out rheum, A j Striking with a stick. A , Falling when struck, p lul-him , Precipitating. A titdat , Coriander seed. a JAiia , Split. Dispersed. Dry. a ,<\L: latuddur , Predestined. Mea- sured, proportioned. Equal (to). a latadilus, Pure. Purifying. a laladdum, Precedence. Pre- fixed. Offered. Projecting. a u-vAo tutdimat, The proposition of a syllogism. A government. Ad- justment of account. a ju tahdumiyat, Precedence. a taladdu, Imitating. a , Making (a horse) lean. a AjAaj lulcbd, Drying or smoaking (Hcsji). Tearing the long way. a i*5J l at dir, Predestination. a ta'.dis , Sanctity, purity. 1G5 — M \A<> A ,►> JdU , Promoting. Proposing. a ,jju (aiazzur, Abhorring. Dirtv. a i jiii , Preparing mischief. a <0«XaJ , Cleaning the eyes. a^jAa? faizlr, Soiling a garment. a fakzij, Throwing stones. a yi fakir, Herbs, spiceries. a J\ jSj fairar , Stability. Firmness. a faiarrub , Access, union (with God); propitiating. a iyJ faiirat [, Dear, precious. a -y , Suppurating, ulcered, p , A kind of medicine. a jy falarrur, Fixed. Narration. a fakarrush, Met, assembled. a ayj , Adorned with ear-rings. a £jSL/ (alar rut, converted. a t _Jyj f alarm/, Unbarked, bared. a fakrib, Approaching. An occasion. A sacrifice. Galloping. * a Lj jSU talriban, Near to, about. a Jo Ju fairid, Silent. Soothing. Despising. ' Depressing. a ju f alrir , Strengthening. A recital, confession. Torture, r y y , To confirm, relate. a yij' fains, Congealing. a fairish, Acquiring. a , Washing, squeezing. a , Praising, blaming. Debt. a !x> Jo fakrif, Bridling. Chopping. a yj (afrit, Reproving. A ^ yj fail tin, Associating. a , Branching, spreading. a jy faiai'iuz, Hating evil. , M *♦ a zy> faidizut, Trained (a horse). a ~?y fal-zih, Seasoning a pot. a ^,y fa'iit, Galloping. Shaving. Teazing. Applying anxiously. a la».47 , Distributing equally. a ^ iaiassi is. Listening. a falassum, Dividing. a o' faisim, Division. a (akaskthur, Skinned, peeled. a , Dispelled. Separated. •M a t— LL£j faiashshuf, Living poorly. a faisfub, Corrupting. a (aishiyu^, Unbarking wood. AyvLb' faksh'ir , Peeling, stripping. a (alshish, Collecting. a jLiLi fiisur, Adorning. A JuniL' fakassud , Shivered. Killed. at a (akussus, Following, a waij faiassut, Access, purulent. •* a s takassuf, Bruised, broken. a jJ-afti' falassul, Divided cut. A , Exerting every effort. a faisib, Sprouting (corn). a a ..->57 taksiyaf , Paring nails, , Leaping, skipping. a ? Contracted, wrinkled. a ujuilu (aliafluf, Shaking, chatter- ing (teeth), withering (a plant). A (Jasu , Bolting a door, bolted. a talaffi, Imitating. k j-jsj , Collecting (earth, See.). A (J-ku i akfil , Locking doors. a c_^ksJ fa/udlub , Converted, a revo- lution, change. Dextrous. A dku lahullud , Twisting, adorning. A , Putting on a cap or coif. A , Contracting, shrinking. , Removed, torn up. « *♦ s J" A , Revolving, revolting. A taWih , Washing the teeth, i A ddfij la/ffid, Imitation. ! a lallis, Beating a drum, called J , on public occasions. ; a jjtfJdu , Rolling in a heap. a j-kJL' , Removing, tearing up. a , Tapping (a barrel). A J-lk tail'd, Diminishing. A lalTim , Paring the nails. a jAA> , Gaining at dice. Prowling. a talammus, Dressing. a talammut, Taking the best. a , Ascending. Searching. A , Trying to comply. a , A change of the moon. a taJimish, Separating. a k<*»li.y , Binding a captive. a Taking the stalk from a date. a liLn , Nature, skilful, clay. a uaUfu talannus, Hunting. a c>aJC' talriil , Tinging. a , Causing to despair. a ^ lalmt , Contenting. a - L-.gV , Cutting in pieces. a \yu talvia, Piety. a , Excoriated, tom. a cVjjtf talazDZi'ut, Nourished. a jyU laiaazcar , Coiling. Elapsed. a fulazewus , Crooked. Arming with a bow. a j' , Demolished. Moving. a talazczcut , Inclining. a (j-AjA j (alaattis, Decrepid. a , Checking, correcting. a Jyii' taliazsicul , Lying of another. a + (aiairicum, Constituted. a laiwa, The fear of God. «* a faJ/azczzl, Powerful, strong. a , Digging, crushing. a c—Ojia , Confirming, promoting. A Juoi 'J , Leading (many horses). A JL~ fahois , Decrepid. a (ahcii, Demolishing. A Jjjiia tukicll , Making mischief. a yiJ lahshn , A calendar. a j Calling. Compelling. p Aju (ufab, A button, clasp. «** A takahhul , Drying. Ungrateful, walking slowly. a { akahhur , Retiring. a lai-hir. Taming. Subduing. a jJiJ /atf, Pious, fearing God. a takuyyuh , Purulent, awound. a Juii" takayyud , Diligence, fixing. a (aiayyui, Broken, definite. a IsJi j , Having a summer house. a J-Jj, Resembling his father. Met. a «Ju tal.ayyu , Vomiting. a , Forced piety. a , Causing to vomit. a taiyih, Making purulent. a j-^su (cdyir, Pitching, tarring. a ta/tyii, Breaking, defining, Reconciling. Marking. a , Giving drink at noon. a jywu (aiyin, Adorning a bride, f tak, Little, small, a grass, a plant, one, unique. Quiet. Only. Provided that. Depth. Tub, The beak, point. \ small lamp. a Xj' , One who reclines much. a J tabdbur , Superciliously, p tidiipby , F.nquiry, haste. a sXj latu-at , A prop, a pillow, a , -jXj tu/iutub, Corresponding. a / a/.a/ut , Continuation. a , Dissembling mutually. a laiasur , Abundance. a jjoo lakadur , Eyeing stedfastly. a <— J. Lying to each other. a (afar, Ruiming. Fleet. a ( alarum , Honourable, pure. a lufturu, Hiring, bargaining. a , Indolence, infirmity. a * i-l'Xj , Disclosing (mutual vices). a , Persecuting one another. a , (abiifu, Equality. a /«/«/•, Drunkenness. a r JK., Rushing upon one another. a tabalum, Revisiting. a tcdcilib , Insult, assault. a lalulon, Wounding. a fa/.umul , Entire, abs olut a £*& , Treating one another ill. a cXj (a/uzcud, Difficult. a jXj , An ambling horse, swift. A (ahawus, Concurring firm. a J JbXa (a/fdkul, Negligence. a JujXj , Deceiving, way-laying. a JjIXj , Reviling each other. A i takabbub , Heaping up. a Ju.0, In the meridian (the sun), p jSj (afbar, A spider’s web. A jSj talabbur , Arrogance, pride. a 4-jUeC , The height of glory. a jSj tahubbu , Throwing prostrate. a , Applying to. Falling. a Ju-Xj taflnd, In the meridian. 168 js A (akbir, Aggrandizing. a J-j-Jvi talbil, Fettering a captive. a J fallal, Trusting to others. a talalluh , Austere, smiling. A takdlud , Thick, hard. oJ A falallut, Met, assembled. A t—a&J, Trouble* Ceremony. Love. a talallul, Crowned. Deserted. a / aiallum , Conversation. Love. A «Kj, Expecting, taking upon credit. M % a , In the rear. A square spot. a SJZj (a/lal, Accumulating. a yJij lallii, Collecting. a , Attacking, flying. A L_dJ£j , Ceremony, employing. A falHl, Crowding, dispirited, bold, deserting friends. A er^J j Getting to shore, detaining. Receiving part, and granting time for the rest of a debt. a , Wounding, speaking. a falammush, Hastening. A , Wrapping one's self in a garment, putting on a round cap. a J-4-0 (alammul, Cntire, perfect. a , Covered. Fainting. Lying in ambush, betraying. a •*£>', Gathering mushrooms. Loath. ing. Hiding in a cave, p a falannut, Shrunk, chained ; connexion, friendship, commerce. a i — (alannuf, Surrounding. a IjSj (al annuh, Reaching the top. A fa/iniyat, Metonymical. a .ixi falnlt, Maiming. A l alnif , Surrounding. A (ulruu, Presen' ing. p faf/u, Bruised grain, p jOjAj j\j j iJJj, To strive, resist, p 0'b Jyj falupuy, Run ! search ! A jjZj , Dropping. Dejected. a j fa/raiowuz, Collected. 170 is A (alaiamis, Inverted. A cj.£j , Distorted in the wrist. A (__s«£j , Round (as a sand heap, a crowd, &x.) going towards (sand). a tukuk, Drunkenness. p CJ j£i’ lulu!, A cup. a JjCi" , Assembled (against), over- whelming with blows or words. A lalawzeun, Being, moved. A la/.awwuh , Divided, dilated. a Squeezing in, drawing close. a c— & , Striking with a stone. a ^ yj' , Conquering. Repelling. a i\> i!>J la'.zctdy Accumulating. A yj Sj , (Cod) ordering night to succeed day. Throwing down. A fulzeis, Precipitating. a £_jj3o , Wounding the elbow. A lafwif, Cutting (leather). A takwim, Accumulating. A tukuin, Causing to exist. a <&3 tikali, The trowsers string. Takah. , A plume, arrow, a bit. a c-figxi Cavernous (a mountain). a ^£3 laftahhun , Predicting. a taUud , Hastening. A tatj -Inn. See {j£i • v jjJuxj" la/idan , To run up and down. To rock. a /«/«, Showing, cunning, p A. matron. Brave. A pillow, a prop. A convent. a laltyll, Filling a purse. Preparing. a (akyis, Making wise. a takyif , Describing. The cesura. Statue. Cholic. Dissection. A (J--& (akyil, Timid, p Id gar ! , Hail, a storm, p J.3 /«^, A tailor’s needle-bag. a )l3 A treaty, protection, p )l37a/«, Poor. An awl. a jlJj tald-ulu , Flashing. a *13 , Returning to fas our. p tuldb, A pond. See <_»>-l3. p Ajilj' taldbah , Guards of an army. A , A well-ordered thing, p uA-jL' ’ r‘n?> cackle, 'cry. p i talatuf , Dirty. Sordid, p (jdi'ilj' ((datum, Abstinent, pure, noise, mob, employ. a Jki taldhh, Emulating. a , Vying in reciting verses. a laldhvii. Looking back at one another. A taldhuk , Successively a lalahi, Mutually blaming a jl'j (Had, Domesticated. a ^jSij (Uadi , Vernacular. a taldshi, Dispersion. a , Dashing (as waves). a lalu/uf, Benevolent. a *1-13 lalutum. Fighting. a , Cursing one another. a (aluftun , Self-extolling. A (aldfuk, Touching, finding. Taking, reconciling. a l aldfi , Obtaining. a ^3 tala !, Intercourse. a (aldli , Re-union. A tall a! A bagnio boy. ftiyarU d atw ( ti clot ydu . rj. i 171 JJ a jjilj Tallal, A crier. a i))lj taldlal, An error. a (aldn, Now. Prey, spoil. a ( ildzcat , Reading. Balance. a »jxi , Mutual accusation. A lalaici , Agreeing. r ^.Jo Jli (alauidan, To drop. a .;ib‘ , Kind. Indulgent. a wJJ (alb, Loss, destruction. a u, ~J'i , Tucking up. Girding. a talabbus, Delaying. a aJj talabbuil, •Vccumulated. Lurk- ing. Stopping. Ovei flowed, leafy. a , Clothed. Engaged. a kJj talabbut, Running. Agitated. a ' talabbut , Confused. 4 « a fjyu talabbun , Delaying, A «cJj l alb ah, A wallet, saddle-bags. A A a JuJj talbid , Covering thick. a talbis, Covering. Fraud. a Jj lalbi/t, Softening (paste with soup). a clXJj , Mixing flour with honey. a talbm , Brick-making. f tejJJ , A sweet beverage. a A scorpion’s nest. talbib , Collaring. talbis, Delaying, A ^ , Wishing to clear one’s self. a , Digging, dug (a well). i Jj , a talnjluj, Agitated. A <*as~J tulajjum, Bridling (a horse). a {j£?J (ulajjun, Washing the head, r /«(?y, Going out to sea. . i — a i. yrJ , Digging in a well. a *.-s^ tulum. Bridling. I " "i- a a-.s-’ tu/jiyah, Forcing. jss talahhui, Avaricious. a t-iasr , Covering with a sheet, fkc. A (isS (alahhul. Following. a talhg. Confusing. a A- sir1 lalhtd, Curving. ; -Jj’ , Sweeping with the train. A ly-sir1 talhcn, Speaking badly. Speaking or reading melodiously. i a ^ lalkh, Bitter. Bitterly. a talkhis, An explanation, a report of state affairs. a jJa talad , An eaglet, p jJj' tulud, A pimple. A bump. A JjJj , Looking to right and left. a jJj laluddum, Tearing. Mending. a laladdun, Delaying. a JoJOJ tal did, Dispersed. a ^.-.'jJj taldis, Shoeing. a pJjJj ttddzm , Mending a garment. A j-J-Jj ttddin, Moistening cloth. a J jJj talazzuz , Pleasure. a ^jJj lalazzut, Walking well. a laldziuj, Ductile, limber. a Jj tal'-ub. Firm. Intricate. a Waiting (for a foe). a bibb J /af/if, Caressing. a ^Jab’ laifm, Buffeting. Sealing. A bibb- , Twisting. Enraged. A jjai j tdazzi, Burning, flaming. a £_b' Idat, Length of neck. Full. a c_jUb' lul^ab, Play, sporting. A dbb' {(iltai, High. Low ground. a j*l*b‘ l alarum , Delaying. Patient. a j4tb«b‘ talutzum, Eating, devouring. A tda~tus , Difficult. A j_*b' (alatfjit, Stripping buds >»> A ebb lalattvf, About to leap. A *Jjb talatlut,, Shining. a j*b«b talatlum. See *i.b . A jb Udatijy Concreting. a talatjb, Salivation. Jest. A jvb > Cursing. Tormenting. A Job talugh-ghud , Indignant. a u_i*b' , Preparing to leap. a j*ib‘ tdugh-ghum , Anointing the mouth. Pronouncing. A ^jib , Black clay or mud. a e_^bb {algiitb , Fatiguing. A ebb Ida/, Ruin, killing. A c^uib Idujful , Bending, turning away. Involving a bib' , Expression. Speech. A i ibj Idaffuf, Wrapping up. A Jib (duff'd, Joined, following. A ^ib‘ , True, certain. a bbb‘ talfii , Pronunciation. A eJJb' /alfi/-, Involving. a jbb , Collecting. Sewing. A Ub‘ tilka. Blame. Encountering. A ib' , Taking a surname. A £*b tahiMnih , Accusing falsely. a bib' t ala/du /, Gathering up. a £-ib' told tut, Prating. a t__sjib' Idahhuf, , Devouring. a jib’ Idakhun , Teaching. a c^b' luldlfi , Accepting. Meeting. Asking for. Conceiving (woman). a t .wb (allab, Surnaming. A ;)-'» (alhif, Crying out ah ! A (lj , A bramble. A pen. Poor. a Ui famuyuf, Distant, retiring. a JjUJ tamdyul, Inclining. Flying. <*> a tummal, The end, Finis. a limtam, Stuttering. a limfun, The seams of a tent. a tamlrdi, Ornament. a (umattut., Gaining, using. a lumlum, Summack. a tamli^j Cultivating. a crp^di lamtin, Confirming. a Comparing, imitating. a J-Iaj (amyl, Comparison. Al- legory, parable, fable. a jUj lamdii, Distance, removal. a jjUi’ (amaiuh, Jesting together. a (amass, Touching one an- other. Holding, containing. a ^Iaj, Mutual confidence. a lamasul, Adhering. Able, p liUj lamdslia , A show, sport, amusement, pleasure, p a\S l£»UJ lamashagdh , A theatre. A Snatching from one another. A , Fighting together. a IcIaJ lamai. Contending. a tamdkus , Litigating. a .XsriJ lamajjud. Glorified. a famajjus, Embracing the Persian religion of the Magi. a lamjid, The glory of God. a (urnjis, One of the Magi. a lamahh.uk. Abolishing. A i 1 (amahhuk, Morose. Sour. a (amuhhul. Deceiving. Seek- ing Ins own. Assiduous. a (La^1 ( amhiyah , Erazing. A (aiiihis, Proving. Choos- ing, lessening. Unnerving (meat)* ♦ 175 «• A tamhin , Stripping. , Extracting marrow. A yS*1 , Catching the wind. A yjii* lamakhkhui , Churned (milk). Conceiving. a , Blowing the nose. A lamakhkhi , Liberal, excel- Sr lent. Abstaining. Apology. A / amakhkhigah , Removing. a lamadduj, Extended, wide. Full. Ripe. Swelling. A Seli-commending. a O-Xaj / ammaddud ,, Extended. Yawning. Strutting. Conceited. a Wiping one’s self. A jjAa!', Assembled. Rich. Aj X*5 lanufih , Praising greatly. a JoAaj, Extending prolonging. a jJXaj tamdir, Claying a pond, See. A tarrubn , Buildiug cities. •k a , Swelling. Jeering. a / amuzlur , Fetid (water). a <0 j*J, Sending to pasture. a tamzir , Dispersing. a , A ripe or dry date. Eating dates, p Timor , A disorder of the eye, a flaw in a diamond. a timrdd, A pigeon-house. a A knot upon, a whip. Stubborn, insolent. Beardless. a (amarrus, Rubbing against. a t amarrus ;, Unbarking. A (amarru'i, Languid. Sick. a Dropping off (hair). a tamarrufo Hastening, hasty. a Tumbled. Writhing with pain. Long at pasture. Urging. a i Elegant. Excelling. Self-important. Accustomed. a lamarmur , Trembling. «* a jjA J lumarru, Humane, brave. a (omarri , Adorning. a Filling a leather bag with water to close up the holes. A tamrikh , Anointing. a Jc; tamrid, Stripping. Shaving. a yjyAJ lamrir, Making bitter. a v tamriiy Weakening. Nurs. ing the sick. Deficient. a tamril, Pulling hairs. a Allowing to wallow. a (JjyAJ tamrik, Singing. a tamruiy Softening. Sternly, p To keep a modest silence. a jjAJ lamazlur, Sipping, sucking. o* a Grumbling. Tom. Dividing. a ieumzi.uk, Tom. AjsejAJ tamazmiiz, Moving. Driving, p i*A J tamjah, A platform. a tamiiyah, Bestowing praise. a tanizijy Turning yellow. a fj-yA J lamiihy Fruiting (the vine), p jaj iamiidan , To be silent. a yJ'JAJ tamzir , Filling (a bottle). a lamzit. Dispersing. a jaj lamzik, Lacerating. a lanizin , Filling (a bottle). a _L«*J tamsahy A lie. A liar. a tamaskhur, Ridicule. a (amassuk , A bond, receipt. a aj lamsiyal , Good evening ! A turns'll;, Perfuming with musk. Giving earnest. A LLaj tamsha, Walking. Gait. a tamashshur , Becoming rich. A tamushshush, Gnawdng. A ?-*Laj , Removing, Cleaning. a (jJLaj tamashshuh, Torn. A l , Promotion, walking. A > Taking out marrow. A lamslut ., Emptying a dish. tamshU, Tinging. A J-JLaj', Giving little milk. a lamshin, Refusing milk. A fjAaXi iamassus, Sucking. a , Giving little milk. a J tamuziur , Inflamed. a , Falling asleep, washing' the mouth. A ^oaj lamdiu, Transmitted. A jyiAJ lurriiir , Afflicting. a , Drinking sour milk. A famiit , Fighting fiercely. vP A JeXi lama/fur, Raining, wetted. A lda*J , Thick, frowning, A , Tasting, licking. a \sa\xaj lamalmul , Slow, muddy. a tamatli, Yaw'ning, long (day). •Haughty. A k-oiAJ tamfil , Scorning. a gJa^J (amaizut., Licking up. A , Oiling a bow-string. a j*Aj , Knit the (brow) Furious. a ijjzxXi lamattu.s, Griped. A fama^tu/, Bald. a Going deep. Rash in speech. a lamatZu/{, Wallowing. A tamaix}. Yawning. A lamtifr , Tumbling abouj. a U*J tamghu , A royal charter. a kk*3‘ tamaghghul, Stretching the fore feet in running. A lamaghghi , Soft (leather). ** a , -JUJ tamahhus. Fainting. A lamaltiult, Sipping often, A , Pouring out much water. a laJUa lamlfit, Throwing dowm. A (jfAAJ Utmlah, Keeping sparingly (domestics). Stingy. tP a tamfrius , Tedious, slow. a , Tinged with vermilion. a uXC*j > Sucking, severe to a debtor. A ^ £aj Inhabiting, power, able. * a lumaUii , Swetting. a j-Laj lam fir, Regratmg com. A ^ tamfis, Bidding for goods. a (amfin, Majesty, power. A , Well, well ! go on '. a lamullukh, Tearing out a laniallui. Accompanying. A ^Aaj , Baring, polishing. a ^xzaj lam alius. Escaping. a \o!aj lamaUut , Unfeathered. a lamaUugh, Feigning folly. a ijHaj tamuUuk , Blandishment. a , Conquering, mastering. A JJuj' Utmallul, Tossing in bed. A jL«J tamallu, Filled, swelling. A COtf, A species of wild olive. a ^Uj (amalli, Living long, enjoy- ing long the society of a friend. Inditing a book. a -bj (andjul, Disputing. a ^p-bJ , Communicating secrets to one another. Whispering. A i ->-bJ , Fixing time (for battle). ' A ^-bJ tanahur , Flying at (in bat- tle), opposite. Attacking. a jbj tanddd , Terrified. A , Reviling one another. A |*t>bj, Chatting freely, consulting. a ,_£jbj » Calling to one another, j Terrifying. Intimidating. A JojbJ (madid, Scattered (birds). A jjbj (anazur, Admonishing. *• A jbJ tannar , An oven-builder. A £jbJ tanaiut, Disputing. a Jjjbj tanaiut, Reproaching. a C_ijbj , Piercing each other. A Jjbj lanuzul, Alighting, to fight. Rushing down. A c_-wbJ, Resembling, related, suc- cession of ages. Fit. a £-‘bj landsukh, Death, inheritance. Metempsychosis. a t_jL.-b." , Telling privately. a , i«jbj , Adhering, arranged. A zj lanasul , Begetting. A , Scorning, forgotten. A i_^ib J (andshub, Connected. a JeibJ (anashud, Repeating verses together. Satirizing. a ^j-ibj , Smelling, getting drunk. a ^bJ , Admonishing mutually. A bj , Assisting one another. Conquering. A t-2-sbj (undsuf, Halving. A A A J~jbj , Contending in darting. ^-'bJ , Meeting (extremes), ^bj , Fighting, changing. a 3 , Facing, disputing. p ^bJ (anuc, The stirrup cup. a ^bj' , Animating one another befoie battle. A y-ibj' lanaghur, Showing, dislike. A ^ai-bj (undghui, Enmity. a jibj (andfuz, Litigating. A ys\ij , Terrifying, remote. a ^ibJ (andfuz, Leaping together. a ^—sbj , Wishing for. Seizing. a babj' tandfuf, Casting up scum. A ^bj fandfi, Persecuting, endea- vouring to ruin one another. a iiabj tandkui , Contradiction. A ci-obj l anal; us. False, inimical. a J^bJ, Being severe to one another. a J>\ui , Denying. Hostility. A i_c£bj , Excli'anging discourse, p ^JeJbw' , To pour. To clean. a ^bJ , A wolf, a likeness. P bj , To cause to weave. a <__>» bJ tandiwub, Observing time. a i*bj , Neglecting sacred things. A j^bJ, Contrary winds. Weeping, p jJcj , Corpulent (man). a ^^bo , Approaching, attacking. a JhbJ , Devouring, giving, a ,*«bJ (anumim, Feigning sleep. a Jfcbj , Raising dust (a camel). a AJbbJ (an dhud, Sharing, giving. A^sbJ (and/iui, Pre-occupying. a ^^fcbJ tandkui, Assaulting. a ^bj / andht , Finishing, arriving near, prohibiting, checking. A iJjCbj (at.dyuk, Drowzy. a ,jbJ (andyi, Retiring mutually. a Jb^J timbal, A dwarf, r turn ban, Short breeches. A (a nabbub, Flowing (water). i 79 A (anabbui, Reviling. a Ss«jJ tanabbut, Causing to flow. A - , Flowing by degrees, r tunbuk, A crucible, p JuaJ tambal , Lazy. A knave. Tumbul , Fraud. Tambul, Betel leaf, paan. i tanabbul , Excelling. * a tanabbu , Prophesying p M a lanssur, Scattered. A^fcJ (ansir, Dispersing. r £ t anj , A collection, expression. p tanjalah, Expression. r ^Is^1 lanjamah, A garment. A (anajjus, Examined. A (anajjuh, Expediting well. A iXsV (anajjud, Carried off. a Expediting. Pressing to drink. a (anajjus, Polishing. K a tanajjut , Evil-eyed. a (anajjum, Star-gazing. a AaO; (anajjuh. Repulsing. a tanajji, Seeking the highest W • ground. Smelling, diffusing scent. a , Unbark fng a tree. a , Enquiring news. Divulging. a lanastehur. Unfolding. Dis- persed. A table. a jdxii tunashshui, Severe. A tunashshui (, Brisk, active. a , Groaning inwardly. a i Lixli tanashshuf, Imbibing. a * tanhu, Alone. Solely. Secret. a (an (id , A mound or dike, p tunhuy'i. Solitude. a 1y (uzczcab, Penitent. a yily tazzdtur , Continuation. a A=-'y tazcajuh, Looking back. a tazzdjuhan , Opposite. * a j)y tazeadd, Mutual friendship. A jO\y, Reconciled. Parting, p ^JuJl^ly, To lay one upon an- other. To be joined. A (azearus, Inheriting. a 0,'y, Corresponding. Attaining. A tawarul, Leaning. A *dy tazedrah , A shed of reeds. A ^/y faudrl , Disappearing. u My 184 < A " £>y A , _Jj\y, Balancing expenses. A J / azcaiun , Equal in.weight. A ^(y tazcazl, Parallel (lines). A iLi'y tazoashul, Meeting. a taxcasuf Mutually praising. A tuwasul, Conjunction. A Commanding, teaching. Joined. Comparing. A yy)y (azcaiut, Humility. (azeatuh, Fighting. a , luwa/us , Rushing. A ^y lazed ft, Consenting. A jl!c)y, Promising. Agreeing. A jl\y tuzeafur, Abundance, a crowd. a (azeafu/i, Concord. Fitness, A JJy lazeafi, Coming in numbers. A J\y, Having a strong desire. A J)y tazeahuh , Proudly, obstinately. A , Tumbling over one another. A L nifty, Facing one another. A Declining, changing. A Jfly Mutual trust. a t&j , Wanting feet. , J\ J luzeal, The end. Return. A jjfy towaW, Birth, succession. A \\J (await , Continuation, r ^jJ\y , To prick. To vex. A *.\y (azva-am, A twin. P ^\y (mean, Power, valoui. r \j\y fawana , Omnipotent (God). Potent. Powerful, able. » j,Uy, Power, strength, ability, p yu J\y (uzeanislan, To equal. r ^j\y t mcangar , Rich, great. a J, \y (meant, Delay, languor, A »ly, Quickening the pace. A (azealiult , Doing alike p oLj.V, To be able. a >y (azeb, Repentance. p <_yy tub, A fold, multiplicity. P ^Jjy tuban , Wrestlers breeches. a y lazebikh , A reproach. a yjy laxcbir , Running to hard ground. Flying. Alienated. A yyy ( azcblsh , Mixed (people). Intent upon. Flocking to. a (azebis, Opening the eyes. a £_yy (aicbit, Breaking wind. a y tawbigh , Upbraiding. A Jb y *opa/, Particles of ore. a CJy (ut , A mulberry. C-?y tazczeat , An hour. a ^?y, Drinking a little wine. A Jy Hard, stiff (a nerve), p uJJy A parrot; bread. p J^iy (ulagi, An old coin. P yj (old, Covering each other, p aiy, A mole, freckle. A weevil. a Uy /u%5, Tutty. Vitriol. a fJy , Making a small present. a Juiy Fixing hrroly. A jliy ( azelir , Stringing a bow. A Jy lavas sub, Springing up. A Jjy lavas sal, Confirmed. Steady. Kjyy (four, An officer of revenue. A joy (ate sir, Beating soft. a jjy tawsil, Establishing. a J jy taws'll, Strengthening. r fii /, Brass, bronze, copper. A quince. * A tX=*y, Rapt. Stupid. Astonished. ,a tawqjjur , Swallowing (physic). A Doing soon. Asking. A Listening. Afraid. A t^./a zeojjufr Pained. Grieving. A taxeajjun , Submitting. A yy.j lawigju, Striking. a y lazcahkud, Single, unique. a yL >~y l amah hush. Aversion. a y-yi Growing hot (cattle). a lawahhi, Making haste. a tXo*. J tazzhld, Unity. A yL»=^y t 'azcfush , Terrified, flying. A t»jL =*-y, Cudgelling Falling. a tawhirn , Indulging a preg- nant woman. Exsuding (water). p &v>-y lokhlan, Paying a debt. Gaining. Suffering. Showing. p Sound made in coughing. p AsPy' , The top of a wall, a tazcakhkhum , Unhealthy. A , Proposing. Choosing. a Restrained. Continent. a jj \jy tawarrui, Leafy. A Cj>jyy Reclining on the right side. Riding on one hip of a camel. a An evil. « a pjjj tarnram , Swollen with pride. p ^yy (Urutij, An orange. p *Jjy (drzoak, A sack, a scrip. a Sjy taicarrah, Stupid, lazy. A yfjy (awarri , Lurking. a lawrib, Avoiding. a Tawril, The Bible. A <0 jjj’ tawriyal , Dissembling, avert- ing from. Striking fire. A .jj', Appointing an heir. A y lazerikh, Dating (a letter). A Jojj j‘, Blooming. Tinging. p (jtX> j y , To be much ashamed. a lazorls, Dying yellow. A ^ i y lazcrish , Instigating. a y lazcriz, Foraging. Fast- ing. Easing nature. A £_> jjj tazerit, Prohibiting. . a j_.j tazorlf , Long and ample. a (JJj jy lawrik, Full of leaves. a y (azerit, Succeeding. A lawrim, Swelling. Proud. a Jjj /«z, f orm, nature. Stock, A jjy (aaazzur, Chosen vizir. A ^Jy (awdziut, Dividing. A iawaizu, Filling. a i^Sjy ('■ wail , A kind ol fine linen. p *Sjy, A garment. Involved. a ajJjj , Throwing the rider (a camel). Bottling. Shutting up. p J*jy . To shew. To draw. a j-J Jjj" fawu^j Distribution. o*y A Forming in the womb, p jy toj , A sign made by the finger. A u~y (us, Nature. Origin. a ^jy taioassukh, Dirtying (cloths). A S^y tawassud, Leaning. Under. a ky, The middle. Mediation. a Sitting easy. Dilating. a u-sLoji' (awassvf, Becoming fat. a mj, Conjunction. Confiding. a iazsasxum, Reading the face, and prognosticating good. p tusan , An unbroke horse. *>» a ^>y lazcassum , Approaching. a ^ji^y lawsikh, Dirtying' (cloths). a <\»~:y lazvsjd. See Jw*3. a Placing in the middle. a Extending. Investing. a , Forming into one load. a Ju, ~sy, Conjunction. Resignation, p ^yy tazcish , Warmth. 7W(, Power. Body. A lion. A dying spasm. Hunger. a i^yy /ash, Nature, form, p tazBshat , A mattock, hoe. a ^ J lawashshuh , Girding, p A provision wallet. a tiy‘, Climbing a mountain. a Self-disgracing. P i~ *sdZy India, /•, A kid. Bedding, p (jLA-ijj' loshmdl, A collector, p A sign. The area. a Mixed. Agitated. A iJSty ioshah. Provisions, p /Js/u, The last breath. a tazcashslu , Conspicuous. 187 & 4 r~>y (atoshiyah, Dying cloth well. 4 £ ~r‘*>y (atoshy, Connecting firmly. 4 £y*y (uzcshiL) Clewing wool. 4 fawshigfi , Bleeding clothes. A (jh*!** Drying parboiled flesh. a cv;*»ii' (aashti, Expeditious. A (awshim , Tattooing skin. A * — (aaassub, Sick, ailing. a i—itfjJ, Described. Praised. A (ttmussul, Joining. Affable. 4 (o&ossum , Broken (by fever). A ‘Sr^-1 {aa$fyaf.t Bequeathing. A Striking with horror. a i.J^y faasjf, Description. Con- tract. Sal?. 4 (aZi':fd, Joining closely. 4 | Indisposed, sick. 4 Manifest. Showing. 4 (awdzzum, Ravishing. A j Ablutions. Bathing. 4 fatczth , Publishing. A fdzozit.) Depositing for safety. Ouilting. • . A fa&(t{/UHy Residing any where. 4 5 Kicking. Agreeing. 4 > Expanding, smoothing, bed-making. A A-lrj-’j Joining. Making solid. 4 (Gtofoshy Repulsing. Giv- ing. Accomodating. Unfolding 4 W^y (aze/in, Choosing residence. 4 ‘-AAj-1 (arwuf, Paying a stipend. 4 lawa^jrudy Terrifying. 4 > Difficulty. Morose. 4 (awattul, Climbing or stand- ing on a hill. •« (jy a (awatjbni, Taking all. AyuCjJ, Preventing. Thickening. A Kr.j' lau'tjz, Commanding to do. a fyyy , Calling one morose. a £jj / , Wood. The tamarisk. A /=jj, Burning with rage. a Jsijj fazcmghghui, Going far. a (awaghghum, Enraged. A » Intrepidity in battle. a fyy (azeghtr, Exciting hatred. a laagkii, Filling (a vesst l), p >—ij.:y Echo. Noise. A wheal. a ajjj (aufaly Languor. A fault. a siy (awaffud, Overtopping. A yiy (awaffur, A concourse. Plenty. Respecting. Paying all. a fsy, Preparing to resist evil. a jii, j lamfalty Advantageous. a Jfjy (awaffuk, Prosperous. 4 dsy (uaaffiy Paying all. A Jui.i' lawful, Sending. a j-fy fawfir, Completing. a < jyy tawfiky The grace of God. a y , Giving, returning all. A Jjjj (awl, Desire, passion. a Cl>Xiy lukdty Piety, abstinence. a ^li.3', Inordinate passion. A ediy (aw 'at. Recovering. a gy (awatluh , Tyrannical. a <\iy*(awallud, Ardour. Burning. a yy (awa/dur, Respected. Mild. a ^JJy (awallush, Agitated. A \jaiy , Going a hard pace (a horse) . A jjjji (awMu\_, Begging, praying. 188 M A i— j Delay, tediounefcs. v» A Jiy (a^allul, Ascending a hill. A Jy , Killing (game), threatening. A JV lawalhun , See Jjy. a ^yy tawakla, Timid, cautious. a A-jy tawlal, Appointing a time A htwlih, Repairing a pond. a A-jy tawlid, Setting on fire. a y , Having scabby camels. A (_yyy ) Going hard (a horse) . a (awlis, Throwing billets on the fire. a «_yy taw lit, The royal signet, polish of a sword, opinion, rain- ing gently, roofing, slow, making harp, afflicting, wearing down. A u-i-jy , Detaining, delaying. A < My , Dropping, as rain. A , Confirmed ; connected. A Jy tawalhur , Building a nest. a Jy t aieatiui , Filled. A i_iSy, Expecting, visiting. a JSy tawallul , Resignation. a ^Sy taicwallun, Residing. a yy lawafku, Leaning on a staff. a c^yy, Turning blackish (dates). a c^yyi , Reddening (dates). a jjy (aw kid, Making a league. A jsSy (aw lid, A house warming. A (owlts , Reproaching. A i y (awlif, Panniering. A jyy » Appointing a factor, See. t* Jy /a/, Gum, glue, cement. Tol, War, contention. p ^y tula, Liquid, a bleaching. A Sy lawalld, Retiring, discharging an office, shunning, friendiy. p -Jy (dldj. In one piece. A i. — lazdab, An ass’s colt. a csJy , A misfortune, a philtre. a Jy taiclaj, A wild beast’s den. p (ulud, Broad- faced. a jJy tawallud. Born, birth. a , A ray. Heat. Power, p Aly , Mallows, lolafi, A weight. A y laiaahhur, Disturbing in prayer Abating (darkness, winter, 8cc. ) a jjty (awahhuz, Treading heavy. a /are ahhus, Travelling well. a LiJ lazcahhut , Sunk in clay, smoothing (a bed). Making equal. A , Sun-burnt (gravel). a (Jjbjj- tazcahhtd, Causing to err. A yty lazcahhtvn, Suspicion, fancy A JuJbji’ lawful, Terrilying. r tazchhn, Making believe. A tentfun, Enervating, p ,,j limit, Cream, scum of broth, p iy l oh, A fold. 9ee*j'. a ^jy lazei, One who falls Steady, p t jy , A thread, one fold. See y. p j> y tu-ir , The beak of a bird, p Jo J , The brow. Tatcil, Bald. a JjjJ tuicayyul, Detestation, p <0 lah, A fold. Simple. A vestige. The bottom. Tih, Empty. A Us tih, She, this, he. A y Ifi , Disputing for trifles. a tahdtih , Vain things. A tahajur, Separating. A , Satirising one another. a jj\y lahddur, Boiling. a tahadun , Arranging well. A lahddt, Exchanging gifts. Fluttering (a woman’s step). a taharush , Fighting (dogs). a , Reviling one another. A , Feigning extreme old age. a tahafut, , Falling, rushing A t ah at turn, Broken. A yy lahatlii, Tom, cut, worn out (a garment). a j-yy tahtir, Provoking, tearing. A tahtjh. Tearing a veil. A , Disabling by blows. a Ls-p (a/ija Satirizing. a Sleepless, (c contra) sleeping. 190 A (ohajjur, Separated. A jjsrf lahajju) Spelling, hot (clay). a L~srQ , Spelling, satirizing. a .XvS-^, Causing to sleep or awake. a (ah fir, Forsaking. a (ahji^, Allowing sleep. a uU-sr^ (ahfil , Reviling. A (ah Jin, Defaming. A Ail lahkhanah , A cavern. Ajliji' , Warm (wine). Cooing. a Crying to her colt (a camel). a JJcj (ahaddud , Terrifying. a Cfsf tahadduh, Reproaching. a , Satiated, rushing upon. a (ahaddul, Hanging down. A Pulled dowTn, rushing upon. A (ahaddi, Led (by God) into the right path. A tahdz-ah , Quieting a tahdiyah , Separating. A talidid , Terrifying. a , Roaring muttering. a (ah dim, Destroying. a , Soothing (an infant). a (ahailur , Rejoicing. vJ a jAgi (ahazzu, Corrupted (a sore). A u_-~»Agi‘ Purifying. a (aharrur , Snarling (a dog) . A ’ Dispelled (a cloud). A , Levelled (a spear at a foe). a taharru , Airing in the cool. A > Beating (with a stick). A l ahrib , Putting to flight. a , Boiling much (meat). a JLiii , Beating (with a stick). a lahrit, Tearing. A (ahrij, Surprising. a A.^3' , lahrid , Boiling till soft. A , Setting by the ears. a ^£1' (ahrii, Tearing (cloth). a Pointing a spear (at a foe). a tahrif, Producing early. a *j , Enfeebling (age), divid- ing, exalting, diminuating. a , Singing. Twanging. a jjfi tahaziuz , Moved, shaken. A , Hasting, rigid, disguised. a , Depressing, twanging. a £_< jfi (ahft, Breaking a Jj (ahfil, Extenuating. a lahassum, Broken, split. a , Grumbling, clashing. a , Broken, weak, fond. a L/Lr^V (ashish, Making cheerful. A tfffi (ashil, Giving some milk ( a camel ) . A { ahsliim , Breaking, praising. a t ahsis , Bright eyed. a , Injuring. Dismissing. A jnf (ahaftur, Falling to ruins. a J'Wi (a/taljul, Recovering. vW a (alial/iut, Foolish, proud. a Taming. Gluttonous, p ulisjj , Empty, bare. Earth. A (ahailur, Stupified, amazed. a , Scorn, pride, repentance. A (uhallun, Penitence. a , The pace of a charger. 191 «• JV . a , Singing to one in scorn. a lahallub, Pulling out hairs. A cr 4» , Extenuated, infected. a (ahlitah, Ruin, perdition. a luhdltd, Cheerful, transparent (cloud), flowing (water), (tears). a tahalhul , Vain, foolish. a lahfib, Satirising. a iJ_Oj tahfit, Ruining. a JJsjj' /a/{/a/. Praising God. Joy, timid, flying, gibbous. a I ohun, i, Incomparable, brave. a , Sultry, a calm. Fetid. r A tahmat , Fetidness, sea-coast. A crime, ignominy, i* f ah amt an, A hero. a . tahammush , Flowing softly. a liAoif tahammut [, Seizing. a j Running, streaming a , Groping. Wounding. .a lahfnan , A hero. a , Torn, worn (garment). A (ahmim. Hushing to sleep. A tahnim , Sleeping. a lahanbas, Enquiring news. «*• a ^‘r’ fahannuj, Quickening. a , Adapting, dressing well. a lahannu , Well fed. A ‘kUf' tahm-at, Congratulation. A tahmd, Alluring. Deficient. Hooting © A (ahriif, Making haste. p JV fa^a, A partridge; spitting. A i Low, gentle (voice). A t^r > A crowd, tumult. A Jjqj tahasszsud , Converted. A* C** a tahavowur , Rashness, ruined, rage, the end, offspring. a , Mixing, meeting. a lahawzsut, Feigning to vomit. a fahutcaui, Astonished. a , Ornamented, terrified. <*• a avj'j tahameum , Nodding (drowsy). a lahmd , Singing sweetly. a j tahicir , Throwing’ down. A •;»$}' la/ncii, Dying. A kfj (abuts, Giving to eat. a (yij tahmsh. Tumultuous. a *_;»£! Making to vomit. a (afixctl, Terrifying, adorn- ing. An oath made before the Detraction. a *.* .jJ la'ncim, Doubt, fancy. \ ***' a lahzdn, Slighting, p tihi, Empty, wretched. a -u a tihty (from \«i), She, that. A t --oj' tahayyub , Dreading. a icj' tahiyal , Preparation. a ci-wj lahayyus, Bestowing. a ta/jiayyuj , Agitated. p (ihldan, To become empty. a jysugi' tahayyui, Re-fraetured. A (ahayyuta Extended, p aULii , The hypochondria. a , Poured out. Imprecating. a tahayyun , Stupified, thirsty. a i_. (ahyib, Awful, dreadful. A (ahyit , Crying out. a {aJijy'ij, Instigating. A js-r^ , Putting fat into pottage. A tahyid, Checking, hasting. A jygi , Falling (a bulwaric). A ^-»gj tuhyigh , Watering. A (ayil, Pouring to run over, p ti, Empty, vacant. a .s-Li' layajur , Abandoning, »a ^Lj' tayyah, Waving. AjUj layyur , A wave. Flowing quick (blood). Proud, Surprized. p jlj layyar, Ready. A jLj , Short. A dwarf. The arm. a ^Lj tiyas, Driving. Gaining. (ayyas , A goat keeper. a <5L)Lj' tiyasal, Desire, passion. a t ay b i s , Drying. a l— , Insane. Stubborn, fierce. a L«J , Contumacy. The 4th watch. H /?», A note of hand. a lay fan, Making orphans. a tij, A crown, a tiara. p /y, An arrow ; cotton ; sick. a lih, predetermined. a layd, Lenity. a lizan , Permit, give leave. v jy tir, An arrow. Chance. Turbid, dark. A guide. A chief. The spring. Lightning. A ship. A jy tir , Pride. Elevation, p tirurah, The rain-bow. p jlJol i r j’ /?/• undai, An archer, p J jy tir dun , A quiver. t jzjy tirgar, An arrow-maker. p tir k ash, A quiver. p fira!h Darkness. p pjy (tram , A great lady. p jt« yj tir mar, A viper, p jjy tir lean,. A quiver. p /?r«A, Turbid. A beam. Butter. A thread. Sadness. A rule. p lirij, The gore of a shift. p jy fez, Sharp. The edge. Acid, bitter. Bold ; swift. Vehement. a jy liyazi , Piercing (an arrow), r L—jjy tezab, Aquafortis. a layzdn, Dying, p CJjfJ , Belching in contempt. p , To hasten. To rage, p yjo tiiir, A side, the waist, p tejy tiiayah, A maternal aunt, p y+j./ij, Green sward. Aslope, p tij ah, A beam. A vapour, a lays, A he-goat. a ' — fi laysa, A she-goat. a layassur, Movement. a laysusiyuh, Goatish. a /*«*’» A particle of scorn. a t ay sir, Facility, p tishah, An axe, a spade, &c. a lay sis, Opening the eyes (a whelp). Sprouting. Assaulting. a y+Jyj layiri, The same. a tay\_. Vomiting, Flowing. Robbing. Hasting. Buttering a «_-j l ay y it., Hastening. a ixy , A herd of forty or under. a isuxfi lay tit, Giving warning, p vJ , Moving, assaulting. a J,(j sdrid, Moist, cold. a , Thin black mud. An insect. a ?dft, Stony. a pJ-lj sag him, White, whitish. a sight, Bleating. A Jiilj sufd, Sediment. Dung. A i ~jIj sd/iib, Sublime, high. a JjIj sdlil, Weighty. Bright. A sa/;il, Friendless. a J Ij sdlis, The third place. Third. An arbitrator. A sdlisi, An arbitration. a ^ lb salisuna, The thirtieth. a JJU sdlil, A nipple. A wart. a iXvU sdmid, Eating gently. a ^15 , Loaded (a fruit tree). Pulse. a (J-olj sdmil, A rusty sword. A pleasant abode. a yX sdmin, The eighth. a jjb sdni, The second. In future. a ijb , An old sheep. A little. a sdbit, The throat, uvula. A sa-ay, Broken, burst. A sayib, Wind before rain. a toU sdyat, A stable for cattle. a sayijat, Lowing, bleating. a jX sdyir, Anger. C c 194 A y-ki 5 Sitting firmly. Completed. A ciili sabdl , Firmness. Proof. A saban , A bag, a basket. A Constancy. Proof. a
  • Thick, muddy. Firm. A siddm , A strainer. A £Jo sadagh , Breaking the head. A j;Ju , Flowing. Sending. Bursting. a Jijo sidiim , Tired with speaking. A |*J t sadm, Thick, fat, stupid. a ^Sisadin, Corpulent, heavy. A ,_cJo The breast. a l> Jo , Having large breasts. a sudayyat, A little breast. A y sarr, Separating. Flowing. Going fast. Large, open. a !y ■ ard, Wealthy. The earth. a (__ky sarab, A clay-pit. a i^j|y sardrat, A jetting fountain. A sardy, The seventh earth. A c__y 5ar6, Death. The caul. Blaming. a Ly sarba, Fat (sheep). Ajly sarsur, Talkative, blabbing. a jyjj sarsur, A plentiful fountain. a y , Dyeing. Breaking. Rain. a iy , Shoemaker’s glue. Dung. a 195 a Ik 5(1//, Thin of hair. a Ilk sattu, Acting foolishly. a ifilkj su/a-at , A kind of spider. a cUk su/d £, Rheum. A , Jki sa/J, Foolish, insane. a c_—wjUj sa^abib, Pure water. a jj jUj , A kind of asparagus. a , Tlie she-fox. Hay. a «(/, Moveable sands. a Uj suglia, Bleating. a y jUj sagharir , A small melon. a saglib, Digging. Piercing. a tOAj sughbal , A frog. a sagsdgh, Hesitation. a , The fore teeth, mouth. A CJ> ,aj sughrat , The pit of the sto- mach. A fissure, opening. A level wfty. a pjij saghim, A hunting dog. a saghu, A sort of dates. a salal, Weighing. Salal , Baggage. Family. Si/d, A load. a salalal, Torpor, dullness. A < usjsulub, Fuel. • _> • * a t --.xj sulib, Milky. Very red. a salif, Sour. Acute. A UL 'i3 salil, Heavy. Sour. Dull. a kCixj salsalat, A mad woman. a sail, Death. Childless. a Sj sal am. The mid-way. Per. sisting. Stopping. Sulam, A guide. a Jj suln, Smoothness of road. The king’s high.way. A skkj, A flock (of birds), A pit. 196 A ?atul, (A mother) deprived of children. a J/j sail, Ruining. Pulling down. A Aiilj sal as ah. Three. A salas un, Thirty. A saldsi, Triangular. A suldsiyat , The lord of lords. A ^3 salldj, A seller of ice. A C_JJ salb, Injury. Breaking. Filth. Sulib , Vice. a &3 s allot, A flock. Wool. Death. A cj-Jj solas, Three. The third. a liJj salasd, The third day. a salsan, Nightshade. A aii salas at, Three. A trivet. a jJiJj sulsal, Destruction. A ^ salaj, Snow, snowing. a ^ salkh, Spring dung. A LJj salt, Thin elephant’s dung. A jjj salt,, Breaking the head. A (J'j salal, Destruction. a pJo sal/n, Breaking the edge. a l^sulmal, A crack, breach. A LaIj sulmal, Thin mud. a suliij , Tranquil, cheerful. a The third. Easy, plain. a samm, Trampling. Adjust- ing. Restoring. Devouring. a simdd, Beautiful. a ju; simul , An assitant. A sumdlat , The remains. Froth. A |*Uj sumdm, A small plant. a sumani , Eight. a simsam , A destroyer. a ujjUj samununa, Eighty. a !y saw ub, A premium. Merit Honey. A bee. a &j\y suwabat, A planet. a suwaj, Bleating of a goat. a bTj suwut, Rheum. A <3ly sawalal, A swarm of locusts. a , Of the third race, kc. A <-yy sawb, A vest. Returning. Assembling. Full. A parapet. Clientage. A work A by su-uba , Lazy, torpid. a ^y saoy, A kind of vessel. A j*3 faar, A bull. Redness. A lord. Twilight. An assault. Circulation of the blood. The green scum on water. A mad. man. Many, much. a ^by sawaran, Assaulting. a Sjy saw rat, A cow. Suural, Hatred. A ly suwut., A mountain tree. a Jy sawl, A male bee. A hive. A torpor in sheep; also a vertigo. A (Jyy ? MM, A nipple. A wart. A sum, Garlic, an onion. a ilLy, A species of wild olive. a c^y sawmafin , Spleenwort. A ^cy sumas , Thyme. A jy, Exalted, flying (dust). A ul JUyb T^*e appearance of blood. A i sawl, A guest, a stranger. A A. heap. Many, much. A bay, A rolling-pin. •A *■— 'Uj safiat, Vociferating . * ® A ?atial. Spread on the ground. A A handsome boy. .iU. A An attendant in a bagnio. a jjLy Overflowing, a <£J saggat, A sheep cote. A J~J satjsul , A hill goat, or ox. A jolly man. Foolishly. £ a sJj sagid, Moist. Chilled. a j-g sir, The cover of a pit. a <_,b3 si/, Grass. a sin, A pearl fishery. £ ^fim, The fifth letter of the Persian and Arabic alphabets ; and the character for three Interchange- O able with j, ,1 ; and _. • v ^ (j; A A barren year. p b-ja, and ^U-, A place. A ^^jo-ab, Gaining. Selling. a \s=-jahim, A very hot place. a jahdial, Prominent (eye). a Syjadd, Diligent. Vain. p (jjljU-, To give a place, protect. 198 a One who is false. A liar. o* a '£ j\»~jaddat, The straight f>ath. p judaras , Millet. p cJ^ W-> Day-break. a jadis, Obliterated. a «U>jU- jadisat , Unploughed. a J ^\=~jddil, A robust youth. a jOW -jadii, A conjurer. Black, p jlp- jadugari , Conjuration, r ^jjA^-jadaw, Magic. p -jaddah) The highway, p ^j^jadi, A conjurer. a ,_c jl=>- jad?, Begging. Saffron. a z-ja-az, Drinking, swilling. a L-jS\2>-juiib, An allurer. a - ja ri h at , A beast of prey, p jariid, Necessity. a j\U- -juriz, A severe cough. Laughing. A barren woman. a ^j\=^jdrim, Delinquent, p jjW, Mortar, cement. A brush, p L-Jjj^jarub, A besom. Sweeping, p JjjU- jurud , Extremely dry. A bad man. v jar ur, A river. A hinge. a Running. Happening. a -jdlis, Sitting. A sitter. a jJU- jdlit, Impudent, immodest. Conspicuous, transparent. A uJlU*- jdlif , Tearing, breaking. Pestilence. p A running footman. p jdlah, A raft. a -jdfi, Shining. Evident. a -jdmit, A collector. Com- pleting. All, whole. A ~jamfjyaf, Universality, p cU-, A wardrobe in baths, p j a m agi , A cotton tunic. A salary. A gun match. J 99 p J\ j A matchlock.roan. a A troop of camels, p jamin, Urine. A jJuuU -jamli, Insanity p , \yc\ >~jamwar, See a ^yc\»- jdmiis, A bufTaloe. p .uU- jamah, A garment, couch. Cotton. A cup. A poem. History. Power. p c,. oL; ;iuU, Breeches, old clothes, p^.' JuU- , Scissars, shears, p , Proper for mending. pa ij^jan, The soul, mind life. a -jann, The devil. A large harmless snake. a jdnib, A part, a side, , strange, foreign, contempt, p jLiW-jan bai , Playing with life, (hence), a person who pursues a dangerous trade, p jdn bail, A swing, p ^jj\ Juj \>-janib dan, Partiality, p , Collateral. Foreign a x^j\>-jdnibayn, Every side. p j\jj\=-jandar, Animated, p bj ^U- , Soul-destroying, p ,Lw: , Exposing one’s self, p ^1". — 1 U- jnnsilnn , Ravishing, the soul, killing. p , Inflaming the mind. a ^ JLj\»-janish , Near. , p ^jj\s~janish'in, A substitute, p ^t£j\s^jdn hash, Quarrelsome, p &\L'[=~jan gah', Dangerous, p , Melting the soul, p j\y\^-jdnzcar, An animal. a janah. The young of any animal, pith of a tree. An island. The cheek. p (JU -jam, A soul. Cordial. a UUj^'ntcrt, Dark chcsnut (mare). A ^J\\y-javcuy, Camp, a tent. A ja-uicat, A barren year, p ^j\jj\y-jazcidan, Everlasting. p J)jXy jaizarad, A white-thorn, p U» juzcras, Millet. k JujU -jdand, Eternal, p judidan, To scream, p jU -jdh, Dignity, place. A jdhal. Dignity. A AiU- jdhid, Hungry, active. A seeker. A warrior. a jahishat, A crowd. A ^^[y-juhiz, Superior, actue. a t~db\s^jahizat, A colt. a J.&1 y-jdhil, An ideot. a jdhi, Ruined house. A jdhiyan, Publicly, p , To grow cold, to rub. A , mskyju~ay, Biting, keeping, p ^J[^~jdy (see U-), A place. A jdyi, Coining, a comer. A 1 Jcj^jaydashlan , To happen. A jjU- , Swelling with drinking. A j\=--jdyir, Heart buna, cruel, bin- dering, many, much, p ^jjyjdyrdn, A kind of doe. A jjyyjdyii. Passing, lawful. A j Benignity. A gift. p , Proof, gift, muster. A y L.'\>~jayish , Enquiring. a Lzy\^jayish at , The mind, soul. a ^y\jyjayit, Starving, hungry. A i^jA^-jayif, Penetrating (a blow). 200 a ijA^jdyifah, A stab, p t^.'\s>-jaygah, A dwelling, p »£j\^-jaygir, A possessor, p 3, W juyt, One place. A ti \>~jdy'i, Coming. A iLAs- jayiat, Pus, blood. a L~*2-jabb, Castrating. a sL^s^jaba, A kind of fungus. a L^-jubbu, Pusillanimous, p L =*juba, Saturday. A L.A+2-jibub, Castrating. a 4>L ^jababat, A desert plain A J^^jubar, Shedding blood, vanity. A torrent, destructive, reparation. A j^*=- , Great. A conqueror. r To overcome. a ‘ij^spjabdral, A bracelet. A L , A tyrant, a giant. A ^jabbdt,, A short woman. a s^juban, Pusillanimous. a -jabr, Force, restoring. A ]ffp , (p djU^), By force. a ilLijK^-jabrut, Proud, power. A Ljp.2~.jabr}, Compelled. a ^^.2- jibs, Timid, plaster. A jabal, A mountain. Jibl, Many, creation. See a i ^Jkis-jablat , A camel’s bunch. A t\~=>~jibillal, Form, nature. A * jaballal'um , An amethyst. A X+s>- jibilli, Natural, innate. W * * A , Pusillanimity. Cheese. A , Hard earth. Surface. p Is^jpjubah , Armour. a {j^^pjab/iat , The front. A troop. A chief, contempt. A , A rude stupid man. A , A deformed woman. A pjibbir. Very proud, p Xj^pjabiraJi, A bandage. A t^rus*. , The forehead, timid. A J Sx^-jala^dal, Strong, robust. A ij^pjass, Wax, high ground. A Jli jpjasal, A sepulchre. A djlio- jus ala 1, Thick hair. a j*1 izpjasam, The night-mare. a <~c \is*. j as sum ah, A sluggard. u» a ijj*. , The figure. A dead carcase. A tJZjz-jasl, Many, much. a \^‘jihdf, Battle. Juhaf , Death. The flux. a Jl ^•juhul, Poison, venom. a , Swelled eyes. Greedy. A i , Powerful, A dwarf. a _l s^'jahjah, A prince. a juhju/i, A large ram. a AS-- jahd, Denying, poor. A < ^■ja/iclab, A dwarf. a j^^ jahdar, Short, a dwarf. A JaS T.jafidal, Fat, firm, strong. a (UAS-- jahdamal , Swiftness. A j^-juhr, The den of a beast. a l-JjS’- julirab, Short and thick. Jo- 201 A s j^ jahraf, A severe season. a jah rash , Thick, compact. a , A decrepid old woman. A jahram, A bad man. A L*S?-jah ramal , Poverty, trouble. a ^-Sz jahs, A battle. Killing. A ^L^-jahsh, A colt. Thick grass. * jL£- juhshar, Short-ribbed. A ^)dJ£jdshshal, Swift, nimble. '• jah'zam , Largcd.eyed. a , An army. (A great man). a Throwing down. The queen bee. A camelion. A beetle. A chief. A prince. A juhmash. V. \sy^- jihrit. a ija*&-jahmaial) Swaddled, bound. Running at speed. a , (An infant) ill fed. A , A dwarf. Powerful. a J^^-jahinbar, A corpulent man. a , A female dwarf. A ^L^-jahnash, Thick. a iy^-jahicul, One pace or step. a , A boy, not of age. a < uS’-jahfj', A water bucket. a M^-jahim, A large fire, hell. A (jj\ abu) juklidd, A locust. a , A milk-pail. Large, r jakht , Hope, desire. p ’ A sort of small seed used for sore eyes. p jaklij, A sort of bird. a jukhrit. V. 1 i^-jihrit. r To be wrinkled, twisted. Labouring. Startling. Marking. A Jj^-jukhrd, An enemy. p An ancestor. See A>-. A curl of hair. Envy. A camel. a A=^, A father, forefather. Dignity, * glory (of Cod). Wealth. A pace, Juki, Study, effort. a 1 A=- jadd, Common good. p ! As- jadd, Distinct, apart. - jidda Plainly. In no shape. Seriously, strongly. a , A wall. Fit, worthy. p LLJj)±=>~judarai, A certain game. a ^Ias- jculdt, A severe year, p AioA >-juddgdnah, Separately. A J!a>- jaddl, A hot contest, p As- jaddvi, Salary, stipend. a Aj1a»- jiddyah, A doe, a roe. p ,3) A z-juddyl, Separation. a L-jS^jadb, Scarcity. A vice. a a A»- jiddah , A grandmother, new. Finding, rich. J uddah , A way, path, method. The surface. A plain wanting water. A jS^-jadr, A wall. A root. A scar. Worthy, p Jadar , A messenger. a jadaral ', A scar. a ^jS^jadari, The small pox. a t i&s-jculaf, A sepulchre. a Ja>- jadd , The limbs. Strength. Growing, battle. Pretending. a }!a =>^jadld, A coat of mail. a -judamah, Short (a man). a jjA^. jadan, Sweetness of voice. Jidn, A root, origin, p J**S>-jadzzar, Zedoary. a t_»>.A ^-jadub, Barren, scarce. A j ^A>- judur, Proper, fit, worthy. ap JjA=- , A river. A line, rule, p , Sexagenary canon. a ^tSst-jadica’ A common good A , A bird, a she- goat. a fc_^v'A=- , Severe (year). Desolate. a AaA a-jadyat, A cushion. Blood. Dd „ 202 a JoJ \2-jcuHd, New. Happy. A yS^-jadir, Walled in. Fit. a 5 Women’s buskins. a Jo-Vs- » A bridle. A girdle. a j\s»-jizaz, A fragment. a juzazah, Rust-eaten. a j*l j vyjuzam, Leprosy. A leper. a L-Jdzyja'zb, Allurement. a h j^jazbal, Distance. A tract. A jazz’ } An origin, root, p j^s^jazar, An ambassador. A jizut. , The trunk of a tree. Young. Novelty. A heifer. a ^Ss-jazl, The summit. Jazul, Joy. Jizl, The root, trunk. a A^yjazila/i, Luxuriant. aUcAs-, Amputated. Leprous, (fern.) a j\*3s=^jazmar, The stump. a tU jo- , A whip. A piece. a A root. a c__n jo-Jaia6, Attracting. a ijSs^jazzzat, Fire. A coal. a i Jo-Vo-jaiHfif(, Bruised wheat. a ySyjazm, Mutilated. a y>~jarr, Drawing. The base. PjO-, A crack, cleft.^r- jur, A saddle. a L=- jura, The heart-bum. A boy. A stipend. A beggar. a .\yyjira-af, Audacity. a jiriib , Scabby. A provision- bag, the scrotum, p i—z' ^jurab, Water. A jarrah, A surgeon. a 4=- .^jaruhat, A wound, pus. a y>~\y^j(irruhi, Surgery. a jardd, A locust. a j\ | js- jurrur , Drawing. A brave soldier. A beggar. a j\j>-juraz, Cutting keenly. a f\y>~juraf, A large measure. A glutton. Cheerful. a juruJiZ) Thick, large. a jarufish, A big man. a , Noxious to health. a jarakat. Lean. a A^js-jaram, The date tree. a ^ys-jardn, Passionate. PjUj'jS- , The right hand side, the 2nd line of the right wing. C s9 p Uj- , A woodcock, quail. r jarb, A conqueror. JYr& An acre. A L-jy-jarab, The scab, mange. a l iyyjarbu , Scabby. Heaven. a , A sheath, Jurban , The collar. The gore. a <6 js^jirbat, A sown-field. p yyjarubndg, Scabby. a U > jz-jirbiya, A westerly wind. A , Turning round, rough. py-=-y=- jurjlr, Rocket (an herb). a ^y>-jarh, Wounding. A lL=»- jard, Tearing up, erasing, Jarid, Bald, barren. a i£y>-jardat, A garment worn bare. Jirdal , The soul. a ^ i$y>- jirdawn , A rat, mouse. a Jyyjaraz, A tumour, the grease. a jy>~jarzt Killing, reviling. Bare, p jy-jurz, A kind of bustard. a , A bundle of hay, &c. a a\ ryjat'zam, Dry bread. a fj~j>-jars, A gentle sound, a jirsdm , The pleurisy. a , A watch of the night. a i^Jityjurshub , A dwarf. a LdLyyjarshabal^ Lean, meagre. 203 r u^JJLyy jarshqft , A lampoon. a byyjaraf, Choaking. Trouble. a ^yyjarat) Drinking water. a \zyyjart.d, A sandy desert. a u— ^yy j Gross, rude, stupid. A juried h , The dregs. a ^j~~zyyjarai/jil, Thick. a LrJj£j&~jur£ub, Large bodied. A ~>~jai^alil, Thick milk. a cJ yyjarf. A plentiful year. p CJyyjurul, A desert, p jar lint, Lasciviousness a + jar in, Warm. Jar am, A crime. Jirm, Sound. Colour. A body. A globe. a i^Sycyy junnuk , Leather hose. a yy jarzc, A whelp. a Jslj y^jirzeat, Long, tall. a j^yyjarui, Voracious. Dryness. a ^jctj^jarui, Thick, large-bellied. a 4*yyjurum, A warm country. pa tyyjurrah, A little cruise. The handle of a cup, See. A jar. A beard. A funnel. A cushion. Form. A jarhas, Corpulent. a *\lyyjar/iam, Keen, diligent. a jarhiyat , A loud voice. a ^j^jart, Bold,- brave. Young. An agent. A substitute. a ^ylyy j ary an , Flowing. a i jy- jarib, A corn measure (384 mudds, or about 768 lib.) a ~ jarirat, A fault. Pefidy. a ^i.'y>~jarhh, Bruised, brayed. A i_£J y^jarif, Art. a yyjarim, Dry dates. Guilty. A yy , A crime. A fine. a Aj yy jariyah. , The belly. / p yyjui, Besides, except. A jy jazz. Mowing, shaving. a yyjaia, Content, [jui) , A part. A quire. A section of a book, p yyjiz, The fat of a sheep’s tail. a \yyjaid, Compensation. a juiiil. The handle. o' A j\jyjdizdr, A butcher. a j\jy jdzai, Cutting. a ij\jy juiaiat, A cut, a chip. a l ^V.s-jazzqf, A fisher. a te'yy juiujul, Rashness. A Mjy juiaiat. Sagacity. Greatness. Entire. Eloquent. a <-~>jy jalb, A part, portion, lot. a jb . The trot of a horse. • y • p . , To enrage. a ijt^jazzat, The sheep-shearing, p t 'jyjaid, A cricket. A whisper, p i ,jyyjuidarufi, The dry skin of dressed meat. A sparrow. a j\=>-jair, Reflux. Cutting, p **,j>-juirast, Knowledge, p jjjyjtiirmo, A privy. A , A shell. An onyx. Sorrow, p yjs-jazagh, A frog. Complaint. a i^jyyjaif, Buying rashly. A J \yy jail , Cutting. Fire-wood, Copious. Prudent. Eloquent. 204 Joe*. i a - , A part. A prudent woman. A joint) Cutting, ending, re- quiring, filling, estimating, weak, silent, drinking or eating suffi- ciently, deciding, The mark jasma. * a Vcy>~jaiman, Resolutely. a 'iXJjs- , Thick. A servant’s wife. a j*y>- jciiur , Slaying a camel. a jdiut, Impatient. A ^jjj^juim, A part. A trifle. a juzzvijuf , A very little, p xj^jciiah, A round tent. a ^jj^ja'il, A part, a few , a h js-jiiyat, Capitation-tax. A x jj?-, An island, a peninsula. A j Many, copious, great. a *1j j s-jditlah, Fair, good, pure, p ^r^~jas, Asking ; desire. a t^^-jasa, A rough skin. Ice. a L ^jasa. Hard. a , Hardness of the hand. a jussad, Saffron. a s ,L ^-jasarat. Presumption. A LcL^jasamat, Corpulent, p &- jusbosi, Hypocrisy, p j.1 Leaping, dancing, p j as l a n , To jump, assail. To blow (wind), palpitate, shake. To run away. p gu^s^juslan, To search, enquire, p jaslah, Tin. a X~s~jasad, The body. Saffron. Blood. Tin. A s^jasad/, Corporeal. a j~^-ja.sr, Large. J isr, A bridge. A C—ij — z-jusrab, Long. a jasa/it Misfortune. a yjicm, A body. A solid. A jusmdn, A habit of body. a Corporeal. a A species of round fish. a Jy-s>~jasud, A straight tree. A — ^-jusut., Avaricious. a j*-— =- jastm , Great, gross. p J^>-ja$h, A blue bead. A jashsh, Breaking. Beating. Sweeping, cleanning (a well). a ^jL^-jash, A light bow. a ll*- justid, A belch. a jli*- jashshar, The owner of a field where horses pasture, p jashar, A measure for oil. Jushar, The sleeve. a jushrak, Coughing. a x^L^jasftit, Longing after. a ^L^jasham, A heavy burden, p ^jL^jushan, Fever. Jaslm , Re- joicing; a feast. r ,jL>-jashu, A light bow. a J^=~ jashir, A sack. A quiver, p j-J^jusliir, A weaver. a Jju>~ ^*1 ummajatdr, The hyatna, Jitar , A well-rope. A mark. a <£!U*. jitcilat, A good action, a Overturning. a L**- ja^pd, Throwing down. a -jat.bat, A quiver, a A short thick man, a L-j^xs^jutbub, A mean man. a (_c.x2~jat.bi, A red ant. a A*2>.ji~a(i, Beer. a xijatlabal, Avidity. a ^jts^jatsam, A meagre man. a ^^*7- jatj(ii_, A bad smelling place. Rough ground. Braying, a Jv.**- jatfl | A linglet. Liberal, a *OJev>-, A bubble. A cobweb. 205 dJe^~ k iX**-jatdut, A curling lock, p Xr^~, To braid, curl, plait. a jS x^jatdar, Short. A dwarf. A ja z_dii ri, A glutton. a Jj jt^-jatslal, Strong, robust. A yu>~jatT, Dung of wild beasts. a abujitrdn , A beetle. a yc*-j«fc/*z, A stifling sensation. a ^j~j^jut?sus Sliort, meagre. A v_ - Tall, thick. A *Lx»-jd&ham, The middle. a A thick dwarf. A glutton. a jatiar , Having large hips. a jatzaral, A slow pace. a ja£zari, Rude, deformed. Voracious. A murmurer. a jamjar, A little stream. a Ljjkx^~jat.farl, The finest gold. a fjAixs-jdtJiliij A big old woman. A ^jJjj^jat fdd Swelling. a J Creating, placing. A heifer. JufJ, Hire. A bribe to a judge. Jutal , A beetle. A Foolish, p jatU, Forged, false. a [A.x=>.jata>nd, A dotard (fem.) a SjAjc>- jatmarat, A biting ass. a A greedy old man. A ^jxz-jatri , Languor. Dying. a jaijiab , Short. A dwarf. a , A corpulent glutton. a jA^jativ, A heap (of dung). a iXx^jutudal, Curling. Foam. a ^y^jutztal, A young ostrich, p *-=^jugh, A yoke for oxen, p jag h dr ah, An esculent root. Bread made of millet. Rouge. The navel. a , Seditious. r Xx^jughd, An owl. V p Lx»~jaghish , Au esculent, p Thick milk. p M-jaghu, A 6mall owl. a ^J^juff, A troop. All. a jafa , Molestation, trouble, p jafa far, A tormentor. p > -g-w juft, Crooked, bent, wrin- kled, toasted. A bunch of grapes. Juft, A yoke, a pair. A match, p ju , A kind of fruit. p jaflan, To turn the mind. To be bent. To prop, p iziis-jaflah , Bent. A prop, p Jj^jufti, Parity, coupling. a /i^jifr, A young kid. A large open well. a iJis-jufrat, The middle. A cir- cuit. A cavity. a jj^jafi. Quickness of pace. A u~s&~jifii Degenerate, p ^S^js^jafstdan, To adhere. a (Ju^jajlaf, A paling. a p jafn , A sheath, eye-lid, eye-lash. A vine, A ixks^jafnal, A vine. A dish! A liberal man. A small well. A jofir, A large quiver. A i^jyjqfis, Degenerated, p CS^~jaf, Churning, p The liver. Anger. Hope, p !^>~jal, A singing bird, p (_U- jil, A handle, hilt. A Jw*- jail. The sail of a ship. Jill, The stalk. Gross. A coarse sheet. dull, A housing. A carpet. Arose. a iU- jala, Distinct. Jild, Exile. Cleaning. p jaldb, A cluster ear-ring. Procrastinated, prolonged. *Vi . p L-Si^jullab, (Julap). A Braying (an ass). Bells. A ^i^julah, Undermining. Ap Jh>-jallad, An executioner. a SjLs-jiladat, Agility. A ^Si^-julddih, Long, p J\xJb>-juldsdar, An equerry. A jcdafal , Meanness, p jDL-, A book-binder. A polisher. A s^jalal, Majesty, power, p jL)\z~jaldngar, A lock-smith, p j\=-jaldzo, A wheel, p (J!t\s~jaldwat'i, Power. A ii^-julldh, A weaver. A ijd&l^julahii, Corpulent. A jalb, Gaining, attracting. Exciting. Gain, p i__ .X^-jalab , A courtesan. ap julbab, A net-work to keep off flies. A veil. A shift. A wreath. p jalbubi, Decrepitude. A j\A=>~julubbdr , A sheath, edge. A (jL \js~julbdn, Pease, beans, pulse. A A-Jv=- julbal , The skinning of a wound. Apart. A heap. A ^Sj^jilbab, A deformed little old woman . A ixS=>-jalbidal, Neighing. A julabiz, Strong, robust. a jalbasat , Flight. A ^}A>-julbul, A canopy, p y\>-jalbu, A certain plant. A ^"jalaj, Break of day. A jaljal) The head, skull. A l s^jalju , A village. A juljuldn , Coriander-seed. a ^‘jalah, Brouzing. Bald. a jilhdb, A decrepid old man. a Jl s^jilhaz, Narrow-minded. A jilhai , Rough ground. A ksr^jalahal, The forehead. a 1 as^-jilhiz, Large and hairy. a lyST^jilhan, Narrow-minded. A ^A,s^jalahmad, Thick. - p >^f-jald, Quick, speedy. a iAIs- Jald, Striking. Throwing down. Forcing a woman. Skin- ing. Severe. Jalad , Strength, Hardness. The firmament. Jild, A skin. A volume. a L-J^is-jaldab, Hard, strong. a ,_^a1 ^jalda, A difficulty p ^^b-jaldi, Speed, swiftness. a Hard ground. a ^julzi, Robust, thick. A jalif Folding. Extending. Travelling with speed. A A companion, p L-i ^-julsa, Scattered wood. a jilsam> A pleurisy. a ^A^-jidlasan, Strowing roses. a -jalasaA, Seated, appointed. A jullat , Thick milk. a Obscene. Shining. A c— ^^jaltab, A Stubborn camel. a , Having a piercing eye. a V. < -oila-. A hedgehog. A beetle. A hyaena. a j*.a1 2-jaltam, Impudent. a jilf, A jar. Butchering. Severe, unjust. A jalfaf, Careening. A jf’Afii*., Trading without profit. a A misfortune. h jfla-jaliar, The farm of fisheries, a j*i>. jalm, Cutting, shaving. 207 Jalam , A flock. A mark. The new moon. a Deserving well. a jU b-jilmal, A camel’s nerve. a