w a - !<« pL(u>8^rt/n finum orb* "I flH TWl V\ 7* 1 OF &*htJL' S'£ P£?"Z, it( lhf 7 < t '> c t m t H}2i-Pfc v&tetf&ty fffcrt**c-. tfef-fv tXii, <*£tr I «s£* %*>y frftvyft* &&%%Sf5 li>44u MA >i9ir >a/* w <*-**, oft pu fatyfiS n - OHv£a 6 fro**. ^^efa^etfefta/htrifytMer ^S^if&yW on dJ CM, 'etirrem. i « ' 6~. • . : m . iiJM I ■;■•> ■§> ft DIRECTORY FOR The Publike VVorfliip of G o d Throughout 77;? f/jw Kingdoms O F Scotland. England and Ireland. With an Aft of the Gcnerall Affembly of the Kirk - of Scotland, for eftablifhins and obferving this prefent DIRECTORY. Together with an Act of the Parliament of the Kingdom of 4$V*r/ to* to> tot to'1 to> ft&i ft® fSGft toi to 1 to ; <&# toi toft to 5 ) (M> «8> >flB> Edinb. 14. i^April 1645. THc Committee ef ElYucs underftanding from the CornmifTioners of the General Affembly , the .ibufes which msy follow upon rhc Printing in this Kingdom of the Directory for Publike worfliip without Licencc,and upon the venting of fuch C'Tics thereof as arc not Reviled and Printed with Priviledge here , Do therefore for preventing of all abufes therein Ordain, Thitnoperfonor perfons whatfoever prefume to Print or re- Print The 'Directory for the Fublil;e iVorfbip of god tbrouihrnt the three kingdoms in any Volume, but only fuch as fhall have Licence thereunto from the Gene- ral I AtllmblvjOt their Comm.fiion meeting at Edinburgh, or from fuch perfonsas fhall have power from the faid Affembly or Commiflion to grant Licences for Printing the fame : And that no pcrfqn prcfume to Sell, Barter, or any way to fpread or convey any Copies of the (aid Directory Printed without Licence aforcfaid _, Upon the pain of con- fifcationofthe wholclmprcftton, if any be fo Printed , and of the Preffes and Types of the Printers thereof, And of all fuch Books and Copies thereof as mall be offered to Sale,Baitcring, or be any other wife fpread abroad : And that btfidc further punilhmenc to be inflicted upon the offendeis in any of the premifes by the Lords of Secret Councell or the Committee of Eftatcs . as that chfobcdicnce and contempt deferveth. And that this Ordinance may come to the knowledge of all whom it doth concern, The Com- mittee Ordains ?he fime to be prefixed in Print to the faid Directory, and to the Acts of Parliament and Affembly efhblifhing the fame Printed therewith, when they Giall be Printed by the Order afbrefaid ; And that it be prefently publilhed at the Market Croff s of ail the head Burrows within this Kingdom, that none pretend ignorance thereof. esfrch. Trimcrofe. Edinb. 27. CM ait 1645. Poftmeridiem. THe Commifiioners of the Generall Affrmbly having ferioully confidered the Printed Copieof the Directory for Publike Worffiip lent unto them from their Brethren now in England, And rinding the fame agreeable to the form approven in the late Generall Affcmbiy, Do therefore according to the power committed to them by the faid Affembly, Ordain and Reo/jire the did Tfircctory for. the ?uhii\e Worfbip of God to be forthwith pra cTlifed and obftrved by all the Miniftcrs and others within this Kirk whom it doth concern, And that all fuch Ruks and ptxetifes be laid afide as may fruftrate the intent of the Directory; And for this tffect, Itisalfo Ordained that this Directory with the Preface , Together with the Acts of the Generall Affembly and of the Par' iament of this Kingdom establishing the fame , be prefently Printed for the ufe of this Kirk : Wherein M Andrew %er Clerk to the Comroifsion of the Affembly i«re- quired to ufe all poffible care and diligence; And he is hereby authorized with full power to caufe Print and re-Print the fame from time to time, as there (hail be occafion. tA. Ker. I do appoint -Evan Tyler, his CMajeflies Printer, to Print this Directory , with the Acts of Parliament and Affembly con- cerning the Ctme* A* Ker. *■ * V 7"W •' ' ' ; ' ■ ', ^f IB I ; • - • r Vfc. eyfn y#/ o/"f£,EWigLJNJ), and l%£LAikjp. WITH An AB of the (jenerall Affembly of the^ KjrJ^of Scotland for eflablijhing and obferving thisprefent T>ireBory. EDINBURGH: Printed by Evan Tyler , Printer to the Kings moft Excellent Majeftie. i 645. A3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^'*^^^^^^^M^ m& The C ONTENTS, THs Act of the General! Ajfembly. The Preface. Pig. I. of the Ajjembling of the Congregation. 9 Of Publike reading of the holy Scripture. 1 1 of Pub like Prayer before the Sermon* r 2 of the Preaching of the Word. 2 4. Of Prayer after the Sermon. 30 Of the Sacrament of Baptifme. 3-2 Of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. 40 Of the Sanctifi 'cation of the Lords Day. 46 Of the Solemnization of CMarriagc. 47 Of the Vifitation of the Sick. 5-2 Of Bur i all of the Dead . 5 8 Of Publike folemne Fafting. 5 g Of the obfervation of dayes of Publike thankfgiving. 6i of Singing of Pfalmes. 54 \^in appendix touching Dayes and Places of Publike vVorfhip. . 6$ 'and and tulwar I^no fafe well-grounded andlafling Teace could be expelled ■• And afterward with greater ftrength and ma- turity, revive din the Solemne League and Covenant of the three IQngdomes . where * by they ftand fir aitly oblieged to endeavour the Adt of the Generall Aflembly the neerejl Uniformity in one form of Church-government , T>ireBory ofJVor^ ffaifc Qonfefion of Faith, and form ofCa^ techijing : Which hath alfo before and fince our entring into that Qovenant y been the matter of many Supplications and c R s e r monflrances^ and fending Commifsioners to the K^ings f^/fajefly , of Declarations to the Honourable Houfes of the 'Parliament cf England, and of Letters to the%ejue<~ rend Jjfembly of Divines , and others of the Minijlery of the /QV^o/England,^- ing alfo the end of our fending Commifiio' ners $ as was defiredfrom this Kjrl^ with Commifion to treat of Vniformity in the four particulars afore -mentioned 7 with fuch Committees as fhould be appointed by both houfes of the Parliament ^England, andbytheAffembly of 'Divines fitting at Weflminfier: And befide all this ^ it being in point of conference the chief motive and end for eftablifhingthe Directorie. end of our adventuring upon manifold and great hazards, for quenching the devour* in*? flame of the prefent unnatural! and bloody War in England, though to the iveakning of this I\ingdon within it J elf, and the advantage of the enemy which hath invaded it, accounting nothing too dear to us,fo that this our joy be fulfilled. And now this great JVorkJieingfofir adyancedjhat a \Direclory for the publike JVorflnp ofCjoA in all the three Kingdoms, being agreed up- on by the honourable Houfes op the ^Parlia- went of England , ifter confutation mth the \Divines of both Kingdoms there affem- ble d, and fent to us for our approbation jh at being alfo agreed upon by this l\}j\ and Kingdom of Scotland , it may be in the name of both Kingdoms prefented to the I\vnv y for his %oyall confent and ''Ratifica- tion ; The CjeneraUAjfembly having mo ft ferioufly confidered, reviled, and exammed 2 the A<5L of the Generall AfTembly the DireBory afore-mentioned Rafter feve- rail publike readings of it Rafter much deli- beration y both pub likely 7 and in private Committees y after full liberty given to all to objeB againfiity and earnejl invitations of all who have any fcruples about it to make known the fame jhat they might befatisfied^ T>oth unammoujljiy and without a contrary Voice y Agree to yand Approve the following DireBoryJn all the heads thereof together with the ^Prefacefet before it : And doth c R s e quire fDecern^and Ordain y That accor- ding to the plain tenor and meaning there- of and the intent of the Preface Jit be care- fully and uniformly obfervedand praBifed by all the Minifters and others within this Kingdom r whom it doth concern • which practifefhatt be begun > upon Intimation gi- yen tothefeyerall'Tresbyteries y from the Commif toners of this (fener all Affemhly y who fhall alfo tul^e JfeciaU care for the timeout for eftablifhing the Directory. timeout ^Printing of this Directory, that a 'Printed Copy ofit be provided and kept for the uje of every K^r^ in thit Kingdom^ 5 Alfo that each Tresbyterie have a 'Printed Copy thereof for their ufe, and take fpectall notice of the Obfervation or negleB thereof in e'very Congregation within their bounds, and make known the fame to the ProVinci^ all or Cjemrall Affembly y as there jhall be caufe. Provided alwayesjhat the Claufe in the T>ireffory, of the Adminif ration of the. Lords Supper^ which mentioneth the Gmz munic ants fitting about the Table, or at it y he not interpreted \as if in the judgement of this Kjrk^> it were indifferent^ and free for any of the Communicants , not to come to, and receive at the Table yr as if we did ap- prove the diftributmg of the Elements by the Mimfer to each Communicant - y and not by the Communicants among tbemfelves. It ii alfo provided 7 , That thisjljall be noprc* 2> z jadice: Ad of the Genera!! Aflfembly judice to the order and praBice of this Kjf^ in fuch particulars as are appointed by the "Bool^s of ( Difcipline :> and ABs ofCfe^ nerall Affemblies^nd are not otherwife or- dered and appointed in the DireBorj. Finally y the Affembly doth with muchjoj and thankfulnejfe acknowledge the rich \Blefing and invaluable Mercy ofCfod, in bringing thefo much wifhedfor Vniformi^ ty in ^eligionjofucb a happy 'Period \t hat thefe Kuigdom sconce at Jo great diflance in the Form ofWorfhip , are now by the blef Jing ofCjod brought to a neerer ^Uniformity then any other c B s eformed Kirks • which is unto us the return of our Prayers , and a liohtningof our Eyes , and reviving of our Hearts in the midjl of our many forrows and jufferings -a taking away in a great meafurejhe reproach of the People of(jod 7 to the flopping of the mouthes of Malign nant and aifajfeBed perfons^and an open** tng for eftabliuiing the Dire&orie. ing unto us a door of hope , that Cjod hath yet thoughts of "Teace towards us, and not ofeyi!) toghe us an expcHcdend : In the expectation and confidence thereof we do rejojee , befeeching the Lord to preferve thefe Kingdoms from Herefes, Schifmes y Offences, 'Propbanenejje, and what/oever is contrary to foundDoBrine^and the power of Cjodlineffe y and to continue with us and the generations following, thefe his pure and purged Ordinances , together with an increafe of the power and life thereof , 7*0 the glory of his great J^ame> the enlarge^ ment of the Kingdom of his Son, thecorro^ horation ofTeace and Love between the Kingdoms, the unity and comfort of all his Teople, and our edifying one another in loye^. © 2 A A DIRECTORY FOR. The Publike WORSHIP O F GOD - In the threes KINGDOMS- THE PREFACE. N the beginning of the bleiTed Reformation, our wife and pious Anceflors | took care to fet forth an Order for RedreiTe of many things,\vhich they, then , by the Word dif- covered to be Vain, Erroneous, Superftiti- ous^and Idolatrous,in the PublikeVVorfhip of God. This occafioned many Godly and Learned men to rejoyce much in the Book of Common-Prayer at that time fet forth; Becaufe the MaiTe , and the reft of the La- cine Service being removed, the Publike VVorihip was celebrated in our ownc Tongue^ X The Preface. Tongue j many of the common People alfo received benefit by hearing the Scrip- tures read in their own Language , which formerly were unto them as a Book that is fealed. Howbeit, long and fad Experience hath made it manifeft, That the Leiturgie ufed in the Churchof England , ( notwithstanding all the pains and Religious intentions of the Compilers of it J) hath proved an offence, not onely to many of the Godly at home • but alfo to the Reformed Churches abroad. For, nottofpeak of urging the Reading of all the Prayers , which very greatly increa- fed the burden of it ; the many unprofitable and burdenfome Ceremonies, contained in h , have occafioned much mifchief , as well by difquietmg the Conferences of many godly Minifters and people who could not yeeld unto them, as by depriving them of the Ordinances of God y which they might not The Preface. 5 not enjoy without conforming or Subfcn- bing to thofe Ceremonies. Sundry good ChriRians have been by means thereof kept from the Lords Table , and divers able and faithfull MiniRers debarred from the exer-1 ciie of their MiniRery ("to the endangering of many Thoufand Souls,, in a time of Rich fcarcity of faithfull PaRors ) and fpoiled of their livelihood, to the undoinsr ot them and their Families. Prelates and their Fa- ction have laboured to raife the ERimation of it to Rich an height j as if there were no other VVorfhip , or way of WorChip of God amongR us, but onely the Service- Book • to the great hinderance of the Prea- ching of the Word , and £ in fome places, efpecially of late ) to the juRlingof it out, as unneceRary • or £at beiV) as far inferior to the Reading of Common-Prayer, which was made no better than an Idol by many Ignorant and SuperRitious People , who C plealing 4. The Preface, pleafing themfelves in their prefence at that Service , and their Lip-labour in bearing a part m it,have thereby hardened themfelves m their ignorance and carelefnefTe of Saving knowledge and true Pietie. In the mean time Papifts boafted , that the Book was a compliance with them in a great part of their Service , and fo were not a little confirmed in their Superftition and Idolatry , expecting rather our return to them, than endeavouring the Reformation of themfelves : In which expectation they were of late very much incouraged, when,, upon the pretended warrantablenefle of im- pofing of the former Ceremonies, new ones were daily obtruded upon the Church. Adde hereunto(\vhich was not forefeen, but fince hath come to pafife ) that the Lei- turgie hath been a great means, as on the one hand to make and increafe an idle and unedifying Mimftery , which contented it felf The Phef.ke, 5 felf with fet Forms made to their hands by others , without putting forth themfeives to exercife the gift of Prayer , with which our Lord fcfm Cbrtjl pleafeth tofurnifhallhis Servants whom he calls to that office ; So on the other fide it hath been ("and ever would be, if continued ) a matter of endielle rtrife and contention in the Church, and afnare both to many godly and faithfull Minifters, who have been perfecuted and filenced up- on that occafion , and to others of hopefull parts, many of which have been, and more ftill would be diverted from all thoughts of the Minil/tery to other ftudies ; efpecially in thefe latter times, wherein God vouchfafeth to his people more and better means for the difcovery of Error and Superftition, and for attaining of knowledge in theMyfteriesof godlinene,and gifts in Preaching & Prayer. Upon thefe , and many the like weighty confiderations , in reference to the whole C z Book 6 The Preface. Book in generally and becaufe of clivers par- ticulars contained in it • not from any love to Novelty i or intention to difparage our firfl; Reformers ("of whom we are perfwaded that were they now alive, they would joyn with us in this Work , and whom we ac- knowledge as Excellent Inftrumentsraifed by God to begin the Purging and Building of his Houfe, and de-fire they may be had of us and Pofterity in everlafting Remem- brance, with thankfulneffe and honour-} but that we may in fome meafure anlwer the gracious Providence of God , which at this timecalleth upon us for farther Reforma- tion, and may fatisfie our own Confciences, and anfwer the expectation of othei Refor- med Churches y and the deflres of many of the godly among our felves,and withall give fome publike Teihmony of our endeavours for Uniformity in DivineVVorfliip/vvhich wehaveprcmifed in our Solemne League and The Preface. 7 and Covenant : We have, after earned and frequent calling upon the Name of God^and after much Confultation^not with flefli and blood, but with his holy V Vord, refolved to lay afide the former Leiturgie., with the many Rites and Ceremonies for- merly ufed in the VVorfhip of God : And have agreed upon this following Directory for all the parts of Publike VVorfliip,at or- dinary and extraordinary times. Wherein our care hath been "to hold forth fuch things as are of Divine Inftitufion m every Ordinance^ and other things we have endeavoured to fet forth according to the Rules of Chriftian Prudence, agreeable to the generall Rules of the Word of God: Our meaning therein being onely that the generall heads, the fenfe and fcope of the Prayers and other parts of Publike Wor- ship being known to all,there may be a con- fent of all the Churches , in thofe things C 3 that 8 The Preface. that contain the fubflance of the Service and VVorfhip of God ; And the Mimfters may be hereby directed in their Adminiftrations to keep like foundnelTe in Dodtrine and Prayer j and may^if need be P have fome help and furniture ; And yet fo, as they become not hereby flothfull and negligent in ftirring np the shifts of Chrift m them : Rut,that each one, by Meditation, by taking Keed to hinv felf and the Fleck of God committed to him, and by wife obferving the wayes of Divine Providence , may be carefuli to furmlh his heart and tongue with further, or other ma- terials of Prayer and Exhortation , as {hall be needful! upon all occafions. A DIRECTORY FOR Publike Prayer, Reading the Holy Scriptures, Singing of Pfalmes, Preaching of the Word, Adminifha- tion of the Sacraments •, And other parts of the Publike Worfhip of God, Ordinary 'and Extraordinary. of the ^A[]embling of the Congregation , and their Be- haviour in the Publike Worfhip of God. |^Hen the Congregation is to meet for Publike Worfhip, the people ( having before prepared their hearts there- unto) oughtalltocome,and joyn therein: not abfenting themfelves from the Publike Ordinances, through negli- gence , or upon pretence of Private meetings. Let all enter the Atfembly, not irreverently, but in a grave and feemly manner, taking their feats or places without Adoration, or Bowing themfelves towards one place or other. The IQ OfAJfembling the Congregation. The Congregation being affembled % theMinifter, after folemne calling on them to the woi (hipping of the great name of God, is to begin with Prayer $ In all%eyerence and Humility acfyiow^ leciging the incomprehenjible Greatnefje and (JXfajefty of the Lord, (in T»hoJepre<- fence they do then in a fyea all manner ap^ pear') and their own vileneffe and umvor^ thine jje to approach Jo neer him • with their utter inability of themfehes to jo great a Wqt\i And humbly befeechmg him for Tar don, Afsijlance y and Acceptance in the whole Service then to be performed • and for a miefingon that particular portion of his Word then to be read : And all, in the J\(ame and <£\dediation of the Lord fefm Chrijl.. The Publike Worfhip being begun, thepeopleare wholly to attend upon it, forbearing to Reade any thing, except what the Minifter is then reading or citing: and abftaining much more from all private whifperings, conferences, falutations, or doing reverence to any perfons prefent, or coming in 5 as alfo from all gazing, fleeping, OfTublicl^Rcading holy Scriptures . n fl^eping, and other undecent behaviour , which may diiturbe the Minifter or people, or hinder themfelves or others in the fervice of God. If any through neceflity be hindred from being pre- fent at the beginning , they ought not , when they come into the Congregation , xo betake themfelves to their private Devotions 5 but reverently to com- pote themfelves to joynevvith the Aflcmbly, in that Ordinance of God which is then in hand. Of Publick Reading of the holy Scriptures. REading of the Word in the Congregation , be- ing part of the publicke Worfhip of God, ( wherein wee acknowledge our dependence uponhim 3 andfubje&iontohim ) and one Means fan- cftified by him for the edifying of his People 5 is to bee performed by the Paftors and Teachers. Howbeit, fuch as intend the Miniftery, may occafio- nally both read the Word, and exercife their gift in Preaching in the Congregation , if allowed by the Presbyterie thereunto. All the Canonicall Books of the Old and New Te- ftament , ( but none of thofe which are commonly cal- led Apocrypha ) (hall be publickly read in the vulgar Tongue , out of the beft allowed Tranflation, diftinft- ly, that all may hear and underftand . How large a portion (hall be read at once,is left to the wifdom of the Minifter : But it is convenient that ordi- narily one Chapter of each Teftament be read at every meeting $ and fometimes more, where the Chapters be fhort, or the coherence of matter requireth it. D It jz Of Tray er before the Sermon. It is reqaifite that all the Canonicall Books be read over in order, that the people may be better acquainted with the whole Body of the Scriptures • And ordinari- ly, where the reading in either Teftamentendethon one Lords day y it is to begin the next. We commend alfo the more frequent reading of fuch Scriptures, as he that readeth fhall think beft for edifica- tion of his Hearers-, as the Book of Pfalms and fuch like. When the Miniftcr, who readeth, (hall judge it necef- fary to expound any part of what is read 5 let it not be done untill the whole Chapter^or Pfalm be ended : and regard is alwayes to be had unto the time , that neither Preaching or other Ordinance be ftraitned. , orrendred tedious. Which Rule is tobe obferved in all other pub- like performances. Befide Publike Reading of the Holy Scriptures, eve- ry perfon that can read , is to be exhorted to read the Scriptures privately ( and all others that cannot read , -if notdifabledbyage, orotherwife, are likeivife to be exhorted to learn to read J and to have a Bible. e?ebap«3?<3i»iS» Of Publike Prayer before the Sermon. AFter Reading of the Word (andfingingof the Pfalme )the Minifter who is to preach , is to en- deavour to get his own, and his Hearers hearts to be rightly affe&ed with their Sinnes , that they may all mourn in fenfe thereof before the Lord , and hunger and thirft after the c grace of God in Jefus Chrift, by proceeding to a more full Confeflion of Sinne, with jfeime and holy confufion of face 5 and to Call upon the Lord .to this effe A 3 Tc Of Tray cr before the Sermon. 13 "To acknowledge our gre.it fnifulnc/fe • Firjl y by rcajon of riginall jm y which(^be^ fide the guilt that maizes us liable to ever- la/ling damnation) is the feed of all other fins , hath depraved and poyfoned all the faculties and bowers of Soul and Hody, doth defle our bejl Allions y and ( were it not retrained , or our hearts renewed by Grace) would breal^ forth into innumera- ble tranfgrefions y andgreatejl rebellions againjl the Lord > that ever were commit- ted by the vileji of the fens of Men. z out K£. Of Tray er before the Sermon. out of Ignorance and Infirmity, but alfo more prefumptuoufly again/1 the light of our Minds, checl^s of our Confidences, and motions of his own Holy Spirit to the con- trary ,fio that Tee have no cloal^ for our fins ^ Yea, not onely defftfing the riches of Gods goodneffe, forbearance, and long-fuffering^ but fianding out againft many Invitations andofers of grace in the (fofipef not en- deavouring as we ought to receive Chrifl into our hearts by Faith, or to w airworthy ofi him in our lives. To bewail our blmdneffe ofminde,hard- neffe of heart, unbelief, impenitency,Jecu- rity, Iuk^warmneffe, barrennefje^ our not endeavouring after mortification and new - 'neffe of lifie j nor after the exercife ofgod- lineffe in the power thereof-^ and that the beflof us have not fofledfajlly walked with Cfod, kept our garments fio un [potted y nor beenfio jealous of hu glory, and the good of others, Of 'Prayer before the Sermon. 15 others 7 as We ought : And to mourn oyer fuch ol her fins as the Congregation is parti- cularly guilty of ^ notwithjtanding the ma- nifold and great z5\4ercies of our Cjod, the Loye of Chrijl , the Light of the (30- fpel , and*%e formation of Religion i our own purpofes , promifes j vows , folcmne Covenant \ and other jfeciall obligations to the contrary. To acknowledge and confefje , that , as we are convinced of our guilt, fo, out of a deep fenfe thereof, we judge our Jehes un- worthy ofthefmallejl benefits, mojl worthy ofGodsficrceJl wrath,and'ofall the Curfes of the Law , and he ay icfi judgements in- filled upon the mojl rebellious Sinners^ and that he might mojl jufily ta/^e his King- dom and Qojfel from us , plague us with all forts ofjpirituall and temporal! fudge- merits in this life, and after cafl us into ut- terDartyiejfe, in the Lake that burncth T> 3 with \6 Of Tray er before the Sermon. With /ire and brimfione , where is weeping dndgnafhing of teeth for evermore. 3 x (otwhhfianding all which , To draw neer to the Throne of (j race , encouraging our fehes with hope of a gracious Ah fiver of our Trayers > in the riches and allfuf hciency of that onely one oblation, the fa- t is fact ion and inter cefiion of the Lordfefo Chrifi, at the right hand of his Father, and our Father • and, in confidence of the ex- ceeding great and precious promifes of mercy and grace in the new Covenant, through the fame <£Kicdiator thereof, to deprecate the -heavy wrath and curfe of God, which we are not able to avoid, or bear • and humbly, and earnefily to fup pli- cate for mercy in the free an ci full remifwn of all our fins , and that onely for the bitter fufierings and precious merits of that our onely Saviour fcfiis Chrifi. That the Lord would vouchfafe tojhed abroad Of Tray cr before the Sermon. 1 7 abroad his loye in our hearts by the Holy Qhojl 'feaittnto us by the fame Spirit of Adoption, the full affurance of our "Tar don and Reconciliation • comfort all that mourn in Zionffeal{ peace to the wound- ed and troubled Jjjirit 7 and bindc up the bro/{en hearted : And as for fecure a prejumptuous fnncr s , thai he would open their eyes, convince their Confciences > a>:d turn them from darkle ffe unto light, and from the power of Satan unto Cjod , that they alfo may receive forgivene/fe of Jin, and an inheritance amon for the cony erf on of the few s y the fulnefje of the (f entiles , the fall of Anti^ -chrifl , and the hafening of the fecond coming of our Lord ^ For the deliyerance of the diflreffed Churches abroad from the tyrannie of the Jntichriftian fallion x and from the cruellopprefions and blaff hemic s of the Turfa For the blefing of Cfo d up^ on all the %e formed Churches , effecially upon the Qmrches and Kfngdomes of Scotland , England, and Ireland, now more flriBly and reltgioufy united in the folemne 3\fationali League and Coyenant^ and for our ^Plantations in the remote parts of the World : more particularly for that Of Prayer before the Sermon* i$ that Church and Kingdom whereof we are that God would make him rich in Plefings , both in his "Per/on and Government • ejlablifh hi* Tljrone in Religion and %ighteoufnejfe y fave him from evil Counfell > and make him a bleffed and glorious In/lrument for the Confirmation and Propagation of the Cfofyel, for the encouragement and pro^ teBion of them that do well, the terrour of all that do evil ? and the great good of the E whole 2o Of Prayer before the Sermon. whole Church, and of all his Kftngdomes - For the conyerfion of the Queen , the reli- gions education of the Prince^ y and the reft of the %oyall jeed^ For the comfort- ingof the affliBed Queen of 'Bohemia^, fifter to our Soyeraign, and for the refiitu- tion and eftablifhment of the illuftrwus . Prince Charles y Ele&or Palatine of the Pfnne > to all his Dominions and Digni- ties - y For a hlefing upon the high Court of Parliament, (when fitting in any of thefe Kfngdomes reffeBively*) the Mobility, the fuboxdinate fudges and Magiftrates y the Cj entry and all the Commonalty • For allPaftors andTeachers, that (fodwould ft U them with his Spirit, mal^e them exem- plarily holy > fober r jujl x peaceable , and gracious in their lives j found , faithfully and power full in their Miniftery, and fol- low all their labours with abundance of fuccejfe and blefting • and give unto all his people OfTrayer before the Sermon. 1 1 people Taflors according to his own heart ; For the Vnher/ities , and all Schools and T^efigiom feminaries of Church and Com^ mon-wealth , that they may four ijh more and more in Learning and Tiety y For the particular City or Congregation , that (fod Mould pour e out a blefsingupon the Mini^ Jlery of the Word y Sacraments andDifci^ pline, upon the Civill (governments and all the fever all Families andperjons therein ; For mercy to the af filled , under any in- ward or outward diflrejfe • For feajonable weather and fruitfull feafons , as the time may require • For averting the Judge- ments that we either feel or fear, or are tu . able unto, as famine, peflilence, thefxvord^ andjuchlik^. (tAnd , with confidence of his mercy to bis whole Church, and the acceptance of our perfons, through the merits and mediation of our great High Triefl the Lord f ejus f E z To zz Of Tr oyer before the Sermon. 7*0 profefje that it is the defire of our fouls to haye fellowfhip with (jod in the referent and confcionable uje of his holy Ordinate ees • and y to thatpurpofe to pray earnejlly for his grace and ejfe&uall afsijlance to the fanBifi cation of his holy S abb ath y the Lords day r in all the duties thereof ^ publike and private, both to our J 'elves y and to all other Congregations of his people , according to the riches and excellency of the (j oft* el this* day celebrated and enjoyed. or fuitable to fome fpeciall occafion emer- gent-, or he may go on in fome Chapter, Pfalme, or Book of the holy Scripture, as he lhall fee fit. Let the Introduction to his Text be brief and perfpi- cuous, drawn from the Text it felf, or context, or fome parallel place,or generall fentence of Scripture. If the Text be long ( as in Hiftories and Parables it fometimes muft be ) let him give a brief fumme of it 5 if fhort, a Panphrafe thereof, if need be : In both, look- ing diligently to the fcope of the Text, and pointing at the chief heads and grounds of Do&rine, which he is to raife from it. In Analyfing and dividing hisText, he is to regard more the order of matter, thenof words ^ and neither to 2 6 Of the T We ] aching of the Word. to burden the memory of the hearers in the beginning with too many members of Divifion , nor to trouble their mindes with obfeure terms of Art. In raifing Do&rines from the Text, his care ought to be , Fir(t,that the matter be the truth of God. Second- iy,that it be a truth contained in , or grounded on that Text, that the hearers may difcern how God tcacheth it from thence. Thirdly, that he chiefly infill upon thofe Do&rines which arc principally intended , and make moft for the edification of the hearers. The Do&rine is tobeexprefledinplaintermes-, or if any thing in it need explication, is to be opened, and the confequence alfo from the Text cleared. The paral- lel places of Scripture confirming the Do&rine are ra- ther to be plain and pertinent, then many , and ( if need be ) fomewhat infilled upon , and applyed to the pur- pofeinhand. The Arguments orReafons arc to be folid -/and , as much as may be , convincing. The illuftrations, of what kindefoever, ought to be foil of light , and (uch as may convey the truth into the Hearers heart with fpirituall delight. If any Doubt , obvious from Scripture, Reafon, or Prejudice of the Hearers, feem to arife , it is very requi- fite to remote it, by reconciling the fceming differen- ces, anfvvering the reafons , and difcovering and taking away the caufes of prejudice andmiftake. Otherwife, it is not fit to detain the hearers with propounding or anfvvering vain or wicked Cavils , which as they are endleffe, fo the propounding and anfvvering of them •doth more hinder then promote edification. He is not to reft in generall Do&rine , although ne- ~ ver Of the T reaching of the Word. 27 ver fo much cleared and confirmed , but to bring ft home to fpeciall Ufe , by application to his hearers : Which albeit it prove a work of great difficulty to himfelf , requiring much prudence, zeal , and medita- tion , and to the naturall and corrupt man will be very unpleafant •, yet he is to endeavour to perform it in fuch a manner that his Auditors may feclc the Word of God to be quick and powerfull , and adifcerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart -, and that if any unbeleever or ignorant perfon be prefent, he may have the fecrets of his heart made manifeft, and give glory to God. In the Ufe of Inftrudion or Information in the knowledge of Tome truth, which is a coufequence from his Do&rine, he may (when convenient J confirm it by a few firm Arguments from the Text in hand, and other places of Scripture, or from the nature of that Common place in Divinity , whereof that truth is a branch. In Confutation of falfe Do&rines , he is neither to raife an old Herefie from the grave , nor to mention a blafphemous opinion unneceffarily : but if the people be in danger of an Errour , he is to confute it foundly, and endeavour to fatisfie their judgements and conlci- ences againft all obje&ions. In Exhorting to Duties, he is, as he feeth caufe , to teach alfo the meanes that help to the performance of them. In Dehortation, Reprehenfion, and publike Ad- monition ( which require fpeciall wifdom ) let him, as there (hall be caufe, not only difcover the nature and greatnefle of the fin , with the raifcry attending it, but F alfo 1% Of the *? reaching of the Word. alfofhew the danger his hearers are in to be overtaken and furprized by it y together with the Remedies and beft way to avoyd it. . In applying Comfort , whethergenerallagainftall tentations , or particular againft fome fpeciall troubles or terrors, he is carefully to anfwer fuch objections, as a troubled heart and afflided fpirit may fuggeft to the contrary. Itisalfofometimesrequifite to give fome Notes of tryall ( which is very profitable , efpecially when per- formed by able and experienced Mintfters 5 with circum- fpe&ion and prudence, and the Signcs cleerly grounded on the holy Scripture,whereby the Hearers may be able to examine themfelves,wh§ther they have attained thofe Graces, and performed thofe duties to which he Ex- hortethjOr be guilty of the fin Repehended, and in dan- ger of the Judgements Threatned, or are fuch to whom the Confolations propounded do belong-, that accor- dingly they may be quickned and excited to Duty ,hum- bled for their Wants and Sins, affefted with their Dan- ger, and ftrengthned with Comfort , as their condition upon examination (hall require. And, as he needeth not alwayes to profecute every Do&rine which lies in his Text,fo is he wifely to make choice of fuch Ufes, as,by his reftdence and converfing with his flock, he findeth moft needful! and feafonable : and, amongft thefe, fuch as may moft draw their foul* to Chrift,the fountain of light,holine(Te and comfort. This Method is not prescribed as neceffary for every man,or upon every Text- but only recommended,as be- ing found by experience to be very much bleffed of God, and very helpfull for the peoples underftandings aadmemories. But Of the Treading of the Word. 29 But the Servant of Chrift, what ever his Method be, isto perform his whole Miniftery •, 1 . Painfully, not doing the work of the Lord negli- gently. a.Plainly,that the meaneft may underftand,delivering the truth.not in the entifing words of mans wifdom,buc indemonftrationof the Spirit and of power, left the Croffc of Chrift fliould be made of none cflfeft: abftain- ing alfo from an unprofitable life of unknown Tongues, ftrange phrafes, and cadences of founds and words,fpa- ringly citing fentcnecs of Ecde(iaftical,or other humane Writers, ancient or moderne,be they never fo elegant. 3. Faithfully, looking at the honour of Chrift,the con* verfion,edification and falvation ofthepeople,not at his own gain or glory : keeping nothing back which may promote thofe holy ends, giving to every one his own portion,and bearing indifferent refpeft unto all,without negle&ingthe meaneft, or fparing the greateft in their finnes. 4. Wifely, framing all his Do&rines, Exhortations, and especially his Reproofs,in fuch a manner as may be moft likely to prevaile , fhewing all due refpcdl to each mans perfon and place , and not mixing his own paflfi- on or bitterneffe. 5.Gravely,as becometh the Word of God,{hunning all fuch gefture, voice and expreffions, as may occafion die corruptions of men todefpife him and hisMiniftry. 6. With loving affediion,that the People may fee all coming from his godly zeal , and hearty defire to do them good. And 7. As taught of God^and perfwaded in his own heart, that all that he teacheth,is the truth of Chrift-, & walking F 2 before 2o Of ^Prayer after the Sermon. before his flock as an example to them in it $ earneftly, both in private and publike f recommending his labours to the blefling of God , and watchfully looking to him- felf and the flock whereof the Lord hath made him overfeer-, So (hall theDo&rine of Truth be preferved uncorrupt, many fouls converted and built up, and him- felf receive manifold comforts of his labours , even in this life, and afterward the Crown of Glory laid up for him in the world to come. Where there are more Miniftersin a Congregation than one , and they of different gifts 5 each may more cfpecially apply himfelf to Docftrine or Exhortation, ac- cording to the gift wherein he mod excelleth , and as they (hall agree between themfelves* of Prayer after the Sermon. THe Sermon being ended , the Minifter is •, TTogfae than\sfor the great Love ofCjod in fending his Sonfefm Chrijl unto us ; For the communication of his Holy Spirit ; For the light and liberty of the glo^ riorn (fofyel , and the rich and heavenly ^Blefings revealed therein ; as namely r EleBioniVocation, Adoption, f unification, SanBification> and hope of Cjflory j For the admu '0<* heir OfPrajer after the Semi on. 31 admirable goodnejfe of (jod in freeing the Land from iAntichriftian T>arknej]e and tyranny, and for all other 3\(ationall c De* liver ances • For the Reformation ofT\cli^ gfan- For the Covenant • and for many temporal! Ftlefings. To pray for the continuance of the Gi fyel \ and all Ordinances thereof r in the purity pow>er and liberty . To turn the chief and moft ufe full heads of the Sermon into fomefevp 'Petitions - and to pray that it may abide in the heart and bring forth fruit . To pray for preparation forT>eatb,and Judgement ,and a watching for the coming of our Lordfefus ChrifSTo intreat ofCjod the forgheneffe of the iniquities of our holy things y and the acceptation ofourjfirituall . facrifce, through the merit and mediation of our great High-Trie fl and Saviour the Lordfefus ChrijL And becaufethe Prayer which Chrift taught his Dif- ciplcs 5 is not onely a Patcrn of Prayer, butitfelfamoft V 3 compre.-, ^% OfBaptifme. comprehenfive Prayer, we recommend it a%to be*Ufed in the Prayers of the Church. And whereas,atthe AdmiiiiftratioriGfthe Sacraments, the holding Publike Fads and dayes of T^hkfgiving, and other ipeciall occafions, which maydrord matterof fpeciall Petitions and Thankfgivings • It is requifite to exprefle fomewhat in our Publike Prayers fas at this time it is our duty to pray for a blefling upon the Aflem- bly of Divides, the Armies by Sea and Land, for the de« fence of the King, Parliament , and Kingdom ) Every Minifter is herein to apply himfelf in his Prayer, before or after his Sermon,to thofe occafions ; but for the man- ner, he is left to his liberty, as God (hall direft and inable him, in piety and wifdom to difcharge his duty. The Prayer ended, let a Pfalme be fung, if with con- veniencie it maybe done. After which (unleffefome other Ordinance of Chrift that concermth the Congre- gation at that time be to follow) let the Minifter difmiffe the Congregation with a folemne Blefling. THE ADMINISTRATION OF The Sacraments. And firft, Of "Baptifme^. BAptifme , As it is not unneceffarily to be delayed, fo , is it not to be adminiftred in any cafe by any private perfon , but by a Minifter of Chrift, cal- led to be the Steward of the Myfteries of God. Nor is it to be adminiftred in private places , or privately, OfBaptifme. £ privately , but in the place of Publike Worfliip, and in the face of the Congregation > where the people may moft conveniently fee and hear 5 and not in the places where Fonts in the time of Popery were unfitly and fu- perftitioufly placed. The Cbilde to be Baptized , after notice given to the Minifter the day before, is to be prefented by the Father, or C in cafe of his neceflary abfence ) by fome Chriftian friend in his place , profeffing his earneft defire that the Childe may be Baptifed. Before Baptifme , the Minifter is toufe (ome words of Inftru&ion, touching the Inftitution , Nature , U(e, and ends ot this Sacrament : Shewing, That it is Inftituted by our Lordfefus Chrift : That it is a Seal of the Covenant of Grace , of our Ingrafting into (fbrift y ana of our 'union with him, of %e?niJsion of Sins y ^Regeneration j d/fdoption \ and Life eternall : That the water in 'Bap** tifme , reprejenteth and figmfeth > both the Blood of Cbrijl which taketh away all guilt of Sin \ Origin all and ABuall^ and thefanBifying vertue of the Spirit of Chrift avainjl the T)ominion of Sin, and the cor^ ruption ofourfinfull 3\ature: That Bap- tiding, 34. Of^Baptifme. tiding , or ffrinchfing and wafting with water jigmfeth the cleanfing from Jin by the c Blood, and for the Merit ofChrijt, to- gether with the Mortification of fin , and rijtng from fin to 3\(ertnejfi of life , by vertue of the "Death and c I{eJurreBion of Chrijl : That the Tromife is made to T3e- helpers and their feed , and that the feed andpofterity of the faithfully born within the Church 7 haye by their birth ^ inter ef in the Covenant y and right to the Seal of it, and to the outward Triyiledges of the Church, under the Cfoffel^ no leffethen the Children ^Abraham in tin time of the Old Teftament • the Covenant of Cj race, for fubftance^being thefame^ and the (jrace of(fod and the confolation ofBeleeyers, more plentif till then before : That the Son of Cjod admitted little children into hispre^ fence, im bracing andblefiing them ^faying, For of fuch is the Kfmgdome of (jod: That OfBaptifme. 3? That children by 'Baptifmc arc Jolemnely received into the bojome of the vijtble Church, dflinguifhedfrom the world, and them that are without, and united with 'Beleeyers • and that all who are 'Baptised in the U^Qime of Chrifl, do renounce, and by theirTlaptifme are bound to fight againjl the T>eyil,the World and the Flefh : That they are Qmjlians, and feeder ally holy be- fore 'Baptifme 9 and therefore are they 'Baptised : That the inward Grace and not onely in that he numbreth us among his Saints, but is pleafed alfo to bejlow upon our chil- dren this jingular token and badge of his loye in Qhrifl : That in his trueth and fpeciall providence, he daily bringeth fome into the boforne of his Church , to be partakers of his inejlimable benefits , pur- chafed by the ISlood of his dear Sonne, for the continuance and increafe of his Church. ^And praying, That the Lord would > JliU continue , and daily confirm more and more Of'Baptifne. ]9 more this his unftc arable favour : That he would receive the Infant now *Bahtu ^cd > and folemnly entred into the houf hold of Faith, into his Fatherly tuition and defence > and remember him with the favour that hefloeweth to his people • That if he fh all be taken out of this life in his Infancie y the Lord \ who u rich in mercy , would be pleafed to receive him up into glory • and if he Ifae, and attain the yeers of discretion , that the Lord would fo teach him by his Word and Spirit > and make his Tjaptijme ejfelluall to him > and fo uphold him by hts Diyine power and grace >t hat by Faith he may prevail again fl the deyil, the world, andtheflefh > till in the end he obtain a full and finallviBoryy and fo be kept by the power of God through Faith unto fahation, through fefus Chrijl our Lord. tea • Of the Lords Supper. Of the celebration of the Communion, or Sacrament of The Lords Supper. THe Communion , or Supper of the Lord is fre- quently to be celebrated : but how often, may be confidered and determined by the Minifters and other Church- Governours of each Congregation, as they fhall finde moft convenient for the comfort and edi- fication of the people committed to their charge. And when it fhall be adminiftred , we judge it convenient to be done after the morning Sermon. The Ignorant and the Scandalous are not lit to receive this Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Where this Sacrament cannot with convenience be frequently adminiftred, it is requifite that publike warn- ing be given the Sabbath day before the adminiftration thereof : and that either then , or on fome day of that week,fomething concerning that Ordinance,and the due preparation thereunto, and participation thereof be taught, that by the diligent ufe of all means fan&ified of God to that end y both in publike and private , all may come better prepared to that heavenly Feaft. When the day is come for adminiftration , the Mini- fter having ended his Sermon and Prayer 3 fhall make a fhort Exhortation, Exj?refiing the inejlimable benefit v»e haye by this Sacrament • together with the ends Of the Lords Supper. ^i ends and ufe thereof: Jetting forth the great necefiity of haying our comforts and jlrength renewed thereby in this our priori- mage and warfare : How necejjary it is that we come unto it 'with Knowledge, Faith, %epentance y Love, and with hun- gring and thirfiing fouls after Chrift and his benefits : How great the danger, to eat anddrin/^ unworthily. y^xt, he is, in the Usfante of Chrifi, on the one party to "w a rn allfuch as are Ig- norant 7 Scandalous, Trofiane, or that live in any fin or ofi e nceagain/ l the ir knowledge or confidence ',that they prejume not to come to that holy "Table , Jhewing them , That he that eateth and drin^eth unworthily, eateth and drin^eth judgement unto him- felfi : o^fnd on the other part, he is in effeciaU manner to invite and encourage all that labour under the fienje ofi the bur ^ den of their fins, and fie ar of wrath, and de- fire j^z Of the Lords Supper. fire to reach out unto a greater progreffe in Qrace then jet they can attain untojo come to the Lords Table; ajfuring them > in the fame j\(ame^ , of eafe > refrefbing and Jlrength to their weak^and wearied fouls. After this Exhortation,Warning, and Invitation, the Table being before decently covered ^ and ib conveni- ently placed , th at the Communicants may orderly fit "about it, or at it,The Minifter is to begin the a&ion with fanftif y ing and blefling the elements of Bread and Wine fee before him (the Bread in comely and convenient vef- feis, fo prepared, that being broken by him, and g iven, it may be diftributed amonglttlie Communicants: The Wine alfo in large Cups •, ) having ftrft in a few words fliewed, That thofe elements, otherwife common, are now fet apait and fan and for this Sacrament in particular , by which Chrijl and all his benefits are applied and fealed up unto us, which, notwithfanding the de^ mall of them unto others, are in great mer* cy continued unto us^afterfo much and long abufeofthemalL "To profeffe that there is no other name under Heaven, by which we can be faved, but the fJ\(ame offefus Chrijl, by whom alone we receive liberty and life, have ac- cede to the T hone of (jr ace, are admitted to eat and drinf^at his own Table, and H are j^. Of the L ords Supper. are fealed up by his Spirit to an ajjurance of happinefje and eyer la/ling life-j. Fame fly to pray to (fod, the Father of all mercies y and (fod of all conflation , to vouchfafe his gracious pre fence, and the ef~ fe&uall working of his Spirit in us, and lb to fanBife thefe Elements both of Bread and Wine, and to blejfe his own Ordinance, that We may receive by Faith the "Body and Stood offefusChrijl crucified for us, and Co to feed upon him , that he may be onewtfb us, and we with him, that he may live in us, and we in him, and to him, who hath loved us, and given himfelf for us. All which he is to endeavour to perform with fuit- nblcaffeftions.anfwerablc to fu.ch an holy A&ion , and to flir up the like in the people . The Elements being now fan&ified by the Word and Prayer, The Minifter, being at the Table, is to take the Bread in his hand 5 &fay 5 in thefe expreffions(or other the tikejufed by Chrift,or his Apoftle upon this occafion : ) (tSccordingto the holy lnfntut'ion y com^ mmd 7 and example of our bleffcdSay.iour Jefat Of the Lords Supper. 45 J-efm Chrifi y Itnl{ethis c Bread, and having giyen thanks J breast P and give it unto y oh (There the Minifter 5 who is alio himfelf to communicate, is to break the Bread,and give it to the Communicants: ) 5n*^£ Jt€ y eat ye • "This is the Body ofChrifl vp hie h u broken for 'jou 7 T>o this in remem- brance ofhirtLj. In like manner the Minifter is to take the Cup , and fay , in thefe cxpreffions ( or other the like , ufed by Chrift, or the Apoftle upon the fame occafion •> ) ^According to the Injlitution, com- mand , and example of our Lordfefus Chrifl, Italic this Cup, andgiye it untoyou ( Heere hee giveth it to the Communicants , ) This Cup is the new Teflament in the Blood of Chrijl^hich isfhedfor the remif fan of the fins of many '5 T>rin\ye all of it. After all have communicated, the Minifter may, in a few words , put them in minde Of the grace ofCfod, infefus Chrifl held forth in this Sacrament ij and exhort them to wall^ worthy of it. H 2 The jl6 Of SanUification of the Lords day. . The Minifter is to give folemne thanks to God, For his rich mercy , and invaluable good' nejfe youchfafedto them in that Sacrament, and to entreat for pardon for the defeBs of the whole fery ice > and for the gracious af fifance of his good Spirit , whereby they may be enabled to walk^ in the Jlrength of that (j race, as becometh thofe who have received fo great pledges offalvation . The Colle&ion for the poor is fo to be ordered , that ho part of the publike worfhip be thereby hindred. of the Sanffif cation of the Lords day. A-°in"*He Lords Jay ought to be fo remembred before- H hand , as that all worldly bufinefle of our ordi- * -2L nary Callings maybe fo ordered , and fo timely and feafonably laid afide , as they may not be impedi- ments to the due fan&ifyingof the Day when it comes- The whole day is to be celebrated as holy to the Lord, both in publike and private, as being the ChrilVian Sab- bath. To which end , it is requifite, that there be a holy ceffation, or reftingall the Day, from all unneceffiry la- bours , and an abftaining , not onely from all fporcs and paftimes,but alfo frouii all worldly words and thoughts* That the Diet on that Day be fo ordered , as that nei- ther fervants be unneceflarily detained from the publike worfhijy - *Tke Solemnisation of Marriage^. 4.7 worfhipof God, nor any other perfons hindrcd from the fandHfying chat Day. That chereibe private preparation of every perfon and family^by prayer for themfelves,and (or Gods affiftance of the Mimfter, and for a bleffing upon his Miniftry,and by fuch other holy exercifes, as may further difpofe them to a more comfortable corrtmunion with God in his publike Ordinances. That all the people meet (b timely for publike Wor- fhip , that the whole Congregation may be prefent at the beginning, and with one heart folemnly joyn toge- ther in all parts of the publike Worfhip •, and not de- part till after the BlefTing. That what time is vacant, between , or after the fo- lemne meetings of the Congregation in publike , be (pent in Reading, Meditation, Repetition of Sermons •, (efpecially, by calling their families roan account of what they have heard, ) and catechizing of them, holy conferences, Prayer for a bleifing upon the Publike Or- dinances, fingingof Pfalms, vifiung the fick, relieving the poor^and fuch like duties of piety, charity and mer- cy, accounting the Sabbath a delight. The Solemnization of CtUrriazc* ALthongh Marriage be no Sacrament, nor peculiar to the Church of God , but common to man- kinde,and of Publikc intereft in every Common- wealth-, yet becaufc fuch as marry are to marry in the Lord , and have fpeciall need of fnftruftion, Direction,, and Exhortation , from the Word of God at their en- ding into fuch x new condition*, and, of the blefling H 3 of 4-8 The Solemnisation of Marriage^. of God upon them therein - 7 we judge it expedient,that Marriage be folemnized by a lawfull Minifterof the Word D that he may accordingly counfell them,and pray for a blefsing upon them. Marriage is to be betwixt one man and one woman onely •, and they , fuch as are not within the degrees of Confanguinity or Affinity prohibited by the Word of God. And the parties are to be of yeers of difcretion,fit to make their own choice, or upon good grounds , to give their mutuall content. Before the folemnizing of Marriage between any Perfons, their purpofe of Marriage fhall be publifhed by the Minifter three feverall Sabbath dayes in the Con- gregation, at the place or places of their moft ufuall and conftant abode refpe&ively. And of this Publication, the Minifter,who is to joyn them in Marriage, (hall have fufficient Teftimony, before he proceed to folemnize the Marriage. Before that Publication of fuch their purpofe ( if the parties be under age ) the confent of the Parents , or others, under whole power they are (in cafe the Parents be dead) is to be made known to the Church Officers of that Congregation, to be Recorded. The like is to be obferved in the proceedings of all others , although of age, whofe Parents are living , for their firft Marriage. And in after Marriages of either of thofe parties , they (hall be exhorted not to contrad Marriage , without firft acquainting their Parents with it, ( if with conveniency it may be done J endeavouring to obtain their confent. Parents ought not to force their children to marry without their free confent, nor deny their own confent without juftcaufe. After The Solemnisation of^Ts/farriagc. \y After the purpofc or coneraft of Marriage hath been thus published , the Marriage is not to be long deferred. T hereto re,thc Minifter,having had convenient warning, and nothing being objected to hinder it , is publikcly to folemnize it in the place appointed by Authority for publike Worlhip,bcfore a competent number of credible- witncfTes, at fomc convenient hour of the day, at any time of the yeer,except on a day of Publikc humiliation. And we ftdvife that it be not on the Lords Day. And becaufe all Relations are fan&ified by the Word and Prayer, the Minifter is to pray for a bleflingupon thcm,tothiseffe&: Acknowledging our fins ^hereby we have made our fehes UJJe then the leaji of all the mercies ofGod y andproyokgdhim to imhit^ ter all our comforts ^earne fly in the name cf Chrift to intreat the Lord ( whofefrcfence and favour is the happineffe ofeyery condi^ twn y and fvee tens eyery ^Ifelation ) to be their Tortion^ and to own and accept them in Chrift , who are now to bejoyned in the honourable ejlate of Marriage , the Coye- nant of their (jod : and that as he hath brought them together by his Providence , he would fanBife them by his Spirit ^giying them 53 The Solemnisation ofzPidarriage. them a new frame of heart ft for their new eflate ; enriching them with all (jraces, whereby they may perform the duties ,enjoy the comforts, undergo the cares, andref/l the temptations which accompany that con^ dition, as becometh Chrijlians. The Prayer being ended, it is convenient that the Mi- nifler do briefly declare unto them 3 out of the Scripture, The lnftituttonfOfe y and ends of Mar- riage, with the Conjugall duties which in all faithfulnejfe they are to perform each to o- ther y exhortingthem tojludy the holy Word ofCjodjhat they may learn to I foe by faith , and to be content in the midjl of all Mar- riage cares and troubles, fanBifying Cjfods 3\Qime in a thanl^e full fob er, and holy ufe of all Conjugall comforts , praying much withy and for \ one another \ watching over y and provoking each other to loye and good works y and to live together as the heirs of the Grace of lift-j. After The Solemnisation afzyVfarriage. 51 After folcmnc charging of the perfons to he Married, before the great God , whofearchethall heaits , and to whom they muft give a ftridt. account at the laft day, that if either of them know any caufe, by precontract or otherwife, why they may not lawfully proceed to Mar- riage, that they now difcover it : The Minifler ( if no im- pediment be acknowledged) fhall caufe, firft, the man to take the woman by the right hand, faying thefe words, |N,(/(I takg thee N. to be my married wife, and do, in theprefence of (fod,and be^ fore this Congregation, promife & covenant to be a losing and faithfull husband unto thee,untill (jodjballfeparate us by death. Then the woman fhall take the man by his right hand, and fay thefe words, 1 N. do tal^e thee N- to be my married husband, and 1 do, in the prefence of God, and before this Congregation , promife and covenant to be a loving, faith full, and obe~ dient vrife unto thee, untill Cjodjhall fepa* rate us by death. Then, without any further Ceremony , theMinifter fliall,inthe face of the Congregation,pronouncethem to be husband and wife,according to Gods Ordinance-, and fo, conclude the action with Prayer to this effect, / that jz Of the Viftution of the Sic\. That the Lord would be plea fed to Ac- company his own Ordinance with his blef- fing y beseeching him to enrich theperfons now married > as with other pledges of his love ^fo particularly with the comforts and fruits of marriage fo thepraife of his abun- dant mercy > in and through Chrijl fefws. A Regifter is to be carefully kept, wherein the names of the parties (o man ied,wkh the time of their marriage, are forthwith to be fairly recorded in a Book provided for that purpofe , for the perufall of all whom it may concern. Concerning Fifitation of the Sick. IT is the dutie of the Minifter not onely to teach the people committed to his charge, in publike, but pri- vately and particularly to admonifl^exhort^reprove,. and comfort them 5 upon all feafonableoccafions, fofar as his time/ftrength^md perfonall fafety will permit. He is to admonifli them, in time of health, to prepare for death -, and for that purpofe they are often to confer with their Minifter about the eftate of their fouls": and, in times of ficknefle to defire his advice and help, timely and feafonably, before their ftrength and underftanding fail them. Times of Sicknefle and affiiftion are fpeciall oppor- tunities put into his hand by God 3 to minifter a word in ieafoa Of the Fi fit at ion of the Sic f{. 53 feafon to weary fouls : becaufe then the Confcienres of men are, or (hould be more awakened to bethi.'.kthem- felves of their Spirituall eftates for Eternity, and Satan • alto takes advantage then, to load them more with fore and heavy temptations • Therefore the Minifler being fent for , and repairing to the fick , is to apply himfeff -with all tenderneife and love, to adminifter iome Spiri- cu dl good to his foul,to this effett : He may, from the consideration of the prefent fick- neflTe, inftrud him out or Scripture, that difeafes come not by chance, orby diftempers of body only, but by the wife and orderly guidance of the good hand of God to every particular perfon J mitten by them. And that whether it be laid upon him out of difpleafure for fin, for his cone<5Hon and amendment,or forTrial,and exer- cife of his graces,or for other fpedal and excellent ends, all his fuffrings fhal turn to his profit,and work together for his good , if he fincerely labour to make a fan&ified ufeofGodsVifitation, neither defpifing his chaftening, nor waxing weary of his correction. If he fufped him of ignorance, he fhal! examine him in the Principles of Religion, efpecially touching Re- pentance and Faith •, and, as he feeth caufe, inftruft him in the nature,ufe,excellency, and necefsity of thofe gra- ces-, as alfo touching the Covenant of Grace,and Chrift the Son of God,the Mediator of it, and concerning Re- mifsion of fins by faith in him. He fhall exhort the fick perfon to examine himfelf,^ fearch and try his former wayes, and his eftate towards God. And if the fick perfon (hall declare any fcrup!e,doubt or temptation that are upon him , inftfu&ioirs and refo- lutions (hall be given to fatisfie and fettle him. I 2 If jf^ Of the Vijuation of the Slc\. If it appear that he hath not a due fence of his fins,en- dcavours ought to be ufed to convince him of his fins, of the guilt and defercof them ♦, of the filth and pollu- iion,which thefoul contra&s by them, and of the curfe of the Law^and wrath of God due to them-, that he may be truly affe&ed with 3 and humbled for them-, and vvith- all to make known the danger of deferring Repentance, and of negleftingfalvation at any time offred, to awaken his Confcience , and rowze him up out of a ftupid and iecure condition, to apprehend the Juftice and wrath of God, before whom none can ftand, but he that being loft in himfelf, layeth hold upon Chrifl: by Faith. If he have endeavoured to walk in the wayes of holi- nefle , and to ferve God in uprightnefle , although not without many failings and infirmities -,orifhis fpiritbe broken with the fenfe of fin, or caft down through want ofthefcnfeof Gods favour-, then it will be fictoraife him up, by fectingbefjie him the freeneffe and fulnefle ofG.odsgrace,thefufficiericyofrighteoufnes in Chrifl, the gracious offers in the Gofpel , that all who repent and beleeve with all their heart in Gods mercy through Chrift, renouncing their own righteoufnefTe, (hall have life and falvation in him. It may be alfoufefullto fhew him ,. that death hath in it no Spiritual! evil to be feared by thofe that are in Chrift , becaufe fin the fting of death is taken away by Chrift,whohath delivered all that are his from the bondage of the fear of death , tri- umphed over the grave,given us vidory, is Himfelf en- tred into glory , to.prepareaplace for His people : So that neither life nor death (hall be able to feparate them from Gods love in Chrift , in whom fuch are fure, though now they muftbelaid intheduft , to obtain a joy full and glorious refurre&ion to eternal! life. Advice Of the Vijitatim of the Sicl^. ^ Advice alfo may be given, as to beware of an ill grounded perfwafion on mercy , or on die goo^ndl'e of his condition tor heaven, (o to dif claim al! merit in him- fclf , and to cad himfclt wholly upon God for mercy in the lole Merits and Mediation of Jefus Chrift,who hath engaged himfelf never to caft offthem, who in truth and fincerity come unto him. Care aUo muft be taken that the fick perlon be not call down intodefpairby fucha fevere reprefentation o{ the wrath or God due to him for his fins, as is not mollified by a feafonable propounding of Chrift and his Merit for a door of hope to every pe- nitent Beleever. When the fick perfon is bed: compofed, may be leaft difturbed,and other neceflary offices about him leaft hin- dred,the Minifter,if defiied,ihall pray with him, and for him to this effe& ^ Confefsing and bewailing of fin Origin all and Aclualf the mifcrable condition of all by nature y as being Children of Wrath and under the Cur fe acknowledging that alldif eafes^fickjiejfes, death, and hell it felf are. the proper iffues and eff eels thereof: Implo* ring Cfods mercy for the jicl^perfon through the 'Blood of Chrift \ befeeching that Cjod would open his eyes, di [cover unto him his* jins r caufe him to fee him fell loflin himfclf 1 3 mal^e 5 6 \ Qfil&Fiftaiion of the Sicl{. m^hnmmtoloim the can fe nloy (jodfmi- teth him, reveal fefus Cbrijl to hisjoulfor ^jghteoufnejfe and Life give unto him lots holy Spirit to create andjlrengthen faith Jo lay hold upon Chrijl > to work^ in him com- fortable evidences of his love , to arm him againji Temptations , to tal^e of his heart from the world, to janllife hisprefent Vifi- tation, to fur nijh him with patience and Jhength to hear it y and to ghe him per fe- ver ance in Faith to the end. That if God fh all pleafe to addc to his d ayes Joe would vouchfafe to bleffe and fan- ctifie all means of his recovery , to remove thedijeafe^ renew his ftrength, and enable him to walkjvorthy of (fod > by a faith full remembrance 7 and diligent ohferving of fuch vows and promifes of holinejfe and obedience y as men are apt to mal^e in times ofjickgejje^ that he mayglonfie (fod in the remaining part of his lifc^ . And Of the Viftation of the Sic!^, 5 7 Jnd if God have determined to fint/I) his dayes by theprcfent VifitationJ)c may fnde fuch Evidence of the pardon of all his fins, of his inter ef I in Chrijl , and Sternal! life by thrift : y as may caufe his inward man to be renewed, while his outward man decay eth • that he may behold Death without fear, cajl himjelj wholly upon Qbri/l without doubting , defire to be dijjolved and to be with Chrijl i and Jo receive the end of his Faith, thefalvationof his Soul, through the onely Merits and Inter cef ion of the Lord fefm Chrijl , our alone Saviour and (tAllfuffcient %edeemer. The Minifter (hall admonifh him alfo ( as there fliall be caufe) to let his houfe in order, thereby to prevent inconveniences , to take care for the pavment of his debts, and to make refiirution or fatisfa&ion where he hath done any wrong , to be reconciled to thofe with whom he hath been at variance , and fully to forgive all men their trefpafles againft him , as he expe&s fbrgivs- nelTe at the hand of God. Laftly,the Minifter may improve the present occafion to exhort thole about the lick perfon , to confidei thetf own mortality, to return to the Lord and make Peace with 55 Of "Buriall of the Vead. with him •, in health to prepare for fickneflTe, death, and judgement , and all the dayes of their appointed time fo to wait untilltheirchange come, that when Chrift who is our life, (hall appear, they may appear with him in glory. Concerning Bur i all of the Dead, Hen any perfon departeth this life,!et the dead body, upon the day of Buriall, be decently at- tended from the hou'fc to the place appointed for publike Buriall , and there immediately interred Without any Ceremony. And becaufe the cuitomes of kneeling down , and praying by, or towards the dead Corps, and other fuch ufages, in the place where it lies, before it be carried to Buriall, are Superftitious : and for that, praying,reading, and finging both in going to,and at the Grave,have been grofly abufed , are no way beneficiall to the dead , and have proved many waves hurtfull to the living 5 thereforc let all fuch things be laid ahde. Howbeit, we judge it very convenient^ that the Chri- ftian friends which accompany the dead body to the place appointed for prrbKke Buriall, do apply themfelves to Meditations, and Conferences fuitable totheocca- fion : and, that the Minifter, as upon other occafions, fo at this time, if hebeprefent, may put them in remem- brance of their Dutie. That this ill all not extend to cfeny any civill refpe&s or differences at the Buriall, fuitable to the rankeand condition of the party deceafed whiles h? was living. Concerning OfTublikcFafting. 5? 4lMtMMMMIMMMiM I MM I MfMtM <» Concerning Vublike folemne Fajlin*. WHen feme great and notable Judgements are either infli&ed upon a People , or apparently imminent , or by fomc extraordinary provo- cations notorioufly deferred-, as alfo,when fome fpeciall Bleffing is to be fought and obtained , Publike foicmne Parting ( which is to continue the whole Day ) is a Duty that God expeð from that Nation, or people. A Religious Faft requires totall abftinence, not onely from all food ( unleffe bodily weaknefTe do manifcftly difable from holding out till the Faft be ended, in which cate fomewhat may be taken, yet very fparingly, to fup- port nature when ready to faint ) butalfo from all world- ly labour, difcourfes and thoughts , and from all bodily delights, (although at other times lawf ull ) rich apparelf, ornaments an J fuch like,during the Faft-,and much more, from what ever is,in the nature,or u(e,fcandalous and of- fenfive 5 as, garifh attire, lafcivious habits and geftures, and other vanities of either fex , which we recommend to all Minifters in their places , diligently and zealoufly to reprovers at other times,fo efpecially at a Faft, with- out refped of perfons, as there fhall be occafion. Before the Publike meeting, each Family, and perfon apart , are privately to ufe all religious care to prepare their hearts to fuch a iblemne work •, and, to be early at the Congregation. So large a portion of the day , as conveniently may be, istobefpencinPubiikeReading, and Preaching of the Word, with finging of Pfalmes fit to quicken affeftions fuitable to fuch a Duty-,but efpecially in Prayer,to this or the like eflfe& : „ />• • K \j mn g 4o Of'Tublil^e Fa/ling. Cjiving glory to the great z5\4ajejly of Cj ocl, the Creator, Treferver, and Supreame %uler of all the Worlds the better to affeU us thereby mth an holy reference and awe ofHirn^. <*Acknovpledginghu manifold, great 3 and tender mercies, efeeciaUy to the Church and U^ation,the more effeUually to f often , andabafe our hearts before him-:. Humbly confefing of fins of all forts , mth their federal aggravations: juflifying Cjods righteous fudgments, as being far leffe then our fins do deferve-jet humbly andearnefl- ly imploring his mercy and grace for our fehes, the Church, and J\(ation , for our IQng,and all in authority y and for all others for whom ive are bound to pray f according as theprefent exigent reauireth)ii>ith more fyeciall importunity and inlargement then at other times : lApplyin? by Faith , the Tromifes andCjoodnejJe ofCjod,for Tar- don, help, and deliverance from the Evils felt, OfTublikc Fafting. 61 felt, feared, or deferred ; and for obtain- ing the blefings which ive need and expect • together with a giving up of our fefaes wholly and for ever unto the Lord. Inallthefe, the Minifters , who are themouthesof the people unto God,ought fo to fpeakfrom their hearts upon fcrious and thorovv premeditation of them , that both themfelves and their people maybe much affedted, and even melted thereby 5 efpecially with forrow for their fins , that it may be indeed a Day of deep humilia- tion and affii&ing of the foul. Spcciall choice is to be made of fuch Scriptures to be read, and of fuch Texts for Prcaching,as may belt work the hearts of the hearers to the fpeciall bufinefle of the day , and moft difpole them to humiliation and repent- ance-, infilling moft on thofe particulars , which each Minifters obfervation and experience tels him are moft conducing to the edification, and reformation of that Congregation to which hepreacheth. Before the clofeof the Publikc Duties , the Minifter is, in his own, and the peoples names, to ingage his and their hearts to be the Lords, with profeffed purpofe and refolution to reform what ever is amifle among them, and more particularly fuch fins as they have been more remarkably guilty or $ and , to draw neerer unto God, and to walk more clofely and faithfully with him in new obedience,then ever before. He is alfo to admonifli the people with all importuni- ty,that the work of that day doth not end with the Pub- likc duties of it, but that they are foto improve the- K a remainder gz Of7)ayes of publtf^e Thanksgiving. remainder of the day,and of their whole life,in reinfor- cing upon themfelves and their families in private, all thofe godly afte&ions and refolutions which they pro- fefled in publike,as that they may be fetled in their hearts forever, and themfelves may more fenfibiyfinde that God hath fmelt a fweet favour in Chrift from their per- formances, and is pacified towards them, by anfvvers of Grace, in pardoning of fin,in removing of Judgements, in averting or preventing of plagues , and in conferring of bleflings fuitable to the conditions and prayers of his people, by Jefus Chritt. Befide folemne and generall Fafts injoyned by Au- thority, we judge, that at other times , l fcongregations may keep dayes of Falling , as Divine Providence fhall adminifter unto them fpeciall occafions. And alfo that Families may do the fame, to it be not on dayes where- in th* Congregation to which they do belong , is to meet for Fafting, or other publike Duties of Worfhip. Concerning the obfervation of Dayes of Publike Thankfgiving. WHen any fuch Day is to be kept, let notice be given of it,and of the occafion thereof , fome convenient time before , that the people may the better prepare themfelves thereunto. The Day being come, and the Congregation ( after private preparations ) being affembled , the Minifter is to begin with a word of Exhortation to ftir up the peo- ple to the Duty for which they are met,and with a inort prayer for Gods affiftance and bleffing (as at other Con- ventions for Publike Worfhip ) according to the parti- cular occafion of their meeting. Let OfT>aye$ofpnblify wanfygti 6: Let him then make fome pithy narration oft liverance obtained, or Mercy received , orof whatever hath o.cafioned that affembling of the C ngrcgatiort, that all may better underftand it, or be minced o| u,i. moreaffe&ed with it. And becaufc tinging of Pfalms is of all other the mod proper Ordinance for expreffing of Joy and Thankfgiving , let fome pertinent Pfalm or Pfalms be lung for that purpofe,beforeor after the reading of fome portion of the Word fuitablc to the prefent bufineffe. Then let the Minifter who is to preach , proceed to further Exhortation and Prayer before his Sermon, with fpeciall reference to the prefent work : after which lee him preach upon fome Text of Scripture pertinent cotheoccafion. The Sermon ended, let him not only pray,as at other times after preaching is dire&ed, with remembrance of the neceffities of the Church, King, and State (if before the Sermon they were omitted ) but inlargehimfelf in due &folemn Thankfgiving for former mercies and de- liveranccs,but more efpecially for that which at the pre- fent calls them together to give thanks: with humble petition for the continuance and renewing of Gods wonted mercies , as need (hall be , and for fan&ifying grace to make a right ufe thereof. And fo, having lung another Pfalm fuitable to the mercy, let himdifmiffe the Congregation with a bleffing, that they may have fome convenient time for their repaft and refrefliing. But the Minifter (before their difmiflion) is folemnly to admonifh them,to beware of all excefle and riot,ten- ding to gluttony or drunkennes,and much more of thefe fins themfelves , in their eating and refrefliing , and to take care that their mirth and rejoycing be not carnall, K 3 but *£f Of Singing of Tf alms. but lpirituall, which may make Gods praife to be glori- ous, and themfelves humble and fober-, and that both their feeding and rejoycing may render them more chcerfull and inlarged further to celebrate his Praifes in the midft of the Congregation, when they return unto it, in the remaining part of that Day. When the Congregation (hall be again aiTemblcd 7 the like courfe in praying, reading, preaching,finging of Pfalms, and offering up of more praife and thankfgi- ving, that is before directed for the morning , is to be renewed and continued fo far as the time wil give leave. At one or both of the publike meetings that day , a Collection is to be made for the poor ( and in the like manner upon the Day of Publike Humiliation ) that their loynes may bleiTe us , and rejoyce the more with us. And the people are to be exhorted at the end of the latter meeting, to fpend the refidue of that Day in holy duties, andteftifications of Chriftian love and charity one towards another, and of rejoycing more and more in the Lord $ as becommeth thofc who make the joy of the Lord their ftrengtru of Singing of Pfalms. IT is the duty of Chriflians to praife God publikcly by finging of Pfalms together in the Congregati- on , and alio privately in the Family. In finging of Pfalms , the voice is to be tunably and gravely ordered: but the chief care mud: be, tofing with underfhnding , and with Grace in the heart, ma- king melody unto the Lord. That the whole Congregation may Joyn hcrein,evcry one ejfn Jppendix. 65 one that can read is to have a Pfalm book,and all others not difabled by age, or otherwife, arc to be exhorted to learn to read. But for the prefent , where many in the Congregation cannot read, it is convenient that the Mi- nifter, or fome other fit perfon appointed by him and che other Ruling Officers , do read the Pfalm , line by line, before the finging thereof. &ftj wj - Ai w> t«j(^ ^4 i&A I &» t^* <«t>j i&i tA> m> im.» (fa An Appendix touching Dayes and Places for Publike VVorfhip. THcre is no Day commanded in Scripture to be kept h$- ly under the Gofpel , but the Lords day , which is the ChriHian Sabbath. Fejlivall dayes , vulgarly called Holy dayes , having no warrant in the word of God \ are not to be continued. Neverthelejje it is law full and neceffary upon [feci 'all emer- gent occasions , tofeparate a day or dayes for Pub I ike Fatting or Thank j giving , as the fever M eminent and extraordinary difpenfations of Gods providence flhili adminijler cauje and opportunity to his people. As no place is capable of any holineffe under pretence of whatfocver Dedication or Confecrationjo neither is it fub\eU tofuch pollution by any fuper flit ion formerly ufed and now laid a fide 5 as may rentier it unlaw full or inconvenient for ChriHians to meet together therein for the publike workup of God. And therefore we hold it requifite that the places of pub like affemblingfor worfhip among us> foould be continued *nd imployed to that ujc. FINIS '? J age m mm op*