m--m-x FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. L BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I >/ i .'.T^5Br .'■^ »"^.TAJw^<»vc? .^ MAY 19 1933 Psalms ah^^g^^^^ For the ufe of the PARISH-CHURCH, AND CHAPPELS Belonging to the Parifh O F h. James s Wefiminfter. With proper Tunes in three Parts. LONDON: Printed by JK Pear/on^ for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by D, Brown at the Black Swan without Tcmplc-bar, and jf. Walthoe in the Temple- Cloyftcrs, and by Mr. Warden Clark of St. James's. 1709, «1 'There are in this Bock ^4 Seleft PTalms, which are Sung over in their Order vAth the Organ once in every ^larter^ allcmng ordinarily 4Pfalmsyor every Sunday. If there he a J/\th Sunday in the ^mtcr, then . fPfalm 103, . rPfalm 105. E^;traordinaYy Pfalms, Ncvv»Ycars.Day <[^J-/* ,».,o.h.^^?;ra;. Bafter- rii8,f^3-l8. Day, 1 16. J 14^ Trin. ^95. 7 u8. Sund. I rcDeuJipip 2 Novcmb. 5/i, 66* 144. Monday, Tucfday, Wcd- ncfday, Thurfday, the 4 fir ft in Lent again ; Good-Friday — t-.^- " I But in the law of God the Lord ,_._ ^ ,,^s>__^. --_-' ^ j doth fet his whole delight i2 L-"^ — r-_""3i -1 — Jr ± — i_2 3 ^ J And in that law doth ex-er-cife himfelf both day and night. Londoi III. London Tune. ^. j {^ God that art my righteoufnefs, " I Lord hear me when I cry : - " j Thou me at li-ber--ty haft let llmiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii i^eiiriililliliiifillfii " j From bonds and mi-fe — ry. I] iiiiliiiiilipipiiiiii A 3 St. Da- IV. St. David's Tune. ^ j C^ Lord cur God^ how wonderful 1 j ifeiiiiiipiliiiili rS^rE=fEEiEE*==5 'n~z±~T~z±-zzl~zt.-::r~S.— is ev.'ry where thy Name ; -• ^r^r$i=:^~; ^1 Tir/ glo-ry thou haft fet above SEiE^BE: iz:vE+Ei~^fEE±~±:|E~EB==^ the heavens curious frame. Emer Exeter Tune. IfSiiigip^iiliiiiiliil " I vV Ith heart and mouth unto the Lord, iip^liiiiliiiifeiiiii "I will I give laud and praife: *^ I And fpeak of all his wond'rous works, " I and them declare always. ^ Ui=^i=i^ xl 4 Martjt's VI. Martyrs Tune. ^. j VV Ith-in thy ta-ber-na-cle, Lord, who (hall in--ha--bit itill ? !^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ " j Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell ):; ^S3z::: zz^—zzt-tzz^-^rz^-X-z ' { in thy moft ho-ly hill ? Hiiilgliiiiiiilglliiiii Can- % VII. Ciinterbury Tune. ^^ I J Thank the Lord thatcaufed me, ^ I to underftand the right :. " j And that hath made my fecrer thoughts^ to teach me ev'ry nignt. tli-:iiiiil:ifiiiiiiSiiliili VIII. ( Sl James'* s Tune. " I T^^^ heavens which the Lord hath made, his glory do declare ^ >^i K^^ •- 1 The firmament doth fhew how rich J]liiiiiiiiilg^jli3gll5 I flisiiiiiliig^iMiillii his works of wonder are, iiitiiiilitiiilliiiifii Tork IK. Tork Tune. .aTigi^lMiiiSiiiiili ". IH perfe^: is the Law of God? I fgMif HHgf iiiiiiiilii i how fure his co — ve — nant-> " I Then ckanfe me from my fccret fatbits, @2rrir=:=:r4 i ip^iiipliiiiiliiii s fgililliiigiiiglSiiiiii " I and keep me all my days. ! i!^iiftiiii|i XI. Southwel Tuyie. " j [ Lift my heart to thee, ^lilUililiiSiiiliiiii I (ii=li=l=ii=iiiiiiiSiiiii my God and guide mcit juft : ^ I Now fuiFcr m.eto take no ftame, *^- 1 for i.i thee do 1 truft. 5^ Ma- St. Marys Tune, iiliiiiili^iiiili " j All laud and paife with heart & voice, tligl^iig^iiiiiliilS " I O Lord I give to thee : ^ isiimrnHfi^ EiEi flfe-^liiitiiii^iiii j Who haft not made my foes rejoyce, liiiiiiiiSiiii CQ ^- fngEi^55==T=t=t==*===::n7==n:=== 15 ®: But hall ex-al-ted me. .=|iliiaiiiiiiii§iiiiiiii ilgHHiiiliiiiiii-Siiii Hm^fop XIIL Windfor Tune. " j f Ord number out my life and days, ite^iil;|=lp^3iE|Ei=iii i lipJiiiliili Ji^iiii I fiigiiilliiiiliiiilii "j which yet I havener paft^ S lilPiiiiiilEtliiiiiilii: I fBiiiiiiiiiiiii-liliiii " j So that I may be cer — ti — fyM, llliiUl^iiiiliiilBiiiii SiSHHeii^iliiimiii *^j how long my life fhall laft. XIV. The Savo)f Tune, )^. I All people that on earth do dwell, '^ j fing to the Lord with chearful voice : " [ Serve him with fear, his prailes tell, " j come ye before him and rejoyce. XV. Stefney Tune, YE children which do ferve the Lord, " j praife ye his Name with ere accord^ ^-< I sszzr ="=^iig?felliiiiili yea bleffed be always the fame : ^' l:^==?zzi=zlr|riz=:=±— E^zzTrLfcr^rEHzi:: " j And from the riiing of the Sun, z5zii-^z; Con- XVI. Continued. I fig^iiiiii^liiliii " j un--to its place of going down, iipllililiiiiiiiiiii \ let ail his no-blea£ls proclaim. Ijiii^iiilpliiiiiill " ( The Lord all people doth furmounr, Ij^Hpiilgiil^iliiiii I lilUg^liiiii^iiiiii " j his glory we may e— ver count, lieiilliiifiil^liSiii ilpliiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiPi^ Con- 1 XVII. Concinued. I fri^Pliiliipiiiiiiii " I a-bove the heavens high to be. Ij^iliHSiiiiliMiiii I f^l|iilii=i=ipiplii With God theLordj who may compare, 52^'^= " ( whofe dwellings in the heavens are > " i Of fuch great pow'r and force is he. Jirfy XVI il. "Jerfey Tune. "". j Quch as in God the Lord do truft, "j (hall as mount Sion firmly ftand, I filigiiiiiEiiigigiiiii •" j not to be movM by a-ny hand ; I f|g|lliiiiiiiipg=iE||i|| " j The Lord will count them right and jurtj Con- XIX. Continued. Ifilililiiilli?iiili ^ j fo that they (hall be fure iiiiiisPiiiiupii " I for C'-ver to endure. Charen- XX. Charenton Tune. m Piililii )^ ;^~5=r:i=rJrirJ=rI=EE=eE=^=== • IG''^^ ^^'"^^ un--to the Lord, Ijiiillliiiiiiiiii PQ ipE55=-*- li§§lE ^^imiiilpiiiiiii :frii K; i S==:r— ^iilliiiliigi j From heav'n that is fo high, ijii^igiijiaiiiiiiip Ifil^iii^ilsi Praife him in deed and word HiiSE 3 f g|i^iilglii=^ii j above the ftarryskie^ Ij^ipisiiiE^iiiiiiiiii Con- XXL Continued. ^ " I and al-fb ye^ his Angels all, armies roy* !] iPiiiiiilii^iiliiiliil " j — al, praile chearfully. ililiiiliiliSiliiiiiiiii tiiiliiiiii^iill^iiii TlK I he Scale ot Mafic, called the Gamut. bcaics, ihewmg the Nsmesof Note . E la D la Sol'-' C Sol fa B Fa ^ mi A la mi re G fol re ut F h ut E la 7//i — D la fol re C Sol fa Lit-i- B fa # mi A la mi re G fol re ut fa. ut ^- E la mi D ^oi re C fa ut B^mi \rc Gam-ut You muft Sing twice, fa^ foly lay above mi : and twice Uy foly fa^ under mi. Find :)ut where W2i is, and you have all the other. Sekn ( I ) SeleS Pfalms, &c. ^ttnDa^ I. p S A L iM I. Rockl Tune. Pag. 1, 11. HE Man is bleft that hath not to ill advice his Ear; (bent Nor led his life asSinne;s do, nor fate inScorner's Chair : But in the Law of God the Lord doth fet his whole Delight ; And in that Law doth exercife himfelf both Day and Night. He fhall be like the Tree that near the River's fide doth grow ; Which doth its fair and kindly Fruit in all due Seafon fhew. Whofe Leaf Oall never fade nor faP, but flourifh ftill and ftand ; >'n fo {"hall all things profper well, that this man takes in hand. B PSALM ( ^ ) P S A L M IV. London Tune. Pag. III. 1 /^ God thou art my Righteoufnefj vJ^ Loi'd hear me when I cry : Thou me at liberty haft f^t, from bonds and mifery. * 2 Have mercy therefore, Lord, on me, and grant me my requeft : For unto thee inceffantly, to cry I will not reft. .3 O mortal men, how long will ye my Glory thus defpife ? Why wander ye in vanity, and follow atter lies ? 4 Know ye that good and godly men the Lord doth take and chufe :• And when to him I make complaint he doth me not refufe. Or the Hundred Bfdm. PSALN (?) PSALM VIII. St. David's Tune. Pag. IV, I C^ Lord, our God, how wondeful V^ is ev'ry where thy Name : Thy glory thou haft fee above the Heavens curious frame. t Ev'n by the mouths of fucking Babes, i thou wiit coniPound thy Foes : For in thofe Babes thy might is feen, thy Graces they difclofe. And when I fee the Heavens high, the works of thine own hand : The Sun, the Moon, and all the Stars in order as they ftand ; \ Lord, what is Man, think I to have in thy kind thoughts a place ! Why doft thou thus advance, and blefs his miferable Race ? B a P3ALM <4) PSALM IX. Exeter 'Tune. Pag. V. £ ^^Ith heart and mouth unto the Lord will I give laud and praife : And fpeakof all liis wondrous works. And them declare always, z I will be glad and much rejoyce in thee, O God, moft high, And make my Songs extol thy nam« above the ftarry Sky. 3 Becaufe my foes were driven back, and turned unto flights They all fell down and were deftroy'd by chy great powr and might. 4 Thou haft maintainM my right, and how true and iuft it was : (fhewr And from thy feat of judgement hafl determined my caufe. ^nn. II I - P S A L M XV. Martjrs Tune. Pag. VI. 1 T Jl TIthin thy Tabernacle, Lord, VV who Ihall inhabit ftill : Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell inthymoft holy hill? 2 The Man, whofe life is uncorrupt, whole works are juft and ftraight: Whofe heart doth think the verytiuth, whole tongue fpeaks no deceit. 3 Who to his neighbour doth no wrong, in body goods, or name: Nor any flanders entertains againft his brothers fame. 4 Who to the vile and finful wretch, no favour does afford : But fhews all honour unto thofe, Who fear and ferve the Lord. B I PSALM ( 6 ) PSALM XVI. . Canterhury Tune. Pag. VII. 7 T Thank the Lord that caufed mc 1 to underftand the right ; And that hath made my fecret thoughts to teach me evVy Night. 8 Still in my fight I fetthe Lord, and truft himahove ail : For he on my right hand doth ftand, therefore I fliall not fall. 9 Forthiscaufe ihall my heart beglad, my glory fhall rejoyce : My flefli and body reft in hope, ofrifing at his voice. 10 For Lord, thou fhalt not leave my foul forever in the grave : But wilt at length thy Holy one from this corruption fave. 1 1 Thou me the way of life wilt teach, and howl may arrive, To that bleft place where endlefsjoy thou to thy Saints will give. FIN. PSALM ( 7 ) i Psalm xix. > St. James's Tune. Pag. Vlir. THE heavens which theLord hath* his glory do declare ; (made The firmament doth lliewhovv rich his works of wonder are. I Each day unto another doth his mighty deeds confefs : And every night unto the next,. his glory doth exprefs. There is no language^tongue or fpeech, no place inhabited :. No land butvv'here their found is heard but where their voice is fpread. p O X O L O G Y. To Father^ Son^ and Hoi) Ghofi^ immortal Glory be : Js rvas^ is noiv^ and [Ij all be fitll to all Eternity. B4 PSALM ( 8 ) PSALM XIX. Part IL XorkTuf^e. Pag. IX. OWperfedHstheLawof God how fure his Covenant ? Converting Souls and making wife^ the poor and ignorant. 8 Juft are the Lord's commandments all raifins: the heart and mind ; His precepts pure ; enhghtning thole whofe ejes before were bhnd. 9 The fear of him Joth never fail, the Spirit to renew ; And all the judgments of the Lord, are righteous and true. 10 They are of greater value far, than Gold without allay ; The honey and the honey-comb, are not fo fweet as they. 1 1 For we by them are taught to what we ought to have regard ;* And in obfervance of the fame, fliall find a great reward. ^UXi. IIL , ( 9 ) PSALM XIX. PartllL N'orrvich Ttr/ie. Pag. X. 12 /^^ Lord, what man is there that V J^ the errors of his ways ? ( knows Then cleanfe me from my fecret faults, and keep me all my days. 13 That no prefumptuous fins may get dominion over me : So fhall I from the great offence be innocent and free^ 14 Then fliall the ofFVing of my mouth be pleafing in thy fight : For thou alone my Saviour art, O Lord, the God of mlaht. F I N. DOXGLOGY. To Father^ Son^ and Holj Ghcjt.^ immortd Glory be : As rvasy is now^ and JIdxH be Jlili . to all Eterr^ity. B 5: P3A7,M C 10) PSALM XXIII. CanterburjiTune. Pag. VIL I ]\ /C Y fhepherd is the living Lord, IVX nothing therefore I need ; In paftures fair, with waters calm, he placet h me to feed. a He did convert and glad my foul, and brought my mmd in frame: To walk in paths of Righteoufnefs, for his mofl: holy Name. 3 Yea though I walk in vale of death, yet will I fear none ill : Thy rod and ftaff do comfort me, and thou art with me fkill. 4 And in theprefence of my foes my table thou fhalt fpread : Thou fhalt, O Lord, fill full my cup> thou fhalt annoint my head. 5 Through all my life thy favour is, fo frankly fhewn to me; That in thy houfe for evermore, my dwelling-place fhall be. F I N. PSALM C II ) ' P S A-L M XXIV. Exefer Turn. Pag. V. 5 ITT Hat man is he, OLord^ that (hall VV afcend into thy hill? Or pafs into thy holy place, There to continue ftill. 4 Ey'n he whole hands are clean, whofe heart no Ipots of fin defile : Whofe foul is free from vanity, who hath not fworn with guile, 5" On fuch a Manas this the Lord his bleffings will beftow : And God his Saviour to him his righteoufnefs will (hew. PSALM XXV. Southivel Tune. Pag- XL . 1 T Life my heart to thee, X my God and Guide moft juft- Now fuffer me to take no fhame, for in thee do I truft. 2 Let not my foes rejoyce, or make a fcorn of me'^ And let them not be overthrown, that pur their truft in thee. 3 But fhame fliall them befall, which hate me without caufe : Difcover therefore, Lord, to me, thy paths and righteous laws. Direft me in thy truth, and make my goings ftraight : Thou art my God and Saviour, . ' on thee I always wait, ^im, XVL , ( lO PSALM XXV. Part II. Southwel Tune. Pag. XI. loX TOW for thy holy Name^ 1^ O Lord, I thee intreat, To grant me pardon for my fin, for it is very great. 11 Whofo doth fear the Lord, the Lord will him direft, To lead his life in fuch a way, as he will beft refpeO:. 12 His foul fkiall evermore with eafe and joy be blefl: : And when he dies thefe blelfings fhafl upon his Children reft. PSALM PSALM XXVIII. Rochel Tune, Pag. I, II. 6 'T^O render thanks unto the Lord J_ how great a caufe have I ; My voice, my pray'r,& my complaint^ that heard fo willingly. •J He is Aiy fhield and fortitude, my buckler in diftrefs ; My hope, my help, my heart's reliefj my fong fhall him confefs. 8 He is our ftrength and our defence, againft the enemy :. The health 'and fafety of all ihofe, that do on him rely. 9 Thy people and thine heritage, ' Lord blefs, guide and preferve ; And fo confirm them in thy way, that they may never fwerve. FIN. Or the Te Deum. Tag. $6. PSALM Ci4> PSALM XXX. St. Mar fs Tune. Pag. XIL 1 A LL laud and praifejwith heart and \£\ O Lord, I give to thee ; (voice. Who haft not made my foesrejoyce, but haft exalted me. 2 O Lord J my God, I cryM to thee, in my diftrefs and grief, And to my cry thou didft attend, and fend^ft me quick relief. J Of thy goodwill thou haft vouchfaf'd, my foul from death to fave : And haft preferv'd my life, that I, U'ent not into the grave. 4 Sing praife, ye faints, arid magnify the goodnefs of the Lord : In memVy of his holinefs, rejoyce with one accord. 5 For why ? his anger is but fhort, , and gives not conftant pain ; But in his favour, life and joy, for ever fhdll remain. P3ALM ( 15 ) PSALM XXXIV. PartlL London Tune. Pag, II L II •'^Ome unto me ye upright men, V_7 and to my words give ear: And I will ihew you the right way^ how ye the Lord fhould fear. • 12 What man is there that would live and lead a blefTed life? (long. Let him refrain his lips and tongue from all deceit and ftrife- 1 3 Let him keep back from doing ill, and always w^alk upright : True peace and quiet to promote, let it be his delight. 14 For why? the eyes of God above always behold the juft : His ears are open to the pray'r of thofe that in him truft. ^ttn. V. ( 16 } ^nttaav v. PSALM XXXVIL Norwich Tune. Pag, X. 1 TTR^t t^ot thy felfat wicked menj. 17 or their ungodly gains : Nor envious be for all the wealth they get by fmful means. 3 For as the tender grafs is cut and withereth away ; So fhali their great profperity foon pafs, fade, and decay. 5 But put thy truft in God, the Lord^.. to do good give thy mind : So fhak thou bleffed be on earthy- and plenty in it find. PSALM (17) i PSALM XXX VII. PartIL i ' Tork Tune. Pag. IX. I ajTpHE Lord the jufl: man'^s ways doth and give him good fuccefs : (guide, And whatfoe'er he takes in hand, in it he doth him blefs. . 24 Tho^ he fhould fall, yetfhall he not be* wholly caft away ; Becaufe the Lord with his own hand fhall him fupport and flay. 25 I have been young and now am old, yet did I never fee The juft forfaken, or his feed- exposM to mifery. 26 He freely gives of what he has, and lends to them that need : And God his Charity repays - to him and to his feed. 27 Therefore flee vice, and wickednefs, and virtuous ways embrace : So fhalL God grant thee long to have= on earth thy dwelling-place. PSALM ( i8 ; PSALM XXXIX. Windfor Tune. Pag, XIII. 5 T Ord number out my life and days, ■ s which yet I have not paft : So that I may be certify'd how long my life {hall laft* 6 Lord, thou hafl: pointed out my life, in length much like a fpan : Mine age is nothing unto thee y fo vain a thing is Man ! 7 Man pafleth likea fhade, and doth in vain himfelf employ, In getting goods, and cannot tell who fhall the fame enjoy. 8 And now when fuch is my eftate^ what fhall I more defire? O let my hope be fixt on thee ; I nothing elfe require, PSALMi 'O CI9; PSALM XXXIX. Part II. St. Marfs Tune. Pag. XII. Lord remove thy fcourge from I cannot it withftand : (me, I am confumM, and faint, by means of thy moft heavy hand. 12 When thou for fin doft man rebuke^ his beauties fade and die : 'Like garments fretted with the moth, fuch is man's vanity. 13 Lord at my tears hold not thy peace, but to my cries give ear \ For la ftranger^m with thee, as all my Fathers were. 14 O fpare a httle, fpare me Lord, till time my ftrength reftore j Before I go away from hence, and fliall be feen no more. ^un.vL (20) ^mnav vi. PSALM XLII. London Tune. Pag- III. I T Ike as the hunted hart doth parit X_y to find a cooling fpring ; Juft fo my longing foul doth faint, for thee my God and King. a My foul doth thirft and would unto the living God draw near: O, when fhall I before him go, and in his fight appear ? 3 The tears which from my eye-lids fall, are day and night my food : While wicked men in fcoffing call, Ah, where is now thy God ? ' 4 When upon this I call to mind, how to God's houfe I went, With joy &• praife, tho' now confin'd, I the fad change lament. PSALM; i^l ) PSALM XLIII. St. David's Tune. Pag. IV. I TUdgeand revenge my caufe,OLord, J on them that evil be : From wicked and deceitful men, O Lord, deliver me/ a My God and ftrength thouart^ why doft thou rejeft me fo ? (then Arid why oppreft with enemies, do I thus mourning go ? 3 Send out thy Hght and faving truth, and lead me with thy grace : Which may conduft me to thy hill, and to thy dwelling-place. 4 Then (liall I to the altar go, of God my joy and crown ; And on my harp give thanks to thee O God, of high renown. Or fi?^^ Ordination Hymn. 'Pxg. jjy. PSALM PSALM LI. Southivd tune. Pag. XI. 5 T TAve mercy on me, Lord, JlI for thine abundant grace ! And for thy tender mercies fake, do thou my fins deface. 2 Wafh me from mine offence, and cleanfe me from my fault : 5 For I do know my guilt, my fin is ever in my thought. 5 Behold, in wickednefs my fhape I did receive : And in her fin my mother did a finful fon conceive. 6 But lo, thou doft require truth in the inward parts : The fecrets of thy wifdom, thou fhalt put into our hearts. 7 With hyffop purge me, Lord, I fhall be cleanfcd fo : Yea, wafh thou me, and fo I fhall be whiter than the fnow. . 8 Of joy and gladnels make | me hear the pleafant voice; | That fo the fhatter'd bones which thou \ haft broken, may rejoyce. PSALM ( 23 ) P S A L M LI. Part IT. Southivel Tme, Pag, XL 9 T ORD turn away thy face, I , nor on my failings look : But blot my fins and my mifdeeds out of thy facred Book, 10 Lord give me a clean heart, and make my fpirit right : That fo thy Holy Spirit may • prefer ve me in thy fight* 1 1 The comfort of thy help, O give me once again : And with thy gracious^powVful hand, my wandring fteps reftrain. 12 So fhall I teach thy ways, to thofe that finners be : And my example Ihall convert * the wicked unto thee. Or thejame^ Jerfey Tune. PSALM (^4) PSALM LL "Jerjey Tune. Pag. XVIIL r /^ Lord confider my diftrefs, (take : V-A .And now with fpeed fome pity My fins deface, my faults redrefs, ^ Good Lord,for thygreat meixies fake; ' Wafh off my finful ftain, And cleanfe me once again* a Remorfe and forrow do conftrain. Ma to acknowledge mine excefs : Becaufe my fin doth ftill remain Before my face without redrefs* I've finned in thy fight, But thou art juft and right. 3 It is too manifeft, alafs ! That I was ev'n conceived in fin : In fin my mother brought me forth, And ftill I have gone on therein. O do thou me convert. And make me pure of heart. PSALM ( 25 ) PSALM LXVL St. "James's Tune. Pag. VIIL LE Tall the earth in God rejoyce> and praife his holy name : Yea, let us all with heart and voice, give glory to the fame. Say unto God in all thy works, thou dreadful doft appear, Thy foes fliall feel thy powV fo great, they fnall fubmit to fear. Let all that dwell throughout the earth give praife unto our God : And let the honour of his name, be fhew'd and fet abroad. Come all ye people and behold, what things the Lord hath wrought: ark well the wond'rous things that he for us to pafs hath brought. ^m. VII. C 26 ) PSALM LXVIL Southwel Tune, Pag. XL " Avre mercy on us, Lord, ,_ and grant to us thy grace: ' To fliew to us do thou accord, the brightnefs of thy face. 2t That thy moft holy way may to the earth be fhown : And that thy great falvation may be to all nations known. 3 Let all the world, O God, give praife unto thy name : O let the people all abroad, extol and laud the fame. 4 Throughout the world fo wide, let all exprefs their mirth : For thou with truth & right dofl: guid the kingdoms of the earth. 5* Let all the world, O God, give praife unto thy name : O let the people all abroad, extol and laud the fame, PSALJ ( 27 ) PSALM LXXI. St. Marfs Tune. Pag. XII. OLord, my God, in alidiftrefs, my hope is fix'd on thee : Confound me not, left that my foes do triumph over me. But of thy goodnefs help me. Lord, and out of danger fave: Incline thine ear unto my pray V, and grant the aid I crave. Be thou my rock to whom I may for my defence refort : As thou haft promifed to bs my caftle and my fort. Save me, O God^ froni wicked men, and keep me from their powV : From the unrighteous men, that me would cruelly devour. C z PSALM ( ^s ) PSALM LXXXIV. Rochel Turn. Pag- I, II. 2 TTOvvpleafant is thy dwelling place XX O Lord of hofts to me ; The Tabernacles of thy grace, how pleafant Lord they be. 2 My foul doth daily long to go into thy bleft abode: My heart doth pant^my flefh doth glov for thee the living God. 3 The Sparrows find a room to reft and fave themfel ves from wrong : The Swallow alfo hath a neft, wherein to keep her Young. 4 Thefe birds near to thine Altar may have place to fit and fing ; O Lord of Hofts, whom all obey, thou art my God and King. ^ How bleft^re they that always dwel within thy holy mount : Where they thy noble afts do tell, and wond'rous works recount. 6 Happy, oh! happy fure are they, whofe ftrength and ftay thou art Who to thine houfe do mind the way and feek it in their heart. PSALN ( 19 ) PSALM LXXXIV. Part IL f London Tune. Pag. HI. O Lord of Hofts incline thine ear^ and hear us when we cry : And of thy pity caft on us a favourable eye. I o For why ? one day within thy courts, employed before thy face, I:) better than a thoufand are in any other place. [ Much rather would I keep a door, within the houfe of God ; Than in the tents of wickednefs, to take up mine abode. I For God the Lord is our defence, he grace to us will give ; And no good thing will he with-hold. from them that purely live. 3 O Lord of Hofts, that man is bleft, and happy fure is he ; That is determined in hisbreaft, to trull always in thee. C 3 ^m. VIIL ( 30 ) ^unuv VIII. PSALM XCII. Exeter tune. Pag. V. I 1 TT IS 2 joyful thing to give 1 thanks to the Lord mofi: high a And to fing praife unto thy name, O God) above the skie. 2 To fhew forth all thy wondrous love before the morning light : And alfo to declare thy truth and mercy evVy night. 5 Upon a ten-ftringM Inftrument, and Harp with folemn found : And on the well tunM Pfaltery, to make thy praife abound. 4 For thouj O Lord, haft made us glad in things fo wrought by thee : That we rejoyce with heart and mouth thy handy-works to fee. I PSALM 1 (Jt ) PSALM XCV. St. Jameses Tune, Pag. VIIL 1 /^ Come, let us lift up our voice^ V^^ and fing unto the Lord : In him our rock of health, let as rejoyce with one accord. 2 Let us vvithHymnsofthanksand praife come now before his face : And in our joyful Pfalms fet forth the riches of his grace. J For why ? the Lord, our God, is he, a great and mighty God ; And a great King above all Gods throughout the w^orld abroad. DOXOLOGY. To Father^ Son^ and Holy Ghojty . all Glory he therefore : As in heoinninz voas^ is now^ and jh all he ever mote. C 4 PSALM ( ?o PSALM C Savoy Tune. Pag. XIV, 1 A LLpeople that on earth do dwell jHkfing to the L^with chearful voice Serve him with fear, his praifes tell i come ye before him and rejoyce, 2 The Lord ye know is God indeed, without our aid he did us make ; We are his flock, he doth us feed : and for his flieep he doth us take* 3 O enter then his gates with praife, and let his courts with joy refound : Praife^thank^and blefsourGod always^ with glory let his name be crowned. 4 For why ? the Lord our God is good, his mercy is for ever fare : His truth hath always firmly ftood^ and fliall from age to age endure. F I N. PSALM ( 33 ) PSALM cm. Tork Tune. Pag. IX, I A /jTY foul, give laud unto the Lord^pp i.VX for ever do the fame : And all tlie powers of my mind^ praife ye his holy name, ,2 Give thanks to God for alf his gifts, do not ungrateful prove ; And fuffer not thy felf to be . forgetful of hislova. That gave thee pardon for thy faults^ and thee reftor'd again : From all difeafes which thou had/t-^ and heal'd thee of thy pain. . That did redeem thy life from deaths , from which thou could ft not flee ; His mercy and compaffion both^^ lie did extend to thee. C 5 , ^UlT. IXo ( 34 ) PSALM cm. Part 11. WmdforTu^e.Vag. XIII. 8 ^ I "^HE Lord is kind and merciful^ X tho^ Tinners do him grieve : The flowelt to conceive a wrath, and readi^ft to forgive. 9 He will not always chiding be, for ev'ry fault he fees : Nor fierce inceffant anger fhew, at thofe that him difpleafe. 10 For not according to our fins does he his wrath difpence : Nor deal with us, as we deferve for every offence. 1 1 But look how great the difl:ance is ^twixt Earth and Heav'n above : Such, and fo great his goodnefs is, to thofe that do him love. FSALM C35 ) PSALM CV. Norwich Turn. Pag.X. r /^^Ive praifes unto God, the Lord^ VJ and call upon his name : Among the people ev'ry-where declare his noble fame. 2 Sing to the Lord with Pfalms of joy^ and celebrate his praife ; And of his wondrous works to fpeak your thankful voices raife. 3 In honour of his holy name rejoyce with one accord : But chiefly let the hearts of theni> rejoyce, that feek the Lord. \ Seek ye the Lord, & feek the ftrength: of his eternal might ; And feek his face continually, in all the peoples fight. The wondVous works which he hath^ retain within your heart : (done. Nor let the judgments of his m^outh out of your minds depart. PSALMi ( 5^ ) PSALM CXII. "Jerjey Tune. Pag. XVIII. "TH E man is bleft that feareth God, And in his law doth pleafure take: His feed on earth fhall mighty be, And blefled for his father's fake. His piety fhall crown His children with renown. Unto the righteous fhall arife In trouble joy, in darknefs light : Becaufe compaflion he doth fliew, And always does that which is right* With care and judgment he Directs his charity. Surely fuch men fhall never fail,. But fhall be had in memory : No accidents fhall make them fear. No dangers fliake their conftancy* Their greateft enemies Through God, they fliall defpife. He who thus manages his wealth, And to the poor does freely give \ His piety fhall ftill remain. Honour of God he fhall receive. Sinners fhall grieve to fee His great prosperity. tlN. PSALM ( 37 ) PSALM CXIIL StepmyTu^e. Pag. XV. I VE children which do ferve the Lord, praife ye his name with one accord j yea bleffed be always the fame : z And from the rifing of the Sun, unto its place of going down, let all his noble afls proclaim. 3 The Lord all people doth furmount, his glory we may ever count, above the Heavens high to be. 4 WithGod theLord who may compare, whofe dwellings in the Heavens are, of fuch great pow'r and force is lie. 5 He doth abafe himfelf, we know, to caft his eyes on things below, and alio in the Heav ns above, 6 The poor out of the dull: to raife, and give the needy profp'rous days; his mercy only did him move. 7 That he might place him in degree, with princes of great dignity, that rule his people with great fame, 8 The barren he doth make to bear, and joyfully to raife an heir: therefore praife ye his holy name. FIN. PSALM C 5^ ) PSALM CXVL RochelTa^^e.?ag.I,lL 1 T Love the Lord becaufe he hath X receivM my voice and pray'r : And when on hhn I calPd in need^ he did incline his ear. \ 2 Ev'n when the cruel fnares of death,., about befet me round : And whenasieizM with pains of Hell, ; I wo and forrow found. 3 Upon the name of God, my Lord, then did I call and fay ; Deliver thou my foul, O Lord, I do thee humbly pray. 4 Juft is the Lord and merciful, to wrath and anger flow : And in our God, compaffion doth moft plentifully flow. 5 The Lord in fafety doth preferve all thofe who Ample t e : I was in great diftrefs ; yetftill the Lord delivered me. i 6 And now my foul, fince thou art fafe,.;^] return unto thy reft ; ^. And love thy God, who unto thee, I his bounty hath exprefl:* ( 39 ; PSALM cxvii. St. David's Trme. Pag. IV. I /^ All ye nations of the world, \^ praife ye the Lord always : And all ye people ev'ry where fet forth his noble praife- a For great his kindnefs is to us, his truth is ftill the fame : Wherefore praife ye theLord our God ^ • praife ye his holy name. FIN. DOXOLOGY. To Father J Son^ and Holy Ghojt^ immortal Glory be : As rvas^ is mw^ and (hall be Jl ill to all Eternity. PSALM (4o) PSALM CXVIII. PartllL Exeter Tune. Pag. V. 2 r T Will give thanks to thee, O Lord,. ^ whofe mercy I have (t^n ; For thou haft heard my pray V^and haft my great deliverance been. 2 2 The ftone which e'er this time among the builders was refused : Is now become the corner ftone, and chiefly to be us d. 23 This was the mighty work of God., this was the Lord's own faft ; And it is wondrous to behold this great and noble adh 24 This is the joyful day indeed which God himfelf hath wrought : O let us then rejoyce therein, in word, in hearty in thought. 25 Now help us, Lord, and profper us, we pray with one accord : BleiTed is he that comes to us, in the name of the Lord. PSALM (41 ) PSALM CXIX. Rochel Tune. Pag. I, II. I T>Le{red are they that perfeftare^ ^ and pure in mind and heart : Whofe lives and converfations, from God's laws never ftart. BleiTed are they that give themfelves^ his ftatutes to obfcrve : Seeking the Lord with all their heart, and never from him fwerve. Doubtlefs fuch men go not afiray, nor wickednefs commit : Which ftedfaftly walk in his way, and wander not from it. It is thy will and pkafure, Lord, that with attentive heed : Thy noble and divine commands, \\Q keep in word and deed. PSALM (40 PSALM CXIX Norwich Tune. Pag. X. 5 T Ord for thy mercies fake vouchfafe ■ , fo to dired my ways, That I thy ftatutes my obferve, and follow all may days. 6 So fhall no fhame my life attend, whilft thee my God I pleafe : And always bend my watchful mind, to ftudy thy decrees, 7 Then will I praife^^ith upright heart, and magnifie thy name : When I thy righteous will fhall learn, and iikewife do the fame. 8 Then wholly will I give my felf, thy facred paths to trace; Forfake me not, for ever, Lord, but (hew thy faving grace. ^un^XL (43 ) ^mUV XL PSALM CXXV. JerfeyTune. Pag.XVIIL 1 C Uch as in God the Lord do trufl:, ^ fliall as mount Sion firmly ftand, not to be movM by any hand : The Lord will count them right &juft; fo that they ihall be fure for ever to endure. 2 As mighty mountains high and great; Jerujdem about do clofe : fo wiil the Lord enconipafs thoCb Who on his godly will do wait : they are to him fo dear, that they need never fear. 3 For tho' the righteous he may try, by making wicked men his rod, left they lliould turn afide from God ; Yet Iliall not this their Lot ftillbe: Lord grant to us thy light, whofe hearts are true and right. But as for fuch as turn afide, (fought, to crooked ways which they have theL^will bring them foon to nought, And they withYinners Qiall abide : but peace with Ifrael for evermore fhall dwell. FIN. PSALM ( 44 ) St. PSALM CXXVIII. Mary^s Tune. Pag. XII. iTDLefled art thou that feareftGod, ^ and walkeft in his way : For of thy labour thou fhalt eat, and happy be alway. 3 Thy wife like to the fruitfal Vine upon thy houfe (liall fprout : Thy Children ftand like Olive- plants^ thy table round about. 3 Thus fhall the man that feareth God, blelTedand happy be;. And fhall behold Jerufalem in great profperity. 4 Yea, he his Childrens Children fhall behold, as they increafe; And in his country fhall enjoy profperity and peace. FIN. FSALM (45 ) PSALM CXXXIIL Canterbury Tune. Pag. VII. 1 ^'^H ! what a happy thing it is, V J and joyful fight to fee : Where Brethren fait together hold, the band of unity. 2 It calls to mind the fweet perfume, was by that ointment fpread : Which by the Lord's command was on Aaron s facred head. (pour'd Which fell not on his head alone, but wet his beard, and flowM From thence upon th'attire he wore within the houfe of God. 4 And as the lower ground doth drink the dew of Hermon hill ; And Sion with his filver drops the fields with fruit doth fill : ' Ev'n fo the Lord doth pour on them his bleflings manifold: Whofe heart and mind without all guile this knot doth keep and hold. . F/M PSALM <40 PSALM CXXXIV. Southwel Tune. Pag. XL 1 13 Ehold and have regard, X3 ye fervants of the Lord ; Which in his houfe by night do watch, praife him with one accord. 2 Lift up your hands on high, unto his holy place: And give the Lord his praifes due, his benefits embrace. y For why ? the Lord who did both Earth and Heaven frame ; Doth Sion blefs, and will preferve for evermore the fame. FIN. D O X O L O G y. The Son and Holy Ghefi^ with God the Father^ One : All Porvr and Glory do enjo/y as they hav? ever done. ^wm xiL C47; ^untjat XII. PSALM CXXXVIII. St. David's Tune. Pag. IV. I 'TF^O thee I'll lift my grateful heart, X to thee my voice I'U raife, Ev'n in the prefence of the Gods, I will advance thy praife. ■X Towards thy holy Temple I, will look and worfhip thee : And praifed in my thankful mouth, thy glorious name fhall be. 5 But chiefly for thy tender love and truth, I'll fpread thy fame : For by thy word thou over all haft magnifi'd thy name. \ 4 Whene'er I call'd upon thee. Lord, thou anfweredft my cry : And of thy tender mercy didft my foul with ftrength fupply. ,^l PSALM ( 48 ) PSALM CXL. Wmdfor Tune. Pag. XIII. 4|^ Eepme^OLordjfrom wicked hands, and caufe me to abide : Free from the cruel man that would foon make my footfteps Aide. 5 The proud have laid a fnare for me, and fpread abroad their net : ^^ And in the way that I fliould go, their traps for me have k>t. 6 But I will fay unto the Lord, thou art my God alone ; Hear me, O Lord, or hear my voice, ; wherewith I make my moan. 7 O Lord, my God, thou only art the ftrength that faveth me : My head in day of Battle hath « been covered ftill by thee. Or the Te Deum. Pag. 56. PSALM ( 49; PSALM CXLI. Loridon Tune. Pag. III. I. /^ Lord, upon thee do I call, V^ Lord haft thee unto me : And hearken, Lord unto my voice, when I do cry to thee. 2 As incenfe let my prayer be accepted in thine eyes : And the up-lifting of my hands, as Evening Sacrifice.. 1 3 And to this end do thou, O Lord, my mouth from folly keep ; And fo'watche'er my lips that nought amifs from them may flip. 4 And not fo only, but preferve with thefe, my heart from fin : That thro^ thy grace, no evil thought? may ever dwell therein. D PSALM ( 50) PSALM CXU. MdYtyrsTune. Pag. VI. 8 /^ Lord, my God, in my diftrdfs V^ I lift mine eyes to thee : In thee is all my truft, let not my foul forfaken be, 9 Prcferv,e me, Lord, from thofe who to catc'i me laid their fnare : (have And from the fecret traps of them that wicked workers are. 10 As for the wicked, make thou them in their own nets to fall : Whiift by thy help I doefcape the danger of them all. F / N. . D O X O L O G Y. To Father^ Son^ a^jd HjIj Ghotl^ imm.rtAl Glory be : As xvas^ is riojv^ ai^d jJdall be Jlill to a'l Eternity. PSALV ( ^o ^untia^ xiiL PSALM CXLIV. Tork Tune. Pag. IX. I A Wake my harp, let us begin ±\ a Song unto the Lord : With Mufick let us fend it up, to God with one accord.. ;o For he, 'tis he alone, does give deliv'rance unto Kings : And to his fervant David^ help in midft of danger brings. ii From ftrangers he has faved me, whofe mouth talks vanity : And u^hofe right-hand,a right-hand is of guile and fubcilty. D O X O L O G Y. To Father^ Son^ and Holy Ghofiy all Glory be therefore : \ As in beginning jvas^ is now^ and JhafI be evermore. D 2 PSALM C J2 ; PSALM CXLV. St. James's Tune. Pag. VIH. 1 ^TpHEE will I laud, my God & King/ -i and blefs thy name alway : For ever will I praife thy name, and biefs thee day by day. 2 Great is the Lord, moft worthy praife, his greatnefs none can reach ; Therefore from age to age, let all thy praife and power teach. 5 I of thy glorious Majefty, the beauty will record ; And meditate upon thy vt^orks, moft wonderful, O Lord. e 4 AncJ let all others joyn with me thy power to declare : For I to puhlifh all abroad, thy goodnefs will not fpare. PSALM ( 53 ) PSALM CXLV. RochelTtine. Pag. I, IL 17 ''Tr^HE Lord is jiift in all his ways^ X his works are holy all : He's near to fuch as call en him • in truth that on him call, 18 He the requeft ofrall fuch men as fear him will fulfill : And he will hear them when they cry; will help and fave them ftill e 19 The Lordpreferves all thofe that beac to him a loving heart: But as for wicked men, he them will utterly fubvert. 20 Mythankful moutliAall gladly fpeak the praifes of the Lord : And let all flefh, to praife his name for evermore accord. FIN. D 3 F3ALM (54) PSALM CXLVIII. Charenton Tune. Pag. XX; I ^^IvQ laud unto the Lord, VJT from Heaven that is fo high Praife him in deed and word above the ftariy sky, X And alfo ye, ® his angels all, armies royal, Praife chearfully; 9 5 Praife him both Sun and Moon, which are fo clear and bright : The fame of you be done, ye gUttering Stars of night. 4 And you no kfs^ ye Heavens fair, and clouds of th' air, 5 His laud exprefs. Lor^s ( ^5 ) Lord's Prayer. Tnndfor Time. ?^g XIIL OUR Father which in Heaven art, Lord, hallowed be thy name: Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done : in Earth, even as the fame In Heaven is : Give us, O Lord, our daily bread this day. * • As we forgive our Debtors, fo forgive our Debts we pray. Into temptation lead us not, from evil make us free : For kingdom, power and glory thine, both now and ever be. FIK Lament, of a Sinner. Martyr's Tww^.Pag.-VI. 1 /^ Lord turn J30t away thy face, V-^ from him that profti ate lies : Lamenting at thy mercy gate, his fins and miferies'. 2 Which gate thou openeft wide to thofe that do lament their fin. Shut not that gate againit me. Lord, but let me enter in. 3 And call me not to an account, how I have lived here ^ For then, I know (wich fhame) Lord, how vile I (hall appear. 4 I need not to confeli' my life, I'm certain thou canlt tell: What I have been, and what I am^ I'm fure thou know'ft it well Ta ( 50 Te Deum, Savoy Tune. Pag. XIV. OGod, we praife thee, and we own' Thee to be Lord and King alone : All the whole earth doth worlhip thee, The Father from eternity. To thee all Angels loudly cry, The Heav'ns and all the PowVs on high ; Cherubs and Seraphim proclaim, And cry thrice holy to thy name. I Lord God of hofts, thy prefence bright \ Fills Heav'n k Earthwith beauteous light Th' Apoftles glorious company. The Prophets fellowfhip, praife thee. The crowned Martyrs noble hofir^ The holy Church in every coaft, Thine infinite perfections own, Father of Majefty unknown : Giving all adoration Unto thy true and only Son, And to the Holy Gholl from whom, As the fole Spring, our comforts come. (57) X)rdination Hymn. Savoy Tune. Pag. XIV. COme Holy Ghoft our Souls infpire, And lighten with celeftial fire: Thou the anointing fpiric art, Who doft thy fev'n ibid gifts impart. 2 Thy bleffed Unftion from above. Is comfort, lite, and fire of love : Enable with perpetual light, The dulnefs of our blinded fight, J Anoint and chear our fo led face With the abundance of thy grace : Kt::ep far our foes, keep peace at home, Where thou art guide, no ill c an come. 4 Teach us to know the Father, Son^ ^ And thee of both to be but one : :• That through the ages all along, This fl:ill may be our endlefs Song, A T A- .J C 5^ ) A Table of the Prayers^ Sermons and Sacraments; in the Parilh-Church of St. Jameses Wefiminfler^ through^ out the Year. 'Brayer^ every day^ at Six ( In the Jfinter^ at Seven ) and Eleven in the Morning^ and at Three and Six in the Afternoon, Prayers and Sermons every Lord's-day at Ten and Three; ]As alfu Prjyers at Six or Seven in the Mormtg and Five in the afternoon. ^'S{£Hlt'"' H' ^""■"'"'- Every Sui ddy ^ro!i\ ^ C Frt/w S^inday toTri->< I Sacrament. Tif/VxS'inday, j C New- Years D;iy, I Sermon, i Sacrament.'- Afi^ednefdayy i Sermon. till the P#£»« week, J (^ P^/7« S'lniay^ 2 Sacrament?. Good-Fridayy I Sermon, Ectfter-day^ 2 Sacraments. iW^j' 29. Prayers. Whitfundayj 2 Sacraments. November the Fifth, l Sermon. ^ Chriftmafs'dayy 1 Seriiior, 2 Sacraments, All (59) 'All other publlckFafis If ^ c;^^^„^ and Thanksgivings, J {. 'Every Thu^fday from^ r . after £^y?er Week to^< Catechlfing. w Ididfummer-duyy j (, If the Thurfday ^^ ^ Fejlival-day^ the Catechu jing for that Day is omitted. Note, That all fejlivahdays when there is a Sermon, Prayers begin as on Sundays, exc^t the State Fejlivals^ on which they begin a quar^ ter before Eleven. All Fajling days the Morving-Fr ay ers begin at Eleven^ the Evening a little before Three, When there are two Saaaments^ the frji Morning- Service begins at Seven^ thefccond at Ten a Clock. Upon all other Sacrament-days^ the Morning Service begins tifiially a quarter fooner^ the Evening a quarter later than upon other Sun- The dailj Morning Prayers fro?n Michael- mas to Candlemas^ begin not till Seven in the Morning, \ In ( 60 ) In the Chappel \x\Kjng-jirett. Prayers and Sermons every Suniay Morning and Evening before Ten and before Three. Prayers every WeeLday 4 times as at the Church. Every ChYiftmas-day^ and other folemn Fafts and Thankfgivings, i Sermon, as at the Church. The laft Sunday of every Month a Sacrament Chriflmai'day^ Eajler-day^ and TFhitfiinday^ a Sacrament, In the Cbappel in Banvick-JIreet. Prayers and Sermons every Sunday Morning and Evening before Ten and before Three. Prayers every Week-day at Eleven and Five- Every Chrijlmas^day^ and other folemn Faffs and Thankfgivings, i Sermon, as at the Church. The firft Sunday of every Month a Sacrament, \ I Chrijimafs'day^ Eajler-day^ and Whitfunday^ a I ^ Sacrament. FINIS. i ^ ^^^^^^f^^^lBS?^'^^ o Ph -s i ^;<; ir"c ^ "^ -^ ^ -^ p. ?t .g o^ fa p.;^?^ ^ so So o c c '^ <^ O i: V. r; 03 03 <^ g ^ r ^ eO — ; < -a Ji OjC/) &£) ^H •S « (/I .5 ■^ "S (U o* •4-> O 4^ ."ti • . -^ o '^ "^ "S ^ ^ rtCJ # * 'v^i\ -aii6H»: