■^^''T^-' 't Jit; ' <' ' 1 '.I.J i;'' ;^..|' R'ilf! " HISTOEY 'k:v. missions INDIA. ,'j~'j~.n ^ PRINCETON, N. J. *^ Presented by~Y^ey\^ . 'o'. £>. \J\^\J\r\^00\p BV 2570 .H6 1886 c.l Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Foreign Historical sketches of the India missions of the / HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF THE INDIA MISSIONS * DEC.22 1911 OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, KNOWN AS THE LODIANA, THE FARRUKHABAD, AND THE KOLHAPUR MISSIONS; From the beginning of the work, in 18;i4, To the time of its fiftieth Anniversanj, in 1884. ALLAHABAD : PRINTED AT THE ALLAHABAD MISSION PRESS. 1886. PREFACE. On November 5th 1834, Rev. John C. Lowrie, the first missionary of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America to India, reached Lodiana and founded the Mission, now so well known as the Lodiana Mission. Since then the Mission has extended its borders as far north as Peshawar and as far south as Kolhapur. For convenience of administration, three missions, known as the Lodiana, Farrukhabad and Kolhapur, have been organized — the members of these missions being aj^pointed and supported by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. The ordained foreign and native ministers, with representatives from the churches, constitute the Synod of India. At the close of the half- century since the founding of the Mission, it was thought fitting that the members of the Missions and of the Synod should come together at Lodiana and commemorate that event. Accordingly the Synod of India at its meeting in 1883 appointed a committee to make arrangements for such a commemoration. The following programme, drawn up by the committee and followed in the main, will show the form the commemoration took. Programme of the Semi- Centennial Celebration of the founding of the American Presbyterian Mission in India, held at Lodiana, from the Srd to the 7th of December 1884. First Day. 1. The Founding of our Missions in India : by the Rev. J. C. Lowrie, if present. 2. Historical Sketches of the same : — (1) Of the Lodiana Mission : by the Rev. J. Newton. (2) Of the Farrukhabad Mission : by the Rev. J. F. Holcomb. (3) Of the Kolhapur Mission : by the Rev. Q. W. Seiler. U PREFACE. 3. Letters from Retired Missionaries : to be collected and presented by the Hev. W. Calderwood. 4. Our Deceased Missionaries, male and female : by the Kev. J. S. Woodside. 5. An EveniiKj Conference: Subject. — Adaptation of Pres- byterianism to the Organization and Establishment of Churches in India : to be conducted by the llev. W. J. 1*. Morrison. Second Day. 1. Our Educational Work : — (1) For Boys and Men : by the Rev. C. W. Forman ; (2) For Native Christian Girls : by the Rev. D. Ilerron ; (3) For European and Eurasian Girls : by Mrs. Scott ; (4) For Non-Christian Girls : by Mrs. Kelso ; (5) Zenana work, and other Evangelistic work among Women : by Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Chatterjee, and Miss Belz ; (G) Sunday Schools : by the Rev. T. Tracy. 2. An Et'cnlnr/ Conference, on Spiritual Life in the Chur- ches : to be conducted by the Rev. G. II. Ferris. Third Day. 1. Preaching to the Il'i'athen : by the Rev. K. C. Chatterjee, and the Rev. J. M. Goheen. 2. General Medical Work ; including practice in Leper and r»lind Asylums : by the Rev. A. Rudolph. 3. Medical work among Women and Children : by Misa Seward, M. D. 4. Christian Colonization : by the Rev. M. M. Carleton, 6. Literary Work : including Bible Translation and Revi- sion, and the Circulation of Religious Books and TVacts : by the Rev J.J. Lucas. 6. The Work of the Laymen of our Churches : by George S. Lewis, Esq., B.A., E. A. C. 7. An FA'on'nuj Conference: SrnjKCT. — Persecutions and Sufferings endured by Converts for Christ's sake : to bo conducted by the Rev. Golokuath. PREFACE. Ul Fourth Day. A Christian Meld Day, with exercises in Hindustani, as follow'i : — At 10 c. m. A Praise and Prayer Meeting, to be con- ducted by the Eev. Mohan Lai. At 11 «. m. Voluntary Addresses on our Christian Re- sponsibilities : limited to 10 minutes, each. 1 2^. m. Eetreshments. 3 jo. w. Consecration Service: to be conducted by the Rev. A. Rudolph. Concluding Service. Sunday, 4: p. m. The Lord's Supper. Addresses, (1.) In English : by the Rev. J. C. Lowrie; (alternate, the Rev. J. Newton.) (2.) In Hindustani : by the Rev. Groloknath. The elements to be dispensed by the Rev. C. W. Forman. Dr. Lowrie, the founder of the Mission, was not able to be present. In reply to the invitation of the Missions, he sent a letter which was read at the opening meeting and from which we give an extract. " Greatly indeed would I prize the privilege of being present at your meetings. The hope of it has been much in my thought, and has deeply moved my feelings. This coming Anniversary is so connected with most tender memories of the past, with pleasant recollections of my intercourse with you all personally, with earnest sympathy with you in your great work and in the important questions which now call for your consideration, and with thankfulnes to God for the way by which He has led us all in his service in all these years, that I can hardly bear to think of not being one of your goodly company when you meet together." In the Appendix will be found an interesting account by Dr. Lowrie of the Lodiana Mission in its early days. The Historical Sketches of the three Missions are given, with few changes, as they were read. It was thought best to give these in one volume — to be followed, perhaps, by two volumes containing the other papers read. Of the semi-centennial celebration itself, a few words may not be out of place. The meetings were held in the Mission IV PRF.FAOK. Church at Lodiana and occupied the greater part of five days. Ovor one hundred persons, who might rightly bo regarded as members, were present. Of tliese about sixty were Americans and Europeans, most of them missionaries, male and female members of the three Missions. Besides these, there were representatives of other Missions who were warmly welcomed, most of whom took part in the services. From an interesting account of the celebration by Mrs. M. J. Wyckoif of Jullundcr, we take the following extract: " We came to Lodiana two weeks ago, and every day has been fraiiglit with interest, particularly the first four, com- memorating the founding of this Mission. As we entered the spacious grounds, and saw the word "Welcome" inscribed in scarlet letters upon a blue ground, placed between the suggestive numbers 18^34 and 1884, we could not but rejoice, and heartily wish that all the friends in America, who are so deeply interested in this Mission, could be with us on this grand and jubilant occasion, and behold with their own eyes what God hath wrought in this far ofT heathen land. The courtyard was the scene of many happy meetings and hearty greetings, when missionaries from the sea to the Himalayas met here the first morning of the Jubilee. Here, too, were a number of Native con- verts from Mahommedanism and Hindooism, now faithful followers of the Lord Jesus, and efficient labourers in the great work of preaching Christ to their benighted country- men. After breakfast the sound of the bell was heard, and we all repaired to the neat Mission Church, which had been enlarged and beautified for the occasion. The opening services were solemn and impressive. The three oldest members of the Mission, two foreign and one native, sat upon the platform. One of them, the Kev. J. Newton, is passed his three score and ten. He has been on the field from the beginning. Rev. Mr. Eudolph is not much his junior, as his white locks plainly testify. Rev. Mr. Golaknath, the Native member of the honored trio, was tlie first convert baptized in this Mission. He left his home and friends in Bengal in early manhood, and soon after cast in his lot with tlie people of God in this then but little known frontier station. lie has over since been a faithful luboui-er in the cause for which he sacrificed somuch. PREFACE. V Each day's exercises were commenced with a Praise and Prayer meeting, and the meetings throughout were cha- racterized by deep spirituality. The first paper read was a Historical Sketch of the Lodiana Mission, by Eev. J. Newton. It was very comprehensive, and will be an inva- luable record for future reference. The History of the Farrukhabad Mission up to 1870, by Mrs. J. F. Holcomb, was most interesting throughout. The Letters from re- tired missionaries manifested unabated love for missions and missionaries, and a longing to engage once more in the glorious work. The letter from the Rev. S. H. Kellogg proved so deeply interesting that by special request it was re-read. The dear departed were not forgotten, but their names and good deeds were tenderly recalled, and their virtues dwelt upon in a well arranged paper, prepared by the Eev. J. S Woodside. The paper on zenana work, and other evangelistic work among women, by Mrs. Chatterjee, was well received, and contained much valuable information. The fourth day, a Christian meld was held, with exer- cises in Hindustani. The Native Christians evidently realized the importance of the occasion, and entered hear- tily into all that was undertaken for their benefit. When addresses were called for, they required no urging to speak but spoke promptly and generally to the point. At 1 p.m. a repast was served, of which over three hundred partook. Here high and low, rich and poor, foreigner and native, met together on a social equality, and it must have seemed a most extraordinary proceeding in the eyes of the numer- ous Hindoos and Mahommedans present as spectators of the scene. When the Sabbath came and we saw the eager multitude thronging to the house of God, we could not help contrast- ing the present with the past, when one lone pioneer, the Eev. John C. Lowrie, came upon the field, then barren and desolate, " scarcely a blade of grass to be seen," to say nothing of a Native Christian. Now the Christians are counted by hundreds, and the whole face of nature changed into a " fruitful garden which the Lord hath blessed." Mr. Newton Sr. was abundant in labors during four days of the Jubilee Celebration. Certainly none of us shall ever forget the solemnity that fell upon our meetings as he led us to the Throne of Grace into the very presence of the VI PREFACE. Master, and talked with Ilim as it were face to face ; nor how our hearts liurued within us as he opened to us the Scriptures, old familiar texts coming to us with new mean- ing: and beauty as he made his simple comments upon them. Wo shall always have pleasing memories of these days, and of the people whom we have mot here. Fifty years hence, when the Centennial of this Mission is celebrated, those who participate in it will doubtless see much greater things tlian our eyes now behold. Then as now all the praise be unto llim who hath so marvellously wrought by the hands of His servants. Truly "the Lord hath mado known His salvation; llis righteousness hath He openly shown in the sight of the heathen." HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE LODIANA MISSION, From its beginning, in 1834, to the time of its fiftieth anniversary, IN 1884 ; BY JOHN NEWTON. ( ii ) NOTE. I feel bound to apologize to readers who know the true spelliiig ol* Indian proper names, for the form in whicli many of these names apj)ear in tlie following sketrh. I was persuaded to write them as thej' are written by Englishmen and Americans who have no knowledge of Indian literature, and who naturally attach the more common English sounds to the letters of the Koman Al))liabet, wherever they hap- pen to find them. 'J'he object of this mode of spelling was to help foreigners to a proper pronunciation of these Ori- ental names. Through the force of habit, liowever, I have thoughtlessly written some of the names correctlj' ; and I failed to notice the inconsistency till it was too late. I fear I shall hardly be forgiven by some of the persons refer- red to in the sketch, whose names have been so changed that there owners will scarcely recognize them ; for few peojile like to see their names mis-spelt. All I can do is to throw myself on their kindness, 'i'he perversions which trouble me most are those found in the names of some of my fellow-laborers : — such as Esa Ohurrun, properly written Tsa Tharan ; Esa Das, „ ,, Tsa Das ; Kallee Churrun, „ ,, Kali Charan ; Kowar Suin, ,, ,, Kunwar Sain ; Poorun Chund Ooppel, ,, ,, Piirau Chand Uppal; Ushruf Ullee, ,, ,, Ashraf Ali. The Roman Alphabet, with certain diacritical marks, is capable of indicating the exact ]>ronuneiation of every Indian word, save as to the syllable on which the accent should fall ; but few would trouble themselves to remember tlie explanation of such diacritical marks. J. N. ( iii ) CONTEXTS. Former State of the Country, . . Missions in the North-west, Fifty years ago, The Fuuudiug of the Lodiana Mission, The Lodiana Mission Field, Our Mission. Stati(»ns, Sub-stations, Pajre The Work, the Outcome of it, the Evangelistic Preaching, . . Evangelistic Education, . . Orphanages, Medical Missionary Work, Poor Houses, Leper Asylums, etc., The Press, and Literature, Converts, . . Spiritual Labors of Native Christians, Organized Churches, and Pastoral Work Christian Villages, Various Occupations of Native Christian Sunday Schools, and Bible Classes. p)oarding Schools for Christian Children Theological Education. . . Presbyteries and Synod, . . "The" Mission." The Foreign Missionary Staff, Mission Sanitaria,. . Favour shown to the Mission, Eno-lish Preachiu"-. Mission Buildings, The Outlook, II. Sketch of Furrukhabad Mission, III. Sketch of Kolhapur Mission, 1 l^ 4 5 7 18 Workers, etc. 21 27 ;u 87 42 46 55 56 57 59 60 62 66 67 70 7a 79 80 84 87 00 loa .. 151 ( iv ) IV. Appendix A. Lodiana Mission in its early days, .. 101 ,, B. ^lissiuns'in North India,. . . . . . 1G8 „ C. Number of Cuuverts in our India Churches, . . . . . . . . . . 172 „ D. Talnilar view of Missionaries of Furrukhabad Mission, . . . . . . 174 Li?t of Missionaries, . . . . . . . . . . 179 Statistical table for 1885, 182 THE LODIANA MISSION. Former State of the Country. The state o£ India fifty years ago was very different from what it is now. This is emphatically true of the north- west. 1. Political State. Oude and Rohilcund were under independent native rule. The Mogul Emperor, though without power outside of his own palace at Delhi, was still treated with the deference due to a crowned head. The Punjab, north of the Sutlej was under the government of the famous Maharajah Runjeet Singh. Sindh was subject to Mahomedan chieftains, who bore the title of Nawab. The Sikh states south of the Sutlej some of the Hill states on the north-east, and the various principalities of Rajpootana and Central India, though enjoying British pro- tection, were in a large sense independent. Lodiaua, with its small territory, had just become a possession of the East India Company ; but it was surrounded by the terri- tory of native rulers. At the present time British supremacy is acknowledged over this entire region. Oude, Sindh, and almost the whole country known as the Punjab,* are under the immediate jurisdiction of the Empress-Queen : while, of the feudatory chieftains, to whom a partial independence is still conceded, not one would think of resisting the mildest mandate of the English Viceroy. 2. Intercommunication. There were few facilities in those days for communication between one part of the country and another. The Grand Trunk Road, which * Formerly the word Punjab was used to denote particularly, if not exclusively, the country lying between the Sutlej and the In- dus ; but as the name of an English province, it has a much wider signification, — denoting all the country lying between the Jumna, on the east, and the border of Afghanistan, on the west. 'Z FORMER STATE OF THE COT'NTKY. began at Calcutta, and in after j^ears extended all the way to rcsliawcr, reached, at the time now referred to, only as far as liarrackpore, a few miles from Calcutta. In the absence of regular roads, such as wheeled carriages require for easy locomotion, the first missionaries had to make their way up the country in palankeens, or by the more tedious process of sailing up the Granges in native boats; which, except when there was a favorable wind, had to be drawn by tow-ropes ; and woe to tlie vessel, when through tlie force of a strong current, the rope happened to break ! Tho time required for such voyages had sometimes to be counted by months. In the liainy Season the Ganges is navigable by native boats as far up as Garhmuktisar Ghat, some -JO miles from Meerut. But this is often accomplished with difficulty. As an illustration of this it may bo mentioned, thut the second party of our missionaries, having arrived in India in tho beginning of X835, sailed from Calcutta on the 23rd of June ; reached Cawnpore about three months later ; were obliged then, on account of the usual fall in the river at the end of the Kains, to change their boat for a smaller cue ; and finally to stop at Futtehgurh, From this place the journey was accomplished in a palankeen carriage drawn by oxen. In some places the road was fairly good ; but iu otliers, certainly, bad enough, and intersected every now and tlien by uubridged streams. Lodiana, the place of destination, was reached on the 8th of December ; so that the whole joiirney from Calcutta was accomplished in just five months and a half ! After the lapse of twenty years, another party, having tlie same journey to make, was able to travel by the Grand Trunk lioad as far as Umballa, — which is but 70 miles short of Lodiana, — the road having then been made up to that point. The mode of travel, this time, was in palankeen carriages, drawn and pushed by relays of coolies, and mov- ing forward by night as well as by day : so that the time required to reach Umballa, including Sabbath rests, was less than three weeks. Now, thirty yeai's later, the journey from Calcutta to Lodiana is made, by rail, iu 54 hours ; and it could be con- tinued to Rawul Piudee, our extreme station in the north- west, in about 18 hours more. MISSIONS IN THK NORTH-WEST, FIFTY YEARS AGO. 3 Since the annexation of the Punjab to the British Empire, less than 40 years ago, 1.500 miles of metalled, and 23,000 of unmetalled roads have been constructed, in this province alone; while 19,000,000 pounds sterling have been spent on railways. Such are some of the material improvements introduced by western civilization. 3. Personal Security. In the early days of the Mission, such was the unsettled state of society, particu- larly in the provinces under native rule, that special pre- cautions had to be taken by travellers, to guard against attacks by robbers and brigands, — such as getting mounted policemen sent with them, from stage to stage, on their journey. Now, since Oude and the Punjab, and some other native states, have come under British jurisdiction, or British influence, danger from this source has so far diminished as to make all such precautions unnecessary. A Euroj)ean traveller in these days, no matter what out-of-the-way place he may be in, feels more secure than he would in many Christian countries, so called. Missions in the north-west, fifty years ago. The missionary work of our church, in India, began in 1834.* At that time the only missionaries north and north-west of Benares, were the Rev. Mr. Bowley, of the Church Missionary Society, stationed at Chunar ; the Eev. Mr. Mcintosh, English Baptist, at Allahabad ; the Eev. Mr. Thompson, Baptist, at Delhi ; and the Rev. Mr. Ri- chards, C. M. S., at Meerut : though to these should be added, perhaps, a Mr. Grreenway, Baptist, at Agra, who combined some missionary work with his secular calling ; also a native catechist, named Anund Museeh, who labored under the supervision of the English chaplain at Kurnaul. This was a very small force for a population of about 50,000,000. Of this approximate 50,000,000, as much as 22,700,000, according to the late census, belongs to the Punjab :f — and * It began under the auspices of the Western Foreign Missionary Society ; but after the lapse of a few years it was transferred to the General Assembly's Board of Forei^'n Missions. t This does not include the population of Kashmeer. 4 THE FOUNDING OF THE LODIANA MISSION. if Delhi, which till after the mutiny of 1857 was included in the North-AVest Provinces, be left out of the account, there was not a single Missionary for this vast population, besides the catechist at Kurnaul, just referred to, and there was not more than about half a dozen Native Christians altogether. The Founding of the Lodiana Mission. The first missionaries of our church, in this country, the Rev. Messrs. John 0. Lowrie and William liced, were authorized to make their own selection of a field to work in. Those sections of the country which may be said to have had the strongest claims on them, were (1) Assam, (2) Oude and Rohilcund, (3) the country lying between the Jumna and the Ganges, commonly called the Dooab, (4) the Punjab, (5) Rajpootana, and (6) the Central Provinces. After much consideration they chose the Punjab. No other section of India is so full of historic interest as this. It was from here that Hindooism spread over the whole Peninsula. It was here that the great battle was fought which is described in the Mahabharat. It was through the Punjab that every successful invasion of India has ever taken place, except the British. It was here that the tide of Alexander's victories terminated. But such considerations probably had little influence on the first missionaries in the selection of their field of labor. This seems to have been due mainly to the fact that this was the land of the Sikhs, — a people of fine physique, and unusually independent cliaracter ; a people, moreover, who had already, in principle at least, discarded the old idolatry of Hindooism, and broken, in some measure, the bonds of caste ; and therefore might be considered to be in a favor- able state to be influenced by the preaching of Christian Missionaries. Besides tins, the Punjab lay in the way to Afghanistan ; and it was hoped that we might eventually penetrate into that country ; — a hope however which has never yet been realized.* * A step was indeed taken in that direction when Mr. Loewenthal wont to Peshawer, in the winter of 18r)6— '57, to learn the lanp;uage of the Afghans, and sicze the first opportunity that might present itself, of proceeding to Cahul : but his lifo came to an untimely end ; ua will bo noticed hereafter. THE LODIANA MISSION FIELB. 5 In regard to the other great sections of the land just mentioned as presenting strong claims, one has since Ijeen occupied by Missionaries of our Board, while in others the work has been taken up by other churches, — such as the American Baptist, the American Methodist, the Church of England, the United Presbyterian of Scotland, and the Presbyterian Church of Canada ; also by certain English Ladies Societies, of an undenominational character. Into the Punjab also other churches and societies have now entered ; though the districts in which their mission- aries have established themselves are, for the most part, different from those in which ours are laboring. The Lodiana Mission Field. 1. Area. The region lying within the limits of the Lodiana Mission is mainly a strip of country bordering on the Himalayan range of mountains,* and extending from the Ganges, on the south-east, to the Indus, on the north- west, — the distance between the extreme points being, in the ordinary way of travel, about 500 miles : while the average width is about 50 miles. Counting also our Hill stations and their surroundings, the entire area covered by our mission is probably not less than 30,000 square miles ; while the area of the whole Punjab, (in one part or other of which the several missions above mentioned are at work,) is 142,000 square miles. With the exception of the mountain range above-men- tioned, the country, for the most part, is a dead level. It is intersected by several large rivers — the Jumna, the Sut- lej, the Beeas, the Ravee, the Chenab, and the Jhelum, — the last five giving name to the major part of this mission field, viz. The Punjab ; that is, The Five "Waters ; or, The Land of the Five Rivers. Most of the country is susceptible of a high degree of cultivation ; especially since the construction, by the Eng- lish Government, of some large irrigation canals : and so much of it is actually under cultivation, that a large quan- tity of its agricultural produce is sent yearly to European markets. * The word Himalaya, or, more properly, Hinifflyn, means The Place, or Abode, of Snoiv, — from Him, snow, and dlyd, place. 6 THK l.oniANA MISSION riKM). 2. The People of the Punjab. The population of the whole I'uiijab, already ineutioned as 22,700,000, is divided, in respect to religion, almost equally between Mahomedans and the people commonly classed as Hin- doos ; (which however includes botli Sikhs and Outcasts;)* while, in addition, there are a few Buddhists, Jains, Zoro- ftstrians, &c. Almost all castes of Hindoos are found in this region. Of the Mahomedans, most are Soonnies; though there are also some S/ice\iii, and some Soofies. The iHndoos, on account per- haps of their long intercourse with Mahomedans, (most of wliose ancosters were themselves Hindoos,) and on account of their subjection, successively, for many centuries, to Llahomedan and Sikh rule, are less bigoted than their brethren in some other parts of India ; and they have not so strong a caste feeling. 3. Vernacular Languages. The vernacular of the country, generally, whicli lies between the Jumna and the Indus, (north-west of Delhi,) is Punjabee ; though Oordoo is much spoken in the larger towns, and by the educated classes everywhere ; while Hiudee occupies miich the same place in the villages east of the Jumna, as Punjabee in the villages west of it. Oordoo is commonly written in * The word Hindoo never means a native of India, irrespective of religio!! or caste. As used by the people themselves, it denotes an adherent of the Bruhraanical religion, and one who is in good standing in his caste. Foreigners however use the word, somo- timea. in a loose way, so as to take in outcasts who live among Hin- doos. The Sikhs, though a few of them scorn to be called Hindoos, are in reality only Reformed Brahmanists ; for they are followers of the Ten Gooroos. all of whom, though they professed to worship only the Supreme God, revered the principal Hindoo gods, and che- rished Brahmanical rites The outcasts referred to have scarcely any religion, except a few who have boon admitted within the pale of Sikhism, and are called, some of them Ramdnssic.s, (followers of llainduss,) and some, Muzhtibies , (people having a religion,) accord- ing to the grade of outcasts to which they originally belonged : also a few who have become Mahomedans, and who consequently are called Moosullee, (righteous.) The word Hindoo is never com- prehensive enough to include Mahomedans and Christians It is therefore a solecism to speak of a Hindoo Christian, or a Hindoo MmiMter — meaning a native of India, or a convert from Uindooism, who has been ordained to the Gospel ministry, — a phrase we some- times BOO in American publicutious. MISSION STATIONS, 7 the Persian character ; Hindee, in the Deva Nagree ; and runjabee, iu the Groormookhee. The corrupt Hindee of the mountains is sometimes written in a character called the Thakooree. Our Mission Stations. The Mission has now ten principal stations, twelve sub-stations, and two isolated Christian colonies, — making altogetlier twenty-four centres of missionary influence. The names of these, beginning in the north-west, are as follows : — 1. Principal Stations : Rawul Pindee, Lahore, Feroze- pore, Jullunder, lloshyarpore, Lodiana, Subathoo,Umballa, Suharunpore and Deyrah. 2. Sub- Stations : In the Rawul Pindee District, Murree ; in the Lahore District, Kussoor ; in the Hoshyarpore Dis- trict, Ghorawaha, and Grarhdiwala ; in the Lodiana District, Jugraon, Kooper, Morinda, and Khunnah ; in the Umballa District, the Umballa Cantonment, and Jugadhree ; to which Ladwa may perhaps be added ; in the Suharunpore District, Mozuiiernugger. [But for m.odifications and changes see under these several heads below.] 3. Christian Colonies: Suntoke Majra, and Annee. Of these it will be proper now to speak somewhat in detail, — the principal stations being taken in the order of their occupation ; and the sub-stations, in the order of locality, beginning with the north-west, as before. The first to be mentioned therefore is Lodiana * While the pioneers of our Mission were still in Calcutta, arranging for their future work, Mrs. Lowrie fell a victim to consuonption ; and the same disease * By the Punjabees this word is spelt and pronounced Ludehctnd. By the old Mahomedan rulers it was written Liulhidna : and the English Post-Office authorities have lately taken to spelling it in the same way. Our way of spelling it grew out of an attempt made by some English. Civilians, about 50 year ago, to correct the spelling, by what they believed to be the origin of the name, as the abode of the Lodi. But this may be a mere fancy. It would be difficult now, however, to change the spelling of the name by which this station, (and from it the whole Mission,) has been known for fifty years. 8 MISSION STATIONS. being developed in Mr. Reed, he was obliged, witli his wife, to re-onihark for America, — to be buried in the deep, however, before the ship had left the Bay of Bengal. Mr. Lowrie was left therefore to proceed to the work alone. The region selected, as already mentioned, was the one occupied by the tSikhs. It was then for the most part under the Grovernment of native chiefs ; but there were two places of importance which had already come under the jurisdiction of the East India Company. One of these was Umballa, and the other, Lodiana. Lodiana was not onlj' nearer the centre of the Sikh population than Umballa, but it was more populous ; and the chief political and civil officers there were more friendly, — so friendly indeed, that they olfered Mr. Lowrie every inducement to make that place the starting point for his missionary work. To this should be added the advice of Mr. Trevelyan, (afterwards Sir Charles Trevelyan,) who was then Private Secretary to the Grovernor Greneral, and who, on making Mr. Lowrie's acquaintance in Calcutta, showed a special interest in his work. He had himself held an official position in the north-west, and was therefore competent to give an opi- nion. Mr. Lowrie arrived at Lodiana, and began the work, in November, 18o-i ; and the first reinforcement, consisting of Rev. James AVilson and myself, with our wives, arrived in December, 1835. Only six - weeks after our arrival, Mr. Lowrie, whose health had been failing for some time, was obliged to leave — never to return : though, with health restored, he has been able, ever since, to serve the cause of Missions as one of the Secretaries of the Board. Lodiana is an unwalled town, 6 miles south of the Sut- lej, 116 miles south-east of Lahore, the capital of tho province, and 1,277 miles north-west of Calcutta. It stands on the Sindh, Punjab and Delhi Railway ; the construction of which began some 20 years ago. The population of Lodiana, at the present time, is 44,000, consisting both of Hindoos and Mahomedans, — many of the latter being Kashmories. Of the villages in the district, those which lie on tlie low ground, near the river, are inhabited almost entirely by Mahomedans ; those on the higli ground, more remote MISSION STATIONS. 9 from the river, by Sikhs.* The population of the entire district is 618,000. When the ex-kings of Cahul, Shah Zuman (commonly known as the blind king — his eyes having been put out by a successful rival,) and Shah Shooja were expelled, succes- sively, from their own country, they took refuge in India, and became pensioners of the British Grovernment. Lodiana was thereupon appointed to be their place of residence. A considerable number of their descendants are living there still, being commonly spoken of as the Afghan or Cabul princes, or simply as Cabulies. In late years some of them have received Christian baptism. Lodiana, in the early days of our Mission, was a military as well as a civil station. At present the only Europeans living there, besides the missionaries, are such as hold civil offices under the Government, and employees of the Rail- way Company, together with their families. Among the industries for which Lodiana is noted, may be mentioned Kashmeer shawls, and cotton checks and ging- hams. Of the latter some of the best are made by native Christians. Suharunpore. The next station in the order of occupa- tion was Suharunpore. This, being in the North -West Provinces, is outside of the region chosen for our work by the founder of the Mission. What led to the taking up of that station was a letter received by the missionaries at Lodiana, in the summer of 1836. from Mr. ConoUy, the Collector and Magistrate of Suharunpore, in which he recommended that place as a station for some of the new * The Sikhs are divided into two classes, — the long-haired, (" Keswale,") and the cropped, (" Munne.") They are all disciples of Nanuk, the first of the Gooroos, who was a peaceable man ; but the long-haired Sikhs ai'e, in addition, special followers of Q-ovind Singh, the last of the Gooroos. Q-ovind Singh was distinguished as a military leader, — holding up the standard of Sikhism against the Mahomedan rulers of the Punjab. Sikhs become adherents of Q-ovind Singh by an initiatory rite called khand p'ihul, a kind of baptism ,(" the baptism of the S7t'o?-(^,") which entitles every one who has received it to be called Singh, (a lion. ) and binds him to maintain his religion, if necessary, by the sword ; and as a badge of this distinction, his hair is allowed to grow long, like the hair of a woman. Such at least was the spirit of the rite in the palmy days of Sikhism. Most Sikhs —especially those who are engaged in agriculture — belong to the Munne claea. 2 10 MISSION STATIONS. missionaries, who were expected, and who were then on their way up the Ganges. He stated at the same time, that a large h.ouse lately occu})ied by one of the civilians could be purchased by the Mission for the paltry sum of Ks. 400. All this looked like the leading of Providence ; especially as there were few places yet open in our proper field, — none indeed so inviting as 8uharunpore : and so the house was bought, and a welcome from the English residents awaited the new missionaries on their arrival. This station also is on the Siudh, Punjab, and Delhi Rail- way, a few miles west of the Jumna, It lies 111 miles south- east of Lodiana, has a population of 59,000, and is the chief city of a well watered and highly cultivated district — the population of the district being 979,000, — of whom one-third are Mahomedans, while two-thirds are classed as Hindoos. Suharunpore is the point of departure for the Hill stations of Mussoorie and Landour. It is somewhat noted for its manufactures in leather and wood carving. The missionary work was begun here in 1836, by the Rev. James R. Campbell and Jesse M. Jamieson, and their wives. Subathoo. The next station taken up was Subathoo. The work was commenced here by the Rev. James Wilson and William S. Rogers, and their wives, — Mr. Wilson having been transferred from Lodiana, and Mr. Rogers being of the party that had recently arrived from America. Subathoo is situated on the mountains, at an elevation of 4,000 feet above the sea, where the temperature seldom rises so high as 90' Fah., and rarely falls low enough for snow. It is about 110 miles due east from Lodiana, and 24 miles from Simla, the usual summer seat of the Indian Government. The native population is small — not more than about 2,000 ; and this consists largely of people who depend for their living on the wants of the European sol- diers quartered there. It is favorably situated, however, for missionary work among the Hill people, as the number of villages within a radius of 20 miles cannot be less than 100. These villages are indeed very small ; yet taken together they must contain a population of some thousands. What led particularly to the occupation of Subathoo was this : — Luriu"- the first summer after Mr. Lowrie's MISSION STATIONS. 11 arrival at Lodiana, he was obliged, under medical advice, to be in the Hills. This gave him an opportunity of making the acquaintance of certain Christian jieople at Simla and Subathoo : and having gained from them a good deal of information about the Hill tribes, he was led to think that Subathoo would be a good centre for missionary work ; especially as the Hill-men were believed to be simple- minded and teachable. In view of this opinion, expressed by Mr. Lowrie, the missionaries at Lodiana thought they saw another Providential call, when, in the course of the summer of 1836, they received a letter from Dr. Laughton, Surgeon of theGroorkhallegiment then stationed at Subathoo, telling them that if a missionary could be sent to that station, a good dwelling house could be purchased for the small sum of E,s. 600. Thus they were led to make Subathoo their third station. It should be mentioned that the idea of the Hill people being more teachable than others, as was once believed, has proved to be a mistake. The success of evangelistic work among them has been less than on the plains. Nevertheless it is an advantage to the Mission to have a station where a missionary can live and labor, who might otherwise be compelled, on account of the imperfect health of either himself or his wife, to retire from the field altogether : and it is only such that have been stationed at Subathoo since the first year of its occupation. [In 1843 Mr. Caldwell, who had been stationed at Suha- runpore, was sent to begin work, on behalf of the Mission, at Meerut. This station had been occupied by the Church Missionary Society ; but it was now vacant, and that Society was understood to have abandoned the place. This afterwards proved to be a misapprehension ; and in 1846 our missionary was instructed to withdraw.] Jullunder. In 1847 Jullucder was added to the number of our stations, and the missionary who commenced the work there was the Hev. Mr. Groloknath, with his wife : both of whom continue there to this day ; though on account of the infirmities of age it has been found necessary to have others associated with them. This is both a civil and a military station. It is situated in the midst of the Dooaba — the country lying bptween the Sutlej and the Beeas, on the railway already mentioned, l^ MISSION STATIONS. and 35 miles north-west of Lodiaua. Theoity is surrounded by a wall ; with, however, an addition, which includes seve- ral bazars, outside the wall, in the direction of the Mission premises. The population is 42,000 ; and the Military Cantonment, two or three miles distant, contains about 8,000 more. There are also several large villages in the neighbourhood. Here, as elsewhere, Mahomedans abound, — being as numer- ous, perhaps, as Hindoos. The surrounding country is generally rich and well cultivated. The district has a popiilation 789,000. It had been the intention of the Mission, from the first, to cross the Sutlej, and carry the Gospel into the Punjab proper, as soon as possible. In those days no European was allowed to cross the river without special permission from the Lahore Durbar. An attempt was made, however, to do, by native agency, what foreign agency could not do. A native Christian was sent over with Scriptures and tracts for distribution, but he was seized, beaten, and imprisoned. This was at Philour. But in the spring of 1846, after the first Sikh war, the Jullunder Dooab was annexed to the British empire, and this gave the missionaries free scope in that part of the previously forbidden territory. Thereupon it was determined to take a step forward. Jullunder was the chief city of the Dooaba, and the new civil authorities there were friendly. The Mission therefore issued a circu- lar, setting forth its wish to occupy Jullunder, and asking the European community for contributions towards the building of a house for a native missionary, and a school house, or whp-tever might be needed. This call was res- ponded to, and about Rs. 3,000 were promptly contributed, A site was selected by Mr. Porter ; and, with the help of the civil officer in charge of the district, a large lot was secured on favorable terms, houses erected, and the work inaugurated, in 1847, Umball^. Umballa was occupied in 1849, by the Rev. J. M. Jamieson and his wife. It is situated on the railway, about 70 miles south-east of Lodiana ; and is the point of departure for Simla. Umballa is a walled city, with a population of 26,000 ; but in the cantonment, at a distance of three or four miles, there is said to be an additional population of 46,000, MISSION STATIONS. V6 Umballa is the 'centre o£ a thickly populated district, — the number of inhabitants being more than a million ; of whom one-third are Mahomedans, and two-thirds, what, in a general sense, may be called Hindoos, The large city of Patiala, the capital of a native state, is only about twenty miles distant. The only noteworthy manufacture of Umballa is the coun- try carpet called durree. Lahore. Next to Umballa, in the order of occupation, is Lahore, the capital of the Punjab. It had become a British possession by the annexation which followed the second iSikh war. The Government of this new province was in the hands of a Board of Administration, of which the most prominent members were the two Lawrences who have figured so largely in Indian history — Sir Henry and his brother John ; the latter of whom was afterwards made Viceroy, and eventually obtained a peerage. These were both Christian men ; and so was Mr. Montgo- mery, the Commissioner of the Lahore Division ; who in due time was advanced to the Lieut. -Grovernorship, as Sir Bobert Montgomery ; and who, since his return to England has for many years been a member of the India Council. Before the end of the year in which the annexation took place, the missionaries at Lodiana received a letter from Dr. Baddely, a Christian Surgeon at Lahore, urging them to move on to the capital, without delay, — assuring them that every encouragement might be expected from the Lawrences, and Mr. Montgomery, and others. Accordingly the liev. C. W. Forman and myself were set apart by the Mission for this work ; and, accompanied by Mrs. Newton, we were at Lahore before the beginning of 1850. Lahore is one of the most ancient cities of India. It bears a name* which favors the belief that it was founded by a son of the famous Earn Chunder. Though once a city of wide extent, having a circumference, tradition says, of about 15 miles, the bulk of the present population, (which according to the last census is 1^8,000,) is shut in by a wall which in circuit is only about 5 miles. Having been the capital of the Punjab, under every successive Grovernment, for something like 3,000 years. * Written by the natives Lahaur — the city of Laha. 14 MISSION STATIONS. and being on the highway for the numerous armies which during this period liave invaded India from the north-west, it hiis doubtless been destroyed and rebuilt many times. Scores of houses which have been built outside the city walls since the English took possession of it, in 1849, (and some, before that time,) have been built for the most part of bricks belonging to former generations, dug out of the ground. Not only is Lahore the seat of Government for the Punjab, but it is the point of junction for the railways running south- eastward, towards Delhi and Calcutta, south-westward, towards Kurachee, and north-westward, towards Peshawer. Here also the Siudh Punjab and Delhi Kail way Company have very extensive workshops, which give employment to some thousands of native workmen. Although it is but a few years since the power of the Sikh llulers was concentrated at this place, the number of Sikhs now resident at Lahore is small. The population in the main is divided almost equally between Mahome- dans and what are called orthodox Hindoos. Deyrah. Deyrah was occupied by the Mission in 1853, — the first missionary being the liev. J. S. Woodside ; who, with his wife, was transferred to that place from Suharunpore. Deyrah, like Suharunpore, is in the North-West Provinces. It is situated in a valley called Deyrah Doon, {dihi meaning a valley) between the Himalya mountains and a low outer range of hills called the Sewalick range. The population, chiefly Hindoo, is 19,000. The climate is comparatively cool ; on which account it has become a favorite residence for Europeans, who having retired from the service of the Grovernment, wish to spend the remainder of their days in India. One of the Sikh gnoroox has his Mausoleum at Deyrah ; and so it has become a place of pilgrimage for adherents of the Sikh religion. This valley has latterly become the seat of many Tea Factories, owned for the most part by Europeans. It extends from a point some distance west of the Jumna to the Ganges, and its jungles are favorite haunts of tigers and wild elephants. The Dejrah district contains a population of 144,000. \_Uoorki'e, 18 miles east by south from Suharunpore, and, MISSION STATIONS. 15 like the latter, not within the limits of the Punjab, became one of the stations of this Mission in 185G, — the first mis- sionary being the Rev. Joseph Caldwell ; who with his wife was transferred from Suharunpore. Roorkee stands on the Grreat Granges Canal, and is the seat of an Engineering College ; founded and supported b}' the British Grovernmeut — mainly for the purpose of training native engineers. It has a comparatively small population, probably not more than 10,000; but being only a few miles from Hurdwar, one of the most famous places of Hindoo pilgrimage, it was supposed to be a good place for missionary work. Latterly, however, this station has been made over, by our Board, to the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America.] Rawul Pindee. Rawul Pindee was occupied in the same year, 1856, by the Rev. John H. Morrison and his wife, transferred from Lahore. Mr. Morrison and another of the Lahore missionaries having at different times extended their itinerations for preaching as far as Rawul Pindee, had disco- vered a community of Mehturs there, who seemed anxious to be instructed in the Gospel ; and so the Mission determined to make that one of its stations. The hopes raised by what seemed then to be a spirit of enquiry were not fully realized : yet a number of those Mehturs were eventually baptized, and at least one of them has greatly honored his Christian profession. Rawul Pindee is 170 miles north-west of Lahore, on the Lahore and Peshawer Railw^ay, and 60 miles east of the Indus. The population of the city is only 20,000, but there is a native population in the neighbouring cantonment of 6,000. This is the point of departure for the Hill station of Murree, through which runs the best road to Kashmeer. The distance of Kashmeer from Rawul Pindee, is about 1 70 miles. The country about Pindee, is in some places broken and very irregular ; and much of it is mountainous. Yet the population of the whole district is 820,000, — very largely Mahomedan. The cold weather is longer and more severe than in other parts of the Punjab, but the heat, during part of the summer, is very trying. [What was called our Mission to the Afghans must be noticed here. Major Conran, well known as an earnest Jf) MISSION STATIONS. Christian, feeling a deep interest in the spiritual welfare of the Afghans, (perhaps because they were thought by some to be descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel,) made an olfer to the Mission, about the year 1855, of Es. 15,000, — on condition of our spending it on missionary work among that people. The Mission accepted the offer ; — the more readily, because it was part of our original plan to extend the work ultimately into Afglianistan ; and the Ivev. Isidor L/oewouthal, a converted Jew, who joined the Mission in the beginning of 1856, cheerfully consented to undertake the work for which the money had been given. The C. M. S. had already taken up Peshawer as one of its Stations, with special reference to the Afghans, many of whom live thereabouts : and as that was a favorable place for studying Pushto, the language commonly spoken by them, the missionaries there, in a very fraternal spirit, invited Mr. Loewenthal to come to Peshawer, and tarry with them till he had acquired the language, and felt able to proceed into the interior of the Afghan country. Thia invitation was accepted, and he remained at Peshawer till the spring of 1^=63, when his life was cut short by the hand of violence. He had learned the language so well as to be able to translate the New Testament into it. At one time he asked the Mission to sanction his going to Cabul, but, on account of the hostility of the Mussalmans in that country, the danger was thought to be too great, and so the sanction sought was refused. By the time when his death occurred the whole of the money given by Major Conran, for this object, had been expended : and as the Mission had no one to carry on the enterprise in Mr. Loewenthal's place, it was given up. This particular work is now altogether in the hands of the Church Missionary Society : but they have not yet been able to advance, in the direction of Cabul, beyond the Peshawer valley.] [Mention must be made of Kupoortliula also. In the year 1859 the President of the Mission received a letter from the Rajah of that state, asking that a missionary should be sent to his capital, — with a view especially to the education of his two young sons, — and promising to defray all expenses. This seemed to be a clear call of Providence, and so the Ivajah's request was promptly c(>mplied with. As ho had expressed a preference for Mr. Woodsido, the MISSION STATIONS. 17 Mission transferred him from Deyrah, to begin the work at this new and promising station. In the course of a year or two he was joined by Dr. Newton, as a Medical Missionary. The Rajah afterwards assumed an unfriendly attitude towards Mr. Woodside, and so it was thought best to suspend the work for a time. Meanwhile however two dwelling houses and a church had been built, for the Mission, at the expense of the State. For this church Mr. Woodside still holds a document executed by the Rajah, by which it is made the property of the Mission. Though the work was suspended after the lapse of only a few years, it was not without fruit : for one of the young princes who were educated by Mr. Woodside, after reaching full age, was baptized, at Jullunder ; and is now a member of the church there. The Rajah died in 1871. His successor also, the elder of the two princes mentioned above, has been dead for some years. The present Rajah is a minor, and the government of the State is controlled by a British ofiEicer deputed for that purpose. The Mission has not receded from its purpose of resuming the work at Kupoorthula, but the favorable juncture looked for has not yet arrived.] Hoshyarpore. Hoshyarpore was occupied in 1867. It is the chief town, after Jullunder, in the country lying between the Sutlej and the Beeas ; having a population of 20,000. It lies north of Lodiana, .at a distance of about 40 miles, and distant from Jullunder, (the nearest point on the railway,) 24 miles. It is within half a dozen miles of the lower hills which flank the great Himalayan range of mountains, and much of the civil district of Hoshyarpore, with a population of 900,000, lies among the hills. Of the inhabitants of this district, 550,000, according to the late census, are Hindoos ; 290,000, Mahomedaus ; and 59,000, Sikhs. The station was occupied in the first instance by the Rev. Gooroo Dass Moitra. Very soon however he gave place to the Rev. Kallee Chui'run Chatterjee, who has been the sole missionary there ever since. Ferozepore. Ferozepore was taken np as a sub-station of Lahore, in 1870, and put in charge of the Rev. Esa Churruu ; who was succeeded in a short time by the Rev. a 18 MISSION SUB-STATIONS. Jagendra Chundra Bose ; but in 1882 it was adopted "by the Buard as cue of its prinfii>al stations,— tlie wurk being then trausi'erred to the liev. Francis Janvier Newton. It ia a walled town of 20,000 inhabitants ; but eonntiug with it the military cantonment, two miles distant, and villages that lie very near, it may be said to have a population of 40,000. Ferozepore is on the southern side of the Sutlej, at a distance of about 6 miles, being at the same time 70 miles west from Lodiana, and 50 miles south from Lahore. The Hindoo element of the city population is believed to be greater than the Mahomedan. The population of the district is about 640,000 ; of whom about 810,000 are Mahomedan; 168,000, orthodox Hindoos, and 168,000, Sikhs. Ferozepore is soon to be connected with Delhi by a railway which passes through Ivohtuk ;* while another connection is contemplated through Lodiana ; and with the exception of 6 miles, and the unbridged Sutlej, it has already a railway connection with Lahore. SUB-STATIONS. Of the sub-stations a very brief account must suffice. Miirree. Beginning with the north-west, the first is Murree. This is a mountain sanitarium, 38 miles from Rawul Findee. It is occupied by a native catechist, who usually goes up from Pindee in the summer season, when the bazar is full of natives. Part of the work, some years ago, was the teaching of a primary school; but latterly the work has been confined to preaching and the circulation of Christian books and tracts, [7^/^ssoor, a sub-station of Lahore, is a walled town of 17,000 inhabitants — largely Mahomedan — about 35 miles distant, in the direction of Ferozepore. It is a joint station of the Lodiana Mission and the Lahore Presbytery, — Dr. Forman, a Medical Missionary, representing the former, and the Ilev. Poorun Chuud Ooppel representing the latter. It was occupied in the end of 1883. Jf Ghoraicaha. Ghorawaha is a large village 15 miles north-west of Hoshyarpore, of which it is a sub-station. * This has since been accompliehed. f This stutiou has since been relinquished. MISSION SUB-STATIONS. 19 It has a small Christian community, with a neat chapel, and a dwelling house occupied by the Rev. Abdool- lah, who is acting as pastor to the little flock, while also he preaches as an evangelist. The Grhorawaha Chi'istians are formally connected, however, with the Hoshyarpore church. Gurhdiwala. Mr. Chatterjee has selected Gurhdiwala also as a sub-station. It is a village of 3,400 inhabitants, 18 miles north of Hoshyarpore, and has a catechist. This measure will no doubt be formally sanctioned by the Mission. Jugraon. The first sub-station connected with Lodiana is Jugraon, a walled town of 16,000 inhabitants, 24 miles distant, on the road to Ferozepore. It is occupied at pre- sent by the Rev. Ahmed Shah. Rooper. The second is Rooper, an unwalled town of 10,000 inhabitants, at the foot of the Hills, and at the head of the Sirhind Canal. It is about 40 miles east of Lodiana. The Mission has been represented there, till lately, by the Rev. Matthias. Morinda. The third is Morinda, a small town 40 miles east by south from Lodiana, where the Rev. Ushruf UUee was the missionary agent, till near the time of his death, in 1862. There is an organized church there, composed of converts living in the neighboring villages. Khunnah. A fourth sub-station, which however has not yet been formally sanctioned by the Mission, is Khunnah, on the railway, 27 miles south-east of Lodiana. It has a population of about 4,000. Umhalhi Cantonment. The first and most important of the sub-stations connected with Umballa is the Umballa Cantonment, which is said to have a population of 46,000. It is only 3 or 4 miles from the city. Besides a foreign missionary, the Rev. W. J. P. Morrison, there is a Native Pastor there, — the Rev. Wm. Basten : who, according to his strength, preaches to the heathen, as well as to the native Christians. Jugadhree. The second is Jugadhree with 12,000 in- habitants at a distance of 31 miles from Umballa, and within a mile and a half of the railway. The chief mis- sionary agent here is a native Licentiate, Mr. George H. Stuart. 20 MISSION sri)-STAT10N8. [At one time Shahabad also was counted among the sub- f-tatioDs of Umballa. It stands on the Trunk lioad, towards ])plhi, at a distance from Umballa of about 16 miles. The principal Mission agent there was a native apothecary, named Sterling. Besides treating patients at a Dispensary lie superintended a School. But this station was given up several years ago.] Mozujfermigger. MozufTernugger is a sub-station of Suharuupore. It is a town of lo,000 inhabitants, on the Delhi Railway, 36 miles from Suharuupore. It has been occupied successively by native brethren — the Ilev. Kower Sain, and the Rev. Mr. Wylie : but on the transfer of the Roorkee Mission Station to the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, the Rev. W. Calderwood was appointed to take up the work there, and it is likely now to be made a principal station of the Board.* The district of which it is the capital contains a population of 758,000. [_Rnjpore, at the foot of the Mussoorie hills, was at one time a sub-station of Deyrah, but for some years past there has been no Mission agent there.] T/ie Ch'ifitian Settlements of Suntoke Majra and Annee. These two Christian settlements were founded by the Rev. M. M. Carleton, who is recognized as a pm-ely Itinerant Missionary ; though most of his time is now spent at one or other of these villages. The first of them, Suntoke Majm, is in the Kurnaul dis- trict ; the other, Annee, is in the Kooloo district, far up in the mountains. Ladwa. It should be further mentioned, that Dr. Carleton has been authorized to establish a Dispensary at the town of Ladwa, in the Umballa district, — a town of 4,000 inhabitants, near the Trunk Road, and about 30 miles from Umballa. This is not regarded, however, as a proper sub-station ; nor yet a principal station of the Board : but, being in the Umballa district, it is spoken of as a sort of sub-station of Umballa. * This has since been done. 21 THE WORK, THE OUTCOME OE IT, THE WORKEES, etc. I. — Evangelistic Preaching. From the beginning of our missionary career, the public proclamation of the Gospel, or preaching in the technical sense of the word, has ever been regarded as of prime importance — as being emphatically what was contemplated by the commission to "go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Accordingly it has been made the duty of every mission- ary to give his chief attention at j&rst to the study of the vernacular, so as to be able to declare to the people, in their own tongue, the wonderful works of God, and his wonderful purposes of grace. It is true that this paramount duty has now and then been neglected : — sometimes through the eagerness of new missionaries to embark at once in some direct missionary work, — an opportunity for which is found at almost every station in an anglo-vernacular school ; and sometimes by medical practice. Others have been necessarily hindred by secular work connected with the erection of Mission build- ings ; while a few have failed through a lack of power to master a foreign language. The same evil has been encountered in other Missions, and various remedies have been resorted to. Some Societies forbid their missionaries to take up any work the first year, in order their whole time may be given to the study of the language. Some merely require the young mission- aries to undergo examinations in the language ; with the understanding, that, if they fail by the end of the second year, they are to give up the enterprise, and go home. Latterly the rale in the Lodiana Mission has been to examine every new missionary at the end of the first year, 22 PREACHING. and again at the end of the second year ; and allow him no vote on questions relating- to Mission business, till ho has passed one examination with success. The language which is considered most suitable for preaching in, to mixed assemblies, in all the cities of the Punjab, and the North AVest Provinces, is Oordoo ; while in the vilhiges it is far better, (though not always essential,) in the Punjab, to preach in Punjabeo, and in the N. W. P., in liindee. 1. Bazar Preach ing. In the early days of the mission- ary work it was the custom, at all our stations, to preach in the open bazar, or wherever an assembly of listeners could be found ; provided of course that no obstacle was offered thereby to the traffic of the place ; and in most places this is the custom still. 'Z. Chapel Preaching. Of late, however, in order to avoid the confusion which often arises from the continued interruptions caused by bitter opponents, who feel at liber- ty in the streets to say what they please, the missionaries at many of our stations aim at having chapels, larger or smaller, situated on thoroughfares, where, if interrupted by gaiui^ayers, they can insist on silence. At Lodiana there arc two such preaching ]tlaces ; at llawtil Pindee, one ; at Lahore, five ; at lloshyarpore, one ; at Ghorawaha, one ; at Jullunder, one ; and at Lodiana, two. Some of these are used for preaching only, some for schools and other purposes, as well. At Lahore, for example, one is a chapel built expressly as a place of worship, by the Native Christian community, — aided largely, indeed, by our Mission, and somewhat also by the English Church Mission ; and it is used in common by both these Missions. One is a large room, in our Mission Dispensary. Here also the Church of England Missionaries take their turn in preaching, assisted by the students under training in their Divinity College. The other three are school houses. The two chapels at Lodiana were built, and are used, for preaciiing and worship only. The same is true of the chapels in Jullunder and in Ghorawaha. The chapel [ireaching is at stated times, and is usually accompanied by the singing of hymns and sometimes by prayer. The use of some musical instrument greatly aids the singing, whero there are necessarily but few voices ; PBEACHINO. 23 and it serves at the same time, to attract people passing by, and thus to enlarg-e the audience. The iiistruiueuts which seem best adai)tcd to this piu'pose are the Harmo- nium and the Violiu. The first of our Mission Chapels was built at Lodiana in the year 1839, and opened for worship in January 1840. It is usually knowu as the " City Church," because it waa originally intended, aud for some years used, as a place of worship for the Native Christian congregation. — It is per- haps the only chapel in the Mission, used for preaching to the heathen, which is furnished with a bell. This bell was a gift of the Hev. Dr. Beatty, of Steubenville, Ohio, recent- ly deceased. This event owes its origin to a suggestion made by a Hindoo apothecary, living in a distant part of the city. He was in the habit of coming to my house to talk about our religion as a subject he was deeply interest- ed in, — often bringiug a number of his friends with him. In those days the Sunday services were held in my house ; and both the apothecary and his friends attended the ser- vices with a good deal of regularity. After the church was open in the city they were still more regular. One Sunday lie and his friends met us on our way to the church, aud after saying they had been waiting a long time, not being aware of the hour, he suggested that it would be a good thing to have a bell, that might be heard all over the city; " for then," he said, " we should know when to come." When this was mentioned in a letter to Dr. Beatty, he immediately procured a bell, and sent it ; and almost ever since, except in the time of the Mutiny, when the church was in ashes, that bell, Sunday after Sunday, has called Christians, Hindoos, and Mahomedans, alike, to hear the Gospel's joyful sound. The idea was a good one. Every Mission chapel, as well as every church, should, if possible, have a bell. 3. English Lectures to Educated Natives. Closely con- nected with the subject of chapel preaching is an arrange- ment made by Mr. Forman, at Lahore, for the delivery of English lectures to the English speaking natives of the city, in the cold season of every year. The lecturers represent different denominations : some of them are resi- dents of Lahore, and some come on invitation from other parts of the Punjab ; while now aud then a lecture is secured 24 PREACHING. from a passing stranger. Europeans and Americans and Clu'istiau natives of India have alike been enlisted in this service. Among the lecturers outside ot" our own Mission, we may mention the Professors of the C. M. S. Divinity College, Lahore ; Bishop French of the Lahore Diocese ; Bishop Johnson of Calcutta ; Mr. Maclay, American Mission- ary to China; Mr. Ram Chunder Bose, of the Methodist Mission in Oude ; Mr. Perkins of the Punjab Civil Service, &c. The subjects of these lectures are more or less evan- gelistic, according to the taste and judgment of the lecturers. The number of hearers generally varies from one to two hundred ; and the address is always preceded and followed by the singing of hymns. 4. VtlliKje Freacmny. It is made incumbent on every missionary, when ill-health or station duties do not pre- vent, to spend a part of every cold season in itinerant preach- ing. We aim thus at reaching the whole population : yet the number of villages and towns is so great, that even though the time given to each were but a day or two, many years must elapse before the present force of missionaries could reach them all ; and as a matter of fact there are hundreds of villages within the limits of oiu' Mission, that have never yet seen the face of a missionary. Once, at a meeting of the Mission, a special ett'ort was made to carry the Gospel to all within our limits, by assigning to each station all the territory within certain geographical lines, and requiring all the towns and villages, within those lines, to be visited and preached in by the missionaries of that station, during the next five years. But it was a vaiu effort : the thing could not be done. And yet village preaching is believed to be specially encouraging. This has been the experience of missionaries in South India, and also in Bengal. It is in this also that Mr. Chatterjee's work in the Hoshyarpore district of this Mission has been particularly blessed : and the same is true of the American U. P. Mission. It has therefore become a serious question whether Rural Missions ought not to have a much larger place in our plans than they have ever yet had. This is a kind of work which has been found practicable even for lady missionaries. Miss Greenfield and her asso- ciates, of the Society for Promoting Female Education in the East, stationed at Lodiana, have carried their work into PRKACinNG. 25 the villages, to a distance of many miles from their centre ; and have met with every encouragement. Miss Clay, of the Church of England Zenana Mission, went so far as to reside in a village of the Umritsur district, with no Euro- peans within ten miles, except the ladies who were associated with her in the work ; and now they have begun to occupy other villages in the same way. 5. Preaching at Fairs. In every part of India large numbers of people are often found at Religious Fairs, which continue, variously, from a single day to a whole* month. To the more protracted of these fairs, the pilgrims often come from a great distance. This affords an admirable opportunity of preaching to both men and women who could not be reached in any other way. One special advan- tage to the missionary is, that the pilgrims generally have a religious object in view, — such as the washing away of their sins by bathing in the Granges ; — so that they are in a favorable state of mind for hearing the Gospel. Besides this, as they are often kept waiting many days for the most favorable juncture to secure the blessing they are in search of, it is a period of leisure, and so there is nothing to hinder them from hearing what the missionary has to say, for hours at a time, day after day. Some of the most important of these fairs, within the limits of the Lodiana Mission, are those held at Hurdwar, where the " holy" Granges issues from the mountains ; at Jwala-mookhee, where perpetual flames, issuing from the earth, are believed to represent the great Indian god- dess ; at Thanesur, between Umballa and Delhi ; and at Pehoa, a place accounted sacred because it was the great battle-field in which the gods gained a victory over the Pandas ; at Manimajra, Umritsur, &c. ; besides local fairs of short continuance in many places. From the beginning our missioneries made it a point to attend these fairs, accompanied by Native preachers and colporteurs : yet for some reason or reasons unknown to the writer, they are less frequented by missionaries now than they were formerly. An Open Dooe. In the olden time it was the opinion of the English Rulers of India that the preaching of missionaries would 4 26 PRRAOHING. 60 arouse the antipatliy of the natives as to endanger the Btability oi' the empire ; and tlie early missionaries, in con- sequence, found it difficult to maintain their position in the country. This fear however lias long since ceased to be operative, or even to exist, except in very rare cases, — in cases too where there is reason to believe there is an utter want of sympathy with missionaries, if not an entire misapprehension of the nature of their work. It is true that, so lately as 1849-'50, shortly after the annexation of the Punjab, when our missionaries first went to Lahore, the advice they received from the I^awrences, then the highest in authority in the new province — themselves Christians, and ver}- friendly — was that they should abstain for awhile from public preaching, least disturbances should arise. The missionaries themselves had no fear, for all their former experience was against it ; yet they deemed it proper not to disregard the advice given, considering the source from which it had come ; and so they desisted for a few months, and then went into the bazars, and lift- ed up their voices as in other places, finding the people of the old Sikh capital just as ready to listen, calmly, as the inhabitants of the older British Provinces. All experince shows that so long as missionaries are left free to preach the simple Grospel of Christ, they can do so without creating any breach of the peace. Even in the time of the mutiny, when the whole country was in a state of intense excitement, and foreigners were really in great danger, and many Christians were killed merely because they were Christians, the public preaching of the Gospel •was discontinued by members of the Lodiana Mission only for a very short time ; and it is well remembered that be- fore the mutiny was entirely quelled during a preaching tour made in the Umballa district, the treatment received by the missionaries was every thing they could wish. No doubt there are men to be found, always, and in every land, so much under the influence of the prince of devils, as to be ready to do his work in crushing the Minis- ters of Christ by main force ; that is, where there are no restraints put upon them by the civil power. But happily this power, in India, and now in many other heathen coun- tries, exerts a wholesome influence over the few miscreants who would be glad to imbrue their hands in the blood of EDUCATION. 27 Christ's witnesses. It will not be so always. "We should therefore make the most of our present opportunities, thanking Grod for having opened to us so wide a door. II. — Evangelistic Education. I. Young men and Boy a. In a country where English education is in great demand, a missionary finds a door open for usefulness even before he has a knowledge of the native languages. Accordingly, there are few, if any, of our stations, where the missionaries, have not plunged at once into the work of education. When Mr. Lowrie arrived at Lodiana, he found an Anglo-vernacular School already in existence, established and supported by the Political Agent, Captain C. M. Wade ; and superintended by Mr. R. Hodges, a clerk in Captain Wade's office. This school was at once transferred to the superintendence of Mr. Lowrie, while Mr. Hodges held the place of Head Master. An interesting feature of this school was, that a number of the pupils belonged to distinguished families — Afghans and Sikhs ; some of the latter having been sent by tho Kuling class on the other side of the Sutlej. Mr. Lowrie had not been long at Lodiana, when he received an invitation from the Maharajah Runjeet Singh to visit Lahore. This invitation was accepted : and the visit extended through several weeks. — During the whole time he was treated as the Maharajah's guest, and every attention was shown him. The object of His Highness in this invitation was to negociate with the missionary for the establishment of a school at Lahore, for the education, iu English, of the sons of the nobility, and other promising young men at the capital. And such might have been the result of the visit, but that the missionary principle of teaching the Grospel iu connection with literature and science, was unacceptable to the Maharajah ; and so of course the negociation failed. Nevertheless Mr. Lowrie was dismissed with some valuable presents — to the benefit of the Mission treasury. The school at Lodiana has been known as the Lodiana Mission High School. Though the founder of the school continued to be a most liberal patron, the Mission had the 28 EDUCATION. entire control of it ; so that almost from tlic beginning it was a Christian institution ; and it has been carried on suc- cessfully, under the principalship of nearly a dozen mis- sionaries, down to the present time. It was supplied at an early date with a fair stock of philosophical apparatus. It is doubtful however whether as much use has been made of this, as might have been made with advantage. As early as 1837 the experiments made with it attracted the attention of one of the Afghan kings. Shah Shooja, — then a pensioner at Lodiana, and at one time the possessor of the famous Kohinoor ; and lie invited the missionaries to come to his house and show him some of the marvellous things which these philosophical instruments could do. This, too, brought a tribute to the Mission treasury. The average number of pupils in this school, for many years past, has been little short of 300, and the whole number of persons educated there, from the beginning, must have been as much as two or three thousand, at the very least. AVe can hardly count any of them as converts to Christ ; though very many have seemed to be alnioH Christians ; and no doubt the Christian influence of the school, through its pupils, has been felt far and wide tliroughout the Punjab. Of some, ver}- high hopes have at times been entertained ; but instead of taking the final step into the kingdom, they have gone back ; or, as is the case with some, they have continued to linger at the door — almost saved, yet almost certain to be lost. An account not very unlike this might be given of the Anglo-vernacular schools at other stations.* We have had such schools at Suharunpore, Deyrah, IJmballa, Jullunder, Lahore, and Eawul Pindee ; and for a while at Subathoo and Roorkee also.f The missionaries at Suharunpore were at first silent, in their school, on the * While these echoola are called Anglo-vemnadar, instruction is not confined to English, on the one hand, and to Oordoo and Hin- dee. (the common languages of the cities.) on the other ; for in all of them Piirsiiin also is taught, as one of the classical languages of India; and in some, Arabic and Sanscrit, in addition. f The same is true of Goojranwala, Shahabad, and Rajpore, when, years ago, these were sub-stations of the Mission, but the schools at these places were neither large nor very important. Ooojranwala is now a station of the American U. P. Mission, which is doing a good educational work there. EDUCATION. 29 subject of Christianity. When the school seemed to be fairly established, they began to open the school with the reading of the Scriptures and prayer; and their school was virtually broken up by it. Afterwards indeed it recovered all that had been lost, and more ; but no doubt a Christian stand should always be taken from the first. This was done at JuUunder, and there was never any trouble on account of the religious instruction given in the school there. The popularity of the school, almost, if not quite, from the first, will be seen from a passage in a Gazetteer of the JuUunder District, which reads thus : ** Simultaneously with the foundation of the Mission an Anglo-vernacular school was opened, supported entirely by the American Board ; and its success was so marked, that a Grovernment School, which was then already in existence, had to be given up for want of scholars," (which means, of course, that the scholars, or their parents, pre- ferred the Mission School.) *' In those days there was no grant-in-aid system ; but when the Educational Department was organized, the Authorities, after due consideration and inquiry, decided that there should be no Zilla School at JuUunder, as the Mission School was quite competent to meet the local demands." And such is the state of things still. At Lahore also, where the school began with three boys, the desire of the missionaries to see their pupils converted to Christ as the only Saviour of sinners, was avowed from the first, and never concealed for a moment. The custom for many years, in this school, has been to have all the classes brought together, not at the opening, but after some of the lessons have been given. When about 15 or 20 minutes are spent in reading and expounding the Scrip- tures, and in prayer, the whole school standing during the time of prayer. So deeply has the propriety of this religious exercise impressed itself on the minds of the pupils, and perhaps of the parents, as contributing to the prosperity of the school, that when a rival institution was organized, 18 years ago, by a combination of Hindoos and Mahomedans, the classes at first being made up of pupils withdrawn from the Mission school, and having for its Head-master a young man who had been educated by us, it was said to 30 EDUCATION. have been made a part of the daily routine, for the secular studies to be suspended tor a short time ; wheu tlie Hindoo and the Mahomedan schohirs were removed into two separate apartments, to get religious instruction, the former from a Ftiiidit^ and the latter from a Ifou/avie. These Mission schools have .-ill received grants-in-aid from the Government ; and some of them have been specially commended, from time to time, by the Directors of Public Instruction, for their efficiency as educational institutions, — notably those of Lodiana, JuUunder, and Lahore, At one time there was a collegiate department in the Lahore School, affiliated to the Calcutta University, but on account of a reduction in the Missionary staff this depart- ment was suspended, and ultimately abolished altogether. Whether this was wise or not may be doubted ; for it left all the higher education in the hands of the Government College; where religious instruction is absolutely forbidden, and wiiere the influence of the professors is said sometimes to be inimical — not only to Christianity, but to all religion. This evil is now remedied, in part, by the establishment of a Mission College at Delhi, under the auspices of the Cambridge Mission, connected with the S. P. G., but this is too far from the centre of the Punjab to answer well. Most of the Anglo- vernacular schools educate up to the University entrance standard, and it is only a few pupils that wish to go beyond this. Of these few, however, some are Christians. At most of our stations there are schools of an inferior grade, commonly called Branch Schools, because they are feeders of the High Schools. The largest number of these is at Lahore; as also the largest of our High Schools. There are now at this place about 20 branches, with more than 1000 pupils, while the Main School has about 600 students : the whole, united, being 1070. The number at liawul Pindee is little short of 900 ; at JuUunder, about 700. Much of the success of the educational work at Lahore is due to the energy and constant supervision of Mr. Forman; who has acquired such eminence as an educator as to have been appointed by the Government a member of the Senate of the Punjab University. After all that has been said about the success of these Mission Schools, it must be acknowledged that they have EOrCATIAN. 31 shown very small results in the way of direct conversions. Their main justification, as a missionary ag-eiicy, is to be found in the fact that they raise up thousands of influential men who entertain a life-long- respect, and even friendship, for the missionaries ; and most of them look favorably on Christia- nity, as a religion which, if not exclusively a religion from Grod, is at least better than the other religions of the country. 2. Women and Girls. Thus far M'e have spoken only of the education of boys and young men : but there is some- thing to be said of the education of girls and women also. This is an enterprise of more recent date. The wives of missionaries, in some parts of the country, had indeed done something in this way before the history of our Mission began ; but (except perhaps in the presidency towns) it was only girls of the lowest classes that could be induced to attend school at all ; and these had to be bribed by the payment of pice, or by presents of clothes — sometimes both. Female education, except in rare instances, found no favor with either Hindoos or Mahomedans. Our Com- mittee at home d;d indeed send out a young lady, with the second party of missionaries, as early as 1834. This was with the hope that a door might be opened for this kind of work ; but such were the discouragements which stared this lady in the face, when she reached Calcutta, that she ventured to proceed no further. It is only about 20 years since the education of Hindoo and Mahomedan females took a fair start in the Puniab. The first impulse may be said to have been given to it by the example of a pundit at Agra. He began to advocate the education of girls ; and, to make the matter practical he established several schools, and maintained them (so it was understood) at his own expense. This awakened attention, and respectable natives in the Punjab — men of influence took up the subject, and showed so much interest in it, that the Lient. -Governor, Sir Eobert Montgomery- felt encouraged to hold an educational durbar, to which natives and Europeans were alike invited. A prominent object of this durbar was to give an impulse to female education. Addresses were made and resolutions adopted which were destined soon to bear fruit. Mahomedans Hindoos, and Sikhs — all fell in with the measure • and it was not long before a large number of Girls Schools came 32 EDIICAIION. into existence, especially in Lahore, and in Umritsur, — all supported, in the main, by municipal funds. — True indeed, these schools were ill-managed, and many of them proved to be an utter failure. This was owing partly to the fact that suitable teachers were wanting ; and some years must yet elapse before a sufficient number of duly qualified female teachers can be raised up. It is not said that previous to this time missionaries ladies in the Punjab had organized and taught no schools. Among the lower classes they had done something in this way ; but it was an up-hill work ; and the old system of bribery in the form of stipends, or some equivalent, had to be resorted to ; and to some extent this is true still. Yet from the time of the educational durbar, a desire began to be manifested by many gentlemen of liberal education, especially those who had been educated in English, to have some instruction given to their wives and daughters also ; and the women themselves soon caught the inspira- tion. But it was not book-learning only that they wanted. Such needle and fancy work as distinguishes cultured English ladies began to be attractive to them. Now was the time, of course, for missionary ladies, not only to establish schools for the lower classes of girls, but to enter the zenanas, and teach women and girls who would never venture to appear in public. Zenana Schools had already proved somewhat successful in Calcutta, and perhaps in the other presidency town ; but they were a new thing in the Norh-West Provinces and the Punjab. Now they are to be met with at all our Mission stations. So popular has this branch of education become, that missionary ladies now find as much work as they can do, and more, by teaching in zenanas to which they have been specially invited. In some places the work is more among Mahomedans ; in others, more among Hindoos. Since many Bengalee gentlemen are employed in Government offices, all over North India, and many of these have fa- milies, a Bengalee community is found in almost every large town ; and as Calcutta has led the van in Female Education, it is not surprising that missionary ladies are invited to teach in the families of many of these Bengalee gentlemen. Especially is this true of Brahmo families ; for Brahraos, being reformers, are more enlightened than EDUCATION. 33 Hindoos g-enerally; besides this, they regard their religion as more nearly related to Christianity than to anything else ; and so they favor the reading of the New Testament, — which is an essential part of the instruction given by mis- sionaries, whether in zenanas or elsewhere. Those stations at which our missionaries have been able to accomplish the most, in this department, are Suharunpore, Lahore, and Rawul Pindee ; though at some of the others, too, a good work has been done. At Umballa, for exam- ple, the number of girls under instruction is about 100. At Hoshyarpore there is a school composed of Hindoo girls of the upper classes, with 53 names on the roll, and an average daily attendance of 38. This school was organized some years ago by Mrs. Chatterjee, and now it is managed entirely by Miss Chatterjee. At Jullunder there is a non-christian Grirls School, with about 80 pupils. The success of this institution is due largely to the efficiency of a native Christian Mistress, who was educated in the Deyrah Christian Grirls School, and who works under the superintendence of Mrs. Groloknath. The work at Lodiana among women and girls has for years been conducted largely, though not exclusively, by agents of the English Society for Promoting Female Educa- tion in the Fast, who work hand in hand with the ladies of our Mission. The Mission at Lahore is equally favored by the co- operation of the agents of another English Society — The Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Society. The principal worker at this station connected with our Mission, is Miss Thiede, a German lady who joined us in 1870, and who has always been an indefatigable worker. Several other ladies, residents of Lahore, have assisted in the work. Of the schools superintended by them those belonging to Mrs. Anderson received special commendation, this year, from the Educational Department of the Q-overn- ment. But in none of our stations has the number of pupils in the Grirls Schools risen so high as at Suharunpore. In one year the number on the rolls there was as high as 542. This took place under the management of Mrs. Calderwood, whose zeal and energy in this sort of work has seldom been surpassed. The Municipal Committee at Suharunpore, 5 34 ORPHANAGES. composed mainly of native gentlemen, has formally record- ed its high appreciation of her work, besides giving pecu- niary help. When she was obliged to leave the country for a season, the work in this department suffered ; and having passed more tlian once from one hand to another, it has u(jt yet recovered its high standing. At present the largest number of pupils of this class, in our Mission, is found at Lahore ; the number reported being 514 ; besides 98 zenana pupils. It may be mentioned that, in most places, the Girls as ■well as the lioys Schools receive monthly pecuniary grants from Grovernment : while, in other places, as well as at Suharunpore, the Municipalities, which are composed almost entirely of Hindoos and Mahoniedans, sometimes make additional grants in the same way. Numerous instances have occurred of the happiest re- sults of this female education. Many appear to have gained a saving knowledge of the truth ; though for obvious reasons the number of baptisms has been small. But tlie value of this w^ork depends, not only on the sal- vation of individual women, here and there, but on the general enlightenment of the class, and the removal of prejudices against Christianity. An intelligent native once said to a missionary , "It you get our women converted, it will be an easy thing to convert tlie men." Degraded, in one sense, as the women of India are, they exert a powerful influence over the other sex, just as women do in other parts of the world. III. — Okph\nagks. In 1837 — less than three years after the foundation of the Mission was laid — a great famine occurred in the Nortli West Provinces, which tlirew hundreds of orplians on the public. This gave rise to the large orphanages of Agra and Futtoligurh. The Punjab was not much aii'ected by that famine ; yet even in the I'unjab, both tlien and ever since, there have been orphans to be provided for ; and Magistrates have found it convenient to send them, from time to time, to such missionaries as were willing to take charge of tliem. Eaily in 1836 a girl was sent to the missionaries at ORPHANAGES. 35 Lodiana by the Magistrate of Kiirnaul ; and in the same year a hoy, by the Magistrate of Delhi. This was the beginning of the two orplianges at that station. Before the end of the year the number of orphan {/irlK grew to about half a dozen. These were soon sheltered in a house built contiguous to one of the new Mission houses, and placed under care of Mrs. Newton. In the course of a year or two a number of orphan boys were brought to us. These were provided for in another part of the premises, and put in charge of Mr. Porter. In 18;38 Mr. Campbell, one of the missionaries at Suha- runpore, received about 30 orphan boys from Agra and Muttra. This was the beginning of the Boys Orphanage there. In 1840 the orphan boys at Lodiana were transferred to Suharunpore, — it being deemed unnecessary to have two such institutions in the same Mission. In 1846, when Mr. Camyibell went to America, the few boys remaining were distributed among the stations : and the school was suspended. In 1847, on the occasion of 6 orphans being sent by Sir Henry Lawrence, it was re-opened by Mr. Caldwell, as an Industrial School. The chief industry tauglit was carpentry. But this never came to much. In after years some of the boys were sent to Roorkee, to learn engineering : but this also was a partial failure. Since then a few have learnt gardening, in the Botanical Garden at Suharunpore. As an Industrial School, more could probably be done for it, if a missionary of mechanical genius, or one skilled in some sort of manual work, were at the head of it. The number of orphan boys in that institution, at the present time, is about 40. The number of girls in the Orphanage at Lodiana increased gradually, till there were as many as 40, or more. Even- tually, about the year 1871, it was amalgamated with the Christian Girls Boarding School at Deyrah. Prior to this amalg-amation it had been superintended and taught, successively, by Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Janvier, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. Porter, and Mrs Myers. The number of orphans that have been educated in these two institutions cannot now be ascertained without difficul- ty. Almost all, if they had remained out, would have 36 ORPHANAGES, been brought up in Ilindooism or Mahomcdanipm. As it was, the}' were educated in the faith of Christianity ; and a goodly number have become Church members. Some, it is true, have apostatized, and become Mahomedans ; and some have become openly wicked, without renouncing the Christian name. Such have brought great disgrace on themselves, and injured the cause of Christ. Still the number, from both institutions, who have filled important places in the Church, or who have, at least, maintained an ordinarily fair Christian character, is sufficient to justify the money and time bestowed on them, — apart from the consideration that to take in children, when deprived of parental care, and to nourish them till they are able to provide for themselves, is an act of charity demanded of us as followers of Christ. As nearly as can now be ascertained, not less than six of the Suharuupore orphans have been ordained to the Go.-;pel ministry ; of whom four are still living, — three of them working in connection with the Lodiana Mission, and one, in the United Presbyterian Mission. Besides these, a dozen or more have been employed as Catechists or Teachers. From among the pupils of the Female Orphanage, one is, at this time, the wife of a Licentiate Preacher ; and ten are, or have been, wives of ordained Native Ministers ; while about as many have been the wives of Catechists, or have been employed as Teachers and Bible Women. But the good fruit of these Orphanages is not confined to the first generation. Their children have, in some in- stances, trod in the footsteps of their pious parents. For example, from among the sons of ten ministers, whose wives came from our Orphanage, one is the Head Master of a Mission High School, one has just finished his education for the Bar, after graduating with honor at an English "University ; and as he is a professed Christian, it may be hoped that he will make his influence felt for good among his countrymen. One is a student of theology, and one is an ordained missionary.* Of the daughters of these ten ministers three are wives of men holding the same office as their fathers, — one is a Superintendent and Teacher of Mis- sion Bazar Schools ; one is a subordinate teacher in a Girla * The student mentioned here bus since been ordained. MEDICAL MISSIONARY WORK. 37 Boarding School ; one is a student of medicine, and an assistant to a Medical Lady Missionary ; one was the wife of a Christian teacher and elder, who has since been or- dained as a missionary ; and one is the exemplary and en- fluential wife of a converted Native Prince : while one, of the third generation, is recognized as a Native Lady Mis- sionary. Mention might be made of others too, who have done honor to the Christian training received in the Or- phanage. One such, for example, is a native lady, who has brought up a large family in a way which promises a career of usefulness for most, if not all, of her children. One of her sons is already an active member of the church, while she, not content with the influence she exerts in her own family, has been setting an example to other Christian women, by the voluntary help she gives to the missionary ladies of the station in their evangelistic w^ork. Of those who are engaged in secular pursuits, it is im- possible to speak in terms of praise only. Some have turned out to be inveterately lazy, as well as worthless in other respects ; while others are industrious, and exem- plary as Christians. Some of these are found among Mr. Carleton's settlers at Suntoke Majra, and at Annee. The number of these, at present, who were educated in Orphan- ages, is 27; of whom 18 are married, and 9, unmarried. The members of the Annee settlement, Mr. Carleton says, are spoken of by the heathen of that region, as recommend- ing the Grospel by their lives, more than it is recommended by the preaching they hear. IV. — Medical Missionary Work. The value of Medical missionary work was recognized more than 50 years ago, — the advantage of it having been experi- enced in Southlndia and Siam, and in other parts of the Hea- then world. It was my wish, therefore, after finishing my theological course, to study medicine, and thus become doubly qualified for missionary work ; but as the Committee wished me to proceed to India, with Mr. Wilson, as soon as possi- ble after my ordination, the idea of combining the practice of medicine with preaching had to be abandoned. Not knowing, however, how I should be situated with respect to Medical advice, I procured a number of Medical and 38 MKniCAL MISSIONARY WORK. Surgical books, and a small number of Surgical and Dental instruments, with a view to any emergency that might arise : and during the voyage out, round the cape, I en- deavored to obtain from these books as mucli knowledge, especially of medicine, as was practicable. On reaching Calcutta I obtai7ied a good supply of medicines also. I was able consequently, in the course of our journey up tiie country, to treat a few sick natives with success ; and so also a few of the Mission employees, soon after we reached Lodiana. It then happened that a press Moonshee became very ill ; and after being treated by the native Doctors with no ho])e of recovery, he asked me to do something for him. As the case seemed otherwise hopeless, I thought it my duty to do what I could ; and by the good providence of God my treatment was successful. The news of this soon spread over the city, and the sick began to flock to my house,— so that I soon found myself in the midst of a regular medical practice. Difficult cases of course I could not undertake ; yet it was hard to persiiade the natives, that, if I could cure some diseases, I could not cure all.* From an English Surgeon at Lodiana I did indeed get Bome instruction, but not enough to enable me to bear the heavy burden of responsibility which w^as gathering upon me. There was hope of relief, however ; for in the year 1842 the Board sent out a regular physician. Dr. Willis Green, to take up the work. But unfortunately, after being at Lodiana only a few months, he came to the conclusion that the climate of India did not suit him ; and so he went back to his home in Kentucky. His abandonment of the work was no small disappointment to me. Shortly after this I was transferred to Subathoo, where I was not known as a doctor, and so I had an opportunity of slipping out of a practice which I felt quite unequal to. But my place was soon taken by the Bev. A. Budolph, who, though not an M. D., had already gained some expe- rience, and who was far more competent to treat the sick * There was a Government Dispensary in the neighborhood, in charge of a Native Doctor; and when I urged patients with dan- gerous diseases to go there, they would sometimes reply that they had more faith in my treatment than in that of the Government ])()(;tor, because what I did was done for God's sake, while what bo did was duuo for the pay he got. MEDICAL MISSIONARY WOKK. 39 than I had ever been. He went to work, moreover, in a more systematic way, — "building- a small Dispensary on the Mission premises, and employing a compounder to assist him. This compounder, taught from the beginning by Mr. Rudolph, afterwards attained a higher position some- where down the country ; and a son of his has for many years been a Catechist, and. a respected elder, in our Mission at Allahabad. The Kev. J. R. Campbell, having studied medicine, for a while, before coming to India, was able to practise more or less, at Suharuupore, as long as he lived. The first regular physician, connected with the Lodiana Mission, after Dr. Green, was my son, Dr. J. Newton, Jun., a graduate of the Medical College in theUniversity of Penn- sylvania. He came to India independently of the Board, in 1858, and became a member of the Mission in I860.* His first regular work, as a doctor, was in the Mission at Kup- oorthula, where he was associated with the liev. Mr. Wood- side. Afterwards, from 1866 to 1880, he was stationed at Subathoo, where he had a Dispensary ; and, in his preach- ing tours, he practised medicine in the villages also. Within the last three years the Mission has been re- inforced by two other regular physicians — Dr. M. B. Carleton, and Dr. C. W. Forman. The latter, like Dr. Newton, received his appointment from the Board after coming to India. He is stationed at Kussoor,f while Dr. Carleton works during the cold season at Ladwa, and during the summer in the district of Kooloo, among the mountains, where his father has a Christian settlement. Neither of these can be said to have had his plans of work yet fully developed. The Rev. F. J. Newton, having been obliged to go to America, in 1877, to recruit his health, spent part of his time, while there, in studying medicine. He was not able, however, to remain long enough to get a degree ; yet a course of two years at the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia qualified him to do much for the benefit of the sick. He has accordingly opened a Dispensary, on a small scale, at Ferozepore, (where he has been stationed for * He was afterwards ordained to the ministry, by the Presbytery of Lodiana. ■ f Ke has since been transferred to Lodiana. 40 MBDICAL MISSIONARY WORK. the last four years,) daily treating a number of patients during the summer, while in the winter he connects medical work Avith his itinerant preaching. Both he and Dr. Carleton are anxious to see a Ilural Medical Mission established, where there might be not only a Dispensary, but a Hospital, so as to bring healing as well as the Grospel to multitudes in the villages, who have no other medical or surgical help. The great diffi- culty about such a scheme is the want of funds. Were the means forth-coming, such a plan might work much good ; though doubtless it should begin on a small scale. This at least is the opinion expressed by an experienced Medical Missionary in regard to all Medical Mission work. For several years past there has been a Mission Dispen- sary, at Lahore, under a Native Doctor. The daily aver- age of patients last j'car was 59. The first doctor employed did well professionally, but his character as a Christian proved so faulty that it was found necessary to dispense with his services. The one now in charge. Dr. Esa Das, bears a high Christian character, and is an elder of the church. He makes himself useful not only as a practi- tioner, but as a voluntary preacher. He obtained his medical knowledge in the American Methodist Mission of Oude and llohilcund, — where also he was baptized. The Kev. Ahmed Shah, having some knowledge of the old Gre- cian system of medicine, practices somewhat at Jagraon, where he is stationed. The llev. Abdoollah also has a small practice in and about Ghorawaha. Indeed there are few missionaries who are not in the habit of giving medicines for simple diseases. Before leaving this part of the subject, it should be mentioned that a native apothecary trained by Dr. New- ton, whose name was Sterling, was for some years in charge of a Mission Dispensary at Shahabad, under the supervi- sion of the Umballa missionaries ; but Shahabad has since been given up as one of our stations. As to the advantage of Medical Work, as a missionary agency, perhaps the most that can be said, thus far, is that it makes a favorable impression on the native mind, in respect to the character of Christianit}' ; and it concili- ates many who would otherwise be hostile to missionaries. One or two instances may be mentioned to illustrate this. MEDICAL MISSIONARY WORK. 41 When I was at Lodiana, one of our bitter opponents, at one of the preaching places, was a Mahomedan Kashmeree. It so happened, however, that his wife became very ill ; and he asked me to see her. I went accordingly to his house, saw the case, and gave her medicine. In a few days she recovered. From that time the man never again opened his lips in the way of opposition, though he was a frequent hearer. — A man at Lahore not only opposed, but was very abusive ; and Dr. Esa Das came in for a share of the abuse ; but the good doctor had occasion, once, to lay his adversary under special obligation, by his medical practice — thus returning good for evil : and the man was completely won over — acknowledging the great wrong he had been guilty of : and now he is a quiet listener. None of our medicals require the patients to wait for their medicine till all are assembled, as is done in some Missions, when a portion of Scripture is read and expound- ed, and a prayer offered ; though an assistant is sometimes employed to read and speak to those who are waiting their turn to be treated. It is thought better to adopt the plan of dropping a word to individuals, occasionally, as opportunity offers. It might be mentioned that there is a Medical Missionary Society in the Punjab — one of the fruits of the Missionary Conference held at Lahore at the end of 1862 — a Society which not only pays the local expenses of some of the Medical Missions, but assists in educating Native Christians for this work. It is a noteworthy fact that the Grovernment Medical College, at Lahore, is now open to women — both European and Native ; some of whom receive instruction only in nursing, while others go through a regular course of medi- cal study : and so much importance does the Grovernment attach to the equipment of women for medical practice, that it gives a stipend to a certain number of female students, to support them during the period of study. One of the Bible Women at Lahore, taking advantage of this opening, has lately entered on a four year's course of study, with the view of practising, hereafter, as a Missionary, among women and children. This is the wife of Dr. Esa Das. It is not easy to exaggerate the importance of female medical work in India. Ladies of different Societies, with 6 42 POOB HOUSES, LEPKK ASYLBMS, &C. their dispensaries and zenana practice, are doing a great work iu other parts of India ; and some also in the Punjab. Of these, working on a larger or a smaller scale, may be mentioned, in particular, (1) Of the Church of England, Miss Engelmann, at Delhi ; Miss Zeiyen, at Kurnaul ; Miss Hewlett and Miss Sharp, at TJmritsur ; Miss Mitcheson, at Peshawur; Miss Grimwood, at Ujnala; and Miss Bose, at Turrun Tarun : — (2) Of an English undenominational Society, Miss Greenfield, at Lodiana :— (3) Of the English Baptist Mission at Delhi, Miss Thome: — (4) Of the Ame- rican U. P. Mission, Miss E. E. Gordon and Mrs. Johnson, at Goordaspore : — and (5) of our own Mission, Mrs. E. P, Newton, at Lodiana ; and Miss Thiede, at Lahore. All these, except the two belonging to the Lodiana Mission, are un- derstood to have Dispensaries, and some have Hospitals as well ; while at least two of them have Training classes. It will be seen that the Church of England Societies are quite a head of us in this department of the work. A number of the Lady Missionaries in India, who prac- tise medicine, are fully equipped for the work, having received the degree of M. D.; while all are doing much good, not only by healing the diseases of a multitude of women and children, who otherwise must be left to suffer, and perhaps to die, but by bringing to them, at the same time, tlie knowledge of salvation. Missionary agents of this class, if of the right stamp, would receive a warm welcome in the Lodiana Mission. We should rejoice, indeed, to see a well qualified Lady Doc- tor added to the working staff of every mission station. Y. — Poor Houses, Leper Asylums, &c. For more than twenty years there has been a Poor House on the Mission premises at JuUunder, supported partly by the interest accruing on a donation of Rs. 6,000 made to the Mission by Col. Lake; the conditions of the donation being, that for the first ten years the principal should not be touched. At the end of ten years Rs. 1,000 were to be devoted to any missionary object the Mission might desig- nate ; and so another sum of Rs. 1,000 after every five years, till the whole was disposed of; the interest all through, however, being used for the Poor House only. POOR HOUSES, LEPER ASYLUMS, &C. 43 A portion of the expense is met by the Municipality o£ Jullunder, and something is contributed by the Europeans resident at the station. The house built for this purpose is capable of holding- only a small proportion of the paupers to whom alms from this source are dispensed by the Missionary. The number reported in 1880 was 65, and the average monthly expenditure was Es. 75. Some of the inmates from time to time have been Christians. In 1848 a Poor House, with a Dispensary and a small Hospital attached, intended partly for Lepers, was estab- lished at Umballa. This was kept up for several years, being supported partly by private contributions, and partly by Grovernment, but remaining all the while under the care of our missionaries, who regularly preached the Grospel there. Eventually, however, it was abolished by order of the Gl-overnment, and a new Asylum was built Of this Mr. Carleton, who was then stationed at Umballa, gives the following account : — " The Grovernment ordered a Leper Asylum to be broken up, because it was too near a New Hospital and Dispensary in the city. The English officials, civil and military, came to the missionary, and asked him to accept funds to build a new Asylum. The missionary secured a good piece of ground, and at once began the work. The distinguished Christian men and women of the cantonment furnished all the funds required." " The 9th Lancers was commanded by Col. Grrant. He and Mrs. Grrant collected from the Regiment from 150 to 175 rupees a month, while GreneralJohnstone, commanding the station, collected as much more ; so that Rs. 300, and more, was sent to the missionary each mouth, to build the Asylum and support the lepers. The Asylum was built at the cost of about Rs. 2,200, and the English officials continued to support all the lepers till May, 1857, when the Mutiny broke out, and the military men went to Delhi/' More recently this institution has depended not only on local contributions, but on what is sent by a Society in England called the " Mission to Lepers in India,'^ an insti- tution which owes its origin to the benevolent efforts of "W. C. Bailey, Esq., a gentleman who was once connected with our Mission at Umballa, and who is nov/ one of the Secretaries of a Missionary Society in Great Britain. 44 POOR HOUSES, LEPER ASYU'MS, &C. TliG luimbor of inmates now, in 1(S84, is 40. The number of ba})tiisms in tho At>ylum down to the present time has been GO. A prayer room has been built lately in connec- tion with the Asylum, which is very convenient for the religious services held there regularly. There is a Leper Asylum at Deyrah also, which the Mis- sionaries have some connection with. The number of in- mates in 1881 was 75. A Christian leper is employed to read the Bible and give religious instruction daily. This Christian leper, besides teaching the younger ones and the children to read, has taught them also to sing hymns, At the end of 1883 three women were spoken of as candi- dates for baptism. Expenses are met by local contributions from Europeans, and by remittances from the "Mission to Lepers m India. ''^ The Asylum, however, which has excited the greatest interest in the Mission, and the one which seems to have done the most good, is the one at Subathoo. This origina- ted in a small Poor House more than 40 years ago. It was under the immediate care of the missionary, and was supported by the monthly contributions of the Europeans residing there. There were a few lepers in it from the first. It grew however into an institution of importance after Dr. Newton was posted to that station. As a physician he took special interest in the lepers, and experimented, with the view of discovering some medicine by which the pro- gress of the disease might be arrested; and at one time he thought he had made such a discovery. He built a num- ber of houses at a short distance from the Mission House, that he might have the objects of his benevolent attentions near him. He regarded them not as medical patients only, but as emphatically the poor who need to have the Gospel preached to them. So there was a small building erected which answered the double purpose of a Dispensary and a Chapel. Here the lepers voluntarily assemble every day, for worship, besides coming for the special service on the Lord's Day, which is intended for the little Christian conmiunity of the station as well. Out of the 80 or 90 le- pers in the Asylum a few are Christians, and some who have not been baptized give such attention to the reading and exposition of the word, and sing with such apparent zest, that they seem really to be Christians in heart. POOR HOUSES, LEPER ASYLUMS, &C. 45 Every year some are added to the little Church ; yet the lepers die so rapidly that the number of Christians among the living has rarely, if ever, been so much as 20. This Asylum is supported at an expense of five or six thousand rupees, annually. Of this the sum of Rs. 2,400 (and sometimes more) is furnished by " The Mhsion to Lepers'^ referred to above ; while voluntary contributions come from benevolent individuals, living, not only at the neighbouring stations, but in distant parts of India. One gentleman alone, who is personally conversant with the work, has contributed Rs. 200 a year for the last four or five years. Contributions are annually acknowledged from some parts of the United States also. A late census has shown the number of lepers in India, at this time, to be 135,000 ! Poor Houses have been under the care of our missionaries at other stations also. For example, there was one built on the outskirts of the Christian village lot at Lodiana, in the early days of the Mission. It was supported altogether by local contribu- tions. The number of paupers at the end of 1849 was 41. But this institution has long since ceased to exist. So at Lahore. Soon after the arrival of the missionaries there, they were asked to be the almoners of the European residents, and also of the young Maharajah Duleep Singh, who, although then living at Futtehgurh, sent a monthly sum for the relief of 100 of the poor at this old capital of the Sikhs. The missionaries of course were glad to be the medium of such charities to about 200 men and women, afflicted with blindness, lameness, leprosy, the infirmities of age, &c. Afterwards, however, this charge was relinquished, and the Poor House is now a Municipal Institution. Besides the temporal benefit conferred on the poor, by such disbursement of alms, and the offer of spiritual benefits at the same time, it is believed that charities so manifestly Christian cannot fail to affect the public mind favorably, in respect to the source whence such charities flow ; though it must be confessed that few things are harder for the hea- then than to believe that such beneficence can spring from other than selfish motives. It is often intimated that we are aiming to lay up a store of merit that may avail for us in the matter of salvation. Yet as our preaching is all 46 THB PRESS AND LllKRATURE. opposed to the doctrine of salvation by works, it may "be hoped that some at least will be led to Bee the true charac- ter of Christian benevolence. VI. — The Press and Literature. When Mr. Wilson and I were first in Calcutta, on our way to Lodiana, we were advised to take with us a printing press. We accordingly bought an old-fashioned wooden press, (such as were still sometimes used in those days,j to- gether with a font or two of types, paper, and printing ink. These we got from the Baptist Mission Press, then working under the superintendence of the Pev. Wm. H. Pierce, a gentleman of most lovely character, who greatly befriended our predecessors as well as ourselves. We had, neither of us, any knowledge of press work, but Mr. Pierce gave us one of his own native compositors, to assist in inaugurating the work. In the course of the next year after our arrival, that is, in 1836, a small house was built, with three apartments, one for the types and press, another for blank paper and printed matter, and the third for a Book Bindery. Since then the printing office has been greatly enlarged, and furnished also with iron and lithographic presses. Superintendence and Training of Native Printers. Before Mr. Lowrie's departm-e for America, it was ar- ranged that Mr. Wilson should have charge of the school, and that I should take the press. When everything was ready, the compositor from Cal- cutta taught me, as well as he could, how to work the press ; and then he and I together undertook to teach some native apprentices. The superintendence of the Press passed from one hand to another ; but the only practical printer from abroad, that ever had charge of it, was Mr. Morris, who arrived from America in 1838, and remained about 6 years. This however was enough to make good printers of some of the native apprentices, among whom was one who gave so much satisfaction that he has been retained, as Foreman and General Manager, down to the present time. He began in 1836, at the age of about 14, and now he is a grey-headed THE PRESS AND LITERATURE. 47 man. He is almost everything that could be wished, but an open confessor of Christ. The missionaries responsible for this branch of the work, besides myself, have been Messrs. Porter, Morris, Janvier, Eudolph, Wherry, Kelso, and now 0. B. Newton. Early Issues from the Press. The first thing- issued from the press in furtherance of our great design, was a Persian tract entitled "-4 Sermon for the Whole World.^^ It consisted of what is commonly called " The Sermon on the Mount," with the last three verses of Matt. 4 :, for an introduction, and a supplement composed of passages selected from other parts of the New Testament, intended to set forth briefly the redeeming work of Christ, and ending with those words from Heb. 13 : " Now the Grod of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom •be glory for ever and ever." At the same time we printed for Capt. "Wade, the Political Agent, who had greatly helped us in every way, a small Persian Newspaper called " The Lodiana Akhbar,'^ consist- ing of only four loosely printed 4to pages. Prior to the setting up of our press he had had copies of the "Akhbar" written out by hand. The circulation amounted to only about 30 copies. The articles were made up chiefly of political news from the neighbouring states, obtained offi- cially through News- writers employed by the Grovernment, or by the Representatives of those states, resident at Lodiana. Printing in different Languages. Printing has been done here in Persian, Oordoo, Punjabee, Hindee, Kashmeree, Sindhee, Chumba-Paharee, Thibetan and English ;— Oordoo in both the Persian and the Roman characters ; Punjabee, in the Groormookhee ; Hindee, in the Deva Nagree character ; Kashmeree, in the Persian charac- ter, modified by diacritical marks ; Sindhee in the Groor- mookhee character, somewhat modified ; and the Paharee, which is a dialect of Hindee, with a mixture of Punjabee, in a character called Thakooree. 48 THE PRESS AND LITERATURB. For many years past all the books printed in the Persian character have been lithographed, this character having been found to be ill suited to typography. The Work of the Press. It is impossible to say, with absolute accuracy, how many pages of matter have been printed at Lodiana ; but, taking all issues together, the proximate number in the eight years of the first decade, that is, till 1844, was a little under 18,000,000 ; in the ^eco»d decade, over 39,000,000 ; in the third decade, over 55,000,000 ; in the fourth decade, about 80,000,000 ; in the fifth decade, nearly 75,000,000 ; making a total, within the 48 years which have elapsed since the press was first set up, of about 267,000,000 pages. This, besides English, was in the eight languages and dialects spoken in the Punjab and neighbouring countries. Expenses met. The cost of all this printing has been defrayed by the American Bible and Tract Societies, the Punjab Bible and Religious Book Societies, the Presbyterian Board of For- eign Missions, the Christian Vernacular Education Society, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the Ijodi- ana Mission, and the Hyderabad Mission ; besides what has been paid for secular job work, by the Punjab Grovern- ment, the Maharajah of Kaslimeer, and others. The issues from the Mission Depository, in 1883, amount- ed to more than 4-3,000 books and tracts. Since then almost the whole stock of religious books has been trans- ferred, by a special arrangement, to the Depository of the Punjab Bible and Religious Book Societies, at Lahore. It should be mentioned that for many years past the work at our press has been done by contract, — the contrac- tor being the man mentioned before, as having become an apprentice when the press was first set up. The Litho- graphic Presses are his personal property. The Binding is done in the same way, the contractor in this Department being, at first, a person who had been educated in the Suharunpore Orphanage ; and now, one of his sons. It is worthy of consideration whether our missionaries ought not to be relieved of all this kind of care, by selling THE PRESS AND LITERATURE. 49 the Press to natives. There are now so many printing esta- blishments in the Punjab, that it ■would be easy to get our work done, without having a press o£ our own. Confiagrations. Twice in the course of the first 25 years, two very seri- ous reverses occurred. In the beginning of 1845 the press building was burnt, and most of its contents destroyed. The cause of this was never ascertained. The loss, chiefly from the consumption of books, was about Rs. 20,000. When the establishment was restored, the Depository was built separate from the printing office. This divided the risk : but at the time of the mutiny, in 1857, the whole stock of books and tracts was again destroyed by fire. This time it was clearly the work of incendiaries, who sympa- thized with the mutineers. Distribution. In the earlier days of the Mission it was usual to distri- bute books and tracts gratuitously, to all who asked for them, — on the sole condition of their being able to read. For this reason missionaries of all Societies who required books for distribution, received freely whatever they inden- ted for. It was difficult then for the Press to keep pace with the demand. So many as 25,000 copies were disposed of by the Lodiana missionaries, during a single visit to the Hurdwar Fair. And certainly these great fairs are excel- lent places for putting our books into circulation. Selling. More recently the policy of selling has been adopted ; and though the price asked for the books is only nominal, the demand now is not nearly so great as it was in the days of free distribution. Small tracts, however, are still given gratuitously. Colporteurs. At almost every station colporteurs are employed to sell our books, — some by the Mission, but more by the Punjab Societies. Special facilities for this are found at the more important of the Railway Stations. People are often glad to get something to read while journeying by rail. 7 50 THF, PRESS AND LTTKRATIRE. But Colporteurs were sometimes employed in earlier times too, when books, as well as tracts, were given with- out pay : yet with varied success. Carried into hostile states, the books have sometimes been confiscated — but not always to be destroyed. Scriptures in Cahul. Shortly after the Mission was established at Lodiana, two or three English gentlemen were sent on a political mission to Cabul. One of these gentlemen, after being there a short time, wrote to one of the missionaries at Lodiana, stating that many of the Afghans resident there had expressed a desire to become acquainted with the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, and asking to have a mule load of them sent. This desire of the Cabulees to see our Sacred books was confirmed by a letter received at a later date from an American gentleman in the service of the Ameer Dost Mahomed. In the light of such facts we know how to estimate the nervousness of certain officials, who always scent danger when eiforts are made to disseminate Grospel truth. After the date of the letters now referred to, when Afghanistan was virtually occupied by British troops, with a friendly Sovereign on the throne, and many of the inhabitants were living on good terms with the English, the Lodiana missionaries, at the special request of a Christian officer in that country, despatched sevtTal mule loads of Bibles, and Portions of the Bible, with a view to their being given to any who might wish to obtain them. The road lay through Ferozepore. Cupt. (afterwards Sir Henry) Lawrence was then the Political Agent at that place. lie was both a friend of the Missionaries and a Christian ; but, being a man under authority, he did not dare to allow these boxes of Bibles to pass, without first informing his superior officer, Mr. Greorge Clerk, at Umballa.* So they were detained till Mr. Clerk's answer could be received. The answer was "You can let them go, if you have a regiment of rifles to send with them." Of course they had to be sent back. Some years after this the Lahore missionaries sent a Col- * This was the p:entleman, who, as Sir George Clerk, was after- waido Guveruor of tlio 13umbuy Piusidoucy. THE PRESS AND LITERATUKE. 51 porteur to Cabul with a supply of Scriptures : but they were disposed of in a way not anticipated. The books were seized, as something of doubtful character ; and by order of the Ameer they were carried to the Durbar to be inspected. "When it was found that they were the sacred books of Jews and Christians, they were distributed by the Ameer him- self among his courtiers then present, and the Colporteur was allowed to return empty. Waste ? No doubt multitudes of the books and tracts given gra- tuitously have been absolutely lost, at least as to the first intention of the distributors, but so are the most of G-od's gifts to men ; yet here, as elsewhere, we are sometimes reminded of those inspired words of the wise man, " Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." Two or three illustrations may be given. (1) A Suuyasee came one day to one of the missionaries at Lodia- na to learn something about Christ, — something more than he knew already. His story was, that a book called "Mangal Samachar," (literally. Good News,) had been given him at the Thanesur Fair. He had read the book, and had found the contents of it to be, indeed, the Grood News it professed to be. In his wanderings he had come to Ra- hon in the Jullunder Dooab. There he had learned that Lodiana was the place where such books were printed ; and to Lodiana he had come, without delay. This man soon gave evidence of being a true believer ; and in due time he was baptized. He was afterwards employed as a Catechist. Since then a daughter of his has become the wife of a preacher ; and his son is now a Scripture Reader in our Mission. (2.) In the course of an itineration, one of our missionaries was visited, at his tent, by a man who said that in his village some half dozen people were in the habit of meeting to read and hear a book which spoke about Jesus ; whose character and teachings they greatly admired. The book in question had been received by one of them at the Hurdwar Fair. (3.) One of the recent converts in our Mission was a pundit, who had a reputation for learning and sanctity. He hated Christians and abhorred Christian books, — yet without having read them. But it so happened that a copy of the New Testament, in Sanscrit, fell into his 52 THE PRESS AXD LITERATURE. hands. This to him was a sacred language, and so he was induced to road the book. The consequence was his con- version and baptism. Many such facts might be called to mind. But may not the printed truths oi' Christianity now lying unlieeded, be read at some future time and yield a rich harvest of converted souls ? A man in Lodiana once refused to have any of our books, because, though he was not, he said, afraid of their infliience on himself, he didn't know how they might affect his children, after his death ; for the children, finding these books in the house, would naturally say they must surely be good books, or their father would not have possessed them. Secular Printing. Besides purely religious works, there have been issues from the press of a different character, such as a Punjabee Dictionary and Grammar, and other books intended to aid foreigners in studying the language of the people ; also a few school books ; and various sorts of job work — chiefly for Government. Weekly Newspaper. Again, for some years past the Mission has published a weekly paper in Persian-Oordoo, named the " Noor Ufshan" (Light Scatterer) which is partly secular and partly reli- gious. The paper consists of 8 quarto pages. It is taken and read by both Christians and Heathen. The number of copies issued monthly, now in the year 1884, is between six and seven hundred. This, though it may seem small, is really a large number for an Indian Vernacular paper. Authorship. As to the religious books published at the Lodiana Press, the responsibility of original authorship, and of translation, belongs partly to the members of our Mission, and partly to others. In liindoe we have done almost nothing. In Oordoo a large number of the tracts, and many of the volumes printed by us, were prepared by our own missionaries. In Punjabee we are responsible for a large proportion of what has been printed. CONVERTS. 53 VII. — Converts. Number. The first baptism in the Mission took place in 1837. Since then the body of converts has gradually increased, till, at the present time, the number of communicants is about 500. Some of these, it is true, were baptized in other Missions ; but it is equally true that many of the converts of our Mission are now members of churches not connected with us. It must be noted also, that, of the present members of our churches, some are not direct converts from heathenism, but children and grand-children of such converts. Another fact to be remembered is that death has been at work in the churches all these years ; and as many church members are now in their graves, probably, as we are able to count among the living. According to the census of 1881, the entire native Chris- tian community of the Punjab — communicants and non- communicants together — then comprised about 4,000 souls. The communicants and adherents, in our Mission, in 1883, numbered altogether 1,171. Conditions of Baptism. It is not pretended that all the baptized are truly con- verted ; for though our principle is to baptize only those who give credible evidence of having been regenerated, it has often been made painfully obvious, that our judgment was not infallible. Many have openly apostatized, and others for various gross offences, long unrepented of, have been excommunicated ; though of both these classes some have ultimately been restored. The number of baptisms might have been vastly multiplied, if all candidates for the ordinance had been admitted ; but in this way the Church would probably have been filled with merely nominal Chris- tians, and the number of apostates too would have been greatly increased. Sexes. Male converts have been more numerous than female. It could hardly have been otherwise ; since direct mission- 54 CONVERTS. ary influonce has liardly reached the female part of the community, till within the last few years, — to say uuthiug of special difficulties connected with tlie baptism of women, while their male relations are still heathen. Natioiwlities. Of the persons baptized in our Mission we reckon almost all the nationalities found in the Punjab, such as Tunjubies, Hindoostanies, Bengalies, Nepalies, Paharies, Kashmeries, Afghans, Israelites, and Parsies. Ancestral Religiom. In respect to ancestral religion, some were Hindoos, some Mahomedans, some Sikhs, some Lai Bagies, some Jews, and at least one Zoroastrian, and one Jain. Castes. All the principal castes, too, have their representatives among our converts,— such as Brahmans, Khuttries, Bun- yas, Jats, Syuds, Eajpoots, Faqeers of different orders, Chamars, Mehturs, &c. Social Rank. There is the same variety also in their social rank : — there being among them Pundits, Moonshies, Religious Teacliers, Schoolmasters, Princes, Soldiers, Farmers, Shop-keepers, Domestic Servants, Artizans, &c. Character of the Converts. When inquiry is made about the general character of these converts, it is enough perhaps to say that while some of them are most exemplary, not a few exhibit the frailties which might be expected of persons who from childhood were under the influence of heathen customs and principles, and who have not the advantage, yet, of a healthy public senti- ment, to sustain them in the steady practice of the higher virtues. A gradual improvement hovrever may be looked for, under the influence of pastoral instruction, Sunday school teaching, and the growth of a Christian public sentiment. So it must always be in the History of the Church. SPIRITUAL LABORS OF NATIVE CHRISTIANS. 55 VIII.— Si'iRiTUAL Labors of Native Christians. A large proportion of the Native Christians, in every Mission, in its earlier stages, is likely to find employment in some kind of Mission work ; and so it has been with us. The work to be done is so great in proportion to the num- ber of missionaries sent out by the home Societies and Boards, that every convert who seems at all fit to be employed as a teacher, a colporteur, or a catechist, is eagerly enlisted lor the work ; and this the rather, in some cases, because the ban of society is almost sure to exclude men of good caste and social standing from their accustomed means of livelihood. And though we are able to be more particular now, than at first, in the selection of our agents, the number of Mission-paid workers, in various departments, is still large. But besides these we have now a considerable number of Volunteer Workers. These usually accompany the missionaries, and take part in preaching to the heathen ; though sometimes they do this work alone — either singly, or in companies of two or three. In Lahore there are four or five such volunteers, and the Keport for 1883 speaks of several volunteer preach- ers at Deyrah. The latter do not confine their preaching to the city, but on the last Saturday of every month, which is a holiday in all Grovernment offices, they extend their evan- gelistic efforts to the neighbouring villages. Similar work is done at other stations also. And the female members of our churches must not be excluded from the honor of this sort of labor. At Lahore, for example, several have done more or less in this way, — some of them poor women, with families. But the one who has done the most, by visiting and teaching in zenanas, is a native young lady, who is able to spare two or three hours daily, for this service of love. Mention should be made of a native widow lady also, at Lodiana, who some- times accompanies the missionary ladies there, in their evangelistic tours among the villages, rendering them in this way most valuable assistance. Some are active also in ministering, spiritually, to their fel- low Christians — both in the church and in the Sunday School. 56 ORCJANIZKl) CHUttfHES AXD PASTORAL WORK. Such voluntary work is highly to bo commended : not only because it is a help to the missionaries, but because it evinces a Christian spirit on the part of the volunteers, and because it tends to the personal edification of all who are engaged in it. IX. — Organized Churches, and Pastoral Work. The Mission has been so far blessed in its work that churches have been organized at Lodiana, Suharunpore, Subathoo, Umballa, Deyi-ah, JuUunder, Lahore, Kawul Pin- dee, iloshyarpore, Ferozepore, Suntoke Majra, and Morinda. There was a chiu'ch organization at lloorkee also, but this is virtually, if not formally, defunct. The station having been made over to the Reformed Presbyterian Synod of North America, the few Christians at that place, who once belonged to our Mission, will naturally be cai-ed for by the missionary of that Synod. Most of our Mission churches are under the spiritual oversight of the Missionaries, aided by liuling Elders : and in some there are Deacons also, who look after the tempo- ralities of the church. In a few cases there have been acting, if not regularly installed, native pastors ; as at Jullunder, Iloshyarpore, Ferozepore, Deyrah, Suharun- pore, and Lodiana. At one time there was a native pastor at Lahore also. These pastors have never received much of their support from the congregations. This is because the congregations are too poor to make up their full salaries. In most cases the churches prefer the ministrations of missionaries ; and it is the opinion of some, that the spiritual interests of the churches will gain, in the long run, if largely ministered to by foreigners, till better qualified native pastors can be raised up : not indeed that some of the present native ministers are not highly qualified to instruct and build up the church : but such are not to be found everywhere ; and where they are wanting, perhaps the best plan, for the present, is for one of the Missionaries to have the nominal position of pastor, so as to be able to exercise a controlling influence, without acting unconstitutionally ; while yet he commits a large part of the work to the Ruling Elders,— that is, whore the Elders are qualified to CHRISTI.\N VILLAGES. 57 minister in spiritual things. This, in the main, is the plan adopted at Lahore. The Elders and Deacons, for the most part, are able to preach acceptably ; and by dividing this service among themselves, and sharing it with the Mission- aries, they are able, one or other of them, to prepare for, and conduct, at least one service every Lord's Day, while they depend, altogether, for their support, on their secular occupations. It is not pretended that this plan has all the advantages of a stated pastorate ; but, as a temporary measure, nothing appears to answer so well ; while one special advantage of it is, that it teaches the Elders to look upon their office as something much more than a name. As to the Deacons taking part in pulpit duties, this must depend on whether the}' have natural and spiritual gifts for such work : and the same may be said of other members of the church. When such have been sufficiently proved, they may be formally ordained to the Elder's office. What can contri- bute more to the edification of the church, than for each member, under the supervision of the pastor, to exercise the gifts which the Lord has bestowed on him ! Church Buildings. Church buildings have been erected at Deyrah, Suharun- pore, Umballa, Lodiana, Grhorawaha, (connected with Hoshyarpore,) Lahore, and Rawul Piudee. At the other stations church services are performed in chapels, school houses, &c. It should be mentioned, that at Umballa there are two church buildings, — one at the city station, and the other at the cantonment sub-station, — with regular services in both ; while yet there is but a single church organiza- tion. The services in the city church are conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Bergen and Soonder Lai ; those in the cantonment church by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Basten. X. — Christian Villages. In our Mission, as elsewhere in India, it is common for native Christians to congregate in the immediate neighbor- hood of the houses occupied by the missionaries ; which, at most of our stations, is at a short distance from the heathen population. And the clusters of houses in which they live are commouly known as Christian Villages, 8 58 CHRISTIAN VILLAGES. Many arc opposed to this Village system, as it is call- ed, insisting that the converts should live in the midst of the heathen, so as to exert an influence there for good. The time will come, perhaps, when this can he done; but there are strong reasons why, at present, thoy should live together, separate from the heathen. (1) Isew con- verts are to be regarded as babes in Christ, and too weak, therefore, to exert much influence, singly, on the dense masses of heathenism around them. (2) The hostility of their old co-religionists might, in many instances, prove to be too strong for their faith not yet well matured. (3) It is natural for the weak and persecuted to cling to each other, and seek mutual support. (4) Congregational worship and pastoral oversight are facilitated by having the dwell- ings of the Christians near each other, and near the place of public worship. (5) The dread which Christian parents feel, of having their children brought up in immediate association with the children of their heathen neighbours, makes it reasonable that they should prefer living at a little distance, where they are surrounded by none but Christian families. Under the influence of such considerations the village system has held sway, more or less, at all our stations except Iloshyarpore, with its sub-station of Ghorawaha, and at Ferozepore. In all cases the ground on which the villages stand belongs to the Mission ; and in some cases the houses too. Native Christians have been encouraged, however, to build for themselves — having some sort of lease for the land : and this has been done by some, particularly at Lodiana and Saharunpore, and in the Christian settlement of Suntoke Majra : and at nearly all our stations probably some of the houses are owned by the occupants. Other Christian Settlements. The settlements established by Mr. Carleton at Suntoke Majra and Annee, are on a somewhat different footing from tlie other Christian villages. The laud on which Suntoke Majra stands, being then a waste, was given to Mr. Carleton by the Government, with a special view to its being settled by Christians. He alone is responsible for the success of the enterprise ; and his plan is to allot to each VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS OF NATIVE CHRISTIANS. 59 of the settlers as much of the land as he can make good use of, — the proprietorship heing vested in him personally. The ground here is used mainly for pastoral purposes. Mr. Carleton's plan for the working of this settlement, as he informs us, is likely to undergo a change. The land on which Annee stands was bought by Mr. Car- leton with his own money; — so that he is the sole proprietor. The houses occupied by the settlers here, were built with money which he collected from his American and English friends. In neither one nor the other of these settlements has the Board any proprietary right ; and the Mission has no sort of control. The cultivators in this settlement are gradually becoming proprietors. It should be mentioned that Mr. Bose also undertook, some years ago, to establish a Christian farming settlement on land obtained for this purpose from the native Grovern- ment of Bahawalpore ; though up to this time few of the cultivators are Christians. The name given to this place is Greyabad. Mr. Woodside made a similar attempt in the Doon, near Deyrah, — giving to his settlement the name of Hopetown; but since his removal from the Doon and from the Lodiana Mission, and his becoming a member of the Furruckabad Mission, several hundred miles distant, this enterprise has fallen into decay. XI. — Various occupations of Native Christians. Besides those who are engaged directly in the service of the Church and Mission, as Missionaries, Pastors, Cate- chists, Colporteurs, School Masters, School Mistresses, Zenana Visitors, and Bible Women, we have been able to reckon, in our native Christian community, a Superintendent of a large Royal Estate, Medical practitioners, Apothecaries, Compounders, Dressers, Clerks in Government and Railway offices, Government Collectors, a Barrister, a Clerk of a Court, a Judge of the Small Cause Court, an Inspectress of Government Female Schools, Moonshies, Pundits, Police Officers, a Postmaster, Political Pensioners, Printers, Book- binders, Masons, a Blacksmith, Carpenters, Railway Fitters, Railway Firemen, Engine Drivers, Weavers, a Tailor, a Harness-maker, a Shoe-maker, a Goldsmith, Messengers, 60 ST'N'DAY SCHOOLS AND BIBLE CLASSES. Small Contraotors, Pomestic Servants, Gordenors, Pay- laborers, Jinriksha Pullmen, Grooms, Shop-keepers, Agri- culturists, Cattle farmers, Fukeers, and Paupers. A few of these may be regarded as well-to-do in the world, though most of them are in the receipt of very small incomes. XII. — Sunday Schools and Bible Classes. 1. Sunday Schools. Sunday Schools for the heathen — mainly pupils in tho week-day schools — have been common throughout the Mission almost from the beginning. The first was con- nected with a Goormookhee School at Lodiana, situated in •what the natives call "Molly Gunj." In some cases the attendance of week-day pupils is compulsory ; but even where this is not the case, the attendance is sometimes large, — for example, at Lahore and at Lodiana ; — the number of Sunday scholars at Lahore being about 200. TJmballa, at the end. of this year, reports 523 non-Christian Sunday scholars. The success of a Sunday School, in respect to numbers, where the attendance is voluntary, must depend largely on the interest the teachers are able to throw into the lessons : and unfortunately many teachers are not highly gifted in this way. There are Sunday Schools at some of our stations for Christian children too ; but these are of more recent origin. In some of them the International Sunday School Lessons are used. A difficulty experienced in keeping up these schools, in the Hot Season, is that where there are two church services, one in the comparative cool of the morning, and the otlier in the comparative cool of the evening, there is no time for the Sunday School except in the burning heat of the day, — when most people keep themselves shut up in their houses. To obviate this difficulty, the missionaries at Lodiana, a few years ago, determined to convert the Sunday morning congregation into a Sunday School. Another advantage of this plan is that it secures an unusual amount of Biblical instruction for the whole congregation — the old as well as the young-. SUNDAY SCHOOLS AlTO BIBLTi; CLASSES. 61 One of the interesting- features of this school is that it is voluntarily attended by a g-oodly number of heathen children ; some of whom come regularly a distance of several miles : and when, at the close, the Superintendent questions the whole school on the subject of the lesson, these heathen children answer as promptly as the Christians, and some- times more intelligently. 2. Bible Classes. At most, if not all our stations, there are likewise Bible Classes, or Bible Headings. These are for the benefit of the Christian community. Some are for men, conducted by the missionaries ; some for women, conducted by the ladies ; and some, for men and women together. These are usually held on week days. Mr. Carleton has a dnili/ Bible class for Christians, which is attended by heathen visitors also. Mr. Chatterjee has two classes every week, — one for the more advanced Christians, Catechists, &c. ; the other, for new converts and inquirers ; while Mrs. Chatter- jee in the same way teaches the women and children of the church. A plan recently adopted at Lahore is to have two classes every week. One of these is taught in English, and is composed of such members of the congregation— both men and women— as speak English well, and is attended by some of the lady missionaries also, — the lessons being, not consecutive passages of Scripture, but Biblical topics — both doctrinal and practical. The other is taught in Hin- doostanee — each lesson being a single portion of Scripture, selected with special reference to the capacity of those who compose the class. The missionary ladies at Lodiana are in the habit of pre- paring and printing a list of Scriptural topics — one for each week — a whole year in advance. These are for the weekly Bible Readings which they hold with the women of the congregation : and it should be remarked that some of the more intelligent of the native women take their turn with the missionaries in conducting these meetings. As these topics are prvnUd, the ladies at Lahore, and at some other stations outside of our own Mission, take advan- tage of this fact, and use them for similar women's meet- iug:s. 62 BOARDING SCHOOLS FOR CHRISTIAN CHILDREN. XIII. — BoARDiNa Schools for Christian Children. 1. For Native C/iristian Oirls. A Boarding School for the daughters of Native Chris- tians was opened at Deyrah, by Mr. and Mrs. Ilerron, in 1859. Though it was a Boarding School, day scholars also were admitted ; and this has been tlie rule ever since. The great aim of the institution was to give Native Christian girls such a training as might fit them for use- fulness as members of the Christian community, and espe- cially as the joint heads of future Christian households. Such training must include, not only the education of the intellect, but also the cultivation of good domestic habits, and bringing them as far as possible under the influence of sound Christian principles. With all this in view, the girls were instructed in household duties, and in such scholastic knowledge as is considered necessary even for the poor ; while the inculcation of Grospel truth and Christian duty was always made to take the first place. But for some a higher standard of literary education was aimed at ; and that, not without success. The Managers thought it advisable to give much of the instruction through the medium of English. Many will doubt the wisdom of this : and much can be said against it. The truth probably is. that while a knowledge of English — even a familiar knowledge of it — is desirable for some of the higher classes of society, it is undesirable for the lower. As to Christian influence, this perhaps is more marked than any thing else ; for many have been hopefully con- verted there. In this enterprise, which was justly regarded as one of paramount importance, Mrs. Herron's zeal led her to exert herself beyond her strength ; but happily she had the assistance of Miss Mary Goloknath, now Mrs. Chatter- jee, who had herself been educated in Mrs. Fullerton's School at Agra. Mrs. Herron died in 1862, and in the early part of the next year, the school was committed to Miss Beatty. She, however, after a service of about seven years, was obliged on account of a complete failure of health, to return to America. The school was thus deprived of its second efficient Lady Superintendent. BOARDING SCHOOLS FOR CHRISTIAN CHILDREN. 63 Meanwhile Mr. Herron, who had heen some years ahsent in America, and, being newly married, had now returned to the Mission, was stationed once more at Deyrah ; and the school was again committed to his charge. While in America he had collected a large sum of money to pay for the erection of new school-buildings ; and tliis was supplemented by a grant-in-aid from the Government, amounting to Es. 15,000. The outcome of this is a large school-house, with apartments for the Prin- cipal and the several teachers required for so large an in- stitution as this has now become. The buildings present an imposing appearance, and are well adapted to their purpose. The school continued to grow, until the new suite of buildings, capable of accommodating about 150 pupils, was fairly filled. This was due partly, however, to the fact, that in 1871 it had absorbed the Girls Orphanage trans- ferred from Lodiana to Deyrah, and from time to time had taken in other orphans. Yet a large proportion of the pupils have always been from Christian families. From the beginning of its History to the time when Miss Beatty took charge, the chief management and con- trol of the institution was in the hand of Mr. Herron himself ; and much of its success must be attributed to the interest he took in it, and the skill with which he managed it. Yet it was his conviction, expressed in the Report which he penned in 1863, that the School should be under the care of a lady missionary. His wish in this respect was fully gratified when Miss Beatty took charge. But after Miss Beatty' s health failed, it again fell to his lot to bear the responsibility of both principalship and manage- ment, until he was relieved, at the beginning of the pre- sent year, by Miss Pendleton, who had been sent out by the Board for this express purpose. While the achievements of this School are due primarily to Mr. Herron, and to the ladies already mentioned as having had much to do with it, in its earlier history, others also deserve to be mentioned, who from time to time have taken part in the work, — such as Miss Bolton, (now Mrs. Kelso,) who worked as a volunteer, Miss Woodside, Miss Thompson, (now Mrs. C. B. Newton,) Miss Craig, Miss Bacon, Miss Pratt, Miss Nelson, Mrs. Dr. Morrison, and Miss Herron. The present staff consists of Miss Pendleton, Miss Wherry, 64 BOARDING SCHOOLS FOR CHRISTIAN CHILDREN. and Miss Evaus — daug-hter of tlie Eev. Mr. Evans, English Liiptifst Missionary iu this country. iStimulated in a measure, no doubt, by what was seen at iJoyrah, Missionaries of other Societies have since organized Boarding Schools for Girls, in dill'erent parts of tlie country. There is one such at Lahore, one at Lodiana, one at Umritsur, and one at Sealkote, — most, if not all of them, in a flourishing condition. 2. For Native Christian Boys. A few years ago the Lodiana Mission determined to have a Boarding School for Christian Boys also. The object of this was to give them as good an education as is given to heathen boys in our High Schools, without sub- jecting them to the necessity of associating daily with the heathen, and being influenced by heathenish ideas and practices. A beginning was made at Lahore, by Mr. C. B. Newton, in 1875. Two years later, when his health failed, and he was obliged to leave India for a season, the school was transferred to Lodiana, to be under the management of Mr. E. P. Newton. This transfer was the more easy, because no buildings had yet been erected for it. The school was kept up at Lodiana for two years ; and then, for want of a Missionary who could devote his whole time to it, and still more for want of means to pay the salaries of first class teachers, (which was considered essential to success,) it was suspended. This was in the Spring of LS79. After this the Ladies' Missionary Society in Phil- adelphia, being convinced that this would be a legiti- mate work for tliem, undertook to raise money for the resuscitation and permanent establishment of the school. In 1882, therefore, a building was erected for its accommo- dation at Lodiaua, and early in 1883 it was re-opened under the auspices of Mr. Wherry. The number of pupils reported at the end of that year was 65 ; of whom 38 were boarders ; and 27, day scholars. The superintendence was afterwards transferred to Mr. McComb ; and Miss Pratt was appointed to assist in teaching. The building erected in 1882 being only a part of what had been planned, another of the same size lias been erected this year. The entire cost of these buildings has been about 25,UU0 rupees. BOARDING SCHOOLS FOR CHRISTIAN CHILDREN. 65 This institution has an Industrial Department, in which some of the boys, not capable of a high education, are taught shoe- making, book-binding, weaving, tailoring, and printing. The wisdom of connecting Industrial Education with the higher branches of literature and science, in a country like India, will be questioned by many ; and it is possible that the Mission will make some change in this respect. 3. For European and Eurasian Girls. Two Boarding Schools of another class must be men- tioned, as existing within the bounds of the Lodiana Mis- sion, and supported in part by the Board, or by the Ladies' Auxiliaries in America, though only one of them has been under the exclusive control of this Mission. The first of these is the Woodstock School at Landour. This school was connected at one time with an English Ladies' Society — that for " Promoting Female Education in the East." It was established and maintained in the interests of Protestantism. After some years however it was given up. The Philadelphia Ladies' Society, connected with our Board, then stepped in, and bought the property, — with the view of accomplishing two objects : first, the primary education of Missionaries' daughters ; and second, the education, on a sound Protestant basis, of Protestant European and Eurasian girls ; who, but for such an insti- tution, would be sent to a Eoman Catholic Convent, or to a High Church Episcopalian School, where there is almost always a tendency towards Rome. The building was paid for, partly, by a grant-in-aid from the Grovernment : and a monthly grant from the same source helps to pay for the education given. From the beginning of 1874 to the beginning of 1877, it was under the general management of Mr. Herron, whose station, Deyrah, was but twelve miles distant from Landour,— Miss Bacon, Miss Scott, and Miss Pratt acting successively as Principals : but in March, 1877, the prin- cipalship, with the entire management, was made over to Mrs. Scott, sent out by the Home Society for this purpose. The building has recently been enlarged, and the pre- mises in every way improved ; yet something in this res- pect still remains to be done. 9 66 ' THEOLOGICAL KDITATION. The imrabcr of Missionary cliildreu in the school, during the summer just ended, was about 20 ; while the hoarders of all classes counted up to about 80. The number of teachers at present, apart from Mrs. Scott, is 7 ; of whom 5 are young- ladies from America, and 2 from Scotland. The good education given here, the excellent management of the Principal, the character of the teachers, tlie special attention paid to the spiritual interests of the pupils, and the Missionary spirit fostered among them, cause the school to stand high in the confidence of the Christian public. Though the cost of maintaining the institution is neces- earily high, it is expected very soon to be self-supporting. The other school was begun by Miss Bacon, at Umballa, in 1875. It was afterwards removed to Kussowlie, on the mountains, for the sake of the better climate found there : hence called the KunHotdie School. It was intended to meet the wants of a class of Eurasians and Europeans who could not well all'ord to pay the higher fees of the Woodstock School. The number of pupils never rose so high as 30. In 1882, on account of Miss Bacon's ill health, which neeessitated her return to America, Miss Pratt was appoint- ed to take her place. At the end of 1883, when the circumstances which led to the establishment of tbis school no longer existed, and there were openings elsewhere for the class of girls for which it was intended, the institution was abolished. XIV. — Theological Education. Early in the history of the Mission the necessity was felt of giving a Theological Education to catechists and candidates for the ministry ; and year after year this was done by one or other of the Missionaries at most of our stations. This method, however, was in itself most unde- sirable. It took tho time of many men, (men too who were generally full of other work,) to do what could have been accomplished easily, and perhaps far better, by one or two ; if only tho students had been gathered into classes, and the teachers had devoted their whole time, or nearly the whole of it, to this partioular work. In view of this a Theoio;- ical School was established at PRTISBYTERIES AND SYNOD. 67 Allahabad, under the auspices of the Synod, in the year 1872, which was intended to meet the wants of both the Lodiana and the Furruckabad Missions. For one reason or another, however, the enterprise did not prosper ; and in the year 1875 it was suspended. A new eltort in the same direction was resolved upon at the Synodical meeting held at Suharunpore in 1883; and Suharunpore was designated as the most suitable place for it. Instructors have been appointed, and arrangments are now being made to begin the work of instruction.* XV. — Presbytkriks and Synod. Of the party of missionaries which joined the Mission in 1836, three were unordained. They had been sent out under the designation of teachers. They had all, however, had the ministry in view ; and having gone through a regular course of collegiate studies, and obtained the de- gree of B. A., they were prepared to prosecute their theo- logical studies, under Presbyterial direction. But there was no Presbytery in the Mission field ; and, in connection with the Greneral Assembly, there was not a sufficient num- ber of ministers to form a constitutional Presbytery. There were only two ministers, while the constitution re- quired three. To meet this emergency it was agreed that the two, (viz : Mr. Wilson and myself,) and Mr. Camp- bell, one of the party referred to, who was a minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, should organize a Presbytery, and so be able to give formal ordination to the others, whenever the way for such ordination might otherwise be opened. Accordingly the Presbytery was constituted, and after the usual trials the three candidates were ordained. The whole thing was of course irregular ; but the anoma- lous position the missionaries were placed in seemed to them to justify it : and the principle of it has since been recognized by the proposed alliance of different Presbyterian bodies occupying the same Mission field, for certain eccle- siastical purposes. * The school was opened in January, 1885; and the number of students soon rose to 27. These were taught by two foreign mission- aries, Mr. Wherry, transferred from Lodiana, and Mr Ewing, trans- ferred from Allahabad : together with some learned native assistants. 68 PRESBYTERIES AND SYNOD. The matter was soon after brought to the notice of the General Assembly ; but while tlie Assembly disapproved the measure, it gave informal validity to it, by acknowledging the three brethren — Jamiesou, Ivogers, and Porter — as truly ordained mini^ters. and directing them, with theoriginal two in its connection, to constitute the Presbytery of Lodiana. This Presbytery in its first form was constituted in 1837. Its present form was assumed two or three years later. In 18-J8 another minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church — the Rev. Joseph Caldwell — joined the Mission : and as two ministers, according to the law of that church, can form a Presbytery, Messrs. Campbell and Caldwell in due time organized the Presbytery of Suharunpore. This was in 1841. Not far from the same time two Presbyteries of our church were organized within the bounds of theFui-ruckabad Mission — one, the Furruckabad ; the other, the Allahabad Presbytery. Hereupon the Greneral Assembly, in 1841, adopted a resolution by which the three Presbyteries of Lodiana, Allahabad and Furruckabad, were to constitute the Synod of Northern India ; and the first meeting of the Synod, so constituted, was held at Futtehgurh in November, 1845, The second meeting was held at Agra in December, 1848 : and then no other for many years. In 1868 a portion of the Lodiana Presbytery was de- tached, and formed into the l*resbytery of Lahore ; — the dividing line between the two Presbyteries being the river Sutlej; except that Ferozepore, though south of the Sutlej, was for special reasons connected with the Lahore Presbytery. After the union of the Old and New School Churches the Kolhapore Presbytery was attached to the Synod of Northern India, and the name of the Synod was changed, by dropping the word Northern, so that the name by which it is now known is The Sijnod of India. The ministerial members of the Synod at the time of its last meeting, held in 1883, numbered 44 ; of whom 15 were natives. Referring particularly to the Presbyteries within the bounds of the Lodiana Mission, it must suffice to say, that in the Lodiana Presbytery, at the date mentioned above (Nov. 1883) there were 12 ministers ; of whom 5 were PRESBYTERIES AND SYNOD. 69 natives ; while the number of churches, too, was 5. In the Lahore Presbytery also there were 12 ministers ; of whom 6 were natives ; and here too the number of churches was 5, In the Suharunpore Presbytery (Reformed,) at the same date, there were 5 ministers ; of whom 3 were natives ; and there were nominally 3 churches — one of them, the one at Hoorkee — being practically defunct. During the current year some changes have taken place. The three native members of the Suharunpore Presbytery, and one of the foreign members, have withdrawn from that body, and have been admitted into the Presbytery of Lodi- ana ; while the Church at Suharunpore, at its own request, has been taken under the care of the same body. A new church also has been organized at Deyrah, in connection with the Lodiana Presbytery. Meanwhile, however, the Suharun- pore (Reformed) Presbytery has ordained another native, and installed him as pastor over the Reformed Congrega- tion at Deyrah. Still further it should be noted, that during this same year the Presbytery of Lahore has dis- missed two of its foreign members to the Presbytery of Lodiana, while it has received three additional members from more remote Presbyteries. At the present time therefore the statistics of these three Presbyteries may be written thus : Lodiana Presbytery : Churches 7 ; Ministers 20 ; of whom 8 are natives. Lahore Presbytery : Churches 5 ; Ministers 12 ; of whom 6 are natives. Suharunpore Presbytery : Church 1 ; Ministers 2 ; of whom 1 is a native. This makes altogether, in this Mission, 13 Churches, and 33 Ministers, of whom 19 are foreigners, and 15 are natives.* * The following is a list, in alphabetical order, of the ministerial members of these Presbyteries, at the date of the printing of this paper, in 1885. The native members are distinguished by Italics. Ik the Presbyteky of Lodiana : Ahmed Shah, Q- S. Bergen, W. Basten, W. Calderwood, M. M. Carleton, J. B. Dales, Koxoer Sain, A. P. Kelso, Mathias, J. M. McOomb, G. McMaster, W. J. P. Morrison, 0. B. Newton, E. P. Newton, A. Rudolph, Soonder Lai, R. Thaukwell, H. C. Velte. E. M. Wherry, T. W. J. Wylie.— In the Presbytery of Lahore : Abdonllah, J. C. Bose, K. C. Chatterjee, C. W. Forman, Goloknath, Esa Chwrun, F. J. Newton, J. Newton, E. Morrison, J. F. Ullmann. P. C. Ooppel. B. D. Wyc- koff.— In the Presbytery of Suharunpore, (Reformed,) D. Her- rou, Manoah. 70 TITE MISSION. The first native ordained in connection with the Lodiana ^[is.siun was Mr. Goloknatli ; who was also the first person La})tized by us. He still lives, and labors at the station which he occupied, as a missionary, '67 years ago; though, being but three years short of three score and ten, he begins, as might be expected, to feel tlie infirmities of age.* Besides Mr. Golokuath, two or three of our other native ministers are so far advanced in life as to be very little re- lied on for further service. The Lodiana and the Suha- ruupore Presbyteries have each lost one Native Minister by death, and the Lahore Presbytery has dismissed one to Calcutta. But for these losses, the whole number of our native ordained brethren would now be 18. XYI.— "The Mission." This is the name given to the entire body of Foreign Missionaries, within certain territorial limits, considered as a committee, under the Board, for the management of all missioniiry business, not of an ecclesiastical nature ; and for the transaction of business, it holds an Annual Meeting, sometimes at one station, sometimes at another. Before the introduction of railways, it was usual for the mission- aries, in going to and from the annual meetings, to travel by short stages, so as to have an opportunity of preaching and of distributing books and tracts at most of the towns ♦He was a Kooleen Brahman, and son of a Tea Merchant in Calcutta. Like many a young man, he left his home without per- mission, and wandered to the north-west, little knowing what was to befall him there. Having been a pupil in Dr. Duff's school, not only had he acquired a knowledge of Christianity, but his strong leaning that way made it difficult for him to remain at home ; and by the time he reached Lodiana, which was long after his departure from Calcutta, he had fully determined to cast in his lot with Chris- tians. He was then 19 years old. He first presented himself at the door of the Mission house with a small English Bible in his hand, being well-dressed, and having a respectable appearance. "When his story was heard, and there was every reason to believe tliiit his professions were sincere, a room was given him to live in, and pains were taken to make him still better acquainted with Gos- pel truth. Hie baptism took place after the lapse of about six months. THE MISSION. 71 on the way ; and in order to widen the sphere of work done in this way, the direct road was often forsaken, and a circuitous route taken instead. A return to this practice, thoug-h invol- ving- more ex}ieuse than railway travel, might secure a larger amount of itinerant preaching than we have at present. Attendance of Ladies. One ohjpct of these annual meetings, recognized from the beginning, was to increase the mutual acquaintance of the members, and thereby create sympathy and promote harmo- ny, and stimulate zeal in the work : and with this in view it was considered important for the ladies also to attend the meetings, — a thing which formerly they always did, when not providentially hindered. Annual Sermon. In order to make the meetings the more profitable, it was arranged that a sermon should be j)reached, by some one ap- pointed beforehand,whenever the members came thus together. The first sermon was preached in 1839, on the words. "Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." — In later years it was determined that, in addition to the sermon, A Conference should be held on some practical religious topic. The sub- jects for the Conference, and generally for the sermon also, are appointed at the preceding meeting. Station Reports. At these annual meetings the Reports of the stations are submitted ; though latterly, since the stations have been mul- tiplied, and the Reports have become bulky, they are seldom read and voted upon ; but are committed, instead, to some one or two persons, to prepare from them a Report for the public. For the first ten years no Report was printed in this coun- try. Year after year, however, contributions were received from numerous friends at our several stations, and elsewhere, who felt an interest in the Mission ; and it seemed right that they should know something about the progress of the work, and have their contributions formally acknowledged. This led to the publication of the firstReport, which was in the end of 1844. The next Report was published three years later ; and since then, the Reports given to the public have been annual. 10 72 THE MISSION. Personal Reports. Besides the station reports, which are handed in at every meeting, each foreign missionaiy of the Board, whether male or female, and each native missionary, is expected to hand in a hrief narrative of his personal work during the year, and of the Lord's dealings with him personally, together with any peculiar views of the work he may have. The utility of this, if the narratives are faithful, cannot well be doubted. The Meeting of 1858. The meeting held in November, 1858, was a meeting long to be remembered. It was the year after the Mutiny, and before the disturbances which agitated the country had been fully quelled. It was the year when great commercial depression in America cast a gloom over the face of society there, and brought Christians to their knees. It was the year in which the Fulton Street Prayer meeting was in- augurated. It was the year of that great lievival which spread from the United States to Great Britain and Ireland, and brought multitudes in all these countries into the king- dom of Grod; and it was a time of great spiritual refreshment to the members of the Mission then assembled at Lodiana. From that meeting it was that the invitation went forth to Christians of all denominations, throughout the world, to unite in supplication, during the second week of January, 1860, for an out-pouring of the Spirit on all flesh. Such an invitation, from so obscure a body, might have seemed to be an act of the greatest presumption ; but it was in the power of the Spirit that the Mission acted. As a Spirit of prayer, He was then working mightily in our little compa- ny ; and from the readiness with which the invitation was gene- rally accepted, and the blessing which followed that concert in prayer, in many lands, widely separated from each other, it is clear that the whole movement was of the Lord. This union of prayer, during an entire week in January, has been kept up, year after year, ever since, on the recommendation of the Evangelical Alliance ; and it has transpired, lately, that something of the same sort had already been thought of by the Alliance, before it was conceived by the Mission. Nei- ther knew what the Lord was prompting the other to do. THE FOREIGN MISSIONARY STAFF. 73 Circulars. Besides business transacted at the Annual Meetings, questions often arise between one meeting and another, which demand the immediate consideration and action of the whole Mission. Such business is done by circulars, issued by the President, — the results being formally an- nounced by him in the same way. Action of the Mission on the work of Lady Missionaries. In the year 1877, a paper was adopted by the Mission on the subject of the work of unmarried ladies. The paper was an elaborate one, prepared by a Committee of the Mission, in response to a letter of the Board, in which a question was raised as to how the work of this class of agents could be systematized ; the Board, at the same time, asking to be kept informed of the necessities of this branch of labor. The Report of this Committee recommended, among other things, that Lady Missionaries should confer with each other, at the time of our Annual meetings, in regard to their own particular work ; and report to the Mission the results of such conference — so far as any action might be required on the part either of the Mission or of the Board. The Mission adopted the report by a unanimous vote, but its recommendations seem to have been overlooked. There can be little doubt that some such conference on the part of the ladies would be advantageous to the cause they represent. Mission Work in Preshyteries. It has been determined recently to transfer as much of the Mission work as possible to the Presbyteries ; and some- thing has already been done in this way. The Presbytery of Lahore, for example, has appointed one of its own members, the Rev. Poorun Chund Ooppel, as its first Missionary, and the question of his location is now under consideration. XVII. — The Foreign Missionary Staff. This can best be shown by dividing the whole period of fifty years, during which the Mission has been in existence, into five decades ; and exhibiting the gains and losses of the decades separately, with a final summing up of the whole, — all in a tabular form, thus : — 74 TJIK I'OKKliiN MISSIONARY VlAl'F. A 'I\ilnilnr Vine of (til the Fi>rei-3 DUUiXG Decade. Bkoixkinq or Decade. Bv Death. Men. Women. Mea. Women. Men. Women. J. C. Lowrie Mrs. T.owrio Mrs. Lowrio ,W. Heed Mrs. Reed W. Reed. iJas. Wilson Mi-s Wilson IJ. Newton -Mrs. Newton ^ Miss Uavis X J.R.Campbell Mrs. Campbell 1 o ;J.M. Jamieson Mrs. .Tiimieson i W. Rogers Mrs. Rogers J. Porter Mrn. Porter Mrs. Porter 2 Jas. Craig Mrs. Craig £ s 2 J. Caldwell R. Morris L. Janvier Dr. W. Green. Mrs. Caldwell Mrs. Morris Mrs. Janvier Mrs. Caldwell (2d). Mrs. Caldwell. 13 U 1 3 J. XewtoQ 1 Mrs. Newton jA. Ruilolph Mrs. Rudolph (2d) J. Craig Mrs. .lamieson J. R Campbell Mrs. Canipliell C. W. Forman Mrs. Rudolph (3d) Mrs Rudolph (2d) Tj: J. M. Jamieson .Mrs. Jamiosou J. II. Moirison Mrs. Morrison (.'id) » 00 J. Porter J.S. Woodside Mrs. Woodside J. Porter. •g -: J. Craig Mrs. Craig J. H. Orbison. Mrs. Orbi^'on g 2 J. Caldwell Mrs. Caldwell (2d) Mrs. Jamieson (2d) Q 2 L. Janvier. .w 00 1 Mrs. Janvier. Mrs. Porter (2d). Mrs. Janvier. i:s 7 e 5 ' 2 3 J. Newton Mrs. Newton R. Jlnnnis Mrs. Munnis L. Janvier Mrs. Newton J. K. Campbell Mrs. Campbell R K. FiiUerton Mrs. Fiillerton J.R.Campliell .Mrs. Morrison (.3dl Mrs. Jamieson (2d) J. M. Jaiiiii'S 3d) C. W. Forman J. H. Miirrison Mrs. Morrison (3d) J. S. Woodside Mrs. Woodside J. H. Orbison. Mrs. Orbison. 1 10 9 R. Munni<> Mrs. Miinnis J. Newton Mrs. Campbell J.if . Jamipson Miss -Janiieson J. Caldwell Mrs. Caldwell (2d) G. O. Barnes |Mrs. Barnes A. Rudolph Mrs. Rudolph (.M) E. Leavitt. Mrs. Leavitt \ Mrs. Porter (2d) Miss Campbell. now Mrs. Janvier (2d) J. S. Woodside Mrs. W oodside J. H. Orbison Mrs. Orbison (2d) R. S. Pullerton Mrs. Fnllerton R. Thackwell IMis. Thackwell (2d) J. Newton MD Mrs. Dr. N«wton W. Calderwood Mrs. Calderwood (2d) D. Herron Miss Beattv M. M. Carleton Mrs. Carleton A. Henry Mrs. Henry C.W. Forman. Mrs. Fonnan. i 5 14 14 76 THE FOKEION .MISSIONARY STAKF. A Talntlar View of all the Foreiqn "BzaivrmnQ of Decade. Men. Women. Accessions durino Decade. Men. J. Newtou J.CaMwell A. liudolph C. W. Forman J. H. Morrison J. S. Woodside J. H. Orbison K. 8. Fulierton ^ K. Thackwell « J. Newton, .MD _ ,^\^ Calderwood Sj:2 P. Herrnn fii^ M.M. Carleton .c s, A. Henry. Mrs. CamphcU Mrs. Caldwell (2d) Mis. Kudolph (3d( Mrs. Forman Mrs. J.invior (2d) ■Mrs. Woodside Mrs. Orliisoii (2d) Mrs. Fulierton Mrs. Thackwell (2d) Mrs. Dr. Neuton Mrs.Ciildcrwood(2d) Miss Beatfy Mrs. Carleton Mrs. Henry. J. Newton .J. Caldwell A Kudoli.h 0. W. Forman J. H. Morri<:on J. 8. Woodside R. ThaoUwell 'j. Newton, MD W. Calderwood 5' D. Horron X M. M Carleton c G. 8. BerKen •" |Wm. Morrison ,~ |C. B. Newton E. M. Wherry A. P. Kelso F. J. Newton E. P. Newton. Mrs. Newton (2d) Mrs. Caldwell (2d) Mrs. Rudolph (.3d) iMrs. Forman Mrs. Morrison (4th) JMrs. Woodside (Mrs. Janvier (2d) Mrs. Dr. Newton M i-s . Ca Ider w ood (2d) Mrs. Myers Mrs. Carleton Mi-s. Bergen Miss H. Morrison Mrs. C. B. Newton Mrs. Wherry Mrs. Kelso" Mrs. F.J. Newton Miss 8. Morrison (Mrs. Thackwell) Miss Thiede Miss Bacon Miss Prait Miss Craig Miss Woodside Miss Nelson Miss Campbell. 25 J. H. Myers G. 8. Bergen W.J.P Moirison C. B. Newton E. M. Wherry A. P. Kelso J.F. Holcomb F. J. Newton E. P. Newton. Women. Bt Death. Men. Women. J. F. Ullmann B. D. Wvekotr M.B. Carleton, MO C.W. Forman, MD J.M. McComb H. C. Velte R. Morrison. Nfrs. Myers A. Henry iMiss Beatty Mrs. Bergen |J. H. Mvers Mrs. Campholl Mrs. Newton (2d) ;j.H. Orbison MrsThackwelUSd) Miss MB Thompson B.S.Fullerton.'Mrs. Herron (3d). (.Vlrs.C. B.Newton) Mrs. Wherry .\Ii. Decades, 4.j men and 70 women : altogether ll-' THK FORKIGN MISSIONARY STAFF, Missionaries — male and female— ^'c, — concluded. 77 LOSSES. Remaining at the end of thb Decade. By Withdrawal. By Transfer. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Mrs. Henry J.F. Holcomb Mrs. Holcomb J. Newton Mrs. Newton (2d) Mrs. Orbisoa (2d) J. Caldwell Mrs. Caldwell (2d) Mrs. FuUerton. A. Rudolph C. W. Forman J. H. Morrison J. S. Woodside R. Thackwell J Newton, MD W. Calderwood D. Herron M. M. Carleton G. S. Bergen Wm. Morrison C. B. Newton E. M. Wherry A. P. Kelso F. J. Newton E. P. Newton. Mrs. Rudolph (3d) Mrs. Forman Mrs. Morrison (4th) Mrs. Woodside Mrs. Janvier, (2d) Mrs. Dr. Newton Mrs. Calderwood (2d) Mrs. Myers Mrs. Carleton Mrs. Bergen Miss H. Morrison Mrs. C. B. Newton Mrs. Wherry Mrs. Kelso Mrs. F. J. Newton Miss R. Morrison Miss Thiede Miss B icon Miss Pratt Miss Craig Miss Woodside Miss Nelson Miss D. Campbell. 3 1 1 18 25 1 iMrs. Caldwell J. Woodside. Mrs. Woodside J. Newton Mrs. Newton (2d) Mrs. Morrison (4th) Mrs. Janvier IMiss Woodside. A. Rudolph Mrs. Myers C. W. Forman Mrs. Forman (2d) Mrs. Thackwell (3d) Mrs. Dr. Newton R. Thackwell Miss Campbell W. Calderwood Mrs. Calderwood (2d) Miss Craig MissAmyCampbell D. Herron Miss Morrison M. M. Carleton Mrs. Carleton (2d) Mrs. Bergen Miss Nelson G. 8. Bergen Miss Bacon. Wm. Morrison C. B. Newton E. M. Wherry A. P. Kelso F. J. Newton E. P. Newton J. P. Ullmann B. D. WyckoflE Dr. Carleton Dr. Forman J. M. McComb H. C. Velte R. Morrison. Mrs. W. Morrison Mrs. C. B. Newton Mrs. Wherry Mrs. Kelso Mrs. F. J. Newton Mrs. E. P. Newton Miss Geisinger Mrs. Wyckoff Miss Given Miss Downs Mrs. McComb Miss Pendleton Miss Herron Miss Pratt Miss Thiede Miss Wherry. 9 1 2 21 24 Total remaining at the end of the 50 years, 21 men and 24 women : altogether 45. 78 ® 1 a Balanc of Gain « «5 o» lO (N a 1 i o CO C -i ^ S 11 5 "*" CO o eo OC O g H fl S-^F t^ CI 00 00 o f5 •^ •3 '^ J'S 1 " Ol c^ f^f-p I— o 't' 00 <>« a a 1 c^ '-' (N o fl o ^ - 1—1 - CO »-« ■1) 1 >^ ; a CO t-< o eo O) .— 1 « i ^ o '>\ (» w ^ 1 tn ^^-3 d ■>*' 'T 00 o ^ a ® w CO t— rj< eo o rd cs O ^ ft a '"' -M CO ^ eo CO 1 cces- ions Living the ecade a o Tf t^ l- en r— ( CO o ■^ >r» .rj © © (M ^ ° « o r- o t* 00 •r -r -r •V -f ~ri • c CD 1-- 00 « o o O -2 o o f ■^ -r fi -t< H so ^ >o CD •0pUO9(I M — ( E; > MISSION SANITARIA. 79 For the better appreciation of tlie facts set forth in these tables, a few remarks are required. 1. These tables do not include the five missionaries sent out by the Board for the Woodstock School at Landour, because that institution, thoug-h doing a good work for the Master, by educating the daughters of our missionaries and others, is not directly conuected with the Lodiana Mission. 2. Of the 115 persons, (45 men and 70 women,) who during these fifty years have been members of the Mission, as having been appointed, or at least recognized, by the Board, some never reached the field, — notably three of the first party, viz. Mrs. Lowrie, who died in Calcutta short- ly after landing, and Mr. and Mrs. Eeed, who were obliged, under medical advice, speedily to re-embark for America ; — the former however, only to be buried in the Bay of Ben- gal : also Miss Davis, who was married, before leaving Cal- cutta, to the Rev. Mr. Groadby, an English Baptist mission- ary, of Orissa. Others remained so short a time in the Mission, that they can scarcely be said to have begun the work ; such as Dr. Grreen, Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt, and Miss Jamieson ; all of whom retired shortly after joining the Mission ; also Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb, who were early transferred to the Furruckabad Mission. Again, many of the ladies have been hindered, by delicate health or domes- tic cares, from doing full missionary work. 3. Most of those who have long retained their connec- tion with the mission, have been obliged sometimes to leave the work for a season, with a view of recruiting their health and strength. 4. A fact which ought perhaps to be mentioned is, that 20, out of the 115 mentioned in the table, were children of missionaries. 5. Of the 70 ladies named as members of the Mission, 23 entered it as single ladies ; but 7 of these were after- wards married in India, — 4 of them in the Mission, thereby retaining their connection with the Board ; and 3 of them outside of the Mission. XVIII. — Mission Sanharia. Acute diseases are no more common in India than in cooler climates, though there is a greater tendency to cer- 80 FAVOUB SHOWN TO THE MISSION. tain kinds of disease. — Moreover, no acclimatizing pro- cess is needed for new comers ; but the intense heat of the summer season is very debilitating-. This is felt more or less by all foreigners coming from a temperate zone ; espe- cially by ladies. It is for this reason, no doubt, that the mortality of women in our Mission has been greater than that of men. The children of foreigners too, if brought up on the plains, are almost sure to have weak constitu- tions. All this is emphatically true of North India, where the summer heat is much greater than it is in the iSouth; though the winters are colder and of longer duration. It was not long therefore, after the founding of the Mis- sion, that the goodness of God was seen in providing such a retreat for invalids as is afforded by the great chain of mountains which borders our Mission field. In less than a year from the time our first missionary arrived at Lodiana, he was obliged to go to Simla for the benefit of his health. And 3'ear after year it has been found necessary for one and another to seek a similar change. Many who are not abso- lutely ill become so worn out, by labouring through several months of excessive heat, that rest for a few weeks in the Hills, if not altogether necessary, is found, nevertheless, to be very beneficial. This fact is fully recognized by the Government ; which gives each of its servants the privilege of resting and recuperating one month every year. More than this, however, is required by invalids, and by the wives of missionaries who have the care of delicate little children. These often need to spend the whole summer in the hills. But house-rent at the hill stations is very high. On this account, it has been the policy of our Mission to own as many houses at the several hill stations as are necessary to meet its wants. At the present time, therefore, there are Mission Houses at several of the Hill Sanitaria : viz : at Murree, Kussowlie, and Landour. Occasionally, when these are not needed by members of the Mission, they are let, and the rent is used for keeping them in repair. XIX. — Favour shown to the Mission. 1. — By the Government. From the very beginning, officers of Government, gene- rally, have done every thing in their power to facilitate FAVOUR SHOWN TO THE MISSION. 81 the work of the Mission. A few facts may be mentioned to illustrate this. Before Mr. Lowrie left Calcutta, the Grovernor Greneral, Lord Wm. Bentinck, expressly approved his establishing a Mission jit Lodiana. The British Political Agent at Lodiana, Capt. Wade, procured land on which to build the Mission houses, and afterwards another lot, close to the city, on which to build a Christian village, exempt from Grovernment taxation, and liable to pay only the small rent claimed by the native land owners. After this, from time to time, five separate grants were made, of sites, in the city and cantonment, for school houses and chapels : for none of which was any rent or tax to be paid. Similar advantages were obtained through the friendly spirit of the Civil officers at Suharunpore and at JuUunder. When Lahore was taken up as a Mission station, the first act of kindness shown by the Government was to give the missionaries the use of one of the most desirable houses in the city, which happened to be Grovernment property, for the nominal rent of five rupees a month : and afterwards the use of another good house, outside the city, free of rent altogether. They gave also the site on which the Mission Dispensary stands, the site for a school house inside the city,* and part of the lot on which the Mission dwelling houses are built — the other part being rented of a zemin- dar ; which however is not exempt from the payment of a Municipal tax. They gave, still further, the lot on which the Christian Grirls School stands. Besides all this, they let to the Mission, at a nominal rent, part of the premises in the city used for the High School — the other part having been bought at a very moderate price. One other fact may suffice. All the houses at Subathoo, and all suitable sites for houses, are within the limits of a Military Cantonment : and it is a law of the Military Department of Grovernment that a non-military resident in a cantonment shall give up his house, whenever it is required by an officer, or for any military purpose. The Mission house at Subathoo was so required in 1846. The Missionary was obliged in consequence to retire from the station ; but on his representing to the Grovernor General the * Within the last few years similar favour has beeu shown to Miss Thiede, of the Lahore Mission. 82 FAVOUR SHOWN TO THE MISSION. inconvenience the Mission was thus put to, an order was at once issued to the elt'eot that the Missionary at Subathoo should be allowed to occupy a house in the Cantonment there, exempt from the operation of the law which makes ejection possible, at any time when the wants of an oificer happen to demand it. A fact of another sort might perhaps be mentioned in this connection. When Mission property, and the property of persons connected with the Mission at Lodiana, was destroyed by the mutineers of J 857, and their sympathizers, to the value of about Es. 50,000, the Local Government caused the whole to be refunded. 2. — By Influential members of Society. There is probably not a station in our Mission, and perhaps not a single missionary, that has not experienced the friend- ship and kindness of both Europeans and influential natives ; especially the former ; though in some cases the friendship of the latter too has been very marked. For example, a native builder at Lahore, named Sooltan, erected a building for the Mission at a cost of Rs. 1,200, while yet he took from the Mission only Rs. 800. And similar generosity was shown by his brother to the Mission at llawul Piudee. The Jullunder District Gazetteer says, " It is a noteworthy fact that during the turbulent and terrible days of 1857, "when Christians were hunted out like dogs, to be brutally murdered, the native Christians of Jullunder, with their pastor, kept to tlieir homes, fully confident that they would never be molested by the Jullunder people. Moreover, on that never to be forgotten night, when the native army stationed at Jullunder broke out, ready asylums were offered by their brother citizens, to guard them against the ruth- lessness of some stray troopers, who were prowling about in quest of plunder and information as regards the hiding places of Christians and Englishmen. The safety of the Native Christians was further secured by the presence of the late Maharajah Rundheer Singh, the [? a] patron and friend of the Jullunder Mission." It may be mentioned also that when the mutineers were devastating the Mission premises at Lodiana, the Native Christians found a refuge on the inclosed premises of an Afghan prince living near them. FAVOUR SHOWN TO THE MISSION. 83 It cannot be said, however, that hostility has never been shown, for there has been bitter and persistent opposition to the work on the part of many natives — especially Mahoni- medau Moulavies, and Govei'nment-educated young- men ; and in a few cases Englishmen also have been unfriendly ; but these are exceptions to the rule. The feeling of Englishmen towards us and our work has been shown particularly by their pecuniary contribu- tions, from year to year ; also by what has been contribu- ted in times of special need. For example, on several occasions the widows of our deceased missionaries have been partially, yet generously, provided for by the British public in this part of India ; and at the time of the American civil war, when our remittances from home became preca- rious, some thousands of rupees were raised by our European friends to meet the emergency. This was done at the spontaneous suggestion of JSir Robert Montgomery, then Governor of the Punjab. The whole amount contributed directly to our Mission, chiefly by people living in India, during the 49 years ending with December 1883, was about lis. 470,000. "We take the more pleasure in referring to the kind feel- ing shown by our English friends, because, in many cases, it has been prompted manifestly by the very fact that we were Americans. 3. — By Societies and Missions of other Denominations. For the first 18 years, the only missionary at work in this field, outside of our own Mission, was a representative of the English Baptist Missionary Society, stationed at Delhi ; which then was not counted as belonging to the Punjab. In 1852 the English Church Missionary Society took up a station at Umritsur — 32 miles from Lahore, and since then it has extended its work to many parts of the Punjab. This was followed by other Societies and Church- es : so that the different Missionary Bodies now at work in the Punjab, besides ours, are the Church Missionary Socie- ty, — the Society for the Propagation of the Grospel, — the English Baptist Missionary Society, — the Established Church of Scotland, — the American United Presbyterian Church, — the United Brethren of Germany,— the Society for Promoting Female Education in the East,— the Indian 84 ENGLISH PREACHING. Female Normal Scliool and Instruction Society, — the Church ot" England Zenana Mission, —the Ciiuroh oi' England Village Mission, — the Christian Vernacular Education Society, — and the American Metliodist Mission. The last mentioned, indeed, being occupied mainly with English congregations, has thus fur done very little direct work among the natives. With several of these Missions we have had little or no direct contact, because their stations are distant from ours: but whatever external relations have subsisted between us, they are altogether friendly. This is emphatically true of those we have had most to do with. Naturally it would be expected that if a want of harmony prevailed anywhere, it would be between us and Missions of the Episcopal order ; but we have had no more cordial fellow-labourers than the missionaries of the C. M. S. — an experience which has now lasted fur more than 30 years : and as a mark of the good will and cordiality of that Society, it may be mentioned, that on one occasion, before the practice of selling books came into vogue, it sent us, direct from London, a cheque for £201), in acknowledgment of the liberality with which we had supplied their Missionaries with books and tracts for distribution : and on several occasions members of our Mission liave been consulted by the Committee and Secre- taries of that Society, in regard to certain things connected with their work in India, — once at least by letter, and two or three times in tlieir Kooms in London, at interviews invited by themselves. And it should be especially men- tioned, that the Cnurch of England Bishop of Lahore. Dr. French, whose diocese extends all over the I'uniab and Sindh, has always shown as much personal sympathy with us, as if there were no denominational lines to separate us from each other. XX.— English Preaching. Preaching to congregations of Europeans and Eurasians, has been practised more or less at almost all our stations. It was begun at Lodiana, in the first year of the Mission; but from time to time it has been intermitted. At the present time the members of our Mission there have no English service. ENGLISH PREACHING. 85 The Missionaries at Rawul Pindee have generally had one Eng-lish service on Sunday, held sometimes in the Mission Church, and sometimes in the Soldierie' " Prayer Room." The Missionaries at Lahore have preached in English, once, twice, or even three times, in the week, according to circumstances. These services were first held in the Soldiers' "Prayer Room ;" then, in what is called the Union Church ; and often, of late, in a Presbyterian Chapel in the Canton- ment. The Lahore Missionaries are joint trustees of the Union Church building, and the sole trustees of the Cantonment Chapel. The Missionary at Ferozepore preaches in English, in the Soldiers' Prayer Room, once every Sunday. Mr. Chatterjee does the same at Hoshyarpore, but his services are held in the English Episcopal Church, there being no Chaplain to conduct the service, except two or three times in the year, when the Chaplain of JuUunder goes over for that purpose. Mr. Chatterjee is allowed by the Bishop to preach in the Church, in consideration of his using the liturgy of the Church of England. The Missionaries at Umballa preach regularly in the Presbyterian Church of the Cantonment. This is mainly for the benefit of the soldiers ; as indeed the services are in some of the other places mentioned. The same is true at Subathoo, where there is a Presbyterian Church building in immediate charge of the Missionary. At Suharunpore and Deyrah there are English services every Sunday, in the Mission churches there, conducted by the Missionaries. In addition to all this, members of the Mission, having occasion to spend a few months at some of the Hill Sanitaria, have thought it their duty, when strong enough, to accept invitations to preach in the Presbyterian andUnion Churches there. This is particularly true of Murree and Kussowlie, when the churches are Presbyterian. The Union Churches of Simla and Mussoorie have had less need to look to our Mission for ministerial help. It should be mentioned that whenever British soldiers constitute any part of the congregations to which we minister, a pecuniary allowance is made by Grovernment, and this is credited to the Mission Local Fund. . It has been doubted sometimes whether it was right for 86 ENGLISH PREACHING. Missionaries to give any part of their time to English jn-oaehing ; but for several reasons it is almost the unanimous opinion of the Mission, that within certain limits it is right. (1) Though our specific work is the evangelization of the natives, yet when it is seen that the unchristian lives of many Europeans and Eurasians constitute a stumbling block to the iiuathen, it is plain that ell'urts made for their conversion must be subsidiary to the conversion of the Heathen themselves. (2) I'reaching to European Christians interests them in our Missionary work. To this must be attributed in some measure the large contributions we receive in this country, to supplement what is furnished by the lioard. (3) It seems to promote Christian fellow- ship between ourselves and European Christians, some of whom are found at all our stations ; and such fellowship and sympathy is likely to be undervalued only by those who have never been debarred from the privileges and enjoyments of Christian society. (4) To the Missionary, whose preaching to the Heathen is often little more than a stormy debate, preaching to a congregation which accepts the Bible as the Word of God, and many of whom can appreciate and relish its precious truths, is a means of spiritual comfort and edification not be despised. To some extent this same advantage is experienced by one who ministers to a native Christian congregation ; but many missionaries are not able to speak with the same freedom and fulness of thought in the language of the natives, as in their mother tongue ; and besides this, native Christians, more than Europeans, need to be fed with the milk rather than the strong meat of the word. (5) The time required for these English services need be little more than the two hours of the iSabbath spent in going to and from the place of preaching, and in conducting the service ; for no great prejjaratiou is needed, in ordinary cases, except the daily study of the Scriptures, which every missionary needs for his own growth in grace. This is particularly true of those who, in addition to facility of extemporaneous address, have their minds well stored with Biblical know- ledge. But, as intimated above, there should be a limit fixed for this kind of work. There is danger of one's becoming so much absorbed by it, as to feel more interest iu this than in THE NUMBER AND VALUE OF MISSION BUILDINGS. 87 direct Missionary work. When this is found to be the case, it is time to draw back ; for the Missionary who feels a subordinate interest in the spiritual welfare of the natives, has evidently lost sight of the work for which he waa specially sent to India, and for which the Board supports him here. Nothing should be allowed to interfere per- manently with the great object which led us to become Missionaries to the Heathen. XXI. — The number and value of Mission Buildings. The Board has always deemed it economical to build or buy the houses needed for Missionary purposes, rather than to rent them. To rent, indeed, would in many cases be altogether impracticable. Very few, therefore, of the build- ings now in use by the Mission are not the property of the Board. As nearly as can be made out, from information received from those members of the Mission who are most con- versant with the facts, this property may be set down as follows : — 1. — Raioul Pindee. The principal houses here are — 2 Dwelling Houses for Missionaries, with out- offices ; A cottage, which might be called a Gruest House ; 5 Dwelling Houses for Catechists and Christian Teachers ; 2 School Houses ; A Mission Church ;^ A Chapel. The value of all these is put down by Mr. Thackwell at Es. 72,000. 2. — Lahore. The Board's property here consists of — 5 Dwelling Houses for Missionaries, with out-offices ; 12 Dwelling Houses for Teachers, Catechists, Bible Women, &c.; A Barrack (in part) for Students ; 3 School Houses ; used also as Chapels ; A Mission Church ; A Dispensary ; used also as a Chapel. 12 88 THE NUMHKR AND VALUB OF MISSION HIJILDINGS, Estimated by the Missionarios there at lis. 50,000. Note. This does not iuclude the (iovcrnmeut share in one of the school-houses, and the students' barrack. 3. — Jullunder. We have here — 1 Mission House, with out-offices ; 1 School House ; used also as a Church ; 5 Houses — for Teachers and other Assistants; A City Chapel ; A Poor-House, &c. Valued by Mr. Goloknath at about Rs. 15,000. 4. — Hoshyarpore, and Sub-station — Ghoratcaha. (1) At Hoshyarpore, A Dwelling: House for the Missionary, with out-oflBces ; A Dwelling House for an Assistant ; A Chapel. (2) At Ghorawaha, A Church. A Dwelling House for the Pastor. Mr. Chatteriee's estimate of these is — for (1) Us. 9,000 ; for (2) Rs. 3,000,— making a total of Rs. 12,000. 5. — Ferozepore. Up to ihis time the Board has no property at this station. ^. — Lodiana. The houses at this station are — 4 Dwelling Houses for Missionaries, with out-offices ; A PrintingOffice,Biudery, Type Foundry & Depository; A Christian Boys Boarding School (3 buildings) ; A House in the city for the High School ; A Church, and 2 City Chapels ; Some Houses in the Christian Village; Dwelling Houses for Assistants at sub-stations. Altogether, with Press furniture, estimated by Mr. Wherry at Rs. 120,000. 7. — Subathoo. The property here consists of — A Dwelling House for the Missionary, with out-offices; THB NUMBER AND VALUK OF MISSION BUILDINGS. 89 A Chapel ; A School House ; A House for an Assistant. Mr. Rudolph estimates the whole at Rs. 9,000. Note. This does not include the several houses which compose the Leper Asylum ; which, though standing partly, on the Mission premises, were built with funds contributed for this special object ; and so, can hardly be regarded as the property of the Board. 8. — Uinballa ; including the Cantonment Sub*station. (1) Umballa City— 2 Dwelling Houses for Missionaries, with out-offices ; 4 Dwelling Houses for Catechists, &c. ; 1 School House ; 1 Church. (2) Umballa Cantonment — 1 Dwelling House for Native Pastor ; '' Dwelling Houses for Catechists, &c. ; School Buildings ; 1 Church. The estimate put on these by Mr, Velte and Mr. Morrison is (1) Rs. 27,500, (2) 14,000 ; making a total of Rs. 41,500. 9. — Suharunpore. The houses here are — 8 Dwelling Houses for Missionaries, with out-offices ; 1 Dwelling House for Head-master ; A Church ; Orphanage Buildings ; City School Buildings. These are estimated by Mr. Calderwood at Rs. 49,000. 10. — Dexjrah. The buildings at this station are — A Mission Dwelling house (nearly finished) ; with out- offices ; The Christian Girls Boarding School Buildings : The Church ; The City School House, and School House at Rajpore. These are estimated by Mr. Herron at Rs. 100,000; which does not include the sum given by the Government, 90 THE OUTLOOK. as a grant-in-aid towards the building of the Boarding School, — a grant which gives the Government a lien on the property, in the event of its being diverted from educa- tional purposes. According to these estimates the entire value of the Board's house property at our several stations is lis. 468,000. To this we must add the value of our Mission houses at the Hill Sanitaria, — say Rs. 6;i,000 ; or, if the Board's interest in Woodstock, estimated at Rs. 50,000, be added, the whole of the Hill property, not including what belongs to the Furruckabad Mission, may be put down at lis. 11'3,000. This makes the total value of the Board's house property in the Lodiana Mission to be lis. 581,500. Mr. Calderwood would add lis. 55,500 for the land held by the Mission at Suharunpore, outside the Mission pre- mises, the value of which is greatly enhanced by the trees standing on it. At the other stations no estimate has been given of the value of Mission lauds : but it could not be very much, at the most. It should be remarked that much of this property has cost the Board very little. For example : out of the B.S. 50,000 at Lahore, the Board paid only lis. 3,600 ; out of the lis. 12,000 at Hoshyarpore, the Board paid only lis. 3,500 ; out of the lis. 72,000 at liawul Pindee, Mr. Thackwell says the Board could not have paid more than lis. 15,000 ; while of the lis. 63,000, at which the houses at the Hill Sanitaria are estimated, not more than od« eixth came from the Board's treasury. XXII.— The Outlook. While 16 out of the 32 Civil districts of the Punjab are occupied by other Societies, 7 districts, containing a popu- lation of 5,660,00i>, depend for evangelization, almost en- tirely, on our Mission, in conjunction with the English Ladies' Societies which co-operate with us, at Lodiana, Jullunder, and Lahore. On the eastern side of the Jumna, the population depending on us for the word of life amounts to 1,860,000. Altogether therefore the number of Bouls to whom our Mission is bound specially to preach the Gospel is about 7,000,000. THE OUTLOOK. 91 But what prospect is there of the conversion of these ? or even of a considerable portion of them 'i If we knew the eternal purposes of dod's grace, we might answer BUch a question ; but these are hidden from us ; for it was never intended that our duty should be regulated by them. It is enough to know that we are commanded to preach the Gospel to every creature, and tbat an open door is Bet before us. We do know tbat God is gathering out of the nations a people for himself, and that he is doing this through human instrumentulity. But how many of this generation, or of any other generation, will be thus gathered, cannot be foreseen. Is there room then for expanded hopes ? Probably every missionary, when he sets out for a foreign land, goes with large expectations of success ; yet how few realize all that they looked for I Certainly this is tho experience of at least some of the members of our Mission. Where we looked fur hundreds of converts, we have seen only tens ; and where we looked for many earnest and zealous church members, we have seen only a few of this character ; while the mass seem to have spiritual life in but a low degree. Though it is often said, (and said with truth,) that the increase of church members is much larger in India, in proportion to the number of ministers, than it is in America, yet the increase is anything but satisfactory, both here and there. The results of missionary labor in our Mission, in actual conversions, during the 50 years it has been in existence, have been so much smaller than we might fairly have expected, that it becomes us at this semi-centenary Btage of our work, to ponder the situation. Did we under- estimate the obstacles ? Did we over-estimate the loving purposes of God, and the power of his grace ? Is it not more likely that our error was in thinking God would work wonders of grace, through us, as his instruments, irrespective of our fitness for his j)urpose ? Have we been of one mind with him in this matter ? Have we lived and walked in the Spirit — mortifying all unholy passions, and carefully eschewing all that is worldly ? Have our lives been lives of fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ ? Have we felt the dishonor done to God by the idolatry, and wickedness of the land ? And, mourning 92 THB OUTLOOK. ovor tho spiritual wastes around us, have we gone forth weeping as wo bore the precious seed of the Gospel, to Bfiitter it bruadudst on every side 't Have we been oousciouB that in our missionary labors we were workers together with God t lias the Gospel preached by us been nothing but the simple Gospel of the grncc of God, unfettered by legal conditions ? Again, niaij it not be that God has withheld the great blessings we looked for, because lie saw we were not in a state of mind to give him all the glory 'i No doubt there are obstacles, outside of ourselves, to the conversion of the heathen ; and as a miraculous removal of these is not to be expected, their removal is to be sought in the use of the means God has put in our power ; and it may be that we have erred hitherto in our estimate of these obstacles, or in the means used to remove or surmount them. It may be that our methods of procedure have been at fault. The whole ground should be surveyed anew ; and when we have seen clearly what the strong holds of Satan are, and what are their most assailable points, — and when we have learned, from the inspired word, and from experi- ence, what the mighty agencies are, which God has ordained for the overthrow of these strongholds, let us see to it, that, if there is to be failure, the responsibility of that failure shall not be ours. Ignorant as we are of the time of the Lord's coming and kingdom, may we not hope that this semi-centenary will be tho dividing line between small achievements and great eucoess in the missionary work ? Shall we not take hold of God's strength 'i And may we not hope that this will be a new era in the work of evangelization ? The grand difficulty which tho Gospel has everywhere to contend with, of course, is the natural corruption of the human heart : and this can be successfully dealt with only by the mighty power of God's Iloly S^iirit — exerted ordinarily in immediate connection with the preaching of Christ crucified. It was on this, instrumentally, that the apostle Paul mainly relied ; and he relied not in vain. 13iit, besides this, there are external obstacles which de- mand attention ; such, for example, as the godless education which multitudes arc now receiving in Government schools and colleges ; the anti-christian books which arc circulated among the better educated people by the Mahomeduus of THE OUTLOOK. 93 India and the infidels of Europe and America ; also the wicked lives of many Europeans, who, bearing the Chris- tian name, bring Cl)ristianity into contempt. And may not another serious obstacle be found in the worldlines3 which characterizes a large part of the church at home — the church whose representatives we are ? Will God great- ly bless the work of such a church ? There ought surely to be great searchings of heart among the members of that Christian community in America which considers our work its own. There are things, in the general outlook, which are cal- culated, in themselves, to encourage hope. There can be no doubt that many favorable influences are now at work, which, in forecasting the future, ought not to be overlook- ed. They form parts of Grod's providential arrangements ; and are intended perhaps to prepare the way for the con- version of multitudes, when the proper time comes for an outpouring of the Spirit, whether that be before or after the Lord's coming. Some of these are of a religious, and some, of a secular nature. Among them may be mentioned, (1) The gradual under- mining of Hindooism, by the wide-spreading influence of Western Science ; and in this way even the Government Schools may subserve, in a measure, the great end of Chris- tian Missions, though their immediate influence is un- favourable : (2) The weakening of the bonds of caste — which has always been a barrier to the profession of Chris- tianity. This is being effected by the general enlighten- ment which results tVom western education, by increasing intercourse of Hindoos with Europeans, by the eleva- tion of many low-caste people, on account of their know- ledge of English and their natural ability, to offices of honor and trust, by the levelling influence of railway travel — where the distinctions of caste are ignored, and by the fact that the Rulers of the country, to whom all must defer, are a people that have no caste : (-3) The silent influence of the instruction given in Mission Schools, and especially the evangelization of Heathen females : (4) The circulation of Christian books : (5) The conciliating influence of Mission and other European Dispensaries, Hospitals, and Asylums : (6) The rise of reforming sects of Hindoos — such as the Brahmo Somaj— which discredit the 94 THE OUTLOOK. suporstitlons of Tlindooism, and which, by comparison, if by notliing- else, exalt the prineii)les of Christianity : (7) The doniieiliug of Christianity in India, by which the people are becoming familiar with it as a fact : (8) The fact that conversions cause less estrangement between the converts and their families and friends than they did former- ly : and (9) The growing conviction in the public mind that Christianity is destined to become the religion of India. In considering what classes of society are most likely to be brought speedily under the influence of the Gospel, wo are taught by past experience not to look for these among tlie rich, the priests of other religions, or men educated ia Government schools, nor even among the inhabitants of cities ; for while a few of this last class have been numbered among our converts, much the largest part has come from villages, though the Gospel has been preached far less in the villages than in the cities. In connection with this it should be noted, that while the city population of the Punjab amounts to less than 3,000,000, the populaticm of the villages (over 50,000 in number) is almost 20,000,000. Another fact worthy of notice is, that at some of our sta- tions, and in missions of other societies, a large proportion of the converts have been from the lowest castes, — such as weavers, leather-dressers, and sweepers. Many from the different classes of Religious Mendicants, too, have shown a readiness to accept Christianity ; which has sometimes inspired a hope that large numbers of thera might be won to Christ. Some of them have been converted, and of these some have become preachers : one of them has for several years been in the ministry of our church. Others however have greatly disappointed us — showing that they had no just appreciation of Gospel truth. But these are not the only ones of whom high hopes have been indulged— only to be disappointed. Some havo apostatized out of almost every class of persons baptized ; while others — chiefly men educated in our schools — seeming to be very near to the kingdom of God, have hesitated year after year to receive baptism ; and then have gone further and further off, resisting the Holy Spirit, and so making it less and less probable that they will ever be saved. Some of these have already become old and grey-headed. What may be the state of their hearts we know not. Vex-^ THE OUTLOOK. 95 haps they should not be regarded as altogether beyond hope ; and if not, then should not special prayer be offered for them ? And should not special private efforts be made to awaken their consciences anew ? Moreover, as salvation is the experience of individual souls, not of masses ; is it not probable that more success would attend our efforts, if they were directed, more than they are, to private and personal dealing with those who show an interest in the truth set forth in our public addresses. Let none be despaired of— not even the bitter opponents of the Q-ospel. Saul of Tarsus is only one of many whose enmity has been turned by Divine grace into ardent love and whole-hearted devotion. It is my deep conviction that on the possession of such love, and such devotion, on our part, more than on any- thing else, depends the success of our missionary work. 13 ( 97 ) APPENDIX. The correct spelling of the names found in the preceding pages will be shown by the following Table. N. B. — In the Orientalized Roman Alphabetj a has the sound of u in the English word hut ; a » » a » far; e )) 55 e » they; i >> J) i »> pin ; 1 >) )J i » machine ; )) 5> » note ; u j> 5) u )} pull; u 5) » u » rule ; ai )) )) ai » aisle ; au » J> ou >j our ; ch „ „ ch „ change; gh is a deep guttural g. kh is a deep guttural k, with an aspirate, like ch in the Scotch loch. q is a deeper guttural than simple A-. The dots are of no practical importance to a foreigner. Note. The first column of names shows the method of spelling usually adopted by foreigners, while the second column shows the more correct spelling of the natives. The third column, which explains many of these names, is added for the sake of a certain class of readers who are like- ly to be interested in whatever may serve to throw light on their etymology. ( 98 ) English. Native. AbdooUah Afghan Abd-Ullah Afjjan Afghanistan Agra Ahmed Shah Akhbar Allahabad Afgiinistan Agra Ahmad Shah Akhbar Ilahabad Annee Anund Maseeh Assam Bazar, bazaar Ani Anand Masih Asam Ba^ar Beeas, Bea9 Benares Biyas Banaras Bengalee Bangali Bose [mun Bos Brahmin, Brah- Brahman Brahmo Brahmo Cabul Cabuliea CalcuttQi Cawnpore Kabul Kabuliea Kalkuti Jiahupur Chenab Chhanab Chumar Cliamap Chumba-Paharie Chamba-Pahari Chuijar Delhi Chynar Dihli Deva Nagree Deya Nagari Deyrah Dooab, Do^b Doo^ba Doon Duleep Singh Durbar Durree Dehr4 Doab Duaba Dlin Dhalip Sipgh Durbar Darf Erpla7iation. A eervant of Ood. The Afgaus are a haughty race of Muhaiiiiriadans living Webt of the Indus. The country of the Afgans. News. The Joy of Chri3t. A street in which there are shops, stores, &c. One of the rivers of the Panjab. This is considered the most holy city of the Hindus, One of the Priestly caste of Hindus. A member of t o Brahma Somaj — a sect of Reformed Hindus. The capital of Afganistan. People of Kabul. The capital of British India. The place where our Fathgarh Mis- sionaries and others wore massa- prgd in 18o7. One of the rivers of the Panjab. The caste of leather dressers. BelongiTig to the rnountaius about Chamba, The capital of India in the time of the ISluhammadan Empire. The written character of the gods — the character in which the sacred books of the Hindus were written. T'le country lying between the Ganges and the Jumua. The country lying between the Sfit- luj and the Biyas. A vallej'. A son of the Mahanlja Ranjit Singh, who became a ChristiHn. A court or assembly held by a chief, &c. A kind of carpet. ( 99 ) English. Esa Ohurrun Esu Da 8 Ferozepnre Fuquecr.Fakeer, Fuqt er FuiTuckabad Futtehj^urh, Futteghur Ganges Garhdi-wala Garhmuktisar, Gurmookteeeur Ghat, Ghaut Ghorawaha Goloknath Goorkha Goormookhee Gooroo Gooroo Daa Maitra. Govind Singh Himalaya, Him- maleh Hindee Hindoo Hoshyarpore Hurdwar H5'derabad JrfgendraChun- dra Bose Jhelum Jugadhree Jugraon Jullunder Jumna Jwala Mookhee Kallee Churrun Chatterjee Native. Tsi Charan I'sa Das Fi'ro/.pur Faqir Parrukhabad Fathgarh Ganga Garhdiwala Garhmuktisar GhAt Ghorawaha Goloknath Gurkha GurmukM Guru Guru Das Maitra. Govind Singb Himalya Hindi Hindu Hoshyarpur Hardwar Haidarabad Jogeudra Chan- dra Bos Jihlam JagadQri Jai^rawan Jfilandhar Jamna Jwala Mukhi Kali Charan Chatarji Explanation. Ono who is at the feet of Jesus. A servant of Jesus. The victorious or prosperous city. A mendicant. Fort Victory. Name of the most rivers of India. sacred of the A landing place. A bathin? place, &c. "Where "plowing is done with horses" (r) One of the names of Krishna : lite- rally, Lord of the cow world. One of the hill tribe which governs Naipal. The character in which the sacred books of the Sikhs are written. A religious guide. Guru Das is a "servant of the Guru." Maitra is a family name. The name of the last Sikh Guru. Name of the mountains on the North-east of India : lit. Place of snow. The vernacular of a large part of North India. An a'lherent of theBrahmanical Re- ligion. A sacred place, where the Ganges issues from the mountains. [Panjab. Name of one of the rivers of the The principal branch of the Gang^^s. A sacred place in the Panjab where a flame, issuing from the ground, is worshipped as a goddess. ( 100 ) English. Native. Ka8hincer,Kaf»h-| Kashmir mcro.Cashmcruj Kashmerco Keswalo Khiimiah Khutireo Kohuioor Kooleen Kashmiri Keswale Khanna Khiittri Kuh-i-Nur Kulia Kooloo Kulii Kower Sain Kanwar Sain Kupoorthula Kapiiithala, Kurachee Karaiichi Kvirnaiil, Kurnal Karnal Kupsoor Qasur, Kasur Ijadwa Lr'idwa, Ladua Lahore Iji'ihaur Lai Baigeea Lai lje;,'ies Explanation. Name of a beautiful valley in the mountains, in tho North-west, — spokon of, soniotimea, by tho inhabitants, as having been tho Garden of Eden. A person of tho race which inhabits Kashmir. Ilaving hair : that is long hair. [Hindus. Name of a high caste among tho ' Mountain ofLight" — a name given to a certain large diamond. Belonging to a good family — having a good ancestry : (applied to a class of Uangali Brahmans.) Name of a district in the mountains. Landour Landhaur I.odiana, ')Ludehana, Lii- ', ) dhiana Loodianu. &c. Mahabhiirat Mahabharat Maharajah Maharaja Mahomcdan, Muhammadan Mohammedan Manimajra, Manimajra Munimajra Mecrut Merath Mehtur, Mater Mihtar Mogul ]\[ugiil ^ Mounshee iMunshi Moosullce Musalli Morinda Morand a ,Mohand i Moulvie Maulavi Mozuffernuggcr I^luzaffarnagar Muune Munue Tho capital of the Pan jab. Followers of Lai lieg, believed by thorn to have been GoJ's sweeper. Tho name of a famous Sanskrit poem Literally, a great king. "A prince" — a compensative title given to sweepers. [literature. A scribo, and a teacher of Persian A name given to sweepers who have become Muhaiumadans j moaning one who prays, i A learned Muhammadan, — some- thing like a D. D. Shaven, or cropped; applied to a class of Sikhs who havo their hair cut. ( 101 ) English. Native. Explanation. Mussoorie Mansuri Musalman Musalman Musselman Muttra Mathura Muzhubee, i Mazhabi Muzboo Nanuk Nanak Nawab Nawab Nepaloe Naipiili Noor Ufshan Niir Afshan Oordoo Urdu Oude Pandas Awadh Pandas Pehoa Peshawur Peshawar Poorun Chuud ) Piirau Chand Ooppel ) Uppal Pundit Paudit Punjab, Punjaub Punjab Punjabee Panjabi Pushto Eajpoot Eajpootana Earn Ohunder Eamdassee Eajah Eajpore Eavee Eawul Pindee Eohilcund Eobtuk Pasbtu, Pakhtu Eajput Rajputana Earn C bandar Eamdasi Eaja Rajpur Ravi Rawal Pindi Ruhilkhaud Eobtak One who is in peace and safety ; tbat is, a follower of Muhammad. Literally, one who has a religion : a name given to sweepers wbo have became Sikhs. The name of the founder of the Sikh religion. A Muhammadan nobleman. An inhabitant of Naipal. Literally, "Light Scattercr." The name of a language used ex- tensively in Lidia, made up of Hindi, Sangskrit, Persian, and Arabic, otherwise called Hindus- tani. [India. The name of a province in North The name borne by iivo brothers — princes distinguished in Hindu history. A learned Hindu, of the Priestly caste. The country of the Five Rivers ; viz the Satluj, the Biyas, the Ravi, the Ghhanab, and the Jihlum. The vernacular of the Punjab — es- pecially the villages : an inhabi- tant of the Panjab. The vernacular language of the Afgans. A king's son , name of a princely caste. The country of the Rajputs. Name of a king who was regarded as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. Sikhs, spring from a low caste of Hindus, — Leather dressers, wea- vers, &c. A king. [Panjab. Name of one of the rivers of the ( 102 ) English. Rooper Iloorkee Kunjeet Singh Sanscrit Shahabad Shah Shooja Shah Zuiuan Native. Rojiar Rurki Kaujit Singh San Prakrit Shahrlbad Shah Shiijii Shiih Zamiia Shee'a Shin Sikh, Sikh, Seik Sikkh, Sikh Sindh.Sind.Scind Sindh Singh, Sing Simla Smdhee Sirhind Soondor Lai Soonneo Subatboo Suharunpore Suntoke Majra Sunyasee Siitlej, Sutledge Syud Tiiakooreo Singh Shaiiila Siiidhi Surhand Sundar La.1 Sunrii Sabathii, Sapatu Saharanj^iir Saiitakh Majra Sunyasi Satluj Saiyad 'J'hakuri Thanesur Thanosur TJmballa Ambala Urnrit8ur,Uinrit-> Amrit^r zur, Amritzuri TJinala Uehruf UUoe Ajnala Ashraf Ali Zenana zaia Z.inana Zila Explanation. Namo of a faraoua king who ruled oviT the Punjab in the early part of this contury. The sacred language of the Hindus. The name of an Afgan king) Both of ,, ,, ,, ,, ^t h e m having been exiled from Kiibul, and become pensioners of the British Oovernment. at Lodiana. A sect of Muhaminadans. Literally, a disciple : a distinctive title of the followers of Nanali. The region of country near the mouth of the Indus. Literally, a lion. The language of Sindh. A sect of Muhammadans. Tho villago of content A class of Hindu Faqirs. One of the rivers of the Panjab. A descendant of Muhammad. One of the written characters of the country. The Fountain of Immortality ;" the name of the largest city in the Panjab, — so called from a sacred tank within its walls. The women's apartment of a house. A district, like a county. SKETCH OF THE FDRRUKHABAD MISSION From Us beginning in the year 1836 to the close of 1884. By Mrs. H. H. Holcomb. It may not be amiss in giving a short account of the Furrukhabad Mission to refer briefly to the beginning of the Foreign Mission work of the Presbyterian Church in America, a Church which from its organization has been a Missionary Church. The Presbytery of Philadelphia was the first Presbytery organized in America, and was founded about the year 1704. The Greneral Assembly, comprising four Synods, was constituted in 1788, and met for the first time in Philadelphia, in May, 1789; and during its sessions the missionary cause claimed its earnest attention. ''The four Synods, then existing under the Assembly, were direct- ed to provide and recommend, each, two missionaries to the next Assembl}^ ; and that funds might be prepared to meet the expense expected to be incurred, it was enjoined on all Presbyteries to take measures for raising collections in all the congregations within their bounds." The work so auspiciously begun, continued to grow in extent and inter- est, with the growth of the Church. In the infancy of the Church, when her members were poor in everything but courage, it did not seem practicable to undertake missions to the heathen of other lands. Yet very soon, and while the Church was still far from strong, either in numbers or in wealth, and while tlie needs at home were many and pressing, men and means were found for the beginning of a work for Christ beyond the confines of the new world. The first formal Mission to the heathen, instituted by the Presbyterian Church of America, w^as a Mission to the Indians inhabiting tlie wilderness to which the Pilgrim Fathers had come, to make for themselves a home where they could worship Grod according to the dictates of their own consciences. "The Church of Scotland was their 14 ( 104 ) mother Church ; and to her they looked, to enable them to Bend the Gospel to tbe pagans of the wilderness." *' The Society in Scotland tor propagating Christian Knowledge," was organized in Edinburgh, in 1701. This Society, in 1841, established a "Board of Correspondents" in New York, and this Board appointed the Kev. Azuriah Horton, a member of the Presbytery of New York, to labor as a missionary on Longlsland. among the Indians resident there. The second missionary appointed by this Board was the devoted David Brainerd, who was ordained as a missionary by the Presbytery of New York, on the 12th of June, 1744. In arduous and self-denying labor among the Indians of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Mr. Brainerd was occu- pied until his death, which occurred on the 9th of October, 1747, and before he had completed the thirtieth year of his age. But a short time before his death Mr. Brainerd ■was visited by his brother, the liev. John Brainerd, who had been appointed to succeed him ; and the heart of the dying missionary was comforted by the thought that his beloved flock would not be left without a shepherd. Both Mr. Horton and ALr. David Brainerd received their support from Scotland. Mr. John Brainerd, like his predecessors, corresponded with the Christian Knowl- edge Society in Scotland, but he was supported chiefly, if Dot wholly, by funds derived from the contributions of Presbyterian congregations in America. Such a beginning had the work which now fills so large a place in the hearts of the Christian people of America. The Synod of Pittsburgh, which from its organization had been distinguished for missionary enterprise and effort, in November, 1831, founded a society called the "Western Foreign Missionary Society," and elected the Kev. Elisha P. Swift its first corresponding secretary. In hearty accord with the objects of the society, Mr. Swift resigned the pastoral care of an important congregation, to accept the office to which he had been elected, and devoted all his time and all his energies to the promotion of the infant enterprise. Destitute of funds as was the young society, the salary of the secretary, for the first year, w^is secured by the timely and liberal gift of one thousand dollars from the Hon. Walter Lowrie, at that time the Secretary of the Senate of the United States. ( 105 ) Western Africa and India claimed the first attention of the executive committee of the liew society. A circular letter was addressed to the " Societies of Inquiry on Missions" in the Theological Seminaries of Princeton andj Allegheny ; and in response, communications were received from Mr. John B. Pinuey of the Theological Seminary at Princeton, and from Messrs. John C. Lowrie, and William Keed of the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, offering to place themselves under the care and direction of the executive committee, as missionaries to the heathen. The heart of Mr. Pinney was set toward Africa, and this ulti- mately became his destination ; while the other two brethren were assigned to India. Mr. Reed was ordained to the work of the Gospel ministry by the Presbytery of Huntingdon, in Pennsylvania. The ordination services took place in the church in which Mr. Reed was devoted to God, first by baptism, and subsequently by the public profession of his faith in Christ. The Presbytery of Huntingdon cheerfully undertook the support of their young missionary. Th^ Presbytery of New Castle, Delaware, became responsible for the support of Mr. Lowrie, and appointed a special meeting for his ordination, in the city of Philadelphia, during the sessions of the General Assembly. lie was accordingly set apart to the work of the ministry, in the presence of a large assembly, in the 1st Presbyterian church of the city, on the 23rd of May, 1833. On the evening preceding the departure of the missionaries from Philadel- phia a very interesting missionary meeting was held in the 2nd Presbyterian church Arch street. On this occasion the assembly was addressed by the Rev. John C. Lowrie and, the Rev William Reed ; and also by the Hon. Walter Lowrie, the father of one of the missionaries. On the following day the missionaries proceeded to New Castle, where in the stream opposite that place the ship "Star," in which they had taken passage for their long voyage, was anchored. The departing missionaries united in prayer with their friends on the shore, before embarking, then bade them adieu with a degree of cheerfulness and composure which plainly proved that their minds were stayed on God. The little boat which had conveyed them to the ship, returned to the shore, the " Star" weighed her anchor, spread her sails, which a fine breesse soon filled ; — and under circumstances^ ( 106 ) BO favorable, did our first missionaries begin their voyage to India. With the history of the little band, going so bravely forth on its Christ-like mission, we are all familiar. The party reached Calcutta on the loth of October, but one of the number, the young and lovely Mrs. Lovvrie, death had even then marked fur his own. In delicate health before her departure, Mrs. Lowrie's illness had increased during the voyage, and she knew, when her feet pressed the soil of the land where she had hoped to be spent in loving service for the Master, that she had come only to find a grave. Yet her faith did not fail. The strangers upon their arrival were kindly received by the Kev. W. H. and Mrs. Pearce, of the 13a])tist Mission ; and in this Christian home, which had opened its hospitable doors to receive the mission party, Mrs. Lowrie, on the evening of the 21st of November, passed peacefully away; and a little company of strangers followed her to her grave. Not thus had the first heralds of the cross sent by our Church to this couutr}', thought to occupy the land ; but the Master had so willed it, and to his will they bowed. But God had yet other lessons of sorrow for these his servants. Not long after their arrival in Calcutta Mr. Reed's health began to decline, and it soon became evident that he was suffering from pulmonary consumption. Medical skill availed nothing in his case, and when all hope of a life of usefulness in India was at an end, at the advice of his physicians, Mr. and Mrs. Reed took passage for America, leaving Calcutta on the 23rd of July, 18^54. Mr. Reed's condition grew rapidly worse at sea, and on tlie morn- ing of the 12th of August '' his happy soul was released from its prison of clay, to join the redeemed above." In the evening of the same day his body was committed to the deep, near one of the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal. Mrs. Reed reached Philadelphia on the 8th of Dec. After consultation with missionaries of experience in Calcutta Mr. Lowrie decided to proceed to the Punjab, as that field was unoccupied by missionary laborers. Alone Mr. Lowrie entered upon his long journey, leaving Calcutta but a few days after the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Reed for America. Mr. Lowrie travelled by boat on tlie Ganges from Calcutta to Cawnpore, and from Cawnpore to Lodiana by palanquin, reaching his destination on the evening of ( 107 ) November 5th. Lodiana was as that time the frontier station of the English. The Political Agent residing at this out-post, Captain, afterwards Sir C. M. Wade, received Mr. Lowrie most cordially, giving him the assurance that to further his objects he would render such assistance as was in his power. At a meeting of the executive committee held on the 15th of May, 1834, it was resolved to send to Northern India in the ensuing autumn, to engage in missionary labor, two brethren who had offered themselves for this service, Messrs. Newton and Wilson. In October of the same year, Mr. John Newton was ordained by the First Presbytery of New York ; and Mr. James Wilson by the Presbytery of Hudson. On the 28th of October an in- teresting missionary meeting was he'd in the 10th Presby- terian Church of Philadelphia, wlieu these brethren received their instructions, and took leave of their friends. A fare- well meeting was held on the evening of the 29th of October, in the Eev. Dr. M'Auley's church, New York city ; and on the 4th of November the party sailed from Boston in the ship " Greorgia." The two missionary brethren were accom- panied by their wives ; and with this party sailed the first single lady sent out by the Presbyterian Church in America, to labor for the women of India. With this party the Hon. Walter Lowrie sent as a gift to the Mission, for the use of a high school in Northern India, a valuable philo- sophical apparatus, with the hope that " by the blessing of Heaven it might prove the means of undermining the false systems of philosophy adopted by the heathen, and conse- quently their false systems of religion, with which their philosophy is intimately, if not inseparably connected." The missionary party arrived in Calcutta on the 25th of February, 1835, and were detained in that city until the following June. While waiting in Calcutta, persons well acquainted with the state of the country, represented to Miss Davis, that the way was not then open for work among the women of North India, — a great disappointment to one who had hoped to spend her life in such a service. While thus perplexed, a way out of the difficulty was opened by what one of the brethren was pleased to designate as " a very happy interference of Providence." Mr. John Goadby, a Baptist missionary of Cuttack, was at that time ( 103 ) in Calcutta, and invited Miss Davis to engage in mission- ary work among the women of Cuttack as Mrs. Goadby ; and on the first of April the two were united in marriage and set out for Cuttack. The liev. Messrs Newton and Wilson, with their wives, left Calcutta on the 24th of June, and reached Futtehgurh, ou their journey to Lodiana, near the end of October. There they found tents prepared for their reception, and in these canvas houses they immediately took up their abode. The first stage of their journey from Futtehgurh was made on Saturday, the r30th of October. The following Sab- bath was speut in a pleasant grove, between two ancient temples, outside the walls of the city of Furrukhabad On the afternoon of the Sabbath the two brethren went into the city to distribute among the people tracts in their own language, which they had brought with them from Calcutta. These were received with great eagerness by the people, and their supply was soon exhausted. The following day a young man followed their camp nine miles, to make request for a book. The missionaries were much pleased with Fur- rukhabad and its neighborhood, and were persuaded that it would be a favorable place for the establishment of a mission station. Mr. Lowrie had suffered so mucb from ill health during his residence in India, that he at length decided, though with great reluctance, to follow the advice of his physi- cians and return to America. He had found it necessary to spend the hot season of 1834 in Simla, but returned to the plains in time to go out one hundred and fifty miles to meet the mission party, and to escort the little band to Lodi- ana, which place was reached on the 8th of December, 1835, Mr. Lowrie left Lodiana on the 21st of the following January, on his return to America, and arrived in Calcutta in time to welcome the second reinforcement of missionaries, consisting of the Kev. Messrs James McEwen, James li. Campbell, Messrs William S. Rogers. Jesse M. Jaraieson and Joseph Porter, and their wives. This party had sailed from New Castle, on the 1 6th of November 1835. and landed in Calcutta on the 2nd of the following A])ril. Mr. Lowrie left (klcutta in the ship " Hibernia" soon after the arrival of the mission party, and reached America ou the 18th of February, 1837. ( 109 ) The new missionaries remained in Calcutta until the 1 3th ot July. While coming up the Granges, a little above Bhagalpur they eneounted a severe storm, in which the cook's boat was upset, as well as one of the luggage boats. The mission library was lost, and also a box con- taining some parts of a printing press, as well as a quantity of printing paper. Upon the arrival of the party in Cawn- pore it was ascertained that the missing parts of the press could not be supplied in the Upper Provinces ; and it was accordingly decided that one of their number should return to Allahabad, where the parts lacking could be obtained ; and where also the services of a printer could be secured. Joined to this necessity was the fact that the Christian residents of Allahabad had earnestly requested one of the party to settle in that city, to render assistance in English preaching. The only missionary at that time engaged in work at Allahabad was the Rev. Mr. Mcintosh, who had been sent to that city by the Baptists of Serampore. It was unanimously decided that Mr. McEwen should return to Allahabad to engage in work there. Mr. McEwen found the field so extensive, and the pros- pects for usefulness so encouraging, that it was decided to occupy Allahabad permanently. A boarding school was established, chiefly of orphan girls, and a day school for Eurasian children and youth was opened. Mr. McEwen engaged regularly in English preaching, and in January, 1837, a Church, consisting of twelve members, was organized and called the Mission Church. From his first arrival in India, Mr. McEwen had suffered from ill health, and at length his strength so rapidly declined that it was consid- ered advisable for him to return to America; he therefore left India early in the year 1838. Mr. McEwen, though laboring in connection with the Presbyterian Church, was a missionary of the Associate Reformed Church of America. Upon Mr. McEwen' s retirement from the field the Rev. James Wilson was transferred from Sabathu to Allahabad. The third reinforcement of missionaries, consisting of eight persons, the Rev. Messrs Henry R. Wilson, John H. Morrison, Messrs James Craig and Reese Morris, with their wives, left America, sailing from New Castle on the 14th of October, 1837, and arriving in Calcutta the following April. Three weeks later Mrs. Morrison was attacked ( no ) with cholera, which proved fatal. Though the summons came suddenly, Mrs. Morrison was prepared for the chauge. " Death has no terrors," she exclaimed but a short time before her departure ; " there is not a cloud, all is bright and clear." Then as her thoughts wandered back to the friends she had so recently left in another land, •' Tell them all at home," she said, "much as I love them, and fondly as my heart clings to them, tell them all, I am not sorry that I have left them all for Christ, though it be but to die in his service ; no, tell them I rejoice that I have been permitted to enjoy the privilege." When asked by her husband, as she seemed just on the confines of eter- nity, " How does the prospect now appear ?" she answered, "Grlorious," and with that triumphant utterance her ransom- ed spirit took its flight. Mrs. Morrison's grave, at her own request, was made beside that of Mrs. Lowrie. Mr. Morrison joined Mr. AVilson at Allahabad and Messrs Craig and Morris proceeded to Lodiana to labor within the bounds of that Mission. It was decided that Mr. Wil- son should begin work at Furrukhabad, as the city was a large and important one, and the field unoccupied Upon their arrival at Cawnpore the mission party learned that a pious physician of Futtehpore, Dr. Charles Madden, who had for some time supported one hundred orphan children, had been obliged, by the failing health of his wife, to leave the station, and was anxious to transfer fifty of these chil- dren to the care of a missionary, proposing, with them, to make over school apparatus and money, to the value of Ks. 1000. Captain Wheeler, another earnest Christian, had supported twenty orphans at Futtehgurh ; and at the time of the arrival of the mission party in India this officer was under marching orders. The twenty orphan children for whom he had hitherto cared he therefore desired to transfer to the care of a missionary. For Mr. Wilson work was thus provided before he reached the station to which he had been appointed. The fifty orphans from Futtehpore were sent to Cawnpore by boat, and from thence conducted by Mr. Wilson to I'uttehgurh, where the twenty otlier children consigned to his care by Captain Wheeler awaited his arrival. Mr. Wilson reached Futtehgurh on the 3rd of November, 1838, feeling that God had in a wonderful manner prepared the way for him. ( in ) Upon his arrival in Allahabad, Mr. Morrison took charge of the English services. He v^as married in February, 1839, to Miss Isabella Hay. The fourth reinforcement to our missions in North India consisted of the Rev. Messrs Joseph Warren, James L. Scott, and John E. Freeman, with their wives. This party left America October 12th, 1838, and arrived in India the following May. The Rev. Messrs Warren and Freeman were appointed to labor in Allahabad, and Mr. Scott in Futtehgurh. With this party had been sent from Ameri- ca a printing press, and as Mr. Warren had some practical knowledge of printing, it was decided that he should superintend the work of the press. Mr. and Mrs. Scott reached Futtehgurh in August, 1839, and upon their arrival found a field of labor in connection with the orphanage, which at that time contained one hundred and nine orphans, twenty of this number having been bequeathed to Mr. Wilson by a gentleman from Bar- eilly, on condition that they be known as the "Rohilkund Branch" of the orphanage. In order to provide employment for the larger boys in the orphanage, six workmen were brought from Mirzapore, to give instruction and aid in the art of carpet weaving ; and with an outlay of rupees three hundred this branch of industry was inaugurated. On the 5th of August, 1840, the Rev. Messrs John 0. Rankin, William H. McAuley and Joseph Owen, together with Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. McAuley and Miss Jane Vander- veer sailed from Boston for India, landing at Calcutta Dec. 24th. Mr. Owen was assigned to Allahabad, and all the other members of the party to Futtehgurh. The necessity for a superior school for native youth having been felt at Allahabad, such a school was at this time organized and in connection with this school Mr. Owen rendered most efficient aid. While detained in Calcutta, before his journey to the north, Mr. Owen visited the Institution of the Gene- ral Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, under the superinten- dence of Dr. Duff. The Institution had been in existence more than ten years, and numbered about six hundred pupils. Mr. Owen declared thi.s school to be to him, by far, the most interesting object in the great city. On the 7th of Nov. 1844, Mr. Owen was united in marriage to Augusta Margaret, youngest daughter of Major Greneral Proctor. 15 ( 112 ) On the 5th of July, 1840, a native Church was organized at Allahabad, the ordinance of baptism having beeu at the beginning oft hat year administered for the hrst time by our missionaries of that city, to a native of the country, on profession of faith. (Several others received this ordinance during the year. It was during this year that for the first time in Allahabad the Hindustani language was used ■when the Lord's ISupper was administered. Of this infant Church the Kev. J ames Wilson was installed pastor in February, 1843. During the year 1840 a small chapel had been erected in the Chauk at Allahabad, and this was dedicated on the last Thurs- day of Uecember, 1840. The site was donated by Government, and the cost of the building, about rupees seven hundred, was contributed by friends in India. In 1844, a chapel in Kydgunj, one of the large suburbs of Allahabad, was built, means for this purpose having been furnished by a legacy left by a Musalmani woman who had embraced Christianity. This woman, at her death, as she had no relatives, bequeath- ed her property to the mission. In these chapels services were held several times during the week, and in each a vernacular school was also taught. The mission property on the banks of the Jumna ?« Allahabad was purchased in the year 1840. To this place removed the Hev. Messrs AVilson and Freeman, with Lheir families. A part of the extensive out-offices were put in order to receive the girls' orphanage, and a house for the boys' orphanage was built on the grounds. On the op- posite side of the road was a parcel of laud attached to this estate, and on this land was a building that had been part of an old mint. This old house was repaired, and made a place for Hindustani worship. As has been said before, with Mr. Warren's party had been sent out from America a printing press and a quantity of paper; and upon Mr. Warren's arrival in Allahabad, he was asked by the mission to take charge of the press. Mr Warren undertook the work. There was no suitable building for a press, but in a bath-room in his own bungalow the Englito CD 00 a i . 13 as o o Q fl O J. Wilson J. Warren J. L. Scott J. E. Freeman J. 0. Rankin W.H. McAuley J. Owen J. Wrav J. J. Walsh Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Warren Mrs. Scott Mrs. Freeman Mrs. Rankin Mrs. McAuley Mrs. Owen Mrs. Wray Mrs. Walsh A. H. Seeley D. Irving R. M. Munnis A. A. Hodge J F. Ullmann R. S. Fullerton D. E.Campbell Lawrence Hay H. W. Shaw R.E.Williams A. 0. Johnson Mrs. Seeley Mrs. Irving Mrs. Hodge Mrs. Fullerton Mrs. Campbell Mrs. Hay Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Munnis Mrs. Ullmann Mrs. Scott (2d) Mrs. Johnson Miss Browning. CO 9 J. L. Scott J. E. Freeman J. Owen J. J. Walsh R. M. Munnis J. F. Ullmann R. S. Fullerton D. E. Campbell Law. Hay R. E. Williams A. 0. Johnson 9 II 12 CO CO 00 T CD 00 © CJ o o Q It Mrs. Scott Mrs. Freeman Mrs. Owen Mrs. Walsh Mrs. Munnis Mrs. Ullman:; Mrs. Fullerton Mrs. Campbell Mrs. Hay Mrs. Johnson R. McMullm A. Brodbead W. F. Johusou B. D. WyckofE E. Sayre S. H. Kellogg J.M.Alexander Mrs. McMullin Mrs. Brodhead Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Wyckoff Mrs. Sayre Mrs. Kellogg Mrs. Alexander J. E. Freeman D.E. Campbell A. 0. Juhusou U. McMullin H 11 10 7 7 4 connected with the Furrukhahad Mission* duting the fifty years, 1836 ^o 1886. 175 Losses. Death. Women. By Withdrawal. Men. Mrs Morrison 'J. McEwen Mrs. Morri8on(2d)'H. R. Wilson Mrs. Freeman Mrs. Scott Mrs. Seeley Mrs. Freeman Mrs. Campbell Mrs. Johnson Mrs. McMuUin Mrs. Owen D. Irving J. Wray A. A. Hodge J. Wilson W.H.McAuley J. C. Rankin A. H. Seeley W. H. Shaw Women. Mrs. J. McEwen Miss J. Vanderve Mrs. Wilson By Transfer. Men. J. H. Morrison er Lawrence Hay R. E. Williams Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Irving Wray Hodge Wilson McAuley Rankin Shaw Mrs. Hay Women. Miss Browning (afterwards Mrs Herron) R. M. Munnis R. S. Fullerton Mrs. Munnis Mrs. Fullerton * For a tabular view of the Lodiana Mission, see page 74. 23 17G A Tabular view of all the fon'ig>i missionaries — male ami female, — u-ho have been P^ Beginning of Decade. Men. J. L. Scott J. Owen J. J. Walsh J. F. TJllmann A. Brodhead W. F. Johnson B. D. Wyckoff E. Saj're S. H. KoUogg J.M. Alexander 10 Women. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Scott Ulhnann Walsh Brodhead Johnson Acceseions during Decade. By Men. WyckcfE |J Sayro ^J M. Walsh Kellogg Alexander Heyl S. Wynkoop Tracy. A. Seeley J Lucas, F. Holcomb Warren 10 IJ. F. TJllmann A. Brodhead W. F. Johnson S. H. Kellogg J.M. Alexander F. Hevl T. S.Wynkoop T. Tracy Q-. A. Seeley J. J. Lucas J. F. Holcomb J. Warren P^ 12 Mrs. TJllmann Mrs. Brodhead Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Kellogg Mrs. Alexander Mrs. Tracy Mrs. Luoas Mis. Holcomb Miss Belz | Mrs. Warren Miss L. Walsh ., M. N.Wilsou S.SewardM.D Mrs.S.J. Miller Miss A.E.Scott M. Hardie 16 Women. Mrs. Owon (2d) Miss E. Walsh Miss N. Dickey (afterwards Mrs Tracy) Miss L. Walsh Miss M. Eva Sly (afterwards Mrs. Lucas) Mrs. J F. Holcomb Miss 0. Belz Mrs. Warren (2d) Miss P. A. Brink MissM. N.Wilson Miss S. Seward, Mrs. S. J. Millar Miss A. E. Scott Miss M. Hardie J. Owon Men. 14 J. C. R. Ewing J. S. Woodside G. W. PoUock Henry Form an T. E. Inghs Mrs. Seeley Mrs. Ewing Miss E. Seeley MissS. Hutchinson Miss F. Perloy Mrs. Woodside Miss Woodside Mies Butler Mrs. Pollock Mrs. Inglis Miss J. F.Bell M.D Miss Hutcheson 12 J. Warren connected with the FurmJchahad Mission during the fifty years, 1836 to 1886. 177 Losses. Death. By Withdrawal. By Transfer. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Miss E. Walsh J. L. Scott E. Sayre J. J. Walsh B. D. Wj'ckoff Mrs. Scott Mrs. Sayre Mrs. Owen Miss M. Walsh Mrs. Walsh Mrs. Wyckoff Miss Brink, M.D. 1 4 7 Mrs. Kellopg Miss M.N.Wilson A. Brodhead 3. H. Kellogg F. Heyl T. S. Wynkoop Mrs. Brodhead Miss L. Walsh Mrs. S. J. Millar Miss M. Hardie Miss F. Perley Miss Butler J. F. UUmann Miss A.E. Scott 2 4 6 1 1 ( HB ) ^ ^ O M H O Balance of Gain. Men and "Women 2 ■* 1 00 Ol o CO o 00 OD O Men and Women 00 05 CO CO vn »- O Men and Women CO (M ■*! ei r- o 1-H Remain- ing at end of the Decade. a a 1 C5 o o CO o a C3> - o (M - CO » 03 CO o 1 GO § . pq a 3 i O - l CO 0) o o TJ< '- - CO Acces- sions during the Decade. a a o rt< Ol 1— tl OJ Oi >t3 a (M - I- l- lO Beginning of the Decade. Men Women O OS o o CO O a> = o Oi raojj CO J?* o CO CO CO o CO CD CO o CO CO 1— o CO CO CO 00 o CO 3 o H •epBoea >-i »— t M 1— 1 t— 1 M > List of ordained foreign missionaries who have ieen connected with the Famikhahad Mission from 1836 to 1886. 179 Names of Miss. James McEweu James Wilson J. H. Morrison Henry R Wilson Joseph Warren James L. Scott John E. Freeman John 0. Rankin William H. McAuley Joseph Owen John Wray J. J. Walsh A. H. Seeley David Irving E.. M. Munnis A. A. Hodge. J. F. Ullmann R. S. Fullerton D. E. Campbell Lawrence Hay H. W. Shaw E. E. Williams A. O. Johnson E. M. McMuUin A. Brodhead W. F. Johnson B. D. Wyckoff E. H. Sayre S. H. Kellogg J. M. Alexander F. Heyl T. S Wynkoop T. Tracy G-. A. Seeley J. J. Lucas J. F. Holcomb J. C. R. Ewmg J. S. Woodside G. W, Pollock Henry Forman T. E. Inglis Year of Year of joining with- Mission. drawal . 1836 1838 1838(1) 1851 1838 1843 (4) 1838 1846 1839 1854 (2) 1839 1867 1839 1840 1848 1840 1851 1840 1842 1849 1843 1872 1847 1854 1847 1849 1847 1848 1850 1848 1882 (4) 1850 1850 1850 1857 1850 1855 1852 1861 1855 1857 1859 1878 1860 1860 1874 (5) 1863 1869 1865 1876 1866 1868 1881 1869 1876 1869 1870 1870 1872 (1) 1879 1881 (1) 1881 1884 1884 Year of Death. (3) 1845 1883 1882 1877 1880 1857 1882 1870 1884 1885 1861 1865 1857 (3) 1857 1857 (3) (3) Present address. New York City. Basking Ridge, New Jersey. Amenia, New York. Princeton, New Jersey. Rawal Piudi, India. Indianapolis, Indiana. Pittsburgh, Pa. Bridgeton, New Jersy Washington Pa. Sabathoo. Garden Plain, 111. Toronto, Canada. Allahabad. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington City. Etawah, India. Mainpuri ,, Allahabad ,, Jhansi ,, Saharanpur ,, Fatehgarh ,, Mainpuri ,, Allahabad ,, Fatehgarh ,, (1) Transferred fiom the Lodiaua Mission. (2) Retired in 1854 and returned in 1872. (3) Massacred in tlie Mutiny at Cawnpore. (4) Traufeferred to Ludiana Mission. (5) Transferred to Lodiana Mission 1883. 180 List of nnmarried Lady Missionaries who have been connected mth the Farmkhabad Missioti/rom 1836 to 1886. Year of Year of Year of Death. Names. joining Mission. with- drawal. 1846 Address. Miss Jane Vanderveer 1810 ,, Mary L. Browning (1) 1856 1857 1863 „ Marion Walsh (2) 18»i5 1867 Ranoekhet, India ,, Emma Walsh 1868 1869 „ Elizabeth Walsh (3) 1870 1882 Tezpur, Assam. i N. M. Dickey 1870 " 1 afterwards Mrs. Tracy Etawah. ' Mary Eveline Sly " afterwards Mrs. Lucas 1871 Allahabad. ,, Christine Belz 1872 Etawah. „ P. A. Brink M. D. 1872 1874 ,, Sara Seward M. U. 1873 Allahabad, ,, Mary Nevius Wilson 1873 1879 „ A. E. Scott (4) 1874 1876 Landour. ,, M. Hardie 1874 1876 Mrs. S. J. Millar 1874 1876 Miss Elizabeth Seeley 1879 Mainpuri. ,, Sara S Hutchinson 1879 Philadelphia. ,, Fannie Perley 1879 1882 Washington City, ,, J. Woodside (5) 1880 Fatehgarh. ,, Butler 1880 1881 Peoria III. „ J. F. Bell. M. D. 1 885 Fatehgurh. ,, S. Hutcheson 1886 Mainpuri. (1) Afterwards Mrs. Herron of Lodiana Mission. (2) ,, ,, Lambert of the London Missionary Society. (3) ,, ,, Smithoman of the S. P. G. Society, Assam. (4) Transferred to the Woodstock School. (5) Transferred from the Lodiana Mission. A word as to these tables. (1) Nineteen missionaries have died while connec- ted with the Mission. Of theso, eight (four ordained missionries with their wives) were massacred at Cawnporo in the Mutiny of 1857. (2) Four ordained missionaries served over twenty-five years ; eleven served fifteen years ; three served ten years ; sixteen, five years, and five, two years. (3) Of the unmarried lady missionaries, three served ten years and over, and five served five years and over. (4) Since 1868, eighteen unmarried lady missionaries have been added to the Mission, of whom two have died; three have married missionaries and are still in India ; five have withdrawn from India ; and eight remain in the field. (5) Since 1868, eleven ordained missionaries have been added to the Mission of whom one has died ; two have withdrawn from India ; and eight remain. (6) Seven daughters and one son, children of missionaries named aboye have returned to India as missionaries. ( 181 ) P4 Ha ^ (D ;z; •\ fl H o ji o 03 o M ^ e3 !-i • ^ bo 'r^ a ea a fcn r^a ^ d o M (M T-l oo 00 oo CO lO CD 1^ b- 00 00 14-1 OJ o oo o Oi G^ CO o Oi <-i i:^ t^ 1:^ t- l^ i^ oo aj 00 oo oo oo oo oo CQ , ': ; *: • j • • O) ■ • • • • • • • ^ 03 a o c» M ;^ s" GQ ft o 09 1— r c3 k-l ( 182 ) iC t^ o i?» •|Ooqog ui s|Ji£) 05 CO o o •— < CO to OS to ^ to 'looqog HI s^Cog CO ■■*< eo (•QAi^^N) o o CO 00 s;u«oiunramoo •s:^uapii;g QC' o 00 cj 2 tBotSopaqx (N O > :^OTi sjaqoBajfj C^ c<» • I— 1 lO m -noissTj^ paurepiQ CO 2 ns rd . OS -•J OO ,Q o ,o w 2 a ® .2 d ^ ii^ o (1 c3 ,£3 -3 a ^ Ph M INDEX. Abdoollah. 40. 98 Afghans, 9, 15, 98 Ahmad Shah, 40 Alexander, J. M., 132, 134, 139. 141, 143. 148 Alexander Mrs., 137 Anthony Adam Mrs., 123 Annee, 20 Area oi Lodiana Mission, 6 B Bacon, Miss, 63, 65, 66 Baptism, conditions of, 53 Bitrker, AV. P., 153 Bazar Preaching, 22 Beatty Cnarles. 22 Beatty Miss, 66 Belz, Miss, 139 Bentinck Wm. (Lord), 81 Blunt, Miss, 141 Boarding Schools, 62, 64 Bowley Rev., 3 BrodheadA., 129, 130, 132, 134 137, 142, 148 Brink, Miss, 139, 142 Brown Mrs., 141 Browning Miss, 124 Buildings Mission, 87 Butler, Miss, 147 Cabul, 50 Calderwood, W., 20, 33, 90. 123 Caldwell, J., 13, 35, 68 Caleb, J. J. 126, 131, 138 Campbell, J. E., 10. 35, 39, 67, 108 Campbell. D. E., 120, 126. Carletou, M. M., 22, 37, 61 „ M. B., 39 Chatterjee, K. C, 17, 33, 61, 85 Chitamber, Eajaram, 148 Clerk George, 50 Clay, Miss, 25 Courau Major. 15 Colporteurs, 49 Converts, 53. 156, 173 Craig James, 109 ,, Mrs. 116 „ Miss, G3, 136 D Das Ishwari, 133 Davis, Miss, 79, 107 Deyrah, 14.89 Dhokul Par.shad, 127 Dhulip Singh 45, 124 Dickey, Miss, 135, 136, 139 Duff, A,, 111, 162 E Education, 27 English Lectures, 23 Evans, Miss, 64 Ewiug, J. C. E., 67, 146, 147 Ferris. G. H. 153, 155 Firozpur, 17. 99 Forman C.W., 13, 23, 170 „ Dr. 18, 39 „ H. 179 Foster, Miss, E Jane 123 Freeman, J. E., Ill, 116, 121, 125 „ Mrs., 118 French Bishop, 24 Fullerton R. S., 120, 122, 125, 127, 128, 131 ,, Mrs., 122 ,, Miss, 145 11 INDEX. G Ghornwalift. 19 Gokkiiath. 11, 33, TO .. Mips Mary 02 Goheeii, J. M. 153 Government favour, 80 Graham, J. P., 163, 154 Green Willis. 39 Greenfield, Miss, 24 Greeiiway, 3 Gwalior, 141 H Hardie. Miss. M., 142, 143 Hmh Jobn, lis, 131 Hay. L , 120. 121. 125 Hay ^liss Isabella, 1 1 1 Herxon, I)., 62, 65, 123 ,, Miss, 63 Heyl, F., 134, 135, 142, 147 Hodgf, A. A.. 118, 120 Hodgep, R , 27 Holcomb, J. F., 79, 135, 136, 138 140, 147 Hosbyarpur, 17, 88 Houston, J. F. 128 Hull, J. J., 153, 154 Hutchinson Miss S. S , 146 Hutchison Miss, S. 180 Inglip, T. E., 179 Irviug, D. 117, 118 Jamieeon, J. M., 10, 12, 68, 79, lOS Janvier. L., 47, 113 ,, Mrs., 35 Jhansi, 140 Johnson liishop, 24 ,, A. C. 123. 124. 125 ,, W F., 129, 130, 132, 134 137, 142, 148 Jugadhree, 19 Jugraon. 19 Juliander, 11, 12, 82, 88. K Kellogg. R. H., 132, 134, 137, 139, 143, 144 ,, Mrs., 137, 143 Kelso. A P., 47, 135 „ Mrs., 63 Khunnah, 19 Kolhapur, 151, 181 Kupoorthala, 16 Kussoor, 18 Lad\ra, 20 Lahore 13. 29, 88 Lai Mohan, 128, 141 Lambert, J. A. 133 Languages, 6 Lawrence Henry, 13 ,, John, 13 Leavitt, E., 79 Leper Asvlums, 42 Lodiana, 4, S8, 164 ,. Mission members of 74 Looweiithal J., 16, 123 Lowrie "Walter, lo7 ,, J. C. 4, 8, 105—8, 160, 172 Lucas, J. J., loo, 136, 147 M. Madden, Dr., 110 Makhzan i Masihi, 134 Martyn Henry, 118 Mainpuri. 114. 126 McAulev, W. H., Ill, 118, 120 McComb, J. M., 64 McEwen, J., 108, 109 Mclnto.^h. 3, 109, 116 McMullen, E., 124. 125 Medical Missions, 37, 165 Millar, Mrs.. 141, 145 Missions in N. India, 3 Mission meetings, 71 Afissionaries List of 74, 174, 181 Montgomery. R., 13, 31, 83 Morris, K., 47. 109 Morrieou, J. H., 15, 109, 111, 113, 117 Mrs. 110, 63 W.J. P., 19 INDEX. 111. Morrison, B, 75 Morrison Miss, 135 Morinda, 19 Munnis, R.M., 117, 120, 126, 128 Murree, 18 Muzaffarnagi^ar. 20 Myers, J. 11.", 132 ,, Mrs., 35 McGinnis Miss, A. M., 142, 153 Miss, A. B., 153 Murdoch, J., 168, 172 Mutiny, The, 49, 125, 128 N Native Christians, 55 Nelson Miss, J., 63, 138 Newspapers, 52 Newton, J. 8, 13,46, 1U7, 165, 166 Mrs., 36 Dr. J., 17, 39, 44 C. B., 47, 134 Mrs.. 42 E. P., 64 Mrs., 42 F. J., 18, 39 135 Nundy Gopi Nath 114, 123, 126, 137 Occupations of Native Christians, 59, 157 Orbison, J. H., 120 Orphanages. 34, 149, 156 Outlook, 90, 159 Owen, J., Ill, 116, 116.117,121, 124, 128, 133, 135, 136 „ Mrs., 132, 133 Patton, Mies, 147, 154 Panhala, 152 Pearce, W. H., 106 Pendleton, Miss. 63 Perley, Miss, 164 Perkins, 24 Personal Security, 3 Political State of India, 1 Pollock, G. W., 147 Poor houses. 42 Porter, J., 47, 68, 108, Portor, Mrs. 35 Pratt. Miss. 63, 64, 65 Preaching, 22, 25, 155 Prem Masih. 128 Press Lodi;ina, 46 Presbyteries, 67, 157 B Rain at Allahabad, 142 Ran jit Siuijh, 37, 165 Rankin, J.^C. Ill, 115 Ratuagiri, 152 Rawal Pmdi 15. 87 Retd, W.. 4, 79, 105, 161 Report Mission, 71 liichards, 3 Rogers, W. S., 10, 68 Rooper, 19 8 Sabathu. 10, 88 Saharanpore, 9, 89 Sain Kower. 20 Sanataria, 79, 159 Suntoke Majra, 20 Sangli, 152 Savre, E. H. 130, 132, 133, 135 Schools, 27 ,, 60, 157 ,, for women. 31 Scott, J. L., Ill, 111, 118, 120, 125., 128,, 131, 146 Scott, Mrs., 65, 117, 123, 145 ., Miss, 65, 142, 145 Seeley, A. H. 117, 123 „ 'Mrs., 123 ,, G. A., 135, 136, 143 146 ,, Miss, 146 Seiler. G. W., 135, 136, 153, 154 Seward, Miss, 140, 147 Shaw, H. M , 120, 124 Sly, Miss, 138, 139 Synod of India, 68 Tedford, L. B.. 154 Theological School. 66 Thiede. Miss, 33, 44 Thomaaon, J., 121 IV INDEX. Thompson, J., 3 Thompsuu, Miss, 135 Tracy, T., 135, 139, 140, 147 Tiavellui^' in India, 2 Trerelyau, C, H Vandervccr, Miss, 111, 110 Velte, H., 74 Village Preaching, 24 Village Christians 57 Volunteer workers, 55 W Wade, CM. 27,81, 105 Walsh, J. J., 115, 120, 124, 129 132, 135, 138 „ Mrs , 131. 137 ,, Miss M., 133 Waleh, Miss E., 135 „ Miss L., 137, 143, 145, 148 Warren, J., Ill, 112, 110, 121, 122, 140, 141, 143 ,. Mrs , 140, 144 Week oi prayer, 72 Wheeler, Capt., 110 Wherry, E. M., 47, 04, 07, 134 ,, Miss, 03 Wilder, E. O. 152, 153, 150, 159 Williams, 11. E., 122, 130 Wilson, J., 10, 40, 107, 110, 112, 115, 120, 104, 105 „ U. 11. 109, 115, 133 „ Miss, 140, 140 Woodside, J. S, 14, 10, 17, 147 ., Miss, 03, 147 Woodstock School, 09, 75, 144 Wray, J. 113, 117, 118 Wyhe, T. S., 20 Wynkoop, T. S., 134, 13b, 143 DATE DUE i 1 DEMCO 38-297 \l:k ■1p M '-"• Vji.'', p '.'l-^'' l>i