■&«w2^5*^* Q ■ . >• Z B 0) < z. k, lll\ 5 bl (0 < B m Q j s X >• 0J J < S < (0 < 5 ,3 K Q B j H X 1- 5 Ul u X U m J H X hi X 0! h. u. (n 5 J D O Ul D H PRINCETON > u 5^ IE (26 ? i ex. <" Omnipotent 17 Ubiquity 16 Ubiquity , 1> Omniscient 20 Omniscient 2V Omnipotent 2J Wisdom 2 i Wisdom i4 Knowledge 25 Holiness kG Holiness 27 Holy and Reverend 2fc Justice and Goodness 2!» Justice and Goodness 30 Truth and Faithfulness 31 Faithfulness 32 Mercy aud Love 33 3 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. HVMtf Boundless Love 31 Infinite 3fl Infinite 30 V. RELATIONS. Maker ! 37 Creator 3S (-Valor 39 Preserver 40 Preserver 41 {»:•()! ©< v tor 42 *r&vtrcr *3 K neper . . 44 Sovereign 45 Unbounded Empire 40 II. SON OF GOD. I. NATURE. Ponof 0«rl 47 Lord of Ail 48 Manifestation of God 4!) Glory of God 50 Manifested Love M Manifested Love 52 Manifested Love 53 II. INCARNATION. Birth 54 Nativity 55 Gffi of God 5<> Incarnation 5" III. LIFE. An Example 58 Excellency 59 Pieoiousness 00 Our Example fd 'file Living Vine 02 Example '. In Temptation 04 Meekness \ 05 Our Pattern 00 Way, Truth and Life 07 The Way OS 4 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. IV. SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. ByV iw fjpfhspmane C<» His .Agony 7^ His Mockery 71 His Scourging 72 Calvary 7? The Cross 7+ At the Cross 7*» Salvation by the Cross ?fi The Fountain of his Blood 77 Peace by his Death IS Lifted Up ; 7> Atonement iiii Trust in his Sacrifice 81 Crucified 82 Peace, Life and Rest in Him *U The Cross a Sign of Love 84 Saved by the Cross 8. r i The Cleansing Fountain 80 The Crucifixion 87 The Fountain for Sin 8S V. RESURRECTION.' Prince of Life 80 Resurrection and Life ftO Triumph hi 91 The Conqueror ing Love 194 As Strangers and Pilgrims 195 Jacob's Vow 196 Our Guide and Strength 197 Witnesses ^198 Fellowship with Christ 190 Our Blessed Hope 2U0 X. BAPTISM. The Commission 201 Baptismal Prayer 2i 2 For a Family 203 For Infants 2<*4 For Children SMii For Adult 206 Water, Spirit, Fire 207 XI. LORD'S SUPPER. Obeying the Command r . . 208 Its Nature .<,:» Body and Blood of Christ 210 Discerning the Lord's Body 211 Approaching the Table 212 The Living Food 2f3 The Banqueting House 214 Sacred Feast 215 The Feast of Love 216 Christ at his Table 217 Seeking the Pastures of Christ 218 Prayer for Constant Nourishment 219 IN1>EX TO SUBJECTS. nvvfs The Heavenly Banquet 2_i» Fellowship iu Christ 221 XII. SALVATION. I. REPENTANCE. : infnlnos<; Deplored C22 Sin Confess. (1 223 "Waiting for God >?A Mercy Sought 22". Pardon Sought 22 XIII. MISCELLANEOUS. Growth in Grace 276 God in Everything. 277 Jesus our Refuge 27a Christ our Salvation 279 Need of Christ 280 God Dwells with the Humble 281 Hallowed be Thy Name — 282 ( Sty to Come 28:5 Give us this Day our Daily Bread 284 head us not Into Temptation 285 Not Ashamed of Jesus 286 Praising Christ 287 XIV. CONCLUDING HYMNS. Praise to Christ 288 Parting 289 Seeking a Blessing 290 10 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HY\r.v A broken heart, my God, my King 230 A fountain, blessed Lamb of God 88 A fountain, holy Lamb of God 77 All loving Father, in thy word 51 All that I was, my sin, my guilt 2">2 Almighty Father, God of grace 22u Almighty God, at thy command 39 Amid the splendors of thy state 52 Amplest grace in thee is found 54 And can I yet delay 235 Around thy table, holy Lord 2-1 At thy command, our dearest Lord 208 Author of faith, to thee I lift i&iti Away from every mortal care 171 A while in Spirit, Lord, to thee G4 Behold thy temple, God of grace 155 Blessed Lord, our hearts are panting 257 Blest Comforter divine 13.) Bread of Heaven, on thee I feed 21 .1 Christ, whose glory fills the skies 1U2 Come, Desire of nations, come 114 Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove 131 Come, Holy Spirit, come, let 129 Come, Hoi 3' Spirit, come, with 133 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove 128 Come, Lord, and tarry not 10$ Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart 178 Come, thou all victorious Lord 1 G7 Come, Saviour, Jesus, from above 188 Come, Wisdom, Power, and Grace divine 179 Compared with Christ in all beside 1 3 Dear suffering Lamb! thy bleeding wounds Ill Didst thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame 2G4 Ere earth's heaving bosom swelling ]:'. Eternal God! Almighty Cause G Eternal Power, whose high abod6 30 Eternal Spirit, God of truth 272 Etern.il Wisdom 1 thee we praise %\ Faithful, Lord, thy mercies are 192 11 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HTM* Father. I dare believe 266 Father, in these reveal thy Son 'JO-J Father of all above 123 Father of all, how long, how long? 108 Father of all, in whom alone 137 Father of all, thine offspring ! we 7 Father of all, to thee we raise 10 Father of mercies, bow thine ear 161 Father of mercies, condescend loi) Father of mercies, in thy word 1.0 Father of my only Lord 131 Father of our blessed Lord 238 Father of Spirits, nature's God 20 Father, onr hearts we lift 60 Father, taught of Christ to pray 2S5 Father, who dost thy Spit it give 127 Forever here my rest shall be 271 Fountain of all intelligence 21 God of wisdom infinite 25 Great Creator, who this day 150 Great God, how infinite art thou ! 12 Great God, indulge my humble claim 255 Great God, now condescend 205 Great God, this hallowed day of thine 147 Great Prophet of our God 09 Guide me, though great Jehovah 197 Hail, great Creator, v> ise and good ! r'8 Hail, thou long expected Jesus 57 Hasten, Lord, the glorious time 120 Head of the Church, Redeemer, Lord 141 Here, at thy table, Lord, we meet 210 Here, Lord of hosts, in thy great name 152 High in the heavens, Eternal God 30 Holy and reverend is thy name 28 Holy art thou, Lord, a. one 27 Holy as thou, U Lord, is none 26 Holy Spirit, Light Livine 135 Hope of our hearts, Lord, appear 199 How beauteous were the marks divine 05 How blest, O Lord, to have in thee 41 How happy are the little flock 109 How plea.sant, how divinely fair 1 ">4 How sweet to leave the world a while ISO •lesus the spring of all my joys 245 In all my vast concerns with thee 176 In duties and in suffering too 58 In thy great name, Lord, we come 163 In us the hope of glory 107 In Vaii we seek for peace with God 78 I need theo constantly 2o0 VI INDEX OF FIRST LINES. Hv^fx Tn finite, eternal one •■'> larinito excellence is thine 5:> Inspirer of the ancient seers 1:58 Into thy gracious hands I fall 250 1 thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God 190 I want a principle within 250 Jehovah, just and good 29 Jehovah, self-existent One 14 Jesus, all redeeming Lord 211 .lesus, at whose supreme command 212 Jesus, behold this family 203 Jeuus, by my native strength 275 Jesus, crucified fur me 83 Jesus, from thy Father's bosom 90 Jesus, from whom all blessings flow 198 Jesus, glorified with thee 145 Jesus, hail! our risen King 92 • Jesus, hail ! whose glory brightens 1.21 Jesus, I love thy charming name tiO Jesus, lover of my soul 278 Jesus, my advocate above 97 Jesus, my Lord, and can it be 2 C 6 Jesus, my Lord, by thee enjoined 201 lesus, my truth, my way 68 Jesus, onr Lord, we know thy name 2"3 Jesus, spotless La mb of God 82 Jesus spreads his banner o'er us 22i> Jesus, these eyes have never seen 185 Jesus, the very thought of thee 1S2 Jesus, thou heavenly Friend 81 Jesus, thou man of sorrows, born 101 Jesus, thou true and living vine 62 Jesus, thy life, a pattern true G6 Jesus, thy servants bless 16 » Jesus, 'tis thy command 21 7 Jesus, we hail thy blessed name 125 Jesus, we look to thee 186 Jesu>, we render praise to thee 124 Jesus, we rest in thee 189 Jesus, we thus obey 214 Jesus, united by thy grace 17-Li Just as I am, without one plea 228 Lamb of God, thou now art seated ; ] 10 Lamb of God, who thee receive 172 Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart 112 I ight of those whose dreary dwelling 104 Lo, he comes with clouds descending 11,") Long time estranged, O Lord, from thee S'ti Lord, all I am is known to thee Ls Lo.d, at thy cross I sink oppressed T i> IS INDEX OP FIRST LINES. 1IYM.V Lord, I believe ; thy power I own ".37 Lord, I have made thy word my choice 140 Lord, if thou didst thyself inspire 158 Lord, if thou thy grace impart 269 Lord, in thy wondrous works displayed 8 Lord of all, with pure intent 204 Lord of our hearts! beloved of thee 200 Lord of the harvest, hear 156 Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows 148 Lord of the Sabbath, taught by thee 151 liord, we are vile, conceived in sin 222 Lord, we come before thee now 165 Lord, we here have no abiding 283 Lord, when thou didst ascend on high 0*5 Lord, when thou didst from Olivet '. 95 Lord, whilst around thy board we meet 215 Love divine, all love excelling 270 Me, my Jesus, in thine arms 184 Messiah, Prince of peace 168 Most merciful and gracious Lord 33 31y dear Redeemer and my Lord 63 My God, I know, I feel thee mine 267 My God, in whom are all the springs 34 My Go I, my God, to thee I cry 249 My God, my portion, and my love 181 My God, permit my tongue 44 My God, what monuments I see 32 My heart is resting, O my God 187 My Maker, and my King 37 My Saviour, my Almighty Friend 276 My hope, my all, my Saviour thou 243 My soul through thy abounding grace 239 My talents, gifts and graces, Lord 157 No longer I delay 183 No more, my God, I boast no more 242 Now to the Lamb that once was slain 287 0'iject of my first desire 261 O blessed Jesus, lifted up 79 OGod invisible 19 O God, most merciful and true 24S God of Abram, by whose hand 1<>9 God of Bethel, thee I hold 196 O God of our forefathers, hear 193 God, the Preserver of all 43 O God, thou art as everywhere 2 O God, thou bottomless abyss 9 God, thy truth and faithfulness 31 O G"d, we humbly wait thy will 24 O. Testis, at thy cross 1 lay 85 O Jesus, crucified f ji us 87 U INDEX OF FIRST LINES. BVM.V Jems, fnim thy wounds there flowed 8<> Jesus, hope of glory 2:">8 O Jesus, in Gethseniane GO O Josus, Jesus, dearest Lord! 1!H O Jesus, merciful High Priest. OS Jesus, on thy soul was laid 70 O Jesus, sweet the tears I shed .- 75 Jesus, thou hast made the cross S4 Lord, most high Eternal King 94 O Lord, my God, to me reveal , 2ti3 Lord, my heart's desire fulfil 202 O Lord, thou art my Lord 20«5 Lord, to me impart 27 1 Lord, when we the path retrace 61 my Jesus, thou wast bound 72 O Prince of life, 'twas not in man ■ '.» Prophet, Priest and King, to thee 1=11 Saviour, who didst come 247 Son of God ! O Light of Light ! 47 Son of God, the only Potentate 49 Son of God, with glory crowned 71 Spirit of the living God 132 that my load of sin were gone 229 thou, my life, my light, my joy 40 thou self-existent One! 11 O thou that hearest prayer 126 thou that hearest when sinners cry 231 thou, the true and living God 5 thou whom all thy saints adore 170 thou who seest and knowst my grief 233 thou whose tender mercy hears 22G Our Father, throned in light 122 Our Father, we have sinned 234 Our Father, whose abode 282 Our Father, who to all art good 284 Out of the depths of woe 224 what a lonely path were ours 177 Word of God, incarnate 141 Power of all powers, Omnipotent 22 Quickened with our immortal head 269 Rabboni ! risen from the dead ? 03 Rest for my soul I long to find 251 Rise, Son of Glory, rise J 18 Rock of ages, cleft for me 244 Safely through another week 146 Saviour and Prince nf peace 227 Saviour, 1 long to see thy face 117 Saviour, I thank thee for the grace 273 Saviour, Prince enthroned above 225 Saviour, Prince of Israel's race 2:J2 15 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMV Saviour, Source of every blessing 1 I Saviour, whom our hearts adore ] ID Shepherd of souls, ref . esh and bless 219 Something eveiy heart is loving 2C0 Son of God, we hail the morn 55 Son of God, while angels bless thee 43 Strangers and pilgrim* here below 10"» Submissive to thy will, my God 2H5 Sweet feast of love divine 216 Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal 175 The Church has waited long 1<)5 Thee will I love, my strength, my tower 203 The sacrificial blood 80 '1 here's nothing bright above, below 277 Thou art, God, a Spirit pure . 1G Thou art, God, the life and light 4 Thou art the way, to thee alone 67 Thou bright and morning Star, thy light 113 Thou glorious Sun of righteousness 149 Thou hidden Source of calm repose 210 Thou, O Christ, art all I want 279 Thou, God, art love alone 53 Thou, my God, art everywhere 281 Thou whom my soul admires above 21S Thy broken body, gracious Lord 2U9 Thy Church, God, to thee foreknown 143 Thy Church, Jesus, comprehends 142 '. h.v glory, Lord, the Heavens declare 3 Thy presence, gracious Lord, afford 1G6 Thy tkrone, God, forever stands 50 Through endless years thou art the same 15 To Calvary, Lord, in spirit now 73 To thee, < Sod, only wise 35 To thee, dear, dear Saviour 241 To thee, Lamb of God 74 To those who love thee, gracious Lord V'J Try us, God, and search the ground 174 Waiting, waiting, Lord, for thee 11G "We bless thee, Lord, for thou alone 4D We meet to worship thee, Lord 104 We need not soar above the skies 1 Welcome, thou victor in the strife 91 Where can we hide, or whither dy 17 While in sweet communion feeding 217 While thou, my Lord, art near 42 Why should the children of* King 2*4 Wilt thou, the great, eternal God 13 With heavenly p wen?, U Lord, defend \&1 10 HYMNS. I. GOD. I. HIS EXISTENCE. Our existence proves the Divine existence. C. M. I>. We need not soar above the skies, Leave suns and stars below, And seek thee, with unclouded eyes, In all that angels know; — The very breath we now inhale, The pulse in every heart, Atiest with force that cannot fail, Thou art— O God ! Thou art! 2 If, 'midst the ever-during song3 Of universal joy, — The chime of worlds and chant of tongues, — The praise that we employ May breathe its music in thine ear, € Its meaning in thy heart; Our glad confession deign to hear, Thou art— O God ! Thou art ! T. H. Stockton. There is one God. — Mark xii. 32. C. M. 1 O God, thou art, as everywhere Thy wond'rous works do show ; Thy Godhead and eternal power By these we surely know. 2 Thou art, O God, the fount of life, The great and good I AM ; And reverently we adore And bless thy glorious name. * *17 J. C. Wilson. ;3 The heavens declare the glory of God. F. L. ttj J Thy glory, Lord, the heavens declare, The firmament displays thy skill ; The changing clouds, the viewless air, Tempest and calm, thy word fulfil ; Day unto day doth utter speech, And night to night thy knowledge teach. ~2 Though voice nor sound inform the ear, Well known the language of their song, When one by one the stars appear, Led by the silent moon along, Till round the earth, from all the sky, Thy beauty beams on every eye. 3 Waked by thy touch, the morning sun Comes like a bridegroom from his bower, And, like a giant, glad to run His bright career with speed and power ; Thy flaming messenger, to dart Life through the depth of nature's heart. 4 While these transporting visions shine Along the path of Providence, Glory eternal, joy divine, Thy word reveals, transcending sense; My soul thy goodness longs to see, Thy love to man, thy love to me. J. Montgomery. 4 All things show us God. P. L. M. Thou art, O God, the life and light Of all this wond'rous world we see; Its glow by day, its smile by night, Are but reflections caught from thee; Where'er we turn thy glories shine, And all things fair and bright are thine. rxf t(> GOD. II. HIS CHARACTER. 5 Unity of God. L. M. 1 O Thou, the true and living God ! Maker of all above — below, Eternal, self-existent One! How blest are we thy name to know ! 2 One God — enlightened faith adores; One God — harmonious nature cries; One God — our common Sire and Lord, The brotherhood of mind replies. 3 To thee — Supreme ! — to thee alone, Be hymns of highest glory sung; The source of joy to every heart, The theme of praise to every tongue. o y cy T. H. Stockton. 6 Independency of God. "J'^'fJ L M- 1 Eternal God ! almighty cause Of earth, and sea 1 ', and worlds unknown ! All things are subject to thy laws ; ^ , thou bottomless abyss! Thee lo perfection who can know ? O heiglit immense! what words suffice Thy countless attributes to show? Unchangeable, all-perfect Lord, Essential life's unbounded sea, What lives and moves, lives by thy word ; Jt lives, and moves, and is from thee! Each evening shows thy tender love, Each rising morn thy plenteous grace ; Thy wakened wrath does slowly move, Thy willing mercy flies apace! To thy benign, indulgent care. Father, this light, this breath we owe; And all we have, and all we are, From thee, great Source of being, flow. „ ft O-,- J - Wesley. 10 '' ' Infinity of God. L. M. Father of all, to thee we raise ->. Our hearts and voices in thy praise ; f** 'y-*^ e Our souls unite to bless thy Name, r- p. p>7 And thine infinity proclaim. Of all that is thou art the cause, /. X.f .W*" Author of Nature and its laws; Eternal, self-existent God, The universe is thine abode. Of thee all things, unseen or seen, Or great or small, have origin ; And all abide in thee alone, And make thy power and Godhead known. Of thee we are — thine offspring we ; In thee we live — compassed by thee; From thee all goodness we receive ; To thee all thanks and praise we give. GOD. II. SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES. IX Self-Existent. 7a. 1 O thou self-existent One! Who may tell thy glorious name? Who may fully make thee known ? Who thine attributes proclaim? 2 Life of life. The fountain thou Whence our curious being came: We ourselves can never know, How much less the great I Am ? 3 Known unto thyself alone, Knowing all below, above, Make to us thy Godhead known, Make us know that thou art Love. _ j. g. w. 12 From Everlasting to Everlasting. C. M. 1 Great God ! how infinite art thou ! What worthless worms are we ! Let the whole race of creatures bow And pay their praise to thee. 'i Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. .'» A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising sun. 4 O God ! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guide while life shall last, And our eternal home. ti I. WatM. GOD. 13 Eternal.— Psl. xc. 2. 8s, 7s.. 1 Ere earth's heaving bosom, swelling, Brought the lofty mountain forth ; Ere the creature had a dwelling In the habitable earth • From eternity preceding Nature's frame and works of art, To eternity succeeding, Everlasting God, thou art. Ere the sun and moon were given, Ilulers of the day and night ; Ere the starry host of heaven Darted down their twinkling light : Ere thy word to slumb'ring nature Form and motion did impart ; Ere there was a living creature, Everlasting God, thou art. 14 V Immutability.— Mal. i.ii. 6. L. M. ». Jehovah, self-existent Oxe, All things depend on thee; but thou, Dependent on thyself alone, Dost neither change nor turning know. Creatures may change — angelic minds Lose their primeval purity ; Man is the sport of changeful winds ; Thine is immutability. 2 The heavens may vanish out of sight, The sun grow dim, the moon expire, The stars withdraw their feeble light, And earth dissolve in flames of tire ; The final purifying flame Will but fulfil thy wise design ; But thou remainest still the sanie — Immutability is thine. a j. a w. 15 Unchangeable. C. M. 1 Through endless years thou art the same, O thou eternal God ; Ages to come shall know thy name, And tell thy works abroad. 2 The strong foundations of the earth Of old by thee were laid ; By thee the beauteous arch of heaven With matchless skill was made. 3 Soon shall this goodly frame of things, Formed by thy powerful hand, Be, like a vesture, laid aside, And changed at thy command. 4 But thy perfections ail divine, Eternal as thy days, Through everlasting ages shine, With undiminished rays. Tate and Bradj. 18 Z'/tf-G Spirituality. L. M. 1 Thou art, O God ! a Spirit pure, eyd Invisible to mortal eyes; ^ , * Immortal and eternal King, V ' The great, the good, the only wise. 2 Whilst nature changes, and her works Corrupt, decay, dissolve, and die, Thy Essence, pure, no change shall see, For thou hast immortality. 3 Thou great Invisible! what hand Can draw thy image spotless fair? To what in heaven, to what on earth, Can men the living God compare? 4 My soul to thee pure homage pays, In truth and spirit I adore ; This better is than sacrifice, Than outward forms shall please thee more. 24 Kipou's Co!. J7 Omnipresence. 1 Where can we hide, or whither fly, Lord, lo escape thy piercing eye? With thee it is not day and night, But darkness shineth as the light. 2 Where'er we go, whate'er pursue, Our ways are open to thy view, Our motives read, our thoughts explored, Our hearts revealed to thee, O Lord. $ Search us, O God, and know each heart — With every idol bid us part; Make us to keep thy holy ways, And live to utter forth thy praise. Noel's Col. 18 f'&f'otp Omnipresence. j'U.ft^l () - w - 1 Lord, all I am is known to thee ; In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence, or to flee The notice of thine eye. 2 Thy all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest, My public walks, my private ways, The secrets of my breast. 3 My thoughts lie open to thee, Lord, Before they're formed within ; . And ere my lips pronounce the word, Thou know'st the sense I mean. 4 O wondrous knowledge ! deep and high ! Where can a creature hide ? Within thy circling arms I lie, Beset on every side. 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, Secured by sov'reign love. GOD. 19 Ubiquity. — Psl. cxxxix. 7. II. If. 1 O God invisible, Unseen by human eye ; Who may thine essence tell? Who can thy presence fly ? Thou art a Spirit none can know; Thou art above, v. round, below. 2 The circle of the sky Is but thine azure throne : The clouds, thy chariot, fly Drawn by the winds alone: The lightning is thy messenger ; Thy voice I in the thunder hear. 3 If on a beam of light I reach the utmost sea, Or in the gloom of night Presume to hide from thee ; Thy hand upholds me in the way ; Thou turnest darkness into day. 4 My sinful soul renew, And make me as thou art: O Spirit, pure and true, Come, dwell within my heart. Then shall my soul rejoice with fear To know and feel that thou art near. j. c. vr. 23 Omniscience. L. 51. 1 Father of spirits, nature's God, Our inmost thoughts are known to thee ; Thou, Lord, canst hear each idle word, And every private action see. 2 Search thou our hearts, and there destroy Each evil thought, each secret sin, And fit us for those realms of joy, Where naught impure shall enter in. 2li Spirit of Iho Psulmv 21 Omniscience.— \ Sam. ii. 3. L. M. 1 Fountain of all intelligence, () God, Intelligence Supreme, Thou art the great Omniscient, whence Flows freely wisdom's golden stream. 2 Past, present, future are to thee But parts of one extended view ; Inhabiting eternity, To thee there's nothing old or new. 8 Heaven, earth and hell, without a vail, Are open to thy piercing eye; Thyself, unseen, unsearchable, Dost search our thoughts, our actions try. 4 Thou knowest us and all our ways ; The knowledge of ourselves impart; Cleanse us from sin and grant us grace, With thee to walk with perfect heart. j. o. w. 22 Omnipotence. — Psl. lxxxix. 8. C. M. P. 1 Power of all powers ! Omnipotent ! Who may compare with thee ? Fountain of Strength flowing unspent To all — thyself pre-eminent In boundless energy. 2 Unfailing Power. The sons of light Borrow their strength from thee ; But thine is undiminished might — They, weakness all — thou infinite Eternal energy. 3 Thine is a mighty arm, O Lord, Let me take hold of thee : Speak to my soul the powerful word, "Be strong", and thus to me afford Victorious energy. •■fi j.v.w. GOD. /2'^7 23 / insdow. l c hi. 1 Eternal Wisdom ! thee we praise. And with creation sing; tCr C^'VVith thy loved name, rocks, hills, ami seas, And heaven's high palace ring. 2 Thy hand, how wide it spreads the sky, How glorious to behold ! Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye, And starred with sparkling gold. 3 Infinite strength and equal skill Shine through thy works abroad : Our souls with vast amazement fill, And speak the builder, God! 4 But the mild glories of thy grace Our softer passions move* Pity divine in .Jesus' face We see, adore, and love. 24 (s> , i~i . ? *"" IVisdovt. L. M. 1 O God, we humbly wait thy will, And bid our restless thoughts be still ; On thee w T e wait with longing eyes, For all thy ways are just and wise. 2 Though in thick darkness thou dost dwell, And of thy works the cause conceal, Thy wisdom and thy grace we own, For truth and right uphold thy throne. 3 We cannot fathom thy designs, But in thy works thy wisdom shines. All things obey thy high behest, /} ,2 f~ff And whatsoe'er thou dost is best. 4 Lord, in thy providence we trace Thy wondrous wisdom, power and grace, And humbly pray thee to fulfil In us thy good and righteous will. GOD. 25 Wisdom and Knowledge. Ts, D. 1 God of wisdom infinite, All thy works thy skill display ; Heaven and earth and sea unite, Tribute to thy wisdom pay. Wonders through creation shine, Mysteries in Providence, Full of congruous design, Charming, captivating sense. 2 But the wisdom that we see In Redemption's glorious plan. Has a depth of mystery Far beyond the line of man. the depth unsearchable! Wealth of wisdom without bound ; Wealth of knowledge none can tell ; None can fathom this profound. 3 O how far beyond our thought Are thy judgments here displayed, And thy ways past finding out. -Goriin flesh of woman made. Here, O God, we meet with thee ! Here thy wisdom's wealth we prove ; Solve in Christ the mystery Of illimitable Love. j. g. w. 23 Holiness. L. M. 1 Holy as thou, O Lord, is none ! Thy holiness is all thy own ; A drop of that unbounded sea Is ours, a drop derived from thee. 2 And when thy purity we share, Thy only glory we declare ; And humbled into nothing own, Holy and pure is God alone. ctl Holiness. — Psl. xxli. 3. 7». 1 Holy art thou, Lord, alone; Righteousness upholds thy throne ; All thy ways are equity ; Truth and justice dwell with thee. -2 Thou nrt holy. Beauteous light Bursts upon our ravished sight, And thine attributes express Thine essential holiness. 3 Thou art holy. This shall swell Every note of Israel ; This secures our happiness, Changeless thou in holiness. 4 Thou art holy. Let us be Perfectly conformed to thee; Like our Lord in every part Holy — bodv, mind and heart. J. G.W. 28 Holy and Reverend. C. M. D. 1 Holy and reverend is thy name, Thou majesty on high; Angels thy holiness proclaim, And to each other cry, Most holy, holy, holy is The Lord of hosts above ; And all the earth is full of this, The glory of his love. 2 Holy and reverend is thy name, O thou eternal King; Thy holiness shall be our theme, While we thy praises sing; O holy, holy, holy One, Thy Lordship we confess; On earth erect thy glorious throne And reign in righteousness. 30 j. g. w. O0D - 7,/^tfk 29 yusiice and Goodness.— Isa. xlv. ?.i. II. M. 1 Jehovah, just and good ; Founded in righteousness, Thy throne hath ever stood The world to rule and bless. Thy creatures all are made thy care, And all thy kind protection share. 2 O just and gracious God, Regard our humble song : Beneath thy Sovereign rod We cannot suffer wrong. Caprice or passion cannot move Thy mind to anger or to love. 3 Thy judgments all are right, And equal are thy ways ; And blended with thy might Are equity and grace. Thy wrath is mercy's means to gain The end thy goodness shall attain. 4 We worship thee, O Lord ! Just God and Saviour, thou ! By heavenly hosts adored ; We to thy sceptre bow : We own that thou art good and just, And in thy government we trust. j. g.vt. CO Goodness and fustice. L. M. 1 High in the heavens, eternal God, Thy goodness in full glory shines ; Thy truth shall break through every cloud That veils thy just and wise designs. 2 For ever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep ; Wise are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 31 I. Watt« GOD. 31 Truth and Faithfulness.— Isa. xxv. i. L. M. 1 O God, thy truth and faithfulness Ensure the counsels of thy grace. No word of thine can ever foil, For thine is truth immutable. Thy Providence fulfils thy word, For thou art true and faithful, Lord. 2 Thy purposes are ever sure ; Thy promises are all secure: No power can thwart thy will divine, No cunning alter thy design : Contingencies fulfil thy word : For thou art true and faithful, Lord. 3 Thy purposes and works agree In times and seasons fixed by thee ; Nor shall fulfilment be delayed, "When comes the season for it made ; Thy work in time fulfils thy word ; For thou art true and faithful, Lord. 4 Down to the present, one by one, Thy purposes their time have run ; So in the future all shall be Fulfill'd in times ordained by thee. Eternity fulfils thy word, For thou art true and faithful, Lord. j. c. w. 32 Faithfulness. L. M. 1 My God, what monuments I see In all around of thine and thee : I view thee in the heavens above ; More high than these is heavenly love. 2 1 mark the strong eternal hill, Thy faithfulness is stronger still : I gaze oil ocean deep and broad, More deep thy counsels arc, O God. 32 Ii F. L>te. 33 Mercy and Love.— -Psl. ciii. 8. P. C. M. 1 Most merciful and gracious Lord, Our thankful hearts would here record A hymn of praise to thee : fl »0 ^i ^ e wou ^ m joyful strains extol Thy sovereign mercy, free for all And plenteous as free. 2 Our sins for vengeance cried aloud, But slowly rose the wrathful cloud, And mercy interposed ; Upon the cloud a form was seen, The bow of promise bless'd the scene, And grace and truth disclosed. 3 Essential love ! Thy melting breast With pity moved for souls distress'd And balm of healing gave : From Jesus crucified it flows, Sovereign to heal our numerous woes, Our dying souls to save. 4 Plenteous in mercy art thou, Lord, And canst to all mankind afford Forgiveness full and free ; And numerous as our sins are found, Thy mercies even more abound In infinite degree, j. g. w. o-* Boundless Love. L. M, 1 My God, in whom are all the springs Of boundless love and grace unknown, Hide me beneath thy spreading wings, Till the dark cloud is overblown. 2 High o'er the heavens thy mercy reigns, And reaches to the utmost sky ; Thy truth to endless years remains, When earthly powers dissolve and die. GOD. 35 Infinite.— Jude, 25. S. M. D. P. 1 To thee, God, only wise, Be endless praises given By all who dwell beneath the skies And all in heaven. Arrayed in thine own light, In all thy works, we see Thy Godhead and eternal might And majesty, 2 With highest honors crowned, Dominion is thine own ; Thine empire hath nor end nor bound ; The heavens thy throne. Glory belongs to thee, Essential brightness thou ; Angels, o'erwhelmed, adoringly Before thee bow. 3 Whate'er is bright below, Whate'er above is bright, Is but thy shadow. None can know The Infinite. Glory to thee alone With heart and voice we give; Within the shadow of thy throne, O mav we live. j. g. w. 36 Infinity. L. M. 1 Eternal. Power, whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God, Infinite lengths beyond the bounds Where stars revolve their little rounds ; 2 Earth from afar hath heard thy fame, And worms have learned to lisp thy name But, oh, the glories of thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind. GOD. III. RELATIONS. 37 God our Maker. S. 3£. 1 My Maker and my King, To thee my all I owe ; Thy sovereign bounty is the spring Whence all my blessings flow. 2 Thou ever good and kind ! A thousand reasons move, A thousand obligations bind My heart to grateful love. 3 The creature of thy hand, On thee alone I live ; My God, thy benefits demand More praise than I. can give. 4 O let thy grace inspire My soul with strength divine ; Let all my powers to thee aspire, And all my days be thine. Steele. 38 Praise to the Creator. C. M. 1 Hail, great Creator, wise and good ! To thee our songs we raise ; Nature, through all her various scenes, Invites us to thy praise. 2 At morning, noon, and evening mild, Fresh wonders strike our view, And while we gaze our hearts exult With transports ever new. 3 And while in all thy wondrous works Thy varied love we see, Still may the contemplation lead Our hearts, O God, to thee ! GOD. 39 God the Creator. C. M. P. 1 Almighty God, at thy command, Nature from nothing came ; The void felt thy creating hand The universe, in order grand, Sprang forth a wondrous frame. 2 Darkness, astonished, took its flight Alone to shadows driven, When thou didst say, " Let there be light," And sun and moon and stars shone bright Through the expanse of heaven. Thy word gave limits to the sea, And beautified the earth With grass and flowers and herb and tree ; And every living thing, by thee, The sea and land brought forth. 4 Man, last, made in thy image, good, Had lordship over all ; And all in beauteous order stood ; Thyself, of all, the vast abode, The Centre and the Soul. . _ ja ret &*& 40 " Preserver.— Isa. xlv. 12. C. M. 1 O thou, my light, my life, my joy, My glory and my all ! Unsent by thee no good can come, No evil can befall. 2 'Tis thine outstretched and powerful arm Upholds me in the way, And thy rich bounty well supplies The wants of every day. 3 For such compassions, O my God, ,IL.Sf^ Ten thousand thanks are due For such compassions, I esteem Ten thousand thanks too fjw. 3tf Cb. Psl. f ,f.?-.fr~ GOD $:^*» Lord of All. /X.fSTj 8,7. 1 Son of God, while angels bless thee, May a mortal sing thy name? $~7 Lord of men as well as angels, ^»*^' Thou art every creature's theme : Lord of every land and nation, g~ f I ,££" Ancient of eternal days, Sounded through the wide creation, Be thy just and lawful praise. 7, "^ >vCj 2 For the grandeur of thy nature — Grand beyond a seraph's thought ; For the wonders of creation — Works with skill and kindness wrought ; For thy rich, thy free redemption, Bright, though veiled in darkness long, Thought is poor, and poor expression Who can sing that wondrous song ? 40 Kobert Robinson. THE SON OF GOD. 49 Manifested in Christ. 10fc 1 O Son of God, the only Potentate, Forever blessed, sovereign King of kings, Angelic hosts thy bright attendants wait, And fly at thy command on swiftest wings. None may dispute thy sovereignty and power, High above all, Maker and Ruler, thou ; They cast their crowns before thee and adore, And to thy true and righteous sceptre bow. 2 O Son of God, in human form arrayed, God manifest in flesh, o'er all supreme; Earth's mighty Lord, by whom all things were made, And heir of nature's royal diadem. Thy times will show, to all earth's titled kings, Thy right to reign, and every knee shail bend, Of things in heaven and of all earthly things ; And of thy kingdom there shall be no end. 3 Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, The everlasting Father, Prince of peace ; The nations shail be broken to thy rod, Thy government shall evermore increase: On David's throne — thyself his Lord and Son, Thou shalt ordain perpetual truth and grace ; Justice and judgment shall support thy throne, And guard thy realms in everlasting peace. j. o. v.\ 53 Glory of Christ. L. M. 1 Thy throne, O God, forever stands , Grace is the sceptre in thy hands ; Thy laws and works are just and right; Justice and grace are thy delight. 2 God, thine own God, has richly shed His oil of gladness on thy head ; And with his sacred Spirit blest His first-born Son above the rest. THE SON OF GOD. i / l < 97 51 U'*4 The Love °f God - I L - p - M - 1 All-loving Father, in thy word Thou hast thine inner self revealed ; Hast drawn aside the veil of wrath By which thy nature was concealed ; • Hast made to us thy purpose known, Wherein thy wondrous love is shown. 2 Thy wondrous love, surpassing far All human thought in breadth and length And depth and height, is infinite, And full of everlasting strength All ill to cure — all sin destroy, .. nX',%% And fill the universe with joy. '*' t \» 3 Thy love in Jesus is displayed Q , $f Ty To all who in his name believe ; And sons and heirs thou hast them made, As kings and priests with him to live And reign in that immortal state, When thou shalt all things new create. 4 Thine is an all-sufficient love, And over all shall conquest gain, Subdue all nations to thy sway, And peace forevermore maintain, When all thy saints in Christ alone Shall, one in him, with thee be one. j. o. w. 52 GocTs Manifested Love. C. M. 1 Amid the splendors of thy state, My God, thy love appeal's, With the soft radiance of the moon Among a thousand stars. 2 Angels and men the news proclaim Through earth and heaven above — The joyful and transporting news — That God, the Lord, is love. U RipponsCol. THE SON OF GOD. H, K} I 53 Love of God in Christ. 7a.' 1 Thou, O God, art love alone, -^./Lfr^Cc Manifested by thy Son — , Love eternal, boundless, pure, 1*1-4 1 Q, f^* Changeless, and forever sure. 2 We will praise thee evermore For thy love's redeeming power, « /< po' For the wisdom of thy ways, O / * ' lor the blessings of thy grace. c , A^ 3 We will praise thee for the ill c C*> Working out thy sovereign will, y ' T' o By the wrath the end to win, Punishment and cure of sin. 4 We will praise thee, Holy One — Glory be to thee alone : Let thy kingdom come in power — Reign in love forevermore. II. INCARNATION OF CHRIST. 54 The Birth of Christ. 7s. 1 Amplest grace in thee I find, Friend and Saviour of mankind ; Richest merit to atone n i O o For our sins before the throne. / i> ^v.O ^ 2 Well might wond'ring angels cry, " Glory be to God on high, Peace on earth, good will to men — Lost mankind is found again." 3 Lord, I join their holy song, Emulate the brighter throng — Hail thee, everlasting Word, Welcome thee, incarnate Lord. *3 TopU4/.. _ _THE SON OF GOD. 55 Birth of Christ. 7s. 1 Son of God, we hail ihe morn, When in David's city born, Thou didst veil the form divine, Making our condition thine; Taking part of flesh and blood, In the flesh revealing God. 2 Born -where beasts were stalled and fed, Thou wast in a manger laid ; Angels sang thy wondrous birth, Joyful news to all on earth ; Joyful news our hearts reply. Glory be to God on high. 3 Shepherds learned the mystery Of thy strange nativity ; Sought thee in thy lowly bed ; Saw, believed, and worshipped. "We like them our homage pay, Celebrate thy natal day. 5(J The Gift of God. S. M. 1 Father, our hearts we lift jz Up to thy gracious throne, ^ \ And thank thee for the precious gift Of thine incarnate Son. / ^ > £-Q 2 Jesus the holy child / ' z / ' * / Doth by his birth declare That God and man are reconciled, And one in him we are. 3 A peace on earth he brings Which never more shall end ; The Lord of hosts, the King of kings Declares himself our friend ; 4 Assumes our poverty, That we his grace may gain ; And thus to make us sons of God, Becomes the Son of man. 44 Cbai. Weslej. THE SON OF GOD. III. LIFE OF CHRIST. 57 Birth of Christ. 8,7. 1 Hail,, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free ! From our sins and fears release us, Let us find our rest in thee. 2 Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the saints thou art; Long desired of every nation, _* Joy of every waiting heart. / 2.>to >to 3 Born thy people to deliver, Born a child — yet God our King, Born to reign in us for ever, — Now thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone; By thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to thy glorious throne. Prot. Epis. Col. 58 Christ followed. C. M. 1 In duties and in sufferings too, /'^/ '" Thy path, my Lord, I'd trace; As thou hast done, so would I do, Depending on thy grace. 2 Inflamed with zeal, 'twas thy delight To do thy father's will ; O may that zeal my soul excite Thy precepts to fulfil. 3 Meekness, humility and love Through all thy conduct shine ; O may my whole deportment prove A copy, Lord, of thine. I'' THE SON OF GOD. qAt, 59 / . <}. 9J Excellence of ChriL C. M. 1 Infinite excellence is thine, Thou lovely Prince of grace ; Thine uncreated beauties shine With never fading rays. 2 Sinners, from earth's remotest end, \ 2LO> $& Come bending at thy feet ; _ ^_ To thee their prayers and praise ascend, ' /'*' / In thee their wishes meet. 3 Millions of happy spirits live On thine exhaustless store ; From thee they all their bliss receive, And still thou givest more. 4 Thou art their triumph and their joy ; They find their all in thee ; Thy glories will their tongues employ, . r>_ Through all eternity* 60 TJie name of yesus precious. — i Pet. ii. 7. C. M. 1 Jesus, I love thy charming name; 'Tis music to my ear ; 1 Fain would I sound it out so loud ^x> That earth and heaven might hear. ' 2 Yes— thou art precious to my soul, /A. <^ ^y trans P ort an d my trust ; [tf /to /Jewels to thee are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 All my capacious powers can wish, In thee doth richly meet ; Nor to my eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 I'll speak the honors of thy name With my last laboring breath ; Then, speechless, clasp thee in my arms — The antidote of death. 46 Doddridge. - IKS*- /0 THE S0N 0F G0D - 61 J'Ol" f Christ our Example. C. tt. 1 O Lord, when we the path retrace Which thou on earth hast trod, To man thy wondrous love and grace, Thy faithfulness to God. 2 Faithful amidst unfaithfulness, d-b.** 'Midst darkness only light, //Xjitf^y Thou didst thy Father's name confess ' And in his will delight. 3 O Lord, with sorrow, and with shame, We meekly would confess, How little Ave, who bear thy name, Thy mind, thy ways express. 4 Give us thy meek, thy lowly mind ; We would obedient be ; And all our rest and pleasure find In fellowship with thee. f~> / *"* ^*» Anon. 62 W.K~ yVuifj^ine. '**&&* CM. 1 Jesus, thou true and living vine, ^ ^0*7 May we the branches be ; ^ 7 / And have our life concealed in thine, And draw our strength from thee. 2 In union with thyself alone j> f f ,&y Our fruitfulness is sure ; In thee let all our works be done, o- 2 d-fr' And all our thoughts be pure. 3 Whatever doth a hindrance prove ** iq fa. To thy abounding grace, w//*^Y In mercy to our souls remove, And let thy love have place. 4 That so in fellowship with thee, Obedient to thy word, We may thy true disciples be, And thou our only Lord. /A A ,: /f.ZfWo ™ E S ° N ° F G ° D " 63 /2 * *f #£^7 Example of Christ. L. M. 1 My dear Redeemer and my Lord, i f'" And I a sinner stand : What love speaks from thy dying eye rfG'fr*? And l' roai each pierced hand ! 4 1 know this cleansing blood of thine Was shed, dear Lord ! for me — For me, for all — O ! grace divine I — "Who look by faith on thee. . 5 O Christ of God ! O spotless Lamb ! My soul is drawn to thee; Henceforth forever thine I am ; And thou, art all to me. . Raj Palmer. 76 I ' *"" ' Salvation by the Cross. - L. M. 1 Lord, at thy cross I sink oppressed C~i Beneath my sins, a heavy load ; >*| ' In all besides I find no rest ; No peace I find but in thy blood. 2 Willi humble faith 1 look to thee, \y&Cf O Lamb of God, for sinners slain, Thy precious blood was shed for me, And washes out all sinful stain. 3 Here pardon, purity and peace Flow from the fountain of thy love And all who trust thy sacrifice The fulness of thv mercv prove. w J. G.W. THE SON OF GOD. 77 The Fountain of Christ's Blood. C. M. 1 A fountain, Holy Lamb of God, (p '%*J ' 1>L Flowed from thy bleeding veins, And sinners sprinkled with that blood Lose all their guilty stains. 2 In ancient times believers saw That fountain in their day, . ^ ^rv And by the sacrificial law 11'L.v > Washed all their sins away. O Lamb of God, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Bit in a song of nobler praise I'll sing thy power to save, When, at thy coming, thou sh'alt raise My body from the grave. -^ Cowper, alt. It. "J- o** 78 Peace by Christ's Death. C. M. 1 In vain we seek for peace with God By methods of our own : Blest Saviour, nothing but thy blood Can bring us near the throne, 2 But thy atoning sacrifice Hath answered all demands ; And peace and pardon from the skies Come to us by thy hands. 3 'Tis by thy death we live, O Lord ! 'Tis on thy cross we rest ; For ever be thy love adored, Thy name forever blest. THE SON' OF GOD. jq y,~L6>*X J Jesus lifted up. S M. 1 OJesits, lifted up 'O'*. Upon the cross for me ; Draw, by thy all constraining love, Mv sinful soul to thee. _- 2 T do'believe that thou 6 - «» - r / Didst sutler for my sin ; <) draw me to thy bleeding side And wash and make me clean. 3 Thou once for all hast made Atonement by thy blood ; Draw me and let me through thy death Be reconciled to God. 4 Thy cross the death of sin, The death of death shall be ; Let me be drawn to thee in death, And rise and reign with thee. 80 */^Ul Atonement. ^^ S. M 1 The sacrificial blood ^f^ In former ages spilt Could not procure our peace with Cod, Or take away our guilt. ^ q.~ 2 O Lamb of God, of thee /'/'«» And of thy sacrifice It tvpified the verity Thy blood alone supplies. 3 For in thy death alone The death of sin we see, Thy blood doth for our sins atone, And slays our enmity. 4 Our pardon now is sure ; The hope of life we know ; Our peace shall evermore endure ; Our joys forever flow. THE SON OF OOD. 81 Trust tn Christ's sacrifice. S. M. 1 Jesus, thou heavenly Lamb, Take thou my sins away ; Thy sacrifice alone I name, g* t (? .$^T And on thy death I stay. ' ' 2 I trust in thee alone, For thou didst shed thy blood, For my transgressions to atone, And bring me nigh to God. 3 I on thy grace rely For pardon, peace and rest ; For my salvation thou didst die, And in thee I am blest. 4 Glory to thee I give, That thou for me wast slain ; That I with thee might ever live, With thee might ever reign. ^~ J. G.W. *" ' Jesus Crucified, g*. i_ J " ~ 7s. 1 Jesus, spotless Lamb of God, Thou hast bought us with thy blood ; We would value naught beside, p* Jesus — Jesus crucified. 2 We are thine, and thine alone ; , <> ,f J This we gladly, fully own ; And, in all our works and ways, <£ - t l^i»r^" Only now would seek thy praise. 5 p( 3 Help us to confess thy name, y, 2.;) *oi Bear with joy thy cross and shame, * 2 %Cj Only seek to follow thee, / Though reproach our portion be. LJL Ca 4 AVhen thou shalt in glory come, ' 7 And we reach our heavenly home, Louder still our lips shall own, We are thine, and thine alone. 57 J. G. Deck. V' *7 9 2-7 L'S, from thy Father's bosom Thou didst come the world to save ; Thou didst die to be our ransom From the dank and noisome grave. Death and hell could not prevent thee Laying down thy life for men ; Nor the powers of darkness hinder Taking up thy life again. 2 Thou didst enter as a victor, Captive take captivity, And return again in triumph By thine immortality. Life for all mankind is in thee ; Thou shalt all to life restore; Then thou shalt complete thy conquests — Death and hell shall be no more. a j. g.w. \f\Z* yA~~ frb THE S0N 0F GOD * lt 91 I Triumph in Chrhi' s Resurrection. CM. 1 Welcome, thou Victor in the strife, Now welcome from the cave 1 To-day we triumph in thy life Around thine empty grave. 2 Our enemy is put to shame, His short-lived triumph o'er; Our God is with us, we exclaim— £q We fear our foe no more. A 2-1 '*y \nd let thy conquering banner wave O'er hearts thou makest free, And point the path that from the grave Leads heavenward up to thee. 4 We die with thee : O let us live Henceforth to thee aright ; The blessings thou hast died to give Be daily in our sight f B. Scbmolke. 92 „ if $7 y* s us the Co7tqueror. 78. 1 Jesus, hail ! our risen King, We thy glorious triumph sing Over denth the Conqueror ^ Thou dost live forevermore. J*f, %,/ f * L. if. 1 O Jesus, merciful High Priest,;' Our sins were laid alone on thee ; Our names are written on thy breast ; Thou knowest our infirmity, y. *q ^.r^- - Before the mercy-seat on high Thy sacrificial ofPring plead, That we may have a full supply Of grace for every time of need. Plead for us now before the throne, And show thy hands and feet and side ; Our trust we place in thee alone, By whom we now are justified. O send thy Holy Spirit, Lord, And to our spirits witness give, That we are thine to bless and guard, And fit il; with thyself to live. ■ r > &j ,j. a. vr. TIIK SON OF GOD. t .-, o^, a,/3x7 $)?) P>c/>/iet, Priest ami King. II. Ml 3 Great Prophet of my God, My tongue shall btess thy name ; By Ihee the joyful news Of bur salvation came : The joyful news of sins forgiven, Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven. 2 Thou art my great High Priest, Who for my ransom died ; My guilty conscience seeks No sacrifice beside : Thy powerful blood did once atone, And now it pleads before the throne. 3$ O thou Almighty Lord, My Conqueror: and my King, Thy sceptre and thy sword, Thy reign of grace, I sing : •Thine is the power: behold, I sit In willing bonds before thv feet. 100 Prophet, Priest and Kin*. CM 1 Our Prophet, Priest ana King, to thee We joyfully submit, _ _ And learn, in meek humility, Ji'Ul 'Yg Our lesson at thy feet : n *(/ CO 2 Spirit and life thy words impart, And blessings from above, And drop in every list'ning heart The manna of thv love. . r ' cs - c ° u 3 From sin redeem us by thy grace, Rule o'er us by thy power, And fit us to behold thy face Jn glory evermore. . THE SON OK GOD. VIII. TITLES OF CHRIST. 101 Map of Sorrows. C M. 1 Jesus, thou Man of Sorrows — born To suffering here below, To toil through poverty and scorn, Through weakness and through woe — 2 Iimnanuel, who, by every grief, By each* temptation tried, Hast lived to yield our wants relief, And, to redeem us, died — 3 From all the viewless snares of sin, Preserve us firm and tree; As thou like us hast tempted been, Mav we rejoice with thee. Heb?r. 102 Sun of Righteousness. 6s j 7* 1 Christ, whose glorv fills the skies, * Christ, the true, the only light, ^^7o^\ Sun of righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night; Day-spring from on high, be near; Day-star, in my heart appear. 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn, Unaccompanied by thee; Joyless is the day's return, Till thy mercy's beams I see, Till they inward light impart, Clad my eyes, and warm my heart. 3 Visit, then, this soul of mine, ttjeree the gloom of sin and grief; Fill me, Radiancy divine! Scatter all my unbelief: Alore and more thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. THE SON OF GOD. 103 ?V (, . p-j" ^ U-in-atl. t2<(f.f& c M 1 Compared with Christ, in all besides No comeliness I see; The one thing needful, dearest Lord la to be one with thee. 2 The sense of thy expiring love r"V ^j Into my soul convey : Thyself bestow ! for thee alone, My All-in-all, I pray. 8 Less than thyself will not suffice My comfort to restore: More than thyself I cannot crave; And thou canst give no more. 4 AVhate'er consists not with thy love, O teach me to resign : I'm rich to all th' intents of bliss If thou, O God, art mine Topla-ly. 104 Light. fc 7. 1 Light of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death, Come, and bright thy love revealing, Dissipate the clouds beneath: 2 Come, and manifest the favor God hath lor our ransomed race; Come, thou universal .Saviour, Come and bring the gospel grace, 3 Stive us in thy great compassion, O thou mild, pacific Prince; Give the knowledge of salvation, Give the pardon of our sins. A By thy all-restoring merit, Every burdened soul release; Every weary, wandering spirit Guide into thy perteil peace. Bn fraa '.- C«. IX. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. IQ5 Waiting for Christ. S. ■ 1 The church has waited long Thy coming, Lord, to Bee; And still in loneliness she waits, A friendless stranger she. 2 The whole creation groans, And waits to hear thy voice, That shall restore her comeliness, And make her wastes rejoice. 3 Come, Lord, and wipe away The curse, the sin, the stain, And make this blighted world of ours Thine own fair world again. H. Boour. (J Come, Lord. S. i 1 Come, Lord, and tarry not : Bring the long-looked-for day ; O why these years of waiting here, These ages of delay ? 2 Come, for creation groans, Impatient of thy stay, "Worn out with these long years of ill, These ages of delay. 3 Come, and make all things new ; Build up this ruined earth; Restore our faded paradise, Creation's second birth. 4 Come, and begin thy reign Of everlasting peace; Come, take the kingdom to thyself, Great King of righteousness. C9 II. Fonr.r. THE SON OF GOD. 107 Christ in us the hope of glory. 7, 6, 7, 4, D. 1 In us the hope of glory, O risen Lord, art thou ; The first-fruits of the Spirit Are in us now. Yet st ill in dust and ashes Before thy throne we kneel; And in our hearts is bidden Thy living seal. 2 The whole creation groaneth In prison chains for thee: O rend the veil asunder, And set us Urce. Raise up thy holy sleepers, And change thy saints on earth, In all, as one, revealing The second birth. 3 O come in all thy glory, Our great Iinmanuel; Come forth, our Prince and Saviour, With us to dwell. Bring thine eternal Sabbath, Bring thine eternal clay ; And cause all grief and sighing To llee away. Auon. 103 Mow long? L. M. 1 Father of all, how long? how long? Ere thou wilt send tl y Son again, With mighty power to right the wrong, And institute his peaceful reign ? When saints the kingdom shall possess, And rule the world in righteousness: Till all mankind thy glory see, And every tongue shall swear to thee. 70 j. g. w. THE SON OF GOD. 109 Signi °f Christ's Coming. C. P. M. L How happy arc the little Hock "Who, sale beneath their guardian rock. In all commotions rest : "When war's and tumult's waves run high, Unmoved above the storm they lie — They lodge in Jesus' breast. 1 Such happiness, O Lord, have we, By mercy gathered into thee, Before the floods descend ; And while the bursting cloud comes dowi^ AVe mark the vengeful day begun, And calmly wait the end. 3 The plague, the dearth, and din of war, Our Saviour's swift approach declare, And bid our hearts arise : Earth's basis shook confirms our hope, Its cities' fall but lifts us up, To meet thee in the skies. 4 Thy tokens we with joy confess — The war proclaims thee Prince of peace. The earthquake speaks thy power, The famine all thy fulness brings, The plague presents thy healing wings, And nature's final hour. 5 Whatever ills the world befall, A pledge of endless good we call, A sign of Jesus near : His chariot will not long delay ; AVe hear the rumbling wheels and pray, Triumphant Lord, appear ! ti Appear with clouds on Sion's hill, The word and myst'ry to fulfil, Confessors to approve, Thy members on thy throne to place, And stamp thy name on every face, Inglorious, heavenlv love! 71 Wes. OeL THE SON OF GOD. HO Come quickly. 8, 7. 1 Lamb of God ! Thou now art seated High upon thy Father's throne; All thy gracious work completed, All thy mighty vict'ry won : 2 Lord, in all thy power and glory, Still thy thoughts and eyes are here; Watching o'er thy ransom'd people, To thy gracious heart so dear : 3 Lamb of God ! Thou soon in glory Wilt to this sad earth return ; All thy foes shall quake before thee, All that now despise thee, mourn : 4 Then thy saints shall rise to meet thee, With thee in thy kingdom reign ; Thine the praise, and thine the glory, Lamb of God, for sinners slain ! ^Psalms and Hymns. Ill Come and reign. C M. 1 Dear suff'ring Lamb! thy bleeding wounds, With cords of love divine, Have drawn our willing hearts to thee, And linked our life with thine. 2 Thy sympathies and hopes are ours; Dear Lord, we wait to see Creation, all — below, above — Redeem'd and blest by thee, o Our longing eyes would fain behold That bright and blessed brow, Once wrung with bitt'rest anguish, wear Its crown of glory now. 4 Why linger then? Come, Saviour, come, Responsive to our call ; Come, claim thine ancient power, and reign The heir and Lord of all. 72 Ed. Dennev. THE SON OF OOD. H2 Coning- to Save. C M. 1 Lioht of the lonely pilgrim's heart ! Star of the coining day! Arise, and with thy morning beams Chase all our griefs away. 2 Lord, Lord, thy fair creation groans The air, the earth, the sea, In unison with all our hearts, And calls aloud for thee. 3 Come, then, with all thy quickening pow'V, With one awak'ning smile, And bid the serpent's trail no more Thy beauteous realms defile. A Thine was the cross, with all its fruits Of grace and peace divine ; Be thine the crown of glory now, The palm of vict'ry thine. Ed Denner. 113 / ' r °' *~ Coming to Gladden. C. M. 1 Thou bright and morning star, thy light Will to our joy be seen ; Thou, Lord, wilt meet our longing sight. Without a cloud between. 2 O come ! Lord Jesus, thou whose heart Still for thy saints doth care ; \ i^cs Plant thy heavenly kingdom here — Glorious in thy saints appear; .Speak the sacred number sealed — Speak the mystery revealed. 4 Tr.ke to tbee thy royal power — Tvei.^n, when sin shall be no more; Reign, when death no more shall be — Reign to all eternity. c - wesi<- 7 . 115 /-ft) -6 (fComing with clouds. 8, 7, 4. 1 Lo ! lie comes, with clouds descending, Once for favor'd sinners slain, Thousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of his train; Hallelujah! ^, AHoY Jesus comes ; lie comes to reign I 2 Ev'ry eye shall now behold him, Roh'cl in glorious majesty; Those who set at nought and sold him, Piere'd and nail'd him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall their true Messiah see. 3 Yea, amen, let all adore thee High on thine exalted throne, Saviour, take thy power and glorv Claim the kingdom for thine own ; Oh, come quickly, Hallelujah ! come, Lord, come. 'i c. \r~ii«r. THE SON OF GOD. HQ Waiting and Watching. 8, 7, P. 1 Waiting ! waiting, Lord, for thee; Watching; watching constantly For the sign of thy returning. For the day-spring from on high, When the joyful summons hearing, We shall meet thee in the sky. 2 Waiting! waiting, day by day ; Watching, watching, though they say Where's the promise of his coming? Lord, it must he very nigh, When the joyful summons hearing, We shall meet thee in the sky. 3 Waiting! waiting, O how long? Watching, watching, brave and strong! Lord, tile rig tree now is budding, And the signals multiply, Soon the joyful summons hearing, We .shall meet thee in the sky. j. g. vr. WJ Longing for Christ. C. M. 1 Saviour, I long to see. thy face >q . j_- l l 7&'&~ 3 Exalted is thy saving name O'er others* great and small ; C)> 2-<9 -ifQ And thrones and potentates and powers Shall crown thee Lord of all. 4 Forever on thy precious name We will adoring call ; And through eternity proclaim, And crown th.ee Lord of all. 7«J j. o. w. III. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 126 7^* ? Prayer for the Spirit. *}. ft.* ! ~ R M. 1 O Thou that nearest prayer! Attend our humble cry, J/ $¥ And let thy servants share Thy blessing from on high : We plead the promise of thy word, Grant us thy Holy Spiiit, Lord! 2 If earthly parents hear Their children when they cry; If they, with love sincere, Their children's wants supply, Much more wilt thou thy love display, And answer when thy children pray. 3 Our heavenly Father thou — We, children of thy grace — let thy Spirit now Descend and fill the place; So shall we feel the heavenly flame, And all unite to praise thy name. 127 The Blessing claimed. L. M. 1 Father ! who dost thy Spirit give To ail who on thy Son believe, I now believe, and therefore claim The promised blessing in his name. 2 Exert on me the power divine, And purify and make me thine; The grace unspeakable impart, And make thv duelling in my heart. «> j. c w. THE HOLY SPIRIT, fc XjO ,H*> 128 Shedding Love in the Heart. C. M.. 1 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With ail thy quickening powers, Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongue*, And our devotion dies. 3 Father, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate — Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? 4 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Willi all thy quickening powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. I. Watts. 129 Convincing and Renewing. S M. 1 Come, Holy Spirit, come, Let thy bright beams arise — Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Convince us all of sin, /L'£ 0'f~^ Then lead to Jesus' blood, And to our wandering view reveal The mercies of our God. 3 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part. And new create the whole. 4 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove. And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. 6 ' SI H*rt. >.ro,%<& THE H0LY SPIRIT. 130 ll'l*' Comforter J x S. M. 1 Blest Comforter divine ! Let rays of heavenly love .£. c^» Amid our gloom and darkness shine, '' And guard our souls above. 2 Draw, with thy still small voice, Us from each sinful way, And bid the mourning saint rejoice, Though earthly joys decay. 3 By thine inspiring breath Make every cloud of care, And e'en the gloomy vale of death, A smile of glory wear. 4 O fill thou every heart With love to all our race ! Great Comforter! to us impart These blessings of thy grace. ilis. Sigoumey. 131 /0, 132 Bestowing Ministerial Gifts. I, M. L O Spirit of the living God, //,/y ,f~7 In all thy plenitude of grace, ' ' Where'er the foot of man hath trod, ^5^7 Descend on our apostate race. /' ' \f 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love To preach the reconciling word ; IL,1Q. ^ff Give power and unction from above, Whene'er the joyful sound is heard. 3 Baptize the nations ; far and nigh, The triumphs of the cross record : The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call him Lord. 4 God from eternity hath will'd All flesh shall his salvation see; So be the Father's love fullill'd, The Saviour's sufferings crowned through thee. J. Montgomery. X33 Sanctifying. S. M. 1 Come, Holy Spirit, come, With energy divine, And on this poor benighted soul With beams of mercy shine. 2 From the celestial hills, Life, light and joy dispense; And may I daily, hourly feel Thy quickening influence. 3 Melt, melt this frozen heart, This stubborn will subdue; Each evil passion overcome, And form me all anew. 4 Mine will the profit be, But thine shall be the praise, And unto thee will I devote The remnant of my days. THE HOLY SPIRIT. <\^ 134 Guidance sought. ^ L. > 1 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above, Be thou our Guardian, thou our Guide, O'er every thought and step preside. 2 The light of truth to us display, And make us know and choose thy way ; Plant holy fear in every heart, That we from God may ne'er depart. 3 Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God ; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his precepts stray. 4 Lead us to God, our final rest, In his enjoyment to be blessed ; At his right hand, the seat of bliss, Where pleasure in perfection is. Simon Brown*. 135 Indwelling. <}./Z£*> Z 1 Holy Spirit, light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine; Chase the shades of night away, Turn my darkness into day. 2 Holy Spirit, power divine, Change this sinful soul of mine ; All my powers subdue, control, Take possession of my soul. 3 Holy Spirit, joy divine, Cheer this saddened heart of mine; Bid my many woes depart, Ileal my wounded, bleeding heart. 4 Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of mine; Cast down every idol throne, Reign supreme, — and reign alone. TV. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. 136 Divine Origin. C. M. 1 Father of mercies, in thy word What endless glory shines; Forever be thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 O may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight, And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. 3 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be thou forever near ; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. Ann Steele 137 Light in Darkness. CM. 1 Father of all, in whom alone We live, and move, and breathe, q. Q p-^ One bright celestial ray dart down, ' And cheer thy sons beneath. JJ While in thy word we search for thee — We search with trembling awe l-^ Open our eyes and let us see The wonders of thy law. 3 Now let our darkness comprehend The light that shines so clear ; Now the revealing Spirit send, And give us ears to hear. 4 Before us make thy goodness pass Which here by faith we know ; Let us in Jesus see thy face, And die to all below. to We«. Col. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. 138 The Written IVord. L. V. M. 1 INSPIRER of the ancient seers, Who wrote from thee the sacred page, The same through all succeeding years, To u^, in our degenerate age, The spirit of thy word impart, And breathe the life into our heart. '2 While now thine oracles we read, With earnest prayer and strong desire, O let thy Spirit now proceed, Our minds awaken and inspire; Our weakness help, our darkness chase, And guide us by the light of grace. 139 - Precious. ,^ # j1 P. C. M. 1 To those who love thee, gracious Lord, How bright, how precious is thy Word, To man in mercy giv'n ; A guide to all who, trav'ling here, Mid sin and darkness, death and fear, Are pressing on to heav'n. „ ,-y C-j/ 2 O gracious Saviour, God of love, Let thine own Spirit from above Now fill us with desire To read, to mark, to learn thy will, And with thy truth our spirits fill — Our hearts with love inspire. 3 And may wc constantly obey. Till we from earth are called away To meet thee in the air; Prepared by grace thy face to see, To find our happiness in thee, And in thv kingdom share. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. 140 A Heritage. &