AfiMl FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY £&6 PSALMS, iMf^Sy? 1936 AND X£/^ , ggfl SPIRITUAL S OF THE TO WHICH ARE ADDED, SELECT HYMNS, FROM. OTHER AUTHORS ; AXD DIRECTIONS FOR MUSICAL EXPRESSION. BY SAMUEL WORCESTER, D. D. Late Pastor of the Tabernacle Church, Salem, Mass Xeb) HTJftiott. THE SELECTION ENLARGED, AND THE INDEXES GREATLY IMPROVED. BY SAMUEL M. WORCESTER, A. M. Professor of Rhetoric in Amherst College, Mass. All tilings mast be fulfilled which are written in the — PSALMS concerning me LUKE xxir. 44. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy, &c. for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us, &c REV. v. 9. BOSTON: PUBLISEED BY CROCKER & BREWSTER. 1838. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1835, By Zervia Worcester, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts, KEY OF EXPRESSION. a — Veiy slow, e — Slow. a—Very soft. e— Soft. p— Slow and soft, g — Slow and loud. o — Quick. u — Very quick. o— Loud. u — Very loud. b — Quick and soft. 9 — Quick and loud. d~ Variously distinctive PREFACE Amo^g the eminent public services of the late Dr. Worcester, his labors to improve the influence of our " psalms, hymns, and 6piritual songs," were not the least in importance. His " Chris- tian Psalmody," first published in 1815, was very favourably received ; although it was obliged to contend with serious objec. tions from those who prefer to have Watts unabridged and unaltered. The " Selection of Hymns from other Authors" was evidently made with his characteristic discrimination of judg- ment and refinement of taste. The " Key of Expression" gave the whole work a peculiarity and a value, which have been justly appreciated. So strong, however, was the predilection of the community for Watts entire, that Dr. Worcester was induced to edit the work which has since been extensively known as " Watts and Select Hymns." To this work a liberal patronage has been afforded. It has been introduced into very many of our churches, and holds a high place in public estimation. Spurious editions of it having lately appeared, and the materials for an improved selection of hymns having greatly increased, a new edition has been strongly urged by many gentlemen, whose judgment is entitled to respectful consideration. A new edition of " Watts and Select Hymns" is therefore now offered to the public. The Selection has been enlarged by the addition of 240 hymns and 30 " Occasional Pieces." The whole number of " Select Hymns" is now 474. The hymns selected by the present Editor are numbered in continuation of those in the former editions, and commence with " Hymn 237," p. 655. For the convenience of the numerous churches in which the former editions are used, it has been thought best to add the new hymns, rather than destroy the existing arrange- ment, by making a classification of the whole. If such a clas- sification had been made, it is obvious that the new edition could not be used in connection with any of the previous editions. The evil which arises from the heterogeneous arrangement of the Psalms and Hymns in all the common editions of Watts, has long been very seriously felt. To diminish it as much as possible, without making a new book, — very special attention has now been given to the " Index of Subjects." The Editor will be much disappointed, if it shall not appear that he has greatly improved the work in this particular. The references through- out are made to pages, and will bear examination in respect to general accuracy and precision. There is also but one " Table of first lines ;" and each line is referred to the page upon which the conesponding psalm or hymn may be found. In enlarging the Selection, the Editor has aimed to increase 4 PREFACE. the variety of good hymns, which are more directly suited to the circumstances of the times, and are also likely to be of per- manent value. It was, however, impossible for him to obtain hymns of high character, for all the special occasions, which the diversified movements of the age have called into existence. He has endeavoured to pass by productions which are merely ephemeral ; so that the new Select Hymns may more nearly correspond with those, which have received the seal of public approbation. High authority could be given to confirm his decision, in regard to almost every hymn, which has been added. Want of room compelled him to omit many hymns, which other- wise would have had a place in the Selection. — This edition will be found to be specially enriched with hymns, which relate to the life and glory of Christ, — the alarming condition of the unconverted, — the feelings of the convicted and the penitent, — the diversities of Christian experience, — the benevolent operations of the church, — the institutions and ordinances of the gospel, — to times and seasons, — more particularly, the solemn periods of sickness and death, eternity and judgment. Very seldom has the Editor allowed himself to make any alteration in the phraseology of the hymns. In almost every instance of material change, an intimation is given of the fact — as on p. 076. The designation of tunes, and the application of the " Key of Expression" to the new Select Hymns, have, with a few excep- tions, been made by an experienced teacher of sacred music. For the information of those who are not acquainted with " Christian Psalmody," it may not be irrelevant to state that the psalms and hymns of Watts, which are enclosed in brackets, are so marked, to indicate that they were, for some reason, omitted in that work. In regard to other points worthy of consideration, the Editor avails himself of the Preface to the former editions. " The effect of public psalmody is often exceedingly marred by a psalm or hymn being sung to an ill-adapted tune. The leaders of singing choirs are not always persons of good taste and judg- ment ; and the best qualified leader cannot always, at the mo- ment, so fully possess himself of the sentiments of the portion given out, as immediately to recur to a tune well suited to express them. It might,, therefore, it was thought, be highly useful to sit down at leisure, and refer each psalm and hymn, not merely to a proper key, but to a suitable tune. " The grand defect of our public psalmody, in general, is the want of proper expression. Should a preacher deliver a sermon in an unanimated, monotonous manner, not. varying the move- ment, or quantity, or tone of voice, nor even observing the pauses — be his sermon ever so good, or his pronunciation ever so exact — his hearers might sleep, and his labor be lost. So the best psalm may be sung to the best tune, and every note, in the PREFACE. 5 several parts, be sounded with the utmost exactness, and yet the performance have little interest or effect. That performance of psalmody, and that only, is entitled to be called good, in which the movement, quantity, and tone of voice, are well adapted to the general subject, and so varied as justly to express the different thoughts, sentiments, and passions. This, it is confessed, is an attainment of no small difficulty ; and requires no ordinary degree of judgment and taste, attention and prac- tice. Its importance, however, demands that every thing which can be done in aid of it, should be done. To assist singers extensively, in this essential, but neglected part of good psal- mody, no method appeared more eligible, than that of so marking the psalms and hymns by means of certain symbols, as to indi- cate, as correctly as possible, the requisite variations of move- ment, quantity, and tone of voice." " In assigning particular tunes far the several psalms and hymns, regard has been had, not merely to the different key, but also to the peculiar air and character of each tune, and its appropriate adaptation to the psalm or hymn for which it is assigned. If, therefore, in any instance, the leader of the choir, for some par- ticular reason, think it not best to sing the tune, or either of the tunes referred to ; still the reference may be of use, as a direc- tion to the sort of tune suitable to be chosen. " Of the several parts of this undertaking, that of marking the psalms and hymns icith reference to expression, was not the least difficult. To indicate, indeed, all the variations, which a skil- ful and well-practised performer would observe, were impracti- cable ; to designate some of the principal of them only, is what has been attempted. The method adopted for this purpose is simple, and easy to be understood. " The movement is divided into five degrees, which are supposed to be indicated by five vowels, in Roman letter : viz. a — very slow 3 e — slow; i — common; o — quick; u — very quick: but in the actual marking, the i is omitted ; as it was deemed unneces- sary for passages requiring only the common movement to be marked. — The quantity of voice is- also divided into five degrees, which, in like manner, are indicated by the same vowels ir« Italic letter : viz. a — very soft ; e — soft ; i — common, but omitted in the marking ; o — loud ; u — very loud. " In some passages a variation is required both of movement ind quantity. The Pathetic in general, and some other kinds of sentiment, require the slow and soft; this expression is denoted by the letter p. The Grand requires the slow and loud ; Uiis expression is denoted by the letter g. The Beautiful requires the quick and soft ; this expression is denoted by the letter b. The Spirited requires the quick and loud ; this expression is denoted by the letter s. " Some passages require not any considerable change from the Common, either in movement or quantity ; but either a peculiar I * C PREFACE. distinctness of utterance, or some peculiar distinction in the tone or modulation of voice. This expression, or rather these varie- ties of expression, are denoted hy the letter d. This symbol is, indeed, not so much to indicate the particular manner of per- formance, as to arrest attention, and notify that some peculiat manner is required. Where it is applied, however, whether to passages marked as quotations, or to such as express abhorrence, scorn, indignation, or any other passion or feeling, the judicious performer will, in general, readily perceive the requisite expres- sion. " If a psalm or hymn begins without any symbol of expression, it is to be considered as common, until some symbol i9 applied. When any symbol is applied, that is to be considered as being continued, until some other occurs. The short dash ( — ) after any other symbol, denotes the passage to be in all respects common. " The general character of each psalm or hymn, as before inti- mated, is intended to be designated by the tune, or times, to which it is referred ; and in applying the symbols of expression, each passage of the psalm or hymn has been considered rela- tively to the prevailing character of the whole, and to the bear- ings of the several passages. Hence, some passages are marked differently from what they would have been, had the psalm or hymn to which they belong, been of a different prevailing char- acter, or the passages with which they stand connected, required different kinds of expression. " In the Punctuation, regard has been had to musical expres- sion. In some instances, therefore, different points or pauses are inserted, from what would have been used, had the grammat- ical construction, only, been regarded. The dash is intended to denote an expressive suspension. In order to good expression, a distinct and judicious observance of the pauses, is absolutely necessary. " In reference to persons, the relative who is preferred to that, because it is better for musical sound. For the yame reason, in reference to things, that is preferred tDwfticA." " It only remains for the Compiler and Editor humbly to com- mend the work, in its several parts and forms, to the candour of the religious public — with the devout hope, that it will promote their improvement and delight in the high praises of GOD ; and above all, to the favour of HIM, who is " fearful in praises," and whose approbation is the highest meed — with the fervent prayer, that, under his gracious blessing, it may contribute to the ad- vancement of his great salvation, and to the glory of his adora- ble NAME." To these sentiments of a revered and beloved parent, I would humbly and cordially subscribe. SAMUEL M. WORCESTER. Amherst College, Jan. 20, 1834. A TABLE, TO FIND ANY PSALM OR HYMN BY THE PIRST LINE. Page. ACCORDING to thy 664 A charge to keep I have.. . 705 Adore and tremble 311 Alas! and did my 379 Alas ! what hourly 54-2 All -lory to the..' 493 AH hail the power 521 All mortal vanities 304 All ye who feel 659 All ve who love the 237 Almighty Ruler 63 Although the vine 565 Am I a soldier 5G3 Amidst thy wrath 110 Among tli' assemblies 174 Among the princes 179 And are we wretches 439 And is the gospel 513 And let this feeble 6-14 And must this body 441 And now the scales 423 And will the God of 174 And will the great 534 Angels ! from the realms. . 653 Angels, roll the rock 52 J Are' all the feies of Zion. . . 135 Are sinners now so 70 Arise, my gracious God ... 75 Arise, my soul 424 Arm of the Lord 618 As birds their infant 616 Asleep in Jesus, blessed... 759 As new-born babes 355 Assembled at thy great 731 At every motion of our. . . . 678 Attend, mv soul 507 Attend while God's 451 At thy command 486 Awake, and sing 571 Awake, awake, each 631 Awake, my heart 302 Awake, my soul 630 Awake , our souls ! 312 Awake , ye saints 640 Awake, ye saints, to 262 Away from everv 448 BACKWARD, with 318 Begin, mv tongue. 415 Behold, how sinners 353 Page. Behold, the blind 454 Behold the dories 291 ; Behold, the grace 202 Behold, the lofty sky 79 I Behold the love 105 Behold the man! how 662 Behold the morning 80 Behold the potter 351 Behold the rose 324 Behold the Saviour at 684 Behold the sure 232 i Behold the woman's 454 Behold the wretch 354 Behold thy waiting 241 Behold! what wondrous.. 322 Behold, where in a mortal 669 Being of beings, God of. . . 692 Beneath our feet, and o'er. 760 Bestow, dear Lord, upon.. 608 Bless, O mv soul, the living 206 Blessed are the sons 568 Bless'd be the everlasting. 305 Bless'd be the Father 491 Bless'd morning whose.... 418 Bless'd with the jovs 450 Blest are the humble 344 Blest are the sons 260 Blest are the souls 182 Blest are the undefil 'd 234 Blest be the tie that 627 Blest Comforter, divine. . . . 673 Blest is the man 98 Blest is the man whose.... 115 Blest is the man who 51 Blest is the nation 100 Blood has a voice 445 Blow ye the trumpet 588 Bread of heaven ! on 740 Bread of the world ! 740 Brightest and best of 659 Bright King of Glory ! 404 Broad is the road 465 Buried in shadows of 342 But few among the 341 By thy spirit, Lord, 706 By whom was David 552 CAN creatures to perfection 473 Can sinners hope for 678 Children in years 102 o TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMNS. Page. Children of God, awake !.. 735 Children of the heavenly.. 702 Christ and his cross 353 Come, all harmonious 425 Come, children, learn 104 Come, condescending 628 Come, dearest Lord 360 Come, every pious heart.. 666 Come, gracious Spirit 673 Come, happy souls 437 Come hither all ye 357 Come, Holy Ghost, descend 738 Come, Holv Spirit, come.. 527 Come, Holy Spirit 394 Come, humble sinner 529 Come in, thou blessed 741 Come, let our songs 743 Come, let our voices 195 Come, let us anew 749 Come, let us join a 478 Came, let us join our 321 Come, let us join our 740 Come, let us lift our 440 Come, let us lift our 487 Come on, my partners 719 Come, sound his praise 195 Come, thou Almighty 574 Come, thou condescending 628 Come, thou Fount 556 Come, thou long-expected. 602 Come to Calvary's holy... 689 Come, tune, ye saints 519 Come, we that love 391 Come, ye sinners, poor . 686 Come, ye weary sinners. . . 688 Come, ye weary souls 577 Command thy blessing.... 737 Consider all my sorrows... 213 DARK was the night and. 661 Daughter of Zion, awake. . 770 Daughter of Zion, from 727 Daughters of Zion, come.. 327 David rejoiced in God 84 Day of judgment, day 653 Dear as thou wert, and 757 Dearest of all the names.. . 460 Dear Jesus, when 541 Dear Lord, and shall 531 Dear Lord, behold 468 Dear Saviour, we are thine 699 Death cannot make 403 Death may dissolve 306 Death, 'tis a melancholy.. 404 Deceived by subtle 346 Deep in our hearts 155 Deep in the dust 355 Descend from heaven 387 Did Christ o'er sinners.... 660 Descend, Holy Spirit 540 Didst thou, dear Jesus. . . . 559 Page. Dismiss us with thy 587 Do we not know that 354 Down headlong from 433 Dread SovJreign, let my... 378 EARLY, my God, without 142 Earthly joys no longer.... 704 Encompass'd with clouds. 538 Ere the blue heavens 292 Eternal God, enthroned... 642 Eternal Lord, from land... 733 Eternal source of every. . . . 593 Eternal Sov'reign of. 461 Eternal Spirit, God of. 673 Eternal Spirit, we confess. 453 Eternal Wisdom, thee 506 Exalt the Lord our God 201 Exert thy pow'r, thy 619 FAITH adds new charms. 701 Faith is the brightest 353 Faith, 'tis a precious 532 Far as thy name is 123 Far from my thoughts 382 Far from the world 745 Far from these narrow.... 751 Father, how wide thy 523 Father, I bless thy 246 Father, I long, I faint 415 Father, I sing thy 155 Father of all, we bow 589 Father of men, thy care. . . 629 Father of mercies, God of. 713 Father of mercies in 597 Father of mercies, send. . . 624 Father, we wait to 489 Father, whate'er of 709 Few are thy days and .... 676 Fierce passions discompose 551 Firm and unmov'd are .... 252 Firm as the earth , . , . 362 Firm was my health 95 Fools in their hearts. . . , , , 70 For ever blessed ,, 275 For ever shall my < . 180 Frequent the day of. 730 From age to age exalt. . . , . 216 From all who dwell 230 From deep distress 257 From every earthly 702 From Greenland's icy 722 From heaven the shining.. 433 From thee, my God 419 From whence these 516 From year to year in 742 Full of trembling 714 GENTILES ov nature, we 350 Gently. Lord. O gently. . . . 710 Give me the wings of 456 Give tnanKs to God, he 216 Give thanks to God, invoke 212 TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMNS. Page. Give thanks to God most. . 204 Give thanks to God the... 263 Give to our God immortal. 266 Give to the Fatlier 494 Give to the Lord, ye sons. 94 Glorious things of thee are 616 Glorv to God on high 524 Glorv to God the Father's. 491 Glorv to God the Trinity. . 490 Glory to God who walks. . 409 Glory to thee, my God C31 God in his earthly 180 God in the gospel of. 675 God is a Spirit just 361 God is gone up on hitrh 665 God is the refuge of.. 121 God moves in a mysterifl God my supporter and 161 God of eternal love 215 God of mv childhood 158 God of my life 112 God of my mercy God of the morning 332 God of the seas... 7 416 God the eternal, awful 390 God who in various 316 G«od is the Lord, the 148 Go, preach my gospel 357 Go to dark Gethsemane. .. 669 Go worship at Emmanuel's Go, ye heralds of salvation 732 Go, ye messengers of God. 731 Grace! tis a charming j. 694 Gracious Lord, our children 610 Grateful notes and numbers 571 Great God, attend, while.. 176 Great God, how infinite.. . 414 Great God, how oft 171 Great God, indulge my 143 Great God, I own the'. 294 Great God, now Great God, the heavens. . . 88 Great God, the nations 620 Great God, thv glories 470 Great God, to* what 442 Great God, we sing 638 Great God, what do I see.. 766 Great God, whose 159 Great is the Lord, exalted. 360 Great is the Lord, his 223 Great is the Lord our 1 23 Great King of glory 466 Great Lord of angels 595 Great Shepherd of thine. . . 172 Great was the day, the. . , Guide me, O thou great... 563 HAD I the ton2ues"of 360 Had not the Lord 251 Hail, everlasting Spring... 614 Hail, hail, sweet cherub... 771 Page. Hail, mighty Jesus 579 Hail the day that saw 518 Hail, thou once despised. . Hail to the Lord's anointed 728 Happy is he who fears. . . . 225 Happy soul, thy days 756 Happy the church, thou... 412 Happy the city where 275 Happy the heart 397 Happy the man to whom.. 98 Happv the man whose.... 52 Hark"! from the tombs 412 Hark ! that shout of. 766 Hark ! the glad sound 512 Hark ! the herald angels.. . 518 Hark ! the herald angels.. 509 Hark ! the Redeemer 326 Hark ! the song of Jubilee. 729 Hark! the voice of love... 613 Hark ! what mean those.. C57 Hark ! what mean those . . H tsten, Osinner,tobe wise 681 Heal us, Emmanuel, here. 553 Hear me, O God, nor 203 Hear, O sinner, mercy.... 687 Hear what God the Lord. . 617 Hear what the Lord in. . . . 189 Hear what the Lord the. . . 605 Hear what the voice 301 Heaven has confirm'd the. 643 Heavenly Spirit, may 736 He comes ! he comes ! the. 762 He comes ! the conqueror. 761 He dies ! the friend of..... 517 He lives — the great 525 Help, Lord, for men of. . . . 67 Hence from mv soul 418 Here, at thv cross 376 Here, at thy table, Lord... 611 He reigns, the Lord, the... 198 Here let us see thy face... 739 He who hath made his 188 He who on earth as man. . 600 High as the heav'ns 444 High in the heav'ns 106 High on a hill of dazzling. 384 His master taken from.... 598 Holy Ghost, dispel our 672 Honour and happiness 572 Honour to the Almighty. . . 493 Hosanna, &c 495 — 6 Hosannato our 428 Hosanna to the Prince 420 Hosanna to the royal 301 Hosanna with a cheerful.. 378 House of our God, with. . . 639 How are thy glories 490 How are thv servants 565 How awful is thy 168 How beauteous are their.. 297 10 TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMNS Page. How blest is our Friend. . . 649 How blest the righteous... 757 How can I sink with 445 How condescending and.. 476 How did my heart 249 How fast their guilt 72 How full of anguish 435 How heavy is the night... 342 How helpless guilty nature 527 How honourable is the.... 295 How large the promise. . . . 349 How long, O Lord, 68 How long wilt thou 69 How oft, alas ! this 528 How oft have sin and Satan 362 How pleasant, how divinely 175 How pleasant 'tis to see. . . 260 How pleased and blest 250 How precious is the book.. 674 How rich are thy 481 How rich thy bounty 597 How rich thy gifts 748 How sad our state by nature 428 How ghall I my Saviour... 556 How shall I praise 470 How shall my soul find.... 694 How shall the sons 336 How shall the young 236 How short and hasty 393 How soft the words 608 How strong thine arm 313 How sweet and awful 482 How sweet, how heavenly 697 How sweetly along the 635 How sweetly flowed the.. . 659 How sweet the name of. . . 670 How sweet to leave the. . . 745 How swift the torrent rolls 749 How vain are all things. . . 402 How vain is all beneath... 677 How will my heart 680 How wondrous great 427 I ASKED the Lord that I. 540 I cannot bear thine absence 445 If God succeed not, all. . . . 254 If God to build the house.. 254 If human kindness meets. 663 If 'tis sweet to mingle.... 745 I give immortal praise 494 I hate the tempter 464 I know that my Redeemer 560 I lift my banner, saith.. . . . 307 I lift my soul to God 90 I'll bless the Lord 103 I'll praise my Maker 279 1 Ml speak the honours 119 I long to behold him 753 I love the Lord , he 229 I love the windows ....... 458 Page. J love thy kingdom, Lord. 742 I'm not ashamed to, 345 In all my Lord's appointed 692 In all my vast concerns... 270 In anger, Lord, rebuke. ... 59 Indulgent Sovereign 617 Infinite grief ! amazing.... 432 In Gabriel's hand a mighty 319 In God's own house 288 In Judah, God of old 166 In sin by blinded passions. 531 Inspirer and hearer of 631 In sweet exalted strains... 594 In the floods of tribulation. 7J2 In themselves as weak as. 590 In thine own ways 308 In this world of sin and.. . 642 Into thy hand, O God 96 In vain our fancy strives.. 755 In vain the wealthy 304 In vain we lavish out 296 In vain we seek for peace. 667 I saw beyond the tomb.. . . 680 I send the joys of earth.... 380 I set the Lord before 74 I sing my Saviour's 444 Israel in ancient days 508 Is there ambition in my... 258 Is this the kind return.... 419 It is the Lord, enthron'd.. 550 It is the Lord, our Saviour. 205 I waited patient for the.. . . 113 I was a grov'ling creature. 544 I will extol thee, Lord 95 JEHOVAH reigns, he 191 Jehovah reigns, his throne. 471 Jehovah speaks, let Israel. 335 Jerusalem, my happy home 752 Jesus, and shall it ever be. 536 Jesus, at thy command.... 559 Jesus, full of all compassion 578 Jesus, harmonious name.. 671 Jesus, I know, has died for 544 Jesus, immortal King, arise 723 Jesus, I my cross have.... 700 Jesus, in thee our eyes.... 366 Jesus invites his saints. . . . 475 Jesus is gone above the... 477 Jesus, lover of my soul .... 559 Jesus, my all to heaven. . . . 693 Jesus, my Lord, how rich. 625 Jesus, our Lord, ascend... 222 Jesus shall reign where'er. 159 Jesus, the man of constant 298 Jesus, thy blood and 562 Jesus, to thy dear wounds. 764 Jesus, we bless thy 316 Jesus, we bow before 485 Jesus, we lift our souls.. . . 738 Jesus,whose blood so freely 554 TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMNS II Page. Jesus, with all thy saints.. 391 Join all the glorious names 372 Join all the names of love. 371 Joy is a fruit that will 547 Joy to the world the 200 Judge me, O Lord, and... 92 who rule the world 139 Just are thy ways, and 77 KEEP silence, all created. 506 Kind is the speech 323 Kindred in Christ, for 627 LADEN with guilt and... 446 Lamb of God, whose 739 Let all ou~ tongues be one. 479 ! Let all the earth their 197 Let all the heathen writers 238 Let children hear the 169 Let everlasting glories 452 Let ev'ry creature join 2>5 Let every mortal ear 294 Let ev'ry ton sue thy 277 Let God" arise in all" 150 Let God the Father and . . . 289 Let God the Father 492 Let God the Maker's 493 Let him embrace ray 323 Let me but hear my". 300 Let me dwell on Golgotha. 614 Let mortal tongues attempt 319 Let others boast how 385 Let partv names no more.. 693 Let Pharisees of high 359 Let sinners take their 137 :~ of praises till 672 Let the beasts their Geo Let them neglect thy 395 Let the old heathen". 3?6 Let the seventh angel 322 Let the whole race~ 434 Let the wiid leopards 466 Let those who bear the 7! 13 Let us adore th' eternal... 476 Let us awake our joys 522 Let Zion and her sons 205 Let Zion in her King 121 Let Zion praise the 2^1 Let Zion's watchmen 746 Life and immortal 449 Life is the time to 337 Lift up your heads 511 Lift up your eyes 396 Lift up to God "the 766 Light of life, seraphic 717 Like sheep we went 364 Listen, ye hills, ye 592 Lo ! he comes, the King... 652 Lo ! he comes, with 762 Long as 1 live I'll bless. . . 276 Long have I sat beneath. . 40'9 Look down, O Lord, with. 578 Page. Look up, my soul, with. . . 1 122 Look up to yonder world. . 716 Lo ! on a narrow neck of., 641 Lord, at thy table 739 Lord, at thy temple 302 Lord, dismiss us with 738 Lord, hast thou cast 140 Lord, how divine thy 4cL> Lord, how secure and 4i»3 Lord, how secure my 350 Lord, I am thine, but 75 Lord, I am vile 133 Lord, I can suriVr 59 Lord, I esteem thy 233 Lord, if thine eye 187 Lord, if thou dost not 67 Lord, 1 have made thy 239 Lord, in the morning 58 Lord, I will bless thee 102 Lord, I would spread 134 Lord of all worlds 621 Lord of life, all praise 626 Lord of the worlds above.. 177 Lord, Bend thy word 619 Lord, thou hast call'd ITS Lord, thou hast heard 232 Lord., thou hast search'd.. 263 Lord, thou hast seen 77 Lord, thou wilt hear 57 Lord, 'tis a pleasant 191 Lord, we adore thy 48(3 Lord, we adore thy vast.. . 441 Lord, we are blind 389 Lord, we come before thee 5:5 Lord, we confess our 343 Lord, we have heard 117 Lord, what a feeble piece.. 1S8 Lord, what a heaven of... 333 Lord, what a thought!' - . Lord, what a wretched 405 Lord, what is man 275 Lord, what our ears 606 Lord , what was man 63 Lord, when I count 272 Lord, when my thoughts.. 377 Lord, when thou didst 151 Lo, round the throne at. . . 716 Lo, the destroying angel.. 464 Lo, the prisoner is 753 Lo, the young tribes of. . . . 338 Loud hallelujahs to the 284 Love divine, all love 536 L», what a glorious corner 234 Lo, what a glorious sight. . 303 Lo, what an entertaining.. 260 MAJESTIC sweetness sits 671 Maker and sovereign 53 Man has a soul of vast.... 459 Manna to Israel well 546 Many woes had Christ.... 515 19 TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMNS. Page. May I remember, Lord. . . . 7J1 Men of God, go take 730 Mercy alone can meet 690 Mercy and judgment 202 Mercy, O thou Son of David 695 Mighty God ! while angels 520 Mine eyes and my desire. . 92 Mistaken souls ! that 363 Morning breaks upon 664 Mortals, awake, with 658 My dear Redeemer, and... 455 My drowsy powers, why.. 389 My faith shall triumph 764 My God, accept my 272 My God, consider my 242 My God, how endless is. . . 333 My God, how many are... 56 My God, in whom 139 My God, my everlasting.. . 157 My God, mv King 276 My God, my life, my 431 My God, my portion 431 My God, permit me 447 My God, permit my 144 My God, the spring of 406 Mv God, the steps of pious 110 My God, what endless 398 My God, what inward 270 My gracious Redeemer. . . . 569 My heart, how dreadful. . . 434 My heart rejoices in 96 My never ceasing songs... 181 My refuge is the God 66 My righteous Judge 273 My Saviour and my 118 My Saviour God, my 456 My Saviour, my almighty. 157 My Shepherd is the 87 My Shepherd will supply.. 88 My song shall bless the 561 My soul, be on thy 705 My soul, come meditate... 411 My soul forsakes her 380 My soul, how lovely 176 My soul lies cleaving 245 My soul, repeat his 208 My soul, the great 209 My spirit looks to God 141 My spirit sinks within 116 My thoughts on awful 375 My thoughts surmount.... 467 My trust is in my 60 NAKED as from the 293 Nature with all her 374 Nature with open volume. 480 No, I'll repine at death. . . . 436 No ! I shall envy them 407 No more, my God, I boast. 347 Nor eye hath seen, nor 345 No sleep nor slumber 259 Pa»e. Not all the blood of beasts. 457 Not all the outward forms. 341 Not different food, nor.... 356 Not from the dust affliction 334 Not the malicious, nor. . . . 345 Not to condemn the sons. . 343 Not to our names, thou... . 228 Not to ourselves, who are. 227 Not to the terrors of the . . . 462 Not with our mortal 347 . Now begin the heavenly. . . 526 Now be my heart inspired. 120 JNow be the God of Israel. . 314 Now by the bowels of my. 358 Now for a hymn of praise.. 601 Now for a tune of lofty 399 Now from the roaring lion's 86 Now have our hearts 483 Now I'm convine'd the... 160 Now in the gall'ries of.... 331 Now in the heat of 339 Now is th' accepted time.. 685 Now let a spacious world.. 459 Now let a true ambition.. . 677 Now let our lips with holy 154 Now let our mournful songs 87 Now let our mourning. . . . 599 Now let our pains be all... 484 Now let our souls on wings 700 Now let the Father 493 Now let the Lord, my 403 Now may fervent prayer. . 609 Now may the God of peace 588 Now may the God of power 83 Now may the Lord of 636 Now plead my cause 104 Now Satan comes with.... 465 Now shall my inward 309 Now shall my solemn 149 Now the shades of night.. 630 Now to the great and sacred 289 Now to the Lord a noble.. 401 Now to the Lord who 320 Now to the power of God.. 361 O ALL ye nations, praise. 230 O blessed souls are thev. .. 97 O bless the Lord, my soul. 208 O charity, thou heavenly.. 624 O'er mountain tops there.. 622 O'er the realms of pagan. . 721 Of justice and of grace I... 203 O for a closer walk with.. . 547 O for an overcoming faith. 301 O for a principle within . . . 704 O for a shout of sacred. . . . 122 O for a thousand seraph. . . 767 O for that tenderness of. . . 707 O from the world's vile... 701 Oft aa the bell with 750 Often I seek my Lord 38ft TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMNS. 13 Page. O God, my refuse, hear. . . 1316 O God of grace and ;")7 O God of mercy, hear 135 O God, to whom revenge.. 193 O God, we praise thee 654 O God, whose favourable.. 534 O happy day that iix'd.... COO O happy man, whose 255 O happy nation where 101 O happy soul that lives 690 O help us, Lord ! each hour 693 O how divine, how sweet. 695 O how I love thv holv 237 O how I love thv holy 548 Oh if my soul was 439 Oh love, bevond conception 655 Oh the almighty Lord 423 Oh the delights", the 429 O Lord, how many are. . . . 5G O Lord, my best desires... 519 O Lord, our heav'nly 61 O Lord, our languid 584 O Lord, our Lord, how 62 O my soul, what means... 543 Once more, my soul 377 One there is above all 545 On Judah's plain 769 On man in his own 508 On Tabor's top the 660 On thee each morning 632 On the mountain's top.... 726 On wings of faith, mount.. 568 O righteous God, thou 592 O sight of anguish ! view.. 512 O Spirit of the living God.. 724 O that my load of sin were 523 0 that the Lord would 211 O that thy statutes ev'ry.. 214 O thou, before whose 598 O thou, from whom all 713 O thou, who hear'st when 133 O thou, whose grace and.. 251 O thou, whose justice 138 O thou, whose power 770 O time, how few thy value 640 Our days, alas ! our mortal 397 Our God, how firm his. . . . 397 Our God, our help in 186 Our land, O Lord, with. . . 84 Our Saviour alone 570 Our sins, alas ! how strong 426 Our souls shall magnify. . . 319 Our spirits join t' adore... 488 Out of the deeps of long. . . 255 O what a stiff rebellious. . . 169 O where shall rest be found 679 O Zion, afflicted with 601 O Zion, tune thy voice. . . . 728 PEOPLE of the living God 691 a P.'.^e. Perpetual source of light.. 53> Plung'd in a gulf of 422 Praise, everlasting praise.. 410 Praise the Lord who r. Praise to the Lord on 596 Praise waits in Zion 147 Praise ye the Lord, exalt.. 261 Praise ye the Lord ; my. . . 278 Praise ye the Lord ; 'tis... 280 Prayer is the soul's sincere 7 14 Preserve me, Lord, in time 72 Prostrate, Jesus, at thv.... 690 RAISE thee, my soul, fly.. 393 Raise, thoughtless sinner. . 575 Raise your triumphant 438 Rejoice, the Lord is King.. 523 Rejoice, ye righteous, in. . 99 Religion bids all sin depart 675 Religion is the chief 634 Remark, my soul, the 638 Remember, Lord, our 184 Renounce thy sins, the 683 Repent ! the voice celestial 682 Return, O God of love 187 Return, O wanderer, return 688 Rise, gracious God, and... 723 Rise, my soul, and stretch. 567 Rise, O my soul, pursue.. . 533 Rise, rise, my soul, and. . . 333 Rise, sun of glorv 724 Rock of ages, cle'ft for 668 Roll on, thou mightv 731 SAFELY through another. 532 Saints, at your heavenly... 358 Salvation is for ever 179 Salvation! O the joyful... 427 Save me, O God, the 152 Save me, O Lord, from 73 Saviour, breathe at evening 747 Saviour, visit thy 7 747 See, Gabriel swift descends 564 See, gracious Lord 591 See, how brown autumn.. 637 See Israel's gentle 606 See what a living stone... 233 See where the great 312 Send forth thy word and.. 726 Servant of God, well done. 760 Servants of God, awake !.. 719 Shall the vile race of man. 334 346 339 510 132 150 770 Shout to the Lord 430 Sin enslav'd me many.... 530 Since Jesus freely did 628 Shall we go on to sin Shall wisdom cry aloud... Shepherds, rejoice, lift.... Shew pity, Lord, O Lord.. Shine on our land Shout the glad tidings TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMNS. Page Sing, all ye nations, to the 148 Sing, for the blest 730 Sing to the Lord aloud 173 Sing to the Lord Jehovah.. J94 Sing to the Lord, who 381 Sing to the Lord with 201 Singto the Lord, ye distant 196 Sing to the Lord, ye 411 Sing we the song of those. 698 Sing, ye redeemed of the.. 615 Sin has a thousand 461 Sin like a venomous 463 Sinner, art thou still 575 Sinner, rouse thee from... 685 Sinners, of Adam's fallen. 691 Sinners, the voice of Cod.. 576 Sinners, turn, why will... 684 Sinners, will you scorn... 576 Sitting around our 489 So did the Hebrew prophet 349 Soldiers of Christ, arise !.. 718 So let our lips and lives. . . 359 Son of God, thy blessing.. 561 Songs of immortal 222 Songs of praise, the ... 767 Soon as I heard my 93 Sovereign of worlds above 724 Sovereign of worlds, 722 Spirit of power and 725 Stand the omnipotent 765 Stand up and bless the 720 Stand up, my soul 421 Stay, thou insulted Spirit.. 689 Stern winter throws his. . . 637 Stoop down, my thoughts. 390 Stop, poor sinner, stop 683 Strait is the way, the 467 Sure there's a righteous. . . 162 Sweet is the last, the 735 Sweet is the mem'ry 277 Sweet is the work, my 190 Sweet peace of conscience 709 Sweet the moments, rich.. 663 Sweet was the time when. 537 TAKE comfort, Christians. 648 Teach me the measure of.. 112 Teach us, O Lord, the great 675 Terrible Cod, who reign'st 387 Th' Almighty reigns 193 That awful day will surely 43S That man is blest who.... 223 The billows swell, the 558 The day of wrath, that 761 The deluge at the 545 The earth for ever is the. . 89 The earth, the ocean, and. 698 Thee, we adore, eternal... 407 Thee will 1 love, m v 708 Thee will I love, O Lord.. 76 The glories of my Maker.. 417 Pa sfe. The God Jehovah reigns.. 200 The God of glory sends his 130 The God of mercy be ador'd 492 The God of our salvation.. 145 The heav'ns declare thy.. . 81 The heathen perish day by 721 The hill of Zion yields 771 The King of glory sends... 454 The King of saints, how. . . 1 20 The lauds that long. 299 The law by Moses came... 352 The law commands, and. . 447 The Lord appears my 231 The Lord declares his 446 The Lord descending from 449 The Lord, how wondrous. 207 The Lord is come, the 198 The Lord Jehovah reigns. 198 The Lord Jehovah reigns. 472 The Lord my pasture 564 The Lord my Shepherd is. 89 The Lord of glory is my. .. 93 The Lord of glory reigns.. 192 The Lord of Sabbath fet us 583 The Lord on high proclaims 335 The Lord on mortal 580 The Lord our God is 655 The Lord, the Judge, before 126 The Lord, the Judge, his.. 128 The Lord, the Sov'reign... 2o9 The Lord, the Sov'reign... 128 The Lord will happiness.. 707 The majesty of Solomon. . . 443 The man is ever blest 52 The memory of our 483 The message first to 603 The mighty conqueror 665 The moment a sinner 532 The morning dawns 662 The new born child 533 The peace which God alone 587 The praise of Zion waits. . 145 The promise of my Father's 475 The promise was divinely. 453 There is a fountain filled.. 667 There is a God all nature.. 505 There is a glorious world.. 743 There is a house not made 348 There is a land of pure 413 There is an hour of peaceful 752 There was an hour when.. 298 The saints should never... 552 The Saviour! oh what.... 668 The Saviour — what a 613 These glorious minds, how 310 The Spirit breathes upon.. 582 The true Messiah now.... 3SI '1 lie voice of free grace.... 687 The voice of my beloved.. 325 The wondering world 329 TABLL FOE mi. P3ALMS AND HYMNS. 15 Pag*. The wonders, Lord, thy. . . 1 15 Thine earthly sabbaths 736 Think, mighty God, on... L84 Think, O ve v. ho fondly.. 7.">7 This God is the God we... 7o7 This is the day the Lord.. 232 This is the feast of 611 This is the word of truth.. 45-5 This spacious earth is all. . 90 Thou art my portion, 0 mj Thou art the way, to the* . Thou dear Redeemer Thou God of love, thou eve* 246 Thou great Physician oft1. Thou Judge of quick and.. 7til Thou only Sovereign of my 557 Thou whom my soul 324 Thrice happy man, who... 224 Thrice happy souls, who.. 697 Through all the changing. 555 Through ev'ry age, eternal 185 Through sorrow's night. .. 763 Thus did the sons of 450 Thus far the Lord hath.. . . 333 Thus I resolv'd before the. Ill Thus saith the first, the. . . 351 Thus saith the hidi and... 337 Thus saith the Holy One.. 604 Thus saith the Lord, the. . 127 Thus saith the Lord to 6112 Vivas saith the Lord your.. 114 Thus saith tire me rev of... 353 Thus saith the Ruler 4-24 Thus saith the wisdom.... 340 Thus the eternal Father... 221 Thus the great Lord of 221 Thy bounties, gracious.... 623 Thy favours, Lord, surprise 400 Thy life I read, my dearest 646 Thy mercies fill the earth. 240 Thy name, almighty Lord. 231 Thy works of glory, mighty 21S Time is winging us away. 771 Time ! what an empty 406 'Tis a point I long to know 539 'Tis by the faith of joys to. 451 'Tis by thy strength the. . . 147 'Tis finished :— so the 516 'Tis finished, the conflict is 75S 'Tis from the treasures of.. 309 'Tis midnight, and on 661 'Tis my happiness below.. 701 'Tis not the law often 448 To God I cry'd with 167 To God I made my sorrows 273 To God the Father, God. .. 493 To God the Father's throne 495 To God the ereat, the ever. 214 To God the only wise 314 To heaven I lift "my waiting 248 Pa-e. To him who chose us first. 494 To-morrow, Lord, is thine 676 To our Almighty Maker... 199 To our eternal God 495 To praise the ever 636 To thee before the 235 To thee, most Holy and... 165 To thine Almighty 79 'Twas by an order from. . . 'Twas for our sake 156 'Twas from thy hand 269 'Twas in tiie watches 142 'Twas on that dark 474 'Twas the commission 315 UNGRATEFUL man! oh 679 Unshaken as tiie sacred... 252 Unveil thy bosom, faithful 650 Vp from my youth 255 Up to the fields where 398 Up to the hills I lift 247 Up to the Lord 401 Upward I lift mine 248 VAIN are the hopes, the.. 340 Vain are the hopes that... 343 Vain man, on foolish 217 Vain man '. thy fond 643 Vital spark of heavenly. . . 7C.o WAKED by the tru Wake the song of Jubilee. 730 Wait, U my soul, thy 711 Watchman ! tei! us of the. 656 We are a garden walled.. . Weary of struggling with.. 529 We bid thee welcome in.. 746 We bless the Lord, the just 152 We I. iess the prophet of the 452 We bow before thy gracious 737 Welcome, delightful morn 5S3 Welcome, sweet day of... ! 32 Weil the Redeemer's gone 395 We love thee, Lord, and we 73 We sing the amazing 484 We sing the glories of thy. 317 We've no abiding city..... 703 What are these in bright.. 717 What different powers.... 457 What equal honours 321 What happy men or 310 What is the thing of. 674 What jarring natures dwell 541 What mighty man or 306 What scenes of horror.. . ; . 645 What shall I render to 230 What various hindrances.. 590 What venerable sisht 514 When Abraham full of.... 591 When Adam sinned 655 When all thy mercies, U. . 554 When any turn from Zion's 535 16 TABLE FOR THE PSALMS AND HYMJVS Page. When at this distance 514 When bending o'er the 754 When blooming youth is. . 647 Whence do our mournful.. 308 When Christ to judgment. 127 When darkness long has.. 708 When from the glorious... 734 When frowning death 679 When gathering clouds 712 When God is nigh, my faith 73 When God provok'd with. 219 When God restor'd our.... 253 When God reveal'd his 253 When I can read mv title. 413 When in the light of faith. 436 When Israel freed from... 227 When Israel's sins the. . . . 170 When I survey the.. 478 When 1 view my Saviour. 610 When I with pleasing 271 When languor and disease 715 When man grows bold. .. . 107 When marshalled on the.. 657 When musing sorrow 714 When on Sinai's top I see. 663 When on the cross my 612 When overwhelm'd with. 141 When pain and anguish... 215 When rising from the bed. 7.">i When shall 1 hear the 706 When strangers stand and. 330 When streaming from the. 633 When the first parents 421 When the great Builder... 388 When the great Judge 64 When the last trumpet's.. 650 When the vale of death... 751 When verdure clothes 03! When we are rais'd from. 317 When wild confusion 651 Where are the dead in 755 Where are the mourners.. 463 Where shall the man 91 Where shall we go to 258 While 1 keep silence 99 While I to grief my soul.. 579 While men grow bold 106 While on the verge of life. 644 While shepherds watched. 510 While with ceaseless 748 Whilst thee I seek 584 Who but thou, Almighty.. 725 Who can describe the joys 343 Who has believ'd thy. 363 Who is this fair one in 331 Who shall ascend thy 71 Who shall inhabit in 71 Who shall the Lord's 299 Who will arise and 194 Why did the Jews proclaim 55 Page. Why did the nations 54 Why does the Lord 65 Why does the man... .. 124 Why does your face 426 Why do the proud 126 Why do the wealthy 109 Why do we mourn 375 Why has my God, my 85 Why is my heart so 385 Why should I vex 108 Why should the children.. 366 Why should this earth.... 469 Why should we start 392 Will God for ever 163 With all my pow'rs 267 With cheerful voice 369 With darkness whelmed.. 769 With earnest longings.... 116 With holy fear and 400 Within these walls be 743 With joy we meditate 356 With my substance 623 With my whole heart 64 With my whole heart I've 242 With rev'rence let the 181 With rev'rend awe 581 With songs and honours.. 281 With tears of anguish I... 705 Witness ye men and 741 World adieu, thou real 566 Would vou behold the 218 Write to Sardis, saith 604 YE angels round the 493 Ye dying sons of men 682 Ye golden lamps of 648 Ye hearts with youthful... 607 Ye holy souls, in God 100 Ye humble souls 505 Ye mourning saints 646 Ye nations of the earth.... 201 Ye saints, assist me 695 Ye servants of God 573 Ye servants of th' Almighty 226 Ye shores and isles of.. .. . 199 Yes, I will bless thee 768 Yes, my native land 732 Ye sons of Adam 338 Ye sons of earth 587 Ye sons of men a 189 Ye sons of pride 125 Yes, we trust the day is... 727 Ye tribes of Adam 282 Yet saith the Lord 183 Ye who delight to serve... 225 Ye who obey th' immortal. 261 Your happy voices join 718 Your harps, ye trembling.. 715 ZEAL is that pure and.... 535 Zion rejoice, and Judah. . 442 INDEX OF SCRIPTURES. Pa?-?. GENESIS 1 459 3 508 3:1,15, 17 340 5:24 547 17 . 7 3-59 17:7."]0.V. ......... 34!), 353 18: 23— 3S 591 32: 6 358 22: 14 552 : £ 692 EXODUS 15 553 16: 1- 545 17: 15 552 34 : 6—8 507 DEUTERONOMY 33:27. 559 JUDGES 6:24 554 RUTH 1:16 091 1 SAMUEL, 3: 18 550 7:12 556 1 CHRONICLES 29: 14... 623 2 CHRONICLES 15:15... 600 NEHEMIAH5: IS 713 9:10 517 ESTHER 4: 1C 529 JOB 1:21 2V3 3:14. 15 304 4.17.21 3:ji 5 : -8 334 9:2—10 333 14:4 318 ] p . 25—27 204, 560, 7.34 29:2 537 PSALMS2: - 730 3:5,6 333 4:8 333 6:4 690 li : - 73 ,1 19:5,6 332 23 50 1 23:4 710 34 555 42:5 543 45:3—5 579 48:14 563 49:0, 9 304 51:5. 318 51:11 689 65: 11 593 72:7,8 619 72:25 431 73:24,25 333 73:25 431 Pa?*. PSALMS 87:5 593 91:11 564 104 505 107:23 416 139:23,24 361 143: 8 333 147:19,20 316 14-: 2. 390 PROVERBS 4:7 075 B: 1. 22—32 339 8:17 607 8:34—36 340 18:24 545 ECCLESIASTES 8:8.... 304 9:4_6. 10 337 11:9 333 12:1. 7 339 SOLOMON'S .SONG. 324— 331 3:11 521 ISAIAH 4:5 646 5:2, 7— 10 297 9:2, 6, 7 299 11: .5—9 622 14:24 562 22:4 622 26:1,6 295 26:8,20 308 33:21,22 ».... 616 35:8—10 615,718 33: 9 317 40:27—31 308, 312 44:5 740 44:23 523 45:7 333 45:21—25 335 49:13, 14 309 49:14—17 601 51:9 618 53:1—5, 10—12 363 53:6—12 364 55:1,2 294, 296 55:7 576 57:15.16 337 60: 15—20 617 61: 10 302 63: 1—3 306 63: 4—7 307 65: 20 339 65 :23 607 JEREMIAH 23:6 ,... 562 23 :29 581 31:3 544 18 INDEX OF SCRIPTURES. Page. LAMENTATIONS 3: 23.. 333 EZEKIEL 9 : 4—6 592 18:31 684 34:3 578 36:25 296 48:35 616 DANIEL2:45 619 4:27 575 HOSEA6:4 536 JOEL 1:14 591 MICAH6:1— 3 592 7:19 296 NAHUM1:1,2, 3 311 1:7 , 505 HABAKKUK 3 : 17, 18. . . . 565 ZECHAR1AH1:5 749 3:67 595 13:1 296, 667 MALACHI 3 : 16, 17 580 MATTHEW 3:9 343 5:2—12 344 6:33 677 11:28 577 11 : 28, 30. . .357, 686, 688, 689 12:20 356.608 13:3 '587 13:16, 17 297 17:4 514 18:20 745 21:9 301 22:37—40 351 25:40 625 26:36—45 515 26 : 38—44 661 26:41 705 28:2 520 28:6 518,664 28:18 357 28:19 315 MARK 8 : 38 536, 550 10:14 349, 606 10:43 578 10:47,48 695 16:15 357 25:40 625 LUKE1:27 302 1:30 292 1:46 319 1:68 314 2:8—14 510 2:10 292 2:14 658 2:25 510, 602 2:27 302 2:28 483 4:18, 19 512 8:22 559 9:28—31 660 10:21,22 298 10:30,37 624 Pag»; LUKE 12: 38, 39 681 . 14:16 481 14:17,23 482 14:22.., 682 15:7—10 343 15:10 696 15: 13 354 18:10 358 19:38,40 301 19 : 41 660 19:41,42 514 22:19 477,664 JOHN 1:1,3, 14 292 1:13 341 1:17 352 1:29,32 314 3:3 341 3:14, 16 349 3:16,17 437 3:16, 17, 18 343 4:24 361 6:31,35, 39 476 6:53—56 611 6:67—69 535 10:28,29 302 14:3 477 14:6 668 14:16,17 531 14:26 527 15:6 668 16:16 477 19:30 516 ACTS 1:9 665 2: 32—36 519 2:33 315 16:14, 15, 33 353 ROMANS 1 : 17 532 3:19,22 340 5: 12 318, 355 6:1—6 346 6:3,4 354 7:8,9, 14,24 350 8:14, 16 3S6 8:33 299 9:21—24 351 11: 16, 17 350 14:8 633 14:17,19 356 15:8,9,12 349 1 CORINTHIANS 1:2, 3, 24, 353 1:26—31 341 1:30... 342 2:9, 10 345 3:6,7 353 6:10,11 , 345 10:16,17 475 10:33 356 11:23 474 INDEX OF SCRIPTURES 19 Page. I CORIXTHIAXS 13 : 1—3 360 13:2—7. 13 359 15:52—58 650 15:55 301 2 CORINTHIANS 2 : 15, 16 596 2: 1(3 353 5:1,5, 6 348 6:2 685 12:7,9,10 300 GALATIANS 4:4 346 5:17 541 6:6 322 6: 14 473 EPHESIAXS 1:3 316 1 : 13, 14 366 2:8 532 3:9, 10 292 3: 16 360 4:11,12 597 4 : 30, &c 358 PHILIP1TAXS 1 : 23 644 2:2 358 3:7—9 347 4:4 523 4:11 551 COLOSSIANS 1 : 16 292 2:15 346 1 THESS. 4: 13 643 2 TIMOTHY 1 : 9, 10 361 1:12 345 3:15,16 316 4:6, 7, 8, 18 306 TITUS 2: 10, 13 359 3:3,7 348 HEBREWS 1:1 316 3:5, 6 352 4:2 508 4:15 712 4:16 356 5:7 256 6: 17—19 362 7-2-5 525 7&9 366 Page; HEBREWS 9: 27 643 10:28,29 352 11: 1,3, 8, 10 353 11:13 533 12:18 462 12:29 311 13: 14 703 1 PETER 1:3,4,5 . 305 1:8 347 2:7 670 3:20,21 545 2 PETER 1:1 532 1 JOHN 3:1 322,563 4:10 695 5:6 479 2JOHX5:14— 16 349 JUDE21,25 314 ii E V 1 : L ATI O X 1:5—7... 320 2: 1—7 602 2:8—11 603 3: 1—6 604 3:7—13 604 3:14—20 605 3:20 684 5 : 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 291, 304 5:11—13 321 5:12 321,524 7:9—17 716 7: 13—15 310 11: 15 322 12:7 319 14:3 522 14:13 301, 755 15:3 313, 317,571 16:19 317 17:6 317 18:20,21 319 20:4—10 622 20:5—8 312 21:1—4 303 21:22 752 21:27 345 22il— 5 568 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. HCr THE FIGURES DIRECT TO PAGE In general, the title or the first verse of a Psalm or Hymn, will verify the reference. Sometimes a Psalm or Hymn is re- ferred to, as containing a subject, which is not suggested by the title, and, perhaps, not by the first or second verse. If, there- fore, the reference is not immediately verified, a glance of the eye through the successive verses, will detect the object of search. If the Index does not give you the word, which you seek, look for one of the same meaning; or seek it under the more general words, such as God, Christ, Church, Grace, Gospel, Saints, Sin, Sinners, Prayer, Praise, Affliction, Death, &x. &c. The references under these words are very copious and com- plete. AARON sm& Christ, 366, 381 ; Joshua and Moses, 448. Abba, Father, or adoption, 322. Abraham, 199, 416, 552; blessing on the Gentiles, 349, 319, 320 ; covenant with, remembered, 212; faith of, 353, 451 j offer- ing his son, 358 ; stones made children of, 343. Absence of Christ, 403 ; and presence of God, 431, 432 ; from God forever, intolerable, 439 ; from public worship, 116. Accepted time, 685. Access to the throne by a Mediator, 440, 179. Adam, 63, 318, 355; fall of, 346, 508, 655; corrupt nature from, 450, 655, 355. Adoption, 322, 365, 568. Advocate, 525. See Christ's Intercession, Affections unsanctified, 469. Afflictions, beneficial, 243; courage in, 245; and death under providence, 334; deep, 167, 203,274, 714 : deliverance from, 113 ; God merciful in, 207 ; hope in, 116, 413, 714 ; of saints, 160; of saints and sinners different, 193; prayer in, 203, 273; sanctified, 193,246,548, 701; submission to, 711,550, 441, 358, 258, 251, 112 ; support in, 239, 277, 278, 356, 403 ; sweet, 712. Alarm to sinners, 575, 678—685, 751, 761. All-sufficiency of Christ, 72, 561 ; of God, 100. Ambition, 258, 436. Angel of the covenant, 371. Angels, guardian, 102, 189, 555; at the judgment, 126, 652 ministers of Christ, 384, 442, 564 ; praise God, 209, 390 ; present in the churches, 267, 442 ; punished and man saved, 433 ; rejoice in conversions, 443 ; sinning, 388, song of, 510, 518, 657. Antichrist, 307, 317, 319, Apostles' commission, 357. Ark of believers, 545. Ascension of Christ, 518, 665. See Christ Ashamed of Christ, not, 345, 486, 536 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 21 Assurance, 544, 562, 306, 413, 418. AtJteism, 70, lOti, 67. Atonement, 6C7, 114. See Christ. Autumn, 637. BABYLON falling, 318, 319. Backslider, 92, 3b5 ; penitent, 133, 537, 257. Baptism, 315, 738, 606, 353; and circumcisioB, 450 j preaching and Lord's supper, 456. Bartimeus, 695. Beatific vision, 719, 303, 310, 387. 394. Beatitudes, 34-1. Being of Gnd, 505. Believe and be saved, 343. Bclicrers buried with Christ, 354; Christ the ark of, 545; described, 365; kings and priests, 3:j0"; promise to, 606} song of, 566. See Christian, Saints. Benevolence in imitation of Christ, 734. Betiilehem, song at. 657 ; star of, 657. Blessedness of hearing the Gospel, 182; hearing and obeying, 340 ; Gospel times, 297 ; in God, 431. Blessing of God on the business of life, 254 ; humbly requested, 5-S5 ; of Father, Son, &c, 737. See Hohi Spirit. Blood of Christ, 667, 516, 320, 364, 376, 391, 395: and flesh, 484 ; faith in, 135, 457 ; spirit and water, 479. ' See Christ. Boasting excluded, 341. Bones, the dry, 578. Brazen serpent, 349. Bread of heaven, 740 ; of life, 476 ; of the world, 740. Broad and narrow way, 465. Brotherly love, 260, 272, 627, 697. Burial. See Believers, Death. Funeral, Saints. CALVARY, 6G3, 689, 739. Canaan, heavenly, 413 : lost through unbelief, 196. Carnal joys parted with, 3i0 ; mind, enmity against God, 318. Ceremonial. See Priesthood, Types. Charity, 624—6, 224, L15, 109 ; "and hatred, 358 ; and love, 359, and uncharitableness, 356. Children in the covenant, 349, 350 ; devoted to God in baptism, 353, 450, 606, 738 ; death of, 646 : exhorted, 104 ; instructed, 102, 169: invited to Christ, 607; piety of, 608; praising Christ, 520 ; praising God, 63 ; prayer for, 610; promises to, 606 ; regard of Christ for, 606. Choosing the heritage of God's people, 691. Christ and Aaron, 366, 381 ; and Abel, 445 : and Adam, 63; ad- dress to, 316, 391, 4&5, 559, 562, 586, 625, 693, 700, 738, 764 ; addresses of, to churches, 602—605 ; advent of, 200, 509, 657 ; advocate, 525 ; agony of, in the garden, 515, 661 ; all-suffi- ciency, 72,561, 562; angels ministering to, 384, 442, 564 ; ark of believers, 545 ; ascension, 90, 122, 420, 151, 518, 520, 665, ashamed of, not, 536, 345, 486 ; aspired after, 360, 559, 402 ; atonement by. 667, 114, 115; blood of, 135,291, 320, 364, 376, 391,395, 440.445,452,464,516.667: Branch, 314 ; Bread of heaven, 740 ; Bread of life, 476/611 ;' Bread of the world, 740 ; Bridegroom, 120, 325 ; care of the young, 349, 350, 605 : characters of, 372 ; chief among ten thousand, 671 ; and his church, 120, 600—602; church's foundation, 232; coming, first and second, 196 ; coming to judgment, 652, 761 ; commission of, 437 ; communion with him, 475; com- pared to inanimate things, 367 : compassion of, 422, 488, 514 ; to the weak. 356 ; condescension and glorification, 62 ; cornerstone, 233, 234; coronation of, 327, 521 3 covenant 22 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. with, 180, 601 ; Creator, 206, 292 ; cross of, 349, 353, 345, 376, 439, 516, 662, 663 ; crucified, 480, 517, 612 ; death of, 516,— caused by sin, 423, 516; grace and glory by, 489 ; and resurrection, 517—519 ; and sufferings, 85, 516 ; and victory, 444, 487 ; Deity of, 404 —and humanity, 292, 301, 425; de- sire to be with, 644; dominion of, 600; dwells in heaven and on earth, 330; enjoyment of him, 382; equal with the Father, 404, 662; eternity of, 292, 339 ; exalted, 54, 84, 221, 429, 520—522, 665 ; example, 220, 455, 513, 669, 734 ; excel- lencies, 119, 367, 556, 671; faith in his blood, 135, 457; knowledge of, 345,— and iaithfuln.ess of, him, 712,— flesh and blood our food, 484, 740 ; finishing his work, 444, 516, 613 ; forerunner, 693 ; forsaking all for, 700; fountain, 667,— of life, 614; friend, 545,600 ; glorified bodv, 429 ; glory of, 118, 120, 200, 221,522, 665, 730,— and sufferings, 399, 489; all good in, 557; grace in, 401,489; go not away from, 535 ; God reconciled in him, 460 ; Guest, 684; Head, 602; in heaven and on earth, 330 ; our hope, 57 ; horn of salvation. 314 ; hosanna to, 301 ; humanity, 182, 292, 301, 662 ; human frame, 404; humiliation and exaltation, 321, 363, 425; in- carnation, 114, 198,299; yifancy of, 512, 659; intercession, 395, 525 ; Israel's consolation, 602 ; invitation to sinners,357, 577, 686—689 ; invitation answered, 690, 437, 326 ; Jehovah, 561 ; joy at his birth, 51.0, 658; judge, 198, 652, 761 ; king, 522,— of glory, 665; at his table, 323; kingdom, 159, 200, 303, 523, "730 ; Lamb of God, 291, 301, 321, 524; life, 668; life in, 561 ; lifted up, 349 ; light, 302 ; lives, 205, 560 ; long- ing to praise him better, 377 ; love, to his church, 299, 325, 331 ; dying, 476 ; to his enemies, 105, 220; in the heart, 360 ; supreme to, 569 ; looking on him, 432 ; to him, 349 ; Medi- ator, 182, 438 ; and Melchisedec, 221 ; memorial of, 477, 663; merits, 460; Messiah, 200, 221,381, 319, 508; mighty God, 561, 299 ; ministry of, 512, 659 ; miracles of, 454 ; and Moses, 313 ; morning-star, 314 ; names of, 369 ; nativity of, 292, 509, 658 ; natures, two, 301 ; obedience and death, 155 ; obeyed or resisted, 340; offices of, 452, 371; pardon and strength from, 489, — and sanctification, 428 ; passion, 662, 155 (See Sufferings of) ; passover, 464; physician, 580, 349; pilot, 559; pitied mankind, 422; power and grace, 221; praised, 401, 422, 399, 520—522, 666, 671, 767 ; precious, 670 ; presence, 382, 435 ; priest, 221-2, 381, 445; and king, 320; and prophet, 452 ; prophecies and types of, 454 ; provider, 552; ransom, 114, 155; Redeemer, 422, 520, 525, 569; re- demption by, 421, 342; refuge, 559, 600; regard for children, 606 ; reign of, 523, 723, 728-30 (See also Kingdom of) ; re- jected by the Jews, 363-4 ; relieved in his members, 625 ; remembrance of, 477, 664 ; resurrection, 418, 420, 518-20, 664; revealed to babes, 298 ; Righteousness, 342, 562; and strength, 157, 335, 347 ; rock of ages, 668 ; sacrifice, 111, 457 (See Blood, atonement, &c.) ; safety in, 558 ; salvation by, 179, 233 ; saints in his hands, 362 ; our sanctification, 428, 312 ; Saviour, 335, 668; and Satan at enmity, 346; sent by the Father, 343 ; shepherd, 324, 364; shield. 275; sleeping in, 759 ; son of David, 301 ; son of God, 182, 404 ; song of believers, 566; sovereign, 198 : stone, living, 233 ; strength, 300, 157, 489 ; substance of the types, 381 ; sufferings, 87, 152-6, 379, 432, 516, 662, 484 ; sun of glory, 724 ; of righte- ousness, 81,451 ; teaching of, 659; temptation of, 356 ; titles of, 369 ; transfiguration, 514, 660 ; triumph of, 306, 522, 665, 730 ; trust in, 558, 712 (See Faith, in) ; types of, 454, 508 ; unchangeable love, 299; union to, 398, 699; unseen yel NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 23 beloved ; 347 ; value of, 347 ; victor}- over sin, &c, 487, 444, 422 j over Satan, 428; vision of, 419, 387, 304 ; way, truth, us, 102, 169. of the Spirit, 453, 672. plagues, 213. Election, 398-9, 601,341, 3] Emmanuel, 387, 42). 461, 511, 553, 532. End of the world, 469, 2 . Enemies, love to, 105, 290 Enmity, of the carnal mind, 313 ; of Satan to Christ, 346. Enry and unbelief cured, 10-3. Epiphany, 659. Eternity of Christ, 292, 339 ; and death, 390; of God, 353, 414, 191, 155 ; joyfully anticipated, 642 : serious prospect of, 641 j ling life, 407 ; a thought of, 751. Evening, and morning psalms and hyrnns, 57, 261, 332, 377-8, 631, 747 ; of Lordrs dav. 733 ; Saturdav, 735. Evidences of grace, 92, 359," 270. EstaUation of Christ, 54, 84, 154. See Christ. Example, of Christ, 455, 513, 609 ; of saints, 450, 533. Excel'encies of Christ, 307, 556, 6.1. Excellency of religion, 452. ExJiortalion, to praiae God, 720 ; to : to repentance, 651-2 ; against a sectarian spirit, 698 ; to seek God, o 96 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Expostulation, 576, &c, 685, &c. Exultation in the reign of Christ, 122. FAITH, adores the divine glories, 427 ; of assurance, 345, 544, 562 ; assisted by sense or preaching, &c, 456 ; in Christ our sacrifice, 457, 552; encouraged by example, 533; evi- dence of things unseen, 353, 451; fainting, 538; in God, 141; and knowledge of Christ, 347, 345; living and dead, 363 ; joy of, 467 ; for pardon, &c. in Christ, 428 ; power of, 532,701; preciousness of, 532 ; triumphing in Christ, 300 ; and unbelief, 449 ; walking by, 451. Faithfulness, of Christ, 712; of God, 181, 415,410. Fall, of angels and men, 388; of man, 508, 655, 318; and re- covery, 346, 421. Falsehood and blasphemy, 68. Family blessings, 255; government, 203; love and worship, 260, 629. Father, God our, 322, 629. Farewell, Christian's, 648; missionary's, 732; to missionaries, 732; to the world, 566. Fast, 591-2 ; for revival, 747. Fear, of death (See Death) ; of God, 80, 249, 697. Fearful encouraged, 548. Fears, see Doubts. Feast of the Gospel, 294, 481-2. Fellowship, reception into, 741. See Communion. Few saved, 467. Finished! 444,516, 613. Flattery and deceit complained of. 68. Flesh, and blood of Christ, 484, 611 (See Christ, Bread) ; and sin mortified, 467, 359 ; and spirit, 457 ; our tabernacle, 348. Following Jesus, 693. Folly of mankind. 70, 393, 125; of sin, 463. Food, spiritual, 295, 324, 382, 740. Fools made wise, 70. Forbearance of God, 438. Forerunner, Christ a, 693. Foretaste of heaven , 391 . Forgiveness, of injuries or " love, &c," 359 ; of sin upon confes- sion, 97. Formal worship, or hypocrisy, 128, 361. Fountain, Christ a, 614, 667,*368 ; opened for sin, 689. Fortitude, holy, 563, 421. Frailty, and folly, 393 ; of life, 676, 385, 275, 186. Free grace, 298, 687. Frctfulness cured, 108. Friends, meeting and parting, 627; death of, 648. Friendship, 260, 627. Fruits, of Christ's death, 86; of faith, 363; of holiness and grace, 359 ; ot the Spirit, 344. Funeral, 650, 750, 760, 412, 184, 293, 301. See Death, Saints. GENTILES, Abraham's blessing on, 319, 349; called, 147; Christ revealed to, 297 ; church of, 119 ; given to Christ, 159 ; gathering of, 721 ; owning God, 197. Gethsemane, 515, 661. Glorified martyrs, 310 ; body, 441. Glory of Christ, 118, 429 ; of the church, 726 ; of God in crea- tion, &c, 209 ; in redemption, 523 ; to God in the highest, 767. See Christ, God, Gospel, Grace, Zion. Glorying in the cross, 486, o36. G!utton\nd drunkard, 217. NEW INDEX OF SCIUECTS. 27 God, absence of, forever intolerable, 439 ; all in all, 431, 254 ; al- mighty, Geo, 192, 193; all-eeeing, 268 : all-sufficient, 100-1; attributes specified, 106, €70-2; avenger of saints, 414; our banner, 559 : being of, 505 ; care of saints, 60, 89, 102, 138 ; in the church, 176. 180 ; creation and providence, 100, " (6,201, 374 ; of man, 269 : and Redeemer, 395; compassion of, 207, 277; condescension, 61, 225, 400; confidence in, 5 15 ; consuming rire, 311 ; controversy, 592; decrees, 506 ; deeds of, recounted, 169; our defence from sin. 56 ; defence of Zion, 616 ; onr delimit. 39B : dominion of, 209, 414, 471. 506; dwelling with, 89 ; dwells \\ ,th the humble, 337; eternity, 383, 414, 191, 186; exalted above creatures, 334; faithfulness, 181, 410. 415, 397-8; Father, 392, 472, 5r9; fear of, 80, 242. 697; glories above reason, 427; glorified in Christ, 401 ; in the gospel, 449 : the salvation of sinners by Christ, 152, 655-6 ; glory in creation and provi- dence, 209 ; and redemption, 395"; in redemption, 523 ; glory and defence of Zion, 412 ; goodness of, 277, 206, 505, 152, 639; governing, 148 ; grace, 348, 401, 314, 438; greatness of, 276, 225-6 ; guide of the pilgrim, 563 ; oar happiness, 431 ; hearer of prayer, 631 ; holiness of, £01, 334-6; hope and help, 273, 67, 93* 161 ; house of. loved ?r\A longed for, 175-7 ; incar- nate, 292, 460 ; incomprehensible, 437, 473; invisible, 389, 470 ; invocation to, as Father, Son, eke., 574 ; judge, 64. 126 (See Christ) ; just, 330, 64, 77 ; justice glorified in mercy, 655 ; kingdom supreme, 174, 444, 506 ; love in sending his Son, 437, 343 ; love to, 397, 708 ; makes men happy. E loves the righteous, and abhers the wicked, 66, 235 ; majesty of, 107, 181, 192, 225 ; terrible, 387 ; merciful in chastise- ment, 207 ; mercy, 264, 655, 311, 433 ; mercies of, acknowl- edged, 208, 554: innumerable, 272 ; name proclaimed. 507 ; of nature. and grace, 106; omnipotent, 655; omnipresent, 270; omniscient, 270 3 panting after, 116; patience of, 419, 43* ; peace from, b.'A ; perfections, 106, 223, 264, 470-2 ; 507,655-6; our portion, 57, 161, 431; power and majesty, 655, 192 ; and goodness, 423 ; and Zion's safetv, 192 ; praised, 194, 254, 279, 417, 720, 766-8; praise due to*, not to idols, 262; presence. light in darkness, 406: rejoiced in, 431 ; our preserver, 248, 314, 139, 267, 377 : providence, 106, 147,159,280; mysterious, 548, 162; our provider, 552 ; pur- poses of, 506, 548 ; reconciled in Christ, 4C0 ; refuge of the church, 121, 601 ; in trouble. 66, 78, 136, 183; regard to the pious, 580 ; rewarder, 77; rising to God, 700, 567; safetv in. 565, 141 ; Saviour, 335 ; searches the heart, 263-70, 361 3 seeking him, 144; our shepherd, B7, 564; sight of him, 387 ; sovereign, 191, 351, 5)6 ; our sun and shield, 176 ; supreme, 174, 444 : terrible to sinners, 387; thunder-er, 411 ; Trinitv, 492, 394-5, 574, 775-6; the true. 227 ; trust in, 141, 552, 55*5, 565 : truth of, 410, 278, 139, 183, 267, 201 : unchangeable, 414, 191-2; unity, 262, 395, 492: vengeance of, 40 compassion, 150; walking with, 547 ; wisdom, Christ the, 480: in forming man, 271; in his works, 222; word, (See Scriptures); works wondrous, 263 ; worshipped with reve- rence, 201 ; wrath of, 311, 761. Goodness of God, 277, 505. See God, Grace. Gospel, attested by miracles, 454; a blessed, 132; blessedness of hearing it, 297; comforts, 715; command to preach it, 357; constancv in, 536, 376; exemplification cf, 359; glori- fies God, 449; invitation of, 291, 357, 686-9; and law. 352, 446, 340; no liberty to sin, 346, 359, 363; ministrv of, 597. 297 ; mysteries of, 298, 353 ; power of, 455, 120, 221 3 praise 28 NEW INDEX OP SUBJECTS. for, 199; sinned against, 352; spread of, 159, 619, 727, success of, in early ages, 458 ; success various, 353 ; times happy, 297 ; treasure in earthen vessels, 597 ; worship and order, 123. Government, of Christ, 119; of God, 148; from God, 1G5, 174, 461. Grace, adopting, 322; converting, 466, 579 ; covenant of, sure, 183 ; electing, 316, 351 ; evidences of, 92 ; free, 687; in re- vealing Christ, 298; glorious change produced by it, 253-4, 531 ; and glory, 198, 401, 489 ; and holiness, 359 ; justifies. 340 ; and law, 340 ; and nature, state of, 345 ; necessity of renewing, 527, 341 ; pardoning, 256 ; preserving, 314; prof- fered, 296 ; quickening, 245 ; restoring and preserving, 267 ; salvation by, 694, 361, 348; sovereignty of, 298; tried, 252, 148; truth and protection, 139. Graces of the Spirit, or beatitudes, 344. Gratitude, 554, 556, 208. Greatness of God, 276. See God Guide, God a, 563. Guilt confessed, 133, 110, 97. HABITS or custom in sin, 466. Happiness, in God, 696, 431, 277, 254, 206, 102, 144, 87, 57; of love to God, 397 ; of regeneration, 531, 695 ; of a saint, 572, 696. Harvest, 148, 280-1, 636; past, 680. Hatred and love, 358. Health, sickness, &c, 59, 95; prayed for, 112-13; preserved by God, 385; restored, 317, 229, 95. Heart, changed, 531 ; change of, prayed for, 527; Christ in the, 360; contrite, 707; hard, complained of, 434; healed by mercy, 530 ; known to God, 268, 361 ; purity of, makes happy, 234. Heathen perishing, 720, &c. See Gentiles. Heaven, 345, 310, 751 ; anticipated, 644 ; desired, 187, 753, 567 , difficulty of going to, 467; dwelling-place of Christ and God, 387 ; of saints, 90, 310, 717 ; and earth, 405 ; happi- ness of, 677, 752 ; hope of, by Christ, 305 ; our support on earth, 413 ; makes death easy, 413 ; joy of, over conversions, 343, 696 ; invisible and holy, 345 ; meditation of, 467 ; pre- pared for, 306 ; sin and misery not there, 426 ; society blessed in, 393; strength from, 308; view of, 568, 716-17; worship of, humble, 415. Heavenly, Jerusalem, 752; joy on earth, 391, 409; mindedness, 408, 696 ; rest, 752, 413. Heavens declare God's glory, 81. Heavy-laden invited, 357, 686-8. Hell, or vengeance of God, 400 ; holy fear of it, 439 ; and judg- ment, 312 ; victory over, Christ's, 487. Help, prayer for, 693. Helpless, God the hope of, 273. Hinder me not, 692. Holiness, and comfort from the word, 238 ; conflict with sin, 541 ; earnestly desired, 241, 691 ; forbids sin, 359 ; of God, 201 (See God) ; and grace, 359; necessary, 345; and peace encouraged, 104. Holy Spirit, absence feared and deprecated, 689; earnestly desired, 394, 527, 672-3, 725; effusions of, 458, 672; fruits of, 344 ; gift of, at Christ's ascension, 151 ; influences expe- rienced, 531 ; operations and power of, 453, 341 ; sealing and witnessing, 366 ; teaching of, with tho word, 240, 582. Hope, in afflictions, 116, 714 ; in the covenant, or the anchor of NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 29 Ihe soul, 302 ; in darkness and desertion, G3, 116 ; encour- aged, 543; in God, 161 : of heaven by Christ. 305; support in trial, 413 ; life the day of, 337 ; lively, and gracious fear, 544 ; of resurrection, 73-5. Hosanna, of children, 63; to Christ, 301, 495; for Lord's day, 23-2, 735. House of God, 253 ; goine to, 249 ; longed for, 177. Humanity of Christ, 292, 662. See Christ. Humiliation of Christ, 321, 363. Humility, God dwells with, 337 ; in heaven, 415; and meekness blessed, 344 ; and pride contrasted, or the Pharisee, &.C., 358 ; and submission, 258. Husbandman's Psalm, 148. Hypocrisy exposed, 128 ; judgment of, 127 ; and sincerity, 361. Hypocrite or almost Christian, 465-6. IMMORTALITY recognized, 73-5, 411-14, 651, 679, 751-66. Impenitence, 449. See Sin, Sinner. Importance, of relision, 634, 675 ; of time, 640, 678, 337, 407. Incarnation of Christ, 198, 292, 510. See Christ. Incomprehensible God, 427, 473. Inconstancy in religion, 536, 541, 385-6. Indwelling sin lamented, 350. Infants, 646, 733. See Children. Influences, divine, 531, 453. See Holy Spirit. Ingratitude to divine goodness, 419. Inspiration, 462. Instruction, divine, 91 ; from the Scriptures, 236, &c. j of the young, 102. Intemperance, 217, 170. Intercession of Christ, 395, 525. Invisible God, 389. Invitation of Christ and the Gospel, 357, 294, 686-9. Invocation to Father, Son, <5cc, 574, 737. See Holy Spirit. Issues of life and death, 679. Israel, led from Esfypt, 163, 216, 227 ; rebellion of, 169 ; pun- ished, 215 ; restoration of, 727. JEHOVAH reigns, 191; Jesus, 561 ; Jireh, 552; Nissi, 552 j Rophi, 553 ; Shalem, 554. Jerusalem, heavenly, 752; wept over, 514, 660. Jesus, dearest of names, 460, 670-1. See Christ. Jews. See Israel. John the Baptist. 314. Joy, at conversion, 696, 343; of conversion, 103, 695, 253; of faith, 467, 347; heavenly on earth, 391, 409 ; spiritual, restored, 413, 703 ; in worship, 250. Joys, carnal, parted with, 380; of heaven, 345, 752; of saints 547, 696. Jubilee, 588, 729. Judgment, anticipated, 630; Christ coming to, 652,761-6,320; day, 126, 199, 651, &c, 761, &c ; prayer in view of, 761 j saints' confidence in, 765-6 ; welcomed, 761-2. Justice of God, 336, 64, 77 ; glorified in mercy, 655 ; satisfied by Christ, 179. Justification. 299, 93, 256 ; not bv works, 340, 347. KLXGDOM, of Christ, 159, 200, 303, 523, 729 ; of God, 174, 444, 724 ; seek first the, 677. LAMB, that was slain, 291, 304 ; Moses and, 313 ; worshipped, 321 ; worthy the, 524. See Christ. Law of God condemns, 340; convinces of sin, 350; delight in it, 237 ; and Gospel, 446. Lecitical priesthood, fulfilled in Christ, 331. 3* 30 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Liberality, 393-5, 623-7. Liberty, spiritual, 346. Life, the day of grace and hope, 337; a dream, &c, 75; frail, 385, 407, 676 ; issues of, 679 ; short, 184, 188, 334, 397; tree of, 478 ; uncertain, 676 ; vanity of, 124, 677. Light, in darkness by the presence of God, 406 ; given to the ignorant, 298; and salvation by Christ, 314; shining out of darkness, 548. Living, and the dead, where ? 755 ; and dying with God present, 445 ; stone, Christ a, 233. Long-suffering of God, 438, 419. Looking, to Christ, 349 ; forward, 702. Lord's" 'Day, 190, 232, 382, 418, 583, 735-6 ; evening, 736 ; morn- ing, 58, 142, 735: prayer, 589; supper, 474, 611, Sec, 663, &c, 739, &c. ; and baptism, 474. Sfee Sacramental. Love, banquet of, 324, 482; brotherly, 260, 697; and charity, 359; of Christian friends, 627 ; Christ's dying, 476 ; of Christ to his church, 331 ; to sinners, 105; strong, 331 ; unchange- able, 299; to Christ, 435, 670, 663; to the church, 742; to creatures dangerous, 402 ; distinguishing, 298, 433; divine, 586; to enemies, 105, 220 ; faith and joy, 347 ; of God, 343, 437 ; unchangeable, 181 ; to God, 397, 708 ; inconstant, 385 ; and our neighbor, 351 ; and hatred, 358 ; shed abroad in the heart, 360 ; peace and meekness, 344 ; redeeming, 526, 601, 695 ; religion vain without, 360. LvJccwarmness, 605. Lydia and her household, 353-4. Lying hated, 203. MAGISTRATES, 139, 202, 1G5, 174, 461. Majesty of God, 107, 181. See God. Man, depraved by nature, 70, 655; dominion of, 63; fall, 50S, 655 ; the merciful, 115 ; mortal, 407 ; fall and recovery, 346, 421 ; saved, and angels punished, 433 ; vanity of, 112 ; wick- edness of, 107 ; wonderfully made, 269, 271. See Life, Death, Depravity, Saints, Sinners. Manna, 313, 540. Manners, corruption of, 67. Marriage, 628. J tarincr's psalm, 218. Martyrs slorified/310, 717. Ufaster of a fttmily, 203, Mediator, 182, 440. See Christ. Meditation of heaven, 467 ; and retirement, 4-17, 745 ; on the Scriptures, 237. Meekness, 344, 358. Meeting, of friends, 627; missionary, 734; for prayer, 584, 745 j Sabbath morning, 736. Melancholy, 167, llu." MeltMsedec, 221. Mercies, common and spiritual, 152, 208, 277 ; innumerable, 272 ; and judgment, 208; national, 150, 593, 748; thankfulness for, 554, 445. See God, Grace, Love, Goodness, &x. Merciful man, 115. Mercy of God, 311, 438, 655; endureth for ever, 264; implored, 690, 578. Merit disclaimed, 57, 72, 359. Messiah, 200, 221, 508. See Christ. Michael's war, 319. Midnight thoughts, 142, 237. Millennium, 618—622, 726. Minister, appointment of a, 746; commission of, 357; death NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 31 of, 598 ; an aged, 760 ; ordination of, 596 ; prayer for a sick, 598 ; watches for souls, 746. Ministry, of angels, 384 ; of Christ, 512, 659 ; of the gospel, 597, 297. Miracles, 227, 454. Misery, of being without God, 407 ; of life, 397 ; and sin banished from heaven, 426 ; of sinners, 234. Missionaries, 731-3, 620. Missionary, associations, 734 ; hymns, 617-24, 720-34, 297. 314, 357, 458 ; psalms, 159, 196, 198. Moment, value of a, 678. Morning psalms and hvmns, 56, 332, 377-8, 630. See Lord's Day. Mortality of man, 112, 184-83, 334, 643, &c, 676, 755. Mortification to the world, 398, 478. Muses, and Christ, 313, 317, 352 ; dving, 403 ; Joshua and Aaron, 448. Mountains, the three, 663. Mourning. See Affliction, Death, Funeral. Mystery, of the Gospel, 298, 353 ; of Providence, 162, 548. NAMES, offices, &c. of Christ, 367, &c. See Christ. Narrow way, 465, 467. Nation, happy, 275 ; prosperity of, 150, 219 ; safety in the church, 123. National mercies, 150, 374, 442, 593, 748. jVaticity of Christ, 292, 503, 658. Nature, corrupt from Adam, 318, 450, 655 ; and grace, 345 ; and Scripture, 79-82, 238 ; all sinners by, 70. Neic birth, 341 (See Regeneratio?i) ; creation, 341, 451 ; convert, 533, 695 ; covenant blessings, 675 ; seal, 475 ; Jerusalem, 303 ; song of salvation, 234, 291 ; year, 633, 748. Night, 248, 261. No'ic the accepted time, 685. OBEDIENCE, better than sacrifice, 127 ; sincere, 98 ; of Christ, 155. Offence not to be given, 356. Old age, approaching, 642 ; of a Christian, 158 ; of a sinner, 339. Omnipotence, 655 ; omnipresence and omniscience, 268-70. See God. Ordinances, benefit of, 448. See Worship. Ordination, 297, 595, 746. Original sin, 133, 655. See Depravity, Sin. PARDON, 256 j bought at the price of blood, 476; brought to our senses, 480; and confession, 97, 134; holiness and heaven, 691; and obedience, 93; pleading for, 132, 578; and strength, 489 ; sufficiency of, 426, 296 ; and sanctirlcation in Christ, 428 ; waiting for, 90. Parents and children, 349, 606, 646. Passion of Christ, 662, 155. See Christ. Passions, 450, 463, 551. Passover, Christ our, 464. Pastures, spiritual, 324. Patience, in affliction, 293, 711, 549, 358; in darkness, 441; of God, 419, 433. Peace, of conscience, 403 ; with men desired, 246. Pearl of price unknown, 446. Penitent, 690 ; pleading, 132, 578 ; restored, 133. Pentecost, day of, 672. Perfection, none on earth, 239. Perfections of Cod, 106, 470, &c. See Ood. Persecution, 117, 174, 60, 70, 104, 135, 194. Pharisee and publican, 358. 32 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Perseverance, 3C2, 267. 305, 312, 314. Person of Christ, 401, 301. Pestilence, preservation in, 188. Petitions, fervent, 708. Physician, Christ a, 580, 349. Piety, early, 104, 608. See Children. Pilgrimage of the saints, 405. Pilgrims, God the guide of, 5G3 ; song of, 567, 702, 718. Pisgah, 403. Pleasures, of a good conscience, 408, 709 ; of religion, 391, 409, sinful, forsaken, 380 5 vain and dangerous, 436. See De- light. Poor, charity to the, 115, 223, C24. Popish idolatry reproved, 228. Power, of faith, 532, 701 ; of God, 655 (See Qod) ; and goodness, 423 ; of the Gospel, 120, 455, 221 ; of prayer, 590 ; and wis- dom in Christ crucified, 480. Praise, to Christ, 401, 422, 377 (See Christ) ; to the Creator, 201, 506 ; to God, 179, 374, 417, 720, 766-68, 278—87 5 from angels, 390 ; from children, 63 5 for creation, &c, 209 ; and redemption, 395 ; for deliverance, 103, 232 ; for Gospel, 199 ; for health, 95, 229 ; for prayer heard, 149 ; for protection, 139, 377 ; for providence and grace, 106; for temporal bless- ings, 152 ; temptations overcome, 76 ; universal, 230, 282- 84, 417, 768. Prayer, what? 744; answered by crosses, 540; for children, 610 ; for consolation, 713 ; exhortation to, 590 ; for grace to quicken, 245; heard, 65, 102, 138, 147, 149,308; for help, 693, 542, 538-39; and hope, 93; Lord's, 589; for pardon, holiness, &c, 691, 132-34; of a penitent, 690 ; power of, 590 ; psalm before, 194; for regeneration, 451-52; for reign of Christ, 723 (See Missionary Hymns); for revival, 747; secret, 745; for spiritual healing, 580; and watchfulness, 542, 705. Prayer-meeting, 737, 7 15, Preaching, baptism, &c, 453 ; different success of, 353. Predestination. See Election. Presence of Christ, 435, 382 : of God, 431, 406, 445. Preservation, 248, 377, 314, 121. Preserver, God our, 385, 2G7 See Ood. Pride, and death, 125 ; and humility, 357. Priesthood of Christ, 221, 381. See Christ, Prodigal repenting, 354, 696. Professors, false, entreated, 577. Promises, to Abraham, 349, 212; to believers, &c, 606; of the covenant, 309, 349; pleaded, 241; our security, 397, 410, 415 ; and tbreatenings, 173 ; unchangeable, 362. Prophecies and types of Christ, 454 ; and inspiration, 462. Prosperity dangerous, 137, 436, 110, 124, 157, 160-62; temporal and spiritual, 150. Providence, 147, 209,230, 401; affliction under, 334; darkness of, 441 ; mystery of, 162,518; recorded, 169, 216; submis- sion to, 293, 549, 711 ; wisdom and equity of, 64. Prudence and zeal, 111. Punishment, and pardon, 215 ; for sin, 51-66, 343, 352, 652. See Judgment. Purity, of heart blessed. 234; in heaven, 345-46. Purposed of God, 506, 54S. RACE, Christian, 312. Rain, 1 18, 636. Ransomed of the Lord, 718. Reason humbled, 427. NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 35 Reconciliation in Christ, 460, 554. Recovery, from sickness, 229. See Fall. Redeemed in heaven, 716-17. Redeemer, 520-25, 560. See Clirist. Redeeming love, 526, 601, 695. Redemption, 391, 395, 421, 523 ; fulness of, 691. Refuge, Christ a, 559, 600 ; in God, 6G, 76, 136, 188. Regeneration^ 341 ; happiness of, 531 ; necessity of, 527, 341 ; prayer for, 132, 451-52 ; vital union to Christ in, 699 ; work of the Spirit, 453. Reign of Christ, 523, 728-30. See Christ. Religion, all in all, *hould be, 675; duties of, 359, 467; excel- lency of, 452, 675 ; genuine, 71 ; hypocritical, 361, 534 ; one thing needful, 634, 675; pleasures of it, 391, 409, 695-97 ; revival of, hoped for, 579 ; prayed for, 747 ; vain, without love, 360; in words and deeds, 109, 115, 223. Remembrance of Christ, 477. 664. Repentance, command of God, 682; confession, &c., 523, 690; at the cross, 379, 439 ; and faith in the blood of Christ, 135 ; from God's goodness and patience, 419, 438 ; and impeni- tence, 449 ; "gives joy to heaven, 343, 696 ; justification and sanctification, 93 ; of the prodigal, 354, 696. Resignation, 251, 549-50, 711. Resolutions, holy, 244. Rest, none on earth, 459, 679 ; in heaven, 310, 426, 752. Resurrection, 650, 441 ; of Christ, 518, 664 ; of saints, 73, 75, 125, 436, 763-64. Retirement, 447, 745. Returns and backslidings, 385, 708. Revival of religion, begun, 178, 672 ; hoped for, 579 ; prayed for, Riches', 124, 304, 407, 436, Righteousness, Christ our, 342, 347, 335, 157, 302; our own insuf- ficient, 463. Rising to God, 700, 567, 380. Rock, God a, 77, 141 ; Christ a, 233 ; of ages, 668. Room for penitent sinners, I 32. SABBATH, delightful, 382, 735 (See Lord's Day); morning, 5r2 ; praver-meeting, 736 ; schools, 742-43. Sacramental. *4T4-P0, 61J-14, 663-71, 739^41, 457,422,399,391, 320-31.' Sacrifice, Christ our, 115, 457. See Christ. Safety, of the church, 93, 252, 295 ; in God, 141 ; in disease and dancer, lb3. Saints, adopted, 322, 568 ; beloved in Christ, 316 ; characterized, 71, 365; chastised, 171, 193; cheered, 718-19 ; communion with, 475 ; death and burial of, 375 ; departing, 756 ; die, but Christ lives, 205; dwell in heaven, 90, 310, 413, 649, 752; example of, 456, 533 ; no fear in death, 710 ; God their avenger, 444, 65 ; God's care of them, 102, 89, 138, 580 ; in the hands of Christ, 362; happy, 696, 547, 391 ;— in death, 301, 306, 392, 483, 755-57; here, have no abiding city, 703 ; hope of, 75; judging the world, 287; pilgrimage of, 405; pleading under chastisement, 2-51 ; safety of, 67, 412, 555, 565; — in the last day, 765 ; sleeping in Jesus, 759 ; and sin- ners, portion of, 51, 75, 110 ; trembling, encouraged, 715 ; tried and saved, 252, 565 ; warned and exhorted, 173. See Believers, Church, Christian, Death. Salvation, 427, 234, 570 ; by Christ, 179, 233, 361 : by grace, 348, 694 ; near approach of, 719 ; neglected, 393. * See Christ, Cross, Grace. 34 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Sanctijication, 98, 428, 342, 345, 453, 296. Satan, 464, 69, 346, 319. Saturday evening, 735. Saviour, 668. See Christ, God. Scriptures, Holy, 80, 236-40, 316, 446 ; efficacy of, 581 ; inspiration of, 462; law and gospel in, 446; and nature, 79: value, 582, 674. Seasons, 281, 593, 634-39. Secret devotion, 235, 447, 584, 745. Sectarian spirit rebuked, 698. Seed, sown in different grounds, 587 ; of the woman, 346, 454. Seeking Christ, 324 ; God, 93, 142. Self-dedication, 236, 422, 692; denial, 550, 700; examination, 539, 92, 270 ; righteousness, 463. Sense assisting faith, 456. Sermon, hymn before, 737; after, 738; psalm before, 195. Serpent, brazen, 349. Servants of God, safe, 565; should praise him, 573; watchful, 681, 704. Shepherd, Christ a, 324, 364 ; God a, 87, 564. Shortness of life, 185, 397. See Life. Sickness, 59, 95, 112, 229, 317. Sight of Christ, 387, 393-94, 419, 483. Simeon's song, 302, 483. Sin, abhorred, 439 ; actual and original, 133: cause of Christ's death, 423, 516 ; confessed, 99, 133, 690, 528 ; conflict of, with holiness, 541 ; conviction of, 340, 350, 528, 690 ; custom in, 466 ; dead to, by the cross, 346; deceitfulness of, 461; evil of, 388 ; folly and madness of, 463 ; fountain opened for, 689 ; indwelling, 705, 350 ; against law and gospel, 352 ; and misery not in heaven, 426 ; original, 133, 318, 508, 655 ; pardoned, 97, 345 ; prayer for power over, 706 ; release from its power, 530 ; renounced, 346 ; calf to renounce, 683 ; ruin of angels and men, 388 ; slavery of, 346, 530 ; sorrow for, 528, 690, 432, 439 ; universal, 70. Sinai and Sion, 462. Sincerity, 77, 92, 236, 270, 361, 703. Sinner, alarm to, 575, 679-83, 751, 761; awakened, 689-91; contrasted with saints, 51, 66, 75, 234, 110, 160; death of a, 645; an aged, 339; a rich, 126; entreated, 576, 684-89; ex- cluded from heaven, 678 ; hastened, 681 ; invited to Christ, 294, 357, 529, 577, 686-89 ; pleading for mercy, 578, 690 ; re- solving to go to Christ, 529 ; room for, 682 ; submitting to God, 529, 688, 690 ; vilest may be saved, 337 ; wept over, 680. Slander, 96. Slaocry, of Satan, release from, 342; of sin, 346, 530; of the world, 701. Sleeping in Jesus, 759. Sloth complained of, 389. Soldier's psalm, 79, 140. Son of God, 404 (See Christ). Sons of God, 322, 365, 316. Song, of angels, 292, 510, 657 ; of believers, Christ the, 566 ; of Ithe Christian, 571; conqueror's, 79; deliverance from dis- tress of mind, 113 ; of Hezekiah, 317 ; to the Lamb, 291 ; of Mary, 319; of Moses and the Lamb, 317; pilgrim's, 567, 702. 718 ; of Simeon, 302, 483 ; of Solomon paraphrased, 323 —331 ; of Zecharias, 314. Sorrow, godly, 379, 432, 528. See Affliction, Death. Soul, arrayed for heaven, 302-3 ; value of, 674. Sovereignty, 298. See Election, Qod, Grace. NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 55 Spirit (Sec Holy Spirit,) Spirit and flesh, 457 3 water and blood, 479. Spiritual, apparel, 302; conflicts, 541; enemies, 5G, 76; food, 994, 484; healing, 580; joy, lit; Handedness, 235, 696; sloth, 389, 394 ; warfare, 275, 421, 718 ; washing, 296, 456; waters, 294. Spring, 63-1- Star of Bethlehem, 657, 659. Storm, 94, 218 : the last, 651. Strait gate, 467. Strength, from Christ, 157, 300, 335, 489 ; from heaven, 308. Submission, to affliction, Sec, 711, 549, 293 ; pleading with, 251 1 of a sinner to God, 589 : in Christ, 428-29. Success, of the Gospel. 221, 353, 458, 616, 727 ; in life, 254. Suffering of Christ, 516, 662. See Christ Summer, 281, 636. 8m, of glory — Christ, 724 ; of righteousness, 81, 451. Support, and counsel from God, 73-4 ; for the afflicted, 136, 213. Surrender to infinite love, 610. TABLE, the Lord's, 486, 611. See Sacramental. Teachincr, of Christ, C59; of the Spirit, 240. Te Deum, 654. Temptations, complaint in, 69, 468 ; hope in, 362, 543 ; overcome, 76; of Satan, 464; support in, 56, 136, 194, 558; watchful- ness in, 542 ; three chief, 436. Tempted, Christ's compassion to, 356. Testament, new, in the blood of Christ, 475- Thankfulness, 554, 556, 208, 230, 232, 251. Thanksgiving, 593, 748, 442. Throne, of God, 192, 415; of grace, 440, 395. Thunder, 94. Tidings, good, to all people, 658. Time, the accepted, 685; importance of, 640, 678, 337, 407; short, 408 (See Life) ; swiftness of, 638. Titles of Christ, 367-73. To-day, 195, 576, 643, 681. Tongue governed, 111. Transfiguration, 660, 514. Tree of life, 478, 486. Trial, of crace, 148, 252 ; of the heart, 92, 268. Trinity praised, 395, 491, 496, 289, 574. Triumph, of Christ over our enemies, 306, 487 ; over death, 75, 294, 348 ; in God, 77 ; over temporal enemies, 78. Trust, in Christ, 345, 362, 428, 532, 536, 543, 515, 561 ; in crea- tures, vain. 141 ;' in God, 565, 57, 87, 100, 141, 552. Truth, grace, &c, 139 ; praise for, 278 ; and promises of God, 362, 410, 415; unchangeable, 181. Types of Christ, 454, 508 ; 'centre in Christ, 381. UJVBELIEF, danger of, 343 ; and envy, cured, 108 ; and im- penitence, 449 ; of Israel, 196 ; perverts the Gospel, 353 Unchangeable God, 414, 191-92, 181. Unconverted state, 466- See Sinner. Unfruitfulness, 469. Union, and peace, 260, 697; to Christ, 699; of saints on earth and in heaven, 462, 698. Unity, of God, 395, 493, 262; of spirit, 698. Unrcgenerate state, 466, 527, 463, 466, 318, 70. Unseen. Saviour, 347 ; things, 353. VANITY, of creatures, 459 ; of life and riches, 124 ; of man, 112, 1&5, 275, 334, 643 ; of religion without love, 360; of Ow world, 380 ; of youth, 338. Vcd) looking within, 456, 467. 36 NEW INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Fimgealice of God, 150, 166. Victory, of Christ over Satan, 428, 319 ; over death, 75, 348, 756; over temporal enemies, 78, 83. Virtues, Christian, 467. Vision, beatific, 719; of the Lamb, 304, 387, 419. Vows, fervent, 708 ; made in trouble, &c, 230. WAITWQ, for answer to prayer, 257 : for pardon, 90. Walking with God, 547. Wanderer entreated, 688. Wandering, affections, 385 ; thoughts, 361- Wants, God will supply, 296. War, 78. 83, 140. Warfare, spiritual, 275, 421, 541, 563, 718. Warning, to saints, 173 ; to sinners, 575, 679. See Sinners Washing, spiritual, 296, 456. Watchfulness, 704-5, 542, 272, 111. Watchful servants, 681, 704. Water, spirit, &c, 479. Waters, spiritual, 2fi4, 445. Way, Truth, &c, Christ the, 668; broad and narrow, 465, 467. WeoJmess, Christ our strength in, 300, 356. Weary souls invited, 357, 688. Weather, L47, 281. Welcome to the church, 741, 611 ; welcoming the cross, 701. Wicked, Wickedness. See Sin, Sinner. Prill, obstinate, 318. Winter, 637, 281. Wisdom, carnal, humbled, 298 ; of God, 222, 271 ; Christ the, 339, 480 ; of Providence, 64. Witness of the Spirit, 366. Word of God, Christ the, 292. See Scriptures. Wurks, of creation, 209, 263 •; of grace, 280 ; good, illustrate faith, 359 : profit men, not God, 72 ; not saving, 348, 361. World, creation of, 458 ; conversion of, 724 ; crucifixion to, 478, 398; dangerous, 380; end of, 469, 766; farewell to, 566, judged by saints, 287; slavery of, deplored, 701 ; subjected to Christ, 322 ; temptations of, 436 ; vanity of, 677. Worldly men, 125. Worship, accepted through Christ, 395; Christ present at, 382; close of, 587-8, 738"; daily, 137, 261; delight in, 143, 175, 382 ; divine condescension to, 400 ; family, 629-34; formality in, 361 ; Gospel and order, 123 ; of heaven humble, 415 ; pri- vate, 235, 447, 584, 745 ; public, 145, 175, 249, 258, 382, 737; reverence in, 181, 201 ; social, 584, 745. Worthy the Lamb, 321, 524. See Christ. Wrath, dav of, 761 ; from the judgment- seat, 64, 311 j treasured up, 679. YEAR, close of, 640 ; crowned with goodness, 148 ; new, 638, 748. Yoke of Christ, 357. Youth, advised, 339, 608 ; death of, 647 ; prayer for, 609 ; vanity of, 338. ZEAL, in the Christian race, 312, 451 ; false and true, 535 ; for God, 4 15 ; for the Gospel, 345, 376 ; and prudence, 111 j against sin, 439. Zechariah? s song, 314. Zion, 121, 103, 145, 258. 297, 309 ; afflicted, 601 ; blessedness of, 250 ; citizen of, 71 ; glorious things spoken of, 616 ; God, glory of, 419 ;— terrible to her enemies, 166; highway to, prayer for, 617 ; restoration of, 205, 622, 726, 728 ; sings, 176. See Church. THE PSALMS OF DAVID, IMITATED IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. PSALM 1. C. M. York. Canterbury. [*] TJie Way and End of the Righteous and of the Wicked. 1 T>LEST is the man who shuns the place, Jl3 Where sinners love to meet ; Who fears to tread their wicked ways. And hates the scoffer's seat : — 2 But in the statutes of the Lord, Has placed his chief delight ; By day he reads or hears the word, And meditates by night. b 3 [He. like a plant of generous kind, Bv living waters set, Safe from the storms and blasting wind. Enjoys a peaceful state.] o 4 Green as the leaf, and ever fair. Shall his profession shine ; While fruits of holiness appear, Like clusters on the vine. p 5 Not so the impious and unjust ; What vain designs they form ! d Their hopes are blown away like dust, Or chaff, before the storm, g G Sinners in judgment shall not stand Amongst the sons of grace,. When Christ the Judge, at his right hand, Appoints his saints a place. 7 [His eye beholds the path they tread, His heart approves it well ; But crooked ways of sinners lead Down to the gates of hell.] 52 PSALM I. S. M. Watchman. [*] The Saint happy, the Sinner miserable. 1 [FTJHE man is ever blest, JL Who shuns the sinner's ways ', Among their councils never stands, Nor takes the scorner's place : — 2 But makes the law of God, His study and delight, Amidst the labours of the day, And watches of the night. 3 He like a tree shall thrive, With waters near the root : Fresh as the leaf his name shall live, His works are heavenly fruit. 4 Not so th' ungodly race ; They no such blessings find : Their hopes shall flee like empty chaff Before the driving wind. 5 How will they bear to stand Before that judgment seat, Where all the saints, at Christ's right hand, In full assembly meet. G He knows, and he approves, The way the righteous go : But sinners and their works shall meet A dreadful overthrow.] L. M. Quercy. Bath. [*] Tlte Difference between the Righteous and the Wicked, 1 TXAPPY the man whose cautious feet, J-A Shun the broad way that sinners go '7 Who hates the place where atheists meet, And fears to talk as scoffers do. 2 He loves t' employ his morning light Amongst the statutes of the Lord ; And spends the wakeful hours of night, With pleasure pondering o'er the word. i 3 He, like a plant by gentle streams, Shall flourish in immortal green ; t) And heaven will shine with kindest beams, On every work his hands begin. PSALM 2. 53 e 4 But sinners find their counsels crossed : As chaff before the tempest flies, So shall their hopes be blown and lost — g When the last trumpet shakes the skies. — 5 [In vain the rebel seeks to stand, In judgment with the pious race ; e The dreadful Judge, with stern command, Divides him to a different place. d C " Straight is the way my saints have trod, I blessed the path and drew it plain ; But you would choose the crooked road ; And down it leads to endless pain."] PSALM 2. S. M. Dover. Sutton. [*] Christ dying, rising, interceding, and reigning. 1 11 TAKER, and Sovereign Lord, _LlJL Of heaven and earth and seas, Thy providence confirms thy word, " And answers thy decrees. 2 The things, so long foretold By David, are fulfilled ; When Jews and Gentiles rose to slay Jesus, thy holy child. - 3 [Why did the Gentiles rage, And Jews, with one accord. Bend all their counsels, to destroy Th' anointed of the Lord ? 4 Rulers and kings agree, To form a vain design ; Against the Lord their powers unite, Against his Christ they join. 5 The Lord derides their rage, And will support his throne : He who hath raised him from the dead Hath owned him for his Son.] 6 Now he's ascended high, And asks to rule the earth ; The merit of his blood he pleads, And pleads his heavenly birth. 5* 64 PSALM 2. — 7 He asks, and God bestows A large inheritance ; — g Far as the world's remotest ends, His kingdom shall advance1. e 8 The nations that rebel Must feel his iron rod ; o He'll vindicate those honours well, Which he received from God. e 9 [Be wise, ye rulers, now, And worship at his throne ; With trembling joy, ye people, bow To God's exalted Son. d 10 If once his wrath arise, Ye perish on the place ; o Then blessed is the soul that flies For refuge to his grace.] C. M. Bedford. St. Ann's. [*] Christ exalted and his Enemies warned. p 1 "¥7T7"HY did the nations join to slay if The Lord's anointed Son ? Why did they cast his laws away, And tread his gospel down ? — 2 The Lord, who sits above the skies, Derides their rage below ; He speaks with vengeance in his eyes, And strikes their spirits through. d 3 "I call him my eternal Son, And raise him from the dead ; I make my holy hill his throne, And wide his kingdom spread." 4 ["Ask me, my Son, and then enjoy The utmost heathen lands : Thy rod of iron shall destroy The rebel who withstands."] e 5 Be wise, ye rulers of the earth, Obey the anointed Lord ; Adore the King of heavenly birth, And tremble at his word. o 6 With humble love address his throne ; For if he frown, ye die ; —Those are secure, and those alone, Who on his grace rely. PSALM 2. 55 L. M. Bath. [*] Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. 1 [XTC7HY did the Jews proclaim their rage ? W The Romans, why their swords employ, Against the Lord their powers engage, His dear Anointed to destroy ? d 2 " Come, let us break his bands," say they, " This man shall never give us laws : — And thus they cast his yoke away, And nailed the Monarch to the cross, g 3 But God. who high in glory reigns, Laughs at their pride, their rage controls ; He'll vex their hearts with inward pains, And speak in thunder to their souls. d 4 " I will maintain the king I made, On Zions everlasting hill ; My hand shall bring him from the dead, And he shall stand your Sovereign still." o 5 (His wondrous rising from the earth, Makes his eternal Godhead known, o The Lord declares his heavenly birth ; d u This day have I begot my Son. 6 '"'Ascend, my Son, to my right hand, There thou shalt ask, and I bestow, The utmost bounds of heathen lands ; To thee the northern isles shall bow.") e 7 But nations that resist his grace, Shall fall beneath his iron stroke ; His rod shall crush his foes with ease, As potters' earthen ware is broke. PAUSE. — 8 Now, ye that sit on earthly thrones, Be wise, and serye the Lord, the Lamb j Now to his feet submit your crowns, Rejoice and tremble at his name. c 9 With humble love address the Son, Lest he grow angry, and ye die ; e His wrath will burn to worlds unknown, If ye provoke his jealousy, g 10 His storms shall drive you quick to hell ; He is a God, and ye but dust : 0 Happy the souls who know him well, And make his grace their only trust.] 56 PSALM 3. PSALM 3. C. M. Canterbury. Early. [*] Doubts and Fears suppressed ; or, God our Defence from Sin and Satan. p 1 "JVTY God, how many are my fears ! _LTJL How fast my foes increase ! — Conspiring my eternal death, They break my present peace. e 2 The lying tempter would persuade, There's no relief in heaven ; And all my swelling sins appear Too big to be forgiven. — 3 But thou, my glory and my strength, Shalt on the tempter tread ; Shalt silence all my threatening guilt, And raise my drooping head. e 4 [I cried, and from his holy hill He bowed a listening ear ; I called my Father and my God ; And he subdued my fear. 5 He shed soft slumbers on mine eyes, In spite of all my foes ; I 'woke and wondered at the grace, That guarded my repose.] g 6 What though the host of death and hell, All armed, against me stood ; Terrors no more shall shake my soul ; My refuge is my God. o 7 Arise, O Lord, fulfill thy grace, While I thy glory sing : My God has broke the serpent's teeth, And Death has lost his sting. o 8 Salvation to the'Lord belongs ; His arm alone can save : Blessings attend thy people here, And reach beyond the grave. L. M. Worship. Armley. [b] Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. — A Morning Psalm. 1 f~\ LORD, how many are my foes, V-J In this weak state of flesh and blood ! My peace they daily discompose, But my defence and hope is God. PSALM 4. 57 e 2 Tired with the burdens of the day, To thee I raised an evening cry : Thou heard'st when I began to pray, And thine almighty help was nigh. — 3 Supported by thy heavenly aid, I laid me down, and slept secure ; Not death should make my heart afraid, Though I should wake and rise no more, o 4 But God sustained me all the night : Salvation doth to God belong : He raised my head to see the light, And make his praise my morning song. PSALM 4. L. M. Green's. Islington, [b] Ver. 1, 2; 3, 5, 6, 7. — God our Portion, and Christ our Hope. 1 df~\ GOD of grace and righteousness, V-J Hear and attend, when I complain j Thou hast enlarged me in distress, Bow down a gracious ear again. 2 Ye sons of men, in vain ye try, To turn my glory into shame ; c How long will scoifers love to lie, And dare reproach my Saviour's name ? d 3 Know that the Lord divides his saints From all the tribes of men beside : e He hears the cry of penitents, For the dear sake of Christ who died. — 4 When our obedient hands have dono A thousand works of righteousness, o We put our trust in God alone, And glory in his pardoning grace. — 5 Let the unthinking many say, e " Who will bestow some earthly good ? " — But, Lord, thy light and love we pray ; Our souls desire this heavenly food. 8 6 Then shall my cheerful powers rejoice, At grace and favours so divine ; Nor will I change my happy choice, For all their corn, and all their wine. C. M. Barhy. York. [*] Ver. 3, 4, 5, 8. — An Evening Psalm. 1 T ORD, thou wilt hear me when I pray J ,1 A I am forever thine ; 53 PSALM 5. 1 fear before thee all the day, Nor would I dare to sin. e 2 And while I rest ray weary head, From cares and business free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my bed, With my own heart and thee. — 3 I pay this evening sacrifice : And when my work is done, Great God, my faith, my hope relies Upon thy grace alone. 4 Thus with my thoughts composed to peace, I'll give mine eyes to sleep ; Thy hand in safety keeps my days, And will my slumbers keep. PSALM 5. C. M. Reading. Sunday, [b] For the Lord's Day Morning. 1 T ORD, in the morning thou shalt hear 1 A My voice ascending high ; To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone, To plead for all his saints, Presenting at his Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. e 3 Thou art a God, before whose sight The wicked shall not stand ; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. o 4 But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there ; I will frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. — 5 O may thy Spirit guide my feet, In ways of righteousness ; Make every path of duty straight, And plain before my face. (5 [My watchful enemies combine, To tempt my feet astray ; They flatter with a base design, To make my soul their prey. PSALM 6. 59 7 Lord, crush the serpent in the dust, And all his plots destroy ; While those that in thy mercy trust, Forever shout for joy. 8 The men who love and fear thy name, iShall see their hopes fulfilled ; The mighty God will compass them, With favour as a shield.] PSALM 6. C. M. Wantage, [b] Complaint in Sickness ; or, Diseases healed. e 1 TN anger. Lord, rebuke me not ; A. "Withdraw the dreadful storm : Nor let thy fury burn so hot, Against a feeble worm. p 2 My soul's bowed down with heavy cares, My flesh with pain oppressed : My couch is witness to my tears, My tears forbid my rest. 3 Sorrow and pain wear out my days ; 1 waste the night with cries, Counting the minutes as they pass, Till the slow morning rise. 4 Shall I be still tormented more ? Mine e}res consumed with grief; How long, my God, how long, before Thine hand afford relief? — 5 He hears when dust and ashes speak, He pities all our groans ; He saves us for his mercy's sake, And heals our broken bones. o G The virtue of his sovereign word Restores our fainting breath : e For silent graves praise not the Lord, Nor is he known in death. L. M. Dresden. Pleyel [b] Temptations in Sickness overcome. 1 [~jT ORD, I can suffer thy rebukes, -I A When thou with kindness dost chastise ; But thy fierce wrath I cannot bear, O let it not against me rise. 60 PSALM 7. 2 Pity my languishing estate, And ease the sorrows that I feel ; The wounds thine heavy hand hath made ; 0 let thy gentler touches heal. 3 See how I pass my weary days, In sighs and groans ; and when 'tis night, My bed is watered with my tears ; My grief consumes and dims my sight. 4 Look, how the powers of nature mourn ! How long, Almighty God, how long ? When shall thine hour of grace return ? When shall I make thy grace my song ? 5 I feel my flesh so near the grave, My thoughts are tempted to despair ; But graves can never praise the Lord, For all is dust and silence there. 6 Depart, ye tempters, from my soul, And all despairing thoughts depart ; My God, who hears my humble moan, Will ease my flesh, and cheer my heart.] PSALM 7. C. M. Bedford, [b] God's Care of his People against Persecutors. 1 "JVTY trust is in my Heavenly Friend, _LYJL My hope in thee, my God : o Rise, and my helpless life defend, From those who seek my blood, d 2 With insolence and fury they My soul in pieces tear : As hungry lions rend the prey, When no deliverer's near. — 3 If I have e'er provoked them first, Or once abused my foe ; Then let him tread my life to dust, And lay mine honour low. c 4 If there were malice found in me, (I know thy piercing eyes,) I should not dare appeal to thee, Nor ask my God to rise. © 5 Arise, my God, lift up thy hand, Their pride and power control ; Awake to judgment, and command Deliverance for my soul. PSALM 8. 61 PAUSE. d 6 [Let sinners, and their wicked rage, Be humbled to the dust ; Shall not the God of truth engage To vindicate the just ? — 7 He knows the heart, he tries the reins, He will defend th' upright ; His sharpest arrows he ordains, Against the sons of spite. — 8 For me their malice digged a pit, But there themselves are cast ; My God makes all their mischief light On their own heads at last. c 9 That cruel persecuting race Must feel his dreadful sword : o Awake, my soul, and praise the grace, And justice of the Lord.] PSALM 8. S. M. St. Thomas. [*] God's Condescension in conferring Honour upon Man. 1 f\ LORD, our Heavenly King, V^J Thy name is all divine ; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heavens they shine. 2 When to thy works on high, I raise my wondering eyes, And see the moon complete in light, Adorn the darksome skies ; — 3 When I survey the stars, And all their shining forms, Lord, what is man, that worthless thing, Akin to dust and worms ? 4 Lord, what is worthless man ; That thou should 'st love him so ? g Next to thine angels is he placed, And lord of all below. — 5 Thine honours crown his head, While beasts like slaves obey, And birds that cut the air with wings, And fish that cleave the sea. O 6 How rich thy bounties are ! And wondrous are thy ways : 62 PSALM 8. o Of dust and worms thy power can frame A monument of praise. — 7 [Out of the mouths of babes And sucklings, thou canst draw Surprising honours to thy name ; And strike the world with awe. o 8 O Lord, our heavenly King, Thy name is all divine : g Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heavens they shine.] C. M. Mear. [*] Christ's Condescension and Glorification. 1 [4~\ LORD, our Lord, how wondrous great \jr Is thine exalted name ! o The glories of thy heavenly state Let men and babes proclaim. — 2 When I behold thy works on high, The moon that rules the night, And stars that well adorn the sky, Those moving worlds of light ; — e 3 Lord, what is man, or all his race, Who dwells so far below, That thou should'st visit him with grace, And love his nature so ! 4 That thine eternal Son should bear, To take a mortal form ; p Made lower than his angels are, To save a dying worm. — 5 Yet, while he lived on earth unknown, And men woiild not adore ; Th' obedient seas and fishes own o His Godhead and his power. g 6 The waves lay spread beneath his feet And fish at his command, Bring their large shoals to Peter's net ; Bring tribute to his hand. 7 These lesser glories of the Son, Shone through the fleshy cloud ; e Now we behold him on his throne, And men confess him God. PSALM 8. 63 o 8 Let Him be crowned with majesty, Who bowed his head to death ; o And be his honours sounded high, By all things that have breath. e 9 Jesus r our Lord, how wondrous great Is thine exalted name ! g The glories of thy heavenly state, Let the whole earth proclaim.] L. M. First Part. Blendon. Bath. [*] Ver. 1, 2, paraphrased. — Children praising God. 1 A LMIGHTY Ruler of the skies, _TJl Through the wide earth thy name is spread ; g And thine eternal glories rise, O'er all the heavens thy hands have made. — 2 To thee the voices of the }Toung A monument of honour raise ; e And babes, with uninstructed tongue, o Declare the wonders of thy praise. — 3 Thy power assists their tender age, To brine* proud rebels to the ground ; To still Ihe bold blasphemer's rage, And all their policies confound, o 4 Children amidst thy temple throng, To see their great Redeemer's face ; The Son of David is their song, And young hosannas fill the place. e 5 The frowning scribes and angry priests In vain their impious cavils bring : Revenge sits silent in their breasts, o While Jewish babes proclaim their King. L. M. Second Part. Quercy. Moreton. [#] Ver. 3, &c. paraphrased. Adam and Christ, Lords of the old and new Creation, e 1 T ORD, what was man, when made at first, I A Adam, the offspring of the dust, That thou should'st set him and his race But just below an angel's place ? 2 That thou should'st raise his nature so, And make him lord of all below ; Make every beast and bird submit, And lay the fishes at his feet ? 64 PSALM 9. o 3 But O what brighter glories wait, To crown the second Adam's state ! o What honours shall thy Son adorn, Who condescended to be born ! e 4 See him below his angels made ! p See him in dust among the dead, — — To save a ruined world from sin ! o But he shall reign with power divine, g 5 The world to come, redeemed from all The miseries that attend the fall, New made, and glorious, shall submit At our exalted Saviour's feet. PSALM 9. C. M. First Part. Mear. [*] Wrath and Mercy from the Judgment Seat. 1 TXTITH my whole heart, I'll raise my song, W Thy wonders I'll proclaim ; Thou, sovereign Judge of right and wrong, Wilt put my foes to shame. 2 I'll sing thy majesty and grace ; My God prepares his throne, To judge the world in righteousness, And make his vengeance known. 3 Then shall the Lord a refuge prove For all who are oppressed ; To save the people of his love, And give the weary rest. e 4 The men who know thy name, will trust In thy abundant grace j For thou hast ne'er forsook the just, Who humbly seek thy face. o 5 Sing praises to the righteous Lord, Who dwells on Zion's hill ; Who executes his threatening word, And doth his grace fulfill. C. M. Second Part. Colchester. [*] Verse 12. — Tlie Wisdom and Equity of Providence. 1 "TTITHEN the great Judge supreme and just, W Shall once inquire for blood, The humble souls who mourn in dust, Shall find a faithful God. o 2 He from the dreadful gates of death Does his own children raise • PSALM 10. 65 In Zion's gates with cheerful breath, They sing their Father's praise. 3 His foes shall fall, with heedless feet, Into the pit they made ; And sinners perish in the net, That their own hands have spread. 4 [Thus, by thy judgments, mighty God, Are thy deep counsels known ; When men of mischief are destroyed, The snare must be their own. PAUSE. d 5 The wicked shall sink down to hell ; Thy wrath devour the lands That dare forget thee, or rebel Against thy known commands.] — 6 Though saints to sore distress are brought, And wait and long complain ; Their cries shall never be forgot, Nor shall their hopes be vain. o 7 Rise, great Redeemer, from thy seat, To judge and save the poor ; g Let nations tremble at thy feet, And man prevail no more. 8 [Thy thunder shall affright the proud, And put their hearts to pain ; Make them confess that thou art God, p And they but feeble men.] PSALM 10. C. M. Reading, [b] Prayer heard, and Saints saved from the Wicked. p 1 TT7HY does the Lord stand off so far ! \ V And why conceal his face, When orreat calamities appear, And times of deep distress ? e 2 Lord, shall the wicked still deride Thy justice and thy power 5 Shall they advance their heads in pride, And still thy saints devour ? 3 [They put thy judgments from their sight, And then insult the poor : They boast in their exalted height, That they shall fall no more.] G* 66 PSALM 11. o 4 Arise, O Lord, lift up thy hand, Attend our humble cry ; No enemy shall dare to stand, When God ascends on high. PAUSE. 5 [Why do the men of malice rage, And say, with foolish pride, d " The God of heaven will ne'er engage, " To fight on Ziorts side." — 6 But thou forever art our Lord ; And powerful is thine hand, As when the heathen felt thy sword, And perished from thy land.] o 7 Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray, And cause thine ear to hear ; Hearken to what thy children say, And put the world in fear. — 8 Proud tyrants shall no more oppress, No more despise the just ; And mighty sinners shall confess They are but earth and dust. PSALM 11. L. M. Psalm 97. Geneva, [b] God loves the Righteous, and abhors the Wicked. 1 lVTY refuge is the God of love ; J_TJL Why do my foes insult and cry, — d " Fly, like a timorous trembling dove, " To distant woods or mountains fly ? " e 2 If government be once destroyed, (That firm foundation of our peace,) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress ? g 3 The Lord in heaven has fixed his throne, His eye surveys the world below : To him all mortal things are known, His eyelids search our spirits through. —4 If he afflicts his saints so far, To prove their love, and try their grace ; What may the bold transgressors fear ? His very soul abhors their ways. g 5 On impious wretches he will rain Tempests of brimstone, fire, and death • PSALM 12. 67 Such as he kindled on the plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. — 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere j And with a gracious eye beholds The men who his own image bear. PSALM 12. L. M. Bath. [*] Saint's Safety and Hope in Evil Times. 1 [T ORD, if thou dost not soon appear, ■ I A Virtue and truth will fly away ; A faithful man amongst us here, Will scarce be found, if thou delay. 2 The whole discourse, when neighbours meet, Is filled with trifles, loose and vain ; Their lips are flattery and deceit, And their proud language is profane. 3 But lips that with deceit abound, Shall not maintain their triumph long ; The God of vengeance will confound Their flattering and blaspheming tongue. d 4 u Yet shall our words be free," they cry ; u Our tongues shall be controlled by none } " Where is the Lord will ask us why ? " Or say our lips are not our own ? " —5 The Lord, who sees the poor oppressed, And hears th' oppressor's haughty strain, o Will rise to give his children rest, — Nor shall they trust his word in vain. — 6 Thy word, O Lord, though often tried. Void of deceit shall still appear ; Not silver, seven times purified, From dross and mixture shines so clear. o 7 Thy grace shall in the darkest hour Defend the holy soul from harm ; C Though when the vilest men have power, On every side will sinners swarm.] C. M. Plymouth, [b] General Corruption of Manners. 1LP, Lord ! for men of Religion loses ground ; H 68 PSALM 13. The sons of violence prevail, And treacheries abound. e 2 Their oaths and promises they break, Yet act the flatterer's part ; With fair deceitful lips they speak, And with a double heart. 3 [If we reprove some hateful lie, How is their fury stirred ! d " Are not our lips our own," they cry ; " And who shall be our Lord ? "] 4 Scoffers appear on every side, Where a vile race of men Is raised to seats of power and pride, And bears the sword in vain. 5 Lord, when iniquities abound, And blasphemy grows bold, When faith is hardly to be found, And love is waxing cold ; — o C Is not thy chariot hastening on ? Hast thou not given the sign ? May we not trust and live upon A promise so divine ? d 7 [" Yes," saith the Lord, " now will I rise, " And make oppressors flee ; " I shall appear to their surprise, " And set my servants free."] g 8 Thy word like silver seven times tried, Through ages shall endure ; The men who in thy truth confide, Shall find thy promise sure. PSALM 13. L. M. PleyeVs. Armley. [b] Pleading under Desertion ; or, Hope in Darkness. p 1 TTOW long, O Lord, shall I complain, JL J- Like one who seeks his God in vain ? Canst thou thy face forever hide, And I still pray and be denied ? 2 Shall I forever be forgot, As one whom thou regardest not ? Still shall my soul thine absence mourn, And still despair of thy return ? PSALM 13. 60 3 How long shall my poor troubled breast Be with these anxious thoughts oppressed ? And Satan, my malicious foe, .Rejoice to see me sunk so low. — 4 Hear, Lord, and grant me quick relief, Before my death conclude my grief; e If thou withhold thy heavenly light, I sleep in everlasting night. — 5 How will the powers of darkness boast, If but one praying soul be lost ? O But I have trusted in thy grace, And shall again behold thy face. — G Whate'er my fears or foes suggest, Thou art my hope, my joy, my rest : o My heart shall feel thy love, and raise My cheerful voice to songs of praise. C. M. Plymouth, [b] Complaint under Temptations. 1 [TTOW long wilt thou conceal thy face ? 11 My God, how long delay ? When shall I feel those heavenly rays, That chase my fears away ? 2 How long shall my poor labouring soul Wrestle and toil in vain ? Thy word can all my foes control, And ease my raging pain. 3 See how the prince of darkness tries All his malicious arts ! He spreads a mist around my eyes, And throws his fiery darts. 0 4 Be thou my sun, and thou my shield ; My soul in safety keep ; Make haste, before mine eyes are sealed In death's eternal sleep. 5 How would the tempter boast aloud, If I become his prey ! Behold the sons of hell grow proud At thy so long delay. 0 6 But they shall fly at thy rebuke, And Satan hide his head ; He knows the terrors of thy look, And hears thy voice with dread, 70 PSALM 14. o 7 Thou wilt display that sovereign grace, Where all my hopes have hung ; I shall employ my lips in praise, And victory shall be sung.] PSALM 14. C. M. First Part. Reading, [b] By Nature all Men are Sinners. 1 TTIOOLS, in their hearts, believe and say, J. " That all religion's vain ; " There is no God who reigns on high, " Or minds th' affairs of men." 2 From thoughts so dreadful and profane, Corrupt discourse proceeds ; And in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. 3 The Lord, from his celestial throne, Looked down on things below, To find the man who sought his grace, Or did his justice know. 4 By nature all are gone astray, Their practice all the same : There's none who fears his Maker's hand ; There's none who loves his name. 5 Their tongues are used to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease ; How swift to mischief are their feet, Nor know the paths of peace. G Such seeds of sin, that bitter root, In every heart are found ; Nor can they bear diviner fruit, Till grace refine the ground. Plymouth. C. M. Second Part. Reading, [b] The Folly of Persecutors. 1 [ A RE sinners now so senseless grown, _ZjL That they the saints devour? And never worship at thy throne, Nor fear thine awful power ? 2 Great God, appear, to their surprise, Reveal thy dreadful name ; Let them no more thy wrath despise, Nor turn our hopes to shame. e 3 Dost thou not dwell among the just ? — And yet our foes deride, PSALM 15. 71 That we should make thy name our trust ; d Great God, confound their pride. o 4 O that the joyful day were come, To finish our distress ! o When God shall bring his children home, Our song shall never cease.] PSALM 15. C. M. St. Martin's. [*] Character of a Citizen of Zion. 1 ["\T7"HO shall inhabit in thy hill, \V O God of holn Whom will the Lord admit to dwell So near his throne of grace ? 2 The man who walks in pious ways, And works with pious hands ? Who trusts his Maker's promises, And follows his commands. 3 He speaks the meaning of his heart, Not slanders with his tongue ; Will scarce believe an ill report, Not do his neighbour wrong. 4 The wealthy sinner he contemns, Loves all who fear the Lord ! And though to his own hurt he swears, Still he performs his word. 5 His hands disdain a srolden bribe, And never gripe the poor : This man shall dwell with God on earth, And find his heaven secure.] L. M. Leeds. Oporto. [*] Duties to God and Man; or. the Christian. e 1 "TT7"HO shall ascend thy heavenly place, ▼ V Great God. and dwell before thy face ? — The man who minds religion now, And humbly walks with God below : 2 Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean; Whose lips still speak the thing they mean ; No slanders dwell upon his tongue : He hates to do his neighbour wrong. 3 [Scarce will he trust an ill report, Nor vent it to his neighbour's hurt : Sinners of state he can despise, But saints are honoured in his eyes.] 72 PSALM 16. 4 [Firm to his word he ever stood, And always makes his promise good : Nor dares to change the thing he swears, Whatever pain or loss he bears.] 5 [He never deals in bribing gold, And mourns that justice should be sold ; While others gripe and grind the poor, Sweet charity attends his door.] c 6 He loves his enemies, and prays For those who curse him to his face ; — And does to all men still the same That he would hope or wish from them. 7 Yet when his holiest works are done, His soul depends on grace alone : — o This is the man thy face shall see, And dwell forever, Lord, with thee. PSALM 16. L. M. First Part. Shod, [b] Good Works profit Men, not God. e 1 T>RESERVE me, Lord, in time of need; 3L For succour to thy throne I flee, But have no merits there to plead ; My goodness cannot reach to thee. c 2 Oft have my heart and tongue confessed, How empty and how poor I am ; My praise can never make thee blessed, Nor add new glories to thy name : — 3 Yet, Lord, thy saints on earth may reap Some profit by the good we do ; These are the company I keep, These are the choicest friends I knoAV. 4 Let others choose the sons of mirth, To give a relish to their wine ; 1 love the men of heavenly birth, Whose thoughts and language are divine. L. M. Second Part. Green's. [*] Christ's Ml-svfficiency. 1 TTOW fast their guilt and sorrows rise, JLjL Who haste to seek some idol god ; I will not taste their sacrifice, Their offerings of forbidden blood. PSALM 16. 2 My God provides a richer cup, And nobler food to live upon ; He for my life has oflered up Jesus, his best beloved Son. 3 His love is my perpetual feast ; By day his counsels guide me right : And be his name forever blessed, Who gives me sweet advice by night. 4 I set him still before mine eyes , At my right hand he stands prepared, To keep my soul from all surprise, And be my everlasting guard.] L. M. Third Part. Moreton. Quercy. [*] Courage in Death, and Hope of the Resurrection. 1 "TX7HEN God is nigh, my faith is strong, V V His arm is my almighty prop ; o Be glad, my heart, rejoice, my tongue, e My dying flesh shall rest in hope. 2 Though in the dust I lay my head ; Yet, gracious God, thou wilt not leave My soul forever with the dead, Nor lose thy children in the grave. —3 My flesh shall thy first call obey, Shake off the dust, and rise on high ; Then shalt thou lead the wondrous way, Up to thy throne above the sky. o 4 There streams of endless pleasure flow ', And full discoveries of thy grace (Which we but tasted here below) Spread heavenly joys through all the place. C. ML First Part. Abridge. Barby. [*] Ver. 1 — 3. — Support and Counsel from God. 1 [QAVE me, O Lord, from every foe ; lO In thee my trust I place : Though all the good which I can do, Can ne'er deserve thy grace. 2 Yet, if my God prolong my breath, The saints may profit by't; The saints, the glory of the earth. The men of my delight.] 7 74 PSALM 16. And worship wood or stone ; But my delightful lot is cast, Where the true God is known. 4 His hand provides my constant food, He fills my daily cup ; Much am I pleased with present good, But more rejoice in hope. 5 God is my portion and my joy ; His counsels are my light ; He gives me sweet advice by day, And gentle hints by night. 6 My soul would all her thoughts approve To his all-seeing eye ; Not death, nor hell, my hopes shall move, While such a friend is nigh. C. M. Second Part. Sunday. Doxology. [*] The Death and Resurrection of Christ. d 1 [T SET the Lord before my face, -L " He bears my courage up ; " My heart and tongue their joys express, " My flesh shall rest in hope. 2 " My spirit, Lord, thou wilt not leave, " Where souls departed are ; " Nor quit my body to the grave, " To see corruption there. 3 " Thou wilt reveal the path of life, " And raise me to thy throne ; " Thy courts immortal pleasure give, " Thy presence joys unknown." 4 Thus in the name of Christ the Lord, The holy David sung, And Providence fulfills the word Of his prophetic tongue.] p 5 Jesus, whom every saint adores, Was crucified and slain : o Behold, the tomb its prey restores ! Behold, he lives again ! — 6 When shall my feet arise and stand On heaven's eternal hills ? o There sits the Son at God's right hand, And there the Father smiles. PSALM 17. 75 PSALM 17. S. M. Pcckham. [*] V. 13, &c. — Portion of Saints and of Sinner* 1 A RISE, my gracious God, J\. And make the wicked flee ; Tliev are but thy chastising rod, To drive thy saints to thee. p 2 Behold, the sinner dies, His haughty words are vain ; Here — in tins life his pleasure lies, And all beyond is pain. e 3 Then let his pride advance, And boast of all his store ; — The Lord is my inheritance, My soul can wish no more. o 4 1 shall behold the face Of my forgiving God ; And stand complete in righteousness, Washed in my Saviour's blood, s 5 There's a new heaven begun, When I awake from death — Dressed in the likeness of thy Son, And draw immortal breath. L. M. Islington. [*] TJie Saint's Hope; or, the Resurrection. 1 [T ORD, I am thine : but thou wilt prove I A My faith, my patience, and my love : When men of spite against me join, They are the sword, the hand is thine. 2 Their hope and portion lie below ; 'Tis all the happiness they know ; 'Tis all they seek ; they take their shares, And leave the rest among their heirs.] 3 What sinners value, I resign ; Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine : o I shall behold thy blissful face, And stand complete in righteousness. p 4 This life's a dream, an empty show; — But the bright world to which I go — o Hath joys substantial and sincere ; c When shall I wake and find me there ? — 5 O glorious hour ! O blest abode ! I shall be near, and like my God ! 76 PSALM 18. And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. a 6 My flesh shall slumber in the ground, — Till the last trumpet's joyful sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. PSALM 18. L. M. First Part. Green's. [*] Ver. 1—6, 15—18. Deliverance from Despair ; or, Temptations overcome. 1 rpHEE will I love, O Lord, my strength, JL My rock, my tower, my high defence ; Thy mighty arm shall be my trust, For I have found salvation thence. e 2 Death, and the terrors of the grave, Stood round me with their dismal shade ; While floods of high temptation rose, And made my sinking soul afraid. e 3 I saw the opening gates of hell, With endless pains and sorrows there ; Which none, but they that feel, can tell, While I was hurried to despair. 4 In my distress I called my God, When I could scarce believe him mine ; — He bowed his ear to my complaint j o Then did his grace appear divine. 5 [With speed he flew to my relief; As on a cherub's wing he rode ; Awful and bright, as lightning, shone The face of my deliverer God.] o 6 Temptations fled at his rebuke, The blast of his almighty breath ; He sent salvation from on high, And drew me from the depths of death. 7 [Great were my fears, my foes were great ; Much was their strength, and more their rage ; But Christ, my Lord, is conqueror still, In all the wars that devils wage.] s 8 My song forever shall record That terrible, that joyful hour ; And give the glory to the Lord, Due to his mercy and his power. PSALM 18. 77 L. M. Second Part. Armley. [b] V. 20 — 2(3. — Sincerity proved and rcicarded. 1 ~|[~ ORD, thou hast seen my soul sincere, I A Hast made thy truth and love appear ; Before mine eyes 1 set thy laws, And thou hast owned my righteous cause. 2 [Since I have learned thy holy ways, I've walked upright before thy face : Or if my feet did e"er depart, 'Twas never with a wicked heart.] p 3 What sore temptations broke my rest ! e What wars and stragglings in my breast ! — But. through thy grace that reigns within, 1 guard against my darling sin. 4 The sin that close besets me still, That works and strives against my will ; r When shall thy Spirit's sovereign power Destroy it, that it rise no more ? — 5 With an impartial hand, the Lord Deals out to mortals their reward : The kind and faithful soul shall find A God as faithful and as kind. 6 The just and pure shall ever say, Thou art more pure, more just than they ; o And men who love revenge shall know, u God hath an arm of vengeance too. L. M. Third Part. Quercy. Nantwich. [*" Vex. 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, &c. Rejoicing in God ; or, Salvation and Triumph. 1 "FUST are thy ways, and true thy word, e *s Great Rock of my secure abode } g Who is a God beside the Lord ? — Or where "s a refuge like our God ? — 2 'Tis he who girds me with his might, Gives me his holy sword to wield ; And\ while with sin and hell I fight, Spreads his salvation for my shield. o 3 He lives, (and blessed be my Rock,) The God of my salvation lives ; The dark designs of hell are broke ; e Sweet is the peace my Father gives. 78 PSALM 18. — 4 Before the scoffers of the age, I will exalt my Father's name ; Nor tremble at their mighty rage, But meet reproach and bear the shame. 5 To David and his royal seed, Thy grace forever shall extend ; Thy love to saints, in Christ their head, Knows not a limit, nor an end. C. M. First Part. Mear. [*] Victory and Triumph over Temporal Enemies. 1 "\7f7E love thee, Lord, and we adore j tt Now is thine arm revealed ; Thou art our strength, our heavenly tower, Our bulwark and our shield. o 2 We fly to our eternal Rock, And find a sure defence ; — His holy name our lips invoke, And draw salvation thence. o 3 When God our leader shines in arms, What mortal heart can bear g The thunder of his loud alarms ? The lightning of his spear ? — 4 He rides upon the winged wind, And angels in array, In millions wait to know his mind, o And swift as flames obey. — 5 He speaks — and at his fierce rebuke, Whole armies are dismayed ; His voice, his frown, his angry look, o Strikes all their courage dead. — 6 He forms our generals for the field, With all their dreadful skill ; Gives them his awful sword to wield, And makes them hearts of steel. 7 [He arms our captains to the fight, Though there his name's forgot j He girded Cyrus with his might, But Cyrus knew him not.] 8 Oft has the Lord whole nations blest, For his own churches' sake ; The powers that give his people rest, Shall of his care partake. PSALM 19. 79 C. M. Second Part. Arundel. [*] The Conqueror 's Song. 1 [r 1 \0 thine almighty arm we owe JL The triumplis of the day ; Thy terrors, Lord, confound the foe, And melt their strength away. 2 'Tis by thy aid our troops prevail, And break united powers ; Or burn their boasted fleets, or scale The proudest of their towers. 3 How have we chased them through the field, And trod them to the ground ; While thy salvation was our shield, But they no shelter found ! e 4 In vain to idol saints they cry, And perish in their blood : — Where is a rock so great, so high, So powerful, as our God ? o 5 The Rock of Israel ever lives, His name be ever blest ; o 'Tis his own arm the victory gives, And gives his people rest. 6 On kings that reign as David did, He pours his blessings down ; Secures their honours to their seed, And well supports their crown.] PSALM 19. SM.lsfPT.Watc7iman.Sutton.[*] The Book of Nature and the Scriptures. EHOLD, the lofty sky B Declares its maker God ; And all his starry works on high Proclaim his power abroad. 2 The darkness and the light Still keep their course the same ; While night to day, and day to night, Divinely teach his name. 3 In every different land, Their general voice is known ; They show the wonders of his hand, And orders of his throne. 80 PSALM 19. o 4 Ye Christian lands, rejoice, Here he reveals his word ; We are not left to nature's voice. To bid us know the Lord. 5 His statutes and commands Are set before our eyes ; He puts his gospel in our hands, Where our salvation lies. 6 His laws are just and pure, His truth without deceit, His promises forever sure, And his rewards are great. — 7 [Not honey to the taste Affords so much delight ; Nor gold that has the furnace passed, So much allures the sight. o 8 While of thy works I sing, Thy glory to proclaim ; Accept the praise, my God, my King, In my Redeemer's name.] S. M. Second Part. Dover. Pclham. [*] God's Word most excellent ; or, Holy Fear. 1 ["OEHOLD the morning sun -£3 Begins his glorious way ; His beams through all the nations run, And life and light convey. 2 But where the gospel comes, It spreads diviner light ; It calls dead sinners from their tombs, And gives the blind their sight.] 3 How perfect is thy word ! And all thy judgments just ; Forever sure thy promise, Lord, And men securely trust. 4 My gracious God, how plain Are thy directions given ! O may I never read in vain, But find the path to heaven. 5 I hear thy word with love, And I would fain obey ; PSALM 19. 81 Send thy good Spirit from above To guide me, lest I stray. G O who can ever find The errors of his ways ? e Yet with a bold presumptuous mind, I would not dare transgress. 7 Warn me of every sin, Forgive my secret faults, And cleanse this guilty soul of mine, Whose crimes exceed my thoughts. — 8 While, with my heart and tongue, I spread thy praise abroad ; Accept the worship and the song, My Saviour and my God. L. M. Green's. Leeds. [*] JVaturc and Scripture compared. 1 TT1HE heavens declare thy glory, Lord, _L In every star thy wisdom shines ; O But when our eyes behold thy word, We read thy name in fairer lines. — 2 The rolling sun, the changing light. And nights and days thy power confess ; o But the blest volume thou hast writ Reveals thy justice and thy grace. — 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey thy praise, Round the whole earth, and never stand ; o So when thy truth began its race. It touched and glanced on every land. o 4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest, Till through the world thy truth has run ; Till Christ has all the nations blest, That see the light, or feel the sun. e 5 Great Sun of Righteousness, arise ; — Bless the dark world with heavenly light ; Thy gospel makes the simple wise, Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right. g 6 Thy noblest wonders here we view, In souls renewed, and sins forgiven : Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew, And make thy word my guide to heaven. 82 PSALM 19. P. M. Cumberland [*] The Book of Nature and Scripture. 1 [/^ REAT God, the heaven's well ordered frame VJT Declares the glories of thy name ; There thy rich works of wonder shine : A thousand starry beauties there, A thousand radiant marks appear Of boundless power and skill divine. 2 From night to day, from day to night, The dawning and the dying light, Lectures of heavenly wisdom read ; With silent eloquence they raise Our thoughts to our Creator's praise, And neither sound nor language need. o 3 Yet their divine instructions run, Far as the journeys of the sun ; And every nation knows their voice : The sun, like some young bridegroom dressed, Breaks from the chambers of the east ; Rolls round and makes the earth rejoice. g 4 Where'er he spreads Ms beams abroad, He smiles and speaks his Maker God ; All nature joins to show thy praise : Thus God in every creature shines : — Fair is the book of nature's lines; But fairer is the book of grace.] PAUSE. b 5 I love the volumes of thy word ; — What light and joy these leaves afford e To souls benighted and distressed ! — Thy precepts guide my doubtful way, Thy fear forbids my feet to stray, Thy promise leads my heart to rest. 6 From the discoveries of thy law, The perfect rules of life I draw ; These are my study and delight : b Not honey so invites the taste, Nor gold that has the furnace passed, Appears so pleasing to the sight. e 7 Thy threatenings wake my slumbering eyes, And warn me where my danger lies ; o But 'tis thy blessed gospel, Lord, PSALM 20. 83 That makes my guilty conscience clean, Converts my soul, subdues my sin, And gives a free, but large reward. c 8 Who knows the errors of his thoughts ? My God, forgive my secret faults, And from presumptuous sins restrain : — Accept my poor attempts of praise, That I have read thy book of g race And book of nature not in vain. PSALM 20. L. M. Blendon. [*] Prayer and Hope of Victory. 1 "JVTOW may the God of power and grace A-\ Attend his people's humble cry ! Jehovah hears when Israel prays, And brings deliverance from on high. 2 The name of Jacob's God defends, Better than shields or brazen walls ; He from his sanctuary sends Succour and strength when Zion calls. c 3 Well he remembers all our sighs, His love exceeds our best deserts ; His love accepts the sacrifice — Of humble groans and broken hearts. o 4 In his salvation is our hope ; And in the name of Israel's God, Our troops shall lift their banners up, Our navies spread their flags abroad. — 5 Some trust in horses trained for war, And some of chariots make their boasts , o Our surest expectations are From thee, the Lord of heavenly hosts. 6 [O may the memory of thy name Inspire our armies for the fight ! d Our foes shall fall and die with shame, Or quit the field with shameful flight.] — 7 Now save us, Lord, from slavish fear, Now let our hope be firm and strong ; o Till thy salvation shall appear, s And joy and triumph raise the song. 84 PSALM 21. - PSALM 21. C. M. Sunday. [*] Our Country the Care of Heaven. 1 [^~^UR land, O Lord, with songs of praise \J Shall in thy strength rejoice ; And, blest with thy salvation, raise To heaven their cheerful voice. 2 Thy sure defence, through nations round, Has spread our wondrous name ; And our successful actions crowned With dignity and fame. 3 Then let our land on God alone For timely aid rely ; His mercy, which adorns his throne, Shall all our wants supply. 4 But, righteous Lord, thy stubborn foes Shall feel thy dreadful hand ; Thy vengeful arm shall find out those Who hate all just command. 5 When thou against them dost engage, Thy just but dreadful doom Shall, like a fiery oven's rage, Their hopes and them consume. 6 Thus, Lord, thy wondrous power declare, And thus exalt thy fame ; Whilst we glad songs of praise prepare For thine almighty name.] L. M. Castlestreet. [*] V. 1 — 9. Christ exalted to the Kingdom. 1 TH|AVID rejoiced in God his strength, _i_J' Raised to the throne by special grace ) O But Christ the Son appears at length, Fulfills the triumphs and the praise. — 2 How great is the Messiah's joy, In the salvation of thy hand ! g Lord, thou hast raised his kingdom high, And given the world to his command. ■ — 3 Thy goodness grants whate'er he will, Nor does the least request withhold \ Blessings of love prevent him still, And crowns of glory, not of gold. g 4 Honour and majesty divine Around his sacred temples shine, PSALM 22. 85 Blest with the favour of thy face, And length of everlasting days. e 5 [Thine hand shall find out all his foes, And as the fiery oven oflows. With raging heat and living coals, So shall thy wrath devour their souls.] PSALM 22. C. M. First Part. Canterbury, V. 1 — 16. The Sufferings and Death of Christ. 1 [TT7"HY ^as m^" ^°^ ml~ sou* f°rs0°k> V V Nor will a smile afford ? (Thus David once in anguish spoke, And thus our dying Lord.) 2 Though 'tis my chief delight to dwell Among thy praising saints ; Yet thou canst hear a groan as veil, And pity our complaints. 3 Our fathers trusted in thy name, And great deliverance found : But I'm a worm despised of men, And trodden to the ground. 4 Shaking the head, they pass me by, And laugh my soul to scorn ; u In vain fie trusts in God," they cry, " Neglected and forlorn." 5 But thou art he who formed my flesh, By thine almighty word ; And since I hung upon the breast, My hope is in the Lord. 6 Why will my Father hide his face, When foes stand threatening round, In the dark hour of deep distress, And not a helper found ? 7 Behold thy darling left among The cruel and the proud ; As bulls of Bashan fierce and strong, As lions roaring loud. 8 From earth and hell my sorrows meet, To multiply the smart ; They nail my hands, they pierce my feet, And try to vex my heart. 8 86 PSALM 22. 9 Yet if thy sovereign hand let loose The rage of earth and hell ; Why will my heavenly Father bruise The Son he loves so well ? 10 My God, if possible it be, Withhold this bitter cup : But I resign my will to thee, And drink the sorrows up. 11 My heart dissolves in pangs unknown; In groans I waste my breath : Thy heavy hand hath brought me down, Low as the dust of death. 12 Father, I give my spirit up, And trust it in thy hand ; My dying flesh shall rest in hope, And rise at thy command.] C. M. Second Part. Bedford. St. Ann's. [*] V. 20, 21, 27 — 31. Christ's Sufferings and Kingdom. pi" "JVTOW from the roaring lion's rage, J. 1 " O Lord, protect thy Son; " Nor leave thy darling to engage " The powers of hell alone." — 2 Thus did our suffering Saviour pray, With mighty cries and tears : o God heard him in that dreadful day, And chased away his fears. — 3 Great was the victory of his death, His throne's exalted high; And all the kindreds of the earth, Shall worship — or shall die. 4 A numerous offspring must arise, From his expiring groans ; They shall be reckoned in his eyes For daughters and for sons. e 5 The meek and humble souls shall see His table richly spread ; — And all that seek the Lord shall be With joys immortal fed. @ 6 The isles shall know the righteousness, Of our incarnate God ; And nations yet unborn, profess Salvation in his blood. PSALM 22, 23. 87 L. M. Cartliagc. [b] Christ's Sufferings and Exaltation. p 1 TVTOW let our mournful songs record J_ 1 The d}Ting sorrows of our Lord ; When he complained in tears and blood, As one forsaken of his God. € 2 The Jews beheld him thus forlorn, And shook their heads, and laughed in scorn ; d i; He rescued others from the grave ; " Nov,- let him try himself to save. 3 " This is the man did once pretend " God was his Father and his Friend; " If God the blessed loved him so, " Why doth he fail to help him now ? " o 4 Barbarous people ! cruel priests ! How they stood round like savage beasts ! Like lions gaping to devour, When God had left him in their power. p 5 They wound his head, his hands, his feet, Till streams of blood each other meet; By lot his garments they divide, And meek the pangs in which he died. — C But God his Father heard his cry ; o Raised from the dead, he reigns on high; — The nations learn his righteousness, And humble sinners taste his grace. PSALM 23. L. M. Green's. Islington. [*] God our Sltejihcrd. 1 "]VH~Y shepherd is the living Lord ; _LtJL Now shall my wants be well supplied ; His providence and holy word Become my safety and my guide. 2 In pastures where salvation grows, He makes me feed, he makes me rest; There living water gently flows, And all the food's divinely blest. p 3 My wandering feet his ways mistake ; — But he restores my soul to peace, o And leads me for his mercy's sake, In the fair paths of righteousness. p 4 Though I walk through the gloomy valef Where death and all its terrors are ; 88 PSALM 23. — My heart and hope shall never fail, o For God my shepherd's with me there. e. 5 Amidst the darkness and the deeps, — Thou art my comfort, thou my stay : o Thy staff supports my feeble steps, Thy rod directs my doubtful way. e 6 [The sons of earth, and sons of hell, Gaze at thy goodness, and repine, To see my table spread so well, With living bread and cheerful wine/] 7 [How I rejoice, when on my head Thy Spirit condescends to rest ! o 'Tis a divine anointing shed, Like oil of gladness at a feast, s 8 Surely the mercies of the Lord Attend his household all their days °f There will I dwell to hear his word, To seek his face, and sing his praise.] C. M. Barbij. [*] 1 [Tl/T Y Shepherd will supply my need ; J_yJL Jehovah is his name : In pastures fresh he makes me feed, Beside the living stream. o 2 He brings my wandering spirit back, When I forsake his ways ; And leads me for his mercy's sake, In paths of truth and grace. e 3 When I walk through the shades of death, Thy presence is my stay ; A word of thy supporting breath Drives all my fears away. — 4 Thy hand, in spite of all my foes, Doth still my table spread ; o My cup with blessings overflows, Thine oil anoints my head. — 5 The sure provisions of my God Attend me all my days ; e O may thy house be my abode, And all my work be praise ! — 6 There would I find a settled rest, While others go and come ; No more a stranger or a guest, But like a child at home. PSALM 23, 24. 89 S. M. Aylesbury, Dover. [*] God's tender Care of his People, 1 nnHE Lord my Shepherd is, JL I shall be well supplied: Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside ? 2 He leads me to the place, Where heavenly pasture grows, Wliere living waters gently pass, o And full salvation flows. e 3 If e'er I go astray, — He doth my soul reclaim ; And guides me in his own right way, For his most holy name. 4 While he affords his aid, o I cannot yield to fear ! e Though I should walk through death's dark shade, o My Shepherd's with me there. s 5 In spite of all my foes, Thou dost my table spread ; My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts my head. G The bounties of thy love Shall crown my following days; Nor from thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak thy praise. PSALxM 24. C. M. Abridge. Bedford. [*] DiceUing with God. 1 FTHHE earth forever is the Lord's, JL With Adam's numerous race ; He raised its arches o'er the floods, And built it on the seas. e 2 But who among the sons of men May visit thine abode ? d He who has hands from mischief clean, Whose heart is right with God. 3 This is the man may rise, and take The blessings of his grace ; This is the lot of those who seek The God of Jacob's face, o 4 Now let our soul's immortal powers To meet the Lord prepare ; 8 * 90 PSALM 24, 25. o Lift up their everlasting doors } The King of glory's near. e 5 The King of glory — who can tell The wonders of his might ? — He rules the nations ; but to dwell With saints, is his delight. L. M. Islington. [*] Saints diucll in Heaven ; or, Christ's Ascension. d 1 Fin HIS spacious earth is all the Lord's, JL And men and worms and beasts and birds J — He raised the building on the seas, And gave it for their dwelling-place. o 2 But there's a brighter world on high, Thy palace, Lord, above the sky : e Who shall ascend that blest abode, And dwell so near his Maker God ? d 3 He who abhors and fears to sin, Whose heart is pure, whose hands are clean ; Him shall the Lord the Saviour bless, And clothe his soul with righteousness. — 4 These are the men, the pious race, Who seek the God of Jacob's face ; o These shall enjoy the blissful sight, And dwell in everlasting light. Pause. Oporto o 5 Rejoice, ye shining worlds on high, — Behold the King of glory nigh ! e Who can this King of glory be ? o The mighty Lord, the Saviour's he. — 6 Ye heavenly gates, your leaves display, To make the Lord, the Saviour, way ; o Laden with spoils from earth and hell, The Conqueror comes with God to dwell, g 7 Raised from the dead, he goes before, He opens heaven's eternal door, To give his saints a blest abode, Near their Redeemer and their God. PSALM 25. S.M. 1st Part. Little Marlboro, [b] Ver. 1 — 11. — Waiting for Pardon and Direction. LIFT my soul to God, My trust is in his name ; !I PSALM 25. 91 e Let not my foes that seek my blood Still triumph in my shame. p 2 Sin, and the powers of hell, Persuade me to despa;r : — Lord, make me know thy covenant well, That I may 'scape the snare. e 3 From the first dawning light 'Till the dark evening rise, For thy salvation, Lord, I wait, With ever-longing eyes. e 4 Remember all thy grace, And lead me in thy truth ; Forgive the sins of riper days, And follies of my youth. — 5 The Lord is just and kind, The meek shall learn his ways ; And every humble sinner find The methods of his grace. o G For his own goodness' sake, He saves my soul from shame ; He pardons (though my guilt be great,) Through my Redeemer's name. S. M. Second Part. Dover. [*] Ver. 12, 14, 10, 13. — Divine Instruction. e 1 TT7HERE shall the man be found, Y Y Who fears t' offend his God — Who loves the gospel's joyful sound, And trembles at the rod ? — 2 The Lord shall make him know o The secrets of his heart ; o The wonders of his covenant show, And all his love impart. — 3 The dealings of his hand Are truth and mercy still, With such as to his covenant stand, And love to do his will. 4 Their souls shall dwell at ease, o Before their Maker's face ; Their seed shall taste the promises, In their extensive grace. 92 PSALM 25, 26. S. M. Third Part. St. Bridge's, [b] Ver. 15—22. — Backsliding and Desertion. 1 TV/TINE eyes and my desire XT J. Are ever to the Lord ; I love to plead his promises, And rest upon his word. o 2 Turn, turn thee to my soul, Bring thy salvation near ; e When will thy hand release my feet Out of the deadly snare ! p 3 When shall the sovereign grace Of my forgiving God, Restore me from those dangerous ways, My wandering feet have trod. e 4 The tumult of my thoughts Does hut enlarge my woe ; p My spirit languishes, my heart Is desolate and low. 5 [With every morning light, My sorrow new begins ; Look on my anguish and my pain, And pardon all my sins. PAUSE. 6 Behold the hosts of hell, How cruel is their hate ? Against my life they rise and join Their fury with deceit.] 7 O keep my soul from death, Nor put my hope to shame ; For I have placed my only trust In my Redeemer's name. e 8 With humble faith I wait, To see thy face again ; o Of Israel it shall ne'er be said, d He sought the Lord in vain. PSALM 26. L. M. Quercy. Bath. [*] Self- Examination ; or, Evidences of Grace. 1 TUDGE me, O Lord, and prove my ways, «J And try my reins, and try my heart; My faith upon thy promise stays, Nor from thy law my feet depart. PSALM 27. 93 e 2 I hate to walk, I hate to sit, With men of vanity and lies ; The scoffer and the hypocrite Are the abhorrence of my eyes. o 3 Amongst thy saints will I appear, With hands well washed in innocence ; e But when I stand before thy bar, The blood of Christ is my defence. — 4 I love thy habitation. Lord, The temple where thine honours dwell ; t There shall I hear thy holy word, And there thy works of wonder tell. — 5 Let not my soul be joined at last With men of treachery and blood ; Since 1 my days on earth have passed Among the saints, and near my God. PSALM 27. C. M. First Part. Bedford. [*] Ver. 1 — 6. — TJie Church our Delight and Safety. 1 rTIHE Lord of glory is my light, JL And my salvation too ; o God is my strength ; nor will I fear What all my foes can do. — 2 One privilege my heart desires — e O grant me an abode Among the churches of thy saints, The temples of my God. — 3 There shall I offer my requests, And see thy beauty still ; Shall hear thy messages of love, And there inquire thy will. e 4 When troubles rise, and storms appear, — There may his children hide ; o God has a strong pavilion, where He makes my soul abide. B 5 Now shall my head be lifted high, Above my foes around ; And songs of joy and victory Within thy temple sound. St. Martin s. C. M. Second Part. Barhy. St. Ann's. [*] Ver. 8, 9, 13, 14. — Prayer and Hope. 1 OOON as I heard my Father say, d k5 '; Ye children, seek rnv grace," 94 PSALM 29. — My heart replied without delay, o " I'll seek my Father's face." e 2 Let not thy face be hid from me, Nor frown my soul away ; e God of my life, I fly to thee, In a distressing day. e 3 Should friends and kindred, near and dear, Leave me to want, or die ; o My God would make my life his care, And all my need supply. — 4 My fainting flesh had died with grief, Had not my soul believed, To see thy grace provide relief — Nor was my hope deceived. 5 Wait on the Lord, ye trembling saints, And keep your courage up ; o He'll raise your spirit when it faints, And far exceed your hope. PSALM 29. L. M. Psalm 97. [*] Storm and Thunder. 1 /"^ IVE to the Lord, ye sons of fame, VJT Give to the Lord renown and power ; Ascribe due honours to his name, And his eternal might adore. o 2 The Lord proclaims his power aloud, Over the ocean and the land ; His voice divides the watery cloud, And lightnings blaze at his command. g 3 He speaks, and tempest, hail, and wind, Lay the wide forest bare around ; e The fearful hart, and frighted hind, Leap at the terror of the sound. g 4 To Lebanon he turns his voice, And lo, the stately cedars break ; The mountains tremble at the noise, The valleys roar, the deserts quake. 5 The Lord sits sovereign on the flood ; The Thunderer reigns forever king ; — But makes his church his blest abode, Where we his awful glories sing. PSALM 30. 95 c C In gentler language there the Lord The counsels of his grace imparts ; o Amidst the raging storm, his word Speaks peace and courage to our hearts. PSALM 30. L. M. First Part. Quercy. [*] Sickness healed and Sorroio removed. 1 [T WILL extol thee, Lord, on high ; JL At thy command diseases fly : "Who but a God can speak and save, From the dark borders of the grave ? o 2 Sing to the Lord, ye saints of his, And tell how large his goodness is ; Let all your powers rejoice and bless, While you record his holiness. — 3 His anger but a moment stays ; His love is life and length of days : e Though grief and tears the night employ, o The morning star restores the joy.] L. M. Second Part. Armley. [b] Ver. 6. — Health, Sickness, and Recovery. 1 T71IRM was my health, my day was bright, _IT And I presumed 'twould ne'er be nio-ht ; Fondly I said within my heart, d " Pleasure and peace shall ne'er depart." — 2 Eut I forgot thine arm was strong, Which made my mountain stand so long ; e Soon as thy face began to hide, My health was gone, my comforts died. — 3 I cried aloud to thee, my God, e " What canst thou profit by my blood ? " Deep in the dust, can 1 declare " Thy truth, or sing thy goodness there ? — 4 " Hear me, O Gcd of grace ! " I said, " And bring me from among the dead : " o Thy word rebuked the pains I felt, Thy pardoning love removed my guilt. — 5 My groans, and tears, and forms of woe, Are turned to joy and praises now ; I throw my sackcloth on the ground, And ease and gladness gird me round. 96 PSALM 31. o 6 My tongue, the glory of my frame, Shall ne'er be silent of thy name ; o Thy praise shall sound through earth and heaven, — For sickness healed, and sins forgiven. PSALM 31. CM. First Part. Canterbury .[b] Ver. 5, 13—19, 22, 23.— Deliverance from Death. 1 TNTO thy hand, O God of truth, _L My spirit I commit ; Thou hast redeemed my soul from death, And saved me from the pit. 2 The passions of my hope and fear Maintained a double strife ; o While sorrow, pain, and sin conspired, To take away my life. d3" My times are in thy hand," I cried, " Though I draw near the dust; " — Thou art the refuge where I hide, The God in whom I trust. e 4 O make thy reconciled face Upon thy servant shine ; And save me for thy mercy's sake, For I'm entirely thine. 5 ['Twas in my haste my spirit said, " I must despair and die, " I am cut off before thine eyes ; " o But thou hast heard my cry.] — 6 Thy goodness, how divinely free ! How wondrous is thy grace, To those who fear thy majesty, And trust thy promises ! o 7 O love the Lord, all ye his saints, And sing his praises loud ; — He'll bend his ear to your complaints, And recompense the proud. C. M. Second Part. York [*] V. 7 — 13, 18 — 21.— Deliverance from Slander and Rep- vach. 1 1VTY heart rejoices in thy name, _LyJL My God, my help, my trust ; Thou hast preserved my face from shame, Mine honour from the dust PSALM 32. 97 p 2 '• My life is spent with grief," 1 cried, "My years consumed in groans; '• My strength decays, mine eyes are dried, " And sorrow wastes my bones." e 3 Among mine enemies, my name Was a mere proverb grown ; "While to my neighbours, I became Forgotten and unknown. 4 Slander and fear on every side Seized and beset me round ; I to the throne of grace applied, And speedy rescue found. 5 [How great deliverance thou hast wrought, Before the sons of men ! The lying lips to silence brought, And made their boasting vain 1 6 Thy children, from the strife of tongues, Shall thy pavilion hide : Guard them from infamy and wrongs, And crush the sons of pride.] 7 Within thy secret presence, Lord, Let me forever dwell ; o No fenced city, walled and barred, Secures a saint so well. PSALM 32. S. M. Dover. [*] Forgiveness of Sins upon Confession. o 1 f\ BLESSED souls are they, v./ Whose sins are covered o'er ; Divinely blest, to whom the Lord Imputes their guilt no more. — 2 They mourn their follies past, And keep their hearts with care ; Their lips and lives, without deceit, Shall prove their faith sincere. e 3 While I concealed my guilt, I felt the festering wound ; — Till I confessed my sins to thee, And ready pardon found. o 4 Let sinners learn to pray, Let saints keep near the throne ; 9 98 PSALM 32. Our help in times of deep distress, Is found in God alone. C. M. Colchester. [*] Free Pardon and sincere Obedience. o 1 [TTAPPY the man to whom his God XI No more imputes his sin ; But washed in his Redeemer's blood, Hath made his garments clean ! 2 Happy, beyond expression, he Whose debts are thus discharged ; And from the guilty bondage free, He feels his soul enlarged. — 3 His spirit hates deceit and lies, His words are all sincere ; He guards his heart, he guards his eyes, To keep his conscience clear, e 4 While I my inward guilt suppressed No quiet could I find ; Thy wrath lay burning in my breast, And racked my tortured mind. —5 Then I confessed my troubled thoughts, My secret sins revealed ; o Thy pardoning grace forgave my faults, Thy grace my pardon sealed. — 6 This shall invite thy saints to pray ; d When, like a raging flood, Temptations rise, our strength and stay Is a forgiving God.] L. M. First Part. Green's. Quercy. [*] Repentance, Justification, and Sanctification. 1 "OLEST is the man, forever blest, _0 Whose guilt is pardoned by his God ; Whose sins, with sorrow, are confessed, And covered with his Saviour's blood. 2 Blest is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not his iniquities ; He pleads no merit of reward, And not on works, but grace relies. 3 From guile his heart and lips are free ; His humble joy, his holy fear, With deep repentance well agree, And join to prove his faith sincere. PSALM 32, 33. 99 o 4 How glorious is that righteousness, That hides and cancels all his sins ! While a bright evidence of grace, Through his whole life appears and shines. L. M. Second Part. Quercy. Bath. [*] Conscience relieved by Confession and Pardon, e 1 "TT7TIILE I keep silence and conceal tv My heavy guilt within my heart, What torments does my conscience feel, What agonies of inward smart ! 2 I spread my sins before the Lord, And all my secret faults confess ; — Thy gospel speaks a pardoning word, o Thy holy Spirit seals the grace. 3 For this shall every humble soul Make swift addresses to thy seat ; e When floods of huge temptations roll, — There shall they find a blest retreat. 4 How safe beneath thy wings I lie, e When days grow dark and storms appear ; — And when I walk, thy watchful eye Shall guide me safe from every snare. PSALM 33. C. M. 1st Part. St. Martin's. [*] Works of Creation and Providence. o 1 T> EJOICE. ye righteous, in the Lord, JLV This work belongs to you ; Sing of his name, his ways, his word, How holy, just and true ! o 2 His mercy and his righteousness Let heaven and earth proclaim ; —His works of nature and of grace Reveal his wondrous name. 3 His wisdom and almighty word The heavenly arches spread ; And by the Spirit of the Lord, Their shining hosts were made. 4 He bade the liquid waters flow To their appointed deep ; The flowing seas their limits know, And their own stations keep. 100 PSALM 33. e 5 Ye tenants of the spacious earth, With fear before him stand : g He spake, and nature took its birth, And rests on his command. 6 He scorns the angry nations' rage, And breaks their vain designs ; His counsel stands through every age, And in full glory shines. Arundel. C. M. Second Part. Colchester. Mear. [*] Creatures vain ; and God all-sufficient. 1 "OLEST is the nation, where the Lord .13 Has fixed his gracious throne ; Where he reveals his heavenly word, And calls their tribes his own. 2 His eye, with infinite survey, Does the whole world behold ; He formed us all of equal clay, And knows our feeble mould. d 3 Kings are not rescued by the force Of armies from the grave ; Nor speed, nor courage of a horse, Can the bold rider save. e 4 Vain is the strength of beasts, or men, To hope for safety thence ; o But holy souls from God obtain A strong and sure defence. e 5 God is their fear, and God their trust, When plagues or famine spread ; His watchful eye secures the just, Among ten thousand dead. o C Lord, let our hearts in thee rejoice, And bless us from thy throne ; For we have made thy word our choice, And trust thy grace alone. P. M. First Part. St. Helen's. [*] Works of Creation and Providence.. o 1 "\7"E holy souls, in God rejoice, jL Your Maker's praise becomes your voice, Great is your theme, your songs be new; Sing of his name, his word, his ways, His works of nature and of grace, How wise and holy, just and true ! PSALM 33. 101 — 2 Justice and truth he ever loves, And the whole earth his goodness proves ; His word the heavenly arches spread: e How wide they shine from north to south ! — And by the spirit of his mouth "Were all the starry armies made. 3 He gathers the wide-flowing seas, Those watery treasures know their place, In the vast store-house of the deep : g He spake — and gave all nature birth ! And fires, and seas, and heaven and earth, His everlasting orders keep. a 4 Let mortals tremble, and adore A God of such resistless power, Nor dare indulge their feeble rage : — Vain are their thoughts, and weak their hands ; , g But his eternal counsel stands, And rules the world from age to age. P. M. Second Part. Cumberland. [*] Creatures vain ; and God all-sufficient. o 1 f\ HAPPY nation, where the Lord V_/ Reveals the treasures of his word, And builds his church, his earthly throne : — His eye the heathen world surveys, He formed their hearts, he knows their ways; But God, their Maker, is unknown. d 2 Let kings rely upon their host, And of his strength the champion boast; In vain they boast, in vain rely : — In vain we trust the brutal force, Or speed or courage of a horse, To guard his rider, or to fly. e 3 The eye of thy compassion, Lord, Does more secure defence afford, When death, or dangers threatening stand o Thy watchful eye preserves the just, Who make thy name their fear and trust, When wars or famine waste the land. — 4 In sickness, or the bloody field, Thou our Physician, thou our shield, Send us salvation from thy throne : e We wait to see thy goodness shine ; O Let us rejoice in help divine, For all our hope is God alone. 9 * 102 PSALM 34. PSALM 34. L. M. First Part. Portugal [*] God's Care of Saints ; or. Deliverance hy Prayer. o 1 ""I" ORD, I will bless thee all my days, I A Thy praise shall dwell upon my tongue ; My soul shall glory in thy grace, While saints rejoice to hear the song. — 2 Come magnify the Lord with me, Come, let us all exalt his name I sought the eternal God, and he Has not exposed my hope to shame. e 3 I told him all my secret grief, My secret groaning reached his ears ; — He gave my inward pains relief, And calmed the tumult of my fears. 4 To him the poor lift up their eyes, Their faces feel the heavenly shine A beam of mercy from the skies Fills them with light and joy divine. o 5 His holy angels pitch their tents, Around the men who serve the Lord ; ■ — O, fear and love him, all ye saints, Taste of his grace, and trust his word. 6 The wild young lions, pinched with pain And hunger, roar through all the wood ; o But none shall seek the Lord in vain, Nor want supplies of real good. Islington. L. M. Second Part. Bath. [*] Ver. 11 — 22. — Religious Education. 1 [/"CHILDREN, in years and knowledge young, \j Your parents' hope, your parents' joy, Attend the counsels of my tongue, Let pious thoughts your minds employ. e 2 If you desire a length of days, And peace to crown your mortal state ; — Restrain your feet from sinful ways, Your lips from slander and deceit. 3 The eyes of God regard his saints, His ears are open to their cries ; d He sets his frowning face against The sons of violence and lies. PSALM 34. 103 6 4 To humble souls and broken hearts, God with his grace is ever nigh; Pardon and hope his love imparts, When men in deep contrition lie. — 5 He tells their tears, he counts their groans, His Son redeems their souls from death ; o His Spirit heals their broken bones, o They in his praise employ their breath.] C. M. First Part. St. Ann's. [*] V 1 — 10. — Prayer and Praise for eminent Deliverance. 1 [T'LL bless the Lord from day to day ; X How good are all his ways ! Ye humble souls that use to pray, Come, help my lips to praise. 2 Sing to the honour of his name, How a poor sinner cried ; Nor was his hope exposed to shame, Nor was his suit denied. e 3 When threatening sorrows round me stood. And endless fears arose, Like the loud billows of a flood, Redoubling all my woes ; — e 4 I told the Lord my sore distress, With heavy groans and tears ; — He gave my sharpest torments ease, And silenced all my fears. PAUSE. o 5 O sinners, come and taste his love, Come learn his pleasant ways, And let your own experience prove The sweetness of his grace. — 6 He bids his angels pitch their tents, Round where his children dwell ; What ill their heavenly care prevents, No earthly tongue can tell. o 7 O love the Lord, ye saints of his ; His eye regards the just ; How richly blest their portion is Who make the Lord their trust ! — 8 Young lions pinched with hunger roar, And famish in the wood ; 104 PSALM 34, 35. o But God supplies his holy poor, With every needful good.] C. M. Second Part. York. St. Martin's. [*] Ver. 11 — 22. — Exhortations to Faith and Holiness. 1 /^OME, children, learn to fear the Lord; Vy And that your days be long, Let not a false, or spiteful word Be found upon your tongue. 2 Depart from mischief, practise love, Pursue the work of peace ; So shall the Lord your ways approve, And set your souls at ease. 3 His eyes awake to guard the just, His ears attend their cry : When broken spirits dwell in dust, The God of grace is nigh. e 4 What though the sorrows, here they taste, Are sharp and tedious too ; o The Lord, who saves them all at last, Is their supporter now. e 5 Evil shall smite the wicked dead ; — But God secures his own ; Prevents the mischief when they slide, Or heals the broken bone. e 6 When desolation, like a flood, O'er the proud sinner rolls, o Saints find a refuge in their God, For he redeemed their souls. PSALM 35. CM. lst?T. Bangor. Durham.[b] Prayer and Faith of persecuted Saints. 1 [IVTOW plead my cause, Almighty God, _L 1 With all the sons of strife ; And fight against the men of blood, Who fight against my life. 2 Draw out thy spear, and stop their way, Lift thine avenging rod ; But to my soul in mercy say, " 1 am thy Saviour God." 3 They plant their snares to catch my feet, And nets of mischief spread : PSALM 35. 105 Plunge the destroyers in the pit, That their own hands have made. 4 Let fogs and darkness hide their way, And slippery be their ground ; Thy wrath shall make their lives a prey, And all their rage confound. 5 They fly like chaff before the wind, Before thine angry breath ; The angel of the Lord behind, Pursues them down to death. 6 They love the road that leads to hell ; Then let the rebels die, "Whose malice is implacable Against the Lord on high. 7 But if thou hast a chosen few, Amongst that impious race ; Divide them from the bloody crew, By thy surprising grace. 8 Then will I raise my tuneful voice, To make thy wonders known ; In their salvation I'll rejoice, And bless thee for my own.] C. M. Second Part. Hymn 2d. Barby. [*] Verse 12, 13. 14. Lore to Enemies : David and Christ. c 1 TT>EHOLD the love, the generous love, J[3 That holy David shows ; See how his kind affections move To his afflicted foes ! — 2 When they are sick, his soul complains, And seems to feel the smart ; The spirit of the gospel reigns, And melts his pious heart. e 3 How did his flowing tears condole, As for a brother dead ! And fasting mortify his soul, While for their life he prayed. d 4 They groan, and curse him on their bed, e Yet still lie pleads and mourns : — And double blessings on his head The righteous God returns. 106 PSALM 36. o 5 O glorious type of heavenly grace ! Thus Christ the Lord appears ; — While sinners curse, the Saviour prays, e And pities them with tears. — C He, the true David, Israel's King, Blest and beloved of God, o To save us rebels, dead in sin, Paid his own dearest blood. PSALM 36. L. M. Old Hundred. Sheffield. [*] Ver. 5 — 9 Perfections, Providence, and Grace of God. 1 "ITTIGH in the heavens, eternal God, JLX Thy goodness in full glory shines ; Thy truth shall break through every cloud, That veils and darkens thy designs. 2 Forever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep ; Wise are the wonders of thine hands, Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 3 Thy Providence is kind and large, Both man and beast thy bounty share ; The whole creation is thy charge, o But saints are thy peculiar care. e 4 My God, how excellent thy grace, Whence all our hope and comfort springs ! — The sons of Adam, in distress, Fly to the shadow of thy wings. 5 From the provisions of thy house, We shall be fed with sweet repast j o There mercy like a river flows, And brings salvation to our taste. o 6 Life, like a fountain rich and free, Springs from the presence of my Lord ; And in thy light, our souls shall see The glories promised in thy word. C. M. Mear. [*] Ver. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9. Practical Atheism exposed. 1 ["V"¥7~HILE men grow bold in wicked ways, ▼ T And yet a God they own ; My heart within me often says, " Their thoughts believe there's none." PSALM 36. 107 2 Their thoughts and ways at once declare, Whate'er their lips profess ; God hath no wrath for them to fear. Nor will they seek his grace. e 3 What strange self-flattery blinds their eyes ! d But there's a hastening hour, When they shall see with sore surprise, The terrors of thy power. 4 Thy justice shall maintain its throne, Though mountains melt away ; Thy judgments are a world unknown, A deep unfathomed sea. — 5 Above these heavens' created rounds, Thy mercies, Lord, extend ; o Thy truth outlives the narrow bounds, Where time and nature end. — 6 Safety to man thy goodness brings, Nor overlooks the beast ; Beneath the shadow of thy wings Thy children choose to rest. e 7 From thee, when creature-streams run low, And mortal comforts die, o Perpetual springs of life shall flow, And raise our pleasures high. e 8 Though all created light decay, And death close up our eyes ; o Thy presence makes eternal day, Where clouds can never rise.] S. M. Watchman. [*] Ver. 1 — 7. Wickedness of man, and Majesty of God. 1 [~\"T7HEN man grows bold in sin, Vt My heart within me cries, d " He hath no faith of God within, " Nor fear before his eyes." — 2 He walks a while concealed, In a self-flattering dream ; Till his dark crimes, at once revealed, Expose his hateful name. — 3 His heart is false and foul, His words are smooth and fair ; Wisdom is banished from his soul, And leaves no goodness there. 108 PSALM 37. 4 He plots upon his bed. New mischiefs to fulfill : He sets his heart, and hands, and head, To practise all that's ill. o 5 But there's a dreadful God, Though men renounce his fear ; His justice, hid behind a cloud, Shall one great day appear. o 6 His truth transcends the sky, In heaven his mercies dwell ; e Deep as the sea his judgments lie, a His anger burns to hell. o 7 How excellent his love, Whence all our safety springs ; c O never let my soul remove From underneath his wings !] PSALM 37. C. M. First Part. Walsal [b] Ver. 1 — 15. Cure of Envy, Frctfidncss, and Unbelief. e 1 T1T7"HY should I vex my soul, and fret, V t To see the wicked rise ? Or envy sinners, waxing great By violence and lies ? 2 As flowery grass, cut down at noon, Before the evening fades ; So shalf their glories vanish soon, In everlasting shades. — 3 Then let me make the Lord my trust, And practise all that's good ; o So shall I dwell among the just, And he'll provide me fooa. — 4 I to my God my ways commit, And cheerful wait his will ; Thy hand, which guides my doubtful feet, Shall my desires fulfill. 5 Mine innocence shalt thou display, And make thy judgments known, Fair as the light of dawning day, o . And glorious as the noon. 6 The meek at last the earth possess, And are the heirs of heaven ; PSALM 37. 109 True riches, with abundant peace, To humble souls are given. — 7 [Rest in the Lord, and keep his way, Nor let your anger rise, Though Providence should long delay To punish haughty vice. 8 Let sinners join to break your peace, And plot, and rage, and foam ; The Lord derides them, for he sees Their day of vengeance come. 9 They have drawn out the threatening sword, Have bent the murderous bow, To slay the men who fear the Lord, And bring the righteous low. 10 My God shall break their bows, and burn Their persecuting darts ; Shall their own swords against them turn, And pain surprise their hearts.] Canterbury. C. M. Second Part. Abridge. York. [*] Ver. 16, 21 — 31. Religion in Words and Deeds. 1 ~1X7"HY do the wealthy wicked boast, ¥ ¥ And grow profanely bold ? The meanest portion of the just, Excels the sinner's gold. 2 The wicked borrows of his friends, But ne'er designs to pay ; Tiie saint is merciful, and lends, Nor turns the poor away. 3 His alms with liberal heart he gives, Among the sons of need ; His memory to long ages lives, And blessed is his seed. 4 His lips abhor to talk profane, To slander, or defraud ; His ready tongue declares to men What he has learned of God. 5 The law and gospel of the Lord, Deep in his heart abide ; Led by the Spirit and the word, His feet shall never slide. 10 110 PSALM 37, 38. 6 When sinners fall, the righteous stand, Preserved from every snare ; They shall possess the promised land, And dwell forever there. C. M. Third Part. Colchester. Arundel. [*] Ver. 23—37. Titc Righteous and the Wicked. 1 TVfY God, the steps of pious men XT JL Arc ordered by thy will ; Though they should fall, they rise again, Thy hand supports them still. 2 The Lord delights to see their ways, Their virtue he approves ; He'll ne'er deprive them of his grace, Nor leave the men he loves. 3 The heavenly heritage is theirs, Their portion and their home ; He feeds them now, and makes them heirs Of blessings long to come. 4 [Wait on the Lord, ye sons of men, Nor fear when tyrants frown ; Ye shall confess their pride was vain, When justice casts them down.] PAUSE. 5 The haughty sinner I have seen, Not fearing man, nor God ; Like a lall bay-tree, fair and green, Spreading his arms abroad. ■ — 6 And, lo, he vanished from the ground, Destroyed by hands unseen ; e Nor root, nor branch, nor leaf, was found, Where all that pride had been, d 7 But mark the man of righteousness, His several steps attend ; o True pleasure runs through all his ways, And peaceful is his end. PSALM 38. C. M. Plymouth, [b] Guilt of Conscience and Relief. 1 A MIDST thy wrath remember love ; _£jl Restore thy servant, Lord ; Nor let a father's chastening prove Like an avenger's sword. PSALM 39. Ill 2 Thine arrows stick within my heart, My flesh is sorely pressed ; Between the sorrow and the smart, My spirit finds no rest. c 3 My sins a heavy load appear, And o'er my head are gone ; p The burden, Lord, I cannot bear, Nor e'er the guilt atone. 4 My thoughts are like a troubled sea, My head still bending down; And I go mourning all the day, Beneath my Father's frown. 5 [Lord, I am weak and broken sore, None of my powers are whole ; The inward anguish makes me roar, The anguish of my soul.] — 6 All my desire to thee is known, Thine eye counts every tear ; And every sigh, and every groan, Is noticed by thine ear. o 7 Thou art my God, my only hope, My God will hear my cry ; My God will bear my spirit up, When Satan bids me die. 8 [My foot is ever apt to slide, My foes rejoice to see't ; They raise their pleasure and their pride, When they supplant my feet. e 9 But I'll confess my guilt to thee, And grieve for all my sin ; p I'll mourn how weak my graces be, And beg support divine. e 10 My God, forgive my follies past, And be forever nigh ; 0 Lord of my salvation haste Before thy servant die.] PSALM 39. C. M. First Part. Barby. [*] Verse 1, 2, 3. Prudence and Zeal. 1 PT1HUS I resolved before the Lord, d jl " Now will I watch my tongue \ a Lest I let slip one sinful word, " Or do my neighbour wrong." 112 PSALM 39. — 2 If I am e'er constrained to stay With men of lives profane, I'll set a double guard that day, Nor let my talk be vain. 3 I'll scarce allow my lips to speak The pious thoughts I feel ; Lest scoffers should tli' occasion take To mock my holy zeal. o 4 Yet if some proper hour appear, I'll not be overawed ; o But let the scoffing sinners hear, That I can speak for God. C. M. Second Part. Bangor. Canterbury, [b] Ver. 4, 5, 6, 7. The Vanity of Man as mortal. 1 7 I lEACH me the measure of my days, JL Thou Maker of my frame ; I would survey life's narrow space, And learn how frail I am. e 2 A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time ; Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime. e 3 See the vain race of mortals move, Like shadows o'er the plain ; o They rage and strive, desire and love, — But all their noise is vain. 4 Some walk in honour's gaudy show ; Some dig for golden ore ; They toil for heirs they know not who, And straight are seen no more. e 5 What should I wish, or wait for then, From creatures, earth, and dust? e They make our expectations vain, And disappoint our trust. — 6 Now I forbid my carnal hope, My fond desires recall ; I give my mortal interest up, And make my God my all. C. M. Third Part. Dorset. Bisliopsgate. [b] Ver. 9 — 13. Sick-bed Devotion. p 1 /~^ OD of my life, look gently down, \T Behold the pains I feel; PSALM 40. 113 e But I am dumb before thy throne, Nor dare dispute thy will. — 2 Diseases are thy servants, Lord, They come at thy command ; I'll not attempt a murmuring word, Against thy chastening hand. e 3 Yet may I plead with humble cries, Remove thy sharp rebukes ; My strength consumes, my spirit dies, Through thy repeated strokes. p 4 Crushed as a moth beneath thy hand, We moulder to the dust ; Our feeble powers can ne'er withstand, And all our beauty's lost. 5 [This mortal life decays apace, How soon the bubble's broke ; Adam and all his numerous race Are vanity and smoke.] — 6 I'm but a sojourner below, As all my fathers were ; May 1 be well prepared to go, When I the summons hear. 7 But if my life be spared a while, Before my last remove, o Thy praise shall be my business still, And I'll declare thy love. PSALM 40. C. M. 1st Pt. Abridge. York. [*] V. 1, 2, 3, 5, 17. A Song of Deliverance from Distress: clT WAITED patient for the Lord ; A. He bowed to hear my cry ; He saw me resting on his word, And brought salvation nigh. — 2 He raised me from a horrid pit, Where mourning long I lay ; And from my bonds released my feet, Deep bonds of miry clay. o 3 Firm on a rock he made me stand, And taught my cheerful tongue To praise In a new thankful song. 10 * 114 PSALM 40. o 4 I'll spread his works of grace abroad ; The saints with joy shall hear ; And sinners learn to make ray God Their only hope and fear. e 5 How many are thy thoughts of love ' Thy mercies, Lord, how great ! — We have not words, nor hours enough, Their numbers to repeat. 6 When I'm afflicted, poor and low, And light and peace depart ; o My God beholds my heavy woe, And bears me on his heart. C. M. Second Part. Sunday. Bethlehem. [*] Ver. 6 — 9. The Incarnation and Sacrifice of Christ. d 1 r I lHUS saith the Lord, " Your work is vain, A " Give your burnt offerings o'er; " In dying goats, and bullocks slain, ." My soul delights no more." 2 Then spake the Saviour, " Lo, I'm here, " My God, to do thy will ; " Whate'er thy sacred books declare, " Thy servant shall fulfill." 3 [" Thy law is ever in my sight, " I keep it near my heart ; " Mine ears are opened with delight " To what thy lips impart."] o 4 And see — the blest Redeemer comes — Th' eternal Son appears ; And at th' appointed time assumes The body God prepares. — 5 Much he revealed his Father's grace, And much his truth he showed ; And preached the way of righteousness, Where great assemblies stood. e 6 His Father's honour touched his heart, He pitied sinners' cries; And, to fulfill a Saviour's part, Was made a sacrifice. p 7 No blood of beasts, on altars shed, Could wash the conscience clean j o But the rich sacrifice he paid Atones for all our sin. PSALM 40, 41. 115 o 8 Then was the great salvation spread, And Satan's kingdom shook ; Thus by the woman's Promised Seed, The serpent's head was broke. L. M. Islington, [*] Ver. 5 — 10. Christ our Sacrifice. 1 [f I THE wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought, JL Exceed our praise, surmount our thought} Should I attempt the long detail, My speech would faint, my numbers fail. e 2 No blood of beasts on altars spilt, Can cleanse the souls of men from guilt ; — But thou hast set before our eyes An all-sufficient sacrifice. o 3 Lo ! thine eternal Son appears, To thy designs he bows his ears ; Assumes a body well prepared. And well performs a work so hard, d 4 (; Behold I come," the Saviour cries, With love and duty in his eyes ; " 1 come to bear the heavy load u Of sins, and do thy will, my God. 5 ': 'Tis written in thy great decree, " 'Tis in the book foretold of me, " I must fulfill the Saviour's part ; u And lo ! thy law is in my heart. 6 u I'll magnify thy holy law, " And rebels to obedience draw. '• When on my cross I'm lifted high, u Or to my crown above the sky. 7 " The Spirit shall descend and show " What thou hast done, and what I do ; u The wondering world shall learn thy grace, u Thy wisdom and thy righteousness."] PSALM 41. L. M. Armhy. Shod. [*] Ver. 1, 2. 3. TJie merciful Man. 1 T3LEST is the man, whose bowels move, JL3 And melt with pity to the poor ; p Whose soul, by sympathizing love, Feels what his" fellow saints endure. — 2 His heart contrives for their relief More good than his own hands can do; 110 PSALM 42. e He, in a time of general grief, — Shall find the Lord has mercy too. 3 His soul shall live secure on earth, With secret blessings on his head ; o When drought, and pestilence, and death, Around him multiply their dead. e 4 Or, if he languish on his couch, — God will pronounce his sins forgiven ; o Will save him with a healing touch, Or take his willing soul to heaven. PSALM 42. C. M. First Part. Plymouth, [b] Ver. 1 — 5. Desertion and Hope. 1 ~\\ 7"ITH earnest longings of the mind, e Vf My God, to thee I look ; — So pants the hunted hart to find, And taste the cooling brook. e 2 When shall I see thy courts of grace, And meet my God again ? e So long an absence from thy face My heart endures with pain. 3 Temptations vex my weary soul, And tears are my repast ; — The foe insults without control, d " And where's your God at last ? 'r p 4 'Tis with a mournful pleasure now I think on ancient days ; Then to thy house did numbers go, And all our work was praise. e 5 But why, my soul, sunk down so far, Beneath this heavy load ? Why do my thoughts indulge despair, And sin against my God ? — 6 Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand Can all thy woes remove, o For I shall yet before him stand, And sing restoring love. L. M. Babylon. [*] Ver. 6 — 11. Hope in Affliction. Y spirit sinks within me, Lord — But I will call thy name to mind ; pi-jy- PSALM 44. 117 And times of past distress record, When I have found my God was kind. e 2 Hii^e troubles, with tumultuous noise, Swell like a sea. and round me spread ; Thy water-spouts drown all my joys, And rising waves roll o*er my head. — 3 Yet will the Lord command his love, When I address his throne by day ; Nor in the night his grace remove, The night shall hear me sing and pray. e 4 I'll cast myself before his feet, d And say. i: My God. my heavenly Rock, p u Why doth thy love so long forget " The soul that groans beneath thy stroke ? ' — 5 I'll chide my heart that sinks so low ; c Why should my soul indulge in grief? o Hope in the Lord, and praise him too ; He is my rest, my sure relief. o 6 Thy light and truth shall guide me still ; Thy word shall my best thoughts employ, And lead me to thy holy hill, My God, my most exceeding joy. PSALM 44. C. M. China. Bedford, [b] V. 1, 2, 3, 6, 15— 2G. TJte Church's Complaint in Per- secution. 1 X OR.D, we have heard thy works of old, -H-J Thy works of power and grace, When to our ears our fathers told The wonders of their days : — 2 How thou didst build thy churches here And make thy gospel known ;. o Amongst them did thine arm appear, Thy light and glory shone. o 3 In God they boasted all the day, And in a cheerful throng, Did thousands meet to praise and pray, And grace was all their song. e 4 But now our souls are seized with shame, Confusion fills our face, To hear the enemy blaspheme, And fools reproach thy grace. — 5 [Yet have we not forgot our God, Nor falsely dealt with heaven ; 118 PSALM 45. Nor have our steps declined the road Of duty thou hast given : — e C Though dragons all around vis roar, With their destructive breath, And thine own hand has bruised us sore, Hard by tho gates of death. PAUSE. 7 We are exposed all day to die, As martyrs for thy cause ; As sheep for slaughter bound we lie By sharp and bloody laws.] — 8 Awake, arise, Almighty Lord, Why sleeps thy wonted grace ! e Why should we look like men abhorred, Or banished from thy face ? 9 [Wilt thou forever cast us off, And still neglect our cries ? Forever hide thine heavenly love, From our afflicted eyes ? p 10 Down to the dust our soul is bowed, And dies upon the ground ; d Rise for our help, rebuke the proud, And all their powers confound.] — 11 Redeem us from perpetual shame, Our Saviour, and our God ; We plead the honours of thy name, The merits of thy blood. PSALM 45. S. M. Dover. [*] The Glory of Christ. 1 [IVjTY Saviour and my King, J-TJL Thy beauties are divine ; Thy lips with blessings overflow, And every grace is thine. o 2 Now make thy glories known, — Gird on thy dreadful sword, And ride in majesty, to spread The conquests of thy word. 3 Strike through thy stubborn foes, e Or melt their hearts t' obey ; — While justice, meekness, grace, and truth, Attend thy glorious way. PSALM 45. 119 o 4 Thy laws. O God. are right, Thy throne shall ever stand ; And thy victorious gospel proves A sceptre in thy hand. o 5 Thy Father and thy God, — Hath, without measure, shed His Spirit Like a joyful oil T' anoint thy sacred head. c 6 Behold, at thy right hand The Gentile church is seen Like a fair bride in rich attire, — And princes guard the queen. 7 Fair bride, receive his love, Forget thy Father's house, Forsake thy gods, thy idol gods, And pay thy Lord thy vows. o 8 O let thy God and King Thy sweetest thoughts employ ; o Thy children shall his honours sing In palaces of joy.] C. M. Arundel Me or. [*] Glories and Government of Christ. 1 XXL speak the honours of my King, JL His form divinely fair ; None of the sons of mortal race May with the Lord compare. b 2 Sweet is thy speech, and heavenly grace Upon thy lips is shed ; — Thy God with blessings infinite Hath crowned thy sacred head. g 3 Gird on thy sword, victorious Prince, Ride with majestic sway ; Thy terror shall strike through thy foes, And make the world obey. 4 Thy throne, O God, forever stands, Thy word of grace shall prove A peaceful sceptre in thy hands, To rule thy saints by love. — 5 Justice and truth attend thee still ; c But mercy is thv choice ; u And God, thy God. thy soul shall fill, With most peculiar joys 120 PSALM 45. L. M. First Part. BJendon. [*] The Glory of Christ and Power of his Gospel. 1 IVTOW be my heart inspired to sing _L 1 The glories of my Saviour King ; e Jesus the Lord, how heavenly fair His form ! how bright his beauties are ! — 2 O'er all the sons of human race He shines with a superior grace ; o Love from his lips divinely flows. And blessings all his state compose, g 3 Dress thee in arms, most mighty Lord, Gird on the terror of thy sword ; In majesty and glory ride, With truth and meekness at thy side. e 4 Thine anger, like a pointed dart, Shall pierce the foes of stubborn heart j e Or words of mercy, kind and sweet, Shall melt the rebels at thy feet, g 5 Thy throne, O God, forever stands, Grace is the sceptre in thy hands ; Thy laws and works are just and right, Justice and grace are thy delight. — 6 God, thine own God, has richly shed His oil of gladness on thy head ; o And with his sacred Spirit blest His first-born Son above the rest. L. M. Second Part. Oporto. Green's. [*] Christ and his Church. e 1 rTlHE King of saints, how fair his face ! .!_ Adorned with majesty and grace ' o He comes with blessings from above, And wins the nations to his love. b 2 At his right hand, our eyes behold The queen, arrayed in purest gold ; — The world admires her heavenly dress, Her robe of joy and righteousness. 3 He forms her beauties like his own, He calls and seats her near his throne : b Fair stranger, let thy heart forget The idols of thy native state. —4 So shall the King the more rejoice In thee, the favorite of his choice ; PSALM 40. 121 Let him be loved, and yet adored, For he's thy Maker, and thy Lnrd. s 5 O happy hour, when thou slialt rise To his fair palace in the skies ! And all thy sons, a numerous train, Each like a prince in glory reign. g 6 Let endless honours crown his head ; Let every age his praises spread ; — While we with cheerful songs approve The condescensions of his love. PSALM 46. L.M. IstPt. Leeds. Blendon.[*] Church's Safety amidst Desolations. 1 4f~^ OD is the refuge of his saints, V?~ When storms of sharp distress invade ; Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold him present with his aid. o 2 Let mountains from their seats be hurled, Down to the deep and buried there ; Convulsions shake the solid world ; Our faith shall never yield to fear. u 3 Loud may the troubled ocean roar — e In sacred peace our souls abide ; — While every nation, every shore, e Trembles and dreads the swelling tide. e 4 There is a stream, whose gentle flow Supplies the city of our God ; b Life, love, and joy still gliding through, And watering our divine abode. — 5 That sacred stream, thy holy word, Our grief allays, our fear controls : Sweet peace thy promises afford, And give new strength to fainting souls. g 6 Zion enjoys her monarch's love, Secure against a threatening hour ; Nor can her firm foundations move, Built on his truth, and armed with power. L. M. Second Part. Blendon. [*] God fights for his Church. o 1 "ir ET Zion in her King rejoice, J_J Though tyrants rage, and kingdoms rise ; 122 PSALM 47. g He utters his almighty voice, e The nations melt — the tumult dies. 0 2 The Lord, of old, for J.»cob fought; And Jacob's God is still our aid : e Behold the works his hand hath wrought > a What desolations he has made ! o 3 From sea to sea, through all the shores, He makes the noise of battle cease ; g When from on high his thunder roars, He awes the trembling world to peace. s 4 He breaks the bow, he cuts the spear ; Chariots he burns with heavenly flame : p Keep silence, all the earth, — and hear The sound and glory of his name. d 5 " Be still — and learn that I am God ! " I'll be exalted o'er the lands ; " I will be known and feared abroad, " But still my throne in Zion stands." e 6 O Lord of hosts, almighty King, e While we so near thy presence dwell — Our faith shall sit secure, and sing o Defiance to the gates of hell. PSALM 47. C. M. Christmas. Arundel [*] Christ ascending and reigning. o 1 4T\ FOR a shout of sacred joy, %-S To God the sovereign King ! Let every land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing. — 2 Jesus our God ascends on high, His heavenly guards around, Attend him rising through the sky, With trumpets' joyful sound. o 3 While angels shout and praise their King, Let mortals learn their strains : Let all the earth his honours sing; O'er all the earth he reigns. e 4 Rehearse his praise with awe profound, Let knowledge lead the song ; Nor mock him with a solemn sound, Upon a thoughtless tongue. — 5 In Israel stood his ancient throne, He loved that chosen race ; PSALM 49. 123 o But now he calls* the world his own, And heathens taste his grace. C The Gentile nations are the Lord's, There Abraham's God is known ; g While powers and princes, shields and swords, Submit before his throne. PSALM 48. S.M. 1st Pt. Dover. Pechham. [*] V. 1 — 8. The Church the Honour and Safety of a Nation. 1 f^ REAT is the Lord our God, vJ And let his praise be great ; He makes his churches his abode, His most delightful seat. b 2 These temples of his grace, How beautiful they stand ! — The honours of our native place, o The bulwarks of our land. — 3 In Zion God is known, A refuge in distress ; e How bright has his salvation shone, Through ail her palaces ! — 4 When kings against her joined. And saw the Lord was there ; d In wild confusion of the mind, o They fled with hasty fear. e 5 [When navies, tall and proud, Attempt to spoil our peace, o He sends his tempest, roaring loud, And sinks them in the seas.] — 6 Oft have our fathers told. Our eyes have often seen, How well our God secures the fold, Where his own sheep have been. 7 In every new distress We'll to his house repair; We'll think upon his wondrous grace, And seek deliverance there. S. M. Second Part. Kibworth. St Thomas. [*] Vrer. 10 — 14. Gospel Worship and Order. 'F AR. as thy name is known, The world declares thy praise 124 PSALM 49. Thy saints, O Lord, before thy throne, Their songs of honour raise. o 2 With joy let Judah stand On Zion's chosen hill, o Proclaim the wonders of thy hand, And counsels of thy will. e 3 Let strangers walk around The eity where we dwell ; Compass and view the holy ground, And mark the building well — e 4 The order of thy house, The worship of thy court, The cheerful songs, the solemn vows, — d And make a fair report. 5 How decent and how wise ! How glorious to behold ! — Beyond the pomp that charms the eyes ; And rites adorned with gold. o 6 The God we worship now, Will guide us till we die ; Will be our God while here below, And ours above the sky. PSALM 49. C. M. First Part. Walsal [b] Ver. 6 — 14. The Vanity of Life and Riches. 1 ~1^7"HY does the man of riches grow It To insolence and pride, To see his wealth and honours flow. With every rising tide ? 2 [Why doth he treat the poor with scorn, Made of the self-same clay, And boast as though his flesh was born Of better dust than they ?] 3 Not all his treasure can procure His soul a short reprieve ; Redeem from death one guilty hour, Or make his brother live. 4 [Life is a blessing can't be sold ; The ransom is too high ; Justice will ne'er be bribed with gold, That man may never die. PSALM 49. 125 5 He sees the brutish and the wise, The timorous and the brave. Quit their possessions, close their eyes, And hasten to the grave.] 6 Yet 'tis his inward thought and pride, d " My house shall ever stand : " And that my name may long abide, " I'll give it to my land." e 7 [Vain are his thoughts, his hopes are lost; How soon his memory dies ! — His name is written in the dust, Where his own carcass lies.] — 8 This is the folly of their way : And yet their sons, as vain, Approve the words their fathers say, And act their works again. 9 Men, void of wisdom and of grace, If honour raise them high, e Live like the beast, a thoughtless race, a And like the beast they die. 10 [Laid in the grave, like silly sheep, Death feeds upon them there ; Till the last trumpet breaks their sleep, In terror and despair.] C. M. Second Part. York. [*] Ver. 14, 15. Death and the Resurrection. 1 "\7~E sons of pride, who hate the just, JL And trample on the poor, When death has brought you down to dust, g Your pomp shall rise no more. o 2 The last great day shall change the scene ; e When will that hour appear ? When shall the just revive and reign O'er all that scorned them here ? — 3 God will my naked soul receive, When separate from the flesh ; o And break the prison of the grave, To raise my bones afresh. s 4 Heaven is my everlasting home, Th' inheritance is sure ; — Let men of pride their rage resume, e But I'll repine no more. 11 * 126 PSALM 49, 50. L. M. Bath. [*] The Rich Sinner's Death. 1 ["^"¥7"HY do the proud insult the poor, v f And boast the large estates they have ? How vain are riches to secure Their haughty owners from the grave ! 2 They can't redeem one hour from death, With all the wealth in which they trust; Nor give a dying brother breath, When God commands him down to dust. 3 There the dark earth and dismal shade Shall clasp their naked bodies round : That flesh, so delicately fed, Lies cold, and moulders in the ground. 4 Like thoughtless sheep the sinner dies, Laid in the grave for worms to eat ! o The saints shall in the morning rise, And find the oppressor at their feet, e 5 His honours perish in the dust, And pomp and beauty, birth and blood; o That glorious day exalts the just, To full dominion o'er the proud. o 6 My Saviour shall my life restore, And raise me from my dark abode ; My flesh and soul shall part no more, But dwell forever near my God.] PSALM 50. C. M. 1st Pt. Mear. Windsor, [b] Ver. 1 — G. The last Judgment. 1 nnilE Lord, the Judge, before his throne d A Bids the whole earth draw nigh; — The nations near the rising sun, And near the western sky. 2 No more shall bold blasphemers say, d " Judgment will ne'er begin ; " — No more abuse his long delay, To impudence and sin. g 3 Throned on a cloud, our God shall come ; Bright flames prepare his way ; Thunder and darkness, fire and storm, Lead on the dreadful day ! . — 4 Heaven from above his call shall hear, Attending angels come ; PSALM 50. 121 g And earth and hell shall know, and fear, His justice and their doom. d5" But gather all my saints," he cries, ;; Who made their peace with God, <; Bv the Redeemer's sacrifice, •• And scaled it with his blood. G " Their faith and works, brought forth to light, " Shall make the world confess, ;- My sentence of reward is right; — •• And heaven adore my grace." C. M. Second Part. York. [*] Ver.10. 11. 14, 15, 23. Obedience is better than Sacrifice. 1 [rjHHUS saith the Lord, "The spacious fields, JL " And flocks and herds are mine ; " O'er all the cattle of the hills, " I claim a right divine. 2 '• I ask no sheep for sacrifice, •■ Nor bullocks burnt with fire ; " To hope and love, to pray and praise, ;; Is all that I require. 15 M Call upon me when trouble's near, :- My hand shall set thee free ; " Then shall thy thankful lips declare ;- The honours due to me. 4 •■' The man who offers humble praise, '- He glorifies me best : " And those who tread my holy ways, " Shall my salvation taste."] C. M. Third Part. Reading, [b] Ver. 1, 5, 8, 1G, 21, 22. The Juelgment of Hypocrites. 1 ["IT^HEN Christ to judgment shall descend \ ? And saints surround their Lord ; He calls the nations to attend, And hear his awful word. d 2 " Not for the want of bullocks slain, i; Will I the world reprove : " Altars and rites, and forms are vain, " Without the fire of love. 3 " And what have hypocrites to do, " To brincj their sacrifice ; 128 PSALM 50. " They call my statutes just and true, " But deal in theft and lies. 4 " Could you expect to 'scape my sight, " And sin without control ? " But I shall bring your crimes to light, " With anguish in your soul." e 5 Consider, ye that slight the Lord, Before his wrath appear ; a If once you fall beneath his sword, There's no deliverer there.] L. M. Geneva. Babylon, [b] Hypocrisy exposed. 1 rilHE Lord, the Judge, his churches warns; J_ Let hypocrites attend and fear, Who place their hope in rites and forms, But make not faith nor love their care, d 2 Wretches ! they dare rehearse his name, With lips of falsehood and deceit ; A friend or brother they defame, And soothe and flatter those they hate. — 3 They watch to do their neighbours wrong, Yet dare to seek their Maker's face ; They take his covenant on their tongue, But break his laws, abuse his grace. 4 To heaven they lift their hands unclean, Defiled with lust, defiled with blood ; By night they practise every sin, By day their mouths draw near to God. 5 And while his judgments long delay, They grow secure, and sin the more ; They think he sleeps as well as they, And put far off the dreadful hour. e 6 O dreadful hour, when God draws near, And sets their crimes before their eyes ! a His wrath their guilty souls shall tear, And no deliverer dare to rise. P. M. First Part. Reading. [*] The last Judgment. 1 [FTnHE Lord, the Sovereign, sends his summons forth, JL Calls the south nations, and awakes the north, From east to west the sounding orders spread, Through distant worlds, and regions of the dead- lLM 59. 129 re shall atheists mock his long delay ; His vengeance sleeps no more : Behold the day ! 2 Behold the Judge descends; his guards are nigh; Tempt' sts and fire attend him down the sky : Heaven, earth, and hell draw near ; let all things come, To hear his justice, and the sinner's doom : But gather first my saints, (the Judge commands,) Bring them, ye angels, from their distant lands. 3 Behold my covenant stands forever good, Sealed by the eternal sacrifice in blood ; And signed with all their names, the Greek, the Jew, That paid the ancient worship or the new : There's no distinction here : come, spread their thrones, And near me seat my favorites, and my sons. 4 I their almighty Saviour, and their God, 1 am their Judge : Ye heavens, proclaim abroad My just eternal sentence, and declare Those awful truths that sinners dread to hear : Sinners in Zion. tremble and retire ; I doom the painted hypocrite to fire. 5 Not for the want of goats or bullocks slain Do I condemn thee : bulls and goats are vain, Without the flames of love : in vain the store Of brutal offerings, that were mine before : Mine are the tamer beasts, and savage breed, Flocks, herds, and fields, and forests where they feed. 6 If I were hungry, would I ask thee food ? When did I thirst, or drink thy bullock's blood ? Can I be flattered with thy cringing bows, Thy solemn chatterings. and fantastic vows ? Are my eyes charmed thy vestments to behold, Glaring in gems, and gay in woven gold ? 7 Unthinking wretch '. how couldst thou hope to please A God, a Spirit, with such toys as these ? While, with my srace and statutes on thy tongue, Thou lov'st deceit, and dost thy brother wrong : In vain to pious forms thy zeal pretends, Thieves and adulterers are thy chosen friends. 8 Silent I waited, with long-suffering love; But didst thou hope that I should ne'er reprove ? And cherish such an impious thought within, 130 PSALM 50. Behold my terrors now, my thunders roll, And thy own crimes affright thy guilty soul. 9 Sinners, awake betimes ; ye fools, be wise ; Awake before this dreadful morning rise : Change your vain thoughts, your crooked works amend ; Fly to the Saviour, make the Judge your friend : Lest like a lion his last vengeance tear Your trembling souls, and no deliverer near.] P. M. Second Part. Wahvorth. [*] The last Judgment. 1 FT! HE God of glory sends his summons forth, JL Calls the south nations, and awakes the north ; From east to west the sovereign orders spread, Through distant worlds, and regions of the dead. Tlie trumpet sounds ; hell trembles ; heaven rejoices ; Lift up your heads, ye saints, with cheerful voices. 2 No more shall atheists mock his long delay ; His vengeance sleeps no more : behold the day : Behold the Judge descend ; his guards are nigh ; Tempests and fire attend him down the sky. When God appears, all nature shall adore him ; TVJiile sinners tremble, saints rejoice before him. 3 " Heaven, earth, and hell draw near : — Let all things come, " To hear my justice, and the sinner's doom ! V But gather first my saints," the Judge commands ; " Bring them, ye angels, from their distant lands." JVIien Christ returns, icake every cheerful passion ; And shout, ye saints ; he comes for your salvation. 4 " Behold, my covenant stands forever good, " Sealed by the eternal sacrifice in blood, " And signed with all their names ; — the Greek, the Jew, " Who paid the ancient worship, or the new." There's no distinction here ; join all your vaices, And raise your heads, ye saints ; for heaven rejoices. 5 "Here," saith the Lord, "ye angels, spread their thrones, " And near me seat my favorites and my sons : " Come, my redeemed, possess the joys prepared " Ere time began; 'tis your divine reward." When Christ returns, wake every cheerful jmssion ; And shout, ye saints ; he comes for your salvation. PSALM 50 I3i 9AVBS Tin: first. Landaff. 6 [" I am the Saviour. I th' almighty God; 11 I am the Judge : Ye heavens, proclaim abroad '• Mv just eternal sentence, and declare <; Those awful truths, that sinners dread to hear." Win n God appears, all nature shall adore him, While sinners tremble, saints rejoice before him.} 7 " Stand forth, thou bold blasphemer, and profane, " Now feel my wrath, nor call my threatenings vain " Thou hypocrite, once dressed in saint's attire — " I doom the painted hypocrite to fire." Judgment proceeds ; heU trembles; heaven rejoices : Lift up your heads, ye saints, with cheerful voices. 8 [" Not for the want of goats or bullocks slain, " Do I condemn thee ; bulls and goats are vain, w Without the flames of love : in vain the store i: Of brutal offerings, that were mine before." Earth is the Lord's ; all nature shall adore him : While sinners tremble, saints rejoice before him. 9 " If I were hungry, would I ask thee food ? •• When did I thirst, or drink thy bullock's blood ? •• ?»Iine are the tamer beasts, and savage breed, " Flocks, herds, and fields, and forests where they feed." .■ill is the Lord's; he rules the wide creation: Giccs sinners vengeance, and the saints salvation.} 10 ;i Can I be flattered with thy cringing bows, ;i Thy solemn chatter ings and fantastic vows ? '; Are my eyes charmed thy vestments to behold, " Glaring in gems, and gay in woven gold? " God is the Judge of hearts ; no fair disguises Can screen the guilty, ichen his vengeance rises. PAUSE THE SECOND. 11 '• Unthinking' wretch ! how conldst thou hope to please '; A God, a Spirit, with such toys as these ? ■• While with my grace and statutes on thy tongue, •; Thou lov'st deceit, and dost thy brother wrong." Judgment proceeds ; hell trembles ; heaven rejoices ; Lift up your heads, ye saints, with cheerful voices. YZ [" In vain to pious forms thy zeal pretends, " Thieves and adulterers are thy chosen friends : " While the false flatterer at my altar waits, " His hardened soul divine instruction hates." God is the Judge of hearts : no fair disguises Con screen the guUty, whin his vengeance rises.} 132 PSALM 51. 13 " Silent I waited, with long-suffering love : " But didst thou hope that I should ne'er reprove ? " And cherish such an impious thought within, " That the All-Holy would indulge thy sin ? " See, God appears! all nature joins f adore him : Judgment proceeds, and sinners fall before him. 14 [il Behold my terrors now : my thunders roll, " And thy own crimes affright thy guilty soul : " Now like a lion shall my vengeance tear l: Thy bleeding heart, and no deliverer near." Judgment concludes; hell trembles! heaven rejoices : Lift up your heads, ye saints, with cheerful voices.] EPIPHONEMA. 15 Sinners, awake betimes ; ye fools, be wise ! Awake, before this dreadful morning rise. Change your vain thoughts, your crooked work amend ; Fly to the Saviour, make the Judge your friend. Then join, ye saints ; xoake every cheerful passion : When Christ returns, he comes for your salvation. PSALM 51. L.M. IstPt. Carthage. Geneva.[b] A Penitent pleading for Pardon. p 1 QHOW pity, Lord, O Lord forgive ; k^ Let a repenting rebel live : e Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee ? — 2 My crimes are great, but can't surpass The power and glory of thy grace ; g Great God, thy nature hath no bound, — So let thy pardoning love be found. 3 O wash my soul from every sin. And make my guilty conscience clean ; p Here on my heart the burden lies, And past offences pain my eyes. e 4 My lips with shame my sins confess, Against thy law, against thy grace : Lord, should thy judgment grow severe, 1 am condemned, but thou art clear, o 5 Should sudden vengeance seize my breath, c I must pronounce thee just in death; e And if my soul were sent to hell, — Thy righteous law approves it well. PSALM 51. 133 e 6 Yet save a trembling sinner. Lord. — Whose hope, still hovering round thy word, O Would light on some sweet promise there, Some sure support against despair. L. M. Second Part. Annie if. Geneva, [b] Original and actual Sin confessed. c 1 T ORD, I am vile, conceived in sin, 8 A And born unholy and unclean ; Sprung from the man. whose guilty fall Corrupts the race, and taints us all. 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath, The seeds of sin grow up for death : Thy law demands a perfect heart ; But we're defiled in every part. 3 [Great God. create my heart anew, And form my spirit pure and true ; O make me wise betimes to spy My danger and my remedy.] d 4 Behold, I fall before thy face ; My only refuge is thy grace : No outward forms can make me clean ; The leprosy lies deep within. 5 No bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor hyssop branch, nor sprinkling priest, Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea, Can wash the dismal stain away. — 6 Jesus, my God, thy blood alone Hath power sufficient to atone : o Thy blood can make me white as snow ; No Jewish types can cleanse me so. e 7 [While guilt disturbs and breaks my peace, Nor flesh nor soul hath rest or ease, — Lord, let me hear thy pardoning voice, And make my broken bones rejoice.] L. M. Third Part. Gloucester. Bath. [*] The Penitent restored. e 1 /^V THOU, who hear*st when sinners cry, V-J Though all my crimes before thee lie, Behold them not with angry look, But blot their memory from thy book. 12 134 PSALM 51. — 2 Create my nature pure within, And form my soul averse to sin ; Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide thy presence from my heart. e 3 [I cannot live without thy light, Cast out and banished from thy sight ! — Thine holy joys, my God, restore, And guard me that I fall no more. e 4 Though I have grieved thy Spirit, Lord, — Thy help and comfort still afford : And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. — 5 A broken heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring ; o The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice.] p 6 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns thy dreadful sentence just, Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye, And save the soul condemned to die. — 7 Then will I teach the world thy ways, Sinners shall learn thy sovereign grace ; o I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood, And they shall praise a pardoning God. 8 O may thy love inspire my tongue ! o Salvation shall be all my song ; s And all my powers shall join to bless The Lord, my strength and righteousness. C. M. First Part. Bangor, [b] Sin confessed and pardoned. 1 [T ORD, I would spread my sore distress, JLj And guilt, before thine eyes ; e Against thy laws, against thy grace, How high my crimes arise ! 2 Shouldst thou condemn my soul to hell, And crush my flesh to dust, Heaven would approve thy vengeance well, And earth must own it just. — 3 I from the stock of Adam came, Unholy and unclean ; All my original is shame, And all my nature sin. PSALM 51, 53. 135 4 Born in a world of guilt. I drew ' igion with my breath ; And as mv days advanced, I grew A juster prey for death. e 5 Cleanse me, O Lord, and cheer my soul With thy forgiving love : 0 make my broken spirit whole, And bid my pains remove. C Let not thy Spirit quite depart, Nor drive me from thy face ; Create anew my vicious heart, And fill it with thy grace. o 7 Then will 1 make thy mercy known, Before the sons of men ; o Backsliders shall address thy throne, And turn to God again.] CM. '2d Part. Bishopsgate. Canterbury. [h] Repentance, and Faith in the Blood of Christ. 1 /~\ GOD of mercy, hear my call, \J My load of guilt remove ; Break down this separating wail, That bars me from thy love. — 2 Give me the presence of thy grace ; o Then my rejoicing tongue o Shall speak aloud thy righteousness, And make thy praise my song. e 3 Xo blood of goats, nor heifer slain, For sin could e'er atone : o The death of Christ shall still remain Sufficient and alone. — 4 A soul oppressed with sin's desert, My God will ne'er despise ; A humble groan, a broken heart, Is our best sacrifice. PSALM 53. C. M. Mtar. [*] Ver. 4 — 6. Victory and Deliverance from Persecution. 1 AH# "ho thus devour her saints ? Do they not know her Saviour rules, And pities her complaints ? 13G PSALM 55. 2 They shall be seized with sad surprise For God's revenging arm Scatters the bones of them who rise To do his children harm. 3 In vain the sons of Satan boast Of armies in array ; When God has first despised their host, They fall an easy prey. 4 O for a word from Zion's King, Her captives to restore ! Jacob with all the tribes shall sing, And Judah weep no more. PSALM 55. C. M. Canterbury, [b] V. 1—8, 16, 17, 18, 22. Support for the afflicted and tempted Soul. 1 [/~\ GOD, my refuge, hear my cries, \^r Behold my flowing tears ; For earth and hell my hurt devise, And triumph in my fears. 2 Their rage is levelled at my life, My soul with guilt they load ; And fill my thoughts with inward strife, To shake my hope in God. 3 With inward pain my heart-strings sound ; I groan with every breath : Horror and fear beset me round, Amongst the shades of death.] e 4 O were I like a feathered dove, And innocence had wings ; — I'd fly, and make a long remove From all these restless things. e 5 Let me to some wild desert go, And find a peaceful home ; Where storms of malice never blow, Temptations never come. — 6 Vain hopes — and vain inventions all, e To 'scape the rage of hell ! — The mighty God, on whom I call, Can save me here as well. PSALM 55. 137 PAUSE. o 7 By morning light I'll seek his face, At noon repeat my cry ; The night shall hear me ask his grace, Nor will he long deny. o 8 God shall preserve my soul from fear, Or shield me when afraid : Ten thousand angels must appear, If he command their aid. — 9 I cast my burdens on the Lord, The Lord sustains them all : My courage rests upon his word, That saints shall never fall. o 10 [My highest hopes shall not be vain, My lips shall spread his praise, e While cruel and deceitful men, Scarce live out half their days.] S. M. Aylesbury. [*] V. 15, 16, 17, 19, 22. Dangerous Prosperity , Daily Devotion. e 1 T ET sinners take their course, 1 k And choose the road to death ; — But in the worship of my God, I'll spend my daily breath. 2 My thoughts address his throne, "When morning brings the light ; I seek his blessing every noon, And pay my vows at night. o 3 Thou wilt regard my cries, O my eternal God : e While sinners perish in surprise, Beneath thine angry rod. p 4 Because tbey dwell at ease, And no sad changes feel, They neither fear, nor trust thy name, Nor learn to do thy will. — 5 But I, with all my cares, Will lean upon the Lord ; I'll cast my burdens on his arm, And rest upon his word. o 6 His arm shall well sustain The children of his love : g The ground on which their safety stands No earthlv power can move. 12* 138 PSALM 50. PSALM 50. C. M. Wantage, [b] God's Care of his People, in ansicer to Prayer. e * i^| THOU, whose justice reigns on high, V/ And makes the oppressor cease, Behold how envious sinners try To vex and break my peace. 2 [The sons of violence and lies Join to devour me, Lord ; But as my hourly dangers rise, My refuge is thy word.] 3 In God most holy, just, and true, I have reposed my trust ; Nor will I fear what flesh can do, The offspring of the dust. 4 [They wrest my words to mischief still, Charge me with unknown faults ; Mischief doth all their counsels fill, And malice all their thoughts. 5 Shall they escape without thy frown ? Must their devices stand ? O cast the haughty sinner down, And let him know thy hand.] PAUSE. — C God counts the sorrows of his saints, Their groans affect his ears ; Thou hast a book for my complaints, A bottle for my tears. 7 When to thy throne I raise my cry, The wicked fear and flee ; o So swift is prayer to reach the sky, So near is God to me. 8 [In thee, most holy, just and true, I have reposed my trust ; Nor will I fear what man can do, The offspring of the dust.] — 9 Thy solemn vows are on me, Lord ; Thou shalt receive my praise : o I'll sing, " How faithful is thy word ; " How righteous all thy ways ! " — 10 Thou hast secured my soul from death ; e O set a prisoner free ' PSALM 57, 53. 139 That heart and hand, and life and breath, May be employed for thee. PSALM 57. L. M. Old Hundred Blendon.[*] Praise for Protection, Grace, and Truth. 1 1\F Y God. in whom are all the springs IT I Of boundless love, and grace unknown, e Hide me beneath thy spreading wings, Till the dark cloud be overblown. — 2 Up to the heavens I send my cry ; The Lord will my desires perform : o He sends his angels from the sky, And saves me from the threatening storm. o 3 [Be thou exalted, O my God, Above the heavens where angels dwell ; Thy power on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell.] — 1 My heart is fixed ; my song shall raise Immortal honours to his name : o Awake, my tongue, to sound his praise ; My tongue, the glory of my frame, g 5 High o'er the earth his mercy reigns, And reaches to the utmost sky ; His truth to endless years remains. When lower worlds dissolve and die. s 6 Be thou exalted, O my God, Above the heavens where angels dwell ; Thy power on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell. PSALM 58. P. M. St. Helen's. [*] Warning to Magistrates. 1 "FUDGES, who rule the world by laws, cl Will ye despise the righteous cause, When one oppressed before you stands ? Dare ye condemn the righteous poor, And let rich sinners 'scape secure, While gold and greatness bribe your hands ? 2 Have ye forgot, or never knew, That God will judge the judges too ? g High in the heavens his justice reigns : Yet you invade the rights of God. And send your bold decrees abroad, To bind the conscience in your chains. 140 PSALM 60. e 3 [A poisoned arrow is your tongue, The arrow sharp, the poison strong ; And death attends where'er it wounds : You hear no counsels, cries nor tears ; So the deaf adder stops her ears Against the power of charming sounds. d 4 Break out their teeth, eternal God, Those teeth of lions dyed in blood ; And crush the serpents in the dust ; As empty chaff, when whirlwinds rise, Before the sweeping tempest flies, So let their hopes and names be lost.] o 5 Th' Almighty thunders from the sky ; — Their grandeur melts, their titles die, As hills of snow dissolve and run ; e Or snails that perish in their slime, Or births that come before their time ; Vain births that never see the sun. o 0 Thus shall the vengeance of the Lord Safety and joy to saints afford ; . — And all who hear shall join and say, d " Sure there's a God who rules on high ; " A God who hears his children cry, " And will their sufferings well repay." PSALM 60. C. M. Plymouth, [b] V. 1 — 5, 10 — 12. Humiliation for Disappointments in War. 1 T ORD, hast thou cast the nation off? -1 A Must we forever mourn ? "Wilt thou indulge immortal wrath ? Shall mercy ne'er return ? 2 The terror of one frown of thine Melts all our strength away ; Like men that totter, drunk with wine, We tremble in dismay. p 3 Our nation trembles at thy stroke, And dreads thy lifted hand ! O, heal the people thou hast broke, And save the sinking land. o 4 Lift up thy banner in the field, For those who fear thy name ; o Defend thy people with thy shield, And put our foes to shame. PSALM Gl, 62. 141 — 5 Go with our armies to lac fight, Their guardian and their God ; In vain confederate powers unite Against thy lifted rod. o 0 Our troops shall gain a wide renown, By thine assisting hand : g Tis God who treads the mighty doAvn, And makes the feeble stand. PSALM 61. S. M. Aylcshury. [b *f Ver. 1 — G. Safety in God. p 1 "VSTHEX overwhelmed with grief, V T My heart within me dies ; Helpless, and far from all relief, To heaven I lift mine eyes. e 2 0 lead me to the Rock, That's high above my head ; And make the covert of thy wings My shelter and my shade. — 3 Within thy presence, Lord, Forever I'll abide ; Thou art the tower of my defence, The refuge where I hide. o 4 Thou givest me the lot Of those that fear thy name ; If endless life be their reward, I shall possess the same. PSALM 62. L. M. Bath. [*] Ver. 5 — 12. JYo Trust in the Creatures, but in God. 1 1\TY spirit looks to God alone ; _LtJL My rock and refuge is his throne ; In all my fears, in all my straits, My soul on his salvation waits. 2 Trust him, ye saints, in all your ways ; Pour out your hearts before his face : e When helpers fail, and foes invade, o God is our all-sufficient aid. e 3 False are the men of hicrh decree ; The baser sort are vanity : Laid in the balance, both appear Light as a puff of empty air. 142 PSALM 63. — 4 Make not increasing gold your trust, Nor set your hearts on glittering dust; Why will you grasp the fleeting smoke, And not believe what God has spoke ? e 5 Once has his awful voice declared, Once and again my ears have heard : o " All power is his eternal due ; " He must be feared and trusted too." — G For sovereign power reigns not alone ; Grace is a partner of the throne : Thy grace and justice, mighty Lord, Shall well divide our last reward. PSALM 63. C. M. 1st Pt. Sunday. Barby. [*] Ver. 1, 2, 5, 3, 4. TJie Morning of the Lord's Day. o 1 T7I ARLY, my God, without delay, JLJ I haste to seek thy face ; My thirsty spirit faints away, Without thy cheering grace. e 2 So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky, Long for a cooling stream at hand, And they must drink or die. g 3 I've seen thy glory and thy power Through all thy temple shine ; o My God, repeat that heavenly hour, That vision so divine. — 4 Not all the blessings of a feast Can please my soul so well, As when thy richer grace I taste, And in thy presence dwell. o 5 Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my best passions move ; Or raise so high my cheerful voice, As thy forgiving love, s 6 Thus, till my last expiring day, I'll bless my God and King ; — Thus will 1 lift my hands to pray, o And tune my lips to sing. C. M. Second Part. Colchester. [*] Ver. 1 — 10. Midnight Thoughts recollected. e 1 ['FT! WAS in the watches of the night, X I thought upon thy power ; PSALM G3. 143 1 kept thy lovely face in sight, Amidst the darkest hour. 2 My flesh lay resting on my bed, My soul arose on high; d ■■ My God, my life, my hope," I said, <; Bring thy salvation nigh." — 3 My spirit labours up thine hill, And climbs the heavenly road ; o But thy right hand upholds me still, While I pursue my God. 4 Thy mercy stretches o'er my head The shadow of thy wings ; o My heart rejoices in thine aid, My tongue awakes and sings. 5 But the destroyers of my peace Shall fret and rage in vain ; The tempter shall forever cease, And all my sins be slain, e 6 Thy sword shall give my foes to death, And send them down to dwell In the dark caverns of the earth, Or to the depths of hell.] L. M. Mbreton. Shod [*] Delight in God and his Worship, c 1 /~^ RE AT God, indulge my humble claim, — >J Thou art my hope, my joy, my rest; The glories that compose thy name, Stand all engaged to make me blest. 2 Thou great and good, thou just and wise, Thou art my Father and my God ; And I am thine, by sacred ties — Thy son, thy servant, bought with blood. e 3 With heart and eyes, and lifted hands, For thee I long, to thee I look ; As travellers, in thirsty lands, Pant for the cooling water brook. o 4 With early feet I love t' appear Among thy saints, and seek thy face : — Oft have I seen thy glory there, And felt the power of sovereign grace. o 5 Not fruits, nor wines, that tempt our taste, Nor all the joys our senses know, 144 PSALM 63. Could make me so divinely blest, Or raise my cheerful passions so. e 6 [My life itself, without thy love, No taste of pleasure could afford ; 'Twould but a tiresome burden prove, If I were banished from the Lord. — 7 Amidst the wakeful hours of night, When busy cares afflict my head, o One thought of thee gives new delight, And adds refreshment to my bed.] s 8 I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice, While I have breath to pray, or praise ; This work shall make my heart rejoice, And spend the remnant of my days. S. M. Newton. [*] Seeking God. 1 TVTY God, permit my tongue ITJL This joy, to call thee mine j And let my early cries prevail, To taste thy love divine. e 2 [My thirsty, fainting soul Thy mercy does implore : Not travellers, in desert lands, Can pant for water more. 3 Within thy churches, Lord, I long to find my place ; Thy power and glory to behold, And feel thy quickening grace.] e 4 For life, without thy love, No relish can afford ; — No joy can be compared with this. To serve and please the Lord. o 5 To thee I'll lift my hands, And praise thee while I live ; Not the rich dainties of a feast Such food or pleasure give. c G In wakeful hours of night, 1 call my God to mind ; I think how wise thy counsels are, And all thy dealings kind. 7 Since thou hast been my help. To thee my spirit Hies ; PSALM 65. 145 And on thy watchful providence My cheerful hope relies. 8 The shadow of thy wings My soul in safety keeps ; I follow where my Father leads, And he supports my steps. PSALM 65. L. M. 1st Pt. Weldon. Querey.[*] Ver. 1 — 5. Public Prayer and Praise. 1 ryiHE praise of Zion waits for thee, _I_ My God ; and praise becomes thy house : There shall thy saints thy glory see, And there perform their public vows. p 2 O thou whose mercy bends the skies, To save when humble sinners pray, o All lands to thee shall lift their eyes, And grateful isles of every sea. e 3 [Against my will my sins prevail, — But grace shall purge away their stain; The blood of Christ will never fail To wash my garments white again. o 4 Blest is the man whom thou shalt choose, And give him kind access to thee ; Give him a place within thy house, To taste thy love divinely free.] PAUSE. o 5 Let Babel fear when Zion prays : Babel, prepare for long distress ; When Zion's God himself arrays, In terror, and in righteousness, g 6 With dreadful glory God fulfills What his afflicted saints request ; And with almighty wrath reveals His love to give his churches rest. s 7 Then shall the flocking nations run To Zion's hill, and own their Lord; The rising and the setting sun Shall see the Saviour's name adored. L. M. Second Part. Nantwich. Truro. [*] Ver. 5 — 13. Divine Providence and Grace. ] [rjIHE God of our salvation hears A The groans of Zion mixed with tears; 13 146 PSALM 65. Yet when he comes with kind designs, Through all the way his terror shines.] 2 On God the race of man depends, Far as the earth's remotest ends ; Where the Creator's name is known By nature's feeble light alone. 3 Sailors, who travel o'er the flood, Address their frighted souls to God ; When tempests rage and billows roar, At dreadful distance from the shore. 4 He bids the noisy tempest cease, He calms the raging crowd to peace ; When a tumultuous nation raves, Wild as the winds and loud as waves. 5 [Whole kingdoms, shaken by the storm, He settles in a peaceful form ; Mountains, established by his hand, Firm on their old foundations stand. d G Behold his ensign sweep the sky ; New comets blaze, and lightnings fly : The heathen lands, with swift surprise, From the bright horrors turn their eyes. 7 At his command the morning ray Smiles in the east, and leads the day ; He guides the sun's declining wheels Over the tops of western hills.] 8 Seasons and times obey his voice ; The evening and the morn rejoice, To see the earth made soil with showers, Laden with fruit, and dressed in flowers. i) ['Tis from his watery stores on high, He gives the thirsty ground supply : He walks upon the clouds, and thence Doth his enriching drops dispense.] 10 The desert grows a fruitful field, Abundant food the valleys yield ; The valleys shout with cheerful voice, And neighbouring hills repeat their joys. 11 [The pastures smile in green array, There lambs and larger cattle play ; The larger cattle and the lamb, Each in his language, speaks thy name.] PSALM G5. 147 12 Thy works pronounce thy power divine ; O'er every field thy glories shine ; Through every month thy gifts appear ; Great God. thy goodness crowns the year ! C. M. First Part. Colchester. Mear. [*] Prayer heard and tJtc Gentiles called. 1 T^RAISE waits in Zion, Lord, for thee ; mT There shall our vows be paid : Thou hast an ear when sinners pray ; All flesh shall seek thine aid. e 2 Lord, our iniquities prevail. — But pardonincr grace is thine ; o And thou wilt grant us power and skill To conquer every sin. — 3 Blest are the men whom thou wilt choose, To bring them near thy face ; Give them a dwelling in thine house, To feast upon thy grace. e 4 In answering what thy church requests Thy truth and terror shine ; And works of dreadful righteousness — Fulfill thy kind design. 5 Thus shall the wondering- nations see The Lord is good and just : o And distant islands fly to thee, And make thy name their trust. g 6 They dread thy glittering tokens, Lord, When signs in heaven appear ; o But they shall learn thy holy word, And love as well as fear. C. M. Second Part. Bedford. Arundel. [*] Providence in Air, Earth, and Sea. 1 ?r I llS by thy strength the mountains stand, JL God of eternal power ; The sea grows calm at thy command, And tempests cease to roar, o 2 Thy morning light and evening shade Successive comforts bring ; Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad, Thy flowers adorn the spring. — 3 Seasons and times, and moons and hours, Heaven, earth, and air are thine ; 148 PSALM 65, 66. When clouds distil in fruitful showers, The Author is Divine. 4 Those wandering cisterns in the sky, Borne by the winds around, With watery treasures well supply The furrows of the ground. o 5 The thirsty ridges drink their fill, And ranks of corn appear ; Thy ways abound with blessings still, Thy goodness crowns the year. C. M. Third Part. York. [*] A Psalm for the Husbandman. 1 [/~"l OOD is the Lord, the heavenly King, vjB" Who makes the earth his care ; Visits the pastures every spring, And bids the grass appear. 2 The clouds, like rivers raised on high, Pour out, at his command, Their watery blessings from the sky, To cheer the thirsty land. 3 The softened ridges of the field Permit the corn to spring ; The valleys rich provision yield, And the poor laborers sing. 4 The little hills on every side, Rejoice at falling showers ; The meadows, dressed in all their pride, Perfume the air with flowers. 5 The barren clods, refreshed with rain, Promise a joyful crop ; The parched grounds look green again, And raise the reaper's hope. G The various months thy goodness crowns ; How bounteous are thy ways ! The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs, And shepherds shout thy praise.] PSALM 66. C. M. First Part. Devizes. [*] Governing God ; or, our Grace tried. s 1 OING, all ye nations, to the Lord, k3 Sing with a joyful noise ; With melody of sounds record His honours and your joys. PSALM 66. 149 — 2 Say to the Power that shakes the sky, c " How terrible art thou ! 11 Sinners before thy presence fly, " Or at thy feet they bow." 3 [Come, see the wonders of our God ; How glorious are his ways ! In Moses' hand he puts his rod, And cleaves the frighted seas. — 4 He made the ebbing channel dry, While Israel passed the flood; o There did the church begin their joy, And triumph in their God.] g 5 He rules by his resistless might : a Will rebel mortals dare, Provoke th' Eternal to the fight, And tempt that dreadful war ! o C O bless our God, and never cease ; Ye saints, fulfill his praise : He keeps our life, maintains our peace, And guides our doubtful ways. ■ — 7 Lord, thou hast proved our suffering souls, To make our graces shine ; So silver bears the burning coals, The metal to refine. g c Through watery deeps and fiery ways, We march at thy command, Led to possess the promised place, By thine unerring hand. C. M. Second Part. Barhy. [*] Ver. 13 — 20. Praise to God for hearing Prayer. 1 TVTOW shall my solemn vows he paid _L l To that almighty Power, Who heard the long requests I made, In my distressful hour. 2 My lips and cheerful heart prepare To make his mercies known ; Come ye, who fear my God, and hear The wonders he has done. p 3 When on my head huge sorrows fell, I sought his heavenly aid ; o He saved my sinking soul from hell, And death's eternal shade. 13^ 150 PSALM 67, 69. e 4 If sin lay covered in my heart, While prayer employed my tongue, The Lord had shown me no regard, Nor I his praises sung. o 5 But God, his name be ever blest, Has set my spirit free ; — Nor turned from him my poor request, Nor turned his heart from me. PSALM 67. C. M. Bedford. [*] Prosperity, Temporal and Spiritual. 1 CJHINE on our land, Jehovah, shine, k3 With beams of heavenly grace ; o Reveal thy power through all our coasts, And show thy smiling face. — 2 [Amidst our States exalted high, Do thou our glory stand ; And like a wall of guardian fire, Surround the favorite land.] e 3 When shall thy name, from shore to shore, Sound all the earth abroad ? And distant nations know, and love, Their Saviour and their God ? o 4 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands, o Sing loud with solemn voice : e Let every tongue exalt his praise, And every heart rejoice, g 5 He the great Lord, the sovereign Judge, Who sits enthroned above, Wisely commands the worlds he made, In justice and in love. — 6 Earth shall obey her Maker's will, And yield a full increase ; Our God will crown his chosen land, With fruitfulness and peace. o 7 God the Redeemer scatters round His choicest favours here ! g While the Creation's utmost bound Shall see, adore, and fear. PSALM 68. L.M. IstPt. Blendon. Truro.[*] V. 1 — 6 j 32 — 35. The Vengeance and Compassion of God. 1 T~ ET God arise in all his might, JLj And put the troops of hell to flight ; PSALM 151 As smoke that sought to cloud the skies, Before the rising tempest llies. e 2 [He comes arrayed in burning flames , Justice and vengeance are his names : e Behold his fainting foes expire, Like melting wax before the fire.] g 3 He rides and thunders through the sky ; His name, Jehovah, sounds on high: s Sing to his name, ye sons of grace ; Ye saints, rejoice before his face. e 4 The widow and the fatherless Fly to his aid in sharp distress ; In him the poor and helpless find A Judge most just, a Father kind. — 5 He breaks the captive's heavy chain, And prisoners see the light again ; e But rebels, who dispute his will, Shall dwell in chains and darkness still, PAIT5E. — G [Kingdoms and thrones to God belong ; o Crown him, ye nations, in your song ; His wondrous names and powers rehearse ; His honours shall enrich your verse. g 7 He shakes the heavens with loud alarms ; How terrible is God in arms ! — In Israel are his mercies known ; Israel is his peculiar throne. o 8 Proclaim him King, pronounce him blest; He's your defence, your joy, your rest : g When terrors rise, and nations faint, God is the strength of every saint.] L. M, Second Part. Brentford. Green's. [*] Ver. 17, IS. Christ's Ascension, and Gift of the Spirit. 1 T ORD, when thou didst ascend on high, .1 A Ten thousand angels filled the sky ; Those heavenly guards around thee wait, Like chariots that attend thy state. g 2 Not Sinai's mountain could appear More glorious, when the Lord was there; While he pronounced his dreadful law, And struck the chosen tribes with awe. 152 PSALM 68, 69. o 3 How bright the triumph none can tell, When the rebellious powers of hell, That thousand souls had captives made, Were all in chains — like captives — led. 4 Raised by his Father to the throne, He sent the promised Spirit down, With gifts and grace for rebel men, g That God might dwell on earth again. L. M. Third Part. Wcldon. Leeds. [*] V. 19, 9, 20, 21, 22. Common and Spiritual Mercies. E bless the Lord, the just and good, Who fills our hearts with joy and food ; Who pours his blessings from the skies, And loads our days with rich supplies. 2 He sends the sun his circuit round, To cheer the fruits, to warm the ground ; He bids the clouds, with plenteous rain, Refresh the thirsty earth again 3 'Tis to his care we owe our breath, And all our near escapes from death : Safety and health to God belong ; He helps the weak and guards the strong. 4 He makes the saint and sinner prove The common blessings of his love : e But the wide difference that remains, a Is endless joys and endless pains. 5 [The Lord, that bruised the serpent's head, On all the serpent's seed shall tread ; The stubborn sinner's hope confound, And smite him with a lasting wound.] o C His own right hand his saints shall raise, From the deep earth, or deeper seas ; And bring them to his courts above, There to enjoy his perfect love. PSALM 69. First Part. C. M. [b] V. 1 — 14. The Sufferings of Christ for our Salvation. 1 [" C< A VE me, O God ; the swelling floods k3 " Break in upon my soul : " I sink, and sorrows o'er my head, " Like mighty waters roll. PSALM 09. 153 2 •• I cry till all my voice bo gone ; " In tears I waste the day : "My God, behold my longing eyes, '•'And shorten thy delay. 3 " They bate my soul without a cause, " And still their number grows, " More than the hairs around my head, " And mighty are my foes. 4 " 'Twas then I paid that dreadful debt, " That men could never pay ; " And gave those honours to thy lav/, " Which sinners took away." -5 Thus, in the great Messiah's name, The royal prophet mourns ; Thus he awakes our hearts to grief, And gives us joy by turns. C " Now shall the saints rejoice, and find " Salvation in my name ; u For 1 have borne their heavy load " Of sorrow, pain, and shame. 7 " Grief, like a garment, clothed me round, " And sackcloth was my dress, *' While I procured for naked souls " A robe of righteousness. 8 " Amongst my brethren and the Jews, " I like a stranger stood, " And bore their vile reproach, to bring <• The Gentiles near to God. 9 u I came, in sinful mortals' stead, " To do my Father's will ; ** Yet when I cleansed my Father's house, " They scandalized my zeal. 10 " My fastings and my holy groans " Were made the drunkard's scng ; *l But God, from his celestial throne, " Heard my complaining tongue. 11 '; He saved me from the dreadful deep, " Nor let my soul be drowned ; 11 He raised and fixed my sinking feet " On well-established ground. 12 " 'Twas in a most accepted hour, " My prayer arose on high ; 154 PSALM f59. " And, for my sake, my God shall hear " The dying sinner's cry." C. M. Second Part. Plymouth, [b] V 14—21 , 26, 29, 32. The Passion and Exaltation of Christ. 1 nVTOW let our lips, with holy fear _L 1 And mournful pleasure, sing The sufferings of our great High Priest, The sorrows of our King. 2 He sinks in floods of deep distress ; How high the waters rise ! While to his heavenly Father's ear He sends perpetual cries. 3 " Hear me, O Lord, and save thy Son, " Nor hide thy shining face ; " Why should thy favorite look like one, " Forsaken of thy grace ? 4 " With rage they persecute the man, " Who groans beneath thy wound ; " While for a sacrifice I pour " My life upon the ground. 5 " They tread my honour to the dust, " And laugh when I complain ; " Their sharp, insulting slanders add " Fresh anguish to my pain. C " All my reproach is known to thee, " The scandal and the shame ; " Reproach has broke my bleeding heart, " And lies defiled my name. 7 " I looked for pity, but in vain : " My kindred are my grief: " I ask my friends for comfort round, "But meet with no relief. 8 " With vinegar they mock my thirst ; " They give me gall for food : " And, sporting with my dying groans, " They triumph in my blood. 9 " Shine into my distressed soul, " Let thy compassion save ; u And though my flesh sink down to death, " Redeem it from the orave. PSALM 69. 155 10 " I shall arise to praise thy name, " Shall reign in worlds unknown ; u And thy salvation, O my God, " Shall seat me on thy throne."] CM. Third Part. Bethlehem, St. Asaph's. [*] Christ's Obedience arid Death. 1 TT1ATHER, 1 sing thy wondrous grace, JC I bless my Saviour's name ; He bought salvation for the poor, And bore the sinner's shame. o 2 His deep distress has raised us high : His duty and his zeal Fulfilled the law, which mortals broke, And finished all thy will. — 3 His dying groans, his living songs, Shall better please my God, Than harp's or trumpet's solemn sound, Than goat's or bullock's blood. o 4 This shall his humble followers see, And set their hearts at rest ; — They, by his death, draw near to thee, And live forever blest. s 5 Let heaven, and all that dwell on high, To God their voices raise ; While lands and seas assist the sky, And join t' advance his praise. g 6 Zion is thine, most holy God ; Thy Son shall bless her gates : And glory, purchased by his blood, For thine own Israel waits. L. M. First Part. Dresden, Armley. [b] Christ's Passion, and Sinners' Salvation. e 1 T^EEP in our hearts, let us record ,1 J The deeper sorrows of our Lord ; a Behold the rising billows roll, To overwhelm his holy soul. e 2 In long complaints he spends his breath, — While hosts of hell, and powers of death. And all the sons of malice, join, To execute their curst design. 150 PSALM 69. o 3 Yet, gracious God. thy power and love Have made the curse a blessing prove ; — Those dreadful sufferings of thy Son Atoned for sins that we had done. 4 The pangs of our expiring Lord The honours of thy law restored ; His sorrows made thy justice known, And paid for follies not his own. p 5 O, for his sake, our guilt forgive, And let the mourning sinner live ! o The Lord will hear us in his name, Nor shall our hope be turned to shame. L. M. Second Part. Geneva. Carthage, [b] Ver. 7, &c. Christ's Sufferings and Zeal. 1 5 FT1 WAS for our sake, eternal God, JL Thy Son sustained that heavy load Of base reproach and sore disgrace, And shame defiled his sacred lace. 2 [The Jews, his brethren and his kin, Abused the man that checked their sin : While he fulfilled thy holy laws, They hated him, but without cause. 3 " My Father's house," said he, " was made " A place for worship, not for trade ; " Then scattering all their gold and brass, He scourged the merchants from the place.} 4 Zeal for the temple of his God Consumed his life, exposed his blood ; Reproaches at thy glory thrown He felt, and mourned them as his own. e 5 His friends forsook, his followers fled, While foes and arms surround his head ; They curse him with a slanderous tongue, And the false judge maintains the wrong. G His life they load with hateful lies, And charge his lips with blasphemies : a They nail him to the shameful tree ; — p There hung the Man who died for me ! e 7 [Wretches, with hearts as hard as stones, Insult his piety and groans ; Gall was the food they gave him there, And mocked his thirst with vinegar.] PSALM 71. 157 — 8 But God beheld; and from his throne, Marks out the men who hate his Son : o The hand that raised him from the dead, Shall pour forth vengeance on their head. PSALM 71. C. M. First Part. York [*] Ver. 5 — 9. The aged Saint's Reflections and Hope. 1 "|\TY God, my everlasting hope, IT A I live upon thy truth ; Thine hands have held my childhood up, And strengthened all my youth. 2 My flesh was fashioned by thy power, With all these limbs of mine ; And from my mother's painful hour, I've been entirely thine. 3 Still has my life new wonders seen Repeated every year ; Behold my days that yet remain, I trust them to thy care. 4 Cast me not off when strength declines, When hoary hairs arise ; — And round me let thy glories shine, Whene'er thy servant dies. o 5 Then in the history of my age, When men review my days, They'll read thy love in every page, In every line — thy praise. C. M. Second Part. Barby. Sunday. [*] V. 15, 14, 16, 23, 22, 24. Christ our Strength and Righteerusness. 1 1VTY Saviour, my Almighty Friend, JLTJL When I begin thy praise, e Where will the growing numbers end, The numbers of thy grace ? — 2 Thou art my everlasting trust; Thy goodness I adore ; And since I knew thy graces first, I speak thy glories more. o 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road ; And march with courage in thy strength, To see my Father God. p 4 When I am filled with sore distress For some surprising sin, 14 158 PSALM 71. — I'll plead thy perfect righteousness ; And mention none but thine. o 5 How will my lips rejoice to tell The victories of" my King ! My soul, redeemed from sin and hell, Shall thy salvation sing. 6 [My tongue shall all the day proclaim My Saviour and my God ; His death has brought my foes to shame, And drowned them in his blood. 7 Awake, awake, my tuneful powers; With this delightful song I'll entertain the darkest hours, Nor think the season long.] C. M. Third Part. Hymn 2d. Canterbury, [b] Ver. 17 — 21. The aged Christian's Prayer and Song. 1 ^1 OD of my childhood, and my youth, \X The guide of all my days, I have declared thy heavenly truth, And told thy wondrous ways. p 2 Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs, And leave my fainting heart ? Who shall sustain my sinking years ? If God, my strength, depart ? 3 Let me thy power and truth proclaim To the surviving age, And leave the savour of thy name When I shall quit the stage. 4 The land of silence and of death Attends my next remove ; — O may these poor remains of breath Teach the wide world thy love ! 5 [Thy righteousness is deep and nigh, Unsearchable thy deeds ; Thy glory spreads beyond the sky, And all my praise exceeds. 6 Oft have I heard thy threatenings roar, And oft endured the grief; But when thy hand has pressed me sore, Thy grace was my relief] PSALM 1% 159 7 By long experience have I known Thy sovereign power to save ; At thy command I venture down, Securely, to the grave. e 8 When I lie buried deep in dust, — My flesh shall be thy care ; e These withering limbs with thee I trust, o To raise them strong and fair. PSALM 72. L.M. IstPt. Oporto. Nantickh. [*] The Kingdom of Christ. 1 /^ REAT God, whose universal sway \J The known and unknown worlds obey, Now give the kingdom to thy Son ; Extend his power, exalt his throne. 2 Thy sceptre well becomes his hands ; All heaven submits to his commands ; His justice shall avenge the poor, And pride and rage prevail no more. o 3 With power he vindicates the just, And treads th' oppressor in the dust ; e His worship and his fear shall last, Till hours, and years, and time be past. b 4 As rain on meadows newly mown, So shall he send his influence down ; His grace, on fainting souls, distils, Like heavenly dew on thirsty hills. — 5 The heathen lands, that lie beneath The shades of overspreading death, o Revive at his first dawning light; And deserts blossom at the sight. o G The saints shall flourish in his days, Dressed in the robes of joy and praise ; g Peace, like a river, from his throne Shall flow to nations yet unknown. L. M. Second Part. Sheffield. Leeds. [*] Christ's Kingdom among t/te Gentiles. 1 TESUS shall reign where'er the sun tl Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. o 2 ("Behold the islands, with their kings, And Europe her best tribute brings ; 160 PSALM 73. From north to south the princes meet, To pay their homage at his feet, g 3 There Persia, glorious to behold ; There India shines in Eastern gold ; And barbarous nations, at his word, Submit, and bow, and own their Lord.) — 4 For him shall endless prayer be made, And praises throng to crown his head ; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With every morning sacrifice. b 5 People and realms, of every tongue, Dwell on his love, with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. o 6 Blessings abound where'er he reigns ; The prisoner leaps to lose his chains; The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. ■ — 7 (Where he displays his healing power, Death and the curse are known no more ; In him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost. g 8 Let every creature rise — and bring Peculiar honours to their King : Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the long Amen.) PSALM 73. C. M. First Part. [*] Jlfflicted Saints, a?id prosjjerous Sinners. 1 [TVTOW I'm convinced the Lord is kind -L^i To men of hearts sincere ; Yet once my foolish thoughts repined, And bordered on despair. 2 I grieved to see the wicked thrive, And spoke with angry breath : lf How pleasant and profane they live ! " How peaceful is their death ! 3 " With well-fed flesh and haughty eyes, " They lay their fears to sleep : " Against the heavens their slanders rise, " While saints in silence weep. 4 " In vain I lift my hands to pray, " And cleanse my heart in vain, PSALM 73. 161 " For I am chastened all the day ; (i The night renews my pain.'' . 5 Yet while my tongue indulged complaints, I felt my heart reprove ; " Sure I shall thus offend thy saints, " And grieve the men I love." C But still I found my doubts too hard, The conflict too severe ; Till I retired to search thy word, And learn thy secrets there. 7 There, as in some prophetic glass, I saw the sinner's feet, High mounted on a slippery place, Beside a fiery pit. 8 I heard the wretch profanely boast, Till at thy frown he fell ; His honours in a dream are lost, And he awakes in hell. 9 Lord, what an envious fool I was ! How like a thoughtless beast ! Thus to suspect thy promised grace, And think the wicked blest. 10 Yet I was kept from full despair, Upheld by power unknown : That blessed hand that broke the snare, Shall guide me to thy throne.] C. M. Second Part. St. Ann's. Reading. [*] Ver. 23 — 28. God our Portion, here and hereafter. 1 £~^ OD, my Supporter, and my Hope, VX" My Help forever near ; Thine arm of mercy held me up, When sinking in despair. 2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet, Through this dark wilderness ; Thine hand conduct me near thy seat, To dwell before thy face. e 3 Were I in heaven without my God, T would be no joy to me ; And whilst this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee. e 4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint ? 14* 162 PSALM 73. o God is my soul's eternal Rock, The strength of every saint, p 5 Behold, the sinners who remove Far from thy presence — die ; Not all the idol gods they love, Can save them when they cry. — 6 But to draw near to thee, my God, Shall be my sweet employ ; o My tongue shall sound thy works abroad, u And tell the world my joy. L. M. Geneva. Babylon, [b] Ver. 22, 3, 6, 17 — 20. The Prosperity of Sinners cursed. e 1 II" ORD, what a thoughtless wretch was I, a i To mourn, and murmur, and repine, To see the wicked, placed on high, In pride, and robes of honour, shine ! p 2 But, oh, their end — their dreadful end ! Thy sanctuary taught me so : On slippery rocks I see them stand, And fiery billows roll below, d 3 Now let them boast how tall they rise, — I'll never envy them again; d There they may stand with haughty eyes, a Till they plunge deep in endless pain. e 4 Their fancied joys, how fast they flee ! Just like a dream, when man awakes : Their songs of softest harmony Are but a preface to their plagues. — 5 Now I esteem their mirth and wine Too dear to purchase with my blood ; o Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine, My life, my portion, and my God. S. M. Aylesbury, [b] The Mystery of Providence unfolded. 1 QURE there's a righteous God, k5 Nor is religion vain ; Though men of vice may boast aloud, And men of grace complain. 2 I saw the wicked rise, And felt my heart repine ; While haughty fools, with scornful eyes, In robes of honour shine PSALM 74. 163 3 [Pampered with wanton ease, Their flesh looks full and fair ; Their wealth rolls in, like flowing seas, And grows without their care. 4 Free from the plagues and pains That pious souls endure, Through all their life oppression reigns, And racks the humble poor. 5 Their impious tongues blaspheme The everlasting God ; Their malice blasts the good man's name, And spreads their lies abroad. G But I, with flowing tears, Indulged my doubts to rise ; " Is there a God that sees, or hears, " The things below the skies ? "] 7 The tumults of my thought Held me in hard suspense ; Till to thy house my feet were brought, To learn thy justice thence. 8 Thy word, with light and power, Did my mistakes amend; 1 viewed the sinners' lives before, But here I learned their end. p 9 On what a slippery steep, The thoughtless wretches go ! a And, oh, that dreadful, fiery deep, That waits their fall below ! e 10 Lord, at thy feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine ; — I call my God my portion now ; And all my powers are thine. PSALM 74. C. M. Wantage. [*] The Church, in Affliction, pleading icith God. 1 ~V¥7TLL God forever cast us off? V f His wrath forever smoke — Against the people of his love, His little chosen flock ? c 2 Think of the tribes, so dearly bought With their Redeemer's blood ; Nor let thy Zion be forgot, Where once thy glory stood. 164 PSALM 74. o 3 Lift up thy feet, and march in haste ; Aloud our ruin calls ; e See what a wide, and fearful waste Is made within thy walls. 4 [Where once thy churches prayed and sang, Thy foes profanely roar : Over thy gates their ensigns hang, Sad tokens of their power. 5 How are the seats of worship broke ! They tear thy buildings down ; And he who deals the heaviest stroke, Procures the chief renown. 6 With flames, they threaten to destroy Thy children in their nest ; " Come, let lis burn at once," they cry, " The temple and the priest." 7 And still, to heighten our distress, Thy presence is withdrawn ; Thy wonted signs of power and grace, Thy power and grace are gone. 8 No prophet speaks to calm our woes, But all the seers mourn ; There's not a soul amongst us knows The time of thy return.] p 9 How long, eternal God, how long Shall men of pride blaspheme ? Shall saints be made their endless song, And bear immortal shame ? 10 [Canst thou forever sit and hear Thy holy name profaned ? And still thy jealousy forbear, And still withhold thy hand ?] e 11 What strange deliverance hast thou shown, In ages long before ! —And now, no other God we own, No other God adore. 12 [Thou didst divide the raging sea, By thy resistless might, To make thy tribes a wondrous way, And then secure their flight. PSALM 75. 165 13 Is not the world of nature thine, The darkness and the day ? Didst thou not bid the morning shine, And mark the sun his way ? 14 Hath not thy power formed every coast, And set the earth its bounds, With summer's heat, and winter's frost, In their perpetual rounds ? 15 And shall the sons of earth and dust That sacred power blaspheme ? Will not that hand that formed them first, Avenge thine injured name ?] 1G Think on the covenant thou hast made, And all thy words of love ; Nor let the birds of prey invade, And vex thy mourning dove. 17 [Our foes would triumph in our blood, And make our hope their jest ; Plead thine own cause, almighty God, And give thy children rest.] PSALM 75. L. M. Blendon. [*] Poicer and Government from God alone. 1 npO thee, most Holy and most High, _L To thee we bring our thankful praise j Thy works declare thy name is nigh, Thy works of wonder and of grace. 2 [" To slavery doomed, thy chosen sons " Beheld their foes triumphant rise ; " And sore oppressed by earthly thrones, " They sought the Sovereign of the skies. 3 " 'Twas then, great God, with equal power, 11 Arose thy vengeance and thy grace, " To scourge their legions from the shore, " And save the remnant of thy race."] 4 Let haughty sinners sink their pride ; Nor lift so high their scornful head ; But lay their foolish thoughts aside, And own the powers that God hath made. 5 Such honours never come by chance, Nor do the winds promotion blow ; 'Tis God, the Judge, doth one advance; 'Tis God that lays another low. 166 PSALM 76. 6 No vain pretence to royal birth, Shall fix a tyrant on the throne ; God, the great Sovereign of the earth, Will rise, and make his justice known. 7 [His hand holds out the dreadful cup Of vengeance mixed with various plagues, To make the wicked drink them up, Wring out and taste the bitter dregs. 8 Now shall the Lord exalt the just, And while he tramples on the proud, And lays their glory in the dust, My lips shall sing his praise aloud.] PSALM 76. C. M. Bedford. [*] God in Zion terrible to her Enemies. 1 TN Judah, God of old was known, JL His name in Israel great ; In Salem stood his holy throne, And Zion was his seat. 2 [Among the praises of his saints, His dwelling there he chose : There he received their just complaints Against their haughty foes.] o 3 From Zion went his dreadful word, And broke the threatening spear, The bow, the arrows, and the sword, And crushed th' Assyrian war. e 4 What are the earth's wide kingdoms else, But mighty hills of prey ? — The hill, on which Jehovah dwells, o Is glorious more than they. 5 ['Twas Zion's King that stopped the breath Of captains and their bands : The men of might slept fast in death, And never found their hands. d 6 At thy rebuke, O Jacob's God, Both horse and chariot fell : Who knows the terror of thy rod ! Thy vengeance who can tell ?] e 7 What power can stand before his sight, When once his wrath appears ? PSALM 77 167 a When heaven shines round with dreadful light, a The earth lies still and fears. — S When God, in his own sovereign ways, Comes down to save th' oppressed, The wrath of man shall work his praise ; And hell restrain the rest. 9 [Vow to the Lord, and tribute bring; Ye princes, fear his frown : His terrors shake the proudest king, And cut an army down. 10 The thunder of his sharp rebuke Our haughty foes shall feel : For Jacob's God hath not forsook, But dwells in Zion still.] PSALM 77. C. M. First Part. Abridge, [b] Melancholy and Hope. e 1 f 1 10 God I cried with mournful voice, JL I sought his gracious ear, In the sad day when troubles rose, And filled my heart with fear. p 2 Sad were my days, and dark my nights, My soul refused relief; I thought on God, the just and wise, But thoughts increased my grief. 3 [Still I complained, and still oppressed, My heart began to break : My God, thy wrath forbade my rest, And kept my eyes awake. 4 My overwhelming sorrows grew, Till I could speak no more ; Then I within myself withdrew, And called thy judgments o'er. 5 I called back years and ancient times When I beheld thy face ; My spirit searched for secret crimes, That might withhold thy grace. C I called thy mercies to my mind, Which I enjoyed before : And will the Lord no more be kind ? His face appear no more ?] e 7 Will he forever cast me off? His promise ever fail ? 168 PSALM 77. p Has he forgot his tender love ? Shall anger still prevail ? — 8 But I forbid this hopeless thought, This dark, despairing frame, Remembering what thy hand hath wrought ; Thy hand is still the same. o 9 I'll think again of all thy ways, And talk thy wonders o'er ; Thy wonders of recovering grace, When flesh could hope no more. o 10 Grace dwells with justice on the throne j — And men who love thy word, Have in thy sanctuary known The counsels of the Lord. C. M. Second Part. Wantage. [*] Israel brought from Egypt to Canaan. el" TTOW awful is thy chastening rod " — JlA (May thine own children say) " The great, the wise, the dreadful God ! " How holy is his way ! " — 2 [I'll meditate his works of old ; The King who reigns above, I'll hear his ancient wonders told, And learn to trust his love.] 3 Long did the house of Joseph lie With Egypt's yoke oppressed ; Long he delayed to hear their cry, Nor gave his people rest. 4 The sons of good old Jacob seemed Abandoned to their foes; o But his almighty arm redeemed The nation that he chose. — 5 Israel, his people and his sheep, Must follow where he calls ; He bade them venture through the deep, And made the waves their walls ! c 6 The waters saw thee, mighty God, The waters saw thee come ; u Backward they fled, and frighted stood, o To make thine armies room. — 7 Strange was thy journey through the sea, Thy footsteps, Lord, unknown ; PSALM 78. 169 Terrors attend the wondrous way, That brings thy mercies down. d 8 [Thy voice, with terror in the sound, Through clouds and darkness broke ; All heaven in lightning shone around, And earth with thunder shook. 9 Thine arrows through the sky were hurled ; How glorious is the Lord ! Surprise and trembling seized the world, And his own saints adored. — 10 He gave them water from the rock } And safe, by Moses' hand, Through a dry desert led his flock, Home to the promised land.] PSALM 78. C. M. First Part. Mear. [*] Providence of God rehearsed to Children. 1 T ET children hear the mighty deeds, .1 i Which God performed of old ; Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told. 2 He bids us make his glories known, His works of power and grace ; And we'll convey his wonders down, Through every rising race. 3 Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs ; That generations, yet unborn, May teach them to their heirs. 4 Thus shall they learn, in God alone Their hope securely stands ; That they may ne'er forget his works, But practise his commands. C. M. Second Part. China, [b *] Israel's Rebellion and Punishment. 1 f\ WHAT a stiff, rebellious house V-J Was Jacob's ancient race ! False to their own most solemn vows, And to their Maker's grace. 2 They broke the covenant of his love, And did his laws despise ; 15 170 PSALM 78. Forgot the works he wrought, to prove His power before their eyes. 3 They saw the plagues on Egypt light, From his revenging hand ; What dreadful tokens of his might Spread o'er the stubborn land ! 4 They saw him cleave the mighty sea, And marched with safety through ; With watery walls to guard their way, Till they had 'scaped the foe. 5 (A wondrous pillar marked the road, Composed of shade and light ; By day it proved a sheltering cloud, A leading fire by night. 6 He from the rock their thirst supplied ; The gushing waters fell, And ran in rivers by their side, A constant miracle.) e 7 Yet they provoked the Lord Most High, And dared distrust his hand : d " Can he with bread our host supply, " Amidst this desert land ? " 8 The Lord with indignation heard, g And caused his wrath to flame ; His terrors ever stand prepared To vindicate his name. C. M. Third Part. Reading. [* b] Chastisement and Salvation. 1 ["¥X7"HEN Israel's sins the Lord reproves, V T And fills their hearts with dread; Yet he forgives the men he loves, And sends them heavenly bread. 2 He fed them with a liberal hand, And made his treasures known ; He gave the midnight clouds command To pour provision down. 3 The manna, like a morning shower, Lay thick around their feet ; The corn of heaven, so light, so pure, As though 'twere angels' meat. PSALM 78. 171 4 But they in murmuring language said, " Manna is all our feast ; u We loathe this light, this airy bread, " We must have flesh to taste." 5 " Ye shall have flesh to please your lust," The Lord in wrath replied ; And sent them quails, like sand or dust, Heaped up from side to side. 6 He gave them all their own desire ; And greedy as they fed, His vengeance burnt with secret fire, And smote the rebels dead. 7 When some were slain, the rest returned, And sought the Lord with tears ; Under the rod they feared and mourned, But soon forgot their fears. 8 Oft he chastised, and still forgave, Till, by his gracious hand, The nation he resolved to save, Possessed the promised land.] L. M. Bath, [b] Ver. 32, &c. Saints corrected and saved. 1 S~^ REAT God, how oft did Israel prove, VX By turns, thine anger and thy love ! There, in a glass, our hearts may see How fickle and how false they be. 2 How soon the faithless Jews forgot The dreadful wonders God had wrought ! Then they provoke him to his face ; Nor fear his power, nor trust his grace. 3 The Lord consumed their years in pain, And made their travels long and vain ; A tedious march, through unknown ways, Wore out their strength, and spent their days. 4 Oft, when they saw their brethren slain, They mourned, and sought the Lord again; Called him the Rock of their abode, Their high Redeemer, and their God. 5 Their prayers and vows before him rise, As flattering words or solemn lies ; While their rebellious tempers prove False to his covenant and his love. 172 PSALM 80. 6 Yet did his sovereign grace forgive The men, who ne'er deserved to live : His anger oft away he turned, Or else with gentle flame it burned. 7 He saw their flesh was weak and frail, He saw temptations still prevail ; The God of Abraham loved them still, And led them to his holy hill. PSALM 80. L. M. Dresden. Moreton. [b] The Church in Affliction. 1 f~^ RE AT Shepherd of thine Israel, \J Who didst between the cherubs dwell, And led'st the tribes, thy chosen sheep, Safe through the desert and the deep : — e 2 Thy Church is in the desert now ; — Shine from on high, and guide it through; Turn us to thee, thy love restore ; We shall be saved, and sigh no more. 3 [Great God, whom heavenly hosts obey, How long shall we lament and pray, And wait in vain thy kind return ? How long shall thy fierce anger burn ? PAUSE I. 4 Instead of wine and cheerful bread, Thy saints with their own tears are fed ; Turn us to thee ; thy love restore : We shall be saved and sigh no more.] e 5 Hast thou not planted, with thy hand, A lovely vine in this our land ? Did not thy power defend it round, And heavenly dews enrich the ground ? — 6 How did the spreading branches shoot, And bless the nation with the fruit ! c But now, O Lord, look down and see Thy mourning vine, that lovely tree. 7 Why is its beauty thus defaced ? Why hast thou laid its fences waste ? — Strangers and foes against it join, And every beast devours the vine. 8 Return, almighty God, return ; p Nor let thy bleeding vineyard mourn : PSALM 81. 173 — Turn us to thee, thy love restore ; o We shall be saved, and sigh no more. PAUSE II. 9 [Lord, when this vine in Canaan grew, Thou wast its strength and glory too ! Attacked in vain by all its foes, Till the fair Branch of promise rose. 10 Fair Branch, ordained of old to shoot From David's stock, from Jacob's root; Himself a noble Vine, and we The lesser branches of the Tree. 11 'Tis thy own Son ; and he shall stand, Girt with thy strength, at thy right hand ; Thy first-born Son, adorned and blest With power and grace above the rest. 12 O ! for his sake, attend our cry, Shine on thy churches, lest they die ; Turn us to thee, thy love restore : We shall be saved, and sigh no more.] PSALM 81. S. M. Aylesbury. Dover. [*] Ver. 1, 8 — 16. Saints teamed and exhorted. 1 OING to the Lord, aloud, k3 And make a joyful noise : 0 God is our Strength, our Saviour God : Let Israel hear his voice. e 2 " From vile idolatry, " Preserve my worship clean ; " I am the Lord, who set thee free " From slavery and from sin. — 3 u Stretch thy desires abroad, " And I'll supply them well ; e " But if ye will refuse your God, " If Israel will rebel ; — d 4 " I'll leave them," saith the Lord, " To their own lusts a prey ; " And let them run the dangerous road — " 'Tis their own chosen way. 5 " Yet, O that all my saints " Would hearken to my voice ! — " Soon I would ease their sore complaints, " And bid their hearts rejoice. 15 * 174 PSALM 82, 83. o 6 " While I destroy their foes, "I'd richly feed my flock ; " And they should taste the stream, that flows " From their eternal Rock." PSALM 82. L. M. Old Hundred. [*] God Supreme ; or, Magistrates teamed. 1 A MONG th' assemblies of the great, J\- A greater Ruler takes his seat : The God of heaven, as Judge, surveys Those gods on earth, and all their ways. e 2 Why will ye then frame wicked laws ? Or why support th' unrighteous cause ? When will ye once defend the poor, That sinners vex the saints no more ? e 3 They know not, Lord, nor will they know; Dark are the ways in which they go ; Their name of earthly gods is vain ; For they shall fall and die like men. o 4 Arise, O Lord, and let thy Son Possess his universal throne, o And rule the nations with his rod : g He is our Judge, and he our God. PSALM 83. S. M. Little Marlboro', [b] A Complaint against Persecutors. 1 A ND will the God of grace _TJL Perpetual silence keep ? The God of justice hold his peace, And let his vengeance sleep ? 2 Behold, what cursed snares The men of mischief spread ; The men, who hate thy saints and thee, Lift up their threatening head. e 3 Against thy hidden ones Their counsels they employ ; And malice, with her watchful eye, Pursues them to destroy. 4 [The noble and the base Into thy pastures leap : The lion and the stupid ass Conspire to vex thy sheep. d 5 " Come let us join," they cry, " To root them from the ground ; PSALM 84. 175 u Till not the name of saints remain, u Nor memory shall be found." 6 Awake, almighty God, And call thy wrath to mind ; Give them like forests to the fire, Or stubble to the wind.] — 7 Convince their madness. Lord, And make them seek thy name ; Or else their stubborn rage confound, That they may die in shame. o 8 Then shall the nations know That glorious, dreadful word — g Jzhovah — is thy name alone, And thou the sovereign Lord. PSALM 84. L. M. First Part. Moreton. [*] TJie Pleasure of Public Worship. 1 TTOW pleasant, how divinely fair, XJ. O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are ! With long desire my spirit faints, To meet th' assemblies of thy saints. e 2 My flesh would rest in thine abode, My panting heart cries out for God ; e My God, my King, why should I be So far from all my joys, and thee ? 3 [The sparrow chooses where to rest, And for her young provides her nest ; But will my God to sparrows grant That pleasure which his children want ?] o 4 Blest are the saints who sit on high, Around thy throne of majesty ; o Thy brightest glories shine above, And all their work is praise and love. o 5 Blest are the souls, who find a place Within the temple of thy grace ; — There they behold thy gentler rays, And seek thy face, and learn thy praise. o 6 Blest are the men, whose hearts are set To find the way to Zion's gate ; — God is their strength : and through the road, They lean upon their Helper, God. 176 PSALM 84. o 7 Cheerful they walk with growing strength, Till all shall meet in heaven at length ; s Till all before thy face appear, And join in nobler worship there. Portugal L. M. Second Part. Castle Street. Green's. [*] God and his Church ; or, Grace and Glory. 1 f^ RE AT God, attend while Zion sings vJT The joy that from thy presence springs j To spend one day with thee on earth, o Exceeds a thousand days of mirth. c 2 Might I enjoy the meanest place, Within thy house, O God of grace ; — Not tents of ease, nor thrones of power, Should tempt my feet to leave the door. o 3 God is our Sun, he makes our day ; God is our Shield, he guards our way From all th' assaults of hell and sin, From foes without and foes within. — 4 All needful grace will God bestow, And crown that grace with glory too; He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls. g 5 O God our King, whose sovereign sway The glorious hosts of heaven obey, And devils at thy presence flee, — Blest is the man who trusts in thee. Paraphrased in C. M. Doxology. Arundel. [*] Ver. 1, 4, 2, 3, 10. God present in his Churches, e 1 "1VTY soul, how lovely is the place, JLTJL To which thy God resorts ! — 'Tis heaven, to see his smiling face, Though in his earthly courts. o 2 There the great Monarch of the skies His saving power displays ; o And light breaks in upon our eyes, With kind and quickening rays. b 3 With his rich gifts the heavenly Dove Descends and fills the place ; — While Christ reveals his wondrous love, And sheds abroad his grace. o 4 There, mighty God, thy words declare The secrets of thy will ; PSALM 84. 177 And still we seek thy mercies there, And sing thy praises still. PAUSE. — 5 [My heart and flesh cry out for thee, While far from thine abode : p When shall I tread thy courts, and see My Saviour and my God ? — 6 The sparrow builds herself a nest, And suffers no remove ; e O make me like the sparrows blessed, To dwell but where I love. —7 To sit one day beneath thine eye, And hear thy gracious voice, Exceeds a whole eternity Employed in carnal joys. e 8 Lord, at thy threshold I would wait, While Jesus is within ; Rather than fill a throne of state, Or live in tents of sin. —9 Could I command the spacious land, And the more boundless sea, For one blest hour at thy right hand, I'd give them both away.] P. M. Bethesda. [*] Longing for the House of God. 1 T ORD of the worlds above, . I i How pleasant, andliow fair The dwellings of thy love, Thy earthly temples are ! To thine abode My heart aspires ; With warm desires, To see my God. 2 [The sparrow for her young With pleasure seeks a rest, And wandering swallows long To find their wonted rest ! My spirit faints, With equal zeal, To rise and dwell Among thy saints.] o 3 O happy souls, who pray Where "God appoints to hear ! 178 PSALM 85. O happy men, who pay Their constant service there ! They praise thee still ; And happy they, Who love the way To Zion's hill. -4 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears; Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven appears. O glorious seat, When God our King Shall thither bring Our willing feet ! e 5 [To spend one sacred day Where God and saints abide, Affords diviner joy, Than thousand days beside : Where God resorts, I love it more To keep the door, Than shine in courts.] — 6 God is our Sun and Shield, Our Light and our Defence ; With gifts his hands are filled, We draw our blessings thence. He shall bestow, On Jacob's race, Peculiar grace, And glory too. o 7 The Lord his people loves ; His hand no good withholds, From those his heart approves, From pure and pious souls. o Thrice happy he, O God of hosts, Whose spirit trusts Alone in thee. PSALM 85. L. M. First Part. All-Saints. [*] Ver. 1 — 8. Deliverance begun and completed. 1 T ORD, thou hast called thy grace to mind, ■J i Thou hast reversed our heavy doom ; PSALM 85, 86. 179 So God forgave, when Israel sinned, And brought his wandering captives home. 2 Thou hast begun to set us free, And made thy fiercest wrath abate ; Now let our hearts be turned to thee, And thy salvation be complete. e 3 Revive our dying graces, Lord, And let thy saints in thee rejoice ; Make known thy truth, fulfill thy word ; We wait for praise to tune our voice. — 4 We wait to hear what God will say : o He'll speak, and give his people peace : — But let them run no more astray, e Lest his returning wrath increase. Armlcy. L. M. Second Part. Islington. Oporto. [*] Ver. 9, &c. Salvation by Christ. 1 QALVATION is forever nigh O The souls who fear and trust the Lord , And grace, descending from on high, Fresh hopes of glory shall afford. b 2 Mercy and truth on earth are met, Since Christ the Lord came down from heaven; By his obedience so complete, Justice is pleased, and peace is given. o 3 Now truth and honour shall abound, Religion dwell on earth again, And heavenly influence bless the ground, In our Redeemer's gentle reign. — 4 His righteousness is gone before, To give us free access to God ; Our wandering feet shall stray no more, But mark his steps, and keep the road. PSALM 86. CM. First Part. York. [*] Ver. 8 — 13. A general Song of Praise to God. 1 A MONG the princes, earthly gods, XTL There's none hath power divine; Nor is their nature, mighty Lord, Nor are their works, like thine. 2 The nations thou hast made, shall bring Their offerings round thy throne ; For thou alone dost wondrous things ; For thou art God alone. 180 PSALM 87, 89. e 3 Lord, I would walk with holy feet; Teach me thy heavenly ways ; And my poor scattered thoughts unite In God my Father's praise. o 4 Great is thy mercy, and my tongue Shall those sweet wonders tell ; — How, by thy grace, my sinking soul Rose from the deeps of hell. PSALM 87. L. M. Green's. Leeds. [*] The Church the Birthplace of the Saints. I £~^ OD, in his earthly temple, lays \T Foundations for his heavenly praise : e He likes the tents of Jacob well ; o But still in Zion loves to dwell. c 2 His mercy visits every house, That pay their night and morning vows ; o But makes a more delightful stay, Where churches meet to praise and pray. e 3 What glories were described of old ! What wonders are of Zion told ! o Thou city of our God below, Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know. o 4 Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jew, Shall there begin their lives anew : s Angels and men shall join to sing The Hill where living waters spring. — 5 When God makes up his last account Of natives in his holy mount, 'Twill be an honour to appear, As one new born or nourished there ! PSALM 89. L. M. First Part. Nantioich.[*] Covenant tcith Christ, the true David. 1 TjlOREVER shall my song record J. The truth and mercy of the Lord : o Mercy and truth forever stand, Like heaven, established by his hand. 2 Thus to his Son he swore, and said, d " With thee my covenant first is made ; " In thee shall dying sinners live ; " Glory and grace are thine to give. PSALM 89. 181 3 " Be thou my Prophet,, thou my Priest ; <; Thy children shall be ever blest : " Thou art my chosen King ; thy throne <; Shall stand eternal, like my own. 4 " There's none of all my sons above, '• So much my image, or my love : " Celestial powers thy subjects are ; " Then what can earth to thee compare ? 5 " David, my servant, whom I chose, u To guard my flock, to crush my foes, " And raised him to the Jewish throne, ■• "Was but a shadow of my Son." o G Now let the church rejoice, and sing Jesus her Saviour and her King; s Angels his heavenly wonders show, And saints declare his works below. Truro. C. M. First Part. Colchester. Abridge. [*] The Faithfulness of God. 1 TLTY never-ceasing songs shall show -Lt JL The mercies of the Lord ; And make succeeding ages know, How faithful is his word. 2 The sacred truths, his lips pronounce, Shall firm as heaven endure ; And if he speaks a promise once, Th' eternal grace is sure. c 3 How long the race of David held The promised Jewish throne ! o But there's a nobler covenant sealed To David's greater Son. o 4 His seed forever shall possess A throne above the skies : The meanest subject of his grace Shall to that glory rise. g 5 Lord God of hosts, thy wondrous ways Are sung by saints above ; And saints on earth their honours raise To thy unchanging love. C. Iff. Second Part. Plymouth, [b] V. 7, &c. Majesty of God; or, Reverential Worship, e 1 XTT7TTH reverence let the saints appear, V T And bow before the Lord ; 16 182 PSALM 89. His high commands with reverence hear, And tremble at his word. a 2 How terrible thy glories rise ! — How bright thy beauties shine ! c Where is the power with thee that vies ? Or truth compared with thine ? g 3 The northern pole, and southern, rest On thy supporting hand ; Darkness and day, from east to west, Move round at thy command. o 4 Thy words the raging winds control, And rule the boisterous deep ; Thou mak'st the sleeping billows roll, The rolling billows sleep. — 5 Heaven, earth, and air, and sea are thine, e And the dark world of hell : a How did thine arm in vengeance shine, When Egypt durst rebel ! g 6 Justice and judgment are thy throne, — Yet wondrous is thy grace ; o While truth and mercy, joined in one, Invite us near thy face. C. M. Third Part. Devizes. [#] Ver. 15, &c. A Blessed Gospel. 1 T>LEST are the souls, who hear and know _fl3 The gospel's joyful sound ; Peace shall attend the paths they go, And light their steps surround. 2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up, Through their Redeemer's name ; His righteousness exalts their hope ; Nor Satan dares condemn. o 3 The Lord, our glory and defence. Strength and salvation gives : g Israel, thy King forever reigns, Thy God forever lives. C. M. Fourth Part. Mcar. [*] Ver. 19, &c. Christ's Mediatorial Kingdom. 1 TTEAR what the Lord in vision said, JLJL And made his mercy known : d " Sinners, behold your help is laid " On my almighty Son. PSALM 89. 183 2 <; Behold the Man my wisdom chose, u Among your mortal race ; u His head my holy oil overflows, '; The Spirit of my grace. o 3 " High shall he reign on David's throne, •• My people's better King ; '; My arm shall beat his rivals down, " And still new subjects bring. —4 " My truth shall guard him in his way '• With mercy by his side; o i: While in my name, o'er earth and sea, " He shall in triumph ride. — 5 " Me for his Father, and his God, u He shall forever own ; u Call me his Rock, his high Abode, o " And 111 support my Son. g 6 " My first-born Son, arrayed in grace, " At my right hand shall sit ; 11 Beneath him angels know their place, " And monarchs at his feet. d 7 (; My covenant stands forever fast ; •'• My promises are strong; <; Firm as the heavens his fhrone shall last, i: His seed endure as loner." C. M. Fifth Part. St. Asaph's. [*] V. 30, &c. Tlie Covenant of Grace, ordered and sure. 1 " ~\^ET," saith the Lord, " if David's race, JL " The children of my Son, e li Should break my laws, abuse my grace, '•' And tempt mine anger down ; — 2 " Their sins I'll visit with the rod, " And make their folly smart ; — " But I'll not cease to be their God, " Nor from my truth depart. 3 " My covenant I will ne'er revoke, " But keep my grace in mind ; " And what eternal love hath spoke, " Eternal truth shall bind. 184 PSALM 89. e 4 " Once have I sworn, (I need no more,) " And pledged my holiness, " To seal the sacred promise sure, " To David and his race : o 5 " The sun shall see his offspring rise, " And spread from sea to sea; " Long as he travels round the skies, " To give the nations day. g 6 " Sure as the moon that rules the night, " His kingdom shall endure ; " Till the fixed laws of shade and light " Shall be observed no more." L. M. Second Part. PleyeVs. [b] V. 47, &c. Mortality and Hope. — A Funeral Psalm e 1 T> EMEMBER, Lord, our mortal state, p _LV How frail our life, how short the date ! Where is the man, who draws his breath, Safe from disease, secure from death ? — 2 Lord, while we see whole nations die, Our flesh and sense repine and cry, p " Must death forever rage and reign ? " Or, hast thou made mankind in vain ? >» 3 " Where is thy promise to the just ? " Are not thy servants turned to dust ? " — But faith forbids these mournful sighs, o And sees the sleeping dust arise. 4 That glorious hour, that dreadful day, Wipes the reproach of saints away, And clears the honour of thy word ; s Awake our souls, and bless the Lord. P. M. Harlington. [b •] Ver. 47, &c. Life, Death, and the Resurrection. e 1 rTlHINK, mighty God, on feeble man; e JL How few his hours, how short his span ! — Short from the cradle to the grave : e Who can secure his vital breath, Against the bold demands of death, With skill to fly, or power to save ? — 2 Lord, shall it be forever said, d " The race of man was only made " For sickness, sorrow, and the dust?" PSALM 90. 185 e Are not thy servants, day by day. Sent to their graves, and turned to clay ? e Lord, where 's thy kindness to the just? —3 Hast thou not promised to thy Son, And all his seed, a heavenly crown ? p But flesh and sense indulge despair ; o Forever blessed be the Lord, That faith can read his holy word, And find a resurrection there. o 4 Forever blessed be the Lord, Who gives his saints a long reward, — For all their toil, reproach, and pain : s Let all below, and all above, Join to proclaim thy wondrous love, g And each repeat their loud — Amen. PSALM 90. L. M. Carthage. Worship. [* b] Man mortal, and God eternal. 1 rpHROUGH every age, eternal God, X Thou art our rest, our safe abode ; High was thy throne, e'er heaven was made, Or earth thy humble footstool laid. 2 Long hadst thou reigned, ere time began, Or dust was fashioned into man ; And long thy kingdom shall endure, When earth and time shall be no more. e 3 But man, weak man, is born to die, Made up of guilt and vanity ; a Thy dreadful sentence, Lord, was just, — d " Return, ye sinners, to your dust." — 1 [A thousand of our years amount Scarce to a day in thine account ; Like yesterday's departed light, Or the last watch of ending night.] PAUSE. — 5 Death, like an overflowing stream, Sweeps us away ; our life's a dream; p An empty tale ; a morning flower, Cut down and withered in an hour. 6 [Our age to seventy years is set : How short the term ! how frail the state ! And if to eighty we arrive, We rather sigh and groan, than live. 16 * 186 PSALM 90. 7 But O how oft thy wrath appears, And cuts off our expected years ; Thy wrath awakes our humble dread ; We fear the power that strikes us dead.] — 8 Teach us, O Lord, how frail is man ; And kindly lengthen out our span ; Till a wise care of piety Fit us to die, and dwell with thee. C. M. First Part. Wantage, [b] Ver. 1 — 5. Men frail, and God eternal. 1 ^fcUR God, our help in ages past, \Jr Our hope for years to come ; Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home : 2 Under the shadow of thy throne, Thy saints have dwelt secure ; Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. 3 [Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame ; From everlasting thou art God ; To endless years the same. 4 Thy word commands our flesh to dust, " Return, ye sons of men ; " All nations rose from earth at first, And turn to earth again.] 5 A thousand ages, in thy sight, Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising sun. 6 [The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their lives and cares, Are carried downwards by the flood, And lost in following years.] e 7 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away ; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. o 8 Like flowery fields the nations stand, Pleased with the morning light : e The flowers, beneath the mower's hand, Lie withering, ere 'tis night. PSALM 90. 187 — 9 Our God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come. Be thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. C. M. Second Part. China, [b] V. 8, 11 , 9, 10, 12. Mortality, and Preparation/or Death. e 1 T ORD. if thine eyes survey our faults, I A And justice grows severe, Thy dreadful wrath exceeds our thoughts, And burns beyond our fear. 2 Thine anger turns our frame to dust : p By one offence to thee, Adam and all his sons have lost Their immortality. —3 Life like a vain amusement flies, A fable or a song : By swift degrees our nature dies, Nor can our joys be long. e 4 'Tis but a few whose days amount To threescore years and ten ; p And all beyond that short account, Is sorrow, toil, and pain. e 5 [Our vitals, with laborious strife, Bear up the crazy load ; And drag those poor remains of life, Along the tiresome road.] — 6 Almighty God, reveal thy love, And not thy wrath alone ; 0 let our sweet experience prove The mercies of thy throne. 7 Our souls would learn the heavenly art, T' improve the hours we have ; That we may act the wiser part, And live beyond the grave. C. M. Third Part. Canterbury, [b] Ver. 13, &c. Breathing after Heaven. 1 T> ETURN, O God of love, return; JLV Earth is a tiresome place : How long shall we, thy children, mourn Our absence from thy face ? 188 PSALM 90, 91. 2 Let heaven succeed our painful years, Let sin and sorrow cease ; And in proportion to our tears, So make our joys increase. 3 Thy wonders to thy servants show, Make thine own work complete ; Then shall our souls thy glory know, And own thy love was great. 4 Then shall we shine before thy throne, In all thy beauty, Lord ; And the poor service we have done Meet a divine reward. S. M. Aylesbury, [b] Ver. 5, 10, 12. The Frailty and Shortness of Life. 1 T ORD, what a feeble piece . I A Is this our mortal frame ! e Our life — how poor a trifle 'tis, That scarce deserves the name ! p 2 Alas the brittle clay, That built our bodies first ! And every month, and every day, "f is mouldering back to dust. — 3 Our moments fly apace, Nor will our minutes stay ; o Just like a flood, our hasty days Are sweeping us away. — 4 Well, if our days must fly, We'll keep their end in sight ; We'll spend them all in wisdom's way, And let them speed their flight. o 5 They'll sooner waft us o'er This life's tempestuous sea : Soon we shall reach the peaceful shore Of blest eternity. PSALM 91. L. M. Shod. Oporto. [*] Ver. 1 — 7. Safety in Public Diseases and Danger. 1 TTE who hath made his refuge — God, JLJ.. Shall find a most secure abode ; Shall walk all day beneath his shade, And there, at night, shall rest his head. PSALM 91. 189 2 [Then will I say, " My God. thy power '; Shall be my fortress aud my tower ; " I. that am Formed of feeble dr. . " Make thine almighty arm my trust." 3 Thrice happy man ! thy Maker's care Shall keep thee from the fowler's snare ; Satan, the fowler, who betrays Unguarded souls a thousand ways.] 4 Just as a hen protects her brood, (From birds of prey that seek their blood.) Under her feathers, so the Lord Makes his own arm his people's guard. e 5 If burning beams of noon conspire To dart a pestilential fire, o God is their life : his wings are spread, To shield them with a healthful shade. e 6 If vapours, with malignant breath, Rise thick, and scatter midnight death, o Israel is safe : the poisoned air Grows pure, if Israel's God be there. PAUSE. — 7 [What though a thousand at thy side, At thy right hand ten thousand died : Thy God his chosen people saves, Amongst the dead, amidst the graves. 8 So when he sent his angel down To make his wrath in Egypt known, And slew their sons, his careful eye Passed all the doors of Jacob by.] 9 But if the fire, or plague, or sword, Receive commission from the Lord, To strike his saints among the rest, o Their very pains and deaths are blest. 10 The sword, the pestilence, or fire, Shall but fulfill their best desire ; From sins and sorrows set them free, And bring thy children, Lord, to thee. C. M. Mem-. [*] V. 9 — 16. Guard of .ingels, Victory mid Deliverance. 1 [X!7"E sons of men, a feeble race, jl Exposed to every snare, 190 PSALM 92. Come, make the Lord your dwelling-place, And try, and trust his care. 2 No ill shall enter where you dwell ; Or if the plague come nigh, And sweep the wicked down to hell, 'Twill raise his saints on high. 3 He'll give his angels charge to keep Your feet in all their ways : To watch your pillow while you sleep, And guard your happy days. 4 Their hands shall bear you, lest you fall, And dash against the stones ; Are they not servants at his call, And sent t' attend his sons ? 5 Adders and lions ye shall tread ; The tempter's wiles defeat ; He that hath broke the serpent's head, Puts them beneath your feet. G " Because on me they set their love, " I'll save them, (saith the Lord.) " I'll bear their joyful souls above " Destruction and the sword. 7 » My grace shall answer when they call ; " In trouble I'll be nigh ; " My power shall help them when they fall, " And raise them when they die. 8 " Those that on earth my name have known, " I'll honour them in heaven : " There my salvation shall be shown, " And endless life be given."] PSALM 92. L. M. First Part. Green's. [*] A Psalm for the Lord's Day. 1 OWEET is the work, my God, my King, k3 To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. e 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest; No mortal cares shall seize my breast : — O may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound ! s 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word; PSALM 9-2, 93. 191 c Thy works of grace, how bright they shine ! e How deep thy counsels ! how divine ! — 4 Fools never raise their thoughts so high ; e Like brutes they live, like brutes they die; — Like grass they flourish, till thy breath d Blast "them in everlasting death. o 5 But I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart ; And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil, to cheer ray head. 6 [Sin (ray worst enemy before) Shall vex my eyes and ears no more ; My inward foes shall all be slain, Nor Satan break my peace again.] g 7 Then shall I see, and hear, and know, All I desired or wished below ; And every power find sweet employ, In that eternal world of joy. L. M. Second Part. Quercy. [*] Tlie Church the Garden of God. 1 "|~ ORD, 'tis a pleasant thing to stand I I In gardens planted by thy hand ; Let me within thy courts be seen, Like a young cedar, fresh and green. 2 There grow thy saints in faith and love, Blest with thine influence from above ; Not Lebanon, with all its trees, Yields such a comely sight as these. 3 The plants of grace shall ever live ; (Nature decays, but grace must thrive ;) Time, that does all things else impair, Still makes them flourish strong and fair. 4 Laden with fruits of age, they show The Lord is holy, just and true : None that attend his gates shall find A God unfaithful or unkind. PSALM 93. L. M. 1st Pt. Old Hundred. [*] The Eternal and Sovereign God. 1 TEHOVAH reigns ; he dwells in light, */ Girded with majesty and might; The world, created by his hands, Still on its first foundation stands. 192 PSALM 93. o 2 But ere this spacious world was made, Or had its first foundations laid, Thy throne eternal ages stood, Thyself the ever-living God o 3 Like floods, the angry nations rise, And aim their rage against the skies : e Vain floods — that aim their rage so high ! — At thy rebuke the billows die. 4 Forever shall thy throne endure : Thy promise stands forever sure : And everlasting holiness Becomes the dwellings of thy grace. P. M. First Part. Walworth. [*] God's Majesty, and Sovereign Dominion. 1 rip HE Lord of glory reigns, he reigns on high ; JL His robes of state are strength and majesty ; This wide creation rose at his command, Built by his word, and 'stablished by his hand ; g Long stood his throne, ere he began creation, And his own Godhead — is the firm foundation. o 2 God is th' eternal King : thy foes in vain Raise their rebellion, to confound thy reign : In vain the storms, in vain the floods arise, And roar, and toss their waves against the skies ; Foaming at heaven, they rage with wild commotion ; But heaven's high arches scorn the swelling ocean. d 3 Ye tempests, rage no more ; ye floods, be still} And the mad world, obedient to his will : Built on his truth, his church must ever stand ; Firm are his promises, and strong his hand : See his own sons, when they appear before him, Bow at his footstool, and with fear adore him. P. M. Second Part. Dalston. [*] God's Poxcer, and Zion's Safety. 1 FinHE Lord Jehovah reigns, JL And royal state maintains ; His head with awful glories crowned ; Arrayed in robes of light, Begirt with sovereign might, And rays of majesty around. 2 Upheld by his commands, The world securely stands, And skies and stars obey thy word : PSALM 94. 193 g Thy throne was fixed on high, Before the starry sky : Eternal is thy kingdom, Lord. e 3 In vain the noisy crowd, Like billows fierce and lolid, Against thine empire rage and roar; In vain with angry spite, The surly nations fight. And dash like waves against the shore. d 4 Let floods and nations rage. And all their powers engage, — Let swelling tides assault the sky : The terrors of thy frown Shall beat their madness down ; Thy throne forever stands on high. g 5 Thy promises are true, Thy grace is ever new : There fixed, thy church shall ne'er remove : Thy saints, with holy fear, Shall in thy courts appear, And sing thine everlasting love. PSALM 94. C. M. First Part, [b] V. 1, 2, 7 — 14. Saints chastised, and Sinners destroyed, 1 [/~\ GOD ! to whom revenge belongs, V>J Proclaim thy wrath aloud ; Let sovereign power redress our wrongs, Let justice smite the proud. 2 They say, " The Lord nor sees nor hears ; ' When will the fools be wise ? Can he be deaf, who formed their ears ? Or blind, who made their eyes ? 3 He knows their impious thoughts are vain, And they shall feel his power ; His wrath shall pierce their souls with pain, In some surprising hour. 4 But if thy saints deserve rebuke, Thou hast a gentler rod : Thy providences, and thv book, Shall make them know their God. 5 Blest is the man thy hands chastise. And to his duty draw : 17 194 PSALM 94. 95. Thy scourges make thy children wise, When they forget thy law. 6 But God will ne'er cast off his saints, Nor his own promise break : He pardons his inheritance For their Redeemer's sake.} C. M. Second Part. Reading, [b] V. 16-23. Deliverance fromTemplation and Persecution 1 ~V¥7"HO will arise, and plead my right, H Against my numerous foes; While earth and hell their force unite, And all my hopes oppose ! 2 Had not the Lord, my Rock, my Help, Sustained my fainting head, e My life had now in silence dwelt, My soul amongst the dead. p 3 " Alas, my sliding feet ! " I cried, — Thy promise was my prop ; Thy grace stood constant by my side, o Thy Spirit bore me up. e 4 While multitudes of mournful thoughts Within my bosom roll ; o Thy boundless love forgives my faults, Thy comforts cheer my soul. — 5 Powers of iniquity may rise, And frame pernicious laws ; o But God, my refuge, rules the skies > He will defend my cause. — 6 Let malice vent her rage aloud ; Let bold blasphemers scoff; g The Lord our God shall judge the proud, And cut the sinners off. PSALM 95. C. M. Bedford, Plymouth. [*] A Psalm before Prayer. 1 OING to the Lord Jehovah's name, i>3 And in his strength rejoice; When his salvation is our theme, Exalted be our voice. 2 With thanks approach his awful sight, And psalms of honour sing ; PSALM 95. 195 The Lord's a God of boundless might, The whole creation's King-. 3 Let princes hear, let angels know, How mean their natures seem, Those gods on high, and gods below, When once compared with him. 4 Earth, with its caverns dark and deep, Lies in his spacious hand ; He fixed the seas what bounds to keep, And where the hills must stand. e 5 Come, and with humble souls adore ; Come, kneel before his face ; O may the creatures of his power Be children of his grace. C 6 Now is the time ; he bends his ear, And waits for your request ; o Come, lest he rouse his wrath, and swear, " Ye shall not see my rest." S. M. Peckham. [*] A Psalm before Sermon. 1 /^OME, sound his praise abroad, V^ And hymns of glory sing ; Jehovah is the sovereign Trod, The universal King. 2 He formed the deeps unknown ; He gave the seas their bound ; The watery worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground. e 3 Come, worship at his throne ; Come, bow before the Lord : — We are his works, and not our own, He formed us by his word. 4 To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod ; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God. 5 [But if your ears refuse The language of his grace, And hearts grow hard, like stubborn Jews, That unbelieving race ; £5 The Lord, in vengeance dressed, Will lift his hand and swear. 190 PSALM 95, 96. d " You that despised my promised rest, " Shall have no portion there."] L. M. Blcndon. Leeds. [*] V. 1, 2, 3, 6 — 11. Canaan lost through Unbelief. 1 [£~^ OME, let our voices join to raise \j A sacred song of solemn praise : God is a sovereign King ; rehearse His honours in exalted verse.] 2 Come, let our souls address the Lord, Who framed our natures with his word ; o He is our Shepherd ; we the sheep, His mercy chose, his pastures keep. — 3 Come, let us hear his voice to-day, The counsels of his love obey ; e Nor let our hardened hearts renew The sins and plagues that Israel knew. 4 Israel, who saw his works of grace, Tempted their Maker to his face ; A faithless, unbelieving brood, That tired the patience of their God ! d 5 [Thus saith the Lord, " How false they prove ! ' Forget my power ; abuse my love : ' Since they despise my rest, I swear, " Then; feet shall never enter there."] a 6 Look back, my soul, with holy dread, And view those ancient rebels dead : — Attend the offered grace to-day, Nor lose the blessing by delay. o 7 Seize the kind promise, while it waits, And march to Zion's heavenly gates Believe, and take the promised rest} Obey, and be forever blest. PSALM 98.' C. M. Arundel Christmas. [*] V. 1 — 10, &c. Christ's First and Second Coming. 1 CUNG to the Lord, ye distant lands, C3 Ye tribes of every tongue ; His new discovered grace demands A new and nobler song. 2 Say to the nations, Jesus reigns, God's own almighty Son ; c His power the sinking world sustains, o And grace surrounds his throne. PSALM 9G. 197 — 3 Let heaven proclaim the joyful day, o Joy through the earth be seen ; Let cities shine in bright array, And fields in cheerful green. 4 Let an unusual joy surprise The islands of the sea; d Ye mountains, sink, ye valleys, rise ; Prepare the Lord his way. o 5 Behold, he comes, he comes to bless The nations as their God ; o To show the world his righteousness, And send his truth abroad. g 6 But when his voice shall raise the dead, And bid the world draw near ; a How will the guilty nations dread, To see their Judge appear I P. M. St. Helen's. Hie God of the Gentiles. 1 ~Y ET all the earth their voices raise, I i To sing the choicest psalm of praise ; To sing and bless Jehovah's name : His glory let the heathens know ; His wonders to the nations show ; And all his saving works proclaim. 2 The heathens know thy glory, Lord, The wondering nations read thy word ; o Among us is Jehovah known : Our worship shall no more be paid To gods which mortal hands have made : o Our Maker is our God alone. 3 He framed the globe, He built the sky, He made the shining worlds on high, And reigns complete in glory there ; — His beams are majesty and light ; b His beauties, how divinely bright ! His temple, how divinely fair ! g 4 Come, the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall feel his saving power, And barbarous nations fear his name ; Then shall the race of men confess The beauty of his holiness, And, in his courts, his grace proclaim. 198 PSALM 97. PSALM 97. L.M. First Part. Psahn97th. [*] Ver. 1 — 5. Christ the Sovereign Judge. 1 TTE reigns — the Lord, the Saviour reigns ; JLjL Praise him in evangelic strains : o Let the whole earth in songs rejoice ; And distant islands join their voice. e 2 Deep are his counsels, and unknown j o But grace and truth support his throne : e Though gloomy clouds his way surround, —Justice is their eternal ground, g 3 In rohes of judgment, lo, he comes ! Shakes the wide earth, and cleaves the tombs; Before him burns devouring fire ! The mountains melt, the seas retire ! —4 His enemies, with sore dismay, Fly from the sight and shun the day : o Then lift your heads, ye saints, on high, u And sing, for your redemption's nigh. L. M. Second Part. Old Hundred. [*] Ver. 6 — 9. Christ's Incarnation. 1 nnHE Lord is come : the heavens proclaim JL His birth ; the nations learn his name : An unknown star directs the road Of Eastern sages to their God. g 2 All ye bright armies of the skies, Go worship where the Saviour lies ; Angels and kings, before him bow, Those gods on high and gods below. — 3 Let idols totter to the ground, And their own worshippers confound ; o But J ud ah shout, but Zion sing, — And earth confess her sovereign King. L. M. Third Part. Green's. [*] Grace and Glory. 1 npHE Almighty reigns, exalted high, JL O'er all the earth, o'er all the sky ; e Though clouds and darkness veil his feet, o His dwelling is the mercy-seat. — 2 O ye who love his holy name, Hate every work of sin and shame : He guards the souls of all his friends, And from the snares of hell defends. PSALM 97, 98. 199 o 3 Immortal light, and joys unknown, Are for the saints in darkness sown ; These glorious seeds shall spring and rise, And the bright harvest bless our eyes. o 4 Rejoice, ye righteous, and jecord The sacred honours of the Lord; — None, but the soul that feels his grace, Can triumph in his holiness. C. M. Mitcham. Hear. [*] V. 1,3, 5-7, 11 . Christ's Incantation, and the Judgment. 1 "X7~E shores and isles of every sea, J- Rejoice — the Saviour reigns ; His word, like fire, prepares his way, And mountains melt to plains. o 2 His presence sinks the proudest hills, And makes the valleys rise ; — The humble soul enjoys his smiles, e The haughty sinner dies. o 3 The heavens his rightful power proclaim ; e The idol gods around Fill their own worshippers with shame, And totter to the ground. — 4 Adoring angels, at his birth, Make the Redeemer known : g Thus shall he come — to judge the earth — And angels guard his throne. o 5 His foes shall tremble at his sight, And hills and seas retire ; o His children take their unknown flight, — And leave the world on fire. 6 The seeds of joy and glory, sown For saints in darkness here, o Shall rise and spring in worlds unknown, And a rich harvest bear. PSALM 93. C. M. First Part. Sunday. [*] Praise for tie Gospel. 1 rflO our almighty Maker God, A New honours be addressed} His great salvation shines abroad, And makes the nations blessed. 2 He spake the word to Abraham first ; His truth fulfills his grace • 200 PSALM 98, 99. The Gentiles make his name their trust, And learn his righteousness. o 3 Let the whole earth his love proclaim, With all her different tongues ; u And spread the honours of his name, In melody and songs. St. Martin's. C. M. Second Part. Arundel Bethlehem. [*] Tfie Messiah's Coming and Kingdom. 1 TOY to the world — the Lord is come ! el Let earth receive her King : o Let every heart prepare him room, u And heaven and nature sing. — 2 Joy to the earth — the Saviour reigns ! Let men their songs employ ; o While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, Repeat the sounding joy. e 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; o He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found, g 4 He rules the world with truth and grace ; And makes the nations prove, The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. PSALM 99. S. M. First Part. Peclham. [*] Christ's Kingdom and Majesty. 1 1 1 lHE God, Jehovah, reigns ! JL Let all the nations fear ; e Let sinners tremble at his throne, e And saints be humble there. — 2 Jesus, the Saviour, reigns ! Let earth adore its Lord ; o Bright cherubs his attendants stand, Swift to fulfill his word. — 3 In Zion is his throne, His honours are divine : His church shall make his wonders known ; For there his glories shine, e 4 How holy is his name ! How terrible his praise ! o Justice, and truth, and judgment join, In all his works of grace. PSALM 99, 100. 201 S. M. Second Part. Newton. Watchman. [*] A holy God worshipped with Rctcrence. 1 Tj1 XALT the Lord our God, JL-J And worship at his feet ; His nature is all holiness, And mercy is his seat. e 2 When Israel was his church, When Aaron was his priest, — When Moses cried, when Samuel prayed, — He gave his people rest. — 3 Oft he forgave their sins, Nor would destroy their race ; And oft he made his vengeance known, When they abused his grace. o 4 Exalt the Lord our God, Whose grace is still the same : — Still he"s a God of holiness, And jealous for his name. PSALM 100. L.M. IstPt. Old Hundred.^] A plain translation. — Praise to our Creator. 1 ~\7"E nations of the earth, rejoice j_ Before the Lord, your Sovereign King; o Serve him with cheerful heart and voice ; o With all your tongues his glory sing. e 2 The Lord is God ; — 'tis he alone Doth life and breath and being give ; We are his work, and not our own ; The sheep that on his pastures live, o 3 Enter his gates with songs of joy ; With praises to his courts repair ; And make it your divine employ, To pay your thanks and honours there. — 1 The Lord is good ; the Lord is kind ; o Great is his grace, his mercy sure ; g And the whole race of man shall find His truth from age to age endure. L. M. Second Part. Old Hundred. [*] A Paraphrase. 1 [OiNG to the Lord with joyful voice ; »3 Let every land his name adore ; The northern isles shall send the noise Across the ocean to the shore.] 202 PSALM 101. e 2 Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and he destroy. — 3 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men ; e And when, like wandering sheep, we strayed, o He brought us to his fold again. e 4 We are his people, we his care ; Our souls and all our mortal frame : o What lasting honours shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to thy name ? s 5 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs ; High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise, g 6 Wide — as the world, is thy command ; Vast — as eternity, thy love : Firm — as a rock, thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. PSALM 101. L. M. Old Hundred. [*] The Magistrate's Psalm. 1 "IVTERCY and judgment are my song; _LT_I_ And, since they both to thee belong, . My gracious God, my righteous King, To thee my songs and vows I bring. 2 If I am raised to bear the sword, I'll take my counsels from thy word ; Thy justice and thy heavenly grace Shall be the pattern of my ways. 3 Let wisdom all my actions guide, And let my God with me reside ; •' No wicked thing shall dwell with me, Which may provoke thy jealousy. 4 No sons of slander, rage, and strife Shall be companions of my life ; The haughty look, the heart of pride, Within my doors shall ne'er abide. 5 (I'll search the land, and raise the just To posts of honour, wealth and trust j The men who work thy holy will, Shall be my friends and favourites still.) PSALM 101, 102. 203 6 In vain shall sinners hope to rise, By flattering or malicious lies ; And while the innocent I guard, The bold offender shan't be spared. 7 The impious crew, that factious band, Shall hide their heads, or quit the land ; And all who break the public rest, Where I have power, shall be suppressed. C. M. Mear. [*] A Psalm, for a Master of a Family. 1 /"\F justice and of grace 1 sing, \J And pay my God my vows ; Thy grace and justice, heavenly King, Teach me to rule my house. 2 Now to my tent, O God, repair, And make thy servant wise ; I'll suffer nothing near me there, That shall offend thine eyes. 3 The man who doth his neighbour wrong, By falsehood or by force, The scornful eye, the slanderous tongue, — I'll thrust them from my doors. 4 I'll seek the faithful and the just, And will their help enjoy ; These are the friends whom I shall trust, The servants I'll employ. 5 The wretch, who deals in sly deceit, I'll not endure a night : The liar's tongue I ever hate, And banish from my sight. G I'll purge my family around, And make the wicked flee ; So shall my house be ever found A dwelling flt for thee. PSALM 102. C. M. First Part. China, [b] Ver. 1—13, 20, 21. A Prayer for the Afflicted. 1 TTEAR me, O God, nor hide thy face ; jLjl But answer, lest I die : Hast thou not built a throne of grace, To hear when sinners crv ? 204 PSALM 102. p 2 My days are wasted, like the smoke, Dissolving in the air ; My strength is dried ; my heart is broke, And sinking in despair. 3 My spirits flag, like withering grass, Burnt with excessive heat ; In secret groans my minutes pass, And I forget to eat. 4 [As on some lonely building's top, The sparrow tells her moan, — Far from the tents of joy and hope, 1 sit and grieve alone. 5 My soul is like a wilderness, Where beasts of midnight howl : Where the sad raven finds her place, And where the screaming owl. G Dark, dismal thoughts and boding fears Dwell in my troubled breast ; While sharp reproaches wound mine ears, Nor give my spirit rest. 7 My cup is mingled with my woes, And tears are my repast : My daily bread, like ashes, grows Unpleasant to my taste. 8 Sense can afford no real joy, To souls that feel thy frown ; Lord, 'twas thy hand advanced me high ; Thy hand hath cast me down. 9 My locks like withered leaves appear ; And life's declining light • Grows faint as evening shadows are, That vanish into night.] — 10 But thou forever art the same, O my eternal God ! o Ages to come shall know thy name, And spread thy works abroad. o 11 Thou wilt arise, and show thy face ; Nor will my Lord delay, Beyond th' appointed hour of grace, That long-expected day. — 12 He hears his saints, he knows their cry ; And, by mysterious ways, PSALM 102. 205 Redeems the prisoners doomed to die, And fills their tongues with praise. Reading. C. M. Second Part. St. Paul's. Zion. [*] V. 13 — 21. Prayer heard, and Zion restoied. 1 T ET Zion and her sons rejoice — d B A Behold the promised hour ! — Her God hath heard her mourning voice, And comes t' exalt his power. c 2 Her dust and ruins that remain Are precious in our eyes : o Those ruins shall be built again, And all that dust shall rise. g 3 The Lord will raise Jerusalem, And stand in glory there ; Nations shall bow before his name, And kings attend with fear. p 4 He sits a Sovereign on his throne, With pity in his eyes ; He hears the dying prisoners groan, And sees their sighs arise. — 5 He frees the souls condemned to death ; And. when his saints complain. It shan't be said that praying breath Was ever spent in vain. o 6 This shall be known, when we are dead, And left on long record. — That ages, yet unborn, may read, And trust and praise the Lord. L. M. Dresden. Leeds, [b] V. 23 — 23. Saints die, but Christ and the Church live. 1 TT is the Lord our Saviour's hand, JL Weakens our strength amidst the race ; e Disease and death, at his command, Arrest us, and cut short our days. o 2 Spare us, O Lord, aloud we pray, Nor let our sun go down at noon : o Thy years are one eternal day, e And must thy children die so soon ! — 3 Yet. in the midst of death and grief, This thought our sorrow shall assuage : " Our Father and our Saviour live ; u Christ is the same through every age." 206 PSALM 103. g 4 'Twas He this earth's foundation laid ; Heaven is the building of his hand : e This earth grows old, these heavens shall fade, And all be changed at his command. — 5 The starry curtains of the sky, Like garments, shall be laid aside ; g But still thy throne stands firm and high ; Thy church forever must abide. o 6 Before thy face thy church shall live, And on thy throne thy children reign : o This dying world shall they survive, And the dead saints be raised asrain. PSALM 103. L. M. 1st Part. Nantwich. [*] Ver. 1 — 7. God's Goodness to Soul and Body. 1 "OLESS, O my soul, the living God; J3 Call home thy thoughts that rove abroad ; o Let all the powers within me join In work and worship so divine. 2 Bless, O my soul, the God of grace ; His favours claim thy highest praise ; Why should the wonders he hath wrought Be lost in silence, and forgot ? c 3 'Tis he, my soul, who sent his Son, To die for crimes which thou hast done ; o He owns the ransom, and forgives The hourly follies of our lives. — 4 The vices of the mind he heals, And cures the pains that nature feels o Redeems the soul from hell, and saves Our wasting life from threatening graves. — 5 Our youth, decayed, his power repairs; His mercy crowns our growing years : He satisfies our mouth with good, And fills our hope with heavenly food. 6 He sees the oppressor, and the oppressed, And often gives the sufferers rest ; g But will his justice more display In the great, last, rewarding day. — 7 [His power he showed by Moses' hands, And gave to Israel his commands : e But sent his truth and mercy down, -by his Son. PSALM 103. 207 — 8 Let the whole earth his power confess; Let the whole earth adore his grace : O The Gentile with the Jew shall join In work and worship so divine.] Brentford. L. M. Second Part. Greats. [*] Ver. 8 — 18. God merciful in Cliastisement. HE Lord, how wondrous are his ways ! ow firm his truth ! how large his grace . 1 TH^ He takes his mercy for his throne. — And thence he makes his glories known. 2 Not half so high his power hath spread The starry heavens above our head. As his rich love exceeds our praise, Exceeds the highest hopes we raise. 3 Not half so far has nature placed The rising morning from the west, As his forgiving grace removes The daily guilt of those he loves. e 4 How slowly doth his wrath arise ! o On swifter wings salvation flies : c And, if he lets his anger burn, o How soon his frowns to pity turn ! — 5 Amidst his wrath compassion shines ; His strokes are lighter than our sins ; And while his rod corrects his saints, His ear indulges their complaints. 6 [So fathers their young sons chastise, With gentle hands and melting eyes; The children weep beneath the smart, And move the pity of their heart. PAUSE. 7 The mighty God, the wise and just, Knows that our frame is feeble dust ; And will no heavy loads impose, Beyond the strength that he bestows. 8 He knows how soon our nature dies, Blasted by every wind that flies ; Like grass we spring, and die as soon, As morning flowers that fade at noon. 9 But his eternal love is sure To all the saints, and shall endure ; 208 PSALM 103. From age to age his truth shall reign ; Nor children's children hope in vain.] S. M. First Part. Kibworth. Dover. [*] Ver. 1 — 7. Spiritual and Temporal Mercies. 1 f\ BLESS the Lord, my soul ! \Jr Let all within me join, And aid my tongue to bless his name, Whose favours are divine. o 2 0 bless the Lord, my soul ! Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in unthankfulness, And without praises die. b 3 'Tis he forgives thy sins ; 'Tis he relieves thy pain ; 'Tis he who heals thy sicknesses, And makes thee young again. — 4 He crowns thy life with love, When ransomed from the grave ; o He, who redeemed my soul from hell, Hath sovereign power to save. — 5 He fills the poor with good ; He gives the sufferers rest : o The Lord hath judgment for the proud, And justice for th' oppressed. — 6 His wondrous works and ways He made by Moses known ; o But sent the world his truth and grace, By his beloved Son. S. M. Second Part. Watchman. [*] Ver. 8 — 18. Mercy in the midst of Judgment. 1 [IVTY soul, repeat His praise, _LT_f_ Whose mercies are so great ; Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. e 2 God will not always chide ; And when his strokes are felt, His strokes are fewer than our crimes, And lighter than our guilt. o 3 High as the heavens are raised Above the ground we tread ; So far the riches of his grace Our highest thoughts exceed. PSALM 103, 104. 209 — 4 His power subdues our sins, And his forgiving love. Far as the east is from the west, Doth all our guilt remove. e 5 The pity of the Lord, To those that fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel ; He knows our feeble frame. 6 He knows we are but dust, Scattered with every breath : e His anger, like a rising wind, Can send us swift to death. p 7 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower ; If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. c 8 But thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure ; o And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure.] S. M. Third Part. St. Thomas's. [*] Ver. 19 — 22. God's Dominion; or, Angelic Praise. 1 r I ^HE Lord, the sovereign King, X Hath fixed his throne on high ; O'er all the heavenly world he rules, And all beneath the sky. 2 Ye angels, great in might, And swift to do his will. Bless ye the Lord, whose voice ye hear, Whose pleasure ye fulfill. 3 Let the bright hosts, who wait The orders of their King, And guard his churches when they pray, Join in the praise they sing. 4 While all his wondrous works, Through his vast kingdom, show Their Maker's glory, thou, my soul, Shalt sing his graces too. PSALM 104. L. xM. Blendon. [*] God glorious in Creation and Providence. 1 IVTY soul, the great Creator praise : J-tjL When clothed in his celestial rays, 18* 210 PSALM 104. He in full majesty appears, And, like a robe, his glory wears. [Note. This Psalm may be sung to a different metre by adding the following two lines to every stanza, viz. Great is the Lord ; what tongue can frame An equal honour to his name !] 2 [The heavens are for his curtains spread ; Th' unfathomed deep he makes his bed ; Clouds are his chariot, when he flies On winged storms across the skies.] 3 Angels, whom his own breath inspires, His ministers, are flaming fires ; As swift as thought their armies move, To bear his vengeance, or his love. 4 The world's foundations by his hand Are poised, and shall forever stand; He binds the ocean in his chain, Lest it should drown the earth again. 5 [When earth was covered with the flood, Which high above the mountains stood ; He thundered, and the ocean fled, Confined to its appointed bed. 6 The swelling billows know their bound, And in their channels walk their round ; Yet thence conveyed by secret veins, They spring on hills, and drench the plains. 7 He bids the crystal fountains flow, And cheer the valleys as they go ; Tame heifers there their thirst allay, And for the stream wild asses bray. 8 From pleasant trees, which shade the brink, The lark and linnet light to drink ; Their songs the lark and linnet raise, And chide our silence in his praise. 9 God from his cloudy cistern pours On the parched earth enriching showers : The grove, the garden, and the field, A thousand joyful blessings yield. PSALM 104. 211 10 He makes the grassy food arise, And gives the cattle large supplies; WitLfherbs for man of various power, To nourish nature, or to cure. 11 What noble fruit the vines produce ! The olive yields an useful juice ; Our hearts are cheered with generous wine ; With inward joy our faces shine. 12 O bless his name, ye people, fed With nature's chief supporter, bread: While bread your vital strength imparts, Serve him with vigor in your hearts. PAUSE II. 13 Behold the stately cedar stands, Raised in the forests by his hands ; Birds to the boughs for shelter fly, And build their nests secure on high. 14 To craggy hills ascends the goat ; And, at the airy mountain's foot, The feebler creatures make their cell ; He gives them wisdom where to dwell. 15 He sets the sun his circling race, Appoints the moon to change her face ; And when thick darkness veils the day, Calls out wild beasts to hunt their prey. 16 Fierce lions lead their young abroad, And. roarinar. ask their meat from God ; But when the morning beams arise, The savage beast to covert flies. 17 Then man to daily labour goes ; The night was made for his repose : Sleep is thy gift, that sweet relief From tiresome toil and wasting grief. 13 How strange thy works ! how great thy skill ! And every land thy riches fill : Thy wisdom round the world we see ; This spacious earth is full of thee. 19 Nor less thy glories in the deep, Where fish in millions swim and creep ; With wondrous motions, swift or slow, Still wandering in the paths below. 212 PSALM 105. 20 There ships divide the watery way, And flocks of scaly monsters play ; There dwells the huge leviathan, And foams and sports in spite of man. PAUSE III. 21 Vast are thy works, almighty Lord ; All nature rests upon thy word ; And the whole race of creatures stand, Waiting their portion from thy hand. 22 While each receives his different food, Their cheerful looks pronounce it good ; Eagles and bears, and whales and worms, Rejoice and praise in different forms. 23 But when thy face is hid, they mourn, And, dying, to their dust return ; Both man and beast their souls resign : Life, breath, and spirit — all are thine. 24 Yet thou canst breathe on dust again, And fill the world with beasts and men ; A word of thy creating breath Repairs the wastes of time and death.] 25 His works, the wonders of his might, Are honoured with his own delight : e How awful are his glorious ways ! The Lord is dreadful in his praise. p 26 The earth stands trembling at thy stroke, And at thy touch the mountains smoke : b Yet humble souls may see thy face, And tell their wants to sovereign grace. — 27 In Thee my hopes and wishes meet, And make my meditations sweet ; o Thy praises shall my breath employ, Till it expire in endless joy. e 28 [While haughty sinners die accursed, Their glory buried in the dust, o I to my God, my heavenly King, o Immortal hallelujahs sing.] PSALM 105. C. M. Abridged. Arundel. [*] Covenant icith Abraham remembered. 1 f^ IVE thanks to God, invoke his name, VX And tell the world his grace ; u Sound through the earth his deeds of fame, That all may seek his face. PSALM 105. 213 o 2 [His covenant, which he kept in mind For numerous ages past, To numerous ages yet behind, In equal force shall last.] — 3 He sware to Abraham and his seed, And made the blessings sure ; Gentiles the ancient promise read, And find his truth endure. d 4 [" Thy seed shall make all nations blest," Said the almighty voice, u And Canaan's land shall be their rest, " The type of heavenly joys." — 5 How large the grant ! how rich the grace, To give them Canaan's land ; When they were strangers in the place, A little feeble band !] 6 (Like pilgrims through the countries round Securely they removed ; And haughty kings, who on them frowned, Severely he reproved.) d7" Touch mine anointed, and mine arm " Shall soon avenge the wrong ; " The man that does my prophets harm " Shall know their God is strong." 8 Then let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the church in fear : Israel must live through every age, And be th' Almighty's care.] 9 When Pharaoh dared to vex the saints, And thus provoked their God ; Moses was sent at their complaints, Armed with his dreadful rod. 10 [He called for darkness ; darkness came, Like an o'erwhelming flood : He turned each lake, and every stream, To lakes and streams of blood. 11 He gave the sign, and noisome flies Through the whole country spread : And frogs in croaking armies rise, About the monarch's bed. 12 Through fields, and towns, and palaces, The tenfold vengeance flew ; 214 PSALM 106. Locusts in swarms devoured their trees, And hail their cattle slew ; 13 Then, by an angel's midnight stroke, The flower of Egypt died ; The strength of every house was broke, — Their glory and their pride. 14 Now let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the church in fear ; Israel must live through every age, And be th' Almighty's care. — 15 Thus were the tribes from bondage brought, And left the hated ground ; Each some Egyptian spoils had got, And not one feeble found.] 16 The Lord himself chose out their way, And marked their journeys right; Gave them a leading cloud by day, A fiery guide by night. 17 They thirst ; and waters from the rock In rich abundance flow ; And, following still the course they took, Ran all the desert through. o 18 O wondrous stream ! O blessed type Of ever-flowing grace ! O So Christ, our Rock, maintains our life Through all this wilderness. — 19 Thus guarded by th' almighty hand, The chosen tribes possessed Canaan, the rich, the promised land, And there enjoyed their rest. g 20 Then let the world forbear its rage, The church renounce her fear ; Israel must live through every age, And be th' Almighty's care. PSALM 106. L.M. Shod Castle Street. [*] Ver. 1 — 5. Praise to God : Communion with, Saints. 1 rpO God, the great, the ever blest, JL Let songs of honour be addressed, — His mercy firm forever stands ; Give him the thanks his love demands. PSALM 106. 215 e 2 Who knows the wonders of thy ways ! Who shall fulfill thy boundless praise ! o Blest are the souls who fear thee still, And pay their duty to thy will. —3 Remember what thy mercy did For Jacob's race, thy chosen seed : And, with the same salvation, bless The meanest suppliant of thy grace. o 4 O may I see thy tribes rejoice, o And aid their triumphs with my voice ! —This is my glory. Lord, to be Joined to thy saints, and near to thee. S. M. Dover. [*] V. 7, 8, 12 — 14, 43 — 43. Israel punished and pardoned. e 1 /~^ OD of eternal love, Vj How fickle are our ways ! And yet, how oft did Israel prove Thy constancy of grace ! — 2 They saw thy wonders wrought, o And then thy praise they sung ; e But soon thy works of power forgot, And murmured with their tongue. — 3 Now they believe his word, o While rocks with rivers flow ; e Now with their lusts provoke the Lord, Till he reduce them low. — 4 Yet when they mourned their faults, He hearkened to their groans : Brought his own covenant to his thoughts, And called them still his sons. 5 Their names were in his book ; He saved them from their foes : Oft he chastised, but ne'er forsook, The people whom he chose. o 6 Let Israel bless the Lord, Who loved their ancient race : o And Christians join the solemn word, Amen, to all the praise. 216 PSALM 107. PSALM 107. L. M. First Part. Shod. [*] Israel led to Canaan ; Christians to Heaven. 1 £~^ I VE thanks to God : — lie reigns above ; vJT Kind are his thoughts ; his name is love J His mercy ages past have known, And ages long to come shall own. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord The wonders of his grace record ; Israel, the nation whom he chose, And rescued from their mighty foes. 3 [When God's almighty arm had broke Their fetters and th' Egyptian yoke ; They traced the desert, wandering round A wild and solitary ground ! 4 There they could find no leading road, Nor city for a fixed abode ; Nor food, nor fountain, to assuage Their burning thirst, or hunger's rage.] 5 In their distress, to God they cried ; God was their Saviour and their Guide : He led their march far wandering round ; 'Twas the right path to Canaan's ground. 6 So, when our first release we gain From sin's own yoke, and Satan's chain, We have this desert world to pass, A dangerous and a tiresome place. 7 He feeds and clothes us all the way ; He guides our footsteps, lest we stray; He guards us with a powerful hand, And brings us to the heavenly land. o 8 O let us, then, with joy record The truth and goodness of the Lord ! e How great his works ! how kind his ways ! u Let every tongue pronounce his praise. L. M. Second Part. Bath. [*] Correction for Sin; Release by Prayer. 1 TT1R.OM age to age, exalt his name ; jl God and his grace are still the same • He fills the hungry soul with food, And feeds the poor with every good. PSALM 107. 217 e 2 But, if their hearts rebel, and rise Against the God who rules the skies ; If they reject his heavenly word, And slight the counsels of the Lord ; — — 3 He'll bring their spirits to the ground, And no deliverance shall be found ; a Laden with grief, they waste their breath In darkness and the shades of death. — 4 Then to the Lord they raise their cries ; o He makes the dawning light arise, And scatters all that dismal shade That hung so heavy round their head. 5 He cuts the bars of brass in two, And lets the smiling prisoner through ; Takes off the load of guilt and grief, And gives the labouring soul relief. o 6 O may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness 0f the Lord ! e How great his works ! how kind his ways ! u Let every tongue pronounce his praise. L. M. Third Part. PleyeVs. [*] Intemperance punished and pardoned. 1 [~^7~AIN man, on foolish pleasures bent, ▼ Prepares fcjr his own punishment ; What pains, what loathsome maladies From luxury and lust arise ! 2 The drunkard feels his vitals waste ; Yet drowns his health to please his taste ; Till all his active powers are lost, And fainting life draws near the dust. 3 The glutton groans and loathes to eat; His soul abhors delicious meat; Nature, with heavy loads oppressed, Would yield to death to be released. 4 Then how the frightened sinners fly To God for help, with earnest cry ! He hears their groans, prolongs their breath, And saves them from approaching death. 5 No med'cines could effect the cure, So quick, so easy, or so sure : The deadly sentence God repeals ; He sends his sovereign word and heals. 19 218 PSALM 107. 6 O may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness of the Lord ; And let their thankful offering prove How they adore their Maker's love.] L. M. Fourth Part. Oporto. [*] Deliverance from Storm and Shipwreck. 1 XX7"OULD you behold the works of God, V f His wonders in the world abroad — Go with the mariners, and trace The unknown regions of the seas. 2 They leave their native shores behind, And seize the favour of the wind ; o Till God commands — and tempests rise, That heave the ocean to the skies. o 3 Now to the heavens they mount amain, e Now sink to dreadful deeps again : — What strange affrights young sailors feel, And like a staggering drunkard reel ! e 4 When land is far, and death is nigh, p Lost to all hope, to God they cry ; — His mercy hears their loud address, o And sends salvation in distress. o 5 He bids the winds their wrath assuage, The furious waves forget their rage : — 'Tis calm ; — and sailors smile to see The haven where they wished to be. o 6 O may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness of the Lord ! — Let them their private offerings bring, o And in the church his glory sing. C. M. Wareham. [*] The Mariner s Psalm. 1 rflHY works of glory, mighty Lord, J_ The wonders in the deeps, The sons of courage shall record, Who trade in floating ships. o 2 At thy command the winds arise, And swell the towering waves ; o The men, astonished, mount the skies, And sink in gaping graves. PSALM 107. 219 — 3 [Again they climb the watery hills, And plunge in deeps again ; Each like a tottering drunkard reels, And finds his courage vain. d 4 Frighted to hear the tempest roar, They pant with fluttering breath; And, hopeless of the distant shore, Expect immediate death.] — 5 Then to the Lord they raise their cries ; o He hears the loud request, g And orders silence through the skies, And lays the floods to rest. u G Sailors rejoice to lose their fears, And see the storm allayed ; Now to their eyes the port appears ; There let their vows be paid. — 7 'Tis God who brings them safe to land ; Let stupid mortals know, That waves are under his command, And all the winds that blow. o 8 O that the sons of men would praise The goodness of the Lord ! — And those, who see thy wondrous ways, Thy wondrous love record. L. M. Fourth Part. Moreton. Leeds. [*] Colonies and Xations blest and punished. 1 [~¥"X7"HEN God, provoked with daring crimes, ▼ V Scourges the madness of the times, He turns the fields to barren sand, And dries the rivers from the land. 2 His word can raise the springs again, And make the withered mountains green ; Send showery blessings from the skies, And harvests in the desert rise.] 3 Where nothing dwelt, but beasts of prey, Or men as fierce and wild as they, God bids th' oppressed and poor repair, And builds them towns and cities there. 4 They sow the fields, and trees they plant, Whose yearly fruit supplies their want ; Their race grows up from fruitful stocks, Their wealth increases with their flocks. 220 PSALM 109. 5 Thus they are hlest : but if they sin, e He lets the heathen nations in ; A savage crew invades their lands, Their princes die by barbarous hands. a 6 Their captive sons, exposed to scorn Wander, unpitied and forlorn ■ The country lies unfenced, untilled, And desolation spreads the field. — 7 Yet, if the humbled nation mourns, Again his dreadful hand he turns ; o Again he makes their cities thrive, And bids the dying churches live. 8 [The righteous, with a joyful sense, Admire the works of providence ; And tongues of atheists shall no more Blaspheme the God whom saints adore.] e 9 How few with pious care record These wondrous dealings of the Lord ! — But wise observers still shall find The Lord is holy, just, and kind. PSALM 109. C. M. Abridge. [*] Love to Enemies ; Example of Christ. 1 £~^\ OD of my mercy and my praise, VU~ Thy glory is my song; o Though sinners speak against thy grace, With a blaspheming tongue. — 2 When, in the form of mortal man, Thy Son on earth was found, e With cruel slanders, false and vain, They compassed him around. — 3 Their miseries his compassion move, Their peace he still pursued ; e They render hatred for his love, And evil for his good. — 4 Their malice raged without a cause ; a Yet, with his dying breath, — He prayed for murderers on his cross, And blest his foes in death. e 5 Lord, shall thy bright example shine In vain before mine eyes ? — Give me a soul akin to thine, To love mine enemies. PSALM 110. 221 o 6 The Lord shall on my side engage ; And, in my Saviour's name, o I shall defeat their pride and rage, Who slander and condemn. PSALM 110. L. M. First Part. Bkndon.[*] TJic exalted Messiah's Poiccr and Grace. d 1 rpHUS the eternal Father spake _L To Christ, the Son ; " Ascend and sit " At my right hand, till I shall make '•' Thy foes submissive at thy feet. o2 (! From Zion shall thy word proceed ; " Thy word, the sceptre in thy hand, " Shall make the hearts of rebels bleed, " And bow their wills to thy command, g 3 " That day shall show thy power is great, " When saints shall flock with willing minds, " And sinners crowd thy temple gate, <; Where holiness in beauty shines." o 4 O blessed power ! O glorious day ! What a large victory shall ensue ! o And converts, who thy grace obey, Exceed the drops of morning dew. Oporto. L. M. Second Part. Bath. [*] The Kingdom and Priesthood of Christ. 1 [FTIHUS the great Lord of earth and sea JL Spake to his Son, and thus he swore : " Eternal shall thy priesthood be, " And change from hand to hand no more. 2 " Aaron and all his sons must die : " But everlasting life is thine, " To save forever those who fly " For refuge from the wrath divine. 3 " By me Melchisedec was made, " On earth, a king and priest at once : " And thou, my heavenly Priest, shalt plead, " And thou, my King, shalt rule my sons." 4 Jesus, the Priest, ascends his throne, While counsels of eternal peace, Between the Father and the Son, Proceed with honour and success 5 Through the whole earth his reign shall spread, And crush the powers that dare rebel ; 19* 222 PSALM 110, 111. Then shall he judge the rising dead, And send the guilty world to hell. 6 Though, while he treads his glorious way, He drinks the cup of tears and blood ; The sufferings of that dreadful day Shall but advance him near to God.] C. M. St. Asaph's. [*] Christ's Kingdom and Priesthood. 1 TESUS, our Lord, ascend thy throne, •J And near thy Father sit : o In Zion shall thy power be known, And make thy foes submit. c 2 What wonders shall thy gospel do ! o Thy converts shall surpass The numerous drops of morning dew, And own thy sovereign grace. ~ 3 God hath pronounced a firm decree, Nor changes what he swore ; g " Eternal shall thy priesthood be, " When Aaron is no more. —4 " Melchisedec, that wondrous priest, " That king of high degree, " That holy man who Abraham blest, " Was but a type of thee." o 5 Jesus, our Priest, forever lives, To plead for us above : u Jesus, our King, forever gives The blessings of his love. g 6 God shall exalt his glorious head, And his high throne maintain ; Shall strike the powers and princes dead, Who dare oppose his reign. PSALM 111. C. M. 1st Part. Mitcham. [*] The Wisdom of God in his Works. 1 C< ON GS of immortal praise belong k5 To my Almighty God : He has my heart, and he my tongue, To spread his name abroad. e 2 How great the works his hand has wrought ! How glorious in our sight ! O And men in every age have sought His wonders with delight. PSALM 111, 11-3. 223 c 3 How most exact is nature's frame ! How wise the Eternal Mind ! — His counsels never change the scheme, That his first thoughts designed. 4 "When he redeemed his chosen sons, He fixed his covenant sure ; g The orders that his lips pronounce, To endless years endure. — 5 Nature and time, and earth and skies, Thy heavenly skill proclaim : e What shall we do to make us wise — But learn to read thy name ? — 6 To fear thy power, to trust thy grace, Is our divinest skill ; And he's the wisest of our race, Who best obeys thy will. Sunday. C. M. Second Part. St. Martin's. [*] The Perfections of God. 1 [f^ RE AT is the Lord ; his works of might VX Demand our noblest songs : Let his assembled saints unite Their harmony of tongues. 2 Great is the mercy of the Lord ; He gives his children food, And, ever mindful of his word, He makes his promise good. 3 His Son. the great Redeemer, came, To seal his covenant sure ; Holy and reverend is his name ; His ways are just and pure. 4 They who would grow divinely wise, Must with his fear begin : Our fairest proof of knowledge lies In hating every sin.] PSALM 112. P. M. Cumberland. [*] Tfie Blessings of the liberal Man. 1 fTlHAT man is blest, who stands in awe JL Of God, and loves his sacred law ; His seed on earth shall be renowned ; His house the seat of wealth shall be, An unexhausted treasury, And with successive honours crowned. 224 PSALM 112 2 His liberal favours he extends ; To some he gives, to others lends ; A generous pity fills his mind : Yet what his charity impairs, He saves by prudence in affairs ; And thus he's just to all mankind. 3 His hands, while they his alms bestowed, His glory's future harvest sowed : b The sweet remembrance of the just, Like a green root, revives, and bears A train of blessings for his heirs, When dying nature sleeps in dust. g 4 Beset with threatening dangers round, Unmoved shall he maintain his ground ; His conscience holds his courage up : The soul that's filled with virtue's light, Shines brightest in affliction's night ; And sees in darkness beams of hope. PAUSE. 5 [111 tidings never can surprise His heart that fixed on God relies ; Though waves and tempests roar around : Safe on a Rock he sits, and sees The shipwreck of his enemies ; And all their hopes and glory drowned. G The wicked shall his triumph see, And gnash their teeth in agony, To find their expectations crossed ; They, and their envy, pride and spite, Sink down to everlasting night, And all their names in darkness lost.] L. M. Oporto. [*] Blessings of the Pious and Charitable. 1 FT1HRICE happy man, who fears the Lord, JL Loves his commands, and trusts his word ; Honour and peace his days attend, And blessings to his seed descend. e 2 Compassion dwells upon his mind, To works of mercy still inclined ; — He lends the poor some present aid, Or gives them, not to be repaid, e 3 When times grow dark, and tidings spread, That fill his neighbours round with dread, PSALM 112, 113. 225 o His heart is armed against the fear, o For God with all his power is there, g 4 His soul, well fixed upon the Lord, Draws heavenly courage from his word ; Amidst the darkness light shall rise, To cheer his heart, and bless his eyes. — 5 He hath dispersed his alms abroad ; His works are still before his God ; His name on earth shall loner remain, While envious sinners fret in vain. C. xU Si. Ann's. [*] Liberality reicardetL 1 TTAPPY is he who fears the Lord, JLJL And follows his commands ; Who lends the poor, without reward ; Or gives with liberal hands. 2 As pity dwells within his breast, To all the sons of need, — So God shall answer his request, With blessings on his seed. 3 No evil tidings shall surprise His well-established mind ; His soul to God, his refuge, flies, And leaves his fears behind. 4 In times of general distress, Some beams of light shall shine, To show the world his righteousness, And give him peace divine. 5 His works of piety and love Remain before the Lord ; Honour on earth, and joys above, Shall be his sure reward. PSALM 113. P. M. St. Helen's. [*] TJie Majesty and Condescension of God. 1 ~^7"E who delight to serve the Lord, JL The honours of his name record ; His sacred name forever bless : Where'er the circling sun displays His rising beams, or setting rays, Let lands and seas his power confess. 2 Not time, nor nature's narrow rounds, Can give his vast dominion bounds ; The heavens are far below his height: 226 PSALM 113. e Let no created greatness dare With our eternal God compare. Armed with his uncreated might, ft 3 He bows his glorious head to view What the bright hosts of angels do, And bends his care to mortal things : — His sovereign hand exalts the poor ; He takes the needy from the door, And makes them company for kings. 4 [When childless families despair, He sends the blessing of an heir, To rescue their expiring name ; The mother, with a cheerful voice, Proclaims his praises and her joys : Let every age advance his fame.] L. M. Qucrcy. [*] God Sovereign and Gracious. 1 f\7"E servants of th' almighty King, a In every age his praises sing; Where'er the sun shall rise or set, The nations shall his praise repeat. 2 Above the earth— beyond the sky, Stands his high throne of majesty ; _ Nor time nor place his power restrain — Nor bound his universal reign. 3 Which of the sons of Adam dare, Or angels with their God compare ? His glories how divinely bright, Who dwells in uncreated light ! 4 Behold his love ! he stoops to view What saints above and angels do ; And condescends, yet more, to know The mean affairs of men below. 5 From dust, and cottages obscure, His grace exalts the humble poor ; Gives them the honour of his sons, And fits them for their heavenly thrones. 6 A word of his creating voice, Can make the barren house rejoice : Though Sarah's ninety years were past, The promised seed is born at last. 7 With ioy the mother views her son, And tells the wonders God has done ; PSALM 114, 115. 227 Faith may grow strong when sense despairs ; If nature fails, the promise bears.] PSALM 114. L. M. Blendon. [*] Miracles attending Israel's Journey. 1 "\X7"HEN Israel, freed from Pharaoh's hand, H Left the proud tyrant and his land, The tribes, with cheerful homage, own Their King, and Judah was his throne. e 2 Across the deep their journey lay; o The deep divides to make them way : — Jordan beheld their march, and fled, With backward current, to his head. o 3 The mountains shook like frighted sheep, Like lambs the little hillocks leap ; Not Sinai on her base could stand, Conscious of sovereign power at hand. c 4 What power could make the deep divide ! Make Jordan backward roll his tide ! Why did ye leap, ye little hills ? And whence the fright that Sinai feels ? g 5 Let every mountain, every flood, Retire, and know th' approaching God ! The King of Israel ! see him here ! Tremble, thou earth, adore, and fear. 6 He thunders — and all nature mourns : The rock to standing pools he turns ; Flints spring with fountains at his word, And fires and seas confess the Lord. PSALM 115. L. M. 1st Pt. Psalm97th. [*] The true God; or. Idolatry reproved. 1 IVTOT to ourselves, who are but dust, ±\ Not to ourselves is glory due ; Eternal God, thou only just, Thou only gracious, wise and true ! g 2 Shine forth, in all thy dreadful name ; e Why should a heathen's haughty tongue Insult us. and, to raise our shame, d Say, " Where's the God you've served so long ? " o 3 The God, we serve, maintains his throne, Above the clouds, beyond the skies : Through all the earth his will is done ; He knows our groans, he hears our cries. 228 PSALM 115. c 4 But the vain idols they adore, Are senseless shapes of stone and wood * At best a mass of glittering ore, A silver saint, or golden god. — 5 [With eyes and ears they carve the head ', Deaf are their ears, their eyes are blind : In vain are costly offerings made, And vows are scattered in the wind. 6 Their feet were never made to move, Nor hands to save when mortals pray : Mortals that pay them fear or love, Seem to be blind and deaf as they.] g 7 O Israel, make the Lord thy hope, Thy help, thy refuge, and thy rest : The Lord shall build thy ruins up, And bless the people and the priest. a 8 The dead no more can speak thy praise, They dwell in silence in the grave ; o But we shall live to sing thy grace, u And tell the world thy power to save. P. M. Walworth [*] Popish Idolatry reproved. 1 "IVTOT to our names, thou only Just and True, _L l Not to our worthless names is giory due ; Thy power and grace, thy truth and justice, claim Immortal honours to thy sovereign name. Shine through the earth, from heaven thy blest abode, Nor let the heathen say, " And where's your God ? " (2 Heaven is thy higher court; there stands thy throne; And through the lower worlds thy will is done : Earth is thy work ; the heavens thy hand hath spread ■ e But fools adore the gods their hands have made : — The kneeling crowd, with looks devout, behold Their silver saviours and their saints of gold. 3 [Vain are those artful shapes of eyes and ears, The molten image neither sees nor hears ; Their hands are helpless, nor their feet can move, They have no speech, nor thought, nor power, nor love ; Yet sottish mortals make their long complaints To their deaf idols and their moveless saints. PSALM 116. 229 4 The rich have statues well adorned with gold} The poor, content with gods of coarser mould, With tools of iron carve the senseless stock, Lopped from a tree, or broken from a rock : People and priest drive on the solemn trade, And trust the gods that saws and hammers made.] a 5 Be heaven and earth amazed ! — 'Tis hard to say, Which the more stupid, — or their gods or they. o O Israel, trust the Lord ; He hears and sees ; He knows thy sorrows, and restores thy peace : His worship does a thousand comforts yield ; He is thy help, and he thy heavenly shield. o 6 In God we trust : our impious foes in vain Attempt our ruin, and oppose his reign; e Had they prevailed, darkness had closed our days, And death and silence had forbid his praise : s But we are saved, and live : let songs arise, And Zion bless the God who built the skies. PSALM 116. C. M. 1st Pt Canterbury. [* b] Recovery from Sickness. 1 [T LOVTE the Lord; he heard my cries, JL And pitied every groan : Long as I live, when troubles rise, I'll hasten to his throne. 2 I love the Lord : he bowed his ear, And chased my griefs away : O let my heart no more despair, While I have breath to pray ! e 3 My flesh declined, my spirits fell, And I drew near the dead ; While inward pangs, and fears of hell, Perplexed my wakeful head. d 4 " My God," I cried, u thy servant save, " Thou ever good and just ; " Thy power can rescue from the grave ; " Thy power is all my trust." — 5 The Lord beheld me sore distressed ; He bade my pains remove : Return, my soul, to God thy rest, For thou hast known his love. o 6 My God hath saved my soul from death, And dried my falling tears : 20 y 230 PSiALM 116, 117. o Now to his praise I'll spend my breath, And my remaining years.] C. M. 2d Part. Hymn 2d. St. Martin's. [*] V. 12, &c. Votes made in Trouble, paid in the Church. 1 TT7HAT shall I render to my God, Vf For all his kindness shown ? o My feet shall visit thine abode, My songs address thy throne. — 2 Among the saints who fill thy house, My offering shall be paid ; There shall my zeal perform the vows, My soul in anguish made. e 3 How much is mercy thy delight, Thou ever blessed God ! How dear thy servants in thy sight I How precious is their blood ! o 4 How happy all thy servants are ! How great thy grace to me ! My life, which thou hast made thy care, Lord, I devote to thee. — 5 Now I am thine — forever thine — Nor shall my purpose move ; Thy hand hath loosed my bonds of pain, And bound me with thy love. 6 Here, in thy courts, I leave my vow, And thy rich grace record ; Witness, ye saints, who hear me now, If I forsake the Lord. PSALM 117. C. M. Doxology. [*] Praise to God from all Nations. o 1 f\ ALL ye nations, praise the Lord, \J Each with a different tongue ; In every language learn his word, And let his name be sung. 2 His mercy reigns through every land ! Proclaim his grace abroad ; Forever firm his truth shall stand ; Praise ye the faithful God. F L. M. Old Hundred. [*] ROM all who dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise ; PSALM 117, 119. 231 Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends thy word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise, and set. no more. S. M. Kibworih. [*] 1 nnilY name, almighty Lord, JL Shall sound through distant lands Great is thy grace, and sure thy word ; Thy truth forever stands. 2 Far be thine honour spread, And long thy praise endure ; Till morning light and evening shade Shall be exchanged no more. PSALM 118. C\ M. First Part. Mear.[*] V. 6 — 15. Deliverance from a Tumult. 1 [fTlHE Lord appears my helper now, X Nor is my faith afraid What all the sons of earth can do, Since heaven affords its aid. 2 'Tis safer, Lord, to hope in thee, And have my God my friend, Than trust in men of high degree, And on their truth depend. 3 Like bees my foes beset me round, A large and angry swarm ; But I shall all their rage confound, By thine almighty arm. 4 'Tis through the Lord my heart is strong ; In him my lips rejoice : While his salvation is my song, How cheerful is my voice ! 5 Like angry bees they girt me round ; When God appears they fly : So burning thorns, with crackling sound, Make a fierce blaze, and die. C Joy to the saints, and peace belongs ; The Lord protects their days ; Let Isjael tune immortal songs To his almighty grace.] 232 PSALM 118. C. M. Second Part. Barby. [*] V. 17 — 21. Public Praise for Deliverance from Death. 1 "I" ORD, thou hast heard thy servant cry, .1 A And rescued from the grave ; Now shall he live : (and none can die, If God resolve to save.) 2 Thy praise, more constant than before, Shall fill his daily breath ; Thy hand that hath chastised him sore, Defends him still from death. © 3 Open the gates of Zion now, For we shall wc-ship there — The house where all the righteous go, Thy mercy to declare. o 4 Among th' assemblies of thy saints, Our thankful voice we raise ; — Here we have told thee our complaints, o And here we speak thy praise. C. M. Third Part. Colchester. Mear. [*] V. 22, 23. Christ the Foundation of his Church. 1 TOEHOLD, the sure foundation stone, J3 Which God in Zion lays, To build our heavenly hopes upon, And his eternal praise. e 2 Chosen of God, to sinners dear, And saints adore the name ; o They trust their whole salvation here, Nor shall they suffer shame, e 3 The foolish builders, scribe and priesty Reject it with disdain ; Yet on this rock the church shall rest, And enxy rage in vain, g 4 What though the gates of hell' withstood, Yet must this building rise ; 'Tis thine own work, almighty God, And wondrous in our eyes. C. M. Fourth Part. Sunday. Bethlehem. [* j V. 24, 25, 26. Hosanna for the Lord's Daij. 1 PipHIS is the day the Lord hath made 'y JL He calls the hours l.iis own : PSALM 118. 233 o Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround his throne. o 2 To-day he rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell ; To-day the saints his triumphs spread, And all his wonders tell. 3 Hosanna to the Anointed King, To David's holy Son ; —Help us, O Lord ; descend, and bring Salvation from thy throne. o 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men With messages of grace ; Who comes, in God his Father's name, To save our sinful race. o 5 Hosanna in the highest strains, The church on earth can raise ; u The highest heavens, in which he reigns, Shall give him nobler praise. S. M. St. Thomas. [*] V. 22 — 27. Salvation by Christ. 1 [C[EE, what a living Stone k3 The builders did refuse : o Yet God hath built his church thereon, In spite of envious Jews. e 2 The Scribe and ansrry Priest Reject thine only Son ; o Yet on this R.ock shall Sion rest, As the chief Corner-Stone. o 3 The work, O Lord, is thine, And wondrous in our eyes ; This day declares it all divine, This day did Jesus rise. o 4 This is the glorious day, That our Redeemer made : Let us rejoice, and sing, and pray ; Let all the church be glad, s 5 Hosanna to the King Of David's royal blood ; Bless him, ye saints : He comes to bring Salvation from your God. — C We bless thine holy word, Which all this grace displays ; 234 PSALM 118, 119. And offer on thine altar, Lord, Our sacrifice of praise.] L. M. Old Hundred. [*] V. 22 — 27. A new Song of Salvation by Christ. 1 T O, what a glorious Corner-Stone 8 A The Jewish builders did refuse ! But God hath built his church thereon, In spite of envy, and the Jews. e 2 Great God, the work is all divine, The joy and wonder of our eyes ! o This is the day that proves it thine, The day that saw our Saviour rise. 3 Sinners, rejoice, and saints, be glad; Hosanna ! let his name be blest ! A thousand honours on his head, With peace, and light, and glory rest ! ■ — 4 In God's own name, he comes to bring Salvation to our dying race ; o Let the whole church address their King, With hearts of joy, and songs of praise. PSALM 119. / have collected and disposed the most useful verses of this Psalm under eighteen different heads, and formed a Divine Song upon each of them. But the verses are much trans- posed, to attain some degree of connection. In some places, instead of the words lav/, commands, judg- ments, testimonies, I have used gospel, word, grace, truth, promises, Spc, as more agreeable to the New Testament, and the common language of Christians ; and it equally answers the design of the Psalmist, which was to recom- mend the Holy Scriptures. PSALM 119. C. M. First Part. Bedford, [•] Blessedness of Saints, and Misery of Sinners. Ver. 1, 2, 3. o 1 "OLEST are the undefiled in heart, -13 Whose ways are right and clean ; Who never from thy law depart, But fly from every sin. 2 Blest are the men who keep thy word, And practise thy commands; PSALM 119. 235 o With their whole heart they seek thee, Lord, And serve thee with their hands. Ver. 165. e 3 Great is their peace, who love thy law) How firm their souls abide ! — Nor can a bold temptation draw Their steady feet aside. Ver. 6. b 4 Then shall my heart have inward joy, And keep my face from shame, When all thy statutes I obey, And honour all thv name. Ver. 21. 113. e 5 But haughty sinners God will hate > The proud shall die accursed ; The sons of falsehood and deceit Are trodden to the dust. Ver. 110.155. p C Vile as the dross the wicked are ; And those who leave thy ways, Shall see salvation from afar, But never taste thy grace. C. M. Second Part. Canterbury. [*] Devotion ; constant Converse with God. 1 rjlO thee, before the dawning light, A My gracious God, I pray ; 1 meditate thy name by night, And keep thy law by day. Ver. 81. 2 My spirit faints to see thy grace ; Thy promise bears me up : And, while salvation long delays, Thy word supports my hope. Ver. 164. 3 Seven times a day I lift my hands, And pay my thanks to thee ; Thy righteous providence demands Repeated praise from me. Ver. 62. 4 When midnight darkness veils the skies, I call thy works to mind ; My thoughts in warm devotion rise, And sweet acceptance find. 236 PSALM 119. C. M. Third Part. St. Ann's. [*] Sincerity, and devoted Obedience. Ver. 57, 60. o 1 rTlHOU art my portion, O my God ; JL Soon as I know thy way, My heart makes haste t' obey thy word, And suffers no delay. Ver. 30, 14. 2 I choose the path of heavenly truth, And glory in my choice ; Not all the riches of the earth Could make me bo rejoice. 3 The testimonies of thy grace I set before mine eyes ; Thence I derive my daily strength, And there my comfort lies. Ver. 59. e 4 If once I wander from thy path, I think upon my ways ; o Then turn my feet to thy commands, And trust thy pardoning grace. Ver. 94, 144. d 5 Now I am thine, — forever thine, — c O save thy servant, Lord ! o Thou art my shield, my hiding place, My hope is in thy word. Ver 112. — 6 Thou hast inclined this heart of mine Thy statutes to fulfill ; o And thus, till mortal life shall end, Would I perform thy will. C. M. Fourth Part. Mear. [*] Instructions from Scrijrture. Ver. 9. b 1 TTOW shall the young secure their hearts, XJL And guard their lives from sin ? — Thy word the choicest rule imparts, To keep the conscience clean. Ver. 130. o 2 When once it enters to the mind, It spreads such light abroad, The meanest souls instruction find, And raise their thoughts to God. PSALM 119. 237 Vcr. 105. — 3 'Tis like the sun, a heavenly light, That guides us all the day ; And, through the dangers of the night, A lamp to lead our way. Ver. 99, 100. 4 The men who keep thy law with care, And meditate thy word, Grow wiser than their teachers are, And better know the Lord. Ver. 104, 113. 5 Thy precepts make me truly wise ; I hate the sinner's road ; I hate my own vain thoughts that rise, o But love thy law, my God. Ver. 89, 90, 91. g 6 (The starry heavens thy rule obey, The earth maintains her place ; And these thy servants, night and day, Thy skill and power express. b 7 But still, thy law and gospel, Lord, Have lessons more divine : g Not earth stands firmer than thy word ; Nor stars so noblv shine.) Ver. 160, 140, 9, 116. — 8 Thy word is everlasting truth ; How pure is every page ! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age. C. M. Fifth Part. Barby. [*] DcligJU in the Scriptures. Ver. 97. 1 f\ HOW I love thy holy law ! VJ' Tis daily my delight ; And thence my meditations draw Divine advice by night. Ver. 148. 2 My waking eyes prevent the day, To meditate thy word : My soul with longing melts away, To hear thy gospel, Lord. Ver. 3, 13, 54. 3 How doth thy word my heart engage — How well employ my tongue ! 238 PSALM 119. And in my tiresome pilgrimage, Yields me a heavenly song ! Ver. 19, 103. 4 Am 1 a stranger, or at home, 'Tis my perpetual feast ! Not honey, dropping from the comb, So much delights my taste. Ver. 72, 127. 5 No treasures so enrich the mind ; Nor shall thy word be sold For loads of silver well refined, Nor heaps of choicest gold. Ver. 28, 49, 175. 6 When nature sinks, and spirits droop, Thy promises of grace g Are pillars to support my hope, — And there I write thy praise. C. M. Sixth Part. St. Martin's. [*] Holiness and Comfort from the Word. Ver. 128. 1 T ORD, I esteem thy judgments right, I A And all thy statutes just ; Thence I maintain a constant fight, With every flattering lust. Ver. 97, 9. 2 Thy precepts often I survey ; I keep thy law in sight, Through all the business of the day, To form my actions right. Ver. 62. 3 My heart, in midnight silence, cries, " How sweet thy comforts be ! " My thoughts in holy wonder rise, And bring their thanks to thee. Ver. 162. 4 And when my spirit drinks her fill, At some good word of thine, Not mighty men, that share the spoil, Have joys compared to mine. C. M. Seventh Part. Bedford. [*] Imperfection of Nature : Perfection of Scripture. Ver. 96, paraphrased. 1 T ET all the heathen writers join, .1 A To form one perfect book ; PSALM 119. 239 Great God, if once compared with thine, How mean their writings look ! 2 Not the most perfect rules they gave, Could show one sin forgiven ; Nor lead a step beyond the grave ; But thine conduct to heaven. e 3 I've seen an end of what we call Perfection, here below ; How short the powers of nature fall, And can no further go. 4 Yet men would fain be just with God, By works their hands have wrought ; But thy commands, exceeding broad, Extend to every thought. e 5 In vain we boast perfection here, While sin defiles our frame ; And sinks our virtues down so far, They scarce deserve the name. — G Our faith, and love, and every grace, Fall far below thy word ; But perfect truth and righteousness Dwell only with the Lord. C. M. Eighth Part. York. [*] The Word of God the Saint's Portion. Ver. Ill, paraphrased. 1 T ORD, I have made thy word my choice, I 4 My lasting heritage ; o There shall my noblest powers rejoice, My warmest thoughts engage. b 2 I'll read the histories of thy love, And keep thy laws in sight \ While through the promises I rove With ever fresh delight. — 3 'Tis a broad land — of wealth unknown, Where springs of life arise, — o Seeds of immortal bliss are sown, And hidden glory lies. — 4 The best relief that mourners have ; It makes our sorrows blest : g Our fairest hope beyond the grave, And our eternal rest. 240 PSALM 119. C. M. Ninth Part. Abridge. [*] Teaching of the Spirit with the Word. Ver. 64, 68, IS. 1 FT1HY mercies fill the earth, O Lord, JL How good thy works appear ! Open mine eyes to read thy word, And see thy wonders there. Ver. 73, 125. 2 My heart was fashioned by thy hand ; My service is thy due ; O make thy servant understand The duties he must do. Ver. 19. 3 Since I'm a stranger here below, Let not thy path be hid ; But mark the road my feet should go, And be my constant guide. Ver. 26. p 4 When I confessed my wandering ways, Thou heard'st my soul complain ; Grant me the teachings of thy grace, Or I shall stray again. Ver. 33, 34. — 5 If God to me his statutes shew, And heavenly truth impart ; o His work forever I'll pursue, His law shall rule my heart. Ver. 50, 71. — 6 [This was my comfort, when I bore Variety of grief 5 It made me learn thy word the more, And fly to that relief. Ver. 51. 7 In vain the proud deride me now ; I'll ne'er forget thy law ; Nor let that blessed gospel go, Whence all my hopes I draw. Ver. 27, 171. 8 When I have learned my Father's will, I'll teach the world his ways : My thankful lips, inspired with zeal, Shall loud pronounce his praise.] PSALM 119. 241 C. M. Tenth Part. Swamcick. [b] Pleading the Promises. Ver. 38, 49. 1 "OEHOLD thy waiting servant, Lord, JLj Devoted to thy fear ; Remember, and confirm thy word, For all my hopes are there. Ver. 41, 58, 107. e 2 Hast thou not sent salvation down, And promised quickening grace ? Does not my heart address thy throne ? — And yet thy love delavs. Ver. 123, 42. p 3 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail ; O bear thy servant up ! Nor let the scoffing lips prevail, Which dare reproach my hope. Ver. 49, 74. e 4 Didst thou not raise my faith, O Lord ? — Then let thy truth appear ; o Saints shall rejoice in my reward, And trust as well as fear. C. M. Eleventh Part. Hymn 2d. [b] Breathing after Holiness. Ver. 5, 33. 1 f\ THAT the Lord would guide my ways, v^J To keep his statutes stilt! O that my God would grant me grace, To know and do his will. Ver. 29. 2 O send thy Spirit down — to WTite Thy law upon my heart ! Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act the liar's part. Ver. 37, 36. 3 From vanity turn off my eyes ; Let no corrupt design, Nor covetous desires, "arise Within this soul of mine. Ver. 133. 4 Order my footsteps by thy word, And make my heart sincere : Let sin have no dominion, Lord ; But keep mv conscience clear. 21 242 PSALM 119. Ver. 17G. e 5 My soul hath gone too far astray, My feet too often slip ; Yet since I've not forgot thy way, Restore thy wandering sheep. Ver. 35. o 6 Make me to walk in thy commands ; 'Tis a delightful road ; Nor let my head, or heart, or hands, Offend against my God. C. M. Twelfth Part. Wantage. [*] Breathing after Comfort and Deliverance. Ver. 153. e 1 TVTY God, consider my distress, JLtJL Let mercy plead my cause ; Though I have sinned against thy grace, I can't forget thy laws. Ver. 39, 116. p 2 Forbid, forbid the sharp reproach, Which I so justly fear ; Uphold my life, uphold my hopes, Nor let my shame appear. Ver. 122, 135. — 3 Be thou a surety, Lord, for me, Nor let the proud oppress ; But make thy waiting servant see The shinings of thy face. Ver. 82. e 4 Mine eyes with expectation fail ; My heart within me cries, " When will the Lord his truth fulfill, " And make my comforts rise ? " Ver. 132. — 5 Look down upon my sorrows, Lord, And show thy grace the same, o As thou art ever wont t' afford To those who love thy name. C. M. Thirteenth Part. Colchester. [*] Holy Fear and Tenderness of Conscience. Ver. 10. 1 "*~)|7ITH my whole heart I've sought thy face ', V V O let me never stray, From thy commands, O God of grace, Nor tread the sinner's way. PSALM 119. 243 Ver. 11. 2 Thy word I've hid within my heart, To keep my conscience clean ; And be an everlasting guard From every rising sin. Ver. 63, 53, 158. 3 I'm a companion of the saints, Who fear and love the Lord ; a My sorrows rise, my nature faints, When men transgress thy word. Ver. 161, 163. e 4 While sinners do thy gospel wrong, My spirit stands in awe ; My soul abhors a lying tongue, But loves thy righteous law. Ver. 161, 120. p 5 My heart with sacred reverence hears The threatenings of thy word ; " My flesh, with holy trembling, fears The judgments of the Lord. Ver. 166, 174. — 6 My God, I long, I hope, I wait For thy salvation still ; o While thy whole law is my delight, And I obey thy will. C. M. Fourteenth Part. Reading, [b Benefit of Afflictions, and Support under them. Ver. 153.61,82. 1 f^i ONSIDER all my sorrows, Lord ; V_y And thy deliverance send ; My soul for thy salvation faints ; When will my troubles end ? Ver. 71. 2 Yet have I found 'tis good for me To bear my Father's rod ; Afflictions make me learn thy law, And live upon my God. Ver. 50. 3 This is the comfort I enjoy, When new distress begins ; I read thy word, I run thy way, And hate my former sins. Ver. 92. 4 Had not thy word been my delight, When earthly joys were fled, 244 PSALM 119. My soul, oppressed with sorrow's weight, Had sunk amongst the dead. Ver. 75. 5 I know thy judgments, Lord, are right, Though they may seem severe ; The sharpest sufferings I endure Flow from thy faithful care. Ver. 67. 6 Before I knew thy chastening rod, My feet were apt to stray : But now I learn to keep thy word, Nor wander from thy way. C. M. Fifteenth Part. Bethlehem. [*] Holy Resolutions. Ver. 93. 1 /"V THAT thy statutes, every hour, \J Might dwell upon my mind ! Thence I derive a quickening power, And daily peace I find. Ver. 15, 16. 2 To meditate thy precepts, Lord, Shall be my sweet employ ; My soul shall ne'er forget thy word ; o Thy word is all my joy. Ver. 32. — 3 How would I run in thy commands, If thou my heart discharge From sin's and Satan's hateful chains, And set my feet at large. Ver. 13, 46. o 4 My lips with courage shall declare Thy statutes and thy name ; I'll speak thy word, though kings should hear, Nor yield to sinful shame. Ver. 61, 69, 70. — 5 Let bands of persecutors rise, To rob me of my right, — Let pride and malice forge their lies, Thy law is my delight. Ver. 115. o 6 Depart from me, ye wicked race, Whose hands and hearts are ill ; o I love my God, I love his ways, And must obey his will. PSALM 119. 245 C. M. Sixteenth Part. Plymouth, [b] Prayer for Quickening Grace. Ver. 25, 37. p 1 TVl"? soul lies cleaving to the dust ; _LTJL Lord, give me life divine ; From vain desires and every lust, Turn off these eyes of mine. e 2 I need the influence of thy grace, To speed me in thy way ; Lest 1 should loiter in my race, Or turn my feet astray. Ver. 107. 3 When sore afflictions press me down, I need thy quickening powers ; Thy word that 1 have rested on Shall help my heaviest hours. Ver. 156, 40. e 4 Are not thy mercies sovereign still ? And thou a faithful God ? Wilt thou not grant me warmer zeal, To run the heavenly road ? Ver. 159, 40. 5 Does not my heart thy precepts love, And long to see thy face ? e And yet how slow my spirits move, Without enlivening grace ! — 6 Then shall I love thy gospel more, And ne'er forget thy word : When 1 have felt its quickening power To draw me near the Lord. L. M. First Part. Babylon, [b] Courage and Perseverance under Trials. Ver. 143, 28. 1 TTTTHEN pain and anguish seize me, Lord, W All my support is from thy word : My soul dissolves for heaviness; Uphold me with thy strengthening grace. Ver. 51, 69, 110. 2 The proud have framed their scoffs and lies, They watch my feet with envious eyes, And tempt my soul to snares and sin ; Yet thy commands I ne'er decline. 21* 246 PSALM 119, 120. Ver. 161, 78. 3 They hate me. Lord, without a cause, They hate to see me love thy laws ; But 1 will trust, and fear thy name, Till pride and malice die with shame. L. M. Second Part. Quercy. [*] Afflictions sanctified. Ver. 67, 59. 1 TjlATHER, I bless thy gentle hand— JO How kind was thy chastising rod ! That forced my conscience to a stand, And brought my wandering soul to God ! e 2 Foolish and vain, I went astray, Ere I had felt thy scourges, Lord ; p I left my guide, and lost my way, — But now I love, and keep thy word. Ver. 71. 3 'Tis good for me to bear the yoke, For pride is apt to rise and swell ; 'Tis good to bear my Father's stroke, That I might learn his statutes well. Ver. 72. o 4 The law, that issues from thy mouth, Shall raise my cheerful passions more Than all the treasures of the south, Or western hills of golden ore. Ver. 73. — 5 Thy hands have made my mortal frame, Thy Spirit formed my soul within ; Teach me to know thy wondrous name, And guard me safe from death and sin. Ver. 74. o 6 Then all who love and fear the Lord, In my salvation shall rejoice ; For I have hoped in thy word, And made thy grace my only choice. PSALM 120. C. M. Dorset. [* b] Complaint of Strife, and Desire for Peace. 1 FT1HOU God of love, thou ever blest, .JL Pity my suffering state ; When wilt thou set my soul at rest, From lips that love deceit ! PSALM 121. 247 2 Hard lot of mine ! my days are cast Among the sons of strife, Whose never-ceasing brawlings waste My golden hours of life. 3 O might I fly to change my place, How would I choose to dwell In some wide, lonesome wilderness, And leave these gates of hell ! 4 Peace is the blessing that I seek, How lovely are its charms ! I am for peace ; but when I speak, They all declare for arms. 5 New passions still their souls engage, And keep their malice strong ; What shall be done to curb thy rage, O thou devouring tongue ! 6 Should burning arrows smite thee through, Strict justice would approve ; But 1 had rather spare my foe, And melt his heart with love. PSALM 121. L. M. Sheffield. Truro. [*] Divine Protection. 1 [TTP to the hills I lift mine eyes, \J Th' eternal hills beyond the skies ; Thence all her help my soul derives : There my almighty refuge lives.] g 2 He lives ! the everlasting God, Who built the world, who spread the flood ; The heavens with all their hosts he made, And the dark regions of the dead ! — 3 He guides our feet, he guards our way ; His morning smiles bless all the day ; He spreads the evening veil, and keeps The silent hours while Israel sleeps. O 4 Israel, a name divinely blest, May rise secure, securely rest; Thy holy Guardian's wakeful eyes Admit no slumber or surprise. — 5 No sun shall smite thy head by day ; Nor the pale moon, with sickly ray, Shall blast thy couch ; no baleful star Dart his malignant fire so far. 248 PSALM 121. o 6 Should earth and hell with malice burn, Still thou shalt go, and still return, Safe in the Lord ; his heavenly care Defends thy life from every snare. — 7 On thee foul spirits have no power; e And, in thy last, departing hour, o Angels, who trace the airy road, Shall bear thee homeward to thy God. C. M. Mear. [*] Preservation by Day and Night. 1 [r 1 10 heaven I lift my waiting eyes, JL There all my hopes are laid ; The Lord, who built the earth and skies, Is my perpetual aid. 2 Their feet shall never slide to fall, Whom he designs to keep : His ear attends the softest call ; His eyes can never sleep. 3 He will sustain our weakest powers, With his almighty arm ; And watch our most unguarded hours, Against surprising harm. 4 Israel, rejoice, and rest secure, Thy keeper is the Lord ; His wakeful eyes employ his power For thine eternal guard. 5 Nor scorching sun, nor sickly moon Shall have his leave to smite ; He shields thy head from burning noon, From blasting damps at night. C He guards thy soul, he keeps thy breath, Where thickest dangers come ; Go and return, secure from death, Till God commands thee home.] P. M. Allcrton. [*] God our Preserver. 1 TTPWARD I lift mine eyes, \J From God is all my aid ; The God who built the skies, And earth and nature made : PSALM 122. 249 God is the tower To which I fly ; His grace is nigh In every hour. 2 My feet shall never slide, And fall in fatal snares ; Since God, my guard and guide, Defends me from my fears. Those wakeful eyes That never sleep, Shall Israel keep When dangers rise. 3 No burning heats by day, Nor blasts of evening air, Shall take my health away, If God be with me there : Thou art my sun, And thou my shade, To guard my head, By night or noon. 4 Hast thou not given thy word, To save my soul from death ? And I can trust my Lord To keep my mortal breath : I'll go and come, Nor fear to die, Till from on high, Thou call me home. PSALM 122. C. M. Hymned. Bethlehem. [*] Going to Church. o 1 TTOW did my heart rejoice to hear JLI My friends devoutly say, o <: In Zion let us all appear, " And keep the solemn day ! " — 2 I love her gates, I love the road ! g The church, adorned wnth grace, Stands like a palace built for "God, To show his milder face. o 3 Up to her courts, with joys unknown, The holy tribes repair ; e The Son of David holds his throne, And sits in judgment there 250 PSALM 122. — 4 He hears our praises, and complaints; e And while his awful voice Divides the sinners from the saints, We tremble, and rejoice ! b 5 Peace be within this sacred place, And joy a constant guest ! With holy gifts and heavenly grace, Be her attendants blest. — C My soul shall pray for Zion still, While life or breath remains ; Here my best friends, my kindred dwell, g Here God, my Saviour, reigns. P. M. Dalston. [*] Joy in the Worship and Blessedness of Zion. b 1 TTOW pleased and blest was I, JLJL To hear the people cry, o " Come, let us seek our God to-day ! " o Yes, with a cheerful zeal, We'll haste to Zion's hill, And there our vows and honours pay. — 2 Zion, thrice happy place, Adorned with wondrous grace, And walls of strength embrace thee round * In thee our tribes appear, To pray, and praise, and hear The sacred gospel's joyful sound. 3 Here David's greater Son Has fixed his royal throne ; He sits for grace and judgment here : o He bids the saints be glad ; e He makes the sinner sad ; — And humble souls rejoice with fear. b 4 May peace attend thy gate, And joy within thee wait, To bless the soul of every guest ; The man who seeks thy peace, And wishes thine increase, o A thousand blessings on him rest. • — 5 My tongue repeats her vows — c " Peace to this sacred house ! " —For here my friends and kindred dwell ; PSALM 123, 124. 251 o And since my glorious God Makes thee his blest abode. My soul shall ever love thee well. Repeat the 4th stanza, if necessary. PSALM 123. C. M. China. [*] Pleading with Submission. 1 f~\ THOU, whose grace and justice reign, V_J Enthroned above the skies, To thee our hearts would tell their pain, To thee we lift our eyes. 2 As servants watch their master's hand, And fear the angry stroke ; Or maids before their mistress stand, And wait a peaceful look ; — 3 So for our sins we justly feel Thy discipline, O God ; Yet wait the gracious moment still, Till thou remove thy rod. 4 Those, who in wealth and pleasure live, Our daily groans deride ; And thy delays of mercy give Fresh courage to their pride. 5 Our foes insult us, but our hope In thy compassion lies ; This thought shall bear our spirits up, That God will not despise. PSALM 124. L. M. Nantickh. Truro. [*] Song for Deliverance. 1 TTAD not the Lord, may Israel say, JLX Had not the Lord maintained our side, When men to make our lives a prey, Rose like the swelling of the tide ; — 2 The swelling tide had stopped our breath : So fiercely did the waters roll, We had been swallowed deep in death — Proud waters had o'erwhelmed our soul ! u 3 We leap for joy, we shout and sing, Who just escaped the fatal stroke ; So flies the bird, with cheerful wing, When once the fowler's snare is broke. 252 PSALM 125. u 4 Forever blessed be the Lord, Who broke the fowler's cursed snare ; Who saved us from the murdering sword, And made our lives and souls his care. g 5 Our help is in Jehovah's name, Who formed the earth and built the skies ; He, who upholds that wondrous frame, Guards his own church with watchful eyes. PSALM 125. C. M. Hear. [*] The Saint's Trial and Safety. 1 [X TNSHAKEN as the sacred hill, vJ And firm as mountains be ; — Firm as a rock the soul shall rest, That leans, O Lord, on thee. 2 Not walls, nor hills, could guard so well Old Salem's happy ground, As those eternal arms of love, That every saint surround. e 3 While tyrants are a smarting scourge, To drive them near to God ; c Divine compassion does allay The fury of the rod. e 4t Deal gently, Lord, with souls sincere, And lead them safely on, To the bright gates of Paradise, Where Christ their Lord is gone. — 5 But, if we trace those crooked ways, That the old serpent drew ; e The wrath, that drove him first to hell, Shall smite his followers too.] S. M. Watchman. [*] The Saint's Trial and Safety. o 1 TJMRM and unmoved are they, J_ Who rest their souls on God ; Firm as the mount where David dwelt, Or where the ark abode. — 2 As mountains stood to guard The city's sacred ground ; So God and his almighty love Embrace his saints around. e 3 What though the Father's rod Drop a chastising stroke ; PSALM 126. 253 Yet, lest it wound their souls too deep, Its fury shall be broke. p 4 Deal gently, Lord, with those, Whose faith and pious fear — Whose hope, and love, and every grace, Proclaim their hearts sincere. — 5 Nor shall the tyrant's rage Too long oppress the saint ; o The God of Israel will support His children, lest they faint. e 6 But if our slavish fear Will choose the road to hell, a We must expect our portion there, Where bolder sinners dwell. PSALM 126. L. M. Green's. [*] Surprising Deliverance. 1 ["V\7"HEN God restored our captive state, W Joy was our song, and grace our theme ; The grace, beyond our hope so great, That joy appeared a painted dream. 2 The scoffer owns thy hand, and pays Unwilling honours to thy name ; While we, with pleasure, shout thy praise — With cheerful notes, thy love proclaim. 3 When we review our dismal fears, 'Twas hard to think they'd vanish so : With God we left our flowing tears ; He makes our joys like rivers flow. 4 The man that in his furrowed field His scattered seed with sadness leaves, Will shout to see the harvest yield A welcome load of joyful sheaves.] C. M. Sunday. Sicanwick. [*] A remarkable Display of Divine Grace. 1 "V¥7"HEN God revealed his gracious name, W And changed my mournful state, u My rapture seemed a pleasing dream, The grace appeared so great. — 2 The world beheld the glorious change, And did thy hand confess ; o My tongue broke out in unknown strains, o And sung surprising grace. 254 PSALM 127. d 3 " Great is the work ! " my neighbours cried, And owned thy power divine; " Great is the work ! " my heart replied, o " And be the glory thine." o 4 The Lord can clear the darkest skies, Can give us day for night ; Make drops of sacred sorrow rise To rivers of delight. — 5 Let those, who sow in sadness, wait Till the fair harvest come ; They shall confess their sheaves are great, o And shout the blessings home. — 6 Though seed lie buried long in dust, It shan't deceive their hope ; o The precious grain can ne'er be lost, For grace insures the crop. PSALM 127. L. M. Portugal [*] Success and Happiness from God. 1 TF God succeed not, all the cost, X. And pains, to build the house, are lost; If God the city will not keep, The watchful guards as well may sleep. 2 What if you rise before the sun, And work and toil when day is done ; Careful and sparing eat your bread, To shun that poverty you dread ; — 3 'Tis all in vain, till God hath blest : He can make rich, yet give us rest ; Children and friends are blessings too, If God our Sovereign make them so. 4 Happy the man, to whom he sends Obedient children, faithful friends : How sweet our daily comforts prove, When they are seasoned with his love ! C. M. Plymouth, [b] God all in all. 1 [TF God to build the house deny, JL The builders work in vain ; And towns, without his wakeful eye, A useless watch maintain. 2 Before the morning beams arise, Your painful work renew ; PSALM 12S, 129. 255 And, till the stars ascend the skies, Your tiresome toil pursue. 3 Short be your sleep, and coarse your fare, In vain, till God has blest ; But if his smiles attend your care. You shall have food and rest. 4 Nor children, relatives, nor friends, Shall real blessings prove, Nor all the earthly joys he sends, If sent without his love.] PSALM 128. C. M. Devizes. [*] Family Blessings. 1 l~\ HAPPY man, whose soul is filled V^J With zeal and reverend awe ! His lips to God their honours yield, His life adorns the law. 2 A careful providence shall stand, And ever guard thy head : . Shall on the labours of thy hand Its kindly blessings shed. 3 Thy wife shall be a fruitful vine ; Thy children round thy board, Each like a plant of honour shine, And learn to fear the Lord. 4 The Lord shall thy best hopes fulfill, For months and years to come ; The Lord, who dwells on Zion's hill, Shall send the blessings home. 5 This is the man, whose happy eyes Shall see his house increase ; Shall see the sinking church arise, Then leave the world in peace. PSALM 129. C. M. Mear. [*] Persecutors -punished. 1 TTP from my youth, may Israel say, \J Have 1 been nursed in tears ; My griefs were constant as the day, And tedious as the years. 2 Up from my youth, I bore the rage Of all the sons of strife ; Oft they assailed my riper age, But not destroyed my life. 256 PSALM 130. 3 Their cruel plough hath torn my flesh, With furrows long and deep ; Hourly they vexed my wounds afresh ; Nor let my sorrows sleep. 4 The Lord grew angry on his throne, And with impartial eye, Measured the mischiefs they had done, And let his arrows fly. 5 How was their insolence surprised To hear his thunders roll ! And all the foes of Zion seized With horror to the soul. 6 Thus shall the men, who hate the saints, Be blasted from the sky ; Their glory fades, their courage faints, And all their projects die. 7 [What though they flourish tall and fair, They have no root beneath : Their growth shall perish in despair. And lie despised in death. 8 So corn that on the house-top stands, No hope of harvest gives ; The reaper ne'er shall fill his hands, Nor binder fold the sheaves. 9 It springs and withers on the place : No traveller bestows A word of blessing on the grass, Nor minds it as he goes.] PSALM 130. C. M. Abridge. Sunday. [*] Pardoning Grace. e 1 ^^UT of the deeps of long distress, V>7 The borders of despair, 1 sent my cries to seek thy grace, My groans to move thine ear. a 2 Great God, should thy severer eye, And thine impartial hand, Mark and revenge iniquity, No mortal flesh could stand. — 3 But there are pardons with my God, For crimes of high degree ; Thy Son has bought them with his blood, To draw us near to thee. PSALM 130. 257 4 [I wait for thy salvation, Lord, With strong desires I wait ; My soul, invited by thy word, Stands watching at thy gate.] e 5 (Just as the guards that keep the night Long for the morning skies, "Watch the first beams of breaking light, And meet them with their eyes; — 6 So waits my soul to see thy grace, And more intent than they, Meets the first openings of thy face, And finds a brighter day.) o 7 Then in the Lord let Israel trust, Let Israel seek his face ; The Lord is good as well as just, And plenteous is his grace. o 8 There's full redemption at his throne, For sinners long enslaved ; The great Redeemer is his Son ; And Israel shall be saved. L. M. Bath. Armley. [*] Pardoning Grace. a 1 "T7IROM deep distress, and troubled thoughtg, J. To thee, my God, I raise my cries : If thou severely mark our faults. No flesh can stand before thine eyes. — "2 But thou hast built thy throne of grace, Free to dispense thy pardons there ; That sinners may approach thy face, And hope and love, as well as fear. e 3 As the benighted pilgrims wait, And long and wish for breaking day, So waits my soul before thy gate ; When will my God his face display ? o 4 My trust is fixed upon thy word, Nor shall 1 trust thy word in vain ; Let mourning souls address the Lord, And find relief from all their pain. g 5 Great is his love, and large his grace, Through the redemption of his Son ; He turns our feet from sinful ways, And pardons what our hands have done. 22* 258 PSALM 131, 132. PSALM 131. C. M. York, [b] Humility and Submission. e 1 TS there ambition in my heart ? JL Search, gracious God, and see ; Or do I act a haughty part ? Lord, 1 appeal to thee. a 2 I charge my thoughts, be humble still, And all my carriage mild ; Content, my Father, with thy will, And quiet as a child. — 3 The patient soul, the lowly mind, Shall have a large reward ; Let saints in sorrow lie resigned, And trust a faithful Lord. PSALM 132. L. M. Leeds. [*] Ver. 5, 13—18. The House of God. 1 TT7HERE shall we go, to seek and find V T A habitation for our God ? A dwelling for th' Eternal Mind, Among the sons of flesh and blood ? o 2 The God of Jacob chose the hill Of Zion for his ancient rest ; And Zion is his dwelling still ; His church is with his presence blest. — 3 Here will I fix my gracious throne, And reign forever, saith the Lord ; o Here shall my power and love be known, And blessings shall attend my word. e 4 Here will I meet the hungry poor, And fill their souls with living bread : Sinners who wait before my door, With sweet provision shall be fed. — 5 Girded with truth, and clothed with grace, My priests, my ministers shall shine : Not Aaron in his costly dress, Made an appearance so divine. o 6 The saints, unable to contain Their inward joys, shall shout and sing ; The Son of David here shall reign, And Zion triumph in her King. PSALM 132. 259 7 [Jesus shall see a numerous seed, Born here t' uphold his glorious name ; His crown shall flourish on his head, While all his foes are clothed with shame] C. M. Christmas. Swanwick. [*] V. 4, 5, 7, 8, 15 — 17. God's Presence tlte Glory of His House. 1 [TVTO sleep nor slumber to his eyes _L 1 Good David would afford, Till he had found below the skies, A dwelling for the Lord. 2 The Lord in Zion placed his name, His ark was settled there : To Zion the whole nation came, To worship thrice a year. 3 But we have no such lengths to go, Nor wander far abroad ; Where'er thy saints assemble now, There is a house for God.] o 4 Arise, O King of grace, arise, And enter to thy rest ; e Lo ! thy church waits with longing eyes, Thus to be owned and blessed. e 5 Enter, with all thy glorious train, Thy Spirit and thy word ; All that the ark did once contain, Could no such grace afford. — 6 Here, mighty God, accept our vows ; Here let thy praise be spread : Bless the provisions of thy house, And fill thy poor with oread. o 7 Here let the Son of David reign, Let God's Anointed shine ; Justice and truth his court maintain, With love and power divine. g 8 Here let him hold a lasting throne ; And, as his kingdom grows, Fresh honours shall adorn his crown, And shame confound his foes. 260 PSALM 133. PSALM 133. CM. HymnZd. St. Ann's. [*] Brotherly Love. 1 T O, what an entertaining sight, B A Are brethren who agree ! Brethren whose cheerful hearts unite, In bands of piety ! b 2 When streams of love from Christ the spring, Descend to every soul, And heavenly peace, with balmy wing, Shades and bedews the whole. 3 'Tis like the oil. divinely sweet, On Aaron's reverend head ; The trickling drops perfumed his feet, And o'er his garments spread. o 4 'Tis pleasant as the morning dews, That fall on Zion's hill ; Where God his mildest glory shews, And makes his grace distil. S. M. Peclcham. [*] Union and Peace. b 1 T>LEST are the sons of peace, JD Whose hearts and hopes are one ; Whose kind designs to serve and please, Through all their actions run. o 2 Blest is the pious house, Where zeal and friendship meet ; Their songs of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion sweet. 3 Thus, when on Aaron's head, They poured the rich perfume, The oil through all his raiment spread, And pleasure filled the room. o 4 Thus on the heavenly hills, The saints are blest above ; Where joy like morning dew distils, And all the air is love. P. M. Dalston. [*.] The Blessings of Friendship. b 1 TTOW pleasant 'tis to see JL J_ Kindred and friends agree ! Each in their proper station move ; — And each fulfill their part, PSALM 1:34, 135. 261 With sympathizing heart, In all the cares of life and love ! 2 'Tis like the ointment, shed On Aaron's sacred head, Divinely rich, divinely sweet ! The oil through all the room Diffused a choice perfume, Ran through his robes, and blest his feet. o 3 Like fruitful showers of rain. That water all the plain, Descending from the neighbouring hills ; Such streams of pleasure roll Through every friendly soul, Where love like heavenlv dew distils. PSALM 134. C. M. Devizes. [*] Daily and JYightly Devotion. 1 "\7~E who obey th' immortal King, JL Attend his holy place ; e Bow to the glories of his power, And bless his wondrous grace. o 2 Lift up your hands by morning light, And send your souls on bigh ; a Raise your admiring thoughts by night, Above the starry sky. o 3 The God of Zion cheers our hearts, With rays of quickening grace ; g The God who spread the heavens abroad, And rules the swelling seas. PSALM 135. L.M. First Part. All-Soints.[*] V. 1—4, 14. 19—21. The Church God's House and Care. 1 TTJRAISE ye the Lord ; exalt his name, JL While in his holy courts ye wait, Ye saints, who to his house belong, Or stand attending at his gate. 2 Praise ye the Lord ; the Lord is good ; To praise his name is sweet employ ; Israel he chose of old, and still His church is his peculiar joy. e 3 The Lord himself will judge his saints ; He treats his servants as his friends : 262 PSALM 135. And, when he hears their sore complaints, Repents the sorrows that he sends. o 4 Through every age, the Lord declares His name, and breaks th' oppressor's rod ; He gives his suffering servants rest, g And will be known th' Almighty God. o 5 Bless him, all ye who taste his love ; People and priests, exalt his name : Amongst his saints lie ever dwells ; His church is his Jerusalem. L. M. Second Part. PsalmQlth. Blendon.\^~\ V. 5 — 12. Creation, Providence, and Redemption. 1 S~^ REAT is the Lord, exalted high, \J Above all powers and every throne; Whate'er he please, in earth or sea, Or heaven or hell, his hand hath done. 2 At his command the vapours rise, The lightnings flash, the thunders roar ! He pours the rain, he brings the wind And tempest from his airy store ! a 3 'Twas he those dreadful tokens sent, 0 Egypt, through thy stubborn land ! When all thy first-born, beasts and men, Fell dead by his avenging hand ! o 4 What mighty nations, mighty kings, He slew, and their whole country gave To Israel, whom his hand redeemed, No more to be proud Pharaoh's slave ! g 5 His power the same, the same his grace. That saves us from the hosts of hell ; And heaven he gives us to possess, Whence those apostate angels fell. C. M. Hartford. [*] Praise due to God, not to Idols. 1 A WAKE, ye saints, to praise your King, _TjL Your sweetest passions raise ; Your pious pleasure, while you sing, Increasing with the praise. o 2 Great is the Lord ; and works unknown Are his divine employ : PSALM 136. 263 e But still his saints are near his throne, His treasure and his joy. g 3 Heaven, earth, and sea confess his hand} He bids the vapours rise ; Lightning and storm, at his command, Sweep through the sounding skies. — 4 All power, that kings or gods have claimed, Is found with hirn alone : e But heathen gods should ne'er be named, Where our Jehovah's known. e 5 Which of the stocks or stones they trust, Can give them showers of rain ? In vain they worship glittering dust, And pray to gold in vain. d G [Their gods have tongues that cannot talk, Such as their makers gave ; Their feet were ne'er designed to walk, Nor hands have power to save. 7 Blind are their eyes ; their ears are deaf, Nor hear when mortals pray : Mortals that wait for their relief, Are blind and deaf as they.] — 8 Ye saints, adore the living God, Serve him with faith and fear ; o He makes the churches his abode, And claims your honours there. PSALM 136. C. M. Mcar. [*] Wondrous Works of God. 1 [/^ IVE thanks to God, the sovereign Lord ; VJT His mercies still endure ; And be the King of kings adored; His truth is ever sure. 2 What wonders hath his wisdom done ' How mighty is his hand ! Heaven, earth, and sea he framed alone : How wide is his command ! 3 The sun supplies the day with light : How bright his counsels shine ! The moon and stars adorn the night ■ His works are all divine. 4 (He struck the sons of Egypt dead How mighty is his rod ! 264 PSALM 136. And thence with joy his people led : How gracious is our God ! 5 He cleft the swelling sea in two ; His arm is great in might : And gave the tribes a passage through ; His power and grace "unite. 6 But Pharaoh's army there he drowned ; How glorious are his ways ! And brought his saints through desert ground ; Eternal be his praise. 7 Great monarchs fell beneath his hand ; Victorious is his sword ; While Israel took the promised land : How faithful is his word !) 8 He saw the nations dead in sin ; He felt his pity move ; How sad the state the world was in ' How boundless was his love ! 9 He sent to save us from our woe ; (His goodness never fails ;) From death and hell, and every foe; And still his grace prevails. 10 Give thanks to God, the heavenly King ; His mercies still endure : Let the whole earth his praises sing ; His truth is ever sure.] PSALM 136. P. M. Allerton. [*] Praise for Divine, Perfections and Works. 1 f^ IVE thanks to God most high, The universal Lord The sovereign King of kings; And be his grace adored, d His power and gsace Are still the same ; And let his name Have endless praise. — 2 How mighty is his hand ! What wonders he hath done ! He formed the earth and seas, And spread the heavens alone, d Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure PSALM 136. 965 And ever sure Abides thy word. — 3 His wisdom framed the sun, To crown the day with light : The moon and twinkling stars, To cheer the darksome night. d His power and grace Are still the same ; And let his name Have endless praise. —4 [He smote the first-born sons, The flower of Egypt, dead ; And thence his chosen tribes With joy and glory led. d Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure ; And ever sure Abides thy word. — 5 His power, and lifted rod, Cleft the Red Sea in two ; And for his people made A wondrous passage through. d His power and grace Are still the same ; And let his name Have endless praise. o 6 But cruel Pharaoh there, With all his host he drowned ; And brought his Israel safe, Through a long desert ground. e Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure ; And ever sure Abides thy word. —7 The kings of Canaan fell Beneath his dreadful hand ; While his own servants took Possession of their land, d His power and grace Are still the same ; And let his name Have endless praise.] 23 266 PSALM 136. a 8 He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin ; And pitied the sad state The ruined world was in d Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure ; And ever sure Abides thy word. 0 9 He sent his only Son, To save us from our woe ; From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe. d His power and grace Are still the same ; And let his name Have endless praise, s 10 Give thanks aloud to God, To God the heavenly King; And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. d Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure ; And ever sure Abides thy word. L. M. Truro. [*] Creation, Providence, and Grace. 1 (~^ IVE to our God immortal praise : . \j£ Mercy and truth are all his ways : d Wonders of grace to God belong ; Repeat his mercies in your song. — 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown ; d His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. — 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fixed the starry lights on high : d Wonders of grace to God belong ; Repeat his mercies in your song. —4 He fills the sun with morning light ; He bids the moon direct the night : d His mercies ever shall endure, When suns and moons shall shine no more. — 5 (The Jews he freed from Pharaoh's hand, And brought them to the promised land ; PSALM 133. 267 d Wonders of grace to God belong ; Repeat his mercies in your song.) e C (He saw the Gentiles dead in sin, And felt his pity work within ; d His mercies ever shall endure, When death and sin shall reign no more.) o 7 He sent his Son with power to save, From guilt, and darkness, and the grave ; d Wonders of grace to God belong ; Repeat his mercies in your song. — 8 Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heavenly seat : d His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more. PSALM 133. L. M. Qucrcy. [*] Restoring and Preserving Grace. 1 "\"T7TTH all my powers of heart and tongue, v v I'll praise my Maker in my song; Angels shall hear the notes I raise, Approve the song, and join the praise. e 2 Angels, who make the church their care, Shall witness my devotion there ; While holy zeal directs my eyes To thy fair temple in the skies. — 3 I'll sing thy truth and mercy, Lord ; I'll sing the wonders of thy word; Not all the works and names below, So much thy power and glory show. e 4 [To God I cried when troubles rose : He heard me and subdued my foes : o He did my rising fears control, And strength diffused through all my soul. g 5 The God of heaven maintains his state, Frowns on the proud, and scorns the great • e But from his throne descends to see The sons of humble poverty.] e 6 Amidst a thousand snares I stand, Upheld and guarded by thy hand ; — Thy words my fainting soul revive, And keep my dying faith alive. 2G8 PSALM 139. o 7 Grace will complete what grace begins, To save from sorrow or from sins ; The work that wisdom undertakes,. Eternal mercy ne'er forsakes. PSALM 139. L.M. IstPt. Bath. Geneva.[*] The All-seeing God. e 1 T" ORD,thou hast searched and seen me through; I i Thine eye commands, with piercing view, My rising and my resting hours, My heart and flesh with all their powers. 2 My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to my God distinctly known; He knows the words I mean to speak, Ere from my opening lips they break. p 3 Within thy circling power I stand; On every side I find thy hand : Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, I am surrounded still with God. 4 [Amazing knowledge, vast and great ! "What large extent ! what lofty height ! My soul, with all the powers I boast, Is in the boundless prospect lost. 5"0 may these thoughts possess my breast, " Where'er I rove, where'er I rest ! " Nor let my weaker passions dare " Consent to sin ; for God is there."' PAUSE I. C Could I so false, so faithless prove, To quit thy service and thy love ; Where, Lord, could I thy presence shun, Or from thy dreadful glory run ?] — 7 If up to heaven I take my flight, 'Tis there thou dwell 'st enthroned in light ; a Or dive to hell, there vengeance reigns, And Satan groans beneath thy chains. — 8 If, mounted on a morning ray, I fly beyond the Western sea ; o Thy swifter hand would first arrive, And there arrest thy fugitive. — 9 Or should I try to shun thy sight, Beneath the spreading veil of night; One glance of thine, one piercing ray, Would kindle darkness, into day. PSALlfr 139. 269 e 10 O may these thoughts possess my breast, Where'er I rove, where'er I rest; Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin ; for God is there ! PAUSE II. 11 [The veil of night is no disguise ; — No screen from thy all-searching eyes : Thy hand can seize thy foes as soon, Through midnight shades, as blazing noon. 12 Midnight and noon in this agree, — Great God, they're both alike to thee : Not death can hide what God will spy ; And hell lies naked to his eye. 13 O may these thoughts possess my breast, Where'er I rove, where'er I rest; Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin; for God is there !] L. M. Second Part. Portugal. [*] Tlie xconderful Formation of Man. 1 * HP WAS from thy hand, my God, I came, X A work of such a curious frame ; In me thy fearful wonders shine, And each proclaims thy skill divine. 2 Thine eyes did all my limbs survey, Which yet in dark confusion lay ; Thou saw'st the daily growth they took, Formed by the model of thy book. 3 [By thee my growing parts were named, And what thy sovereign counsel framed, (The breathing lungs, the beating heart,) Was copied with unerring art.] 4 At last to show my Maker's name, God stamped his image on my frame ! And in some unknown moment joined The finished members to the mind. 5 [There the young seeds of thought began, And all the passions of the man : Great God, our infant nature pays Immortal tribute to thy praise.] PAUSE. 6 Lord, since, in my advancing age, I've acted on life's busy stage, 270 PSALM 139. Thy thoughts of love to me surmount The power of numbers to recount. 7 I could survey the ocean o'er, And count each sand that makes the shore, Before my swiftest thoughts could trace The numerous wonders of thy grace. 8 These on my heart are still impressed ; With these I give my eyes to rest ; And at my waking hour 1 find God and his love possess my mind. L. M. Third Part. Batli. [*] Sincerity p?-ofcssed, and Grace tried. 1 [ll/TY God, what inward grief I feel, _L?JL When impious men transgress thy will ! 1 mourn to hear their lips profane Take thy tremendous name in vain. 2 Does not my soul detest and hate The sons of malice and deceit ? Those that oppose thy laws and thee, I count them enemies to me. e 3 Lord, search my soul, try every thought: Though my own heart accuse me not Of walking in a false disguise, 1 beg the trial of thine eyes. 4 Doth secret mischief lurk within ? Do I indulge some unknown sin ? — O turn my feet, whene'er I stray, And lead me in thy perfect way.] C. M. First Part. Wantage, [b] God's Omnijiresence and Omniscience: e 1 TN all my vast concerns with thee, JL In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence, Lord, or flee The notice of thine eye. 2 Thy all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest ; My public walks, my private ways, And secrets of my breast. —3 My thoughts lie open to the Lord, Before they're formed within ; And ere my lips pronounce the word, He knows the sense I mean. PSALM 139. 271 4 O wondrous knowledge, deep and high ! Where can a creature hide ! Within thy circling arms I lie, Beset on every side. o 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, Secured by sovereign love. pause. Windsor. a G Lord, where shall guilty souls retire, Forgotten and unknown ? In hell they meet thy dreadful fire, — In heaven thy glorious throne. e 7 Should I suppress my vital breath, To 'scape the wrath divine ; o Thy voice could break the bars of death, And make the grave resign. — 8 If, winged with beams of morning light, I fly beyond the West ; Thy hand, which must support my flight, Would soon betray my rest. 9 If o'er my sins I think to draw The curtains of the night ; o Those flaming eyes that guard thy law, WTould turn the shades to light. g 10 The beams of noon, the midnight hour, Are both alike to thee : e O may I ne'er provoke that Power, From which I cannot flee. C. M. Second Part. Colchester. [*] Wisdom of God in the Formation of Man. 1 TTTHEN I, with pleasing wonder, stand, ▼ ▼ And all my frame survey, Lord, 'tis thy work ! 1 own thy hand Thus built my humble clay. 2 Thy hand my heart and reins possessed, Where unborn nature grew ; Thy wisdom all my features traced, And all my members drew. 272 PSALM 139, 141. 3 Thine eye with nicest care surveyed The growth of every part; Till the whole scheme thy thoughts had laid, Was copied by thy art. o 4 Heaven, earth, and sea, and fire, and wind, Show me thy wondrous skill ; But I review myself, and find e Diviner wonders still. g 5 Thy awful glories round me shine ; My flesh proclaims thy praise : Lord, to thy works of nature join Thy miracles of grace. C. M. Third Part. York. [*] The Mercies of God innumerable. 1 T" ORD, when I count thy mercies o'er, , I i They strike me with surprise ; o Not all the sands that spread the shore To equal numbers rise. e 2 My flesh with fear and wonder stands — The product of thy skill j o And hourly blessings from thy hands Thy thoughts of love reveal. — 3 These on my heart by night I keep ; e How kind, how dear to me ! o O may the hour that ends my sleep, Still find my thoughts with thee. PSALM 141. L. M. Worship. Dresden. [*] Ver. 2, 3, 4, 5. Watchfulness and Brotherly Love. 1 "TVTY God, accept my early vows, _L?JL Like morning incense in thy house ; And let my nightly worship rise, Sweet as the evening sacrifice. e 2 Watch o'er my lips, and guard them, Lord, From every rash and heedless word : Nor let my feet incline to tread The guilty path where sinners lead. 3 O may the righteous, when I stray, Smite and reprove my wandering way ! o Their gentle words, like ointment shed, Shall never bruise, but cheer my head PSALM 142, 143. 273 e 4 When I behold them pressed with grief, I'll cry to heaven for their relief; — And, by my warm petitions, prove How much I prize their faithful love. PSALM 142. C. M. Tsle of Wight [b] God the Hope of the Helpless. I r 1 10 God I made my sorrows known, -L From God I sought relief; In long complaints, before his throne, I poured out all my grief. p 2 My soul was overwhelmed with woes, My heart began to break ; My God, who all my burden knows, He knows the way I take. 3 On every side I cast mine eye, And found my helpers gone ; While friends and strangers passed me by, Neglected and unknown. o 4 Then did I raise a louder cry, And called thy mercy near ; d " Thou art my portion when I die, — " Be thou my refuge here." e 5 Lord, I am brought exceeding low, — Now let thine ear attend ; And make my foes, who vex me, know I've an Almighty Friend. 6 From my sad prison set me free, o Then shall I praise thy name ; And holy men shall join with me, Thy kindness to proclaim. PSALM 143. L. M. Geneva, [b] Complaint and Hope. a 1 "|%TY righteous Judge, my gracious God, Jjr JL Hear, when I spread my hands abroad, And cry for succour from thy throne ; O make thy truth and mercy known. c 2 [Let judgment not against me pass ; Behold thy servant pleads thy grace : Should justice call us to thy "bar, No man alive is cruiltless there. 274 PSALM 143. 3 Look down in pity, Lord, and see The mighty woes that burden me ; Down to the dust my life is brought, Like one long buried and forgot.] p 4 I dwell in darkness and unseen; My heart is desolate within : My thoughts in musing silence trace The ancient wonders of thy grace. — 5 Thence I derive a glimpse of hope, To bear my sinking spirits up ; I stretch my hand to God again, And thirst, like parched lands for rain. e 6 [For thee I thirst, I pray, I mourn ; When will thy smiling face return ? Shall all my joys on earth remove ? And God forever hide his love ?] p 7 My God, thy long delay to save Will sink thy prisoner to the grave : My heart grows faint, and dim mine eye ; — Make haste to help — before I die. p 8 [The night is witness to my tears ; Distressing pains, distressing fears ! — O might I hear thy morning voice, How would my weary soul rejoice !] 9 In thee I trust, to thee I sigh, — And lift my weary soul on high : For thee sit waiting all the day, — And wear the tiresome hours away. 10 Break off my fetters. Lord, and show, Which is the path my feet should go ; If snares and foes beset the road, o I flee to hide me near my God. — 11 Teach me to do thy holy will, And lead me to thy heavenly hill ; Let the good Spirit of thy love Conduct me to thy courts above. 12 [Then shall my soul no more complain ; The tempter then shall rage in vain : And flesh, that was my foe before, Shall never vex my spirit more.] PSALM 144. 275 PSALM 144. C. M. First Part. Bedford. [*] V. 1,2. Aid and Victory in Spiritual Warfare. 1 T^OREVER blessed be the Lord, _3_ My Saviour and my Shield ; He sends his Spirit with his word, To arm me for the field. 2 When sin and hell their force unite, He makes my soul his care ; Instructs me to the heavenly fight, And guards me through the war. 3 A Friend and Helper, so divine, Doth my weak courage raise : He makes the glorious victory mine ; And his shall be the praise. C. M. Second Part. Reading, [b] V. 3, 4, 5, G. Vanity of Man, and Condescension of God. p 1 T ORD, what is man, poor feeble man, .1 i Born of the earth at first ! His life a shadow, light and vain, Still hasting to the dust ! 2 O what is feeble, dying man, Or any of his race, — That God should make it his concern, To visit him with grace ! g 3 That God, who darts his lightnings down ! Who shakes the worlds above ! And mountains tremble at his frown — How wondrous is his love ! L. M. Shoel [*] V. 12 — 15. The happy City and Nation. 1 TTAPPY the city where their sons, JLjL Like pillars round a palace set, And daughters, bright as polished stones, Give strength and beauty to the state. 2 Happy the country, where the sheep, Cattle, and corn, have large increase ; Where men securely work or sleep, Nor sons of plunder break their peace. 3 Happy the nation thus endowed ; But more divinely blest are those, 276 PSALM 145. On whom the all-sufficient God Himself, with all his grace, bestows. PSALM 145. L. M. Green's. Nantwich. [*] The Greatness of God. 1 IVT'Y God, my King, thy various praise _LTJ_ Shall fill the remnant of my days j Thy grace employ my humble tongue, Till death and glory raise the song. u 2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear ; And every setting sun shall see New works of duty, done for thee. — 3 Thy truth and justice I'll proclaim ; Thy bounty flows, an endless stream : Thy mercy swift ; thine anger slow, — e But dreadful to the stubborn foe. g 4 Thy works with sovereign glory shine, And speak thy majesty divine ; Let every realm with joy proclaim The sound and honour of thy name. o 5 Let distant times and nations raise The long succession of thy praise ; And unborn ages make my song The joy and labour of their tongue. c 6 But who can speak thy wondrous deeds ? — Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds : g Vast — and unsearchable thy ways, Vast — and immortal be thy praise. C. M. First Part. Bm^hy. Mitcham. [*] Ver. 1—7, 11—13. The Greatness of God. olT ONG as I live I'll bless thy name, _I_J My King, my God of love ; My work and joy shall be the same, In the bright world above. — 2 Great is the Lord ; his power unknown ; And let his praise be great : I'll sing the honours of thy throne, Thy works of grace repeat. o 3 Thy grace shall dwell upon my tongue ; And while my lips rejoice, PSALM 145. 277 The men, who hear my sacred song, Shall join their cheerful voice. — 4 Fathers to sons shall teach thy name, And children learn thy ways ; o Ages to come thy truth proclaim, And nations sound thy praise. u 5 Thy glorious deeds of ancient date Shall through the world he known; Thine arm of power, thy heavenly state, With puhlic splendour shown. g 6 The world is managed by thy hands ; Thy saints are ruled by love ; And thine eternal kingdom stands, — Though rocks and hills remove. C. M. Second Part. Swanicick. [*] Ver. 7, &c. The Goodness of God. o 1 C|WE£T is the memory of thy grace, l3 My God, my heavenly King; Let age to age thy righteousness, In sounds of glory sing. — 2 God reigns on high ; but ne'er confines His goodness to the skies : o Through the whole earth his bounty shines, And every want supplies. c 3 With longing eyes thy creatures wait On thee for daily food ; o Thy liberal hand provides their meat, And fills their mouth with good. e 4 How kind are thy compassions, Lord ! e How slow thine anger moves ! o But soon he sends his pardoning word, To cheer the souls he loves. o 5 Creatures, with all their endless race, Thy power and praise proclaim ; But saints, who taste thy richer grace, Delight to bless thy name. C. M. Third Part. Sunday. [*] Ver. 14 — 17, &c. Mercy to Sufferers. L ET every tongue thy goodness speak, Thou sovereign Lord of all ! 24 273 PSALM 146. Thy strengthening hands uphold the weak, And raise the poor who fall. 2 When sorrow bows the spirit down, — Or virtue lies distressed, Beneath some proud oppressor's frown, Thou giv'st the mourners rest. 3 The Lord supports our tottering days, And guides our giddy youth ; Holy and just are all his ways, And all his words are truth. 4 He knows the pain his servants feel ; He hears his children cry : And, their best wishes to fulfill, His grace is ever nigh. 5 His mercy never shall remove From men of heart sincere : He saves the souls, whose humble love Is joined with holy fear. 6 [His stubborn foes his sword shall slay, And pierce their hearts with pain ; But none, who serve the Lord, shall say, They sought the Lord in vain. 7 My lips shall dwell upon his praise, And spread his fame abroad ; Let all the sons of Adam raise The honours of their God.] PSALM 146. L. M. Old Hundred. [*] Praise for Divine Goodness and Truth. 1 [T3RAISE ye the Lord ; my heart shall join Jl In work so pleasant, so divine, Now, while the flesh is mine abode, And when my soul ascends to God. 2 Praise shall employ my noblest powers, While immortality endures ; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life and thought and being last. 3 Why should I make a man my trust ? Princes must die, and turn to dust : Their breath departs, their pomp and power, And thoughts all vanish in an hour.] 4 Happy the man, whose hopes rely On Israel's God : He made the sky, PSALM 140. 279 And earth and seas, with all their train ; And none shall find his promise vain. 5 His truth forever stands secure ; - He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor; He sends the labouring conscience peace, And grants the prisoner sweet release. e 6 The Lord hath eyes to give the blind ; The Lord supports the sinking mind ; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless. — 7 He loves his saints ; he knows them well e But turns the wicked down to hell : o Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns; Praise him in everlasting strains. P. M. St. Helen's. [*] Praise for Ditine Goodness and Truth. o 1 T'LL praise my Maker with my breath; JL And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers : — My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures. e 2 Why should I make a man my trust ? e Princes must die, and turn to dust : Vain is the help of flesh and blood : Their breath departs, their pomp and power, And thoughts all vanish in an hour ; Nor can they make their promise good. O 3 Happy the man, whose hopes rely On Israel's God : He made the sky, And earth and seas, with all their train : — His truth forever stands secure ; He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor ; And none shall find his promise vain. c 4 The Lord hath eyes to give the blind ; The Lord supports the sinking mind ; He sends the labouring conscience peace : He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless, And grants the prisoner sweet release. 280 PSALM 147. — 5 He loves his saints ; he knows them well ; e But turns the wicked down to hell : o Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns : o Let every tongue, let every age, In this exalted work engage : Praise him in everlasting strains. s C I'll praise him while he lends me breath ; And, when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers : My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures. PSALM 147. L.M. IstPt. Old Hundred.?] Divine Nature, Providence, and Grace. 1 T3RAISE ye the Lord : 'tis good to raise J7 Our hearts and voices in his praise ; His nature and his works invite, To make this duty our delight. 2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem, And gathers nations to his name ; His mercy melts the stubborn soul, And makes the broken spirit whole. 3 He formed the stars, those heavenly flames j He counts their numbers, calls their names ! His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound, — A deep where all our thoughts are drowned ! 4 Great is the Lord, and great his might, And all his glories infinite : He crowns the meek, rewards the just, And treads the wicked to the dust. pause. Castle Street. 5 Sing to the Lord, exalt him high, Who spreads his clouds all round the sky ; There he prepares the fruitful rain, Nor lets the drops descend in vain. 6 He makes the grass the hills adorn, And clothes the smiling fields with corn ; The beasts with food his hands supply, And the young ravens, when they cry. 7 What is the creature's skill or force, The sprightly man, the warlike horse, PSALM 147. 281 The nimble wit, the active limb ! All are too mean delights for him. 8 But saints are lovely in his sight ; He views his children with delio-ht : He sees their hope, he knows their fear, And looks, and loves his image there. L. M. Second Part. Portugal. [*] Summer and Winter. 1 [X ET Zion praise the mighty God, I A And make his honours known abroad : For sweet the joy — our songs to raise ; And glorious is the work of praise. 2 Our children are secure and blest ; Our shores have peace, our cities rest ; He feeds our sons with finest wheat, And adds his blessing to their meat. 3 The changing seasons he ordains, The early and the latter rains : The flakes of snow, like wool, he sends, And thus the springing corn defends. 4 With hoary frost he strews the ground ; His hail descends with clattering sound : Where is the man so vainly bold, As dare defy his dreadful cold ! 5 He bids the southern breezes blow ; The ice dissolves, the waters flow : But he hath nobler works and ways, To call his people to his praise. 6 To all our land his laws are shown ; His gospel through the nation known : He hath not thus revealed his word To every land : — Praise ye the Lord.] C. M. Hartford. [*] Ver. 7 — 9, 13 — 18. The Seasons of the Year. 1 "VTjriTH songs and honours, sounding loud, Y V Address the Lord on high : Over the heavens he spreads his cloud, And waters veil the sky. 2 He sends his showers of blessings down, To cheer the plains below ; He makes the grass the mountains crown, And corn in valleys grow. 24 - 282 PSALM 148. o 3 He gives the grazing ox his meat ; He hears the ravens cry : But man, who tastes his finest wheat, Should raise his honours high. e 4 His steady counsels change the face Of the declining year ; He bids the sun cut short his race, And wintry days appear. 5 His hoary frost, his fleecy snow, Descend and clothe the ground : The liquid streams forbear to flow, In icy fetters bound. o 6 When from his dreadful stores on high He pours the rattling hail, The wretch who dares his God defy, Shall find his courage fail. b 7 He sends his word and melts the snow ', The fields no longer mourn : He calls the warmer gales to blow, And bids the spring return. o 8 The changing wind, the flying cloud, ' Obey his mighty word : g With songs and honours sounding loud, Praise ye the sovereign Lord. PSALM 148. P. M. Triumph. [*] Praise to God from all Creatures. jp 1 "\7"E tribes of Adam join 1 With heaven and earth and seas, And offer notes divine To your Creator's praise. Ye holy throng Of angels bright, In worlds of light, Begin the song. — 2 [Thou sun, with dazzling rays, And moon, that rul'st the night, Shine to your Maker's praise, — With stars of twinkling light. His power declare, Ye floods on high, And clouds that fly In empty air.] PSALM 148. 283 3 The shining worlds above In glorious order stand, Or in swift courses move, By his supreme command. He spake the word, — And all their frame From nothing came, To praise the Lord. 4 He moved their mighty wheels, In unknown ages past ; And each his word fulfills, While time and nature last. In different ways, His works proclaim His wondrous name, And speak his praise. 5 [Let all the earth-born race, And monsters of the deep, — And fish that cleave the seas, Or in their bosom sleep, — From sea and shore Their tribute pay ; And still display Their Maker's power. G Ye vapours, hail and snow, Praise ye th' Almighty Lord, And stormy winds, that blow To execute his word. When lightnings shine, And thunders roar, Let earth adore His hand divine. 7 Ye mountains near the skies, With lofty cedars there, And trees of humbler size, That fruit in plenty bear ; — Beasts wild and tame, Birds, flies, and worms, In various forms, — Exalt his name.] 8 Ye kings and judges, fear The Lord, the sovereign King ; 284 PSALM 148. And while you rule us here, His heavenly honours sing : Nor let the dream Of power and state, Make you forget His power supreme. o 9 Virgins and youths, engage To sound his praise divine ; e While infancy and age Their feebler voices join : o Wide as he reigns His name be sung, By every tongue, In endless strains : g 10 Let all the nations fear The God who rules above ; He brings his people near, And makes them taste his love : While earth and sky Attempt his praise, His saints shall raise His honours high. L. M. Paraphrased. Old Hundred. [*] Universal Praise to God. glT OUD hallelujahs to the Lord, ■ 1 i From distant worlds where creatures dwell ; Let heaven begin the solemn word, And sound it dreadful — down to hell. [Note. This Psalm may be sung to a different metre by adding the two following lines to every stanza, viz. Each of his works his name displays, But they can ne'er fulfill his praise.] 2 [The Lord — how absolute he reigns ! Let every angel bend the knee : Sing of his love in heavenly strains ; And speak how fierce his terrors be. 3 High on a throne his glories dwell, — An awfui throne of shining bliss ; o Fly through the world, O sun, and tell How dark thy beams compared to his. PSALM 148. 285 4 [Awake, ye tempests, and his fame, In sounds of dreadful praise declare ; And the sweet whisper of his name, Fill every gentler hreeze of air. 5 Let clouds, and winds, and waves agree To join their praise with blazing fire ; Let the firm earth, and rolling sea, In this eternal song conspire. 6 Ye flowery plains, proclaim his skill ; Valleys, lie low before his eye ; And let his praise, from every hill, Rise tuneful to the neighbouring sky. 7 Ye stubborn oaks, and stately pines, Bend your high branches, and adore ; Praise him, ye beasts, in different strains; The lamb must bleat, the lion roar. 8 Birds, ye must make his praise your theme ; Nature demands a song from you; While the dumb fish, that cut the stream, Leap up and mean his praises too.] — 9 Mortals, can you refrain your tongue, c When nature all around you singes ; u O for a shout — from old and young, — From humble swains, and lofty kings. g 10 Wide — as his vast dominion lies — Make the Creator's name be known : u Loud — as his thunder — shout his praise, g And sound it lofty — as his throne. e 11 Jehovah — 'tis a glorious word — O may it dwell on every tongue ! o But saints, who best have known the Lord, Are bound to raise the noblest song. o 12 Speak of the wonders of that love, Which Gabriel plays on every chord ! u From all below and all above, Loud hallelujahs to the Lord. S. M. St. Thomas's. [*] Universal Praise. 1 T ET every creature join, _I_J To praise th' eternal God ; Ye heavenly hosts, the song begin, And sound his name abroad. 286 PSALM 148. 2 Thou sun, with golden beams, And moonj with paler rays, Ye starry lights, ye twinkling flames, Shine to your Maker's praise. 3 He built those worlds above, And fixed their wondrous frame ; By his command they stand or move, And ever speak his name. 4 Ye vapours, when you rise, Or fall in showers, or snow, — Ye thunders, murmuring round the skies, His power and glory show. 5 Wind, hail, and flashing fire, Agree to praise the Lord, — When ye in dreadful storms conspire, To execute his word. 6 By all his works above His honours be expressed ; But saints, who taste his saving love, Should sing his praises best. 7 [Let earth and ocean know, They owe their Maker praise : Praise him, ye watery worlds below, And monsters of the seas. 8 From mountains near the sky, Let his high praise resound ; From humble shrubs, and cedars high, And vales and fields around. 9 Ye lions of the wood, And tamer beasts that graze, — Ye live upon his daily food, And he expects your praise. 10 Ye birds of lofty wing, On high his praises bear ; Or sit on flowery boughs, and sing Your Maker's glory there. 11 Ye creeping ants and worms, His various wisdom show ; And flies in all your shining swarms, Praise him who dressed you so. PSALM 149. 287 12 By all the earth-born race, His honours be expressed : — But saints, who know his heavenly grace, Should learn to praise him best. PAUSE II. 13 Monarchs of wide command, Praise ye th' eternal King : Judges, adore that sovereign hand, Whence all your honours spring. 14 Let vigorous youth engage, To sound his praises high : While growing babes, and withering age, Their feebler voices try. 15 United zeal be shown His wondrous fame to raise : God is the Lord : his name alone Deserves our endless praise. 16 Let nature join with art. And all pronounce him blest : But saints, who dwell so near his heart, Should sing his praises best.] PSALM 149. C. M. Arundel [*] The Saints judging the World. 1 A LL ye who love the Lord, rejoice, J\. And let your songs be new ; Amidst the church, with cheerful voice, His later wonders shew. 2 The Jews, the people of his grace, Shall their Redeemer sing; And Gentile nations join the praise, While Zion owns her King. 3 The Lord takes pleasure in the just, Whom sinners treat with scorn : The meek, who lie despised in dust, Salvation shall adorn. — 4 Saints should be joyful in their King, Ev'n on a dying bed ; And, like the souls in glory, sing : For God shall raise the dead. o 5 Then his high praise shall fill their tongues, Their hands shall wield the sword ; 288 PSALM 150. And vengeance shall attend their songs, — The vengeance of the Lord. g 6 When Christ his judgment seat ascends, And bids the world appear, Thrones are prepared for all his friends, Who humbly loved him here. 7 [Then shall they rule, with iron rod, Nations that dared rebel : And join the sentence of their God, On tyrants doomed to hell. 8 The royal sinners, bound in chains, New triumphs shall afford : Such honour for the saints remains : — Praise ye and love the Lord.] PSALM 150. C. M. Doxology. [*] Ver. 1, 2, 6. A Song of Praise. 1 TN God's own house pronounce his praise ; A His grace he there reveals : To heaven your joy and wonder raise ; For there his glory dwells. 2 Let all your sacred passions move, While you rehearse his deeds : But the great work of saving love Your highest praise exceeds. 3 All that have motion, life, and breath, Proclaim your Maker blest ; Yet when my voice expires in death, My soul shall praise him best. THE CHRISTIAN DOXOLOGY. L. M. TO God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honour, praise, and glory given, By all on earth and all in heaven. DOXOLOGIES. 289 C. M. LET God,— the Father and the Son And Spirit, — be adored ; Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord. C. M. Where the tune includes two stanzas. I. THE God of mercy be adored, Who calls our souls from death; Who saves by his redeeming word. And new creating breath. II. To praise the Father and the Son, And Spirit all divine, — The One in Three, and Three in One, — Let saints and angels join. S. M. YE angels round the throne, And saints who dwell below, Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. P. M. "jVTOW to the great and sacred Three _L 1 The Father, Son. and Spirit, be Eternal praise and glory given — Through all the worlds where God is known, By all the angels near the throne, And all the saints in earth and heaven. P. M. TO God the Father's throne Perpetual honours raise ; Glory to God the Son ! To God the Spirit praise ! With all our powers, Eternal King, Thy name we sing,. While faith adores. 25 H Y M N S AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. BOOK I. COLLECTED FROM THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. HYMN 1. C. M. Devizes. St. Asaph's. [*] A New Song to the Lamb that was slain. Rev. v. 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. 1 T>EHOLD the glories of the Lamb, .13 Amidst his Father's throne : Prepare new honours for his name, And songs, before unknown. e 2 Let elders worship at his feet, The church adore around ; With vials full of odours sweet, And harps of sweeter sound. — 3 Those are the prayers of all the saints, And these the hymns they raise : e Jesus is kind to our complaints, He loves to hear our praise. 4 [Eternal Father, who shall look, Into thy secret will ? Who but the Son shall take that book, And open every seal ? — 5 He shall fulfill thy great decrees ; The Son deserves it well : Lo, in his hand the sovereign keys Of heaven, and death, and hell !] s 6 Now to the Lamb, that once was slain Be endless blessings paid ; Salvation, glory, joy, remain, Forever, on thy head. 292 HYMN 2, 3. Book I. d 7 Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood ; Hast set the prisoners free : Hast made us kings and priests to God ; And we shall reign with thee ! g 8 The worlds of nature and of grace Are put beneath thy power : Then shorten these delaying days, And bring the promised hour. HYMN 2. L. M. Castle Street. [*] The Deity and Humanity of Christ. John i. 1, 3, 14 J Col. i. 16; andEph. iii. 9,10. 1 T7* RE the blue heavens were stretched abroad, a A From everlasting was the Word ; With God he was ; the Word was God ! And must divinely be adored. 2 By his own power were all things made ; By him supported, all things stand : He is the whole creation's head, And angels fly at his command. 3 [Ere sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the host of morning stars : Thy generation who can tell, Or count the number of thy years ?] p 4 But lo, he leaves those heavenly forms — The Word descends and dwells in clay : That he may hold converse with worms, Dressed in such feeble flesh as they. o 5 Mortals with joy beheld his face, Th' eternal Father's only Son ; e How full of truth ! how full of grace ! When through his eyes the Godhead shone ! g 6 Archangels leave their high abode, To learn new mysteries here, and tell The love of our descending God, — The glories of Immanuel. HYMN 3. S. M. St Thomas's. [*] The Nativity of Christ. Luke i. 30, &c. Luke ii. 10. 1 T>EHOLD, the grace appears ! -13 The promise is fulfilled ! Mary, the wondrous virgin, bears, And Jesus is the child ! Book I. HYMN 5. 293 2 [The Lord, the highest God, Calls him his only Son : He hids him rule the lands abroad, And gives him David's throne. 3 O'er Jacob shall he reign, With a peculiar sway : The nations shall his grace obtain, His kingdom ne'er decay.] 4 To bring the glorious news, A heavenly form appears ; He tells the shepherds of their joys, And banishes their fears. 5 " Go, humble swains," said he, " To David's city fly ; u The promised Infant, born to-day, " Does in a manger lie. C " With looks and hearts serene, " Go visit Christ, your King : " — And straight a flaming troop was seen ; The shepherds heard them sing : — o 7 " Glory to God on high ! " And heavenly peace on earth ; " Good will to men, to angels joy, " At the Redeemer's birth." — 8 [In worship so divine, Let saints employ their tongues ; With the celestial host we join, And loud repeat their songs ; — g 9 " Glory to God on high ! " And heavenly peace on earth ; " Good will to men, to angels joy, " At our Redeemer's birth."] Hymn 4. Referred to 2d Psalm. HYMN 5. CM. Canterbury. Isle of Wight, [b] Submission to afflictive Providence. Job i. 21. 1 TVTAKED, as from the earth we came, _L 1 And crept to life at first, We to the earth return again, And mingle with our dust. e 2 The dear delights we here enjoy, And fondlv call our own, 25* 294 HYMN 6, 7. Book I. Are but short favours borrowed now, To be repaid anon. — 3 'Tis God, who lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave ; He gives — and (blessed be his name !) He takes but what he gave. a 4 Peace, all our angry passions, then, Let each rebellious sigh Be silent at his sovereign will, And every murmur die. o 5 If smiling mercy crown our lives, Its praises shall be spread ; e And we'll adore the justice too, That strikes our comforts dead. HYMN 6. C. M. Sunday. [*] Triumph over Death. Job xix. 25, 27. e 1 [£~^ RE AT God, I own the sentence just, VJ~ And nature must decay ; p I yield my body to the dust, To dwell with fellow clay. — 2 Yet faith may triumph o'er the grave, And trample on the tombs ; o My Jesus, my Redeemer, lives, My God, my Saviour comes. o 3 The mighty Conqueror shall appear, High on a royal seat ; And Death, the last of all his foes, Lie vanquished at his feet. e 4 Though greedy worms devour my skin, And gnaw my wasting flesh ; — When God shall build my bones again, He'll clothe them all afresh O 5 Then shall I see thy lovely face, With strong, immortal eyes ; And feast upon thy unknown grace, With pleasure and surprise.] HYMN 7. C. M Sunday. [*] Invitation of the Gospel. Isa. lv. 1, 2, &c. LET every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice ! 1 T ET every mortal ear atte J_i And every heart rejoice Book I. HYMN 8. 295 The trumpet of the gospel sounds, With an inviting voice : o 2 Ho ! all ye hungry, starving souls, Who feed upon the wind, — e And vainly strive, with earthly toys, To fill an empty mind : — o 3 Eternal wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast; And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. o 4 Ho ! ye who pant for living streams, e And pine away, and die ; o Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. o 5 Rivers of love, and mercy here, In a rich ocean join ; Salvation, in abundance, flows, Like floods of milk and wine. d 6 (Ye perishing and naked poor, Who work with mighty pain, To weave a garment of your own, That will not hide your sin ; — 7 Come naked — and adorn your souls In robes prepared by God; Wrought by the labours of his Son, And dyed in his own blood.) e 8 (Dear God ! the treasures of thy love Are everlasting mines ; Deep as our helpless miseries are, And boundless as our sins !) o 9 The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day : — Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. HYMN 8. C. M. Mear. [*] The Safety of the Church. Isa. xxvi. 1, 6. 1 [TTOW honourable is the place, JLl Where we adoring stand ; Zion, the glory of the earth, And beauty of the land I a 2 Bulwarks of mighty grace defend The city where we dwell ; 296 HYMN 9. Book I. The walls, of strong salvation made, Defy th' assaults of hell, s 3 Lift up the everlasting gates, The doors wide open fling ; d Enter, ye nations, that obey The statutes of our King. o 4 Here shall you taste unmingled joys, And live in perfect peace ; You who have known Jehovah's name, And ventured on his grace. o 5 Trust in the Lord, forever trust, And banish all your fears : Strength in the Lord Jehovah dwells, Eternal as his years. d 6 What though the rebels dwell on high ? His arm shall bring them low : Low as the caverns of the grave, Their lofty heads shall bow. 7 On Babylon our feet shall tread, In that rejoicing hour ; The ruins of her walls shall spread A pavement for the poor.] HYMN 9. C. M. Zion. [*] Proffered Grace. 1,2; Zech. xiii. 1; Mic. vii. 19 ; Ezek. xxxvi. 25, &c. e 1 TN vain we lavish, out our lives, JIL To gather empty wind ; The choicest blessings earth can yield, Will starve a hungry mind. o 2 Come — and the Lord shall feed our souls With more substantial meat ; With such as saints in glory love, With such as angels eat. — 3 Our God will every want supply, And fill our hearts with peace ; He gives, by covenant and by oath, The riches of his grace. o 4 Come, and he'll cleanse our spotted souls, And wash away our stains — e In the dear fountain, that his Son — Poured from his dying veins. 5 [Our guilt shall vanish all away, Though black as hell before ; Book I. HYMN 10. 297 Our sins shall sink beneath the sea, And shall be found no more. G And lest pollution should overspread Our inward powers again. His Spirit shall bedew our souls Like purifying rain.] d 7 Our heart, that flinty, stubborn thing, That terrors cannot move, — That fears no threatenings of his wrath — Shall be dissolved by love. — 8 Or he can take the flint away, That would not be refined ; And, from the treasures of his grace, Bestow a softer mind. 9 There shall his sacred Spirit dwell, And deep engrave his law ; And every motion of our souls To swift obedience draw. o 10 Thus will he pour salvation down, And we shall render praise ; d We — the dear people of his love, And He — our God of nrace. HYMN 10. S.M. Newton. St. Thomas' s.[*] The Blessedness of Gospel Times. Isa. v. 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 ; Matt. xiii. 16, 17. "OW beauteous are their feet, H Who stand on Zion's hill ! Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! b 2 How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are ! o " Zion, behold thy Saviour — King, " He reigns and triumphs here ! " o 3 How happy are our ears, That hear this joyful sound ! — — Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought but never found ! o 4 How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light ! e Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight ! 298 HYMN 11, 12. Book I. o 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; o Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. g C The Lord makes bare his arm, Through all the earth abroad ; Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. HYMN 11. L. M. Old Hundred. [*] The Sovereignty of Grace. Luke x. 21, 22. 1 npHERE was an hour when Christ rejoiced, JL And spoke his joy in words of praise : " Father. I thank thee, mighty God, " Lord of the earth, and heavens, and seas. 2 il 1 thank thy sovereign power and love, " That crowns my doctrine with success ; " And makes the babes in knowledge learn " The heights, and breadths, and lengths of grace. 3 " But all this glory lies concealed " From men of prudence and of might; " The prince of darkness blinds their eyes, ei And their own pride resists the light. 4 " Father, 'tis thus, because thy will " Chose and ordained it should be so ; " 'Tis thy delight t' abase the proud, " And lay the haughty scorner low. 5 " There's none can know the Father right, " But those who learn it from the Son ; " Nor can the Son be well received, " But where the Father makes him known." C Then let our souls adore our God, Who deals his graces as he please j Nor gives to mortals an account, Or of his actions, or decrees. HYMN 12. C. M. St. Ann's. [*] Free Grace in revealing Christ. Luke x. 21. 1 [ TESUS the man of constant grief, s3 A mourner all his days, — His spirit once rejoiced aloud, And turned his joy to praise. Book I. HYMN 13, 14. 299 d 2 " Father. I thank thy wondrous love, u That hath revealed thy Son " To men unlearned ; and to babes " Has made thy gospel known. 3 " The mysteries of redeeming grace " Are hidden from the wise ; u While pride and carnal reasonings join " To swell and blind their eyes." — I Thus does the Lord of heaven and earth His great decrees fulfill ; And orders all his works of grace, By his own sovereign will.] HYMN 13. L. M. Castle Street. [*] The Son of God incarnate. Isa. ix. 2, G, 7. 1 [F 1 1HE lands, that long in darkness lay, JL Now have beheld a heavenly light ; Nations that sat in death's cold shade, Are blessed with beams divinely bright. o 2 The virgin's promised Son is born ; Behold the expected child appear ! What shall his names, or titles, be ? The Wonderful, the Counsellor. d 3 (This infant is the mighty God, Come to be suckled and adored : Th' eternal Father, Prince of peace, The son of David, and his Lord.) — 4 The government of earth and seas Upon his shoulders shall be laid : g His wide dominions shall increase, And honours to his name be paid. o 5 Jesus, the holy Child, shall sit, High on his father David's throne ; — Shall crush his foes beneath his feet, And reign to ages yet unknown.] HYMN 14. L. M. Gloucester. Newcourt. [*] Christ's unchangeable Love. Rom. viii. 33, &c. 1 "\T7"HO shall the Lord's elect condemn? VV "! Tis God who justifies their souls ; y streai y rolls. And mercy, like a mighty st: O'er all their sins divinelv 300 HYMN 15. Book L 2 Who shall adjudge the saints to hell-? 'Tis Christ who suffered in their stead ; And the salvation to fulfill, Behold him rising from the dead 3 He lives ! he lives ! and sits above, Forever interceding there : Who shall divide us from his love, Or what should tempt us to despair ? 4 Shall persecution, or distress, Famine, or sword, or nakedness ? He, who hath loved us, bears us through, And makes us more than conquerors too. 5 Faith has an overcoming power ; It triumphs in a dying hour : Christ is our life, our joy, our hope ; Nor can we sink with such a prop. 6 Not all that men on earth can do, Nor powers on high, nor powers below, Shall cause his mercy to remove, Or wean our hearts from Christ, our love. HYMN 15. L. At Islington. [*] Christ our Strength 2 Cor. xii. 7, 9, 10. 1 [~fl~ ET me but hear my Saviour say, I A " Strength shall be equal to the day : '; Then I rejoice in deep distress ; Leaning on all-sufficient grace. 2 I glory in infirmity, That Christ's own power may rest on me; When 1 am weak, then am 1 strong, Grace is my shield, and Christ my song. 3 1 can do all things, or can bear All sufferings, if my Lord be there ; Sweet pleasures mingle with the pains, While his left hand my head sustains. 4 But if the Lord be once withdrawn, And we attempt the work alone ; When new temptations spring and rise, We find how great our weakness is. 5 So Samson, when his hair was lost, Met the Philistines to his cost : Book I. HYMN 16, 17, 18. 301 Shook his vain limbs, with sad surprise, Made feeble right, and lost his eyes.] HYMN 16. C. M. Devizes. [*] Hosanna to Christ. Matt. xxi. 9 : Luke six. 38, 40. 1 TTOSANNA to the royal Son, JLX Of David's ancient line ! e His natures two, his person one, Mysterious and divine. — 2 The Root of David, here we find, And Offspring, is the same ; e Eternity and time are joined In our Emmanuel's name. o 3 Blessed He, who comes to wretched men, With peaceful news from heaven ! u Hosannas of the highest strain To Christ the Lord be given ! — 4 Let mortals ne'er refuse to take Th' Hosanna on their tongues ; o Lest rocks and stones should rise, and break Their silence into songs. HYMN 17. C. M. Zlon. [*] Victory over Death. 1 Cor. xv. 55. &c. I [f\ FOR an overcoming faith, vl To cheer my dying hours ; To triumph o'er the monster death, And all his frightful powers ! o 2 Joyful, with all the strength I have, My quivering lips should sing. — u Where is thy boasted victory, grave ? •• And where the monster's sting : " — 3 If sin be pardoned, I'm secure ; Death has no sting beside : The law gives sin its damning power ; But Christ my ransom died. o 4 Now to the God of victory Immortal thanks be paid ; — Who makes us conquerors, while we die, Through Christ our living head.] HYMN 1*. C. M. Canterbtiry. [*] Blessed — xcho die in the Lord. Rev. xiv. 13. 1 TTEAR what the voice from heaven proclaims, XI For all the pious dead ! 26 302 HYMN 19, 20. Book I. And soft their sleeping bed. — 2 They die in Jesus, and are blessed ; e How kind their slumbers are ! — From sufferings, and from sins released, And freed from every snare. o 3 Far from this world of toil and strife, They're present with the Lord; g The labours of their mortal life End in a large reward. HYMN 19. C. M. Barby. Zion. [*] Simeon; orr Hapjnj Death. Luke i. 27, &c. 1 T ORD, at thy temple we appear, -1 A As happy Simeon came ; And hope to meet our Saviour here — O make our joys the same ! o 2 With what divine, and vast delight, The good old man was filled ; When, fondly, in his withered arms He clasped the holy Child. c 3" Now I can leave this world," he cried ; " Behold thy servant dies : " I've seen thy great salvation, Lord; " And close my peaceful eyes. 0 4 " This is the Light, prepared to shine " Upon the Gentile lands ; " Thine Israel's glory, and their hope, " To break their slavish bands." — 5 Jesus, the vision of thy face Hath overpowering charms ! Scarce shall I feel death's cold embrace, If Christ be in my arms. C Then, while ye hear my heart-strings break How sweet my minutes roll ! A mortal paleness on my cheek, And glory in my soul. HYMN 20. C. M. York. [*] Spiritual Apparel. Isa. lxi. 10 01 [ I WAKE, my heart, arise, my tongue, J\. Prepare a tuneful voice : Book I. HYMN 21. 303 In God, the life of all my joys, Aloud will I rejoice. — 2 'Tis he adorned my naked soul, And made salvation mine ; Upon a poor, polluted worm, He makes his graces shine. 3 And, lest the shadow of a spot Should on my soul be found, He took the robe the Saviour wrought, And cast it all around. d 4 How far the heavenly robe exceeds What earthly princes wear ! These ornaments, how bright they shine ! How white the garments are ! — 5 The Spirit wrought by faith and love, And hope, and every graee ; — But Jesus spent his life, to work The robe of righteousness. e 6 Strangely, my soul, art thou arrayed By the great Sacred Three ! In sweetest harmony of praise, Let all thy powers agree.] HYMN 21. C. M. York [*] Kingdom of Christ among Men. Rev. xxi. 1, 2, 3, 4. o 1 T O, what a glorious sight appears, .1 A To our believing eyes ! g The earth and seas are passed away, And the old rolling skies ! o 2 From the third heaven, where God resides, That hoi}7, happy place, The New Jerusalem comes down, Adorned with shining grace. — 3 Attending angels shout for joy, And the bright armies sing, — o li Mortals, behold the sacred seat " Of your descending King. — 4 " The God of glory, down to men, " Removes his blessed abode ; e ''• Men, the dear objects of his grace, " And he their loving God. HYMN 24. L. M. Bath. P>l The Rich Sinner dying. Ps. xlix. 6, 9. Ec. viii. iii. 14 ,15. 304 HYMN 24, 25. Book I. 5 " His own soft hand shall wipe the tears " From every weeping eye ; u And pains, and groans, ana griefs, and fears, " And death itself shall die." — 6 How long, dear Saviour, O how long, Shall this bright hour delay ? u Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time, And bring the welcome day. Hymn 22, 23. Referred to the 12oth Psalvi. 8. Job 1 [TN vain the wealthy mortals toil, JL And heap their shining dust in vain ; Look down, and scorn the humble poor, And boast their lofty hills of gain. 2 Their golden cordials cannot ease Their pained hearts, or aching heads; Nor fright, nor bribe approaching death, From glittering roofs, and downy beds. 3 The lingering, the unwilling soul, The dismal summons must obey ; And bid a long, a sad farewell, To the pale lump of lifeless clay. 4 Thence they are huddled to the grave, Where kings and slaves have equal thrones; Their bones, without distinction, lie Among the heaps of meaner bones.] The rest referred to the 4Qtk Psalm. HYMN 25. L. M. Oporto. [*] A Vision of the Lamb. Rev. v. 6, 7, 8, 9. o 1 A LL mortal vanities, be gone ! jl5l Nor tempt my eyes, nor tire my ears ; e Behold, amidst th' eternal throne, A vision of the Lamb appears J — 2 [Glory his fleecy robe adorns, Marked with the bloody death he bore ; Seven are his eyes, and seven his horns, To speak his wisdom, and his power. e 3 Lo, he receives a sealed book From Him who sits upon the throne; Book I. HYMN 26. 305 Jesus, my Lord, prevails to look On dark decrees, and things unknown.] —4 All the assembling saints around Fall worshipping before the Lamb ; And, in new songs of gospel sound, Address their honours to his name. 5 The joy, the shout, the harmony — o Flies o'er the everlasting hills ; o " Worthy art Thou alone/' they cry, u To read the book, tojoose the seals.' o C Our voices join the heavenly strain ; And with transporting pleasure sing, u Worthy the Lamb, that once teas slain, To be our Teacher and our King ! 7 [His words of prophecy reveal Eternal counsels — deep designs : His grace and vengeance shall fulfill The peaceful and the dreadful lines : — ] o 8 Thou hast redeemed our souls from hell, With thine invaluable blood ; And wretches, who did once rebel, Are now made favourites of their God. g 9 Worthy forever is the Lord, Who died for treasons not his own ; By every tongue to be adored, And dwell upon his Father's throne. HYMN 26. C. M. St Martin's. Bedford. [*] Hope of Heaven, by Christ. 1 Pet. i. 3, 4, 5. 1 "OLEST be the everlasting God, J3 The Father of our Lord : Be his abounding mercy praised, His majesty adored. e 2 When from the dead he raised his Son, And called him to the sky, o He gave our souls a lively hope, That they should never die. e 3 What though our inbred sins require Our flesh to see the dust ; o Yet, as the Lord our Saviour rose, So all his followers must. 26* 306 HYMN 27, 28. Book I. o 4 There's an inheritance divine, Reserved against that day ; "Tis uncorrupted, undefiled, And cannot waste away, g 5 Saints by the power of God are kept, Till the salvation come : c We walk by faith, as strangers here, o Till Christ shall call us home. HYMN 27. C. M. St. Paul's. [*] A Saint prepared to die. ' 2 Tim. iv. 6, 7, 8, 18. I (TP^EATH may dissolve my body now, JS_J^ And bear my spirit home ! Why do my minutes move so slow, Nor my salvation come ? o 2 With heavenly weapons, 1 have fought The battles of the Lord ; Finished my course, and kept the faith, — And wait the sure reward.) ■ — 3 God has laid up in heaven, for me, A crown which cannot fade ; e The righteous Judge, at that great day, Shall place it on my head. — 4 Nor has the King of grace decreed This prize for me alone ; But all who love, and long to see Th' appearance of his Son. o 5 Jesus the Lord shall guard me safe, From every ill design ; And to his heavenly kingdom take This feeble soul of mine, g G God is my everlasting aid, And hell shall rage in vain ; To him be highest glory paid, And endless praise. Amen. HYMN 26. C. M. Arundel [*] The Triumph of Christ, lsa. Ixiii. 1, 2, 3, &c. 1 ["VX7HAT mighty man. or mighty God, ▼ ▼ Comes travelling in state, Along the Idumean road, Away from Bozrah's gate ! 2 The glory of his robes proclaim, 'Tis some victorious kinrx : Book 1. HYMN 29. 307 " Tis I, the Just, th' Almighty One, •■ Who your salvation bring." 3 Why, mighty Lord, thy saints inquire, Why thine apparel red ? And all thy vesture stained like those, Who in the wine-press tread ? 4 u I by myself have trod the press, " And crushed my foes alone ; u My wrath has struck the rebels dead, •'• My fury stamped them down. 5 - Tis Edom's blood that dyes my robes, '; With joyful scarlet stains ; " The triumph that my raiment wears •■ Sprung from their bleeding veins. 0 {; Thus shall the nations be destroyed, <: That dare insult my saints ; " I have an arm t' avenge their wrongs, " An ear for their complaints."] HYMN -29. C. M. Tunhridge. [*] The Ruin of Antichrist. Ver. 4. 5. G, 7. 1 [" ~|~ LIFT my banner," saith the Lord, |_ u Where Antichrist has stood ; " The citv of mv gospel foes "Shall be afield of blood. '2 •• My heart has studied just revenge, " And now the day appears ; " The day of my redeemed is come, " To wipe away their tears. 3 :: Quite wear;; is my patience grown, " And bids my fury o-o : " Swift as the lightning it shall move, " And be as fatal too. 4 ': I call for helpers, but in vain ■ " Then has m)' gospel none ? '•' Well, mine own arm has might enough, " To crush my foes alone. 5 " Slaughter, and my devouring sword, " Shall walk the streets around ; " Babel shall reel beneath my stroke, '; And stagger to the ground." 308 HYMN 30, 32. Book I. 6 Thy honours, O victorious King ! Thy own right hand shall raise ; While we thy awful vengeance sing, And our Deliverer praise.] HYMN 30. L. M. Blendon. [b *] Prayer for Deliverance heard. Isa. xxvi. 8 — 20. 1 TN thine own ways, O God of love, X. We wait the visits of thy grace ; Our souls' desire is to thy name, And the remembrance of thy face, e 2 My thoughts are searching, Lord, for thee, 'Mongst the black shades of lonesome night ; My earnest cries salute the skies, Before the dawn restores the light. o 3 Look how rebellious men deride The tender patience of my God ; But they shall see thy lifted hand, And feel the scourges of thy rod. d 4 Hark ! the Eternal rends the sky, A mighty voice before him goes : b A voice of music to his friends ; u But threatening thunder to his foes. e 5 " Come, children, to your Father's arms, " Hide in the chambers of my grace ; o " Till the fierce storms be overblown, " And my revenging fury cease." d 6 [" My sword shall boast its thousands slain, " And drink the blood of haughty kings ; " While heavenly peace around my flock " Stretches its soft and shady wings."] Hymn 31. Referred to the 1st Psalm. HYMN 32. C. M. Tunbridge. [*] Strength from Heaven. Isa. xl. 27, 28, 29, 30. e 1 ["\T7"HENCE do our mournful thoughts ^rise ? VV And where's our courage fled ? Has restless sin, and raging hell, Struck all our comforts dead ? 2 Have we forgot th' Almighty Name That formed the earth and sea ? And can an all-creating arm Grow weary, or decay ? Book I. HYMN 39. 309 — 3 Treasures of everlasting might In our Jehovah dwell ; o He gives the conquest to the weak, And treads their foes to hell. e 4 Mere mortal powers shall fade and die, And youthful vigor cease ; o But we who wait upon the Lord, Shall feel our strength increase. 5 The saints shall mount on eagles' wings, And taste the promised bliss ; Till their unwearied feet arrive, Where perfect pleasure is.] Hymns 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. Referred to Psalms 121, 124, 67, 73, 90, and 84. HYMN 39. C. M. Zion. [*] God's tender Care of his Church. Isa. xlix. 13, 14, &c. o 1 IVTOW shall my inward joys arise, li And burst into a song ; Almighty Love inspires my heart, And pleasures tune my tongue. — 2 God on his thirsty Zion's hill Some mercy-drops has thrown ; o And solemn oaths have bound his love To shower salvation down. c 3 Why do we then indulge our fears, Suspicions, and complaints ? — Is he a God ? and shall his grace Grow weary of his saints ? a 4 Can a kind woman e'er forget The infant of her womb ? And, 'mongst a thousand tender thoughts, Her suckling have no room ? — 5 " Yet," saith the Lord, " should nature change, " And mothers monsters prove, o " Zion still dwells upon the heart " Of everlasting Love. g 6 " Deep on the palms of both my hands, " I have engraved her name : M My hands shall raise her ruined walls, "And build her broken frame." 310 HYMN 40, 41. Book I. HYMN 40. L. M. Newcourt. [*] Saints in Heaven. Rev. vii. 13 — 15, &c. b 1 *V/C7"HAT happy men, or angels, these — ▼ T That all their robes are spotless white '. Whence did this glorious troop arrive At the pure realms of heavenly light ? e 2 From torturing racks, and burning fires, And seas of their own blood, they came : But nobler blood has washed their robes, Flowing from Christ the dying Lamb. g 3 Now they approach th' Almighty Throne, With loud hosannas night and day ; Sweet anthems to the great Three-One Measure their blessed eternity. o 4 No more shall hunger pain their souls ; He bids their parching thirst be gone ; And spreads the shadow of his wings, To screen them from the scorching sun. 5 The Lamb, who fills the middle throne, Shall shed around his milder beams ; There shall they feast on his rich love, And drink full joys from living streams. g 6 Thus shall their mighty bliss renew, Through the vast round of endless years ; e And the soft hand of sovereign grace Heals all their wounds, and wipes their tears. HYMN 41. C. M. Zion. [*] Tfie Martyrs glorified. Rev. vii. 13, &c. e 1 [" f I lHESE glorious minds, how bright they shine ! J_ " Whence all their white array ? " How came they to the happy seats " Of everlasting day ? " d 2 From torturing pains to endless joys, On fiery wheels they rode ; And strangely washed their raiment white, In Jesus' dying blood. — 3 Now they approach a spotless God, And bow before his throne ; Their warbling harps, and sacred songs, Adore the Holy One. Book I. HYMN 42. 311 g 4 The unveiled glories of his face Amongst his saints reside ; While the rich treasures of his grace See all their wants supplied. — 5 Tormenting thirst shall leave their souls-, And hunger flee as fast ; The fruit of life's immortal tree Shall be their sweet repast. o G The Lamb shall lead his heavenly flock, Where living fountains rise ; And love divine shall wipe away The sorrows of their eyes.] HYMN 42. C. M. Colchester. [*] Divine Wrath and Mercy. Nahum i. 1, 2, 3, &c. 1 [ A DORE and tremble, for our God J\. Is a * consuming fire ! His jealous eyes with wrath inflame, And raise his vengeance higher. 2 Almighty vengeance, how it burns; How bright his fury glows ! Vast magazines of plagues and storms, Lie treasured for his foes. 3 Those heaps of wrath, by slow degrees, Are forced into a flame ; But kindled, O ! how fierce they blaze ! And rend all nature's frame. 4 At his approach the mountains flee, And seek a watery grave ; The frighted sea makes haste away, And shrinks up every wave. 5 Through the wide air the weighty rocks Are swift as hail-stones hurled : Who dares engage his fiery rage, That shakes the solid world ? 6 Yet, mighty God ! thy sovereign grace Sits regent on the throne : The refuge of thy chosen race, When wrath comes rushing down. 7 Thy hand shall on rebellious kings A fiery tempest pour ; While we, beneath thy sheltering wings, Thy just revenge adore.] » Hcb. xii. 29. 312 HYMN 45, 48. Book I. Hymn 43. Referred to the 100th Psalm. Hymn 44. Referred to the I3'3d Psalm. HYMN 45. C. M. Windsor. [*] The Last Judgment. Rev. xx. 5, G, 7, 8. 1 [QEE where the great incarnate God >-3 Fills a majestic throne ; While, from the skies, his awful voice Bears the last judgment down. 2 (" I am the First, — and I the Last, — " Through endless years the same ; " I AM — is my memorial still, " And my eternal name. 3 " Such favours as a God can give, " My royal grace bestows ; " Ye thirsty souls, come taste the streams, " Where life and pleasure flows.) 4 (" The saint who triumphs o'er his sins, " I'll own him for a son ; " The whole creation shall reward " The conquests he has won. 5 " But bloody hands, and hearts unclean, " And all the lying race, — " The faithless and the scoffing crew, " That spurn at offered grace ; — 6 " They shall be taken from my sight, " Bound fast in iron chains, " And headlong plunged into the lake, " Where fire and darkness reigns.") 7 O may I stand before the Lamb, When earth and seas are fled ! And hear the Judge pronounce my name, With blessings on my head. 8 May I with those forever dwell, Who here were my delight ; While sinners, banished down to hell, No more offend my sight.] Hymns 46, 47. Referred to Psalm 148, and Psalm 3. HYMN 48. L. M. Nantwich, Leeds. [*] The Christian Race. Isa. xl. 28—31. 1 A WAKE, our souls ! (away our fears, XJL Let every trembling thought be gone ;) Book 1. HYMN 49. 313 o Awake, and run the heavenly race, And put a cheerful courage on. c 2 True, 'tis a strait and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint ; — But they forget the mighty God, Who feeds the strength of every saint — g 3 The mighty God, whose matchless power Is ever new, and ever young ; And firm endures, while endless years Their everlasting circles run. o 4 From thee, the overflowing spring, Our souls shall drink a full supply ; e While such as trust their native strength, a Shall melt away, and droop, and die. o 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'll mount alott to thine abode ; On wings of love our souls shall fly, Nor tire amidst the heavenly road. HYMN 49. C. M. Arundel. [*] Works of Moses, and of the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3. 1 [TTOW strong thine arm is, mighty God ! XI Who would not fear thy name ? Jesus, how sweet thy graces are ! Who would not love the Lamb ?] 2 Christ has done more than Moses did, Our Prophet, and our King : From bonds of hell he freed our souls, And taught our lips to sing. 3 In the Red Sea, by Moses' hand, The Egyptian host was drowned : But his own blood hides all our sins, And guilt no more is found. 4 When through the desert Israel went, With manna they were fed : Our Lord invites us to his flesh, And calls it living bread. 5 Moses beheld the promised land, Yet never reached the place : But Christ shall bring his followers home, To see his Father's face. 27 314 HYMN 50, 51. Book I. s 6 Then shall our love and joy be full, And feel a warmer flame ; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. HYMN 50. C. M. Bethlehem. [*] Song of Zacharias. Luke i. 68, &c. John i. 29, 32. 1 TVTOW be the God of Israel blessed, _L l Who makes his truth appear ; His mighty hand fulfills his word, And all the oaths he sware. 2 Now he bedews old David's root, With blessings from the skies : o He makes the Branch of promise grow, The promised Horn arise. 3 [John was the prophet of the Lord, To go before his face ; The herald, whom our Saviour God Sent to prepare his ways. 4 He makes the great salvation known, He speaks of pardoned sins ; While grace divine, and heavenly love, In its own glory shines. 5 " Behold the Lamb of God," he cries, " Who takes our guilt away : " 1 saw the Spirit o'er his head, " On his baptizing day."] o 6 Be every vale exalted high ; Sink, every mountain, low : e The proud must stoop, and humble souls Shall his salvation know. o 7 The heathen realms, with Israel's land, Shall join in sweet accord ; And all that's born of man shall see The glory of the Lord. o 8 Behold the morning Star arise, Ye that in darkness sit : — He marks the path that leads to peace, And guides our doubtful feet. HYMN 51. S. M. Dover. [*] Preserving Grace. Jude 24, 25. 1 fTIO God, the only wise, _L Our Saviour, and our King, Book I. HYMN 53. 315 Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring. 2 Tis his almighty love, His counsel and his care, Preserves us safe from sin and death, And every hurtful snare. 3 He will present our souls, Unblemished and complete, Before the glory of his face, With joys divinely great. o 4 Then all the chosen seed Shall meet around the throne ; Shall bless the conduct of his grace, And make his wonders known. o 5 To our Redeemer God Wisdom with power belongs ; Immortal crowns of majesty, And everlastina- sono-s. HYMN 52. L. M. Bath. [*] Baptism. Matt, xxviii. 19. Acts ii. 38. 1 Til WAS the commission of our Lord, J- Go, teach the nations, and baptize : The nations have received the word, Since he ascended to the skies. 2 He sits upon th' eternal hills, With grace and pardon in his hands ; And sends his covenant, with the seals, To bless the distant Christian lands. 3 <•' Repent, and be baptized," he saith, " For the remission of your sins ; " And thus our sense assists our faith, And shows us what his gospel means. 4 Our souls he washes in his blood, As water makes the body clean ; And the good Spirit from our God Descends, like purifying rain. 5 Thus we engage ourselves to thee, And seal our covenant with the Lord : O may the great Eternal Three In heaven our solemn vows record ! 316 HYMN 53, 54. Book I. HYMN 53. L. M. Green's. [*] The Holy Scriptures. Heb. i. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 15, 16. Ps. cxlvii. 19, 20. 1 l{~^ OD, who in various methods told VX His mind and will to saints of old, Sent his own Son, with truth and grace, To teach us in these latter days. o 2 Our nation reads the written word, That book of life, that sure record ; The bright inheritance of heaven Is by the sweet conveyance given. e 3 God's kindest thoughts are here expressed, Able to make us wise and blessed ; The doctrines are divinely true, Fit for reproof and comfort too. — 4 Ye people all, who read his love In long epistles from above, — (He hath not sent his sacred word o To every land) praise ye the Lord.] HYMN 54. L. M. Qucrcy. Leeds. [*] Saints beloved in Christ. Eph. i. 3, &c. 1 TESUS, we bless thy Father's name ; *J Thy God and ours is one, the same ; What heavenly blessings, from his throne, Flow down to sinners through his Son ! 2 " Christ be my first Elect," he said ; Then chose our souls in Christ our Head ; Before he gave the mountains birth, Or laid foundations for the earth. 3 Thus did eternal love begin To raise us up from death and sin ; Our characters were then decreed, — Blameless in love, a holy seed. 4 Predestinated to be sons, Born by degrees, but chose at once ; A new regenerated race, To praise the glory of his grace. o 5 With Christ, our Lord, we share a part In the affections of his heart; Nor shall our souls be thence removed, Till he forgets his First Beloved. Book I. HYMN 55, 56. 317 HYMN 55. C. M. Hymn 2. [*] Sickness and Recovery. Isa. xxxviii. 9, &c. 1 [TT7"HEN we are raised from deep distress, ▼ ? Our God deserves a song ; We take a pattern of our praise, From Hezekiah's tongue. 2 The gates of the devouring grave Are opened wide in vain ; If he that holds the keys of death, Commands them fast again. 3 Pains of the flesh are wont to abuse Our minds with slavish fears;' — u Our days are past, and we shall lose '; The remnant of our years." 4 We chatter, with a swallow's voice, Or like a dove we mourn ; With bitterness, instead of joys, Afflicted and forlorn. 5 Jehovah speaks the healing word, And no disease withstands ; Fevers and plagues obey the Lord, And fly at his commands. G If half the strings of life should break, He can our frame restore ; He casts our sins behind his back, And they are found no more.] HYMN 56. C. M. Bedford. [*] The Song of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3, and xvi. 19, and xvii. G. 1 "\T7"E sing the glories of thy love, > V We sound thy dreadful name ; The Christian church unites the songs Of Moses and the Lamb. 2 Great God, how wondrous are thy works, Of vengeance, and of grace ! Thou King of saints, Almighty Lord, How just and true thy ways ! 3 Who dares refuse to fear thy name, Or worship at thy throne ! Thy judgments speak thy holiness, Through all the nations known. 27* 318 HYMN 57. Book I. 4 Great Babylon, that rules the earth, Drunk with the martyrs' blood, — Her crimes shall speedily awake The fury of our God. c 5 The cup of wrath is ready mixed, And she must drink the dregs ; Strong is the Lord, her sovereign Judge, And shall fulfill the plagues. HYMN 57. C. M. Plymouth, [b] Adam, First and Second. Rom. v. 12, &c. Psalm li 5. Job xiv. 4. e 1 T> ACKWARD, with humble shame we look J3 On our original ; p How is our nature dashed, and broke, In our first father's fall ! e 2 To all that's good, averse and blind, And prone to all that's ill ; What dreadful darkness veils our mind ! How obstinate our will ! p 3 Conceived in sin, (O wretched state,) Before we draw our breath, The first young pulse begins to beat Inicmity and death. 4 How strong in our degenerate blood The old corruption reigns ! And mingling with the crooked flood, Wanders through all our veins ! 5 [Wild and unwholesome, as the root, Will all the branches be : How can we hope for living fruit, From such a deadly tree ? 6 What mortal power, from things unclean, Can pure productions bring ? Who can command a vital stream, From an infected spring ?] — 7 Yet, mighty God, thy wondrous love, Can make our nature clean ; While Christ, and grace, prevail above The tempter, death, and sin. o 8 The second Adam shall restore The ruins of the first ■ Book I. HYMN 58, 59, GO. 319 o Hosanna to that sovereign power, That new creates our dust. HYMN 58. L. M. Leeds. [*]"" Michael's War icith the Dragon. Rev. xii. 7. 1 [X ET mortal tongues attempt to sing JLi The wars of heaven, when Michael stood Chief general of th' eternal King, And fought the battles of our God. 2 Against the Dragon and his host, The armies of the Lord prevail ; In vain they rage, in vain they boast; Their courage sinks, their weapons fail. 3 Down to the earth was Satan thrown ; Down to the earth his legions fell : Then was the trump of triumph blown, And shook the dreadful deeps of hell. 4 Now is the hour of darkness past, Christ has assumed his reigning power : Behold the great accuser cast Down from the skies, to rise no more. 5 'Twas by thy blood, Immortal Lamb, Thine armies trod the tempter down ; 'Twas by thy word, and powerful name, They gained the battle, and renown. 6 Rejoice, ye heavens ; let every star Shine with new glories round the sky : Saints, while ye sing the heavenly war, Raise your Deliverer's name on high.] HYMN 59. L. M. Blendon. [*] Babylon fallen. Rev. xviii. 20, 21. 1 TN Gabriel's hand, a mighty stone A Lies — a fair type of Babylon : e " Prophets rejoice, and all ye saints ; u God shall avenge your long complaints." 2 He said, — and dreadful as he stood, o He sunk the mill-stone in the flood : o " Thus terribly shall Babel fall, e " Thus — and no more be found at all." HYMN 60. L. M. Truro. [*] Mary's Song ; or, Messiah born. Luke i. 46, &c. 1 |^h^R G0U1S shall magnify the Lord, \J In God the Saviour we rejoice ; 320 HYMN 61. Book I. While we repeat the Virgin's song, May the same Spirit tune our voice. 2 [The Highest saw her low estate, And mighty things his hand hath done ; His overshadowing power and grace Make her the mother of his Son. 3 Let every nation call her blessed, And endless years prolong her fame : But God alone must be adored ; Holy and reverend is his name.] 4 To those who fear and trust the Lord, His mercy stands forever sure : vFrom age to age his promise lives, And the performance is secure. 5 He spake to Abraham and his seed, " In thee shall all the earth be blessed : " The memory of that ancient word, Lay long in his eternal breast. o G But now no more shall Israel wait ; No more the Gentiles lie forlorn : e Lo, the Desire of nations comes ; Behold, the promised Seed is born ! HYMN 61. L. M. Leeds. [*] Christ, our Priest and King. Rev. i. 5 — 7. 1 "JVrOW to the Lord, who makes us know J.1 The wonders of his dying love, Be humble honours paid below, o And strains of nobler praise above. — 2 'Twas he, who cleansed our foulest sins, And washed us in his richest blood ; 'Tis he, who makes us priests and kings, And brings us rebels near to God. o 3 To Jesus, our atoning Priest, To Jesus, our superior King, Be everlasting power confessed, And every tongue his glory sing. e 4 Behold, on flying clouds he comes, And every eye shall see him move ! e Though with our sins we pierced him once, o Then he displays his pardoning love. e 5 The unbelieving world shall wail, o While we rejoice to see the day : Book I. HYMN 62, 63. 321 Come. Lord, nor let thy promise fail, Nor let thy chariot long delay. HYMN 62. C. M. Christmas. Devizes [*] Tlie Lamb of God worshipped. Rev. v. 11 — 13. 1 /^lO.ME. let us join our cheerful songs, V_y With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. o2" Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, " To be exalted thus :" — <; Worthy the Lamb/' our lips reply, " For he was slain for us." o 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine ; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine. o 4 Let all who dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, u Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thine endless praise, g 5 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. HYMN 63. L. M. Oporto. [*] Christ's Humiliation and Exaltation. Rev. v. 12. e 1 TT7HAT equal honours shall we bring, ? V To thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb ; When all the notes that angels singr, Are far inferior to thy name ? 2 Worthy is He. who once was slain, The Prince of Life, who groaned and died, o Worthy to rise, and live, and reign At his Almighty Father's side. — 3 Power and dominion are his due, e Who stood condemned at Pilate's bar; ■ — Wisdom belongs to Jesus too, e Though he was charged with madness there. —4 All riches are his native right, e Yet he sustained amazing loss ; 322 HYMN 64, 65. Book I. o To him ascribe eternal might, — Who left his weakness on the cross. o 5 Honour immortal must be paid, Instead of scandal and of scorn ; While glory shines around his head, And a bright crown without a thorn. o 6 Blessings forever on the Lamb, Who bore the curse for wretched men ! g Let angels sound his sacred name, And every creature say, Amen. HYMN 64. S. M. Dover. Newton. [*] Adoption. 1 John iii. 1, &c. Gal. vi. G, 1 TT>EHOLD ! what wondrous grace JL> The Father hath bestowed On Sinners of a mortal race, — To call them sons of God ! 2 'Tis no surprising thing, That we should be unknown ; The Jewish world knew not their King, God's everlasting Son. 3 Nor does it yet appear, How great we must be made ; But when we see our Saviour here, We shall be like our head. 4 A hope, so much divine, May trials well endure ; May purge our souls from sense and sin, As Christ the Lord is pure. 5 If in my Father's love I share a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove, To rest upon my heart. 6 We would no longer lie Like slaves beneath the throne ; My faith shall Abba, Father, cry, And thou the kindred own. HYMN 65. L. M. Wells. [*] The World subjected to Christ. Rev. xi. 15. 1 [T ET the seventh angel sound on high ! ..I A Let shouts be heard, through all the sky ! Book I. HYMN 66. 323 Kings of the earth, with glad accord, Give up your kingdoms to the Lord. g 2 Almighty God. thy power assume, Who vast, and art. and art to come ; Jesus, the Lamb who once was slain, Forever live, forever reign ! d 3 The angry nations fret and roar, That they can slay the saints no more ; o On wings of vengeance flies our God, To pay the long arrears of blood. g 4 Now must the rising dead appear ; Now the decisive sentence hear : o Now the dear martyrs of the Lord Receive an infinite reward.] HYMN 66. L. M. Portugal [*] Christ the King, at his Table. Sol. Song, i. 2 — 5, 12, 13, 17. 1 [T ET him embrace my soul, and prove ■ I J Mine interest in his heavenly love ; The voice that tells me thou art mine, Exceeds the blessings of the vine. 2 On thee th' anointing Spirit came, And spreads the savour of thy name ; That oil of gladness, and of grace, Draws virgin souls to meet thy face. e 3 Jesus, allure me by thy charms, — My soul shall fly into thine arms ! Our wandering feet thy favours bring To the fair chambers of the King. ■ — 4 (Wonder and pleasure tune our voice, To speak thy praises, and our joys ; Our memory keeps this love of thine, Beyond the taste of richest wine.) 5 Though in ourselves deformed we are, And black as Kedar's tents appear ; Yet when we put thy beauties on, Fair as the courts of Solomon. C (While at his table sits the King, He loves to see us smile and sing ; Our graces are our best perfume, And breathe like spikenard round the room.) 324 HYMN 67, 68. Book I. 7 As myrrh, new bleeding from the tree, Such is a dying Christ to me : And while he makes my soul his guest, My bosom, Lord, shall be thy rest. 8 No beams of cedar or of fir Can with thy courts on earth compare : And here we wait, until thy love Raise us to nobler seats above.] HYMN 67. L. M. Sicilian. Morcton. [b*] Seeking the Pastures of Christ. Sol. Song, i. 7. 1 T | THOU, whom my soul admires above A All earthly joy and earthly love — e Tell me, dear Shepherd, let me know, Where do thy sweetest pastures grow ? e 2 Where is the shadow of that rock, That from the sun' defends thy flock? Fain would I feed among thy sheep, Among them rest, among them sleep. 3 Why should thy bride appear like one, That turns aside to paths unknown ? o My constant feet would never rove, — Would never seek another love. o 4 The footsteps of thy flock I see ; Thy sweetest pastures here they be ; A wondrous feast thy love prepares, Bought with thy wounds, and groans, and tears. c 5 His dearest flesh he makes my food, And bids me drink his richest blood ; o Here, to these hills, my so\il would come, Till my Beloved lead me home. HYMN 68. L. M. Oporto. [*] Banquet of Love. Sol. Song, ii. 1 — 7. 1 [T> EHOLD the Rose of Sharon here, .13 The Lily which the valleys bear; Behold the Tree of Life, that gives Refreshing fruit, and healing leaves. 2 Amongst the thorns so lilies shine : Amongst wild gourds, the noble vine : So in my eyes my Saviour proves, Amidst a thousand meaner loves. Book I. HYMN 69. 325 3 Beneath his cooling shade I sit, To shield me from the burning heat Of heavenly fruit he spreads a feast, To feed my eyes, and please my taste. 4 (Kindly he brought me to the place, "Where stands the banquet of his grace ; He saw me faint ; and o'er my head The banner of his love he spread. 5 "With living bread and generous wine, He cheers this sinking heart of mine ; And opening his own heart to me, He shows his, thoughts, how kind they be.) G O never let my Lord depart ! Lie down, and rest upon my heart ; I charge my sin not once to move, Nor stir, nor wake, nor grieve my Love.] HYMN 69. L. M. Shod, [*] Christ's Lore to his Church. Sol. Song, ii. 8 — 13. 1 rTIHE voice of my Beloved sounds, JL Over the rocks and rising grounds ; O'er hills of guilt, and seas of grief, He leaps, he flies — to my relief e 2 Now, through the veil of flesh I see, With eyes of love he looks on me ; — Now. in the gospel's clearest glass, He shows the beauties of his face, b 3 Gently he draws my heart along, Both with his beauties, and his tongue ; u <; Rise," saith my Lord, " make haste away ! " No mortal joys are worth thy stay, b 4 l; The Jewish wintry state is gone, " The mists are fled, the spring comes on ; — !; The sacred turtle dove we hear o u Proclaim the new, the joyful year. — 5 <; The immortal vine of heavenly root u Blossoms and buds, and gives her fruit } " e Lo, we are come to taste the wine ; o Our souls rejoice and bless the Vine. — 6 And when we hear our Jesus say, o <; Rise up, my love, make haste away ! '' Our hearts would fain outfly the wind, And leave all earthly loves behind. 28 326 HYMN 70, 71. Book I. HYMN 70. L. M. Shoel [*] Christ's Invitation answered. Sol. Song, ii. 14, 16, 17 1 [TTARK ! the Redeemer, from on high, JljL Sweetly invites his favourites nigh ; From caves of darkness and of doubt, He gently speaks and calls us out. 2 " My dove, who hidest in the rock, " Thine heart almost with sorrow brokej " Lift up thy face, forget thy fear, " And let thy voice delight mine ear. 3 " Thy voice to me sounds ever sweet; " My graces in thy count'nance meet; w Though the vain world thy face despise, " 'Tis bright and comely in mine eyes." 4 Dear Lord, our thankful heart receives The hope thy invitation gives ; To thee our joyful lips shall raise The voice of prayer, and that of praise. 5 I am my Love's, and he is mine ; Our hearts, our hopes, our passions join ; Nor let a motion, nor a word, Nor thought arise to grieve my Lord. 6 My soul to pastures fair he leads, Amongst the lilies, where he feeds ; Amongst the saints (whose robes are white, Washed in his blood) is his delight. 7 Till the day break, and shadows flee, — Till the sweet dawning light I see, — Thine eyes to me-ward often turn, Nor let my soul in darkness mourn. 8 Be like a hart, on mountains green, Leap o'er the hills of fear and sin ; Nor guilt, nor unbelief, divide My Love, my Saviour, from my side.] HYMN 71. L. M. Sicilian. [*] Christ brought to the Church. Sol. Song, iii. 1, 5. 1 [/^|FTEN I seek my Lord by night, \J Jesus, my Love, my soul's delight; With warm desire, and restless thought, I seek him oft, but rind him not. Book 1. HYMN 7-3. 327 2 Then I arise, and search the street, Till I my Lord, my Saviour meet; v I ask the watchmen of the night. Where did you see my soul's delight? 3 Sometimes I find him in my way, Directed by a heavenly ray ; J leap for joy to see his face, And hold him fast in my embrace. 4 (I bring him to my mother's home, Nor does my Lord refuse to come ; To Zion's sacred chambers, where My soul first drew the vital air. 5 He gives me there his bleeding heart, Pierced for my sake with deadly smart ; I give my soul to him. and there Our loves their mutual tokens share.) 6 I charge you all, ye earthly toys, Approach not to disturb my joys; Noi sin, nor hell, come near my heart, Nor cause my Saviour to depart.] HYMN 72. L. M. Leeds. Green's. [*] Coronation of Christ, and Espousals of the Church. Sol. Song iii. 2. 1 "pvAUGHTERS of Zion, come, behold JL/ The crown of honour and of gold, Which the glad church, with joys unknown, Placed on the head of Solomon. o 2 Jesus, thou everlasting King, Accept the tribute which we bring ; Accept the well-deserved renown. And wear our praises as thy crown. b 3 Let every act of worship be, Like our espousals, Lord, to thee ! Like the dear hour, when from above We first received thy pledge of love. o 4 The gladness of that happy day ! Our hearts would wish it lono" to stay ; Nor let our faith forsake its hold, Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold. ■ — 5 Each following minute as it flies, Increase thy praise, improve our joys ; o Till we are raised to sing thy name, At the great supper of the Lamb. 328 HYMN 73, 74. Book I. o C O that the months would roll away, And bring that coronation-day ! g The King cf grace shall fill the throne, With all his Father's glories on. HYMN 73. L. M. Castle Street. TJie Church's Beauty in the Eyes of Christ. Sol. Songiv. 3,10,11,7,9,8. 1 [TZ~ 1ND is the speech of Christ our Lord; JL\_ Affection sounds in every word : Lo, thou art fair, my love, he cries ; Not the young doves have sweeter eyes. 2 (Sweet are thy lips ; thy pleasing voice Salutes mine ear, with sacred joys ; No spice so much delights the smell, Nor milk, nor honey, tastes so well.) 3 Thou art all fair, my bride, to me ; I will behold no spot in thee ; What mighty wonders love performs, And puts a comeliness on worms ! 4 Defiled and loathsome as we are, He makes us white, and calls us fair; Adorns us with that heavenly dress, His graces and his righteousness. 5 My sister and my spouse, he cries, Bound to my heart by various ties, Thy powerful love my heart detains, In strong delight and pleasing chains. 6 He calls me from the leopard's den, From this wide world of beasts and men, To Zion, where his glories are ; Not Lebanon is half so fair. 7 Nor dens of prey, nor flowery plains, Nor earthly joys, nor earthly pains, Shall hold my feet, or force my stay, When Christ invites my soul away.] HYMN 74. L. M. Portugal [*] The Garden of Christ. Sol. Song iv. 12—15 ; v. 1. b 1 *\"\7"E are a garden, walled around, v v Chosen, and made peculiar ground; A little spot — enclosed by grace, Out of the world's wide wilderness. Book 1. HYMN 75. 329 — 2 Like trees of myrrh and spice we stand; Planted by God the Father's hand; And all his springs in Zion flow, To make the young plantations grow, o 3 Awake, O heavenly wind, and come, Blow on this garden of perfume ; Spirit divine, descend and breathe A gracious gale on plants beneath. — 4 Make our best spices flow abroad, To entertain our Saviour God : And faith, and love, and joy appear, And every grace be active here. 5 [Let my beloved come, and taste His pleasant fruits at his own feast; I come, my spouse, 1 come, he cries, With love and pleasure in his eyes. G Our Lord into his garden comes, Well pleased to smell our poor perfumes ; And calls us to a feast divine, Sweeter than honey, milk or wine. d 7 Eat nf the tree of life, my-friends, The blessings that my Father sends ; Your taste shall all my dainties prove, And drink abundance of my love.] o 8 Jesus, we will frequent thy board, And sing the bounties of our Lord : e But the rich food, on which we live, Demands more praise than tongue can give. HYMN 75. L. M. Moreton. [*] Description of Christ the Beloved. Sol. Song v. 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16. 1 [r I THE wondering world inquires to know JL Why I should love my Jesus so ; What are his charms, say they, above The objects of a mortal love ? 2 Yes, my Beloved, to my sight, Shows a sweet mixture, red and white : All human beauties, all divine, In my Beloved meet and shine. 3 White is his soul, from blemish free ; Jted with the blood he shed for me ; 26* 830 HYMN 76. Book I. The fairest of ten thousand fairs ; A sun amongst ten thousand stars. 4 (His head the finest gold excels ; There wisdom in. perfection dwells, And glory, like a crown, adorns Those temples once beset with thorns. e 5 Compassions in his heart are found, Close by the signals of his wound : His sacred side no more shall bear The cruel scourge, the piercing spear.) — 6 (His hands are fairer to behold, Than diamonds, set in rings of gold ; Those heavenly hands, that on the tree Were nailed, and torn, and bled for me. p 7 Though once he bowed his feeble knees, Loaded with sins and agonies, — Now on the throne of his command, His legs like marble pillars stand.) 8 (His eyes are majesty and love, The eagle, tempered with the dove ; No more shall trickling sorrows roll, Through those dear windows of his soul. 9 His mouth, that poured out long complaints, Now smiles, and cheers Iris fainting saints ; His countenance more graceful is, Than Lebanon with allots trees.) 10 All over glorious is my Lord, Must be beloved, and yet adored ; His worth, if all the nations knew, Sure the whole earth would love him too.] HYMN 76. L. M. Islington. [*] Christ in Heaven and on Earth. Sol. Song vi. 1 — 3, 12. 1 "VT7HEN strangers stand and hear me tell W What beauties in my Saviour dwell, Where he is gone, they fain would know, That they might seek and love him too. 2 My best Beloved keeps his throne On hills of light, in worlds unknown ; But he descends, and shows his face In the young gardens of his grace. 3 [In vineyards, planted by his hand, Where fruitful trees in order stand, Book 1. HYMN 77, 78. 331 He feeds among the spicy beds, Where lilies show their spotless heads. 4 He has engrossed my warmest love ; No earthly charms my soul can move : I have a mansion in his heart, Nor death, nor hell can make us part.] 5 He takes my soul e'er I'm aware, And shows me where his glories are ; No chariot of Amminadib The heavenly rapture can describe. o 6 O may my spirit daily rise, On wings of faith above the skies; e Till death shall make my last remove, To dwell forever with my Love. HYxAIN 77. L. M. Wells. [*] Love of Christ to theCJturck. Sol. Song vii. 5, 6, 9, 12, 13. 1 [TVTOW in the galleries of his grace ±y Appears the King, and thus he says, " How fair my saints are in my sight, " My love, how pleasant for delight !:" 2 Kind is thy language, sovereign Lord, There's heavenly grace in every word; From that dear mouth a stream, divine, Flows sweeter than the choicest wine. 3 Such wondrous love awakes the lip Of saints that were almost asleep, To speak the praises of thy name, And make our cold affections flame. — 4 These are the joys he lets us know, In fields and villages below : Gives us a relish of his love, But keeps his noblest feast above. v 5 In Paradise, within the gates, A higher entertainment waits; Fruits new and ol-d laid up in store, Where we shall feed, but thirst no more.] HYMN 78. L. M. Bicester. [*] TJie Strength of Christ's Lore. Sol. 13, 14. 1 I7V\7"H^ *s *-ms fiur one in distress, ▼ V That travels from the wilderness ? And pressed with sorrows, and with sins, On her beloved Lord she leans. 332 HYMN 79. Book I. 2 This is the spouse of Christ our God, Bought with the treasures of his blood : And her request, and her complaint, Is but the voice of every saint. 3 " O let my name engraven stand, " Both on thy heart, and on thy hand ; " Seal me upon thine arm, and wear " That pledge of love forever there. 4 " Stronger than death thy love is known, 11 Which floods of wrath could never drown ; " And hell and earth in vain combine, " To quench a fire so much divine. 5 " But I am jealous of my heart, " Lest it should once from thee depart ; " Then let thy name be well impressed, " As a fair signet, on my breast. G " Till thou hast brought me to thy home, " Where fears and doubts can never come, " Thy countenance let me often see, " And often thou shalt hear from me. 0 7" Come, my Beloved, haste away, " Cut short the hours of thy delay ; g " Fly like a youthful hart or roe, " Over the hills where spices grow."] HYMN 79. L. M. Shoel [*] A Morning Hymn. Psalm xix. 5, 8, and lxxiii. 24, 25. 1 [/~^ OD of the morning, at whose voice vT The cheerful sun makes haste to rise, And like a giant doth rejoice, To run his journey through the skies ; — 2 From the fair chambers of the east, The circuit of his race begins, And without weariness or rest, Round the whole earth he. flies, and shines. o 3 Oh, like the sun may I fulfill Th' appointed duties of the day ; With ready mind, and active will, March on and keep my heavenly way. e 4 (But I shall rove, and lose the race, If God my Sun should disappear, Book I. HYMN SO, 61. 333 And leave me in this world's wide maze, To follow every wandering star.) — 5 Lord, thy commands are clean and pare, Enlightening our beclouded eyes ; Thy threatenings just, thy promise sure, Thy gospel makes the simple wise. G Give me thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to thy bliss : All my desires and hopes beside Are faint, and cold, compared with this.] HYMN 80. L. M. Bethel, [b *] An Evening Hymn. Ps. iv. 8 ; iii. 5, 6; cxlii. 8. 1 rpHUS far the Lord hath led me on, JL Thus far his power prolongs my days ; And every evening should make known Some fresh memorials of his grace. e 2 Much of my time has run to waste, And I perhaps am near my home ; — But he forgives my follies past, He gives me strength for days to come, e 3 I lay my body down to sleep ; Peace is the pillow for my head : — While well-appointed angels keep Their watchful stations round my bed. 4 [In vain the sons of earth or hell Tell me a thousand frightful things ; My God in safety makes me dwell, Beneath the shadow of his wings. 5 Faith in his name forbids my fear; O may thy presence ne'er depart ; And, in the morning, make me hear The love and kindness of thy heart.] e 6 Thus when the night of death shall come, My flesh shall rest beneath the ground ; o And wait thy voice to rouse my tomb, With sweet salvation in the sound. HYMN 81. L. M. Nantwick Sicilian. [*] J2 Song for Morning and Evening. Lam. iii. 23 ; lsa. xlv. 7. M Y God, how endless is thy love ! Thy gifts are every evening new 334 HYMN 82, 83. Book I. And morning mercies from above, Gently distil like early dew. 2 Thou spread'st the curtains of the night, Great Guardian of my sleeping hours ; Thy sovereign word restores the light, And quickens all my drowsy powers. 3 I yield my powers to thy command, To thee I consecrate my days ; Perpetual blessings from thine hand Demand perpetual songs of praise. HYMN 82. L. M. Geneva, [b] God far above Creatures ; or, Man vain and mortal. Job iv. 17—21. e 1 CHALL the vile race of flesh and blood k3 Contend with their Creator God ? u Shall mortal worms presume to be More holy, wise, or just than he ? — 2 Behold, he puts his trust in none Of all the spirits round his throne ; Their natures, when compared with his, Are neither holy, just, nor wise. e 3 But how much meaner things are they, Who spring from dust, and dwell in clay ! Touched by the finger of thy wrath, We faint, and vanisli like the moth. 4 From night to day, from day to night, We die by thousands in thy sight ; Buried in dust whole nations lie, Like a forgotten vanity. p 5 Almighty Power, to thee we bow ; How frail are we ! how glorious thou ! No more the sons of earth shall dare With an eternal God compare. HYMN 83. C.B1. Isle of 'Wight. Bangor, [b] Affliction and Death under Providence. Job v. 6, 7, 8. 1 "TVTOT from the dust affliction grows, _L 1 Nor troubles rise by chance : p Yet we are born to cares and woes ; A sad inheritance ! —2 As sparks break out from burning coals, And still are upwards borne ; Book I. HYMN 84, 85. 335 g So grief is rooted in our souls, And man grows up to mourn. — 3 Yet with my God I leave my cause, And trust his promised grace ; He rules me by his well-known laws Of love and righteousness. o 4 Not all the pains that e'er I bore Shall spoil my future peace ; For death and hell can do no more, Than what my Father please. HYMN 84. L. M. Old Hundred. [*] Christ the Saviour. Isa. xlv. 21 — 25. e 1 TEHOVAH speaks, let Israel hear ! cf Let all the earth rejoice, and fear ! While God's eternal Son proclaims His sovereign honours, and his names. d 2 " 1 am the last, and I the first, " The Saviour God, and God the just ; " There's none besides pretends to shew " Such justice and salvation too. 3 ("Ye that in shades of darkness dwell, " Just on the verge of death and hell, " Look up to me from distant lands ; " Light, life, and heaven are in my hands, g 4 " I by my holy Name have sworn, " Nor shall the word in vain return ; " To me shall all things bend the knee, " And every tongue shall swear to me.) 5 " In me, alone, shall men confess, " Lies all their strength and righteousness : e " But such as dare despise my Name, " I'll clothe them with eternal shame. — 6 " In me, the Lord, shall all the seed a Of Israel from their sins be freed ; " And by their shining graces prove " Their interest in my pardoning love." HYMN 85. S. M. St. Thomas's. [*] Hie same. 1 [fTIHE Lord on high proclaims A His Godhead from his throne > 336 HYMN 86. Book I. " Mercy and justice are the names, " By which I will be known. a 2 " Ye dying souls, that sit " In darkness and distress, " Look from the borders of the pit, " To my recovering grace." — 3 Sinners shall hear the sound ; Their thankful tongues shall own, d " Our righteousness and strength is found " In thee, the Lord alone." — 4 In thee shall Israel trust, And see their guilt forgiven ; o God will pronounce the sinners just, And take the saints to heaven.] HYMN 86. C. M. Reading, [b] God holy, just, and sovereign. Job ix. 2 — 10. 1 [1JOW shall the sons of Adam's race JlJL Be pure before their God ! If he contend in righteousness, We fall beneath his- rod. 2 To vindicate my words and thoughts, I'll make no more pretence ; Not one of all my thousand faults Can bear a just defence. 3 Strong is his arm, his heart is wise ; What vain presumers dare Against their Maker's hand to rise, Or tempt th' unequal war. 4 Mountains, by his almighty wrath, From their old seats are torn : He shakes the earth, from south to north, And all her pillars mourn. 5 He bids the sun forbear to rise, — Th' obedient sun forbears ; His hand with sackcloth spreads the skies, And seals up all the stars. G He walks upon the stormy sea ; Flies on the stormy wind : There's none can trace his wondrous way, Or his^dark footsteps find ] Book I. HYMN S7, 88. 337 HYMN 87. L. M. Green's. Castle Street. [*] God dwells with the Humble and Penitent. Isa. lvii. 15, 16. 1 rpHUS saith the high and lofty One, JL "I sit upon my holy throne ; u My name is God ; I dwell on high 5 " Dwell in my own eternity. — 2 " But I descend to worlds below ; " On earth. I have a mansion too ; e " The humble spirit and contrite " Is an abode of my delight. — 3 " The humble soul my words revive ; " I bid the mourning sinner live ; " Heal all the broken hearts I find, " And ease the sorrows of the mind. c 4 (;; When I contend against their sin, " I make them know how vile they've been ; a '• But should my wrath forever smoke, u Their souls would sink beneath my stroke." o 5 O may thy pardoning grace be nigh, Lest we should faint, despair and die ! — Thus shall our better thoughts approve The methods of thy chastening love.) HYMN 8a L. M. Armlcy. Bath, [b] Life, the Day of Grace and Hope. Eccl. ix. 4, 5, 6, 10 1 T IFE is the time to serve the Lord, . I i The time to insure the great reward ; And while the lamp holds out to burn, The vilest sinner may return. 2 (Life is the hour that God has given, To 'scape from hell and fly to heaven ; The day of grace ; — and mortals may Secure the blessings of the day.) p 3 The living know that they must die, But all the dead forgotten lie : Their memory, and their sense is gone, Alike unknowing and unknown. e 4 (Their hatred, and their love is lost, Their envy buried in the dust ; They have no share in all that's done, Beneath the circuit of the sun.) — 5 Then, what my thoughts design to do, My hands, with all vour might, pursue; 29 338 HYMN 89, 90. Book I. e Since no device, nor work is found. Nor faith, nor hope, beneath the ground. e 6 There are no acts of pardon past, In the cold grave to which we haste ; a But darkness, death, and long despair, Reign in eternal silence there. HYMN 89. L. M. Babylon, [b] Youth and Judgment. Eccl. xi. 9. o 1 ~\7"E sons of Adam, vain and young, JL Indulge your eyes, indulge your tongue ; Taste the delights your souls desire, And give a loose to all your fire. 2 Pursue the pleasures you design, And cheer your hearts with songs and wine ; Enjoy the day of mirth ; — but know, a There is a day of judgment too ! e 3 God from on high beholds your thoughts ; His book records your secret faults ; The works of darkness, you have done, Must all appear before the sun. 4 The vengeance to your follies due Should strike your hearts with terror through : p How will you stand before his face, Or answer for his injured grace ? — 5 Almighty Gccl, turn off their eyes From these alluring vanities ; o And let the thunder of thy word Awake their souls to fear the Lord. HYMN 90. C. M. Windsor, [b] The same. 1 [T O the young tribes of Adam rise, § A And through all nature rove ; Fulfill the wishes of their eyes, And taste the joys they love. 2 They give a loose to wild desires ; a But let the sinners know The strict account that God requires, Of all the works they do. e 3 The Judge prepares his throne on high ; o The frighted earth and seas Avoid the fury of his eye, And flee before his face. Book I. HYMN 91, 92. 339 p 4 How shall I bear that dreadful day, And stand the fiery test ? I'd give all mortal joys away. To be forever blest.] HYMN 91. L. M. Geneva, [b] Adcicc to Youth. Eccl. xii. 1, 7 ; Isa. Ixv. 20. 1 lYfOW in the heat of youthful blood, _L 1 Remember your Creator God ; e Behold the months come hastening on, When you shall saj* — My joys are gone. a 2 Behold the aged sinner goes, Laden with guilt and heavy woes, Down to the regions of the dead, With endless curses on his head, p 3 The dust returns to dust again ; The soul, in agonies of pain. Ascends to God; not there to dwell, — a But hears her doom, and sinks to hell. e 4 Eternal King, I fear thy name ! Teach me to know how frail I am ; — And when my soul must hence remove, Give me a mansion in thy love. HYMN 92. S. M. Dover. [*] Christ the Wisdom of God. Prov. viii. 1, 22—32. 1 [QHALL Wisdom cry aloud. k3 And not her speech be heard ? The voice of God's eternal Word, Deserves it no regard ? d 2 -; I was his chief delight, ■'•' His everlasting Son. " Before the first of all his works, — " Creation, — was begun. — 3 (" Before the flying clouds, " Before the solid land. " Before the fields, before the floods, " I dwelt at his right hand. 4 " When he adorned the skies, •; And built them, I was there. " To order when the sun should rise, M And marshal every star. 5 " When he poured out the sea, " And spread the flowing deep, 340 HYMN 93, 94. Book I. " I gave the flood a firm decree, " In its own bounds to keep.) 6 " Upon the empty air, " The earth was balanced well ; " With joy I saw the mansion, where " The sons of men should dwell. »■ 7 " My busy thoughts at first, " On their salvation ran, " Ere sin was born, or Adam's dust " Was fashioned to a man. o 8 " Then come, receive my grace, " Ye children, and be wise ; o ' Happy the man who keeps my ways, " The man, who shuns them, dies.''] HYMN 93. L. M. Islington. [* b] Christ obeyed or resisted. Pro v. viii. 34 — 36. 1 FT1HUS saith the Wisdom of the Lord, _1_ " Blest is the man, who hears my word ; " Keeps daily watch before my gates, " And at my feet for mercy Avaits. o 2 " The soul that seeks me shall obtain " Immortal wealth, and heavenly gain ; " Immortal life is his reward, " Life, and the favour of the Lord, e 3 " But the vile wretch who flies from me, " Does his own soul an injury ; a " Fools, who against my grace rebel, m Seek death, and love the road to hell." HYMN 94. C. M. Reading, [b *] Justification ; or, Late and Grace. Rom. iii. 19 — 22. 1 ~¥7AIN are the hopes, the sons of men V On their own works have built ; Their hearts by nature are unclean, And all their actions guilt. e 2 Let Jew and Gentile stop their mouths, Without a murmuring word ; And the whole race of Adam stand Guilty before the Lord. — 3 In vain we ask God's righteous law, To justify us now ; Since to convince, and to condemn, Is all the law can do. Book I. HYMN 9.3, 90. 341 o 4 Jesus, how glorious is thy grace, When in thy name we trust ! Our faith receives a righteousness That makes the sinner just. HYMN 95. C. M. St. Martin's. [*] Rcgctieration. John i. 13. and hi. 3, &c. 1 TVJ~OT all the outward forms on earth, _L 1 Nor rites that God has given. Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, Can raise a soul to heaven. 2 The sovereign "will of God alone Creates us heirs of grace ; Born in the image of his Son, A new, peculiar race. b 3 The Spirit, like some heavenly wind, Blows on the sons of flesh ; New models all the carnal mind, And forms the man afresh. o 4 Our quickened souls awake, and rise From the long sleep of death ; o On heavenly things we fix our eyes. And praise employs our breath. HYMN 96. C. M York: [b *] Election excludes Boasting. 1 Cor. i. 2(3 — 31. 1 [ II UT few among the carnal wise, J3 But few of noble race, Obtain the favour of thine eyes, Almighty King of grace. 2 He takes the men of meanest name, For sons and heirs of God ; And thus he pours abundant shame On honourable blood. 3 He calls the fool, and makes him know The mysteries of his grace ; To bring aspiring wisdom low, And all its pride abase. 4 Nature has all its glories lost, When brought before his throne ; No flesh shall in his presence boast, But in the Lord alone.] 29* 342 HYMN 97, 98. Book I. HYMN 97. L. M. Brentford. [*] Christ our Wisdom, Righteousness, fyc. 1 Cor. i. 30. 1 T3URIED in shadows of the night, J3 We lie — till Christ restores the light ; o Wisdom descends to heal the blind, And chase the darkness of the mind, p 2 Our guilty souls are drowned in tears, Till his atoning blood appears : Then we awake from deep distress, o And sing, the lord our righteousness. e 3 Our very frame is mixed with sin \ — His Spirit makes our natures clean ; Such virtues from his sufferings flow, At once to cleanse, and pardon too. e 4 Jesus beholds where Satan reigns, Binding his slaves in heavy chains : He sets tbe prisoners free, and breaks The iron bondage from our necks. c 5 Poor, helpless worms in thee possess Grace, wisdom, power, and righteousness ; Thou art our mighty All — and we Give our whole selves, O Lord, to thee. HYMN 98. S. M. Aylesbury, [b] The same. 1 [YT~OW heavy is the night, JLA That hangs upon our eyes ; — Till Christ, with his reviving light, Over our souls arise ! e 2 Our guilty spirits dread To meet the wrath of Heaven ; But in his righteousness arrayed, We see our sins forgiven, c 3 Unholy and impure Are all our thoughts and ways ; — His hands infected nature cure, With sanctifying grace. 4 The powers of hell agree To hold our souls in vain ; o He sets the sons of bondage free, And breaks the cursed chain, e 5 Lord, we adore thy ways, To bring us near to God : Book 1. HYMN 99—101. 343 Thy sovereign power, thy healing grace, And thine atoning blood.] HYMN 99. C. M. York. [*] Stoyics made Children of Abraham. Matt. iii. 9. 1 "Y7~AIN are the hopes, that rebels place V Upon their birth and blood ; Descended from a pious race, Their fathers now with God. 2 He from the caves of earth and hell, Can take the hardest stones, And fill the house of Abraham well With new-created sons. 3 Such wondrous power does he possess, "Who formed our mortal frame; Who called the world from emptiness — The world obeyed, and came. HYMN 100. L. M. Bath. [*] Believe, and he saved. John iii. 16, 17, 18. 1 [IVTOT to condemn the sons of men, _l_ ^ Did Christ the Son of God appear : "No weapons in his hands are seen, No naming sword, nor thunder there. e 2 Such was the pity of our God. He loved the race of man so well, He sent his Son, to bear our load Of sins, and save our souls from hell. — 3 Sinners, believe the Saviour's word, Trust in his mighty name, and live ; o A thousand joys his lips afford, His hands a thousand blessings give. e 4 But vengeance and damnation lies On rebels who refuse his grace ; Who God's eternal Son despise. The hottest hell shall be their place.] HYMN 101. L. M. Oporto. Moreton. [*] Joy in Heaven for a repenting Sinner. Luke xv. 7, 10. c 1 "\^7"HO can describe the joys that rise, v V Through all the courts of Paradise, To see a prodigal return, To see an heir of glory born ? 344 HYMN 102. Book 1. — 2 With joy the Father does approve The fruit of his eternal love ; The Son with joy looks down, and sees The purchase of his agonies. 3 The Spirit takes delight to view The holy soul he formed anew ; o And saints and angels join to sing The growing empire of their King. HYMN 102. L. M. Green's. [*] The Beatitudes. Matt. v. 2—12. 1 "OLEST are the humble souls, who see .13 Their emptiness and poverty ; o Treasures of grace to them are given, And crowns of joy laid up in heaven. a 2 Blest are the men of broken heart, Who mourn for sin with inward smart ; — The blood of Christ divinely flows, A healing balm for all their woes, e 3 Blest are the meek, who stand afar From rage and passion, noise and war; o God will secure their happy state, And plead their cause against the great. e 4 Blest are the souls who thirst for grace, Hunger and long for righteousness ; o They shall be well supplied and fed, With living streams and living bread. a 5 Blest are the men, whose bowels move, And melt with sympathy and love ; — From Christ the Lord shall they obtain Like sympathy and love again. e 6 Blest are the pure, whose hearts are clean From the defiling power of sin ; o With endless pleasure, they shall see A God of spotless purity, e 7 Blest are the men of peaceful life, Who quench the coals of growing strife ; o They shall be called the heirs of bliss, The sons of God, the God of peace. — 8 Blest are the sufferers, who partake Of pain and shame for Jesus' sake ; u Their souls shall triumph in the Lord ; g Glory and joy are their reward. Book I. HYMN 103—105. 34, HYMN 103. C. M. St. Ann's. [*] Not ashamed of the Gospel. 2 Tim. i. 12. o 1 T'M not ashamed to own my Lord, JL Nor to defend his cause ; Maintain the honour of his word. The glory of his cross. e 2 Jesus, my God. I know his name, — His name is all my trust : Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost, g 3 Firm as his throne his promise stands, And he can well secure What I've committed to his hands, Till the decisive hour. o 4 Then will he own my worthless name, Before his Father's face ; And in the New Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place. HYMN 104. C. M. York [*] State of y at arc and Grace. 1 Cor. vi. 10, 11. 1 "TVTOT the malicious, nor profane, _L i The wanton, nor the proud. Nor thieves, nor slanderers, shall obtain The kingdom of our God. b 2 Surprising grace ! and such were we, By nature and by sin ! Heirs of immortal misery. Unholy and unclean. o 3 But we are washed in Jesus' blood, We're pardoned through his name ; And the good Spirit of our God Has sanctified our frame. — 4 O for a persevering power. To keep thy just commands ' We would defile our hearts no more, No more pollute our hands. HYMN 105. C. M. Zion. [*] Heaven. 1 Cor. ii. 9, 10. Rev. xxi. 21. 1 "IVTOR eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, J_ i Nor sense nor reason known, What joys the Father has prepared For those who love the Son. 340 HYMN 100, 107. Book I. o 2 But the good Spirit of the Lord Reveals a heaven to come : The beams of glory in his word Allure and guide us home, b 3 Pure are the joys above the sky, And all the region peace ; No wanton lip, nor envious eye, Can see or taste the bliss. — 4 Those holy gates forever bar Pollution, sin, and shame ; None shall obtain admittance there, But followers of the Lamb, o 5 He keeps the Father's book of life ; There all their names are found ; e The hypocrite in vain shall strive To tread the heavenly ground. HYMN 100. S. M. Aylesbury, [b] Dead to Sin by the Cross of Christ. Rom. vi. 1 — 6. e 1 CJHALL we go on to sin, k3 Because free grace abounds ? Or crucify the Lord again, And open all his wounds ? — 2 Forbid it, mighty God ! Nor let it e'er be said, That we, whose sins are crucified, Should raise them from the dead. o 3 We will be slaves no more, Since Christ has made us free ; Has nailed our tyrants to the cross, And bought our liberty. HYMN 107. L. M. Armley. [b *] Fall and Recovery of Man. Gen. iii. 1, 15, 17. Gal. iv. 4. Col. ii. 15. 1 "p|ECEIVED by subtle snares of hell, Jur Adam our head, our father fell ! When Satan, in the serpent hid, Proposed the fruit that God forbid. e 2 Death was the threatening ; death began To take possession of the man ; His unborn race received the wound, And heavy curses smote the ground. Book 1. HYMN 108, 109. 347 — 3 But Satan found a worse reward : Thus saith the vengeance of the Lord, o i; Let everlasting hatred he " Betwixt the woman's Seed and thee. 4 " The woman's Seed shall be my Son, " He shall destroy what thou hast done : " Shall break thy head, and only feel " Thy malice raging at his heel." — 5 He spake — and bade four thousand years Roll on ; at length his Son appears : s Angels with joy descend to earth. And sing the young Redeemer's birth, p 6 Lo ! by the sons of hell he dies ; — But as he hung 'twixt earth and skies, o He gave their prince a fatal blow, u And" triumphed o'er the powers below. HYMN 108. S. M. Dover. [*] Christ unseen, yet beloved. 1 Pet. i. 8. 1 TVTOT with our mortal eyes _L i Have we beheld the Lord ; Yet we rejoice to hear his name, And love him in his word. 2 On earth we want the sight Of our Redeemer's face ; Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight To dwell upon thy grace. m 3 And when we taste thy love, Our joys divinely grow Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven begins below. HYMN 109. L. M. Portugal. Armley. [*] The Value of Christ and his Righteousness. Phil. hi. 7,8,9. 1 IVfO more, my God, — I boast no more, _L 1 Of all the duties I have done ; 1 quit the hopes I held before, To trust the merits of thy Son. 2 Now for the love I bear his name, What was my gain, I count my loss; My former pride I call my shame, And nail my glory to his cross. 3 Yes, and I must and will esteem All things but loss for Jesus' sake : 348 HYMN 110, 111. Book I. O may my soul be found in him, And of his righteousness partake ! 4 The best obedience of my hands Dares not appear before thy throne ; But faith can answer thy demands, By pleading what my Lord has done. HYMN 110. C. M. St. Pauls. Canterbury. [*] Death and immediate Glory. 2 Cor. v. 1, 5, 8. o 1 nPIHERE is a house, not made with hands, JL Eternal, and on high; e And here my spirit waiting stands, Till God shall bid it fly. e 2 Shortly this prison of my clay Must be dissolved and fall ; s Then, O my soul, with joy obey Thy heavenly Father's call. — 3 'Tis He by his almighty grace, Who forms thee fit for heaven ; And as an earnest of the place, Has his own Spirit given. 4 We walk by faith of joys to come ; Faith lives upon his word ; e But while the body is our home, We're absent from the Lord. — 5 'Tis pleasant to believe thy grace, But we had rather see ; o We would be absent from the flesh, And present, Lord, with thee. HYMN 111. CM. Reading. [*] Salvation by Grace. Titus iii. 3, 7. e 1 (T ORD, we confess our numerous faults, I A How great our guilt has been ! Foolish and vain were all our thoughts, And all our lives were sin. © 2 But, O my soul, forever praise, Forever love his name, Who turns thy feet from dangerous ways Of folly, sin, and shame.) — 3 'Tis not by works of righteousness, Which our own hands have done ; o But we are saved by sovereign grace Abounding through his Son. Book I. HYMN 112, 113. 349 — 4 Tis from the mercy of our God, That all our hopes begin ; 'Tis by the water and the blood. Our souls are washed from sin. p 5 'Tis through the purchase of His death, Who hung upon the tree. The Spirit is sent down to breathe On such dry bones as we. o 6 Raised from the dead, we live anew : And. justified by grace, s We shall appear in erlory too, And see our Father's face. HYMN 112. C. M. Bedford. [*] The Brazen Serpent. 2 John, ver. 14 — 16. 1 CJO did the Hebrew prophet raise >3 The brazen serpent high ; The wounded felt immediate ease, The camp forbore to die. d 2 •• Look upward in the dying hour, " And live !" the prophet cries ! c But Christ performs a nobler cure, When faith lifts up her eyes. — 3 High on the cross the Saviour hung ! High in the heavens he reigns ! Here sinners, by th' old serpent stung, Look, and forget their pains. g 4 When God's own Son is lifted up, A dying world revives ; The Jew beholds the glorious hope, Th' expiring Gentile lives. HYMN 113. C. M. Wqreham. [*] Abraham's Blessing on the Gentiles. Gen. xvii. 7. RomT xv. 8. Mark x. 14. ] TTOW large the promise — how divine — X JL To Abra'am and his seed ; d •• I'll be a God to thee and thine, " Supplying all their need.'' — 2 The words of his extensive love From age to age endure ; The Angel of the covenant proves, And seals the blessing sure. 30 350 HYMN 114, 115. Book 1. b 3 Jesus the ancient faith confirms, To our great fathers given ; IJe takes young children to his arms, And calls them heirs of heaven. o 4 Our God, how faithful are his ways ! His love endures the same ; Nor from the promise of his grace Blots out the children's name. HYMN 114. C. M. Sunday. [*] The same. Rom. xi. 16, 17. e 1 (^ ENTILES by nature, we belong vT To the wild olive wood ; o Grace took us from the barren tree, And grafts us in the good. — 2 With the same blessings grace endows The Gentile and the Jew ; If pure and holy be the root, Such are the branches too. o 3 Then let the children of the saints Be dedicate to God ; e Pour out thy Spirit on them, Lord, And wash them in thy blood. o 4 Thus to the parents, and their seed, Shall thy salvation come ; o And numerous households meet at last, In one eternal home. HYMN 115. C. M. Plymouth, [b] Conviction by the Law. Rom. vii. 8, 9, 14, 24. 1 T ORD, how secure my conscience was, I A And felt no inward dread ! 1 was alive without the law, And thought my sins were dead. 2 My hopes of heaven were firm and bright; e But since the precept came, With a convincing power and light, 1 find how vile I am. 3 (My guilt appeared but small before, Till terribly I saw, How perfect, holy, just, and pure, Is thine eternal law. e 4 Then felt my soul the heavy load, My sins revived again ; % Book I. HYMN 116, 117. 3ol 1 had provoked a dreadful God, And all my hopes were slain.) p 5 I'm like a helpless captive, sold Under the power of sin ; I cannot do the good I would, Nor keep ray conscience clean. — G My God, I cry with every breath, For some kind power to save ; To break the yoke of sin and death, And thus redeem the slave. HYMN 116. L. M. Bath. [*] Love to God and our Neighbour. Matt. xxii. 37 — 40. 1 FT1HUS saith the first, the great command, JL '; Let all thy inward powers unite, " To love thy Maker, and thy God, 14 With utmost vigor and delight. 2 ,4 Then shall thy neighbour, next in place, '; Share thine affection and esteem ; u And let thy kindness to thyself, 44 Measure and rule thy love to him." 3 This is the sense that Moses spoke ; This did the prophets preach and prove ; For want of this the law is broke, And the whole law's fulfilled by love, a 4 But O ! how base our passions are ! How cold our charity and zeal ! — Lord, fill our souls with heavenly fire, Or we shall ne'er perform thy will. HYMN 117. L. M. Blendon. Bath. [* b] Election sovereign and free. Rom. ix. 21 — 24. 1 "OEHOLD the potter and the clay ! J3 He forms his vessels as he please ; Such is our God, and such are we, The subjects of his just decrees. 2 [Doth not the workman's power extend O'er all the mass, which part to choose, And mould it for a nobler end, And which to leave for viler use ?] e 3 May not the sovereign Lord on high Dispense his favours as he will, Choose some to life, while others die, And yet be just, and gracious still ? 352 HYMN 118. Book I. d 4 [What if, to make his terror known, He lets his patience long endure, Suffering vile rebels to go on, And seal their own destruction sure ? 5 What if he means to show his grace, And his electing love employs, To mark out some of mortal race, And form them fit for heavenly joys ?] • — 6 Shall man reply against the Lord, And call his Maker's ways unjust ? — o The thunder of whose dreadful word Can crush a thousand worlds to dust. p 7 But, O my soul, if truth so bright, Should dazzle and confound thy sight ; Yet still, his written will obey, And wait the great decisive day. g 8 Then he shall make his justice known ; And the whole world before his throne, With joy or terror shall confess The glory of his righteousness. HYMN 118. S. M. St. Bridge's. [*] Sin against the Law and Gospel. John i. 17. Heb. iii. 3, 5, 6 ; x. 28, 29. 1 FT! HE law by Moses came ; JL But peace and truth and love, Were brought by Christ, a nobler name, Descending from above. 2 Amidst the house of God, Their different works were done ; Moses a faithful servant stood, But Christ a faithful Son. o 3 Then to his new commands Be strict obedience paid ; O'er all his Father's house he stands, The Sovereign and the Head. e 4 The man who durst despise The law that Moses brought — p Behold ! how terribly he dies — For his presumptuous fault. e 5 But sorer vengeance falls On that rebellious race, Who hate to hear when Jesus calls, And dare resist his grace. ■ Book I. HYMN 119—1:2]. 353 HYMN 119. C. M. Abridge. [*] Various Success of the Gospel. 1 Cor. i. 23,24; 2 Cor. ii. 1G ; 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7. 1 /CHRIST and his cross is all our theme ; Vy The mysteries that we speak Are scandal in the Jews' esteem, And folly to the Greek. o 2 But souls, enlightened from above, With joy receive the word ; They see what wisdom, power, and love, Shine in their dying Lord. — 3 The vital savour of his name Restores their fainting breath : e But unbelief perverts the same a To guilt, despair, and death. — 4 Till God diffuse his graces down, Like showers of heavenly rain, In vain Apollos sows the ground, And Paul may plant in vain. HYMN 120. C. M. Mear. [*] Faith of Tilings unseen. Heb. xi. 1, 3, 8, 10. 1 "T7JAITH is the brightest evidence JL Of things beyond our sight ; Breaks through the clouds of flesh and sense, And dwells in heavenly light. 2 It sets times past in present view. Brings distant prospects home — Of things a thousand years ago, Or thousand years to come. 3 By faith, we know the worlds were made, By God's almighty word ; Abra'am to unknown countries led, By faith obeyed the Lord. 4 He sought a city fair and high, Built by th' eternal hands ; o And faith assures us. though we die, That heavenly building stands. HYMN 121. C. M. Si. Martin's. [*] Children devoted to God. Gen. xvii. 7,10. Actsxvi. 14, 15, 33. 1 rpHUS saith the mercy of the Lord, JL ;; I'll be a God to thee •. 30* 354 HYMN 122, 123. Book I. " I'll bless thy numerous race, and they " Shall be a seed for me." 2 Abra'am believed the promised grace, And gave his sons to God ; But water seals the blessing now, That once was sealed with blood. 3 Thus Lydia sanctified her house, When she received the word ; Thus the believing jailer gave His household to the Lord. 4 Thus later saints, eternal King, Thine ancient truth embrace : To thee their infant offspring bring, And humbly claim the grace. HYMN 122. L. M. Quercy. [*] Believers buried with Christ. Rom. vi. 3, 4, &c. e 1 T^O we not know that solemn word, JL/ That we are buried with the Lord ? Baptized into his death, and then Put off the body of our sin ? o 2 Our souls receive diviner breath, Raised from corruption, guilt, and death , o So from the grave did Christ arise, And lives to God above the skies. — 3 No more let sin or Satan reign Over our mortal flesh again ; The various lusts, we served before, Shall have dominion now no more. HYMN 123. C. M. Reading, [b *] The Repenting Prodigal. Luke xv. 13, &c. 1 X>EHOLD the wretch, whose lust and wine JlJ Have wasted his estate ! He begs a share among the swine, To taste the husks they eat. p 2 " I die with hunger here," he cries, " I starve in foreign lands ; l: My father's house has large supplies, " And bounteous are his hands. »-3 " I'll go, and with a mournful tongue, " Fall down before his face ; Book I. HYMN 124. 355 p " Father, I've done thy justice wrong, •• Nor can deserve thy grace." o 4 He said, — and hastened to his home, To seek his father's love ; — The father saw the rebel come, e And all his bowels move, u 5 He ran and fell upon his neck, Embraced and kissed his son ; p The rebel's heart with sorrow brake, For follies he had done. 06" Take off his clothes of shame and sin/' o (The father gives command) o u Dress him in garments white and clean, " With rings adorn his hand. 7 " A day of feasting I ordain ; '• Let mirth and joy abound ! s u My son was dead, — and lives again ; " Was lost — and now is found." HYMN 124. L. M. ArmUy. [b *] The First and Second Adam. Rom. v. 12, &c. e 1 T^VEEP in the dust, before thy throne, I J Our guilt and our disgrace we own ; a Great God, we own th' unhappy name, Whence sprung our nature, and our shame ! 2 Adam the sinner : at his fall Death, like a conqueror, seized us ail : A thousand new-born babes are dead, By fatal union to their head. c 3 But whilst our spirits, filled with awe, Behold the terrors of thy law, o We sing the honours of thy grace, That sent to save our ruined race. 4 We sing thine everlasting Son, Who joined our nature to his own : g Adam the Second, from the dust, Raises the ruins of the first. e 5 [By the rebellion of one man, Through all his seed the mischief ran ; — And by one man's obedience now, Are all his seed made righteous too. O G Where sin did reign and death abound, There have the sons of Adam found 356 HYMN 125, 126. Book I. o Abounding life ; there glorious grace Reigns through the Lord our righteousness.] HYMN 125. C. M. Barhy. [*] Christ's Compassion to the Weak and Tempted. Heb. iv. 1G ; v. 7. Matt. xii. 20. 1 "V¥7"ITH joy we meditate the grace V T Of our High Priest above ; e His heart is made of tenderness, His bowels melt with love. p 2 Touched with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what sore temptations mean, For he has felt the same. — 3 But spotless, innocent, and pure, The great Redeemer stood ; c While Satan's fiery darts he bore, And did resist to blood. p 4 He, in the days of feeble flesh, Poured out his cries and tears ; e And, in his measure, feels afresh What every member bears. b 5 (He'll never quench the smoking flax, But raise it to a flame ; The bruised reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest name.) o 6 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his power ; o We shall obtain delivering grace, In the distressing hour. HYMN 126. L. M. Islington. [*] Charity and Uncharitablencss . Rom. xiv. 17, 19. 1 Cor. x. 32. 1 "TVTOT different food, nor different dress, l\ Compose the kingdom of our Lord ; But peace, and joy, and righteousness, Faith, and obedience to his word. 2 When weaker Christians we despise, We do the gospel mighty wrong ; For God, the gracious and the wise, Receives the feeble with the strong. 3 Let pride and wrath be banished hence, Meekness and love our souls pursue : Book I. HYMN 127, 128. 357 Nor shall our practice give offence To saints, the Gentile, or the Jew. HYMN 1-27. L. M. Portugal [*] Christ's Invitation to Sinners. Matt. xi. 28 — 30. 1 " fi OME hither, all ye weary souls, Vy " Ye heavy laden sinners, come ; li I'll give you rest from all your toils, " And raise you to my heavenly home. 2 " They shall find rest, who learn of me ; " I'm of a meek and lowly mind ; " But passion rages like the sea, " And pride is restless as the wind. 3 e: Blest is the man. whose shoulders take '; My yoke, and bear it with delight; " My yoke is easy to his neck, '; My grace shall make the burden light." o 4 Jesus, we come at thy command, With faith, and hope, and humble zeal; Resign our spirits to thy hand, To mould and guide us at thy will. HYMN 128. L. M. Green's. [*] Tlie Apostles' Commission. ■ Mark xvi. 15, &c. Matt, xxviii. 18, &c. I {: /^ O, preach my gospel," saith the Lord ; V?~ ;- Bid the whole earth my grace receive o " He shall be saved, who trusts my word ; e " He shall be damned, who won't believe. — 2 " I'll make your great commission known, " And ye shall prove my gospel true ; " By all the works that I have done, II By all the wonders ye shall do. g 3 " Go heal the sick ; go raise the dead ; " Go cast out devils in my name : " Nor let my prophets be afraid, " Though Greeks reproach, and Jews blaspheme. 4 " Teach all the nations my commands ; '•I'm with you till the world shall end : " All power is trusted in my hands; " I can destroy, and I defend." o 5 He spake, — and light shone round his head; On a bright cloud to heaven he rode : 358 HYMN 129—131. Book I. g They to the farthest nations spread The grace of their ascended God. HYMN 129. L. M. Armley. [b *] Abraham offering his Son. Gen. xxii. 6, &c. 1 C< AINTS, at your heavenly Father's word, IO Give up your comforts to the Lord ; He shall restore what you resign, Or grant you blessings more divine. 2 So Abra'am, with obedient hand, Led forth his son, at God's command ; The wood, the fire, the knife he took ; His arm prepared the dreadful stroke. d 3 "Abra'am, forbear," the angel cried, " Thy faith is known, thy love is tried ; " Thy son shall live, and in thy seed, " Shall the whole earth be blest indeed." o 4 Just in the last distressing hour, The Lord displays delivering power ; The mount of danger is the place, Where we shall see surprising grace. HYMN 130. L. M. Sicilian, [b *] Love and Hatred. Phil. ii. 2. Eph. iv. 30, &c. e 1 "IVTOW by the bowels of my God, J- i His sharp distress, his sore complaints, By his last groans, his dying blood, — I charge my soul to love the saints. ■ — 2 Clamour and wrath and war begone, Envy and spite forever cease ; Let bitter words no more be known, Amongst the saints, the sons of peace. e 3 The Spirit, like a peaceful dove, Flies from the realms of noise and strife ; Why should we vex and grieve His love, Who seals our souls to heavenly life ? 4 Tender and kind be all our thoughts, Through all our lives let mercy run : — So God forgives our numerous faults, For the dear sake of Christ his Son. HYMN 131. L. M. Islington, [b *] TJie PJmrisce and Publican. Luke xviii. 10, &c. 3 "I3EHOLD, how sinners disagree, — J3 The Publican and Pharisee ' Book I. HYMN 132, 133. 359 o One doth his righteousness proclaim, c T1k- other owns his guilt and shame. p 2 This man atjiumble distance stands, And cries for grace with lifted hands ; o That boldly rises near the throne, And talks "of duties he has done. — 3 The Lord their different language knows, And different answers he bestows : o The humble soul with grace he crowns, e Whilst on the proud his anger frowns. — 4 Dear Father, let me never be Joined with the boasting Pharisee ; e I have no merits of my own, But plead the sufferings of thy Son. HYMN 132. L. M. Brentford. Oporto. [*] Holiness and Grace. Titus ii. 10, 13. 1 CJO let our lips and lives express IO The holy gospel, we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honours of our Saviour God ; When the salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. e 3 Our flesh and sense must be denied, Passion and envy, lust and pride ; o Whilst justice, temperance, truth and love, Our inward piety approve. — 4 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope, — o The bright appearance of the Lord ; — — And faith stands leaning on his word. HYMN 133. C. Iff. York. [•] Lore and Charity. 1 Cor. xiii. 2 — 7, 13. 1 T ET Pharisees of high esteem J A Their faith and zeal declare; All their religion is a dream, If love be wanting there. 2 Love suffers long with patient eye, Nor is provoked in haste ; She lets the present injury die, And long forgets the past. 3G0 HYMN 134, 135. Book I. 3 (Malice and rage, those fires of hell, She quenches with her tongue ; Hopes, and believes, and thinks no ill, Though she endures the wrong.) 4 (She ne'er desires, nor seeks to know The scandals of the time ; Nor looks with pride on those below, Nor envies those who climb.) 5 She lays her own advantage by, To seek her neighbour's good : — o So God's own Son came down to die, And bought our lives with blood. o 6 Love is the grace, that keeps her power, In all the realms above ; There faith and hope are known no more, But saints forever love. HYMN 134. L. M. Islington. Quercy. [b *] Religion vain without Love. 1 Cor. xiii. 1, 2, 3. 1 TTAD I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, JlJ. And nobler speech than angels use ; If love be absent, I am found, Like tinkling brass, an empty sound. 2 Were I inspired to preach, and tell All tiiat is done in heaven and hell ; Or could my faith the world remove, Still — I am nothing without love. 3 Should I distribute all my store, To feed the bowels of the poor ; Or give my body to the flame, To gain a martyr's glorious name ; — 4 If love to God, and love to men, Be absent — all my hopes are vain: Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal, The works of love can e'er fulfill. HYMN 135. L. M. Sicilian. Green's. [*] Love of Christ in the Heart. Eph. hi. 16, &c. 1 /^lOME, dearest Lord, descend and dwell, \y By faith and love, in every breast; Then shall we know, and taste, and feel, The joys that cannot be expressed. Book I. HYMN 136, 137. 361 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength; Make onr enlarged souls possess, And learn the height, and breadth, and length, Of thine unmeasurable grace. s 3 Now to the God whose power can do More than our thoughts or wishes know ; Be everlasting honours done, By all the church — through Christ his Son. HYMN 136. C. M. Abridge. Plymouth, [b *] Sincerity and Hypocrisy. John iv. 24. Psalm cxxxix. 1 /^ OD is a Spirit, just and wise; VJT He sees our inmost mind : In vain to heaven we raise our cries, And leave our souls behind. 2 Nothing but truth, before his throne, With honour can appear : The painted hypocrites are known, Through the disguise they wear. 3 Their lifted eyes salute the skies, Their bending knees the ground ; But God abhors the sacrifice, Where not the heart is found. e 4 Lord, search my thoughts, and try my ways, And make my soul sincere ; o Then shall I stand before thy face, And find acceptance there. HYMN 137. L. M. Leeds. Castle Street. [*] Salvation by Grace in Christ. 2 Tim. i. 9, 10. 1 1VTOW, to the power of God supreme -L i Be everlasting honours givea; He saves from hell — (we bless his name,) He calls our wandering feet to heaven. e 2 Not for our duties, or deserts, o But of his own abundant grace, He works salvation in our hearts, And forms a people for his praise. — 3 'Twas his own purpose that beo-un To rescue rebels, doomed to die ; He gave us grace in Christ his Son, Before he spread the starry sky. 362 HYMN 138, 139. Book I. o 4 Jesus the Lord appears at last, And makes his Father's counsels known ; o Declares the great transactions passed, And brings immortal blessings down. e 5 He dies ! — and in that dreadful night Did all the powers of hell destroy ; o Rising — he brought our heaven to light, And took possession of the joy. HYMN 13S. C. M. Colchester. [*] Saints in the Hands of Christ. John x. 28, 29. 1 TT1IRM as the earth, thy gospel stands, J_ My Lord, my hope, my trust ; If I am found in Jesus' hands,. My soul can ne'er be lost. 2 His honour is engaged to save The meanest of his sheep ; All, whom his heavenly Father gave, His hands securely keep. 3 Nor death, nor hell shall e'er remove His favourites from his breast ; In the dear bosom of his love They must forever rest. HYMN 139. L. M. Green's, [b *] Hope in the Covenant. Heb. vi. 17 — 19. e 1 ~1~T O W oft have sin and Satan strove JLJL To rend my soul from thee, my God \ o But everlasting is thy love, And Jesus seals it with his blood. — 2 The oath and promise of the Lord Join to confirm the wondrous grace ; g Eternal power performs the word, And fills all heaven with endless praise. e 3 Amidst temptations, sharp and long, My soul to this dear refuge flies ; — Hope is my anchor, firm and strong, While tempests blow, and billows rise. o 4 The gospel bears my spirit up ; g A faithful and unchanging God Lays the foundation for my hope, In oaths, and promises, and blood Book I. HYMN 140, 141. 363 HYMN 149. C. M. York. Reading, [b *] A living and a dead Faith. e 1 iyi ISTAKEN souls ! that dream of heaven, -LtJL And make their empty boast — Of inward joys, and sins forgiven, While they are slaves to lust. 2 Vain are our fancies' airy flights, If faith be cold and dead ; — None but a living power unites To Christ the living head, o 3 'Tis faith, that changes all the heart; 'Tis faith, that works by love ; That bids all sinful joys depart, And lifts the thoughts above. o 4 'Tis faith that conquers earth and hell By a celestial power ; This is the grace that shall prevail, In the decisive hour. e 5 (Faith must obey her Father's will, As well as trust his grace ; A pardoning God is jealous still, For his own holiness. — 6 When from the curse he sets us free, He makes our natures clean ; Nor would he send his Son to be The Minister of sin. o 7 His Spirit purifies our frame, And seals our peace with God : — Jesus, and his salvation, came By water and by blood.) HYMN 141. S. M Aylesbury, [b] The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ. Isa. liii. 1_5: 10—12. e 1 "\7[7"HO has believed thy word, ▼ t Or thy salvation known ? o Reveal thine arm, Almighty Lord, And glorify thy Son. e 2 The Jews esteemed him here Too mean for their belief; p Sorrows his chief acquaintance were, And his companion grief. 364 HYMN 142. Book I. — 3 They turned their eyes away, And treated him with scorn ; p But 'twas their grief upon him lay ; Their sorrows he has borne. a 4 'Twas for the stubborn Jews, And Gentiles, then unknown, The God of justice pleased to bruise His best beloved Son. — 5 " But I'll prolong his days, " And make his kingdom stand ; o "My pleasure," saith the God of grace, " Shall prosper in his hand. o 6 (" His joyful soul shall see " The purchase of his pain ; " And by his knowledge justify " The guilty sons of men.) o 7 (" Thousands of captive slaves, " Released from death and sin, u Shall quit their prisons, and their graves, " And own his power divine.) u 8 " Heaven shall advance my Son " To joys that earth denied ; e u Who saw the follies men had done, a " And bore their sins, and died." HYMN 142. S. M. Bingham, [b] Tlie same. Isa. liii. 6 — 9 — 12. e 1 T IKE sheep we went astrav, J_J And broke the fold of God ; Each wandering in a different way, But all the downward road. p 2 How dreadful was the hour, When God our wanderings laid, And did at once his vengeance pour, Upon the Shepherd's head. o 3 How glorious was the grace, When Christ sustained the stroke ! His life and blood the Shepherd pays, A ransom for the flock, a 4 His honour and his breath Were taken both away ; Joined with the wicked in his death, And made as vile as they. Book I. HYMN 143. 365 o 5 But God shall raise his head, O'er all the sons of men ; And make him see a numerous seed, To recompense his pain. g C " I'll give him," saith the Lord, u A portion with the strong ; " He shall possess a large reward, '; And hold his honours long." HYMN 143. C. M. Barby. [*] Characters of the Children of God, from several Scripture* b 1 AS new-born babes desire the breast, _ljL To feed, and grow, and thrive; So saints with joy the gospel taste, And by the gospel live. 2 [With inward gust, their heart approves All that the word relates ; They love the men their Father loves, And hate the work he hates. 3 Not all the flattering baits on earth, Can make them slaves to lust ; They can't forget their heavenly birth, Nor grovel in the dust. 4 Not all the chains that tyrants use, Shall bind their souls to vice : Faith, like a conqueror, can produce A thousand victories.] — 5 Grace, like an uncorrupted seed, Abides and reigns within ; Immortal principles forbid The sons of God to sin. c G Not by the terrors of a slave, Do they perform his will ; o But with the noblest powers they have, His sweet commands fulfill. — 7 They find access at every hour To God, within the vail ; Hence they derive a quickening power, And joys that never fail. o 8 O happy souls ! O glorious state Of ever-flowing grace! To dwell so near their Father's seat, And see his lovely face ! 31* 366 HYMN 144, 145. Book I. e 9 Lord, I address thy heavenly throne ; Call me a child of thine ; Send down the Spirit of thy Son, To form my heart divine. — 10 There shed thy choicest love abroad, And make my comforts strong ; d Then shall I say, My Father, God, With an unwavering tongue. HYMN 144. C. M. Canterbury. York, [b *] The witnessing and sealing Spirit. Rom. viii. 14, 1C. Eph. i. 13, 14. e 1 TX7HY should the children of a king T ? Go mourning all their days ? o Great Comforter, descend, and bring Some tokens of thy grace. e 2 Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal the heirs of heaven ? When wilt thou banish my complaints, And show my sins forgiven ? — 3 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood ; And bear thy witness with my heart, That I am born of God. o 4 Thou art the earnest of his love, — The pledge of joys to come ; And thy soft wings, celestial Dove, Will safe convey me home. HYMN 145. C. M. Sunday. Christmas. [*] Christ and Aaron. Heb. vii. and ix. 1 TESUS, in thee our eyes behold t/ A thousand glories more, Than the rich gems, and polished gold, The sons of Aaron wore e 2 They first their own burnt-offerings brought, To purge themselves from sin ; 0 Thy life was pure without a spot, And all thy nature clean. — 3 [Fresh blood, as constant as the day, Was on their altars spilt ; But thy one offering takes away Forever, all our guilt. 4 Their priesthood ran through several hands, For mortal was their race ; Book I. HYMN 14(5. 3G7 Thy never-changing office stands, Eternal as thy days] e 5 Once in the circuit of a year, With blood — but not his own, Aaron within the vail appears, Before the golden throne. o 6 But Christ, by his own powerful blood, Ascends above the skies ; And, in the presence of our God, Shows his own sacrifice. o 7 Jesus, the King of glory, reigns On Zion's heavenly hill ; Looks like a lamb that has been slain, And wears his priesthood still. — 8 He ever lives — to intercede Before his Father's face : Give him. my soul, thy cause to plead, Nor doubt the Father's grace. HYMN 146. L. M. Oporto. Nantwicli. [*] TIic Excellences of Christ. 1 y^ O worship at Emmanuel's feet, VX See in his face what wonders meet ; Earth is too narrow to express His worth, his glory, or his grace. 2 The whole creation can afford But some faint shadows of my Lord ; Nature, to make his beauties known, Must mingle colours, not her own. 3 [Is he compared to wine or bread? Dear Lord, our souls would thus be fed : That flesh, that dying blood of thine, Is bread of life, is heavenly wine. 4 7s he a Tree? The world receives Salvation from his healing leaves : That righteous Branch, that fruitful Bough, Is David's root and offspring too. 5 Is he a Rose ? Not Sharon yields Such fragrancy in all her fields : Or if the Lily he assume, The valleys bless the rich perfume. 6 /shea Vine? His heavenly root Supplies the boughs with life and fruit ; 368 HYMN 146. Book I. 0 let a lasting union join My soul to Christ, the living vine. 7 /she the Head? Each member lives, And owns the vital power he gives; The saints below and saints above, Joined by his Spirit and his love. 8 Is he a Fountain? There 1 bathe, And heal the plague of sin and death : These waters all my soul renew, And cleanse my spotted garments too. 9 /s he d Fire? He'll purge my dross: But the true gold sustains no loss ; Like a refiner shall he sit, And tread the refuse with his feet. 10 Is he a Rock ? How firm he proves ! The Rock of Ages never moves : Yet the sweet streams, that from him flow, Attend us all the desert through. 11 Is he a Way? He leads to God ; The path is drawn in lines of blood : There would I walk, with hope and zeal, Till I arrive at Sion's hill. 12 Is he a Door? I'll enter in; Behold the pastures large and green : A Paradise divinely fair ; None but the sheep have freedom there. 13 Is he designed a Corner-Stone, — For men to build their heaven upon ? I'll make him my foundation too ; Nor fear the plots of hell below. 14 IsHEfl Temple? I adore Th' indwelling Majesty and Power : And still, to his most holy place, Whene'er I pray, I turn my face. 15 Is he a Star? He breaks the night, Piercing the shades with dawning light : 1 know his glories from afar ; I know the bright, the Morning-Star. 16 Is he a Sun? His beams are grace, His course is joy and righteousness : Nations rejoice, when he appears, To chase the clouds, and dry their tears.] Book I. HYMN 147, 148. 369 e 17 O let nic climb those higher skies, Where storms and darkness never rise'. o There he displays his powers abroad, And shines and reigns th' incarnate God. g 16 Nor earth, nor seas, nor sun, nor stars, Nor heaven his full resemblance bears ; His beauties we can never trace, Till we behold him face to face. HYMN 147. L. M. Green's. [*] Names and Titles of Christ. 1 [5T | TlS from the treasure of his word, JL I borrow titles for my Lord ; Nor art, nor nature, can supply Sufficient forms of majesty. 2 Bright Image of the Father's face, Shining with undiminished rays ; Th' eternal God's eternal Son, The heir and partner of his throne. 3 The King of kings, the Lord most high, Writes his own name upon his thigh; He wears a garment dipped in blood, And breaks the nations with his rod. 4 Where grace can neither melt, nor move, The Lamb resents his injured love ; Awakes his wrath, without delay, And Judah's Lion tears the prey. 5 But when for works of peace he comes, What winning titles he assumes ! Light of the zcorld, and Life of men ; Nor bears those characters in vain. 6 With tender pity in his heart, He acts the Mediator's part ; A Friend and Brother he appears, And well fulfills the names he wears. 7 At length the Judge his throne ascends, Divides the rebels from his friends ; And saints in full fruition prove His rich variety of love.] HYMN 148. P. M. A Her ton. [*] Scriptural Titles of Christ. 1 ~¥TT7TTH cheerful voice I sing V V The titles of my Lord ; 370 HYMN 148. Book I. And borrow all the names Of honour from his word ; Nature and art I Sufficient forms Can ne'er supply J Of majesty. c 2 In Jesus we behold His Father's glorious face, Shining forever bright, With mild and lovely rays : — Th' eternal God's I Inherits and Eternal Son | Partakes the throne. g 3 The sovereign King of kings, The Lord of lords most high, Writes his own name upon His garment and his thigh : His name is called I He rules the earth The Word of God ; \ With iron rod. « — 4 When promises and grace Can neither melt nor move, o The angry Lamb resents The injuries of his love ; u Awakes his wrath I As lions roar, Without delay, | And tear the prey. b 5 But, when for works of peace The great Redeemer comes, What gentle characters, What titles he assumes ! Light of the xcorldy I Nor will he bear And Life of men ! \ Those names in vain. o 6 Immense compassion reigns In our Emmanuel's heart, When he descends to act A Mediator's part. He is a Friend, I Divinely kind, And Brother too ; \ Divinely true. g 7 At length the Lord, the Judge, His awful throne ascends, And drives the rebels far From favourites and friends : Then shall the saints I The heights and depths Completely prove | Of all his love. Book I. HYMN 149. 371 HYMN 149. L. M. Leeds. [*] Offices of Christ. 1 [ TOIN all the names of love and power, «J That ever men or angels bore : All are too mean to speak his worth, Or set Emmanuel's glory forth. 2 But O what condescending ways He takes to teach his heavenly grace ! My eyes, with joy and wonder, see What forms of love he bears to me. 3 The Angel of the Covenant stands, With his commission in his hands ; Sent from his Father's milder throne, To make the great salvation known. 4 Great Prophet ! let me bless thy name ; By thee the joyful tidings came, Of wrath appeased, of sins forgiven, Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven. 5 My bright Example, and my Guide, I would be walking near thy side ; 0 let me never run astray, Nor follow the forbidden way. 6 I love my Shepherd ; he shall keep My wandering soul amongst his sheep ; He feeds his flocks, he calls their names, And in his bosom bears the lambs. 7 My Surety undertakes my cause, Answering his Father's broken laws ; Behold my soul at freedom set ! My Surety paid the dreadful debt. 8 Jesus, my great High Priest, has died ; 1 seek no sacrifice beside ; Ills blood did once for all atone, And now it pleads, before the throne. 9 My Advocate appears on high, The Father lays his thunder by ; Not all that earth, or hell, can say, Shall turn my Father's heart away. 10 My Lord, my Conqueror, and my King, Thy sceptre, and thy sword I sing; Thine is the victory, and I sit A joyful subject at thy feet. 372 HYMN 159. Book I. 11 Aspire, my soul, to glorious deeds, The Captain of Salvation leads : * March on, nor fear to win the day, Though death and hell obstruct the way. 12 Should death, and hell, and powers unknown, Put all their forms of mischief on, I shall be safe ; for Christ displays Salvation in more sovereign ways.] HYMN 150. P. M. Bethesda. [*] Scriptural Characters of Christ. o 1 TOIN all the glorious names *J Of wisdom, love, and power, That ever mortals knew, That angels ever bore ; c All are too mean I Too mean to set To speak his worth, | My Saviour forth. d 2 But O what gentle terms, What condescending ways, Does our Redeemer use, To teach his heavenly grace 1 — Mine eyes, with joy I What forms of love And wonder, see | He bears for me. t 3 (Arrayed in mortal flesh, He like an Angel stands ; And holds the promises And pardons in his hands ; o Commissioned from I To make his grace His Father's throne, | To mortals known.) — 4 (Great Prophet of my God, My tongue would bless thy name ; By thee the joyful news Of our salvation came ; o The joyful news I Of hell subdued, Of sins forgiven, | And peace with heaven.) — 5 (Be thou my Counsellor, My Pattern and my Guide ; And through this desert land, Still keep me near thy side. e O let my feet I Nor rove nor seek Ne'er run astray, | The crooked way !) Book I. HYMN 150. 373 c 6 (I love my Shepherd?* voice ; His watchful eyes shall keep My wandering soul, among The thousands of his sheep : b He feeds his flock, j His bosom bears He calls their names ; j The tender lambs.) o 7 (To this dear Surety's hand Will I commit my cause ; He answers and fulfills His Father's broken laws : Behold my soul I My Surcti/ paid At freedom set ! j The dreadful debt.) p 8 (Jesus, my great High Priest, Offered his blood and died ; — My guilty conscience seeks No sacrifice beside : o His powerful blood I e And now it pleads Did once atone, Before the throne.) o 9 (My Adrocntx appears For my defence on high ; The Father bows his ears, And lays his thunder by. o Not all that hell I Shall turn his heart, Or sin can say. | His love away.) g 10 (My dear Almighty Lord, My Conqueror and my Kh _ Thy sceptre and thy sword. Thy reigning grace 1 sing. Thine is the power ; I In willing bonds, a Behold I sit, J Beneath thy feet.) u 11 (Now let my soul arise, And tread the Tempter down ; » My Captain leads me forth To conquest and a crown. — A feeble saint j o Though death and hell Shall win the day. Obstruct the way.; g 12 Should all the hosts of death, And powers of hell unknown, Put their most dreadful forms Of rage and mischief on; I shall be safe — j Superior power, For Christ displays j And guardian grace. EXD OF THE FIRST BOOK. 3*2 HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. BOOK II. COMPOSED ON DIVINE SUBJECTS. HYMN 1. L. M. Old Hundred. [*] A Song of Praise to God. 1 TVTATURE, with all her powers, shall sing, _L1 God the Creator, and the King ; Nor air, nor earth, nor skies, nor seas, Deny the tribute of their praise. 2 (Begin to make his glories known, Ye seraphs, who sit near his throne ; Tune your harps high, and spread the sound, To the creation's utmost bound.) 3 (All mortal things of meaner frame, Exert your force, and own his Name ; Whilst with our souls, and with our voice, We sing his honours, and our joys.) 4 (To him be sacred all we have, From the young cradle to the grave : Our lips shall his loud wonders tell, And every word a miracle.) 5 [These western shores, our native land, Lie safe in the Almighty's hand ! Our foes of victory dream in vain, And wear the captivating chain. G Raise monumental praises high, To him who thunders through the sky, And with an awful nod or frown, Shakes an aspiring tyrant down. Book II. HYMN 3, 3. 375 7 Pillars of lasting brass proclaim The triumphs of th' Eternal Name ; While trembling nations read from far, The honours of the God of Avar.] 8 Thus let our flaming zeal employ Our loftiest thoughts, and loudest songs ; Let there be sung, with warmest joy, Hosa.nxa — from ten thousand tongues. 9 Yet, mighty God, our feeble frame Attempts in vain to reach thy name ; The strongest notes that angels raise, Faint in the worship and the praise. HYMN 2. C. M. Bishopsgate. [b] The Death of a Sinner. 1 [TVTY thoughts on awful subjects roll, _LTi Damnation and the dead ; What horrors seize the guilty soul, Upon a dying bed. e 2 Lingering about these mortal shores, a She makes a long delay ; o Till, like a flood with rapid force, Death sweeps the wretch away. u 3 Then, swift and dreadful she descends Down to the fiery coast ; — Amongst abominable fiends, Herself a frighted ghost. e 4 There endless crowds of sinners lie, And darkness makes their chains : Tortured with keen despair, they cry ; Yet wait for fiercer pains. p 5 Not all their anguish, and their blood, For their old guilt atones ; Nor the compassion of a God Shall hearken to their groans. o 6 Amazing grace, that kept my breath, Nor bid my soul remove, Till I had learned my Saviour's death, And well insured his love !] HYMN 3. CM. Isle of Wight Canterbury, [b*] The Death and Burial of a Saint. e 1 "\^7"HY do we mourn departing friends, V V Or shake at death's alarms ? 376 HYMN 4. Book II — 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arras. o 2 Are we not tending upward too, As fast as time can move ? Nor would we wish the hours more slow, To keep us from our Love. — 3 Why should Ave tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? o There the dear flesh of Jesus lay, And left a long perfume. — 4 The graves of all the saints he blessed, And softened every bed : e Where should the dying members rest, But with the dying Head ? o 5 Thence he arose, ascended high, And showed our feet the way : o Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly, At the great rising day. s 6 Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise ; Awake, ye nations under ground J Ye saints, ascend the skies. HYMN 4. L. M. Carthage. PlcyeVs. [b *] Salvation in the Cross. P 1 TTXERE, at thy cross, my dying God, JLA I lay my soul beneath thy love ! Beneath the droppings of thy blood, Jesus — nor shall it e'er remove. — 2 Not all that tyrants think or say, With rage and lightning in their eyes,— Nor hell shall fright my heart away, Should hell with all its legions rise. 3 Should worlds conspire to drive me hence. Moveless and firm this heart should lie ; Besolved, (for that's my last defence,) If I must perish, here to die. e 4 But speak, my Lord, and calm my fear j Am I not safe beneath thy shade ? d Thy vengeance will not strike me here, Nor Satan dare my soul invade. o 5 Yes, I'm secure beneath thy blood, And all my foes shall lose their aim % Book II. HYMN 5, 6. 373 o Hosanna to my dying God, And my best honours to his name. HYMN 5. L. M. Islington. [*] Longing to praise Christ better. 1 [T ORD, when my thoughts with wonder roll I A O'er the sharp sorrows of thy soul, And read my Maker's broken laws, Repaired and honoured by the cross : — 2 When I behold death, hell, and sin, Vanquished by that dear blood of thine ; And see the Man that groaned and died, Sit glorious by his Father's side : — o 3 My passions rise and soar above ; u I'm winged with faith, and fired with love : o Fain would I reach eternal things, And learn the notes that Gabriel sings e 4 But my heart fails, my tongue complains, For want of their immortal strains ; p And, in such humble notes as these, Must fall below thy victories. — 5 Well, the kind minute must appear, When we shall leave these bodies here, — o These clogs of clay ; — and mount on high, o To join the songs above the sky.] HYMN 6. C. M. St. Ann's. [*] A Morning Song. 1 /^tkNCE more, my soul, the rising day V>r Salutes thy waking eyes : Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay To Him who rules the skies, o 2 Night unto night his Name repeats, .The day renews the sound ; g Wide as the heaven, on which he sits To turn the seasons round. — 3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame, o My tongue shall speak his praise ; e My sins would rouse his wrath to flame, — And yet his wrath delays. e 4 (On a poor worm thy power might tread, And I could ne'er withstand : p Thy justice might have crushed me dead, — But mercy held thy hand. 32 * 378 HYMN 7, 8. Book II. p 5 A thousand wretched souls are fled, Since the last setting sun ; — And yet thou lengthen'st out my thread, And yet my moments run.) c 6 Dear God, let all my hours be thine, Whilst I enjoy the light : o Then shall my sun in smiles decline, And bring a pleasant night. HYMN 7. CM. Hymned. Wantage, [b] An Evening Song. e 1 ~|~\READ Sovereign, let my evening song, 3~Jr Like holy incense rise ; Assist the offerings of my tongue, To reach the lofty skies. ■ — 2 Through all the dangers of the day, Thy hand was still my guard ; And still to drive my wants away, Thy mercy stood prepared. o 3 Perpetual blessings from above Encompass me around \ e But O how few returns of love Hath my Creator found ! d 4 What have I done for Him, who died To save my wretched soul ? How are my follies multiplied, Fast as the minutes roll ! e 5 Lord, with this guilty heart of mine, To thy dear cross I flee ; — And to thy grace my soul resign, To be renewed by thee. C (Sprinkled afresh with pardoning blood, I lay me down to rest, — As in th' embraces of my God, Or on my Saviour's breast.) HYMN 8. C M. St. Martin's. Sunday. [*] A Hymn for Morning or Evening. 1 TTOSANNA, with a cheerful sound, JLJL To God's upholding hand ; Ten thousand snares attend us round, And yet secure we stand, e 2 That was a most amazing power, That raised us with a word } Book II. HYMN 9. 379 — And every day. and every hour, We lean upon the Lord. e 3 The evening rests our weary head, And angels guard the room ; — We wake, and we admire the bed, That was not made our tomb. 4 The rising morning can't assure, Timt we shall end the day ! c For death stands ready at the door, To seize our lives away. e 5 Our breath is forfeited by sin, To God's avenging law ; — We own thy grace, immortal King, In every gasp we draw. o G God is our sun, whose daily light Our joy and safety brings ; Our feeble flesh lies safe at night, Beneath his shady wings. HYMN 9. C. M. Lie of Wight. Bangor. [*] Godly Sorrow from the Sufferings of Christ. p 1 4 LAS ! and did my Saviour bleed ? _t1l_ And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head, For such a worm as I ? 2 [Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, thine, — And bathed in its own blood, While, all exposed to wrath divine, The glorious sufferer stood !] 3 Was it for crimes — that I had done — He groaned upon the tree ? — a Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! e 4 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When God, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin. e 5 Thus might I hide my blushing face — While his dear cross appears ; d Dissolve, my heart, in thankfulness, And melt, mine eyes, in tears. — G But drops of tears can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; 380 HYMN 10, 11. Book II. o Here, Lord, I give myself away — — 'Tis all that I can do. HYMN 10. C. M. Dorset. Canterbury. [*] Parting with Carnal Joys. 1 ~]\TY soul forsakes her vain delight, JLTJL And bids the world farewell ; Base as the dirt beneath my feet, And mischievous as hell. 2 No longer will I ask your love, Nor seek your friendship more ; The happiness that I approve, Lies not within your power. o 3 There's nothing round this spacious earth, That suits my large desire; o To boundless joy and solid mirth My nobler thoughts aspire : o 4 (Where pleasure rolls its living flood, From sin and dross refined ; Still springing from the throne of God, And fit to cheer the mind, g 5 Th' Almighty Ruler of the sphere, The glorious and the great, Brings his own all-sufficience there, To make our bliss complete.) o 6 Had I the pinions of a dove, I'd climb the heavenly road ; o There sits my Saviour dressed in love, And there my smiling God. HYMN 11. L.M. Munich. Carthage, [b *] The same. 1 T" SEND the joys of earth away ; o JL Away, ye tempters of the mind, — False as the smooth deceitful sea, And empty as the whistling wind. p 2 Your streams were floating me along, Down to the gulf of black despair ; And whilst I listened to your song, Your streams had e'en conveyed me there. — 3 Lord, I adore thy matchless grace, That warned me of that dark abyss ; That drew me from those treacherous seas, And bade me seek superior bliss. Book II. IIYMX 1-2, 13. 3S1 o 4 Now. to the shining realms above, I stretch my hands and glance my eyes : u O for the pinions of a do;-*'. To bear me to the upper skies ! g 5 There, from the bosom of my God, Oceans of endless pleasure roll ; There would I fix my last abode, And drown the sorrows of my soul. IIYMX 1-2. C. M. Sunday. Christmas. [*] Christ is the Substance of the Lezitical Priesthood. 1 f 1 iHE true Messiah now appears, JL The types are all withdrawn : o So fly the shadows and the stars, Before the rising dawn, b 2 No smoking sweets, nor bleeding lambs, Nor kids, nor bullocks slain ; Incense and spice, of costly names, Would all be burnt in vain. — 3 Aaron must lay his robes away, His mitre and his vest. — e When God himself comes down to be The offering and the priest. — 1 He took our mortal flesh, to show The wonders of his love ; e For us he paid his life below, And prays for us above. 5 Father, he cries, forgive their sins, For I myself have died ; d And then — he shows his opened veins, — And pleads his wounded side. HYMN 13. L. M. Old Hundred. Blendon. [*] Hit Creation, Preservation. Dissolution, and Restora- tion of this World. 1 OING to the Lord, who built the skies, k3 The Lord, who reared this stately frame : Let all the nations sound his praise, And lands unknown repeat his name. 2 He formed the seas, and formed the hills, Made every drop and every dust : Nature and time, with all their wheels, And put them into motion first. 3 Now from his hisfh, imperial throne, He looks far down upon the spheres ; 382 HYMN 14, 15. Book II. o He bids the shining orbs roll on, And round he turns the hasty years. e 4 Thus shall this moving- engine last, Till all his saints are gathered in ; o Then for the trumpet's dreadful blast — To shake it all to dust again ! g 5 Yet when the sound shall tear the skies, And lightning burn the globe below, o Saints, you may lift your joyful eyes ; o There's a new heaven and earth for you. HYMN 14. S. M. Little Marlboro'. [*] The Lord's Day ; or, Delight in Ordinances. o 1 "VITELCOME— sweet day of rest— v V That saw the Lord arise ! Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes. — 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day ; e Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. b 3 One day, amidst the place Where my dear God hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. — 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, — o And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. HYMN 15. L. M. Sicilian. Gloucester. [*] Enjoyment of Christ ; or, Delight in Worship. 1 MAR from my thoughts, vain world, be gone, — J_ Let my religious hours alone : Fain would my eyes my Saviour see ; I wait a visit, Lord, from thee. o 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure desire • Come, my dear Jesus, from above, And feed my soul with heavenly love. — 3 (The trees of life immortal stand In beauteous rows at thy right hand ; b And in sweet murmurs, by their side, Rivers of bliss perpetual glide. Book II. HYMN 16, 17. 383 o 4 Haste then — but with a smiling face — And spread the table of thy grace ; Bring down a taste of truth divine, And cheer my heart with sacred wine.) b 5 Blest Jesus, what delicious; fare ! How sweet thy entertainments are ! — Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace and dying love. o 6 Hail, great Immanuel, all divine ! In thee thy Father's glories shine : — Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest One, That eyes have seen, or angels known. HYMN 16. L. M. Oporto. Nantickh. [*] Part the Second. o 1 T ORD, what a heaven of saving grace, J._J Shines through the beauties of thy face — And lights our passion to a flame ! Lord, how we love thy charming name I e 2 When I can say, My God is mine, "When 1 can feel thy glories shine. — o I tread the world beneath my feet, And all the earth calls good or great. b 3 While such a scene of sacred joys Our raptured eyes and souls employs, — Here we could sit and gaze away A long, an everlasting day. o 4 Well, we shall quickly pass the night, To the fair coast of perfect light ; — Then shall our joyful senses rove O'er the dear Object of our love. o 5 [There shall we drink full draughts of bliss, And pluck new life from heavenly trees ! — Yet now and then, dear Lord, bestow A drop of heaven on worms below. 6 Send comforts down from thy right hand, While we pass through this barren land ; And in thy temple let us see A glimpse of love — a glimpse of thee.] HYMN 17. C. M. Mitcham. Arundel [*] God's Eternity. o 1 T> ISE, rise, my soul, and leave the ground, XV Stretch all thy thoughts abroad, — 384 HYMN 18. Book II. And rouse up every tuneful sound, To praise th' eternal God. g 2 Long ere the lofty skies were spread, Jehovah filled his throne ; Or Adam formed, or angels made, Jehovah lived alone. — 3 His boundless years can ne'er decrease, But still maintain their prime ; e Eternity's his dwelling-place, And ever is his time. o 4 While like a tide our minutes flow, The present and the past — a He fills his own immortal NOW And sees our ages waste. — 5 The sea and sky must perish too, And vast destruction come ; p The creatures — look, how old they grow, — And wait their fiery doom ! o G Well, let the sea shrink all away, And flame melt down the skies ; — g My God shall live an endless day, When old creation dies. HYMN 18. L. M. Nantwich. [*] The -Ministry of Angels. 1 [TTIGH on a hill of dazzling light, JLJL The King of glory spreads his seat, And troops of angels, stretched for flight, Stand waiting round his awful feet. 2 Go, saith the Lord, my Gabriel, go, Salute the Virgin's fruitful womb ; Make haste, ye cherubs, down below, Sing, and proclaim the Saviour's come. 3 Here a bright squadron leaves the skies, And thick around Elisha stands ; Anon a heavenly soldier flies, And breaks the chains from Peter's hands. 4 Thy winged troops, O God of hosts, Wait on thy wandering church below ; Here we are sailing to thy coasts, Let angels be our convoy too. 5 Are they not all thy servants, Lord ? At thy command they go and come ; Book II. HYMN 19, 20. 385 With cheerful haste, obey thy word, And guard thy children to their home.] HYMN 19. C. M. Plymouth. Reading, [b*] Our frail Bodies, and God our Preserver. 1 T ET others boast how strong they be, I A Nor death, nor danger fear; (k But we'll confess, O Lord, to thee, What feeble things we are. o 2 Fresh as the grass our bodies stand, And flourish bright and gay ; e A blasting wind sweeps o'er the land, And fades the grass away. e 3 Our life contains a thousand springs, And dies, if one be gone ; Strange ! that a harp of thousand strings Should keep in tune so long. — 4 But 'tis our God supports our frame, — The God who built us first ; o Salvation to th' Almighty Name, That reared us from the dust. d 5 [He spoke ; and straight our hearts, and brains, In all their motions rose ; Let blood, said he, flow round the veins; And round the veins it flows. 6 While we have breath to use our tongues, Our Maker we'll adore ; His spirit moves our heaving lungs, Or they would breathe no more.] HYMN 20. C. M. Wantage. Bangor, [b] Backslidings and Returns. o 1 "\"¥7"HY is my heart so far from thee, V V My God, my chief delight ? Why are my thoughts no more, by day, With thee, no more by night ? 2 [Why should my foolish passions rove ? Where can such sweetness be, As I have tasted in thy love, As I have found in thee ?] —3 When my forgetful soul renews The savour of thy grace, My heart presumes I cannot lose The relish all my days. 33 386 HYMN 21. Book II. e 4 But ere one fleeting hour is past, The nattering world employs Some sensual bait to seize my taste, And to pollute my joys. — 5 Trifles of nature, or of art, With fair deceitful charms, Intrude into my thoughtless heart, And thrust me from thy arms. e 6 Then I repent, and vex my soul, That I should leave thee so ; Where will these wild affections roll, That let a Saviour go ? 7 [Sin's promised joys are turned to pain, And I am drowned in grief; — But my dear Lord returns again, He flies to my relief: o 8 Seizing my soul with sweet surprise, He draws with loving bands, e Divine compassion in his eyes, And pardon in his hands.] p 9 Wretch that I am, to wander thus, In chase of false delight ! — Let me be fastened to thy cross, Rather than lose thy sight. 10 [Make haste, my days, to reach the goal, And bring my heart to rest On the dear centre of my soul, My God, my Saviour's breast.] • ■ 1 — — • HYMN 21. L. M. Dresden. [*] A Song of Praise to God the Redeemer. 1 [T ET the old heathens tune their song I A Of great Diana and of Jove ; But the sweet theme that moves my tongue, Is my Redeemer and his love. e 2 Behold a God descends and dies, To save my soul from gaping hell : How the black gulf where Satan lies, Yawned to receive me when I fell ! e 3 How justice frowned, and vengeance stood, To drive me down to endless pain ! But the great Son proposed his blood, And heavenly wrath grew mild again. Book IT. HYMN 22, 23. 387 o 4 Infinite Lover, gracious Lord, To thee be endless honours given ; g Thy wondrous name shall be adored, Round the wide earth and wider heaven.] HYMN 22. L. M. Psalm 97. [*] With God is terrible Majesty. 1 [rpERRIBLE God. who reign'st on high, _L How awful is thy thundering hand ! Thy fiery bolts, how fierce they fly ! Nor can all earth or hell withstand. 2 This the old rebel angels knew, And Satan fell beneath thy frown : Thine arrows struck the traitor through, And weighty vengeance sunk him down. 3 This Sodom felt, and feels it still, And roars beneath th' eternal load : "With endless burnings who can dwell, Or bear the fury of a God ? 4 Tremble, ye sinners, and submit; Throw down your arms before his throne : Bend your heads low beneath his feet, Or his strong hand shall crush you down. 5 And ye, blest saints, who love him too, With reverence bow before his Name ; Thus all the heavenly servants do : God is a bright and burning flame.] HYMN 23. L. M. NeaOwich. Green's. [*] The Sight of God and Christ in Heaven. 1 I ^VESCEXD from heaven, immortal Dove, JL/ Stoop down, and take us on thy wings, — o And mount, and bear us far above The reach of these inferior things ; o 2 Beyond, beyond this lower sky, Up where eternal ages roll. — Where solid pleasures never die, And fruits immortal feast the soul. e 3 O for a sight, a pleasant sight — Of our Almighty Father's throne ! There sits our Saviour, crowned with light, Clothed in a body like our own. g 4 Adoring saints around him stand, And thrones and powers before him fall; 388 HYMN 21. Book II. The God shines gracious through the man, And sheds sweet glories on them all o 5 O, what amazing joys they feel, While to their golden harps they sing ! And sit on every heavenly hill, And spread the triumphs of their King ! e C When shall the day, dear Lord, appear, That I shall mount to dwell above ; And stand and bow amongst them there, And view thy face, and sing thy love ? HYMN 24. L. M. Psalm 97th. Blendon. [*] The Evil of Sin : — Fall of Angels and Men. 1 "1"|7"HEN the great Builder arched the skies, T V And formed all nature with a word, The joyful cherubs tuned his praise, And every bending throne adored. 2 High in the midst of all the throng, Satan, a tall archangel, sat; Among the morning stars he sung, Till sin destroyed his heavenly state. 3 'Twas sin that hurled him from his throne ; Grovelling in fire the rebel lies : d How art thou sunk in darkness doicn, Son of the morning, from the skies ! 4 And thus our two first parents stood, Till sin defiled the happy place ; They lost their garden and their God, And ruined all their unborn race. 5 [So sprung the plague from Adam's bower, And spread destruction all abroad ; Sin, — the cursed name — that, in one hour, Spoiled six days' labour of a God.] p 6 Tremble, my soul, and mourn for grief, That such a foe should seize thy breast ! — Fly to thy Lord for quick relief; Oh ! may he slay this treacherous guest. o 7 Then, to thy throne, victorious King, Then, to thy throne our shouts shall rise ; o Thine everlasting arm we sing, For sin, the monster, bleeds and dies. Book II. HYMN 25, 2G. 3S9 HYMN 25. C. M. Reading. Plymouth, [b] Complaining of Spiritual Sloth. 1 ~j\TY drowsy powers, why sleep ye so ? J_tjL Awake, my sluggish soul ! Nothing has half thy work to do, Yet nothing's half so dull. 2 The little ants, for one poor grain, Labour, and tug, and strive ; e Yet we, wmo have a heaven to obtain, How negligent we live ! — 3 We, for whose sake all nature stands, And stars their courses move, — We, for whose guard the angel bands Come flying from above ; — 4 We, for whom God the Son came down, And laboured for our good : — e How careless to secure that crown He purchased with his blood ! e 5 Lord, shall we lie so sluggish still, And never act our parts ? — Come, Holy Dove, from th' heavenly hill, And sit and warm our hearts. o C Then shall our active spirits move, Upward our souls shall rise : With hands of faith, and wings of love, We'll fly and take the prize. HYMN 28. L. M. Wells. [*] God Invisible. 1 [" f" ORD, we are blind, poor mortals blind; I A We can't behold thy bright abode ; O ! 'tis beyond a creature mind, To glance a thought halfway to God. 2 Infinite leagues beyond the sky, The great Eternal reigns alone ; Where neither wings nor souls can fly, Nor angels climb the topless throne. 3 The Lord of glory builds his seat Of gems insufferably bright ; And lays, beneath his sacred feet, Substantial beams of gloomy night. 4 Yet, glorious Lord, thy gracious eyes Look through and cheer us from above : Beyond our praise thy grandeur flies, Yet we adore, and yet we love.] 33 s 390 HYMN 27, 28. Book II. HYMN 27. L. M. Blendon. [*] Praise ye Himy all His Angels. Ps. cxlviii. 2. a 1 f~~^ OD, the eternal, awful name, vJT That the whole heavenly army fears '. That shakes the wide creation's frame, And Satan trembles when he hears ! — 2 Like flames of fire his servants are, And light surrounds his dwelling-place > o But, O ye fiery flames, declare The brighter glories of his face. e 3 'Tis not for such poor worms as we, To speak so infinite a thing ; — But your immortal eyes survey The beauties of your sovereign King. o 4 Tell how he shows his smiling face, And clothes all heaven in bright array ; Triumph and joy run through the place, And songs eternal as the day. o 5 Speak — for you feel his burning love, — What zeal it spreads through all your frame ; e That sacred fire dwells all above, For we on earth have lost the name. — 6 [Sing of his power, and justice too, That infinite right hand of his, That vanquished Satan and his crew ; o And thunder drove them down from bliss. d 7 What mighty storms of poisoned darts Were hurled upon the rebels there ! What deadly javelins nailed their hearts, Fast to the racks of long despair. o 8 Shout to your King, ye heavenly host, You that beheld the sinking foe ; Firmly ye stood, when they were lost; o Praise the rich grace that kept you so.] u 9 Proclaim his wonders from the skies ; Let every distant nation hear : — And while you sound his lofty praise, e Let humble mortals bow, and fear ! HYMN 28. C. M. Windsor, [b] Death and Eternity. TOOP down, my thoughts, that used to rise; Converse awhile with death • *s Book II. HYMN 29, 30. 391 e Think how a gasping mortal lies, — And pants away his breath. p 2 His quivering lip hangs feebly down, His pulse is taint and few ; Then, speechless, with a doleful groan, He bids the world adieu ! e 3 But oh, the soul that never dies ! At once it leaves the clay ! — Ye thoughts, pursue it where it flies, And track its wondrous way. u 4 Up to the courts where angels dwell, It mounts, triumphant there : — a Or devils plunge it down to hell, In infinite despair. p 5 And must my body faint and die ? And must this soul remove ? Oh, for some guardian angel nigh, To bear it safe above ! — 6 Jesus, to thy dear faithful hand, My naked soul 1 trust ; e And my flesh waits for thy command, To drop into my dust. HYMN 29. C. M. Devizes. [*] Redemption by Price and Power. 1 TESUS, with all thy saints above, «J My tongue would bear her part ; o Would sound aloud thy saving love, And sing thy bleeding heart. — 2 Blest be the Lamb, my dearest Lord, Who bought me with his blood ; e And quenched his Father's flaming sword, In his own vital flood. o 3 The Lamb, that freed my captive soul From Satan's heavy chains ; o And sent the lion down to howl, Where hell and horror reigns. s 4 All glory to the dying Lamb, And never-ceasing praise ; While angels live to Enow his name, Or saints to feel his grace. HYMN 30. S. M. Newton. Kibworth. [*] Heavenly Joy on Earth. 1 /"10ME, we who love the Lord, Ky And let our joys be known ; 392 HYMN 31. Book II. Join in a song of sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. 2 [The sorrows of the mind Be banished from the place ! Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less.] e 3 Let those refuse to sing, Who never knew our God ; o But favourites of the heavenly King Should speak their joys abroad. — 4 [The God that rules on high, And thunders when he please, That rides upon the stormy sky, And manages the seas, — e 5 This awful God is ours, — Our Father and our love ; o He shall send down his heavenly powers, To carry us above. 6 There we shall see his face, And never — never sin ; There, from the rivers of his grace, Drink endless pleasures in. 7 Yes, and before we rise To that immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bliss Should constant joys create.] — 8 The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; o Celestial fruits on earthly ground, From faith and hope may grow. b 9 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets. o 10 Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; o We're marching through Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high. HYMN 31. L. M. Sicilian, [b] Christ's Presence makes Death easy. HY should we start, and fear to die ? What timorous worms we mortals are ! 1[W Book II. HYMN 32, 33. 393 Death is the gate of endless joy, And yet we dread to enter there. 2 The pains, the groans, the dying strife, Fright our approaching souls away ; Still we shrink back again to life, Fond of our prison and our clay. 3 Oh ! if my Lord would come and meet, My soul should stretch her wings in haste ; Fly fearless through death's iron gate, Nor feel the terrors as she passed. 4 Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are ; While on his breast I lean my head, And breathe my life out sweetly there.] HYMN 32. C. M. China, [b] Frailty and Folly. e 1 TTOW short and hasty is our life ! JLJ. How vast our soul's affairs ! e Yet senseless mortals vainly strive — To lavish out their years. — 2 Our days run thoughtlessly along, Without a moment's stay ; Just like a story, or a song, We pass our lives away. 3 God, from on high, invites us home ; But we march heedless on ; And, ever hastening to the tomb, Stoop downwards as we run. a 4 How we deserve the deepest hell, Who slight the joys above ! What chains of vengeance should we feel, Who break such cords of love ! — 5 Draw us, O God, with sovereign grace, And lift our thoughts on high ; o That we may end this mortal race, And see salvation nigh. HYMN 33. C. M. Arundel St. Asaph's. [*] The blessed Society in Heaven. o 1 "£> AISE thee, my soul, fly up, and run jLV Through every heavenly street ; And say, there's nought below the sun, That's worthy of thy feet. 394 HYMN 34. Book II. 2 [Thus will we mount on sacred wings. And tread the courts above : Nor earth, nor all her mightiest things, Shall tempt our meanest love.] g 3 There, on a high majestic throne, Th' Almighty Father reigns ; And sheds his glorious goodness down, On all the blissful plains. 4 Bright, like the sun, the Saviour sits, And spreads eternal noon : No evenings there, nor gloomy nights, To want the feeble moon. 5 Amidst those ever-shining skies, Behold the Sacred Dove ! While, banished, sin and sorrow flies From all the realms of love. o G The glorious tenants of the place Stand bending round the throne ; o And saints and seraphs sing and praise The infinite Three-One. e 7 [But oh, what beams of heavenly grace Transport them all the while ! Ten thousand smiles from Jesus' face, And love in every smile !] e 8 Jesus, and when shall that dear day, That joyful hour appear, — When I shall leave this house of clay, To dwell amongst them there ! HYMN 34. CM. Isle of Wight. Zion. [b*] Breathing after the Holy Spirit. 1 /^OME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, \y With all thy quickening powers, — Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. e 2 Look, how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys ! a Our souls can neither fly nor go, To reach eternal joys. c 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; a Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. Book II. HYMN 35, 36. 395 p 4 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great ? — 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers, — o Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. HYMN 35. C. M. Mcar. [*] Praise for Creation and Redemption. e 1 T ET them neglect thy glory, Lord, I i Who never knew thy grace ; o But our loud song shall still record The wonders of thy praise. o 2 We raise our shouts, O God, to thee, And send them to thy throne ; u All glory to th' united Three, The undivided Oxe. — 3 'Twas he (and we'll adore his name) Who formed us by a word ; 'Tis he restores our ruined frame : o Salvation to the Lord ! s 4 Hosanna ! — let the earth and skies Repeat the joyful sound ; Rocks, hills, and vales reflect the voice, In one eternal round. HYMN 36. S. M. Newton. [*] Christ's Intercession. o 1 ~V¥7"ELL. the Redeemer's gone, If To appear before our God ; To sprinkle o'er the flaming throne, With his atoning blood. 2 No fiery vengeance now, No burning wrath comes down ; If justice calls for sinners' blood, The Saviour shows his own. — 3 Before his Father's eye Our humble suit he moves ; c The Father lays his thunder by, And looks, and smiles, and loves. 396 HYMN 37. Book II. o 4 Now may our joyful tongues Our Maker's honours sing ; Jesus, the Priest, receives our songs, And bears them to the King. e 5 [We bow before his face, — And sound his glories high : Hosanna to the God of grace, That lays his thunder by.] o 6 On earth thy mercy reigns, And triumphs all above : e But, Lord, how weak our mortal strains, To speak immortal love ! e 7 [How jarring and how low Are all the notes we sing ! — Sweet Saviour, tune our songs anew, And they shall please the King.] HYMN 37. C. M. Sunday. [*] Tlie same. 1 [T IFT up your eyes to th' heavenly seats, ■ I A Where your Redeemer stays : Kind Intercessor, there he sits, And loves, and pleads, and prays. 2 'Twas well, my soul, he died for thee, And shed his vital blood, — Appeased stern justice on the tree, And then arose to God. 3 Petitions now and praise may rise, And saints their offerings bring : The Priest, with his own sacrifice, Presents them to the King. 4 (Let papists trust what names they please ; Their saints and angels boast ; We've no such advocates as these, Nor pray to th' heavenly host.) 5 Jesus alone shall bear my cries Up to his Father's throne : He, dearest Lord, perfumes my sighs, And sweetens every groan. 6 Ten thousand praises to the King ; Hosanna in the higb'st : Ten thousand thanks our spirits bring To God and to his Christ.] Book II. HYMN 38, 30. 40. 397 HYMN 38. C. M. York. [*] Lore to God. 1 TTAPPY the heart where gTaces reign, XI Where love inspires the breast : Love is the brightest of the train. And strengthens all the rest, e 2 Knowledge, alas ! 'tis all in vain. And all in vain our fear ; Our stubborn sins will fight and reign, If love be absent there. o 3 'Tis love that makes our cheerful feet In swift obedience move ; e The devils know, and tremble too, — But Satan cannot love. o 4 This is the grace that lives, and sings, When faith and hope shall cease ; :Tis this shall strike our joyful strings In the sweet realms of bliss. 5 Before we quite forsake our clay, Or leave this dark abode, The wings of love bear us away, To see our smiling God. HYMN 39. C. M. Canterbury, [b] Tfie Shortness and Misery of Life. 1 [/^^JR days, alas ! our mortal days V>? Are short, and wretched too : Evil and fete, the patriarch says, And well the patriarch knew.] e 2 'Tis but at best a narrow bound, That heaven allows to men ; And pains and sins run through the round Of threescore years and ten. o 3 Well, if ye must be sad and few, Run on, my days, in haste : Moments of sin, and months of woe, Ye cannot fly too fast. — 4 Let heavenly love prepare my soul, And call her to the skies, — o Where years of long salvation roll, And glory never dies. HYMN 40. C. M. Abridge. [*] Comfort in the Covenant icith Christ. God, how firm his promise stands, Ten when he hides his face ; 34 1 r\\JR KJ E'e HYMN 41, 42, Book II. He trusts in our Redeemer's hands His glory and his grace. e 2 Then why, my soul, these sad complaints, Since Christ and we are one ? — Thy God is faithful to his saints — Is faithful to his Son. 3 Beneath his smiles my heart has lived, And part of heaven possessed : o I praise his Name for grace received, And trust him for the rest. HYMN 41. L. M. Castle Street. [*] A Sight of God mortifies us to the World. 1 ["FTP to the fields where angels lie, KJ And living waters gently roll, Fain would my thoughts leap out and fly, — But sin hangs heavy on my soul. 2 Thy wondrous blood, dear dying Christ, Can make this world of guilt remove ; And thou canst bear me where thou fly'st, On thy kind wings, celestial Dove.] 3 O, might I once mount up and see The glories of th' eternal skies, What little things these worlds would be ! How despicable to my eyes ! 4 Had 1 a glance of thee, my God, Kingdoms and men would vanish soon ; Vanish, as though I saw them not, As a dim candle dies at noon. d 5 Then they might fight, and rage, and rave ; I should perceive the noise no more, Than we can hear a shaking leaf, While rattling thunders round us roar. 6 Great All in All, eternal King, Let me but view thy lovely face ; And all my powers shall bow and sing Thine endless grandeur and thy grace. HYMN 42. C. M. Tunbridge. [b] Delight in God. 1 TVF Y God, what endless pleasures dwell -LyjL Above, at thy right hand ! Thy courts below, how amiable, Where all thy graces stand ! Book II. HYMN 43. 399 o 2 The swallow near thy temple lies, And chirps a cheerful note : The lark mounts upward toward the skies, And tunes her warbling throat. 3 And we, when in thy presence, Lord, We shout with cheerful tongues : Or sitting round our Father's board, We crown the feast with songs. 4 While Jesus shines with quickening grace, We sing, and mount on high ; But if a frown becloud his face, We faint, and tire, and die. 5 Just as we see the lonesome dove Bemoan her widowed state : Wandering she flies through all the grove, And mourns her loving mate : 6 Just so our thoughts, from thing to thing, In restless circles rove ; Just so we droop, and hang the wing, When Jesus hides his love.] HYMN 43. L. M. Sheffield. Leeds. [*] Christ's Sufferings and Glory. o 1 1VJ"0W f°r a tune of lofty praise, JL 1 To great Jehovah's equal Son ! o Awake, my" voice, in heavenly lays, Tell the loud wonders he hath done. 2 Sing, how he left the worlds of light, And the bright robes he wore above ; u How swift and joyful was the flight, On wings of everlasting love. e 3 (Down to this base, this sinful earth, He came, to raise our nature high ; p He came, to atone almighty wrath : — Jesus the God was born to die.) e 4 [Hell and its lions roared around : His precious blood the monsters spilt ; While weighty sorrows pressed him down, Large as the loads of all our guilt.] a 5 Deep in the shades of gloomy death, Th' almighty captive Prisoner lay ; o Th' almighty Captive left the earth, And rose to everlasting day. 400 HYMN 44, 45. Book II. o 6 Lift up your eyes, ye sons of light, Up to his throne of shining grace ; See what immortal glories sit — Round the sweet beauties of his face, g 7 Amongst a thousand harps and songs, Jesus the God exalted reigns ; His sacred name fills all their tongues, And echoes through the heavenly plains ! HYMN 44. L. M. PleyeVs. [b] Hell ; or, the Vengeance of God. 1 [~V^7TTH holy fear, and humble song, ▼ ▼ The dreadful God our souls adore J Reverence and awe become the tongue, That speaks the terrors of his power. 2 Far in the deep, where darkness dwells, The land of horror and despair, — Justice has built a dismal hell, And laid her stores of vengeance there 3 (Eternal plagues and heavy chains, Tormenting racks and fiery coals, — And darts to inflict immortal pains, Dyed in the blood of damned souls. 4 There Satan, the first sinner, lies, And roars, and bites his iron bands ; In vain the rebel strives to rise, Crushed with the weight of both thy hands.) 5 There guilty ghosts of Adam's race Shriek out, and howl beneath thy rod ; Once they could scorn a Saviour's grace, But they incensed a dreadful God. 6 Tremble, my soul, and kiss the Son : Sinner, obey thy Saviour's call ; Else your damnation hastens on And hell gapes wide to wait your fall.] HYMN 45. L. M. Nantwich. [*] God's Condescension to our Worship. 1 FT1HY favours, Lord, surprise our souls : e A Will the Eternal dwell with us ? What canst thou find beneath the poles, To tempt thy chariot downward thus ? — 2 Still might he fill his starry throne, And please his ears with Gabriel's songs ; Book II. HYMN 46, 47. 401 But heavenly Majesty comes down, And bows to hearken to our tongues. e 3 Great God ! what poor returns we pay, For love so infinite as thine : Words are but air, and tongues but clay, But thy compassion's all divine. HYMN 46. L. M. Wcldon. Portugal. [*] God's Condescension to Human Affairs. 1 XTP to the Lord, who reigns on high, KJ And views the nations from afar, o Let everlasting praises fly. And tell how Targe his bounties are. p 2 [He who can shake the worlds he made, Or with his word, or with his rod. — His goodness, how amazing great, And what a condescending God !] e 3 God, who must stoop to view the skies, And bow to see what angels do — Down to the earth he casts his eyes, And bends his footsteps downward too. — 4 He overrules all mortal things, And manages our mean afFairs : On humble souls the King of kings Bestows his counsels and his cares. e 5 Our sorrows and our tears we pour Into the bosom of our God ; He hears us in the mournful hour, And helps to bear the heavy load. — 6 In vain might lofty princes try Such condescension to perform ; For worms were never raised so high, Above their meanest fellow- worm. o 7 Oh ! could our thankful hearts devise A tribute equal to thy grace — o To the third heaven our songs should rise, And teach the golden harps thy praise. HYMN 47. L. M. Green's. Nantwich. [*] Glory and Grace in the Person of Christ, o 1 "jVT OW to the Lord a noble song ! il Awake, my soul ; awake, my tongue ; Hosanna to th' Eternal Xarne, u And all his boundless love proclaim. 34- 402 HYMN 48. Book II. b 2 See where it shines in Jesus' face, The brightest image of his grace ; — God, in the person of his Son, Has all his mightiest works outdone. e 3 The spacious earth, and spreading flood, Proclaim the wise, the powerful God ; And thy rich glories, from afar, Sparkle in every rolling star : — o 4 But in his looks a glory stands, The noblest labour of thy hands : The pleasing lustre of his eyes Outshines the wonders of the skies. a 5 Grace ! — 'tis a sweet, a charming theme ; — My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name ! o Ye angels, dwell upon the sound ; u Ye heavens, reflect it to the ground ! — 6 Oh, may I reach the happy place, Where he unveils his lovely face ! o Where all his beauties you behold, And sing his name to harps of gold ! HYMN 48. C. M. Reading, [b] Love to the Creatures dangerous. 1 TTOW vain are all things here below, J_X How false, and yet how fair ! Each pleasure hath its poison too, And every sweet a snare. 2 The brightest things below the sky, Give but a flattering light ; We should suspect some danger nigh, Where we possess delight. 3 Our dearest joys, and nearest friends The partners of our blood — How they divide our wavering minds, And leave but half for God ! 4 The fondness of a creature's love, How strong it strikes the sense ! Thither the warm affections move, Nor can we call them thence. o 5 Dear Saviour, let thy beauties be My soul's eternal food ; o And grace command my heart away From all created good. Book II. HYMN 49, 50. 403 HYMN 49. C. M. Hymn 2cL [*] Moses dying in the Embraces of God. 1 [T^VEATH cannot make our souls afraid, jLJ If God be with us there ; We may walk through the darkest shade, And never yield to fear. 2 I could renounce my all below, If my Creator bid ; And run, if I were called to go, And die as Moses did. 3 Might I but climb to Pisgah's top, And view the promised land ; My flesh itself would long to drop, And pray for the command. 4 Clasped in my heavenly Father's arms, I would forget my breath ; And lose my life among the charms Of so divine a death.] HYMN 50. L. M. Sicilian. j> *] Comforts under Sorroics and Pains. 1 [TVTOW let the Lord my Saviour smile, _L 1 And show my name upon his heart ; 1 would forget my pains awhile, And in the pleasure lose the smart. 2 But oh ! it swells my sorrows high, To see my blessed Jesus frown ; My spirits sink, my comforts die, And all the springs of life are down. 3 Yet, why, my soul, why these complaints? Still, while he frowns, his bowels move : Still on his heart he bears his saints, And feels their sorrows, and his love. 4 My name is printed on his breast; His book of life contains my name ; I'd rather have it there impressed, Than in the bright records of fame. 5 When the last fire burns all things here, Those letters shall securely stand, And in the Lamb's fair book appear, Writ by th' eternal Father's hand. 6 Now shall my minutes smoothly run, Whilst here 1 wait my Father's will ; My rising, and my setting sun, Roll gently up and down the hill.] 404 HYMN 51, 52. Book II. HYMN 51. L. M. Blendon. [*] God the Son equal with the Father. p 1 T> RIGHT King of glory, dreadful God ! _l3 Our spirits bow before thy seat; — To thee we lift an humble thought, And worship at thine awful feet. 2 [Thy power hath formed, thy wisdom sways, All nature with a sovereign word : And the bright world of stars obeys The will of their superior Lord. — 3 Mercy and truth unite in one, And smiling sit at thy right hand ; g Eternal justice guards thy throne, And vengeance waits thy dread command.] —4 A thousand seraphs, strong and bright, Stand round the glorious Deity : — But who, amongst the sons of light, Pretends comparison with thee ? o 5 Yet there is one of human frame, Jesus, arrayed in flesh and blood, Thinks it no robbery to claim A full equality with God. — 6 Their glory shines with equal beams ; Their essence is forever one ; Though they are known by different names, The Father God, and God the Son. o 7 Then let the Name of Christ, our King, With equal honours be adored ; His praise let every angel sing, And all the nafions own him Lord. HYMN 52. C. M. Bangor, [b] Death dreadful or delightful. 1 [T^|EATH ! 'tis a melancholy day, JL^ To those who have no God, — When the poor soul is forced away To seek her last abode. 2 In vain to heaven she lifts her eyes ; But guilt, a heavy chain, Still drags her downward from the skies, To darkness, fire, and pain. 3 Awake, and mourn, ye heirs of hell, Let stubborn sinners fear ; Book IT. HYMN 53 405 You must be driven from earth to dwell A long forever there ! 4 See how the pit gapes wide for you, And flashes in your i And thou, my soul, look downward too, And sing- recovering grace. 5 He is a God of sovereign love, Who promised heaven to me ; And taught my soul to soar above, Where happy spirits be. G Prepare me. Lord, for thy right hand ; Then come the joyful day ; Come, death, and some celestial band, To bear my soul away.] HYMN 53. C. M. Zion. [b *J The Pilgrimage of t/te Sai?its. e 1 T ORD, what a wretched land is this, I A That yields us no supply ; No cheering fruits, no wholesome trees, Nor streams of living joy ! 2 But pricking thorns through all the ground, And mortal poisons grow ; And all the rivers that are found, With dangerous waters flow. o 3 Yet the dear path to thine abode Lies through this horrid land : Lord ! we would keep the heavenly road, And run at thy command. 4 [Our souls shall tread the desert through, With undiverted feet ; And faith and flaming zeal subdue The terrors that we meet.] c 5 (A thousand savage beasts of prey Around the forest roam ; o But Judah's Lion guards the way, And guides the strangers home.) e 6 Long nights and darkness dwell below, With scarce a twinkling ray ; o But the bright world to which we go, Is everlasting day. — 7 By glimmering hopes, and gloomy fears, We trace the sacred road ; 406 HYMN 54. Book II. Through dismal deeps, and dangerous snares, We make our way to God. e 8 Our journey is a thorny maze, — But we march upwards still ; o Forget these troubles of the ways, And reach at Zion's hill. 9 [See the kind angels, at the gates, Inviting us to come ; There Jesus the Forerunner waits To welcome travellers home. ■ — 10 There, on a green and flowery mount, Our weary souls shall sit, — And, with transporting joys, recount The labours of our feet. 11 No vain discourse shall fill our tongue, Nor trifles vex our ear • Infinite grace shall fill our song, And God rejoice to hear. o 12 Eternal glories to the King Who brought us safely through, Our tongues shall never cease to sing ; And endless praise renew.] HYMN 54. CM. Arundel St. Martin's. [*] God's Presence is Light in Darkness. 1 IVT^ God, the spring of all my joys, JLvJL The life of my delights : The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights : — 2 In darkest shades, if he appear, My dawning is begun ; o He is my soul's sweet morning star, And he my rising sun. b 3 The opening heavens around me shine, With beams of sacred bliss ; While Jesus shows his heart is mine, And whispers I am his. o 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay, At that transporting word ; u Run up with joy the shining way, To embrace my dearest Lord, o 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe ; Book II. HYMN 55, 56. 407 The wings of love, and arms of faith, Shall bear me conqueror through. HYMN 55. C. M. Bangor, [b] Frail Life and Succeeding Eternity. e 1 fTlHEE we adore. Eternal Name, X And humbly own to thee, How feeble is our mortal frame, What dying worms are we ! 2 [Our wasting lives grow shorter still, As months and days increase ; And every beating pulse we tell Leaves but the number less.] — 3 (The year rolls round, and steals away The breath that first it gave ; Whate'er we do, where'er we be, We're travelling to the grave.) 4 Dangers stand thick through all the ground, To push us to the tomb ; And fierce diseases wait around, To hurry mortals home. p 5 Good God ! on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things ! Th' eternal state of all the dead, Upon life's feeble strings. e 6 Infinite joy, or endless woe, Attends on every breath ; And yet how unconcerned we go, Upon the brink of death ! 7 Waken, O Lord, our drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road ; And if our souls are hurried hence, May they be found with God. HYMN 56. C. M. Windsor, [b] The .Misery of being without God. 1 [IVTO, I shall envy them no more, _L l Who grow profanely great, Though they increase their golden store, And rise to wondrous height. 2 They taste of all the joys that grow Upon the earthly clod ! Well, they may search the creature through, For they have ne'er a God — 3 Shake off the thoughts of dying too, And think your life your own : 408 HYMN 57, 58. Book II. But death comes hastening on to you, To mow your glory down. 4 Yes, you must bow your stately head j Away your spirit flies ; And no kind angel near your bed, To bear it to the skies. 5 Go, now, and boast of all your stores, And tell how bright they shine : Your heaps of glittering dust are yours, And my Redeemer's mine.] HYMN 57. L. M. Portugal. [*] The Pleasures of a Good Conscience. 1 [~|" ORD, how secure, and blest, are they . 1 A Who feel the joys of pardoned sin 1 Should storms of wrath shake earth and sea, Their minds have heaven and peace within. 2 The day glides swiftly o'er their heads, Made up of innocence and love : And, soft and silent as the shades, Their nightly minutes gently move. 3 (Quick as their thoughts their joys come on, But fly not half so fast away ; Their souls are ever bright as noon, And calm as summer evenings be. 4 How oft they look to th' heavenly hills, Where groves of living pleasures grow } And longing hopes, and cheerful smiles, Sit undisturbed upon their brow.) 5 They scorn to seek our golden toys ; But spend the day, and share the night, In numbering o'er the richer joys, That heaven prepares for their delight. 6 While wretched we, like worms and moles, Lie grovelling in the dust below : Almighty grace, renew our souls, And we'll aspire to glory too.] HYMN 58. C. M. Reading, [b *] Shortness of Life, and Goodness of God. 6 1 r 1 llME ! what an empty vapour 'tis ! JL And days, how swift they are ! Swift as an Indian arrow flies, Or like a shooting star. Book II. HYMN 59, 409 2 The present moments just appear, Then slide away in haste ; That we can never say. they're here, But only say, they're past. 3 [Our life is ever on the wing, And death is ever nigh ; The moment when our lives begin, We all begin to die.] — 4 Yet, mighty God ! our fleeting days Thy lasting favours share ; Yet with the bounties of thy grace Thou load'st the rolling year. 5 'Tis sovereign mercy finds us food, And we are clothed with love ; While grace stands pointing out the road, That leads our souls above. o 6 His goodness runs an endless round ; All glory to the Lord ! His mercy never knows a bound ; And be his 2Same adored ! 7 [Thus we begin the lasting song : And when we close our eyes, Let the next age thy praise prolong, Till time and nature dies.] HYMN 59. C. M. St. Paul Hymn 2d. [*] Paradise on Earth. 1 1^1 LORY to God who walks the sky, VH~ And sends his blessings through ; Who tells his saints of joys on high, And gives a taste below. 2 [Glory to God, who stoops his throne, That dust and worms may see't; And brings a glimpse of glory down, Around his sacred feetT] 3 When Christ, with all his graces crowned, Sheds his kind beams abroad ; 'Tis a young heaven on earthly ground, And glory in the bud. o 4 A blooming paradise of joy In this wild desert springs ; And every sense I straight employ On sweet celestial things. 35 410 HYMN 69. Book II. 5 [White lilies all around appear, And each his glory shows : The rose of Sharon blossoms here, The fairest flower that blows. C Cheerful I feast on heavenly fruit, And bring the pleasures down, — Pleasures that flow hard by the foot Of the eternal throne.] e 7 But ah ! how soon my joys decay ! How soon my sins arise, And snatch the heavenly scene away From these lamenting eyes. e 8 When shall the time, dear Jesus, when, The shining day appear, That I shall leave these clouds of sin, And guilt and darkness here ? o 9 Up to the fields above the skies, My hasty feet would go ; o There everlasting flowers arise, There joys unwithering grow. HYMN 60. L. M. Green's. [*] The Truth of God the Promiscr. 1 T3RAISE, everlasting praise, be paid JL To him who earth's foundation laid : Praise to the God, whose strong decrees Sway the creation as he please. 2 Praise to the goodness of the Lord, Who rules his people by his word ; And there, as strong as his decrees, He sets his kindest promises. 3 (Firm are the words his prophets give, Sweet words, on which his children live ; Each of them is the voice of God, Who spoke, and spread the skies abroad.) o 4 [Each of them powerful as that sound, That bade the new-made world go round; And stronger than the solid poles, On which the wheel of nature rolls.] e 5 Whence then should doubts and fears arise ? Why trickling sorrows drown our eyes ? c Slowly, alas ! our mind receives The comforts that our Maker gives. Book II. IIYMX 01, 0-3. 411 — G Oil. for ■ Btrong, a lasting faith. To credit what the Almighty saith ; — To embrace the message of his Son. And call the joys of heaven our own. g 7 Then should the earth's old pillars shake, And ad the wheels of nature break; Our steady souls shall fear no more, Than solid rocks when billows roar. 8 [Our everlasting hopes arise Above the ruinable skies, — "Where the eternal Builder reigns, And his own courts his power sustains.] HYMN 01. CM. Isle of Wight, [b *] A Thought of Death and Glory. e 1 ~\|"Y soul, come meditate the day. — TJL And think how near it stands, When thou must quit this house of clay, And fly to unknown lands. p 2 (And you, mine eyes, look down and view The hollow gaping tomb ; This gloomy prison waits for you, Whene'er the summons come.) e 3 Oh ! could we die with those who die, And place us in their stead ; — Then would our spirits learn to fly, And converse with the dead. 4 Then should we see the saints above, In their own glorious forms ; And wonder why our souls should love To dwell with mortal worms. 5 [How we should scorn these clothes of flesh, These fetters, and this load. — And long for evening to undress, That we may rest with God.] o G We should almost forsake our clay, Before the summons come ; And pray and wish our souls away, To their eternal home. HYMN 02. C. M. [b] God the Thunderer* 1 [CJIXG to the Lord, ye heavenly hosts, k3 And thou, O earth, adore ;. * .Made in a great, sadden storm of thunder, Aug. 20, 1697. 412 HYMN 63, 64. Book II. Let death and hell, through all their coasts, Stand trembling- at his power. 2 His sounding chariots shake the sky, He makes the clouds his throne ; There all his stores of lightning lie, Till vengeance darts them down. 3 His nostrils breathe out fiery streams ; And, from his awful tongue, A sovereign voice divides the flames, And thunder rolls along. e 4 Think, O my soul, the dreadful day, When this incensed God Shall rend the sky, and burn the sea, And fling his wrath abroad ! 5 What shall the wretch, the sinner do ? He once defied the Lord ! But he shall dread the Thunderer now, And sink beneath his word. 6 Tempests of angry fire shall roll,. To blast the rebel worm, — And beat upon his naked soul In one eternal storm.] HYMN 63. C. M. Bishopsgate. [*] A Funeral Thottght. e 1 XX ARK ! from the tombs a doleful sound ! JLJL Mine ears attend the cry — d " Ye living men, come view the ground, " Where you must shortly lie. 2 " Princes, this clay must be your bed, " In spite of all your towers ; " The tall, the wise, the reverend head, " Must lie as low as ours." p 3 Great God ! is this our certain doom ? And are we still secure ! Still walking downwards to our tomb, And yet prepare no more ! — 4 Grant us the powers, of quickening grace, To fit our souls to fly ; o Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We'll rise above the sky. HYMN 64. L. M. Green's. All Saints. [*] God the Glory and Defence of Zion. 1 XXAPPY the church, thou sacred place, 11 The seat of thy Creator's grace ; Book II. HYMN 65, 66. 413 Thy holv courts are his abode, Thou earthly palace of our God. 2 Thy walls are strength, and at thy gates A guard of heavenly warriors waits; g Nor shall thy deep foundations move, Fixed on his counsels and his love. o 3 Thy foes in vain designs engage ; Against his throne in vain they rage ; Like rising waves with angry roar, That dash and die upon the shore. O 4 Then let our sculs in Zion dwell, Nor fear the wrath of Rome and hell : His arms embrace this happy ground, Like brazen bulwarks built around. s 5 God is our shield, and God our sun; Swift as the fleeting moments run, On us he sheds new beams of grace ; And we reflect his brightest praise. HYMN 65. C. M. Canterbury. [*] Hope of Heaven our Support on Earth. 1 "\~¥7"HEN I can read my title clear VV To mansions in the skies, 1 bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. 2 Should earth against my soul engage, And hellish darts be hurled ; Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares like a wild deluge come, And storms of sorrow fall ; May I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all : — 4 There shall I bathe my weary soul In seas of heavenly rest ; And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. HYMN 66. C. M. Sunday. [*] A Prospect of Heaven makes Death easy. 1 rriHERE is a land of pure delight, JL Where saints immortal reign ; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 35 * 414 HYMN 67. Book II. o 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers : e Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. b 3 (Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dressed in living green ; — So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. p 4 But timorous mortals start and shrink, To cross this narrow sea ; And linger, shivering on the brink, And fear to launch away.) — 5 Oh ! could we make our doubts remove, Those gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love, With unbeclouded eyes ! — 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er — o Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. HYMN 67. C. M. Arundel [*] God's eternal Dominion. e 1 f^ REAT God ! how infinite art thou \ e \IW What worthless worms are we ! g Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made : a Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead. — 3 Nature and time quite naked lie-, To thine immense survey, — From the formation of the sky, To the great burning day. g 4 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present in thy view ; To thee there's nothing old appears — Great God ! there's nothing new. e 5 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares ; g While thine eternal thoughts move on Thine undisturbed affairs. Book II. HYMN 08, 69. 415 a 6 Great God ! how infinite art thou ! a What worthless worms are we ! g Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee ! HYMN OS. C. M. Barby. St. Ann's. [*] The humble Worsliip of God. 1 T7*ATHER, I long, I faint to see JO The place of thine abode ; o I'd leave the earthly courts, and flee Up to thy seat, my God ! — 2 Here I behold thy distant face, And 'tis a pleasant sight ; o But. to abide in thine embrace, Is infinite delight. — 3 I'd part with all the joys of sense, To gaze upon thy throne ; Pleasure springs fresh forever thence, Unspeakable, unknown. o 4 There all the heavenly hosts are seen ; In shining ranks they move ; And drink immortal vigor in, With wonder and with love. p 5 Then at thy feet, with awful fear, Th' adoring armies fall : With joy they shrink to nothing there, Before th' eternal All. G [There would I vie with all the host, In duty and in bliss : While less than nothing — I could boast, And vanity — confess.] — 7 The more thy glories strike mine eyes, The humbler I shall lie ; Thus, while I sink, my joys shall rise Unmeasurably high. HYMN 69. C. M. Christinas. [*] The Faithfulness of God in the Promises. o 1 [TT3EGIN, my tongue, some heavenly theme, JD And speak some boundless thing, — g The mighty works, or mightier Name — Of our eternal King. — 2 Tell of his wondrous faithfulness, o And sound his power abroad ; 416 HYMN 70. Book II. e Sing the sweet promise of his grace, And the performing God. o 3 Proclaim — Salvation from the Lord, e For wretched, dying men ; — His hand has writ the sacred word, With an immortal pen. g 4 Engraved, as in eternal brass, The mighty promise shines ; Nor can the powers of darkness raze Those everlasting lines. e 5 He who can dash whole worlds to death, And make them when he please ! — o He speaks. — and that almighty breath Fulfills his great decrees. C (His very word of grace is strong, As that which built the skies ; The voice that rolls the stars along Speaks all the promises. d 7 He said, Let the wide heaven he spread, And heaven was stretched abroad ; Abraham-, Vll be thy God, he said, And he was Abra'ams God.) e 8 Oh, might I hear thy heavenly tongue But whisper, Thou art mine ! — Those gentle words should raise my song To notes almost divine. o 9 How would my leaping heart rejoice, And think my heaven secure ! o I trust the all-creating voice, And faith desires no more.] HYMN 70. L. M. [*] God's Dominion over the Sea. Psalm cvii. 23, &c. 1 [/^ OD of the seas, thy thundering voice VX Makes all the roaring waves rejoice ! And one soft word of thy command Can sink them silent in the sand. 2 If but a Moses waves his rod, The sea divides, and owns its God ; The stormy Hoods their Maker knew, And let his chosen armies through. 3 The scaly shoals amidst the sea To thee, their Lord, a tribute pay ; Book II. HYMN 71. 417 The meanest fish that swims the flood, Leaps up, and means a praise to God. 4 The larger monsters of the deep On thy commands attendance keep ; By thy permission, sport and play, And cleave along their foaming way. 5 If God his voice of tempest rears, Leviathan lies still, and fears : Anon he lifts his nostrils high, And spouts the ocean to the sky. G How is thy glorious power adored, Amidst these watery nations, Lord ; Yet the bold men that trace the seas, — Bold men refuse their Maker's praise. 7 What scenes of miracles they see. And never tune a song to thee ! While on the flood they safely ride, They curse the hand that smooths the tide ! 8 Anon they plunge in watery graves, And some drink death among the waves : Yet the surviving crew blaspheme, Nor own the GoH that rescued them ' 9 Oh, for some signal of thy hand ! Shake all the seas, Lord, shake the land : Great Judge ! descend, lest men deny That there's a God that rules the sky.] From the 70th to the 108th Hymn. I hope the reader will forgive the neglect of rhyme, in the first and third lines of the stanza. HYMN 71. C. M. Devizes. [*] Praise to God from all Creatures. 1 FTIHE glories of my Maker, God, JL My joyful voice shall sing; And call the nations to adore Their Former and their King. 2 'Twas his right hand that shaped our clay, And wrought this human frame ; But from his own immediate breath Our nobler spirits came. 3 We bring our mortal powers to God, And worship with our tongues \ 418 HYMN 72, 73. Book II. We claim some kindred with the skies, And join th' angelic songs. 4 Let grovelling beasts of every shape, And fowls of every wing, And rocks, and trees, and fires, and seas, Their various tribute bring. 5 Ye planets, to his honour shine, And wheels of nature roll ; Praise him in your unwearied course, Around the steady pole. C The brightness of our Maker's Name The wide creation fills ; And his unbounded grandeur flies Beyond the heavenly hills. HYMN 72. C. M. Sunday. [*] Lord's Day ; or, Resurrection of Christ. o 1 "|3LEST morning, whose young dawning rays -13 Beheld our rising God ; That saw him triumph o'er the dust, And leave his last abode, p 2 In the cold prison of a tomb, The great Redeemer lay — — Till the revolving skies had brought The third — th' appointed day. d 3 Hell and the grave unite their force, To hold our God in vain : o The sleeping Conqueror arose, o And burst their feeble chain, e 4 To thy great Name, almighty Lord, These sacred hours we pay ; o And loud Hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day. s 5 Salvation, and immortal praise, To our victorious King ; Let heaven and earth, and rocks and seas, With glad Hosannas ring. HYMN 73. C. M. Mear. [*] Doubts scattered : Joys restored. 1 TTENCE from my soul, sad thoughts, be gone, JLJL And leave me to my joys ; o My tongue shall triumph in my God, And make a 'oyful noise. Book II. HYMN 74, 75. 419 p 2 Darkness and doubts had veiled my mind, And drowned my head in tears; — Till sovereign grace, with shining rays, Dispelled my gloomy fears. o 3 Oh, what immortal joys I felt, And raptures nil divine, — "When Jesus told me I was his, And my Beloved mine ! — 4 In vain the tempter frights my soul, And breaks my peace in vain ; One glimpse, dear Saviour, of thy face Revives my joys again. HYMN 74. S. M. Guilford, [b] Ingratitude to Dicinc Goodness. e 1 TS this the kind return ! X Are these the thanks we owe ! Thus to abuse eternal Love, "Whence all our blessings flow ! e 2 To what a stubborn frame Has sin reduced our mind ! What strange, rebellious wretches we, And God as strangely kind ! — 3 (On us he bids the sun Shed his reviving rays : For us the skies their circles run, To lengthen out our days.) 4 The brutes obey their God, And bow their necks to men ; But we, more base, more brutish things, Reject his easy reign. d 5 Turn, turn us, mighty God, And mould our souls afresh ; Break, sovereign grace, these hearts of stone, And give us hearts of flesh. p 6 Let past ingratitude Provoke our weeping eyes ; — And hourly, as new mercies fall, o Let hourly thanks arise. HYMN 75. C. M. St. Anns. [*] The beatific Vision of Christ. 1 [Xj^ROM thee, my God, my joys shall rise, Jl And run eternal rounds — 420 HYMN 76. Book II. Bej'ond the limits of the skies, And all created bounds. £ 2 The holy triumphs of my soul Shall death itself outbrave, — Leave dull mortality behind, And fly beyond the grave. g 3 There, where my blessed Jesus reigns, In heaven's unmeasured space, — I'll spend a long eternity, In pleasure and in praise. 4 Millions of years, my wondering eyes Shall o'er thy beauties rove ; And endless ages I'll adore The glories of thy love. — 5 Sweet Jesus, every smile of thine Shall fresh endearments bring ; And thousand tastes of new delight, From all thy graces spring. o 6 Haste, my Beloved, fetch my soul Up to thy blest abode ; u Fly, for my spirit longs to see My Saviour, and my God.] HYMN 76. C. M. Mitcham. Sunday. [*] Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. 1 TTOSANNA to the Prince of light, -i-J- Who clothed himself in clay ! Entered the iron gates of death, And tore the bars away. 2 Death is no more the king of dread, Since our Emmanuel rose ; He took the tyrant's sting away, And spoiled our hellish foes. 3 See how the Conqueror mounts aloft, And to his Father flies, With scars of honour in his flesh, And triumph in his eyes. 4 There our exalted Saviour reigns, And scatters blessings down ; Our Jesus fills the middle seat Of the celestial throne. 5 (Raise your devotion, mortal tongues, To reach his blest abode ; Book II. HYMN 77, 78. 421 Sweet be the accents of your songs To our incarnate God. G Bright angels, strike your loudest strings, Your sweetest voices raise ; Let heaven, and all created things, Sound our Emmanuel's praise.) HYMN 77. L. M. Leech. Blendon. [*] The Christian Warfare. o 1 CJTAND up, my soul, shake off thy fears, ►3 And gird the gospel armour on ; March to the gates of endless joy. Where thy great Captain Saviour's gone. — 2 Hell and thy sins resist thy course ; o But hell and sin are vanquished foes : o Thy Jesus nailed them to the cross, And sung the triumph — when he rose. e 3 (What though the prince of darkness rage, And waste the fury of his spite ? d Eternal chains confine him down To fiery deeps and endless night. e 4 What though thine inward lust rebel ? 'Tis but a struggling gasp for life ; — The weapons of victorious grace Shall slay thy sins, and end the strife.) o 5 Then let my soul march boldly on, Press forward to the heavenly gate ; o There peace and joy eternal reign, And glittering robes for conquerors wait. s 6 There shall I wear a starry crown, And triumph in almighty grace ; While all the armies of the skies Join in my glorious Leader's praise. HYMN 78. C. M. Canterbury. [*] Redemption by Christ. 1 [~1T7~HEN the first parents of our race ▼ T Rebelled against their God, And the infection of their sin Had tainted all our blood ; — 2 Infinite pity touched the heart Of the eternal Son ; Descending from the heavenly court, He left his Father's throne. 36 422 HYMN 79. Book II. 3 Aside the Prince of glory threw His most divine array; And wrapped his Godhead in a veil Of our inferior clay. 4 His living power, and dying love, Redeemed unhappy men ! And raised the ruins of our race To life and God again. 5 To thee, dear Lord, our flesh and soul We joyfully resign ; Blest Jesus, take us for thy own, — For we are douhly thine. 6 Thy honour shall forever be The business of our days ; Forever shall our thankful tongues Speak thy deserved praise.] HYMN 79. C. M. Sunday. Christmas. [*] Praise to the Redeemer. p 1 T>LUNGED in a gulf of dark despair, JL We wretched sinners lay — Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day ! a 2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief; o He saw — and (O amazing love !) He ran to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste he fled, e Entered the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. o 4 He spoiled the powers of darkness thus, And brake our iron chains ; Jesus has freed our captive souls From everlasting pains. — 5 [In vain the baffled prince of hell His cursed projects tries ; We, who were doomed his endless slaves, Are raised above the skies.] s C Oh, for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break ; And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour's praises speak. Book II. HYMN 80, 81. 423 c 7 (Yes, we will praise thee, dearest Lord; — Our souls are all on flame : o Hosanna round the spacious earth To thine adored name.) u 8 Angels, assist our mighty joys ; Strike all your harps of gold ; — But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told. HYMN 80. S. M. Dover. [*] God's aicful Power and Goodness. 1 [/~\H ! the almighty Lord, \J How matchless is his power ! Tremble, O earth, beneath his word, — While all the heavens adore. 2 Let proud, imperious kings Bow low before his throne : Crouch to his feet, ye haughty things, Or he shall tread you 'down. 3 Above the skies he reigns ; And, with amazing blows, He deals insufferable pains On his rebellious foes. 4 Yet, everlasting God, We love to speak thy praise ; Thy sceptre's equal to thy rod, The sceptre of thy grace. 5 The arms of mighty love Defend our Zion well ; And heavenly mercy walls us round, From Babylon and hell. 6 Salvation to the King, Who sits enthroned above : Thus we adore the God of might, And bless the God of love.] HYMN 81. C. M. Windsor, [b] Our Sin the Cause of Christ's Death. 1 [ A ND now the scales have left mine eyes, _ljL Now I begin to see ; O the cursed deeds my sins have done ! What murderous things they be ! 2 Were these the traitors, dearest Lord, That thy fair body tore ? 424 HYMN 82, 83. Book II. Monsters — that stained those heavenly limbs With floods of purple gore ? 3 Was it for crimes that T had done, My dearest Lord was slain, — When justice seized God's only Son, And put his soul to pain ? 4 Forgive my guilt, O Prince of Peace ! I'll wound my God no more : Hence, from my heart, ye sins, be gone, For Jesus I adore. 5 Furnish me, Lord, with heavenly arms From grace's magazine ; And I'll proclaim eternal war With every darling sin.] HYMN 82. C. M. Mear. [*] Triumph over Spiritual Enemies. 1 k RISE, my soul, my joyful powers, jljL And triumph in my God ; Awake, my voice, and loud proclaim His glorious grace abroad. 2 He raised me from the deeps of sin, The gates of gaping hell ; And fixed my standing more secure, Than 'twas before I fell. 3 The arms of everlasting love Beneath my soul he placed ; And on the rock of ages set My slippery footsteps fast. 4 The city of my blest abode Is walled around with grace ; Salvation for a bulwark stands, To shield the sacred place. 5 Satan may vent his sharpest spite, And all his legions roar ; Almighty mercy guards my life, And bounds his raging power. o 6 Arise, my soul, awake, my voice, And tunes of pleasure sing ; o Loud hallelujahs shall address My Saviour and my King. HYMN 83. C. M. Mear. [*] The Passion and Exaltation of Christ. d 1 [FT1HUS saith the Ruler of the skies, JL Awake, my dreadful sicord : Book II. HYMN 84. 425 .iicakc. my icrath. and smite the Man, My Filiate, saith the Lord. — 2 Vengeance received the dread command, And armed down she dies ; e Jesus submits to his Fathers hand, a And bows his head— and dies, o 3 But, oh ! the wisdom and the grace, That join with vengeance now ! c He dies to save our guilty race ; o And yet he rises too. — i A person so divine was he, Who yielded to be slain. That he could give his soul away, And take his life again. o 5 Live, glorious Lord, and reign on high, Let every nation sing ; g And angels sound, with endless joy, The Saviour and the King.] HYMN 64. S. M. Watchman. [*] Tfie Passion and Exaltation of Christ. 1 /^lOME, all harmonious tongues, V_y Your noblest music bring ; 'Tis Christ, the everlasting God, And Christ, the man, we sing. 2 Tell how he took our flesh, To take away our guilt ! Sing the dear drops of sacred blood, That hellish monsters spilt. b 3 [Alas ! the cruel spear Went deep into his side, And the rich flood of purple gore The murderous weapon dyed. 4 The waves of swelling grief Did o'er his bosom roll ; And mountains of almighty wrath Lay heavy on his soul.] a 5 Down to the shades of death, He bowed his awful head : o Yet he arose to live, and reign, When death itself is dead. — 6 No more the bloody spear, The cross and nails no more ; d For hell itself shakes at his name, And all the heavens adore. 36* 426 HYMN 85, 86. Book II. — 7 There the Redeemer sits, High on the Father's throne ; e The Father lays his vengeance by, And smiles upon his Son. g 8 There his full glories shine, With uncreated rays ; And bless his saints' and angels' eyes To everlasting days. HYMN 85. C. M. Canterbury. St. Ann's. [*] Sufficiency of Pardon. e 1 "VX7TIY does your face, ye humble souls, T t Those mournful colours wear ? What doubts are these that waste your faith, And nourish your despair ? — 2 What though your numerous sins exceed The stars that fill the skies — And aiming at th' eternal throne, Like pointed mountains rise ? 3 What though your mighty guilt beyond The wide creation swell ; And have its cursed foundations laid Low as the deeps of hell ? — e 4 See, here an endless ocean flows Of never-failing grace ; Behold a dying Saviour's veins The sacred flood increase. o 5 It rises high, and drowns the hills, Has neither shore nor bound ; — Now if we search to find our sins, Our sins can ne'er be found. o C Awake, our hearts, adore the grace, That buries all our faults ; And pardoning blood, that swells above Our follies and our thoughts. HYMN 86. C. M. China, [b] Freedom from, Sin and Misery, in Heaven. p 1 [/^VUR sins, alas ! how strong they be ! \-J And like a violent sea, They break our duty, Lord, to thee, And hurry us away, d 2 The waves of trouble, how they rise ! How loud the tempests roar ' Book II. HYMN 87, S3. 427 e But death shall land our weary souls, Safe, on the heavenly shore. 3 There, to fulfill his sweet commands, Our speedy feet shall move : No sin shall clog our winged zeal, Or cool our burning love. o 4 There shall we sit, and sing and tell The wonders of his grace ; Till heavenly raptures fire our hearts, And smile in every face. —5 Forever, his dear, sacred name Shall dwell upon our tongue ; o And Jesus and salvation be The close of every song.] HYMN 87. C. M. Arundel Bedford. [*] The Divine Glories above our Reason. e 1 T TOW wondrous great, how glorious bright, XX Must our Creator be — Who dwells amidst the dazzling light Of vast infinity. — 2 Our soaring spirits upward rise, Toward the celestial throne : e Fain would we see the blessed Three, And the almighty One. — 3 Our reason stretches all its wings, And climbs above the skies ; e But still how far beneath thy feet, Our grovelling reason lies ! a 4 Lord, here we bend our humble souls, And awfully adore : For the weak pinions of our mind Can stretch a thought no more. g 5 Thy glories infinitely rise Above our labouring tongue ; In vain the highest seraph tries To form an equal song, e 6 In humble notes our faith adores The great, mysterious King ; o While angels strain their nobler powers, And sweep th' immortal string. HYMN S3. C. M. Doxology. Devizes. [*] Salvation. 1 SALVATION ! O the joyful sound ! O 'Tis pleasure to our ears ; 428 HYMN 89, 90. Book II. A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. e 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay ; — o But we arise, by grace divine, To see a heavenly day. s 3 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around ; g While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. HYMN 89. C. M. Mear. [*] Christ's Victory over Satan. 1 TTOSANNA to our conquering King ! 11 The prince of darkness flies: His troops rush headlong down to hell, Like lightning from the skies. e 2 There, bound in chains, the lions roar, And fright the rescued sheep ; — But heavy bars confine their power And malice to the deep. o 3 Hosanna to our conquering King ; All hail, incarnate Love ! Ten thousand songs and glories wait, To crown thy head above, s 4 Thy victories and thy deathless fame Through the wide world shall run ; And everlasting ages sing The triumphs thou hast won. HYMN 90. C. M. Colchester. [*] Pardon and Sanctijication in Christ. e 1 TTQW sad our state by nature is ! JCX Our sin, how deep it stains ! e And Satan binds our captive minds, Fast in his slavish chains. o 2 But there's a voice of sovereign grace3 Sounds from the sacred word ; d " Ho ! ye despairing sinners, come, " And trust upon the Lord." o 3 My soul obeys th' almighty call, And runs to this relief; — 1 would believe thy promise, Lord ; e Oh ! help my unbelief. Book II. HYMN 91. 429 4 [To the dear fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God, I fly ; Here let me wash my spotted soul From crimes of deepest dye. — 5 Stretch out thine arm, victorious King, My reigning sins subdue ; Drive the old Dragon from his seat, With all his hellish crew.] p 6 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall : — Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus, and my All. HYMN 91. C. M. Hymn 2d. St. Aim's. [*] Tlie Glory of Christ in Heaven. 1 /~VH. the delights, the heavenly joys, \J The glories of the place, Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams Of his o'erfiowing grace ! 2 Sweet majesty and awful love Sit smiling on his brow ; And all the glorious ranks above At humble distance bow. 3 [Princes to his imperial name Bend their bright sceptres down ; Dominions, thrones, and powers rejoice, To see him wear the crown. 4 Archangels sound his lofty praise, Through every heavenly street; And lay their highest honours down, Submissive, at his feet.'] c 5 Those soft, those blessed feet of his, That once rude iron tore — o High on a throne of light they stand, And all the saints adore. e 6 His head, the dear majestic head, That cruel thorns did wound — o See — what immortal glories shine, And circle it around ! — 7 This is the Man, th' exalted Man, Whom we, unseen, adore ; But when our eyes behold his face, Our hearts shall love him more. 430 HYMN 92. Book IT. 8 [Lord, how our souls are all on fire. To see thy blest abode ; Our tongues rejoice in tunes of praise To our incarnate God.] 9 And while our faith enjoys this sight, We long to leave our clay ; And wish thy fiery chariots, Lord, To fetch our souls away. HYMN 92. C. M. Arundel [*] The Church sated, and her Enemies disappointed. 1 [OHOUT to the Lord, and let our joys C3 Through the whole nation run ; Ye western skies, resound the noise Beyond the rising sun. 2 Thee, mighty God, our souls admire, Thee our glad voices sing ; And join with the celestial choir, To praise th' eternal King. 3 Thy power the whole creation rules, And, on the starry skies, Sits smiling at the weak designs, Thine envious foes devise. 4 Thy scorn derides their feeble rage, And with an awful frown, Flings vast confusion on their plots, And shakes their Babel down. 5 (Their secret fires in caverns lay, And we the sacrifice ; But gloomy caverns strove in vain, To 'scape all-searching eyes. 6 Their dark designs were all revealed, Their treasons all betrayed ; Praise to the Lord, that broke the snare Their cursed hands had laid.) 7 In vain the busy sons of hell Still new rebellions try : Their souls shall pine with envious rage, And vex away and die. 8 Almighty grace defends our land, From their malicious power ; Then let us, with united songs, Almighty grace adore.] Book II. HYMN 93, 94. 431 HYMN 93. S. M. Bingham. Newton. [*] God all and in all. Psalm lxxii. 25. 1 1VTY God, my life, my love, IT J. To thee, to thee I call ; I cannot live, if thou remove, For thou art all in all. 2 Thy shining grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell ; 'Tis paradise, when thou art here; If thou depart, 'tis hell. 3 [The smilings of thy face, How amiable they are ! 'Tis heaven to rest in thine embrace ; And no where else but there. 4 To thee, and thee alone, The angels owe their bliss ; They sit around thy gracious throne, And dwell where Jesus is.] . 5 Not all the harps above Can make a heavenly place, If God his residence remove, Or but conceal his face. 6 Nor earth, nor all the sky, Can one delight afford ; No, not a drop of real joy, Without thy presence, Lord. 7 Thou art the sea of love, Where all my pleasures roll ; The circle where my passions move, And centre of my soul. 8 [To thee my spirits fly, With infinite desire ; And yet, how far from thee I lie ! Dear Jesus, raise me higher.] HYMN 94. C. M. St. Ann's. Abridge. [*] God my only Happiness. Ps. lxxiii. 25. 1 1VTY God. my portion, and my love, J-TA My everlasting All, I've none but thee in heaven above, Or on this earthly ball. 2 What empty things are all the skies ! And this inferior clod ! 432 HYMN 95. Book II, There's nothing here deserves my joys, There's nothing like my God. 3 [In vain the bright, the burning sun Scatters his feeble light: 'Tis thy sweet beams create my noon ; If thou withdraw, 'tis night. 4 And whilst upon my restless bed, Amongst the shades I roll ; If my Redeemer shows his head, 'Tis morning to my soul.] 5 To thee we owe our wealth and friends, And health, and safe abode ; Thanks to thy Name for meaner things, But they are not my God. 6 How vain a toy is glittering wealth, If once compared to thee ! Or what's my safety or my health, Or all my friends to me ? 7 Were I possessor of the earth, And called the stars my own ; Without thy graces and Thyself, I were a wretch undone. 8 Let others stretch their arms like seas, And grasp in all the shore ; Grant me the visits of thy face, And I desire no more. HYMN 95. C. M. Bishopsgate. [b] Looking on him whom ice pierced. p 1 TNFINITE grief! amazing woe ! — JL Behold my bleeding Lord ! — — Hell and the Jews conspired his death, And used the Roman sword. p 2 Oh, the sharp pangs of smarting pain, My dear Redeemer bore — When knotty whips, and ragged thorns, His sacred body tore. — 3 But knotty whips, and ragged thorns, In vain do I accuse ; In vain I blame the Roman bands, And the more spiteful Jews. e 4 'Twere you, my sins, my cruel sins, His chief tormentors were ; Book II. HYMN 96, 97. 433 Each of my crimes became a nail, And unbelief a spear. 5 "Twere you that pulled the vengeance down Upon his guiltless head : o Break, break, my heart, oh, burst, mine eyes, e And let my sorrows bleed. o 6 Strike, mighty grace, my flinty soul, Till melting waters flow ! And deep repentance drown mine eyes In undissembled woe. HYMN 96. C. M. Isle of Wight, [b *] Angels punished, and Man saved. 1 TP\OWN headlong from their native skies, JLJ The rebel angels fell ; o And thunder-bolts of flaming wrath Pursued them deep to hell. 2 Down from the top of earthly bliss, Rebellious man was hurled ; e And Jesus stooped beneath the grave, To reach a sinking world. o 3 Oh, love of infinite degree ! Unmeasurable grace ! e Must heaven's eternal Darling die, To save a traitorous race ? p 4 Must angels sink forever down, And burn in quenchless fire — — While God forsakes his shining throne, To raise us wretches higher ? s 5 Oh. for this love, let earth and skies "With hallelujahs ring ; And the full choir of human tongues All hallelujahs sing. HYMN 97. L. M. Psalm 97th. [b *] The same. e 1 LI ROM heaven the sinning angels fell, a JC And wrath and darkness chained them down J e But man, vile man, forsook his bliss — o And mercy lifts him to a crown, g 2 Amazing work of sovereign grace, That could distinguish rebels so ; e Our guilty treason called aloud For everlasting fetters too. 37 434 HYMN 98, 99. Book II. o 3 To thee, to thee, almighty Love, Our souls, ourselves, our all we pay ; s Millions of tongues shall sound thy praise, On the bright hills of heavenly day. HYMN 98. C. M. Windsor. Wantage, [b] Hardness of Heart complained of. 1 ~|VB~Y heart, how dreadful hard it is ! j_t_I_ How heavy here it lies ! Heavy and cold within my breast, Just like a rock of ice ! 2 Sin, like a raging tyrant, sits Upon this flinty throne ; And every grace lies buried deep. Beneath this heart of stone. 3 How seldom do I rise to God, Or taste the joys above ! This mountain presses down my faith, And chills my flaming love. 4 When smiling mercy courts my soul, With all its heavenly charms ; This stubborn, this relentless thing, Would tbrust it from my arms. 5 Against the thunders of thy word, Rebellious I have stood ; My heart — it shakes not at the wrath, And terrors, of a God. C Dear Saviour, steep this rock of mine In thine own crimson sea ! None but a bath of blood divine, Can melt the flint away. HYMN 99. C. M. Bedford, [b *] TJie Book of God's Decrees. p 1 [T ET the whole race of creatures lie, .1 A Abased, before their God : — Whate'er his sovereign voice has formed He governs with a nod. e 2 (Ten thousand ages ere the skies Were into motion brought, — All the long years and worlds to come Stood present to his thought. — 3 There's not a sparrow, nor a worm, But's found in his decrees ; Book II. HYMN 100. 435 o He raises monarcbs to their thrones, t And sinks them as he please.) o 4 If light attends the course I run, 'Tis he provides those rays : e And 'tis his hand that hides my sun, If darkness clouds my days. — 5 Yet I could not be much concerned, X'>r vainly long to see The volumes of his deep decrees, What months are writ for me. c 6 When he reveals the book of life, Oh. may I read my name o Amongst the chosen of his love, The followers of the Lamb.] HYMN 100. L. M. Carthage, [b] Presence of Christ the Life of my Soul. 1 [TTOW full of anguish is the thought, — JLJL How it distracts and tears my heart. — If God at last, my sovereign Judge, Should frown, and bid my soul — depart! 2 Lord, when I quit this earthly stage, Where shall I fly — but to thy breast ? For I have sought no other home : For I have learned no other rest. 3 I cannot live contented here, Without some glimpses of thy face ; And heaven, without thy presence there, Will be a dark and tiresome place. 4 When earthly cares engross the day, And hold my thoughts aside from thee, The shining hours of cheerful light Are long and tedious years to me. 5 And if no evening visit's paid Between my Saviour and my soul, How dull the night ! how sad the shade ! How mournfully the minutes roll ! 6 This flesh of mine might learn as soon To live, yet part with all my blood ; To breathe, when vital air is gone, Or thrive and grow without my food. 7 (Christ is my light, my life, my care, My blessed hope, my heavenly prize ; Dearer than all my passions are, My limbs, my bowels, or my eyes. 436 HYMN 101, 103. Book II. 8 The strings that twine about my heart, Tortures and racks may tear them off; But they can never, never part With their dear hold of Christ, my Love.) 9 My God — and can an humble child, Who loves thee with a flame so high, Be ever from thy face exiled, Without the pity of thine eye ? 10 Impossible ! — For thine own hands Have tied my heart so fast to thee ; And in thy book the promise stands, That where thou art, thy friends must be.] HYMN 101. C. M. Bangor. [*] The World's three chief Temptations. 1 [\TjTHEN, in the light of faith divine, W We look on things below, — Honour, and gold, and sensual joy, How vain and dangerous too ! 2 (Honour's a puff of noisy breath ; Yet men expose their blood, And venture everlasting death, To gain that airy good. 3 While others starve the nobler mind, And feed on shining dust ; They rob the serpent of his food, To indulge a sordid lust.) 4 The pleasures that allure our sense Are dangerous snares to souls ; There's but a drop of flattering sweet, And dashed with bitter bowls. 5 God is mine all-sufficient good, My portion and my choice ; In him my vast desires are filled, And all my powers rejoice. 6 In vain the world accosts my ear, And tempts my heart anew ; I cannot buy your bliss so dear, Nor part with heaven for you.] HYMN 102. L. M. Armley. [b *] A Happy Resurrection. I 1\]"C>, I'll repine at death no more, J. 1 But with a cheerful gasp resign, Book II. HYMN 103. 437 To the cold dungeon of the grave, These dying, withering limbs of mine. e 2 Let worms devour my wasting flesh, And crumble all my bones to dust : — o My God shall raise my frame anew, At the revival of the just. s 3 Break, sacred morning, through the skies, ■ — Bring that delightful — dreadful day ; o Cut short the hours, dear Lord, and come ; e Thy lingering wheels — how long they stay ! 4 [Our wearied spirits faint to see The light of thy returning face ; And hear the language of those lips, Where God has shed his richest grace. o 5 Haste then upon the wings of love, Rouse all the pious, sleeping clay ; That we may join in heavenly joys, And sing the triumphs of the day.] HYMN 103. C. M. St. Ann's. [*] Christ's Commissio)i. John iii. 16, 17. 1 [/^lOME. happy souls, approach your God, \y With new melodious songs ; Come, tender to almighty grace The tributes of your tongues, c 2 So strange, so boundless was the love, That pitied dyinu men. The Father sent his equal Son, To give them life again. — 3 Thy hands, dear Jesus, were not armed With a revenging rod ; No hard commission to perform The vengeance of a God. e 4 But all was mercy, all was mild, And wrath forsook the throne, o When Christ on the kind errand came, And brought salvation down. ■ — 5 Here, sinners, you may heal your wounds, And wipe your sorrows dry; o Trust in the mighty Saviour's name, And you shall never die. c G See, dearest Lord, our willing souls Accept thine offered grace ; 37 * 438 HYMN 104, 105. Book II. o We bless the great Redeemer's love, o And give the Father praise.] HYMN 104. S. M. PecJcham. [*] Christ's Mediation. *B AISE your triumphant songs To an immortal tune ; o Let the wide earth resound the deeds, Celestial grace has done. o 2 Sing how Eternal Love Its chief Beloved chose ; And bade him raise our ruined race, From their abyss of woes. — 3 His hand no thunder bears, No terror clothes his brow ; No bolts to drive our guilty souls To fiercer flames below. c 4 'Twas mercy filled the throne, And wrath stood silent by — When Christ was sent with pardons down, To rebels doomed to die. o 5 Now, sinners, dry your tears, Let hopeless sorrow cease ; d Bow to the sceptre of his love, And take the offered peace, e 6 Lord, we obey thy call ; — We lay an humble claim To the salvation thou hast brought ; o And love and praise thy name. HYMN 105. C. M. Reading, [b] Repentance jloicing from Divine Patience, e 1 A ND are we wretches yet alive ! jljL And do we yet rebel ! e 'Tis boundless — 'tis amazing love, — That bears us up from hell ! 2 The burden of our weighty guilt Would sink us down to flames ; And threatening vengeance rolls above, To crush our feeble frames. d 3 Almighty goodness cries — Forbear ! And strait the thunder stays : e And dare we now provoke his wrath, And weary out his grace ? Book II. HYMN 106, 107. 439 p 4 Lord, we have long abused thy love, Too long indulged our sin ; Our aching hearts e'en bleed to see What rebels we have been. o 5 No more, ye lusts, shall ye command, No more will we obey ; Stretch out, O God, thy conquering hand, And drive thy foes away. HYMN 106. C. M. Isle of Wight. Bangor, [b] Repentance at the Cross. p 1 /\H, if my soul was formed for woe, v^ How would I vent my sighs ! Repentance should like rivers flow, From both my streaming eyes. 2 'Twas for my sins, my dearest Lord Hung on the cursed tree. — And groaned away a dying life, For thee, my soul, for thee. — 3 Oh, how I hate these lusts of mine, That crucified my God ; Those sins, that pierced and nailed his flesh, Fast to the fatal wood. d 4 Yes, my Redeemer, they shall die ! My heart has so decreed ; Nor will I spare the guilty things, That made my Saviour bleed. e 5 Whilst with a melting, broken heart, My murdered Lord I view, o I'll raise revenge against my sins, And slay the murderers too. HYMN 107. C. M. Windsor. [*] Everlasting Absence of God intolerable. 1 f | THAT awful day will surely come, _I_ Th' appointed hour makes haste — When 1 must stand before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. e 2 Thou lovely Chief of all my joys, Thou Sovereign of my heart, How could I bear to hear thy voice d Pronounce the sound, Depart! e 3 The thunder of that dismal word Would so distress my ear, 440 HYMN 108. Book II. a 'Twould tear my soul asunder, Lord, With most tormenting fear. p 4 What — to be banished for my life, And yet forbid to die ! To linger in eternal pain, Yet death forever fly ! a 5 Oh, wretched state of deep despair, To see my God remove — And fix my doleful station where I must not taste his love ! C [Jesus, I throw my arms around, And hang upon thy breast ; Without a gracious smile from thee, My spirit cannot rest.] o 7 Oh ! tell me that my worthless name Is graven on thy hands ; Show me some promise in thy book, Where my salvation stands. 8 [Give me one kind, assuring word, To sink my fears again ; And cheerfully my soul shall wait Her threescore years and ten.] HYMN 108. C. M. St. Asaph's. [*] Access to the Throne of Grace by a Mediator. 1 S~^i OME, let us lift our joyful eyes Vy Up to the courts above ; And smile to see our Father there, Upon a throne of love. e 2 Once 'twas a seat of dreadful wrath, And shot devouring flame ; Our God appeared consuming fire, And Vengeance was his name. — 3 Rich were the drops of Jesus' blood, That calmed his frowning face ; That sprinkled o'er his burning throne, And turned the wrath to grace. o 4 Now we may bow before his feet, And venture near the Lord ; No fiery cherub guards his seat, Nor double flaming sword. — 5 The peaceful gates of heavenly bliss Are opened by the Son ; Book II. HYMN 109, 110. 441 o High let us raise our notes of praise, And reach th' almighty throne, s G To thee, ten thousand thanks we bring, Great Advocate on high ; And glory to th* eternal King, Who lays his fury by. HYMN 109. L. M. Islington, [b] The Darkness of Providence. 1 [~"jT ORD. we adore thy vast designs, I A Th' obscure abyss of Providence ! p Too deep to sound with mortal lines, — Too dark to view with feeble sense. e 2 Now thou array 'st thine awful face h\ angry frowns, without a smile : — We, through the cloud, believe thy grace, Secure of thy compassion still. 3 Through seas, and storms of deep distress, We sail by faith, and not by sight , Faith guides us in the wilderness, Through all the briers and the night. e 4 Dear Father, if thy lifted rod Resolve to scourge us here below ; — Still we must lean upon our God, o Thine arm shall bear us safely through.] HYMN 110. S.M. Aylesbury. Kibworth. [*] Deatk and the Resurrection, a 1 A ND must this body die ? J73L This mortal frame decay ? a And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in the clay ? — 2 Corruption, earth, and worms, Shall but refine this flesh ; o Till my triumphant spirit comes, To put it on afresh. — 3 God my Redeemer lives, And often from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust — Till he shall bid it rise, o 4 Arrayed in glorious grace, Shall these vile bodies shine ; And every shape, and every face, Look heavenly and divine. 442 HYMN 111, 112. Book II. — 5 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love ; We would adore his grace below, And sing his power above. G Dear Lord, accept the praise Of these our humble songs ; o Till tunes of nobler sound we raise, With our immortal tongues. HYMN 111. C. M. Mitcham. [*] God's Dominion, and our Deliverance. 1 [ f ' £ ION, rejoice, and, Judah, sing; & A The Lord assumes his throne : Come, let us own the heavenly King, And make his glories known. 2 The great, the wicked, and the proud, From their high seats are hurled ; Jehovah rides upon a cloud, And thunders through the world. 3 He reigns upon th' eternal hills, Distributes mortal crowns ; Empires are fixed beneath his smiles, And totter at his frowns. 4 Navies, that rule the ocean wide, Are vanquished by his breath : And legions, armed with power and pride, Descend to watery death. 5 Let tyrants make no more pretence To vex our happy land ; Jehovah's name is our defence ; Our buckler is his hand. G Still may the King of Grace descend, To rule us by his word ; And all the honours we can give Be offered to the Lord.] HYMN 112. L. M. Oporto. [*] Angels ministering to Christ and Saints. 1 /^ RE AT God ! to what a glorious height VX Hast thou advanced the Lord thy Son ! Angels, in all their robes of light, Are made the servants of his throne. e 2 Before his feet thine armies wait, o And swift as flames of fire they move, BooklL HYMN 113. 443 — To manage Ins affairs of state. In works of vengeance — and of love. 3 [His orders run through all the hosts ; Legions descend at his command, To shield and ouard our native coasts, When foreign rage invades our land.] o 4 Now they are sent t<>