FROM THE UIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY pivimo. ^CC^ ^::^^Ot^^t.'t_jt^ \^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from^ Calvin College Church Hymnal. ^ NOV 11 1936 ' Compiieb ttn5 arranged bg n Qtommittee apijoiuteb bg tlje J3i6i)op of iHontreal. yv CViiArCi t 6\ E r\ ff houses |)oint, I!, t)., JOHN W. LOVELL, PUBLISHER; AND SOLD BY JOHN LOVELL, MONTREAL. 1877. This Hymnal, compiled by the following Committee, appointed by the Bishop of Montreal, who acted as Chairman at all its sittings, is recommended for use in the Diocese of Montreal. THE REV. canon BANCROFT, " " " BALDWIN, " *' J. CONSTANTINE, " " J. FULTON, " " D. LINDSAY, " " R, W. NORMAN A. MONTREAL. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. The musical portion of this Hymnal has been compiled by a Committee of Clergj-men and Laymen, representing several of the Anglican Churches of Montreal. The majority of the tunes have been selected from the following well-known works : — " Hymns Ancient and Modern," (Monk) ; " Church Hymnal," (Sullivan); "Hymnal," (Tucker); "Hymnal," (Goodrich and Gilbert); " Hymnal Companion," (Bickersteth); " Hymnary," (Barnby) ; &c. The collection contains also a large number of original compositions kindly contributed by friends. Rouses Point, 21st Nov., 1877 TABLE OF SUBJECTS. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR: Hymns. Advent " . . . i- i6 Christmas . . 17-28 Old and New Year 29- 36 Circumcision 37- 3S Epiphany 39- 50 Lent 51- 69 Palm Sunday and Week before Easter . . . 70- 82 Good Friday 83- 89 Easter Eve 90- 92 Easter 93-104 Ascension 105-112 Whitsuntide 11 3-1 24 Trinity Sunday 125--133 The Lord's Day 134-144 Ember Days ......... 145-152 Rogation Days . 153-157 Saints' Days • . . . 158-180 The Communion of Saints 181-183 The Church 184-199 THE SACRAMENTS: The Lord's Supper . . . . . . . . 200-210 Baptism 211-217 OFFICES OF THE CHURCH: Confirmation 218-225 Matrimony 226-228 Burial of the Dead 229-237 For use at Sea 238-242 For Those at Sea 243-244 Laying of a Corner Stone 245-247 Church Dedication 248-250 3 TABLE OF SUBJECTS, MISSIONS : Hymns. Missions 251-266 Parochial Mission Services 267-279 Almsgiving ; . . 280-283 SPECIAL SEASONS: National Thanksgiving ....... 284-286 Harvest 287-292 National Humiliation . . . . . . . 293-296 MORNING 297-305 EVENING 306-323 FOR THE CLOSE OF THE WEEK 324 HOLY SCRIPTURE 325-330 REDEMPTION 33I-35I THE CHRISTIAN LIFE; Faith . Prayer Praise . Love Joy Humility Peace . Self-Consecration Resignation Hope . Action CHRISTIAN UNITY FOR QUEEN AND COUNTRY IN TIME OF CATTLE PLAGUE PUBLIC WORSHIP . TIMES OF AFFLICTION PRIVATE FOR CHILDREN THE JUDGMENT HEAVEN GENERAL . 352-362 363-375 376-405 406-^ 1 1 412-414 415-417 418-423 424-427 428-433 434-439 440-446 447-450 451-452 453 454-462 463-476 477-483 484-498 499-502 503-516 5 1 7-549 HYMNS. I. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. ADVENT. Xt Hblmsley. , Lively FIRST TUNE. Rev. M. Madan. Lo, He comes, with clouds descending, Once for favor'd sinners slain ; Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train ; Hallelujah ! God appears on earth to reign. Every eye shall now behold Him, Rob'd in dreadful majesty; Those who set at nought and sold Him, Pierc'd and nail'd Himto the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. Now redemption, long expected, See in solemn pomp appear : All His saints by men rejected, Now shall meet him in the air: Hallelujah ! See the day of God appear. Yea,- Amen ; let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne : Saviour, take the power and glory ; Claim the kingdom for Thine own. O come quickly ; Hallelujah ! Come, Lord, come ! 1. St. Thomas. ADVENT. SECOND TUNE. V. NOTELLO. Lo, He comes, with clouds descending, Once for favor'd sinners slain ; Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train ; Hallelujah ! God appears on earth to reign. Every eye shall now behold Him, Robed in dreadful majesty ; Those who set at nouj^ht and sold Him, Pierced and nail'd Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. Now redemption, long expected, See in solemn pomp appear : All His saints by men rejected. Now shall meet Him in the air : Hallelujah ! See the day of God appear. Yea, Amen ; let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne : Saviour, take the power and glory ; Claim the kingdom for Thine own. O come quickly ; Hallelujah ! Come, Lord, come ! Amen. ADVENT. 2. Childhood. With spirit. CM. Eev. C. J. DicKUfsOH. m :^ ?2: >^' J'j,^^,,^ s; ■(c? f^ :^ ?2=?2: :?2: ?=: a r-^ :^ :s2^:pzz^ ^FF fe-rJ-^ s ^ :^ -rzJ- i^zsi ^^^ :^ 22: 3 ;^"57^ -^fSt\ ~7^' -& I I I I I I I --.-4ts-r^-~ ill. I ' ' W-^- :tz: S^S: :^: 9-^- V -^-A-A- iia:-£3i=3EaE^_=F3 e^i 2 It i 1 I I -iS- S2Z(Bg: i I -m.-^--. I I zEzzzziz^E^tzEitdztzztzztdztzztdzzzzrEEEr pa Fear not, thou daughter of Zion, He Cometh, He cometh, thy King! He cometh in lowly greatness, Lift up thy voice and sing ! He hast'neth with love and blessing ; With glory and light to thee ; 'Tis the day of the great salvation, This year of jubilee. As the Prince of Peace He cometh. The desire of the nations He ; As the Bridegroom He appeareth At midnight ; awake and see. He cometh to spoil the spoiler, To avenge and judge and reign ; He cometh to bind the strong one In His eternal chain. He came once in shame and weakness As the bearer of human sin ; He cometh in royal splendour His kingdom to begin. He hath gone to receive His sceptre; He returns as the crowned King; Break forth, O creation, in triumph, Lift up thy voice and sing ' N. B.— The verses being dissimilar in accent, it will be necessary to change the music accordingly ; small notes have been given where practicable. — Eds. ADVENT. p. R. Maclagax, Mrs. Doc. Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart, Star of the coming day ! Arise, and with Thy morning beams Chase all our griefs away ! Come, blessed Lord ! let every shore And answering island sing The praises of Thy royal name, And own Thee as their King. Bid the whole earth, responsive now To the bright world above, Break forth in rapt'rous strains of joy In mem'ry of thy love. Lord ! Lord ! Thy fair creation groans,- The air, the earth, the sea. In unison with all our hearts, — And calls aloud for Thee. 12 Thine was tlie Cross, with all its fruits Of grace and peace divine : Be Thine the crown of glory now, The palm of vict'ry Thine ! AD VENT. LAlfCASHIBE. 7.6.D. Henky Smart. %;^z=:jq:iil^ ^^q — | — hI-«>-^ 1 1 — ^-| ^-H- 1 'J , I I I J , I II ^'^^"- Ez^=Ep: :p=p:=?El r How long, O Lord, our Saviour, Wilt Thou remain away ? Our hearts are growing weary Of Thy so lorg delay. Oh, when shall come the moment When, brighter far than mom, The sunshine of Thy glory Shall on Thy people dawn ? How long, O heavenly Bridegroom, How long wilt Thou delay ? And yet how few are grieving That Thou dost absent stay ! The bridal train their vigil And calling have forgot, And seek for ease and slumber, Where Thou, their Lord, art not. Oh, wake Thy slumbering virgins, Send forth the solemn cry, Let all the saints repeat it — " The Bridegroom draweth nigh! " May all our lamps be burning, Our loins well girded be. Each longing heart preparing With joy Thy face to see. Amen. 13 AD VENT. W. B. Gilbert, Mrs. Bac. See, the ransom'd millions stand, Palms of conquest in their hand ; This before the Throne their strain ; " Hell is vanquish'd ; death is slain ; Blessing, honor, glory, might. Are the Conqueror's native right; Thrones and powers before Him fall; Lamb of God, and Lord of all I " 11 Hasten, Lord ! the promised hour; Come in glory and in power; Still Thy foes are unsubdued; Nature sighs to be rencw'd; Time has nearly rcach'd its sum. All things with Thy Bride say. Come ; Jesus, whom all worlds adore. Come, and reign for evermore ! Amen. St. Johit. ADVENT. S.M. A. King. std: ■^-P'" Come, Lord, and tarry not ; Bring the long looked for day ; Oh ! why these years of waiting here These ages of delay ? Come, for thy saints still wait ; Daily ascends their sigh ; The Spirit and the bride say, Come ! Dost thou not hear the cry ? Come, for Thy Israel pines An exile from Thy fold ; Oh ! call to mind Thy faithful word, And bless them as of old ! Come, for the corn is ripe ; Put in Thy sickle now, Reap the great harvest of the earth, — Sower and Reaper Thou ! Come, in Thy glorious might, Come, with the iron rod, Scattering Thy foes before Thy face, Most Mightv Son of God. Come, and begin Thy reign Of everlasting peace ; Come, take the kingdom to Thyself, Great King of Righteousness. Amen. 15 :ti:i:=P=±==^:t4 a Amen. Light of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death, Jesus, now Thy love revealing. Scatter every cloud beneath. Still we wait for Thine appearing, For the joy Thy beams impart. Chasing all our doubts, and cheering Every meek and contrite heart. Show Thy power in every nation, O Thou Prince of Peace and love ; Give the knowledge of salvation. Fix our hearts on things above. By Thine all-sufficient merit, Every burden 'd soul release ; By the presence of Thy Spirit Guide us into perfect peace. Amen. IG ADVENT. (D) Rejoice, rejoice, believers!' And let your lights appear ; The evening is advancing, And darker night is near. The Bridegroom is arising, And soon He will draw nigh ; Up ! pray, and watch, and wrestle? At midnight comes the cry. See that your lamps are burning, Replenish them with oil ; Look now for your salvation, The end of sin and toil. The watchers on the moimtain Proclaim the Bridegroom near, Go meet Him as He Cometh, With hallelujahs clear. O wise and holy virgins, Now raise y^ur voices higher, Till, in your jubilations Ye meet the angel choir. The marriage-feast is wailing. The gates wide open stand ; Up, up, ye heirs of glory! The Bridegroom is at hand. Our hope and expectation, O Jesus now appear : Arise, thou Sun so longed for, O'er this benighted sphere! With hearts and hands uplifted. We plead, O Lord, to see The day of earth's redemption. And ever be with Thee ! Amen. 17 ADVENT. AxciENT Melody. O Come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel ; That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, O Israel ! O come. Thou rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan's tyranny ; From depths of hell Thy people save And give them victory o'er the grave. Rejoice 1 Rejoice ! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, O Israel ! O come, Thou day-spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thme Advent here ; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, 18 And death's dark shadows put to flight. Rejoige ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, O Israel ! O come. Thou key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home ; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, O Israel ! O come, O come. Thou Lord of might I Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height, In ancient times didst give the law, In cloud, and majesty, and awe. Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, O Israel ! Amen. Ltttheb's Htmn. ADVENT. m&E:^^^m^ n:T I AAA J J u a: J The Lord of might, from Sinai's brow, Gave forth His voice of tiiunder; And Israel lay on earth below, Outstretch 'd in fear and wonder. Beneath His feet was pitchy night, And at His left hand and His right The rocks were rent asunder. The Lord of Love, on Calvary, A meek and suffering Stranger, Upraised to heaven His languid eye In nature's kour of danger ; For us He bore the weight of woe. For us He gave His blood to flow. And met His Father's anger. The Lord of Love, the Lord of might, The King of all created, Shall back return to claim His right On clouds of glory seated ; With trumpet-sound, and angel-song, And hallelujahs loud and long, O'er death and hell defeated. Amen. 19 15. ADVENT. Mertok. ^ I, I J-^ Monk. SESS^i^EgE^gE =^=f Hark ! a thrilling voice is sounding ; " Christ is nigh," it seems to say ; " Cast away the dreams of darkness, O ye children of the day ! " Waken'd by the solemn warning Let the earth-bound soul arise ; Christ, her Sun, all ill dispelling, Shines upon the morning skies. Lo ! the Lamb so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heaven ; Let us haste, with tears of sorrow, One and all to be forgiven ; That when next He comes with glory. And the world is wrapp'd in fear, With His mercy He may shield us, And with words of love draw near. Honor, glory, might, and blessing, To the Father and the Son, With the everlasting Spirit, While eternal ages run. Amen. 20 Holt Voices. ADVENT. Double. James Langkan. ^-^^-^^-^^^, PI ?2=?2: 2^ ^=^ :^EE pr=^^ 2±:^: 3=221 =S- :P2: a^-^ :^T^n-;^ 2:± A-men. :^ ^ He is coming, He is coming, Not as once He came before. Wailing infant, bom in weakness On a lowly stable floor ; But upon His cloud of glory, In the crimson-tinted sky. Where we see the golden sunrise In the rosy distance lie . He is coming. He is coming, Not in pain, and shame, and woe. With the thorn-crown on His forehead, And the blood-drops trickling slow ; But with diadem upon Him, And the sceptre in His hand. And the dead all ranged before Him, Raised from death, hell, sea, and land. He is coming. He is coming. Not as once He wander'd through All the hostile land of Judah, With His followers poor and few ; But with all the holy angels Waiting round His judgment-seat, And the chosen twelve Apostles Sitting crowned at His feet. He is coming, He is coming ; Let His lowly first estate. And His tender love, so teach us That in faith and hope we wait, Till in glory eastward burning. Our redemption draweth near ; And we see the sign in heaven Of our Judge and Saviour dear. Amen. 21 CHRISTMAS. CM. Db. J. Smith. / I i)0 rail ^ ,' A-mcn. ^P rail iiHiJ^E^I Whence those sounds symphon- Solenin, sweet, and rare ; [ious, Music most harmonious Filling all the air? Hark I 'tis angels singing, SinginR here on earth ; Joyful tidinRs bringing Of the Saviour's birth. 22 Hark! etc. In that region yonder, Where the angels sing, Bursts of joy ancf wonder Make the air to ring. Praise and adoration Be to God above ; And to man salvation, Object of His love. Hark! etc. Now ye heavens, sing ye ; Earth, break forth and cry, O vi> mountains, ring ye With the sound of jojr. For the Lord has done it. His the victory ; His ovm arm hath won it, Israel sliall be free. Harkl etc. Amen. 18. YOEKSHIEE. CHRISTMAS. WAIirWEIGHT. I^I* S JJJJ.JJJJJ ^g_U:^Eg^g~g^rhJ:^3=^: rrfrrffffrrrrr Amen, Christians, awake ! salute the happy mom, Whereon the Saviour of the world was bom ; Rise to adore the mystery of love, Which hosts of angels chanted from above ; Sing the glad tidings first with them begun, Of God made man, the blessed Virgin's Son. The praises of redeeming love they sang. And heaven's whole orb with Alleluias rang ; God's highest glory was their anthem still, Peace upon earth, and unto men good-will ; This day hath God fulfilled His promis'd word, This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord 1 Oh, may we keep and ponder in our mind God's wondrous love in saving lost mankind; Trace we the Babe who hath retriev'd our loss From His poor manger to his His bitter cross : Tread in His steps, assisted by His grace, Till changed like Him, we see Him face to face. Then may we hope th' angelic thrones among, To sing redeem'd a glad triumphal song : He that was born upon this joyful day Around us all His glory shall display ; Sav'd by His love, unceasing we shall sing Eternal praise to God our heavenly King. Amen. CHRISTMAS. St. George. ..-^J ij-^,^^ A-men. -^ ^P=^ -(S*- ^-pzB_-pzfe±:£p :z=:^— -r =^ St: I High let us swell our tuneful notes, And join th' angelic throng, For angels no such love have known To wake a cheerful song. Good-will to sinful men is shown, And peace on earth is giv'n ; For, lo ! th' incarnate Saviour comes With grace and truth from heaven. Justice and grace, with sweet accord, His rising beams adorn ; Let heaven and earth in concert join, To us a child is born ! Glory to God in highest strains. In highest worlds be paid ; His glory by our lips proclaim'd, And by our lives display'd. 21 When shall we reach those blissful realms Where Christ exalted reigns ; And learn of the celestial choir Their own immortal strains ? Amen. CHRISTMAS. Stctyvesant D.C.M. W. J. GlLBEET. :^ ■^=1=^: -:^-=P:. Z^-T^ :^= ;i=* :^± :=^=^: _«=1_^ ■^1 ^. :^=^ ^ i^zipqi^: 11=22=^1 m — ,■^3— l" O 1«3 ig:^: :p2: =! 1 ^=:F' *=S^ =s:i= iis:^: r- I 1 I I J ^ J I t#< U pz^z: :g^; u^- :^ iSi: 1112:^1=; =^- :^^=^4 -j:^ =^: :^ :^=S: r-r ^^ I J ^an:^=^: :?2=:^=^: ±=^: :r^: =gJz=giiJij:gg±Tp :^=?2Zit= iJ Ji^'.j^_4i :^: :^ 225 :^ It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold : " Peace to the earth, good-will to men From Heaven's all gracious king : " The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing. Still through the cloven skies they come With peaceful wings unfurl'd ; And still their heav'nly music floats O'er all the weary world ; Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on heav'nly wing, And ever o'er its Babel sounds The blessed angels sing. _£!2- :i22zzs2; 'jSZL. Yet with the woes of sin and strife The world has suffer'd long; Beneath the angel-strain have rolled Two thousand years of wrong ; And men, at war with men, hear not The love-song which they bring : Oh ! hush the noise, ye men of strife, And hear the angels sing ! For lo 1 the days are hast'ning on, By prophet-bards foretold. When with the ever-circling years Comes round the age of gold ; When peace shall over all the earth Its ancient splendours fling, And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sing. Amen. 25 CHRISTMAS. "WiNCHESTEK (OLD). ESTE'S PSALTEB. While shepherds watch'd their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. " Fear not," said he ; for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind ; ' "Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. " To you in David's town this day Is born of David's line A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ; And this shall be the sign : " The heav'nly Babe you there shall find To human view display'd, All meanly wrapp'd in swathing bands, And in a manger laid." Thus spake the seraph ; and forthwith Appear'd a sliining throng Of angels praising God, who thus Address'd their joyful song : " All glory be to God on high, And in the earth be peace ; Good-will henceforth from heav'n to men Begin and never cease." Amen. 26 Adeste Fideles CHRISTMAS. Ibeegulae. John Reading. O COME, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant ; O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem ! Come and behold Him Born, the King of Angels ; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! God of God, Light of Light, Lo ! He abhors not the Virgin's womb ; Very God, Begotten, not created ; O come, let us adore him, etc. Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing all ye citizens of heaven above, Glory to God In the highest; O come, let us adore Him, etc. Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning ; Jesus to Thee be glory given ; Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing ; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Amen. 27 Festgesajig.* CHRISTMAS. Mendelssohk. Organ Pedal Hauk, the herald nnccl" sing, Glory to the iiew-horn Kiiiir. Venec on earth, niui iiutcv mild, God end sinnerR reooncih'd. Joyful, all yc nations, rine. Join the trumph of the skies, With the ancelic host procloini. " C'hhHt is horn in Hetnlehem." Uark, etc. * To be sung in unison except the 9tb line. e^gEgi Christ, hy highest heaven ador'd, ("hrift the everlasting ],ord : l,nte in time hehold Ilim come, Offspring of a virgin's womb. Veil'd in fiesh the (Jodhcad see i Hail the incarnate Deity ; Man He deigns with man to 4^' by, Bom that man no more may die | Born to riiise the sons of earth. Born to give them second birth. Uark, etc. 28 CHRISTMAS. Sir George Elvey, Mus. Doc. Mercy triumphs, Christ is bom, Seraphs hail this happy morn ; Echo loud their solemn cry, Glory be to God on high ! Praise to God and peace on earth, Such the tidings o£ His birth ; Him we worship, Him we bless, Prince of Peace and Righteousness. Promis'd branch of Jesse's stem, Christ is born at Bethlehem. We have pardon, we have peace ; Darkness, guilt, and terror cease, Light and mercy cheer the tomb ; Hallelujah ! Christ is come ! Let all earth's redeem'd cry, Glory be to God on high ! Son of man. He murmur'd not, Bore with us, and shar'd our lot Son of God, we know Him well By each sign the prophets tell. His the love to feel our woe, His the might to quell our foe : Unto Him in earth and heav'n Be all praise and honor given. 29 CHRISTMAS. Old Melody. Atj% Atison. P.m. !E^^^^^ :SzJ:iz;*zSz*j:;^=*: ;^i^^i^i^= --^z^z^^^i^z^^i^i^i^ ^i^fc£z£z£zE r z[zzNi=t==L-t rzpi^iz^ t:=r=t==^=r=^ -r- -»-^H*-|*-tfi^- i)a Capo. Chorus after the last verse. r n — I 1_ -< — -I 1-^ I I I 1— N — |~'^^~'~'^r -i--i-i---i- gEgpJ^g^Eg^gj :1=1= Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing ; Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King 1 Sion, the marvellous ston^ be telling. The Son of the Highest, how lowly His birth ; Tlie brightest Archangel in glory excelling, He stoops to redeem thee, He reigns upon earth. Tell how He Cometh ; from nation to nation, The heart-cheering news let the earth echo round: 80 II I I I ■ zE:g^s^tz:^=Ezgz:n How free to the faithful He offers salvation, How His people with joy everlasting are crown'd ; Mortals, your homage be gratefully bringing, And sweet let the gladsome Hosanna arise ; Ye angels, the full hallelujah be singing ; The chorus resound through the earth and the [skies. Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing ; Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is Kingt S6. Sakdis. CHRISTMAS. Fbom Beethoven. d=F 1^=^ 2:^ g=r=r f^ :i^_g^ 2:^^ r rr .i=:± 221Z22: I J- J. I J^ -^ :^ :=1: :^=«t ^=i i^ j^ ^^=t: :^: -,^- 22: :^z=e: HS2=:g: 2:^: (t:^ g:^" :^=l* z^zuz^z '-^-^^ ■=^-- -f^- ^^z ~?z^zr ~Sz d: -^fe A^ A - meru :^si ^ f^ =P2: :^z^=E =^2=^: -s?- Hark, what mean those holy voices, Sweetly sounding, through the skies ? Lo ! the angelic host rejoices, Heavenly hallelujahs rise. Listen to the wondrous story, Which they chant in hymns of joy — "Glory in the highest, glory 1 Glory be to God Most High ! *' Peace on earth, good-will from heaven. Reaching far as man is found ; Souls redeem'd and sins forgiv'n, Loud our golden harps shall sound, *' Christ is born ; the great Anointed ! Heaven and earth His praises sing! O receive whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest and King I " Hasten, mortals, to adore him ; Learn His name to magnify. Till in heav'n ye sing before him. Glory be to God Most High ! " Amen. SI 4W / * Realms of Glory. t O.h -n \—^. 1 CHRISTMAS. .4.7. .4.7. John Natlob. I f^ \ X^' f - f - 111 ^^^ I 111 I 1^ I ,^ 1 1^- f - f - III I I I I I I I I I I I ; I ) I I ^ T^T f f r I ' I r '^ ^ I i I ^1 1 J J J I P=|^=;=gjgi:grgj=ra^izz:=zizzr-rz=i' -9-b ^z^T-i — r"--f^ — r-r-Ht-i' — i' -^a — — _i Li 1 w^ i I -^=EgE^-^=:rTtiff-r'-^-' — E=--.n^gzg ^-^ A - men. ^^^TTT^ Angels, from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth ; Ye who sang creation's story Now proclaim Messiah's birth ! Come and worship ; "Worship Christ,the new-born King! Shepherds, in the field abiding. Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing, Yonder shines the heav'nly Light. Come and worship ; Worship Christ, the newborn King ! 82 Saints before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending. In his temple shall appear. Come and worship ; Worship Christ, the new-born King ! Saints and angels join in praising Thee, the Father, Spirit, Son ; Evermore their voices raising To the Eternal Three in One. Come and worship ; Worship Christ,the new-born King! Amen CHRISTMAS. «60i St. Cecilia. 1 ! .4 Rev. L. G. Haynes, Mus. Doc. fe^ziBigz^l ^eEe^=Se^ T±=Z^. ~-^ 1::=^ ^=S; AA^^.Aa t^ --m- ^ra-:^ AA.J. Amen. -^ -^ ?2: Pr-=F z^~^ ' — (S^ 22: God from on high hath heard ! Let sighs and sorrows cease ; The skies unfold, and lo ! Descends the gift of peace ! Hark ! on the midnight air Celestial voices swell ; The hosts of Heaven proclaim " God comes on earth to dwell ! " Haste with the shepherds ; see The mystery of grace : A manger-bed, a child, Is all the eye can trace. Is this indeed the Christ ? Is this the Eternal Son 1 Who, ere the worlds began, Was with the Father One ? Yes, faith can pierce the cloud Which shrouds His glory now ; And hails Him God, and Lord, To whom all creatures bow. Faith sees the sapphire throne Where angels, evermore Adoring, tremble still, And, trembling still, adore. O Child ! Thy silence speaks, And bids us not refuse To bear what flesh would shun, To spurn what flesh would choose. Fill us with holy love, Heal Thou our earthly pride ; Be born within our hearts, And ever there abide. Amen. 83 OLD AND NEW YEAR iVU» St. Sylvester. P.M. In slow time. ^^ I Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. Days and moments quickly flying Blend the livinR with the dead ; Soon will you and I be lying Each within our narrow bed. Soon our souls to God who gave them Will have sped their rapid flight : Able now by grace to save them, O, that while we can, we might 1 Jesus infinite Redeemer, Maker of this mighty frame, 84 Teach, O teach us to remember What we are, and whence we came ; Whence we came, and whither wending ; Soon we must through darkness go, To inherit bliss unendnig, Or eternity of woe. As the tree falls, so must it lie ; As the man lives, so will he die ; As the man dies, such must he be, All through the days of Eternity, Durham. OLD AND NEW YEAR. S.M. 1 Oebuak. ~\- :^=i? T^ -^^_ :^ To-morrow, Lord, is Thine, Lodg'd in Thy sov'reign hand, And, if its sun arise and shine, It shines by Thy command. The present moment flies, And bears our life away : O make Thy servants truly wise, That they may live to-day^ Since on this winged hour Eternity is hung. Waken by Thy Almighty power The aged and the young! One thing demands our care : O ! be it still pursued ! Lest, slighted once, the season fair Should never be renew'd ! To Jesus may we fly Swift as the morning light ; Lest life's young golden beams should die In sudden endless night ! Amen. 35 OLD AND NEW YEAR. University College. For Thy mercy and Thy grace, Constant through another year, Hear our song of thankful praise, Father and Redeemer, hear. In our weakness and distress, Rock of strength, be Thou our stay : In the pathless wilderness Be our true and living way. Which of us death's awful road In the coming year shall tread ? With Thy rod and staff, O God, Comfort Thou his dying bed. Make us faithful, make us pure : Keep us evermore Thine own : Help Thy servants to endure : Fit us for the promis'd crown. So within Thy palace gate We shall praise, on golden strings, Thee, the only Potentate, Lord of lords, and King of kings. Amen. 86 OLD AND NEW YEAR. %jA* Dedication. S.M. Anon. 3 , I ■y^ I A-men. 22=^ :c±22: 22=^::^. p— pr-.^rp -1 i-ig- I "C? Sid ^ C?" !:J^ !i^ S :s: S >- -■^- -PT^P-P- ?2-p-p- :^ £S I I I I ^^g ^^^-^ I I I J 1^- :?2: ^=^: ^-^-1^- A-men. izs: What star is this, with beams so bright, More beauteous than the noon-day light ? It shines to herald forth the King, And Gentiles to His cradle bring. See now fulfill'd what God decreed, "From Jacob shall a star proceed;" And Eastern sages with amaze Upon the wondrous vision gaze. The guiding star above is bright, Within them shines a clearer light, Which leads them on with pow'r benign To seek the Giver of the sign. True love can brook no dull delay ; Nor toil nor dangers stop their way : Home, kindred, fatherland, and all They leave at their Creator's call. O Jesus ! while the star of grace Allures us now to seek Thy face. Let not our slothful hearts refuse The guidance of that light to use- All glory, Jesus, be to Thee For this Thy glad Epiphany : Whom with the Father we adore And Holy Ghost for evermore. Amen. 44 ' Holy Teinitt. i EPIPHANY. CM. Baenbt. * ' ' ' r I I I I I '^i r^.^- ^21^2; =^-=^ -P2z:p: —IJ ; :^=:?2z :==._. I±33 ^E^ SE^ ^E^ 3-=^ The people that in darkness sat A glorious Light have seen ; The Light has shined on them who long In shades of death have been. To hail Thee, Sun of Righteousness, The gathering nations come ; They joy as when the reapers bear Their harvest treasures home. For Thou their burden dost remove. And break the tyrant's rod, As in the day when Midian fell Before the sword of God. For unto us a Child is born. To us a Son is given. And on His shoulder ever rests All power in earth and heaven. His Name shall be the Prince of Peace, The Everlasting Lord, The Wonderful, the Counsellor, The God by all adored. His righteous government and power Shall over all extend ; On judgment and on justice based, His reign shall have no end. Lord Jesus, reign in us, we pray, And make us Thine alone. Who with the Father ever art And Holy Spirit One. Amen. 45 ElSEUACH, EPIPHANY. L.M. Q_^ ___. ' L L I I I I ' I I I I I I I ^^ I I i O LOVE, how deep, how broad, how high ! It fills the heart with ecstasy. That God, the Son of God. should take Our mortal form for mortals' sake. He sent no angel to our race, Of higher or of lower place, But wore the robe of human frame Himself, and to this lost world came. For us He was baptiz'd, and bore His holy fast, and hunger'd sore ; For us temptation sharp He knew ; For us the tempter overthrew. For us He pray'd, for us He taught, For us His daily works He wrought, By words, and signs, and actions, thus Still seeking not Himself, but us. For us to wicked men betray'd Scourged, mock'd in purple robe array'd He bore the s-hameful Cross and death: For us at length gave up his breath. For us He rose from death again, For us He went on high to reign, For us He sent His spirit here To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer. 46 EPIPHANY. EwrtTG D.7.6. Alex. Ewing. qzii:^: ■^g=g=d: ^zz:te=g-^ ,"=3 — I 1 :a^P UJ- ?=^ "P fl^zoz^zpz^zz^ :^=s^=^= :^: -(S^^ -g?-^ Hail to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son ! Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free ; To take away transgression, And rule in equity. Kings shall bow down before Him, And gold and incense bring; All nations shall adore Him, His praise all people sing ; To Him shall prayer unceasing — And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end. O'er every foe victorious, He on His Throne shall rest; From age to age more glorious, All-blessing and all-blessed : The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever. His changeless Name of Love. Amen. 47 43. Adoration. EPIPHANY. FIRST TUNE. :^ P. R. Maclagan, Mrs. Doc. j ■ ; f -^- II III I III i^ r-r=Pr Brightest and best of the sons of the morn- ing! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid! Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining, Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, Maker and Monarch and Saviour of all ! Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion, Odours of Edom, and offerings divine ; Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine? Vainly we offer each ample oblation ; Vainly with gold would His favour secure : Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning I Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid! Star of the east, the horizon adorning. Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid I 48 43. EPIPHANY. SECOND TUNE. " Bkightest and Best." I I I Thrupp. M ^^E^E^S^ ^' :i=»=?E: :^^ I I I f2_p_p_ -f:_^ -t-P^-| — ^ ^ — I 1— JSI- 321 -^—IS- A-men. ]^ S ^:g=^f^E=EgES^i Brightest and best of the sons of the morn- ing ! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid! Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining. Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Him in slumber reclining. Maker and Monarch and Saviour of all ! Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion. Odours of Edom, and offerings divine ; Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? Vainly we offer each ample oblation ; Vainly with gold would His favour secure : Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid! Star of the east, the horizon adorning. Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! Amen. 49 44. EPIPHANY. St. Geokge. D.7's. Sir George Elvey,1VIus. Doc. Hark, the song of Jubilee, Loud as mighty thunder's roar, Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore ; Hallelujah I for the Lord God omnipotent shall reign : Hallelujah I let the word Echo round the earth and main. Hallelujah ! — hark, the sound, From the centre to the skies, Wakes above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies : See Jehovah's banners furled, Sheath'd His sword; He speaks, 'tis done; And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of His Son. He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway ; He shall reign, when like a scroll Yonder heavens have pass'd away ; Then the end ; — beneath His rod Man's kist enemy sliall fall ; Hallelujah ! Christ in God, God in Christ is all in all. 45. EPIPHANY. TiCHFIELD. D. 7's Old Melody. -* * ;a| # — •— •-?— S— I! 11 I llTl Ifl -I h ji_fiL, :S3 *: I I I I ' tj r d2,z=p=p: :P=p: ti Iz: ^ -o>- -"^ .r2 =ni:?=P: itz: :J^=J: -C^_ :f^==f: :--^: I *=^: I I I I r r I r I I «L_ i^=E^EEg^^ tf!_«L .«^_^- ^==1?: m Watchman ! tell us of the night, What its signs of promise are. Trav'ller ! o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory-beaming star. Watchman ! does its beauteous ray Aught of joy or hope foretell ? Trav'ller ! yes ; it brings the day, Promised day of Israel. Watchman ! tell us of the night Higher yet that star ascends. Trav'ller ! blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its course portends. Watchman ! will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? Trav'ller ! ages are its own, See, it bursts o'er all the earth. Watchman ! tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn. Trav'ller! darkness takes its flight. Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman ! let thy wand'rings cease, Hie thee to thy quiet home. Trav'ller ! lo ! the Prince of Peace, Lo ! the Son of God is come. 51 46. Hanover. EPIPHANY. P.M. Dr. Croft. Ye nations, exult ; Salvation is nigh, The star in the east Illumines the sky ; The time is arrived by Jehovah's decree, When dwellers in darkness Hisglory shall see. No longer in types And shadows conceal'd, In light and in truth The Christ is reveal'd ; No longer to nation Or region confin'd, The promise - •I 1 1 — I — ^± :^=^ Rise, crown'd with light, imperial Salem, rise ; Exalt Thy towering head, and lift Thine eyes ; See heaven its sparkling portals wide display. And break upon Thee in a flood of day- See a long race Thy spacious courts adorn. See future sons, and daughters yet unborn, In crowding ranks on every side arise. Demanding life, impatient for the skies. See barbarous nations at Thy gates attend, Walk in Thy light, and in Thy temple bend: See Thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, While every land its joyous tribute brings. The seas shall waste, the skies to smoke decay. Rocks fall to dust, and mountains melt away ; But fix'd His word. His saving power remains ; Thy realms shall last. Thy own Messiah reigns. 55 EPIPHANY. "W. H. MOKK. Alleluia, song of sweetness, Voice of joy that cannot die ; Alleluia is the anthem Ever dear to choirs on high ; In the house of God abiding, Thus they sing eternally. Alleluia thou resoundest, True Jerusalem and free ; Alleluia joyful mother, All thy children sing with thee : But by Babylon's sad waters Mournins: exiles now are we. Alleluia cannot always Be our song while here below ; Alleluia our transgressions Make us for a while forego ; For the solemn time is coming When our tears for sin must flow. Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee, Grant us, blessed Trinity, At the last to keep Thine Easter In our home beyond the sky ; There to Thee forever singing Alleluia joyfully. 66 51. LENT. A Hbnbt Leslie. ^ 1 $== Eligi z:^^!^: '-^ 1^ :?25 f^ 2izi^zi;^z:^z:z^: -p-— pp- :p=^: -^- :^=^=^ :^: ■P2=p :t=: tip; q=:i :^ fS=^= fc^ :^z ^E^ :^= rJ _g 221 ^^^ isi: isz — — f^ r :^ p=itrp=p=^: P 1 F— 1^— P^ 1 1 1— **^ 1 1 — I 1 1 — :^: itiizt :*=i: z^=5= -.=T- =P2: -P- 7^ T^ it=: K- :t=fc !^^*=^=^::zs: Ee^i^ Amen. -p-g- s T2-- _i^_ -.^ Son of God, to Thee I cry ; By the holy mystery Of Thy dwelHng here on earth, By Thy pure and holy birth, Lord, Thy presence let me see, Manifest Thyself to me. Lamb of God, to Thee I cry ; By thy bitter ao^ony, By Thy pangs to us unknown, By Thy Spirit's parting groan. Lord, Thy presence let me see, Manifest Thyself to me. Prince of life, to Thee I cry ; By Thy glorious majesty, By Thy triumph o'er the grave, Meek to suffer, strong to save, Lord, Thy presence let me see, Manifest Thyself to me. Lord of glory, God Most High, Man exalted' to the sky. With Thy love my bosom fill \ Prompt me to perform Thy will ; Then Thy glory I shall see. Thou wilt bring me home to Thee. Amen. 67 LENT. Melcombe S. Webbe. God of our life, to Thee we call ; Afflicted at Thy feet we fall ; When the great water-floods prevail, Leave not our trembline hearts to fail. A-men. Amidst the roaring of the sea Our souls still hang their hopes on Thee, Thy constant love, Thy faithful care, Alone can save us from despair. Friend of the friendless and the faint. Where should we lodge our deep complaint ? Where, but with Thee whose open door Invites the helpless and the poor ? Did ever mourner plead with Thee, And Thou refuse the mourner's plea ? Doth not the word still fix'd remain That none shall seek Thy face in vain ? Then hear, O Lord, our humble cry. And bend on us Thy pitying eye. To Thee their prayer Thy people make ; Hear us for our Redeemer's sake. Amen. 68 St. Agnes. LENT. Revd. a. Whishaw. Saviour, when in dust to Thee, Low we bend the adoring knee ; When repentant to the skies Scarce we lift our weeping eyes ; Oh ! by all the pains and woe Suffer'd once for man below, Bending from Thy throne on high, Hear our solemn Litany ! By Thy helpless infant years, By Thy life of want and tears, By Thy days of sore distress In the savage wilderness ; By the dread mysterious hour Of the insulting tempter's power ; Turn, oh ! turn a favouring eye, Hear our solemn Litany ! By Thine hour of dire despair ; By Thine agony of prayer ; By the cross, the nail; the thorn, Piercing spear, and torturing scorn ", By the gloom that veil'd the skies O'er the dreadful sacrifice ; Listen to our humble eryj Hear our solemn Litany ! By Thy deep expiring groan ; By the sad sepulchral stone ; By the vault, whose dark abode Held in vain the rising God ; Oh ! from earth to heav'n restor'd, Mighty re-ascended Lord, Listen, listen, to the cry Of our solemn Litany ! Amen . 59 LENT. P. B. Maclagan, Mus. Doc. JlJ%( Supplication. , I IS ' I ^^^■^- ' I Organ. ^^ :=^=ptz=p:=:p2:=p===--p±Sz:^±S:i:S=5iif=p=^±— zz^ Gon of my salvation, hear, And help me to believe ; Simply do I now draw near, Thy blessing to receive. Full of guilt, alas! I am, But to Thy wounds for refuge flee ; Friend of sinners ! spotless Lamb! Thy blood was shed for me. Standing now as newly slain, To Thee I lift mine eve ; Balm of all my grief and pain, Thy blood is always nigh ; Now as yesterday the same Thou art, and wilt for ever lie ; P'ricntl of sinners ! spotless Lamb I Thy Mood was shed for me. CO Nothing have I, Lord, to pay. Nor can Thy grace procure ; Empty send me not away, For I, Thou know'st am poor : Dust and ashes is my name. My all is sin and misery ; Friend of sinners ! spotless Lamb I Thy blood was shed for me. Saviour ? from Thy wounded side I never will depart ; Here will I my spirit hide When I am pure in heart; Till my place above I claim. This only shall be all mv i^lca. Friend of sinners ! spotless Lamb ! Thy blood was shed for mc. 55. Eedhead. LENT. i.i.i.i. Bedhead. 2iz3:S=i: ^ J^J. 22: ^J J- 1— iS*- ^:: :?p=p2: :p2 - : 122: :?2i: "P^~^ :P=^ ^= ii^ziP: When our heads are bow'd with woe, When our bitter tears o'erflow, When we mourn the lost, the dear, " Jesus, born of woman," hear. Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn ; Thou our mortal griefs hast borne ; Thou hast shed the human tear; " Jesus, born of woman," hear. Thou hast bow'd the dying head ; Thou the blood of life hast shed ; Thou hast fill'd a mortal bier ; "Jesus, born of woman," hear. When the heart is sad within With the thought of all its sin : W^hen the spirit shrinks with fear, "Jesus, born of woman," hear. Thou, the shame, the grief hast known ; Though the sins were not thine own ; Thou hastdeign'd their load to bear: "Jesus, born of woman," hear. Amen. SI LENT. St. Philip. Monk. Lord, in this Thy mercy's day Ere it pass for aye away, On our knees we fall and pray. Holy Jesus, grant us tears, Fill us with heart-searching fears Ere that awful doom appears. Lord, on us Thy Spirit pour, Kneeling lowly at the door Ere it close for evermore. By Thy night of agony, By Thy supplicating cry. By Thy willingness to die, By Thy tears of bitter woe For Jerusalem below, Let us not Thy love forego. Grant us 'neath Thy wings a place, Lest we lose this day of grace Ere we shall behold Thy face. Amen. 62 Have mercy, Lord, on me, As Thou wert ever kind ; Let me, opprest with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. Wash off'- my foul offence, And cleanse me from my sin ; For I confess my crime, and see How great my guilt has been. Make me to hear with joy Thy kind forgiving voice ; That so my broken contrite heart May with fresh strength rejoice. Withdraw not Thou Thy help, Nor cast me from Thy sight ; Nor let Thy Holy Spirit take His everlasting flight. The joy Thy favour gives Let me again obtain ; And Thy free Spirit's firm support My fainting soul sustain. To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, glory be ; As was, and is, and shall be so, To all eternity. Amen. 6S 58. LENT. BCRFORD. CM. 12^ :^ -^ g=iS:i^iEli ;?P2Zp!z:^ Old Melody. --J-.-. &^^- :^ fei^^^ bip^S -J J-A^.. :=P2: EF "S?" ?^f^-p- -=rH 1- ■- O Thou from whom all goodness flows, I lift my heart to Thee ; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, Dear Lord, remember me. When on my aching burden'd heart My sins lie heavily, Thy pardon grant, Thy peace impart: In love remember me. When trials sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee, O let my strength be as my day : For good remember me. If on my face for Thy dear name Shame and reproaches be ; All hail reproach, and welcome shame, If Thou remember me. And oh, when in the hour of death I own Thy just decree. Be this tlie prayer of my last breath, Dear Lord, remember me. Amen. A-men I d4 Arr. from Schubert. O Jesus, our salvation, Low at Thy Cross we lie ; Lord in Thy great compassion, Hear our bewailing cry. We come to Thee with mourning, We come to Thee in woe ; With contrite hearts returning, And tears that overflow. O gracious Intercessor, O Priest within the veil. Plead, for each lost transgressor, The Blood that cannot fail. We spread our sins before Thee, We tell them one by one ; O for Thy Name's great glory, Forgive all we have done. O by Thy Cross and Passion, Thy tears and agony, _ And crown of cruel fashion. And death on Calvary ; By all that untold suffering Endur'd by Thee alone ; O Priest, O Spotless Offermg, Plead for us, and atone. And in these hearts now broken Re-enter Thou and reign ; And say, by that dear token, We are absolv'd again. And build us up, and guide us. And guard us day by day ; And in Thy presence hide us, And take our sins away. Amen. 65 LENT. BALFOrK. A-men. ^S^lp I 1 O Thou, the contrite sinner's Friend, Who loving, lov'st them to the end, On this alone my hopes depend, That Thou wilt plead for me. When weary in the Christian race, Far off appears my resting-place, And, fainting, I mistrust Thy grace, Then, Saviour, plead for me. When I have err'd and gone astray, Afar from Thine and wisdom's way, And see no glimm'ring, guiding ray, Still, Saviour, plead for me. When Satan, by my sins made bold. Strives from Thy cross to loose my hold, Then with Thy pitying arms enfold. And plead, oh ! plead for me. And when my dying hour draws near, Darken'd with conflict, pain, and fear. Then to my fainting sight appear. Pleading in heaven for me. Amen. 66 LENT. Forty days and forty nights Thou wast fasting in the wild Forty days and forty nights Tempted, and yet undefil'd. Sunbeams scorching all the day ; Chilly dew-drops nightly shed, Prowling beasts about Thy way ; Stones Thy pillow ; earth Thy bed. Shall not we Thy sorrow share, And from earthly joys abstain, With Thee watching unto prayer, With Thee strong to suffer pain ? Then, if Satan shall assail. Flesh or spirit vexing sore. May we in Thy strength prevail. Who didst vanquish him before. So shall we have peace divine, Chasten'd gladness ours shall be ; Round us too, shall angels shine, Such as minister'd to Thee. Keep, O keep us. Saviour dear, Ever constant by Thy side ; That with Thee we may appear At the eternal Easter-tide. Amen. 67 PtJTNET Hill. LENT. CM. Rev. F. a. J. Hervet. :ci= zi:^=^z:i^:< :g=^bi^tpzi^ ci: Lord, when we bend before Thy throne, And our confessions pour, Teach us to feel the sins we own, And hate what we deplore. Our broken spirit pitying see: True penitence impart; Then let a kindling glance from Thee Beam hope on every heart. When we disclose our wants in prayer May we our wills resign ; And not a thought our bosoms share, Which is not wholly Thine. May faith each weak petition fill And waft it to the skies, And teach our hearts 'tis goodness still That grants it or denies. All glory to the Father be, All glory to the Son, All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee, While endless ages run. Amen. A-men. ^Sa "?7~ LENT. With broken heart and contrite sigh A trembling sinner, Lord, I cry ; Thy pard'ning grace is rich and free : 0 God, be merciful to me. 1 smite upon my troubled breast, With deep and conscious guilt oppress'd ; Christ and His cross my only plea : O God, be merciful to me. Far off I stand with tearful eyes. Nor dare uplift them to the skies ; But Thou dost all my anguish see : O God, be merciful to me. Nor alms, nor deeds, that I have done, Can for a single sin atone ; To Calvary alone I flee : O God, be merciful to me. And when, redeem'd from sin and hell, With all the ransom'd throng I dwell. My raptur'd song shall ever be, God has been merciful to me. G9 64. St- Aeleed. LENT. Kev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. I I 2^=^ T) SEE^EE -_2i: ^=^ :f^ r^^sr ^ .1 — ^— J — I — I — r^^--g -\ — I — I — =»-= =1 :^:ff P:f?^ r^\\^^ :?2 ^ Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deep, Watch did Thine anxious servants keep, But Thou wast wrapp'd in guileless sleep, Calm and still. " Save, Lord, we perish ! " was their cry ; " Oh ! save us in our agony ! " Thy word above the storm rose high : " Peace ! be still ! " The wild winds hush'd, the angry deep Sank like a little child to sleep. The sullen billows ceas'd to leap At Thy will. So, when our life is clouded o'er, And storm-winds drift us on the shore. Say, lest we sink to rise no more, " Peace ! be stiU ! " 70 65. DlSMISSIOIC, LENT. L.M. St. Alban's Tune Book. Z2" -r±::r±-zr± 3 lE^zi^zEss^p^fess: ?2=^=^ 22: SS --^ -<:2_ .^ -pj-^-^- =zi=:zi 1^;=:^ :=^=?2: I2S :^=^=&Z2i:: ±=: :?2: :^ When at Thy footstool, Lord, I bend, And plead with Thee for mercy there, Think of the sinner's dying friend, And for His sake receive my prayer. O think not of my shame and guilt, My thousand stains of deepest dye ; Think of the blood which Jesus spilt, And let that blood my pardon buy. Think, Lord, how I am still Thy own, The trembling creature of Thy hand ; Think how my heart to sin is prone. And what temptations round me stand. O think upon Thy holy word, And every plighted promise there ; How prayer should evermore be heard. And how Thy glory is to spare. O think not of my doubts and fears, My strivings with Thy grace Divine : Think vipon Jesus' woes and tears, And let His merits stand for mine. Thine eye. Thine ear, they are not dull ; Thine arm can never shorten'd be ; Behold me here ; my heart is full ; Behold, and spare, and succour me ! LENT. Mercy C. Steggall, Mus. Doo. i^m iE=ztz=tz=t=t=zEffz:r=t=z:B God of pity, God of grace, When we humbly seek Thy face. Bend from heaven, Thy dwelling-place Hear, forgive and save. When we in Thy temple meet. Spread our wants before Thy feet, Pleading at Thy mercy-seat ; Look from heaven, and save ! When Thy love our hearts shall fill, When we long to do Thy will, Turning to Thy holy hill : Lord, accept, and save ! Should we wander from Thy fold, Should our love to Thee grow cold, With a pitying eye behold ; Lord, forgive and save ! Should the hand of sorrow press, Earthly cares or want distress. May our souls Thy peace possess ! Jesus, hear and save ! Whatsoe'er our cry may be. When we lift our hearts to Thee, From our burden set us free ; Jesus, hear and save ! Amen. Beead of Heaveit. LENT. Ret. W. D. Maclagait. Si :^=^==q ^^Egii -p;— c?- :^=^=gzH 1^: :^=^=^: -pi— ^:^:^ :^: t^: i^i .J^__£d. :ff:p: :^=g: isi: ^.^ :22: :g=^_-^'ztd=^^^ :^=t=:3 r^ -^- r2. -Jot ^: — I — — I — — 1-| — I -p2: -s> — ^ — ^- ^- 12^:^^==^ "P^" -p— p- ^: m ^_c± ?=2= ^ 2:^: :?2: :^=22: 1^=^: q^=^: God, my father, hear me pray ; Wash my crimson guilt away ; Wretched, helpless, lost, undone, Hear me for Thy blessed Son ; Lord, unnumber'd sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. God, my Saviour, look on me ; All my guilt I cast on Thee ! Give my troubled spirit peace ; Bid my fears and sorrows cease. Lord, unnumber'd sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. God, my Comforter, my Light, Strengthen me with holy might. Make Thy dwelling in my heart ; Faith, and joy, and hope impart. Lord, unnumber'd sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. Blessed, glorious Trinity ! Holy, everlasting Three ! Hear, O hear, my earnest prayer, And my soul for heaven prepare. Lord, unnumber'd sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. 73 68. Atoxement. LENT. P.M. BoHEMiAif Brothers' Hymn Book. Lamb of God, whose bleeding love We now recall to mind, Send the answer from above, And let us mercy find ; Think on us who think on Thee ; And every strugshng soul release ; O remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. By Thine agonizing pain And bloody sweat, we pray, By Thy dying love to man. Take all our sins away : Burst our bonds and set us free ; From .ill iniquity release; O remember Calvary, And bid us go in Let Thy blood, by faith applied, The sinner's pardon seal ; Speak us freely justified. And all our sickness heal : By Thy passion on the tree. Let all our griefs and troubles cease ; O remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. Lord, we would not hence depart Till Thou our wants relieve. Write forgiveness on our heart, And all Thine image give. Still our souls shall cry to Thee, Till perfected in holiness O remember Calvary, And bid us go in pe.ace. 71 LENT. T. He-wxett. I I I I :^=;i^=^: ^ 3Z ?2=?2=^ :^ 2i i^: 2^: I I I I :i ^=F^q^=^=^q ^=g: i^zfl^: :^±^=gz=p2iz^ I I i I Weary of earth, and laden with my sin, I look at heaven and long to enter in, But there no evil thing may find a home : And yet I hear a voice that bids me " Come." So vile I am how dare I hope to stand In the pure glory of that holy land ! Before the whiteness of that Throne appear ? Yet there are hands stretch'd out to draw me near. The while I fain would tread the heavenly way, Evil is ever with me, day by day ; Yet on mine ears the gracious tidings fall, " Repent, believe, thou shalt be loosed from all,' ' It is the voice of Jesus that I hear. His are the hands stretch'd out to draw me near, And His the blood that can for all atone, And set me faultless there before the Throne. 'Twas He who found me on the deathly wild, And made me heir of heaven, the Father's child, And day by day, whereby my soul may live, Gives me His grace of pardon and will give. Yea, Thou wilt answer for me, righteous Lord : Thine all the merits, mine the great reward ; Thine the sharp thoms,and mine the golden crown, Mine the life won, and Thine the life laid down. WEEK BEFORE EASTER. Melchiob Teschweb. All glory, laud and honour To Thee, Redeemer, King ! To whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. Thou art the King of Israel, Thou, David's Royal Son, Who in tiie Lord's name comest. The King and Blessed One. All glory, etc. The company of Angels Are praising Thee on high. And mortal men, and all things Created make reply. The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went. Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present. All glory, etc. To Thee before Thy Passion, They sang their hymns of praise : To Thee now high exalted, Our melody we raise. Thou didst accept their praises ; Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. All glory, etc. Amea. 76 WEEK BEFORE EASTER. S-7.SJ.{T>). C. C. SCHOLFTELD. ■^'—TD — P^^* — ;— ^— t::^-' f^- sea^ ^^^s =2: _g^^ ^- :?2: :^ ^ ^{^^ J:^J. iS: :^-tp-p- Amen. 7221 Ez: Hail, Thou once despised Jesus, Hail, thou Galilean king ! Thou didst suffer to release us, Thou didst free salvation bring : Hail, Thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame ; By Thy merits we find favour ; Life is giv'n through Thy Name ! Paschal Lamb, by God appointed. All our sins were on Thee laid ; By Almighty Love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made : All Thy people are forgiven Through the virtue of Thy Blood ; Open'd is the gate of Heav'n ; Peace is made 'twixt man and God. Jesus, hail ! enthroned in gtory, There for ever to abide ; All the heavenly hosts adore Thee, Seaied at Thy Father's side. There for sinners Thou art pleading ; There Thou dost our place prepare ; Ever for us interceding Till in glory we appear. Worship, honour, power and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises, without ceasing. Meet it is for us to give ! Help, ye bright angelic spirits, Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ; Help to sing oiu- Saviour's merits, Help to chant Immanuel's praise 1 77 WEEK BEFORE EASTER. Peter's Hixl. 7's. (6 lines.) E. A. FlBTH. Sign's daughter, weep no more, Though thy troubled heart be sore ; He of whom the Psalmist sung, He who woke the Prophet's tongue, Christ, the Mediator blest. Brings thee everlasting rest. In a garden man became Heir of sin, and death, and shame ; Jesus in a garden wins Life, and pardon for our sins ; Through His hour of agony Praying in Gethsemane. There for us He intercedes ; There with God the Father pleads ; Willing there for us to drain To the dregs the cup of pain, That in everlasting day He may wipe our tears away. Therefore to His name be given Glory both in earth and heaven ; To the Father, and the Son, And the Spirit, Three in One, Honor, praise, and glory be, Now and through eternity. Amen. 78 Prpen WEEK BEFORE EASTER. Kev. Sir F. A. G. OusELY. r Jj "P^ f p^^- ^ r I I See the destined day arise ! See, a willing Sacrifice, Jesus, to redeem our loss ! Hangs upon the shameful Cross ! Jesus, who but Thou had borne, Lifted on that tree of scorn. Every pang and bitter throe, Finishing Thy life of woe ? Who but Thou had dared to drain Steep'd in gall the cup of pain. And with tender body bear Thorns and nails, and piercing spear? Thence the cleansing water flowed. Mingled from Thy side with blood : Sign to all attesting eyes Of the finished Sacrifice. Holy Jesus, grant us grace ' In that sacrifice to place All our trust for life renew'd, Pardon'd sin, and promised good. Amen. 79 W£EK BEFORE EASTER. e ^ I SCHUMAIfN. S.M. R. SCHTJMANIT. Not all the blood of beasts, On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away, A Sacrifice of nobler name ' And richer blood than they. My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of Thine, While like a penitent I stand. And there confess my sin. 80 My soul looks back to see The burdens Thou didst bear. When hanging on th' accursed tree. And trusts her guilt was there. Amen. WEEK BEFORE EASTER. Breslau. Old German Air. We sing the praise of Him who died, Of Him who died upon the Cross ; The sinner's hope let men deride, For this we count the world but loss. Inscribed upon the Cross we see, In shining letters, God is love ; He bears our sins upon the tree. He brings us mercy from above. The Cross ! it takes our guilt away ; It holds the fainting spirit up ; It cheers with hope the gloomy day, And sweetens every bitter cup. It makes the coward spirit brave. And nerves the feeble arm for fight ; It takes its terror from the grave, And gilds the bed of death with light. The balm of life, the cure of woe. The measure and the pledge of love, The sinner's refuge here below. The angels' theme in heaven above. Amen. 81 WEEK BEFORE EASTER I O • WOOLMER'S. L.M. Rev. Sir F. A. G. Ouselt. =^-^ ?2: ^^^ ^. z:i=c± :^: T21 ■^- 'B r^-- S: A^ ■^- -^^'- :^: 22- ^ :^ :^: ?2: 'Tis midnight, — and, on Olive's brow, The star is dimm'd that lately shone ; 'Tis midnight, — in the garden now The suff'ring saviour prays alone. 'Tis midnight, —and, from all remov'd, . Immanuel wrestles lone, with fears : E'en the disciple that He lov'd Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. 'Tis midnight — and, for others' guilt The man of sorrows weeps in blood : Yet He that has in anguish knelt. Is not forsaken by His God. 'Tis midnight — and from heav'nly plains, Is borne the song that angels know; Unheard by mortals are the strains That sweetly soothe the Saviour's woe. Amen. 82 77. WEEK BEFORE EASTER. EccE Agnus. Slow. Behold the Lamb of God ! O Thou for sinners slain, Let it not be in vain That Thou hast died : Thee for my Saviour let me take, My only refuge let me make Thy pierced side. Behold the Lamb of God ! Into the sacred flood Of Thy. most precious blood My soul I cast : Wash me and make me clean within, And keep me pure from every sin, Till life be past. Behold the Lamb of God ! All hail, incarnate Word, Thou everlasting Lord, O Saviour blest; Fill us with love that never faints. And grant us with Thy blessed saints Eternal rest. Behold the Lamb of God ! Worthy is he alone. That sitteth on the throne Of God above ; One with the Ancient of all days. One with the Comforter in praise. All light and love. Amen. 83 78. WEEK BEFORE EASTER. Bev. J. B. Dtkzs ^ r ci_ ^=^: &^1 84 Now my soul, thy voice upraising. Tell in sweet and mournful strain How the Crucified, enduring Grief, and wounds, and dying pain Freely of His love was offered, Sinless was for sinners slain. Scourg'd with unrelenting fury For the sins which we deplore, By His livid Stripes He heals us, Raising us to fall no more ; All our bruises gently soothing, Binding up the bleeding sore. See ! His Hands and Feet are fastened; Thus He makes His people free ; Not a wound whence blood is flowmg But a fount of grace shall be ; Yea the very nails which nail Him Nail us also to the Tree. Through His Heart the spear is piercing. Though His foes have seen Him die ; Blood and Water thence are streaming In a tide of mystery. Water from our guilt to cleanse us, Blood to win us crowns on high. Jesus, may these precious fountains Drink to thirsting souls afford : Let them be our cUp and healing, And at length our full reward ; So a ransomed world shall ever Praise Thee, its redeeming Lord. Ami WEEK BEFORE EASTER. Vexilla Regis. FIRST TUNE. L.M. Ancient Melody. The Royal banner is unfurl'd And lo ! the Cross is rear'd on high, Whereon the Saviour of the world Is stretch'd in mortal agony. Pierced by the spear He yielded forth Water and blood a mingled tide, That so a fount of priceless worth Might flow for sinners from His side. O Jesus, in Thy Cross we see Once more a tree of life for men ! Lo ! from the curse the earth is free, And Eden may be ours again ! No more doth flaming sword appear, Nor cherubim to keep the way: The fallen race may now draw near, And eat Thy fruit, and live for aye. O holy Jesus, unto Thee From'ev'ry ransom'd soul be praise ! Thy Cross our tree of life shall be. Our song of joy thro' endless days ! Amen. 85 WEEK BEFORE EASTER. St. Cecilia SECOND TUNE. L.M. Rev. Johx Hampton. The Royal banner is unfurl'd And lo ! the Cross is rear'd on high, Whereon the Saviour of the world Is stretch'd in mortal agony. Pierced by the spear He yielded forth Water and blood a mingled tide, That so a fount of priceless worth Might flow for sinners from His side. O Jesus, in Thy Cross we see Once more a tree of life for men ! Lo ! from the curse the earth is free, And Eden may be ours again ! No more doth flaming sword appear, Nor cherubim to keep the way: The fallen race may now draw near. And cat Thy fruit, and live for aye. O holy Jesus, unto Thee From ev'ry ransom'd soul be praise ! Thy Cross our tree of life shall be, Our song of joy thro' endless days ! Amen. 86 WEEK BEFORE EASTER. OV« Requiem. "W. SCHULTES. ^E^-S 3; "^Mi :^=^: 1^2=^211^2=^; it :^^=^t?B^i = ?^ :^=^: -jcA--^3t. -G> — (Si-i^ L£i_^_:?-__ ^. J_ nzn^: M 'g: 22: "P^^ :^=^: :^ ^=^ i :^=iJ=^=J=«t|:^= -■^- jzt^-^ -m-- ?2lH»=fe=^ 122: :2:^=c:^_ =P2z^:tS i^i=?t ■s^ J:-^ J-^ J _e=^- , A-men. ■^^^^ zz S) 122 Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power ; Your Redeemer's conflict see ; Watch with Him one bitter hour. Turn not from His griefs away ; Learn from Him to watch and pray. See Him at the judgment hall, Beaten, bound, revil'd, arraign'd : See Him meekly bearing all ! Love to man His soul sustain'd ! Shun not suff'ring, shame, or loss ! Learn of Christ to bear the Cross. Calvary's mournful mountain view ; There the Lord of glory see, Made a sacrifice for you, Dying on the accursed tree : " It is finish'd ! " hear Him cry; Learn of Jesus how to die. Early to the tomb repair, Where His lifeless body lay ; Angels keep their virgils there : Who hath taken Him away ? " Christ is risen ! " He seeks the skies. Saviour, teach us so to rise. Amen. 87 WEEK BEFORE EASTER. OXi Prixcethobpe. D. William Pitts. N ! ^m^^m^m H P- (— ±i: ^i^iri^ tz-^z i:x:^ q_iipi_p_i — i — cz^, — a ^^ — i Glory be to Jesu.s, Who in bitter pains Pour'd for me the life-blood From His sacred veins ! Grace and life eternal In that blood I find. Blest be His compassion Infinitely kind ! Blest through endless ages Be the precious stream, Which from endless torments Did the world redeem ! Abel's blood for vengeance Pleaded to the skies ; But the blood of Jesus For our pardon cries. Oft as earth exulting Wafts its praise on high, Angel hosts, rejoicing, Make their glad reply. Lift ye tlicn your voices; Swell the mighty flood ; Louder still and louder. Praise the precious blood. Amen. 88 WEEK BEFORE EASTER St. Vikcent. L. M. Adapted by C. E. "Willing. Lord Jesus, when we stand afar, And gaze upon Thy holy Cross, In love of Thee and scorn of self, O may we count the world as loss ! When we behold Thy bleeding wounds, And the rough way that thou hast trod. Make us to hate the load of sin That lay so heavy on our God. O holy Lord, uplifted high. With outstretch'd Arms, in mortal woe, Embracing in Thy wondrous love The sinful world that lies below ; — Give us an ever-living faith To gaze beyond the things we see ; And in the mystery of Thy Death Draw us and all men unto Thee. Amen. 89 GOOD FRIDA V. Chemxitz. D.C.M. Gekman, :3tii=i^: I 1 < ' :t: I E=3E?i= ±E»izSzitzz=pS^ ^i -S— t+ij 1 — I 1 1 1 1 1 H r I p -*- I I I • =i: r" IS^I :p=r=f: = ngg^ i _it_S I SEE the crowd in Pilate's hall, Their furious cries I hear ; Their shouts of " Crucify " appal, Their curses fill mine ear. And of that shouting multitude I feel that I am one, And in that din of voices rude I recognize my own. I see the scourcjers rend the flesh Of God's beloved Son, . And as they smite I feel afresh That I of them am one. Around yon Cross the throng I see That mock the Sufferer's groan, Yet still my voice it seems to be. As if I mock'd alone. 'T was I that shed the sacred Blood, I nail'd Ilim to the tree, I crucified the Clirist of God, I join'd the mockerv. Yet not the less that IJlood avails To cleanse away my sin. And not the less that Cross prevails To give me peace within. 90 84. GOOD FRIDA Y. "Woolmek's. L.M. 1^=3 :]==i: SBE^^ ^-57-5: t=S=fi^: i^: Kbv. Sie F. a. G. Ouseley Babt I -•- -«- -•- -(9-M^ S- :q=q: ftf :a^: .•l_^_ :p=ff: tz; :t=t=^ ^; ^=l=^i^i «f ■ ri s ft:P=5?=P=?=P±S=S q: 3=s=; J- J. :P -iJ- 1= =P=f: :r=P -^: -|— " 'T is finish'd ! " so the Saviour cried, And meekly bow'd his head, and died : " 'T is finished ! " — yes, the race is run, The battle fought, the victory won. *"T is finish'd ! " — all that heaven foretold By prophets in the days of old ; And truths are open'd to our view, That kings and prophets never knew. 'T is finish'd ! " — Son of God, Thy power Hath triumph'd in this awful hour ; And yet our eyes with sorrow see That life to us was death to Thee. " 'T is finished ! " — let the joyful sound Be heard through all the nations round ; « 'T is finish'd ! "—let the echo fly Thro' heaven and hell, thro' earth and sky. 91 GOOD FRIDA Y. BOCKIKGHAM. Edward Milleb.Mds. Doc. When I survey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ, my God ; All the vain things that charm me most I sacrifice them to His blood. See from His head, His hands, }Iis feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 92 Were the whole realm of nature mine, I'hat were a tribute far to small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. GOOD FRIDA Y. Gekmait. Sweet the moments, rich in blessing Which before the Cross we spend ; Life and health and peace possessing Through the sinner's dying Friend. Here we'll rest, forever viewing Mercy pour'd in streams of blood ; Precious drops, our souls bedewing, Make and plead our peace with God. Truly blessed is the station, Low before His Cross to lie, While we see divine compassion Beaming in His closing eye. Lord, in ceaseless contemplation Fix our hearts and eyes on Thee, Till we taste Thy whole salvation, And Thine unveil'd glories see. For Thy sorrows we adore Thee, For the griefs that wrought our peace ; Gracious Saviour, we implore Thee, In our hearts thy love increase. Unto Thee the world's Salvation, Father, Spirit, unto Thee, Low we bow in adoration, Ever blessed One and Three. Amen. 93 St. Cross GOOD FRIDA Y. L.M. Eev. J. B. Dykes Mus. Doc. O COME and mourn with me awhile, O come ye to the Saviour's side ; O come, together let us mourn ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. Have we no tears to shed for Him, While soldiers scoff and Jews deride ? Ah, look how patiently He hangs ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. How fast His hands and feet are nail'd ; His throat with parching thirst is dried; His failing eyes are dimm'd with blood ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. Seven times He spoke, seven words of love ; And all three hours His silence cried For mercy on the souls of men ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. A broken heart, a fount of tears Ask, and they will not be denied ; A broken heart love's cradle is ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. O Love of Cod, O sin of man. In this dread act your strength is tried; And victory remains with love ; For He our Lord is crucified. 94 GOOD FRIDA Y. Passiox Chorale. 7.G.7.6. (D.) ^g^gg O Lord of life, now wounded, With grief and shame bow'd down, Now scornfully surrounded, With thorns Thine only crown : O loving Lord, what glory, What bliss till now was Thine ! Yes, though despised, and gory, I joy to call Thee mine. What Thou, my Lord, hast suffer'd Was all for sinners' gain : Mine, mine was the transgression. But Thine the deadly pain. Lo, here I fall my Saviour ! 'Tis I deserve Thy place ; Look on me with Thy favor. Vouchsafe to me Thy grace. The joy can ne'er be spoken, Above all joys beside, When in Thy Body broken, I thus with safety hide. O Lord of life, desiring. Thy glory now to see, Beside Thy Cross expiring I'd breathe my soul to Thee ! Be near me when I'm dying, O show Thy Cross to me ! And to my succour flying Come Lord, and set me free ! These eyes, new faith receiving, From Jesus shall not move. For he who dies believing Dies safely through Thy love ! Amen. i)5 GOOD FRIDA V. Ot/i St. Francois Xaviek. CM. Johk Stainer, M. A.,Mus. Doc. ■^-b::==l"-=l i^\2.-- ^-f^. ^^ — rzFi — \ — Ez -m.-- r-p :?2Z 1=^=:;^ :^i?2zi^ bsiizic^: "P^" ^^ fezize ^|=|z:^=^^^=^'=£fenz-i-ZFf=g=^-^- ^^1 — r^zi I I iBziz:^^ '^-— - P-P- 22: My Saviour hanging on the tree, In agonies and blood, Methought once turn'd His eyes on me, As near His Cross I stood. Sure, never till my latest breath Can I forget that look ; It seem'd to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke. My conscience felt and own'd the guilt, And plunged me in despair ; I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there. Alas ! I knew not what I did ; But now my tears are vain : Where shall my trembling soul be hid ? For I the Lord have slain. A second look He gave which said, " I freely all forgive ; This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die that thou may'st live." Thus, while His death my sin displays, In all its blackest hue — Such is the mystery of grace — It seals my pardon too. 96 90. Unser Hekscheb. -T ^ 1 =J :^y-^i-^ EASTER EVE. German. :==q-=q: :ci. ^~'^~'^' 1221^ '1^=:^: q=2i ■^ -^ iSi- d=^ :^: -1^ -fs- -^- -^ -J__'__L_,'_^i_c^_ :=^=S2= ^^f^: E?= z:± :^: :P2: :tz: :^ :^=^_: :^E^Ei::=^,^ All is o'er, the pain, the sorrow, Human taunts and fiendish spite ; Death shall be despoil'd to-morrow Of the prey he grasps to night. Yet once more, His own to save, Christ must sleep within the grave. Fierce and deadly was the anguish On the bitter Cross He bore : How did soul and body languish, Till the toil of death was o'er ! But that toil, so fierce and dread, Bruis'd and crushed the serpent's head. Close and still the tomb that holds him While in brief repose he lies ; Deep the slumber that enfolds him, Veil'd awhile from mortal eyes : Slumber such as needs must be After hard-won victory. So this night, with voice of sadness, Chant the anthem soft and low ; Loftier strains of praise and gladness From to-morrow's harps shall flow : Death and hell at length are slain, Christ hath triumph'd, Christ doth reign. 97 Cassel. EASTER EVE., Gekmak Melody. ^-P^-^~^-\ A, P^^^i^B :;?2=^ -^: i^e= =F Resting from His work to-day, In the tomb the Saviour lay ; Still He slept, from head to feet, Shrouded in the winding sheet. Lying in the rock alone, Hidden by the sealed stone. Late at even there was seen Watching long the Magdalene ; Early, ere the break of day, Sorrowful she took her way To the holy garden glade, Where her buried Lord was laid. So with Thee, till life shall end, I would solemn vigil spend ; Let me hew Thee, Lord, a shrine In this rocky heart of mine, Where in jnire embalmed cell None but Thou may ever dwell. Myrrh and spices will I bring. True affection's offering ; Close the door from sight and sound Of the busy world around ; And in ])atient watch remain Till my Lord appear again. Amen. EASTER EVE. ]==2:^=^: g ^- :^t=^==^: =3=^5= ?2: :^= "P^ 4d- 4 :& :^^ SEES ^WE^^ 3^-LQ: -^S^ JIZ]V isi: :^=^=^= :^: ■^- -j^-. --r± J..J.J J- -J- J ?='~^" r rr =^: 1^= :?=?: -i:± -d- J-^_X ^: :?2: :^: :^3^2z:e :^: 22: SE^iE^^ -■^- Z2ZIID :22j I I ■^-r- W T^^ 1 V^^^- I I I I I A-men :gi 4 1 F-H U 1 — I would not live alway : I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way ; The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here Are enough for life's woes, full enough for its cheer. I would not live alway, thus fetter'd by sin, Temptation without and corruption within : E'en the rapture of pardon is mingled with fears, And the cup of thanksgiving with penitent tears. I would not live alway ; no, welcome the tomb ! Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom ; There sweet be my rest, till He bid me arise To hail Him in triumph descending the skies ; Who, who would live alway, away from his God, Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains. And the noontide of glory eternally reigns ; Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet, Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet ; While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul ! Amen. 99 Easter Hymk EASTER. FIRST TUNE. 7.7-7.7. Monk. gEEEi=F^=p--zE / -^>- -S"- I^ J^. J -J Lg=:= :^=?2: 22: "_22: 'JC2I1\ ~rj> rj - 221 / ^^i^liii^illi^^ r=S: 122: A-men. 122: Jksus Christ is risen to-day, Hallelujah! Our triumphant holy day, Hallelujah ! Who did once upon the Cross Hallelujah ! Suffer to redeem our loss ; Hallelujah ! Hymns of praise then let us sing Hnllehijah ! Unto Christ our heavenly King, Hallelujah ! Who endured the Cross and grave, Hallelujah ! Sinners to redeem and save ; Hallelujah! But the pain which He endured, Hallelujah! Our salvation hath procured ; Hallelujah ! Now above the sky He's king. Hallelujah ! Where the angels ever sing Hallelujah! Sing we to our God ahove Hallelujah ! Praise eternal as His love ; Hallelujah ! Praise Him, all ye heavenly host. Hallelujah ! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; Hallelujah I 100 Easter Hymit, EASTER. SECOND TUNE. WOEGAN. Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Hallelujah ! Our triumphant holy day, Hallelujah ! Who did once upon the Cross Hallelujah ! Suffer to redeem our loss ; Hallelujah ! Hymns of praise then let us sing Hallelujah ! Unto Christ our heavenly King, Hallelujah ! Who endured the Cross and grave, Hallelujah ! Sinners to redeem and save ; Hallelujah ! But the pain which He endured, Hallelujah ! Our salvation hath procured ; Hallelujah ! Now above the sky He's king. Hallelujah ! Where the angels ever sing Hallelujah ! Sing we to our God above Hallelujah ! Praise eternal as His love ; Hallelujah ! Praise Him, all ye heavenly host. Hallelujah 1 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; Hallelujah I 101 94. St. Albixus. EASTER. Dr. Gauntlett. :=± rf fei; SS^ S^-i pz ±1: ■m. -^^■ =^=! / Al-le - lu - ia. A-men. Jesus lives ! no longer now Can thy terrors, Death, appal us ; Jesus lives ! by this we know Thou, O Grave, canst not enthral us. Alleluia ! Jesus lives ! henceforth is death But the gate of Life immortal ; This shall calm our trembling breath When we pass its gloomy portal. Alleluia. Jesus lives ! for us He died : Then, alone to Jesus living, Pure in heart may we abide. Glory to our Saviour giving. Alleluia ! Jesus lives ! our hearts know well Naught from us His love shall sever; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell Tear us from His keeping ever. Alleluia ! Jesus lives ! to Him the Throne Over all the world is given : May we go where He is gone, Rest and reign with Him in Heaven. Alleluia ! Amen. 102 Bethlehem. EASTER. D.C.M. A1T02T. » I I I I I I I I 1 I .1 i The Son of God ! the Lord of Life ! How wondrous are His ways ! O for a harp of thousand strings, To sound abroad His praise ! How passing strange, to leave the seat Of Heaven's eternal throne. And hosts of ghtt'ring Seraphim, For guilty man alone ! And did He bow His sacred head, And die a death of shame ? Let men and angels magnify And bless His holy name 1 O let us live in peace and love, And cast away our pride, And crucify our sins afresh, As He was crucified ! He rose again ; then let us rise From sin, and Christ adore, And dwell in peace with all mankind. And tempt the Lord no more : The Son of God ! the Lord of Life ! How wondrous are His ways! O for a harp of thousand strings To sound abroad His praise ! Amen. 103 EASTER. E. J. HOPKtNS. Morn's roseate hues have deck'd the sky ; The Lord has risen with victory : Let earth be glad, and raise the cry, Alleluia. The Prince of I>ife with death has striven, To cleanse the earth His Blood has given; Has rent the veil, and open'd heaven : Alleluia. And he, the wheat-corn, sown in earth, Has given a glorious harvest-birth: Rejoice, and sing with holy mirth, Alleluia. Our bodies, mouldering to decay, Are sown to rise to heavenly day; For He by rising burst the way : Alleluia. And He, dear Lord, that with Thee dies And fleshly passion crucifies, In body, like to Thine, shall rise: Alleluia. O grant us, then, with Thee to die. To spurn earth's fleeting vanity, And love the things above the sky: Alleluia. Oh, praise the Father and the Son, Who has for us the trium])h won. And Holy Ghost, — the Three in One : Alleluia. Amen. 104 97. EASTER. St. Ftjlbebt. CM. M E l~l !■ 1=^- "-'^'-^i 1=^- ^- ^-- =^- ^: ^-^ d: DB. GATJNTIjETT. I -jC± _^_ ^=^ =^21 I I -<^-^: g ^ n^-- Z^ :^ ?2: :ti= :^=^-^: :22: :^ 2^=^^=^: -^- zi5 :^:2^ ■^-s>- i 1=^-^ M I r Al-le- lu-ia! A- I I :£ men :s2 ^ :?z :^ :^ :^ 22: ?^,^ "P^ Ye choirs of new Jerusalem, Your sweetest notes employ, The Paschal victory to hymn In strains of holy joy. How Judah's Lion burst His chains, And bruised the serpent's head ; And cried aloud, through death's domains, To wake the imprison'd dead. Devouring depths of hell their prey At His command restore; His ransom'd hosts pursue their way Where Jesus goes before. Right gloriously He triumphs now ; To Him all power is given ; To Him in one communion bow All saints in earth and heaven. And we, as these His deeds we sing, His soldiers. Him implore, Within His palace bright to bring And keep us evermore. All glory to the Father be ; All glory to the Son; All glory. Holy Ghost, to Thee ; While endless ages run. Amen. 105 EASTER. Fraitconia. S.M. German Melody. j^l :^: A—-\ iESESEE: -■s- =^: 7=^ -■s- 12^ :2i: -—.s>- 11 .=^: ..i-J. :& -ps; :^ ^i^^iiiiiii ^d-JlJ JJ- :^ 3=^=;=^= :?2=^ "?=^ P=P= r T^' -^'. !-e^ a=t r^=— ^ y=d: A-men. r7-r-:gzp: ±1 II I p- I III :^ ?2: P-F 2=^ Si S: I I " The Lord is risen indeed ! " Then is His work perform'd; The mighty captive now is freed, And death, our foe, disarm'd. The Lord is risen indeed ! " He lives to die no more ; He lives the sinner's cause to plead, Whose curse and shame He bore. " The Lord is risen indeed ! " Then hell has lost His prey ; With Him is risen the ransom'd seed, To reign in endless day, "The Lord is risen indeed!" Attending angels hear ; Up to the course of heaven, with speed, The joyful tidings bear. Then wake your golden lyres. And strike each cheerful cord ; Join, all ye bright, celestial choirs, To sing our risen Lord. Amen. 100 EASTER Dr. Hates. 2:^: dEE^^ z:^-^=^: 222 ^= i:±i^±=r^. :^=--^ ?2: :^: :^: @: -(S» — iSv- ■fS^J-.S' — <^- S=pr ^dS=J: j^ .ri =?2= Si :^ :^ ~IBS=ST :^ SE^E -P2I ^: Z25 ±=t Come, see the place where Jesus lay, And hear angelic watchers say, " He lives, who once was slain : Why seek the living 'midst the dead ? Remember how the Saviour said That He would rise again." O joyful sound, O glorious hour. When by His own almighty power He rose, and left the grave ! Now let our songs His triumph tell, Who burst the bands of death and hell, And ever lives to save. The First-begotten of the dead, For us He rose, our glorious Head, Immortal life to bring ; What though the saints like Him shall die. They share their Leader's victory, And triumph with their King. No more they tremble at the grave, For Jesus will their spirits save, And raise their slumb'ritig dtxst. O risen Lord, in Thee we live. To Thee our ransom'd souls we give. To Thee our bodies trust. Amen. 107 EASTER. ■=^=-n :?2=g: ^^EiE3EH I I I I I -^=^--; g= ""s:?^ at ^: t: :^: ^izp: :?2=^=^: A-men 1221 Jesus, our risen King, Glory to Thee we sing, Praising Thy Name, Thy love and grace adore. Which all our sorrows bore, Crying for evermore " Worthy the Lamb." O haste, ye ransom'd race. For all His gifts of grace To praise His Name : He wondrous things hath done, Triumph o'er death hath won, Heaven's gate open thrown : " Worthy the Lamb." 108 Come, all ye hosts above. Mingle one song of love. Praising His name : To Him ascribed be Honour and majesty Through all eternity : " Worthy the Lamb." Blessed and Holy Three, Glorious Trinity, Praised be Thy Name. Father, Thy love we bless ; Spirit of Holiness, Thee we praise ; and confess " Worthy the Lamb." Amen. 101. EASTER. ■WlBTEMBURG. Geemait. " Christ the Lord is risen to-day," Sons of men and angels say ; Raise your songs of triumph high, Shout ye heavens and earth reply. Alleluia ! Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the victory won : Jesus' agony is o'er. Darkness veils the earth no more. Alleluia ! Vain the stone, the watch, the seal ; Christ hath burst the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids Him rise ; Christ hath open'd paradise. Alleluia ! Lives again our glorious King ; Where, O Death, is now thy sting ? Once He died our souls to save : Where thy victory, O Grave .'' Alleluia ! Soar we now where Christ hath led, Following our exalted Head ; Made like Him, like Him we rise ; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Alleluia ! What though once we perish 'd all Partners of our parents' fall ? Second life we now receive. When in Jesus we believe. Alleluia ! Hail the Lord of earth and heaven Praise to Thee by both be given : Thee we greet triumphant now : Hail the Resurrection Thou ! Alleluia ! 109 102 EASTER. • Church Triumphant. S 1 ! ■ •■ . I I r I — rill J. W. Elliott, I V± 3ili :3lP=:ff: ^BEi pzipzip: i I I r^J- J I tittZZi I — lih e-li: ::t: I *fP^ — (•— I :*=*: ^y :p=p: t I I I r t I 1 I J :?t J. J. J J-feJ-^J--^ -*!-._^vJ- The Saviour lives, no more to die ; He lives, the Lord enthroned on high ; He lives, triumphant o'er the grave ; He lives, eternally to save. He lives, to still His people's fears ; He lives, to wipe away their tears ; He lives, their mansion to prepare ; He lives, to bring them safely there. Ye mourning souls, dry up your tears ; Dismiss your gloomy, groundless fears ; And let your hearts with this revive, That Jesus Christ is yet alive. liO 103. CULBACH. EASTER. Geemax. =3=3 :g^-^-gJ-^: :^: 2^ZZZ2 :^: :p2: :^=^i=^-hP=p; U ■"2::?" .J_ -iS_ ^=P2: :& :^: -^=^q S=i: 3i: I I I =^: #2=^: :^ ?2- I :S=i: 3 ^§^=3 * :?2: 2:^=^: f-F" z^.^=^ ~^~ ^_Jfc^_ :S d: SE^ .^-^- :^=^ 1^=^: :^ ?2: :^: S: P :^ Easter Day is here, and we To our Saviour bow the knee ; Easter Day with joy has come To the tenants of the tomb. Jesus lives, He Hves for aye, Death's dark shadows melt away; Hell hath tried the Lord to hold ; Hell defeated we behold. Death and hell and shades of night, Cannot hold the Lord of light ; Our great Captain triumphs well, He hath burst the bars of hell. Death and hell are desolate ; Shattered is the brazen gate ; Broken are the bonds of^death, For our Jesus triumpheth. Come, ye saints, with one accord. Join the triumph of the Lord ; Bruised is the serpent's head ; Jesus lives, and death is dead. Death is dead, for Jesus lives ; Light of life to all He gives ; Jesus died that death might die ; Jesus wins the victory. Ill 104. EASTER. J. W. Elliott. AlI-Ei.uia ! Alleluia! Alleluia! The strife is o'er, the battle done! The victory of life is won ; The song of Iriumpli has begun, Alleluia! The powers of death have done their worst ; But Christ their legions hath dispersed ; Let shout of holy joy outburst. Alleluia ! Tlie three sad days are quickly sped ; lii He rises glonous from the dead All glory to our risen Head I Alleluia I He closed the yawning gates of hell ; The bars from heaven's hifih jiortals fell : Let hymns of jiraise His triumphs tell ! Alleluia! Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death's dread stinp Thy servants free. That we may live, and smg to Thee, Alleluia I ASCENSION. Ascension', "W. H, Monk. dizc^: ^-- :c^: mm^m: ^-- T2-- :22z:nz:22: :^= :^' :g.-' s: P3^?E5EgESE :P2: d: / Al - - le lu 122: :z2: Hail the day that sees Him rise, Alleluia ! To His Throne above the skies ; Alleluia ! Christ, the Lamb for sinners given, Alleluia ! Enters now the highest heaven. Alleluia ! There for Him high triumph waits ; Alleluia Lift your heads, eternal gates ; Alleluia He hath conquer'd death and sin. Alleluia Take the King of Glory in. Alleluia Lo ! the heaven its Lord receives. Alleluia Yet He loves the earth He leaves ; Alleluia Though returning to His Throne, Alleluia Still He calls mankind His ovra. Alleluia See, He Jifts His hands above ; Alleluia See, He shows the prints of love ; Alleluia Hark ! His gracious lips bestow Alleluia Blessings on His Church below. Alleluia Still for us He intercedes. Alleluia His prevailing death He pleads. Alleluia Near Himself prepares our place, Alleluia He the first-fruits of our race. Alleluia Lord, though parted from our sight. Alleluia ! Far above the starry height, Alleluia! Grant our hearts may thither rise. Alleluia I Seeking Thee above the skies. Alleluia I 113 ASCENSION. AvO« St. PAxaicK's. Sir E. P. Stevtart, Mrs. Doc. 1 I I 1 I 1 I I , I . I ^1 3 1 i-i 1 U-^ I l-r?-^--; — d-i I 1 i-i 1 ' 1 I I z:t^zi3?it^=--Dz^iigrc^^=z"f=:izz:p=iiT|z Hark ! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above : Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices ; Jesus reigns, the God of love : See, He sits on yonder throne ; Jesus rules the world alone. King of glory, reign forever ! Thine an everlasting crown ; Nothing from Thy love shall sever Those whom Thou hast made Thine own ; Happy objects of Thy grace, Destined to behold Thy face. Saviour, hasten Thine appearing; Bring, oh, bring the glorious day, When the awful summons hearing, Heaven and cartii shall pass away ! Then, with golden harps, we'll sing, " Glor}^, glory to our King ! " \n ASCENSION. 107. Hebkox. -^--^^- -F^^' ::q: fl-^- ~g=^ztsi: fe?^^i^fe:refeSg f ^^=S a Thou art gone up on high To mansions in the skies, And round Thy throne unceasingly Tlie songs of praise arise. Rut we are lingering here With sin and care oppress'd ; Lord ! send Thy promised Comforter, And lead us to Thy rest ! Thou art gone up on high ; But Thou didst first come down, Through earth's most bitter agony To pass unto Thy crown; And girt with griefs and fears Our onward course must be ; But only let that path of tears Lead us, at last, to Thee ! Thou art gone up on high ; But Thou shalt come again With all the bright ones of the sky Attendant in Thy train. Oh I by Thy saving power So make us live and die, That we may stand, in that dread hour, At Thy right hand on high ! 115 ASCENSION. DlADEMATA D.S.M. Sir George J. Elvet, Mus. Doc. A-men. II I i Crown Him with many crowns, The Lamb upon His throne ; Hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns All music but its own : With His most precious Blood From sin He set us free : We hail Him as our matchless King Through all eternity. Crown Him, the Virgin's Son, Tlie God Incarnate born, Whose arm tluii^e crimson trophies won, Which now his brow adorn : Fruit of the mystic rose, As of that rose tlie stem ; The root whence mercy ever flows, The Babe of Bethlehem. Crown Him, the Lord of T^ove ; Behold His hands and side. Rich wounds, yet visible above, In beauty glorified : 110 No angel in the sky Can fully bear that sight, But downward bends his burning eye At mysteries so bright. Crown Him, the Lord of Peace ; Whose power a sceptre sways, From pole to pole, that wars may cease, And all be prayer and praise : His reign shall know no end, And round His pierced feet Fair flowers of Paradise extend Their fragrance ever sweet. Crown Him, tlie Lord of years. The I-'otontate of time. Creator of the rolling spheres, Ineffably sublime ; All hail. Redeemer, hail! For Thou hast died for me ; Thy praise shall never, never fail Throughout eternity. Amen. ASCENSION. P.M. t. L-L. -^- ^ "^z5?l z^dr^z^'^. '-^-s::^^!— p?-^- -■^- I I I I ?2_^. ^1 =^: ^- :?2zg :^: %^t^^-^- 2^: ^"^ ^=^: ii^i :^: :fe ^z T^-- ^- 1 I A-men. --m^--^ ^ -^. Z2: Lift up your heads, eternal gates ; Ye everlasting doors, give way : The King, the King of glory comes, Ascending to His tlirone to-day ! Who is the King of glory ? Who is the King of glory ? It is the Lord of might. The victor in the fight, Triumphant o'er the powers of night ! Lift up your heads, eternal gates ; Ye gates of pearl and streets of gold ; The King, the King of glory comes ; Before His chariot-wheels unfold ! Who is the King of glory ? Who is the King of glory ? The Lord of Hosts is He, The God of Majesty, He is the King eternally ! Now with the Father God Most High, And with the spirit, ever one, The angels own the Christ, the King, And bow before His shining throne. He is the King of glory ! He is the King of glory! Him let all earth adore ; To Him our praises pour, For ever and for evermore ! Amen. 117 no. CAPETOTVIf. ASCENSION. Germax. rail. ?2— ^_^_t^_ '^m A-men. zssirszp Lord of mercy and of might ! Of mankind the Life and Light ! Maker, Teacher Infinite ! Jesus ! hear and save ! Who, when sins tremendous doom Gave creation to the tomb, Didst not scorn the Virgin's womb, Jesus ! hear and save ! Mighty Monarch ! Saviour mild ! Humbled to a mortal child, Captive, beaten, bound, reviled, Jesus ! hear and save! Throned above celestial things, Borne aloft on angels' wings, Lord of lords, and King of kings, Jesus ! hear and save! Who shalt yet return from high, Robed in might and majesty, Hear us, help us when we cry ! Jesus ! hear and save ! Amen. 118 111. ASCENSION. Belmont. CM. S. "Webbe. ^^EE^_^= \—^—ri^-- ^_^_ 2^=^- :^: "P'' ±1^=22: =^=g= 122 2:22: :^: _ci_ :^-cizr :^=^zE :=2=J^ -ci_ :;^=^r 1^==:^: "C^~ 33ES: ■<^<;> =^: p:zs2: ^^ i=^: :Cf?2: :^: iiliiiili 1 J. ./^-J_ A-men. (m)'^ '^ -flJ - ^^ — c:^ fi^ ^ (Si- (^ = p 1 j 1 (Zf " Jesus our Hope, our heart's desire, RedemiDtion's only spring, Creator of the world art Thou, Its Saviour and its King. How vast the mercy and the love Which laid our sins on Thee, And led Thee to a cruel death. To set Thy people free ! But now the bonds of death are burst, The ransom has been paid ; And Thou art on Thy Father's Throne, In glorious robes array 'd. O may Thy mighty love prevail Our sinful souls to spare ! O may we stand around Thy Throne, And see Thy glory there ! Jesus, our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize wilt be ; In Thee be all our glory now And through eternity. All praise to Thee who dost ascend Triumphantly to heaven ; All praise to God the Father's name And Holy Ghost be given. Amen. 119 112. Rex Gloria ASCENSION. (D.) -«-+rP" ^^S>-'0—&&- See the Conqvieror mounts in triumph ; see the King in royal state, Riding on the clouds His chariot to His heavenly jialace gate ; Hark ! the choirs of angel voices joyful Alleluias sing, And the portals high are hfted to receive their Heavenly King. Who is this that comes in glory, with the trump of )ul"loc ? Lord of battles, God of armies, He has gain'd the victory! He who on the Cross did suffer, He who from the grave arose, He has vanquish'd sin and Satan, He by death has spoii'd His foes. While He raised His hands in blessing. He was parted from His friends ; While their eager eyes behold Hini, He upon the clouds ascends. 120 He who walk'd with God and pleased Him, preaching truth and doom to come. He, our Enoch, is translated to His everlasting home. Now our heavenly Aaron enters with His blood within the veil : Joshua now is come to Canaan, and the kings before Him quail ; Now He pl.Tnts the tribes of Israel in their prom- ised resting-iilace : Now our great Elijah offers doubls portion of His grace. Thou hast raised our human nature on the clouds to God's right hand ; There we sit in heavenly places, there with Thee in glory stand ; Jesus reigns, adored by Angels ; Man with God is on the Throne ; Mighty Lord, in Thine Ascension we by faith behold our own. Aioen. us. Veni Creatoe. WHITSUNTIDE. L.M. i 9 WM :^-=^: ^'- :s2: ^=2izz^i3:-i :e::^rf :^^ I Z2: ^m-- iS: ^ 1=ci; f-r :22: l5El^=^^^|§3i^^;l a: :^ :z2: ^; :^ "P'" 2^=:^: I 1 ^^1 r ?2= =:=p?: ;S?SE^: ?2=^ Lj=i.-cL ?^=?2: ^ ?=: After last verse. H l-r ^: p p^^r^-p— s:?-— ^r:^ .^ig. ^-gr.^- Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire ; Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost Thy seven-fold gifts impart. Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love ; Enable with perpetual light The dulness of our blinded sight ; Anoint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of Thy grace ; Keep far our foes ; give peace at home ; WhereThou art guide, no ill can come ; Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee of both to be but One : That, through the ages all along, This may be our endless song, " Praise to Thy eternal merit, " Father, Son and Holy Spirit ! " Amen. 121 St. George. WHITSUNTIDE. S.M. Dr. Gauntlett. Come, Holy Spirit, come ; Let Thy bright beams arise ; Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. Revive our drooping faith. Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never dying love. Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesus' blood, And to our wondering view reveal The secret love of God. 'Tis Thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul. To pour fresh life in every part, And new-create the whole. Dwell tlierefore in our hearts, Our minds from bondage free; Then we shall know, and praise, and love The Father, Son, and Thee ! Amen. 122 115. St. Peteh. WHITSUNTIDE. CM. i A ^=^: ^- Reinagle. BS r i :^=^ 2i=^z^. 1=^- ■ct. T^'- :^=^^ ,^1 I I I :=^=^: -^-=^- - c> ,- =S^ iddii= 1^ S :^: :^: :^- COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers, Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. In vain we tune our formal songs ; In vain we strive to rise : Hosannas languish, on our tongues, And our devotion dies. Dear Lord ! and shall we ever be In this poor dying state ? Our love so faint, so cold to Thee, And Thine to us so great ? Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickeningpowers, Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love. And that shall kindle ours. Amen. 123 116. WHITSUNTIDE. D.S.M. E. TOKE. ^^m^^mmm '■^~ =g=si; :ii* I 1 r^^^^.s=iESEi a?^: _^_s:i_^ c± -^—■^—tn :& I I I ^^=& T^m-- ^= ^: t=^^^t: A. 1^- ±=^=t=: 1^ _Jj^^zS:_: =?2==^=f -I Li: ^=^.-=z=:i:i :& fill g=P!: A - men. Lord God, the Holy Ghost, In this accepted hour, As on the day of Pentecost, Descend in all Tliy power : We meet with one accord In our appointed place, And wait the promise of our Lord, The Spirit of all grace. Like mighty rushing wind Upon the waves beneath, Move with one impulse every mind, One soul, one feeling breathe. The young, the old, inspire With wisdom from above ; And give us hearts and tongues of firCi To pray, and praise, and love. Spirit of light, explore, And chase our gloom away. With lustre shining more and more Unto the perfect day ; Spirit of truth, be Thoo In life and death our guide ; O Spirit of adoption, now May we be sanctified. Amena 124 117. St. Cuthbeet. WHITSUNTIDE, 86.84. Eev. J. B. Dykes, Mrs. Doc. -?=- -p-- 1 II I I.I I, r r I I I ^^^ ^m^g^i •J :^- ^ li^zS: :^: I I I & l=ti :^=P2=- :?2: :?2=^: :^: :P2: :^ ai i^zzjzis:^-^ 2^=2:^=^; 3± -s>— 2:± Z2: ^^ ,■^422 :Ct^" j_-i l^^fe^^ :& ;^ 22: d: -CZ- A - men. jTS. ?=2: 22] Our blest Redeemer, ere He breath'd His tender last farewell, A guide, a comforter, bequeath 'd With us to dwell. He came sweet influence to impart, A gracious willing guest, While He can find one humble heart Wherein to rest. And His that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even. That checks each thought, that calms each fear And speaks of heaven. And every virtue we possess, And every conquest won. And every thought of holiness, Are His alone. Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness, pitying, see : O make our hearts Thy dwelling-place. And worthier Thee. O praise the Father ; praise the Son ; Blest Spirit, praise to Thee ; All praise to God, the Three in One, The One in Three. Amen. 125 WHITSUNTIDE. Charity J. Stainer, M. a. Mus. Doc. Voices in Unison, rail. l^'^'jEpSl Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Taught by Thee, we covet most, Of Thy gifts at Penticost, Holy, heavenly love. Love is kind, and suffers long; Love is meek, and thinks no wrong; Love than death itself more strong : Give us heavenly love. Prophecy will fade away, Melting in the light of day ; Love will ever with us stay : Give us heavenly love. Faith will vanish into sight: Hope be emptied in delight ; Love in heaven will shine more bright ; Give us heavenly love. Faith and hope and love we see Joining hand in hand agree ; But the greatest of the three, And the best, is love. Amen. 126 119. Mount Epheaim. WHITSUNTIDE. S.M. MiLGROVE. F=n: Si^ "r± --^- ■^- =?21^ ^^Tr?- 32: A-men ;22i:i^ SEf=2 :^ i izpz The Spirit, in our hearts, Is whispering, sinner, come : The Bride, the Church of Christ, proclaims To all His children, come. Let him that heareth, say To all about him, come : Let him that thirsts for righteousness, To Christ the fountain, come. Yes, whosoever will, O let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life : 'Tis Jesus bids him come. Lo, Jesus, who irvyites, Declares, I quickly come. Lord ! even so ; I wait thy hour : Jesus, my Saviour, come. Amen. 127 120. TersocENTS. WHITSUNTIDE. Anok. ^'- 7T 12^= :^=^=?2— ^^ =^ -.s^ — P^ — s> — e?>- eiS^^ lE^ 3^: ±z± i^fe^^E^i^ 1 ^~n — r ^^^# ■Sf^- I A-men. t: ?2: S=E^ESB T^P-P- Ez: Gracious Spirit, Dove divine, Let thy light within me shine ; All my guilty fears remove ; Fill me full of heaven and love. Speak Thy pard'ning grace to me ; Let the burden'd sinner free ; Lead me to the Lamb of God ; Wash me in His precious blood. Life and peace to mie impart ; Seal sah'ation on my heart ; Breathe Thyself within my breast. Earnest of immortal rest. Let me never from Thee stray ; Keep me in the narrow way ; Fill my soul with joy divine : Keep me, Lord, for ever Thine. Guard me round on every side; Save me from self-righteous pride ; Me with Jesus' mind inspire ; Melt me with celestial fire. Amen. 128 121. WHITSUNTIDE. Weber. "Wbbeb. a=SS:H =1= ---^ gE^^EEgJi^ S^?^i"3: :^ :^-J-.trJ_-ib^_ ^ — ' 1 \ I 1-1 — I — ^^R-i [— IL I I :?2: :=^=^=z2=tl -.S- -iS- -- '0- - I '-& '-1=2L =^= ^: Z22227 :d=^=P= z!fl=^-h=^=^ :^-- ^^m^^w^m ■2:?— ■— s:?— ^— .^— '-^— ^— .^— gr-^.^-*-'- O Day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright ; On Thee, the high and lowly Before the eternal throne Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, To God the Three in One. On Thee, at the creation, The light first had its birth ; On Thee for our salvation Christ rose from depths of earth ; On Thee our Lord victorious The Spirit sent from heaven ; And thus on Thee most glorious A triple light was given. Thou art a cooling fountain, In life's dry, dreary sand ; From Thee, like Pisgah's mountain, We view our promised land ; A day of sweet refection, A day of holy love, A day of resurrection From earth to things above- To-day on weary nations The heav'nly manna falls ; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls ; Where Gospel-light is glowing With pure and radiant beams, And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams. New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, We reach the Rest remaining To spirits of the blest ; To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father, and to Son ; The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One. Amen. 145 138. Leioh. THE LORDS DAY. L.M. Reinagle. Sweet is the work, my God, my King, To praise Thy name, give thanks and sing, To show Thy love by morning light, And talk of all Thy truth at night. Sweet is the day of sacred rest : No mortal cares shall seize my breast ; O may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound ! My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word ; Thy works of grace, how bright they shine ! How deep Thy counsels, how divine ! But I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refin'd my heart, And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil to cheer my head. J46 Then shall I see and hear and know All I desir'd or wish'd below, And every pow'r find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy ! Amen. 139. Langtok. THE LORDS DAY. S.M. Adapted by C. Streatfield. Welcome, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise ! Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes ! The King himself comes near, And feasts His saints to-day ; Here may we rest and see Him here, And love, and praise, and pray. One day, amid the place Where my dear Lord hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Within the tents of sin. My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And wait until I'm call'd away. To everlasting bliss. Amen. 147 140. THE LORD'S DAY. Holy Trinity. CM. J. Babitbt. :^^^- =^^=*=^ ^g^S^i6gE5ES3:gEaESE^E3 ^- ^-j- J r 5"^- :^=?2: -i:i. _p2zzp: :t: I I I I -^ . t^ r^ <:^ 'T=>~T^ :?=: =P= :^=^ :^ i^ 53^3^E^l^:"e 12^ 3S3; This is the day the Lord hath made, He calls the hours His own ; Let heav'n rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. To-day He rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell ; To-day the saints His triumphs spread, And all his wonders tell. Hosanna to the anointed King, To David's holy Son ! Help us, O Lord, descend and bring Salvation from Thy throne. Bless 'd be the Lord, who comes to men With messages of grace ; Who comes, in God His father's name, To save our sinful race. 148 Hosanna in the highest strains The church on earth can raise ; The highest heav'ns in which He reigns Shall give him noble praise 141. St. George. THE LORD'S DAY. S.M. I Dk. Gauntlett. =^^^^Elii^ F=^- ■^-^--^.. 22Z :^: :e=^ I :P2= :^: 1^.-^=^: :^: ;tz: 221 :zs2zz:: :^- :t=:r 1^=^ .^ It: i^n^i 122: This is the day of light : Let there be light to-day ; O Day-spring, rise upon our night, And chase its gloom away. This is the day of rest : Our faihng strength renew ; On weary brain and troubled breast Shed Thou Thy freshening dew. This is the day of peace : Thy peace our spirits fill ; Bid Thou the blasts of discord cease, The waves of strife be still. This is the day of prayer : Let earth to heaven draw near ; Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there ; Come down to meet us here. This is the first of days : Send forth Thy quickening breath. And wake dead souls to love and praise, O Vanquisher of death ! Amen. 149 142. Vespers. THE LORD'S DA Y. L.M. W. H. HART. fife3i==- &—r:J—<^- :^-^: ~^^~r^' :^ J=S3 :^=c:^=^rr ?2=^2=P2: izzzzipsit iig EEE5^ Lord of the Sabbath ! hear our vows, On this Thy day, in this Thy house ; And own as grateful sacrifice The songs which from the desert rise. Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love ; But there's a nobler rest above ; To that our labouring souls aspire With ardent pangs of strong desire. No more fatigue, no more distress ; Nor sin nor hell shall reach the place ; No groans to mingle with the songs Which warble from immortal tongues. No rude alarms of raging foes ; No cares to break the long repose ; No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon. O long-expected day, begin ! Dawn on these realms of woe and sin ! Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, to rest with God ! Amen. 160 THE LORD'S DAY. De. Elvey. On each return of holy rest, The day my heav'nly Father blest, O let my happy portion be T© find supreme delight in Thee, In Thee, my God, in Thee ! These precious hours I would improve In fervent prayer, in sacred love ; From earth's polluting pleasures free. To find my every joy in Thee ; In Thee, my God, in Thee ! When, humbly kneeling at Thy throne, With deep distress my guilt I own, Then let my contrite Spirit see Enough of pard'ning grace in Thee ; In Thee, my God, in Thee! When in Thy temple I adore, And truth's unfathom'd mines explore ; Or trembling praise the One in Three Fresh glories let me view in Thee ; In Thee, my God, in Thee ! Thus on each day of holy rest. May I with heavenly joy be blest, And, in a bright eternity, Have my undying bliss in Thee ; In Thee, my God, in Thee ! 151 144. THE LORDS DAY. Covert. CM. Dr. Haynie. A-men. -.-f=^ iii»t=ii^i ■ ^ '-^''- Blest day of God ! most calm, most bright, The first, the best of days ; The labourer's rest, the saint's delight, The day of prayer and praise. My Saviour's face made thee to shine ; His rising thee did raise, And made thee heavenly and divine Beyond all other days. The first-friiits oft a blessing prove To all the sheaves behind ; And they the day of Christ who love, A happy week shall find. This day I must with God appear; For, Lord, the day is Thine ; Help me to spend it in Thy fear, And thus to make it mine. Amen. 152 145. EMBER DAYS. ElSEXACH. L.M. Bach. i^llil^lliiiEiiiifelisi i. f i. 1^ -^ p r -p- p 13^: If: :p.-g: ?:2zi:^ 3i=g: P=«-p: :g: 7Z> A-men Pour out Thy Spirit from on high ; Lord, Thine assembled servants bless ; Graces and gifts to each supply, And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. Within Thy temple when we stand To teach the truth as taught by Thee, Saviour, like stars in Thy right hand The angels of the churches be ! Wisdom, and zeal, and faith impart, Firmness, with meekness from above, To bear Thy people on our heart, And love the souls whom Thou dost love : To watch and pray, and never faint. By day and night strict guard to keep, To warn the sinner, cheer the saint. Nourish Thy lambs, and feed Thy sheep : Then, when our work is finish'd here, In humble hope our charge resign ! When the chief Shepherd shall appear, O God ! may they and we be Thine ! Amen. 163 146. EMBER DAYS. L.M. Mendelssohit. O Thou who makest souls to shine With light from lighter worlds above, And droppest glist'ning dew divine On all who seek a Saviour's love ; Do Thou Thy benediction give On all who teach, on all who learn, That so Thy Church may holier live, And every lamp more brightly burn. Give those who teach pure hearts and wise, Faith, hope and love, all warm'd by prayer; Themselves first training for the skies. They best will raise their people there. Give those who learn the willing ear. The spirit meek, the guileless mind ; Such gifts will make the lowliest here Far better than a kingdom find. O bless the shepherd ; bless the sheep; That guide and guided both be one. One in the faithful watch they keep, Until this hurrying life be done. If thus, good Lord, Thy grace be given, In Thee to live, in Thee to die, Before we upward pass to heaven We taste our immortality. 164 147. EMBER DAYS. Easteb. S.M. A. King. Ye servants of the Lord, Each in his office wait, Observant of His heavenly words, And watchful at His gate. Let all your lamps be bright, And trim the golden flame ; Gird up your loins, as in His sight, For awful is His Name. Watch ! 'tis your Lord's command ; And while we speak, He's near ; Mark the first signal of His hand, And ready all appear. Oh, happy servant he. In such a posture found ! He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honour crown'd. Christ shall the banquet spread With His own Royal hand ; And raise that faithful servant's head Amid the angelic band. Amen. 165 148. EMBER DAYS. Bentlet. 7.6. D. J. HtriiiiAH. J -^- -o- -^ =s== m Lord of the living harvest That whitens o'er the plain, Where angels soon shall gather Their sheaves of golden grain ; Accept these hands to labour, These hearts to trust and love, And deign with them to hasten Thy kingdom from above. As labourers in Thy vineyard Still faithful may we be, Content to Ijear the burden Of weary days for Thee ; AVe ask no other wages. When Thou shah call us home. But to have shared the travail Which makes Thy kingdom come. Come down, Thou Holy Spirit, And fill our souls with light, Clothe us in spotless raiment, In vesture clean and white ; Within Thy sacred temple Be with us, wlien we stand, And sanctify Thy people Throughout this happy land. How happily the working days In this dear service fly I How rapidly the closing hour, The time of rest, draws nigh ; When all the faithful gather home, A joyful company ! And ever where the Master is Shall His blest servants be I lu6 EMBER DAYS. 149 • Napoli. L.M. J. "W. F. HARKISOU-. I I ._|-J-J-.-^-^-,-<^-: I I < I I ^iPpiiiifePpp?piigi Bow down Thine ear, Almighty Lord, And hear Thy Church's suppHant cry For all who preach Thy saving word, And wait upon Thy ministry. In mercy, Father, now give heed, And pour Thy quick' ning Spirit's breath On those whom Thou hath call'd to feed Thy flock redeem'd by Jesus' death. O Saviour, from Thy pierced hand Shed o'er them all Thy gifts divine ; That those who in Thy presence stand May do Thy will with love like Thine. Blest Spirit, in their hearts abide. And give them grace to watch and pray ; That as they seek Thy flock to guide. Themselves may keep the narrow way. O God, Thy strength and mercy send To shield them in their strife with sin ; Grant them, enduring to the end, * The crown of life at last to win. Amen. 157 150. Bridehead. EMBER DAYS. P.M. Teottb. i^Hliiii^lil^iiiii^Ep Lord of the Church, we humbly pray For those who guide us in Thy way, And speak Thy holy word ; With love divine their hearts inspire, And touch their lips with hallow'd fire, And needful grace afford. Help them to preach the truth of God, Redemption through the Saviour's blood; Nor let the Spirit cease On all the Church His gifts to shower, To them a messenger of power. To us of life and peace. So may they live to Thee alone, Then hear the welcome word — " Well done," And take their crown above ; Enter into their Master's joy. And all eternity employ In praise, and bliss, and love. 1G3 151. Alstoite. EMBER DA YS. L.M. C. E. WiLLrN-o. I^ :^: z^T-^--^-- :^- -tS- -jS>-* T»- -- -^- -tsJ- -^■ -^- :^=£:i: :^: -s- i I -^- i^j^ -tSi-^ -e fill d: ' 1 — H 1 — I — ^ r: (S— p2. :c± sgiEg^^s ^ ?2i=f: :P2: r Go, labour on : spend and be spent, Thy joy to do the Father's will ; It is the way the Master went : Should not the servant tread it still ? Go, labour on ; though poor thy lot, Thine earthly loss is heav'nly gain ; Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not ; The Master praises ; what are men ? Go, labour on : thy hands are weak, Thy knees are faint ; thy soul cast down ; Yet falter not ; the prize we seek Is near, — a Icingdom and a crown. Go, labour on : while it is day ; The world's dark night is hastening on | Speed, speed thy work ; cast sloth away ; It is not thus that souls are won. Men die in darkness at thy side, Without a hope to cheer the tomb ; Take up the torch and wave it wide, The torch that lights time's thickest gloom. Toil on and faint not, watch and pray ; Be wise the erring soul to win ; Go forth into the world's highway, Compel the wanderer to come in. Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice ; For work comes rest, for exile home ; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice ; The midnight peal, " Behold, I come." Amen. 159 152. EMBER DA YS. P.M. J. "W. F. Habrison. =i2:^r:3^z:22: ,2i: 'W^^ :^=2^— ^^: :p^r 22: ±=: rS=^ it2=2: T -s= '^' -ci ^. .^ -S^— fg— ^— f^- :g^^gJ=:i :22zzf2: Sow ye beside ail waters, Wliere the dew of heaven may fall : Ye shall reap if ye be not weary, For the Spirit breathes e'er all. Sow, though the thorn may wound thee, (One wore the thorn for thee) And though the cold world scorn thee Patient and hopeful be- Sow ye beside all waters. With a blessing and a prayer ; Name Him whose hands uphold thee. And sow ye everywhere. Sow where the sunlight sheddeth Its warm and cheering ray, For the rain of heaven descendeth When the sunbeams pass away. Sow when the tempest lowers. For calmer days may break ; And the seed,in darkness nourish'd, A goodly plant may make. Sow when the morning breaketh In beauty o'er the land ; And when the evening falleth Withhold not thou thine hand. Work while the daylight lasteth, Ere the shades of night come on, Ere the Lord of the vineyard cometh, And the labourer's work is done. Watch not the clouds above thee, the wild winds round thee sweep { God may the seed-time give thee, But another hand may reap. Amen. N. B. — In the 2nd 3rd and 4th verses alterations in the division of words are necessary at bars 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, and 15. They are not indicated, as it would tend to confuse the tune,and the chances re- quired will be readily observed in reading the words of the hymn. — Eds. 160 153. St. Gregory. ROGATION DAYS. L.M. German Tune. Father of mercies, bow Thine ear, Attentive to our earnest prayer : We plead for those who plead for Thee ; Successful pleaders may they be. How great their work, how vast their charge ! Do Thou their anxious souls enlarge : Their best acquirements are our gain ; We share the blessings they obtain. Clothe, then, with energy divine Their words, and let those words be Thine ; To them Thy sacred truth reveal, Suppress their fear, inflame their zeal. Teach them to sow the precious seed, Teach them Thy chosen flock to feed ; Teach them immortal souls to gain — Souls that will well reward their pain. Let thronging multitudes around, Hear from their lips the joyful sound; In humble strains Thy grace implore. And feel Thy new-creating power. Let sinners break their massy chains, Distressed souls forget their pains ; Let light through distant realms be spread, And Sion rear her drooping head. Amen. 161 154. Jordan. ROGATION DAYS. S.M. A21ON. How beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Sion's hill ; Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! How charming is their voice : How sweet their tidings are ! " Sion, behold thy Saviour-King, He reigns and triumphs here." How happy are our ears. That hear this joyful sound. Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found ! How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light ! Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight. The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad : Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. Amen. 16; 155. St. Hugh. ROGATION DAYS. MONDAY. CM. E. J. Hopkhts. e= D ^-^^=^- --^~- v -^^ :^=i: -^-^-^ r^~. ■^ T T^f TTT-p-n ^; S? \ ^^— F- — I P-^ -&—&—\ — il-*!: .iSi f& ^^: :?2: ^=^ -^: i^b -^•=i -P-^: ^=^1 A~ 12^ q=^: T^' :^: --^=2^ :^ z::^ £fJ- si ^-- J_ A-men. :iit =P:^, Si :?2=^: ■^ &^=tf?2=t7^ :p2: ?2=^ zz: Lord, in Thy Name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast sworn to hear; Thine is the harvest, Thine the seed, The spring and falling year. Our hope, when autumn winds blew wild. We trusted. Lord, with Thee : And still, now spring has on us smil'd, We wait on Thy decree. The former and the latter rain, The summer sun and air, The green ear, and the golden grain. All Thine are ours by prayer. Thine too by right, and ours by grace, The wondrous growth unseen, The hopes that soothe, the fears that brace, The love that shines serene. • Grant us Thy blessings so to use Here, in the world below, That Thee in Thy new heaven and earth We never may forego. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore. Be glory, as it was, is now. And shall be evermore. Amen. 163 ROGATION DAYS. Langton. Adapted bt C. Stbeatfibld. Father, we humbly pray To Thee in whom we live ; Our countless sins, for Jesus' sake, Forgive, O Lord, fotgive. We have unthankful been For all Thy tender care : Thine indignation we deserve ; But spare, O Father, spare. The creatures of Thy hand Made for Thy glory are ; But we Thy creatures have abused ; Spare us, O Father, spare. From plague and pestilence, From famine, fire, and sword, From storm and flood, from dearth and drought, Deliver us, O Lord. Amen. 164 157. Chaeitas. ROGATION DAYS. WEDNESDAY. (D.) Kev. J. B. Dykes. ^=1= S^Eg^. -& I I ^; 3^^:^: :^=D :?P^ :^= -c^- ?2- Tr:tt p> p? <== I I :^=^. :^=^ ^-^-- ri ^=^=^ :^=g: _^_ :^=p: :p2: zi=^=- :^z?2: =,^^,^ 1^5 =P=^ I . I i^S-^^ :^= I r :^: ^=»^^--^: :^: :^^^_c^_ _ci ci i::2_ :^: =^ ^^^^=^ =?2i 1^ :^: 3 =5^^^ :s:i "P^ 1^=^: -s:^; ^=g=^zf^^ :^it=i=^ t^- iS"^^- :^: -^-^- in^=g^: :^=^: c:i„- 1=1 Eg :^ I I I ^: :p2: ■f-f^-n^ri :^ =^^ :?2= :tz: ^ 1-^ I I I :^: :^=?2 A-men I Father, blessing every seed-time, And refreshing all the soil, Ripening the gracious harvest For which all Thy servants toil : O thou Source of every blessing Shower'd daily from above. Hearken to our lips confessing Our thanksgiving for Thy love. With Thy dews and sunshine tend us, Through life's long and changeful year, From the enemy defend us. Lest the tares of sin appear. Let Thine eye and hand the keepers Of our souls forever be, Till Thine angel harvest-reapers Sheaves of glory bind for Thee. Amen. 1G5 158. ST. ANDREW. GOTHA. H- R. H. THE Prince Consort. j-^=^=5i: lis -q: "P'" 2i: ■f^ igc^^: j_j^g'^J^_ -i^_c^. ^: :^ ?2_ :^: ?2: :^: -m: 1^ 1 t^=^= :^=^=^- r •'P~S=^ :=^=^i:=^=^ -fS^— t ?=2=^= ^ r =2^=^= T^'" ■i^,g3— Qc— z*-;/^^ t ^^ ■(SiS>- _d-^ ^ :^: J-Jl A-men. ^=?2: Jesus calls us o'er the tumult Of the world's wild restless sea ; Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Saying, " Christians, follow me." Jesus calls us from the worship Of the vain world's golden store, From each idol that would keep us, Saymg, " Christian, love me more." In our joys and in our sorrows. Days of toil and hours of ease. Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, "Christian, love me more than these." Jesus calls us ; by Thy mercies. Saviour, may we hear Thy call, Give our hearts to Thy obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all. Amen, 166 159. St. FLAYIAIf. ST. THOMAS. CM. Anok. zzciz -^-z:^-i:i^^.T^-p. :^: ^-- ?2: ^=^=g :22z:r :^: I I .rrrs. j=2. ?2=^: :^: :^: :z2: H-h _(=2_ J-. :^ :^=t :&--^. O Thou, who didst with love untold Thy doubting servant chide ; Bidding the eye of sense behold Thy wounded hands and side. Grant us, like him, with heartfelt awe, To own Thee God and Lord, And from this hour of darkness draw Faith in the Incarnate Word. And while that wondrous record now Of unbelief we hear, Oh ! let us, Lord, the lowlier bow In self-distrusting fear : And grant that we may never dare Thy loving heart to grieve ; But at the last their blessing share Who see not, yet believe. Our Lord and God, eternal Son, To Thee all glory be. With Father, Spirit, Three in one, Through all eternity. Amen. 167 H. J. Gauntlett, Mus. Doo. SAINTS' DAY.— ST. STEPHEN. AOVi Protomabtyr. Joj/u/fy. :b=; I ■ I I f I . . 1 ^1 1^ I I I.I Head of the Church truimphant, We joyfully adore Thee ; Till Thou appear, Thy members here Shall sing like those in glory. We lift our hearts and voices With blest anticipation, And cry aloud, And give to God The praise of our salvation. Thou dost conduct Thy people Through torrents of temptation j Nor will we fear, While Thou art near, The fire of tribulation : 1G8 The world with sin and Satan, In vain our march opposes : By Thee we shall Break through them all, Ere death our conflict closes. By faith we see the glory To which Thou shalt restore us ; The world despise For that high prize Which Thou hast set before us ; Antl if Thou count us worthy, We each as dying Stephen, Shall see Thee stand At God's right hand. To take us up to heaven. Amen. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. XDXi St. Stephen. CM. Rev. Wm. Jones. -t- ^ L|S — fS—f^ — h2— ^^-^Tt^-iS— IJ— .S> — ^.S'-— s-fSi— ^-a-"--— ;^ jr:L -■=i=.s^^^- z?it=t:z:&i:E: L-ffl!: :p==^: J±.A I 1^=^: :?2: -r± -^ T2-- '■^'- ±Z=t -S- 223 The life which God's Incarnate Word Lived here below with men, Three blest Evangelists record With heaven-inspired pen : John soars on high beyond the three, To God the Father's Throne ; And shows in what deep mystery The Word with God is One. Upon the Saviour's loving breast Invited to recline, 'T was thence he drew in moments blest, Rich stores of truth Divine. There too with that angelic love Did He his bosom fill, Which, once enkindled from above, Breathes in his pages still. Jesus, the Virgin's Holy Son, We praise Thee and adore, Who art with God the Father One, And Spirit evermore. 169 162. Wareham. HOL Y INNOCENTS. L.M. "W. Rn'App. l^s 1 I 1^ I — 1-^ — ^)_^_,s(. I i I - -g- :^: -■^i^^^zS: :z::=giiEEi=: I I ?==l==l-=i: ^=^=^ i*^ , T-^g — ,^ — 1 1 -tt^ ■S"— iS— iS- -S'v :?2: :?2 -.^=^ ^- .^_^. :s2:; Sii^^^ai aS^^^EESE^^s ^=?^ :g-'^^-r-p=^: A-men. ?2: _£^_ 3 :a. We sing the glorious conquest Before Damascus' gate, When Saul, the Church's spoiler, Came breathing threats aiKl hate. The ravening wulf rush'd forward Full early to the prey ; But lo I the Shepherd met him, And bound him fast to-day ! Oh, Glory most excelling That smote across his path I Oh, light that pierced and blinded The zealot in his wrath? Oh, voice that spake within him The calm reproving word ! Oh, love that sought and held him The bondman of his Lord I 172 O wisdom, ordering all things In order strong and sweet, What nobler spoil was ever Cast at the Victor's feet ? What wifer master-builder E'er wrought at Thine employ, Than he, till now so furious Thy building to destroy? Lord, teach Thy Church the lesson, Still in her darkest hour Of weakness and of danger To trust Thy hidden power : Thy grace by ways mysterious The wrath of man can bind, And in Thy boldest foeman Thy chosen saint can find t Amen. PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE.'' XOlJl Babmberg. Gebmait. Stz^=:S=:*: S 'W~^- i iLJ_J_ :?=P: :i)=^=z ^ ^ ' I '^ ' * ' ' ' r .^' ' A-men. «! J ?^ -^ J J J -^1 J J J ^- A_ -^- ^ E^E?ESfeEfESE^^SE^ESE==F=E=FI ^ J J J. J J J J -•Q_ -I 1 1 — I — I 1 — t=^ -^-^m 1221 In His temple now behold Him, See the long-expected Lord ! Ancient prophets had foretold Him ; God hath now fulfill'd His word. Now to praise Him His redeemed Shall break forth with one accord. In the arms of her who bore Him, Virgin pure, behold Him lie, While His aged saints adore Him, Ere in perfect faith they die : Alleluia! Alleluia! Lo, the Incarnate God Most High. Jesus by Thy presentation, Thou who didst for us endure, Make us see Thy great salvation. Seal us with Thy promise sure; And present us in Thy glory To Thy Father cleansed and pure. Prince and author of salvation. Be Thy boundless love our theme ! Jesus, praise to Thee be given By the world Thou didst redeem, With the Father and the Spirit, Lord of majesty supreme ! Amen. ♦ Commonly called " Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary." 173 166. Sherbornt:. ST. MATTHIAS. 7's 6 lilies. W. H. Monk. I I I I 2^ — c^'-c?- A-men l^ii&^^iiiiSi Bishop of the souls of men, When the foeman's step is nigh, When the wolf lays wait by night For the lambs continually, Watch, O Lord, about us keep, Guard us, Shepherd of the sheep. When the hireling flees away. Caring only for his gold, And the gate unguarded stands At the entrance to the fold. Stand, O Lord, Thy flock before. Thou the Guardian, Thou the Door. Lord, whose guiding finger ruled In the casting of the lot. That Thy Church might fill the post Of the lost Iscariot, In all trouble ever thus Stand, good Master, nigh to us. When the saints their order take In the New Jerusalem, And Matthias stands elect, Give us part and lot with him, Where in Thine own dwelling-place We may see Thee face to face. Amen. 174 ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. XO/t S.M. Bbabham. =slliiii=iiil ■&- r3 _^. II I I I \—y^-f'^~\—^-^^—\ H- i::=l=1=:--^==^:--=]: :^=^ ^-^-^-^-^^.-j^-^f J ^ - J I I I ■ ^""^''- !r±zl2: -4^— -^=+F=Fl-i — H-p-Fp-j^-H-p-p^t-^-?^— -H :^- I I Praise we the Lord this day, This day so long foretold, Whose promise shone with cheering ray On waiting saints of old. The prophet gave the sign For faithful men to read j A virgin born of David's line, Shall bear the promised seed. Ask not how this should be. But worshijD and adore, Like her whom Heaven's majesty Came down to shadow o'er. Meekly she bow'd her head To hear the gracious word, Mary, the pure and lowly maid, The favour'd of the Lord. Blessed shall be her name In all the Church on earth, Through whom that wondrous mercy came, The incarnate Saviour's birth. Amen. 175 168. ST. MARK. Lakcashire. 7.6. D. Henry Smart. S :i=^t:^i3*^^^t:=g7f^=^=f i§B^EE^E^?E*E 1=: It: i:t=;t ^-^ :=p=:p: :r=p: im I I I I I I I r • I I P r I I -i«r I _ . I ^1 II I zlzzEil — t— IztB ±=l:^UzP III I ^ II :2:^»::*:tt^_:f: , d. i^ E?=t^r£E=t: I— I ^ h-Fp — :zt: fT>P=r^=^=?iT?irg-:'=^ I I I I From all Thy saints in warfare, for all Thy saints at rest, To Thee, O blessed Jesus, all praises be address'd, Thou, Lord, didst win the battle, that they might conquerors be ; Their crowns of livii^ glory are lit with rays from Thee. For him, O Lord, we praise Thee, the weak by grace made strong, Whose labours and whose Gospel enrich our triumph-song. May we in all our weakness find strength from Thee supplied, And all, as fruitful branches, in Thee, the Vine, abide. Praise, Lord, for him wliose Gospel Thy human life declared, Who, worldly gains forsaking. Thy path of suffering shared. From all unrigliteous mammon. O give us hearts set free, That we, whate'er our calling, may rise and follow Thee. Then praise we God the Father, and praise we God the Son, And God the Holy Spirit, Eternal Three in One; Till all the ransom'd number fall down before the throne, And honor, power and glory, ascribe to God alone. Amen. ni; ST. PHILIP AND ST. JAMES. Avt/« Sunrise. H. E. Gauntlett, Mus. Doc. I lit .-9-S-ff S--' I ^ I I I I I I -e>- -"^ ^ -&-. s, \ \ \ \ I -« ' -19-W-'—^- ;^E f-r- :^it' :p=.P: :S>^ "The Father shew vis, gracious Lord, And we contented rest ! " Too bold the prayer, too rash the word ; 'Twas Philip's hasty voice was heard, From his too ardent breast. To gain that glimpse, tho' ne'er so faint, To mortal were to die : Oh ! how could sinner ; how could saint, Or how could angel free from taint, Endure that dazzling eye ? Yet, Lord, we could the Father see. Could see Him beaming bright. If we would only look to Thee, To set the gloomy spirit free From mists that cloud its sight. Thou art the way, the Truth, the Life ; To us the Father give ; To Him conduct us thro' the strife, To Him who stands with mercy rife, That we may see and live. So bring us all, released from care. To tread the heavenly floor With Thy own martyr'd servant there, And blessed Philip, sainted pair, To see Thee evermore. 177 X/Ui Manoah. ST. BARNABAS. CM. Kossiiri. P P^ II**' -1^- -i^- -.:^- -^- !• 1 (• -( J: O Loving Saviour, who art touch'd With human cares and throes, What brother stands so close as Thou To soothe a brother's woes ? A " Son of Thunder," Thou canst raise, And gifts of fire impart, A " Son of consolation " send To cheer the drooping heart. The chosen Barnabas appears, Unawed by death or shame, And Christians at his stirring sounds, First hear their Saviour's name. Yet pity moves His melting breast, It trembles in His voice ; He loves to weep with them that weep, To joy when they rejoice. O ! grant us, tender Lord, to learn, If we would still be Thine, That zeal is worthless, if unwarm'd By sympathy divine. 178 57: JOHN THE BAPTIST. Daewall's 148th, J. Dabwali,. Lo ! from the desert homes, Where he hath sojourn'd long, The new Elias comes, In sternest wisdom strong ; The voice that cries Of Christ from high, And judgment nigh From opening skies. Your God e'en now doth stand At heaven's unfolding door ; His fan is in His hand. And He will purge His floor ; The wheat He claims, And with Him stows ; The chaff He throws To quenchless flames. Ye haughty mountains, bow Your sky-aspiring heads ; Ye valleys, hiding low, Lift up your gentle meads ; The way make plain Your King before ; For ever more He comes to reiarn. Amen. ITJ 172. Christ Chuech. ST. PETER. Dr. Steqoai,!,. 1^ ^- -^- ^ F-f- 1^- -^ 1 1 1- p3^ :r± :Si B^ESES -^ -iS- -1^ -7--r -^^ 221 1^- '^-r^ :^ :s2j " Thou art the Christ, O Lord, The Son of God Most High ! " For ever be ador'd That name in earth and sky, In which, though mortal strength may fail, The Saints of God at last prevail ! Oh, surely he was blest With blessedness unpriced. Who, tauc^ht of God, confess'd The Godhead in the Christ ! For of Thy Church. Lord, Thou didst own Thy Saint a true foundation-stone. Thrice was he put to shame, Thrice did the dauntless fall ; lint oh, that look that came From out the judgment-hall ! Itpierc'd and broke the spell-bound heart, And foil'd the tempter's sifting art ! Thrice fallen — ^thrice restor'd ! The bitter lesson learnt, That heart for Thee, O Lord, With triple ardour burnt. The cross he took he laid not down Until he grasp'd the martyr's crown! Oh, bright triumphant faith! Oh, courage void of fears ! Oh, love most strong in death I Oh, penitential tears ! By these. Lord, keep us lest we fall, And make us go where Thou shalt call. Amen. 180 ST. JAMES THE APOSTLE. X / tJ t Eisenach. L.M. J. H. ScHEnr. zi -5E^ St2^=^ ^- ^- ^- fW -^-_r± -^- 22: Tf f-^ g eS> Q ^=^ EEg A ^- LA. ^- A-men. ±:\l ^z :^^ ^^=^^= ^^^ :^ ^r=^ 122:: rr^ [22: We praise Thy name, O Lord Most high, Redeemer of our souls from death, And all Thy mercies magnify, In making known Thy saving faith. Thou didst the humble fisher call, Beside the shores of Galilee ; At Thy command he gave up all, And left his nets to follow Thee. O happy choice, for earthly toil The strife to rescue souls from sin : For treasures that may rust and spoil, The crown of heavenly life to win. O favour'd one, who, ere he knew The sharpness of the coming Cross, Of Thy bright beauty caught the view That turns to gain all earthly loss. Thy promise is fulfill'd and he Dares in Thy painful steps to go ; To drink Thy cup of agony. And drain the bitter dregs of woe. Grant, Lord, that hope of seeing Thee In bliss mav us with courage nerve. The world and all its pomp to flee. Our Cross to bear, and Thee to serve. Amen. 181 174. ST. BARTHOLOMEW. 8.7. (D.) J. E. KowB. Org.Ped.-^ ^ 111 II King of Saints to Whom tlie number Of Tiiy starry host is known, Many a name, by man forgotten. Lives for ever round Thy Throne : Lights which earth-born mists have darken' d, There are shining full and clear Princes in the court of heaven,— Nameless, unrenieniber'd, here. In the roll of Thine Apostles One there stands, Bartholomew, He for whom to-day we offer, Year by year, our praises due ; How he toil'd for Thee and suffer'd None on earth can now record ; All his saintly life is hidden In the knowledge of his Lord, 182 Was it he, beneath the fig-tree Seen of Thee and guileless found ; He who saw the good he longed for Rise from Nazareth's barren ground ; He who met his risen Master On the shores of Galilee : He to whom the Word was spoken, " Greater things thou yet shall see ? " None can tell us ; all is written In the Lamb's great book of life — All the faith, and prayer, and patience, All the toiling and the strife ; There are told Thy hidden treasures : Number us, O Lord, with them, When Thou makest up the jewels Of Thy living diadem ! Amen. ST. MATTHEW. Lo, sea and land their gifts outpour, A tribute from their richest store, To He at Levi's feet. But Tliou, in passing, gracious Lord, Didst see his danger, speak Thy Word ; That Word for him how meet! " Come, follow Me ! " To follow Thee He quits his wealthy seat. But we are still in fetters bound ; Earth's wealth and pleasures twine around Our hearts all dead and cold : Unyielding to the cries of grace. With wills too weak to seek Thy face, Fast tied in Satan's hold- " Come follow Me !" Ah ! how are we To burst the chains of gold ? Yet, roused by Thine Almighty voice, Good Lord, we rise, and we rejoice ; We fling the dross away. No diamond sparkles in the light, Nought ever shines so fair and bright As Thy celestial ray. " Come, follow me !" We fly to Thee, O living Star of day ! Thou liadst not where to lay Thine head, When Matthew, by Thy mercy led. Sought Thee to be his guest ; But we, O Lord, of Thee have need ; On Thy rich bounty we must feed, And lean upon Thy breast. "Then follow Me !" We cling to Thee, Our riches, and our rest. Amen. 183 ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. 17 O I LUBECK. Gebmaij-. Praise to God Who reigns above, Binding earth and heaven in love ; All the armies of the sky Worship His dread sovereignty. Seraphim His praises sing, Cherubim on fourfold wing, Thrones, Dominions, Princes, Powers, Hosts in heaven's embattled towers. Angel hosts His words fulfil, Ruling nature by His will : Round His throne archangels pour Songs of praise for evermore. Yet on man they joy to wait, All that bright celestial state. For true Man their Lord they see, Christ, the incarnate Deity. On the throne their Lord who died Sits in Manhood glorified. Where His people faint below Angels count it joy to go. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One ! Glory as of old, to Thee, Now, and evermore shall be ! Amen. 184 Magdalena, ST. LUKE. P ^- :rJi S :^: :^ ! :P2 :^: =^- -c^- :^; ?2i^: '=^= -g-p- tt^LJ^ :g: :p2z:^: i^: is:^^: I :22: :^: =g= :^:i^: s^: ri: ^g= ZS2_ -^- iS-^S> — .(S*- -.g't:^." ^ ^^_c:^^..d. ^^z^^L-^s:^ 'Eil^ Z2: ^^ :^ ^- 1 I I I "& A-men. l^^jZi. 221 ^ O Jesus, O Redeemer, Physician of the soul ! Receive, receive Thy people, And cleanse and make them whole. For health, for strength, for healing, The stream is never dry, Whose fountain-head flows ceaseless From holy Calvary. O Lamb of God, O Jesus, Upon the altar slain, The blood of Thine atonement Shall purge our guilty stain : Not now in type and figure Of bull or heifer seen, The blood of the Redeemer Shall sprinkle the unclean. The guests await the summonSj Their robes are white and fair, Wash'd in the blood of Jesus From sin and from despair ; And He the great All-healer, His wine and oil shall pour Upon their wounds, and bear them From trouble evermore. The banquet-hall is ready, The banquet-hall of Christ : He calls the loved physician, the blest Evangelist ; The marriage feast awaits him, The joy of his reward ; Receive" then, faithful servant. The wages of thy Lord. Amen. 185 178. ST. SIMON AND ST. JUDE. 8.7. (D.) Hekkt Smart. Saints of God whom faith united In the twelve Apostles' band : Who for Christ in pain delighted, Seeking place at Christ's right hand ; Ye had many a bitter trial, Ye were scorn'd and set at nought ; Fearing nothing but denial Of the Lord for whom ye fought. Call'd on earth to different stations In the battle of the Lord, Ye endur'd thrdiigh tribulations, Faith your shield, and Truth your sword Far apart, through toil and peril, Pass'd ye onward to your rest : In the streets of gold and beryl Ve together shall be blest- ISO Leaves of Autumn tell tlie story How our lives must also pass, And how this world's pomp and glory Fadeth like the Summer grass ; Earthly joys are vain and luiUow, Earthly hopes but poor at best : Christ's true martyrs we would follow In your steps and gain our rest. Him whose love mankind created, Him, who came for man to bleed. Him, who hath regenerated Us and all His chosen seed ; We, as we arc onward pjessiug To His glorious home on high. With His saints and .U4,eis blessing, Now and ever magnify. Amen. 179. All Saints. ALL SAINTS. D. 0. M. H. S. CUTLBR. III III The Son of God goes forth to war, A kingly crown to gain, Hi? blood-red banner streams afar ; Who follows in Histrain ? Who best can drink his cup of woe, Triumphant over pain, Who patient bears' his cross below, He follows in His train. The Martyr first whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave, Who saw his Master in the sky. And called on Him to save. Like Him, with pardon on his tongue. In midst of mortal pain, He prayed for them that did the wrong ; W ho follows in his train ? A glorious band, the chosen few On whom the Spirit came, Those valiant saints, their hopes they knew, And mocked the cross and flame. They met the tyrant's brandish'd steel. The lion's gory mane, They bow'd their necks, the death to feel ; Who follows in their train ? A noble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid, Around the Saviour's throne rejoice, In robes of light array'd. They climb'd the steep ascent of heav'n Through peril, toil, and pain ; O God, to us may grace be given To follow in their train. Amen. 187 180. SUBBET. ALL SAINTS. The saints of God ! Their conflict past, And life's long battle won at last, No more they need the shield or sword. They cast them down before their Lord : — O happy saints ! for ever blest, At Jesus' feet how safe your rest ! The saints of God ! their wanderings done. No more their weary course they run, No more they faint, no more they fall, No foes oppress, no fears appal : — O happy saints ! forever blest. In that dear home how sweet your rest 1 The saints of God ! Life's voyage o'er Safe landed on that blissful shore. No stormy tempests now they dread, No roaring billows lift their head: — O happy saints ! forever blest, In that calm haven of your rest ! The saints of God their vigil keep While yet their mortal bodies sleep. Till from the dust they too shall rise And soar triumphant to the skies : O happy saints 1 rejoice and sing, He quickly comes, 3'our Lord and King ! O God of saints ! to Thee we cry, O Saviour ! plead for us on high ; O Holy Ghost ! our Guide and Friend, Grant us Thy grace till life shall end ; That with all saints our rest may be In that bright paradise with Thee I Amen. 188 181. Trotte. COMMUNION OF SAINTS., Aethue H. D. Teoyte. lai^ -jcii - I ' ^ — gs' d2=t ?= :& :?2: ?2=^=^ ?2: :^ -r^-p- I LOVE Thy kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode, The Church our blest Redeemer saved With His own precious blood. I love Thy thurch, O God! Her walls before Thee stand, Dear as the apple of Thine eye, And graven on Thy hand. For her my tears shall fall. For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. Jesus, thou friend divine. Our Saviour and our King, Thy hand from every snare and foe Shall great deliverance bring. Sure as Thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. 193 186. AUEELIA. THE CHURCH. (D) Dk. S. S. Wesley. s^—L-.^ — e^ — ^ — f.^—\-^ — c:^_u_^_L^ — ^, — ^, — ^-.-C-i .^_^_ :22izs: ^: —i: ^^-g=S: i:^ I I C^_B^' <^. i5^=J=lE5_=£Eg£ES--^ I — ,^^ <^— U — I L_^ !—\ \ 'Z^' II :g-'-" ■•^^. Hi^i^glll I The Church's one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord ; She is His new creation By water and the Word : From heaven He came and sought her To be His lioly Bride : With liis own Blood He bought her, And for her life He died. Elect from every nation. Yet one o'er all the earth, Her charter of salvation One Lord, one Faith, one Birth : One Holy name she blesses. Partakes one holy food, And to one hope she presses With every grace endued. I'.t4 Mid toil and trl!)ulation, And tumult of her war She waits the consummation Of peace for evermore ; Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, And the grc:it church victorious Shall be the church at rest. Yet she on earth has union With God the Three in One ; Ami mystic sweet communion With those whose rest is won. Oil, happy saints and holy ! Lord, give us grace that we Like them, the meek and lowly, On high may dwell with Thee ! Amen. 187. AusTEiAK Hymn, THE CHURCH. 8.7. D, Hatdn. :tS=*r_-S3eiii Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; He whose word can not be broken, Form'd thee for His own abode : On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake thy sure repose ? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou mayst smile at all thy foes. See the streams of living waters. Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove : Who can faint, while such a river Ever flows their thirst t' assuage ; Grace, which, like the Lord the giver. Never fails from age to age ? Round each habitation hovering. See the cloud and fire appear For a glory and a covering ; Showing that the Lord is near. Thus deriving from their banner Light by night, and shade by day, Safe they feed upon the manna, Which He gives them when they pray. Saviour, if of Zion's city I, through grace, a mernber am, Let the world deride or pity, I will glory in Thy name : Fading is the worldling's pleasure. All his boasted ponip and show ; Solid joys and lasting treasure None but Zion' s childrgn know. 195 188. THE CHURCH. Vehona. 7's 6 lines. J. H. Deane. "■? ZZHHj 'I 1 ~l : :_zzzzr^^iKz:=i±=q=iz; I P f^ :S=^: -m.1 f==l=EE^fez:@z^,JlEyz iitiz:: God of mercy, God of grace, Show the brightness of Thy face ; Shine upon us, Saviour, shine. Fill Thy Church with light Divine ; And Thy saving health extend Unto earth's remotest end. Let the people praise Thee, Lord ; Let Thy love on all be pour'd ; Let the nations shout and sing Glory to their Saviour King, At Thy feet their tribute pay, And Thy holy will obey. 19C Let the people praise Thee, Lord ; Earth shall then her fruits afford, God to man His blessing give, Man to God devoted live; AH below and all above, One in joy and light and love. 189. THE CHURCH. Gloria. D. Henet Smart. 1 I I I I i I I f^ P f^ f^ r"^-^- A-men. :^=^ -tsf-S- vrrzL :&4^ 'T^ :^=?2: Praise the Rock of our salvation, Laud His name from zone to zone ; On that Rock the Church is builded, Christ Himself the corner-stone ; Vain against our rock-built Sion Winds and waters, fire and hail ; Christ is in her midst ; against her Sin and hell shall not prevail. Framed of living stones, cemented By the Spirit's unity. Based on Prophets and Apostles, Firm in faith, and stayed on Thee, May Thy Church, O Lord Incarnate, Grow in grace, in peace, in love ; Emblem of the heavenly Sion, The Jerusalem above. Stands four-square that heavenly city ; Paved with gold like crystal bright ; GatSs of pearl, and walls of jasper, Emerald and chrysolyte. Broad and lofty tower its ramparts ; At its gate twelve angels stand ; On its walls twelve names are graven. Of the apostles' chosen band. Where Thou reignest King of Glory, Throned in everlasting light, Midst Thy saints, no more is needed Sun by day, nor moon by night : Soon may we those portals enter When this earthly strife is o'er ; There to dwell with saints and angels In Thy presence evermore. Join we now the voice of triumph To the Throne of glory sent. Alleluia, Alleluia, To the Lord Omnipotent ; Praise to Thee, Eternal Father, Praise to Thee, Eternal Son, Praise to Thee, Eternal Spirit, While unending a-cs run. Amen. 197 THE CHURCH. XtlU* Cloisters. P.M. Baenby. I I I 198 Lord of our life, and God of our salvation, Star of our night, and hope of every nation, Hear and receive Thy Church's supplication, Lord God Almighty. See round Thine ark the hungry billows curling, See how Thy foes their banners are unfurling ; Lord, while their darts envenom'd they are hurling. Thou canst preserve us. Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armour faileth, Lord, Thou canst save when deadly sin assaileth, Lord, o'er Thy rock nor death nor hell prevaileth : Grant us Thy peace. Lord : Peace in our hearts, our evil thoughts assuaging, ^ Peace in Thy Church, where brothers are engaging, Peace, when the world its busy war is waging ; Calm Thy raging foes. Grant us TJiy help till backward they are driven, Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven, Grant peace on earth, and after wc have striven, Peace in Thy heaven. Amen. St. Gertkude, THE CHURCH. P.M. Arthur Suli-ivan. War IVith tJie cross of Je - sus. Onward, Christian soldiers. Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before. Christ the Royal Master Leads against the foe, Forward into battle, See, His banners go. Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the Cross of Jesus Going on before. At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee ; On then, Christian soldiers, On to victory. Hell's foundations quiver At the shout of praise ; Brothers, lift your voices, Loud your anthems raise. Onward, &c. Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God ; Brothers, we are treading Where the Saints have trod : We are not divided, All one body we. One in hope, and doctrine, One in charity. Onward, &c. Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus ' Constant will remain ; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that Church prevail ; We have Christ's own promise. And that cannot fail. Onvrard, &C. Onward, then, ye people. Join our happy throng. Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song ; Glory, laud, and honour Unto Christ the King ; This through countless ages Men and Angels sing. Onward Christian soldiers, Marching as to war. With the Cross of Jesus, Going on before. Amen* 199 THE CHURCH. Xll- I ^''c:^': ?-t^_i 1=^:22=^1: j^zp: A men 0 :^=?2: -Si- -SI- 1 I I :^=^=?2; P~i I i3e Lord Jesus, God of grace and love, Reveal'd on Calvary, Thou callest from Thy throne above " This day remember me." I come, Lord Jesus, to fulfil Thy last divine command : 0 may I ever do Thy will. And own Thy guiding hand ! 1 come, Lord Jesus, at Thy call ; Thy saving help I need ; Convicted at Thy cross I fall. And there my ransom read. I come. Lord Jesus, to Thy feast ; Unworthy though I be; By Thy redeeming pow'r released, I rest all hopes on Thee. O when I take Thy pledge of love, Which Thou thyself hast given, Lord Jesus, plead my cause above ! Remember me in heaven. Amen. 215 208. THE LORDS SUPPER. St. Bernard. ^-— zz==]: CM. W. RlCHARDSOJT. iiiiigEii^iliiigililiiiSii "C?" IJZS: :g.=^=iEl=:pi 1611 1 I I -^: = :^: lis :^- 2i: :^=^=s^: ici: :S^gB:3 =]: :c^: ■^PfS-T 1 -f=2Ld-J-^'-^'^-^'_c:i a=5EgE5^EES :^: :^: :^: 1 J_c^_i :P2: T?-P ^i " No, not for these alone I pray ! " The dying Saviour said ; Though on his breast that moment lay The loved disciple's head. Though to His eye that moment sprung The kind, the pitying tear For those that eager round Him hung His words of love to hear. No, not for these alone He prayed, — For all of mortal race, Whene'er their fervent prayer is made, Where'er their dwelling-place. Sweet is the thought, when thus we meet, His feast of love to share ; And mid the toils of life, how sweet The memory of His prayer ! 210 209. St. Olave. THE LORDS SUPPER. CM. J. Bakkbt. hfe=^i:^=si: ^-■^- ^^-^=n=^4g= -p3^-^- li^: IieS ^ A\_ ^^=^-- is:^: _a^ a I^ZZ^I :^ -iSi— :^: -?2: :s:^i tips: 3i: ^=r.g-p"-r O HERE, if ever, God of love, Let strife and hatred cease ! And every heart harmonious move, And every thought be peace. Not here, where now we thinlc on Him — Whose latest thoughts were ours, Shall mortal passions come to dim The prayer devotion pours. No, gracious Master, not in vain Thy life of love hath been ; The peace Thou gav'st may yet remain, Though Thou no more art seen. " Thy kingdom come • " we watch, we wait To hear Thy cheering call When heaven unfolds its glorious gate, And God is all in all. 217 210. THE LORD-S SUPPER. Bread of Heaven. 7's 6 lines. Kev. "W. D. Maclagan. i^iii^igiiiiiii^iii ■^~m-m "<^ l_ci_^ 5=i: -:^-^-^-z^. 'P>---^ F ^= J— ^'-^^— ^ (^ 1^1 ^=.^=t^ — ^_ i=: ^ — ^-^ ^g^ I I I II. A-men. t^-^ tt;s2: Bread of heaven! on Thee we feed, For Thy flesh is meat indeed. Ever let our souls be fed With this true and living bread. Day by day with strength supplied Through the life of Him who died. Vine of heaven ! Thy blood supplies For our souls a sacrifice. Lord ! Thy wounds our healing give; To Thy cross we look, and live. Jesus may we ever be Rooted, grafted, built on Thee ! Amen. 218 211. INFANT BAPTISM. St. James. 3 CM. I :^: R. COUETEVILLB. :^: :ci:H=s^ -jct. 2:^: csJ-f^ — (S — iS- S^ ^g^ s j-^^J- s :^ =^ :?2: T^ :& :P2=^ :?=: :^ :^ :^ izi :^ :2^:^=^ 2^: 2^ .iS-J-fS-iSi- ^^r^^ rrrr s^ JJj: A-men. L^:^ ^S^SS ?2=f :?2:: :^ -P ^g# Jz: e^F 1221 22: In token that thou shalt not fear Christ crucified to own, We print the Cross upon thee here, And stamp thee His alone. In token that thou shalt not blush To glory in His Name We blazon here upon thy front, His glory and His shame. In token that thou shalt not flinch Christ's quarrel to maintain, But 'neath His banner manfuUy Firm at thy post remain. In token that thou too shalt tread The path He travell'd by, Endure the cross, despise the shame. And sit thee down on high ; Thus outwardly and visibly We seal thee for His own; And may the brow that wears His Cross - Hereafter share His Crown. Amen. 219 212. INFANT BAPTISM. Shako jf. Db. Botce. Saviour, who Thy flock art feeding With the Shepherd's kindest care, All the feeble gently leading, While the lambs Thy bosom share Now, these little ones receiving, Fold them in Thy gracious arm ; There, we know, Thy word believing, Only there, secure from harm. Never from Thy pasture roving, Let them be the lion's prey ; Let Thy tenderness so loving Keep them all life's dangerous way. Then within Thy fold eternal Let them find a resting-place ; Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of Thy grace. Amen. 213. Melcombb. INFANT BAPTISM. L.M. S. "Webbb. 1— -d — I 1 — I — I 1 1 — r:d — I 1 — 1 — I l^pr| .fn^i^ 1 1 1^1 I I r I ^- T -iS'- -(Si- ^ I I 11, \^-^ A A A A A-men ;a S ^F^^T^ :g^ God of that glorious gift of grace By which Thy people seek Thy face, When in Thy presence we appear, Vouchsafe us faith to venture near ! Confiding in Thy truth alone, Here, on the steps of Jesus' throne, We lay the treasure Thou hast given To be receiv'd and rear'd for Heav'n. Lent to us for a season, we Lend him for ever, Lord, to Thee Assured that if to Thee he live. We gain in what we seem to give. Large and abundant blessings shed. Warm as these prayers, upon his head ! And on his soul the dews of grace, Fresh as these drops upon his face ! Make him and keep him Thine own child, Meek follower of the undefil'd ! Possessor here of grace and love ; Inheritor of Heaven above ! Amen. 221 214. "Walton. INFANT BAPTISM. li.M. Akr. from Beethovbx. 3=^^ .c^c:i rzi e -^ 22t:i^ic± isz: 2:i A - men, JZL. :J- 3^ Sz i=tp T^ '^ -. W. Jones. d: :^ -rlz -JzL --^ :^==i ^-p :p2i :^: r =?2: --■^- --^- ^-- zz^n -ir^zz^- -iS-i- lE5Ei5S3Eg J J J A-men. :J=p^^ :^=l t:: ^=^; -^- T2-- 22; My God accept my heart this day, And make it always Thine, That I from Thee no more may stray No more from Thee decline. Before the Cross of Him who died, Behold, I prostrate fall ; Let every sin be crucified, And Christ be All in all. Anoint me with Thy heavenly grace, And seal me for Thine own ; That I may see Thy glorious Face, And worship near Thy Throne. Let every thought, and work, and word, To Thee be ever given ; Then life shall be Thy service, Lord, And death the gate of heaven ! Amen. 228 221. Holy Trinity. CONFIRM A TION. O.M. Joseph Babnby. S i2=:3i III I I I I II '^P' -js- -p- -^>-^ ^ 5E ^ f; -^2- I I I I ^^k gE ?2: ?2=P2zi^=:p2: :^ ^=^2: :P2=P2 P 221 :^ Fg=^=;g=^=^--^^- 2i ^=: :^=€=^ •f=?- PT"r r T^d-=^^. '?2~^. m ^^e^e^ee^eS ^^^ 3?2: is^ "P>^ J-ci. t ^ii^^zff: ■iSSH ^ Witness, ye men and angels, now Before the Lord we speak ; To Him we make our solemn vow, A vow we dare not break : That, long as life itself shall last, Ourselves to Christ we yield ; Nor from His cause will we depart, Or ever quit the field. We trust not in our native strength, But on His grace rely. That, with returning wants, the Lord Will all our need supply. Lord, guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep us in Thy ways ; And, while we turn our vows to prayers, Turn Thou our prayers to praise. Amen. 229 CONFIRMATION. 222. Walton. L.M. Beethoven. O God, in whose all-searching eye Thy servants stand, to ratify Tlie vow baptismal by them made. When first Thy hand was on them laid ; Bless them, O Holy Father bless, Who Thee with heart and voice confess ; May they acknowledged as Thine own, Stand evermore before Thy Throne ! Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord, With sliield of faith, and Spirit's sword; Forth to the battle may they go, And boldly fight against the foe, With banner of the cross unfurl'd, And by it overcome the world; And so at last receive from Thee The palm and crown of victory. SKX) Come, ever blessed .'spirit, come, And make Thy servants' hearts Thy home ; Mav each a living temple be, Hallow'd for ever, Lord, to Thee : Fnrich that temple's holy shrine With sevenfold gifts of grace divine : With wisdom, light, and knowledge bless, Strength, counsel, fear, and godliness . Amen. 223. ELI/ACOMBE. CONFIRM A TION. 7.6. D. Gekman. — I F=v i-i -= n p'^T — ' 1 '• -^ 1- -S*— a :22i p^ titzz:gz::^z§^: =t=^ J J J J -J- -^- -^ :t=:BzpzEit:===[:=t3z^±:lil: tt^-gi- ■P-^-, I I A-men. :is2: Go forward, Christian soldier, Beneath His banner true ; The Lord Himself thy leader, Shall all thy foes subdue. His loss foretells thy trials ; He knows thine hourly need ; He can, with bread of Heaven, Thy fainting spirit feed. Go, forward, Christian soldier! Fear not the secret foe ; For more are o'er thee watching, Than human eyes can know 1 Trust only Christ thy Captain ; Cease not to watch and pray ; Heed not the treach'rous voices, That lure thy soul astray. Go forward. Christian soldier ! Nor dream of peaceful rest. Till Satan's host is vanquish'd, And Heav'n is all possest ; Till Christ Himself shall call thee To lay thine armour by And wear in endless glory, The crown of victory. Go forward, Christian soldier ! Fear not the gath'ring night ; The Lord has been thy shelter, The Lord will be thy light : When morn His face revealeth, Thy dangers are all past ; Oh ! pray that faith and virtue May keep thee to the last. Amen. 231 CONFIRM A TION. p. K. MACLAGA^-, INIrs. Doc. rr^j - cen - do. J_^_^'^_--'_ f^- Iff: -J-t^ =-z=pzF^±=ff=ffz=ffEEz= zf— I 11 -^-j — F=Fgz Soldiers of Christ, nrise, And put your armour on ; Strong in the strength which God supplies, Through His eternal Son. Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in His mighty power; Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror. Stand then in His great might, With all His strength endued ; But take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God. From strength to strength go on, Wrestle and fight and pray ; Tread all the powers of darkness down, And win the well-fought day. Tliat having all things done, And all your conflicts pass'd, Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone, And stand complete at last. 232 225. CONFIRM A TION. VULPITTS. VXTLPIUS. 0 Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end ; Be Thou for ever near me, My master and my friend ! 1 shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my guide. Oh ! let me feel Thee near me — The world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle, The tempting sounds I hear. O Jesus, Thou hast promised To all who follow Thee That where Thou art in glory There shall Thy servant be ; And Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end ; Oh, give me grace to follow, My master and my friend ! Oh ! let me see Thy foot-marks, And in them plant mine own ; My hope to follow duly Is in Thy strength alone. Oh ! guide me, call me, draw me, Uphold me to the end ; And then in heaven receive me, My Saviour and my friend ! Amen. 233 MATRIMONY. 226. Eden. St. Alban's Tu>-e Book. The voice that breathed o'er Eden, That earliest wedding-day, The primal marriage blessing. It hath not pass'd away. Still in the pure espousal Of Christian man and maid, The holy Three are with us, The three-fold grace is said : For dower of blessed children, For love and faith's sweet sake, For high mysterious union Which naught on earth may break ! Be present, gracious Father, To give away this bride. As Eve Thou gav'st to Adam Out of his own pierced side ! Be present, loving Saviour, To join tlicir loving hands. As Thou didst bind two natures In Thine eternal bands! 234 Be present, Holiest Spirit, To bless them as they kneel ; As Thou, for Christ the Bridegroom, The heavenly Spouse dost seal ! Amen. MATRIMONY. 227. St. George. S.M, De. Gauntlett. ! J I I ! -si- J -s-'- -^- -^ -^- =^==l: :^; '% j=:_^:*±^7:§i22=^i :t=:: .^.. tzzt :ff=^: gUliHig r S How welcome was the call, And sweet the festal lay, When Jesus deign'd in Cana's hall To bless the marriage-day ! And happy was the bride, And glad the bridegroom's heart, For He who tarried at their side Bade grief and ill depart. His gracious power divine The water vessels knew ; And plenteous was the mystic wine The wondering servants drew. O Lord of life and love. Come Thou again to-day ; And bring a blessing from above That ne'er shall pass away. Oh, bless, as erst of old, The bridegroom and the bride Bless with the holier stream that flowed Forth from Thy pierced side. Before Thy heavenly Throne This mercy we implore ; As Thou dost knit them, Lord, in one, So bless them evermore. Amen. 285 MA TRIMONY, Ai4l%J% Verona 7's 6 lines. J. H. DEAIfE. J A -9- -9- -»- \ I ! \ \ I I I I I :i=^-J=psJ==1iiq— J= j (• I ^ I I \ \ -t0- I I -•- -m-*\ ]^:^t! S^: ^ * -*-.ji!. t =1= tS-- ii^^^^ilBlpp^gil ' i 1 I I I I I ', ' ... ^ -2- "2" "2- -•- -*- J I :tz. A -men. :P=f--||pHi2$= Deign this union to approve, And confirm it, God of love, Bless Thy servants ; on their head Now the oil of gladness shed ; In this holy bond, to Thee Let them consecrated be. In prosperity, be near, To preserve them in Thy fear ; In affliction, let Thy smile All the woes of life beguile ; And when every change is past, Take them to Thyself at last. Amen. 230 229. Scotia. BURIAL OF THE DEAD. P.M. ^^^S^Ez^^g:*^^^! ^^F^#= ^'f; b4:z^t^£Epip=pfe=pz^pr-^:p=E^rprpibgi^ig=EipP"~T i|^ii^^ 1(11(1 *j^=3pi^* SJ — «-i-^- 1 I I i I =^,=^: r-k" g=p=^i^-f=^Et=z^=fe«^ -i^ — Vi— ' — I— ■ ^-r^-^ I J f - ' 1 r r -r i 1 h I ill Thou art gone to the grave ; but we will not deplore thee, Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb; The Saviour hath pass'd through its portal before thee, And the lamp of His love is thy guide through the gloom ! Thou art gone to the grave ; we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough path of the world by thy side ; But the wide arms of Mercy are spread to enfold thee. And sinners may die, for the Sinless has died ! Thou art gone to the grave ; and, its mansion for- sakmg, Perhaps thy weak spirit in fear linger'd long ; But the mild rays of Paradise beam d on thy wak- ing. And the sound which thou heard'st was the SerSphim's song ! Thou art gone to the grave ; but we will not deplore thee; Whose God was thy ransom, thy guardian, and guide ! He gave thee, He took thee, and He will restore thee ; And death has no sting, for the Saviour has died ! 237 BURIAL OF THE DEAD- ^O Vi St. Bernard. CM. W. Richardson. II I I I ' ' I J J J 1 Hear what the voice from heaven declares To those in Christ who die : Released from all their earthly cares, They'll reign with Him on high. Then why lament departed friends, Or shake at death's alarms ? Death's but the servant Jesus sends To call us to His arms. If sin be pardon'd, we're secure, Death hath no sting beside ; The law gave sin its strength and power, But Christ, our ransom, died. The grave of all His saints He bless'd, When in the grave He lay ; And, rising thence, their hopes He raised To everlasting day. Then, joyfully, while life we have, To Christ, our life, we'll sing, " Where is thy victory, O grave ? And where, O death, thy sting ? " 238 BURIAL OF THE DEAD. ^OXt St. Thomas. s=2ii^iaii^illi E.H. Thobke. -25' "P>- s5E^S"=iH0; EBEEEp=_=^EgE^EeEE -j^ =1— : P— p*- LjS— £i?--g- 2=?- ^^ , ' ' I i p- 1 I P' -(•" -2::?- A-men. i^ip: -I J-4 TT ::^=?2: zgng-Fi 22: Christ will gather in His own To the place where He is gone, Where their heart and treasure lie, Where our life is hid on high. Day by day the voice saith, " Come," Enter thine eternal home : Asking not if we can spare This dear soul it summons there. Had He asked us, well we know We should cry, O spare this blow ! Yea, with streaming tears should pray, Lord, we love him, let him stay. But the Lord doth nought amiss, And since He hath ordered this, We have nought to do but still Rest in silence on His will. Many a heart no longer here. Ah, was all too inly dear ! Yet, O Love, 'tis Thou dost call. Thou wilt be our all in all. Amen. 239 232. Peace. BURIAL OF THE DEAD. CM. W. SlEBOTH. Why do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms ? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to His arms. Are we not tending upward too, As fast as time can move ? Nor would we wish the hours more slow To keep us from our love. A- men. Why should we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There the dear flesh of Jesus lay, And left a long perfume. The graves of all His saints He blest, And softened every bed : Where should the dying members rest, But with the dying Head .'' Thence He arose, ascending high. And show'd our feet the way ; Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly At the great rising day. Then let the last loud trumpet sound. And bid our kindred rise : Awake, ye nations under ground I Ye saints, ascend the skies I Amen. BURIAL OF THE DEAD, <60t>« St. ViNCEST. L.M. J. Uglow. ■^. s ii^iSI 33-=e 3=2^: 5^ -P— H- ^^igit^pg: z:^; p- -p>- .mA ^ ?=; :^=?2=c 2^=^ ^: ^ 2i-^- 22: :^ir-' =^^ :^fl?2: z:^: J-c:^- A-men. :^ :^Z2:i :22] Z2: - — ^c:?" ■PT" -(S- F -^- "C?" zc^n^ ^} z-^'- :^=|:^ :?2: -^ S'—"—iS> ^d—Cit T' I I A-men. J::S=[22: f= ^m On the waters dark and drear, Jesus, Saviour, Thou art near ; With our ship where'er it roam, As with loving friends at home. Thou hast walk'd the heaving wave, Thou art mighty still to save ; With one gentle word of peace, Thou canst bid the tempest cease. Safely from the boisterous main Bring us back to port again ; In our haven we shall be. Jesus if we have but Thee. Only by Thy power and love Fit us for the port above ; Still the deadly storm within, Gusts of passion, waves of sin. So when breaks the glorious dawn Of the Resurrection morn, When the night of toil is o'er. We shall see Thee on the shore. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One ; Praise unending unto Thee, Now and evermore shall be. Amen. 246 239 FOR USE A T SEA. CM. Tallis. :^ :ci: :^=^: T=>~ T^-ct. --^~ 2=^=^: izq: ts^^ ^- A-men. -TZir ^: SE^i ^i 3± .(zi^cL S5^ :?2= :?2: ^=t :^2zz^ ?2: :^: :^=& -P2: The ark of God in safety rode Upon the foaming waves ; The hand of God is with us still, He loves us and He saves. A way was open'd in the sea, Parted by Moses' rod ; The stormy surge a highway is To all who trust in God. O Thou whose way is on the waves, Defend us on the deep ; Our queen, our country, all we love, Bless, and in safety keep. Each at his post, the work assigned In order we fulfil; So may we in the bark of Christ Obey His holy will. The helmsman steers us through the storms And quicksands to the shore ; Christ at the helm His vessel guides To peace for evermore. Our ship may founder; but the sea Will one day yield its dead ; And all Christ's loyal crew will then Be safe with Christ their head. Amen. 217 240. MOKTKEAIi. FOR USE AT SEA. J. W. F. Hakeisox. 1 1 1 7--^ 1 1- 1 1 1 1— :^=f; S: ■^ If?: J- :^=:p: I J I I ir^i A - men. i isillEill Deep down beneath the unresting surge, There is a peaceful tomb ; Storm raves above, calm reigns below, Safe, safe from ocean's wreck and woe ; Safe from its tide's unceasing flow, The peaceful find a home. Who dies in Christ the Lord dies well. Though on the lonely main : As soft the pillow of the deep. As tranquil the uncurtain'd sleep, As on the couch where fond ones weep ; And they shall rise again. The cold sea's coldest, hidden depths Shall hear the trump of God : Death's reign on sea and land is o'er ; 248 God's treasured ones he must restore ; God's buried gems he holds no more Beneath or wave or clod. O'er this loved clay God sets His watch ; The angels guard him well ; Till summon'd by the trumpet loud, Like star emerging from the cloud. Or blossom from its sheltering shroud, He leaves his ocean-cell. Oh Jesus Christ ! Oh risen Lord ! Let life, nor death prevail : Make haste, great Conqueror, make haste; Call up the dead of ages past ; Gather Thy precious gems at last From ocean's deepest vale. Amen. FOR USE A T SEA. P.M. <64X« Gknkesaret. Molto allegro G. F. Hardwicrt;. trr ■t^- fcb^ ^-^-^ :p: :^=pi:p.- ^2=p=^: :^: :^--^--l I '-fz ^-«P- t^-r^. I I I I I I I 1^ !• — ; 1 — I 1 1 — w yall n I I -•->v-p-^--g=F^zgiz:,g'=FZg:^-^: ii^ii^ :^=pip: Slow. When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming, When o'er the dark wave the red lightning is gleaming, Nor hope lends a ray the poor seaman to cherish, We fly to our maker: "Save, Lord, or we perish." O Jesus, once rock'd on the breast of the billow, Aroused by the shriek of despair from Thy pillow, Now seated in glory, the mariner cherish. Who cries m his anguish : " Save, Lord, or we perish," And O, when the whirlwind of passion is raging, When sin in our hearts its wild warfare is waging, Then send down Thy Spirit Thy redeemed to cherish, Rebuke the destroyer : " Save, Lord, or we perish." 249 FOR USE AT SF.A. P.M. Kev. G. W. TOEBAirCE. «v4/Wt ExmoCLVDOIT. 1 1^ i< I I I I* ^ ^ ^ _ III I (^ ««r libitum. P P SS>- III ... I I I \P^ 1^ ' 1^ I I lJ ' I 111 e^ :?2 I I i Ft— !#* n-h— t- For 2d ^ 3^ verses 1st two bars will be :*-te=5 =P-L5 ' 1/ .^_^ i^iS 260 Fierce was the wild billow, Dark was the night, Oars labour'd heavily, Foam glitter'd white, Trembled the mariners, Peril was high ; Then said the God of God,— "Peace! It is I." Ridge of the mountain-wave, Lower thy crest ! Wail of the tempest-wind Be thou at rest ! Sorrow can never be, Darkness must fly, AVhere saith the Light of Light, "Peace ! It is I." Jesus deliverer, Near to us be ; Sootjie Thou our voyaging Over life's; sea ; Thou, when the storm of death, Roars, sweeping by, Whisper, Thou Truth of Truth, " Peace ! It is 1." FOR THOSE AT SEA. 243. Melita. 8's 6 lines. Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. =;==i=i-t— ^— -I— J fe^ifez^ ■^ .'-^ p> ^^il^ :P -f=2- :tz=^_-^:^i:^zt: I ps^^iii£^sp=^^ --^-^ E^P^g -(=2_f2_ :pztt: ^^^^^^^^^^. I I I p;rF^^^ III I :^ip; :d: A-men. :^i?: b=^: ■S'-iS'- ^1^^:33 ?^ Se;ees; Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bid'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep : O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. O Christ, whose voice the waters heard And hush'd their raging at Thy word, Who walkest on the foaming deep, And calm amidst its rage didst sleep; O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. Most Holy Spirit, who didst brood Upon the chaos dark and rude, And bid its angry tumult cease. And give, for wild confusion, peace ; O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. O Trinity of love and power. Our brethren shield in danger's hour From rock and tempest, fire and foe Protect them wheresoe'er they go ; Thus evermore shall rise to Thee Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. Amen. 251 244. ESSAEBB. FOR THOSE A T SEA. S. F. BlLET. =-l — I — ^-T ife^iiEi^ Far, far at Sea. I I I ' I I I II I I jggEp=^fc=^g:^^-, Cheer the Pi - /^/'j vision dreary, .«-» fe^rr:==;d=^=f SiZ ,«= — S — S — dls L_L ^ ,Si — iS* — C-ll^ll_D ^^ D -g-g Si—^—^—r- Or- I22~P2: Z-— t; .•=p£sb. A - men. :?2: tz:tz=±= Z:[ Z2222Z22ZZ Star of peace ! to wanderers weary, Bright the beams that smile on me ; Cheer the pilot's vision dreary, Far, far at sea. Star of hope ! gleam on the billow, Bless the soul that sighs for Thee, Bless the sailor's lonely pillow, Far, far at sea. Star of faith ! when winds are mocking All his toil, he flies to Thee ; Save him on the billows rocking. Far, far at sea. Star divine ! oh, safely guide him, — Bring the wanderer home to Thee ! Sore temptations long have tried him, Far, far at sea. Amen. LAYING OF A CORNER STONE. ^nCC/« WiifCHESTEB, (New.) L.M. Ceasselius. -^-<^-^ m,M i This stone to Thee in faith we lay, "^^ We build the temple Lord to Thee ; — Thine eye be open night and day —^-f^- To guard this house and sanctuary. ^ men. Here when Thy people seek Thy face, E^Z^SuN And dying sinners pray to live : 1! Hear Thou, in heaven. Thy dwelling-place, And when Thou hearest, O forgive. Hear, when Thy messengers proclaim The blessed gospel of Thy Son : Still by the power of His great name Be mighty signs and wonders done. When children's voices raise the song, Hosanna to their heavenly King ; Let heaven, with earth, the strain prolong, Hosanna, let the angels sing. But will, indeed,Jehovah deign Here to abide, no transient guest ? Here will our great Redeemer reign. And here the Holy Spirit rest ? That glory never hence depart ! Yet choose not. Lord, this house alone ; Thy kingdom come in every heart, In every bosom fix Thy throne. Amen. 253 LA YING OF A CORNER STONE. «&4Dt Melcombe. L.M. S. 'Webbk. ~^ -e^-iS-'f^" W& l^i=qiF=l==f :^i§r -W'-m- izqz: ^^--^^ 1^ ^i I I I I I J I I I I I 11 ill I ^r=EEti::ffg^^:g:,^z^iEgzgz| A-men. O LORD of hosts, whose glory fills The bounds of the eternal hills, And yet vouchsafes, in Christian lands, To dwell in temples made with hands ; Grant that all we who here to-day Rejoicing this foundation lay, May be in very deed Thine own. Built on the precious corner-stone. Endue the creatures with Thy grace That shall adorn Thy dwelling-place ; The beauty of the oak and pine. The gold and silver, make them Thine. To Thee they all pertain ; to Thee The treasures of the earth and sea; And when we bring them to Thy throne We but present Thee with Thine own. The heads that guide, endue with skill ; The hands that work preserve from ill ; That we, who these foundations lay. May raise the topstone in its day. Amen. 254 LA YING 4w4 / • Habewooo. OF A CORNER STONE, S. S. Wesley, Mus. Doc. P.M. ^^.-Z-^ ^ -0- #=!=» ^ -A ^«s^=t=tit=t=£^, -s-r-^—- @— J— ^'— P-^ t=^: r — ~n— c^g'— I — s^ — is — s- — =H- zi: :^S~^= :=si=:tl==izi^= -1^ — is — is- IIS2Z:: -ff=^- :^: T=l= ! — L^ii^iiL ^Eg^^gEgE^ =F^-g=^ ±=t :^ S^ Christ is our corner-stone, On Him alone we build ; With His true saints alone The courts of heaven are fiU'd ; On His great love Our hopes we place Of present grace And joys above. O then with hymns of praise These hallow'd courts shall ring, Our voices we will raise The Three in One to sing ; And thus proclaim In joyful song Both loud and long That glorious name. Here, gracious God, do Thou For evermore draw nigh ; Accept each faithful vow, And mark each suppliant sigh ; In copious shower On all who pray Each holy day Thy blessings pour. Here may we gain from heaven The grace which we implore ; And may that grace, once given, Be with us evermore. Until that day When all the blest To endless rest Are call'd away. 26S 248. CHURCH DEDICATION. Ibtpkomptu. L. M. p. K. Maclagak, Mus. Doc. ^J I -| — I — I — n I 1 /■>, I — I Ii±i=r22z:tzz=_ :t=: iiHglSiilii 22=2:2: :1322, :^^_Pzpi:^_ i Jesus, where'er Thy people meet, There they behold Thy mercy-seat ; Where'er they seek Thee, Thou art found. And every place is hallow'd ground. For Thou, within no walls confined, Inhabitest the humble mind ; Such ever bring Thee where they come. And going take Thee to their home. Dear Shepherd of Thy chosen few. Thy former mercies here renew ; Here to our waiting hearts proclaim The sweetness of Thy saving name. Here may we prove the power of prayer To strengthen faith, and sweeten care, To teach our faint desires to rise, And bring all heaven before our eyes. Lord, we are few, but Thcu art near; Nor short Thine arm, nor deaf Thine ear; O rend the heavens, come quickly down, And make a thousand hearts Thine own ! 266 249. St. Petek. CHURCH DEDICATION. CM. A. B. Keinagle, =& I I Eilfe=3E5Ei=fe I I — ^ ^-F-| — p-i — H-i — \— p?- .Ci_Ci_^,^2^ fel -C^_ izb A_ \^r-W^»- :~^c^i.2:^: 22: ^=?2= -5-.I 1 ^-\ ^i Great Shepherd of Thy people, hear ! Thy presence now display : As Thou hast given a place for prayer So give us hearts to pray. Within these walls let holy peace And love and concord dwell : Here give the troubled conscience ease, The wounded spirit heal. May we in faith receive Thy word. In faith present our prayers ; And in the presence of our Lord Unbosom all our cares. The hearing ear, the seeing eye, The contrite heart bestow ; And shine upon us from on high, That we in grace may grow. Amen. 257 250 St. Bees. CHURCH DEDICA TION. Kev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. p H^ -js- -m- -£=- -&- -2;;,- "p-p~P~P" till ^=J=S=nzJ t:=tz=giif?: 1^=^: zt=it: r- =— 3=^=3=3=(==i=; III! I — <=3 — - :^: :^ ^ I I I -(^1-—. Amen. :?2 tziitzt SEaEBES^ESE?^ b=trz=e: a^l From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand. From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They ca!l us to cieliver Their land from error's chain. What though the spicy breezes. Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle ; Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile ; In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen in his blindness Bows down tu wood and stone. Can we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Can we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! O salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim. Till each remotest nati(m Has learnt Messiah's name. Waft, waft, ye winds, His story. And you, ye waters roll, Till like a sea of glory It spreads from pole to pole J Till o'er our ransom'd nature The Lamb for sinners slain. Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. Amen. 264 257. Teuko. MISSIONS. L.M. Dr. Bukney. --■=x .1 p^ I '^^^^^^wm^^m ^pm -S- :22: ::22: iz?::^: -S'-ts- 2:^^: :si: _S2_ 11221 -S» — ^- -^^•ft ^: ■SiSJ-rS'- ;tt^= 1222 :^: E ES if=?2: --^■. :^: pr =SEii^=l -"g=l is^: 122; "Oil A-men, -£^- Arm of the Lord, awake, awake. Put on Thy strength, the nations shake ; And let the world adoring see Triumphs of mercy wrought by Thee. Say to the heathen from Thy throne, I am Jehovah, God alone : Thy voice their idols shall confound, And cast their altars to the ground. Let Sion's time of favor come ; O bring the tribes of Israel home; And let our wondering eyes behold Gentiles and Jews in Jesus'fold. Almighty God, Thy, grace proclaim In every clime, of every name ; Let adverse powers before Thee fall, And crown the Saviour Lord of all. Amen. ^65 258. Atoxement. MISSIONS. G. "W. TOERAXCE. l^=a Saviour, sprinkle many nations, Fruitful let Thy sorrows be ; By Thy pains and consolations, Draw the nations unto Thee. Of Thy Cross the wondrous story, Be it to the nations told ; Let them see Thee in Thy glory And Thy mercy manifold. Far and wide, though all unknowing, Pants for Thee each mortal breast; Human tears for Thee are flowing, Human hearts in Thee would rest. Thirsting as for dews of even. As the new-mown grass for rain, Thee they seek, as God of heaven, Thee, as man for sinners slain. Saviour, lo ! the isles are waiting, Stretch'd the hand, and strain'd the sight, For Thy Spirit new creating, Love's yure flame and wisdom's light. Give the word! and of the preaclier Speed the foot and touch the tongue, Till on earth by every creature Glory lo the Lamb be sung ! Amen. 203 259. MISSIONS. Steggall. S.M. DE. STEGGAI.L. To bless Thy chosen race, In mercy, Lord, incline ; And cause the brightness of Thy face On all Thy saints to shine : That so Thy wondrous way May through the world be known ; While distant lands their tribute pay, And Thy salvation own. O let them shout and sing, With joy and pious mirth. For Thou, the righteous Judge and King, Shalt govern all the earth. Let differing nations join To celebrate Thy fame ; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praise Thy glorious name. Then God upon our land Shall constant blessings shower ; And all the world in awe shall stand Of His resistless power. A-men. 26f MISSIONS. 8.7- «&UU( St. L0OT9. "W. B. Gilbert, O'er the gloomy hills of darkness Look, my soul ! be still, — and gaze ; See the promises advancing To a glorious day of grace : Blessed jubilee ! Let thy glorious morning dawn. Let the dark benighted pagan, Let the rude barbarian see That divine and glorious conquest, Once obtained on Calvary : Let the gospel Loud resound, from pole to pole ! Kingdoms wide that sit in darkness — Grant them, Lord, tlie glorious light ; Now from eastern coast to western May the morning chase the night ; Let redemption, Freely purchased, win the day. Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel ! Win and conque ■, — never cease ; May Tliy lasting, wide dominions Multiply and still increase ; Sway Thy sceptre, Saviour ! all the world around. Amen. 2d8 MISSIONS. .« Old Httitdkedth. L.M. Great God, whose universal sway, The known and unknown worlds obey, Now give the kingdom to Thy Son ; Extend His power, exalt His throne. As rain on meadows newly mown, So shall He send his influence down ; His grace on fainting souls distils. Like heavenly dew on thirsty hills. The heathen lands, that lie beneath The shades of overspreading death, Revive at His first dawning light, And deserts blossom at the sight. The saints shall flourish in His days, Dress'd in the robes of joy and praise ; Peace, like a river, from His throne Shall flow to nations yet unknown. 289 262. MISSIONS. "Uplift the Banner." L.M. :z^-=in:il=:J.=:^=n=l=h J. "W. F. Harrison. ^-zlrHTqz: "2 — mzii^ — ! — N — n — I — ^~ I kaa II III -i^ J I L I I i^^^^g?^^^^^^^ir^^ A - men. Uplift the banner ! Let it float Sky-ward and sea-ward, high and wide ; The sun shall light its shining folds, The Cross on which the Saviour died. Uplift the banner ! Angels .bend In anxious silence o'er the sign, And vainly seek to comprehend The wonder of the love Divine. Uplift the banner ! Heathen lands Shall see from far the glorious sight, And nations, gathering at the call, Their spirits kindle in its light. Uplift the banner ! Let it float Sky-ward and sea-ward, high and wide : Our glory only in the Cross, Our only hope the Crucified. Uplift the banner ! wide and high, .Sea-ward and sky-ward let it shine : Nor skill, nor might, nor merit ours ; We conquer only in that sign. Amen. 270 MISSIONS. L. W. Sheubsole. All hail the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall : Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all ! Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from His altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown Him Lord of all ! Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, A remnant weak and small, Hail Him who saves you by His grace. And crown Him Lord of all ! Ye Gentile sinners, ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all ! Let every kindred, every tribe, And all that on Him call, To Him all majesty ascribe. And crown Him Lord of all ! Oh, that with yonder sacred throng. We at His feet may fall ! We'll join the everlasting song. And crown Him Lord of all ! Amen. 271 FOR THE JEWS. ^UfXa "Woolmer's. L.M. Sir F. a. G. O0SELET, Bt. Mus. Doc. I High on the bending -willows hung, Israel,still sleeps the tuneful string? Still mute remains the sullen tongue, And Sion's song: denies to sin^ ? Awake ! thy loudest raptures raise : Let harp and voice unite their strains ; Thy promised King His sceptre sways; Behold, thy own Messiah reigns. By foreign streams no longer roam. And, weeping, think on Jordan's flood; In every clime behold a home. In every temple see thy God. No taunting foes the song require ; No strangers mock thy captive chain ; Thy friends provoke the silent lyre, And brethren ask the holy strain. Then why, on bending willows hung, Israel, still sleeps the tuneful string? Why mute remains the sullen tongue, And Sion's song delays to sing ? 272 265. "Wabeham. FOR THE yEWS. L.M. "W. Knapp. ^^eSe :^: 3:± ^=^- :s2; rr iffi z:i i?^2^ d=^': M cL -^ A -^ 1^=^ ^ J: ^ f^ 22: Izzt^ M r= :^=tQi ^^= ^=1^: 122 ^±^^=e^3zgi^; 'ip- -s'- k^ -iS4 ?2: ^iSEE :^ ?2: :^=^ :^ L^ :?2: 22: ?2: fell ^= :^JE:^3E^Eg j^ :?2 ^^=^= :i=T T^^ZTZtL -&- f^-t :^i^=L l&. :^ ^ :^ 3_J T^'- ^- f-F 22: 1^2:1^1:2.. :^ I •, A-men. -- ife^i -^ ?&=: :\z- -m-- tnzt: :^^-^-, ig- :^=t;=t ^r-S" 1 ,*=S^=^=:=^==t y^s — 1_.| 1 1 1 P^. f^ .d. :^-.^ tt^-^: J I .^_c^_ 1 _ 1 ^.^ 1 1 1 LJ 1 1 1 U re i turn re - turn l#F-=f 1 ) 1- — »-H ^— '^ r — J^ \ 1 -«- r r.? - 1 -i*--i 1 turn ?zi- ?- - -/ 2ZI g- A -men. (S" • s> Return, O wanderer, to thy home ; Thy Father calls for thee ; No longer now an exile roam In guilt and misery. Return ! Return ! Return, O wanderer, to thy home, 'Tis Jesus calls for thee : " The Spirit and the Bride say Come," Oh, now for refuge flee ! Return ! Return ! Return, O wanderer, to thy home ; 'Tis madness to delay ; There are no pardons in the tomb, And brief is mercy's day. Return ! Return ! Amen. 280 273. PAROCHIAL MISSION SEE VICES. Rev. J. B. Dykes. 3=^E^F=^= 1=1 -p?-j*- :^z=g= t^=^; *zz=^=^=5z:^ ^.^_(=1. ^S=ez=^-gzzr: r-^- :^ .. :^z:^=^izf: -c^_ :?2=z:^: ,_^-«= 3*^; — ■ i^=s2=:^: ■p--^ ■2^5^. Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, your Maker, asks you why : God, who did your being give, Made you with Himself to live : He the fatal cause demands ; Asks the work of His own hands : Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross His love, and die ? Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, your Saviour, asks you why : He, who did your souls retrieve. Died Himself that ye might live, Will ye let Him die in vain ? Crucify your Lord again ? Why, ye ransom'd sinners, why Will ye slight His grace and die ? Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, the Spirit, asks you why : He who all your lives hath strove, Woo'd you to embrace His love : Will ye not His grace receive .'' Will ye still refuse to live ? O, ye dying sinners, why, Why will ye forever die ? Amen. A-men. 281 PAROCHIAL MISSION SER VICES. 4^74t Hebro-v. D.S.M. A-men. :& .i±;^-r=s-f^-g-Fh=b=L:zti-Ellgl|=B r:d3 I WAS a wandering sheep, I did not love the fold, I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controll'd. I was a wayward child, I did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice, I loved afar to roam. The Shepherd sought His sheep, The Father souglit Mis child, They follow'd me o'er vale and hill, O'er deserts waste and wild. They found me nigh to death, Famish'd, and faint, and lone ; They bound me with the bands of love ; They saved the wandering one. 2y2 Jesus my Shepherd is, 'Twas He that loved my soul. 'Twas He that wash'd me in His blood, 'Twas He that made me whole. 'Twas He that sought the lost, That found the wandering sheep, 'Twas He that brought me to the fold, 'Tis He that still doth keep. I was a wandering sheep, I would not be controll'd ; But now I love my vShcpherd's voic«, I love, I love the fold. I was a wayward cliild, I once prefcrr'd to roam, But now I love my Father's voice, I love, I love His home. Amen. PAROCHIAL MISSION SERVICES. 4& 8 iJ* Crucifixcs. -it- (D.) Anon. I I I I I I I I I I 1-^- ■^-. .^_^zpE^zg=i:^=F^^ i^z^zgzz^z: :^^-Epit=:=S 2z^zr^z^:r^2:^^^^23: -IS*S3?-^tS^?^^?*-^^5P i^ii:-s^^:3^^^fe3pii^^^:^ II II ^^: :^-^ 32:22: Cling to the Crucified : His death is life to thee, Life for eternity. His pains thy pardon seal; His stripes thy bruises heal : His Cross proclaims thy peace, Bids every sorrow cease. His blood is all to thee, It purges thee from sin ; It sets thy spirit free, It keeps thy conscience clean. Clino- to the Crucified. izzt -^-^^- -^-:^. :l^e=?p :^_-^_ i I Cling to the Crucified : His is a heart of love. Vast as the heavens above ; Its depths of sympathy Are all awake for thee : His countenance is light, Even in the darkest night. That love shall never change, That light shall ne'er grow dim ; Charge thou thy faithless heart To find its all in Him. Cling to the Crucified. 283 PAROCHIAL MISSION SERVICES. ^ /0» St. Raphael. E . J. HoPKnrs. 'f2^^r=^^ 1 1 1 &~r-& ^ z^^:^-=^=^--:^-■^. f - Til '^11 pg^E?E?E^E|Eg-E^E^E=EBEiEiiE^^^^ — gi- :^E[: ^EF^ t:— F-i^- :22=l: Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore. Jesus ready stands to save you, And His heart with love runs o'er : He is able, He is willing : doubt no more. Come, ye needy, come, and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance. Every grace that brings you nigh, Without money. Come to Jesus Christ and buy. Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Lost and ruin'd by the fall, If you tarry till you're purer. Your will never come at all: Not the righteous. Sinners Jesus came to call. Agonizing in the garden. You Redeemer prostrate lies ; On the bloody tree behold liim ! Hear Him crv before He dies, "It is fin'ish'd!" Sinners, will not this suffice ? Lo ! th' incarnate God, ascending, Pleads the merit of His blood : Venture on him— venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude; None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. Amen. 284 PAROCHIAL MISSION SERVICES. dt i i \ Alleluia dulce cakmex, l=^q rz^-^: --■B-- i 13^=' ■^-^ -S> — ^— ..S"— I- :gzp: 12^=^: ■O-^ — (S- :is:^=:siiz^: .^—f2—^. ^=^- 'JCZ. .-p.- ^s.#= :^^=^=^; = -2^=^=^^=^=; -,^>—^—es>- -^- nz^- -^: eS -S-— (S?-^- !^-^,i^J::J^_, -&—^—^-^' J J ^=^^=;^: ^2=^: ?Er P^: :P2=P2: :^: j:^^ :^: S: 1^=^: Jesus, Lord, we kneel before Thee : Bend from heav'n Thy gracious ear ; "While our waiting souls adore Thee, Friend of helpless sinners, hear ! By Thy mercy, O deliver us good Lord ! Taught by Thine unerring Spirit, Boldly we draw nigh to God ! Only in Thy spotless merit. Only through Thy precious blood : By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord ! From the depth of nature's blindness, From the hard'ning power of sin. From all malice and unkindness. From the pride that lurks within. By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord ! When temptation sorely presses, In the day of Satan's power, Li our times of deep distresses, In each dark and trying hour, By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord ! In the weary night of sickness, In the throes of grief and pain. When we feel our mortal weakness, When the (freature's help is vain ; By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord ! In the solemn hour of dying, In the awful Judgment-day, May our souls, on Thee relying, Find Thee still our hope and stay ; By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord ! Amen. 285 PAROCHIAL MISSION SERVICES. Ati'Q* "Safe Home." Akthub Sullivan. I* ^ (• I* ^- -m- -— -m- -— -(9- ^' * , , , , II ^ I - 1 . . Jill I I 11)1 \ L^=e#sfe^EfeEbE^E^i-£yE?E[ :qE^^ -P 1*— t,s-tf,^— t^ " -^gife^H^J^lii Safe home, safe home in port ! Rent cordage, shatter'd deck, Torn sails, provision short, And only not a wreck ; But oh, the joy upon the shore To tell our voyage perils o'er ! The prize, the prize secure ! The warrior nearly fell ; Bore all he could endure, And bore not always well. But he may smile at troubles gone Who sets the victor-garland on ! No more the foe can harm ; No more of leaguer'^d camp, And cry of night alarm, 230 And need of ready lamp : And yet how nearly had he fail'd — How nearly had that foe prevail'd ! The lamb is in the fold, In perfect safety penn'd ; The lion once had hold, And thought to make an end ; But One came by with wounded side, And for the sheep the Shepherd died. The exile is at home ! — O nights and days of tears, O longings not to roam, O sins and doubts and fears ! What matter now, when (so men say) The king has wiped those tears away ? Amen. PAROCHIAL MISSION SERVICES. <«/*/• Aston. S.M. J. Hey-wood. Out of the deep I call To Thee, O Lord, to Thee ; Before Thy throne of grace I fall, Be merciful to me ; Out of the deep I cry, The woeful deep of sin, Of evil done in days gone by, Of evil now within. Out of the deep of fear. And dread of coming shame, From morning watch till night is near I plead the precious Name. Lord there is mercy now, As ever was with Thee ; Before Thy throne of grace I bow, Be merciful to me ! Amen. -287 280. ALMSGIVING. " We give Thee but Thine own." S.M. E. H. Thorne. ^^pliii=liiiiliiiili We ^ve Thee but Thine own, What'er the gift may be : All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee. May we Thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, And gladly as Thou blessest us, To Thee our first-fruits give. O ! hearts are bruised and dead, And homes are bare and cold. And lambs for whom the Shepherd bled, Are straying from the fold. To comfort and to bless. To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless Is angels' work below. The captive to release. To God the lost to bring. To teacli the way of life and peace, It is a Christ-like thine:. 28« And we believe Thy word. Though dim our faitli may be ; Whate'er for Thine we do, O Lord, We do it unto Thee. Amen. ALMSGIVING. 281. Aemagh. CM. J. TUELE. 8-*j»r» — ' — I — 1t ■ — I '■ — i~i 1 1 cJ. rrz^-^ " ! i r*^ !— ' i n- _C21^ -Ci. WM^^ "" 1=2. -r^r^-^- ^fei^i— : ?2: ^::?2: S^: 22 iP=3^S^2 :^=^: ^-^: -s>s>- -S^ --^=^. :2i: :^=:^E^r^^ -=^-^-^— =^"^**=^ :^ Fountain of good, to own Thy love Our thankful hearts incline ; What can we render, Lord, to Thee, When all the worlds are Thine ? But Thou hast needy brethren here, Partakers of Thy grace, Whose humble names Thou wilt confess Before Thy Father's face. In their sad accents of distress Thy pleading voice is heard ; In them Thou may'st be clothed, and fed, And visited, and cheer'd. Thy face with reverence and with love We in Thy poor would see ; For, while we minister to them, We do it Lord, to Thee. 289 282. Almsgiving. ALMSGIVING. Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mcs. Doc. -ri- -3± i^iiil O LORD of heaven, and earth, and sea, To Thee all praise and glory be ; How shall we sho\v our love to Thee, Who givest all ? The golden sunshine, vernal airs. Sweet flowers and fruit. Thy love declare ; When harvests ripen, Thou art there. Who givest all. For peaceful homes and healthful days, For all the blessings earth displays, We owe Thee thankfulness and praise. Who givest all. For souls redeem'd, for sins forgiven. For means of grace and hopes of heaven. What can to Thee, O Lord, be given, Who givest all } We lose what on ourselves we spend, We have as treasure without end Whatever, Lord, to Thee we lend, Who givest all. Whatever, Lord, we lend to Thee Repaid a thousand-fold will be ; Then gladly we will give to Thee, Who givest all. To thee, from Whom we all derive Our life, our gifts, our power to give ; O may we ever with Thee live. Who givest all. Amen. 200 283. ALMSGIVING. Messis. J. W. F. Harkison. " When thy harvest yields thee pleasure, Thou the golden sheaf shalt bind ; To the poor belongs the treasure Of the scatter'd ears behind — This thy God ordains to bless The widow and the fatherless. " When thine olive-plants increasing, Pour their plenty o'er the plain ; Grateful thou shalt take the blessing, But search not the boughs again — This thy God ordains to bless The widow and the fatherless. " When thy favour'd vintage flowing, Gladdens thine autumnal scene; Own the bounteous hand bestowing, But thy vines the poor shall glean — So thy God ordains to bless The widow and the fatherless." 2S1 NATIONAL THANKSGIVING FOR PEACE, «o04i Bbunswick. p.m. I H \ German. — --m — Lj* — p — 1« — i».^-L. ^ pg-L^ — « — «» — i«_qB^^_Mii ^i^i?ii=^iiiiigii Lord God, we worship Thee In loud and happy chorus We praise Thy love and power, Whose goodness reigneth o'er us ! To heaven our song shall soar, For ever shall it be Resounding o'er and o'er ; Lord God, we worship Thee ! Lord God, we worship Thcc ! For Thou our land defendest ; Thou pourest down Thy grace, And strife and war Thou endest; Since golden peace, O Lord, Thou grantest us to see. Our land with one accord. Lord God, gives thanks to Thee ! Lord God, we worship Thee I Thou didst indeed chastise us ; Yet still Thy anger spares, And still Thy mercy tries us ; Once more our Father's hand Doth bid our sorrows flee, And peace rejoice our land: — Lord God, we worship Thee I Lord God, we worship Thee ! And pray Thee, who hath blest us, That we may live in peace, And none henceforth molest us. Oh, crown us with Thy love; Fulfil our cry to Thee ; O Father, grant our prayer ; Lord God, we worship Thee. 292 285. AFTER PESTILENCE. St. Oswald. L.M. Kev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doo. j-J- ^^j^^^^M^i^r.^ g^^^z£=Z2:M3^ O GOD whose angel stayed his hand Where David knelt by Oman's floor, That through Thine Israel's mourning land The voice of health might sound once more ; We thank Thee for Thy pitying care, Who in Thy chastenings still art love ; With whom the Son of David's prayer Prevails upon the Mount above. Thy wisdom did not spare the rod, Sore smiting, as to Thee seem'd best ; But oh ! our Father and our God, Thou lovest whom Thou chastenest ! And One there stood, when none could save, Between the living and the dead. The incense of His prayer to wave. And plead the blood Himself had shed. The living praise Thee, Lord, to-day : Our dear ones on the eternal shore We leave to Thee ; and only pray That we may fear and love Thee more. Amen. 293 IN TIME OF PEACE, 4»00( Cheist Church. P.M. Dr. Steggall iliigfi^iiiii ■^: g'E^I :^=: ^i^g i I 3^: :?2: :^: :^=^=t: -'^-^. :f2: :c^=: It: :g==i :^: Ugl :i: 3=^==: I-- 3(S?-r- = r^=ci: :ci=c2L- :zi=2 I P=gd=gzJziL=Eg-J :c2: t=t: 22T B=d--r, :z:tz=: Before the Lord we bow, The God who reigns above, And rules the world below. Boundless in power and love ; Our thanks we bring In joy and praise, Our hearts we raise To heaven's high King. The nation Thou hast blest May well Thy love declare, From foes and fears at rest. Protected by Thy care. For this fair land. For this briglit day, Our thanks we pay — Gifts of thy hand. May every mountain height, Each vale and forest green, Shine in Thy word's ])ure light, And its rich fruits be seen ! 294 May every tongue Be tuned to praise, And join to raise A grateful song. Earth ! hear Thy Maker's voice, The great Redeemer own, Believe, obey, rejoice, And worship Him alone ; Cast down Thy pride, Thy sin deplore, And bow before The Crucified. And when in power He comes, O may our native land. From all its rending tombs, Send forth a glorious band; A countless throng Ever to sing To heaven's high King Salvation's song. Amen. 287. HARVEST. MiLAIf. J. H. ScHEIIf . -p c^-^-^r-pj- r^ qjig: iiiiiSS Lord of the harvest 1 once again We thank Thee for the ripen'd grain ; For crops safe carried, sent to cheer Thy servants through another year ; For all sweet holy thoughts supplied By seed-time, and by harvest-tide. The bare dead grain, in autumn sown, Its robe of vernal green puts on ; Glad from its wintry grave it springs, Fresh garnish'd by the King of kings: So, Lord, to those who sleep in Thee Shall new and glorious bodies be. Nor vainly of Thy Word we ask A lesson from the reaper's task ; So shall Thine angels issue forth -, The tares be burnt ; the just of earth, Playthings of sun and storm no more, Be gathered to their Father's store. Daily, O Lord, our prayers be said, As Thou hast taught, for daily bread ; But not alone our bodies feed ; Supply our fainting spirits' need \ O Bread of Life ! from day to day, Be Thou their comfort, food, and stay! 2a5 HAR VEST. —^—^—G>- I I ■S'— e?— S"- D=^ 1 1 -jz^-^-- 1 ^ 1 1 1 H^- H 1 1 I J_ ._ ^ A-men. :z2: Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of Righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night ! Day-spring from on high, be near ! Day-star, in my heart appear ! Dark and cheerless is the morn Unaccompanied by Thee ; Joyless is the day's return, Till Thy mercy's beams I see ; Till they inward light impart. Cheer my eyes and warm my heart. Visit, then, this soul of mine. Pierce the gloom of sin and grief ! Fill me, O Thou Light Divine, Scatter all my unbelief ! More and more Thyself display, Shining to the perfect day! Amen. 808 301. MORNING. IMPEOMPTU. L.M. P. R. Maclagan, Mus. Doc. 1 _, fr^ 1 (^ 0 U (^ ^^ — ^_ rj New every morning is the love Our wakening and uprising prove ; Through sleep and darkness safely brought, Restored to life, and power, and thought. New mercies, each returning day, Hover around us while we pray ; New perils past, new sins forgiven. New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven. If on our daily course our mind Be set to hallow all we find. New treasures still of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice. The trivial round, the common task, Will furnish all we ought to ask ; Room to deny ourselves : a road To bring us daily nearer God. Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love, Fit us for perfect rest above ; And help us this, and every day, To live more nearly as we pray. 309 302. MORNING. Holy Ix>-ocents. 7.7A.T. : , , ' , ',,,!,, A-men. " See the Day-Spring from afar, Usher'd by the morning star ! " -Haste ; to Him who sends the light, Hallow the remains of night. Beam of the Eternal Beam, He in God, and God in Him ! Strive we Him in us to see, Transcript of the Deity. Burst we, then, the bands of death, Raised by His all-quick'ning breath ; Lon": we to be loosed from earth Tho' the outward man decay, Formed within us day l)y day, Still the inner man we view, Christ creating all things new. Thou tlie Life, the Truth, the Way, Suffer us no more to stray : Give us. Lord, and ever give, Thee to know, in Thee to live. Amen. 810 MORNING. 303. Napoli, J. W. F. Hakrisok. Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go, My daily labour to pursue ; Thee, only Thee, resolved to know, In all I think, or speak, or do. The task Thy wisdom hath assign'd O let me cheerfully fulfil ; In all my works 1'hy presence find, And prove Thy good and perfect will. Thee may I set at my right hand, Whose e3res my inmost substance see : And labour on at Thy command, And offer all my works to Thee. Give me to bear Thy easy yoke, And every moment watch and pray ; And still to things eternal look. And hasten to thy glorious day. Amen. 311 oU^Et Jam Lucis. MORNING. LM. 12^ 1=1: ,^^^=^= eiEEi^ :t=: AxciENT Plain Soxg —-1— —-]—!- :zii :^ :^=^ is:^: ;^ gE^EiEfl^:SEEgE3E5E-3Eg ?^" ^. P A - men. :l — hzn gi^^= izz: Now that the daylight fills the sky, We lift our hearts to God on high ; That He, in all we do or say, Would keep us free from harm to-day. May He restrain our tongues from strife, And shield from anger's din our life ; And guard with watchful care our eyes From earth's absorbing vanities. So we, when this day's work is o'er, And shades of night return once more, Our path of trial safely trod. Shall give the glory to our God. All praise to God the P'ather be ; All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee ; Whom with the Spirit we adore For ever and for evermore. Amen. 812 MORNING. 305. Webee. Adapted fbom Webek. I^^i-gi^i^^^'3^^3 A-men. --^-^--^-^^'_-^^_>!?L:^-....^_ ==tz=rzdzt: 22: tzit: :&- T2-=J^ -^-m- IS Now the shades of night are gone; Now the morning light is come ; Lord, may we be Thine to-day ; Drive the shades of sin away. Fill our souls with heavenly light, Banish doubt and clear our sight ; In Thy service, Lord, to-day, May we labour, watch, and pray. Keep our haughty passions bound ; Save us from our foes around ; Going out and coming in. Keep us safe from every sin. When our work of life is past, O receive us, then, at last ; Night and sin will be no more, When we reach the heavenly shore. Amen. 313 306 EVENING. Caiton. L.M. Talus. Glory to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, oh keep me, King of kings, Beneath Thine own Almighty wings ! Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done : That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ! Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the judgment day ! O may my soul on Thee repose, And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close ; Sleep, that may me more vig'rous make To serve my God when I awake ! When in the night I sleepless lie. My soul with heavenly tliouglits supply ! Let no ill dreams disturb my rest. No powers of darkness me molest ! Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost I Amen. 314 307 Eventide. EVENING, FIRST TUNE. "W. H. Monk. =^l^iS -^- :^: 'C±l^Z "o c^Bi^- ^22211 I I I Se^-^ 2^^: 1^=^: 122: 112:2: T I I I I < :p2; f"p=p^ I I H7- r [^th— jg-p-p-fg-s-F F Abide with me ! fast falls the even-tide, The darkness deepens ; Lord with me abide ! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me ! Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; -Earth's joys grow dim ; its glories pass away : Change and decay in all around I see : 0 Thou, who changest not, abide with me ! Thou on my head in early youth didst smile; _ And, though rebellious and perverse meanwhile, Thou hast not left me oft as I left Thee ; On to the close, O Lord, abide with me ! 1 need Thy presence everjr passing hour ; What but thy grace can foil the Tempter's power ? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be, Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me ! I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless : Ills have no weight and tears no bitterness : , Where is death's sting ? where, grave, thy victory ? I triumph still if Thou abide with me ! Hold, then, Thy cross before my closing eyes! Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies! Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee; In life and death, O Lord, abide with me ! 815 Ov# COMFOKT. E VENING. SECOND TUNE. E. J. Hopkins. Abide with me! fast falls the even-tide, The darkness deepens ; Lord with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me ! Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim ; its glories pass away : Change and decay in all around I see : 0 Thou, who changest not, abide with me ! Thou on my head in early youth didst smile; And, though rebellious and perverse meanwhile, Thou hast not left me oft as I left Thee ; On to the close, O Lord, abide with me ! 1 need Thy presence every passing hour ; What but thy grace can foil the Tempter's power ? Who Ijke Thyself my guide and stay can be, 'Through cloud ond sunshine, O abide with me ! I fear no foe, with Thee ftt hand to bless : Ills have no weiglit and tears no bitterness : Where is death's sting ? where, grave, thy victory? J trimnpli still if Thou abide with me ! Hold, then, Thy cross before my closing eyes ! Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies! Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee ; li) life and death, O Lord, abide with me ! 816 OUC/t Stoneleigh. EVENING. P.M. C. S. Jekti,. Through the day Thy love hath spared us : Now we lay us down to rest ; Through the silent watches guard usi Let no foe our peace molest ! Jesus, Thou our Guardian be ! Sweet it is to trust in Thee. Pilgrims here on earth, and strangers; Dwelling in the midst of foes : Us and ours preserve from dangers, In Thine arms may we repose ! And, when life's sad day is past Rest with Thee in Heaven at last ! Amen. 309. EVENING. HCESLET. L.M. 3:^^: i^i^ife^^^igigi HtTGUENOT Air. \ — t- I i_ I ^=^^ r-r^y=E^Eg I ' I :^-:==^ -- L^iiiilipii 1^2: A-men. Lord, Thy word abideth. And our footsteps guideth; Who its truth beheveth Light and joy receiveth. When our foes are near us, Then Thy word doth cheer us, Word of consolation. Message of salvation. When the storms are o'er us, And dark clouds before us, Then its light directeth And our way protecteth. Who can tell the pleasure. Who recount the treasure, By Thy word imparted To the simple-hearted .'' Word of mercy, giving Succor to the living ; Word of life, supplying Comfort to the dying ! Oh, that we, discerning Its most Holy learning. Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee ! Amen. 334 OiwOa St. Geoege, HOL V SCRIP TURB. 50i St. Geoege. CM. Old Tun =s:±D:^j:^z.^_:izz=^gz|i 1 r^ I I I I The spirit breathes upon the word, And brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford A safxCtifying light. A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun : It gives a light to every age ; It gives but borrows none. The hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat ; Its truths upon the nations rise • They rise, but never set. Let everlasting thanks be Thine For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of Him I love. Till glory breaks upon my view In brighter worlds above ! 836 327. HOL Y SCRIPTURE. St. James. CM. I E. COURTEVn-LE. ¥^^ •S^g'-^-j^-g'- -p-F=T^- J-^^^' r_pz^i±z Father of Mercies ! in Thy word, What endless glory shines ! Forever be Thy name ador'd For these celestial Hnes. Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heav'nly peace around ; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. O may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight ; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be Thou forever near ; Teach me to love Thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. Amen. 336 328. liEDHEAD. HOLY SCRIPTURE. CM. Bedhead. zq==q: M .^F^ ^-^S'- 1 1 :P2: 1^-^- ^-^2: rn-" sz!!:: s :s2:! A-men. gpg^pipgS s>—^—^—>^ -I — I — \ ES3?= 221 Almighty God ! Thy word is cast Like seed upon the ground : O may it grow in humble hearts, And righteous fruits abound. Let not the foe of Christ and man This holy seed remove ; But give it root in praying souls To bring forth fruits of love. Let not the world's deceitful cares The rising plant destroy, And may it yield a hundred-fold, The fruits of peace and joy. Let not Thy word so kindly sent To raise* us to Thy throne Return to Thee, and sadly tell That we reject Thy Son. Great God ! come down, and on Thy word Thy mighty power bestow ; That all who hear the joyful sound Thy saving grace may knowo Ameno 337 329. HOL V SCRIP TURE. AUEELIA. 7.6. D. S. S. Wesley, Mus. Doo. ^=^=^= tm-^-a-^±m ':^~ -P^ J^-i^ .(=2_^^„_<=^. ~^~ -At-^- ...fS?.^ ._ ±=1=1 — I — Lz=E^-r:?=B=^zl7? -f^-p-p-F— -B ^- -^- -^ -g- -, ^ A-men. igi^^ii^i O Word of God Incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unclianged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky; We praise Thee for the radiance That from the hallow'd page, A lantern to our footsteps. Shines on from age to age. The Church from her dear Master Receiv'd the gift divine. And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine. It is the golden casket Where gems of truth are stor'd : It is t'lc heav' n-drawn ])icture Of Christ, the living Word. I It floateth like a banner Before God's host unfurl'd; It shineth like a beacon Above the darkling world : It is the chart and compass, That o'er life's surging sea, 'Mid mists, and rocks, and quicksands, Still guide, O Christ, to Thee. O make Thy Church, dear Saviour, A lamp of burnish'd gold, To bear before the nations Thv true light as of old : O teach Thy wandering pilgrims By this their pvth to trace. Till clouds and darkness ended. They see Thee face to face. Amen. HOL Y SCRIPTURE. 330. 1 XNOCENTS. 7.T.7.7. :|fc ^'- --^-w- :^i=^2 ^=: -^^^ :^: ^ f S§ -e:^^ :;^=^ -^<=2< ^ I I -s>s?-jj S^^g 1^2-^ P^ ^^?:2 :r?-p-p- Si: I Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine; Mine to tell me whence I came ; Mine to teach me what I am ; Mine to chide me when I rove ; Mine to show a Saviour's love ; Mine art Thou to guide my feet ; Mine to judge, condemn, acquit ; Mine to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless ; Mine to show by living faith Man can triumph over death ; Mine to tell of joys to come, Light and life beyond the tomb ; O thou precious book divine. Holy treasure, thou are mine. 889 Kedhead. REDEMPTION. FIRST TUNE. 7.7, Bedhead. i=i=i^=Sp^=s=^'B=^=S=P=s=^^^l Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ! Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flow'd, Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. Not the labors of my hands Can fulfil Thy law's demands ; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone. Thou must save, and Thou alone. Nothing in my hand I bring ; Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress ; Helpless, look to Thee for grace ; Foul, I to the fountain fly ; Wash me, Saviour, or I die. While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyelids close in death, When I soar through tracts unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment throne; Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ! Amen. 340 331 Gethsemane. REDEMPTION. SECOND TUNE, :^=: d: Kev. J. B. Dykes. S: -■^~ ^-=^-- :^±2^, ici: ^^hr 2^ :P2: :^: ^. =-r- ^ EE ^^=^ £U^4x. -^ rzi ' . a 343 kEDEMPTION. 834. CAIfAAIf. D.C.M. P. R. Maclagan, Mrs. Doc. r.», I IS J • 111 ! 1^ .5£itzzE^t^-t:zti£^f:it=^:Epip=p=p=fe±r.eEt=4ii= N N^- I ^ I I II II 1^ P T ;^ U* I I -|*--|*-,^- I. ^ n i i^F^ J I I ! I ^ ^ I -^- -^- ;tz=d=t= .^^J^JU^J. wm^^'W- i*«Mi^ P^=P=PZ i U* U^ ' ' > ;S ! ^i^:z^g.-^gL=^^jEp:^ipip|^_^_gv,::g Pllftfj 1^ 1^ Thou art my hiding-place, O Loid! In Thee I put my trust, Encouraged by Thy holy word, A feeble child of dust : I have no other hope beside, I urge no other plea, And 'tis enough my Saviour died I My Saviour di^d for me! When storms of fierce temptation beat, And furious foes assail. My refuge is the mercy-seat. My hope within the veil. From strife of tongues, and bitter words, My spirit flies to Thee ; Joy to my heart the thought affords. My Saviour died for me ! 'Mid trials heavy to be borne. When mortal strength is vain, — A heart with grief and anguish torn, — A body rack'd with pain, — Ah ! what could give the sufferer rest, Bid every murmur flee, But this, the witness in my breast, My Saviour died for me ! And when Thine awful voice commands This body to decay, And life, jn its last lingering sands, Is ebbing fast away, — Then, though it be in accents weak, And faint and tremblingly, () give me strength in death to speak, " My Saviour died for me I " 344 REDEMPTION. Rest. Slow. P.M. P. R. Maclagan, Mus. Doc. — I 1 — i**- \^ \^ \^ ^ _ -SB'- _&- I . I I M. Organ. '?:^'^ irt ^ ^ 1^ *5 1^ 1^ 1^ '^ .^_iJ^z^; tS>-» '^^-^ ' '^ 1^ 1^ i^ 1^ 1^ ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ '^ \ '^1 I I I I I 1 «* 1 I 1 I . i-S: > ^ '^ '^ ^ PP crescendo. -==m J I I h h ^ r^ > ^ i J Pi ■--— — -_— -i--fl(--^-p--i#_^-g_-^ — pi — -m — P2ZJ- !----->—- — -**-ii^-^-^-^— >e- =S== fc I Rest,weary soul ! The penalty is borne, the ransom paid, For all thy sins full satisfaction made ; Strive not to do thyself what Christ has done, Claim the free gift, and make the joy thine own ; No more by pangs of guilt and fear distrest, Rest, sweetly rest ! Rest, weary heart ! From all thy silent griefs, and secret pain, Thy profitless regrets, and longings vain ; Wisdom and love have order'd all the past. And shall be blessedness and light at last; Cast off the cares that have so long op- prest ; Rest, sweetly rest ! Rest, weary head ! Lie down to slumber in the peaceful tomb ; Light from above has broken through its gloom ; Here, in the place where once thy Saviour lay, "Where He shall wake thee on a future day, Like a tired child upon its mother's breast, Rest, sweetly rest ! Rest, spirit free ! In the green pasturesof the heavenly shore, Where sin and sorrow can approach no more. With all the flock by the Good Shepherd fed, Beside the streams of life eternal led, For ever with thy God and Saviour blest, Rest, sweetly rest ! 345 336. Martyrdom. REDEMPTION. CM. H. "Wilson. There is a fountain fill'd with blood Drawn from Emmanuel's veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day, And there have I, as vile as he, Wash'd all my sins away. Dear dying Lamb ! Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransom'd Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. Then in a nobler sweeter song I'll sing Thy power to save, Wiien this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. Lord, I believe Thou hast prepared, Unworthy thougli I l:)e. For me a blood-bought free reward, A golden harp for me. 'Tis strung, and tuned for endless years, And form'd by power divine. To sound in God, the Father's ears. No other name but Thine. 846 337. St. Cross. REDEMPTION. L.M. Key, J. B. Dykes. Mus. Doo. -^;^=^ :i22: 1^ '^?^' ^ -^-^■ _-^l:^1£^ 2!^ I I I I :^=^ ^-g^-g: y.;^:^ :r^-p-r?- :^ :s2zi22: :^ 221 2222 H ^id^F°- ::ci:z2iz:i Z222Z^ r '--^A^ ^1^ ?s=^ ^= :^ i :^: .^c^. si s*- 22IS2; Saviour, I lift my trembling eyes To that bright seat, where, placed on high, The great, atoning sacrifice, For me, for all, is ever nigh. Be Thou my guide on peril's brink; Be Thou my guide through weal or woe ; And teach me of Thy cup to drink, And make me in Thy path to go. For what is earthly change or loss ? Thy promises are still my own : The feeblest frame may bear Thy cross, The lowliest spirit share Thy Throne. 347 338 REDEMPTION. f Lancashire. 7.C.7.6.7.G.7.6. H. SUA.RT. tl^ — (S> — :S — <&-J (S^ — 1:^—0 -(^ L; — — 1^ — ,^_,^ L^- I Lay my sins on Jesus, Tlie spotless Lamb of God ; He l)ears them all, and frees us From the accursed load: I l)rin,2; my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains White in His blood most precious, 'i'ill not a stain remains. I lay my wants on Jesus; Ail fulness dwells in Him; He lieals all my diseases. He doth my soul redeem : I lay mv griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares ; He from them all releases, He all my sorrow shares. 348 I rest my soul on Jesus, This weary soul of mine ; His right hand me embraces, I on His breast recline. I love the name of Jesus, Immanuel, Christ, the Lord; Like fragrance on the breezes, His name abroad is poured. I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, lowl3% mild; I long to be like Jesus, The Father's holy child : I long to be with Jesus Amid the heavenly throng, To sing with saints His praises, To learn the angel's song. Amen. 339. St. Bernard. REDEMPTION. CM. W. Richardson. r^ E^:=^E^E^ ■s>-^-^-- !^ 2^1=^=3: 1 I w^- & I I l^__-^#_. :?2=^ =S A-men. 221 i When, wounded sore, the stricken soul Lies bleeding and unbound. One only hand, a pierced hand, Can salve the sinner's wound. When sorrow swells the laden breast, And tears of anguish flow, One only heart, a broken heart, Can feel the sinner's woe. When penitence has wept in vain Over some foul dark spot. One only stream, a stream of blood, Can wash away the blot. 'Tis Jesus' blood that washes white, His hand that brings relief. His heart that's touch'd with all our joys, And feels for all our grief. Lift up Thy bleeding hand, O Lord ; Unseal that cleansing tide ; We have no shelter from our sin But in Thy wounded side. Amen. 349 340. BOOTEKSTOWN. REDEMPTION. CM, H. BuSSELIi. s 122=^: :1?^- ^:d?::i^±^z:^it==2=:?2±=i=: fiE=t: tii^^ii ^^^^-^E§^ --e :ci ^i^^ Plunged in a gulf of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope Or spark of glimmering day. With pitying eyes the Prince of Grace Beheld our helpless grief : He saw, and, oh, amazing love ! He ran to our relief. Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste He fled ; Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. Oh, for this love, let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break ; And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour's praises speak! 850 Angels, assist our mighty joys ! Strike all your harps of gold ! But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told. 341. Old 113th. REDEMPTION. 8's 12 lines. From highest heaven th' Eternal Son, With God the Father ever One, Came down to suffer, and to die : For love of sinful man He bore Our human griefs and troubles sore. Our load of guilt and misery. Sing out, ye saints of God, and praise The Lamb who died, His flock to raise From sin and everlasting woe; With angels round the throne above, O tell the wonders of His love, The joys that from His mercy flow. In darkest shades of night we lay Without a beam to guide our way. Or hope of ought beyond the grave ; But He hath brought us life and light, And open'd heaven to our sight, And lives for ever strong to save. Rejoice, ye saints of God, rejoice ; Sing out, and praise with cheerful voice The Lamb whom heaven and earth adore ; ToHim who gave His only Son, To God the Spirit, with Them One, Be praise and glory evermore. Amen. 351 342. St. Flavian. REDEMPTION. CM. Redhead. fee^Ej :^: :^J_J W_-ii f ^ .ziT--. -'^~- -f--- ±1; :=f?=:t:^ :r=tz=: :q: -flJ- --U 1 J J J- -J- J- -J- (ill J=a^'=Fg; ^E^E^E^FEfEfi A -men. "C?" All ye who seek for sure relief In trouble and distress, Whatever sorrow vex the mind, Or guilt the soul oppress : Jesus, who gave Himself for you, Upon the cross to die. Opens to you his sacred heart: Oh, to that heart draw nigh. Ye hear how kindly He invites ; Ye hear His words so blest : " All ye that labour come to me. And I will give you rest." O Jesus, joy of saints on high, Thou hope of sinners here, Attracted by those loving words, To Thee we lift our prayer. Wash Thou our wounds in that dear blood Which forth from Tliee doth flow ; New grace, new hope inspire ; a new And better heart bestow. Amen. -52 REDEMPTION. '% WAIiTON, From Beethovek. Beneath Thy cross I lay me down, And mourn to see Thy bloody crown ; Love drops in blood from every vein ; Love is the spring of all His pain. Here, Jesus, I shall ever stay, And spend my longing hours away, Think on Thy bleeding wounds and pain, And contemplate Thy woes again. The rage of Satan and of sin, Of foes without, and fears within. Shall ne'er my conquering soul remove, Or from Thy cross, or from Thy love. O unmolested happy rest ! Where inward fears are all supprest; Here I shall love, and live secure, And patiently my cross endure. 353 344. St. Innocents. REDEMPTION. j_^- JA :?2if?: :tz=t: :c2: Mrg^ ^- -C^_ .(^-_„_ lzzl±:i=^ eiP A-men. zF-r^PigrF — Bigz— H- CONQUERING kings their titles take From the foes they captive make : Jesus, by a nobler deed, From the thousands He hath freed. Yes : none other Name is given Unto mortals under heaven. Which can make the dead arise, And exalt them to the skies. That which Christ so hardly vv^rought, That which He so dearly bought, That salvation, mortals say, Will ye madly cast away ? Rather gladly for that Name Bear the cross, endure the shame ; Joyfully for Him to die, Is not death but victory. Jesus, who dost condescend To be caird the Sinner's Friend, Hear us as to Thee we pray, Glorying in Thy Name to-day. 354 Glory to the Father be, Glory, Holy Son, to Thee, Glory to the Holy Ghost, From the saints and angel-host. Amen. REDEMPTION. CM. "W. RiCHAKDSOlT. tSfsDi St. Been-aed. W=r:^=g=^'zf?^^ I^=P2=^ t- I ! =^?E^^e , ,111 :^: :?2: z^-^fzrr--. :t:z=t: ii^iiSii f 2^=^ S^ ^W^ ■^"^-. is-^ £^- A-men. 122: For ever here my rest shall be, Close to Thy bleeding side ; This all my hope and all my plea, "For me the Saviour died." My dying Saviour and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin ! Sprinkle me ever with Thy blood, And cleanse and keep me clean. Wash me, and make me thus Thine own j Wash me, and mine Thou art ; Wash me, but not my feet alone — My hands, my head, my heart. The atonement of Thy blood apply, Till fai h to sight improve : Till hope in full fruition die. And all my soul is love. Amen. 355 Maettsdom. REDEMPTION. CM. Old Tune. 346. I I I ^^g:-^ O Jesus, Saviour of the lost, My rock and hiding-place, By storms of sin and sorrow tost, I seek Thy sheltering grace. Guilty, forgive me, Lcrd ! I cry; Pursued by foes I come ; A sinner, save me, or I die; An outcast, take me home. Once safe in Thine almighty arms. Let storms come on amain ; There danger never, never harms ; There death itself is gain. And when I stand before Thy throne, And all Thy glory see, Still be my righteousness alone To hide myself in Thee. 866 347. REDEMPTION. Daewell's. Dae^well. Join all the glorious names Of wisdom, love, and power, That ever mortals knew. That angels ever bore : All are too mean to speak His worth, Too mean to set my Saviour forth. Array'd in mortal flesh, He like an angel stands, And holds the promises And pardons in His hands ; Commission'd from His Father's throne To make His grace to mortals known. Great Prophet of my God, My tongue would bless Thy name; By Thee the joyful news Of our salvation came ; The joyful news of sins forgiven, Of hell subdued, and peace with Heaven. To this dear Surety's hand Will I commit my cause ; He answers and fuliils His Father's broken laws ; Behold my soul at freedom set ; My Surety paid the dreadful debt. 857 REDEMPTION. S.7.8.7. ^ilEg:l^=i=iE^SE^^ z^zsi: ^zEgEi£-SEgEeEgEg.^=gEg ?5- 4-M I ^-^=]=:i: :^; :^=P2=^: I I I I 1 E^Efe^ I I I . Saviour, source of every blessing, Tune my heart to grateful lays ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for ceaseless songs of praise. Teach me some melodious measure, Sung by raptured saints above ; Fill my soul with sacred pleasure, While I sing redeeming love. Thou didst seek me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; rhou to save my soul from danger. Didst redeem me with Thy blood. By Thy hand restored, defended, Safe through life thus far I've come ; Safe, O Lord, when life is ended, Bring me to my heavenly home. Amen- P^^ 868 04«if • Come vrsro Me. REDEMPTION. 7.6. D. Eev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. &— =:^— 3— s'— — — F— — cress. I '^^ p' g,^-- -%- ^^' -^-^=^: i=2_. . ? iS— ^H— r-si 1 1 — ^- :=if^=^=^ :p2i r^ J-_!=^^. teiii^Jii^=ii :^W: ^=:^=lizp2z=p=p :S± rail. " Come unto Me, ye weary, And I will give you rest." Oh, blessed voice of Jesus, Which comes to hearts opprest ! It tells of benediction. Of pardon, grace, and peace ; Of joy that hath no ending, Of love which cannot cease. " Come unto Me, ye wanderers, And I will give you light." Oh, loving voice of Jesus, Which comes to cheer the night ! Our hearts were fill'd with sadness, And we had lost our way. But morning brings us gladness, And songs the break of day* " Come unto Me, ye fainting. And I will give you life." Oh, cheering voice of Jesus, Which comes to aid our strife ! The foe is stem and eager, The fight is fierce and long, But Thou hast made us mighty, And stronger than the strong. " And whosoever cometh, I will not cast him out! " Oh, welcome voice of Jesus, Which drives away our doubt ! Which calls us, very sinners, Unworthy though we be Of love so free and boundless. To come, dear Lord, to Thee ! Amen. 359 350. Cheistchurch. REDEMPTION. Dk. Steggall. ^= "227 t^: :^: HHH^igliii -^— P' -C2. )^: ■^-isri^-m. I ?zp- .-<=2_^'_ -iS^ ^=t^ ^=5 :^=^: :^: :t=: :?=: :zi22z:: Blow ye the trumpet, blow ! The gladly solemn sound, Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound, The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. Jesus, our great High Priest, Has full atonement made ; Ye weary spirits, rest ; Ye mournful souls, be glad : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. Extol the Lamb of God, The all-atoning Lamb ; Redemption by His blood Through all the world proclaim. The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. Ye who have sold for nought Your heritage above, Receive it back unbought, The gift of Jesus' love ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners home. Amen. 800 351. Melcombe. REDEMPTION. L.M. S. "Webbe. Jesus, my all, to Heaven is gone ; He that I placed my hopes upon ; His track I see ; and I'll pursue The narrow way, till Him I view. The way the holy prophets went, The way that leads from banishment, The King's highway of holiness, I'll go ; for all the paths are peace. This is the way I long have sought, And mourn'd, because I found it not; My grief, my burden, long have been Because I could not cease from sin. The more I strove against its power, I sinn'd and stumbled but the more ; Till late I heard my Saviour say, " Come hither, soul ! for I'm the way ! " Lo ! glad I come ; and Thou, dear Lamb, Shalt take me to Thee as I am : Nothing but sin I Thee can bring ; Yet help me, and Thy praise I'll sing! I'll tell to all poor sinners round What a dear Saviour I have found ; I'll point to Thy Redeeming blood, And say, " Behold the Way to God ! " Amen* 361 352. Derrt. FAITH. Rev. J. B. Dykes. 0 HOLY Saviour, Friend unseen, The faint, the weak, on Tliee may lean, Help me, throughout life's varying scene, By faith to cling to Thee ! Blest with communion so divine. Take what thou wilt, shall I repine, When, as the branches to the vine, My soul may cling to Thee .'' Oft when I seem to tread alone Some barren waste with thorns o'ergrown, A voice of love, in gentlest tone. Whispers, " Still cling to Me ! " Though faith and hope awhile be tried, 1 ask not, need not, aught beside : How safe, how calm, how satisfied, The souls that cling to Thee ! We fear not life's rough storms to brave, Since Thou art near, and strong to save ; Nor shudder e'en at death's dark wave ; Because we clins: to Thee ! 862 Blest is my lot, whate'er befal : None can disturb me, none appal. While, as my strength, my rock, my all, Saviour ! I clino^ to Thee ! Amen. 353. Olivet. FAITH, Aee. feom De. Masox. srtg=^:ppB "^^ -I ■ ^=^; =^^^! -'^=^= :^iit, 2^:^: «t^: ^±22— -± 1 ■g^^-gi-L^i-i^— 1^— LiS)-=-^-^ ' iC? .e?-.(SJ-(S- I i i I =^" J,-_jt^-==i, I I ,^ -^1 1 \—^ — I — I— I 1 — I — ^ — t^f^^—=r -7^-^- My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine ! Now hear me while I pray : Take all my guilt away ; O let me from this day Be wholly Thine ! May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire ! As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee, Pure, warm, and changeless, be A living fire ! While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my Guide ! Bid darkness turn to day. Wipe sorrow's tears away. Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll. Blest Saviour ! then in love Fear and distrust remove; O bear me safe above, A ransom'd soul ! 363 354. Chesterfield. FAITH. CM. Rev. Dr.. IlAwnis. -^-^=^ =^E|EB4Sa=^^^--n-^ i=^=q iiiiilii O Let triumphant faith dispel The fears of guilt and woe ! If God be for us, God the Lord, Who, who shall be our foe ? He who His only Son gave up To death that we might live, Shall He not all things freely grant That boundless love can gave ! Who now His people shall accuse ? 'Tis God hath justified : Who now His people shall condemn ? The Lamb of God hath died. And he who died hath risen again, Triumphant from the grave : At God's right hand for us He pleads, Omnipotent to save. 364 FAITH. 355. Benediction-. Rev. C. J. Dickinson. H i-i 1- a=B==iEfc:liE==:==E When gathering clouds around I view, And days are dark, and friends are few, On Him I lean, who not in vain Experienced every human pain ; He sees my wants, allays my fears, And counts and treasures up my tears. If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heav'nly wisdom's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do ; Still He, who felt temptation's power, Shall guard me in that dangerous hour. If vexing thoughts within me rise. And, sore dismay'd, my spirit dies. Still He, who once vouchsafed to bear Such bitter conflict with despair. Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry, The throbbing heart, the streaming eye. And O, when I have safely past Through every conflict but the last. Still, still, unchanging, watch beside My bed of death, for Thou hast died ; Then point to realms of cloudless day, And wipe the latest tear away. Amen. 365 356. AVOCA. 3^ FAITH. ^^. Srt^ ^*^iiii V Oh, eyes that are weary, And hearts that are sore, Look up unto Jesus, And sorrow no more. The light of His countenance Shineth so bright, That on earth, as in heaven, There need be no night. Looking up unto Jesus, My eyes cannot see The troubles and dangers That throng around me. They cannot be blinded With sorrowful tears. They cannot be shadow'd By doubts or by fears. Looking up unto Jesus, My spirit is blest, — In the world I have turmoil, In Him I have rest. 366 The sea of my life All about me may roar, — When I look unto Jesus I hear it no more. Looking up unto Jesus, I go not astray ; My eyes are on Him, And He shows me the way. The path may seem dark As He leads me along. But following Jesus I cannot go wrong. Looking up unto Jesus, My heart cannot fear ; Its trembling is still When I see Jesus near; I know that His power My safeguard will be. For, " Why are ye troubled ? " He saith unto me. 357. HOLLINGSIDE. FAITH. (D.) Rev. J. B. Dykes. Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly. While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high ! Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide ; O receive my soul at last ! Other refuge have I none ; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me ! All my trust on Thee is stay'd, All my help from Thee I bring : Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. Wilt Thou not regard my call ? Wilt Thou not accept my prayer? Lo ! I sink, I faint, I fall, Lo ! on Thee I cast my care ! Reach me out Thy gracious hand ! While I of Thy strength receive. Hoping again \ hope I stand, Dying, and behold I live ! Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cleanse from ev'ry sin : Let the healing streams abound ; Make and keep me pure within ! Thou of Life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity ! Amen. 367 358. Phosphor-Hesper, FAITH. I J. W. F. Harrison. 1 I I I I I I L-i — 1 — I — \ :V^--| 1 ,- '■^^^^ '^ li?2=^=?2H ^ » I I I I fegEgE 'F~F' Star of morn and even, Sun of Heaven's heaven, Saviour high and dear. Toward us turn Thine ear ; Through whate'er may come, Thou canst lead us home. Though the stroke be grievous, Those we leant on leave us, Though the treacherous heart Act the coward's part, Though the Tempter come, Thou wilt lead us home ! Saviour pure and holy. Lover of the lowly, Sign us with Thy sign. Take our hands in Thine, Take our hands and come. Lead Thy children home! Star of morn and even. Shine on us from Heaven, From Thy glory-throne Hear Thy very own ! Lord and Saviour, come. Lead us to our home ! Amen. =C2=^ A-men. iiaziz.— 368 FAITH. 359. Waeeham. L.M. W. Knapp. t-h Ki l=^r 1 — , j-i 1-—! -I I n J I _l \ l-r_|/''" I 1-1 b=— tr^'^g=bs22zp2:b^=p2z^±sidip2zt=s2z;|^t_^=^d :s2=i^z: :i^ Ei :^=^=:: :^ :^=^: ^ :^: ;p=?2: I LOOK to Jesus, when my zeal, And faith, and love, grow dead and cold, Then doth He Calvary reveal, And makes me in His service bold. I look to Jesus, when the waves Of dark corruption rage within, And He from their dominion saves, From their pollution makes me clean. I look to Jesus, and I see Heaven's golden portals opening wide. With ready welcome e'en to me, Though vile, to enter and abide. Thus let me, Lord, while life doth last. In faith look ever up to Thee, And when life's sinful days are past, I shall Thy face in glory see. Amen. 369 360. St. Hermas FAITH. A men. -