BX 7233 .H695 T86 1884 wo SERMONS BY THE LATE EV. JAMES HOYLE BX 7233 .H695 T86 1884 Hoyle, James. Two sermons APR n 2000 These two sermons, preached on the last Sabbath mornings of my father's earthly ministry, are published in response to the expressed wish of many friends. Still I feel that some apology for their appearance is necessary. In preparing them for the press I have felt very strongly how inadequate the printed sermon is to convey the im- pression produced by the spoken words of the preacher ; particularly is this the case with the discourses of my father, for in their manuscript form they partake rather of the nature of notes than of complete sermons, and in many instances a word or two is all that is left in the place of a great deal that it is now impossible to reproduce. Still with all its imperfections I put this small memento into the hands of the publisher with every confidence, for I know there are many here and across the water who will value it for the sake of him whom they knew and loved on earth, whom they know to be now enjoying that perfect rest and that crown of glory which are the por- tion and reward of every good and faithful servant of the Master he so devotedly served. J. JOHNSON HOYLE. " Lydbrook House," Cape Town, July loth, 1884. I. REST. " Rest in the Lord." Psalm xxxvii. 7. You may take this verse as an instance of the rule that